You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

74 lines
999 B

package operator
// Comparison
const (
Eq = "$eq"
Gt = "$gt"
Gte = "$gte"
In = "$in"
Lt = "$lt"
Lte = "$lte"
Ne = "$ne"
Nin = "$nin"
// Logical
const (
And = "$and"
Not = "$not"
Nor = "$nor"
Or = "$or"
// Element
const (
Exists = "$exists"
Type = "$type"
// Evaluation
const (
Expr = "$expr"
JSONSchema = "$jsonSchema"
Mod = "$mod"
Regex = "$regex"
Text = "$text"
Where = "$where"
// Geo spatial
const (
GeoIntersects = "$geoIntersects"
GeoWithin = "$geoWithin"
Near = "$near"
NearSphere = "$nearSphere"
// Array
const (
All = "$all"
ElemMatch = "$elemMatch"
Size = "$size"
// Bitwise
const (
BitsAllClear = "$bitsAllClear"
BitsAllSet = "$bitsAllSet"
BitsAnyClear = "$bitsAnyClear"
BitsAnySet = "$bitsAnySet"
// Comments
const (
Comment = "$comment"
// Projection operators
const (
Dollar = "$"
// ElemMatch = "$elemMatch" // Declared
Meta = "$meta"
Slice = "$slice"