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package gotime
import (
const (
RFC822Format = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST"
ISO8601Format = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"
func NowUTCSeconds() int64 { return time.Now().UTC().Unix() }
func NowUTCNanoSeconds() int64 { return time.Now().UTC().UnixNano() }
// GetCurrentDate 获取当前的时间 - 字符串
func GetCurrentDate() string {
return time.Now().Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05")
// GetCurrentUnix 获取当前的时间 - Unix时间戳
func GetCurrentUnix() int64 {
return time.Now().Unix()
// GetCurrentMilliUnix 获取当前的时间 - 毫秒级时间戳
func GetCurrentMilliUnix() int64 {
return time.Now().UnixNano() / 1000000
// GetCurrentNanoUnix 获取当前的时间 - 纳秒级时间戳
func GetCurrentNanoUnix() int64 {
return time.Now().UnixNano()
// GetCurrentWjDate 获取当前的时间 - 字符串 - 没有间隔
func GetCurrentWjDate() string {
return time.Now().Format("20060102")
func FormatISO8601Date(timestampSecond int64) string {
tm := time.Unix(timestampSecond, 0).UTC()
return tm.Format(ISO8601Format)
// Pro 结构体
type Pro struct {
Time time.Time
// NewPro 初始化结构体
func NewPro() Pro {
return Pro{
Time: time.Now(),
// Current 获取当前的时间
func Current() Pro {
p := NewPro()
location, err := time.LoadLocation("Asia/Shanghai")
if err != nil {
// Docker部署golang应用时时区问题
log.Printf("时区错误:%v\n", err)
p.Time = time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 8)
} else {
p.Time = time.Now().In(location)
return p
// SetCurrent 设置当前的时间
func SetCurrent(sTime time.Time) Pro {
p := NewPro()
p.Time = sTime
return p
// SetCurrentParse 设置当前的时间
func SetCurrentParse(str string) Pro {
p := NewPro()
location, _ := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", str, time.Local)
p.Time = location
return p
3 years ago
// SetCurrentUnix 设置当前的时间 Unix时间戳
func SetCurrentUnix(ts int64) Pro {
p := NewPro()
p.Time = time.Unix(ts, 0)
return p
// StartOfDay 本日开始时间
func (p Pro) StartOfDay() Pro {
p.Time = time.Date(p.Time.Year(), p.Time.Month(), p.Time.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, p.Time.Location())
return p
// EndOfDay 本日结束时间
func (p Pro) EndOfDay() Pro {
p.Time = time.Date(p.Time.Year(), p.Time.Month(), p.Time.Day(), 23, 59, 59, 0, p.Time.Location())
return p
// BeforeSeconds 获取n秒前的时间
func (p Pro) BeforeSeconds(seconds int) Pro {
st, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("-%ds", seconds))
p.Time = p.Time.Add(st)
return p
// AfterSeconds 获取n秒后的时间
func (p Pro) AfterSeconds(seconds int) Pro {
st, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("+%ds", seconds))
p.Time = p.Time.Add(st)
return p
// BeforeHour 获取n小时前的时间
func (p Pro) BeforeHour(hour int) Pro {
st, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("-%dh", hour))
p.Time = p.Time.Add(st)
return p
// AfterHour 获取n小时后的时间
func (p Pro) AfterHour(hour int) Pro {
st, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("+%dh", hour))
p.Time = p.Time.Add(st)
return p
// BeforeDay 获取n天前的时间
func (p Pro) BeforeDay(day int) Pro {
p.Time = p.Time.AddDate(0, 0, -day)
return p
// AfterDay 获取n天后的时间
func (p Pro) AfterDay(day int) Pro {
p.Time = p.Time.AddDate(0, 0, day)
return p
// Now 返回当前时间
func (p Pro) Now() time.Time {
return p.Time
// Format 格式化
func (p Pro) Format() string {
return p.Time.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
// SetFormat 格式化
func (p Pro) SetFormat(layout string) string {
return p.Time.Format(layout)
// Timestamp 秒级时间戳
func (p Pro) Timestamp() int64 {
return p.Time.Unix()
// Unix 时间戳
func (p Pro) Unix() int64 {
return p.Time.Unix()
// UnixNano 纳秒级时间戳
func (p Pro) UnixNano() int64 {
return p.Time.UnixNano()
// TimestampWithMillisecond 毫秒级时间戳
func (p Pro) TimestampWithMillisecond() int64 {
return p.Time.UnixNano() / 100
// Nanosecond 时间戳小数部分 单位:纳秒
func (p Pro) Nanosecond() int {
return p.Time.Nanosecond()
// DiffInHour 相差多少小时
func (p Pro) DiffInHour(t2 time.Time) (hour int64) {
diff := p.Time.Unix() - t2.Unix()
hour = diff / 3600
return hour
// DiffInHourWithAbs 相差多少小时(绝对值)
func (p Pro) DiffInHourWithAbs(t2 time.Time) (hour int64) {
diff := t2.Unix() - p.Time.Unix()
hour = diff / 3600
if hour > 0 {
return hour
diff = p.Time.Unix() - t2.Unix()
hour = diff / 3600
return hour
// DiffInMinutes 相差多少分钟
func (p Pro) DiffInMinutes(t2 time.Time) (hour int64) {
diff := p.Time.Unix() - t2.Unix()
hour = diff / 60
return hour
// DiffInMinutesWithAbs 相差多少分钟(绝对值)
func (p Pro) DiffInMinutesWithAbs(t2 time.Time) (hour int64) {
diff := t2.Unix() - p.Time.Unix()
hour = diff / 60
if hour > 0 {
return hour
diff = p.Time.Unix() - t2.Unix()
hour = diff / 60
return hour
// DiffInSecond 相差多少秒
func (p Pro) DiffInSecond(t2 time.Time) (hour int64) {
diff := p.Time.Unix() - t2.Unix()
hour = diff
return hour
// DiffInSecondWithAbs 相差多少秒(绝对值)
func (p Pro) DiffInSecondWithAbs(t2 time.Time) (hour int64) {
diff := t2.Unix() - p.Time.Unix()
hour = diff
if hour > 0 {
return hour
diff = p.Time.Unix() - t2.Unix()
hour = diff
return hour