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2 years ago
# Solidblock
Solidblock is a Go library providing `io.Reader`s for solid compression and
codec binding/chaining.
## Solid Compression Reader
Wrapped around a compressed solid block of concatenated files, it provides
sequential access to the files:
// file contents
files := [][]byte{
[]byte("file 1\n"),
[]byte("file 2\n"),
// file metadata
var metadata struct {
sizes []uint64
crcs []uint32
metadata.sizes = []uint64{
metadata.crcs = []uint32{
// Concatenate files to compressed block
block := new(bytes.Buffer)
w := gzip.NewWriter(block)
// Open gzip reader to compressed block
r, err := gzip.NewReader(block)
if err != nil {
// Create a new solidblock reader
s := solidblock.New(r, metadata.sizes, metadata.crcs)
for {
err := s.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
io.Copy(os.Stdout, s)
## Codec Binding
To improve compression, some codecs (such as BCJ2), split data up into multiple
streams that compress better individually. `solidblock.Binder` provides a simple
way to pair together the inputs and outputs of various codecs/readers.
For example:
func BCJ2Decoder(inputs []io.Reader) ([]io.Reader, error) {
// 1. take 4 input readers
// 2. do magic
// 3. return 1 reader
func GzipDecoder(inputs []io.Reader) ([]io.Reader, error) {
if len(inputs) != 1 {
panic("unsupported input configuration")
r, err := gzip.NewReader(inputs[0])
return []io.Reader{r}, nil
file, err := os.Open("file")
if err != nil {
// Assume file has 4 concatenated streams. 3 of the streams are from a BCJ2
// encoder, compressed to gzip streams. 1 is the 4th stream of the BCJ2 encoder,
// but left uncompressed.
streams := make([]io.Reader, 4)
streams[0] = io.NewSectionReader(file, 0, 100)
streams[1] = io.NewSectionReader(file, 101, 200)
streams[2] = io.NewSectionReader(file, 201, 300)
streams[3] = io.NewSectionReader(file, 301, 400)
// Create a new binder
binder := solidblock.NewBinder()
// Create gzip decompressors for the 4 initial input streams.
gzip0InputIDs, gzip0OutputIDs := binder.AddCodec(GzipDecoder, 1, 1)
gzip1InputIDs, gzip1OutputIDs := binder.AddCodec(GzipDecoder, 1, 1)
gzip2InputIDs, gzip2OutputIDs := binder.AddCodec(GzipDecoder, 1, 1)
// Create BCJ2 decoder for the 4 gzip decoded streams.
bcj2InputIDs, bcj2outputIDs := binder.AddCodec(BCJ2Decoder, 4, 1)
// Connect initial streams to gzip decoders
binder.Reader(streams[0], gzip0InputIDs[0])
binder.Reader(streams[1], gzip1InputIDs[0])
binder.Reader(streams[2], gzip2InputIDs[0])
// Connect 4th initial stream straight to 4th input of BCJ2 decoder.
binder.Reader(streams[3], bcj2InputIDs[3])
// Pair the 3 gzip output streams to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd input of BCJ2 decoder.
binder.Pair(gzip0OutputIDs[0], bcj2InputIDs[0])
binder.Pair(gzip1OutputIDs[0], bcj2InputIDs[1])
binder.Pair(gzip2OutputIDs[0], bcj2InputIDs[2])
// Create single output to read from
outputs, err := binder.Outputs()
if err != nil {
if len(outputs) != 1 {
panic("output should only contain one stream")
io.Copy(os.Stdout, outputs[0])
A picture says 60 lines of code...
concatenated file |bcj2 decoder+--->io.Reader
+--------------------+ +-+--+--+--+-+
| | ^ ^ ^ ^
| +--------------+ | +------------+ | | | |
| |gzipped stream+------>gzip decoder+---+ | | |
| +--------------+ | +------------+ | | |
| | | | |
| +--------------+ | +------------+ | | |
| |gzipped stream+------>gzip decoder+------+ | |
| +--------------+ | +------------+ | |
| | | |
| +--------------+ | +------------+ | |
| |gzipped stream+------>gzip decoder+---------+ |
| +--------------+ | +------------+ |
| | |
| +--------------+ | |
| | uncompressed +--------------------------------+
| | stream | |
| +--------------+ |
| |