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package rel
import (
// Mutator is interface for a record mutator.
type Mutator interface {
Apply(doc *Document, mutation *Mutation)
// Apply using given mutators.
func Apply(doc *Document, mutators ...Mutator) Mutation {
return applyMutators(doc, true, true, mutators...)
// apply given mutators with customized default values
func applyMutators(doc *Document, cascade, applyStructset bool, mutators ...Mutator) Mutation {
var (
optionsCount int
mutation = Mutation{
Unscoped: false,
Reload: false,
Cascade: Cascade(cascade),
for i := range mutators {
switch mut := mutators[i].(type) {
case Unscoped, Reload, Cascade, OnConflict:
mut.Apply(doc, &mutation)
mut.Apply(doc, &mutation)
// fallback to structset.
if applyStructset && optionsCount == len(mutators) {
newStructset(doc, false).Apply(doc, &mutation)
return mutation
// AssocMutation represents mutation for association.
type AssocMutation struct {
Mutations []Mutation
DeletedIDs []interface{} // This is array of single id, and doesn't support composite primary key.
// Mutation represents value to be inserted or updated to database.
// It's not safe to be used multiple time. some operation my alter mutation data.
type Mutation struct {
Mutates map[string]Mutate
Assoc map[string]AssocMutation
OnConflict OnConflict
Unscoped Unscoped
Reload Reload
Cascade Cascade
ErrorFunc ErrorFunc
func (m *Mutation) initMutates() {
if m.Mutates == nil {
m.Mutates = make(map[string]Mutate)
func (m *Mutation) initAssoc() {
if m.Assoc == nil {
m.Assoc = make(map[string]AssocMutation)
// IsEmpty returns true if no mutates operation and assoc's mutation is defined.
func (m *Mutation) IsEmpty() bool {
return m.IsMutatesEmpty() && m.IsAssocEmpty()
// IsMutatesEmpty returns true if no mutates operation is defined.
func (m *Mutation) IsMutatesEmpty() bool {
return len(m.Mutates) == 0
// IsAssocEmpty returns true if no assoc's mutation is defined.
func (m *Mutation) IsAssocEmpty() bool {
return len(m.Assoc) == 0
// Add a mutate.
func (m *Mutation) Add(mut Mutate) {
m.Mutates[mut.Field] = mut
// SetAssoc mutation.
func (m *Mutation) SetAssoc(field string, muts ...Mutation) {
assoc := m.Assoc[field]
assoc.Mutations = muts
m.Assoc[field] = assoc
// SetDeletedIDs mutation.
// nil slice will clear association.
func (m *Mutation) SetDeletedIDs(field string, ids []interface{}) {
assoc := m.Assoc[field]
assoc.DeletedIDs = ids
m.Assoc[field] = assoc
// ChangeOp represents type of mutate operation.
type ChangeOp int
const (
// ChangeInvalidOp operation.
ChangeInvalidOp ChangeOp = iota
// ChangeSetOp operation.
// ChangeIncOp operation.
// ChangeFragmentOp operation.
// Mutate stores mutation instruction.
type Mutate struct {
Type ChangeOp
Field string
Value interface{}
// Apply mutation.
func (m Mutate) Apply(doc *Document, mutation *Mutation) {
invalid := false
switch m.Type {
case ChangeSetOp:
if !doc.SetValue(m.Field, m.Value) {
invalid = true
case ChangeFragmentOp:
mutation.Reload = true
if typ, ok := doc.Type(m.Field); ok {
kind := typ.Kind()
invalid = m.Type == ChangeIncOp && (kind < reflect.Int || kind > reflect.Uint64)
} else {
invalid = true
mutation.Reload = true
if invalid {
panic(fmt.Sprint("rel: cannot assign ", m.Value, " as ", m.Field, " into ", doc.Table()))
// String representation
func (m Mutate) String() string {
str := "≤Invalid Mutator>"
switch m.Type {
case ChangeSetOp:
str = fmt.Sprintf("rel.Set(\"%s\", %s)", m.Field, fmtiface(m.Value))
case ChangeIncOp:
str = fmt.Sprintf("rel.IncBy(\"%s\", %s)", m.Field, fmtiface(m.Value))
case ChangeFragmentOp:
str = fmt.Sprintf("rel.SetFragment(\"%s\", %s)", m.Field, fmtifaces(m.Value.([]interface{})))
return str
// Set create a mutate using set operation.
func Set(field string, value interface{}) Mutate {
return Mutate{
Type: ChangeSetOp,
Field: field,
Value: value,
// Inc create a mutate using increment operation.
func Inc(field string) Mutate {
return IncBy(field, 1)
// IncBy create a mutate using increment operation with custom increment value.
func IncBy(field string, n int) Mutate {
return Mutate{
Type: ChangeIncOp,
Field: field,
Value: n,
// Dec create a mutate using deccrement operation.
func Dec(field string) Mutate {
return DecBy(field, 1)
// DecBy create a mutate using decrement operation with custom decrement value.
func DecBy(field string, n int) Mutate {
return Mutate{
Type: ChangeIncOp,
Field: field,
Value: -n,
// SetFragment create a mutate operation using fragment operation.
// Only available for Update.
func SetFragment(raw string, args ...interface{}) Mutate {
return Mutate{
Type: ChangeFragmentOp,
Field: raw,
Value: args,
// Setf is an alias for SetFragment
var Setf = SetFragment
// Reload force reload after insert/update.
// Default to false.
type Reload bool
// Apply mutation.
func (r Reload) Apply(doc *Document, mutation *Mutation) {
mutation.Reload = r
// Build query.
func (r Reload) Build(query *Query) {
query.ReloadQuery = r
// Cascade enable or disable updating associations.
// Default to true.
type Cascade bool
// Build query.
func (c Cascade) Build(query *Query) {
query.CascadeQuery = c
// Apply mutation.
func (c Cascade) Apply(doc *Document, mutation *Mutation) {
mutation.Cascade = c
func (c Cascade) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("rel.Cascade(%t)", c)
// ErrorFunc allows conversion REL's error to Application custom errors.
type ErrorFunc func(error) error
// Apply mutation.
func (ef ErrorFunc) Apply(doc *Document, mutation *Mutation) {
mutation.ErrorFunc = ef
func (ef ErrorFunc) transform(err error) error {
if ef != nil && err != nil {
return ef(err)
return err