You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

119 lines
2.2 KiB

package field
import ""
// $bucket fields
const (
GroupBy = "groupBy"
Boundaries = "boundaries"
Default = "default"
Output = "output"
// $bucketAuto
const (
// GroupBy = "groupBy" // Declared
Buckets = "buckets"
// Output = "output" // Declared
Granularity = "granularity"
// $collStats
const (
LatencyStats = "latencyStats"
StorageStats = "storageStats"
Count = "count"
// $currentOp
const (
AllUsers = "allUsers"
IdleConnections = "idleConnections"
IdleCursors = "idleCursors"
IdleSessions = "idleSessions"
LocalOps = "localOps"
// $geoNear
const (
Near = "near"
DistanceField = "distanceField"
Spherical = "spherical"
MaxDistance = "maxDistance"
Query = "query"
DistanceMultiplier = "distanceMultiplier"
IncludeLocs = "includeLocs"
UniqueDocs = "uniqueDocs"
MinDistance = "minDistance"
Key = "key"
// $graphLookup
const (
From = "from"
StartWith = "startWith"
ConnectFromField = "connectFromField"
ConnectToField = "connectToField"
As = "as"
MaxDepth = "maxDepth"
DepthField = "depthField"
RestrictSearchWithMatch = "restrictSearchWithMatch"
// $group
const (
// ID="_id" // Declared
// $listLocalSessions
const (
// AllUsers = "allUsers" // Declared
var (
// EmptyDoc is empty document.
EmptyDoc = bson.M{}
// AllUsersDoc is document that contains "allUsers":true value.
AllUsersDoc = bson.M{AllUsers: true}
// $listSessions : Same as $listLocalSessions.
// $lookup fields
const (
// From = "from" // Declared
LocalField = "localField"
ForeignField = "foreignField"
// As = "as" // Declared
Let = "let"
Pipeline = "pipeline"
// $merge
const (
Into = "into"
On = "on"
// Let = "let" // Declared
WhenMatched = "whenMatched"
WhenNotMatched = "whenNotMatched"
// $replaceRoot
const (
NewRoot = "newRoot"
// $sample
const (
Size = "size"
// $unwind
const (
Path = "path"
IncludeArrayIndex = "includeArrayIndex"
PreserveNullAndEmptyArrays = "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays"