You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

389 lines
10 KiB

2 years ago
// Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
// this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package obs
import (
// ListObjsInput defines parameters for listing objects
type ListObjsInput struct {
Prefix string
MaxKeys int
Delimiter string
Origin string
RequestHeader string
EncodingType string
// ListObjectsInput is the input parameter of ListObjects function
type ListObjectsInput struct {
Bucket string
Marker string
// ListObjectsOutput is the result of ListObjects function
type ListObjectsOutput struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListBucketResult"`
Delimiter string `xml:"Delimiter"`
IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"`
Marker string `xml:"Marker"`
NextMarker string `xml:"NextMarker"`
MaxKeys int `xml:"MaxKeys"`
Name string `xml:"Name"`
Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"`
Contents []Content `xml:"Contents"`
CommonPrefixes []string `xml:"CommonPrefixes>Prefix"`
Location string `xml:"-"`
EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"`
// ListVersionsInput is the input parameter of ListVersions function
type ListVersionsInput struct {
Bucket string
KeyMarker string
VersionIdMarker string
// ListVersionsOutput is the result of ListVersions function
type ListVersionsOutput struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListVersionsResult"`
Delimiter string `xml:"Delimiter"`
IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"`
KeyMarker string `xml:"KeyMarker"`
NextKeyMarker string `xml:"NextKeyMarker"`
VersionIdMarker string `xml:"VersionIdMarker"`
NextVersionIdMarker string `xml:"NextVersionIdMarker"`
MaxKeys int `xml:"MaxKeys"`
Name string `xml:"Name"`
Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"`
Versions []Version `xml:"Version"`
DeleteMarkers []DeleteMarker `xml:"DeleteMarker"`
CommonPrefixes []string `xml:"CommonPrefixes>Prefix"`
Location string `xml:"-"`
EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"`
// DeleteObjectInput is the input parameter of DeleteObject function
type DeleteObjectInput struct {
Bucket string
Key string
VersionId string
// DeleteObjectOutput is the result of DeleteObject function
type DeleteObjectOutput struct {
VersionId string
DeleteMarker bool
// DeleteObjectsInput is the input parameter of DeleteObjects function
type DeleteObjectsInput struct {
Bucket string `xml:"-"`
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Delete"`
Quiet bool `xml:"Quiet,omitempty"`
Objects []ObjectToDelete `xml:"Object"`
EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType"`
// DeleteObjectsOutput is the result of DeleteObjects function
type DeleteObjectsOutput struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"DeleteResult"`
Deleteds []Deleted `xml:"Deleted"`
Errors []Error `xml:"Error"`
EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"`
// SetObjectAclInput is the input parameter of SetObjectAcl function
type SetObjectAclInput struct {
Bucket string `xml:"-"`
Key string `xml:"-"`
VersionId string `xml:"-"`
ACL AclType `xml:"-"`
// GetObjectAclInput is the input parameter of GetObjectAcl function
type GetObjectAclInput struct {
Bucket string
Key string
VersionId string
// GetObjectAclOutput is the result of GetObjectAcl function
type GetObjectAclOutput struct {
VersionId string
// RestoreObjectInput is the input parameter of RestoreObject function
type RestoreObjectInput struct {
Bucket string `xml:"-"`
Key string `xml:"-"`
VersionId string `xml:"-"`
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"RestoreRequest"`
Days int `xml:"Days"`
Tier RestoreTierType `xml:"GlacierJobParameters>Tier,omitempty"`
// GetObjectMetadataInput is the input parameter of GetObjectMetadata function
type GetObjectMetadataInput struct {
Bucket string
Key string
VersionId string
Origin string
RequestHeader string
SseHeader ISseHeader
// GetObjectMetadataOutput is the result of GetObjectMetadata function
type GetObjectMetadataOutput struct {
VersionId string
WebsiteRedirectLocation string
Expiration string
Restore string
ObjectType string
NextAppendPosition string
StorageClass StorageClassType
ContentLength int64
ContentType string
ETag string
AllowOrigin string
AllowHeader string
AllowMethod string
ExposeHeader string
MaxAgeSeconds int
LastModified time.Time
SseHeader ISseHeader
Metadata map[string]string
type GetAttributeInput struct {
RequestPayer string
type GetAttributeOutput struct {
Mode int
2 years ago
// GetObjectInput is the input parameter of GetObject function
type GetObjectInput struct {
IfMatch string
IfNoneMatch string
IfUnmodifiedSince time.Time
IfModifiedSince time.Time
RangeStart int64
RangeEnd int64
ImageProcess string
ResponseCacheControl string
ResponseContentDisposition string
ResponseContentEncoding string
ResponseContentLanguage string
ResponseContentType string
ResponseExpires string
// GetObjectOutput is the result of GetObject function
type GetObjectOutput struct {
DeleteMarker bool
CacheControl string
ContentDisposition string
ContentEncoding string
ContentLanguage string
Expires string
Body io.ReadCloser
// ObjectOperationInput defines the object operation properties
type ObjectOperationInput struct {
Bucket string
Key string
ACL AclType
GrantReadId string
GrantReadAcpId string
GrantWriteAcpId string
GrantFullControlId string
StorageClass StorageClassType
WebsiteRedirectLocation string
Expires int64
SseHeader ISseHeader
Metadata map[string]string
// PutObjectBasicInput defines the basic object operation properties
type PutObjectBasicInput struct {
ContentType string
ContentMD5 string
ContentLength int64
ContentEncoding string
2 years ago
// PutObjectInput is the input parameter of PutObject function
type PutObjectInput struct {
Body io.Reader
type NewFolderInput struct {
RequestPayer string
type NewFolderOutput struct {
2 years ago
// PutFileInput is the input parameter of PutFile function
type PutFileInput struct {
SourceFile string
// PutObjectOutput is the result of PutObject function
type PutObjectOutput struct {
VersionId string
SseHeader ISseHeader
StorageClass StorageClassType
ETag string
ObjectUrl string
2 years ago
// CopyObjectInput is the input parameter of CopyObject function
type CopyObjectInput struct {
CopySourceBucket string
CopySourceKey string
CopySourceVersionId string
CopySourceIfMatch string
CopySourceIfNoneMatch string
CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince time.Time
CopySourceIfModifiedSince time.Time
SourceSseHeader ISseHeader
CacheControl string
ContentDisposition string
ContentEncoding string
ContentLanguage string
ContentType string
Expires string
MetadataDirective MetadataDirectiveType
SuccessActionRedirect string
// CopyObjectOutput is the result of CopyObject function
type CopyObjectOutput struct {
CopySourceVersionId string `xml:"-"`
VersionId string `xml:"-"`
SseHeader ISseHeader `xml:"-"`
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CopyObjectResult"`
LastModified time.Time `xml:"LastModified"`
ETag string `xml:"ETag"`
// UploadFileInput is the input parameter of UploadFile function
type UploadFileInput struct {
ContentType string
UploadFile string
PartSize int64
TaskNum int
EnableCheckpoint bool
CheckpointFile string
EncodingType string
// DownloadFileInput is the input parameter of DownloadFile function
type DownloadFileInput struct {
IfMatch string
IfNoneMatch string
IfModifiedSince time.Time
IfUnmodifiedSince time.Time
DownloadFile string
PartSize int64
TaskNum int
EnableCheckpoint bool
CheckpointFile string
type AppendObjectInput struct {
Body io.Reader
Position int64
type AppendObjectOutput struct {
VersionId string
SseHeader ISseHeader
NextAppendPosition int64
ETag string
type ModifyObjectInput struct {
Bucket string
Key string
Position int64
Body io.Reader
ContentLength int64
type ModifyObjectOutput struct {
ETag string
// HeadObjectInput is the input parameter of HeadObject function
type HeadObjectInput struct {
Bucket string
Key string
VersionId string
type RenameFileInput struct {
Bucket string
Key string
NewObjectKey string
RequestPayer string
type RenameFileOutput struct {
type RenameFolderInput struct {
Bucket string
Key string
NewObjectKey string
RequestPayer string
type RenameFolderOutput struct {