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package operator
// Arithmetic Expression Operators
const (
Abs = "$abs"
Add = "$add"
Ceil = "$ceil"
Divide = "$divide"
Exp = "$exp"
Floor = "$floor"
Ln = "$ln"
Log = "$log"
Log10 = "$log10"
// Mod = "$mod" // Declared
Multiply = "$multiply"
Pow = "$pow"
Round = "$round"
Sqrt = "$sqrt"
Subtract = "$subtract"
Trunc = "$trunc"
// Array Expression Operators
const (
ArrayToObject = "$arrayToObject"
ConcatArrays = "$concatArrays"
Filter = "$filter"
// In = "$in" // Declared
IndexOfArray = "$indexOfArray"
IsArray = "$isArray"
Map = "$map"
ObjectToArray = "$objectToArray"
Range = "$range"
Reduce = "$reduce"
ReverseArray = "$reverseArray"
// Size = "$size" // Declared
// Slice = "$slice" // Declared
Zip = "$zip"
// Boolean Expression Operators
const (
// And = "$and" // Declared
// Not = "$not" // Declared
// Or = "$or" // Declared
// Comparison Expression Operators
const (
Cmp = "$cmp"
//Eq = "$eq" // Declared
//Gt = "$gt" // Declared
//Gte = "$gte" // Declared
//Lt = "$lt" // Declared
//Lte = "$lte" // Declared
//Ne = "$ne" // Declared
// Conditional Expression Operators
const (
Cond = "$cond"
IfNull = "$ifNull"
Switch = "$switch"
// Date Expression Operators
const (
DateFromParts = "$dateFromParts"
DateFromString = "$dateFromString"
DateToParts = "$dateToParts"
DateToString = "$dateToString"
DayOfMonth = "$dayOfMonth"
DayOfWeek = "$dayOfWeek"
DayOfYear = "$dayOfYear"
Hour = "$hour"
IsoDayOfWeek = "$isoDayOfWeek"
IsoWeek = "$isoWeek"
IsoWeekYear = "$isoWeekYear"
Millisecond = "$millisecond"
Minute = "$minute"
Month = "$month"
Second = "$second"
ToDate = "$toDate"
Week = "$week"
Year = "$year"
// Literal Expression Operator
const (
Literal = "$literal"
// Object Expression Operators
const (
MergeObjects = "$mergeObjects"
// ObjectToArray = "$objectToArray" // Declared
// Set Expression Operators
const (
AllElementsTrue = "$allElementsTrue"
AnyElementTrue = "$anyElementTrue"
SetDifference = "$setDifference"
SetEquals = "$setEquals"
SetIntersection = "$setIntersection"
SetIsSubset = "$setIsSubset"
SetUnion = "$setUnion"
// String Expression Operators
const (
Concat = "$concat"
// DateFromString = "$dateFromString" // Declared
// DateToString = "$dateToString" // Declared
IndexOfBytes = "$indexOfBytes"
IndexOfCP = "$indexOfCP"
Ltrim = "$ltrim"
RegexFind = "$regexFind"
RegexFindAll = "$regexFindAll"
RegexMatch = "$regexMatch"
Rtrim = "$rtrim"
Split = "$split"
StrLenBytes = "$strLenBytes"
StrLenCP = "$strLenCP"
Strcasecmp = "$strcasecmp"
Substr = "$substr"
SubstrBytes = "$substrBytes"
SubstrCP = "$substrCP"
ToLower = "$toLower"
ToString = "$toString"
Trim = "$trim"
ToUpper = "$toUpper"
// Text Expression Operator
const (
// Meta = "$meta" // Declared
// Trigonometry Expression Operators
const (
Sin = "$sin"
Cos = "$cos"
Tan = "$tan"
Asin = "$asin"
Acos = "$acos"
Atan = "$atan"
Atan2 = "$atan2"
Asinh = "$asinh"
Acosh = "$acosh"
Atanh = "$atanh"
DegreesToRadians = "$degreesToRadians"
RadiansToDegrees = "$radiansToDegrees"
// Type Expression Operators
const (
Convert = "$convert"
ToBool = "$toBool"
//ToDate = "$toDate" // Declared
ToDecimal = "$toDecimal"
ToDouble = "$toDouble"
ToInt = "$toInt"
ToLong = "$toLong"
ToObjectID = "$toObjectId"
//ToString = "$toString" // Declared
//Type = "$type" // Declared
// Accumulators ($group)
const (
// AddToSet = "$addToSet" // Declared
Avg = "$avg"
First = "$first"
Last = "$last"
// Max = "$max" // Declared
// MergeObjects = "$mergeObjects" // Declared
// Min = "$min" // Declared
// Push = "$push" // Declared
StdDevPop = "$stdDevPop"
StdDevSamp = "$stdDevSamp"
Sum = "$sum"
// Accumulators (in Other Stages)
const (
// Avg = "$avg" // Declared
// Max = "$max" // Declared
// Min = "$min" // Declared
// StdDevPop = "$stdDevPop" // Declared
// StdDevSamp = "$stdDevSamp" // Declared
// Sum = "$sum" // Declared
// Variable Expression Operators
const (
Let = "$let"