You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package rel
import (
// Document provides an abstraction over reflect to easily works with struct for database purpose.
type Document struct {
v interface{}
rv reflect.Value
rt reflect.Type
meta DocumentMeta
// ReflectValue of referenced document.
func (d Document) ReflectValue() reflect.Value {
return d.rv
// Table returns name of the table.
func (d Document) Table() string {
// TODO: handle anonymous struct
return d.meta.Table()
// PrimaryFields column name of this document.
func (d Document) PrimaryFields() []string {
return d.meta.PrimaryFields()
// PrimaryField column name of this document.
// panic if document uses composite key.
func (d Document) PrimaryField() string {
return d.meta.PrimaryField()
// PrimaryValues of this document.
func (d Document) PrimaryValues() []interface{} {
if p, ok := d.v.(primary); ok {
return p.PrimaryValues()
if len(d.meta.primaryIndex) == 0 {
panic("rel: failed to infer primary key for type " + d.rt.String())
var (
pValues = make([]interface{}, len(d.meta.primaryIndex))
for i := range pValues {
pValues[i] = reflectValueFieldByIndex(d.rv, d.meta.primaryIndex[i], false).Interface()
return pValues
// PrimaryValue of this document.
// panic if document uses composite key.
func (d Document) PrimaryValue() interface{} {
if values := d.PrimaryValues(); len(values) == 1 {
return values[0]
panic("rel: composite primary key is not supported")
// Persisted returns true if document primary key is not zero.
func (d Document) Persisted() bool {
var (
pValues = d.PrimaryValues()
for i := range pValues {
if !isZero(pValues[i]) {
return true
return false
// Index returns map of column name and it's struct index.
func (d Document) Index() map[string][]int {
return d.meta.Index()
// Fields returns list of fields available on this document.
func (d Document) Fields() []string {
return d.meta.Fields()
// Type returns reflect.Type of given field. if field does not exist, second returns value will be false.
func (d Document) Type(field string) (reflect.Type, bool) {
return d.meta.Type(field)
// Value returns value of given field. if field does not exist, second returns value will be false.
func (d Document) Value(field string) (interface{}, bool) {
if i, ok := d.meta.index[field]; ok {
var (
value interface{}
fv = reflectValueFieldByIndex(d.rv, i, false)
ft = fv.Type()
if ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if !fv.IsNil() {
value = fv.Elem().Interface()
} else {
value = fv.Interface()
return value, true
return nil, false
// SetValue of the field, it returns false if field does not exist, or it's not assignable.
func (d Document) SetValue(field string, value interface{}) bool {
if i, ok := d.meta.index[field]; ok {
var (
rv reflect.Value
rt reflect.Type
fv = reflectValueFieldByIndex(d.rv, i, true)
ft = fv.Type()
switch v := value.(type) {
case nil:
rv = reflect.Zero(ft)
case reflect.Value:
rv = reflect.Indirect(v)
rv = reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(value))
rt = rv.Type()
if fv.Type() == rt || rt.AssignableTo(ft) {
return true
if rt.ConvertibleTo(ft) {
return setConvertValue(ft, fv, rt, rv)
if ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
return setPointerValue(ft, fv, rt, rv)
return false
// Scanners returns slice of sql.Scanner for given fields.
func (d Document) Scanners(fields []string) []interface{} {
var (
result = make([]interface{}, len(fields))
assocRefs map[string]struct {
fields []string
indexes []int
for index, field := range fields {
if structIndex, ok := d.meta.index[field]; ok {
var (
fv = reflectValueFieldByIndex(d.rv, structIndex, true)
ft = fv.Type()
if ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
result[index] = fv.Addr().Interface()
} else {
result[index] = Nullable(fv.Addr().Interface())
} else if split := strings.SplitN(field, ".", 2); len(split) == 2 {
if assocRefs == nil {
assocRefs = make(map[string]struct {
fields []string
indexes []int
refs := assocRefs[split[0]]
refs.fields = append(refs.fields, split[1])
refs.indexes = append(refs.indexes, index)
assocRefs[split[0]] = refs
} else {
result[index] = &sql.RawBytes{}
// get scanners from associations
for assocName, refs := range assocRefs {
if assoc, ok := d.association(assocName); ok && assoc.Type() == BelongsTo || assoc.Type() == HasOne {
var (
assocDoc, _ = assoc.Document()
assocScanners = assocDoc.Scanners(refs.fields)
for i, index := range refs.indexes {
result[index] = assocScanners[i]
} else {
for _, index := range refs.indexes {
result[index] = &sql.RawBytes{}
return result
// BelongsTo fields of this document.
func (d Document) BelongsTo() []string {
return d.meta.BelongsTo()
// HasOne fields of this document.
func (d Document) HasOne() []string {
return d.meta.HasOne()
// HasMany fields of this document.
func (d Document) HasMany() []string {
return d.meta.HasMany()
// Preload fields of this document.
func (d Document) Preload() []string {
return d.meta.Preload()
// Association of this document with given name.
func (d Document) Association(name string) Association {
if assoc, ok := d.association(name); ok {
return assoc
panic("rel: no field named (" + name + ") in type " + d.rt.String() + " found ")
func (d Document) association(name string) (Association, bool) {
index, ok := d.meta.index[name]
if !ok {
return Association{}, false
return newAssociation(d.rv, index), true
// Reset this document, this is a noop for compatibility with collection.
func (d Document) Reset() {
// Add returns this document.
func (d *Document) Add() *Document {
// if d.rv is a null pointer, set it to a new struct.
if d.rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && d.rv.IsNil() {
d.rv = d.rv.Elem()
return d
// Get always returns this document, this is a noop for compatibility with collection.
func (d *Document) Get(index int) *Document {
return d
// Len always returns 1 for document, this is a noop for compatibility with collection.
func (d *Document) Len() int {
return 1
// Meta returns document meta.
func (d Document) Meta() DocumentMeta {
return d.meta
// Flag returns true if struct contains specified flag.
func (d Document) Flag(flag DocumentFlag) bool {
return d.meta.Flag(flag)
// NewDocument used to create abstraction to work with struct.
// Document can be created using interface or reflect.Value.
func NewDocument(record interface{}, readonly ...bool) *Document {
switch v := record.(type) {
case *Document:
return v
case reflect.Value:
return newDocument(v.Interface(), v, len(readonly) > 0 && readonly[0])
case reflect.Type:
panic("rel: cannot use reflect.Type")
case nil:
panic("rel: cannot be nil")
return newDocument(v, reflect.ValueOf(v), len(readonly) > 0 && readonly[0])
func newDocument(v interface{}, rv reflect.Value, readonly bool) *Document {
var (
rt = rv.Type()
if rt.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
if !readonly {
panic("rel: must be a pointer to struct")
} else {
if !rv.IsNil() {
rv = rv.Elem()
rt = rt.Elem()
if rt.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
panic("rel: must be a struct or pointer to a struct")
return &Document{
v: v,
rv: rv,
rt: rt,
meta: getDocumentMeta(rt, false),