You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

184 lines
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package ip2region
import (
_ "embed"
const (
IndexBlockLength = 12
type Ip2Region struct {
// db file handler
dbFileHandler *os.File
//header block info
headerSip []int64
headerPtr []int64
headerLen int64
// super block index info
firstIndexPtr int64
lastIndexPtr int64
totalBlocks int64
// for memory mode only
// the original db binary string
dbFile string
//go:embed ip.db
var dbBinStr []byte
type IpInfo struct {
IP string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // 输入的ip地址
CityID int64 `json:"city_id,omitempty"` // 城市ID
Country string `json:"country,omitempty"` // 国家
Region string `json:"region,omitempty"` // 区域
Province string `json:"province,omitempty"` // 省份
City string `json:"city,omitempty"` // 城市
ISP string `json:"isp,omitempty"` // 运营商
func (ip IpInfo) String() string {
return ip.IP + "|" + strconv.FormatInt(ip.CityID, 10) + "|" + ip.Country + "|" + ip.Region + "|" + ip.Province + "|" + ip.City + "|" + ip.ISP
// 获取Ip信息
func getIpInfo(ipStr string, cityId int64, line []byte) (ipInfo IpInfo) {
lineSlice := strings.Split(string(line), "|")
length := len(lineSlice)
ipInfo.CityID = cityId
if length < 5 {
for i := 0; i <= 5-length; i++ {
lineSlice = append(lineSlice, "")
if lineSlice[0] != "0" {
ipInfo.Country = gostring.SpaceAndLineBreak(lineSlice[0])
if lineSlice[1] != "0" {
ipInfo.Region = gostring.SpaceAndLineBreak(lineSlice[1])
if lineSlice[2] != "0" {
ipInfo.Province = gostring.SpaceAndLineBreak(lineSlice[2])
if lineSlice[3] != "0" {
ipInfo.City = gostring.SpaceAndLineBreak(lineSlice[3])
if lineSlice[4] != "0" {
ipInfo.ISP = gostring.SpaceAndLineBreak(lineSlice[4])
ipInfo.IP = ipStr
return ipInfo
// MemorySearch memory算法整个数据库全部载入内存单次查询都在0.1x毫秒内
func (r *Ip2Region) MemorySearch(ipStr string) (ipInfo IpInfo, err error) {
ipInfo.IP = ipStr
if net.ParseIP(ipStr).To4() == nil {
if net.ParseIP(ipStr).To16() == nil {
return ipInfo, err
if r.totalBlocks == 0 {
if err != nil {
return ipInfo, err
r.firstIndexPtr = getLong(dbBinStr, 0)
r.lastIndexPtr = getLong(dbBinStr, 4)
r.totalBlocks = (r.lastIndexPtr-r.firstIndexPtr)/IndexBlockLength + 1
ip, err := ip2long(ipStr)
if err != nil {
return ipInfo, err
h := r.totalBlocks
var dataPtr, l int64
for l <= h {
m := (l + h) >> 1
p := r.firstIndexPtr + m*IndexBlockLength
sip := getLong(dbBinStr, p)
if ip < sip {
h = m - 1
} else {
eip := getLong(dbBinStr, p+4)
if ip > eip {
l = m + 1
} else {
dataPtr = getLong(dbBinStr, p+8)
if dataPtr == 0 {
return ipInfo, errors.New("not found")
dataLen := (dataPtr >> 24) & 0xFF
dataPtr = dataPtr & 0x00FFFFFF
ipInfo = getIpInfo(ipStr, getLong(dbBinStr, dataPtr), dbBinStr[(dataPtr)+4:dataPtr+dataLen])
return ipInfo, nil
func getLong(b []byte, offset int64) int64 {
val := int64(b[offset]) |
int64(b[offset+1])<<8 |
int64(b[offset+2])<<16 |
return val
func ip2long(IpStr string) (int64, error) {
bits := strings.Split(IpStr, ".")
if len(bits) != 4 {
return 0, errors.New("ip format error")
var sum int64
for i, n := range bits {
bit, _ := strconv.ParseInt(n, 10, 64)
sum += bit << uint(24-8*i)
return sum, nil
func (r *Ip2Region) OnlineDownload() (err error) {
tmpData, err := getOnline()
if err != nil {
return errors.New("下载失败 %s" + err.Error())
if err := ioutil.WriteFile("./ip2region.db", tmpData, 0644); err == nil {
log.Printf("已下载最新 ip2region 数据库 %s ", "./ip2region.db")
} else {
return errors.New("保存失败")
return nil