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34 lines
911 B

11 months ago
package x86_64
func alias_INT3(p *Program, vv ...interface{}) *Instruction {
if len(vv) == 0 {
return p.INT(3)
} else {
panic("instruction INT3 takes no operands")
func alias_VCMPEQPS(p *Program, vv ...interface{}) *Instruction {
if len(vv) >= 3 {
return p.VCMPPS(0x00, vv[0], vv[1], vv[2], vv[3:]...)
} else {
panic("instruction VCMPEQPS takes 3 or 4 operands")
func alias_VCMPTRUEPS(p *Program, vv ...interface{}) *Instruction {
if len(vv) >= 3 {
return p.VCMPPS(0x0f, vv[0], vv[1], vv[2], vv[3:]...)
} else {
panic("instruction VCMPTRUEPS takes 3 or 4 operands")
var _InstructionAliases = map[string]_InstructionEncoder {
"int3" : alias_INT3,
"retq" : Instructions["ret"],
"movabsq" : Instructions["movq"],
"vcmpeqps" : alias_VCMPEQPS,
"vcmptrueps" : alias_VCMPTRUEPS,