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// Copyright 2020 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
// +build jemalloc
package z
#cgo LDFLAGS: /usr/local/lib/libjemalloc.a -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib -ljemalloc -lm -lstdc++ -pthread -ldl
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <jemalloc/jemalloc.h>
import "C"
import (
// The go:linkname directives provides backdoor access to private functions in
// the runtime. Below we're accessing the throw function.
//go:linkname throw runtime.throw
func throw(s string)
// New allocates a slice of size n. The returned slice is from manually managed
// memory and MUST be released by calling Free. Failure to do so will result in
// a memory leak.
// Compile jemalloc with ./configure --with-jemalloc-prefix="je_"
// These two config options seems useful for frequent allocations and deallocations in
// multi-threaded programs (like we have).
// JE_MALLOC_CONF="background_thread:true,metadata_thp:auto"
// Compile Go program with `go build -tags=jemalloc` to enable this.
type dalloc struct {
t string
sz int
var dallocsMu sync.Mutex
var dallocs map[unsafe.Pointer]*dalloc
func init() {
// By initializing dallocs, we can start tracking allocations and deallocations via z.Calloc.
dallocs = make(map[unsafe.Pointer]*dalloc)
func Calloc(n int, tag string) []byte {
if n == 0 {
return make([]byte, 0)
// We need to be conscious of the Cgo pointer passing rules:
// ...
// Note: the current implementation has a bug. While Go code is permitted
// to write nil or a C pointer (but not a Go pointer) to C memory, the
// current implementation may sometimes cause a runtime error if the
// contents of the C memory appear to be a Go pointer. Therefore, avoid
// passing uninitialized C memory to Go code if the Go code is going to
// store pointer values in it. Zero out the memory in C before passing it
// to Go.
ptr := C.je_calloc(C.size_t(n), 1)
if ptr == nil {
// NB: throw is like panic, except it guarantees the process will be
// terminated. The call below is exactly what the Go runtime invokes when
// it cannot allocate memory.
throw("out of memory")
uptr := unsafe.Pointer(ptr)
dallocs[uptr] = &dalloc{
t: tag,
sz: n,
atomic.AddInt64(&numBytes, int64(n))
// Interpret the C pointer as a pointer to a Go array, then slice.
return (*[MaxArrayLen]byte)(uptr)[:n:n]
// CallocNoRef does the exact same thing as Calloc with jemalloc enabled.
func CallocNoRef(n int, tag string) []byte {
return Calloc(n, tag)
// Free frees the specified slice.
func Free(b []byte) {
if sz := cap(b); sz != 0 {
b = b[:cap(b)]
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])
atomic.AddInt64(&numBytes, -int64(sz))
delete(dallocs, ptr)
func Leaks() string {
if dallocs == nil {
return "Leak detection disabled. Enable with 'leak' build flag."
defer dallocsMu.Unlock()
if len(dallocs) == 0 {
return "NO leaks found."
m := make(map[string]int)
for _, da := range dallocs {
m[da.t] +=
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "Allocations:\n")
for f, sz := range m {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s at file: %s\n", humanize.IBytes(uint64(sz)), f)
return buf.String()
// ReadMemStats populates stats with JE Malloc statistics.
func ReadMemStats(stats *MemStats) {
if stats == nil {
// Call an epoch mallclt to refresh the stats data as mentioned in the docs.
// Note: This epoch mallctl is as expensive as a malloc call. It takes up the
// malloc_mutex_lock.
epoch := 1
sz := unsafe.Sizeof(&epoch)
stats.Allocated = fetchStat("stats.allocated")
stats.Active = fetchStat("")
stats.Resident = fetchStat("stats.resident")
stats.Retained = fetchStat("stats.retained")
// fetchStat is used to read a specific attribute from je malloc stats using mallctl.
func fetchStat(s string) uint64 {
var out uint64
sz := unsafe.Sizeof(&out)
(C.CString)(s), // Query: eg: stats.allocated, stats.resident, etc.
unsafe.Pointer(&out), // Variable to store the output.
(*C.size_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&sz)), // Size of the output variable.
nil, // Input variable used to set a value.
0) // Size of the input variable.
return out
func StatsPrint() {
opts := C.CString("mdablxe")
C.je_malloc_stats_print(nil, nil, opts)