You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

219 lines
7.3 KiB

package douyin
import (
type AnalysisResponse struct {
StatusCode int `json:"status_code"`
ItemList []struct {
AwemePoiInfo struct {
Tag string `json:"tag"`
Icon struct {
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"`
Uri string `json:"uri"`
} `json:"icon"`
PoiName string `json:"poi_name"`
TypeName string `json:"type_name"`
} `json:"aweme_poi_info"`
Images interface{} `json:"images"`
Author struct {
Geofencing interface{} `json:"geofencing"`
CardEntries interface{} `json:"card_entries"`
ShortId string `json:"short_id"`
Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
FollowStatus int `json:"follow_status"`
UniqueId string `json:"unique_id"`
PlatformSyncInfo interface{} `json:"platform_sync_info"`
Uid string `json:"uid"`
AvatarLarger struct {
Uri string `json:"uri"`
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"`
} `json:"avatar_larger"`
PolicyVersion interface{} `json:"policy_version"`
MixInfo interface{} `json:"mix_info"`
Signature string `json:"signature"`
AvatarThumb struct {
Uri string `json:"uri"`
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"`
} `json:"avatar_thumb"`
AvatarMedium struct {
Uri string `json:"uri"`
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"`
} `json:"avatar_medium"`
FollowersDetail interface{} `json:"followers_detail"`
TypeLabel interface{} `json:"type_label"`
} `json:"author"`
ChaList []struct {
ViewCount int `json:"view_count"`
HashTagProfile string `json:"hash_tag_profile"`
Cid string `json:"cid"`
CoverItem struct {
Uri string `json:"uri"`
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"`
} `json:"cover_item"`
UserCount int `json:"user_count"`
ConnectMusic interface{} `json:"connect_music"`
Type int `json:"type"`
IsCommerce bool `json:"is_commerce"`
ChaName string `json:"cha_name"`
Desc string `json:"desc"`
} `json:"cha_list"`
Duration int `json:"duration"`
LongVideo interface{} `json:"long_video"`
Desc string `json:"desc"`
AuthorUserId int64 `json:"author_user_id"`
LabelTopText interface{} `json:"label_top_text"`
IsPreview int `json:"is_preview"`
CreateTime int `json:"create_time"`
ShareUrl string `json:"share_url"`
RiskInfos struct {
Warn bool `json:"warn"`
Type int `json:"type"`
Content string `json:"content"`
ReflowUnplayable int `json:"reflow_unplayable"`
} `json:"risk_infos"`
Promotions interface{} `json:"promotions"`
Music struct {
Duration int `json:"duration"`
Id int64 `json:"id"`
Mid string `json:"mid"`
Title string `json:"title"`
CoverHd struct {
Uri string `json:"uri"`
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"`
} `json:"cover_hd"`
CoverLarge struct {
Uri string `json:"uri"`
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"`
} `json:"cover_large"`
CoverMedium struct {
Uri string `json:"uri"`
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"`
} `json:"cover_medium"`
CoverThumb struct {
Uri string `json:"uri"`
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"`
} `json:"cover_thumb"`
Author string `json:"author"`
PlayUrl struct {
Uri string `json:"uri"`
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"`
} `json:"play_url"`
Position interface{} `json:"position"`
Status int `json:"status"`
} `json:"music"`
CommentList interface{} `json:"comment_list"`
ForwardId string `json:"forward_id"`
GroupIdStr string `json:"group_id_str"`
Video struct {
OriginCover struct {
Uri string `json:"uri"`
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"`
} `json:"origin_cover"`
HasWatermark bool `json:"has_watermark"`
Duration int `json:"duration"`
Height int `json:"height"`
DynamicCover struct {
Uri string `json:"uri"`
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"`
} `json:"dynamic_cover"`
Width int `json:"width"`
Ratio string `json:"ratio"`
BitRate interface{} `json:"bit_rate"`
Vid string `json:"vid"`
PlayAddr struct {
Uri string `json:"uri"`
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"` // 真实去水印地址
} `json:"play_addr"`
Cover struct {
Uri string `json:"uri"`
UrlList []string `json:"url_list"`
} `json:"cover"`
} `json:"video"`
TextExtra []struct {
Start int `json:"start"`
End int `json:"end"`
Type int `json:"type"`
HashtagName string `json:"hashtag_name"`
HashtagId int64 `json:"hashtag_id"`
} `json:"text_extra"`
VideoLabels interface{} `json:"video_labels"`
VideoText interface{} `json:"video_text"`
AwemeType int `json:"aweme_type"`
ImageInfos interface{} `json:"image_infos"`
AwemeId string `json:"aweme_id"`
Statistics struct {
CommentCount int `json:"comment_count"`
DiggCount int `json:"digg_count"`
PlayCount int `json:"play_count"`
ShareCount int `json:"share_count"`
AwemeId string `json:"aweme_id"`
} `json:"statistics"`
IsLiveReplay bool `json:"is_live_replay"`
ShareInfo struct {
ShareWeiboDesc string `json:"share_weibo_desc"`
ShareDesc string `json:"share_desc"`
ShareTitle string `json:"share_title"`
} `json:"share_info"`
Geofencing interface{} `json:"geofencing"`
GroupId int64 `json:"group_id"`
} `json:"item_list"`
FilterList []interface{} `json:"filter_list"`
Extra struct {
Now int64 `json:"now"`
Logid string `json:"logid"`
} `json:"extra"`
type AnalysisResult struct {
Result AnalysisResponse // 结果
Body []byte // 内容
Http gorequest.Response // 请求
Err error // 错误
func newAnalysisResult(result AnalysisResponse, body []byte, http gorequest.Response, err error) *AnalysisResult {
return &AnalysisResult{Result: result, Body: body, Http: http, Err: err}
// Analysis 抖音解析
func (c *Client) Analysis(content string) *AnalysisResult {
// 提取url
var url string
if strings.Contains(content, "") {
url = xurls.Relaxed.FindString(content)
} else if strings.Contains(content, "") {
url = xurls.Relaxed.FindString(content)
} else {
return newAnalysisResult(AnalysisResponse{}, nil, gorequest.Response{}, errors.New("url为空"))
// 重定向信息
request302, err := c.request302(url)
if err != nil {
return newAnalysisResult(AnalysisResponse{}, nil, gorequest.Response{}, err)
// 提取编号
itemIds := regexp.MustCompile(`\d+`).FindStringSubmatch(request302)
if len(itemIds) < 1 {
return newAnalysisResult(AnalysisResponse{}, nil, gorequest.Response{}, errors.New("参数错误"))
// 请求
request, err := c.request(""+itemIds[0], map[string]interface{}{}, http.MethodGet)
// 定义
var response AnalysisResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(request.ResponseBody, &response)
return newAnalysisResult(response, request.ResponseBody, request, err)