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package clickhouse
import (
func Map(v interface{}) driver.Valuer {
return mapp{v: v}
type mapp struct {
v interface{}
func (a mapp) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return textEncode.Encode(a)
// Array wraps slice or array into driver.Valuer interface to allow pass through it from database/sql
func Array(v interface{}) driver.Valuer {
return array{v: v}
type array struct {
v interface{}
// Value implements driver.Valuer
func (a array) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return textEncode.Encode(a)
// Date returns date for t
func Date(t time.Time) driver.Valuer {
return date(t)
type date time.Time
// Value implements driver.Valuer
func (d date) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return []byte(formatDate(time.Time(d))), nil
// UInt64 returns uint64
func UInt64(u uint64) driver.Valuer {
return bigUint64(u)
type bigUint64 uint64
// Value implements driver.Valuer
func (u bigUint64) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return []byte(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(u), 10)), nil
// Decimal32 converts value to Decimal32 of precision S.
// The value can be a number or a string. The S (scale) parameter specifies the number of decimal places.
func Decimal32(v interface{}, s int32) driver.Valuer {
return decimal{32, s, v}
// Decimal64 converts value to Decimal64 of precision S.
// The value can be a number or a string. The S (scale) parameter specifies the number of decimal places.
func Decimal64(v interface{}, s int32) driver.Valuer {
return decimal{64, s, v}
// Decimal128 converts value to Decimal128 of precision S.
// The value can be a number or a string. The S (scale) parameter specifies the number of decimal places.
func Decimal128(v interface{}, s int32) driver.Valuer {
return decimal{128, s, v}
type decimal struct {
p int32
s int32
v interface{}
// Value implements driver.Valuer
func (d decimal) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("toDecimal%d('%v', %d)", d.p, d.v, d.s)), nil
// IP returns compatible database format for net.IP
func IP(i net.IP) driver.Valuer {
return ip(i)
type ip net.IP
// Value implements driver.Valuer
func (i ip) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return net.IP(i).String(), nil
// Tuple converts a struct into a tuple
// struct{A string, B int}{"a", 1} -> ("a", 1)
func Tuple(v interface{}) driver.Valuer {
return tuple{v: v}
type tuple struct {
v interface{}
func (t tuple) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return textEncode.Encode(t)