You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package gojobs
import (
// 创建模型
func (c *Client) autoMigrateTask(ctx context.Context) {
// 创建时间序列集合
func (c *Client) mongoCreateCollectionTask(ctx context.Context) {
var commandResult bson.M
commandErr := c.db.mongoClient.Db.Database(c.db.mongoDatabaseName).RunCommand(ctx, bson.D{{
"listCollections", 1,
if commandErr != nil {
c.zapLog.WithTraceId(ctx).Sugar().Errorf("检查时间序列集合:%s", commandErr)
} else {
c.zapLog.WithTraceId(ctx).Sugar().Info(c.db.mongoClient.Db.Database(c.db.mongoDatabaseName).CreateCollection(ctx, jobs_mongo_model.Task{}.TableName(), options.CreateCollection().SetTimeSeriesOptions(options.TimeSeries().SetTimeField("create_time"))))
// 创建索引
func (c *Client) mongoCreateIndexesTask(ctx context.Context) {
indexes, err := c.db.mongoClient.Database(c.db.mongoDatabaseName).Collection(jobs_mongo_model.Task{}.TableName()).CreateManyIndexes(ctx, []mongo.IndexModel{
Keys: bson.D{{
Key: "status",
Value: 1,
}, {
Keys: bson.D{{
Key: "frequency",
Value: 1,
}, {
Keys: bson.D{{
Key: "custom_id",
Value: 1,
}, {
Keys: bson.D{{
Key: "type",
Value: 1,
}, {
Keys: bson.D{{
Key: "specify_ip",
Value: 1,
if err != nil {
c.zapLog.WithTraceId(ctx).Sugar().Errorf("创建索引:%s", err)
c.zapLog.WithTraceId(ctx).Sugar().Infof("创建索引:%s", indexes)