//go:build appengine || plan9 || js || wasip1 || wasi // +build appengine plan9 js wasip1 wasi package maxminddb import "io/ioutil" // Open takes a string path to a MaxMind DB file and returns a Reader // structure or an error. The database file is opened using a memory map // on supported platforms. On platforms without memory map support, such // as WebAssembly or Google App Engine, the database is loaded into memory. // Use the Close method on the Reader object to return the resources to the system. func Open(file string) (*Reader, error) { bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file) if err != nil { return nil, err } return FromBytes(bytes) } // Close returns the resources used by the database to the system. func (r *Reader) Close() error { r.buffer = nil return nil }