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package wechatpayopen
import (
// RefundDomesticRefundsNoNotifyGinRequest 申请退款API - 回调通知 - 请求参数
type RefundDomesticRefundsNoNotifyGinRequest struct {
Id string `form:"id" json:"status" xml:"id" uri:"id" binding:"required"` // 通知ID
CreateTime string `form:"create_time" json:"create_time" xml:"create_time" uri:"create_time" binding:"required"` // 通知创建时间
EventType string `form:"event_type" json:"event_type" xml:"event_type" uri:"event_type" binding:"required"` // 通知类型
Summary string `form:"summary" json:"summary" xml:"summary" uri:"summary" binding:"required"` // 通知简要说明
ResourceType string `form:"resource_type" json:"resource_type" xml:"resource_type" uri:"resource_type" binding:"required"` // 通知数据类型
Resource struct {
Algorithm string `form:"algorithm" json:"algorithm" xml:"algorithm" uri:"algorithm" binding:"required"` // 加密算法类型
Ciphertext string `form:"ciphertext" json:"ciphertext" xml:"ciphertext" uri:"ciphertext" binding:"required"` // 数据密文
AssociatedData string `form:"associated_data" json:"associated_data" xml:"associated_data" uri:"associated_data" binding:"omitempty"` // 附加数据
OriginalType string `form:"original_type" json:"original_type" xml:"original_type" uri:"original_type" binding:"required"` // 原始类型
Nonce string `form:"nonce" json:"nonce" xml:"nonce" uri:"nonce" binding:"required"` // 随机串
} `form:"resource" json:"resource" xml:"resource" uri:"resource" binding:"required"` // 通知数据
// RefundDomesticRefundsNoNotifyGin 申请退款API - 回调通知
func (c *Client) RefundDomesticRefundsNoNotifyGin(ctx context.Context, ginCtx *gin.Context) (validateJson RefundDomesticRefundsNoNotifyGinRequest, response RefundDomesticRefundsNoNotifyGinResponse, gcm []byte, err error) {
// 解析
err = ginCtx.ShouldBind(&validateJson)
gcm, err = c.decryptGCM(c.GetApiV3(), validateJson.Resource.Nonce, validateJson.Resource.Ciphertext, validateJson.Resource.AssociatedData)
if err != nil {
return validateJson, response, gcm, err
err = json.Unmarshal(gcm, &response)
return validateJson, response, gcm, err
// RefundDomesticRefundsNoNotifyGinResponse 申请退款API - 回调通知 - 解密后数据
type RefundDomesticRefundsNoNotifyGinResponse struct {
SpMchid string `json:"sp_mchid"` // 服务商户号
SubMchid string `json:"sub_mchid"` // 子商户号
OutTradeNo string `json:"out_trade_no"` // 商户订单号
TransactionId string `json:"transaction_id"` // 微信支付订单号
OutRefundNo string `json:"out_refund_no"` // 商户退款单号
RefundId string `json:"refund_id"` // 微信支付退款单号
RefundStatus string `json:"refund_status"` // 退款状态
SuccessTime string `json:"success_time"` // 退款成功时间
UserReceivedAccount string `json:"user_received_account"` // 退款入账账户
Amount struct {
Total int `json:"total"` // 订单金额
Refund int `json:"refund"` // 退款金额
PayerTotal int `json:"payer_total"` // 用户支付金额
PayerRefund int `json:"payer_refund"` // 用户退款金额
} `json:"amount"` // 金额信息