You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
package description
import (
// ServerSelector is an interface implemented by types that can perform server selection given a topology description
// and list of candidate servers. The selector should filter the provided candidates list and return a subset that
// matches some criteria.
type ServerSelector interface {
SelectServer(Topology, []Server) ([]Server, error)
// ServerSelectorFunc is a function that can be used as a ServerSelector.
type ServerSelectorFunc func(Topology, []Server) ([]Server, error)
// SelectServer implements the ServerSelector interface.
func (ssf ServerSelectorFunc) SelectServer(t Topology, s []Server) ([]Server, error) {
return ssf(t, s)
type compositeSelector struct {
selectors []ServerSelector
// CompositeSelector combines multiple selectors into a single selector by applying them in order to the candidates
// list.
// For example, if the initial candidates list is [s0, s1, s2, s3] and two selectors are provided where the first
// matches s0 and s1 and the second matches s1 and s2, the following would occur during server selection:
// 1. firstSelector([s0, s1, s2, s3]) -> [s0, s1]
// 2. secondSelector([s0, s1]) -> [s1]
// The final list of candidates returned by the composite selector would be [s1].
func CompositeSelector(selectors []ServerSelector) ServerSelector {
return &compositeSelector{selectors: selectors}
func (cs *compositeSelector) SelectServer(t Topology, candidates []Server) ([]Server, error) {
var err error
for _, sel := range cs.selectors {
candidates, err = sel.SelectServer(t, candidates)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return candidates, nil
type latencySelector struct {
latency time.Duration
// LatencySelector creates a ServerSelector which selects servers based on their average RTT values.
func LatencySelector(latency time.Duration) ServerSelector {
return &latencySelector{latency: latency}
func (ls *latencySelector) SelectServer(t Topology, candidates []Server) ([]Server, error) {
if ls.latency < 0 {
return candidates, nil
if t.Kind == LoadBalanced {
// In LoadBalanced mode, there should only be one server in the topology and it must be selected.
return candidates, nil
switch len(candidates) {
case 0, 1:
return candidates, nil
min := time.Duration(math.MaxInt64)
for _, candidate := range candidates {
if candidate.AverageRTTSet {
if candidate.AverageRTT < min {
min = candidate.AverageRTT
if min == math.MaxInt64 {
return candidates, nil
max := min + ls.latency
var result []Server
for _, candidate := range candidates {
if candidate.AverageRTTSet {
if candidate.AverageRTT <= max {
result = append(result, candidate)
return result, nil
// WriteSelector selects all the writable servers.
func WriteSelector() ServerSelector {
return ServerSelectorFunc(func(t Topology, candidates []Server) ([]Server, error) {
switch t.Kind {
case Single, LoadBalanced:
return candidates, nil
result := []Server{}
for _, candidate := range candidates {
switch candidate.Kind {
case Mongos, RSPrimary, Standalone:
result = append(result, candidate)
return result, nil
// ReadPrefSelector selects servers based on the provided read preference.
func ReadPrefSelector(rp *readpref.ReadPref) ServerSelector {
return readPrefSelector(rp, false)
// OutputAggregateSelector selects servers based on the provided read preference given that the underlying operation is
// aggregate with an output stage.
func OutputAggregateSelector(rp *readpref.ReadPref) ServerSelector {
return readPrefSelector(rp, true)
func readPrefSelector(rp *readpref.ReadPref, isOutputAggregate bool) ServerSelector {
return ServerSelectorFunc(func(t Topology, candidates []Server) ([]Server, error) {
if t.Kind == LoadBalanced {
// In LoadBalanced mode, there should only be one server in the topology and it must be selected. We check
// this before checking MaxStaleness support because there's no monitoring in this mode, so the candidate
// server wouldn't have a wire version set, which would result in an error.
return candidates, nil
if _, set := rp.MaxStaleness(); set {
for _, s := range candidates {
if s.Kind != Unknown {
if err := maxStalenessSupported(s.WireVersion); err != nil {
return nil, err
switch t.Kind {
case Single:
return candidates, nil
case ReplicaSetNoPrimary, ReplicaSetWithPrimary:
return selectForReplicaSet(rp, isOutputAggregate, t, candidates)
case Sharded:
return selectByKind(candidates, Mongos), nil
return nil, nil
// maxStalenessSupported returns an error if the given server version does not support max staleness.
func maxStalenessSupported(wireVersion *VersionRange) error {
if wireVersion != nil && wireVersion.Max < 5 {
return fmt.Errorf("max staleness is only supported for servers 3.4 or newer")
return nil
func selectForReplicaSet(rp *readpref.ReadPref, isOutputAggregate bool, t Topology, candidates []Server) ([]Server, error) {
if err := verifyMaxStaleness(rp, t); err != nil {
return nil, err
// If underlying operation is an aggregate with an output stage, only apply read preference
// if all candidates are 5.0+. Otherwise, operate under primary read preference.
if isOutputAggregate {
for _, s := range candidates {
if s.WireVersion.Max < 13 {
return selectByKind(candidates, RSPrimary), nil
switch rp.Mode() {
case readpref.PrimaryMode:
return selectByKind(candidates, RSPrimary), nil
case readpref.PrimaryPreferredMode:
selected := selectByKind(candidates, RSPrimary)
if len(selected) == 0 {
selected = selectSecondaries(rp, candidates)
return selectByTagSet(selected, rp.TagSets()), nil
return selected, nil
case readpref.SecondaryPreferredMode:
selected := selectSecondaries(rp, candidates)
selected = selectByTagSet(selected, rp.TagSets())
if len(selected) > 0 {
return selected, nil
return selectByKind(candidates, RSPrimary), nil
case readpref.SecondaryMode:
selected := selectSecondaries(rp, candidates)
return selectByTagSet(selected, rp.TagSets()), nil
case readpref.NearestMode:
selected := selectByKind(candidates, RSPrimary)
selected = append(selected, selectSecondaries(rp, candidates)...)
return selectByTagSet(selected, rp.TagSets()), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported mode: %d", rp.Mode())
func selectSecondaries(rp *readpref.ReadPref, candidates []Server) []Server {
secondaries := selectByKind(candidates, RSSecondary)
if len(secondaries) == 0 {
return secondaries
if maxStaleness, set := rp.MaxStaleness(); set {
primaries := selectByKind(candidates, RSPrimary)
if len(primaries) == 0 {
baseTime := secondaries[0].LastWriteTime
for i := 1; i < len(secondaries); i++ {
if secondaries[i].LastWriteTime.After(baseTime) {
baseTime = secondaries[i].LastWriteTime
var selected []Server
for _, secondary := range secondaries {
estimatedStaleness := baseTime.Sub(secondary.LastWriteTime) + secondary.HeartbeatInterval
if estimatedStaleness <= maxStaleness {
selected = append(selected, secondary)
return selected
primary := primaries[0]
var selected []Server
for _, secondary := range secondaries {
estimatedStaleness := secondary.LastUpdateTime.Sub(secondary.LastWriteTime) - primary.LastUpdateTime.Sub(primary.LastWriteTime) + secondary.HeartbeatInterval
if estimatedStaleness <= maxStaleness {
selected = append(selected, secondary)
return selected
return secondaries
func selectByTagSet(candidates []Server, tagSets []tag.Set) []Server {
if len(tagSets) == 0 {
return candidates
for _, ts := range tagSets {
// If this tag set is empty, we can take a fast path because the empty list is a subset of all tag sets, so
// all candidate servers will be selected.
if len(ts) == 0 {
return candidates
var results []Server
for _, s := range candidates {
// ts is non-empty, so only servers with a non-empty set of tags need to be checked.
if len(s.Tags) > 0 && s.Tags.ContainsAll(ts) {
results = append(results, s)
if len(results) > 0 {
return results
return []Server{}
func selectByKind(candidates []Server, kind ServerKind) []Server {
// Record the indices of viable candidates first and then append those to the returned slice
// to avoid appending costly Server structs directly as an optimization.
viableIndexes := make([]int, 0, len(candidates))
for i, s := range candidates {
if s.Kind == kind {
viableIndexes = append(viableIndexes, i)
result := make([]Server, len(viableIndexes))
for i, idx := range viableIndexes {
result[i] = candidates[idx]
return result
func verifyMaxStaleness(rp *readpref.ReadPref, t Topology) error {
maxStaleness, set := rp.MaxStaleness()
if !set {
return nil
if maxStaleness < 90*time.Second {
return fmt.Errorf("max staleness (%s) must be greater than or equal to 90s", maxStaleness)
if len(t.Servers) < 1 {
// Maybe we should return an error here instead?
return nil
// we'll assume all candidates have the same heartbeat interval.
s := t.Servers[0]
idleWritePeriod := 10 * time.Second
if maxStaleness < s.HeartbeatInterval+idleWritePeriod {
return fmt.Errorf(
"max staleness (%s) must be greater than or equal to the heartbeat interval (%s) plus idle write period (%s)",
maxStaleness, s.HeartbeatInterval, idleWritePeriod,
return nil