You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

967 lines
27 KiB

2 years ago
package oss
import (
9 months ago
2 years ago
// Conn defines OSS Conn
type Conn struct {
config *Config
url *urlMaker
client *http.Client
var signKeyList = []string{"acl", "uploads", "location", "cors",
"logging", "website", "referer", "lifecycle",
"delete", "append", "tagging", "objectMeta",
"uploadId", "partNumber", "security-token",
"position", "img", "style", "styleName",
"replication", "replicationProgress",
"replicationLocation", "cname", "bucketInfo",
"comp", "qos", "live", "status", "vod",
"startTime", "endTime", "symlink",
"x-oss-process", "response-content-type", "x-oss-traffic-limit",
"response-content-language", "response-expires",
"response-cache-control", "response-content-disposition",
"response-content-encoding", "udf", "udfName", "udfImage",
"udfId", "udfImageDesc", "udfApplication", "comp",
"udfApplicationLog", "restore", "callback", "callback-var", "qosInfo",
"policy", "stat", "encryption", "versions", "versioning", "versionId", "requestPayment",
"x-oss-request-payer", "sequential",
"inventory", "inventoryId", "continuation-token", "asyncFetch",
"worm", "wormId", "wormExtend", "withHashContext",
"x-oss-enable-md5", "x-oss-enable-sha1", "x-oss-enable-sha256",
"x-oss-hash-ctx", "x-oss-md5-ctx", "transferAcceleration",
"regionList", "cloudboxes", "x-oss-ac-source-ip", "x-oss-ac-subnet-mask", "x-oss-ac-vpc-id", "x-oss-ac-forward-allow",
10 months ago
"metaQuery", "resourceGroup", "rtc", "x-oss-async-process",
2 years ago
// init initializes Conn
func (conn *Conn) init(config *Config, urlMaker *urlMaker, client *http.Client) error {
if client == nil {
// New transport
transport := newTransport(conn, config)
// Proxy
if conn.config.IsUseProxy {
proxyURL, err := url.Parse(config.ProxyHost)
if err != nil {
return err
if config.IsAuthProxy {
if config.ProxyPassword != "" {
proxyURL.User = url.UserPassword(config.ProxyUser, config.ProxyPassword)
} else {
proxyURL.User = url.User(config.ProxyUser)
transport.Proxy = http.ProxyURL(proxyURL)
client = &http.Client{Transport: transport}
if !config.RedirectEnabled {
conn.config = config
conn.url = urlMaker
conn.client = client
return nil
// Do sends request and returns the response
func (conn Conn) Do(method, bucketName, objectName string, params map[string]interface{}, headers map[string]string,
9 months ago
data io.Reader, initCRC uint64, listener ProgressListener) (*Response, error) {
return conn.DoWithContext(nil, method, bucketName, objectName, params, headers, data, initCRC, listener)
// DoWithContext sends request and returns the response with context
func (conn Conn) DoWithContext(ctx context.Context, method, bucketName, objectName string, params map[string]interface{}, headers map[string]string,
2 years ago
data io.Reader, initCRC uint64, listener ProgressListener) (*Response, error) {
urlParams := conn.getURLParams(params)
subResource := conn.getSubResource(params)
uri := conn.url.getURL(bucketName, objectName, urlParams)
resource := ""
if conn.config.AuthVersion != AuthV4 {
resource = conn.getResource(bucketName, objectName, subResource)
} else {
resource = conn.getResourceV4(bucketName, objectName, subResource)
9 months ago
return conn.doRequest(ctx, method, uri, resource, headers, data, initCRC, listener)
2 years ago
// DoURL sends the request with signed URL and returns the response result.
func (conn Conn) DoURL(method HTTPMethod, signedURL string, headers map[string]string,
9 months ago
data io.Reader, initCRC uint64, listener ProgressListener) (*Response, error) {
return conn.DoURLWithContext(nil, method, signedURL, headers, data, initCRC, listener)
// DoURLWithContext sends the request with signed URL and context and returns the response result.
func (conn Conn) DoURLWithContext(ctx context.Context, method HTTPMethod, signedURL string, headers map[string]string,
2 years ago
data io.Reader, initCRC uint64, listener ProgressListener) (*Response, error) {
// Get URI from signedURL
uri, err := url.ParseRequestURI(signedURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := strings.ToUpper(string(method))
req := &http.Request{
Method: m,
URL: uri,
Proto: "HTTP/1.1",
ProtoMajor: 1,
ProtoMinor: 1,
Header: make(http.Header),
Host: uri.Host,
9 months ago
if ctx != nil {
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
2 years ago
tracker := &readerTracker{completedBytes: 0}
fd, crc := conn.handleBody(req, data, initCRC, listener, tracker)
if fd != nil {
defer func() {
if conn.config.IsAuthProxy {
auth := conn.config.ProxyUser + ":" + conn.config.ProxyPassword
basic := "Basic " + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(auth))
req.Header.Set("Proxy-Authorization", basic)
req.Header.Set(HTTPHeaderHost, req.Host)
req.Header.Set(HTTPHeaderUserAgent, conn.config.UserAgent)
if headers != nil {
for k, v := range headers {
req.Header.Set(k, v)
// Transfer started
event := newProgressEvent(TransferStartedEvent, 0, req.ContentLength, 0)
publishProgress(listener, event)
if conn.config.LogLevel >= Debug {
resp, err := conn.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
// Transfer failed
9 months ago
conn.config.WriteLog(Debug, "[Resp:%p]http error:%s\n", req, err.Error())
2 years ago
event = newProgressEvent(TransferFailedEvent, tracker.completedBytes, req.ContentLength, 0)
publishProgress(listener, event)
9 months ago
2 years ago
return nil, err
if conn.config.LogLevel >= Debug {
//print out http resp
conn.LoggerHTTPResp(req, resp)
// Transfer completed
event = newProgressEvent(TransferCompletedEvent, tracker.completedBytes, req.ContentLength, 0)
publishProgress(listener, event)
return conn.handleResponse(resp, crc)
func (conn Conn) getURLParams(params map[string]interface{}) string {
// Sort
keys := make([]string, 0, len(params))
for k := range params {
keys = append(keys, k)
// Serialize
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, k := range keys {
if buf.Len() > 0 {
if params[k] != nil && params[k].(string) != "" {
buf.WriteString("=" + strings.Replace(url.QueryEscape(params[k].(string)), "+", "%20", -1))
return buf.String()
func (conn Conn) getSubResource(params map[string]interface{}) string {
// Sort
keys := make([]string, 0, len(params))
signParams := make(map[string]string)
for k := range params {
if conn.config.AuthVersion == AuthV2 || conn.config.AuthVersion == AuthV4 {
encodedKey := url.QueryEscape(k)
keys = append(keys, encodedKey)
if params[k] != nil && params[k] != "" {
signParams[encodedKey] = strings.Replace(url.QueryEscape(params[k].(string)), "+", "%20", -1)
} else if conn.isParamSign(k) {
keys = append(keys, k)
if params[k] != nil {
signParams[k] = params[k].(string)
// Serialize
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, k := range keys {
if buf.Len() > 0 {
if _, ok := signParams[k]; ok {
if signParams[k] != "" {
buf.WriteString("=" + signParams[k])
return buf.String()
func (conn Conn) isParamSign(paramKey string) bool {
for _, k := range signKeyList {
if paramKey == k {
return true
return false
// getResource gets canonicalized resource
func (conn Conn) getResource(bucketName, objectName, subResource string) string {
if subResource != "" {
subResource = "?" + subResource
if bucketName == "" {
if conn.config.AuthVersion == AuthV2 {
return url.QueryEscape("/") + subResource
return fmt.Sprintf("/%s%s", bucketName, subResource)
if conn.config.AuthVersion == AuthV2 {
return url.QueryEscape("/"+bucketName+"/") + strings.Replace(url.QueryEscape(objectName), "+", "%20", -1) + subResource
return fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s%s", bucketName, objectName, subResource)
// getResource gets canonicalized resource
func (conn Conn) getResourceV4(bucketName, objectName, subResource string) string {
if subResource != "" {
subResource = "?" + subResource
if bucketName == "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("/%s", subResource)
if objectName != "" {
objectName = url.QueryEscape(objectName)
objectName = strings.Replace(objectName, "+", "%20", -1)
objectName = strings.Replace(objectName, "%2F", "/", -1)
return fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s%s", bucketName, objectName, subResource)
return fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", bucketName, subResource)
9 months ago
func (conn Conn) doRequest(ctx context.Context, method string, uri *url.URL, canonicalizedResource string, headers map[string]string,
2 years ago
data io.Reader, initCRC uint64, listener ProgressListener) (*Response, error) {
method = strings.ToUpper(method)
9 months ago
var req *http.Request
var err error
req = &http.Request{
2 years ago
Method: method,
URL: uri,
Proto: "HTTP/1.1",
ProtoMajor: 1,
ProtoMinor: 1,
Header: make(http.Header),
Host: uri.Host,
9 months ago
if ctx != nil {
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
2 years ago
tracker := &readerTracker{completedBytes: 0}
fd, crc := conn.handleBody(req, data, initCRC, listener, tracker)
if fd != nil {
defer func() {
if conn.config.IsAuthProxy {
auth := conn.config.ProxyUser + ":" + conn.config.ProxyPassword
basic := "Basic " + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(auth))
req.Header.Set("Proxy-Authorization", basic)
stNow := time.Now().UTC()
req.Header.Set(HTTPHeaderDate, stNow.Format(http.TimeFormat))
req.Header.Set(HTTPHeaderHost, req.Host)
req.Header.Set(HTTPHeaderUserAgent, conn.config.UserAgent)
if conn.config.AuthVersion == AuthV4 {
req.Header.Set(HttpHeaderOssContentSha256, DefaultContentSha256)
akIf := conn.config.GetCredentials()
if akIf.GetSecurityToken() != "" {
req.Header.Set(HTTPHeaderOssSecurityToken, akIf.GetSecurityToken())
if headers != nil {
for k, v := range headers {
req.Header.Set(k, v)
conn.signHeader(req, canonicalizedResource)
// Transfer started
event := newProgressEvent(TransferStartedEvent, 0, req.ContentLength, 0)
publishProgress(listener, event)
if conn.config.LogLevel >= Debug {
resp, err := conn.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
9 months ago
conn.config.WriteLog(Debug, "[Resp:%p]http error:%s\n", req, err.Error())
2 years ago
// Transfer failed
event = newProgressEvent(TransferFailedEvent, tracker.completedBytes, req.ContentLength, 0)
publishProgress(listener, event)
return nil, err
if conn.config.LogLevel >= Debug {
//print out http resp
conn.LoggerHTTPResp(req, resp)
// Transfer completed
event = newProgressEvent(TransferCompletedEvent, tracker.completedBytes, req.ContentLength, 0)
publishProgress(listener, event)
return conn.handleResponse(resp, crc)
func (conn Conn) signURL(method HTTPMethod, bucketName, objectName string, expiration int64, params map[string]interface{}, headers map[string]string) string {
akIf := conn.config.GetCredentials()
if akIf.GetSecurityToken() != "" {
params[HTTPParamSecurityToken] = akIf.GetSecurityToken()
m := strings.ToUpper(string(method))
req := &http.Request{
Method: m,
Header: make(http.Header),
if conn.config.IsAuthProxy {
auth := conn.config.ProxyUser + ":" + conn.config.ProxyPassword
basic := "Basic " + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(auth))
req.Header.Set("Proxy-Authorization", basic)
req.Header.Set(HTTPHeaderDate, strconv.FormatInt(expiration, 10))
req.Header.Set(HTTPHeaderUserAgent, conn.config.UserAgent)
if headers != nil {
for k, v := range headers {
req.Header.Set(k, v)
if conn.config.AuthVersion == AuthV2 {
params[HTTPParamSignatureVersion] = "OSS2"
params[HTTPParamExpiresV2] = strconv.FormatInt(expiration, 10)
params[HTTPParamAccessKeyIDV2] = conn.config.AccessKeyID
additionalList, _ := conn.getAdditionalHeaderKeys(req)
if len(additionalList) > 0 {
params[HTTPParamAdditionalHeadersV2] = strings.Join(additionalList, ";")
subResource := conn.getSubResource(params)
canonicalizedResource := conn.getResource(bucketName, objectName, subResource)
signedStr := conn.getSignedStr(req, canonicalizedResource, akIf.GetAccessKeySecret())
if conn.config.AuthVersion == AuthV1 {
params[HTTPParamExpires] = strconv.FormatInt(expiration, 10)
params[HTTPParamAccessKeyID] = akIf.GetAccessKeyID()
params[HTTPParamSignature] = signedStr
} else if conn.config.AuthVersion == AuthV2 {
params[HTTPParamSignatureV2] = signedStr
urlParams := conn.getURLParams(params)
return conn.url.getSignURL(bucketName, objectName, urlParams)
func (conn Conn) signRtmpURL(bucketName, channelName, playlistName string, expiration int64) string {
params := map[string]interface{}{}
if playlistName != "" {
params[HTTPParamPlaylistName] = playlistName
expireStr := strconv.FormatInt(expiration, 10)
params[HTTPParamExpires] = expireStr
akIf := conn.config.GetCredentials()
if akIf.GetAccessKeyID() != "" {
params[HTTPParamAccessKeyID] = akIf.GetAccessKeyID()
if akIf.GetSecurityToken() != "" {
params[HTTPParamSecurityToken] = akIf.GetSecurityToken()
signedStr := conn.getRtmpSignedStr(bucketName, channelName, playlistName, expiration, akIf.GetAccessKeySecret(), params)
params[HTTPParamSignature] = signedStr
urlParams := conn.getURLParams(params)
return conn.url.getSignRtmpURL(bucketName, channelName, urlParams)
// handleBody handles request body
func (conn Conn) handleBody(req *http.Request, body io.Reader, initCRC uint64,
listener ProgressListener, tracker *readerTracker) (*os.File, hash.Hash64) {
var file *os.File
var crc hash.Hash64
reader := body
readerLen, err := GetReaderLen(reader)
if err == nil {
req.ContentLength = readerLen
req.Header.Set(HTTPHeaderContentLength, strconv.FormatInt(req.ContentLength, 10))
// MD5
if body != nil && conn.config.IsEnableMD5 && req.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderContentMD5) == "" {
md5 := ""
reader, md5, file, _ = calcMD5(body, req.ContentLength, conn.config.MD5Threshold)
req.Header.Set(HTTPHeaderContentMD5, md5)
// CRC
if reader != nil && conn.config.IsEnableCRC {
crc = NewCRC(CrcTable(), initCRC)
reader = TeeReader(reader, crc, req.ContentLength, listener, tracker)
// HTTP body
rc, ok := reader.(io.ReadCloser)
if !ok && reader != nil {
rc = ioutil.NopCloser(reader)
if conn.isUploadLimitReq(req) {
limitReader := &LimitSpeedReader{
reader: rc,
ossLimiter: conn.config.UploadLimiter,
req.Body = limitReader
} else {
req.Body = rc
return file, crc
// isUploadLimitReq: judge limit upload speed or not
func (conn Conn) isUploadLimitReq(req *http.Request) bool {
if conn.config.UploadLimitSpeed == 0 || conn.config.UploadLimiter == nil {
return false
if req.Method != "GET" && req.Method != "DELETE" && req.Method != "HEAD" {
if req.ContentLength > 0 {
return true
return false
func tryGetFileSize(f *os.File) int64 {
fInfo, _ := f.Stat()
return fInfo.Size()
// handleResponse handles response
func (conn Conn) handleResponse(resp *http.Response, crc hash.Hash64) (*Response, error) {
var cliCRC uint64
var srvCRC uint64
statusCode := resp.StatusCode
if statusCode/100 != 2 {
if statusCode >= 400 && statusCode <= 505 {
// 4xx and 5xx indicate that the operation has error occurred
var respBody []byte
1 year ago
var errorXml []byte
2 years ago
respBody, err := readResponseBody(resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
1 year ago
errorXml = respBody
if len(respBody) == 0 && len(resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssErr)) > 0 {
errorXml, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssErr))
if err != nil {
errorXml = respBody
if len(errorXml) == 0 {
2 years ago
err = ServiceError{
StatusCode: statusCode,
RequestID: resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssRequestID),
1 year ago
Ec: resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssEc),
2 years ago
} else {
1 year ago
srvErr, errIn := serviceErrFromXML(errorXml, resp.StatusCode,
2 years ago
1 year ago
if errIn != nil { // error unmarshal the error response
if len(resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssEc)) > 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("oss: service returned invalid response body, status = %s, RequestId = %s, ec = %s", resp.Status, resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssRequestID), resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssEc))
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("oss: service returned invalid response body, status = %s, RequestId = %s", resp.Status, resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssRequestID))
2 years ago
} else {
err = srvErr
return &Response{
StatusCode: resp.StatusCode,
Headers: resp.Header,
Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(respBody)), // restore the body
}, err
} else if statusCode >= 300 && statusCode <= 307 {
// OSS use 3xx, but response has no body
err := fmt.Errorf("oss: service returned %d,%s", resp.StatusCode, resp.Status)
return &Response{
StatusCode: resp.StatusCode,
Headers: resp.Header,
Body: resp.Body,
}, err
} else {
// (0,300) [308,400) [506,)
// Other extended http StatusCode
var respBody []byte
1 year ago
var errorXml []byte
2 years ago
respBody, err := readResponseBody(resp)
if err != nil {
return &Response{StatusCode: resp.StatusCode, Headers: resp.Header, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(respBody))}, err
1 year ago
errorXml = respBody
if len(respBody) == 0 && len(resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssErr)) > 0 {
errorXml, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssErr))
if err != nil {
errorXml = respBody
if len(errorXml) == 0 {
2 years ago
err = ServiceError{
StatusCode: statusCode,
RequestID: resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssRequestID),
1 year ago
Ec: resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssEc),
2 years ago
} else {
1 year ago
srvErr, errIn := serviceErrFromXML(errorXml, resp.StatusCode,
2 years ago
1 year ago
if errIn != nil { // error unmarshal the error response
if len(resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssEc)) > 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("unknown response body, status = %s, RequestId = %s, ec = %s", resp.Status, resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssRequestID), resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssEc))
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unknown response body, status = %s, RequestId = %s", resp.Status, resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssRequestID))
2 years ago
} else {
err = srvErr
return &Response{
StatusCode: resp.StatusCode,
Headers: resp.Header,
Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(respBody)), // restore the body
}, err
} else {
if conn.config.IsEnableCRC && crc != nil {
cliCRC = crc.Sum64()
srvCRC, _ = strconv.ParseUint(resp.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderOssCRC64), 10, 64)
realBody := resp.Body
if conn.isDownloadLimitResponse(resp) {
limitReader := &LimitSpeedReader{
reader: realBody,
ossLimiter: conn.config.DownloadLimiter,
realBody = limitReader
// 2xx, successful
return &Response{
StatusCode: resp.StatusCode,
Headers: resp.Header,
Body: realBody,
ClientCRC: cliCRC,
ServerCRC: srvCRC,
}, nil
// isUploadLimitReq: judge limit upload speed or not
func (conn Conn) isDownloadLimitResponse(resp *http.Response) bool {
if resp == nil || conn.config.DownloadLimitSpeed == 0 || conn.config.DownloadLimiter == nil {
return false
if strings.EqualFold(resp.Request.Method, "GET") {
return true
return false
// LoggerHTTPReq Print the header information of the http request
func (conn Conn) LoggerHTTPReq(req *http.Request) {
var logBuffer bytes.Buffer
logBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[Req:%p]Method:%s\t", req, req.Method))
logBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Host:%s\t", req.URL.Host))
logBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Path:%s\t", req.URL.Path))
logBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Query:%s\t", req.URL.RawQuery))
logBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Header info:"))
for k, v := range req.Header {
var valueBuffer bytes.Buffer
for j := 0; j < len(v); j++ {
if j > 0 {
valueBuffer.WriteString(" ")
logBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\t%s:%s", k, valueBuffer.String()))
conn.config.WriteLog(Debug, "%s\n", logBuffer.String())
// LoggerHTTPResp Print Response to http request
func (conn Conn) LoggerHTTPResp(req *http.Request, resp *http.Response) {
var logBuffer bytes.Buffer
logBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[Resp:%p]StatusCode:%d\t", req, resp.StatusCode))
logBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Header info:"))
for k, v := range resp.Header {
var valueBuffer bytes.Buffer
for j := 0; j < len(v); j++ {
if j > 0 {
valueBuffer.WriteString(" ")
logBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\t%s:%s", k, valueBuffer.String()))
conn.config.WriteLog(Debug, "%s\n", logBuffer.String())
func calcMD5(body io.Reader, contentLen, md5Threshold int64) (reader io.Reader, b64 string, tempFile *os.File, err error) {
if contentLen == 0 || contentLen > md5Threshold {
// Huge body, use temporary file
tempFile, err = ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), TempFilePrefix)
if tempFile != nil {
io.Copy(tempFile, body)
tempFile.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
md5 := md5.New()
io.Copy(md5, tempFile)
sum := md5.Sum(nil)
b64 = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(sum[:])
tempFile.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
reader = tempFile
} else {
// Small body, use memory
buf, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
sum := md5.Sum(buf)
b64 = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(sum[:])
reader = bytes.NewReader(buf)
func readResponseBody(resp *http.Response) ([]byte, error) {
defer resp.Body.Close()
out, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
return out, err
func serviceErrFromXML(body []byte, statusCode int, requestID string) (ServiceError, error) {
var storageErr ServiceError
if err := xml.Unmarshal(body, &storageErr); err != nil {
return storageErr, err
storageErr.StatusCode = statusCode
storageErr.RequestID = requestID
storageErr.RawMessage = string(body)
return storageErr, nil
func xmlUnmarshal(body io.Reader, v interface{}) error {
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
if err != nil {
return err
return xml.Unmarshal(data, v)
func jsonUnmarshal(body io.Reader, v interface{}) error {
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
if err != nil {
return err
return json.Unmarshal(data, v)
// timeoutConn handles HTTP timeout
type timeoutConn struct {
conn net.Conn
timeout time.Duration
longTimeout time.Duration
func newTimeoutConn(conn net.Conn, timeout time.Duration, longTimeout time.Duration) *timeoutConn {
return &timeoutConn{
conn: conn,
timeout: timeout,
longTimeout: longTimeout,
func (c *timeoutConn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = c.conn.Read(b)
return n, err
func (c *timeoutConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = c.conn.Write(b)
return n, err
func (c *timeoutConn) Close() error {
return c.conn.Close()
func (c *timeoutConn) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
return c.conn.LocalAddr()
func (c *timeoutConn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
return c.conn.RemoteAddr()
func (c *timeoutConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return c.conn.SetDeadline(t)
func (c *timeoutConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return c.conn.SetReadDeadline(t)
func (c *timeoutConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return c.conn.SetWriteDeadline(t)
// UrlMaker builds URL and resource
const (
9 months ago
urlTypeCname = 1
urlTypeIP = 2
urlTypeAliyun = 3
urlTypePathStyle = 4
2 years ago
type urlMaker struct {
Scheme string // HTTP or HTTPS
NetLoc string // Host or IP
Type int // 1 CNAME, 2 IP, 3 ALIYUN
IsProxy bool // Proxy
// Init parses endpoint
func (um *urlMaker) Init(endpoint string, isCname bool, isProxy bool) error {
9 months ago
return um.InitExt(endpoint, isCname, isProxy, false)
// InitExt parses endpoint
func (um *urlMaker) InitExt(endpoint string, isCname bool, isProxy bool, isPathStyle bool) error {
2 years ago
if strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "http://") {
um.Scheme = "http"
um.NetLoc = endpoint[len("http://"):]
} else if strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "https://") {
um.Scheme = "https"
um.NetLoc = endpoint[len("https://"):]
} else {
um.Scheme = "http"
um.NetLoc = endpoint
//use url.Parse() to get real host
strUrl := um.Scheme + "://" + um.NetLoc
url, err := url.Parse(strUrl)
if err != nil {
return err
um.NetLoc = url.Host
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(um.NetLoc)
if err != nil {
host = um.NetLoc
if len(host) > 0 && host[0] == '[' && host[len(host)-1] == ']' {
2 years ago
host = host[1 : len(host)-1]
ip := net.ParseIP(host)
if ip != nil {
um.Type = urlTypeIP
} else if isCname {
um.Type = urlTypeCname
9 months ago
} else if isPathStyle {
um.Type = urlTypePathStyle
2 years ago
} else {
um.Type = urlTypeAliyun
um.IsProxy = isProxy
return nil
// getURL gets URL
func (um urlMaker) getURL(bucket, object, params string) *url.URL {
host, path := um.buildURL(bucket, object)
addr := ""
if params == "" {
addr = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s", um.Scheme, host, path)
} else {
addr = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s?%s", um.Scheme, host, path, params)
uri, _ := url.ParseRequestURI(addr)
return uri
// getSignURL gets sign URL
func (um urlMaker) getSignURL(bucket, object, params string) string {
host, path := um.buildURL(bucket, object)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s?%s", um.Scheme, host, path, params)
// getSignRtmpURL Build Sign Rtmp URL
func (um urlMaker) getSignRtmpURL(bucket, channelName, params string) string {
host, path := um.buildURL(bucket, "live")
channelName = url.QueryEscape(channelName)
channelName = strings.Replace(channelName, "+", "%20", -1)
return fmt.Sprintf("rtmp://%s%s/%s?%s", host, path, channelName, params)
// buildURL builds URL
func (um urlMaker) buildURL(bucket, object string) (string, string) {
var host = ""
var path = ""
object = url.QueryEscape(object)
object = strings.Replace(object, "+", "%20", -1)
if um.Type == urlTypeCname {
host = um.NetLoc
path = "/" + object
9 months ago
} else if um.Type == urlTypeIP || um.Type == urlTypePathStyle {
2 years ago
if bucket == "" {
host = um.NetLoc
path = "/"
} else {
host = um.NetLoc
path = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", bucket, object)
} else {
if bucket == "" {
host = um.NetLoc
path = "/"
} else {
host = bucket + "." + um.NetLoc
path = "/" + object
return host, path
// buildURL builds URL
func (um urlMaker) buildURLV4(bucket, object string) (string, string) {
var host = ""
var path = ""
object = url.QueryEscape(object)
object = strings.Replace(object, "+", "%20", -1)
// no escape /
object = strings.Replace(object, "%2F", "/", -1)
if um.Type == urlTypeCname {
host = um.NetLoc
path = "/" + object
9 months ago
} else if um.Type == urlTypeIP || um.Type == urlTypePathStyle {
2 years ago
if bucket == "" {
host = um.NetLoc
path = "/"
} else {
host = um.NetLoc
path = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", bucket, object)
} else {
if bucket == "" {
host = um.NetLoc
path = "/"
} else {
host = bucket + "." + um.NetLoc
path = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", bucket, object)
return host, path