- update vendor

李光春 2 years ago
parent 4f9a879e3d
commit 1af2e005ef

.gitignore vendored

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# idea ignore
# temp ignore
# system ignore
# project

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
- 增加CloseDB函数,关闭数据库连接池
- 完善文档,注释
- QueryRow如果查询一个字段,而且这个字段数据库为null,会有异常,没有赋为默认值
- reflect.Type 类型的参数,修改为 *reflect.Type 指针,包括CustomDriverValueConver接口的参数
- 完善文档,注释
- 感谢@Howard.TSE的建议,判断配置是否为空
- 感谢@haming123反馈性能问题.zorm 1.2.x 版本实现了基础功能,读性能比gorm和xorm快一倍.随着功能持续增加,造成性能下降,目前读性能只快了50%.
- 性能优化,去掉不必要的反射
- 完善文档,注释
- 感谢奔跑(@zeqjone)提供的正则,排除不在括号内的from,已经满足绝大部分场景
- 感谢奔跑(@zeqjone) pr,修复 金仓数据库模型定义中tag数据库列标签与数据库内置关键词冲突时,加双引号处理
- 升级 decimal 到1.3.1
- 完善文档,注释
- 完善文档,注释
- 注释未使用的代码
- 先判断error,再执行defer rows.Close()
- 增加微信社区支持(负责人是八块腹肌的单身小伙 @zhou-a-xing)
- 完善文档,注释
- 支持clickhouse,更新,删除语句使用SQL92标准语法
- ID默认使用时间戳+随机数,代替UUID实现
- 优化SQL提取的正则表达式
- 集成seata-golang,支持全局托管,不修改业务代码,零侵入分布式事务
- 完善文档,注释
- 摊牌了,不装了,就是修改注释,刷刷版本活跃度
- 完善文档,注释
- 数据库字段和实体类额外映射时,支持 _ 下划线转驼峰
- 情人节版本,返回map时,如果无法正常转换值类型,就返回原值,而不是nil
- 完善文档,注释
- 千行代码,胜他十万,牛气冲天,zorm零依赖.(uuid和decimal这两个工具包竟然有1700行代码)
- 在涉密内网开发环境中,零依赖能减少很多麻烦,做不到请不要说没必要......
- 增强自定义类型转换的功能
- 完善文档,注释
- 非常感谢 @anxuanzi 完善代码生成器
- 非常感谢 @chien_tung 增加changelog,以后版本发布都会记录changelog
- 如果查询的字段在column tag中没有找到,就会根据名称(不区分大小写)映射到struct的属性上
- 给QueryRow方法增加 has 的返回值,标识数据库是有一条记录的,各位已经使用的大佬,升级时注意修改代码,非常抱歉*3
- 正式支持南大通用(gbase)数据库,完成国产四库的适配
- 增加设置全局事务隔离级别和单个事务的隔离级别
- 修复触发器自增主键的逻辑bug
- 文档完善和细节调整
- 正式支持神州通用(shentong)数据库
- 完善pgsql和kingbase的自增主键返回值支持
- 七家公司的同学建议查询和golang sql方法命名保持统一.做了一个艰难的决定,修改zorm的部分方法名.全局依次替换字符串即可.
zorm.Query( 替换为 zorm.QueryRow(
zorm.QuerySlice( 替换为 zorm.Query(
zorm.QueryMap( 替换为 zorm.QueryRowMap(
zorm.QueryMapSlice( 替换为 zorm.QueryMap(
- 支持自定义扩展字段映射逻辑
- 修改多条数据的判断逻辑
- 支持自定义数据类型,包括json/jsonb
- 非常感谢 @chien_tung 同学反馈的问题, QuerySlice方法支持*[]*struct类型,简化从xorm迁移
- 其他代码细节优化.
- 非常感谢 @zhou- a- xing 同学(八块腹肌的单身少年)的英文翻译,zorm的核心代码注释已经是中英双语了.
- 非常感谢 @chien_tung 同学反馈的问题,修复主键自增int和init64类型的兼容性.
- 其他代码细节优化.
- 完善注释文档
- 修复Delete方法的参数类型错误
- 其他代码细节优化.
- 完善注释文档
- 兼容处理数据库为null时,基本类型取默认值,感谢@fastabler的pr
- 修复批量保存方法的一个bug:如果slice的长度为1,在pgsql和oracle会出现异常
- 其他代码细节优化.
- 完善注释文档
- 取消分页语句必须有order by的限制
- 支持人大金仓数据库
- 人大金仓驱动说明: https://help.kingbase.com.cn/doc- view- 8108.html
- 人大金仓kingbase 8核心是基于postgresql 9.6,可以使用 https://github.com/lib/pq 进行测试,生产环境建议使用官方驱动
- 完善注释文档
- 增加批量保存Struct对象方法
- 正式支持达梦数据库
- 基于达梦官方驱动,发布go mod项目 https://gitee.com/chunanyong/dm
- 增加达梦数据的分页适配
- 完善调整代码注释
- 增加存储过程和函数的调用示例
- 修改方法名称,和gorm和xorm保持相似,降低迁移和学习成本
- 更新测试用例文档
- 去掉zap日志依赖,通过复写 FuncLogError FuncLogPanic FuncPrintSQL 实现自定义日志
- golang版本依赖调整为v1.13
- 迁移测试用到readygo,zorm项目不依赖任何数据库驱动包
- IEntityMap支持主键自增或主键序列
- 更新方法返回影响的行数affected
- 修复 查询IEntityMap时数据库无记录出现异常的bug
- 测试用例即文档 https://gitee.com/chunanyong/readygo/blob/master/test/testzorm/BaseDao_test.go
- 暴露FuncGenerateStringID函数,方便自定义扩展字符串主键ID
- Finder.Append 默认加一个空格,避免手误出现语法错误
- 缓存字段信息时,使用map代替sync.Map,提高性能
- 第三方性能压测结果
- DataSourceConfig 配置区分 DriverName 和 DBType兼容一种数据库的多个驱动包
- 不再显示依赖数据库驱动,由使用者确定依赖的数据库驱动包
- 分页语句必须有明确的order by,避免数据库迁移时出现分页语法不兼容.
- 修复列表查询时,page对象为nil的bug
- 完善数据库支持,目前支持MySQL,SQLServer,Oracle,PostgreSQL,SQLite3
- 简化数据库读写分离实现,暴露zorm.FuncReadWriteBaseDao函数属性,用于自定义读写分离策略
- 精简zorm.DataSourceConfig属性,增加PrintSQL属性
- 修改NewPage()返回Page对象指针,传递时少写一个 & 符号
- 取消GetDBConnection()方法,使用BindContextConnection()方法进行多个数据库库绑定
- 隐藏DBConnection对象,不再对外暴露数据库对象,避免手动初始化造成的异常
- 修复UUID支持
- 数据库连接和事务隐藏到context.Context为统一参数,符合golang规范,更好的性能
- 封装logger实现,方便更换log包
- 增加zorm.UpdateStructNotZeroValue 方法,只更新不为零值的字段
- 完善测试用例

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
package zorm
import (
//Finder 查询数据库的载体,所有的sql语句都要通过Finder执行.
//Finder To query the database carrier, all SQL statements must be executed through Finder
type Finder struct {
//Splicing SQL.
sqlBuilder strings.Builder
//SQL parameter values.
values []interface{}
//注入检查,默认true 不允许SQL注入的 ' 单引号
//Injection check, default true does not allow SQL injection single quote
InjectionCheck bool
//CountFinder 自定义的查询总条数'Finder',使用指针默认为nil.主要是为了在'group by'等复杂情况下,为了性能,手动编写总条数语句
//CountFinder The total number of custom queries is'Finder', and the pointer is nil by default. It is mainly used to manually write the total number of statements for performance in complex situations such as'group by'
CountFinder *Finder
//Whether to automatically query the total number of entries, the default is true. At the same time, the Page is not nil to query the total number of entries
SelectTotalCount bool
//SQL statement
sqlstr string
//NewFinder 初始化一个Finder,生成一个空的Finder
//NewFinder Initialize a Finder and generate an empty Finder
func NewFinder() *Finder {
finder := Finder{}
finder.SelectTotalCount = true
finder.InjectionCheck = true
finder.values = make([]interface{}, 0)
return &finder
//NewSelectFinder 根据表名初始化查询的Finder | Finder that initializes the query based on the table name
//NewSelectFinder("tableName") SELECT * FROM tableName
//NewSelectFinder("tableName", "id,name") SELECT id,name FROM tableName
func NewSelectFinder(tableName string, strs ...string) *Finder {
finder := NewFinder()
finder.sqlBuilder.WriteString("SELECT ")
if len(strs) > 0 {
for _, str := range strs {
} else {
finder.sqlBuilder.WriteString(" FROM ")
return finder
//NewUpdateFinder 根据表名初始化更新的Finder, UPDATE tableName SET
//NewUpdateFinder Initialize the updated Finder according to the table name, UPDATE tableName SET
func NewUpdateFinder(tableName string) *Finder {
finder := NewFinder()
finder.sqlBuilder.WriteString("UPDATE ")
finder.sqlBuilder.WriteString(" SET ")
return finder
//NewDeleteFinder 根据表名初始化删除的'Finder', DELETE FROM tableName
//NewDeleteFinder Finder for initial deletion based on table name. DELETE FROM tableName
func NewDeleteFinder(tableName string) *Finder {
finder := NewFinder()
finder.sqlBuilder.WriteString("DELETE FROM ")
//所有的 WHERE 都不加,规则统一,好记
//No WHERE is added, the rules are unified, easy to remember
//finder.sqlBuilder.WriteString(" WHERE ")
return finder
//Append 添加SQL和参数的值,第一个参数是语句,后面的参数[可选]是参数的值,顺序要正确
//例如: finder.Append(" and id=? and name=? ",23123,"abc")
//只拼接SQL,例如: finder.Append(" and name=123 ")
//Append:Add SQL and parameter values, the first parameter is the statement, and the following parameter (optional) is the value of the parameter, in the correct order
//E.g: finder.Append(" and id=? and name=? ",23123,"abc")
//Only splice SQL, E.g: finder.Append(" and name=123 ")
func (finder *Finder) Append(s string, values ...interface{}) *Finder {
//Don't build finder by yourself, use Newxxx method
if finder.values == nil {
return nil
if len(s) > 0 {
if len(finder.sqlstr) > 0 {
finder.sqlstr = ""
//A space is added by default to avoid hand mistakes when connecting two strings together
finder.sqlBuilder.WriteString(" ")
if values == nil || len(values) < 1 {
return finder
//for _, v := range values {
// finder.Values = append(finder.Values, v)
finder.values = append(finder.values, values...)
return finder
//AppendFinder 添加另一个Finder finder.AppendFinder(f)
//AppendFinder Add another Finder . finder.AppendFinder(f)
func (finder *Finder) AppendFinder(f *Finder) (*Finder, error) {
if f == nil {
return nil, errors.New("finder-->AppendFinder参数是nil")
//Don't build finder by yourself, use Newxxx method
if finder.values == nil {
return nil, errors.New("finder-->AppendFinder不要自己构建finder,使用Newxxx方法")
//SQL to add f。
sqlstr, err := f.GetSQL()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
finder.sqlstr = ""
//Add the value of f
finder.values = append(finder.values, f.values...)
return finder, nil
//GetSQL 返回Finder封装的SQL语句
//GetSQL Return the SQL statement encapsulated by the Finder
func (finder *Finder) GetSQL() (string, error) {
//Don't build finder by yourself, use Newxxx method
if finder.values == nil {
return "", errors.New("finder-->GetSQL不要自己构建finder,使用Newxxx方法")
if len(finder.sqlstr) > 0 {
return finder.sqlstr, nil
sqlstr := finder.sqlBuilder.String()
finder.sqlstr = sqlstr
//Contains single quotes, which are illegal strings
if finder.InjectionCheck && (strings.Contains(sqlstr, "'")) {
return "", errors.New("finder-->GetSQL SQL语句请不要直接拼接字符串参数!!!使用标准的占位符实现,例如 finder.Append(' and id=? and name=? ','123','abc')")
//处理sql语句中的in,实际就是把数组变量展开,例如 id in(?) ["1","2","3"] 语句变更为 id in (?,?,?) 参数也展开到参数数组里
//这里认为 slice类型的参数就是in
//Processing the in in the SQL statement is actually expanding the array variables,
//for example, id in(?) ["1","2","3"] The statement is changed to id in (?,?,?)
//The parameters are also expanded to the parameters In the array
//It is considered that the parameter of the slice type is in
if finder.values == nil || len(finder.values) < 1 { //如果没有参数
return sqlstr, nil
//Question mark cut array
questions := strings.Split(sqlstr, "?")
//No in the sentence Question mark
if len(questions) < 1 {
return sqlstr, nil
//Re-record the parameter value
newValues := make([]interface{}, 0)
//new sql
var newSQLStr strings.Builder
//The actual length of the sentence cut by the question mark is one more than the number of question marks. First, add the first sentence fragment, and the latter is one greater than the index of the parameter
//Traverse all parameters
for i, v := range finder.values {
//First splicing the question mark, after the question mark is cut, the question mark is lost, add it first
valueOf := reflect.ValueOf(v)
typeOf := reflect.TypeOf(v)
kind := valueOf.Kind()
//If the parameter is a pointer type
if kind == reflect.Ptr { //如果是指针 If it is a pointer
valueOf = valueOf.Elem()
typeOf = typeOf.Elem()
kind = valueOf.Kind()
//If it is not an array or slice
if !(kind == reflect.Array || kind == reflect.Slice) {
//Record new value.
newValues = append(newValues, v)
//Log SQL。
//Byte array is a special case
if typeOf == reflect.TypeOf([]byte{}) {
//Record new value
newValues = append(newValues, v)
//Log SQL
//If it is not a string type value, the length cannot be taken, this is a bug, first comment
//Get the length of the array type parameter value
sliceLen := valueOf.Len()
//The parameter length of the array type is less than 1, which is considered to be an abnormal parameter
if sliceLen < 1 {
return sqlstr, errors.New("finder-->GetSQL语句:" + sqlstr + ",第" + strconv.Itoa(i+1) + "个参数,类型是Array或者Slice,值的长度为0,请检查sql参数有效性")
for j := 0; j < sliceLen; j++ {
//每多一个参数,对应",?" 两个符号.增加的问号长度总计是(sliceLen-1)*2
//Every additional parameter, correspond ",?" ,The total length of the increased question mark is (sliceLen-1)*2
if j >= 1 {
//Log SQL.
//Record new value
sliceValue := valueOf.Index(j).Interface()
newValues = append(newValues, sliceValue)
//Log SQL
finder.sqlstr = newSQLStr.String()
finder.values = newValues
return finder.sqlstr, nil

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
package zorm
//IEntityStruct "struct"实体类的接口,所有的struct实体类都要实现这个接口
//IEntityStruct The interface of the "struct" entity class, all struct entity classes must implement this interface
type IEntityStruct interface {
//Get the table name.
GetTableName() string
//Get the primary key field name of the database table. Because it is compatible with Map, it can only be the field name of the database
GetPKColumnName() string
//GetPkSequence 主键序列,因为需要兼容多种数据库的序列,所以使用map
//如果key对应的value是 "",则代表是触发器触发的序列,兼容自增关键字,例如 ["oracle"]""
//GetPkSequence Primary key sequence, because it needs to be compatible with multiple database sequences, map is used
//The key is the DB Type, and the value is the value of the sequence,
//such as Oracle's TESTSEQ.NEXTVAL. If there is a value, the priority is the highest
//If the value corresponding to the key is "", it means the sequence triggered by the trigger
//Compatible with auto-increment keywords, such as ["oracle"]""
GetPkSequence() map[string]string
//IEntityMap 使用Map保存数据,用于不方便使用struct的场景,如果主键是自增或者序列,不要"entityMap.Set"主键的值
//IEntityMap Use Map to save data for scenarios where it is not convenient to use struct
//If the primary key is auto-increment or sequence, do not "entity Map.Set" the value of the primary key
type IEntityMap interface {
//Get the table name
GetTableName() string
//Get the primary key field name of the database table. Because it is compatible with Map, it can only be the field name of the database.
GetPKColumnName() string
//GetPkSequence 主键序列,因为需要兼容多种数据库的序列,所以使用map
//如果key对应的value是 "",则代表是触发器触发的序列,兼容自增关键字,例如 ["oracle"]""
//GetPkSequence Primary key sequence, because it needs to be compatible with multiple database sequences, map is used
//The key is the DB Type, and the value is the value of the sequence,
//such as Oracle's TESTSEQ.NEXTVAL. If there is a value, the priority is the highest
//If the value corresponding to the key is "", it means the sequence triggered by the trigger
//Compatible with auto-increment keywords, such as ["oracle"]""
GetPkSequence() map[string]string
//For Map type, record database fields.
GetDBFieldMap() map[string]interface{}
//Set the value of a database field.
Set(key string, value interface{}) map[string]interface{}
//EntityStruct "IBaseEntity" 的基础实现,所有的实体类都匿名注入.这样就类似实现继承了,如果接口增加方法,调整这个默认实现即可
//EntityStruct The basic implementation of "IBaseEntity", all entity classes are injected anonymously
//This is similar to implementation inheritance. If the interface adds methods, adjust the default implementation
type EntityStruct struct {
//Primary key column name of the default database
const defaultPkName = "id"
func (entity *EntityStruct) GetTableName() string {
return ""
//GetPKColumnName 获取数据库表的主键字段名称.因为要兼容Map,只能是数据库的字段名称
//GetPKColumnName Get the primary key field name of the database table
//Because it is compatible with Map, it can only be the field name of the database
func (entity *EntityStruct) GetPKColumnName() string {
return defaultPkName
//var defaultPkSequence = make(map[string]string, 0)
//GetPkSequence 主键序列,需要兼容多种数据库的序列,使用map,key是DBType,value是序列的值,例如oracle的TESTSEQ.NEXTVAL,如果有值,优先级最高
//如果key对应的value是 "",则代表是触发器触发的序列,兼容自增关键字,例如 ["oracle"]""
func (entity *EntityStruct) GetPkSequence() map[string]string {
return nil
//EntityMap IEntityMap的基础实现,可以直接使用或者匿名注入
type EntityMap struct {
tableName string
PkColumnName string
PkSequence map[string]string
dbFieldMap map[string]interface{}
//NewEntityMap 初始化Map,必须传入表名称
func NewEntityMap(tbName string) *EntityMap {
entityMap := EntityMap{}
entityMap.dbFieldMap = map[string]interface{}{}
entityMap.tableName = tbName
entityMap.PkColumnName = defaultPkName
return &entityMap
//GetTableName 获取表名称
func (entity *EntityMap) GetTableName() string {
return entity.tableName
//GetPKColumnName 获取数据库表的主键字段名称.因为要兼容Map,只能是数据库的字段名称
func (entity *EntityMap) GetPKColumnName() string {
return entity.PkColumnName
//GetPkSequence 主键序列,因为需要兼容多种数据库的序列,所以使用map
//如果key对应的value是 "",则代表是触发器触发的序列,兼容自增关键字,例如 ["oracle"]""
//GetPkSequence Primary key sequence, because it needs to be compatible with multiple database sequences, map is used
//The key is the DB Type, and the value is the value of the sequence,
//such as Oracle's TESTSEQ.NEXTVAL. If there is a value, the priority is the highest
//If the value corresponding to the key is "", it means the sequence triggered by the trigger
//Compatible with auto-increment keywords, such as ["oracle"]""
func (entity *EntityMap) GetPkSequence() map[string]string {
return entity.PkSequence
//GetDBFieldMap 针对Map类型,记录数据库字段
//GetDBFieldMap For Map type, record database fields
func (entity *EntityMap) GetDBFieldMap() map[string]interface{} {
return entity.dbFieldMap
//Set 设置数据库字段
//Set Set database fields
func (entity *EntityMap) Set(key string, value interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
entity.dbFieldMap[key] = value
return entity.dbFieldMap

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
package zorm
import "context"
// ISeataGlobalTransaction seata-golang的包装接口,隔离seata-golang的依赖
// 声明一个struct,实现这个接口,并配置实现 FuncSeataGlobalTransaction 函数
// 分布式事务示例代码
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
// 获取当前分布式事务的XID.不用考虑怎么来的,如果是分布式事务环境,会自动设置值
// xid := ctx.Value("XID").(string)
// 把xid传递到第三方应用
// req.Header.Set("XID", xid)
// 如果返回的err不是nil,本地事务和分布式事务就会回滚
return nil, err
// 第三方应用开启事务前,ctx需要绑定XID,例如使用了gin框架
// 接受传递过来的XID,绑定到本地ctx
// xid:=c.Request.Header.Get("XID")
// 获取到ctx
// ctx := c.Request.Context()
// ctx = context.WithValue(ctx,"XID",xid)
// ctx绑定XID之后,调用业务事务
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
// 业务代码......
// 如果返回的err不是nil,本地事务和分布式事务就会回滚
return nil, err
// 建议以下代码放到单独的文件里
// ZormSeataGlobalTransaction 包装seata的*tm.DefaultGlobalTransaction,实现zorm.ISeataGlobalTransaction接口
type ZormSeataGlobalTransaction struct {
// MyFuncSeataGlobalTransaction zorm适配seata分布式事务的函数
// 重要!!!!需要配置zorm.DataSourceConfig.FuncSeataGlobalTransaction=MyFuncSeataGlobalTransaction 重要!!!
func MyFuncSeataGlobalTransaction(ctx context.Context) (zorm.ISeataGlobalTransaction, context.Context, error) {
rootContext := seataContext.NewRootContext(ctx)
seataTx := tm.GetCurrentOrCreate(rootContext)
seataGlobalTransaction := ZormSeataGlobalTransaction{seataTx}
return seataGlobalTransaction, rootContext, nil
func (gtx ZormSeataGlobalTransaction) SeataBegin(ctx context.Context) error {
rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
return gtx.BeginWithTimeout(int32(6000), rootContext)
func (gtx ZormSeataGlobalTransaction) SeataCommit(ctx context.Context) error {
rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
return gtx.Commit(rootContext)
func (gtx ZormSeataGlobalTransaction) SeataRollback(ctx context.Context) error {
rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
if gtx.Role != tm.Launcher {
gtx.Role = tm.Launcher
return gtx.Rollback(rootContext)
func (gtx ZormSeataGlobalTransaction) GetSeataXID(ctx context.Context) string {
rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
return rootContext.GetXID()
type ISeataGlobalTransaction interface {
SeataBegin(ctx context.Context) error
SeataCommit(ctx context.Context) error
SeataRollback(ctx context.Context) error
GetSeataXID(ctx context.Context) string
//context.RootContext 如果后续使用了 context.WithValue,类型就是context.valueCtx 就会造成无法再类型断言为 context.RootContext
//所以DBDao里使用了 seataRootContext变量,区分业务的ctx和seata的RootContext
//SeataNewRootContext(ctx context.Context) context.Context

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package zorm
import (
func init() {
//Set the default log display information, display file and line number.
log.SetFlags(log.Llongfile | log.LstdFlags)
//LogCallDepth 记录日志调用层级,用于定位到业务层代码
//Log Call Depth Record the log call level, used to locate the business layer code
var LogCallDepth = 4
//FuncLogError 记录error日志
//FuncLogError Record error log
var FuncLogError func(err error) = defaultLogError
//FuncLogPanic 记录panic日志,默认使用"defaultLogError"实现
//FuncLogPanic Record panic log, using "defaultLogError" by default
var FuncLogPanic func(err error) = defaultLogPanic
//FuncPrintSQL 打印sql语句和参数
//FuncPrintSQL Print sql statement and parameters
var FuncPrintSQL func(sqlstr string, args []interface{}) = defaultPrintSQL
func defaultLogError(err error) {
log.Output(LogCallDepth, fmt.Sprintln(err))
func defaultLogPanic(err error) {
func defaultPrintSQL(sqlstr string, args []interface{}) {
if args != nil {
log.Output(LogCallDepth, fmt.Sprintln("sql:", sqlstr, ",args:", args))
} else {
log.Output(LogCallDepth, fmt.Sprintln("sql:", sqlstr))

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package zorm
//Page 分页对象
//Page Pagination object
type Page struct {
//Current page number, starting from 1
PageNo int
//How many items per page, 20 items by default
PageSize int
//Total number of data
TotalCount int
//How many pages
PageCount int
//Is it the first page
FirstPage bool
//Whether there is a previous page
HasPrev bool
//Is there a next page
HasNext bool
//Is it the last page
LastPage bool
//NewPage 创建Page对象
//NewPage Create Page object
func NewPage() *Page {
page := Page{}
page.PageNo = 1
page.PageSize = 20
return &page
//setTotalCount 设置总条数,计算其他值
//setTotalCount Set the total number of bars, calculate other values
func (page *Page) setTotalCount(total int) {
page.TotalCount = total
page.PageCount = (page.TotalCount + page.PageSize - 1) / page.PageSize
if page.PageNo >= page.PageCount {
page.LastPage = true
} else {
page.HasNext = true
if page.PageNo > 1 {
page.HasPrev = true
} else {
page.FirstPage = true

@ -0,0 +1,760 @@
## 介绍
交流QQ群[727723736]() 添加进入社区群聊,问题交流,技术探讨
社区微信: [LAUV927]()
go get gitee.com/chunanyong/zorm
* 基于原生sql语句编写,是[springrain](https://gitee.com/chunanyong/springrain)的精简和优化.
* [代码生成器](https://gitee.com/zhou-a-xing/wsgt)
* 代码精简,主体2500行,零依赖4000行,注释详细,方便定制修改.
* <font color=red>支持事务传播,这是zorm诞生的主要原因</font>
* 支持mysql,postgresql,oracle,mssql,sqlite,clickhouse,dm(达梦),kingbase(金仓),shentong(神通),gbase(南通),clickhouse数据库
* 支持多库和读写分离
* 更新性能zorm,gorm,xorm相当. 读取性能zorm比gorm,xorm快50%
* 不支持联合主键,变通认为无主键,业务控制实现(艰难取舍)
* 集成seata-golang,支持全局托管,不修改业务代码,零侵入分布式事务
* 支持clickhouse,更新,删除语句使用SQL92标准语法.clickhouse-go官方驱动不支持批量insert语法,建议使用https://github.com/mailru/go-clickhouse
zorm生产环境使用参考: [UserStructService.go](https://gitee.com/chunanyong/readygo/tree/master/permission/permservice)
## 源码仓库说明
严格意义上,github是受美国法律管辖的 https://www.infoq.cn/article/SA72SsSeZBpUSH_ZH8XB
## 支持国产数据库
### 达梦(dm)
配置zorm.DataSourceConfig的 DriverName:dm ,DBType:dm
达梦数据库驱动: [https://gitee.com/chunanyong/dm](https://gitee.com/chunanyong/dm)
### 人大金仓(kingbase)
配置zorm.DataSourceConfig的 DriverName:kingbase ,DBType:kingbase
金仓驱动说明: [https://help.kingbase.com.cn/doc-view-8108.html](https://help.kingbase.com.cn/doc-view-8108.html)
金仓kingbase 8核心是基于postgresql 9.6,可以使用 [https://github.com/lib/pq](https://github.com/lib/pq) 进行测试,生产环境建议使用官方驱动.
注意修改 data/kingbase.conf中 ```ora_input_emptystr_isnull = false```,因为golang没有null值,一般数据库都是not null,golang的string默认是'',如果这个设置为true,数据库就会把值设置为null,和字段属性not null 冲突,因此报错.
### 神舟通用(shentong)
建议使用官方驱动,配置zorm.DataSourceConfig的 DriverName:aci ,DBType:shentong
### 南大通用(gbase)
~~暂时还未找到官方golang驱动,配置zorm.DataSourceConfig的 DriverName:gbase ,DBType:gbase~~
暂时先使用odbc驱动,DriverName:odbc ,DBType:gbase
## 测试用例
// zorm 使用原生的sql语句,没有对sql语法做限制.语句使用Finder作为载体
// 占位符统一使用?,zorm会根据数据库类型,自动替换占位符,例如postgresql数据库把?替换成$1,$2...
// zorm使用 ctx context.Context 参数实现事务传播,ctx从web层传递进来即可,例如gin的c.Request.Context()
// zorm的事务操作需要显示使用zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {})开启
## 数据库脚本和实体类
生成实体类或手动编写,建议使用代码生成器 https://gitee.com/zhou-a-xing/wsgt
package testzorm
import (
CREATE TABLE `t_demo` (
`id` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '主键',
`userName` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT '姓名',
`password` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '密码',
`active` int COMMENT '是否有效(0否,1是)',
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COMMENT = '例子' ;
//demoStructTableName 表名常量,方便直接调用
const demoStructTableName = "t_demo"
// demoStruct 例子
type demoStruct struct {
//Id 主键
Id string `column:"id"`
//UserName 姓名
UserName string `column:"userName"`
//Password 密码
Password string `column:"password"`
//CreateTime <no value>
CreateTime time.Time `column:"createTime"`
//Active 是否有效(0否,1是)
//Active int `column:"active"`
//如果查询的字段在column tag中没有找到,就会根据名称(不区分大小写,支持 _ 下划线转驼峰)映射到struct的属性上
Active int
//GetTableName 获取表名称
//IEntityStruct 接口的方法,实体类需要实现!!!
func (entity *demoStruct) GetTableName() string {
return demoStructTableName
//GetPKColumnName 获取数据库表的主键字段名称.因为要兼容Map,只能是数据库的字段名称
//如果没有主键,也需要实现这个方法, return "" 即可
//IEntityStruct 接口的方法,实体类需要实现!!!
func (entity *demoStruct) GetPKColumnName() string {
//return ""
return "id"
//newDemoStruct 创建一个默认对象
func newDemoStruct() demoStruct {
demo := demoStruct{
//如果Id=="",保存时zorm会调用zorm.FuncGenerateStringID(),默认时间戳+随机数,也可以自己定义实现方式,例如 zorm.FuncGenerateStringID=funcmyId
Id: zorm.FuncGenerateStringID(),
UserName: "defaultUserName",
Password: "defaultPassword",
Active: 1,
CreateTime: time.Now(),
return demo
## 测试用例即文档
// testzorm 使用原生的sql语句,没有对sql语法做限制.语句使用Finder作为载体
// 占位符统一使用?,zorm会根据数据库类型,自动替换占位符,例如postgresql数据库把?替换成$1,$2...
// zorm使用 ctx context.Context 参数实现事务传播,ctx从web层传递进来即可,例如gin的c.Request.Context()
// zorm的事务操作需要显示使用zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {})开启
package testzorm
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
//dbDao 代表一个数据库,如果有多个数据库,就对应声明多个DBDao
var dbDao *zorm.DBDao
// ctx默认应该有 web层传入,例如gin的c.Request.Context().这里只是模拟
var ctx = context.Background()
func init() {
//zorm.LogCallDepth = 4 //日志调用的层级
//zorm.FuncLogError = myFuncLogError //记录异常日志的函数
//zorm.FuncLogPanic = myFuncLogPanic //记录panic日志,默认使用defaultLogError实现
//zorm.FuncPrintSQL = myFuncPrintSQL //打印sql的函数
//zorm.FuncPrintSQL = zorm.FuncPrintSQL
//dbDaoConfig 数据库的配置.这里只是模拟,生产应该是读取配置配置文件,构造DataSourceConfig
dbDaoConfig := zorm.DataSourceConfig{
//DSN 数据库的连接字符串
DSN: "root:root@tcp(",
//数据库驱动名称:mysql,postgres,oci8,sqlserver,sqlite3,clickhouse,dm,kingbase,aci 和DBType对应,处理数据库有多个驱动
DriverName: "mysql",
//数据库类型(方言判断依据):mysql,postgresql,oracle,mssql,sqlite,clickhouse,dm,kingbase,shentong 和 DriverName 对应,处理数据库有多个驱动
DBType: "mysql",
//MaxOpenConns 数据库最大连接数 默认50
MaxOpenConns: 50,
//MaxIdleConns 数据库最大空闲连接数 默认50
MaxIdleConns: 50,
//ConnMaxLifetimeSecond 连接存活秒时间. 默认600(10分钟)后连接被销毁重建.避免数据库主动断开连接,造成死连接.MySQL默认wait_timeout 28800秒(8小时)
ConnMaxLifetimeSecond: 600,
//PrintSQL 打印SQL.会使用FuncPrintSQL记录SQL
PrintSQL: true,
//DefaultTxOptions 事务隔离级别的默认配置,默认为nil
//DefaultTxOptions: nil,
//DefaultTxOptions: &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false},
//FuncSeataGlobalTransaction seata-golang分布式的适配函数,返回ISeataGlobalTransaction接口的实现
//FuncSeataGlobalTransaction : MyFuncSeataGlobalTransaction,
// 根据dbDaoConfig创建dbDao, 一个数据库只执行一次,第一个执行的数据库为 defaultDao,后续zorm.xxx方法,默认使用的就是defaultDao
dbDao, _ = zorm.NewDBDao(&dbDaoConfig)
//TestInsert 02.测试保存Struct对象
func TestInsert(t *testing.T) {
//例如 ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}),如果txOptions为nil,使用全局DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
demo := newDemoStruct()
_, err := zorm.Insert(ctx, &demo)
return nil, err
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
//TestInsertSlice 03.测试批量保存Struct对象的Slice
func TestInsertSlice(t *testing.T) {
//例如 ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}),如果txOptions为nil,使用全局DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
demoSlice := make([]zorm.IEntityStruct, 0)
demo1 := newDemoStruct()
demo1.UserName = "demo1"
demo2 := newDemoStruct()
demo2.UserName = "demo2"
demoSlice = append(demoSlice, &demo1, &demo2)
_, err := zorm.InsertSlice(ctx, demoSlice)
return nil, err
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
//TestInsertEntityMap 04.测试保存EntityMap对象,用于不方便使用struct的场景,使用Map作为载体
func TestInsertEntityMap(t *testing.T) {
//例如 ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}),如果txOptions为nil,使用全局DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
entityMap := zorm.NewEntityMap(demoStructTableName)
entityMap.PkColumnName = "id"
//entityMap.PkSequence = "mySequence"
//Set 设置数据库的字段值
entityMap.Set("id", zorm.FuncGenerateStringID())
entityMap.Set("userName", "entityMap-userName")
entityMap.Set("password", "entityMap-password")
entityMap.Set("createTime", time.Now())
entityMap.Set("active", 1)
_, err := zorm.InsertEntityMap(ctx, entityMap)
return nil, err
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
//TestQueryRow 05.测试查询一个struct对象
func TestQueryRow(t *testing.T) {
demo := &demoStruct{}
finder := zorm.NewSelectFinder(demoStructTableName) // select * from t_demo
//finder = zorm.NewSelectFinder(demoStructTableName, "id,userName") // select id,userName from t_demo
//finder = zorm.NewFinder().Append("SELECT * FROM " + demoStructTableName) // select * from t_demo
//finder默认启用了sql注入检查,禁止语句中拼接 ' 单引号,可以设置 finder.InjectionCheck = false 解开限制
//finder.Append 第一个参数是语句,后面的参数是对应的值,值的顺序要正确.语句统一使用?,zorm会处理数据库的差异
finder.Append("WHERE id=? and active in(?)", "20210630163227149563000042432429", []int{0, 1})
_, err := zorm.QueryRow(ctx, finder, demo)
if err != nil { //标记测试失败
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
//TestQueryRowMap 06.测试查询map接收结果,用于不太适合struct的场景,比较灵活
func TestQueryRowMap(t *testing.T) {
finder := zorm.NewSelectFinder(demoStructTableName) // select * from t_demo
//finder.Append 第一个参数是语句,后面的参数是对应的值,值的顺序要正确.语句统一使用?,zorm会处理数据库的差异
finder.Append("WHERE id=? and active in(?)", "20210630163227149563000042432429", []int{0, 1})
resultMap, err := zorm.QueryRowMap(ctx, finder)
if err != nil { //标记测试失败
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
//TestQuery 07.测试查询对象列表
func TestQuery(t *testing.T) {
list := make([]*demoStruct, 0)
finder := zorm.NewSelectFinder(demoStructTableName) // select * from t_demo
page := zorm.NewPage()
page.PageNo = 2 //查询第1页,默认是1
page.PageSize = 2 //每页20条,默认是20
err := zorm.Query(ctx, finder, &list, page)
if err != nil { //标记测试失败
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
fmt.Println("总条数:", page.TotalCount, " 列表:", list)
//TestQueryMap 08.测试查询map列表,用于不方便使用struct的场景,一条记录是一个map对象
func TestQueryMap(t *testing.T) {
finder := zorm.NewSelectFinder(demoStructTableName) // select * from t_demo
page := zorm.NewPage()
page.PageNo = 1 //查询第1页,默认是1
page.PageSize = 2 //每页20条,默认是20
listMap, err := zorm.QueryMap(ctx, finder, page)
if err != nil { //标记测试失败
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
fmt.Println("总条数:", page.TotalCount, " 列表:", listMap)
//TestUpdateNotZeroValue 09.更新struct对象,只更新不为零值的字段.主键必须有值
func TestUpdateNotZeroValue(t *testing.T) {
//例如 ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}),如果txOptions为nil,使用全局DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
demo := &demoStruct{}
demo.Id = "20210630163227149563000042432429"
demo.UserName = "UpdateNotZeroValue"
//更新 "sql":"UPDATE t_demo SET userName=? WHERE id=?","args":["UpdateNotZeroValue","41b2aa4f-379a-4319-8af9-08472b6e514e"]
_, err := zorm.UpdateNotZeroValue(ctx, demo)
return nil, err
if err != nil { //标记测试失败
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
//TestUpdate 10.更新struct对象,更新所有字段.主键必须有值
func TestUpdate(t *testing.T) {
//例如 ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}),如果txOptions为nil,使用全局DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
demo := &demoStruct{}
demo.Id = "20210630163227149563000042432429"
demo.UserName = "TestUpdate"
_, err := zorm.Update(ctx, demo)
return nil, err
if err != nil { //标记测试失败
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
//TestUpdateFinder 11.通过finder更新,zorm最灵活的方式,可以编写任何更新语句,甚至手动编写insert语句
func TestUpdateFinder(t *testing.T) {
//例如 ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}),如果txOptions为nil,使用全局DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
finder := zorm.NewUpdateFinder(demoStructTableName) // UPDATE t_demo SET
//finder = zorm.NewDeleteFinder(demoStructTableName) // DELETE FROM t_demo
//finder = zorm.NewFinder().Append("UPDATE").Append(demoStructTableName).Append("SET") // UPDATE t_demo SET
finder.Append("userName=?,active=?", "TestUpdateFinder", 1).Append("WHERE id=?", "20210630163227149563000042432429")
//更新 "sql":"UPDATE t_demo SET userName=?,active=? WHERE id=?","args":["TestUpdateFinder",1,"41b2aa4f-379a-4319-8af9-08472b6e514e"]
_, err := zorm.UpdateFinder(ctx, finder)
return nil, err
if err != nil { //标记测试失败
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
//TestUpdateEntityMap 12.更新一个EntityMap,主键必须有值
func TestUpdateEntityMap(t *testing.T) {
//例如 ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}),如果txOptions为nil,使用全局DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
entityMap := zorm.NewEntityMap(demoStructTableName)
entityMap.PkColumnName = "id"
//Set 设置数据库的字段值,主键必须有值
entityMap.Set("id", "20210630163227149563000042432429")
entityMap.Set("userName", "TestUpdateEntityMap")
//更新 "sql":"UPDATE t_demo SET userName=? WHERE id=?","args":["TestUpdateEntityMap","41b2aa4f-379a-4319-8af9-08472b6e514e"]
_, err := zorm.UpdateEntityMap(ctx, entityMap)
return nil, err
if err != nil { //标记测试失败
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
//TestDelete 13.删除一个struct对象,主键必须有值
func TestDelete(t *testing.T) {
//例如 ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}),如果txOptions为nil,使用全局DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
demo := &demoStruct{}
demo.Id = "20210630163227149563000042432429"
//删除 "sql":"DELETE FROM t_demo WHERE id=?","args":["ae9987ac-0467-4fe2-a260-516c89292684"]
_, err := zorm.Delete(ctx, demo)
return nil, err
if err != nil { //标记测试失败
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
//TestProc 14.测试调用存储过程
func TestProc(t *testing.T) {
demo := &demoStruct{}
finder := zorm.NewFinder().Append("call testproc(?) ", "u_10001")
zorm.QueryRow(ctx, finder, demo)
//TestFunc 15.测试调用自定义函数
func TestFunc(t *testing.T) {
userName := ""
finder := zorm.NewFinder().Append("select testfunc(?) ", "u_10001")
zorm.QueryRow(ctx, finder, &userName)
//TestOther 16.其他的一些说明.非常感谢您能看到这一行
func TestOther(t *testing.T) {
newCtx, err := dbDao.BindContextDBConnection(ctx)
if err != nil { //标记测试失败
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
finder := zorm.NewSelectFinder(demoStructTableName)
list, _ := zorm.QueryMap(newCtx, finder, nil)
zorm.FuncReadWriteStrategy = myReadWriteStrategy
//场景3.如果是多个数据库,每个数据库还读写分离,按照 场景1 处理
//单个数据库的读写分离的策略 rwType=0 read,rwType=1 write
func myReadWriteStrategy(rwType int) *zorm.DBDao {
return dbDao
//实现CustomDriverValueConver接口,扩展自定义类型,例如 达梦数据库text类型,映射出来的是dm.DmClob类型,无法使用string类型直接接收
type CustomDMText struct{}
//GetDriverValue 根据数据库列类型,实体类属性类型,Finder对象,返回driver.Value的实例
func (dmtext CustomDMText) GetDriverValue(columnType *sql.ColumnType, structFieldType *reflect.Type, finder *zorm.Finder) (driver.Value, error) {
return &dm.DmClob{}, nil
//ConverDriverValue 数据库列类型,实体类属性类型,GetDriverValue返回的driver.Value的临时接收值,Finder对象
func (dmtext CustomDMText) ConverDriverValue(columnType *sql.ColumnType, structFieldType *reflect.Type, tempDriverValue driver.Value, finder *zorm.Finder) (interface{}, error) {
dmClob, isok := tempDriverValue.(*dm.DmClob)
if !isok {
return tempDriverValue, errors.New("转换至*dm.DmClob类型失败")
dmlen, errLength := dmClob.GetLength()
if errLength != nil {
return dmClob, errLength
strInt64 := strconv.FormatInt(dmlen, 10)
dmlenInt, errAtoi := strconv.Atoi(strInt64)
if errAtoi != nil {
return dmClob, errAtoi
str, errReadString := dmClob.ReadString(1, dmlenInt)
return &str, errReadString
//CustomDriverValueMap 用于配置driver.Value和对应的处理关系,key是 drier.Value 的字符串,例如 *dm.DmClob
zorm.CustomDriverValueMap["*dm.DmClob"] = CustomDMText{}
## 分布式事务
### proxy模式
//DataSourceConfig 配置 DefaultTxOptions
//DefaultTxOptions: &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false},
// 引入V1版本的依赖包,V2的参考官方例子
import (
seataContext "github.com/transaction-wg/seata-golang/pkg/client/context"
var configPath = "./conf/client.yml"
func main() {
conf := config.InitConf(configPath)
//sqlDB, err := sql.Open("mysql", config.GetATConfig().DSN)
//后续正常初始化zorm,一定要放到seata mysql 初始化后面!!!
//rootContext := seataContext.NewRootContext(ctx)
//rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
//seataTx := tm.GetCurrentOrCreate(rootContext)
//seataTx.BeginWithTimeoutAndName(int32(6000), "事务名称", rootContext)
// 如果使用的gin框架,获取到ctx
// ctx := c.Request.Context()
// 接受传递过来的XID,绑定到本地ctx
//ctx =context.WithValue(ctx,mysql.XID,xid)
### 全局托管模式
// 分布式事务示例代码
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
// 获取当前分布式事务的XID.不用考虑怎么来的,如果是分布式事务环境,会自动设置值
// xid := ctx.Value("XID").(string)
// 把xid传递到第三方应用
// req.Header.Set("XID", xid)
// 如果返回的err不是nil,本地事务和分布式事务就会回滚
return nil, err
// 第三方应用开启事务前,ctx需要绑定XID,例如使用了gin框架
// 接受传递过来的XID,绑定到本地ctx
// xid:=c.Request.Header.Get("XID")
// 获取到ctx
// ctx := c.Request.Context()
// ctx = context.WithValue(ctx,"XID",xid)
// ctx绑定XID之后,调用业务事务
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
// 业务代码......
// 如果返回的err不是nil,本地事务和分布式事务就会回滚
return nil, err
// 建议以下代码放到单独的文件里
// ZormSeataGlobalTransaction 包装seata的*tm.DefaultGlobalTransaction,实现zorm.ISeataGlobalTransaction接口
type ZormSeataGlobalTransaction struct {
// MyFuncSeataGlobalTransaction zorm适配seata分布式事务的函数
// 重要!!!!需要配置zorm.DataSourceConfig.FuncSeataGlobalTransaction=MyFuncSeataGlobalTransaction 重要!!!
func MyFuncSeataGlobalTransaction(ctx context.Context) (zorm.ISeataGlobalTransaction, context.Context, error) {
rootContext := seataContext.NewRootContext(ctx)
seataTx := tm.GetCurrentOrCreate(rootContext)
seataGlobalTransaction := ZormSeataGlobalTransaction{seataTx}
return seataGlobalTransaction, rootContext, nil
func (gtx ZormSeataGlobalTransaction) SeataBegin(ctx context.Context) error {
rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
return gtx.BeginWithTimeout(int32(6000), rootContext)
func (gtx ZormSeataGlobalTransaction) SeataCommit(ctx context.Context) error {
rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
return gtx.Commit(rootContext)
func (gtx ZormSeataGlobalTransaction) SeataRollback(ctx context.Context) error {
rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
if gtx.Role != tm.Launcher {
gtx.Role = tm.Launcher
return gtx.Rollback(rootContext)
func (gtx ZormSeataGlobalTransaction) GetSeataXID(ctx context.Context) string {
rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
return rootContext.GetXID()
## 性能压测
zorm 1.2.x 版本实现了基础功能,读性能比gorm和xorm快一倍.随着功能持续增加,造成性能下降,目前读性能只快了50%.

@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
## Introduction
This is a lightweight ORM,zero dependency, that supports DM,Kingbase,shentong,mysql,postgresql,oracle,mssql,sqlite,clickhouse databases.
Source address:https://gitee.com/chunanyong/zorm
Author blog:[https://www.jiagou.com](https://www.jiagou.com)
go get gitee.com/chunanyong/zorm
* Written based on native SQL statements,It is the streamlining and optimization of [springrain](https://gitee.com/chunanyong/springrain).
* [Built-in code generator](https://gitee.com/chunanyong/readygo/tree/master/codegenerator)
* The code is streamlined, main part 2500 lines, zero dependency 4000 lines, detailed comments, convenient for customization and modification.
* <font color=red>Support transaction propagation, which is the main reason for the birth of zorm</font>
* Support mysql, postgresql, oracle, mssql, sqlite, dm (Da Meng), kingbase (Ren Da Jincang),clickhouse
* Support more databases, read and write separation.
* The update performance of zorm, gorm, and xorm is equivalent. The read performance of zorm is twice as fast as that of gorm and xorm.
* Does not support joint primary keys, alternatively thinks that there is no primary key, and business control is implemented (difficult choice)
* Integrate seata-golang, support global hosting, do not modify business code, and zero intrusive distributed transactions
* Support clickhouse, update and delete statements use SQL92 standard syntax. The official clickhouse-go driver does not support batch insert syntax, it is recommended to use https://github.com/mailru/go-clickhouse
zorm Production environment reference: [UserStructService.go](https://gitee.com/chunanyong/readygo/tree/master/permission/permservice)
## Support domestic database
DM(Da Meng) database driver: [https://gitee.com/chunanyong/dm](https://gitee.com/chunanyong/dm)
kingbase(Ren Da Jincang)Driver Instructions: [https://help.kingbase.com.cn/doc-view-8108.html](https://help.kingbase.com.cn/doc-view-8108.html)
The core of Kingbase(Ren Da Jincang) 8 is based on postgresql 9.6. You can use [https://github.com/lib/pq](https://github.com/lib/pq) for testing. The official driver is recommended for the production environment.
Pay attention to modify ora_input_emptystr_isnull = false in the data/kingbase.conf file , because golang has no null value. Generally, the database is not null, the default value of golang string is' '.
If this value is set to true, the database will set the value to null, which conflicts with the field property not null. Therefore, an error is reported.
shentong(Shenzhou General Data)Instructions:
It is recommended to use official driver, configure zorm.DataSourceConfig DriverName:aci ,DBType:shentong
~~The official golang driver has not been found yet. Please configure it zorm.DataSourceConfig DriverName:gbase ,DBType:gbase~~
Use odbc driver for the time being,DriverName:odbc ,DBType:gbase
## Test case
// Zorm uses native SQL statements and does not impose restrictions on SQL syntax. Statements use Finder as the carrier.
// Use "?" as a placeholder. , Zorm automatically replaces placeholders based on the database type,
// such as "?" in a PostgreSQL database, Replaced with $1, $2...
// Zorm uses the ctx context. context parameter to propagate the transaction, and ctx is passed in from the web layer, such as gin's c.retest.context ().
// The transaction operation of zorm needs to be displayed using zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface(), error) ()) to open
## Database scripts and entity classes
Generate entity classes or write manually, it is recommended to use a code generator
package testzorm
import (
//Table building statement
CREATE TABLE `t_demo` (
`id` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Primary key',
`userName` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Name',
`password` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'password',
`active` int COMMENT 'Is it valid (0 no, 1 yes)',
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COMMENT = 'example' ;
//demoStructTableName Table name constant, easy to call directly
const demoStructTableName = "t_demo"
// demoStruct example
type demoStruct struct {
//Default structs are introduced to insulate IEntityStructs from method changes
//Id: Primary key
Id string `column:"id"`
//UserName: Name
UserName string `column:"userName"`
//Password: password
Password string `column:"password"`
//CreateTime <no value>
CreateTime time.Time `column:"createTime"`
//Active: Is it valid (0 no, 1 yes)
//Active int `column:"active"`
//------------------The end of the database field, the custom field is written below---------------//
//If the query field is not found in the column tag, it will be mapped to the struct attribute based on the name (case insensitive, _ underscore to hump)
//Custom field Active
Active int
//GetTableName: Get the table name
func (entity *demoStruct) GetTableName() string {
return demoStructTableName
//GetPKColumnName: Get the primary key field name of the database table. Because it is compatible with Map, it can only be the field name of the database.
func (entity *demoStruct) GetPKColumnName() string {
return "id"
//newDemoStruct: Create a default object
func newDemoStruct() demoStruct {
demo := demoStruct{
// If Id=="",When saving, zorm will call zorm.Func Generate String ID(),
// the default UUID string, or you can define your own implementation,E.g: zorm.FuncGenerateStringID=funcmyId
Id: zorm.FuncGenerateStringID(),
UserName: "defaultUserName",
Password: "defaultPassword",
Active: 1,
CreateTime: time.Now(),
return demo
## Test cases are documents
// testzorm: Use native SQL statements, no restrictions on SQL syntax. Statements use Finder as a carrier
// Use "?" as a placeholder. , Zorm automatically replaces placeholders based on the database type,
// such as "?" in a PostgreSQL database, Replaced with $1, $2...
// Zorm uses the ctx context. context parameter to propagate the transaction, and ctx is passed in from the web layer, such as gin's c.retest.context ().
// The transaction operation of zorm needs to be displayed using zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface(), error) ()) to open
package testzorm
import (
//00.Introduce database driver
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
//dbDao: Represents a database. If there are multiple databases, declare multiple DB Dao accordingly
var dbDao *zorm.DBDao
// ctx should be passed in by the web layer by default, such as gin's c.Request.Context(). This is just a simulation.
var ctx = context.Background()
//01.Initialize DB Dao
func init() {
//Custom zorm log output
//zorm.LogCallDepth = 4 //Level of log call
//zorm.FuncLogError = myFuncLogError //Function to record exception log.
//zorm.FuncLogPanic = myFuncLogPanic //Record panic log, use Zorm Error Log by default
//zorm.FuncPrintSQL = myFuncPrintSQL //A function that prints SQL
//Customize the log output format and re-assign the Func Print SQL functio.
//zorm.FuncPrintSQL = zorm.FuncPrintSQL
//dbDaoConfig: Database configuration
dbDaoConfig := zorm.DataSourceConfig{
// DSN: Database connection string
DSN: "root:root@tcp(",
// Database driver name: mysql, postgres, oci8, sqlserver, sqlite3,clickhouse,
// dm, kingbase and DBType correspond, there are multiple drivers for processing databases
DriverName: "mysql",
// Database type (based on dialect judgment): mysql, postgresql,oracle, mssql, sqlite, clickhouse,
// dm, kingbase and DriverName correspond to multiple drivers for processing databases
DBType: "mysql",
//MaxOpenConns: Maximum number of database connections Default 50
MaxOpenConns: 50,
//MaxIdleConns: The maximum number of free connections to the database default 50
MaxIdleConns: 50,
//ConnMaxLifetimeSecond: The connection survival time in seconds. The connection is destroyed and rebuilt after the default 600 (10 minutes).
//To prevent the database from actively disconnecting and causing dead connections. MySQL default wait_timeout 28800 seconds (8 hours)
ConnMaxLifetimeSecond: 600,
//PrintSQL: Print SQL. Func Print SQL will be used to record SQL
PrintSQL: true,
//DefaultTxOptions The default configuration of the transaction isolation level, the default is nil
//DefaultTxOptions: nil,
//DefaultTxOptions: &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false},
//FuncSeataGlobalTransaction seata-golang分布式的适配函数,返回ISeataGlobalTransaction接口的实现
//FuncSeataGlobalTransaction : MyFuncSeataGlobalTransaction,
// Create dbDao according to dbDaoConfig, a database is executed only once,
// the first executed database is defaultDao, and subsequent zorm.xxx methods, defaultDao is used by default.
dbDao, _ = zorm.NewDBDao(&dbDaoConfig)
//TestInsert: 02.Test save Struct object
func TestInsert(t *testing.T) {
//You need to manually start the transaction.
//If the error returned by the anonymous function is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
//If the global DefaultTxOptions configuration does not meet the requirements, you can set the isolation level of the transaction before the zorm.Transaction transaction method, such as ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}), if txOptions is nil , Use the global DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
//Create a demo object
demo := newDemoStruct()
// Save the object, the parameter is the object pointer.
// If the primary key is incremented, it will be assigned to the primary key attribute of the object
_, err := zorm.Insert(ctx, &demo)
//If the returned err is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
return nil, err
//Mark test failed.
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("err:%v", err)
//TestInsertSlice 03.Test the Slice that saves Struct objects in batches.
//If it is an auto-increasing primary key, you cannot assign a value to the primary key attribute in the Struct object.
func TestInsertSlice(t *testing.T) {
// You need to manually start the transaction.
// If the error returned by the anonymous function is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
//If the global DefaultTxOptions configuration does not meet the requirements, you can set the isolation level of the transaction before the zorm.Transaction transaction method, such as ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}), if txOptions is nil , Use the global DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
//The type stored by slice is zorm.I Entity Struct!!!, golang currently does not have generics,
//uses the I Entity Struct interface, and is compatible with the Struct entity class.
demoSlice := make([]zorm.IEntityStruct, 0)
//Create object 1
demo1 := newDemoStruct()
demo1.UserName = "demo1"
//Create object 2
demo2 := newDemoStruct()
demo2.UserName = "demo2"
demoSlice = append(demoSlice, &demo1, &demo2)
//To save objects in batches, if the primary key is auto-increment, the auto-increment ID cannot be saved in the object.
_, err := zorm.InsertSlice(ctx, demoSlice)
//If the returned err is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
return nil, err
//Mark test failed.
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("错误:%v", err)
//TestInsertEntityMap 04.Test to save the Entity Map object for scenarios where it is not convenient to use struct, using Map as a carrier
func TestInsertEntityMap(t *testing.T) {
// You need to manually start the transaction. If the error returned by the anonymous function is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
//If the global DefaultTxOptions configuration does not meet the requirements, you can set the isolation level of the transaction before the zorm.Transaction transaction method, such as ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}), if txOptions is nil , Use the global DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
//To create an Entity Map, you need to pass in the table name.
entityMap := zorm.NewEntityMap(demoStructTableName)
//Set the primary key name.
entityMap.PkColumnName = "id"
//If it is an auto-increasing sequence, set the value of the sequence.
//entityMap.PkSequence = "mySequence"
//Set Set the field value of the database
//If the primary key is auto-increment or sequence, don't entity Map.Set the value of the primary key.
entityMap.Set("id", zorm.FuncGenerateStringID())
entityMap.Set("userName", "entityMap-userName")
entityMap.Set("password", "entityMap-password")
entityMap.Set("createTime", time.Now())
entityMap.Set("active", 1)
//carried out
_, err := zorm.InsertEntityMap(ctx, entityMap)
//If the returned err is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back
return nil, err
//Mark test failed
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error:%v", err)
//TestQueryRow 05.Test query a struct object
func TestQueryRow(t *testing.T) {
//Declare a pointer to an object to carry the returned data.
demo := &demoStruct{}
//Finder for constructing query.
finder := zorm.NewSelectFinder(demoStructTableName) // select * from t_demo
//finder = zorm.NewSelectFinder(demoStructTableName, "id,userName") // select id,userName from t_demo
//finder = zorm.NewFinder().Append("SELECT * FROM " + demoStructTableName) // select * from t_demo
// finder.Append The first parameter is the statement, and the following parameters are the corresponding values.
// The order of the values must be correct. Use the statement uniformly? Zorm will handle the difference in the database
finder.Append("WHERE id=? and active in(?)", "41b2aa4f-379a-4319-8af9-08472b6e514e", []int{0, 1})
//Execute query
has,err := zorm.QueryRow(ctx, finder, demo)
if err != nil { //Mark test failed
t.Errorf("error:%v", err)
if has { //数据库存在数据
//Print result
//TestQueryRowMap 06.Test query map receiving results, used in scenarios that are not suitable for struct, more flexible
func TestQueryRowMap(t *testing.T) {
//Finder for constructing query.
finder := zorm.NewSelectFinder(demoStructTableName) // select * from t_demo
//finder.Append: The first parameter is the statement, and the following parameters are the corresponding values.
//The order of the values must be correct. Use the statement uniformly? Zorm will handle the difference in the database
finder.Append("WHERE id=? and active in(?)", "41b2aa4f-379a-4319-8af9-08472b6e514e", []int{0, 1})
//Execute query
resultMap, err := zorm.QueryRowMap(ctx, finder)
if err != nil { //Mark test failed
t.Errorf("error:%v", err)
//Print result
//TestQuery 07.Test query object list
func TestQuery(t *testing.T) {
//Create a slice to receive the result
list := make([]*demoStruct, 0)
//Finder for constructing query
finder := zorm.NewSelectFinder(demoStructTableName) // select * from t_demo
//Create a paging object. After the query is completed, the page object can be directly used by the front-end paging component.
page := zorm.NewPage()
page.PageNo = 1 //Query page 1, default is 1
page.PageSize = 20 //20 items per page, the default is 20
//Execute query.如果想不分页,查询所有数据,page传入nil
err := zorm.Query(ctx, finder, &list, page)
if err != nil { //Mark test failed
t.Errorf("error:%v", err)
//Print result
fmt.Println("Total number:", page.TotalCount, " List:", list)
//TestQueryMap 08.Test query map list, used in scenarios where struct is not convenient, a record is a map object.
func TestQueryMap(t *testing.T) {
//Finder for constructing query.
finder := zorm.NewSelectFinder(demoStructTableName) // select * from t_demo
//Create a paging object. After the query is completed, the page object can be directly used by the front-end paging component。
page := zorm.NewPage()
//Execute query
listMap, err := zorm.QueryMap(ctx, finder, page)
if err != nil { //Mark test failed
t.Errorf("error:%v", err)
//Print result.如果不想分页,查询所有数据,page传入nil
fmt.Println("Total number:", page.TotalCount, " List:", listMap)
//TestUpdateNotZeroValue 09.Update the struct object, only update fields that are not zero. The primary key must have a value.
func TestUpdateNotZeroValue(t *testing.T) {
// You need to manually start the transaction. If the error returned by the anonymous function is not nil,
// the transaction will be rolled back.
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
//Declare a pointer to an object to update data
demo := &demoStruct{}
demo.Id = "41b2aa4f-379a-4319-8af9-08472b6e514e"
demo.UserName = "UpdateNotZeroValue"
//Update "sql":"UPDATE t_demo SET userName=? WHERE id=?","args":["UpdateNotZeroValue","41b2aa4f-379a-4319-8af9-08472b6e514e"]
_, err := zorm.UpdateNotZeroValue(ctx, demo)
//If the returned err is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
return nil, err
if err != nil {
//Mark test failed
t.Errorf("error:%v", err)
//TestUpdate 10.Update the struct object, update all fields. The primary key must have a value.
func TestUpdate(t *testing.T) {
// You need to manually start the transaction.
// If the error returned by the anonymous function is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
//If the global DefaultTxOptions configuration does not meet the requirements, you can set the isolation level of the transaction before the zorm.Transaction transaction method, such as ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}), if txOptions is nil , Use the global DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
//Declare a pointer to an object to update data.
demo := &demoStruct{}
demo.Id = "41b2aa4f-379a-4319-8af9-08472b6e514e"
demo.UserName = "TestUpdate"
_, err := zorm.Update(ctx, demo)
//If the returned err is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
return nil, err
if err != nil {
//Mark test failed
t.Errorf("error:%v", err)
//TestUpdateFinder 11.Through finder update, zorm is the most flexible way, you can write any update statement,
// or even manually write insert statement
func TestUpdateFinder(t *testing.T) {
//You need to manually start the transaction. If the error returned by the anonymous function is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
//If the global DefaultTxOptions configuration does not meet the requirements, you can set the isolation level of the transaction before the zorm.Transaction transaction method, such as ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}), if txOptions is nil , Use the global DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
finder := zorm.NewUpdateFinder(demoStructTableName) // UPDATE t_demo SET
//finder = zorm.NewDeleteFinder(demoStructTableName) // DELETE FROM t_demo
//finder = zorm.NewFinder().Append("UPDATE").Append(demoStructTableName).Append("SET") // UPDATE t_demo SET
finder.Append("userName=?,active=?", "TestUpdateFinder", 1).Append("WHERE id=?", "41b2aa4f-379a-4319-8af9-08472b6e514e")
//Update "sql":"UPDATE t_demo SET userName=?,active=? WHERE id=?","args":["TestUpdateFinder",1,"41b2aa4f-379a-4319-8af9-08472b6e514e"]
_, err := zorm.UpdateFinder(ctx, finder)
//If the returned err is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
return nil, err
if err != nil { //Mark test failed
t.Errorf("error:%v", err)
//TestUpdateEntityMap 12.Update an Entity Map, the primary key must have a value
func TestUpdateEntityMap(t *testing.T) {
//You need to manually start the transaction.
//If the error returned by the anonymous function is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
//If the global DefaultTxOptions configuration does not meet the requirements, you can set the isolation level of the transaction before the zorm.Transaction transaction method, such as ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}), if txOptions is nil , Use the global DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
//To create an Entity Map, you need to pass in the table name.
entityMap := zorm.NewEntityMap(demoStructTableName)
//Set the primary key name.
entityMap.PkColumnName = "id"
//Set Set the field value of the database, the primary key must have a value.
entityMap.Set("id", "41b2aa4f-379a-4319-8af9-08472b6e514e")
entityMap.Set("userName", "TestUpdateEntityMap")
//Update "sql":"UPDATE t_demo SET userName=? WHERE id=?","args":["TestUpdateEntityMap","41b2aa4f-379a-4319-8af9-08472b6e514e"]
_, err := zorm.UpdateEntityMap(ctx, entityMap)
//If the returned err is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
return nil, err
if err != nil {
//Mark test failed
t.Errorf("error:%v", err)
//TestDelete 13.To delete a struct object, the primary key must have a value.
func TestDelete(t *testing.T) {
//You need to manually start the transaction. If the error returned by the anonymous function is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
//If the global DefaultTxOptions configuration does not meet the requirements, you can set the isolation level of the transaction before the zorm.Transaction transaction method, such as ctx, _ := dbDao.BindContextTxOptions(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false}), if txOptions is nil , Use the global DefaultTxOptions
_, err := zorm.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
demo := &demoStruct{}
demo.Id = "ae9987ac-0467-4fe2-a260-516c89292684"
//delete "sql":"DELETE FROM t_demo WHERE id=?","args":["ae9987ac-0467-4fe2-a260-516c89292684"]
_, err := zorm.Delete(ctx, demo)
//If the returned err is not nil, the transaction will be rolled back.
return nil, err
if err != nil {
//Mark test failed
t.Errorf("error:%v", err)
//TestProc 14.Test call stored procedure
func TestProc(t *testing.T) {
demo := &demoStruct{}
finder := zorm.NewFinder().Append("call testproc(?) ", "u_10001")
zorm.QueryRow(ctx, finder, demo)
//TestFunc 15.Test call custom function.
func TestFunc(t *testing.T) {
userName := ""
finder := zorm.NewFinder().Append("select testfunc(?) ", "u_10001")
zorm.QueryRow(ctx, finder, &userName)
//TestOther 16.Some other instructions. Thank you very much for seeing this line.
func TestOther(t *testing.T) {
//Scenario 1. Multiple databases. Through the db Dao of the corresponding database, call the Bind Context DB Connection function,
//bind the connection of this database to the returned ctx, and then pass the ctx to the zorm function.
newCtx, err := dbDao.BindContextDBConnection(ctx)
if err != nil {
//Mark test failed
t.Errorf("error:%v", err)
finder := zorm.NewSelectFinder(demoStructTableName)
//Pass the newly generated new Ctx to the function of zorm.
list, _ := zorm.QueryRowMap(newCtx, finder, nil)
//Scenario 2. Read-write separation of a single database.
//Set the strategy function for read-write separation.
zorm.FuncReadWriteStrategy = myReadWriteStrategy
//Scenario 3. If there are multiple databases,
//each database is also separated from reading and writing, and processed according to scenario 1.
//Strategies for the separation of read and write of a single database rwType=0 read,rwType=1 write
func myReadWriteStrategy(rwType int) *zorm.DBDao {
//According to your own business scenario, return the required read and write dao, and call this function every time you need a database connection
return dbDao
//To implement the interface of CustomDriverValueConver,extend the custom type, such as text type of dm database, the mapped type is dm.DmClob type , cannot use string type to receive directly.
type CustomDMText struct{}
//GetDriverValue according to the database column type and entity class field type, return driver.Value Instance. If the return value is nil, no type replacement is performed and the default method is used.
func (dmtext CustomDMText) GetDriverValue(columnType *sql.ColumnType, structFieldType *reflect.Type, finder *zorm.Finder) (driver.Value, error) {
return &dm.DmClob{}, nil
//ConverDriverValue database column type, entity class field type, GetDriverValue returned driver.Value New value, return the pointer according to the receiving type value, pointer, pointer!!!!
func (dmtext CustomDMText) ConverDriverValue(columnType *sql.ColumnType, structFieldType *reflect.Type, tempDriverValue driver.Value, finder *zorm.Finder) (interface{}, error) {
//Type conversion
dmClob, isok := tempDriverValue.(*dm.DmClob)
if !isok {
return tempDriverValue, errors.New("Conversion to *dm.DmClob type failed")
//Get the length
dmlen, errLength := dmClob.GetLength()
if errLength != nil {
return dmClob, errLength
//Convert int64 to int type
strInt64 := strconv.FormatInt(dmlen, 10)
dmlenInt, errAtoi := strconv.Atoi(strInt64)
if errAtoi != nil {
return dmClob, errAtoi
//Read string
str, errReadString := dmClob.ReadString(1, dmlenInt)
return &str, errReadString
//zorm.CustomDriverValueMap for configuration driver.Value and the corresponding processing relationship, key is the string of drier.Value. For example *dm.DmClob
//It is usually added in the init method
zorm.CustomDriverValueMap["*dm.DmClob"] = CustomDMText{}
## Distributed transaction
Implement distributed transactions based on seata-golang.
### Proxy mode
//DataSourceConfig configuration DefaultTxOptions
//DefaultTxOptions: &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelDefault, ReadOnly: false},
// Introduce the dependency package of the V1 version, refer to the official example of V2
import (
seataContext "github.com/transaction-wg/seata-golang/pkg/client/context"
//Configuration file path
var configPath = "./conf/client.yml"
func main() {
//Initial configuration
conf := config.InitConf(configPath)
//Initialize the RPC client
//Register mysql driver
//sqlDB, err := sql.Open("mysql", config.GetATConfig().DSN)
//Subsequent normal initialization of zorm must be placed after the initialization of seata mysql!!!
//tm registration transaction service, refer to the official example. (Global hosting is mainly to remove the proxy, zero intrusion to the business)
//Get the rootContext of seata
rootContext := seataContext.NewRootContext(ctx)
//rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
//Create seata transaction
seataTx := tm.GetCurrentOrCreate(rootContext)
//Start transaction
seataTx.BeginWithTimeoutAndName(int32(6000), "transaction name", rootContext)
//Get the XID after the transaction is opened. It can be passed through the header of gin, or passed in other ways
// Accept the passed XID and bind it to the local ctx
ctx =context.WithValue(ctx,mysql.XID,xid)
### Global hosting mode
//Do not use proxy mode, global hosting, do not modify business code, zero intrusion to achieve distributed transactions
// It is recommended to put the following code in a separate file
// ZormSeataGlobalTransaction wraps *tm.DefaultGlobalTransaction of seata, and implements the zorm.ISeataGlobalTransaction interface
type ZormSeataGlobalTransaction struct {
// MyFuncSeataGlobalTransaction zorm adapts the function of seata distributed transaction, configure zorm.DataSourceConfig.FuncSeataGlobalTransaction=MyFuncSeataGlobalTransaction
func MyFuncSeataGlobalTransaction(ctx context.Context) (zorm.ISeataGlobalTransaction, context.Context, error) {
//Get the rootContext of seata
rootContext := seataContext.NewRootContext(ctx)
//Create seata transaction
seataTx := tm.GetCurrentOrCreate(rootContext)
//Use the zorm.ISeataGlobalTransaction interface object to wrap the seata transaction and isolate the seata-golang dependency
seataGlobalTransaction := ZormSeataGlobalTransaction{seataTx}
return seataGlobalTransaction, rootContext, nil
//Implement the zorm.ISeataGlobalTransaction interface
func (gtx ZormSeataGlobalTransaction) SeataBegin(ctx context.Context) error {
rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
return gtx.BeginWithTimeout(int32(6000), rootContext)
func (gtx ZormSeataGlobalTransaction) SeataCommit(ctx context.Context) error {
rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
return gtx.Commit(rootContext)
func (gtx ZormSeataGlobalTransaction) SeataRollback(ctx context.Context) error {
rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
return gtx.Rollback(rootContext)
func (gtx ZormSeataGlobalTransaction) GetSeataXID(ctx context.Context) string {
rootContext := ctx.(*seataContext.RootContext)
return rootContext.GetXID()
## Performance stress test
Test code:https://github.com/alphayan/goormbenchmark
Index description
Total time, average number of nanoseconds per time, average memory allocated per time, average number of memory allocated per time.
The update performance of zorm, gorm, and xorm is equivalent. The read performance of zorm is twice as fast as that of gorm and xorm.
2000 times - Insert
zorm: 9.05s 4524909 ns/op 2146 B/op 33 allocs/op
gorm: 9.60s 4800617 ns/op 5407 B/op 119 allocs/op
xorm: 12.63s 6315205 ns/op 2365 B/op 56 allocs/op
2000 times - BulkInsert 100 row
xorm: 23.89s 11945333 ns/op 253812 B/op 4250 allocs/op
gorm: Don't support bulk insert - https://github.com/jinzhu/gorm/issues/255
zorm: Don't support bulk insert
2000 times - Update
xorm: 0.39s 195846 ns/op 2529 B/op 87 allocs/op
zorm: 0.51s 253577 ns/op 2232 B/op 32 allocs/op
gorm: 0.73s 366905 ns/op 9157 B/op 226 allocs/op
2000 times - Read
zorm: 0.28s 141890 ns/op 1616 B/op 43 allocs/op
gorm: 0.45s 223720 ns/op 5931 B/op 138 allocs/op
xorm: 0.55s 276055 ns/op 8648 B/op 227 allocs/op
2000 times - MultiRead limit 1000
zorm: 13.93s 6967146 ns/op 694286 B/op 23054 allocs/op
gorm: 26.40s 13201878 ns/op 2392826 B/op 57031 allocs/op
xorm: 30.77s 15382967 ns/op 1637098 B/op 72088 allocs/op

@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
package zorm
import (
// dataSorce对象,隔离sql原生对象
// dataSorce Isolate sql native objects
type dataSource struct {
//config *DataSourceConfig
// DataSourceConfig 数据库连接池的配置
// DateSourceConfig Database connection pool configuration
type DataSourceConfig struct {
//DSN dataSourceName 连接字符串
//DSN DataSourceName Database connection string
DSN string
//数据库驱动名称:mysql,postgres,oci8,sqlserver,sqlite3,clickhouse,dm,kingbase 和DBType对应,处理数据库有多个驱动
//Database diver name:mysql,dm,postgres,opi8,sqlserver,sqlite3,clickhouse,kingbase corresponds to DBType,A database may have multiple drivers
DriverName string
//数据库类型(方言判断依据):mysql,postgresql,oracle,mssql,sqlite,clickhouse,dm,kingbase 和 DriverName 对应,处理数据库有多个驱动
//Database Type:mysql,postgresql,oracle,mssql,sqlite,clickhouse,dm,kingbase corresponds to DriverName,A database may have multiple drivers
DBType string
//PrintSQL 是否打印SQL语句.使用zorm.PrintSQL记录SQL
//PrintSQL Whether to print SQL, use zorm.PrintSQL record sql
PrintSQL bool
//MaxOpenConns 数据库最大连接数,默认50
//MaxOpenConns Maximum number of database connections, Default 50
MaxOpenConns int
//MaxIdleConns 数据库最大空闲连接数,默认50
//MaxIdleConns The maximum number of free connections to the database default 50
MaxIdleConns int
//ConnMaxLifetimeSecond 连接存活秒时间. 默认600(10分钟)后连接被销毁重建.避免数据库主动断开连接,造成死连接.MySQL默认wait_timeout 28800秒(8小时)
//ConnMaxLifetimeSecond: (Connection survival time in seconds)Destroy and rebuild the connection after the default 600 seconds (10 minutes)
//Prevent the database from actively disconnecting and causing dead connections. MySQL Default wait_timeout 28800 seconds
ConnMaxLifetimeSecond int
DefaultTxOptions *sql.TxOptions
//DisableTransaction bool
//MockSQLDB 用于mock测试的入口,如果MockSQLDB不为nil,则不使用DSN,直接使用MockSQLDB
//db, mock, err := sqlmock.New()
//MockSQLDB *sql.DB
//FuncSeataGlobalTransaction seata-golang分布式的适配函数,返回ISeataGlobalTransaction接口的实现
FuncSeataGlobalTransaction func(ctx context.Context) (ISeataGlobalTransaction, context.Context, error)
// newDataSource 创建一个新的datasource,内部调用,避免外部直接使用datasource
// newDAtaSource Create a new datasource and call it internally to avoid direct external use of the datasource
func newDataSource(config *DataSourceConfig) (*dataSource, error) {
if config.DSN == "" {
return nil, errors.New("DSN cannot be empty")
if config.DriverName == "" {
return nil, errors.New("DriverName cannot be empty")
if config.DBType == "" {
return nil, errors.New("DBType cannot be empty")
var db *sql.DB
var errSQLOpen error
//if config.MockSQLDB == nil {
db, errSQLOpen = sql.Open(config.DriverName, config.DSN)
if errSQLOpen != nil {
errSQLOpen = fmt.Errorf("newDataSource-->open数据库打开失败:%w", errSQLOpen)
return nil, errSQLOpen
// } else {
// db = config.MockSQLDB
// }
if config.MaxOpenConns == 0 {
config.MaxOpenConns = 50
if config.MaxIdleConns == 0 {
config.MaxIdleConns = 50
if config.ConnMaxLifetimeSecond == 0 {
config.ConnMaxLifetimeSecond = 600
//Set the maximum number of database connections
//Set the maximum number of free connections to the database
//连接存活秒时间. 默认600(10分钟)后连接被销毁重建.避免数据库主动断开连接,造成死连接.MySQL默认wait_timeout 28800秒(8小时)
//(Connection survival time in seconds) Destroy and rebuild the connection after the default 600 seconds (10 minutes)
//Prevent the database from actively disconnecting and causing dead connections. MySQL Default wait_timeout 28800 seconds
db.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Second * time.Duration(config.ConnMaxLifetimeSecond))
if pingerr := db.Ping(); pingerr != nil {
pingerr = fmt.Errorf("newDataSource-->ping数据库失败:%w", pingerr)
return nil, pingerr
return &dataSource{db}, nil
// 事务参照:https://www.jianshu.com/p/2a144332c3db
//Transaction reference: https://www.jianshu.com/p/2a144332c3db
// const beginStatus = 1
// dataBaseConnection 数据库dbConnection会话,可以原生查询或者事务
// dataBaseConnection Database session, native query or transaction.
type dataBaseConnection struct {
// 原生db
// native db
db *sql.DB
// 原生事务
// native Transaction
tx *sql.Tx
// 数据库配置
config *DataSourceConfig
//commitSign int8 // 提交标记,控制是否提交事务
//rollbackSign bool // 回滚标记,控制是否回滚事务
// beginTx 开启事务
// beginTx Open transaction
func (dbConnection *dataBaseConnection) beginTx(ctx context.Context) error {
//s.rollbackSign = true
if dbConnection.tx == nil {
var txOptions *sql.TxOptions
contextTxOptions := ctx.Value(contextTxOptionsKey)
if contextTxOptions != nil {
txOptions, _ = contextTxOptions.(*sql.TxOptions)
} else {
txOptions = dbConnection.config.DefaultTxOptions
tx, err := dbConnection.db.BeginTx(ctx, txOptions)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("beginTx事务开启失败:%w", err)
return err
dbConnection.tx = tx
//s.commitSign = beginStatus
return nil
return nil
// rollback 回滚事务
// rollback Rollback transaction
func (dbConnection *dataBaseConnection) rollback() error {
//if s.tx != nil && s.rollbackSign == true {
if dbConnection.tx != nil {
err := dbConnection.tx.Rollback()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("rollback事务回滚失败:%w", err)
return err
dbConnection.tx = nil
return nil
return nil
// commit 提交事务
// commit Commit transaction
func (dbConnection *dataBaseConnection) commit() error {
//s.rollbackSign = false
if dbConnection.tx == nil {
return errors.New("commit事务为空")
err := dbConnection.tx.Commit()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("commit事务提交失败:%w", err)
return err
dbConnection.tx = nil
return nil
// execContext 执行sql语句,如果已经开启事务,就以事务方式执行,如果没有开启事务,就以非事务方式执行
// execContext Execute sql statement,If the transaction has been opened,it will be executed in transaction mode, if the transaction is not opened,it will be executed in non-transactional mode
func (dbConnection *dataBaseConnection) execContext(ctx context.Context, execsql *string, args []interface{}) (*sql.Result, error) {
//print SQL
if dbConnection.config.PrintSQL {
//logger.Info("printSQL", logger.String("sql", execsql), logger.Any("args", args))
FuncPrintSQL(*execsql, args)
if dbConnection.tx != nil {
res, reserr := dbConnection.tx.ExecContext(ctx, *execsql, args...)
return &res, reserr
res, reserr := dbConnection.db.ExecContext(ctx, *execsql, args...)
return &res, reserr
// queryRowContext 如果已经开启事务,就以事务方式执行,如果没有开启事务,就以非事务方式执行
func (dbConnection *dataBaseConnection) queryRowContext(ctx context.Context, query *string, args []interface{}) *sql.Row {
if dbConnection.config.PrintSQL {
//logger.Info("printSQL", logger.String("sql", query), logger.Any("args", args))
FuncPrintSQL(*query, args)
if dbConnection.tx != nil {
return dbConnection.tx.QueryRowContext(ctx, *query, args...)
return dbConnection.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, *query, args...)
// queryContext 查询数据,如果已经开启事务,就以事务方式执行,如果没有开启事务,就以非事务方式执行
// queryRowContext Execute sql row statement,If the transaction has been opened,it will be executed in transaction mode, if the transaction is not opened,it will be executed in non-transactional mode
func (dbConnection *dataBaseConnection) queryContext(ctx context.Context, query *string, args []interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
if dbConnection.config.PrintSQL {
//logger.Info("printSQL", logger.String("sql", query), logger.Any("args", args))
FuncPrintSQL(*query, args)
if dbConnection.tx != nil {
return dbConnection.tx.QueryContext(ctx, *query, args...)
return dbConnection.db.QueryContext(ctx, *query, args...)
// prepareContext 预执行,如果已经开启事务,就以事务方式执行,如果没有开启事务,就以非事务方式执行
// prepareContext Pre-execution,If the transaction has been opened,it will be executed in transaction mode,if the transaction is not opened,it will be executed in non-transactional mode
func (dbConnection *dataBaseConnection) prepareContext(ctx context.Context, query *string) (*sql.Stmt, error) {
//print SQL
if dbConnection.config.PrintSQL {
//logger.Info("printSQL", logger.String("sql", query))
FuncPrintSQL(*query, nil)
if dbConnection.tx != nil {
return dbConnection.tx.PrepareContext(ctx, *query)
return dbConnection.db.PrepareContext(ctx, *query)

@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Multiprecision decimal numbers.
// For floating-point formatting only; not general purpose.
// Only operations are assign and (binary) left/right shift.
// Can do binary floating point in multiprecision decimal precisely
// because 2 divides 10; cannot do decimal floating point
// in multiprecision binary precisely.
package decimal
type decimal struct {
d [800]byte // digits, big-endian representation
nd int // number of digits used
dp int // decimal point
neg bool // negative flag
trunc bool // discarded nonzero digits beyond d[:nd]
func (a *decimal) String() string {
n := 10 + a.nd
if a.dp > 0 {
n += a.dp
if a.dp < 0 {
n += -a.dp
buf := make([]byte, n)
w := 0
switch {
case a.nd == 0:
return "0"
case a.dp <= 0:
// zeros fill space between decimal point and digits
buf[w] = '0'
buf[w] = '.'
w += digitZero(buf[w : w+-a.dp])
w += copy(buf[w:], a.d[0:a.nd])
case a.dp < a.nd:
// decimal point in middle of digits
w += copy(buf[w:], a.d[0:a.dp])
buf[w] = '.'
w += copy(buf[w:], a.d[a.dp:a.nd])
// zeros fill space between digits and decimal point
w += copy(buf[w:], a.d[0:a.nd])
w += digitZero(buf[w : w+a.dp-a.nd])
return string(buf[0:w])
func digitZero(dst []byte) int {
for i := range dst {
dst[i] = '0'
return len(dst)
// trim trailing zeros from number.
// (They are meaningless; the decimal point is tracked
// independent of the number of digits.)
func trim(a *decimal) {
for a.nd > 0 && a.d[a.nd-1] == '0' {
if a.nd == 0 {
a.dp = 0
// Assign v to a.
func (a *decimal) Assign(v uint64) {
var buf [24]byte
// Write reversed decimal in buf.
n := 0
for v > 0 {
v1 := v / 10
v -= 10 * v1
buf[n] = byte(v + '0')
v = v1
// Reverse again to produce forward decimal in a.d.
a.nd = 0
for n--; n >= 0; n-- {
a.d[a.nd] = buf[n]
a.dp = a.nd
// Maximum shift that we can do in one pass without overflow.
// A uint has 32 or 64 bits, and we have to be able to accommodate 9<<k.
const uintSize = 32 << (^uint(0) >> 63)
const maxShift = uintSize - 4
// Binary shift right (/ 2) by k bits. k <= maxShift to avoid overflow.
func rightShift(a *decimal, k uint) {
r := 0 // read pointer
w := 0 // write pointer
// Pick up enough leading digits to cover first shift.
var n uint
for ; n>>k == 0; r++ {
if r >= a.nd {
if n == 0 {
// a == 0; shouldn't get here, but handle anyway.
a.nd = 0
for n>>k == 0 {
n = n * 10
c := uint(a.d[r])
n = n*10 + c - '0'
a.dp -= r - 1
var mask uint = (1 << k) - 1
// Pick up a digit, put down a digit.
for ; r < a.nd; r++ {
c := uint(a.d[r])
dig := n >> k
n &= mask
a.d[w] = byte(dig + '0')
n = n*10 + c - '0'
// Put down extra digits.
for n > 0 {
dig := n >> k
n &= mask
if w < len(a.d) {
a.d[w] = byte(dig + '0')
} else if dig > 0 {
a.trunc = true
n = n * 10
a.nd = w
// Cheat sheet for left shift: table indexed by shift count giving
// number of new digits that will be introduced by that shift.
// For example, leftcheats[4] = {2, "625"}. That means that
// if we are shifting by 4 (multiplying by 16), it will add 2 digits
// when the string prefix is "625" through "999", and one fewer digit
// if the string prefix is "000" through "624".
// Credit for this trick goes to Ken.
type leftCheat struct {
delta int // number of new digits
cutoff string // minus one digit if original < a.
var leftcheats = []leftCheat{
// Leading digits of 1/2^i = 5^i.
// 5^23 is not an exact 64-bit floating point number,
// so have to use bc for the math.
// Go up to 60 to be large enough for 32bit and 64bit platforms.
seq 60 | sed 's/^/5^/' | bc |
awk 'BEGIN{ print "\t{ 0, \"\" }," }
log2 = log(2)/log(10)
printf("\t{ %d, \"%s\" },\t// * %d\n",
int(log2*NR+1), $0, 2**NR)
{0, ""},
{1, "5"}, // * 2
{1, "25"}, // * 4
{1, "125"}, // * 8
{2, "625"}, // * 16
{2, "3125"}, // * 32
{2, "15625"}, // * 64
{3, "78125"}, // * 128
{3, "390625"}, // * 256
{3, "1953125"}, // * 512
{4, "9765625"}, // * 1024
{4, "48828125"}, // * 2048
{4, "244140625"}, // * 4096
{4, "1220703125"}, // * 8192
{5, "6103515625"}, // * 16384
{5, "30517578125"}, // * 32768
{5, "152587890625"}, // * 65536
{6, "762939453125"}, // * 131072
{6, "3814697265625"}, // * 262144
{6, "19073486328125"}, // * 524288
{7, "95367431640625"}, // * 1048576
{7, "476837158203125"}, // * 2097152
{7, "2384185791015625"}, // * 4194304
{7, "11920928955078125"}, // * 8388608
{8, "59604644775390625"}, // * 16777216
{8, "298023223876953125"}, // * 33554432
{8, "1490116119384765625"}, // * 67108864
{9, "7450580596923828125"}, // * 134217728
{9, "37252902984619140625"}, // * 268435456
{9, "186264514923095703125"}, // * 536870912
{10, "931322574615478515625"}, // * 1073741824
{10, "4656612873077392578125"}, // * 2147483648
{10, "23283064365386962890625"}, // * 4294967296
{10, "116415321826934814453125"}, // * 8589934592
{11, "582076609134674072265625"}, // * 17179869184
{11, "2910383045673370361328125"}, // * 34359738368
{11, "14551915228366851806640625"}, // * 68719476736
{12, "72759576141834259033203125"}, // * 137438953472
{12, "363797880709171295166015625"}, // * 274877906944
{12, "1818989403545856475830078125"}, // * 549755813888
{13, "9094947017729282379150390625"}, // * 1099511627776
{13, "45474735088646411895751953125"}, // * 2199023255552
{13, "227373675443232059478759765625"}, // * 4398046511104
{13, "1136868377216160297393798828125"}, // * 8796093022208
{14, "5684341886080801486968994140625"}, // * 17592186044416
{14, "28421709430404007434844970703125"}, // * 35184372088832
{14, "142108547152020037174224853515625"}, // * 70368744177664
{15, "710542735760100185871124267578125"}, // * 140737488355328
{15, "3552713678800500929355621337890625"}, // * 281474976710656
{15, "17763568394002504646778106689453125"}, // * 562949953421312
{16, "88817841970012523233890533447265625"}, // * 1125899906842624
{16, "444089209850062616169452667236328125"}, // * 2251799813685248
{16, "2220446049250313080847263336181640625"}, // * 4503599627370496
{16, "11102230246251565404236316680908203125"}, // * 9007199254740992
{17, "55511151231257827021181583404541015625"}, // * 18014398509481984
{17, "277555756156289135105907917022705078125"}, // * 36028797018963968
{17, "1387778780781445675529539585113525390625"}, // * 72057594037927936
{18, "6938893903907228377647697925567626953125"}, // * 144115188075855872
{18, "34694469519536141888238489627838134765625"}, // * 288230376151711744
{18, "173472347597680709441192448139190673828125"}, // * 576460752303423488
{19, "867361737988403547205962240695953369140625"}, // * 1152921504606846976
// Is the leading prefix of b lexicographically less than s?
func prefixIsLessThan(b []byte, s string) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if i >= len(b) {
return true
if b[i] != s[i] {
return b[i] < s[i]
return false
// Binary shift left (* 2) by k bits. k <= maxShift to avoid overflow.
func leftShift(a *decimal, k uint) {
delta := leftcheats[k].delta
if prefixIsLessThan(a.d[0:a.nd], leftcheats[k].cutoff) {
r := a.nd // read index
w := a.nd + delta // write index
// Pick up a digit, put down a digit.
var n uint
for r--; r >= 0; r-- {
n += (uint(a.d[r]) - '0') << k
quo := n / 10
rem := n - 10*quo
if w < len(a.d) {
a.d[w] = byte(rem + '0')
} else if rem != 0 {
a.trunc = true
n = quo
// Put down extra digits.
for n > 0 {
quo := n / 10
rem := n - 10*quo
if w < len(a.d) {
a.d[w] = byte(rem + '0')
} else if rem != 0 {
a.trunc = true
n = quo
a.nd += delta
if a.nd >= len(a.d) {
a.nd = len(a.d)
a.dp += delta
// Binary shift left (k > 0) or right (k < 0).
func (a *decimal) Shift(k int) {
switch {
case a.nd == 0:
// nothing to do: a == 0
case k > 0:
for k > maxShift {
leftShift(a, maxShift)
k -= maxShift
leftShift(a, uint(k))
case k < 0:
for k < -maxShift {
rightShift(a, maxShift)
k += maxShift
rightShift(a, uint(-k))
// If we chop a at nd digits, should we round up?
func shouldRoundUp(a *decimal, nd int) bool {
if nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd {
return false
if a.d[nd] == '5' && nd+1 == a.nd { // exactly halfway - round to even
// if we truncated, a little higher than what's recorded - always round up
if a.trunc {
return true
return nd > 0 && (a.d[nd-1]-'0')%2 != 0
// not halfway - digit tells all
return a.d[nd] >= '5'
// Round a to nd digits (or fewer).
// If nd is zero, it means we're rounding
// just to the left of the digits, as in
// 0.09 -> 0.1.
func (a *decimal) Round(nd int) {
if nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd {
if shouldRoundUp(a, nd) {
} else {
// Round a down to nd digits (or fewer).
func (a *decimal) RoundDown(nd int) {
if nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd {
a.nd = nd
// Round a up to nd digits (or fewer).
func (a *decimal) RoundUp(nd int) {
if nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd {
// round up
for i := nd - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
c := a.d[i]
if c < '9' { // can stop after this digit
a.nd = i + 1
// Number is all 9s.
// Change to single 1 with adjusted decimal point.
a.d[0] = '1'
a.nd = 1
// Extract integer part, rounded appropriately.
// No guarantees about overflow.
func (a *decimal) RoundedInteger() uint64 {
if a.dp > 20 {
var i int
n := uint64(0)
for i = 0; i < a.dp && i < a.nd; i++ {
n = n*10 + uint64(a.d[i]-'0')
for ; i < a.dp; i++ {
n *= 10
if shouldRoundUp(a, a.dp) {
return n

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Multiprecision decimal numbers.
// For floating-point formatting only; not general purpose.
// Only operations are assign and (binary) left/right shift.
// Can do binary floating point in multiprecision decimal precisely
// because 2 divides 10; cannot do decimal floating point
// in multiprecision binary precisely.
package decimal
type floatInfo struct {
mantbits uint
expbits uint
bias int
var float32info = floatInfo{23, 8, -127}
var float64info = floatInfo{52, 11, -1023}
// roundShortest rounds d (= mant * 2^exp) to the shortest number of digits
// that will let the original floating point value be precisely reconstructed.
func roundShortest(d *decimal, mant uint64, exp int, flt *floatInfo) {
// If mantissa is zero, the number is zero; stop now.
if mant == 0 {
d.nd = 0
// Compute upper and lower such that any decimal number
// between upper and lower (possibly inclusive)
// will round to the original floating point number.
// We may see at once that the number is already shortest.
// Suppose d is not denormal, so that 2^exp <= d < 10^dp.
// The closest shorter number is at least 10^(dp-nd) away.
// The lower/upper bounds computed below are at distance
// at most 2^(exp-mantbits).
// So the number is already shortest if 10^(dp-nd) > 2^(exp-mantbits),
// or equivalently log2(10)*(dp-nd) > exp-mantbits.
// It is true if 332/100*(dp-nd) >= exp-mantbits (log2(10) > 3.32).
minexp := flt.bias + 1 // minimum possible exponent
if exp > minexp && 332*(d.dp-d.nd) >= 100*(exp-int(flt.mantbits)) {
// The number is already shortest.
// d = mant << (exp - mantbits)
// Next highest floating point number is mant+1 << exp-mantbits.
// Our upper bound is halfway between, mant*2+1 << exp-mantbits-1.
upper := new(decimal)
upper.Assign(mant*2 + 1)
upper.Shift(exp - int(flt.mantbits) - 1)
// d = mant << (exp - mantbits)
// Next lowest floating point number is mant-1 << exp-mantbits,
// unless mant-1 drops the significant bit and exp is not the minimum exp,
// in which case the next lowest is mant*2-1 << exp-mantbits-1.
// Either way, call it mantlo << explo-mantbits.
// Our lower bound is halfway between, mantlo*2+1 << explo-mantbits-1.
var mantlo uint64
var explo int
if mant > 1<<flt.mantbits || exp == minexp {
mantlo = mant - 1
explo = exp
} else {
mantlo = mant*2 - 1
explo = exp - 1
lower := new(decimal)
lower.Assign(mantlo*2 + 1)
lower.Shift(explo - int(flt.mantbits) - 1)
// The upper and lower bounds are possible outputs only if
// the original mantissa is even, so that IEEE round-to-even
// would round to the original mantissa and not the neighbors.
inclusive := mant%2 == 0
// As we walk the digits we want to know whether rounding up would fall
// within the upper bound. This is tracked by upperdelta:
// If upperdelta == 0, the digits of d and upper are the same so far.
// If upperdelta == 1, we saw a difference of 1 between d and upper on a
// previous digit and subsequently only 9s for d and 0s for upper.
// (Thus rounding up may fall outside the bound, if it is exclusive.)
// If upperdelta == 2, then the difference is greater than 1
// and we know that rounding up falls within the bound.
var upperdelta uint8
// Now we can figure out the minimum number of digits required.
// Walk along until d has distinguished itself from upper and lower.
for ui := 0; ; ui++ {
// lower, d, and upper may have the decimal points at different
// places. In this case upper is the longest, so we iterate from
// ui==0 and start li and mi at (possibly) -1.
mi := ui - upper.dp + d.dp
if mi >= d.nd {
li := ui - upper.dp + lower.dp
l := byte('0') // lower digit
if li >= 0 && li < lower.nd {
l = lower.d[li]
m := byte('0') // middle digit
if mi >= 0 {
m = d.d[mi]
u := byte('0') // upper digit
if ui < upper.nd {
u = upper.d[ui]
// Okay to round down (truncate) if lower has a different digit
// or if lower is inclusive and is exactly the result of rounding
// down (i.e., and we have reached the final digit of lower).
okdown := l != m || inclusive && li+1 == lower.nd
switch {
case upperdelta == 0 && m+1 < u:
// Example:
// m = 12345xxx
// u = 12347xxx
upperdelta = 2
case upperdelta == 0 && m != u:
// Example:
// m = 12345xxx
// u = 12346xxx
upperdelta = 1
case upperdelta == 1 && (m != '9' || u != '0'):
// Example:
// m = 1234598x
// u = 1234600x
upperdelta = 2
// Okay to round up if upper has a different digit and either upper
// is inclusive or upper is bigger than the result of rounding up.
okup := upperdelta > 0 && (inclusive || upperdelta > 1 || ui+1 < upper.nd)
// If it's okay to do either, then round to the nearest one.
// If it's okay to do only one, do it.
switch {
case okdown && okup:
d.Round(mi + 1)
case okdown:
d.RoundDown(mi + 1)
case okup:
d.RoundUp(mi + 1)

@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
package zorm
import (
//wrapPageSQL 包装分页的SQL语句
//wrapPageSQL SQL statement for wrapping paging
func wrapPageSQL(dbType string, sqlstr string, page *Page) (string, error) {
//新的分页方法都已经不需要order by了,不再强制检查
//The new paging method does not require 'order by' anymore, no longer mandatory check.
locOrderBy := findOrderByIndex(sqlstr)
if len(locOrderBy) <= 0 { //如果没有 order by
return "", errors.New("分页语句必须有 order by")
var sqlbuilder strings.Builder
if dbType == "mysql" || dbType == "sqlite" || dbType == "dm" || dbType == "gbase" || dbType == "clickhouse" { //MySQL,sqlite3,dm数据库,南大通用,clickhouse
sqlbuilder.WriteString(" LIMIT ")
sqlbuilder.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(page.PageSize * (page.PageNo - 1)))
} else if dbType == "postgresql" || dbType == "kingbase" || dbType == "shentong" { //postgresql,kingbase,神通数据库
sqlbuilder.WriteString(" LIMIT ")
sqlbuilder.WriteString(" OFFSET ")
sqlbuilder.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(page.PageSize * (page.PageNo - 1)))
} else if dbType == "mssql" || dbType == "oracle" { //sqlserver 2012+,oracle 12c+
sqlbuilder.WriteString(" OFFSET ")
sqlbuilder.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(page.PageSize * (page.PageNo - 1)))
sqlbuilder.WriteString(" ROWS FETCH NEXT ")
sqlbuilder.WriteString(" ROWS ONLY ")
} else {
return "", errors.New("wrapPageSQL()-->不支持的数据库类型:" + dbType)
sqlstr = sqlbuilder.String()
return reBindSQL(dbType, sqlstr)
//wrapInsertSQL 包装保存Struct语句.返回语句,是否自增,错误信息
//wrapInsertSQL Pack and save 'Struct' statement. Return SQL statement, whether it is incremented, error message
//Array transfer, if the external method has logic to call append, append will destroy the pointer reference, so the pointer is passed
func wrapInsertSQL(dbType string, typeOf *reflect.Type, entity IEntityStruct, columns *[]reflect.StructField, values *[]interface{}) (string, int, string, error) {
sqlstr, autoIncrement, pktype, err := wrapInsertSQLNOreBuild(dbType, typeOf, entity, columns, values)
if err != nil {
return sqlstr, autoIncrement, pktype, err
savesql, err := reBindSQL(dbType, sqlstr)
return savesql, autoIncrement, pktype, err
//wrapInsertSQLNOreBuild 包装保存Struct语句.返回语句,没有rebuild,返回原始的SQL,是否自增,错误信息
//Pack and save Struct statement. Return SQL statement, no rebuild, return original SQL, whether it is self-increment, error message
//Array transfer, if the external method has logic to call append, append will destroy the pointer reference, so the pointer is passed
func wrapInsertSQLNOreBuild(dbType string, typeOf *reflect.Type, entity IEntityStruct, columns *[]reflect.StructField, values *[]interface{}) (string, int, string, error) {
//自增类型 0(不自增),1(普通自增),2(序列自增),3(触发器自增)
//Self-increment type 0Not increase,1(Ordinary increment),2(Sequence increment),3(Trigger increment)
autoIncrement := 0
//Primary key type
pktype := ""
//SQL statement constructor
var sqlBuilder strings.Builder
sqlBuilder.WriteString("INSERT INTO ")
//In the SQL statement, the constructor of the VALUES(?,?,...) statement
var valueSQLBuilder strings.Builder
valueSQLBuilder.WriteString(" VALUES (")
//The name of the primary key.
pkFieldName, e := entityPKFieldName(entity, typeOf)
if e != nil {
return "", autoIncrement, pktype, e
var sequence string
var sequenceOK bool
if entity.GetPkSequence() != nil {
sequence, sequenceOK = entity.GetPkSequence()[dbType]
if sequenceOK { //存在序列 Existence sequence
if sequence == "" { //触发器自增,也兼容自增关键字 Auto-increment by trigger, also compatible with auto-increment keywords.
autoIncrement = 3
} else { //序列自增 Sequence increment
autoIncrement = 2
for i := 0; i < len(*columns); i++ {
field := (*columns)[i]
if field.Name == pkFieldName { //如果是主键 | If it is the primary key
//获取主键类型 | Get the primary key type.
pkKind := field.Type.Kind()
if pkKind == reflect.String {
pktype = "string"
} else if pkKind == reflect.Int || pkKind == reflect.Int32 || pkKind == reflect.Int16 || pkKind == reflect.Int8 {
pktype = "int"
} else if pkKind == reflect.Int64 {
pktype = "int64"
} else {
return "", autoIncrement, pktype, errors.New("wrapInsertSQLNOreBuild不支持的主键类型")
if autoIncrement == 3 {
// If it is the primary key value generated by the background trigger, it is no longer reflected in the sql statement
//Remove this column and will not process it later.
*columns = append((*columns)[:i], (*columns)[i+1:]...)
*values = append((*values)[:i], (*values)[i+1:]...)
i = i - 1
//The value of the primary key
pkValue := (*values)[i]
if autoIncrement == 2 { //如果是序列自增 | If it is a sequence increment
//拼接字符串 | Concatenated string
//sqlBuilder.WriteString(getStructFieldTagColumnValue(typeOf, field.Name))
colName := getFieldTagName(dbType, &field)
//Remove this column and will not process it later.
*columns = append((*columns)[:i], (*columns)[i+1:]...)
*values = append((*values)[:i], (*values)[i+1:]...)
i = i - 1
} else if (pktype == "string") && (pkValue.(string) == "") { //主键是字符串类型,并且值为"",赋值id
//Generate primary key string
id := FuncGenerateStringID()
(*values)[i] = id
//Assign a value to the primary key of the object
v := reflect.ValueOf(entity).Elem()
//If it is a number type and the value is 0,
//it is considered to be a database self-increment,
//delete the primary key information from the array, and let the database generate itself.
} else if (pktype == "int" && pkValue.(int) == 0) || (pktype == "int64" && pkValue.(int64) == 0) {
//Mark is auto-incrementing primary key
autoIncrement = 1
//Remove this column and will not process it later.
*columns = append((*columns)[:i], (*columns)[i+1:]...)
*values = append((*values)[:i], (*values)[i+1:]...)
i = i - 1
//Concatenated string.
//sqlBuilder.WriteString(getStructFieldTagColumnValue(typeOf, field.Name))
// sqlBuilder.WriteString(field.Tag.Get(tagColumnName))
colName := getFieldTagName(dbType, &field)
//去掉字符串最后的 ','
//Remove the',' at the end of the string
sqlstr := sqlBuilder.String()
if len(sqlstr) > 0 {
sqlstr = sqlstr[:len(sqlstr)-1]
valuestr := valueSQLBuilder.String()
if len(valuestr) > 0 {
valuestr = valuestr[:len(valuestr)-1]
sqlstr = sqlstr + ")" + valuestr + ")"
//savesql, err := wrapSQL(dbType, sqlstr)
return sqlstr, autoIncrement, pktype, nil
//wrapInsertSliceSQL 包装批量保存StructSlice语句.返回语句,是否自增,错误信息
//wrapInsertSliceSQL Package and save Struct Slice statements in batches. Return SQL statement, whether it is incremented, error message
//Array transfer, if the external method has logic to call append, append will destroy the pointer reference, so the pointer is passed
func wrapInsertSliceSQL(dbType string, typeOf *reflect.Type, entityStructSlice []IEntityStruct, columns *[]reflect.StructField, values *[]interface{}) (string, int, error) {
sliceLen := len(entityStructSlice)
if entityStructSlice == nil || sliceLen < 1 {
return "", 0, errors.New("wrapInsertSliceSQL对象数组不能为空")
//The first object, get the first Struct object, used to get the database field, and also get the value
entity := entityStructSlice[0]
//Generate a statement first
sqlstr, autoIncrement, _, firstErr := wrapInsertSQLNOreBuild(dbType, typeOf, entity, columns, values)
if firstErr != nil {
return "", autoIncrement, firstErr
//If there is only one Struct object
if sliceLen == 1 {
sqlstr, _ = reBindSQL(dbType, sqlstr)
return sqlstr, autoIncrement, firstErr
//The name of the primary key
pkFieldName, e := entityPKFieldName(entity, typeOf)
if e != nil {
return "", autoIncrement, e
//截取生成的SQL语句中 VALUES 后面的字符串值
//Intercept the string value after VALUES in the generated SQL statement
valueIndex := strings.Index(sqlstr, " VALUES (")
if valueIndex < 1 { //生成的语句异常
return "", autoIncrement, errors.New("wrapInsertSliceSQL生成的语句异常")
//value后面的字符串 例如 (?,?,?),用于循环拼接
//The string after the value, such as (?,?,?), is used for circular splicing
valuestr := sqlstr[valueIndex+8:]
//SQL statement constructor
var insertSliceSQLBuilder strings.Builder
for i := 1; i < sliceLen; i++ {
//Splicing string
entityStruct := entityStructSlice[i]
for j := 0; j < len(*columns); j++ {
// 获取实体类的反射,指针下的struct
// Get the reflection of the entity class, the struct under the pointer
valueOf := reflect.ValueOf(entityStruct).Elem()
field := (*columns)[j]
if field.Name == pkFieldName { //如果是主键 If it is the primary key
pkKind := field.Type.Kind()
//The value of the primary key
pkValue := valueOf.FieldByName(field.Name).Interface()
//Only handle primary keys of string type, other types, not included in columns
if (pkKind == reflect.String) && (pkValue.(string) == "") {
//The primary key is a string type, and the value is "", assigned the value'id'
//Generate primary key string
id := FuncGenerateStringID()
*values = append(*values, id)
//Assign a value to the primary key of the object
//Assign a value to the field.
*values = append(*values, valueOf.FieldByName(field.Name).Interface())
//Wrap sql
savesql, err := reBindSQL(dbType, insertSliceSQLBuilder.String())
return savesql, autoIncrement, err
//wrapUpdateSQL 包装更新Struct语句
//wrapUpdateSQL Package update Struct statement
//Array transfer, if the external method has logic to call append, append will destroy the pointer reference, so the pointer is passed
func wrapUpdateSQL(dbType string, typeOf *reflect.Type, entity IEntityStruct, columns *[]reflect.StructField, values *[]interface{}, onlyUpdateNotZero bool) (string, error) {
//SQL statement constructor
var sqlBuilder strings.Builder
sqlBuilder.WriteString("UPDATE ")
sqlBuilder.WriteString(" SET ")
//The value of the primary key
var pkValue interface{}
//The name of the primary key
pkFieldName, e := entityPKFieldName(entity, typeOf)
if e != nil {
return "", e
for i := 0; i < len(*columns); i++ {
field := (*columns)[i]
if field.Name == pkFieldName {
//If it is the primary key.
pkValue = (*values)[i]
//Remove this column, and finally process the primary key
*columns = append((*columns)[:i], (*columns)[i+1:]...)
*values = append((*values)[:i], (*values)[i+1:]...)
i = i - 1
//If it is the default value field, delete it and do not update
if onlyUpdateNotZero && (reflect.ValueOf((*values)[i]).IsZero()) {
//Remove this column and no longer process
*columns = append((*columns)[:i], (*columns)[i+1:]...)
*values = append((*values)[:i], (*values)[i+1:]...)
i = i - 1
//sqlBuilder.WriteString(getStructFieldTagColumnValue(typeOf, field.Name))
// sqlBuilder.WriteString(field.Tag.Get(tagColumnName))
colName := getFieldTagName(dbType, &field)
//The value of the primary key is the last
*values = append(*values, pkValue)
//去掉字符串最后的 ','
//Remove the',' at the end of the string
sqlstr := sqlBuilder.String()
sqlstr = sqlstr[:len(sqlstr)-1]
sqlstr = sqlstr + " WHERE " + entity.GetPKColumnName() + "=?"
return reBindSQL(dbType, sqlstr)
//wrapDeleteSQL 包装删除Struct语句
//wrapDeleteSQL Package delete Struct statement
func wrapDeleteSQL(dbType string, entity IEntityStruct) (string, error) {
//SQL statement constructor
var sqlBuilder strings.Builder
sqlBuilder.WriteString("DELETE FROM ")
sqlBuilder.WriteString(" WHERE ")
sqlstr := sqlBuilder.String()
return reBindSQL(dbType, sqlstr)
//wrapInsertEntityMapSQL 包装保存Map语句,Map因为没有字段属性,无法完成Id的类型判断和赋值,需要确保Map的值是完整的
//wrapInsertEntityMapSQL Pack and save the Map statement. Because Map does not have field attributes,
//it cannot complete the type judgment and assignment of Id. It is necessary to ensure that the value of Map is complete
func wrapInsertEntityMapSQL(dbType string, entity IEntityMap) (string, []interface{}, bool, error) {
autoIncrement := false
dbFieldMap := entity.GetDBFieldMap()
if len(dbFieldMap) < 1 {
return "", nil, autoIncrement, errors.New("wrapInsertEntityMapSQL-->GetDBFieldMap返回值不能为空")
//SQL corresponding parameters
values := []interface{}{}
//SQL statement constructor
var sqlBuilder strings.Builder
sqlBuilder.WriteString("INSERT INTO ")
//In the SQL statement, the constructor of the VALUES(?,?,...) statement.
var valueSQLBuilder strings.Builder
valueSQLBuilder.WriteString(" VALUES (")
//Whether the primary key is set.
_, hasPK := dbFieldMap[entity.GetPKColumnName()]
if !hasPK { //如果没有设置主键,认为是自增或者序列 | If the primary key is not set, it is considered to be auto-increment or sequence
autoIncrement = true
if sequence, ok := entity.GetPkSequence()[dbType]; ok { //如果是序列 | If it is a sequence.
for k, v := range dbFieldMap {
//Concatenated string
values = append(values, v)
//去掉字符串最后的 ','
//Remove the',' at the end of the string
sqlstr := sqlBuilder.String()
if len(sqlstr) > 0 {
sqlstr = sqlstr[:len(sqlstr)-1]
valuestr := valueSQLBuilder.String()
if len(valuestr) > 0 {
valuestr = valuestr[:len(valuestr)-1]
sqlstr = sqlstr + ")" + valuestr + ")"
var e error
sqlstr, e = reBindSQL(dbType, sqlstr)
if e != nil {
return "", nil, autoIncrement, e
return sqlstr, values, autoIncrement, nil
//wrapUpdateEntityMapSQL 包装Map更新语句,Map因为没有字段属性,无法完成Id的类型判断和赋值,需要确保Map的值是完整的
//wrapUpdateEntityMapSQL Wrap the Map update statement. Because Map does not have field attributes,
//it cannot complete the type judgment and assignment of Id. It is necessary to ensure that the value of Map is complete
func wrapUpdateEntityMapSQL(dbType string, entity IEntityMap) (string, []interface{}, error) {
dbFieldMap := entity.GetDBFieldMap()
if len(dbFieldMap) < 1 {
return "", nil, errors.New("wrapUpdateEntityMapSQL-->GetDBFieldMap返回值不能为空")
//SQL statement constructor
var sqlBuilder strings.Builder
sqlBuilder.WriteString("UPDATE ")
sqlBuilder.WriteString(" SET ")
//SQL corresponding parameters
values := []interface{}{}
//Primary key name
var pkValue interface{}
for k, v := range dbFieldMap {
if k == entity.GetPKColumnName() { //如果是主键 | If it is the primary key
pkValue = v
//拼接字符串 | Splicing string.
values = append(values, v)
//The value of the primary key is the last
values = append(values, pkValue)
//去掉字符串最后的 ','
//Remove the',' at the end of the string
sqlstr := sqlBuilder.String()
sqlstr = sqlstr[:len(sqlstr)-1]
sqlstr = sqlstr + " WHERE " + entity.GetPKColumnName() + "=?"
var e error
sqlstr, e = reBindSQL(dbType, sqlstr)
if e != nil {
return "", nil, e
return sqlstr, values, nil
//wrapQuerySQL 封装查询语句
//wrapQuerySQL Encapsulated query statement
func wrapQuerySQL(dbType string, finder *Finder, page *Page) (string, error) {
//Get the SQL statement without page.
sqlstr, err := finder.GetSQL()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if page == nil {
sqlstr, err = reBindSQL(dbType, sqlstr)
} else {
sqlstr, err = wrapPageSQL(dbType, sqlstr, page)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return sqlstr, err
//reBindSQL 包装基础的SQL语句,根据数据库类型,调整SQL变量符号,例如?,? $1,$2这样的
//reBindSQL Pack basic SQL statements, adjust the SQL variable symbols according to the database type, such as?,? $1,$2
func reBindSQL(dbType string, sqlstr string) (string, error) {
if dbType == "mysql" || dbType == "sqlite" || dbType == "dm" || dbType == "gbase" || dbType == "clickhouse" {
return sqlstr, nil
strs := strings.Split(sqlstr, "?")
if len(strs) < 1 {
return sqlstr, nil
var sqlBuilder strings.Builder
for i := 1; i < len(strs); i++ {
if dbType == "postgresql" || dbType == "kingbase" { //postgresql,kingbase
} else if dbType == "mssql" { //mssql
} else if dbType == "oracle" || dbType == "shentong" { //oracle,神州通用
} else { //其他情况,还是使用 '?' | In other cases, or use'?'
return sqlBuilder.String(), nil
//reUpdateFinderSQL 根据数据类型更新 手动编写的 UpdateFinder的语句,用于处理数据库兼容,例如 clickhouse的 UPDATE 和 DELETE
func reUpdateFinderSQL(dbType string, sqlstr *string) (*string, error) {
if dbType == "clickhouse" {
//SQL statement constructor
var sqlBuilder strings.Builder
sqlBuilder.WriteString("ALTER TABLE ")
sqls := findUpdateTableName(sqlstr)
if len(sqls) >= 2 { //如果是更新语句
sqlBuilder.WriteString(" UPDATE ")
} else { //如果不是更新语句
sqls = findDeleteTableName(sqlstr)
if len(sqls) < 2 { //如果也不是删除语句
return sqlstr, nil
sqlBuilder.WriteString(" DELETE WHERE ")
content := (*sqlstr)[len(sqls[0]):]
sql := sqlBuilder.String()
return &sql, nil
return sqlstr, nil
//查询'order by'在sql中出现的开始位置和结束位置
//Query the start position and end position of'order by' in SQL
var orderByExpr = "(?i)\\s(order)\\s+by\\s"
var orderByRegexp, _ = regexp.Compile(orderByExpr)
//findOrderByIndex 查询order by在sql中出现的开始位置和结束位置
// findOrderByIndex Query the start position and end position of'order by' in SQL
func findOrderByIndex(strsql string) []int {
loc := orderByRegexp.FindStringIndex(strsql)
return loc
//查询'group by'在sql中出现的开始位置和结束位置
//Query the start position and end position of'group by' in sql。
var groupByExpr = "(?i)\\s(group)\\s+by\\s"
var groupByRegexp, _ = regexp.Compile(groupByExpr)
//findGroupByIndex 查询group by在sql中出现的开始位置和结束位置
//findGroupByIndex Query the start position and end position of'group by' in sql
func findGroupByIndex(strsql string) []int {
loc := groupByRegexp.FindStringIndex(strsql)
return loc
//查询 from 在sql中出现的开始位置和结束位置
//Query the start position and end position of 'from' in sql
//var fromExpr = "(?i)(^\\s*select)(.+?\\(.+?\\))*.*?(from)"
//select id1,(select (id2) from t1 where id=2) _s FROM table select的子查询 _s中的 id2还有括号,才会出现问题,建议使用CountFinder处理分页语句
var fromExpr = "(?i)(^\\s*select)(\\(.*?\\)|[^()]+)*?(from)"
var fromRegexp, _ = regexp.Compile(fromExpr)
//findFromIndexa 查询from在sql中出现的开始位置和结束位置
//findSelectFromIndex Query the start position and end position of 'from' in sql
func findSelectFromIndex(strsql string) []int {
loc := fromRegexp.FindStringIndex(strsql)
if len(loc) < 2 {
return loc
loc[0] = loc[1] - 4
return loc
var fromExpr = `\(([\s\S]+?)\)`
var fromRegexp, _ = regexp.Compile(fromExpr)
//查询 from 在sql中出现的开始位置
//Query the start position of 'from' in sql
func findSelectFromIndex(strsql string) int {
sql := strings.ToLower(strsql)
m := fromRegexp.FindAllString(sql, -1)
for i := 0; i < len(m); i++ {
str := m[i]
strnofrom := strings.ReplaceAll(str, " from ", " zorm ")
sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, str, strnofrom)
fromIndex := strings.LastIndex(sql, " from ")
if fromIndex < 0 {
return fromIndex
fromIndex = fromIndex + 1
return fromIndex
// 从更新语句中获取表名
var updateExper = "(?i)^\\s*update\\s+(\\w+)\\s+set\\s"
var updateRegexp, _ = regexp.Compile(updateExper)
// findUpdateTableName 获取语句中表名
// 第一个是符合的整体数据,第二个是表名
func findUpdateTableName(strsql *string) []string {
matchs := updateRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(*strsql)
return matchs
// 从删除语句中获取表名
var deleteExper = "(?i)^\\s*delete\\s+from\\s+(\\w+)\\s+where\\s"
var deleteRegexp, _ = regexp.Compile(deleteExper)
// findDeleteTableName 获取语句中表名
// 第一个是符合的整体数据,第二个是表名
func findDeleteTableName(strsql *string) []string {
matchs := deleteRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(*strsql)
return matchs
//converValueColumnType 根据数据库的字段类型,转化成golang的类型,不处理sql.Nullxxx类型
//converValueColumnType According to the field type of the database, it is converted to the type of golang, and the sql.Nullxxx type is not processed
func converValueColumnType(v interface{}, columnType *sql.ColumnType) interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
//If it is a byte array
value, ok := v.([]byte)
if !ok { //转化失败,不是字节数组,例如:string,直接返回值
return v
if len(value) < 1 { //值为空,为nil
return value
//Get the database type, corresponding to the basic type value of golang, and do not process the sql.Nullxxx type.
databaseTypeName := strings.ToUpper(columnType.DatabaseTypeName())
switch databaseTypeName {
return typeConvertString(v)
return typeConvertInt(v)
return typeConvertInt64(v)
case "FLOAT", "REAL":
return typeConvertFloat32(v)
case "DOUBLE":
return typeConvertFloat64(v)
return typeConvertDecimal(v)
case "DATE":
return typeConvertTime(v, "2006-01-02", time.Local)
case "TIME":
return typeConvertTime(v, "15:04:05", time.Local)
case "DATETIME":
return typeConvertTime(v, "2006-01-02 15:04:05", time.Local)
return typeConvertTime(v, "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000", time.Local)
case "BOOLEAN", "BOOL":
return typeConvertBool(v)
//Other types will be written later...
return v
//FuncGenerateStringID 默认生成字符串ID的函数.方便自定义扩展
//FuncGenerateStringID Function to generate string ID by default. Convenient for custom extension
var FuncGenerateStringID func() string = generateStringID
//generateStringID 生成主键字符串
//generateStringID Generate primary key string
func generateStringID() string {
// 使用 crypto/rand 真随机9位数
randNum, randErr := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(1000000000))
if randErr != nil {
return ""
rand9 := fmt.Sprintf("%09d", randNum)
//获取纳秒 按照 年月日时分秒毫秒微秒纳秒 拼接为长度23位的字符串
pk := time.Now().Format("2006.")
pk = strings.ReplaceAll(pk, ".", "")
pk = pk + rand9
return pk
//generateStringID 生成主键字符串
//generateStringID Generate primary key string
func generateStringID() string {
//pk := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10)
pk, errUUID := gouuid.NewV4()
if errUUID != nil {
return ""
return pk.String()
// getFieldTagName 获取模型中定义的数据库的 column tag
func getFieldTagName(dbType string, field *reflect.StructField) string {
colName := field.Tag.Get(tagColumnName)
if dbType == "kingbase" {
// kingbase R3 驱动大小写敏感,通常是大写。数据库全的列名部换成双引号括住的大写字符,避免与数据库内置关键词冲突时报错
colName = strings.ReplaceAll(colName, "\"", "")
colName = fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, strings.ToUpper(colName))
return colName

@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
package zorm
import (
//allowBaseTypeMap 允许基础类型查询,用于查询单个基础类型字段,例如 select id from t_user 查询返回的是字符串类型
var allowBaseTypeMap = map[reflect.Kind]bool{
reflect.String: true,
reflect.Int: true,
reflect.Int8: true,
reflect.Int16: true,
reflect.Int32: true,
reflect.Int64: true,
reflect.Uint: true,
reflect.Uint8: true,
reflect.Uint16: true,
reflect.Uint32: true,
reflect.Uint64: true,
reflect.Float32: true,
reflect.Float64: true,
const (
tagColumnName = "column"
//输出字段 缓存的前缀
exportPrefix = "_exportStructFields_"
//私有字段 缓存的前缀
privatePrefix = "_privateStructFields_"
//数据库列名 缓存的前缀
dbColumnNamePrefix = "_dbColumnName_"
//field对应的column的tag值 缓存的前缀
//structFieldTagPrefix = "_structFieldTag_"
//数据库主键 缓存的前缀
//dbPKNamePrefix = "_dbPKName_"
//cacheStructFieldInfoMap 用于缓存反射的信息,sync.Map内部处理了并发锁
//var cacheStructFieldInfoMap *sync.Map = &sync.Map{}
var cacheStructFieldInfoMap = make(map[string]map[string]reflect.StructField)
//var cacheStructFieldTagInfoMap = make(map[string]map[string]string)
//structFieldInfo 获取StructField的信息.只对struct或者*struct判断,如果是指针,返回指针下实际的struct类型
func structFieldInfo(typeOf *reflect.Type) error {
if typeOf == nil {
return errors.New("structFieldInfo数据为空")
entityName := (*typeOf).String()
exportCacheKey := exportPrefix + entityName
privateCacheKey := privatePrefix + entityName
dbColumnCacheKey := dbColumnNamePrefix + entityName
//structFieldTagCacheKey := structFieldTagPrefix + entityName
//dbPKNameCacheKey := dbPKNamePrefix + entityName
//_, exportOk := cacheStructFieldInfoMap.Load(exportCacheKey)
_, exportOk := cacheStructFieldInfoMap[exportCacheKey]
if exportOk {
return nil
fieldNum := (*typeOf).NumField()
if fieldNum < 1 {
return errors.New("structFieldInfo-->NumField entity没有属性")
// 声明所有字段的载体
var allFieldMap *sync.Map = &sync.Map{}
anonymous := make([]reflect.StructField, 0)
for i := 0; i < fieldNum; i++ {
field := (*typeOf).Field(i)
if _, ok := allFieldMap.Load(field.Name); !ok {
allFieldMap.Store(field.Name, field)
if field.Anonymous { //如果是匿名的
anonymous = append(anonymous, field)
recursiveAnonymousStruct(allFieldMap, anonymous)
exportStructFieldMap := make(map[string]reflect.StructField)
privateStructFieldMap := make(map[string]reflect.StructField)
dbColumnFieldMap := make(map[string]reflect.StructField)
//structFieldTagMap := make(map[string]string)
f := func(k, v interface{}) bool {
// fmt.Println(k, ":", v)
field := v.(reflect.StructField)
fieldName := field.Name
if ast.IsExported(fieldName) { //如果是可以输出的,不区分大小写
exportStructFieldMap[strings.ToLower(fieldName)] = field
tagColumnValue := field.Tag.Get(tagColumnName)
if len(tagColumnValue) > 0 {
//dbColumnFieldMap[tagColumnValue] = field
dbColumnFieldMap[strings.ToLower(tagColumnValue)] = field
//structFieldTagMap[fieldName] = tagColumnValue
} else { //私有属性
privateStructFieldMap[strings.ToLower(fieldName)] = field
return true
//cacheStructFieldInfoMap.Store(exportCacheKey, exportStructFieldMap)
//cacheStructFieldInfoMap.Store(privateCacheKey, privateStructFieldMap)
//cacheStructFieldInfoMap.Store(dbColumnCacheKey, dbColumnFieldMap)
cacheStructFieldInfoMap[exportCacheKey] = exportStructFieldMap
cacheStructFieldInfoMap[privateCacheKey] = privateStructFieldMap
cacheStructFieldInfoMap[dbColumnCacheKey] = dbColumnFieldMap
//cacheStructFieldTagInfoMap[structFieldTagCacheKey] = structFieldTagMap
return nil
//recursiveAnonymousStruct 递归调用struct的匿名属性,就近覆盖属性
func recursiveAnonymousStruct(allFieldMap *sync.Map, anonymous []reflect.StructField) {
for i := 0; i < len(anonymous); i++ {
field := anonymous[i]
typeOf := field.Type
if typeOf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
typeOf = typeOf.Elem()
if typeOf.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
fieldNum := typeOf.NumField()
if fieldNum < 1 {
// 匿名struct里自身又有匿名struct
anonymousField := make([]reflect.StructField, 0)
for i := 0; i < fieldNum; i++ {
field := typeOf.Field(i)
if _, ok := allFieldMap.Load(field.Name); ok { //如果存在属性名
} else { //不存在属性名,加入到allFieldMap
allFieldMap.Store(field.Name, field)
if field.Anonymous { //匿名struct里自身又有匿名struct
anonymousField = append(anonymousField, field)
recursiveAnonymousStruct(allFieldMap, anonymousField)
//setFieldValueByColumnName 根据数据库的字段名,找到struct映射的字段,并赋值
func setFieldValueByColumnName(entity interface{}, columnName string, value interface{}) error {
typeOf := reflect.TypeOf(entity)
valueOf := reflect.ValueOf(entity)
if typeOf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { //如果是指针
typeOf = typeOf.Elem()
valueOf = valueOf.Elem()
dbMap, err := getDBColumnFieldMap(&typeOf)
if err != nil {
return err
f, ok := dbMap[strings.ToLower(columnName)]
if ok { //给主键赋值
return nil
//structFieldValue 获取指定字段的值
func structFieldValue(s interface{}, fieldName string) (interface{}, error) {
if s == nil || len(fieldName) < 1 {
return nil, errors.New("structFieldValue数据为空")
valueOf := reflect.ValueOf(s)
kind := valueOf.Kind()
if !(kind == reflect.Ptr || kind == reflect.Struct) {
return nil, errors.New("structFieldValue必须是Struct或者*Struct类型")
if kind == reflect.Ptr {
valueOf = valueOf.Elem()
if valueOf.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return nil, errors.New("structFieldValue必须是Struct或者*Struct类型")
value := valueOf.FieldByName(fieldName).Interface()
return value, nil
//deepCopy 深度拷贝对象.golang没有构造函数,反射复制对象时,对象中struct类型的属性无法初始化,指针属性也会收到影响.使用深度对象拷贝
func deepCopy(dst, src interface{}) error {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := gob.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(src); err != nil {
return err
return gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(buf.Bytes())).Decode(dst)
//getDBColumnExportFieldMap 获取实体类的数据库字段,key是数据库的字段名称.同时返回所有的字段属性的map,key是实体类的属性.不区分大小写
func getDBColumnExportFieldMap(typeOf *reflect.Type) (map[string]reflect.StructField, map[string]reflect.StructField, error) {
dbColumnFieldMap, err := getCacheStructFieldInfoMap(typeOf, dbColumnNamePrefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
exportFieldMap, err := getCacheStructFieldInfoMap(typeOf, exportPrefix)
return dbColumnFieldMap, exportFieldMap, err
//getDBColumnFieldMap 获取实体类的数据库字段,key是数据库的字段名称.不区分大小写
func getDBColumnFieldMap(typeOf *reflect.Type) (map[string]reflect.StructField, error) {
return getCacheStructFieldInfoMap(typeOf, dbColumnNamePrefix)
//getCacheStructFieldInfoMap 根据类型和key,获取缓存的字段信息
func getCacheStructFieldInfoMap(typeOf *reflect.Type, keyPrefix string) (map[string]reflect.StructField, error) {
if typeOf == nil {
return nil, errors.New("getCacheStructFieldInfoMap-->typeOf不能为空")
key := keyPrefix + (*typeOf).String()
//dbColumnFieldMap, dbOk := cacheStructFieldInfoMap.Load(key)
dbColumnFieldMap, dbOk := cacheStructFieldInfoMap[key]
if !dbOk { //缓存不存在
//获取实体类的输出字段和私有 字段
err := structFieldInfo(typeOf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
//dbColumnFieldMap, dbOk = cacheStructFieldInfoMap.Load(key)
dbColumnFieldMap, dbOk = cacheStructFieldInfoMap[key]
if !dbOk {
return dbColumnFieldMap, errors.New("getCacheStructFieldInfoMap()-->获取数据库字段dbColumnFieldMap异常")
dbMap, efOK := dbColumnFieldMap.(map[string]reflect.StructField)
if !efOK {
return nil, errors.New("缓存数据库字段异常")
return dbMap, nil
return dbColumnFieldMap, nil
//获取 fileName 属性 中 tag column的值
func getStructFieldTagColumnValue(typeOf reflect.Type, fieldName string) string {
entityName := typeOf.String()
structFieldTagMap, dbOk := cacheStructFieldTagInfoMap[structFieldTagPrefix+entityName]
if !dbOk { //缓存不存在
//获取实体类的输出字段和私有 字段
err := structFieldInfo(typeOf)
if err != nil {
return ""
structFieldTagMap, dbOk = cacheStructFieldTagInfoMap[structFieldTagPrefix+entityName]
return structFieldTagMap[fieldName]
//columnAndValue 根据保存的对象,返回插入的语句,需要插入的字段,字段的值
func columnAndValue(entity interface{}) (reflect.Type, []reflect.StructField, []interface{}, error) {
typeOf, checkerr := checkEntityKind(entity)
if checkerr != nil {
return typeOf, nil, nil, checkerr
// 获取实体类的反射,指针下的struct
valueOf := reflect.ValueOf(entity).Elem()
//typeOf := reflect.TypeOf(entity).Elem()
dbMap, err := getDBColumnFieldMap(&typeOf)
if err != nil {
return typeOf, nil, nil, err
fLen := len(dbMap)
columns := make([]reflect.StructField, 0, fLen)
values := make([]interface{}, 0, fLen)
for _, field := range dbMap {
// fieldKind := field.Type.Kind()
//if !allowTypeMap[fieldKind] { //不允许的类型
// continue
columns = append(columns, field)
value := valueOf.FieldByName(field.Name).Interface()
if value != nil { //如果不是nil
timeValue, ok := value.(time.Time)
if ok && timeValue.IsZero() { //如果是日期零时,需要设置一个初始值1970-01-01 00:00:01,兼容数据库
value = defaultZeroTime
values = append(values, value)
return typeOf, columns, values, nil
//entityPKFieldName 获取实体类主键属性名称
func entityPKFieldName(entity IEntityStruct, typeOf *reflect.Type) (string, error) {
//typeOf, checkerr := checkEntityKind(entity)
//if checkerr != nil {
// return "", checkerr
//typeOf := reflect.TypeOf(entity).Elem()
dbMap, err := getDBColumnFieldMap(typeOf)
if err != nil {
return "", err
field := dbMap[strings.ToLower(entity.GetPKColumnName())]
return field.Name, nil
//checkEntityKind 检查entity类型必须是*struct类型或者基础类型的指针
func checkEntityKind(entity interface{}) (reflect.Type, error) {
if entity == nil {
return nil, errors.New("checkEntityKind参数不能为空,必须是*struct类型或者基础类型的指针")
typeOf := reflect.TypeOf(entity)
if typeOf.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { //如果不是指针
return nil, errors.New("checkEntityKind必须是*struct类型或者基础类型的指针")
typeOf = typeOf.Elem()
//if !(typeOf.Kind() == reflect.Struct || allowBaseTypeMap[typeOf.Kind()]) { //如果不是指针
// return nil, errors.New("checkEntityKind必须是*struct类型或者基础类型的指针")
return typeOf, nil
// sqlRowsValues 包装接收sqlRows的Values数组,反射rows屏蔽数据库null值
// fix:converting NULL to int is unsupported
// 当读取数据库的值为NULL时,由于基本类型不支持为NULL,通过反射将未知driver.Value改为interface{},不再映射到struct实体类
// 感谢@fastabler提交的pr
func sqlRowsValues(rows *sql.Rows, driverValue *reflect.Value, columnTypes []*sql.ColumnType, dbColumnFieldMap map[string]reflect.StructField, exportFieldMap map[string]reflect.StructField, valueOf *reflect.Value, finder *Finder, cdvMapHasBool bool) error {
//Declare a carrier array to store the attribute pointer of the struct
values := make([]interface{}, len(columnTypes))
var fieldTempDriverValueMap map[reflect.Value]*driverValueInfo
if cdvMapHasBool {
fieldTempDriverValueMap = make(map[reflect.Value]*driverValueInfo)
//反射获取 []driver.Value的值
//driverValue := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(rows))
//driverValue = driverValue.FieldByName("lastcols")
//Traverse the database column names
for i, columnType := range columnTypes {
columnName := strings.ToLower(columnType.Name())
//Get the field field of the column name from the cache
field, fok := dbColumnFieldMap[columnName]
//If the column name does not exist, initialize a null value
if !fok {
field, fok = exportFieldMap[columnName]
if !fok {
cname := strings.ReplaceAll(columnName, "_", "")
field, fok = exportFieldMap[cname]
if !fok {
values[i] = new(interface{})
dv := driverValue.Index(i)
if dv.IsValid() && dv.InterfaceData()[0] == 0 { // 该字段的数据库值是null,取默认值
values[i] = new(interface{})
} else {
fieldValue := valueOf.FieldByName(field.Name)
var converFunc CustomDriverValueConver
var converOK = false
if cdvMapHasBool {
converFunc, converOK = CustomDriverValueMap[dv.Elem().Type().String()]
var tempDriverValue driver.Value
var errGetDriverValue error
if converOK {
typeOf := fieldValue.Type()
tempDriverValue, errGetDriverValue = converFunc.GetDriverValue(columnType, &typeOf, finder)
if errGetDriverValue != nil {
errGetDriverValue = fmt.Errorf("sqlRowsValues-->conver.GetDriverValue异常:%w", errGetDriverValue)
return errGetDriverValue
if tempDriverValue != nil {
values[i] = tempDriverValue
dvinfo := driverValueInfo{}
dvinfo.converFunc = converFunc
dvinfo.columnType = columnType
dvinfo.tempDriverValue = tempDriverValue
fieldTempDriverValueMap[fieldValue] = &dvinfo
//Get the pointer address of the attribute value of the struct,the field will not have the same name, and the Field By Index() function is not used
value := fieldValue.Addr().Interface()
//Put the pointer address into the array
values[i] = value
//Scan assignment. It is an array of pointers that has been initialized according to the attribute type of the struct.The sql driver can perceive the parameter type,so it can be directly assigned to the pointer of the struct. In this way, the attributes of the struct have values
scanerr := rows.Scan(values...)
if scanerr != nil {
return scanerr
for fieldValue, driverValueInfo := range fieldTempDriverValueMap {
//根据列名,字段类型,新值 返回符合接收类型值的指针,返回值是个指针,指针,指针!!!!
typeOf := fieldValue.Type()
rightValue, errConverDriverValue := driverValueInfo.converFunc.ConverDriverValue(driverValueInfo.columnType, &typeOf, driverValueInfo.tempDriverValue, finder)
if errConverDriverValue != nil {
errConverDriverValue = fmt.Errorf("sqlRowsValues-->conver.ConverDriverValue异常:%w", errConverDriverValue)
return errConverDriverValue
return scanerr
// sqlRowsValuesFast 包装接收sqlRows的Values数组,快速模式,数据库表不能有null值
// Deprecated: 暂时不用
func sqlRowsValuesFast(rows *sql.Rows, columns []string, dbColumnFieldMap map[string]reflect.StructField, valueOf reflect.Value) error {
values := make([]interface{}, len(columns))
for i, column := range columns {
field, fok := dbColumnFieldMap[column]
if !fok { //如果列名不存在,就初始化一个空值
values[i] = new(interface{})
value := valueOf.FieldByName(field.Name).Addr().Interface()
values[i] = value
scanerr := rows.Scan(values...)
if scanerr != nil {
scanerr = fmt.Errorf("rows.Scan异常:%w", scanerr)
return scanerr
return nil
// sqlRowsValues 包装接收sqlRows的Values数组
// 基础类型使用sql.Nullxxx替换,放到sqlNullMap[field.name]*sql.Nullxxx,用于接受数据库的值,用于处理数据库为null的情况,然后再重新替换回去
// Deprecated: 暂时不用
func sqlRowsValues2(rows *sql.Rows, columns []string, dbColumnFieldMap map[string]reflect.StructField, valueOf reflect.Value) error {
values := make([]interface{}, len(columns))
sqlNullMap := make(map[string]interface{})
for i, column := range columns {
field, fok := dbColumnFieldMap[column]
if !fok { //如果列名不存在,就初始化一个空值
values[i] = new(interface{})
//values 中的值
var value interface{}
//fieldName := field.Name
//fmt.Println(fieldName, "----", field.Type, "--------", field.Type.Kind(), "++++", field.Type.String())
ftypeString := field.Type.String()
fkind := field.Type.Kind()
switch fkind {
case reflect.String:
value = &sql.NullString{}
sqlNullMap[column] = value
case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int, reflect.Int32:
value = &sql.NullInt32{}
sqlNullMap[column] = value
case reflect.Int64:
value = &sql.NullInt64{}
sqlNullMap[column] = value
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
value = &sql.NullFloat64{}
sqlNullMap[column] = value
case reflect.Bool:
value = &sql.NullBool{}
sqlNullMap[column] = value
case reflect.Struct:
if ftypeString == "time.Time" {
value = &sql.NullTime{}
sqlNullMap[column] = value
} else if ftypeString == "decimal.Decimal" {
value = &decimal.NullDecimal{}
sqlNullMap[column] = value
} else {
value = valueOf.FieldByName(field.Name).Addr().Interface()
sqlNullMap[column] = value
value = valueOf.FieldByName(field.Name).Addr().Interface()
values[i] = value
scanerr := rows.Scan(values...)
if scanerr != nil {
return scanerr
for column, value := range sqlNullMap {
field, fok := dbColumnFieldMap[column]
if !fok { //如果列名不存在,就初始化一个空值
ftypeString := field.Type.String()
fkind := field.Type.Kind()
fieldName := field.Name
switch fkind {
case reflect.String:
vptr, ok := value.(*sql.NullString)
if vptr.Valid && ok {
case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int, reflect.Int32:
vptr, ok := value.(*sql.NullInt32)
if vptr.Valid && ok {
case reflect.Int64:
vptr, ok := value.(*sql.NullInt64)
if vptr.Valid && ok {
case reflect.Float32:
vptr, ok := value.(*sql.NullFloat64)
if vptr.Valid && ok {
case reflect.Float64:
vptr, ok := value.(*sql.NullFloat64)
if vptr.Valid && ok {
case reflect.Bool:
vptr, ok := value.(*sql.NullBool)
if vptr.Valid && ok {
case reflect.Struct:
if ftypeString == "time.Time" {
vptr, ok := value.(*sql.NullTime)
if vptr.Valid && ok {
} else if ftypeString == "decimal.Decimal" {
vptr, ok := value.(*decimal.NullDecimal)
if vptr.Valid && ok {
return scanerr
//CustomDriverValueMap 用于配置driver.Value和对应的处理关系,key是 drier.Value 的字符串,例如 *dm.DmClob
var CustomDriverValueMap = make(map[string]CustomDriverValueConver)
//CustomDriverValueConver 自定义类型转化接口,用于解决 类似达梦 text --> dm.DmClob --> string类型接收的问题
type CustomDriverValueConver interface {
//GetDriverValue 根据数据库列类型,实体类属性类型,Finder对象,返回driver.Value的实例
GetDriverValue(columnType *sql.ColumnType, structFieldType *reflect.Type, finder *Finder) (driver.Value, error)
//ConverDriverValue 数据库列类型,实体类属性类型,GetDriverValue返回的driver.Value的临时接收值,Finder对象
ConverDriverValue(columnType *sql.ColumnType, structFieldType *reflect.Type, tempDriverValue driver.Value, finder *Finder) (interface{}, error)
type driverValueInfo struct {
converFunc CustomDriverValueConver
columnType *sql.ColumnType
tempDriverValue interface{}
//实现CustomDriverValueConver接口,扩展自定义类型,例如 达梦数据库text类型,映射出来的是dm.DmClob类型,无法使用string类型直接接收
type CustomDMText struct{}
//GetDriverValue 根据数据库列类型,实体类属性类型,Finder对象,返回driver.Value的实例
func (dmtext CustomDMText) GetDriverValue(columnType *sql.ColumnType, structFieldType reflect.Type, finder *zorm.Finder) (driver.Value, error) {
return &dm.DmClob{}, nil
//ConverDriverValue 数据库列类型,实体类属性类型,GetDriverValue返回的driver.Value的临时接收值,Finder对象
func (dmtext CustomDMText) ConverDriverValue(columnType *sql.ColumnType, structFieldType reflect.Type, tempDriverValue driver.Value, finder *zorm.Finder) (interface{}, error) {
dmClob, isok := tempDriverValue.(*dm.DmClob)
if !isok {
return tempDriverValue, errors.New("转换至*dm.DmClob类型失败")
dmlen, errLength := dmClob.GetLength()
if errLength != nil {
return dmClob, errLength
strInt64 := strconv.FormatInt(dmlen, 10)
dmlenInt, errAtoi := strconv.Atoi(strInt64)
if errAtoi != nil {
return dmClob, errAtoi
str, errReadString := dmClob.ReadString(1, dmlenInt)
return &str, errReadString
//CustomDriverValueMap 用于配置driver.Value和对应的处理关系,key是 drier.Value 的字符串,例如 *dm.DmClob
zorm.CustomDriverValueMap["*dm.DmClob"] = CustomDMText{}

@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
package zorm
import (
func typeConvertFloat32(i interface{}) float32 {
if i == nil {
return 0
if v, ok := i.(float32); ok {
return v
v, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(typeConvertString(i), 32)
return float32(v)
func typeConvertFloat64(i interface{}) float64 {
if i == nil {
return 0
if v, ok := i.(float64); ok {
return v
v, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(typeConvertString(i), 64)
return v
func typeConvertDecimal(i interface{}) decimal.Decimal {
if i == nil {
return decimal.Zero
if v, ok := i.(decimal.Decimal); ok {
return v
v, _ := decimal.NewFromString(typeConvertString(i))
return v
func typeConvertInt64toInt(from int64) (int, error) {
//int64 转 int
strInt64 := strconv.FormatInt(from, 10)
to, err := strconv.Atoi(strInt64)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
return to, err
func typeConvertTime(i interface{}, format string, TZLocation ...*time.Location) time.Time {
s := typeConvertString(i)
t, _ := typeConvertStrToTime(s, format, TZLocation...)
return t
func typeConvertStrToTime(str string, format string, TZLocation ...*time.Location) (time.Time, error) {
if len(TZLocation) > 0 {
t, err := time.ParseInLocation(format, str, TZLocation[0])
if err == nil {
return t, nil
return time.Time{}, err
t, err := time.ParseInLocation(format, str, time.Local)
if err == nil {
return t, nil
return time.Time{}, err
func typeConvertInt64(i interface{}) int64 {
if i == nil {
return 0
if v, ok := i.(int64); ok {
return v
return int64(typeConvertInt(i))
func typeConvertString(i interface{}) string {
if i == nil {
return ""
switch value := i.(type) {
case int:
return strconv.Itoa(value)
case int8:
return strconv.Itoa(int(value))
case int16:
return strconv.Itoa(int(value))
case int32:
return strconv.Itoa(int(value))
case int64:
return strconv.Itoa(int(value))
case uint:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 10)
case uint8:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 10)
case uint16:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 10)
case uint32:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 10)
case uint64:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 10)
case float32:
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(value), 'f', -1, 32)
case float64:
return strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', -1, 64)
case bool:
return strconv.FormatBool(value)
case string:
return value
case []byte:
return string(value)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)
//false: "", 0, false, off
func typeConvertBool(i interface{}) bool {
if i == nil {
return false
if v, ok := i.(bool); ok {
return v
if s := typeConvertString(i); s != "" && s != "0" && s != "false" && s != "off" {
return true
return false
func typeConvertInt(i interface{}) int {
if i == nil {
return 0
switch value := i.(type) {
case int:
return value
case int8:
return int(value)
case int16:
return int(value)
case int32:
return int(value)
case int64:
return int(value)
case uint:
return int(value)
case uint8:
return int(value)
case uint16:
return int(value)
case uint32:
return int(value)
case uint64:
return int(value)
case float32:
return int(value)
case float64:
return int(value)
case bool:
if value {
return 1
return 0
v, _ := strconv.Atoi(typeConvertString(value))
return v
func encodeString(s string) []byte {
return []byte(s)
func decodeToString(b []byte) string {
return string(b)
func encodeBool(b bool) []byte {
if b {
return []byte{1}
return []byte{0}
func encodeInt(i int) []byte {
if i <= math.MaxInt8 {
return encodeInt8(int8(i))
} else if i <= math.MaxInt16 {
return encodeInt16(int16(i))
} else if i <= math.MaxInt32 {
return encodeInt32(int32(i))
} else {
return encodeInt64(int64(i))
func encodeUint(i uint) []byte {
if i <= math.MaxUint8 {
return encodeUint8(uint8(i))
} else if i <= math.MaxUint16 {
return encodeUint16(uint16(i))
} else if i <= math.MaxUint32 {
return encodeUint32(uint32(i))
} else {
return encodeUint64(uint64(i))
func encodeInt8(i int8) []byte {
return []byte{byte(i)}
func encodeUint8(i uint8) []byte {
return []byte{byte(i)}
func encodeInt16(i int16) []byte {
bytes := make([]byte, 2)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(bytes, uint16(i))
return bytes
func encodeUint16(i uint16) []byte {
bytes := make([]byte, 2)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(bytes, i)
return bytes
func encodeInt32(i int32) []byte {
bytes := make([]byte, 4)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(bytes, uint32(i))
return bytes
func encodeUint32(i uint32) []byte {
bytes := make([]byte, 4)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(bytes, i)
return bytes
func encodeInt64(i int64) []byte {
bytes := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(bytes, uint64(i))
return bytes
func encodeUint64(i uint64) []byte {
bytes := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(bytes, i)
return bytes
func encodeFloat32(f float32) []byte {
bits := math.Float32bits(f)
bytes := make([]byte, 4)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(bytes, bits)
return bytes
func encodeFloat64(f float64) []byte {
bits := math.Float64bits(f)
bytes := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(bytes, bits)
return bytes
func encode(vs ...interface{}) []byte {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
for i := 0; i < len(vs); i++ {
switch value := vs[i].(type) {
case int:
case int8:
case int16:
case int32:
case int64:
case uint:
case uint8:
case uint16:
case uint32:
case uint64:
case bool:
case string:
case []byte:
case float32:
case float64:
if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, value); err != nil {
buf.Write(encodeString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)))
return buf.Bytes()
func isNumeric(s string) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] < byte('0') || s[i] > byte('9') {
return false
return true
func typeConvertTimeDuration(i interface{}) time.Duration {
return time.Duration(typeConvertInt64(i))
func typeConvertBytes(i interface{}) []byte {
if i == nil {
return nil
if r, ok := i.([]byte); ok {
return r
return encode(i)
func typeConvertStrings(i interface{}) []string {
if i == nil {
return nil
if r, ok := i.([]string); ok {
return r
} else if r, ok := i.([]interface{}); ok {
strs := make([]string, len(r))
for k, v := range r {
strs[k] = typeConvertString(v)
return strs
return []string{fmt.Sprintf("%v", i)}
func typeConvertInt8(i interface{}) int8 {
if i == nil {
return 0
if v, ok := i.(int8); ok {
return v
return int8(typeConvertInt(i))
func typeConvertInt16(i interface{}) int16 {
if i == nil {
return 0
if v, ok := i.(int16); ok {
return v
return int16(typeConvertInt(i))
func typeConvertInt32(i interface{}) int32 {
if i == nil {
return 0
if v, ok := i.(int32); ok {
return v
return int32(typeConvertInt(i))
func typeConvertUint(i interface{}) uint {
if i == nil {
return 0
switch value := i.(type) {
case int:
return uint(value)
case int8:
return uint(value)
case int16:
return uint(value)
case int32:
return uint(value)
case int64:
return uint(value)
case uint:
return value
case uint8:
return uint(value)
case uint16:
return uint(value)
case uint32:
return uint(value)
case uint64:
return uint(value)
case float32:
return uint(value)
case float64:
return uint(value)
case bool:
if value {
return 1
return 0
v, _ := strconv.ParseUint(typeConvertString(value), 10, 64)
return uint(v)
func typeConvertUint8(i interface{}) uint8 {
if i == nil {
return 0
if v, ok := i.(uint8); ok {
return v
return uint8(typeConvertUint(i))
func typeConvertUint16(i interface{}) uint16 {
if i == nil {
return 0
if v, ok := i.(uint16); ok {
return v
return uint16(typeConvertUint(i))
func typeConvertUint32(i interface{}) uint32 {
if i == nil {
return 0
if v, ok := i.(uint32); ok {
return v
return uint32(typeConvertUint(i))
func typeConvertUint64(i interface{}) uint64 {
if i == nil {
return 0
if v, ok := i.(uint64); ok {
return v
return uint64(typeConvertUint(i))

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Copyright 2014 astaxie
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
# beego orm
[![Build Status](https://drone.io/github.com/beego/beego/v2/status.png)](https://drone.io/github.com/beego/beego/v2/latest)
A powerful orm framework for go.
It is heavily influenced by Django ORM, SQLAlchemy.
**Support Database:**
* MySQL: [github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql)
* PostgreSQL: [github.com/lib/pq](https://github.com/lib/pq)
* Sqlite3: [github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3)
Passed all test, but need more feedback.
* full go type support
* easy for usage, simple CRUD operation
* auto join with relation table
* cross DataBase compatible query
* Raw SQL query / mapper without orm model
* full test keep stable and strong
more features please read the docs
go get github.com/beego/beego/v2/client/orm
## Changelog
* 2013-08-19: support table auto create
* 2013-08-13: update test for database types
* 2013-08-13: go type support, such as int8, uint8, byte, rune
* 2013-08-13: date / datetime timezone support very well
## Quick Start
#### Simple Usage
package main
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" // import your used driver
// Model Struct
type User struct {
Id int `orm:"auto"`
Name string `orm:"size(100)"`
func init() {
// register model
// set default database
orm.RegisterDataBase("default", "mysql", "root:root@/my_db?charset=utf8", 30)
// create table
orm.RunSyncdb("default", false, true)
func main() {
o := orm.NewOrm()
user := User{Name: "slene"}
// insert
id, err := o.Insert(&user)
// update
user.Name = "astaxie"
num, err := o.Update(&user)
// read one
u := User{Id: user.Id}
err = o.Read(&u)
// delete
num, err = o.Delete(&u)
#### Next with relation
type Post struct {
Id int `orm:"auto"`
Title string `orm:"size(100)"`
User *User `orm:"rel(fk)"`
var posts []*Post
qs := o.QueryTable("post")
num, err := qs.Filter("User__Name", "slene").All(&posts)
#### Use Raw sql
If you don't like ORMuse Raw SQL to query / mapping without ORM setting
var maps []Params
num, err := o.Raw("SELECT id FROM user WHERE name = ?", "slene").Values(&maps)
if num > 0 {
#### Transaction
user := User{Name: "slene"}
id, err := o.Insert(&user)
if err == nil {
} else {
#### Debug Log Queries
In development env, you can simple use
func main() {
orm.Debug = true
enable log queries.
output include all queries, such as exec / prepare / transaction.
like this:
[ORM] - 2013-08-09 13:18:16 - [Queries/default] - [ db.Exec / 0.4ms] - [INSERT INTO `user` (`name`) VALUES (?)] - `slene`
note: not recommend use this in product env.
## Docs
more details and examples in docs and test

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package clauses
const (
ExprSep = "__"
ExprDot = "."

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
package order_clause
import (
type Sort int8
const (
None Sort = 0
Ascending Sort = 1
Descending Sort = 2
type Option func(order *Order)
type Order struct {
column string
sort Sort
isRaw bool
func Clause(options ...Option) *Order {
o := &Order{}
for _, option := range options {
return o
func (o *Order) GetColumn() string {
return o.column
func (o *Order) GetSort() Sort {
return o.sort
func (o *Order) SortString() string {
switch o.GetSort() {
case Ascending:
return "ASC"
case Descending:
return "DESC"
return ``
func (o *Order) IsRaw() bool {
return o.isRaw
func ParseOrder(expressions ...string) []*Order {
var orders []*Order
for _, expression := range expressions {
sort := Ascending
column := strings.ReplaceAll(expression, clauses.ExprSep, clauses.ExprDot)
if column[0] == '-' {
sort = Descending
column = column[1:]
orders = append(orders, &Order{
column: column,
sort: sort,
return orders
func Column(column string) Option {
return func(order *Order) {
order.column = strings.ReplaceAll(column, clauses.ExprSep, clauses.ExprDot)
func sort(sort Sort) Option {
return func(order *Order) {
order.sort = sort
func SortAscending() Option {
return sort(Ascending)
func SortDescending() Option {
return sort(Descending)
func SortNone() Option {
return sort(None)
func Raw() Option {
return func(order *Order) {
order.isRaw = true

@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
type commander interface {
Run() error
var commands = make(map[string]commander)
// print help.
func printHelp(errs ...string) {
content := `orm command usage:
syncdb - auto create tables
sqlall - print sql of create tables
help - print this help
if len(errs) > 0 {
// RunCommand listens for orm command and runs if command arguments have been passed.
func RunCommand() {
if len(os.Args) < 2 || os.Args[1] != "orm" {
args := argString(os.Args[2:])
name := args.Get(0)
if name == "help" {
if cmd, ok := commands[name]; ok {
} else {
if name == "" {
} else {
printHelp(fmt.Sprintf("unknown command %s", name))
// sync database struct command interface.
type commandSyncDb struct {
al *alias
force bool
verbose bool
noInfo bool
rtOnError bool
// Parse the orm command line arguments.
func (d *commandSyncDb) Parse(args []string) {
var name string
flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("orm command: syncdb", flag.ExitOnError)
flagSet.StringVar(&name, "db", "default", "DataBase alias name")
flagSet.BoolVar(&d.force, "force", false, "drop tables before create")
flagSet.BoolVar(&d.verbose, "v", false, "verbose info")
d.al = getDbAlias(name)
// Run orm line command.
func (d *commandSyncDb) Run() error {
var drops []string
var err error
if d.force {
drops, err = defaultModelCache.getDbDropSQL(d.al)
if err != nil {
return err
db := d.al.DB
if d.force && len(drops) > 0 {
for i, mi := range defaultModelCache.allOrdered() {
query := drops[i]
if !d.noInfo {
fmt.Printf("drop table `%s`\n", mi.table)
_, err := db.Exec(query)
if d.verbose {
fmt.Printf(" %s\n\n", query)
if err != nil {
if d.rtOnError {
return err
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", err.Error())
createQueries, indexes, err := defaultModelCache.getDbCreateSQL(d.al)
if err != nil {
return err
tables, err := d.al.DbBaser.GetTables(db)
if err != nil {
if d.rtOnError {
return err
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", err.Error())
ctx := context.Background()
for i, mi := range defaultModelCache.allOrdered() {
if !isApplicableTableForDB(mi.addrField, d.al.Name) {
fmt.Printf("table `%s` is not applicable to database '%s'\n", mi.table, d.al.Name)
if tables[mi.table] {
if !d.noInfo {
fmt.Printf("table `%s` already exists, skip\n", mi.table)
var fields []*fieldInfo
columns, err := d.al.DbBaser.GetColumns(ctx, db, mi.table)
if err != nil {
if d.rtOnError {
return err
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", err.Error())
for _, fi := range mi.fields.fieldsDB {
if _, ok := columns[fi.column]; !ok {
fields = append(fields, fi)
for _, fi := range fields {
query := getColumnAddQuery(d.al, fi)
if !d.noInfo {
fmt.Printf("add column `%s` for table `%s`\n", fi.fullName, mi.table)
_, err := db.Exec(query)
if d.verbose {
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", query)
if err != nil {
if d.rtOnError {
return err
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", err.Error())
for _, idx := range indexes[mi.table] {
if !d.al.DbBaser.IndexExists(ctx, db, idx.Table, idx.Name) {
if !d.noInfo {
fmt.Printf("create index `%s` for table `%s`\n", idx.Name, idx.Table)
query := idx.SQL
_, err := db.Exec(query)
if d.verbose {
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", query)
if err != nil {
if d.rtOnError {
return err
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", err.Error())
if !d.noInfo {
fmt.Printf("create table `%s` \n", mi.table)
queries := []string{createQueries[i]}
for _, idx := range indexes[mi.table] {
queries = append(queries, idx.SQL)
for _, query := range queries {
_, err := db.Exec(query)
if d.verbose {
query = " " + strings.Join(strings.Split(query, "\n"), "\n ")
if err != nil {
if d.rtOnError {
return err
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", err.Error())
if d.verbose {
return nil
// database creation commander interface implement.
type commandSQLAll struct {
al *alias
// Parse orm command line arguments.
func (d *commandSQLAll) Parse(args []string) {
var name string
flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("orm command: sqlall", flag.ExitOnError)
flagSet.StringVar(&name, "db", "default", "DataBase alias name")
d.al = getDbAlias(name)
// Run orm line command.
func (d *commandSQLAll) Run() error {
createQueries, indexes, err := defaultModelCache.getDbCreateSQL(d.al)
if err != nil {
return err
var all []string
for i, mi := range defaultModelCache.allOrdered() {
queries := []string{createQueries[i]}
for _, idx := range indexes[mi.table] {
queries = append(queries, idx.SQL)
sql := strings.Join(queries, "\n")
all = append(all, sql)
fmt.Println(strings.Join(all, "\n\n"))
return nil
func init() {
commands["syncdb"] = new(commandSyncDb)
commands["sqlall"] = new(commandSQLAll)
// RunSyncdb run syncdb command line.
// name: Table's alias name (default is "default")
// force: Run the next sql command even if the current gave an error
// verbose: Print all information, useful for debugging
func RunSyncdb(name string, force bool, verbose bool) error {
al := getDbAlias(name)
cmd := new(commandSyncDb)
cmd.al = al
cmd.force = force
cmd.noInfo = !verbose
cmd.verbose = verbose
cmd.rtOnError = true
return cmd.Run()

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
type dbIndex struct {
Table string
Name string
SQL string
// get database column type string.
func getColumnTyp(al *alias, fi *fieldInfo) (col string) {
T := al.DbBaser.DbTypes()
fieldType := fi.fieldType
fieldSize := fi.size
switch fieldType {
case TypeBooleanField:
col = T["bool"]
case TypeVarCharField:
if al.Driver == DRPostgres && fi.toText {
col = T["string-text"]
} else {
col = fmt.Sprintf(T["string"], fieldSize)
case TypeCharField:
col = fmt.Sprintf(T["string-char"], fieldSize)
case TypeTextField:
col = T["string-text"]
case TypeTimeField:
col = T["time.Time-clock"]
case TypeDateField:
col = T["time.Time-date"]
case TypeDateTimeField:
// the precision of sqlite is not implemented
if al.Driver == 2 || fi.timePrecision == nil {
col = T["time.Time"]
} else {
s := T["time.Time-precision"]
col = fmt.Sprintf(s, *fi.timePrecision)
case TypeBitField:
col = T["int8"]
case TypeSmallIntegerField:
col = T["int16"]
case TypeIntegerField:
col = T["int32"]
case TypeBigIntegerField:
if al.Driver == DRSqlite {
fieldType = TypeIntegerField
goto checkColumn
col = T["int64"]
case TypePositiveBitField:
col = T["uint8"]
case TypePositiveSmallIntegerField:
col = T["uint16"]
case TypePositiveIntegerField:
col = T["uint32"]
case TypePositiveBigIntegerField:
col = T["uint64"]
case TypeFloatField:
col = T["float64"]
case TypeDecimalField:
s := T["float64-decimal"]
if !strings.Contains(s, "%d") {
col = s
} else {
col = fmt.Sprintf(s, fi.digits, fi.decimals)
case TypeJSONField:
if al.Driver != DRPostgres {
fieldType = TypeVarCharField
goto checkColumn
col = T["json"]
case TypeJsonbField:
if al.Driver != DRPostgres {
fieldType = TypeVarCharField
goto checkColumn
col = T["jsonb"]
case RelForeignKey, RelOneToOne:
fieldType = fi.relModelInfo.fields.pk.fieldType
fieldSize = fi.relModelInfo.fields.pk.size
goto checkColumn
// create alter sql string.
func getColumnAddQuery(al *alias, fi *fieldInfo) string {
Q := al.DbBaser.TableQuote()
typ := getColumnTyp(al, fi)
if !fi.null {
typ += " " + "NOT NULL"
return fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE %s%s%s ADD COLUMN %s%s%s %s %s",
Q, fi.mi.table, Q,
Q, fi.column, Q,
typ, getColumnDefault(fi),
// Get string value for the attribute "DEFAULT" for the CREATE, ALTER commands
func getColumnDefault(fi *fieldInfo) string {
var v, t, d string
// Skip default attribute if field is in relations
if fi.rel || fi.reverse {
return v
t = " DEFAULT '%s' "
// These defaults will be useful if there no config value orm:"default" and NOT NULL is on
switch fi.fieldType {
case TypeTimeField, TypeDateField, TypeDateTimeField, TypeTextField:
return v
case TypeBitField, TypeSmallIntegerField, TypeIntegerField,
TypeBigIntegerField, TypePositiveBitField, TypePositiveSmallIntegerField,
TypePositiveIntegerField, TypePositiveBigIntegerField, TypeFloatField,
t = " DEFAULT %s "
d = "0"
case TypeBooleanField:
t = " DEFAULT %s "
d = "FALSE"
case TypeJSONField, TypeJsonbField:
d = "{}"
if fi.colDefault {
if !fi.initial.Exist() {
v = fmt.Sprintf(t, "")
} else {
v = fmt.Sprintf(t, fi.initial.String())
} else {
if !fi.null {
v = fmt.Sprintf(t, d)
return v

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
lru "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru"
// DriverType database driver constant int.
type DriverType int
// Enum the Database driver
const (
_ DriverType = iota // int enum type
DRMySQL // mysql
DRSqlite // sqlite
DROracle // oracle
DRPostgres // pgsql
// database driver string.
type driver string
// get type constant int of current driver..
func (d driver) Type() DriverType {
a, _ := dataBaseCache.get(string(d))
return a.Driver
// get name of current driver
func (d driver) Name() string {
return string(d)
// check driver iis implemented Driver interface or not.
var _ Driver = new(driver)
var (
dataBaseCache = &_dbCache{cache: make(map[string]*alias)}
drivers = map[string]DriverType{
"mysql": DRMySQL,
"postgres": DRPostgres,
"sqlite3": DRSqlite,
"tidb": DRTiDB,
"oracle": DROracle,
"oci8": DROracle, // github.com/mattn/go-oci8
"ora": DROracle, // https://github.com/rana/ora
dbBasers = map[DriverType]dbBaser{
DRMySQL: newdbBaseMysql(),
DRSqlite: newdbBaseSqlite(),
DROracle: newdbBaseOracle(),
DRPostgres: newdbBasePostgres(),
DRTiDB: newdbBaseTidb(),
// database alias cacher.
type _dbCache struct {
mux sync.RWMutex
cache map[string]*alias
// add database alias with original name.
func (ac *_dbCache) add(name string, al *alias) (added bool) {
defer ac.mux.Unlock()
if _, ok := ac.cache[name]; !ok {
ac.cache[name] = al
added = true
// get database alias if cached.
func (ac *_dbCache) get(name string) (al *alias, ok bool) {
defer ac.mux.RUnlock()
al, ok = ac.cache[name]
// get default alias.
func (ac *_dbCache) getDefault() (al *alias) {
al, _ = ac.get("default")
type DB struct {
DB *sql.DB
stmtDecorators *lru.Cache
stmtDecoratorsLimit int
var (
_ dbQuerier = new(DB)
_ txer = new(DB)
func (d *DB) Begin() (*sql.Tx, error) {
return d.DB.Begin()
func (d *DB) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (*sql.Tx, error) {
return d.DB.BeginTx(ctx, opts)
// su must call release to release *sql.Stmt after using
func (d *DB) getStmtDecorator(query string) (*stmtDecorator, error) {
c, ok := d.stmtDecorators.Get(query)
if ok {
return c.(*stmtDecorator), nil
c, ok = d.stmtDecorators.Get(query)
if ok {
return c.(*stmtDecorator), nil
stmt, err := d.Prepare(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sd := newStmtDecorator(stmt)
d.stmtDecorators.Add(query, sd)
return sd, nil
func (d *DB) Prepare(query string) (*sql.Stmt, error) {
return d.DB.Prepare(query)
func (d *DB) PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (*sql.Stmt, error) {
return d.DB.PrepareContext(ctx, query)
func (d *DB) Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
return d.ExecContext(context.Background(), query, args...)
func (d *DB) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
if d.stmtDecorators == nil {
return d.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, args...)
sd, err := d.getStmtDecorator(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stmt := sd.getStmt()
defer sd.release()
return stmt.ExecContext(ctx, args...)
func (d *DB) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
return d.QueryContext(context.Background(), query, args...)
func (d *DB) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
if d.stmtDecorators == nil {
return d.DB.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...)
sd, err := d.getStmtDecorator(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stmt := sd.getStmt()
defer sd.release()
return stmt.QueryContext(ctx, args...)
func (d *DB) QueryRow(query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row {
return d.QueryRowContext(context.Background(), query, args...)
func (d *DB) QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row {
if d.stmtDecorators == nil {
return d.DB.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, args...)
sd, err := d.getStmtDecorator(query)
if err != nil {
stmt := sd.getStmt()
defer sd.release()
return stmt.QueryRowContext(ctx, args...)
type TxDB struct {
tx *sql.Tx
var (
_ dbQuerier = new(TxDB)
_ txEnder = new(TxDB)
func (t *TxDB) Commit() error {
return t.tx.Commit()
func (t *TxDB) Rollback() error {
return t.tx.Rollback()
func (t *TxDB) RollbackUnlessCommit() error {
err := t.tx.Rollback()
if err != sql.ErrTxDone {
return err
return nil
var (
_ dbQuerier = new(TxDB)
_ txEnder = new(TxDB)
func (t *TxDB) Prepare(query string) (*sql.Stmt, error) {
return t.PrepareContext(context.Background(), query)
func (t *TxDB) PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (*sql.Stmt, error) {
return t.tx.PrepareContext(ctx, query)
func (t *TxDB) Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
return t.ExecContext(context.Background(), query, args...)
func (t *TxDB) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
return t.tx.ExecContext(ctx, query, args...)
func (t *TxDB) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
return t.QueryContext(context.Background(), query, args...)
func (t *TxDB) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
return t.tx.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...)
func (t *TxDB) QueryRow(query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row {
return t.QueryRowContext(context.Background(), query, args...)
func (t *TxDB) QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row {
return t.tx.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, args...)
type alias struct {
Name string
Driver DriverType
DriverName string
DataSource string
MaxIdleConns int
MaxOpenConns int
ConnMaxLifetime time.Duration
StmtCacheSize int
DbBaser dbBaser
TZ *time.Location
Engine string
func detectTZ(al *alias) {
// orm timezone system match database
// default use Local
al.TZ = DefaultTimeLoc
if al.DriverName == "sphinx" {
switch al.Driver {
case DRMySQL:
var tz string
if len(tz) >= 8 {
if tz[0] != '-' {
tz = "+" + tz
t, err := time.Parse("-07:00:00", tz)
if err == nil {
if t.Location().String() != "" {
al.TZ = t.Location()
} else {
DebugLog.Printf("Detect DB timezone: %s %s\n", tz, err.Error())
// get default engine from current database
row = al.DB.QueryRow("SELECT ENGINE, TRANSACTIONS FROM information_schema.engines WHERE SUPPORT = 'DEFAULT'")
var engine string
var tx bool
row.Scan(&engine, &tx)
if engine != "" {
al.Engine = engine
} else {
al.Engine = "INNODB"
case DRSqlite, DROracle:
al.TZ = time.UTC
case DRPostgres:
row := al.DB.QueryRow("SELECT current_setting('TIMEZONE')")
var tz string
loc, err := time.LoadLocation(tz)
if err == nil {
al.TZ = loc
} else {
DebugLog.Printf("Detect DB timezone: %s %s\n", tz, err.Error())
func addAliasWthDB(aliasName, driverName string, db *sql.DB, params ...DBOption) (*alias, error) {
existErr := fmt.Errorf("DataBase alias name `%s` already registered, cannot reuse", aliasName)
if _, ok := dataBaseCache.get(aliasName); ok {
return nil, existErr
al, err := newAliasWithDb(aliasName, driverName, db, params...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !dataBaseCache.add(aliasName, al) {
return nil, existErr
return al, nil
func newAliasWithDb(aliasName, driverName string, db *sql.DB, params ...DBOption) (*alias, error) {
al := &alias{}
al.DB = &DB{
RWMutex: new(sync.RWMutex),
DB: db,
for _, p := range params {
var stmtCache *lru.Cache
var stmtCacheSize int
if al.StmtCacheSize > 0 {
_stmtCache, errC := newStmtDecoratorLruWithEvict(al.StmtCacheSize)
if errC != nil {
return nil, errC
} else {
stmtCache = _stmtCache
stmtCacheSize = al.StmtCacheSize
al.Name = aliasName
al.DriverName = driverName
al.DB.stmtDecorators = stmtCache
al.DB.stmtDecoratorsLimit = stmtCacheSize
if dr, ok := drivers[driverName]; ok {
al.DbBaser = dbBasers[dr]
al.Driver = dr
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("driver name `%s` have not registered", driverName)
err := db.Ping()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("register db Ping `%s`, %s", aliasName, err.Error())
return al, nil
// SetMaxIdleConns Change the max idle conns for *sql.DB, use specify database alias name
// Deprecated you should not use this, we will remove it in the future
func SetMaxIdleConns(aliasName string, maxIdleConns int) {
al := getDbAlias(aliasName)
// SetMaxOpenConns Change the max open conns for *sql.DB, use specify database alias name
// Deprecated you should not use this, we will remove it in the future
func SetMaxOpenConns(aliasName string, maxOpenConns int) {
al := getDbAlias(aliasName)
// SetMaxIdleConns Change the max idle conns for *sql.DB, use specify database alias name
func (al *alias) SetMaxIdleConns(maxIdleConns int) {
al.MaxIdleConns = maxIdleConns
// SetMaxOpenConns Change the max open conns for *sql.DB, use specify database alias name
func (al *alias) SetMaxOpenConns(maxOpenConns int) {
al.MaxOpenConns = maxOpenConns
func (al *alias) SetConnMaxLifetime(lifeTime time.Duration) {
al.ConnMaxLifetime = lifeTime
// AddAliasWthDB add a aliasName for the drivename
func AddAliasWthDB(aliasName, driverName string, db *sql.DB, params ...DBOption) error {
_, err := addAliasWthDB(aliasName, driverName, db, params...)
return err
// RegisterDataBase Setting the database connect params. Use the database driver self dataSource args.
func RegisterDataBase(aliasName, driverName, dataSource string, params ...DBOption) error {
var (
err error
db *sql.DB
al *alias
db, err = sql.Open(driverName, dataSource)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("register db `%s`, %s", aliasName, err.Error())
goto end
al, err = addAliasWthDB(aliasName, driverName, db, params...)
if err != nil {
goto end
al.DataSource = dataSource
if err != nil {
if db != nil {
return err
// RegisterDriver Register a database driver use specify driver name, this can be definition the driver is which database type.
func RegisterDriver(driverName string, typ DriverType) error {
if t, ok := drivers[driverName]; !ok {
drivers[driverName] = typ
} else {
if t != typ {
return fmt.Errorf("driverName `%s` db driver already registered and is other type", driverName)
return nil
// SetDataBaseTZ Change the database default used timezone
func SetDataBaseTZ(aliasName string, tz *time.Location) error {
if al, ok := dataBaseCache.get(aliasName); ok {
al.TZ = tz
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("DataBase alias name `%s` not registered", aliasName)
return nil
// GetDB Get *sql.DB from registered database by db alias name.
// Use "default" as alias name if you not set.
func GetDB(aliasNames ...string) (*sql.DB, error) {
var name string
if len(aliasNames) > 0 {
name = aliasNames[0]
} else {
name = "default"
al, ok := dataBaseCache.get(name)
if ok {
return al.DB.DB, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("DataBase of alias name `%s` not found", name)
type stmtDecorator struct {
wg sync.WaitGroup
stmt *sql.Stmt
func (s *stmtDecorator) getStmt() *sql.Stmt {
return s.stmt
// acquire will add one
// since this method will be used inside read lock scope,
// so we can not do more things here
// we should think about refactor this
func (s *stmtDecorator) acquire() {
func (s *stmtDecorator) release() {
// garbage recycle for stmt
func (s *stmtDecorator) destroy() {
go func() {
_ = s.stmt.Close()
func newStmtDecorator(sqlStmt *sql.Stmt) *stmtDecorator {
return &stmtDecorator{
stmt: sqlStmt,
func newStmtDecoratorLruWithEvict(cacheSize int) (*lru.Cache, error) {
cache, err := lru.NewWithEvict(cacheSize, func(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cache, nil
type DBOption func(al *alias)
// MaxIdleConnections return a hint about MaxIdleConnections
func MaxIdleConnections(maxIdleConn int) DBOption {
return func(al *alias) {
// MaxOpenConnections return a hint about MaxOpenConnections
func MaxOpenConnections(maxOpenConn int) DBOption {
return func(al *alias) {
// ConnMaxLifetime return a hint about ConnMaxLifetime
func ConnMaxLifetime(v time.Duration) DBOption {
return func(al *alias) {
// MaxStmtCacheSize return a hint about MaxStmtCacheSize
func MaxStmtCacheSize(v int) DBOption {
return func(al *alias) {
al.StmtCacheSize = v

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// mysql operators.
var mysqlOperators = map[string]string{
"exact": "= ?",
"iexact": "LIKE ?",
"strictexact": "= BINARY ?",
"contains": "LIKE BINARY ?",
"icontains": "LIKE ?",
// "regex": "REGEXP BINARY ?",
// "iregex": "REGEXP ?",
"gt": "> ?",
"gte": ">= ?",
"lt": "< ?",
"lte": "<= ?",
"eq": "= ?",
"ne": "!= ?",
"startswith": "LIKE BINARY ?",
"endswith": "LIKE BINARY ?",
"istartswith": "LIKE ?",
"iendswith": "LIKE ?",
// mysql column field types.
var mysqlTypes = map[string]string{
"bool": "bool",
"string": "varchar(%d)",
"string-char": "char(%d)",
"string-text": "longtext",
"time.Time-date": "date",
"time.Time": "datetime",
"int8": "tinyint",
"int16": "smallint",
"int32": "integer",
"int64": "bigint",
"uint8": "tinyint unsigned",
"uint16": "smallint unsigned",
"uint32": "integer unsigned",
"uint64": "bigint unsigned",
"float64": "double precision",
"float64-decimal": "numeric(%d, %d)",
"time.Time-precision": "datetime(%d)",
// mysql dbBaser implementation.
type dbBaseMysql struct {
var _ dbBaser = new(dbBaseMysql)
// get mysql operator.
func (d *dbBaseMysql) OperatorSQL(operator string) string {
return mysqlOperators[operator]
// get mysql table field types.
func (d *dbBaseMysql) DbTypes() map[string]string {
return mysqlTypes
// show table sql for mysql.
func (d *dbBaseMysql) ShowTablesQuery() string {
return "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_schema = DATABASE()"
// show columns sql of table for mysql.
func (d *dbBaseMysql) ShowColumnsQuery(table string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("SELECT COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_TYPE, IS_NULLABLE FROM information_schema.columns "+
"WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = '%s'", table)
// execute sql to check index exist.
func (d *dbBaseMysql) IndexExists(ctx context.Context, db dbQuerier, table string, name string) bool {
row := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.statistics "+
"WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = ? AND index_name = ?", table, name)
var cnt int
return cnt > 0
// InsertOrUpdate a row
// If your primary key or unique column conflict will update
// If no will insert
// Add "`" for mysql sql building
func (d *dbBaseMysql) InsertOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, q dbQuerier, mi *modelInfo, ind reflect.Value, a *alias, args ...string) (int64, error) {
var iouStr string
argsMap := map[string]string{}
// Get on the key-value pairs
for _, v := range args {
kv := strings.Split(v, "=")
if len(kv) == 2 {
argsMap[strings.ToLower(kv[0])] = kv[1]
isMulti := false
names := make([]string, 0, len(mi.fields.dbcols)-1)
Q := d.ins.TableQuote()
values, _, err := d.collectValues(mi, ind, mi.fields.dbcols, true, true, &names, a.TZ)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
marks := make([]string, len(names))
updateValues := make([]interface{}, 0)
updates := make([]string, len(names))
for i, v := range names {
marks[i] = "?"
valueStr := argsMap[strings.ToLower(v)]
if valueStr != "" {
updates[i] = "`" + v + "`" + "=" + valueStr
} else {
updates[i] = "`" + v + "`" + "=?"
updateValues = append(updateValues, values[i])
values = append(values, updateValues...)
sep := fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", Q, Q)
qmarks := strings.Join(marks, ", ")
qupdates := strings.Join(updates, ", ")
columns := strings.Join(names, sep)
multi := len(values) / len(names)
if isMulti {
qmarks = strings.Repeat(qmarks+"), (", multi-1) + qmarks
// conflitValue maybe is a int,can`t use fmt.Sprintf
query := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s%s%s (%s%s%s) VALUES (%s) %s "+qupdates, Q, mi.table, Q, Q, columns, Q, qmarks, iouStr)
if isMulti || !d.ins.HasReturningID(mi, &query) {
res, err := q.ExecContext(ctx, query, values...)
if err == nil {
if isMulti {
return res.RowsAffected()
lastInsertId, err := res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
DebugLog.Println(ErrLastInsertIdUnavailable, ':', err)
return lastInsertId, ErrLastInsertIdUnavailable
} else {
return lastInsertId, nil
return 0, err
row := q.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, values...)
var id int64
err = row.Scan(&id)
return id, err
// create new mysql dbBaser.
func newdbBaseMysql() dbBaser {
b := new(dbBaseMysql)
b.ins = b
return b

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// oracle operators.
var oracleOperators = map[string]string{
"exact": "= ?",
"gt": "> ?",
"gte": ">= ?",
"lt": "< ?",
"lte": "<= ?",
"//iendswith": "LIKE ?",
// oracle column field types.
var oracleTypes = map[string]string{
"bool": "bool",
"string": "VARCHAR2(%d)",
"string-char": "CHAR(%d)",
"string-text": "VARCHAR2(%d)",
"time.Time-date": "DATE",
"time.Time": "TIMESTAMP",
"int8": "INTEGER",
"int16": "INTEGER",
"int32": "INTEGER",
"int64": "INTEGER",
"uint8": "INTEGER",
"uint16": "INTEGER",
"uint32": "INTEGER",
"uint64": "INTEGER",
"float64": "NUMBER",
"float64-decimal": "NUMBER(%d, %d)",
"time.Time-precision": "TIMESTAMP(%d)",
// oracle dbBaser
type dbBaseOracle struct {
var _ dbBaser = new(dbBaseOracle)
// create oracle dbBaser.
func newdbBaseOracle() dbBaser {
b := new(dbBaseOracle)
b.ins = b
return b
// OperatorSQL get oracle operator.
func (d *dbBaseOracle) OperatorSQL(operator string) string {
return oracleOperators[operator]
// DbTypes get oracle table field types.
func (d *dbBaseOracle) DbTypes() map[string]string {
return oracleTypes
// ShowTablesQuery show all the tables in database
func (d *dbBaseOracle) ShowTablesQuery() string {
// Oracle
func (d *dbBaseOracle) ShowColumnsQuery(table string) string {
"WHERE TABLE_NAME ='%s'", strings.ToUpper(table))
// check index is exist
func (d *dbBaseOracle) IndexExists(ctx context.Context, db dbQuerier, table string, name string) bool {
row := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM USER_IND_COLUMNS, USER_INDEXES "+
"AND USER_IND_COLUMNS.TABLE_NAME = ? AND USER_IND_COLUMNS.INDEX_NAME = ?", strings.ToUpper(table), strings.ToUpper(name))
var cnt int
return cnt > 0
func (d *dbBaseOracle) GenerateSpecifyIndex(tableName string, useIndex int, indexes []string) string {
var s []string
Q := d.TableQuote()
for _, index := range indexes {
tmp := fmt.Sprintf(`%s%s%s`, Q, index, Q)
s = append(s, tmp)
var hint string
switch useIndex {
case hints.KeyUseIndex, hints.KeyForceIndex:
hint = `INDEX`
case hints.KeyIgnoreIndex:
hint = `NO_INDEX`
DebugLog.Println("[WARN] Not a valid specifying action, so that action is ignored")
return ``
return fmt.Sprintf(` /*+ %s(%s %s)*/ `, hint, tableName, strings.Join(s, `,`))
// execute insert sql with given struct and given values.
// insert the given values, not the field values in struct.
func (d *dbBaseOracle) InsertValue(ctx context.Context, q dbQuerier, mi *modelInfo, isMulti bool, names []string, values []interface{}) (int64, error) {
Q := d.ins.TableQuote()
marks := make([]string, len(names))
for i := range marks {
marks[i] = ":" + names[i]
sep := fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", Q, Q)
qmarks := strings.Join(marks, ", ")
columns := strings.Join(names, sep)
multi := len(values) / len(names)
if isMulti {
qmarks = strings.Repeat(qmarks+"), (", multi-1) + qmarks
query := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s%s%s (%s%s%s) VALUES (%s)", Q, mi.table, Q, Q, columns, Q, qmarks)
if isMulti || !d.ins.HasReturningID(mi, &query) {
res, err := q.ExecContext(ctx, query, values...)
if err == nil {
if isMulti {
return res.RowsAffected()
lastInsertId, err := res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
DebugLog.Println(ErrLastInsertIdUnavailable, ':', err)
return lastInsertId, ErrLastInsertIdUnavailable
} else {
return lastInsertId, nil
return 0, err
row := q.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, values...)
var id int64
err := row.Scan(&id)
return id, err

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// postgresql operators.
var postgresOperators = map[string]string{
"exact": "= ?",
"iexact": "= UPPER(?)",
"contains": "LIKE ?",
"icontains": "LIKE UPPER(?)",
"gt": "> ?",
"gte": ">= ?",
"lt": "< ?",
"lte": "<= ?",
"eq": "= ?",
"ne": "!= ?",
"startswith": "LIKE ?",
"endswith": "LIKE ?",
"istartswith": "LIKE UPPER(?)",
"iendswith": "LIKE UPPER(?)",
// postgresql column field types.
var postgresTypes = map[string]string{
"auto": "serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY",
"bool": "bool",
"string": "varchar(%d)",
"string-char": "char(%d)",
"string-text": "text",
"time.Time-date": "date",
"time.Time": "timestamp with time zone",
"int8": `smallint CHECK("%COL%" >= -127 AND "%COL%" <= 128)`,
"int16": "smallint",
"int32": "integer",
"int64": "bigint",
"uint8": `smallint CHECK("%COL%" >= 0 AND "%COL%" <= 255)`,
"uint16": `integer CHECK("%COL%" >= 0)`,
"uint32": `bigint CHECK("%COL%" >= 0)`,
"uint64": `bigint CHECK("%COL%" >= 0)`,
"float64": "double precision",
"float64-decimal": "numeric(%d, %d)",
"json": "json",
"jsonb": "jsonb",
"time.Time-precision": "timestamp(%d) with time zone",
// postgresql dbBaser.
type dbBasePostgres struct {
var _ dbBaser = new(dbBasePostgres)
// get postgresql operator.
func (d *dbBasePostgres) OperatorSQL(operator string) string {
return postgresOperators[operator]
// generate functioned sql string, such as contains(text).
func (d *dbBasePostgres) GenerateOperatorLeftCol(fi *fieldInfo, operator string, leftCol *string) {
switch operator {
case "contains", "startswith", "endswith":
*leftCol = fmt.Sprintf("%s::text", *leftCol)
case "iexact", "icontains", "istartswith", "iendswith":
*leftCol = fmt.Sprintf("UPPER(%s::text)", *leftCol)
// postgresql unsupports updating joined record.
func (d *dbBasePostgres) SupportUpdateJoin() bool {
return false
func (d *dbBasePostgres) MaxLimit() uint64 {
return 0
// postgresql quote is ".
func (d *dbBasePostgres) TableQuote() string {
return `"`
// postgresql value placeholder is $n.
// replace default ? to $n.
func (d *dbBasePostgres) ReplaceMarks(query *string) {
q := *query
num := 0
for _, c := range q {
if c == '?' {
if num == 0 {
data := make([]byte, 0, len(q)+num)
num = 1
for i := 0; i < len(q); i++ {
c := q[i]
if c == '?' {
data = append(data, '$')
data = append(data, []byte(strconv.Itoa(num))...)
} else {
data = append(data, c)
*query = string(data)
// make returning sql support for postgresql.
func (d *dbBasePostgres) HasReturningID(mi *modelInfo, query *string) bool {
fi := mi.fields.pk
if fi.fieldType&IsPositiveIntegerField == 0 && fi.fieldType&IsIntegerField == 0 {
return false
if query != nil {
*query = fmt.Sprintf(`%s RETURNING "%s"`, *query, fi.column)
return true
// sync auto key
func (d *dbBasePostgres) setval(ctx context.Context, db dbQuerier, mi *modelInfo, autoFields []string) error {
if len(autoFields) == 0 {
return nil
Q := d.ins.TableQuote()
for _, name := range autoFields {
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('%s', '%s'), (SELECT MAX(%s%s%s) FROM %s%s%s));",
mi.table, name,
Q, name, Q,
Q, mi.table, Q)
if _, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, query); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// show table sql for postgresql.
func (d *dbBasePostgres) ShowTablesQuery() string {
return "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')"
// show table columns sql for postgresql.
func (d *dbBasePostgres) ShowColumnsQuery(table string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("SELECT column_name, data_type, is_nullable FROM information_schema.columns where table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') and table_name = '%s'", table)
// get column types of postgresql.
func (d *dbBasePostgres) DbTypes() map[string]string {
return postgresTypes
// check index exist in postgresql.
func (d *dbBasePostgres) IndexExists(ctx context.Context, db dbQuerier, table string, name string) bool {
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = '%s' AND indexname = '%s'", table, name)
row := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, query)
var cnt int
return cnt > 0
// GenerateSpecifyIndex return a specifying index clause
func (d *dbBasePostgres) GenerateSpecifyIndex(tableName string, useIndex int, indexes []string) string {
DebugLog.Println("[WARN] Not support any specifying index action, so that action is ignored")
return ``
// create new postgresql dbBaser.
func newdbBasePostgres() dbBaser {
b := new(dbBasePostgres)
b.ins = b
return b

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// sqlite operators.
var sqliteOperators = map[string]string{
"exact": "= ?",
"iexact": "LIKE ? ESCAPE '\\'",
"contains": "LIKE ? ESCAPE '\\'",
"icontains": "LIKE ? ESCAPE '\\'",
"gt": "> ?",
"gte": ">= ?",
"lt": "< ?",
"lte": "<= ?",
"eq": "= ?",
"ne": "!= ?",
"startswith": "LIKE ? ESCAPE '\\'",
"endswith": "LIKE ? ESCAPE '\\'",
"istartswith": "LIKE ? ESCAPE '\\'",
"iendswith": "LIKE ? ESCAPE '\\'",
// sqlite column types.
var sqliteTypes = map[string]string{
"bool": "bool",
"string": "varchar(%d)",
"string-char": "character(%d)",
"string-text": "text",
"time.Time-date": "date",
"time.Time": "datetime",
"time.Time-precision": "datetime(%d)",
"int8": "tinyint",
"int16": "smallint",
"int32": "integer",
"int64": "bigint",
"uint8": "tinyint unsigned",
"uint16": "smallint unsigned",
"uint32": "integer unsigned",
"uint64": "bigint unsigned",
"float64": "real",
"float64-decimal": "decimal",
// sqlite dbBaser.
type dbBaseSqlite struct {
var _ dbBaser = new(dbBaseSqlite)
// override base db read for update behavior as SQlite does not support syntax
func (d *dbBaseSqlite) Read(ctx context.Context, q dbQuerier, mi *modelInfo, ind reflect.Value, tz *time.Location, cols []string, isForUpdate bool) error {
if isForUpdate {
DebugLog.Println("[WARN] SQLite does not support SELECT FOR UPDATE query, isForUpdate param is ignored and always as false to do the work")
return d.dbBase.Read(ctx, q, mi, ind, tz, cols, false)
// get sqlite operator.
func (d *dbBaseSqlite) OperatorSQL(operator string) string {
return sqliteOperators[operator]
// generate functioned sql for sqlite.
// only support DATE(text).
func (d *dbBaseSqlite) GenerateOperatorLeftCol(fi *fieldInfo, operator string, leftCol *string) {
if fi.fieldType == TypeDateField {
*leftCol = fmt.Sprintf("DATE(%s)", *leftCol)
// unable updating joined record in sqlite.
func (d *dbBaseSqlite) SupportUpdateJoin() bool {
return false
// max int in sqlite.
func (d *dbBaseSqlite) MaxLimit() uint64 {
return 9223372036854775807
// get column types in sqlite.
func (d *dbBaseSqlite) DbTypes() map[string]string {
return sqliteTypes
// get show tables sql in sqlite.
func (d *dbBaseSqlite) ShowTablesQuery() string {
return "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'"
// get columns in sqlite.
func (d *dbBaseSqlite) GetColumns(ctx context.Context, db dbQuerier, table string) (map[string][3]string, error) {
query := d.ins.ShowColumnsQuery(table)
rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
columns := make(map[string][3]string)
for rows.Next() {
var tmp, name, typ, null sql.NullString
err := rows.Scan(&tmp, &name, &typ, &null, &tmp, &tmp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
columns[name.String] = [3]string{name.String, typ.String, null.String}
return columns, nil
// get show columns sql in sqlite.
func (d *dbBaseSqlite) ShowColumnsQuery(table string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("pragma table_info('%s')", table)
// check index exist in sqlite.
func (d *dbBaseSqlite) IndexExists(ctx context.Context, db dbQuerier, table string, name string) bool {
query := fmt.Sprintf("PRAGMA index_list('%s')", table)
rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var tmp, index sql.NullString
rows.Scan(&tmp, &index, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp)
if name == index.String {
return true
return false
// GenerateSpecifyIndex return a specifying index clause
func (d *dbBaseSqlite) GenerateSpecifyIndex(tableName string, useIndex int, indexes []string) string {
var s []string
Q := d.TableQuote()
for _, index := range indexes {
tmp := fmt.Sprintf(`%s%s%s`, Q, index, Q)
s = append(s, tmp)
switch useIndex {
case hints.KeyUseIndex, hints.KeyForceIndex:
return fmt.Sprintf(` INDEXED BY %s `, strings.Join(s, `,`))
DebugLog.Println("[WARN] Not a valid specifying action, so that action is ignored")
return ``
// create new sqlite dbBaser.
func newdbBaseSqlite() dbBaser {
b := new(dbBaseSqlite)
b.ins = b
return b

@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// table info struct.
type dbTable struct {
id int
index string
name string
names []string
sel bool
inner bool
mi *modelInfo
fi *fieldInfo
jtl *dbTable
// tables collection struct, contains some tables.
type dbTables struct {
tablesM map[string]*dbTable
tables []*dbTable
mi *modelInfo
base dbBaser
skipEnd bool
// set table info to collection.
// if not exist, create new.
func (t *dbTables) set(names []string, mi *modelInfo, fi *fieldInfo, inner bool) *dbTable {
name := strings.Join(names, ExprSep)
if j, ok := t.tablesM[name]; ok {
j.name = name
j.mi = mi
j.fi = fi
j.inner = inner
} else {
i := len(t.tables) + 1
jt := &dbTable{i, fmt.Sprintf("T%d", i), name, names, false, inner, mi, fi, nil}
t.tablesM[name] = jt
t.tables = append(t.tables, jt)
return t.tablesM[name]
// add table info to collection.
func (t *dbTables) add(names []string, mi *modelInfo, fi *fieldInfo, inner bool) (*dbTable, bool) {
name := strings.Join(names, ExprSep)
if _, ok := t.tablesM[name]; !ok {
i := len(t.tables) + 1
jt := &dbTable{i, fmt.Sprintf("T%d", i), name, names, false, inner, mi, fi, nil}
t.tablesM[name] = jt
t.tables = append(t.tables, jt)
return jt, true
return t.tablesM[name], false
// get table info in collection.
func (t *dbTables) get(name string) (*dbTable, bool) {
j, ok := t.tablesM[name]
return j, ok
// get related fields info in recursive depth loop.
// loop once, depth decreases one.
func (t *dbTables) loopDepth(depth int, prefix string, fi *fieldInfo, related []string) []string {
if depth < 0 || fi.fieldType == RelManyToMany {
return related
if prefix == "" {
prefix = fi.name
} else {
prefix = prefix + ExprSep + fi.name
related = append(related, prefix)
for _, fi := range fi.relModelInfo.fields.fieldsRel {
related = t.loopDepth(depth, prefix, fi, related)
return related
// parse related fields.
func (t *dbTables) parseRelated(rels []string, depth int) {
relsNum := len(rels)
related := make([]string, relsNum)
copy(related, rels)
relDepth := depth
if relsNum != 0 {
relDepth = 0
for _, fi := range t.mi.fields.fieldsRel {
related = t.loopDepth(relDepth, "", fi, related)
for i, s := range related {
var (
exs = strings.Split(s, ExprSep)
names = make([]string, 0, len(exs))
mmi = t.mi
cancel = true
jtl *dbTable
inner := true
for _, ex := range exs {
if fi, ok := mmi.fields.GetByAny(ex); ok && fi.rel && fi.fieldType != RelManyToMany {
names = append(names, fi.name)
mmi = fi.relModelInfo
if fi.null || t.skipEnd {
inner = false
jt := t.set(names, mmi, fi, inner)
jt.jtl = jtl
if fi.reverse {
cancel = false
if cancel {
jt.sel = depth > 0
if i < relsNum {
jt.sel = true
jtl = jt
} else {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown model/table name `%s`", ex))
// generate join string.
func (t *dbTables) getJoinSQL() (join string) {
Q := t.base.TableQuote()
for _, jt := range t.tables {
if jt.inner {
join += "INNER JOIN "
} else {
join += "LEFT OUTER JOIN "
var (
table string
t1, t2 string
c1, c2 string
t1 = "T0"
if jt.jtl != nil {
t1 = jt.jtl.index
t2 = jt.index
table = jt.mi.table
switch {
case jt.fi.fieldType == RelManyToMany || jt.fi.fieldType == RelReverseMany || jt.fi.reverse && jt.fi.reverseFieldInfo.fieldType == RelManyToMany:
c1 = jt.fi.mi.fields.pk.column
for _, ffi := range jt.mi.fields.fieldsRel {
if jt.fi.mi == ffi.relModelInfo {
c2 = ffi.column
c1 = jt.fi.column
c2 = jt.fi.relModelInfo.fields.pk.column
if jt.fi.reverse {
c1 = jt.mi.fields.pk.column
c2 = jt.fi.reverseFieldInfo.column
join += fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s %s ON %s.%s%s%s = %s.%s%s%s ", Q, table, Q, t2,
t2, Q, c2, Q, t1, Q, c1, Q)
// parse orm model struct field tag expression.
func (t *dbTables) parseExprs(mi *modelInfo, exprs []string) (index, name string, info *fieldInfo, success bool) {
var (
jtl *dbTable
fi *fieldInfo
fiN *fieldInfo
mmi = mi
num := len(exprs) - 1
var names []string
inner := true
for i, ex := range exprs {
var ok, okN bool
if fiN != nil {
fi = fiN
ok = true
fiN = nil
if i == 0 {
fi, ok = mmi.fields.GetByAny(ex)
_ = okN
if ok {
isRel := fi.rel || fi.reverse
names = append(names, fi.name)
switch {
case fi.rel:
mmi = fi.relModelInfo
if fi.fieldType == RelManyToMany {
mmi = fi.relThroughModelInfo
case fi.reverse:
mmi = fi.reverseFieldInfo.mi
if i < num {
fiN, okN = mmi.fields.GetByAny(exprs[i+1])
if isRel && (!fi.mi.isThrough || num != i) {
if fi.null || t.skipEnd {
inner = false
if t.skipEnd && okN || !t.skipEnd {
if t.skipEnd && okN && fiN.pk {
goto loopEnd
jt, _ := t.add(names, mmi, fi, inner)
jt.jtl = jtl
jtl = jt
if num != i {
if i == 0 || jtl == nil {
index = "T0"
} else {
index = jtl.index
info = fi
if jtl == nil {
name = fi.name
} else {
name = jtl.name + ExprSep + fi.name
switch {
case fi.rel:
case fi.reverse:
switch fi.reverseFieldInfo.fieldType {
case RelOneToOne, RelForeignKey:
index = jtl.index
info = fi.reverseFieldInfo.mi.fields.pk
name = info.name
break loopFor
} else {
index = ""
name = ""
info = nil
success = false
success = index != "" && info != nil
// generate condition sql.
func (t *dbTables) getCondSQL(cond *Condition, sub bool, tz *time.Location) (where string, params []interface{}) {
if cond == nil || cond.IsEmpty() {
Q := t.base.TableQuote()
mi := t.mi
for i, p := range cond.params {
if i > 0 {
if p.isOr {
where += "OR "
} else {
where += "AND "
if p.isNot {
where += "NOT "
if p.isCond {
w, ps := t.getCondSQL(p.cond, true, tz)
if w != "" {
w = fmt.Sprintf("( %s) ", w)
where += w
params = append(params, ps...)
} else {
exprs := p.exprs
num := len(exprs) - 1
operator := ""
if operators[exprs[num]] {
operator = exprs[num]
exprs = exprs[:num]
index, _, fi, suc := t.parseExprs(mi, exprs)
if !suc {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown field/column name `%s`", strings.Join(p.exprs, ExprSep)))
if operator == "" {
operator = "exact"
var operSQL string
var args []interface{}
if p.isRaw {
operSQL = p.sql
} else {
operSQL, args = t.base.GenerateOperatorSQL(mi, fi, operator, p.args, tz)
leftCol := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s%s%s", index, Q, fi.column, Q)
t.base.GenerateOperatorLeftCol(fi, operator, &leftCol)
where += fmt.Sprintf("%s %s ", leftCol, operSQL)
params = append(params, args...)
if !sub && where != "" {
where = "WHERE " + where
// generate group sql.
func (t *dbTables) getGroupSQL(groups []string) (groupSQL string) {
if len(groups) == 0 {
Q := t.base.TableQuote()
groupSqls := make([]string, 0, len(groups))
for _, group := range groups {
exprs := strings.Split(group, ExprSep)
index, _, fi, suc := t.parseExprs(t.mi, exprs)
if !suc {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown field/column name `%s`", strings.Join(exprs, ExprSep)))
groupSqls = append(groupSqls, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s%s%s", index, Q, fi.column, Q))
groupSQL = fmt.Sprintf("GROUP BY %s ", strings.Join(groupSqls, ", "))
// generate order sql.
func (t *dbTables) getOrderSQL(orders []*order_clause.Order) (orderSQL string) {
if len(orders) == 0 {
Q := t.base.TableQuote()
orderSqls := make([]string, 0, len(orders))
for _, order := range orders {
column := order.GetColumn()
clause := strings.Split(column, clauses.ExprDot)
if order.IsRaw() {
if len(clause) == 2 {
orderSqls = append(orderSqls, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s%s%s %s", clause[0], Q, clause[1], Q, order.SortString()))
} else if len(clause) == 1 {
orderSqls = append(orderSqls, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s %s", Q, clause[0], Q, order.SortString()))
} else {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown field/column name `%s`", strings.Join(clause, ExprSep)))
} else {
index, _, fi, suc := t.parseExprs(t.mi, clause)
if !suc {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown field/column name `%s`", strings.Join(clause, ExprSep)))
orderSqls = append(orderSqls, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s%s%s %s", index, Q, fi.column, Q, order.SortString()))
orderSQL = fmt.Sprintf("ORDER BY %s ", strings.Join(orderSqls, ", "))
// generate limit sql.
func (t *dbTables) getLimitSQL(mi *modelInfo, offset int64, limit int64) (limits string) {
if limit == 0 {
limit = int64(DefaultRowsLimit)
if limit < 0 {
// no limit
if offset > 0 {
maxLimit := t.base.MaxLimit()
if maxLimit == 0 {
limits = fmt.Sprintf("OFFSET %d", offset)
} else {
limits = fmt.Sprintf("LIMIT %d OFFSET %d", maxLimit, offset)
} else if offset <= 0 {
limits = fmt.Sprintf("LIMIT %d", limit)
} else {
limits = fmt.Sprintf("LIMIT %d OFFSET %d", limit, offset)
// getIndexSql generate index sql.
func (t *dbTables) getIndexSql(tableName string, useIndex int, indexes []string) (clause string) {
if len(indexes) == 0 {
return t.base.GenerateSpecifyIndex(tableName, useIndex, indexes)
// crete new tables collection.
func newDbTables(mi *modelInfo, base dbBaser) *dbTables {
tables := &dbTables{}
tables.tablesM = make(map[string]*dbTable)
tables.mi = mi
tables.base = base
return tables

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
// Copyright 2015 TiDB Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// mysql dbBaser implementation.
type dbBaseTidb struct {
var _ dbBaser = new(dbBaseTidb)
// get mysql operator.
func (d *dbBaseTidb) OperatorSQL(operator string) string {
return mysqlOperators[operator]
// get mysql table field types.
func (d *dbBaseTidb) DbTypes() map[string]string {
return mysqlTypes
// show table sql for mysql.
func (d *dbBaseTidb) ShowTablesQuery() string {
return "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_schema = DATABASE()"
// show columns sql of table for mysql.
func (d *dbBaseTidb) ShowColumnsQuery(table string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("SELECT COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_TYPE, IS_NULLABLE FROM information_schema.columns "+
"WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = '%s'", table)
// execute sql to check index exist.
func (d *dbBaseTidb) IndexExists(ctx context.Context, db dbQuerier, table string, name string) bool {
row := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.statistics "+
"WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = ? AND index_name = ?", table, name)
var cnt int
return cnt > 0
// create new mysql dbBaser.
func newdbBaseTidb() dbBaser {
b := new(dbBaseTidb)
b.ins = b
return b

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// get table alias.
func getDbAlias(name string) *alias {
if al, ok := dataBaseCache.get(name); ok {
return al
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown DataBase alias name %s", name))
// get pk column info.
func getExistPk(mi *modelInfo, ind reflect.Value) (column string, value interface{}, exist bool) {
fi := mi.fields.pk
v := ind.FieldByIndex(fi.fieldIndex)
if fi.fieldType&IsPositiveIntegerField > 0 {
vu := v.Uint()
exist = vu > 0
value = vu
} else if fi.fieldType&IsIntegerField > 0 {
vu := v.Int()
exist = true
value = vu
} else if fi.fieldType&IsRelField > 0 {
_, value, exist = getExistPk(fi.relModelInfo, reflect.Indirect(v))
} else {
vu := v.String()
exist = vu != ""
value = vu
column = fi.column
// get fields description as flatted string.
func getFlatParams(fi *fieldInfo, args []interface{}, tz *time.Location) (params []interface{}) {
for _, arg := range args {
if arg == nil {
params = append(params, arg)
val := reflect.ValueOf(arg)
kind := val.Kind()
if kind == reflect.Ptr {
val = val.Elem()
kind = val.Kind()
arg = val.Interface()
switch kind {
case reflect.String:
v := val.String()
if fi != nil {
if fi.fieldType == TypeTimeField || fi.fieldType == TypeDateField || fi.fieldType == TypeDateTimeField {
var t time.Time
var err error
if len(v) >= 19 {
s := v[:19]
t, err = time.ParseInLocation(formatDateTime, s, DefaultTimeLoc)
} else if len(v) >= 10 {
s := v
if len(v) > 10 {
s = v[:10]
t, err = time.ParseInLocation(formatDate, s, tz)
} else {
s := v
if len(s) > 8 {
s = v[:8]
t, err = time.ParseInLocation(formatTime, s, tz)
if err == nil {
if fi.fieldType == TypeDateField {
v = t.In(tz).Format(formatDate)
} else if fi.fieldType == TypeDateTimeField {
v = t.In(tz).Format(formatDateTime)
} else {
v = t.In(tz).Format(formatTime)
arg = v
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
arg = val.Int()
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
arg = val.Uint()
case reflect.Float32:
arg, _ = StrTo(ToStr(arg)).Float64()
case reflect.Float64:
arg = val.Float()
case reflect.Bool:
arg = val.Bool()
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
if _, ok := arg.([]byte); ok {
continue outFor
var args []interface{}
for i := 0; i < val.Len(); i++ {
v := val.Index(i)
var vu interface{}
if v.CanInterface() {
vu = v.Interface()
if vu == nil {
args = append(args, vu)
if len(args) > 0 {
p := getFlatParams(fi, args, tz)
params = append(params, p...)
continue outFor
case reflect.Struct:
if v, ok := arg.(time.Time); ok {
if fi != nil && fi.fieldType == TypeDateField {
arg = v.In(tz).Format(formatDate)
} else if fi != nil && fi.fieldType == TypeDateTimeField {
arg = v.In(tz).Format(formatDateTime)
} else if fi != nil && fi.fieldType == TypeTimeField {
arg = v.In(tz).Format(formatTime)
} else {
arg = v.In(tz).Format(formatDateTime)
} else {
typ := val.Type()
name := getFullName(typ)
var value interface{}
if mmi, ok := defaultModelCache.getByFullName(name); ok {
if _, vu, exist := getExistPk(mmi, val); exist {
value = vu
arg = value
if arg == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("need a valid args value, unknown table or value `%s`", name))
params = append(params, arg)

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
// Copyright 2020 beego
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// DoNothingOrm won't do anything, usually you use this to custom your mock Ormer implementation
// I think golang mocking interface is hard to use
// this may help you to integrate with Ormer
var _ Ormer = new(DoNothingOrm)
type DoNothingOrm struct{}
func (d *DoNothingOrm) Read(md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) ReadWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) ReadForUpdate(md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) ReadForUpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) ReadOrCreate(md interface{}, col1 string, cols ...string) (bool, int64, error) {
return false, 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) ReadOrCreateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, col1 string, cols ...string) (bool, int64, error) {
return false, 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) LoadRelated(md interface{}, name string, args ...utils.KV) (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) LoadRelatedWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, name string, args ...utils.KV) (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) QueryM2M(md interface{}, name string) QueryM2Mer {
return nil
// NOTE: this method is deprecated, context parameter will not take effect.
func (d *DoNothingOrm) QueryM2MWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, name string) QueryM2Mer {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) QueryTable(ptrStructOrTableName interface{}) QuerySeter {
return nil
// NOTE: this method is deprecated, context parameter will not take effect.
func (d *DoNothingOrm) QueryTableWithCtx(ctx context.Context, ptrStructOrTableName interface{}) QuerySeter {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) DBStats() *sql.DBStats {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) Insert(md interface{}) (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) InsertWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}) (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) InsertOrUpdate(md interface{}, colConflitAndArgs ...string) (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) InsertOrUpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, colConflitAndArgs ...string) (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) InsertMulti(bulk int, mds interface{}) (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) InsertMultiWithCtx(ctx context.Context, bulk int, mds interface{}) (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) Update(md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) UpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) Delete(md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) DeleteWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) Raw(query string, args ...interface{}) RawSeter {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) RawWithCtx(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) RawSeter {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) Driver() Driver {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) Begin() (TxOrmer, error) {
return nil, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) BeginWithCtx(ctx context.Context) (TxOrmer, error) {
return nil, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) BeginWithOpts(opts *sql.TxOptions) (TxOrmer, error) {
return nil, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) BeginWithCtxAndOpts(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (TxOrmer, error) {
return nil, nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) DoTx(task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) DoTxWithCtx(ctx context.Context, task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) DoTxWithOpts(opts *sql.TxOptions, task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingOrm) DoTxWithCtxAndOpts(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions, task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error {
return nil
// DoNothingTxOrm is similar with DoNothingOrm, usually you use it to test
type DoNothingTxOrm struct {
func (d *DoNothingTxOrm) Commit() error {
return nil
func (d *DoNothingTxOrm) Rollback() error {
return nil

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// Copyright 2020 beego
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// FilterChain is used to build a Filter
// don't forget to call next(...) inside your Filter
type FilterChain func(next Filter) Filter
// Filter's behavior is a little big strange.
// it's only be called when users call methods of Ormer
// return value is an array. it's a little bit hard to understand,
// for example, the Ormer's Read method only return error
// so the filter processing this method should return an array whose first element is error
// and, Ormer's ReadOrCreateWithCtx return three values, so the Filter's result should contains three values
type Filter func(ctx context.Context, inv *Invocation) []interface{}
var globalFilterChains = make([]FilterChain, 0, 4)
// AddGlobalFilterChain adds a new FilterChain
// All orm instances built after this invocation will use this filterChain,
// but instances built before this invocation will not be affected
func AddGlobalFilterChain(filterChain ...FilterChain) {
globalFilterChains = append(globalFilterChains, filterChain...)

@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
// Copyright 2020 beego
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
const (
TxNameKey = "TxName"
var (
_ Ormer = new(filterOrmDecorator)
_ TxOrmer = new(filterOrmDecorator)
type filterOrmDecorator struct {
root Filter
insideTx bool
txStartTime time.Time
txName string
func NewFilterOrmDecorator(delegate Ormer, filterChains ...FilterChain) Ormer {
res := &filterOrmDecorator{
ormer: delegate,
TxBeginner: delegate,
root: func(ctx context.Context, inv *Invocation) []interface{} {
return inv.execute(ctx)
for i := len(filterChains) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
node := filterChains[i]
res.root = node(res.root)
return res
func NewFilterTxOrmDecorator(delegate TxOrmer, root Filter, txName string) TxOrmer {
res := &filterOrmDecorator{
ormer: delegate,
TxCommitter: delegate,
root: root,
insideTx: true,
txStartTime: time.Now(),
txName: txName,
return res
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) Read(md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
return f.ReadWithCtx(context.Background(), md, cols...)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) ReadWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
mi, _ := defaultModelCache.getByMd(md)
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "ReadWithCtx",
Args: []interface{}{md, cols},
Md: md,
mi: mi,
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
err := f.ormer.ReadWithCtx(c, md, cols...)
return []interface{}{err}
res := f.root(ctx, inv)
return f.convertError(res[0])
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) ReadForUpdate(md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
return f.ReadForUpdateWithCtx(context.Background(), md, cols...)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) ReadForUpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
mi, _ := defaultModelCache.getByMd(md)
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "ReadForUpdateWithCtx",
Args: []interface{}{md, cols},
Md: md,
mi: mi,
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
err := f.ormer.ReadForUpdateWithCtx(c, md, cols...)
return []interface{}{err}
res := f.root(ctx, inv)
return f.convertError(res[0])
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) ReadOrCreate(md interface{}, col1 string, cols ...string) (bool, int64, error) {
return f.ReadOrCreateWithCtx(context.Background(), md, col1, cols...)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) ReadOrCreateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, col1 string, cols ...string) (bool, int64, error) {
mi, _ := defaultModelCache.getByMd(md)
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "ReadOrCreateWithCtx",
Args: []interface{}{md, col1, cols},
Md: md,
mi: mi,
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
ok, res, err := f.ormer.ReadOrCreateWithCtx(c, md, col1, cols...)
return []interface{}{ok, res, err}
res := f.root(ctx, inv)
return res[0].(bool), res[1].(int64), f.convertError(res[2])
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) LoadRelated(md interface{}, name string, args ...utils.KV) (int64, error) {
return f.LoadRelatedWithCtx(context.Background(), md, name, args...)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) LoadRelatedWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, name string, args ...utils.KV) (int64, error) {
mi, _ := defaultModelCache.getByMd(md)
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "LoadRelatedWithCtx",
Args: []interface{}{md, name, args},
Md: md,
mi: mi,
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
res, err := f.ormer.LoadRelatedWithCtx(c, md, name, args...)
return []interface{}{res, err}
res := f.root(ctx, inv)
return res[0].(int64), f.convertError(res[1])
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) QueryM2M(md interface{}, name string) QueryM2Mer {
mi, _ := defaultModelCache.getByMd(md)
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "QueryM2M",
Args: []interface{}{md, name},
Md: md,
mi: mi,
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
res := f.ormer.QueryM2M(md, name)
return []interface{}{res}
res := f.root(context.Background(), inv)
if res[0] == nil {
return nil
return res[0].(QueryM2Mer)
// NOTE: this method is deprecated, context parameter will not take effect.
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) QueryM2MWithCtx(_ context.Context, md interface{}, name string) QueryM2Mer {
logs.Warn("QueryM2MWithCtx is DEPRECATED. Use methods with `WithCtx` on QueryM2Mer suffix as replacement.")
return f.QueryM2M(md, name)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) QueryTable(ptrStructOrTableName interface{}) QuerySeter {
var (
name string
md interface{}
mi *modelInfo
if table, ok := ptrStructOrTableName.(string); ok {
name = table
} else {
name = getFullName(indirectType(reflect.TypeOf(ptrStructOrTableName)))
md = ptrStructOrTableName
if m, ok := defaultModelCache.getByFullName(name); ok {
mi = m
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "QueryTable",
Args: []interface{}{ptrStructOrTableName},
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
Md: md,
mi: mi,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
res := f.ormer.QueryTable(ptrStructOrTableName)
return []interface{}{res}
res := f.root(context.Background(), inv)
if res[0] == nil {
return nil
return res[0].(QuerySeter)
// NOTE: this method is deprecated, context parameter will not take effect.
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) QueryTableWithCtx(_ context.Context, ptrStructOrTableName interface{}) QuerySeter {
logs.Warn("QueryTableWithCtx is DEPRECATED. Use methods with `WithCtx`on QuerySeter suffix as replacement.")
return f.QueryTable(ptrStructOrTableName)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) DBStats() *sql.DBStats {
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "DBStats",
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
res := f.ormer.DBStats()
return []interface{}{res}
res := f.root(context.Background(), inv)
if res[0] == nil {
return nil
return res[0].(*sql.DBStats)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) Insert(md interface{}) (int64, error) {
return f.InsertWithCtx(context.Background(), md)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) InsertWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}) (int64, error) {
mi, _ := defaultModelCache.getByMd(md)
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "InsertWithCtx",
Args: []interface{}{md},
Md: md,
mi: mi,
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
res, err := f.ormer.InsertWithCtx(c, md)
return []interface{}{res, err}
res := f.root(ctx, inv)
return res[0].(int64), f.convertError(res[1])
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) InsertOrUpdate(md interface{}, colConflitAndArgs ...string) (int64, error) {
return f.InsertOrUpdateWithCtx(context.Background(), md, colConflitAndArgs...)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) InsertOrUpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, colConflitAndArgs ...string) (int64, error) {
mi, _ := defaultModelCache.getByMd(md)
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "InsertOrUpdateWithCtx",
Args: []interface{}{md, colConflitAndArgs},
Md: md,
mi: mi,
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
res, err := f.ormer.InsertOrUpdateWithCtx(c, md, colConflitAndArgs...)
return []interface{}{res, err}
res := f.root(ctx, inv)
return res[0].(int64), f.convertError(res[1])
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) InsertMulti(bulk int, mds interface{}) (int64, error) {
return f.InsertMultiWithCtx(context.Background(), bulk, mds)
// InsertMultiWithCtx uses the first element's model info
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) InsertMultiWithCtx(ctx context.Context, bulk int, mds interface{}) (int64, error) {
var (
md interface{}
mi *modelInfo
sind := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(mds))
if (sind.Kind() == reflect.Array || sind.Kind() == reflect.Slice) && sind.Len() > 0 {
ind := reflect.Indirect(sind.Index(0))
md = ind.Interface()
mi, _ = defaultModelCache.getByMd(md)
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "InsertMultiWithCtx",
Args: []interface{}{bulk, mds},
Md: md,
mi: mi,
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
res, err := f.ormer.InsertMultiWithCtx(c, bulk, mds)
return []interface{}{res, err}
res := f.root(ctx, inv)
return res[0].(int64), f.convertError(res[1])
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) Update(md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
return f.UpdateWithCtx(context.Background(), md, cols...)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) UpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
mi, _ := defaultModelCache.getByMd(md)
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "UpdateWithCtx",
Args: []interface{}{md, cols},
Md: md,
mi: mi,
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
res, err := f.ormer.UpdateWithCtx(c, md, cols...)
return []interface{}{res, err}
res := f.root(ctx, inv)
return res[0].(int64), f.convertError(res[1])
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) Delete(md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
return f.DeleteWithCtx(context.Background(), md, cols...)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) DeleteWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
mi, _ := defaultModelCache.getByMd(md)
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "DeleteWithCtx",
Args: []interface{}{md, cols},
Md: md,
mi: mi,
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
res, err := f.ormer.DeleteWithCtx(c, md, cols...)
return []interface{}{res, err}
res := f.root(ctx, inv)
return res[0].(int64), f.convertError(res[1])
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) Raw(query string, args ...interface{}) RawSeter {
return f.RawWithCtx(context.Background(), query, args...)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) RawWithCtx(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) RawSeter {
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "RawWithCtx",
Args: []interface{}{query, args},
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
res := f.ormer.RawWithCtx(c, query, args...)
return []interface{}{res}
res := f.root(ctx, inv)
if res[0] == nil {
return nil
return res[0].(RawSeter)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) Driver() Driver {
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "Driver",
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
res := f.ormer.Driver()
return []interface{}{res}
res := f.root(context.Background(), inv)
if res[0] == nil {
return nil
return res[0].(Driver)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) Begin() (TxOrmer, error) {
return f.BeginWithCtxAndOpts(context.Background(), nil)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) BeginWithCtx(ctx context.Context) (TxOrmer, error) {
return f.BeginWithCtxAndOpts(ctx, nil)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) BeginWithOpts(opts *sql.TxOptions) (TxOrmer, error) {
return f.BeginWithCtxAndOpts(context.Background(), opts)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) BeginWithCtxAndOpts(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (TxOrmer, error) {
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "BeginWithCtxAndOpts",
Args: []interface{}{opts},
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
res, err := f.TxBeginner.BeginWithCtxAndOpts(c, opts)
res = NewFilterTxOrmDecorator(res, f.root, getTxNameFromCtx(c))
return []interface{}{res, err}
res := f.root(ctx, inv)
return res[0].(TxOrmer), f.convertError(res[1])
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) DoTx(task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error {
return f.DoTxWithCtxAndOpts(context.Background(), nil, task)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) DoTxWithCtx(ctx context.Context, task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error {
return f.DoTxWithCtxAndOpts(ctx, nil, task)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) DoTxWithOpts(opts *sql.TxOptions, task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error {
return f.DoTxWithCtxAndOpts(context.Background(), opts, task)
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) DoTxWithCtxAndOpts(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions, task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error {
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "DoTxWithCtxAndOpts",
Args: []interface{}{opts, task},
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
TxName: getTxNameFromCtx(ctx),
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
err := doTxTemplate(c, f, opts, task)
return []interface{}{err}
res := f.root(ctx, inv)
return f.convertError(res[0])
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) Commit() error {
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "Commit",
Args: []interface{}{},
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
TxName: f.txName,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
err := f.TxCommitter.Commit()
return []interface{}{err}
res := f.root(context.Background(), inv)
return f.convertError(res[0])
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) Rollback() error {
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "Rollback",
Args: []interface{}{},
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
TxName: f.txName,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
err := f.TxCommitter.Rollback()
return []interface{}{err}
res := f.root(context.Background(), inv)
return f.convertError(res[0])
func (f *filterOrmDecorator) RollbackUnlessCommit() error {
inv := &Invocation{
Method: "RollbackUnlessCommit",
Args: []interface{}{},
InsideTx: f.insideTx,
TxStartTime: f.txStartTime,
TxName: f.txName,
f: func(c context.Context) []interface{} {
err := f.TxCommitter.RollbackUnlessCommit()
return []interface{}{err}
res := f.root(context.Background(), inv)
return f.convertError(res[0])
func (*filterOrmDecorator) convertError(v interface{}) error {
if v == nil {
return nil
return v.(error)
func getTxNameFromCtx(ctx context.Context) string {
txName := ""
if n, ok := ctx.Value(TxNameKey).(string); ok {
txName = n
return txName

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
// Copyright 2020 beego-dev
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hints
import (
const (
// query level
KeyForceIndex = iota
type Hint struct {
key interface{}
value interface{}
var _ utils.KV = new(Hint)
// GetKey return key
func (s *Hint) GetKey() interface{} {
return s.key
// GetValue return value
func (s *Hint) GetValue() interface{} {
return s.value
var _ utils.KV = new(Hint)
// ForceIndex return a hint about ForceIndex
func ForceIndex(indexes ...string) *Hint {
return NewHint(KeyForceIndex, indexes)
// UseIndex return a hint about UseIndex
func UseIndex(indexes ...string) *Hint {
return NewHint(KeyUseIndex, indexes)
// IgnoreIndex return a hint about IgnoreIndex
func IgnoreIndex(indexes ...string) *Hint {
return NewHint(KeyIgnoreIndex, indexes)
// ForUpdate return a hint about ForUpdate
func ForUpdate() *Hint {
return NewHint(KeyForUpdate, true)
// DefaultRelDepth return a hint about DefaultRelDepth
func DefaultRelDepth() *Hint {
return NewHint(KeyRelDepth, true)
// RelDepth return a hint about RelDepth
func RelDepth(d int) *Hint {
return NewHint(KeyRelDepth, d)
// Limit return a hint about Limit
func Limit(d int64) *Hint {
return NewHint(KeyLimit, d)
// Offset return a hint about Offset
func Offset(d int64) *Hint {
return NewHint(KeyOffset, d)
// OrderBy return a hint about OrderBy
func OrderBy(s string) *Hint {
return NewHint(KeyOrderBy, s)
// NewHint return a hint
func NewHint(key interface{}, value interface{}) *Hint {
return &Hint{
key: key,
value: value,

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
// Copyright 2020 beego
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// Invocation represents an "Orm" invocation
type Invocation struct {
Method string
// Md may be nil in some cases. It depends on method
Md interface{}
// the args are all arguments except context.Context
Args []interface{}
mi *modelInfo
// f is the Orm operation
f func(ctx context.Context) []interface{}
// insideTx indicates whether this is inside a transaction
InsideTx bool
TxStartTime time.Time
TxName string
func (inv *Invocation) GetTableName() string {
if inv.mi != nil {
return inv.mi.table
return ""
func (inv *Invocation) execute(ctx context.Context) []interface{} {
return inv.f(ctx)
// GetPkFieldName return the primary key of this table
// if not found, "" is returned
func (inv *Invocation) GetPkFieldName() string {
if inv.mi.fields.pk != nil {
return inv.mi.fields.pk.name
return ""

@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
const (
odCascade = "cascade"
odSetNULL = "set_null"
odSetDefault = "set_default"
odDoNothing = "do_nothing"
defaultStructTagName = "orm"
defaultStructTagDelim = ";"
var defaultModelCache = NewModelCacheHandler()
// model info collection
type modelCache struct {
sync.RWMutex // only used outsite for bootStrap
orders []string
cache map[string]*modelInfo
cacheByFullName map[string]*modelInfo
done bool
// NewModelCacheHandler generator of modelCache
func NewModelCacheHandler() *modelCache {
return &modelCache{
cache: make(map[string]*modelInfo),
cacheByFullName: make(map[string]*modelInfo),
// get all model info
func (mc *modelCache) all() map[string]*modelInfo {
m := make(map[string]*modelInfo, len(mc.cache))
for k, v := range mc.cache {
m[k] = v
return m
// get ordered model info
func (mc *modelCache) allOrdered() []*modelInfo {
m := make([]*modelInfo, 0, len(mc.orders))
for _, table := range mc.orders {
m = append(m, mc.cache[table])
return m
// get model info by table name
func (mc *modelCache) get(table string) (mi *modelInfo, ok bool) {
mi, ok = mc.cache[table]
// get model info by full name
func (mc *modelCache) getByFullName(name string) (mi *modelInfo, ok bool) {
mi, ok = mc.cacheByFullName[name]
func (mc *modelCache) getByMd(md interface{}) (*modelInfo, bool) {
val := reflect.ValueOf(md)
ind := reflect.Indirect(val)
typ := ind.Type()
name := getFullName(typ)
return mc.getByFullName(name)
// set model info to collection
func (mc *modelCache) set(table string, mi *modelInfo) *modelInfo {
mii := mc.cache[table]
mc.cache[table] = mi
mc.cacheByFullName[mi.fullName] = mi
if mii == nil {
mc.orders = append(mc.orders, table)
return mii
// clean all model info.
func (mc *modelCache) clean() {
defer mc.Unlock()
mc.orders = make([]string, 0)
mc.cache = make(map[string]*modelInfo)
mc.cacheByFullName = make(map[string]*modelInfo)
mc.done = false
// bootstrap bootstrap for models
func (mc *modelCache) bootstrap() {
defer mc.Unlock()
if mc.done {
var (
err error
models map[string]*modelInfo
if dataBaseCache.getDefault() == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("must have one register DataBase alias named `default`")
goto end
// set rel and reverse model
// RelManyToMany set the relTable
models = mc.all()
for _, mi := range models {
for _, fi := range mi.fields.columns {
if fi.rel || fi.reverse {
elm := fi.addrValue.Type().Elem()
if fi.fieldType == RelReverseMany || fi.fieldType == RelManyToMany {
elm = elm.Elem()
// check the rel or reverse model already register
name := getFullName(elm)
mii, ok := mc.getByFullName(name)
if !ok || mii.pkg != elm.PkgPath() {
err = fmt.Errorf("can not find rel in field `%s`, `%s` may be miss register", fi.fullName, elm.String())
goto end
fi.relModelInfo = mii
switch fi.fieldType {
case RelManyToMany:
if fi.relThrough != "" {
if i := strings.LastIndex(fi.relThrough, "."); i != -1 && len(fi.relThrough) > (i+1) {
pn := fi.relThrough[:i]
rmi, ok := mc.getByFullName(fi.relThrough)
if !ok || pn != rmi.pkg {
err = fmt.Errorf("field `%s` wrong rel_through value `%s` cannot find table", fi.fullName, fi.relThrough)
goto end
fi.relThroughModelInfo = rmi
fi.relTable = rmi.table
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("field `%s` wrong rel_through value `%s`", fi.fullName, fi.relThrough)
goto end
} else {
i := newM2MModelInfo(mi, mii)
if fi.relTable != "" {
i.table = fi.relTable
if v := mc.set(i.table, i); v != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("the rel table name `%s` already registered, cannot be use, please change one", fi.relTable)
goto end
fi.relTable = i.table
fi.relThroughModelInfo = i
fi.relThroughModelInfo.isThrough = true
// check the rel filed while the relModelInfo also has filed point to current model
// if not exist, add a new field to the relModelInfo
models = mc.all()
for _, mi := range models {
for _, fi := range mi.fields.fieldsRel {
switch fi.fieldType {
case RelForeignKey, RelOneToOne, RelManyToMany:
inModel := false
for _, ffi := range fi.relModelInfo.fields.fieldsReverse {
if ffi.relModelInfo == mi {
inModel = true
if !inModel {
rmi := fi.relModelInfo
ffi := new(fieldInfo)
ffi.name = mi.name
ffi.column = ffi.name
ffi.fullName = rmi.fullName + "." + ffi.name
ffi.reverse = true
ffi.relModelInfo = mi
ffi.mi = rmi
if fi.fieldType == RelOneToOne {
ffi.fieldType = RelReverseOne
} else {
ffi.fieldType = RelReverseMany
if !rmi.fields.Add(ffi) {
added := false
for cnt := 0; cnt < 5; cnt++ {
ffi.name = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", mi.name, cnt)
ffi.column = ffi.name
ffi.fullName = rmi.fullName + "." + ffi.name
if added = rmi.fields.Add(ffi); added {
if !added {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot generate auto reverse field info `%s` to `%s`", fi.fullName, ffi.fullName))
models = mc.all()
for _, mi := range models {
for _, fi := range mi.fields.fieldsRel {
switch fi.fieldType {
case RelManyToMany:
for _, ffi := range fi.relThroughModelInfo.fields.fieldsRel {
switch ffi.fieldType {
case RelOneToOne, RelForeignKey:
if ffi.relModelInfo == fi.relModelInfo {
fi.reverseFieldInfoTwo = ffi
if ffi.relModelInfo == mi {
fi.reverseField = ffi.name
fi.reverseFieldInfo = ffi
if fi.reverseFieldInfoTwo == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("can not find m2m field for m2m model `%s`, ensure your m2m model defined correct",
goto end
models = mc.all()
for _, mi := range models {
for _, fi := range mi.fields.fieldsReverse {
switch fi.fieldType {
case RelReverseOne:
found := false
for _, ffi := range fi.relModelInfo.fields.fieldsByType[RelOneToOne] {
if ffi.relModelInfo == mi {
found = true
fi.reverseField = ffi.name
fi.reverseFieldInfo = ffi
ffi.reverseField = fi.name
ffi.reverseFieldInfo = fi
break mForA
if !found {
err = fmt.Errorf("reverse field `%s` not found in model `%s`", fi.fullName, fi.relModelInfo.fullName)
goto end
case RelReverseMany:
found := false
for _, ffi := range fi.relModelInfo.fields.fieldsByType[RelForeignKey] {
if ffi.relModelInfo == mi {
found = true
fi.reverseField = ffi.name
fi.reverseFieldInfo = ffi
ffi.reverseField = fi.name
ffi.reverseFieldInfo = fi
break mForB
if !found {
for _, ffi := range fi.relModelInfo.fields.fieldsByType[RelManyToMany] {
conditions := fi.relThrough != "" && fi.relThrough == ffi.relThrough ||
fi.relTable != "" && fi.relTable == ffi.relTable ||
fi.relThrough == "" && fi.relTable == ""
if ffi.relModelInfo == mi && conditions {
found = true
fi.reverseField = ffi.reverseFieldInfoTwo.name
fi.reverseFieldInfo = ffi.reverseFieldInfoTwo
fi.relThroughModelInfo = ffi.relThroughModelInfo
fi.reverseFieldInfoTwo = ffi.reverseFieldInfo
fi.reverseFieldInfoM2M = ffi
ffi.reverseFieldInfoM2M = fi
break mForC
if !found {
err = fmt.Errorf("reverse field for `%s` not found in model `%s`", fi.fullName, fi.relModelInfo.fullName)
goto end
if err != nil {
mc.done = true
// register register models to model cache
func (mc *modelCache) register(prefixOrSuffixStr string, prefixOrSuffix bool, models ...interface{}) (err error) {
for _, model := range models {
val := reflect.ValueOf(model)
typ := reflect.Indirect(val).Type()
if val.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
err = fmt.Errorf("<orm.RegisterModel> cannot use non-ptr model struct `%s`", getFullName(typ))
// For this case:
// u := &User{}
// registerModel(&u)
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
err = fmt.Errorf("<orm.RegisterModel> only allow ptr model struct, it looks you use two reference to the struct `%s`", typ)
if val.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Slice {
val = reflect.New(val.Elem().Type().Elem())
table := getTableName(val)
if prefixOrSuffixStr != "" {
if prefixOrSuffix {
table = prefixOrSuffixStr + table
} else {
table = table + prefixOrSuffixStr
// models's fullname is pkgpath + struct name
name := getFullName(typ)
if _, ok := mc.getByFullName(name); ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("<orm.RegisterModel> model `%s` repeat register, must be unique\n", name)
if _, ok := mc.get(table); ok {
return nil
mi := newModelInfo(val)
if mi.fields.pk == nil {
for _, fi := range mi.fields.fieldsDB {
if strings.ToLower(fi.name) == "id" {
switch fi.addrValue.Elem().Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
fi.auto = true
fi.pk = true
mi.fields.pk = fi
break outFor
mi.table = table
mi.pkg = typ.PkgPath()
mi.model = model
mi.manual = true
mc.set(table, mi)
// getDbDropSQL get database scheme drop sql queries
func (mc *modelCache) getDbDropSQL(al *alias) (queries []string, err error) {
if len(mc.cache) == 0 {
err = errors.New("no Model found, need register your model")
Q := al.DbBaser.TableQuote()
for _, mi := range mc.allOrdered() {
queries = append(queries, fmt.Sprintf(`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s%s%s`, Q, mi.table, Q))
return queries, nil
// getDbCreateSQL get database scheme creation sql queries
func (mc *modelCache) getDbCreateSQL(al *alias) (queries []string, tableIndexes map[string][]dbIndex, err error) {
if len(mc.cache) == 0 {
err = errors.New("no Model found, need register your model")
Q := al.DbBaser.TableQuote()
T := al.DbBaser.DbTypes()
sep := fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", Q, Q)
tableIndexes = make(map[string][]dbIndex)
for _, mi := range mc.allOrdered() {
sql := fmt.Sprintf("-- %s\n", strings.Repeat("-", 50))
sql += fmt.Sprintf("-- Table Structure for `%s`\n", mi.fullName)
sql += fmt.Sprintf("-- %s\n", strings.Repeat("-", 50))
sql += fmt.Sprintf("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s%s%s (\n", Q, mi.table, Q)
columns := make([]string, 0, len(mi.fields.fieldsDB))
sqlIndexes := [][]string{}
var commentIndexes []int // store comment indexes for postgres
for i, fi := range mi.fields.fieldsDB {
column := fmt.Sprintf(" %s%s%s ", Q, fi.column, Q)
col := getColumnTyp(al, fi)
if fi.auto {
switch al.Driver {
case DRSqlite, DRPostgres:
column += T["auto"]
column += col + " " + T["auto"]
} else if fi.pk {
column += col + " " + T["pk"]
} else {
column += col
if !fi.null {
column += " " + "NOT NULL"
// if fi.initial.String() != "" {
// column += " DEFAULT " + fi.initial.String()
// }
// Append attribute DEFAULT
column += getColumnDefault(fi)
if fi.unique {
column += " " + "UNIQUE"
if fi.index {
sqlIndexes = append(sqlIndexes, []string{fi.column})
if strings.Contains(column, "%COL%") {
column = strings.Replace(column, "%COL%", fi.column, -1)
if fi.description != "" && al.Driver != DRSqlite {
if al.Driver == DRPostgres {
commentIndexes = append(commentIndexes, i)
} else {
column += " " + fmt.Sprintf("COMMENT '%s'", fi.description)
columns = append(columns, column)
if mi.model != nil {
allnames := getTableUnique(mi.addrField)
if !mi.manual && len(mi.uniques) > 0 {
allnames = append(allnames, mi.uniques)
for _, names := range allnames {
cols := make([]string, 0, len(names))
for _, name := range names {
if fi, ok := mi.fields.GetByAny(name); ok && fi.dbcol {
cols = append(cols, fi.column)
} else {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot found column `%s` when parse UNIQUE in `%s.TableUnique`", name, mi.fullName))
column := fmt.Sprintf(" UNIQUE (%s%s%s)", Q, strings.Join(cols, sep), Q)
columns = append(columns, column)
sql += strings.Join(columns, ",\n")
sql += "\n)"
if al.Driver == DRMySQL {
var engine string
if mi.model != nil {
engine = getTableEngine(mi.addrField)
if engine == "" {
engine = al.Engine
sql += " ENGINE=" + engine
sql += ";"
if al.Driver == DRPostgres && len(commentIndexes) > 0 {
// append comments for postgres only
for _, index := range commentIndexes {
sql += fmt.Sprintf("\nCOMMENT ON COLUMN %s%s%s.%s%s%s is '%s';",
queries = append(queries, sql)
if mi.model != nil {
for _, names := range getTableIndex(mi.addrField) {
cols := make([]string, 0, len(names))
for _, name := range names {
if fi, ok := mi.fields.GetByAny(name); ok && fi.dbcol {
cols = append(cols, fi.column)
} else {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot found column `%s` when parse INDEX in `%s.TableIndex`", name, mi.fullName))
sqlIndexes = append(sqlIndexes, cols)
for _, names := range sqlIndexes {
name := mi.table + "_" + strings.Join(names, "_")
cols := strings.Join(names, sep)
sql := fmt.Sprintf("CREATE INDEX %s%s%s ON %s%s%s (%s%s%s);", Q, name, Q, Q, mi.table, Q, Q, cols, Q)
index := dbIndex{}
index.Table = mi.table
index.Name = name
index.SQL = sql
tableIndexes[mi.table] = append(tableIndexes[mi.table], index)
// ResetModelCache Clean model cache. Then you can re-RegisterModel.
// Common use this api for test case.
func ResetModelCache() {

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
// RegisterModel register models
func RegisterModel(models ...interface{}) {
RegisterModelWithPrefix("", models...)
// RegisterModelWithPrefix register models with a prefix
func RegisterModelWithPrefix(prefix string, models ...interface{}) {
if err := defaultModelCache.register(prefix, true, models...); err != nil {
// RegisterModelWithSuffix register models with a suffix
func RegisterModelWithSuffix(suffix string, models ...interface{}) {
if err := defaultModelCache.register(suffix, false, models...); err != nil {
// BootStrap bootstrap models.
// make all model parsed and can not add more models
func BootStrap() {

@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// Define the Type enum
const (
TypeBooleanField = 1 << iota
// Define some logic enum
const (
IsIntegerField = ^-TypePositiveBigIntegerField >> 6 << 7
IsPositiveIntegerField = ^-TypePositiveBigIntegerField >> 10 << 11
IsRelField = ^-RelReverseMany >> 18 << 19
IsFieldType = ^-RelReverseMany<<1 + 1
// BooleanField A true/false field.
type BooleanField bool
// Value return the BooleanField
func (e BooleanField) Value() bool {
return bool(e)
// Set will set the BooleanField
func (e *BooleanField) Set(d bool) {
*e = BooleanField(d)
// String format the Bool to string
func (e *BooleanField) String() string {
return strconv.FormatBool(e.Value())
// FieldType return BooleanField the type
func (e *BooleanField) FieldType() int {
return TypeBooleanField
// SetRaw set the interface to bool
func (e *BooleanField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case bool:
case string:
v, err := StrTo(d).Bool()
if err == nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("<BooleanField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return the current value
func (e *BooleanField) RawValue() interface{} {
return e.Value()
// verify the BooleanField implement the Fielder interface
var _ Fielder = new(BooleanField)
// CharField A string field
// required values tag: size
// The size is enforced at the database level and in modelss validation.
// eg: `orm:"size(120)"`
type CharField string
// Value return the CharField's Value
func (e CharField) Value() string {
return string(e)
// Set CharField value
func (e *CharField) Set(d string) {
*e = CharField(d)
// String return the CharField
func (e *CharField) String() string {
return e.Value()
// FieldType return the enum type
func (e *CharField) FieldType() int {
return TypeVarCharField
// SetRaw set the interface to string
func (e *CharField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case string:
return fmt.Errorf("<CharField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return the CharField value
func (e *CharField) RawValue() interface{} {
return e.Value()
// verify CharField implement Fielder
var _ Fielder = new(CharField)
// TimeField A time, represented in go by a time.Time instance.
// only time values like 10:00:00
// Has a few extra, optional attr tag:
// auto_now:
// Automatically set the field to now every time the object is saved. Useful for “last-modified” timestamps.
// Note that the current date is always used; its not just a default value that you can override.
// auto_now_add:
// Automatically set the field to now when the object is first created. Useful for creation of timestamps.
// Note that the current date is always used; its not just a default value that you can override.
// eg: `orm:"auto_now"` or `orm:"auto_now_add"`
type TimeField time.Time
// Value return the time.Time
func (e TimeField) Value() time.Time {
return time.Time(e)
// Set set the TimeField's value
func (e *TimeField) Set(d time.Time) {
*e = TimeField(d)
// String convert time to string
func (e *TimeField) String() string {
return e.Value().String()
// FieldType return enum type Date
func (e *TimeField) FieldType() int {
return TypeDateField
// SetRaw convert the interface to time.Time. Allow string and time.Time
func (e *TimeField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case time.Time:
case string:
v, err := timeParse(d, formatTime)
if err == nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("<TimeField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return time value
func (e *TimeField) RawValue() interface{} {
return e.Value()
var _ Fielder = new(TimeField)
// DateField A date, represented in go by a time.Time instance.
// only date values like 2006-01-02
// Has a few extra, optional attr tag:
// auto_now:
// Automatically set the field to now every time the object is saved. Useful for “last-modified” timestamps.
// Note that the current date is always used; its not just a default value that you can override.
// auto_now_add:
// Automatically set the field to now when the object is first created. Useful for creation of timestamps.
// Note that the current date is always used; its not just a default value that you can override.
// eg: `orm:"auto_now"` or `orm:"auto_now_add"`
type DateField time.Time
// Value return the time.Time
func (e DateField) Value() time.Time {
return time.Time(e)
// Set set the DateField's value
func (e *DateField) Set(d time.Time) {
*e = DateField(d)
// String convert datetime to string
func (e *DateField) String() string {
return e.Value().String()
// FieldType return enum type Date
func (e *DateField) FieldType() int {
return TypeDateField
// SetRaw convert the interface to time.Time. Allow string and time.Time
func (e *DateField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case time.Time:
case string:
v, err := timeParse(d, formatDate)
if err == nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("<DateField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return Date value
func (e *DateField) RawValue() interface{} {
return e.Value()
// verify DateField implement fielder interface
var _ Fielder = new(DateField)
// DateTimeField A date, represented in go by a time.Time instance.
// datetime values like 2006-01-02 15:04:05
// Takes the same extra arguments as DateField.
type DateTimeField time.Time
// Value return the datetime value
func (e DateTimeField) Value() time.Time {
return time.Time(e)
// Set set the time.Time to datetime
func (e *DateTimeField) Set(d time.Time) {
*e = DateTimeField(d)
// String return the time's String
func (e *DateTimeField) String() string {
return e.Value().String()
// FieldType return the enum TypeDateTimeField
func (e *DateTimeField) FieldType() int {
return TypeDateTimeField
// SetRaw convert the string or time.Time to DateTimeField
func (e *DateTimeField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case time.Time:
case string:
v, err := timeParse(d, formatDateTime)
if err == nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("<DateTimeField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return the datetime value
func (e *DateTimeField) RawValue() interface{} {
return e.Value()
// verify datetime implement fielder
var _ Fielder = new(DateTimeField)
// FloatField A floating-point number represented in go by a float32 value.
type FloatField float64
// Value return the FloatField value
func (e FloatField) Value() float64 {
return float64(e)
// Set the Float64
func (e *FloatField) Set(d float64) {
*e = FloatField(d)
// String return the string
func (e *FloatField) String() string {
return ToStr(e.Value(), -1, 32)
// FieldType return the enum type
func (e *FloatField) FieldType() int {
return TypeFloatField
// SetRaw converter interface Float64 float32 or string to FloatField
func (e *FloatField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case float32:
case float64:
case string:
v, err := StrTo(d).Float64()
if err == nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("<FloatField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return the FloatField value
func (e *FloatField) RawValue() interface{} {
return e.Value()
// verify FloatField implement Fielder
var _ Fielder = new(FloatField)
// SmallIntegerField -32768 to 32767
type SmallIntegerField int16
// Value return int16 value
func (e SmallIntegerField) Value() int16 {
return int16(e)
// Set the SmallIntegerField value
func (e *SmallIntegerField) Set(d int16) {
*e = SmallIntegerField(d)
// String convert smallint to string
func (e *SmallIntegerField) String() string {
return ToStr(e.Value())
// FieldType return enum type SmallIntegerField
func (e *SmallIntegerField) FieldType() int {
return TypeSmallIntegerField
// SetRaw convert interface int16/string to int16
func (e *SmallIntegerField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case int16:
case string:
v, err := StrTo(d).Int16()
if err == nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("<SmallIntegerField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return smallint value
func (e *SmallIntegerField) RawValue() interface{} {
return e.Value()
// verify SmallIntegerField implement Fielder
var _ Fielder = new(SmallIntegerField)
// IntegerField -2147483648 to 2147483647
type IntegerField int32
// Value return the int32
func (e IntegerField) Value() int32 {
return int32(e)
// Set IntegerField value
func (e *IntegerField) Set(d int32) {
*e = IntegerField(d)
// String convert Int32 to string
func (e *IntegerField) String() string {
return ToStr(e.Value())
// FieldType return the enum type
func (e *IntegerField) FieldType() int {
return TypeIntegerField
// SetRaw convert interface int32/string to int32
func (e *IntegerField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case int32:
case string:
v, err := StrTo(d).Int32()
if err == nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("<IntegerField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return IntegerField value
func (e *IntegerField) RawValue() interface{} {
return e.Value()
// verify IntegerField implement Fielder
var _ Fielder = new(IntegerField)
// BigIntegerField -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.
type BigIntegerField int64
// Value return int64
func (e BigIntegerField) Value() int64 {
return int64(e)
// Set the BigIntegerField value
func (e *BigIntegerField) Set(d int64) {
*e = BigIntegerField(d)
// String convert BigIntegerField to string
func (e *BigIntegerField) String() string {
return ToStr(e.Value())
// FieldType return enum type
func (e *BigIntegerField) FieldType() int {
return TypeBigIntegerField
// SetRaw convert interface int64/string to int64
func (e *BigIntegerField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case int64:
case string:
v, err := StrTo(d).Int64()
if err == nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("<BigIntegerField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return BigIntegerField value
func (e *BigIntegerField) RawValue() interface{} {
return e.Value()
// verify BigIntegerField implement Fielder
var _ Fielder = new(BigIntegerField)
// PositiveSmallIntegerField 0 to 65535
type PositiveSmallIntegerField uint16
// Value return uint16
func (e PositiveSmallIntegerField) Value() uint16 {
return uint16(e)
// Set PositiveSmallIntegerField value
func (e *PositiveSmallIntegerField) Set(d uint16) {
*e = PositiveSmallIntegerField(d)
// String convert uint16 to string
func (e *PositiveSmallIntegerField) String() string {
return ToStr(e.Value())
// FieldType return enum type
func (e *PositiveSmallIntegerField) FieldType() int {
return TypePositiveSmallIntegerField
// SetRaw convert Interface uint16/string to uint16
func (e *PositiveSmallIntegerField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case uint16:
case string:
v, err := StrTo(d).Uint16()
if err == nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("<PositiveSmallIntegerField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue returns PositiveSmallIntegerField value
func (e *PositiveSmallIntegerField) RawValue() interface{} {
return e.Value()
// verify PositiveSmallIntegerField implement Fielder
var _ Fielder = new(PositiveSmallIntegerField)
// PositiveIntegerField 0 to 4294967295
type PositiveIntegerField uint32
// Value return PositiveIntegerField value. Uint32
func (e PositiveIntegerField) Value() uint32 {
return uint32(e)
// Set the PositiveIntegerField value
func (e *PositiveIntegerField) Set(d uint32) {
*e = PositiveIntegerField(d)
// String convert PositiveIntegerField to string
func (e *PositiveIntegerField) String() string {
return ToStr(e.Value())
// FieldType return enum type
func (e *PositiveIntegerField) FieldType() int {
return TypePositiveIntegerField
// SetRaw convert interface uint32/string to Uint32
func (e *PositiveIntegerField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case uint32:
case string:
v, err := StrTo(d).Uint32()
if err == nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("<PositiveIntegerField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return the PositiveIntegerField Value
func (e *PositiveIntegerField) RawValue() interface{} {
return e.Value()
// verify PositiveIntegerField implement Fielder
var _ Fielder = new(PositiveIntegerField)
// PositiveBigIntegerField 0 to 18446744073709551615
type PositiveBigIntegerField uint64
// Value return uint64
func (e PositiveBigIntegerField) Value() uint64 {
return uint64(e)
// Set PositiveBigIntegerField value
func (e *PositiveBigIntegerField) Set(d uint64) {
*e = PositiveBigIntegerField(d)
// String convert PositiveBigIntegerField to string
func (e *PositiveBigIntegerField) String() string {
return ToStr(e.Value())
// FieldType return enum type
func (e *PositiveBigIntegerField) FieldType() int {
return TypePositiveIntegerField
// SetRaw convert interface uint64/string to Uint64
func (e *PositiveBigIntegerField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case uint64:
case string:
v, err := StrTo(d).Uint64()
if err == nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("<PositiveBigIntegerField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return PositiveBigIntegerField value
func (e *PositiveBigIntegerField) RawValue() interface{} {
return e.Value()
// verify PositiveBigIntegerField implement Fielder
var _ Fielder = new(PositiveBigIntegerField)
// TextField A large text field.
type TextField string
// Value return TextField value
func (e TextField) Value() string {
return string(e)
// Set the TextField value
func (e *TextField) Set(d string) {
*e = TextField(d)
// String convert TextField to string
func (e *TextField) String() string {
return e.Value()
// FieldType return enum type
func (e *TextField) FieldType() int {
return TypeTextField
// SetRaw convert interface string to string
func (e *TextField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case string:
return fmt.Errorf("<TextField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return TextField value
func (e *TextField) RawValue() interface{} {
return e.Value()
// verify TextField implement Fielder
var _ Fielder = new(TextField)
// JSONField postgres json field.
type JSONField string
// Value return JSONField value
func (j JSONField) Value() string {
return string(j)
// Set the JSONField value
func (j *JSONField) Set(d string) {
*j = JSONField(d)
// String convert JSONField to string
func (j *JSONField) String() string {
return j.Value()
// FieldType return enum type
func (j *JSONField) FieldType() int {
return TypeJSONField
// SetRaw convert interface string to string
func (j *JSONField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case string:
return fmt.Errorf("<JSONField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return JSONField value
func (j *JSONField) RawValue() interface{} {
return j.Value()
// verify JSONField implement Fielder
var _ Fielder = new(JSONField)
// JsonbField postgres json field.
type JsonbField string
// Value return JsonbField value
func (j JsonbField) Value() string {
return string(j)
// Set the JsonbField value
func (j *JsonbField) Set(d string) {
*j = JsonbField(d)
// String convert JsonbField to string
func (j *JsonbField) String() string {
return j.Value()
// FieldType return enum type
func (j *JsonbField) FieldType() int {
return TypeJsonbField
// SetRaw convert interface string to string
func (j *JsonbField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error {
switch d := value.(type) {
case string:
return fmt.Errorf("<JsonbField.SetRaw> unknown value `%s`", value)
return nil
// RawValue return JsonbField value
func (j *JsonbField) RawValue() interface{} {
return j.Value()
// verify JsonbField implement Fielder
var _ Fielder = new(JsonbField)

@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
var errSkipField = errors.New("skip field")
// field info collection
type fields struct {
pk *fieldInfo
columns map[string]*fieldInfo
fields map[string]*fieldInfo
fieldsLow map[string]*fieldInfo
fieldsByType map[int][]*fieldInfo
fieldsRel []*fieldInfo
fieldsReverse []*fieldInfo
fieldsDB []*fieldInfo
rels []*fieldInfo
orders []string
dbcols []string
// add field info
func (f *fields) Add(fi *fieldInfo) (added bool) {
if f.fields[fi.name] == nil && f.columns[fi.column] == nil {
f.columns[fi.column] = fi
f.fields[fi.name] = fi
f.fieldsLow[strings.ToLower(fi.name)] = fi
} else {
if _, ok := f.fieldsByType[fi.fieldType]; !ok {
f.fieldsByType[fi.fieldType] = make([]*fieldInfo, 0)
f.fieldsByType[fi.fieldType] = append(f.fieldsByType[fi.fieldType], fi)
f.orders = append(f.orders, fi.column)
if fi.dbcol {
f.dbcols = append(f.dbcols, fi.column)
f.fieldsDB = append(f.fieldsDB, fi)
if fi.rel {
f.fieldsRel = append(f.fieldsRel, fi)
if fi.reverse {
f.fieldsReverse = append(f.fieldsReverse, fi)
return true
// get field info by name
func (f *fields) GetByName(name string) *fieldInfo {
return f.fields[name]
// get field info by column name
func (f *fields) GetByColumn(column string) *fieldInfo {
return f.columns[column]
// get field info by string, name is prior
func (f *fields) GetByAny(name string) (*fieldInfo, bool) {
if fi, ok := f.fields[name]; ok {
return fi, ok
if fi, ok := f.fieldsLow[strings.ToLower(name)]; ok {
return fi, ok
if fi, ok := f.columns[name]; ok {
return fi, ok
return nil, false
// create new field info collection
func newFields() *fields {
f := new(fields)
f.fields = make(map[string]*fieldInfo)
f.fieldsLow = make(map[string]*fieldInfo)
f.columns = make(map[string]*fieldInfo)
f.fieldsByType = make(map[int][]*fieldInfo)
return f
// single field info
type fieldInfo struct {
dbcol bool // table column fk and onetoone
inModel bool
auto bool
pk bool
null bool
index bool
unique bool
colDefault bool // whether has default tag
toText bool
autoNow bool
autoNowAdd bool
rel bool // if type equal to RelForeignKey, RelOneToOne, RelManyToMany then true
reverse bool
isFielder bool // implement Fielder interface
mi *modelInfo
fieldIndex []int
fieldType int
name string
fullName string
column string
addrValue reflect.Value
sf reflect.StructField
initial StrTo // store the default value
size int
reverseField string
reverseFieldInfo *fieldInfo
reverseFieldInfoTwo *fieldInfo
reverseFieldInfoM2M *fieldInfo
relTable string
relThrough string
relThroughModelInfo *modelInfo
relModelInfo *modelInfo
digits int
decimals int
onDelete string
description string
timePrecision *int
// new field info
func newFieldInfo(mi *modelInfo, field reflect.Value, sf reflect.StructField, mName string) (fi *fieldInfo, err error) {
var (
tag string
tagValue string
initial StrTo // store the default value
fieldType int
attrs map[string]bool
tags map[string]string
addrField reflect.Value
fi = new(fieldInfo)
// if field which CanAddr is the follow type
// A value is addressable if it is an element of a slice,
// an element of an addressable array, a field of an
// addressable struct, or the result of dereferencing a pointer.
addrField = field
if field.CanAddr() && field.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
addrField = field.Addr()
if _, ok := addrField.Interface().(Fielder); !ok {
if field.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
addrField = field
attrs, tags = parseStructTag(sf.Tag.Get(defaultStructTagName))
if _, ok := attrs["-"]; ok {
return nil, errSkipField
digits := tags["digits"]
decimals := tags["decimals"]
size := tags["size"]
onDelete := tags["on_delete"]
precision := tags["precision"]
if v, ok := tags["default"]; ok {
switch f := addrField.Interface().(type) {
case Fielder:
fi.isFielder = true
if field.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
err = fmt.Errorf("the model Fielder can not be use ptr")
goto end
fieldType = f.FieldType()
if fieldType&IsRelField > 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("unsupport type custom field, please refer to https://github.com/beego/beego/v2/blob/master/orm/models_fields.go#L24-L42")
goto end
tag = "rel"
tagValue = tags[tag]
if tagValue != "" {
switch tagValue {
case "fk":
fieldType = RelForeignKey
break checkType
case "one":
fieldType = RelOneToOne
break checkType
case "m2m":
fieldType = RelManyToMany
if tv := tags["rel_table"]; tv != "" {
fi.relTable = tv
} else if tv := tags["rel_through"]; tv != "" {
fi.relThrough = tv
break checkType
err = fmt.Errorf("rel only allow these value: fk, one, m2m")
goto wrongTag
tag = "reverse"
tagValue = tags[tag]
if tagValue != "" {
switch tagValue {
case "one":
fieldType = RelReverseOne
break checkType
case "many":
fieldType = RelReverseMany
if tv := tags["rel_table"]; tv != "" {
fi.relTable = tv
} else if tv := tags["rel_through"]; tv != "" {
fi.relThrough = tv
break checkType
err = fmt.Errorf("reverse only allow these value: one, many")
goto wrongTag
fieldType, err = getFieldType(addrField)
if err != nil {
goto end
if fieldType == TypeVarCharField {
switch tags["type"] {
case "char":
fieldType = TypeCharField
case "text":
fieldType = TypeTextField
case "json":
fieldType = TypeJSONField
case "jsonb":
fieldType = TypeJsonbField
if fieldType == TypeFloatField && (digits != "" || decimals != "") {
fieldType = TypeDecimalField
if fieldType == TypeDateTimeField && tags["type"] == "date" {
fieldType = TypeDateField
if fieldType == TypeTimeField && tags["type"] == "time" {
fieldType = TypeTimeField
// check the rel and reverse type
// rel should Ptr
// reverse should slice []*struct
switch fieldType {
case RelForeignKey, RelOneToOne, RelReverseOne:
if field.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
err = fmt.Errorf("rel/reverse:one field must be *%s", field.Type().Name())
goto end
case RelManyToMany, RelReverseMany:
if field.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
err = fmt.Errorf("rel/reverse:many field must be slice")
goto end
} else {
if field.Type().Elem().Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
err = fmt.Errorf("rel/reverse:many slice must be []*%s", field.Type().Elem().Name())
goto end
if fieldType&IsFieldType == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("wrong field type")
goto end
fi.fieldType = fieldType
fi.name = sf.Name
fi.column = getColumnName(fieldType, addrField, sf, tags["column"])
fi.addrValue = addrField
fi.sf = sf
fi.fullName = mi.fullName + mName + "." + sf.Name
fi.description = tags["description"]
fi.null = attrs["null"]
fi.index = attrs["index"]
fi.auto = attrs["auto"]
fi.pk = attrs["pk"]
fi.unique = attrs["unique"]
// Mark object property if there is attribute "default" in the orm configuration
if _, ok := tags["default"]; ok {
fi.colDefault = true
switch fieldType {
case RelManyToMany, RelReverseMany, RelReverseOne:
fi.null = false
fi.index = false
fi.auto = false
fi.pk = false
fi.unique = false
fi.dbcol = true
switch fieldType {
case RelForeignKey, RelOneToOne, RelManyToMany:
fi.rel = true
if fieldType == RelOneToOne {
fi.unique = true
case RelReverseMany, RelReverseOne:
fi.reverse = true
if fi.rel && fi.dbcol {
switch onDelete {
case odCascade, odDoNothing:
case odSetDefault:
if !initial.Exist() {
err = errors.New("on_delete: set_default need set field a default value")
goto end
case odSetNULL:
if !fi.null {
err = errors.New("on_delete: set_null need set field null")
goto end
if onDelete == "" {
onDelete = odCascade
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("on_delete value expected choice in `cascade,set_null,set_default,do_nothing`, unknown `%s`", onDelete)
goto end
fi.onDelete = onDelete
switch fieldType {
case TypeBooleanField:
case TypeVarCharField, TypeCharField, TypeJSONField, TypeJsonbField:
if size != "" {
v, e := StrTo(size).Int32()
if e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("wrong size value `%s`", size)
} else {
fi.size = int(v)
} else {
fi.size = 255
fi.toText = true
case TypeTextField:
fi.index = false
fi.unique = false
case TypeTimeField, TypeDateField, TypeDateTimeField:
if fieldType == TypeDateTimeField {
if precision != "" {
v, e := StrTo(precision).Int()
if e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("convert %s to int error:%v", precision, e)
} else {
fi.timePrecision = &v
if attrs["auto_now"] {
fi.autoNow = true
} else if attrs["auto_now_add"] {
fi.autoNowAdd = true
case TypeFloatField:
case TypeDecimalField:
d1 := digits
d2 := decimals
v1, er1 := StrTo(d1).Int8()
v2, er2 := StrTo(d2).Int8()
if er1 != nil || er2 != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("wrong digits/decimals value %s/%s", d2, d1)
goto end
fi.digits = int(v1)
fi.decimals = int(v2)
switch {
case fieldType&IsIntegerField > 0:
case fieldType&IsRelField > 0:
if fieldType&IsIntegerField == 0 {
if fi.auto {
err = fmt.Errorf("non-integer type cannot set auto")
goto end
if fi.auto || fi.pk {
if fi.auto {
switch addrField.Elem().Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
err = fmt.Errorf("auto primary key only support int, int32, int64, uint, uint32, uint64 but found `%s`", addrField.Elem().Kind())
goto end
fi.pk = true
fi.null = false
fi.index = false
fi.unique = false
if fi.unique {
fi.index = false
// can not set default for these type
if fi.auto || fi.pk || fi.unique || fieldType == TypeTimeField || fieldType == TypeDateField || fieldType == TypeDateTimeField {
if initial.Exist() {
v := initial
switch fieldType {
case TypeBooleanField:
_, err = v.Bool()
case TypeFloatField, TypeDecimalField:
_, err = v.Float64()
case TypeBitField:
_, err = v.Int8()
case TypeSmallIntegerField:
_, err = v.Int16()
case TypeIntegerField:
_, err = v.Int32()
case TypeBigIntegerField:
_, err = v.Int64()
case TypePositiveBitField:
_, err = v.Uint8()
case TypePositiveSmallIntegerField:
_, err = v.Uint16()
case TypePositiveIntegerField:
_, err = v.Uint32()
case TypePositiveBigIntegerField:
_, err = v.Uint64()
if err != nil {
tag, tagValue = "default", tags["default"]
goto wrongTag
fi.initial = initial
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong tag format: `%s:\"%s\"`, %s", tag, tagValue, err)

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// single model info
type modelInfo struct {
manual bool
isThrough bool
pkg string
name string
fullName string
table string
model interface{}
fields *fields
addrField reflect.Value // store the original struct value
uniques []string
// new model info
func newModelInfo(val reflect.Value) (mi *modelInfo) {
mi = &modelInfo{}
mi.fields = newFields()
ind := reflect.Indirect(val)
mi.addrField = val
mi.name = ind.Type().Name()
mi.fullName = getFullName(ind.Type())
addModelFields(mi, ind, "", []int{})
// index: FieldByIndex returns the nested field corresponding to index
func addModelFields(mi *modelInfo, ind reflect.Value, mName string, index []int) {
var (
err error
fi *fieldInfo
sf reflect.StructField
for i := 0; i < ind.NumField(); i++ {
field := ind.Field(i)
sf = ind.Type().Field(i)
// if the field is unexported skip
if sf.PkgPath != "" {
// add anonymous struct fields
if sf.Anonymous {
addModelFields(mi, field, mName+"."+sf.Name, append(index, i))
fi, err = newFieldInfo(mi, field, sf, mName)
if err == errSkipField {
err = nil
} else if err != nil {
// record current field index
fi.fieldIndex = append(fi.fieldIndex, index...)
fi.fieldIndex = append(fi.fieldIndex, i)
fi.mi = mi
fi.inModel = true
if !mi.fields.Add(fi) {
err = fmt.Errorf("duplicate column name: %s", fi.column)
if fi.pk {
if mi.fields.pk != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("one model must have one pk field only")
} else {
mi.fields.pk = fi
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(fmt.Errorf("field: %s.%s, %s", ind.Type(), sf.Name, err))
// combine related model info to new model info.
// prepare for relation models query.
func newM2MModelInfo(m1, m2 *modelInfo) (mi *modelInfo) {
mi = new(modelInfo)
mi.fields = newFields()
mi.table = m1.table + "_" + m2.table + "s"
mi.name = camelString(mi.table)
mi.fullName = m1.pkg + "." + mi.name
fa := new(fieldInfo) // pk
f1 := new(fieldInfo) // m1 table RelForeignKey
f2 := new(fieldInfo) // m2 table RelForeignKey
fa.fieldType = TypeBigIntegerField
fa.auto = true
fa.pk = true
fa.dbcol = true
fa.name = "Id"
fa.column = "id"
fa.fullName = mi.fullName + "." + fa.name
f1.dbcol = true
f2.dbcol = true
f1.fieldType = RelForeignKey
f2.fieldType = RelForeignKey
f1.name = camelString(m1.table)
f2.name = camelString(m2.table)
f1.fullName = mi.fullName + "." + f1.name
f2.fullName = mi.fullName + "." + f2.name
f1.column = m1.table + "_id"
f2.column = m2.table + "_id"
f1.rel = true
f2.rel = true
f1.relTable = m1.table
f2.relTable = m2.table
f1.relModelInfo = m1
f2.relModelInfo = m2
f1.mi = mi
f2.mi = mi
mi.fields.pk = fa
mi.uniques = []string{f1.column, f2.column}

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// 1 is attr
// 2 is tag
var supportTag = map[string]int{
"-": 1,
"null": 1,
"index": 1,
"unique": 1,
"pk": 1,
"auto": 1,
"auto_now": 1,
"auto_now_add": 1,
"size": 2,
"column": 2,
"default": 2,
"rel": 2,
"reverse": 2,
"rel_table": 2,
"rel_through": 2,
"digits": 2,
"decimals": 2,
"on_delete": 2,
"type": 2,
"description": 2,
"precision": 2,
// get reflect.Type name with package path.
func getFullName(typ reflect.Type) string {
return typ.PkgPath() + "." + typ.Name()
// getTableName get struct table name.
// If the struct implement the TableName, then get the result as tablename
// else use the struct name which will apply snakeString.
func getTableName(val reflect.Value) string {
if fun := val.MethodByName("TableName"); fun.IsValid() {
vals := fun.Call([]reflect.Value{})
// has return and the first val is string
if len(vals) > 0 && vals[0].Kind() == reflect.String {
return vals[0].String()
return snakeString(reflect.Indirect(val).Type().Name())
// get table engine, myisam or innodb.
func getTableEngine(val reflect.Value) string {
fun := val.MethodByName("TableEngine")
if fun.IsValid() {
vals := fun.Call([]reflect.Value{})
if len(vals) > 0 && vals[0].Kind() == reflect.String {
return vals[0].String()
return ""
// get table index from method.
func getTableIndex(val reflect.Value) [][]string {
fun := val.MethodByName("TableIndex")
if fun.IsValid() {
vals := fun.Call([]reflect.Value{})
if len(vals) > 0 && vals[0].CanInterface() {
if d, ok := vals[0].Interface().([][]string); ok {
return d
return nil
// get table unique from method
func getTableUnique(val reflect.Value) [][]string {
fun := val.MethodByName("TableUnique")
if fun.IsValid() {
vals := fun.Call([]reflect.Value{})
if len(vals) > 0 && vals[0].CanInterface() {
if d, ok := vals[0].Interface().([][]string); ok {
return d
return nil
// get whether the table needs to be created for the database alias
func isApplicableTableForDB(val reflect.Value, db string) bool {
if !val.IsValid() {
return true
fun := val.MethodByName("IsApplicableTableForDB")
if fun.IsValid() {
vals := fun.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(db)})
if len(vals) > 0 && vals[0].Kind() == reflect.Bool {
return vals[0].Bool()
return true
// get snaked column name
func getColumnName(ft int, addrField reflect.Value, sf reflect.StructField, col string) string {
column := col
if col == "" {
column = nameStrategyMap[nameStrategy](sf.Name)
switch ft {
case RelForeignKey, RelOneToOne:
if len(col) == 0 {
column = column + "_id"
case RelManyToMany, RelReverseMany, RelReverseOne:
column = sf.Name
return column
// return field type as type constant from reflect.Value
func getFieldType(val reflect.Value) (ft int, err error) {
switch val.Type() {
case reflect.TypeOf(new(int8)):
ft = TypeBitField
case reflect.TypeOf(new(int16)):
ft = TypeSmallIntegerField
case reflect.TypeOf(new(int32)),
ft = TypeIntegerField
case reflect.TypeOf(new(int64)):
ft = TypeBigIntegerField
case reflect.TypeOf(new(uint8)):
ft = TypePositiveBitField
case reflect.TypeOf(new(uint16)):
ft = TypePositiveSmallIntegerField
case reflect.TypeOf(new(uint32)),
ft = TypePositiveIntegerField
case reflect.TypeOf(new(uint64)):
ft = TypePositiveBigIntegerField
case reflect.TypeOf(new(float32)),
ft = TypeFloatField
case reflect.TypeOf(new(bool)):
ft = TypeBooleanField
case reflect.TypeOf(new(string)):
ft = TypeVarCharField
case reflect.TypeOf(new(time.Time)):
ft = TypeDateTimeField
elm := reflect.Indirect(val)
switch elm.Kind() {
case reflect.Int8:
ft = TypeBitField
case reflect.Int16:
ft = TypeSmallIntegerField
case reflect.Int32, reflect.Int:
ft = TypeIntegerField
case reflect.Int64:
ft = TypeBigIntegerField
case reflect.Uint8:
ft = TypePositiveBitField
case reflect.Uint16:
ft = TypePositiveSmallIntegerField
case reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint:
ft = TypePositiveIntegerField
case reflect.Uint64:
ft = TypePositiveBigIntegerField
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
ft = TypeFloatField
case reflect.Bool:
ft = TypeBooleanField
case reflect.String:
ft = TypeVarCharField
if elm.Interface() == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s is nil pointer, may be miss setting tag", val))
switch elm.Interface().(type) {
case sql.NullInt64:
ft = TypeBigIntegerField
case sql.NullFloat64:
ft = TypeFloatField
case sql.NullBool:
ft = TypeBooleanField
case sql.NullString:
ft = TypeVarCharField
case time.Time:
ft = TypeDateTimeField
if ft&IsFieldType == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("unsupport field type %s, may be miss setting tag", val)
// parse struct tag string
func parseStructTag(data string) (attrs map[string]bool, tags map[string]string) {
attrs = make(map[string]bool)
tags = make(map[string]string)
for _, v := range strings.Split(data, defaultStructTagDelim) {
if v == "" {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if t := strings.ToLower(v); supportTag[t] == 1 {
attrs[t] = true
} else if i := strings.Index(v, "("); i > 0 && strings.Index(v, ")") == len(v)-1 {
name := t[:i]
if supportTag[name] == 2 {
v = v[i+1 : len(v)-1]
tags[name] = v
} else {
DebugLog.Println("unsupport orm tag", v)

@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//go:build go1.8
// +build go1.8
// Package orm provide ORM for MySQL/PostgreSQL/sqlite
// Simple Usage
// package main
// import (
// "fmt"
// "github.com/beego/beego/v2/client/orm"
// _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" // import your used driver
// )
// // Model Struct
// type User struct {
// Id int `orm:"auto"`
// Name string `orm:"size(100)"`
// }
// func init() {
// orm.RegisterDataBase("default", "mysql", "root:root@/my_db?charset=utf8", 30)
// }
// func main() {
// o := orm.NewOrm()
// user := User{Name: "slene"}
// // insert
// id, err := o.Insert(&user)
// // update
// user.Name = "astaxie"
// num, err := o.Update(&user)
// // read one
// u := User{Id: user.Id}
// err = o.Read(&u)
// // delete
// num, err = o.Delete(&u)
// }
// more docs: http://beego.vip/docs/mvc/model/overview.md
package orm
import (
// DebugQueries define the debug
const (
DebugQueries = iota
// Define common vars
var (
Debug = false
DebugLog = NewLog(os.Stdout)
DefaultRowsLimit = -1
DefaultRelsDepth = 2
DefaultTimeLoc = time.Local
ErrTxDone = errors.New("<TxOrmer.Commit/Rollback> transaction already done")
ErrMultiRows = errors.New("<QuerySeter> return multi rows")
ErrNoRows = errors.New("<QuerySeter> no row found")
ErrStmtClosed = errors.New("<QuerySeter> stmt already closed")
ErrArgs = errors.New("<Ormer> args error may be empty")
ErrNotImplement = errors.New("have not implement")
ErrLastInsertIdUnavailable = errors.New("<Ormer> last insert id is unavailable")
// Params stores the Params
type Params map[string]interface{}
// ParamsList stores paramslist
type ParamsList []interface{}
type ormBase struct {
alias *alias
db dbQuerier
var (
_ DQL = new(ormBase)
_ DML = new(ormBase)
_ DriverGetter = new(ormBase)
// get model info and model reflect value
func (*ormBase) getMi(md interface{}) (mi *modelInfo) {
val := reflect.ValueOf(md)
ind := reflect.Indirect(val)
typ := ind.Type()
mi = getTypeMi(typ)
// get need ptr model info and model reflect value
func (*ormBase) getPtrMiInd(md interface{}) (mi *modelInfo, ind reflect.Value) {
val := reflect.ValueOf(md)
ind = reflect.Indirect(val)
typ := ind.Type()
if val.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Ormer> cannot use non-ptr model struct `%s`", getFullName(typ)))
mi = getTypeMi(typ)
func getTypeMi(mdTyp reflect.Type) *modelInfo {
name := getFullName(mdTyp)
if mi, ok := defaultModelCache.getByFullName(name); ok {
return mi
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Ormer> table: `%s` not found, make sure it was registered with `RegisterModel()`", name))
// get field info from model info by given field name
func (*ormBase) getFieldInfo(mi *modelInfo, name string) *fieldInfo {
fi, ok := mi.fields.GetByAny(name)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Ormer> cannot find field `%s` for model `%s`", name, mi.fullName))
return fi
// read data to model
func (o *ormBase) Read(md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
return o.ReadWithCtx(context.Background(), md, cols...)
func (o *ormBase) ReadWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
mi, ind := o.getPtrMiInd(md)
return o.alias.DbBaser.Read(ctx, o.db, mi, ind, o.alias.TZ, cols, false)
// read data to model, like Read(), but use "SELECT FOR UPDATE" form
func (o *ormBase) ReadForUpdate(md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
return o.ReadForUpdateWithCtx(context.Background(), md, cols...)
func (o *ormBase) ReadForUpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
mi, ind := o.getPtrMiInd(md)
return o.alias.DbBaser.Read(ctx, o.db, mi, ind, o.alias.TZ, cols, true)
// Try to read a row from the database, or insert one if it doesn't exist
func (o *ormBase) ReadOrCreate(md interface{}, col1 string, cols ...string) (bool, int64, error) {
return o.ReadOrCreateWithCtx(context.Background(), md, col1, cols...)
func (o *ormBase) ReadOrCreateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, col1 string, cols ...string) (bool, int64, error) {
cols = append([]string{col1}, cols...)
mi, ind := o.getPtrMiInd(md)
err := o.alias.DbBaser.Read(ctx, o.db, mi, ind, o.alias.TZ, cols, false)
if err == ErrNoRows {
// Create
id, err := o.InsertWithCtx(ctx, md)
return err == nil, id, err
id, vid := int64(0), ind.FieldByIndex(mi.fields.pk.fieldIndex)
if mi.fields.pk.fieldType&IsPositiveIntegerField > 0 {
id = int64(vid.Uint())
} else if mi.fields.pk.rel {
return o.ReadOrCreateWithCtx(ctx, vid.Interface(), mi.fields.pk.relModelInfo.fields.pk.name)
} else {
id = vid.Int()
return false, id, err
// insert model data to database
func (o *ormBase) Insert(md interface{}) (int64, error) {
return o.InsertWithCtx(context.Background(), md)
func (o *ormBase) InsertWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}) (int64, error) {
mi, ind := o.getPtrMiInd(md)
id, err := o.alias.DbBaser.Insert(ctx, o.db, mi, ind, o.alias.TZ)
if err != nil {
return id, err
o.setPk(mi, ind, id)
return id, nil
// set auto pk field
func (*ormBase) setPk(mi *modelInfo, ind reflect.Value, id int64) {
if mi.fields.pk.auto {
if mi.fields.pk.fieldType&IsPositiveIntegerField > 0 {
} else {
// insert some models to database
func (o *ormBase) InsertMulti(bulk int, mds interface{}) (int64, error) {
return o.InsertMultiWithCtx(context.Background(), bulk, mds)
func (o *ormBase) InsertMultiWithCtx(ctx context.Context, bulk int, mds interface{}) (int64, error) {
var cnt int64
sind := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(mds))
switch sind.Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
if sind.Len() == 0 {
return cnt, ErrArgs
return cnt, ErrArgs
if bulk <= 1 {
for i := 0; i < sind.Len(); i++ {
ind := reflect.Indirect(sind.Index(i))
mi := o.getMi(ind.Interface())
id, err := o.alias.DbBaser.Insert(ctx, o.db, mi, ind, o.alias.TZ)
if err != nil {
return cnt, err
o.setPk(mi, ind, id)
} else {
mi := o.getMi(sind.Index(0).Interface())
return o.alias.DbBaser.InsertMulti(ctx, o.db, mi, sind, bulk, o.alias.TZ)
return cnt, nil
// InsertOrUpdate data to database
func (o *ormBase) InsertOrUpdate(md interface{}, colConflictAndArgs ...string) (int64, error) {
return o.InsertOrUpdateWithCtx(context.Background(), md, colConflictAndArgs...)
func (o *ormBase) InsertOrUpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, colConflitAndArgs ...string) (int64, error) {
mi, ind := o.getPtrMiInd(md)
id, err := o.alias.DbBaser.InsertOrUpdate(ctx, o.db, mi, ind, o.alias, colConflitAndArgs...)
if err != nil {
return id, err
o.setPk(mi, ind, id)
return id, nil
// update model to database.
// cols set the columns those want to update.
func (o *ormBase) Update(md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
return o.UpdateWithCtx(context.Background(), md, cols...)
func (o *ormBase) UpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
mi, ind := o.getPtrMiInd(md)
return o.alias.DbBaser.Update(ctx, o.db, mi, ind, o.alias.TZ, cols)
// delete model in database
// cols shows the delete conditions values read from. default is pk
func (o *ormBase) Delete(md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
return o.DeleteWithCtx(context.Background(), md, cols...)
func (o *ormBase) DeleteWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
mi, ind := o.getPtrMiInd(md)
num, err := o.alias.DbBaser.Delete(ctx, o.db, mi, ind, o.alias.TZ, cols)
return num, err
// create a models to models queryer
func (o *ormBase) QueryM2M(md interface{}, name string) QueryM2Mer {
mi, ind := o.getPtrMiInd(md)
fi := o.getFieldInfo(mi, name)
switch {
case fi.fieldType == RelManyToMany:
case fi.fieldType == RelReverseMany && fi.reverseFieldInfo.mi.isThrough:
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Ormer.QueryM2M> model `%s` . name `%s` is not a m2m field", fi.name, mi.fullName))
return newQueryM2M(md, o, mi, fi, ind)
// NOTE: this method is deprecated, context parameter will not take effect.
func (o *ormBase) QueryM2MWithCtx(_ context.Context, md interface{}, name string) QueryM2Mer {
logs.Warn("QueryM2MWithCtx is DEPRECATED. Use methods with `WithCtx` suffix on QueryM2M as replacement please.")
return o.QueryM2M(md, name)
// load related models to md model.
// args are limit, offset int and order string.
// example:
// orm.LoadRelated(post,"Tags")
// for _,tag := range post.Tags{...}
// make sure the relation is defined in model struct tags.
func (o *ormBase) LoadRelated(md interface{}, name string, args ...utils.KV) (int64, error) {
return o.LoadRelatedWithCtx(context.Background(), md, name, args...)
func (o *ormBase) LoadRelatedWithCtx(_ context.Context, md interface{}, name string, args ...utils.KV) (int64, error) {
_, fi, ind, qs := o.queryRelated(md, name)
var relDepth int
var limit, offset int64
var order string
kvs := utils.NewKVs(args...)
kvs.IfContains(hints.KeyRelDepth, func(value interface{}) {
if v, ok := value.(bool); ok {
if v {
relDepth = DefaultRelsDepth
} else if v, ok := value.(int); ok {
relDepth = v
}).IfContains(hints.KeyLimit, func(value interface{}) {
if v, ok := value.(int64); ok {
limit = v
}).IfContains(hints.KeyOffset, func(value interface{}) {
if v, ok := value.(int64); ok {
offset = v
}).IfContains(hints.KeyOrderBy, func(value interface{}) {
if v, ok := value.(string); ok {
order = v
switch fi.fieldType {
case RelOneToOne, RelForeignKey, RelReverseOne:
limit = 1
offset = 0
qs.limit = limit
qs.offset = offset
qs.relDepth = relDepth
if len(order) > 0 {
qs.orders = order_clause.ParseOrder(order)
find := ind.FieldByIndex(fi.fieldIndex)
var nums int64
var err error
switch fi.fieldType {
case RelOneToOne, RelForeignKey, RelReverseOne:
val := reflect.New(find.Type().Elem())
container := val.Interface()
err = qs.One(container)
if err == nil {
nums = 1
nums, err = qs.All(find.Addr().Interface())
return nums, err
// get QuerySeter for related models to md model
func (o *ormBase) queryRelated(md interface{}, name string) (*modelInfo, *fieldInfo, reflect.Value, *querySet) {
mi, ind := o.getPtrMiInd(md)
fi := o.getFieldInfo(mi, name)
_, _, exist := getExistPk(mi, ind)
if !exist {
var qs *querySet
switch fi.fieldType {
case RelOneToOne, RelForeignKey, RelManyToMany:
if !fi.inModel {
qs = o.getRelQs(md, mi, fi)
case RelReverseOne, RelReverseMany:
if !fi.inModel {
qs = o.getReverseQs(md, mi, fi)
if qs == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Ormer> name `%s` for model `%s` is not an available rel/reverse field", md, name))
return mi, fi, ind, qs
// get reverse relation QuerySeter
func (o *ormBase) getReverseQs(md interface{}, mi *modelInfo, fi *fieldInfo) *querySet {
switch fi.fieldType {
case RelReverseOne, RelReverseMany:
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Ormer> name `%s` for model `%s` is not an available reverse field", fi.name, mi.fullName))
var q *querySet
if fi.fieldType == RelReverseMany && fi.reverseFieldInfo.mi.isThrough {
q = newQuerySet(o, fi.relModelInfo).(*querySet)
q.cond = NewCondition().And(fi.reverseFieldInfoM2M.column+ExprSep+fi.reverseFieldInfo.column, md)
} else {
q = newQuerySet(o, fi.reverseFieldInfo.mi).(*querySet)
q.cond = NewCondition().And(fi.reverseFieldInfo.column, md)
return q
// get relation QuerySeter
func (o *ormBase) getRelQs(md interface{}, mi *modelInfo, fi *fieldInfo) *querySet {
switch fi.fieldType {
case RelOneToOne, RelForeignKey, RelManyToMany:
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Ormer> name `%s` for model `%s` is not an available rel field", fi.name, mi.fullName))
q := newQuerySet(o, fi.relModelInfo).(*querySet)
q.cond = NewCondition()
if fi.fieldType == RelManyToMany {
q.cond = q.cond.And(fi.reverseFieldInfoM2M.column+ExprSep+fi.reverseFieldInfo.column, md)
} else {
q.cond = q.cond.And(fi.reverseFieldInfo.column, md)
return q
// return a QuerySeter for table operations.
// table name can be string or struct.
// e.g. QueryTable("user"), QueryTable(&user{}) or QueryTable((*User)(nil)),
func (o *ormBase) QueryTable(ptrStructOrTableName interface{}) (qs QuerySeter) {
var name string
if table, ok := ptrStructOrTableName.(string); ok {
name = nameStrategyMap[defaultNameStrategy](table)
if mi, ok := defaultModelCache.get(name); ok {
qs = newQuerySet(o, mi)
} else {
name = getFullName(indirectType(reflect.TypeOf(ptrStructOrTableName)))
if mi, ok := defaultModelCache.getByFullName(name); ok {
qs = newQuerySet(o, mi)
if qs == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Ormer.QueryTable> table name: `%s` not exists", name))
return qs
// NOTE: this method is deprecated, context parameter will not take effect.
func (o *ormBase) QueryTableWithCtx(_ context.Context, ptrStructOrTableName interface{}) (qs QuerySeter) {
logs.Warn("QueryTableWithCtx is DEPRECATED. Use methods with `WithCtx` suffix on QuerySeter as replacement please.")
return o.QueryTable(ptrStructOrTableName)
// return a raw query seter for raw sql string.
func (o *ormBase) Raw(query string, args ...interface{}) RawSeter {
return o.RawWithCtx(context.Background(), query, args...)
func (o *ormBase) RawWithCtx(_ context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) RawSeter {
return newRawSet(o, query, args)
// return current using database Driver
func (o *ormBase) Driver() Driver {
return driver(o.alias.Name)
// return sql.DBStats for current database
func (o *ormBase) DBStats() *sql.DBStats {
if o.alias != nil && o.alias.DB != nil {
stats := o.alias.DB.DB.Stats()
return &stats
return nil
type orm struct {
var _ Ormer = new(orm)
func (o *orm) Begin() (TxOrmer, error) {
return o.BeginWithCtx(context.Background())
func (o *orm) BeginWithCtx(ctx context.Context) (TxOrmer, error) {
return o.BeginWithCtxAndOpts(ctx, nil)
func (o *orm) BeginWithOpts(opts *sql.TxOptions) (TxOrmer, error) {
return o.BeginWithCtxAndOpts(context.Background(), opts)
func (o *orm) BeginWithCtxAndOpts(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (TxOrmer, error) {
tx, err := o.db.(txer).BeginTx(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_txOrm := &txOrm{
ormBase: ormBase{
alias: o.alias,
db: &TxDB{tx: tx},
if Debug {
_txOrm.db = newDbQueryLog(o.alias, _txOrm.db)
var taskTxOrm TxOrmer = _txOrm
return taskTxOrm, nil
func (o *orm) DoTx(task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error {
return o.DoTxWithCtx(context.Background(), task)
func (o *orm) DoTxWithCtx(ctx context.Context, task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error {
return o.DoTxWithCtxAndOpts(ctx, nil, task)
func (o *orm) DoTxWithOpts(opts *sql.TxOptions, task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error {
return o.DoTxWithCtxAndOpts(context.Background(), opts, task)
func (o *orm) DoTxWithCtxAndOpts(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions, task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error {
return doTxTemplate(ctx, o, opts, task)
func doTxTemplate(ctx context.Context, o TxBeginner, opts *sql.TxOptions,
task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error {
_txOrm, err := o.BeginWithCtxAndOpts(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
panicked := true
defer func() {
if panicked || err != nil {
e := _txOrm.Rollback()
if e != nil {
logs.Error("rollback transaction failed: %v,%v", e, panicked)
} else {
e := _txOrm.Commit()
if e != nil {
logs.Error("commit transaction failed: %v,%v", e, panicked)
taskTxOrm := _txOrm
err = task(ctx, taskTxOrm)
panicked = false
return err
type txOrm struct {
var _ TxOrmer = new(txOrm)
func (t *txOrm) Commit() error {
return t.db.(txEnder).Commit()
func (t *txOrm) Rollback() error {
return t.db.(txEnder).Rollback()
func (t *txOrm) RollbackUnlessCommit() error {
return t.db.(txEnder).RollbackUnlessCommit()
// NewOrm create new orm
func NewOrm() Ormer {
BootStrap() // execute only once
return NewOrmUsingDB(`default`)
// NewOrmUsingDB create new orm with the name
func NewOrmUsingDB(aliasName string) Ormer {
if al, ok := dataBaseCache.get(aliasName); ok {
return newDBWithAlias(al)
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Ormer.Using> unknown db alias name `%s`", aliasName))
// NewOrmWithDB create a new ormer object with specify *sql.DB for query
func NewOrmWithDB(driverName, aliasName string, db *sql.DB, params ...DBOption) (Ormer, error) {
al, err := newAliasWithDb(aliasName, driverName, db, params...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newDBWithAlias(al), nil
func newDBWithAlias(al *alias) Ormer {
o := new(orm)
o.alias = al
if Debug {
o.db = newDbQueryLog(al, al.DB)
} else {
o.db = al.DB
if len(globalFilterChains) > 0 {
return NewFilterOrmDecorator(o, globalFilterChains...)
return o

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// ExprSep define the expression separation
const (
ExprSep = clauses.ExprSep
type condValue struct {
exprs []string
args []interface{}
cond *Condition
isOr bool
isNot bool
isCond bool
isRaw bool
sql string
// Condition struct.
// work for WHERE conditions.
type Condition struct {
params []condValue
// NewCondition return new condition struct
func NewCondition() *Condition {
c := &Condition{}
return c
// Raw add raw sql to condition
func (c Condition) Raw(expr string, sql string) *Condition {
if len(sql) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Condition.Raw> sql cannot empty"))
c.params = append(c.params, condValue{exprs: strings.Split(expr, ExprSep), sql: sql, isRaw: true})
return &c
// And add expression to condition
func (c Condition) And(expr string, args ...interface{}) *Condition {
if expr == "" || len(args) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Condition.And> args cannot empty"))
c.params = append(c.params, condValue{exprs: strings.Split(expr, ExprSep), args: args})
return &c
// AndNot add NOT expression to condition
func (c Condition) AndNot(expr string, args ...interface{}) *Condition {
if expr == "" || len(args) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Condition.AndNot> args cannot empty"))
c.params = append(c.params, condValue{exprs: strings.Split(expr, ExprSep), args: args, isNot: true})
return &c
// AndCond combine a condition to current condition
func (c *Condition) AndCond(cond *Condition) *Condition {
if c == cond {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Condition.AndCond> cannot use self as sub cond"))
c = c.clone()
if cond != nil {
c.params = append(c.params, condValue{cond: cond, isCond: true})
return c
// AndNotCond combine a AND NOT condition to current condition
func (c *Condition) AndNotCond(cond *Condition) *Condition {
c = c.clone()
if c == cond {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Condition.AndNotCond> cannot use self as sub cond"))
if cond != nil {
c.params = append(c.params, condValue{cond: cond, isCond: true, isNot: true})
return c
// Or add OR expression to condition
func (c Condition) Or(expr string, args ...interface{}) *Condition {
if expr == "" || len(args) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Condition.Or> args cannot empty"))
c.params = append(c.params, condValue{exprs: strings.Split(expr, ExprSep), args: args, isOr: true})
return &c
// OrNot add OR NOT expression to condition
func (c Condition) OrNot(expr string, args ...interface{}) *Condition {
if expr == "" || len(args) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Condition.OrNot> args cannot empty"))
c.params = append(c.params, condValue{exprs: strings.Split(expr, ExprSep), args: args, isNot: true, isOr: true})
return &c
// OrCond combine a OR condition to current condition
func (c *Condition) OrCond(cond *Condition) *Condition {
c = c.clone()
if c == cond {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Condition.OrCond> cannot use self as sub cond"))
if cond != nil {
c.params = append(c.params, condValue{cond: cond, isCond: true, isOr: true})
return c
// OrNotCond combine a OR NOT condition to current condition
func (c *Condition) OrNotCond(cond *Condition) *Condition {
c = c.clone()
if c == cond {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Condition.OrNotCond> cannot use self as sub cond"))
if cond != nil {
c.params = append(c.params, condValue{cond: cond, isCond: true, isNot: true, isOr: true})
return c
// IsEmpty check the condition arguments are empty or not.
func (c *Condition) IsEmpty() bool {
return len(c.params) == 0
// clone clone a condition
func (c Condition) clone() *Condition {
params := make([]condValue, len(c.params))
copy(params, c.params)
c.params = params
return &c

@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// Log implement the log.Logger
type Log struct {
// costomer log func
var LogFunc func(query map[string]interface{})
// NewLog set io.Writer to create a Logger.
func NewLog(out io.Writer) *Log {
d := new(Log)
d.Logger = log.New(out, "[ORM]", log.LstdFlags)
return d
func debugLogQueies(alias *alias, operaton, query string, t time.Time, err error, args ...interface{}) {
logMap := make(map[string]interface{})
sub := time.Since(t) / 1e5
elsp := float64(int(sub)) / 10.0
logMap["cost_time"] = elsp
flag := " OK"
if err != nil {
flag = "FAIL"
logMap["flag"] = flag
con := fmt.Sprintf(" -[Queries/%s] - [%s / %11s / %7.1fms] - [%s]", alias.Name, flag, operaton, elsp, query)
cons := make([]string, 0, len(args))
for _, arg := range args {
cons = append(cons, fmt.Sprintf("%v", arg))
if len(cons) > 0 {
con += fmt.Sprintf(" - `%s`", strings.Join(cons, "`, `"))
if err != nil {
con += " - " + err.Error()
logMap["sql"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s-`%s`", query, strings.Join(cons, "`, `"))
if LogFunc != nil {
// statement query logger struct.
// if dev mode, use stmtQueryLog, or use stmtQuerier.
type stmtQueryLog struct {
alias *alias
query string
stmt stmtQuerier
var _ stmtQuerier = new(stmtQueryLog)
func (d *stmtQueryLog) Close() error {
a := time.Now()
err := d.stmt.Close()
debugLogQueies(d.alias, "st.Close", d.query, a, err)
return err
func (d *stmtQueryLog) Exec(args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
return d.ExecContext(context.Background(), args...)
func (d *stmtQueryLog) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
a := time.Now()
res, err := d.stmt.ExecContext(ctx, args...)
debugLogQueies(d.alias, "st.Exec", d.query, a, err, args...)
return res, err
func (d *stmtQueryLog) Query(args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
return d.QueryContext(context.Background(), args...)
func (d *stmtQueryLog) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
a := time.Now()
res, err := d.stmt.QueryContext(ctx, args...)
debugLogQueies(d.alias, "st.Query", d.query, a, err, args...)
return res, err
func (d *stmtQueryLog) QueryRow(args ...interface{}) *sql.Row {
return d.QueryRowContext(context.Background(), args...)
func (d *stmtQueryLog) QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row {
a := time.Now()
res := d.stmt.QueryRow(args...)
debugLogQueies(d.alias, "st.QueryRow", d.query, a, nil, args...)
return res
func newStmtQueryLog(alias *alias, stmt stmtQuerier, query string) stmtQuerier {
d := new(stmtQueryLog)
d.stmt = stmt
d.alias = alias
d.query = query
return d
// database query logger struct.
// if dev mode, use dbQueryLog, or use dbQuerier.
type dbQueryLog struct {
alias *alias
db dbQuerier
tx txer
txe txEnder
var (
_ dbQuerier = new(dbQueryLog)
_ txer = new(dbQueryLog)
_ txEnder = new(dbQueryLog)
func (d *dbQueryLog) Prepare(query string) (*sql.Stmt, error) {
return d.PrepareContext(context.Background(), query)
func (d *dbQueryLog) PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (*sql.Stmt, error) {
a := time.Now()
stmt, err := d.db.PrepareContext(ctx, query)
debugLogQueies(d.alias, "db.Prepare", query, a, err)
return stmt, err
func (d *dbQueryLog) Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
return d.ExecContext(context.Background(), query, args...)
func (d *dbQueryLog) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
a := time.Now()
res, err := d.db.ExecContext(ctx, query, args...)
debugLogQueies(d.alias, "db.Exec", query, a, err, args...)
return res, err
func (d *dbQueryLog) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
return d.QueryContext(context.Background(), query, args...)
func (d *dbQueryLog) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
a := time.Now()
res, err := d.db.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...)
debugLogQueies(d.alias, "db.Query", query, a, err, args...)
return res, err
func (d *dbQueryLog) QueryRow(query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row {
return d.QueryRowContext(context.Background(), query, args...)
func (d *dbQueryLog) QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row {
a := time.Now()
res := d.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, args...)
debugLogQueies(d.alias, "db.QueryRow", query, a, nil, args...)
return res
func (d *dbQueryLog) Begin() (*sql.Tx, error) {
return d.BeginTx(context.Background(), nil)
func (d *dbQueryLog) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (*sql.Tx, error) {
a := time.Now()
tx, err := d.db.(txer).BeginTx(ctx, opts)
debugLogQueies(d.alias, "db.BeginTx", "START TRANSACTION", a, err)
return tx, err
func (d *dbQueryLog) Commit() error {
a := time.Now()
err := d.db.(txEnder).Commit()
debugLogQueies(d.alias, "tx.Commit", "COMMIT", a, err)
return err
func (d *dbQueryLog) Rollback() error {
a := time.Now()
err := d.db.(txEnder).Rollback()
debugLogQueies(d.alias, "tx.Rollback", "ROLLBACK", a, err)
return err
func (d *dbQueryLog) RollbackUnlessCommit() error {
a := time.Now()
err := d.db.(txEnder).RollbackUnlessCommit()
debugLogQueies(d.alias, "tx.RollbackUnlessCommit", "ROLLBACK UNLESS COMMIT", a, err)
return err
func (d *dbQueryLog) SetDB(db dbQuerier) {
d.db = db
func newDbQueryLog(alias *alias, db dbQuerier) dbQuerier {
d := new(dbQueryLog)
d.alias = alias
d.db = db
return d

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// an insert queryer struct
type insertSet struct {
mi *modelInfo
orm *ormBase
stmt stmtQuerier
closed bool
var _ Inserter = new(insertSet)
// insert model ignore it's registered or not.
func (o *insertSet) Insert(md interface{}) (int64, error) {
return o.InsertWithCtx(context.Background(), md)
func (o *insertSet) InsertWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}) (int64, error) {
if o.closed {
return 0, ErrStmtClosed
val := reflect.ValueOf(md)
ind := reflect.Indirect(val)
typ := ind.Type()
name := getFullName(typ)
if val.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Inserter.Insert> cannot use non-ptr model struct `%s`", name))
if name != o.mi.fullName {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<Inserter.Insert> need model `%s` but found `%s`", o.mi.fullName, name))
id, err := o.orm.alias.DbBaser.InsertStmt(ctx, o.stmt, o.mi, ind, o.orm.alias.TZ)
if err != nil {
return id, err
if id > 0 {
if o.mi.fields.pk.auto {
if o.mi.fields.pk.fieldType&IsPositiveIntegerField > 0 {
} else {
return id, nil
// close insert queryer statement
func (o *insertSet) Close() error {
if o.closed {
return ErrStmtClosed
o.closed = true
return o.stmt.Close()
// create new insert queryer.
func newInsertSet(ctx context.Context, orm *ormBase, mi *modelInfo) (Inserter, error) {
bi := new(insertSet)
bi.orm = orm
bi.mi = mi
st, query, err := orm.alias.DbBaser.PrepareInsert(ctx, orm.db, mi)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if Debug {
bi.stmt = newStmtQueryLog(orm.alias, st, query)
} else {
bi.stmt = st
return bi, nil

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// model to model struct
type queryM2M struct {
md interface{}
mi *modelInfo
fi *fieldInfo
qs *querySet
ind reflect.Value
// add models to origin models when creating queryM2M.
// example:
// m2m := orm.QueryM2M(post,"Tag")
// m2m.Add(&Tag1{},&Tag2{})
// for _,tag := range post.Tags{}
// make sure the relation is defined in post model struct tag.
func (o *queryM2M) Add(mds ...interface{}) (int64, error) {
return o.AddWithCtx(context.Background(), mds...)
func (o *queryM2M) AddWithCtx(ctx context.Context, mds ...interface{}) (int64, error) {
fi := o.fi
mi := fi.relThroughModelInfo
mfi := fi.reverseFieldInfo
rfi := fi.reverseFieldInfoTwo
orm := o.qs.orm
dbase := orm.alias.DbBaser
var models []interface{}
var otherValues []interface{}
var otherNames []string
for _, colname := range mi.fields.dbcols {
if colname != mfi.column && colname != rfi.column && colname != fi.mi.fields.pk.column &&
mi.fields.columns[colname] != mi.fields.pk {
otherNames = append(otherNames, colname)
for i, md := range mds {
if reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(md)).Kind() != reflect.Struct && i > 0 {
otherValues = append(otherValues, md)
mds = append(mds[:i], mds[i+1:]...)
for _, md := range mds {
val := reflect.ValueOf(md)
if val.Kind() == reflect.Slice || val.Kind() == reflect.Array {
for i := 0; i < val.Len(); i++ {
v := val.Index(i)
if v.CanInterface() {
models = append(models, v.Interface())
} else {
models = append(models, md)
_, v1, exist := getExistPk(o.mi, o.ind)
if !exist {
names := []string{mfi.column, rfi.column}
values := make([]interface{}, 0, len(models)*2)
for _, md := range models {
ind := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(md))
var v2 interface{}
if ind.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
v2 = ind.Interface()
} else {
_, v2, exist = getExistPk(fi.relModelInfo, ind)
if !exist {
values = append(values, v1, v2)
names = append(names, otherNames...)
values = append(values, otherValues...)
return dbase.InsertValue(ctx, orm.db, mi, true, names, values)
// remove models following the origin model relationship
func (o *queryM2M) Remove(mds ...interface{}) (int64, error) {
return o.RemoveWithCtx(context.Background(), mds...)
func (o *queryM2M) RemoveWithCtx(ctx context.Context, mds ...interface{}) (int64, error) {
fi := o.fi
qs := o.qs.Filter(fi.reverseFieldInfo.name, o.md)
return qs.Filter(fi.reverseFieldInfoTwo.name+ExprSep+"in", mds).Delete()
// check model is existed in relationship of origin model
func (o *queryM2M) Exist(md interface{}) bool {
return o.ExistWithCtx(context.Background(), md)
func (o *queryM2M) ExistWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}) bool {
fi := o.fi
return o.qs.Filter(fi.reverseFieldInfo.name, o.md).
Filter(fi.reverseFieldInfoTwo.name, md).ExistWithCtx(ctx)
// clean all models in related of origin model
func (o *queryM2M) Clear() (int64, error) {
return o.ClearWithCtx(context.Background())
func (o *queryM2M) ClearWithCtx(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) {
fi := o.fi
return o.qs.Filter(fi.reverseFieldInfo.name, o.md).DeleteWithCtx(ctx)
// count all related models of origin model
func (o *queryM2M) Count() (int64, error) {
return o.CountWithCtx(context.Background())
func (o *queryM2M) CountWithCtx(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) {
fi := o.fi
return o.qs.Filter(fi.reverseFieldInfo.name, o.md).CountWithCtx(ctx)
var _ QueryM2Mer = new(queryM2M)
// create new M2M queryer.
func newQueryM2M(md interface{}, o *ormBase, mi *modelInfo, fi *fieldInfo, ind reflect.Value) QueryM2Mer {
qm2m := new(queryM2M)
qm2m.md = md
qm2m.mi = mi
qm2m.fi = fi
qm2m.ind = ind
qm2m.qs = newQuerySet(o, fi.relThroughModelInfo).(*querySet)
return qm2m

@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
type colValue struct {
value int64
opt operator
type operator int
// define Col operations
const (
ColAdd operator = iota
// ColValue do the field raw changes. e.g Nums = Nums + 10. usage:
// Params{
// "Nums": ColValue(Col_Add, 10),
// }
func ColValue(opt operator, value interface{}) interface{} {
switch opt {
case ColAdd, ColMinus, ColMultiply, ColExcept, ColBitAnd, ColBitRShift,
ColBitLShift, ColBitXOR, ColBitOr:
panic(fmt.Errorf("orm.ColValue wrong operator"))
v, err := StrTo(ToStr(value)).Int64()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("orm.ColValue doesn't support non string/numeric type, %s", err))
var val colValue
val.value = v
val.opt = opt
return val
// real query struct
type querySet struct {
mi *modelInfo
cond *Condition
related []string
relDepth int
limit int64
offset int64
groups []string
orders []*order_clause.Order
distinct bool
forUpdate bool
useIndex int
indexes []string
orm *ormBase
aggregate string
var _ QuerySeter = new(querySet)
// add condition expression to QuerySeter.
func (o querySet) Filter(expr string, args ...interface{}) QuerySeter {
if o.cond == nil {
o.cond = NewCondition()
o.cond = o.cond.And(expr, args...)
return &o
// add raw sql to querySeter.
func (o querySet) FilterRaw(expr string, sql string) QuerySeter {
if o.cond == nil {
o.cond = NewCondition()
o.cond = o.cond.Raw(expr, sql)
return &o
// add NOT condition to querySeter.
func (o querySet) Exclude(expr string, args ...interface{}) QuerySeter {
if o.cond == nil {
o.cond = NewCondition()
o.cond = o.cond.AndNot(expr, args...)
return &o
// set offset number
func (o *querySet) setOffset(num interface{}) {
o.offset = ToInt64(num)
// add LIMIT value.
// args[0] means offset, e.g. LIMIT num,offset.
func (o querySet) Limit(limit interface{}, args ...interface{}) QuerySeter {
o.limit = ToInt64(limit)
if len(args) > 0 {
return &o
// add OFFSET value
func (o querySet) Offset(offset interface{}) QuerySeter {
return &o
// add GROUP expression
func (o querySet) GroupBy(exprs ...string) QuerySeter {
o.groups = exprs
return &o
// add ORDER expression.
// "column" means ASC, "-column" means DESC.
func (o querySet) OrderBy(expressions ...string) QuerySeter {
if len(expressions) <= 0 {
return &o
o.orders = order_clause.ParseOrder(expressions...)
return &o
// add ORDER expression.
func (o querySet) OrderClauses(orders ...*order_clause.Order) QuerySeter {
if len(orders) <= 0 {
return &o
o.orders = orders
return &o
func (o querySet) Distinct() QuerySeter {
o.distinct = true
return &o
func (o querySet) ForUpdate() QuerySeter {
o.forUpdate = true
return &o
// ForceIndex force index for query
func (o querySet) ForceIndex(indexes ...string) QuerySeter {
o.useIndex = hints.KeyForceIndex
o.indexes = indexes
return &o
// UseIndex use index for query
func (o querySet) UseIndex(indexes ...string) QuerySeter {
o.useIndex = hints.KeyUseIndex
o.indexes = indexes
return &o
// IgnoreIndex ignore index for query
func (o querySet) IgnoreIndex(indexes ...string) QuerySeter {
o.useIndex = hints.KeyIgnoreIndex
o.indexes = indexes
return &o
// set relation model to query together.
// it will query relation models and assign to parent model.
func (o querySet) RelatedSel(params ...interface{}) QuerySeter {
if len(params) == 0 {
o.relDepth = DefaultRelsDepth
} else {
for _, p := range params {
switch val := p.(type) {
case string:
o.related = append(o.related, val)
case int:
o.relDepth = val
panic(fmt.Errorf("<QuerySeter.RelatedSel> wrong param kind: %v", val))
return &o
// set condition to QuerySeter.
func (o querySet) SetCond(cond *Condition) QuerySeter {
o.cond = cond
return &o
// get condition from QuerySeter
func (o querySet) GetCond() *Condition {
return o.cond
// return QuerySeter execution result number
func (o *querySet) Count() (int64, error) {
return o.CountWithCtx(context.Background())
func (o *querySet) CountWithCtx(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) {
return o.orm.alias.DbBaser.Count(ctx, o.orm.db, o, o.mi, o.cond, o.orm.alias.TZ)
// check result empty or not after QuerySeter executed
func (o *querySet) Exist() bool {
return o.ExistWithCtx(context.Background())
func (o *querySet) ExistWithCtx(ctx context.Context) bool {
cnt, _ := o.orm.alias.DbBaser.Count(ctx, o.orm.db, o, o.mi, o.cond, o.orm.alias.TZ)
return cnt > 0
// execute update with parameters
func (o *querySet) Update(values Params) (int64, error) {
return o.UpdateWithCtx(context.Background(), values)
func (o *querySet) UpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, values Params) (int64, error) {
return o.orm.alias.DbBaser.UpdateBatch(ctx, o.orm.db, o, o.mi, o.cond, values, o.orm.alias.TZ)
// execute delete
func (o *querySet) Delete() (int64, error) {
return o.DeleteWithCtx(context.Background())
func (o *querySet) DeleteWithCtx(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) {
return o.orm.alias.DbBaser.DeleteBatch(ctx, o.orm.db, o, o.mi, o.cond, o.orm.alias.TZ)
// return a insert queryer.
// it can be used in times.
// example:
// i,err := sq.PrepareInsert()
// i.Add(&user1{},&user2{})
func (o *querySet) PrepareInsert() (Inserter, error) {
return o.PrepareInsertWithCtx(context.Background())
func (o *querySet) PrepareInsertWithCtx(ctx context.Context) (Inserter, error) {
return newInsertSet(ctx, o.orm, o.mi)
// query all data and map to containers.
// cols means the columns when querying.
func (o *querySet) All(container interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
return o.AllWithCtx(context.Background(), container, cols...)
func (o *querySet) AllWithCtx(ctx context.Context, container interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
return o.orm.alias.DbBaser.ReadBatch(ctx, o.orm.db, o, o.mi, o.cond, container, o.orm.alias.TZ, cols)
// query one row data and map to containers.
// cols means the columns when querying.
func (o *querySet) One(container interface{}, cols ...string) error {
return o.OneWithCtx(context.Background(), container, cols...)
func (o *querySet) OneWithCtx(ctx context.Context, container interface{}, cols ...string) error {
o.limit = 1
num, err := o.orm.alias.DbBaser.ReadBatch(ctx, o.orm.db, o, o.mi, o.cond, container, o.orm.alias.TZ, cols)
if err != nil {
return err
if num == 0 {
return ErrNoRows
if num > 1 {
return ErrMultiRows
return nil
// query all data and map to []map[string]interface.
// expres means condition expression.
// it converts data to []map[column]value.
func (o *querySet) Values(results *[]Params, exprs ...string) (int64, error) {
return o.ValuesWithCtx(context.Background(), results, exprs...)
func (o *querySet) ValuesWithCtx(ctx context.Context, results *[]Params, exprs ...string) (int64, error) {
return o.orm.alias.DbBaser.ReadValues(ctx, o.orm.db, o, o.mi, o.cond, exprs, results, o.orm.alias.TZ)
// query all data and map to [][]interface
// it converts data to [][column_index]value
func (o *querySet) ValuesList(results *[]ParamsList, exprs ...string) (int64, error) {
return o.ValuesListWithCtx(context.Background(), results, exprs...)
func (o *querySet) ValuesListWithCtx(ctx context.Context, results *[]ParamsList, exprs ...string) (int64, error) {
return o.orm.alias.DbBaser.ReadValues(ctx, o.orm.db, o, o.mi, o.cond, exprs, results, o.orm.alias.TZ)
// query all data and map to []interface.
// it's designed for one row record set, auto change to []value, not [][column]value.
func (o *querySet) ValuesFlat(result *ParamsList, expr string) (int64, error) {
return o.ValuesFlatWithCtx(context.Background(), result, expr)
func (o *querySet) ValuesFlatWithCtx(ctx context.Context, result *ParamsList, expr string) (int64, error) {
return o.orm.alias.DbBaser.ReadValues(ctx, o.orm.db, o, o.mi, o.cond, []string{expr}, result, o.orm.alias.TZ)
// query all rows into map[string]interface with specify key and value column name.
// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
// table data
// name | value
// total | 100
// found | 200
// to map[string]interface{}{
// "total": 100,
// "found": 200,
// }
func (o *querySet) RowsToMap(result *Params, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error) {
// query all rows into struct with specify key and value column name.
// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
// table data
// name | value
// total | 100
// found | 200
// to struct {
// Total int
// Found int
// }
func (o *querySet) RowsToStruct(ptrStruct interface{}, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error) {
// create new QuerySeter.
func newQuerySet(orm *ormBase, mi *modelInfo) QuerySeter {
o := new(querySet)
o.mi = mi
o.orm = orm
return o
// aggregate func
func (o querySet) Aggregate(s string) QuerySeter {
o.aggregate = s
return &o

@ -0,0 +1,910 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// raw sql string prepared statement
type rawPrepare struct {
rs *rawSet
stmt stmtQuerier
closed bool
func (o *rawPrepare) Exec(args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
if o.closed {
return nil, ErrStmtClosed
flatParams := getFlatParams(nil, args, o.rs.orm.alias.TZ)
return o.stmt.Exec(flatParams...)
func (o *rawPrepare) Close() error {
o.closed = true
return o.stmt.Close()
func newRawPreparer(rs *rawSet) (RawPreparer, error) {
o := new(rawPrepare)
o.rs = rs
query := rs.query
st, err := rs.orm.db.Prepare(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if Debug {
o.stmt = newStmtQueryLog(rs.orm.alias, st, query)
} else {
o.stmt = st
return o, nil
// raw query seter
type rawSet struct {
query string
args []interface{}
orm *ormBase
var _ RawSeter = new(rawSet)
// set args for every query
func (o rawSet) SetArgs(args ...interface{}) RawSeter {
o.args = args
return &o
// execute raw sql and return sql.Result
func (o *rawSet) Exec() (sql.Result, error) {
query := o.query
args := getFlatParams(nil, o.args, o.orm.alias.TZ)
return o.orm.db.Exec(query, args...)
// set field value to row container
func (o *rawSet) setFieldValue(ind reflect.Value, value interface{}) {
switch ind.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
if value == nil {
} else if v, ok := value.(bool); ok {
} else {
v, _ := StrTo(ToStr(value)).Bool()
case reflect.String:
if value == nil {
} else {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
if value == nil {
} else {
val := reflect.ValueOf(value)
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
v, _ := StrTo(ToStr(value)).Int64()
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
if value == nil {
} else {
val := reflect.ValueOf(value)
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
v, _ := StrTo(ToStr(value)).Uint64()
case reflect.Float64, reflect.Float32:
if value == nil {
} else {
val := reflect.ValueOf(value)
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Float64:
v, _ := StrTo(ToStr(value)).Float64()
case reflect.Struct:
if value == nil {
switch ind.Interface().(type) {
case time.Time:
var str string
switch d := value.(type) {
case time.Time:
o.orm.alias.DbBaser.TimeFromDB(&d, o.orm.alias.TZ)
case []byte:
str = string(d)
case string:
str = d
if str != "" {
if len(str) >= 19 {
str = str[:19]
t, err := time.ParseInLocation(formatDateTime, str, o.orm.alias.TZ)
if err == nil {
t = t.In(DefaultTimeLoc)
} else if len(str) >= 10 {
str = str[:10]
t, err := time.ParseInLocation(formatDate, str, DefaultTimeLoc)
if err == nil {
} else if len(str) >= 8 {
str = str[:8]
t, err := time.ParseInLocation(formatTime, str, DefaultTimeLoc)
if err == nil {
case sql.NullString, sql.NullInt64, sql.NullFloat64, sql.NullBool:
indi := reflect.New(ind.Type()).Interface()
sc, ok := indi.(sql.Scanner)
if !ok {
err := sc.Scan(value)
if err == nil {
case reflect.Ptr:
if value == nil {
o.setFieldValue(reflect.Indirect(ind), value)
// set field value in loop for slice container
func (o *rawSet) loopSetRefs(refs []interface{}, sInds []reflect.Value, nIndsPtr *[]reflect.Value, eTyps []reflect.Type, init bool) {
nInds := *nIndsPtr
cur := 0
for i := 0; i < len(sInds); i++ {
sInd := sInds[i]
eTyp := eTyps[i]
typ := eTyp
isPtr := false
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
isPtr = true
typ = typ.Elem()
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
isPtr = true
typ = typ.Elem()
var nInd reflect.Value
if init {
nInd = reflect.New(sInd.Type()).Elem()
} else {
nInd = nInds[i]
val := reflect.New(typ)
ind := val.Elem()
tpName := ind.Type().String()
if ind.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
if tpName == "time.Time" {
value := reflect.ValueOf(refs[cur]).Elem().Interface()
if isPtr && value == nil {
val = reflect.New(val.Type()).Elem()
} else {
o.setFieldValue(ind, value)
} else {
value := reflect.ValueOf(refs[cur]).Elem().Interface()
if isPtr && value == nil {
val = reflect.New(val.Type()).Elem()
} else {
o.setFieldValue(ind, value)
if nInd.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
if isPtr {
nInd = reflect.Append(nInd, val)
} else {
nInd = reflect.Append(nInd, ind)
} else {
if isPtr {
} else {
nInds[i] = nInd
// query data and map to container
func (o *rawSet) QueryRow(containers ...interface{}) error {
var (
refs = make([]interface{}, 0, len(containers))
sInds []reflect.Value
eTyps []reflect.Type
sMi *modelInfo
structMode := false
for _, container := range containers {
val := reflect.ValueOf(container)
ind := reflect.Indirect(val)
if val.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<RawSeter.QueryRow> all args must be use ptr"))
etyp := ind.Type()
typ := etyp
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
typ = typ.Elem()
sInds = append(sInds, ind)
eTyps = append(eTyps, etyp)
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Struct && typ.String() != "time.Time" {
if len(containers) > 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<RawSeter.QueryRow> now support one struct only. see #384"))
structMode = true
fn := getFullName(typ)
if mi, ok := defaultModelCache.getByFullName(fn); ok {
sMi = mi
} else {
var ref interface{}
refs = append(refs, &ref)
query := o.query
args := getFlatParams(nil, o.args, o.orm.alias.TZ)
rows, err := o.orm.db.Query(query, args...)
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoRows
return err
structTagMap := make(map[reflect.StructTag]map[string]string)
defer rows.Close()
if rows.Next() {
if structMode {
columns, err := rows.Columns()
if err != nil {
return err
columnsMp := make(map[string]interface{}, len(columns))
refs = make([]interface{}, 0, len(columns))
for _, col := range columns {
var ref interface{}
columnsMp[col] = &ref
refs = append(refs, &ref)
if err := rows.Scan(refs...); err != nil {
return err
ind := sInds[0]
if ind.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if ind.IsNil() || !ind.IsValid() {
ind = ind.Elem()
if sMi != nil {
for _, col := range columns {
if fi := sMi.fields.GetByColumn(col); fi != nil {
value := reflect.ValueOf(columnsMp[col]).Elem().Interface()
field := ind.FieldByIndex(fi.fieldIndex)
if fi.fieldType&IsRelField > 0 {
mf := reflect.New(fi.relModelInfo.addrField.Elem().Type())
field = mf.Elem().FieldByIndex(fi.relModelInfo.fields.pk.fieldIndex)
if fi.isFielder {
fd := field.Addr().Interface().(Fielder)
err := fd.SetRaw(value)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("set raw error:%s", err)
} else {
o.setFieldValue(field, value)
} else {
// define recursive function
var recursiveSetField func(rv reflect.Value)
recursiveSetField = func(rv reflect.Value) {
for i := 0; i < rv.NumField(); i++ {
f := rv.Field(i)
fe := rv.Type().Field(i)
// check if the field is a Struct
// recursive the Struct type
if fe.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
// thanks @Gazeboxu.
tags := structTagMap[fe.Tag]
if tags == nil {
_, tags = parseStructTag(fe.Tag.Get(defaultStructTagName))
structTagMap[fe.Tag] = tags
var col string
if col = tags["column"]; col == "" {
col = nameStrategyMap[nameStrategy](fe.Name)
if v, ok := columnsMp[col]; ok {
value := reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().Interface()
o.setFieldValue(f, value)
// init call the recursive function
} else {
if err := rows.Scan(refs...); err != nil {
return err
nInds := make([]reflect.Value, len(sInds))
o.loopSetRefs(refs, sInds, &nInds, eTyps, true)
for i, sInd := range sInds {
nInd := nInds[i]
} else {
return ErrNoRows
return nil
// query data rows and map to container
func (o *rawSet) QueryRows(containers ...interface{}) (int64, error) {
var (
refs = make([]interface{}, 0, len(containers))
sInds []reflect.Value
eTyps []reflect.Type
sMi *modelInfo
structMode := false
for _, container := range containers {
val := reflect.ValueOf(container)
sInd := reflect.Indirect(val)
if val.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || sInd.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<RawSeter.QueryRows> all args must be use ptr slice"))
etyp := sInd.Type().Elem()
typ := etyp
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
typ = typ.Elem()
sInds = append(sInds, sInd)
eTyps = append(eTyps, etyp)
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Struct && typ.String() != "time.Time" {
if len(containers) > 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<RawSeter.QueryRow> now support one struct only. see #384"))
structMode = true
fn := getFullName(typ)
if mi, ok := defaultModelCache.getByFullName(fn); ok {
sMi = mi
} else {
var ref interface{}
refs = append(refs, &ref)
query := o.query
args := getFlatParams(nil, o.args, o.orm.alias.TZ)
rows, err := o.orm.db.Query(query, args...)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer rows.Close()
var cnt int64
nInds := make([]reflect.Value, len(sInds))
sInd := sInds[0]
for rows.Next() {
if structMode {
columns, err := rows.Columns()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
columnsMp := make(map[string]interface{}, len(columns))
refs = make([]interface{}, 0, len(columns))
for _, col := range columns {
var ref interface{}
columnsMp[col] = &ref
refs = append(refs, &ref)
if err := rows.Scan(refs...); err != nil {
return 0, err
if cnt == 0 && !sInd.IsNil() {
var ind reflect.Value
if eTyps[0].Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
ind = reflect.New(eTyps[0].Elem())
} else {
ind = reflect.New(eTyps[0])
if ind.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
ind = ind.Elem()
if sMi != nil {
for _, col := range columns {
if fi := sMi.fields.GetByColumn(col); fi != nil {
value := reflect.ValueOf(columnsMp[col]).Elem().Interface()
field := ind.FieldByIndex(fi.fieldIndex)
if fi.fieldType&IsRelField > 0 {
mf := reflect.New(fi.relModelInfo.addrField.Elem().Type())
field = mf.Elem().FieldByIndex(fi.relModelInfo.fields.pk.fieldIndex)
if fi.isFielder {
fd := field.Addr().Interface().(Fielder)
err := fd.SetRaw(value)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Errorf("set raw error:%s", err)
} else {
o.setFieldValue(field, value)
} else {
// define recursive function
var recursiveSetField func(rv reflect.Value)
recursiveSetField = func(rv reflect.Value) {
for i := 0; i < rv.NumField(); i++ {
f := rv.Field(i)
fe := rv.Type().Field(i)
// check if the field is a Struct
// recursive the Struct type
if fe.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
_, tags := parseStructTag(fe.Tag.Get(defaultStructTagName))
var col string
if col = tags["column"]; col == "" {
col = nameStrategyMap[nameStrategy](fe.Name)
if v, ok := columnsMp[col]; ok {
value := reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().Interface()
o.setFieldValue(f, value)
// init call the recursive function
if eTyps[0].Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
ind = ind.Addr()
sInd = reflect.Append(sInd, ind)
} else {
if err := rows.Scan(refs...); err != nil {
return 0, err
o.loopSetRefs(refs, sInds, &nInds, eTyps, cnt == 0)
if cnt > 0 {
if structMode {
} else {
for i, sInd := range sInds {
nInd := nInds[i]
return cnt, nil
func (o *rawSet) readValues(container interface{}, needCols []string) (int64, error) {
var (
maps []Params
lists []ParamsList
list ParamsList
typ := 0
switch container.(type) {
case *[]Params:
typ = 1
case *[]ParamsList:
typ = 2
case *ParamsList:
typ = 3
panic(fmt.Errorf("<RawSeter> unsupport read values type `%T`", container))
query := o.query
args := getFlatParams(nil, o.args, o.orm.alias.TZ)
var rs *sql.Rows
rs, err := o.orm.db.Query(query, args...)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer rs.Close()
var (
refs []interface{}
cnt int64
cols []string
indexs []int
for rs.Next() {
if cnt == 0 {
columns, err := rs.Columns()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if len(needCols) > 0 {
indexs = make([]int, 0, len(needCols))
} else {
indexs = make([]int, 0, len(columns))
cols = columns
refs = make([]interface{}, len(cols))
for i := range refs {
var ref sql.NullString
refs[i] = &ref
if len(needCols) > 0 {
for _, c := range needCols {
if c == cols[i] {
indexs = append(indexs, i)
} else {
indexs = append(indexs, i)
if err := rs.Scan(refs...); err != nil {
return 0, err
switch typ {
case 1:
params := make(Params, len(cols))
for _, i := range indexs {
ref := refs[i]
value := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(ref)).Interface().(sql.NullString)
if value.Valid {
params[cols[i]] = value.String
} else {
params[cols[i]] = nil
maps = append(maps, params)
case 2:
params := make(ParamsList, 0, len(cols))
for _, i := range indexs {
ref := refs[i]
value := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(ref)).Interface().(sql.NullString)
if value.Valid {
params = append(params, value.String)
} else {
params = append(params, nil)
lists = append(lists, params)
case 3:
for _, i := range indexs {
ref := refs[i]
value := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(ref)).Interface().(sql.NullString)
if value.Valid {
list = append(list, value.String)
} else {
list = append(list, nil)
switch v := container.(type) {
case *[]Params:
*v = maps
case *[]ParamsList:
*v = lists
case *ParamsList:
*v = list
return cnt, nil
func (o *rawSet) queryRowsTo(container interface{}, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error) {
var (
maps Params
ind *reflect.Value
var typ int
switch container.(type) {
case *Params:
typ = 1
typ = 2
vl := reflect.ValueOf(container)
id := reflect.Indirect(vl)
if vl.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || id.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<RawSeter> RowsTo unsupport type `%T` need ptr struct", container))
ind = &id
query := o.query
args := getFlatParams(nil, o.args, o.orm.alias.TZ)
rs, err := o.orm.db.Query(query, args...)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer rs.Close()
var (
refs []interface{}
cnt int64
cols []string
var (
keyIndex = -1
valueIndex = -1
for rs.Next() {
if cnt == 0 {
columns, err := rs.Columns()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cols = columns
refs = make([]interface{}, len(cols))
for i := range refs {
if keyCol == cols[i] {
keyIndex = i
if typ == 1 || keyIndex == i {
var ref sql.NullString
refs[i] = &ref
} else {
var ref interface{}
refs[i] = &ref
if valueCol == cols[i] {
valueIndex = i
if keyIndex == -1 || valueIndex == -1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("<RawSeter> RowsTo unknown key, value column name `%s: %s`", keyCol, valueCol))
if err := rs.Scan(refs...); err != nil {
return 0, err
if cnt == 0 {
switch typ {
case 1:
maps = make(Params)
key := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(refs[keyIndex])).Interface().(sql.NullString).String
switch typ {
case 1:
value := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(refs[valueIndex])).Interface().(sql.NullString)
if value.Valid {
maps[key] = value.String
} else {
maps[key] = nil
if id := ind.FieldByName(camelString(key)); id.IsValid() {
o.setFieldValue(id, reflect.ValueOf(refs[valueIndex]).Elem().Interface())
if typ == 1 {
v, _ := container.(*Params)
*v = maps
return cnt, nil
// query data to []map[string]interface
func (o *rawSet) Values(container *[]Params, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
return o.readValues(container, cols)
// query data to [][]interface
func (o *rawSet) ValuesList(container *[]ParamsList, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
return o.readValues(container, cols)
// query data to []interface
func (o *rawSet) ValuesFlat(container *ParamsList, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
return o.readValues(container, cols)
// query all rows into map[string]interface with specify key and value column name.
// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
// table data
// name | value
// total | 100
// found | 200
// to map[string]interface{}{
// "total": 100,
// "found": 200,
// }
func (o *rawSet) RowsToMap(result *Params, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error) {
return o.queryRowsTo(result, keyCol, valueCol)
// query all rows into struct with specify key and value column name.
// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
// table data
// name | value
// total | 100
// found | 200
// to struct {
// Total int
// Found int
// }
func (o *rawSet) RowsToStruct(ptrStruct interface{}, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error) {
return o.queryRowsTo(ptrStruct, keyCol, valueCol)
// return prepared raw statement for used in times.
func (o *rawSet) Prepare() (RawPreparer, error) {
return newRawPreparer(o)
func newRawSet(orm *ormBase, query string, args []interface{}) RawSeter {
o := new(rawSet)
o.query = query
o.args = args
o.orm = orm
return o

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import "errors"
// QueryBuilder is the Query builder interface
type QueryBuilder interface {
Select(fields ...string) QueryBuilder
ForUpdate() QueryBuilder
From(tables ...string) QueryBuilder
InnerJoin(table string) QueryBuilder
LeftJoin(table string) QueryBuilder
RightJoin(table string) QueryBuilder
On(cond string) QueryBuilder
Where(cond string) QueryBuilder
And(cond string) QueryBuilder
Or(cond string) QueryBuilder
In(vals ...string) QueryBuilder
OrderBy(fields ...string) QueryBuilder
Asc() QueryBuilder
Desc() QueryBuilder
Limit(limit int) QueryBuilder
Offset(offset int) QueryBuilder
GroupBy(fields ...string) QueryBuilder
Having(cond string) QueryBuilder
Update(tables ...string) QueryBuilder
Set(kv ...string) QueryBuilder
Delete(tables ...string) QueryBuilder
InsertInto(table string, fields ...string) QueryBuilder
Values(vals ...string) QueryBuilder
Subquery(sub string, alias string) string
String() string
// NewQueryBuilder return the QueryBuilder
func NewQueryBuilder(driver string) (qb QueryBuilder, err error) {
if driver == "mysql" {
qb = new(MySQLQueryBuilder)
} else if driver == "tidb" {
qb = new(TiDBQueryBuilder)
} else if driver == "postgres" {
qb = new(PostgresQueryBuilder)
} else if driver == "sqlite" {
err = errors.New("sqlite query builder is not supported yet")
} else {
err = errors.New("unknown driver for query builder")

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// CommaSpace is the separation
const CommaSpace = ", "
// MySQLQueryBuilder is the SQL build
type MySQLQueryBuilder struct {
tokens []string
// Select will join the fields
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) Select(fields ...string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "SELECT", strings.Join(fields, CommaSpace))
return qb
// ForUpdate add the FOR UPDATE clause
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) ForUpdate() QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "FOR UPDATE")
return qb
// From join the tables
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) From(tables ...string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "FROM", strings.Join(tables, CommaSpace))
return qb
// InnerJoin INNER JOIN the table
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) InnerJoin(table string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "INNER JOIN", table)
return qb
// LeftJoin LEFT JOIN the table
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) LeftJoin(table string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "LEFT JOIN", table)
return qb
// RightJoin RIGHT JOIN the table
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) RightJoin(table string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "RIGHT JOIN", table)
return qb
// On join with on cond
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) On(cond string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "ON", cond)
return qb
// Where join the Where cond
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) Where(cond string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "WHERE", cond)
return qb
// And join the and cond
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) And(cond string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "AND", cond)
return qb
// Or join the or cond
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) Or(cond string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "OR", cond)
return qb
// In join the IN (vals)
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) In(vals ...string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "IN", "(", strings.Join(vals, CommaSpace), ")")
return qb
// OrderBy join the Order by fields
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) OrderBy(fields ...string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "ORDER BY", strings.Join(fields, CommaSpace))
return qb
// Asc join the asc
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) Asc() QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "ASC")
return qb
// Desc join the desc
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) Desc() QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "DESC")
return qb
// Limit join the limit num
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) Limit(limit int) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "LIMIT", strconv.Itoa(limit))
return qb
// Offset join the offset num
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) Offset(offset int) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "OFFSET", strconv.Itoa(offset))
return qb
// GroupBy join the Group by fields
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) GroupBy(fields ...string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "GROUP BY", strings.Join(fields, CommaSpace))
return qb
// Having join the Having cond
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) Having(cond string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "HAVING", cond)
return qb
// Update join the update table
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) Update(tables ...string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "UPDATE", strings.Join(tables, CommaSpace))
return qb
// Set join the set kv
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) Set(kv ...string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "SET", strings.Join(kv, CommaSpace))
return qb
// Delete join the Delete tables
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) Delete(tables ...string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "DELETE")
if len(tables) != 0 {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, strings.Join(tables, CommaSpace))
return qb
// InsertInto join the insert SQL
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) InsertInto(table string, fields ...string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "INSERT INTO", table)
if len(fields) != 0 {
fieldsStr := strings.Join(fields, CommaSpace)
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "(", fieldsStr, ")")
return qb
// Values join the Values(vals)
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) Values(vals ...string) QueryBuilder {
valsStr := strings.Join(vals, CommaSpace)
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "VALUES", "(", valsStr, ")")
return qb
// Subquery join the sub as alias
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) Subquery(sub string, alias string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s) AS %s", sub, alias)
// String join all tokens
func (qb *MySQLQueryBuilder) String() string {
s := strings.Join(qb.tokens, " ")
qb.tokens = qb.tokens[:0]
return s

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
package orm
import (
var quote string = `"`
// PostgresQueryBuilder is the SQL build
type PostgresQueryBuilder struct {
tokens []string
func processingStr(str []string) string {
s := strings.Join(str, `","`)
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", quote, s, quote)
return s
// Select will join the fields
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) Select(fields ...string) QueryBuilder {
var str string
n := len(fields)
if fields[0] == "*" {
str = "*"
} else {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
sli := strings.Split(fields[i], ".")
s := strings.Join(sli, `"."`)
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", quote, s, quote)
if n == 1 || i == n-1 {
str += s
} else {
str += s + ","
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "SELECT", str)
return qb
// ForUpdate add the FOR UPDATE clause
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) ForUpdate() QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "FOR UPDATE")
return qb
// From join the tables
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) From(tables ...string) QueryBuilder {
str := processingStr(tables)
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "FROM", str)
return qb
// InnerJoin INNER JOIN the table
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) InnerJoin(table string) QueryBuilder {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", quote, table, quote)
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "INNER JOIN", str)
return qb
// LeftJoin LEFT JOIN the table
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) LeftJoin(table string) QueryBuilder {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", quote, table, quote)
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "LEFT JOIN", str)
return qb
// RightJoin RIGHT JOIN the table
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) RightJoin(table string) QueryBuilder {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", quote, table, quote)
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "RIGHT JOIN", str)
return qb
// On join with on cond
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) On(cond string) QueryBuilder {
var str string
cond = strings.Replace(cond, " ", "", -1)
slice := strings.Split(cond, "=")
for i := 0; i < len(slice); i++ {
sli := strings.Split(slice[i], ".")
s := strings.Join(sli, `"."`)
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", quote, s, quote)
if i == 0 {
str = s + " =" + " "
} else {
str += s
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "ON", str)
return qb
// Where join the Where cond
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) Where(cond string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "WHERE", cond)
return qb
// And join the and cond
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) And(cond string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "AND", cond)
return qb
// Or join the or cond
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) Or(cond string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "OR", cond)
return qb
// In join the IN (vals)
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) In(vals ...string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "IN", "(", strings.Join(vals, CommaSpace), ")")
return qb
// OrderBy join the Order by fields
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) OrderBy(fields ...string) QueryBuilder {
str := processingStr(fields)
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "ORDER BY", str)
return qb
// Asc join the asc
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) Asc() QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "ASC")
return qb
// Desc join the desc
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) Desc() QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "DESC")
return qb
// Limit join the limit num
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) Limit(limit int) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "LIMIT", strconv.Itoa(limit))
return qb
// Offset join the offset num
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) Offset(offset int) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "OFFSET", strconv.Itoa(offset))
return qb
// GroupBy join the Group by fields
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) GroupBy(fields ...string) QueryBuilder {
str := processingStr(fields)
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "GROUP BY", str)
return qb
// Having join the Having cond
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) Having(cond string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "HAVING", cond)
return qb
// Update join the update table
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) Update(tables ...string) QueryBuilder {
str := processingStr(tables)
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "UPDATE", str)
return qb
// Set join the set kv
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) Set(kv ...string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "SET", strings.Join(kv, CommaSpace))
return qb
// Delete join the Delete tables
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) Delete(tables ...string) QueryBuilder {
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "DELETE")
if len(tables) != 0 {
str := processingStr(tables)
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, str)
return qb
// InsertInto join the insert SQL
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) InsertInto(table string, fields ...string) QueryBuilder {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", quote, table, quote)
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "INSERT INTO", str)
if len(fields) != 0 {
fieldsStr := strings.Join(fields, CommaSpace)
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "(", fieldsStr, ")")
return qb
// Values join the Values(vals)
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) Values(vals ...string) QueryBuilder {
valsStr := strings.Join(vals, CommaSpace)
qb.tokens = append(qb.tokens, "VALUES", "(", valsStr, ")")
return qb
// Subquery join the sub as alias
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) Subquery(sub string, alias string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s) AS %s", sub, alias)
// String join all tokens
func (qb *PostgresQueryBuilder) String() string {
s := strings.Join(qb.tokens, " ")
qb.tokens = qb.tokens[:0]
return s

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// Copyright 2015 TiDB Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
// TiDBQueryBuilder is the SQL build
type TiDBQueryBuilder struct {
tokens []string

@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
// TableNaming is usually used by model
// when you custom your table name, please implement this interfaces
// for example:
// type User struct {
// ...
// }
// func (u *User) TableName() string {
// return "USER_TABLE"
// }
type TableNameI interface {
TableName() string
// TableEngineI is usually used by model
// when you want to use specific engine, like myisam, you can implement this interface
// for example:
// type User struct {
// ...
// }
// func (u *User) TableEngine() string {
// return "myisam"
// }
type TableEngineI interface {
TableEngine() string
// TableIndexI is usually used by model
// when you want to create indexes, you can implement this interface
// for example:
// type User struct {
// ...
// }
// func (u *User) TableIndex() [][]string {
// return [][]string{{"Name"}}
// }
type TableIndexI interface {
TableIndex() [][]string
// TableUniqueI is usually used by model
// when you want to create unique indexes, you can implement this interface
// for example:
// type User struct {
// ...
// }
// func (u *User) TableUnique() [][]string {
// return [][]string{{"Email"}}
// }
type TableUniqueI interface {
TableUnique() [][]string
// IsApplicableTableForDB if return false, we won't create table to this db
type IsApplicableTableForDB interface {
IsApplicableTableForDB(db string) bool
// Driver define database driver
type Driver interface {
Name() string
Type() DriverType
// Fielder define field info
type Fielder interface {
String() string
FieldType() int
SetRaw(interface{}) error
RawValue() interface{}
type TxBeginner interface {
// self control transaction
Begin() (TxOrmer, error)
BeginWithCtx(ctx context.Context) (TxOrmer, error)
BeginWithOpts(opts *sql.TxOptions) (TxOrmer, error)
BeginWithCtxAndOpts(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (TxOrmer, error)
// closure control transaction
DoTx(task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error
DoTxWithCtx(ctx context.Context, task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error
DoTxWithOpts(opts *sql.TxOptions, task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error
DoTxWithCtxAndOpts(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions, task func(ctx context.Context, txOrm TxOrmer) error) error
type TxCommitter interface {
// transaction beginner
type txer interface {
Begin() (*sql.Tx, error)
BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (*sql.Tx, error)
// transaction ending
type txEnder interface {
Commit() error
Rollback() error
// RollbackUnlessCommit if the transaction has been committed, do nothing, or transaction will be rollback
// For example:
// ```go
// txOrm := orm.Begin()
// defer txOrm.RollbackUnlessCommit()
// err := txOrm.Insert() // do something
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// txOrm.Commit()
// ```
RollbackUnlessCommit() error
// Data Manipulation Language
type DML interface {
// insert model data to database
// for example:
// user := new(User)
// id, err = Ormer.Insert(user)
// user must be a pointer and Insert will set user's pk field
Insert(md interface{}) (int64, error)
InsertWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}) (int64, error)
// mysql:InsertOrUpdate(model) or InsertOrUpdate(model,"colu=colu+value")
// if colu type is integer : can use(+-*/), string : convert(colu,"value")
// postgres: InsertOrUpdate(model,"conflictColumnName") or InsertOrUpdate(model,"conflictColumnName","colu=colu+value")
// if colu type is integer : can use(+-*/), string : colu || "value"
InsertOrUpdate(md interface{}, colConflitAndArgs ...string) (int64, error)
InsertOrUpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, colConflitAndArgs ...string) (int64, error)
// insert some models to database
InsertMulti(bulk int, mds interface{}) (int64, error)
InsertMultiWithCtx(ctx context.Context, bulk int, mds interface{}) (int64, error)
// update model to database.
// cols set the columns those want to update.
// find model by Id(pk) field and update columns specified by fields, if cols is null then update all columns
// for example:
// user := User{Id: 2}
// user.Langs = append(user.Langs, "zh-CN", "en-US")
// user.Extra.Name = "beego"
// user.Extra.Data = "orm"
// num, err = Ormer.Update(&user, "Langs", "Extra")
Update(md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error)
UpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error)
// delete model in database
Delete(md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error)
DeleteWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error)
// return a raw query seter for raw sql string.
// for example:
// ormer.Raw("UPDATE `user` SET `user_name` = ? WHERE `user_name` = ?", "slene", "testing").Exec()
// // update user testing's name to slene
Raw(query string, args ...interface{}) RawSeter
RawWithCtx(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) RawSeter
// Data Query Language
type DQL interface {
// read data to model
// for example:
// this will find User by Id field
// u = &User{Id: user.Id}
// err = Ormer.Read(u)
// this will find User by UserName field
// u = &User{UserName: "astaxie", Password: "pass"}
// err = Ormer.Read(u, "UserName")
Read(md interface{}, cols ...string) error
ReadWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) error
// Like Read(), but with "FOR UPDATE" clause, useful in transaction.
// Some databases are not support this feature.
ReadForUpdate(md interface{}, cols ...string) error
ReadForUpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, cols ...string) error
// Try to read a row from the database, or insert one if it doesn't exist
ReadOrCreate(md interface{}, col1 string, cols ...string) (bool, int64, error)
ReadOrCreateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, col1 string, cols ...string) (bool, int64, error)
// load related models to md model.
// args are limit, offset int and order string.
// example:
// Ormer.LoadRelated(post,"Tags")
// for _,tag := range post.Tags{...}
// hints.DefaultRelDepth useDefaultRelsDepth ; or depth 0
// hints.RelDepth loadRelationDepth
// hints.Limit limit default limit 1000
// hints.Offset int offset default offset 0
// hints.OrderBy string order for example : "-Id"
// make sure the relation is defined in model struct tags.
LoadRelated(md interface{}, name string, args ...utils.KV) (int64, error)
LoadRelatedWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, name string, args ...utils.KV) (int64, error)
// create a models to models queryer
// for example:
// post := Post{Id: 4}
// m2m := Ormer.QueryM2M(&post, "Tags")
QueryM2M(md interface{}, name string) QueryM2Mer
// NOTE: this method is deprecated, context parameter will not take effect.
// Use context.Context directly on methods with `WithCtx` suffix such as InsertWithCtx/UpdateWithCtx
QueryM2MWithCtx(ctx context.Context, md interface{}, name string) QueryM2Mer
// return a QuerySeter for table operations.
// table name can be string or struct.
// e.g. QueryTable("user"), QueryTable(&user{}) or QueryTable((*User)(nil)),
QueryTable(ptrStructOrTableName interface{}) QuerySeter
// NOTE: this method is deprecated, context parameter will not take effect.
// Use context.Context directly on methods with `WithCtx` suffix such as InsertWithCtx/UpdateWithCtx
QueryTableWithCtx(ctx context.Context, ptrStructOrTableName interface{}) QuerySeter
DBStats() *sql.DBStats
type DriverGetter interface {
Driver() Driver
type ormer interface {
// QueryExecutor wrapping for ormer
type QueryExecutor interface {
type Ormer interface {
type TxOrmer interface {
// Inserter insert prepared statement
type Inserter interface {
Insert(interface{}) (int64, error)
InsertWithCtx(context.Context, interface{}) (int64, error)
Close() error
// QuerySeter query seter
type QuerySeter interface {
// add condition expression to QuerySeter.
// for example:
// filter by UserName == 'slene'
// qs.Filter("UserName", "slene")
// sql : left outer join profile on t0.id1==t1.id2 where t1.age == 28
// Filter("profile__Age", 28)
// // time compare
// qs.Filter("created", time.Now())
Filter(string, ...interface{}) QuerySeter
// add raw sql to querySeter.
// for example:
// qs.FilterRaw("user_id IN (SELECT id FROM profile WHERE age>=18)")
// //sql-> WHERE user_id IN (SELECT id FROM profile WHERE age>=18)
FilterRaw(string, string) QuerySeter
// add NOT condition to querySeter.
// have the same usage as Filter
Exclude(string, ...interface{}) QuerySeter
// set condition to QuerySeter.
// sql's where condition
// cond := orm.NewCondition()
// cond1 := cond.And("profile__isnull", false).AndNot("status__in", 1).Or("profile__age__gt", 2000)
// //sql-> WHERE T0.`profile_id` IS NOT NULL AND NOT T0.`Status` IN (?) OR T1.`age` > 2000
// num, err := qs.SetCond(cond1).Count()
SetCond(*Condition) QuerySeter
// get condition from QuerySeter.
// sql's where condition
// cond := orm.NewCondition()
// cond = cond.And("profile__isnull", false).AndNot("status__in", 1)
// qs = qs.SetCond(cond)
// cond = qs.GetCond()
// cond := cond.Or("profile__age__gt", 2000)
// //sql-> WHERE T0.`profile_id` IS NOT NULL AND NOT T0.`Status` IN (?) OR T1.`age` > 2000
// num, err := qs.SetCond(cond).Count()
GetCond() *Condition
// add LIMIT value.
// args[0] means offset, e.g. LIMIT num,offset.
// if Limit <= 0 then Limit will be set to default limit ,eg 1000
// if QuerySeter doesn't call Limit, the sql's Limit will be set to default limit, eg 1000
// for example:
// qs.Limit(10, 2)
// // sql-> limit 10 offset 2
Limit(limit interface{}, args ...interface{}) QuerySeter
// add OFFSET value
// same as Limit function's args[0]
Offset(offset interface{}) QuerySeter
// add GROUP BY expression
// for example:
// qs.GroupBy("id")
GroupBy(exprs ...string) QuerySeter
// add ORDER expression.
// "column" means ASC, "-column" means DESC.
// for example:
// qs.OrderBy("-status")
OrderBy(exprs ...string) QuerySeter
// add ORDER expression by order clauses
// for example:
// OrderClauses(
// order_clause.Clause(
// order.Column("Id"),
// order.SortAscending(),
// ),
// order_clause.Clause(
// order.Column("status"),
// order.SortDescending(),
// ),
// )
// OrderClauses(order_clause.Clause(
// order_clause.Column(`user__status`),
// order_clause.SortDescending(),//default None
// ))
// OrderClauses(order_clause.Clause(
// order_clause.Column(`random()`),
// order_clause.SortNone(),//default None
// order_clause.Raw(),//default false.if true, do not check field is valid or not
// ))
OrderClauses(orders ...*order_clause.Order) QuerySeter
// add FORCE INDEX expression.
// for example:
// qs.ForceIndex(`idx_name1`,`idx_name2`)
// ForceIndex, UseIndex , IgnoreIndex are mutually exclusive
ForceIndex(indexes ...string) QuerySeter
// add USE INDEX expression.
// for example:
// qs.UseIndex(`idx_name1`,`idx_name2`)
// ForceIndex, UseIndex , IgnoreIndex are mutually exclusive
UseIndex(indexes ...string) QuerySeter
// add IGNORE INDEX expression.
// for example:
// qs.IgnoreIndex(`idx_name1`,`idx_name2`)
// ForceIndex, UseIndex , IgnoreIndex are mutually exclusive
IgnoreIndex(indexes ...string) QuerySeter
// set relation model to query together.
// it will query relation models and assign to parent model.
// for example:
// // will load all related fields use left join .
// qs.RelatedSel().One(&user)
// // will load related field only profile
// qs.RelatedSel("profile").One(&user)
// user.Profile.Age = 32
RelatedSel(params ...interface{}) QuerySeter
// Set Distinct
// for example:
// o.QueryTable("policy").Filter("Groups__Group__Users__User", user).
// Distinct().
// All(&permissions)
Distinct() QuerySeter
// set FOR UPDATE to query.
// for example:
// o.QueryTable("user").Filter("uid", uid).ForUpdate().All(&users)
ForUpdate() QuerySeter
// return QuerySeter execution result number
// for example:
// num, err = qs.Filter("profile__age__gt", 28).Count()
Count() (int64, error)
CountWithCtx(context.Context) (int64, error)
// check result empty or not after QuerySeter executed
// the same as QuerySeter.Count > 0
Exist() bool
ExistWithCtx(context.Context) bool
// execute update with parameters
// for example:
// num, err = qs.Filter("user_name", "slene").Update(Params{
// "Nums": ColValue(Col_Minus, 50),
// }) // user slene's Nums will minus 50
// num, err = qs.Filter("UserName", "slene").Update(Params{
// "user_name": "slene2"
// }) // user slene's name will change to slene2
Update(values Params) (int64, error)
UpdateWithCtx(ctx context.Context, values Params) (int64, error)
// delete from table
// for example:
// num ,err = qs.Filter("user_name__in", "testing1", "testing2").Delete()
// //delete two user who's name is testing1 or testing2
Delete() (int64, error)
DeleteWithCtx(context.Context) (int64, error)
// return a insert queryer.
// it can be used in times.
// example:
// i,err := sq.PrepareInsert()
// num, err = i.Insert(&user1) // user table will add one record user1 at once
// num, err = i.Insert(&user2) // user table will add one record user2 at once
// err = i.Close() //don't forget call Close
PrepareInsert() (Inserter, error)
PrepareInsertWithCtx(context.Context) (Inserter, error)
// query all data and map to containers.
// cols means the columns when querying.
// for example:
// var users []*User
// qs.All(&users) // users[0],users[1],users[2] ...
All(container interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error)
AllWithCtx(ctx context.Context, container interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error)
// query one row data and map to containers.
// cols means the columns when querying.
// for example:
// var user User
// qs.One(&user) //user.UserName == "slene"
One(container interface{}, cols ...string) error
OneWithCtx(ctx context.Context, container interface{}, cols ...string) error
// query all data and map to []map[string]interface.
// expres means condition expression.
// it converts data to []map[column]value.
// for example:
// var maps []Params
// qs.Values(&maps) //maps[0]["UserName"]=="slene"
Values(results *[]Params, exprs ...string) (int64, error)
ValuesWithCtx(ctx context.Context, results *[]Params, exprs ...string) (int64, error)
// query all data and map to [][]interface
// it converts data to [][column_index]value
// for example:
// var list []ParamsList
// qs.ValuesList(&list) // list[0][1] == "slene"
ValuesList(results *[]ParamsList, exprs ...string) (int64, error)
ValuesListWithCtx(ctx context.Context, results *[]ParamsList, exprs ...string) (int64, error)
// query all data and map to []interface.
// it's designed for one column record set, auto change to []value, not [][column]value.
// for example:
// var list ParamsList
// qs.ValuesFlat(&list, "UserName") // list[0] == "slene"
ValuesFlat(result *ParamsList, expr string) (int64, error)
ValuesFlatWithCtx(ctx context.Context, result *ParamsList, expr string) (int64, error)
// query all rows into map[string]interface with specify key and value column name.
// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
// table data
// name | value
// total | 100
// found | 200
// to map[string]interface{}{
// "total": 100,
// "found": 200,
// }
RowsToMap(result *Params, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error)
// query all rows into struct with specify key and value column name.
// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
// table data
// name | value
// total | 100
// found | 200
// to struct {
// Total int
// Found int
// }
RowsToStruct(ptrStruct interface{}, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error)
// aggregate func.
// for example:
// type result struct {
// DeptName string
// Total int
// }
// var res []result
// o.QueryTable("dept_info").Aggregate("dept_name,sum(salary) as total").GroupBy("dept_name").All(&res)
Aggregate(s string) QuerySeter
// QueryM2Mer model to model query struct
// all operations are on the m2m table only, will not affect the origin model table
type QueryM2Mer interface {
// add models to origin models when creating queryM2M.
// example:
// m2m := orm.QueryM2M(post,"Tag")
// m2m.Add(&Tag1{},&Tag2{})
// for _,tag := range post.Tags{}{ ... }
// param could also be any of the follow
// []*Tag{{Id:3,Name: "TestTag1"}, {Id:4,Name: "TestTag2"}}
// &Tag{Id:5,Name: "TestTag3"}
// []interface{}{&Tag{Id:6,Name: "TestTag4"}}
// insert one or more rows to m2m table
// make sure the relation is defined in post model struct tag.
Add(...interface{}) (int64, error)
AddWithCtx(context.Context, ...interface{}) (int64, error)
// remove models following the origin model relationship
// only delete rows from m2m table
// for example:
// tag3 := &Tag{Id:5,Name: "TestTag3"}
// num, err = m2m.Remove(tag3)
Remove(...interface{}) (int64, error)
RemoveWithCtx(context.Context, ...interface{}) (int64, error)
// check model is existed in relationship of origin model
Exist(interface{}) bool
ExistWithCtx(context.Context, interface{}) bool
// clean all models in related of origin model
Clear() (int64, error)
ClearWithCtx(context.Context) (int64, error)
// count all related models of origin model
Count() (int64, error)
CountWithCtx(context.Context) (int64, error)
// RawPreparer raw query statement
type RawPreparer interface {
Exec(...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
Close() error
// RawSeter raw query seter
// create From Ormer.Raw
// for example:
// sql := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %sid%s,%sname%s FROM %suser%s WHERE id = ?",Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q)
// rs := Ormer.Raw(sql, 1)
type RawSeter interface {
// execute sql and get result
Exec() (sql.Result, error)
// query data and map to container
// for example:
// var name string
// var id int
// rs.QueryRow(&id,&name) // id==2 name=="slene"
QueryRow(containers ...interface{}) error
// query data rows and map to container
// var ids []int
// var names []int
// query = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT 'id','name' FROM %suser%s", Q, Q)
// num, err = dORM.Raw(query).QueryRows(&ids,&names) // ids=>{1,2},names=>{"nobody","slene"}
QueryRows(containers ...interface{}) (int64, error)
SetArgs(...interface{}) RawSeter
// query data to []map[string]interface
// see QuerySeter's Values
Values(container *[]Params, cols ...string) (int64, error)
// query data to [][]interface
// see QuerySeter's ValuesList
ValuesList(container *[]ParamsList, cols ...string) (int64, error)
// query data to []interface
// see QuerySeter's ValuesFlat
ValuesFlat(container *ParamsList, cols ...string) (int64, error)
// query all rows into map[string]interface with specify key and value column name.
// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
// table data
// name | value
// total | 100
// found | 200
// to map[string]interface{}{
// "total": 100,
// "found": 200,
// }
RowsToMap(result *Params, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error)
// query all rows into struct with specify key and value column name.
// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
// table data
// name | value
// total | 100
// found | 200
// to struct {
// Total int
// Found int
// }
RowsToStruct(ptrStruct interface{}, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error)
// return prepared raw statement for used in times.
// for example:
// pre, err := dORM.Raw("INSERT INTO tag (name) VALUES (?)").Prepare()
// r, err := pre.Exec("name1") // INSERT INTO tag (name) VALUES (`name1`)
Prepare() (RawPreparer, error)
// stmtQuerier statement querier
type stmtQuerier interface {
Close() error
Exec(args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
ExecContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
Query(args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
QueryContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
QueryRow(args ...interface{}) *sql.Row
QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row
// db querier
type dbQuerier interface {
Prepare(query string) (*sql.Stmt, error)
PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (*sql.Stmt, error)
Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
QueryRow(query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row
QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row
// type DB interface {
// Begin() (*sql.Tx, error)
// Prepare(query string) (stmtQuerier, error)
// Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
// Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
// QueryRow(query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row
// }
// base database struct
type dbBaser interface {
Read(context.Context, dbQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, *time.Location, []string, bool) error
ReadBatch(context.Context, dbQuerier, *querySet, *modelInfo, *Condition, interface{}, *time.Location, []string) (int64, error)
Count(context.Context, dbQuerier, *querySet, *modelInfo, *Condition, *time.Location) (int64, error)
ReadValues(context.Context, dbQuerier, *querySet, *modelInfo, *Condition, []string, interface{}, *time.Location) (int64, error)
Insert(context.Context, dbQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, *time.Location) (int64, error)
InsertOrUpdate(context.Context, dbQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, *alias, ...string) (int64, error)
InsertMulti(context.Context, dbQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, int, *time.Location) (int64, error)
InsertValue(context.Context, dbQuerier, *modelInfo, bool, []string, []interface{}) (int64, error)
InsertStmt(context.Context, stmtQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, *time.Location) (int64, error)
Update(context.Context, dbQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, *time.Location, []string) (int64, error)
UpdateBatch(context.Context, dbQuerier, *querySet, *modelInfo, *Condition, Params, *time.Location) (int64, error)
Delete(context.Context, dbQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, *time.Location, []string) (int64, error)
DeleteBatch(context.Context, dbQuerier, *querySet, *modelInfo, *Condition, *time.Location) (int64, error)
SupportUpdateJoin() bool
OperatorSQL(string) string
GenerateOperatorSQL(*modelInfo, *fieldInfo, string, []interface{}, *time.Location) (string, []interface{})
GenerateOperatorLeftCol(*fieldInfo, string, *string)
PrepareInsert(context.Context, dbQuerier, *modelInfo) (stmtQuerier, string, error)
MaxLimit() uint64
TableQuote() string
HasReturningID(*modelInfo, *string) bool
TimeFromDB(*time.Time, *time.Location)
TimeToDB(*time.Time, *time.Location)
DbTypes() map[string]string
GetTables(dbQuerier) (map[string]bool, error)
GetColumns(context.Context, dbQuerier, string) (map[string][3]string, error)
ShowTablesQuery() string
ShowColumnsQuery(string) string
IndexExists(context.Context, dbQuerier, string, string) bool
collectFieldValue(*modelInfo, *fieldInfo, reflect.Value, bool, *time.Location) (interface{}, error)
setval(context.Context, dbQuerier, *modelInfo, []string) error
GenerateSpecifyIndex(tableName string, useIndex int, indexes []string) string

@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
type fn func(string) string
var (
nameStrategyMap = map[string]fn{
defaultNameStrategy: snakeString,
SnakeAcronymNameStrategy: snakeStringWithAcronym,
defaultNameStrategy = "snakeString"
SnakeAcronymNameStrategy = "snakeStringWithAcronym"
nameStrategy = defaultNameStrategy
// StrTo is the target string
type StrTo string
// Set string
func (f *StrTo) Set(v string) {
if v != "" {
*f = StrTo(v)
} else {
// Clear string
func (f *StrTo) Clear() {
*f = StrTo(rune(0x1E))
// Exist check string exist
func (f StrTo) Exist() bool {
return string(f) != string(rune(0x1E))
// Bool string to bool
func (f StrTo) Bool() (bool, error) {
return strconv.ParseBool(f.String())
// Float32 string to float32
func (f StrTo) Float32() (float32, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(f.String(), 32)
return float32(v), err
// Float64 string to float64
func (f StrTo) Float64() (float64, error) {
return strconv.ParseFloat(f.String(), 64)
// Int string to int
func (f StrTo) Int() (int, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(f.String(), 10, 32)
return int(v), err
// Int8 string to int8
func (f StrTo) Int8() (int8, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(f.String(), 10, 8)
return int8(v), err
// Int16 string to int16
func (f StrTo) Int16() (int16, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(f.String(), 10, 16)
return int16(v), err
// Int32 string to int32
func (f StrTo) Int32() (int32, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(f.String(), 10, 32)
return int32(v), err
// Int64 string to int64
func (f StrTo) Int64() (int64, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(f.String(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
i := new(big.Int)
ni, ok := i.SetString(f.String(), 10) // octal
if !ok {
return v, err
return ni.Int64(), nil
return v, err
// Uint string to uint
func (f StrTo) Uint() (uint, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(f.String(), 10, 32)
return uint(v), err
// Uint8 string to uint8
func (f StrTo) Uint8() (uint8, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(f.String(), 10, 8)
return uint8(v), err
// Uint16 string to uint16
func (f StrTo) Uint16() (uint16, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(f.String(), 10, 16)
return uint16(v), err
// Uint32 string to uint32
func (f StrTo) Uint32() (uint32, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(f.String(), 10, 32)
return uint32(v), err
// Uint64 string to uint64
func (f StrTo) Uint64() (uint64, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(f.String(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
i := new(big.Int)
ni, ok := i.SetString(f.String(), 10)
if !ok {
return v, err
return ni.Uint64(), nil
return v, err
// String string to string
func (f StrTo) String() string {
if f.Exist() {
return string(f)
return ""
// ToStr interface to string
func ToStr(value interface{}, args ...int) (s string) {
switch v := value.(type) {
case bool:
s = strconv.FormatBool(v)
case float32:
s = strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v), 'f', argInt(args).Get(0, -1), argInt(args).Get(1, 32))
case float64:
s = strconv.FormatFloat(v, 'f', argInt(args).Get(0, -1), argInt(args).Get(1, 64))
case int:
s = strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10))
case int8:
s = strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10))
case int16:
s = strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10))
case int32:
s = strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10))
case int64:
s = strconv.FormatInt(v, argInt(args).Get(0, 10))
case uint:
s = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10))
case uint8:
s = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10))
case uint16:
s = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10))
case uint32:
s = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10))
case uint64:
s = strconv.FormatUint(v, argInt(args).Get(0, 10))
case string:
s = v
case []byte:
s = string(v)
s = fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
return s
// ToInt64 interface to int64
func ToInt64(value interface{}) (d int64) {
val := reflect.ValueOf(value)
switch value.(type) {
case int, int8, int16, int32, int64:
d = val.Int()
case uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64:
d = int64(val.Uint())
panic(fmt.Errorf("ToInt64 need numeric not `%T`", value))
func snakeStringWithAcronym(s string) string {
data := make([]byte, 0, len(s)*2)
num := len(s)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
d := s[i]
before := false
after := false
if i > 0 {
before = s[i-1] >= 'a' && s[i-1] <= 'z'
if i+1 < num {
after = s[i+1] >= 'a' && s[i+1] <= 'z'
if i > 0 && d >= 'A' && d <= 'Z' && (before || after) {
data = append(data, '_')
data = append(data, d)
return strings.ToLower(string(data))
// snake string, XxYy to xx_yy , XxYY to xx_y_y
func snakeString(s string) string {
data := make([]byte, 0, len(s)*2)
j := false
num := len(s)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
d := s[i]
if i > 0 && d >= 'A' && d <= 'Z' && j {
data = append(data, '_')
if d != '_' {
j = true
data = append(data, d)
return strings.ToLower(string(data))
// SetNameStrategy set different name strategy
func SetNameStrategy(s string) {
if SnakeAcronymNameStrategy != s {
nameStrategy = defaultNameStrategy
nameStrategy = s
// camel string, xx_yy to XxYy
func camelString(s string) string {
data := make([]byte, 0, len(s))
flag, num := true, len(s)-1
for i := 0; i <= num; i++ {
d := s[i]
if d == '_' {
flag = true
} else if flag {
if d >= 'a' && d <= 'z' {
d = d - 32
flag = false
data = append(data, d)
return string(data)
type argString []string
// get string by index from string slice
func (a argString) Get(i int, args ...string) (r string) {
if i >= 0 && i < len(a) {
r = a[i]
} else if len(args) > 0 {
r = args[0]
type argInt []int
// get int by index from int slice
func (a argInt) Get(i int, args ...int) (r int) {
if i >= 0 && i < len(a) {
r = a[i]
if len(args) > 0 {
r = args[0]
// parse time to string with location
func timeParse(dateString, format string) (time.Time, error) {
tp, err := time.ParseInLocation(format, dateString, DefaultTimeLoc)
return tp, err
// get pointer indirect type
func indirectType(v reflect.Type) reflect.Type {
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
return indirectType(v.Elem())
return v

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
## logs
logs is a Go logs manager. It can use many logs adapters. The repo is inspired by `database/sql` .
## How to install?
go get github.com/beego/beego/v2/core/logs
## What adapters are supported?
As of now this logs support console, file,smtp and conn.
## How to use it?
First you must import it
import (
Then init a Log (example with console adapter)
log := logs.NewLogger(10000)
log.SetLogger("console", "")
> the first params stand for how many channel
Use it like this:
## File adapter
Configure file adapter like this:
log := NewLogger(10000)
log.SetLogger("file", `{"filename":"test.log"}`)
## Conn adapter
Configure like this:
log := NewLogger(1000)
log.SetLogger("conn", `{"net":"tcp","addr":":7020"}`)
## Smtp adapter
Configure like this:
log := NewLogger(10000)
log.SetLogger("smtp", `{"username":"beegotest@gmail.com","password":"xxxxxxxx","host":"smtp.gmail.com:587","sendTos":["xiemengjun@gmail.com"]}`)
log.Critical("sendmail critical")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 30)

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package logs
import (
const (
apacheFormatPattern = "%s - - [%s] \"%s %d %d\" %f %s %s"
apacheFormat = "APACHE_FORMAT"
jsonFormat = "JSON_FORMAT"
// AccessLogRecord is astruct for holding access log data.
type AccessLogRecord struct {
RemoteAddr string `json:"remote_addr"`
RequestTime time.Time `json:"request_time"`
RequestMethod string `json:"request_method"`
Request string `json:"request"`
ServerProtocol string `json:"server_protocol"`
Host string `json:"host"`
Status int `json:"status"`
BodyBytesSent int64 `json:"body_bytes_sent"`
ElapsedTime time.Duration `json:"elapsed_time"`
HTTPReferrer string `json:"http_referrer"`
HTTPUserAgent string `json:"http_user_agent"`
RemoteUser string `json:"remote_user"`
func (r *AccessLogRecord) json() ([]byte, error) {
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
encoder := json.NewEncoder(buffer)
err := encoder.Encode(r)
return buffer.Bytes(), err
func disableEscapeHTML(i interface{}) {
if e, ok := i.(interface {
}); ok {
// AccessLog - Format and print access log.
func AccessLog(r *AccessLogRecord, format string) {
msg := r.format(format)
lm := &LogMsg{
Msg: strings.TrimSpace(msg),
When: time.Now(),
Level: levelLoggerImpl,
func (r *AccessLogRecord) format(format string) string {
msg := ""
switch format {
case apacheFormat:
timeFormatted := r.RequestTime.Format("02/Jan/2006 03:04:05")
msg = fmt.Sprintf(apacheFormatPattern, r.RemoteAddr, timeFormatted, r.Request, r.Status, r.BodyBytesSent,
r.ElapsedTime.Seconds(), r.HTTPReferrer, r.HTTPUserAgent)
case jsonFormat:
jsonData, err := r.json()
if err != nil {
msg = fmt.Sprintf(`{"Error": "%s"}`, err)
} else {
msg = string(jsonData)
return msg

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package logs
import (
// connWriter implements LoggerInterface.
// Writes messages in keep-live tcp connection.
type connWriter struct {
lg *logWriter
innerWriter io.WriteCloser
formatter LogFormatter
Formatter string `json:"formatter"`
ReconnectOnMsg bool `json:"reconnectOnMsg"`
Reconnect bool `json:"reconnect"`
Net string `json:"net"`
Addr string `json:"addr"`
Level int `json:"level"`
// NewConn creates new ConnWrite returning as LoggerInterface.
func NewConn() Logger {
conn := new(connWriter)
conn.Level = LevelTrace
conn.formatter = conn
return conn
func (c *connWriter) Format(lm *LogMsg) string {
return lm.OldStyleFormat()
// Init initializes a connection writer with json config.
// json config only needs they "level" key
func (c *connWriter) Init(config string) error {
res := json.Unmarshal([]byte(config), c)
if res == nil && len(c.Formatter) > 0 {
fmtr, ok := GetFormatter(c.Formatter)
if !ok {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("the formatter with name: %s not found", c.Formatter))
c.formatter = fmtr
return res
func (c *connWriter) SetFormatter(f LogFormatter) {
c.formatter = f
// WriteMsg writes message in connection.
// If connection is down, try to re-connect.
func (c *connWriter) WriteMsg(lm *LogMsg) error {
if lm.Level > c.Level {
return nil
if c.needToConnectOnMsg() {
err := c.connect()
if err != nil {
return err
if c.ReconnectOnMsg {
defer c.innerWriter.Close()
msg := c.formatter.Format(lm)
_, err := c.lg.writeln(msg)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Flush implementing method. empty.
func (c *connWriter) Flush() {
// Destroy destroy connection writer and close tcp listener.
func (c *connWriter) Destroy() {
if c.innerWriter != nil {
func (c *connWriter) connect() error {
if c.innerWriter != nil {
c.innerWriter = nil
conn, err := net.Dial(c.Net, c.Addr)
if err != nil {
return err
if tcpConn, ok := conn.(*net.TCPConn); ok {
c.innerWriter = conn
c.lg = newLogWriter(conn)
return nil
func (c *connWriter) needToConnectOnMsg() bool {
if c.Reconnect {
return true
if c.innerWriter == nil {
return true
return c.ReconnectOnMsg
func init() {
Register(AdapterConn, NewConn)

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package logs
import (
// brush is a color join function
type brush func(string) string
// newBrush returns a fix color Brush
func newBrush(color string) brush {
pre := "\033["
reset := "\033[0m"
return func(text string) string {
return pre + color + "m" + text + reset
var colors = []brush{
newBrush("1;37"), // Emergency white
newBrush("1;36"), // Alert cyan
newBrush("1;35"), // Critical magenta
newBrush("1;31"), // Error red
newBrush("1;33"), // Warning yellow
newBrush("1;32"), // Notice green
newBrush("1;34"), // Informational blue
newBrush("1;44"), // Debug Background blue
// consoleWriter implements LoggerInterface and writes messages to terminal.
type consoleWriter struct {
lg *logWriter
formatter LogFormatter
Formatter string `json:"formatter"`
Level int `json:"level"`
Colorful bool `json:"color"` // this filed is useful only when system's terminal supports color
func (c *consoleWriter) Format(lm *LogMsg) string {
msg := lm.OldStyleFormat()
if c.Colorful {
msg = strings.Replace(msg, levelPrefix[lm.Level], colors[lm.Level](levelPrefix[lm.Level]), 1)
h, _, _ := formatTimeHeader(lm.When)
return string(append(h, msg...))
func (c *consoleWriter) SetFormatter(f LogFormatter) {
c.formatter = f
// NewConsole creates ConsoleWriter returning as LoggerInterface.
func NewConsole() Logger {
return newConsole()
func newConsole() *consoleWriter {
cw := &consoleWriter{
lg: newLogWriter(ansicolor.NewAnsiColorWriter(os.Stdout)),
Level: LevelDebug,
Colorful: true,
cw.formatter = cw
return cw
// Init initianlizes the console logger.
// jsonConfig must be in the format '{"level":LevelTrace}'
func (c *consoleWriter) Init(config string) error {
if len(config) == 0 {
return nil
res := json.Unmarshal([]byte(config), c)
if res == nil && len(c.Formatter) > 0 {
fmtr, ok := GetFormatter(c.Formatter)
if !ok {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("the formatter with name: %s not found", c.Formatter))
c.formatter = fmtr
return res
// WriteMsg writes message in console.
func (c *consoleWriter) WriteMsg(lm *LogMsg) error {
if lm.Level > c.Level {
return nil
msg := c.formatter.Format(lm)
return nil
// Destroy implementing method. empty.
func (c *consoleWriter) Destroy() {
// Flush implementing method. empty.
func (c *consoleWriter) Flush() {
func init() {
Register(AdapterConsole, NewConsole)

@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package logs
import (
// fileLogWriter implements LoggerInterface.
// Writes messages by lines limit, file size limit, or time frequency.
type fileLogWriter struct {
sync.RWMutex // write log order by order and atomic incr maxLinesCurLines and maxSizeCurSize
Rotate bool `json:"rotate"`
Daily bool `json:"daily"`
Hourly bool `json:"hourly"`
// The opened file
Filename string `json:"filename"`
fileWriter *os.File
// Rotate at line
MaxLines int `json:"maxlines"`
maxLinesCurLines int
MaxFiles int `json:"maxfiles"`
MaxFilesCurFiles int
// Rotate at size
MaxSize int `json:"maxsize"`
maxSizeCurSize int
// Rotate daily
MaxDays int64 `json:"maxdays"`
dailyOpenDate int
dailyOpenTime time.Time
// Rotate hourly
MaxHours int64 `json:"maxhours"`
hourlyOpenDate int
hourlyOpenTime time.Time
Level int `json:"level"`
// Permissions for log file
Perm string `json:"perm"`
// Permissions for directory if it is specified in FileName
DirPerm string `json:"dirperm"`
RotatePerm string `json:"rotateperm"`
fileNameOnly, suffix string // like "project.log", project is fileNameOnly and .log is suffix
logFormatter LogFormatter
Formatter string `json:"formatter"`
// newFileWriter creates a FileLogWriter returning as LoggerInterface.
func newFileWriter() Logger {
w := &fileLogWriter{
Daily: true,
MaxDays: 7,
Hourly: false,
MaxHours: 168,
Rotate: true,
RotatePerm: "0440",
Level: LevelTrace,
Perm: "0660",
DirPerm: "0770",
MaxLines: 10000000,
MaxFiles: 999,
MaxSize: 1 << 28,
w.logFormatter = w
return w
func (*fileLogWriter) Format(lm *LogMsg) string {
msg := lm.OldStyleFormat()
hd, _, _ := formatTimeHeader(lm.When)
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s\n", string(hd), msg)
return msg
func (w *fileLogWriter) SetFormatter(f LogFormatter) {
w.logFormatter = f
// Init file logger with json config.
// jsonConfig like:
// {
// "filename":"logs/beego.log",
// "maxLines":10000,
// "maxsize":1024,
// "daily":true,
// "maxDays":15,
// "rotate":true,
// "perm":"0600"
// }
func (w *fileLogWriter) Init(config string) error {
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(config), w)
if err != nil {
return err
if w.Filename == "" {
return errors.New("jsonconfig must have filename")
w.suffix = filepath.Ext(w.Filename)
w.fileNameOnly = strings.TrimSuffix(w.Filename, w.suffix)
if w.suffix == "" {
w.suffix = ".log"
if len(w.Formatter) > 0 {
fmtr, ok := GetFormatter(w.Formatter)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("the formatter with name: %s not found", w.Formatter)
w.logFormatter = fmtr
err = w.startLogger()
return err
// start file logger. create log file and set to locker-inside file writer.
func (w *fileLogWriter) startLogger() error {
file, err := w.createLogFile()
if err != nil {
return err
if w.fileWriter != nil {
w.fileWriter = file
return w.initFd()
func (w *fileLogWriter) needRotateDaily(day int) bool {
return (w.MaxLines > 0 && w.maxLinesCurLines >= w.MaxLines) ||
(w.MaxSize > 0 && w.maxSizeCurSize >= w.MaxSize) ||
(w.Daily && day != w.dailyOpenDate)
func (w *fileLogWriter) needRotateHourly(hour int) bool {
return (w.MaxLines > 0 && w.maxLinesCurLines >= w.MaxLines) ||
(w.MaxSize > 0 && w.maxSizeCurSize >= w.MaxSize) ||
(w.Hourly && hour != w.hourlyOpenDate)
// WriteMsg writes logger message into file.
func (w *fileLogWriter) WriteMsg(lm *LogMsg) error {
if lm.Level > w.Level {
return nil
_, d, h := formatTimeHeader(lm.When)
msg := w.logFormatter.Format(lm)
if w.Rotate {
if w.needRotateHourly(h) {
if w.needRotateHourly(h) {
if err := w.doRotate(lm.When); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "FileLogWriter(%q): %s\n", w.Filename, err)
} else if w.needRotateDaily(d) {
if w.needRotateDaily(d) {
if err := w.doRotate(lm.When); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "FileLogWriter(%q): %s\n", w.Filename, err)
} else {
_, err := w.fileWriter.Write([]byte(msg))
if err == nil {
w.maxSizeCurSize += len(msg)
return err
func (w *fileLogWriter) createLogFile() (*os.File, error) {
// Open the log file
perm, err := strconv.ParseInt(w.Perm, 8, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dirperm, err := strconv.ParseInt(w.DirPerm, 8, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filepath := path.Dir(w.Filename)
os.MkdirAll(filepath, os.FileMode(dirperm))
fd, err := os.OpenFile(w.Filename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, os.FileMode(perm))
if err == nil {
// Make sure file perm is user set perm cause of `os.OpenFile` will obey umask
os.Chmod(w.Filename, os.FileMode(perm))
return fd, err
func (w *fileLogWriter) initFd() error {
fd := w.fileWriter
fInfo, err := fd.Stat()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("get stat err: %s", err)
w.maxSizeCurSize = int(fInfo.Size())
w.dailyOpenTime = time.Now()
w.dailyOpenDate = w.dailyOpenTime.Day()
w.hourlyOpenTime = time.Now()
w.hourlyOpenDate = w.hourlyOpenTime.Hour()
w.maxLinesCurLines = 0
if w.Hourly {
go w.hourlyRotate(w.hourlyOpenTime)
} else if w.Daily {
go w.dailyRotate(w.dailyOpenTime)
if fInfo.Size() > 0 && w.MaxLines > 0 {
count, err := w.lines()
if err != nil {
return err
w.maxLinesCurLines = count
return nil
func (w *fileLogWriter) dailyRotate(openTime time.Time) {
y, m, d := openTime.Add(24 * time.Hour).Date()
nextDay := time.Date(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, openTime.Location())
tm := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(nextDay.UnixNano() - openTime.UnixNano() + 100))
if w.needRotateDaily(time.Now().Day()) {
if err := w.doRotate(time.Now()); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "FileLogWriter(%q): %s\n", w.Filename, err)
func (w *fileLogWriter) hourlyRotate(openTime time.Time) {
y, m, d := openTime.Add(1 * time.Hour).Date()
h, _, _ := openTime.Add(1 * time.Hour).Clock()
nextHour := time.Date(y, m, d, h, 0, 0, 0, openTime.Location())
tm := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(nextHour.UnixNano() - openTime.UnixNano() + 100))
if w.needRotateHourly(time.Now().Hour()) {
if err := w.doRotate(time.Now()); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "FileLogWriter(%q): %s\n", w.Filename, err)
func (w *fileLogWriter) lines() (int, error) {
fd, err := os.Open(w.Filename)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer fd.Close()
buf := make([]byte, 32768) // 32k
count := 0
lineSep := []byte{'\n'}
for {
c, err := fd.Read(buf)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return count, err
count += bytes.Count(buf[:c], lineSep)
if err == io.EOF {
return count, nil
// DoRotate means it needs to write logs into a new file.
// new file name like xx.2013-01-01.log (daily) or xx.001.log (by line or size)
func (w *fileLogWriter) doRotate(logTime time.Time) error {
// file exists
// Find the next available number
num := w.MaxFilesCurFiles + 1
fName := ""
format := ""
var openTime time.Time
rotatePerm, err := strconv.ParseInt(w.RotatePerm, 8, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = os.Lstat(w.Filename)
if err != nil {
// even if the file is not exist or other ,we should RESTART the logger
if w.Hourly {
format = "2006010215"
openTime = w.hourlyOpenTime
} else if w.Daily {
format = "2006-01-02"
openTime = w.dailyOpenTime
// only when one of them be setted, then the file would be splited
if w.MaxLines > 0 || w.MaxSize > 0 {
for ; err == nil && num <= w.MaxFiles; num++ {
fName = w.fileNameOnly + fmt.Sprintf(".%s.%03d%s", logTime.Format(format), num, w.suffix)
_, err = os.Lstat(fName)
} else {
fName = w.fileNameOnly + fmt.Sprintf(".%s.%03d%s", openTime.Format(format), num, w.suffix)
_, err = os.Lstat(fName)
w.MaxFilesCurFiles = num
// return error if the last file checked still existed
if err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Rotate: Cannot find free log number to rename %s", w.Filename)
// close fileWriter before rename
// Rename the file to its new found name
// even if occurs error,we MUST guarantee to restart new logger
err = os.Rename(w.Filename, fName)
if err != nil {
err = os.Chmod(fName, os.FileMode(rotatePerm))
startLoggerErr := w.startLogger()
go w.deleteOldLog()
if startLoggerErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Rotate StartLogger: %s", startLoggerErr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Rotate: %s", err)
return nil
func (w *fileLogWriter) deleteOldLog() {
dir := filepath.Dir(w.Filename)
absolutePath, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(w.Filename)
if err == nil {
dir = filepath.Dir(absolutePath)
filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) (returnErr error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unable to delete old log '%s', error: %v\n", path, r)
if info == nil {
if w.Hourly {
if !info.IsDir() && info.ModTime().Add(1*time.Hour*time.Duration(w.MaxHours)).Before(time.Now()) {
if strings.HasPrefix(filepath.Base(path), filepath.Base(w.fileNameOnly)) &&
strings.HasSuffix(filepath.Base(path), w.suffix) {
} else if w.Daily {
if !info.IsDir() && info.ModTime().Add(24*time.Hour*time.Duration(w.MaxDays)).Before(time.Now()) {
if strings.HasPrefix(filepath.Base(path), filepath.Base(w.fileNameOnly)) &&
strings.HasSuffix(filepath.Base(path), w.suffix) {
// Destroy close the file description, close file writer.
func (w *fileLogWriter) Destroy() {
// Flush flushes file logger.
// there are no buffering messages in file logger in memory.
// flush file means sync file from disk.
func (w *fileLogWriter) Flush() {
func init() {
Register(AdapterFile, newFileWriter)

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
// Copyright 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package logs
import (
var formatterMap = make(map[string]LogFormatter, 4)
type LogFormatter interface {
Format(lm *LogMsg) string
// PatternLogFormatter provides a quick format method
// for example:
// tes := &PatternLogFormatter{Pattern: "%F:%n|%w %t>> %m", WhenFormat: "2006-01-02"}
// RegisterFormatter("tes", tes)
// SetGlobalFormatter("tes")
type PatternLogFormatter struct {
Pattern string
WhenFormat string
func (p *PatternLogFormatter) getWhenFormatter() string {
s := p.WhenFormat
if s == "" {
s = "2006/01/02 15:04:05.123" // default style
return s
func (p *PatternLogFormatter) Format(lm *LogMsg) string {
return p.ToString(lm)
// RegisterFormatter register an formatter. Usually you should use this to extend your custom formatter
// for example:
// RegisterFormatter("my-fmt", &MyFormatter{})
// logs.SetFormatter(Console, `{"formatter": "my-fmt"}`)
func RegisterFormatter(name string, fmtr LogFormatter) {
formatterMap[name] = fmtr
func GetFormatter(name string) (LogFormatter, bool) {
res, ok := formatterMap[name]
return res, ok
// ToString 'w' when, 'm' msg,'f' filename'F' full path'n' line number
// 'l' level number, 't' prefix of level type, 'T' full name of level type
func (p *PatternLogFormatter) ToString(lm *LogMsg) string {
s := []rune(p.Pattern)
msg := fmt.Sprintf(lm.Msg, lm.Args...)
m := map[rune]string{
'w': lm.When.Format(p.getWhenFormatter()),
'm': msg,
'n': strconv.Itoa(lm.LineNumber),
'l': strconv.Itoa(lm.Level),
't': levelPrefix[lm.Level],
'T': levelNames[lm.Level],
'F': lm.FilePath,
_, m['f'] = path.Split(lm.FilePath)
res := ""
for i := 0; i < len(s)-1; i++ {
if s[i] == '%' {
if k, ok := m[s[i+1]]; ok {
res += k
res += string(s[i])
return res

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
package logs
import (
// JLWriter implements beego LoggerInterface and is used to send jiaoliao webhook
type JLWriter struct {
AuthorName string `json:"authorname"`
Title string `json:"title"`
WebhookURL string `json:"webhookurl"`
RedirectURL string `json:"redirecturl,omitempty"`
ImageURL string `json:"imageurl,omitempty"`
Level int `json:"level"`
formatter LogFormatter
Formatter string `json:"formatter"`
// newJLWriter creates jiaoliao writer.
func newJLWriter() Logger {
res := &JLWriter{Level: LevelTrace}
res.formatter = res
return res
// Init JLWriter with json config string
func (s *JLWriter) Init(config string) error {
res := json.Unmarshal([]byte(config), s)
if res == nil && len(s.Formatter) > 0 {
fmtr, ok := GetFormatter(s.Formatter)
if !ok {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("the formatter with name: %s not found", s.Formatter))
s.formatter = fmtr
return res
func (s *JLWriter) Format(lm *LogMsg) string {
msg := lm.OldStyleFormat()
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", lm.When.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), msg)
return msg
func (s *JLWriter) SetFormatter(f LogFormatter) {
s.formatter = f
// WriteMsg writes message in smtp writer.
// Sends an email with subject and only this message.
func (s *JLWriter) WriteMsg(lm *LogMsg) error {
if lm.Level > s.Level {
return nil
text := s.formatter.Format(lm)
form := url.Values{}
form.Add("authorName", s.AuthorName)
form.Add("title", s.Title)
form.Add("text", text)
if s.RedirectURL != "" {
form.Add("redirectUrl", s.RedirectURL)
if s.ImageURL != "" {
form.Add("imageUrl", s.ImageURL)
resp, err := http.PostForm(s.WebhookURL, form)
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return fmt.Errorf("Post webhook failed %s %d", resp.Status, resp.StatusCode)
return nil
// Flush implementing method. empty.
func (s *JLWriter) Flush() {
// Destroy implementing method. empty.
func (s *JLWriter) Destroy() {
func init() {
Register(AdapterJianLiao, newJLWriter)

@ -0,0 +1,782 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package logs provide a general log interface
// Usage:
// import "github.com/beego/beego/v2/core/logs"
// log := NewLogger(10000)
// log.SetLogger("console", "")
// > the first params stand for how many channel
// Use it like this:
// log.Trace("trace")
// log.Info("info")
// log.Warn("warning")
// log.Debug("debug")
// log.Critical("critical")
// more docs http://beego.vip/docs/module/logs.md
package logs
import (
// RFC5424 log message levels.
const (
LevelEmergency = iota
// levelLogLogger is defined to implement log.Logger
// the real log level will be LevelEmergency
const levelLoggerImpl = -1
// Name for adapter with beego official support
const (
AdapterConsole = "console"
AdapterFile = "file"
AdapterMultiFile = "multifile"
AdapterMail = "smtp"
AdapterConn = "conn"
AdapterEs = "es"
AdapterJianLiao = "jianliao"
AdapterSlack = "slack"
AdapterAliLS = "alils"
// Legacy log level constants to ensure backwards compatibility.
const (
LevelInfo = LevelInformational
LevelTrace = LevelDebug
LevelWarn = LevelWarning
type newLoggerFunc func() Logger
// Logger defines the behavior of a log provider.
type Logger interface {
Init(config string) error
WriteMsg(lm *LogMsg) error
SetFormatter(f LogFormatter)
var (
adapters = make(map[string]newLoggerFunc)
levelPrefix = [LevelDebug + 1]string{"[M]", "[A]", "[C]", "[E]", "[W]", "[N]", "[I]", "[D]"}
// Register makes a log provide available by the provided name.
// If Register is called twice with the same name or if driver is nil,
// it panics.
func Register(name string, log newLoggerFunc) {
if log == nil {
panic("logs: Register provide is nil")
if _, dup := adapters[name]; dup {
panic("logs: Register called twice for provider " + name)
adapters[name] = log
// BeeLogger is default logger in beego application.
// Can contain several providers and log message into all providers.
type BeeLogger struct {
lock sync.Mutex
init bool
enableFuncCallDepth bool
enableFullFilePath bool
asynchronous bool
wg sync.WaitGroup
level int
loggerFuncCallDepth int
prefix string
msgChanLen int64
msgChan chan *LogMsg
signalChan chan string
outputs []*nameLogger
globalFormatter string
const defaultAsyncMsgLen = 1e3
type nameLogger struct {
name string
var logMsgPool *sync.Pool
// NewLogger returns a new BeeLogger.
// channelLen: the number of messages in chan(used where asynchronous is true).
// if the buffering chan is full, logger adapters write to file or other way.
func NewLogger(channelLens ...int64) *BeeLogger {
bl := new(BeeLogger)
bl.level = LevelDebug
bl.loggerFuncCallDepth = 3
bl.msgChanLen = append(channelLens, 0)[0]
if bl.msgChanLen <= 0 {
bl.msgChanLen = defaultAsyncMsgLen
bl.signalChan = make(chan string, 1)
return bl
// Async sets the log to asynchronous and start the goroutine
func (bl *BeeLogger) Async(msgLen ...int64) *BeeLogger {
defer bl.lock.Unlock()
if bl.asynchronous {
return bl
bl.asynchronous = true
if len(msgLen) > 0 && msgLen[0] > 0 {
bl.msgChanLen = msgLen[0]
bl.msgChan = make(chan *LogMsg, bl.msgChanLen)
logMsgPool = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &LogMsg{}
go bl.startLogger()
return bl
// SetLogger provides a given logger adapter into BeeLogger with config string.
// config must in in JSON format like {"interval":360}}
func (bl *BeeLogger) setLogger(adapterName string, configs ...string) error {
config := append(configs, "{}")[0]
for _, l := range bl.outputs {
if l.name == adapterName {
return fmt.Errorf("logs: duplicate adaptername %q (you have set this logger before)", adapterName)
logAdapter, ok := adapters[adapterName]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("logs: unknown adaptername %q (forgotten Register?)", adapterName)
lg := logAdapter()
// Global formatter overrides the default set formatter
if len(bl.globalFormatter) > 0 {
fmtr, ok := GetFormatter(bl.globalFormatter)
if !ok {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("the formatter with name: %s not found", bl.globalFormatter))
err := lg.Init(config)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "logs.BeeLogger.SetLogger: "+err.Error())
return err
bl.outputs = append(bl.outputs, &nameLogger{name: adapterName, Logger: lg})
return nil
// SetLogger provides a given logger adapter into BeeLogger with config string.
// config must in in JSON format like {"interval":360}}
func (bl *BeeLogger) SetLogger(adapterName string, configs ...string) error {
defer bl.lock.Unlock()
if !bl.init {
bl.outputs = []*nameLogger{}
bl.init = true
return bl.setLogger(adapterName, configs...)
// DelLogger removes a logger adapter in BeeLogger.
func (bl *BeeLogger) DelLogger(adapterName string) error {
defer bl.lock.Unlock()
outputs := []*nameLogger{}
for _, lg := range bl.outputs {
if lg.name == adapterName {
} else {
outputs = append(outputs, lg)
if len(outputs) == len(bl.outputs) {
return fmt.Errorf("logs: unknown adaptername %q (forgotten Register?)", adapterName)
bl.outputs = outputs
return nil
func (bl *BeeLogger) writeToLoggers(lm *LogMsg) {
for _, l := range bl.outputs {
err := l.WriteMsg(lm)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unable to WriteMsg to adapter:%v,error:%v\n", l.name, err)
func (bl *BeeLogger) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if len(p) == 0 {
return 0, nil
// writeMsg will always add a '\n' character
if p[len(p)-1] == '\n' {
p = p[0 : len(p)-1]
lm := &LogMsg{
Msg: string(p),
Level: levelLoggerImpl,
When: time.Now(),
// set levelLoggerImpl to ensure all log message will be write out
err = bl.writeMsg(lm)
if err == nil {
return len(p), nil
return 0, err
func (bl *BeeLogger) writeMsg(lm *LogMsg) error {
if !bl.init {
var (
file string
line int
ok bool
_, file, line, ok = runtime.Caller(bl.loggerFuncCallDepth)
if !ok {
file = "???"
line = 0
lm.FilePath = file
lm.LineNumber = line
lm.Prefix = bl.prefix
lm.enableFullFilePath = bl.enableFullFilePath
lm.enableFuncCallDepth = bl.enableFuncCallDepth
// set level info in front of filename info
if lm.Level == levelLoggerImpl {
// set to emergency to ensure all log will be print out correctly
lm.Level = LevelEmergency
if bl.asynchronous {
logM := logMsgPool.Get().(*LogMsg)
logM.Level = lm.Level
logM.Msg = lm.Msg
logM.When = lm.When
logM.Args = lm.Args
logM.FilePath = lm.FilePath
logM.LineNumber = lm.LineNumber
logM.Prefix = lm.Prefix
if bl.outputs != nil {
bl.msgChan <- lm
} else {
} else {
return nil
// SetLevel sets log message level.
// If message level (such as LevelDebug) is higher than logger level (such as LevelWarning),
// log providers will not be sent the message.
func (bl *BeeLogger) SetLevel(l int) {
bl.level = l
// GetLevel Get Current log message level.
func (bl *BeeLogger) GetLevel() int {
return bl.level
// SetLogFuncCallDepth set log funcCallDepth
func (bl *BeeLogger) SetLogFuncCallDepth(d int) {
bl.loggerFuncCallDepth = d
// GetLogFuncCallDepth return log funcCallDepth for wrapper
func (bl *BeeLogger) GetLogFuncCallDepth() int {
return bl.loggerFuncCallDepth
// EnableFuncCallDepth enable log funcCallDepth
func (bl *BeeLogger) EnableFuncCallDepth(b bool) {
bl.enableFuncCallDepth = b
// set prefix
func (bl *BeeLogger) SetPrefix(s string) {
bl.prefix = s
// start logger chan reading.
// when chan is not empty, write logs.
func (bl *BeeLogger) startLogger() {
gameOver := false
for {
select {
case bm := <-bl.msgChan:
case sg := <-bl.signalChan:
// Now should only send "flush" or "close" to bl.signalChan
if sg == "close" {
for _, l := range bl.outputs {
bl.outputs = nil
gameOver = true
if gameOver {
func (bl *BeeLogger) setGlobalFormatter(fmtter string) error {
bl.globalFormatter = fmtter
return nil
// SetGlobalFormatter sets the global formatter for all log adapters
// don't forget to register the formatter by invoking RegisterFormatter
func SetGlobalFormatter(fmtter string) error {
return beeLogger.setGlobalFormatter(fmtter)
// Emergency Log EMERGENCY level message.
func (bl *BeeLogger) Emergency(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if LevelEmergency > bl.level {
lm := &LogMsg{
Level: LevelEmergency,
Msg: format,
When: time.Now(),
if len(v) > 0 {
lm.Msg = fmt.Sprintf(lm.Msg, v...)
// Alert Log ALERT level message.
func (bl *BeeLogger) Alert(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if LevelAlert > bl.level {
lm := &LogMsg{
Level: LevelAlert,
Msg: format,
When: time.Now(),
Args: v,
// Critical Log CRITICAL level message.
func (bl *BeeLogger) Critical(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if LevelCritical > bl.level {
lm := &LogMsg{
Level: LevelCritical,
Msg: format,
When: time.Now(),
Args: v,
// Error Log ERROR level message.
func (bl *BeeLogger) Error(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if LevelError > bl.level {
lm := &LogMsg{
Level: LevelError,
Msg: format,
When: time.Now(),
Args: v,
// Warning Log WARNING level message.
func (bl *BeeLogger) Warning(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if LevelWarn > bl.level {
lm := &LogMsg{
Level: LevelWarn,
Msg: format,
When: time.Now(),
Args: v,
// Notice Log NOTICE level message.
func (bl *BeeLogger) Notice(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if LevelNotice > bl.level {
lm := &LogMsg{
Level: LevelNotice,
Msg: format,
When: time.Now(),
Args: v,
// Informational Log INFORMATIONAL level message.
func (bl *BeeLogger) Informational(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if LevelInfo > bl.level {
lm := &LogMsg{
Level: LevelInfo,
Msg: format,
When: time.Now(),
Args: v,
// Debug Log DEBUG level message.
func (bl *BeeLogger) Debug(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if LevelDebug > bl.level {
lm := &LogMsg{
Level: LevelDebug,
Msg: format,
When: time.Now(),
Args: v,
// Warn Log WARN level message.
// compatibility alias for Warning()
func (bl *BeeLogger) Warn(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if LevelWarn > bl.level {
lm := &LogMsg{
Level: LevelWarn,
Msg: format,
When: time.Now(),
Args: v,
// Info Log INFO level message.
// compatibility alias for Informational()
func (bl *BeeLogger) Info(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if LevelInfo > bl.level {
lm := &LogMsg{
Level: LevelInfo,
Msg: format,
When: time.Now(),
Args: v,
// Trace Log TRACE level message.
// compatibility alias for Debug()
func (bl *BeeLogger) Trace(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if LevelDebug > bl.level {
lm := &LogMsg{
Level: LevelDebug,
Msg: format,
When: time.Now(),
Args: v,
// Flush flush all chan data.
func (bl *BeeLogger) Flush() {
if bl.asynchronous {
bl.signalChan <- "flush"
// Close close logger, flush all chan data and destroy all adapters in BeeLogger.
func (bl *BeeLogger) Close() {
if bl.asynchronous {
bl.signalChan <- "close"
} else {
for _, l := range bl.outputs {
bl.outputs = nil
// Reset close all outputs, and set bl.outputs to nil
func (bl *BeeLogger) Reset() {
for _, l := range bl.outputs {
bl.outputs = nil
func (bl *BeeLogger) flush() {
if bl.asynchronous {
for {
if len(bl.msgChan) > 0 {
bm := <-bl.msgChan
for _, l := range bl.outputs {
// beeLogger references the used application logger.
var beeLogger = NewLogger()
// GetBeeLogger returns the default BeeLogger
func GetBeeLogger() *BeeLogger {
return beeLogger
var beeLoggerMap = struct {
logs map[string]*log.Logger
logs: map[string]*log.Logger{},
// GetLogger returns the default BeeLogger
func GetLogger(prefixes ...string) *log.Logger {
prefix := append(prefixes, "")[0]
if prefix != "" {
prefix = fmt.Sprintf(`[%s] `, strings.ToUpper(prefix))
l, ok := beeLoggerMap.logs[prefix]
if ok {
return l
defer beeLoggerMap.Unlock()
l, ok = beeLoggerMap.logs[prefix]
if !ok {
l = log.New(beeLogger, prefix, 0)
beeLoggerMap.logs[prefix] = l
return l
// EnableFullFilePath enables full file path logging. Disabled by default
// e.g "/home/Documents/GitHub/beego/mainapp/" instead of "mainapp"
func EnableFullFilePath(b bool) {
beeLogger.enableFullFilePath = b
// Reset will remove all the adapter
func Reset() {
// Async set the beelogger with Async mode and hold msglen messages
func Async(msgLen ...int64) *BeeLogger {
return beeLogger.Async(msgLen...)
// SetLevel sets the global log level used by the simple logger.
func SetLevel(l int) {
// SetPrefix sets the prefix
func SetPrefix(s string) {
// EnableFuncCallDepth enable log funcCallDepth
func EnableFuncCallDepth(b bool) {
beeLogger.enableFuncCallDepth = b
// SetLogFuncCall set the CallDepth, default is 4
func SetLogFuncCall(b bool) {
// SetLogFuncCallDepth set log funcCallDepth
func SetLogFuncCallDepth(d int) {
beeLogger.loggerFuncCallDepth = d
// SetLogger sets a new logger.
func SetLogger(adapter string, config ...string) error {
return beeLogger.SetLogger(adapter, config...)
// Emergency logs a message at emergency level.
func Emergency(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
beeLogger.Emergency(formatPattern(f, v...), v...)
// Alert logs a message at alert level.
func Alert(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
beeLogger.Alert(formatPattern(f, v...), v...)
// Critical logs a message at critical level.
func Critical(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
beeLogger.Critical(formatPattern(f, v...), v...)
// Error logs a message at error level.
func Error(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
beeLogger.Error(formatPattern(f, v...), v...)
// Warning logs a message at warning level.
func Warning(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
beeLogger.Warn(formatPattern(f, v...), v...)
// Warn compatibility alias for Warning()
func Warn(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
beeLogger.Warn(formatPattern(f, v...), v...)
// Notice logs a message at notice level.
func Notice(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
beeLogger.Notice(formatPattern(f, v...), v...)
// Informational logs a message at info level.
func Informational(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
beeLogger.Info(formatPattern(f, v...), v...)
// Info compatibility alias for Warning()
func Info(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
beeLogger.Info(formatPattern(f, v...), v...)
// Debug logs a message at debug level.
func Debug(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
beeLogger.Debug(formatPattern(f, v...), v...)
// Trace logs a message at trace level.
// compatibility alias for Warning()
func Trace(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
beeLogger.Trace(formatPattern(f, v...), v...)
func formatPattern(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) string {
var msg string
switch f.(type) {
case string:
msg = f.(string)
if len(v) == 0 {
return msg
if !strings.Contains(msg, "%") {
// do not contain format char
msg += strings.Repeat(" %v", len(v))
msg = fmt.Sprint(f)
if len(v) == 0 {
return msg
msg += strings.Repeat(" %v", len(v))
return msg

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// Copyright 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package logs
import (
type LogMsg struct {
Level int
Msg string
When time.Time
FilePath string
LineNumber int
Args []interface{}
Prefix string
enableFullFilePath bool
enableFuncCallDepth bool
// OldStyleFormat you should never invoke this
func (lm *LogMsg) OldStyleFormat() string {
msg := lm.Msg
if len(lm.Args) > 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf(lm.Msg, lm.Args...)
msg = lm.Prefix + " " + msg
if lm.enableFuncCallDepth {
filePath := lm.FilePath
if !lm.enableFullFilePath {
_, filePath = path.Split(filePath)
msg = fmt.Sprintf("[%s:%d] %s", filePath, lm.LineNumber, msg)
msg = levelPrefix[lm.Level] + " " + msg
return msg

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package logs
import (
type logWriter struct {
writer io.Writer
func newLogWriter(wr io.Writer) *logWriter {
return &logWriter{writer: wr}
func (lg *logWriter) writeln(msg string) (int, error) {
msg += "\n"
n, err := lg.writer.Write([]byte(msg))
return n, err
const (
y1 = `0123456789`
y2 = `0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789`
y3 = `0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999`
y4 = `0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789`
mo1 = `000000000111`
mo2 = `123456789012`
d1 = `0000000001111111111222222222233`
d2 = `1234567890123456789012345678901`
h1 = `000000000011111111112222`
h2 = `012345678901234567890123`
mi1 = `000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555`
mi2 = `012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789`
s1 = `000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555`
s2 = `012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789`
ns1 = `0123456789`
func formatTimeHeader(when time.Time) ([]byte, int, int) {
y, mo, d := when.Date()
h, mi, s := when.Clock()
ns := when.Nanosecond() / 1000000
// len("2006/01/02 15:04:05.123 ")==24
var buf [24]byte
buf[0] = y1[y/1000%10]
buf[1] = y2[y/100]
buf[2] = y3[y-y/100*100]
buf[3] = y4[y-y/100*100]
buf[4] = '/'
buf[5] = mo1[mo-1]
buf[6] = mo2[mo-1]
buf[7] = '/'
buf[8] = d1[d-1]
buf[9] = d2[d-1]
buf[10] = ' '
buf[11] = h1[h]
buf[12] = h2[h]
buf[13] = ':'
buf[14] = mi1[mi]
buf[15] = mi2[mi]
buf[16] = ':'
buf[17] = s1[s]
buf[18] = s2[s]
buf[19] = '.'
buf[20] = ns1[ns/100]
buf[21] = ns1[ns%100/10]
buf[22] = ns1[ns%10]
buf[23] = ' '
return buf[0:], d, h
var (
green = string([]byte{27, 91, 57, 55, 59, 52, 50, 109})
white = string([]byte{27, 91, 57, 48, 59, 52, 55, 109})
yellow = string([]byte{27, 91, 57, 55, 59, 52, 51, 109})
red = string([]byte{27, 91, 57, 55, 59, 52, 49, 109})
blue = string([]byte{27, 91, 57, 55, 59, 52, 52, 109})
magenta = string([]byte{27, 91, 57, 55, 59, 52, 53, 109})
cyan = string([]byte{27, 91, 57, 55, 59, 52, 54, 109})
w32Green = string([]byte{27, 91, 52, 50, 109})
w32White = string([]byte{27, 91, 52, 55, 109})
w32Yellow = string([]byte{27, 91, 52, 51, 109})
w32Red = string([]byte{27, 91, 52, 49, 109})
w32Blue = string([]byte{27, 91, 52, 52, 109})
w32Magenta = string([]byte{27, 91, 52, 53, 109})
w32Cyan = string([]byte{27, 91, 52, 54, 109})
reset = string([]byte{27, 91, 48, 109})
var (
once sync.Once
colorMap map[string]string
func initColor() {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
green = w32Green
white = w32White
yellow = w32Yellow
red = w32Red
blue = w32Blue
magenta = w32Magenta
cyan = w32Cyan
colorMap = map[string]string{
// by color
"green": green,
"white": white,
"yellow": yellow,
"red": red,
// by method
"GET": blue,
"POST": cyan,
"PUT": yellow,
"DELETE": red,
"PATCH": green,
"HEAD": magenta,
"OPTIONS": white,
// ColorByStatus return color by http code
// 2xx return Green
// 3xx return White
// 4xx return Yellow
// 5xx return Red
func ColorByStatus(code int) string {
switch {
case code >= 200 && code < 300:
return colorMap["green"]
case code >= 300 && code < 400:
return colorMap["white"]
case code >= 400 && code < 500:
return colorMap["yellow"]
return colorMap["red"]
// ColorByMethod return color by http code
func ColorByMethod(method string) string {
if c := colorMap[method]; c != "" {
return c
return reset
// ResetColor return reset color
func ResetColor() string {
return reset

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package logs
import (
// A filesLogWriter manages several fileLogWriter
// filesLogWriter will write logs to the file in json configuration and write the same level log to correspond file
// means if the file name in configuration is project.log filesLogWriter will create project.error.log/project.debug.log
// and write the error-level logs to project.error.log and write the debug-level logs to project.debug.log
// the rotate attribute also acts like fileLogWriter
type multiFileLogWriter struct {
writers [LevelDebug + 1 + 1]*fileLogWriter // the last one for fullLogWriter
fullLogWriter *fileLogWriter
Separate []string `json:"separate"`
var levelNames = [...]string{"emergency", "alert", "critical", "error", "warning", "notice", "info", "debug"}
// Init file logger with json config.
// jsonConfig like:
// {
// "filename":"logs/beego.log",
// "maxLines":0,
// "maxsize":0,
// "daily":true,
// "maxDays":15,
// "rotate":true,
// "perm":0600,
// "separate":["emergency", "alert", "critical", "error", "warning", "notice", "info", "debug"],
// }
func (f *multiFileLogWriter) Init(config string) error {
writer := newFileWriter().(*fileLogWriter)
err := writer.Init(config)
if err != nil {
return err
f.fullLogWriter = writer
f.writers[LevelDebug+1] = writer
// unmarshal "separate" field to f.Separate
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(config), f)
if err != nil {
return err
jsonMap := map[string]interface{}{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(config), &jsonMap)
if err != nil {
return err
for i := LevelEmergency; i < LevelDebug+1; i++ {
for _, v := range f.Separate {
if v == levelNames[i] {
jsonMap["filename"] = f.fullLogWriter.fileNameOnly + "." + levelNames[i] + f.fullLogWriter.suffix
jsonMap["level"] = i
bs, _ := json.Marshal(jsonMap)
writer = newFileWriter().(*fileLogWriter)
err := writer.Init(string(bs))
if err != nil {
return err
f.writers[i] = writer
return nil
func (*multiFileLogWriter) Format(lm *LogMsg) string {
return lm.OldStyleFormat()
func (f *multiFileLogWriter) SetFormatter(fmt LogFormatter) {
func (f *multiFileLogWriter) Destroy() {
for i := 0; i < len(f.writers); i++ {
if f.writers[i] != nil {
func (f *multiFileLogWriter) WriteMsg(lm *LogMsg) error {
if f.fullLogWriter != nil {
for i := 0; i < len(f.writers)-1; i++ {
if f.writers[i] != nil {
if lm.Level == f.writers[i].Level {
return nil
func (f *multiFileLogWriter) Flush() {
for i := 0; i < len(f.writers); i++ {
if f.writers[i] != nil {
// newFilesWriter create a FileLogWriter returning as LoggerInterface.
func newFilesWriter() Logger {
res := &multiFileLogWriter{}
return res
func init() {
Register(AdapterMultiFile, newFilesWriter)

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package logs
import (
// SLACKWriter implements beego LoggerInterface and is used to send jiaoliao webhook
type SLACKWriter struct {
WebhookURL string `json:"webhookurl"`
Level int `json:"level"`
formatter LogFormatter
Formatter string `json:"formatter"`
// newSLACKWriter creates jiaoliao writer.
func newSLACKWriter() Logger {
res := &SLACKWriter{Level: LevelTrace}
res.formatter = res
return res
func (s *SLACKWriter) Format(lm *LogMsg) string {
// text := fmt.Sprintf("{\"text\": \"%s\"}", msg)
return lm.When.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") + " " + lm.OldStyleFormat()
func (s *SLACKWriter) SetFormatter(f LogFormatter) {
s.formatter = f
// Init SLACKWriter with json config string
func (s *SLACKWriter) Init(config string) error {
res := json.Unmarshal([]byte(config), s)
if res == nil && len(s.Formatter) > 0 {
fmtr, ok := GetFormatter(s.Formatter)
if !ok {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("the formatter with name: %s not found", s.Formatter))
s.formatter = fmtr
return res
// WriteMsg write message in smtp writer.
// Sends an email with subject and only this message.
func (s *SLACKWriter) WriteMsg(lm *LogMsg) error {
if lm.Level > s.Level {
return nil
msg := s.Format(lm)
m := make(map[string]string, 1)
m["text"] = msg
body, _ := json.Marshal(m)
// resp, err := http.PostForm(s.WebhookURL, form)
resp, err := http.Post(s.WebhookURL, "application/json", bytes.NewReader(body))
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return fmt.Errorf("Post webhook failed %s %d", resp.Status, resp.StatusCode)
return nil
// Flush implementing method. empty.
func (s *SLACKWriter) Flush() {
// Destroy implementing method. empty.
func (s *SLACKWriter) Destroy() {
func init() {
Register(AdapterSlack, newSLACKWriter)

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package logs
import (
// SMTPWriter implements LoggerInterface and is used to send emails via given SMTP-server.
type SMTPWriter struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Host string `json:"host"`
Subject string `json:"subject"`
FromAddress string `json:"fromAddress"`
RecipientAddresses []string `json:"sendTos"`
Level int `json:"level"`
formatter LogFormatter
Formatter string `json:"formatter"`
// NewSMTPWriter creates the smtp writer.
func newSMTPWriter() Logger {
res := &SMTPWriter{Level: LevelTrace}
res.formatter = res
return res
// Init smtp writer with json config.
// config like:
// {
// "username":"example@gmail.com",
// "password:"password",
// "host":"smtp.gmail.com:465",
// "subject":"email title",
// "fromAddress":"from@example.com",
// "sendTos":["email1","email2"],
// "level":LevelError
// }
func (s *SMTPWriter) Init(config string) error {
res := json.Unmarshal([]byte(config), s)
if res == nil && len(s.Formatter) > 0 {
fmtr, ok := GetFormatter(s.Formatter)
if !ok {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("the formatter with name: %s not found", s.Formatter))
s.formatter = fmtr
return res
func (s *SMTPWriter) getSMTPAuth(host string) smtp.Auth {
if len(strings.Trim(s.Username, " ")) == 0 && len(strings.Trim(s.Password, " ")) == 0 {
return nil
return smtp.PlainAuth(
func (s *SMTPWriter) SetFormatter(f LogFormatter) {
s.formatter = f
func (s *SMTPWriter) sendMail(hostAddressWithPort string, auth smtp.Auth, fromAddress string, recipients []string, msgContent []byte) error {
client, err := smtp.Dial(hostAddressWithPort)
if err != nil {
return err
host, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(hostAddressWithPort)
tlsConn := &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
ServerName: host,
if err = client.StartTLS(tlsConn); err != nil {
return err
if auth != nil {
if err = client.Auth(auth); err != nil {
return err
if err = client.Mail(fromAddress); err != nil {
return err
for _, rec := range recipients {
if err = client.Rcpt(rec); err != nil {
return err
w, err := client.Data()
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = w.Write(msgContent)
if err != nil {
return err
err = w.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
return client.Quit()
func (s *SMTPWriter) Format(lm *LogMsg) string {
return lm.OldStyleFormat()
// WriteMsg writes message in smtp writer.
// Sends an email with subject and only this message.
func (s *SMTPWriter) WriteMsg(lm *LogMsg) error {
if lm.Level > s.Level {
return nil
hp := strings.Split(s.Host, ":")
// Set up authentication information.
auth := s.getSMTPAuth(hp[0])
msg := s.Format(lm)
// Connect to the server, authenticate, set the sender and recipient,
// and send the email all in one step.
contentType := "Content-Type: text/plain" + "; charset=UTF-8"
mailmsg := []byte("To: " + strings.Join(s.RecipientAddresses, ";") + "\r\nFrom: " + s.FromAddress + "<" + s.FromAddress +
">\r\nSubject: " + s.Subject + "\r\n" + contentType + "\r\n\r\n" + fmt.Sprintf(".%s", lm.When.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) + msg)
return s.sendMail(s.Host, auth, s.FromAddress, s.RecipientAddresses, mailmsg)
// Flush implementing method. empty.
func (s *SMTPWriter) Flush() {
// Destroy implementing method. empty.
func (s *SMTPWriter) Destroy() {
func init() {
Register(AdapterMail, newSMTPWriter)

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package utils
import (
// GetFuncName get function name
func GetFuncName(i interface{}) string {
return runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(i).Pointer()).Name()

@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package utils
import (
var (
dunno = []byte("???")
centerDot = []byte("·")
dot = []byte(".")
type pointerInfo struct {
prev *pointerInfo
n int
addr uintptr
pos int
used []int
// Display print the data in console
func Display(data ...interface{}) {
display(true, data...)
// GetDisplayString return data print string
func GetDisplayString(data ...interface{}) string {
return display(false, data...)
func display(displayed bool, data ...interface{}) string {
pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(2)
if !ok {
return ""
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "[Debug] at %s() [%s:%d]\n", function(pc), file, line)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\n[Variables]\n")
for i := 0; i < len(data); i += 2 {
output := fomateinfo(len(data[i].(string))+3, data[i+1])
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s = %s", data[i], output)
if displayed {
return buf.String()
// return data dump and format bytes
func fomateinfo(headlen int, data ...interface{}) []byte {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if len(data) > 1 {
fmt.Fprint(buf, " ")
fmt.Fprint(buf, "[")
for k, v := range data {
buf2 := new(bytes.Buffer)
var pointers *pointerInfo
interfaces := make([]reflect.Value, 0, 10)
printKeyValue(buf2, reflect.ValueOf(v), &pointers, &interfaces, nil, true, " ", 1)
if k < len(data)-1 {
fmt.Fprint(buf2, ", ")
if len(data) > 1 {
fmt.Fprint(buf, " ")
fmt.Fprint(buf, "]")
return buf.Bytes()
// check data is golang basic type
func isSimpleType(val reflect.Value, kind reflect.Kind, pointers **pointerInfo, interfaces *[]reflect.Value) bool {
switch kind {
case reflect.Bool:
return true
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return true
case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
return true
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return true
case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
return true
case reflect.String:
return true
case reflect.Chan:
return true
case reflect.Invalid:
return true
case reflect.Interface:
for _, in := range *interfaces {
if reflect.DeepEqual(in, val) {
return true
return false
case reflect.UnsafePointer:
if val.IsNil() {
return true
elem := val.Elem()
if isSimpleType(elem, elem.Kind(), pointers, interfaces) {
return true
addr := val.Elem().UnsafeAddr()
for p := *pointers; p != nil; p = p.prev {
if addr == p.addr {
return true
return false
return false
// dump value
func printKeyValue(buf *bytes.Buffer, val reflect.Value, pointers **pointerInfo, interfaces *[]reflect.Value, structFilter func(string, string) bool, formatOutput bool, indent string, level int) {
t := val.Kind()
switch t {
case reflect.Bool:
fmt.Fprint(buf, val.Bool())
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
fmt.Fprint(buf, val.Int())
case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
fmt.Fprint(buf, val.Uint())
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
fmt.Fprint(buf, val.Float())
case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
fmt.Fprint(buf, val.Complex())
case reflect.UnsafePointer:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "unsafe.Pointer(0x%X)", val.Pointer())
case reflect.Ptr:
if val.IsNil() {
fmt.Fprint(buf, "nil")
addr := val.Elem().UnsafeAddr()
for p := *pointers; p != nil; p = p.prev {
if addr == p.addr {
p.used = append(p.used, buf.Len())
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "0x%X", addr)
*pointers = &pointerInfo{
prev: *pointers,
addr: addr,
pos: buf.Len(),
used: make([]int, 0),
fmt.Fprint(buf, "&")
printKeyValue(buf, val.Elem(), pointers, interfaces, structFilter, formatOutput, indent, level)
case reflect.String:
fmt.Fprint(buf, "\"", val.String(), "\"")
case reflect.Interface:
value := val.Elem()
if !value.IsValid() {
fmt.Fprint(buf, "nil")
} else {
for _, in := range *interfaces {
if reflect.DeepEqual(in, val) {
fmt.Fprint(buf, "repeat")
*interfaces = append(*interfaces, val)
printKeyValue(buf, value, pointers, interfaces, structFilter, formatOutput, indent, level+1)
case reflect.Struct:
t := val.Type()
fmt.Fprint(buf, t)
fmt.Fprint(buf, "{")
for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
if formatOutput {
} else {
fmt.Fprint(buf, " ")
name := t.Field(i).Name
if formatOutput {
for ind := 0; ind < level; ind++ {
fmt.Fprint(buf, indent)
fmt.Fprint(buf, name)
fmt.Fprint(buf, ": ")
if structFilter != nil && structFilter(t.String(), name) {
fmt.Fprint(buf, "ignore")
} else {
printKeyValue(buf, val.Field(i), pointers, interfaces, structFilter, formatOutput, indent, level+1)
fmt.Fprint(buf, ",")
if formatOutput {
for ind := 0; ind < level-1; ind++ {
fmt.Fprint(buf, indent)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(buf, " ")
fmt.Fprint(buf, "}")
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
fmt.Fprint(buf, val.Type())
fmt.Fprint(buf, "{")
allSimple := true
for i := 0; i < val.Len(); i++ {
elem := val.Index(i)
isSimple := isSimpleType(elem, elem.Kind(), pointers, interfaces)
if !isSimple {
allSimple = false
if formatOutput && !isSimple {
} else {
fmt.Fprint(buf, " ")
if formatOutput && !isSimple {
for ind := 0; ind < level; ind++ {
fmt.Fprint(buf, indent)
printKeyValue(buf, elem, pointers, interfaces, structFilter, formatOutput, indent, level+1)
if i != val.Len()-1 || !allSimple {
fmt.Fprint(buf, ",")
if formatOutput && !allSimple {
for ind := 0; ind < level-1; ind++ {
fmt.Fprint(buf, indent)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(buf, " ")
fmt.Fprint(buf, "}")
case reflect.Map:
t := val.Type()
keys := val.MapKeys()
fmt.Fprint(buf, t)
fmt.Fprint(buf, "{")
allSimple := true
for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ {
elem := val.MapIndex(keys[i])
isSimple := isSimpleType(elem, elem.Kind(), pointers, interfaces)
if !isSimple {
allSimple = false
if formatOutput && !isSimple {
} else {
fmt.Fprint(buf, " ")
if formatOutput && !isSimple {
for ind := 0; ind <= level; ind++ {
fmt.Fprint(buf, indent)
printKeyValue(buf, keys[i], pointers, interfaces, structFilter, formatOutput, indent, level+1)
fmt.Fprint(buf, ": ")
printKeyValue(buf, elem, pointers, interfaces, structFilter, formatOutput, indent, level+1)
if i != val.Len()-1 || !allSimple {
fmt.Fprint(buf, ",")
if formatOutput && !allSimple {
for ind := 0; ind < level-1; ind++ {
fmt.Fprint(buf, indent)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(buf, " ")
fmt.Fprint(buf, "}")
case reflect.Chan:
fmt.Fprint(buf, val.Type())
case reflect.Invalid:
fmt.Fprint(buf, "invalid")
fmt.Fprint(buf, "unknow")
// PrintPointerInfo dump pointer value
func PrintPointerInfo(buf *bytes.Buffer, headlen int, pointers *pointerInfo) {
anyused := false
pointerNum := 0
for p := pointers; p != nil; p = p.prev {
if len(p.used) > 0 {
anyused = true
p.n = pointerNum
if anyused {
pointerBufs := make([][]rune, pointerNum+1)
for i := 0; i < len(pointerBufs); i++ {
pointerBuf := make([]rune, buf.Len()+headlen)
for j := 0; j < len(pointerBuf); j++ {
pointerBuf[j] = ' '
pointerBufs[i] = pointerBuf
for pn := 0; pn <= pointerNum; pn++ {
for p := pointers; p != nil; p = p.prev {
if len(p.used) > 0 && p.n >= pn {
if pn == p.n {
pointerBufs[pn][p.pos+headlen] = '└'
maxpos := 0
for i, pos := range p.used {
if i < len(p.used)-1 {
pointerBufs[pn][pos+headlen] = '┴'
} else {
pointerBufs[pn][pos+headlen] = '┘'
maxpos = pos
for i := 0; i < maxpos-p.pos-1; i++ {
if pointerBufs[pn][i+p.pos+headlen+1] == ' ' {
pointerBufs[pn][i+p.pos+headlen+1] = '─'
} else {
pointerBufs[pn][p.pos+headlen] = '│'
for _, pos := range p.used {
if pointerBufs[pn][pos+headlen] == ' ' {
pointerBufs[pn][pos+headlen] = '│'
} else {
pointerBufs[pn][pos+headlen] = '┼'
buf.WriteString(string(pointerBufs[pn]) + "\n")
// Stack get stack bytes
func Stack(skip int, indent string) []byte {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
for i := skip; ; i++ {
pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(i)
if !ok {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "at %s() [%s:%d]\n", function(pc), file, line)
return buf.Bytes()
// return the name of the function containing the PC if possible,
func function(pc uintptr) []byte {
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if fn == nil {
return dunno
name := []byte(fn.Name())
// The name includes the path name to the package, which is unnecessary
// since the file name is already included. Plus, it has center dots.
// That is, we see
// runtime/debug.*T·ptrmethod
// and want
// *T.ptrmethod
if period := bytes.Index(name, dot); period >= 0 {
name = name[period+1:]
name = bytes.Replace(name, centerDot, dot, -1)
return name

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package utils
import (
// SelfPath gets compiled executable file absolute path
func SelfPath() string {
path, _ := filepath.Abs(os.Args[0])
return path
// SelfDir gets compiled executable file directory
func SelfDir() string {
return filepath.Dir(SelfPath())
// FileExists reports whether the named file or directory exists.
func FileExists(name string) bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(name); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return true
// SearchFile Search a file in paths.
// this is often used in search config file in /etc ~/
func SearchFile(filename string, paths ...string) (fullpath string, err error) {
for _, path := range paths {
if fullpath = filepath.Join(path, filename); FileExists(fullpath) {
err = errors.New(fullpath + " not found in paths")
// GrepFile like command grep -E
// for example: GrepFile(`^hello`, "hello.txt")
// \n is striped while read
func GrepFile(patten string, filename string) (lines []string, err error) {
re, err := regexp.Compile(patten)
if err != nil {
fd, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
lines = make([]string, 0)
reader := bufio.NewReader(fd)
prefix := ""
var isLongLine bool
for {
byteLine, isPrefix, er := reader.ReadLine()
if er != nil && er != io.EOF {
return nil, er
if er == io.EOF {
line := string(byteLine)
if isPrefix {
prefix += line
} else {
isLongLine = true
line = prefix + line
if isLongLine {
prefix = ""
if re.MatchString(line) {
lines = append(lines, line)
return lines, nil

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
// Copyright 2020 beego-dev
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package utils
type KV interface {
GetKey() interface{}
GetValue() interface{}
// SimpleKV is common structure to store key-value pairs.
// When you need something like Pair, you can use this
type SimpleKV struct {
Key interface{}
Value interface{}
var _ KV = new(SimpleKV)
func (s *SimpleKV) GetKey() interface{} {
return s.Key
func (s *SimpleKV) GetValue() interface{} {
return s.Value
// KVs interface
type KVs interface {
GetValueOr(key interface{}, defValue interface{}) interface{}
Contains(key interface{}) bool
IfContains(key interface{}, action func(value interface{})) KVs
// SimpleKVs will store SimpleKV collection as map
type SimpleKVs struct {
kvs map[interface{}]interface{}
var _ KVs = new(SimpleKVs)
// GetValueOr returns the value for a given key, if non-existent
// it returns defValue
func (kvs *SimpleKVs) GetValueOr(key interface{}, defValue interface{}) interface{} {
v, ok := kvs.kvs[key]
if ok {
return v
return defValue
// Contains checks if a key exists
func (kvs *SimpleKVs) Contains(key interface{}) bool {
_, ok := kvs.kvs[key]
return ok
// IfContains invokes the action on a key if it exists
func (kvs *SimpleKVs) IfContains(key interface{}, action func(value interface{})) KVs {
v, ok := kvs.kvs[key]
if ok {
return kvs
// NewKVs creates the *KVs instance
func NewKVs(kvs ...KV) KVs {
res := &SimpleKVs{
kvs: make(map[interface{}]interface{}, len(kvs)),
for _, kv := range kvs {
res.kvs[kv.GetKey()] = kv.GetValue()
return res

@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package utils
import (
const (
maxLineLength = 76
upperhex = "0123456789ABCDEF"
// Email is the type used for email messages
type Email struct {
Auth smtp.Auth
Identity string `json:"identity"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Host string `json:"host"`
Port int `json:"port"`
From string `json:"from"`
To []string
Bcc []string
Cc []string
Subject string
Text string // Plaintext message (optional)
HTML string // Html message (optional)
Headers textproto.MIMEHeader
Attachments []*Attachment
ReadReceipt []string
// Attachment is a struct representing an email attachment.
// Based on the mime/multipart.FileHeader struct, Attachment contains the name, MIMEHeader, and content of the attachment in question
type Attachment struct {
Filename string
Header textproto.MIMEHeader
Content []byte
// NewEMail create new Email struct with config json.
// config json is followed from Email struct fields.
func NewEMail(config string) *Email {
e := new(Email)
e.Headers = textproto.MIMEHeader{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(config), e)
if err != nil {
return nil
return e
// Bytes Make all send information to byte
func (e *Email) Bytes() ([]byte, error) {
buff := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := multipart.NewWriter(buff)
// Set the appropriate headers (overwriting any conflicts)
// Leave out Bcc (only included in envelope headers)
e.Headers.Set("To", strings.Join(e.To, ","))
if e.Cc != nil {
e.Headers.Set("Cc", strings.Join(e.Cc, ","))
e.Headers.Set("From", e.From)
e.Headers.Set("Subject", e.Subject)
if len(e.ReadReceipt) != 0 {
e.Headers.Set("Disposition-Notification-To", strings.Join(e.ReadReceipt, ","))
e.Headers.Set("MIME-Version", "1.0")
// Write the envelope headers (including any custom headers)
if err := headerToBytes(buff, e.Headers); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to render message headers: %s", err)
e.Headers.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("multipart/mixed;\r\n boundary=%s\r\n", w.Boundary()))
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s:", "Content-Type")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, " %s\r\n", fmt.Sprintf("multipart/mixed;\r\n boundary=%s\r\n", w.Boundary()))
// Start the multipart/mixed part
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "--%s\r\n", w.Boundary())
header := textproto.MIMEHeader{}
// Check to see if there is a Text or HTML field
if e.Text != "" || e.HTML != "" {
subWriter := multipart.NewWriter(buff)
// Create the multipart alternative part
header.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("multipart/alternative;\r\n boundary=%s\r\n", subWriter.Boundary()))
// Write the header
if err := headerToBytes(buff, header); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to render multipart message headers: %s", err)
// Create the body sections
if e.Text != "" {
header.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("text/plain; charset=UTF-8"))
header.Set("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "quoted-printable")
if _, err := subWriter.CreatePart(header); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Write the text
if err := quotePrintEncode(buff, e.Text); err != nil {
return nil, err
if e.HTML != "" {
header.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("text/html; charset=UTF-8"))
header.Set("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "quoted-printable")
if _, err := subWriter.CreatePart(header); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Write the text
if err := quotePrintEncode(buff, e.HTML); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := subWriter.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create attachment part, if necessary
for _, a := range e.Attachments {
ap, err := w.CreatePart(a.Header)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Write the base64Wrapped content to the part
base64Wrap(ap, a.Content)
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buff.Bytes(), nil
// AttachFile Add attach file to the send mail
func (e *Email) AttachFile(args ...string) (a *Attachment, err error) {
if len(args) < 1 || len(args) > 2 { // change && to ||
err = errors.New("Must specify a file name and number of parameters can not exceed at least two")
filename := args[0]
id := ""
if len(args) > 1 {
id = args[1]
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
ct := mime.TypeByExtension(filepath.Ext(filename))
basename := path.Base(filename)
return e.Attach(f, basename, ct, id)
// Attach is used to attach content from an io.Reader to the email.
// Parameters include an io.Reader, the desired filename for the attachment, and the Content-Type.
func (e *Email) Attach(r io.Reader, filename string, args ...string) (a *Attachment, err error) {
if len(args) < 1 || len(args) > 2 { // change && to ||
err = errors.New("Must specify the file type and number of parameters can not exceed at least two")
c := args[0] // Content-Type
id := ""
if len(args) > 1 {
id = args[1] // Content-ID
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if _, err = io.Copy(&buffer, r); err != nil {
at := &Attachment{
Filename: filename,
Header: textproto.MIMEHeader{},
Content: buffer.Bytes(),
// Get the Content-Type to be used in the MIMEHeader
if c != "" {
at.Header.Set("Content-Type", c)
} else {
// If the Content-Type is blank, set the Content-Type to "application/octet-stream"
at.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
if id != "" {
at.Header.Set("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf("inline;\r\n filename=\"%s\"", filename))
at.Header.Set("Content-ID", fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", id))
} else {
at.Header.Set("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf("attachment;\r\n filename=\"%s\"", filename))
at.Header.Set("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64")
e.Attachments = append(e.Attachments, at)
return at, nil
// Send will send out the mail
func (e *Email) Send() error {
if e.Auth == nil {
e.Auth = smtp.PlainAuth(e.Identity, e.Username, e.Password, e.Host)
// Merge the To, Cc, and Bcc fields
to := make([]string, 0, len(e.To)+len(e.Cc)+len(e.Bcc))
to = append(append(append(to, e.To...), e.Cc...), e.Bcc...)
// Check to make sure there is at least one recipient and one "From" address
if len(to) == 0 {
return errors.New("Must specify at least one To address")
// Use the username if no From is provided
if len(e.From) == 0 {
e.From = e.Username
from, err := mail.ParseAddress(e.From)
if err != nil {
return err
// use mail's RFC 2047 to encode any string
e.Subject = qEncode("utf-8", e.Subject)
raw, err := e.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return err
return smtp.SendMail(e.Host+":"+strconv.Itoa(e.Port), e.Auth, from.Address, to, raw)
// quotePrintEncode writes the quoted-printable text to the IO Writer (according to RFC 2045)
func quotePrintEncode(w io.Writer, s string) error {
var buf [3]byte
mc := 0
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i]
// We're assuming Unix style text formats as input (LF line break), and
// quoted-printble uses CRLF line breaks. (Literal CRs will become
// "=0D", but probably shouldn't be there to begin with!)
if c == '\n' {
io.WriteString(w, "\r\n")
mc = 0
var nextOut []byte
if isPrintable(c) {
nextOut = append(buf[:0], c)
} else {
nextOut = buf[:]
qpEscape(nextOut, c)
// Add a soft line break if the next (encoded) byte would push this line
// to or past the limit.
if mc+len(nextOut) >= maxLineLength {
if _, err := io.WriteString(w, "=\r\n"); err != nil {
return err
mc = 0
if _, err := w.Write(nextOut); err != nil {
return err
mc += len(nextOut)
// No trailing end-of-line?? Soft line break, then. TODO: is this sane?
if mc > 0 {
io.WriteString(w, "=\r\n")
return nil
// isPrintable returns true if the rune given is "printable" according to RFC 2045, false otherwise
func isPrintable(c byte) bool {
return (c >= '!' && c <= '<') || (c >= '>' && c <= '~') || (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t')
// qpEscape is a helper function for quotePrintEncode which escapes a
// non-printable byte. Expects len(dest) == 3.
func qpEscape(dest []byte, c byte) {
const nums = "0123456789ABCDEF"
dest[0] = '='
dest[1] = nums[(c&0xf0)>>4]
dest[2] = nums[(c & 0xf)]
// headerToBytes enumerates the key and values in the header, and writes the results to the IO Writer
func headerToBytes(w io.Writer, t textproto.MIMEHeader) error {
for k, v := range t {
// Write the header key
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s:", k)
if err != nil {
return err
// Write each value in the header
for _, c := range v {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, " %s\r\n", c)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// base64Wrap encodes the attachment content, and wraps it according to RFC 2045 standards (every 76 chars)
// The output is then written to the specified io.Writer
func base64Wrap(w io.Writer, b []byte) {
// 57 raw bytes per 76-byte base64 line.
const maxRaw = 57
// Buffer for each line, including trailing CRLF.
var buffer [maxLineLength + len("\r\n")]byte
copy(buffer[maxLineLength:], "\r\n")
// Process raw chunks until there's no longer enough to fill a line.
for len(b) >= maxRaw {
base64.StdEncoding.Encode(buffer[:], b[:maxRaw])
b = b[maxRaw:]
// Handle the last chunk of bytes.
if len(b) > 0 {
out := buffer[:base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(b))]
base64.StdEncoding.Encode(out, b)
out = append(out, "\r\n"...)
// Encode returns the encoded-word form of s. If s is ASCII without special
// characters, it is returned unchanged. The provided charset is the IANA
// charset name of s. It is case insensitive.
// RFC 2047 encoded-word
func qEncode(charset, s string) string {
if !needsEncoding(s) {
return s
return encodeWord(charset, s)
func needsEncoding(s string) bool {
for _, b := range s {
if (b < ' ' || b > '~') && b != '\t' {
return true
return false
// encodeWord encodes a string into an encoded-word.
func encodeWord(charset, s string) string {
buf := getBuffer()
enc := make([]byte, 3)
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
b := s[i]
switch {
case b == ' ':
case b <= '~' && b >= '!' && b != '=' && b != '?' && b != '_':
enc[0] = '='
enc[1] = upperhex[b>>4]
enc[2] = upperhex[b&0x0f]
es := buf.String()
return es
var bufPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return new(bytes.Buffer)
func getBuffer() *bytes.Buffer {
return bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
func putBuffer(buf *bytes.Buffer) {
if buf.Len() > 1024 {

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package utils
import (
r "math/rand"
var alphaNum = []byte(`0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`)
// RandomCreateBytes generate random []byte by specify chars.
func RandomCreateBytes(n int, alphabets ...byte) []byte {
if len(alphabets) == 0 {
alphabets = alphaNum
bytes := make([]byte, n)
var randBy bool
if num, err := rand.Read(bytes); num != n || err != nil {
randBy = true
for i, b := range bytes {
if randBy {
bytes[i] = alphabets[r.Intn(len(alphabets))]
} else {
bytes[i] = alphabets[b%byte(len(alphabets))]
return bytes

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package utils
import (
// Deprecated: using sync.Map
type BeeMap struct {
lock *sync.RWMutex
bm map[interface{}]interface{}
// NewBeeMap return new safemap
func NewBeeMap() *BeeMap {
return &BeeMap{
lock: new(sync.RWMutex),
bm: make(map[interface{}]interface{}),
// Get from maps return the k's value
func (m *BeeMap) Get(k interface{}) interface{} {
defer m.lock.RUnlock()
if val, ok := m.bm[k]; ok {
return val
return nil
// Set Maps the given key and value. Returns false
// if the key is already in the map and changes nothing.
func (m *BeeMap) Set(k interface{}, v interface{}) bool {
defer m.lock.Unlock()
if val, ok := m.bm[k]; !ok {
m.bm[k] = v
} else if val != v {
m.bm[k] = v
} else {
return false
return true
// Check Returns true if k is exist in the map.
func (m *BeeMap) Check(k interface{}) bool {
defer m.lock.RUnlock()
_, ok := m.bm[k]
return ok
// Delete the given key and value.
func (m *BeeMap) Delete(k interface{}) {
defer m.lock.Unlock()
delete(m.bm, k)
// Items returns all items in safemap.
func (m *BeeMap) Items() map[interface{}]interface{} {
defer m.lock.RUnlock()
r := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
for k, v := range m.bm {
r[k] = v
return r
// Count returns the number of items within the map.
func (m *BeeMap) Count() int {
defer m.lock.RUnlock()
return len(m.bm)

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package utils
import (
type reducetype func(interface{}) interface{}
type filtertype func(interface{}) bool
// InSlice checks given string in string slice or not.
func InSlice(v string, sl []string) bool {
for _, vv := range sl {
if vv == v {
return true
return false
// InSliceIface checks given interface in interface slice.
func InSliceIface(v interface{}, sl []interface{}) bool {
for _, vv := range sl {
if vv == v {
return true
return false
// SliceRandList generate an int slice from min to max.
func SliceRandList(min, max int) []int {
if max < min {
min, max = max, min
length := max - min + 1
t0 := time.Now()
list := rand.Perm(length)
for index := range list {
list[index] += min
return list
// SliceMerge merges interface slices to one slice.
func SliceMerge(slice1, slice2 []interface{}) (c []interface{}) {
c = append(slice1, slice2...)
// SliceReduce generates a new slice after parsing every value by reduce function
func SliceReduce(slice []interface{}, a reducetype) (dslice []interface{}) {
for _, v := range slice {
dslice = append(dslice, a(v))
// SliceRand returns random one from slice.
func SliceRand(a []interface{}) (b interface{}) {
randnum := rand.Intn(len(a))
b = a[randnum]
// SliceSum sums all values in int64 slice.
func SliceSum(intslice []int64) (sum int64) {
for _, v := range intslice {
sum += v
// SliceFilter generates a new slice after filter function.
func SliceFilter(slice []interface{}, a filtertype) (ftslice []interface{}) {
for _, v := range slice {
if a(v) {
ftslice = append(ftslice, v)
// SliceDiff returns diff slice of slice1 - slice2.
func SliceDiff(slice1, slice2 []interface{}) (diffslice []interface{}) {
for _, v := range slice1 {
if !InSliceIface(v, slice2) {
diffslice = append(diffslice, v)
// SliceIntersect returns slice that are present in all the slice1 and slice2.
func SliceIntersect(slice1, slice2 []interface{}) (diffslice []interface{}) {
for _, v := range slice1 {
if InSliceIface(v, slice2) {
diffslice = append(diffslice, v)
// SliceChunk separates one slice to some sized slice.
func SliceChunk(slice []interface{}, size int) (chunkslice [][]interface{}) {
if size >= len(slice) {
chunkslice = append(chunkslice, slice)
end := size
for i := 0; i <= (len(slice) - size); i += size {
chunkslice = append(chunkslice, slice[i:end])
end += size
// SliceRange generates a new slice from begin to end with step duration of int64 number.
func SliceRange(start, end, step int64) (intslice []int64) {
for i := start; i <= end; i += step {
intslice = append(intslice, i)
// SlicePad prepends size number of val into slice.
func SlicePad(slice []interface{}, size int, val interface{}) []interface{} {
if size <= len(slice) {
return slice
for i := 0; i < (size - len(slice)); i++ {
slice = append(slice, val)
return slice
// SliceUnique cleans repeated values in slice.
func SliceUnique(slice []interface{}) (uniqueslice []interface{}) {
for _, v := range slice {
if !InSliceIface(v, uniqueslice) {
uniqueslice = append(uniqueslice, v)
// SliceShuffle shuffles a slice.
func SliceShuffle(slice []interface{}) []interface{} {
for i := 0; i < len(slice); i++ {
a := rand.Intn(len(slice))
b := rand.Intn(len(slice))
slice[a], slice[b] = slice[b], slice[a]
return slice

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// Copyright 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package utils
import (
// short string format
func ToShortTimeFormat(d time.Duration) string {
u := uint64(d)
if u < uint64(time.Second) {
switch {
case u == 0:
return "0"
case u < uint64(time.Microsecond):
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fns", float64(u))
case u < uint64(time.Millisecond):
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fus", float64(u)/1000)
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fms", float64(u)/1000/1000)
} else {
switch {
case u < uint64(time.Minute):
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fs", float64(u)/1000/1000/1000)
case u < uint64(time.Hour):
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fm", float64(u)/1000/1000/1000/60)
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fh", float64(u)/1000/1000/1000/60/60)

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
package utils
import (
// GetGOPATHs returns all paths in GOPATH variable.
func GetGOPATHs() []string {
gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH")
if gopath == "" && compareGoVersion(runtime.Version(), "go1.8") >= 0 {
gopath = defaultGOPATH()
return filepath.SplitList(gopath)
func compareGoVersion(a, b string) int {
reg := regexp.MustCompile("^\\d*")
a = strings.TrimPrefix(a, "go")
b = strings.TrimPrefix(b, "go")
versionsA := strings.Split(a, ".")
versionsB := strings.Split(b, ".")
for i := 0; i < len(versionsA) && i < len(versionsB); i++ {
versionA := versionsA[i]
versionB := versionsB[i]
vA, err := strconv.Atoi(versionA)
if err != nil {
str := reg.FindString(versionA)
if str != "" {
vA, _ = strconv.Atoi(str)
} else {
vA = -1
vB, err := strconv.Atoi(versionB)
if err != nil {
str := reg.FindString(versionB)
if str != "" {
vB, _ = strconv.Atoi(str)
} else {
vB = -1
if vA > vB {
// vA = 12, vB = 8
return 1
} else if vA < vB {
// vA = 6, vB = 8
return -1
} else if vA == -1 {
// vA = rc1, vB = rc3
return strings.Compare(versionA, versionB)
// vA = vB = 8
if len(versionsA) > len(versionsB) {
return 1
} else if len(versionsA) == len(versionsB) {
return 0
return -1
func defaultGOPATH() string {
env := "HOME"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
} else if runtime.GOOS == "plan9" {
env = "home"
if home := os.Getenv(env); home != "" {
return filepath.Join(home, "go")
return ""

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Copyright (c) 2016 Caleb Spare
MIT License
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# xxhash
[![Go Reference](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2.svg)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2)
xxhash is a Go implementation of the 64-bit
[xxHash](http://cyan4973.github.io/xxHash/) algorithm, XXH64. This is a
high-quality hashing algorithm that is much faster than anything in the Go
standard library.
This package provides a straightforward API:
func Sum64(b []byte) uint64
func Sum64String(s string) uint64
type Digest struct{ ... }
func New() *Digest
The `Digest` type implements hash.Hash64. Its key methods are:
func (*Digest) Write([]byte) (int, error)
func (*Digest) WriteString(string) (int, error)
func (*Digest) Sum64() uint64
This implementation provides a fast pure-Go implementation and an even faster
assembly implementation for amd64.
## Compatibility
This package is in a module and the latest code is in version 2 of the module.
You need a version of Go with at least "minimal module compatibility" to use
* 1.9.7+ for Go 1.9
* 1.10.3+ for Go 1.10
* Go 1.11 or later
I recommend using the latest release of Go.
## Benchmarks
Here are some quick benchmarks comparing the pure-Go and assembly
implementations of Sum64.
| input size | purego | asm |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 5 B | 979.66 MB/s | 1291.17 MB/s |
| 100 B | 7475.26 MB/s | 7973.40 MB/s |
| 4 KB | 17573.46 MB/s | 17602.65 MB/s |
| 10 MB | 17131.46 MB/s | 17142.16 MB/s |
These numbers were generated on Ubuntu 18.04 with an Intel i7-8700K CPU using
the following commands under Go 1.11.2:
$ go test -tags purego -benchtime 10s -bench '/xxhash,direct,bytes'
$ go test -benchtime 10s -bench '/xxhash,direct,bytes'
## Projects using this package
- [InfluxDB](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb)
- [Prometheus](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus)
- [VictoriaMetrics](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics)
- [FreeCache](https://github.com/coocood/freecache)
- [FastCache](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fastcache)

@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
// Package xxhash implements the 64-bit variant of xxHash (XXH64) as described
// at http://cyan4973.github.io/xxHash/.
package xxhash
import (
const (
prime1 uint64 = 11400714785074694791
prime2 uint64 = 14029467366897019727
prime3 uint64 = 1609587929392839161
prime4 uint64 = 9650029242287828579
prime5 uint64 = 2870177450012600261
// NOTE(caleb): I'm using both consts and vars of the primes. Using consts where
// possible in the Go code is worth a small (but measurable) performance boost
// by avoiding some MOVQs. Vars are needed for the asm and also are useful for
// convenience in the Go code in a few places where we need to intentionally
// avoid constant arithmetic (e.g., v1 := prime1 + prime2 fails because the
// result overflows a uint64).
var (
prime1v = prime1
prime2v = prime2
prime3v = prime3
prime4v = prime4
prime5v = prime5
// Digest implements hash.Hash64.
type Digest struct {
v1 uint64
v2 uint64
v3 uint64
v4 uint64
total uint64
mem [32]byte
n int // how much of mem is used
// New creates a new Digest that computes the 64-bit xxHash algorithm.
func New() *Digest {
var d Digest
return &d
// Reset clears the Digest's state so that it can be reused.
func (d *Digest) Reset() {
d.v1 = prime1v + prime2
d.v2 = prime2
d.v3 = 0
d.v4 = -prime1v
d.total = 0
d.n = 0
// Size always returns 8 bytes.
func (d *Digest) Size() int { return 8 }
// BlockSize always returns 32 bytes.
func (d *Digest) BlockSize() int { return 32 }
// Write adds more data to d. It always returns len(b), nil.
func (d *Digest) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
n = len(b)
d.total += uint64(n)
if d.n+n < 32 {
// This new data doesn't even fill the current block.
copy(d.mem[d.n:], b)
d.n += n
if d.n > 0 {
// Finish off the partial block.
copy(d.mem[d.n:], b)
d.v1 = round(d.v1, u64(d.mem[0:8]))
d.v2 = round(d.v2, u64(d.mem[8:16]))
d.v3 = round(d.v3, u64(d.mem[16:24]))
d.v4 = round(d.v4, u64(d.mem[24:32]))
b = b[32-d.n:]
d.n = 0
if len(b) >= 32 {
// One or more full blocks left.
nw := writeBlocks(d, b)
b = b[nw:]
// Store any remaining partial block.
copy(d.mem[:], b)
d.n = len(b)
// Sum appends the current hash to b and returns the resulting slice.
func (d *Digest) Sum(b []byte) []byte {
s := d.Sum64()
return append(
// Sum64 returns the current hash.
func (d *Digest) Sum64() uint64 {
var h uint64
if d.total >= 32 {
v1, v2, v3, v4 := d.v1, d.v2, d.v3, d.v4
h = rol1(v1) + rol7(v2) + rol12(v3) + rol18(v4)
h = mergeRound(h, v1)
h = mergeRound(h, v2)
h = mergeRound(h, v3)
h = mergeRound(h, v4)
} else {
h = d.v3 + prime5
h += d.total
i, end := 0, d.n
for ; i+8 <= end; i += 8 {
k1 := round(0, u64(d.mem[i:i+8]))
h ^= k1
h = rol27(h)*prime1 + prime4
if i+4 <= end {
h ^= uint64(u32(d.mem[i:i+4])) * prime1
h = rol23(h)*prime2 + prime3
i += 4
for i < end {
h ^= uint64(d.mem[i]) * prime5
h = rol11(h) * prime1
h ^= h >> 33
h *= prime2
h ^= h >> 29
h *= prime3
h ^= h >> 32
return h
const (
magic = "xxh\x06"
marshaledSize = len(magic) + 8*5 + 32
// MarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryMarshaler interface.
func (d *Digest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
b := make([]byte, 0, marshaledSize)
b = append(b, magic...)
b = appendUint64(b, d.v1)
b = appendUint64(b, d.v2)
b = appendUint64(b, d.v3)
b = appendUint64(b, d.v4)
b = appendUint64(b, d.total)
b = append(b, d.mem[:d.n]...)
b = b[:len(b)+len(d.mem)-d.n]
return b, nil
// UnmarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler interface.
func (d *Digest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error {
if len(b) < len(magic) || string(b[:len(magic)]) != magic {
return errors.New("xxhash: invalid hash state identifier")
if len(b) != marshaledSize {
return errors.New("xxhash: invalid hash state size")
b = b[len(magic):]
b, d.v1 = consumeUint64(b)
b, d.v2 = consumeUint64(b)
b, d.v3 = consumeUint64(b)
b, d.v4 = consumeUint64(b)
b, d.total = consumeUint64(b)
copy(d.mem[:], b)
d.n = int(d.total % uint64(len(d.mem)))
return nil
func appendUint64(b []byte, x uint64) []byte {
var a [8]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(a[:], x)
return append(b, a[:]...)
func consumeUint64(b []byte) ([]byte, uint64) {
x := u64(b)
return b[8:], x
func u64(b []byte) uint64 { return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b) }
func u32(b []byte) uint32 { return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b) }
func round(acc, input uint64) uint64 {
acc += input * prime2
acc = rol31(acc)
acc *= prime1
return acc
func mergeRound(acc, val uint64) uint64 {
val = round(0, val)
acc ^= val
acc = acc*prime1 + prime4
return acc
func rol1(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 1) }
func rol7(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 7) }
func rol11(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 11) }
func rol12(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 12) }
func rol18(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 18) }
func rol23(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 23) }
func rol27(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 27) }
func rol31(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 31) }

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// +build !appengine
// +build gc
// +build !purego
package xxhash
// Sum64 computes the 64-bit xxHash digest of b.
func Sum64(b []byte) uint64
func writeBlocks(d *Digest, b []byte) int

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
// +build !appengine
// +build gc
// +build !purego
#include "textflag.h"
// Register allocation:
// AX h
// SI pointer to advance through b
// DX n
// BX loop end
// R8 v1, k1
// R9 v2
// R10 v3
// R11 v4
// R12 tmp
// R13 prime1v
// R14 prime2v
// DI prime4v
// round reads from and advances the buffer pointer in SI.
// It assumes that R13 has prime1v and R14 has prime2v.
#define round(r) \
MOVQ (SI), R12 \
ADDQ $8, SI \
IMULQ R14, R12 \
ADDQ R12, r \
ROLQ $31, r \
IMULQ R13, r
// mergeRound applies a merge round on the two registers acc and val.
// It assumes that R13 has prime1v, R14 has prime2v, and DI has prime4v.
#define mergeRound(acc, val) \
IMULQ R14, val \
ROLQ $31, val \
IMULQ R13, val \
XORQ val, acc \
IMULQ R13, acc \
ADDQ DI, acc
// func Sum64(b []byte) uint64
TEXT ·Sum64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32
// Load fixed primes.
MOVQ ·prime1v(SB), R13
MOVQ ·prime2v(SB), R14
MOVQ ·prime4v(SB), DI
// Load slice.
MOVQ b_base+0(FP), SI
MOVQ b_len+8(FP), DX
// The first loop limit will be len(b)-32.
SUBQ $32, BX
// Check whether we have at least one block.
CMPQ DX, $32
JLT noBlocks
// Set up initial state (v1, v2, v3, v4).
MOVQ R13, R8
ADDQ R14, R8
MOVQ R14, R9
XORQ R10, R10
XORQ R11, R11
SUBQ R13, R11
// Loop until SI > BX.
JLE blockLoop
MOVQ R9, R12
ROLQ $7, R12
MOVQ R10, R12
ROLQ $12, R12
MOVQ R11, R12
ROLQ $18, R12
mergeRound(AX, R8)
mergeRound(AX, R9)
mergeRound(AX, R10)
mergeRound(AX, R11)
JMP afterBlocks
MOVQ ·prime5v(SB), AX
// Right now BX has len(b)-32, and we want to loop until SI > len(b)-8.
ADDQ $24, BX
JG fourByte
// Calculate k1.
ROLQ $31, R8
ROLQ $27, AX
JLE wordLoop
JG singles
ROLQ $23, AX
ADDQ ·prime3v(SB), AX
JGE finalize
IMULQ ·prime5v(SB), R12
ROLQ $11, AX
JL singlesLoop
SHRQ $33, R12
SHRQ $29, R12
IMULQ ·prime3v(SB), AX
SHRQ $32, R12
MOVQ AX, ret+24(FP)
// writeBlocks uses the same registers as above except that it uses AX to store
// the d pointer.
// func writeBlocks(d *Digest, b []byte) int
TEXT ·writeBlocks(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-40
// Load fixed primes needed for round.
MOVQ ·prime1v(SB), R13
MOVQ ·prime2v(SB), R14
// Load slice.
MOVQ b_base+8(FP), SI
MOVQ b_len+16(FP), DX
SUBQ $32, BX
// Load vN from d.
MOVQ d+0(FP), AX
MOVQ 0(AX), R8 // v1
MOVQ 8(AX), R9 // v2
MOVQ 16(AX), R10 // v3
MOVQ 24(AX), R11 // v4
// We don't need to check the loop condition here; this function is
// always called with at least one block of data to process.
JLE blockLoop
// Copy vN back to d.
MOVQ R8, 0(AX)
MOVQ R9, 8(AX)
MOVQ R10, 16(AX)
MOVQ R11, 24(AX)
// The number of bytes written is SI minus the old base pointer.
SUBQ b_base+8(FP), SI
MOVQ SI, ret+32(FP)

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
// +build !amd64 appengine !gc purego
package xxhash
// Sum64 computes the 64-bit xxHash digest of b.
func Sum64(b []byte) uint64 {
// A simpler version would be
// d := New()
// d.Write(b)
// return d.Sum64()
// but this is faster, particularly for small inputs.
n := len(b)
var h uint64
if n >= 32 {
v1 := prime1v + prime2
v2 := prime2
v3 := uint64(0)
v4 := -prime1v
for len(b) >= 32 {
v1 = round(v1, u64(b[0:8:len(b)]))
v2 = round(v2, u64(b[8:16:len(b)]))
v3 = round(v3, u64(b[16:24:len(b)]))
v4 = round(v4, u64(b[24:32:len(b)]))
b = b[32:len(b):len(b)]
h = rol1(v1) + rol7(v2) + rol12(v3) + rol18(v4)
h = mergeRound(h, v1)
h = mergeRound(h, v2)
h = mergeRound(h, v3)
h = mergeRound(h, v4)
} else {
h = prime5
h += uint64(n)
i, end := 0, len(b)
for ; i+8 <= end; i += 8 {
k1 := round(0, u64(b[i:i+8:len(b)]))
h ^= k1
h = rol27(h)*prime1 + prime4
if i+4 <= end {
h ^= uint64(u32(b[i:i+4:len(b)])) * prime1
h = rol23(h)*prime2 + prime3
i += 4
for ; i < end; i++ {
h ^= uint64(b[i]) * prime5
h = rol11(h) * prime1
h ^= h >> 33
h *= prime2
h ^= h >> 29
h *= prime3
h ^= h >> 32
return h
func writeBlocks(d *Digest, b []byte) int {
v1, v2, v3, v4 := d.v1, d.v2, d.v3, d.v4
n := len(b)
for len(b) >= 32 {
v1 = round(v1, u64(b[0:8:len(b)]))
v2 = round(v2, u64(b[8:16:len(b)]))
v3 = round(v3, u64(b[16:24:len(b)]))
v4 = round(v4, u64(b[24:32:len(b)]))
b = b[32:len(b):len(b)]
d.v1, d.v2, d.v3, d.v4 = v1, v2, v3, v4
return n - len(b)

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// +build appengine
// This file contains the safe implementations of otherwise unsafe-using code.
package xxhash
// Sum64String computes the 64-bit xxHash digest of s.
func Sum64String(s string) uint64 {
return Sum64([]byte(s))
// WriteString adds more data to d. It always returns len(s), nil.
func (d *Digest) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
return d.Write([]byte(s))

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
// +build !appengine
// This file encapsulates usage of unsafe.
// xxhash_safe.go contains the safe implementations.
package xxhash
import (
// In the future it's possible that compiler optimizations will make these
// XxxString functions unnecessary by realizing that calls such as
// Sum64([]byte(s)) don't need to copy s. See https://golang.org/issue/2205.
// If that happens, even if we keep these functions they can be replaced with
// the trivial safe code.
// NOTE: The usual way of doing an unsafe string-to-[]byte conversion is:
// var b []byte
// bh := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
// bh.Data = (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)).Data
// bh.Len = len(s)
// bh.Cap = len(s)
// Unfortunately, as of Go 1.15.3 the inliner's cost model assigns a high enough
// weight to this sequence of expressions that any function that uses it will
// not be inlined. Instead, the functions below use a different unsafe
// conversion designed to minimize the inliner weight and allow both to be
// inlined. There is also a test (TestInlining) which verifies that these are
// inlined.
// See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/42739 for discussion.
// Sum64String computes the 64-bit xxHash digest of s.
// It may be faster than Sum64([]byte(s)) by avoiding a copy.
func Sum64String(s string) uint64 {
b := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sliceHeader{s, len(s)}))
return Sum64(b)
// WriteString adds more data to d. It always returns len(s), nil.
// It may be faster than Write([]byte(s)) by avoiding a copy.
func (d *Digest) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
d.Write(*(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sliceHeader{s, len(s)})))
// d.Write always returns len(s), nil.
// Ignoring the return output and returning these fixed values buys a
// savings of 6 in the inliner's cost model.
return len(s), nil
// sliceHeader is similar to reflect.SliceHeader, but it assumes that the layout
// of the first two words is the same as the layout of a string.
type sliceHeader struct {
s string
cap int

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
CoreOS Project
Copyright 2018 CoreOS, Inc
This product includes software developed at CoreOS, Inc.

@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
// Copyright 2013-2015 CoreOS, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Semantic Versions http://semver.org
package semver
import (
type Version struct {
Major int64
Minor int64
Patch int64
PreRelease PreRelease
Metadata string
type PreRelease string
func splitOff(input *string, delim string) (val string) {
parts := strings.SplitN(*input, delim, 2)
if len(parts) == 2 {
*input = parts[0]
val = parts[1]
return val
func New(version string) *Version {
return Must(NewVersion(version))
func NewVersion(version string) (*Version, error) {
v := Version{}
if err := v.Set(version); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &v, nil
// Must is a helper for wrapping NewVersion and will panic if err is not nil.
func Must(v *Version, err error) *Version {
if err != nil {
return v
// Set parses and updates v from the given version string. Implements flag.Value
func (v *Version) Set(version string) error {
metadata := splitOff(&version, "+")
preRelease := PreRelease(splitOff(&version, "-"))
dotParts := strings.SplitN(version, ".", 3)
if len(dotParts) != 3 {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not in dotted-tri format", version)
if err := validateIdentifier(string(preRelease)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to validate pre-release: %v", err)
if err := validateIdentifier(metadata); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to validate metadata: %v", err)
parsed := make([]int64, 3, 3)
for i, v := range dotParts[:3] {
val, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
parsed[i] = val
if err != nil {
return err
v.Metadata = metadata
v.PreRelease = preRelease
v.Major = parsed[0]
v.Minor = parsed[1]
v.Patch = parsed[2]
return nil
func (v Version) String() string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buffer, "%d.%d.%d", v.Major, v.Minor, v.Patch)
if v.PreRelease != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buffer, "-%s", v.PreRelease)
if v.Metadata != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buffer, "+%s", v.Metadata)
return buffer.String()
func (v *Version) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var data string
if err := unmarshal(&data); err != nil {
return err
return v.Set(data)
func (v Version) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(`"` + v.String() + `"`), nil
func (v *Version) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
l := len(data)
if l == 0 || string(data) == `""` {
return nil
if l < 2 || data[0] != '"' || data[l-1] != '"' {
return errors.New("invalid semver string")
return v.Set(string(data[1 : l-1]))
// Compare tests if v is less than, equal to, or greater than versionB,
// returning -1, 0, or +1 respectively.
func (v Version) Compare(versionB Version) int {
if cmp := recursiveCompare(v.Slice(), versionB.Slice()); cmp != 0 {
return cmp
return preReleaseCompare(v, versionB)
// Equal tests if v is equal to versionB.
func (v Version) Equal(versionB Version) bool {
return v.Compare(versionB) == 0
// LessThan tests if v is less than versionB.
func (v Version) LessThan(versionB Version) bool {
return v.Compare(versionB) < 0
// Slice converts the comparable parts of the semver into a slice of integers.
func (v Version) Slice() []int64 {
return []int64{v.Major, v.Minor, v.Patch}
func (p PreRelease) Slice() []string {
preRelease := string(p)
return strings.Split(preRelease, ".")
func preReleaseCompare(versionA Version, versionB Version) int {
a := versionA.PreRelease
b := versionB.PreRelease
/* Handle the case where if two versions are otherwise equal it is the
* one without a PreRelease that is greater */
if len(a) == 0 && (len(b) > 0) {
return 1
} else if len(b) == 0 && (len(a) > 0) {
return -1
// If there is a prerelease, check and compare each part.
return recursivePreReleaseCompare(a.Slice(), b.Slice())
func recursiveCompare(versionA []int64, versionB []int64) int {
if len(versionA) == 0 {
return 0
a := versionA[0]
b := versionB[0]
if a > b {
return 1
} else if a < b {
return -1
return recursiveCompare(versionA[1:], versionB[1:])
func recursivePreReleaseCompare(versionA []string, versionB []string) int {
// A larger set of pre-release fields has a higher precedence than a smaller set,
// if all of the preceding identifiers are equal.
if len(versionA) == 0 {
if len(versionB) > 0 {
return -1
return 0
} else if len(versionB) == 0 {
// We're longer than versionB so return 1.
return 1
a := versionA[0]
b := versionB[0]
aInt := false
bInt := false
aI, err := strconv.Atoi(versionA[0])
if err == nil {
aInt = true
bI, err := strconv.Atoi(versionB[0])
if err == nil {
bInt = true
// Numeric identifiers always have lower precedence than non-numeric identifiers.
if aInt && !bInt {
return -1
} else if !aInt && bInt {
return 1
// Handle Integer Comparison
if aInt && bInt {
if aI > bI {
return 1
} else if aI < bI {
return -1
// Handle String Comparison
if a > b {
return 1
} else if a < b {
return -1
return recursivePreReleaseCompare(versionA[1:], versionB[1:])
// BumpMajor increments the Major field by 1 and resets all other fields to their default values
func (v *Version) BumpMajor() {
v.Major += 1
v.Minor = 0
v.Patch = 0
v.PreRelease = PreRelease("")
v.Metadata = ""
// BumpMinor increments the Minor field by 1 and resets all other fields to their default values
func (v *Version) BumpMinor() {
v.Minor += 1
v.Patch = 0
v.PreRelease = PreRelease("")
v.Metadata = ""
// BumpPatch increments the Patch field by 1 and resets all other fields to their default values
func (v *Version) BumpPatch() {
v.Patch += 1
v.PreRelease = PreRelease("")
v.Metadata = ""
// validateIdentifier makes sure the provided identifier satisfies semver spec
func validateIdentifier(id string) error {
if id != "" && !reIdentifier.MatchString(id) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid semver identifier", id)
return nil
// reIdentifier is a regular expression used to check that pre-release and metadata
// identifiers satisfy the spec requirements
var reIdentifier = regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9A-Za-z-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*$`)

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// Copyright 2013-2015 CoreOS, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package semver
import (
type Versions []*Version
func (s Versions) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s Versions) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
func (s Versions) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s[i].LessThan(*s[j])
// Sort sorts the given slice of Version
func Sort(versions []*Version) {

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and
distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright
owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities
that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity.
For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or
indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by
contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising
permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including
but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or
translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code,
generated documentation, and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made
available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included
in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that
is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions,
annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an
original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works
shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by
name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version
of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works
thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work
by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit
on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition,
"submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and
issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for
the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication
that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright
owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf
of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently
incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby
grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free,
irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such
Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby
grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free,
irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have
made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where
such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor
that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination
of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was
submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a
Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory
patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License
for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution.
You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof
in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form,
provided that You meet the following conditions:
You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of
this License; and
You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You
changed the files; and
You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute,
all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form
of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the
Derivative Works; and
If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any
Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the
attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices
that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the
following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the
Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along
with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative
Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of
the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the
License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that
You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work,
provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as
modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide
additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or
distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole,
provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies
with the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions.
Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and
conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of
any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding
such Contributions.
6. Trademarks.
This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks,
service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for
reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and
reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the
Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE,
solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or
redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of
permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability.
In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence),
contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate
and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental,
or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or
out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to
damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or
any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has
been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability.
While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to
offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or
other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However,
in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your
sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You
agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your
accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate
notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own
identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be
enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also
recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on
the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within
third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
CoreOS Project
Copyright 2018 CoreOS, Inc
This product includes software developed at CoreOS, Inc.

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// Copyright 2015 CoreOS, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package journal provides write bindings to the local systemd journal.
// It is implemented in pure Go and connects to the journal directly over its
// unix socket.
// To read from the journal, see the "sdjournal" package, which wraps the
// sd-journal a C API.
// http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-journald.service.html
package journal
import (
// Priority of a journal message
type Priority int
const (
PriEmerg Priority = iota
// Print prints a message to the local systemd journal using Send().
func Print(priority Priority, format string, a ...interface{}) error {
return Send(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...), priority, nil)

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
// Copyright 2015 CoreOS, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// +build !windows
// Package journal provides write bindings to the local systemd journal.
// It is implemented in pure Go and connects to the journal directly over its
// unix socket.
// To read from the journal, see the "sdjournal" package, which wraps the
// sd-journal a C API.
// http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-journald.service.html
package journal
import (
var (
// This can be overridden at build-time:
// https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/GcToolchainTricks#including-build-information-in-the-executable
journalSocket = "/run/systemd/journal/socket"
// unixConnPtr atomically holds the local unconnected Unix-domain socket.
// Concrete safe pointer type: *net.UnixConn
unixConnPtr unsafe.Pointer
// onceConn ensures that unixConnPtr is initialized exactly once.
onceConn sync.Once
func init() {
// Enabled checks whether the local systemd journal is available for logging.
func Enabled() bool {
if (*net.UnixConn)(atomic.LoadPointer(&unixConnPtr)) == nil {
return false
conn, err := net.Dial("unixgram", journalSocket)
if err != nil {
return false
defer conn.Close()
return true
// Send a message to the local systemd journal. vars is a map of journald
// fields to values. Fields must be composed of uppercase letters, numbers,
// and underscores, but must not start with an underscore. Within these
// restrictions, any arbitrary field name may be used. Some names have special
// significance: see the journalctl documentation
// (http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.journal-fields.html)
// for more details. vars may be nil.
func Send(message string, priority Priority, vars map[string]string) error {
conn := (*net.UnixConn)(atomic.LoadPointer(&unixConnPtr))
if conn == nil {
return errors.New("could not initialize socket to journald")
socketAddr := &net.UnixAddr{
Name: journalSocket,
Net: "unixgram",
data := new(bytes.Buffer)
appendVariable(data, "PRIORITY", strconv.Itoa(int(priority)))
appendVariable(data, "MESSAGE", message)
for k, v := range vars {
appendVariable(data, k, v)
_, _, err := conn.WriteMsgUnix(data.Bytes(), nil, socketAddr)
if err == nil {
return nil
if !isSocketSpaceError(err) {
return err
// Large log entry, send it via tempfile and ancillary-fd.
file, err := tempFd()
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(file, data)
if err != nil {
return err
rights := syscall.UnixRights(int(file.Fd()))
_, _, err = conn.WriteMsgUnix([]byte{}, rights, socketAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func appendVariable(w io.Writer, name, value string) {
if err := validVarName(name); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "variable name %s contains invalid character, ignoring\n", name)
if strings.ContainsRune(value, '\n') {
/* When the value contains a newline, we write:
* - the variable name, followed by a newline
* - the size (in 64bit little endian format)
* - the data, followed by a newline
fmt.Fprintln(w, name)
binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, uint64(len(value)))
fmt.Fprintln(w, value)
} else {
/* just write the variable and value all on one line */
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s=%s\n", name, value)
// validVarName validates a variable name to make sure journald will accept it.
// The variable name must be in uppercase and consist only of characters,
// numbers and underscores, and may not begin with an underscore:
// https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/sd_journal_print.html
func validVarName(name string) error {
if name == "" {
return errors.New("Empty variable name")
} else if name[0] == '_' {
return errors.New("Variable name begins with an underscore")
for _, c := range name {
if !(('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || c == '_') {
return errors.New("Variable name contains invalid characters")
return nil
// isSocketSpaceError checks whether the error is signaling
// an "overlarge message" condition.
func isSocketSpaceError(err error) bool {
opErr, ok := err.(*net.OpError)
if !ok || opErr == nil {
return false
sysErr, ok := opErr.Err.(*os.SyscallError)
if !ok || sysErr == nil {
return false
return sysErr.Err == syscall.EMSGSIZE || sysErr.Err == syscall.ENOBUFS
// tempFd creates a temporary, unlinked file under `/dev/shm`.
func tempFd() (*os.File, error) {
file, err := ioutil.TempFile("/dev/shm/", "journal.XXXXX")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = syscall.Unlink(file.Name())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return file, nil
// initConn initializes the global `unixConnPtr` socket.
// It is meant to be called exactly once, at program startup.
func initConn() {
autobind, err := net.ResolveUnixAddr("unixgram", "")
if err != nil {
sock, err := net.ListenUnixgram("unixgram", autobind)
if err != nil {
atomic.StorePointer(&unixConnPtr, unsafe.Pointer(sock))

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// Copyright 2015 CoreOS, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package journal provides write bindings to the local systemd journal.
// It is implemented in pure Go and connects to the journal directly over its
// unix socket.
// To read from the journal, see the "sdjournal" package, which wraps the
// sd-journal a C API.
// http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-journald.service.html
package journal
import (
func Enabled() bool {
return false
func Send(message string, priority Priority, vars map[string]string) error {
return errors.New("could not initialize socket to journald")

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Damian Gryski <damian@gryski.com>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
package rendezvous
type Rendezvous struct {
nodes map[string]int
nstr []string
nhash []uint64
hash Hasher
type Hasher func(s string) uint64
func New(nodes []string, hash Hasher) *Rendezvous {
r := &Rendezvous{
nodes: make(map[string]int, len(nodes)),
nstr: make([]string, len(nodes)),
nhash: make([]uint64, len(nodes)),
hash: hash,
for i, n := range nodes {
r.nodes[n] = i
r.nstr[i] = n
r.nhash[i] = hash(n)
return r
func (r *Rendezvous) Lookup(k string) string {
// short-circuit if we're empty
if len(r.nodes) == 0 {
return ""
khash := r.hash(k)
var midx int
var mhash = xorshiftMult64(khash ^ r.nhash[0])
for i, nhash := range r.nhash[1:] {
if h := xorshiftMult64(khash ^ nhash); h > mhash {
midx = i + 1
mhash = h
return r.nstr[midx]
func (r *Rendezvous) Add(node string) {
r.nodes[node] = len(r.nstr)
r.nstr = append(r.nstr, node)
r.nhash = append(r.nhash, r.hash(node))
func (r *Rendezvous) Remove(node string) {
// find index of node to remove
nidx := r.nodes[node]
// remove from the slices
l := len(r.nstr)
r.nstr[nidx] = r.nstr[l]
r.nstr = r.nstr[:l]
r.nhash[nidx] = r.nhash[l]
r.nhash = r.nhash[:l]
// update the map
delete(r.nodes, node)
moved := r.nstr[nidx]
r.nodes[moved] = nidx
func xorshiftMult64(x uint64) uint64 {
x ^= x >> 12 // a
x ^= x << 25 // b
x ^= x >> 27 // c
return x * 2685821657736338717

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