# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project will adhere to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html) starting v1.0.0. ## Unreleased ## [0.1.0] - 2021-06-03 [0.1.0]: https://github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto/compare/v0.1.0..v0.0.3 This release contains bug fixes and improvements to Ristretto. It also contains major updates to the z package. The z package contains types such as Tree (B+ tree), Buffer, Mmap file, etc. All these types are used in Badger and Dgraph to improve performance and reduce memory requirements. ### Changed - Make item public. Add a new onReject call for rejected items. (#180) ### Added - Use z.Buffer backing for B+ tree (#268) - expose GetTTL function (#270) - docs(README): Ristretto is production-ready. (#267) - Add IterateKV (#265) - feat(super-flags): Add GetPath method in superflags (#258) - add GetDuration to SuperFlag (#248) - add Has, GetFloat64, and GetInt64 to SuperFlag (#247) - move SuperFlag to Ristretto (#246) - add SuperFlagHelp tool to generate flag help text (#251) - allow empty defaults in SuperFlag (#254) - add mmaped b+ tree (#207) - Add API to allow the MaxCost of an existing cache to be updated. (#200) - Add OnExit handler which can be used for manual memory management (#183) - Add life expectancy histogram (#182) - Add mechanism to wait for items to be processed. (#184) ### Fixed - change expiration type from int64 to time.Time (#277) - fix(buffer): make buffer capacity atleast defaultCapacity (#273) - Fixes for z.PersistentTree (#272) - Initialize persistent tree correctly (#271) - use xxhash v2 (#266) - update comments to correctly reflect counter space usage (#189) - enable riscv64 builds (#264) - Switch from log to glog (#263) - Use Fibonacci for latency numbers - cache: fix race when clearning a cache (#261) - Check for keys without values in superflags (#259) - chore(perf): using tags instead of runtime callers to improve the performance of leak detection (#255) - fix(Flags): panic on user errors (#256) - fix SuperFlagHelp newline (#252) - fix(arm): Fix crashing under ARMv6 due to memory mis-alignment (#239) - Fix incorrect unit test coverage depiction (#245) - chore(histogram): adding percentile in histogram (#241) - fix(windows): use filepath instead of path (#244) - fix(MmapFile): Close the fd before deleting the file (#242) - Fixes CGO_ENABLED=0 compilation error (#240) - fix(build): fix build on non-amd64 architectures (#238) - fix(b+tree): Do not double the size of btree (#237) - fix(jemalloc): Fix the stats of jemalloc (#236) - Don't print stuff, only return strings. - Bring memclrNoHeapPointers to z (#235) - increase number of buffers from 32 to 64 in allocator (#234) - Set minSize to 1MB. - Opt(btree): Use Go memory instead of mmap files - Opt(btree): Lightweight stats calculation - Put padding internally to z.Buffer - Chore(z): Add SetTmpDir API to set the temp directory (#233) - Add a BufferFrom - Bring z.Allocator and z.AllocatorPool back - Fix(z.Allocator): Make Allocator use Go memory - Updated ZeroOut to use a simple for loop. (#231) - Add concurrency back - Add a test to check concurrency of Allocator. - Fix(buffer): Expose padding by z.Buffer's APIs and fix test (#222) - AllocateSlice should Truncate if the file is not big enough (#226) - Zero out allocations for structs now that we're reusing Allocators. - Fix the ristretto substring - Deal with nil z.AllocatorPool - Create an AllocatorPool class. - chore(btree): clean NewTree API (#225) - fix(MmapFile): Don't error out if fileSize > sz (#224) - feat(btree): allow option to reset btree and mmaping it to specified file. (#223) - Use mremap on Linux instead of munmap+mmap (#221) - Reuse pages in B+ tree (#220) - fix(allocator): make nil allocator return go byte slice (#217) - fix(buffer): Make padding internal to z.buffer (#216) - chore(buffer): add a parent directory field in z.Buffer (#215) - Make Allocator concurrent - Fix infinite loop in allocator (#214) - Add trim func - Use allocator pool. Turn off freelist. - Add freelists to Allocator to reuse. - make DeleteBelow delete values that are less than lo (#211) - Avoid an unnecessary Load procedure in IncrementOffset. - Add Stats method in Btree. - chore(script): fix local test script (#210) - fix(btree): Increase buffer size if needed. (#209) - chore(btree): add occupancy ratio, search benchmark and compact bug fix (#208) - Add licenses, remove prints, and fix a bug in compact - Add IncrementOffset API for z.buffers (#206) - Show count when printing histogram (#201) - Zbuffer: Add LenNoPadding and make padding 8 bytes (#204) - Allocate Go memory in case allocator is nil. - Add leak detection via leak build flag and fix a leak during cache.Close. - Add some APIs for allocator and buffer - Sync before truncation or close. - Handle nil MmapFile for Sync. - Public methods must not panic after Close() (#202) - Check for RD_ONLY correctly. - Modify MmapFile APIs - Add a bunch of APIs around MmapFile - Move APIs for mmapfile creation over to z package. - Add ZeroOut func - Add SliceOffsets - z: Add TotalSize method on bloom filter (#197) - Add Msync func - Buffer: Use 256 GB mmap size instead of MaxInt64 (#198) - Add a simple test to check next2Pow - Improve memory performance (#195) - Have a way to automatically mmap a growing buffer (#196) - Introduce Mmapped buffers and Merge Sort (#194) - Add a way to access an allocator via reference. - Use jemalloc.a to ensure compilation with the Go binary - Fix up a build issue with ReadMemStats - Add ReadMemStats function (#193) - Allocator helps allocate memory to be used by unsafe structs (#192) - Improve histogram output - Move Closer from y to z (#191) - Add histogram.Mean() method (#188) - Introduce Calloc: Manual Memory Management via jemalloc (#186) ## [0.0.3] - 2020-07-06 [0.0.3]: https://github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto/compare/v0.0.2..v0.0.3 ### Changed ### Added ### Fixed - z: use MemHashString and xxhash.Sum64String ([#153][]) - Check conflict key before updating expiration map. ([#154][]) - Fix race condition in Cache.Clear ([#133][]) - Improve handling of updated items ([#168][]) - Fix droppedSets count while updating the item ([#171][]) ## [0.0.2] - 2020-02-24 [0.0.2]: https://github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto/compare/v0.0.1..v0.0.2 ### Added - Sets with TTL. ([#122][]) ### Fixed - Fix the way metrics are handled for deletions. ([#111][]) - Support nil `*Cache` values in `Clear` and `Close`. ([#119][]) - Delete item immediately. ([#113][]) - Remove key from policy after TTL eviction. ([#130][]) [#111]: https://github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto/issues/111 [#113]: https://github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto/issues/113 [#119]: https://github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto/issues/119 [#122]: https://github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto/issues/122 [#130]: https://github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto/issues/130 ## 0.0.1 First release. Basic cache functionality based on a LFU policy.