You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
825 B

$ golex -DFA example.l
INITIAL, scId:0, stateId:1
"\t"..."\n", "\r", " ", --> 2
"0"..."9", --> 3
"A"..."Z", "_", "a"..."e", "g"..."z", "\u0080", --> 4
"f"--> 5
"\t"..."\n", "\r", " ", --> 2
"0"..."9", --> 3
"0"..."9", "A"..."Z", "_", "a"..."z", "\u0080"..."\u0081", --> 4
"0"..."9", "A"..."Z", "_", "a"..."t", "v"..."z", "\u0080"..."\u0081", --> 4
"u"--> 6
"0"..."9", "A"..."Z", "_", "a"..."m", "o"..."z", "\u0080"..."\u0081", --> 4
"n"--> 7
"0"..."9", "A"..."Z", "_", "a"..."b", "d"..."z", "\u0080"..."\u0081", --> 4
"c"--> 8
"0"..."9", "A"..."Z", "_", "a"..."z", "\u0080"..."\u0081", --> 4
state 2 accepts rule 1
state 3 accepts rule 4
state 4 accepts rule 3
state 5 accepts rule 3
state 6 accepts rule 3
state 7 accepts rule 3
state 8 accepts rule 2