You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package goip
import (
var (
QueryIncorrect = errors.New("ip地址不正确")
// QueryQqWryResult 返回
type QueryQqWryResult struct {
Ip string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // 查询的ip地址
Country string `json:"country,omitempty"` // 国家或地区
Area string `json:"area,omitempty"` // 区域
// QueryQqWry 纯真IP库
func (c *Client) QueryQqWry(ipAddress net.IP) (result QueryQqWryResult, err error) {
if ipAddress.To4() == nil {
return result, QueryIncorrect
resp := c.V4db.Query(ipAddress)
return QueryQqWryResult{
Ip: resp.IP,
Country: resp.Country,
Area: resp.Area,
}, nil
// QueryIp2Region ip2region
func (c *Client) QueryIp2Region(ipAddress net.IP) (result QueryQqWryResult, err error) {
if ipAddress.To4() == nil {
return result, QueryIncorrect
resp := c.V4db.Query(ipAddress)
return QueryQqWryResult{
Ip: resp.IP,
Country: resp.Country,
Area: resp.Area,
}, nil
// QueryIp2RegionV2 ip2region
func (c *Client) QueryIp2RegionV2(ipAddress net.IP) (result ip2region_v2.Result, err error) {
if ipAddress.To4() == nil {
return result, QueryIncorrect
query, err := c.ip2regionV2Client.Query(ipAddress)
if err != nil {
return ip2region_v2.Result{}, err
return query, nil
// QueryGeoIp ip2region
func (c *Client) QueryGeoIp(ipAddress net.IP) (result geoip.QueryCityResult, err error) {
if ipAddress.String() == "<nil>" {
return result, QueryIncorrect
query, err := c.geoIpClient.QueryCity(ipAddress)
if err != nil {
return geoip.QueryCityResult{}, err
return query, nil