You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright 2019-present Facebook Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license found
// in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
// Package sql provides wrappers around the standard database/sql package
// to allow the generated code to interact with a statically-typed API.
// Users that are interacting with this package should be aware that the
// following builders don't check the given SQL syntax nor validate or escape
// user-inputs. ~All validations are expected to be happened in the generated
// ent package.
package sql
import (
// Querier wraps the basic Query method that is implemented
// by the different builders in this file.
type Querier interface {
// Query returns the query representation of the element
// and its arguments (if any).
Query() (string, []interface{})
// querierErr allowed propagate Querier's inner error
type querierErr interface {
Err() error
// ColumnBuilder is a builder for column definition in table creation.
type ColumnBuilder struct {
typ string // column type.
name string // column name.
attr string // extra attributes.
modify bool // modify existing.
fk *ForeignKeyBuilder // foreign-key constraint.
check func(*Builder) // column checks.
// Column returns a new ColumnBuilder with the given name.
// sql.Column("group_id").Type("int").Attr("UNIQUE")
func Column(name string) *ColumnBuilder { return &ColumnBuilder{name: name} }
// Type sets the column type.
func (c *ColumnBuilder) Type(t string) *ColumnBuilder {
c.typ = t
return c
// Attr sets an extra attribute for the column, like UNIQUE or AUTO_INCREMENT.
func (c *ColumnBuilder) Attr(attr string) *ColumnBuilder {
if c.attr != "" && attr != "" {
c.attr += " "
c.attr += attr
return c
// Constraint adds the CONSTRAINT clause to the ADD COLUMN statement in SQLite.
func (c *ColumnBuilder) Constraint(fk *ForeignKeyBuilder) *ColumnBuilder { = fk
return c
// Check adds a CHECK clause to the ADD COLUMN statement.
func (c *ColumnBuilder) Check(check func(*Builder)) *ColumnBuilder {
c.check = check
return c
// Query returns query representation of a Column.
func (c *ColumnBuilder) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
if c.typ != "" {
if c.postgres() && c.modify {
c.WriteString(" TYPE")
if c.attr != "" {
if != nil {
c.WriteString(" CONSTRAINT " +
for _, action := range {
if c.check != nil {
c.WriteString(" CHECK ")
return c.String(), c.args
// TableBuilder is a query builder for `CREATE TABLE` statement.
type TableBuilder struct {
name string // table name.
exists bool // check existence.
charset string // table charset.
collation string // table collation.
options string // table options.
columns []Querier // table columns.
primary []string // primary key.
constraints []Querier // foreign keys and indices.
checks []func(*Builder) // check constraints.
// CreateTable returns a query builder for the `CREATE TABLE` statement.
// CreateTable("users").
// Columns(
// Column("id").Type("int").Attr("auto_increment"),
// Column("name").Type("varchar(255)"),
// ).
// PrimaryKey("id")
func CreateTable(name string) *TableBuilder { return &TableBuilder{name: name} }
// IfNotExists appends the `IF NOT EXISTS` clause to the `CREATE TABLE` statement.
func (t *TableBuilder) IfNotExists() *TableBuilder {
t.exists = true
return t
// Column appends the given column to the `CREATE TABLE` statement.
func (t *TableBuilder) Column(c *ColumnBuilder) *TableBuilder {
t.columns = append(t.columns, c)
return t
// Columns appends the a list of columns to the builder.
func (t *TableBuilder) Columns(columns ...*ColumnBuilder) *TableBuilder {
t.columns = make([]Querier, 0, len(columns))
for i := range columns {
t.columns = append(t.columns, columns[i])
return t
// PrimaryKey adds a column to the primary-key constraint in the statement.
func (t *TableBuilder) PrimaryKey(column ...string) *TableBuilder {
t.primary = append(t.primary, column...)
return t
// ForeignKeys adds a list of foreign-keys to the statement (without constraints).
func (t *TableBuilder) ForeignKeys(fks ...*ForeignKeyBuilder) *TableBuilder {
queries := make([]Querier, len(fks))
for i := range fks {
// Erase the constraint symbol/name.
fks[i].symbol = ""
queries[i] = fks[i]
t.constraints = append(t.constraints, queries...)
return t
// Constraints adds a list of foreign-key constraints to the statement.
func (t *TableBuilder) Constraints(fks ...*ForeignKeyBuilder) *TableBuilder {
queries := make([]Querier, len(fks))
for i := range fks {
queries[i] = &Wrapper{"CONSTRAINT %s", fks[i]}
t.constraints = append(t.constraints, queries...)
return t
// Checks adds CHECK clauses to the CREATE TABLE statement.
func (t *TableBuilder) Checks(checks ...func(*Builder)) *TableBuilder {
t.checks = append(t.checks, checks...)
return t
// Charset appends the `CHARACTER SET` clause to the statement. MySQL only.
func (t *TableBuilder) Charset(s string) *TableBuilder {
t.charset = s
return t
// Collate appends the `COLLATE` clause to the statement. MySQL only.
func (t *TableBuilder) Collate(s string) *TableBuilder {
t.collation = s
return t
// Options appends additional options to to the statement (MySQL only).
func (t *TableBuilder) Options(s string) *TableBuilder {
t.options = s
return t
// Query returns query representation of a `CREATE TABLE` statement.
// (table definition)
// [charset and collation]
func (t *TableBuilder) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
t.WriteString("CREATE TABLE ")
if t.exists {
t.WriteString("IF NOT EXISTS ")
t.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
if len(t.primary) > 0 {
b.Comma().WriteString("PRIMARY KEY")
b.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
if len(t.constraints) > 0 {
for _, check := range t.checks {
if t.charset != "" {
t.WriteString(" CHARACTER SET " + t.charset)
if t.collation != "" {
t.WriteString(" COLLATE " + t.collation)
if t.options != "" {
t.WriteString(" " + t.options)
return t.String(), t.args
// DescribeBuilder is a query builder for `DESCRIBE` statement.
type DescribeBuilder struct {
name string // table name.
// Describe returns a query builder for the `DESCRIBE` statement.
// Describe("users")
func Describe(name string) *DescribeBuilder { return &DescribeBuilder{name: name} }
// Query returns query representation of a `DESCRIBE` statement.
func (t *DescribeBuilder) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
t.WriteString("DESCRIBE ")
return t.String(), nil
// TableAlter is a query builder for `ALTER TABLE` statement.
type TableAlter struct {
name string // table to alter.
Queries []Querier // columns and foreign-keys to add.
// AlterTable returns a query builder for the `ALTER TABLE` statement.
// AlterTable("users").
// AddColumn(Column("group_id").Type("int").Attr("UNIQUE")).
// AddForeignKey(ForeignKey().Columns("group_id").
// Reference(Reference().Table("groups").Columns("id")).OnDelete("CASCADE")),
// )
func AlterTable(name string) *TableAlter { return &TableAlter{name: name} }
// AddColumn appends the `ADD COLUMN` clause to the given `ALTER TABLE` statement.
func (t *TableAlter) AddColumn(c *ColumnBuilder) *TableAlter {
t.Queries = append(t.Queries, &Wrapper{"ADD COLUMN %s", c})
return t
// ModifyColumn appends the `MODIFY/ALTER COLUMN` clause to the given `ALTER TABLE` statement.
func (t *TableAlter) ModifyColumn(c *ColumnBuilder) *TableAlter {
switch {
case t.postgres():
c.modify = true
t.Queries = append(t.Queries, &Wrapper{"ALTER COLUMN %s", c})
t.Queries = append(t.Queries, &Wrapper{"MODIFY COLUMN %s", c})
return t
// RenameColumn appends the `RENAME COLUMN` clause to the given `ALTER TABLE` statement.
func (t *TableAlter) RenameColumn(old, new string) *TableAlter {
t.Queries = append(t.Queries, Raw(fmt.Sprintf("RENAME COLUMN %s TO %s", t.Quote(old), t.Quote(new))))
return t
// ModifyColumns calls ModifyColumn with each of the given builders.
func (t *TableAlter) ModifyColumns(cs ...*ColumnBuilder) *TableAlter {
for _, c := range cs {
return t
// DropColumn appends the `DROP COLUMN` clause to the given `ALTER TABLE` statement.
func (t *TableAlter) DropColumn(c *ColumnBuilder) *TableAlter {
t.Queries = append(t.Queries, &Wrapper{"DROP COLUMN %s", c})
return t
// ChangeColumn appends the `CHANGE COLUMN` clause to the given `ALTER TABLE` statement.
func (t *TableAlter) ChangeColumn(name string, c *ColumnBuilder) *TableAlter {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("CHANGE COLUMN %s", t.Quote(name))
t.Queries = append(t.Queries, &Wrapper{prefix + " %s", c})
return t
// RenameIndex appends the `RENAME INDEX` clause to the given `ALTER TABLE` statement.
func (t *TableAlter) RenameIndex(curr, new string) *TableAlter {
t.Queries = append(t.Queries, Raw(fmt.Sprintf("RENAME INDEX %s TO %s", t.Quote(curr), t.Quote(new))))
return t
// DropIndex appends the `DROP INDEX` clause to the given `ALTER TABLE` statement.
func (t *TableAlter) DropIndex(name string) *TableAlter {
t.Queries = append(t.Queries, Raw(fmt.Sprintf("DROP INDEX %s", t.Quote(name))))
return t
// AddIndex appends the `ADD INDEX` clause to the given `ALTER TABLE` statement.
func (t *TableAlter) AddIndex(idx *IndexBuilder) *TableAlter {
b := &Builder{dialect: t.dialect}
b.WriteString("ADD ")
if idx.unique {
b.WriteString("UNIQUE ")
b.WriteString("INDEX ")
b.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
t.Queries = append(t.Queries, b)
return t
// AddForeignKey adds a foreign key constraint to the `ALTER TABLE` statement.
func (t *TableAlter) AddForeignKey(fk *ForeignKeyBuilder) *TableAlter {
t.Queries = append(t.Queries, &Wrapper{"ADD CONSTRAINT %s", fk})
return t
// DropConstraint appends the `DROP CONSTRAINT` clause to the given `ALTER TABLE` statement.
func (t *TableAlter) DropConstraint(ident string) *TableAlter {
t.Queries = append(t.Queries, Raw(fmt.Sprintf("DROP CONSTRAINT %s", t.Quote(ident))))
return t
// DropForeignKey appends the `DROP FOREIGN KEY` clause to the given `ALTER TABLE` statement.
func (t *TableAlter) DropForeignKey(ident string) *TableAlter {
t.Queries = append(t.Queries, Raw(fmt.Sprintf("DROP FOREIGN KEY %s", t.Quote(ident))))
return t
// Query returns query representation of the `ALTER TABLE` statement.
// [alter_specification]
func (t *TableAlter) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
t.WriteString("ALTER TABLE ")
return t.String(), t.args
// IndexAlter is a query builder for `ALTER INDEX` statement.
type IndexAlter struct {
name string // index to alter.
Queries []Querier // alter options.
// AlterIndex returns a query builder for the `ALTER INDEX` statement.
// AlterIndex("old_key").
// Rename("new_key")
func AlterIndex(name string) *IndexAlter { return &IndexAlter{name: name} }
// Rename appends the `RENAME TO` clause to the `ALTER INDEX` statement.
func (i *IndexAlter) Rename(name string) *IndexAlter {
i.Queries = append(i.Queries, Raw(fmt.Sprintf("RENAME TO %s", i.Quote(name))))
return i
// Query returns query representation of the `ALTER INDEX` statement.
// [alter_specification]
func (i *IndexAlter) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
i.WriteString("ALTER INDEX ")
return i.String(), i.args
// ForeignKeyBuilder is the builder for the foreign-key constraint clause.
type ForeignKeyBuilder struct {
symbol string
columns []string
actions []string
ref *ReferenceBuilder
// ForeignKey returns a builder for the foreign-key constraint clause in create/alter table statements.
// ForeignKey().
// Columns("group_id").
// Reference(Reference().Table("groups").Columns("id")).
// OnDelete("CASCADE")
func ForeignKey(symbol ...string) *ForeignKeyBuilder {
fk := &ForeignKeyBuilder{}
if len(symbol) != 0 {
fk.symbol = symbol[0]
return fk
// Symbol sets the symbol of the foreign key.
func (fk *ForeignKeyBuilder) Symbol(s string) *ForeignKeyBuilder {
fk.symbol = s
return fk
// Columns sets the columns of the foreign key in the source table.
func (fk *ForeignKeyBuilder) Columns(s ...string) *ForeignKeyBuilder {
fk.columns = append(fk.columns, s...)
return fk
// Reference sets the reference clause.
func (fk *ForeignKeyBuilder) Reference(r *ReferenceBuilder) *ForeignKeyBuilder {
fk.ref = r
return fk
// OnDelete sets the on delete action for this constraint.
func (fk *ForeignKeyBuilder) OnDelete(action string) *ForeignKeyBuilder {
fk.actions = append(fk.actions, "ON DELETE "+action)
return fk
// OnUpdate sets the on delete action for this constraint.
func (fk *ForeignKeyBuilder) OnUpdate(action string) *ForeignKeyBuilder {
fk.actions = append(fk.actions, "ON UPDATE "+action)
return fk
// Query returns query representation of a foreign key constraint.
func (fk *ForeignKeyBuilder) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
if fk.symbol != "" {
fk.WriteString("FOREIGN KEY")
fk.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
for _, action := range fk.actions {
return fk.String(), fk.args
// ReferenceBuilder is a builder for the reference clause in constraints. For example, in foreign key creation.
type ReferenceBuilder struct {
table string // referenced table.
columns []string // referenced columns.
// Reference create a reference builder for the reference_option clause.
// Reference().Table("groups").Columns("id")
func Reference() *ReferenceBuilder { return &ReferenceBuilder{} }
// Table sets the referenced table.
func (r *ReferenceBuilder) Table(s string) *ReferenceBuilder {
r.table = s
return r
// Columns sets the columns of the referenced table.
func (r *ReferenceBuilder) Columns(s ...string) *ReferenceBuilder {
r.columns = append(r.columns, s...)
return r
// Query returns query representation of a reference clause.
func (r *ReferenceBuilder) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
r.WriteString("REFERENCES ")
r.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
return r.String(), r.args
// IndexBuilder is a builder for `CREATE INDEX` statement.
type IndexBuilder struct {
name string
unique bool
exists bool
table string
method string
columns []string
// CreateIndex creates a builder for the `CREATE INDEX` statement.
// CreateIndex("index_name").
// Unique().
// Table("users").
// Column("name")
// Or:
// CreateIndex("index_name").
// Unique().
// Table("users").
// Columns("name", "age")
func CreateIndex(name string) *IndexBuilder {
return &IndexBuilder{name: name}
// IfNotExists appends the `IF NOT EXISTS` clause to the `CREATE INDEX` statement.
func (i *IndexBuilder) IfNotExists() *IndexBuilder {
i.exists = true
return i
// Unique sets the index to be a unique index.
func (i *IndexBuilder) Unique() *IndexBuilder {
i.unique = true
return i
// Table defines the table for the index.
func (i *IndexBuilder) Table(table string) *IndexBuilder {
i.table = table
return i
// Using sets the method to create the index with.
func (i *IndexBuilder) Using(method string) *IndexBuilder {
i.method = method
return i
// Column appends a column to the column list for the index.
func (i *IndexBuilder) Column(column string) *IndexBuilder {
i.columns = append(i.columns, column)
return i
// Columns appends the given columns to the column list for the index.
func (i *IndexBuilder) Columns(columns ...string) *IndexBuilder {
i.columns = append(i.columns, columns...)
return i
// Query returns query representation of a reference clause.
func (i *IndexBuilder) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
i.WriteString("CREATE ")
if i.unique {
i.WriteString("UNIQUE ")
i.WriteString("INDEX ")
if i.exists {
i.WriteString("IF NOT EXISTS ")
i.WriteString(" ON ")
switch i.dialect {
case dialect.Postgres:
if i.method != "" {
i.WriteString(" USING ").Ident(i.method)
i.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
case dialect.MySQL:
i.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
if i.method != "" {
i.WriteString(" USING " + i.method)
i.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
return i.String(), nil
// DropIndexBuilder is a builder for `DROP INDEX` statement.
type DropIndexBuilder struct {
name string
table string
// DropIndex creates a builder for the `DROP INDEX` statement.
// MySQL:
// DropIndex("index_name").
// Table("users").
// SQLite/PostgreSQL:
// DropIndex("index_name")
func DropIndex(name string) *DropIndexBuilder {
return &DropIndexBuilder{name: name}
// Table defines the table for the index.
func (d *DropIndexBuilder) Table(table string) *DropIndexBuilder {
d.table = table
return d
// Query returns query representation of a reference clause.
// DROP INDEX index_name [ON table_name]
func (d *DropIndexBuilder) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
d.WriteString("DROP INDEX ")
if d.table != "" {
d.WriteString(" ON ")
return d.String(), nil
// InsertBuilder is a builder for `INSERT INTO` statement.
type InsertBuilder struct {
table string
schema string
columns []string
defaults bool
returning []string
values [][]interface{}
conflict *conflict
// Insert creates a builder for the `INSERT INTO` statement.
// Insert("users").
// Columns("name", "age").
// Values("a8m", 10).
// Values("foo", 20)
// Note: Insert inserts all values in one batch.
func Insert(table string) *InsertBuilder { return &InsertBuilder{table: table} }
// Schema sets the database name for the insert table.
func (i *InsertBuilder) Schema(name string) *InsertBuilder {
i.schema = name
return i
// Set is a syntactic sugar API for inserting only one row.
func (i *InsertBuilder) Set(column string, v interface{}) *InsertBuilder {
i.columns = append(i.columns, column)
if len(i.values) == 0 {
i.values = append(i.values, []interface{}{v})
} else {
i.values[0] = append(i.values[0], v)
return i
// Columns appends columns to the INSERT statement.
func (i *InsertBuilder) Columns(columns ...string) *InsertBuilder {
i.columns = append(i.columns, columns...)
return i
// Values append a value tuple for the insert statement.
func (i *InsertBuilder) Values(values ...interface{}) *InsertBuilder {
i.values = append(i.values, values)
return i
// Default sets the default values clause based on the dialect type.
func (i *InsertBuilder) Default() *InsertBuilder {
i.defaults = true
return i
// Returning adds the `RETURNING` clause to the insert statement. PostgreSQL only.
func (i *InsertBuilder) Returning(columns ...string) *InsertBuilder {
i.returning = columns
return i
type (
// conflict holds the configuration for the
conflict struct {
target struct {
constraint string
columns []string
where *Predicate
action struct {
nothing bool
where *Predicate
update []func(*UpdateSet)
// ConflictOption allows configuring the
// conflict config using functional options.
ConflictOption func(*conflict)
// ConflictColumns sets the unique constraints that trigger the conflict
// resolution on insert to perform an upsert operation. The columns must
// have a unique constraint applied to trigger this behaviour.
// sql.Insert("users").
// Columns("id", "name").
// Values(1, "Mashraki").
// OnConflict(
// sql.ConflictColumns("id"),
// sql.ResolveWithNewValues(),
// )
func ConflictColumns(names ...string) ConflictOption {
return func(c *conflict) { = names
// ConflictConstraint allows setting the constraint
// name (i.e. `ON CONSTRAINT <name>`) for PostgreSQL.
// sql.Insert("users").
// Columns("id", "name").
// Values(1, "Mashraki").
// OnConflict(
// sql.ConflictConstraint("users_pkey"),
// sql.ResolveWithNewValues(),
// )
func ConflictConstraint(name string) ConflictOption {
return func(c *conflict) { = name
// ConflictWhere allows inference of partial unique indexes. See, PostgreSQL
// doc:
func ConflictWhere(p *Predicate) ConflictOption {
return func(c *conflict) { = p
// UpdateWhere allows setting the an update condition. Only rows
// for which this expression returns true will be updated.
func UpdateWhere(p *Predicate) ConflictOption {
return func(c *conflict) {
c.action.where = p
// DoNothing configures the conflict_action to `DO NOTHING`.
// Supported by SQLite and PostgreSQL.
// sql.Insert("users").
// Columns("id", "name").
// Values(1, "Mashraki").
// OnConflict(
// sql.ConflictColumns("id"),
// sql.DoNothing()
// )
func DoNothing() ConflictOption {
return func(c *conflict) {
c.action.nothing = true
// ResolveWithIgnore sets each column to itself to force an update and return the ID,
// otherwise does not change any data. This may still trigger update hooks in the database.
// sql.Insert("users").
// Columns("id").
// Values(1).
// OnConflict(
// sql.ConflictColumns("id"),
// sql.ResolveWithIgnore()
// )
// // Output:
// // MySQL: INSERT INTO `users` (`id`) VALUES(1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `id` = `users`.`id`
// // PostgreSQL: INSERT INTO "users" ("id") VALUES(1) ON CONFLICT ("id") DO UPDATE SET "id" = "users"."id
func ResolveWithIgnore() ConflictOption {
return func(c *conflict) {
c.action.update = append(c.action.update, func(u *UpdateSet) {
for _, c := range u.columns {
// ResolveWithNewValues updates columns using the new values proposed
// for insertion using the special EXCLUDED/VALUES table.
// sql.Insert("users").
// Columns("id", "name").
// Values(1, "Mashraki").
// OnConflict(
// sql.ConflictColumns("id"),
// sql.ResolveWithNewValues()
// )
// // Output:
// // MySQL: INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `name`) VALUES(1, 'Mashraki) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `id` = VALUES(`id`), `name` = VALUES(`name`),
// // PostgreSQL: INSERT INTO "users" ("id") VALUES(1) ON CONFLICT ("id") DO UPDATE SET "id" = "excluded"."id, "name" = "excluded"."name"
func ResolveWithNewValues() ConflictOption {
return func(c *conflict) {
c.action.update = append(c.action.update, func(u *UpdateSet) {
for _, c := range u.columns {
// ResolveWith allows setting a custom function to set the `UPDATE` clause.
// Insert("users").
// Columns("id", "name").
// Values(1, "Mashraki").
// OnConflict(
// ConflictColumns("name"),
// ResolveWith(func(u *UpdateSet) {
// u.SetIgnore("id")
// u.SetNull("created_at")
// u.Set("name", Expr(u.Excluded().C("name")))
// }),
// )
func ResolveWith(fn func(*UpdateSet)) ConflictOption {
return func(c *conflict) {
c.action.update = append(c.action.update, fn)
// OnConflict allows configuring the `ON CONFLICT` / `ON DUPLICATE KEY` clause
// of the `INSERT` statement. For example:
// sql.Insert("users").
// Columns("id", "name").
// Values(1, "Mashraki").
// OnConflict(
// sql.ConflictColumns("id"),
// sql.ResolveWithNewValues()
// )
func (i *InsertBuilder) OnConflict(opts ...ConflictOption) *InsertBuilder {
if i.conflict == nil {
i.conflict = &conflict{}
for _, opt := range opts {
return i
// UpdateSet describes a set of changes of the `DO UPDATE` clause.
type UpdateSet struct {
columns []string
update *UpdateBuilder
// Table returns the table the `UPSERT` statement is executed on.
func (u *UpdateSet) Table() *SelectTable {
return Dialect(u.update.dialect).Table(u.update.table)
// Columns returns all columns in the `INSERT` statement.
func (u *UpdateSet) Columns() []string {
return u.columns
// UpdateColumns returns all columns in the `UPDATE` statement.
func (u *UpdateSet) UpdateColumns() []string {
return append(u.update.nulls, u.update.columns...)
// Set sets a column to a given value.
func (u *UpdateSet) Set(column string, v interface{}) *UpdateSet {
u.update.Set(column, v)
return u
// Add adds a numeric value to the given column.
func (u *UpdateSet) Add(column string, v interface{}) *UpdateSet {
u.update.Add(column, v)
return u
// SetNull sets a column as null value.
func (u *UpdateSet) SetNull(column string) *UpdateSet {
return u
// SetIgnore sets the column to itself. For example, "id" = "users"."id".
func (u *UpdateSet) SetIgnore(name string) *UpdateSet {
return u.Set(name, Expr(u.Table().C(name)))
// SetExcluded sets the column name to its EXCLUDED/VALUES value.
// For example, "c" = "excluded"."c", or `c` = VALUES(`c`).
func (u *UpdateSet) SetExcluded(name string) *UpdateSet {
switch u.update.Dialect() {
case dialect.MySQL:
u.update.Set(name, ExprFunc(func(b *Builder) {
t := Dialect(u.update.dialect).Table("excluded")
u.update.Set(name, Expr(t.C(name)))
return u
// Query returns query representation of an `INSERT INTO` statement.
func (i *InsertBuilder) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
i.WriteString("INSERT INTO ")
if i.defaults && len(i.columns) == 0 {
} else {
i.WriteString(" VALUES ")
for j, v := range i.values {
if j > 0 {
if i.conflict != nil {
if len(i.returning) > 0 && !i.mysql() {
i.WriteString(" RETURNING ")
return i.String(), i.args
func (i *InsertBuilder) writeDefault() {
switch i.Dialect() {
case dialect.MySQL:
i.WriteString("VALUES ()")
case dialect.SQLite, dialect.Postgres:
i.WriteString("DEFAULT VALUES")
func (i *InsertBuilder) writeConflict() {
switch i.Dialect() {
case dialect.MySQL:
if i.conflict.action.nothing {
i.AddError(fmt.Errorf("invalid CONFLICT action ('DO NOTHING')"))
case dialect.SQLite, dialect.Postgres:
i.WriteString(" ON CONFLICT")
switch t :=; {
case t.constraint != "" && len(t.columns) != 0:
i.AddError(fmt.Errorf("duplicate CONFLICT clauses: %q, %q", t.constraint, t.columns))
case t.constraint != "":
i.WriteString(" ON CONSTRAINT ").Ident(t.constraint)
case len(t.columns) != 0:
i.WriteString(" (").IdentComma(t.columns...).WriteByte(')')
if p :=; p != nil {
i.WriteString(" WHERE ").Join(p)
if i.conflict.action.nothing {
i.WriteString(" DO NOTHING")
i.WriteString(" DO UPDATE SET ")
if len(i.conflict.action.update) == 0 {
i.AddError(errors.New("missing action for 'DO UPDATE SET' clause"))
u := &UpdateSet{columns: i.columns, update: Dialect(i.dialect).Update(i.table)}
u.update.Builder = i.Builder
for _, f := range i.conflict.action.update {
if p := i.conflict.action.where; p != nil {
p.qualifier = i.table
i.WriteString(" WHERE ").Join(p)
// UpdateBuilder is a builder for `UPDATE` statement.
type UpdateBuilder struct {
table string
schema string
where *Predicate
nulls []string
columns []string
values []interface{}
// Update creates a builder for the `UPDATE` statement.
// Update("users").Set("name", "foo").Set("age", 10)
func Update(table string) *UpdateBuilder { return &UpdateBuilder{table: table} }
// Schema sets the database name for the updated table.
func (u *UpdateBuilder) Schema(name string) *UpdateBuilder {
u.schema = name
return u
// Set sets a column to a given value. If `Set` was called before with
// the same column name, it overrides the value of the previous call.
func (u *UpdateBuilder) Set(column string, v interface{}) *UpdateBuilder {
for i := range u.columns {
if column == u.columns[i] {
u.values[i] = v
return u
u.columns = append(u.columns, column)
u.values = append(u.values, v)
return u
// Add adds a numeric value to the given column. Note that, calling Set(c)
// after Add(c) will erase previous calls with c from the builder.
func (u *UpdateBuilder) Add(column string, v interface{}) *UpdateBuilder {
u.columns = append(u.columns, column)
u.values = append(u.values, ExprFunc(func(b *Builder) {
b.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
b.WriteString(" + ")
return u
// SetNull sets a column as null value.
func (u *UpdateBuilder) SetNull(column string) *UpdateBuilder {
u.nulls = append(u.nulls, column)
return u
// Where adds a where predicate for update statement.
func (u *UpdateBuilder) Where(p *Predicate) *UpdateBuilder {
if u.where != nil {
u.where = And(u.where, p)
} else {
u.where = p
return u
// FromSelect makes it possible to update entities that match the sub-query.
func (u *UpdateBuilder) FromSelect(s *Selector) *UpdateBuilder {
if table, _ := s.from.(*SelectTable); table != nil {
u.table =
return u
// Empty reports whether this builder does not contain update changes.
func (u *UpdateBuilder) Empty() bool {
return len(u.columns) == 0 && len(u.nulls) == 0
// Query returns query representation of an `UPDATE` statement.
func (u *UpdateBuilder) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
b := u.Builder.clone()
b.WriteString("UPDATE ")
b.Ident(u.table).WriteString(" SET ")
if u.where != nil {
b.WriteString(" WHERE ")
return b.String(), b.args
// writeSetter writes the "SET" clause for the UPDATE statement.
func (u *UpdateBuilder) writeSetter(b *Builder) {
for i, c := range u.nulls {
if i > 0 {
b.Ident(c).WriteString(" = NULL")
if len(u.nulls) > 0 && len(u.columns) > 0 {
for i, c := range u.columns {
if i > 0 {
b.Ident(c).WriteString(" = ")
switch v := u.values[i].(type) {
case Querier:
// DeleteBuilder is a builder for `DELETE` statement.
type DeleteBuilder struct {
table string
schema string
where *Predicate
// Delete creates a builder for the `DELETE` statement.
// Delete("users").
// Where(
// Or(
// EQ("name", "foo").And().EQ("age", 10),
// EQ("name", "bar").And().EQ("age", 20),
// And(
// EQ("name", "qux"),
// EQ("age", 1).Or().EQ("age", 2),
// ),
// ),
// )
func Delete(table string) *DeleteBuilder { return &DeleteBuilder{table: table} }
// Schema sets the database name for the table whose row will be deleted.
func (d *DeleteBuilder) Schema(name string) *DeleteBuilder {
d.schema = name
return d
// Where appends a where predicate to the `DELETE` statement.
func (d *DeleteBuilder) Where(p *Predicate) *DeleteBuilder {
if d.where != nil {
d.where = And(d.where, p)
} else {
d.where = p
return d
// FromSelect makes it possible to delete a sub query.
func (d *DeleteBuilder) FromSelect(s *Selector) *DeleteBuilder {
if table, _ := s.from.(*SelectTable); table != nil {
d.table =
return d
// Query returns query representation of a `DELETE` statement.
func (d *DeleteBuilder) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
d.WriteString("DELETE FROM ")
if d.where != nil {
d.WriteString(" WHERE ")
return d.String(), d.args
// Predicate is a where predicate.
type Predicate struct {
depth int
fns []func(*Builder)
// P creates a new predicate.
// P().EQ("name", "a8m").And().EQ("age", 30)
func P(fns ...func(*Builder)) *Predicate {
return &Predicate{fns: fns}
// ExprP creates a new predicate from the given expression.
// ExprP("A = ? AND B > ?", args...)
func ExprP(exr string, args ...interface{}) *Predicate {
return P(func(b *Builder) {
b.Join(Expr(exr, args...))
// Or combines all given predicates with OR between them.
// Or(EQ("name", "foo"), EQ("name", "bar"))
func Or(preds ...*Predicate) *Predicate {
p := P()
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
p.mayWrap(preds, b, "OR")
// False appends the FALSE keyword to the predicate.
// Delete().From("users").Where(False())
func False() *Predicate {
return P().False()
// False appends FALSE to the predicate.
func (p *Predicate) False() *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
// Not wraps the given predicate with the not predicate.
// Not(Or(EQ("name", "foo"), EQ("name", "bar")))
func Not(pred *Predicate) *Predicate {
return P().Not().Append(func(b *Builder) {
b.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
// Not appends NOT to the predicate.
func (p *Predicate) Not() *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
b.WriteString("NOT ")
// ColumnsOp returns a new predicate between 2 columns.
func ColumnsOp(col1, col2 string, op Op) *Predicate {
return P().ColumnsOp(col1, col2, op)
// ColumnsOp appends the given predicate between 2 columns.
func (p *Predicate) ColumnsOp(col1, col2 string, op Op) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
// And combines all given predicates with AND between them.
func And(preds ...*Predicate) *Predicate {
p := P()
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
p.mayWrap(preds, b, "AND")
// IsTrue appends a predicate that checks if the column value is truthy.
func IsTrue(col string) *Predicate {
return P().IsTrue(col)
// IsTrue appends a predicate that checks if the column value is truthy.
func (p *Predicate) IsTrue(col string) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
// IsFalse appends a predicate that checks if the column value is falsey.
func IsFalse(col string) *Predicate {
return P().IsFalse(col)
// IsFalse appends a predicate that checks if the column value is falsey.
func (p *Predicate) IsFalse(col string) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
b.WriteString("NOT ").Ident(col)
// EQ returns a "=" predicate.
func EQ(col string, value interface{}) *Predicate {
return P().EQ(col, value)
// EQ appends a "=" predicate.
func (p *Predicate) EQ(col string, arg interface{}) *Predicate {
// A small optimization to avoid passing
// arguments when it can be avoided.
switch arg := arg.(type) {
case bool:
if arg {
return IsTrue(col)
return IsFalse(col)
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
p.arg(b, arg)
// ColumnsEQ appends a "=" predicate between 2 columns.
func ColumnsEQ(col1, col2 string) *Predicate {
return P().ColumnsEQ(col1, col2)
// ColumnsEQ appends a "=" predicate between 2 columns.
func (p *Predicate) ColumnsEQ(col1, col2 string) *Predicate {
return p.ColumnsOp(col1, col2, OpEQ)
// NEQ returns a "<>" predicate.
func NEQ(col string, value interface{}) *Predicate {
return P().NEQ(col, value)
// NEQ appends a "<>" predicate.
func (p *Predicate) NEQ(col string, arg interface{}) *Predicate {
// A small optimization to avoid passing
// arguments when it can be avoided.
switch arg := arg.(type) {
case bool:
if arg {
return IsFalse(col)
return IsTrue(col)
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
p.arg(b, arg)
// ColumnsNEQ appends a "<>" predicate between 2 columns.
func ColumnsNEQ(col1, col2 string) *Predicate {
return P().ColumnsNEQ(col1, col2)
// ColumnsNEQ appends a "<>" predicate between 2 columns.
func (p *Predicate) ColumnsNEQ(col1, col2 string) *Predicate {
return p.ColumnsOp(col1, col2, OpNEQ)
// LT returns a "<" predicate.
func LT(col string, value interface{}) *Predicate {
return P().LT(col, value)
// LT appends a "<" predicate.
func (p *Predicate) LT(col string, arg interface{}) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
p.arg(b, arg)
// ColumnsLT appends a "<" predicate between 2 columns.
func ColumnsLT(col1, col2 string) *Predicate {
return P().ColumnsLT(col1, col2)
// ColumnsLT appends a "<" predicate between 2 columns.
func (p *Predicate) ColumnsLT(col1, col2 string) *Predicate {
return p.ColumnsOp(col1, col2, OpLT)
// LTE returns a "<=" predicate.
func LTE(col string, value interface{}) *Predicate {
return P().LTE(col, value)
// LTE appends a "<=" predicate.
func (p *Predicate) LTE(col string, arg interface{}) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
p.arg(b, arg)
// ColumnsLTE appends a "<=" predicate between 2 columns.
func ColumnsLTE(col1, col2 string) *Predicate {
return P().ColumnsLTE(col1, col2)
// ColumnsLTE appends a "<=" predicate between 2 columns.
func (p *Predicate) ColumnsLTE(col1, col2 string) *Predicate {
return p.ColumnsOp(col1, col2, OpLTE)
// GT returns a ">" predicate.
func GT(col string, value interface{}) *Predicate {
return P().GT(col, value)
// GT appends a ">" predicate.
func (p *Predicate) GT(col string, arg interface{}) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
p.arg(b, arg)
// ColumnsGT appends a ">" predicate between 2 columns.
func ColumnsGT(col1, col2 string) *Predicate {
return P().ColumnsGT(col1, col2)
// ColumnsGT appends a ">" predicate between 2 columns.
func (p *Predicate) ColumnsGT(col1, col2 string) *Predicate {
return p.ColumnsOp(col1, col2, OpGT)
// GTE returns a ">=" predicate.
func GTE(col string, value interface{}) *Predicate {
return P().GTE(col, value)
// GTE appends a ">=" predicate.
func (p *Predicate) GTE(col string, arg interface{}) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
p.arg(b, arg)
// ColumnsGTE appends a ">=" predicate between 2 columns.
func ColumnsGTE(col1, col2 string) *Predicate {
return P().ColumnsGTE(col1, col2)
// ColumnsGTE appends a ">=" predicate between 2 columns.
func (p *Predicate) ColumnsGTE(col1, col2 string) *Predicate {
return p.ColumnsOp(col1, col2, OpGTE)
// NotNull returns the `IS NOT NULL` predicate.
func NotNull(col string) *Predicate {
return P().NotNull(col)
// NotNull appends the `IS NOT NULL` predicate.
func (p *Predicate) NotNull(col string) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
b.Ident(col).WriteString(" IS NOT NULL")
// IsNull returns the `IS NULL` predicate.
func IsNull(col string) *Predicate {
return P().IsNull(col)
// IsNull appends the `IS NULL` predicate.
func (p *Predicate) IsNull(col string) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
b.Ident(col).WriteString(" IS NULL")
// In returns the `IN` predicate.
func In(col string, args ...interface{}) *Predicate {
return P().In(col, args...)
// In appends the `IN` predicate.
func (p *Predicate) In(col string, args ...interface{}) *Predicate {
// If no arguments were provided, append the FALSE constant, since
// we cannot apply "IN ()". This will make this predicate falsy.
if len(args) == 0 {
return p.False()
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
b.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
if s, ok := args[0].(*Selector); ok {
} else {
// InInts returns the `IN` predicate for ints.
func InInts(col string, args *Predicate {
return P().InInts(col, args...)
// InValues adds the `IN` predicate for slice of driver.Value.
func InValues(col string, args ...driver.Value) *Predicate {
return P().InValues(col, args...)
// InInts adds the `IN` predicate for ints.
func (p *Predicate) InInts(col string, args *Predicate {
iface := make([]interface{}, len(args))
for i := range args {
iface[i] = args[i]
return p.In(col, iface...)
// InValues adds the `IN` predicate for slice of driver.Value.
func (p *Predicate) InValues(col string, args ...driver.Value) *Predicate {
iface := make([]interface{}, len(args))
for i := range args {
iface[i] = args[i]
return p.In(col, iface...)
// NotIn returns the `Not IN` predicate.
func NotIn(col string, args ...interface{}) *Predicate {
return P().NotIn(col, args...)
// NotIn appends the `Not IN` predicate.
func (p *Predicate) NotIn(col string, args ...interface{}) *Predicate {
if len(args) == 0 {
return p
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
b.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
if s, ok := args[0].(*Selector); ok {
} else {
// Exists returns the `Exists` predicate.
func Exists(query Querier) *Predicate {
return P().Exists(query)
// Exists appends the `EXISTS` predicate with the given query.
func (p *Predicate) Exists(query Querier) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
b.WriteString("EXISTS ")
b.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
// NotExists returns the `NotExists` predicate.
func NotExists(query Querier) *Predicate {
return P().NotExists(query)
// NotExists appends the `NOT EXISTS` predicate with the given query.
func (p *Predicate) NotExists(query Querier) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
b.WriteString("NOT EXISTS ")
b.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
// Like returns the `LIKE` predicate.
func Like(col, pattern string) *Predicate {
return P().Like(col, pattern)
// Like appends the `LIKE` predicate.
func (p *Predicate) Like(col, pattern string) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
// escape escapes w with the default escape character ('/'),
// to be used by the pattern matching functions below.
// The second return value indicates if w was escaped or not.
func escape(w string) (string, bool) {
var n int
for i := range w {
if c := w[i]; c == '%' || c == '_' || c == '\\' {
// No characters to escape.
if n == 0 {
return w, false
var b strings.Builder
b.Grow(len(w) + n)
for i := range w {
if c := w[i]; c == '%' || c == '_' || c == '\\' {
return b.String(), true
func (p *Predicate) escapedLike(col, left, right, word string) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
w, escaped := escape(word)
b.Arg(left + w + right)
if p.dialect == dialect.SQLite && escaped {
p.WriteString(" ESCAPE ").Arg("\\")
// HasPrefix is a helper predicate that checks prefix using the LIKE predicate.
func HasPrefix(col, prefix string) *Predicate {
return P().HasPrefix(col, prefix)
// HasPrefix is a helper predicate that checks prefix using the LIKE predicate.
func (p *Predicate) HasPrefix(col, prefix string) *Predicate {
return p.escapedLike(col, "", "%", prefix)
// HasSuffix is a helper predicate that checks suffix using the LIKE predicate.
func HasSuffix(col, suffix string) *Predicate { return P().HasSuffix(col, suffix) }
// HasSuffix is a helper predicate that checks suffix using the LIKE predicate.
func (p *Predicate) HasSuffix(col, suffix string) *Predicate {
return p.escapedLike(col, "%", "", suffix)
// EqualFold is a helper predicate that applies the "=" predicate with case-folding.
func EqualFold(col, sub string) *Predicate { return P().EqualFold(col, sub) }
// EqualFold is a helper predicate that applies the "=" predicate with case-folding.
func (p *Predicate) EqualFold(col, sub string) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
f := &Func{}
switch b.dialect {
case dialect.MySQL:
// We assume the CHARACTER SET is configured to utf8mb4,
// because this how it is defined in dialect/sql/schema.
b.Ident(col).WriteString(" COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci = ")
case dialect.Postgres:
b.Ident(col).WriteString(" ILIKE ")
default: // SQLite.
// Contains is a helper predicate that checks substring using the LIKE predicate.
func Contains(col, sub string) *Predicate { return P().Contains(col, sub) }
// Contains is a helper predicate that checks substring using the LIKE predicate.
func (p *Predicate) Contains(col, substr string) *Predicate {
return p.escapedLike(col, "%", "%", substr)
// ContainsFold is a helper predicate that checks substring using the LIKE predicate.
func ContainsFold(col, sub string) *Predicate { return P().ContainsFold(col, sub) }
// ContainsFold is a helper predicate that applies the LIKE predicate with case-folding.
func (p *Predicate) ContainsFold(col, substr string) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
w, escaped := escape(substr)
switch b.dialect {
case dialect.MySQL:
// We assume the CHARACTER SET is configured to utf8mb4,
// because this how it is defined in dialect/sql/schema.
b.Ident(col).WriteString(" COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci LIKE ")
b.Arg("%" + strings.ToLower(w) + "%")
case dialect.Postgres:
b.Ident(col).WriteString(" ILIKE ")
b.Arg("%" + strings.ToLower(w) + "%")
default: // SQLite.
var f Func
b.WriteString(f.String()).WriteString(" LIKE ")
b.Arg("%" + strings.ToLower(w) + "%")
if escaped {
p.WriteString(" ESCAPE ").Arg("\\")
// CompositeGT returns a composite ">" predicate
func CompositeGT(columns []string, args ...interface{}) *Predicate {
return P().CompositeGT(columns, args...)
// CompositeLT returns a composite "<" predicate
func CompositeLT(columns []string, args ...interface{}) *Predicate {
return P().CompositeLT(columns, args...)
func (p *Predicate) compositeP(operator string, columns []string, args ...interface{}) *Predicate {
return p.Append(func(b *Builder) {
b.Nested(func(nb *Builder) {
// CompositeGT returns a composite ">" predicate.
func (p *Predicate) CompositeGT(columns []string, args ...interface{}) *Predicate {
const operator = " > "
return p.compositeP(operator, columns, args...)
// CompositeLT appends a composite "<" predicate.
func (p *Predicate) CompositeLT(columns []string, args ...interface{}) *Predicate {
const operator = " < "
return p.compositeP(operator, columns, args...)
// Append appends a new function to the predicate callbacks.
// The callback list are executed on call to Query.
func (p *Predicate) Append(f func(*Builder)) *Predicate {
p.fns = append(p.fns, f)
return p
// Query returns query representation of a predicate.
func (p *Predicate) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
if p.Len() > 0 || len(p.args) > 0 {
p.args = nil
for _, f := range p.fns {
return p.String(), p.args
// arg calls Builder.Arg, but wraps `a` with parens in case of a Selector.
func (*Predicate) arg(b *Builder, a interface{}) {
switch a.(type) {
case *Selector:
b.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
// clone returns a shallow clone of p.
func (p *Predicate) clone() *Predicate {
if p == nil {
return p
return &Predicate{fns: append([]func(*Builder){}, p.fns...)}
func (p *Predicate) mayWrap(preds []*Predicate, b *Builder, op string) {
switch n := len(preds); {
case n == 1:
case n > 1 && p.depth != 0:
defer b.WriteByte(')')
for i := range preds {
preds[i].depth = p.depth + 1
if i > 0 {
b.WriteByte(' ')
b.WriteByte(' ')
if len(preds[i].fns) > 1 {
b.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
} else {
// Func represents an SQL function.
type Func struct {
fns []func(*Builder)
// Lower wraps the given column with the LOWER function.
// P().EQ(sql.Lower("name"), "a8m")
func Lower(ident string) string {
f := &Func{}
return f.String()
// Lower wraps the given ident with the LOWER function.
func (f *Func) Lower(ident string) {
f.byName("LOWER", ident)
// Count wraps the ident with the COUNT aggregation function.
func Count(ident string) string {
f := &Func{}
return f.String()
// Count wraps the ident with the COUNT aggregation function.
func (f *Func) Count(ident string) {
f.byName("COUNT", ident)
// Max wraps the ident with the MAX aggregation function.
func Max(ident string) string {
f := &Func{}
return f.String()
// Max wraps the ident with the MAX aggregation function.
func (f *Func) Max(ident string) {
f.byName("MAX", ident)
// Min wraps the ident with the MIN aggregation function.
func Min(ident string) string {
f := &Func{}
return f.String()
// Min wraps the ident with the MIN aggregation function.
func (f *Func) Min(ident string) {
f.byName("MIN", ident)
// Sum wraps the ident with the SUM aggregation function.
func Sum(ident string) string {
f := &Func{}
return f.String()
// Sum wraps the ident with the SUM aggregation function.
func (f *Func) Sum(ident string) {
f.byName("SUM", ident)
// Avg wraps the ident with the AVG aggregation function.
func Avg(ident string) string {
f := &Func{}
return f.String()
// Avg wraps the ident with the AVG aggregation function.
func (f *Func) Avg(ident string) {
f.byName("AVG", ident)
// byName wraps an identifier with a function name.
func (f *Func) byName(fn, ident string) {
f.Append(func(b *Builder) {
f.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
// Append appends a new function to the function callbacks.
// The callback list are executed on call to String.
func (f *Func) Append(fn func(*Builder)) *Func {
f.fns = append(f.fns, fn)
return f
// String implements the fmt.Stringer.
func (f *Func) String() string {
for _, fn := range f.fns {
return f.Builder.String()
// As suffixed the given column with an alias (`a` AS `b`).
func As(ident string, as string) string {
b := &Builder{}
return b.String()
// Distinct prefixed the given columns with the `DISTINCT` keyword (DISTINCT `id`).
func Distinct(idents ...string) string {
b := &Builder{}
if len(idents) > 0 {
return b.String()
// TableView is a view that returns a table view. Can be a Table, Selector or a View (WITH statement).
type TableView interface {
// SelectTable is a table selector.
type SelectTable struct {
as string
name string
schema string
quote bool
// Table returns a new table selector.
// t1 := Table("users").As("u")
// return Select(t1.C("name"))
func Table(name string) *SelectTable {
return &SelectTable{quote: true, name: name}
// Schema sets the schema name of the table.
func (s *SelectTable) Schema(name string) *SelectTable {
s.schema = name
return s
// As adds the AS clause to the table selector.
func (s *SelectTable) As(alias string) *SelectTable { = alias
return s
// C returns a formatted string for the table column.
func (s *SelectTable) C(column string) string {
name :=
if != "" {
name =
b := &Builder{dialect: s.dialect}
if == "" {
return b.String()
// Columns returns a list of formatted strings for the table columns.
func (s *SelectTable) Columns(columns ...string) []string {
names := make([]string, 0, len(columns))
for _, c := range columns {
names = append(names, s.C(c))
return names
// Unquote makes the table name to be formatted as raw string (unquoted).
// It is useful whe you don't want to query tables under the current database.
func (s *SelectTable) Unquote() *SelectTable {
s.quote = false
return s
// ref returns the table reference.
func (s *SelectTable) ref() string {
if !s.quote {
b := &Builder{dialect: s.dialect}
if != "" {
b.WriteString(" AS ")
return b.String()
// implement the table view.
func (*SelectTable) view() {}
// join table option.
type join struct {
on *Predicate
kind string
table TableView
// clone a joiner.
func (j join) clone() join {
if sel, ok := j.table.(*Selector); ok {
j.table = sel.Clone()
j.on = j.on.clone()
return j
// Selector is a builder for the `SELECT` statement.
type Selector struct {
// ctx stores contextual data typically from
// generated code such as alternate table schemas.
ctx context.Context
as string
selection []interface{}
from TableView
joins []join
where *Predicate
or bool
not bool
order []interface{}
group []string
having *Predicate
limit *int
offset *int
distinct bool
union []union
prefix Queries
lock *LockOptions
// WithContext sets the context into the *Selector.
func (s *Selector) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Selector {
if ctx == nil {
panic("nil context")
s.ctx = ctx
return s
// Context returns the Selector context or Background
// if nil.
func (s *Selector) Context() context.Context {
if s.ctx != nil {
return s.ctx
return context.Background()
// Select returns a new selector for the `SELECT` statement.
// t1 := Table("users").As("u")
// t2 := Select().From(Table("groups")).Where(EQ("user_id", 10)).As("g")
// return Select(t1.C("id"), t2.C("name")).
// From(t1).
// Join(t2).
// On(t1.C("id"), t2.C("user_id"))
func Select(columns ...string) *Selector {
return (&Selector{}).Select(columns...)
// SelectExpr is like Select, but supports passing arbitrary
// expressions for SELECT clause.
func SelectExpr(exprs ...Querier) *Selector {
return (&Selector{}).SelectExpr(exprs...)
// Select changes the columns selection of the SELECT statement.
// Empty selection means all columns *.
func (s *Selector) Select(columns ...string) *Selector {
s.selection = make([]interface{}, len(columns))
for i := range columns {
s.selection[i] = columns[i]
return s
// AppendSelect appends additional columns to the SELECT statement.
func (s *Selector) AppendSelect(columns ...string) *Selector {
for i := range columns {
s.selection = append(s.selection, columns[i])
return s
// SelectExpr changes the columns selection of the SELECT statement
// with custom list of expressions.
func (s *Selector) SelectExpr(exprs ...Querier) *Selector {
s.selection = make([]interface{}, len(exprs))
for i := range exprs {
s.selection[i] = exprs[i]
return s
// AppendSelectExpr appends additional expressions to the SELECT statement.
func (s *Selector) AppendSelectExpr(exprs ...Querier) *Selector {
for i := range exprs {
s.selection = append(s.selection, exprs[i])
return s
// AppendSelectExprAs appends additional expressions to the SELECT statement with the given name.
func (s *Selector) AppendSelectExprAs(expr Querier, as string) *Selector {
s.selection = append(s.selection, ExprFunc(func(b *Builder) {
b.WriteString(") AS ")
return s
// SelectedColumns returns the selected columns in the Selector.
func (s *Selector) SelectedColumns() []string {
columns := make([]string, 0, len(s.selection))
for i := range s.selection {
if c, ok := s.selection[i].(string); ok {
columns = append(columns, c)
return columns
// UnqualifiedColumns returns the an unqualified version of the
// selected columns in the Selector. e.g. "t1"."c" => "c".
func (s *Selector) UnqualifiedColumns() []string {
columns := make([]string, 0, len(s.selection))
for i := range s.selection {
c, ok := s.selection[i].(string)
if !ok {
if s.isIdent(c) {
parts := strings.FieldsFunc(c, func(r rune) bool {
return r == '`' || r == '"'
if n := len(parts); n > 0 && parts[n-1] != "" {
c = parts[n-1]
columns = append(columns, c)
return columns
// From sets the source of `FROM` clause.
func (s *Selector) From(t TableView) *Selector {
s.from = t
if st, ok := t.(state); ok {
return s
// Distinct adds the DISTINCT keyword to the `SELECT` statement.
func (s *Selector) Distinct() *Selector {
s.distinct = true
return s
// SetDistinct sets explicitly if the returned rows are distinct or indistinct.
func (s *Selector) SetDistinct(v bool) *Selector {
s.distinct = v
return s
// Limit adds the `LIMIT` clause to the `SELECT` statement.
func (s *Selector) Limit(limit int) *Selector {
s.limit = &limit
return s
// Offset adds the `OFFSET` clause to the `SELECT` statement.
func (s *Selector) Offset(offset int) *Selector {
s.offset = &offset
return s
// Where sets or appends the given predicate to the statement.
func (s *Selector) Where(p *Predicate) *Selector {
if s.not {
p = Not(p)
s.not = false
switch {
case s.where == nil:
s.where = p
case s.where != nil && s.or:
s.where = Or(s.where, p)
s.or = false
s.where = And(s.where, p)
return s
// P returns the predicate of a selector.
func (s *Selector) P() *Predicate {
return s.where
// SetP sets explicitly the predicate function for the selector and clear its previous state.
func (s *Selector) SetP(p *Predicate) *Selector {
s.where = p
s.or = false
s.not = false
return s
// FromSelect copies the predicate from a selector.
func (s *Selector) FromSelect(s2 *Selector) *Selector {
s.where = s2.where
return s
// Not sets the next coming predicate with not.
func (s *Selector) Not() *Selector {
s.not = true
return s
// Or sets the next coming predicate with OR operator (disjunction).
func (s *Selector) Or() *Selector {
s.or = true
return s
// Table returns the selected table.
func (s *Selector) Table() *SelectTable {
return s.from.(*SelectTable)
// TableName returns the name of the selected table or alias of selector.
func (s *Selector) TableName() string {
switch view := s.from.(type) {
case *SelectTable:
case *Selector:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled TableView type %T", s.from))
// Join appends a `JOIN` clause to the statement.
func (s *Selector) Join(t TableView) *Selector {
return s.join("JOIN", t)
// LeftJoin appends a `LEFT JOIN` clause to the statement.
func (s *Selector) LeftJoin(t TableView) *Selector {
return s.join("LEFT JOIN", t)
// RightJoin appends a `RIGHT JOIN` clause to the statement.
func (s *Selector) RightJoin(t TableView) *Selector {
return s.join("RIGHT JOIN", t)
// join adds a join table to the selector with the given kind.
func (s *Selector) join(kind string, t TableView) *Selector {
s.joins = append(s.joins, join{
kind: kind,
table: t,
switch view := t.(type) {
case *SelectTable:
if == "" { = "t" + strconv.Itoa(len(s.joins))
case *Selector:
if == "" { = "t" + strconv.Itoa(len(s.joins))
if st, ok := t.(state); ok {
return s
// unionType describes an UNION type.
type unionType string
const (
unionAll unionType = "ALL"
unionDistinct unionType = "DISTINCT"
// union query option.
type union struct {
// Union appends the UNION clause to the query.
func (s *Selector) Union(t TableView) *Selector {
s.union = append(s.union, union{
TableView: t,
return s
// UnionAll appends the UNION ALL clause to the query.
func (s *Selector) UnionAll(t TableView) *Selector {
s.union = append(s.union, union{
unionType: unionAll,
TableView: t,
return s
// UnionDistinct appends the UNION DISTINCT clause to the query.
func (s *Selector) UnionDistinct(t TableView) *Selector {
s.union = append(s.union, union{
unionType: unionDistinct,
TableView: t,
return s
// Prefix prefixes the query with list of queries.
func (s *Selector) Prefix(queries ...Querier) *Selector {
s.prefix = append(s.prefix, queries...)
return s
// C returns a formatted string for a selected column from this statement.
func (s *Selector) C(column string) string {
if != "" {
b := &Builder{dialect: s.dialect}
return b.String()
return s.Table().C(column)
// Columns returns a list of formatted strings for a selected columns from this statement.
func (s *Selector) Columns(columns ...string) []string {
names := make([]string, 0, len(columns))
for _, c := range columns {
names = append(names, s.C(c))
return names
// OnP sets or appends the given predicate for the `ON` clause of the statement.
func (s *Selector) OnP(p *Predicate) *Selector {
if len(s.joins) > 0 {
join := &s.joins[len(s.joins)-1]
switch {
case join.on == nil:
join.on = p
join.on = And(join.on, p)
return s
// On sets the `ON` clause for the `JOIN` operation.
func (s *Selector) On(c1, c2 string) *Selector {
s.OnP(P(func(builder *Builder) {
return s
// As give this selection an alias.
func (s *Selector) As(alias string) *Selector { = alias
return s
// Count sets the Select statement to be a `SELECT COUNT(*)`.
func (s *Selector) Count(columns ...string) *Selector {
column := "*"
if len(columns) > 0 {
b := &Builder{}
column = b.String()
return s
// LockAction tells the transaction what to do in case of
// requesting a row that is locked by other transaction.
type LockAction string
const (
// NoWait means never wait and returns an error.
NoWait LockAction = "NOWAIT"
// SkipLocked means never wait and skip.
SkipLocked LockAction = "SKIP LOCKED"
// LockStrength defines the strength of the lock (see the list below).
type LockStrength string
// A list of all locking clauses.
const (
LockShare LockStrength = "SHARE"
LockUpdate LockStrength = "UPDATE"
LockNoKeyUpdate LockStrength = "NO KEY UPDATE"
LockKeyShare LockStrength = "KEY SHARE"
type (
// LockOptions defines a SELECT statement
// lock for protecting concurrent updates.
LockOptions struct {
// Strength of the lock.
Strength LockStrength
// Action of the lock.
Action LockAction
// Tables are an option tables.
Tables []string
// custom clause for locking.
clause string
// LockOption allows configuring the LockConfig using functional options.
LockOption func(*LockOptions)
// WithLockAction sets the Action of the lock.
func WithLockAction(action LockAction) LockOption {
return func(c *LockOptions) {
c.Action = action
// WithLockTables sets the Tables of the lock.
func WithLockTables(tables ...string) LockOption {
return func(c *LockOptions) {
c.Tables = tables
// WithLockClause allows providing a custom clause for
// locking the statement. For example, in MySQL <= 8.22:
// Select().
// From(Table("users")).
// ForShare(
// WithLockClause("LOCK IN SHARE MODE"),
// )
func WithLockClause(clause string) LockOption {
return func(c *LockOptions) {
c.clause = clause
// For sets the lock configuration for suffixing the `SELECT`
// statement with the `FOR [SHARE | UPDATE] ...` clause.
func (s *Selector) For(l LockStrength, opts ...LockOption) *Selector {
if s.Dialect() == dialect.SQLite {
s.AddError(errors.New("sql: SELECT .. FOR UPDATE/SHARE not supported in SQLite"))
s.lock = &LockOptions{Strength: l}
for _, opt := range opts {
return s
// ForShare sets the lock configuration for suffixing the
// `SELECT` statement with the `FOR SHARE` clause.
func (s *Selector) ForShare(opts ...LockOption) *Selector {
return s.For(LockShare, opts...)
// ForUpdate sets the lock configuration for suffixing the
// `SELECT` statement with the `FOR UPDATE` clause.
func (s *Selector) ForUpdate(opts ...LockOption) *Selector {
return s.For(LockUpdate, opts...)
// Clone returns a duplicate of the selector, including all associated steps. It can be
// used to prepare common SELECT statements and use them differently after the clone is made.
func (s *Selector) Clone() *Selector {
if s == nil {
return nil
joins := make([]join, len(s.joins))
for i := range s.joins {
joins[i] = s.joins[i].clone()
return &Selector{
Builder: s.Builder.clone(),
ctx: s.ctx,
or: s.or,
not: s.not,
from: s.from,
limit: s.limit,
offset: s.offset,
distinct: s.distinct,
where: s.where.clone(),
having: s.having.clone(),
joins: append([]join{}, joins...),
group: append([]string{},,
order: append([]interface{}{}, s.order...),
selection: append([]interface{}{}, s.selection...),
// Asc adds the ASC suffix for the given column.
func Asc(column string) string {
b := &Builder{}
b.Ident(column).WriteString(" ASC")
return b.String()
// Desc adds the DESC suffix for the given column.
func Desc(column string) string {
b := &Builder{}
b.Ident(column).WriteString(" DESC")
return b.String()
// OrderBy appends the `ORDER BY` clause to the `SELECT` statement.
func (s *Selector) OrderBy(columns ...string) *Selector {
for i := range columns {
s.order = append(s.order, columns[i])
return s
// OrderColumns returns the ordered columns in the Selector.
// Note, this function skips columns selected with expressions.
func (s *Selector) OrderColumns() []string {
columns := make([]string, 0, len(s.order))
for i := range s.order {
if c, ok := s.order[i].(string); ok {
columns = append(columns, c)
return columns
// OrderExpr appends the `ORDER BY` clause to the `SELECT`
// statement with custom list of expressions.
func (s *Selector) OrderExpr(exprs ...Querier) *Selector {
for i := range exprs {
s.order = append(s.order, exprs[i])
return s
// GroupBy appends the `GROUP BY` clause to the `SELECT` statement.
func (s *Selector) GroupBy(columns ...string) *Selector { = append(, columns...)
return s
// Having appends a predicate for the `HAVING` clause.
func (s *Selector) Having(p *Predicate) *Selector {
s.having = p
return s
// Query returns query representation of a `SELECT` statement.
func (s *Selector) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
b := s.Builder.clone()
b.WriteString("SELECT ")
if s.distinct {
b.WriteString("DISTINCT ")
if len(s.selection) > 0 {
} else {
switch t := s.from.(type) {
case *SelectTable:
b.WriteString(" FROM ")
case *Selector:
b.WriteString(" FROM ")
b.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
b.WriteString(" AS ")
case *WithBuilder:
b.WriteString(" FROM ")
for _, join := range s.joins {
b.WriteString(" " + join.kind + " ")
switch view := join.table.(type) {
case *SelectTable:
case *Selector:
b.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
b.WriteString(" AS ")
case *WithBuilder:
if join.on != nil {
b.WriteString(" ON ")
if s.where != nil {
b.WriteString(" WHERE ")
if len( > 0 {
b.WriteString(" GROUP BY ")
if s.having != nil {
b.WriteString(" HAVING ")
if len(s.union) > 0 {
if len(s.order) > 0 {
joinOrder(s.order, &b)
if s.limit != nil {
b.WriteString(" LIMIT ")
if s.offset != nil {
b.WriteString(" OFFSET ")
s.joinLock(&b) =
return b.String(), b.args
func (s *Selector) joinPrefix(b *Builder) {
if len(s.prefix) > 0 {
b.join(s.prefix, " ")
func (s *Selector) joinLock(b *Builder) {
if s.lock == nil {
if s.lock.clause != "" {
b.WriteString("FOR ").WriteString(string(s.lock.Strength))
if len(s.lock.Tables) > 0 {
b.WriteString(" OF ").IdentComma(s.lock.Tables...)
if s.lock.Action != "" {
func (s *Selector) joinUnion(b *Builder) {
for _, union := range s.union {
b.WriteString(" UNION ")
if union.unionType != "" {
b.WriteString(string(union.unionType) + " ")
switch view := union.TableView.(type) {
case *SelectTable:
case *Selector:
if != "" {
b.WriteString(" AS ")
func joinOrder(order []interface{}, b *Builder) {
b.WriteString(" ORDER BY ")
for i := range order {
if i > 0 {
switch r := order[i].(type) {
case string:
case Querier:
func (s *Selector) joinSelect(b *Builder) {
for i := range s.selection {
if i > 0 {
switch s := s.selection[i].(type) {
case string:
case Querier:
// implement the table view interface.
func (*Selector) view() {}
// WithBuilder is the builder for the `WITH` statement.
type WithBuilder struct {
recursive bool
ctes []struct {
name string
columns []string
s *Selector
// With returns a new builder for the `WITH` statement.
// n := Queries{
// With("users_view").As(Select().From(Table("users"))),
// Select().From(Table("users_view")),
// }
// return n.Query()
func With(name string, columns ...string) *WithBuilder {
return &WithBuilder{
ctes: []struct {
name string
columns []string
s *Selector
{name: name, columns: columns},
// WithRecursive returns a new builder for the `WITH RECURSIVE` statement.
// n := Queries{
// WithRecursive("users_view").As(Select().From(Table("users"))),
// Select().From(Table("users_view")),
// }
// return n.Query()
func WithRecursive(name string, columns ...string) *WithBuilder {
w := With(name, columns...)
w.recursive = true
return w
// Name returns the name of the view.
func (w *WithBuilder) Name() string {
return w.ctes[0].name
// As sets the view sub query.
func (w *WithBuilder) As(s *Selector) *WithBuilder {
w.ctes[len(w.ctes)-1].s = s
return w
// With appends another named CTE to the statement.
func (w *WithBuilder) With(name string, columns ...string) *WithBuilder {
w.ctes = append(w.ctes, With(name, columns...).ctes...)
return w
// C returns a formatted string for the WITH column.
func (w *WithBuilder) C(column string) string {
b := &Builder{dialect: w.dialect}
return b.String()
// Query returns query representation of a `WITH` clause.
func (w *WithBuilder) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
w.WriteString("WITH ")
if w.recursive {
w.WriteString("RECURSIVE ")
for i, cte := range w.ctes {
if i > 0 {
if len(cte.columns) > 0 {
w.WriteString(" AS ")
w.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
return w.String(), w.args
// implement the table view interface.
func (*WithBuilder) view() {}
// WindowBuilder represents a builder for a window clause.
// Note that window functions support is limited and used
// only to query rows-limited edges in pagination.
type WindowBuilder struct {
fn string // e.g. ROW_NUMBER(), RANK().
partition func(*Builder)
order []interface{}
// RowNumber returns a new window clause with the ROW_NUMBER() as a function.
// Using this function will assign a each row a number, from 1 to N, in the
// order defined by the ORDER BY clause in the window spec.
func RowNumber() *WindowBuilder {
return &WindowBuilder{fn: "ROW_NUMBER"}
// PartitionBy indicates to divide the query rows into groups by the given columns.
// Note that, standard SQL spec allows partition only by columns, and in order to
// use the "expression" version, use the PartitionByExpr.
func (w *WindowBuilder) PartitionBy(columns ...string) *WindowBuilder {
w.partition = func(b *Builder) {
return w
// PartitionExpr indicates to divide the query rows into groups by the given expression.
func (w *WindowBuilder) PartitionExpr(x Querier) *WindowBuilder {
w.partition = func(b *Builder) {
return w
// OrderBy indicates how to sort rows in each partition.
func (w *WindowBuilder) OrderBy(columns ...string) *WindowBuilder {
for i := range columns {
w.order = append(w.order, columns[i])
return w
// OrderExpr appends the `ORDER BY` clause to the window
// partition with custom list of expressions.
func (w *WindowBuilder) OrderExpr(exprs ...Querier) *WindowBuilder {
for i := range exprs {
w.order = append(w.order, exprs[i])
return w
// Query returns query representation of the window function.
func (w *WindowBuilder) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
w.WriteString("() OVER ")
w.Nested(func(b *Builder) {
if w.partition != nil {
b.WriteString("PARTITION BY ")
if w.order != nil {
joinOrder(w.order, b)
return w.Builder.String(), w.args
// Wrapper wraps a given Querier with different format.
// Used to prefix/suffix other queries.
type Wrapper struct {
format string
wrapped Querier
// Query returns query representation of a wrapped Querier.
func (w *Wrapper) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
query, args := w.wrapped.Query()
return fmt.Sprintf(w.format, query), args
// SetDialect calls SetDialect on the wrapped query.
func (w *Wrapper) SetDialect(name string) {
if s, ok := w.wrapped.(state); ok {
// Dialect calls Dialect on the wrapped query.
func (w *Wrapper) Dialect() string {
if s, ok := w.wrapped.(state); ok {
return s.Dialect()
return ""
// Total returns the total number of arguments so far.
func (w *Wrapper) Total() int {
if s, ok := w.wrapped.(state); ok {
return s.Total()
return 0
// SetTotal sets the value of the total arguments.
// Used to pass this information between sub queries/expressions.
func (w *Wrapper) SetTotal(total int) {
if s, ok := w.wrapped.(state); ok {
// Raw returns a raw SQL query that is placed as-is in the query.
func Raw(s string) Querier { return &raw{s} }
type raw struct{ s string }
func (r *raw) Query() (string, []interface{}) { return r.s, nil }
// Expr returns an SQL expression that implements the Querier interface.
func Expr(exr string, args ...interface{}) Querier { return &expr{s: exr, args: args} }
type expr struct {
s string
args []interface{}
func (e *expr) Query() (string, []interface{}) { return e.s, e.args }
// ExprFunc returns an expression function that implements the Querier interface.
// Update("users").
// Set("x", ExprFunc(func(b *Builder) {
// // The sql.Builder config (argc and dialect)
// // was set before the function was executed.
// b.Ident("x").WriteOp(OpAdd).Arg(1)
// }))
func ExprFunc(fn func(*Builder)) Querier {
return &exprFunc{fn: fn}
type exprFunc struct {
fn func(*Builder)
func (e *exprFunc) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
return e.Builder.Query()
// Queries are list of queries join with space between them.
type Queries []Querier
// Query returns query representation of Queriers.
func (n Queries) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
b := &Builder{}
for i := range n {
if i > 0 {
query, args := n[i].Query()
b.args = append(b.args, args...)
return b.String(), b.args
// Builder is the base query builder for the sql dsl.
type Builder struct {
sb *strings.Builder // underlying builder.
dialect string // configured dialect.
args []interface{} // query parameters.
total int // total number of parameters in query tree.
errs []error // errors that added during the query construction.
qualifier string // qualifier to prefix identifiers (e.g. table name).
// Quote quotes the given identifier with the characters based
// on the configured dialect. It defaults to "`".
func (b *Builder) Quote(ident string) string {
quote := "`"
switch {
case b.postgres():
// If it was quoted with the wrong
// identifier character.
if strings.Contains(ident, "`") {
return strings.ReplaceAll(ident, "`", `"`)
quote = `"`
// An identifier for unknown dialect.
case b.dialect == "" && strings.ContainsAny(ident, "`\""):
return ident
return quote + ident + quote
// Ident appends the given string as an identifier.
func (b *Builder) Ident(s string) *Builder {
switch {
case len(s) == 0:
case s != "*" && !b.isIdent(s) && !isFunc(s) && !isModifier(s):
if b.qualifier != "" {
case (isFunc(s) || isModifier(s)) && b.postgres():
// Modifiers and aggregation functions that
// were called without dialect information.
b.WriteString(strings.ReplaceAll(s, "`", `"`))
return b
// IdentComma calls Ident on all arguments and adds a comma between them.
func (b *Builder) IdentComma(s ...string) *Builder {
for i := range s {
if i > 0 {
return b
// String returns the accumulated string.
func (b *Builder) String() string {
if == nil {
return ""
// WriteByte wraps the Buffer.WriteByte to make it chainable with other methods.
func (b *Builder) WriteByte(c byte) *Builder {
if == nil { = &strings.Builder{}
return b
// WriteString wraps the Buffer.WriteString to make it chainable with other methods.
func (b *Builder) WriteString(s string) *Builder {
if == nil { = &strings.Builder{}
return b
// Len returns the number of accumulated bytes.
func (b *Builder) Len() int {
if == nil {
return 0
// Reset resets the Builder to be empty.
func (b *Builder) Reset() *Builder {
if != nil {
return b
// AddError appends an error to the builder errors.
func (b *Builder) AddError(err error) *Builder {
// allowed nil error make build process easier
if err != nil {
b.errs = append(b.errs, err)
return b
func (b *Builder) writeSchema(schema string) {
if schema != "" && b.dialect != dialect.SQLite {
// Err returns a concatenated error of all errors encountered during
// the query-building, or were added manually by calling AddError.
func (b *Builder) Err() error {
if len(b.errs) == 0 {
return nil
br := strings.Builder{}
for i := range b.errs {
if i > 0 {
br.WriteString("; ")
return fmt.Errorf(br.String())
// An Op represents an operator.
type Op int
const (
// Predicate operators.
OpEQ Op = iota // =
OpNEQ // <>
OpGT // >
OpGTE // >=
OpLT // <
OpLTE // <=
OpIn // IN
OpNotIn // NOT IN
OpLike // LIKE
OpIsNull // IS NULL
OpNotNull // IS NOT NULL
// Arithmetic operators.
OpAdd // +
OpSub // -
OpMul // *
OpDiv // / (Quotient)
OpMod // % (Reminder)
var ops = [...]string{
OpEQ: "=",
OpNEQ: "<>",
OpGT: ">",
OpGTE: ">=",
OpLT: "<",
OpLTE: "<=",
OpIn: "IN",
OpNotIn: "NOT IN",
OpLike: "LIKE",
OpIsNull: "IS NULL",
OpNotNull: "IS NOT NULL",
OpAdd: "+",
OpSub: "-",
OpMul: "*",
OpDiv: "/",
OpMod: "%",
// WriteOp writes an operator to the builder.
func (b *Builder) WriteOp(op Op) *Builder {
switch {
case op >= OpEQ && op <= OpLike || op >= OpAdd && op <= OpMod:
case op == OpIsNull || op == OpNotNull:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid op %d", op))
return b
type (
// StmtInfo holds an information regarding
// the statement
StmtInfo struct {
// The Dialect of the SQL driver.
Dialect string
// ParamFormatter wraps the FormatPram function.
ParamFormatter interface {
// The FormatParam function lets users to define
// custom placeholder formatting for their types.
// For example, formatting the default placeholder
// from '?' to 'ST_GeomFromWKB(?)' for MySQL dialect.
FormatParam(placeholder string, info *StmtInfo) string
// Arg appends an input argument to the builder.
func (b *Builder) Arg(a interface{}) *Builder {
switch a := a.(type) {
case *raw:
return b
case Querier:
return b
b.args = append(b.args, a)
// Default placeholder param (MySQL and SQLite).
param := "?"
if b.postgres() {
// PostgreSQL arguments are referenced using the syntax $n.
// $1 refers to the 1st argument, $2 to the 2nd, and so on.
param = "$" + strconv.Itoa(
if f, ok := a.(ParamFormatter); ok {
param = f.FormatParam(param, &StmtInfo{
Dialect: b.dialect,
return b
// Args appends a list of arguments to the builder.
func (b *Builder) Args(a ...interface{}) *Builder {
for i := range a {
if i > 0 {
return b
// Comma adds a comma to the query.
func (b *Builder) Comma() *Builder {
return b.WriteString(", ")
// Pad adds a space to the query.
func (b *Builder) Pad() *Builder {
return b.WriteByte(' ')
// Join joins a list of Queries to the builder.
func (b *Builder) Join(qs ...Querier) *Builder {
return b.join(qs, "")
// JoinComma joins a list of Queries and adds comma between them.
func (b *Builder) JoinComma(qs ...Querier) *Builder {
return b.join(qs, ", ")
// join joins a list of Queries to the builder with a given separator.
func (b *Builder) join(qs []Querier, sep string) *Builder {
for i, q := range qs {
if i > 0 {
st, ok := q.(state)
if ok {
query, args := q.Query()
b.args = append(b.args, args...) += len(args)
if qe, ok := q.(querierErr); ok {
if err := qe.Err(); err != nil {
return b
// Nested gets a callback, and wraps its result with parentheses.
func (b *Builder) Nested(f func(*Builder)) *Builder {
nb := &Builder{dialect: b.dialect, total:, sb: &strings.Builder{}}
b.args = append(b.args, nb.args...) =
return b
// SetDialect sets the builder dialect. It's used for garnering dialect specific queries.
func (b *Builder) SetDialect(dialect string) {
b.dialect = dialect
// Dialect returns the dialect of the builder.
func (b Builder) Dialect() string {
return b.dialect
// Total returns the total number of arguments so far.
func (b Builder) Total() int {
// SetTotal sets the value of the total arguments.
// Used to pass this information between sub queries/expressions.
func (b *Builder) SetTotal(total int) { = total
// Query implements the Querier interface.
func (b Builder) Query() (string, []interface{}) {
return b.String(), b.args
// clone returns a shallow clone of a builder.
func (b Builder) clone() Builder {
c := Builder{dialect: b.dialect, total:, sb: &strings.Builder{}}
if len(b.args) > 0 {
c.args = append(c.args, b.args...)
if != nil {
return c
// postgres reports if the builder dialect is PostgreSQL.
func (b Builder) postgres() bool {
return b.Dialect() == dialect.Postgres
// mysql reports if the builder dialect is MySQL.
func (b Builder) mysql() bool {
return b.Dialect() == dialect.MySQL
// fromIdent sets the builder dialect from the identifier format.
func (b *Builder) fromIdent(ident string) {
if strings.Contains(ident, `"`) {
// otherwise, use the default.
// isIdent reports if the given string is a dialect identifier.
func (b *Builder) isIdent(s string) bool {
switch {
case b.postgres():
return strings.Contains(s, `"`)
return strings.Contains(s, "`")
// state wraps the all methods for setting and getting
// update state between all queries in the query tree.
type state interface {
Dialect() string
Total() int
// DialectBuilder prefixes all root builders with the `Dialect` constructor.
type DialectBuilder struct {
dialect string
// Dialect creates a new DialectBuilder with the given dialect name.
func Dialect(name string) *DialectBuilder {
return &DialectBuilder{name}
// Describe creates a DescribeBuilder for the configured dialect.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres).
// Describe("users")
func (d *DialectBuilder) Describe(name string) *DescribeBuilder {
b := Describe(name)
return b
// CreateTable creates a TableBuilder for the configured dialect.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres).
// CreateTable("users").
// Columns(
// Column("id").Type("int").Attr("auto_increment"),
// Column("name").Type("varchar(255)"),
// ).
// PrimaryKey("id")
func (d *DialectBuilder) CreateTable(name string) *TableBuilder {
b := CreateTable(name)
return b
// AlterTable creates a TableAlter for the configured dialect.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres).
// AlterTable("users").
// AddColumn(Column("group_id").Type("int").Attr("UNIQUE")).
// AddForeignKey(ForeignKey().Columns("group_id").
// Reference(Reference().Table("groups").Columns("id")).
// OnDelete("CASCADE"),
// )
func (d *DialectBuilder) AlterTable(name string) *TableAlter {
b := AlterTable(name)
return b
// AlterIndex creates an IndexAlter for the configured dialect.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres).
// AlterIndex("old").
// Rename("new")
func (d *DialectBuilder) AlterIndex(name string) *IndexAlter {
b := AlterIndex(name)
return b
// Column creates a ColumnBuilder for the configured dialect.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres)..
// Column("group_id").Type("int").Attr("UNIQUE")
func (d *DialectBuilder) Column(name string) *ColumnBuilder {
b := Column(name)
return b
// Insert creates a InsertBuilder for the configured dialect.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres).
// Insert("users").Columns("age").Values(1)
func (d *DialectBuilder) Insert(table string) *InsertBuilder {
b := Insert(table)
return b
// Update creates a UpdateBuilder for the configured dialect.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres).
// Update("users").Set("name", "foo")
func (d *DialectBuilder) Update(table string) *UpdateBuilder {
b := Update(table)
return b
// Delete creates a DeleteBuilder for the configured dialect.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres).
// Delete().From("users")
func (d *DialectBuilder) Delete(table string) *DeleteBuilder {
b := Delete(table)
return b
// Select creates a Selector for the configured dialect.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres).
// Select().From(Table("users"))
func (d *DialectBuilder) Select(columns ...string) *Selector {
b := Select(columns...)
return b
// SelectExpr is like Select, but supports passing arbitrary
// expressions for SELECT clause.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres).
// SelectExpr(expr...).
// From(Table("users"))
func (d *DialectBuilder) SelectExpr(exprs ...Querier) *Selector {
b := SelectExpr(exprs...)
return b
// Table creates a SelectTable for the configured dialect.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres).
// Table("users").As("u")
func (d *DialectBuilder) Table(name string) *SelectTable {
b := Table(name)
return b
// With creates a WithBuilder for the configured dialect.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres).
// With("users_view").
// As(Select().From(Table("users")))
func (d *DialectBuilder) With(name string) *WithBuilder {
b := With(name)
return b
// CreateIndex creates a IndexBuilder for the configured dialect.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres).
// CreateIndex("unique_name").
// Unique().
// Table("users").
// Columns("first", "last")
func (d *DialectBuilder) CreateIndex(name string) *IndexBuilder {
b := CreateIndex(name)
return b
// DropIndex creates a DropIndexBuilder for the configured dialect.
// Dialect(dialect.Postgres).
// DropIndex("name")
func (d *DialectBuilder) DropIndex(name string) *DropIndexBuilder {
b := DropIndex(name)
return b
func isFunc(s string) bool {
return strings.Contains(s, "(") && strings.Contains(s, ")")
func isModifier(s string) bool {
for _, m := range [...]string{"DISTINCT", "ALL", "WITH ROLLUP"} {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, m) {
return true
return false