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package retry
import (
// BackoffDelayer provides the interface for determining the delay to before
// another request attempt, that previously failed.
type BackoffDelayer interface {
BackoffDelay(attempt int, err error) (time.Duration, error)
// BackoffDelayerFunc provides a wrapper around a function to determine the
// backoff delay of an attempt retry.
type BackoffDelayerFunc func(int, error) (time.Duration, error)
// BackoffDelay returns the delay before attempt to retry a request.
func (fn BackoffDelayerFunc) BackoffDelay(attempt int, err error) (time.Duration, error) {
return fn(attempt, err)
const (
// DefaultMaxAttempts is the maximum of attempts for an API request
DefaultMaxAttempts int = 3
// DefaultMaxBackoff is the maximum back off delay between attempts
DefaultMaxBackoff time.Duration = 20 * time.Second
// Default retry token quota values.
const (
DefaultRetryRateTokens uint = 500
DefaultRetryCost uint = 5
DefaultRetryTimeoutCost uint = 10
DefaultNoRetryIncrement uint = 1
// DefaultRetryableHTTPStatusCodes is the default set of HTTP status codes the SDK
// should consider as retryable errors.
var DefaultRetryableHTTPStatusCodes = map[int]struct{}{
500: {},
502: {},
503: {},
504: {},
// DefaultRetryableErrorCodes provides the set of API error codes that should
// be retried.
var DefaultRetryableErrorCodes = map[string]struct{}{
"RequestTimeout": {},
"RequestTimeoutException": {},
// DefaultThrottleErrorCodes provides the set of API error codes that are
// considered throttle errors.
var DefaultThrottleErrorCodes = map[string]struct{}{
"Throttling": {},
"ThrottlingException": {},
"ThrottledException": {},
"RequestThrottledException": {},
"TooManyRequestsException": {},
"ProvisionedThroughputExceededException": {},
"TransactionInProgressException": {},
"RequestLimitExceeded": {},
"BandwidthLimitExceeded": {},
"LimitExceededException": {},
"RequestThrottled": {},
"SlowDown": {},
"PriorRequestNotComplete": {},
"EC2ThrottledException": {},
// DefaultRetryables provides the set of retryable checks that are used by
// default.
var DefaultRetryables = []IsErrorRetryable{
Codes: DefaultRetryableHTTPStatusCodes,
Codes: DefaultRetryableErrorCodes,
Codes: DefaultThrottleErrorCodes,
// DefaultTimeouts provides the set of timeout checks that are used by default.
var DefaultTimeouts = []IsErrorTimeout{
// StandardOptions provides the functional options for configuring the standard
// retryable, and delay behavior.
type StandardOptions struct {
// Maximum number of attempts that should be made.
MaxAttempts int
// MaxBackoff duration between retried attempts.
MaxBackoff time.Duration
// Provides the backoff strategy the retryer will use to determine the
// delay between retry attempts.
Backoff BackoffDelayer
// Set of strategies to determine if the attempt should be retried based on
// the error response received.
// It is safe to append to this list in NewStandard's functional options.
Retryables []IsErrorRetryable
// Set of strategies to determine if the attempt failed due to a timeout
// error.
// It is safe to append to this list in NewStandard's functional options.
Timeouts []IsErrorTimeout
// Provides the rate limiting strategy for rate limiting attempt retries
// across all attempts the retryer is being used with.
RateLimiter RateLimiter
// The cost to deduct from the RateLimiter's token bucket per retry.
RetryCost uint
// The cost to deduct from the RateLimiter's token bucket per retry caused
// by timeout error.
RetryTimeoutCost uint
// The cost to payback to the RateLimiter's token bucket for successful
// attempts.
NoRetryIncrement uint
// RateLimiter provides the interface for limiting the rate of attempt retries
// allowed by the retryer.
type RateLimiter interface {
GetToken(ctx context.Context, cost uint) (releaseToken func() error, err error)
AddTokens(uint) error
// Standard is the standard retry pattern for the SDK. It uses a set of
// retryable checks to determine of the failed attempt should be retried, and
// what retry delay should be used.
type Standard struct {
options StandardOptions
timeout IsErrorTimeout
retryable IsErrorRetryable
backoff BackoffDelayer
// NewStandard initializes a standard retry behavior with defaults that can be
// overridden via functional options.
func NewStandard(fnOpts ...func(*StandardOptions)) *Standard {
o := StandardOptions{
MaxAttempts: DefaultMaxAttempts,
MaxBackoff: DefaultMaxBackoff,
Retryables: append([]IsErrorRetryable{}, DefaultRetryables...),
Timeouts: append([]IsErrorTimeout{}, DefaultTimeouts...),
RateLimiter: ratelimit.NewTokenRateLimit(DefaultRetryRateTokens),
RetryCost: DefaultRetryCost,
RetryTimeoutCost: DefaultRetryTimeoutCost,
NoRetryIncrement: DefaultNoRetryIncrement,
for _, fn := range fnOpts {
if o.MaxAttempts <= 0 {
o.MaxAttempts = DefaultMaxAttempts
backoff := o.Backoff
if backoff == nil {
backoff = NewExponentialJitterBackoff(o.MaxBackoff)
return &Standard{
options: o,
backoff: backoff,
retryable: IsErrorRetryables(o.Retryables),
timeout: IsErrorTimeouts(o.Timeouts),
// MaxAttempts returns the maximum number of attempts that can be made for a
// request before failing.
func (s *Standard) MaxAttempts() int {
return s.options.MaxAttempts
// IsErrorRetryable returns if the error is can be retried or not. Should not
// consider the number of attempts made.
func (s *Standard) IsErrorRetryable(err error) bool {
return s.retryable.IsErrorRetryable(err).Bool()
// RetryDelay returns the delay to use before another request attempt is made.
func (s *Standard) RetryDelay(attempt int, err error) (time.Duration, error) {
return s.backoff.BackoffDelay(attempt, err)
// GetAttemptToken returns the token to be released after then attempt completes.
// The release token will add NoRetryIncrement to the RateLimiter token pool if
// the attempt was successful. If the attempt failed, nothing will be done.
func (s *Standard) GetAttemptToken(context.Context) (func(error) error, error) {
return s.GetInitialToken(), nil
// GetInitialToken returns a token for adding the NoRetryIncrement to the
// RateLimiter token if the attempt completed successfully without error.
// InitialToken applies to result of the each attempt, including the first.
// Whereas the RetryToken applies to the result of subsequent attempts.
// Deprecated: use GetAttemptToken instead.
func (s *Standard) GetInitialToken() func(error) error {
return releaseToken(s.noRetryIncrement).release
func (s *Standard) noRetryIncrement() error {
return s.options.RateLimiter.AddTokens(s.options.NoRetryIncrement)
// GetRetryToken attempts to deduct the retry cost from the retry token pool.
// Returning the token release function, or error.
func (s *Standard) GetRetryToken(ctx context.Context, opErr error) (func(error) error, error) {
cost := s.options.RetryCost
if s.timeout.IsErrorTimeout(opErr).Bool() {
cost = s.options.RetryTimeoutCost
fn, err := s.options.RateLimiter.GetToken(ctx, cost)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get rate limit token, %w", err)
return releaseToken(fn).release, nil
func nopRelease(error) error { return nil }
type releaseToken func() error
func (f releaseToken) release(err error) error {
if err != nil {
return nil
return f()