You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

239 lines
5.7 KiB

andand = "&&" .
andnot = "&^" .
ascii_letter = "a" "z" | "A" "Z" .
big_u_value = "\\" "U" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit .
byte_value = octal_byte_value | hex_byte_value .
decimal_digit = "0" "9" .
decimal_lit = ( "1" "9" ) { decimal_digit } .
decimals = decimal_digit { decimal_digit } .
eq = "==" | "=" .
escaped_char = "\\" (
| "b"
| "f"
| "n"
| "r"
| "t"
| "v"
| "\\"
| "'"
| "\""
) .
exponent = ( "e" | "E" ) [ "+" | "-" ] decimals .
float_lit = decimals "." [ decimals ] [ exponent ]
| decimals exponent
| "." decimals [ exponent ] .
ge = ">=" .
hex_byte_value = "\\" "x" hex_digit hex_digit .
hex_digit = "0" "9"
| "A" "F"
| "a" "f" .
hex_lit = "0" ( "x" | "X" ) hex_digit { hex_digit } .
identifier = normal_identifier
| quoted_identifier .
normal_identifier = letter {
| decimal_digit
| unicode_digit
} .
quoted_identifier = "«" { unicode_char | newline } "»".
imaginary_lit = ( decimals | float_lit ) "i" .
int_lit = decimal_lit
| octal_lit
| hex_lit .
interpreted_string_lit = "\"" { unicode_value | byte_value } "\"" .
le = "<=" .
letter = ascii_letter
| unicode_letter
| "_" .
little_u_value = "\\" "u" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit .
lsh = "<<" .
neq = "!=" .
newline = .
octal_byte_value = "\\" octal_digit octal_digit octal_digit .
octal_digit = "0" "7" .
octal_lit = "0" { octal_digit } .
oror = "||" .
ql_parameter = ( "?" | "$" ) "1" "9" { "0" "9" } .
raw_string_lit = "`" { unicode_char | newline } "`" .
rsh = ">>" .
rune_lit = "'" ( unicode_value | byte_value ) "'" .
string_lit = raw_string_lit | interpreted_string_lit .
unicode_char = .
unicode_digit = .
unicode_letter = .
unicode_value = unicode_char
| little_u_value
| big_u_value
| escaped_char .
AlterTableStmt = "ALTER" "TABLE" TableName (
"ADD" ColumnDef
| "DROP" "COLUMN" ColumnName
) .
Assignment = ColumnName "=" Expression .
AssignmentList = Assignment { "," Assignment } [ "," ] .
BeginTransactionStmt = "BEGIN" "TRANSACTION" .
Call = "(" [ "*" | ExpressionList ] ")" .
ColumnDef = ColumnName Type [
| Expression
] [ "DEFAULT" Expression ] .
ColumnName = identifier .
ColumnNameList = ColumnName { "," ColumnName } [ "," ] .
CommitStmt = "COMMIT" .
Conversion = Type "(" Expression ")" .
CreateIndexStmt = "CREATE" [ "UNIQUE" ] "INDEX" [
] IndexName "ON" TableName "(" ExpressionList ")" .
CreateTableStmt = "CREATE" "TABLE" [
] TableName "(" ColumnDef { "," ColumnDef } [ "," ] ")" .
DeleteFromStmt = "DELETE" "FROM" TableName [ WhereClause ] .
DropIndexStmt = "DROP" "INDEX" [ "IF" "EXISTS" ] IndexName .
DropTableStmt = "DROP" "TABLE" [ "IF" "EXISTS" ] TableName .
EmptyStmt = .
ExplainStmt = "EXPLAIN" Statement .
Expression = Term {
( oror | "OR" ) Term
} .
ExpressionList = Expression { "," Expression } [ "," ] .
Factor = PrimaryFactor {
| ">"
| le
| "<"
| neq
| eq
| "LIKE"
) PrimaryFactor
} [ Predicate ] .
Field = Expression [ "AS" identifier ] .
FieldList = Field { "," Field } [ "," ] .
GroupByClause = "GROUP BY" ColumnNameList .
Index = "[" Expression "]" .
IndexName = identifier .
InsertIntoStmt = "INSERT" "INTO" TableName [
"(" ColumnNameList ")"
] ( Values | SelectStmt ) .
JoinClause = (
| "FULL"
) [ "OUTER" ] "JOIN" RecordSet "ON" Expression .
Limit = "Limit" Expression .
Literal = "FALSE"
| "NULL"
| "TRUE"
| float_lit
| imaginary_lit
| int_lit
| rune_lit
| string_lit
| ql_parameter .
Offset = "OFFSET" Expression .
Operand = Literal
| QualifiedIdent
| "(" Expression ")" .
OrderBy = "ORDER" "BY" ExpressionList [ "ASC" | "DESC" ] .
Predicate = (
[ "NOT" ] (
"IN" "(" ExpressionList ")"
| "IN" "(" SelectStmt [ ";" ] ")"
| "BETWEEN" PrimaryFactor "AND" PrimaryFactor
| "IS" [ "NOT" ] "NULL"
) .
PrimaryExpression = Operand
| Conversion
| PrimaryExpression Index
| PrimaryExpression Slice
| PrimaryExpression Call .
PrimaryFactor = PrimaryTerm {
| "|"
| "-"
| "+"
) PrimaryTerm
} .
PrimaryTerm = UnaryExpr {
| "&"
| lsh
| rsh
| "%"
| "/"
| "*"
) UnaryExpr
} .
QualifiedIdent = identifier [ "." identifier ] .
RecordSet = (
| "(" SelectStmt [ ";" ] ")"
) [ "AS" identifier ] .
RecordSetList = RecordSet { "," RecordSet } [ "," ] .
RollbackStmt = "ROLLBACK" .
SelectStmt = "SELECT" [ "DISTINCT" ] ( "*" | FieldList ) [ "FROM" RecordSetList ] [ JoinClause ] [ WhereClause ] [ GroupByClause ] [ OrderBy ] [ Limit ] [ Offset ] .
Slice = "[" [ Expression ] ":" [ Expression ] "]" .
Statement = EmptyStmt
| AlterTableStmt
| BeginTransactionStmt
| CommitStmt
| CreateIndexStmt
| CreateTableStmt
| DeleteFromStmt
| DropIndexStmt
| DropTableStmt
| InsertIntoStmt
| RollbackStmt
| SelectStmt
| TruncateTableStmt
| UpdateStmt
| ExplainStmt .
StatementList = Statement { ";" Statement } .
TableName = identifier .
Term = Factor {
( andand | "AND" ) Factor
} .
TruncateTableStmt = "TRUNCATE" "TABLE" TableName .
Type = "bigint"
| "bigrat"
| "blob"
| "bool"
| "byte"
| "complex128"
| "complex64"
| "duration"
| "float"
| "float32"
| "float64"
| "int"
| "int16"
| "int32"
| "int64"
| "int8"
| "rune"
| "string"
| "time"
| "uint"
| "uint16"
| "uint32"
| "uint64"
| "uint8" .
UnaryExpr = [
| "!"
| "-"
| "+"
] PrimaryExpression .
UpdateStmt = "UPDATE" TableName [ "SET" ] AssignmentList [ WhereClause ] .
Values = "VALUES" "(" ExpressionList ")" {
"," "(" ExpressionList ")"
} [ "," ] .
WhereClause = "WHERE" Expression
| "WHERE" "EXISTS" "(" SelectStmt ")"
| "WHERE" "NOT" "EXISTS" "(" SelectStmt ")" .