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package gorm
import (
// Migrator returns migrator
func (db *DB) Migrator() Migrator {
tx := db.getInstance()
// apply scopes to migrator
for len(tx.Statement.scopes) > 0 {
scopes := tx.Statement.scopes
tx.Statement.scopes = nil
for _, scope := range scopes {
tx = scope(tx)
return tx.Dialector.Migrator(tx.Session(&Session{}))
// AutoMigrate run auto migration for given models
func (db *DB) AutoMigrate(dst ...interface{}) error {
return db.Migrator().AutoMigrate(dst...)
// ViewOption view option
type ViewOption struct {
Replace bool
CheckOption string
Query *DB
// ColumnType column type interface
type ColumnType interface {
Name() string
DatabaseTypeName() string // varchar
ColumnType() (columnType string, ok bool) // varchar(64)
PrimaryKey() (isPrimaryKey bool, ok bool)
AutoIncrement() (isAutoIncrement bool, ok bool)
Length() (length int64, ok bool)
DecimalSize() (precision int64, scale int64, ok bool)
Nullable() (nullable bool, ok bool)
Unique() (unique bool, ok bool)
ScanType() reflect.Type
Comment() (value string, ok bool)
DefaultValue() (value string, ok bool)
type Index interface {
Table() string
Name() string
Columns() []string
PrimaryKey() (isPrimaryKey bool, ok bool)
Unique() (unique bool, ok bool)
Option() string
// Migrator migrator interface
type Migrator interface {
// AutoMigrate
AutoMigrate(dst ...interface{}) error
// Database
CurrentDatabase() string
FullDataTypeOf(*schema.Field) clause.Expr
// Tables
CreateTable(dst ...interface{}) error
DropTable(dst ...interface{}) error
HasTable(dst interface{}) bool
RenameTable(oldName, newName interface{}) error
GetTables() (tableList []string, err error)
// Columns
AddColumn(dst interface{}, field string) error
DropColumn(dst interface{}, field string) error
AlterColumn(dst interface{}, field string) error
MigrateColumn(dst interface{}, field *schema.Field, columnType ColumnType) error
HasColumn(dst interface{}, field string) bool
RenameColumn(dst interface{}, oldName, field string) error
ColumnTypes(dst interface{}) ([]ColumnType, error)
// Views
CreateView(name string, option ViewOption) error
DropView(name string) error
// Constraints
CreateConstraint(dst interface{}, name string) error
DropConstraint(dst interface{}, name string) error
HasConstraint(dst interface{}, name string) bool
// Indexes
CreateIndex(dst interface{}, name string) error
DropIndex(dst interface{}, name string) error
HasIndex(dst interface{}, name string) bool
RenameIndex(dst interface{}, oldName, newName string) error
GetIndexes(dst interface{}) ([]Index, error)