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- name: GoLang Test
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: n8maninger/action-golang-test@a8263fc1a85b63937b1b365946518675ceab5740
uses: n8maninger/action-golang-test@v1
# the package to run the tests for
package: # optional, default is ./...
# additional go test command line arguments, individual arguments should be separated by ';'
args: # optional, default is
# outputs a warning for long running tests, -1 to disable
show-long-running-tests: # optional, default is 30
# includes package output in the parsed output
show-package-output: # optional
# shows tests that were run and passed
show-passed-tests: # optional
# shows the unparsed std-out from go test instead of the parsed output
show-stdout: # optional
# skips installing and setting up Go, useful for defining additional parameters for actions/setup-go
skip-go-install: # optional