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* Copyright 2019 Dgraph Labs, Inc. and Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Ristretto is a fast, fixed size, in-memory cache with a dual focus on
// throughput and hit ratio performance. You can easily add Ristretto to an
// existing system and keep the most valuable data where you need it.
package ristretto
import (
var (
// TODO: find the optimal value for this or make it configurable
setBufSize = 32 * 1024
type itemCallback func(*Item)
const itemSize = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(storeItem{}))
// Cache is a thread-safe implementation of a hashmap with a TinyLFU admission
// policy and a Sampled LFU eviction policy. You can use the same Cache instance
// from as many goroutines as you want.
type Cache struct {
// store is the central concurrent hashmap where key-value items are stored.
store store
// policy determines what gets let in to the cache and what gets kicked out.
policy policy
// getBuf is a custom ring buffer implementation that gets pushed to when
// keys are read.
getBuf *ringBuffer
// setBuf is a buffer allowing us to batch/drop Sets during times of high
// contention.
setBuf chan *Item
// onEvict is called for item evictions.
onEvict itemCallback
// onReject is called when an item is rejected via admission policy.
onReject itemCallback
// onExit is called whenever a value goes out of scope from the cache.
onExit (func(interface{}))
// KeyToHash function is used to customize the key hashing algorithm.
// Each key will be hashed using the provided function. If keyToHash value
// is not set, the default keyToHash function is used.
keyToHash func(interface{}) (uint64, uint64)
// stop is used to stop the processItems goroutine.
stop chan struct{}
// indicates whether cache is closed.
isClosed bool
// cost calculates cost from a value.
cost func(value interface{}) int64
// ignoreInternalCost dictates whether to ignore the cost of internally storing
// the item in the cost calculation.
ignoreInternalCost bool
// cleanupTicker is used to periodically check for entries whose TTL has passed.
cleanupTicker *time.Ticker
// Metrics contains a running log of important statistics like hits, misses,
// and dropped items.
Metrics *Metrics
// Config is passed to NewCache for creating new Cache instances.
type Config struct {
// NumCounters determines the number of counters (keys) to keep that hold
// access frequency information. It's generally a good idea to have more
// counters than the max cache capacity, as this will improve eviction
// accuracy and subsequent hit ratios.
// For example, if you expect your cache to hold 1,000,000 items when full,
// NumCounters should be 10,000,000 (10x). Each counter takes up roughly
// 3 bytes (4 bits for each counter * 4 copies plus about a byte per
// counter for the bloom filter). Note that the number of counters is
// internally rounded up to the nearest power of 2, so the space usage
// may be a little larger than 3 bytes * NumCounters.
NumCounters int64
// MaxCost can be considered as the cache capacity, in whatever units you
// choose to use.
// For example, if you want the cache to have a max capacity of 100MB, you
// would set MaxCost to 100,000,000 and pass an item's number of bytes as
// the `cost` parameter for calls to Set. If new items are accepted, the
// eviction process will take care of making room for the new item and not
// overflowing the MaxCost value.
MaxCost int64
// BufferItems determines the size of Get buffers.
// Unless you have a rare use case, using `64` as the BufferItems value
// results in good performance.
BufferItems int64
// Metrics determines whether cache statistics are kept during the cache's
// lifetime. There *is* some overhead to keeping statistics, so you should
// only set this flag to true when testing or throughput performance isn't a
// major factor.
Metrics bool
// OnEvict is called for every eviction and passes the hashed key, value,
// and cost to the function.
OnEvict func(item *Item)
// OnReject is called for every rejection done via the policy.
OnReject func(item *Item)
// OnExit is called whenever a value is removed from cache. This can be
// used to do manual memory deallocation. Would also be called on eviction
// and rejection of the value.
OnExit func(val interface{})
// KeyToHash function is used to customize the key hashing algorithm.
// Each key will be hashed using the provided function. If keyToHash value
// is not set, the default keyToHash function is used.
KeyToHash func(key interface{}) (uint64, uint64)
// Cost evaluates a value and outputs a corresponding cost. This function
// is ran after Set is called for a new item or an item update with a cost
// param of 0.
Cost func(value interface{}) int64
// IgnoreInternalCost set to true indicates to the cache that the cost of
// internally storing the value should be ignored. This is useful when the
// cost passed to set is not using bytes as units. Keep in mind that setting
// this to true will increase the memory usage.
IgnoreInternalCost bool
type itemFlag byte
const (
itemNew itemFlag = iota
// Item is passed to setBuf so items can eventually be added to the cache.
type Item struct {
flag itemFlag
Key uint64
Conflict uint64
Value interface{}
Cost int64
Expiration time.Time
wg *sync.WaitGroup
// NewCache returns a new Cache instance and any configuration errors, if any.
func NewCache(config *Config) (*Cache, error) {
switch {
case config.NumCounters == 0:
return nil, errors.New("NumCounters can't be zero")
case config.MaxCost == 0:
return nil, errors.New("MaxCost can't be zero")
case config.BufferItems == 0:
return nil, errors.New("BufferItems can't be zero")
policy := newPolicy(config.NumCounters, config.MaxCost)
cache := &Cache{
store: newStore(),
policy: policy,
getBuf: newRingBuffer(policy, config.BufferItems),
setBuf: make(chan *Item, setBufSize),
keyToHash: config.KeyToHash,
stop: make(chan struct{}),
cost: config.Cost,
ignoreInternalCost: config.IgnoreInternalCost,
cleanupTicker: time.NewTicker(time.Duration(bucketDurationSecs) * time.Second / 2),
cache.onExit = func(val interface{}) {
if config.OnExit != nil && val != nil {
cache.onEvict = func(item *Item) {
if config.OnEvict != nil {
cache.onReject = func(item *Item) {
if config.OnReject != nil {
if cache.keyToHash == nil {
cache.keyToHash = z.KeyToHash
if config.Metrics {
// NOTE: benchmarks seem to show that performance decreases the more
// goroutines we have running cache.processItems(), so 1 should
// usually be sufficient
go cache.processItems()
return cache, nil
func (c *Cache) Wait() {
if c == nil || c.isClosed {
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
c.setBuf <- &Item{wg: wg}
// Get returns the value (if any) and a boolean representing whether the
// value was found or not. The value can be nil and the boolean can be true at
// the same time.
func (c *Cache) Get(key interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
if c == nil || c.isClosed || key == nil {
return nil, false
keyHash, conflictHash := c.keyToHash(key)
value, ok :=, conflictHash)
if ok {
c.Metrics.add(hit, keyHash, 1)
} else {
c.Metrics.add(miss, keyHash, 1)
return value, ok
// Set attempts to add the key-value item to the cache. If it returns false,
// then the Set was dropped and the key-value item isn't added to the cache. If
// it returns true, there's still a chance it could be dropped by the policy if
// its determined that the key-value item isn't worth keeping, but otherwise the
// item will be added and other items will be evicted in order to make room.
// To dynamically evaluate the items cost using the Config.Coster function, set
// the cost parameter to 0 and Coster will be ran when needed in order to find
// the items true cost.
func (c *Cache) Set(key, value interface{}, cost int64) bool {
return c.SetWithTTL(key, value, cost, 0*time.Second)
// SetWithTTL works like Set but adds a key-value pair to the cache that will expire
// after the specified TTL (time to live) has passed. A zero value means the value never
// expires, which is identical to calling Set. A negative value is a no-op and the value
// is discarded.
func (c *Cache) SetWithTTL(key, value interface{}, cost int64, ttl time.Duration) bool {
if c == nil || c.isClosed || key == nil {
return false
var expiration time.Time
switch {
case ttl == 0:
// No expiration.
case ttl < 0:
// Treat this a a no-op.
return false
expiration = time.Now().Add(ttl)
keyHash, conflictHash := c.keyToHash(key)
i := &Item{
flag: itemNew,
Key: keyHash,
Conflict: conflictHash,
Value: value,
Cost: cost,
Expiration: expiration,
// cost is eventually updated. The expiration must also be immediately updated
// to prevent items from being prematurely removed from the map.
if prev, ok :=; ok {
i.flag = itemUpdate
// Attempt to send item to policy.
select {
case c.setBuf <- i:
return true
if i.flag == itemUpdate {
// Return true if this was an update operation since we've already
// updated the store. For all the other operations (set/delete), we
// return false which means the item was not inserted.
return true
c.Metrics.add(dropSets, keyHash, 1)
return false
// Del deletes the key-value item from the cache if it exists.
func (c *Cache) Del(key interface{}) {
if c == nil || c.isClosed || key == nil {
keyHash, conflictHash := c.keyToHash(key)
// Delete immediately.
_, prev :=, conflictHash)
// If we've set an item, it would be applied slightly later.
// So we must push the same item to `setBuf` with the deletion flag.
// This ensures that if a set is followed by a delete, it will be
// applied in the correct order.
c.setBuf <- &Item{
flag: itemDelete,
Key: keyHash,
Conflict: conflictHash,
// GetTTL returns the TTL for the specified key and a bool that is true if the
// item was found and is not expired.
func (c *Cache) GetTTL(key interface{}) (time.Duration, bool) {
if c == nil || key == nil {
return 0, false
keyHash, conflictHash := c.keyToHash(key)
if _, ok :=, conflictHash); !ok {
// not found
return 0, false
expiration :=
if expiration.IsZero() {
// found but no expiration
return 0, true
if time.Now().After(expiration) {
// found but expired
return 0, false
return time.Until(expiration), true
// Close stops all goroutines and closes all channels.
func (c *Cache) Close() {
if c == nil || c.isClosed {
// Block until processItems goroutine is returned.
c.stop <- struct{}{}
c.isClosed = true
// Clear empties the hashmap and zeroes all policy counters. Note that this is
// not an atomic operation (but that shouldn't be a problem as it's assumed that
// Set/Get calls won't be occurring until after this).
func (c *Cache) Clear() {
if c == nil || c.isClosed {
// Block until processItems goroutine is returned.
c.stop <- struct{}{}
// Clear out the setBuf channel.
for {
select {
case i := <-c.setBuf:
if i.wg != nil {
if i.flag != itemUpdate {
// In itemUpdate, the value is already set in the store. So, no need to call
// onEvict here.
break loop
// Clear value hashmap and policy data.
// Only reset metrics if they're enabled.
if c.Metrics != nil {
// Restart processItems goroutine.
go c.processItems()
// MaxCost returns the max cost of the cache.
func (c *Cache) MaxCost() int64 {
if c == nil {
return 0
return c.policy.MaxCost()
// UpdateMaxCost updates the maxCost of an existing cache.
func (c *Cache) UpdateMaxCost(maxCost int64) {
if c == nil {
// processItems is ran by goroutines processing the Set buffer.
func (c *Cache) processItems() {
startTs := make(map[uint64]time.Time)
numToKeep := 100000 // TODO: Make this configurable via options.
trackAdmission := func(key uint64) {
if c.Metrics == nil {
startTs[key] = time.Now()
if len(startTs) > numToKeep {
for k := range startTs {
if len(startTs) <= numToKeep {
delete(startTs, k)
onEvict := func(i *Item) {
if ts, has := startTs[i.Key]; has {
c.Metrics.trackEviction(int64(time.Since(ts) / time.Second))
delete(startTs, i.Key)
if c.onEvict != nil {
for {
select {
case i := <-c.setBuf:
if i.wg != nil {
// Calculate item cost value if new or update.
if i.Cost == 0 && c.cost != nil && i.flag != itemDelete {
i.Cost = c.cost(i.Value)
if !c.ignoreInternalCost {
// Add the cost of internally storing the object.
i.Cost += itemSize
switch i.flag {
case itemNew:
victims, added := c.policy.Add(i.Key, i.Cost)
if added {
c.Metrics.add(keyAdd, i.Key, 1)
} else {
for _, victim := range victims {
victim.Conflict, victim.Value =, 0)
case itemUpdate:
c.policy.Update(i.Key, i.Cost)
case itemDelete:
c.policy.Del(i.Key) // Deals with metrics updates.
_, val :=, i.Conflict)
case <-c.cleanupTicker.C:, onEvict)
case <-c.stop:
// collectMetrics just creates a new *Metrics instance and adds the pointers
// to the cache and policy instances.
func (c *Cache) collectMetrics() {
c.Metrics = newMetrics()
type metricType int
const (
// The following 2 keep track of hits and misses.
hit = iota
// The following 3 keep track of number of keys added, updated and evicted.
// The following 2 keep track of cost of keys added and evicted.
// The following keep track of how many sets were dropped or rejected later.
// The following 2 keep track of how many gets were kept and dropped on the
// floor.
// This should be the final enum. Other enums should be set before this.
func stringFor(t metricType) string {
switch t {
case hit:
return "hit"
case miss:
return "miss"
case keyAdd:
return "keys-added"
case keyUpdate:
return "keys-updated"
case keyEvict:
return "keys-evicted"
case costAdd:
return "cost-added"
case costEvict:
return "cost-evicted"
case dropSets:
return "sets-dropped"
case rejectSets:
return "sets-rejected" // by policy.
case dropGets:
return "gets-dropped"
case keepGets:
return "gets-kept"
return "unidentified"
// Metrics is a snapshot of performance statistics for the lifetime of a cache instance.
type Metrics struct {
all [doNotUse][]*uint64
mu sync.RWMutex
life *z.HistogramData // Tracks the life expectancy of a key.
func newMetrics() *Metrics {
s := &Metrics{
life: z.NewHistogramData(z.HistogramBounds(1, 16)),
for i := 0; i < doNotUse; i++ {
s.all[i] = make([]*uint64, 256)
slice := s.all[i]
for j := range slice {
slice[j] = new(uint64)
return s
func (p *Metrics) add(t metricType, hash, delta uint64) {
if p == nil {
valp := p.all[t]
// Avoid false sharing by padding at least 64 bytes of space between two
// atomic counters which would be incremented.
idx := (hash % 25) * 10
atomic.AddUint64(valp[idx], delta)
func (p *Metrics) get(t metricType) uint64 {
if p == nil {
return 0
valp := p.all[t]
var total uint64
for i := range valp {
total += atomic.LoadUint64(valp[i])
return total
// Hits is the number of Get calls where a value was found for the corresponding key.
func (p *Metrics) Hits() uint64 {
return p.get(hit)
// Misses is the number of Get calls where a value was not found for the corresponding key.
func (p *Metrics) Misses() uint64 {
return p.get(miss)
// KeysAdded is the total number of Set calls where a new key-value item was added.
func (p *Metrics) KeysAdded() uint64 {
return p.get(keyAdd)
// KeysUpdated is the total number of Set calls where the value was updated.
func (p *Metrics) KeysUpdated() uint64 {
return p.get(keyUpdate)
// KeysEvicted is the total number of keys evicted.
func (p *Metrics) KeysEvicted() uint64 {
return p.get(keyEvict)
// CostAdded is the sum of costs that have been added (successful Set calls).
func (p *Metrics) CostAdded() uint64 {
return p.get(costAdd)
// CostEvicted is the sum of all costs that have been evicted.
func (p *Metrics) CostEvicted() uint64 {
return p.get(costEvict)
// SetsDropped is the number of Set calls that don't make it into internal
// buffers (due to contention or some other reason).
func (p *Metrics) SetsDropped() uint64 {
return p.get(dropSets)
// SetsRejected is the number of Set calls rejected by the policy (TinyLFU).
func (p *Metrics) SetsRejected() uint64 {
return p.get(rejectSets)
// GetsDropped is the number of Get counter increments that are dropped
// internally.
func (p *Metrics) GetsDropped() uint64 {
return p.get(dropGets)
// GetsKept is the number of Get counter increments that are kept.
func (p *Metrics) GetsKept() uint64 {
return p.get(keepGets)
// Ratio is the number of Hits over all accesses (Hits + Misses). This is the
// percentage of successful Get calls.
func (p *Metrics) Ratio() float64 {
if p == nil {
return 0.0
hits, misses := p.get(hit), p.get(miss)
if hits == 0 && misses == 0 {
return 0.0
return float64(hits) / float64(hits+misses)
func (p *Metrics) trackEviction(numSeconds int64) {
if p == nil {
func (p *Metrics) LifeExpectancySeconds() *z.HistogramData {
if p == nil {
return nil
// Clear resets all the metrics.
func (p *Metrics) Clear() {
if p == nil {
for i := 0; i < doNotUse; i++ {
for j := range p.all[i] {
atomic.StoreUint64(p.all[i][j], 0)
} = z.NewHistogramData(z.HistogramBounds(1, 16))
// String returns a string representation of the metrics.
func (p *Metrics) String() string {
if p == nil {
return ""
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i := 0; i < doNotUse; i++ {
t := metricType(i)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s: %d ", stringFor(t), p.get(t))
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "gets-total: %d ", p.get(hit)+p.get(miss))
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "hit-ratio: %.2f", p.Ratio())
return buf.String()