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package stmtcache
import (
// UnlimitedCache implements Cache with no capacity limit.
type UnlimitedCache struct {
m map[string]*pgconn.StatementDescription
invalidStmts []*pgconn.StatementDescription
// NewUnlimitedCache creates a new UnlimitedCache.
func NewUnlimitedCache() *UnlimitedCache {
return &UnlimitedCache{
m: make(map[string]*pgconn.StatementDescription),
// Get returns the statement description for sql. Returns nil if not found.
func (c *UnlimitedCache) Get(sql string) *pgconn.StatementDescription {
return c.m[sql]
// Put stores sd in the cache. Put panics if sd.SQL is "". Put does nothing if sd.SQL already exists in the cache.
func (c *UnlimitedCache) Put(sd *pgconn.StatementDescription) {
if sd.SQL == "" {
panic("cannot store statement description with empty SQL")
if _, present := c.m[sd.SQL]; present {
c.m[sd.SQL] = sd
// Invalidate invalidates statement description identified by sql. Does nothing if not found.
func (c *UnlimitedCache) Invalidate(sql string) {
if sd, ok := c.m[sql]; ok {
delete(c.m, sql)
c.invalidStmts = append(c.invalidStmts, sd)
// InvalidateAll invalidates all statement descriptions.
func (c *UnlimitedCache) InvalidateAll() {
for _, sd := range c.m {
c.invalidStmts = append(c.invalidStmts, sd)
c.m = make(map[string]*pgconn.StatementDescription)
func (c *UnlimitedCache) HandleInvalidated() []*pgconn.StatementDescription {
invalidStmts := c.invalidStmts
c.invalidStmts = nil
return invalidStmts
// Len returns the number of cached prepared statement descriptions.
func (c *UnlimitedCache) Len() int {
return len(c.m)
// Cap returns the maximum number of cached prepared statement descriptions.
func (c *UnlimitedCache) Cap() int {
return math.MaxInt