You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

128 lines
2.1 KiB

package simd
import (
// Search finds the key using the naive way
func Naive(xs []uint64, k uint64) int16 {
var i int
for i = 0; i < len(xs); i += 2 {
x := xs[i]
if x >= k {
return int16(i / 2)
return int16(i / 2)
func Clever(xs []uint64, k uint64) int16 {
if len(xs) < 8 {
return Naive(xs, k)
var twos, pk [4]uint64
pk[0] = k
pk[1] = k
pk[2] = k
pk[3] = k
for i := 0; i < len(xs); i += 8 {
twos[0] = xs[i]
twos[1] = xs[i+2]
twos[2] = xs[i+4]
twos[3] = xs[i+6]
if twos[0] >= pk[0] {
return int16(i / 2)
if twos[1] >= pk[1] {
return int16((i + 2) / 2)
if twos[2] >= pk[2] {
return int16((i + 4) / 2)
if twos[3] >= pk[3] {
return int16((i + 6) / 2)
return int16(len(xs) / 2)
func Parallel(xs []uint64, k uint64) int16 {
cpus := runtime.NumCPU()
if cpus%2 != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("odd number of CPUs %v", cpus))
sz := len(xs)/cpus + 1
var wg sync.WaitGroup
retChan := make(chan int16, cpus)
for i := 0; i < len(xs); i += sz {
end := i + sz
if end >= len(xs) {
end = len(xs)
chunk := xs[i:end]
go func(hd int16, xs []uint64, k uint64, wg *sync.WaitGroup, ch chan int16) {
for i := 0; i < len(xs); i += 2 {
if xs[i] >= k {
ch <- (int16(i) + hd) / 2
}(int16(i), chunk, k, &wg, retChan)
var min int16 = (1 << 15) - 1
for i := range retChan {
if i < min {
min = i
if min == (1<<15)-1 {
return int16(len(xs) / 2)
return min
func Binary(keys []uint64, key uint64) int16 {
return int16(sort.Search(len(keys), func(i int) bool {
if i*2 >= len(keys) {
return true
return keys[i*2] >= key
func cmp2_native(twos, pk [2]uint64) int16 {
if twos[0] == pk[0] {
return 0
if twos[1] == pk[1] {
return 1
return 2
func cmp4_native(fours, pk [4]uint64) int16 {
for i := range fours {
if fours[i] >= pk[i] {
return int16(i)
return 4
func cmp8_native(a [8]uint64, pk [4]uint64) int16 {
for i := range a {
if a[i] >= pk[0] {
return int16(i)
return 8