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183 lines
5.8 KiB

// +build !noasm !appengine
// Code generated by asm2asm, DO NOT EDIT.
#include "go_asm.h"
#include "funcdata.h"
#include "textflag.h"
TEXT ·__validate_utf8_fast_entry__(SB), NOSPLIT, $32
WORD $0x100000a0 // adr x0, .+20
MOVD R0, ret(FP)
// .p2align 2, 0x00
WORD $0xd100c3ff // sub sp, sp, #48
WORD $0xa901fbfd // stp fp, lr, [sp, #24]
WORD $0xa93ffbfd // stp fp, lr, [sp, #-8]
WORD $0xd10023fd // sub fp, sp, #8
WORD $0xa9402408 // ldp x8, x9, [x0]
WORD $0x8b090109 // add x9, x8, x9
WORD $0xd1000d2b // sub x11, x9, #3
WORD $0xeb0b011f // cmp x8, x11
WORD $0x54000622 // b.hs LBB0_13 $196(%rip)
WORD $0x52981e0c // mov w12, #49392
WORD $0x72a0180c // movk w12, #192, lsl #16
WORD $0x52901c0d // mov w13, #32992
WORD $0x72a0100d // movk w13, #128, lsl #16
WORD $0x528401ee // mov w14, #8207
WORD $0x528401af // mov w15, #8205
WORD $0x52981c10 // mov w16, #49376
WORD $0x52901811 // mov w17, #32960
WORD $0x52981f00 // mov w0, #49400
WORD $0x72b81800 // movk w0, #49344, lsl #16
WORD $0x528600e1 // mov w1, #12295
WORD $0x52901e02 // mov w2, #33008
WORD $0x72b01002 // movk w2, #32896, lsl #16
WORD $0x52860063 // mov w3, #12291
WORD $0xaa0803ea // mov x10, x8
WORD $0x14000005 // b LBB0_4 $20(%rip)
WORD $0x52800025 // mov w5, #1
WORD $0x8b05014a // add x10, x10, x5
WORD $0xeb0b015f // cmp x10, x11
WORD $0x540003c2 // b.hs LBB0_14 $120(%rip)
WORD $0x39c00144 // ldrsb w4, [x10]
WORD $0x36ffff64 // tbz w4, #31, LBB0_2 $-20(%rip)
WORD $0xb9400144 // ldr w4, [x10]
WORD $0x0a0c0085 // and w5, w4, w12
WORD $0x6b0d00bf // cmp w5, w13
WORD $0x0a0e0085 // and w5, w4, w14
WORD $0x7a4f00a4 // ccmp w5, w15, #4, eq
WORD $0x7a4018a4 // ccmp w5, #0, #4, ne
WORD $0x54000241 // LBB0_12 $72(%rip)
WORD $0x0a100085 // and w5, w4, w16
WORD $0x121f0c86 // and w6, w4, #0x1e
WORD $0x6b1100bf // cmp w5, w17
WORD $0x7a4008c4 // ccmp w6, #0, #4, eq
WORD $0x54000161 // LBB0_11 $44(%rip)
WORD $0x0a000085 // and w5, w4, w0
WORD $0x6b0200bf // cmp w5, w2
WORD $0x54000981 // LBB0_30 $304(%rip)
WORD $0x0a010085 // and w5, w4, w1
WORD $0x34000945 // cbz w5, LBB0_30 $296(%rip)
WORD $0x52800085 // mov w5, #4
WORD $0x3617fd24 // tbz w4, #2, LBB0_3 $-92(%rip)
WORD $0x0a030084 // and w4, w4, w3
WORD $0x34fffce4 // cbz w4, LBB0_3 $-100(%rip)
WORD $0x14000045 // b LBB0_30 $276(%rip)
WORD $0x52800045 // mov w5, #2
WORD $0x17ffffe4 // b LBB0_3 $-112(%rip)
WORD $0x52800065 // mov w5, #3
WORD $0x17ffffe2 // b LBB0_3 $-120(%rip)
WORD $0xaa0803ea // mov x10, x8
WORD $0xeb09015f // cmp x10, x9
WORD $0x54000742 // b.hs LBB0_29 $232(%rip)
WORD $0x52981e0b // mov w11, #49392
WORD $0x72a0180b // movk w11, #192, lsl #16
WORD $0x52901c0c // mov w12, #32992
WORD $0x72a0100c // movk w12, #128, lsl #16
WORD $0x528401ed // mov w13, #8207
WORD $0x528401ae // mov w14, #8205
WORD $0x52981c0f // mov w15, #49376
WORD $0x52901810 // mov w16, #32960
WORD $0x14000004 // b LBB0_18 $16(%rip)
WORD $0x9100054a // add x10, x10, #1
WORD $0xeb09015f // cmp x10, x9
WORD $0x540005c2 // b.hs LBB0_29 $184(%rip)
WORD $0x39c00151 // ldrsb w17, [x10]
WORD $0x36ffff91 // tbz w17, #31, LBB0_16 $-16(%rip)
WORD $0x390053ff // strb wzr, [sp, #20]
WORD $0x39004bff // strb wzr, [sp, #18]
WORD $0xcb0a0122 // sub x2, x9, x10
WORD $0xf1000844 // subs x4, x2, #2
WORD $0x540001a3 // b.lo LBB0_22 $52(%rip)
WORD $0x39400151 // ldrb w17, [x10]
WORD $0x39400540 // ldrb w0, [x10, #1]
WORD $0x390053f1 // strb w17, [sp, #20]
WORD $0x91000943 // add x3, x10, #2
WORD $0x91004be1 // add x1, sp, #18
WORD $0xaa0403e2 // mov x2, x4
WORD $0xb4000164 // cbz x4, LBB0_23 $44(%rip)
WORD $0x39400071 // ldrb w17, [x3]
WORD $0x39000031 // strb w17, [x1]
WORD $0x394053f1 // ldrb w17, [sp, #20]
WORD $0x39404be1 // ldrb w1, [sp, #18]
WORD $0x14000007 // b LBB0_24 $28(%rip)
WORD $0x52800011 // mov w17, #0
WORD $0x52800000 // mov w0, #0
WORD $0x910053e1 // add x1, sp, #20
WORD $0xaa0a03e3 // mov x3, x10
WORD $0xb5fffee2 // cbnz x2, LBB0_21 $-36(%rip)
WORD $0x52800001 // mov w1, #0
WORD $0x53185c00 // lsl w0, w0, #8
WORD $0x2a014000 // orr w0, w0, w1, lsl #16
WORD $0x2a110000 // orr w0, w0, w17
WORD $0x0a0b0001 // and w1, w0, w11
WORD $0x6b0c003f // cmp w1, w12
WORD $0x0a0d0001 // and w1, w0, w13
WORD $0x7a4e0024 // ccmp w1, w14, #4, eq
WORD $0x7a401824 // ccmp w1, #0, #4, ne
WORD $0x54000121 // LBB0_28 $36(%rip)
WORD $0x721f0e3f // tst w17, #0x1e
WORD $0x540001c0 // b.eq LBB0_30 $56(%rip)
WORD $0x0a0f0011 // and w17, w0, w15
WORD $0x6b10023f // cmp w17, w16
WORD $0x54000161 // LBB0_30 $44(%rip)
WORD $0x52800051 // mov w17, #2
WORD $0x8b11014a // add x10, x10, x17
WORD $0x17ffffd5 // b LBB0_17 $-172(%rip)
WORD $0x52800071 // mov w17, #3
WORD $0x8b11014a // add x10, x10, x17
WORD $0x17ffffd2 // b LBB0_17 $-184(%rip)
WORD $0xd2800000 // mov x0, #0
WORD $0xa941fbfd // ldp fp, lr, [sp, #24]
WORD $0x9100c3ff // add sp, sp, #48
WORD $0xd65f03c0 // ret
WORD $0xaa2a03e9 // mvn x9, x10
WORD $0x8b080120 // add x0, x9, x8
WORD $0xa941fbfd // ldp fp, lr, [sp, #24]
WORD $0x9100c3ff // add sp, sp, #48
WORD $0xd65f03c0 // ret
// .p2align 2, 0x00
WORD $0x00000002 // .long 2
TEXT ·__validate_utf8_fast(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16
MOVD 16(g), R16
SUB $112, RSP, R17
CMP R16, R17
BLS _stack_grow
MOVD s+0(FP), R0
MOVD ·_subr__validate_utf8_fast(SB), R11
WORD $0x1000005e // adr x30, .+8
JMP (R11)
MOVD R0, ret+8(FP)
MOVD R30, R3
CALL runtime·morestack_noctxt<>(SB)
JMP _entry