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package wechatpayopen
import (
type MerchantFundBalanceResponse struct {
AvailableAmount int64 `json:"available_amount"` // 可用余额
PendingAmount int64 `json:"pending_amount"` // 不可用余额
type MerchantFundBalanceResult struct {
Result MerchantFundBalanceResponse // 结果
Body []byte // 内容
Http gorequest.Response // 请求
Err error // 错误
ApiError ApiError // 接口错误
func newMerchantFundBalanceResult(result MerchantFundBalanceResponse, body []byte, http gorequest.Response, err error, apiError ApiError) *MerchantFundBalanceResult {
return &MerchantFundBalanceResult{Result: result, Body: body, Http: http, Err: err, ApiError: apiError}
// MerchantFundBalance 查询电商平台账户实时余额API
// accountType 账户类型 BASIC基本账户 OPERATION运营账户 FEES手续费账户
func (c *Client) MerchantFundBalance(ctx context.Context, accountType string) *MerchantFundBalanceResult {
// 参数
params := gorequest.NewParams()
// 请求
request, err := c.request(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(apiUrl+"/v3/merchant/fund/balance/%s", accountType), params, http.MethodGet)
if err != nil {
return newMerchantFundBalanceResult(MerchantFundBalanceResponse{}, request.ResponseBody, request, err, ApiError{})
// 定义
var response MerchantFundBalanceResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(request.ResponseBody, &response)
// 错误
var apiError ApiError
err = json.Unmarshal(request.ResponseBody, &apiError)
return newMerchantFundBalanceResult(response, request.ResponseBody, request, err, apiError)