You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

183 lines
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package rel
import (
var associationMetaCache sync.Map
type associationKey struct {
rt reflect.Type
// string repr of index, because []int is not hashable
index string
// AssociationType defines the type of association in database.
type AssociationType uint8
const (
// BelongsTo association.
BelongsTo = iota
// HasOne association.
// HasMany association.
type cachedAssociationMeta struct {
typ AssociationType
targetIndex []int
referenceField string
referenceIndex []int
foreignField string
foreignIndex []int
through string
autoload bool
autosave bool
type AssociationMeta struct {
rt reflect.Type
// Type of association.
func (am AssociationMeta) Type() AssociationType {
return am.typ
// ReferenceField of the association.
func (am AssociationMeta) ReferenceField() string {
return am.referenceField
// ForeignField of the association.
func (am AssociationMeta) ForeignField() string {
return am.foreignField
// Through return intermediary association.
func (am AssociationMeta) Through() string {
return am.through
// Autoload assoc setting when parent is loaded.
func (am AssociationMeta) Autoload() bool {
return am.autoload
// Autosave setting when parent is created/updated/deleted.
func (am AssociationMeta) Autosave() bool {
return am.autosave
// Document returns association target document meta.
func (am AssociationMeta) DocumentMeta() DocumentMeta {
var (
rt = am.rt.FieldByIndex(am.targetIndex).Type
if rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
rt = rt.Elem()
if rt.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
rt = rt.Elem()
return getDocumentMeta(rt, false)
func getAssociationMeta(rt reflect.Type, index []int) AssociationMeta {
var (
key = associationKey{
rt: rt,
index: encodeIndices(index),
if val, cached := associationMetaCache.Load(key); cached {
return AssociationMeta{
rt: rt,
cachedAssociationMeta: val.(cachedAssociationMeta),
var (
sf = rt.FieldByIndex(index)
ft = sf.Type
ref = sf.Tag.Get("ref")
fk = sf.Tag.Get("fk")
fName, _ = fieldName(sf)
assocMeta = cachedAssociationMeta{
targetIndex: index,
through: sf.Tag.Get("through"),
autoload: sf.Tag.Get("auto") == "true" || sf.Tag.Get("autoload") == "true",
autosave: sf.Tag.Get("auto") == "true" || sf.Tag.Get("autosave") == "true",
if assocMeta.autosave && assocMeta.through != "" {
panic("rel: autosave is not supported for has one/has many through association")
for ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
ft = ft.Elem()
var (
refDocMeta = getDocumentMeta(rt, true)
fkDocMeta = getDocumentMeta(ft, true)
// Try to guess ref and fk if not defined.
if ref == "" || fk == "" {
// TODO: replace "id" with inferred primary field
if assocMeta.through != "" {
ref = "id"
fk = "id"
} else if _, isBelongsTo := refDocMeta.index[fName+"_id"]; isBelongsTo {
ref = fName + "_id"
fk = "id"
} else {
ref = "id"
fk = snaker.CamelToSnake(rt.Name()) + "_id"
if id, exist := refDocMeta.index[ref]; !exist {
panic("rel: references (" + ref + ") field not found ")
} else {
assocMeta.referenceIndex = id
assocMeta.referenceField = ref
if id, exist := fkDocMeta.index[fk]; !exist {
panic("rel: foreign_key (" + fk + ") field not found")
} else {
assocMeta.foreignIndex = id
assocMeta.foreignField = fk
// guess assoc type
if sf.Type.Kind() == reflect.Slice || (sf.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && sf.Type.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Slice) {
assocMeta.typ = HasMany
} else {
if len(assocMeta.referenceField) > len(assocMeta.foreignField) {
assocMeta.typ = BelongsTo
} else {
assocMeta.typ = HasOne
associationMetaCache.Store(key, assocMeta)
return AssociationMeta{
rt: rt,
cachedAssociationMeta: assocMeta,