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h1:uRGJdciOHaEIrze2W8Q3AKkepLTh2hOroT7a+7czfdQ= @@ -192,5 +366,10 @@ gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0/go.mod h1:RDklbk79AGWmwhnvt/jBztapEOGDOx6ZbXqjP6csGnQ= gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20200313102051-9f266ea9e77c/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM= gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b h1:h8qDotaEPuJATrMmW04NCwg7v22aHH28wwpauUhK9Oo= gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM= -gorm.io/gorm v1.22.4 h1:8aPcyEJhY0MAt8aY6Dc524Pn+pO29K+ydu+e/cXSpQM= -gorm.io/gorm v1.22.4/go.mod h1:1aeVC+pe9ZmvKZban/gW4QPra7PRoTEssyc922qCAkk= +gorm.io/driver/mysql v1.3.2 h1:QJryWiqQ91EvZ0jZL48NOpdlPdMjdip1hQ8bTgo4H7I= +gorm.io/driver/mysql v1.3.2/go.mod h1:ChK6AHbHgDCFZyJp0F+BmVGb06PSIoh9uVYKAlRbb2U= +gorm.io/driver/postgres v1.3.1 h1:Pyv+gg1Gq1IgsLYytj/S2k7ebII3CzEdpqQkPOdH24g= +gorm.io/driver/postgres v1.3.1/go.mod h1:WwvWOuR9unCLpGWCL6Y3JOeBWvbKi6JLhayiVclSZZU= +gorm.io/gorm v1.23.1 h1:aj5IlhDzEPsoIyOPtTRVI+SyaN1u6k613sbt4pwbxG0= +gorm.io/gorm v1.23.1/go.mod h1:l2lP/RyAtc1ynaTjFksBde/O8v9oOGIApu2/xRitmZk= +honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.1-2019.2.3/go.mod h1:a3bituU0lyd329TUQxRnasdCoJDkEUEAqEt0JzvZhAg= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2de28da1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +.DS_Store +.DS_Store? +._* +.Spotlight-V100 +.Trashes +Icon? +ehthumbs.db +Thumbs.db +.idea diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/AUTHORS b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 00000000..50afa2c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +# This is the official list of Go-MySQL-Driver authors for copyright purposes. + +# If you are submitting a patch, please add your name or the name of the +# organization which holds the copyright to this list in alphabetical order. + +# Names should be added to this file as +# Name +# The email address is not required for organizations. +# Please keep the list sorted. + + +# Individual Persons + +Aaron Hopkins +Achille Roussel +Alex Snast +Alexey Palazhchenko +Andrew Reid +Animesh Ray +Arne Hormann +Ariel Mashraki +Asta Xie +Bulat Gaifullin +Caine Jette +Carlos Nieto +Chris Moos +Craig Wilson +Daniel Montoya +Daniel Nichter +Daniël van Eeden +Dave Protasowski +DisposaBoy +Egor Smolyakov +Erwan Martin +Evan Shaw +Frederick Mayle +Gustavo Kristic +Hajime Nakagami +Hanno Braun +Henri Yandell +Hirotaka Yamamoto +Huyiguang +ICHINOSE Shogo +Ilia Cimpoes +INADA Naoki +Jacek Szwec +James Harr +Jeff Hodges +Jeffrey Charles +Jerome Meyer +Jiajia Zhong +Jian Zhen +Joshua Prunier +Julien Lefevre +Julien Schmidt +Justin Li +Justin Nuß +Kamil Dziedzic +Kei Kamikawa +Kevin Malachowski +Kieron Woodhouse +Lennart Rudolph +Leonardo YongUk Kim +Linh Tran Tuan +Lion Yang +Luca Looz +Lucas Liu +Luke Scott +Maciej Zimnoch +Michael Woolnough +Nathanial Murphy +Nicola Peduzzi +Olivier Mengué +oscarzhao +Paul Bonser +Peter Schultz +Rebecca Chin +Reed Allman +Richard Wilkes +Robert Russell +Runrioter Wung +Sho Iizuka +Sho Ikeda +Shuode Li +Simon J Mudd +Soroush Pour +Stan Putrya +Stanley Gunawan +Steven Hartland +Tan Jinhua <312841925 at qq.com> +Thomas Wodarek +Tim Ruffles +Tom Jenkinson +Vladimir Kovpak +Vladyslav Zhelezniak +Xiangyu Hu +Xiaobing Jiang +Xiuming Chen +Xuehong Chan +Zhenye Xie +Zhixin Wen + +# Organizations + +Barracuda Networks, Inc. +Counting Ltd. +DigitalOcean Inc. +Facebook Inc. +GitHub Inc. +Google Inc. +InfoSum Ltd. +Keybase Inc. +Multiplay Ltd. +Percona LLC +Pivotal Inc. +Stripe Inc. +Zendesk Inc. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..72a738ed --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +## Version 1.6 (2021-04-01) + +Changes: + + - Migrate the CI service from travis-ci to GitHub Actions (#1176, #1183, #1190) + - `NullTime` is deprecated (#960, #1144) + - Reduce allocations when building SET command (#1111) + - Performance improvement for time formatting (#1118) + - Performance improvement for time parsing (#1098, #1113) + +New Features: + + - Implement `driver.Validator` interface (#1106, #1174) + - Support returning `uint64` from `Valuer` in `ConvertValue` (#1143) + - Add `json.RawMessage` for converter and prepared statement (#1059) + - Interpolate `json.RawMessage` as `string` (#1058) + - Implements `CheckNamedValue` (#1090) + +Bugfixes: + + - Stop rounding times (#1121, #1172) + - Put zero filler into the SSL handshake packet (#1066) + - Fix checking cancelled connections back into the connection pool (#1095) + - Fix remove last 0 byte for mysql_old_password when password is empty (#1133) + + +## Version 1.5 (2020-01-07) + +Changes: + + - Dropped support Go 1.9 and lower (#823, #829, #886, #1016, #1017) + - Improve buffer handling (#890) + - Document potentially insecure TLS configs (#901) + - Use a double-buffering scheme to prevent data races (#943) + - Pass uint64 values without converting them to string (#838, #955) + - Update collations and make utf8mb4 default (#877, #1054) + - Make NullTime compatible with sql.NullTime in Go 1.13+ (#995) + - Removed CloudSQL support (#993, #1007) + - Add Go Module support (#1003) + +New Features: + + - Implement support of optional TLS (#900) + - Check connection liveness (#934, #964, #997, #1048, #1051, #1052) + - Implement Connector Interface (#941, #958, #1020, #1035) + +Bugfixes: + + - Mark connections as bad on error during ping (#875) + - Mark connections as bad on error during dial (#867) + - Fix connection leak caused by rapid context cancellation (#1024) + - Mark connections as bad on error during Conn.Prepare (#1030) + + +## Version 1.4.1 (2018-11-14) + +Bugfixes: + + - Fix TIME format for binary columns (#818) + - Fix handling of empty auth plugin names (#835) + - Fix caching_sha2_password with empty password (#826) + - Fix canceled context broke mysqlConn (#862) + - Fix OldAuthSwitchRequest support (#870) + - Fix Auth Response packet for cleartext password (#887) + +## Version 1.4 (2018-06-03) + +Changes: + + - Documentation fixes (#530, #535, #567) + - Refactoring (#575, #579, #580, #581, #603, #615, #704) + - Cache column names (#444) + - Sort the DSN parameters in DSNs generated from a config (#637) + - Allow native password authentication by default (#644) + - Use the default port if it is missing in the DSN (#668) + - Removed the `strict` mode (#676) + - Do not query `max_allowed_packet` by default (#680) + - Dropped support Go 1.6 and lower (#696) + - Updated `ConvertValue()` to match the database/sql/driver implementation (#760) + - Document the usage of `0000-00-00T00:00:00` as the time.Time zero value (#783) + - Improved the compatibility of the authentication system (#807) + +New Features: + + - Multi-Results support (#537) + - `rejectReadOnly` DSN option (#604) + - `context.Context` support (#608, #612, #627, #761) + - Transaction isolation level support (#619, #744) + - Read-Only transactions support (#618, #634) + - `NewConfig` function which initializes a config with default values (#679) + - Implemented the `ColumnType` interfaces (#667, #724) + - Support for custom string types in `ConvertValue` (#623) + - Implemented `NamedValueChecker`, improving support for uint64 with high bit set (#690, #709, #710) + - `caching_sha2_password` authentication plugin support (#794, #800, #801, #802) + - Implemented `driver.SessionResetter` (#779) + - `sha256_password` authentication plugin support (#808) + +Bugfixes: + + - Use the DSN hostname as TLS default ServerName if `tls=true` (#564, #718) + - Fixed LOAD LOCAL DATA INFILE for empty files (#590) + - Removed columns definition cache since it sometimes cached invalid data (#592) + - Don't mutate registered TLS configs (#600) + - Make RegisterTLSConfig concurrency-safe (#613) + - Handle missing auth data in the handshake packet correctly (#646) + - Do not retry queries when data was written to avoid data corruption (#302, #736) + - Cache the connection pointer for error handling before invalidating it (#678) + - Fixed imports for appengine/cloudsql (#700) + - Fix sending STMT_LONG_DATA for 0 byte data (#734) + - Set correct capacity for []bytes read from length-encoded strings (#766) + - Make RegisterDial concurrency-safe (#773) + + +## Version 1.3 (2016-12-01) + +Changes: + + - Go 1.1 is no longer supported + - Use decimals fields in MySQL to format time types (#249) + - Buffer optimizations (#269) + - TLS ServerName defaults to the host (#283) + - Refactoring (#400, #410, #437) + - Adjusted documentation for second generation CloudSQL (#485) + - Documented DSN system var quoting rules (#502) + - Made statement.Close() calls idempotent to avoid errors in Go 1.6+ (#512) + +New Features: + + - Enable microsecond resolution on TIME, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP (#249) + - Support for returning table alias on Columns() (#289, #359, #382) + - Placeholder interpolation, can be actived with the DSN parameter `interpolateParams=true` (#309, #318, #490) + - Support for uint64 parameters with high bit set (#332, #345) + - Cleartext authentication plugin support (#327) + - Exported ParseDSN function and the Config struct (#403, #419, #429) + - Read / Write timeouts (#401) + - Support for JSON field type (#414) + - Support for multi-statements and multi-results (#411, #431) + - DSN parameter to set the driver-side max_allowed_packet value manually (#489) + - Native password authentication plugin support (#494, #524) + +Bugfixes: + + - Fixed handling of queries without columns and rows (#255) + - Fixed a panic when SetKeepAlive() failed (#298) + - Handle ERR packets while reading rows (#321) + - Fixed reading NULL length-encoded integers in MySQL 5.6+ (#349) + - Fixed absolute paths support in LOAD LOCAL DATA INFILE (#356) + - Actually zero out bytes in handshake response (#378) + - Fixed race condition in registering LOAD DATA INFILE handler (#383) + - Fixed tests with MySQL 5.7.9+ (#380) + - QueryUnescape TLS config names (#397) + - Fixed "broken pipe" error by writing to closed socket (#390) + - Fixed LOAD LOCAL DATA INFILE buffering (#424) + - Fixed parsing of floats into float64 when placeholders are used (#434) + - Fixed DSN tests with Go 1.7+ (#459) + - Handle ERR packets while waiting for EOF (#473) + - Invalidate connection on error while discarding additional results (#513) + - Allow terminating packets of length 0 (#516) + + +## Version 1.2 (2014-06-03) + +Changes: + + - We switched back to a "rolling release". `go get` installs the current master branch again + - Version v1 of the driver will not be maintained anymore. Go 1.0 is no longer supported by this driver + - Exported errors to allow easy checking from application code + - Enabled TCP Keepalives on TCP connections + - Optimized INFILE handling (better buffer size calculation, lazy init, ...) + - The DSN parser also checks for a missing separating slash + - Faster binary date / datetime to string formatting + - Also exported the MySQLWarning type + - mysqlConn.Close returns the first error encountered instead of ignoring all errors + - writePacket() automatically writes the packet size to the header + - readPacket() uses an iterative approach instead of the recursive approach to merge splitted packets + +New Features: + + - `RegisterDial` allows the usage of a custom dial function to establish the network connection + - Setting the connection collation is possible with the `collation` DSN parameter. This parameter should be preferred over the `charset` parameter + - Logging of critical errors is configurable with `SetLogger` + - Google CloudSQL support + +Bugfixes: + + - Allow more than 32 parameters in prepared statements + - Various old_password fixes + - Fixed TestConcurrent test to pass Go's race detection + - Fixed appendLengthEncodedInteger for large numbers + - Renamed readLengthEnodedString to readLengthEncodedString and skipLengthEnodedString to skipLengthEncodedString (fixed typo) + + +## Version 1.1 (2013-11-02) + +Changes: + + - Go-MySQL-Driver now requires Go 1.1 + - Connections now use the collation `utf8_general_ci` by default. Adding `&charset=UTF8` to the DSN should not be necessary anymore + - Made closing rows and connections error tolerant. This allows for example deferring rows.Close() without checking for errors + - `[]byte(nil)` is now treated as a NULL value. Before, it was treated like an empty string / `[]byte("")` + - DSN parameter values must now be url.QueryEscape'ed. This allows text values to contain special characters, such as '&'. + - Use the IO buffer also for writing. This results in zero allocations (by the driver) for most queries + - Optimized the buffer for reading + - stmt.Query now caches column metadata + - New Logo + - Changed the copyright header to include all contributors + - Improved the LOAD INFILE documentation + - The driver struct is now exported to make the driver directly accessible + - Refactored the driver tests + - Added more benchmarks and moved all to a separate file + - Other small refactoring + +New Features: + + - Added *old_passwords* support: Required in some cases, but must be enabled by adding `allowOldPasswords=true` to the DSN since it is insecure + - Added a `clientFoundRows` parameter: Return the number of matching rows instead of the number of rows changed on UPDATEs + - Added TLS/SSL support: Use a TLS/SSL encrypted connection to the server. Custom TLS configs can be registered and used + +Bugfixes: + + - Fixed MySQL 4.1 support: MySQL 4.1 sends packets with lengths which differ from the specification + - Convert to DB timezone when inserting `time.Time` + - Splitted packets (more than 16MB) are now merged correctly + - Fixed false positive `io.EOF` errors when the data was fully read + - Avoid panics on reuse of closed connections + - Fixed empty string producing false nil values + - Fixed sign byte for positive TIME fields + + +## Version 1.0 (2013-05-14) + +Initial Release diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..14e2f777 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 +================================== + +1. Definitions +-------------- + +1.1. "Contributor" + means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to + the creation of, or owns Covered Software. + +1.2. "Contributor Version" + means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used + by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution. + +1.3. "Contribution" + means Covered Software of a particular Contributor. + +1.4. "Covered Software" + means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached + the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code + Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case + including portions thereof. + +1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" + means + + (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described + in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or + + (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of + version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the + terms of a Secondary License. + +1.6. "Executable Form" + means any form of the work other than Source Code Form. + +1.7. "Larger Work" + means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in + a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software. + +1.8. "License" + means this document. + +1.9. "Licensable" + means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, + whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and + all of the rights conveyed by this License. + +1.10. "Modifications" + means any of the following: + + (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to, + deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered + Software; or + + (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered + Software. + +1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor + means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, + process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such + Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the + License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having + made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its + Contributor Version. + +1.12. "Secondary License" + means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU + Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General + Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those + licenses. + +1.13. "Source Code Form" + means the form of the work preferred for making modifications. + +1.14. "You" (or "Your") + means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this + License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that + controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For + purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct + or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, + whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than + fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial + ownership of such entity. + +2. License Grants and Conditions +-------------------------------- + +2.1. Grants + +Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, +non-exclusive license: + +(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) + Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available, + modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its + Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or + as part of a Larger Work; and + +(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer + for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its + Contributions or its Contributor Version. + +2.2. Effective Date + +The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution +become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first +distributes such Contribution. + +2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope + +The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under +this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the +distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License. +Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a +Contributor: + +(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; + or + +(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's + modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its + Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor + Version); or + +(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of + its Contributions. + +This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, +or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with +the notice requirements in Section 3.4). + +2.4. Subsequent Licenses + +No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to +distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this +License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if +permitted under the terms of Section 3.3). + +2.5. Representation + +Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its +Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights +to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License. + +2.6. Fair Use + +This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under +applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other +equivalents. + +2.7. Conditions + +Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted +in Section 2.1. + +3. Responsibilities +------------------- + +3.1. Distribution of Source Form + +All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any +Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under +the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source +Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this +License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not +attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code +Form. + +3.2. Distribution of Executable Form + +If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then: + +(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code + Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of + the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code + Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more + than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and + +(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this + License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the + license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter + the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License. + +3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work + +You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice, +provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for +the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered +Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the +Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this +License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software +under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of +the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered +Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary +License(s). + +3.4. Notices + +You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices +(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, +or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of +the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to +the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies. + +3.5. Application of Additional Terms + +You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, +indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered +Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on +behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any +such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by +You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any +liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, +indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional +disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any +jurisdiction. + +4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation +--------------------------------------------------- + +If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this +License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to +statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with +the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) +describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must +be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered +Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute +or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a +recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it. + +5. Termination +-------------- + +5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically +if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become +compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular +Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such +Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an +ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the +non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have +come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular +Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor +notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the +first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License +from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after +Your receipt of the notice. + +5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent +infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions, +counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version +directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to +You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section +2.1 of this License shall terminate. + +5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all +end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which +have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License +prior to termination shall survive termination. + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 6. Disclaimer of Warranty * +* ------------------------- * +* * +* Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" * +* basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or * +* statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the * +* Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a * +* particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the * +* quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. * +* Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You * +* (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, * +* repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an * +* essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is * +* authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 7. Limitation of Liability * +* -------------------------- * +* * +* Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort * +* (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any * +* Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as * +* permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, * +* special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character * +* including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of * +* goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any * +* and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party * +* shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This * +* limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or * +* personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the * +* extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some * +* jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of * +* incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and * +* limitation may not apply to You. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +8. Litigation +------------- + +Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the +courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal +place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that +jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. +Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring +cross-claims or counter-claims. + +9. Miscellaneous +---------------- + +This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject +matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be +unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent +necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides +that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter +shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor. + +10. Versions of the License +--------------------------- + +10.1. New Versions + +Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section +10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or +publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a +distinguishing version number. + +10.2. Effect of New Versions + +You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version +of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software, +or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license +steward. + +10.3. Modified Versions + +If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to +create a new license for such software, you may create and use a +modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove +any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that +such modified license differs from this License). + +10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary +Licenses + +If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With +Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the +notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached. + +Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice +------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular +file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE +file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look +for such a notice. + +You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership. + +Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice +--------------------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as + defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/README.md b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0b13154f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,520 @@ +# Go-MySQL-Driver + +A MySQL-Driver for Go's [database/sql](https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/) package + +![Go-MySQL-Driver logo](https://raw.github.com/wiki/go-sql-driver/mysql/gomysql_m.png "Golang Gopher holding the MySQL Dolphin") + +--------------------------------------- + * [Features](#features) + * [Requirements](#requirements) + * [Installation](#installation) + * [Usage](#usage) + * [DSN (Data Source Name)](#dsn-data-source-name) + * [Password](#password) + * [Protocol](#protocol) + * [Address](#address) + * [Parameters](#parameters) + * [Examples](#examples) + * [Connection pool and timeouts](#connection-pool-and-timeouts) + * [context.Context Support](#contextcontext-support) + * [ColumnType Support](#columntype-support) + * [LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE support](#load-data-local-infile-support) + * [time.Time support](#timetime-support) + * [Unicode support](#unicode-support) + * [Testing / Development](#testing--development) + * [License](#license) + +--------------------------------------- + +## Features + * Lightweight and [fast](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/sql-benchmark "golang MySQL-Driver performance") + * Native Go implementation. No C-bindings, just pure Go + * Connections over TCP/IPv4, TCP/IPv6, Unix domain sockets or [custom protocols](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#DialFunc) + * Automatic handling of broken connections + * Automatic Connection Pooling *(by database/sql package)* + * Supports queries larger than 16MB + * Full [`sql.RawBytes`](https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/#RawBytes) support. + * Intelligent `LONG DATA` handling in prepared statements + * Secure `LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE` support with file allowlisting and `io.Reader` support + * Optional `time.Time` parsing + * Optional placeholder interpolation + +## Requirements + * Go 1.10 or higher. We aim to support the 3 latest versions of Go. + * MySQL (4.1+), MariaDB, Percona Server, Google CloudSQL or Sphinx (2.2.3+) + +--------------------------------------- + +## Installation +Simple install the package to your [$GOPATH](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/GOPATH "GOPATH") with the [go tool](https://golang.org/cmd/go/ "go command") from shell: +```bash +$ go get -u github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql +``` +Make sure [Git is installed](https://git-scm.com/downloads) on your machine and in your system's `PATH`. + +## Usage +_Go MySQL Driver_ is an implementation of Go's `database/sql/driver` interface. You only need to import the driver and can use the full [`database/sql`](https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/) API then. + +Use `mysql` as `driverName` and a valid [DSN](#dsn-data-source-name) as `dataSourceName`: + +```go +import ( + "database/sql" + "time" + + _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" +) + +// ... + +db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user:password@/dbname") +if err != nil { + panic(err) +} +// See "Important settings" section. +db.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Minute * 3) +db.SetMaxOpenConns(10) +db.SetMaxIdleConns(10) +``` + +[Examples are available in our Wiki](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/wiki/Examples "Go-MySQL-Driver Examples"). + +### Important settings + +`db.SetConnMaxLifetime()` is required to ensure connections are closed by the driver safely before connection is closed by MySQL server, OS, or other middlewares. Since some middlewares close idle connections by 5 minutes, we recommend timeout shorter than 5 minutes. This setting helps load balancing and changing system variables too. + +`db.SetMaxOpenConns()` is highly recommended to limit the number of connection used by the application. There is no recommended limit number because it depends on application and MySQL server. + +`db.SetMaxIdleConns()` is recommended to be set same to (or greater than) `db.SetMaxOpenConns()`. When it is smaller than `SetMaxOpenConns()`, connections can be opened and closed very frequently than you expect. Idle connections can be closed by the `db.SetConnMaxLifetime()`. If you want to close idle connections more rapidly, you can use `db.SetConnMaxIdleTime()` since Go 1.15. + + +### DSN (Data Source Name) + +The Data Source Name has a common format, like e.g. [PEAR DB](http://pear.php.net/manual/en/package.database.db.intro-dsn.php) uses it, but without type-prefix (optional parts marked by squared brackets): +``` +[username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]]/dbname[?param1=value1&...¶mN=valueN] +``` + +A DSN in its fullest form: +``` +username:password@protocol(address)/dbname?param=value +``` + +Except for the databasename, all values are optional. So the minimal DSN is: +``` +/dbname +``` + +If you do not want to preselect a database, leave `dbname` empty: +``` +/ +``` +This has the same effect as an empty DSN string: +``` + +``` + +Alternatively, [Config.FormatDSN](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#Config.FormatDSN) can be used to create a DSN string by filling a struct. + +#### Password +Passwords can consist of any character. Escaping is **not** necessary. + +#### Protocol +See [net.Dial](https://golang.org/pkg/net/#Dial) for more information which networks are available. +In general you should use an Unix domain socket if available and TCP otherwise for best performance. + +#### Address +For TCP and UDP networks, addresses have the form `host[:port]`. +If `port` is omitted, the default port will be used. +If `host` is a literal IPv6 address, it must be enclosed in square brackets. +The functions [net.JoinHostPort](https://golang.org/pkg/net/#JoinHostPort) and [net.SplitHostPort](https://golang.org/pkg/net/#SplitHostPort) manipulate addresses in this form. + +For Unix domain sockets the address is the absolute path to the MySQL-Server-socket, e.g. `/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock` or `/tmp/mysql.sock`. + +#### Parameters +*Parameters are case-sensitive!* + +Notice that any of `true`, `TRUE`, `True` or `1` is accepted to stand for a true boolean value. Not surprisingly, false can be specified as any of: `false`, `FALSE`, `False` or `0`. + +##### `allowAllFiles` + +``` +Type: bool +Valid Values: true, false +Default: false +``` + +`allowAllFiles=true` disables the file allowlist for `LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE` and allows *all* files. +[*Might be insecure!*](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/load-data-local.html) + +##### `allowCleartextPasswords` + +``` +Type: bool +Valid Values: true, false +Default: false +``` + +`allowCleartextPasswords=true` allows using the [cleartext client side plugin](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/en/cleartext-pluggable-authentication.html) if required by an account, such as one defined with the [PAM authentication plugin](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/en/pam-authentication-plugin.html). Sending passwords in clear text may be a security problem in some configurations. To avoid problems if there is any possibility that the password would be intercepted, clients should connect to MySQL Server using a method that protects the password. Possibilities include [TLS / SSL](#tls), IPsec, or a private network. + +##### `allowNativePasswords` + +``` +Type: bool +Valid Values: true, false +Default: true +``` +`allowNativePasswords=false` disallows the usage of MySQL native password method. + +##### `allowOldPasswords` + +``` +Type: bool +Valid Values: true, false +Default: false +``` +`allowOldPasswords=true` allows the usage of the insecure old password method. This should be avoided, but is necessary in some cases. See also [the old_passwords wiki page](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/wiki/old_passwords). + +##### `charset` + +``` +Type: string +Valid Values: +Default: none +``` + +Sets the charset used for client-server interaction (`"SET NAMES "`). If multiple charsets are set (separated by a comma), the following charset is used if setting the charset failes. This enables for example support for `utf8mb4` ([introduced in MySQL 5.5.3](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/charset-unicode-utf8mb4.html)) with fallback to `utf8` for older servers (`charset=utf8mb4,utf8`). + +Usage of the `charset` parameter is discouraged because it issues additional queries to the server. +Unless you need the fallback behavior, please use `collation` instead. + +##### `checkConnLiveness` + +``` +Type: bool +Valid Values: true, false +Default: true +``` + +On supported platforms connections retrieved from the connection pool are checked for liveness before using them. If the check fails, the respective connection is marked as bad and the query retried with another connection. +`checkConnLiveness=false` disables this liveness check of connections. + +##### `collation` + +``` +Type: string +Valid Values: +Default: utf8mb4_general_ci +``` + +Sets the collation used for client-server interaction on connection. In contrast to `charset`, `collation` does not issue additional queries. If the specified collation is unavailable on the target server, the connection will fail. + +A list of valid charsets for a server is retrievable with `SHOW COLLATION`. + +The default collation (`utf8mb4_general_ci`) is supported from MySQL 5.5. You should use an older collation (e.g. `utf8_general_ci`) for older MySQL. + +Collations for charset "ucs2", "utf16", "utf16le", and "utf32" can not be used ([ref](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset-connection.html#charset-connection-impermissible-client-charset)). + + +##### `clientFoundRows` + +``` +Type: bool +Valid Values: true, false +Default: false +``` + +`clientFoundRows=true` causes an UPDATE to return the number of matching rows instead of the number of rows changed. + +##### `columnsWithAlias` + +``` +Type: bool +Valid Values: true, false +Default: false +``` + +When `columnsWithAlias` is true, calls to `sql.Rows.Columns()` will return the table alias and the column name separated by a dot. For example: + +``` +SELECT u.id FROM users as u +``` + +will return `u.id` instead of just `id` if `columnsWithAlias=true`. + +##### `interpolateParams` + +``` +Type: bool +Valid Values: true, false +Default: false +``` + +If `interpolateParams` is true, placeholders (`?`) in calls to `db.Query()` and `db.Exec()` are interpolated into a single query string with given parameters. This reduces the number of roundtrips, since the driver has to prepare a statement, execute it with given parameters and close the statement again with `interpolateParams=false`. + +*This can not be used together with the multibyte encodings BIG5, CP932, GB2312, GBK or SJIS. These are rejected as they may [introduce a SQL injection vulnerability](http://stackoverflow.com/a/12118602/3430118)!* + +##### `loc` + +``` +Type: string +Valid Values: +Default: UTC +``` + +Sets the location for time.Time values (when using `parseTime=true`). *"Local"* sets the system's location. See [time.LoadLocation](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#LoadLocation) for details. + +Note that this sets the location for time.Time values but does not change MySQL's [time_zone setting](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/time-zone-support.html). For that see the [time_zone system variable](#system-variables), which can also be set as a DSN parameter. + +Please keep in mind, that param values must be [url.QueryEscape](https://golang.org/pkg/net/url/#QueryEscape)'ed. Alternatively you can manually replace the `/` with `%2F`. For example `US/Pacific` would be `loc=US%2FPacific`. + +##### `maxAllowedPacket` +``` +Type: decimal number +Default: 4194304 +``` + +Max packet size allowed in bytes. The default value is 4 MiB and should be adjusted to match the server settings. `maxAllowedPacket=0` can be used to automatically fetch the `max_allowed_packet` variable from server *on every connection*. + +##### `multiStatements` + +``` +Type: bool +Valid Values: true, false +Default: false +``` + +Allow multiple statements in one query. While this allows batch queries, it also greatly increases the risk of SQL injections. Only the result of the first query is returned, all other results are silently discarded. + +When `multiStatements` is used, `?` parameters must only be used in the first statement. + +##### `parseTime` + +``` +Type: bool +Valid Values: true, false +Default: false +``` + +`parseTime=true` changes the output type of `DATE` and `DATETIME` values to `time.Time` instead of `[]byte` / `string` +The date or datetime like `0000-00-00 00:00:00` is converted into zero value of `time.Time`. + + +##### `readTimeout` + +``` +Type: duration +Default: 0 +``` + +I/O read timeout. The value must be a decimal number with a unit suffix (*"ms"*, *"s"*, *"m"*, *"h"*), such as *"30s"*, *"0.5m"* or *"1m30s"*. + +##### `rejectReadOnly` + +``` +Type: bool +Valid Values: true, false +Default: false +``` + + +`rejectReadOnly=true` causes the driver to reject read-only connections. This +is for a possible race condition during an automatic failover, where the mysql +client gets connected to a read-only replica after the failover. + +Note that this should be a fairly rare case, as an automatic failover normally +happens when the primary is down, and the race condition shouldn't happen +unless it comes back up online as soon as the failover is kicked off. On the +other hand, when this happens, a MySQL application can get stuck on a +read-only connection until restarted. It is however fairly easy to reproduce, +for example, using a manual failover on AWS Aurora's MySQL-compatible cluster. + +If you are not relying on read-only transactions to reject writes that aren't +supposed to happen, setting this on some MySQL providers (such as AWS Aurora) +is safer for failovers. + +Note that ERROR 1290 can be returned for a `read-only` server and this option will +cause a retry for that error. However the same error number is used for some +other cases. You should ensure your application will never cause an ERROR 1290 +except for `read-only` mode when enabling this option. + + +##### `serverPubKey` + +``` +Type: string +Valid Values: +Default: none +``` + +Server public keys can be registered with [`mysql.RegisterServerPubKey`](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#RegisterServerPubKey), which can then be used by the assigned name in the DSN. +Public keys are used to transmit encrypted data, e.g. for authentication. +If the server's public key is known, it should be set manually to avoid expensive and potentially insecure transmissions of the public key from the server to the client each time it is required. + + +##### `timeout` + +``` +Type: duration +Default: OS default +``` + +Timeout for establishing connections, aka dial timeout. The value must be a decimal number with a unit suffix (*"ms"*, *"s"*, *"m"*, *"h"*), such as *"30s"*, *"0.5m"* or *"1m30s"*. + + +##### `tls` + +``` +Type: bool / string +Valid Values: true, false, skip-verify, preferred, +Default: false +``` + +`tls=true` enables TLS / SSL encrypted connection to the server. Use `skip-verify` if you want to use a self-signed or invalid certificate (server side) or use `preferred` to use TLS only when advertised by the server. This is similar to `skip-verify`, but additionally allows a fallback to a connection which is not encrypted. Neither `skip-verify` nor `preferred` add any reliable security. You can use a custom TLS config after registering it with [`mysql.RegisterTLSConfig`](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#RegisterTLSConfig). + + +##### `writeTimeout` + +``` +Type: duration +Default: 0 +``` + +I/O write timeout. The value must be a decimal number with a unit suffix (*"ms"*, *"s"*, *"m"*, *"h"*), such as *"30s"*, *"0.5m"* or *"1m30s"*. + + +##### System Variables + +Any other parameters are interpreted as system variables: + * `=`: `SET =` + * `=`: `SET =` + * `=%27%27`: `SET =''` + +Rules: +* The values for string variables must be quoted with `'`. +* The values must also be [url.QueryEscape](http://golang.org/pkg/net/url/#QueryEscape)'ed! + (which implies values of string variables must be wrapped with `%27`). + +Examples: + * `autocommit=1`: `SET autocommit=1` + * [`time_zone=%27Europe%2FParis%27`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/time-zone-support.html): `SET time_zone='Europe/Paris'` + * [`transaction_isolation=%27REPEATABLE-READ%27`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_transaction_isolation): `SET transaction_isolation='REPEATABLE-READ'` + + +#### Examples +``` +user@unix(/path/to/socket)/dbname +``` + +``` +root:pw@unix(/tmp/mysql.sock)/myDatabase?loc=Local +``` + +``` +user:password@tcp(localhost:5555)/dbname?tls=skip-verify&autocommit=true +``` + +Treat warnings as errors by setting the system variable [`sql_mode`](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-mode.html): +``` +user:password@/dbname?sql_mode=TRADITIONAL +``` + +TCP via IPv6: +``` +user:password@tcp([de:ad:be:ef::ca:fe]:80)/dbname?timeout=90s&collation=utf8mb4_unicode_ci +``` + +TCP on a remote host, e.g. Amazon RDS: +``` +id:password@tcp(your-amazonaws-uri.com:3306)/dbname +``` + +Google Cloud SQL on App Engine: +``` +user:password@unix(/cloudsql/project-id:region-name:instance-name)/dbname +``` + +TCP using default port (3306) on localhost: +``` +user:password@tcp/dbname?charset=utf8mb4,utf8&sys_var=esc%40ped +``` + +Use the default protocol (tcp) and host (localhost:3306): +``` +user:password@/dbname +``` + +No Database preselected: +``` +user:password@/ +``` + + +### Connection pool and timeouts +The connection pool is managed by Go's database/sql package. For details on how to configure the size of the pool and how long connections stay in the pool see `*DB.SetMaxOpenConns`, `*DB.SetMaxIdleConns`, and `*DB.SetConnMaxLifetime` in the [database/sql documentation](https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/). The read, write, and dial timeouts for each individual connection are configured with the DSN parameters [`readTimeout`](#readtimeout), [`writeTimeout`](#writetimeout), and [`timeout`](#timeout), respectively. + +## `ColumnType` Support +This driver supports the [`ColumnType` interface](https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/#ColumnType) introduced in Go 1.8, with the exception of [`ColumnType.Length()`](https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/#ColumnType.Length), which is currently not supported. + +## `context.Context` Support +Go 1.8 added `database/sql` support for `context.Context`. This driver supports query timeouts and cancellation via contexts. +See [context support in the database/sql package](https://golang.org/doc/go1.8#database_sql) for more details. + + +### `LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE` support +For this feature you need direct access to the package. Therefore you must change the import path (no `_`): +```go +import "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" +``` + +Files must be explicitly allowed by registering them with `mysql.RegisterLocalFile(filepath)` (recommended) or the allowlist check must be deactivated by using the DSN parameter `allowAllFiles=true` ([*Might be insecure!*](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/load-data-local.html)). + +To use a `io.Reader` a handler function must be registered with `mysql.RegisterReaderHandler(name, handler)` which returns a `io.Reader` or `io.ReadCloser`. The Reader is available with the filepath `Reader::` then. Choose different names for different handlers and `DeregisterReaderHandler` when you don't need it anymore. + +See the [godoc of Go-MySQL-Driver](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql "golang mysql driver documentation") for details. + + +### `time.Time` support +The default internal output type of MySQL `DATE` and `DATETIME` values is `[]byte` which allows you to scan the value into a `[]byte`, `string` or `sql.RawBytes` variable in your program. + +However, many want to scan MySQL `DATE` and `DATETIME` values into `time.Time` variables, which is the logical equivalent in Go to `DATE` and `DATETIME` in MySQL. You can do that by changing the internal output type from `[]byte` to `time.Time` with the DSN parameter `parseTime=true`. You can set the default [`time.Time` location](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Location) with the `loc` DSN parameter. + +**Caution:** As of Go 1.1, this makes `time.Time` the only variable type you can scan `DATE` and `DATETIME` values into. This breaks for example [`sql.RawBytes` support](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/wiki/Examples#rawbytes). + + +### Unicode support +Since version 1.5 Go-MySQL-Driver automatically uses the collation ` utf8mb4_general_ci` by default. + +Other collations / charsets can be set using the [`collation`](#collation) DSN parameter. + +Version 1.0 of the driver recommended adding `&charset=utf8` (alias for `SET NAMES utf8`) to the DSN to enable proper UTF-8 support. This is not necessary anymore. The [`collation`](#collation) parameter should be preferred to set another collation / charset than the default. + +See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/charset-unicode.html for more details on MySQL's Unicode support. + +## Testing / Development +To run the driver tests you may need to adjust the configuration. See the [Testing Wiki-Page](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/wiki/Testing "Testing") for details. + +Go-MySQL-Driver is not feature-complete yet. Your help is very appreciated. +If you want to contribute, you can work on an [open issue](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/issues?state=open) or review a [pull request](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/pulls). + +See the [Contribution Guidelines](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) for details. + +--------------------------------------- + +## License +Go-MySQL-Driver is licensed under the [Mozilla Public License Version 2.0](https://raw.github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/master/LICENSE) + +Mozilla summarizes the license scope as follows: +> MPL: The copyleft applies to any files containing MPLed code. + + +That means: + * You can **use** the **unchanged** source code both in private and commercially. + * When distributing, you **must publish** the source code of any **changed files** licensed under the MPL 2.0 under a) the MPL 2.0 itself or b) a compatible license (e.g. GPL 3.0 or Apache License 2.0). + * You **needn't publish** the source code of your library as long as the files licensed under the MPL 2.0 are **unchanged**. + +Please read the [MPL 2.0 FAQ](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/FAQ/) if you have further questions regarding the license. + +You can read the full terms here: [LICENSE](https://raw.github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/master/LICENSE). + +![Go Gopher and MySQL Dolphin](https://raw.github.com/wiki/go-sql-driver/mysql/go-mysql-driver_m.jpg "Golang Gopher transporting the MySQL Dolphin in a wheelbarrow") diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/auth.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/auth.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b2f19e8f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/auth.go @@ -0,0 +1,425 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2018 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +import ( + "crypto/rand" + "crypto/rsa" + "crypto/sha1" + "crypto/sha256" + "crypto/x509" + "encoding/pem" + "fmt" + "sync" +) + +// server pub keys registry +var ( + serverPubKeyLock sync.RWMutex + serverPubKeyRegistry map[string]*rsa.PublicKey +) + +// RegisterServerPubKey registers a server RSA public key which can be used to +// send data in a secure manner to the server without receiving the public key +// in a potentially insecure way from the server first. +// Registered keys can afterwards be used adding serverPubKey= to the DSN. +// +// Note: The provided rsa.PublicKey instance is exclusively owned by the driver +// after registering it and may not be modified. +// +// data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("mykey.pem") +// if err != nil { +// log.Fatal(err) +// } +// +// block, _ := pem.Decode(data) +// if block == nil || block.Type != "PUBLIC KEY" { +// log.Fatal("failed to decode PEM block containing public key") +// } +// +// pub, err := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes) +// if err != nil { +// log.Fatal(err) +// } +// +// if rsaPubKey, ok := pub.(*rsa.PublicKey); ok { +// mysql.RegisterServerPubKey("mykey", rsaPubKey) +// } else { +// log.Fatal("not a RSA public key") +// } +// +func RegisterServerPubKey(name string, pubKey *rsa.PublicKey) { + serverPubKeyLock.Lock() + if serverPubKeyRegistry == nil { + serverPubKeyRegistry = make(map[string]*rsa.PublicKey) + } + + serverPubKeyRegistry[name] = pubKey + serverPubKeyLock.Unlock() +} + +// DeregisterServerPubKey removes the public key registered with the given name. +func DeregisterServerPubKey(name string) { + serverPubKeyLock.Lock() + if serverPubKeyRegistry != nil { + delete(serverPubKeyRegistry, name) + } + serverPubKeyLock.Unlock() +} + +func getServerPubKey(name string) (pubKey *rsa.PublicKey) { + serverPubKeyLock.RLock() + if v, ok := serverPubKeyRegistry[name]; ok { + pubKey = v + } + serverPubKeyLock.RUnlock() + return +} + +// Hash password using pre 4.1 (old password) method +// https://github.com/atcurtis/mariadb/blob/master/mysys/my_rnd.c +type myRnd struct { + seed1, seed2 uint32 +} + +const myRndMaxVal = 0x3FFFFFFF + +// Pseudo random number generator +func newMyRnd(seed1, seed2 uint32) *myRnd { + return &myRnd{ + seed1: seed1 % myRndMaxVal, + seed2: seed2 % myRndMaxVal, + } +} + +// Tested to be equivalent to MariaDB's floating point variant +// http://play.golang.org/p/QHvhd4qved +// http://play.golang.org/p/RG0q4ElWDx +func (r *myRnd) NextByte() byte { + r.seed1 = (r.seed1*3 + r.seed2) % myRndMaxVal + r.seed2 = (r.seed1 + r.seed2 + 33) % myRndMaxVal + + return byte(uint64(r.seed1) * 31 / myRndMaxVal) +} + +// Generate binary hash from byte string using insecure pre 4.1 method +func pwHash(password []byte) (result [2]uint32) { + var add uint32 = 7 + var tmp uint32 + + result[0] = 1345345333 + result[1] = 0x12345671 + + for _, c := range password { + // skip spaces and tabs in password + if c == ' ' || c == '\t' { + continue + } + + tmp = uint32(c) + result[0] ^= (((result[0] & 63) + add) * tmp) + (result[0] << 8) + result[1] += (result[1] << 8) ^ result[0] + add += tmp + } + + // Remove sign bit (1<<31)-1) + result[0] &= 0x7FFFFFFF + result[1] &= 0x7FFFFFFF + + return +} + +// Hash password using insecure pre 4.1 method +func scrambleOldPassword(scramble []byte, password string) []byte { + scramble = scramble[:8] + + hashPw := pwHash([]byte(password)) + hashSc := pwHash(scramble) + + r := newMyRnd(hashPw[0]^hashSc[0], hashPw[1]^hashSc[1]) + + var out [8]byte + for i := range out { + out[i] = r.NextByte() + 64 + } + + mask := r.NextByte() + for i := range out { + out[i] ^= mask + } + + return out[:] +} + +// Hash password using 4.1+ method (SHA1) +func scramblePassword(scramble []byte, password string) []byte { + if len(password) == 0 { + return nil + } + + // stage1Hash = SHA1(password) + crypt := sha1.New() + crypt.Write([]byte(password)) + stage1 := crypt.Sum(nil) + + // scrambleHash = SHA1(scramble + SHA1(stage1Hash)) + // inner Hash + crypt.Reset() + crypt.Write(stage1) + hash := crypt.Sum(nil) + + // outer Hash + crypt.Reset() + crypt.Write(scramble) + crypt.Write(hash) + scramble = crypt.Sum(nil) + + // token = scrambleHash XOR stage1Hash + for i := range scramble { + scramble[i] ^= stage1[i] + } + return scramble +} + +// Hash password using MySQL 8+ method (SHA256) +func scrambleSHA256Password(scramble []byte, password string) []byte { + if len(password) == 0 { + return nil + } + + // XOR(SHA256(password), SHA256(SHA256(SHA256(password)), scramble)) + + crypt := sha256.New() + crypt.Write([]byte(password)) + message1 := crypt.Sum(nil) + + crypt.Reset() + crypt.Write(message1) + message1Hash := crypt.Sum(nil) + + crypt.Reset() + crypt.Write(message1Hash) + crypt.Write(scramble) + message2 := crypt.Sum(nil) + + for i := range message1 { + message1[i] ^= message2[i] + } + + return message1 +} + +func encryptPassword(password string, seed []byte, pub *rsa.PublicKey) ([]byte, error) { + plain := make([]byte, len(password)+1) + copy(plain, password) + for i := range plain { + j := i % len(seed) + plain[i] ^= seed[j] + } + sha1 := sha1.New() + return rsa.EncryptOAEP(sha1, rand.Reader, pub, plain, nil) +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) sendEncryptedPassword(seed []byte, pub *rsa.PublicKey) error { + enc, err := encryptPassword(mc.cfg.Passwd, seed, pub) + if err != nil { + return err + } + return mc.writeAuthSwitchPacket(enc) +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) auth(authData []byte, plugin string) ([]byte, error) { + switch plugin { + case "caching_sha2_password": + authResp := scrambleSHA256Password(authData, mc.cfg.Passwd) + return authResp, nil + + case "mysql_old_password": + if !mc.cfg.AllowOldPasswords { + return nil, ErrOldPassword + } + if len(mc.cfg.Passwd) == 0 { + return nil, nil + } + // Note: there are edge cases where this should work but doesn't; + // this is currently "wontfix": + // https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/issues/184 + authResp := append(scrambleOldPassword(authData[:8], mc.cfg.Passwd), 0) + return authResp, nil + + case "mysql_clear_password": + if !mc.cfg.AllowCleartextPasswords { + return nil, ErrCleartextPassword + } + // http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/cleartext-authentication-plugin.html + // http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/pam-authentication-plugin.html + return append([]byte(mc.cfg.Passwd), 0), nil + + case "mysql_native_password": + if !mc.cfg.AllowNativePasswords { + return nil, ErrNativePassword + } + // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/secure-password-authentication.html + // Native password authentication only need and will need 20-byte challenge. + authResp := scramblePassword(authData[:20], mc.cfg.Passwd) + return authResp, nil + + case "sha256_password": + if len(mc.cfg.Passwd) == 0 { + return []byte{0}, nil + } + if mc.cfg.tls != nil || mc.cfg.Net == "unix" { + // write cleartext auth packet + return append([]byte(mc.cfg.Passwd), 0), nil + } + + pubKey := mc.cfg.pubKey + if pubKey == nil { + // request public key from server + return []byte{1}, nil + } + + // encrypted password + enc, err := encryptPassword(mc.cfg.Passwd, authData, pubKey) + return enc, err + + default: + errLog.Print("unknown auth plugin:", plugin) + return nil, ErrUnknownPlugin + } +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) handleAuthResult(oldAuthData []byte, plugin string) error { + // Read Result Packet + authData, newPlugin, err := mc.readAuthResult() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // handle auth plugin switch, if requested + if newPlugin != "" { + // If CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH capability is not supported, no new cipher is + // sent and we have to keep using the cipher sent in the init packet. + if authData == nil { + authData = oldAuthData + } else { + // copy data from read buffer to owned slice + copy(oldAuthData, authData) + } + + plugin = newPlugin + + authResp, err := mc.auth(authData, plugin) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err = mc.writeAuthSwitchPacket(authResp); err != nil { + return err + } + + // Read Result Packet + authData, newPlugin, err = mc.readAuthResult() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // Do not allow to change the auth plugin more than once + if newPlugin != "" { + return ErrMalformPkt + } + } + + switch plugin { + + // https://insidemysql.com/preparing-your-community-connector-for-mysql-8-part-2-sha256/ + case "caching_sha2_password": + switch len(authData) { + case 0: + return nil // auth successful + case 1: + switch authData[0] { + case cachingSha2PasswordFastAuthSuccess: + if err = mc.readResultOK(); err == nil { + return nil // auth successful + } + + case cachingSha2PasswordPerformFullAuthentication: + if mc.cfg.tls != nil || mc.cfg.Net == "unix" { + // write cleartext auth packet + err = mc.writeAuthSwitchPacket(append([]byte(mc.cfg.Passwd), 0)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + pubKey := mc.cfg.pubKey + if pubKey == nil { + // request public key from server + data, err := mc.buf.takeSmallBuffer(4 + 1) + if err != nil { + return err + } + data[4] = cachingSha2PasswordRequestPublicKey + mc.writePacket(data) + + // parse public key + if data, err = mc.readPacket(); err != nil { + return err + } + + block, rest := pem.Decode(data[1:]) + if block == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("No Pem data found, data: %s", rest) + } + pkix, err := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes) + if err != nil { + return err + } + pubKey = pkix.(*rsa.PublicKey) + } + + // send encrypted password + err = mc.sendEncryptedPassword(oldAuthData, pubKey) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + return mc.readResultOK() + + default: + return ErrMalformPkt + } + default: + return ErrMalformPkt + } + + case "sha256_password": + switch len(authData) { + case 0: + return nil // auth successful + default: + block, _ := pem.Decode(authData) + pub, err := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // send encrypted password + err = mc.sendEncryptedPassword(oldAuthData, pub.(*rsa.PublicKey)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + return mc.readResultOK() + } + + default: + return nil // auth successful + } + + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/buffer.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/buffer.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0774c5c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/buffer.go @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +import ( + "io" + "net" + "time" +) + +const defaultBufSize = 4096 +const maxCachedBufSize = 256 * 1024 + +// A buffer which is used for both reading and writing. +// This is possible since communication on each connection is synchronous. +// In other words, we can't write and read simultaneously on the same connection. +// The buffer is similar to bufio.Reader / Writer but zero-copy-ish +// Also highly optimized for this particular use case. +// This buffer is backed by two byte slices in a double-buffering scheme +type buffer struct { + buf []byte // buf is a byte buffer who's length and capacity are equal. + nc net.Conn + idx int + length int + timeout time.Duration + dbuf [2][]byte // dbuf is an array with the two byte slices that back this buffer + flipcnt uint // flipccnt is the current buffer counter for double-buffering +} + +// newBuffer allocates and returns a new buffer. +func newBuffer(nc net.Conn) buffer { + fg := make([]byte, defaultBufSize) + return buffer{ + buf: fg, + nc: nc, + dbuf: [2][]byte{fg, nil}, + } +} + +// flip replaces the active buffer with the background buffer +// this is a delayed flip that simply increases the buffer counter; +// the actual flip will be performed the next time we call `buffer.fill` +func (b *buffer) flip() { + b.flipcnt += 1 +} + +// fill reads into the buffer until at least _need_ bytes are in it +func (b *buffer) fill(need int) error { + n := b.length + // fill data into its double-buffering target: if we've called + // flip on this buffer, we'll be copying to the background buffer, + // and then filling it with network data; otherwise we'll just move + // the contents of the current buffer to the front before filling it + dest := b.dbuf[b.flipcnt&1] + + // grow buffer if necessary to fit the whole packet. + if need > len(dest) { + // Round up to the next multiple of the default size + dest = make([]byte, ((need/defaultBufSize)+1)*defaultBufSize) + + // if the allocated buffer is not too large, move it to backing storage + // to prevent extra allocations on applications that perform large reads + if len(dest) <= maxCachedBufSize { + b.dbuf[b.flipcnt&1] = dest + } + } + + // if we're filling the fg buffer, move the existing data to the start of it. + // if we're filling the bg buffer, copy over the data + if n > 0 { + copy(dest[:n], b.buf[b.idx:]) + } + + b.buf = dest + b.idx = 0 + + for { + if b.timeout > 0 { + if err := b.nc.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(b.timeout)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + nn, err := b.nc.Read(b.buf[n:]) + n += nn + + switch err { + case nil: + if n < need { + continue + } + b.length = n + return nil + + case io.EOF: + if n >= need { + b.length = n + return nil + } + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + + default: + return err + } + } +} + +// returns next N bytes from buffer. +// The returned slice is only guaranteed to be valid until the next read +func (b *buffer) readNext(need int) ([]byte, error) { + if b.length < need { + // refill + if err := b.fill(need); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + offset := b.idx + b.idx += need + b.length -= need + return b.buf[offset:b.idx], nil +} + +// takeBuffer returns a buffer with the requested size. +// If possible, a slice from the existing buffer is returned. +// Otherwise a bigger buffer is made. +// Only one buffer (total) can be used at a time. +func (b *buffer) takeBuffer(length int) ([]byte, error) { + if b.length > 0 { + return nil, ErrBusyBuffer + } + + // test (cheap) general case first + if length <= cap(b.buf) { + return b.buf[:length], nil + } + + if length < maxPacketSize { + b.buf = make([]byte, length) + return b.buf, nil + } + + // buffer is larger than we want to store. + return make([]byte, length), nil +} + +// takeSmallBuffer is shortcut which can be used if length is +// known to be smaller than defaultBufSize. +// Only one buffer (total) can be used at a time. +func (b *buffer) takeSmallBuffer(length int) ([]byte, error) { + if b.length > 0 { + return nil, ErrBusyBuffer + } + return b.buf[:length], nil +} + +// takeCompleteBuffer returns the complete existing buffer. +// This can be used if the necessary buffer size is unknown. +// cap and len of the returned buffer will be equal. +// Only one buffer (total) can be used at a time. +func (b *buffer) takeCompleteBuffer() ([]byte, error) { + if b.length > 0 { + return nil, ErrBusyBuffer + } + return b.buf, nil +} + +// store stores buf, an updated buffer, if its suitable to do so. +func (b *buffer) store(buf []byte) error { + if b.length > 0 { + return ErrBusyBuffer + } else if cap(buf) <= maxPacketSize && cap(buf) > cap(b.buf) { + b.buf = buf[:cap(buf)] + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/collations.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/collations.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..326a9f7f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/collations.go @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2014 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +const defaultCollation = "utf8mb4_general_ci" +const binaryCollation = "binary" + +// A list of available collations mapped to the internal ID. +// To update this map use the following MySQL query: +// SELECT COLLATION_NAME, ID FROM information_schema.COLLATIONS WHERE ID<256 ORDER BY ID +// +// Handshake packet have only 1 byte for collation_id. So we can't use collations with ID > 255. +// +// ucs2, utf16, and utf32 can't be used for connection charset. +// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset-connection.html#charset-connection-impermissible-client-charset +// They are commented out to reduce this map. +var collations = map[string]byte{ + "big5_chinese_ci": 1, + "latin2_czech_cs": 2, + "dec8_swedish_ci": 3, + "cp850_general_ci": 4, + "latin1_german1_ci": 5, + "hp8_english_ci": 6, + "koi8r_general_ci": 7, + "latin1_swedish_ci": 8, + "latin2_general_ci": 9, + "swe7_swedish_ci": 10, + "ascii_general_ci": 11, + "ujis_japanese_ci": 12, + "sjis_japanese_ci": 13, + "cp1251_bulgarian_ci": 14, + "latin1_danish_ci": 15, + "hebrew_general_ci": 16, + "tis620_thai_ci": 18, + "euckr_korean_ci": 19, + "latin7_estonian_cs": 20, + "latin2_hungarian_ci": 21, + "koi8u_general_ci": 22, + "cp1251_ukrainian_ci": 23, + "gb2312_chinese_ci": 24, + "greek_general_ci": 25, + "cp1250_general_ci": 26, + "latin2_croatian_ci": 27, + "gbk_chinese_ci": 28, + "cp1257_lithuanian_ci": 29, + "latin5_turkish_ci": 30, + "latin1_german2_ci": 31, + "armscii8_general_ci": 32, + "utf8_general_ci": 33, + "cp1250_czech_cs": 34, + //"ucs2_general_ci": 35, + "cp866_general_ci": 36, + "keybcs2_general_ci": 37, + "macce_general_ci": 38, + "macroman_general_ci": 39, + "cp852_general_ci": 40, + "latin7_general_ci": 41, + "latin7_general_cs": 42, + "macce_bin": 43, + "cp1250_croatian_ci": 44, + "utf8mb4_general_ci": 45, + "utf8mb4_bin": 46, + "latin1_bin": 47, + "latin1_general_ci": 48, + "latin1_general_cs": 49, + "cp1251_bin": 50, + "cp1251_general_ci": 51, + "cp1251_general_cs": 52, + "macroman_bin": 53, + //"utf16_general_ci": 54, + //"utf16_bin": 55, + //"utf16le_general_ci": 56, + "cp1256_general_ci": 57, + "cp1257_bin": 58, + "cp1257_general_ci": 59, + //"utf32_general_ci": 60, + //"utf32_bin": 61, + //"utf16le_bin": 62, + "binary": 63, + "armscii8_bin": 64, + "ascii_bin": 65, + "cp1250_bin": 66, + "cp1256_bin": 67, + "cp866_bin": 68, + "dec8_bin": 69, + "greek_bin": 70, + "hebrew_bin": 71, + "hp8_bin": 72, + "keybcs2_bin": 73, + "koi8r_bin": 74, + "koi8u_bin": 75, + "utf8_tolower_ci": 76, + "latin2_bin": 77, + "latin5_bin": 78, + "latin7_bin": 79, + "cp850_bin": 80, + "cp852_bin": 81, + "swe7_bin": 82, + "utf8_bin": 83, + "big5_bin": 84, + "euckr_bin": 85, + "gb2312_bin": 86, + "gbk_bin": 87, + "sjis_bin": 88, + "tis620_bin": 89, + //"ucs2_bin": 90, + "ujis_bin": 91, + "geostd8_general_ci": 92, + "geostd8_bin": 93, + "latin1_spanish_ci": 94, + "cp932_japanese_ci": 95, + "cp932_bin": 96, + "eucjpms_japanese_ci": 97, + "eucjpms_bin": 98, + "cp1250_polish_ci": 99, + //"utf16_unicode_ci": 101, + //"utf16_icelandic_ci": 102, + //"utf16_latvian_ci": 103, + //"utf16_romanian_ci": 104, + //"utf16_slovenian_ci": 105, + //"utf16_polish_ci": 106, + //"utf16_estonian_ci": 107, + //"utf16_spanish_ci": 108, + //"utf16_swedish_ci": 109, + //"utf16_turkish_ci": 110, + //"utf16_czech_ci": 111, + //"utf16_danish_ci": 112, + //"utf16_lithuanian_ci": 113, + //"utf16_slovak_ci": 114, + //"utf16_spanish2_ci": 115, + //"utf16_roman_ci": 116, + //"utf16_persian_ci": 117, + //"utf16_esperanto_ci": 118, + //"utf16_hungarian_ci": 119, + //"utf16_sinhala_ci": 120, + //"utf16_german2_ci": 121, + //"utf16_croatian_ci": 122, + //"utf16_unicode_520_ci": 123, + //"utf16_vietnamese_ci": 124, + //"ucs2_unicode_ci": 128, + //"ucs2_icelandic_ci": 129, + //"ucs2_latvian_ci": 130, + //"ucs2_romanian_ci": 131, + //"ucs2_slovenian_ci": 132, + //"ucs2_polish_ci": 133, + //"ucs2_estonian_ci": 134, + //"ucs2_spanish_ci": 135, + //"ucs2_swedish_ci": 136, + //"ucs2_turkish_ci": 137, + //"ucs2_czech_ci": 138, + //"ucs2_danish_ci": 139, + //"ucs2_lithuanian_ci": 140, + //"ucs2_slovak_ci": 141, + //"ucs2_spanish2_ci": 142, + //"ucs2_roman_ci": 143, + //"ucs2_persian_ci": 144, + //"ucs2_esperanto_ci": 145, + //"ucs2_hungarian_ci": 146, + //"ucs2_sinhala_ci": 147, + //"ucs2_german2_ci": 148, + //"ucs2_croatian_ci": 149, + //"ucs2_unicode_520_ci": 150, + //"ucs2_vietnamese_ci": 151, + //"ucs2_general_mysql500_ci": 159, + //"utf32_unicode_ci": 160, + //"utf32_icelandic_ci": 161, + //"utf32_latvian_ci": 162, + //"utf32_romanian_ci": 163, + //"utf32_slovenian_ci": 164, + //"utf32_polish_ci": 165, + //"utf32_estonian_ci": 166, + //"utf32_spanish_ci": 167, + //"utf32_swedish_ci": 168, + //"utf32_turkish_ci": 169, + //"utf32_czech_ci": 170, + //"utf32_danish_ci": 171, + //"utf32_lithuanian_ci": 172, + //"utf32_slovak_ci": 173, + //"utf32_spanish2_ci": 174, + //"utf32_roman_ci": 175, + //"utf32_persian_ci": 176, + //"utf32_esperanto_ci": 177, + //"utf32_hungarian_ci": 178, + //"utf32_sinhala_ci": 179, + //"utf32_german2_ci": 180, + //"utf32_croatian_ci": 181, + //"utf32_unicode_520_ci": 182, + //"utf32_vietnamese_ci": 183, + "utf8_unicode_ci": 192, + "utf8_icelandic_ci": 193, + "utf8_latvian_ci": 194, + "utf8_romanian_ci": 195, + "utf8_slovenian_ci": 196, + "utf8_polish_ci": 197, + "utf8_estonian_ci": 198, + "utf8_spanish_ci": 199, + "utf8_swedish_ci": 200, + "utf8_turkish_ci": 201, + "utf8_czech_ci": 202, + "utf8_danish_ci": 203, + "utf8_lithuanian_ci": 204, + "utf8_slovak_ci": 205, + "utf8_spanish2_ci": 206, + "utf8_roman_ci": 207, + "utf8_persian_ci": 208, + "utf8_esperanto_ci": 209, + "utf8_hungarian_ci": 210, + "utf8_sinhala_ci": 211, + "utf8_german2_ci": 212, + "utf8_croatian_ci": 213, + "utf8_unicode_520_ci": 214, + "utf8_vietnamese_ci": 215, + "utf8_general_mysql500_ci": 223, + "utf8mb4_unicode_ci": 224, + "utf8mb4_icelandic_ci": 225, + "utf8mb4_latvian_ci": 226, + "utf8mb4_romanian_ci": 227, + "utf8mb4_slovenian_ci": 228, + "utf8mb4_polish_ci": 229, + "utf8mb4_estonian_ci": 230, + "utf8mb4_spanish_ci": 231, + "utf8mb4_swedish_ci": 232, + "utf8mb4_turkish_ci": 233, + "utf8mb4_czech_ci": 234, + "utf8mb4_danish_ci": 235, + "utf8mb4_lithuanian_ci": 236, + "utf8mb4_slovak_ci": 237, + "utf8mb4_spanish2_ci": 238, + "utf8mb4_roman_ci": 239, + "utf8mb4_persian_ci": 240, + "utf8mb4_esperanto_ci": 241, + "utf8mb4_hungarian_ci": 242, + "utf8mb4_sinhala_ci": 243, + "utf8mb4_german2_ci": 244, + "utf8mb4_croatian_ci": 245, + "utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci": 246, + "utf8mb4_vietnamese_ci": 247, + "gb18030_chinese_ci": 248, + "gb18030_bin": 249, + "gb18030_unicode_520_ci": 250, + "utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci": 255, +} + +// A denylist of collations which is unsafe to interpolate parameters. +// These multibyte encodings may contains 0x5c (`\`) in their trailing bytes. +var unsafeCollations = map[string]bool{ + "big5_chinese_ci": true, + "sjis_japanese_ci": true, + "gbk_chinese_ci": true, + "big5_bin": true, + "gb2312_bin": true, + "gbk_bin": true, + "sjis_bin": true, + "cp932_japanese_ci": true, + "cp932_bin": true, + "gb18030_chinese_ci": true, + "gb18030_bin": true, + "gb18030_unicode_520_ci": true, +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/conncheck.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/conncheck.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..024eb285 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/conncheck.go @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2019 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +// +build linux darwin dragonfly freebsd netbsd openbsd solaris illumos + +package mysql + +import ( + "errors" + "io" + "net" + "syscall" +) + +var errUnexpectedRead = errors.New("unexpected read from socket") + +func connCheck(conn net.Conn) error { + var sysErr error + + sysConn, ok := conn.(syscall.Conn) + if !ok { + return nil + } + rawConn, err := sysConn.SyscallConn() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + err = rawConn.Read(func(fd uintptr) bool { + var buf [1]byte + n, err := syscall.Read(int(fd), buf[:]) + switch { + case n == 0 && err == nil: + sysErr = io.EOF + case n > 0: + sysErr = errUnexpectedRead + case err == syscall.EAGAIN || err == syscall.EWOULDBLOCK: + sysErr = nil + default: + sysErr = err + } + return true + }) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + return sysErr +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/conncheck_dummy.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/conncheck_dummy.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ea7fb607 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/conncheck_dummy.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2019 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +// +build !linux,!darwin,!dragonfly,!freebsd,!netbsd,!openbsd,!solaris,!illumos + +package mysql + +import "net" + +func connCheck(conn net.Conn) error { + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/connection.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/connection.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..835f8972 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/connection.go @@ -0,0 +1,650 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +import ( + "context" + "database/sql" + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/json" + "io" + "net" + "strconv" + "strings" + "time" +) + +type mysqlConn struct { + buf buffer + netConn net.Conn + rawConn net.Conn // underlying connection when netConn is TLS connection. + affectedRows uint64 + insertId uint64 + cfg *Config + maxAllowedPacket int + maxWriteSize int + writeTimeout time.Duration + flags clientFlag + status statusFlag + sequence uint8 + parseTime bool + reset bool // set when the Go SQL package calls ResetSession + + // for context support (Go 1.8+) + watching bool + watcher chan<- context.Context + closech chan struct{} + finished chan<- struct{} + canceled atomicError // set non-nil if conn is canceled + closed atomicBool // set when conn is closed, before closech is closed +} + +// Handles parameters set in DSN after the connection is established +func (mc *mysqlConn) handleParams() (err error) { + var cmdSet strings.Builder + for param, val := range mc.cfg.Params { + switch param { + // Charset: character_set_connection, character_set_client, character_set_results + case "charset": + charsets := strings.Split(val, ",") + for i := range charsets { + // ignore errors here - a charset may not exist + err = mc.exec("SET NAMES " + charsets[i]) + if err == nil { + break + } + } + if err != nil { + return + } + + // Other system vars accumulated in a single SET command + default: + if cmdSet.Len() == 0 { + // Heuristic: 29 chars for each other key=value to reduce reallocations + cmdSet.Grow(4 + len(param) + 1 + len(val) + 30*(len(mc.cfg.Params)-1)) + cmdSet.WriteString("SET ") + } else { + cmdSet.WriteByte(',') + } + cmdSet.WriteString(param) + cmdSet.WriteByte('=') + cmdSet.WriteString(val) + } + } + + if cmdSet.Len() > 0 { + err = mc.exec(cmdSet.String()) + if err != nil { + return + } + } + + return +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) markBadConn(err error) error { + if mc == nil { + return err + } + if err != errBadConnNoWrite { + return err + } + return driver.ErrBadConn +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) Begin() (driver.Tx, error) { + return mc.begin(false) +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) begin(readOnly bool) (driver.Tx, error) { + if mc.closed.IsSet() { + errLog.Print(ErrInvalidConn) + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + var q string + if readOnly { + q = "START TRANSACTION READ ONLY" + } else { + q = "START TRANSACTION" + } + err := mc.exec(q) + if err == nil { + return &mysqlTx{mc}, err + } + return nil, mc.markBadConn(err) +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) Close() (err error) { + // Makes Close idempotent + if !mc.closed.IsSet() { + err = mc.writeCommandPacket(comQuit) + } + + mc.cleanup() + + return +} + +// Closes the network connection and unsets internal variables. Do not call this +// function after successfully authentication, call Close instead. This function +// is called before auth or on auth failure because MySQL will have already +// closed the network connection. +func (mc *mysqlConn) cleanup() { + if !mc.closed.TrySet(true) { + return + } + + // Makes cleanup idempotent + close(mc.closech) + if mc.netConn == nil { + return + } + if err := mc.netConn.Close(); err != nil { + errLog.Print(err) + } +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) error() error { + if mc.closed.IsSet() { + if err := mc.canceled.Value(); err != nil { + return err + } + return ErrInvalidConn + } + return nil +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) Prepare(query string) (driver.Stmt, error) { + if mc.closed.IsSet() { + errLog.Print(ErrInvalidConn) + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + // Send command + err := mc.writeCommandPacketStr(comStmtPrepare, query) + if err != nil { + // STMT_PREPARE is safe to retry. So we can return ErrBadConn here. + errLog.Print(err) + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + + stmt := &mysqlStmt{ + mc: mc, + } + + // Read Result + columnCount, err := stmt.readPrepareResultPacket() + if err == nil { + if stmt.paramCount > 0 { + if err = mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + if columnCount > 0 { + err = mc.readUntilEOF() + } + } + + return stmt, err +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) interpolateParams(query string, args []driver.Value) (string, error) { + // Number of ? should be same to len(args) + if strings.Count(query, "?") != len(args) { + return "", driver.ErrSkip + } + + buf, err := mc.buf.takeCompleteBuffer() + if err != nil { + // can not take the buffer. Something must be wrong with the connection + errLog.Print(err) + return "", ErrInvalidConn + } + buf = buf[:0] + argPos := 0 + + for i := 0; i < len(query); i++ { + q := strings.IndexByte(query[i:], '?') + if q == -1 { + buf = append(buf, query[i:]...) + break + } + buf = append(buf, query[i:i+q]...) + i += q + + arg := args[argPos] + argPos++ + + if arg == nil { + buf = append(buf, "NULL"...) + continue + } + + switch v := arg.(type) { + case int64: + buf = strconv.AppendInt(buf, v, 10) + case uint64: + // Handle uint64 explicitly because our custom ConvertValue emits unsigned values + buf = strconv.AppendUint(buf, v, 10) + case float64: + buf = strconv.AppendFloat(buf, v, 'g', -1, 64) + case bool: + if v { + buf = append(buf, '1') + } else { + buf = append(buf, '0') + } + case time.Time: + if v.IsZero() { + buf = append(buf, "'0000-00-00'"...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, '\'') + buf, err = appendDateTime(buf, v.In(mc.cfg.Loc)) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + buf = append(buf, '\'') + } + case json.RawMessage: + buf = append(buf, '\'') + if mc.status&statusNoBackslashEscapes == 0 { + buf = escapeBytesBackslash(buf, v) + } else { + buf = escapeBytesQuotes(buf, v) + } + buf = append(buf, '\'') + case []byte: + if v == nil { + buf = append(buf, "NULL"...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, "_binary'"...) + if mc.status&statusNoBackslashEscapes == 0 { + buf = escapeBytesBackslash(buf, v) + } else { + buf = escapeBytesQuotes(buf, v) + } + buf = append(buf, '\'') + } + case string: + buf = append(buf, '\'') + if mc.status&statusNoBackslashEscapes == 0 { + buf = escapeStringBackslash(buf, v) + } else { + buf = escapeStringQuotes(buf, v) + } + buf = append(buf, '\'') + default: + return "", driver.ErrSkip + } + + if len(buf)+4 > mc.maxAllowedPacket { + return "", driver.ErrSkip + } + } + if argPos != len(args) { + return "", driver.ErrSkip + } + return string(buf), nil +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) Exec(query string, args []driver.Value) (driver.Result, error) { + if mc.closed.IsSet() { + errLog.Print(ErrInvalidConn) + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + if len(args) != 0 { + if !mc.cfg.InterpolateParams { + return nil, driver.ErrSkip + } + // try to interpolate the parameters to save extra roundtrips for preparing and closing a statement + prepared, err := mc.interpolateParams(query, args) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + query = prepared + } + mc.affectedRows = 0 + mc.insertId = 0 + + err := mc.exec(query) + if err == nil { + return &mysqlResult{ + affectedRows: int64(mc.affectedRows), + insertId: int64(mc.insertId), + }, err + } + return nil, mc.markBadConn(err) +} + +// Internal function to execute commands +func (mc *mysqlConn) exec(query string) error { + // Send command + if err := mc.writeCommandPacketStr(comQuery, query); err != nil { + return mc.markBadConn(err) + } + + // Read Result + resLen, err := mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if resLen > 0 { + // columns + if err := mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil { + return err + } + + // rows + if err := mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return mc.discardResults() +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) Query(query string, args []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error) { + return mc.query(query, args) +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) query(query string, args []driver.Value) (*textRows, error) { + if mc.closed.IsSet() { + errLog.Print(ErrInvalidConn) + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + if len(args) != 0 { + if !mc.cfg.InterpolateParams { + return nil, driver.ErrSkip + } + // try client-side prepare to reduce roundtrip + prepared, err := mc.interpolateParams(query, args) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + query = prepared + } + // Send command + err := mc.writeCommandPacketStr(comQuery, query) + if err == nil { + // Read Result + var resLen int + resLen, err = mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket() + if err == nil { + rows := new(textRows) + rows.mc = mc + + if resLen == 0 { + rows.rs.done = true + + switch err := rows.NextResultSet(); err { + case nil, io.EOF: + return rows, nil + default: + return nil, err + } + } + + // Columns + rows.rs.columns, err = mc.readColumns(resLen) + return rows, err + } + } + return nil, mc.markBadConn(err) +} + +// Gets the value of the given MySQL System Variable +// The returned byte slice is only valid until the next read +func (mc *mysqlConn) getSystemVar(name string) ([]byte, error) { + // Send command + if err := mc.writeCommandPacketStr(comQuery, "SELECT @@"+name); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + // Read Result + resLen, err := mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket() + if err == nil { + rows := new(textRows) + rows.mc = mc + rows.rs.columns = []mysqlField{{fieldType: fieldTypeVarChar}} + + if resLen > 0 { + // Columns + if err := mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + dest := make([]driver.Value, resLen) + if err = rows.readRow(dest); err == nil { + return dest[0].([]byte), mc.readUntilEOF() + } + } + return nil, err +} + +// finish is called when the query has canceled. +func (mc *mysqlConn) cancel(err error) { + mc.canceled.Set(err) + mc.cleanup() +} + +// finish is called when the query has succeeded. +func (mc *mysqlConn) finish() { + if !mc.watching || mc.finished == nil { + return + } + select { + case mc.finished <- struct{}{}: + mc.watching = false + case <-mc.closech: + } +} + +// Ping implements driver.Pinger interface +func (mc *mysqlConn) Ping(ctx context.Context) (err error) { + if mc.closed.IsSet() { + errLog.Print(ErrInvalidConn) + return driver.ErrBadConn + } + + if err = mc.watchCancel(ctx); err != nil { + return + } + defer mc.finish() + + if err = mc.writeCommandPacket(comPing); err != nil { + return mc.markBadConn(err) + } + + return mc.readResultOK() +} + +// BeginTx implements driver.ConnBeginTx interface +func (mc *mysqlConn) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts driver.TxOptions) (driver.Tx, error) { + if mc.closed.IsSet() { + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + + if err := mc.watchCancel(ctx); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer mc.finish() + + if sql.IsolationLevel(opts.Isolation) != sql.LevelDefault { + level, err := mapIsolationLevel(opts.Isolation) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + err = mc.exec("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL " + level) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + return mc.begin(opts.ReadOnly) +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Rows, error) { + dargs, err := namedValueToValue(args) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if err := mc.watchCancel(ctx); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + rows, err := mc.query(query, dargs) + if err != nil { + mc.finish() + return nil, err + } + rows.finish = mc.finish + return rows, err +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Result, error) { + dargs, err := namedValueToValue(args) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if err := mc.watchCancel(ctx); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer mc.finish() + + return mc.Exec(query, dargs) +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (driver.Stmt, error) { + if err := mc.watchCancel(ctx); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + stmt, err := mc.Prepare(query) + mc.finish() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + select { + default: + case <-ctx.Done(): + stmt.Close() + return nil, ctx.Err() + } + return stmt, nil +} + +func (stmt *mysqlStmt) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, args []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Rows, error) { + dargs, err := namedValueToValue(args) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if err := stmt.mc.watchCancel(ctx); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + rows, err := stmt.query(dargs) + if err != nil { + stmt.mc.finish() + return nil, err + } + rows.finish = stmt.mc.finish + return rows, err +} + +func (stmt *mysqlStmt) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, args []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Result, error) { + dargs, err := namedValueToValue(args) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if err := stmt.mc.watchCancel(ctx); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer stmt.mc.finish() + + return stmt.Exec(dargs) +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) watchCancel(ctx context.Context) error { + if mc.watching { + // Reach here if canceled, + // so the connection is already invalid + mc.cleanup() + return nil + } + // When ctx is already cancelled, don't watch it. + if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil { + return err + } + // When ctx is not cancellable, don't watch it. + if ctx.Done() == nil { + return nil + } + // When watcher is not alive, can't watch it. + if mc.watcher == nil { + return nil + } + + mc.watching = true + mc.watcher <- ctx + return nil +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) startWatcher() { + watcher := make(chan context.Context, 1) + mc.watcher = watcher + finished := make(chan struct{}) + mc.finished = finished + go func() { + for { + var ctx context.Context + select { + case ctx = <-watcher: + case <-mc.closech: + return + } + + select { + case <-ctx.Done(): + mc.cancel(ctx.Err()) + case <-finished: + case <-mc.closech: + return + } + } + }() +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) CheckNamedValue(nv *driver.NamedValue) (err error) { + nv.Value, err = converter{}.ConvertValue(nv.Value) + return +} + +// ResetSession implements driver.SessionResetter. +// (From Go 1.10) +func (mc *mysqlConn) ResetSession(ctx context.Context) error { + if mc.closed.IsSet() { + return driver.ErrBadConn + } + mc.reset = true + return nil +} + +// IsValid implements driver.Validator interface +// (From Go 1.15) +func (mc *mysqlConn) IsValid() bool { + return !mc.closed.IsSet() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/connector.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/connector.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d567b4e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/connector.go @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2018 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +import ( + "context" + "database/sql/driver" + "net" +) + +type connector struct { + cfg *Config // immutable private copy. +} + +// Connect implements driver.Connector interface. +// Connect returns a connection to the database. +func (c *connector) Connect(ctx context.Context) (driver.Conn, error) { + var err error + + // New mysqlConn + mc := &mysqlConn{ + maxAllowedPacket: maxPacketSize, + maxWriteSize: maxPacketSize - 1, + closech: make(chan struct{}), + cfg: c.cfg, + } + mc.parseTime = mc.cfg.ParseTime + + // Connect to Server + dialsLock.RLock() + dial, ok := dials[mc.cfg.Net] + dialsLock.RUnlock() + if ok { + dctx := ctx + if mc.cfg.Timeout > 0 { + var cancel context.CancelFunc + dctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, c.cfg.Timeout) + defer cancel() + } + mc.netConn, err = dial(dctx, mc.cfg.Addr) + } else { + nd := net.Dialer{Timeout: mc.cfg.Timeout} + mc.netConn, err = nd.DialContext(ctx, mc.cfg.Net, mc.cfg.Addr) + } + + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + // Enable TCP Keepalives on TCP connections + if tc, ok := mc.netConn.(*net.TCPConn); ok { + if err := tc.SetKeepAlive(true); err != nil { + // Don't send COM_QUIT before handshake. + mc.netConn.Close() + mc.netConn = nil + return nil, err + } + } + + // Call startWatcher for context support (From Go 1.8) + mc.startWatcher() + if err := mc.watchCancel(ctx); err != nil { + mc.cleanup() + return nil, err + } + defer mc.finish() + + mc.buf = newBuffer(mc.netConn) + + // Set I/O timeouts + mc.buf.timeout = mc.cfg.ReadTimeout + mc.writeTimeout = mc.cfg.WriteTimeout + + // Reading Handshake Initialization Packet + authData, plugin, err := mc.readHandshakePacket() + if err != nil { + mc.cleanup() + return nil, err + } + + if plugin == "" { + plugin = defaultAuthPlugin + } + + // Send Client Authentication Packet + authResp, err := mc.auth(authData, plugin) + if err != nil { + // try the default auth plugin, if using the requested plugin failed + errLog.Print("could not use requested auth plugin '"+plugin+"': ", err.Error()) + plugin = defaultAuthPlugin + authResp, err = mc.auth(authData, plugin) + if err != nil { + mc.cleanup() + return nil, err + } + } + if err = mc.writeHandshakeResponsePacket(authResp, plugin); err != nil { + mc.cleanup() + return nil, err + } + + // Handle response to auth packet, switch methods if possible + if err = mc.handleAuthResult(authData, plugin); err != nil { + // Authentication failed and MySQL has already closed the connection + // (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/authentication-fails.html). + // Do not send COM_QUIT, just cleanup and return the error. + mc.cleanup() + return nil, err + } + + if mc.cfg.MaxAllowedPacket > 0 { + mc.maxAllowedPacket = mc.cfg.MaxAllowedPacket + } else { + // Get max allowed packet size + maxap, err := mc.getSystemVar("max_allowed_packet") + if err != nil { + mc.Close() + return nil, err + } + mc.maxAllowedPacket = stringToInt(maxap) - 1 + } + if mc.maxAllowedPacket < maxPacketSize { + mc.maxWriteSize = mc.maxAllowedPacket + } + + // Handle DSN Params + err = mc.handleParams() + if err != nil { + mc.Close() + return nil, err + } + + return mc, nil +} + +// Driver implements driver.Connector interface. +// Driver returns &MySQLDriver{}. +func (c *connector) Driver() driver.Driver { + return &MySQLDriver{} +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/const.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/const.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1e6b85e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/const.go @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +const ( + defaultAuthPlugin = "mysql_native_password" + defaultMaxAllowedPacket = 4 << 20 // 4 MiB + minProtocolVersion = 10 + maxPacketSize = 1<<24 - 1 + timeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999" +) + +// MySQL constants documentation: +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/client-server-protocol.html + +const ( + iOK byte = 0x00 + iAuthMoreData byte = 0x01 + iLocalInFile byte = 0xfb + iEOF byte = 0xfe + iERR byte = 0xff +) + +// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/capability-flags.html#packet-Protocol::CapabilityFlags +type clientFlag uint32 + +const ( + clientLongPassword clientFlag = 1 << iota + clientFoundRows + clientLongFlag + clientConnectWithDB + clientNoSchema + clientCompress + clientODBC + clientLocalFiles + clientIgnoreSpace + clientProtocol41 + clientInteractive + clientSSL + clientIgnoreSIGPIPE + clientTransactions + clientReserved + clientSecureConn + clientMultiStatements + clientMultiResults + clientPSMultiResults + clientPluginAuth + clientConnectAttrs + clientPluginAuthLenEncClientData + clientCanHandleExpiredPasswords + clientSessionTrack + clientDeprecateEOF +) + +const ( + comQuit byte = iota + 1 + comInitDB + comQuery + comFieldList + comCreateDB + comDropDB + comRefresh + comShutdown + comStatistics + comProcessInfo + comConnect + comProcessKill + comDebug + comPing + comTime + comDelayedInsert + comChangeUser + comBinlogDump + comTableDump + comConnectOut + comRegisterSlave + comStmtPrepare + comStmtExecute + comStmtSendLongData + comStmtClose + comStmtReset + comSetOption + comStmtFetch +) + +// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-query-response.html#packet-Protocol::ColumnType +type fieldType byte + +const ( + fieldTypeDecimal fieldType = iota + fieldTypeTiny + fieldTypeShort + fieldTypeLong + fieldTypeFloat + fieldTypeDouble + fieldTypeNULL + fieldTypeTimestamp + fieldTypeLongLong + fieldTypeInt24 + fieldTypeDate + fieldTypeTime + fieldTypeDateTime + fieldTypeYear + fieldTypeNewDate + fieldTypeVarChar + fieldTypeBit +) +const ( + fieldTypeJSON fieldType = iota + 0xf5 + fieldTypeNewDecimal + fieldTypeEnum + fieldTypeSet + fieldTypeTinyBLOB + fieldTypeMediumBLOB + fieldTypeLongBLOB + fieldTypeBLOB + fieldTypeVarString + fieldTypeString + fieldTypeGeometry +) + +type fieldFlag uint16 + +const ( + flagNotNULL fieldFlag = 1 << iota + flagPriKey + flagUniqueKey + flagMultipleKey + flagBLOB + flagUnsigned + flagZeroFill + flagBinary + flagEnum + flagAutoIncrement + flagTimestamp + flagSet + flagUnknown1 + flagUnknown2 + flagUnknown3 + flagUnknown4 +) + +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/status-flags.html +type statusFlag uint16 + +const ( + statusInTrans statusFlag = 1 << iota + statusInAutocommit + statusReserved // Not in documentation + statusMoreResultsExists + statusNoGoodIndexUsed + statusNoIndexUsed + statusCursorExists + statusLastRowSent + statusDbDropped + statusNoBackslashEscapes + statusMetadataChanged + statusQueryWasSlow + statusPsOutParams + statusInTransReadonly + statusSessionStateChanged +) + +const ( + cachingSha2PasswordRequestPublicKey = 2 + cachingSha2PasswordFastAuthSuccess = 3 + cachingSha2PasswordPerformFullAuthentication = 4 +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/driver.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/driver.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1bdf119 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/driver.go @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +// Package mysql provides a MySQL driver for Go's database/sql package. +// +// The driver should be used via the database/sql package: +// +// import "database/sql" +// import _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" +// +// db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user:password@/dbname") +// +// See https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#usage for details +package mysql + +import ( + "context" + "database/sql" + "database/sql/driver" + "net" + "sync" +) + +// MySQLDriver is exported to make the driver directly accessible. +// In general the driver is used via the database/sql package. +type MySQLDriver struct{} + +// DialFunc is a function which can be used to establish the network connection. +// Custom dial functions must be registered with RegisterDial +// +// Deprecated: users should register a DialContextFunc instead +type DialFunc func(addr string) (net.Conn, error) + +// DialContextFunc is a function which can be used to establish the network connection. +// Custom dial functions must be registered with RegisterDialContext +type DialContextFunc func(ctx context.Context, addr string) (net.Conn, error) + +var ( + dialsLock sync.RWMutex + dials map[string]DialContextFunc +) + +// RegisterDialContext registers a custom dial function. It can then be used by the +// network address mynet(addr), where mynet is the registered new network. +// The current context for the connection and its address is passed to the dial function. +func RegisterDialContext(net string, dial DialContextFunc) { + dialsLock.Lock() + defer dialsLock.Unlock() + if dials == nil { + dials = make(map[string]DialContextFunc) + } + dials[net] = dial +} + +// RegisterDial registers a custom dial function. It can then be used by the +// network address mynet(addr), where mynet is the registered new network. +// addr is passed as a parameter to the dial function. +// +// Deprecated: users should call RegisterDialContext instead +func RegisterDial(network string, dial DialFunc) { + RegisterDialContext(network, func(_ context.Context, addr string) (net.Conn, error) { + return dial(addr) + }) +} + +// Open new Connection. +// See https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#dsn-data-source-name for how +// the DSN string is formatted +func (d MySQLDriver) Open(dsn string) (driver.Conn, error) { + cfg, err := ParseDSN(dsn) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + c := &connector{ + cfg: cfg, + } + return c.Connect(context.Background()) +} + +func init() { + sql.Register("mysql", &MySQLDriver{}) +} + +// NewConnector returns new driver.Connector. +func NewConnector(cfg *Config) (driver.Connector, error) { + cfg = cfg.Clone() + // normalize the contents of cfg so calls to NewConnector have the same + // behavior as MySQLDriver.OpenConnector + if err := cfg.normalize(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &connector{cfg: cfg}, nil +} + +// OpenConnector implements driver.DriverContext. +func (d MySQLDriver) OpenConnector(dsn string) (driver.Connector, error) { + cfg, err := ParseDSN(dsn) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &connector{ + cfg: cfg, + }, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/dsn.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/dsn.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..93f3548c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/dsn.go @@ -0,0 +1,560 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2016 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +import ( + "bytes" + "crypto/rsa" + "crypto/tls" + "errors" + "fmt" + "math/big" + "net" + "net/url" + "sort" + "strconv" + "strings" + "time" +) + +var ( + errInvalidDSNUnescaped = errors.New("invalid DSN: did you forget to escape a param value?") + errInvalidDSNAddr = errors.New("invalid DSN: network address not terminated (missing closing brace)") + errInvalidDSNNoSlash = errors.New("invalid DSN: missing the slash separating the database name") + errInvalidDSNUnsafeCollation = errors.New("invalid DSN: interpolateParams can not be used with unsafe collations") +) + +// Config is a configuration parsed from a DSN string. +// If a new Config is created instead of being parsed from a DSN string, +// the NewConfig function should be used, which sets default values. +type Config struct { + User string // Username + Passwd string // Password (requires User) + Net string // Network type + Addr string // Network address (requires Net) + DBName string // Database name + Params map[string]string // Connection parameters + Collation string // Connection collation + Loc *time.Location // Location for time.Time values + MaxAllowedPacket int // Max packet size allowed + ServerPubKey string // Server public key name + pubKey *rsa.PublicKey // Server public key + TLSConfig string // TLS configuration name + tls *tls.Config // TLS configuration + Timeout time.Duration // Dial timeout + ReadTimeout time.Duration // I/O read timeout + WriteTimeout time.Duration // I/O write timeout + + AllowAllFiles bool // Allow all files to be used with LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE + AllowCleartextPasswords bool // Allows the cleartext client side plugin + AllowNativePasswords bool // Allows the native password authentication method + AllowOldPasswords bool // Allows the old insecure password method + CheckConnLiveness bool // Check connections for liveness before using them + ClientFoundRows bool // Return number of matching rows instead of rows changed + ColumnsWithAlias bool // Prepend table alias to column names + InterpolateParams bool // Interpolate placeholders into query string + MultiStatements bool // Allow multiple statements in one query + ParseTime bool // Parse time values to time.Time + RejectReadOnly bool // Reject read-only connections +} + +// NewConfig creates a new Config and sets default values. +func NewConfig() *Config { + return &Config{ + Collation: defaultCollation, + Loc: time.UTC, + MaxAllowedPacket: defaultMaxAllowedPacket, + AllowNativePasswords: true, + CheckConnLiveness: true, + } +} + +func (cfg *Config) Clone() *Config { + cp := *cfg + if cp.tls != nil { + cp.tls = cfg.tls.Clone() + } + if len(cp.Params) > 0 { + cp.Params = make(map[string]string, len(cfg.Params)) + for k, v := range cfg.Params { + cp.Params[k] = v + } + } + if cfg.pubKey != nil { + cp.pubKey = &rsa.PublicKey{ + N: new(big.Int).Set(cfg.pubKey.N), + E: cfg.pubKey.E, + } + } + return &cp +} + +func (cfg *Config) normalize() error { + if cfg.InterpolateParams && unsafeCollations[cfg.Collation] { + return errInvalidDSNUnsafeCollation + } + + // Set default network if empty + if cfg.Net == "" { + cfg.Net = "tcp" + } + + // Set default address if empty + if cfg.Addr == "" { + switch cfg.Net { + case "tcp": + cfg.Addr = "" + case "unix": + cfg.Addr = "/tmp/mysql.sock" + default: + return errors.New("default addr for network '" + cfg.Net + "' unknown") + } + } else if cfg.Net == "tcp" { + cfg.Addr = ensureHavePort(cfg.Addr) + } + + switch cfg.TLSConfig { + case "false", "": + // don't set anything + case "true": + cfg.tls = &tls.Config{} + case "skip-verify", "preferred": + cfg.tls = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true} + default: + cfg.tls = getTLSConfigClone(cfg.TLSConfig) + if cfg.tls == nil { + return errors.New("invalid value / unknown config name: " + cfg.TLSConfig) + } + } + + if cfg.tls != nil && cfg.tls.ServerName == "" && !cfg.tls.InsecureSkipVerify { + host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(cfg.Addr) + if err == nil { + cfg.tls.ServerName = host + } + } + + if cfg.ServerPubKey != "" { + cfg.pubKey = getServerPubKey(cfg.ServerPubKey) + if cfg.pubKey == nil { + return errors.New("invalid value / unknown server pub key name: " + cfg.ServerPubKey) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func writeDSNParam(buf *bytes.Buffer, hasParam *bool, name, value string) { + buf.Grow(1 + len(name) + 1 + len(value)) + if !*hasParam { + *hasParam = true + buf.WriteByte('?') + } else { + buf.WriteByte('&') + } + buf.WriteString(name) + buf.WriteByte('=') + buf.WriteString(value) +} + +// FormatDSN formats the given Config into a DSN string which can be passed to +// the driver. +func (cfg *Config) FormatDSN() string { + var buf bytes.Buffer + + // [username[:password]@] + if len(cfg.User) > 0 { + buf.WriteString(cfg.User) + if len(cfg.Passwd) > 0 { + buf.WriteByte(':') + buf.WriteString(cfg.Passwd) + } + buf.WriteByte('@') + } + + // [protocol[(address)]] + if len(cfg.Net) > 0 { + buf.WriteString(cfg.Net) + if len(cfg.Addr) > 0 { + buf.WriteByte('(') + buf.WriteString(cfg.Addr) + buf.WriteByte(')') + } + } + + // /dbname + buf.WriteByte('/') + buf.WriteString(cfg.DBName) + + // [?param1=value1&...¶mN=valueN] + hasParam := false + + if cfg.AllowAllFiles { + hasParam = true + buf.WriteString("?allowAllFiles=true") + } + + if cfg.AllowCleartextPasswords { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "allowCleartextPasswords", "true") + } + + if !cfg.AllowNativePasswords { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "allowNativePasswords", "false") + } + + if cfg.AllowOldPasswords { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "allowOldPasswords", "true") + } + + if !cfg.CheckConnLiveness { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "checkConnLiveness", "false") + } + + if cfg.ClientFoundRows { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "clientFoundRows", "true") + } + + if col := cfg.Collation; col != defaultCollation && len(col) > 0 { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "collation", col) + } + + if cfg.ColumnsWithAlias { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "columnsWithAlias", "true") + } + + if cfg.InterpolateParams { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "interpolateParams", "true") + } + + if cfg.Loc != time.UTC && cfg.Loc != nil { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "loc", url.QueryEscape(cfg.Loc.String())) + } + + if cfg.MultiStatements { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "multiStatements", "true") + } + + if cfg.ParseTime { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "parseTime", "true") + } + + if cfg.ReadTimeout > 0 { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "readTimeout", cfg.ReadTimeout.String()) + } + + if cfg.RejectReadOnly { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "rejectReadOnly", "true") + } + + if len(cfg.ServerPubKey) > 0 { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "serverPubKey", url.QueryEscape(cfg.ServerPubKey)) + } + + if cfg.Timeout > 0 { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "timeout", cfg.Timeout.String()) + } + + if len(cfg.TLSConfig) > 0 { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "tls", url.QueryEscape(cfg.TLSConfig)) + } + + if cfg.WriteTimeout > 0 { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "writeTimeout", cfg.WriteTimeout.String()) + } + + if cfg.MaxAllowedPacket != defaultMaxAllowedPacket { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, "maxAllowedPacket", strconv.Itoa(cfg.MaxAllowedPacket)) + } + + // other params + if cfg.Params != nil { + var params []string + for param := range cfg.Params { + params = append(params, param) + } + sort.Strings(params) + for _, param := range params { + writeDSNParam(&buf, &hasParam, param, url.QueryEscape(cfg.Params[param])) + } + } + + return buf.String() +} + +// ParseDSN parses the DSN string to a Config +func ParseDSN(dsn string) (cfg *Config, err error) { + // New config with some default values + cfg = NewConfig() + + // [user[:password]@][net[(addr)]]/dbname[?param1=value1¶mN=valueN] + // Find the last '/' (since the password or the net addr might contain a '/') + foundSlash := false + for i := len(dsn) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if dsn[i] == '/' { + foundSlash = true + var j, k int + + // left part is empty if i <= 0 + if i > 0 { + // [username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]] + // Find the last '@' in dsn[:i] + for j = i; j >= 0; j-- { + if dsn[j] == '@' { + // username[:password] + // Find the first ':' in dsn[:j] + for k = 0; k < j; k++ { + if dsn[k] == ':' { + cfg.Passwd = dsn[k+1 : j] + break + } + } + cfg.User = dsn[:k] + + break + } + } + + // [protocol[(address)]] + // Find the first '(' in dsn[j+1:i] + for k = j + 1; k < i; k++ { + if dsn[k] == '(' { + // dsn[i-1] must be == ')' if an address is specified + if dsn[i-1] != ')' { + if strings.ContainsRune(dsn[k+1:i], ')') { + return nil, errInvalidDSNUnescaped + } + return nil, errInvalidDSNAddr + } + cfg.Addr = dsn[k+1 : i-1] + break + } + } + cfg.Net = dsn[j+1 : k] + } + + // dbname[?param1=value1&...¶mN=valueN] + // Find the first '?' in dsn[i+1:] + for j = i + 1; j < len(dsn); j++ { + if dsn[j] == '?' { + if err = parseDSNParams(cfg, dsn[j+1:]); err != nil { + return + } + break + } + } + cfg.DBName = dsn[i+1 : j] + + break + } + } + + if !foundSlash && len(dsn) > 0 { + return nil, errInvalidDSNNoSlash + } + + if err = cfg.normalize(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return +} + +// parseDSNParams parses the DSN "query string" +// Values must be url.QueryEscape'ed +func parseDSNParams(cfg *Config, params string) (err error) { + for _, v := range strings.Split(params, "&") { + param := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2) + if len(param) != 2 { + continue + } + + // cfg params + switch value := param[1]; param[0] { + // Disable INFILE allowlist / enable all files + case "allowAllFiles": + var isBool bool + cfg.AllowAllFiles, isBool = readBool(value) + if !isBool { + return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value) + } + + // Use cleartext authentication mode (MySQL 5.5.10+) + case "allowCleartextPasswords": + var isBool bool + cfg.AllowCleartextPasswords, isBool = readBool(value) + if !isBool { + return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value) + } + + // Use native password authentication + case "allowNativePasswords": + var isBool bool + cfg.AllowNativePasswords, isBool = readBool(value) + if !isBool { + return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value) + } + + // Use old authentication mode (pre MySQL 4.1) + case "allowOldPasswords": + var isBool bool + cfg.AllowOldPasswords, isBool = readBool(value) + if !isBool { + return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value) + } + + // Check connections for Liveness before using them + case "checkConnLiveness": + var isBool bool + cfg.CheckConnLiveness, isBool = readBool(value) + if !isBool { + return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value) + } + + // Switch "rowsAffected" mode + case "clientFoundRows": + var isBool bool + cfg.ClientFoundRows, isBool = readBool(value) + if !isBool { + return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value) + } + + // Collation + case "collation": + cfg.Collation = value + break + + case "columnsWithAlias": + var isBool bool + cfg.ColumnsWithAlias, isBool = readBool(value) + if !isBool { + return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value) + } + + // Compression + case "compress": + return errors.New("compression not implemented yet") + + // Enable client side placeholder substitution + case "interpolateParams": + var isBool bool + cfg.InterpolateParams, isBool = readBool(value) + if !isBool { + return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value) + } + + // Time Location + case "loc": + if value, err = url.QueryUnescape(value); err != nil { + return + } + cfg.Loc, err = time.LoadLocation(value) + if err != nil { + return + } + + // multiple statements in one query + case "multiStatements": + var isBool bool + cfg.MultiStatements, isBool = readBool(value) + if !isBool { + return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value) + } + + // time.Time parsing + case "parseTime": + var isBool bool + cfg.ParseTime, isBool = readBool(value) + if !isBool { + return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value) + } + + // I/O read Timeout + case "readTimeout": + cfg.ReadTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(value) + if err != nil { + return + } + + // Reject read-only connections + case "rejectReadOnly": + var isBool bool + cfg.RejectReadOnly, isBool = readBool(value) + if !isBool { + return errors.New("invalid bool value: " + value) + } + + // Server public key + case "serverPubKey": + name, err := url.QueryUnescape(value) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for server pub key name: %v", err) + } + cfg.ServerPubKey = name + + // Strict mode + case "strict": + panic("strict mode has been removed. See https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/wiki/strict-mode") + + // Dial Timeout + case "timeout": + cfg.Timeout, err = time.ParseDuration(value) + if err != nil { + return + } + + // TLS-Encryption + case "tls": + boolValue, isBool := readBool(value) + if isBool { + if boolValue { + cfg.TLSConfig = "true" + } else { + cfg.TLSConfig = "false" + } + } else if vl := strings.ToLower(value); vl == "skip-verify" || vl == "preferred" { + cfg.TLSConfig = vl + } else { + name, err := url.QueryUnescape(value) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for TLS config name: %v", err) + } + cfg.TLSConfig = name + } + + // I/O write Timeout + case "writeTimeout": + cfg.WriteTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(value) + if err != nil { + return + } + case "maxAllowedPacket": + cfg.MaxAllowedPacket, err = strconv.Atoi(value) + if err != nil { + return + } + default: + // lazy init + if cfg.Params == nil { + cfg.Params = make(map[string]string) + } + + if cfg.Params[param[0]], err = url.QueryUnescape(value); err != nil { + return + } + } + } + + return +} + +func ensureHavePort(addr string) string { + if _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr); err != nil { + return net.JoinHostPort(addr, "3306") + } + return addr +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/errors.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..760782ff --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/errors.go @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "log" + "os" +) + +// Various errors the driver might return. Can change between driver versions. +var ( + ErrInvalidConn = errors.New("invalid connection") + ErrMalformPkt = errors.New("malformed packet") + ErrNoTLS = errors.New("TLS requested but server does not support TLS") + ErrCleartextPassword = errors.New("this user requires clear text authentication. If you still want to use it, please add 'allowCleartextPasswords=1' to your DSN") + ErrNativePassword = errors.New("this user requires mysql native password authentication.") + ErrOldPassword = errors.New("this user requires old password authentication. If you still want to use it, please add 'allowOldPasswords=1' to your DSN. See also https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/wiki/old_passwords") + ErrUnknownPlugin = errors.New("this authentication plugin is not supported") + ErrOldProtocol = errors.New("MySQL server does not support required protocol 41+") + ErrPktSync = errors.New("commands out of sync. You can't run this command now") + ErrPktSyncMul = errors.New("commands out of sync. Did you run multiple statements at once?") + ErrPktTooLarge = errors.New("packet for query is too large. Try adjusting the 'max_allowed_packet' variable on the server") + ErrBusyBuffer = errors.New("busy buffer") + + // errBadConnNoWrite is used for connection errors where nothing was sent to the database yet. + // If this happens first in a function starting a database interaction, it should be replaced by driver.ErrBadConn + // to trigger a resend. + // See https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/pull/302 + errBadConnNoWrite = errors.New("bad connection") +) + +var errLog = Logger(log.New(os.Stderr, "[mysql] ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)) + +// Logger is used to log critical error messages. +type Logger interface { + Print(v ...interface{}) +} + +// SetLogger is used to set the logger for critical errors. +// The initial logger is os.Stderr. +func SetLogger(logger Logger) error { + if logger == nil { + return errors.New("logger is nil") + } + errLog = logger + return nil +} + +// MySQLError is an error type which represents a single MySQL error +type MySQLError struct { + Number uint16 + Message string +} + +func (me *MySQLError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("Error %d: %s", me.Number, me.Message) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/fields.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/fields.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed6c7a37 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/fields.go @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2017 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +import ( + "database/sql" + "reflect" +) + +func (mf *mysqlField) typeDatabaseName() string { + switch mf.fieldType { + case fieldTypeBit: + return "BIT" + case fieldTypeBLOB: + if mf.charSet != collations[binaryCollation] { + return "TEXT" + } + return "BLOB" + case fieldTypeDate: + return "DATE" + case fieldTypeDateTime: + return "DATETIME" + case fieldTypeDecimal: + return "DECIMAL" + case fieldTypeDouble: + return "DOUBLE" + case fieldTypeEnum: + return "ENUM" + case fieldTypeFloat: + return "FLOAT" + case fieldTypeGeometry: + return "GEOMETRY" + case fieldTypeInt24: + return "MEDIUMINT" + case fieldTypeJSON: + return "JSON" + case fieldTypeLong: + return "INT" + case fieldTypeLongBLOB: + if mf.charSet != collations[binaryCollation] { + return "LONGTEXT" + } + return "LONGBLOB" + case fieldTypeLongLong: + return "BIGINT" + case fieldTypeMediumBLOB: + if mf.charSet != collations[binaryCollation] { + return "MEDIUMTEXT" + } + return "MEDIUMBLOB" + case fieldTypeNewDate: + return "DATE" + case fieldTypeNewDecimal: + return "DECIMAL" + case fieldTypeNULL: + return "NULL" + case fieldTypeSet: + return "SET" + case fieldTypeShort: + return "SMALLINT" + case fieldTypeString: + if mf.charSet == collations[binaryCollation] { + return "BINARY" + } + return "CHAR" + case fieldTypeTime: + return "TIME" + case fieldTypeTimestamp: + return "TIMESTAMP" + case fieldTypeTiny: + return "TINYINT" + case fieldTypeTinyBLOB: + if mf.charSet != collations[binaryCollation] { + return "TINYTEXT" + } + return "TINYBLOB" + case fieldTypeVarChar: + if mf.charSet == collations[binaryCollation] { + return "VARBINARY" + } + return "VARCHAR" + case fieldTypeVarString: + if mf.charSet == collations[binaryCollation] { + return "VARBINARY" + } + return "VARCHAR" + case fieldTypeYear: + return "YEAR" + default: + return "" + } +} + +var ( + scanTypeFloat32 = reflect.TypeOf(float32(0)) + scanTypeFloat64 = reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)) + scanTypeInt8 = reflect.TypeOf(int8(0)) + scanTypeInt16 = reflect.TypeOf(int16(0)) + scanTypeInt32 = reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)) + scanTypeInt64 = reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)) + scanTypeNullFloat = reflect.TypeOf(sql.NullFloat64{}) + scanTypeNullInt = reflect.TypeOf(sql.NullInt64{}) + scanTypeNullTime = reflect.TypeOf(nullTime{}) + scanTypeUint8 = reflect.TypeOf(uint8(0)) + scanTypeUint16 = reflect.TypeOf(uint16(0)) + scanTypeUint32 = reflect.TypeOf(uint32(0)) + scanTypeUint64 = reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0)) + scanTypeRawBytes = reflect.TypeOf(sql.RawBytes{}) + scanTypeUnknown = reflect.TypeOf(new(interface{})) +) + +type mysqlField struct { + tableName string + name string + length uint32 + flags fieldFlag + fieldType fieldType + decimals byte + charSet uint8 +} + +func (mf *mysqlField) scanType() reflect.Type { + switch mf.fieldType { + case fieldTypeTiny: + if mf.flags&flagNotNULL != 0 { + if mf.flags&flagUnsigned != 0 { + return scanTypeUint8 + } + return scanTypeInt8 + } + return scanTypeNullInt + + case fieldTypeShort, fieldTypeYear: + if mf.flags&flagNotNULL != 0 { + if mf.flags&flagUnsigned != 0 { + return scanTypeUint16 + } + return scanTypeInt16 + } + return scanTypeNullInt + + case fieldTypeInt24, fieldTypeLong: + if mf.flags&flagNotNULL != 0 { + if mf.flags&flagUnsigned != 0 { + return scanTypeUint32 + } + return scanTypeInt32 + } + return scanTypeNullInt + + case fieldTypeLongLong: + if mf.flags&flagNotNULL != 0 { + if mf.flags&flagUnsigned != 0 { + return scanTypeUint64 + } + return scanTypeInt64 + } + return scanTypeNullInt + + case fieldTypeFloat: + if mf.flags&flagNotNULL != 0 { + return scanTypeFloat32 + } + return scanTypeNullFloat + + case fieldTypeDouble: + if mf.flags&flagNotNULL != 0 { + return scanTypeFloat64 + } + return scanTypeNullFloat + + case fieldTypeDecimal, fieldTypeNewDecimal, fieldTypeVarChar, + fieldTypeBit, fieldTypeEnum, fieldTypeSet, fieldTypeTinyBLOB, + fieldTypeMediumBLOB, fieldTypeLongBLOB, fieldTypeBLOB, + fieldTypeVarString, fieldTypeString, fieldTypeGeometry, fieldTypeJSON, + fieldTypeTime: + return scanTypeRawBytes + + case fieldTypeDate, fieldTypeNewDate, + fieldTypeTimestamp, fieldTypeDateTime: + // NullTime is always returned for more consistent behavior as it can + // handle both cases of parseTime regardless if the field is nullable. + return scanTypeNullTime + + default: + return scanTypeUnknown + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/fuzz.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/fuzz.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fa75adf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/fuzz.go @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package. +// +// Copyright 2020 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +// +build gofuzz + +package mysql + +import ( + "database/sql" +) + +func Fuzz(data []byte) int { + db, err := sql.Open("mysql", string(data)) + if err != nil { + return 0 + } + db.Close() + return 1 +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/infile.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/infile.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..60effdfc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/infile.go @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" + "os" + "strings" + "sync" +) + +var ( + fileRegister map[string]bool + fileRegisterLock sync.RWMutex + readerRegister map[string]func() io.Reader + readerRegisterLock sync.RWMutex +) + +// RegisterLocalFile adds the given file to the file allowlist, +// so that it can be used by "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ". +// Alternatively you can allow the use of all local files with +// the DSN parameter 'allowAllFiles=true' +// +// filePath := "/home/gopher/data.csv" +// mysql.RegisterLocalFile(filePath) +// err := db.Exec("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '" + filePath + "' INTO TABLE foo") +// if err != nil { +// ... +// +func RegisterLocalFile(filePath string) { + fileRegisterLock.Lock() + // lazy map init + if fileRegister == nil { + fileRegister = make(map[string]bool) + } + + fileRegister[strings.Trim(filePath, `"`)] = true + fileRegisterLock.Unlock() +} + +// DeregisterLocalFile removes the given filepath from the allowlist. +func DeregisterLocalFile(filePath string) { + fileRegisterLock.Lock() + delete(fileRegister, strings.Trim(filePath, `"`)) + fileRegisterLock.Unlock() +} + +// RegisterReaderHandler registers a handler function which is used +// to receive a io.Reader. +// The Reader can be used by "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE Reader::". +// If the handler returns a io.ReadCloser Close() is called when the +// request is finished. +// +// mysql.RegisterReaderHandler("data", func() io.Reader { +// var csvReader io.Reader // Some Reader that returns CSV data +// ... // Open Reader here +// return csvReader +// }) +// err := db.Exec("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'Reader::data' INTO TABLE foo") +// if err != nil { +// ... +// +func RegisterReaderHandler(name string, handler func() io.Reader) { + readerRegisterLock.Lock() + // lazy map init + if readerRegister == nil { + readerRegister = make(map[string]func() io.Reader) + } + + readerRegister[name] = handler + readerRegisterLock.Unlock() +} + +// DeregisterReaderHandler removes the ReaderHandler function with +// the given name from the registry. +func DeregisterReaderHandler(name string) { + readerRegisterLock.Lock() + delete(readerRegister, name) + readerRegisterLock.Unlock() +} + +func deferredClose(err *error, closer io.Closer) { + closeErr := closer.Close() + if *err == nil { + *err = closeErr + } +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) handleInFileRequest(name string) (err error) { + var rdr io.Reader + var data []byte + packetSize := 16 * 1024 // 16KB is small enough for disk readahead and large enough for TCP + if mc.maxWriteSize < packetSize { + packetSize = mc.maxWriteSize + } + + if idx := strings.Index(name, "Reader::"); idx == 0 || (idx > 0 && name[idx-1] == '/') { // io.Reader + // The server might return an an absolute path. See issue #355. + name = name[idx+8:] + + readerRegisterLock.RLock() + handler, inMap := readerRegister[name] + readerRegisterLock.RUnlock() + + if inMap { + rdr = handler() + if rdr != nil { + if cl, ok := rdr.(io.Closer); ok { + defer deferredClose(&err, cl) + } + } else { + err = fmt.Errorf("Reader '%s' is ", name) + } + } else { + err = fmt.Errorf("Reader '%s' is not registered", name) + } + } else { // File + name = strings.Trim(name, `"`) + fileRegisterLock.RLock() + fr := fileRegister[name] + fileRegisterLock.RUnlock() + if mc.cfg.AllowAllFiles || fr { + var file *os.File + var fi os.FileInfo + + if file, err = os.Open(name); err == nil { + defer deferredClose(&err, file) + + // get file size + if fi, err = file.Stat(); err == nil { + rdr = file + if fileSize := int(fi.Size()); fileSize < packetSize { + packetSize = fileSize + } + } + } + } else { + err = fmt.Errorf("local file '%s' is not registered", name) + } + } + + // send content packets + // if packetSize == 0, the Reader contains no data + if err == nil && packetSize > 0 { + data := make([]byte, 4+packetSize) + var n int + for err == nil { + n, err = rdr.Read(data[4:]) + if n > 0 { + if ioErr := mc.writePacket(data[:4+n]); ioErr != nil { + return ioErr + } + } + } + if err == io.EOF { + err = nil + } + } + + // send empty packet (termination) + if data == nil { + data = make([]byte, 4) + } + if ioErr := mc.writePacket(data[:4]); ioErr != nil { + return ioErr + } + + // read OK packet + if err == nil { + return mc.readResultOK() + } + + mc.readPacket() + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/nulltime.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/nulltime.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..651723a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/nulltime.go @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + "time" +) + +// Scan implements the Scanner interface. +// The value type must be time.Time or string / []byte (formatted time-string), +// otherwise Scan fails. +func (nt *NullTime) Scan(value interface{}) (err error) { + if value == nil { + nt.Time, nt.Valid = time.Time{}, false + return + } + + switch v := value.(type) { + case time.Time: + nt.Time, nt.Valid = v, true + return + case []byte: + nt.Time, err = parseDateTime(v, time.UTC) + nt.Valid = (err == nil) + return + case string: + nt.Time, err = parseDateTime([]byte(v), time.UTC) + nt.Valid = (err == nil) + return + } + + nt.Valid = false + return fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %T to time.Time", value) +} + +// Value implements the driver Valuer interface. +func (nt NullTime) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + if !nt.Valid { + return nil, nil + } + return nt.Time, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/nulltime_go113.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/nulltime_go113.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..453b4b39 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/nulltime_go113.go @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +// +build go1.13 + +package mysql + +import ( + "database/sql" +) + +// NullTime represents a time.Time that may be NULL. +// NullTime implements the Scanner interface so +// it can be used as a scan destination: +// +// var nt NullTime +// err := db.QueryRow("SELECT time FROM foo WHERE id=?", id).Scan(&nt) +// ... +// if nt.Valid { +// // use nt.Time +// } else { +// // NULL value +// } +// +// This NullTime implementation is not driver-specific +// +// Deprecated: NullTime doesn't honor the loc DSN parameter. +// NullTime.Scan interprets a time as UTC, not the loc DSN parameter. +// Use sql.NullTime instead. +type NullTime sql.NullTime + +// for internal use. +// the mysql package uses sql.NullTime if it is available. +// if not, the package uses mysql.NullTime. +type nullTime = sql.NullTime // sql.NullTime is available diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/nulltime_legacy.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/nulltime_legacy.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9f7ae27a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/nulltime_legacy.go @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +// +build !go1.13 + +package mysql + +import ( + "time" +) + +// NullTime represents a time.Time that may be NULL. +// NullTime implements the Scanner interface so +// it can be used as a scan destination: +// +// var nt NullTime +// err := db.QueryRow("SELECT time FROM foo WHERE id=?", id).Scan(&nt) +// ... +// if nt.Valid { +// // use nt.Time +// } else { +// // NULL value +// } +// +// This NullTime implementation is not driver-specific +type NullTime struct { + Time time.Time + Valid bool // Valid is true if Time is not NULL +} + +// for internal use. +// the mysql package uses sql.NullTime if it is available. +// if not, the package uses mysql.NullTime. +type nullTime = NullTime // sql.NullTime is not available diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/packets.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/packets.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6664e5ae --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/packets.go @@ -0,0 +1,1349 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +import ( + "bytes" + "crypto/tls" + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "math" + "time" +) + +// Packets documentation: +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/client-server-protocol.html + +// Read packet to buffer 'data' +func (mc *mysqlConn) readPacket() ([]byte, error) { + var prevData []byte + for { + // read packet header + data, err := mc.buf.readNext(4) + if err != nil { + if cerr := mc.canceled.Value(); cerr != nil { + return nil, cerr + } + errLog.Print(err) + mc.Close() + return nil, ErrInvalidConn + } + + // packet length [24 bit] + pktLen := int(uint32(data[0]) | uint32(data[1])<<8 | uint32(data[2])<<16) + + // check packet sync [8 bit] + if data[3] != mc.sequence { + if data[3] > mc.sequence { + return nil, ErrPktSyncMul + } + return nil, ErrPktSync + } + mc.sequence++ + + // packets with length 0 terminate a previous packet which is a + // multiple of (2^24)-1 bytes long + if pktLen == 0 { + // there was no previous packet + if prevData == nil { + errLog.Print(ErrMalformPkt) + mc.Close() + return nil, ErrInvalidConn + } + + return prevData, nil + } + + // read packet body [pktLen bytes] + data, err = mc.buf.readNext(pktLen) + if err != nil { + if cerr := mc.canceled.Value(); cerr != nil { + return nil, cerr + } + errLog.Print(err) + mc.Close() + return nil, ErrInvalidConn + } + + // return data if this was the last packet + if pktLen < maxPacketSize { + // zero allocations for non-split packets + if prevData == nil { + return data, nil + } + + return append(prevData, data...), nil + } + + prevData = append(prevData, data...) + } +} + +// Write packet buffer 'data' +func (mc *mysqlConn) writePacket(data []byte) error { + pktLen := len(data) - 4 + + if pktLen > mc.maxAllowedPacket { + return ErrPktTooLarge + } + + // Perform a stale connection check. We only perform this check for + // the first query on a connection that has been checked out of the + // connection pool: a fresh connection from the pool is more likely + // to be stale, and it has not performed any previous writes that + // could cause data corruption, so it's safe to return ErrBadConn + // if the check fails. + if mc.reset { + mc.reset = false + conn := mc.netConn + if mc.rawConn != nil { + conn = mc.rawConn + } + var err error + // If this connection has a ReadTimeout which we've been setting on + // reads, reset it to its default value before we attempt a non-blocking + // read, otherwise the scheduler will just time us out before we can read + if mc.cfg.ReadTimeout != 0 { + err = conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{}) + } + if err == nil && mc.cfg.CheckConnLiveness { + err = connCheck(conn) + } + if err != nil { + errLog.Print("closing bad idle connection: ", err) + mc.Close() + return driver.ErrBadConn + } + } + + for { + var size int + if pktLen >= maxPacketSize { + data[0] = 0xff + data[1] = 0xff + data[2] = 0xff + size = maxPacketSize + } else { + data[0] = byte(pktLen) + data[1] = byte(pktLen >> 8) + data[2] = byte(pktLen >> 16) + size = pktLen + } + data[3] = mc.sequence + + // Write packet + if mc.writeTimeout > 0 { + if err := mc.netConn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(mc.writeTimeout)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + n, err := mc.netConn.Write(data[:4+size]) + if err == nil && n == 4+size { + mc.sequence++ + if size != maxPacketSize { + return nil + } + pktLen -= size + data = data[size:] + continue + } + + // Handle error + if err == nil { // n != len(data) + mc.cleanup() + errLog.Print(ErrMalformPkt) + } else { + if cerr := mc.canceled.Value(); cerr != nil { + return cerr + } + if n == 0 && pktLen == len(data)-4 { + // only for the first loop iteration when nothing was written yet + return errBadConnNoWrite + } + mc.cleanup() + errLog.Print(err) + } + return ErrInvalidConn + } +} + +/****************************************************************************** +* Initialization Process * +******************************************************************************/ + +// Handshake Initialization Packet +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/connection-phase-packets.html#packet-Protocol::Handshake +func (mc *mysqlConn) readHandshakePacket() (data []byte, plugin string, err error) { + data, err = mc.readPacket() + if err != nil { + // for init we can rewrite this to ErrBadConn for sql.Driver to retry, since + // in connection initialization we don't risk retrying non-idempotent actions. + if err == ErrInvalidConn { + return nil, "", driver.ErrBadConn + } + return + } + + if data[0] == iERR { + return nil, "", mc.handleErrorPacket(data) + } + + // protocol version [1 byte] + if data[0] < minProtocolVersion { + return nil, "", fmt.Errorf( + "unsupported protocol version %d. Version %d or higher is required", + data[0], + minProtocolVersion, + ) + } + + // server version [null terminated string] + // connection id [4 bytes] + pos := 1 + bytes.IndexByte(data[1:], 0x00) + 1 + 4 + + // first part of the password cipher [8 bytes] + authData := data[pos : pos+8] + + // (filler) always 0x00 [1 byte] + pos += 8 + 1 + + // capability flags (lower 2 bytes) [2 bytes] + mc.flags = clientFlag(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[pos : pos+2])) + if mc.flags&clientProtocol41 == 0 { + return nil, "", ErrOldProtocol + } + if mc.flags&clientSSL == 0 && mc.cfg.tls != nil { + if mc.cfg.TLSConfig == "preferred" { + mc.cfg.tls = nil + } else { + return nil, "", ErrNoTLS + } + } + pos += 2 + + if len(data) > pos { + // character set [1 byte] + // status flags [2 bytes] + // capability flags (upper 2 bytes) [2 bytes] + // length of auth-plugin-data [1 byte] + // reserved (all [00]) [10 bytes] + pos += 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 10 + + // second part of the password cipher [mininum 13 bytes], + // where len=MAX(13, length of auth-plugin-data - 8) + // + // The web documentation is ambiguous about the length. However, + // according to mysql-5.7/sql/auth/sql_authentication.cc line 538, + // the 13th byte is "\0 byte, terminating the second part of + // a scramble". So the second part of the password cipher is + // a NULL terminated string that's at least 13 bytes with the + // last byte being NULL. + // + // The official Python library uses the fixed length 12 + // which seems to work but technically could have a hidden bug. + authData = append(authData, data[pos:pos+12]...) + pos += 13 + + // EOF if version (>= 5.5.7 and < 5.5.10) or (>= 5.6.0 and < 5.6.2) + // \NUL otherwise + if end := bytes.IndexByte(data[pos:], 0x00); end != -1 { + plugin = string(data[pos : pos+end]) + } else { + plugin = string(data[pos:]) + } + + // make a memory safe copy of the cipher slice + var b [20]byte + copy(b[:], authData) + return b[:], plugin, nil + } + + // make a memory safe copy of the cipher slice + var b [8]byte + copy(b[:], authData) + return b[:], plugin, nil +} + +// Client Authentication Packet +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/connection-phase-packets.html#packet-Protocol::HandshakeResponse +func (mc *mysqlConn) writeHandshakeResponsePacket(authResp []byte, plugin string) error { + // Adjust client flags based on server support + clientFlags := clientProtocol41 | + clientSecureConn | + clientLongPassword | + clientTransactions | + clientLocalFiles | + clientPluginAuth | + clientMultiResults | + mc.flags&clientLongFlag + + if mc.cfg.ClientFoundRows { + clientFlags |= clientFoundRows + } + + // To enable TLS / SSL + if mc.cfg.tls != nil { + clientFlags |= clientSSL + } + + if mc.cfg.MultiStatements { + clientFlags |= clientMultiStatements + } + + // encode length of the auth plugin data + var authRespLEIBuf [9]byte + authRespLen := len(authResp) + authRespLEI := appendLengthEncodedInteger(authRespLEIBuf[:0], uint64(authRespLen)) + if len(authRespLEI) > 1 { + // if the length can not be written in 1 byte, it must be written as a + // length encoded integer + clientFlags |= clientPluginAuthLenEncClientData + } + + pktLen := 4 + 4 + 1 + 23 + len(mc.cfg.User) + 1 + len(authRespLEI) + len(authResp) + 21 + 1 + + // To specify a db name + if n := len(mc.cfg.DBName); n > 0 { + clientFlags |= clientConnectWithDB + pktLen += n + 1 + } + + // Calculate packet length and get buffer with that size + data, err := mc.buf.takeSmallBuffer(pktLen + 4) + if err != nil { + // cannot take the buffer. Something must be wrong with the connection + errLog.Print(err) + return errBadConnNoWrite + } + + // ClientFlags [32 bit] + data[4] = byte(clientFlags) + data[5] = byte(clientFlags >> 8) + data[6] = byte(clientFlags >> 16) + data[7] = byte(clientFlags >> 24) + + // MaxPacketSize [32 bit] (none) + data[8] = 0x00 + data[9] = 0x00 + data[10] = 0x00 + data[11] = 0x00 + + // Charset [1 byte] + var found bool + data[12], found = collations[mc.cfg.Collation] + if !found { + // Note possibility for false negatives: + // could be triggered although the collation is valid if the + // collations map does not contain entries the server supports. + return errors.New("unknown collation") + } + + // Filler [23 bytes] (all 0x00) + pos := 13 + for ; pos < 13+23; pos++ { + data[pos] = 0 + } + + // SSL Connection Request Packet + // http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/connection-phase-packets.html#packet-Protocol::SSLRequest + if mc.cfg.tls != nil { + // Send TLS / SSL request packet + if err := mc.writePacket(data[:(4+4+1+23)+4]); err != nil { + return err + } + + // Switch to TLS + tlsConn := tls.Client(mc.netConn, mc.cfg.tls) + if err := tlsConn.Handshake(); err != nil { + return err + } + mc.rawConn = mc.netConn + mc.netConn = tlsConn + mc.buf.nc = tlsConn + } + + // User [null terminated string] + if len(mc.cfg.User) > 0 { + pos += copy(data[pos:], mc.cfg.User) + } + data[pos] = 0x00 + pos++ + + // Auth Data [length encoded integer] + pos += copy(data[pos:], authRespLEI) + pos += copy(data[pos:], authResp) + + // Databasename [null terminated string] + if len(mc.cfg.DBName) > 0 { + pos += copy(data[pos:], mc.cfg.DBName) + data[pos] = 0x00 + pos++ + } + + pos += copy(data[pos:], plugin) + data[pos] = 0x00 + pos++ + + // Send Auth packet + return mc.writePacket(data[:pos]) +} + +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/connection-phase-packets.html#packet-Protocol::AuthSwitchResponse +func (mc *mysqlConn) writeAuthSwitchPacket(authData []byte) error { + pktLen := 4 + len(authData) + data, err := mc.buf.takeSmallBuffer(pktLen) + if err != nil { + // cannot take the buffer. Something must be wrong with the connection + errLog.Print(err) + return errBadConnNoWrite + } + + // Add the auth data [EOF] + copy(data[4:], authData) + return mc.writePacket(data) +} + +/****************************************************************************** +* Command Packets * +******************************************************************************/ + +func (mc *mysqlConn) writeCommandPacket(command byte) error { + // Reset Packet Sequence + mc.sequence = 0 + + data, err := mc.buf.takeSmallBuffer(4 + 1) + if err != nil { + // cannot take the buffer. Something must be wrong with the connection + errLog.Print(err) + return errBadConnNoWrite + } + + // Add command byte + data[4] = command + + // Send CMD packet + return mc.writePacket(data) +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) writeCommandPacketStr(command byte, arg string) error { + // Reset Packet Sequence + mc.sequence = 0 + + pktLen := 1 + len(arg) + data, err := mc.buf.takeBuffer(pktLen + 4) + if err != nil { + // cannot take the buffer. Something must be wrong with the connection + errLog.Print(err) + return errBadConnNoWrite + } + + // Add command byte + data[4] = command + + // Add arg + copy(data[5:], arg) + + // Send CMD packet + return mc.writePacket(data) +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) writeCommandPacketUint32(command byte, arg uint32) error { + // Reset Packet Sequence + mc.sequence = 0 + + data, err := mc.buf.takeSmallBuffer(4 + 1 + 4) + if err != nil { + // cannot take the buffer. Something must be wrong with the connection + errLog.Print(err) + return errBadConnNoWrite + } + + // Add command byte + data[4] = command + + // Add arg [32 bit] + data[5] = byte(arg) + data[6] = byte(arg >> 8) + data[7] = byte(arg >> 16) + data[8] = byte(arg >> 24) + + // Send CMD packet + return mc.writePacket(data) +} + +/****************************************************************************** +* Result Packets * +******************************************************************************/ + +func (mc *mysqlConn) readAuthResult() ([]byte, string, error) { + data, err := mc.readPacket() + if err != nil { + return nil, "", err + } + + // packet indicator + switch data[0] { + + case iOK: + return nil, "", mc.handleOkPacket(data) + + case iAuthMoreData: + return data[1:], "", err + + case iEOF: + if len(data) == 1 { + // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/connection-phase-packets.html#packet-Protocol::OldAuthSwitchRequest + return nil, "mysql_old_password", nil + } + pluginEndIndex := bytes.IndexByte(data, 0x00) + if pluginEndIndex < 0 { + return nil, "", ErrMalformPkt + } + plugin := string(data[1:pluginEndIndex]) + authData := data[pluginEndIndex+1:] + return authData, plugin, nil + + default: // Error otherwise + return nil, "", mc.handleErrorPacket(data) + } +} + +// Returns error if Packet is not an 'Result OK'-Packet +func (mc *mysqlConn) readResultOK() error { + data, err := mc.readPacket() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if data[0] == iOK { + return mc.handleOkPacket(data) + } + return mc.handleErrorPacket(data) +} + +// Result Set Header Packet +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-query-response.html#packet-ProtocolText::Resultset +func (mc *mysqlConn) readResultSetHeaderPacket() (int, error) { + data, err := mc.readPacket() + if err == nil { + switch data[0] { + + case iOK: + return 0, mc.handleOkPacket(data) + + case iERR: + return 0, mc.handleErrorPacket(data) + + case iLocalInFile: + return 0, mc.handleInFileRequest(string(data[1:])) + } + + // column count + num, _, n := readLengthEncodedInteger(data) + if n-len(data) == 0 { + return int(num), nil + } + + return 0, ErrMalformPkt + } + return 0, err +} + +// Error Packet +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/generic-response-packets.html#packet-ERR_Packet +func (mc *mysqlConn) handleErrorPacket(data []byte) error { + if data[0] != iERR { + return ErrMalformPkt + } + + // 0xff [1 byte] + + // Error Number [16 bit uint] + errno := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[1:3]) + + // 1792: ER_CANT_EXECUTE_IN_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION + // 1290: ER_OPTION_PREVENTS_STATEMENT (returned by Aurora during failover) + if (errno == 1792 || errno == 1290) && mc.cfg.RejectReadOnly { + // Oops; we are connected to a read-only connection, and won't be able + // to issue any write statements. Since RejectReadOnly is configured, + // we throw away this connection hoping this one would have write + // permission. This is specifically for a possible race condition + // during failover (e.g. on AWS Aurora). See README.md for more. + // + // We explicitly close the connection before returning + // driver.ErrBadConn to ensure that `database/sql` purges this + // connection and initiates a new one for next statement next time. + mc.Close() + return driver.ErrBadConn + } + + pos := 3 + + // SQL State [optional: # + 5bytes string] + if data[3] == 0x23 { + //sqlstate := string(data[4 : 4+5]) + pos = 9 + } + + // Error Message [string] + return &MySQLError{ + Number: errno, + Message: string(data[pos:]), + } +} + +func readStatus(b []byte) statusFlag { + return statusFlag(b[0]) | statusFlag(b[1])<<8 +} + +// Ok Packet +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/generic-response-packets.html#packet-OK_Packet +func (mc *mysqlConn) handleOkPacket(data []byte) error { + var n, m int + + // 0x00 [1 byte] + + // Affected rows [Length Coded Binary] + mc.affectedRows, _, n = readLengthEncodedInteger(data[1:]) + + // Insert id [Length Coded Binary] + mc.insertId, _, m = readLengthEncodedInteger(data[1+n:]) + + // server_status [2 bytes] + mc.status = readStatus(data[1+n+m : 1+n+m+2]) + if mc.status&statusMoreResultsExists != 0 { + return nil + } + + // warning count [2 bytes] + + return nil +} + +// Read Packets as Field Packets until EOF-Packet or an Error appears +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-query-response.html#packet-Protocol::ColumnDefinition41 +func (mc *mysqlConn) readColumns(count int) ([]mysqlField, error) { + columns := make([]mysqlField, count) + + for i := 0; ; i++ { + data, err := mc.readPacket() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + // EOF Packet + if data[0] == iEOF && (len(data) == 5 || len(data) == 1) { + if i == count { + return columns, nil + } + return nil, fmt.Errorf("column count mismatch n:%d len:%d", count, len(columns)) + } + + // Catalog + pos, err := skipLengthEncodedString(data) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + // Database [len coded string] + n, err := skipLengthEncodedString(data[pos:]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + pos += n + + // Table [len coded string] + if mc.cfg.ColumnsWithAlias { + tableName, _, n, err := readLengthEncodedString(data[pos:]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + pos += n + columns[i].tableName = string(tableName) + } else { + n, err = skipLengthEncodedString(data[pos:]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + pos += n + } + + // Original table [len coded string] + n, err = skipLengthEncodedString(data[pos:]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + pos += n + + // Name [len coded string] + name, _, n, err := readLengthEncodedString(data[pos:]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + columns[i].name = string(name) + pos += n + + // Original name [len coded string] + n, err = skipLengthEncodedString(data[pos:]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + pos += n + + // Filler [uint8] + pos++ + + // Charset [charset, collation uint8] + columns[i].charSet = data[pos] + pos += 2 + + // Length [uint32] + columns[i].length = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[pos : pos+4]) + pos += 4 + + // Field type [uint8] + columns[i].fieldType = fieldType(data[pos]) + pos++ + + // Flags [uint16] + columns[i].flags = fieldFlag(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[pos : pos+2])) + pos += 2 + + // Decimals [uint8] + columns[i].decimals = data[pos] + //pos++ + + // Default value [len coded binary] + //if pos < len(data) { + // defaultVal, _, err = bytesToLengthCodedBinary(data[pos:]) + //} + } +} + +// Read Packets as Field Packets until EOF-Packet or an Error appears +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-query-response.html#packet-ProtocolText::ResultsetRow +func (rows *textRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error { + mc := rows.mc + + if rows.rs.done { + return io.EOF + } + + data, err := mc.readPacket() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // EOF Packet + if data[0] == iEOF && len(data) == 5 { + // server_status [2 bytes] + rows.mc.status = readStatus(data[3:]) + rows.rs.done = true + if !rows.HasNextResultSet() { + rows.mc = nil + } + return io.EOF + } + if data[0] == iERR { + rows.mc = nil + return mc.handleErrorPacket(data) + } + + // RowSet Packet + var n int + var isNull bool + pos := 0 + + for i := range dest { + // Read bytes and convert to string + dest[i], isNull, n, err = readLengthEncodedString(data[pos:]) + pos += n + if err == nil { + if !isNull { + if !mc.parseTime { + continue + } else { + switch rows.rs.columns[i].fieldType { + case fieldTypeTimestamp, fieldTypeDateTime, + fieldTypeDate, fieldTypeNewDate: + dest[i], err = parseDateTime( + dest[i].([]byte), + mc.cfg.Loc, + ) + if err == nil { + continue + } + default: + continue + } + } + + } else { + dest[i] = nil + continue + } + } + return err // err != nil + } + + return nil +} + +// Reads Packets until EOF-Packet or an Error appears. Returns count of Packets read +func (mc *mysqlConn) readUntilEOF() error { + for { + data, err := mc.readPacket() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + switch data[0] { + case iERR: + return mc.handleErrorPacket(data) + case iEOF: + if len(data) == 5 { + mc.status = readStatus(data[3:]) + } + return nil + } + } +} + +/****************************************************************************** +* Prepared Statements * +******************************************************************************/ + +// Prepare Result Packets +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-stmt-prepare-response.html +func (stmt *mysqlStmt) readPrepareResultPacket() (uint16, error) { + data, err := stmt.mc.readPacket() + if err == nil { + // packet indicator [1 byte] + if data[0] != iOK { + return 0, stmt.mc.handleErrorPacket(data) + } + + // statement id [4 bytes] + stmt.id = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[1:5]) + + // Column count [16 bit uint] + columnCount := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[5:7]) + + // Param count [16 bit uint] + stmt.paramCount = int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[7:9])) + + // Reserved [8 bit] + + // Warning count [16 bit uint] + + return columnCount, nil + } + return 0, err +} + +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-stmt-send-long-data.html +func (stmt *mysqlStmt) writeCommandLongData(paramID int, arg []byte) error { + maxLen := stmt.mc.maxAllowedPacket - 1 + pktLen := maxLen + + // After the header (bytes 0-3) follows before the data: + // 1 byte command + // 4 bytes stmtID + // 2 bytes paramID + const dataOffset = 1 + 4 + 2 + + // Cannot use the write buffer since + // a) the buffer is too small + // b) it is in use + data := make([]byte, 4+1+4+2+len(arg)) + + copy(data[4+dataOffset:], arg) + + for argLen := len(arg); argLen > 0; argLen -= pktLen - dataOffset { + if dataOffset+argLen < maxLen { + pktLen = dataOffset + argLen + } + + stmt.mc.sequence = 0 + // Add command byte [1 byte] + data[4] = comStmtSendLongData + + // Add stmtID [32 bit] + data[5] = byte(stmt.id) + data[6] = byte(stmt.id >> 8) + data[7] = byte(stmt.id >> 16) + data[8] = byte(stmt.id >> 24) + + // Add paramID [16 bit] + data[9] = byte(paramID) + data[10] = byte(paramID >> 8) + + // Send CMD packet + err := stmt.mc.writePacket(data[:4+pktLen]) + if err == nil { + data = data[pktLen-dataOffset:] + continue + } + return err + + } + + // Reset Packet Sequence + stmt.mc.sequence = 0 + return nil +} + +// Execute Prepared Statement +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-stmt-execute.html +func (stmt *mysqlStmt) writeExecutePacket(args []driver.Value) error { + if len(args) != stmt.paramCount { + return fmt.Errorf( + "argument count mismatch (got: %d; has: %d)", + len(args), + stmt.paramCount, + ) + } + + const minPktLen = 4 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 4 + mc := stmt.mc + + // Determine threshold dynamically to avoid packet size shortage. + longDataSize := mc.maxAllowedPacket / (stmt.paramCount + 1) + if longDataSize < 64 { + longDataSize = 64 + } + + // Reset packet-sequence + mc.sequence = 0 + + var data []byte + var err error + + if len(args) == 0 { + data, err = mc.buf.takeBuffer(minPktLen) + } else { + data, err = mc.buf.takeCompleteBuffer() + // In this case the len(data) == cap(data) which is used to optimise the flow below. + } + if err != nil { + // cannot take the buffer. Something must be wrong with the connection + errLog.Print(err) + return errBadConnNoWrite + } + + // command [1 byte] + data[4] = comStmtExecute + + // statement_id [4 bytes] + data[5] = byte(stmt.id) + data[6] = byte(stmt.id >> 8) + data[7] = byte(stmt.id >> 16) + data[8] = byte(stmt.id >> 24) + + // flags (0: CURSOR_TYPE_NO_CURSOR) [1 byte] + data[9] = 0x00 + + // iteration_count (uint32(1)) [4 bytes] + data[10] = 0x01 + data[11] = 0x00 + data[12] = 0x00 + data[13] = 0x00 + + if len(args) > 0 { + pos := minPktLen + + var nullMask []byte + if maskLen, typesLen := (len(args)+7)/8, 1+2*len(args); pos+maskLen+typesLen >= cap(data) { + // buffer has to be extended but we don't know by how much so + // we depend on append after all data with known sizes fit. + // We stop at that because we deal with a lot of columns here + // which makes the required allocation size hard to guess. + tmp := make([]byte, pos+maskLen+typesLen) + copy(tmp[:pos], data[:pos]) + data = tmp + nullMask = data[pos : pos+maskLen] + // No need to clean nullMask as make ensures that. + pos += maskLen + } else { + nullMask = data[pos : pos+maskLen] + for i := range nullMask { + nullMask[i] = 0 + } + pos += maskLen + } + + // newParameterBoundFlag 1 [1 byte] + data[pos] = 0x01 + pos++ + + // type of each parameter [len(args)*2 bytes] + paramTypes := data[pos:] + pos += len(args) * 2 + + // value of each parameter [n bytes] + paramValues := data[pos:pos] + valuesCap := cap(paramValues) + + for i, arg := range args { + // build NULL-bitmap + if arg == nil { + nullMask[i/8] |= 1 << (uint(i) & 7) + paramTypes[i+i] = byte(fieldTypeNULL) + paramTypes[i+i+1] = 0x00 + continue + } + + if v, ok := arg.(json.RawMessage); ok { + arg = []byte(v) + } + // cache types and values + switch v := arg.(type) { + case int64: + paramTypes[i+i] = byte(fieldTypeLongLong) + paramTypes[i+i+1] = 0x00 + + if cap(paramValues)-len(paramValues)-8 >= 0 { + paramValues = paramValues[:len(paramValues)+8] + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64( + paramValues[len(paramValues)-8:], + uint64(v), + ) + } else { + paramValues = append(paramValues, + uint64ToBytes(uint64(v))..., + ) + } + + case uint64: + paramTypes[i+i] = byte(fieldTypeLongLong) + paramTypes[i+i+1] = 0x80 // type is unsigned + + if cap(paramValues)-len(paramValues)-8 >= 0 { + paramValues = paramValues[:len(paramValues)+8] + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64( + paramValues[len(paramValues)-8:], + uint64(v), + ) + } else { + paramValues = append(paramValues, + uint64ToBytes(uint64(v))..., + ) + } + + case float64: + paramTypes[i+i] = byte(fieldTypeDouble) + paramTypes[i+i+1] = 0x00 + + if cap(paramValues)-len(paramValues)-8 >= 0 { + paramValues = paramValues[:len(paramValues)+8] + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64( + paramValues[len(paramValues)-8:], + math.Float64bits(v), + ) + } else { + paramValues = append(paramValues, + uint64ToBytes(math.Float64bits(v))..., + ) + } + + case bool: + paramTypes[i+i] = byte(fieldTypeTiny) + paramTypes[i+i+1] = 0x00 + + if v { + paramValues = append(paramValues, 0x01) + } else { + paramValues = append(paramValues, 0x00) + } + + case []byte: + // Common case (non-nil value) first + if v != nil { + paramTypes[i+i] = byte(fieldTypeString) + paramTypes[i+i+1] = 0x00 + + if len(v) < longDataSize { + paramValues = appendLengthEncodedInteger(paramValues, + uint64(len(v)), + ) + paramValues = append(paramValues, v...) + } else { + if err := stmt.writeCommandLongData(i, v); err != nil { + return err + } + } + continue + } + + // Handle []byte(nil) as a NULL value + nullMask[i/8] |= 1 << (uint(i) & 7) + paramTypes[i+i] = byte(fieldTypeNULL) + paramTypes[i+i+1] = 0x00 + + case string: + paramTypes[i+i] = byte(fieldTypeString) + paramTypes[i+i+1] = 0x00 + + if len(v) < longDataSize { + paramValues = appendLengthEncodedInteger(paramValues, + uint64(len(v)), + ) + paramValues = append(paramValues, v...) + } else { + if err := stmt.writeCommandLongData(i, []byte(v)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + case time.Time: + paramTypes[i+i] = byte(fieldTypeString) + paramTypes[i+i+1] = 0x00 + + var a [64]byte + var b = a[:0] + + if v.IsZero() { + b = append(b, "0000-00-00"...) + } else { + b, err = appendDateTime(b, v.In(mc.cfg.Loc)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + paramValues = appendLengthEncodedInteger(paramValues, + uint64(len(b)), + ) + paramValues = append(paramValues, b...) + + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert type: %T", arg) + } + } + + // Check if param values exceeded the available buffer + // In that case we must build the data packet with the new values buffer + if valuesCap != cap(paramValues) { + data = append(data[:pos], paramValues...) + if err = mc.buf.store(data); err != nil { + errLog.Print(err) + return errBadConnNoWrite + } + } + + pos += len(paramValues) + data = data[:pos] + } + + return mc.writePacket(data) +} + +func (mc *mysqlConn) discardResults() error { + for mc.status&statusMoreResultsExists != 0 { + resLen, err := mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if resLen > 0 { + // columns + if err := mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil { + return err + } + // rows + if err := mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + return nil +} + +// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/binary-protocol-resultset-row.html +func (rows *binaryRows) readRow(dest []driver.Value) error { + data, err := rows.mc.readPacket() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // packet indicator [1 byte] + if data[0] != iOK { + // EOF Packet + if data[0] == iEOF && len(data) == 5 { + rows.mc.status = readStatus(data[3:]) + rows.rs.done = true + if !rows.HasNextResultSet() { + rows.mc = nil + } + return io.EOF + } + mc := rows.mc + rows.mc = nil + + // Error otherwise + return mc.handleErrorPacket(data) + } + + // NULL-bitmap, [(column-count + 7 + 2) / 8 bytes] + pos := 1 + (len(dest)+7+2)>>3 + nullMask := data[1:pos] + + for i := range dest { + // Field is NULL + // (byte >> bit-pos) % 2 == 1 + if ((nullMask[(i+2)>>3] >> uint((i+2)&7)) & 1) == 1 { + dest[i] = nil + continue + } + + // Convert to byte-coded string + switch rows.rs.columns[i].fieldType { + case fieldTypeNULL: + dest[i] = nil + continue + + // Numeric Types + case fieldTypeTiny: + if rows.rs.columns[i].flags&flagUnsigned != 0 { + dest[i] = int64(data[pos]) + } else { + dest[i] = int64(int8(data[pos])) + } + pos++ + continue + + case fieldTypeShort, fieldTypeYear: + if rows.rs.columns[i].flags&flagUnsigned != 0 { + dest[i] = int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[pos : pos+2])) + } else { + dest[i] = int64(int16(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[pos : pos+2]))) + } + pos += 2 + continue + + case fieldTypeInt24, fieldTypeLong: + if rows.rs.columns[i].flags&flagUnsigned != 0 { + dest[i] = int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[pos : pos+4])) + } else { + dest[i] = int64(int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[pos : pos+4]))) + } + pos += 4 + continue + + case fieldTypeLongLong: + if rows.rs.columns[i].flags&flagUnsigned != 0 { + val := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(data[pos : pos+8]) + if val > math.MaxInt64 { + dest[i] = uint64ToString(val) + } else { + dest[i] = int64(val) + } + } else { + dest[i] = int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(data[pos : pos+8])) + } + pos += 8 + continue + + case fieldTypeFloat: + dest[i] = math.Float32frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[pos : pos+4])) + pos += 4 + continue + + case fieldTypeDouble: + dest[i] = math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(data[pos : pos+8])) + pos += 8 + continue + + // Length coded Binary Strings + case fieldTypeDecimal, fieldTypeNewDecimal, fieldTypeVarChar, + fieldTypeBit, fieldTypeEnum, fieldTypeSet, fieldTypeTinyBLOB, + fieldTypeMediumBLOB, fieldTypeLongBLOB, fieldTypeBLOB, + fieldTypeVarString, fieldTypeString, fieldTypeGeometry, fieldTypeJSON: + var isNull bool + var n int + dest[i], isNull, n, err = readLengthEncodedString(data[pos:]) + pos += n + if err == nil { + if !isNull { + continue + } else { + dest[i] = nil + continue + } + } + return err + + case + fieldTypeDate, fieldTypeNewDate, // Date YYYY-MM-DD + fieldTypeTime, // Time [-][H]HH:MM:SS[.fractal] + fieldTypeTimestamp, fieldTypeDateTime: // Timestamp YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.fractal] + + num, isNull, n := readLengthEncodedInteger(data[pos:]) + pos += n + + switch { + case isNull: + dest[i] = nil + continue + case rows.rs.columns[i].fieldType == fieldTypeTime: + // database/sql does not support an equivalent to TIME, return a string + var dstlen uint8 + switch decimals := rows.rs.columns[i].decimals; decimals { + case 0x00, 0x1f: + dstlen = 8 + case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: + dstlen = 8 + 1 + decimals + default: + return fmt.Errorf( + "protocol error, illegal decimals value %d", + rows.rs.columns[i].decimals, + ) + } + dest[i], err = formatBinaryTime(data[pos:pos+int(num)], dstlen) + case rows.mc.parseTime: + dest[i], err = parseBinaryDateTime(num, data[pos:], rows.mc.cfg.Loc) + default: + var dstlen uint8 + if rows.rs.columns[i].fieldType == fieldTypeDate { + dstlen = 10 + } else { + switch decimals := rows.rs.columns[i].decimals; decimals { + case 0x00, 0x1f: + dstlen = 19 + case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: + dstlen = 19 + 1 + decimals + default: + return fmt.Errorf( + "protocol error, illegal decimals value %d", + rows.rs.columns[i].decimals, + ) + } + } + dest[i], err = formatBinaryDateTime(data[pos:pos+int(num)], dstlen) + } + + if err == nil { + pos += int(num) + continue + } else { + return err + } + + // Please report if this happens! + default: + return fmt.Errorf("unknown field type %d", rows.rs.columns[i].fieldType) + } + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/result.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/result.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c6438d03 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/result.go @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +type mysqlResult struct { + affectedRows int64 + insertId int64 +} + +func (res *mysqlResult) LastInsertId() (int64, error) { + return res.insertId, nil +} + +func (res *mysqlResult) RowsAffected() (int64, error) { + return res.affectedRows, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/rows.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/rows.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..888bdb5f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/rows.go @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "io" + "math" + "reflect" +) + +type resultSet struct { + columns []mysqlField + columnNames []string + done bool +} + +type mysqlRows struct { + mc *mysqlConn + rs resultSet + finish func() +} + +type binaryRows struct { + mysqlRows +} + +type textRows struct { + mysqlRows +} + +func (rows *mysqlRows) Columns() []string { + if rows.rs.columnNames != nil { + return rows.rs.columnNames + } + + columns := make([]string, len(rows.rs.columns)) + if rows.mc != nil && rows.mc.cfg.ColumnsWithAlias { + for i := range columns { + if tableName := rows.rs.columns[i].tableName; len(tableName) > 0 { + columns[i] = tableName + "." + rows.rs.columns[i].name + } else { + columns[i] = rows.rs.columns[i].name + } + } + } else { + for i := range columns { + columns[i] = rows.rs.columns[i].name + } + } + + rows.rs.columnNames = columns + return columns +} + +func (rows *mysqlRows) ColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName(i int) string { + return rows.rs.columns[i].typeDatabaseName() +} + +// func (rows *mysqlRows) ColumnTypeLength(i int) (length int64, ok bool) { +// return int64(rows.rs.columns[i].length), true +// } + +func (rows *mysqlRows) ColumnTypeNullable(i int) (nullable, ok bool) { + return rows.rs.columns[i].flags&flagNotNULL == 0, true +} + +func (rows *mysqlRows) ColumnTypePrecisionScale(i int) (int64, int64, bool) { + column := rows.rs.columns[i] + decimals := int64(column.decimals) + + switch column.fieldType { + case fieldTypeDecimal, fieldTypeNewDecimal: + if decimals > 0 { + return int64(column.length) - 2, decimals, true + } + return int64(column.length) - 1, decimals, true + case fieldTypeTimestamp, fieldTypeDateTime, fieldTypeTime: + return decimals, decimals, true + case fieldTypeFloat, fieldTypeDouble: + if decimals == 0x1f { + return math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64, true + } + return math.MaxInt64, decimals, true + } + + return 0, 0, false +} + +func (rows *mysqlRows) ColumnTypeScanType(i int) reflect.Type { + return rows.rs.columns[i].scanType() +} + +func (rows *mysqlRows) Close() (err error) { + if f := rows.finish; f != nil { + f() + rows.finish = nil + } + + mc := rows.mc + if mc == nil { + return nil + } + if err := mc.error(); err != nil { + return err + } + + // flip the buffer for this connection if we need to drain it. + // note that for a successful query (i.e. one where rows.next() + // has been called until it returns false), `rows.mc` will be nil + // by the time the user calls `(*Rows).Close`, so we won't reach this + // see: https://github.com/golang/go/commit/651ddbdb5056ded455f47f9c494c67b389622a47 + mc.buf.flip() + + // Remove unread packets from stream + if !rows.rs.done { + err = mc.readUntilEOF() + } + if err == nil { + if err = mc.discardResults(); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + rows.mc = nil + return err +} + +func (rows *mysqlRows) HasNextResultSet() (b bool) { + if rows.mc == nil { + return false + } + return rows.mc.status&statusMoreResultsExists != 0 +} + +func (rows *mysqlRows) nextResultSet() (int, error) { + if rows.mc == nil { + return 0, io.EOF + } + if err := rows.mc.error(); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + + // Remove unread packets from stream + if !rows.rs.done { + if err := rows.mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + rows.rs.done = true + } + + if !rows.HasNextResultSet() { + rows.mc = nil + return 0, io.EOF + } + rows.rs = resultSet{} + return rows.mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket() +} + +func (rows *mysqlRows) nextNotEmptyResultSet() (int, error) { + for { + resLen, err := rows.nextResultSet() + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + + if resLen > 0 { + return resLen, nil + } + + rows.rs.done = true + } +} + +func (rows *binaryRows) NextResultSet() error { + resLen, err := rows.nextNotEmptyResultSet() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + rows.rs.columns, err = rows.mc.readColumns(resLen) + return err +} + +func (rows *binaryRows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error { + if mc := rows.mc; mc != nil { + if err := mc.error(); err != nil { + return err + } + + // Fetch next row from stream + return rows.readRow(dest) + } + return io.EOF +} + +func (rows *textRows) NextResultSet() (err error) { + resLen, err := rows.nextNotEmptyResultSet() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + rows.rs.columns, err = rows.mc.readColumns(resLen) + return err +} + +func (rows *textRows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error { + if mc := rows.mc; mc != nil { + if err := mc.error(); err != nil { + return err + } + + // Fetch next row from stream + return rows.readRow(dest) + } + return io.EOF +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/statement.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/statement.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..18a3ae49 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/statement.go @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "io" + "reflect" +) + +type mysqlStmt struct { + mc *mysqlConn + id uint32 + paramCount int +} + +func (stmt *mysqlStmt) Close() error { + if stmt.mc == nil || stmt.mc.closed.IsSet() { + // driver.Stmt.Close can be called more than once, thus this function + // has to be idempotent. + // See also Issue #450 and golang/go#16019. + //errLog.Print(ErrInvalidConn) + return driver.ErrBadConn + } + + err := stmt.mc.writeCommandPacketUint32(comStmtClose, stmt.id) + stmt.mc = nil + return err +} + +func (stmt *mysqlStmt) NumInput() int { + return stmt.paramCount +} + +func (stmt *mysqlStmt) ColumnConverter(idx int) driver.ValueConverter { + return converter{} +} + +func (stmt *mysqlStmt) CheckNamedValue(nv *driver.NamedValue) (err error) { + nv.Value, err = converter{}.ConvertValue(nv.Value) + return +} + +func (stmt *mysqlStmt) Exec(args []driver.Value) (driver.Result, error) { + if stmt.mc.closed.IsSet() { + errLog.Print(ErrInvalidConn) + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + // Send command + err := stmt.writeExecutePacket(args) + if err != nil { + return nil, stmt.mc.markBadConn(err) + } + + mc := stmt.mc + + mc.affectedRows = 0 + mc.insertId = 0 + + // Read Result + resLen, err := mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if resLen > 0 { + // Columns + if err = mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + // Rows + if err := mc.readUntilEOF(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + if err := mc.discardResults(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return &mysqlResult{ + affectedRows: int64(mc.affectedRows), + insertId: int64(mc.insertId), + }, nil +} + +func (stmt *mysqlStmt) Query(args []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error) { + return stmt.query(args) +} + +func (stmt *mysqlStmt) query(args []driver.Value) (*binaryRows, error) { + if stmt.mc.closed.IsSet() { + errLog.Print(ErrInvalidConn) + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + // Send command + err := stmt.writeExecutePacket(args) + if err != nil { + return nil, stmt.mc.markBadConn(err) + } + + mc := stmt.mc + + // Read Result + resLen, err := mc.readResultSetHeaderPacket() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + rows := new(binaryRows) + + if resLen > 0 { + rows.mc = mc + rows.rs.columns, err = mc.readColumns(resLen) + } else { + rows.rs.done = true + + switch err := rows.NextResultSet(); err { + case nil, io.EOF: + return rows, nil + default: + return nil, err + } + } + + return rows, err +} + +var jsonType = reflect.TypeOf(json.RawMessage{}) + +type converter struct{} + +// ConvertValue mirrors the reference/default converter in database/sql/driver +// with _one_ exception. We support uint64 with their high bit and the default +// implementation does not. This function should be kept in sync with +// database/sql/driver defaultConverter.ConvertValue() except for that +// deliberate difference. +func (c converter) ConvertValue(v interface{}) (driver.Value, error) { + if driver.IsValue(v) { + return v, nil + } + + if vr, ok := v.(driver.Valuer); ok { + sv, err := callValuerValue(vr) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if driver.IsValue(sv) { + return sv, nil + } + // A value returend from the Valuer interface can be "a type handled by + // a database driver's NamedValueChecker interface" so we should accept + // uint64 here as well. + if u, ok := sv.(uint64); ok { + return u, nil + } + return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-Value type %T returned from Value", sv) + } + rv := reflect.ValueOf(v) + switch rv.Kind() { + case reflect.Ptr: + // indirect pointers + if rv.IsNil() { + return nil, nil + } else { + return c.ConvertValue(rv.Elem().Interface()) + } + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: + return rv.Int(), nil + case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: + return rv.Uint(), nil + case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + return rv.Float(), nil + case reflect.Bool: + return rv.Bool(), nil + case reflect.Slice: + switch t := rv.Type(); { + case t == jsonType: + return v, nil + case t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8: + return rv.Bytes(), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %T, a slice of %s", v, t.Elem().Kind()) + } + case reflect.String: + return rv.String(), nil + } + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %T, a %s", v, rv.Kind()) +} + +var valuerReflectType = reflect.TypeOf((*driver.Valuer)(nil)).Elem() + +// callValuerValue returns vr.Value(), with one exception: +// If vr.Value is an auto-generated method on a pointer type and the +// pointer is nil, it would panic at runtime in the panicwrap +// method. Treat it like nil instead. +// +// This is so people can implement driver.Value on value types and +// still use nil pointers to those types to mean nil/NULL, just like +// string/*string. +// +// This is an exact copy of the same-named unexported function from the +// database/sql package. +func callValuerValue(vr driver.Valuer) (v driver.Value, err error) { + if rv := reflect.ValueOf(vr); rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && + rv.IsNil() && + rv.Type().Elem().Implements(valuerReflectType) { + return nil, nil + } + return vr.Value() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/transaction.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/transaction.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..417d7279 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/transaction.go @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +type mysqlTx struct { + mc *mysqlConn +} + +func (tx *mysqlTx) Commit() (err error) { + if tx.mc == nil || tx.mc.closed.IsSet() { + return ErrInvalidConn + } + err = tx.mc.exec("COMMIT") + tx.mc = nil + return +} + +func (tx *mysqlTx) Rollback() (err error) { + if tx.mc == nil || tx.mc.closed.IsSet() { + return ErrInvalidConn + } + err = tx.mc.exec("ROLLBACK") + tx.mc = nil + return +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/utils.go b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/utils.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6545f5b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/utils.go @@ -0,0 +1,868 @@ +// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package +// +// Copyright 2012 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved. +// +// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +package mysql + +import ( + "crypto/tls" + "database/sql" + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "strconv" + "strings" + "sync" + "sync/atomic" + "time" +) + +// Registry for custom tls.Configs +var ( + tlsConfigLock sync.RWMutex + tlsConfigRegistry map[string]*tls.Config +) + +// RegisterTLSConfig registers a custom tls.Config to be used with sql.Open. +// Use the key as a value in the DSN where tls=value. +// +// Note: The provided tls.Config is exclusively owned by the driver after +// registering it. +// +// rootCertPool := x509.NewCertPool() +// pem, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/path/ca-cert.pem") +// if err != nil { +// log.Fatal(err) +// } +// if ok := rootCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(pem); !ok { +// log.Fatal("Failed to append PEM.") +// } +// clientCert := make([]tls.Certificate, 0, 1) +// certs, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("/path/client-cert.pem", "/path/client-key.pem") +// if err != nil { +// log.Fatal(err) +// } +// clientCert = append(clientCert, certs) +// mysql.RegisterTLSConfig("custom", &tls.Config{ +// RootCAs: rootCertPool, +// Certificates: clientCert, +// }) +// db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user@tcp(localhost:3306)/test?tls=custom") +// +func RegisterTLSConfig(key string, config *tls.Config) error { + if _, isBool := readBool(key); isBool || strings.ToLower(key) == "skip-verify" || strings.ToLower(key) == "preferred" { + return fmt.Errorf("key '%s' is reserved", key) + } + + tlsConfigLock.Lock() + if tlsConfigRegistry == nil { + tlsConfigRegistry = make(map[string]*tls.Config) + } + + tlsConfigRegistry[key] = config + tlsConfigLock.Unlock() + return nil +} + +// DeregisterTLSConfig removes the tls.Config associated with key. +func DeregisterTLSConfig(key string) { + tlsConfigLock.Lock() + if tlsConfigRegistry != nil { + delete(tlsConfigRegistry, key) + } + tlsConfigLock.Unlock() +} + +func getTLSConfigClone(key string) (config *tls.Config) { + tlsConfigLock.RLock() + if v, ok := tlsConfigRegistry[key]; ok { + config = v.Clone() + } + tlsConfigLock.RUnlock() + return +} + +// Returns the bool value of the input. +// The 2nd return value indicates if the input was a valid bool value +func readBool(input string) (value bool, valid bool) { + switch input { + case "1", "true", "TRUE", "True": + return true, true + case "0", "false", "FALSE", "False": + return false, true + } + + // Not a valid bool value + return +} + +/****************************************************************************** +* Time related utils * +******************************************************************************/ + +func parseDateTime(b []byte, loc *time.Location) (time.Time, error) { + const base = "0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000" + switch len(b) { + case 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26: // up to "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MMMMMM" + if string(b) == base[:len(b)] { + return time.Time{}, nil + } + + year, err := parseByteYear(b) + if err != nil { + return time.Time{}, err + } + if year <= 0 { + year = 1 + } + + if b[4] != '-' { + return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("bad value for field: `%c`", b[4]) + } + + m, err := parseByte2Digits(b[5], b[6]) + if err != nil { + return time.Time{}, err + } + if m <= 0 { + m = 1 + } + month := time.Month(m) + + if b[7] != '-' { + return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("bad value for field: `%c`", b[7]) + } + + day, err := parseByte2Digits(b[8], b[9]) + if err != nil { + return time.Time{}, err + } + if day <= 0 { + day = 1 + } + if len(b) == 10 { + return time.Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, loc), nil + } + + if b[10] != ' ' { + return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("bad value for field: `%c`", b[10]) + } + + hour, err := parseByte2Digits(b[11], b[12]) + if err != nil { + return time.Time{}, err + } + if b[13] != ':' { + return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("bad value for field: `%c`", b[13]) + } + + min, err := parseByte2Digits(b[14], b[15]) + if err != nil { + return time.Time{}, err + } + if b[16] != ':' { + return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("bad value for field: `%c`", b[16]) + } + + sec, err := parseByte2Digits(b[17], b[18]) + if err != nil { + return time.Time{}, err + } + if len(b) == 19 { + return time.Date(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, 0, loc), nil + } + + if b[19] != '.' { + return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("bad value for field: `%c`", b[19]) + } + nsec, err := parseByteNanoSec(b[20:]) + if err != nil { + return time.Time{}, err + } + return time.Date(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, nsec, loc), nil + default: + return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid time bytes: %s", b) + } +} + +func parseByteYear(b []byte) (int, error) { + year, n := 0, 1000 + for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { + v, err := bToi(b[i]) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + year += v * n + n = n / 10 + } + return year, nil +} + +func parseByte2Digits(b1, b2 byte) (int, error) { + d1, err := bToi(b1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + d2, err := bToi(b2) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return d1*10 + d2, nil +} + +func parseByteNanoSec(b []byte) (int, error) { + ns, digit := 0, 100000 // max is 6-digits + for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ { + v, err := bToi(b[i]) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + ns += v * digit + digit /= 10 + } + // nanoseconds has 10-digits. (needs to scale digits) + // 10 - 6 = 4, so we have to multiple 1000. + return ns * 1000, nil +} + +func bToi(b byte) (int, error) { + if b < '0' || b > '9' { + return 0, errors.New("not [0-9]") + } + return int(b - '0'), nil +} + +func parseBinaryDateTime(num uint64, data []byte, loc *time.Location) (driver.Value, error) { + switch num { + case 0: + return time.Time{}, nil + case 4: + return time.Date( + int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[:2])), // year + time.Month(data[2]), // month + int(data[3]), // day + 0, 0, 0, 0, + loc, + ), nil + case 7: + return time.Date( + int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[:2])), // year + time.Month(data[2]), // month + int(data[3]), // day + int(data[4]), // hour + int(data[5]), // minutes + int(data[6]), // seconds + 0, + loc, + ), nil + case 11: + return time.Date( + int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[:2])), // year + time.Month(data[2]), // month + int(data[3]), // day + int(data[4]), // hour + int(data[5]), // minutes + int(data[6]), // seconds + int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[7:11]))*1000, // nanoseconds + loc, + ), nil + } + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid DATETIME packet length %d", num) +} + +func appendDateTime(buf []byte, t time.Time) ([]byte, error) { + year, month, day := t.Date() + hour, min, sec := t.Clock() + nsec := t.Nanosecond() + + if year < 1 || year > 9999 { + return buf, errors.New("year is not in the range [1, 9999]: " + strconv.Itoa(year)) // use errors.New instead of fmt.Errorf to avoid year escape to heap + } + year100 := year / 100 + year1 := year % 100 + + var localBuf [len("2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999")]byte // does not escape + localBuf[0], localBuf[1], localBuf[2], localBuf[3] = digits10[year100], digits01[year100], digits10[year1], digits01[year1] + localBuf[4] = '-' + localBuf[5], localBuf[6] = digits10[month], digits01[month] + localBuf[7] = '-' + localBuf[8], localBuf[9] = digits10[day], digits01[day] + + if hour == 0 && min == 0 && sec == 0 && nsec == 0 { + return append(buf, localBuf[:10]...), nil + } + + localBuf[10] = ' ' + localBuf[11], localBuf[12] = digits10[hour], digits01[hour] + localBuf[13] = ':' + localBuf[14], localBuf[15] = digits10[min], digits01[min] + localBuf[16] = ':' + localBuf[17], localBuf[18] = digits10[sec], digits01[sec] + + if nsec == 0 { + return append(buf, localBuf[:19]...), nil + } + nsec100000000 := nsec / 100000000 + nsec1000000 := (nsec / 1000000) % 100 + nsec10000 := (nsec / 10000) % 100 + nsec100 := (nsec / 100) % 100 + nsec1 := nsec % 100 + localBuf[19] = '.' + + // milli second + localBuf[20], localBuf[21], localBuf[22] = + digits01[nsec100000000], digits10[nsec1000000], digits01[nsec1000000] + // micro second + localBuf[23], localBuf[24], localBuf[25] = + digits10[nsec10000], digits01[nsec10000], digits10[nsec100] + // nano second + localBuf[26], localBuf[27], localBuf[28] = + digits01[nsec100], digits10[nsec1], digits01[nsec1] + + // trim trailing zeros + n := len(localBuf) + for n > 0 && localBuf[n-1] == '0' { + n-- + } + + return append(buf, localBuf[:n]...), nil +} + +// zeroDateTime is used in formatBinaryDateTime to avoid an allocation +// if the DATE or DATETIME has the zero value. +// It must never be changed. +// The current behavior depends on database/sql copying the result. +var zeroDateTime = []byte("0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000") + +const digits01 = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" +const digits10 = "0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999" + +func appendMicrosecs(dst, src []byte, decimals int) []byte { + if decimals <= 0 { + return dst + } + if len(src) == 0 { + return append(dst, ".000000"[:decimals+1]...) + } + + microsecs := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[:4]) + p1 := byte(microsecs / 10000) + microsecs -= 10000 * uint32(p1) + p2 := byte(microsecs / 100) + microsecs -= 100 * uint32(p2) + p3 := byte(microsecs) + + switch decimals { + default: + return append(dst, '.', + digits10[p1], digits01[p1], + digits10[p2], digits01[p2], + digits10[p3], digits01[p3], + ) + case 1: + return append(dst, '.', + digits10[p1], + ) + case 2: + return append(dst, '.', + digits10[p1], digits01[p1], + ) + case 3: + return append(dst, '.', + digits10[p1], digits01[p1], + digits10[p2], + ) + case 4: + return append(dst, '.', + digits10[p1], digits01[p1], + digits10[p2], digits01[p2], + ) + case 5: + return append(dst, '.', + digits10[p1], digits01[p1], + digits10[p2], digits01[p2], + digits10[p3], + ) + } +} + +func formatBinaryDateTime(src []byte, length uint8) (driver.Value, error) { + // length expects the deterministic length of the zero value, + // negative time and 100+ hours are automatically added if needed + if len(src) == 0 { + return zeroDateTime[:length], nil + } + var dst []byte // return value + var p1, p2, p3 byte // current digit pair + + switch length { + case 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26: + default: + t := "DATE" + if length > 10 { + t += "TIME" + } + return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal %s length %d", t, length) + } + switch len(src) { + case 4, 7, 11: + default: + t := "DATE" + if length > 10 { + t += "TIME" + } + return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal %s packet length %d", t, len(src)) + } + dst = make([]byte, 0, length) + // start with the date + year := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(src[:2]) + pt := year / 100 + p1 = byte(year - 100*uint16(pt)) + p2, p3 = src[2], src[3] + dst = append(dst, + digits10[pt], digits01[pt], + digits10[p1], digits01[p1], '-', + digits10[p2], digits01[p2], '-', + digits10[p3], digits01[p3], + ) + if length == 10 { + return dst, nil + } + if len(src) == 4 { + return append(dst, zeroDateTime[10:length]...), nil + } + dst = append(dst, ' ') + p1 = src[4] // hour + src = src[5:] + + // p1 is 2-digit hour, src is after hour + p2, p3 = src[0], src[1] + dst = append(dst, + digits10[p1], digits01[p1], ':', + digits10[p2], digits01[p2], ':', + digits10[p3], digits01[p3], + ) + return appendMicrosecs(dst, src[2:], int(length)-20), nil +} + +func formatBinaryTime(src []byte, length uint8) (driver.Value, error) { + // length expects the deterministic length of the zero value, + // negative time and 100+ hours are automatically added if needed + if len(src) == 0 { + return zeroDateTime[11 : 11+length], nil + } + var dst []byte // return value + + switch length { + case + 8, // time (can be up to 10 when negative and 100+ hours) + 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: // time with fractional seconds + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal TIME length %d", length) + } + switch len(src) { + case 8, 12: + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid TIME packet length %d", len(src)) + } + // +2 to enable negative time and 100+ hours + dst = make([]byte, 0, length+2) + if src[0] == 1 { + dst = append(dst, '-') + } + days := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[1:5]) + hours := int64(days)*24 + int64(src[5]) + + if hours >= 100 { + dst = strconv.AppendInt(dst, hours, 10) + } else { + dst = append(dst, digits10[hours], digits01[hours]) + } + + min, sec := src[6], src[7] + dst = append(dst, ':', + digits10[min], digits01[min], ':', + digits10[sec], digits01[sec], + ) + return appendMicrosecs(dst, src[8:], int(length)-9), nil +} + +/****************************************************************************** +* Convert from and to bytes * +******************************************************************************/ + +func uint64ToBytes(n uint64) []byte { + return []byte{ + byte(n), + byte(n >> 8), + byte(n >> 16), + byte(n >> 24), + byte(n >> 32), + byte(n >> 40), + byte(n >> 48), + byte(n >> 56), + } +} + +func uint64ToString(n uint64) []byte { + var a [20]byte + i := 20 + + // U+0030 = 0 + // ... + // U+0039 = 9 + + var q uint64 + for n >= 10 { + i-- + q = n / 10 + a[i] = uint8(n-q*10) + 0x30 + n = q + } + + i-- + a[i] = uint8(n) + 0x30 + + return a[i:] +} + +// treats string value as unsigned integer representation +func stringToInt(b []byte) int { + val := 0 + for i := range b { + val *= 10 + val += int(b[i] - 0x30) + } + return val +} + +// returns the string read as a bytes slice, wheter the value is NULL, +// the number of bytes read and an error, in case the string is longer than +// the input slice +func readLengthEncodedString(b []byte) ([]byte, bool, int, error) { + // Get length + num, isNull, n := readLengthEncodedInteger(b) + if num < 1 { + return b[n:n], isNull, n, nil + } + + n += int(num) + + // Check data length + if len(b) >= n { + return b[n-int(num) : n : n], false, n, nil + } + return nil, false, n, io.EOF +} + +// returns the number of bytes skipped and an error, in case the string is +// longer than the input slice +func skipLengthEncodedString(b []byte) (int, error) { + // Get length + num, _, n := readLengthEncodedInteger(b) + if num < 1 { + return n, nil + } + + n += int(num) + + // Check data length + if len(b) >= n { + return n, nil + } + return n, io.EOF +} + +// returns the number read, whether the value is NULL and the number of bytes read +func readLengthEncodedInteger(b []byte) (uint64, bool, int) { + // See issue #349 + if len(b) == 0 { + return 0, true, 1 + } + + switch b[0] { + // 251: NULL + case 0xfb: + return 0, true, 1 + + // 252: value of following 2 + case 0xfc: + return uint64(b[1]) | uint64(b[2])<<8, false, 3 + + // 253: value of following 3 + case 0xfd: + return uint64(b[1]) | uint64(b[2])<<8 | uint64(b[3])<<16, false, 4 + + // 254: value of following 8 + case 0xfe: + return uint64(b[1]) | uint64(b[2])<<8 | uint64(b[3])<<16 | + uint64(b[4])<<24 | uint64(b[5])<<32 | uint64(b[6])<<40 | + uint64(b[7])<<48 | uint64(b[8])<<56, + false, 9 + } + + // 0-250: value of first byte + return uint64(b[0]), false, 1 +} + +// encodes a uint64 value and appends it to the given bytes slice +func appendLengthEncodedInteger(b []byte, n uint64) []byte { + switch { + case n <= 250: + return append(b, byte(n)) + + case n <= 0xffff: + return append(b, 0xfc, byte(n), byte(n>>8)) + + case n <= 0xffffff: + return append(b, 0xfd, byte(n), byte(n>>8), byte(n>>16)) + } + return append(b, 0xfe, byte(n), byte(n>>8), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>24), + byte(n>>32), byte(n>>40), byte(n>>48), byte(n>>56)) +} + +// reserveBuffer checks cap(buf) and expand buffer to len(buf) + appendSize. +// If cap(buf) is not enough, reallocate new buffer. +func reserveBuffer(buf []byte, appendSize int) []byte { + newSize := len(buf) + appendSize + if cap(buf) < newSize { + // Grow buffer exponentially + newBuf := make([]byte, len(buf)*2+appendSize) + copy(newBuf, buf) + buf = newBuf + } + return buf[:newSize] +} + +// escapeBytesBackslash escapes []byte with backslashes (\) +// This escapes the contents of a string (provided as []byte) by adding backslashes before special +// characters, and turning others into specific escape sequences, such as +// turning newlines into \n and null bytes into \0. +// https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/blob/mysql-5.7.5/mysys/charset.c#L823-L932 +func escapeBytesBackslash(buf, v []byte) []byte { + pos := len(buf) + buf = reserveBuffer(buf, len(v)*2) + + for _, c := range v { + switch c { + case '\x00': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = '0' + pos += 2 + case '\n': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = 'n' + pos += 2 + case '\r': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = 'r' + pos += 2 + case '\x1a': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = 'Z' + pos += 2 + case '\'': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = '\'' + pos += 2 + case '"': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = '"' + pos += 2 + case '\\': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = '\\' + pos += 2 + default: + buf[pos] = c + pos++ + } + } + + return buf[:pos] +} + +// escapeStringBackslash is similar to escapeBytesBackslash but for string. +func escapeStringBackslash(buf []byte, v string) []byte { + pos := len(buf) + buf = reserveBuffer(buf, len(v)*2) + + for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ { + c := v[i] + switch c { + case '\x00': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = '0' + pos += 2 + case '\n': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = 'n' + pos += 2 + case '\r': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = 'r' + pos += 2 + case '\x1a': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = 'Z' + pos += 2 + case '\'': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = '\'' + pos += 2 + case '"': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = '"' + pos += 2 + case '\\': + buf[pos] = '\\' + buf[pos+1] = '\\' + pos += 2 + default: + buf[pos] = c + pos++ + } + } + + return buf[:pos] +} + +// escapeBytesQuotes escapes apostrophes in []byte by doubling them up. +// This escapes the contents of a string by doubling up any apostrophes that +// it contains. This is used when the NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES SQL_MODE is in +// effect on the server. +// https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/blob/mysql-5.7.5/mysys/charset.c#L963-L1038 +func escapeBytesQuotes(buf, v []byte) []byte { + pos := len(buf) + buf = reserveBuffer(buf, len(v)*2) + + for _, c := range v { + if c == '\'' { + buf[pos] = '\'' + buf[pos+1] = '\'' + pos += 2 + } else { + buf[pos] = c + pos++ + } + } + + return buf[:pos] +} + +// escapeStringQuotes is similar to escapeBytesQuotes but for string. +func escapeStringQuotes(buf []byte, v string) []byte { + pos := len(buf) + buf = reserveBuffer(buf, len(v)*2) + + for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ { + c := v[i] + if c == '\'' { + buf[pos] = '\'' + buf[pos+1] = '\'' + pos += 2 + } else { + buf[pos] = c + pos++ + } + } + + return buf[:pos] +} + +/****************************************************************************** +* Sync utils * +******************************************************************************/ + +// noCopy may be embedded into structs which must not be copied +// after the first use. +// +// See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/8005#issuecomment-190753527 +// for details. +type noCopy struct{} + +// Lock is a no-op used by -copylocks checker from `go vet`. +func (*noCopy) Lock() {} + +// atomicBool is a wrapper around uint32 for usage as a boolean value with +// atomic access. +type atomicBool struct { + _noCopy noCopy + value uint32 +} + +// IsSet returns whether the current boolean value is true +func (ab *atomicBool) IsSet() bool { + return atomic.LoadUint32(&ab.value) > 0 +} + +// Set sets the value of the bool regardless of the previous value +func (ab *atomicBool) Set(value bool) { + if value { + atomic.StoreUint32(&ab.value, 1) + } else { + atomic.StoreUint32(&ab.value, 0) + } +} + +// TrySet sets the value of the bool and returns whether the value changed +func (ab *atomicBool) TrySet(value bool) bool { + if value { + return atomic.SwapUint32(&ab.value, 1) == 0 + } + return atomic.SwapUint32(&ab.value, 0) > 0 +} + +// atomicError is a wrapper for atomically accessed error values +type atomicError struct { + _noCopy noCopy + value atomic.Value +} + +// Set sets the error value regardless of the previous value. +// The value must not be nil +func (ae *atomicError) Set(value error) { + ae.value.Store(value) +} + +// Value returns the current error value +func (ae *atomicError) Value() error { + if v := ae.value.Load(); v != nil { + // this will panic if the value doesn't implement the error interface + return v.(error) + } + return nil +} + +func namedValueToValue(named []driver.NamedValue) ([]driver.Value, error) { + dargs := make([]driver.Value, len(named)) + for n, param := range named { + if len(param.Name) > 0 { + // TODO: support the use of Named Parameters #561 + return nil, errors.New("mysql: driver does not support the use of Named Parameters") + } + dargs[n] = param.Value + } + return dargs, nil +} + +func mapIsolationLevel(level driver.IsolationLevel) (string, error) { + switch sql.IsolationLevel(level) { + case sql.LevelRepeatableRead: + return "REPEATABLE READ", nil + case sql.LevelReadCommitted: + return "READ COMMITTED", nil + case sql.LevelReadUncommitted: + return "READ UNCOMMITTED", nil + case sql.LevelSerializable: + return "SERIALIZABLE", nil + default: + return "", fmt.Errorf("mysql: unsupported isolation level: %v", level) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05bc384b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +*.log +.DS_Store +doc +tmp +pkg +*.gem +*.pid +coverage +coverage.data +build/* +*.pbxuser +*.mode1v3 +.svn +profile +.console_history +.sass-cache/* +.rake_tasks~ +*.log.lck +solr/ +.jhw-cache/ +jhw.* +*.sublime* +node_modules/ +dist/ +generated/ +.vendor/ +bin/* +gin-bin +.idea/ +.env diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/.gometalinter.json b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/.gometalinter.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4f65a36 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/.gometalinter.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "Enable": ["vet", "golint", "goimports", "deadcode", "gotype", "ineffassign", "misspell", "nakedret", "unconvert", "megacheck", "varcheck"] +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/LICENSE.txt b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/LICENSE.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..123ddc0d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/LICENSE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) +Copyright (c) 2018 Mark Bates + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..46aece8f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +TAGS ?= "sqlite" +GO_BIN ?= go + +install: + packr2 + $(GO_BIN) install -v . + +deps: + $(GO_BIN) get github.com/gobuffalo/release + $(GO_BIN) get github.com/gobuffalo/packr/v2/packr2 + $(GO_BIN) get -tags ${TAGS} -t ./... +ifeq ($(GO111MODULE),on) + $(GO_BIN) mod tidy +endif + +build: + packr2 + $(GO_BIN) build -v . + +test: + packr2 + $(GO_BIN) test -tags ${TAGS} ./... + +ci-test: + $(GO_BIN) test -tags ${TAGS} -race ./... + +lint: + gometalinter --vendor ./... --deadline=1m --skip=internal + +update: + $(GO_BIN) get -u -tags ${TAGS} +ifeq ($(GO111MODULE),on) + $(GO_BIN) mod tidy +endif + packr2 + make test + make install +ifeq ($(GO111MODULE),on) + $(GO_BIN) mod tidy +endif + +release-test: + $(GO_BIN) test -tags ${TAGS} -race ./... + +release: + release -y -f version.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/README.md b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f54462a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +# envy +[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/gobuffalo/envy.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/gobuffalo/envy) + +Envy makes working with ENV variables in Go trivial. + +* Get ENV variables with default values. +* Set ENV variables safely without affecting the underlying system. +* Temporarily change ENV vars; useful for testing. +* Map all of the key/values in the ENV. +* Loads .env files (by using [godotenv](https://github.com/joho/godotenv/)) +* More! + +## Installation + +```text +$ go get -u github.com/gobuffalo/envy +``` + +## Usage + +```go +func Test_Get(t *testing.T) { + r := require.New(t) + r.NotZero(os.Getenv("GOPATH")) + r.Equal(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), envy.Get("GOPATH", "foo")) + r.Equal("bar", envy.Get("IDONTEXIST", "bar")) +} + +func Test_MustGet(t *testing.T) { + r := require.New(t) + r.NotZero(os.Getenv("GOPATH")) + v, err := envy.MustGet("GOPATH") + r.NoError(err) + r.Equal(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), v) + + _, err = envy.MustGet("IDONTEXIST") + r.Error(err) +} + +func Test_Set(t *testing.T) { + r := require.New(t) + _, err := envy.MustGet("FOO") + r.Error(err) + + envy.Set("FOO", "foo") + r.Equal("foo", envy.Get("FOO", "bar")) +} + +func Test_Temp(t *testing.T) { + r := require.New(t) + + _, err := envy.MustGet("BAR") + r.Error(err) + + envy.Temp(func() { + envy.Set("BAR", "foo") + r.Equal("foo", envy.Get("BAR", "bar")) + _, err = envy.MustGet("BAR") + r.NoError(err) + }) + + _, err = envy.MustGet("BAR") + r.Error(err) +} +``` +## .env files support + +Envy now supports loading `.env` files by using the [godotenv library](https://github.com/joho/godotenv/). +That means one can use and define multiple `.env` files which will be loaded on-demand. By default, no env files will be loaded. To load one or more, you need to call the `envy.Load` function in one of the following ways: + +```go +envy.Load() // 1 + +envy.Load("MY_ENV_FILE") // 2 + +envy.Load(".env", ".env.prod") // 3 + +envy.Load(".env", "NON_EXISTING_FILE") // 4 + +// 5 +envy.Load(".env") +envy.Load("NON_EXISTING_FILE") + +// 6 +envy.Load(".env", "NON_EXISTING_FILE", ".env.prod") +``` + +1. Will load the default `.env` file +2. Will load the file `MY_ENV_FILE`, **but not** `.env` +3. Will load the file `.env`, and after that will load the `.env.prod` file. If any variable is redefined in `. env.prod` it will be overwritten (will contain the `env.prod` value) +4. Will load the `.env` file and return an error as the second file does not exist. The values in `.env` will be loaded and available. +5. Same as 4 +6. Will load the `.env` file and return an error as the second file does not exist. The values in `.env` will be loaded and available, **but the ones in** `.env.prod` **won't**. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/SHOULDERS.md b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/SHOULDERS.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2384f72f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/SHOULDERS.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# github.com/gobuffalo/envy Stands on the Shoulders of Giants + +github.com/gobuffalo/envy does not try to reinvent the wheel! Instead, it uses the already great wheels developed by the Go community and puts them all together in the best way possible. Without these giants, this project would not be possible. Please make sure to check them out and thank them for all of their hard work. + +Thank you to the following **GIANTS**: + + +* [github.com/davecgh/go-spew](https://godoc.org/github.com/davecgh/go-spew) + +* [github.com/joho/godotenv](https://godoc.org/github.com/joho/godotenv) + +* [github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal](https://godoc.org/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal) + +* [github.com/stretchr/testify](https://godoc.org/github.com/stretchr/testify) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/azure-pipelines.yml b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/azure-pipelines.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..144c4a20 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/azure-pipelines.yml @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +variables: + GOBIN: "$(GOPATH)/bin" # Go binaries path + GOPATH: "$(system.defaultWorkingDirectory)/gopath" # Go workspace path + modulePath: "$(GOPATH)/src/github.com/$(build.repository.name)" # Path to the module"s code + +jobs: +- job: Windows + pool: + vmImage: "vs2017-win2016" + strategy: + matrix: + go 1.9: + go_version: "1.9" + go 1.10: + go_version: "1.10" + go 1.11 (on): + go_version: "1.11" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.11 (off): + go_version: "1.11" + GO111MODULE: "off" + steps: + - template: azure-tests.yml + +- job: macOS + pool: + vmImage: "macOS-10.13" + strategy: + matrix: + go 1.9: + go_version: "1.9" + go 1.10: + go_version: "1.10" + go 1.11 (on): + go_version: "1.11" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.11 (off): + go_version: "1.11" + GO111MODULE: "off" + steps: + - template: azure-tests.yml + +- job: Linux + pool: + vmImage: "ubuntu-16.04" + strategy: + matrix: + go 1.9: + go_version: "1.9" + go 1.10: + go_version: "1.10" + go 1.11 (on): + go_version: "1.11" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.11 (off): + go_version: "1.11" + GO111MODULE: "off" + steps: + - template: azure-tests.yml diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/azure-tests.yml b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/azure-tests.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eea5822f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/azure-tests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +steps: + - task: GoTool@0 + inputs: + version: $(go_version) + - task: Bash@3 + inputs: + targetType: inline + script: | + mkdir -p "$(GOBIN)" + mkdir -p "$(GOPATH)/pkg" + mkdir -p "$(modulePath)" + shopt -s extglob + mv !(gopath) "$(modulePath)" + displayName: "Setup Go Workspace" + - script: | + go get -t -v ./... + go test -race ./... + workingDirectory: "$(modulePath)" + displayName: "Tests" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/azure.sh b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/azure.sh new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f7094979 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/azure.sh @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +set -xe + +cat >> .env << EOF +# This is a comment +# We can use equal or colon notation +DIR: root +FLAVOUR: none +INSIDE_FOLDER=false +EOF diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/env b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33eeb3b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/env @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# This is a comment +# We can use equal or colon notation +DIR: root +FLAVOUR: none +INSIDE_FOLDER=false \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/envy.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/envy.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dc31ba2c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/envy.go @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +/* +package envy makes working with ENV variables in Go trivial. + +* Get ENV variables with default values. +* Set ENV variables safely without affecting the underlying system. +* Temporarily change ENV vars; useful for testing. +* Map all of the key/values in the ENV. +* Loads .env files (by using [godotenv](https://github.com/joho/godotenv/)) +* More! +*/ +package envy + +import ( + "errors" + "flag" + "fmt" + "io/ioutil" + "os" + "os/exec" + "path/filepath" + "runtime" + "strings" + "sync" + + "github.com/joho/godotenv" + "github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile" +) + +var gil = &sync.RWMutex{} +var env = map[string]string{} + +// GO111MODULE is ENV for turning mods on/off +const GO111MODULE = "GO111MODULE" + +func init() { + Load() + loadEnv() +} + +// Load the ENV variables to the env map +func loadEnv() { + gil.Lock() + defer gil.Unlock() + + if os.Getenv("GO_ENV") == "" { + // if the flag "test.v" is *defined*, we're running as a unit test. Note that we don't care + // about v.Value (verbose test mode); we just want to know if the test environment has defined + // it. It's also possible that the flags are not yet fully parsed (i.e. flag.Parsed() == false), + // so we could not depend on v.Value anyway. + // + if v := flag.Lookup("test.v"); v != nil { + env["GO_ENV"] = "test" + } + } + + // set the GOPATH if using >= 1.8 and the GOPATH isn't set + if os.Getenv("GOPATH") == "" { + out, err := exec.Command("go", "env", "GOPATH").Output() + if err == nil { + gp := strings.TrimSpace(string(out)) + os.Setenv("GOPATH", gp) + } + } + + for _, e := range os.Environ() { + pair := strings.Split(e, "=") + env[pair[0]] = os.Getenv(pair[0]) + } +} + +// Mods returns true if module support is enabled, false otherwise +// See https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules#how-to-install-and-activate-module-support for details +func Mods() bool { + go111 := Get(GO111MODULE, "") + + if !InGoPath() { + return go111 != "off" + } + + return go111 == "on" +} + +// Reload the ENV variables. Useful if +// an external ENV manager has been used +func Reload() { + env = map[string]string{} + loadEnv() +} + +// Load .env files. Files will be loaded in the same order that are received. +// Redefined vars will override previously existing values. +// IE: envy.Load(".env", "test_env/.env") will result in DIR=test_env +// If no arg passed, it will try to load a .env file. +func Load(files ...string) error { + + // If no files received, load the default one + if len(files) == 0 { + err := godotenv.Overload() + if err == nil { + Reload() + } + return err + } + + // We received a list of files + for _, file := range files { + + // Check if it exists or we can access + if _, err := os.Stat(file); err != nil { + // It does not exist or we can not access. + // Return and stop loading + return err + } + + // It exists and we have permission. Load it + if err := godotenv.Overload(file); err != nil { + return err + } + + // Reload the env so all new changes are noticed + Reload() + + } + return nil +} + +// Get a value from the ENV. If it doesn't exist the +// default value will be returned. +func Get(key string, value string) string { + gil.RLock() + defer gil.RUnlock() + if v, ok := env[key]; ok { + return v + } + return value +} + +// Get a value from the ENV. If it doesn't exist +// an error will be returned +func MustGet(key string) (string, error) { + gil.RLock() + defer gil.RUnlock() + if v, ok := env[key]; ok { + return v, nil + } + return "", fmt.Errorf("could not find ENV var with %s", key) +} + +// Set a value into the ENV. This is NOT permanent. It will +// only affect values accessed through envy. +func Set(key string, value string) { + gil.Lock() + defer gil.Unlock() + env[key] = value +} + +// MustSet the value into the underlying ENV, as well as envy. +// This may return an error if there is a problem setting the +// underlying ENV value. +func MustSet(key string, value string) error { + gil.Lock() + defer gil.Unlock() + err := os.Setenv(key, value) + if err != nil { + return err + } + env[key] = value + return nil +} + +// Map all of the keys/values set in envy. +func Map() map[string]string { + gil.RLock() + defer gil.RUnlock() + cp := map[string]string{} + for k, v := range env { + cp[k] = v + } + return cp +} + +// Temp makes a copy of the values and allows operation on +// those values temporarily during the run of the function. +// At the end of the function run the copy is discarded and +// the original values are replaced. This is useful for testing. +// Warning: This function is NOT safe to use from a goroutine or +// from code which may access any Get or Set function from a goroutine +func Temp(f func()) { + oenv := env + env = map[string]string{} + for k, v := range oenv { + env[k] = v + } + defer func() { env = oenv }() + f() +} + +func GoPath() string { + return Get("GOPATH", "") +} + +func GoBin() string { + return Get("GO_BIN", "go") +} + +func InGoPath() bool { + pwd, _ := os.Getwd() + for _, p := range GoPaths() { + if strings.HasPrefix(pwd, p) { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +// GoPaths returns all possible GOPATHS that are set. +func GoPaths() []string { + gp := Get("GOPATH", "") + if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { + return strings.Split(gp, ";") // Windows uses a different separator + } + return strings.Split(gp, ":") +} + +func importPath(path string) string { + path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/private") + for _, gopath := range GoPaths() { + srcpath := filepath.Join(gopath, "src") + rel, err := filepath.Rel(srcpath, path) + if err == nil { + return filepath.ToSlash(rel) + } + } + + // fallback to trim + rel := strings.TrimPrefix(path, filepath.Join(GoPath(), "src")) + rel = strings.TrimPrefix(rel, string(filepath.Separator)) + return filepath.ToSlash(rel) +} + +// CurrentModule will attempt to return the module name from `go.mod` if +// modules are enabled. +// If modules are not enabled it will fallback to using CurrentPackage instead. +func CurrentModule() (string, error) { + if !Mods() { + return CurrentPackage(), nil + } + moddata, err := ioutil.ReadFile("go.mod") + if err != nil { + return "", errors.New("go.mod cannot be read or does not exist while go module is enabled") + } + packagePath := modfile.ModulePath(moddata) + if packagePath == "" { + return "", errors.New("go.mod is malformed") + } + return packagePath, nil +} + +// CurrentPackage attempts to figure out the current package name from the PWD +// Use CurrentModule for a more accurate package name. +func CurrentPackage() string { + if Mods() { + } + pwd, _ := os.Getwd() + return importPath(pwd) +} + +func Environ() []string { + gil.RLock() + defer gil.RUnlock() + var e []string + for k, v := range env { + e = append(e, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v)) + } + return e +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/version.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/version.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1623aef --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/envy/version.go @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +package envy + +const Version = "v1.7.0" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..36897185 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +*.log +.DS_Store +doc +tmp +pkg +*.gem +*.pid +coverage +coverage.data +build/* +*.pbxuser +*.mode1v3 +.svn +profile +.console_history +.sass-cache/* +.rake_tasks~ +*.log.lck +solr/ +.jhw-cache/ +jhw.* +*.sublime* +node_modules/ +dist/ +generated/ +.vendor/ +bin/* +gin-bin +.idea/ diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/.gometalinter.json b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/.gometalinter.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4f65a36 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/.gometalinter.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "Enable": ["vet", "golint", "goimports", "deadcode", "gotype", "ineffassign", "misspell", "nakedret", "unconvert", "megacheck", "varcheck"] +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..649efd43 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2019 Mark Bates + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0ac539f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +TAGS ?= "" +GO_BIN ?= "go" + +install: + $(GO_BIN) install -tags ${TAGS} -v . + make tidy + +tidy: +ifeq ($(GO111MODULE),on) + $(GO_BIN) mod tidy +else + echo skipping go mod tidy +endif + +deps: + $(GO_BIN) get -tags ${TAGS} -t ./... + make tidy + +build: + $(GO_BIN) build -v . + make tidy + +test: + $(GO_BIN) test -cover -tags ${TAGS} ./... + make tidy + +ci-deps: + $(GO_BIN) get -tags ${TAGS} -t ./... + +ci-test: + $(GO_BIN) test -tags ${TAGS} -race ./... + +lint: + go get github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint + golangci-lint run --enable-all + make tidy + +update: +ifeq ($(GO111MODULE),on) + rm go.* + $(GO_BIN) mod init + $(GO_BIN) mod tidy +else + $(GO_BIN) get -u -tags ${TAGS} +endif + make test + make install + make tidy + +release-test: + $(GO_BIN) test -tags ${TAGS} -race ./... + make tidy + +release: + $(GO_BIN) get github.com/gobuffalo/release + make tidy + release -y -f version.go --skip-packr + make tidy + + + diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/README.md b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1c534cdd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +

+ +

+GoDoc +Build Status +Go Report Card +

+ +# github.com/gobuffalo/packd + +This is a collection of interfaces designed to make using [github.com/gobuffalo/packr](https://github.com/gobuffalo/packr) easier, and to make the transition between v1 and v2 as seamless as possible. + +They can, and should, be used for testing, alternate Box implementations, etc... + + +## Installation + +```bash +$ go get -u -v github.com/gobuffalo/packd +``` + +## Memory Box + +The [`packd#MemoryBox`](https://godoc.org/github.com/gobuffalo/packd#MemoryBox) is a complete, thread-safe, implementation of [`packd#Box`](https://godoc.org/github.com/gobuffalo/packd#Box) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/SHOULDERS.md b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/SHOULDERS.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..076205ba --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/SHOULDERS.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# github.com/gobuffalo/packd Stands on the Shoulders of Giants + +github.com/gobuffalo/packd does not try to reinvent the wheel! Instead, it uses the already great wheels developed by the Go community and puts them all together in the best way possible. Without these giants, this project would not be possible. Please make sure to check them out and thank them for all of their hard work. + +Thank you to the following **GIANTS**: + + +* [github.com/davecgh/go-spew](https://godoc.org/github.com/davecgh/go-spew) + +* [github.com/stretchr/testify](https://godoc.org/github.com/stretchr/testify) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/azure-pipelines.yml b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/azure-pipelines.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..417e2c57 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/azure-pipelines.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +variables: + GOBIN: "$(GOPATH)/bin" # Go binaries path + GOPATH: "$(system.defaultWorkingDirectory)/gopath" # Go workspace path + modulePath: "$(GOPATH)/src/github.com/$(build.repository.name)" # Path to the module"s code + +jobs: +- job: Windows + pool: + vmImage: "vs2017-win2016" + strategy: + matrix: + go 1.10: + go_version: "1.10" + go 1.11 (on): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.11 (off): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "off" + go 1.12 (on): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.12 (off): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "off" + steps: + - template: azure-tests.yml + +- job: macOS + pool: + vmImage: "macOS-10.13" + strategy: + matrix: + go 1.10: + go_version: "1.10" + go 1.11 (on): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.11 (off): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "off" + go 1.12 (on): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.12 (off): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "off" + steps: + - template: azure-tests.yml + +- job: Linux + pool: + vmImage: "ubuntu-16.04" + strategy: + matrix: + go 1.10: + go_version: "1.10" + go 1.11 (on): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.11 (off): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "off" + go 1.12 (on): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.12 (off): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "off" + steps: + - template: azure-tests.yml diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/azure-tests.yml b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/azure-tests.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eea5822f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/azure-tests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +steps: + - task: GoTool@0 + inputs: + version: $(go_version) + - task: Bash@3 + inputs: + targetType: inline + script: | + mkdir -p "$(GOBIN)" + mkdir -p "$(GOPATH)/pkg" + mkdir -p "$(modulePath)" + shopt -s extglob + mv !(gopath) "$(modulePath)" + displayName: "Setup Go Workspace" + - script: | + go get -t -v ./... + go test -race ./... + workingDirectory: "$(modulePath)" + displayName: "Tests" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/file.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/file.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..58fd86fe --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/file.go @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +package packd + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "io" + "os" + "time" +) + +var _ File = &virtualFile{} +var _ io.Reader = &virtualFile{} +var _ io.Writer = &virtualFile{} +var _ fmt.Stringer = &virtualFile{} + +type virtualFile struct { + io.Reader + name string + info fileInfo + original []byte +} + +func (f virtualFile) Name() string { + return f.name +} + +func (f *virtualFile) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) { + return f.Reader.(*bytes.Reader).Seek(offset, whence) +} + +func (f virtualFile) FileInfo() (os.FileInfo, error) { + return f.info, nil +} + +func (f *virtualFile) Close() error { + return nil +} + +func (f virtualFile) Readdir(count int) ([]os.FileInfo, error) { + return []os.FileInfo{f.info}, nil +} + +func (f virtualFile) Stat() (os.FileInfo, error) { + return f.info, nil +} + +func (f virtualFile) String() string { + return string(f.original) +} + +// Read reads the next len(p) bytes from the virtualFile and +// rewind read offset to 0 when it met EOF. +func (f *virtualFile) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { + i, err := f.Reader.Read(p) + + if i == 0 || err == io.EOF { + f.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) + } + return i, err +} + +// Write copies byte slice p to content of virtualFile. +func (f *virtualFile) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { + return f.write(p) +} + +// write copies byte slice or data from io.Reader to content of the +// virtualFile and update related information of the virtualFile. +func (f *virtualFile) write(d interface{}) (c int, err error) { + bb := &bytes.Buffer{} + switch d.(type) { + case []byte: + c, err = bb.Write(d.([]byte)) + case io.Reader: + if d != nil { + i64, e := io.Copy(bb, d.(io.Reader)) + c = int(i64) + err = e + } + default: + err = fmt.Errorf("unknown type of argument") + } + + if err != nil { + return c, err + } + + f.info.size = int64(c) + f.info.modTime = time.Now() + f.original = bb.Bytes() + f.Reader = bytes.NewReader(f.original) + return c, nil +} + +// NewFile returns a new "virtual" file +func NewFile(name string, r io.Reader) (File, error) { + return buildFile(name, r) +} + +// NewDir returns a new "virtual" directory +func NewDir(name string) (File, error) { + v, err := buildFile(name, nil) + if err != nil { + return v, err + } + v.info.isDir = true + return v, nil +} + +func buildFile(name string, r io.Reader) (*virtualFile, error) { + vf := &virtualFile{ + name: name, + info: fileInfo{ + Path: name, + modTime: time.Now(), + }, + } + + var err error + if r != nil { + _, err = vf.write(r) + } else { + _, err = vf.write([]byte{}) // for safety + } + return vf, err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/file_info.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/file_info.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8bed0b90 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/file_info.go @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +package packd + +import ( + "os" + "time" +) + +var _ os.FileInfo = fileInfo{} + +type fileInfo struct { + Path string + size int64 + modTime time.Time + isDir bool +} + +func (f fileInfo) Name() string { + return f.Path +} + +func (f fileInfo) Size() int64 { + return f.size +} + +func (f fileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode { + return 0444 +} + +func (f fileInfo) ModTime() time.Time { + return f.modTime +} + +func (f fileInfo) IsDir() bool { + return f.isDir +} + +func (f fileInfo) Sys() interface{} { + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/interfaces.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/interfaces.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e8475f0a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/interfaces.go @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +package packd + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" + "net/http" + "os" +) + +type WalkFunc func(string, File) error + +// Box represents the entirety of the necessary +// interfaces to form a "full" box. +// github.com/gobuffalo/packr#Box is an example of this interface. +type Box interface { + HTTPBox + Lister + Addable + Finder + Walkable + Haser +} + +type Haser interface { + Has(string) bool +} + +type Walker interface { + Walk(wf WalkFunc) error +} + +type Walkable interface { + Walker + WalkPrefix(prefix string, wf WalkFunc) error +} + +type Finder interface { + Find(string) ([]byte, error) + FindString(name string) (string, error) +} + +type HTTPBox interface { + Open(name string) (http.File, error) +} + +type Lister interface { + List() []string +} + +type Addable interface { + AddString(path string, t string) error + AddBytes(path string, t []byte) error +} + +type SimpleFile interface { + fmt.Stringer + io.Reader + io.Writer + Name() string +} + +type HTTPFile interface { + SimpleFile + io.Closer + io.Seeker + Readdir(count int) ([]os.FileInfo, error) + Stat() (os.FileInfo, error) +} + +type File interface { + HTTPFile + FileInfo() (os.FileInfo, error) +} + +// LegacyBox represents deprecated methods +// that older Box implementations might have had. +// github.com/gobuffalo/packr v1 is an example of a LegacyBox. +type LegacyBox interface { + String(name string) string + MustString(name string) (string, error) + Bytes(name string) []byte + MustBytes(name string) ([]byte, error) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..36897185 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +*.log +.DS_Store +doc +tmp +pkg +*.gem +*.pid +coverage +coverage.data +build/* +*.pbxuser +*.mode1v3 +.svn +profile +.console_history +.sass-cache/* +.rake_tasks~ +*.log.lck +solr/ +.jhw-cache/ +jhw.* +*.sublime* +node_modules/ +dist/ +generated/ +.vendor/ +bin/* +gin-bin +.idea/ diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..649efd43 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2019 Mark Bates + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0ac539f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +TAGS ?= "" +GO_BIN ?= "go" + +install: + $(GO_BIN) install -tags ${TAGS} -v . + make tidy + +tidy: +ifeq ($(GO111MODULE),on) + $(GO_BIN) mod tidy +else + echo skipping go mod tidy +endif + +deps: + $(GO_BIN) get -tags ${TAGS} -t ./... + make tidy + +build: + $(GO_BIN) build -v . + make tidy + +test: + $(GO_BIN) test -cover -tags ${TAGS} ./... + make tidy + +ci-deps: + $(GO_BIN) get -tags ${TAGS} -t ./... + +ci-test: + $(GO_BIN) test -tags ${TAGS} -race ./... + +lint: + go get github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint + golangci-lint run --enable-all + make tidy + +update: +ifeq ($(GO111MODULE),on) + rm go.* + $(GO_BIN) mod init + $(GO_BIN) mod tidy +else + $(GO_BIN) get -u -tags ${TAGS} +endif + make test + make install + make tidy + +release-test: + $(GO_BIN) test -tags ${TAGS} -race ./... + make tidy + +release: + $(GO_BIN) get github.com/gobuffalo/release + make tidy + release -y -f version.go --skip-packr + make tidy + + + diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/SHOULDERS.md b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/SHOULDERS.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b19072e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/SHOULDERS.md @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# github.com/markbates/errx Stands on the Shoulders of Giants + +github.com/markbates/errx does not try to reinvent the wheel! Instead, it uses the already great wheels developed by the Go community and puts them all together in the best way possible. Without these giants, this project would not be possible. Please make sure to check them out and thank them for all of their hard work. + +Thank you to the following **GIANTS**: + diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/azure-pipelines.yml b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/azure-pipelines.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..417e2c57 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/azure-pipelines.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +variables: + GOBIN: "$(GOPATH)/bin" # Go binaries path + GOPATH: "$(system.defaultWorkingDirectory)/gopath" # Go workspace path + modulePath: "$(GOPATH)/src/github.com/$(build.repository.name)" # Path to the module"s code + +jobs: +- job: Windows + pool: + vmImage: "vs2017-win2016" + strategy: + matrix: + go 1.10: + go_version: "1.10" + go 1.11 (on): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.11 (off): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "off" + go 1.12 (on): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.12 (off): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "off" + steps: + - template: azure-tests.yml + +- job: macOS + pool: + vmImage: "macOS-10.13" + strategy: + matrix: + go 1.10: + go_version: "1.10" + go 1.11 (on): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.11 (off): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "off" + go 1.12 (on): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.12 (off): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "off" + steps: + - template: azure-tests.yml + +- job: Linux + pool: + vmImage: "ubuntu-16.04" + strategy: + matrix: + go 1.10: + go_version: "1.10" + go 1.11 (on): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.11 (off): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "off" + go 1.12 (on): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.12 (off): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "off" + steps: + - template: azure-tests.yml diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/azure-tests.yml b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/azure-tests.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eea5822f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/azure-tests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +steps: + - task: GoTool@0 + inputs: + version: $(go_version) + - task: Bash@3 + inputs: + targetType: inline + script: | + mkdir -p "$(GOBIN)" + mkdir -p "$(GOPATH)/pkg" + mkdir -p "$(modulePath)" + shopt -s extglob + mv !(gopath) "$(modulePath)" + displayName: "Setup Go Workspace" + - script: | + go get -t -v ./... + go test -race ./... + workingDirectory: "$(modulePath)" + displayName: "Tests" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/errx.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/errx.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a6f6398 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/errx.go @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +package errx + +// go2 errors +type Wrapper interface { + Unwrap() error +} + +// pkg/errors +type Causer interface { + Cause() error +} + +func Unwrap(err error) error { + switch e := err.(type) { + case Wrapper: + return e.Unwrap() + case Causer: + return e.Cause() + } + return err +} + +var Cause = Unwrap diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/version.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/version.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..82e25a1a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx/version.go @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package errx + +// Version of errx +const Version = "v1.0.0" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/map.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/map.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..906b49e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/map.go @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +package packd + +import ( + "sort" + "sync" +) + +// ByteMap wraps sync.Map and uses the following types: +// key: string +// value: []byte +type ByteMap struct { + data sync.Map +} + +// Delete the key from the map +func (m *ByteMap) Delete(key string) { + m.data.Delete(key) +} + +// Load the key from the map. +// Returns []byte or bool. +// A false return indicates either the key was not found +// or the value is not of type []byte +func (m *ByteMap) Load(key string) ([]byte, bool) { + i, ok := m.data.Load(key) + if !ok { + return []byte(``), false + } + s, ok := i.([]byte) + return s, ok +} + +// LoadOrStore will return an existing key or +// store the value if not already in the map +func (m *ByteMap) LoadOrStore(key string, value []byte) ([]byte, bool) { + i, _ := m.data.LoadOrStore(key, value) + s, ok := i.([]byte) + return s, ok +} + +// Range over the []byte values in the map +func (m *ByteMap) Range(f func(key string, value []byte) bool) { + m.data.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool { + key, ok := k.(string) + if !ok { + return false + } + value, ok := v.([]byte) + if !ok { + return false + } + return f(key, value) + }) +} + +// Store a []byte in the map +func (m *ByteMap) Store(key string, value []byte) { + m.data.Store(key, value) +} + +// Keys returns a list of keys in the map +func (m *ByteMap) Keys() []string { + var keys []string + m.Range(func(key string, value []byte) bool { + keys = append(keys, key) + return true + }) + sort.Strings(keys) + return keys +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/memory_box.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/memory_box.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7f3137cb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/memory_box.go @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +package packd + +import ( + "bytes" + "net/http" + "os" + "path/filepath" + "sort" + "strings" + + "github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx" +) + +var _ Addable = NewMemoryBox() +var _ Finder = NewMemoryBox() +var _ Lister = NewMemoryBox() +var _ HTTPBox = NewMemoryBox() +var _ Haser = NewMemoryBox() +var _ Walkable = NewMemoryBox() +var _ Box = NewMemoryBox() + +// MemoryBox is a thread-safe, in-memory, implementation of the Box interface. +type MemoryBox struct { + files *ByteMap +} + +func (m *MemoryBox) Has(path string) bool { + _, ok := m.files.Load(path) + return ok +} + +func (m *MemoryBox) List() []string { + var names []string + m.files.Range(func(key string, value []byte) bool { + names = append(names, key) + return true + }) + + sort.Strings(names) + return names +} + +func (m *MemoryBox) Open(path string) (http.File, error) { + cpath := strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/") + + if filepath.Ext(cpath) == "" { + // it's a directory + return NewDir(path) + } + + if len(cpath) == 0 { + cpath = "index.html" + } + + b, err := m.Find(cpath) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + cpath = filepath.FromSlash(cpath) + + f, err := NewFile(cpath, bytes.NewReader(b)) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return f, nil +} + +func (m *MemoryBox) FindString(path string) (string, error) { + bb, err := m.Find(path) + return string(bb), err +} + +func (m *MemoryBox) Find(path string) (ret []byte, e error) { + res, ok := m.files.Load(path) + if !ok { + + var b []byte + lpath := strings.ToLower(path) + err := m.Walk(func(p string, file File) error { + lp := strings.ToLower(p) + if lp != lpath { + return nil + } + + res := file.String() + b = []byte(res) + return nil + }) + if err != nil { + return b, os.ErrNotExist + } + if len(b) == 0 { + return b, os.ErrNotExist + } + return b, nil + } + return res, nil +} + +func (m *MemoryBox) AddString(path string, t string) error { + return m.AddBytes(path, []byte(t)) +} + +func (m *MemoryBox) AddBytes(path string, t []byte) error { + m.files.Store(path, t) + return nil +} + +func (m *MemoryBox) Walk(wf WalkFunc) error { + var err error + m.files.Range(func(path string, b []byte) bool { + var f File + f, err = NewFile(path, bytes.NewReader(b)) + if err != nil { + return false + } + + err = wf(path, f) + if err != nil { + if errx.Unwrap(err) == filepath.SkipDir { + err = nil + return true + } + return false + } + + return true + }) + + if errx.Unwrap(err) == filepath.SkipDir { + return nil + } + return err +} + +func (m *MemoryBox) WalkPrefix(pre string, wf WalkFunc) error { + return m.Walk(func(path string, file File) error { + if strings.HasPrefix(path, pre) { + return wf(path, file) + } + return nil + }) +} + +func (m *MemoryBox) Remove(path string) { + m.files.Delete(path) + m.files.Delete(strings.ToLower(path)) +} + +// NewMemoryBox returns a configured *MemoryBox +func NewMemoryBox() *MemoryBox { + return &MemoryBox{ + files: &ByteMap{}, + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/skip_walker.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/skip_walker.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..233c6dd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/skip_walker.go @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +package packd + +import ( + "path/filepath" + "strings" +) + +var CommonSkipPrefixes = []string{".", "_", "node_modules", "vendor"} + +// SkipWalker will walk the Walker and call the WalkFunc for files who's directories +// do no match any of the skipPrefixes. If no skipPrefixes are passed, then +// CommonSkipPrefixes is used +func SkipWalker(walker Walker, skipPrefixes []string, wf WalkFunc) error { + if len(skipPrefixes) == 0 { + skipPrefixes = append(skipPrefixes, CommonSkipPrefixes...) + } + return walker.Walk(func(path string, file File) error { + fi, err := file.FileInfo() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + path = strings.Replace(path, "\\", "/", -1) + + parts := strings.Split(path, "/") + if !fi.IsDir() { + parts = parts[:len(parts)-1] + } + + for _, base := range parts { + if base != "." { + for _, skip := range skipPrefixes { + skip = strings.ToLower(skip) + lbase := strings.ToLower(base) + if strings.HasPrefix(lbase, skip) { + return filepath.SkipDir + } + } + } + } + return wf(path, file) + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/version.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/version.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..082aaef2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packd/version.go @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package packd + +// Version of packd +const Version = "v0.3.0" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.codeclimate.yml b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.codeclimate.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8c914a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.codeclimate.yml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +engines: + golint: + enabled: true + checks: + GoLint/Naming/MixedCaps: + enabled: false + govet: + enabled: true + gofmt: + enabled: true + fixme: + enabled: true +ratings: + paths: + - "**.go" +exclude_paths: + - "**/*_test.go" + - "*_test.go" + - "fixtures/" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..157ef96e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +*.log +./packr2 +.DS_Store +doc +tmp +pkg +*.gem +*.pid +coverage +coverage.data +build/* +*.pbxuser +*.mode1v3 +.svn +profile +.console_history +.sass-cache/* +.rake_tasks~ +*.log.lck +solr/ +.jhw-cache/ +jhw.* +*.sublime* +node_modules/ +dist/ +generated/ +.vendor/ +bin/* +gin-bin +/packr_darwin_amd64 +/packr_linux_amd64 +.vscode/ +debug.test +.grifter/ +*-packr.go + diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.gometalinter.json b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.gometalinter.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4f65a36 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.gometalinter.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "Enable": ["vet", "golint", "goimports", "deadcode", "gotype", "ineffassign", "misspell", "nakedret", "unconvert", "megacheck", "varcheck"] +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.goreleaser.yml b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.goreleaser.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..288f4d5e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.goreleaser.yml @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# Code generated by github.com/gobuffalo/release. DO NOT EDIT. +# Edit .goreleaser.yml.plush instead + +builds: +- + goos: + - darwin + - linux + - windows + env: + - CGO_ENABLED=0 + main: ./packr/main.go + binary: packr + +checksum: + name_template: 'checksums.txt' + +snapshot: + name_template: "{{ .Tag }}-next" + +changelog: + sort: asc + filters: + exclude: + - '^docs:' + - '^test:' + +brew: + github: + owner: gobuffalo + name: homebrew-tap + diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.goreleaser.yml.plush b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.goreleaser.yml.plush new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1d25c9a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/.goreleaser.yml.plush @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +builds: +- + goos: + - darwin + - linux + - windows + env: + - CGO_ENABLED=0 + main: ./packr/main.go + binary: packr + +checksum: + name_template: 'checksums.txt' + +snapshot: + name_template: "{{ .Tag }}-next" + +changelog: + sort: asc + filters: + exclude: + - '^docs:' + - '^test:' +<%= if (brew) { %> +brew: + github: + owner: gobuffalo + name: homebrew-tap +<% } %> diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/LICENSE.txt b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/LICENSE.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3ccb336a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/LICENSE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) +Copyright (c) 2016 Mark Bates + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b60c437d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +TAGS ?= "sqlite" +GO_BIN ?= go + +install: deps + echo "installing packr v1" + packr + $(GO_BIN) install -v ./packr + +tidy: +ifeq ($(GO111MODULE),on) + $(GO_BIN) mod tidy +else + echo skipping go mod tidy +endif + +deps: + rm -rf packrd + rm -rf v2/packrd + $(GO_BIN) get github.com/gobuffalo/release + $(GO_BIN) get -tags ${TAGS} -t ./... + $(GO_BIN) install -v ./packr + packr clean + make tidy + +build: deps + packr + $(GO_BIN) build -v . + make tidy + +test: + packr clean + $(GO_BIN) test -tags ${TAGS} ./... + packr clean + +ci-deps: + rm -rf packrd + rm -rf v2/packrd + $(GO_BIN) get -tags ${TAGS} -t ./... + $(GO_BIN) install -v ./packr + packr clean + make tidy + +ci-test: + $(GO_BIN) test -v -tags ${TAGS} -race ./... + make tidy + cd ./v2 && make ci-test + +lint: + gometalinter --vendor ./... --deadline=1m --skip=internal + +update: + $(GO_BIN) get -u -tags ${TAGS} + make tidy + packr + make test + make install + make tidy + +release-test: + $(GO_BIN) test -tags ${TAGS} -race ./... + +release: + release -y -f version.go + make tidy diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/README.md b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89529f4d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +# packr (v1) + +[![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/gobuffalo/packr?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/gobuffalo/packr) + +## Packr has been updated to `v2`! Please read the `./v2/README.md` file for more details. + +--- + +Packr is a simple solution for bundling static assets inside of Go binaries. Most importantly it does it in a way that is friendly to developers while they are developing. + +## Intro Video + +To get an idea of the what and why of packr, please enjoy this short video: [https://vimeo.com/219863271](https://vimeo.com/219863271). + +## Installation + +To install Packr utility + +```text +$ go get -u github.com/gobuffalo/packr/packr +``` + +To get the dependency + +```text +$ go get -u github.com/gobuffalo/packr +``` + +## Usage + +### In Code + +The first step in using Packr is to create a new box. A box represents a folder on disk. Once you have a box you can get `string` or `[]byte` representations of the file. + +```go +// set up a new box by giving it a (relative) path to a folder on disk: +box := packr.NewBox("./templates") + +// Get the string representation of a file, or an error if it doesn't exist: +html, err := box.FindString("index.html") + +// Get the []byte representation of a file, or an error if it doesn't exist: +html, err := box.FindBytes("index.html") +``` + +### What is a Box? + +A box represents a folder, and any sub-folders, on disk that you want to have access to in your binary. When compiling a binary using the `packr` CLI the contents of the folder will be converted into Go files that can be compiled inside of a "standard" go binary. Inside of the compiled binary the files will be read from memory. When working locally the files will be read directly off of disk. This is a seamless switch that doesn't require any special attention on your part. + +#### Example + +Assume the follow directory structure: + +``` +├── main.go +└── templates + ├── admin + │   └── index.html + └── index.html +``` + +The following program will read the `./templates/admin/index.html` file and print it out. + +```go +package main + +import ( + "fmt" + + "github.com/gobuffalo/packr" +) + +func main() { + box := packr.NewBox("./templates") + + s, err := box.FindString("admin/index.html") + if err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } + fmt.Println(s) +} +``` + +### Development Made Easy + +In order to get static files into a Go binary, those files must first be converted to Go code. To do that, Packr, ships with a few tools to help build binaries. See below. + +During development, however, it is painful to have to keep running a tool to compile those files. + +Packr uses the following resolution rules when looking for a file: + +1. Look for the file in-memory (inside a Go binary) +1. Look for the file on disk (during development) + +Because Packr knows how to fall through to the file system, developers don't need to worry about constantly compiling their static files into a binary. They can work unimpeded. + +Packr takes file resolution a step further. When declaring a new box you use a relative path, `./templates`. When Packr receives this call it calculates out the absolute path to that directory. By doing this it means you can be guaranteed that Packr can find your files correctly, even if you're not running in the directory that the box was created in. This helps with the problem of testing, where Go changes the `pwd` for each package, making relative paths difficult to work with. This is not a problem when using Packr. + +--- + +## Usage with HTTP + +A box implements the [`http.FileSystem`](https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#FileSystem) interface, meaning it can be used to serve static files. + +```go +package main + +import ( + "net/http" + + "github.com/gobuffalo/packr" +) + +func main() { + box := packr.NewBox("./templates") + + http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(box)) + http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil) +} +``` + +--- + +## Building a Binary (the easy way) + +When it comes time to build, or install, your Go binary, simply use `packr build` or `packr install` just as you would `go build` or `go install`. All flags for the `go` tool are supported and everything works the way you expect, the only difference is your static assets are now bundled in the generated binary. If you want more control over how this happens, looking at the following section on building binaries (the hard way). + +## Building a Binary (the hard way) + +Before you build your Go binary, run the `packr` command first. It will look for all the boxes in your code and then generate `.go` files that pack the static files into bytes that can be bundled into the Go binary. + +``` +$ packr +``` + +Then run your `go build command` like normal. + +*NOTE*: It is not recommended to check-in these generated `-packr.go` files. They can be large, and can easily become out of date if not careful. It is recommended that you always run `packr clean` after running the `packr` tool. + +#### Cleaning Up + +When you're done it is recommended that you run the `packr clean` command. This will remove all of the generated files that Packr created for you. + +``` +$ packr clean +``` + +Why do you want to do this? Packr first looks to the information stored in these generated files, if the information isn't there it looks to disk. This makes it easy to work with in development. + +--- + +## Building/Moving a portable release + +When it comes to building multiple releases you typically want that release to be built in a specific directory. + +For example: `./releases` + +However, because passing a `.go` file requires absolute paths, we must compile the release in the appropriate absolute path. + +```bash +GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 packr build +``` + +Now your `project_name` binary will be built at the root of your project dir. Great! + +All that is left to do is to move that binary to your release dir: + +Linux/macOS/Windows (bash) + +```bash +mv ./project_name ./releases +``` + +Windows (cmd): + +```cmd +move ./project_name ./releases +``` + +Powershell: + +```powershell +Move-Item -Path .\project_name -Destination .\releases\ +``` + +If you _target_ for Windows when building don't forget that it's `project_name.exe` + +Now you can make multiple releases and all of your needed static files will be available! + +#### Summing it up: + +Example Script for building to 3 common targets: + +```bash +GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 packr build && mv ./project_name ./releases/darwin-project_name \ + && GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 packr build && mv ./project_name ./releases/linux-project_name \ + && GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 packr build && mv ./project_name.exe ./releases/project_name.exe \ + && packr clean +``` + +--- + +## Debugging + +The `packr` command passes all arguments down to the underlying `go` command, this includes the `-v` flag to print out `go build` information. Packr looks for the `-v` flag, and will turn on its own verbose logging. This is very useful for trying to understand what the `packr` command is doing when it is run. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/SHOULDERS.md b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/SHOULDERS.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..26900074 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/SHOULDERS.md @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# github.com/gobuffalo/packr Stands on the Shoulders of Giants + +github.com/gobuffalo/packr does not try to reinvent the wheel! Instead, it uses the already great wheels developed by the Go community and puts them all together in the best way possible. Without these giants, this project would not be possible. Please make sure to check them out and thank them for all of their hard work. + +Thank you to the following **GIANTS**: + + +* [github.com/gobuffalo/envy](https://godoc.org/github.com/gobuffalo/envy) + +* [github.com/gobuffalo/packd](https://godoc.org/github.com/gobuffalo/packd) + +* [github.com/gobuffalo/packr/v2](https://godoc.org/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/v2) + +* [github.com/spf13/cobra](https://godoc.org/github.com/spf13/cobra) + +* [github.com/stretchr/testify](https://godoc.org/github.com/stretchr/testify) + +* [golang.org/x/sync](https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/sync) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/azure-pipelines.yml b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/azure-pipelines.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..417e2c57 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/azure-pipelines.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +variables: + GOBIN: "$(GOPATH)/bin" # Go binaries path + GOPATH: "$(system.defaultWorkingDirectory)/gopath" # Go workspace path + modulePath: "$(GOPATH)/src/github.com/$(build.repository.name)" # Path to the module"s code + +jobs: +- job: Windows + pool: + vmImage: "vs2017-win2016" + strategy: + matrix: + go 1.10: + go_version: "1.10" + go 1.11 (on): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.11 (off): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "off" + go 1.12 (on): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.12 (off): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "off" + steps: + - template: azure-tests.yml + +- job: macOS + pool: + vmImage: "macOS-10.13" + strategy: + matrix: + go 1.10: + go_version: "1.10" + go 1.11 (on): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.11 (off): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "off" + go 1.12 (on): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.12 (off): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "off" + steps: + - template: azure-tests.yml + +- job: Linux + pool: + vmImage: "ubuntu-16.04" + strategy: + matrix: + go 1.10: + go_version: "1.10" + go 1.11 (on): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.11 (off): + go_version: "1.11.5" + GO111MODULE: "off" + go 1.12 (on): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "on" + go 1.12 (off): + go_version: "1.12" + GO111MODULE: "off" + steps: + - template: azure-tests.yml diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/azure-tests.yml b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/azure-tests.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..58300d13 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/azure-tests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +steps: + - task: GoTool@0 + inputs: + version: $(go_version) + - task: Bash@3 + inputs: + targetType: inline + script: | + mkdir -p "$(GOBIN)" + mkdir -p "$(GOPATH)/pkg" + mkdir -p "$(modulePath)" + shopt -s extglob + mv !(gopath) "$(modulePath)" + displayName: "Setup Go Workspace" + - script: | + go get -t -v ./... + go test -race ./... + go install -v ./packr + cd v2 + go get -t -v ./... + go test -race ./... + go install -v ./packr2 + workingDirectory: "$(modulePath)" + displayName: "Tests" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/box.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/box.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4922ebbe --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/box.go @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +package packr + +import ( + "bytes" + "compress/gzip" + "fmt" + "io/ioutil" + "net/http" + "os" + "path" + "path/filepath" + "runtime" + "strings" + + "github.com/gobuffalo/packd" +) + +var ( + // ErrResOutsideBox gets returned in case of the requested resources being outside the box + ErrResOutsideBox = fmt.Errorf("Can't find a resource outside the box") +) + +var _ packd.Box = Box{} +var _ packd.HTTPBox = Box{} +var _ packd.Lister = Box{} +var _ packd.Addable = Box{} +var _ packd.Walkable = Box{} +var _ packd.Finder = Box{} +var _ packd.LegacyBox = Box{} + +// NewBox returns a Box that can be used to +// retrieve files from either disk or the embedded +// binary. +func NewBox(path string) Box { + var cd string + if !filepath.IsAbs(path) { + _, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1) + cd = filepath.Dir(filename) + } + + // this little hack courtesy of the `-cover` flag!! + cov := filepath.Join("_test", "_obj_test") + cd = strings.Replace(cd, string(filepath.Separator)+cov, "", 1) + if !filepath.IsAbs(cd) && cd != "" { + cd = filepath.Join(GoPath(), "src", cd) + } + + return Box{ + Path: path, + callingDir: cd, + data: map[string][]byte{}, + } +} + +// Box represent a folder on a disk you want to +// have access to in the built Go binary. +type Box struct { + Path string + callingDir string + data map[string][]byte + directories map[string]bool +} + +// AddString converts t to a byteslice and delegates to AddBytes to add to b.data +func (b Box) AddString(path string, t string) error { + b.AddBytes(path, []byte(t)) + return nil +} + +// AddBytes sets t in b.data by the given path +func (b Box) AddBytes(path string, t []byte) error { + b.data[path] = t + return nil +} + +// Deprecated: Use FindString instead. +func (b Box) String(name string) string { + bb, _ := b.FindString(name) + return bb +} + +// Deprecated: Use FindString instead. +func (b Box) MustString(name string) (string, error) { + return b.FindString(name) +} + +// Deprecated: Use Find instead. +func (b Box) Bytes(name string) []byte { + bb, _ := b.Find(name) + return bb +} + +// Deprecated: Use Find instead. +func (b Box) MustBytes(name string) ([]byte, error) { + return b.Find(name) +} + +// FindString returns either the string of the requested +// file or an error if it can not be found. +func (b Box) FindString(name string) (string, error) { + bb, err := b.Find(name) + return string(bb), err +} + +// Find returns either the byte slice of the requested +// file or an error if it can not be found. +func (b Box) Find(name string) ([]byte, error) { + f, err := b.find(name) + if err == nil { + bb := &bytes.Buffer{} + bb.ReadFrom(f) + return bb.Bytes(), err + } + return nil, err +} + +// Has returns true if the resource exists in the box +func (b Box) Has(name string) bool { + _, err := b.find(name) + if err != nil { + return false + } + return true +} + +func (b Box) decompress(bb []byte) []byte { + reader, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(bb)) + if err != nil { + return bb + } + defer reader.Close() + + data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader) + if err != nil { + return bb + } + return data +} + +func (b Box) find(name string) (File, error) { + if bb, ok := b.data[name]; ok { + return packd.NewFile(name, bytes.NewReader(bb)) + } + + if b.directories == nil { + b.indexDirectories() + } + + cleanName := filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Clean(name)) + // Ensure name is not outside the box + if strings.HasPrefix(cleanName, "../") { + return nil, ErrResOutsideBox + } + // Absolute name is considered as relative to the box root + cleanName = strings.TrimPrefix(cleanName, "/") + + if _, ok := data[b.Path]; ok { + if bb, ok := data[b.Path][cleanName]; ok { + bb = b.decompress(bb) + return packd.NewFile(cleanName, bytes.NewReader(bb)) + } + if _, ok := b.directories[cleanName]; ok { + return packd.NewDir(cleanName) + } + if filepath.Ext(cleanName) != "" { + // The Handler created by http.FileSystem checks for those errors and + // returns http.StatusNotFound instead of http.StatusInternalServerError. + return nil, os.ErrNotExist + } + return nil, os.ErrNotExist + } + + // Not found in the box virtual fs, try to get it from the file system + cleanName = filepath.FromSlash(cleanName) + p := filepath.Join(b.callingDir, b.Path, cleanName) + return fileFor(p, cleanName) +} + +// Open returns a File using the http.File interface +func (b Box) Open(name string) (http.File, error) { + return b.find(name) +} + +// List shows "What's in the box?" +func (b Box) List() []string { + var keys []string + + if b.data == nil || len(b.data) == 0 { + b.Walk(func(path string, info File) error { + finfo, _ := info.FileInfo() + if !finfo.IsDir() { + keys = append(keys, finfo.Name()) + } + return nil + }) + } else { + for k := range b.data { + keys = append(keys, k) + } + } + return keys +} + +func (b *Box) indexDirectories() { + b.directories = map[string]bool{} + if _, ok := data[b.Path]; ok { + for name := range data[b.Path] { + prefix, _ := path.Split(name) + // Even on Windows the suffix appears to be a / + prefix = strings.TrimSuffix(prefix, "/") + b.directories[prefix] = true + } + } +} + +func fileFor(p string, name string) (File, error) { + fi, err := os.Stat(p) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if fi.IsDir() { + return packd.NewDir(p) + } + if bb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p); err == nil { + return packd.NewFile(name, bytes.NewReader(bb)) + } + return nil, os.ErrNotExist +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/env.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/env.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ec70b56 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/env.go @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +package packr + +import ( + "github.com/gobuffalo/envy" +) + +// GoPath returns the current GOPATH env var +// or if it's missing, the default. +var GoPath = envy.GoPath + +// GoBin returns the current GO_BIN env var +// or if it's missing, a default of "go" +var GoBin = envy.GoBin diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/file.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/file.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d24b730 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/file.go @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +package packr + +import "github.com/gobuffalo/packd" + +type File = packd.File diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/packr.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/packr.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6ccc6c15 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/packr.go @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +package packr + +import ( + "bytes" + "compress/gzip" + "encoding/json" + "runtime" + "strings" + "sync" +) + +var gil = &sync.Mutex{} +var data = map[string]map[string][]byte{} + +// PackBytes packs bytes for a file into a box. +func PackBytes(box string, name string, bb []byte) { + gil.Lock() + defer gil.Unlock() + if _, ok := data[box]; !ok { + data[box] = map[string][]byte{} + } + data[box][name] = bb +} + +// PackBytesGzip packets the gzipped compressed bytes into a box. +func PackBytesGzip(box string, name string, bb []byte) error { + var buf bytes.Buffer + w := gzip.NewWriter(&buf) + _, err := w.Write(bb) + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = w.Close() + if err != nil { + return err + } + PackBytes(box, name, buf.Bytes()) + return nil +} + +// PackJSONBytes packs JSON encoded bytes for a file into a box. +func PackJSONBytes(box string, name string, jbb string) error { + var bb []byte + err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jbb), &bb) + if err != nil { + return err + } + PackBytes(box, name, bb) + return nil +} + +// UnpackBytes unpacks bytes for specific box. +func UnpackBytes(box string) { + gil.Lock() + defer gil.Unlock() + delete(data, box) +} + +func osPaths(paths ...string) []string { + if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { + for i, path := range paths { + paths[i] = strings.Replace(path, "/", "\\", -1) + } + } + + return paths +} + +func osPath(path string) string { + if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { + return strings.Replace(path, "/", "\\", -1) + } + return path +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/version.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/version.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf736a70 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/version.go @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +package packr + +const Version = "v1.30.1" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/walk.go b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/walk.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f03f1962 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/gobuffalo/packr/walk.go @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +package packr + +import ( + "os" + "path/filepath" + "strings" + + "github.com/gobuffalo/packd" +) + +type WalkFunc = packd.WalkFunc + +// Walk will traverse the box and call the WalkFunc for each file in the box/folder. +func (b Box) Walk(wf WalkFunc) error { + if data[b.Path] == nil { + base, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(filepath.Join(b.callingDir, b.Path)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + return filepath.Walk(base, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { + cleanName, err := filepath.Rel(base, path) + if err != nil { + cleanName = strings.TrimPrefix(path, base) + } + cleanName = filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Clean(cleanName)) + cleanName = strings.TrimPrefix(cleanName, "/") + cleanName = filepath.FromSlash(cleanName) + if info == nil || info.IsDir() { + return nil + } + + file, err := fileFor(path, cleanName) + if err != nil { + return err + } + return wf(cleanName, file) + }) + } + for n := range data[b.Path] { + f, err := b.find(n) + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = wf(n, f) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +// WalkPrefix will call box.Walk and call the WalkFunc when it finds paths that have a matching prefix +func (b Box) WalkPrefix(prefix string, wf WalkFunc) error { + opre := osPath(prefix) + return b.Walk(func(path string, f File) error { + if strings.HasPrefix(osPath(path), opre) { + if err := wf(path, f); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/.editorconfig b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/.editorconfig new file mode 100644 index 00000000..355fcba2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/.editorconfig @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# http://editorconfig.org +root = true + +[*] +indent_style = tab +charset = utf-8 +trim_trailing_whitespace = true + +[*.md] +indent_size = 4 +trim_trailing_whitespace = false + +[lang/*.json] +indent_size = 4 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f97a7184 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2020 gouguoyin + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/README.cn.md b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/README.cn.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c90698d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/README.cn.md @@ -0,0 +1,1292 @@ +# Carbon # + +[![Carbon Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/golang-module/carbon.svg)](https://github.com/golang-module/carbon/releases) +[![Go Test](https://github.com/golang-module/carbon/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/golang-module/carbon/actions) +[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/golang-module/carbon)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/golang-module/carbon) +[![Go 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+import ( + "gitee.com/go-package/carbon" +) +``` + +##### Golang 版本大于等于1.16 + +```go +// 使用 github 库 +go get -u github.com/golang-module/carbon/v2 + +import ( + "github.com/golang-module/carbon/v2" +) + +// 使用 gitee 库 +go get -u gitee.com/go-package/carbon/v2 + +import ( + "gitee.com/go-package/carbon/v2" +) +``` + +#### 用法示例 + +> 默认时区为 Local,即服务器所在时区,假设当前时间为 2020-08-05 13:14:15 + +##### 昨天、今天、明天 + +```go +// 今天此刻 +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Now()) // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Now().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +// 今天日期 +carbon.Now().ToDateString() // 2020-08-05 +// 今天时间 +carbon.Now().ToTimeString() // 13:14:15 +// 指定时区的今天此刻 +carbon.Now(Carbon.NewYork).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(Carbon.NewYork).Now().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// 今天秒级时间戳 +carbon.Now().Timestamp() // 1596604455 +carbon.Now().TimestampWithSecond() // 1596604455 +// 今天毫秒级时间戳 +carbon.Now().TimestampWithMillisecond() // 1596604455000 +// 今天微秒级时间戳 +carbon.Now().TimestampWithMicrosecond() // 1596604455000000 +// 今天纳秒级时间戳 +carbon.Now().TimestampWithNanosecond() // 1596604455000000000 + +// 昨天此刻 +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Yesterday()) // 2020-08-04 13:14:15 +carbon.Yesterday().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-04 13:14:15 +// 昨天日期 +carbon.Yesterday().ToDateString() // 2020-08-04 +// 昨天时间 +carbon.Yesterday().ToTimeString() // 13:14:15 +// 指定日期的昨天此刻 +carbon.Parse("2021-01-28 13:14:15").Yesterday().ToDateTimeString() // 2021-01-27 13:14:15 +// 指定时区的昨天此刻 +carbon.Yesterday(Carbon.NewYork).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-04 14:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(Carbon.NewYork).Yesterday().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-04 14:14:15 +// 昨天秒级时间戳 +carbon.Yesterday().Timestamp() // 1596518055 +carbon.Yesterday().TimestampWithSecond() // 1596518055 +// 昨天毫秒级时间戳 +carbon.Yesterday().TimestampWithMillisecond() // 1596518055000 +// 昨天微秒级时间戳 +carbon.Yesterday().TimestampWithMicrosecond() // 1596518055000000 +// 昨天纳秒级时间戳 +carbon.Yesterday().TimestampWithNanosecond() // 1596518055000000000 + +// 明天此刻 +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Tomorrow()) // 2020-08-06 13:14:15 +carbon.Tomorrow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-06 13:14:15 +// 明天日期 +carbon.Tomorrow().ToDateString() // 2020-08-06 +// 明天时间 +carbon.Tomorrow().ToTimeString() // 13:14:15 +// 指定日期的明天此刻 +carbon.Parse("2021-01-28 13:14:15").Tomorrow().ToDateTimeString() // 2021-01-29 13:14:15 +// 指定时区的明天此刻 +carbon.Tomorrow(Carbon.NewYork).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-06 14:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(Carbon.NewYork).Tomorrow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-06 14:14:15 +// 明天秒级时间戳 +carbon.Tomorrow().Timestamp() // 1596690855 +carbon.Tomorrow().TimestampWithSecond() // 1596690855 +// 明天毫秒级时间戳 +carbon.Tomorrow().TimestampWithMillisecond() // 1596690855000 +// 明天微秒级时间戳 +carbon.Tomorrow().TimestampWithMicrosecond() // 1596690855000000 +// 明天纳秒级时间戳 +carbon.Tomorrow().TimestampWithNanosecond() // 1596690855000000000 +``` + +##### 创建 Carbon 实例 + +```go +// 从秒级时间戳创建 Carbon 实例 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(-1).ToDateTimeString() // 1970-01-01 07:59:59 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(-1, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 1970-01-01 08:59:59 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(0).ToDateTimeString() // 1970-01-01 08:00:00 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(0, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 1970-01-01 09:00:00 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// 从毫秒级时间戳创建 Carbon 实例 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// 从微秒级时间戳创建 Carbon 实例 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000000).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000000, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// 从纳级时间戳创建 Carbon 实例 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000000000).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000000000, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 + +// 从年月日时分秒创建 Carbon 实例 +carbon.CreateFromDateTime(2020, 8, 5, 13, 14, 15).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromDateTime(2020, 8, 5, 13, 14, 15, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// 从年月日创建 Carbon 实例(时分秒默认为当前时分秒) +carbon.CreateFromDate(2020, 8, 5).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromDate(2020, 8, 5, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// 从时分秒创建 Carbon 实例(年月日默认为当前年月日) +carbon.CreateFromTime(13, 14, 15).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTime(13, 14, 15, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +##### 将标准格式时间字符串解析成 Carbon 实例 + +```go +carbon.Parse("").ToDateTimeString() // 空字符串 +carbon.Parse("0").ToDateTimeString() // 空字符串 +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00 00:00:00").ToDateTimeString() // 空字符串 +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00").ToDateTimeString() // 空字符串 +carbon.Parse("00:00:00").ToDateTimeString() // 空字符串 + +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("20200805131415").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("20200805").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +##### 通过格式化字符将字符串解析成 Carbon 实例 + +> 如果使用的字母与格式化字符冲突时,请使用转义符转义该字母 + +```go +carbon.ParseByFormat("2020|08|05 13|14|15", "Y|m|d H|i|s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByFormat("It is 2020-08-05 13:14:15", "\\I\\t \\i\\s Y-m-d H:i:s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByFormat("今天是 2020年08月05日13时14分15秒", "今天是 Y年m月d日H时i分s秒").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByFormat("2020-08-05 13:14:15", "Y-m-d H:i:s", carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +##### 通过布局字符将字符串解析成 Carbon 实例 + +```go +carbon.ParseByLayout("2020|08|05 13|14|15", "2006|01|02 15|04|05").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByLayout("It is 2020-08-05 13:14:15", "It is 2006-01-02 15:04:05").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByLayout("今天是 2020年08月05日13时14分15秒", "今天是 2006年01月02日15时04分05秒").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByLayout("2020-08-05 13:14:15", "2006-01-02 15:04:05", carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +##### Carbon 和 time.Time 互转 + +```go +// 将 time.Time 转换成 Carbon +carbon.Time2Carbon(time.Now()) +// 将 Carbon 转换成 time.Time +carbon.Now().Carbon2Time() +``` + +##### 开始时间、结束时间 + +```go +// 本世纪开始时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfCentury().ToDateTimeString() // 2000-01-01 00:00:00 +// 本世纪结束时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfCentury().ToDateTimeString() // 2999-12-31 23:59:59 + +// 本年代开始时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-01-01 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-01-01 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2029-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-01-01 00:00:00 +// 本年代结束时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2029-12-31 23:59:59 +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2029-12-31 23:59:59 +carbon.Parse("2029-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2029-12-31 23:59:59 + +// 本年开始时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfYear().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-01-01 00:00:00 +// 本年结束时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfYear().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-12-31 23:59:59 + +// 本季度开始时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfQuarter().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-07-01 00:00:00 +// 本季度结束时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfQuarter().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-09-30 23:59:59 + +// 本月开始时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfMonth().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-01 00:00:00 +// 本月结束时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfMonth().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-31 23:59:59 + +// 本周开始时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-02 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Sunday).StartOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-02 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Monday).StartOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-03 00:00:00 +// 本周结束时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-08 23:59:59 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Sunday).EndOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-08 23:59:59 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Monday).EndOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-09 23:59:59 + +// 本日开始时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfDay().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 00:00:00 +// 本日结束时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfDay().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 23:59:59 + +// 本小时开始时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfHour().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:00:00 +// 本小时结束时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfHour().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:59:59 + +// 本分钟开始时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfMinute().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:00 +// 本分钟结束时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfMinute().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:59 + +// 本秒开始时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfSecond().Format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u") // 2020-08-05 13:14:15.0 +// 本秒结束时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfSecond().Format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u") // 2020-08-05 13:14:15.999 +``` + +##### 时间旅行 + +```go +// 三个世纪后 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddCenturies(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2320-02-29 13:14:15 +// 三个世纪后(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddCenturiesNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2320-02-29 13:14:15 +// 一个世纪后 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddCentury().ToDateTimeString() // 2120-02-29 13:14:15 +// 一个世纪后(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddCenturyNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2120-02-29 13:14:15 +// 三个世纪前 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubCenturies(3).ToDateTimeString() // 1720-02-29 13:14:15 +// 三个世纪前(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubCenturiesNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 1720-02-29 13:14:15 +// 一个世纪前 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubCentury().ToDateTimeString() // 1920-02-29 13:14:15 +// 一世纪前(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubCenturyNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 1920-02-29 13:14:15 + +// 三个年代后 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").Decades(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2050-03-01 13:14:15 +// 三个年代后(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddDecadesNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2050-02-28 13:14:15 +// 一个年代后 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2030-03-01 13:14:15 +// 一个年代后(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddDecadeNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2030-02-28 13:14:15 +// 三个年代前 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubDecades(3).ToDateTimeString() // 1990-03-01 13:14:15 +// 三个年代前(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubDecadesNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 1990-02-28 13:14:15 +// 一个年代前 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2010-03-01 13:14:15 +// 一个年代前(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubDecadeNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2010-02-28 13:14:15 + +// 三年后 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddYears(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2023-03-01 13:14:15 +// 三年后(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddYearsNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2023-02-28 13:14:15 +// 一年后 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddYear().ToDateTimeString() // 2021-03-01 13:14:15 +// 一年后(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddYearNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2021-02-28 13:14:15 +// 三年前 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubYears(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2017-03-01 13:14:15 +// 三年前(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubYearsNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2017-02-28 13:14:15 +// 一年前 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubYear().ToDateTimeString() // 2019-03-01 13:14:15 +// 一年前(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubYearNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2019-02-28 13:14:15 + +// 三个季度后 +carbon.Parse("2019-08-31 13:14:15").AddQuarters(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-03-02 13:14:15 +// 三个季度后(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2019-08-31 13:14:15").AddQuartersNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-02-29 13:14:15 +// 一个季度后 +carbon.Parse("2019-11-30 13:14:15").AddQuarter().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-01 13:14:15 +// 一个季度后(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2019-11-30 13:14:15").AddQuarterNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-29 13:14:15 +// 三个季度前 +carbon.Parse("2019-08-31 13:14:15").SubQuarters(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-03-03 13:14:15 +// 三个季度前(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2019-08-31 13:14:15").SubQuartersNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-02-28 13:14:15 +// 一个季度前 +carbon.Parse("2020-05-31 13:14:15").SubQuarter().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-02 13:14:15 +// 一个季度前(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-05-31 13:14:15").SubQuarterNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-29 13:14:15 + +// 三个月后 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddMonths(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-05-29 13:14:15 +// 三个月后(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddMonthsNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-05-29 13:14:15 +// 一个月后 +carbon.Parse("2020-01-31 13:14:15").AddMonth().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-02 13:14:15 +// 一个月后(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-01-31 13:14:15").AddMonthNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-29 13:14:15 +// 三个月前 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubMonths(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-11-29 13:14:15 +// 三个月前(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubMonthsNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-11-29 13:14:15 +// 一个月前 +carbon.Parse("2020-03-31 13:14:15").SubMonth().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-02 13:14:15 +// 一个月前(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-03-31 13:14:15").SubMonthNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-29 13:14:15 + +// 三周后 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddWeeks(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-21 13:14:15 +// 一周后 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-07 13:14:15 +// 三周前 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubWeeks(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-08 13:14:15 +// 一周前 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-22 13:14:15 + +// 三天后 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDays(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-08 13:14:15 +// 一天后 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDay().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +// 三天前 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDays(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-02 13:14:15 +// 一天前 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDay().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-04 13:14:15 + +// 三小时后 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddHours(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 16:14:15 +// 二小时半后 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2.5h").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 15:44:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2h30m").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 15:44:15 +// 一小时后 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddHour().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// 三小时前 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubHours(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 10:14:15 +// 二小时半前 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2.5h").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 10:44:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2h30m").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 10:44:15 +// 一小时前 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubHour().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 12:14:15 + +// 三分钟后 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddMinutes(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:17:15 +// 二分钟半后 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2.5m").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:16:45 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2m30s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:16:45 +// 一分钟后 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddMinute().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:15:15 +// 三分钟前 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubMinutes(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:11:15 +// 二分钟半前 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2.5m").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:11:45 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2m30s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:11:45 +// 一分钟前 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubMinute().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:13:15 + +// 三秒钟后 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddSeconds(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:18 +// 二秒钟半后 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2.5s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:17 +// 一秒钟后 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddSecond().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:16 +// 三秒钟前 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubSeconds(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:12 +// 二秒钟半前 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2.5s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:12 +// 一秒钟前 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubSecond().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:14 +``` + +##### 时间差 + +```go +// 相差多少年 +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInYears(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // -1 +// 相差多少年(绝对值) +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInYearsWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // 1 + +// 相差多少月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInMonths(carbon.Parse("2020-07-05 13:14:15")) // -1 +// 相差多少月(绝对值) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInMonthsWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-07-05 13:14:15")) // 1 + +// 相差多少周 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInWeeks(carbon.Parse("2020-07-28 13:14:15")) // -1 +// 相差多少周(绝对值) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInWeeksWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-07-28 13:14:15")) // 1 + +// 相差多少天 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInDays(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // -1 +// 相差多少天(绝对值) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInDaysWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // 1 + +// 相差多少小时 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInHours(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 12:14:15")) // -1 +// 相差多少小时(绝对值) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInHoursWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 12:14:15")) // 1 + +// 相差多少分 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInMinutes(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:13:15")) // -1 +// 相差多少分(绝对值) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInMinutesWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:13:15")) // 1 + +// 相差多少秒 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInSeconds(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:14")) // -1 +// 相差多少秒(绝对值) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInSecondsWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:14")) // 1 + +// 相差字符串 +carbon.Now().DiffInString() // just now +carbon.Now().AddYearsNoOverflow(1).DiffInString() // -1 year +carbon.Now().SubYearsNoOverflow(1).DiffInString() // 1 year +// 相差字符串(绝对值) +carbon.Now().DiffInStringWithAbs(carbon.Now()) // just now +carbon.Now().AddYearsNoOverflow(1).DiffInStringWithAbs(carbon.Now()) // 1 year +carbon.Now().SubYearsNoOverflow(1).DiffInStringWithAbs(carbon.Now()) // 1 year + +// 对人类友好的可读格式时间差 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // just now +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // 1 year ago +carbon.Parse("2018-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // 2 years ago +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // 1 year from now +carbon.Parse("2022-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // 2 years from now + +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans(carbon.Now()) // 1 year before +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans(carbon.Now()) // 2 years before +carbon.Parse("2018-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans(carbon.Now()) // 1 year after +carbon.Parse("2022-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans(carbon.Now()) // 2 years after +``` + +##### 时间判断 + +```go +// 是否是零值时间 +carbon.Parse("").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("0").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00 00:00:00").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("00:00:00").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 00:00:00").IsZero() // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").IsZero() // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").SetTimezone("xxx").IsZero() // false + +// 是否是无效时间 +carbon.Parse("").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("0").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00 00:00:00").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("00:00:00").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 00:00:00").IsInvalid() // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").IsInvalid() // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").SetTimezone("xxx").IsInvalid() // true + +// 是否是当前时间 +carbon.Now().IsNow() // true +// 是否是未来时间 +carbon.Tomorrow().IsFuture() // true +// 是否是过去时间 +carbon.Yesterday().IsPast() // true + +// 是否是闰年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsLeapYear() // true +// 是否是长年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsLongYear() // true + +// 是否是一月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsJanuary() // false +// 是否是二月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsFebruary() // false +// 是否是三月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsMarch() // false +// 是否是四月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsApril() // false +// 是否是五月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsMay() // false +// 是否是六月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsJune() // false +// 是否是七月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsJuly() // false +// 是否是八月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsAugust() // false +// 是否是九月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSeptember() // true +// 是否是十月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsOctober() // false +// 是否是十一月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsNovember() // false +// 是否是十二月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsDecember() // false + +// 是否是周一 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsMonday() // false +// 是否是周二 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsTuesday() // true +// 是否是周三 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsWednesday() // false +// 是否是周四 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsThursday() // false +// 是否是周五 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsFriday() // false +// 是否是周六 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSaturday() // false +// 是否是周日 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSunday() // false + +// 是否是工作日 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsWeekday() // false +// 是否是周末 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsWeekend() // true + +// 是否是昨天 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15").IsYesterday() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 00:00:00").IsYesterday() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-04").IsYesterday() // true +// 是否是今天 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsToday() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 00:00:00").IsToday() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").IsToday() // true +// 是否是明天 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15").IsTomorrow() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 00:00:00").IsTomorrow() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-06").IsTomorrow() // true + +// 是否大于 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Gt(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Gt(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare(">", carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare(">", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false + +// 是否小于 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Lt(carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Lt(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<", carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false + +// 是否等于 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Eq(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Eq(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:00")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:00")) // false + +// 是否不等于 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Ne(carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Ne(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("!=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<>", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false + +// 是否大于等于 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Gte(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Gte(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare(">=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare(">=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true + +// 是否小于等于 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Lte(carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Lte(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true + +// 是否在两个时间之间(不包括这两个时间) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Between(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Between(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true + +// 是否在两个时间之间(包括开始时间) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedStart(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedStart(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true + +// 是否在两个时间之间(包括结束时间) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedEnd(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedEnd(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true + +// 是否在两个时间之间(包括这两个时间) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedBoth(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedBoth(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +``` + +> 关于长年(LongYear)的定义, 请查看 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Week_dates + +##### 时间设置 + +```go +// 设置时区 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).Now().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Now().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Now().SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 12:14:15 + +// 设置区域 +carbon.Parse("2020-07-05 13:14:15").SetLocale("en").DiffForHumans() // 1 month ago +carbon.Parse("2020-07-05 13:14:15").SetLocale("zh-CN").DiffForHumans() // 1 月前 + +// 设置年份 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29").SetYear(2021).ToDateString() // 2021-03-01 +// 设置年份(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29").SetYearNoOverflow(2021).ToDateString() // 2021-02-28 + +// 设置月份 +carbon.Parse("2020-01-31").SetMonth(2).ToDateString() // 2020-03-02 +// 设置月份(月份不溢出) +carbon.Parse("2020-01-31").SetMonthNoOverflow(2).ToDateString() // 2020-02-29 + +// 设置一周的开始日期 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Monday).Week() // 6 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Sunday).Week() // 0 + +// 设置日期 +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05").SetDay(31).ToDateString() // 2020-08-31 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-01").SetDay(31).ToDateString() // 2020-03-02 + +// 设置小时 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetHour(10).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 10:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetHour(24).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-06 00:14:15 + +// 设置分钟 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMinute(10).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:10:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMinute(60).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:00:15 + +// 设置秒 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetSecond(10).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:10 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetSecond(60).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:15:00 + +// 设置毫秒 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMillisecond(100).Millisecond() // 100 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMillisecond(999).Millisecond() // 999 + +// 设置微妙 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMicrosecond(100000).Microsecond() // 100000 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMicrosecond(999999).Microsecond() // 999999 + +// 设置纳秒 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetNanosecond(100000000).Nanosecond() // 100000000 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetNanosecond(999999999).Nanosecond() // 999999999 +``` + +##### 时间获取 + +```go +// 获取本年总天数 +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05 13:14:15").DaysInYear() // 365 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DaysInYear() // 366 +// 获取本月总天数 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-01 13:14:15").DaysInMonth() // 29 +carbon.Parse("2020-04-01 13:14:15").DaysInMonth() // 30 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-01 13:14:15").DaysInMonth() // 31 + +// 获取本年第几天 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DayOfYear() // 218 +// 获取本年第几周 +carbon.Parse("2019-12-31 13:14:15").WeekOfYear() // 1 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").WeekOfYear() // 32 +// 获取本月第几天 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DayOfMonth() // 5 +// 获取本月第几周 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").WeekOfMonth() // 1 +// 获取本周第几天 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DayOfWeek() // 3 + +// 获取当前世纪 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Century() // 21 +// 获取当前年代 +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05 13:14:15").Decade() // 10 +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").Decade() // 20 +// 获取当前年份 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Year() // 2020 +// 获取当前季度 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Quarter() // 3 +// 获取当前月份 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Month() // 8 +// 获取当前周(从0开始) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02 13:14:15").Week() // 0 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Sunday).Week() // 0 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Monday).Week() // 6 +// 获取当前天数 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Day() // 5 +// 获取当前小时 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Hour() // 13 +// 获取当前分钟 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Minute() // 14 +// 获取当前秒钟 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Second() // 15 +// 获取当前毫秒 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Millisecond() // 1596604455000 +// 获取当前微秒 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Microsecond() // 1596604455000000 +// 获取当前纳秒 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Nanosecond() // 1596604455000000000 + +// 获取秒级时间戳, Timestamp() 是TimestampWithSecond()的简写 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Timestamp() // 1596604455 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").TimestampWithSecond() // 1596604455 +// 获取毫秒级时间戳 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").TimestampWithMillisecond() // 1596604455000 +// 获取微秒级时间戳 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").TimestampWithMicrosecond() // 1596604455000000 +// 获取纳秒级时间戳 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").TimestampWithNanosecond() // 1596604455000000000 + +// 获取时区 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).Timezone() // CST +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Timezone() // JST + +// 获取位置 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).Location() // PRC +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Location() // Asia/Tokyo + +// 获取距离UTC时区的偏移量,单位秒 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).Offset() // 28800 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Offset() // 32400 + +// 获取当前区域 +carbon.Now().Locale() // en +carbon.Now().SetLocale("zh-CN").Locale() // zh-CN + +// 获取当前星座 +carbon.Now().Constellation() // Leo +carbon.Now().SetLocale("en").Constellation() // Leo +carbon.Now().SetLocale("zh-CN").Constellation() // 狮子座 + +// 获取当前季节 +carbon.Now().Season() // Summer +carbon.Now().SetLocale("en").Season() // Summer +carbon.Now().SetLocale("zh-CN").Season() // 夏季 + +// 获取年龄 +carbon.Parse("2002-01-01 13:14:15").Age() // 17 +carbon.Parse("2002-12-31 13:14:15").Age() // 18 + +``` + +##### 时间输出 + +```go +// 输出日期时间字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// 输出简写日期时间字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortDateTimeString() // 20200805131415 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortDateTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // 20200805141415 + +// 输出日期字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateString() // 2020-08-05 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 +// 输出简写日期字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortDateString() // 20200805 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortDateString(carbon.Tokyo) // 20200805 + +// 输出时间字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToTimeString() // 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // 14:14:15 +// 输出简写时间字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortTimeString() // 131415 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // 141415 + +// 输出 Ansic 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToAnsicString() // Wed Aug 5 13:14:15 2020 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToAnsicString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed Aug 5 14:14:15 2020 +// 输出 Atom 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToAtomString() // 2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToAtomString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05T14:14:15+08:00 +// 输出 UnixDate 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToUnixDateString() // Wed Aug 5 13:14:15 CST 2020 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToUnixDateString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed Aug 5 14:14:15 JST 2020 +// 输出 RubyDate 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRubyDateString() // Wed Aug 05 13:14:15 +0800 2020 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRubyDateString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed Aug 05 14:14:15 +0900 2020 +// 输出 Kitchen 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToKitchenString() // 1:14PM +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToKitchenString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2:14PM +// 输出 Cookie 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToCookieString() // Wednesday, 05-Aug-2020 13:14:15 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToCookieString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wednesday, 05-Aug-2020 14:14:15 JST +// 输出 DayDateTime 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDayDateTimeString() // Wed, Aug 5, 2020 1:14 PM +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDayDateTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, Aug 5, 2020 2:14 PM +// 输出 RSS 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRssString() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRssString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 +0900 +// 输出 W3C 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToW3cString() // 2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToW3cString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05T14:14:15+09:00 + +// 输出 ISO8601 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToIso8601String() // 2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToIso8601String(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05T14:14:15+09:00 +// 输出 RFC822 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc822String() // 05 Aug 20 13:14 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc822String(carbon.Tokyo) // 05 Aug 20 14:14 JST +// 输出 RFC822Z 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc822zString() // 05 Aug 20 13:14 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc822zString(carbon.Tokyo) // 05 Aug 20 14:14 +0900 +// 输出 RFC850 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc850String() // Wednesday, 05-Aug-20 13:14:15 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc850String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wednesday, 05-Aug-20 14:14:15 JST +// 输出 RFC1036 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1036String() // Wed, 05 Aug 20 13:14:15 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1036String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 20 14:14:15 +0900 +// 输出 RFC1123 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1123String() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1123String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 JST +// 输出 RFC1123Z 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1123zString() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1123zString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 0800 +// 输出 RFC2822 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc2822String() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc2822String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 +0900 +// 输出 RFC3339 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc3339String() // 2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc3339String(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05T14:14:15+09:00 +// 输出 RFC7231 格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc7231String() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 GMT +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc7231String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 GMT + +// 输出日期时间字符串 +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.Tokyo)) // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 + +// 输出"2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 -0700 MST"格式字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +0800 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +0900 JST + +// 输出指定布局的字符串,Layout()是ToLayoutString()的简写 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Layout("20060102150405") // 20200805131415 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Layout("2006年01月02日 15时04分05秒") // 2020年08月05日 13时14分15秒 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Layout("It is 2006-01-02 15:04:05") // It is 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Layout("2006-01-02 15:04:05", carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 + +// 输出指定格式的字符串,Format()是ToFormatString()的简写(如果使用的字母与格式化字符冲突时,请使用\符号转义该字符) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("YmdHis") // 20200805131415 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("Y年m月d日 H时i分s秒") // 2020年08月05日 13时14分15秒 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("l jS \\o\\f F Y h:i:s A") // Wednesday 5th of August 2020 01:14:15 PM +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("\\I\\t \\i\\s Y-m-d H:i:s") // It is 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("Y-m-d H:i:s", carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +> 更多格式化输出符号请查看附录 格式化符号表 + +##### 星座 + +```go +// 获取星座 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Constellation() // Leo + +// 是否是白羊座 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsAries() // false +// 是否是金牛座 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsTaurus() // false +// 是否是双子座 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsGemini() // false +// 是否是巨蟹座 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsCancer() // false +// 是否是狮子座 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsLeo() // true +// 是否是处女座 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsVirgo() // false +// 是否是天秤座 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsLibra() // false +// 是否是天蝎座 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsScorpio() // false +// 是否是射手座 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSagittarius() // false +// 是否是摩羯座 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsCapricorn() // false +// 是否是水瓶座 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsAquarius() // false +// 是否是双鱼座 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsPisces() // false +``` + +##### 季节 + +> 按照气象划分,即3-5月为春季,6-8月为夏季,9-11月为秋季,12-2月为冬季 + +```go +// 获取季节 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Season() // Summer + +// 本季节开始时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfSeason().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-06-01 00:00:00 +// 本季节结束时间 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfSeason().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-31 23:59:59 + +// 是否是春季 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSpring() // false +// 是否是夏季 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSummer() // true +// 是否是秋季 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsAutumn() // false +// 是否是冬季 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsWinter() // false +``` + +##### 农历 + +> 目前仅支持公元`1900`年至`2100`年的`200`年时间跨度 + +```go +// 获取农历生肖 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Animal() // 鼠 + +// 获取农历节日 +carbon.Parse("2021-02-12 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Festival() // 春节 + +// 获取农历年年份 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Year() // 2020 +// 获取农历月月份 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Month() // 6 +// 获取农历闰月月份 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().LeapMonth() // 4 +// 获取农历日日期 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Day() // 16 +// 获取农历 YYYY-MM-DD 格式字符串 +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar()) // 2020-06-16 + +// 获取农历年字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().ToYearString() // 二零二零 +// 获取农历月字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().ToMonthString() // 六 +// 获取农历天字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().ToDayString() // 十六 +// 获取农历日期字符串 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().ToDateString() // 二零二零年六月十六 + +// 是否是农历闰年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsLeapYear() // true +// 是否是农历闰月 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsLeapMonth() // false + +// 是否是鼠年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsRatYear() // true +// 是否是牛年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsOxYear() // false +// 是否是虎年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsTigerYear() // false +// 是否是兔年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsRabbitYear() // false +// 是否是龙年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsDragonYear() // false +// 是否是蛇年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsSnakeYear() // false +// 是否是马年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsHorseYear() // false +// 是否是羊年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsGoatYear() // false +// 是否是猴年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsMonkeyYear() // false +// 是否是鸡年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsRoosterYear() // false +// 是否是狗年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsDogYear() // false +// 是否是猪年 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsPigYear() // false +``` + +##### JSON 支持 + +###### 定义模型 + +```go +type Person struct { + ID int64 `json:"id"` + Name string `json:"name"` + Age int `json:"age"` + Birthday carbon.DateTime `json:"birthday"` + GraduatedAt carbon.Date `json:"graduated_at"` + CreatedAt carbon.Time `json:"created_at"` + UpdatedAt carbon.Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` + DateTime1 carbon.TimestampWithSecond `json:"date_time1"` + DateTime2 carbon.TimestampWithMillisecond `json:"date_time2"` + DateTime3 carbon.TimestampWithMicrosecond `json:"date_time3"` + DateTime4 carbon.TimestampWithNanosecond `json:"date_time4"` +} +``` + +###### 实例化模型 + +```go +person := Person { + ID: 1, + Name: "gouguoyin", + Age: 18, + Birthday: carbon.DateTime{carbon.Now().SubYears(18)}, + GraduatedAt: carbon.Date{carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")}, + CreatedAt: carbon.Time{carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15")}, + UpdatedAt: carbon.Timestamp{carbon.Parse("2022-08-05 13:14:15")}, + DateTime1: carbon.TimestampWithSecond{carbon.Parse("2023-08-05 13:14:15")}, + DateTime2: carbon.TimestampWithMillisecond{carbon.Parse("2024-08-05 13:14:15")}, + DateTime3: carbon.TimestampWithMicrosecond{carbon.Parse("2025-08-05 13:14:15")}, + DateTime4: carbon.TimestampWithNanosecond{carbon.Parse("2025-08-05 13:14:15")}, +} +``` + +###### JSON 编码 + +```go +data, err := json.Marshal(&person) +if err != nil { + // 错误处理 + log.Fatal(err) +} +fmt.Printf("%s", data) +// 输出 +{ + "id": 1, + "name": "gouguoyin", + "age": 18, + "birthday": "2003-07-16 16:22:02", + "graduated_at": "2020-08-05", + "created_at": "13:14:15", + "updated_at": 1659676455, + "date_time1": 1691212455, + "date_time2": 1722834855000, + "date_time3": 1754370855000000, + "date_time4": 1754370855000000000 +} +``` + +###### JSON 解码 + +```go +jsonString := `{ + "id": 1, + "name": "gouguoyin", + "age": 18, + "birthday": "2003-07-16 16:22:02", + "graduated_at": "2020-08-05", + "updated_at": 1659676455, + "date_time1": 1691212455, + "date_time2": 1722834855000, + "date_time3": 1754370855000000, + "date_time4": 1754370855000000000 +}` +person := new(Person) +err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonString), &person) +if err != nil { + // 错误处理 + log.Fatal(err) +} +fmt.Printf("%+v", *person) +// 输出 +{ID:1 Name:gouguoyin Age:18 Birthday:2003-07-16 16:22:02 GraduatedAt:2020-08-05 00:00:00 UpdatedAt:2022-08-05 13:14:15 DateTime1:2023-08-05 13:14:15 DateTime2:2024-08-05 13:14:15 DateTime3:2025-08-05 13:14:15 DateTime4:2025-08-05 13:14:15} +``` + +##### 国际化支持 + +目前支持的语言有 + +* [简体中文(zh-CN)](./lang/zh-CN.json "简体中文") +* [繁体中文(zh-TW)](./lang/zh-TW.json "繁体中文") +* [英语(en)](./lang/en.json "英语") +* [日语(jp)](./lang/jp.json "日语") +* [韩语(kr)](./lang/kr.json "韩语") +* [西班牙语(es)](./lang/es.json "西班牙语"): 由 [hgisinger](https://github.com/hgisinger "hgisinger") 翻译 +* [德语(de)](./lang/de.json "德语"): 由 [benzammour](https://github.com/benzammour "benzammour") 翻译 +* [土耳其语(tr)](./lang/tr.json "土耳其语"): 由 [emresenyuva](https://github.com/emresenyuva "emresenyuva") 翻译 +* [葡萄牙语(pt)](./lang/pt.json "葡萄牙语"): 由 [felipear89](https://github.com/felipear89 "felipear89") 翻译 +* [俄罗斯语(ru)](./lang/ru.json "俄罗斯语"): 由 [zemlyak](https://github.com/zemlyak "zemlyak") 翻译 + +目前支持的方法有 + +* `Constellation()`:获取星座 +* `Season()`:获取季节 +* `DiffForHumans()`:获取对人类友好的可读格式时间差 +* `ToMonthString()`:输出完整月份字符串 +* `ToShortMonthString()`:输出缩写月份字符串 +* `ToWeekString()`:输出完整星期字符串 +* `ToShortWeekString()`:输出缩写星期字符串 + +###### 设置区域 + +```go +lang := carbon.NewLanguage() +lang.SetLocale("zh-CN") + +c := carbon.SetLanguage(lang) +if c.Error != nil { + // 错误处理 + log.Fatal(err) +} + +c.Now().AddHours(1).DiffForHumans() // 1 小时后 +c.Now().AddHours(1).ToMonthString() // 八月 +c.Now().AddHours(1).ToShortMonthString() // 8月 +c.Now().AddHours(1).ToWeekString() // 星期二 +c.Now().AddHours(1).ToShortWeekString() // 周二 +c.Now().AddHours(1).Constellation() // 狮子座 +c.Now().AddHours(1).Season() // 夏季 +``` + +###### 重写部分翻译资源(其余仍然按照指定的 `locale` 文件内容翻译) + +```go +lang := carbon.NewLanguage() +lang.SetLocale("en") + +resources := map[string]string { + "hour": "%dh", +} +lang.SetResources(resources) + +c := carbon.SetLanguage(lang) +if c.Error != nil { + // 错误处理 + log.Fatal(err) +} + +c.Now().AddYears(1).DiffForHumans() // 1 year from now +c.Now().AddHours(1).DiffForHumans() // 1h from now +c.Now().ToMonthString() // August +c.Now().ToShortMonthString() // Aug +c.Now().ToWeekString() // Tuesday +c.Now().ToShortWeekString() // Tue +c.Now().Constellation() // Leo +c.Now().Season() // Summer +``` + +###### 重写全部翻译资源(无需指定 `locale`) + +```go +lang := carbon.NewLanguage() +resources := map[string]string { + "months": "january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december", + "short_months": "jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec", + "weeks": "sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday", + "short_weeks": "sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat", + "seasons": "spring|summer|autumn|winter", + "constellations": "aries|taurus|gemini|cancer|leo|virgo|libra|scorpio|sagittarius|capricornus|aquarius|pisce", + "year": "1 yr|%d yrs", + "month": "1 mo|%d mos", + "week": "%dw", + "day": "%dd", + "hour": "%dh", + "minute": "%dm", + "second": "%ds", + "now": "just now", + "ago": "%s ago", + "from_now": "in %s", + "before": "%s before", + "after": "%s after", +} +lang.SetResources(resources) + +c := carbon.SetLanguage(lang) +c.Now().AddYears(1).DiffForHumans() // in 1 yr +c.Now().AddHours(1).DiffForHumans() // in 1h +c.Now().ToMonthString() // august +c.Now().ToShortMonthString() // aug +c.Now().ToWeekString() // tuesday +c.Now().ToShortWeekString() // tue +c.Now().Constellation() // leo +c.Now().Season() // summer +``` + +##### 错误处理 + +> 如果有多个错误发生,只返回第一个错误,前一个错误排除后才返回下一个错误 + +###### 场景一 + +```go +c := carbon.SetTimezone(PRC).Parse("xxx") +if c.Error != nil { + // 错误处理... + log.Fatal(c.Error) +} +fmt.Println(c.ToDateTimeString()) +// 输出 +cannot parse "xxx" as carbon, please make sure the value is valid +``` + +###### 场景二 + +```go +c := carbon.SetTimezone("xxx").Parse("2020-08-05") +if c.Error != nil { + // 错误处理... + log.Fatal(c.Error) +} +fmt.Println(c.ToDateTimeString()) +// 输出 +invalid timezone "xxx", please see the file "$GOROOT/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip" for all valid timezones +``` + +###### 场景三 + +```go +c := carbon.SetTimezone("xxx").Parse("12345678") +if c.Error != nil { + // 错误处理... + log.Fatal(c.Error) +} +fmt.Println(c.ToDateTimeString()) +// 输出 +invalid timezone "xxx", please see the file "$GOROOT/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip" for all valid timezone +``` + +#### 附录 + +##### 格式化符号表 + +| 符号 | 描述 | 长度 | 范围 | 示例 | +| :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | +| d | 月份中的第几天,有前导零 | 2 | 01-31 | 02 | +| D | 缩写单词表示的周几 | 3 | Mon-Sun | Mon | +| j | 月份中的第几天,没有前导零 | - |1-31 | 2 | +| S | 第几天的英文缩写后缀,一般和j配合使用 | 2 | st/nd/rd/th | th | +| l | 完整单词表示的周几 | - | Monday-Sunday | Monday | +| F | 完整单词表示的月份 | - | January-December | January | +| m | 数字表示的月份,有前导零 | 2 | 01-12 | 01 | +| M | 缩写单词表示的月份 | 3 | Jan-Dec | Jan | +| n | 数字表示的月份,没有前导零 | - | 1-12 | 1 | +| Y | 4 位数字完整表示的年份 | 4 | 0000-9999 | 2006 | +| y | 2 位数字表示的年份 | 2 | 00-99 | 06 | +| a | 小写的上午和下午标识 | 2 | am/pm | pm | +| A | 大写的上午和下午标识 | 2 | AM/PM | PM | +| g | 小时,12 小时格式 | - | 1-12 | 3 | +| G | 小时,24 小时格式 | - | 0-23 | 15 | +| h | 小时,12 小时格式 | 2 | 00-11 | 03 | +| H | 小时,24 小时格式 | 2 | 00-23 | 15 | +| i | 分钟 | 2 | 01-59 | 04 | +| s | 秒数 | 2 | 01-59 | 05 | +| c | ISO8601 格式日期 | - | - | 2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00 | +| r | RFC2822 格式日期 | - | - | Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700 | +| O | 与格林威治时间相差的小时数 | - | - | -0700 | +| P | 与格林威治时间相差的小时数,小时和分钟之间有冒号分隔 | - | - | +07:00 | +| T | 时区缩写 | - | - | MST | +| W | ISO8601 格式数字表示的年份中的第几周 | - | 1-52 | 1 | +| N | ISO8601 格式数字表示的星期中的第几天 | 1 | 1-7 | 1 | +| L | 是否为闰年,如果是闰年为 1,否则为 0 | 1 | 0-1 | 0 | +| U | 秒级时间戳 | 10 | - | 1611818268 | +| u | 毫秒 | 3 | 000-999 | 999 | +| w | 数字表示的周几 | 1 | 0-6 | 1 | +| t | 月份中的总天数 | 2 | 28-31 | 31 | +| z | 年份中的第几天 | - | 0-365 | 2 | +| e | 当前位置 | - | - | America/New_York | +| Q | 当前季节 | 1 | 1-4 | 1 | +| C | 当前世纪数 | - | 0-99 | 21 | + +#### 参考项目 + +* [briannesbitt/carbon](https://github.com/briannesbitt/Carbon) +* [jinzhu/now](https://github.com/jinzhu/now) +* [goframe/gtime](https://github.com/gogf/gf/tree/master/os/gtime) +* [arrow-py/arrow](https://github.com/arrow-py/arrow) +* [moment/moment](https://github.com/moment/moment) +* [iamkun/dayjs](https://github.com/iamkun/dayjs) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/README.jp.md b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/README.jp.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..814e6947 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/README.jp.md @@ -0,0 +1,1289 @@ +# Carbon # + +[![Carbon Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/golang-module/carbon.svg)](https://github.com/golang-module/carbon/releases) +[![Go Test](https://github.com/golang-module/carbon/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/golang-module/carbon/actions) +[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/golang-module/carbon)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/golang-module/carbon) +[![Go Coverage](https://codecov.io/gh/golang-module/carbon/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/golang-module/carbon) +[![Carbon Doc](https://img.shields.io/badge/go.dev-reference-brightgreen?logo=go&logoColor=white&style=flat)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang-module/carbon) +![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/golang-module/carbon) + +日本語 | [English](README.md) | [简体中文](README.cn.md) + +軽量でセマンティックで開発者に優しい golang 時間処理ライブラリ + +Carbon は [awesome-go](https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go#date-and-time "awesome-go") に収録されています, よかったら, スターをください + +[github.com/golang-module/carbon](https://github.com/golang-module/carbon "github.com/golang-module/carbon") + +[gitee.com/go-package/carbon](https://gitee.com/go-package/carbon "gitee.com/go-package/carbon") + +#### インストール使用 + +##### Golangバージョンは1.16より小さいです + +```go +// github倉庫を使う +go get -u github.com/golang-module/carbon + +import ( + "github.com/golang-module/carbon" +) + +// gitee倉庫を使う +go get -u gitee.com/go-package/carbon + +import ( + "gitee.com/go-package/carbon" +) +``` + +##### Golangバージョンは1.16以上です + +```go +// github倉庫を使う +go get -u github.com/golang-module/carbon/v2 + +import ( + "github.com/golang-module/carbon/v2" +) + +// gitee倉庫を使う +go get -u gitee.com/go-package/carbon/v2 + +import ( + "gitee.com/go-package/carbon/v2" +) +``` + +#### 使い方の例 + +> デフォルトのタイムゾーンはLocalです。つまりサーバのタイムゾーンです, 現在の時間は2020-08-05 13:14:15と仮定します + +##### 昨日、今日、明日 + +```go +// 今日の瞬間 +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Now()) // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Now().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +// 今日の日付 +carbon.Now().ToDateString() // 2020-08-05 +// 今日の時間 +carbon.Now().ToTimeString() // 13:14:15 +// タイムゾーン指定の今日 +carbon.Now(Carbon.NewYork).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(Carbon.NewYork).Now().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// 今日は秒タイムスタンプ +carbon.Now().Timestamp() // 1596604455 +carbon.Now().TimestampWithSecond() // 1596604455 +// 今日のミリ秒タイムスタンプ +carbon.Now().TimestampWithMillisecond() // 1596604455000 +// 今日のマイクロ秒タイムスタンプ +carbon.Now().TimestampWithMicrosecond() // 1596604455000000 +// 今日のナノ秒タイムスタンプ +carbon.Now().TimestampWithNanosecond() // 1596604455000000000 + +// 昨日の今は +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Yesterday()) // 2020-08-04 13:14:15 +carbon.Yesterday().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-04 13:14:15 +// 昨日の日付 +carbon.Yesterday().ToDateString() // 2020-08-04 +// 昨日の時間 +carbon.Yesterday().ToTimeString() // 13:14:15 +// 日付指定の昨日 +carbon.Parse("2021-01-28 13:14:15").Yesterday().ToDateTimeString() // 2021-01-27 13:14:15 +// タイムゾーン指定の昨日 +carbon.Yesterday(Carbon.NewYork).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-04 14:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(Carbon.NewYork).Yesterday().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-04 14:14:15 +// 昨日の秒タイムスタンプ +carbon.Yesterday().Timestamp() // 1596518055 +carbon.Yesterday().TimestampWithSecond() // 1596518055 +// 昨日のミリ秒タイムスタンプ +carbon.Yesterday().TimestampWithMillisecond() // 1596518055000 +// 昨日のマイクロ秒タイムスタンプ +carbon.Yesterday().TimestampWithMicrosecond() // 1596518055000000 +// 昨日のナノ秒タイムスタンプ +carbon.Yesterday().TimestampWithNanosecond() // 1596518055000000000 + +// 明日の今は +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Tomorrow()) // 2020-08-06 13:14:15 +carbon.Tomorrow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-06 13:14:15 +// 明日の日付 +carbon.Tomorrow().ToDateString() // 2020-08-06 +// 明日の時間 +carbon.Tomorrow().ToTimeString() // 13:14:15 +// 日付指定の明日 +carbon.Parse("2021-01-28 13:14:15").Tomorrow().ToDateTimeString() // 2021-01-29 13:14:15 +// タイムゾーン指定の明日 +carbon.Tomorrow(Carbon.NewYork).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-06 14:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(Carbon.NewYork).Tomorrow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-06 14:14:15 +// 明日の秒タイムスタンプ +carbon.Tomorrow().Timestamp() // 1596690855 +carbon.Tomorrow().TimestampWithSecond() // 1596690855 +// 明日のミリ秒タイムスタンプ +carbon.Tomorrow().TimestampWithMillisecond() // 1596690855000 +// 明日のマイクロ秒タイムスタンプ +carbon.Tomorrow().TimestampWithMicrosecond() // 1596690855000000 +// 明日のナノ秒タイムスタンプ +carbon.Tomorrow().TimestampWithNanosecond() // 1596690855000000000 +``` + +##### Carbon オブジェクトを作成する + +```go +// 秒タイムスタンプから Carbon オブジェクトを作成します +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(-1).ToDateTimeString() // 1970-01-01 07:59:59 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(-1, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 1970-01-01 08:59:59 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(0).ToDateTimeString() // 1970-01-01 08:00:00 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(0, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 1970-01-01 09:00:00 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// ミリ秒のタイムスタンプから Carbon オブジェクトを作成します +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// マイクロ秒タイムスタンプから Carbon オブジェクトを作成します +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000000).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000000, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// ナノタイムスタンプから Carbon オブジェクトを作成します +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000000000).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000000000, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 + +// 年月日から分秒で Carbon オブジェクトを作成します +carbon.CreateFromDateTime(2020, 8, 5, 13, 14, 15).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromDateTime(2020, 8, 5, 13, 14, 15, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// 年月日から Carbon オブジェクトを作成します(時分秒はデフォルトで現在の時分秒です) +carbon.CreateFromDate(2020, 8, 5).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromDate(2020, 8, 5, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// 時分秒から Carbon オブジェクトを作成します(年月日のデフォルトは現在の年月日です) +carbon.CreateFromTime(13, 14, 15).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTime(13, 14, 15, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +##### 標準形式の時間文字列を Carbon オブジェクトに解析します + +```go +carbon.Parse("").ToDateTimeString() // 空の文字列 +carbon.Parse("0").ToDateTimeString() // 空の文字列 +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00 00:00:00").ToDateTimeString() // 空の文字列 +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00").ToDateTimeString() // 空の文字列 +carbon.Parse("00:00:00").ToDateTimeString() // 空の文字列 + +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("20200805131415").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("20200805").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +##### 文字をフォーマットして文字列を Carbon オブジェクトに解析します + +```go +carbon.ParseByFormat("2020|08|05 13|14|15", "Y|m|d H|i|s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByFormat("It is 2020-08-05 13:14:15", "\\I\\t \\i\\s Y-m-d H:i:s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByFormat("今天是 2020年08月05日13时14分15秒", "今天是 Y年m月d日H时i分s秒").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByFormat("2020-08-05 13:14:15", "Y-m-d H:i:s", carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +##### レイアウト文字を使用して文字列を Carbon オブジェクトに解析します + +```go +carbon.ParseByLayout("2020|08|05 13|14|15", "2006|01|02 15|04|05").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByLayout("It is 2020-08-05 13:14:15", "It is 2006-01-02 15:04:05").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByLayout("今天是 2020年08月05日13时14分15秒", "今天是 2006年01月02日15时04分05秒").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByLayout("2020-08-05 13:14:15", "2006-01-02 15:04:05", carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +##### Carbon と time.Time 交換 + +```go +// time.Time を Carbon に変換します +carbon.Time2Carbon(time.Now()) +// Carbon を time.Time に変換します +carbon.Now().Carbon2Time() +``` + +##### 始まりと終わり + +```go +// 世紀の始まり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfCentury().ToDateTimeString() // 2000-01-01 00:00:00 +// 世紀の終わり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfCentury().ToDateTimeString() // 2999-12-31 23:59:59 + +// 十年の始まり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-01-01 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-01-01 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2029-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-01-01 00:00:00 +// 十年の終わり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2029-12-31 23:59:59 +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2029-12-31 23:59:59 +carbon.Parse("2029-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2029-12-31 23:59:59 + +// 今年の始まり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfYear().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-01-01 00:00:00 +// 今年の終わり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfYear().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-12-31 23:59:59 + +// 季度の始まり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfQuarter().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-07-01 00:00:00 +// 季度の終わり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfQuarter().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-09-30 23:59:59 + +// 本月の始まり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfMonth().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-01 00:00:00 +// 本月の終わり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfMonth().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-31 23:59:59 + +// 本周の始まり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-02 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Sunday).StartOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-02 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Monday).StartOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-03 00:00:00 +// 本周の終わり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-08 23:59:59 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Sunday).EndOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-08 23:59:59 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Monday).EndOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-09 23:59:59 + +// 本日の始まり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfDay().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 00:00:00 +// 本日の終わり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfDay().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 23:59:59 + +// 時間の始まり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfHour().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:00:00 +// 時間の終わり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfHour().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:59:59 + +// 分钟の始まり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfMinute().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:00 +// 分钟の終わり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfMinute().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:59 + +// 本秒の始まり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfSecond().Format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u") // 2020-08-05 13:14:15.0 +// 本秒の終わり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfSecond().Format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u") // 2020-08-05 13:14:15.999 +``` + +##### 追加と減らす + +```go +// 三ヶ世紀を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddCenturies(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2320-02-29 13:14:15 +// 三ヶ世紀を追加(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddCenturiesNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2320-02-29 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ世紀を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddCentury().ToDateTimeString() // 2120-02-29 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ世紀を追加(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddCenturyNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2120-02-29 13:14:15 +// 三ヶ世紀を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubCenturies(3).ToDateTimeString() // 1720-02-29 13:14:15 +// 三ヶ世紀を減らす(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubCenturiesNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 1720-02-29 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ世紀を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubCentury().ToDateTimeString() // 1920-02-29 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ世紀を減らす(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubCenturyNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 1920-02-29 13:14:15 + +// 三ヶ年代を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").Decades(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2050-03-01 13:14:15 +// 三ヶ年代を追加(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddDecadesNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2050-02-28 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ年代を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2030-03-01 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ年代を追加(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddDecadeNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2030-02-28 13:14:15 +// 三ヶ年代を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubDecades(3).ToDateTimeString() // 1990-03-01 13:14:15 +// 三ヶ年代を減らす(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubDecadesNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 1990-02-28 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ年代を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2010-03-01 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ年代を減らす(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubDecadeNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2010-02-28 13:14:15 + +// 三か年を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddYears(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2023-03-01 13:14:15 +// 三か年を追加(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddYearsNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2023-02-28 13:14:15 +// 一か年を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddYear().ToDateTimeString() // 2021-03-01 13:14:15 +// 一か年を追加(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddYearNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2021-02-28 13:14:15 +// 三か年を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubYears(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2017-03-01 13:14:15 +// 三か年を減らす(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubYearsNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2017-02-28 13:14:15 +// 一か年を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubYear().ToDateTimeString() // 2019-03-01 13:14:15 +// 一か年を減らす(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubYearNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2019-02-28 13:14:15 + +// 三ヶ四半期を追加 +carbon.Parse("2019-08-31 13:14:15").AddQuarters(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-03-02 13:14:15 +// 三ヶ四半期を追加(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2019-08-31 13:14:15").AddQuartersNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-02-29 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ四半期を追加 +carbon.Parse("2019-11-30 13:14:15").AddQuarter().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-01 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ四半期を追加(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2019-11-30 13:14:15").AddQuarterNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-29 13:14:15 +// 三ヶ四半期を減らす +carbon.Parse("2019-08-31 13:14:15").SubQuarters(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-03-03 13:14:15 +// 三ヶ四半期を減らす(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2019-08-31 13:14:15").SubQuartersNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-02-28 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ四半期を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-05-31 13:14:15").SubQuarter().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-02 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ四半期を減らす(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-05-31 13:14:15").SubQuarterNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-29 13:14:15 + +// 三ヶ月を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddMonths(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-05-29 13:14:15 +// 三ヶ月を追加(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddMonthsNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-05-29 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ月を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-01-31 13:14:15").AddMonth().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-02 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ月を追加(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-01-31 13:14:15").AddMonthNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-29 13:14:15 +// 三ヶ月を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubMonths(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-11-29 13:14:15 +// 三ヶ月を減らす(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubMonthsNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-11-29 13:14:15 +// 一ヶ月を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-03-31 13:14:15").SubMonth().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-02 13:14:15 +// 一か月を減らす(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-03-31 13:14:15").SubMonthNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-29 13:14:15 + +// 三か週間を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddWeeks(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-21 13:14:15 +// 一か週間を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-07 13:14:15 +// 三か週間を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubWeeks(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-08 13:14:15 +// 一か週間を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-22 13:14:15 + +// 三か日間を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDays(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-08 13:14:15 +// 一か日間を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDay().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +// 三か日間を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDays(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-02 13:14:15 +// 一か日間を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDay().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-04 13:14:15 + +// 三か時間を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddHours(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 16:14:15 +// 二か時間半を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2.5h").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 15:44:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2h30m").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 15:44:15 +// 一か時間を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddHour().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// 三か時間を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubHours(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 10:14:15 +// 二か時間半を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2.5h").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 10:44:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2h30m").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 10:44:15 +// 一か時間を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubHour().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 12:14:15 + +// 三か分钟を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddMinutes(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:17:15 +// 二か分钟半を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2.5m").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:16:45 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2m30s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:16:45 +// 一か分钟を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddMinute().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:15:15 +// 三か分钟を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubMinutes(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:11:15 +// 二か分钟半を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2.5m").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:11:45 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2m30s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:11:45 +// 一か分钟を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubMinute().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:13:15 + +// 三か秒钟を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddSeconds(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:18 +// 二か秒钟半を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2.5s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:17 +// 一か秒钟を追加 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddSecond().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:16 +// 三か秒钟を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubSeconds(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:12 +// 二か秒钟半を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2.5s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:12 +// 一か秒钟を減らす +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubSecond().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:14 +``` + +##### 时间差異 + +```go +// 何年違いますか +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInYears(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // -1 +// 何年違いますか(絶対値) +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInYearsWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // 1 + +// 何ヶ月違いますか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInMonths(carbon.Parse("2020-07-05 13:14:15")) // -1 +// 何ヶ月違いますか(絶対値) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInMonthsWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-07-05 13:14:15")) // 1 + +// 何週間違いますか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInWeeks(carbon.Parse("2020-07-28 13:14:15")) // -1 +// 何週間違いますか(絶対値) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInWeeksWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-07-28 13:14:15")) // 1 + +// 何日間違いますか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInDays(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // -1 +// 何日間違いますか(絶対値) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInDaysWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // 1 + +// 何時間違いますか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInHours(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 12:14:15")) // -1 +// 何時間違いますか(絶対値) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInHoursWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 12:14:15")) // 1 + +// 何分違いますか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInMinutes(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:13:15")) // -1 +// 何分違いますか(絶対値) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInMinutesWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:13:15")) // 1 + +// 何秒の差がありますか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInSeconds(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:14")) // -1 +// 何秒の差がありますか(絶対値) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInSecondsWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:14")) // 1 + +// 時間差を文字列で表す +carbon.Now().DiffInString() // just now +carbon.Now().AddYearsNoOverflow(1).DiffInString() // -1 year +carbon.Now().SubYearsNoOverflow(1).DiffInString() // 1 year +// 時間差を文字列で表す(絶対値) +carbon.Now().DiffInStringWithAbs(carbon.Now()) // just now +carbon.Now().AddYearsNoOverflow(1).DiffInStringWithAbs(carbon.Now()) // 1 year +carbon.Now().SubYearsNoOverflow(1).DiffInStringWithAbs(carbon.Now()) // 1 year + +// 人間に優しい読み取り可能なフォーマットの時間差を取得します +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // just now +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // 1 year ago +carbon.Parse("2018-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // 2 years ago +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // 1 year from now +carbon.Parse("2022-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // 2 years from now + +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans(carbon.Now()) // 1 year before +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans(carbon.Now()) // 2 years before +carbon.Parse("2018-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans(carbon.Now()) // 1 year after +carbon.Parse("2022-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans(carbon.Now()) // 2 years after +``` + +##### 时间比較 + +```go +// ゼロ時間ですか +carbon.Parse("").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("0").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00 00:00:00").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("00:00:00").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 00:00:00").IsZero() // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").IsZero() // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").SetTimezone("xxx").IsZero() // false + +// 無効な時間ですか +carbon.Parse("").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("0").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00 00:00:00").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("00:00:00").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 00:00:00").IsInvalid() // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").IsInvalid() // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").SetTimezone("xxx").IsInvalid() // true + +// 現在かどうか +carbon.Now().IsNow() // true +// 未来かどうか +carbon.Tomorrow().IsFuture() // true +// 過去かどうか +carbon.Yesterday().IsPast() // true + +// 閏年かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsLeapYear() // true +// 長年ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsLongYear() // true + +// 一月ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsJanuary() // false +// 二月ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsFebruary() // false +// 三月ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsMarch() // false +// 四月ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsApril() // false +// 五月ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsMay() // false +// 六月ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsJune() // false +// 七月ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsJuly() // false +// 八月ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsAugust() // false +// 八月ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSeptember() // true +// 十月ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsOctober() // false +// 十一月ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsNovember() // false +// 十二月ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsDecember() // false + +// 月曜日ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsMonday() // false +// 火曜日ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsTuesday() // true +// 水曜日ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsWednesday() // false +// 木曜日ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsThursday() // false +// 金曜日ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsFriday() // false +// 土曜日ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSaturday() // false +// 日曜日ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSunday() // false + +// 営業日ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsWeekday() // false +// 週末ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsWeekend() // true + +// 昨日ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15").IsYesterday() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 00:00:00").IsYesterday() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-04").IsYesterday() // true +// 今日ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsToday() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 00:00:00").IsToday() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").IsToday() // true +// 明日ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15").IsTomorrow() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 00:00:00").IsTomorrow() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-06").IsTomorrow() // true + +// 大きいかどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Gt(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Gt(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare(">", carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare(">", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false + +// 小さいかどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Lt(carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Lt(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<", carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false + +// 等しいかどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Eq(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Eq(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:00")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:00")) // false + +// と等しくない +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Ne(carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Ne(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("!=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<>", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false + +// 大きいか等しいかどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Gte(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Gte(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare(">=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare(">=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true + +// 小きいか等しいかどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Lte(carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Lte(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true + +// 二つの時間の間に(この二つの時間は含まれていません) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Between(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Between(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true + +// 二つの時間の間に(開始時間も含めて) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedStart(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedStart(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true + +// 二つの時間の間に(終了時間も含めて) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedEnd(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedEnd(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true + +// 二つの時間の間に(この二つの時間を含めて) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedBoth(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedBoth(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +``` + +> 長年の定義については、読んでください https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Week_dates + +##### 时间設定 + +```go +// タイムゾーンを設定 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).Now().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Now().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Now().SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 12:14:15 + +// 設定ロケール +carbon.Parse("2020-07-05 13:14:15").SetLocale("en").DiffForHumans()) // 1 month ago +carbon.Parse("2020-07-05 13:14:15").SetLocale("zh-CN").DiffForHumans() // 1 月前 + +// 年を設定する +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29").SetYear(2021).ToDateString() // 2021-03-01 +// 年を設定する(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29").SetYearNoOverflow(2021).ToDateString() // 2021-02-28 + +// 月を設定する +carbon.Parse("2020-01-31").SetMonth(2).ToDateString() // 2020-03-02 +// 月を設定する(オーバーフローなし) +carbon.Parse("2020-01-31").SetMonthNoOverflow(2).ToDateString() // 2020-02-29 + +// 週の開始日を設定する +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Sunday).Week() // 0 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Monday).Week() // 6 + +// 日数を設定する +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05").SetDay(31).ToDateString() // 2020-08-31 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-01").SetDay(31).ToDateString() // 2020-03-02 + +// 時間を設定する +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetHour(10).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 10:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetHour(24).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-06 00:14:15 + +// 分を設定する +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMinute(10).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:10:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMinute(60).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:00:15 + +// 秒を設定する +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetSecond(10).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:10 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetSecond(60).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:15:00 + +// ミリ秒を設定 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMillisecond(100).Millisecond() // 100 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMillisecond(999).Millisecond() // 999 + +// 微妙に設定 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMicrosecond(100000).Microsecond() // 100000 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMicrosecond(999999).Microsecond() // 999999 + +// ナノ秒を設定する +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetNanosecond(100000000).Nanosecond() // 100000000 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetNanosecond(999999999).Nanosecond() // 999999999 +``` + +##### 时间取得 + +```go +// 本年の総日数を取得 +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05 13:14:15").DaysInYear() // 365 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DaysInYear() // 366 +// 今月の総日数を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-01 13:14:15").DaysInMonth() // 29 +carbon.Parse("2020-04-01 13:14:15").DaysInMonth() // 30 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-01 13:14:15").DaysInMonth() // 31 + +// 本年の第数日を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DayOfYear() // 218 +// 本年の第数週を取得 +carbon.Parse("2019-12-31 13:14:15").WeekOfYear() // 1 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").WeekOfYear() // 32 +// 今月の何日目(1から)を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DayOfMonth() // 5 +// 今月の何週目(1から)を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").WeekOfMonth() // 1 +// 今月の何週目(1から)を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DayOfWeek() // 3 + +// 現在の世紀を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Century() // 21 +// 現在の年代を取得 +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05 13:14:15").Decade() // 10 +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").Decade() // 20 +// 現在の年を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Year() // 2020 +// 現在の四半期を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Quarter() // 3 +// 現在の月を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Month() // 8 +// 現在の週を取得(0から開始) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02 13:14:15").Week() // 0 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Sunday).Week() // 0 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Monday).Week() // 6 +// 現在の日数を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Day() // 5 +// 現在の時間を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Hour() // 13 +// 現在の分を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Minute() // 14 +// 現在の秒を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Second() // 15 +// 現在のミリ秒を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Millisecond() // 1596604455000 +// 現在のマイクロ秒を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Microsecond() // 1596604455000000 +// 現在のナノ秒を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Nanosecond() // 1596604455000000000 + +// 秒タイムスタンプを取得, Timestamp() は TimestampWithSecond() の略記です +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Timestamp() // 1596604455 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").TimestampWithSecond() // 1596604455 +// ミリ秒のタイムスタンプを取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").TimestampWithMillisecond() // 1596604455000 +// マイクロ秒タイムスタンプを取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").TimestampWithMicrosecond() // 1596604455000000 +// ナノ秒タイムスタンプを取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").TimestampWithNanosecond() // 1596604455000000000 + +// タイムゾーン名を取得 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).Timezone() // CST +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Timezone() // JST + +// ロケーション名を取得 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).Location() // PRC +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Location() // Asia/Tokyo + +// UTCタイムゾーンからのオフセットを取得、単位秒 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).Offset() // 28800 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Offset() // 32400 + +// ロケール名を取得 +carbon.Now().Locale() // en +carbon.Now().SetLocale("zh-CN").Locale() // zh-CN + +// 星座を取得 +carbon.Now().Constellation() // Leo +carbon.Now().SetLocale("en").Constellation() // Leo +carbon.Now().SetLocale("zh-CN").Constellation() // 狮子座 + +// 季節を取得 +carbon.Now().Season() // Summer +carbon.Now().SetLocale("en").Season() // Summer +carbon.Now().SetLocale("zh-CN").Season() // 夏季 + +// 年齢を取得 +carbon.Parse("2002-01-01 13:14:15").Age() // 17 +carbon.Parse("2002-12-31 13:14:15").Age() // 18 +``` + +##### 时间出力 + +```go +// 日期时间文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// 略語日期时间文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortDateTimeString() // 20200805131415 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortDateTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // 20200805141415 + +// 日期文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateString() // 2020-08-05 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 +// 略語日期文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortDateString() // 20200805 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortDateString(carbon.Tokyo) // 20200805 + +// 時間文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToTimeString() // 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // 14:14:15 +// 略語時間文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortTimeString() // 131415 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // 141415 + +// Ansic フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToAnsicString() // Wed Aug 5 13:14:15 2020 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToAnsicString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed Aug 5 14:14:15 2020 +// Atom フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToAtomString() // 2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToAtomString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05T14:14:15+08:00 +// UnixDate フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToUnixDateString() // Wed Aug 5 13:14:15 CST 2020 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToUnixDateString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed Aug 5 14:14:15 JST 2020 +// RubyDate フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRubyDateString() // Wed Aug 05 13:14:15 +0800 2020 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRubyDateString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed Aug 05 14:14:15 +0900 2020 +// Kitchen フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToKitchenString() // 1:14PM +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToKitchenString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2:14PM +// Cookie フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToCookieString() // Wednesday, 05-Aug-2020 13:14:15 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToCookieString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wednesday, 05-Aug-2020 14:14:15 JST +// DayDateTime フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDayDateTimeString() // Wed, Aug 5, 2020 1:14 PM +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDayDateTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, Aug 5, 2020 2:14 PM +// RSS フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRssString() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRssString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 +0900 +// W3C フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToW3cString() // 2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToW3cString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05T14:14:15+09:00 + +// ISO8601 フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToIso8601String() // 2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToIso8601String(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05T14:14:15+09:00 +// RFC822 フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc822String() // 05 Aug 20 13:14 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc822String(carbon.Tokyo) // 05 Aug 20 14:14 JST +// RFC822Z フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc822zString() // 05 Aug 20 13:14 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc822zString(carbon.Tokyo) // 05 Aug 20 14:14 +0900 +// RFC850 フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc850String() // Wednesday, 05-Aug-20 13:14:15 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc850String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wednesday, 05-Aug-20 14:14:15 JST +// RFC1036 フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1036String() // Wed, 05 Aug 20 13:14:15 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1036String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 20 14:14:15 +0900 +// RFC1123 フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1123String() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1123String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 JST +// RFC1123Z フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1123zString() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1123zString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 0800 +// RFC2822 フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc2822String() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc2822String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 +0900 +// RFC3339 フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc3339String() // 2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc3339String(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05T14:14:15+09:00 +// RFC7231 フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc7231String() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 GMT +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc7231String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 GMT + +// 日付時間文字列を出力 +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.Tokyo)) // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 + +// "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 -0700 MST" フォーマット文字列を出力 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +0800 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +0900 JST + +// レイアウトを指定する文字列を出力, Layout() は 是ToLayoutString() の略記です +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Layout("20060102150405") // 20200805131415 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Layout("2006年01月02日 15时04分05秒") // 2020年08月05日 13时14分15秒 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Layout("It is 2006-01-02 15:04:05") // It is 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Layout("2006-01-02 15:04:05", carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 + +// 指定されたフォーマットの文字列を出力, Format() は 是ToFormatString() の略記です +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("YmdHis") // 20200805131415 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("Y年m月d日 H时i分s秒") // 2020年08月05日 13时14分15秒 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("l jS \\o\\f F Y h:i:s A") // Wednesday 5th of August 2020 01:14:15 PM +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("\\I\\t \\i\\s Y-m-d H:i:s") // It is 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("Y-m-d H:i:s", carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +> もっとフォーマットした出力記号は付録を見てください 書式設定記号表 + +##### 星座 + +```go +// 星座を取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Constellation() // Leo + +// 牡羊座ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsAries() // false +// おうし座ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsTaurus() // false +// 双子座ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsGemini() // false +// かに座ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsCancer() // false +// 獅子座ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsLeo() // true +// おとめ座ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsVirgo() // false +// 天秤座ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsLibra() // false +// さそり座ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsScorpio() // false +// 射手座ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSagittarius() // false +// 山羊座ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsCapricorn() // false +// 水瓶座ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsAquarius() // false +// 魚座ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsPisces() // false +``` + +##### 季節 + +> 気象区分によると、3-5月は春で、6-8月は夏で、9-11月は秋で、12-2月は冬です + +```go +// シーズンを取得 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Season() // Summer + +// この季節の始まり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfSeason().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-06-01 00:00:00 +// この季節の終わり +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfSeason().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-31 23:59:59 + +// 春かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSpring() // false +// 夏かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSummer() // true +// 秋かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsAutumn() // false +// 冬かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsWinter() // false +``` + +##### 中国の旧暦 + +> 現在は西暦`1900`年`2100`年の`200`年スパンだけをサポートしています + +```go +// 干支を取得します +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Animal() // 鼠 + +// 中国の旧暦の祝日を獲得します +carbon.Parse("2021-02-12 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Festival() // 春节 + +// 中国の旧正月を取得する +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Year() // 2020 +// 中国の太陰月を取得する +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Month() // 6 +// 中国の旧暦のうるう月を取得する +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().LeapMonth() // 4 +// 中国の太陰暦を取得する +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Day() // 16 +// 中国の旧正月 YYYY-MM-DD フォーマット文字列を取得します +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar()) // 2020-06-16 + +// 中国の旧正月文字列を取得します +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().ToYearString() // 二零二零 +// 中国の旧正月文字列を取得します +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().ToMonthString() // 六 +// 中国の旧正月の日文字列を取得します +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().ToDayString() // 十六 +// 中国の旧正月日付文字列を取得します +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().ToDateString() // 二零二零年六月十六 + +// 中国の旧正月の閏年ですか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsLeapYear() // true +// 中国の旧暦の閏月かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsLeapMonth() // false + +// ねずみ年かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsRatYear() // true +// 牛年かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsOxYear() // false +// 寅年かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsTigerYear() // false +// うさぎ年かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsRabbitYear() // false +// 龍年かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsDragonYear() // false +// 蛇の年かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsSnakeYear() // false +// 馬年かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsHorseYear() // false +// 羊年かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsGoatYear() // false +// 申年かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsMonkeyYear() // false +// 鶏の年かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsRoosterYear() // false +// 犬年かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsDogYear() // false +// 豚年かどうか +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsPigYear() // false +``` + +##### JSON 処理 + +###### 定義モデル + +```go +type Person struct { + ID int64 `json:"id"` + Name string `json:"name"` + Age int `json:"age"` + Birthday carbon.DateTime `json:"birthday"` + GraduatedAt carbon.Date `json:"graduated_at"` + CreatedAt carbon.Time `json:"created_at"` + UpdatedAt carbon.Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` + DateTime1 carbon.TimestampWithSecond `json:"date_time1"` + DateTime2 carbon.TimestampWithMillisecond `json:"date_time2"` + DateTime3 carbon.TimestampWithMicrosecond `json:"date_time3"` + DateTime4 carbon.TimestampWithNanosecond `json:"date_time4"` +} +``` + +###### 初期化モデル + +```go +person := Person { + ID: 1, + Name: "gouguoyin", + Age: 18, + Birthday: carbon.DateTime{carbon.Now().SubYears(18)}, + GraduatedAt: carbon.Date{carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")}, + CreatedAt: carbon.Time{carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15")}, + UpdatedAt: carbon.Timestamp{carbon.Parse("2022-08-05 13:14:15")}, + DateTime1: carbon.TimestampWithSecond{carbon.Parse("2023-08-05 13:14:15")}, + DateTime2: carbon.TimestampWithMillisecond{carbon.Parse("2024-08-05 13:14:15")}, + DateTime3: carbon.TimestampWithMicrosecond{carbon.Parse("2025-08-05 13:14:15")}, + DateTime4: carbon.TimestampWithNanosecond{carbon.Parse("2025-08-05 13:14:15")}, +} +``` + +###### JSON コーディング + +```go +data, err := json.Marshal(&person) +if err != nil { + // エラー処理... + log.Fatal(c.Error) +} +fmt.Printf("%s", data) +// 出力 +{ + "id": 1, + "name": "gouguoyin", + "age": 18, + "birthday": "2003-07-16 16:22:02", + "graduated_at": "2020-08-05", + "created_at": "13:14:15", + "updated_at": 1659676455, + "date_time1": 1691212455, + "date_time2": 1722834855000, + "date_time3": 1754370855000000, + "date_time4": 1754370855000000000 +} +``` + +###### JSON 復号 + +```go +jsonString := `{ + "id": 1, + "name": "gouguoyin", + "age": 18, + "birthday": "2003-07-16 16:22:02", + "graduated_at": "2020-08-05", + "updated_at": 1659676455, + "date_time1": 1691212455, + "date_time2": 1722834855000, + "date_time3": 1754370855000000, + "date_time4": 1754370855000000000 +}` +person := new(Person) +err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonString), &person) +if err != nil { + // エラー処理... + log.Fatal(c.Error) +} +fmt.Printf("%+v", *person) +// 出力 +{ID:1 Name:gouguoyin Age:18 Birthday:2003-07-16 16:22:02 GraduatedAt:2020-08-05 00:00:00 UpdatedAt:2022-08-05 13:14:15 DateTime1:2023-08-05 13:14:15 DateTime2:2024-08-05 13:14:15 DateTime3:2025-08-05 13:14:15 DateTime4:2025-08-05 13:14:15} +``` + +##### 国際化サポート + +現在サポートされている言語 + +* [简体中国語(zh-CN)](./lang/zh-CN.json "简体中国語") +* [繁体中国語(zh-TW)](./lang/zh-TW.json "繁体中国語") +* [英語(en)](./lang/en.json "英語") +* [日本語(jp)](./lang/jp.json "日本語") +* [韓国語(kr)](./lang/kr.json "韓国語") +* [スペイン語(es)](./lang/es.json "スペイン語"):[hgisinger](https://github.com/hgisinger "hgisinger") から翻訳されます +* [ドイツ語(de)](./lang/de.json "ドイツ語"):[benzammour](https://github.com/benzammour "benzammour") から翻訳されます +* [トルコ語(tr)](./lang/tr.json "トルコ語"):[emresenyuva](https://github.com/emresenyuva "emresenyuva") から翻訳されます +* [ポルトガル語(pt)](./lang/pt.json "ポルトガル語"):[felipear89](https://github.com/felipear89 "felipear89") から翻訳されます +* [ロシア語(ru)](./lang/ru.json "ロシア語"):[zemlyak](https://github.com/zemlyak "zemlyak") から翻訳されます + +現在サポートされている方法 + +* `Constellation()`:星座を取得 +* `Season()`:シーズンを取得 +* `DiffForHumans()`:人間に優しい読み取り可能なフォーマットの時間差を取得します +* `ToMonthString()`:月文字列を出力 +* `ToShortMonthString()`:略語月文字列を出力 +* `ToWeekString()`:週文字列を出力 +* `ToShortWeekString()`:略語週文字列を出力 + +###### エリアの設定 + +```go +lang := carbon.NewLanguage() +lang.SetLocale("zh-CN") + +c := carbon.SetLanguage(lang) +if c.Error != nil { + // エラー処理 + log.Fatal(err) +} + +c.Now().AddHours(1).DiffForHumans() // 1 小时后 +c.Now().AddHours(1).ToMonthString() // 八月 +c.Now().AddHours(1).ToShortMonthString() // 8月 +c.Now().AddHours(1).ToWeekString() // 星期二 +c.Now().AddHours(1).ToShortWeekString() // 周二 +c.Now().AddHours(1).Constellation() // 狮子座 +c.Now().AddHours(1).Season() // 夏季 +``` + +###### 翻訳リソースの一部を書き換える(残りはまだ指定された `locale` ファイルの内容によって翻訳されます) + +```go +lang := carbon.NewLanguage() +lang.SetLocale("en") + +resources := map[string]string { + "hour": "%dh", +} +lang.SetResources(resources) + +c := carbon.SetLanguage(lang) +if c.Error != nil { + // エラー処理 + log.Fatal(err) +} + +c.Now().AddYears(1).DiffForHumans() // 1 year from now +c.Now().AddHours(1).DiffForHumans() // 1h from now +c.Now().ToMonthString() // August +c.Now().ToShortMonthString() // Aug +c.Now().ToWeekString() // Tuesday +c.Now().ToShortWeekString() // Tue +c.Now().Constellation() // Leo +c.Now().Season() // Summer +``` + +###### すべての翻訳リソースを書き換えます + +```go +lang := carbon.NewLanguage() +resources := map[string]string { + "months": "january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december", + "short_months": "jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec", + "weeks": "sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday", + "short_weeks": "sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat", + "seasons": "spring|summer|autumn|winter", + "constellations": "aries|taurus|gemini|cancer|leo|virgo|libra|scorpio|sagittarius|capricornus|aquarius|pisce", + "year": "1 yr|%d yrs", + "month": "1 mo|%d mos", + "week": "%dw", + "day": "%dd", + "hour": "%dh", + "minute": "%dm", + "second": "%ds", + "now": "just now", + "ago": "%s ago", + "from_now": "in %s", + "before": "%s before", + "after": "%s after", +} +lang.SetResources(resources) + +c := carbon.SetLanguage(lang) +c.Now().AddYears(1).DiffForHumans() // in 1 yr +c.Now().AddHours(1).DiffForHumans() // in 1h +c.Now().ToMonthString() // august +c.Now().ToShortMonthString() // aug +c.Now().ToWeekString() // tuesday +c.Now().ToShortWeekString() // tue +c.Now().Constellation() // leo +c.Now().Season() // summer +``` + +##### エラー処理 + +> 複数のエラーが発生した場合、最初のエラーだけを返します。前のエラーは削除された後、次のエラーに戻ります + +###### シーン一 + +```go +c := carbon.SetTimezone(PRC).Parse("xxx") +if c.Error != nil { + // エラー処理... + log.Fatal(c.Error) +} +fmt.Println(c.ToDateTimeString()) +// 出力 +cannot parse "xxx" as carbon, please make sure the value is valid +``` + +###### シーン二 + +```go +c := carbon.SetTimezone("xxx").Parse("2020-08-05") +if c.Error != nil { + // エラー処理... + log.Fatal(c.Error) +} +fmt.Println(c.ToDateTimeString()) +// 出力 +invalid timezone "xxx", please see the file "$GOROOT/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip" for all valid timezones +``` + +###### シーン三 + +```go +c := carbon.SetTimezone("xxx").Parse("12345678") +if c.Error != nil { + // エラー処理... + log.Fatal(c.Error) +} +fmt.Println(c.ToDateTimeString()) +// 出力 +invalid timezone "xxx", please see the file "$GOROOT/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip" for all valid timezone +``` + +#### 付録 + +##### 書式設定記号表 + +| 記号 | 説明 | 長さ | 範囲 | 例 | +| :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | +| d | 月の中の何日目ですか | 2 | 01-31 | 02 | +| D | 略語は何曜日を表しますか | 3 | Mon-Sun | Mon | +| j | 月の中の何日目ですか | - |1-31 | 2 | +| S | 何日目の英語の略語の接尾語,普通はjと協力して使います | 2 | st/nd/rd/th | th | +| l | 完全な単語は何曜日を表しますか | - | Monday-Sunday | Monday | +| F | 完全な単語は月を表しますか | - | January-December | January | +| m | 数字が示す月は | 2 | 01-12 | 01 | +| M | 略語の月 | 3 | Jan-Dec | Jan | +| n | 数字が示す月 | - | 1-12 | 1 | +| Y | 数字が示す年 | 4 | 0000-9999 | 2006 | +| y | 数字が示す年 | 2 | 00-99 | 06 | +| a | 小文字の午前と午後の標識 | 2 | am/pm | pm | +| A | 大文字の午前と午後の表示 | 2 | AM/PM | PM | +| g | 時間, 12時間のフォーマット | - | 1-12 | 3 | +| G | 時間, 24時間のフォーマット | - | 0-23 | 15 | +| h | 時間, 12時間のフォーマット | 2 | 00-11 | 03 | +| H | 時間, 24時間のフォーマット | 2 | 00-23 | 15 | +| i | 分 | 2 | 01-59 | 04 | +| s | 秒 | 2 | 01-59 | 05 | +| c | ISO8601 フォーマットの日付 | - | - | 2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00 | +| r | RFC2822 フォーマットの日付 | - | - | Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700 | +| O | グリニッジとの時間差の時間数 | - | - | +0700 | +| P | グリニッジと時間の差の時間数, 時間と分の間にコロンがあります | - | - | +07:00 | +| T | タイムゾーンの略語 | - | - | MST | +| W | ISO8601 フォーマットの数字は年の中の第数週を表します | - | 1-52 | 1 | +| N | ISO8601 フォーマットの数字は曜日の中の何日目を表しますか | 1 | 1-7 | 1 | +| L | うるう年かどうか, うるう年が1であれば, 0です | 1 | 0-1 | 0 | +| U | 秒タイムスタンプ | 10 | - | 1611818268 | +| u | ミリ秒 | 3 | 000-999 | 999 | +| w | 数字の表示の曜日 | 1 | 0-6 | 1 | +| t | 月の総日数 | 2 | 28-31 | 31 | +| z | 年の中の何日目 | - | 0-365 | 2 | +| e | 位置 | - | - | America/New_York | +| Q | 季節 | 1 | 1-4 | 1 | +| C | 世紀 | - | 0-99 | 21 | + +#### 参考文献 + +* [briannesbitt/carbon](https://github.com/briannesbitt/Carbon) +* [jinzhu/now](https://github.com/jinzhu/now) +* [goframe/gtime](https://github.com/gogf/gf/tree/master/os/gtime) +* [arrow-py/arrow](https://github.com/arrow-py/arrow) +* [moment/moment](https://github.com/moment/moment) +* [iamkun/dayjs](https://github.com/iamkun/dayjs) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/README.md b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..03f259b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,1287 @@ +# Carbon + +[![Carbon Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/golang-module/carbon.svg)](https://github.com/golang-module/carbon/releases) +[![Go Test](https://github.com/golang-module/carbon/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/golang-module/carbon/actions) +[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/golang-module/carbon)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/golang-module/carbon) +[![Go Coverage](https://codecov.io/gh/golang-module/carbon/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/golang-module/carbon) +[![Carbon Doc](https://img.shields.io/badge/go.dev-reference-brightgreen?logo=go&logoColor=white&style=flat)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang-module/carbon) +![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/golang-module/carbon) + +English | [简体中文](README.cn.md) | [日本語](README.jp.md) + +#### Introduction + +A simple, semantic and developer-friendly golang package for datetime + +Carbon has been included by [awesome-go](https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go#date-and-time "awesome-go"), if you think +it is helpful, please give me a star + +[github.com/golang-module/carbon](https://github.com/golang-module/carbon "github.com/golang-module/carbon") + +[gitee.com/go-package/carbon](https://gitee.com/go-package/carbon "gitee.com/go-package/carbon") + +#### Installation + +##### Go version < 1.16 + +```go +// By github +go get -u github.com/golang-module/carbon + +import ( + "github.com/golang-module/carbon" +) + +// By gitee +go get -u gitee.com/go-package/carbon + +import ( + "gitee.com/go-package/carbon" +) +``` + +##### Go version >= 1.16 + +```go +// By github +go get -u github.com/golang-module/carbon/v2 + +import ( + "github.com/golang-module/carbon/v2" +) + +// By gitee +go get -u gitee.com/go-package/carbon/v2 + +import ( + "gitee.com/go-package/carbon/v2" +) +``` + +#### Usage and example + +> The default timezone is Local, assuming the current time is 2020-08-05 13:14:15 + +##### Yesterday, today and tomorrow + +```go +// Return datetime of today +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Now()) // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Now().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +// Return date of today +carbon.Now().ToDateString() // 2020-08-05 +// Return time of today +carbon.Now().ToTimeString() // 13:14:15 +// Return datetime of today in a given timezone +carbon.Now(Carbon.NewYork).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(Carbon.NewYork).Now().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// Return timestamp with second of today +carbon.Now().Timestamp() // 1596604455 +carbon.Now().TimestampWithSecond() // 1596604455 +// Return timestamp with millisecond of today +carbon.Now().TimestampWithMillisecond() // 1596604455000 +// Return timestamp with microsecond of today +carbon.Now().TimestampWithMicrosecond() // 1596604455000000 +// Return timestamp with nanosecond of today +carbon.Now().TimestampWithNanosecond() // 1596604455000000000 + +// Return datetime of yesterday +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Yesterday()) // 2020-08-04 13:14:15 +carbon.Yesterday().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-04 13:14:15 +// Return date of yesterday +carbon.Yesterday().ToDateString() // 2020-08-04 +// Return time of yesterday +carbon.Yesterday().ToTimeString() // 13:14:15 +// Return datetime of yesterday on a given day +carbon.Parse("2021-01-28 13:14:15").Yesterday().ToDateTimeString() // 2021-01-27 13:14:15 +// Return datetime of yesterday in a given timezone +carbon.Yesterday(Carbon.NewYork).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-04 14:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(Carbon.NewYork).Yesterday().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-04 14:14:15 +// Return timestamp with second of yesterday +carbon.Yesterday().Timestamp() // 1596518055 +carbon.Yesterday().TimestampWithSecond() // 1596518055 +// Return timestamp with millisecond of yesterday +carbon.Yesterday().TimestampWithMillisecond() // 1596518055000 +// Return timestamp with microsecond of yesterday +carbon.Yesterday().TimestampWithMicrosecond() // 1596518055000000 +// Return timestamp with nanosecond of yesterday +carbon.Yesterday().TimestampWithNanosecond() // 1596518055000000000 + +// Return datetime of tomorrow +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Tomorrow()) // 2020-08-06 13:14:15 +carbon.Tomorrow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-06 13:14:15 +// Return date of tomorrow +carbon.Tomorrow().ToDateString() // 2020-08-06 +// Return time of tomorrow +carbon.Tomorrow().ToTimeString() // 13:14:15 +// Return datetime of tomorrow on a given day +carbon.Parse("2021-01-28 13:14:15").Tomorrow().ToDateTimeString() // 2021-01-29 13:14:15 +// Return datetime of tomorrow in a given timezone +carbon.Tomorrow(Carbon.NewYork).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-06 14:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(Carbon.NewYork).Tomorrow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-06 14:14:15 +// Return timestamp with second of tomorrow +carbon.Tomorrow().Timestamp() // 1596690855 +carbon.Tomorrow().TimestampWithSecond() // 1596690855 +// Return timestamp with millisecond of tomorrow +carbon.Tomorrow().TimestampWithMillisecond() // 1596690855000 +// Return timestamp with microsecond of tomorrow +carbon.Tomorrow().TimestampWithMicrosecond() // 1596690855000000 +// Return timestamp with nanosecond of tomorrow +carbon.Tomorrow().TimestampWithNanosecond() // 1596690855000000000 +``` + +##### Create a Carbon instance + +```go +// Create a Carbon instance from a given timestamp with second +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(-1).ToDateTimeString() // 1970-01-01 07:59:59 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(-1, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 1970-01-01 08:59:59 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(0).ToDateTimeString() // 1970-01-01 08:00:00 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(0, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 1970-01-01 09:00:00 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// Create a Carbon instance from a given timestamp with millisecond +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// Create a Carbon instance from a given timestamp with microsecond +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000000).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000000, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// Create a Carbon instance from a given timestamp with nanosecond +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000000000).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1596604455000000000, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 + +// Create a Carbon instance from a given year, month, day, hour, minute and second +carbon.CreateFromDateTime(2020, 8, 5, 13, 14, 15).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromDateTime(2020, 8, 5, 13, 14, 15, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// Create a Carbon instance from a given year, month and day +carbon.CreateFromDate(2020, 8, 5).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromDate(2020, 8, 5, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// Create a Carbon instance from a given hour, minute and second +carbon.CreateFromTime(13, 14, 15).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.CreateFromTime(13, 14, 15, carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +##### Parse a standard string as a Carbon instance + +```go +carbon.Parse("").ToDateTimeString() // empty string +carbon.Parse("0").ToDateTimeString() // empty string +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00 00:00:00").ToDateTimeString() // empty string +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00").ToDateTimeString() // empty string +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("20200805131415").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("20200805").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +##### Parse a string as a carbon instance by format + +```go +carbon.ParseByFormat("2020|08|05 13|14|15", "Y|m|d H|i|s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByFormat("It is 2020-08-05 13:14:15", "\\I\\t \\i\\s Y-m-d H:i:s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByFormat("今天是 2020年08月05日13时14分15秒", "今天是 Y年m月d日H时i分s秒").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByFormat("2020-08-05 13:14:15", "Y-m-d H:i:s", carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +##### Parse a string as a carbon instance by layout + +```go +carbon.ParseByLayout("2020|08|05 13|14|15", "2006|01|02 15|04|05").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByLayout("It is 2020-08-05 13:14:15", "It is 2006-01-02 15:04:05").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByLayout("今天是 2020年08月05日13时14分15秒", "今天是 2006年01月02日15时04分05秒").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.ParseByLayout("2020-08-05 13:14:15", "2006-01-02 15:04:05", carbon.Tokyo).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +##### Convert between carbon and time.Time + +```go +// Convert Time.time into Carbon +carbon.Time2Carbon(time.Now()) +// Convert Carbon into Time.time +carbon.Now().Carbon2Time() +``` + +##### Start and end + +```go +// Start of the century +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfCentury().ToDateTimeString() // 2000-01-01 00:00:00 +// End of the century +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfCentury().ToDateTimeString() // 2999-12-31 23:59:59 + +// Start of the decade +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-01-01 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-01-01 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2029-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-01-01 00:00:00 +// End of the decade +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2029-12-31 23:59:59 +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2029-12-31 23:59:59 +carbon.Parse("2029-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2029-12-31 23:59:59 + +// Start of the year +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfYear().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-01-01 00:00:00 +// End of the year +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfYear().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-12-31 23:59:59 + +// Start of the quarter +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfQuarter().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-07-01 00:00:00 +// End of the quarter +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfQuarter().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-09-30 23:59:59 + +// Start of the month +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfMonth().ToStartTimeString() // 2020-08-01 00:00:00 +// End of the month +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfMonth().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-31 23:59:59 + +// Start of the week +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-02 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Sunday).StartOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-02 00:00:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Monday).StartOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-03 00:00:00 +// End of the week +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-08 23:59:59 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Sunday).EndOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-08 23:59:59 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Monday).EndOfWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-09 23:59:59 + +// Start of the day +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfDay().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 00:00:00 +// End of the day +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfDay().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 23:59:59 + +// Start of the hour +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfHour().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:00:00 +// End of the hour +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfHour().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:59:59 + +// Start of the minute +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfMinute().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:00 +// End of the minute +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfMinute().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:59 + +// Start of the second +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfSecond().Format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u") // 2020-08-05 13:14:15.0 +// End of the second +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfSecond().Format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u") // 2020-08-05 13:14:15.999 +``` + +##### Addition and subtraction + +```go +// Add three centuries +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddCenturies(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2320-02-29 13:14:15 +// Add three centuries without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddCenturiesNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2320-02-29 13:14:15 +// Add one century +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddCentury().ToDateTimeString() // 2120-02-29 13:14:15 +// Add one century without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddCenturyNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2120-02-29 13:14:15 +// Subtract three centuries +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubCenturies(3).ToDateTimeString() // 1720-02-29 13:14:15 +// Subtract three centuries without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubCenturiesNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 1720-02-29 13:14:15 +// Subtract one century +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubCentury().ToDateTimeString() // 1920-02-29 13:14:15 +// Subtract one century without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubCenturyNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 1920-02-20 13:14:15 + +// Add three decades +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").Decades(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2050-03-01 13:14:15 +// Add three decades without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddDecadesNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2050-02-28 13:14:15 +// Add one decade +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2030-03-01 13:14:15 +// Add one decade without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddDecadeNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2030-02-28 13:14:15 +// Subtract three decades +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubDecades(3).ToDateTimeString() // 1990-03-01 13:14:15 +// Subtract three decades without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubDecadesNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 1990-02-28 13:14:15 +// Subtract one decade +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubDecade().ToDateTimeString() // 2010-03-01 13:14:15 +// Subtract one decade without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubDecadeNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2010-02-28 13:14:15 + +// Add three years +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddYears(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2023-03-01 13:14:15 +// Add three years without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddYearsNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2023-02-28 13:14:15 +// Add one year +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddYear().ToDateTimeString() // 2021-03-01 13:14:15 +// Add one year without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddYearNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2021-02-28 13:14:15 +// Subtract three years +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubYears(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2017-03-01 13:14:15 +// Subtract three years without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubYearsNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2017-02-28 13:14:15 +// Subtract one year +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubYear().ToDateTimeString() // 2019-03-01 13:14:15 +// Subtract one year without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubYearNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2019-02-28 13:14:15 + +// Add three quarters +carbon.Parse("2019-08-31 13:14:15").AddQuarters(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-03-02 13:14:15 +// Add three quarters without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2019-08-31 13:14:15").AddQuartersNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-02-29 13:14:15 +// Add one quarter +carbon.Parse("2019-11-30 13:14:15").AddQuarter().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-01 13:14:15 +// Add one quarter without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2019-11-30 13:14:15").AddQuarterNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-29 13:14:15 +// Subtract three quarters +carbon.Parse("2019-08-31 13:14:15").SubQuarters(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-03-03 13:14:15 +// Subtract three quarters without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2019-08-31 13:14:15").SubQuartersNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-02-28 13:14:15 +// Subtract one quarter +carbon.Parse("2020-05-31 13:14:15").SubQuarter().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-02 13:14:15 +// Subtract one quarter without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-05-31 13:14:15").SubQuarterNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-29 13:14:15 + +// Add three months +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddMonths(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-05-29 13:14:15 +// Add three months without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddMonthsNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-05-29 13:14:15 +// Add one month +carbon.Parse("2020-01-31 13:14:15").AddMonth().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-02 13:14:15 +// Add one month without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-01-31 13:14:15").AddMonthNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-29 13:14:15 +// Subtract three months +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubMonths(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-11-29 13:14:15 +// Subtract three months without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubMonthsNoOverflow(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2019-11-29 13:14:15 +// Subtract one month +carbon.Parse("2020-03-31 13:14:15").SubMonth().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-02 13:14:15 +// Subtract one month without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-03-31 13:14:15").SubMonthNoOverflow().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-29 13:14:15 + +// Add three weeks +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddWeeks(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-21 13:14:15 +// Add one week +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").AddWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-03-07 13:14:15 +// Subtract three weeks +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubWeeks(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-08 13:14:15 +// Subtract three week +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29 13:14:15").SubWeek().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-02-22 13:14:15 + +// Add three days +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDays(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-08 13:14:15 +// Add one day +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDay().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +// Subtract three days +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDays(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-02 13:14:15 +// Subtract one day +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDay().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-04 13:14:15 + +// Add three hours +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddHours(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 16:14:15 +// Add two and a half hours +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2.5h").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 15:44:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2h30m").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 15:44:15 +// Add one hour +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddHour().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// Subtract three hours +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubHours(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 10:14:15 +// Subtract two and a half hours +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2.5h").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 10:44:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2h30m").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 10:44:15 +// Subtract one hour +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubHour().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 12:14:15 + +// Add three minutes +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddMinutes(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:17:15 +// Add two and a half minutes +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2.5m").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:16:45 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2m30s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:16:45 +// Add one minute +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddMinute().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:15:15 +// Subtract three minutes +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubMinutes(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:11:15 +// Subtract two and a half minutes +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2.5m").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:11:45 +// Subtract one minute +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubMinute().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:13:15 + +// Add three seconds +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddSeconds(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:18 +// Add two and a half seconds +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddDuration("2.5s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:17 +// Add one second +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").AddSecond().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:16 +// Subtract three seconds +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubSeconds(3).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:12 +// Subtract two and a half seconds +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubDuration("2.5s").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:12 +// Subtract one second +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SubSecond().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:14 +``` + +##### Difference + +```go +// Difference in years +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInYears(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // -1 +// Difference in years with absolute value +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInYearsWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // 1 + +// Difference in months +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInMonths(carbon.Parse("2020-07-05 13:14:15")) // -1 +// Difference in months with absolute value +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInMonthsWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-07-05 13:14:15")) // 1 + +// Difference in weeks +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInWeeks(carbon.Parse("2020-07-28 13:14:15")) // -1 +// Difference in weeks with absolute value +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInWeeksWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-07-28 13:14:15")) // 1 + +// Difference in days +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInDays(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // -1 +// Difference in days with absolute value +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInDaysWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // 1 + +// Difference in hours +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInHours(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 12:14:15")) // -1 +// Difference in hours with absolute value +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInHoursWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 12:14:15")) // 1 + +// Difference in minutes +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInMinutes(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:13:15")) // -1 +// Difference in minutes with absolute value +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInMinutesWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:13:15")) // 1 + +// Difference in seconds +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInSeconds(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:14")) // -1 +// Difference in seconds with absolute value +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffInSecondsWithAbs(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:14")) // 1 + +// Difference in string +carbon.Now().DiffInString() // just now +carbon.Now().AddYearsNoOverflow(1).DiffInString() // -1 year +carbon.Now().SubYearsNoOverflow(1).DiffInString() // 1 year +// Difference in string with absolute value +carbon.Now().DiffInStringWithAbs(carbon.Now()) // just now +carbon.Now().AddYearsNoOverflow(1).DiffInStringWithAbs(carbon.Now()) // 1 year +carbon.Now().SubYearsNoOverflow(1).DiffInStringWithAbs(carbon.Now()) // 1 year + +// Difference in human friendly readable format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // just now +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // 1 year ago +carbon.Parse("2018-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // 2 years ago +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // 1 year from now +carbon.Parse("2022-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans() // 2 years from now +// Difference in human friendly readable format from now time +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans(carbon.Now()) // 1 year before +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans(carbon.Now()) // 2 years before +carbon.Parse("2018-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans(carbon.Now()) // 1 year after +carbon.Parse("2022-08-05 13:14:15").DiffForHumans(carbon.Now()) // 2 years after +``` + +##### Comparison + +```go +// Whether is zero time +carbon.Parse("").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("0").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00 00:00:00").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("00:00:00").IsZero() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 00:00:00").IsZero() // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").IsZero() // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").SetTimezone("xxx").IsZero() // false + +// Whether is invalid time +carbon.Parse("").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("0").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00 00:00:00").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("0000-00-00").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("00:00:00").IsInvalid() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 00:00:00").IsInvalid() // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").IsInvalid() // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").SetTimezone("xxx").IsInvalid() // true + +// Whether is now time +carbon.Now().IsNow() // true +// Whether is future time +carbon.Tomorrow().IsFuture() // true +// Whether is pass time +carbon.Yesterday().IsPast() // true + +// Whether is a leap year +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsLeapYear() // true +// Whether is a long year +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsLongYear() // true + +// Whether is January +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsJanuary() // false +// Whether is February +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsFebruary() // false +// Whether is March +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsMarch() // false +// Whether is April +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsApril() // false +// Whether is May +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsMay() // false +// Whether is June +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsJune() // false +// Whether is July +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsJuly() // false +// Whether is August +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsAugust() // false +// Whether is September +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSeptember() // true +// Whether is October +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsOctober() // false +// Whether is November +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsNovember() // false +// Whether is December +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsDecember() // false + +// Whether is Monday +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsMonday() // false +// Whether is Tuesday +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsTuesday() // true +// Whether is Wednesday +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsWednesday() // false +// Whether is Thursday +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsThursday() // false +// Whether is Friday +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsFriday() // false +// Whether is Saturday +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSaturday() // false +// Whether is Sunday +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSunday() // false +// Whether is weekday +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsWeekday() // false +// Whether is weekend +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsWeekend() // true + +// Whether is yesterday +carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15").IsYesterday() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 00:00:00").IsYesterday() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-04").IsYesterday() // true +// Whether is today +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsToday() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 00:00:00").IsToday() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05").IsToday() // true +// Whether is tomorrow +carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15").IsTomorrow() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 00:00:00").IsTomorrow() // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-06").IsTomorrow() // true + +// Whether greater than +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Gt(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Gt(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare(">", carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare(">", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false + +// Whether less than +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Lt(carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Lt(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<", carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false + +// Whether equal +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Eq(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Eq(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:00")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:00")) // false + +// Whether not equal +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Ne(carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Ne(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("!=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<>", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // false + +// Whether greater than or equal +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Gte(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Gte(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare(">=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare(">=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true + +// Whether less than or equal +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Lte(carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Lte(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Compare("<=", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true + +// Whether between two Carbon instances, excluded the start and end Carbon instance +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Between(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // false +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Between(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true + +// Whether between two Carbon instances, included the start Carbon instance +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedStart(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedStart(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true + +// Whether between two Carbon instances, included the end Carbon instance +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedEnd(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedEnd(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true + +// Whether between two Carbon instances, included the start and end Carbon instance +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedBoth(carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-06 13:14:15")) // true +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").BetweenIncludedBoth(carbon.Parse("2020-08-04 13:14:15"), carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // true +``` + +> For the definition of long year, please see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Week_dates + +##### Setter + +```go +// Set timezone +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).Now().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Now().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Now().SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 12:14:15 + +// Set locale +carbon.Parse("2020-07-05 13:14:15").SetLocale("en").DiffForHumans() // 1 month before +carbon.Parse("2020-07-05 13:14:15").SetLocale("zh-CN").DiffForHumans() // 1 月前 + +// Set year +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29").SetYear(2021).ToDateString() // 2021-03-01 +// Set year without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-29").SetYearNoOverflow(2021).ToDateString() // 2021-02-28 + +// Set month +carbon.Parse("2020-01-31").SetMonth(2).ToDateString() // 2020-03-02 +// Set month without overflowing month +carbon.Parse("2020-01-31").SetMonthNoOverflow(2).ToDateString() // 2020-02-29 + +// set start day of the week +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Sunday).Week() // 0 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Monday).Week() // 6 + +// Set day +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05").SetDay(31).ToDateString() // 2020-08-31 +carbon.Parse("2020-02-01").SetDay(31).ToDateString() // 2020-03-02 + +// Set hour +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetHour(10).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 10:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetHour(24).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-06 00:14:15 + +// Set minute +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMinute(10).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:10:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMinute(60).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 14:00:15 + +// Set second +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetSecond(10).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:10 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetSecond(60).ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:15:00 + +// set millisecond +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMillisecond(100).Millisecond() // 100 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMillisecond(999).Millisecond() // 999 + +// set microsecond +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMicrosecond(100000).Microsecond() // 100000 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetMicrosecond(999999).Microsecond() // 999999 + +// set nanosecond +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetNanosecond(100000000).Nanosecond() // 100000000 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").SetNanosecond(999999999).Nanosecond() // 999999999 +``` + +##### Getter + +```go +// Get total days of the year +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05 13:14:15").DaysInYear() // 365 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DaysInYear() // 366 +// Get total days of the month +carbon.Parse("2020-02-01 13:14:15").DaysInMonth() // 29 +carbon.Parse("2020-04-01 13:14:15").DaysInMonth() // 30 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-01 13:14:15").DaysInMonth() // 31 + +// Get day of the year +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DayOfYear() // 218 +// Get week of the year +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").WeekOfYear() // 32 +// Get day of the month +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DayOfMonth() // 5 +// Get week of the month +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").WeekOfMonth() // 1 +// Get day of the week +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").DayOfWeek() // 3 + +// Get current century +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Century() // 21 +// Get current decade +carbon.Parse("2019-08-05 13:14:15").Decade() // 10 +carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15").Decade() // 20 +// Get current year +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Year() // 2020 +// Get current quarter +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Quarter() // 3 +// Get current month +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Month() // 8 +// Get current week(start with 0) +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02 13:14:15").Week() // 0 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Sunday).Week() // 0 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-02").SetWeekStartsAt(carbon.Monday).Week() // 6 +// Get current day +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Day() // 5 +// Get current hour +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Hour() // 13 +// Get current minute +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Minute() // 14 +// Get current second +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Second() // 15 +// Get current millisecond +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Millisecond() // 1596604455000 +// Get current microsecond +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Microsecond() // 1596604455000000 +// Get current nanosecond +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Nanosecond() // 1596604455000000000 + +// Get timestamp with second, Timestamp() is shorthand for TimestampWithSecond() +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Timestamp() // 1596604455 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").TimestampWithSecond() // 1596604455 +// Get timestamp with millisecond +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").TimestampWithMillisecond() // 1596604455000 +// Get timestamp with microsecond +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").TimestampWithMicrosecond() // 1596604455000000 +// Get timestamp with nanosecond +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").TimestampWithNanosecond() // 1596604455000000000 + +// Get timezone name +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).Timezone() // CST +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Timezone() // JST + +// Get location name +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).Location() // PRC +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Location() // Asia/Tokyo + +// Get offset seconds from the UTC timezone +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.PRC).Offset() // 28800 +carbon.SetTimezone(carbon.Tokyo).Offset() // 32400 + +// Get locale name +carbon.Now().SetLocale("en").Locale() // en +carbon.Now().SetLocale("zh-CN").Locale() // zh-CN + +// Get constellation name +carbon.Now().Constellation() // Leo +carbon.Now().SetLocale("en").Constellation() // Leo +carbon.Now().SetLocale("zh-CN").Constellation() // 狮子座 + +//Get season name +carbon.Now().Season() // Summer +carbon.Now().SetLocale("en").Season() // Summer +carbon.Now().SetLocale("zh-CN").Season() // 夏季 + +// Get current age +carbon.Parse("2002-01-01 13:14:15").Age() // 17 +carbon.Parse("2002-12-31 13:14:15").Age() // 18 +``` + +##### Output + +```go +// Output a string in date and time format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +// Output a string in short date and time format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortDateTimeString() // 20200805131415 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortDateTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // 20200805141415 + +// Output a in date format string +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateString() // 2020-08-05 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDateString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 +// Output a string in short date format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortDateString() // 20200805 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortDateString(carbon.Tokyo) // 20200805 + +// Output a string in time format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToTimeString() // 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // 14:14:15 +// Output a string in short time format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortTimeString() // 131415 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToShortTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // 141415 + +// Output a string in Ansic format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToAnsicString() // Wed Aug 5 13:14:15 2020 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToAnsicString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed Aug 5 14:14:15 2020 +// Output a string in Atom format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToAtomString() // 2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToAtomString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05T14:14:15+08:00 +// Output a string in unix date format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToUnixDateString() // Wed Aug 5 13:14:15 CST 2020 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToUnixDateString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed Aug 5 14:14:15 JST 2020 +// Output a string in ruby date format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRubyDateString() // Wed Aug 05 13:14:15 +0800 2020 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRubyDateString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed Aug 05 14:14:15 +0900 2020 +// Output a string in Kitchen format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToKitchenString() // 1:14PM +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToKitchenString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2:14PM +// Output a string in Cookie format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToCookieString() // Wednesday, 05-Aug-2020 13:14:15 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToCookieString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wednesday, 05-Aug-2020 14:14:15 JST +// Output a string in day, date and time format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDayDateTimeString() // Wed, Aug 5, 2020 1:14 PM +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToDayDateTimeString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, Aug 5, 2020 2:14 PM +// Output a string in RSS format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRssString() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRssString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 +0900 +// Output a string in W3C format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToW3cString() // 2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToW3cString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05T14:14:15+09:00 + +// Output a string in ISO8601 format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToIso8601String() // 2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToIso8601String(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05T14:14:15+09:00 +// Output a string in RFC822 format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc822String() // 05 Aug 20 13:14 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc822String(carbon.Tokyo) // 05 Aug 20 14:14 JST +// Output a string in RFC822Z format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc822zString() // 05 Aug 20 13:14 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc822zString(carbon.Tokyo) // 05 Aug 20 14:14 +0900 +// Output a string in RFC850 format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc850String() // Wednesday, 05-Aug-20 13:14:15 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc850String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wednesday, 05-Aug-20 14:14:15 JST +// Output a string in RFC1036 format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1036String() // Wed, 05 Aug 20 13:14:15 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1036String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 20 14:14:15 +0900 +// Output a string in RFC1123 format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1123String() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1123String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 JST +// Output a string in RFC1123Z format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1123zString() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc1123zString(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 0800 +// Output a string in RFC2822 format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc2822String() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 +0800 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc2822String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 +0900 +// Output a string in RFC3339 format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc3339String() // 2020-08-05T13:14:15+08:00 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc3339String(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05T14:14:15+09:00 +// Output a string in RFC7231 format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc7231String() // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:14:15 GMT +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToRfc7231String(carbon.Tokyo) // Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:14:15 GMT + +// Output a string in date and time format +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")) // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.Tokyo)) // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 + +// Output a string in "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 -0700 MST" format +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToString() // 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +0800 CST +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").ToString(carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +0900 JST + +// Output a string by layout, Layout() is shorthand for ToLayoutString() +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Layout("20060102150405") // 20200805131415 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Layout("2006年01月02日 15时04分05秒") // 2020年08月05日 13时14分15秒 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Layout("It is 2006-01-02 15:04:05") // It is 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Layout("2006-01-02 15:04:05", carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 + +// Output a string by format, Format() is shorthand for ToFormatString() +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("YmdHis") // 20200805131415 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("Y年m月d日 H时i分s秒") // 2020年08月05日 13时14分15秒 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("l jS \\o\\f F Y h:i:s A") // Wednesday 5th of August 2020 01:14:15 PM +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("\\I\\t \\i\\s Y-m-d H:i:s") // It is 2020-08-05 13:14:15 +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Format("Y-m-d H:i:s", carbon.Tokyo) // 2020-08-05 14:14:15 +``` + +> For more supported format signs, please see the Format sign table + +##### Constellation + +```go +// Get constellation name +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Constellation() // Leo + +// Whether is Aries +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsAries() // false +// Whether is Taurus +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsTaurus() // false +// Whether is Gemini +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsGemini() // false +// Whether is Cancer +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsCancer() // false +// Whether is Leo +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsLeo() // true +// Whether is Virgo +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsVirgo() // false +// Whether is Libra +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsLibra() // false +// Whether is Scorpio +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsScorpio() // false +// Whether is Sagittarius +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSagittarius() // false +// Whether is Capricorn +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsCapricorn() // false +// Whether is Aquarius +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsAquarius() // false +// Whether is Pisces +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsPisces() // false +``` + +##### Season + +> According to the meteorological division method, March to May is spring, June to August is summer, September to November is autumn, and December to February is winter + +```go +// Get season name +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").Season() // Summer + +// Start of the season +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").StartOfSeason().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-06-01 00:00:00 +// End of the season +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").EndOfSeason().ToDateTimeString() // 2020-08-31 23:59:59 + +// Whether is spring +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSpring() // false +// Whether is summer +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsSummer() // true +// Whether is autumn +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsAutumn() // false +// Whether is winter +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15").IsWinter() // false +``` + +##### Chinese Lunar + +> Currently only `200` years from `1900` to `2100` are supported + +```go +// Get Chinese Lunar year of animal +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Animal() // 鼠 + +// Get Chinese lunar festival +carbon.Parse("2021-02-12 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Festival() // 春节 + +// Get Chinese lunar year +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Year() // 2020 +// Get Chinese lunar month +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Month() // 6 +// Get Chinese lunar leap month +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().LeapMonth() // 4 +// Get Chinese lunar day +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().Day() // 16 +// Get Chinese lunar date as string in YYYY-MM-DD format +fmt.Sprintf("%s", carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar()) // 2020-06-16 + +// Get Chinese lunar year as string +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().ToYearString() // 二零二零 +// Get Chinese lunar month as string +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().ToMonthString() // 六 +// Get Chinese lunar day as string +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().ToDayString() // 十六 +// Get Chinese lunar date as string +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().ToDateString() // 二零二零年六月十六 + +// Whether is a leap year +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsLeapYear() // true +// Whether is a leap month +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsLeapMonth() // false + +// Whether is a year of the rat +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsRatYear() // true +// Whether is a year of the ox +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsOxYear() // false +// Whether is a year of the tiger +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsTigerYear() // false +// Whether is a year of the rabbit +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsRabbitYear() // false +// Whether is a year of the dragon +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsDragonYear() // false +// Whether is a year of the snake +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsSnakeYear() // false +// Whether is a year of the horse +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsHorseYear() // false +// Whether is a year of the goat +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsGoatYear() // false +// Whether is a year of the monkey +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsMonkeyYear() // false +// Whether is a year of the rooster +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsRoosterYear() // false +// Whether is a year of the dog +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsDogYear() // false +// Whether is a year of the dig +carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15", carbon.PRC).Lunar().IsPigYear() // false +``` + +##### JSON handling + +###### Define model + +```go +type Person struct { + ID int64 `json:"id"` + Name string `json:"name"` + Age int `json:"age"` + Birthday carbon.DateTime `json:"birthday"` + GraduatedAt carbon.Date `json:"graduated_at"` + CreatedAt carbon.Time `json:"created_at"` + UpdatedAt carbon.Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` + DateTime1 carbon.TimestampWithSecond `json:"date_time1"` + DateTime2 carbon.TimestampWithMillisecond `json:"date_time2"` + DateTime3 carbon.TimestampWithMicrosecond `json:"date_time3"` + DateTime4 carbon.TimestampWithNanosecond `json:"date_time4"` +} +``` + +###### Instantiate model + +```go +person := Person { + ID: 1, + Name: "gouguoyin", + Age: 18, + Birthday: carbon.DateTime{carbon.Now().SubYears(18)}, + GraduatedAt: carbon.Date{carbon.Parse("2020-08-05 13:14:15")}, + CreatedAt: carbon.Time{carbon.Parse("2021-08-05 13:14:15")}, + UpdatedAt: carbon.Timestamp{carbon.Parse("2022-08-05 13:14:15")}, + DateTime1: carbon.TimestampWithSecond{carbon.Parse("2023-08-05 13:14:15")}, + DateTime2: carbon.TimestampWithMillisecond{carbon.Parse("2024-08-05 13:14:15")}, + DateTime3: carbon.TimestampWithMicrosecond{carbon.Parse("2025-08-05 13:14:15")}, + DateTime4: carbon.TimestampWithNanosecond{carbon.Parse("2025-08-05 13:14:15")}, +} +``` + +###### JSON encode + +```go +data, err := json.Marshal(&person) +if err != nil { + // Error handle... + log.Fatal(err) +} +fmt.Printf("%s", data) +// Output +{ + "id": 1, + "name": "gouguoyin", + "age": 18, + "birthday": "2003-07-16 16:22:02", + "graduated_at": "2020-08-05", + "created_at": "13:14:15", + "updated_at": 1659676455, + "date_time1": 1691212455, + "date_time2": 1722834855000, + "date_time3": 1754370855000000, + "date_time4": 1754370855000000000 +} +``` + +###### JSON decode + +```go +jsonString := `{ + "id": 1, + "name": "gouguoyin", + "age": 18, + "birthday": "2003-07-16 16:22:02", + "graduated_at": "2020-08-05", + "updated_at": 1659676455, + "date_time1": 1691212455, + "date_time2": 1722834855000, + "date_time3": 1754370855000000, + "date_time4": 1754370855000000000 +}` +person := new(Person) +err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonString), &person) +if err != nil { + // Error handle... + log.Fatal(err) +} +fmt.Printf("%+v", *person) +// Output +{ID:1 Name:gouguoyin Age:18 Birthday:2003-07-16 16:22:02 GraduatedAt:2020-08-05 00:00:00 UpdatedAt:2022-08-05 13:14:15 DateTime1:2023-08-05 13:14:15 DateTime2:2024-08-05 13:14:15 DateTime3:2025-08-05 13:14:15 DateTime4:2025-08-05 13:14:15} +``` + +##### I18n + +The following languages are supported + +* [Simplified Chinese(zh-CN)](./lang/zh-CN.json "Simplified Chinese") +* [Traditional Chinese(zh-TW)](./lang/zh-TW.json "Traditional Chinese") +* [English(en)](./lang/en.json "English") +* [Japanese(jp)](./lang/jp.json "Japanese") +* [Korean(kr)](./lang/kr.json "Korean") +* [Spanish(es)](./lang/es.json "Spanish"):translated by [hgisinger](https://github.com/hgisinger "hgisinger") +* [German(de)](./lang/de.json "German"):translated by [benzammour](https://github.com/benzammour "benzammour") +* [Turkish(tr)](./lang/tr.json "Turkish"): translated by [emresenyuva](https://github.com/emresenyuva "emresenyuva") +* [Portuguese(pt)](./lang/pt.json "Portuguese"): translated by [felipear89](https://github.com/felipear89 "felipear89") +* [Russian(ru)](./lang/ru.json "Russian"): translated by [zemlyak](https://github.com/zemlyak "zemlyak") + +The following methods are supported + +* `Constellation()`:get constellation name +* `Season()`:get season name +* `DiffForHumans()`:get the difference in human friendly readable format +* `ToMonthString()`:output a string in month format +* `ToShortMonthString()`:output a string in short month format +* `ToWeekString()`:output a string in week format +* `ToShortWeekString()`:output a string in short week format + +###### Set locale + +```go +lang := carbon.NewLanguage() +lang.SetLocale("zh-CN") + +c := carbon.SetLanguage(lang) +if c.Error != nil { + // Error handle... + log.Fatal(err) +} + +c.Now().AddHours(1).DiffForHumans() // 1 小时后 +c.Now().AddHours(1).ToMonthString() // 八月 +c.Now().AddHours(1).ToShortMonthString() // 8月 +c.Now().AddHours(1).ToWeekString() // 星期二 +c.Now().AddHours(1).ToShortWeekString() // 周二 +c.Now().AddHours(1).Constellation() // 狮子座 +c.Now().AddHours(1).Season() // 夏季 +``` + +###### Reset some resources(the rests still translate from the given locale) + +```go +lang := carbon.NewLanguage() +lang.SetLocale("en") + +resources := map[string]string { + "hour": "%dh", +} +lang.SetResources(resources) + +c := carbon.SetLanguage(lang) +if c.Error != nil { + // Error handle... + log.Fatal(err) +} + +c.Now().AddYears(1).DiffForHumans() // 1 year from now +c.Now().AddHours(1).DiffForHumans() // 1h from now +c.Now().ToMonthString() // August +c.Now().ToShortMonthString() // Aug +c.Now().ToWeekString() // Tuesday +c.Now().ToShortWeekString() // Tue +c.Now().Constellation() // Leo +c.Now().Season() // Summer +``` + +###### Reset all resources + +```go +lang := carbon.NewLanguage() +resources := map[string]string { + "months": "january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december", + "short_months": "jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec", + "weeks": "sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday", + "short_weeks": "sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat", + "seasons": "spring|summer|autumn|winter", + "constellations": "aries|taurus|gemini|cancer|leo|virgo|libra|scorpio|sagittarius|capricornus|aquarius|pisce", + "year": "1 yr|%d yrs", + "month": "1 mo|%d mos", + "week": "%dw", + "day": "%dd", + "hour": "%dh", + "minute": "%dm", + "second": "%ds", + "now": "just now", + "ago": "%s ago", + "from_now": "in %s", + "before": "%s before", + "after": "%s after", +} +lang.SetResources(resources) + +c := carbon.SetLanguage(lang) +c.Now().AddYears(1).DiffForHumans() // in 1 yr +c.Now().AddHours(1).DiffForHumans() // in 1h +c.Now().ToMonthString() // august +c.Now().ToShortMonthString() // aug +c.Now().ToWeekString() // tuesday +c.Now().ToShortWeekString() // tue +c.Now().Constellation() // leo +c.Now().Season() // summer +``` + +##### Error handling + +> If more than one error occurs, only the first error is returned + +###### Scene one + +```go +c := carbon.SetTimezone(PRC).Parse("xxx") +if c.Error != nil { + // Error handle... + log.Fatal(c.Error) +} +fmt.Println(c.ToDateTimeString()) +// Output +cannot parse "xxx" as carbon, please make sure the value is valid +``` + +###### Scene two + +```go +c := carbon.SetTimezone("xxx").Parse("2020-08-05") +if c.Error != nil { + // Error handle... + log.Fatal(c.Error) +} +fmt.Println(c.ToDateTimeString()) +// Output +invalid timezone "xxx", please see the file "$GOROOT/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip" for all valid timezones +``` + +###### Scene three + +```go +c := carbon.SetTimezone("xxx").Parse("12345678") +if c.Error != nil { + // Error handle... + log.Fatal(c.Error) +} +fmt.Println(c.ToDateTimeString()) +// Output +invalid timezone "xxx", please see the file "$GOROOT/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip" for all valid timezones +``` + +#### Appendix + +##### Format sign table + +| sign | desc | length | range | example | +| :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | +| d | Day of the month, padded to 2 | 2 | 01-31 | 02 | +| D | Day of the week, as an abbreviate localized string | 3 | Mon-Sun | Mon | +| j | Day of the month, no padding | - |1-31 | 2 | +| S | English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters. Eg: st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j | 2 | st/nd/rd/th | th | +| l | Day of the week, as an unabbreviated localized string | - | Monday-Sunday | Monday | +| F | Month as an unabbreviated localized string | - | January-December | January | +| m | Month, padded to 2 | 2 | 01-12 | 01 | +| M | Month as an abbreviated localized string | 3 | Jan-Dec | Jan | +| n | Month, no padding | - | 1-12 | 1 | +| Y | Four-digit year | 4 | 0000-9999 | 2006 | +| y | Two-digit year | 2 | 00-99 | 06 | +| a | Lowercase morning or afternoon sign | 2 | am/pm | pm | +| A | Uppercase morning or afternoon sign | 2 | AM/PM | PM | +| g | Hour in 12-hour time, no padding | - | 1-12 | 3 | +| G | Hour in 24-hour time, no padding | - | 0-23 | 15 | +| h | Hour in 12-hour time, padded to 2 | 2 | 00-11 | 03 | +| H | Hour in 24-hour time, padded to 2 | 2 | 00-23 | 15 | +| i | Minute, padded to 2 | 2 | 01-59 | 04 | +| s | Second, padded to 2 | 2 | 01-59 | 05 | +| c | ISO8601 date | - | - | 2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00 | +| r | RFC2822 date | - | - | Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700 | +| O | Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) without colon between hours and minutes | - | - | +0700 | +| P | Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between hours and minutes | - | - | +07:00 | +| T | Abbreviated timezone | - | - | MST | +| W | ISO8601 week of the year | - | 1-52 | 1 | +| N | ISO8601 day of the week | 1 | 1-7 | 1 | +| L | Whether it's a leap year | 1 | 0-1 | 0 | +| U | Unix timestamp in seconds | 10 | - | 1611818268 | +| u | Millisecond, padded to 3 | 3 | - | 999 | +| w | Day of the week | 1 | 0-6 | 1 | +| t | Total days of the month | 2 | 28-31 | 31 | +| z | Day of the year | - | 0-365 | 2 | +| e | Location | - | - | America/New_York | +| Q | Quarter | 1 | 1-4 | 1 | +| C | Century | - | 0-99 | 21 | + +#### References + +* [briannesbitt/carbon](https://github.com/briannesbitt/Carbon) +* [jinzhu/now](https://github.com/jinzhu/now/) +* [goframe/gtime](https://github.com/gogf/gf/tree/master/os/gtime) +* [arrow-py/arrow](https://github.com/arrow-py/arrow) +* [moment/moment](https://github.com/moment/moment) +* [iamkun/dayjs](https://github.com/iamkun/dayjs) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/boundary.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/boundary.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5feed045 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/boundary.go @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "time" +) + +// StartOfCentury returns a Carbon instance for start of the century. +// 本世纪开始时间 +func (c Carbon) StartOfCentury() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year()/YearsPerCentury*YearsPerCentury, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, c.loc) + return c +} + +// EndOfCentury returns a Carbon instance for end of the century. +// 本世纪结束时间 +func (c Carbon) EndOfCentury() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year()/YearsPerCentury*YearsPerCentury+99, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999999, c.loc) + return c +} + +// StartOfDecade returns a Carbon instance for start of the decade. +// 本年代开始时间 +func (c Carbon) StartOfDecade() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year()/YearsPerDecade*YearsPerDecade, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, c.loc) + return c +} + +// EndOfDecade returns a Carbon instance for end of the decade. +// 本年代结束时间 +func (c Carbon) EndOfDecade() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year()/YearsPerDecade*YearsPerDecade+9, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999999, c.loc) + return c +} + +// StartOfYear returns a Carbon instance for start of the year. +// 本年开始时间 +func (c Carbon) StartOfYear() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, c.loc) + return c +} + +// EndOfYear returns a Carbon instance for end of the year. +// 本年结束时间 +func (c Carbon) EndOfYear() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999999, c.loc) + return c +} + +// StartOfQuarter returns a Carbon instance for start of the quarter. +// 本季度开始时间 +func (c Carbon) StartOfQuarter() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(3*c.Quarter()-2), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, c.loc) + return c +} + +// EndOfQuarter returns a Carbon instance for end of the quarter. +// 本季度结束时间 +func (c Carbon) EndOfQuarter() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + quarter, day := c.Quarter(), 30 + switch quarter { + case 1, 4: + day = 31 + case 2, 3: + day = 30 + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(3*quarter), day, 23, 59, 59, 999999999, c.loc) + return c +} + +// StartOfMonth returns a Carbon instance for start of the month. +// 本月开始时间 +func (c Carbon) StartOfMonth() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, c.loc) + return c +} + +// EndOfMonth returns a Carbon instance for end of the month. +// 本月结束时间 +func (c Carbon) EndOfMonth() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), 1, 23, 59, 59, 999999999, c.loc).AddDate(0, 1, -1) + return c +} + +// StartOfWeek returns a Carbon instance for start of the week. +// 本周开始时间 +func (c Carbon) StartOfWeek() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + dayOfWeek, weekStartsAt := c.DayOfWeek(), int(c.weekStartsAt) + return c.SubDays((DaysPerWeek + dayOfWeek - weekStartsAt) % DaysPerWeek).StartOfDay() +} + +// EndOfWeek returns a Carbon instance for end of the week. +// 本周结束时间 +func (c Carbon) EndOfWeek() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + dayOfWeek, weekEndsAt := c.DayOfWeek(), int(c.weekStartsAt)+DaysPerWeek-1 + return c.AddDays((DaysPerWeek - dayOfWeek + weekEndsAt) % DaysPerWeek).EndOfDay() +} + +// StartOfDay returns a Carbon instance for start of the day. +// 本日开始时间 +func (c Carbon) StartOfDay() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, c.loc) + return c +} + +// EndOfDay returns a Carbon instance for end of the day. +// 本日结束时间 +func (c Carbon) EndOfDay() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), 23, 59, 59, 999999999, c.loc) + return c +} + +// StartOfHour returns a Carbon instance for start of the hour. +// 小时开始时间 +func (c Carbon) StartOfHour() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), c.Hour(), 0, 0, 0, c.loc) + return c +} + +// EndOfHour returns a Carbon instance for end of the hour. +// 小时结束时间 +func (c Carbon) EndOfHour() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), c.Hour(), 59, 59, 999999999, c.loc) + return c +} + +// StartOfMinute returns a Carbon instance for start of the minute. +// 分钟开始时间 +func (c Carbon) StartOfMinute() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), c.Hour(), c.Minute(), 0, 0, c.loc) + return c +} + +// EndOfMinute returns a Carbon instance for end of the minute. +// 分钟结束时间 +func (c Carbon) EndOfMinute() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), c.Hour(), c.Minute(), 59, 999999999, c.loc) + return c +} + +// StartOfSecond returns a Carbon instance for start of the second. +// 秒开始时间 +func (c Carbon) StartOfSecond() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), c.Hour(), c.Minute(), c.Second(), 0, c.loc) + return c +} + +// EndOfSecond returns a Carbon instance for end of the second. +// 秒结束时间 +func (c Carbon) EndOfSecond() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), c.Hour(), c.Minute(), c.Second(), 999999999, c.loc) + return c +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/calendar.lunar.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/calendar.lunar.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4db22d87 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/calendar.lunar.go @@ -0,0 +1,431 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" +) + +var ( + minYear, maxYear = 1900, 2100 + chineseNumbers = []string{"零", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九"} + chineseMonths = []string{"正", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "十一", "腊"} + chineseDayPrefixes = []string{"初", "十", "廿", "卅"} + animals = []string{"猴", "鸡", "狗", "猪", "鼠", "牛", "虎", "兔", "龙", "蛇", "马", "羊"} + festivals = []string{"春节", "元宵节", "端午节", "七夕节", "中元节", "中秋节", "重阳节", "寒衣节", "下元节", "腊八节", "小年"} + + lunarTerms = []int{ + 0x04bd8, 0x04ae0, 0x0a570, 0x054d5, 0x0d260, 0x0d950, 0x16554, 0x056a0, 0x09ad0, 0x055d2, //1900-1909 + 0x04ae0, 0x0a5b6, 0x0a4d0, 0x0d250, 0x1d255, 0x0b540, 0x0d6a0, 0x0ada2, 0x095b0, 0x14977, //1910-1919 + 0x04970, 0x0a4b0, 0x0b4b5, 0x06a50, 0x06d40, 0x1ab54, 0x02b60, 0x09570, 0x052f2, 0x04970, //1920-1929 + 0x06566, 0x0d4a0, 0x0ea50, 0x16a95, 0x05ad0, 0x02b60, 0x186e3, 0x092e0, 0x1c8d7, 0x0c950, //1930-1939 + 0x0d4a0, 0x1d8a6, 0x0b550, 0x056a0, 0x1a5b4, 0x025d0, 0x092d0, 0x0d2b2, 0x0a950, 0x0b557, //1940-1949 + 0x06ca0, 0x0b550, 0x15355, 0x04da0, 0x0a5d0, 0x14573, 0x052d0, 0x0a9a8, 0x0e950, 0x06aa0, //1950-1959 + 0x0aea6, 0x0ab50, 0x04b60, 0x0aae4, 0x0a570, 0x05260, 0x0f263, 0x0d950, 0x05b57, 0x056a0, //1960-1969 + 0x096d0, 0x04dd5, 0x04ad0, 0x0a4d0, 0x0d4d4, 0x0d250, 0x0d558, 0x0b540, 0x0b5a0, 0x195a6, //1970-1979 + 0x095b0, 0x049b0, 0x0a974, 0x0a4b0, 0x0b27a, 0x06a50, 0x06d40, 0x0af46, 0x0ab60, 0x09570, //1980-1989 + 0x04af5, 0x04970, 0x064b0, 0x074a3, 0x0ea50, 0x06b58, 0x05ac0, 0x0ab60, 0x096d5, 0x092e0, //1990-1999 + 0x0c960, 0x0d954, 0x0d4a0, 0x0da50, 0x07552, 0x056a0, 0x0abb7, 0x025d0, 0x092d0, 0x0cab5, //2000-2009 + 0x0a950, 0x0b4a0, 0x0baa4, 0x0ad50, 0x055d9, 0x04ba0, 0x0a5b0, 0x15176, 0x052b0, 0x0a930, //2010-2019 + 0x07954, 0x06aa0, 0x0ad50, 0x05b52, 0x04b60, 0x0a6e6, 0x0a4e0, 0x0d260, 0x0ea65, 0x0d530, //2020-2029 + 0x05aa0, 0x076a3, 0x096d0, 0x04bd7, 0x04ad0, 0x0a4d0, 0x1d0b6, 0x0d250, 0x0d520, 0x0dd45, //2030-2039 + 0x0b5a0, 0x056d0, 0x055b2, 0x049b0, 0x0a577, 0x0a4b0, 0x0aa50, 0x1b255, 0x06d20, 0x0ada0, //2040-2049 + 0x14b63, 0x09370, 0x049f8, 0x04970, 0x064b0, 0x168a6, 0x0ea50, 0x06b20, 0x1a6c4, 0x0aae0, //2050-2059 + 0x0a2e0, 0x0d2e3, 0x0c960, 0x0d557, 0x0d4a0, 0x0da50, 0x05d55, 0x056a0, 0x0a6d0, 0x055d4, //2060-2069 + 0x052d0, 0x0a9b8, 0x0a950, 0x0b4a0, 0x0b6a6, 0x0ad50, 0x055a0, 0x0aba4, 0x0a5b0, 0x052b0, //2070-2079 + 0x0b273, 0x06930, 0x07337, 0x06aa0, 0x0ad50, 0x14b55, 0x04b60, 0x0a570, 0x054e4, 0x0d160, //2080-2089 + 0x0e968, 0x0d520, 0x0daa0, 0x16aa6, 0x056d0, 0x04ae0, 0x0a9d4, 0x0a2d0, 0x0d150, 0x0f252, //2090-2099 + 0x0d520, //2100 + } + + invalidYearError = func(year int) error { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid year %d, currently only 200 years from 1900 to 2100 are supported", year) + } +) + +// lunar defines a lunar struct. +// 定义 lunar 结构体 +type lunar struct { + year, month, day int // 农历年、月、日 + isLeapMonth bool // 是否是闰月 + Error error +} + +// Lunar converts the gregorian calendar to the lunar calendar. +// 将公历转为农历 +func (c Carbon) Lunar() (l lunar) { + if c.IsInvalid() { + l.Error = c.Error + return + } + // leapMonths:闰月总数,daysOfYear:年天数,daysOfMonth:月天数,leapMonth:闰月月份 + daysInYear, daysInMonth, leapMonth := 365, 30, 0 + // 有效范围检验 + if c.Year() < minYear || c.Year() > maxYear { + l.Error = invalidYearError(c.Year()) + return + } + offset := int(c.DiffInDaysWithAbs(c.CreateFromDateTime(minYear, 1, 31, 0, 0, 0))) + for l.year = minYear; l.year <= maxYear && offset > 0; l.year++ { + daysInYear = l.getDaysInYear() + offset -= daysInYear + } + if offset < 0 { + offset += daysInYear + l.year-- + } + l.isLeapMonth = false + leapMonth = l.LeapMonth() + for l.month = 1; l.month <= 12 && offset > 0; l.month++ { + if leapMonth > 0 && l.month == (leapMonth+1) && !l.isLeapMonth { + l.month-- + l.isLeapMonth = true + daysInMonth = l.getDaysInLeapMonth() + } else { + daysInMonth = l.getDaysInMonth() + } + offset -= daysInMonth + if l.isLeapMonth && l.month == (leapMonth+1) { + l.isLeapMonth = false + } + } + // offset为0时,并且刚才计算的月份是闰月,要校正 + if offset == 0 && leapMonth > 0 && l.month == leapMonth+1 { + if l.isLeapMonth { + l.isLeapMonth = false + } else { + l.isLeapMonth = true + l.month-- + } + } + // offset小于0时,也要校正 + if offset < 0 { + offset += daysInMonth + l.month-- + } + l.day = offset + 1 + return +} + +// getDaysInYear gets total days in lunar year. +// 获取该年总天数 +func (l lunar) getDaysInYear() int { + var sum = 348 + for i := 0x8000; i > 0x8; i >>= 1 { + if (lunarTerms[l.year-minYear] & i) != 0 { + sum++ + } + } + return sum + l.getDaysInLeapMonth() +} + +// getDaysInMonth gets total days in lunar month. +// 获取该月总天数 +func (l lunar) getDaysInMonth() int { + if (lunarTerms[l.year-minYear] & (0x10000 >> uint(l.month))) == 0 { + return 29 + } + return 30 +} + +// getDaysInLeapMonth gets total days in lunar leap month. +// 获取闰月总天数 +func (l lunar) getDaysInLeapMonth() int { + if l.LeapMonth() == 0 { + return 0 + } + if (lunarTerms[l.year-minYear] & 0x10000) != 0 { + return 30 + } + return 29 +} + +// Animal gets lunar animal name. +// 获取生肖 +func (l lunar) Animal() string { + if l.year == 0 { + return "" + } + return animals[l.year%MonthsPerYear] +} + +// Festival get lunar festival name. +// 获取农历节日 +func (l lunar) Festival() string { + if l.year == 0 { + return "" + } + switch { + case l.month == 1 && l.day == 1: + return festivals[0] + case l.month == 1 && l.day == 15: + return festivals[1] + case l.month == 5 && l.day == 5: + return festivals[2] + case l.month == 7 && l.day == 7: + return festivals[3] + case l.month == 7 && l.day == 15: + return festivals[4] + case l.month == 8 && l.day == 15: + return festivals[5] + case l.month == 9 && l.day == 9: + return festivals[6] + case l.month == 10 && l.day == 1: + return festivals[7] + case l.month == 10 && l.day == 15: + return festivals[8] + case l.month == 12 && l.day == 8: + return festivals[9] + case l.month == 12 && l.day == 23: + return festivals[10] + } + return "" +} + +// Year gets lunar year. +// 获取农历年 +func (l lunar) Year() int { + return l.year +} + +// Month gets lunar month. +// 获取农历月 +func (l lunar) Month() int { + return l.month +} + +// LeapMonth get lunar leap month. +//获取农历闰月月份 +func (l lunar) LeapMonth() int { + if l.year == 0 { + return 0 + } + return lunarTerms[l.year-minYear] & 0xf +} + +// Day get lunar day. +// 获取农历日 +func (l lunar) Day() int { + return l.day +} + +// ToYearString outputs a string in lunar year format. +// 获取农历年字符串 +func (l lunar) ToYearString() string { + if l.year == 0 { + return "" + } + year := fmt.Sprintf("%d", l.year) + for i, replace := range chineseNumbers { + year = strings.Replace(year, fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), replace, -1) + } + return year +} + +// ToMonthString outputs a string in lunar month format. +// 获取农历月字符串 +func (l lunar) ToMonthString() string { + if l.month == 0 { + return "" + } + return chineseMonths[l.month-1] +} + +// ToDayString outputs a string in lunar day format. +// 获取农历日字符串 +func (l lunar) ToDayString() string { + if l.day == 0 { + return "" + } + day := "" + switch l.day { + case 10: + day = "初十" + case 20: + day = "二十" + case 30: + day = "三十" + default: + day = chineseDayPrefixes[(l.day/10)] + chineseNumbers[l.day%10] + } + return day +} + +// ToString outputs a string in lunar date format. +// 获取农历日期字符串 +func (l lunar) ToDateString() string { + if l.year == 0 { + return "" + } + return l.ToYearString() + "年" + l.ToMonthString() + "月" + l.ToDayString() +} + +// String outputs a string in YYYY-MM-DD format, implement Stringer interface. +// 输出 YYYY-MM-DD 格式字符串, 实现 Stringer 接口 +func (l lunar) String() string { + if l.year == 0 { + return "" + } + return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", l.year, l.month, l.day) +} + +// IsLeapYear whether is leap year. +// 是否是闰年 +func (l lunar) IsLeapYear() bool { + if l.year == 0 { + return false + } + return l.LeapMonth() != 0 +} + +// IsLeapMonth whether is leap month. +// 是否是闰月 +func (l lunar) IsLeapMonth() bool { + if l.month == 0 { + return false + } + return l.month == l.LeapMonth() +} + +// IsRatYear whether is year of Rat. +// 是否是鼠年 +func (l lunar) IsRatYear() bool { + if l.year == 0 { + return false + } + if l.year%MonthsPerYear == 4 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsOxYear whether is year of Ox. +// 是否是牛年 +func (l lunar) IsOxYear() bool { + if l.year == 0 { + return false + } + if l.year%MonthsPerYear == 5 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsTigerYear whether is year of Tiger. +// 是否是虎年 +func (l lunar) IsTigerYear() bool { + if l.year == 0 { + return false + } + if l.year%MonthsPerYear == 6 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsRabbitYear whether is year of Rabbit. +// 是否是兔年 +func (l lunar) IsRabbitYear() bool { + if l.year == 0 { + return false + } + if l.year%MonthsPerYear == 7 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsDragonYear whether is year of Dragon. +// 是否是龙年 +func (l lunar) IsDragonYear() bool { + if l.year == 0 { + return false + } + if l.year%MonthsPerYear == 8 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsSnakeYear whether is year of Snake. +// 是否是蛇年 +func (l lunar) IsSnakeYear() bool { + if l.year == 0 { + return false + } + if l.year%MonthsPerYear == 9 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsHorseYear whether is year of Horse. +// 是否是马年 +func (l lunar) IsHorseYear() bool { + if l.year == 0 { + return false + } + if l.year%MonthsPerYear == 10 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsGoatYear whether is year of Goat. +// 是否是羊年 +func (l lunar) IsGoatYear() bool { + if l.year == 0 { + return false + } + if l.year%MonthsPerYear == 11 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsMonkeyYear whether is year of Monkey. +// 是否是猴年 +func (l lunar) IsMonkeyYear() bool { + if l.year == 0 { + return false + } + if l.year%MonthsPerYear == 0 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsRoosterYear whether is year of Rooster. +// 是否是鸡年 +func (l lunar) IsRoosterYear() bool { + if l.year == 0 { + return false + } + if l.year%MonthsPerYear == 1 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsDogYear whether is year of Dog. +// 是否是狗年 +func (l lunar) IsDogYear() bool { + if l.year == 0 { + return false + } + if l.year%MonthsPerYear == 2 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsPigYear whether is year of Pig. +// 是否是猪年 +func (l lunar) IsPigYear() bool { + if l.year == 0 { + return false + } + if l.year%MonthsPerYear == 3 { + return true + } + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/carbon.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/carbon.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89b01b29 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/carbon.go @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +// @Package carbon +// @Description a simple, semantic and developer-friendly golang package for datetime +// @Page github.com/golang-module/carbon +// @Version v1.5.5 +// @Author gouguoyin +// @Blog www.gouguoyin.cn +// @Email contact@gouguoyin.cn + +// Package carbon is a simple, semantic and developer-friendly golang package for datetime. +package carbon + +import ( + "time" +) + +// timezones constant +// 时区常量 +const ( + Local = "Local" + CET = "CET" + EET = "EET" + EST = "EST" + GMT = "GMT" + UTC = "UTC" + UCT = "UCT" + MST = "MST" + + Cuba = "Cuba" // 古巴 + Egypt = "Egypt" // 埃及 + Eire = "Eire" // 爱尔兰 + Greenwich = "Greenwich" // 格林尼治 + Iceland = "Iceland" // 冰岛 + Iran = "Iran" // 伊朗 + Israel = "Israel" // 以色列 + Jamaica = "Jamaica" // 牙买加 + Japan = "Japan" // 日本 + Libya = "Libya" // 利比亚 + Poland = "Poland" // 波兰 + Portugal = "Portugal" // 葡萄牙 + PRC = "PRC" // 中国 + Singapore = "Singapore" // 新加坡 + Turkey = "Turkey" // 土耳其 + + Shanghai = "Asia/Shanghai" // 上海 + Chongqing = "Asia/Chongqing" // 重庆 + Harbin = "Asia/Harbin" // 哈尔滨 + HongKong = "Asia/Hong_Kong" // 香港 + Macao = "Asia/Macao" // 澳门 + Taipei = "Asia/Taipei" // 台北 + Tokyo = "Asia/Tokyo" // 东京 + Saigon = "Asia/Saigon" // 西贡 + Seoul = "Asia/Seoul" // 首尔 + Bangkok = "Asia/Bangkok" // 曼谷 + Dubai = "Asia/Dubai" // 迪拜 + NewYork = "America/New_York" // 纽约 + LosAngeles = "America/Los_Angeles" // 洛杉矶 + Chicago = "America/Chicago" // 芝加哥 + Moscow = "Europe/Moscow" // 莫斯科 + London = "Europe/London" // 伦敦 + Berlin = "Europe/Berlin" // 柏林 + Paris = "Europe/Paris" // 巴黎 + Rome = "Europe/Rome" // 罗马 +) + +// months constant +// 月份常量 +const ( + January = "January" // 一月 + February = "February" // 二月 + March = "March" // 三月 + April = "April" // 四月 + May = "May" // 五月 + June = "June" // 六月 + July = "July" // 七月 + August = "August" // 八月 + September = "September" // 九月 + October = "October" // 十月 + November = "November" // 十一月 + December = "December" // 十二月 +) + +// weeks constant +// 星期常量 +const ( + Monday = "Monday" // 周一 + Tuesday = "Tuesday" // 周二 + Wednesday = "Wednesday" // 周三 + Thursday = "Thursday" // 周四 + Friday = "Friday" // 周五 + Saturday = "Saturday" // 周六 + Sunday = "Sunday" // 周日 +) + +// numbers constant +// 数字常量 +const ( + YearsPerMillennium = 1000 // 每千年1000年 + YearsPerCentury = 100 // 每世纪100年 + YearsPerDecade = 10 // 每十年10年 + QuartersPerYear = 4 // 每年4季度 + MonthsPerYear = 12 // 每年12月 + MonthsPerQuarter = 3 // 每季度3月 + WeeksPerNormalYear = 52 // 每常规年52周 + weeksPerLongYear = 53 // 每长年53周 + WeeksPerMonth = 4 // 每月4周 + DaysPerLeapYear = 366 // 每闰年366天 + DaysPerNormalYear = 365 // 每常规年365天 + DaysPerWeek = 7 // 每周7天 + HoursPerWeek = 168 // 每周168小时 + HoursPerDay = 24 // 每天24小时 + MinutesPerDay = 1440 // 每天1440分钟 + MinutesPerHour = 60 // 每小时60分钟 + SecondsPerWeek = 604800 // 每周604800秒 + SecondsPerDay = 86400 // 每天86400秒 + SecondsPerHour = 3600 // 每小时3600秒 + SecondsPerMinute = 60 // 每分钟60秒 + MillisecondsPerSecond = 1000 // 每秒1000毫秒 + MicrosecondsPerMillisecond = 1000 // 每毫秒1000微秒 + MicrosecondsPerSecond = 1000000 // 每秒1000000微秒 +) + +// formats constant +// 时间格式化常量 +const ( + AnsicFormat = time.ANSIC + UnixDateFormat = time.UnixDate + RubyDateFormat = time.RubyDate + RFC822Format = time.RFC822 + RFC822ZFormat = time.RFC822Z + RFC850Format = time.RFC850 + RFC1123Format = time.RFC1123 + RFC1123ZFormat = time.RFC1123Z + RssFormat = time.RFC1123Z + RFC2822Format = time.RFC1123Z + RFC3339Format = time.RFC3339 + KitchenFormat = time.Kitchen + Iso8601Format = "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00" + CookieFormat = "Monday, 02-Jan-2006 15:04:05 MST" + RFC1036Format = "Mon, 02 Jan 06 15:04:05 -0700" + RFC7231Format = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT" + DayDateTimeFormat = "Mon, Jan 2, 2006 3:04 PM" + DateTimeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05" + DateFormat = "2006-01-02" + TimeFormat = "15:04:05" + ShortDateTimeFormat = "20060102150405" + ShortDateFormat = "20060102" + ShortTimeFormat = "150405" +) + +// Carbon defines a Carbon struct. +// 定义 Carbon 结构体 +type Carbon struct { + Time time.Time + weekStartsAt time.Weekday + loc *time.Location + lang *Language + Error error +} + +// NewCarbon returns a new Carbon instance. +// 初始化 Carbon 结构体 +func NewCarbon() Carbon { + return Carbon{weekStartsAt: time.Sunday, loc: time.Local, lang: NewLanguage()} +} + +// Time2Carbon converts time.Time to Carbon. +// 将 time.Time 转换成 Carbon +func Time2Carbon(tt time.Time) Carbon { + c := NewCarbon() + c.Time = tt + return c +} + +// Carbon2Time converts Carbon to time.Time. +// 将 Carbon 转换成 time.Time +func (c Carbon) Carbon2Time() time.Time { + return c.Time.In(c.loc) +} + +// Now returns a Carbon instance for now. +// 当前 +func (c Carbon) Now(timezone ...string) Carbon { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.Error != nil { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Now().In(c.loc) + return c +} + +// Now returns a Carbon instance for now. +// 当前 +func Now(timezone ...string) Carbon { + return NewCarbon().Now(timezone...) +} + +// Tomorrow returns a Carbon instance for tomorrow. +// 明天 +func (c Carbon) Tomorrow(timezone ...string) Carbon { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.Error != nil { + return c + } + if c.IsZero() { + c.Time = time.Now().In(c.loc).AddDate(0, 0, 1) + } else { + c.Time = c.Time.In(c.loc).AddDate(0, 0, 1) + } + return c +} + +// Tomorrow returns a Carbon instance for tomorrow. +// 明天 +func Tomorrow(timezone ...string) Carbon { + return NewCarbon().Tomorrow(timezone...) +} + +// Yesterday returns a Carbon instance for yesterday. +// 昨天 +func (c Carbon) Yesterday(timezone ...string) Carbon { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.Error != nil { + return c + } + if c.IsZero() { + c.Time = time.Now().In(c.loc).AddDate(0, 0, -1) + } else { + c.Time = c.Time.In(c.loc).AddDate(0, 0, -1) + } + return c +} + +// Yesterday returns a Carbon instance for yesterday. +// 昨天 +func Yesterday(timezone ...string) Carbon { + return NewCarbon().Yesterday(timezone...) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/comparer.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/comparer.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8bf9adee --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/comparer.go @@ -0,0 +1,378 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "time" +) + +// IsZero whether is zero time. +// 是否是零值时间 +func (c Carbon) IsZero() bool { + return c.Time.IsZero() +} + +// IsInvalid whether is invalid time. +// 是否是无效时间 +func (c Carbon) IsInvalid() bool { + if c.Error != nil || c.IsZero() { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsNow whether is now time. +// 是否是当前时间 +func (c Carbon) IsNow() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Timestamp() == c.Now().Timestamp() +} + +// IsFuture whether is future time. +// 是否是未来时间 +func (c Carbon) IsFuture() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Timestamp() > c.Now().Timestamp() +} + +// IsPast whether is past time. +// 是否是过去时间 +func (c Carbon) IsPast() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Timestamp() < c.Now().Timestamp() +} + +// IsLeapYear whether is a leap year. +// 是否是闰年 +func (c Carbon) IsLeapYear() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + year := c.Time.In(c.loc).Year() + if year%400 == 0 || (year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0) { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsLongYear whether is a long year, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Week_dates. +// 是否是长年 +func (c Carbon) IsLongYear() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + _, w := time.Date(c.Year(), time.December, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, c.loc).ISOWeek() + return w == weeksPerLongYear +} + +// IsJanuary whether is January. +// 是否是一月 +func (c Carbon) IsJanuary() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Month() == time.January +} + +// IsFebruary whether is February. +// 是否是二月 +func (c Carbon) IsFebruary() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Month() == time.February +} + +// IsMarch whether is March. +// 是否是三月 +func (c Carbon) IsMarch() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Month() == time.March +} + +// IsApril whether is April. +// 是否是四月 +func (c Carbon) IsApril() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Month() == time.April +} + +// IsMay whether is May. +// 是否是五月 +func (c Carbon) IsMay() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Month() == time.May +} + +// IsJune whether is June. +// 是否是六月 +func (c Carbon) IsJune() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Month() == time.June +} + +// IsJuly whether is July. +// 是否是七月 +func (c Carbon) IsJuly() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Month() == time.July +} + +// IsAugust whether is August. +// 是否是八月 +func (c Carbon) IsAugust() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Month() == time.August +} + +// IsSeptember whether is September. +// 是否是九月 +func (c Carbon) IsSeptember() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Month() == time.September +} + +// IsOctober whether is October. +// 是否是十月 +func (c Carbon) IsOctober() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Month() == time.October +} + +// IsNovember whether is November. +// 是否是十一月 +func (c Carbon) IsNovember() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Month() == time.November +} + +// IsDecember whether is December. +// 是否是十二月 +func (c Carbon) IsDecember() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Month() == time.December +} + +// IsMonday whether is Monday. +// 是否是周一 +func (c Carbon) IsMonday() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Weekday() == time.Monday +} + +// IsTuesday whether is Tuesday. +// 是否是周二 +func (c Carbon) IsTuesday() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Weekday() == time.Tuesday +} + +// IsWednesday whether is Wednesday. +// 是否是周三 +func (c Carbon) IsWednesday() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Weekday() == time.Wednesday +} + +// IsThursday whether is Thursday. +// 是否是周四 +func (c Carbon) IsThursday() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Weekday() == time.Thursday +} + +// IsFriday whether is Friday. +// 是否是周五 +func (c Carbon) IsFriday() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Weekday() == time.Friday +} + +// IsSaturday whether is Saturday. +// 是否是周六 +func (c Carbon) IsSaturday() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Weekday() == time.Saturday +} + +// IsSunday whether is Sunday. +// 是否是周日 +func (c Carbon) IsSunday() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Weekday() == time.Sunday +} + +// IsWeekday whether is weekday. +// 是否是工作日 +func (c Carbon) IsWeekday() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return !c.IsSaturday() && !c.IsSunday() +} + +// IsWeekend whether is weekend. +// 是否是周末 +func (c Carbon) IsWeekend() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.IsSaturday() || c.IsSunday() +} + +// IsYesterday whether is yesterday. +// 是否是昨天 +func (c Carbon) IsYesterday() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.ToDateString() == Now().SubDay().ToDateString() +} + +// IsToday whether is today. +// 是否是今天 +func (c Carbon) IsToday() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.ToDateString() == c.Now().ToDateString() +} + +// IsTomorrow whether is tomorrow. +// 是否是明天 +func (c Carbon) IsTomorrow() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + return c.ToDateString() == Now().AddDay().ToDateString() +} + +// Compare comparison by a operator. +// 时间比较 +func (c Carbon) Compare(operator string, t Carbon) bool { + switch operator { + case "=": + return c.Eq(t) + case "<>", "!=": + return !c.Eq(t) + case ">": + return c.Gt(t) + case ">=": + return c.Gte(t) + case "<": + return c.Lt(t) + case "<=": + return c.Lte(t) + } + return false +} + +// Gt whether greater than. +// 是否大于 +func (c Carbon) Gt(t Carbon) bool { + return c.Time.After(t.Time) +} + +// Lt whether less than. +// 是否小于 +func (c Carbon) Lt(t Carbon) bool { + return c.Time.Before(t.Time) +} + +// Eq whether equal. +// 是否等于 +func (c Carbon) Eq(t Carbon) bool { + return c.Time.Equal(t.Time) +} + +// Ne whether not equal. +// 是否不等于 +func (c Carbon) Ne(t Carbon) bool { + return !c.Eq(t) +} + +// Gte whether greater than or equal. +// 是否大于等于 +func (c Carbon) Gte(t Carbon) bool { + return c.Gt(t) || c.Eq(t) +} + +// Lte whether less than or equal. +// 是否小于等于 +func (c Carbon) Lte(t Carbon) bool { + return c.Lt(t) || c.Eq(t) +} + +// Between whether between two times, excluded the start and end time. +// 是否在两个时间之间(不包括这两个时间) +func (c Carbon) Between(start Carbon, end Carbon) bool { + if c.Gt(start) && c.Lt(end) { + return true + } + return false +} + +// BetweenIncludedStart whether between two times, included the start time. +// 是否在两个时间之间(包括开始时间) +func (c Carbon) BetweenIncludedStart(start Carbon, end Carbon) bool { + if c.Gte(start) && c.Lt(end) { + return true + } + return false +} + +// BetweenIncludedEnd whether between two times, included the end time. +// 是否在两个时间之间(包括结束时间) +func (c Carbon) BetweenIncludedEnd(start Carbon, end Carbon) bool { + if c.Gt(start) && c.Lte(end) { + return true + } + return false +} + +// BetweenIncludedBoth whether between two times, included the start and end time. +// 是否在两个时间之间(包括这两个时间) +func (c Carbon) BetweenIncludedBoth(start Carbon, end Carbon) bool { + if c.Gte(start) && c.Lte(end) { + return true + } + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/constellation.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/constellation.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0834f448 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/constellation.go @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "strings" +) + +// Constellation gets constellation name, i18n is supported. +// 获取星座,支持i18n +func (c Carbon) Constellation() string { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + if len(c.lang.resources) == 0 { + c.lang.SetLocale(defaultLocale) + } + index := -1 + switch { + case c.Month() == 3 && c.Day() >= 21, c.Month() == 4 && c.Day() <= 19: + index = 0 // 白羊座 + case c.Month() == 4 && c.Day() >= 20, c.Month() == 5 && c.Day() <= 20: + index = 1 // 金牛座 + case c.Month() == 5 && c.Day() >= 21, c.Month() == 6 && c.Day() <= 21: + index = 2 // 双子座 + case c.Month() == 6 && c.Day() >= 22, c.Month() == 7 && c.Day() <= 22: + index = 3 // 巨蟹座 + case c.Month() == 7 && c.Day() >= 23, c.Month() == 8 && c.Day() <= 22: + index = 4 // 狮子座 + case c.Month() == 8 && c.Day() >= 23, c.Month() == 9 && c.Day() <= 22: + index = 5 // 处女座 + case c.Month() == 9 && c.Day() >= 23, c.Month() == 10 && c.Day() <= 23: + index = 6 // 天秤座 + case c.Month() == 10 && c.Day() >= 24, c.Month() == 11 && c.Day() <= 22: + index = 7 // 天蝎座 + case c.Month() == 11 && c.Day() >= 23, c.Month() == 12 && c.Day() <= 21: + index = 8 // 射手座 + case c.Month() == 12 && c.Day() >= 22, c.Month() == 1 && c.Day() <= 19: + index = 9 // 摩羯座 + case c.Month() == 1 && c.Day() >= 20, c.Month() == 2 && c.Day() <= 18: + index = 10 // 水瓶座 + case c.Month() == 2 && c.Day() >= 19, c.Month() == 3 && c.Day() <= 20: + index = 11 // 双鱼座 + } + if constellations, ok := c.lang.resources["constellations"]; ok { + slice := strings.Split(constellations, "|") + if len(slice) == 12 { + return slice[index] + } + } + return "" +} + +// IsAries whether is Aries. +// 是否是白羊座 +func (c Carbon) IsAries() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 3 && c.Day() >= 21 { + return true + } + if c.Month() == 4 && c.Day() <= 19 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsTaurus whether is Taurus. +// 是否是金牛座 +func (c Carbon) IsTaurus() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 4 && c.Day() >= 20 { + return true + } + if c.Month() == 5 && c.Day() <= 20 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsGemini whether is Gemini. +// 是否是双子座 +func (c Carbon) IsGemini() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 5 && c.Day() >= 21 { + return true + } + if c.Month() == 6 && c.Day() <= 21 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsCancer whether is Cancer. +// 是否是巨蟹座 +func (c Carbon) IsCancer() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 6 && c.Day() >= 22 { + return true + } + if c.Month() == 7 && c.Day() <= 22 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsLeo whether is Leo. +// 是否是狮子座 +func (c Carbon) IsLeo() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 7 && c.Day() >= 23 { + return true + } + if c.Month() == 8 && c.Day() <= 22 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsVirgo whether is Virgo. +// 是否是处女座 +func (c Carbon) IsVirgo() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 8 && c.Day() >= 23 { + return true + } + if c.Month() == 9 && c.Day() <= 22 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsLibra whether is Libra. +// 是否是天秤座 +func (c Carbon) IsLibra() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 9 && c.Day() >= 23 { + return true + } + if c.Month() == 10 && c.Day() <= 23 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsScorpio whether is Scorpio. +// 是否是天蝎座 +func (c Carbon) IsScorpio() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 10 && c.Day() >= 24 { + return true + } + if c.Month() == 11 && c.Day() <= 22 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsSagittarius whether is Sagittarius. +// 是否是射手座 +func (c Carbon) IsSagittarius() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 11 && c.Day() >= 22 { + return true + } + if c.Month() == 12 && c.Day() <= 21 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsCapricorn whether is Capricorn. +// 是否是摩羯座 +func (c Carbon) IsCapricorn() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 12 && c.Day() >= 22 { + return true + } + if c.Month() == 1 && c.Day() <= 19 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsAquarius whether is Aquarius. +// 是否是水瓶座 +func (c Carbon) IsAquarius() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 1 && c.Day() >= 20 { + return true + } + if c.Month() == 2 && c.Day() <= 18 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsPisces whether is Pisces. +// 是否是双鱼座 +func (c Carbon) IsPisces() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 2 && c.Day() >= 19 { + return true + } + if c.Month() == 3 && c.Day() <= 20 { + return true + } + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/creator.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/creator.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b6adf36b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/creator.go @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "strconv" + "time" +) + +// CreateFromTimestamp creates a Carbon instance from a given timestamp, second, millisecond, microsecond and nanosecond are supported. +// 从给定的时间戳创建 Carbon 实例,支持秒、毫秒、微秒和纳秒 +func (c Carbon) CreateFromTimestamp(timestamp int64, timezone ...string) Carbon { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.Error != nil { + return c + } + ts, count := timestamp, len(strconv.FormatInt(timestamp, 10)) + if timestamp < 0 { + count -= 1 + } + switch count { + case 10: + ts = timestamp + case 13: + ts = timestamp / 1e3 + case 16: + ts = timestamp / 1e6 + case 19: + ts = timestamp / 1e9 + } + c.Time = time.Unix(ts, 0) + return c +} + +// CreateFromTimestamp creates a Carbon instance from a given timestamp. +// 从给定的时间戳创建 Carbon 实例 +func CreateFromTimestamp(timestamp int64, timezone ...string) Carbon { + return NewCarbon().CreateFromTimestamp(timestamp, timezone...) +} + +// CreateFromDateTime creates a Carbon instance from a given date and time. +// 从给定的年月日时分秒创建 Carbon 实例 +func (c Carbon) CreateFromDateTime(year int, month int, day int, hour int, minute int, second int, timezone ...string) Carbon { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.Error != nil { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(year, time.Month(month), day, hour, minute, second, time.Now().Nanosecond(), c.loc) + return c +} + +// CreateFromDateTime creates a Carbon instance from a given date and time. +// 从给定的年月日时分秒创建 Carbon 实例 +func CreateFromDateTime(year int, month int, day int, hour int, minute int, second int, timezone ...string) Carbon { + return NewCarbon().CreateFromDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, timezone...) +} + +// CreateFromDate creates a Carbon instance from a given date. +// 从给定的年月日创建 Carbon 实例 +func (c Carbon) CreateFromDate(year int, month int, day int, timezone ...string) Carbon { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.Error != nil { + return c + } + hour, minute, second := time.Now().In(c.loc).Clock() + c.Time = time.Date(year, time.Month(month), day, hour, minute, second, time.Now().Nanosecond(), c.loc) + return c +} + +// CreateFromDate creates a Carbon instance from a given date. +// 从给定的年月日创建 Carbon 实例 +func CreateFromDate(year int, month int, day int, timezone ...string) Carbon { + return NewCarbon().CreateFromDate(year, month, day, timezone...) +} + +// CreateFromTime creates a Carbon instance from a given time. +// 从给定的时分秒创建 Carbon 实例 +func (c Carbon) CreateFromTime(hour int, minute int, second int, timezone ...string) Carbon { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.Error != nil { + return c + } + year, month, day := time.Now().In(c.loc).Date() + c.Time = time.Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, time.Now().Nanosecond(), c.loc) + return c +} + +// CreateFromTime creates a Carbon instance from a given time. +// 从给定的时分秒创建 Carbon 实例 +func CreateFromTime(hour int, minute int, second int, timezone ...string) Carbon { + return NewCarbon().CreateFromTime(hour, minute, second, timezone...) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/database.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/database.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1e64918e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/database.go @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + "time" +) + +// Scan an interface used by Scan in package database/sql for Scanning value from database to local golang variable. +func (c *Carbon) Scan(v interface{}) error { + value, ok := v.(time.Time) + if ok { + *c = Carbon{Time: value, loc: time.Local} + return nil + } + return fmt.Errorf("can not convert %v to carbon", v) +} + +// Value the interface providing the Value method for package database/sql/driver. +func (c Carbon) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + if c.IsZero() { + return nil, nil + } + return c.Time, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/difference.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/difference.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5e382eee --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/difference.go @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "strings" +) + +// DiffInYears gets the difference in years. +// 相差多少年 +func (c Carbon) DiffInYears(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + return c.DiffInMonths(end) / MonthsPerYear +} + +// DiffInYearsWithAbs gets the difference in years with absolute value. +// 相差多少年(绝对值) +func (c Carbon) DiffInYearsWithAbs(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + return getAbsValue(c.DiffInYears(end)) +} + +// DiffInMonths gets the difference in months. +// 相差多少月 +func (c Carbon) DiffInMonths(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + dy, dm, dd := end.Year()-c.Year(), end.Month()-c.Month(), end.Day()-c.Day() + if dd < 0 { + dm = dm - 1 + } + if dy == 0 && dm == 0 { + return int64(0) + } + if dy == 0 && dm != 0 && dd != 0 { + if int(end.DiffInHoursWithAbs(c)) < c.DaysInMonth()*HoursPerDay { + return int64(0) + } + return int64(dm) + } + return int64(dy*MonthsPerYear + dm) +} + +// DiffInMonthsWithAbs gets the difference in months with absolute value. +// 相差多少月(绝对值) +func (c Carbon) DiffInMonthsWithAbs(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + return getAbsValue(c.DiffInMonths(end)) +} + +// DiffInWeeks gets the difference in weeks. +// 相差多少周 +func (c Carbon) DiffInWeeks(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + return c.DiffInDays(end) / DaysPerWeek +} + +// DiffInWeeksWithAbs gets the difference in weeks with absolute value. +// 相差多少周(绝对值) +func (c Carbon) DiffInWeeksWithAbs(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + return getAbsValue(c.DiffInWeeks(end)) +} + +// DiffInDays gets the difference in days. +// 相差多少天 +func (c Carbon) DiffInDays(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + return c.DiffInSeconds(end) / SecondsPerDay +} + +// DiffInDaysWithAbs gets the difference in days with absolute value. +// 相差多少天(绝对值) +func (c Carbon) DiffInDaysWithAbs(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + return getAbsValue(c.DiffInDays(end)) +} + +// DiffInHours gets the difference in hours. +// 相差多少小时 +func (c Carbon) DiffInHours(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + return c.DiffInSeconds(end) / SecondsPerHour +} + +// DiffInHoursWithAbs gets the difference in hours with absolute value. +// 相差多少小时(绝对值) +func (c Carbon) DiffInHoursWithAbs(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + return getAbsValue(c.DiffInHours(end)) +} + +// DiffInMinutes gets the difference in minutes. +// 相差多少分钟 +func (c Carbon) DiffInMinutes(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + return c.DiffInSeconds(end) / SecondsPerMinute +} + +// DiffInMinutesWithAbs gets the difference in minutes with absolute value. +// 相差多少分钟(绝对值) +func (c Carbon) DiffInMinutesWithAbs(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + return getAbsValue(c.DiffInMinutes(end)) +} + +// DiffInSeconds gets the difference in seconds. +// 相差多少秒 +func (c Carbon) DiffInSeconds(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + return end.Timestamp() - c.Timestamp() +} + +// DiffInSecondsWithAbs gets the difference in seconds with absolute value. +// 相差多少秒(绝对值) +func (c Carbon) DiffInSecondsWithAbs(carbon ...Carbon) int64 { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + return getAbsValue(c.DiffInSeconds(end)) +} + +// DiffInString gets the difference in string, i18n is supported. +// 相差字符串,支持i18n +func (c Carbon) DiffInString(carbon ...Carbon) string { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + if c.Error != nil || end.Error != nil { + return "" + } + unit, value := c.diff(end) + return c.lang.translate(unit, value) +} + +// DiffInStringWithAbs gets the difference in string with absolute value, i18n is supported. +// 相差字符串,支持i18n +func (c Carbon) DiffInStringWithAbs(carbon ...Carbon) string { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + if c.Error != nil || end.Error != nil { + return "" + } + unit, value := c.diff(end) + return c.lang.translate(unit, getAbsValue(value)) +} + +// DiffForHumans gets the difference in a human readable format, i18n is supported. +// 获取对人类友好的可读格式时间差,支持i18n +func (c Carbon) DiffForHumans(carbon ...Carbon) string { + end := c.Now() + if len(carbon) > 0 { + end = carbon[len(carbon)-1] + } + if c.Error != nil || end.Error != nil { + return "" + } + unit, value := c.diff(end) + translation := c.lang.translate(unit, getAbsValue(value)) + if unit == "now" { + return translation + } + if c.Lt(end) && len(carbon) == 0 { + return strings.Replace(c.lang.resources["ago"], "%s", translation, 1) + } + if c.Lt(end) && len(carbon) > 0 { + return strings.Replace(c.lang.resources["before"], "%s", translation, 1) + } + if c.Gt(end) && len(carbon) == 0 { + return strings.Replace(c.lang.resources["from_now"], "%s", translation, 1) + } + return strings.Replace(c.lang.resources["after"], "%s", translation, 1) +} + +// diff gets the difference for unit and value. +// 获取相差单位和差值 +func (c Carbon) diff(end Carbon) (unit string, value int64) { + switch true { + case c.DiffInYearsWithAbs(end) > 0: + unit = "year" + value = c.DiffInYears(end) + break + case c.DiffInMonthsWithAbs(end) > 0: + unit = "month" + value = c.DiffInMonths(end) + break + case c.DiffInWeeksWithAbs(end) > 0: + unit = "week" + value = c.DiffInWeeks(end) + break + case c.DiffInDaysWithAbs(end) > 0: + unit = "day" + value = c.DiffInDays(end) + break + case c.DiffInHoursWithAbs(end) > 0: + unit = "hour" + value = c.DiffInHours(end) + break + case c.DiffInMinutesWithAbs(end) > 0: + unit = "minute" + value = c.DiffInMinutes(end) + case c.DiffInSecondsWithAbs(end) > 0: + unit = "second" + value = c.DiffInSeconds(end) + case c.DiffInSecondsWithAbs(end) == 0: + unit = "now" + value = 0 + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/errors.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f39ff991 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/errors.go @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "fmt" +) + +// invalidTimezoneError returns an invalid timezone error. +// 无效的时区错误 +var invalidTimezoneError = func(timezone string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid timezone %q, please see the file %q for all valid timezones", timezone, "$GOROOT/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip") +} + +// invalidDurationError returns an invalid duration error. +// 无效的持续时长错误 +var invalidDurationError = func(duration string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid duration %q, please make sure the duration is valid", duration) +} + +// invalidValueError returns an invalid value error. +// 无效的时间字符串错误 +var invalidValueError = func(value string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %q as carbon, please make sure the value is valid", value) +} + +// invalidLayoutError returns an invalid layout error. +// 无效的布局模板错误 +var invalidLayoutError = func(value, layout string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %q as carbon by layout %q, please make sure the value and layout match", value, layout) +} + +// invalidFormatError returns an invalid format error. +// 无效的格式化字符错误 +var invalidFormatError = func(value, format string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %q as carbon by format %q, please make sure the value and format match", value, format) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/getter.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/getter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc6da7f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/getter.go @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +package carbon + +import "time" + +// DaysInYear gets total days in year. +// 获取本年的总天数 +func (c Carbon) DaysInYear() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + if c.IsLeapYear() { + return DaysPerLeapYear + } + return DaysPerNormalYear +} + +// DaysInMonth gets total days in month. +// 获取本月的总天数 +func (c Carbon) DaysInMonth() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.EndOfMonth().Time.In(c.loc).Day() +} + +// MonthOfYear gets month of year. +// 获取本年的第几月 +func (c Carbon) MonthOfYear() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return int(c.Time.In(c.loc).Month()) +} + +// DayOfYear gets day of year. +// 获取本年的第几天 +func (c Carbon) DayOfYear() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).YearDay() +} + +// DayOfMonth gets day of month. +// 获取本月的第几天 +func (c Carbon) DayOfMonth() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Day() +} + +// DayOfWeek gets day of week. +// 获取本周的第几天 +func (c Carbon) DayOfWeek() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + day := int(c.Time.In(c.loc).Weekday()) + if day == 0 { + return DaysPerWeek + } + return day +} + +// WeekOfYear gets week of year, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Week_dates. +// 获取本年的第几周 +func (c Carbon) WeekOfYear() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + _, week := c.Time.In(c.loc).ISOWeek() + return week +} + +// WeekOfMonth gets week of month. +// 获取本月的第几周 +func (c Carbon) WeekOfMonth() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + days := c.Day() + c.StartOfMonth().DayOfWeek() - 1 + if days%DaysPerWeek == 0 { + return days / DaysPerWeek + } + return days/DaysPerWeek + 1 +} + +// Century gets current century. +// 获取当前世纪 +func (c Carbon) Century() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Year()/YearsPerCentury + 1 +} + +// Decade gets current decade. +// 获取当前年代 +func (c Carbon) Decade() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Year() % YearsPerCentury / YearsPerDecade * YearsPerDecade +} + +// Year gets current year. +// 获取当前年 +func (c Carbon) Year() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Year() +} + +// Quarter gets current quarter. +// 获取当前季度 +func (c Carbon) Quarter() (quarter int) { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + switch { + case c.Month() >= 10: + quarter = 4 + case c.Month() >= 7: + quarter = 3 + case c.Month() >= 4: + quarter = 2 + case c.Month() >= 1: + quarter = 1 + } + return +} + +// Month gets current month. +// 获取当前月 +func (c Carbon) Month() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.MonthOfYear() +} + +// Week gets current week, start from 0. +// 获取当前周(从0开始) +func (c Carbon) Week() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return -1 + } + return (c.DayOfWeek() + DaysPerWeek - int(c.weekStartsAt)) % DaysPerWeek +} + +// Day gets current day. +// 获取当前日 +func (c Carbon) Day() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.DayOfMonth() +} + +// Hour gets current hour. +// 获取当前小时 +func (c Carbon) Hour() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Hour() +} + +// Minute gets current minute. +// 获取当前分钟数 +func (c Carbon) Minute() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Minute() +} + +// Second gets current second. +// 获取当前秒数 +func (c Carbon) Second() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Second() +} + +// Millisecond gets current millisecond. +// 获取当前毫秒数,3位数字 +func (c Carbon) Millisecond() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Nanosecond() / 1e6 +} + +// Microsecond gets current microsecond. +// 获取当前微秒数,6位数字 +func (c Carbon) Microsecond() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Nanosecond() / 1e3 +} + +// Nanosecond gets current nanosecond. +// 获取当前纳秒数,9位数字 +func (c Carbon) Nanosecond() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Nanosecond() +} + +// Timestamp gets timestamp with second, it is short for TimestampWithSecond. +// 获取秒级时间戳, 是 TimestampWithSecond 的简写 +func (c Carbon) Timestamp() int64 { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.TimestampWithSecond() +} + +// TimestampWithSecond gets timestamp with second. +// 输出秒级时间戳 +func (c Carbon) TimestampWithSecond() int64 { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Unix() +} + +// TimestampWithMillisecond gets timestamp with millisecond. +// 获取毫秒级时间戳 +func (c Carbon) TimestampWithMillisecond() int64 { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Time.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond) +} + +// TimestampWithMicrosecond gets timestamp with microsecond. +// 获取微秒级时间戳 +func (c Carbon) TimestampWithMicrosecond() int64 { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Time.UnixNano() / int64(time.Microsecond) +} + +// TimestampWithNanosecond gets timestamp with nanosecond. +// 获取纳秒级时间戳 +func (c Carbon) TimestampWithNanosecond() int64 { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Time.UnixNano() +} + +// Location gets location name. +// 获取位置 +func (c Carbon) Location() string { + return c.loc.String() +} + +// Timezone gets timezone name. +// 获取时区 +func (c Carbon) Timezone() string { + name, _ := c.Time.Zone() + return name +} + +// Offset gets offset seconds from the UTC timezone. +// 获取距离UTC时区的偏移量,单位秒 +func (c Carbon) Offset() int { + _, offset := c.Time.Zone() + return offset +} + +// Locale gets locale name. +// 获取语言区域 +func (c Carbon) Locale() string { + return c.lang.locale +} + +// Age gets age. +// 获取年龄 +func (c Carbon) Age() int { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + now := Now() + if c.Timestamp() > now.Timestamp() { + return 0 + } + return int(c.DiffInYears(now)) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/helper.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/helper.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..18952da8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/helper.go @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "bytes" + "time" +) + +// formats common formatting symbols +// 常规格式化符号 +var formats = map[byte]string{ + 'd': "02", // Day: Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros. Eg: 01 to 31. + 'D': "Mon", // Day: A textual representation of a day, three letters. Eg: Mon through Sun. + 'j': "2", // Day: Day of the month without leading zeros. Eg: 1 to 31. + 'l': "Monday", // Day: A full textual representation of the day of the week. Eg: Sunday through Saturday. + 'F': "January", // Month: A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March. Eg: January through December. + 'm': "01", // Month: Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros. Eg: 01 through 12. + 'M': "Jan", // Month: A short textual representation of a month, three letters. Eg: Jan through Dec. + 'n': "1", // Month: Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros. Eg: 1 through 12. + 'Y': "2006", // Year: A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits. Eg: 1999 or 2003. + 'y': "06", // Year: A two digit representation of a year. Eg: 99 or 03. + 'a': "pm", // Time: Lowercase morning or afternoon sign. Eg: am or pm. + 'A': "PM", // Time: Uppercase morning or afternoon sign. Eg: AM or PM. + 'g': "3", // Time: 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros. Eg: 1 through 12. + 'h': "03", // Time: 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros. Eg: 01 through 12. + 'H': "15", // Time: 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros. Eg: 00 through 23. + 'i': "04", // Time: Minutes with leading zeros. Eg: 00 to 59. + 's': "05", // Time: Seconds with leading zeros. Eg: 00 through 59. + 'O': "-0700", // Zone: Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours. Eg: +0200. + 'P': "-07:00", // Zone: Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between hours and minutes. Eg: +02:00. + 'T': "MST", // Zone: Timezone abbreviation. Eg: UTC, EST, MDT ... + 'c': "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00", // Format: ISO 8601 date. Eg: 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00. + 'r': "Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200", // Format: RFC 2822 formatted date. Eg: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200. +} + +// format2layout converts format to layout. +// format 转 layout +func format2layout(format string) string { + buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) + for i := 0; i < len(format); i++ { + if layout, ok := formats[format[i]]; ok { + buffer.WriteString(layout) + } else { + switch format[i] { + case '\\': // 原样输出,不解析 + buffer.WriteByte(format[i+1]) + i++ + continue + default: + buffer.WriteByte(format[i]) + } + } + } + return buffer.String() +} + +// getLocationByTimezone gets a Location instance by a timezone string. +// 通过时区获取 Location 实例 +func getLocationByTimezone(timezone string) (*time.Location, error) { + loc, err := time.LoadLocation(timezone) + if err != nil { + err = invalidTimezoneError(timezone) + } + return loc, err +} + +// parseByDuration parses as a Duration instance by a duration string. +// 通过持续时长解析 +func parseByDuration(duration string) (time.Duration, error) { + td, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) + if err != nil { + err = invalidDurationError(duration) + } + return td, err +} + +// getAbsValue gets absolute value. +// 获取绝对值 +func getAbsValue(value int64) int64 { + return (value ^ value>>31) - value>>31 +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/json.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/json.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..76b6c276 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/json.go @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "strconv" +) + +// DateTime defines a DateTime struct. +type DateTime struct { + Carbon +} + +// Date defines a Date struct. +type Date struct { + Carbon +} + +// Time defines a Time struct. +type Time struct { + Carbon +} + +// Timestamp defines a Timestamp struct. +type Timestamp struct { + Carbon +} + +// TimestampWithSecond defines a TimestampWithSecond struct. +type TimestampWithSecond struct { + Carbon +} + +// TimestampWithMillisecond defines a TimestampWithMillisecond struct. +type TimestampWithMillisecond struct { + Carbon +} + +// TimestampWithMicrosecond defines a TimestampWithMicrosecond struct. +type TimestampWithMicrosecond struct { + Carbon +} + +// TimestampWithNanosecond defines a TimestampWithNanosecond struct. +type TimestampWithNanosecond struct { + Carbon +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t DateTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, t.ToDateTimeString())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *DateTime) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + c := Parse(string(bytes.Trim(b, `"`))) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = DateTime{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t Date) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, t.ToDateString())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *Date) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + c := Parse(string(bytes.Trim(b, `"`))) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = Date{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t Time) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, t.ToTimeString())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *Time) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + c := ParseByFormat(string(bytes.Trim(b, `"`)), "H:i:s") + if c.Error == nil { + *t = Time{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t Timestamp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`%d`, t.Timestamp())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *Timestamp) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64) + if ts == 0 || err != nil { + return err + } + c := CreateFromTimestamp(ts) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = Timestamp{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t TimestampWithSecond) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`%d`, t.TimestampWithSecond())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *TimestampWithSecond) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64) + if ts == 0 || err != nil { + return err + } + c := CreateFromTimestamp(ts) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = TimestampWithSecond{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t TimestampWithMillisecond) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`%d`, t.TimestampWithMillisecond())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *TimestampWithMillisecond) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64) + if ts == 0 || err != nil { + return err + } + c := CreateFromTimestamp(ts) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = TimestampWithMillisecond{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t TimestampWithMicrosecond) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`%d`, t.TimestampWithMicrosecond())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *TimestampWithMicrosecond) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64) + if ts == 0 || err != nil { + return err + } + c := CreateFromTimestamp(ts) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = TimestampWithMicrosecond{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t TimestampWithNanosecond) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`%d`, t.TimestampWithNanosecond())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *TimestampWithNanosecond) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64) + if ts == 0 || err != nil { + return err + } + c := CreateFromTimestamp(ts) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = TimestampWithNanosecond{c} + } + return nil +} + +/* The following will be removed from v2.0 and only the above will be retained */ + +// ToDateTimeString defines a ToDateTimeString struct. +type ToDateTimeString struct { + Carbon +} + +// ToDateString defines a ToDateString struct. +type ToDateString struct { + Carbon +} + +// ToTimeString defines a ToTimeString struct. +type ToTimeString struct { + Carbon +} + +// ToTimestamp defines a ToTimestamp struct. +type ToTimestamp struct { + Carbon +} + +// ToTimestampWithSecond defines a ToTimestampWithSecond struct. +type ToTimestampWithSecond struct { + Carbon +} + +// ToTimestampWithMillisecond defines a ToTimestampWithMillisecond struct. +type ToTimestampWithMillisecond struct { + Carbon +} + +// ToTimestampWithMicrosecond defines a ToTimestampWithMicrosecond struct. +type ToTimestampWithMicrosecond struct { + Carbon +} + +// ToTimestampWithNanosecond defines a ToTimestampWithNanosecond struct. +type ToTimestampWithNanosecond struct { + Carbon +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t ToDateTimeString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, t.ToDateTimeString())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *ToDateTimeString) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + c := Parse(string(bytes.Trim(b, `"`))) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = ToDateTimeString{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t ToDateString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, t.ToDateString())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *ToDateString) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + c := Parse(string(bytes.Trim(b, `"`))) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = ToDateString{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t ToTimeString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, t.ToTimeString())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *ToTimeString) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + c := ParseByFormat(string(bytes.Trim(b, `"`)), "H:i:s") + if c.Error == nil { + *t = ToTimeString{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t ToTimestamp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`%d`, t.ToTimestamp())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *ToTimestamp) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64) + if ts == 0 || err != nil { + return err + } + c := CreateFromTimestamp(ts) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = ToTimestamp{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t ToTimestampWithSecond) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`%d`, t.ToTimestampWithSecond())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *ToTimestampWithSecond) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64) + if ts == 0 || err != nil { + return err + } + c := CreateFromTimestamp(ts) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = ToTimestampWithSecond{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t ToTimestampWithMillisecond) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`%d`, t.ToTimestampWithMillisecond())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *ToTimestampWithMillisecond) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64) + if ts == 0 || err != nil { + return err + } + c := CreateFromTimestamp(ts) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = ToTimestampWithMillisecond{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t ToTimestampWithMicrosecond) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`%d`, t.ToTimestampWithMicrosecond())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *ToTimestampWithMicrosecond) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64) + if ts == 0 || err != nil { + return err + } + c := CreateFromTimestamp(ts) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = ToTimestampWithMicrosecond{c} + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal. +func (t ToTimestampWithNanosecond) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`%d`, t.ToTimestampWithNanosecond())), nil +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal. +func (t *ToTimestampWithNanosecond) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(b), 10, 64) + if ts == 0 || err != nil { + return err + } + c := CreateFromTimestamp(ts) + if c.Error == nil { + *t = ToTimestampWithNanosecond{c} + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/language.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/language.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e51721cf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/language.go @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "os" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "github.com/gobuffalo/packr" +) + +var ( + // defaultDir default directory + defaultDir = "lang" + + // defaultLocale default locale + defaultLocale = "en" + + // invalidLocaleError returns an invalid locale error. + invalidLocaleError = func(locale string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid locale file %q, please make sure the json file exists and is valid", locale) + } +) + +// Language define a Language struct. +// 定义 Language 结构体 +type Language struct { + dir string + locale string + resources map[string]string + Error error +} + +// NewLanguage return a new Language instance. +// 初始化 Language 结构体 +func NewLanguage() *Language { + return &Language{ + dir: defaultDir, + locale: defaultLocale, + resources: make(map[string]string), + } +} + +// SetLocale sets language locale. +// 设置区域 +func (lang *Language) SetLocale(locale string) { + if len(lang.resources) != 0 { + return + } + lang.locale = locale + box := packr.NewBox(lang.dir) + localeName := locale + ".json" + bytes, err := box.Find(localeName) + localePath := lang.dir + string(os.PathSeparator) + localeName + if err != nil { + lang.Error = invalidLocaleError(localePath) + return + } + if json.Unmarshal(bytes, &lang.resources) != nil { + lang.Error = invalidLocaleError(localePath) + } +} + +// SetResources sets language resources. +// 设置资源 +func (lang *Language) SetResources(resources map[string]string) { + if len(lang.resources) == 0 { + lang.resources = resources + return + } + for k, v := range resources { + if _, ok := lang.resources[k]; ok { + lang.resources[k] = v + } + } +} + +// translate returns a translated string. +// 翻译转换 +func (lang *Language) translate(unit string, value int64) string { + if len(lang.resources) == 0 { + lang.SetLocale(defaultLocale) + } + slice := strings.Split(lang.resources[unit], "|") + number := getAbsValue(value) + if len(slice) == 1 { + return strings.Replace(slice[0], "%d", strconv.FormatInt(value, 10), 1) + } + if int64(len(slice)) <= number { + return strings.Replace(slice[len(slice)-1], "%d", strconv.FormatInt(value, 10), 1) + } + if !strings.Contains(slice[number-1], "%d") && value < 0 { + return "-" + slice[number-1] + } + return strings.Replace(slice[number-1], "%d", strconv.FormatInt(value, 10), 1) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/outputer.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/outputer.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..227ea31b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/outputer.go @@ -0,0 +1,547 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "bytes" + "strconv" + "strings" +) + +// ToTimestamp outputs a timestamp with second(will be removed from v2.0, only keep Timestamp). +// 输出秒级时间戳(将在v2.0版本移除,只保留 Timestamp) +func (c Carbon) ToTimestamp() int64 { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.Timestamp() +} + +// ToTimestampWithSecond outputs a timestamp with second(will be removed from v2.0, only keep TimestampWithSecond). +// 输出秒级时间戳(将在v2.0版本移除,只保留 TimestampWithSecond) +func (c Carbon) ToTimestampWithSecond() int64 { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.TimestampWithSecond() +} + +// ToTimestampWithMillisecond outputs a timestamp with millisecond(will be removed from v2.0, only keep TimestampWithMillisecond). +// 输出毫秒级时间戳(将在v2.0版本移除,只保留 TimestampWithMillisecond) +func (c Carbon) ToTimestampWithMillisecond() int64 { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.TimestampWithMillisecond() +} + +// ToTimestampWithMicrosecond outputs a timestamp with microsecond(will be removed from v2.0, only keep TimestampWithMicrosecond). +// 输出微秒级时间戳(将在v2.0版本移除,只保留 TimestampWithMicrosecond) +func (c Carbon) ToTimestampWithMicrosecond() int64 { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.TimestampWithMicrosecond() +} + +// ToTimestampWithNanosecond outputs a timestamp with nanosecond(will be removed from v2.0, only keep TimestampWithNanosecond). +// 输出纳秒级时间戳(将在v2.0版本移除,只保留 TimestampWithNanosecond) +func (c Carbon) ToTimestampWithNanosecond() int64 { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return 0 + } + return c.TimestampWithNanosecond() +} + +// String outputs a string in date and time format, implement Stringer interface. +// 实现 Stringer 接口 +func (c Carbon) String() string { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.ToDateTimeString() +} + +// ToString outputs a string in "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 -0700 MST" format. +// 输出"2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 -0700 MST"格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).String() +} + +// ToMonthString outputs a string in month format, i18n is supported. +// 输出完整月份字符串,支持i18n +func (c Carbon) ToMonthString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + if len(c.lang.resources) == 0 { + c.lang.SetLocale(defaultLocale) + } + if months, ok := c.lang.resources["months"]; ok { + slice := strings.Split(months, "|") + if len(slice) == 12 { + return slice[c.Month()-1] + } + } + return "" +} + +// ToShortMonthString outputs a string in short month format, i18n is supported. +// 输出缩写月份字符串,支持i18n +func (c Carbon) ToShortMonthString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + if len(c.lang.resources) == 0 { + c.lang.SetLocale(defaultLocale) + } + if months, ok := c.lang.resources["short_months"]; ok { + slice := strings.Split(months, "|") + if len(slice) == 12 { + return slice[c.Month()-1] + } + } + return "" +} + +// ToWeekString outputs a string in week format, i18n is supported. +// 输出完整星期字符串,支持i18n +func (c Carbon) ToWeekString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + if len(c.lang.resources) == 0 { + c.lang.SetLocale(defaultLocale) + } + if months, ok := c.lang.resources["weeks"]; ok { + slice := strings.Split(months, "|") + if len(slice) == 7 { + return slice[c.Week()] + } + } + return "" +} + +// ToShortWeekString outputs a string in short week format, i18n is supported. +// 输出缩写星期字符串,支持i18n +func (c Carbon) ToShortWeekString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + if len(c.lang.resources) == 0 { + c.lang.SetLocale(defaultLocale) + } + if months, ok := c.lang.resources["short_weeks"]; ok { + slice := strings.Split(months, "|") + if len(slice) == 7 { + return slice[c.Week()] + } + } + return "" +} + +// ToDayDateTimeString outputs a string in day, date and time format. +// 输出天数日期时间字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToDayDateTimeString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(DayDateTimeFormat) +} + +// ToDateTimeString outputs a string in date and time format. +// 输出日期时间字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToDateTimeString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(DateTimeFormat) +} + +// ToShortDateTimeString outputs a string in short date and time format. +// 输出简写日期时间字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToShortDateTimeString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(ShortDateTimeFormat) +} + +// ToDateString outputs a string in date format. +// 输出日期字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToDateString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(DateFormat) +} + +// ToShortDateString outputs a string in short date format. +// 输出简写日期字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToShortDateString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(ShortDateFormat) +} + +// ToTimeString outputs a string in time format. +// 输出时间字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToTimeString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(TimeFormat) +} + +// ToShortTimeString outputs a string in short time format. +// 输出简写时间字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToShortTimeString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(ShortTimeFormat) +} + +// ToAtomString outputs a string in ATOM format. +// 输出 ATOM 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToAtomString(timezone ...string) string { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.ToRfc3339String(timezone...) +} + +// ToAnsicString outputs a string in ANSIC format. +// 输出 ANSIC 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToAnsicString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(AnsicFormat) +} + +// ToCookieString outputs a string in COOKIE format. +// 输出 COOKIE 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToCookieString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(CookieFormat) +} + +// ToRssString outputs a string in RSS format. +// 输出 RSS 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToRssString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(RssFormat) +} + +// ToW3cString outputs a string in W3C format. +// 输出 W3C 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToW3cString(timezone ...string) string { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.ToRfc3339String(timezone...) +} + +// ToUnixDateString outputs a string in unix date format. +// 输出 UnixDate 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToUnixDateString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(UnixDateFormat) +} + +// ToRubyDateString outputs a string in ruby date format. +// 输出 RubyDate 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToRubyDateString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(RubyDateFormat) +} + +// ToKitchenString outputs a string in KITCHEN format. +// 输出 KITCHEN 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToKitchenString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(KitchenFormat) +} + +// ToIso8601String outputs a string in ISO8601 format. +// 输出 ISO8601 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToIso8601String(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(Iso8601Format) +} + +// ToRfc822String outputs a string in RFC822 format. +// 输出 RFC822 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToRfc822String(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(RFC822Format) +} + +// ToRfc822zString outputs a string in RFC822Z format. +// 输出 RFC822Z 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToRfc822zString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(RFC822ZFormat) +} + +// ToRfc850String outputs a string in RFC850 format. +// 输出 RFC850 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToRfc850String(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(RFC850Format) +} + +// ToRfc1036String outputs a string in RFC1036 format. +// 输出 RFC1036 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToRfc1036String(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(RFC1036Format) +} + +// ToRfc1123String outputs a string in RFC1123 format. +// 输出 RFC1123 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToRfc1123String(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(RFC1123Format) +} + +// ToRfc1123zString outputs a string in RFC1123z format. +// 输出 RFC1123z 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToRfc1123zString(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(RFC1123ZFormat) +} + +// ToRfc2822String outputs a string in RFC2822 format. +// 输出 RFC2822 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToRfc2822String(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(RFC2822Format) +} + +// ToRfc3339String outputs a string in RFC3339 format. +// 输出 RFC3339 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToRfc3339String(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(RFC3339Format) +} + +// ToRfc7231String outputs a string in RFC7231 format. +// 输出 RFC7231 格式字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToRfc7231String(timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(RFC7231Format) +} + +// ToLayoutString outputs a string by layout. +// 输出指定布局的时间字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToLayoutString(layout string, timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(layout) +} + +// Layout outputs a string by layout, it is short for ToLayoutString. +// 输出指定布局的时间字符串, 是 ToLayoutString 的简写 +func (c Carbon) Layout(layout string, timezone ...string) string { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.ToLayoutString(layout, timezone...) +} + +// ToFormatString outputs a string by format. +// 输出指定格式的时间字符串 +func (c Carbon) ToFormatString(format string, timezone ...string) string { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) + for i := 0; i < len(format); i++ { + if layout, ok := formats[byte(format[i])]; ok { + buffer.WriteString(c.Time.In(c.loc).Format(layout)) + } else { + switch format[i] { + case '\\': // 原样输出,不解析 + buffer.WriteByte(format[i+1]) + i++ + continue + case 'W': // ISO-8601 格式数字表示的年份中的第几周,取值范围 1-52 + buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(c.WeekOfYear())) + case 'N': // ISO-8601 格式数字表示的星期中的第几天,取值范围 1-7 + buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(c.DayOfWeek())) + case 'S': // 月份中第几天的英文缩写后缀,如st, nd, rd, th + suffix := "th" + switch c.Day() { + case 1, 21, 31: + suffix = "st" + case 2, 22: + suffix = "nd" + case 3, 23: + suffix = "rd" + } + buffer.WriteString(suffix) + case 'L': // 是否为闰年,如果是闰年为 1,否则为 0 + if c.IsLeapYear() { + buffer.WriteString("1") + } else { + buffer.WriteString("0") + } + case 'G': // 数字表示的小时,24 小时格式,没有前导零,取值范围 0-23 + buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(c.Hour())) + case 'U': // 秒级时间戳,如 1611818268 + buffer.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(c.Timestamp(), 10)) + case 'u': // 数字表示的毫秒,如 999 + buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(c.Millisecond())) + case 'w': // 数字表示的星期中的第几天,取值范围 0-6 + buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(c.DayOfWeek() - 1)) + case 't': // 指定的月份有几天,取值范围 28-31 + buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(c.DaysInMonth())) + case 'z': // 年份中的第几天,取值范围 0-365 + buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(c.DayOfYear() - 1)) + case 'e': // 当前位置,如 UTC,GMT,Atlantic/Azores + buffer.WriteString(c.Location()) + case 'Q': // 当前季度,取值范围 1-4 + buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(c.Quarter())) + case 'C': // 当前世纪数,取值范围 0-99 + buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(c.Century())) + default: + buffer.WriteByte(format[i]) + } + } + } + return buffer.String() +} + +// Format outputs a string by format, it is short for ToFormatString. +// 输出指定格式的时间字符串, 是 ToFormatString 的简写 +func (c Carbon) Format(format string, timezone ...string) string { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + return c.ToFormatString(format, timezone...) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/parser.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/parser.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd4ba36d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/parser.go @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "strconv" + "strings" + "time" +) + +// Parse parses a standard string as a Carbon instance. +// 将标准格式时间字符串解析成 Carbon 实例 +func (c Carbon) Parse(value string, timezone ...string) Carbon { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.Error != nil { + return c + } + layout := DateTimeFormat + if value == "" || value == "0" || value == "0000-00-00 00:00:00" || value == "0000-00-00" || value == "00:00:00" { + return c + } + if len(value) == 10 && strings.Count(value, "-") == 2 { + layout = DateFormat + } + if strings.Index(value, "T") == 10 { + layout = RFC3339Format + } + if _, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64); err == nil { + switch len(value) { + case 8: + layout = ShortDateFormat + case 14: + layout = ShortDateTimeFormat + } + } + c = c.ParseByLayout(value, layout) + if c.Error != nil { + c.Error = invalidValueError(value) + return c + } + return c +} + +// Parse parses a standard string as a Carbon instance. +// 将标准时间字符串解析成 Carbon 实例 +func Parse(value string, timezone ...string) Carbon { + return NewCarbon().Parse(value, timezone...) +} + +// ParseByFormat parses a string as a Carbon instance by format. +// 通过格式化字符将字符串解析成 carbon 实例 +func (c Carbon) ParseByFormat(value string, format string, timezone ...string) Carbon { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.Error != nil { + return c + } + if value == "" || value == "0" || value == "0000-00-00 00:00:00" || value == "0000-00-00" || value == "00:00:00" { + return c + } + c = c.ParseByLayout(value, format2layout(format)) + if c.Error != nil { + c.Error = invalidFormatError(value, format) + return c + } + return c +} + +// ParseByFormat parses a string as a Carbon instance by format. +// 通过布局字符将字符串解析成 carbon 实例 +func ParseByFormat(value string, format string, timezone ...string) Carbon { + return NewCarbon().ParseByFormat(value, format, timezone...) +} + +// ParseByLayout parses a string as a Carbon instance by layout. +// 通过布局字符将字符串解析成 carbon 实例 +func (c Carbon) ParseByLayout(value string, layout string, timezone ...string) Carbon { + if len(timezone) > 0 { + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(timezone[len(timezone)-1]) + } + if c.Error != nil { + return c + } + if value == "" || value == "0" || value == "0000-00-00 00:00:00" || value == "0000-00-00" || value == "00:00:00" { + return c + } + tt, err := time.ParseInLocation(layout, value, c.loc) + if err != nil { + c.Error = invalidLayoutError(value, layout) + return c + } + c.Time = tt + return c +} + +// ParseByLayout parses a string as a Carbon instance by layout. +// 将布局时间字符串解析成 Carbon 实例 +func ParseByLayout(value string, layout string, timezone ...string) Carbon { + return NewCarbon().ParseByLayout(value, layout, timezone...) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/season.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/season.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a143ced9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/season.go @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "strings" + "time" +) + +// Season gets season name according to the meteorological division method, i18n is supported. +// 获取当前季节(以气象划分),支持i18n +func (c Carbon) Season() string { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return "" + } + if len(c.lang.resources) == 0 { + c.lang.SetLocale(defaultLocale) + } + index := -1 + switch { + case c.Month() == 3 || c.Month() == 4 || c.Month() == 5: + index = 0 + case c.Month() == 6 || c.Month() == 7 || c.Month() == 8: + index = 1 + case c.Month() == 9 || c.Month() == 10 || c.Month() == 11: + index = 2 + case c.Month() == 12 || c.Month() == 1 || c.Month() == 2: + index = 3 + } + if seasons, ok := c.lang.resources["seasons"]; ok { + slice := strings.Split(seasons, "|") + if len(slice) == 4 { + return slice[index] + } + } + return "" +} + +// StartOfSeason returns a Carbon instance for start of the season. +// 本季节开始时间 +func (c Carbon) StartOfSeason() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + if c.Month() == 1 || c.Month() == 2 { + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year()-1, time.Month(12), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, c.loc) + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()/3*3), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, c.loc) + return c +} + +// EndOfSeason returns a Carbon instance for end of the season. +// 本季节结束时间 +func (c Carbon) EndOfSeason() Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + if c.Month() == 1 || c.Month() == 2 { + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(2), 1, 23, 59, 59, 999999999, c.loc).AddDate(0, 1, -1) + return c + } + if c.Month() == 12 { + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year()+1, time.Month(2), 1, 23, 59, 59, 999999999, c.loc).AddDate(0, 1, -1) + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()/3*3+2), 1, 23, 59, 59, 999999999, c.loc).AddDate(0, 1, -1) + return c +} + +// IsSpring whether is spring. +// 是否是春季 +func (c Carbon) IsSpring() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 3 || c.Month() == 4 || c.Month() == 5 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsSummer whether is summer. +// 是否是夏季 +func (c Carbon) IsSummer() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 6 || c.Month() == 7 || c.Month() == 8 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsAutumn whether is autumn. +// 是否是秋季 +func (c Carbon) IsAutumn() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 9 || c.Month() == 10 || c.Month() == 11 { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsWinter whether is winter. +// 是否是冬季 +func (c Carbon) IsWinter() bool { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return false + } + if c.Month() == 12 || c.Month() == 1 || c.Month() == 2 { + return true + } + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/setter.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/setter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bffdab04 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/setter.go @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "time" +) + +// SetTimezone sets timezone. +// 设置时区 +func (c Carbon) SetTimezone(name string) Carbon { + if c.Error != nil { + return c + } + c.loc, c.Error = getLocationByTimezone(name) + return c +} + +// SetTimezone sets timezone. +// 设置时区 +func SetTimezone(name string) Carbon { + return NewCarbon().SetTimezone(name) +} + +// SetLocale sets locale. +// 设置语言区域 +func (c Carbon) SetLocale(locale string) Carbon { + if c.Error != nil { + return c + } + c.lang.SetLocale(locale) + c.Error = c.lang.Error + return c +} + +// SetLocale sets locale. +// 设置语言区域 +func SetLocale(locale string) Carbon { + c := NewCarbon() + c.lang.SetLocale(locale) + c.Error = c.lang.Error + return c +} + +// SetLanguage sets language. +// 设置语言对象 +func (c Carbon) SetLanguage(lang *Language) Carbon { + if c.Error != nil { + return c + } + c.lang, c.Error = lang, lang.Error + return c +} + +// SetLanguage sets language. +// 设置语言对象 +func SetLanguage(lang *Language) Carbon { + c := NewCarbon() + lang.SetLocale(lang.locale) + c.lang, c.Error = lang, lang.Error + return c +} + +// SetYear sets year. +// 设置年份 +func (c Carbon) SetYear(year int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(year, time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), c.Hour(), c.Minute(), c.Second(), c.Nanosecond(), c.loc) + return c +} + +// SetYearNoOverflow sets year without overflowing month. +// 设置年份(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) SetYearNoOverflow(year int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + return c.AddYearsNoOverflow(year - c.Year()) +} + +// SetMonth sets month. +// 设置月份 +func (c Carbon) SetMonth(month int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(month), c.Day(), c.Hour(), c.Minute(), c.Second(), c.Nanosecond(), c.loc) + return c +} + +// SetMonthNoOverflow sets month without overflowing month. +// 设置月份(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) SetMonthNoOverflow(month int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + return c.AddMonthsNoOverflow(month - c.Month()) +} + +// SetWeekStartsAt sets start day of the week. +// 设置一周的开始日期 +func (c Carbon) SetWeekStartsAt(day string) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + switch day { + case Sunday: + c.weekStartsAt = time.Sunday + case Monday: + c.weekStartsAt = time.Monday + case Tuesday: + c.weekStartsAt = time.Tuesday + case Wednesday: + c.weekStartsAt = time.Wednesday + case Thursday: + c.weekStartsAt = time.Thursday + case Friday: + c.weekStartsAt = time.Friday + case Saturday: + c.weekStartsAt = time.Saturday + } + return c +} + +// SetDay sets day. +// 设置日期 +func (c Carbon) SetDay(day int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), day, c.Hour(), c.Minute(), c.Second(), c.Nanosecond(), c.loc) + return c +} + +// SetHour sets hour. +// 设置小时 +func (c Carbon) SetHour(hour int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), hour, c.Minute(), c.Second(), c.Nanosecond(), c.loc) + return c +} + +// SetMinute sets minute. +// 设置分钟 +func (c Carbon) SetMinute(minute int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), c.Hour(), minute, c.Second(), c.Nanosecond(), c.loc) + return c +} + +// SetSecond sets second. +// 设置秒数 +func (c Carbon) SetSecond(second int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), c.Hour(), c.Minute(), second, c.Nanosecond(), c.loc) + return c +} + +// SetMillisecond sets millisecond. +// 设置毫秒 +func (c Carbon) SetMillisecond(millisecond int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), c.Hour(), c.Minute(), c.Second(), millisecond*1e6, c.loc) + return c +} + +// SetMicrosecond sets microsecond. +// 设置微秒 +func (c Carbon) SetMicrosecond(microsecond int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), c.Hour(), c.Minute(), c.Second(), microsecond*1e3, c.loc) + return c +} + +// SetNanosecond sets nanosecond. +// 设置纳秒 +func (c Carbon) SetNanosecond(nanosecond int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(c.Month()), c.Day(), c.Hour(), c.Minute(), c.Second(), nanosecond, c.loc) + return c +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/traveler.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/traveler.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d27d02a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang-module/carbon/traveler.go @@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ +package carbon + +import ( + "time" +) + +// AddDuration adds one duration. +// 按照持续时长字符串增加时间,支持整数/浮点数和符号ns(纳秒)、us(微妙)、ms(毫秒)、s(秒)、m(分钟)、h(小时)的组合 +func (c Carbon) AddDuration(duration string) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + td, err := parseByDuration(duration) + c.Time = c.Time.In(c.loc).Add(td) + c.Error = err + return c +} + +// SubDuration subtracts one duration. +// 按照持续时长字符串减少时间,支持整数/浮点数和符号ns(纳秒)、us(微妙)、ms(毫秒)、s(秒)、m(分钟)、h(小时)的组合 +func (c Carbon) SubDuration(duration string) Carbon { + return c.AddDuration("-" + duration) +} + +// AddCenturies adds some centuries. +// N个世纪后 +func (c Carbon) AddCenturies(centuries int) Carbon { + return c.AddYears(centuries * YearsPerCentury) +} + +// AddCenturiesNoOverflow adds some centuries without overflowing month. +// N个世纪后(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) AddCenturiesNoOverflow(centuries int) Carbon { + return c.AddYearsNoOverflow(centuries * YearsPerCentury) +} + +// AddCentury adds one century. +// 1个世纪后 +func (c Carbon) AddCentury() Carbon { + return c.AddCenturies(1) +} + +// AddCenturyNoOverflow adds one century without overflowing month. +// 1个世纪后(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) AddCenturyNoOverflow() Carbon { + return c.AddCenturiesNoOverflow(1) +} + +// SubCenturies subtracts some centuries. +// N个世纪前 +func (c Carbon) SubCenturies(centuries int) Carbon { + return c.SubYears(centuries * YearsPerCentury) +} + +// SubCenturiesNoOverflow subtracts some centuries without overflowing month. +// N个世纪前(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) SubCenturiesNoOverflow(centuries int) Carbon { + return c.SubYearsNoOverflow(centuries * YearsPerCentury) +} + +// SubCentury subtracts one century. +// 1个世纪前 +func (c Carbon) SubCentury() Carbon { + return c.SubCenturies(1) +} + +// SubCenturyNoOverflow subtracts one century without overflowing month. +// 1个世纪前(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) SubCenturyNoOverflow() Carbon { + return c.SubCenturiesNoOverflow(1) +} + +// AddDecades adds some decades. +// N个年代后 +func (c Carbon) AddDecades(decades int) Carbon { + return c.AddYears(decades * YearsPerDecade) +} + +// AddDecadesNoOverflow adds some decades without overflowing month. +// N个年代后(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) AddDecadesNoOverflow(decades int) Carbon { + return c.AddYearsNoOverflow(decades * YearsPerDecade) +} + +// AddDecade adds one decade. +// 1个年代后 +func (c Carbon) AddDecade() Carbon { + return c.AddDecades(1) +} + +// AddDecadeNoOverflow adds one decade without overflowing month. +// 1个年代后(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) AddDecadeNoOverflow() Carbon { + return c.AddDecadesNoOverflow(1) +} + +// SubDecades subtracts some decades. +// N个年代后 +func (c Carbon) SubDecades(decades int) Carbon { + return c.SubYears(decades * YearsPerDecade) +} + +// SubDecadesNoOverflow subtracts some decades without overflowing month. +// N个年代后(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) SubDecadesNoOverflow(decades int) Carbon { + return c.SubYearsNoOverflow(decades * YearsPerDecade) +} + +// SubDecade subtracts one decade. +// 1个年代后 +func (c Carbon) SubDecade() Carbon { + return c.SubDecades(1) +} + +// SubDecadeNoOverflow subtracts one decade without overflowing month. +// 1个年代后(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) SubDecadeNoOverflow() Carbon { + return c.SubDecadesNoOverflow(1) +} + +// AddYears adds some years. +// N年后 +func (c Carbon) AddYears(years int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = c.Time.In(c.loc).AddDate(years, 0, 0) + return c +} + +// AddYearsNoOverflow adds some years without overflowing month. +// N年后(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) AddYearsNoOverflow(years int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + // 获取N年后本月的最后一天 + last := time.Date(c.Year()+years, time.Month(c.Month()), 1, c.Hour(), c.Minute(), c.Second(), c.Nanosecond(), c.loc).AddDate(0, 1, -1) + day := c.Day() + if c.Day() > last.Day() { + day = last.Day() + } + c.Time = time.Date(last.Year(), last.Month(), day, c.Hour(), c.Minute(), c.Second(), c.Nanosecond(), c.loc) + return c +} + +// AddYear adds one year. +// 1年后 +func (c Carbon) AddYear() Carbon { + return c.AddYears(1) +} + +// AddYearNoOverflow adds one year without overflowing month. +// 1年后(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) AddYearNoOverflow() Carbon { + return c.AddYearsNoOverflow(1) +} + +// SubYears subtracts some years. +// N年前 +func (c Carbon) SubYears(years int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + return c.AddYears(-years) +} + +// SubYearsNoOverflow subtracts some years without overflowing month. +// N年前(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) SubYearsNoOverflow(years int) Carbon { + return c.AddYearsNoOverflow(-years) +} + +// SubYear subtracts one year. +// 1年前 +func (c Carbon) SubYear() Carbon { + return c.SubYears(1) +} + +// SubYearNoOverflow subtracts one year without overflowing month. +// 1年前(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) SubYearNoOverflow() Carbon { + return c.SubYearsNoOverflow(1) +} + +// AddQuarters adds some quarters +// N个季度后 +func (c Carbon) AddQuarters(quarters int) Carbon { + return c.AddMonths(quarters * MonthsPerQuarter) +} + +// AddQuartersNoOverflow adds quarters without overflowing month. +// N个季度后(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) AddQuartersNoOverflow(quarters int) Carbon { + return c.AddMonthsNoOverflow(quarters * MonthsPerQuarter) +} + +// AddQuarter adds one quarter +// 1个季度后 +func (c Carbon) AddQuarter() Carbon { + return c.AddQuarters(1) +} + +// AddQuarterNoOverflow adds one quarter without overflowing month. +// 1个季度后(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) AddQuarterNoOverflow() Carbon { + return c.AddQuartersNoOverflow(1) +} + +// SubQuarters subtracts some quarters. +// N个季度前 +func (c Carbon) SubQuarters(quarters int) Carbon { + return c.AddQuarters(-quarters) +} + +// SubQuartersNoOverflow subtracts some quarters without overflowing month. +// N个季度前(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) SubQuartersNoOverflow(quarters int) Carbon { + return c.AddMonthsNoOverflow(-quarters * MonthsPerQuarter) +} + +// SubQuarter subtracts one quarter. +// 1个季度前 +func (c Carbon) SubQuarter() Carbon { + return c.SubQuarters(1) +} + +// SubQuarterNoOverflow subtracts one quarter without overflowing month. +// 1个季度前(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) SubQuarterNoOverflow() Carbon { + return c.SubQuartersNoOverflow(1) +} + +// AddMonths adds some months. +// N个月后 +func (c Carbon) AddMonths(months int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = c.Time.In(c.loc).AddDate(0, months, 0) + return c +} + +// AddMonthsNoOverflow adds some months without overflowing month. +// N个月后(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) AddMonthsNoOverflow(months int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + month := c.Month() + months + // 获取N月后的最后一天 + last := time.Date(c.Year(), time.Month(month), 1, c.Hour(), c.Minute(), c.Second(), c.Nanosecond(), c.loc).AddDate(0, 1, -1) + day := c.Day() + if c.Day() > last.Day() { + day = last.Day() + } + c.Time = time.Date(last.Year(), last.Month(), day, c.Hour(), c.Minute(), c.Second(), c.Nanosecond(), c.loc) + return c +} + +// AddMonth adds one month. +// 1个月后 +func (c Carbon) AddMonth() Carbon { + return c.AddMonths(1) +} + +// AddMonthNoOverflow adds one month without overflowing month. +// 1个月后(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) AddMonthNoOverflow() Carbon { + return c.AddMonthsNoOverflow(1) +} + +// SubMonths subtracts some months. +// N个月前 +func (c Carbon) SubMonths(months int) Carbon { + return c.AddMonths(-months) +} + +// SubMonthsNoOverflow subtracts some months without overflowing month. +// N个月前(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) SubMonthsNoOverflow(months int) Carbon { + return c.AddMonthsNoOverflow(-months) +} + +// SubMonth subtracts one month. +// 1个月前 +func (c Carbon) SubMonth() Carbon { + return c.SubMonths(1) +} + +// SubMonthNoOverflow subtracts one month without overflowing month. +// 1个月前(月份不溢出) +func (c Carbon) SubMonthNoOverflow() Carbon { + return c.SubMonthsNoOverflow(1) +} + +// AddWeeks adds some weeks. +// N周后 +func (c Carbon) AddWeeks(weeks int) Carbon { + return c.AddDays(weeks * DaysPerWeek) +} + +// AddWeek adds one week. +// 1周后 +func (c Carbon) AddWeek() Carbon { + return c.AddWeeks(1) +} + +// SubWeeks subtracts some weeks. +// N周前 +func (c Carbon) SubWeeks(weeks int) Carbon { + return c.SubDays(weeks * DaysPerWeek) +} + +// SubWeek subtracts one week. +// 1周前 +func (c Carbon) SubWeek() Carbon { + return c.SubWeeks(1) +} + +// AddDays adds some days. +// N天后 +func (c Carbon) AddDays(days int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + c.Time = c.Time.In(c.loc).AddDate(0, 0, days) + return c +} + +// AddDay adds one day. +// 1天后 +func (c Carbon) AddDay() Carbon { + return c.AddDays(1) +} + +// SubDays subtracts some days. +// N天前 +func (c Carbon) SubDays(days int) Carbon { + return c.AddDays(-days) +} + +// SubDay subtracts one day. +// 1天前 +func (c Carbon) SubDay() Carbon { + return c.SubDays(1) +} + +// AddHours adds some hours. +// N小时后 +func (c Carbon) AddHours(hours int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + td := time.Duration(hours) * time.Hour + c.Time = c.Time.In(c.loc).Add(td) + return c +} + +// AddHour adds one hour. +// 1小时后 +func (c Carbon) AddHour() Carbon { + return c.AddHours(1) +} + +// SubHours subtracts some hours. +// N小时前 +func (c Carbon) SubHours(hours int) Carbon { + return c.AddHours(-hours) +} + +// SubHour subtracts one hour. +// 1小时前 +func (c Carbon) SubHour() Carbon { + return c.SubHours(1) +} + +// AddMinutes adds some minutes. +// N分钟后 +func (c Carbon) AddMinutes(minutes int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + td := time.Duration(minutes) * time.Minute + c.Time = c.Time.Add(td) + return c +} + +// AddMinute adds one minute. +// 1分钟后 +func (c Carbon) AddMinute() Carbon { + return c.AddMinutes(1) +} + +// SubMinutes subtracts some minutes. +// N分钟前 +func (c Carbon) SubMinutes(minutes int) Carbon { + return c.AddMinutes(-minutes) +} + +// SubMinute subtracts one minute. +// 1分钟前 +func (c Carbon) SubMinute() Carbon { + return c.SubMinutes(1) +} + +// AddSeconds adds some seconds. +// N秒钟后 +func (c Carbon) AddSeconds(seconds int) Carbon { + if c.IsInvalid() { + return c + } + td := time.Duration(seconds) * time.Second + c.Time = c.Time.Add(td) + return c +} + +// AddSecond adds one second. +// 1秒钟后 +func (c Carbon) AddSecond() Carbon { + return c.AddSeconds(1) +} + +// SubSeconds subtracts some seconds. +// N秒钟前 +func (c Carbon) SubSeconds(seconds int) Carbon { + return c.AddSeconds(-seconds) +} + +// SubSecond subtracts one second. +// 1秒钟前 +func (c Carbon) SubSecond() Carbon { + return c.SubSeconds(1) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e176228e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +language: go + +go: + - 1.x + - tip + +matrix: + allow_failures: + - go: tip diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1c4f50f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Copyright (c) 2019 Jack Christensen + +MIT License + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2/README.md b/vendor/github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..01209bfa --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +[![](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/chunkreader?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/chunkreader) +[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jackc/chunkreader.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/jackc/chunkreader) + +# chunkreader + +Package chunkreader provides an io.Reader wrapper that minimizes IO reads and memory allocations. + +Extracted from original implementation in https://github.com/jackc/pgx. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2/chunkreader.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2/chunkreader.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..afea1c52 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2/chunkreader.go @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +// Package chunkreader provides an io.Reader wrapper that minimizes IO reads and memory allocations. +package chunkreader + +import ( + "io" +) + +// ChunkReader is a io.Reader wrapper that minimizes IO reads and memory allocations. It allocates memory in chunks and +// will read as much as will fit in the current buffer in a single call regardless of how large a read is actually +// requested. The memory returned via Next is owned by the caller. This avoids the need for an additional copy. +// +// The downside of this approach is that a large buffer can be pinned in memory even if only a small slice is +// referenced. For example, an entire 4096 byte block could be pinned in memory by even a 1 byte slice. In these rare +// cases it would be advantageous to copy the bytes to another slice. +type ChunkReader struct { + r io.Reader + + buf []byte + rp, wp int // buf read position and write position + + config Config +} + +// Config contains configuration parameters for ChunkReader. +type Config struct { + MinBufLen int // Minimum buffer length +} + +// New creates and returns a new ChunkReader for r with default configuration. +func New(r io.Reader) *ChunkReader { + cr, err := NewConfig(r, Config{}) + if err != nil { + panic("default config can't be bad") + } + + return cr +} + +// NewConfig creates and a new ChunkReader for r configured by config. +func NewConfig(r io.Reader, config Config) (*ChunkReader, error) { + if config.MinBufLen == 0 { + // By historical reasons Postgres currently has 8KB send buffer inside, + // so here we want to have at least the same size buffer. + // @see https://github.com/postgres/postgres/blob/249d64999615802752940e017ee5166e726bc7cd/src/backend/libpq/pqcomm.c#L134 + // @see https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/0cdc5485-cb3c-5e16-4a46-e3b2f7a41322%40ya.ru + config.MinBufLen = 8192 + } + + return &ChunkReader{ + r: r, + buf: make([]byte, config.MinBufLen), + config: config, + }, nil +} + +// Next returns buf filled with the next n bytes. The caller gains ownership of buf. It is not necessary to make a copy +// of buf. If an error occurs, buf will be nil. +func (r *ChunkReader) Next(n int) (buf []byte, err error) { + // n bytes already in buf + if (r.wp - r.rp) >= n { + buf = r.buf[r.rp : r.rp+n] + r.rp += n + return buf, err + } + + // available space in buf is less than n + if len(r.buf) < n { + r.copyBufContents(r.newBuf(n)) + } + + // buf is large enough, but need to shift filled area to start to make enough contiguous space + minReadCount := n - (r.wp - r.rp) + if (len(r.buf) - r.wp) < minReadCount { + newBuf := r.newBuf(n) + r.copyBufContents(newBuf) + } + + if err := r.appendAtLeast(minReadCount); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + buf = r.buf[r.rp : r.rp+n] + r.rp += n + return buf, nil +} + +func (r *ChunkReader) appendAtLeast(fillLen int) error { + n, err := io.ReadAtLeast(r.r, r.buf[r.wp:], fillLen) + r.wp += n + return err +} + +func (r *ChunkReader) newBuf(size int) []byte { + if size < r.config.MinBufLen { + size = r.config.MinBufLen + } + return make([]byte, size) +} + +func (r *ChunkReader) copyBufContents(dest []byte) { + r.wp = copy(dest, r.buf[r.rp:r.wp]) + r.rp = 0 + r.buf = dest +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e980f555 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +.envrc +vendor/ +.vscode diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..63933a3a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +# 1.10.1 (November 20, 2021) + +* Close without waiting for response (Kei Kamikawa) +* Save waiting for network round-trip in CopyFrom (Rueian) +* Fix concurrency issue with ContextWatcher +* LRU.Get always checks context for cancellation / expiration (Georges Varouchas) + +# 1.10.0 (July 24, 2021) + +* net.Timeout errors are no longer returned when a query is canceled via context. A wrapped context error is returned. + +# 1.9.0 (July 10, 2021) + +* pgconn.Timeout only is true for errors originating in pgconn (Michael Darr) +* Add defaults for sslcert, sslkey, and sslrootcert (Joshua Brindle) +* Solve issue with 'sslmode=verify-full' when there are multiple hosts (mgoddard) +* Fix default host when parsing URL without host but with port +* Allow dbname query parameter in URL conn string +* Update underlying dependencies + +# 1.8.1 (March 25, 2021) + +* Better connection string sanitization (ip.novikov) +* Use proper pgpass location on Windows (Moshe Katz) +* Use errors instead of golang.org/x/xerrors +* Resume fallback on server error in Connect (Andrey Borodin) + +# 1.8.0 (December 3, 2020) + +* Add StatementErrored method to stmtcache.Cache. This allows the cache to purge invalidated prepared statements. (Ethan Pailes) + +# 1.7.2 (November 3, 2020) + +* Fix data value slices into work buffer with capacities larger than length. + +# 1.7.1 (October 31, 2020) + +* Do not asyncClose after receiving FATAL error from PostgreSQL server + +# 1.7.0 (September 26, 2020) + +* Exec(Params|Prepared) return ResultReader with FieldDescriptions loaded +* Add ReceiveResults (Sebastiaan Mannem) +* Fix parsing DSN connection with bad backslash +* Add PgConn.CleanupDone so connection pools can determine when async close is complete + +# 1.6.4 (July 29, 2020) + +* Fix deadlock on error after CommandComplete but before ReadyForQuery +* Fix panic on parsing DSN with trailing '=' + +# 1.6.3 (July 22, 2020) + +* Fix error message after AppendCertsFromPEM failure (vahid-sohrabloo) + +# 1.6.2 (July 14, 2020) + +* Update pgservicefile library + +# 1.6.1 (June 27, 2020) + +* Update golang.org/x/crypto to latest +* Update golang.org/x/text to 0.3.3 +* Fix error handling for bad PGSERVICE definition +* Redact passwords in ParseConfig errors (Lukas Vogel) + +# 1.6.0 (June 6, 2020) + +* Fix panic when closing conn during cancellable query +* Fix behavior of sslmode=require with sslrootcert present (Petr Jediný) +* Fix field descriptions available after command concluded (Tobias Salzmann) +* Support connect_timeout (georgysavva) +* Handle IPv6 in connection URLs (Lukas Vogel) +* Fix ValidateConnect with cancelable context +* Improve CopyFrom performance +* Add Config.Copy (georgysavva) + +# 1.5.0 (March 30, 2020) + +* Update golang.org/x/crypto for security fix +* Implement "verify-ca" SSL mode (Greg Curtis) + +# 1.4.0 (March 7, 2020) + +* Fix ExecParams and ExecPrepared handling of empty query. +* Support reading config from PostgreSQL service files. + +# 1.3.2 (February 14, 2020) + +* Update chunkreader to v2.0.1 for optimized default buffer size. + +# 1.3.1 (February 5, 2020) + +* Fix CopyFrom deadlock when multiple NoticeResponse received during copy + +# 1.3.0 (January 23, 2020) + +* Add Hijack and Construct. +* Update pgproto3 to v2.0.1. + +# 1.2.1 (January 13, 2020) + +* Fix data race in context cancellation introduced in v1.2.0. + +# 1.2.0 (January 11, 2020) + +## Features + +* Add Insert(), Update(), Delete(), and Select() statement type query methods to CommandTag. +* Add PgError.SQLState method. This could be used for compatibility with other drivers and databases. + +## Performance + +* Improve performance when context.Background() is used. (bakape) +* CommandTag.RowsAffected is faster and does not allocate. + +## Fixes + +* Try to cancel any in-progress query when a conn is closed by ctx cancel. +* Handle NoticeResponse during CopyFrom. +* Ignore errors sending Terminate message while closing connection. This mimics the behavior of libpq PGfinish. + +# 1.1.0 (October 12, 2019) + +* Add PgConn.IsBusy() method. + +# 1.0.1 (September 19, 2019) + +* Fix statement cache not properly cleaning discarded statements. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aebadd6c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Jack Christensen + +MIT License + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/README.md b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1c698a11 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +[![](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/pgconn?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/pgconn) +![CI](https://github.com/jackc/pgconn/workflows/CI/badge.svg) + +# pgconn + +Package pgconn is a low-level PostgreSQL database driver. It operates at nearly the same level as the C library libpq. +It is primarily intended to serve as the foundation for higher level libraries such as https://github.com/jackc/pgx. +Applications should handle normal queries with a higher level library and only use pgconn directly when required for +low-level access to PostgreSQL functionality. + +## Example Usage + +```go +pgConn, err := pgconn.Connect(context.Background(), os.Getenv("DATABASE_URL")) +if err != nil { + log.Fatalln("pgconn failed to connect:", err) +} +defer pgConn.Close(context.Background()) + +result := pgConn.ExecParams(context.Background(), "SELECT email FROM users WHERE id=$1", [][]byte{[]byte("123")}, nil, nil, nil) +for result.NextRow() { + fmt.Println("User 123 has email:", string(result.Values()[0])) +} +_, err = result.Close() +if err != nil { + log.Fatalln("failed reading result:", err) +} +``` + +## Testing + +The pgconn tests require a PostgreSQL database. It will connect to the database specified in the `PGX_TEST_CONN_STRING` +environment variable. The `PGX_TEST_CONN_STRING` environment variable can be a URL or DSN. In addition, the standard `PG*` +environment variables will be respected. Consider using [direnv](https://github.com/direnv/direnv) to simplify +environment variable handling. + +### Example Test Environment + +Connect to your PostgreSQL server and run: + +``` +create database pgx_test; +``` + +Now you can run the tests: + +```bash +PGX_TEST_CONN_STRING="host=/var/run/postgresql dbname=pgx_test" go test ./... +``` + +### Connection and Authentication Tests + +Pgconn supports multiple connection types and means of authentication. These tests are optional. They +will only run if the appropriate environment variable is set. Run `go test -v | grep SKIP` to see if any tests are being +skipped. Most developers will not need to enable these tests. See `ci/setup_test.bash` for an example set up if you need change +authentication code. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/auth_scram.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/auth_scram.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6a143fcd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/auth_scram.go @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +// SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication +// +// Resources: +// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5802 +// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8265 +// https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sasl-authentication.html +// +// Inspiration drawn from other implementations: +// https://github.com/lib/pq/pull/608 +// https://github.com/lib/pq/pull/788 +// https://github.com/lib/pq/pull/833 + +package pgconn + +import ( + "bytes" + "crypto/hmac" + "crypto/rand" + "crypto/sha256" + "encoding/base64" + "errors" + "fmt" + "strconv" + + "github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2" + "golang.org/x/crypto/pbkdf2" + "golang.org/x/text/secure/precis" +) + +const clientNonceLen = 18 + +// Perform SCRAM authentication. +func (c *PgConn) scramAuth(serverAuthMechanisms []string) error { + sc, err := newScramClient(serverAuthMechanisms, c.config.Password) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // Send client-first-message in a SASLInitialResponse + saslInitialResponse := &pgproto3.SASLInitialResponse{ + AuthMechanism: "SCRAM-SHA-256", + Data: sc.clientFirstMessage(), + } + _, err = c.conn.Write(saslInitialResponse.Encode(nil)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // Receive server-first-message payload in a AuthenticationSASLContinue. + saslContinue, err := c.rxSASLContinue() + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = sc.recvServerFirstMessage(saslContinue.Data) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // Send client-final-message in a SASLResponse + saslResponse := &pgproto3.SASLResponse{ + Data: []byte(sc.clientFinalMessage()), + } + _, err = c.conn.Write(saslResponse.Encode(nil)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // Receive server-final-message payload in a AuthenticationSASLFinal. + saslFinal, err := c.rxSASLFinal() + if err != nil { + return err + } + return sc.recvServerFinalMessage(saslFinal.Data) +} + +func (c *PgConn) rxSASLContinue() (*pgproto3.AuthenticationSASLContinue, error) { + msg, err := c.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + saslContinue, ok := msg.(*pgproto3.AuthenticationSASLContinue) + if ok { + return saslContinue, nil + } + + return nil, errors.New("expected AuthenticationSASLContinue message but received unexpected message") +} + +func (c *PgConn) rxSASLFinal() (*pgproto3.AuthenticationSASLFinal, error) { + msg, err := c.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + saslFinal, ok := msg.(*pgproto3.AuthenticationSASLFinal) + if ok { + return saslFinal, nil + } + + return nil, errors.New("expected AuthenticationSASLFinal message but received unexpected message") +} + +type scramClient struct { + serverAuthMechanisms []string + password []byte + clientNonce []byte + + clientFirstMessageBare []byte + + serverFirstMessage []byte + clientAndServerNonce []byte + salt []byte + iterations int + + saltedPassword []byte + authMessage []byte +} + +func newScramClient(serverAuthMechanisms []string, password string) (*scramClient, error) { + sc := &scramClient{ + serverAuthMechanisms: serverAuthMechanisms, + } + + // Ensure server supports SCRAM-SHA-256 + hasScramSHA256 := false + for _, mech := range sc.serverAuthMechanisms { + if mech == "SCRAM-SHA-256" { + hasScramSHA256 = true + break + } + } + if !hasScramSHA256 { + return nil, errors.New("server does not support SCRAM-SHA-256") + } + + // precis.OpaqueString is equivalent to SASLprep for password. + var err error + sc.password, err = precis.OpaqueString.Bytes([]byte(password)) + if err != nil { + // PostgreSQL allows passwords invalid according to SCRAM / SASLprep. + sc.password = []byte(password) + } + + buf := make([]byte, clientNonceLen) + _, err = rand.Read(buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + sc.clientNonce = make([]byte, base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(buf))) + base64.RawStdEncoding.Encode(sc.clientNonce, buf) + + return sc, nil +} + +func (sc *scramClient) clientFirstMessage() []byte { + sc.clientFirstMessageBare = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("n=,r=%s", sc.clientNonce)) + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("n,,%s", sc.clientFirstMessageBare)) +} + +func (sc *scramClient) recvServerFirstMessage(serverFirstMessage []byte) error { + sc.serverFirstMessage = serverFirstMessage + buf := serverFirstMessage + if !bytes.HasPrefix(buf, []byte("r=")) { + return errors.New("invalid SCRAM server-first-message received from server: did not include r=") + } + buf = buf[2:] + + idx := bytes.IndexByte(buf, ',') + if idx == -1 { + return errors.New("invalid SCRAM server-first-message received from server: did not include s=") + } + sc.clientAndServerNonce = buf[:idx] + buf = buf[idx+1:] + + if !bytes.HasPrefix(buf, []byte("s=")) { + return errors.New("invalid SCRAM server-first-message received from server: did not include s=") + } + buf = buf[2:] + + idx = bytes.IndexByte(buf, ',') + if idx == -1 { + return errors.New("invalid SCRAM server-first-message received from server: did not include i=") + } + saltStr := buf[:idx] + buf = buf[idx+1:] + + if !bytes.HasPrefix(buf, []byte("i=")) { + return errors.New("invalid SCRAM server-first-message received from server: did not include i=") + } + buf = buf[2:] + iterationsStr := buf + + var err error + sc.salt, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(saltStr)) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid SCRAM salt received from server: %w", err) + } + + sc.iterations, err = strconv.Atoi(string(iterationsStr)) + if err != nil || sc.iterations <= 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid SCRAM iteration count received from server: %w", err) + } + + if !bytes.HasPrefix(sc.clientAndServerNonce, sc.clientNonce) { + return errors.New("invalid SCRAM nonce: did not start with client nonce") + } + + if len(sc.clientAndServerNonce) <= len(sc.clientNonce) { + return errors.New("invalid SCRAM nonce: did not include server nonce") + } + + return nil +} + +func (sc *scramClient) clientFinalMessage() string { + clientFinalMessageWithoutProof := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("c=biws,r=%s", sc.clientAndServerNonce)) + + sc.saltedPassword = pbkdf2.Key([]byte(sc.password), sc.salt, sc.iterations, 32, sha256.New) + sc.authMessage = bytes.Join([][]byte{sc.clientFirstMessageBare, sc.serverFirstMessage, clientFinalMessageWithoutProof}, []byte(",")) + + clientProof := computeClientProof(sc.saltedPassword, sc.authMessage) + + return fmt.Sprintf("%s,p=%s", clientFinalMessageWithoutProof, clientProof) +} + +func (sc *scramClient) recvServerFinalMessage(serverFinalMessage []byte) error { + if !bytes.HasPrefix(serverFinalMessage, []byte("v=")) { + return errors.New("invalid SCRAM server-final-message received from server") + } + + serverSignature := serverFinalMessage[2:] + + if !hmac.Equal(serverSignature, computeServerSignature(sc.saltedPassword, sc.authMessage)) { + return errors.New("invalid SCRAM ServerSignature received from server") + } + + return nil +} + +func computeHMAC(key, msg []byte) []byte { + mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, key) + mac.Write(msg) + return mac.Sum(nil) +} + +func computeClientProof(saltedPassword, authMessage []byte) []byte { + clientKey := computeHMAC(saltedPassword, []byte("Client Key")) + storedKey := sha256.Sum256(clientKey) + clientSignature := computeHMAC(storedKey[:], authMessage) + + clientProof := make([]byte, len(clientSignature)) + for i := 0; i < len(clientSignature); i++ { + clientProof[i] = clientKey[i] ^ clientSignature[i] + } + + buf := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(clientProof))) + base64.StdEncoding.Encode(buf, clientProof) + return buf +} + +func computeServerSignature(saltedPassword []byte, authMessage []byte) []byte { + serverKey := computeHMAC(saltedPassword, []byte("Server Key")) + serverSignature := computeHMAC(serverKey, authMessage) + buf := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(serverSignature))) + base64.StdEncoding.Encode(buf, serverSignature) + return buf +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/config.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/config.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..172e7478 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/config.go @@ -0,0 +1,729 @@ +package pgconn + +import ( + "context" + "crypto/tls" + "crypto/x509" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "io/ioutil" + "math" + "net" + "net/url" + "os" + "path/filepath" + "strconv" + "strings" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2" + "github.com/jackc/pgpassfile" + "github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2" + "github.com/jackc/pgservicefile" +) + +type AfterConnectFunc func(ctx context.Context, pgconn *PgConn) error +type ValidateConnectFunc func(ctx context.Context, pgconn *PgConn) error + +// Config is the settings used to establish a connection to a PostgreSQL server. It must be created by ParseConfig. A +// manually initialized Config will cause ConnectConfig to panic. +type Config struct { + Host string // host (e.g. localhost) or absolute path to unix domain socket directory (e.g. /private/tmp) + Port uint16 + Database string + User string + Password string + TLSConfig *tls.Config // nil disables TLS + ConnectTimeout time.Duration + DialFunc DialFunc // e.g. net.Dialer.DialContext + LookupFunc LookupFunc // e.g. net.Resolver.LookupHost + BuildFrontend BuildFrontendFunc + RuntimeParams map[string]string // Run-time parameters to set on connection as session default values (e.g. search_path or application_name) + + Fallbacks []*FallbackConfig + + // ValidateConnect is called during a connection attempt after a successful authentication with the PostgreSQL server. + // It can be used to validate that the server is acceptable. If this returns an error the connection is closed and the next + // fallback config is tried. This allows implementing high availability behavior such as libpq does with target_session_attrs. + ValidateConnect ValidateConnectFunc + + // AfterConnect is called after ValidateConnect. It can be used to set up the connection (e.g. Set session variables + // or prepare statements). If this returns an error the connection attempt fails. + AfterConnect AfterConnectFunc + + // OnNotice is a callback function called when a notice response is received. + OnNotice NoticeHandler + + // OnNotification is a callback function called when a notification from the LISTEN/NOTIFY system is received. + OnNotification NotificationHandler + + createdByParseConfig bool // Used to enforce created by ParseConfig rule. +} + +// Copy returns a deep copy of the config that is safe to use and modify. +// The only exception is the TLSConfig field: +// according to the tls.Config docs it must not be modified after creation. +func (c *Config) Copy() *Config { + newConf := new(Config) + *newConf = *c + if newConf.TLSConfig != nil { + newConf.TLSConfig = c.TLSConfig.Clone() + } + if newConf.RuntimeParams != nil { + newConf.RuntimeParams = make(map[string]string, len(c.RuntimeParams)) + for k, v := range c.RuntimeParams { + newConf.RuntimeParams[k] = v + } + } + if newConf.Fallbacks != nil { + newConf.Fallbacks = make([]*FallbackConfig, len(c.Fallbacks)) + for i, fallback := range c.Fallbacks { + newFallback := new(FallbackConfig) + *newFallback = *fallback + if newFallback.TLSConfig != nil { + newFallback.TLSConfig = fallback.TLSConfig.Clone() + } + newConf.Fallbacks[i] = newFallback + } + } + return newConf +} + +// FallbackConfig is additional settings to attempt a connection with when the primary Config fails to establish a +// network connection. It is used for TLS fallback such as sslmode=prefer and high availability (HA) connections. +type FallbackConfig struct { + Host string // host (e.g. localhost) or path to unix domain socket directory (e.g. /private/tmp) + Port uint16 + TLSConfig *tls.Config // nil disables TLS +} + +// NetworkAddress converts a PostgreSQL host and port into network and address suitable for use with +// net.Dial. +func NetworkAddress(host string, port uint16) (network, address string) { + if strings.HasPrefix(host, "/") { + network = "unix" + address = filepath.Join(host, ".s.PGSQL.") + strconv.FormatInt(int64(port), 10) + } else { + network = "tcp" + address = net.JoinHostPort(host, strconv.Itoa(int(port))) + } + return network, address +} + +// ParseConfig builds a *Config with similar behavior to the PostgreSQL standard C library libpq. It uses the same +// defaults as libpq (e.g. port=5432) and understands most PG* environment variables. ParseConfig closely matches +// the parsing behavior of libpq. connString may either be in URL format or keyword = value format (DSN style). See +// https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-CONNSTRING for details. connString also may be +// empty to only read from the environment. If a password is not supplied it will attempt to read the .pgpass file. +// +// # Example DSN +// user=jack password=secret host=pg.example.com port=5432 dbname=mydb sslmode=verify-ca +// +// # Example URL +// postgres://jack:secret@pg.example.com:5432/mydb?sslmode=verify-ca +// +// The returned *Config may be modified. However, it is strongly recommended that any configuration that can be done +// through the connection string be done there. In particular the fields Host, Port, TLSConfig, and Fallbacks can be +// interdependent (e.g. TLSConfig needs knowledge of the host to validate the server certificate). These fields should +// not be modified individually. They should all be modified or all left unchanged. +// +// ParseConfig supports specifying multiple hosts in similar manner to libpq. Host and port may include comma separated +// values that will be tried in order. This can be used as part of a high availability system. See +// https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-MULTIPLE-HOSTS for more information. +// +// # Example URL +// postgres://jack:secret@foo.example.com:5432,bar.example.com:5432/mydb +// +// ParseConfig currently recognizes the following environment variable and their parameter key word equivalents passed +// via database URL or DSN: +// +// PGHOST +// PGPORT +// PGDATABASE +// PGUSER +// PGPASSWORD +// PGPASSFILE +// PGSERVICE +// PGSERVICEFILE +// PGSSLMODE +// PGSSLCERT +// PGSSLKEY +// PGSSLROOTCERT +// PGAPPNAME +// PGCONNECT_TIMEOUT +// PGTARGETSESSIONATTRS +// +// See http://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/static/libpq-envars.html for details on the meaning of environment variables. +// +// See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-PARAMKEYWORDS for parameter key word names. They are +// usually but not always the environment variable name downcased and without the "PG" prefix. +// +// Important Security Notes: +// +// ParseConfig tries to match libpq behavior with regard to PGSSLMODE. This includes defaulting to "prefer" behavior if +// not set. +// +// See http://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/static/libpq-ssl.html#LIBPQ-SSL-PROTECTION for details on what level of +// security each sslmode provides. +// +// The sslmode "prefer" (the default), sslmode "allow", and multiple hosts are implemented via the Fallbacks field of +// the Config struct. If TLSConfig is manually changed it will not affect the fallbacks. For example, in the case of +// sslmode "prefer" this means it will first try the main Config settings which use TLS, then it will try the fallback +// which does not use TLS. This can lead to an unexpected unencrypted connection if the main TLS config is manually +// changed later but the unencrypted fallback is present. Ensure there are no stale fallbacks when manually setting +// TLCConfig. +// +// Other known differences with libpq: +// +// If a host name resolves into multiple addresses, libpq will try all addresses. pgconn will only try the first. +// +// When multiple hosts are specified, libpq allows them to have different passwords set via the .pgpass file. pgconn +// does not. +// +// In addition, ParseConfig accepts the following options: +// +// min_read_buffer_size +// The minimum size of the internal read buffer. Default 8192. +// servicefile +// libpq only reads servicefile from the PGSERVICEFILE environment variable. ParseConfig accepts servicefile as a +// part of the connection string. +func ParseConfig(connString string) (*Config, error) { + defaultSettings := defaultSettings() + envSettings := parseEnvSettings() + + connStringSettings := make(map[string]string) + if connString != "" { + var err error + // connString may be a database URL or a DSN + if strings.HasPrefix(connString, "postgres://") || strings.HasPrefix(connString, "postgresql://") { + connStringSettings, err = parseURLSettings(connString) + if err != nil { + return nil, &parseConfigError{connString: connString, msg: "failed to parse as URL", err: err} + } + } else { + connStringSettings, err = parseDSNSettings(connString) + if err != nil { + return nil, &parseConfigError{connString: connString, msg: "failed to parse as DSN", err: err} + } + } + } + + settings := mergeSettings(defaultSettings, envSettings, connStringSettings) + if service, present := settings["service"]; present { + serviceSettings, err := parseServiceSettings(settings["servicefile"], service) + if err != nil { + return nil, &parseConfigError{connString: connString, msg: "failed to read service", err: err} + } + + settings = mergeSettings(defaultSettings, envSettings, serviceSettings, connStringSettings) + } + + minReadBufferSize, err := strconv.ParseInt(settings["min_read_buffer_size"], 10, 32) + if err != nil { + return nil, &parseConfigError{connString: connString, msg: "cannot parse min_read_buffer_size", err: err} + } + + config := &Config{ + createdByParseConfig: true, + Database: settings["database"], + User: settings["user"], + Password: settings["password"], + RuntimeParams: make(map[string]string), + BuildFrontend: makeDefaultBuildFrontendFunc(int(minReadBufferSize)), + } + + if connectTimeoutSetting, present := settings["connect_timeout"]; present { + connectTimeout, err := parseConnectTimeoutSetting(connectTimeoutSetting) + if err != nil { + return nil, &parseConfigError{connString: connString, msg: "invalid connect_timeout", err: err} + } + config.ConnectTimeout = connectTimeout + config.DialFunc = makeConnectTimeoutDialFunc(connectTimeout) + } else { + defaultDialer := makeDefaultDialer() + config.DialFunc = defaultDialer.DialContext + } + + config.LookupFunc = makeDefaultResolver().LookupHost + + notRuntimeParams := map[string]struct{}{ + "host": struct{}{}, + "port": struct{}{}, + "database": struct{}{}, + "user": struct{}{}, + "password": struct{}{}, + "passfile": struct{}{}, + "connect_timeout": struct{}{}, + "sslmode": struct{}{}, + "sslkey": struct{}{}, + "sslcert": struct{}{}, + "sslrootcert": struct{}{}, + "target_session_attrs": struct{}{}, + "min_read_buffer_size": struct{}{}, + "service": struct{}{}, + "servicefile": struct{}{}, + } + + for k, v := range settings { + if _, present := notRuntimeParams[k]; present { + continue + } + config.RuntimeParams[k] = v + } + + fallbacks := []*FallbackConfig{} + + hosts := strings.Split(settings["host"], ",") + ports := strings.Split(settings["port"], ",") + + for i, host := range hosts { + var portStr string + if i < len(ports) { + portStr = ports[i] + } else { + portStr = ports[0] + } + + port, err := parsePort(portStr) + if err != nil { + return nil, &parseConfigError{connString: connString, msg: "invalid port", err: err} + } + + var tlsConfigs []*tls.Config + + // Ignore TLS settings if Unix domain socket like libpq + if network, _ := NetworkAddress(host, port); network == "unix" { + tlsConfigs = append(tlsConfigs, nil) + } else { + var err error + tlsConfigs, err = configTLS(settings, host) + if err != nil { + return nil, &parseConfigError{connString: connString, msg: "failed to configure TLS", err: err} + } + } + + for _, tlsConfig := range tlsConfigs { + fallbacks = append(fallbacks, &FallbackConfig{ + Host: host, + Port: port, + TLSConfig: tlsConfig, + }) + } + } + + config.Host = fallbacks[0].Host + config.Port = fallbacks[0].Port + config.TLSConfig = fallbacks[0].TLSConfig + config.Fallbacks = fallbacks[1:] + + passfile, err := pgpassfile.ReadPassfile(settings["passfile"]) + if err == nil { + if config.Password == "" { + host := config.Host + if network, _ := NetworkAddress(config.Host, config.Port); network == "unix" { + host = "localhost" + } + + config.Password = passfile.FindPassword(host, strconv.Itoa(int(config.Port)), config.Database, config.User) + } + } + + if settings["target_session_attrs"] == "read-write" { + config.ValidateConnect = ValidateConnectTargetSessionAttrsReadWrite + } else if settings["target_session_attrs"] != "any" { + return nil, &parseConfigError{connString: connString, msg: fmt.Sprintf("unknown target_session_attrs value: %v", settings["target_session_attrs"])} + } + + return config, nil +} + +func mergeSettings(settingSets ...map[string]string) map[string]string { + settings := make(map[string]string) + + for _, s2 := range settingSets { + for k, v := range s2 { + settings[k] = v + } + } + + return settings +} + +func parseEnvSettings() map[string]string { + settings := make(map[string]string) + + nameMap := map[string]string{ + "PGHOST": "host", + "PGPORT": "port", + "PGDATABASE": "database", + "PGUSER": "user", + "PGPASSWORD": "password", + "PGPASSFILE": "passfile", + "PGAPPNAME": "application_name", + "PGCONNECT_TIMEOUT": "connect_timeout", + "PGSSLMODE": "sslmode", + "PGSSLKEY": "sslkey", + "PGSSLCERT": "sslcert", + "PGSSLROOTCERT": "sslrootcert", + "PGTARGETSESSIONATTRS": "target_session_attrs", + "PGSERVICE": "service", + "PGSERVICEFILE": "servicefile", + } + + for envname, realname := range nameMap { + value := os.Getenv(envname) + if value != "" { + settings[realname] = value + } + } + + return settings +} + +func parseURLSettings(connString string) (map[string]string, error) { + settings := make(map[string]string) + + url, err := url.Parse(connString) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if url.User != nil { + settings["user"] = url.User.Username() + if password, present := url.User.Password(); present { + settings["password"] = password + } + } + + // Handle multiple host:port's in url.Host by splitting them into host,host,host and port,port,port. + var hosts []string + var ports []string + for _, host := range strings.Split(url.Host, ",") { + if host == "" { + continue + } + if isIPOnly(host) { + hosts = append(hosts, strings.Trim(host, "[]")) + continue + } + h, p, err := net.SplitHostPort(host) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to split host:port in '%s', err: %w", host, err) + } + if h != "" { + hosts = append(hosts, h) + } + if p != "" { + ports = append(ports, p) + } + } + if len(hosts) > 0 { + settings["host"] = strings.Join(hosts, ",") + } + if len(ports) > 0 { + settings["port"] = strings.Join(ports, ",") + } + + database := strings.TrimLeft(url.Path, "/") + if database != "" { + settings["database"] = database + } + + nameMap := map[string]string{ + "dbname": "database", + } + + for k, v := range url.Query() { + if k2, present := nameMap[k]; present { + k = k2 + } + + settings[k] = v[0] + } + + return settings, nil +} + +func isIPOnly(host string) bool { + return net.ParseIP(strings.Trim(host, "[]")) != nil || !strings.Contains(host, ":") +} + +var asciiSpace = [256]uint8{'\t': 1, '\n': 1, '\v': 1, '\f': 1, '\r': 1, ' ': 1} + +func parseDSNSettings(s string) (map[string]string, error) { + settings := make(map[string]string) + + nameMap := map[string]string{ + "dbname": "database", + } + + for len(s) > 0 { + var key, val string + eqIdx := strings.IndexRune(s, '=') + if eqIdx < 0 { + return nil, errors.New("invalid dsn") + } + + key = strings.Trim(s[:eqIdx], " \t\n\r\v\f") + s = strings.TrimLeft(s[eqIdx+1:], " \t\n\r\v\f") + if len(s) == 0 { + } else if s[0] != '\'' { + end := 0 + for ; end < len(s); end++ { + if asciiSpace[s[end]] == 1 { + break + } + if s[end] == '\\' { + end++ + if end == len(s) { + return nil, errors.New("invalid backslash") + } + } + } + val = strings.Replace(strings.Replace(s[:end], "\\\\", "\\", -1), "\\'", "'", -1) + if end == len(s) { + s = "" + } else { + s = s[end+1:] + } + } else { // quoted string + s = s[1:] + end := 0 + for ; end < len(s); end++ { + if s[end] == '\'' { + break + } + if s[end] == '\\' { + end++ + } + } + if end == len(s) { + return nil, errors.New("unterminated quoted string in connection info string") + } + val = strings.Replace(strings.Replace(s[:end], "\\\\", "\\", -1), "\\'", "'", -1) + if end == len(s) { + s = "" + } else { + s = s[end+1:] + } + } + + if k, ok := nameMap[key]; ok { + key = k + } + + if key == "" { + return nil, errors.New("invalid dsn") + } + + settings[key] = val + } + + return settings, nil +} + +func parseServiceSettings(servicefilePath, serviceName string) (map[string]string, error) { + servicefile, err := pgservicefile.ReadServicefile(servicefilePath) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read service file: %v", servicefilePath) + } + + service, err := servicefile.GetService(serviceName) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find service: %v", serviceName) + } + + nameMap := map[string]string{ + "dbname": "database", + } + + settings := make(map[string]string, len(service.Settings)) + for k, v := range service.Settings { + if k2, present := nameMap[k]; present { + k = k2 + } + settings[k] = v + } + + return settings, nil +} + +// configTLS uses libpq's TLS parameters to construct []*tls.Config. It is +// necessary to allow returning multiple TLS configs as sslmode "allow" and +// "prefer" allow fallback. +func configTLS(settings map[string]string, thisHost string) ([]*tls.Config, error) { + host := thisHost + sslmode := settings["sslmode"] + sslrootcert := settings["sslrootcert"] + sslcert := settings["sslcert"] + sslkey := settings["sslkey"] + + // Match libpq default behavior + if sslmode == "" { + sslmode = "prefer" + } + + tlsConfig := &tls.Config{} + + switch sslmode { + case "disable": + return []*tls.Config{nil}, nil + case "allow", "prefer": + tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = true + case "require": + // According to PostgreSQL documentation, if a root CA file exists, + // the behavior of sslmode=require should be the same as that of verify-ca + // + // See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/libpq-ssl.html + if sslrootcert != "" { + goto nextCase + } + tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = true + break + nextCase: + fallthrough + case "verify-ca": + // Don't perform the default certificate verification because it + // will verify the hostname. Instead, verify the server's + // certificate chain ourselves in VerifyPeerCertificate and + // ignore the server name. This emulates libpq's verify-ca + // behavior. + // + // See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/21971#issuecomment-332693931 + // and https://pkg.go.dev/crypto/tls?tab=doc#example-Config-VerifyPeerCertificate + // for more info. + tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = true + tlsConfig.VerifyPeerCertificate = func(certificates [][]byte, _ [][]*x509.Certificate) error { + certs := make([]*x509.Certificate, len(certificates)) + for i, asn1Data := range certificates { + cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(asn1Data) + if err != nil { + return errors.New("failed to parse certificate from server: " + err.Error()) + } + certs[i] = cert + } + + // Leave DNSName empty to skip hostname verification. + opts := x509.VerifyOptions{ + Roots: tlsConfig.RootCAs, + Intermediates: x509.NewCertPool(), + } + // Skip the first cert because it's the leaf. All others + // are intermediates. + for _, cert := range certs[1:] { + opts.Intermediates.AddCert(cert) + } + _, err := certs[0].Verify(opts) + return err + } + case "verify-full": + tlsConfig.ServerName = host + default: + return nil, errors.New("sslmode is invalid") + } + + if sslrootcert != "" { + caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool() + + caPath := sslrootcert + caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(caPath) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read CA file: %w", err) + } + + if !caCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caCert) { + return nil, errors.New("unable to add CA to cert pool") + } + + tlsConfig.RootCAs = caCertPool + tlsConfig.ClientCAs = caCertPool + } + + if (sslcert != "" && sslkey == "") || (sslcert == "" && sslkey != "") { + return nil, errors.New(`both "sslcert" and "sslkey" are required`) + } + + if sslcert != "" && sslkey != "" { + cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(sslcert, sslkey) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read cert: %w", err) + } + + tlsConfig.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert} + } + + switch sslmode { + case "allow": + return []*tls.Config{nil, tlsConfig}, nil + case "prefer": + return []*tls.Config{tlsConfig, nil}, nil + case "require", "verify-ca", "verify-full": + return []*tls.Config{tlsConfig}, nil + default: + panic("BUG: bad sslmode should already have been caught") + } +} + +func parsePort(s string) (uint16, error) { + port, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 16) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + if port < 1 || port > math.MaxUint16 { + return 0, errors.New("outside range") + } + return uint16(port), nil +} + +func makeDefaultDialer() *net.Dialer { + return &net.Dialer{KeepAlive: 5 * time.Minute} +} + +func makeDefaultResolver() *net.Resolver { + return net.DefaultResolver +} + +func makeDefaultBuildFrontendFunc(minBufferLen int) BuildFrontendFunc { + return func(r io.Reader, w io.Writer) Frontend { + cr, err := chunkreader.NewConfig(r, chunkreader.Config{MinBufLen: minBufferLen}) + if err != nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: chunkreader.NewConfig failed: %v", err)) + } + frontend := pgproto3.NewFrontend(cr, w) + + return frontend + } +} + +func parseConnectTimeoutSetting(s string) (time.Duration, error) { + timeout, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + if timeout < 0 { + return 0, errors.New("negative timeout") + } + return time.Duration(timeout) * time.Second, nil +} + +func makeConnectTimeoutDialFunc(timeout time.Duration) DialFunc { + d := makeDefaultDialer() + d.Timeout = timeout + return d.DialContext +} + +// ValidateConnectTargetSessionAttrsReadWrite is an ValidateConnectFunc that implements libpq compatible +// target_session_attrs=read-write. +func ValidateConnectTargetSessionAttrsReadWrite(ctx context.Context, pgConn *PgConn) error { + result := pgConn.ExecParams(ctx, "show transaction_read_only", nil, nil, nil, nil).Read() + if result.Err != nil { + return result.Err + } + + if string(result.Rows[0][0]) == "on" { + return errors.New("read only connection") + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/defaults.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/defaults.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f69cad31 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/defaults.go @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +// +build !windows + +package pgconn + +import ( + "os" + "os/user" + "path/filepath" +) + +func defaultSettings() map[string]string { + settings := make(map[string]string) + + settings["host"] = defaultHost() + settings["port"] = "5432" + + // Default to the OS user name. Purposely ignoring err getting user name from + // OS. The client application will simply have to specify the user in that + // case (which they typically will be doing anyway). + user, err := user.Current() + if err == nil { + settings["user"] = user.Username + settings["passfile"] = filepath.Join(user.HomeDir, ".pgpass") + settings["servicefile"] = filepath.Join(user.HomeDir, ".pg_service.conf") + sslcert := filepath.Join(user.HomeDir, ".postgresql", "postgresql.crt") + sslkey := filepath.Join(user.HomeDir, ".postgresql", "postgresql.key") + if _, err := os.Stat(sslcert); err == nil { + if _, err := os.Stat(sslkey); err == nil { + // Both the cert and key must be present to use them, or do not use either + settings["sslcert"] = sslcert + settings["sslkey"] = sslkey + } + } + sslrootcert := filepath.Join(user.HomeDir, ".postgresql", "root.crt") + if _, err := os.Stat(sslrootcert); err == nil { + settings["sslrootcert"] = sslrootcert + } + } + + settings["target_session_attrs"] = "any" + + settings["min_read_buffer_size"] = "8192" + + return settings +} + +// defaultHost attempts to mimic libpq's default host. libpq uses the default unix socket location on *nix and localhost +// on Windows. The default socket location is compiled into libpq. Since pgx does not have access to that default it +// checks the existence of common locations. +func defaultHost() string { + candidatePaths := []string{ + "/var/run/postgresql", // Debian + "/private/tmp", // OSX - homebrew + "/tmp", // standard PostgreSQL + } + + for _, path := range candidatePaths { + if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil { + return path + } + } + + return "localhost" +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/defaults_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/defaults_windows.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..71eb77db --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/defaults_windows.go @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +package pgconn + +import ( + "os" + "os/user" + "path/filepath" + "strings" +) + +func defaultSettings() map[string]string { + settings := make(map[string]string) + + settings["host"] = defaultHost() + settings["port"] = "5432" + + // Default to the OS user name. Purposely ignoring err getting user name from + // OS. The client application will simply have to specify the user in that + // case (which they typically will be doing anyway). + user, err := user.Current() + appData := os.Getenv("APPDATA") + if err == nil { + // Windows gives us the username here as `DOMAIN\user` or `LOCALPCNAME\user`, + // but the libpq default is just the `user` portion, so we strip off the first part. + username := user.Username + if strings.Contains(username, "\\") { + username = username[strings.LastIndex(username, "\\")+1:] + } + + settings["user"] = username + settings["passfile"] = filepath.Join(appData, "postgresql", "pgpass.conf") + settings["servicefile"] = filepath.Join(user.HomeDir, ".pg_service.conf") + sslcert := filepath.Join(appData, "postgresql", "postgresql.crt") + sslkey := filepath.Join(appData, "postgresql", "postgresql.key") + if _, err := os.Stat(sslcert); err == nil { + if _, err := os.Stat(sslkey); err == nil { + // Both the cert and key must be present to use them, or do not use either + settings["sslcert"] = sslcert + settings["sslkey"] = sslkey + } + } + sslrootcert := filepath.Join(appData, "postgresql", "root.crt") + if _, err := os.Stat(sslrootcert); err == nil { + settings["sslrootcert"] = sslrootcert + } + } + + settings["target_session_attrs"] = "any" + + settings["min_read_buffer_size"] = "8192" + + return settings +} + +// defaultHost attempts to mimic libpq's default host. libpq uses the default unix socket location on *nix and localhost +// on Windows. The default socket location is compiled into libpq. Since pgx does not have access to that default it +// checks the existence of common locations. +func defaultHost() string { + return "localhost" +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cde58cd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Package pgconn is a low-level PostgreSQL database driver. +/* +pgconn provides lower level access to a PostgreSQL connection than a database/sql or pgx connection. It operates at +nearly the same level is the C library libpq. + +Establishing a Connection + +Use Connect to establish a connection. It accepts a connection string in URL or DSN and will read the environment for +libpq style environment variables. + +Executing a Query + +ExecParams and ExecPrepared execute a single query. They return readers that iterate over each row. The Read method +reads all rows into memory. + +Executing Multiple Queries in a Single Round Trip + +Exec and ExecBatch can execute multiple queries in a single round trip. They return readers that iterate over each query +result. The ReadAll method reads all query results into memory. + +Context Support + +All potentially blocking operations take a context.Context. If a context is canceled while the method is in progress the +method immediately returns. In most circumstances, this will close the underlying connection. + +The CancelRequest method may be used to request the PostgreSQL server cancel an in-progress query without forcing the +client to abort. +*/ +package pgconn diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/errors.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a32b29c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/errors.go @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +package pgconn + +import ( + "context" + "errors" + "fmt" + "net" + "net/url" + "regexp" + "strings" +) + +// SafeToRetry checks if the err is guaranteed to have occurred before sending any data to the server. +func SafeToRetry(err error) bool { + if e, ok := err.(interface{ SafeToRetry() bool }); ok { + return e.SafeToRetry() + } + return false +} + +// Timeout checks if err was was caused by a timeout. To be specific, it is true if err was caused within pgconn by a +// context.Canceled, context.DeadlineExceeded or an implementer of net.Error where Timeout() is true. +func Timeout(err error) bool { + var timeoutErr *errTimeout + return errors.As(err, &timeoutErr) +} + +// PgError represents an error reported by the PostgreSQL server. See +// http://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/static/protocol-error-fields.html for +// detailed field description. +type PgError struct { + Severity string + Code string + Message string + Detail string + Hint string + Position int32 + InternalPosition int32 + InternalQuery string + Where string + SchemaName string + TableName string + ColumnName string + DataTypeName string + ConstraintName string + File string + Line int32 + Routine string +} + +func (pe *PgError) Error() string { + return pe.Severity + ": " + pe.Message + " (SQLSTATE " + pe.Code + ")" +} + +// SQLState returns the SQLState of the error. +func (pe *PgError) SQLState() string { + return pe.Code +} + +type connectError struct { + config *Config + msg string + err error +} + +func (e *connectError) Error() string { + sb := &strings.Builder{} + fmt.Fprintf(sb, "failed to connect to `host=%s user=%s database=%s`: %s", e.config.Host, e.config.User, e.config.Database, e.msg) + if e.err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(sb, " (%s)", e.err.Error()) + } + return sb.String() +} + +func (e *connectError) Unwrap() error { + return e.err +} + +type connLockError struct { + status string +} + +func (e *connLockError) SafeToRetry() bool { + return true // a lock failure by definition happens before the connection is used. +} + +func (e *connLockError) Error() string { + return e.status +} + +type parseConfigError struct { + connString string + msg string + err error +} + +func (e *parseConfigError) Error() string { + connString := redactPW(e.connString) + if e.err == nil { + return fmt.Sprintf("cannot parse `%s`: %s", connString, e.msg) + } + return fmt.Sprintf("cannot parse `%s`: %s (%s)", connString, e.msg, e.err.Error()) +} + +func (e *parseConfigError) Unwrap() error { + return e.err +} + +// preferContextOverNetTimeoutError returns ctx.Err() if ctx.Err() is present and err is a net.Error with Timeout() == +// true. Otherwise returns err. +func preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx context.Context, err error) error { + if err, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && err.Timeout() && ctx.Err() != nil { + return &errTimeout{err: ctx.Err()} + } + return err +} + +type pgconnError struct { + msg string + err error + safeToRetry bool +} + +func (e *pgconnError) Error() string { + if e.msg == "" { + return e.err.Error() + } + if e.err == nil { + return e.msg + } + return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", e.msg, e.err.Error()) +} + +func (e *pgconnError) SafeToRetry() bool { + return e.safeToRetry +} + +func (e *pgconnError) Unwrap() error { + return e.err +} + +// errTimeout occurs when an error was caused by a timeout. Specifically, it wraps an error which is +// context.Canceled, context.DeadlineExceeded, or an implementer of net.Error where Timeout() is true. +type errTimeout struct { + err error +} + +func (e *errTimeout) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("timeout: %s", e.err.Error()) +} + +func (e *errTimeout) SafeToRetry() bool { + return SafeToRetry(e.err) +} + +func (e *errTimeout) Unwrap() error { + return e.err +} + +type contextAlreadyDoneError struct { + err error +} + +func (e *contextAlreadyDoneError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("context already done: %s", e.err.Error()) +} + +func (e *contextAlreadyDoneError) SafeToRetry() bool { + return true +} + +func (e *contextAlreadyDoneError) Unwrap() error { + return e.err +} + +// newContextAlreadyDoneError double-wraps a context error in `contextAlreadyDoneError` and `errTimeout`. +func newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx context.Context) (err error) { + return &errTimeout{&contextAlreadyDoneError{err: ctx.Err()}} +} + +type writeError struct { + err error + safeToRetry bool +} + +func (e *writeError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("write failed: %s", e.err.Error()) +} + +func (e *writeError) SafeToRetry() bool { + return e.safeToRetry +} + +func (e *writeError) Unwrap() error { + return e.err +} + +func redactPW(connString string) string { + if strings.HasPrefix(connString, "postgres://") || strings.HasPrefix(connString, "postgresql://") { + if u, err := url.Parse(connString); err == nil { + return redactURL(u) + } + } + quotedDSN := regexp.MustCompile(`password='[^']*'`) + connString = quotedDSN.ReplaceAllLiteralString(connString, "password=xxxxx") + plainDSN := regexp.MustCompile(`password=[^ ]*`) + connString = plainDSN.ReplaceAllLiteralString(connString, "password=xxxxx") + brokenURL := regexp.MustCompile(`:[^:@]+?@`) + connString = brokenURL.ReplaceAllLiteralString(connString, ":xxxxxx@") + return connString +} + +func redactURL(u *url.URL) string { + if u == nil { + return "" + } + if _, pwSet := u.User.Password(); pwSet { + u.User = url.UserPassword(u.User.Username(), "xxxxx") + } + return u.String() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/internal/ctxwatch/context_watcher.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/internal/ctxwatch/context_watcher.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b39cb3ee --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/internal/ctxwatch/context_watcher.go @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +package ctxwatch + +import ( + "context" + "sync" +) + +// ContextWatcher watches a context and performs an action when the context is canceled. It can watch one context at a +// time. +type ContextWatcher struct { + onCancel func() + onUnwatchAfterCancel func() + unwatchChan chan struct{} + + lock sync.Mutex + watchInProgress bool + onCancelWasCalled bool +} + +// NewContextWatcher returns a ContextWatcher. onCancel will be called when a watched context is canceled. +// OnUnwatchAfterCancel will be called when Unwatch is called and the watched context had already been canceled and +// onCancel called. +func NewContextWatcher(onCancel func(), onUnwatchAfterCancel func()) *ContextWatcher { + cw := &ContextWatcher{ + onCancel: onCancel, + onUnwatchAfterCancel: onUnwatchAfterCancel, + unwatchChan: make(chan struct{}), + } + + return cw +} + +// Watch starts watching ctx. If ctx is canceled then the onCancel function passed to NewContextWatcher will be called. +func (cw *ContextWatcher) Watch(ctx context.Context) { + cw.lock.Lock() + defer cw.lock.Unlock() + + if cw.watchInProgress { + panic("Watch already in progress") + } + + cw.onCancelWasCalled = false + + if ctx.Done() != nil { + cw.watchInProgress = true + go func() { + select { + case <-ctx.Done(): + cw.onCancel() + cw.onCancelWasCalled = true + <-cw.unwatchChan + case <-cw.unwatchChan: + } + }() + } else { + cw.watchInProgress = false + } +} + +// Unwatch stops watching the previously watched context. If the onCancel function passed to NewContextWatcher was +// called then onUnwatchAfterCancel will also be called. +func (cw *ContextWatcher) Unwatch() { + cw.lock.Lock() + defer cw.lock.Unlock() + + if cw.watchInProgress { + cw.unwatchChan <- struct{}{} + if cw.onCancelWasCalled { + cw.onUnwatchAfterCancel() + } + cw.watchInProgress = false + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/pgconn.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/pgconn.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..382ad33c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/pgconn.go @@ -0,0 +1,1703 @@ +package pgconn + +import ( + "context" + "crypto/md5" + "crypto/tls" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/hex" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "math" + "net" + "strings" + "sync" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgconn/internal/ctxwatch" + "github.com/jackc/pgio" + "github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2" +) + +const ( + connStatusUninitialized = iota + connStatusConnecting + connStatusClosed + connStatusIdle + connStatusBusy +) + +const wbufLen = 1024 + +// Notice represents a notice response message reported by the PostgreSQL server. Be aware that this is distinct from +// LISTEN/NOTIFY notification. +type Notice PgError + +// Notification is a message received from the PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY system +type Notification struct { + PID uint32 // backend pid that sent the notification + Channel string // channel from which notification was received + Payload string +} + +// DialFunc is a function that can be used to connect to a PostgreSQL server. +type DialFunc func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) + +// LookupFunc is a function that can be used to lookup IPs addrs from host. +type LookupFunc func(ctx context.Context, host string) (addrs []string, err error) + +// BuildFrontendFunc is a function that can be used to create Frontend implementation for connection. +type BuildFrontendFunc func(r io.Reader, w io.Writer) Frontend + +// NoticeHandler is a function that can handle notices received from the PostgreSQL server. Notices can be received at +// any time, usually during handling of a query response. The *PgConn is provided so the handler is aware of the origin +// of the notice, but it must not invoke any query method. Be aware that this is distinct from LISTEN/NOTIFY +// notification. +type NoticeHandler func(*PgConn, *Notice) + +// NotificationHandler is a function that can handle notifications received from the PostgreSQL server. Notifications +// can be received at any time, usually during handling of a query response. The *PgConn is provided so the handler is +// aware of the origin of the notice, but it must not invoke any query method. Be aware that this is distinct from a +// notice event. +type NotificationHandler func(*PgConn, *Notification) + +// Frontend used to receive messages from backend. +type Frontend interface { + Receive() (pgproto3.BackendMessage, error) +} + +// PgConn is a low-level PostgreSQL connection handle. It is not safe for concurrent usage. +type PgConn struct { + conn net.Conn // the underlying TCP or unix domain socket connection + pid uint32 // backend pid + secretKey uint32 // key to use to send a cancel query message to the server + parameterStatuses map[string]string // parameters that have been reported by the server + txStatus byte + frontend Frontend + + config *Config + + status byte // One of connStatus* constants + + bufferingReceive bool + bufferingReceiveMux sync.Mutex + bufferingReceiveMsg pgproto3.BackendMessage + bufferingReceiveErr error + + peekedMsg pgproto3.BackendMessage + + // Reusable / preallocated resources + wbuf []byte // write buffer + resultReader ResultReader + multiResultReader MultiResultReader + contextWatcher *ctxwatch.ContextWatcher + + cleanupDone chan struct{} +} + +// Connect establishes a connection to a PostgreSQL server using the environment and connString (in URL or DSN format) +// to provide configuration. See documention for ParseConfig for details. ctx can be used to cancel a connect attempt. +func Connect(ctx context.Context, connString string) (*PgConn, error) { + config, err := ParseConfig(connString) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return ConnectConfig(ctx, config) +} + +// Connect establishes a connection to a PostgreSQL server using config. config must have been constructed with +// ParseConfig. ctx can be used to cancel a connect attempt. +// +// If config.Fallbacks are present they will sequentially be tried in case of error establishing network connection. An +// authentication error will terminate the chain of attempts (like libpq: +// https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-MULTIPLE-HOSTS) and be returned as the error. Otherwise, +// if all attempts fail the last error is returned. +func ConnectConfig(ctx context.Context, config *Config) (pgConn *PgConn, err error) { + // Default values are set in ParseConfig. Enforce initial creation by ParseConfig rather than setting defaults from + // zero values. + if !config.createdByParseConfig { + panic("config must be created by ParseConfig") + } + + // ConnectTimeout restricts the whole connection process. + if config.ConnectTimeout != 0 { + var cancel context.CancelFunc + ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, config.ConnectTimeout) + defer cancel() + } + // Simplify usage by treating primary config and fallbacks the same. + fallbackConfigs := []*FallbackConfig{ + { + Host: config.Host, + Port: config.Port, + TLSConfig: config.TLSConfig, + }, + } + fallbackConfigs = append(fallbackConfigs, config.Fallbacks...) + + fallbackConfigs, err = expandWithIPs(ctx, config.LookupFunc, fallbackConfigs) + if err != nil { + return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "hostname resolving error", err: err} + } + + if len(fallbackConfigs) == 0 { + return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "hostname resolving error", err: errors.New("ip addr wasn't found")} + } + + for _, fc := range fallbackConfigs { + pgConn, err = connect(ctx, config, fc) + if err == nil { + break + } else if pgerr, ok := err.(*PgError); ok { + err = &connectError{config: config, msg: "server error", err: pgerr} + ERRCODE_INVALID_PASSWORD := "28P01" // worng password + ERRCODE_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_SPECIFICATION := "28000" // db does not exist + if pgerr.Code == ERRCODE_INVALID_PASSWORD || pgerr.Code == ERRCODE_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_SPECIFICATION { + break + } + } + } + + if err != nil { + return nil, err // no need to wrap in connectError because it will already be wrapped in all cases except PgError + } + + if config.AfterConnect != nil { + err := config.AfterConnect(ctx, pgConn) + if err != nil { + pgConn.conn.Close() + return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "AfterConnect error", err: err} + } + } + + return pgConn, nil +} + +func expandWithIPs(ctx context.Context, lookupFn LookupFunc, fallbacks []*FallbackConfig) ([]*FallbackConfig, error) { + var configs []*FallbackConfig + + for _, fb := range fallbacks { + // skip resolve for unix sockets + if strings.HasPrefix(fb.Host, "/") { + configs = append(configs, &FallbackConfig{ + Host: fb.Host, + Port: fb.Port, + TLSConfig: fb.TLSConfig, + }) + + continue + } + + ips, err := lookupFn(ctx, fb.Host) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + for _, ip := range ips { + configs = append(configs, &FallbackConfig{ + Host: ip, + Port: fb.Port, + TLSConfig: fb.TLSConfig, + }) + } + } + + return configs, nil +} + +func connect(ctx context.Context, config *Config, fallbackConfig *FallbackConfig) (*PgConn, error) { + pgConn := new(PgConn) + pgConn.config = config + pgConn.wbuf = make([]byte, 0, wbufLen) + pgConn.cleanupDone = make(chan struct{}) + + var err error + network, address := NetworkAddress(fallbackConfig.Host, fallbackConfig.Port) + pgConn.conn, err = config.DialFunc(ctx, network, address) + if err != nil { + var netErr net.Error + if errors.As(err, &netErr) && netErr.Timeout() { + err = &errTimeout{err: err} + } + return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "dial error", err: err} + } + + pgConn.parameterStatuses = make(map[string]string) + + if fallbackConfig.TLSConfig != nil { + if err := pgConn.startTLS(fallbackConfig.TLSConfig); err != nil { + pgConn.conn.Close() + return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "tls error", err: err} + } + } + + pgConn.status = connStatusConnecting + pgConn.contextWatcher = ctxwatch.NewContextWatcher( + func() { pgConn.conn.SetDeadline(time.Date(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC)) }, + func() { pgConn.conn.SetDeadline(time.Time{}) }, + ) + + pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx) + defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + + pgConn.frontend = config.BuildFrontend(pgConn.conn, pgConn.conn) + + startupMsg := pgproto3.StartupMessage{ + ProtocolVersion: pgproto3.ProtocolVersionNumber, + Parameters: make(map[string]string), + } + + // Copy default run-time params + for k, v := range config.RuntimeParams { + startupMsg.Parameters[k] = v + } + + startupMsg.Parameters["user"] = config.User + if config.Database != "" { + startupMsg.Parameters["database"] = config.Database + } + + if _, err := pgConn.conn.Write(startupMsg.Encode(pgConn.wbuf)); err != nil { + pgConn.conn.Close() + return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "failed to write startup message", err: err} + } + + for { + msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + pgConn.conn.Close() + if err, ok := err.(*PgError); ok { + return nil, err + } + return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "failed to receive message", err: preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err)} + } + + switch msg := msg.(type) { + case *pgproto3.BackendKeyData: + pgConn.pid = msg.ProcessID + pgConn.secretKey = msg.SecretKey + + case *pgproto3.AuthenticationOk: + case *pgproto3.AuthenticationCleartextPassword: + err = pgConn.txPasswordMessage(pgConn.config.Password) + if err != nil { + pgConn.conn.Close() + return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "failed to write password message", err: err} + } + case *pgproto3.AuthenticationMD5Password: + digestedPassword := "md5" + hexMD5(hexMD5(pgConn.config.Password+pgConn.config.User)+string(msg.Salt[:])) + err = pgConn.txPasswordMessage(digestedPassword) + if err != nil { + pgConn.conn.Close() + return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "failed to write password message", err: err} + } + case *pgproto3.AuthenticationSASL: + err = pgConn.scramAuth(msg.AuthMechanisms) + if err != nil { + pgConn.conn.Close() + return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "failed SASL auth", err: err} + } + + case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery: + pgConn.status = connStatusIdle + if config.ValidateConnect != nil { + // ValidateConnect may execute commands that cause the context to be watched again. Unwatch first to avoid + // the watch already in progress panic. This is that last thing done by this method so there is no need to + // restart the watch after ValidateConnect returns. + // + // See https://github.com/jackc/pgconn/issues/40. + pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + + err := config.ValidateConnect(ctx, pgConn) + if err != nil { + pgConn.conn.Close() + return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "ValidateConnect failed", err: err} + } + } + return pgConn, nil + case *pgproto3.ParameterStatus: + // handled by ReceiveMessage + case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse: + pgConn.conn.Close() + return nil, ErrorResponseToPgError(msg) + default: + pgConn.conn.Close() + return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "received unexpected message", err: err} + } + } +} + +func (pgConn *PgConn) startTLS(tlsConfig *tls.Config) (err error) { + err = binary.Write(pgConn.conn, binary.BigEndian, []int32{8, 80877103}) + if err != nil { + return + } + + response := make([]byte, 1) + if _, err = io.ReadFull(pgConn.conn, response); err != nil { + return + } + + if response[0] != 'S' { + return errors.New("server refused TLS connection") + } + + pgConn.conn = tls.Client(pgConn.conn, tlsConfig) + + return nil +} + +func (pgConn *PgConn) txPasswordMessage(password string) (err error) { + msg := &pgproto3.PasswordMessage{Password: password} + _, err = pgConn.conn.Write(msg.Encode(pgConn.wbuf)) + return err +} + +func hexMD5(s string) string { + hash := md5.New() + io.WriteString(hash, s) + return hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil)) +} + +func (pgConn *PgConn) signalMessage() chan struct{} { + if pgConn.bufferingReceive { + panic("BUG: signalMessage when already in progress") + } + + pgConn.bufferingReceive = true + pgConn.bufferingReceiveMux.Lock() + + ch := make(chan struct{}) + go func() { + pgConn.bufferingReceiveMsg, pgConn.bufferingReceiveErr = pgConn.frontend.Receive() + pgConn.bufferingReceiveMux.Unlock() + close(ch) + }() + + return ch +} + +// SendBytes sends buf to the PostgreSQL server. It must only be used when the connection is not busy. e.g. It is as +// error to call SendBytes while reading the result of a query. +// +// This is a very low level method that requires deep understanding of the PostgreSQL wire protocol to use correctly. +// See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/protocol.html. +func (pgConn *PgConn) SendBytes(ctx context.Context, buf []byte) error { + if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil { + return err + } + defer pgConn.unlock() + + if ctx != context.Background() { + select { + case <-ctx.Done(): + return newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx) + default: + } + pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx) + defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + } + + n, err := pgConn.conn.Write(buf) + if err != nil { + pgConn.asyncClose() + return &writeError{err: err, safeToRetry: n == 0} + } + + return nil +} + +// ReceiveMessage receives one wire protocol message from the PostgreSQL server. It must only be used when the +// connection is not busy. e.g. It is an error to call ReceiveMessage while reading the result of a query. The messages +// are still handled by the core pgconn message handling system so receiving a NotificationResponse will still trigger +// the OnNotification callback. +// +// This is a very low level method that requires deep understanding of the PostgreSQL wire protocol to use correctly. +// See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/protocol.html. +func (pgConn *PgConn) ReceiveMessage(ctx context.Context) (pgproto3.BackendMessage, error) { + if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer pgConn.unlock() + + if ctx != context.Background() { + select { + case <-ctx.Done(): + return nil, newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx) + default: + } + pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx) + defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + } + + msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + err = &pgconnError{ + msg: "receive message failed", + err: preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err), + safeToRetry: true} + } + return msg, err +} + +// peekMessage peeks at the next message without setting up context cancellation. +func (pgConn *PgConn) peekMessage() (pgproto3.BackendMessage, error) { + if pgConn.peekedMsg != nil { + return pgConn.peekedMsg, nil + } + + var msg pgproto3.BackendMessage + var err error + if pgConn.bufferingReceive { + pgConn.bufferingReceiveMux.Lock() + msg = pgConn.bufferingReceiveMsg + err = pgConn.bufferingReceiveErr + pgConn.bufferingReceiveMux.Unlock() + pgConn.bufferingReceive = false + + // If a timeout error happened in the background try the read again. + var netErr net.Error + if errors.As(err, &netErr) && netErr.Timeout() { + msg, err = pgConn.frontend.Receive() + } + } else { + msg, err = pgConn.frontend.Receive() + } + + if err != nil { + // Close on anything other than timeout error - everything else is fatal + var netErr net.Error + isNetErr := errors.As(err, &netErr) + if !(isNetErr && netErr.Timeout()) { + pgConn.asyncClose() + } + + return nil, err + } + + pgConn.peekedMsg = msg + return msg, nil +} + +// receiveMessage receives a message without setting up context cancellation +func (pgConn *PgConn) receiveMessage() (pgproto3.BackendMessage, error) { + msg, err := pgConn.peekMessage() + if err != nil { + // Close on anything other than timeout error - everything else is fatal + var netErr net.Error + isNetErr := errors.As(err, &netErr) + if !(isNetErr && netErr.Timeout()) { + pgConn.asyncClose() + } + + return nil, err + } + pgConn.peekedMsg = nil + + switch msg := msg.(type) { + case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery: + pgConn.txStatus = msg.TxStatus + case *pgproto3.ParameterStatus: + pgConn.parameterStatuses[msg.Name] = msg.Value + case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse: + if msg.Severity == "FATAL" { + pgConn.status = connStatusClosed + pgConn.conn.Close() // Ignore error as the connection is already broken and there is already an error to return. + close(pgConn.cleanupDone) + return nil, ErrorResponseToPgError(msg) + } + case *pgproto3.NoticeResponse: + if pgConn.config.OnNotice != nil { + pgConn.config.OnNotice(pgConn, noticeResponseToNotice(msg)) + } + case *pgproto3.NotificationResponse: + if pgConn.config.OnNotification != nil { + pgConn.config.OnNotification(pgConn, &Notification{PID: msg.PID, Channel: msg.Channel, Payload: msg.Payload}) + } + } + + return msg, nil +} + +// Conn returns the underlying net.Conn. +func (pgConn *PgConn) Conn() net.Conn { + return pgConn.conn +} + +// PID returns the backend PID. +func (pgConn *PgConn) PID() uint32 { + return pgConn.pid +} + +// TxStatus returns the current TxStatus as reported by the server in the ReadyForQuery message. +// +// Possible return values: +// 'I' - idle / not in transaction +// 'T' - in a transaction +// 'E' - in a failed transaction +// +// See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/protocol-message-formats.html. +func (pgConn *PgConn) TxStatus() byte { + return pgConn.txStatus +} + +// SecretKey returns the backend secret key used to send a cancel query message to the server. +func (pgConn *PgConn) SecretKey() uint32 { + return pgConn.secretKey +} + +// Close closes a connection. It is safe to call Close on a already closed connection. Close attempts a clean close by +// sending the exit message to PostgreSQL. However, this could block so ctx is available to limit the time to wait. The +// underlying net.Conn.Close() will always be called regardless of any other errors. +func (pgConn *PgConn) Close(ctx context.Context) error { + if pgConn.status == connStatusClosed { + return nil + } + pgConn.status = connStatusClosed + + defer close(pgConn.cleanupDone) + defer pgConn.conn.Close() + + if ctx != context.Background() { + // Close may be called while a cancellable query is in progress. This will most often be triggered by panic when + // a defer closes the connection (possibly indirectly via a transaction or a connection pool). Unwatch to end any + // previous watch. It is safe to Unwatch regardless of whether a watch is already is progress. + // + // See https://github.com/jackc/pgconn/issues/29 + pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + + pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx) + defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + } + + // Ignore any errors sending Terminate message and waiting for server to close connection. + // This mimics the behavior of libpq PQfinish. It calls closePGconn which calls sendTerminateConn which purposefully + // ignores errors. + // + // See https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/637 + pgConn.conn.Write([]byte{'X', 0, 0, 0, 4}) + + return pgConn.conn.Close() +} + +// asyncClose marks the connection as closed and asynchronously sends a cancel query message and closes the underlying +// connection. +func (pgConn *PgConn) asyncClose() { + if pgConn.status == connStatusClosed { + return + } + pgConn.status = connStatusClosed + + go func() { + defer close(pgConn.cleanupDone) + defer pgConn.conn.Close() + + deadline := time.Now().Add(time.Second * 15) + + ctx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), deadline) + defer cancel() + + pgConn.CancelRequest(ctx) + + pgConn.conn.SetDeadline(deadline) + + pgConn.conn.Write([]byte{'X', 0, 0, 0, 4}) + }() +} + +// CleanupDone returns a channel that will be closed after all underlying resources have been cleaned up. A closed +// connection is no longer usable, but underlying resources, in particular the net.Conn, may not have finished closing +// yet. This is because certain errors such as a context cancellation require that the interrupted function call return +// immediately, but the error may also cause the connection to be closed. In these cases the underlying resources are +// closed asynchronously. +// +// This is only likely to be useful to connection pools. It gives them a way avoid establishing a new connection while +// an old connection is still being cleaned up and thereby exceeding the maximum pool size. +func (pgConn *PgConn) CleanupDone() chan (struct{}) { + return pgConn.cleanupDone +} + +// IsClosed reports if the connection has been closed. +// +// CleanupDone() can be used to determine if all cleanup has been completed. +func (pgConn *PgConn) IsClosed() bool { + return pgConn.status < connStatusIdle +} + +// IsBusy reports if the connection is busy. +func (pgConn *PgConn) IsBusy() bool { + return pgConn.status == connStatusBusy +} + +// lock locks the connection. +func (pgConn *PgConn) lock() error { + switch pgConn.status { + case connStatusBusy: + return &connLockError{status: "conn busy"} // This only should be possible in case of an application bug. + case connStatusClosed: + return &connLockError{status: "conn closed"} + case connStatusUninitialized: + return &connLockError{status: "conn uninitialized"} + } + pgConn.status = connStatusBusy + return nil +} + +func (pgConn *PgConn) unlock() { + switch pgConn.status { + case connStatusBusy: + pgConn.status = connStatusIdle + case connStatusClosed: + default: + panic("BUG: cannot unlock unlocked connection") // This should only be possible if there is a bug in this package. + } +} + +// ParameterStatus returns the value of a parameter reported by the server (e.g. +// server_version). Returns an empty string for unknown parameters. +func (pgConn *PgConn) ParameterStatus(key string) string { + return pgConn.parameterStatuses[key] +} + +// CommandTag is the result of an Exec function +type CommandTag []byte + +// RowsAffected returns the number of rows affected. If the CommandTag was not +// for a row affecting command (e.g. "CREATE TABLE") then it returns 0. +func (ct CommandTag) RowsAffected() int64 { + // Find last non-digit + idx := -1 + for i := len(ct) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if ct[i] >= '0' && ct[i] <= '9' { + idx = i + } else { + break + } + } + + if idx == -1 { + return 0 + } + + var n int64 + for _, b := range ct[idx:] { + n = n*10 + int64(b-'0') + } + + return n +} + +func (ct CommandTag) String() string { + return string(ct) +} + +// Insert is true if the command tag starts with "INSERT". +func (ct CommandTag) Insert() bool { + return len(ct) >= 6 && + ct[0] == 'I' && + ct[1] == 'N' && + ct[2] == 'S' && + ct[3] == 'E' && + ct[4] == 'R' && + ct[5] == 'T' +} + +// Update is true if the command tag starts with "UPDATE". +func (ct CommandTag) Update() bool { + return len(ct) >= 6 && + ct[0] == 'U' && + ct[1] == 'P' && + ct[2] == 'D' && + ct[3] == 'A' && + ct[4] == 'T' && + ct[5] == 'E' +} + +// Delete is true if the command tag starts with "DELETE". +func (ct CommandTag) Delete() bool { + return len(ct) >= 6 && + ct[0] == 'D' && + ct[1] == 'E' && + ct[2] == 'L' && + ct[3] == 'E' && + ct[4] == 'T' && + ct[5] == 'E' +} + +// Select is true if the command tag starts with "SELECT". +func (ct CommandTag) Select() bool { + return len(ct) >= 6 && + ct[0] == 'S' && + ct[1] == 'E' && + ct[2] == 'L' && + ct[3] == 'E' && + ct[4] == 'C' && + ct[5] == 'T' +} + +type StatementDescription struct { + Name string + SQL string + ParamOIDs []uint32 + Fields []pgproto3.FieldDescription +} + +// Prepare creates a prepared statement. If the name is empty, the anonymous prepared statement will be used. This +// allows Prepare to also to describe statements without creating a server-side prepared statement. +func (pgConn *PgConn) Prepare(ctx context.Context, name, sql string, paramOIDs []uint32) (*StatementDescription, error) { + if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer pgConn.unlock() + + if ctx != context.Background() { + select { + case <-ctx.Done(): + return nil, newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx) + default: + } + pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx) + defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + } + + buf := pgConn.wbuf + buf = (&pgproto3.Parse{Name: name, Query: sql, ParameterOIDs: paramOIDs}).Encode(buf) + buf = (&pgproto3.Describe{ObjectType: 'S', Name: name}).Encode(buf) + buf = (&pgproto3.Sync{}).Encode(buf) + + n, err := pgConn.conn.Write(buf) + if err != nil { + pgConn.asyncClose() + return nil, &writeError{err: err, safeToRetry: n == 0} + } + + psd := &StatementDescription{Name: name, SQL: sql} + + var parseErr error + +readloop: + for { + msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + pgConn.asyncClose() + return nil, preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err) + } + + switch msg := msg.(type) { + case *pgproto3.ParameterDescription: + psd.ParamOIDs = make([]uint32, len(msg.ParameterOIDs)) + copy(psd.ParamOIDs, msg.ParameterOIDs) + case *pgproto3.RowDescription: + psd.Fields = make([]pgproto3.FieldDescription, len(msg.Fields)) + copy(psd.Fields, msg.Fields) + case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse: + parseErr = ErrorResponseToPgError(msg) + case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery: + break readloop + } + } + + if parseErr != nil { + return nil, parseErr + } + return psd, nil +} + +// ErrorResponseToPgError converts a wire protocol error message to a *PgError. +func ErrorResponseToPgError(msg *pgproto3.ErrorResponse) *PgError { + return &PgError{ + Severity: msg.Severity, + Code: string(msg.Code), + Message: string(msg.Message), + Detail: string(msg.Detail), + Hint: msg.Hint, + Position: msg.Position, + InternalPosition: msg.InternalPosition, + InternalQuery: string(msg.InternalQuery), + Where: string(msg.Where), + SchemaName: string(msg.SchemaName), + TableName: string(msg.TableName), + ColumnName: string(msg.ColumnName), + DataTypeName: string(msg.DataTypeName), + ConstraintName: msg.ConstraintName, + File: string(msg.File), + Line: msg.Line, + Routine: string(msg.Routine), + } +} + +func noticeResponseToNotice(msg *pgproto3.NoticeResponse) *Notice { + pgerr := ErrorResponseToPgError((*pgproto3.ErrorResponse)(msg)) + return (*Notice)(pgerr) +} + +// CancelRequest sends a cancel request to the PostgreSQL server. It returns an error if unable to deliver the cancel +// request, but lack of an error does not ensure that the query was canceled. As specified in the documentation, there +// is no way to be sure a query was canceled. See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/protocol-flow.html#id- +func (pgConn *PgConn) CancelRequest(ctx context.Context) error { + // Open a cancellation request to the same server. The address is taken from the net.Conn directly instead of reusing + // the connection config. This is important in high availability configurations where fallback connections may be + // specified or DNS may be used to load balance. + serverAddr := pgConn.conn.RemoteAddr() + cancelConn, err := pgConn.config.DialFunc(ctx, serverAddr.Network(), serverAddr.String()) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer cancelConn.Close() + + if ctx != context.Background() { + contextWatcher := ctxwatch.NewContextWatcher( + func() { cancelConn.SetDeadline(time.Date(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC)) }, + func() { cancelConn.SetDeadline(time.Time{}) }, + ) + contextWatcher.Watch(ctx) + defer contextWatcher.Unwatch() + } + + buf := make([]byte, 16) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[0:4], 16) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[4:8], 80877102) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[8:12], uint32(pgConn.pid)) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[12:16], uint32(pgConn.secretKey)) + _, err = cancelConn.Write(buf) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + _, err = cancelConn.Read(buf) + if err != io.EOF { + return err + } + + return nil +} + +// WaitForNotification waits for a LISTON/NOTIFY message to be received. It returns an error if a notification was not +// received. +func (pgConn *PgConn) WaitForNotification(ctx context.Context) error { + if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil { + return err + } + defer pgConn.unlock() + + if ctx != context.Background() { + select { + case <-ctx.Done(): + return newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx) + default: + } + + pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx) + defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + } + + for { + msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + return preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err) + } + + switch msg.(type) { + case *pgproto3.NotificationResponse: + return nil + } + } +} + +// Exec executes SQL via the PostgreSQL simple query protocol. SQL may contain multiple queries. Execution is +// implicitly wrapped in a transaction unless a transaction is already in progress or SQL contains transaction control +// statements. +// +// Prefer ExecParams unless executing arbitrary SQL that may contain multiple queries. +func (pgConn *PgConn) Exec(ctx context.Context, sql string) *MultiResultReader { + if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil { + return &MultiResultReader{ + closed: true, + err: err, + } + } + + pgConn.multiResultReader = MultiResultReader{ + pgConn: pgConn, + ctx: ctx, + } + multiResult := &pgConn.multiResultReader + if ctx != context.Background() { + select { + case <-ctx.Done(): + multiResult.closed = true + multiResult.err = newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx) + pgConn.unlock() + return multiResult + default: + } + pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx) + } + + buf := pgConn.wbuf + buf = (&pgproto3.Query{String: sql}).Encode(buf) + + n, err := pgConn.conn.Write(buf) + if err != nil { + pgConn.asyncClose() + pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + multiResult.closed = true + multiResult.err = &writeError{err: err, safeToRetry: n == 0} + pgConn.unlock() + return multiResult + } + + return multiResult +} + +// ReceiveResults reads the result that might be returned by Postgres after a SendBytes +// (e.a. after sending a CopyDone in a copy-both situation). +// +// This is a very low level method that requires deep understanding of the PostgreSQL wire protocol to use correctly. +// See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/protocol.html. +func (pgConn *PgConn) ReceiveResults(ctx context.Context) *MultiResultReader { + if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil { + return &MultiResultReader{ + closed: true, + err: err, + } + } + + pgConn.multiResultReader = MultiResultReader{ + pgConn: pgConn, + ctx: ctx, + } + multiResult := &pgConn.multiResultReader + if ctx != context.Background() { + select { + case <-ctx.Done(): + multiResult.closed = true + multiResult.err = newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx) + pgConn.unlock() + return multiResult + default: + } + pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx) + } + + return multiResult +} + +// ExecParams executes a command via the PostgreSQL extended query protocol. +// +// sql is a SQL command string. It may only contain one query. Parameter substitution is positional using $1, $2, $3, +// etc. +// +// paramValues are the parameter values. It must be encoded in the format given by paramFormats. +// +// paramOIDs is a slice of data type OIDs for paramValues. If paramOIDs is nil, the server will infer the data type for +// all parameters. Any paramOID element that is 0 that will cause the server to infer the data type for that parameter. +// ExecParams will panic if len(paramOIDs) is not 0, 1, or len(paramValues). +// +// paramFormats is a slice of format codes determining for each paramValue column whether it is encoded in text or +// binary format. If paramFormats is nil all params are text format. ExecParams will panic if +// len(paramFormats) is not 0, 1, or len(paramValues). +// +// resultFormats is a slice of format codes determining for each result column whether it is encoded in text or +// binary format. If resultFormats is nil all results will be in text format. +// +// ResultReader must be closed before PgConn can be used again. +func (pgConn *PgConn) ExecParams(ctx context.Context, sql string, paramValues [][]byte, paramOIDs []uint32, paramFormats []int16, resultFormats []int16) *ResultReader { + result := pgConn.execExtendedPrefix(ctx, paramValues) + if result.closed { + return result + } + + buf := pgConn.wbuf + buf = (&pgproto3.Parse{Query: sql, ParameterOIDs: paramOIDs}).Encode(buf) + buf = (&pgproto3.Bind{ParameterFormatCodes: paramFormats, Parameters: paramValues, ResultFormatCodes: resultFormats}).Encode(buf) + + pgConn.execExtendedSuffix(buf, result) + + return result +} + +// ExecPrepared enqueues the execution of a prepared statement via the PostgreSQL extended query protocol. +// +// paramValues are the parameter values. It must be encoded in the format given by paramFormats. +// +// paramFormats is a slice of format codes determining for each paramValue column whether it is encoded in text or +// binary format. If paramFormats is nil all params are text format. ExecPrepared will panic if +// len(paramFormats) is not 0, 1, or len(paramValues). +// +// resultFormats is a slice of format codes determining for each result column whether it is encoded in text or +// binary format. If resultFormats is nil all results will be in text format. +// +// ResultReader must be closed before PgConn can be used again. +func (pgConn *PgConn) ExecPrepared(ctx context.Context, stmtName string, paramValues [][]byte, paramFormats []int16, resultFormats []int16) *ResultReader { + result := pgConn.execExtendedPrefix(ctx, paramValues) + if result.closed { + return result + } + + buf := pgConn.wbuf + buf = (&pgproto3.Bind{PreparedStatement: stmtName, ParameterFormatCodes: paramFormats, Parameters: paramValues, ResultFormatCodes: resultFormats}).Encode(buf) + + pgConn.execExtendedSuffix(buf, result) + + return result +} + +func (pgConn *PgConn) execExtendedPrefix(ctx context.Context, paramValues [][]byte) *ResultReader { + pgConn.resultReader = ResultReader{ + pgConn: pgConn, + ctx: ctx, + } + result := &pgConn.resultReader + + if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil { + result.concludeCommand(nil, err) + result.closed = true + return result + } + + if len(paramValues) > math.MaxUint16 { + result.concludeCommand(nil, fmt.Errorf("extended protocol limited to %v parameters", math.MaxUint16)) + result.closed = true + pgConn.unlock() + return result + } + + if ctx != context.Background() { + select { + case <-ctx.Done(): + result.concludeCommand(nil, newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx)) + result.closed = true + pgConn.unlock() + return result + default: + } + pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx) + } + + return result +} + +func (pgConn *PgConn) execExtendedSuffix(buf []byte, result *ResultReader) { + buf = (&pgproto3.Describe{ObjectType: 'P'}).Encode(buf) + buf = (&pgproto3.Execute{}).Encode(buf) + buf = (&pgproto3.Sync{}).Encode(buf) + + n, err := pgConn.conn.Write(buf) + if err != nil { + pgConn.asyncClose() + result.concludeCommand(nil, &writeError{err: err, safeToRetry: n == 0}) + pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + result.closed = true + pgConn.unlock() + return + } + + result.readUntilRowDescription() +} + +// CopyTo executes the copy command sql and copies the results to w. +func (pgConn *PgConn) CopyTo(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer, sql string) (CommandTag, error) { + if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if ctx != context.Background() { + select { + case <-ctx.Done(): + pgConn.unlock() + return nil, newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx) + default: + } + pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx) + defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + } + + // Send copy to command + buf := pgConn.wbuf + buf = (&pgproto3.Query{String: sql}).Encode(buf) + + n, err := pgConn.conn.Write(buf) + if err != nil { + pgConn.asyncClose() + pgConn.unlock() + return nil, &writeError{err: err, safeToRetry: n == 0} + } + + // Read results + var commandTag CommandTag + var pgErr error + for { + msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + pgConn.asyncClose() + return nil, preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err) + } + + switch msg := msg.(type) { + case *pgproto3.CopyDone: + case *pgproto3.CopyData: + _, err := w.Write(msg.Data) + if err != nil { + pgConn.asyncClose() + return nil, err + } + case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery: + pgConn.unlock() + return commandTag, pgErr + case *pgproto3.CommandComplete: + commandTag = CommandTag(msg.CommandTag) + case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse: + pgErr = ErrorResponseToPgError(msg) + } + } +} + +// CopyFrom executes the copy command sql and copies all of r to the PostgreSQL server. +// +// Note: context cancellation will only interrupt operations on the underlying PostgreSQL network connection. Reads on r +// could still block. +func (pgConn *PgConn) CopyFrom(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader, sql string) (CommandTag, error) { + if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer pgConn.unlock() + + if ctx != context.Background() { + select { + case <-ctx.Done(): + return nil, newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx) + default: + } + pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx) + defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + } + + // Send copy to command + buf := pgConn.wbuf + buf = (&pgproto3.Query{String: sql}).Encode(buf) + + n, err := pgConn.conn.Write(buf) + if err != nil { + pgConn.asyncClose() + return nil, &writeError{err: err, safeToRetry: n == 0} + } + + // Send copy data + abortCopyChan := make(chan struct{}) + copyErrChan := make(chan error, 1) + signalMessageChan := pgConn.signalMessage() + + go func() { + buf := make([]byte, 0, 65536) + buf = append(buf, 'd') + sp := len(buf) + + for { + n, readErr := r.Read(buf[5:cap(buf)]) + if n > 0 { + buf = buf[0 : n+5] + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(n+4)) + + _, writeErr := pgConn.conn.Write(buf) + if writeErr != nil { + // Write errors are always fatal, but we can't use asyncClose because we are in a different goroutine. + pgConn.conn.Close() + + copyErrChan <- writeErr + return + } + } + if readErr != nil { + copyErrChan <- readErr + return + } + + select { + case <-abortCopyChan: + return + default: + } + } + }() + + var pgErr error + var copyErr error + for copyErr == nil && pgErr == nil { + select { + case copyErr = <-copyErrChan: + case <-signalMessageChan: + msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + pgConn.asyncClose() + return nil, preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err) + } + + switch msg := msg.(type) { + case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse: + pgErr = ErrorResponseToPgError(msg) + default: + signalMessageChan = pgConn.signalMessage() + } + } + } + close(abortCopyChan) + + buf = buf[:0] + if copyErr == io.EOF || pgErr != nil { + copyDone := &pgproto3.CopyDone{} + buf = copyDone.Encode(buf) + } else { + copyFail := &pgproto3.CopyFail{Message: copyErr.Error()} + buf = copyFail.Encode(buf) + } + _, err = pgConn.conn.Write(buf) + if err != nil { + pgConn.asyncClose() + return nil, err + } + + // Read results + var commandTag CommandTag + for { + msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + pgConn.asyncClose() + return nil, preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err) + } + + switch msg := msg.(type) { + case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery: + return commandTag, pgErr + case *pgproto3.CommandComplete: + commandTag = CommandTag(msg.CommandTag) + case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse: + pgErr = ErrorResponseToPgError(msg) + } + } +} + +// MultiResultReader is a reader for a command that could return multiple results such as Exec or ExecBatch. +type MultiResultReader struct { + pgConn *PgConn + ctx context.Context + + rr *ResultReader + + closed bool + err error +} + +// ReadAll reads all available results. Calling ReadAll is mutually exclusive with all other MultiResultReader methods. +func (mrr *MultiResultReader) ReadAll() ([]*Result, error) { + var results []*Result + + for mrr.NextResult() { + results = append(results, mrr.ResultReader().Read()) + } + err := mrr.Close() + + return results, err +} + +func (mrr *MultiResultReader) receiveMessage() (pgproto3.BackendMessage, error) { + msg, err := mrr.pgConn.receiveMessage() + + if err != nil { + mrr.pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + mrr.err = preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(mrr.ctx, err) + mrr.closed = true + mrr.pgConn.asyncClose() + return nil, mrr.err + } + + switch msg := msg.(type) { + case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery: + mrr.pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + mrr.closed = true + mrr.pgConn.unlock() + case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse: + mrr.err = ErrorResponseToPgError(msg) + } + + return msg, nil +} + +// NextResult returns advances the MultiResultReader to the next result and returns true if a result is available. +func (mrr *MultiResultReader) NextResult() bool { + for !mrr.closed && mrr.err == nil { + msg, err := mrr.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + return false + } + + switch msg := msg.(type) { + case *pgproto3.RowDescription: + mrr.pgConn.resultReader = ResultReader{ + pgConn: mrr.pgConn, + multiResultReader: mrr, + ctx: mrr.ctx, + fieldDescriptions: msg.Fields, + } + mrr.rr = &mrr.pgConn.resultReader + return true + case *pgproto3.CommandComplete: + mrr.pgConn.resultReader = ResultReader{ + commandTag: CommandTag(msg.CommandTag), + commandConcluded: true, + closed: true, + } + mrr.rr = &mrr.pgConn.resultReader + return true + case *pgproto3.EmptyQueryResponse: + return false + } + } + + return false +} + +// ResultReader returns the current ResultReader. +func (mrr *MultiResultReader) ResultReader() *ResultReader { + return mrr.rr +} + +// Close closes the MultiResultReader and returns the first error that occurred during the MultiResultReader's use. +func (mrr *MultiResultReader) Close() error { + for !mrr.closed { + _, err := mrr.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + return mrr.err + } + } + + return mrr.err +} + +// ResultReader is a reader for the result of a single query. +type ResultReader struct { + pgConn *PgConn + multiResultReader *MultiResultReader + ctx context.Context + + fieldDescriptions []pgproto3.FieldDescription + rowValues [][]byte + commandTag CommandTag + commandConcluded bool + closed bool + err error +} + +// Result is the saved query response that is returned by calling Read on a ResultReader. +type Result struct { + FieldDescriptions []pgproto3.FieldDescription + Rows [][][]byte + CommandTag CommandTag + Err error +} + +// Read saves the query response to a Result. +func (rr *ResultReader) Read() *Result { + br := &Result{} + + for rr.NextRow() { + if br.FieldDescriptions == nil { + br.FieldDescriptions = make([]pgproto3.FieldDescription, len(rr.FieldDescriptions())) + copy(br.FieldDescriptions, rr.FieldDescriptions()) + } + + row := make([][]byte, len(rr.Values())) + copy(row, rr.Values()) + br.Rows = append(br.Rows, row) + } + + br.CommandTag, br.Err = rr.Close() + + return br +} + +// NextRow advances the ResultReader to the next row and returns true if a row is available. +func (rr *ResultReader) NextRow() bool { + for !rr.commandConcluded { + msg, err := rr.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + return false + } + + switch msg := msg.(type) { + case *pgproto3.DataRow: + rr.rowValues = msg.Values + return true + } + } + + return false +} + +// FieldDescriptions returns the field descriptions for the current result set. The returned slice is only valid until +// the ResultReader is closed. +func (rr *ResultReader) FieldDescriptions() []pgproto3.FieldDescription { + return rr.fieldDescriptions +} + +// Values returns the current row data. NextRow must have been previously been called. The returned [][]byte is only +// valid until the next NextRow call or the ResultReader is closed. However, the underlying byte data is safe to +// retain a reference to and mutate. +func (rr *ResultReader) Values() [][]byte { + return rr.rowValues +} + +// Close consumes any remaining result data and returns the command tag or +// error. +func (rr *ResultReader) Close() (CommandTag, error) { + if rr.closed { + return rr.commandTag, rr.err + } + rr.closed = true + + for !rr.commandConcluded { + _, err := rr.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + return nil, rr.err + } + } + + if rr.multiResultReader == nil { + for { + msg, err := rr.receiveMessage() + if err != nil { + return nil, rr.err + } + + switch msg := msg.(type) { + // Detect a deferred constraint violation where the ErrorResponse is sent after CommandComplete. + case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse: + rr.err = ErrorResponseToPgError(msg) + case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery: + rr.pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + rr.pgConn.unlock() + return rr.commandTag, rr.err + } + } + } + + return rr.commandTag, rr.err +} + +// readUntilRowDescription ensures the ResultReader's fieldDescriptions are loaded. It does not return an error as any +// error will be stored in the ResultReader. +func (rr *ResultReader) readUntilRowDescription() { + for !rr.commandConcluded { + // Peek before receive to avoid consuming a DataRow if the result set does not include a RowDescription method. + // This should never happen under normal pgconn usage, but it is possible if SendBytes and ReceiveResults are + // manually used to construct a query that does not issue a describe statement. + msg, _ := rr.pgConn.peekMessage() + if _, ok := msg.(*pgproto3.DataRow); ok { + return + } + + // Consume the message + msg, _ = rr.receiveMessage() + if _, ok := msg.(*pgproto3.RowDescription); ok { + return + } + } +} + +func (rr *ResultReader) receiveMessage() (msg pgproto3.BackendMessage, err error) { + if rr.multiResultReader == nil { + msg, err = rr.pgConn.receiveMessage() + } else { + msg, err = rr.multiResultReader.receiveMessage() + } + + if err != nil { + err = preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(rr.ctx, err) + rr.concludeCommand(nil, err) + rr.pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() + rr.closed = true + if rr.multiResultReader == nil { + rr.pgConn.asyncClose() + } + + return nil, rr.err + } + + switch msg := msg.(type) { + case *pgproto3.RowDescription: + rr.fieldDescriptions = msg.Fields + case *pgproto3.CommandComplete: + rr.concludeCommand(CommandTag(msg.CommandTag), nil) + case *pgproto3.EmptyQueryResponse: + rr.concludeCommand(nil, nil) + case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse: + rr.concludeCommand(nil, ErrorResponseToPgError(msg)) + } + + return msg, nil +} + +func (rr *ResultReader) concludeCommand(commandTag CommandTag, err error) { + // Keep the first error that is recorded. Store the error before checking if the command is already concluded to + // allow for receiving an error after CommandComplete but before ReadyForQuery. + if err != nil && rr.err == nil { + rr.err = err + } + + if rr.commandConcluded { + return + } + + rr.commandTag = commandTag + rr.rowValues = nil + rr.commandConcluded = true +} + +// Batch is a collection of queries that can be sent to the PostgreSQL server in a single round-trip. +type Batch struct { + buf []byte +} + +// ExecParams appends an ExecParams command to the batch. See PgConn.ExecParams for parameter descriptions. +func (batch *Batch) ExecParams(sql string, paramValues [][]byte, paramOIDs []uint32, paramFormats []int16, resultFormats []int16) { + batch.buf = (&pgproto3.Parse{Query: sql, ParameterOIDs: paramOIDs}).Encode(batch.buf) + batch.ExecPrepared("", paramValues, paramFormats, resultFormats) +} + +// ExecPrepared appends an ExecPrepared e command to the batch. See PgConn.ExecPrepared for parameter descriptions. +func (batch *Batch) ExecPrepared(stmtName string, paramValues [][]byte, paramFormats []int16, resultFormats []int16) { + batch.buf = (&pgproto3.Bind{PreparedStatement: stmtName, ParameterFormatCodes: paramFormats, Parameters: paramValues, ResultFormatCodes: resultFormats}).Encode(batch.buf) + batch.buf = (&pgproto3.Describe{ObjectType: 'P'}).Encode(batch.buf) + batch.buf = (&pgproto3.Execute{}).Encode(batch.buf) +} + +// ExecBatch executes all the queries in batch in a single round-trip. Execution is implicitly transactional unless a +// transaction is already in progress or SQL contains transaction control statements. +func (pgConn *PgConn) ExecBatch(ctx context.Context, batch *Batch) *MultiResultReader { + if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil { + return &MultiResultReader{ + closed: true, + err: err, + } + } + + pgConn.multiResultReader = MultiResultReader{ + pgConn: pgConn, + ctx: ctx, + } + multiResult := &pgConn.multiResultReader + + if ctx != context.Background() { + select { + case <-ctx.Done(): + multiResult.closed = true + multiResult.err = newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx) + pgConn.unlock() + return multiResult + default: + } + pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx) + } + + batch.buf = (&pgproto3.Sync{}).Encode(batch.buf) + + // A large batch can deadlock without concurrent reading and writing. If the Write fails the underlying net.Conn is + // closed. This is all that can be done without introducing a race condition or adding a concurrent safe communication + // channel to relay the error back. The practical effect of this is that the underlying Write error is not reported. + // The error the code reading the batch results receives will be a closed connection error. + // + // See https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/374. + go func() { + _, err := pgConn.conn.Write(batch.buf) + if err != nil { + pgConn.conn.Close() + } + }() + + return multiResult +} + +// EscapeString escapes a string such that it can safely be interpolated into a SQL command string. It does not include +// the surrounding single quotes. +// +// The current implementation requires that standard_conforming_strings=on and client_encoding="UTF8". If these +// conditions are not met an error will be returned. It is possible these restrictions will be lifted in the future. +func (pgConn *PgConn) EscapeString(s string) (string, error) { + if pgConn.ParameterStatus("standard_conforming_strings") != "on" { + return "", errors.New("EscapeString must be run with standard_conforming_strings=on") + } + + if pgConn.ParameterStatus("client_encoding") != "UTF8" { + return "", errors.New("EscapeString must be run with client_encoding=UTF8") + } + + return strings.Replace(s, "'", "''", -1), nil +} + +// HijackedConn is the result of hijacking a connection. +// +// Due to the necessary exposure of internal implementation details, it is not covered by the semantic versioning +// compatibility. +type HijackedConn struct { + Conn net.Conn // the underlying TCP or unix domain socket connection + PID uint32 // backend pid + SecretKey uint32 // key to use to send a cancel query message to the server + ParameterStatuses map[string]string // parameters that have been reported by the server + TxStatus byte + Frontend Frontend + Config *Config +} + +// Hijack extracts the internal connection data. pgConn must be in an idle state. pgConn is unusable after hijacking. +// Hijacking is typically only useful when using pgconn to establish a connection, but taking complete control of the +// raw connection after that (e.g. a load balancer or proxy). +// +// Due to the necessary exposure of internal implementation details, it is not covered by the semantic versioning +// compatibility. +func (pgConn *PgConn) Hijack() (*HijackedConn, error) { + if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + pgConn.status = connStatusClosed + + return &HijackedConn{ + Conn: pgConn.conn, + PID: pgConn.pid, + SecretKey: pgConn.secretKey, + ParameterStatuses: pgConn.parameterStatuses, + TxStatus: pgConn.txStatus, + Frontend: pgConn.frontend, + Config: pgConn.config, + }, nil +} + +// Construct created a PgConn from an already established connection to a PostgreSQL server. This is the inverse of +// PgConn.Hijack. The connection must be in an idle state. +// +// Due to the necessary exposure of internal implementation details, it is not covered by the semantic versioning +// compatibility. +func Construct(hc *HijackedConn) (*PgConn, error) { + pgConn := &PgConn{ + conn: hc.Conn, + pid: hc.PID, + secretKey: hc.SecretKey, + parameterStatuses: hc.ParameterStatuses, + txStatus: hc.TxStatus, + frontend: hc.Frontend, + config: hc.Config, + + status: connStatusIdle, + + wbuf: make([]byte, 0, wbufLen), + cleanupDone: make(chan struct{}), + } + + pgConn.contextWatcher = ctxwatch.NewContextWatcher( + func() { pgConn.conn.SetDeadline(time.Date(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC)) }, + func() { pgConn.conn.SetDeadline(time.Time{}) }, + ) + + return pgConn, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/stmtcache/lru.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/stmtcache/lru.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..90fb76c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/stmtcache/lru.go @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +package stmtcache + +import ( + "container/list" + "context" + "fmt" + "sync/atomic" + + "github.com/jackc/pgconn" +) + +var lruCount uint64 + +// LRU implements Cache with a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. +type LRU struct { + conn *pgconn.PgConn + mode int + cap int + prepareCount int + m map[string]*list.Element + l *list.List + psNamePrefix string + stmtsToClear []string +} + +// NewLRU creates a new LRU. mode is either ModePrepare or ModeDescribe. cap is the maximum size of the cache. +func NewLRU(conn *pgconn.PgConn, mode int, cap int) *LRU { + mustBeValidMode(mode) + mustBeValidCap(cap) + + n := atomic.AddUint64(&lruCount, 1) + + return &LRU{ + conn: conn, + mode: mode, + cap: cap, + m: make(map[string]*list.Element), + l: list.New(), + psNamePrefix: fmt.Sprintf("lrupsc_%d", n), + } +} + +// Get returns the prepared statement description for sql preparing or describing the sql on the server as needed. +func (c *LRU) Get(ctx context.Context, sql string) (*pgconn.StatementDescription, error) { + if ctx != context.Background() { + select { + case <-ctx.Done(): + return nil, ctx.Err() + default: + } + } + + // flush an outstanding bad statements + txStatus := c.conn.TxStatus() + if (txStatus == 'I' || txStatus == 'T') && len(c.stmtsToClear) > 0 { + for _, stmt := range c.stmtsToClear { + err := c.clearStmt(ctx, stmt) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + } + + if el, ok := c.m[sql]; ok { + c.l.MoveToFront(el) + return el.Value.(*pgconn.StatementDescription), nil + } + + if c.l.Len() == c.cap { + err := c.removeOldest(ctx) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + psd, err := c.prepare(ctx, sql) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + el := c.l.PushFront(psd) + c.m[sql] = el + + return psd, nil +} + +// Clear removes all entries in the cache. Any prepared statements will be deallocated from the PostgreSQL session. +func (c *LRU) Clear(ctx context.Context) error { + for c.l.Len() > 0 { + err := c.removeOldest(ctx) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (c *LRU) StatementErrored(sql string, err error) { + pgErr, ok := err.(*pgconn.PgError) + if !ok { + return + } + + isInvalidCachedPlanError := pgErr.Severity == "ERROR" && + pgErr.Code == "0A000" && + pgErr.Message == "cached plan must not change result type" + if isInvalidCachedPlanError { + c.stmtsToClear = append(c.stmtsToClear, sql) + } +} + +func (c *LRU) clearStmt(ctx context.Context, sql string) error { + elem, inMap := c.m[sql] + if !inMap { + // The statement probably fell off the back of the list. In that case, we've + // ensured that it isn't in the cache, so we can declare victory. + return nil + } + + c.l.Remove(elem) + + psd := elem.Value.(*pgconn.StatementDescription) + delete(c.m, psd.SQL) + if c.mode == ModePrepare { + return c.conn.Exec(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("deallocate %s", psd.Name)).Close() + } + return nil +} + +// Len returns the number of cached prepared statement descriptions. +func (c *LRU) Len() int { + return c.l.Len() +} + +// Cap returns the maximum number of cached prepared statement descriptions. +func (c *LRU) Cap() int { + return c.cap +} + +// Mode returns the mode of the cache (ModePrepare or ModeDescribe) +func (c *LRU) Mode() int { + return c.mode +} + +func (c *LRU) prepare(ctx context.Context, sql string) (*pgconn.StatementDescription, error) { + var name string + if c.mode == ModePrepare { + name = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", c.psNamePrefix, c.prepareCount) + c.prepareCount += 1 + } + + return c.conn.Prepare(ctx, name, sql, nil) +} + +func (c *LRU) removeOldest(ctx context.Context) error { + oldest := c.l.Back() + c.l.Remove(oldest) + psd := oldest.Value.(*pgconn.StatementDescription) + delete(c.m, psd.SQL) + if c.mode == ModePrepare { + return c.conn.Exec(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("deallocate %s", psd.Name)).Close() + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/stmtcache/stmtcache.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/stmtcache/stmtcache.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d083e1b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgconn/stmtcache/stmtcache.go @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +// Package stmtcache is a cache that can be used to implement lazy prepared statements. +package stmtcache + +import ( + "context" + + "github.com/jackc/pgconn" +) + +const ( + ModePrepare = iota // Cache should prepare named statements. + ModeDescribe // Cache should prepare the anonymous prepared statement to only fetch the description of the statement. +) + +// Cache prepares and caches prepared statement descriptions. +type Cache interface { + // Get returns the prepared statement description for sql preparing or describing the sql on the server as needed. + Get(ctx context.Context, sql string) (*pgconn.StatementDescription, error) + + // Clear removes all entries in the cache. Any prepared statements will be deallocated from the PostgreSQL session. + Clear(ctx context.Context) error + + // StatementErrored informs the cache that the given statement resulted in an error when it + // was last used against the database. In some cases, this will cause the cache to maer that + // statement as bad. The bad statement will instead be flushed during the next call to Get + // that occurs outside of a failed transaction. + StatementErrored(sql string, err error) + + // Len returns the number of cached prepared statement descriptions. + Len() int + + // Cap returns the maximum number of cached prepared statement descriptions. + Cap() int + + // Mode returns the mode of the cache (ModePrepare or ModeDescribe) + Mode() int +} + +// New returns the preferred cache implementation for mode and cap. mode is either ModePrepare or ModeDescribe. cap is +// the maximum size of the cache. +func New(conn *pgconn.PgConn, mode int, cap int) Cache { + mustBeValidMode(mode) + mustBeValidCap(cap) + + return NewLRU(conn, mode, cap) +} + +func mustBeValidMode(mode int) { + if mode != ModePrepare && mode != ModeDescribe { + panic("mode must be ModePrepare or ModeDescribe") + } +} + +func mustBeValidCap(cap int) { + if cap < 1 { + panic("cache must have cap of >= 1") + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e176228e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +language: go + +go: + - 1.x + - tip + +matrix: + allow_failures: + - go: tip diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1c4f50f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Copyright (c) 2019 Jack Christensen + +MIT License + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/README.md b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1952ed86 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +[![](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/pgio?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/pgio) +[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jackc/pgio.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/jackc/pgio) + +# pgio + +Package pgio is a low-level toolkit building messages in the PostgreSQL wire protocol. + +pgio provides functions for appending integers to a []byte while doing byte +order conversion. + +Extracted from original implementation in https://github.com/jackc/pgx. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ef2dcc7f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +// Package pgio is a low-level toolkit building messages in the PostgreSQL wire protocol. +/* +pgio provides functions for appending integers to a []byte while doing byte +order conversion. +*/ +package pgio diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/write.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/write.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..96aedf9d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgio/write.go @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +package pgio + +import "encoding/binary" + +func AppendUint16(buf []byte, n uint16) []byte { + wp := len(buf) + buf = append(buf, 0, 0) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(buf[wp:], n) + return buf +} + +func AppendUint32(buf []byte, n uint32) []byte { + wp := len(buf) + buf = append(buf, 0, 0, 0, 0) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[wp:], n) + return buf +} + +func AppendUint64(buf []byte, n uint64) []byte { + wp := len(buf) + buf = append(buf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(buf[wp:], n) + return buf +} + +func AppendInt16(buf []byte, n int16) []byte { + return AppendUint16(buf, uint16(n)) +} + +func AppendInt32(buf []byte, n int32) []byte { + return AppendUint32(buf, uint32(n)) +} + +func AppendInt64(buf []byte, n int64) []byte { + return AppendUint64(buf, uint64(n)) +} + +func SetInt32(buf []byte, n int32) { + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf, uint32(n)) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e176228e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +language: go + +go: + - 1.x + - tip + +matrix: + allow_failures: + - go: tip diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1c4f50f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Copyright (c) 2019 Jack Christensen + +MIT License + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile/README.md b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..661289ed --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +[![](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile) +[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jackc/pgpassfile.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/jackc/pgpassfile) + +# pgpassfile + +Package pgpassfile is a parser PostgreSQL .pgpass files. + +Extracted and rewritten from original implementation in https://github.com/jackc/pgx. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile/pgpass.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile/pgpass.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f7eed3c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgpassfile/pgpass.go @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +// Package pgpassfile is a parser PostgreSQL .pgpass files. +package pgpassfile + +import ( + "bufio" + "io" + "os" + "regexp" + "strings" +) + +// Entry represents a line in a PG passfile. +type Entry struct { + Hostname string + Port string + Database string + Username string + Password string +} + +// Passfile is the in memory data structure representing a PG passfile. +type Passfile struct { + Entries []*Entry +} + +// ReadPassfile reads the file at path and parses it into a Passfile. +func ReadPassfile(path string) (*Passfile, error) { + f, err := os.Open(path) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer f.Close() + + return ParsePassfile(f) +} + +// ParsePassfile reads r and parses it into a Passfile. +func ParsePassfile(r io.Reader) (*Passfile, error) { + passfile := &Passfile{} + + scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r) + for scanner.Scan() { + entry := parseLine(scanner.Text()) + if entry != nil { + passfile.Entries = append(passfile.Entries, entry) + } + } + + return passfile, scanner.Err() +} + +// Match (not colons or escaped colon or escaped backslash)+. Essentially gives a split on unescaped +// colon. +var colonSplitterRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("(([^:]|(\\:)))+") + +// var colonSplitterRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("((?:[^:]|(?:\\:)|(?:\\\\))+)") + +// parseLine parses a line into an *Entry. It returns nil on comment lines or any other unparsable +// line. +func parseLine(line string) *Entry { + const ( + tmpBackslash = "\r" + tmpColon = "\n" + ) + + line = strings.TrimSpace(line) + + if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") { + return nil + } + + line = strings.Replace(line, `\\`, tmpBackslash, -1) + line = strings.Replace(line, `\:`, tmpColon, -1) + + parts := strings.Split(line, ":") + if len(parts) != 5 { + return nil + } + + // Unescape escaped colons and backslashes + for i := range parts { + parts[i] = strings.Replace(parts[i], tmpBackslash, `\`, -1) + parts[i] = strings.Replace(parts[i], tmpColon, `:`, -1) + } + + return &Entry{ + Hostname: parts[0], + Port: parts[1], + Database: parts[2], + Username: parts[3], + Password: parts[4], + } +} + +// FindPassword finds the password for the provided hostname, port, database, and username. For a +// Unix domain socket hostname must be set to "localhost". An empty string will be returned if no +// match is found. +// +// See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-pgpass.html for more password file information. +func (pf *Passfile) FindPassword(hostname, port, database, username string) (password string) { + for _, e := range pf.Entries { + if (e.Hostname == "*" || e.Hostname == hostname) && + (e.Port == "*" || e.Port == port) && + (e.Database == "*" || e.Database == database) && + (e.Username == "*" || e.Username == username) { + return e.Password + } + } + return "" +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e176228e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +language: go + +go: + - 1.x + - tip + +matrix: + allow_failures: + - go: tip diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1c4f50f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Copyright (c) 2019 Jack Christensen + +MIT License + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/README.md b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..565b3efd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +[![](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/pgproto3?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/pgproto3) +[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jackc/pgproto3.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/jackc/pgproto3) + +# pgproto3 + +Package pgproto3 is a encoder and decoder of the PostgreSQL wire protocol version 3. + +pgproto3 can be used as a foundation for PostgreSQL drivers, proxies, mock servers, load balancers and more. + +See example/pgfortune for a playful example of a fake PostgreSQL server. + +Extracted from original implementation in https://github.com/jackc/pgx. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_cleartext_password.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_cleartext_password.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..241fa600 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_cleartext_password.go @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// AuthenticationCleartextPassword is a message sent from the backend indicating that a clear-text password is required. +type AuthenticationCleartextPassword struct { +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*AuthenticationCleartextPassword) Backend() {} + +// Backend identifies this message as an authentication response. +func (*AuthenticationCleartextPassword) AuthenticationResponse() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *AuthenticationCleartextPassword) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 4 { + return errors.New("bad authentication message size") + } + + authType := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src) + + if authType != AuthTypeCleartextPassword { + return errors.New("bad auth type") + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *AuthenticationCleartextPassword) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'R') + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, 8) + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, AuthTypeCleartextPassword) + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src AuthenticationCleartextPassword) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + }{ + Type: "AuthenticationCleartextPassword", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_md5_password.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_md5_password.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32ec0390 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_md5_password.go @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// AuthenticationMD5Password is a message sent from the backend indicating that an MD5 hashed password is required. +type AuthenticationMD5Password struct { + Salt [4]byte +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*AuthenticationMD5Password) Backend() {} + +// Backend identifies this message as an authentication response. +func (*AuthenticationMD5Password) AuthenticationResponse() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *AuthenticationMD5Password) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 8 { + return errors.New("bad authentication message size") + } + + authType := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src) + + if authType != AuthTypeMD5Password { + return errors.New("bad auth type") + } + + copy(dst.Salt[:], src[4:8]) + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *AuthenticationMD5Password) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'R') + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, 12) + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, AuthTypeMD5Password) + dst = append(dst, src.Salt[:]...) + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src AuthenticationMD5Password) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Salt [4]byte + }{ + Type: "AuthenticationMD5Password", + Salt: src.Salt, + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *AuthenticationMD5Password) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + Type string + Salt [4]byte + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + + dst.Salt = msg.Salt + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_ok.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_ok.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2b476fe5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_ok.go @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// AuthenticationOk is a message sent from the backend indicating that authentication was successful. +type AuthenticationOk struct { +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*AuthenticationOk) Backend() {} + +// Backend identifies this message as an authentication response. +func (*AuthenticationOk) AuthenticationResponse() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *AuthenticationOk) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 4 { + return errors.New("bad authentication message size") + } + + authType := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src) + + if authType != AuthTypeOk { + return errors.New("bad auth type") + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *AuthenticationOk) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'R') + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, 8) + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, AuthTypeOk) + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src AuthenticationOk) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + }{ + Type: "AuthenticationOK", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_sasl.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_sasl.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bdcb2c36 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_sasl.go @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// AuthenticationSASL is a message sent from the backend indicating that SASL authentication is required. +type AuthenticationSASL struct { + AuthMechanisms []string +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*AuthenticationSASL) Backend() {} + +// Backend identifies this message as an authentication response. +func (*AuthenticationSASL) AuthenticationResponse() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *AuthenticationSASL) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) < 4 { + return errors.New("authentication message too short") + } + + authType := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src) + + if authType != AuthTypeSASL { + return errors.New("bad auth type") + } + + authMechanisms := src[4:] + for len(authMechanisms) > 1 { + idx := bytes.IndexByte(authMechanisms, 0) + if idx > 0 { + dst.AuthMechanisms = append(dst.AuthMechanisms, string(authMechanisms[:idx])) + authMechanisms = authMechanisms[idx+1:] + } + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *AuthenticationSASL) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'R') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, AuthTypeSASL) + + for _, s := range src.AuthMechanisms { + dst = append(dst, []byte(s)...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + } + dst = append(dst, 0) + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src AuthenticationSASL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + AuthMechanisms []string + }{ + Type: "AuthenticationSASL", + AuthMechanisms: src.AuthMechanisms, + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_sasl_continue.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_sasl_continue.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7f4a9c23 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_sasl_continue.go @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// AuthenticationSASLContinue is a message sent from the backend containing a SASL challenge. +type AuthenticationSASLContinue struct { + Data []byte +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*AuthenticationSASLContinue) Backend() {} + +// Backend identifies this message as an authentication response. +func (*AuthenticationSASLContinue) AuthenticationResponse() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *AuthenticationSASLContinue) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) < 4 { + return errors.New("authentication message too short") + } + + authType := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src) + + if authType != AuthTypeSASLContinue { + return errors.New("bad auth type") + } + + dst.Data = src[4:] + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *AuthenticationSASLContinue) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'R') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, AuthTypeSASLContinue) + + dst = append(dst, src.Data...) + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src AuthenticationSASLContinue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Data string + }{ + Type: "AuthenticationSASLContinue", + Data: string(src.Data), + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *AuthenticationSASLContinue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + Data string + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + + dst.Data = []byte(msg.Data) + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_sasl_final.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_sasl_final.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d82b9ee4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/authentication_sasl_final.go @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// AuthenticationSASLFinal is a message sent from the backend indicating a SASL authentication has completed. +type AuthenticationSASLFinal struct { + Data []byte +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*AuthenticationSASLFinal) Backend() {} + +// Backend identifies this message as an authentication response. +func (*AuthenticationSASLFinal) AuthenticationResponse() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *AuthenticationSASLFinal) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) < 4 { + return errors.New("authentication message too short") + } + + authType := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src) + + if authType != AuthTypeSASLFinal { + return errors.New("bad auth type") + } + + dst.Data = src[4:] + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *AuthenticationSASLFinal) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'R') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, AuthTypeSASLFinal) + + dst = append(dst, src.Data...) + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (src AuthenticationSASLFinal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Data string + }{ + Type: "AuthenticationSASLFinal", + Data: string(src.Data), + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *AuthenticationSASLFinal) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + Data string + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + + dst.Data = []byte(msg.Data) + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/backend.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/backend.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9c42ad02 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/backend.go @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "io" +) + +// Backend acts as a server for the PostgreSQL wire protocol version 3. +type Backend struct { + cr ChunkReader + w io.Writer + + // Frontend message flyweights + bind Bind + cancelRequest CancelRequest + _close Close + copyFail CopyFail + copyData CopyData + copyDone CopyDone + describe Describe + execute Execute + flush Flush + functionCall FunctionCall + gssEncRequest GSSEncRequest + parse Parse + query Query + sslRequest SSLRequest + startupMessage StartupMessage + sync Sync + terminate Terminate + + bodyLen int + msgType byte + partialMsg bool + authType uint32 + +} + +const ( + minStartupPacketLen = 4 // minStartupPacketLen is a single 32-bit int version or code. + maxStartupPacketLen = 10000 // maxStartupPacketLen is MAX_STARTUP_PACKET_LENGTH from PG source. +) + +// NewBackend creates a new Backend. +func NewBackend(cr ChunkReader, w io.Writer) *Backend { + return &Backend{cr: cr, w: w} +} + +// Send sends a message to the frontend. +func (b *Backend) Send(msg BackendMessage) error { + _, err := b.w.Write(msg.Encode(nil)) + return err +} + +// ReceiveStartupMessage receives the initial connection message. This method is used of the normal Receive method +// because the initial connection message is "special" and does not include the message type as the first byte. This +// will return either a StartupMessage, SSLRequest, GSSEncRequest, or CancelRequest. +func (b *Backend) ReceiveStartupMessage() (FrontendMessage, error) { + buf, err := b.cr.Next(4) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + msgSize := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf) - 4) + + if msgSize < minStartupPacketLen || msgSize > maxStartupPacketLen { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid length of startup packet: %d", msgSize) + } + + buf, err = b.cr.Next(msgSize) + if err != nil { + return nil, translateEOFtoErrUnexpectedEOF(err) + } + + code := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf) + + switch code { + case ProtocolVersionNumber: + err = b.startupMessage.Decode(buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &b.startupMessage, nil + case sslRequestNumber: + err = b.sslRequest.Decode(buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &b.sslRequest, nil + case cancelRequestCode: + err = b.cancelRequest.Decode(buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &b.cancelRequest, nil + case gssEncReqNumber: + err = b.gssEncRequest.Decode(buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &b.gssEncRequest, nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown startup message code: %d", code) + } +} + +// Receive receives a message from the frontend. The returned message is only valid until the next call to Receive. +func (b *Backend) Receive() (FrontendMessage, error) { + if !b.partialMsg { + header, err := b.cr.Next(5) + if err != nil { + return nil, translateEOFtoErrUnexpectedEOF(err) + } + + b.msgType = header[0] + b.bodyLen = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(header[1:])) - 4 + b.partialMsg = true + } + + var msg FrontendMessage + switch b.msgType { + case 'B': + msg = &b.bind + case 'C': + msg = &b._close + case 'D': + msg = &b.describe + case 'E': + msg = &b.execute + case 'F': + msg = &b.functionCall + case 'f': + msg = &b.copyFail + case 'd': + msg = &b.copyData + case 'c': + msg = &b.copyDone + case 'H': + msg = &b.flush + case 'P': + msg = &b.parse + case 'p': + switch b.authType { + case AuthTypeSASL: + msg = &SASLInitialResponse{} + case AuthTypeSASLContinue: + msg = &SASLResponse{} + case AuthTypeSASLFinal: + msg = &SASLResponse{} + case AuthTypeCleartextPassword, AuthTypeMD5Password: + fallthrough + default: + // to maintain backwards compatability + msg = &PasswordMessage{} + } + case 'Q': + msg = &b.query + case 'S': + msg = &b.sync + case 'X': + msg = &b.terminate + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown message type: %c", b.msgType) + } + + msgBody, err := b.cr.Next(b.bodyLen) + if err != nil { + return nil, translateEOFtoErrUnexpectedEOF(err) + } + + b.partialMsg = false + + err = msg.Decode(msgBody) + return msg, err +} + +// SetAuthType sets the authentication type in the backend. +// Since multiple message types can start with 'p', SetAuthType allows +// contextual identification of FrontendMessages. For example, in the +// PG message flow documentation for PasswordMessage: +// +// Byte1('p') +// +// Identifies the message as a password response. Note that this is also used for +// GSSAPI, SSPI and SASL response messages. The exact message type can be deduced from +// the context. +// +// Since the Frontend does not know about the state of a backend, it is important +// to call SetAuthType() after an authentication request is received by the Frontend. +func (b *Backend) SetAuthType(authType uint32) error { + switch authType { + case AuthTypeOk, + AuthTypeCleartextPassword, + AuthTypeMD5Password, + AuthTypeSCMCreds, + AuthTypeGSS, + AuthTypeGSSCont, + AuthTypeSSPI, + AuthTypeSASL, + AuthTypeSASLContinue, + AuthTypeSASLFinal: + b.authType = authType + default: + return fmt.Errorf("authType not recognized: %d", authType) + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/backend_key_data.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/backend_key_data.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca20dd25 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/backend_key_data.go @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type BackendKeyData struct { + ProcessID uint32 + SecretKey uint32 +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*BackendKeyData) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *BackendKeyData) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 8 { + return &invalidMessageLenErr{messageType: "BackendKeyData", expectedLen: 8, actualLen: len(src)} + } + + dst.ProcessID = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[:4]) + dst.SecretKey = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[4:]) + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *BackendKeyData) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'K') + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, 12) + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, src.ProcessID) + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, src.SecretKey) + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src BackendKeyData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + ProcessID uint32 + SecretKey uint32 + }{ + Type: "BackendKeyData", + ProcessID: src.ProcessID, + SecretKey: src.SecretKey, + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/big_endian.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/big_endian.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f7bdb97e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/big_endian.go @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" +) + +type BigEndianBuf [8]byte + +func (b BigEndianBuf) Int16(n int16) []byte { + buf := b[0:2] + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(buf, uint16(n)) + return buf +} + +func (b BigEndianBuf) Uint16(n uint16) []byte { + buf := b[0:2] + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(buf, n) + return buf +} + +func (b BigEndianBuf) Int32(n int32) []byte { + buf := b[0:4] + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf, uint32(n)) + return buf +} + +func (b BigEndianBuf) Uint32(n uint32) []byte { + buf := b[0:4] + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf, n) + return buf +} + +func (b BigEndianBuf) Int64(n int64) []byte { + buf := b[0:8] + binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(n)) + return buf +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/bind.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/bind.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e9664f59 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/bind.go @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/hex" + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Bind struct { + DestinationPortal string + PreparedStatement string + ParameterFormatCodes []int16 + Parameters [][]byte + ResultFormatCodes []int16 +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*Bind) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *Bind) Decode(src []byte) error { + *dst = Bind{} + + idx := bytes.IndexByte(src, 0) + if idx < 0 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Bind"} + } + dst.DestinationPortal = string(src[:idx]) + rp := idx + 1 + + idx = bytes.IndexByte(src[rp:], 0) + if idx < 0 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Bind"} + } + dst.PreparedStatement = string(src[rp : rp+idx]) + rp += idx + 1 + + if len(src[rp:]) < 2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Bind"} + } + parameterFormatCodeCount := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:])) + rp += 2 + + if parameterFormatCodeCount > 0 { + dst.ParameterFormatCodes = make([]int16, parameterFormatCodeCount) + + if len(src[rp:]) < len(dst.ParameterFormatCodes)*2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Bind"} + } + for i := 0; i < parameterFormatCodeCount; i++ { + dst.ParameterFormatCodes[i] = int16(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:])) + rp += 2 + } + } + + if len(src[rp:]) < 2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Bind"} + } + parameterCount := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:])) + rp += 2 + + if parameterCount > 0 { + dst.Parameters = make([][]byte, parameterCount) + + for i := 0; i < parameterCount; i++ { + if len(src[rp:]) < 4 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Bind"} + } + + msgSize := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + + // null + if msgSize == -1 { + continue + } + + if len(src[rp:]) < msgSize { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Bind"} + } + + dst.Parameters[i] = src[rp : rp+msgSize] + rp += msgSize + } + } + + if len(src[rp:]) < 2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Bind"} + } + resultFormatCodeCount := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:])) + rp += 2 + + dst.ResultFormatCodes = make([]int16, resultFormatCodeCount) + if len(src[rp:]) < len(dst.ResultFormatCodes)*2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Bind"} + } + for i := 0; i < resultFormatCodeCount; i++ { + dst.ResultFormatCodes[i] = int16(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:])) + rp += 2 + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *Bind) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'B') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = append(dst, src.DestinationPortal...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + dst = append(dst, src.PreparedStatement...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, uint16(len(src.ParameterFormatCodes))) + for _, fc := range src.ParameterFormatCodes { + dst = pgio.AppendInt16(dst, fc) + } + + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, uint16(len(src.Parameters))) + for _, p := range src.Parameters { + if p == nil { + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + continue + } + + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, int32(len(p))) + dst = append(dst, p...) + } + + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, uint16(len(src.ResultFormatCodes))) + for _, fc := range src.ResultFormatCodes { + dst = pgio.AppendInt16(dst, fc) + } + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src Bind) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + formattedParameters := make([]map[string]string, len(src.Parameters)) + for i, p := range src.Parameters { + if p == nil { + continue + } + + textFormat := true + if len(src.ParameterFormatCodes) == 1 { + textFormat = src.ParameterFormatCodes[0] == 0 + } else if len(src.ParameterFormatCodes) > 1 { + textFormat = src.ParameterFormatCodes[i] == 0 + } + + if textFormat { + formattedParameters[i] = map[string]string{"text": string(p)} + } else { + formattedParameters[i] = map[string]string{"binary": hex.EncodeToString(p)} + } + } + + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + DestinationPortal string + PreparedStatement string + ParameterFormatCodes []int16 + Parameters []map[string]string + ResultFormatCodes []int16 + }{ + Type: "Bind", + DestinationPortal: src.DestinationPortal, + PreparedStatement: src.PreparedStatement, + ParameterFormatCodes: src.ParameterFormatCodes, + Parameters: formattedParameters, + ResultFormatCodes: src.ResultFormatCodes, + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *Bind) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + DestinationPortal string + PreparedStatement string + ParameterFormatCodes []int16 + Parameters []map[string]string + ResultFormatCodes []int16 + } + err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg) + if err != nil { + return err + } + dst.DestinationPortal = msg.DestinationPortal + dst.PreparedStatement = msg.PreparedStatement + dst.ParameterFormatCodes = msg.ParameterFormatCodes + dst.Parameters = make([][]byte, len(msg.Parameters)) + dst.ResultFormatCodes = msg.ResultFormatCodes + for n, parameter := range msg.Parameters { + dst.Parameters[n], err = getValueFromJSON(parameter) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot get param %d: %w", n, err) + } + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/bind_complete.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/bind_complete.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3be256c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/bind_complete.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/json" +) + +type BindComplete struct{} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*BindComplete) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *BindComplete) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 0 { + return &invalidMessageLenErr{messageType: "BindComplete", expectedLen: 0, actualLen: len(src)} + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *BindComplete) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + return append(dst, '2', 0, 0, 0, 4) +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src BindComplete) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + }{ + Type: "BindComplete", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/cancel_request.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/cancel_request.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..942e404b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/cancel_request.go @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +const cancelRequestCode = 80877102 + +type CancelRequest struct { + ProcessID uint32 + SecretKey uint32 +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*CancelRequest) Frontend() {} + +func (dst *CancelRequest) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 12 { + return errors.New("bad cancel request size") + } + + requestCode := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src) + + if requestCode != cancelRequestCode { + return errors.New("bad cancel request code") + } + + dst.ProcessID = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[4:]) + dst.SecretKey = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[8:]) + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 4 byte message length. +func (src *CancelRequest) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, 16) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, cancelRequestCode) + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, src.ProcessID) + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, src.SecretKey) + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src CancelRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + ProcessID uint32 + SecretKey uint32 + }{ + Type: "CancelRequest", + ProcessID: src.ProcessID, + SecretKey: src.SecretKey, + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/chunkreader.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/chunkreader.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..92206f35 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/chunkreader.go @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "io" + + "github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2" +) + +// ChunkReader is an interface to decouple github.com/jackc/chunkreader from this package. +type ChunkReader interface { + // Next returns buf filled with the next n bytes. If an error (including a partial read) occurs, + // buf must be nil. Next must preserve any partially read data. Next must not reuse buf. + Next(n int) (buf []byte, err error) +} + +// NewChunkReader creates and returns a new default ChunkReader. +func NewChunkReader(r io.Reader) ChunkReader { + return chunkreader.New(r) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/close.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/close.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a45f2b93 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/close.go @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Close struct { + ObjectType byte // 'S' = prepared statement, 'P' = portal + Name string +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*Close) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *Close) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) < 2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Close"} + } + + dst.ObjectType = src[0] + rp := 1 + + idx := bytes.IndexByte(src[rp:], 0) + if idx != len(src[rp:])-1 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Close"} + } + + dst.Name = string(src[rp : len(src)-1]) + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *Close) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'C') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = append(dst, src.ObjectType) + dst = append(dst, src.Name...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src Close) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + ObjectType string + Name string + }{ + Type: "Close", + ObjectType: string(src.ObjectType), + Name: src.Name, + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *Close) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + ObjectType string + Name string + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(msg.ObjectType) != 1 { + return errors.New("invalid length for Close.ObjectType") + } + + dst.ObjectType = byte(msg.ObjectType[0]) + dst.Name = msg.Name + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/close_complete.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/close_complete.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1d7b8f08 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/close_complete.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/json" +) + +type CloseComplete struct{} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*CloseComplete) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *CloseComplete) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 0 { + return &invalidMessageLenErr{messageType: "CloseComplete", expectedLen: 0, actualLen: len(src)} + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *CloseComplete) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + return append(dst, '3', 0, 0, 0, 4) +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src CloseComplete) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + }{ + Type: "CloseComplete", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/command_complete.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/command_complete.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cdc49f39 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/command_complete.go @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type CommandComplete struct { + CommandTag []byte +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*CommandComplete) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *CommandComplete) Decode(src []byte) error { + idx := bytes.IndexByte(src, 0) + if idx != len(src)-1 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "CommandComplete"} + } + + dst.CommandTag = src[:idx] + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *CommandComplete) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'C') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = append(dst, src.CommandTag...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src CommandComplete) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + CommandTag string + }{ + Type: "CommandComplete", + CommandTag: string(src.CommandTag), + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *CommandComplete) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + CommandTag string + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + + dst.CommandTag = []byte(msg.CommandTag) + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_both_response.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_both_response.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fbd985d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_both_response.go @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type CopyBothResponse struct { + OverallFormat byte + ColumnFormatCodes []uint16 +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*CopyBothResponse) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *CopyBothResponse) Decode(src []byte) error { + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(src) + + if buf.Len() < 3 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "CopyBothResponse"} + } + + overallFormat := buf.Next(1)[0] + + columnCount := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf.Next(2))) + if buf.Len() != columnCount*2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "CopyBothResponse"} + } + + columnFormatCodes := make([]uint16, columnCount) + for i := 0; i < columnCount; i++ { + columnFormatCodes[i] = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf.Next(2)) + } + + *dst = CopyBothResponse{OverallFormat: overallFormat, ColumnFormatCodes: columnFormatCodes} + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *CopyBothResponse) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'W') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, uint16(len(src.ColumnFormatCodes))) + for _, fc := range src.ColumnFormatCodes { + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, fc) + } + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src CopyBothResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + ColumnFormatCodes []uint16 + }{ + Type: "CopyBothResponse", + ColumnFormatCodes: src.ColumnFormatCodes, + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *CopyBothResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + OverallFormat string + ColumnFormatCodes []uint16 + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(msg.OverallFormat) != 1 { + return errors.New("invalid length for CopyBothResponse.OverallFormat") + } + + dst.OverallFormat = msg.OverallFormat[0] + dst.ColumnFormatCodes = msg.ColumnFormatCodes + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_data.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_data.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..128aa198 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_data.go @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/hex" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type CopyData struct { + Data []byte +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*CopyData) Backend() {} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*CopyData) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *CopyData) Decode(src []byte) error { + dst.Data = src + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *CopyData) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'd') + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, int32(4+len(src.Data))) + dst = append(dst, src.Data...) + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src CopyData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Data string + }{ + Type: "CopyData", + Data: hex.EncodeToString(src.Data), + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *CopyData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + Data string + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + + dst.Data = []byte(msg.Data) + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_done.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_done.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e13282b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_done.go @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/json" +) + +type CopyDone struct { +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*CopyDone) Backend() {} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*CopyDone) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *CopyDone) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 0 { + return &invalidMessageLenErr{messageType: "CopyDone", expectedLen: 0, actualLen: len(src)} + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *CopyDone) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + return append(dst, 'c', 0, 0, 0, 4) +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src CopyDone) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + }{ + Type: "CopyDone", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_fail.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_fail.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..78ff0b30 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_fail.go @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type CopyFail struct { + Message string +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*CopyFail) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *CopyFail) Decode(src []byte) error { + idx := bytes.IndexByte(src, 0) + if idx != len(src)-1 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "CopyFail"} + } + + dst.Message = string(src[:idx]) + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *CopyFail) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'f') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = append(dst, src.Message...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src CopyFail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Message string + }{ + Type: "CopyFail", + Message: src.Message, + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_in_response.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_in_response.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..80733adc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_in_response.go @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type CopyInResponse struct { + OverallFormat byte + ColumnFormatCodes []uint16 +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*CopyInResponse) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *CopyInResponse) Decode(src []byte) error { + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(src) + + if buf.Len() < 3 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "CopyInResponse"} + } + + overallFormat := buf.Next(1)[0] + + columnCount := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf.Next(2))) + if buf.Len() != columnCount*2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "CopyInResponse"} + } + + columnFormatCodes := make([]uint16, columnCount) + for i := 0; i < columnCount; i++ { + columnFormatCodes[i] = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf.Next(2)) + } + + *dst = CopyInResponse{OverallFormat: overallFormat, ColumnFormatCodes: columnFormatCodes} + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *CopyInResponse) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'G') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = append(dst, src.OverallFormat) + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, uint16(len(src.ColumnFormatCodes))) + for _, fc := range src.ColumnFormatCodes { + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, fc) + } + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src CopyInResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + ColumnFormatCodes []uint16 + }{ + Type: "CopyInResponse", + ColumnFormatCodes: src.ColumnFormatCodes, + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *CopyInResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + OverallFormat string + ColumnFormatCodes []uint16 + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(msg.OverallFormat) != 1 { + return errors.New("invalid length for CopyInResponse.OverallFormat") + } + + dst.OverallFormat = msg.OverallFormat[0] + dst.ColumnFormatCodes = msg.ColumnFormatCodes + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_out_response.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_out_response.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5e607e3a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/copy_out_response.go @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type CopyOutResponse struct { + OverallFormat byte + ColumnFormatCodes []uint16 +} + +func (*CopyOutResponse) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *CopyOutResponse) Decode(src []byte) error { + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(src) + + if buf.Len() < 3 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "CopyOutResponse"} + } + + overallFormat := buf.Next(1)[0] + + columnCount := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf.Next(2))) + if buf.Len() != columnCount*2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "CopyOutResponse"} + } + + columnFormatCodes := make([]uint16, columnCount) + for i := 0; i < columnCount; i++ { + columnFormatCodes[i] = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf.Next(2)) + } + + *dst = CopyOutResponse{OverallFormat: overallFormat, ColumnFormatCodes: columnFormatCodes} + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *CopyOutResponse) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'H') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = append(dst, src.OverallFormat) + + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, uint16(len(src.ColumnFormatCodes))) + for _, fc := range src.ColumnFormatCodes { + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, fc) + } + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src CopyOutResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + ColumnFormatCodes []uint16 + }{ + Type: "CopyOutResponse", + ColumnFormatCodes: src.ColumnFormatCodes, + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *CopyOutResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + OverallFormat string + ColumnFormatCodes []uint16 + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(msg.OverallFormat) != 1 { + return errors.New("invalid length for CopyOutResponse.OverallFormat") + } + + dst.OverallFormat = msg.OverallFormat[0] + dst.ColumnFormatCodes = msg.ColumnFormatCodes + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/data_row.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/data_row.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..63768761 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/data_row.go @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/hex" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type DataRow struct { + Values [][]byte +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*DataRow) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *DataRow) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) < 2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "DataRow"} + } + rp := 0 + fieldCount := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:])) + rp += 2 + + // If the capacity of the values slice is too small OR substantially too + // large reallocate. This is too avoid one row with many columns from + // permanently allocating memory. + if cap(dst.Values) < fieldCount || cap(dst.Values)-fieldCount > 32 { + newCap := 32 + if newCap < fieldCount { + newCap = fieldCount + } + dst.Values = make([][]byte, fieldCount, newCap) + } else { + dst.Values = dst.Values[:fieldCount] + } + + for i := 0; i < fieldCount; i++ { + if len(src[rp:]) < 4 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "DataRow"} + } + + msgSize := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + + // null + if msgSize == -1 { + dst.Values[i] = nil + } else { + if len(src[rp:]) < msgSize { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "DataRow"} + } + + dst.Values[i] = src[rp : rp+msgSize : rp+msgSize] + rp += msgSize + } + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *DataRow) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'D') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, uint16(len(src.Values))) + for _, v := range src.Values { + if v == nil { + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + continue + } + + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, int32(len(v))) + dst = append(dst, v...) + } + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src DataRow) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + formattedValues := make([]map[string]string, len(src.Values)) + for i, v := range src.Values { + if v == nil { + continue + } + + var hasNonPrintable bool + for _, b := range v { + if b < 32 { + hasNonPrintable = true + break + } + } + + if hasNonPrintable { + formattedValues[i] = map[string]string{"binary": hex.EncodeToString(v)} + } else { + formattedValues[i] = map[string]string{"text": string(v)} + } + } + + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Values []map[string]string + }{ + Type: "DataRow", + Values: formattedValues, + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *DataRow) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + Values []map[string]string + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + + dst.Values = make([][]byte, len(msg.Values)) + for n, parameter := range msg.Values { + var err error + dst.Values[n], err = getValueFromJSON(parameter) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/describe.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/describe.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0d825db1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/describe.go @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Describe struct { + ObjectType byte // 'S' = prepared statement, 'P' = portal + Name string +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*Describe) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *Describe) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) < 2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Describe"} + } + + dst.ObjectType = src[0] + rp := 1 + + idx := bytes.IndexByte(src[rp:], 0) + if idx != len(src[rp:])-1 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Describe"} + } + + dst.Name = string(src[rp : len(src)-1]) + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *Describe) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'D') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = append(dst, src.ObjectType) + dst = append(dst, src.Name...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src Describe) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + ObjectType string + Name string + }{ + Type: "Describe", + ObjectType: string(src.ObjectType), + Name: src.Name, + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *Describe) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + ObjectType string + Name string + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + if len(msg.ObjectType) != 1 { + return errors.New("invalid length for Describe.ObjectType") + } + + dst.ObjectType = byte(msg.ObjectType[0]) + dst.Name = msg.Name + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8226dc98 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +// Package pgproto3 is a encoder and decoder of the PostgreSQL wire protocol version 3. +// +// See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/protocol-message-formats.html for meanings of the different messages. +package pgproto3 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/empty_query_response.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/empty_query_response.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2b85e744 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/empty_query_response.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/json" +) + +type EmptyQueryResponse struct{} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*EmptyQueryResponse) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *EmptyQueryResponse) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 0 { + return &invalidMessageLenErr{messageType: "EmptyQueryResponse", expectedLen: 0, actualLen: len(src)} + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *EmptyQueryResponse) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + return append(dst, 'I', 0, 0, 0, 4) +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src EmptyQueryResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + }{ + Type: "EmptyQueryResponse", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/error_response.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/error_response.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ec51e019 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/error_response.go @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "strconv" +) + +type ErrorResponse struct { + Severity string + SeverityUnlocalized string // only in 9.6 and greater + Code string + Message string + Detail string + Hint string + Position int32 + InternalPosition int32 + InternalQuery string + Where string + SchemaName string + TableName string + ColumnName string + DataTypeName string + ConstraintName string + File string + Line int32 + Routine string + + UnknownFields map[byte]string +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*ErrorResponse) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *ErrorResponse) Decode(src []byte) error { + *dst = ErrorResponse{} + + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(src) + + for { + k, err := buf.ReadByte() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if k == 0 { + break + } + + vb, err := buf.ReadBytes(0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + v := string(vb[:len(vb)-1]) + + switch k { + case 'S': + dst.Severity = v + case 'V': + dst.SeverityUnlocalized = v + case 'C': + dst.Code = v + case 'M': + dst.Message = v + case 'D': + dst.Detail = v + case 'H': + dst.Hint = v + case 'P': + s := v + n, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32) + dst.Position = int32(n) + case 'p': + s := v + n, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32) + dst.InternalPosition = int32(n) + case 'q': + dst.InternalQuery = v + case 'W': + dst.Where = v + case 's': + dst.SchemaName = v + case 't': + dst.TableName = v + case 'c': + dst.ColumnName = v + case 'd': + dst.DataTypeName = v + case 'n': + dst.ConstraintName = v + case 'F': + dst.File = v + case 'L': + s := v + n, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32) + dst.Line = int32(n) + case 'R': + dst.Routine = v + + default: + if dst.UnknownFields == nil { + dst.UnknownFields = make(map[byte]string) + } + dst.UnknownFields[k] = v + } + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *ErrorResponse) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + return append(dst, src.marshalBinary('E')...) +} + +func (src *ErrorResponse) marshalBinary(typeByte byte) []byte { + var bigEndian BigEndianBuf + buf := &bytes.Buffer{} + + buf.WriteByte(typeByte) + buf.Write(bigEndian.Uint32(0)) + + if src.Severity != "" { + buf.WriteByte('S') + buf.WriteString(src.Severity) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.SeverityUnlocalized != "" { + buf.WriteByte('V') + buf.WriteString(src.SeverityUnlocalized) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.Code != "" { + buf.WriteByte('C') + buf.WriteString(src.Code) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.Message != "" { + buf.WriteByte('M') + buf.WriteString(src.Message) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.Detail != "" { + buf.WriteByte('D') + buf.WriteString(src.Detail) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.Hint != "" { + buf.WriteByte('H') + buf.WriteString(src.Hint) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.Position != 0 { + buf.WriteByte('P') + buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(int(src.Position))) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.InternalPosition != 0 { + buf.WriteByte('p') + buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(int(src.InternalPosition))) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.InternalQuery != "" { + buf.WriteByte('q') + buf.WriteString(src.InternalQuery) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.Where != "" { + buf.WriteByte('W') + buf.WriteString(src.Where) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.SchemaName != "" { + buf.WriteByte('s') + buf.WriteString(src.SchemaName) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.TableName != "" { + buf.WriteByte('t') + buf.WriteString(src.TableName) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.ColumnName != "" { + buf.WriteByte('c') + buf.WriteString(src.ColumnName) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.DataTypeName != "" { + buf.WriteByte('d') + buf.WriteString(src.DataTypeName) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.ConstraintName != "" { + buf.WriteByte('n') + buf.WriteString(src.ConstraintName) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.File != "" { + buf.WriteByte('F') + buf.WriteString(src.File) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.Line != 0 { + buf.WriteByte('L') + buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(int(src.Line))) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + if src.Routine != "" { + buf.WriteByte('R') + buf.WriteString(src.Routine) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + + for k, v := range src.UnknownFields { + buf.WriteByte(k) + buf.WriteByte(0) + buf.WriteString(v) + buf.WriteByte(0) + } + + buf.WriteByte(0) + + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf.Bytes()[1:5], uint32(buf.Len()-1)) + + return buf.Bytes() +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src ErrorResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Severity string + SeverityUnlocalized string // only in 9.6 and greater + Code string + Message string + Detail string + Hint string + Position int32 + InternalPosition int32 + InternalQuery string + Where string + SchemaName string + TableName string + ColumnName string + DataTypeName string + ConstraintName string + File string + Line int32 + Routine string + + UnknownFields map[byte]string + }{ + Type: "ErrorResponse", + Severity: src.Severity, + SeverityUnlocalized: src.SeverityUnlocalized, + Code: src.Code, + Message: src.Message, + Detail: src.Detail, + Hint: src.Hint, + Position: src.Position, + InternalPosition: src.InternalPosition, + InternalQuery: src.InternalQuery, + Where: src.Where, + SchemaName: src.SchemaName, + TableName: src.TableName, + ColumnName: src.ColumnName, + DataTypeName: src.DataTypeName, + ConstraintName: src.ConstraintName, + File: src.File, + Line: src.Line, + Routine: src.Routine, + UnknownFields: src.UnknownFields, + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *ErrorResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + Type string + Severity string + SeverityUnlocalized string // only in 9.6 and greater + Code string + Message string + Detail string + Hint string + Position int32 + InternalPosition int32 + InternalQuery string + Where string + SchemaName string + TableName string + ColumnName string + DataTypeName string + ConstraintName string + File string + Line int32 + Routine string + + UnknownFields map[byte]string + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + + dst.Severity = msg.Severity + dst.SeverityUnlocalized = msg.SeverityUnlocalized + dst.Code = msg.Code + dst.Message = msg.Message + dst.Detail = msg.Detail + dst.Hint = msg.Hint + dst.Position = msg.Position + dst.InternalPosition = msg.InternalPosition + dst.InternalQuery = msg.InternalQuery + dst.Where = msg.Where + dst.SchemaName = msg.SchemaName + dst.TableName = msg.TableName + dst.ColumnName = msg.ColumnName + dst.DataTypeName = msg.DataTypeName + dst.ConstraintName = msg.ConstraintName + dst.File = msg.File + dst.Line = msg.Line + dst.Routine = msg.Routine + + dst.UnknownFields = msg.UnknownFields + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/execute.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/execute.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8bae6133 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/execute.go @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Execute struct { + Portal string + MaxRows uint32 +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*Execute) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *Execute) Decode(src []byte) error { + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(src) + + b, err := buf.ReadBytes(0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + dst.Portal = string(b[:len(b)-1]) + + if buf.Len() < 4 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Execute"} + } + dst.MaxRows = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf.Next(4)) + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *Execute) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'E') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = append(dst, src.Portal...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, src.MaxRows) + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src Execute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Portal string + MaxRows uint32 + }{ + Type: "Execute", + Portal: src.Portal, + MaxRows: src.MaxRows, + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/flush.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/flush.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2725f689 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/flush.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/json" +) + +type Flush struct{} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*Flush) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *Flush) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 0 { + return &invalidMessageLenErr{messageType: "Flush", expectedLen: 0, actualLen: len(src)} + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *Flush) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + return append(dst, 'H', 0, 0, 0, 4) +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src Flush) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + }{ + Type: "Flush", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/frontend.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/frontend.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c33dfb08 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/frontend.go @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" +) + +// Frontend acts as a client for the PostgreSQL wire protocol version 3. +type Frontend struct { + cr ChunkReader + w io.Writer + + // Backend message flyweights + authenticationOk AuthenticationOk + authenticationCleartextPassword AuthenticationCleartextPassword + authenticationMD5Password AuthenticationMD5Password + authenticationSASL AuthenticationSASL + authenticationSASLContinue AuthenticationSASLContinue + authenticationSASLFinal AuthenticationSASLFinal + backendKeyData BackendKeyData + bindComplete BindComplete + closeComplete CloseComplete + commandComplete CommandComplete + copyBothResponse CopyBothResponse + copyData CopyData + copyInResponse CopyInResponse + copyOutResponse CopyOutResponse + copyDone CopyDone + dataRow DataRow + emptyQueryResponse EmptyQueryResponse + errorResponse ErrorResponse + functionCallResponse FunctionCallResponse + noData NoData + noticeResponse NoticeResponse + notificationResponse NotificationResponse + parameterDescription ParameterDescription + parameterStatus ParameterStatus + parseComplete ParseComplete + readyForQuery ReadyForQuery + rowDescription RowDescription + portalSuspended PortalSuspended + + bodyLen int + msgType byte + partialMsg bool + authType uint32 +} + +// NewFrontend creates a new Frontend. +func NewFrontend(cr ChunkReader, w io.Writer) *Frontend { + return &Frontend{cr: cr, w: w} +} + +// Send sends a message to the backend. +func (f *Frontend) Send(msg FrontendMessage) error { + _, err := f.w.Write(msg.Encode(nil)) + return err +} + +func translateEOFtoErrUnexpectedEOF(err error) error { + if err == io.EOF { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return err +} + +// Receive receives a message from the backend. The returned message is only valid until the next call to Receive. +func (f *Frontend) Receive() (BackendMessage, error) { + if !f.partialMsg { + header, err := f.cr.Next(5) + if err != nil { + return nil, translateEOFtoErrUnexpectedEOF(err) + } + + f.msgType = header[0] + f.bodyLen = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(header[1:])) - 4 + f.partialMsg = true + } + + msgBody, err := f.cr.Next(f.bodyLen) + if err != nil { + return nil, translateEOFtoErrUnexpectedEOF(err) + } + + f.partialMsg = false + + var msg BackendMessage + switch f.msgType { + case '1': + msg = &f.parseComplete + case '2': + msg = &f.bindComplete + case '3': + msg = &f.closeComplete + case 'A': + msg = &f.notificationResponse + case 'c': + msg = &f.copyDone + case 'C': + msg = &f.commandComplete + case 'd': + msg = &f.copyData + case 'D': + msg = &f.dataRow + case 'E': + msg = &f.errorResponse + case 'G': + msg = &f.copyInResponse + case 'H': + msg = &f.copyOutResponse + case 'I': + msg = &f.emptyQueryResponse + case 'K': + msg = &f.backendKeyData + case 'n': + msg = &f.noData + case 'N': + msg = &f.noticeResponse + case 'R': + var err error + msg, err = f.findAuthenticationMessageType(msgBody) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + case 's': + msg = &f.portalSuspended + case 'S': + msg = &f.parameterStatus + case 't': + msg = &f.parameterDescription + case 'T': + msg = &f.rowDescription + case 'V': + msg = &f.functionCallResponse + case 'W': + msg = &f.copyBothResponse + case 'Z': + msg = &f.readyForQuery + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown message type: %c", f.msgType) + } + + err = msg.Decode(msgBody) + return msg, err +} + +// Authentication message type constants. +// See src/include/libpq/pqcomm.h for all +// constants. +const ( + AuthTypeOk = 0 + AuthTypeCleartextPassword = 3 + AuthTypeMD5Password = 5 + AuthTypeSCMCreds = 6 + AuthTypeGSS = 7 + AuthTypeGSSCont = 8 + AuthTypeSSPI = 9 + AuthTypeSASL = 10 + AuthTypeSASLContinue = 11 + AuthTypeSASLFinal = 12 +) + +func (f *Frontend) findAuthenticationMessageType(src []byte) (BackendMessage, error) { + if len(src) < 4 { + return nil, errors.New("authentication message too short") + } + f.authType = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[:4]) + + switch f.authType { + case AuthTypeOk: + return &f.authenticationOk, nil + case AuthTypeCleartextPassword: + return &f.authenticationCleartextPassword, nil + case AuthTypeMD5Password: + return &f.authenticationMD5Password, nil + case AuthTypeSCMCreds: + return nil, errors.New("AuthTypeSCMCreds is unimplemented") + case AuthTypeGSS: + return nil, errors.New("AuthTypeGSS is unimplemented") + case AuthTypeGSSCont: + return nil, errors.New("AuthTypeGSSCont is unimplemented") + case AuthTypeSSPI: + return nil, errors.New("AuthTypeSSPI is unimplemented") + case AuthTypeSASL: + return &f.authenticationSASL, nil + case AuthTypeSASLContinue: + return &f.authenticationSASLContinue, nil + case AuthTypeSASLFinal: + return &f.authenticationSASLFinal, nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown authentication type: %d", f.authType) + } +} + +// GetAuthType returns the authType used in the current state of the frontend. +// See SetAuthType for more information. +func (f *Frontend) GetAuthType() uint32 { + return f.authType +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/function_call.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/function_call.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b3a22c4f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/function_call.go @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type FunctionCall struct { + Function uint32 + ArgFormatCodes []uint16 + Arguments [][]byte + ResultFormatCode uint16 +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*FunctionCall) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *FunctionCall) Decode(src []byte) error { + *dst = FunctionCall{} + rp := 0 + // Specifies the object ID of the function to call. + dst.Function = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]) + rp += 4 + // The number of argument format codes that follow (denoted C below). + // This can be zero to indicate that there are no arguments or that the arguments all use the default format (text); + // or one, in which case the specified format code is applied to all arguments; + // or it can equal the actual number of arguments. + nArgumentCodes := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:])) + rp += 2 + argumentCodes := make([]uint16, nArgumentCodes) + for i := 0; i < nArgumentCodes; i++ { + // The argument format codes. Each must presently be zero (text) or one (binary). + ac := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:]) + if ac != 0 && ac != 1 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "FunctionCall"} + } + argumentCodes[i] = ac + rp += 2 + } + dst.ArgFormatCodes = argumentCodes + + // Specifies the number of arguments being supplied to the function. + nArguments := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:])) + rp += 2 + arguments := make([][]byte, nArguments) + for i := 0; i < nArguments; i++ { + // The length of the argument value, in bytes (this count does not include itself). Can be zero. + // As a special case, -1 indicates a NULL argument value. No value bytes follow in the NULL case. + argumentLength := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:])) + rp += 4 + if argumentLength == -1 { + arguments[i] = nil + } else { + // The value of the argument, in the format indicated by the associated format code. n is the above length. + argumentValue := src[rp : rp+argumentLength] + rp += argumentLength + arguments[i] = argumentValue + } + } + dst.Arguments = arguments + // The format code for the function result. Must presently be zero (text) or one (binary). + resultFormatCode := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:]) + if resultFormatCode != 0 && resultFormatCode != 1 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "FunctionCall"} + } + dst.ResultFormatCode = resultFormatCode + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *FunctionCall) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'F') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, 0) // Unknown length, set it at the end + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, src.Function) + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, uint16(len(src.ArgFormatCodes))) + for _, argFormatCode := range src.ArgFormatCodes { + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, argFormatCode) + } + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, uint16(len(src.Arguments))) + for _, argument := range src.Arguments { + if argument == nil { + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + } else { + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, int32(len(argument))) + dst = append(dst, argument...) + } + } + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, src.ResultFormatCode) + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + return dst +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/function_call_response.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/function_call_response.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..53d64222 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/function_call_response.go @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/hex" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type FunctionCallResponse struct { + Result []byte +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*FunctionCallResponse) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *FunctionCallResponse) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) < 4 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "FunctionCallResponse"} + } + rp := 0 + resultSize := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:])) + rp += 4 + + if resultSize == -1 { + dst.Result = nil + return nil + } + + if len(src[rp:]) != resultSize { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "FunctionCallResponse"} + } + + dst.Result = src[rp:] + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *FunctionCallResponse) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'V') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + if src.Result == nil { + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + } else { + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, int32(len(src.Result))) + dst = append(dst, src.Result...) + } + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src FunctionCallResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + var formattedValue map[string]string + var hasNonPrintable bool + for _, b := range src.Result { + if b < 32 { + hasNonPrintable = true + break + } + } + + if hasNonPrintable { + formattedValue = map[string]string{"binary": hex.EncodeToString(src.Result)} + } else { + formattedValue = map[string]string{"text": string(src.Result)} + } + + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Result map[string]string + }{ + Type: "FunctionCallResponse", + Result: formattedValue, + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *FunctionCallResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + Result map[string]string + } + err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg) + if err != nil { + return err + } + dst.Result, err = getValueFromJSON(msg.Result) + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/gss_enc_request.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/gss_enc_request.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cf405a3e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/gss_enc_request.go @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +const gssEncReqNumber = 80877104 + +type GSSEncRequest struct { +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*GSSEncRequest) Frontend() {} + +func (dst *GSSEncRequest) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) < 4 { + return errors.New("gss encoding request too short") + } + + requestCode := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src) + + if requestCode != gssEncReqNumber { + return errors.New("bad gss encoding request code") + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 4 byte message length. +func (src *GSSEncRequest) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, 8) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, gssEncReqNumber) + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src GSSEncRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + ProtocolVersion uint32 + Parameters map[string]string + }{ + Type: "GSSEncRequest", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/no_data.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/no_data.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d8f85d38 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/no_data.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/json" +) + +type NoData struct{} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*NoData) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *NoData) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 0 { + return &invalidMessageLenErr{messageType: "NoData", expectedLen: 0, actualLen: len(src)} + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *NoData) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + return append(dst, 'n', 0, 0, 0, 4) +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src NoData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + }{ + Type: "NoData", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/notice_response.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/notice_response.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4ac28a79 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/notice_response.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +package pgproto3 + +type NoticeResponse ErrorResponse + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*NoticeResponse) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *NoticeResponse) Decode(src []byte) error { + return (*ErrorResponse)(dst).Decode(src) +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *NoticeResponse) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + return append(dst, (*ErrorResponse)(src).marshalBinary('N')...) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/notification_response.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/notification_response.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e762eb96 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/notification_response.go @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type NotificationResponse struct { + PID uint32 + Channel string + Payload string +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*NotificationResponse) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *NotificationResponse) Decode(src []byte) error { + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(src) + + pid := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf.Next(4)) + + b, err := buf.ReadBytes(0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + channel := string(b[:len(b)-1]) + + b, err = buf.ReadBytes(0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + payload := string(b[:len(b)-1]) + + *dst = NotificationResponse{PID: pid, Channel: channel, Payload: payload} + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *NotificationResponse) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'A') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, src.PID) + dst = append(dst, src.Channel...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + dst = append(dst, src.Payload...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src NotificationResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + PID uint32 + Channel string + Payload string + }{ + Type: "NotificationResponse", + PID: src.PID, + Channel: src.Channel, + Payload: src.Payload, + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/parameter_description.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/parameter_description.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e28965c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/parameter_description.go @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type ParameterDescription struct { + ParameterOIDs []uint32 +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*ParameterDescription) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *ParameterDescription) Decode(src []byte) error { + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(src) + + if buf.Len() < 2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "ParameterDescription"} + } + + // Reported parameter count will be incorrect when number of args is greater than uint16 + buf.Next(2) + // Instead infer parameter count by remaining size of message + parameterCount := buf.Len() / 4 + + *dst = ParameterDescription{ParameterOIDs: make([]uint32, parameterCount)} + + for i := 0; i < parameterCount; i++ { + dst.ParameterOIDs[i] = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf.Next(4)) + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *ParameterDescription) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 't') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, uint16(len(src.ParameterOIDs))) + for _, oid := range src.ParameterOIDs { + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, oid) + } + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src ParameterDescription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + ParameterOIDs []uint32 + }{ + Type: "ParameterDescription", + ParameterOIDs: src.ParameterOIDs, + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/parameter_status.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/parameter_status.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c4021d92 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/parameter_status.go @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type ParameterStatus struct { + Name string + Value string +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*ParameterStatus) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *ParameterStatus) Decode(src []byte) error { + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(src) + + b, err := buf.ReadBytes(0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + name := string(b[:len(b)-1]) + + b, err = buf.ReadBytes(0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + value := string(b[:len(b)-1]) + + *dst = ParameterStatus{Name: name, Value: value} + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *ParameterStatus) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'S') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = append(dst, src.Name...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + dst = append(dst, src.Value...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (ps ParameterStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Name string + Value string + }{ + Type: "ParameterStatus", + Name: ps.Name, + Value: ps.Value, + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/parse.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/parse.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..723885d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/parse.go @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Parse struct { + Name string + Query string + ParameterOIDs []uint32 +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*Parse) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *Parse) Decode(src []byte) error { + *dst = Parse{} + + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(src) + + b, err := buf.ReadBytes(0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + dst.Name = string(b[:len(b)-1]) + + b, err = buf.ReadBytes(0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + dst.Query = string(b[:len(b)-1]) + + if buf.Len() < 2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Parse"} + } + parameterOIDCount := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf.Next(2))) + + for i := 0; i < parameterOIDCount; i++ { + if buf.Len() < 4 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Parse"} + } + dst.ParameterOIDs = append(dst.ParameterOIDs, binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf.Next(4))) + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *Parse) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'P') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = append(dst, src.Name...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + dst = append(dst, src.Query...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, uint16(len(src.ParameterOIDs))) + for _, oid := range src.ParameterOIDs { + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, oid) + } + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src Parse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Name string + Query string + ParameterOIDs []uint32 + }{ + Type: "Parse", + Name: src.Name, + Query: src.Query, + ParameterOIDs: src.ParameterOIDs, + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/parse_complete.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/parse_complete.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..92c9498b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/parse_complete.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/json" +) + +type ParseComplete struct{} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*ParseComplete) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *ParseComplete) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 0 { + return &invalidMessageLenErr{messageType: "ParseComplete", expectedLen: 0, actualLen: len(src)} + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *ParseComplete) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + return append(dst, '1', 0, 0, 0, 4) +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src ParseComplete) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + }{ + Type: "ParseComplete", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/password_message.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/password_message.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cae76c50 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/password_message.go @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type PasswordMessage struct { + Password string +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*PasswordMessage) Frontend() {} + +// Frontend identifies this message as an authentication response. +func (*PasswordMessage) InitialResponse() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *PasswordMessage) Decode(src []byte) error { + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(src) + + b, err := buf.ReadBytes(0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + dst.Password = string(b[:len(b)-1]) + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *PasswordMessage) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'p') + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, int32(4+len(src.Password)+1)) + + dst = append(dst, src.Password...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src PasswordMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Password string + }{ + Type: "PasswordMessage", + Password: src.Password, + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/pgproto3.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/pgproto3.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..70c825e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/pgproto3.go @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/hex" + "errors" + "fmt" +) + +// Message is the interface implemented by an object that can decode and encode +// a particular PostgreSQL message. +type Message interface { + // Decode is allowed and expected to retain a reference to data after + // returning (unlike encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler). + Decode(data []byte) error + + // Encode appends itself to dst and returns the new buffer. + Encode(dst []byte) []byte +} + +type FrontendMessage interface { + Message + Frontend() // no-op method to distinguish frontend from backend methods +} + +type BackendMessage interface { + Message + Backend() // no-op method to distinguish frontend from backend methods +} + +type AuthenticationResponseMessage interface { + BackendMessage + AuthenticationResponse() // no-op method to distinguish authentication responses +} + +type invalidMessageLenErr struct { + messageType string + expectedLen int + actualLen int +} + +func (e *invalidMessageLenErr) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s body must have length of %d, but it is %d", e.messageType, e.expectedLen, e.actualLen) +} + +type invalidMessageFormatErr struct { + messageType string +} + +func (e *invalidMessageFormatErr) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s body is invalid", e.messageType) +} + +// getValueFromJSON gets the value from a protocol message representation in JSON. +func getValueFromJSON(v map[string]string) ([]byte, error) { + if v == nil { + return nil, nil + } + if text, ok := v["text"]; ok { + return []byte(text), nil + } + if binary, ok := v["binary"]; ok { + return hex.DecodeString(binary) + } + return nil, errors.New("unknown protocol representation") +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/portal_suspended.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/portal_suspended.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1a9e7bfb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/portal_suspended.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/json" +) + +type PortalSuspended struct{} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*PortalSuspended) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *PortalSuspended) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 0 { + return &invalidMessageLenErr{messageType: "PortalSuspended", expectedLen: 0, actualLen: len(src)} + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *PortalSuspended) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + return append(dst, 's', 0, 0, 0, 4) +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src PortalSuspended) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + }{ + Type: "PortalSuspended", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/query.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/query.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41c93b4a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/query.go @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Query struct { + String string +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*Query) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *Query) Decode(src []byte) error { + i := bytes.IndexByte(src, 0) + if i != len(src)-1 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "Query"} + } + + dst.String = string(src[:i]) + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *Query) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'Q') + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, int32(4+len(src.String)+1)) + + dst = append(dst, src.String...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src Query) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + String string + }{ + Type: "Query", + String: src.String, + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/ready_for_query.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/ready_for_query.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..67a39be3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/ready_for_query.go @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/json" + "errors" +) + +type ReadyForQuery struct { + TxStatus byte +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*ReadyForQuery) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *ReadyForQuery) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 1 { + return &invalidMessageLenErr{messageType: "ReadyForQuery", expectedLen: 1, actualLen: len(src)} + } + + dst.TxStatus = src[0] + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *ReadyForQuery) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + return append(dst, 'Z', 0, 0, 0, 5, src.TxStatus) +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src ReadyForQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + TxStatus string + }{ + Type: "ReadyForQuery", + TxStatus: string(src.TxStatus), + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *ReadyForQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + TxStatus string + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + if len(msg.TxStatus) != 1 { + return errors.New("invalid length for ReadyForQuery.TxStatus") + } + dst.TxStatus = msg.TxStatus[0] + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/row_description.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/row_description.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a2e0d28e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/row_description.go @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +const ( + TextFormat = 0 + BinaryFormat = 1 +) + +type FieldDescription struct { + Name []byte + TableOID uint32 + TableAttributeNumber uint16 + DataTypeOID uint32 + DataTypeSize int16 + TypeModifier int32 + Format int16 +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (fd FieldDescription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Name string + TableOID uint32 + TableAttributeNumber uint16 + DataTypeOID uint32 + DataTypeSize int16 + TypeModifier int32 + Format int16 + }{ + Name: string(fd.Name), + TableOID: fd.TableOID, + TableAttributeNumber: fd.TableAttributeNumber, + DataTypeOID: fd.DataTypeOID, + DataTypeSize: fd.DataTypeSize, + TypeModifier: fd.TypeModifier, + Format: fd.Format, + }) +} + +type RowDescription struct { + Fields []FieldDescription +} + +// Backend identifies this message as sendable by the PostgreSQL backend. +func (*RowDescription) Backend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *RowDescription) Decode(src []byte) error { + + if len(src) < 2 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "RowDescription"} + } + fieldCount := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src)) + rp := 2 + + dst.Fields = dst.Fields[0:0] + + for i := 0; i < fieldCount; i++ { + var fd FieldDescription + + idx := bytes.IndexByte(src[rp:], 0) + if idx < 0 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "RowDescription"} + } + fd.Name = src[rp : rp+idx] + rp += idx + 1 + + // Since buf.Next() doesn't return an error if we hit the end of the buffer + // check Len ahead of time + if len(src[rp:]) < 18 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "RowDescription"} + } + + fd.TableOID = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]) + rp += 4 + fd.TableAttributeNumber = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:]) + rp += 2 + fd.DataTypeOID = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]) + rp += 4 + fd.DataTypeSize = int16(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:])) + rp += 2 + fd.TypeModifier = int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:])) + rp += 4 + fd.Format = int16(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:])) + rp += 2 + + dst.Fields = append(dst.Fields, fd) + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *RowDescription) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'T') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, uint16(len(src.Fields))) + for _, fd := range src.Fields { + dst = append(dst, fd.Name...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, fd.TableOID) + dst = pgio.AppendUint16(dst, fd.TableAttributeNumber) + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, fd.DataTypeOID) + dst = pgio.AppendInt16(dst, fd.DataTypeSize) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, fd.TypeModifier) + dst = pgio.AppendInt16(dst, fd.Format) + } + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src RowDescription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Fields []FieldDescription + }{ + Type: "RowDescription", + Fields: src.Fields, + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *RowDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + var msg struct { + Fields []struct { + Name string + TableOID uint32 + TableAttributeNumber uint16 + DataTypeOID uint32 + DataTypeSize int16 + TypeModifier int32 + Format int16 + } + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + dst.Fields = make([]FieldDescription, len(msg.Fields)) + for n, field := range msg.Fields { + dst.Fields[n] = FieldDescription{ + Name: []byte(field.Name), + TableOID: field.TableOID, + TableAttributeNumber: field.TableAttributeNumber, + DataTypeOID: field.DataTypeOID, + DataTypeSize: field.DataTypeSize, + TypeModifier: field.TypeModifier, + Format: field.Format, + } + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/sasl_initial_response.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/sasl_initial_response.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f862f2a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/sasl_initial_response.go @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/hex" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type SASLInitialResponse struct { + AuthMechanism string + Data []byte +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*SASLInitialResponse) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *SASLInitialResponse) Decode(src []byte) error { + *dst = SASLInitialResponse{} + + rp := 0 + + idx := bytes.IndexByte(src, 0) + if idx < 0 { + return errors.New("invalid SASLInitialResponse") + } + + dst.AuthMechanism = string(src[rp:idx]) + rp = idx + 1 + + rp += 4 // The rest of the message is data so we can just skip the size + dst.Data = src[rp:] + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *SASLInitialResponse) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'p') + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = append(dst, []byte(src.AuthMechanism)...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, int32(len(src.Data))) + dst = append(dst, src.Data...) + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src SASLInitialResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + AuthMechanism string + Data string + }{ + Type: "SASLInitialResponse", + AuthMechanism: src.AuthMechanism, + Data: string(src.Data), + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *SASLInitialResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + // Ignore null, like in the main JSON package. + if string(data) == "null" { + return nil + } + + var msg struct { + AuthMechanism string + Data string + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + dst.AuthMechanism = msg.AuthMechanism + if msg.Data != "" { + decoded, err := hex.DecodeString(msg.Data) + if err != nil { + return err + } + dst.Data = decoded + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/sasl_response.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/sasl_response.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d402759a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/sasl_response.go @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/hex" + "encoding/json" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type SASLResponse struct { + Data []byte +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*SASLResponse) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *SASLResponse) Decode(src []byte) error { + *dst = SASLResponse{Data: src} + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *SASLResponse) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = append(dst, 'p') + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, int32(4+len(src.Data))) + + dst = append(dst, src.Data...) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src SASLResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + Data string + }{ + Type: "SASLResponse", + Data: string(src.Data), + }) +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Unmarshaler. +func (dst *SASLResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + var msg struct { + Data string + } + if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil { + return err + } + if msg.Data != "" { + decoded, err := hex.DecodeString(msg.Data) + if err != nil { + return err + } + dst.Data = decoded + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/ssl_request.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/ssl_request.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..96ce489e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/ssl_request.go @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +const sslRequestNumber = 80877103 + +type SSLRequest struct { +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*SSLRequest) Frontend() {} + +func (dst *SSLRequest) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) < 4 { + return errors.New("ssl request too short") + } + + requestCode := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src) + + if requestCode != sslRequestNumber { + return errors.New("bad ssl request code") + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 4 byte message length. +func (src *SSLRequest) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, 8) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, sslRequestNumber) + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src SSLRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + ProtocolVersion uint32 + Parameters map[string]string + }{ + Type: "SSLRequest", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/startup_message.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/startup_message.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5f1cd24f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/startup_message.go @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + "fmt" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +const ProtocolVersionNumber = 196608 // 3.0 + +type StartupMessage struct { + ProtocolVersion uint32 + Parameters map[string]string +} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*StartupMessage) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *StartupMessage) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) < 4 { + return errors.New("startup message too short") + } + + dst.ProtocolVersion = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src) + rp := 4 + + if dst.ProtocolVersion != ProtocolVersionNumber { + return fmt.Errorf("Bad startup message version number. Expected %d, got %d", ProtocolVersionNumber, dst.ProtocolVersion) + } + + dst.Parameters = make(map[string]string) + for { + idx := bytes.IndexByte(src[rp:], 0) + if idx < 0 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "StartupMesage"} + } + key := string(src[rp : rp+idx]) + rp += idx + 1 + + idx = bytes.IndexByte(src[rp:], 0) + if idx < 0 { + return &invalidMessageFormatErr{messageType: "StartupMesage"} + } + value := string(src[rp : rp+idx]) + rp += idx + 1 + + dst.Parameters[key] = value + + if len(src[rp:]) == 1 { + if src[rp] != 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("Bad startup message last byte. Expected 0, got %d", src[rp]) + } + break + } + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *StartupMessage) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + sp := len(dst) + dst = pgio.AppendInt32(dst, -1) + + dst = pgio.AppendUint32(dst, src.ProtocolVersion) + for k, v := range src.Parameters { + dst = append(dst, k...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + dst = append(dst, v...) + dst = append(dst, 0) + } + dst = append(dst, 0) + + pgio.SetInt32(dst[sp:], int32(len(dst[sp:]))) + + return dst +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src StartupMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + ProtocolVersion uint32 + Parameters map[string]string + }{ + Type: "StartupMessage", + ProtocolVersion: src.ProtocolVersion, + Parameters: src.Parameters, + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/sync.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/sync.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5db8e07a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/sync.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/json" +) + +type Sync struct{} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*Sync) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *Sync) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 0 { + return &invalidMessageLenErr{messageType: "Sync", expectedLen: 0, actualLen: len(src)} + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *Sync) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + return append(dst, 'S', 0, 0, 0, 4) +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src Sync) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + }{ + Type: "Sync", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/terminate.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/terminate.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..135191ea --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2/terminate.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package pgproto3 + +import ( + "encoding/json" +) + +type Terminate struct{} + +// Frontend identifies this message as sendable by a PostgreSQL frontend. +func (*Terminate) Frontend() {} + +// Decode decodes src into dst. src must contain the complete message with the exception of the initial 1 byte message +// type identifier and 4 byte message length. +func (dst *Terminate) Decode(src []byte) error { + if len(src) != 0 { + return &invalidMessageLenErr{messageType: "Terminate", expectedLen: 0, actualLen: len(src)} + } + + return nil +} + +// Encode encodes src into dst. dst will include the 1 byte message type identifier and the 4 byte message length. +func (src *Terminate) Encode(dst []byte) []byte { + return append(dst, 'X', 0, 0, 0, 4) +} + +// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.Marshaler. +func (src Terminate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return json.Marshal(struct { + Type string + }{ + Type: "Terminate", + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e176228e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +language: go + +go: + - 1.x + - tip + +matrix: + allow_failures: + - go: tip diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f1b4c289 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Copyright (c) 2020 Jack Christensen + +MIT License + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile/README.md b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e50ca126 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[![](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile) +[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jackc/pgservicefile.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/jackc/pgservicefile) + +# pgservicefile + +Package pgservicefile is a parser for PostgreSQL service files (e.g. `.pg_service.conf`). diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile/pgservicefile.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile/pgservicefile.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..797bbab9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgservicefile/pgservicefile.go @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +// Package pgservicefile is a parser for PostgreSQL service files (e.g. .pg_service.conf). +package pgservicefile + +import ( + "bufio" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "os" + "strings" +) + +type Service struct { + Name string + Settings map[string]string +} + +type Servicefile struct { + Services []*Service + servicesByName map[string]*Service +} + +// GetService returns the named service. +func (sf *Servicefile) GetService(name string) (*Service, error) { + service, present := sf.servicesByName[name] + if !present { + return nil, errors.New("not found") + } + return service, nil +} + +// ReadServicefile reads the file at path and parses it into a Servicefile. +func ReadServicefile(path string) (*Servicefile, error) { + f, err := os.Open(path) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer f.Close() + + return ParseServicefile(f) +} + +// ParseServicefile reads r and parses it into a Servicefile. +func ParseServicefile(r io.Reader) (*Servicefile, error) { + servicefile := &Servicefile{} + + var service *Service + scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r) + lineNum := 0 + for scanner.Scan() { + lineNum += 1 + line := scanner.Text() + line = strings.TrimSpace(line) + + if line == "" || strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") { + // ignore comments and empty lines + } else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "[") && strings.HasSuffix(line, "]") { + service = &Service{Name: line[1 : len(line)-1], Settings: make(map[string]string)} + servicefile.Services = append(servicefile.Services, service) + } else { + parts := strings.SplitN(line, "=", 2) + if len(parts) != 2 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse line %d", lineNum) + } + + key := strings.TrimSpace(parts[0]) + value := strings.TrimSpace(parts[1]) + + service.Settings[key] = value + } + } + + servicefile.servicesByName = make(map[string]*Service, len(servicefile.Services)) + for _, service := range servicefile.Services { + servicefile.servicesByName[service.Name] = service + } + + return servicefile, scanner.Err() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e34c7979 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +# 1.9.1 (November 28, 2021) + +* Fix: binary timestamp is assumed to be in UTC (restored behavior changed in v1.9.0) + +# 1.9.0 (November 20, 2021) + +* Fix binary hstore null decoding +* Add shopspring/decimal.NullDecimal support to integration (Eli Treuherz) +* Inet.Set supports bare IP address (Carl Dunham) +* Add zeronull.Float8 +* Fix NULL being lost when scanning unknown OID into sql.Scanner +* Fix BPChar.AssignTo **rune +* Add support for fmt.Stringer and driver.Valuer in String fields encoding (Jan Dubsky) +* Fix really big timestamp(tz)s binary format parsing (e.g. year 294276) (Jim Tsao) +* Support `map[string]*string` as hstore (Adrian Sieger) +* Fix parsing text array with negative bounds +* Add infinity support for numeric (Jim Tsao) + +# 1.8.1 (July 24, 2021) + +* Cleaned up Go module dependency chain + +# 1.8.0 (July 10, 2021) + +* Maintain host bits for inet types (Cameron Daniel) +* Support pointers of wrapping structs (Ivan Daunis) +* Register JSONBArray at NewConnInfo() (Rueian) +* CompositeTextScanner handles backslash escapes + +# 1.7.0 (March 25, 2021) + +* Fix scanning int into **sql.Scanner implementor +* Add tsrange array type (Vasilii Novikov) +* Fix: escaped strings when they start or end with a newline char (Stephane Martin) +* Accept nil *time.Time in Time.Set +* Fix numeric NaN support +* Use Go 1.13 errors instead of xerrors + +# 1.6.2 (December 3, 2020) + +* Fix panic on assigning empty array to non-slice or array +* Fix text array parsing disambiguates NULL and "NULL" +* Fix Timestamptz.DecodeText with too short text + +# 1.6.1 (October 31, 2020) + +* Fix simple protocol empty array support + +# 1.6.0 (October 24, 2020) + +* Fix AssignTo pointer to pointer to slice and named types. +* Fix zero length array assignment (Simo Haasanen) +* Add float64, float32 convert to int2, int4, int8 (lqu3j) +* Support setting infinite timestamps (Erik Agsjö) +* Polygon improvements (duohedron) +* Fix Inet.Set with nil (Tomas Volf) + +# 1.5.0 (September 26, 2020) + +* Add slice of slice mapping to multi-dimensional arrays (Simo Haasanen) +* Fix JSONBArray +* Fix selecting empty array +* Text formatted values except bytea can be directly scanned to []byte +* Add JSON marshalling for UUID (bakmataliev) +* Improve point type conversions (bakmataliev) + +# 1.4.2 (July 22, 2020) + +* Fix encoding of a large composite data type (Yaz Saito) + +# 1.4.1 (July 14, 2020) + +* Fix ArrayType DecodeBinary empty array breaks future reads + +# 1.4.0 (June 27, 2020) + +* Add JSON support to ext/gofrs-uuid +* Performance improvements in Scan path +* Improved ext/shopspring-numeric binary decoding performance +* Add composite type support (Maxim Ivanov and Jack Christensen) +* Add better generic enum type support +* Add generic array type support +* Clarify and normalize Value semantics +* Fix hstore with empty string values +* Numeric supports NaN values (leighhopcroft) +* Add slice of pointer support to array types (megaturbo) +* Add jsonb array type (tserakhau) +* Allow converting intervals with months and days to duration + +# 1.3.0 (March 30, 2020) + +* Get implemented on T instead of *T +* Set will call Get on src if possible +* Range types Set method supports its own type, string, and nil +* Date.Set parses string +* Fix correct format verb for unknown type error (Robert Welin) +* Truncate nanoseconds in EncodeText for Timestamptz and Timestamp + +# 1.2.0 (February 5, 2020) + +* Add zeronull package for easier NULL <-> zero conversion +* Add JSON marshalling for shopspring-numeric extension +* Add JSON marshalling for Bool, Date, JSON/B, Timestamptz (Jeffrey Stiles) +* Fix null status in UnmarshalJSON for some types (Jeffrey Stiles) + +# 1.1.0 (January 11, 2020) + +* Add PostgreSQL time type support +* Add more automatic conversions of integer arrays of different types (Jean-Philippe Quéméner) + +# 1.0.3 (November 16, 2019) + +* Support initializing Array types from a slice of the value (Alex Gaynor) + +# 1.0.2 (October 22, 2019) + +* Fix scan into null into pointer to pointer implementing Decode* interface. (Jeremy Altavilla) + +# 1.0.1 (September 19, 2019) + +* Fix daterange OID diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c486c39 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Jack Christensen + +MIT License + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/README.md b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..77d59b31 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +[![](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/pgtype?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/pgtype) +![CI](https://github.com/jackc/pgtype/workflows/CI/badge.svg) + +# pgtype + +pgtype implements Go types for over 70 PostgreSQL types. pgtype is the type system underlying the +https://github.com/jackc/pgx PostgreSQL driver. These types support the binary format for enhanced performance with pgx. +They also support the database/sql `Scan` and `Value` interfaces and can be used with https://github.com/lib/pq. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/aclitem.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/aclitem.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9f6587be --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/aclitem.go @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" +) + +// ACLItem is used for PostgreSQL's aclitem data type. A sample aclitem +// might look like this: +// +// postgres=arwdDxt/postgres +// +// Note, however, that because the user/role name part of an aclitem is +// an identifier, it follows all the usual formatting rules for SQL +// identifiers: if it contains spaces and other special characters, +// it should appear in double-quotes: +// +// postgres=arwdDxt/"role with spaces" +// +type ACLItem struct { + String string + Status Status +} + +func (dst *ACLItem) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = ACLItem{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case string: + *dst = ACLItem{String: value, Status: Present} + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = ACLItem{Status: Null} + } else { + *dst = ACLItem{String: *value, Status: Present} + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingStringType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to ACLItem", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst ACLItem) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.String + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *ACLItem) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *string: + *v = src.String + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *ACLItem) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = ACLItem{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + *dst = ACLItem{String: string(src), Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src ACLItem) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, src.String...), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *ACLItem) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = ACLItem{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src ACLItem) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return src.String, nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/aclitem_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/aclitem_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4e3be3bd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/aclitem_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + "reflect" +) + +type ACLItemArray struct { + Elements []ACLItem + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *ACLItemArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = ACLItemArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []string: + if value == nil { + *dst = ACLItemArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = ACLItemArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]ACLItem, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = ACLItemArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*string: + if value == nil { + *dst = ACLItemArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = ACLItemArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]ACLItem, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = ACLItemArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []ACLItem: + if value == nil { + *dst = ACLItemArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = ACLItemArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = ACLItemArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = ACLItemArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for ACLItemArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = ACLItemArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to ACLItemArray", src) + } + + *dst = ACLItemArray{ + Elements: make([]ACLItem, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]ACLItem, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to ACLItemArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *ACLItemArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to ACLItemArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in ACLItemArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst ACLItemArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *ACLItemArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]string: + *v = make([]string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*string: + *v = make([]*string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *ACLItemArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from ACLItemArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from ACLItemArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *ACLItemArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = ACLItemArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []ACLItem + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]ACLItem, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem ACLItem + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = ACLItemArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (src ACLItemArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *ACLItemArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src ACLItemArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..174007c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/array.go @@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "io" + "reflect" + "strconv" + "strings" + "unicode" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// Information on the internals of PostgreSQL arrays can be found in +// src/include/utils/array.h and src/backend/utils/adt/arrayfuncs.c. Of +// particular interest is the array_send function. + +type ArrayHeader struct { + ContainsNull bool + ElementOID int32 + Dimensions []ArrayDimension +} + +type ArrayDimension struct { + Length int32 + LowerBound int32 +} + +func (dst *ArrayHeader) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) (int, error) { + if len(src) < 12 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("array header too short: %d", len(src)) + } + + rp := 0 + + numDims := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:])) + rp += 4 + + dst.ContainsNull = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]) == 1 + rp += 4 + + dst.ElementOID = int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:])) + rp += 4 + + if numDims > 0 { + dst.Dimensions = make([]ArrayDimension, numDims) + } + if len(src) < 12+numDims*8 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("array header too short for %d dimensions: %d", numDims, len(src)) + } + for i := range dst.Dimensions { + dst.Dimensions[i].Length = int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:])) + rp += 4 + + dst.Dimensions[i].LowerBound = int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:])) + rp += 4 + } + + return rp, nil +} + +func (src ArrayHeader) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) []byte { + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, int32(len(src.Dimensions))) + + var containsNull int32 + if src.ContainsNull { + containsNull = 1 + } + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, containsNull) + + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, src.ElementOID) + + for i := range src.Dimensions { + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, src.Dimensions[i].Length) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, src.Dimensions[i].LowerBound) + } + + return buf +} + +type UntypedTextArray struct { + Elements []string + Quoted []bool + Dimensions []ArrayDimension +} + +func ParseUntypedTextArray(src string) (*UntypedTextArray, error) { + dst := &UntypedTextArray{} + + buf := bytes.NewBufferString(src) + + skipWhitespace(buf) + + r, _, err := buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array: %v", err) + } + + var explicitDimensions []ArrayDimension + + // Array has explicit dimensions + if r == '[' { + buf.UnreadRune() + + for { + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array: %v", err) + } + + if r == '=' { + break + } else if r != '[' { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array, expected '[' or '=' got %v", r) + } + + lower, err := arrayParseInteger(buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array: %v", err) + } + + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array: %v", err) + } + + if r != ':' { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array, expected ':' got %v", r) + } + + upper, err := arrayParseInteger(buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array: %v", err) + } + + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array: %v", err) + } + + if r != ']' { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array, expected ']' got %v", r) + } + + explicitDimensions = append(explicitDimensions, ArrayDimension{LowerBound: lower, Length: upper - lower + 1}) + } + + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array: %v", err) + } + } + + if r != '{' { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array, expected '{': %v", err) + } + + implicitDimensions := []ArrayDimension{{LowerBound: 1, Length: 0}} + + // Consume all initial opening brackets. This provides number of dimensions. + for { + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array: %v", err) + } + + if r == '{' { + implicitDimensions[len(implicitDimensions)-1].Length = 1 + implicitDimensions = append(implicitDimensions, ArrayDimension{LowerBound: 1}) + } else { + buf.UnreadRune() + break + } + } + currentDim := len(implicitDimensions) - 1 + counterDim := currentDim + + for { + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array: %v", err) + } + + switch r { + case '{': + if currentDim == counterDim { + implicitDimensions[currentDim].Length++ + } + currentDim++ + case ',': + case '}': + currentDim-- + if currentDim < counterDim { + counterDim = currentDim + } + default: + buf.UnreadRune() + value, quoted, err := arrayParseValue(buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid array value: %v", err) + } + if currentDim == counterDim { + implicitDimensions[currentDim].Length++ + } + dst.Quoted = append(dst.Quoted, quoted) + dst.Elements = append(dst.Elements, value) + } + + if currentDim < 0 { + break + } + } + + skipWhitespace(buf) + + if buf.Len() > 0 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected trailing data: %v", buf.String()) + } + + if len(dst.Elements) == 0 { + dst.Dimensions = nil + } else if len(explicitDimensions) > 0 { + dst.Dimensions = explicitDimensions + } else { + dst.Dimensions = implicitDimensions + } + + return dst, nil +} + +func skipWhitespace(buf *bytes.Buffer) { + var r rune + var err error + for r, _, _ = buf.ReadRune(); unicode.IsSpace(r); r, _, _ = buf.ReadRune() { + } + + if err != io.EOF { + buf.UnreadRune() + } +} + +func arrayParseValue(buf *bytes.Buffer) (string, bool, error) { + r, _, err := buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return "", false, err + } + if r == '"' { + return arrayParseQuotedValue(buf) + } + buf.UnreadRune() + + s := &bytes.Buffer{} + + for { + r, _, err := buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return "", false, err + } + + switch r { + case ',', '}': + buf.UnreadRune() + return s.String(), false, nil + } + + s.WriteRune(r) + } +} + +func arrayParseQuotedValue(buf *bytes.Buffer) (string, bool, error) { + s := &bytes.Buffer{} + + for { + r, _, err := buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return "", false, err + } + + switch r { + case '\\': + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return "", false, err + } + case '"': + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return "", false, err + } + buf.UnreadRune() + return s.String(), true, nil + } + s.WriteRune(r) + } +} + +func arrayParseInteger(buf *bytes.Buffer) (int32, error) { + s := &bytes.Buffer{} + + for { + r, _, err := buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + + if ('0' <= r && r <= '9') || r == '-' { + s.WriteRune(r) + } else { + buf.UnreadRune() + n, err := strconv.ParseInt(s.String(), 10, 32) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return int32(n), nil + } + } +} + +func EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf []byte, dimensions []ArrayDimension) []byte { + var customDimensions bool + for _, dim := range dimensions { + if dim.LowerBound != 1 { + customDimensions = true + } + } + + if !customDimensions { + return buf + } + + for _, dim := range dimensions { + buf = append(buf, '[') + buf = append(buf, strconv.FormatInt(int64(dim.LowerBound), 10)...) + buf = append(buf, ':') + buf = append(buf, strconv.FormatInt(int64(dim.LowerBound+dim.Length-1), 10)...) + buf = append(buf, ']') + } + + return append(buf, '=') +} + +var quoteArrayReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(`\`, `\\`, `"`, `\"`) + +func quoteArrayElement(src string) string { + return `"` + quoteArrayReplacer.Replace(src) + `"` +} + +func isSpace(ch byte) bool { + // see https://github.com/postgres/postgres/blob/REL_12_STABLE/src/backend/parser/scansup.c#L224 + return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\f' +} + +func QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(src string) string { + if src == "" || (len(src) == 4 && strings.ToLower(src) == "null") || isSpace(src[0]) || isSpace(src[len(src)-1]) || strings.ContainsAny(src, `{},"\`) { + return quoteArrayElement(src) + } + return src +} + +func findDimensionsFromValue(value reflect.Value, dimensions []ArrayDimension, elementsLength int) ([]ArrayDimension, int, bool) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + length := value.Len() + if 0 == elementsLength { + elementsLength = length + } else { + elementsLength *= length + } + dimensions = append(dimensions, ArrayDimension{Length: int32(length), LowerBound: 1}) + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + if d, l, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(value.Index(i), dimensions, elementsLength); ok { + return d, l, true + } + } + } + return dimensions, elementsLength, true +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/array_type.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/array_type.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1bd0244b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/array_type.go @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// ArrayType represents an array type. While it implements Value, this is only in service of its type conversion duties +// when registered as a data type in a ConnType. It should not be used directly as a Value. ArrayType is a convenience +// type for types that do not have an concrete array type. +type ArrayType struct { + elements []ValueTranscoder + dimensions []ArrayDimension + + typeName string + newElement func() ValueTranscoder + + elementOID uint32 + status Status +} + +func NewArrayType(typeName string, elementOID uint32, newElement func() ValueTranscoder) *ArrayType { + return &ArrayType{typeName: typeName, elementOID: elementOID, newElement: newElement} +} + +func (at *ArrayType) NewTypeValue() Value { + return &ArrayType{ + elements: at.elements, + dimensions: at.dimensions, + status: at.status, + + typeName: at.typeName, + elementOID: at.elementOID, + newElement: at.newElement, + } +} + +func (at *ArrayType) TypeName() string { + return at.typeName +} + +func (dst *ArrayType) setNil() { + dst.elements = nil + dst.dimensions = nil + dst.status = Null +} + +func (dst *ArrayType) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + dst.setNil() + return nil + } + + sliceVal := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if sliceVal.Kind() != reflect.Slice { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot set non-slice") + } + + if sliceVal.IsNil() { + dst.setNil() + return nil + } + + dst.elements = make([]ValueTranscoder, sliceVal.Len()) + for i := range dst.elements { + v := dst.newElement() + err := v.Set(sliceVal.Index(i).Interface()) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + dst.elements[i] = v + } + dst.dimensions = []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(dst.elements)), LowerBound: 1}} + dst.status = Present + + return nil +} + +func (dst ArrayType) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.status { + case Present: + elementValues := make([]interface{}, len(dst.elements)) + for i := range dst.elements { + elementValues[i] = dst.elements[i].Get() + } + return elementValues + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.status + } +} + +func (src *ArrayType) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + ptrSlice := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if ptrSlice.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign to non-pointer") + } + + sliceVal := ptrSlice.Elem() + sliceType := sliceVal.Type() + + if sliceType.Kind() != reflect.Slice { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign to pointer to non-slice") + } + + switch src.status { + case Present: + slice := reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType, len(src.elements), len(src.elements)) + elemType := sliceType.Elem() + + for i := range src.elements { + ptrElem := reflect.New(elemType) + err := src.elements[i].AssignTo(ptrElem.Interface()) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + slice.Index(i).Set(ptrElem.Elem()) + } + + sliceVal.Set(slice) + return nil + case Null: + sliceVal.Set(reflect.Zero(sliceType)) + return nil + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *ArrayType) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + dst.setNil() + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []ValueTranscoder + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]ValueTranscoder, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + elem := dst.newElement() + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + dst.elements = elements + dst.dimensions = uta.Dimensions + dst.status = Present + + return nil +} + +func (dst *ArrayType) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + dst.setNil() + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []ValueTranscoder + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + dst.elements = elements + dst.dimensions = arrayHeader.Dimensions + dst.status = Present + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements = make([]ValueTranscoder, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elem := dst.newElement() + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elem.DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + + dst.elements = elements + dst.dimensions = arrayHeader.Dimensions + dst.status = Present + + return nil +} + +func (src ArrayType) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.dimensions)-1] = int(src.dimensions[len(src.dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src ArrayType) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.dimensions, + ElementOID: int32(src.elementOID), + } + + for i := range src.elements { + if src.elements[i].Get() == nil { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *ArrayType) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src ArrayType) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bit.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bit.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1709e6b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bit.go @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" +) + +type Bit Varbit + +func (dst *Bit) Set(src interface{}) error { + return (*Varbit)(dst).Set(src) +} + +func (dst Bit) Get() interface{} { + return (Varbit)(dst).Get() +} + +func (src *Bit) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return (*Varbit)(src).AssignTo(dst) +} + +func (dst *Bit) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Varbit)(dst).DecodeBinary(ci, src) +} + +func (src Bit) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (Varbit)(src).EncodeBinary(ci, buf) +} + +func (dst *Bit) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Varbit)(dst).DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (src Bit) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (Varbit)(src).EncodeText(ci, buf) +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Bit) Scan(src interface{}) error { + return (*Varbit)(dst).Scan(src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Bit) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return (Varbit)(src).Value() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bool.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bool.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..676c8e5d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bool.go @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "strconv" +) + +type Bool struct { + Bool bool + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Bool) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Bool{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case bool: + *dst = Bool{Bool: value, Status: Present} + case string: + bb, err := strconv.ParseBool(value) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = Bool{Bool: bb, Status: Present} + case *bool: + if value == nil { + *dst = Bool{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = Bool{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingBoolType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Bool", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Bool) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Bool + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Bool) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *bool: + *v = src.Bool + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Bool) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Bool{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 1 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for bool: %v", len(src)) + } + + *dst = Bool{Bool: src[0] == 't', Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Bool) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Bool{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 1 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for bool: %v", len(src)) + } + + *dst = Bool{Bool: src[0] == 1, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Bool) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if src.Bool { + buf = append(buf, 't') + } else { + buf = append(buf, 'f') + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Bool) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if src.Bool { + buf = append(buf, 1) + } else { + buf = append(buf, 0) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Bool) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Bool{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case bool: + *dst = Bool{Bool: src, Status: Present} + return nil + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Bool) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return src.Bool, nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} + +func (src Bool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if src.Bool { + return []byte("true"), nil + } else { + return []byte("false"), nil + } + case Null: + return []byte("null"), nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return nil, errBadStatus +} + +func (dst *Bool) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + var v *bool + err := json.Unmarshal(b, &v) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if v == nil { + *dst = Bool{Status: Null} + } else { + *dst = Bool{Bool: *v, Status: Present} + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bool_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bool_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6558d971 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bool_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type BoolArray struct { + Elements []Bool + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *BoolArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = BoolArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []bool: + if value == nil { + *dst = BoolArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = BoolArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Bool, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = BoolArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*bool: + if value == nil { + *dst = BoolArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = BoolArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Bool, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = BoolArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Bool: + if value == nil { + *dst = BoolArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = BoolArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = BoolArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = BoolArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for BoolArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = BoolArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to BoolArray", src) + } + + *dst = BoolArray{ + Elements: make([]Bool, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Bool, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to BoolArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *BoolArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to BoolArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in BoolArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst BoolArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *BoolArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]bool: + *v = make([]bool, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*bool: + *v = make([]*bool, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *BoolArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from BoolArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from BoolArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *BoolArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = BoolArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Bool + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Bool, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Bool + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = BoolArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *BoolArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = BoolArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = BoolArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Bool, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = BoolArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src BoolArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src BoolArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("bool"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "bool") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *BoolArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src BoolArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/box.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/box.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..27fb829e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/box.go @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Box struct { + P [2]Vec2 + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Box) Set(src interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Box", src) +} + +func (dst Box) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Box) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Box) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Box{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) < 11 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Box: %v", len(src)) + } + + str := string(src[1:]) + + var end int + end = strings.IndexByte(str, ',') + + x1, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str[:end], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + str = str[end+1:] + end = strings.IndexByte(str, ')') + + y1, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str[:end], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + str = str[end+3:] + end = strings.IndexByte(str, ',') + + x2, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str[:end], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + str = str[end+1 : len(str)-1] + + y2, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Box{P: [2]Vec2{{x1, y1}, {x2, y2}}, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Box) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Box{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 32 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Box: %v", len(src)) + } + + x1 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src) + y1 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[8:]) + x2 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[16:]) + y2 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[24:]) + + *dst = Box{ + P: [2]Vec2{ + {math.Float64frombits(x1), math.Float64frombits(y1)}, + {math.Float64frombits(x2), math.Float64frombits(y2)}, + }, + Status: Present, + } + return nil +} + +func (src Box) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = append(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`(%s,%s),(%s,%s)`, + strconv.FormatFloat(src.P[0].X, 'f', -1, 64), + strconv.FormatFloat(src.P[0].Y, 'f', -1, 64), + strconv.FormatFloat(src.P[1].X, 'f', -1, 64), + strconv.FormatFloat(src.P[1].Y, 'f', -1, 64), + )...) + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Box) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.P[0].X)) + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.P[0].Y)) + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.P[1].X)) + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.P[1].Y)) + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Box) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Box{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Box) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bpchar.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bpchar.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c5fa42ea --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bpchar.go @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" +) + +// BPChar is fixed-length, blank padded char type +// character(n), char(n) +type BPChar Text + +// Set converts from src to dst. +func (dst *BPChar) Set(src interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(dst).Set(src) +} + +// Get returns underlying value +func (dst BPChar) Get() interface{} { + return (Text)(dst).Get() +} + +// AssignTo assigns from src to dst. +func (src *BPChar) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *rune: + runes := []rune(src.String) + if len(runes) == 1 { + *v = runes[0] + return nil + } + case *string: + *v = src.String + return nil + case *[]byte: + *v = make([]byte, len(src.String)) + copy(*v, src.String) + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (BPChar) PreferredResultFormat() int16 { + return TextFormatCode +} + +func (dst *BPChar) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Text)(dst).DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (dst *BPChar) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Text)(dst).DecodeBinary(ci, src) +} + +func (BPChar) PreferredParamFormat() int16 { + return TextFormatCode +} + +func (src BPChar) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (Text)(src).EncodeText(ci, buf) +} + +func (src BPChar) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (Text)(src).EncodeBinary(ci, buf) +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *BPChar) Scan(src interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(dst).Scan(src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src BPChar) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return (Text)(src).Value() +} + +func (src BPChar) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return (Text)(src).MarshalJSON() +} + +func (dst *BPChar) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + return (*Text)(dst).UnmarshalJSON(b) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bpchar_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bpchar_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8e792214 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bpchar_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type BPCharArray struct { + Elements []BPChar + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *BPCharArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = BPCharArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []string: + if value == nil { + *dst = BPCharArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = BPCharArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]BPChar, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = BPCharArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*string: + if value == nil { + *dst = BPCharArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = BPCharArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]BPChar, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = BPCharArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []BPChar: + if value == nil { + *dst = BPCharArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = BPCharArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = BPCharArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = BPCharArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for BPCharArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = BPCharArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to BPCharArray", src) + } + + *dst = BPCharArray{ + Elements: make([]BPChar, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]BPChar, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to BPCharArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *BPCharArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to BPCharArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in BPCharArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst BPCharArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *BPCharArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]string: + *v = make([]string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*string: + *v = make([]*string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *BPCharArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from BPCharArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from BPCharArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *BPCharArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = BPCharArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []BPChar + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]BPChar, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem BPChar + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = BPCharArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *BPCharArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = BPCharArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = BPCharArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]BPChar, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = BPCharArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src BPCharArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src BPCharArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("bpchar"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "bpchar") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *BPCharArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src BPCharArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bytea.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bytea.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..67eba350 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bytea.go @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/hex" + "fmt" +) + +type Bytea struct { + Bytes []byte + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Bytea) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Bytea{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case []byte: + if value != nil { + *dst = Bytea{Bytes: value, Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = Bytea{Status: Null} + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingBytesType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Bytea", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Bytea) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Bytes + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Bytea) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *[]byte: + buf := make([]byte, len(src.Bytes)) + copy(buf, src.Bytes) + *v = buf + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +// DecodeText only supports the hex format. This has been the default since +// PostgreSQL 9.0. +func (dst *Bytea) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Bytea{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) < 2 || src[0] != '\\' || src[1] != 'x' { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid hex format") + } + + buf := make([]byte, (len(src)-2)/2) + _, err := hex.Decode(buf, src[2:]) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Bytea{Bytes: buf, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Bytea) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Bytea{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + *dst = Bytea{Bytes: src, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Bytea) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = append(buf, `\x`...) + buf = append(buf, hex.EncodeToString(src.Bytes)...) + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Bytea) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, src.Bytes...), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Bytea) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Bytea{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + buf := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(buf, src) + *dst = Bytea{Bytes: buf, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Bytea) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return src.Bytes, nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bytea_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bytea_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..69d1ceb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/bytea_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,489 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type ByteaArray struct { + Elements []Bytea + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *ByteaArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = ByteaArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case [][]byte: + if value == nil { + *dst = ByteaArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = ByteaArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Bytea, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = ByteaArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Bytea: + if value == nil { + *dst = ByteaArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = ByteaArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = ByteaArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = ByteaArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for ByteaArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = ByteaArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to ByteaArray", src) + } + + *dst = ByteaArray{ + Elements: make([]Bytea, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Bytea, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to ByteaArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *ByteaArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to ByteaArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in ByteaArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst ByteaArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *ByteaArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[][]byte: + *v = make([][]byte, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *ByteaArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from ByteaArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from ByteaArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *ByteaArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = ByteaArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Bytea + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Bytea, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Bytea + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = ByteaArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *ByteaArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = ByteaArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = ByteaArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Bytea, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = ByteaArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src ByteaArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src ByteaArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("bytea"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "bytea") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *ByteaArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src ByteaArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/cid.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/cid.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b944748c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/cid.go @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" +) + +// CID is PostgreSQL's Command Identifier type. +// +// When one does +// +// select cmin, cmax, * from some_table; +// +// it is the data type of the cmin and cmax hidden system columns. +// +// It is currently implemented as an unsigned four byte integer. +// Its definition can be found in src/include/c.h as CommandId +// in the PostgreSQL sources. +type CID pguint32 + +// Set converts from src to dst. Note that as CID is not a general +// number type Set does not do automatic type conversion as other number +// types do. +func (dst *CID) Set(src interface{}) error { + return (*pguint32)(dst).Set(src) +} + +func (dst CID) Get() interface{} { + return (pguint32)(dst).Get() +} + +// AssignTo assigns from src to dst. Note that as CID is not a general number +// type AssignTo does not do automatic type conversion as other number types do. +func (src *CID) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return (*pguint32)(src).AssignTo(dst) +} + +func (dst *CID) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*pguint32)(dst).DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (dst *CID) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*pguint32)(dst).DecodeBinary(ci, src) +} + +func (src CID) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (pguint32)(src).EncodeText(ci, buf) +} + +func (src CID) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (pguint32)(src).EncodeBinary(ci, buf) +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *CID) Scan(src interface{}) error { + return (*pguint32)(dst).Scan(src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src CID) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return (pguint32)(src).Value() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/cidr.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/cidr.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2241ca1c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/cidr.go @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +package pgtype + +type CIDR Inet + +func (dst *CIDR) Set(src interface{}) error { + return (*Inet)(dst).Set(src) +} + +func (dst CIDR) Get() interface{} { + return (Inet)(dst).Get() +} + +func (src *CIDR) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return (*Inet)(src).AssignTo(dst) +} + +func (dst *CIDR) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Inet)(dst).DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (dst *CIDR) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Inet)(dst).DecodeBinary(ci, src) +} + +func (src CIDR) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (Inet)(src).EncodeText(ci, buf) +} + +func (src CIDR) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (Inet)(src).EncodeBinary(ci, buf) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/cidr_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/cidr_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..783c599c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/cidr_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,546 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "net" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type CIDRArray struct { + Elements []CIDR + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *CIDRArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = CIDRArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []*net.IPNet: + if value == nil { + *dst = CIDRArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = CIDRArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]CIDR, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = CIDRArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []net.IP: + if value == nil { + *dst = CIDRArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = CIDRArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]CIDR, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = CIDRArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*net.IP: + if value == nil { + *dst = CIDRArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = CIDRArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]CIDR, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = CIDRArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []CIDR: + if value == nil { + *dst = CIDRArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = CIDRArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = CIDRArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = CIDRArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for CIDRArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = CIDRArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to CIDRArray", src) + } + + *dst = CIDRArray{ + Elements: make([]CIDR, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]CIDR, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to CIDRArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *CIDRArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to CIDRArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in CIDRArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst CIDRArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *CIDRArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]*net.IPNet: + *v = make([]*net.IPNet, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]net.IP: + *v = make([]net.IP, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*net.IP: + *v = make([]*net.IP, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *CIDRArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from CIDRArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from CIDRArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *CIDRArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = CIDRArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []CIDR + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]CIDR, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem CIDR + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = CIDRArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *CIDRArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = CIDRArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = CIDRArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]CIDR, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = CIDRArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src CIDRArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src CIDRArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("cidr"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "cidr") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *CIDRArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src CIDRArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/circle.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/circle.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4279650e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/circle.go @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Circle struct { + P Vec2 + R float64 + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Circle) Set(src interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Circle", src) +} + +func (dst Circle) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Circle) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Circle) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Circle{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) < 9 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Circle: %v", len(src)) + } + + str := string(src[2:]) + end := strings.IndexByte(str, ',') + x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str[:end], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + str = str[end+1:] + end = strings.IndexByte(str, ')') + + y, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str[:end], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + str = str[end+2 : len(str)-1] + + r, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Circle{P: Vec2{x, y}, R: r, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Circle) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Circle{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 24 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Circle: %v", len(src)) + } + + x := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src) + y := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[8:]) + r := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[16:]) + + *dst = Circle{ + P: Vec2{math.Float64frombits(x), math.Float64frombits(y)}, + R: math.Float64frombits(r), + Status: Present, + } + return nil +} + +func (src Circle) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = append(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`<(%s,%s),%s>`, + strconv.FormatFloat(src.P.X, 'f', -1, 64), + strconv.FormatFloat(src.P.Y, 'f', -1, 64), + strconv.FormatFloat(src.R, 'f', -1, 64), + )...) + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Circle) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.P.X)) + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.P.Y)) + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.R)) + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Circle) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Circle{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Circle) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/composite_fields.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/composite_fields.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b6d09fcf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/composite_fields.go @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +package pgtype + +import "fmt" + +// CompositeFields scans the fields of a composite type into the elements of the CompositeFields value. To scan a +// nullable value use a *CompositeFields. It will be set to nil in case of null. +// +// CompositeFields implements EncodeBinary and EncodeText. However, functionality is limited due to CompositeFields not +// knowing the PostgreSQL schema of the composite type. Prefer using a registered CompositeType. +type CompositeFields []interface{} + +func (cf CompositeFields) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if len(cf) == 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode into empty CompositeFields") + } + + if src == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode unexpected null into CompositeFields") + } + + scanner := NewCompositeBinaryScanner(ci, src) + + for _, f := range cf { + scanner.ScanValue(f) + } + + if scanner.Err() != nil { + return scanner.Err() + } + + return nil +} + +func (cf CompositeFields) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if len(cf) == 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode into empty CompositeFields") + } + + if src == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode unexpected null into CompositeFields") + } + + scanner := NewCompositeTextScanner(ci, src) + + for _, f := range cf { + scanner.ScanValue(f) + } + + if scanner.Err() != nil { + return scanner.Err() + } + + return nil +} + +// EncodeText encodes composite fields into the text format. Prefer registering a CompositeType to using +// CompositeFields to encode directly. +func (cf CompositeFields) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + b := NewCompositeTextBuilder(ci, buf) + + for _, f := range cf { + if textEncoder, ok := f.(TextEncoder); ok { + b.AppendEncoder(textEncoder) + } else { + b.AppendValue(f) + } + } + + return b.Finish() +} + +// EncodeBinary encodes composite fields into the binary format. Unlike CompositeType the schema of the destination is +// unknown. Prefer registering a CompositeType to using CompositeFields to encode directly. Because the binary +// composite format requires the OID of each field to be specified the only types that will work are those known to +// ConnInfo. +// +// In particular: +// +// * Nil cannot be used because there is no way to determine what type it. +// * Integer types must be exact matches. e.g. A Go int32 into a PostgreSQL bigint will fail. +// * No dereferencing will be done. e.g. *Text must be used instead of Text. +func (cf CompositeFields) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + b := NewCompositeBinaryBuilder(ci, buf) + + for _, f := range cf { + dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForValue(f) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown OID for %#v", f) + } + + if binaryEncoder, ok := f.(BinaryEncoder); ok { + b.AppendEncoder(dt.OID, binaryEncoder) + } else { + err := dt.Value.Set(f) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if binaryEncoder, ok := dt.Value.(BinaryEncoder); ok { + b.AppendEncoder(dt.OID, binaryEncoder) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot encode binary format for %v", f) + } + } + } + + return b.Finish() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/composite_type.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/composite_type.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32e0aa26 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/composite_type.go @@ -0,0 +1,682 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "fmt" + "reflect" + "strings" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type CompositeTypeField struct { + Name string + OID uint32 +} + +type CompositeType struct { + status Status + + typeName string + + fields []CompositeTypeField + valueTranscoders []ValueTranscoder +} + +// NewCompositeType creates a CompositeType from fields and ci. ci is used to find the ValueTranscoders used +// for fields. All field OIDs must be previously registered in ci. +func NewCompositeType(typeName string, fields []CompositeTypeField, ci *ConnInfo) (*CompositeType, error) { + valueTranscoders := make([]ValueTranscoder, len(fields)) + + for i := range fields { + dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForOID(fields[i].OID) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("no data type registered for oid: %d", fields[i].OID) + } + + value := NewValue(dt.Value) + valueTranscoder, ok := value.(ValueTranscoder) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("data type for oid does not implement ValueTranscoder: %d", fields[i].OID) + } + + valueTranscoders[i] = valueTranscoder + } + + return &CompositeType{typeName: typeName, fields: fields, valueTranscoders: valueTranscoders}, nil +} + +// NewCompositeTypeValues creates a CompositeType from fields and values. fields and values must have the same length. +// Prefer NewCompositeType unless overriding the transcoding of fields is required. +func NewCompositeTypeValues(typeName string, fields []CompositeTypeField, values []ValueTranscoder) (*CompositeType, error) { + if len(fields) != len(values) { + return nil, errors.New("fields and valueTranscoders must have same length") + } + + return &CompositeType{typeName: typeName, fields: fields, valueTranscoders: values}, nil +} + +func (src CompositeType) Get() interface{} { + switch src.status { + case Present: + results := make(map[string]interface{}, len(src.valueTranscoders)) + for i := range src.valueTranscoders { + results[src.fields[i].Name] = src.valueTranscoders[i].Get() + } + return results + case Null: + return nil + default: + return src.status + } +} + +func (ct *CompositeType) NewTypeValue() Value { + a := &CompositeType{ + typeName: ct.typeName, + fields: ct.fields, + valueTranscoders: make([]ValueTranscoder, len(ct.valueTranscoders)), + } + + for i := range ct.valueTranscoders { + a.valueTranscoders[i] = NewValue(ct.valueTranscoders[i]).(ValueTranscoder) + } + + return a +} + +func (ct *CompositeType) TypeName() string { + return ct.typeName +} + +func (ct *CompositeType) Fields() []CompositeTypeField { + return ct.fields +} + +func (dst *CompositeType) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + dst.status = Null + return nil + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case []interface{}: + if len(value) != len(dst.valueTranscoders) { + return fmt.Errorf("Number of fields don't match. CompositeType has %d fields", len(dst.valueTranscoders)) + } + for i, v := range value { + if err := dst.valueTranscoders[i].Set(v); err != nil { + return err + } + } + dst.status = Present + case *[]interface{}: + if value == nil { + dst.status = Null + return nil + } + return dst.Set(*value) + default: + return fmt.Errorf("Can not convert %v to Composite", src) + } + + return nil +} + +// AssignTo should never be called on composite value directly +func (src CompositeType) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case []interface{}: + if len(v) != len(src.valueTranscoders) { + return fmt.Errorf("Number of fields don't match. CompositeType has %d fields", len(src.valueTranscoders)) + } + for i := range src.valueTranscoders { + if v[i] == nil { + continue + } + + err := assignToOrSet(src.valueTranscoders[i], v[i]) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to dst[%d]: %v", i, err) + } + } + return nil + case *[]interface{}: + return src.AssignTo(*v) + default: + if isPtrStruct, err := src.assignToPtrStruct(dst); isPtrStruct { + return err + } + + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func assignToOrSet(src Value, dst interface{}) error { + assignToErr := src.AssignTo(dst) + if assignToErr != nil { + // Try to use get / set instead -- this avoids every type having to be able to AssignTo type of self. + setSucceeded := false + if setter, ok := dst.(Value); ok { + err := setter.Set(src.Get()) + setSucceeded = err == nil + } + if !setSucceeded { + return assignToErr + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (src CompositeType) assignToPtrStruct(dst interface{}) (bool, error) { + dstValue := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if dstValue.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + return false, nil + } + + if dstValue.IsNil() { + return false, nil + } + + dstElemValue := dstValue.Elem() + dstElemType := dstElemValue.Type() + + if dstElemType.Kind() != reflect.Struct { + return false, nil + } + + exportedFields := make([]int, 0, dstElemType.NumField()) + for i := 0; i < dstElemType.NumField(); i++ { + sf := dstElemType.Field(i) + if sf.PkgPath == "" { + exportedFields = append(exportedFields, i) + } + } + + if len(exportedFields) != len(src.valueTranscoders) { + return false, nil + } + + for i := range exportedFields { + err := assignToOrSet(src.valueTranscoders[i], dstElemValue.Field(exportedFields[i]).Addr().Interface()) + if err != nil { + return true, fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to field %s: %v", dstElemType.Field(exportedFields[i]).Name, err) + } + } + + return true, nil +} + +func (src CompositeType) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) (newBuf []byte, err error) { + switch src.status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + b := NewCompositeBinaryBuilder(ci, buf) + for i := range src.valueTranscoders { + b.AppendEncoder(src.fields[i].OID, src.valueTranscoders[i]) + } + + return b.Finish() +} + +// DecodeBinary implements BinaryDecoder interface. +// Opposite to Record, fields in a composite act as a "schema" +// and decoding fails if SQL value can't be assigned due to +// type mismatch +func (dst *CompositeType) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) error { + if buf == nil { + dst.status = Null + return nil + } + + scanner := NewCompositeBinaryScanner(ci, buf) + + for _, f := range dst.valueTranscoders { + scanner.ScanDecoder(f) + } + + if scanner.Err() != nil { + return scanner.Err() + } + + dst.status = Present + + return nil +} + +func (dst *CompositeType) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) error { + if buf == nil { + dst.status = Null + return nil + } + + scanner := NewCompositeTextScanner(ci, buf) + + for _, f := range dst.valueTranscoders { + scanner.ScanDecoder(f) + } + + if scanner.Err() != nil { + return scanner.Err() + } + + dst.status = Present + + return nil +} + +func (src CompositeType) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) (newBuf []byte, err error) { + switch src.status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + b := NewCompositeTextBuilder(ci, buf) + for _, f := range src.valueTranscoders { + b.AppendEncoder(f) + } + + return b.Finish() +} + +type CompositeBinaryScanner struct { + ci *ConnInfo + rp int + src []byte + + fieldCount int32 + fieldBytes []byte + fieldOID uint32 + err error +} + +// NewCompositeBinaryScanner a scanner over a binary encoded composite balue. +func NewCompositeBinaryScanner(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) *CompositeBinaryScanner { + rp := 0 + if len(src[rp:]) < 4 { + return &CompositeBinaryScanner{err: fmt.Errorf("Record incomplete %v", src)} + } + + fieldCount := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:])) + rp += 4 + + return &CompositeBinaryScanner{ + ci: ci, + rp: rp, + src: src, + fieldCount: fieldCount, + } +} + +// ScanDecoder calls Next and decodes the result with d. +func (cfs *CompositeBinaryScanner) ScanDecoder(d BinaryDecoder) { + if cfs.err != nil { + return + } + + if cfs.Next() { + cfs.err = d.DecodeBinary(cfs.ci, cfs.fieldBytes) + } else { + cfs.err = errors.New("read past end of composite") + } +} + +// ScanDecoder calls Next and scans the result into d. +func (cfs *CompositeBinaryScanner) ScanValue(d interface{}) { + if cfs.err != nil { + return + } + + if cfs.Next() { + cfs.err = cfs.ci.Scan(cfs.OID(), BinaryFormatCode, cfs.Bytes(), d) + } else { + cfs.err = errors.New("read past end of composite") + } +} + +// Next advances the scanner to the next field. It returns false after the last field is read or an error occurs. After +// Next returns false, the Err method can be called to check if any errors occurred. +func (cfs *CompositeBinaryScanner) Next() bool { + if cfs.err != nil { + return false + } + + if cfs.rp == len(cfs.src) { + return false + } + + if len(cfs.src[cfs.rp:]) < 8 { + cfs.err = fmt.Errorf("Record incomplete %v", cfs.src) + return false + } + cfs.fieldOID = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(cfs.src[cfs.rp:]) + cfs.rp += 4 + + fieldLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(cfs.src[cfs.rp:]))) + cfs.rp += 4 + + if fieldLen >= 0 { + if len(cfs.src[cfs.rp:]) < fieldLen { + cfs.err = fmt.Errorf("Record incomplete rp=%d src=%v", cfs.rp, cfs.src) + return false + } + cfs.fieldBytes = cfs.src[cfs.rp : cfs.rp+fieldLen] + cfs.rp += fieldLen + } else { + cfs.fieldBytes = nil + } + + return true +} + +func (cfs *CompositeBinaryScanner) FieldCount() int { + return int(cfs.fieldCount) +} + +// Bytes returns the bytes of the field most recently read by Scan(). +func (cfs *CompositeBinaryScanner) Bytes() []byte { + return cfs.fieldBytes +} + +// OID returns the OID of the field most recently read by Scan(). +func (cfs *CompositeBinaryScanner) OID() uint32 { + return cfs.fieldOID +} + +// Err returns any error encountered by the scanner. +func (cfs *CompositeBinaryScanner) Err() error { + return cfs.err +} + +type CompositeTextScanner struct { + ci *ConnInfo + rp int + src []byte + + fieldBytes []byte + err error +} + +// NewCompositeTextScanner a scanner over a text encoded composite value. +func NewCompositeTextScanner(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) *CompositeTextScanner { + if len(src) < 2 { + return &CompositeTextScanner{err: fmt.Errorf("Record incomplete %v", src)} + } + + if src[0] != '(' { + return &CompositeTextScanner{err: fmt.Errorf("composite text format must start with '('")} + } + + if src[len(src)-1] != ')' { + return &CompositeTextScanner{err: fmt.Errorf("composite text format must end with ')'")} + } + + return &CompositeTextScanner{ + ci: ci, + rp: 1, + src: src, + } +} + +// ScanDecoder calls Next and decodes the result with d. +func (cfs *CompositeTextScanner) ScanDecoder(d TextDecoder) { + if cfs.err != nil { + return + } + + if cfs.Next() { + cfs.err = d.DecodeText(cfs.ci, cfs.fieldBytes) + } else { + cfs.err = errors.New("read past end of composite") + } +} + +// ScanDecoder calls Next and scans the result into d. +func (cfs *CompositeTextScanner) ScanValue(d interface{}) { + if cfs.err != nil { + return + } + + if cfs.Next() { + cfs.err = cfs.ci.Scan(0, TextFormatCode, cfs.Bytes(), d) + } else { + cfs.err = errors.New("read past end of composite") + } +} + +// Next advances the scanner to the next field. It returns false after the last field is read or an error occurs. After +// Next returns false, the Err method can be called to check if any errors occurred. +func (cfs *CompositeTextScanner) Next() bool { + if cfs.err != nil { + return false + } + + if cfs.rp == len(cfs.src) { + return false + } + + switch cfs.src[cfs.rp] { + case ',', ')': // null + cfs.rp++ + cfs.fieldBytes = nil + return true + case '"': // quoted value + cfs.rp++ + cfs.fieldBytes = make([]byte, 0, 16) + for { + ch := cfs.src[cfs.rp] + + if ch == '"' { + cfs.rp++ + if cfs.src[cfs.rp] == '"' { + cfs.fieldBytes = append(cfs.fieldBytes, '"') + cfs.rp++ + } else { + break + } + } else if ch == '\\' { + cfs.rp++ + cfs.fieldBytes = append(cfs.fieldBytes, cfs.src[cfs.rp]) + cfs.rp++ + } else { + cfs.fieldBytes = append(cfs.fieldBytes, ch) + cfs.rp++ + } + } + cfs.rp++ + return true + default: // unquoted value + start := cfs.rp + for { + ch := cfs.src[cfs.rp] + if ch == ',' || ch == ')' { + break + } + cfs.rp++ + } + cfs.fieldBytes = cfs.src[start:cfs.rp] + cfs.rp++ + return true + } +} + +// Bytes returns the bytes of the field most recently read by Scan(). +func (cfs *CompositeTextScanner) Bytes() []byte { + return cfs.fieldBytes +} + +// Err returns any error encountered by the scanner. +func (cfs *CompositeTextScanner) Err() error { + return cfs.err +} + +type CompositeBinaryBuilder struct { + ci *ConnInfo + buf []byte + startIdx int + fieldCount uint32 + err error +} + +func NewCompositeBinaryBuilder(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) *CompositeBinaryBuilder { + startIdx := len(buf) + buf = append(buf, 0, 0, 0, 0) // allocate room for number of fields + return &CompositeBinaryBuilder{ci: ci, buf: buf, startIdx: startIdx} +} + +func (b *CompositeBinaryBuilder) AppendValue(oid uint32, field interface{}) { + if b.err != nil { + return + } + + dt, ok := b.ci.DataTypeForOID(oid) + if !ok { + b.err = fmt.Errorf("unknown data type for OID: %d", oid) + return + } + + err := dt.Value.Set(field) + if err != nil { + b.err = err + return + } + + binaryEncoder, ok := dt.Value.(BinaryEncoder) + if !ok { + b.err = fmt.Errorf("unable to encode binary for OID: %d", oid) + return + } + + b.AppendEncoder(oid, binaryEncoder) +} + +func (b *CompositeBinaryBuilder) AppendEncoder(oid uint32, field BinaryEncoder) { + if b.err != nil { + return + } + + b.buf = pgio.AppendUint32(b.buf, oid) + lengthPos := len(b.buf) + b.buf = pgio.AppendInt32(b.buf, -1) + fieldBuf, err := field.EncodeBinary(b.ci, b.buf) + if err != nil { + b.err = err + return + } + if fieldBuf != nil { + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(fieldBuf[lengthPos:], uint32(len(fieldBuf)-len(b.buf))) + b.buf = fieldBuf + } + + b.fieldCount++ +} + +func (b *CompositeBinaryBuilder) Finish() ([]byte, error) { + if b.err != nil { + return nil, b.err + } + + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b.buf[b.startIdx:], b.fieldCount) + return b.buf, nil +} + +type CompositeTextBuilder struct { + ci *ConnInfo + buf []byte + startIdx int + fieldCount uint32 + err error + fieldBuf [32]byte +} + +func NewCompositeTextBuilder(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) *CompositeTextBuilder { + buf = append(buf, '(') // allocate room for number of fields + return &CompositeTextBuilder{ci: ci, buf: buf} +} + +func (b *CompositeTextBuilder) AppendValue(field interface{}) { + if b.err != nil { + return + } + + if field == nil { + b.buf = append(b.buf, ',') + return + } + + dt, ok := b.ci.DataTypeForValue(field) + if !ok { + b.err = fmt.Errorf("unknown data type for field: %v", field) + return + } + + err := dt.Value.Set(field) + if err != nil { + b.err = err + return + } + + textEncoder, ok := dt.Value.(TextEncoder) + if !ok { + b.err = fmt.Errorf("unable to encode text for value: %v", field) + return + } + + b.AppendEncoder(textEncoder) +} + +func (b *CompositeTextBuilder) AppendEncoder(field TextEncoder) { + if b.err != nil { + return + } + + fieldBuf, err := field.EncodeText(b.ci, b.fieldBuf[0:0]) + if err != nil { + b.err = err + return + } + if fieldBuf != nil { + b.buf = append(b.buf, quoteCompositeFieldIfNeeded(string(fieldBuf))...) + } + + b.buf = append(b.buf, ',') +} + +func (b *CompositeTextBuilder) Finish() ([]byte, error) { + if b.err != nil { + return nil, b.err + } + + b.buf[len(b.buf)-1] = ')' + return b.buf, nil +} + +var quoteCompositeReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(`\`, `\\`, `"`, `\"`) + +func quoteCompositeField(src string) string { + return `"` + quoteCompositeReplacer.Replace(src) + `"` +} + +func quoteCompositeFieldIfNeeded(src string) string { + if src == "" || src[0] == ' ' || src[len(src)-1] == ' ' || strings.ContainsAny(src, `(),"\`) { + return quoteCompositeField(src) + } + return src +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/convert.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/convert.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de9ba9ba --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/convert.go @@ -0,0 +1,472 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql" + "fmt" + "math" + "reflect" + "time" +) + +const ( + maxUint = ^uint(0) + maxInt = int(maxUint >> 1) + minInt = -maxInt - 1 +) + +// underlyingNumberType gets the underlying type that can be converted to Int2, Int4, Int8, Float4, or Float8 +func underlyingNumberType(val interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { + refVal := reflect.ValueOf(val) + + switch refVal.Kind() { + case reflect.Ptr: + if refVal.IsNil() { + return nil, false + } + convVal := refVal.Elem().Interface() + return convVal, true + case reflect.Int: + convVal := int(refVal.Int()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + case reflect.Int8: + convVal := int8(refVal.Int()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + case reflect.Int16: + convVal := int16(refVal.Int()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + case reflect.Int32: + convVal := int32(refVal.Int()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + case reflect.Int64: + convVal := int64(refVal.Int()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + case reflect.Uint: + convVal := uint(refVal.Uint()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + case reflect.Uint8: + convVal := uint8(refVal.Uint()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + case reflect.Uint16: + convVal := uint16(refVal.Uint()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + case reflect.Uint32: + convVal := uint32(refVal.Uint()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + case reflect.Uint64: + convVal := uint64(refVal.Uint()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + case reflect.Float32: + convVal := float32(refVal.Float()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + case reflect.Float64: + convVal := refVal.Float() + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + case reflect.String: + convVal := refVal.String() + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + } + + return nil, false +} + +// underlyingBoolType gets the underlying type that can be converted to Bool +func underlyingBoolType(val interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { + refVal := reflect.ValueOf(val) + + switch refVal.Kind() { + case reflect.Ptr: + if refVal.IsNil() { + return nil, false + } + convVal := refVal.Elem().Interface() + return convVal, true + case reflect.Bool: + convVal := refVal.Bool() + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + } + + return nil, false +} + +// underlyingBytesType gets the underlying type that can be converted to []byte +func underlyingBytesType(val interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { + refVal := reflect.ValueOf(val) + + switch refVal.Kind() { + case reflect.Ptr: + if refVal.IsNil() { + return nil, false + } + convVal := refVal.Elem().Interface() + return convVal, true + case reflect.Slice: + if refVal.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + convVal := refVal.Bytes() + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + } + } + + return nil, false +} + +// underlyingStringType gets the underlying type that can be converted to String +func underlyingStringType(val interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { + refVal := reflect.ValueOf(val) + + switch refVal.Kind() { + case reflect.Ptr: + if refVal.IsNil() { + return nil, false + } + convVal := refVal.Elem().Interface() + return convVal, true + case reflect.String: + convVal := refVal.String() + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != refVal.Type() + } + + return nil, false +} + +// underlyingPtrType dereferences a pointer +func underlyingPtrType(val interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { + refVal := reflect.ValueOf(val) + + switch refVal.Kind() { + case reflect.Ptr: + if refVal.IsNil() { + return nil, false + } + convVal := refVal.Elem().Interface() + return convVal, true + } + + return nil, false +} + +// underlyingTimeType gets the underlying type that can be converted to time.Time +func underlyingTimeType(val interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { + refVal := reflect.ValueOf(val) + + switch refVal.Kind() { + case reflect.Ptr: + if refVal.IsNil() { + return nil, false + } + convVal := refVal.Elem().Interface() + return convVal, true + } + + timeType := reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) + if refVal.Type().ConvertibleTo(timeType) { + return refVal.Convert(timeType).Interface(), true + } + + return nil, false +} + +// underlyingUUIDType gets the underlying type that can be converted to [16]byte +func underlyingUUIDType(val interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { + refVal := reflect.ValueOf(val) + + switch refVal.Kind() { + case reflect.Ptr: + if refVal.IsNil() { + return time.Time{}, false + } + convVal := refVal.Elem().Interface() + return convVal, true + } + + uuidType := reflect.TypeOf([16]byte{}) + if refVal.Type().ConvertibleTo(uuidType) { + return refVal.Convert(uuidType).Interface(), true + } + + return nil, false +} + +// underlyingSliceType gets the underlying slice type +func underlyingSliceType(val interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { + refVal := reflect.ValueOf(val) + + switch refVal.Kind() { + case reflect.Ptr: + if refVal.IsNil() { + return nil, false + } + convVal := refVal.Elem().Interface() + return convVal, true + case reflect.Slice: + baseSliceType := reflect.SliceOf(refVal.Type().Elem()) + if refVal.Type().ConvertibleTo(baseSliceType) { + convVal := refVal.Convert(baseSliceType) + return convVal.Interface(), reflect.TypeOf(convVal.Interface()) != refVal.Type() + } + } + + return nil, false +} + +func int64AssignTo(srcVal int64, srcStatus Status, dst interface{}) error { + if srcStatus == Present { + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *int: + if srcVal < int64(minInt) { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than minimum value for int", srcVal) + } else if srcVal > int64(maxInt) { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for int", srcVal) + } + *v = int(srcVal) + case *int8: + if srcVal < math.MinInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than minimum value for int8", srcVal) + } else if srcVal > math.MaxInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for int8", srcVal) + } + *v = int8(srcVal) + case *int16: + if srcVal < math.MinInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than minimum value for int16", srcVal) + } else if srcVal > math.MaxInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for int16", srcVal) + } + *v = int16(srcVal) + case *int32: + if srcVal < math.MinInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than minimum value for int32", srcVal) + } else if srcVal > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for int32", srcVal) + } + *v = int32(srcVal) + case *int64: + if srcVal < math.MinInt64 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than minimum value for int64", srcVal) + } else if srcVal > math.MaxInt64 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for int64", srcVal) + } + *v = int64(srcVal) + case *uint: + if srcVal < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than zero for uint", srcVal) + } else if uint64(srcVal) > uint64(maxUint) { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for uint", srcVal) + } + *v = uint(srcVal) + case *uint8: + if srcVal < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than zero for uint8", srcVal) + } else if srcVal > math.MaxUint8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for uint8", srcVal) + } + *v = uint8(srcVal) + case *uint16: + if srcVal < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than zero for uint32", srcVal) + } else if srcVal > math.MaxUint16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for uint16", srcVal) + } + *v = uint16(srcVal) + case *uint32: + if srcVal < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than zero for uint32", srcVal) + } else if srcVal > math.MaxUint32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for uint32", srcVal) + } + *v = uint32(srcVal) + case *uint64: + if srcVal < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than zero for uint64", srcVal) + } + *v = uint64(srcVal) + case sql.Scanner: + return v.Scan(srcVal) + default: + if v := reflect.ValueOf(dst); v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + el := v.Elem() + switch el.Kind() { + // if dst is a pointer to pointer, strip the pointer and try again + case reflect.Ptr: + if el.IsNil() { + // allocate destination + el.Set(reflect.New(el.Type().Elem())) + } + return int64AssignTo(srcVal, srcStatus, el.Interface()) + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: + if el.OverflowInt(int64(srcVal)) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot put %d into %T", srcVal, dst) + } + el.SetInt(int64(srcVal)) + return nil + case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: + if srcVal < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than zero for %T", srcVal, dst) + } + if el.OverflowUint(uint64(srcVal)) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot put %d into %T", srcVal, dst) + } + el.SetUint(uint64(srcVal)) + return nil + } + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v into %T", srcVal, dst) + } + return nil + } + + // if dst is a pointer to pointer and srcStatus is not Present, nil it out + if v := reflect.ValueOf(dst); v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + el := v.Elem() + if el.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + el.Set(reflect.Zero(el.Type())) + return nil + } + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v %v into %T", srcVal, srcStatus, dst) +} + +func float64AssignTo(srcVal float64, srcStatus Status, dst interface{}) error { + if srcStatus == Present { + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *float32: + *v = float32(srcVal) + case *float64: + *v = srcVal + default: + if v := reflect.ValueOf(dst); v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + el := v.Elem() + switch el.Kind() { + // if dst is a pointer to pointer, strip the pointer and try again + case reflect.Ptr: + if el.IsNil() { + // allocate destination + el.Set(reflect.New(el.Type().Elem())) + } + return float64AssignTo(srcVal, srcStatus, el.Interface()) + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: + i64 := int64(srcVal) + if float64(i64) == srcVal { + return int64AssignTo(i64, srcStatus, dst) + } + } + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v into %T", srcVal, dst) + } + return nil + } + + // if dst is a pointer to pointer and srcStatus is not Present, nil it out + if v := reflect.ValueOf(dst); v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + el := v.Elem() + if el.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + el.Set(reflect.Zero(el.Type())) + return nil + } + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v %v into %T", srcVal, srcStatus, dst) +} + +func NullAssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + dstPtr := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + + // AssignTo dst must always be a pointer + if dstPtr.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + return &nullAssignmentError{dst: dst} + } + + dstVal := dstPtr.Elem() + + switch dstVal.Kind() { + case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map: + dstVal.Set(reflect.Zero(dstVal.Type())) + return nil + } + + return &nullAssignmentError{dst: dst} +} + +var kindTypes map[reflect.Kind]reflect.Type + +func toInterface(dst reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) (interface{}, bool) { + nextDst := dst.Convert(t) + return nextDst.Interface(), dst.Type() != nextDst.Type() +} + +// GetAssignToDstType attempts to convert dst to something AssignTo can assign +// to. If dst is a pointer to pointer it allocates a value and returns the +// dereferences pointer. If dst is a named type such as *Foo where Foo is type +// Foo int16, it converts dst to *int16. +// +// GetAssignToDstType returns the converted dst and a bool representing if any +// change was made. +func GetAssignToDstType(dst interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { + dstPtr := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + + // AssignTo dst must always be a pointer + if dstPtr.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + return nil, false + } + + dstVal := dstPtr.Elem() + + // if dst is a pointer to pointer, allocate space try again with the dereferenced pointer + if dstVal.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + dstVal.Set(reflect.New(dstVal.Type().Elem())) + return dstVal.Interface(), true + } + + // if dst is pointer to a base type that has been renamed + if baseValType, ok := kindTypes[dstVal.Kind()]; ok { + return toInterface(dstPtr, reflect.PtrTo(baseValType)) + } + + if dstVal.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + if baseElemType, ok := kindTypes[dstVal.Type().Elem().Kind()]; ok { + return toInterface(dstPtr, reflect.PtrTo(reflect.SliceOf(baseElemType))) + } + } + + if dstVal.Kind() == reflect.Array { + if baseElemType, ok := kindTypes[dstVal.Type().Elem().Kind()]; ok { + return toInterface(dstPtr, reflect.PtrTo(reflect.ArrayOf(dstVal.Len(), baseElemType))) + } + } + + if dstVal.Kind() == reflect.Struct { + if dstVal.Type().NumField() == 1 && dstVal.Type().Field(0).Anonymous { + dstPtr = dstVal.Field(0).Addr() + nested := dstVal.Type().Field(0).Type + if nested.Kind() == reflect.Array { + if baseElemType, ok := kindTypes[nested.Elem().Kind()]; ok { + return toInterface(dstPtr, reflect.PtrTo(reflect.ArrayOf(nested.Len(), baseElemType))) + } + } + if _, ok := kindTypes[nested.Kind()]; ok && dstPtr.CanInterface() { + return dstPtr.Interface(), true + } + } + } + + return nil, false +} + +func init() { + kindTypes = map[reflect.Kind]reflect.Type{ + reflect.Bool: reflect.TypeOf(false), + reflect.Float32: reflect.TypeOf(float32(0)), + reflect.Float64: reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)), + reflect.Int: reflect.TypeOf(int(0)), + reflect.Int8: reflect.TypeOf(int8(0)), + reflect.Int16: reflect.TypeOf(int16(0)), + reflect.Int32: reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)), + reflect.Int64: reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)), + reflect.Uint: reflect.TypeOf(uint(0)), + reflect.Uint8: reflect.TypeOf(uint8(0)), + reflect.Uint16: reflect.TypeOf(uint16(0)), + reflect.Uint32: reflect.TypeOf(uint32(0)), + reflect.Uint64: reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0)), + reflect.String: reflect.TypeOf(""), + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/database_sql.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/database_sql.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9d1cf822 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/database_sql.go @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "errors" +) + +func DatabaseSQLValue(ci *ConnInfo, src Value) (interface{}, error) { + if valuer, ok := src.(driver.Valuer); ok { + return valuer.Value() + } + + if textEncoder, ok := src.(TextEncoder); ok { + buf, err := textEncoder.EncodeText(ci, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return string(buf), nil + } + + if binaryEncoder, ok := src.(BinaryEncoder); ok { + buf, err := binaryEncoder.EncodeBinary(ci, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return buf, nil + } + + return nil, errors.New("cannot convert to database/sql compatible value") +} + +func EncodeValueText(src TextEncoder) (interface{}, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, make([]byte, 0, 32)) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + return string(buf), err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/date.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/date.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e8d21a78 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/date.go @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Date struct { + Time time.Time + Status Status + InfinityModifier InfinityModifier +} + +const ( + negativeInfinityDayOffset = -2147483648 + infinityDayOffset = 2147483647 +) + +func (dst *Date) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Date{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case time.Time: + *dst = Date{Time: value, Status: Present} + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(value)) + case *time.Time: + if value == nil { + *dst = Date{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = Date{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingTimeType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Date", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Date) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + if dst.InfinityModifier != None { + return dst.InfinityModifier + } + return dst.Time + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Date) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *time.Time: + if src.InfinityModifier != None { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) + } + *v = src.Time + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Date) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Date{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + sbuf := string(src) + switch sbuf { + case "infinity": + *dst = Date{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: Infinity} + case "-infinity": + *dst = Date{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: -Infinity} + default: + t, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02", sbuf, time.UTC) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Date{Time: t, Status: Present} + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Date) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Date{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 4 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for date: %v", len(src)) + } + + dayOffset := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src)) + + switch dayOffset { + case infinityDayOffset: + *dst = Date{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: Infinity} + case negativeInfinityDayOffset: + *dst = Date{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: -Infinity} + default: + t := time.Date(2000, 1, int(1+dayOffset), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) + *dst = Date{Time: t, Status: Present} + } + + return nil +} + +func (src Date) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var s string + + switch src.InfinityModifier { + case None: + s = src.Time.Format("2006-01-02") + case Infinity: + s = "infinity" + case NegativeInfinity: + s = "-infinity" + } + + return append(buf, s...), nil +} + +func (src Date) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var daysSinceDateEpoch int32 + switch src.InfinityModifier { + case None: + tUnix := time.Date(src.Time.Year(), src.Time.Month(), src.Time.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix() + dateEpoch := time.Date(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix() + + secSinceDateEpoch := tUnix - dateEpoch + daysSinceDateEpoch = int32(secSinceDateEpoch / 86400) + case Infinity: + daysSinceDateEpoch = infinityDayOffset + case NegativeInfinity: + daysSinceDateEpoch = negativeInfinityDayOffset + } + + return pgio.AppendInt32(buf, daysSinceDateEpoch), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Date) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Date{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + case time.Time: + *dst = Date{Time: src, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Date) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if src.InfinityModifier != None { + return src.InfinityModifier.String(), nil + } + return src.Time, nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} + +func (src Date) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return []byte("null"), nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if src.Status != Present { + return nil, errBadStatus + } + + var s string + + switch src.InfinityModifier { + case None: + s = src.Time.Format("2006-01-02") + case Infinity: + s = "infinity" + case NegativeInfinity: + s = "-infinity" + } + + return json.Marshal(s) +} + +func (dst *Date) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + var s *string + err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if s == nil { + *dst = Date{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch *s { + case "infinity": + *dst = Date{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: Infinity} + case "-infinity": + *dst = Date{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: -Infinity} + default: + t, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02", *s, time.UTC) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Date{Time: t, Status: Present} + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/date_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/date_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24152fa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/date_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,518 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type DateArray struct { + Elements []Date + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *DateArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = DateArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []time.Time: + if value == nil { + *dst = DateArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = DateArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Date, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = DateArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*time.Time: + if value == nil { + *dst = DateArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = DateArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Date, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = DateArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Date: + if value == nil { + *dst = DateArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = DateArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = DateArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = DateArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for DateArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = DateArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to DateArray", src) + } + + *dst = DateArray{ + Elements: make([]Date, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Date, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to DateArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *DateArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to DateArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in DateArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst DateArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *DateArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]time.Time: + *v = make([]time.Time, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*time.Time: + *v = make([]*time.Time, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *DateArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from DateArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from DateArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *DateArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = DateArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Date + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Date, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Date + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = DateArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *DateArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = DateArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = DateArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Date, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = DateArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src DateArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src DateArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("date"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "date") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *DateArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src DateArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/daterange.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/daterange.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..63164a5a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/daterange.go @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Daterange struct { + Lower Date + Upper Date + LowerType BoundType + UpperType BoundType + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Daterange) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = Daterange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case Daterange: + *dst = value + case *Daterange: + *dst = *value + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(value)) + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Daterange", src) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Daterange) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Daterange) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Daterange) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Daterange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + utr, err := ParseUntypedTextRange(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Daterange{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = utr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = utr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Lower)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Upper)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Daterange) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Daterange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + ubr, err := ParseUntypedBinaryRange(src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Daterange{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = ubr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = ubr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Lower); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Upper); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (src Daterange) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + switch src.LowerType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, '(') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, '[') + case Empty: + return append(buf, "empty"...), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown lower bound type %v", src.LowerType) + } + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + } + + buf = append(buf, ',') + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, ')') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, ']') + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown upper bound type %v", src.UpperType) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Daterange) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var rangeType byte + switch src.LowerType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= lowerInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= lowerUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + case Empty: + return append(buf, emptyMask), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown LowerType: %v", src.LowerType) + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= upperInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= upperUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown UpperType: %v", src.UpperType) + } + + buf = append(buf, rangeType) + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Daterange) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Daterange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Daterange) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/enum_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/enum_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..59b5a3ed --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/enum_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + "reflect" +) + +type EnumArray struct { + Elements []GenericText + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *EnumArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = EnumArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []string: + if value == nil { + *dst = EnumArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = EnumArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]GenericText, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = EnumArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*string: + if value == nil { + *dst = EnumArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = EnumArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]GenericText, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = EnumArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []GenericText: + if value == nil { + *dst = EnumArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = EnumArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = EnumArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = EnumArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for EnumArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = EnumArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to EnumArray", src) + } + + *dst = EnumArray{ + Elements: make([]GenericText, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]GenericText, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to EnumArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *EnumArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to EnumArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in EnumArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst EnumArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *EnumArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]string: + *v = make([]string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*string: + *v = make([]*string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *EnumArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from EnumArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from EnumArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *EnumArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = EnumArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []GenericText + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]GenericText, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem GenericText + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = EnumArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (src EnumArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *EnumArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src EnumArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/enum_type.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/enum_type.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d340320f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/enum_type.go @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +package pgtype + +import "fmt" + +// EnumType represents a enum type. While it implements Value, this is only in service of its type conversion duties +// when registered as a data type in a ConnType. It should not be used directly as a Value. +type EnumType struct { + value string + status Status + + typeName string // PostgreSQL type name + members []string // enum members + membersMap map[string]string // map to quickly lookup member and reuse string instead of allocating +} + +// NewEnumType initializes a new EnumType. It retains a read-only reference to members. members must not be changed. +func NewEnumType(typeName string, members []string) *EnumType { + et := &EnumType{typeName: typeName, members: members} + et.membersMap = make(map[string]string, len(members)) + for _, m := range members { + et.membersMap[m] = m + } + return et +} + +func (et *EnumType) NewTypeValue() Value { + return &EnumType{ + value: et.value, + status: et.status, + + typeName: et.typeName, + members: et.members, + membersMap: et.membersMap, + } +} + +func (et *EnumType) TypeName() string { + return et.typeName +} + +func (et *EnumType) Members() []string { + return et.members +} + +// Set assigns src to dst. Set purposely does not check that src is a member. This allows continued error free +// operation in the event the PostgreSQL enum type is modified during a connection. +func (dst *EnumType) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + dst.status = Null + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case string: + dst.value = value + dst.status = Present + case *string: + if value == nil { + dst.status = Null + } else { + dst.value = *value + dst.status = Present + } + case []byte: + if value == nil { + dst.status = Null + } else { + dst.value = string(value) + dst.status = Present + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingStringType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to enum %s", value, dst.typeName) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst EnumType) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.status { + case Present: + return dst.value + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.status + } +} + +func (src *EnumType) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *string: + *v = src.value + return nil + case *[]byte: + *v = make([]byte, len(src.value)) + copy(*v, src.value) + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (EnumType) PreferredResultFormat() int16 { + return TextFormatCode +} + +func (dst *EnumType) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + dst.status = Null + return nil + } + + // Lookup the string in membersMap to avoid an allocation. + if s, found := dst.membersMap[string(src)]; found { + dst.value = s + } else { + // If an enum type is modified after the initial connection it is possible to receive an unexpected value. + // Gracefully handle this situation. Purposely NOT modifying members and membersMap to allow for sharing members + // and membersMap between connections. + dst.value = string(src) + } + dst.status = Present + + return nil +} + +func (dst *EnumType) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return dst.DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (EnumType) PreferredParamFormat() int16 { + return TextFormatCode +} + +func (src EnumType) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, src.value...), nil +} + +func (src EnumType) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return src.EncodeText(ci, buf) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/float4.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/float4.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89b9e8fa --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/float4.go @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Float4 struct { + Float float32 + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Float4) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case float32: + *dst = Float4{Float: value, Status: Present} + case float64: + *dst = Float4{Float: float32(value), Status: Present} + case int8: + *dst = Float4{Float: float32(value), Status: Present} + case uint8: + *dst = Float4{Float: float32(value), Status: Present} + case int16: + *dst = Float4{Float: float32(value), Status: Present} + case uint16: + *dst = Float4{Float: float32(value), Status: Present} + case int32: + f32 := float32(value) + if int32(f32) == value { + *dst = Float4{Float: f32, Status: Present} + } else { + return fmt.Errorf("%v cannot be exactly represented as float32", value) + } + case uint32: + f32 := float32(value) + if uint32(f32) == value { + *dst = Float4{Float: f32, Status: Present} + } else { + return fmt.Errorf("%v cannot be exactly represented as float32", value) + } + case int64: + f32 := float32(value) + if int64(f32) == value { + *dst = Float4{Float: f32, Status: Present} + } else { + return fmt.Errorf("%v cannot be exactly represented as float32", value) + } + case uint64: + f32 := float32(value) + if uint64(f32) == value { + *dst = Float4{Float: f32, Status: Present} + } else { + return fmt.Errorf("%v cannot be exactly represented as float32", value) + } + case int: + f32 := float32(value) + if int(f32) == value { + *dst = Float4{Float: f32, Status: Present} + } else { + return fmt.Errorf("%v cannot be exactly represented as float32", value) + } + case uint: + f32 := float32(value) + if uint(f32) == value { + *dst = Float4{Float: f32, Status: Present} + } else { + return fmt.Errorf("%v cannot be exactly represented as float32", value) + } + case string: + num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 32) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = Float4{Float: float32(num), Status: Present} + case *float64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *float32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingNumberType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Float8", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Float4) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Float + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Float4) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return float64AssignTo(float64(src.Float), src.Status, dst) +} + +func (dst *Float4) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(src), 32) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Float4{Float: float32(n), Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Float4) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 4 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for float4: %v", len(src)) + } + + n := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src)) + + *dst = Float4{Float: math.Float32frombits(uint32(n)), Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Float4) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = append(buf, strconv.FormatFloat(float64(src.Float), 'f', -1, 32)...) + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Float4) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = pgio.AppendUint32(buf, math.Float32bits(src.Float)) + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Float4) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Float4{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case float64: + *dst = Float4{Float: float32(src), Status: Present} + return nil + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Float4) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return float64(src.Float), nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/float4_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/float4_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41f2ec8f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/float4_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Float4Array struct { + Elements []Float4 + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Float4Array) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = Float4Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []float32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Float4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Float4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Float4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*float32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Float4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Float4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Float4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Float4: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Float4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = Float4Array{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = Float4Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for Float4Array", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = Float4Array{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Float4Array", src) + } + + *dst = Float4Array{ + Elements: make([]Float4, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Float4, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Float4Array, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Float4Array) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to Float4Array") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in Float4Array", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst Float4Array) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Float4Array) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]float32: + *v = make([]float32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*float32: + *v = make([]*float32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *Float4Array) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from Float4Array") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from Float4Array") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *Float4Array) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Float4Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Float4 + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Float4, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Float4 + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = Float4Array{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Float4Array) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Float4Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = Float4Array{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Float4, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = Float4Array{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Float4Array) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Float4Array) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("float4"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "float4") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Float4Array) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Float4Array) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/float8.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/float8.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4d9e7116 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/float8.go @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Float8 struct { + Float float64 + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Float8) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case float32: + *dst = Float8{Float: float64(value), Status: Present} + case float64: + *dst = Float8{Float: value, Status: Present} + case int8: + *dst = Float8{Float: float64(value), Status: Present} + case uint8: + *dst = Float8{Float: float64(value), Status: Present} + case int16: + *dst = Float8{Float: float64(value), Status: Present} + case uint16: + *dst = Float8{Float: float64(value), Status: Present} + case int32: + *dst = Float8{Float: float64(value), Status: Present} + case uint32: + *dst = Float8{Float: float64(value), Status: Present} + case int64: + f64 := float64(value) + if int64(f64) == value { + *dst = Float8{Float: f64, Status: Present} + } else { + return fmt.Errorf("%v cannot be exactly represented as float64", value) + } + case uint64: + f64 := float64(value) + if uint64(f64) == value { + *dst = Float8{Float: f64, Status: Present} + } else { + return fmt.Errorf("%v cannot be exactly represented as float64", value) + } + case int: + f64 := float64(value) + if int(f64) == value { + *dst = Float8{Float: f64, Status: Present} + } else { + return fmt.Errorf("%v cannot be exactly represented as float64", value) + } + case uint: + f64 := float64(value) + if uint(f64) == value { + *dst = Float8{Float: f64, Status: Present} + } else { + return fmt.Errorf("%v cannot be exactly represented as float64", value) + } + case string: + num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = Float8{Float: float64(num), Status: Present} + case *float64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *float32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingNumberType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Float8", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Float8) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Float + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Float8) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return float64AssignTo(src.Float, src.Status, dst) +} + +func (dst *Float8) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(src), 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Float8{Float: n, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Float8) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 8 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for float4: %v", len(src)) + } + + n := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src)) + + *dst = Float8{Float: math.Float64frombits(uint64(n)), Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Float8) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = append(buf, strconv.FormatFloat(float64(src.Float), 'f', -1, 64)...) + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Float8) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.Float)) + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Float8) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Float8{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case float64: + *dst = Float8{Float: src, Status: Present} + return nil + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Float8) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return src.Float, nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/float8_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/float8_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..836ee19d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/float8_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Float8Array struct { + Elements []Float8 + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Float8Array) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = Float8Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []float64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Float8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Float8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Float8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*float64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Float8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Float8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Float8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Float8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Float8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Float8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = Float8Array{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = Float8Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for Float8Array", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = Float8Array{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Float8Array", src) + } + + *dst = Float8Array{ + Elements: make([]Float8, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Float8, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Float8Array, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Float8Array) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to Float8Array") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in Float8Array", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst Float8Array) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Float8Array) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]float64: + *v = make([]float64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*float64: + *v = make([]*float64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *Float8Array) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from Float8Array") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from Float8Array") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *Float8Array) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Float8Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Float8 + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Float8, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Float8 + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = Float8Array{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Float8Array) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Float8Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = Float8Array{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Float8, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = Float8Array{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Float8Array) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Float8Array) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("float8"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "float8") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Float8Array) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Float8Array) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/generic_binary.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/generic_binary.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..76a1d351 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/generic_binary.go @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" +) + +// GenericBinary is a placeholder for binary format values that no other type exists +// to handle. +type GenericBinary Bytea + +func (dst *GenericBinary) Set(src interface{}) error { + return (*Bytea)(dst).Set(src) +} + +func (dst GenericBinary) Get() interface{} { + return (Bytea)(dst).Get() +} + +func (src *GenericBinary) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return (*Bytea)(src).AssignTo(dst) +} + +func (dst *GenericBinary) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Bytea)(dst).DecodeBinary(ci, src) +} + +func (src GenericBinary) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (Bytea)(src).EncodeBinary(ci, buf) +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *GenericBinary) Scan(src interface{}) error { + return (*Bytea)(dst).Scan(src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src GenericBinary) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return (Bytea)(src).Value() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/generic_text.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/generic_text.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dbf5b47e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/generic_text.go @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" +) + +// GenericText is a placeholder for text format values that no other type exists +// to handle. +type GenericText Text + +func (dst *GenericText) Set(src interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(dst).Set(src) +} + +func (dst GenericText) Get() interface{} { + return (Text)(dst).Get() +} + +func (src *GenericText) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(src).AssignTo(dst) +} + +func (dst *GenericText) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Text)(dst).DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (src GenericText) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (Text)(src).EncodeText(ci, buf) +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *GenericText) Scan(src interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(dst).Scan(src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src GenericText) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return (Text)(src).Value() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/hstore.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/hstore.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f46eeaf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/hstore.go @@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "bytes" + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "fmt" + "strings" + "unicode" + "unicode/utf8" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// Hstore represents an hstore column that can be null or have null values +// associated with its keys. +type Hstore struct { + Map map[string]Text + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Hstore) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Hstore{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case map[string]string: + m := make(map[string]Text, len(value)) + for k, v := range value { + m[k] = Text{String: v, Status: Present} + } + *dst = Hstore{Map: m, Status: Present} + case map[string]*string: + m := make(map[string]Text, len(value)) + for k, v := range value { + if v == nil { + m[k] = Text{Status: Null} + } else { + m[k] = Text{String: *v, Status: Present} + } + } + *dst = Hstore{Map: m, Status: Present} + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Hstore", src) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Hstore) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Map + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Hstore) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *map[string]string: + *v = make(map[string]string, len(src.Map)) + for k, val := range src.Map { + if val.Status != Present { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) + } + (*v)[k] = val.String + } + return nil + case *map[string]*string: + *v = make(map[string]*string, len(src.Map)) + for k, val := range src.Map { + switch val.Status { + case Null: + (*v)[k] = nil + case Present: + (*v)[k] = &val.String + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) + } + } + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Hstore) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Hstore{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + keys, values, err := parseHstore(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + m := make(map[string]Text, len(keys)) + for i := range keys { + m[keys[i]] = values[i] + } + + *dst = Hstore{Map: m, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Hstore) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Hstore{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + rp := 0 + + if len(src[rp:]) < 4 { + return fmt.Errorf("hstore incomplete %v", src) + } + pairCount := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + + m := make(map[string]Text, pairCount) + + for i := 0; i < pairCount; i++ { + if len(src[rp:]) < 4 { + return fmt.Errorf("hstore incomplete %v", src) + } + keyLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + + if len(src[rp:]) < keyLen { + return fmt.Errorf("hstore incomplete %v", src) + } + key := string(src[rp : rp+keyLen]) + rp += keyLen + + if len(src[rp:]) < 4 { + return fmt.Errorf("hstore incomplete %v", src) + } + valueLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + + var valueBuf []byte + if valueLen >= 0 { + valueBuf = src[rp : rp+valueLen] + rp += valueLen + } + + var value Text + err := value.DecodeBinary(ci, valueBuf) + if err != nil { + return err + } + m[key] = value + } + + *dst = Hstore{Map: m, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (src Hstore) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + firstPair := true + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for k, v := range src.Map { + if firstPair { + firstPair = false + } else { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + buf = append(buf, quoteHstoreElementIfNeeded(k)...) + buf = append(buf, "=>"...) + + elemBuf, err := v.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, "NULL"...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, quoteHstoreElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Hstore) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, int32(len(src.Map))) + + var err error + for k, v := range src.Map { + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, int32(len(k))) + buf = append(buf, k...) + + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := v.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, err +} + +var quoteHstoreReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(`\`, `\\`, `"`, `\"`) + +func quoteHstoreElement(src string) string { + return `"` + quoteArrayReplacer.Replace(src) + `"` +} + +func quoteHstoreElementIfNeeded(src string) string { + if src == "" || (len(src) == 4 && strings.ToLower(src) == "null") || strings.ContainsAny(src, ` {},"\=>`) { + return quoteArrayElement(src) + } + return src +} + +const ( + hsPre = iota + hsKey + hsSep + hsVal + hsNul + hsNext +) + +type hstoreParser struct { + str string + pos int +} + +func newHSP(in string) *hstoreParser { + return &hstoreParser{ + pos: 0, + str: in, + } +} + +func (p *hstoreParser) Consume() (r rune, end bool) { + if p.pos >= len(p.str) { + end = true + return + } + r, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(p.str[p.pos:]) + p.pos += w + return +} + +func (p *hstoreParser) Peek() (r rune, end bool) { + if p.pos >= len(p.str) { + end = true + return + } + r, _ = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(p.str[p.pos:]) + return +} + +// parseHstore parses the string representation of an hstore column (the same +// you would get from an ordinary SELECT) into two slices of keys and values. it +// is used internally in the default parsing of hstores. +func parseHstore(s string) (k []string, v []Text, err error) { + if s == "" { + return + } + + buf := bytes.Buffer{} + keys := []string{} + values := []Text{} + p := newHSP(s) + + r, end := p.Consume() + state := hsPre + + for !end { + switch state { + case hsPre: + if r == '"' { + state = hsKey + } else { + err = errors.New("String does not begin with \"") + } + case hsKey: + switch r { + case '"': //End of the key + keys = append(keys, buf.String()) + buf = bytes.Buffer{} + state = hsSep + case '\\': //Potential escaped character + n, end := p.Consume() + switch { + case end: + err = errors.New("Found EOS in key, expecting character or \"") + case n == '"', n == '\\': + buf.WriteRune(n) + default: + buf.WriteRune(r) + buf.WriteRune(n) + } + default: //Any other character + buf.WriteRune(r) + } + case hsSep: + if r == '=' { + r, end = p.Consume() + switch { + case end: + err = errors.New("Found EOS after '=', expecting '>'") + case r == '>': + r, end = p.Consume() + switch { + case end: + err = errors.New("Found EOS after '=>', expecting '\"' or 'NULL'") + case r == '"': + state = hsVal + case r == 'N': + state = hsNul + default: + err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid character '%c' after '=>', expecting '\"' or 'NULL'", r) + } + default: + err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid character after '=', expecting '>'") + } + } else { + err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid character '%c' after value, expecting '='", r) + } + case hsVal: + switch r { + case '"': //End of the value + values = append(values, Text{String: buf.String(), Status: Present}) + buf = bytes.Buffer{} + state = hsNext + case '\\': //Potential escaped character + n, end := p.Consume() + switch { + case end: + err = errors.New("Found EOS in key, expecting character or \"") + case n == '"', n == '\\': + buf.WriteRune(n) + default: + buf.WriteRune(r) + buf.WriteRune(n) + } + default: //Any other character + buf.WriteRune(r) + } + case hsNul: + nulBuf := make([]rune, 3) + nulBuf[0] = r + for i := 1; i < 3; i++ { + r, end = p.Consume() + if end { + err = errors.New("Found EOS in NULL value") + return + } + nulBuf[i] = r + } + if nulBuf[0] == 'U' && nulBuf[1] == 'L' && nulBuf[2] == 'L' { + values = append(values, Text{Status: Null}) + state = hsNext + } else { + err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid NULL value: 'N%s'", string(nulBuf)) + } + case hsNext: + if r == ',' { + r, end = p.Consume() + switch { + case end: + err = errors.New("Found EOS after ',', expcting space") + case (unicode.IsSpace(r)): + r, end = p.Consume() + state = hsKey + default: + err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid character '%c' after ', ', expecting \"", r) + } + } else { + err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid character '%c' after value, expecting ','", r) + } + } + + if err != nil { + return + } + r, end = p.Consume() + } + if state != hsNext { + err = errors.New("Improperly formatted hstore") + return + } + k = keys + v = values + return +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Hstore) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Hstore{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Hstore) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/hstore_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/hstore_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..47b4b3ff --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/hstore_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,489 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type HstoreArray struct { + Elements []Hstore + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *HstoreArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = HstoreArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []map[string]string: + if value == nil { + *dst = HstoreArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = HstoreArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Hstore, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = HstoreArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Hstore: + if value == nil { + *dst = HstoreArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = HstoreArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = HstoreArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = HstoreArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for HstoreArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = HstoreArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to HstoreArray", src) + } + + *dst = HstoreArray{ + Elements: make([]Hstore, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Hstore, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to HstoreArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *HstoreArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to HstoreArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in HstoreArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst HstoreArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *HstoreArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]map[string]string: + *v = make([]map[string]string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *HstoreArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from HstoreArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from HstoreArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *HstoreArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = HstoreArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Hstore + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Hstore, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Hstore + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = HstoreArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *HstoreArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = HstoreArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = HstoreArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Hstore, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = HstoreArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src HstoreArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src HstoreArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("hstore"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "hstore") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *HstoreArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src HstoreArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/inet.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/inet.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f35f88ba --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/inet.go @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + "net" +) + +// Network address family is dependent on server socket.h value for AF_INET. +// In practice, all platforms appear to have the same value. See +// src/include/utils/inet.h for more information. +const ( + defaultAFInet = 2 + defaultAFInet6 = 3 +) + +// Inet represents both inet and cidr PostgreSQL types. +type Inet struct { + IPNet *net.IPNet + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Inet) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Inet{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case net.IPNet: + *dst = Inet{IPNet: &value, Status: Present} + case net.IP: + if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Inet{Status: Null} + } else { + bitCount := len(value) * 8 + mask := net.CIDRMask(bitCount, bitCount) + *dst = Inet{IPNet: &net.IPNet{Mask: mask, IP: value}, Status: Present} + } + case string: + ip, ipnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(value) + if err != nil { + ip = net.ParseIP(value) + if ip == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse inet address: %s", value) + } + ipnet = &net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(128, 128)} + if ipv4 := ip.To4(); ipv4 != nil { + ip = ipv4 + ipnet.Mask = net.CIDRMask(32, 32) + } + } + ipnet.IP = ip + *dst = Inet{IPNet: ipnet, Status: Present} + case *net.IPNet: + if value == nil { + *dst = Inet{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *net.IP: + if value == nil { + *dst = Inet{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = Inet{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingPtrType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Inet", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Inet) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.IPNet + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Inet) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *net.IPNet: + *v = net.IPNet{ + IP: make(net.IP, len(src.IPNet.IP)), + Mask: make(net.IPMask, len(src.IPNet.Mask)), + } + copy(v.IP, src.IPNet.IP) + copy(v.Mask, src.IPNet.Mask) + return nil + case *net.IP: + if oneCount, bitCount := src.IPNet.Mask.Size(); oneCount != bitCount { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) + } + *v = make(net.IP, len(src.IPNet.IP)) + copy(*v, src.IPNet.IP) + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Inet) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Inet{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var ipnet *net.IPNet + var err error + + if ip := net.ParseIP(string(src)); ip != nil { + if ipv4 := ip.To4(); ipv4 != nil { + ip = ipv4 + } + bitCount := len(ip) * 8 + mask := net.CIDRMask(bitCount, bitCount) + ipnet = &net.IPNet{Mask: mask, IP: ip} + } else { + ip, ipnet, err = net.ParseCIDR(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if ipv4 := ip.To4(); ipv4 != nil { + ip = ipv4 + } + ones, _ := ipnet.Mask.Size() + *ipnet = net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(ones, len(ip)*8)} + } + + *dst = Inet{IPNet: ipnet, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Inet) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Inet{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 8 && len(src) != 20 { + return fmt.Errorf("Received an invalid size for a inet: %d", len(src)) + } + + // ignore family + bits := src[1] + // ignore is_cidr + addressLength := src[3] + + var ipnet net.IPNet + ipnet.IP = make(net.IP, int(addressLength)) + copy(ipnet.IP, src[4:]) + if ipv4 := ipnet.IP.To4(); ipv4 != nil { + ipnet.IP = ipv4 + } + ipnet.Mask = net.CIDRMask(int(bits), len(ipnet.IP)*8) + + *dst = Inet{IPNet: &ipnet, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (src Inet) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, src.IPNet.String()...), nil +} + +// EncodeBinary encodes src into w. +func (src Inet) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var family byte + switch len(src.IPNet.IP) { + case net.IPv4len: + family = defaultAFInet + case net.IPv6len: + family = defaultAFInet6 + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected IP length: %v", len(src.IPNet.IP)) + } + + buf = append(buf, family) + + ones, _ := src.IPNet.Mask.Size() + buf = append(buf, byte(ones)) + + // is_cidr is ignored on server + buf = append(buf, 0) + + buf = append(buf, byte(len(src.IPNet.IP))) + + return append(buf, src.IPNet.IP...), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Inet) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Inet{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Inet) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/inet_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/inet_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2460a1c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/inet_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,546 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "net" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type InetArray struct { + Elements []Inet + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *InetArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = InetArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []*net.IPNet: + if value == nil { + *dst = InetArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = InetArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Inet, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = InetArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []net.IP: + if value == nil { + *dst = InetArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = InetArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Inet, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = InetArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*net.IP: + if value == nil { + *dst = InetArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = InetArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Inet, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = InetArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Inet: + if value == nil { + *dst = InetArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = InetArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = InetArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = InetArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for InetArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = InetArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to InetArray", src) + } + + *dst = InetArray{ + Elements: make([]Inet, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Inet, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to InetArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *InetArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to InetArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in InetArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst InetArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *InetArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]*net.IPNet: + *v = make([]*net.IPNet, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]net.IP: + *v = make([]net.IP, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*net.IP: + *v = make([]*net.IP, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *InetArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from InetArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from InetArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *InetArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = InetArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Inet + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Inet, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Inet + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = InetArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *InetArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = InetArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = InetArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Inet, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = InetArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src InetArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src InetArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("inet"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "inet") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *InetArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src InetArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int2.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int2.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3eb5aeb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int2.go @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Int2 struct { + Int int16 + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Int2) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case int8: + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(value), Status: Present} + case uint8: + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(value), Status: Present} + case int16: + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(value), Status: Present} + case uint16: + if value > math.MaxInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int2", value) + } + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(value), Status: Present} + case int32: + if value < math.MinInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int2", value) + } + if value > math.MaxInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int2", value) + } + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(value), Status: Present} + case uint32: + if value > math.MaxInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int2", value) + } + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(value), Status: Present} + case int64: + if value < math.MinInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int2", value) + } + if value > math.MaxInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int2", value) + } + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(value), Status: Present} + case uint64: + if value > math.MaxInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int2", value) + } + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(value), Status: Present} + case int: + if value < math.MinInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int2", value) + } + if value > math.MaxInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int2", value) + } + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(value), Status: Present} + case uint: + if value > math.MaxInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int2", value) + } + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(value), Status: Present} + case string: + num, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 16) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(num), Status: Present} + case float32: + if value > math.MaxInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%f is greater than maximum value for Int2", value) + } + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(value), Status: Present} + case float64: + if value > math.MaxInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%f is greater than maximum value for Int2", value) + } + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(value), Status: Present} + case *int8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *float32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *float64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingNumberType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Int2", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Int2) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Int + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Int2) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return int64AssignTo(int64(src.Int), src.Status, dst) +} + +func (dst *Int2) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + n, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(src), 10, 16) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(n), Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Int2) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 2 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for int2: %v", len(src)) + } + + n := int16(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src)) + *dst = Int2{Int: n, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Int2) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, strconv.FormatInt(int64(src.Int), 10)...), nil +} + +func (src Int2) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return pgio.AppendInt16(buf, src.Int), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Int2) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int2{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case int64: + if src < math.MinInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int2", src) + } + if src > math.MaxInt16 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int2", src) + } + *dst = Int2{Int: int16(src), Status: Present} + return nil + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Int2) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return int64(src.Int), nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} + +func (src Int2) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return []byte(strconv.FormatInt(int64(src.Int), 10)), nil + case Null: + return []byte("null"), nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return nil, errBadStatus +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int2_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int2_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a5133845 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int2_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,909 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Int2Array struct { + Elements []Int2 + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Int2Array) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []int16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*int16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []uint16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*uint16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []int32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*int32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []uint32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*uint32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []int: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*int: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []uint: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*uint: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int2, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Int2: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for Int2Array", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Int2Array", src) + } + + *dst = Int2Array{ + Elements: make([]Int2, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Int2, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Int2Array, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Int2Array) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to Int2Array") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in Int2Array", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst Int2Array) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Int2Array) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]int16: + *v = make([]int16, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*int16: + *v = make([]*int16, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]uint16: + *v = make([]uint16, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*uint16: + *v = make([]*uint16, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]int32: + *v = make([]int32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*int32: + *v = make([]*int32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]uint32: + *v = make([]uint32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*uint32: + *v = make([]*uint32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]int64: + *v = make([]int64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*int64: + *v = make([]*int64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]uint64: + *v = make([]uint64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*uint64: + *v = make([]*uint64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]int: + *v = make([]int, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*int: + *v = make([]*int, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]uint: + *v = make([]uint, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*uint: + *v = make([]*uint, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *Int2Array) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from Int2Array") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from Int2Array") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *Int2Array) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Int2 + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Int2, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Int2 + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = Int2Array{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Int2Array) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int2Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = Int2Array{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Int2, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = Int2Array{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Int2Array) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Int2Array) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("int2"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "int2") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Int2Array) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Int2Array) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int4.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int4.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..22b48e5e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int4.go @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Int4 struct { + Int int32 + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Int4) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case int8: + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(value), Status: Present} + case uint8: + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(value), Status: Present} + case int16: + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(value), Status: Present} + case uint16: + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(value), Status: Present} + case int32: + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(value), Status: Present} + case uint32: + if value > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int4", value) + } + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(value), Status: Present} + case int64: + if value < math.MinInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int4", value) + } + if value > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int4", value) + } + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(value), Status: Present} + case uint64: + if value > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int4", value) + } + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(value), Status: Present} + case int: + if value < math.MinInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int4", value) + } + if value > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int4", value) + } + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(value), Status: Present} + case uint: + if value > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int4", value) + } + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(value), Status: Present} + case string: + num, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 32) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(num), Status: Present} + case float32: + if value > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%f is greater than maximum value for Int4", value) + } + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(value), Status: Present} + case float64: + if value > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%f is greater than maximum value for Int4", value) + } + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(value), Status: Present} + case *int8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *float32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *float64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingNumberType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Int4", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Int4) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Int + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Int4) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return int64AssignTo(int64(src.Int), src.Status, dst) +} + +func (dst *Int4) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + n, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(src), 10, 32) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(n), Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Int4) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 4 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for int4: %v", len(src)) + } + + n := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src)) + *dst = Int4{Int: n, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Int4) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, strconv.FormatInt(int64(src.Int), 10)...), nil +} + +func (src Int4) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return pgio.AppendInt32(buf, src.Int), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Int4) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case int64: + if src < math.MinInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int4", src) + } + if src > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int4", src) + } + *dst = Int4{Int: int32(src), Status: Present} + return nil + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Int4) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return int64(src.Int), nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} + +func (src Int4) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return []byte(strconv.FormatInt(int64(src.Int), 10)), nil + case Null: + return []byte("null"), nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return nil, errBadStatus +} + +func (dst *Int4) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + var n *int32 + err := json.Unmarshal(b, &n) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if n == nil { + *dst = Int4{Status: Null} + } else { + *dst = Int4{Int: *n, Status: Present} + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int4_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int4_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de26236f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int4_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,909 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Int4Array struct { + Elements []Int4 + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Int4Array) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []int16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*int16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []uint16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*uint16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []int32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*int32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []uint32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*uint32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []int: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*int: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []uint: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*uint: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int4, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Int4: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for Int4Array", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Int4Array", src) + } + + *dst = Int4Array{ + Elements: make([]Int4, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Int4, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Int4Array, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Int4Array) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to Int4Array") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in Int4Array", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst Int4Array) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Int4Array) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]int16: + *v = make([]int16, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*int16: + *v = make([]*int16, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]uint16: + *v = make([]uint16, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*uint16: + *v = make([]*uint16, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]int32: + *v = make([]int32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*int32: + *v = make([]*int32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]uint32: + *v = make([]uint32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*uint32: + *v = make([]*uint32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]int64: + *v = make([]int64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*int64: + *v = make([]*int64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]uint64: + *v = make([]uint64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*uint64: + *v = make([]*uint64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]int: + *v = make([]int, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*int: + *v = make([]*int, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]uint: + *v = make([]uint, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*uint: + *v = make([]*uint, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *Int4Array) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from Int4Array") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from Int4Array") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *Int4Array) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Int4 + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Int4, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Int4 + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = Int4Array{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Int4Array) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int4Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = Int4Array{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Int4, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = Int4Array{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Int4Array) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Int4Array) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("int4"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "int4") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Int4Array) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Int4Array) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int4range.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int4range.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c7f51fa6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int4range.go @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Int4range struct { + Lower Int4 + Upper Int4 + LowerType BoundType + UpperType BoundType + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Int4range) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = Int4range{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case Int4range: + *dst = value + case *Int4range: + *dst = *value + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(value)) + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Int4range", src) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Int4range) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Int4range) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Int4range) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int4range{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + utr, err := ParseUntypedTextRange(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Int4range{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = utr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = utr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Lower)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Upper)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Int4range) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int4range{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + ubr, err := ParseUntypedBinaryRange(src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Int4range{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = ubr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = ubr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Lower); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Upper); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (src Int4range) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + switch src.LowerType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, '(') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, '[') + case Empty: + return append(buf, "empty"...), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown lower bound type %v", src.LowerType) + } + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + } + + buf = append(buf, ',') + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, ')') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, ']') + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown upper bound type %v", src.UpperType) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Int4range) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var rangeType byte + switch src.LowerType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= lowerInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= lowerUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + case Empty: + return append(buf, emptyMask), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown LowerType: %v", src.LowerType) + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= upperInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= upperUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown UpperType: %v", src.UpperType) + } + + buf = append(buf, rangeType) + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Int4range) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int4range{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Int4range) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int8.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int8.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e089979 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int8.go @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Int8 struct { + Int int64 + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Int8) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case int8: + *dst = Int8{Int: int64(value), Status: Present} + case uint8: + *dst = Int8{Int: int64(value), Status: Present} + case int16: + *dst = Int8{Int: int64(value), Status: Present} + case uint16: + *dst = Int8{Int: int64(value), Status: Present} + case int32: + *dst = Int8{Int: int64(value), Status: Present} + case uint32: + *dst = Int8{Int: int64(value), Status: Present} + case int64: + *dst = Int8{Int: int64(value), Status: Present} + case uint64: + if value > math.MaxInt64 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int8", value) + } + *dst = Int8{Int: int64(value), Status: Present} + case int: + if int64(value) < math.MinInt64 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int8", value) + } + if int64(value) > math.MaxInt64 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int8", value) + } + *dst = Int8{Int: int64(value), Status: Present} + case uint: + if uint64(value) > math.MaxInt64 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for Int8", value) + } + *dst = Int8{Int: int64(value), Status: Present} + case string: + num, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = Int8{Int: num, Status: Present} + case float32: + if value > math.MaxInt64 { + return fmt.Errorf("%f is greater than maximum value for Int8", value) + } + *dst = Int8{Int: int64(value), Status: Present} + case float64: + if value > math.MaxInt64 { + return fmt.Errorf("%f is greater than maximum value for Int8", value) + } + *dst = Int8{Int: int64(value), Status: Present} + case *int8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *float32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *float64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingNumberType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Int8", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Int8) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Int + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Int8) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return int64AssignTo(int64(src.Int), src.Status, dst) +} + +func (dst *Int8) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + n, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(src), 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Int8{Int: n, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Int8) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 8 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for int8: %v", len(src)) + } + + n := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src)) + + *dst = Int8{Int: n, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Int8) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, strconv.FormatInt(src.Int, 10)...), nil +} + +func (src Int8) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return pgio.AppendInt64(buf, src.Int), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Int8) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case int64: + *dst = Int8{Int: src, Status: Present} + return nil + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Int8) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return int64(src.Int), nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} + +func (src Int8) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return []byte(strconv.FormatInt(src.Int, 10)), nil + case Null: + return []byte("null"), nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return nil, errBadStatus +} + +func (dst *Int8) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + var n *int64 + err := json.Unmarshal(b, &n) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if n == nil { + *dst = Int8{Status: Null} + } else { + *dst = Int8{Int: *n, Status: Present} + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int8_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int8_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e405b326 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int8_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,909 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Int8Array struct { + Elements []Int8 + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Int8Array) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []int16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*int16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []uint16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*uint16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []int32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*int32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []uint32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*uint32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []int: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*int: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []uint: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*uint: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Int8, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Int8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for Int8Array", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Int8Array", src) + } + + *dst = Int8Array{ + Elements: make([]Int8, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Int8, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Int8Array, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Int8Array) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to Int8Array") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in Int8Array", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst Int8Array) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Int8Array) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]int16: + *v = make([]int16, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*int16: + *v = make([]*int16, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]uint16: + *v = make([]uint16, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*uint16: + *v = make([]*uint16, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]int32: + *v = make([]int32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*int32: + *v = make([]*int32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]uint32: + *v = make([]uint32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*uint32: + *v = make([]*uint32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]int64: + *v = make([]int64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*int64: + *v = make([]*int64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]uint64: + *v = make([]uint64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*uint64: + *v = make([]*uint64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]int: + *v = make([]int, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*int: + *v = make([]*int, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]uint: + *v = make([]uint, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*uint: + *v = make([]*uint, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *Int8Array) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from Int8Array") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from Int8Array") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *Int8Array) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Int8 + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Int8, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Int8 + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = Int8Array{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Int8Array) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int8Array{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = Int8Array{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Int8, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = Int8Array{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Int8Array) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Int8Array) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("int8"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "int8") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Int8Array) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Int8Array) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int8range.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int8range.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..71369373 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/int8range.go @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Int8range struct { + Lower Int8 + Upper Int8 + LowerType BoundType + UpperType BoundType + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Int8range) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = Int8range{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case Int8range: + *dst = value + case *Int8range: + *dst = *value + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(value)) + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Int8range", src) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Int8range) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Int8range) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Int8range) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int8range{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + utr, err := ParseUntypedTextRange(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Int8range{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = utr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = utr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Lower)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Upper)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Int8range) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int8range{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + ubr, err := ParseUntypedBinaryRange(src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Int8range{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = ubr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = ubr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Lower); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Upper); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (src Int8range) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + switch src.LowerType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, '(') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, '[') + case Empty: + return append(buf, "empty"...), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown lower bound type %v", src.LowerType) + } + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + } + + buf = append(buf, ',') + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, ')') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, ']') + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown upper bound type %v", src.UpperType) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Int8range) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var rangeType byte + switch src.LowerType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= lowerInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= lowerUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + case Empty: + return append(buf, emptyMask), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown LowerType: %v", src.LowerType) + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= upperInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= upperUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown UpperType: %v", src.UpperType) + } + + buf = append(buf, rangeType) + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Int8range) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Int8range{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Int8range) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/interval.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/interval.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b01fbb7c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/interval.go @@ -0,0 +1,257 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "strconv" + "strings" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +const ( + microsecondsPerSecond = 1000000 + microsecondsPerMinute = 60 * microsecondsPerSecond + microsecondsPerHour = 60 * microsecondsPerMinute + microsecondsPerDay = 24 * microsecondsPerHour + microsecondsPerMonth = 30 * microsecondsPerDay +) + +type Interval struct { + Microseconds int64 + Days int32 + Months int32 + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Interval) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Interval{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case time.Duration: + *dst = Interval{Microseconds: int64(value) / 1000, Status: Present} + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingPtrType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Interval", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Interval) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Interval) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *time.Duration: + us := int64(src.Months)*microsecondsPerMonth + int64(src.Days)*microsecondsPerDay + src.Microseconds + *v = time.Duration(us) * time.Microsecond + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Interval) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Interval{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var microseconds int64 + var days int32 + var months int32 + + parts := strings.Split(string(src), " ") + + for i := 0; i < len(parts)-1; i += 2 { + scalar, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[i], 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("bad interval format") + } + + switch parts[i+1] { + case "year", "years": + months += int32(scalar * 12) + case "mon", "mons": + months += int32(scalar) + case "day", "days": + days = int32(scalar) + } + } + + if len(parts)%2 == 1 { + timeParts := strings.SplitN(parts[len(parts)-1], ":", 3) + if len(timeParts) != 3 { + return fmt.Errorf("bad interval format") + } + + var negative bool + if timeParts[0][0] == '-' { + negative = true + timeParts[0] = timeParts[0][1:] + } + + hours, err := strconv.ParseInt(timeParts[0], 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("bad interval hour format: %s", timeParts[0]) + } + + minutes, err := strconv.ParseInt(timeParts[1], 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("bad interval minute format: %s", timeParts[1]) + } + + secondParts := strings.SplitN(timeParts[2], ".", 2) + + seconds, err := strconv.ParseInt(secondParts[0], 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("bad interval second format: %s", secondParts[0]) + } + + var uSeconds int64 + if len(secondParts) == 2 { + uSeconds, err = strconv.ParseInt(secondParts[1], 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("bad interval decimal format: %s", secondParts[1]) + } + + for i := 0; i < 6-len(secondParts[1]); i++ { + uSeconds *= 10 + } + } + + microseconds = hours * microsecondsPerHour + microseconds += minutes * microsecondsPerMinute + microseconds += seconds * microsecondsPerSecond + microseconds += uSeconds + + if negative { + microseconds = -microseconds + } + } + + *dst = Interval{Months: months, Days: days, Microseconds: microseconds, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Interval) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Interval{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 16 { + return fmt.Errorf("Received an invalid size for a interval: %d", len(src)) + } + + microseconds := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src)) + days := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[8:])) + months := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[12:])) + + *dst = Interval{Microseconds: microseconds, Days: days, Months: months, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Interval) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if src.Months != 0 { + buf = append(buf, strconv.FormatInt(int64(src.Months), 10)...) + buf = append(buf, " mon "...) + } + + if src.Days != 0 { + buf = append(buf, strconv.FormatInt(int64(src.Days), 10)...) + buf = append(buf, " day "...) + } + + absMicroseconds := src.Microseconds + if absMicroseconds < 0 { + absMicroseconds = -absMicroseconds + buf = append(buf, '-') + } + + hours := absMicroseconds / microsecondsPerHour + minutes := (absMicroseconds % microsecondsPerHour) / microsecondsPerMinute + seconds := (absMicroseconds % microsecondsPerMinute) / microsecondsPerSecond + microseconds := absMicroseconds % microsecondsPerSecond + + timeStr := fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d", hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds) + return append(buf, timeStr...), nil +} + +// EncodeBinary encodes src into w. +func (src Interval) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = pgio.AppendInt64(buf, src.Microseconds) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, src.Days) + return pgio.AppendInt32(buf, src.Months), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Interval) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Interval{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Interval) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/json.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/json.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32bef5e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/json.go @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + "fmt" +) + +type JSON struct { + Bytes []byte + Status Status +} + +func (dst *JSON) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = JSON{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case string: + *dst = JSON{Bytes: []byte(value), Status: Present} + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = JSON{Status: Null} + } else { + *dst = JSON{Bytes: []byte(*value), Status: Present} + } + case []byte: + if value == nil { + *dst = JSON{Status: Null} + } else { + *dst = JSON{Bytes: value, Status: Present} + } + // Encode* methods are defined on *JSON. If JSON is passed directly then the + // struct itself would be encoded instead of Bytes. This is clearly a footgun + // so detect and return an error. See https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/350. + case JSON: + return errors.New("use pointer to pgtype.JSON instead of value") + // Same as above but for JSONB (because they share implementation) + case JSONB: + return errors.New("use pointer to pgtype.JSONB instead of value") + + default: + buf, err := json.Marshal(value) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = JSON{Bytes: buf, Status: Present} + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst JSON) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + var i interface{} + err := json.Unmarshal(dst.Bytes, &i) + if err != nil { + return dst + } + return i + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *JSON) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *string: + if src.Status == Present { + *v = string(src.Bytes) + } else { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign non-present status to %T", dst) + } + case **string: + if src.Status == Present { + s := string(src.Bytes) + *v = &s + return nil + } else { + *v = nil + return nil + } + case *[]byte: + if src.Status != Present { + *v = nil + } else { + buf := make([]byte, len(src.Bytes)) + copy(buf, src.Bytes) + *v = buf + } + default: + data := src.Bytes + if data == nil || src.Status != Present { + data = []byte("null") + } + + return json.Unmarshal(data, dst) + } + + return nil +} + +func (JSON) PreferredResultFormat() int16 { + return TextFormatCode +} + +func (dst *JSON) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = JSON{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + *dst = JSON{Bytes: src, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *JSON) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return dst.DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (JSON) PreferredParamFormat() int16 { + return TextFormatCode +} + +func (src JSON) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, src.Bytes...), nil +} + +func (src JSON) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return src.EncodeText(ci, buf) +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *JSON) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = JSON{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src JSON) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return src.Bytes, nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} + +func (src JSON) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return src.Bytes, nil + case Null: + return []byte("null"), nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return nil, errBadStatus +} + +func (dst *JSON) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + if b == nil || string(b) == "null" { + *dst = JSON{Status: Null} + } else { + *dst = JSON{Bytes: b, Status: Present} + } + return nil + +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/jsonb.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/jsonb.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c9dafc93 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/jsonb.go @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" +) + +type JSONB JSON + +func (dst *JSONB) Set(src interface{}) error { + return (*JSON)(dst).Set(src) +} + +func (dst JSONB) Get() interface{} { + return (JSON)(dst).Get() +} + +func (src *JSONB) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return (*JSON)(src).AssignTo(dst) +} + +func (JSONB) PreferredResultFormat() int16 { + return TextFormatCode +} + +func (dst *JSONB) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*JSON)(dst).DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (dst *JSONB) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = JSONB{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) == 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("jsonb too short") + } + + if src[0] != 1 { + return fmt.Errorf("unknown jsonb version number %d", src[0]) + } + + *dst = JSONB{Bytes: src[1:], Status: Present} + return nil + +} + +func (JSONB) PreferredParamFormat() int16 { + return TextFormatCode +} + +func (src JSONB) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (JSON)(src).EncodeText(ci, buf) +} + +func (src JSONB) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = append(buf, 1) + return append(buf, src.Bytes...), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *JSONB) Scan(src interface{}) error { + return (*JSON)(dst).Scan(src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src JSONB) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return (JSON)(src).Value() +} + +func (src JSONB) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return (JSON)(src).MarshalJSON() +} + +func (dst *JSONB) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + return (*JSON)(dst).UnmarshalJSON(b) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/jsonb_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/jsonb_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c4b7cd3d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/jsonb_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type JSONBArray struct { + Elements []JSONB + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *JSONBArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = JSONBArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []string: + if value == nil { + *dst = JSONBArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = JSONBArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]JSONB, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = JSONBArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case [][]byte: + if value == nil { + *dst = JSONBArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = JSONBArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]JSONB, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = JSONBArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []JSONB: + if value == nil { + *dst = JSONBArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = JSONBArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = JSONBArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = JSONBArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for JSONBArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = JSONBArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to JSONBArray", src) + } + + *dst = JSONBArray{ + Elements: make([]JSONB, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]JSONB, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to JSONBArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *JSONBArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to JSONBArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in JSONBArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst JSONBArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *JSONBArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]string: + *v = make([]string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[][]byte: + *v = make([][]byte, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *JSONBArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from JSONBArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from JSONBArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *JSONBArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = JSONBArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []JSONB + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]JSONB, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem JSONB + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = JSONBArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *JSONBArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = JSONBArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = JSONBArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]JSONB, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = JSONBArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src JSONBArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src JSONBArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("jsonb"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "jsonb") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *JSONBArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src JSONBArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/line.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/line.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3564b174 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/line.go @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Line struct { + A, B, C float64 + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Line) Set(src interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Line", src) +} + +func (dst Line) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Line) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Line) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Line{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) < 7 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Line: %v", len(src)) + } + + parts := strings.SplitN(string(src[1:len(src)-1]), ",", 3) + if len(parts) < 3 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid format for line") + } + + a, err := strconv.ParseFloat(parts[0], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + b, err := strconv.ParseFloat(parts[1], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + c, err := strconv.ParseFloat(parts[2], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Line{A: a, B: b, C: c, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Line) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Line{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 24 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Line: %v", len(src)) + } + + a := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src) + b := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[8:]) + c := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[16:]) + + *dst = Line{ + A: math.Float64frombits(a), + B: math.Float64frombits(b), + C: math.Float64frombits(c), + Status: Present, + } + return nil +} + +func (src Line) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = append(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`{%s,%s,%s}`, + strconv.FormatFloat(src.A, 'f', -1, 64), + strconv.FormatFloat(src.B, 'f', -1, 64), + strconv.FormatFloat(src.C, 'f', -1, 64), + )...) + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Line) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.A)) + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.B)) + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.C)) + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Line) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Line{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Line) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/lseg.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/lseg.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c4babb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/lseg.go @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Lseg struct { + P [2]Vec2 + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Lseg) Set(src interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Lseg", src) +} + +func (dst Lseg) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Lseg) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Lseg) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Lseg{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) < 11 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Lseg: %v", len(src)) + } + + str := string(src[2:]) + + var end int + end = strings.IndexByte(str, ',') + + x1, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str[:end], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + str = str[end+1:] + end = strings.IndexByte(str, ')') + + y1, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str[:end], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + str = str[end+3:] + end = strings.IndexByte(str, ',') + + x2, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str[:end], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + str = str[end+1 : len(str)-2] + + y2, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Lseg{P: [2]Vec2{{x1, y1}, {x2, y2}}, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Lseg) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Lseg{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 32 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Lseg: %v", len(src)) + } + + x1 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src) + y1 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[8:]) + x2 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[16:]) + y2 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[24:]) + + *dst = Lseg{ + P: [2]Vec2{ + {math.Float64frombits(x1), math.Float64frombits(y1)}, + {math.Float64frombits(x2), math.Float64frombits(y2)}, + }, + Status: Present, + } + return nil +} + +func (src Lseg) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = append(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`(%s,%s),(%s,%s)`, + strconv.FormatFloat(src.P[0].X, 'f', -1, 64), + strconv.FormatFloat(src.P[0].Y, 'f', -1, 64), + strconv.FormatFloat(src.P[1].X, 'f', -1, 64), + strconv.FormatFloat(src.P[1].Y, 'f', -1, 64), + )...) + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Lseg) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.P[0].X)) + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.P[0].Y)) + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.P[1].X)) + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.P[1].Y)) + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Lseg) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Lseg{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Lseg) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/macaddr.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/macaddr.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1d3cfe7b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/macaddr.go @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + "net" +) + +type Macaddr struct { + Addr net.HardwareAddr + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Macaddr) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Macaddr{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case net.HardwareAddr: + addr := make(net.HardwareAddr, len(value)) + copy(addr, value) + *dst = Macaddr{Addr: addr, Status: Present} + case string: + addr, err := net.ParseMAC(value) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = Macaddr{Addr: addr, Status: Present} + case *net.HardwareAddr: + if value == nil { + *dst = Macaddr{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = Macaddr{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingPtrType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Macaddr", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Macaddr) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Addr + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Macaddr) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *net.HardwareAddr: + *v = make(net.HardwareAddr, len(src.Addr)) + copy(*v, src.Addr) + return nil + case *string: + *v = src.Addr.String() + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Macaddr) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Macaddr{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + addr, err := net.ParseMAC(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Macaddr{Addr: addr, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Macaddr) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Macaddr{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 6 { + return fmt.Errorf("Received an invalid size for a macaddr: %d", len(src)) + } + + addr := make(net.HardwareAddr, 6) + copy(addr, src) + + *dst = Macaddr{Addr: addr, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (src Macaddr) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, src.Addr.String()...), nil +} + +// EncodeBinary encodes src into w. +func (src Macaddr) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, src.Addr...), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Macaddr) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Macaddr{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Macaddr) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/macaddr_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/macaddr_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bdb1f203 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/macaddr_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,518 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "net" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type MacaddrArray struct { + Elements []Macaddr + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *MacaddrArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = MacaddrArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []net.HardwareAddr: + if value == nil { + *dst = MacaddrArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = MacaddrArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Macaddr, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = MacaddrArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*net.HardwareAddr: + if value == nil { + *dst = MacaddrArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = MacaddrArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Macaddr, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = MacaddrArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Macaddr: + if value == nil { + *dst = MacaddrArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = MacaddrArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = MacaddrArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = MacaddrArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for MacaddrArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = MacaddrArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to MacaddrArray", src) + } + + *dst = MacaddrArray{ + Elements: make([]Macaddr, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Macaddr, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to MacaddrArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *MacaddrArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to MacaddrArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in MacaddrArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst MacaddrArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *MacaddrArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]net.HardwareAddr: + *v = make([]net.HardwareAddr, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*net.HardwareAddr: + *v = make([]*net.HardwareAddr, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *MacaddrArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from MacaddrArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from MacaddrArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *MacaddrArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = MacaddrArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Macaddr + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Macaddr, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Macaddr + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = MacaddrArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *MacaddrArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = MacaddrArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = MacaddrArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Macaddr, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = MacaddrArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src MacaddrArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src MacaddrArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("macaddr"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "macaddr") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *MacaddrArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src MacaddrArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/name.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/name.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7ce8d25e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/name.go @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" +) + +// Name is a type used for PostgreSQL's special 63-byte +// name data type, used for identifiers like table names. +// The pg_class.relname column is a good example of where the +// name data type is used. +// +// Note that the underlying Go data type of pgx.Name is string, +// so there is no way to enforce the 63-byte length. Inputting +// a longer name into PostgreSQL will result in silent truncation +// to 63 bytes. +// +// Also, if you have custom-compiled PostgreSQL and set +// NAMEDATALEN to a different value, obviously that number of +// bytes applies, rather than the default 63. +type Name Text + +func (dst *Name) Set(src interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(dst).Set(src) +} + +func (dst Name) Get() interface{} { + return (Text)(dst).Get() +} + +func (src *Name) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(src).AssignTo(dst) +} + +func (dst *Name) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Text)(dst).DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (dst *Name) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Text)(dst).DecodeBinary(ci, src) +} + +func (src Name) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (Text)(src).EncodeText(ci, buf) +} + +func (src Name) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (Text)(src).EncodeBinary(ci, buf) +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Name) Scan(src interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(dst).Scan(src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Name) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return (Text)(src).Value() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/numeric.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/numeric.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a939625b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/numeric.go @@ -0,0 +1,768 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "math" + "math/big" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// PostgreSQL internal numeric storage uses 16-bit "digits" with base of 10,000 +const nbase = 10000 + +const ( + pgNumericNaN = 0x00000000c0000000 + pgNumericNaNSign = 0xc000 + + pgNumericPosInf = 0x00000000d0000000 + pgNumericPosInfSign = 0xd000 + + pgNumericNegInf = 0x00000000f0000000 + pgNumericNegInfSign = 0xf000 +) + +var big0 *big.Int = big.NewInt(0) +var big1 *big.Int = big.NewInt(1) +var big10 *big.Int = big.NewInt(10) +var big100 *big.Int = big.NewInt(100) +var big1000 *big.Int = big.NewInt(1000) + +var bigMaxInt8 *big.Int = big.NewInt(math.MaxInt8) +var bigMinInt8 *big.Int = big.NewInt(math.MinInt8) +var bigMaxInt16 *big.Int = big.NewInt(math.MaxInt16) +var bigMinInt16 *big.Int = big.NewInt(math.MinInt16) +var bigMaxInt32 *big.Int = big.NewInt(math.MaxInt32) +var bigMinInt32 *big.Int = big.NewInt(math.MinInt32) +var bigMaxInt64 *big.Int = big.NewInt(math.MaxInt64) +var bigMinInt64 *big.Int = big.NewInt(math.MinInt64) +var bigMaxInt *big.Int = big.NewInt(int64(maxInt)) +var bigMinInt *big.Int = big.NewInt(int64(minInt)) + +var bigMaxUint8 *big.Int = big.NewInt(math.MaxUint8) +var bigMaxUint16 *big.Int = big.NewInt(math.MaxUint16) +var bigMaxUint32 *big.Int = big.NewInt(math.MaxUint32) +var bigMaxUint64 *big.Int = (&big.Int{}).SetUint64(uint64(math.MaxUint64)) +var bigMaxUint *big.Int = (&big.Int{}).SetUint64(uint64(maxUint)) + +var bigNBase *big.Int = big.NewInt(nbase) +var bigNBaseX2 *big.Int = big.NewInt(nbase * nbase) +var bigNBaseX3 *big.Int = big.NewInt(nbase * nbase * nbase) +var bigNBaseX4 *big.Int = big.NewInt(nbase * nbase * nbase * nbase) + +type Numeric struct { + Int *big.Int + Exp int32 + Status Status + NaN bool + InfinityModifier InfinityModifier +} + +func (dst *Numeric) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case float32: + if math.IsNaN(float64(value)) { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Present, NaN: true} + return nil + } else if math.IsInf(float64(value), 1) { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: Infinity} + return nil + } else if math.IsInf(float64(value), -1) { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: NegativeInfinity} + return nil + } + num, exp, err := parseNumericString(strconv.FormatFloat(float64(value), 'f', -1, 64)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = Numeric{Int: num, Exp: exp, Status: Present} + case float64: + if math.IsNaN(value) { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Present, NaN: true} + return nil + } else if math.IsInf(value, 1) { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: Infinity} + return nil + } else if math.IsInf(value, -1) { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: NegativeInfinity} + return nil + } + num, exp, err := parseNumericString(strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', -1, 64)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = Numeric{Int: num, Exp: exp, Status: Present} + case int8: + *dst = Numeric{Int: big.NewInt(int64(value)), Status: Present} + case uint8: + *dst = Numeric{Int: big.NewInt(int64(value)), Status: Present} + case int16: + *dst = Numeric{Int: big.NewInt(int64(value)), Status: Present} + case uint16: + *dst = Numeric{Int: big.NewInt(int64(value)), Status: Present} + case int32: + *dst = Numeric{Int: big.NewInt(int64(value)), Status: Present} + case uint32: + *dst = Numeric{Int: big.NewInt(int64(value)), Status: Present} + case int64: + *dst = Numeric{Int: big.NewInt(value), Status: Present} + case uint64: + *dst = Numeric{Int: (&big.Int{}).SetUint64(value), Status: Present} + case int: + *dst = Numeric{Int: big.NewInt(int64(value)), Status: Present} + case uint: + *dst = Numeric{Int: (&big.Int{}).SetUint64(uint64(value)), Status: Present} + case string: + num, exp, err := parseNumericString(value) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = Numeric{Int: num, Exp: exp, Status: Present} + case *float64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *float32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint8: + if value == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint16: + if value == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint32: + if value == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *int: + if value == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *uint: + if value == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case InfinityModifier: + *dst = Numeric{InfinityModifier: value, Status: Present} + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingNumberType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Numeric", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Numeric) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + if dst.InfinityModifier != None { + return dst.InfinityModifier + } + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Numeric) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *float32: + f, err := src.toFloat64() + if err != nil { + return err + } + return float64AssignTo(f, src.Status, dst) + case *float64: + f, err := src.toFloat64() + if err != nil { + return err + } + return float64AssignTo(f, src.Status, dst) + case *int: + normalizedInt, err := src.toBigInt() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMaxInt) > 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is greater than maximum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMinInt) < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is less than minimum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + *v = int(normalizedInt.Int64()) + case *int8: + normalizedInt, err := src.toBigInt() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMaxInt8) > 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is greater than maximum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMinInt8) < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is less than minimum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + *v = int8(normalizedInt.Int64()) + case *int16: + normalizedInt, err := src.toBigInt() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMaxInt16) > 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is greater than maximum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMinInt16) < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is less than minimum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + *v = int16(normalizedInt.Int64()) + case *int32: + normalizedInt, err := src.toBigInt() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMaxInt32) > 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is greater than maximum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMinInt32) < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is less than minimum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + *v = int32(normalizedInt.Int64()) + case *int64: + normalizedInt, err := src.toBigInt() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMaxInt64) > 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is greater than maximum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMinInt64) < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is less than minimum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + *v = normalizedInt.Int64() + case *uint: + normalizedInt, err := src.toBigInt() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(big0) < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than zero for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } else if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMaxUint) > 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + *v = uint(normalizedInt.Uint64()) + case *uint8: + normalizedInt, err := src.toBigInt() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(big0) < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than zero for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } else if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMaxUint8) > 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + *v = uint8(normalizedInt.Uint64()) + case *uint16: + normalizedInt, err := src.toBigInt() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(big0) < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than zero for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } else if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMaxUint16) > 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + *v = uint16(normalizedInt.Uint64()) + case *uint32: + normalizedInt, err := src.toBigInt() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(big0) < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than zero for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } else if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMaxUint32) > 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + *v = uint32(normalizedInt.Uint64()) + case *uint64: + normalizedInt, err := src.toBigInt() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if normalizedInt.Cmp(big0) < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than zero for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } else if normalizedInt.Cmp(bigMaxUint64) > 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for %T", normalizedInt, *v) + } + *v = normalizedInt.Uint64() + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Numeric) toBigInt() (*big.Int, error) { + if dst.Exp == 0 { + return dst.Int, nil + } + + num := &big.Int{} + num.Set(dst.Int) + if dst.Exp > 0 { + mul := &big.Int{} + mul.Exp(big10, big.NewInt(int64(dst.Exp)), nil) + num.Mul(num, mul) + return num, nil + } + + div := &big.Int{} + div.Exp(big10, big.NewInt(int64(-dst.Exp)), nil) + remainder := &big.Int{} + num.DivMod(num, div, remainder) + if remainder.Cmp(big0) != 0 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to integer", dst) + } + return num, nil +} + +func (src *Numeric) toFloat64() (float64, error) { + if src.NaN { + return math.NaN(), nil + } else if src.InfinityModifier == Infinity { + return math.Inf(1), nil + } else if src.InfinityModifier == NegativeInfinity { + return math.Inf(-1), nil + } + + buf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + + buf = append(buf, src.Int.String()...) + buf = append(buf, 'e') + buf = append(buf, strconv.FormatInt(int64(src.Exp), 10)...) + + f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(buf), 64) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return f, nil +} + +func (dst *Numeric) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if string(src) == "NaN" { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Present, NaN: true} + return nil + } else if string(src) == "Infinity" { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: Infinity} + return nil + } else if string(src) == "-Infinity" { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: NegativeInfinity} + return nil + } + + num, exp, err := parseNumericString(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Numeric{Int: num, Exp: exp, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func parseNumericString(str string) (n *big.Int, exp int32, err error) { + parts := strings.SplitN(str, ".", 2) + digits := strings.Join(parts, "") + + if len(parts) > 1 { + exp = int32(-len(parts[1])) + } else { + for len(digits) > 1 && digits[len(digits)-1] == '0' && digits[len(digits)-2] != '-' { + digits = digits[:len(digits)-1] + exp++ + } + } + + accum := &big.Int{} + if _, ok := accum.SetString(digits, 10); !ok { + return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a number", str) + } + + return accum, exp, nil +} + +func (dst *Numeric) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) < 8 { + return fmt.Errorf("numeric incomplete %v", src) + } + + rp := 0 + ndigits := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:]) + rp += 2 + weight := int16(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:])) + rp += 2 + sign := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:]) + rp += 2 + dscale := int16(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:])) + rp += 2 + + if sign == pgNumericNaNSign { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Present, NaN: true} + return nil + } else if sign == pgNumericPosInfSign { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: Infinity} + return nil + } else if sign == pgNumericNegInfSign { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: NegativeInfinity} + return nil + } + + if ndigits == 0 { + *dst = Numeric{Int: big.NewInt(0), Status: Present} + return nil + } + + if len(src[rp:]) < int(ndigits)*2 { + return fmt.Errorf("numeric incomplete %v", src) + } + + accum := &big.Int{} + + for i := 0; i < int(ndigits+3)/4; i++ { + int64accum, bytesRead, digitsRead := nbaseDigitsToInt64(src[rp:]) + rp += bytesRead + + if i > 0 { + var mul *big.Int + switch digitsRead { + case 1: + mul = bigNBase + case 2: + mul = bigNBaseX2 + case 3: + mul = bigNBaseX3 + case 4: + mul = bigNBaseX4 + default: + return fmt.Errorf("invalid digitsRead: %d (this can't happen)", digitsRead) + } + accum.Mul(accum, mul) + } + + accum.Add(accum, big.NewInt(int64accum)) + } + + exp := (int32(weight) - int32(ndigits) + 1) * 4 + + if dscale > 0 { + fracNBaseDigits := int16(int32(ndigits) - int32(weight) - 1) + fracDecimalDigits := fracNBaseDigits * 4 + + if dscale > fracDecimalDigits { + multCount := int(dscale - fracDecimalDigits) + for i := 0; i < multCount; i++ { + accum.Mul(accum, big10) + exp-- + } + } else if dscale < fracDecimalDigits { + divCount := int(fracDecimalDigits - dscale) + for i := 0; i < divCount; i++ { + accum.Div(accum, big10) + exp++ + } + } + } + + reduced := &big.Int{} + remainder := &big.Int{} + if exp >= 0 { + for { + reduced.DivMod(accum, big10, remainder) + if remainder.Cmp(big0) != 0 { + break + } + accum.Set(reduced) + exp++ + } + } + + if sign != 0 { + accum.Neg(accum) + } + + *dst = Numeric{Int: accum, Exp: exp, Status: Present} + + return nil + +} + +func nbaseDigitsToInt64(src []byte) (accum int64, bytesRead, digitsRead int) { + digits := len(src) / 2 + if digits > 4 { + digits = 4 + } + + rp := 0 + + for i := 0; i < digits; i++ { + if i > 0 { + accum *= nbase + } + accum += int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[rp:])) + rp += 2 + } + + return accum, rp, digits +} + +func (src Numeric) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if src.NaN { + buf = append(buf, "NaN"...) + return buf, nil + } else if src.InfinityModifier == Infinity { + buf = append(buf, "Infinity"...) + return buf, nil + } else if src.InfinityModifier == NegativeInfinity { + buf = append(buf, "-Infinity"...) + return buf, nil + } + + buf = append(buf, src.Int.String()...) + buf = append(buf, 'e') + buf = append(buf, strconv.FormatInt(int64(src.Exp), 10)...) + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Numeric) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if src.NaN { + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, pgNumericNaN) + return buf, nil + } else if src.InfinityModifier == Infinity { + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, pgNumericPosInf) + return buf, nil + } else if src.InfinityModifier == NegativeInfinity { + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, pgNumericNegInf) + return buf, nil + } + + var sign int16 + if src.Int.Cmp(big0) < 0 { + sign = 16384 + } + + absInt := &big.Int{} + wholePart := &big.Int{} + fracPart := &big.Int{} + remainder := &big.Int{} + absInt.Abs(src.Int) + + // Normalize absInt and exp to where exp is always a multiple of 4. This makes + // converting to 16-bit base 10,000 digits easier. + var exp int32 + switch src.Exp % 4 { + case 1, -3: + exp = src.Exp - 1 + absInt.Mul(absInt, big10) + case 2, -2: + exp = src.Exp - 2 + absInt.Mul(absInt, big100) + case 3, -1: + exp = src.Exp - 3 + absInt.Mul(absInt, big1000) + default: + exp = src.Exp + } + + if exp < 0 { + divisor := &big.Int{} + divisor.Exp(big10, big.NewInt(int64(-exp)), nil) + wholePart.DivMod(absInt, divisor, fracPart) + fracPart.Add(fracPart, divisor) + } else { + wholePart = absInt + } + + var wholeDigits, fracDigits []int16 + + for wholePart.Cmp(big0) != 0 { + wholePart.DivMod(wholePart, bigNBase, remainder) + wholeDigits = append(wholeDigits, int16(remainder.Int64())) + } + + if fracPart.Cmp(big0) != 0 { + for fracPart.Cmp(big1) != 0 { + fracPart.DivMod(fracPart, bigNBase, remainder) + fracDigits = append(fracDigits, int16(remainder.Int64())) + } + } + + buf = pgio.AppendInt16(buf, int16(len(wholeDigits)+len(fracDigits))) + + var weight int16 + if len(wholeDigits) > 0 { + weight = int16(len(wholeDigits) - 1) + if exp > 0 { + weight += int16(exp / 4) + } + } else { + weight = int16(exp/4) - 1 + int16(len(fracDigits)) + } + buf = pgio.AppendInt16(buf, weight) + + buf = pgio.AppendInt16(buf, sign) + + var dscale int16 + if src.Exp < 0 { + dscale = int16(-src.Exp) + } + buf = pgio.AppendInt16(buf, dscale) + + for i := len(wholeDigits) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + buf = pgio.AppendInt16(buf, wholeDigits[i]) + } + + for i := len(fracDigits) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + buf = pgio.AppendInt16(buf, fracDigits[i]) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Numeric) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Numeric{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Numeric) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return string(buf), nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/numeric_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/numeric_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..31899dec --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/numeric_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,685 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type NumericArray struct { + Elements []Numeric + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *NumericArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []float32: + if value == nil { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Numeric, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = NumericArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*float32: + if value == nil { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Numeric, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = NumericArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []float64: + if value == nil { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Numeric, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = NumericArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*float64: + if value == nil { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Numeric, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = NumericArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Numeric, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = NumericArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*int64: + if value == nil { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Numeric, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = NumericArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Numeric, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = NumericArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*uint64: + if value == nil { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Numeric, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = NumericArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Numeric: + if value == nil { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = NumericArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for NumericArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to NumericArray", src) + } + + *dst = NumericArray{ + Elements: make([]Numeric, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Numeric, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to NumericArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *NumericArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to NumericArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in NumericArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst NumericArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *NumericArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]float32: + *v = make([]float32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*float32: + *v = make([]*float32, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]float64: + *v = make([]float64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*float64: + *v = make([]*float64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]int64: + *v = make([]int64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*int64: + *v = make([]*int64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]uint64: + *v = make([]uint64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*uint64: + *v = make([]*uint64, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *NumericArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from NumericArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from NumericArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *NumericArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Numeric + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Numeric, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Numeric + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = NumericArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *NumericArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = NumericArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = NumericArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Numeric, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = NumericArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src NumericArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src NumericArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("numeric"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "numeric") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *NumericArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src NumericArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/numrange.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/numrange.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d5951a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/numrange.go @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Numrange struct { + Lower Numeric + Upper Numeric + LowerType BoundType + UpperType BoundType + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Numrange) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = Numrange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case Numrange: + *dst = value + case *Numrange: + *dst = *value + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(value)) + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Numrange", src) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Numrange) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Numrange) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Numrange) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Numrange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + utr, err := ParseUntypedTextRange(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Numrange{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = utr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = utr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Lower)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Upper)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Numrange) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Numrange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + ubr, err := ParseUntypedBinaryRange(src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Numrange{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = ubr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = ubr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Lower); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Upper); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (src Numrange) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + switch src.LowerType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, '(') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, '[') + case Empty: + return append(buf, "empty"...), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown lower bound type %v", src.LowerType) + } + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + } + + buf = append(buf, ',') + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, ')') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, ']') + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown upper bound type %v", src.UpperType) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Numrange) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var rangeType byte + switch src.LowerType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= lowerInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= lowerUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + case Empty: + return append(buf, emptyMask), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown LowerType: %v", src.LowerType) + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= upperInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= upperUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown UpperType: %v", src.UpperType) + } + + buf = append(buf, rangeType) + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Numrange) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Numrange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Numrange) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/oid.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/oid.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..31677e89 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/oid.go @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "strconv" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// OID (Object Identifier Type) is, according to +// https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/datatype-oid.html, used +// internally by PostgreSQL as a primary key for various system tables. It is +// currently implemented as an unsigned four-byte integer. Its definition can be +// found in src/include/postgres_ext.h in the PostgreSQL sources. Because it is +// so frequently required to be in a NOT NULL condition OID cannot be NULL. To +// allow for NULL OIDs use OIDValue. +type OID uint32 + +func (dst *OID) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode nil into OID") + } + + n, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(src), 10, 32) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = OID(n) + return nil +} + +func (dst *OID) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode nil into OID") + } + + if len(src) != 4 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length: %v", len(src)) + } + + n := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src) + *dst = OID(n) + return nil +} + +func (src OID) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return append(buf, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(src), 10)...), nil +} + +func (src OID) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return pgio.AppendUint32(buf, uint32(src)), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *OID) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan NULL into %T", src) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case int64: + *dst = OID(src) + return nil + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src OID) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return int64(src), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/oid_value.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/oid_value.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5dc9136c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/oid_value.go @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" +) + +// OIDValue (Object Identifier Type) is, according to +// https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/datatype-OIDValue.html, used +// internally by PostgreSQL as a primary key for various system tables. It is +// currently implemented as an unsigned four-byte integer. Its definition can be +// found in src/include/postgres_ext.h in the PostgreSQL sources. +type OIDValue pguint32 + +// Set converts from src to dst. Note that as OIDValue is not a general +// number type Set does not do automatic type conversion as other number +// types do. +func (dst *OIDValue) Set(src interface{}) error { + return (*pguint32)(dst).Set(src) +} + +func (dst OIDValue) Get() interface{} { + return (pguint32)(dst).Get() +} + +// AssignTo assigns from src to dst. Note that as OIDValue is not a general number +// type AssignTo does not do automatic type conversion as other number types do. +func (src *OIDValue) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return (*pguint32)(src).AssignTo(dst) +} + +func (dst *OIDValue) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*pguint32)(dst).DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (dst *OIDValue) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*pguint32)(dst).DecodeBinary(ci, src) +} + +func (src OIDValue) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (pguint32)(src).EncodeText(ci, buf) +} + +func (src OIDValue) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (pguint32)(src).EncodeBinary(ci, buf) +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *OIDValue) Scan(src interface{}) error { + return (*pguint32)(dst).Scan(src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src OIDValue) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return (pguint32)(src).Value() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/path.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/path.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9f89969e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/path.go @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Path struct { + P []Vec2 + Closed bool + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Path) Set(src interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Path", src) +} + +func (dst Path) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Path) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Path) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Path{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) < 7 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Path: %v", len(src)) + } + + closed := src[0] == '(' + points := make([]Vec2, 0) + + str := string(src[2:]) + + for { + end := strings.IndexByte(str, ',') + x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str[:end], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + str = str[end+1:] + end = strings.IndexByte(str, ')') + + y, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str[:end], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + points = append(points, Vec2{x, y}) + + if end+3 < len(str) { + str = str[end+3:] + } else { + break + } + } + + *dst = Path{P: points, Closed: closed, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Path) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Path{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) < 5 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Path: %v", len(src)) + } + + closed := src[0] == 1 + pointCount := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[1:])) + + rp := 5 + + if 5+pointCount*16 != len(src) { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Path with %d points: %v", pointCount, len(src)) + } + + points := make([]Vec2, pointCount) + for i := 0; i < len(points); i++ { + x := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[rp:]) + rp += 8 + y := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[rp:]) + rp += 8 + points[i] = Vec2{math.Float64frombits(x), math.Float64frombits(y)} + } + + *dst = Path{ + P: points, + Closed: closed, + Status: Present, + } + return nil +} + +func (src Path) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var startByte, endByte byte + if src.Closed { + startByte = '(' + endByte = ')' + } else { + startByte = '[' + endByte = ']' + } + buf = append(buf, startByte) + + for i, p := range src.P { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + buf = append(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`(%s,%s)`, + strconv.FormatFloat(p.X, 'f', -1, 64), + strconv.FormatFloat(p.Y, 'f', -1, 64), + )...) + } + + return append(buf, endByte), nil +} + +func (src Path) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var closeByte byte + if src.Closed { + closeByte = 1 + } + buf = append(buf, closeByte) + + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, int32(len(src.P))) + + for _, p := range src.P { + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(p.X)) + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(p.Y)) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Path) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Path{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Path) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/pgtype.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/pgtype.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..200fb562 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/pgtype.go @@ -0,0 +1,944 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql" + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "fmt" + "math" + "net" + "reflect" + "time" +) + +// PostgreSQL oids for common types +const ( + BoolOID = 16 + ByteaOID = 17 + QCharOID = 18 + NameOID = 19 + Int8OID = 20 + Int2OID = 21 + Int4OID = 23 + TextOID = 25 + OIDOID = 26 + TIDOID = 27 + XIDOID = 28 + CIDOID = 29 + JSONOID = 114 + PointOID = 600 + LsegOID = 601 + PathOID = 602 + BoxOID = 603 + PolygonOID = 604 + LineOID = 628 + CIDROID = 650 + CIDRArrayOID = 651 + Float4OID = 700 + Float8OID = 701 + CircleOID = 718 + UnknownOID = 705 + MacaddrOID = 829 + InetOID = 869 + BoolArrayOID = 1000 + Int2ArrayOID = 1005 + Int4ArrayOID = 1007 + TextArrayOID = 1009 + ByteaArrayOID = 1001 + BPCharArrayOID = 1014 + VarcharArrayOID = 1015 + Int8ArrayOID = 1016 + Float4ArrayOID = 1021 + Float8ArrayOID = 1022 + ACLItemOID = 1033 + ACLItemArrayOID = 1034 + InetArrayOID = 1041 + BPCharOID = 1042 + VarcharOID = 1043 + DateOID = 1082 + TimeOID = 1083 + TimestampOID = 1114 + TimestampArrayOID = 1115 + DateArrayOID = 1182 + TimestamptzOID = 1184 + TimestamptzArrayOID = 1185 + IntervalOID = 1186 + NumericArrayOID = 1231 + BitOID = 1560 + VarbitOID = 1562 + NumericOID = 1700 + RecordOID = 2249 + UUIDOID = 2950 + UUIDArrayOID = 2951 + JSONBOID = 3802 + JSONBArrayOID = 3807 + DaterangeOID = 3912 + Int4rangeOID = 3904 + NumrangeOID = 3906 + TsrangeOID = 3908 + TsrangeArrayOID = 3909 + TstzrangeOID = 3910 + TstzrangeArrayOID = 3911 + Int8rangeOID = 3926 +) + +type Status byte + +const ( + Undefined Status = iota + Null + Present +) + +type InfinityModifier int8 + +const ( + Infinity InfinityModifier = 1 + None InfinityModifier = 0 + NegativeInfinity InfinityModifier = -Infinity +) + +func (im InfinityModifier) String() string { + switch im { + case None: + return "none" + case Infinity: + return "infinity" + case NegativeInfinity: + return "-infinity" + default: + return "invalid" + } +} + +// PostgreSQL format codes +const ( + TextFormatCode = 0 + BinaryFormatCode = 1 +) + +// Value translates values to and from an internal canonical representation for the type. To actually be usable a type +// that implements Value should also implement some combination of BinaryDecoder, BinaryEncoder, TextDecoder, +// and TextEncoder. +// +// Operations that update a Value (e.g. Set, DecodeText, DecodeBinary) should entirely replace the value. e.g. Internal +// slices should be replaced not resized and reused. This allows Get and AssignTo to return a slice directly rather +// than incur a usually unnecessary copy. +type Value interface { + // Set converts and assigns src to itself. Value takes ownership of src. + Set(src interface{}) error + + // Get returns the simplest representation of Value. Get may return a pointer to an internal value but it must never + // mutate that value. e.g. If Get returns a []byte Value must never change the contents of the []byte. + Get() interface{} + + // AssignTo converts and assigns the Value to dst. AssignTo may a pointer to an internal value but it must never + // mutate that value. e.g. If Get returns a []byte Value must never change the contents of the []byte. + AssignTo(dst interface{}) error +} + +// TypeValue is a Value where instances can represent different PostgreSQL types. This can be useful for +// representing types such as enums, composites, and arrays. +// +// In general, instances of TypeValue should not be used to directly represent a value. It should only be used as an +// encoder and decoder internal to ConnInfo. +type TypeValue interface { + Value + + // NewTypeValue creates a TypeValue including references to internal type information. e.g. the list of members + // in an EnumType. + NewTypeValue() Value + + // TypeName returns the PostgreSQL name of this type. + TypeName() string +} + +// ValueTranscoder is a value that implements the text and binary encoding and decoding interfaces. +type ValueTranscoder interface { + Value + TextEncoder + BinaryEncoder + TextDecoder + BinaryDecoder +} + +// ResultFormatPreferrer allows a type to specify its preferred result format instead of it being inferred from +// whether it is also a BinaryDecoder. +type ResultFormatPreferrer interface { + PreferredResultFormat() int16 +} + +// ParamFormatPreferrer allows a type to specify its preferred param format instead of it being inferred from +// whether it is also a BinaryEncoder. +type ParamFormatPreferrer interface { + PreferredParamFormat() int16 +} + +type BinaryDecoder interface { + // DecodeBinary decodes src into BinaryDecoder. If src is nil then the + // original SQL value is NULL. BinaryDecoder takes ownership of src. The + // caller MUST not use it again. + DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error +} + +type TextDecoder interface { + // DecodeText decodes src into TextDecoder. If src is nil then the original + // SQL value is NULL. TextDecoder takes ownership of src. The caller MUST not + // use it again. + DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error +} + +// BinaryEncoder is implemented by types that can encode themselves into the +// PostgreSQL binary wire format. +type BinaryEncoder interface { + // EncodeBinary should append the binary format of self to buf. If self is the + // SQL value NULL then append nothing and return (nil, nil). The caller of + // EncodeBinary is responsible for writing the correct NULL value or the + // length of the data written. + EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) (newBuf []byte, err error) +} + +// TextEncoder is implemented by types that can encode themselves into the +// PostgreSQL text wire format. +type TextEncoder interface { + // EncodeText should append the text format of self to buf. If self is the + // SQL value NULL then append nothing and return (nil, nil). The caller of + // EncodeText is responsible for writing the correct NULL value or the + // length of the data written. + EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) (newBuf []byte, err error) +} + +var errUndefined = errors.New("cannot encode status undefined") +var errBadStatus = errors.New("invalid status") + +type nullAssignmentError struct { + dst interface{} +} + +func (e *nullAssignmentError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("cannot assign NULL to %T", e.dst) +} + +type DataType struct { + Value Value + + textDecoder TextDecoder + binaryDecoder BinaryDecoder + + Name string + OID uint32 +} + +type ConnInfo struct { + oidToDataType map[uint32]*DataType + nameToDataType map[string]*DataType + reflectTypeToName map[reflect.Type]string + oidToParamFormatCode map[uint32]int16 + oidToResultFormatCode map[uint32]int16 + + reflectTypeToDataType map[reflect.Type]*DataType +} + +func newConnInfo() *ConnInfo { + return &ConnInfo{ + oidToDataType: make(map[uint32]*DataType), + nameToDataType: make(map[string]*DataType), + reflectTypeToName: make(map[reflect.Type]string), + oidToParamFormatCode: make(map[uint32]int16), + oidToResultFormatCode: make(map[uint32]int16), + } +} + +func NewConnInfo() *ConnInfo { + ci := newConnInfo() + + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &ACLItemArray{}, Name: "_aclitem", OID: ACLItemArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &BoolArray{}, Name: "_bool", OID: BoolArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &BPCharArray{}, Name: "_bpchar", OID: BPCharArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &ByteaArray{}, Name: "_bytea", OID: ByteaArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &CIDRArray{}, Name: "_cidr", OID: CIDRArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &DateArray{}, Name: "_date", OID: DateArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Float4Array{}, Name: "_float4", OID: Float4ArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Float8Array{}, Name: "_float8", OID: Float8ArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &InetArray{}, Name: "_inet", OID: InetArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int2Array{}, Name: "_int2", OID: Int2ArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int4Array{}, Name: "_int4", OID: Int4ArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int8Array{}, Name: "_int8", OID: Int8ArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &NumericArray{}, Name: "_numeric", OID: NumericArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &TextArray{}, Name: "_text", OID: TextArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &TimestampArray{}, Name: "_timestamp", OID: TimestampArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &TimestamptzArray{}, Name: "_timestamptz", OID: TimestamptzArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &UUIDArray{}, Name: "_uuid", OID: UUIDArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &VarcharArray{}, Name: "_varchar", OID: VarcharArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &ACLItem{}, Name: "aclitem", OID: ACLItemOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Bit{}, Name: "bit", OID: BitOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Bool{}, Name: "bool", OID: BoolOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Box{}, Name: "box", OID: BoxOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &BPChar{}, Name: "bpchar", OID: BPCharOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Bytea{}, Name: "bytea", OID: ByteaOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &QChar{}, Name: "char", OID: QCharOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &CID{}, Name: "cid", OID: CIDOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &CIDR{}, Name: "cidr", OID: CIDROID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Circle{}, Name: "circle", OID: CircleOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Date{}, Name: "date", OID: DateOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Daterange{}, Name: "daterange", OID: DaterangeOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Float4{}, Name: "float4", OID: Float4OID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Float8{}, Name: "float8", OID: Float8OID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Inet{}, Name: "inet", OID: InetOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int2{}, Name: "int2", OID: Int2OID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int4{}, Name: "int4", OID: Int4OID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int4range{}, Name: "int4range", OID: Int4rangeOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int8{}, Name: "int8", OID: Int8OID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int8range{}, Name: "int8range", OID: Int8rangeOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Interval{}, Name: "interval", OID: IntervalOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &JSON{}, Name: "json", OID: JSONOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &JSONB{}, Name: "jsonb", OID: JSONBOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &JSONBArray{}, Name: "_jsonb", OID: JSONBArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Line{}, Name: "line", OID: LineOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Lseg{}, Name: "lseg", OID: LsegOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Macaddr{}, Name: "macaddr", OID: MacaddrOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Name{}, Name: "name", OID: NameOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Numeric{}, Name: "numeric", OID: NumericOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Numrange{}, Name: "numrange", OID: NumrangeOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &OIDValue{}, Name: "oid", OID: OIDOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Path{}, Name: "path", OID: PathOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Point{}, Name: "point", OID: PointOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Polygon{}, Name: "polygon", OID: PolygonOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Record{}, Name: "record", OID: RecordOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Text{}, Name: "text", OID: TextOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &TID{}, Name: "tid", OID: TIDOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Time{}, Name: "time", OID: TimeOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Timestamp{}, Name: "timestamp", OID: TimestampOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Timestamptz{}, Name: "timestamptz", OID: TimestamptzOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Tsrange{}, Name: "tsrange", OID: TsrangeOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &TsrangeArray{}, Name: "_tsrange", OID: TsrangeArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Tstzrange{}, Name: "tstzrange", OID: TstzrangeOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &TstzrangeArray{}, Name: "_tstzrange", OID: TstzrangeArrayOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Unknown{}, Name: "unknown", OID: UnknownOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &UUID{}, Name: "uuid", OID: UUIDOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Varbit{}, Name: "varbit", OID: VarbitOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Varchar{}, Name: "varchar", OID: VarcharOID}) + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &XID{}, Name: "xid", OID: XIDOID}) + + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants := func(name, arrayName string, value interface{}) { + ci.RegisterDefaultPgType(value, name) + valueType := reflect.TypeOf(value) + + ci.RegisterDefaultPgType(reflect.New(valueType).Interface(), name) + + sliceType := reflect.SliceOf(valueType) + ci.RegisterDefaultPgType(reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType, 0, 0).Interface(), arrayName) + + ci.RegisterDefaultPgType(reflect.New(sliceType).Interface(), arrayName) + } + + // Integer types that directly map to a PostgreSQL type + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int2", "_int2", int16(0)) + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int4", "_int4", int32(0)) + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int8", "_int8", int64(0)) + + // Integer types that do not have a direct match to a PostgreSQL type + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int8", "_int8", uint16(0)) + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int8", "_int8", uint32(0)) + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int8", "_int8", uint64(0)) + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int8", "_int8", int(0)) + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int8", "_int8", uint(0)) + + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("float4", "_float4", float32(0)) + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("float8", "_float8", float64(0)) + + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("bool", "_bool", false) + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("timestamptz", "_timestamptz", time.Time{}) + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("text", "_text", "") + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("bytea", "_bytea", []byte(nil)) + + registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("inet", "_inet", net.IP{}) + ci.RegisterDefaultPgType((*net.IPNet)(nil), "cidr") + ci.RegisterDefaultPgType([]*net.IPNet(nil), "_cidr") + + return ci +} + +func (ci *ConnInfo) InitializeDataTypes(nameOIDs map[string]uint32) { + for name, oid := range nameOIDs { + var value Value + if t, ok := nameValues[name]; ok { + value = reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(t).Elem().Type()).Interface().(Value) + } else { + value = &GenericText{} + } + ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: value, Name: name, OID: oid}) + } +} + +func (ci *ConnInfo) RegisterDataType(t DataType) { + t.Value = NewValue(t.Value) + + ci.oidToDataType[t.OID] = &t + ci.nameToDataType[t.Name] = &t + + { + var formatCode int16 + if pfp, ok := t.Value.(ParamFormatPreferrer); ok { + formatCode = pfp.PreferredParamFormat() + } else if _, ok := t.Value.(BinaryEncoder); ok { + formatCode = BinaryFormatCode + } + ci.oidToParamFormatCode[t.OID] = formatCode + } + + { + var formatCode int16 + if rfp, ok := t.Value.(ResultFormatPreferrer); ok { + formatCode = rfp.PreferredResultFormat() + } else if _, ok := t.Value.(BinaryDecoder); ok { + formatCode = BinaryFormatCode + } + ci.oidToResultFormatCode[t.OID] = formatCode + } + + if d, ok := t.Value.(TextDecoder); ok { + t.textDecoder = d + } + + if d, ok := t.Value.(BinaryDecoder); ok { + t.binaryDecoder = d + } + + ci.reflectTypeToDataType = nil // Invalidated by type registration +} + +// RegisterDefaultPgType registers a mapping of a Go type to a PostgreSQL type name. Typically the data type to be +// encoded or decoded is determined by the PostgreSQL OID. But if the OID of a value to be encoded or decoded is +// unknown, this additional mapping will be used by DataTypeForValue to determine a suitable data type. +func (ci *ConnInfo) RegisterDefaultPgType(value interface{}, name string) { + ci.reflectTypeToName[reflect.TypeOf(value)] = name + ci.reflectTypeToDataType = nil // Invalidated by registering a default type +} + +func (ci *ConnInfo) DataTypeForOID(oid uint32) (*DataType, bool) { + dt, ok := ci.oidToDataType[oid] + return dt, ok +} + +func (ci *ConnInfo) DataTypeForName(name string) (*DataType, bool) { + dt, ok := ci.nameToDataType[name] + return dt, ok +} + +func (ci *ConnInfo) buildReflectTypeToDataType() { + ci.reflectTypeToDataType = make(map[reflect.Type]*DataType) + + for _, dt := range ci.oidToDataType { + if _, is := dt.Value.(TypeValue); !is { + ci.reflectTypeToDataType[reflect.ValueOf(dt.Value).Type()] = dt + } + } + + for reflectType, name := range ci.reflectTypeToName { + if dt, ok := ci.nameToDataType[name]; ok { + ci.reflectTypeToDataType[reflectType] = dt + } + } +} + +// DataTypeForValue finds a data type suitable for v. Use RegisterDataType to register types that can encode and decode +// themselves. Use RegisterDefaultPgType to register that can be handled by a registered data type. +func (ci *ConnInfo) DataTypeForValue(v interface{}) (*DataType, bool) { + if ci.reflectTypeToDataType == nil { + ci.buildReflectTypeToDataType() + } + + if tv, ok := v.(TypeValue); ok { + dt, ok := ci.nameToDataType[tv.TypeName()] + return dt, ok + } + + dt, ok := ci.reflectTypeToDataType[reflect.TypeOf(v)] + return dt, ok +} + +func (ci *ConnInfo) ParamFormatCodeForOID(oid uint32) int16 { + fc, ok := ci.oidToParamFormatCode[oid] + if ok { + return fc + } + return TextFormatCode +} + +func (ci *ConnInfo) ResultFormatCodeForOID(oid uint32) int16 { + fc, ok := ci.oidToResultFormatCode[oid] + if ok { + return fc + } + return TextFormatCode +} + +// DeepCopy makes a deep copy of the ConnInfo. +func (ci *ConnInfo) DeepCopy() *ConnInfo { + ci2 := newConnInfo() + + for _, dt := range ci.oidToDataType { + ci2.RegisterDataType(DataType{ + Value: NewValue(dt.Value), + Name: dt.Name, + OID: dt.OID, + }) + } + + for t, n := range ci.reflectTypeToName { + ci2.reflectTypeToName[t] = n + } + + return ci2 +} + +// ScanPlan is a precompiled plan to scan into a type of destination. +type ScanPlan interface { + // Scan scans src into dst. If the dst type has changed in an incompatible way a ScanPlan should automatically + // replan and scan. + Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error +} + +type scanPlanDstBinaryDecoder struct{} + +func (scanPlanDstBinaryDecoder) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + if d, ok := (dst).(BinaryDecoder); ok { + return d.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + } + + newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst) + return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst) +} + +type scanPlanDstTextDecoder struct{} + +func (plan scanPlanDstTextDecoder) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + if d, ok := (dst).(TextDecoder); ok { + return d.DecodeText(ci, src) + } + + newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst) + return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst) +} + +type scanPlanDataTypeSQLScanner DataType + +func (plan *scanPlanDataTypeSQLScanner) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + scanner, ok := dst.(sql.Scanner) + if !ok { + newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst) + return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst) + } + + dt := (*DataType)(plan) + var err error + switch formatCode { + case BinaryFormatCode: + err = dt.binaryDecoder.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + case TextFormatCode: + err = dt.textDecoder.DecodeText(ci, src) + } + if err != nil { + return err + } + + sqlSrc, err := DatabaseSQLValue(ci, dt.Value) + if err != nil { + return err + } + return scanner.Scan(sqlSrc) +} + +type scanPlanDataTypeAssignTo DataType + +func (plan *scanPlanDataTypeAssignTo) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + dt := (*DataType)(plan) + var err error + switch formatCode { + case BinaryFormatCode: + err = dt.binaryDecoder.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + case TextFormatCode: + err = dt.textDecoder.DecodeText(ci, src) + } + if err != nil { + return err + } + + assignToErr := dt.Value.AssignTo(dst) + if assignToErr == nil { + return nil + } + + if dstPtr, ok := dst.(*interface{}); ok { + *dstPtr = dt.Value.Get() + return nil + } + + // assignToErr might have failed because the type of destination has changed + newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst) + if newPlan, sameType := newPlan.(*scanPlanDataTypeAssignTo); !sameType { + return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst) + } + + return assignToErr +} + +type scanPlanSQLScanner struct{} + +func (scanPlanSQLScanner) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + scanner := dst.(sql.Scanner) + if src == nil { + // This is necessary because interface value []byte:nil does not equal nil:nil for the binary format path and the + // text format path would be converted to empty string. + return scanner.Scan(nil) + } else if formatCode == BinaryFormatCode { + return scanner.Scan(src) + } else { + return scanner.Scan(string(src)) + } +} + +type scanPlanReflection struct{} + +func (scanPlanReflection) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + // We might be given a pointer to something that implements the decoder interface(s), + // even though the pointer itself doesn't. + refVal := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if refVal.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && refVal.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + // If the database returned NULL, then we set dest as nil to indicate that. + if src == nil { + nilPtr := reflect.Zero(refVal.Type().Elem()) + refVal.Elem().Set(nilPtr) + return nil + } + + // We need to allocate an element, and set the destination to it + // Then we can retry as that element. + elemPtr := reflect.New(refVal.Type().Elem().Elem()) + refVal.Elem().Set(elemPtr) + + plan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, elemPtr.Interface()) + return plan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, elemPtr.Interface()) + } + + return scanUnknownType(oid, formatCode, src, dst) +} + +type scanPlanBinaryInt16 struct{} + +func (scanPlanBinaryInt16) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan null into %T", dst) + } + + if len(src) != 2 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for int2: %v", len(src)) + } + + if p, ok := (dst).(*int16); ok { + *p = int16(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src)) + return nil + } + + newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst) + return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst) +} + +type scanPlanBinaryInt32 struct{} + +func (scanPlanBinaryInt32) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan null into %T", dst) + } + + if len(src) != 4 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for int4: %v", len(src)) + } + + if p, ok := (dst).(*int32); ok { + *p = int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src)) + return nil + } + + newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst) + return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst) +} + +type scanPlanBinaryInt64 struct{} + +func (scanPlanBinaryInt64) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan null into %T", dst) + } + + if len(src) != 8 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for int8: %v", len(src)) + } + + if p, ok := (dst).(*int64); ok { + *p = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src)) + return nil + } + + newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst) + return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst) +} + +type scanPlanBinaryFloat32 struct{} + +func (scanPlanBinaryFloat32) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan null into %T", dst) + } + + if len(src) != 4 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for int4: %v", len(src)) + } + + if p, ok := (dst).(*float32); ok { + n := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src)) + *p = float32(math.Float32frombits(uint32(n))) + return nil + } + + newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst) + return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst) +} + +type scanPlanBinaryFloat64 struct{} + +func (scanPlanBinaryFloat64) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan null into %T", dst) + } + + if len(src) != 8 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for int8: %v", len(src)) + } + + if p, ok := (dst).(*float64); ok { + n := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src)) + *p = float64(math.Float64frombits(uint64(n))) + return nil + } + + newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst) + return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst) +} + +type scanPlanBinaryBytes struct{} + +func (scanPlanBinaryBytes) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + if p, ok := (dst).(*[]byte); ok { + *p = src + return nil + } + + newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst) + return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst) +} + +type scanPlanString struct{} + +func (scanPlanString) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan null into %T", dst) + } + + if p, ok := (dst).(*string); ok { + *p = string(src) + return nil + } + + newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst) + return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst) +} + +// PlanScan prepares a plan to scan a value into dst. +func (ci *ConnInfo) PlanScan(oid uint32, formatCode int16, dst interface{}) ScanPlan { + switch formatCode { + case BinaryFormatCode: + switch dst.(type) { + case *string: + switch oid { + case TextOID, VarcharOID: + return scanPlanString{} + } + case *int16: + if oid == Int2OID { + return scanPlanBinaryInt16{} + } + case *int32: + if oid == Int4OID { + return scanPlanBinaryInt32{} + } + case *int64: + if oid == Int8OID { + return scanPlanBinaryInt64{} + } + case *float32: + if oid == Float4OID { + return scanPlanBinaryFloat32{} + } + case *float64: + if oid == Float8OID { + return scanPlanBinaryFloat64{} + } + case *[]byte: + switch oid { + case ByteaOID, TextOID, VarcharOID, JSONOID: + return scanPlanBinaryBytes{} + } + case BinaryDecoder: + return scanPlanDstBinaryDecoder{} + } + case TextFormatCode: + switch dst.(type) { + case *string: + return scanPlanString{} + case *[]byte: + if oid != ByteaOID { + return scanPlanBinaryBytes{} + } + case TextDecoder: + return scanPlanDstTextDecoder{} + } + } + + var dt *DataType + + if oid == 0 { + if dataType, ok := ci.DataTypeForValue(dst); ok { + dt = dataType + } + } else { + if dataType, ok := ci.DataTypeForOID(oid); ok { + dt = dataType + } + } + + if dt != nil { + if _, ok := dst.(sql.Scanner); ok { + return (*scanPlanDataTypeSQLScanner)(dt) + } + return (*scanPlanDataTypeAssignTo)(dt) + } + + if _, ok := dst.(sql.Scanner); ok { + return scanPlanSQLScanner{} + } + + return scanPlanReflection{} +} + +func (ci *ConnInfo) Scan(oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error { + if dst == nil { + return nil + } + + plan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst) + return plan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst) +} + +func scanUnknownType(oid uint32, formatCode int16, buf []byte, dest interface{}) error { + switch dest := dest.(type) { + case *string: + if formatCode == BinaryFormatCode { + return fmt.Errorf("unknown oid %d in binary format cannot be scanned into %T", oid, dest) + } + *dest = string(buf) + return nil + case *[]byte: + *dest = buf + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dest); retry { + return scanUnknownType(oid, formatCode, buf, nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unknown oid %d cannot be scanned into %T", oid, dest) + } +} + +// NewValue returns a new instance of the same type as v. +func NewValue(v Value) Value { + if tv, ok := v.(TypeValue); ok { + return tv.NewTypeValue() + } else { + return reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().Type()).Interface().(Value) + } +} + +var nameValues map[string]Value + +func init() { + nameValues = map[string]Value{ + "_aclitem": &ACLItemArray{}, + "_bool": &BoolArray{}, + "_bpchar": &BPCharArray{}, + "_bytea": &ByteaArray{}, + "_cidr": &CIDRArray{}, + "_date": &DateArray{}, + "_float4": &Float4Array{}, + "_float8": &Float8Array{}, + "_inet": &InetArray{}, + "_int2": &Int2Array{}, + "_int4": &Int4Array{}, + "_int8": &Int8Array{}, + "_numeric": &NumericArray{}, + "_text": &TextArray{}, + "_timestamp": &TimestampArray{}, + "_timestamptz": &TimestamptzArray{}, + "_uuid": &UUIDArray{}, + "_varchar": &VarcharArray{}, + "_jsonb": &JSONBArray{}, + "aclitem": &ACLItem{}, + "bit": &Bit{}, + "bool": &Bool{}, + "box": &Box{}, + "bpchar": &BPChar{}, + "bytea": &Bytea{}, + "char": &QChar{}, + "cid": &CID{}, + "cidr": &CIDR{}, + "circle": &Circle{}, + "date": &Date{}, + "daterange": &Daterange{}, + "float4": &Float4{}, + "float8": &Float8{}, + "hstore": &Hstore{}, + "inet": &Inet{}, + "int2": &Int2{}, + "int4": &Int4{}, + "int4range": &Int4range{}, + "int8": &Int8{}, + "int8range": &Int8range{}, + "interval": &Interval{}, + "json": &JSON{}, + "jsonb": &JSONB{}, + "line": &Line{}, + "lseg": &Lseg{}, + "macaddr": &Macaddr{}, + "name": &Name{}, + "numeric": &Numeric{}, + "numrange": &Numrange{}, + "oid": &OIDValue{}, + "path": &Path{}, + "point": &Point{}, + "polygon": &Polygon{}, + "record": &Record{}, + "text": &Text{}, + "tid": &TID{}, + "timestamp": &Timestamp{}, + "timestamptz": &Timestamptz{}, + "tsrange": &Tsrange{}, + "_tsrange": &TsrangeArray{}, + "tstzrange": &Tstzrange{}, + "_tstzrange": &TstzrangeArray{}, + "unknown": &Unknown{}, + "uuid": &UUID{}, + "varbit": &Varbit{}, + "varchar": &Varchar{}, + "xid": &XID{}, + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/pguint32.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/pguint32.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a0e88ca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/pguint32.go @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// pguint32 is the core type that is used to implement PostgreSQL types such as +// CID and XID. +type pguint32 struct { + Uint uint32 + Status Status +} + +// Set converts from src to dst. Note that as pguint32 is not a general +// number type Set does not do automatic type conversion as other number +// types do. +func (dst *pguint32) Set(src interface{}) error { + switch value := src.(type) { + case int64: + if value < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is less than minimum value for pguint32", value) + } + if value > math.MaxUint32 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for pguint32", value) + } + *dst = pguint32{Uint: uint32(value), Status: Present} + case uint32: + *dst = pguint32{Uint: value, Status: Present} + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to pguint32", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst pguint32) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Uint + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +// AssignTo assigns from src to dst. Note that as pguint32 is not a general number +// type AssignTo does not do automatic type conversion as other number types do. +func (src *pguint32) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *uint32: + if src.Status == Present { + *v = src.Uint + } else { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v into %T", src, dst) + } + case **uint32: + if src.Status == Present { + n := src.Uint + *v = &n + } else { + *v = nil + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *pguint32) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = pguint32{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + n, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(src), 10, 32) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = pguint32{Uint: uint32(n), Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *pguint32) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = pguint32{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 4 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length: %v", len(src)) + } + + n := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src) + *dst = pguint32{Uint: n, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src pguint32) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(src.Uint), 10)...), nil +} + +func (src pguint32) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return pgio.AppendUint32(buf, src.Uint), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *pguint32) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = pguint32{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case uint32: + *dst = pguint32{Uint: src, Status: Present} + return nil + case int64: + *dst = pguint32{Uint: uint32(src), Status: Present} + return nil + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src pguint32) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return int64(src.Uint), nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/point.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/point.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0c799106 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/point.go @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "bytes" + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Vec2 struct { + X float64 + Y float64 +} + +type Point struct { + P Vec2 + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Point) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + dst.Status = Null + return nil + } + err := fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Point", src) + var p *Point + switch value := src.(type) { + case string: + p, err = parsePoint([]byte(value)) + case []byte: + p, err = parsePoint(value) + default: + return err + } + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = *p + return nil +} + +func parsePoint(src []byte) (*Point, error) { + if src == nil || bytes.Compare(src, []byte("null")) == 0 { + return &Point{Status: Null}, nil + } + + if len(src) < 5 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid length for point: %v", len(src)) + } + if src[0] == '"' && src[len(src)-1] == '"' { + src = src[1 : len(src)-1] + } + parts := strings.SplitN(string(src[1:len(src)-1]), ",", 2) + if len(parts) < 2 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid format for point") + } + + x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(parts[0], 64) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + y, err := strconv.ParseFloat(parts[1], 64) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return &Point{P: Vec2{x, y}, Status: Present}, nil +} + +func (dst Point) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Point) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Point) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Point{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) < 5 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for point: %v", len(src)) + } + + parts := strings.SplitN(string(src[1:len(src)-1]), ",", 2) + if len(parts) < 2 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid format for point") + } + + x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(parts[0], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + y, err := strconv.ParseFloat(parts[1], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Point{P: Vec2{x, y}, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Point) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Point{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 16 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for point: %v", len(src)) + } + + x := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src) + y := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[8:]) + + *dst = Point{ + P: Vec2{math.Float64frombits(x), math.Float64frombits(y)}, + Status: Present, + } + return nil +} + +func (src Point) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`(%s,%s)`, + strconv.FormatFloat(src.P.X, 'f', -1, 64), + strconv.FormatFloat(src.P.Y, 'f', -1, 64), + )...), nil +} + +func (src Point) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.P.X)) + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(src.P.Y)) + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Point) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Point{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Point) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} + +func (src Point) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + var buff bytes.Buffer + buff.WriteByte('"') + buff.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("(%g,%g)", src.P.X, src.P.Y)) + buff.WriteByte('"') + return buff.Bytes(), nil + case Null: + return []byte("null"), nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + return nil, errBadStatus +} + +func (dst *Point) UnmarshalJSON(point []byte) error { + p, err := parsePoint(point) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = *p + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/polygon.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/polygon.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..207cadc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/polygon.go @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Polygon struct { + P []Vec2 + Status Status +} + +// Set converts src to dest. +// +// src can be nil, string, []float64, and []pgtype.Vec2. +// +// If src is string the format must be ((x1,y1),(x2,y2),...,(xn,yn)). +// Important that there are no spaces in it. +func (dst *Polygon) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + dst.Status = Null + return nil + } + err := fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Polygon", src) + var p *Polygon + switch value := src.(type) { + case string: + p, err = stringToPolygon(value) + case []Vec2: + p = &Polygon{Status: Present, P: value} + err = nil + case []float64: + p, err = float64ToPolygon(value) + default: + return err + } + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = *p + return nil +} + +func stringToPolygon(src string) (*Polygon, error) { + p := &Polygon{} + err := p.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + return p, err +} + +func float64ToPolygon(src []float64) (*Polygon, error) { + p := &Polygon{Status: Null} + if len(src) == 0 { + return p, nil + } + if len(src)%2 != 0 { + p.Status = Undefined + return p, fmt.Errorf("invalid length for polygon: %v", len(src)) + } + p.Status = Present + p.P = make([]Vec2, 0) + for i := 0; i < len(src); i += 2 { + p.P = append(p.P, Vec2{X: src[i], Y: src[i+1]}) + } + return p, nil +} + +func (dst Polygon) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Polygon) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Polygon) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Polygon{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) < 7 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Polygon: %v", len(src)) + } + + points := make([]Vec2, 0) + + str := string(src[2:]) + + for { + end := strings.IndexByte(str, ',') + x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str[:end], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + str = str[end+1:] + end = strings.IndexByte(str, ')') + + y, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str[:end], 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + points = append(points, Vec2{x, y}) + + if end+3 < len(str) { + str = str[end+3:] + } else { + break + } + } + + *dst = Polygon{P: points, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Polygon) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Polygon{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) < 5 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Polygon: %v", len(src)) + } + + pointCount := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src)) + rp := 4 + + if 4+pointCount*16 != len(src) { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for Polygon with %d points: %v", pointCount, len(src)) + } + + points := make([]Vec2, pointCount) + for i := 0; i < len(points); i++ { + x := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[rp:]) + rp += 8 + y := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src[rp:]) + rp += 8 + points[i] = Vec2{math.Float64frombits(x), math.Float64frombits(y)} + } + + *dst = Polygon{ + P: points, + Status: Present, + } + return nil +} + +func (src Polygon) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = append(buf, '(') + + for i, p := range src.P { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + buf = append(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`(%s,%s)`, + strconv.FormatFloat(p.X, 'f', -1, 64), + strconv.FormatFloat(p.Y, 'f', -1, 64), + )...) + } + + return append(buf, ')'), nil +} + +func (src Polygon) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, int32(len(src.P))) + + for _, p := range src.P { + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(p.X)) + buf = pgio.AppendUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(p.Y)) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Polygon) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Polygon{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Polygon) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/qchar.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/qchar.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..574f6066 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/qchar.go @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" +) + +// QChar is for PostgreSQL's special 8-bit-only "char" type more akin to the C +// language's char type, or Go's byte type. (Note that the name in PostgreSQL +// itself is "char", in double-quotes, and not char.) It gets used a lot in +// PostgreSQL's system tables to hold a single ASCII character value (eg +// pg_class.relkind). It is named Qchar for quoted char to disambiguate from SQL +// standard type char. +// +// Not all possible values of QChar are representable in the text format. +// Therefore, QChar does not implement TextEncoder and TextDecoder. In +// addition, database/sql Scanner and database/sql/driver Value are not +// implemented. +type QChar struct { + Int int8 + Status Status +} + +func (dst *QChar) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = QChar{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case int8: + *dst = QChar{Int: value, Status: Present} + case uint8: + if value > math.MaxInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for QChar", value) + } + *dst = QChar{Int: int8(value), Status: Present} + case int16: + if value < math.MinInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for QChar", value) + } + if value > math.MaxInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for QChar", value) + } + *dst = QChar{Int: int8(value), Status: Present} + case uint16: + if value > math.MaxInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for QChar", value) + } + *dst = QChar{Int: int8(value), Status: Present} + case int32: + if value < math.MinInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for QChar", value) + } + if value > math.MaxInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for QChar", value) + } + *dst = QChar{Int: int8(value), Status: Present} + case uint32: + if value > math.MaxInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for QChar", value) + } + *dst = QChar{Int: int8(value), Status: Present} + case int64: + if value < math.MinInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for QChar", value) + } + if value > math.MaxInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for QChar", value) + } + *dst = QChar{Int: int8(value), Status: Present} + case uint64: + if value > math.MaxInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for QChar", value) + } + *dst = QChar{Int: int8(value), Status: Present} + case int: + if value < math.MinInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for QChar", value) + } + if value > math.MaxInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for QChar", value) + } + *dst = QChar{Int: int8(value), Status: Present} + case uint: + if value > math.MaxInt8 { + return fmt.Errorf("%d is greater than maximum value for QChar", value) + } + *dst = QChar{Int: int8(value), Status: Present} + case string: + num, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 8) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = QChar{Int: int8(num), Status: Present} + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingNumberType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to QChar", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst QChar) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Int + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *QChar) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return int64AssignTo(int64(src.Int), src.Status, dst) +} + +func (dst *QChar) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = QChar{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 1 { + return fmt.Errorf(`invalid length for "char": %v`, len(src)) + } + + *dst = QChar{Int: int8(src[0]), Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src QChar) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, byte(src.Int)), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/range.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/range.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e999f6a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/range.go @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" +) + +type BoundType byte + +const ( + Inclusive = BoundType('i') + Exclusive = BoundType('e') + Unbounded = BoundType('U') + Empty = BoundType('E') +) + +func (bt BoundType) String() string { + return string(bt) +} + +type UntypedTextRange struct { + Lower string + Upper string + LowerType BoundType + UpperType BoundType +} + +func ParseUntypedTextRange(src string) (*UntypedTextRange, error) { + utr := &UntypedTextRange{} + if src == "empty" { + utr.LowerType = Empty + utr.UpperType = Empty + return utr, nil + } + + buf := bytes.NewBufferString(src) + + skipWhitespace(buf) + + r, _, err := buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid lower bound: %v", err) + } + switch r { + case '(': + utr.LowerType = Exclusive + case '[': + utr.LowerType = Inclusive + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing lower bound, instead got: %v", string(r)) + } + + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid lower value: %v", err) + } + buf.UnreadRune() + + if r == ',' { + utr.LowerType = Unbounded + } else { + utr.Lower, err = rangeParseValue(buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid lower value: %v", err) + } + } + + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing range separator: %v", err) + } + if r != ',' { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing range separator: %v", r) + } + + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid upper value: %v", err) + } + + if r == ')' || r == ']' { + utr.UpperType = Unbounded + } else { + buf.UnreadRune() + utr.Upper, err = rangeParseValue(buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid upper value: %v", err) + } + + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing upper bound: %v", err) + } + switch r { + case ')': + utr.UpperType = Exclusive + case ']': + utr.UpperType = Inclusive + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing upper bound, instead got: %v", string(r)) + } + } + + skipWhitespace(buf) + + if buf.Len() > 0 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected trailing data: %v", buf.String()) + } + + return utr, nil +} + +func rangeParseValue(buf *bytes.Buffer) (string, error) { + r, _, err := buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + if r == '"' { + return rangeParseQuotedValue(buf) + } + buf.UnreadRune() + + s := &bytes.Buffer{} + + for { + r, _, err := buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + + switch r { + case '\\': + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + case ',', '[', ']', '(', ')': + buf.UnreadRune() + return s.String(), nil + } + + s.WriteRune(r) + } +} + +func rangeParseQuotedValue(buf *bytes.Buffer) (string, error) { + s := &bytes.Buffer{} + + for { + r, _, err := buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + + switch r { + case '\\': + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + case '"': + r, _, err = buf.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + if r != '"' { + buf.UnreadRune() + return s.String(), nil + } + } + s.WriteRune(r) + } +} + +type UntypedBinaryRange struct { + Lower []byte + Upper []byte + LowerType BoundType + UpperType BoundType +} + +// 0 = () = 00000 +// 1 = empty = 00001 +// 2 = [) = 00010 +// 4 = (] = 00100 +// 6 = [] = 00110 +// 8 = ) = 01000 +// 12 = ] = 01100 +// 16 = ( = 10000 +// 18 = [ = 10010 +// 24 = = 11000 + +const emptyMask = 1 +const lowerInclusiveMask = 2 +const upperInclusiveMask = 4 +const lowerUnboundedMask = 8 +const upperUnboundedMask = 16 + +func ParseUntypedBinaryRange(src []byte) (*UntypedBinaryRange, error) { + ubr := &UntypedBinaryRange{} + + if len(src) == 0 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("range too short: %v", len(src)) + } + + rangeType := src[0] + rp := 1 + + if rangeType&emptyMask > 0 { + if len(src[rp:]) > 0 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected trailing bytes parsing empty range: %v", len(src[rp:])) + } + ubr.LowerType = Empty + ubr.UpperType = Empty + return ubr, nil + } + + if rangeType&lowerInclusiveMask > 0 { + ubr.LowerType = Inclusive + } else if rangeType&lowerUnboundedMask > 0 { + ubr.LowerType = Unbounded + } else { + ubr.LowerType = Exclusive + } + + if rangeType&upperInclusiveMask > 0 { + ubr.UpperType = Inclusive + } else if rangeType&upperUnboundedMask > 0 { + ubr.UpperType = Unbounded + } else { + ubr.UpperType = Exclusive + } + + if ubr.LowerType == Unbounded && ubr.UpperType == Unbounded { + if len(src[rp:]) > 0 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected trailing bytes parsing unbounded range: %v", len(src[rp:])) + } + return ubr, nil + } + + if len(src[rp:]) < 4 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("too few bytes for size: %v", src[rp:]) + } + valueLen := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:])) + rp += 4 + + val := src[rp : rp+valueLen] + rp += valueLen + + if ubr.LowerType != Unbounded { + ubr.Lower = val + } else { + ubr.Upper = val + if len(src[rp:]) > 0 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected trailing bytes parsing range: %v", len(src[rp:])) + } + return ubr, nil + } + + if ubr.UpperType != Unbounded { + if len(src[rp:]) < 4 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("too few bytes for size: %v", src[rp:]) + } + valueLen := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:])) + rp += 4 + ubr.Upper = src[rp : rp+valueLen] + rp += valueLen + } + + if len(src[rp:]) > 0 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected trailing bytes parsing range: %v", len(src[rp:])) + } + + return ubr, nil + +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/record.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/record.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..718c3570 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/record.go @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" +) + +// Record is the generic PostgreSQL record type such as is created with the +// "row" function. Record only implements BinaryEncoder and Value. The text +// format output format from PostgreSQL does not include type information and is +// therefore impossible to decode. No encoders are implemented because +// PostgreSQL does not support input of generic records. +type Record struct { + Fields []Value + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Record) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Record{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case []Value: + *dst = Record{Fields: value, Status: Present} + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Record", src) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Record) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Fields + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Record) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *[]Value: + *v = make([]Value, len(src.Fields)) + copy(*v, src.Fields) + return nil + case *[]interface{}: + *v = make([]interface{}, len(src.Fields)) + for i := range *v { + (*v)[i] = src.Fields[i].Get() + } + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func prepareNewBinaryDecoder(ci *ConnInfo, fieldOID uint32, v *Value) (BinaryDecoder, error) { + var binaryDecoder BinaryDecoder + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForOID(fieldOID); ok { + binaryDecoder, _ = dt.Value.(BinaryDecoder) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown oid while decoding record: %v", fieldOID) + } + + if binaryDecoder == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("no binary decoder registered for: %v", fieldOID) + } + + // Duplicate struct to scan into + binaryDecoder = reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(binaryDecoder).Elem().Type()).Interface().(BinaryDecoder) + *v = binaryDecoder.(Value) + return binaryDecoder, nil +} + +func (dst *Record) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Record{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + scanner := NewCompositeBinaryScanner(ci, src) + + fields := make([]Value, scanner.FieldCount()) + + for i := 0; scanner.Next(); i++ { + binaryDecoder, err := prepareNewBinaryDecoder(ci, scanner.OID(), &fields[i]) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if err = binaryDecoder.DecodeBinary(ci, scanner.Bytes()); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if scanner.Err() != nil { + return scanner.Err() + } + + *dst = Record{Fields: fields, Status: Present} + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/text.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/text.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a01815d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/text.go @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/json" + "fmt" +) + +type Text struct { + String string + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Text) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Text{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case string: + *dst = Text{String: value, Status: Present} + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = Text{Status: Null} + } else { + *dst = Text{String: *value, Status: Present} + } + case []byte: + if value == nil { + *dst = Text{Status: Null} + } else { + *dst = Text{String: string(value), Status: Present} + } + case fmt.Stringer: + if value == fmt.Stringer(nil) { + *dst = Text{Status: Null} + } else { + *dst = Text{String: value.String(), Status: Present} + } + default: + // Cannot be part of the switch: If Value() returns nil on + // non-string, we should still try to checks the underlying type + // using reflection. + // + // For example the struct might implement driver.Valuer with + // pointer receiver and fmt.Stringer with value receiver. + if value, ok := src.(driver.Valuer); ok { + if value == driver.Valuer(nil) { + *dst = Text{Status: Null} + return nil + } else { + v, err := value.Value() + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("driver.Valuer Value() method failed: %w", err) + } + + // Handles also v == nil case. + if s, ok := v.(string); ok { + *dst = Text{String: s, Status: Present} + return nil + } + } + } + + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingStringType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Text", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Text) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.String + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Text) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *string: + *v = src.String + return nil + case *[]byte: + *v = make([]byte, len(src.String)) + copy(*v, src.String) + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (Text) PreferredResultFormat() int16 { + return TextFormatCode +} + +func (dst *Text) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Text{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + *dst = Text{String: string(src), Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Text) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return dst.DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (Text) PreferredParamFormat() int16 { + return TextFormatCode +} + +func (src Text) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, src.String...), nil +} + +func (src Text) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return src.EncodeText(ci, buf) +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Text) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Text{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Text) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return src.String, nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} + +func (src Text) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + return json.Marshal(src.String) + case Null: + return []byte("null"), nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return nil, errBadStatus +} + +func (dst *Text) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + var s *string + err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if s == nil { + *dst = Text{Status: Null} + } else { + *dst = Text{String: *s, Status: Present} + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/text_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/text_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2461966b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/text_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type TextArray struct { + Elements []Text + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *TextArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = TextArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []string: + if value == nil { + *dst = TextArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = TextArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Text, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = TextArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*string: + if value == nil { + *dst = TextArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = TextArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Text, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = TextArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Text: + if value == nil { + *dst = TextArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = TextArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = TextArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = TextArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for TextArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = TextArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to TextArray", src) + } + + *dst = TextArray{ + Elements: make([]Text, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Text, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to TextArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *TextArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to TextArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in TextArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst TextArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *TextArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]string: + *v = make([]string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*string: + *v = make([]*string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *TextArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from TextArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from TextArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *TextArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = TextArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Text + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Text, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Text + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = TextArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *TextArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = TextArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = TextArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Text, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = TextArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src TextArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src TextArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("text"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "text") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *TextArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src TextArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tid.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tid.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4bb57f64 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tid.go @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// TID is PostgreSQL's Tuple Identifier type. +// +// When one does +// +// select ctid, * from some_table; +// +// it is the data type of the ctid hidden system column. +// +// It is currently implemented as a pair unsigned two byte integers. +// Its conversion functions can be found in src/backend/utils/adt/tid.c +// in the PostgreSQL sources. +type TID struct { + BlockNumber uint32 + OffsetNumber uint16 + Status Status +} + +func (dst *TID) Set(src interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to TID", src) +} + +func (dst TID) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *TID) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + if src.Status == Present { + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *string: + *v = fmt.Sprintf(`(%d,%d)`, src.BlockNumber, src.OffsetNumber) + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *TID) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = TID{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) < 5 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for tid: %v", len(src)) + } + + parts := strings.SplitN(string(src[1:len(src)-1]), ",", 2) + if len(parts) < 2 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid format for tid") + } + + blockNumber, err := strconv.ParseUint(parts[0], 10, 32) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + offsetNumber, err := strconv.ParseUint(parts[1], 10, 16) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = TID{BlockNumber: uint32(blockNumber), OffsetNumber: uint16(offsetNumber), Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *TID) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = TID{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 6 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for tid: %v", len(src)) + } + + *dst = TID{ + BlockNumber: binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src), + OffsetNumber: binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src[4:]), + Status: Present, + } + return nil +} + +func (src TID) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = append(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`(%d,%d)`, src.BlockNumber, src.OffsetNumber)...) + return buf, nil +} + +func (src TID) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = pgio.AppendUint32(buf, src.BlockNumber) + buf = pgio.AppendUint16(buf, src.OffsetNumber) + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *TID) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = TID{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src TID) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/time.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/time.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f7a28870 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/time.go @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "strconv" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// Time represents the PostgreSQL time type. The PostgreSQL time is a time of day without time zone. +// +// Time is represented as the number of microseconds since midnight in the same way that PostgreSQL does. Other time +// and date types in pgtype can use time.Time as the underlying representation. However, pgtype.Time type cannot due +// to needing to handle 24:00:00. time.Time converts that to 00:00:00 on the following day. +type Time struct { + Microseconds int64 // Number of microseconds since midnight + Status Status +} + +// Set converts src into a Time and stores in dst. +func (dst *Time) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Time{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case time.Time: + usec := int64(value.Hour())*microsecondsPerHour + + int64(value.Minute())*microsecondsPerMinute + + int64(value.Second())*microsecondsPerSecond + + int64(value.Nanosecond())/1000 + *dst = Time{Microseconds: usec, Status: Present} + case *time.Time: + if value == nil { + *dst = Time{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingTimeType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Time", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Time) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Microseconds + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Time) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *time.Time: + // 24:00:00 is max allowed time in PostgreSQL, but time.Time will normalize that to 00:00:00 the next day. + var maxRepresentableByTime int64 = 24*60*60*1000000 - 1 + if src.Microseconds > maxRepresentableByTime { + return fmt.Errorf("%d microseconds cannot be represented as time.Time", src.Microseconds) + } + + usec := src.Microseconds + hours := usec / microsecondsPerHour + usec -= hours * microsecondsPerHour + minutes := usec / microsecondsPerMinute + usec -= minutes * microsecondsPerMinute + seconds := usec / microsecondsPerSecond + usec -= seconds * microsecondsPerSecond + ns := usec * 1000 + *v = time.Date(2000, 1, 1, int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds), int(ns), time.UTC) + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +// DecodeText decodes from src into dst. +func (dst *Time) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Time{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + s := string(src) + + if len(s) < 8 { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %v into Time", s) + } + + hours, err := strconv.ParseInt(s[0:2], 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %v into Time", s) + } + usec := hours * microsecondsPerHour + + minutes, err := strconv.ParseInt(s[3:5], 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %v into Time", s) + } + usec += minutes * microsecondsPerMinute + + seconds, err := strconv.ParseInt(s[6:8], 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %v into Time", s) + } + usec += seconds * microsecondsPerSecond + + if len(s) > 9 { + fraction := s[9:] + n, err := strconv.ParseInt(fraction, 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %v into Time", s) + } + + for i := len(fraction); i < 6; i++ { + n *= 10 + } + + usec += n + } + + *dst = Time{Microseconds: usec, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +// DecodeBinary decodes from src into dst. +func (dst *Time) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Time{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 8 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for time: %v", len(src)) + } + + usec := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src)) + *dst = Time{Microseconds: usec, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +// EncodeText writes the text encoding of src into w. +func (src Time) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + usec := src.Microseconds + hours := usec / microsecondsPerHour + usec -= hours * microsecondsPerHour + minutes := usec / microsecondsPerMinute + usec -= minutes * microsecondsPerMinute + seconds := usec / microsecondsPerSecond + usec -= seconds * microsecondsPerSecond + + s := fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d", hours, minutes, seconds, usec) + + return append(buf, s...), nil +} + +// EncodeBinary writes the binary encoding of src into w. If src.Time is not in +// the UTC time zone it returns an error. +func (src Time) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return pgio.AppendInt64(buf, src.Microseconds), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Time) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Time{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + case time.Time: + return dst.Set(src) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Time) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/timestamp.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/timestamp.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5517acb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/timestamp.go @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +const pgTimestampFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999" + +// Timestamp represents the PostgreSQL timestamp type. The PostgreSQL +// timestamp does not have a time zone. This presents a problem when +// translating to and from time.Time which requires a time zone. It is highly +// recommended to use timestamptz whenever possible. Timestamp methods either +// convert to UTC or return an error on non-UTC times. +type Timestamp struct { + Time time.Time // Time must always be in UTC. + Status Status + InfinityModifier InfinityModifier +} + +// Set converts src into a Timestamp and stores in dst. If src is a +// time.Time in a non-UTC time zone, the time zone is discarded. +func (dst *Timestamp) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Timestamp{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case time.Time: + *dst = Timestamp{Time: time.Date(value.Year(), value.Month(), value.Day(), value.Hour(), value.Minute(), value.Second(), value.Nanosecond(), time.UTC), Status: Present} + case *time.Time: + if value == nil { + *dst = Timestamp{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case InfinityModifier: + *dst = Timestamp{InfinityModifier: value, Status: Present} + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingTimeType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Timestamp", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Timestamp) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + if dst.InfinityModifier != None { + return dst.InfinityModifier + } + return dst.Time + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Timestamp) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *time.Time: + if src.InfinityModifier != None { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) + } + *v = src.Time + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +// DecodeText decodes from src into dst. The decoded time is considered to +// be in UTC. +func (dst *Timestamp) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Timestamp{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + sbuf := string(src) + switch sbuf { + case "infinity": + *dst = Timestamp{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: Infinity} + case "-infinity": + *dst = Timestamp{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: -Infinity} + default: + tim, err := time.Parse(pgTimestampFormat, sbuf) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Timestamp{Time: tim, Status: Present} + } + + return nil +} + +// DecodeBinary decodes from src into dst. The decoded time is considered to +// be in UTC. +func (dst *Timestamp) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Timestamp{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 8 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for timestamp: %v", len(src)) + } + + microsecSinceY2K := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src)) + + switch microsecSinceY2K { + case infinityMicrosecondOffset: + *dst = Timestamp{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: Infinity} + case negativeInfinityMicrosecondOffset: + *dst = Timestamp{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: -Infinity} + default: + tim := time.Unix( + microsecFromUnixEpochToY2K/1000000+microsecSinceY2K/1000000, + (microsecFromUnixEpochToY2K%1000000*1000)+(microsecSinceY2K%1000000*1000), + ).UTC() + *dst = Timestamp{Time: tim, Status: Present} + } + + return nil +} + +// EncodeText writes the text encoding of src into w. If src.Time is not in +// the UTC time zone it returns an error. +func (src Timestamp) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + if src.Time.Location() != time.UTC { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot encode non-UTC time into timestamp") + } + + var s string + + switch src.InfinityModifier { + case None: + s = src.Time.Truncate(time.Microsecond).Format(pgTimestampFormat) + case Infinity: + s = "infinity" + case NegativeInfinity: + s = "-infinity" + } + + return append(buf, s...), nil +} + +// EncodeBinary writes the binary encoding of src into w. If src.Time is not in +// the UTC time zone it returns an error. +func (src Timestamp) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + if src.Time.Location() != time.UTC { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot encode non-UTC time into timestamp") + } + + var microsecSinceY2K int64 + switch src.InfinityModifier { + case None: + microsecSinceUnixEpoch := src.Time.Unix()*1000000 + int64(src.Time.Nanosecond())/1000 + microsecSinceY2K = microsecSinceUnixEpoch - microsecFromUnixEpochToY2K + case Infinity: + microsecSinceY2K = infinityMicrosecondOffset + case NegativeInfinity: + microsecSinceY2K = negativeInfinityMicrosecondOffset + } + + return pgio.AppendInt64(buf, microsecSinceY2K), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Timestamp) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Timestamp{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + case time.Time: + *dst = Timestamp{Time: src, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Timestamp) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if src.InfinityModifier != None { + return src.InfinityModifier.String(), nil + } + return src.Time, nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/timestamp_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/timestamp_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e12481e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/timestamp_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,518 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type TimestampArray struct { + Elements []Timestamp + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *TimestampArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = TimestampArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []time.Time: + if value == nil { + *dst = TimestampArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = TimestampArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Timestamp, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = TimestampArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*time.Time: + if value == nil { + *dst = TimestampArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = TimestampArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Timestamp, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = TimestampArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Timestamp: + if value == nil { + *dst = TimestampArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = TimestampArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = TimestampArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = TimestampArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for TimestampArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = TimestampArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to TimestampArray", src) + } + + *dst = TimestampArray{ + Elements: make([]Timestamp, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Timestamp, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to TimestampArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *TimestampArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to TimestampArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in TimestampArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst TimestampArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *TimestampArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]time.Time: + *v = make([]time.Time, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*time.Time: + *v = make([]*time.Time, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *TimestampArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from TimestampArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from TimestampArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *TimestampArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = TimestampArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Timestamp + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Timestamp, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Timestamp + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = TimestampArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *TimestampArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = TimestampArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = TimestampArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Timestamp, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = TimestampArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src TimestampArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src TimestampArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("timestamp"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "timestamp") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *TimestampArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src TimestampArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/timestamptz.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/timestamptz.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..299a8668 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/timestamptz.go @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +const pgTimestamptzHourFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999Z07" +const pgTimestamptzMinuteFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999Z07:00" +const pgTimestamptzSecondFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999Z07:00:00" +const microsecFromUnixEpochToY2K = 946684800 * 1000000 + +const ( + negativeInfinityMicrosecondOffset = -9223372036854775808 + infinityMicrosecondOffset = 9223372036854775807 +) + +type Timestamptz struct { + Time time.Time + Status Status + InfinityModifier InfinityModifier +} + +func (dst *Timestamptz) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Timestamptz{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case time.Time: + *dst = Timestamptz{Time: value, Status: Present} + case *time.Time: + if value == nil { + *dst = Timestamptz{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + case InfinityModifier: + *dst = Timestamptz{InfinityModifier: value, Status: Present} + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingTimeType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Timestamptz", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Timestamptz) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + if dst.InfinityModifier != None { + return dst.InfinityModifier + } + return dst.Time + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Timestamptz) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *time.Time: + if src.InfinityModifier != None { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) + } + *v = src.Time + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign to %T", dst) + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Timestamptz) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Timestamptz{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + sbuf := string(src) + switch sbuf { + case "infinity": + *dst = Timestamptz{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: Infinity} + case "-infinity": + *dst = Timestamptz{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: -Infinity} + default: + var format string + if len(sbuf) >= 9 && (sbuf[len(sbuf)-9] == '-' || sbuf[len(sbuf)-9] == '+') { + format = pgTimestamptzSecondFormat + } else if len(sbuf) >= 6 && (sbuf[len(sbuf)-6] == '-' || sbuf[len(sbuf)-6] == '+') { + format = pgTimestamptzMinuteFormat + } else { + format = pgTimestamptzHourFormat + } + + tim, err := time.Parse(format, sbuf) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Timestamptz{Time: tim, Status: Present} + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Timestamptz) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Timestamptz{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 8 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for timestamptz: %v", len(src)) + } + + microsecSinceY2K := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src)) + + switch microsecSinceY2K { + case infinityMicrosecondOffset: + *dst = Timestamptz{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: Infinity} + case negativeInfinityMicrosecondOffset: + *dst = Timestamptz{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: -Infinity} + default: + tim := time.Unix( + microsecFromUnixEpochToY2K/1000000+microsecSinceY2K/1000000, + (microsecFromUnixEpochToY2K%1000000*1000)+(microsecSinceY2K%1000000*1000), + ) + *dst = Timestamptz{Time: tim, Status: Present} + } + + return nil +} + +func (src Timestamptz) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var s string + + switch src.InfinityModifier { + case None: + s = src.Time.UTC().Truncate(time.Microsecond).Format(pgTimestamptzSecondFormat) + case Infinity: + s = "infinity" + case NegativeInfinity: + s = "-infinity" + } + + return append(buf, s...), nil +} + +func (src Timestamptz) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var microsecSinceY2K int64 + switch src.InfinityModifier { + case None: + microsecSinceUnixEpoch := src.Time.Unix()*1000000 + int64(src.Time.Nanosecond())/1000 + microsecSinceY2K = microsecSinceUnixEpoch - microsecFromUnixEpochToY2K + case Infinity: + microsecSinceY2K = infinityMicrosecondOffset + case NegativeInfinity: + microsecSinceY2K = negativeInfinityMicrosecondOffset + } + + return pgio.AppendInt64(buf, microsecSinceY2K), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Timestamptz) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Timestamptz{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + case time.Time: + *dst = Timestamptz{Time: src, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Timestamptz) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if src.InfinityModifier != None { + return src.InfinityModifier.String(), nil + } + return src.Time, nil + case Null: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, errUndefined + } +} + +func (src Timestamptz) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return []byte("null"), nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if src.Status != Present { + return nil, errBadStatus + } + + var s string + + switch src.InfinityModifier { + case None: + s = src.Time.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) + case Infinity: + s = "infinity" + case NegativeInfinity: + s = "-infinity" + } + + return json.Marshal(s) +} + +func (dst *Timestamptz) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + var s *string + err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if s == nil { + *dst = Timestamptz{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch *s { + case "infinity": + *dst = Timestamptz{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: Infinity} + case "-infinity": + *dst = Timestamptz{Status: Present, InfinityModifier: -Infinity} + default: + // PostgreSQL uses ISO 8601 for to_json function and casting from a string to timestamptz + tim, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, *s) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Timestamptz{Time: tim, Status: Present} + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/timestamptz_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/timestamptz_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a3b4b263 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/timestamptz_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,518 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type TimestamptzArray struct { + Elements []Timestamptz + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *TimestamptzArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []time.Time: + if value == nil { + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Timestamptz, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = TimestamptzArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*time.Time: + if value == nil { + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Timestamptz, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = TimestamptzArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Timestamptz: + if value == nil { + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = TimestamptzArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for TimestamptzArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to TimestamptzArray", src) + } + + *dst = TimestamptzArray{ + Elements: make([]Timestamptz, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Timestamptz, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to TimestamptzArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *TimestamptzArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to TimestamptzArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in TimestamptzArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst TimestamptzArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *TimestamptzArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]time.Time: + *v = make([]time.Time, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*time.Time: + *v = make([]*time.Time, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *TimestamptzArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from TimestamptzArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from TimestamptzArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *TimestamptzArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Timestamptz + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Timestamptz, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Timestamptz + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *TimestamptzArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Timestamptz, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = TimestamptzArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src TimestamptzArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src TimestamptzArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("timestamptz"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "timestamptz") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *TimestamptzArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src TimestamptzArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tsrange.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tsrange.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..19ecf446 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tsrange.go @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Tsrange struct { + Lower Timestamp + Upper Timestamp + LowerType BoundType + UpperType BoundType + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Tsrange) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = Tsrange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case Tsrange: + *dst = value + case *Tsrange: + *dst = *value + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(value)) + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Tsrange", src) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Tsrange) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Tsrange) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Tsrange) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Tsrange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + utr, err := ParseUntypedTextRange(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Tsrange{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = utr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = utr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Lower)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Upper)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Tsrange) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Tsrange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + ubr, err := ParseUntypedBinaryRange(src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Tsrange{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = ubr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = ubr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Lower); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Upper); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (src Tsrange) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + switch src.LowerType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, '(') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, '[') + case Empty: + return append(buf, "empty"...), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown lower bound type %v", src.LowerType) + } + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + } + + buf = append(buf, ',') + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, ')') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, ']') + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown upper bound type %v", src.UpperType) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Tsrange) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var rangeType byte + switch src.LowerType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= lowerInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= lowerUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + case Empty: + return append(buf, emptyMask), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown LowerType: %v", src.LowerType) + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= upperInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= upperUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown UpperType: %v", src.UpperType) + } + + buf = append(buf, rangeType) + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Tsrange) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Tsrange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Tsrange) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tsrange_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tsrange_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c64048eb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tsrange_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,470 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type TsrangeArray struct { + Elements []Tsrange + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *TsrangeArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = TsrangeArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []Tsrange: + if value == nil { + *dst = TsrangeArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = TsrangeArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = TsrangeArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = TsrangeArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for TsrangeArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = TsrangeArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to TsrangeArray", src) + } + + *dst = TsrangeArray{ + Elements: make([]Tsrange, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Tsrange, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to TsrangeArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *TsrangeArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to TsrangeArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in TsrangeArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst TsrangeArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *TsrangeArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]Tsrange: + *v = make([]Tsrange, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *TsrangeArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from TsrangeArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from TsrangeArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *TsrangeArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = TsrangeArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Tsrange + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Tsrange, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Tsrange + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = TsrangeArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *TsrangeArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = TsrangeArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = TsrangeArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Tsrange, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = TsrangeArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src TsrangeArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src TsrangeArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("tsrange"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "tsrange") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *TsrangeArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src TsrangeArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tstzrange.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tstzrange.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..25576308 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tstzrange.go @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Tstzrange struct { + Lower Timestamptz + Upper Timestamptz + LowerType BoundType + UpperType BoundType + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Tstzrange) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = Tstzrange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case Tstzrange: + *dst = value + case *Tstzrange: + *dst = *value + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(value)) + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Tstzrange", src) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst Tstzrange) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Tstzrange) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Tstzrange) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Tstzrange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + utr, err := ParseUntypedTextRange(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Tstzrange{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = utr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = utr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Lower)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Upper)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *Tstzrange) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Tstzrange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + ubr, err := ParseUntypedBinaryRange(src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = Tstzrange{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = ubr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = ubr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Lower); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Upper); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (src Tstzrange) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + switch src.LowerType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, '(') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, '[') + case Empty: + return append(buf, "empty"...), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown lower bound type %v", src.LowerType) + } + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + } + + buf = append(buf, ',') + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, ')') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, ']') + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown upper bound type %v", src.UpperType) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Tstzrange) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var rangeType byte + switch src.LowerType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= lowerInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= lowerUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + case Empty: + return append(buf, emptyMask), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown LowerType: %v", src.LowerType) + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= upperInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= upperUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown UpperType: %v", src.UpperType) + } + + buf = append(buf, rangeType) + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Tstzrange) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Tstzrange{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Tstzrange) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tstzrange_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tstzrange_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a216820a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/tstzrange_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,470 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type TstzrangeArray struct { + Elements []Tstzrange + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *TstzrangeArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = TstzrangeArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []Tstzrange: + if value == nil { + *dst = TstzrangeArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = TstzrangeArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = TstzrangeArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = TstzrangeArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for TstzrangeArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = TstzrangeArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to TstzrangeArray", src) + } + + *dst = TstzrangeArray{ + Elements: make([]Tstzrange, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Tstzrange, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to TstzrangeArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *TstzrangeArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to TstzrangeArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in TstzrangeArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst TstzrangeArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *TstzrangeArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]Tstzrange: + *v = make([]Tstzrange, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *TstzrangeArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from TstzrangeArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from TstzrangeArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *TstzrangeArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = TstzrangeArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Tstzrange + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Tstzrange, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Tstzrange + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = TstzrangeArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *TstzrangeArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = TstzrangeArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = TstzrangeArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Tstzrange, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = TstzrangeArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src TstzrangeArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src TstzrangeArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("tstzrange"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "tstzrange") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *TstzrangeArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src TstzrangeArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/typed_array.go.erb b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/typed_array.go.erb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5788626b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/typed_array.go.erb @@ -0,0 +1,494 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "io" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type <%= pgtype_array_type %> struct { + Elements []<%= pgtype_element_type %> + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *<%= pgtype_array_type %>) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + <% go_array_types.split(",").each do |t| %> + <% if t != "[]#{pgtype_element_type}" %> + case <%= t %>: + if value == nil { + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]<%= pgtype_element_type %>, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + <% end %> + <% end %> + case []<%= pgtype_element_type %>: + if value == nil { + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status : Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for <%= pgtype_array_type %>", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to <%= pgtype_array_type %>", src) + } + + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %> { + Elements: make([]<%= pgtype_element_type %>, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]<%= pgtype_element_type %>, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to <%= pgtype_array_type %>, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *<%= pgtype_array_type %>) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to <%= pgtype_array_type %>") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in <%= pgtype_array_type %>", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst <%= pgtype_array_type %>) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *<%= pgtype_array_type %>) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1{ + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + <% go_array_types.split(",").each do |t| %> + case *<%= t %>: + *v = make(<%= t %>, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + <% end %> + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *<%= pgtype_array_type %>) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr(){ + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from <%= pgtype_array_type %>") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from <%= pgtype_array_type %>") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *<%= pgtype_array_type %>) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []<%= pgtype_element_type %> + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]<%= pgtype_element_type %>, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem <%= pgtype_element_type %> + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +<% if binary_format == "true" %> +func (dst *<%= pgtype_array_type %>) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]<%= pgtype_element_type %>, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp:rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = <%= pgtype_array_type %>{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} +<% end %> + +func (src <%= pgtype_array_type %>) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `<%= text_null %>`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +<% if binary_format == "true" %> + func (src <%= pgtype_array_type %>) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("<%= element_type_name %>"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "<%= element_type_name %>") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil + } +<% end %> + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *<%= pgtype_array_type %>) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src <%= pgtype_array_type %>) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/typed_array_gen.sh b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/typed_array_gen.sh new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ea28be07 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/typed_array_gen.sh @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +erb pgtype_array_type=Int2Array pgtype_element_type=Int2 go_array_types=[]int16,[]*int16,[]uint16,[]*uint16,[]int32,[]*int32,[]uint32,[]*uint32,[]int64,[]*int64,[]uint64,[]*uint64,[]int,[]*int,[]uint,[]*uint element_type_name=int2 text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > int2_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=Int4Array pgtype_element_type=Int4 go_array_types=[]int16,[]*int16,[]uint16,[]*uint16,[]int32,[]*int32,[]uint32,[]*uint32,[]int64,[]*int64,[]uint64,[]*uint64,[]int,[]*int,[]uint,[]*uint element_type_name=int4 text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > int4_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=Int8Array pgtype_element_type=Int8 go_array_types=[]int16,[]*int16,[]uint16,[]*uint16,[]int32,[]*int32,[]uint32,[]*uint32,[]int64,[]*int64,[]uint64,[]*uint64,[]int,[]*int,[]uint,[]*uint element_type_name=int8 text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > int8_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=BoolArray pgtype_element_type=Bool go_array_types=[]bool,[]*bool element_type_name=bool text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > bool_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=DateArray pgtype_element_type=Date go_array_types=[]time.Time,[]*time.Time element_type_name=date text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > date_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=TimestamptzArray pgtype_element_type=Timestamptz go_array_types=[]time.Time,[]*time.Time element_type_name=timestamptz text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > timestamptz_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=TstzrangeArray pgtype_element_type=Tstzrange go_array_types=[]Tstzrange element_type_name=tstzrange text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > tstzrange_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=TsrangeArray pgtype_element_type=Tsrange go_array_types=[]Tsrange element_type_name=tsrange text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > tsrange_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=TimestampArray pgtype_element_type=Timestamp go_array_types=[]time.Time,[]*time.Time element_type_name=timestamp text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > timestamp_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=Float4Array pgtype_element_type=Float4 go_array_types=[]float32,[]*float32 element_type_name=float4 text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > float4_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=Float8Array pgtype_element_type=Float8 go_array_types=[]float64,[]*float64 element_type_name=float8 text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > float8_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=InetArray pgtype_element_type=Inet go_array_types=[]*net.IPNet,[]net.IP,[]*net.IP element_type_name=inet text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > inet_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=MacaddrArray pgtype_element_type=Macaddr go_array_types=[]net.HardwareAddr,[]*net.HardwareAddr element_type_name=macaddr text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > macaddr_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=CIDRArray pgtype_element_type=CIDR go_array_types=[]*net.IPNet,[]net.IP,[]*net.IP element_type_name=cidr text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > cidr_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=TextArray pgtype_element_type=Text go_array_types=[]string,[]*string element_type_name=text text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > text_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=VarcharArray pgtype_element_type=Varchar go_array_types=[]string,[]*string element_type_name=varchar text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > varchar_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=BPCharArray pgtype_element_type=BPChar go_array_types=[]string,[]*string element_type_name=bpchar text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > bpchar_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=ByteaArray pgtype_element_type=Bytea go_array_types=[][]byte element_type_name=bytea text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > bytea_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=ACLItemArray pgtype_element_type=ACLItem go_array_types=[]string,[]*string element_type_name=aclitem text_null=NULL binary_format=false typed_array.go.erb > aclitem_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=HstoreArray pgtype_element_type=Hstore go_array_types=[]map[string]string element_type_name=hstore text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > hstore_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=NumericArray pgtype_element_type=Numeric go_array_types=[]float32,[]*float32,[]float64,[]*float64,[]int64,[]*int64,[]uint64,[]*uint64 element_type_name=numeric text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > numeric_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=UUIDArray pgtype_element_type=UUID go_array_types=[][16]byte,[][]byte,[]string,[]*string element_type_name=uuid text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > uuid_array.go +erb pgtype_array_type=JSONBArray pgtype_element_type=JSONB go_array_types=[]string,[][]byte element_type_name=jsonb text_null=NULL binary_format=true typed_array.go.erb > jsonb_array.go + +# While the binary format is theoretically possible it is only practical to use the text format. +erb pgtype_array_type=EnumArray pgtype_element_type=GenericText go_array_types=[]string,[]*string text_null=NULL binary_format=false typed_array.go.erb > enum_array.go + +goimports -w *_array.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/typed_range.go.erb b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/typed_range.go.erb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5625587a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/typed_range.go.erb @@ -0,0 +1,269 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "bytes" + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + "io" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type <%= range_type %> struct { + Lower <%= element_type %> + Upper <%= element_type %> + LowerType BoundType + UpperType BoundType + Status Status +} + +func (dst *<%= range_type %>) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = <%= range_type %>{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case <%= range_type %>: + *dst = value + case *<%= range_type %>: + *dst = *value + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(value)) + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to <%= range_type %>", src) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst <%= range_type %>) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *<%= range_type %>) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *<%= range_type %>) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = <%= range_type %>{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + utr, err := ParseUntypedTextRange(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = <%= range_type %>{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = utr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = utr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Lower)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeText(ci, []byte(utr.Upper)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *<%= range_type %>) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = <%= range_type %>{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + ubr, err := ParseUntypedBinaryRange(src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = <%= range_type %>{Status: Present} + + dst.LowerType = ubr.LowerType + dst.UpperType = ubr.UpperType + + if dst.LowerType == Empty { + return nil + } + + if dst.LowerType == Inclusive || dst.LowerType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Lower.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Lower); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if dst.UpperType == Inclusive || dst.UpperType == Exclusive { + if err := dst.Upper.DecodeBinary(ci, ubr.Upper); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (src <%= range_type %>) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + switch src.LowerType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, '(') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, '[') + case Empty: + return append(buf, "empty"...), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown lower bound type %v", src.LowerType) + } + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + } + + buf = append(buf, ',') + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Exclusive, Unbounded: + buf = append(buf, ')') + case Inclusive: + buf = append(buf, ']') + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown upper bound type %v", src.UpperType) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src <%= range_type %>) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + var rangeType byte + switch src.LowerType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= lowerInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= lowerUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + case Empty: + return append(buf, emptyMask), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown LowerType: %v", src.LowerType) + } + + switch src.UpperType { + case Inclusive: + rangeType |= upperInclusiveMask + case Unbounded: + rangeType |= upperUnboundedMask + case Exclusive: + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown UpperType: %v", src.UpperType) + } + + buf = append(buf, rangeType) + + var err error + + if src.LowerType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Lower.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lower cannot be null unless LowerType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + if src.UpperType != Unbounded { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + buf, err = src.Upper.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Upper cannot be null unless UpperType is Unbounded") + } + + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *<%= range_type %>) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = <%= range_type %>{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src <%= range_type %>) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/typed_range_gen.sh b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/typed_range_gen.sh new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bedda292 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/typed_range_gen.sh @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +erb range_type=Int4range element_type=Int4 typed_range.go.erb > int4range.go +erb range_type=Int8range element_type=Int8 typed_range.go.erb > int8range.go +erb range_type=Tsrange element_type=Timestamp typed_range.go.erb > tsrange.go +erb range_type=Tstzrange element_type=Timestamptz typed_range.go.erb > tstzrange.go +erb range_type=Daterange element_type=Date typed_range.go.erb > daterange.go +erb range_type=Numrange element_type=Numeric typed_range.go.erb > numrange.go +goimports -w *range.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/unknown.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/unknown.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c591b708 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/unknown.go @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +package pgtype + +import "database/sql/driver" + +// Unknown represents the PostgreSQL unknown type. It is either a string literal +// or NULL. It is used when PostgreSQL does not know the type of a value. In +// general, this will only be used in pgx when selecting a null value without +// type information. e.g. SELECT NULL; +type Unknown struct { + String string + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Unknown) Set(src interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(dst).Set(src) +} + +func (dst Unknown) Get() interface{} { + return (Text)(dst).Get() +} + +// AssignTo assigns from src to dst. Note that as Unknown is not a general number +// type AssignTo does not do automatic type conversion as other number types do. +func (src *Unknown) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(src).AssignTo(dst) +} + +func (dst *Unknown) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Text)(dst).DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (dst *Unknown) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Text)(dst).DecodeBinary(ci, src) +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Unknown) Scan(src interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(dst).Scan(src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Unknown) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return (Text)(src).Value() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/uuid.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/uuid.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fa0be07f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/uuid.go @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "bytes" + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/hex" + "fmt" +) + +type UUID struct { + Bytes [16]byte + Status Status +} + +func (dst *UUID) Set(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = UUID{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + switch value := src.(type) { + case [16]byte: + *dst = UUID{Bytes: value, Status: Present} + case []byte: + if value != nil { + if len(value) != 16 { + return fmt.Errorf("[]byte must be 16 bytes to convert to UUID: %d", len(value)) + } + *dst = UUID{Status: Present} + copy(dst.Bytes[:], value) + } else { + *dst = UUID{Status: Null} + } + case string: + uuid, err := parseUUID(value) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *dst = UUID{Bytes: uuid, Status: Present} + case *string: + if value == nil { + *dst = UUID{Status: Null} + } else { + return dst.Set(*value) + } + default: + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingUUIDType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to UUID", value) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst UUID) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst.Bytes + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *UUID) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + switch v := dst.(type) { + case *[16]byte: + *v = src.Bytes + return nil + case *[]byte: + *v = make([]byte, 16) + copy(*v, src.Bytes[:]) + return nil + case *string: + *v = encodeUUID(src.Bytes) + return nil + default: + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(v); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + } + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v into %T", src, dst) +} + +// parseUUID converts a string UUID in standard form to a byte array. +func parseUUID(src string) (dst [16]byte, err error) { + switch len(src) { + case 36: + src = src[0:8] + src[9:13] + src[14:18] + src[19:23] + src[24:] + case 32: + // dashes already stripped, assume valid + default: + // assume invalid. + return dst, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse UUID %v", src) + } + + buf, err := hex.DecodeString(src) + if err != nil { + return dst, err + } + + copy(dst[:], buf) + return dst, err +} + +// encodeUUID converts a uuid byte array to UUID standard string form. +func encodeUUID(src [16]byte) string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%x-%x-%x-%x-%x", src[0:4], src[4:6], src[6:8], src[8:10], src[10:16]) +} + +func (dst *UUID) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = UUID{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 36 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for UUID: %v", len(src)) + } + + buf, err := parseUUID(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + *dst = UUID{Bytes: buf, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *UUID) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = UUID{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) != 16 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for UUID: %v", len(src)) + } + + *dst = UUID{Status: Present} + copy(dst.Bytes[:], src) + return nil +} + +func (src UUID) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, encodeUUID(src.Bytes)...), nil +} + +func (src UUID) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + return append(buf, src.Bytes[:]...), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *UUID) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = UUID{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src UUID) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} + +func (src UUID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + var buff bytes.Buffer + buff.WriteByte('"') + buff.WriteString(encodeUUID(src.Bytes)) + buff.WriteByte('"') + return buff.Bytes(), nil + case Null: + return []byte("null"), nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + return nil, errBadStatus +} + +func (dst *UUID) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error { + if bytes.Compare(src, []byte("null")) == 0 { + return dst.Set(nil) + } + if len(src) != 38 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for UUID: %v", len(src)) + } + return dst.Set(string(src[1 : len(src)-1])) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/uuid_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/uuid_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..00721ef9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/uuid_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,573 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type UUIDArray struct { + Elements []UUID + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *UUIDArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case [][16]byte: + if value == nil { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]UUID, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = UUIDArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case [][]byte: + if value == nil { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]UUID, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = UUIDArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []string: + if value == nil { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]UUID, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = UUIDArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*string: + if value == nil { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]UUID, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = UUIDArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []UUID: + if value == nil { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = UUIDArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for UUIDArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to UUIDArray", src) + } + + *dst = UUIDArray{ + Elements: make([]UUID, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]UUID, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to UUIDArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *UUIDArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to UUIDArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in UUIDArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst UUIDArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *UUIDArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[][16]byte: + *v = make([][16]byte, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[][]byte: + *v = make([][]byte, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]string: + *v = make([]string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*string: + *v = make([]*string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *UUIDArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from UUIDArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from UUIDArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *UUIDArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []UUID + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]UUID, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem UUID + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = UUIDArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *UUIDArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = UUIDArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = UUIDArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]UUID, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = UUIDArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src UUIDArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src UUIDArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("uuid"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "uuid") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *UUIDArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src UUIDArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/varbit.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/varbit.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f24dc5bc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/varbit.go @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type Varbit struct { + Bytes []byte + Len int32 // Number of bits + Status Status +} + +func (dst *Varbit) Set(src interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to Varbit", src) +} + +func (dst Varbit) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *Varbit) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v to %T", src, dst) +} + +func (dst *Varbit) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Varbit{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + bitLen := len(src) + byteLen := bitLen / 8 + if bitLen%8 > 0 { + byteLen++ + } + buf := make([]byte, byteLen) + + for i, b := range src { + if b == '1' { + byteIdx := i / 8 + bitIdx := uint(i % 8) + buf[byteIdx] = buf[byteIdx] | (128 >> bitIdx) + } + } + + *dst = Varbit{Bytes: buf, Len: int32(bitLen), Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (dst *Varbit) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Varbit{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if len(src) < 4 { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for varbit: %v", len(src)) + } + + bitLen := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src)) + rp := 4 + + *dst = Varbit{Bytes: src[rp:], Len: bitLen, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src Varbit) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + for i := int32(0); i < src.Len; i++ { + byteIdx := i / 8 + bitMask := byte(128 >> byte(i%8)) + char := byte('0') + if src.Bytes[byteIdx]&bitMask > 0 { + char = '1' + } + buf = append(buf, char) + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src Varbit) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, src.Len) + return append(buf, src.Bytes...), nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Varbit) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = Varbit{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Varbit) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return EncodeValueText(src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/varchar.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/varchar.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fea31d18 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/varchar.go @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" +) + +type Varchar Text + +// Set converts from src to dst. Note that as Varchar is not a general +// number type Set does not do automatic type conversion as other number +// types do. +func (dst *Varchar) Set(src interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(dst).Set(src) +} + +func (dst Varchar) Get() interface{} { + return (Text)(dst).Get() +} + +// AssignTo assigns from src to dst. Note that as Varchar is not a general number +// type AssignTo does not do automatic type conversion as other number types do. +func (src *Varchar) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(src).AssignTo(dst) +} + +func (Varchar) PreferredResultFormat() int16 { + return TextFormatCode +} + +func (dst *Varchar) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Text)(dst).DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (dst *Varchar) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*Text)(dst).DecodeBinary(ci, src) +} + +func (Varchar) PreferredParamFormat() int16 { + return TextFormatCode +} + +func (src Varchar) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (Text)(src).EncodeText(ci, buf) +} + +func (src Varchar) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (Text)(src).EncodeBinary(ci, buf) +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *Varchar) Scan(src interface{}) error { + return (*Text)(dst).Scan(src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src Varchar) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return (Text)(src).Value() +} + +func (src Varchar) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return (Text)(src).MarshalJSON() +} + +func (dst *Varchar) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + return (*Text)(dst).UnmarshalJSON(b) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/varchar_array.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/varchar_array.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a309a3f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/varchar_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +// Code generated by erb. DO NOT EDIT. + +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +type VarcharArray struct { + Elements []Varchar + Dimensions []ArrayDimension + Status Status +} + +func (dst *VarcharArray) Set(src interface{}) error { + // untyped nil and typed nil interfaces are different + if src == nil { + *dst = VarcharArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + if value, ok := src.(interface{ Get() interface{} }); ok { + value2 := value.Get() + if value2 != value { + return dst.Set(value2) + } + } + + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch value := src.(type) { + + case []string: + if value == nil { + *dst = VarcharArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = VarcharArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Varchar, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = VarcharArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []*string: + if value == nil { + *dst = VarcharArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = VarcharArray{Status: Present} + } else { + elements := make([]Varchar, len(value)) + for i := range value { + if err := elements[i].Set(value[i]); err != nil { + return err + } + } + *dst = VarcharArray{ + Elements: elements, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(elements)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + + case []Varchar: + if value == nil { + *dst = VarcharArray{Status: Null} + } else if len(value) == 0 { + *dst = VarcharArray{Status: Present} + } else { + *dst = VarcharArray{ + Elements: value, + Dimensions: []ArrayDimension{{Length: int32(len(value)), LowerBound: 1}}, + Status: Present, + } + } + default: + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(src) + if !reflectedValue.IsValid() || reflectedValue.IsZero() { + *dst = VarcharArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + dimensions, elementsLength, ok := findDimensionsFromValue(reflectedValue, nil, 0) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot find dimensions of %v for VarcharArray", src) + } + if elementsLength == 0 { + *dst = VarcharArray{Status: Present} + return nil + } + if len(dimensions) == 0 { + if originalSrc, ok := underlyingSliceType(src); ok { + return dst.Set(originalSrc) + } + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to VarcharArray", src) + } + + *dst = VarcharArray{ + Elements: make([]Varchar, elementsLength), + Dimensions: dimensions, + Status: Present, + } + elementCount, err := dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + // Maybe the target was one dimension too far, try again: + if len(dst.Dimensions) > 1 { + dst.Dimensions = dst.Dimensions[:len(dst.Dimensions)-1] + elementsLength = 0 + for _, dim := range dst.Dimensions { + if elementsLength == 0 { + elementsLength = int(dim.Length) + } else { + elementsLength *= int(dim.Length) + } + } + dst.Elements = make([]Varchar, elementsLength) + elementCount, err = dst.setRecursive(reflectedValue, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + return err + } + } + if elementCount != len(dst.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to VarcharArray, expected %d dst.Elements, but got %d instead", src, len(dst.Elements), elementCount) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (dst *VarcharArray) setRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(dst.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + valueLen := value.Len() + if int32(valueLen) != dst.Dimensions[dimension].Length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("multidimensional arrays must have array expressions with matching dimensions") + } + for i := 0; i < valueLen; i++ { + var err error + index, err = dst.setRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if !value.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert all values to VarcharArray") + } + if err := dst.Elements[index].Set(value.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("%v in VarcharArray", err) + } + index++ + + return index, nil +} + +func (dst VarcharArray) Get() interface{} { + switch dst.Status { + case Present: + return dst + case Null: + return nil + default: + return dst.Status + } +} + +func (src *VarcharArray) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + switch src.Status { + case Present: + if len(src.Dimensions) <= 1 { + // Attempt to match to select common types: + switch v := dst.(type) { + + case *[]string: + *v = make([]string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + case *[]*string: + *v = make([]*string, len(src.Elements)) + for i := range src.Elements { + if err := src.Elements[i].AssignTo(&((*v)[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + + } + } + + // Try to convert to something AssignTo can use directly. + if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dst); retry { + return src.AssignTo(nextDst) + } + + // Fallback to reflection if an optimised match was not found. + // The reflection is necessary for arrays and multidimensional slices, + // but it comes with a 20-50% performance penalty for large arrays/slices + value := reflect.ValueOf(dst) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + switch value.Kind() { + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %T to %T", src, dst) + } + + if len(src.Elements) == 0 { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), 0, 0)) + return nil + } + } + + elementCount, err := src.assignToRecursive(value, 0, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if elementCount != len(src.Elements) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %v, needed to assign %d elements, but only assigned %d", dst, len(src.Elements), elementCount) + } + + return nil + case Null: + return NullAssignTo(dst) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %#v into %T", src, dst) +} + +func (src *VarcharArray) assignToRecursive(value reflect.Value, index, dimension int) (int, error) { + switch kind := value.Kind(); kind { + case reflect.Array: + fallthrough + case reflect.Slice: + if len(src.Dimensions) == dimension { + break + } + + length := int(src.Dimensions[dimension].Length) + if reflect.Array == kind { + typ := value.Type() + if typ.Len() != length { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected size %d array, but %s has size %d array", length, typ, typ.Len()) + } + value.Set(reflect.New(typ).Elem()) + } else { + value.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), length, length)) + } + + var err error + for i := 0; i < length; i++ { + index, err = src.assignToRecursive(value.Index(i), index, dimension+1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return index, nil + } + if len(src.Dimensions) != dimension { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("incorrect dimensions, expected %d, found %d", len(src.Dimensions), dimension) + } + if !value.CanAddr() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from VarcharArray") + } + addr := value.Addr() + if !addr.CanInterface() { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign all values from VarcharArray") + } + if err := src.Elements[index].AssignTo(addr.Interface()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + index++ + return index, nil +} + +func (dst *VarcharArray) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = VarcharArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + uta, err := ParseUntypedTextArray(string(src)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var elements []Varchar + + if len(uta.Elements) > 0 { + elements = make([]Varchar, len(uta.Elements)) + + for i, s := range uta.Elements { + var elem Varchar + var elemSrc []byte + if s != "NULL" || uta.Quoted[i] { + elemSrc = []byte(s) + } + err = elem.DecodeText(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + elements[i] = elem + } + } + + *dst = VarcharArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: uta.Dimensions, Status: Present} + + return nil +} + +func (dst *VarcharArray) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + if src == nil { + *dst = VarcharArray{Status: Null} + return nil + } + + var arrayHeader ArrayHeader + rp, err := arrayHeader.DecodeBinary(ci, src) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if len(arrayHeader.Dimensions) == 0 { + *dst = VarcharArray{Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil + } + + elementCount := arrayHeader.Dimensions[0].Length + for _, d := range arrayHeader.Dimensions[1:] { + elementCount *= d.Length + } + + elements := make([]Varchar, elementCount) + + for i := range elements { + elemLen := int(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src[rp:]))) + rp += 4 + var elemSrc []byte + if elemLen >= 0 { + elemSrc = src[rp : rp+elemLen] + rp += elemLen + } + err = elements[i].DecodeBinary(ci, elemSrc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + *dst = VarcharArray{Elements: elements, Dimensions: arrayHeader.Dimensions, Status: Present} + return nil +} + +func (src VarcharArray) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + if len(src.Dimensions) == 0 { + return append(buf, '{', '}'), nil + } + + buf = EncodeTextArrayDimensions(buf, src.Dimensions) + + // dimElemCounts is the multiples of elements that each array lies on. For + // example, a single dimension array of length 4 would have a dimElemCounts of + // [4]. A multi-dimensional array of lengths [3,5,2] would have a + // dimElemCounts of [30,10,2]. This is used to simplify when to render a '{' + // or '}'. + dimElemCounts := make([]int, len(src.Dimensions)) + dimElemCounts[len(src.Dimensions)-1] = int(src.Dimensions[len(src.Dimensions)-1].Length) + for i := len(src.Dimensions) - 2; i > -1; i-- { + dimElemCounts[i] = int(src.Dimensions[i].Length) * dimElemCounts[i+1] + } + + inElemBuf := make([]byte, 0, 32) + for i, elem := range src.Elements { + if i > 0 { + buf = append(buf, ',') + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if i%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '{') + } + } + + elemBuf, err := elem.EncodeText(ci, inElemBuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf == nil { + buf = append(buf, `NULL`...) + } else { + buf = append(buf, QuoteArrayElementIfNeeded(string(elemBuf))...) + } + + for _, dec := range dimElemCounts { + if (i+1)%dec == 0 { + buf = append(buf, '}') + } + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +func (src VarcharArray) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + switch src.Status { + case Null: + return nil, nil + case Undefined: + return nil, errUndefined + } + + arrayHeader := ArrayHeader{ + Dimensions: src.Dimensions, + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForName("varchar"); ok { + arrayHeader.ElementOID = int32(dt.OID) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find oid for type name %v", "varchar") + } + + for i := range src.Elements { + if src.Elements[i].Status == Null { + arrayHeader.ContainsNull = true + break + } + } + + buf = arrayHeader.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + + for i := range src.Elements { + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + + elemBuf, err := src.Elements[i].EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if elemBuf != nil { + buf = elemBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + } + + return buf, nil +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *VarcharArray) Scan(src interface{}) error { + if src == nil { + return dst.DecodeText(nil, nil) + } + + switch src := src.(type) { + case string: + return dst.DecodeText(nil, []byte(src)) + case []byte: + srcCopy := make([]byte, len(src)) + copy(srcCopy, src) + return dst.DecodeText(nil, srcCopy) + } + + return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan %T", src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src VarcharArray) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + buf, err := src.EncodeText(nil, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + return string(buf), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/xid.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/xid.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6d6b22d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgtype/xid.go @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +package pgtype + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" +) + +// XID is PostgreSQL's Transaction ID type. +// +// In later versions of PostgreSQL, it is the type used for the backend_xid +// and backend_xmin columns of the pg_stat_activity system view. +// +// Also, when one does +// +// select xmin, xmax, * from some_table; +// +// it is the data type of the xmin and xmax hidden system columns. +// +// It is currently implemented as an unsigned four byte integer. +// Its definition can be found in src/include/postgres_ext.h as TransactionId +// in the PostgreSQL sources. +type XID pguint32 + +// Set converts from src to dst. Note that as XID is not a general +// number type Set does not do automatic type conversion as other number +// types do. +func (dst *XID) Set(src interface{}) error { + return (*pguint32)(dst).Set(src) +} + +func (dst XID) Get() interface{} { + return (pguint32)(dst).Get() +} + +// AssignTo assigns from src to dst. Note that as XID is not a general number +// type AssignTo does not do automatic type conversion as other number types do. +func (src *XID) AssignTo(dst interface{}) error { + return (*pguint32)(src).AssignTo(dst) +} + +func (dst *XID) DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*pguint32)(dst).DecodeText(ci, src) +} + +func (dst *XID) DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + return (*pguint32)(dst).DecodeBinary(ci, src) +} + +func (src XID) EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (pguint32)(src).EncodeText(ci, buf) +} + +func (src XID) EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return (pguint32)(src).EncodeBinary(ci, buf) +} + +// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface. +func (dst *XID) Scan(src interface{}) error { + return (*pguint32)(dst).Scan(src) +} + +// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface. +func (src XID) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return (pguint32)(src).Value() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39175a96 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects) +*.o +*.a +*.so + +# Folders +_obj +_test + +# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes +*.[568vq] +[568vq].out + +*.cgo1.go +*.cgo2.c +_cgo_defun.c +_cgo_gotypes.go +_cgo_export.* + +_testmain.go + +*.exe + +.envrc diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..198a6ea4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +# 4.14.1 (November 28, 2021) + +* Upgrade pgtype to v1.9.1 (fixes unintentional change to timestamp binary decoding) +* Start pgxpool background health check after initial connections + +# 4.14.0 (November 20, 2021) + +* Upgrade pgconn to v1.10.1 +* Upgrade pgproto3 to v2.2.0 +* Upgrade pgtype to v1.9.0 +* Upgrade puddle to v1.2.0 +* Add QueryFunc to BatchResults +* Add context options to zerologadapter (Thomas Frössman) +* Add zerologadapter.NewContextLogger (urso) +* Eager initialize minpoolsize on connect (Daniel) +* Unpin memory used by large queries immediately after use + +# 4.13.0 (July 24, 2021) + +* Trimmed pseudo-dependencies in Go modules from other packages tests +* Upgrade pgconn -- context cancellation no longer will return a net.Error +* Support time durations for simple protocol (Michael Darr) + +# 4.12.0 (July 10, 2021) + +* ResetSession hook is called before a connection is reused from pool for another query (Dmytro Haranzha) +* stdlib: Add RandomizeHostOrderFunc (dkinder) +* stdlib: add OptionBeforeConnect (dkinder) +* stdlib: Do not reuse ConnConfig strings (Andrew Kimball) +* stdlib: implement Conn.ResetSession (Jonathan Amsterdam) +* Upgrade pgconn to v1.9.0 +* Upgrade pgtype to v1.8.0 + +# 4.11.0 (March 25, 2021) + +* Add BeforeConnect callback to pgxpool.Config (Robert Froehlich) +* Add Ping method to pgxpool.Conn (davidsbond) +* Added a kitlog level log adapter (Fabrice Aneche) +* Make ScanArgError public to allow identification of offending column (Pau Sanchez) +* Add *pgxpool.AcquireFunc +* Add BeginFunc and BeginTxFunc +* Add prefer_simple_protocol to connection string +* Add logging on CopyFrom (Patrick Hemmer) +* Add comment support when sanitizing SQL queries (Rusakow Andrew) +* Do not panic on double close of pgxpool.Pool (Matt Schultz) +* Avoid panic on SendBatch on closed Tx (Matt Schultz) +* Update pgconn to v1.8.1 +* Update pgtype to v1.7.0 + +# 4.10.1 (December 19, 2020) + +* Fix panic on Query error with nil stmtcache. + +# 4.10.0 (December 3, 2020) + +* Add CopyFromSlice to simplify CopyFrom usage (Egon Elbre) +* Remove broken prepared statements from stmtcache (Ethan Pailes) +* stdlib: consider any Ping error as fatal +* Update puddle to v1.1.3 - this fixes an issue where concurrent Acquires can hang when a connection cannot be established +* Update pgtype to v1.6.2 + +# 4.9.2 (November 3, 2020) + +The underlying library updates fix an issue where appending to a scanned slice could corrupt other data. + +* Update pgconn to v1.7.2 +* Update pgproto3 to v2.0.6 + +# 4.9.1 (October 31, 2020) + +* Update pgconn to v1.7.1 +* Update pgtype to v1.6.1 +* Fix SendBatch of all prepared statements with statement cache disabled + +# 4.9.0 (September 26, 2020) + +* pgxpool now waits for connection cleanup to finish before making room in pool for another connection. This prevents temporarily exceeding max pool size. +* Fix when scanning a column to nil to skip it on the first row but scanning it to a real value on a subsequent row. +* Fix prefer simple protocol with prepared statements. (Jinzhu) +* Fix FieldDescriptions not being available on Rows before calling Next the first time. +* Various minor fixes in updated versions of pgconn, pgtype, and puddle. + +# 4.8.1 (July 29, 2020) + +* Update pgconn to v1.6.4 + * Fix deadlock on error after CommandComplete but before ReadyForQuery + * Fix panic on parsing DSN with trailing '=' + +# 4.8.0 (July 22, 2020) + +* All argument types supported by native pgx should now also work through database/sql +* Update pgconn to v1.6.3 +* Update pgtype to v1.4.2 + +# 4.7.2 (July 14, 2020) + +* Improve performance of Columns() (zikaeroh) +* Fix fatal Commit() failure not being considered fatal +* Update pgconn to v1.6.2 +* Update pgtype to v1.4.1 + +# 4.7.1 (June 29, 2020) + +* Fix stdlib decoding error with certain order and combination of fields + +# 4.7.0 (June 27, 2020) + +* Update pgtype to v1.4.0 +* Update pgconn to v1.6.1 +* Update puddle to v1.1.1 +* Fix context propagation with Tx commit and Rollback (georgysavva) +* Add lazy connect option to pgxpool (georgysavva) +* Fix connection leak if pgxpool.BeginTx() fail (Jean-Baptiste Bronisz) +* Add native Go slice support for strings and numbers to simple protocol +* stdlib add default timeouts for Conn.Close() and Stmt.Close() (georgysavva) +* Assorted performance improvements especially with large result sets +* Fix close pool on not lazy connect failure (Yegor Myskin) +* Add Config copy (georgysavva) +* Support SendBatch with Simple Protocol (Jordan Lewis) +* Better error logging on rows close (Igor V. Kozinov) +* Expose stdlib.Conn.Conn() to enable database/sql.Conn.Raw() +* Improve unknown type support for database/sql +* Fix transaction commit failure closing connection + +# 4.6.0 (March 30, 2020) + +* stdlib: Bail early if preloading rows.Next() results in rows.Err() (Bas van Beek) +* Sanitize time to microsecond accuracy (Andrew Nicoll) +* Update pgtype to v1.3.0 +* Update pgconn to v1.5.0 + * Update golang.org/x/crypto for security fix + * Implement "verify-ca" SSL mode + +# 4.5.0 (March 7, 2020) + +* Update to pgconn v1.4.0 + * Fixes QueryRow with empty SQL + * Adds PostgreSQL service file support +* Add Len() to *pgx.Batch (WGH) +* Better logging for individual batch items (Ben Bader) + +# 4.4.1 (February 14, 2020) + +* Update pgconn to v1.3.2 - better default read buffer size +* Fix race in CopyFrom + +# 4.4.0 (February 5, 2020) + +* Update puddle to v1.1.0 - fixes possible deadlock when acquire is cancelled +* Update pgconn to v1.3.1 - fixes CopyFrom deadlock when multiple NoticeResponse received during copy +* Update pgtype to v1.2.0 +* Add MaxConnIdleTime to pgxpool (Patrick Ellul) +* Add MinConns to pgxpool (Patrick Ellul) +* Fix: stdlib.ReleaseConn closes connections left in invalid state + +# 4.3.0 (January 23, 2020) + +* Fix Rows.Values panic when unable to decode +* Add Rows.Values support for unknown types +* Add DriverContext support for stdlib (Alex Gaynor) +* Update pgproto3 to v2.0.1 to never return an io.EOF as it would be misinterpreted by database/sql. Instead return io.UnexpectedEOF. + +# 4.2.1 (January 13, 2020) + +* Update pgconn to v1.2.1 (fixes context cancellation data race introduced in v1.2.0)) + +# 4.2.0 (January 11, 2020) + +* Update pgconn to v1.2.0. +* Update pgtype to v1.1.0. +* Return error instead of panic when wrong number of arguments passed to Exec. (malstoun) +* Fix large objects functionality when PreferSimpleProtocol = true. +* Restore GetDefaultDriver which existed in v3. (Johan Brandhorst) +* Add RegisterConnConfig to stdlib which replaces the removed RegisterDriverConfig from v3. + +# 4.1.2 (October 22, 2019) + +* Fix dbSavepoint.Begin recursive self call +* Upgrade pgtype to v1.0.2 - fix scan pointer to pointer + +# 4.1.1 (October 21, 2019) + +* Fix pgxpool Rows.CommandTag() infinite loop / typo + +# 4.1.0 (October 12, 2019) + +## Potentially Breaking Changes + +Technically, two changes are breaking changes, but in practice these are extremely unlikely to break existing code. + +* Conn.Begin and Conn.BeginTx return a Tx interface instead of the internal dbTx struct. This is necessary for the Conn.Begin method to signature as other methods that begin a transaction. +* Add Conn() to Tx interface. This is necessary to allow code using a Tx to access the *Conn (and pgconn.PgConn) on which the Tx is executing. + +## Fixes + +* Releasing a busy connection closes the connection instead of returning an unusable connection to the pool +* Do not mutate config.Config.OnNotification in connect + +# 4.0.1 (September 19, 2019) + +* Fix statement cache cleanup. +* Corrected daterange OID. +* Fix Tx when committing or rolling back multiple times in certain cases. +* Improve documentation. + +# 4.0.0 (September 14, 2019) + +v4 is a major release with many significant changes some of which are breaking changes. The most significant are +included below. + +* Simplified establishing a connection with a connection string. +* All potentially blocking operations now require a context.Context. The non-context aware functions have been removed. +* OIDs are hard-coded for known types. This saves the query on connection. +* Context cancellations while network activity is in progress is now always fatal. Previously, it was sometimes recoverable. This led to increased complexity in pgx itself and in application code. +* Go modules are required. +* Errors are now implemented in the Go 1.13 style. +* `Rows` and `Tx` are now interfaces. +* The connection pool as been decoupled from pgx and is now a separate, included package (github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/pgxpool). +* pgtype has been spun off to a separate package (github.com/jackc/pgtype). +* pgproto3 has been spun off to a separate package (github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2). +* Logical replication support has been spun off to a separate package (github.com/jackc/pglogrepl). +* Lower level PostgreSQL functionality is now implemented in a separate package (github.com/jackc/pgconn). +* Tests are now configured with environment variables. +* Conn has an automatic statement cache by default. +* Batch interface has been simplified. +* QueryArgs has been removed. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c486c39 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Jack Christensen + +MIT License + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/README.md b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..110d4f02 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +[![](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/pgx?status.svg)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4) +[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jackc/pgx.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/jackc/pgx) + +# pgx - PostgreSQL Driver and Toolkit + +pgx is a pure Go driver and toolkit for PostgreSQL. + +pgx aims to be low-level, fast, and performant, while also enabling PostgreSQL-specific features that the standard `database/sql` package does not allow for. + +The driver component of pgx can be used alongside the standard `database/sql` package. + +The toolkit component is a related set of packages that implement PostgreSQL functionality such as parsing the wire protocol +and type mapping between PostgreSQL and Go. These underlying packages can be used to implement alternative drivers, +proxies, load balancers, logical replication clients, etc. + +The current release of `pgx v4` requires Go modules. To use the previous version, checkout and vendor the `v3` branch. + +## Example Usage + +```go +package main + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + "os" + + "github.com/jackc/pgx/v4" +) + +func main() { + // urlExample := "postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/database_name" + conn, err := pgx.Connect(context.Background(), os.Getenv("DATABASE_URL")) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unable to connect to database: %v\n", err) + os.Exit(1) + } + defer conn.Close(context.Background()) + + var name string + var weight int64 + err = conn.QueryRow(context.Background(), "select name, weight from widgets where id=$1", 42).Scan(&name, &weight) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "QueryRow failed: %v\n", err) + os.Exit(1) + } + + fmt.Println(name, weight) +} +``` + +See the [getting started guide](https://github.com/jackc/pgx/wiki/Getting-started-with-pgx) for more information. + +## Choosing Between the pgx and database/sql Interfaces + +It is recommended to use the pgx interface if: +1. The application only targets PostgreSQL. +2. No other libraries that require `database/sql` are in use. + +The pgx interface is faster and exposes more features. + +The `database/sql` interface only allows the underlying driver to return or receive the following types: `int64`, +`float64`, `bool`, `[]byte`, `string`, `time.Time`, or `nil`. Handling other types requires implementing the +`database/sql.Scanner` and the `database/sql/driver/driver.Valuer` interfaces which require transmission of values in text format. The binary format can be substantially faster, which is what the pgx interface uses. + +## Features + +pgx supports many features beyond what is available through `database/sql`: + +* Support for approximately 70 different PostgreSQL types +* Automatic statement preparation and caching +* Batch queries +* Single-round trip query mode +* Full TLS connection control +* Binary format support for custom types (allows for much quicker encoding/decoding) +* COPY protocol support for faster bulk data loads +* Extendable logging support including built-in support for `log15adapter`, [`logrus`](https://github.com/sirupsen/logrus), [`zap`](https://github.com/uber-go/zap), and [`zerolog`](https://github.com/rs/zerolog) +* Connection pool with after-connect hook for arbitrary connection setup +* Listen / notify +* Conversion of PostgreSQL arrays to Go slice mappings for integers, floats, and strings +* Hstore support +* JSON and JSONB support +* Maps `inet` and `cidr` PostgreSQL types to `net.IPNet` and `net.IP` +* Large object support +* NULL mapping to Null* struct or pointer to pointer +* Supports `database/sql.Scanner` and `database/sql/driver.Valuer` interfaces for custom types +* Notice response handling +* Simulated nested transactions with savepoints + +## Performance + +There are three areas in particular where pgx can provide a significant performance advantage over the standard +`database/sql` interface and other drivers: + +1. PostgreSQL specific types - Types such as arrays can be parsed much quicker because pgx uses the binary format. +2. Automatic statement preparation and caching - pgx will prepare and cache statements by default. This can provide an + significant free improvement to code that does not explicitly use prepared statements. Under certain workloads, it can + perform nearly 3x the number of queries per second. +3. Batched queries - Multiple queries can be batched together to minimize network round trips. + +## Comparison with Alternatives + +* [pq](http://godoc.org/github.com/lib/pq) +* [go-pg](https://github.com/go-pg/pg) + +For prepared queries with small sets of simple data types, all drivers will have have similar performance. However, if prepared statements aren't being explicitly used, pgx can have a significant performance advantage due to automatic statement preparation. +pgx also can perform better when using PostgreSQL-specific data types or query batching. See +[go_db_bench](https://github.com/jackc/go_db_bench) for some database driver benchmarks. + +### Compatibility with `database/sql` + +pq is exclusively used with `database/sql`. go-pg does not use `database/sql` at all. pgx supports `database/sql` as well as +its own interface. + +### Level of access, ORM + +go-pg is a PostgreSQL client and ORM. It includes many features that traditionally sit above the database driver, such as ORM, struct mapping, soft deletes, schema migrations, and sharding support. + +pgx is "closer to the metal" and such abstractions are beyond the scope of the pgx project, which first and foremost, aims to be a performant driver and toolkit. + +## Testing + +pgx tests naturally require a PostgreSQL database. It will connect to the database specified in the `PGX_TEST_DATABASE` environment +variable. The `PGX_TEST_DATABASE` environment variable can either be a URL or DSN. In addition, the standard `PG*` environment +variables will be respected. Consider using [direnv](https://github.com/direnv/direnv) to simplify environment variable +handling. + +### Example Test Environment + +Connect to your PostgreSQL server and run: + +``` +create database pgx_test; +``` + +Connect to the newly-created database and run: + +``` +create domain uint64 as numeric(20,0); +``` + +Now, you can run the tests: + +``` +PGX_TEST_DATABASE="host=/var/run/postgresql database=pgx_test" go test ./... +``` + +In addition, there are tests specific for PgBouncer that will be executed if `PGX_TEST_PGBOUNCER_CONN_STRING` is set. + +## Supported Go and PostgreSQL Versions + +pgx supports the same versions of Go and PostgreSQL that are supported by their respective teams. For [Go](https://golang.org/doc/devel/release.html#policy) that is the two most recent major releases and for [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/) the major releases in the last 5 years. This means pgx supports Go 1.16 and higher and PostgreSQL 10 and higher. pgx also is tested against the latest version of [CockroachDB](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/product/). + +## Version Policy + +pgx follows semantic versioning for the documented public API on stable releases. `v4` is the latest stable major version. + +## PGX Family Libraries + +pgx is the head of a family of PostgreSQL libraries. Many of these can be used independently. Many can also be accessed +from pgx for lower-level control. + +### [github.com/jackc/pgconn](https://github.com/jackc/pgconn) + +`pgconn` is a lower-level PostgreSQL database driver that operates at nearly the same level as the C library `libpq`. + +### [github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/pgxpool](https://github.com/jackc/pgx/tree/master/pgxpool) + +`pgxpool` is a connection pool for pgx. pgx is entirely decoupled from its default pool implementation. This means that pgx can be used with a different pool or without any pool at all. + +### [github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/stdlib](https://github.com/jackc/pgx/tree/master/stdlib) + +This is a `database/sql` compatibility layer for pgx. pgx can be used as a normal `database/sql` driver, but at any time, the native interface can be acquired for more performance or PostgreSQL specific functionality. + +### [github.com/jackc/pgtype](https://github.com/jackc/pgtype) + +Over 70 PostgreSQL types are supported including `uuid`, `hstore`, `json`, `bytea`, `numeric`, `interval`, `inet`, and arrays. These types support `database/sql` interfaces and are usable outside of pgx. They are fully tested in pgx and pq. They also support a higher performance interface when used with the pgx driver. + +### [github.com/jackc/pgproto3](https://github.com/jackc/pgproto3) + +pgproto3 provides standalone encoding and decoding of the PostgreSQL v3 wire protocol. This is useful for implementing very low level PostgreSQL tooling. + +### [github.com/jackc/pglogrepl](https://github.com/jackc/pglogrepl) + +pglogrepl provides functionality to act as a client for PostgreSQL logical replication. + +### [github.com/jackc/pgmock](https://github.com/jackc/pgmock) + +pgmock offers the ability to create a server that mocks the PostgreSQL wire protocol. This is used internally to test pgx by purposely inducing unusual errors. pgproto3 and pgmock together provide most of the foundational tooling required to implement a PostgreSQL proxy or MitM (such as for a custom connection pooler). + +### [github.com/jackc/tern](https://github.com/jackc/tern) + +tern is a stand-alone SQL migration system. + +### [github.com/jackc/pgerrcode](https://github.com/jackc/pgerrcode) + +pgerrcode contains constants for the PostgreSQL error codes. + +## 3rd Party Libraries with PGX Support + +### [github.com/georgysavva/scany](https://github.com/georgysavva/scany) + +Library for scanning data from a database into Go structs and more. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/batch.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/batch.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f0479ea6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/batch.go @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +package pgx + +import ( + "context" + "errors" + + "github.com/jackc/pgconn" +) + +type batchItem struct { + query string + arguments []interface{} +} + +// Batch queries are a way of bundling multiple queries together to avoid +// unnecessary network round trips. +type Batch struct { + items []*batchItem +} + +// Queue queues a query to batch b. query can be an SQL query or the name of a prepared statement. +func (b *Batch) Queue(query string, arguments ...interface{}) { + b.items = append(b.items, &batchItem{ + query: query, + arguments: arguments, + }) +} + +// Len returns number of queries that have been queued so far. +func (b *Batch) Len() int { + return len(b.items) +} + +type BatchResults interface { + // Exec reads the results from the next query in the batch as if the query has been sent with Conn.Exec. + Exec() (pgconn.CommandTag, error) + + // Query reads the results from the next query in the batch as if the query has been sent with Conn.Query. + Query() (Rows, error) + + // QueryRow reads the results from the next query in the batch as if the query has been sent with Conn.QueryRow. + QueryRow() Row + + // QueryFunc reads the results from the next query in the batch as if the query has been sent with Conn.QueryFunc. + QueryFunc(scans []interface{}, f func(QueryFuncRow) error) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) + + // Close closes the batch operation. This must be called before the underlying connection can be used again. Any error + // that occurred during a batch operation may have made it impossible to resyncronize the connection with the server. + // In this case the underlying connection will have been closed. + Close() error +} + +type batchResults struct { + ctx context.Context + conn *Conn + mrr *pgconn.MultiResultReader + err error + b *Batch + ix int +} + +// Exec reads the results from the next query in the batch as if the query has been sent with Exec. +func (br *batchResults) Exec() (pgconn.CommandTag, error) { + if br.err != nil { + return nil, br.err + } + + query, arguments, _ := br.nextQueryAndArgs() + + if !br.mrr.NextResult() { + err := br.mrr.Close() + if err == nil { + err = errors.New("no result") + } + if br.conn.shouldLog(LogLevelError) { + br.conn.log(br.ctx, LogLevelError, "BatchResult.Exec", map[string]interface{}{ + "sql": query, + "args": logQueryArgs(arguments), + "err": err, + }) + } + return nil, err + } + + commandTag, err := br.mrr.ResultReader().Close() + + if err != nil { + if br.conn.shouldLog(LogLevelError) { + br.conn.log(br.ctx, LogLevelError, "BatchResult.Exec", map[string]interface{}{ + "sql": query, + "args": logQueryArgs(arguments), + "err": err, + }) + } + } else if br.conn.shouldLog(LogLevelInfo) { + br.conn.log(br.ctx, LogLevelInfo, "BatchResult.Exec", map[string]interface{}{ + "sql": query, + "args": logQueryArgs(arguments), + "commandTag": commandTag, + }) + } + + return commandTag, err +} + +// Query reads the results from the next query in the batch as if the query has been sent with Query. +func (br *batchResults) Query() (Rows, error) { + query, arguments, ok := br.nextQueryAndArgs() + if !ok { + query = "batch query" + } + + if br.err != nil { + return &connRows{err: br.err, closed: true}, br.err + } + + rows := br.conn.getRows(br.ctx, query, arguments) + + if !br.mrr.NextResult() { + rows.err = br.mrr.Close() + if rows.err == nil { + rows.err = errors.New("no result") + } + rows.closed = true + + if br.conn.shouldLog(LogLevelError) { + br.conn.log(br.ctx, LogLevelError, "BatchResult.Query", map[string]interface{}{ + "sql": query, + "args": logQueryArgs(arguments), + "err": rows.err, + }) + } + + return rows, rows.err + } + + rows.resultReader = br.mrr.ResultReader() + return rows, nil +} + +// QueryFunc reads the results from the next query in the batch as if the query has been sent with Conn.QueryFunc. +func (br *batchResults) QueryFunc(scans []interface{}, f func(QueryFuncRow) error) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) { + rows, err := br.Query() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer rows.Close() + + for rows.Next() { + err = rows.Scan(scans...) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + err = f(rows) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return rows.CommandTag(), nil +} + +// QueryRow reads the results from the next query in the batch as if the query has been sent with QueryRow. +func (br *batchResults) QueryRow() Row { + rows, _ := br.Query() + return (*connRow)(rows.(*connRows)) + +} + +// Close closes the batch operation. Any error that occurred during a batch operation may have made it impossible to +// resyncronize the connection with the server. In this case the underlying connection will have been closed. +func (br *batchResults) Close() error { + if br.err != nil { + return br.err + } + + // log any queries that haven't yet been logged by Exec or Query + for { + query, args, ok := br.nextQueryAndArgs() + if !ok { + break + } + + if br.conn.shouldLog(LogLevelInfo) { + br.conn.log(br.ctx, LogLevelInfo, "BatchResult.Close", map[string]interface{}{ + "sql": query, + "args": logQueryArgs(args), + }) + } + } + + return br.mrr.Close() +} + +func (br *batchResults) nextQueryAndArgs() (query string, args []interface{}, ok bool) { + if br.b != nil && br.ix < len(br.b.items) { + bi := br.b.items[br.ix] + query = bi.query + args = bi.arguments + ok = true + br.ix++ + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/conn.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/conn.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..102158ab --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/conn.go @@ -0,0 +1,864 @@ +package pgx + +import ( + "context" + "errors" + "fmt" + "strconv" + "strings" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgconn" + "github.com/jackc/pgconn/stmtcache" + "github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2" + "github.com/jackc/pgtype" + "github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/internal/sanitize" +) + +// ConnConfig contains all the options used to establish a connection. It must be created by ParseConfig and +// then it can be modified. A manually initialized ConnConfig will cause ConnectConfig to panic. +type ConnConfig struct { + pgconn.Config + Logger Logger + LogLevel LogLevel + + // Original connection string that was parsed into config. + connString string + + // BuildStatementCache creates the stmtcache.Cache implementation for connections created with this config. Set + // to nil to disable automatic prepared statements. + BuildStatementCache BuildStatementCacheFunc + + // PreferSimpleProtocol disables implicit prepared statement usage. By default pgx automatically uses the extended + // protocol. This can improve performance due to being able to use the binary format. It also does not rely on client + // side parameter sanitization. However, it does incur two round-trips per query (unless using a prepared statement) + // and may be incompatible proxies such as PGBouncer. Setting PreferSimpleProtocol causes the simple protocol to be + // used by default. The same functionality can be controlled on a per query basis by setting + // QueryExOptions.SimpleProtocol. + PreferSimpleProtocol bool + + createdByParseConfig bool // Used to enforce created by ParseConfig rule. +} + +// Copy returns a deep copy of the config that is safe to use and modify. +// The only exception is the tls.Config: +// according to the tls.Config docs it must not be modified after creation. +func (cc *ConnConfig) Copy() *ConnConfig { + newConfig := new(ConnConfig) + *newConfig = *cc + newConfig.Config = *newConfig.Config.Copy() + return newConfig +} + +// ConnString returns the connection string as parsed by pgx.ParseConfig into pgx.ConnConfig. +func (cc *ConnConfig) ConnString() string { return cc.connString } + +// BuildStatementCacheFunc is a function that can be used to create a stmtcache.Cache implementation for connection. +type BuildStatementCacheFunc func(conn *pgconn.PgConn) stmtcache.Cache + +// Conn is a PostgreSQL connection handle. It is not safe for concurrent usage. Use a connection pool to manage access +// to multiple database connections from multiple goroutines. +type Conn struct { + pgConn *pgconn.PgConn + config *ConnConfig // config used when establishing this connection + preparedStatements map[string]*pgconn.StatementDescription + stmtcache stmtcache.Cache + logger Logger + logLevel LogLevel + + notifications []*pgconn.Notification + + doneChan chan struct{} + closedChan chan error + + connInfo *pgtype.ConnInfo + + wbuf []byte + preallocatedRows []connRows + eqb extendedQueryBuilder +} + +// Identifier a PostgreSQL identifier or name. Identifiers can be composed of +// multiple parts such as ["schema", "table"] or ["table", "column"]. +type Identifier []string + +// Sanitize returns a sanitized string safe for SQL interpolation. +func (ident Identifier) Sanitize() string { + parts := make([]string, len(ident)) + for i := range ident { + s := strings.ReplaceAll(ident[i], string([]byte{0}), "") + parts[i] = `"` + strings.ReplaceAll(s, `"`, `""`) + `"` + } + return strings.Join(parts, ".") +} + +// ErrNoRows occurs when rows are expected but none are returned. +var ErrNoRows = errors.New("no rows in result set") + +// ErrInvalidLogLevel occurs on attempt to set an invalid log level. +var ErrInvalidLogLevel = errors.New("invalid log level") + +// Connect establishes a connection with a PostgreSQL server with a connection string. See +// pgconn.Connect for details. +func Connect(ctx context.Context, connString string) (*Conn, error) { + connConfig, err := ParseConfig(connString) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return connect(ctx, connConfig) +} + +// ConnectConfig establishes a connection with a PostgreSQL server with a configuration struct. +// connConfig must have been created by ParseConfig. +func ConnectConfig(ctx context.Context, connConfig *ConnConfig) (*Conn, error) { + return connect(ctx, connConfig) +} + +// ParseConfig creates a ConnConfig from a connection string. ParseConfig handles all options that pgconn.ParseConfig +// does. In addition, it accepts the following options: +// +// statement_cache_capacity +// The maximum size of the automatic statement cache. Set to 0 to disable automatic statement caching. Default: 512. +// +// statement_cache_mode +// Possible values: "prepare" and "describe". "prepare" will create prepared statements on the PostgreSQL server. +// "describe" will use the anonymous prepared statement to describe a statement without creating a statement on the +// server. "describe" is primarily useful when the environment does not allow prepared statements such as when +// running a connection pooler like PgBouncer. Default: "prepare" +// +// prefer_simple_protocol +// Possible values: "true" and "false". Use the simple protocol instead of extended protocol. Default: false +func ParseConfig(connString string) (*ConnConfig, error) { + config, err := pgconn.ParseConfig(connString) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + var buildStatementCache BuildStatementCacheFunc + statementCacheCapacity := 512 + statementCacheMode := stmtcache.ModePrepare + if s, ok := config.RuntimeParams["statement_cache_capacity"]; ok { + delete(config.RuntimeParams, "statement_cache_capacity") + n, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse statement_cache_capacity: %w", err) + } + statementCacheCapacity = int(n) + } + + if s, ok := config.RuntimeParams["statement_cache_mode"]; ok { + delete(config.RuntimeParams, "statement_cache_mode") + switch s { + case "prepare": + statementCacheMode = stmtcache.ModePrepare + case "describe": + statementCacheMode = stmtcache.ModeDescribe + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid statement_cache_mod: %s", s) + } + } + + if statementCacheCapacity > 0 { + buildStatementCache = func(conn *pgconn.PgConn) stmtcache.Cache { + return stmtcache.New(conn, statementCacheMode, statementCacheCapacity) + } + } + + preferSimpleProtocol := false + if s, ok := config.RuntimeParams["prefer_simple_protocol"]; ok { + delete(config.RuntimeParams, "prefer_simple_protocol") + if b, err := strconv.ParseBool(s); err == nil { + preferSimpleProtocol = b + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid prefer_simple_protocol: %v", err) + } + } + + connConfig := &ConnConfig{ + Config: *config, + createdByParseConfig: true, + LogLevel: LogLevelInfo, + BuildStatementCache: buildStatementCache, + PreferSimpleProtocol: preferSimpleProtocol, + connString: connString, + } + + return connConfig, nil +} + +func connect(ctx context.Context, config *ConnConfig) (c *Conn, err error) { + // Default values are set in ParseConfig. Enforce initial creation by ParseConfig rather than setting defaults from + // zero values. + if !config.createdByParseConfig { + panic("config must be created by ParseConfig") + } + originalConfig := config + + // This isn't really a deep copy. But it is enough to avoid the config.Config.OnNotification mutation from affecting + // other connections with the same config. See https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/618. + { + configCopy := *config + config = &configCopy + } + + c = &Conn{ + config: originalConfig, + connInfo: pgtype.NewConnInfo(), + logLevel: config.LogLevel, + logger: config.Logger, + } + + // Only install pgx notification system if no other callback handler is present. + if config.Config.OnNotification == nil { + config.Config.OnNotification = c.bufferNotifications + } else { + if c.shouldLog(LogLevelDebug) { + c.log(ctx, LogLevelDebug, "pgx notification handler disabled by application supplied OnNotification", map[string]interface{}{"host": config.Config.Host}) + } + } + + if c.shouldLog(LogLevelInfo) { + c.log(ctx, LogLevelInfo, "Dialing PostgreSQL server", map[string]interface{}{"host": config.Config.Host}) + } + c.pgConn, err = pgconn.ConnectConfig(ctx, &config.Config) + if err != nil { + if c.shouldLog(LogLevelError) { + c.log(ctx, LogLevelError, "connect failed", map[string]interface{}{"err": err}) + } + return nil, err + } + + c.preparedStatements = make(map[string]*pgconn.StatementDescription) + c.doneChan = make(chan struct{}) + c.closedChan = make(chan error) + c.wbuf = make([]byte, 0, 1024) + + if c.config.BuildStatementCache != nil { + c.stmtcache = c.config.BuildStatementCache(c.pgConn) + } + + // Replication connections can't execute the queries to + // populate the c.PgTypes and c.pgsqlAfInet + if _, ok := config.Config.RuntimeParams["replication"]; ok { + return c, nil + } + + return c, nil +} + +// Close closes a connection. It is safe to call Close on a already closed +// connection. +func (c *Conn) Close(ctx context.Context) error { + if c.IsClosed() { + return nil + } + + err := c.pgConn.Close(ctx) + if c.shouldLog(LogLevelInfo) { + c.log(ctx, LogLevelInfo, "closed connection", nil) + } + return err +} + +// Prepare creates a prepared statement with name and sql. sql can contain placeholders +// for bound parameters. These placeholders are referenced positional as $1, $2, etc. +// +// Prepare is idempotent; i.e. it is safe to call Prepare multiple times with the same +// name and sql arguments. This allows a code path to Prepare and Query/Exec without +// concern for if the statement has already been prepared. +func (c *Conn) Prepare(ctx context.Context, name, sql string) (sd *pgconn.StatementDescription, err error) { + if name != "" { + var ok bool + if sd, ok = c.preparedStatements[name]; ok && sd.SQL == sql { + return sd, nil + } + } + + if c.shouldLog(LogLevelError) { + defer func() { + if err != nil { + c.log(ctx, LogLevelError, "Prepare failed", map[string]interface{}{"err": err, "name": name, "sql": sql}) + } + }() + } + + sd, err = c.pgConn.Prepare(ctx, name, sql, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if name != "" { + c.preparedStatements[name] = sd + } + + return sd, nil +} + +// Deallocate released a prepared statement +func (c *Conn) Deallocate(ctx context.Context, name string) error { + delete(c.preparedStatements, name) + _, err := c.pgConn.Exec(ctx, "deallocate "+quoteIdentifier(name)).ReadAll() + return err +} + +func (c *Conn) bufferNotifications(_ *pgconn.PgConn, n *pgconn.Notification) { + c.notifications = append(c.notifications, n) +} + +// WaitForNotification waits for a PostgreSQL notification. It wraps the underlying pgconn notification system in a +// slightly more convenient form. +func (c *Conn) WaitForNotification(ctx context.Context) (*pgconn.Notification, error) { + var n *pgconn.Notification + + // Return already received notification immediately + if len(c.notifications) > 0 { + n = c.notifications[0] + c.notifications = c.notifications[1:] + return n, nil + } + + err := c.pgConn.WaitForNotification(ctx) + if len(c.notifications) > 0 { + n = c.notifications[0] + c.notifications = c.notifications[1:] + } + return n, err +} + +// IsClosed reports if the connection has been closed. +func (c *Conn) IsClosed() bool { + return c.pgConn.IsClosed() +} + +func (c *Conn) die(err error) { + if c.IsClosed() { + return + } + + ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) + cancel() // force immediate hard cancel + c.pgConn.Close(ctx) +} + +func (c *Conn) shouldLog(lvl LogLevel) bool { + return c.logger != nil && c.logLevel >= lvl +} + +func (c *Conn) log(ctx context.Context, lvl LogLevel, msg string, data map[string]interface{}) { + if data == nil { + data = map[string]interface{}{} + } + if c.pgConn != nil && c.pgConn.PID() != 0 { + data["pid"] = c.pgConn.PID() + } + + c.logger.Log(ctx, lvl, msg, data) +} + +func quoteIdentifier(s string) string { + return `"` + strings.ReplaceAll(s, `"`, `""`) + `"` +} + +// Ping executes an empty sql statement against the *Conn +// If the sql returns without error, the database Ping is considered successful, otherwise, the error is returned. +func (c *Conn) Ping(ctx context.Context) error { + _, err := c.Exec(ctx, ";") + return err +} + +func connInfoFromRows(rows Rows, err error) (map[string]uint32, error) { + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer rows.Close() + + nameOIDs := make(map[string]uint32, 256) + for rows.Next() { + var oid uint32 + var name pgtype.Text + if err = rows.Scan(&oid, &name); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + nameOIDs[name.String] = oid + } + + if err = rows.Err(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return nameOIDs, err +} + +// PgConn returns the underlying *pgconn.PgConn. This is an escape hatch method that allows lower level access to the +// PostgreSQL connection than pgx exposes. +// +// It is strongly recommended that the connection be idle (no in-progress queries) before the underlying *pgconn.PgConn +// is used and the connection must be returned to the same state before any *pgx.Conn methods are again used. +func (c *Conn) PgConn() *pgconn.PgConn { return c.pgConn } + +// StatementCache returns the statement cache used for this connection. +func (c *Conn) StatementCache() stmtcache.Cache { return c.stmtcache } + +// ConnInfo returns the connection info used for this connection. +func (c *Conn) ConnInfo() *pgtype.ConnInfo { return c.connInfo } + +// Config returns a copy of config that was used to establish this connection. +func (c *Conn) Config() *ConnConfig { return c.config.Copy() } + +// Exec executes sql. sql can be either a prepared statement name or an SQL string. arguments should be referenced +// positionally from the sql string as $1, $2, etc. +func (c *Conn) Exec(ctx context.Context, sql string, arguments ...interface{}) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) { + startTime := time.Now() + + commandTag, err := c.exec(ctx, sql, arguments...) + if err != nil { + if c.shouldLog(LogLevelError) { + c.log(ctx, LogLevelError, "Exec", map[string]interface{}{"sql": sql, "args": logQueryArgs(arguments), "err": err}) + } + return commandTag, err + } + + if c.shouldLog(LogLevelInfo) { + endTime := time.Now() + c.log(ctx, LogLevelInfo, "Exec", map[string]interface{}{"sql": sql, "args": logQueryArgs(arguments), "time": endTime.Sub(startTime), "commandTag": commandTag}) + } + + return commandTag, err +} + +func (c *Conn) exec(ctx context.Context, sql string, arguments ...interface{}) (commandTag pgconn.CommandTag, err error) { + simpleProtocol := c.config.PreferSimpleProtocol + +optionLoop: + for len(arguments) > 0 { + switch arg := arguments[0].(type) { + case QuerySimpleProtocol: + simpleProtocol = bool(arg) + arguments = arguments[1:] + default: + break optionLoop + } + } + + if sd, ok := c.preparedStatements[sql]; ok { + return c.execPrepared(ctx, sd, arguments) + } + + if simpleProtocol { + return c.execSimpleProtocol(ctx, sql, arguments) + } + + if len(arguments) == 0 { + return c.execSimpleProtocol(ctx, sql, arguments) + } + + if c.stmtcache != nil { + sd, err := c.stmtcache.Get(ctx, sql) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if c.stmtcache.Mode() == stmtcache.ModeDescribe { + return c.execParams(ctx, sd, arguments) + } + return c.execPrepared(ctx, sd, arguments) + } + + sd, err := c.Prepare(ctx, "", sql) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return c.execPrepared(ctx, sd, arguments) +} + +func (c *Conn) execSimpleProtocol(ctx context.Context, sql string, arguments []interface{}) (commandTag pgconn.CommandTag, err error) { + if len(arguments) > 0 { + sql, err = c.sanitizeForSimpleQuery(sql, arguments...) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + mrr := c.pgConn.Exec(ctx, sql) + for mrr.NextResult() { + commandTag, err = mrr.ResultReader().Close() + } + err = mrr.Close() + return commandTag, err +} + +func (c *Conn) execParamsAndPreparedPrefix(sd *pgconn.StatementDescription, arguments []interface{}) error { + if len(sd.ParamOIDs) != len(arguments) { + return fmt.Errorf("expected %d arguments, got %d", len(sd.ParamOIDs), len(arguments)) + } + + c.eqb.Reset() + + args, err := convertDriverValuers(arguments) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + for i := range args { + err = c.eqb.AppendParam(c.connInfo, sd.ParamOIDs[i], args[i]) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + for i := range sd.Fields { + c.eqb.AppendResultFormat(c.ConnInfo().ResultFormatCodeForOID(sd.Fields[i].DataTypeOID)) + } + + return nil +} + +func (c *Conn) execParams(ctx context.Context, sd *pgconn.StatementDescription, arguments []interface{}) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) { + err := c.execParamsAndPreparedPrefix(sd, arguments) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + result := c.pgConn.ExecParams(ctx, sd.SQL, c.eqb.paramValues, sd.ParamOIDs, c.eqb.paramFormats, c.eqb.resultFormats).Read() + c.eqb.Reset() // Allow c.eqb internal memory to be GC'ed as soon as possible. + return result.CommandTag, result.Err +} + +func (c *Conn) execPrepared(ctx context.Context, sd *pgconn.StatementDescription, arguments []interface{}) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) { + err := c.execParamsAndPreparedPrefix(sd, arguments) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + result := c.pgConn.ExecPrepared(ctx, sd.Name, c.eqb.paramValues, c.eqb.paramFormats, c.eqb.resultFormats).Read() + c.eqb.Reset() // Allow c.eqb internal memory to be GC'ed as soon as possible. + return result.CommandTag, result.Err +} + +func (c *Conn) getRows(ctx context.Context, sql string, args []interface{}) *connRows { + if len(c.preallocatedRows) == 0 { + c.preallocatedRows = make([]connRows, 64) + } + + r := &c.preallocatedRows[len(c.preallocatedRows)-1] + c.preallocatedRows = c.preallocatedRows[0 : len(c.preallocatedRows)-1] + + r.ctx = ctx + r.logger = c + r.connInfo = c.connInfo + r.startTime = time.Now() + r.sql = sql + r.args = args + r.conn = c + + return r +} + +// QuerySimpleProtocol controls whether the simple or extended protocol is used to send the query. +type QuerySimpleProtocol bool + +// QueryResultFormats controls the result format (text=0, binary=1) of a query by result column position. +type QueryResultFormats []int16 + +// QueryResultFormatsByOID controls the result format (text=0, binary=1) of a query by the result column OID. +type QueryResultFormatsByOID map[uint32]int16 + +// Query executes sql with args. It is safe to attempt to read from the returned Rows even if an error is returned. The +// error will be the available in rows.Err() after rows are closed. So it is allowed to ignore the error returned from +// Query and handle it in Rows. +// +// Err() on the returned Rows must be checked after the Rows is closed to determine if the query executed successfully +// as some errors can only be detected by reading the entire response. e.g. A divide by zero error on the last row. +// +// For extra control over how the query is executed, the types QuerySimpleProtocol, QueryResultFormats, and +// QueryResultFormatsByOID may be used as the first args to control exactly how the query is executed. This is rarely +// needed. See the documentation for those types for details. +func (c *Conn) Query(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) (Rows, error) { + var resultFormats QueryResultFormats + var resultFormatsByOID QueryResultFormatsByOID + simpleProtocol := c.config.PreferSimpleProtocol + +optionLoop: + for len(args) > 0 { + switch arg := args[0].(type) { + case QueryResultFormats: + resultFormats = arg + args = args[1:] + case QueryResultFormatsByOID: + resultFormatsByOID = arg + args = args[1:] + case QuerySimpleProtocol: + simpleProtocol = bool(arg) + args = args[1:] + default: + break optionLoop + } + } + + rows := c.getRows(ctx, sql, args) + + var err error + sd, ok := c.preparedStatements[sql] + + if simpleProtocol && !ok { + sql, err = c.sanitizeForSimpleQuery(sql, args...) + if err != nil { + rows.fatal(err) + return rows, err + } + + mrr := c.pgConn.Exec(ctx, sql) + if mrr.NextResult() { + rows.resultReader = mrr.ResultReader() + rows.multiResultReader = mrr + } else { + err = mrr.Close() + rows.fatal(err) + return rows, err + } + + return rows, nil + } + + c.eqb.Reset() + + if !ok { + if c.stmtcache != nil { + sd, err = c.stmtcache.Get(ctx, sql) + if err != nil { + rows.fatal(err) + return rows, rows.err + } + } else { + sd, err = c.pgConn.Prepare(ctx, "", sql, nil) + if err != nil { + rows.fatal(err) + return rows, rows.err + } + } + } + if len(sd.ParamOIDs) != len(args) { + rows.fatal(fmt.Errorf("expected %d arguments, got %d", len(sd.ParamOIDs), len(args))) + return rows, rows.err + } + + rows.sql = sd.SQL + + args, err = convertDriverValuers(args) + if err != nil { + rows.fatal(err) + return rows, rows.err + } + + for i := range args { + err = c.eqb.AppendParam(c.connInfo, sd.ParamOIDs[i], args[i]) + if err != nil { + rows.fatal(err) + return rows, rows.err + } + } + + if resultFormatsByOID != nil { + resultFormats = make([]int16, len(sd.Fields)) + for i := range resultFormats { + resultFormats[i] = resultFormatsByOID[uint32(sd.Fields[i].DataTypeOID)] + } + } + + if resultFormats == nil { + for i := range sd.Fields { + c.eqb.AppendResultFormat(c.ConnInfo().ResultFormatCodeForOID(sd.Fields[i].DataTypeOID)) + } + + resultFormats = c.eqb.resultFormats + } + + if c.stmtcache != nil && c.stmtcache.Mode() == stmtcache.ModeDescribe { + rows.resultReader = c.pgConn.ExecParams(ctx, sql, c.eqb.paramValues, sd.ParamOIDs, c.eqb.paramFormats, resultFormats) + } else { + rows.resultReader = c.pgConn.ExecPrepared(ctx, sd.Name, c.eqb.paramValues, c.eqb.paramFormats, resultFormats) + } + + c.eqb.Reset() // Allow c.eqb internal memory to be GC'ed as soon as possible. + + return rows, rows.err +} + +// QueryRow is a convenience wrapper over Query. Any error that occurs while +// querying is deferred until calling Scan on the returned Row. That Row will +// error with ErrNoRows if no rows are returned. +func (c *Conn) QueryRow(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) Row { + rows, _ := c.Query(ctx, sql, args...) + return (*connRow)(rows.(*connRows)) +} + +// QueryFuncRow is the argument to the QueryFunc callback function. +// +// QueryFuncRow is an interface instead of a struct to allow tests to mock QueryFunc. However, adding a method to an +// interface is technically a breaking change. Because of this the QueryFuncRow interface is partially excluded from +// semantic version requirements. Methods will not be removed or changed, but new methods may be added. +type QueryFuncRow interface { + FieldDescriptions() []pgproto3.FieldDescription + + // RawValues returns the unparsed bytes of the row values. The returned [][]byte is only valid during the current + // function call. However, the underlying byte data is safe to retain a reference to and mutate. + RawValues() [][]byte +} + +// QueryFunc executes sql with args. For each row returned by the query the values will scanned into the elements of +// scans and f will be called. If any row fails to scan or f returns an error the query will be aborted and the error +// will be returned. +func (c *Conn) QueryFunc(ctx context.Context, sql string, args []interface{}, scans []interface{}, f func(QueryFuncRow) error) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) { + rows, err := c.Query(ctx, sql, args...) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer rows.Close() + + for rows.Next() { + err = rows.Scan(scans...) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + err = f(rows) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return rows.CommandTag(), nil +} + +// SendBatch sends all queued queries to the server at once. All queries are run in an implicit transaction unless +// explicit transaction control statements are executed. The returned BatchResults must be closed before the connection +// is used again. +func (c *Conn) SendBatch(ctx context.Context, b *Batch) BatchResults { + simpleProtocol := c.config.PreferSimpleProtocol + var sb strings.Builder + if simpleProtocol { + for i, bi := range b.items { + if i > 0 { + sb.WriteByte(';') + } + sql, err := c.sanitizeForSimpleQuery(bi.query, bi.arguments...) + if err != nil { + return &batchResults{ctx: ctx, conn: c, err: err} + } + sb.WriteString(sql) + } + mrr := c.pgConn.Exec(ctx, sb.String()) + return &batchResults{ + ctx: ctx, + conn: c, + mrr: mrr, + b: b, + ix: 0, + } + } + + distinctUnpreparedQueries := map[string]struct{}{} + + for _, bi := range b.items { + if _, ok := c.preparedStatements[bi.query]; ok { + continue + } + distinctUnpreparedQueries[bi.query] = struct{}{} + } + + var stmtCache stmtcache.Cache + if len(distinctUnpreparedQueries) > 0 { + if c.stmtcache != nil && c.stmtcache.Cap() >= len(distinctUnpreparedQueries) { + stmtCache = c.stmtcache + } else { + stmtCache = stmtcache.New(c.pgConn, stmtcache.ModeDescribe, len(distinctUnpreparedQueries)) + } + + for sql, _ := range distinctUnpreparedQueries { + _, err := stmtCache.Get(ctx, sql) + if err != nil { + return &batchResults{ctx: ctx, conn: c, err: err} + } + } + } + + batch := &pgconn.Batch{} + + for _, bi := range b.items { + c.eqb.Reset() + + sd := c.preparedStatements[bi.query] + if sd == nil { + var err error + sd, err = stmtCache.Get(ctx, bi.query) + if err != nil { + // the stmtCache was prefilled from distinctUnpreparedQueries above so we are guaranteed no errors + panic("BUG: unexpected error from stmtCache") + } + } + + if len(sd.ParamOIDs) != len(bi.arguments) { + return &batchResults{ctx: ctx, conn: c, err: fmt.Errorf("mismatched param and argument count")} + } + + args, err := convertDriverValuers(bi.arguments) + if err != nil { + return &batchResults{ctx: ctx, conn: c, err: err} + } + + for i := range args { + err = c.eqb.AppendParam(c.connInfo, sd.ParamOIDs[i], args[i]) + if err != nil { + return &batchResults{ctx: ctx, conn: c, err: err} + } + } + + for i := range sd.Fields { + c.eqb.AppendResultFormat(c.ConnInfo().ResultFormatCodeForOID(sd.Fields[i].DataTypeOID)) + } + + if sd.Name == "" { + batch.ExecParams(bi.query, c.eqb.paramValues, sd.ParamOIDs, c.eqb.paramFormats, c.eqb.resultFormats) + } else { + batch.ExecPrepared(sd.Name, c.eqb.paramValues, c.eqb.paramFormats, c.eqb.resultFormats) + } + } + + c.eqb.Reset() // Allow c.eqb internal memory to be GC'ed as soon as possible. + + mrr := c.pgConn.ExecBatch(ctx, batch) + + return &batchResults{ + ctx: ctx, + conn: c, + mrr: mrr, + b: b, + ix: 0, + } +} + +func (c *Conn) sanitizeForSimpleQuery(sql string, args ...interface{}) (string, error) { + if c.pgConn.ParameterStatus("standard_conforming_strings") != "on" { + return "", errors.New("simple protocol queries must be run with standard_conforming_strings=on") + } + + if c.pgConn.ParameterStatus("client_encoding") != "UTF8" { + return "", errors.New("simple protocol queries must be run with client_encoding=UTF8") + } + + var err error + valueArgs := make([]interface{}, len(args)) + for i, a := range args { + valueArgs[i], err = convertSimpleArgument(c.connInfo, a) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + } + + return sanitize.SanitizeSQL(sql, valueArgs...) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/copy_from.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/copy_from.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3494e28f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/copy_from.go @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +package pgx + +import ( + "bytes" + "context" + "fmt" + "io" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgconn" + "github.com/jackc/pgio" +) + +// CopyFromRows returns a CopyFromSource interface over the provided rows slice +// making it usable by *Conn.CopyFrom. +func CopyFromRows(rows [][]interface{}) CopyFromSource { + return ©FromRows{rows: rows, idx: -1} +} + +type copyFromRows struct { + rows [][]interface{} + idx int +} + +func (ctr *copyFromRows) Next() bool { + ctr.idx++ + return ctr.idx < len(ctr.rows) +} + +func (ctr *copyFromRows) Values() ([]interface{}, error) { + return ctr.rows[ctr.idx], nil +} + +func (ctr *copyFromRows) Err() error { + return nil +} + +// CopyFromSlice returns a CopyFromSource interface over a dynamic func +// making it usable by *Conn.CopyFrom. +func CopyFromSlice(length int, next func(int) ([]interface{}, error)) CopyFromSource { + return ©FromSlice{next: next, idx: -1, len: length} +} + +type copyFromSlice struct { + next func(int) ([]interface{}, error) + idx int + len int + err error +} + +func (cts *copyFromSlice) Next() bool { + cts.idx++ + return cts.idx < cts.len +} + +func (cts *copyFromSlice) Values() ([]interface{}, error) { + values, err := cts.next(cts.idx) + if err != nil { + cts.err = err + } + return values, err +} + +func (cts *copyFromSlice) Err() error { + return cts.err +} + +// CopyFromSource is the interface used by *Conn.CopyFrom as the source for copy data. +type CopyFromSource interface { + // Next returns true if there is another row and makes the next row data + // available to Values(). When there are no more rows available or an error + // has occurred it returns false. + Next() bool + + // Values returns the values for the current row. + Values() ([]interface{}, error) + + // Err returns any error that has been encountered by the CopyFromSource. If + // this is not nil *Conn.CopyFrom will abort the copy. + Err() error +} + +type copyFrom struct { + conn *Conn + tableName Identifier + columnNames []string + rowSrc CopyFromSource + readerErrChan chan error +} + +func (ct *copyFrom) run(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) { + quotedTableName := ct.tableName.Sanitize() + cbuf := &bytes.Buffer{} + for i, cn := range ct.columnNames { + if i != 0 { + cbuf.WriteString(", ") + } + cbuf.WriteString(quoteIdentifier(cn)) + } + quotedColumnNames := cbuf.String() + + sd, err := ct.conn.Prepare(ctx, "", fmt.Sprintf("select %s from %s", quotedColumnNames, quotedTableName)) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + + r, w := io.Pipe() + doneChan := make(chan struct{}) + + go func() { + defer close(doneChan) + + // Purposely NOT using defer w.Close(). See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/24283. + buf := ct.conn.wbuf + + buf = append(buf, "PGCOPY\n\377\r\n\000"...) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, 0) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, 0) + + moreRows := true + for moreRows { + var err error + moreRows, buf, err = ct.buildCopyBuf(buf, sd) + if err != nil { + w.CloseWithError(err) + return + } + + if ct.rowSrc.Err() != nil { + w.CloseWithError(ct.rowSrc.Err()) + return + } + + if len(buf) > 0 { + _, err = w.Write(buf) + if err != nil { + w.Close() + return + } + } + + buf = buf[:0] + } + + w.Close() + }() + + startTime := time.Now() + + commandTag, err := ct.conn.pgConn.CopyFrom(ctx, r, fmt.Sprintf("copy %s ( %s ) from stdin binary;", quotedTableName, quotedColumnNames)) + + r.Close() + <-doneChan + + rowsAffected := commandTag.RowsAffected() + if err == nil { + if ct.conn.shouldLog(LogLevelInfo) { + endTime := time.Now() + ct.conn.log(ctx, LogLevelInfo, "CopyFrom", map[string]interface{}{"tableName": ct.tableName, "columnNames": ct.columnNames, "time": endTime.Sub(startTime), "rowCount": rowsAffected}) + } + } else if ct.conn.shouldLog(LogLevelError) { + ct.conn.log(ctx, LogLevelError, "CopyFrom", map[string]interface{}{"err": err, "tableName": ct.tableName, "columnNames": ct.columnNames}) + } + + return rowsAffected, err +} + +func (ct *copyFrom) buildCopyBuf(buf []byte, sd *pgconn.StatementDescription) (bool, []byte, error) { + + for ct.rowSrc.Next() { + values, err := ct.rowSrc.Values() + if err != nil { + return false, nil, err + } + if len(values) != len(ct.columnNames) { + return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("expected %d values, got %d values", len(ct.columnNames), len(values)) + } + + buf = pgio.AppendInt16(buf, int16(len(ct.columnNames))) + for i, val := range values { + buf, err = encodePreparedStatementArgument(ct.conn.connInfo, buf, sd.Fields[i].DataTypeOID, val) + if err != nil { + return false, nil, err + } + } + + if len(buf) > 65536 { + return true, buf, nil + } + } + + return false, buf, nil +} + +// CopyFrom uses the PostgreSQL copy protocol to perform bulk data insertion. +// It returns the number of rows copied and an error. +// +// CopyFrom requires all values use the binary format. Almost all types +// implemented by pgx use the binary format by default. Types implementing +// Encoder can only be used if they encode to the binary format. +func (c *Conn) CopyFrom(ctx context.Context, tableName Identifier, columnNames []string, rowSrc CopyFromSource) (int64, error) { + ct := ©From{ + conn: c, + tableName: tableName, + columnNames: columnNames, + rowSrc: rowSrc, + readerErrChan: make(chan error), + } + + return ct.run(ctx) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..222f9047 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +// Package pgx is a PostgreSQL database driver. +/* +pgx provides lower level access to PostgreSQL than the standard database/sql. It remains as similar to the database/sql +interface as possible while providing better speed and access to PostgreSQL specific features. Import +github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/stdlib to use pgx as a database/sql compatible driver. + +Establishing a Connection + +The primary way of establishing a connection is with `pgx.Connect`. + + conn, err := pgx.Connect(context.Background(), os.Getenv("DATABASE_URL")) + +The database connection string can be in URL or DSN format. Both PostgreSQL settings and pgx settings can be specified +here. In addition, a config struct can be created by `ParseConfig` and modified before establishing the connection with +`ConnectConfig`. + + config, err := pgx.ParseConfig(os.Getenv("DATABASE_URL")) + if err != nil { + // ... + } + config.Logger = log15adapter.NewLogger(log.New("module", "pgx")) + + conn, err := pgx.ConnectConfig(context.Background(), config) + +Connection Pool + +`*pgx.Conn` represents a single connection to the database and is not concurrency safe. Use sub-package pgxpool for a +concurrency safe connection pool. + +Query Interface + +pgx implements Query and Scan in the familiar database/sql style. + + var sum int32 + + // Send the query to the server. The returned rows MUST be closed + // before conn can be used again. + rows, err := conn.Query(context.Background(), "select generate_series(1,$1)", 10) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // rows.Close is called by rows.Next when all rows are read + // or an error occurs in Next or Scan. So it may optionally be + // omitted if nothing in the rows.Next loop can panic. It is + // safe to close rows multiple times. + defer rows.Close() + + // Iterate through the result set + for rows.Next() { + var n int32 + err = rows.Scan(&n) + if err != nil { + return err + } + sum += n + } + + // Any errors encountered by rows.Next or rows.Scan will be returned here + if rows.Err() != nil { + return rows.Err() + } + + // No errors found - do something with sum + +pgx also implements QueryRow in the same style as database/sql. + + var name string + var weight int64 + err := conn.QueryRow(context.Background(), "select name, weight from widgets where id=$1", 42).Scan(&name, &weight) + if err != nil { + return err + } + +Use Exec to execute a query that does not return a result set. + + commandTag, err := conn.Exec(context.Background(), "delete from widgets where id=$1", 42) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if commandTag.RowsAffected() != 1 { + return errors.New("No row found to delete") + } + +QueryFunc can be used to execute a callback function for every row. This is often easier to use than Query. + + var sum, n int32 + _, err = conn.QueryFunc( + context.Background(), + "select generate_series(1,$1)", + []interface{}{10}, + []interface{}{&n}, + func(pgx.QueryFuncRow) error { + sum += n + return nil + }, + ) + if err != nil { + return err + } + +Base Type Mapping + +pgx maps between all common base types directly between Go and PostgreSQL. In particular: + + Go PostgreSQL + ----------------------- + string varchar + text + + // Integers are automatically be converted to any other integer type if + // it can be done without overflow or underflow. + int8 + int16 smallint + int32 int + int64 bigint + int + uint8 + uint16 + uint32 + uint64 + uint + + // Floats are strict and do not automatically convert like integers. + float32 float4 + float64 float8 + + time.Time date + timestamp + timestamptz + + []byte bytea + + +Null Mapping + +pgx can map nulls in two ways. The first is package pgtype provides types that have a data field and a status field. +They work in a similar fashion to database/sql. The second is to use a pointer to a pointer. + + var foo pgtype.Varchar + var bar *string + err := conn.QueryRow("select foo, bar from widgets where id=$1", 42).Scan(&foo, &bar) + if err != nil { + return err + } + +Array Mapping + +pgx maps between int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, and string Go slices and the equivalent PostgreSQL array type. +Go slices of native types do not support nulls, so if a PostgreSQL array that contains a null is read into a native Go +slice an error will occur. The pgtype package includes many more array types for PostgreSQL types that do not directly +map to native Go types. + +JSON and JSONB Mapping + +pgx includes built-in support to marshal and unmarshal between Go types and the PostgreSQL JSON and JSONB. + +Inet and CIDR Mapping + +pgx encodes from net.IPNet to and from inet and cidr PostgreSQL types. In addition, as a convenience pgx will encode +from a net.IP; it will assume a /32 netmask for IPv4 and a /128 for IPv6. + +Custom Type Support + +pgx includes support for the common data types like integers, floats, strings, dates, and times that have direct +mappings between Go and SQL. In addition, pgx uses the github.com/jackc/pgtype library to support more types. See +documention for that library for instructions on how to implement custom types. + +See example_custom_type_test.go for an example of a custom type for the PostgreSQL point type. + +pgx also includes support for custom types implementing the database/sql.Scanner and database/sql/driver.Valuer +interfaces. + +If pgx does cannot natively encode a type and that type is a renamed type (e.g. type MyTime time.Time) pgx will attempt +to encode the underlying type. While this is usually desired behavior it can produce surprising behavior if one the +underlying type and the renamed type each implement database/sql interfaces and the other implements pgx interfaces. It +is recommended that this situation be avoided by implementing pgx interfaces on the renamed type. + +Composite types and row values + +Row values and composite types are represented as pgtype.Record (https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/jackc/pgtype?tab=doc#Record). +It is possible to get values of your custom type by implementing DecodeBinary interface. Decoding into +pgtype.Record first can simplify process by avoiding dealing with raw protocol directly. + +For example: + + type MyType struct { + a int // NULL will cause decoding error + b *string // there can be NULL in this position in SQL + } + + func (t *MyType) DecodeBinary(ci *pgtype.ConnInfo, src []byte) error { + r := pgtype.Record{ + Fields: []pgtype.Value{&pgtype.Int4{}, &pgtype.Text{}}, + } + + if err := r.DecodeBinary(ci, src); err != nil { + return err + } + + if r.Status != pgtype.Present { + return errors.New("BUG: decoding should not be called on NULL value") + } + + a := r.Fields[0].(*pgtype.Int4) + b := r.Fields[1].(*pgtype.Text) + + // type compatibility is checked by AssignTo + // only lossless assignments will succeed + if err := a.AssignTo(&t.a); err != nil { + return err + } + + // AssignTo also deals with null value handling + if err := b.AssignTo(&t.b); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil + } + + result := MyType{} + err := conn.QueryRow(context.Background(), "select row(1, 'foo'::text)", pgx.QueryResultFormats{pgx.BinaryFormatCode}).Scan(&r) + +Raw Bytes Mapping + +[]byte passed as arguments to Query, QueryRow, and Exec are passed unmodified to PostgreSQL. + +Transactions + +Transactions are started by calling Begin. + + tx, err := conn.Begin(context.Background()) + if err != nil { + return err + } + // Rollback is safe to call even if the tx is already closed, so if + // the tx commits successfully, this is a no-op + defer tx.Rollback(context.Background()) + + _, err = tx.Exec(context.Background(), "insert into foo(id) values (1)") + if err != nil { + return err + } + + err = tx.Commit(context.Background()) + if err != nil { + return err + } + +The Tx returned from Begin also implements the Begin method. This can be used to implement pseudo nested transactions. +These are internally implemented with savepoints. + +Use BeginTx to control the transaction mode. + +BeginFunc and BeginTxFunc are variants that begin a transaction, execute a function, and commit or rollback the +transaction depending on the return value of the function. These can be simpler and less error prone to use. + + err = conn.BeginFunc(context.Background(), func(tx pgx.Tx) error { + _, err := tx.Exec(context.Background(), "insert into foo(id) values (1)") + return err + }) + if err != nil { + return err + } + +Prepared Statements + +Prepared statements can be manually created with the Prepare method. However, this is rarely necessary because pgx +includes an automatic statement cache by default. Queries run through the normal Query, QueryRow, and Exec functions are +automatically prepared on first execution and the prepared statement is reused on subsequent executions. See ParseConfig +for information on how to customize or disable the statement cache. + +Copy Protocol + +Use CopyFrom to efficiently insert multiple rows at a time using the PostgreSQL copy protocol. CopyFrom accepts a +CopyFromSource interface. If the data is already in a [][]interface{} use CopyFromRows to wrap it in a CopyFromSource +interface. Or implement CopyFromSource to avoid buffering the entire data set in memory. + + rows := [][]interface{}{ + {"John", "Smith", int32(36)}, + {"Jane", "Doe", int32(29)}, + } + + copyCount, err := conn.CopyFrom( + context.Background(), + pgx.Identifier{"people"}, + []string{"first_name", "last_name", "age"}, + pgx.CopyFromRows(rows), + ) + +When you already have a typed array using CopyFromSlice can be more convenient. + + rows := []User{ + {"John", "Smith", 36}, + {"Jane", "Doe", 29}, + } + + copyCount, err := conn.CopyFrom( + context.Background(), + pgx.Identifier{"people"}, + []string{"first_name", "last_name", "age"}, + pgx.CopyFromSlice(len(rows), func(i int) ([]interface{}, error) { + return []interface{}{rows[i].FirstName, rows[i].LastName, rows[i].Age}, nil + }), + ) + +CopyFrom can be faster than an insert with as few as 5 rows. + +Listen and Notify + +pgx can listen to the PostgreSQL notification system with the `Conn.WaitForNotification` method. It blocks until a +notification is received or the context is canceled. + + _, err := conn.Exec(context.Background(), "listen channelname") + if err != nil { + return nil + } + + if notification, err := conn.WaitForNotification(context.Background()); err != nil { + // do something with notification + } + + +Logging + +pgx defines a simple logger interface. Connections optionally accept a logger that satisfies this interface. Set +LogLevel to control logging verbosity. Adapters for github.com/inconshreveable/log15, github.com/sirupsen/logrus, +go.uber.org/zap, github.com/rs/zerolog, and the testing log are provided in the log directory. + +Lower Level PostgreSQL Functionality + +pgx is implemented on top of github.com/jackc/pgconn a lower level PostgreSQL driver. The Conn.PgConn() method can be +used to access this lower layer. + +PgBouncer + +pgx is compatible with PgBouncer in two modes. One is when the connection has a statement cache in "describe" mode. The +other is when the connection is using the simple protocol. This can be set with the PreferSimpleProtocol config option. +*/ +package pgx diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/extended_query_builder.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/extended_query_builder.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d06f63fd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/extended_query_builder.go @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +package pgx + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/jackc/pgtype" +) + +type extendedQueryBuilder struct { + paramValues [][]byte + paramValueBytes []byte + paramFormats []int16 + resultFormats []int16 +} + +func (eqb *extendedQueryBuilder) AppendParam(ci *pgtype.ConnInfo, oid uint32, arg interface{}) error { + f := chooseParameterFormatCode(ci, oid, arg) + eqb.paramFormats = append(eqb.paramFormats, f) + + v, err := eqb.encodeExtendedParamValue(ci, oid, f, arg) + if err != nil { + return err + } + eqb.paramValues = append(eqb.paramValues, v) + + return nil +} + +func (eqb *extendedQueryBuilder) AppendResultFormat(f int16) { + eqb.resultFormats = append(eqb.resultFormats, f) +} + +// Reset readies eqb to build another query. +func (eqb *extendedQueryBuilder) Reset() { + eqb.paramValues = eqb.paramValues[0:0] + eqb.paramValueBytes = eqb.paramValueBytes[0:0] + eqb.paramFormats = eqb.paramFormats[0:0] + eqb.resultFormats = eqb.resultFormats[0:0] + + if cap(eqb.paramValues) > 64 { + eqb.paramValues = make([][]byte, 0, 64) + } + + if cap(eqb.paramValueBytes) > 256 { + eqb.paramValueBytes = make([]byte, 0, 256) + } + + if cap(eqb.paramFormats) > 64 { + eqb.paramFormats = make([]int16, 0, 64) + } + if cap(eqb.resultFormats) > 64 { + eqb.resultFormats = make([]int16, 0, 64) + } +} + +func (eqb *extendedQueryBuilder) encodeExtendedParamValue(ci *pgtype.ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, arg interface{}) ([]byte, error) { + if arg == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + refVal := reflect.ValueOf(arg) + argIsPtr := refVal.Kind() == reflect.Ptr + + if argIsPtr && refVal.IsNil() { + return nil, nil + } + + if eqb.paramValueBytes == nil { + eqb.paramValueBytes = make([]byte, 0, 128) + } + + var err error + var buf []byte + pos := len(eqb.paramValueBytes) + + if arg, ok := arg.(string); ok { + return []byte(arg), nil + } + + if formatCode == TextFormatCode { + if arg, ok := arg.(pgtype.TextEncoder); ok { + buf, err = arg.EncodeText(ci, eqb.paramValueBytes) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + eqb.paramValueBytes = buf + return eqb.paramValueBytes[pos:], nil + } + } else if formatCode == BinaryFormatCode { + if arg, ok := arg.(pgtype.BinaryEncoder); ok { + buf, err = arg.EncodeBinary(ci, eqb.paramValueBytes) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + eqb.paramValueBytes = buf + return eqb.paramValueBytes[pos:], nil + } + } + + if argIsPtr { + // We have already checked that arg is not pointing to nil, + // so it is safe to dereference here. + arg = refVal.Elem().Interface() + return eqb.encodeExtendedParamValue(ci, oid, formatCode, arg) + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForOID(oid); ok { + value := dt.Value + err := value.Set(arg) + if err != nil { + { + if arg, ok := arg.(driver.Valuer); ok { + v, err := callValuerValue(arg) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return eqb.encodeExtendedParamValue(ci, oid, formatCode, v) + } + } + + return nil, err + } + + return eqb.encodeExtendedParamValue(ci, oid, formatCode, value) + } + + // There is no data type registered for the destination OID, but maybe there is data type registered for the arg + // type. If so use it's text encoder (if available). + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForValue(arg); ok { + value := dt.Value + if textEncoder, ok := value.(pgtype.TextEncoder); ok { + err := value.Set(arg) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + buf, err = textEncoder.EncodeText(ci, eqb.paramValueBytes) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + eqb.paramValueBytes = buf + return eqb.paramValueBytes[pos:], nil + } + } + + if strippedArg, ok := stripNamedType(&refVal); ok { + return eqb.encodeExtendedParamValue(ci, oid, formatCode, strippedArg) + } + return nil, SerializationError(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot encode %T into oid %v - %T must implement Encoder or be converted to a string", arg, oid, arg)) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/go_stdlib.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/go_stdlib.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9372f9ef --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/go_stdlib.go @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +package pgx + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "reflect" +) + +// This file contains code copied from the Go standard library due to the +// required function not being public. + +// Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. + +// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are +// met: + +// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer +// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the +// distribution. +// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its +// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from +// this software without specific prior written permission. + +// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS +// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT +// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR +// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT +// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT +// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, +// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY +// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE +// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +// From database/sql/convert.go + +var valuerReflectType = reflect.TypeOf((*driver.Valuer)(nil)).Elem() + +// callValuerValue returns vr.Value(), with one exception: +// If vr.Value is an auto-generated method on a pointer type and the +// pointer is nil, it would panic at runtime in the panicwrap +// method. Treat it like nil instead. +// Issue 8415. +// +// This is so people can implement driver.Value on value types and +// still use nil pointers to those types to mean nil/NULL, just like +// string/*string. +// +// This function is mirrored in the database/sql/driver package. +func callValuerValue(vr driver.Valuer) (v driver.Value, err error) { + if rv := reflect.ValueOf(vr); rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && + rv.IsNil() && + rv.Type().Elem().Implements(valuerReflectType) { + return nil, nil + } + return vr.Value() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/internal/sanitize/sanitize.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/internal/sanitize/sanitize.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2dba3b81 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/internal/sanitize/sanitize.go @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@ +package sanitize + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/hex" + "fmt" + "strconv" + "strings" + "time" + "unicode/utf8" +) + +// Part is either a string or an int. A string is raw SQL. An int is a +// argument placeholder. +type Part interface{} + +type Query struct { + Parts []Part +} + +func (q *Query) Sanitize(args ...interface{}) (string, error) { + argUse := make([]bool, len(args)) + buf := &bytes.Buffer{} + + for _, part := range q.Parts { + var str string + switch part := part.(type) { + case string: + str = part + case int: + argIdx := part - 1 + if argIdx >= len(args) { + return "", fmt.Errorf("insufficient arguments") + } + arg := args[argIdx] + switch arg := arg.(type) { + case nil: + str = "null" + case int64: + str = strconv.FormatInt(arg, 10) + case float64: + str = strconv.FormatFloat(arg, 'f', -1, 64) + case bool: + str = strconv.FormatBool(arg) + case []byte: + str = QuoteBytes(arg) + case string: + str = QuoteString(arg) + case time.Time: + str = arg.Truncate(time.Microsecond).Format("'2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999Z07:00:00'") + default: + return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid arg type: %T", arg) + } + argUse[argIdx] = true + default: + return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid Part type: %T", part) + } + buf.WriteString(str) + } + + for i, used := range argUse { + if !used { + return "", fmt.Errorf("unused argument: %d", i) + } + } + return buf.String(), nil +} + +func NewQuery(sql string) (*Query, error) { + l := &sqlLexer{ + src: sql, + stateFn: rawState, + } + + for l.stateFn != nil { + l.stateFn = l.stateFn(l) + } + + query := &Query{Parts: l.parts} + + return query, nil +} + +func QuoteString(str string) string { + return "'" + strings.ReplaceAll(str, "'", "''") + "'" +} + +func QuoteBytes(buf []byte) string { + return `'\x` + hex.EncodeToString(buf) + "'" +} + +type sqlLexer struct { + src string + start int + pos int + nested int // multiline comment nesting level. + stateFn stateFn + parts []Part +} + +type stateFn func(*sqlLexer) stateFn + +func rawState(l *sqlLexer) stateFn { + for { + r, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + l.pos += width + + switch r { + case 'e', 'E': + nextRune, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + if nextRune == '\'' { + l.pos += width + return escapeStringState + } + case '\'': + return singleQuoteState + case '"': + return doubleQuoteState + case '$': + nextRune, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + if '0' <= nextRune && nextRune <= '9' { + if l.pos-l.start > 0 { + l.parts = append(l.parts, l.src[l.start:l.pos-width]) + } + l.start = l.pos + return placeholderState + } + case '-': + nextRune, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + if nextRune == '-' { + l.pos += width + return oneLineCommentState + } + case '/': + nextRune, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + if nextRune == '*' { + l.pos += width + return multilineCommentState + } + case utf8.RuneError: + if l.pos-l.start > 0 { + l.parts = append(l.parts, l.src[l.start:l.pos]) + l.start = l.pos + } + return nil + } + } +} + +func singleQuoteState(l *sqlLexer) stateFn { + for { + r, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + l.pos += width + + switch r { + case '\'': + nextRune, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + if nextRune != '\'' { + return rawState + } + l.pos += width + case utf8.RuneError: + if l.pos-l.start > 0 { + l.parts = append(l.parts, l.src[l.start:l.pos]) + l.start = l.pos + } + return nil + } + } +} + +func doubleQuoteState(l *sqlLexer) stateFn { + for { + r, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + l.pos += width + + switch r { + case '"': + nextRune, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + if nextRune != '"' { + return rawState + } + l.pos += width + case utf8.RuneError: + if l.pos-l.start > 0 { + l.parts = append(l.parts, l.src[l.start:l.pos]) + l.start = l.pos + } + return nil + } + } +} + +// placeholderState consumes a placeholder value. The $ must have already has +// already been consumed. The first rune must be a digit. +func placeholderState(l *sqlLexer) stateFn { + num := 0 + + for { + r, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + l.pos += width + + if '0' <= r && r <= '9' { + num *= 10 + num += int(r - '0') + } else { + l.parts = append(l.parts, num) + l.pos -= width + l.start = l.pos + return rawState + } + } +} + +func escapeStringState(l *sqlLexer) stateFn { + for { + r, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + l.pos += width + + switch r { + case '\\': + _, width = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + l.pos += width + case '\'': + nextRune, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + if nextRune != '\'' { + return rawState + } + l.pos += width + case utf8.RuneError: + if l.pos-l.start > 0 { + l.parts = append(l.parts, l.src[l.start:l.pos]) + l.start = l.pos + } + return nil + } + } +} + +func oneLineCommentState(l *sqlLexer) stateFn { + for { + r, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + l.pos += width + + switch r { + case '\\': + _, width = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + l.pos += width + case '\n': + return rawState + case utf8.RuneError: + if l.pos-l.start > 0 { + l.parts = append(l.parts, l.src[l.start:l.pos]) + l.start = l.pos + } + return nil + } + } +} + +func multilineCommentState(l *sqlLexer) stateFn { + for { + r, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + l.pos += width + + switch r { + case '/': + nextRune, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + if nextRune == '*' { + l.pos += width + l.nested++ + } + case '*': + nextRune, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.src[l.pos:]) + if nextRune != '/' { + continue + } + + l.pos += width + if l.nested == 0 { + return rawState + } + l.nested-- + + case utf8.RuneError: + if l.pos-l.start > 0 { + l.parts = append(l.parts, l.src[l.start:l.pos]) + l.start = l.pos + } + return nil + } + } +} + +// SanitizeSQL replaces placeholder values with args. It quotes and escapes args +// as necessary. This function is only safe when standard_conforming_strings is +// on. +func SanitizeSQL(sql string, args ...interface{}) (string, error) { + query, err := NewQuery(sql) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + return query.Sanitize(args...) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/large_objects.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/large_objects.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5255a3b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/large_objects.go @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +package pgx + +import ( + "context" + "errors" + "io" +) + +// LargeObjects is a structure used to access the large objects API. It is only valid within the transaction where it +// was created. +// +// For more details see: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/largeobjects.html +type LargeObjects struct { + tx Tx +} + +type LargeObjectMode int32 + +const ( + LargeObjectModeWrite LargeObjectMode = 0x20000 + LargeObjectModeRead LargeObjectMode = 0x40000 +) + +// Create creates a new large object. If oid is zero, the server assigns an unused OID. +func (o *LargeObjects) Create(ctx context.Context, oid uint32) (uint32, error) { + err := o.tx.QueryRow(ctx, "select lo_create($1)", oid).Scan(&oid) + return oid, err +} + +// Open opens an existing large object with the given mode. ctx will also be used for all operations on the opened large +// object. +func (o *LargeObjects) Open(ctx context.Context, oid uint32, mode LargeObjectMode) (*LargeObject, error) { + var fd int32 + err := o.tx.QueryRow(ctx, "select lo_open($1, $2)", oid, mode).Scan(&fd) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &LargeObject{fd: fd, tx: o.tx, ctx: ctx}, nil +} + +// Unlink removes a large object from the database. +func (o *LargeObjects) Unlink(ctx context.Context, oid uint32) error { + var result int32 + err := o.tx.QueryRow(ctx, "select lo_unlink($1)", oid).Scan(&result) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if result != 1 { + return errors.New("failed to remove large object") + } + + return nil +} + +// A LargeObject is a large object stored on the server. It is only valid within the transaction that it was initialized +// in. It uses the context it was initialized with for all operations. It implements these interfaces: +// +// io.Writer +// io.Reader +// io.Seeker +// io.Closer +type LargeObject struct { + ctx context.Context + tx Tx + fd int32 +} + +// Write writes p to the large object and returns the number of bytes written and an error if not all of p was written. +func (o *LargeObject) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { + var n int + err := o.tx.QueryRow(o.ctx, "select lowrite($1, $2)", o.fd, p).Scan(&n) + if err != nil { + return n, err + } + + if n < 0 { + return 0, errors.New("failed to write to large object") + } + + return n, nil +} + +// Read reads up to len(p) bytes into p returning the number of bytes read. +func (o *LargeObject) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { + var res []byte + err := o.tx.QueryRow(o.ctx, "select loread($1, $2)", o.fd, len(p)).Scan(&res) + copy(p, res) + if err != nil { + return len(res), err + } + + if len(res) < len(p) { + err = io.EOF + } + return len(res), err +} + +// Seek moves the current location pointer to the new location specified by offset. +func (o *LargeObject) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (n int64, err error) { + err = o.tx.QueryRow(o.ctx, "select lo_lseek64($1, $2, $3)", o.fd, offset, whence).Scan(&n) + return n, err +} + +// Tell returns the current read or write location of the large object descriptor. +func (o *LargeObject) Tell() (n int64, err error) { + err = o.tx.QueryRow(o.ctx, "select lo_tell64($1)", o.fd).Scan(&n) + return n, err +} + +// Trunctes the large object to size. +func (o *LargeObject) Truncate(size int64) (err error) { + _, err = o.tx.Exec(o.ctx, "select lo_truncate64($1, $2)", o.fd, size) + return err +} + +// Close closees the large object descriptor. +func (o *LargeObject) Close() error { + _, err := o.tx.Exec(o.ctx, "select lo_close($1)", o.fd) + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/logger.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/logger.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89fd5af5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/logger.go @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +package pgx + +import ( + "context" + "encoding/hex" + "errors" + "fmt" +) + +// The values for log levels are chosen such that the zero value means that no +// log level was specified. +const ( + LogLevelTrace = 6 + LogLevelDebug = 5 + LogLevelInfo = 4 + LogLevelWarn = 3 + LogLevelError = 2 + LogLevelNone = 1 +) + +// LogLevel represents the pgx logging level. See LogLevel* constants for +// possible values. +type LogLevel int + +func (ll LogLevel) String() string { + switch ll { + case LogLevelTrace: + return "trace" + case LogLevelDebug: + return "debug" + case LogLevelInfo: + return "info" + case LogLevelWarn: + return "warn" + case LogLevelError: + return "error" + case LogLevelNone: + return "none" + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("invalid level %d", ll) + } +} + +// Logger is the interface used to get logging from pgx internals. +type Logger interface { + // Log a message at the given level with data key/value pairs. data may be nil. + Log(ctx context.Context, level LogLevel, msg string, data map[string]interface{}) +} + +// LogLevelFromString converts log level string to constant +// +// Valid levels: +// trace +// debug +// info +// warn +// error +// none +func LogLevelFromString(s string) (LogLevel, error) { + switch s { + case "trace": + return LogLevelTrace, nil + case "debug": + return LogLevelDebug, nil + case "info": + return LogLevelInfo, nil + case "warn": + return LogLevelWarn, nil + case "error": + return LogLevelError, nil + case "none": + return LogLevelNone, nil + default: + return 0, errors.New("invalid log level") + } +} + +func logQueryArgs(args []interface{}) []interface{} { + logArgs := make([]interface{}, 0, len(args)) + + for _, a := range args { + switch v := a.(type) { + case []byte: + if len(v) < 64 { + a = hex.EncodeToString(v) + } else { + a = fmt.Sprintf("%x (truncated %d bytes)", v[:64], len(v)-64) + } + case string: + if len(v) > 64 { + a = fmt.Sprintf("%s (truncated %d bytes)", v[:64], len(v)-64) + } + } + logArgs = append(logArgs, a) + } + + return logArgs +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/messages.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/messages.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5324cbb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/messages.go @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +package pgx + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + + "github.com/jackc/pgtype" +) + +func convertDriverValuers(args []interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) { + for i, arg := range args { + switch arg := arg.(type) { + case pgtype.BinaryEncoder: + case pgtype.TextEncoder: + case driver.Valuer: + v, err := callValuerValue(arg) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + args[i] = v + } + } + return args, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/rows.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/rows.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d57d5cbf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/rows.go @@ -0,0 +1,347 @@ +package pgx + +import ( + "context" + "errors" + "fmt" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgconn" + "github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2" + "github.com/jackc/pgtype" +) + +// Rows is the result set returned from *Conn.Query. Rows must be closed before +// the *Conn can be used again. Rows are closed by explicitly calling Close(), +// calling Next() until it returns false, or when a fatal error occurs. +// +// Once a Rows is closed the only methods that may be called are Close(), Err(), and CommandTag(). +// +// Rows is an interface instead of a struct to allow tests to mock Query. However, +// adding a method to an interface is technically a breaking change. Because of this +// the Rows interface is partially excluded from semantic version requirements. +// Methods will not be removed or changed, but new methods may be added. +type Rows interface { + // Close closes the rows, making the connection ready for use again. It is safe + // to call Close after rows is already closed. + Close() + + // Err returns any error that occurred while reading. + Err() error + + // CommandTag returns the command tag from this query. It is only available after Rows is closed. + CommandTag() pgconn.CommandTag + + FieldDescriptions() []pgproto3.FieldDescription + + // Next prepares the next row for reading. It returns true if there is another + // row and false if no more rows are available. It automatically closes rows + // when all rows are read. + Next() bool + + // Scan reads the values from the current row into dest values positionally. + // dest can include pointers to core types, values implementing the Scanner + // interface, and nil. nil will skip the value entirely. + Scan(dest ...interface{}) error + + // Values returns the decoded row values. + Values() ([]interface{}, error) + + // RawValues returns the unparsed bytes of the row values. The returned [][]byte is only valid until the next Next + // call or the Rows is closed. However, the underlying byte data is safe to retain a reference to and mutate. + RawValues() [][]byte +} + +// Row is a convenience wrapper over Rows that is returned by QueryRow. +// +// Row is an interface instead of a struct to allow tests to mock QueryRow. However, +// adding a method to an interface is technically a breaking change. Because of this +// the Row interface is partially excluded from semantic version requirements. +// Methods will not be removed or changed, but new methods may be added. +type Row interface { + // Scan works the same as Rows. with the following exceptions. If no + // rows were found it returns ErrNoRows. If multiple rows are returned it + // ignores all but the first. + Scan(dest ...interface{}) error +} + +// connRow implements the Row interface for Conn.QueryRow. +type connRow connRows + +func (r *connRow) Scan(dest ...interface{}) (err error) { + rows := (*connRows)(r) + + if rows.Err() != nil { + return rows.Err() + } + + if !rows.Next() { + if rows.Err() == nil { + return ErrNoRows + } + return rows.Err() + } + + rows.Scan(dest...) + rows.Close() + return rows.Err() +} + +type rowLog interface { + shouldLog(lvl LogLevel) bool + log(ctx context.Context, lvl LogLevel, msg string, data map[string]interface{}) +} + +// connRows implements the Rows interface for Conn.Query. +type connRows struct { + ctx context.Context + logger rowLog + connInfo *pgtype.ConnInfo + values [][]byte + rowCount int + err error + commandTag pgconn.CommandTag + startTime time.Time + sql string + args []interface{} + closed bool + conn *Conn + + resultReader *pgconn.ResultReader + multiResultReader *pgconn.MultiResultReader + + scanPlans []pgtype.ScanPlan +} + +func (rows *connRows) FieldDescriptions() []pgproto3.FieldDescription { + return rows.resultReader.FieldDescriptions() +} + +func (rows *connRows) Close() { + if rows.closed { + return + } + + rows.closed = true + + if rows.resultReader != nil { + var closeErr error + rows.commandTag, closeErr = rows.resultReader.Close() + if rows.err == nil { + rows.err = closeErr + } + } + + if rows.multiResultReader != nil { + closeErr := rows.multiResultReader.Close() + if rows.err == nil { + rows.err = closeErr + } + } + + if rows.logger != nil { + if rows.err == nil { + if rows.logger.shouldLog(LogLevelInfo) { + endTime := time.Now() + rows.logger.log(rows.ctx, LogLevelInfo, "Query", map[string]interface{}{"sql": rows.sql, "args": logQueryArgs(rows.args), "time": endTime.Sub(rows.startTime), "rowCount": rows.rowCount}) + } + } else { + if rows.logger.shouldLog(LogLevelError) { + rows.logger.log(rows.ctx, LogLevelError, "Query", map[string]interface{}{"err": rows.err, "sql": rows.sql, "args": logQueryArgs(rows.args)}) + } + if rows.err != nil && rows.conn.stmtcache != nil { + rows.conn.stmtcache.StatementErrored(rows.sql, rows.err) + } + } + } +} + +func (rows *connRows) CommandTag() pgconn.CommandTag { + return rows.commandTag +} + +func (rows *connRows) Err() error { + return rows.err +} + +// fatal signals an error occurred after the query was sent to the server. It +// closes the rows automatically. +func (rows *connRows) fatal(err error) { + if rows.err != nil { + return + } + + rows.err = err + rows.Close() +} + +func (rows *connRows) Next() bool { + if rows.closed { + return false + } + + if rows.resultReader.NextRow() { + rows.rowCount++ + rows.values = rows.resultReader.Values() + return true + } else { + rows.Close() + return false + } +} + +func (rows *connRows) Scan(dest ...interface{}) error { + ci := rows.connInfo + fieldDescriptions := rows.FieldDescriptions() + values := rows.values + + if len(fieldDescriptions) != len(values) { + err := fmt.Errorf("number of field descriptions must equal number of values, got %d and %d", len(fieldDescriptions), len(values)) + rows.fatal(err) + return err + } + if len(fieldDescriptions) != len(dest) { + err := fmt.Errorf("number of field descriptions must equal number of destinations, got %d and %d", len(fieldDescriptions), len(dest)) + rows.fatal(err) + return err + } + + if rows.scanPlans == nil { + rows.scanPlans = make([]pgtype.ScanPlan, len(values)) + for i := range dest { + rows.scanPlans[i] = ci.PlanScan(fieldDescriptions[i].DataTypeOID, fieldDescriptions[i].Format, dest[i]) + } + } + + for i, dst := range dest { + if dst == nil { + continue + } + + err := rows.scanPlans[i].Scan(ci, fieldDescriptions[i].DataTypeOID, fieldDescriptions[i].Format, values[i], dst) + if err != nil { + err = ScanArgError{ColumnIndex: i, Err: err} + rows.fatal(err) + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (rows *connRows) Values() ([]interface{}, error) { + if rows.closed { + return nil, errors.New("rows is closed") + } + + values := make([]interface{}, 0, len(rows.FieldDescriptions())) + + for i := range rows.FieldDescriptions() { + buf := rows.values[i] + fd := &rows.FieldDescriptions()[i] + + if buf == nil { + values = append(values, nil) + continue + } + + if dt, ok := rows.connInfo.DataTypeForOID(fd.DataTypeOID); ok { + value := dt.Value + + switch fd.Format { + case TextFormatCode: + decoder, ok := value.(pgtype.TextDecoder) + if !ok { + decoder = &pgtype.GenericText{} + } + err := decoder.DecodeText(rows.connInfo, buf) + if err != nil { + rows.fatal(err) + } + values = append(values, decoder.(pgtype.Value).Get()) + case BinaryFormatCode: + decoder, ok := value.(pgtype.BinaryDecoder) + if !ok { + decoder = &pgtype.GenericBinary{} + } + err := decoder.DecodeBinary(rows.connInfo, buf) + if err != nil { + rows.fatal(err) + } + values = append(values, value.Get()) + default: + rows.fatal(errors.New("Unknown format code")) + } + } else { + switch fd.Format { + case TextFormatCode: + decoder := &pgtype.GenericText{} + err := decoder.DecodeText(rows.connInfo, buf) + if err != nil { + rows.fatal(err) + } + values = append(values, decoder.Get()) + case BinaryFormatCode: + decoder := &pgtype.GenericBinary{} + err := decoder.DecodeBinary(rows.connInfo, buf) + if err != nil { + rows.fatal(err) + } + values = append(values, decoder.Get()) + default: + rows.fatal(errors.New("Unknown format code")) + } + } + + if rows.Err() != nil { + return nil, rows.Err() + } + } + + return values, rows.Err() +} + +func (rows *connRows) RawValues() [][]byte { + return rows.values +} + +type ScanArgError struct { + ColumnIndex int + Err error +} + +func (e ScanArgError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("can't scan into dest[%d]: %v", e.ColumnIndex, e.Err) +} + +func (e ScanArgError) Unwrap() error { + return e.Err +} + +// ScanRow decodes raw row data into dest. It can be used to scan rows read from the lower level pgconn interface. +// +// connInfo - OID to Go type mapping. +// fieldDescriptions - OID and format of values +// values - the raw data as returned from the PostgreSQL server +// dest - the destination that values will be decoded into +func ScanRow(connInfo *pgtype.ConnInfo, fieldDescriptions []pgproto3.FieldDescription, values [][]byte, dest ...interface{}) error { + if len(fieldDescriptions) != len(values) { + return fmt.Errorf("number of field descriptions must equal number of values, got %d and %d", len(fieldDescriptions), len(values)) + } + if len(fieldDescriptions) != len(dest) { + return fmt.Errorf("number of field descriptions must equal number of destinations, got %d and %d", len(fieldDescriptions), len(dest)) + } + + for i, d := range dest { + if d == nil { + continue + } + + err := connInfo.Scan(fieldDescriptions[i].DataTypeOID, fieldDescriptions[i].Format, values[i], d) + if err != nil { + return ScanArgError{ColumnIndex: i, Err: err} + } + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/stdlib/sql.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/stdlib/sql.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fa81e73d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/stdlib/sql.go @@ -0,0 +1,858 @@ +// Package stdlib is the compatibility layer from pgx to database/sql. +// +// A database/sql connection can be established through sql.Open. +// +// db, err := sql.Open("pgx", "postgres://pgx_md5:secret@localhost:5432/pgx_test?sslmode=disable") +// if err != nil { +// return err +// } +// +// Or from a DSN string. +// +// db, err := sql.Open("pgx", "user=postgres password=secret host=localhost port=5432 database=pgx_test sslmode=disable") +// if err != nil { +// return err +// } +// +// Or a pgx.ConnConfig can be used to set configuration not accessible via connection string. In this case the +// pgx.ConnConfig must first be registered with the driver. This registration returns a connection string which is used +// with sql.Open. +// +// connConfig, _ := pgx.ParseConfig(os.Getenv("DATABASE_URL")) +// connConfig.Logger = myLogger +// connStr := stdlib.RegisterConnConfig(connConfig) +// db, _ := sql.Open("pgx", connStr) +// +// pgx uses standard PostgreSQL positional parameters in queries. e.g. $1, $2. +// It does not support named parameters. +// +// db.QueryRow("select * from users where id=$1", userID) +// +// In Go 1.13 and above (*sql.Conn) Raw() can be used to get a *pgx.Conn from the standard +// database/sql.DB connection pool. This allows operations that use pgx specific functionality. +// +// // Given db is a *sql.DB +// conn, err := db.Conn(context.Background()) +// if err != nil { +// // handle error from acquiring connection from DB pool +// } +// +// err = conn.Raw(func(driverConn interface{}) error { +// conn := driverConn.(*stdlib.Conn).Conn() // conn is a *pgx.Conn +// // Do pgx specific stuff with conn +// conn.CopyFrom(...) +// return nil +// }) +// if err != nil { +// // handle error that occurred while using *pgx.Conn +// } +package stdlib + +import ( + "context" + "database/sql" + "database/sql/driver" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "math" + "math/rand" + "reflect" + "strconv" + "strings" + "sync" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgconn" + "github.com/jackc/pgtype" + "github.com/jackc/pgx/v4" +) + +// Only intrinsic types should be binary format with database/sql. +var databaseSQLResultFormats pgx.QueryResultFormatsByOID + +var pgxDriver *Driver + +type ctxKey int + +var ctxKeyFakeTx ctxKey = 0 + +var ErrNotPgx = errors.New("not pgx *sql.DB") + +func init() { + pgxDriver = &Driver{ + configs: make(map[string]*pgx.ConnConfig), + } + fakeTxConns = make(map[*pgx.Conn]*sql.Tx) + sql.Register("pgx", pgxDriver) + + databaseSQLResultFormats = pgx.QueryResultFormatsByOID{ + pgtype.BoolOID: 1, + pgtype.ByteaOID: 1, + pgtype.CIDOID: 1, + pgtype.DateOID: 1, + pgtype.Float4OID: 1, + pgtype.Float8OID: 1, + pgtype.Int2OID: 1, + pgtype.Int4OID: 1, + pgtype.Int8OID: 1, + pgtype.OIDOID: 1, + pgtype.TimestampOID: 1, + pgtype.TimestamptzOID: 1, + pgtype.XIDOID: 1, + } +} + +var ( + fakeTxMutex sync.Mutex + fakeTxConns map[*pgx.Conn]*sql.Tx +) + +// OptionOpenDB options for configuring the driver when opening a new db pool. +type OptionOpenDB func(*connector) + +// OptionBeforeConnect provides a callback for before connect. It is passed a shallow copy of the ConnConfig that will +// be used to connect, so only its immediate members should be modified. +func OptionBeforeConnect(bc func(context.Context, *pgx.ConnConfig) error) OptionOpenDB { + return func(dc *connector) { + dc.BeforeConnect = bc + } +} + +// OptionAfterConnect provides a callback for after connect. +func OptionAfterConnect(ac func(context.Context, *pgx.Conn) error) OptionOpenDB { + return func(dc *connector) { + dc.AfterConnect = ac + } +} + +// OptionResetSession provides a callback that can be used to add custom logic prior to executing a query on the +// connection if the connection has been used before. +// If ResetSessionFunc returns ErrBadConn error the connection will be discarded. +func OptionResetSession(rs func(context.Context, *pgx.Conn) error) OptionOpenDB { + return func(dc *connector) { + dc.ResetSession = rs + } +} + +// RandomizeHostOrderFunc is a BeforeConnect hook that randomizes the host order in the provided connConfig, so that a +// new host becomes primary each time. This is useful to distribute connections for multi-master databases like +// CockroachDB. If you use this you likely should set https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/#DB.SetConnMaxLifetime as well +// to ensure that connections are periodically rebalanced across your nodes. +func RandomizeHostOrderFunc(ctx context.Context, connConfig *pgx.ConnConfig) error { + if len(connConfig.Fallbacks) == 0 { + return nil + } + + newFallbacks := append([]*pgconn.FallbackConfig{&pgconn.FallbackConfig{ + Host: connConfig.Host, + Port: connConfig.Port, + TLSConfig: connConfig.TLSConfig, + }}, connConfig.Fallbacks...) + + rand.Shuffle(len(newFallbacks), func(i, j int) { + newFallbacks[i], newFallbacks[j] = newFallbacks[j], newFallbacks[i] + }) + + // Use the one that sorted last as the primary and keep the rest as the fallbacks + newPrimary := newFallbacks[len(newFallbacks)-1] + connConfig.Host = newPrimary.Host + connConfig.Port = newPrimary.Port + connConfig.TLSConfig = newPrimary.TLSConfig + connConfig.Fallbacks = newFallbacks[:len(newFallbacks)-1] + return nil +} + +func OpenDB(config pgx.ConnConfig, opts ...OptionOpenDB) *sql.DB { + c := connector{ + ConnConfig: config, + BeforeConnect: func(context.Context, *pgx.ConnConfig) error { return nil }, // noop before connect by default + AfterConnect: func(context.Context, *pgx.Conn) error { return nil }, // noop after connect by default + ResetSession: func(context.Context, *pgx.Conn) error { return nil }, // noop reset session by default + driver: pgxDriver, + } + + for _, opt := range opts { + opt(&c) + } + + return sql.OpenDB(c) +} + +type connector struct { + pgx.ConnConfig + BeforeConnect func(context.Context, *pgx.ConnConfig) error // function to call before creation of every new connection + AfterConnect func(context.Context, *pgx.Conn) error // function to call after creation of every new connection + ResetSession func(context.Context, *pgx.Conn) error // function is called before a connection is reused + driver *Driver +} + +// Connect implement driver.Connector interface +func (c connector) Connect(ctx context.Context) (driver.Conn, error) { + var ( + err error + conn *pgx.Conn + ) + + // Create a shallow copy of the config, so that BeforeConnect can safely modify it + connConfig := c.ConnConfig + if err = c.BeforeConnect(ctx, &connConfig); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if conn, err = pgx.ConnectConfig(ctx, &connConfig); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if err = c.AfterConnect(ctx, conn); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return &Conn{conn: conn, driver: c.driver, connConfig: connConfig, resetSessionFunc: c.ResetSession}, nil +} + +// Driver implement driver.Connector interface +func (c connector) Driver() driver.Driver { + return c.driver +} + +// GetDefaultDriver returns the driver initialized in the init function +// and used when the pgx driver is registered. +func GetDefaultDriver() driver.Driver { + return pgxDriver +} + +type Driver struct { + configMutex sync.Mutex + configs map[string]*pgx.ConnConfig + sequence int +} + +func (d *Driver) Open(name string) (driver.Conn, error) { + ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 60*time.Second) // Ensure eventual timeout + defer cancel() + + connector, err := d.OpenConnector(name) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return connector.Connect(ctx) +} + +func (d *Driver) OpenConnector(name string) (driver.Connector, error) { + return &driverConnector{driver: d, name: name}, nil +} + +func (d *Driver) registerConnConfig(c *pgx.ConnConfig) string { + d.configMutex.Lock() + connStr := fmt.Sprintf("registeredConnConfig%d", d.sequence) + d.sequence++ + d.configs[connStr] = c + d.configMutex.Unlock() + return connStr +} + +func (d *Driver) unregisterConnConfig(connStr string) { + d.configMutex.Lock() + delete(d.configs, connStr) + d.configMutex.Unlock() +} + +type driverConnector struct { + driver *Driver + name string +} + +func (dc *driverConnector) Connect(ctx context.Context) (driver.Conn, error) { + var connConfig *pgx.ConnConfig + + dc.driver.configMutex.Lock() + connConfig = dc.driver.configs[dc.name] + dc.driver.configMutex.Unlock() + + if connConfig == nil { + var err error + connConfig, err = pgx.ParseConfig(dc.name) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + conn, err := pgx.ConnectConfig(ctx, connConfig) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + c := &Conn{ + conn: conn, + driver: dc.driver, + connConfig: *connConfig, + resetSessionFunc: func(context.Context, *pgx.Conn) error { return nil }, + } + + return c, nil +} + +func (dc *driverConnector) Driver() driver.Driver { + return dc.driver +} + +// RegisterConnConfig registers a ConnConfig and returns the connection string to use with Open. +func RegisterConnConfig(c *pgx.ConnConfig) string { + return pgxDriver.registerConnConfig(c) +} + +// UnregisterConnConfig removes the ConnConfig registration for connStr. +func UnregisterConnConfig(connStr string) { + pgxDriver.unregisterConnConfig(connStr) +} + +type Conn struct { + conn *pgx.Conn + psCount int64 // Counter used for creating unique prepared statement names + driver *Driver + connConfig pgx.ConnConfig + resetSessionFunc func(context.Context, *pgx.Conn) error // Function is called before a connection is reused +} + +// Conn returns the underlying *pgx.Conn +func (c *Conn) Conn() *pgx.Conn { + return c.conn +} + +func (c *Conn) Prepare(query string) (driver.Stmt, error) { + return c.PrepareContext(context.Background(), query) +} + +func (c *Conn) PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (driver.Stmt, error) { + if c.conn.IsClosed() { + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + + name := fmt.Sprintf("pgx_%d", c.psCount) + c.psCount++ + + sd, err := c.conn.Prepare(ctx, name, query) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return &Stmt{sd: sd, conn: c}, nil +} + +func (c *Conn) Close() error { + ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*5) + defer cancel() + return c.conn.Close(ctx) +} + +func (c *Conn) Begin() (driver.Tx, error) { + return c.BeginTx(context.Background(), driver.TxOptions{}) +} + +func (c *Conn) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts driver.TxOptions) (driver.Tx, error) { + if c.conn.IsClosed() { + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + + if pconn, ok := ctx.Value(ctxKeyFakeTx).(**pgx.Conn); ok { + *pconn = c.conn + return fakeTx{}, nil + } + + var pgxOpts pgx.TxOptions + switch sql.IsolationLevel(opts.Isolation) { + case sql.LevelDefault: + case sql.LevelReadUncommitted: + pgxOpts.IsoLevel = pgx.ReadUncommitted + case sql.LevelReadCommitted: + pgxOpts.IsoLevel = pgx.ReadCommitted + case sql.LevelRepeatableRead, sql.LevelSnapshot: + pgxOpts.IsoLevel = pgx.RepeatableRead + case sql.LevelSerializable: + pgxOpts.IsoLevel = pgx.Serializable + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported isolation: %v", opts.Isolation) + } + + if opts.ReadOnly { + pgxOpts.AccessMode = pgx.ReadOnly + } + + tx, err := c.conn.BeginTx(ctx, pgxOpts) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return wrapTx{ctx: ctx, tx: tx}, nil +} + +func (c *Conn) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, argsV []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Result, error) { + if c.conn.IsClosed() { + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + + args := namedValueToInterface(argsV) + + commandTag, err := c.conn.Exec(ctx, query, args...) + // if we got a network error before we had a chance to send the query, retry + if err != nil { + if pgconn.SafeToRetry(err) { + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + } + return driver.RowsAffected(commandTag.RowsAffected()), err +} + +func (c *Conn) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, argsV []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Rows, error) { + if c.conn.IsClosed() { + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + + args := []interface{}{databaseSQLResultFormats} + args = append(args, namedValueToInterface(argsV)...) + + rows, err := c.conn.Query(ctx, query, args...) + if err != nil { + if pgconn.SafeToRetry(err) { + return nil, driver.ErrBadConn + } + return nil, err + } + + // Preload first row because otherwise we won't know what columns are available when database/sql asks. + more := rows.Next() + if err = rows.Err(); err != nil { + rows.Close() + return nil, err + } + return &Rows{conn: c, rows: rows, skipNext: true, skipNextMore: more}, nil +} + +func (c *Conn) Ping(ctx context.Context) error { + if c.conn.IsClosed() { + return driver.ErrBadConn + } + + err := c.conn.Ping(ctx) + if err != nil { + // A Ping failure implies some sort of fatal state. The connection is almost certainly already closed by the + // failure, but manually close it just to be sure. + c.Close() + return driver.ErrBadConn + } + + return nil +} + +func (c *Conn) CheckNamedValue(*driver.NamedValue) error { + // Underlying pgx supports sql.Scanner and driver.Valuer interfaces natively. So everything can be passed through directly. + return nil +} + +func (c *Conn) ResetSession(ctx context.Context) error { + if c.conn.IsClosed() { + return driver.ErrBadConn + } + + return c.resetSessionFunc(ctx, c.conn) +} + +type Stmt struct { + sd *pgconn.StatementDescription + conn *Conn +} + +func (s *Stmt) Close() error { + ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*5) + defer cancel() + return s.conn.conn.Deallocate(ctx, s.sd.Name) +} + +func (s *Stmt) NumInput() int { + return len(s.sd.ParamOIDs) +} + +func (s *Stmt) Exec(argsV []driver.Value) (driver.Result, error) { + return nil, errors.New("Stmt.Exec deprecated and not implemented") +} + +func (s *Stmt) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, argsV []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Result, error) { + return s.conn.ExecContext(ctx, s.sd.Name, argsV) +} + +func (s *Stmt) Query(argsV []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error) { + return nil, errors.New("Stmt.Query deprecated and not implemented") +} + +func (s *Stmt) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, argsV []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Rows, error) { + return s.conn.QueryContext(ctx, s.sd.Name, argsV) +} + +type rowValueFunc func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) + +type Rows struct { + conn *Conn + rows pgx.Rows + valueFuncs []rowValueFunc + skipNext bool + skipNextMore bool + + columnNames []string +} + +func (r *Rows) Columns() []string { + if r.columnNames == nil { + fields := r.rows.FieldDescriptions() + r.columnNames = make([]string, len(fields)) + for i, fd := range fields { + r.columnNames[i] = string(fd.Name) + } + } + + return r.columnNames +} + +// ColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName returns the database system type name. If the name is unknown the OID is returned. +func (r *Rows) ColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName(index int) string { + if dt, ok := r.conn.conn.ConnInfo().DataTypeForOID(r.rows.FieldDescriptions()[index].DataTypeOID); ok { + return strings.ToUpper(dt.Name) + } + + return strconv.FormatInt(int64(r.rows.FieldDescriptions()[index].DataTypeOID), 10) +} + +const varHeaderSize = 4 + +// ColumnTypeLength returns the length of the column type if the column is a +// variable length type. If the column is not a variable length type ok +// should return false. +func (r *Rows) ColumnTypeLength(index int) (int64, bool) { + fd := r.rows.FieldDescriptions()[index] + + switch fd.DataTypeOID { + case pgtype.TextOID, pgtype.ByteaOID: + return math.MaxInt64, true + case pgtype.VarcharOID, pgtype.BPCharArrayOID: + return int64(fd.TypeModifier - varHeaderSize), true + default: + return 0, false + } +} + +// ColumnTypePrecisionScale should return the precision and scale for decimal +// types. If not applicable, ok should be false. +func (r *Rows) ColumnTypePrecisionScale(index int) (precision, scale int64, ok bool) { + fd := r.rows.FieldDescriptions()[index] + + switch fd.DataTypeOID { + case pgtype.NumericOID: + mod := fd.TypeModifier - varHeaderSize + precision = int64((mod >> 16) & 0xffff) + scale = int64(mod & 0xffff) + return precision, scale, true + default: + return 0, 0, false + } +} + +// ColumnTypeScanType returns the value type that can be used to scan types into. +func (r *Rows) ColumnTypeScanType(index int) reflect.Type { + fd := r.rows.FieldDescriptions()[index] + + switch fd.DataTypeOID { + case pgtype.Float8OID: + return reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)) + case pgtype.Float4OID: + return reflect.TypeOf(float32(0)) + case pgtype.Int8OID: + return reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)) + case pgtype.Int4OID: + return reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)) + case pgtype.Int2OID: + return reflect.TypeOf(int16(0)) + case pgtype.BoolOID: + return reflect.TypeOf(false) + case pgtype.NumericOID: + return reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)) + case pgtype.DateOID, pgtype.TimestampOID, pgtype.TimestamptzOID: + return reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) + case pgtype.ByteaOID: + return reflect.TypeOf([]byte(nil)) + default: + return reflect.TypeOf("") + } +} + +func (r *Rows) Close() error { + r.rows.Close() + return r.rows.Err() +} + +func (r *Rows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error { + ci := r.conn.conn.ConnInfo() + fieldDescriptions := r.rows.FieldDescriptions() + + if r.valueFuncs == nil { + r.valueFuncs = make([]rowValueFunc, len(fieldDescriptions)) + + for i, fd := range fieldDescriptions { + dataTypeOID := fd.DataTypeOID + format := fd.Format + + switch fd.DataTypeOID { + case pgtype.BoolOID: + var d bool + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + return d, err + } + case pgtype.ByteaOID: + var d []byte + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + return d, err + } + case pgtype.CIDOID: + var d pgtype.CID + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return d.Value() + } + case pgtype.DateOID: + var d pgtype.Date + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return d.Value() + } + case pgtype.Float4OID: + var d float32 + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + return float64(d), err + } + case pgtype.Float8OID: + var d float64 + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + return d, err + } + case pgtype.Int2OID: + var d int16 + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + return int64(d), err + } + case pgtype.Int4OID: + var d int32 + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + return int64(d), err + } + case pgtype.Int8OID: + var d int64 + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + return d, err + } + case pgtype.JSONOID: + var d pgtype.JSON + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return d.Value() + } + case pgtype.JSONBOID: + var d pgtype.JSONB + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return d.Value() + } + case pgtype.OIDOID: + var d pgtype.OIDValue + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return d.Value() + } + case pgtype.TimestampOID: + var d pgtype.Timestamp + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return d.Value() + } + case pgtype.TimestamptzOID: + var d pgtype.Timestamptz + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return d.Value() + } + case pgtype.XIDOID: + var d pgtype.XID + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return d.Value() + } + default: + var d string + scanPlan := ci.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d) + r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) { + err := scanPlan.Scan(ci, dataTypeOID, format, src, &d) + return d, err + } + } + } + } + + var more bool + if r.skipNext { + more = r.skipNextMore + r.skipNext = false + } else { + more = r.rows.Next() + } + + if !more { + if r.rows.Err() == nil { + return io.EOF + } else { + return r.rows.Err() + } + } + + for i, rv := range r.rows.RawValues() { + if rv != nil { + var err error + dest[i], err = r.valueFuncs[i](rv) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("convert field %d failed: %v", i, err) + } + } else { + dest[i] = nil + } + } + + return nil +} + +func valueToInterface(argsV []driver.Value) []interface{} { + args := make([]interface{}, 0, len(argsV)) + for _, v := range argsV { + if v != nil { + args = append(args, v.(interface{})) + } else { + args = append(args, nil) + } + } + return args +} + +func namedValueToInterface(argsV []driver.NamedValue) []interface{} { + args := make([]interface{}, 0, len(argsV)) + for _, v := range argsV { + if v.Value != nil { + args = append(args, v.Value.(interface{})) + } else { + args = append(args, nil) + } + } + return args +} + +type wrapTx struct { + ctx context.Context + tx pgx.Tx +} + +func (wtx wrapTx) Commit() error { return wtx.tx.Commit(wtx.ctx) } + +func (wtx wrapTx) Rollback() error { return wtx.tx.Rollback(wtx.ctx) } + +type fakeTx struct{} + +func (fakeTx) Commit() error { return nil } + +func (fakeTx) Rollback() error { return nil } + +// AcquireConn acquires a *pgx.Conn from database/sql connection pool. It must be released with ReleaseConn. +// +// In Go 1.13 this functionality has been incorporated into the standard library in the db.Conn.Raw() method. +func AcquireConn(db *sql.DB) (*pgx.Conn, error) { + var conn *pgx.Conn + ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), ctxKeyFakeTx, &conn) + tx, err := db.BeginTx(ctx, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if conn == nil { + tx.Rollback() + return nil, ErrNotPgx + } + + fakeTxMutex.Lock() + fakeTxConns[conn] = tx + fakeTxMutex.Unlock() + + return conn, nil +} + +// ReleaseConn releases a *pgx.Conn acquired with AcquireConn. +func ReleaseConn(db *sql.DB, conn *pgx.Conn) error { + var tx *sql.Tx + var ok bool + + if conn.PgConn().IsBusy() || conn.PgConn().TxStatus() != 'I' { + ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second) + defer cancel() + conn.Close(ctx) + } + + fakeTxMutex.Lock() + tx, ok = fakeTxConns[conn] + if ok { + delete(fakeTxConns, conn) + fakeTxMutex.Unlock() + } else { + fakeTxMutex.Unlock() + return fmt.Errorf("can't release conn that is not acquired") + } + + return tx.Rollback() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/tx.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/tx.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1971ed67 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/tx.go @@ -0,0 +1,448 @@ +package pgx + +import ( + "bytes" + "context" + "errors" + "fmt" + "strconv" + + "github.com/jackc/pgconn" +) + +// TxIsoLevel is the transaction isolation level (serializable, repeatable read, read committed or read uncommitted) +type TxIsoLevel string + +// Transaction isolation levels +const ( + Serializable TxIsoLevel = "serializable" + RepeatableRead TxIsoLevel = "repeatable read" + ReadCommitted TxIsoLevel = "read committed" + ReadUncommitted TxIsoLevel = "read uncommitted" +) + +// TxAccessMode is the transaction access mode (read write or read only) +type TxAccessMode string + +// Transaction access modes +const ( + ReadWrite TxAccessMode = "read write" + ReadOnly TxAccessMode = "read only" +) + +// TxDeferrableMode is the transaction deferrable mode (deferrable or not deferrable) +type TxDeferrableMode string + +// Transaction deferrable modes +const ( + Deferrable TxDeferrableMode = "deferrable" + NotDeferrable TxDeferrableMode = "not deferrable" +) + +// TxOptions are transaction modes within a transaction block +type TxOptions struct { + IsoLevel TxIsoLevel + AccessMode TxAccessMode + DeferrableMode TxDeferrableMode +} + +var emptyTxOptions TxOptions + +func (txOptions TxOptions) beginSQL() string { + if txOptions == emptyTxOptions { + return "begin" + } + buf := &bytes.Buffer{} + buf.WriteString("begin") + if txOptions.IsoLevel != "" { + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " isolation level %s", txOptions.IsoLevel) + } + if txOptions.AccessMode != "" { + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " %s", txOptions.AccessMode) + } + if txOptions.DeferrableMode != "" { + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " %s", txOptions.DeferrableMode) + } + + return buf.String() +} + +var ErrTxClosed = errors.New("tx is closed") + +// ErrTxCommitRollback occurs when an error has occurred in a transaction and +// Commit() is called. PostgreSQL accepts COMMIT on aborted transactions, but +// it is treated as ROLLBACK. +var ErrTxCommitRollback = errors.New("commit unexpectedly resulted in rollback") + +// Begin starts a transaction. Unlike database/sql, the context only affects the begin command. i.e. there is no +// auto-rollback on context cancellation. +func (c *Conn) Begin(ctx context.Context) (Tx, error) { + return c.BeginTx(ctx, TxOptions{}) +} + +// BeginTx starts a transaction with txOptions determining the transaction mode. Unlike database/sql, the context only +// affects the begin command. i.e. there is no auto-rollback on context cancellation. +func (c *Conn) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, txOptions TxOptions) (Tx, error) { + _, err := c.Exec(ctx, txOptions.beginSQL()) + if err != nil { + // begin should never fail unless there is an underlying connection issue or + // a context timeout. In either case, the connection is possibly broken. + c.die(errors.New("failed to begin transaction")) + return nil, err + } + + return &dbTx{conn: c}, nil +} + +// BeginFunc starts a transaction and calls f. If f does not return an error the transaction is committed. If f returns +// an error the transaction is rolled back. The context will be used when executing the transaction control statements +// (BEGIN, ROLLBACK, and COMMIT) but does not otherwise affect the execution of f. +func (c *Conn) BeginFunc(ctx context.Context, f func(Tx) error) (err error) { + return c.BeginTxFunc(ctx, TxOptions{}, f) +} + +// BeginTxFunc starts a transaction with txOptions determining the transaction mode and calls f. If f does not return +// an error the transaction is committed. If f returns an error the transaction is rolled back. The context will be +// used when executing the transaction control statements (BEGIN, ROLLBACK, and COMMIT) but does not otherwise affect +// the execution of f. +func (c *Conn) BeginTxFunc(ctx context.Context, txOptions TxOptions, f func(Tx) error) (err error) { + var tx Tx + tx, err = c.BeginTx(ctx, txOptions) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer func() { + rollbackErr := tx.Rollback(ctx) + if rollbackErr != nil && !errors.Is(rollbackErr, ErrTxClosed) { + err = rollbackErr + } + }() + + fErr := f(tx) + if fErr != nil { + _ = tx.Rollback(ctx) // ignore rollback error as there is already an error to return + return fErr + } + + return tx.Commit(ctx) +} + +// Tx represents a database transaction. +// +// Tx is an interface instead of a struct to enable connection pools to be implemented without relying on internal pgx +// state, to support pseudo-nested transactions with savepoints, and to allow tests to mock transactions. However, +// adding a method to an interface is technically a breaking change. If new methods are added to Conn it may be +// desirable to add them to Tx as well. Because of this the Tx interface is partially excluded from semantic version +// requirements. Methods will not be removed or changed, but new methods may be added. +type Tx interface { + // Begin starts a pseudo nested transaction. + Begin(ctx context.Context) (Tx, error) + + // BeginFunc starts a pseudo nested transaction and executes f. If f does not return an err the pseudo nested + // transaction will be committed. If it does then it will be rolled back. + BeginFunc(ctx context.Context, f func(Tx) error) (err error) + + // Commit commits the transaction if this is a real transaction or releases the savepoint if this is a pseudo nested + // transaction. Commit will return ErrTxClosed if the Tx is already closed, but is otherwise safe to call multiple + // times. If the commit fails with a rollback status (e.g. the transaction was already in a broken state) then + // ErrTxCommitRollback will be returned. + Commit(ctx context.Context) error + + // Rollback rolls back the transaction if this is a real transaction or rolls back to the savepoint if this is a + // pseudo nested transaction. Rollback will return ErrTxClosed if the Tx is already closed, but is otherwise safe to + // call multiple times. Hence, a defer tx.Rollback() is safe even if tx.Commit() will be called first in a non-error + // condition. Any other failure of a real transaction will result in the connection being closed. + Rollback(ctx context.Context) error + + CopyFrom(ctx context.Context, tableName Identifier, columnNames []string, rowSrc CopyFromSource) (int64, error) + SendBatch(ctx context.Context, b *Batch) BatchResults + LargeObjects() LargeObjects + + Prepare(ctx context.Context, name, sql string) (*pgconn.StatementDescription, error) + + Exec(ctx context.Context, sql string, arguments ...interface{}) (commandTag pgconn.CommandTag, err error) + Query(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) (Rows, error) + QueryRow(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) Row + QueryFunc(ctx context.Context, sql string, args []interface{}, scans []interface{}, f func(QueryFuncRow) error) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) + + // Conn returns the underlying *Conn that on which this transaction is executing. + Conn() *Conn +} + +// dbTx represents a database transaction. +// +// All dbTx methods return ErrTxClosed if Commit or Rollback has already been +// called on the dbTx. +type dbTx struct { + conn *Conn + err error + savepointNum int64 + closed bool +} + +// Begin starts a pseudo nested transaction implemented with a savepoint. +func (tx *dbTx) Begin(ctx context.Context) (Tx, error) { + if tx.closed { + return nil, ErrTxClosed + } + + tx.savepointNum++ + _, err := tx.conn.Exec(ctx, "savepoint sp_"+strconv.FormatInt(tx.savepointNum, 10)) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return &dbSavepoint{tx: tx, savepointNum: tx.savepointNum}, nil +} + +func (tx *dbTx) BeginFunc(ctx context.Context, f func(Tx) error) (err error) { + if tx.closed { + return ErrTxClosed + } + + var savepoint Tx + savepoint, err = tx.Begin(ctx) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer func() { + rollbackErr := savepoint.Rollback(ctx) + if rollbackErr != nil && !errors.Is(rollbackErr, ErrTxClosed) { + err = rollbackErr + } + }() + + fErr := f(savepoint) + if fErr != nil { + _ = savepoint.Rollback(ctx) // ignore rollback error as there is already an error to return + return fErr + } + + return savepoint.Commit(ctx) +} + +// Commit commits the transaction. +func (tx *dbTx) Commit(ctx context.Context) error { + if tx.closed { + return ErrTxClosed + } + + commandTag, err := tx.conn.Exec(ctx, "commit") + tx.closed = true + if err != nil { + if tx.conn.PgConn().TxStatus() != 'I' { + _ = tx.conn.Close(ctx) // already have error to return + } + return err + } + if string(commandTag) == "ROLLBACK" { + return ErrTxCommitRollback + } + + return nil +} + +// Rollback rolls back the transaction. Rollback will return ErrTxClosed if the +// Tx is already closed, but is otherwise safe to call multiple times. Hence, a +// defer tx.Rollback() is safe even if tx.Commit() will be called first in a +// non-error condition. +func (tx *dbTx) Rollback(ctx context.Context) error { + if tx.closed { + return ErrTxClosed + } + + _, err := tx.conn.Exec(ctx, "rollback") + tx.closed = true + if err != nil { + // A rollback failure leaves the connection in an undefined state + tx.conn.die(fmt.Errorf("rollback failed: %w", err)) + return err + } + + return nil +} + +// Exec delegates to the underlying *Conn +func (tx *dbTx) Exec(ctx context.Context, sql string, arguments ...interface{}) (commandTag pgconn.CommandTag, err error) { + return tx.conn.Exec(ctx, sql, arguments...) +} + +// Prepare delegates to the underlying *Conn +func (tx *dbTx) Prepare(ctx context.Context, name, sql string) (*pgconn.StatementDescription, error) { + if tx.closed { + return nil, ErrTxClosed + } + + return tx.conn.Prepare(ctx, name, sql) +} + +// Query delegates to the underlying *Conn +func (tx *dbTx) Query(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) (Rows, error) { + if tx.closed { + // Because checking for errors can be deferred to the *Rows, build one with the error + err := ErrTxClosed + return &connRows{closed: true, err: err}, err + } + + return tx.conn.Query(ctx, sql, args...) +} + +// QueryRow delegates to the underlying *Conn +func (tx *dbTx) QueryRow(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) Row { + rows, _ := tx.Query(ctx, sql, args...) + return (*connRow)(rows.(*connRows)) +} + +// QueryFunc delegates to the underlying *Conn. +func (tx *dbTx) QueryFunc(ctx context.Context, sql string, args []interface{}, scans []interface{}, f func(QueryFuncRow) error) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) { + if tx.closed { + return nil, ErrTxClosed + } + + return tx.conn.QueryFunc(ctx, sql, args, scans, f) +} + +// CopyFrom delegates to the underlying *Conn +func (tx *dbTx) CopyFrom(ctx context.Context, tableName Identifier, columnNames []string, rowSrc CopyFromSource) (int64, error) { + if tx.closed { + return 0, ErrTxClosed + } + + return tx.conn.CopyFrom(ctx, tableName, columnNames, rowSrc) +} + +// SendBatch delegates to the underlying *Conn +func (tx *dbTx) SendBatch(ctx context.Context, b *Batch) BatchResults { + if tx.closed { + return &batchResults{err: ErrTxClosed} + } + + return tx.conn.SendBatch(ctx, b) +} + +// LargeObjects returns a LargeObjects instance for the transaction. +func (tx *dbTx) LargeObjects() LargeObjects { + return LargeObjects{tx: tx} +} + +func (tx *dbTx) Conn() *Conn { + return tx.conn +} + +// dbSavepoint represents a nested transaction implemented by a savepoint. +type dbSavepoint struct { + tx Tx + savepointNum int64 + closed bool +} + +// Begin starts a pseudo nested transaction implemented with a savepoint. +func (sp *dbSavepoint) Begin(ctx context.Context) (Tx, error) { + if sp.closed { + return nil, ErrTxClosed + } + + return sp.tx.Begin(ctx) +} + +func (sp *dbSavepoint) BeginFunc(ctx context.Context, f func(Tx) error) (err error) { + if sp.closed { + return ErrTxClosed + } + + return sp.tx.BeginFunc(ctx, f) +} + +// Commit releases the savepoint essentially committing the pseudo nested transaction. +func (sp *dbSavepoint) Commit(ctx context.Context) error { + if sp.closed { + return ErrTxClosed + } + + _, err := sp.Exec(ctx, "release savepoint sp_"+strconv.FormatInt(sp.savepointNum, 10)) + sp.closed = true + return err +} + +// Rollback rolls back to the savepoint essentially rolling back the pseudo nested transaction. Rollback will return +// ErrTxClosed if the dbSavepoint is already closed, but is otherwise safe to call multiple times. Hence, a defer sp.Rollback() +// is safe even if sp.Commit() will be called first in a non-error condition. +func (sp *dbSavepoint) Rollback(ctx context.Context) error { + if sp.closed { + return ErrTxClosed + } + + _, err := sp.Exec(ctx, "rollback to savepoint sp_"+strconv.FormatInt(sp.savepointNum, 10)) + sp.closed = true + return err +} + +// Exec delegates to the underlying Tx +func (sp *dbSavepoint) Exec(ctx context.Context, sql string, arguments ...interface{}) (commandTag pgconn.CommandTag, err error) { + if sp.closed { + return nil, ErrTxClosed + } + + return sp.tx.Exec(ctx, sql, arguments...) +} + +// Prepare delegates to the underlying Tx +func (sp *dbSavepoint) Prepare(ctx context.Context, name, sql string) (*pgconn.StatementDescription, error) { + if sp.closed { + return nil, ErrTxClosed + } + + return sp.tx.Prepare(ctx, name, sql) +} + +// Query delegates to the underlying Tx +func (sp *dbSavepoint) Query(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) (Rows, error) { + if sp.closed { + // Because checking for errors can be deferred to the *Rows, build one with the error + err := ErrTxClosed + return &connRows{closed: true, err: err}, err + } + + return sp.tx.Query(ctx, sql, args...) +} + +// QueryRow delegates to the underlying Tx +func (sp *dbSavepoint) QueryRow(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) Row { + rows, _ := sp.Query(ctx, sql, args...) + return (*connRow)(rows.(*connRows)) +} + +// QueryFunc delegates to the underlying Tx. +func (sp *dbSavepoint) QueryFunc(ctx context.Context, sql string, args []interface{}, scans []interface{}, f func(QueryFuncRow) error) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) { + if sp.closed { + return nil, ErrTxClosed + } + + return sp.tx.QueryFunc(ctx, sql, args, scans, f) +} + +// CopyFrom delegates to the underlying *Conn +func (sp *dbSavepoint) CopyFrom(ctx context.Context, tableName Identifier, columnNames []string, rowSrc CopyFromSource) (int64, error) { + if sp.closed { + return 0, ErrTxClosed + } + + return sp.tx.CopyFrom(ctx, tableName, columnNames, rowSrc) +} + +// SendBatch delegates to the underlying *Conn +func (sp *dbSavepoint) SendBatch(ctx context.Context, b *Batch) BatchResults { + if sp.closed { + return &batchResults{err: ErrTxClosed} + } + + return sp.tx.SendBatch(ctx, b) +} + +func (sp *dbSavepoint) LargeObjects() LargeObjects { + return LargeObjects{tx: sp} +} + +func (sp *dbSavepoint) Conn() *Conn { + return sp.tx.Conn() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/values.go b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/values.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1a945475 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/values.go @@ -0,0 +1,280 @@ +package pgx + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "fmt" + "math" + "reflect" + "time" + + "github.com/jackc/pgio" + "github.com/jackc/pgtype" +) + +// PostgreSQL format codes +const ( + TextFormatCode = 0 + BinaryFormatCode = 1 +) + +// SerializationError occurs on failure to encode or decode a value +type SerializationError string + +func (e SerializationError) Error() string { + return string(e) +} + +func convertSimpleArgument(ci *pgtype.ConnInfo, arg interface{}) (interface{}, error) { + if arg == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + refVal := reflect.ValueOf(arg) + if refVal.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && refVal.IsNil() { + return nil, nil + } + + switch arg := arg.(type) { + + // https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/409 Changed JSON and JSONB to surface + // []byte to database/sql instead of string. But that caused problems with the + // simple protocol because the driver.Valuer case got taken before the + // pgtype.TextEncoder case. And driver.Valuer needed to be first in the usual + // case because of https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/339. So instead we + // special case JSON and JSONB. + case *pgtype.JSON: + buf, err := arg.EncodeText(ci, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + return string(buf), nil + case *pgtype.JSONB: + buf, err := arg.EncodeText(ci, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + return string(buf), nil + + case driver.Valuer: + return callValuerValue(arg) + case pgtype.TextEncoder: + buf, err := arg.EncodeText(ci, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + return string(buf), nil + case float32: + return float64(arg), nil + case float64: + return arg, nil + case bool: + return arg, nil + case time.Duration: + return fmt.Sprintf("%d microsecond", int64(arg)/1000), nil + case time.Time: + return arg, nil + case string: + return arg, nil + case []byte: + return arg, nil + case int8: + return int64(arg), nil + case int16: + return int64(arg), nil + case int32: + return int64(arg), nil + case int64: + return arg, nil + case int: + return int64(arg), nil + case uint8: + return int64(arg), nil + case uint16: + return int64(arg), nil + case uint32: + return int64(arg), nil + case uint64: + if arg > math.MaxInt64 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("arg too big for int64: %v", arg) + } + return int64(arg), nil + case uint: + if uint64(arg) > math.MaxInt64 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("arg too big for int64: %v", arg) + } + return int64(arg), nil + } + + if dt, found := ci.DataTypeForValue(arg); found { + v := dt.Value + err := v.Set(arg) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + buf, err := v.(pgtype.TextEncoder).EncodeText(ci, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf == nil { + return nil, nil + } + return string(buf), nil + } + + if refVal.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + arg = refVal.Elem().Interface() + return convertSimpleArgument(ci, arg) + } + + if strippedArg, ok := stripNamedType(&refVal); ok { + return convertSimpleArgument(ci, strippedArg) + } + return nil, SerializationError(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot encode %T in simple protocol - %T must implement driver.Valuer, pgtype.TextEncoder, or be a native type", arg, arg)) +} + +func encodePreparedStatementArgument(ci *pgtype.ConnInfo, buf []byte, oid uint32, arg interface{}) ([]byte, error) { + if arg == nil { + return pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1), nil + } + + switch arg := arg.(type) { + case pgtype.BinaryEncoder: + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + argBuf, err := arg.EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if argBuf != nil { + buf = argBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + return buf, nil + case pgtype.TextEncoder: + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + argBuf, err := arg.EncodeText(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if argBuf != nil { + buf = argBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + return buf, nil + case string: + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, int32(len(arg))) + buf = append(buf, arg...) + return buf, nil + } + + refVal := reflect.ValueOf(arg) + + if refVal.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + if refVal.IsNil() { + return pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1), nil + } + arg = refVal.Elem().Interface() + return encodePreparedStatementArgument(ci, buf, oid, arg) + } + + if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForOID(oid); ok { + value := dt.Value + err := value.Set(arg) + if err != nil { + { + if arg, ok := arg.(driver.Valuer); ok { + v, err := callValuerValue(arg) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return encodePreparedStatementArgument(ci, buf, oid, v) + } + } + + return nil, err + } + + sp := len(buf) + buf = pgio.AppendInt32(buf, -1) + argBuf, err := value.(pgtype.BinaryEncoder).EncodeBinary(ci, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if argBuf != nil { + buf = argBuf + pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(len(buf[sp:])-4)) + } + return buf, nil + } + + if strippedArg, ok := stripNamedType(&refVal); ok { + return encodePreparedStatementArgument(ci, buf, oid, strippedArg) + } + return nil, SerializationError(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot encode %T into oid %v - %T must implement Encoder or be converted to a string", arg, oid, arg)) +} + +// chooseParameterFormatCode determines the correct format code for an +// argument to a prepared statement. It defaults to TextFormatCode if no +// determination can be made. +func chooseParameterFormatCode(ci *pgtype.ConnInfo, oid uint32, arg interface{}) int16 { + switch arg := arg.(type) { + case pgtype.ParamFormatPreferrer: + return arg.PreferredParamFormat() + case pgtype.BinaryEncoder: + return BinaryFormatCode + case string, *string, pgtype.TextEncoder: + return TextFormatCode + } + + return ci.ParamFormatCodeForOID(oid) +} + +func stripNamedType(val *reflect.Value) (interface{}, bool) { + switch val.Kind() { + case reflect.Int: + convVal := int(val.Int()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != val.Type() + case reflect.Int8: + convVal := int8(val.Int()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != val.Type() + case reflect.Int16: + convVal := int16(val.Int()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != val.Type() + case reflect.Int32: + convVal := int32(val.Int()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != val.Type() + case reflect.Int64: + convVal := int64(val.Int()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != val.Type() + case reflect.Uint: + convVal := uint(val.Uint()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != val.Type() + case reflect.Uint8: + convVal := uint8(val.Uint()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != val.Type() + case reflect.Uint16: + convVal := uint16(val.Uint()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != val.Type() + case reflect.Uint32: + convVal := uint32(val.Uint()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != val.Type() + case reflect.Uint64: + convVal := uint64(val.Uint()) + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != val.Type() + case reflect.String: + convVal := val.String() + return convVal, reflect.TypeOf(convVal) != val.Type() + } + + return nil, false +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e43b0f98 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +.DS_Store diff --git a/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f0db1adc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +language: go + +go: + - 1.x + +os: + - linux + - osx diff --git a/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/LICENCE b/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/LICENCE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e7ddd51b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/LICENCE @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +Copyright (c) 2013 John Barton + +MIT License + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + diff --git a/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/README.md b/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4e8fcf2e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +# GoDotEnv [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/joho/godotenv.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/joho/godotenv) [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/9v40vnfvvgde64u4?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/joho/godotenv) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/joho/godotenv)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/joho/godotenv) + +A Go (golang) port of the Ruby dotenv project (which loads env vars from a .env file) + +From the original Library: + +> Storing configuration in the environment is one of the tenets of a twelve-factor app. Anything that is likely to change between deployment environments–such as resource handles for databases or credentials for external services–should be extracted from the code into environment variables. +> +> But it is not always practical to set environment variables on development machines or continuous integration servers where multiple projects are run. Dotenv load variables from a .env file into ENV when the environment is bootstrapped. + +It can be used as a library (for loading in env for your own daemons etc) or as a bin command. + +There is test coverage and CI for both linuxish and windows environments, but I make no guarantees about the bin version working on windows. + +## Installation + +As a library + +```shell +go get github.com/joho/godotenv +``` + +or if you want to use it as a bin command +```shell +go get github.com/joho/godotenv/cmd/godotenv +``` + +## Usage + +Add your application configuration to your `.env` file in the root of your project: + +```shell +S3_BUCKET=YOURS3BUCKET +SECRET_KEY=YOURSECRETKEYGOESHERE +``` + +Then in your Go app you can do something like + +```go +package main + +import ( + "github.com/joho/godotenv" + "log" + "os" +) + +func main() { + err := godotenv.Load() + if err != nil { + log.Fatal("Error loading .env file") + } + + s3Bucket := os.Getenv("S3_BUCKET") + secretKey := os.Getenv("SECRET_KEY") + + // now do something with s3 or whatever +} +``` + +If you're even lazier than that, you can just take advantage of the autoload package which will read in `.env` on import + +```go +import _ "github.com/joho/godotenv/autoload" +``` + +While `.env` in the project root is the default, you don't have to be constrained, both examples below are 100% legit + +```go +_ = godotenv.Load("somerandomfile") +_ = godotenv.Load("filenumberone.env", "filenumbertwo.env") +``` + +If you want to be really fancy with your env file you can do comments and exports (below is a valid env file) + +```shell +# I am a comment and that is OK +SOME_VAR=someval +FOO=BAR # comments at line end are OK too +export BAR=BAZ +``` + +Or finally you can do YAML(ish) style + +```yaml +FOO: bar +BAR: baz +``` + +as a final aside, if you don't want godotenv munging your env you can just get a map back instead + +```go +var myEnv map[string]string +myEnv, err := godotenv.Read() + +s3Bucket := myEnv["S3_BUCKET"] +``` + +... or from an `io.Reader` instead of a local file + +```go +reader := getRemoteFile() +myEnv, err := godotenv.Parse(reader) +``` + +... or from a `string` if you so desire + +```go +content := getRemoteFileContent() +myEnv, err := godotenv.Unmarshal(content) +``` + +### Command Mode + +Assuming you've installed the command as above and you've got `$GOPATH/bin` in your `$PATH` + +``` +godotenv -f /some/path/to/.env some_command with some args +``` + +If you don't specify `-f` it will fall back on the default of loading `.env` in `PWD` + +### Writing Env Files + +Godotenv can also write a map representing the environment to a correctly-formatted and escaped file + +```go +env, err := godotenv.Unmarshal("KEY=value") +err := godotenv.Write(env, "./.env") +``` + +... or to a string + +```go +env, err := godotenv.Unmarshal("KEY=value") +content, err := godotenv.Marshal(env) +``` + +## Contributing + +Contributions are most welcome! The parser itself is pretty stupidly naive and I wouldn't be surprised if it breaks with edge cases. + +*code changes without tests will not be accepted* + +1. Fork it +2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) +3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`) +4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) +5. Create new Pull Request + +## Releases + +Releases should follow [Semver](http://semver.org/) though the first couple of releases are `v1` and `v1.1`. + +Use [annotated tags for all releases](https://github.com/joho/godotenv/issues/30). Example `git tag -a v1.2.1` + +## CI + +Linux: [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/joho/godotenv.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/joho/godotenv) Windows: [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/9v40vnfvvgde64u4)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/joho/godotenv) + +## Who? + +The original library [dotenv](https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv) was written by [Brandon Keepers](http://opensoul.org/), and this port was done by [John Barton](https://johnbarton.co/) based off the tests/fixtures in the original library. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/godotenv.go b/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/godotenv.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..29b436c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/joho/godotenv/godotenv.go @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ +// Package godotenv is a go port of the ruby dotenv library (https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv) +// +// Examples/readme can be found on the github page at https://github.com/joho/godotenv +// +// The TL;DR is that you make a .env file that looks something like +// +// SOME_ENV_VAR=somevalue +// +// and then in your go code you can call +// +// godotenv.Load() +// +// and all the env vars declared in .env will be available through os.Getenv("SOME_ENV_VAR") +package godotenv + +import ( + "bufio" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "os" + "os/exec" + "regexp" + "sort" + "strings" +) + +const doubleQuoteSpecialChars = "\\\n\r\"!$`" + +// Load will read your env file(s) and load them into ENV for this process. +// +// Call this function as close as possible to the start of your program (ideally in main) +// +// If you call Load without any args it will default to loading .env in the current path +// +// You can otherwise tell it which files to load (there can be more than one) like +// +// godotenv.Load("fileone", "filetwo") +// +// It's important to note that it WILL NOT OVERRIDE an env variable that already exists - consider the .env file to set dev vars or sensible defaults +func Load(filenames ...string) (err error) { + filenames = filenamesOrDefault(filenames) + + for _, filename := range filenames { + err = loadFile(filename, false) + if err != nil { + return // return early on a spazout + } + } + return +} + +// Overload will read your env file(s) and load them into ENV for this process. +// +// Call this function as close as possible to the start of your program (ideally in main) +// +// If you call Overload without any args it will default to loading .env in the current path +// +// You can otherwise tell it which files to load (there can be more than one) like +// +// godotenv.Overload("fileone", "filetwo") +// +// It's important to note this WILL OVERRIDE an env variable that already exists - consider the .env file to forcefilly set all vars. +func Overload(filenames ...string) (err error) { + filenames = filenamesOrDefault(filenames) + + for _, filename := range filenames { + err = loadFile(filename, true) + if err != nil { + return // return early on a spazout + } + } + return +} + +// Read all env (with same file loading semantics as Load) but return values as +// a map rather than automatically writing values into env +func Read(filenames ...string) (envMap map[string]string, err error) { + filenames = filenamesOrDefault(filenames) + envMap = make(map[string]string) + + for _, filename := range filenames { + individualEnvMap, individualErr := readFile(filename) + + if individualErr != nil { + err = individualErr + return // return early on a spazout + } + + for key, value := range individualEnvMap { + envMap[key] = value + } + } + + return +} + +// Parse reads an env file from io.Reader, returning a map of keys and values. +func Parse(r io.Reader) (envMap map[string]string, err error) { + envMap = make(map[string]string) + + var lines []string + scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r) + for scanner.Scan() { + lines = append(lines, scanner.Text()) + } + + if err = scanner.Err(); err != nil { + return + } + + for _, fullLine := range lines { + if !isIgnoredLine(fullLine) { + var key, value string + key, value, err = parseLine(fullLine, envMap) + + if err != nil { + return + } + envMap[key] = value + } + } + return +} + +//Unmarshal reads an env file from a string, returning a map of keys and values. +func Unmarshal(str string) (envMap map[string]string, err error) { + return Parse(strings.NewReader(str)) +} + +// Exec loads env vars from the specified filenames (empty map falls back to default) +// then executes the cmd specified. +// +// Simply hooks up os.Stdin/err/out to the command and calls Run() +// +// If you want more fine grained control over your command it's recommended +// that you use `Load()` or `Read()` and the `os/exec` package yourself. +func Exec(filenames []string, cmd string, cmdArgs []string) error { + Load(filenames...) + + command := exec.Command(cmd, cmdArgs...) + command.Stdin = os.Stdin + command.Stdout = os.Stdout + command.Stderr = os.Stderr + return command.Run() +} + +// Write serializes the given environment and writes it to a file +func Write(envMap map[string]string, filename string) error { + content, error := Marshal(envMap) + if error != nil { + return error + } + file, error := os.Create(filename) + if error != nil { + return error + } + _, err := file.WriteString(content) + return err +} + +// Marshal outputs the given environment as a dotenv-formatted environment file. +// Each line is in the format: KEY="VALUE" where VALUE is backslash-escaped. +func Marshal(envMap map[string]string) (string, error) { + lines := make([]string, 0, len(envMap)) + for k, v := range envMap { + lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf(`%s="%s"`, k, doubleQuoteEscape(v))) + } + sort.Strings(lines) + return strings.Join(lines, "\n"), nil +} + +func filenamesOrDefault(filenames []string) []string { + if len(filenames) == 0 { + return []string{".env"} + } + return filenames +} + +func loadFile(filename string, overload bool) error { + envMap, err := readFile(filename) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + currentEnv := map[string]bool{} + rawEnv := os.Environ() + for _, rawEnvLine := range rawEnv { + key := strings.Split(rawEnvLine, "=")[0] + currentEnv[key] = true + } + + for key, value := range envMap { + if !currentEnv[key] || overload { + os.Setenv(key, value) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func readFile(filename string) (envMap map[string]string, err error) { + file, err := os.Open(filename) + if err != nil { + return + } + defer file.Close() + + return Parse(file) +} + +func parseLine(line string, envMap map[string]string) (key string, value string, err error) { + if len(line) == 0 { + err = errors.New("zero length string") + return + } + + // ditch the comments (but keep quoted hashes) + if strings.Contains(line, "#") { + segmentsBetweenHashes := strings.Split(line, "#") + quotesAreOpen := false + var segmentsToKeep []string + for _, segment := range segmentsBetweenHashes { + if strings.Count(segment, "\"") == 1 || strings.Count(segment, "'") == 1 { + if quotesAreOpen { + quotesAreOpen = false + segmentsToKeep = append(segmentsToKeep, segment) + } else { + quotesAreOpen = true + } + } + + if len(segmentsToKeep) == 0 || quotesAreOpen { + segmentsToKeep = append(segmentsToKeep, segment) + } + } + + line = strings.Join(segmentsToKeep, "#") + } + + firstEquals := strings.Index(line, "=") + firstColon := strings.Index(line, ":") + splitString := strings.SplitN(line, "=", 2) + if firstColon != -1 && (firstColon < firstEquals || firstEquals == -1) { + //this is a yaml-style line + splitString = strings.SplitN(line, ":", 2) + } + + if len(splitString) != 2 { + err = errors.New("Can't separate key from value") + return + } + + // Parse the key + key = splitString[0] + if strings.HasPrefix(key, "export") { + key = strings.TrimPrefix(key, "export") + } + key = strings.Trim(key, " ") + + // Parse the value + value = parseValue(splitString[1], envMap) + return +} + +func parseValue(value string, envMap map[string]string) string { + + // trim + value = strings.Trim(value, " ") + + // check if we've got quoted values or possible escapes + if len(value) > 1 { + rs := regexp.MustCompile(`\A'(.*)'\z`) + singleQuotes := rs.FindStringSubmatch(value) + + rd := regexp.MustCompile(`\A"(.*)"\z`) + doubleQuotes := rd.FindStringSubmatch(value) + + if singleQuotes != nil || doubleQuotes != nil { + // pull the quotes off the edges + value = value[1 : len(value)-1] + } + + if doubleQuotes != nil { + // expand newlines + escapeRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`\\.`) + value = escapeRegex.ReplaceAllStringFunc(value, func(match string) string { + c := strings.TrimPrefix(match, `\`) + switch c { + case "n": + return "\n" + case "r": + return "\r" + default: + return match + } + }) + // unescape characters + e := regexp.MustCompile(`\\([^$])`) + value = e.ReplaceAllString(value, "$1") + } + + if singleQuotes == nil { + value = expandVariables(value, envMap) + } + } + + return value +} + +func expandVariables(v string, m map[string]string) string { + r := regexp.MustCompile(`(\\)?(\$)(\()?\{?([A-Z0-9_]+)?\}?`) + + return r.ReplaceAllStringFunc(v, func(s string) string { + submatch := r.FindStringSubmatch(s) + + if submatch == nil { + return s + } + if submatch[1] == "\\" || submatch[2] == "(" { + return submatch[0][1:] + } else if submatch[4] != "" { + return m[submatch[4]] + } + return s + }) +} + +func isIgnoredLine(line string) bool { + trimmedLine := strings.Trim(line, " \n\t") + return len(trimmedLine) == 0 || strings.HasPrefix(trimmedLine, "#") +} + +func doubleQuoteEscape(line string) string { + for _, c := range doubleQuoteSpecialChars { + toReplace := "\\" + string(c) + if c == '\n' { + toReplace = `\n` + } + if c == '\r' { + toReplace = `\r` + } + line = strings.Replace(line, string(c), toReplace, -1) + } + return line +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49ea0f92 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +Copyright (c) 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are +met: + + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer +in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the +distribution. + * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its +contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from +this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS +"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR +A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT +OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, +DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY +THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE +OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile/gopkgin.go b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile/gopkgin.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c94b3848 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile/gopkgin.go @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// TODO: Figure out what gopkg.in should do. + +package modfile + +import "strings" + +// ParseGopkgIn splits gopkg.in import paths into their constituent parts +func ParseGopkgIn(path string) (root, repo, major, subdir string, ok bool) { + if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "gopkg.in/") { + return + } + f := strings.Split(path, "/") + if len(f) >= 2 { + if elem, v, ok := dotV(f[1]); ok { + root = strings.Join(f[:2], "/") + repo = "github.com/go-" + elem + "/" + elem + major = v + subdir = strings.Join(f[2:], "/") + return root, repo, major, subdir, true + } + } + if len(f) >= 3 { + if elem, v, ok := dotV(f[2]); ok { + root = strings.Join(f[:3], "/") + repo = "github.com/" + f[1] + "/" + elem + major = v + subdir = strings.Join(f[3:], "/") + return root, repo, major, subdir, true + } + } + return +} + +func dotV(name string) (elem, v string, ok bool) { + i := len(name) - 1 + for i >= 0 && '0' <= name[i] && name[i] <= '9' { + i-- + } + if i <= 2 || i+1 >= len(name) || name[i-1] != '.' || name[i] != 'v' || name[i+1] == '0' && len(name) != i+2 { + return "", "", false + } + return name[:i-1], name[i:], true +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile/print.go b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile/print.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7b1dd8f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile/print.go @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package modfile implements parsing and formatting for +// go.mod files. +package modfile + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "strings" +) + +func Format(f *FileSyntax) []byte { + pr := &printer{} + pr.file(f) + return pr.Bytes() +} + +// A printer collects the state during printing of a file or expression. +type printer struct { + bytes.Buffer // output buffer + comment []Comment // pending end-of-line comments + margin int // left margin (indent), a number of tabs +} + +// printf prints to the buffer. +func (p *printer) printf(format string, args ...interface{}) { + fmt.Fprintf(p, format, args...) +} + +// indent returns the position on the current line, in bytes, 0-indexed. +func (p *printer) indent() int { + b := p.Bytes() + n := 0 + for n < len(b) && b[len(b)-1-n] != '\n' { + n++ + } + return n +} + +// newline ends the current line, flushing end-of-line comments. +func (p *printer) newline() { + if len(p.comment) > 0 { + p.printf(" ") + for i, com := range p.comment { + if i > 0 { + p.trim() + p.printf("\n") + for i := 0; i < p.margin; i++ { + p.printf("\t") + } + } + p.printf("%s", strings.TrimSpace(com.Token)) + } + p.comment = p.comment[:0] + } + + p.trim() + p.printf("\n") + for i := 0; i < p.margin; i++ { + p.printf("\t") + } +} + +// trim removes trailing spaces and tabs from the current line. +func (p *printer) trim() { + // Remove trailing spaces and tabs from line we're about to end. + b := p.Bytes() + n := len(b) + for n > 0 && (b[n-1] == '\t' || b[n-1] == ' ') { + n-- + } + p.Truncate(n) +} + +// file formats the given file into the print buffer. +func (p *printer) file(f *FileSyntax) { + for _, com := range f.Before { + p.printf("%s", strings.TrimSpace(com.Token)) + p.newline() + } + + for i, stmt := range f.Stmt { + switch x := stmt.(type) { + case *CommentBlock: + // comments already handled + p.expr(x) + + default: + p.expr(x) + p.newline() + } + + for _, com := range stmt.Comment().After { + p.printf("%s", strings.TrimSpace(com.Token)) + p.newline() + } + + if i+1 < len(f.Stmt) { + p.newline() + } + } +} + +func (p *printer) expr(x Expr) { + // Emit line-comments preceding this expression. + if before := x.Comment().Before; len(before) > 0 { + // Want to print a line comment. + // Line comments must be at the current margin. + p.trim() + if p.indent() > 0 { + // There's other text on the line. Start a new line. + p.printf("\n") + } + // Re-indent to margin. + for i := 0; i < p.margin; i++ { + p.printf("\t") + } + for _, com := range before { + p.printf("%s", strings.TrimSpace(com.Token)) + p.newline() + } + } + + switch x := x.(type) { + default: + panic(fmt.Errorf("printer: unexpected type %T", x)) + + case *CommentBlock: + // done + + case *LParen: + p.printf("(") + case *RParen: + p.printf(")") + + case *Line: + sep := "" + for _, tok := range x.Token { + p.printf("%s%s", sep, tok) + sep = " " + } + + case *LineBlock: + for _, tok := range x.Token { + p.printf("%s ", tok) + } + p.expr(&x.LParen) + p.margin++ + for _, l := range x.Line { + p.newline() + p.expr(l) + } + p.margin-- + p.newline() + p.expr(&x.RParen) + } + + // Queue end-of-line comments for printing when we + // reach the end of the line. + p.comment = append(p.comment, x.Comment().Suffix...) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile/read.go b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile/read.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1d81ff1a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile/read.go @@ -0,0 +1,869 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Module file parser. +// This is a simplified copy of Google's buildifier parser. + +package modfile + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "os" + "strconv" + "strings" + "unicode" + "unicode/utf8" +) + +// A Position describes the position between two bytes of input. +type Position struct { + Line int // line in input (starting at 1) + LineRune int // rune in line (starting at 1) + Byte int // byte in input (starting at 0) +} + +// add returns the position at the end of s, assuming it starts at p. +func (p Position) add(s string) Position { + p.Byte += len(s) + if n := strings.Count(s, "\n"); n > 0 { + p.Line += n + s = s[strings.LastIndex(s, "\n")+1:] + p.LineRune = 1 + } + p.LineRune += utf8.RuneCountInString(s) + return p +} + +// An Expr represents an input element. +type Expr interface { + // Span returns the start and end position of the expression, + // excluding leading or trailing comments. + Span() (start, end Position) + + // Comment returns the comments attached to the expression. + // This method would normally be named 'Comments' but that + // would interfere with embedding a type of the same name. + Comment() *Comments +} + +// A Comment represents a single // comment. +type Comment struct { + Start Position + Token string // without trailing newline + Suffix bool // an end of line (not whole line) comment +} + +// Comments collects the comments associated with an expression. +type Comments struct { + Before []Comment // whole-line comments before this expression + Suffix []Comment // end-of-line comments after this expression + + // For top-level expressions only, After lists whole-line + // comments following the expression. + After []Comment +} + +// Comment returns the receiver. This isn't useful by itself, but +// a Comments struct is embedded into all the expression +// implementation types, and this gives each of those a Comment +// method to satisfy the Expr interface. +func (c *Comments) Comment() *Comments { + return c +} + +// A FileSyntax represents an entire go.mod file. +type FileSyntax struct { + Name string // file path + Comments + Stmt []Expr +} + +func (x *FileSyntax) Span() (start, end Position) { + if len(x.Stmt) == 0 { + return + } + start, _ = x.Stmt[0].Span() + _, end = x.Stmt[len(x.Stmt)-1].Span() + return start, end +} + +func (x *FileSyntax) addLine(hint Expr, tokens ...string) *Line { + if hint == nil { + // If no hint given, add to the last statement of the given type. + Loop: + for i := len(x.Stmt) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + stmt := x.Stmt[i] + switch stmt := stmt.(type) { + case *Line: + if stmt.Token != nil && stmt.Token[0] == tokens[0] { + hint = stmt + break Loop + } + case *LineBlock: + if stmt.Token[0] == tokens[0] { + hint = stmt + break Loop + } + } + } + } + + if hint != nil { + for i, stmt := range x.Stmt { + switch stmt := stmt.(type) { + case *Line: + if stmt == hint { + // Convert line to line block. + stmt.InBlock = true + block := &LineBlock{Token: stmt.Token[:1], Line: []*Line{stmt}} + stmt.Token = stmt.Token[1:] + x.Stmt[i] = block + new := &Line{Token: tokens[1:], InBlock: true} + block.Line = append(block.Line, new) + return new + } + case *LineBlock: + if stmt == hint { + new := &Line{Token: tokens[1:], InBlock: true} + stmt.Line = append(stmt.Line, new) + return new + } + for j, line := range stmt.Line { + if line == hint { + // Add new line after hint. + stmt.Line = append(stmt.Line, nil) + copy(stmt.Line[j+2:], stmt.Line[j+1:]) + new := &Line{Token: tokens[1:], InBlock: true} + stmt.Line[j+1] = new + return new + } + } + } + } + } + + new := &Line{Token: tokens} + x.Stmt = append(x.Stmt, new) + return new +} + +func (x *FileSyntax) updateLine(line *Line, tokens ...string) { + if line.InBlock { + tokens = tokens[1:] + } + line.Token = tokens +} + +func (x *FileSyntax) removeLine(line *Line) { + line.Token = nil +} + +// Cleanup cleans up the file syntax x after any edit operations. +// To avoid quadratic behavior, removeLine marks the line as dead +// by setting line.Token = nil but does not remove it from the slice +// in which it appears. After edits have all been indicated, +// calling Cleanup cleans out the dead lines. +func (x *FileSyntax) Cleanup() { + w := 0 + for _, stmt := range x.Stmt { + switch stmt := stmt.(type) { + case *Line: + if stmt.Token == nil { + continue + } + case *LineBlock: + ww := 0 + for _, line := range stmt.Line { + if line.Token != nil { + stmt.Line[ww] = line + ww++ + } + } + if ww == 0 { + continue + } + if ww == 1 { + // Collapse block into single line. + line := &Line{ + Comments: Comments{ + Before: commentsAdd(stmt.Before, stmt.Line[0].Before), + Suffix: commentsAdd(stmt.Line[0].Suffix, stmt.Suffix), + After: commentsAdd(stmt.Line[0].After, stmt.After), + }, + Token: stringsAdd(stmt.Token, stmt.Line[0].Token), + } + x.Stmt[w] = line + w++ + continue + } + stmt.Line = stmt.Line[:ww] + } + x.Stmt[w] = stmt + w++ + } + x.Stmt = x.Stmt[:w] +} + +func commentsAdd(x, y []Comment) []Comment { + return append(x[:len(x):len(x)], y...) +} + +func stringsAdd(x, y []string) []string { + return append(x[:len(x):len(x)], y...) +} + +// A CommentBlock represents a top-level block of comments separate +// from any rule. +type CommentBlock struct { + Comments + Start Position +} + +func (x *CommentBlock) Span() (start, end Position) { + return x.Start, x.Start +} + +// A Line is a single line of tokens. +type Line struct { + Comments + Start Position + Token []string + InBlock bool + End Position +} + +func (x *Line) Span() (start, end Position) { + return x.Start, x.End +} + +// A LineBlock is a factored block of lines, like +// +// require ( +// "x" +// "y" +// ) +// +type LineBlock struct { + Comments + Start Position + LParen LParen + Token []string + Line []*Line + RParen RParen +} + +func (x *LineBlock) Span() (start, end Position) { + return x.Start, x.RParen.Pos.add(")") +} + +// An LParen represents the beginning of a parenthesized line block. +// It is a place to store suffix comments. +type LParen struct { + Comments + Pos Position +} + +func (x *LParen) Span() (start, end Position) { + return x.Pos, x.Pos.add(")") +} + +// An RParen represents the end of a parenthesized line block. +// It is a place to store whole-line (before) comments. +type RParen struct { + Comments + Pos Position +} + +func (x *RParen) Span() (start, end Position) { + return x.Pos, x.Pos.add(")") +} + +// An input represents a single input file being parsed. +type input struct { + // Lexing state. + filename string // name of input file, for errors + complete []byte // entire input + remaining []byte // remaining input + token []byte // token being scanned + lastToken string // most recently returned token, for error messages + pos Position // current input position + comments []Comment // accumulated comments + endRule int // position of end of current rule + + // Parser state. + file *FileSyntax // returned top-level syntax tree + parseError error // error encountered during parsing + + // Comment assignment state. + pre []Expr // all expressions, in preorder traversal + post []Expr // all expressions, in postorder traversal +} + +func newInput(filename string, data []byte) *input { + return &input{ + filename: filename, + complete: data, + remaining: data, + pos: Position{Line: 1, LineRune: 1, Byte: 0}, + } +} + +// parse parses the input file. +func parse(file string, data []byte) (f *FileSyntax, err error) { + in := newInput(file, data) + // The parser panics for both routine errors like syntax errors + // and for programmer bugs like array index errors. + // Turn both into error returns. Catching bug panics is + // especially important when processing many files. + defer func() { + if e := recover(); e != nil { + if e == in.parseError { + err = in.parseError + } else { + err = fmt.Errorf("%s:%d:%d: internal error: %v", in.filename, in.pos.Line, in.pos.LineRune, e) + } + } + }() + + // Invoke the parser. + in.parseFile() + if in.parseError != nil { + return nil, in.parseError + } + in.file.Name = in.filename + + // Assign comments to nearby syntax. + in.assignComments() + + return in.file, nil +} + +// Error is called to report an error. +// The reason s is often "syntax error". +// Error does not return: it panics. +func (in *input) Error(s string) { + if s == "syntax error" && in.lastToken != "" { + s += " near " + in.lastToken + } + in.parseError = fmt.Errorf("%s:%d:%d: %v", in.filename, in.pos.Line, in.pos.LineRune, s) + panic(in.parseError) +} + +// eof reports whether the input has reached end of file. +func (in *input) eof() bool { + return len(in.remaining) == 0 +} + +// peekRune returns the next rune in the input without consuming it. +func (in *input) peekRune() int { + if len(in.remaining) == 0 { + return 0 + } + r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(in.remaining) + return int(r) +} + +// peekPrefix reports whether the remaining input begins with the given prefix. +func (in *input) peekPrefix(prefix string) bool { + // This is like bytes.HasPrefix(in.remaining, []byte(prefix)) + // but without the allocation of the []byte copy of prefix. + for i := 0; i < len(prefix); i++ { + if i >= len(in.remaining) || in.remaining[i] != prefix[i] { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// readRune consumes and returns the next rune in the input. +func (in *input) readRune() int { + if len(in.remaining) == 0 { + in.Error("internal lexer error: readRune at EOF") + } + r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(in.remaining) + in.remaining = in.remaining[size:] + if r == '\n' { + in.pos.Line++ + in.pos.LineRune = 1 + } else { + in.pos.LineRune++ + } + in.pos.Byte += size + return int(r) +} + +type symType struct { + pos Position + endPos Position + text string +} + +// startToken marks the beginning of the next input token. +// It must be followed by a call to endToken, once the token has +// been consumed using readRune. +func (in *input) startToken(sym *symType) { + in.token = in.remaining + sym.text = "" + sym.pos = in.pos +} + +// endToken marks the end of an input token. +// It records the actual token string in sym.text if the caller +// has not done that already. +func (in *input) endToken(sym *symType) { + if sym.text == "" { + tok := string(in.token[:len(in.token)-len(in.remaining)]) + sym.text = tok + in.lastToken = sym.text + } + sym.endPos = in.pos +} + +// lex is called from the parser to obtain the next input token. +// It returns the token value (either a rune like '+' or a symbolic token _FOR) +// and sets val to the data associated with the token. +// For all our input tokens, the associated data is +// val.Pos (the position where the token begins) +// and val.Token (the input string corresponding to the token). +func (in *input) lex(sym *symType) int { + // Skip past spaces, stopping at non-space or EOF. + countNL := 0 // number of newlines we've skipped past + for !in.eof() { + // Skip over spaces. Count newlines so we can give the parser + // information about where top-level blank lines are, + // for top-level comment assignment. + c := in.peekRune() + if c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' { + in.readRune() + continue + } + + // Comment runs to end of line. + if in.peekPrefix("//") { + in.startToken(sym) + + // Is this comment the only thing on its line? + // Find the last \n before this // and see if it's all + // spaces from there to here. + i := bytes.LastIndex(in.complete[:in.pos.Byte], []byte("\n")) + suffix := len(bytes.TrimSpace(in.complete[i+1:in.pos.Byte])) > 0 + in.readRune() + in.readRune() + + // Consume comment. + for len(in.remaining) > 0 && in.readRune() != '\n' { + } + in.endToken(sym) + + sym.text = strings.TrimRight(sym.text, "\n") + in.lastToken = "comment" + + // If we are at top level (not in a statement), hand the comment to + // the parser as a _COMMENT token. The grammar is written + // to handle top-level comments itself. + if !suffix { + // Not in a statement. Tell parser about top-level comment. + return _COMMENT + } + + // Otherwise, save comment for later attachment to syntax tree. + if countNL > 1 { + in.comments = append(in.comments, Comment{sym.pos, "", false}) + } + in.comments = append(in.comments, Comment{sym.pos, sym.text, suffix}) + countNL = 1 + return _EOL + } + + if in.peekPrefix("/*") { + in.Error(fmt.Sprintf("mod files must use // comments (not /* */ comments)")) + } + + // Found non-space non-comment. + break + } + + // Found the beginning of the next token. + in.startToken(sym) + defer in.endToken(sym) + + // End of file. + if in.eof() { + in.lastToken = "EOF" + return _EOF + } + + // Punctuation tokens. + switch c := in.peekRune(); c { + case '\n': + in.readRune() + return c + + case '(': + in.readRune() + return c + + case ')': + in.readRune() + return c + + case '"', '`': // quoted string + quote := c + in.readRune() + for { + if in.eof() { + in.pos = sym.pos + in.Error("unexpected EOF in string") + } + if in.peekRune() == '\n' { + in.Error("unexpected newline in string") + } + c := in.readRune() + if c == quote { + break + } + if c == '\\' && quote != '`' { + if in.eof() { + in.pos = sym.pos + in.Error("unexpected EOF in string") + } + in.readRune() + } + } + in.endToken(sym) + return _STRING + } + + // Checked all punctuation. Must be identifier token. + if c := in.peekRune(); !isIdent(c) { + in.Error(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected input character %#q", c)) + } + + // Scan over identifier. + for isIdent(in.peekRune()) { + if in.peekPrefix("//") { + break + } + if in.peekPrefix("/*") { + in.Error(fmt.Sprintf("mod files must use // comments (not /* */ comments)")) + } + in.readRune() + } + return _IDENT +} + +// isIdent reports whether c is an identifier rune. +// We treat nearly all runes as identifier runes. +func isIdent(c int) bool { + return c != 0 && !unicode.IsSpace(rune(c)) +} + +// Comment assignment. +// We build two lists of all subexpressions, preorder and postorder. +// The preorder list is ordered by start location, with outer expressions first. +// The postorder list is ordered by end location, with outer expressions last. +// We use the preorder list to assign each whole-line comment to the syntax +// immediately following it, and we use the postorder list to assign each +// end-of-line comment to the syntax immediately preceding it. + +// order walks the expression adding it and its subexpressions to the +// preorder and postorder lists. +func (in *input) order(x Expr) { + if x != nil { + in.pre = append(in.pre, x) + } + switch x := x.(type) { + default: + panic(fmt.Errorf("order: unexpected type %T", x)) + case nil: + // nothing + case *LParen, *RParen: + // nothing + case *CommentBlock: + // nothing + case *Line: + // nothing + case *FileSyntax: + for _, stmt := range x.Stmt { + in.order(stmt) + } + case *LineBlock: + in.order(&x.LParen) + for _, l := range x.Line { + in.order(l) + } + in.order(&x.RParen) + } + if x != nil { + in.post = append(in.post, x) + } +} + +// assignComments attaches comments to nearby syntax. +func (in *input) assignComments() { + const debug = false + + // Generate preorder and postorder lists. + in.order(in.file) + + // Split into whole-line comments and suffix comments. + var line, suffix []Comment + for _, com := range in.comments { + if com.Suffix { + suffix = append(suffix, com) + } else { + line = append(line, com) + } + } + + if debug { + for _, c := range line { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "LINE %q :%d:%d #%d\n", c.Token, c.Start.Line, c.Start.LineRune, c.Start.Byte) + } + } + + // Assign line comments to syntax immediately following. + for _, x := range in.pre { + start, _ := x.Span() + if debug { + fmt.Printf("pre %T :%d:%d #%d\n", x, start.Line, start.LineRune, start.Byte) + } + xcom := x.Comment() + for len(line) > 0 && start.Byte >= line[0].Start.Byte { + if debug { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ASSIGN LINE %q #%d\n", line[0].Token, line[0].Start.Byte) + } + xcom.Before = append(xcom.Before, line[0]) + line = line[1:] + } + } + + // Remaining line comments go at end of file. + in.file.After = append(in.file.After, line...) + + if debug { + for _, c := range suffix { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "SUFFIX %q :%d:%d #%d\n", c.Token, c.Start.Line, c.Start.LineRune, c.Start.Byte) + } + } + + // Assign suffix comments to syntax immediately before. + for i := len(in.post) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + x := in.post[i] + + start, end := x.Span() + if debug { + fmt.Printf("post %T :%d:%d #%d :%d:%d #%d\n", x, start.Line, start.LineRune, start.Byte, end.Line, end.LineRune, end.Byte) + } + + // Do not assign suffix comments to end of line block or whole file. + // Instead assign them to the last element inside. + switch x.(type) { + case *FileSyntax: + continue + } + + // Do not assign suffix comments to something that starts + // on an earlier line, so that in + // + // x ( y + // z ) // comment + // + // we assign the comment to z and not to x ( ... ). + if start.Line != end.Line { + continue + } + xcom := x.Comment() + for len(suffix) > 0 && end.Byte <= suffix[len(suffix)-1].Start.Byte { + if debug { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ASSIGN SUFFIX %q #%d\n", suffix[len(suffix)-1].Token, suffix[len(suffix)-1].Start.Byte) + } + xcom.Suffix = append(xcom.Suffix, suffix[len(suffix)-1]) + suffix = suffix[:len(suffix)-1] + } + } + + // We assigned suffix comments in reverse. + // If multiple suffix comments were appended to the same + // expression node, they are now in reverse. Fix that. + for _, x := range in.post { + reverseComments(x.Comment().Suffix) + } + + // Remaining suffix comments go at beginning of file. + in.file.Before = append(in.file.Before, suffix...) +} + +// reverseComments reverses the []Comment list. +func reverseComments(list []Comment) { + for i, j := 0, len(list)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 { + list[i], list[j] = list[j], list[i] + } +} + +func (in *input) parseFile() { + in.file = new(FileSyntax) + var sym symType + var cb *CommentBlock + for { + tok := in.lex(&sym) + switch tok { + case '\n': + if cb != nil { + in.file.Stmt = append(in.file.Stmt, cb) + cb = nil + } + case _COMMENT: + if cb == nil { + cb = &CommentBlock{Start: sym.pos} + } + com := cb.Comment() + com.Before = append(com.Before, Comment{Start: sym.pos, Token: sym.text}) + case _EOF: + if cb != nil { + in.file.Stmt = append(in.file.Stmt, cb) + } + return + default: + in.parseStmt(&sym) + if cb != nil { + in.file.Stmt[len(in.file.Stmt)-1].Comment().Before = cb.Before + cb = nil + } + } + } +} + +func (in *input) parseStmt(sym *symType) { + start := sym.pos + end := sym.endPos + token := []string{sym.text} + for { + tok := in.lex(sym) + switch tok { + case '\n', _EOF, _EOL: + in.file.Stmt = append(in.file.Stmt, &Line{ + Start: start, + Token: token, + End: end, + }) + return + case '(': + in.file.Stmt = append(in.file.Stmt, in.parseLineBlock(start, token, sym)) + return + default: + token = append(token, sym.text) + end = sym.endPos + } + } +} + +func (in *input) parseLineBlock(start Position, token []string, sym *symType) *LineBlock { + x := &LineBlock{ + Start: start, + Token: token, + LParen: LParen{Pos: sym.pos}, + } + var comments []Comment + for { + tok := in.lex(sym) + switch tok { + case _EOL: + // ignore + case '\n': + if len(comments) == 0 && len(x.Line) > 0 || len(comments) > 0 && comments[len(comments)-1].Token != "" { + comments = append(comments, Comment{}) + } + case _COMMENT: + comments = append(comments, Comment{Start: sym.pos, Token: sym.text}) + case _EOF: + in.Error(fmt.Sprintf("syntax error (unterminated block started at %s:%d:%d)", in.filename, x.Start.Line, x.Start.LineRune)) + case ')': + x.RParen.Before = comments + x.RParen.Pos = sym.pos + tok = in.lex(sym) + if tok != '\n' && tok != _EOF && tok != _EOL { + in.Error("syntax error (expected newline after closing paren)") + } + return x + default: + l := in.parseLine(sym) + x.Line = append(x.Line, l) + l.Comment().Before = comments + comments = nil + } + } +} + +func (in *input) parseLine(sym *symType) *Line { + start := sym.pos + end := sym.endPos + token := []string{sym.text} + for { + tok := in.lex(sym) + switch tok { + case '\n', _EOF, _EOL: + return &Line{ + Start: start, + Token: token, + End: end, + InBlock: true, + } + default: + token = append(token, sym.text) + end = sym.endPos + } + } +} + +const ( + _EOF = -(1 + iota) + _EOL + _IDENT + _STRING + _COMMENT +) + +var ( + slashSlash = []byte("//") + moduleStr = []byte("module") +) + +// ModulePath returns the module path from the gomod file text. +// If it cannot find a module path, it returns an empty string. +// It is tolerant of unrelated problems in the go.mod file. +func ModulePath(mod []byte) string { + for len(mod) > 0 { + line := mod + mod = nil + if i := bytes.IndexByte(line, '\n'); i >= 0 { + line, mod = line[:i], line[i+1:] + } + if i := bytes.Index(line, slashSlash); i >= 0 { + line = line[:i] + } + line = bytes.TrimSpace(line) + if !bytes.HasPrefix(line, moduleStr) { + continue + } + line = line[len(moduleStr):] + n := len(line) + line = bytes.TrimSpace(line) + if len(line) == n || len(line) == 0 { + continue + } + + if line[0] == '"' || line[0] == '`' { + p, err := strconv.Unquote(string(line)) + if err != nil { + return "" // malformed quoted string or multiline module path + } + return p + } + + return string(line) + } + return "" // missing module path +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile/rule.go b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile/rule.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24d275f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile/rule.go @@ -0,0 +1,724 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package modfile + +import ( + "bytes" + "errors" + "fmt" + "path/filepath" + "regexp" + "sort" + "strconv" + "strings" + "unicode" + + "github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/module" + "github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/semver" +) + +// A File is the parsed, interpreted form of a go.mod file. +type File struct { + Module *Module + Go *Go + Require []*Require + Exclude []*Exclude + Replace []*Replace + + Syntax *FileSyntax +} + +// A Module is the module statement. +type Module struct { + Mod module.Version + Syntax *Line +} + +// A Go is the go statement. +type Go struct { + Version string // "1.23" + Syntax *Line +} + +// A Require is a single require statement. +type Require struct { + Mod module.Version + Indirect bool // has "// indirect" comment + Syntax *Line +} + +// An Exclude is a single exclude statement. +type Exclude struct { + Mod module.Version + Syntax *Line +} + +// A Replace is a single replace statement. +type Replace struct { + Old module.Version + New module.Version + Syntax *Line +} + +func (f *File) AddModuleStmt(path string) error { + if f.Syntax == nil { + f.Syntax = new(FileSyntax) + } + if f.Module == nil { + f.Module = &Module{ + Mod: module.Version{Path: path}, + Syntax: f.Syntax.addLine(nil, "module", AutoQuote(path)), + } + } else { + f.Module.Mod.Path = path + f.Syntax.updateLine(f.Module.Syntax, "module", AutoQuote(path)) + } + return nil +} + +func (f *File) AddComment(text string) { + if f.Syntax == nil { + f.Syntax = new(FileSyntax) + } + f.Syntax.Stmt = append(f.Syntax.Stmt, &CommentBlock{ + Comments: Comments{ + Before: []Comment{ + { + Token: text, + }, + }, + }, + }) +} + +type VersionFixer func(path, version string) (string, error) + +// Parse parses the data, reported in errors as being from file, +// into a File struct. It applies fix, if non-nil, to canonicalize all module versions found. +func Parse(file string, data []byte, fix VersionFixer) (*File, error) { + return parseToFile(file, data, fix, true) +} + +// ParseLax is like Parse but ignores unknown statements. +// It is used when parsing go.mod files other than the main module, +// under the theory that most statement types we add in the future will +// only apply in the main module, like exclude and replace, +// and so we get better gradual deployments if old go commands +// simply ignore those statements when found in go.mod files +// in dependencies. +func ParseLax(file string, data []byte, fix VersionFixer) (*File, error) { + return parseToFile(file, data, fix, false) +} + +func parseToFile(file string, data []byte, fix VersionFixer, strict bool) (*File, error) { + fs, err := parse(file, data) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + f := &File{ + Syntax: fs, + } + + var errs bytes.Buffer + for _, x := range fs.Stmt { + switch x := x.(type) { + case *Line: + f.add(&errs, x, x.Token[0], x.Token[1:], fix, strict) + + case *LineBlock: + if len(x.Token) > 1 { + if strict { + fmt.Fprintf(&errs, "%s:%d: unknown block type: %s\n", file, x.Start.Line, strings.Join(x.Token, " ")) + } + continue + } + switch x.Token[0] { + default: + if strict { + fmt.Fprintf(&errs, "%s:%d: unknown block type: %s\n", file, x.Start.Line, strings.Join(x.Token, " ")) + } + continue + case "module", "require", "exclude", "replace": + for _, l := range x.Line { + f.add(&errs, l, x.Token[0], l.Token, fix, strict) + } + } + } + } + + if errs.Len() > 0 { + return nil, errors.New(strings.TrimRight(errs.String(), "\n")) + } + return f, nil +} + +var goVersionRE = regexp.MustCompile(`([1-9][0-9]*)\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)`) + +func (f *File) add(errs *bytes.Buffer, line *Line, verb string, args []string, fix VersionFixer, strict bool) { + // If strict is false, this module is a dependency. + // We ignore all unknown directives as well as main-module-only + // directives like replace and exclude. It will work better for + // forward compatibility if we can depend on modules that have unknown + // statements (presumed relevant only when acting as the main module) + // and simply ignore those statements. + if !strict { + switch verb { + case "module", "require", "go": + // want these even for dependency go.mods + default: + return + } + } + + switch verb { + default: + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: unknown directive: %s\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, verb) + + case "go": + if f.Go != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: repeated go statement\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line) + return + } + if len(args) != 1 || !goVersionRE.MatchString(args[0]) { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: usage: go 1.23\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line) + return + } + f.Go = &Go{Syntax: line} + f.Go.Version = args[0] + case "module": + if f.Module != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: repeated module statement\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line) + return + } + f.Module = &Module{Syntax: line} + if len(args) != 1 { + + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: usage: module module/path [version]\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line) + return + } + s, err := parseString(&args[0]) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: invalid quoted string: %v\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, err) + return + } + f.Module.Mod = module.Version{Path: s} + case "require", "exclude": + if len(args) != 2 { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: usage: %s module/path v1.2.3\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, verb) + return + } + s, err := parseString(&args[0]) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: invalid quoted string: %v\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, err) + return + } + old := args[1] + v, err := parseVersion(s, &args[1], fix) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: invalid module version %q: %v\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, old, err) + return + } + pathMajor, err := modulePathMajor(s) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: %v\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, err) + return + } + if !module.MatchPathMajor(v, pathMajor) { + if pathMajor == "" { + pathMajor = "v0 or v1" + } + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: invalid module: %s should be %s, not %s (%s)\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, s, pathMajor, semver.Major(v), v) + return + } + if verb == "require" { + f.Require = append(f.Require, &Require{ + Mod: module.Version{Path: s, Version: v}, + Syntax: line, + Indirect: isIndirect(line), + }) + } else { + f.Exclude = append(f.Exclude, &Exclude{ + Mod: module.Version{Path: s, Version: v}, + Syntax: line, + }) + } + case "replace": + arrow := 2 + if len(args) >= 2 && args[1] == "=>" { + arrow = 1 + } + if len(args) < arrow+2 || len(args) > arrow+3 || args[arrow] != "=>" { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: usage: %s module/path [v1.2.3] => other/module v1.4\n\t or %s module/path [v1.2.3] => ../local/directory\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, verb, verb) + return + } + s, err := parseString(&args[0]) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: invalid quoted string: %v\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, err) + return + } + pathMajor, err := modulePathMajor(s) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: %v\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, err) + return + } + var v string + if arrow == 2 { + old := args[1] + v, err = parseVersion(s, &args[1], fix) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: invalid module version %v: %v\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, old, err) + return + } + if !module.MatchPathMajor(v, pathMajor) { + if pathMajor == "" { + pathMajor = "v0 or v1" + } + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: invalid module: %s should be %s, not %s (%s)\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, s, pathMajor, semver.Major(v), v) + return + } + } + ns, err := parseString(&args[arrow+1]) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: invalid quoted string: %v\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, err) + return + } + nv := "" + if len(args) == arrow+2 { + if !IsDirectoryPath(ns) { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: replacement module without version must be directory path (rooted or starting with ./ or ../)\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line) + return + } + if filepath.Separator == '/' && strings.Contains(ns, `\`) { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: replacement directory appears to be Windows path (on a non-windows system)\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line) + return + } + } + if len(args) == arrow+3 { + old := args[arrow+1] + nv, err = parseVersion(ns, &args[arrow+2], fix) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: invalid module version %v: %v\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, old, err) + return + } + if IsDirectoryPath(ns) { + fmt.Fprintf(errs, "%s:%d: replacement module directory path %q cannot have version\n", f.Syntax.Name, line.Start.Line, ns) + return + } + } + f.Replace = append(f.Replace, &Replace{ + Old: module.Version{Path: s, Version: v}, + New: module.Version{Path: ns, Version: nv}, + Syntax: line, + }) + } +} + +// isIndirect reports whether line has a "// indirect" comment, +// meaning it is in go.mod only for its effect on indirect dependencies, +// so that it can be dropped entirely once the effective version of the +// indirect dependency reaches the given minimum version. +func isIndirect(line *Line) bool { + if len(line.Suffix) == 0 { + return false + } + f := strings.Fields(line.Suffix[0].Token) + return (len(f) == 2 && f[1] == "indirect" || len(f) > 2 && f[1] == "indirect;") && f[0] == "//" +} + +// setIndirect sets line to have (or not have) a "// indirect" comment. +func setIndirect(line *Line, indirect bool) { + if isIndirect(line) == indirect { + return + } + if indirect { + // Adding comment. + if len(line.Suffix) == 0 { + // New comment. + line.Suffix = []Comment{{Token: "// indirect", Suffix: true}} + return + } + // Insert at beginning of existing comment. + com := &line.Suffix[0] + space := " " + if len(com.Token) > 2 && com.Token[2] == ' ' || com.Token[2] == '\t' { + space = "" + } + com.Token = "// indirect;" + space + com.Token[2:] + return + } + + // Removing comment. + f := strings.Fields(line.Suffix[0].Token) + if len(f) == 2 { + // Remove whole comment. + line.Suffix = nil + return + } + + // Remove comment prefix. + com := &line.Suffix[0] + i := strings.Index(com.Token, "indirect;") + com.Token = "//" + com.Token[i+len("indirect;"):] +} + +// IsDirectoryPath reports whether the given path should be interpreted +// as a directory path. Just like on the go command line, relative paths +// and rooted paths are directory paths; the rest are module paths. +func IsDirectoryPath(ns string) bool { + // Because go.mod files can move from one system to another, + // we check all known path syntaxes, both Unix and Windows. + return strings.HasPrefix(ns, "./") || strings.HasPrefix(ns, "../") || strings.HasPrefix(ns, "/") || + strings.HasPrefix(ns, `.\`) || strings.HasPrefix(ns, `..\`) || strings.HasPrefix(ns, `\`) || + len(ns) >= 2 && ('A' <= ns[0] && ns[0] <= 'Z' || 'a' <= ns[0] && ns[0] <= 'z') && ns[1] == ':' +} + +// MustQuote reports whether s must be quoted in order to appear as +// a single token in a go.mod line. +func MustQuote(s string) bool { + for _, r := range s { + if !unicode.IsPrint(r) || r == ' ' || r == '"' || r == '\'' || r == '`' { + return true + } + } + return s == "" || strings.Contains(s, "//") || strings.Contains(s, "/*") +} + +// AutoQuote returns s or, if quoting is required for s to appear in a go.mod, +// the quotation of s. +func AutoQuote(s string) string { + if MustQuote(s) { + return strconv.Quote(s) + } + return s +} + +func parseString(s *string) (string, error) { + t := *s + if strings.HasPrefix(t, `"`) { + var err error + if t, err = strconv.Unquote(t); err != nil { + return "", err + } + } else if strings.ContainsAny(t, "\"'`") { + // Other quotes are reserved both for possible future expansion + // and to avoid confusion. For example if someone types 'x' + // we want that to be a syntax error and not a literal x in literal quotation marks. + return "", fmt.Errorf("unquoted string cannot contain quote") + } + *s = AutoQuote(t) + return t, nil +} + +func parseVersion(path string, s *string, fix VersionFixer) (string, error) { + t, err := parseString(s) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + if fix != nil { + var err error + t, err = fix(path, t) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + } + if v := module.CanonicalVersion(t); v != "" { + *s = v + return *s, nil + } + return "", fmt.Errorf("version must be of the form v1.2.3") +} + +func modulePathMajor(path string) (string, error) { + _, major, ok := module.SplitPathVersion(path) + if !ok { + return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid module path") + } + return major, nil +} + +func (f *File) Format() ([]byte, error) { + return Format(f.Syntax), nil +} + +// Cleanup cleans up the file f after any edit operations. +// To avoid quadratic behavior, modifications like DropRequire +// clear the entry but do not remove it from the slice. +// Cleanup cleans out all the cleared entries. +func (f *File) Cleanup() { + w := 0 + for _, r := range f.Require { + if r.Mod.Path != "" { + f.Require[w] = r + w++ + } + } + f.Require = f.Require[:w] + + w = 0 + for _, x := range f.Exclude { + if x.Mod.Path != "" { + f.Exclude[w] = x + w++ + } + } + f.Exclude = f.Exclude[:w] + + w = 0 + for _, r := range f.Replace { + if r.Old.Path != "" { + f.Replace[w] = r + w++ + } + } + f.Replace = f.Replace[:w] + + f.Syntax.Cleanup() +} + +func (f *File) AddRequire(path, vers string) error { + need := true + for _, r := range f.Require { + if r.Mod.Path == path { + if need { + r.Mod.Version = vers + f.Syntax.updateLine(r.Syntax, "require", AutoQuote(path), vers) + need = false + } else { + f.Syntax.removeLine(r.Syntax) + *r = Require{} + } + } + } + + if need { + f.AddNewRequire(path, vers, false) + } + return nil +} + +func (f *File) AddNewRequire(path, vers string, indirect bool) { + line := f.Syntax.addLine(nil, "require", AutoQuote(path), vers) + setIndirect(line, indirect) + f.Require = append(f.Require, &Require{module.Version{Path: path, Version: vers}, indirect, line}) +} + +func (f *File) SetRequire(req []*Require) { + need := make(map[string]string) + indirect := make(map[string]bool) + for _, r := range req { + need[r.Mod.Path] = r.Mod.Version + indirect[r.Mod.Path] = r.Indirect + } + + for _, r := range f.Require { + if v, ok := need[r.Mod.Path]; ok { + r.Mod.Version = v + r.Indirect = indirect[r.Mod.Path] + } + } + + var newStmts []Expr + for _, stmt := range f.Syntax.Stmt { + switch stmt := stmt.(type) { + case *LineBlock: + if len(stmt.Token) > 0 && stmt.Token[0] == "require" { + var newLines []*Line + for _, line := range stmt.Line { + if p, err := parseString(&line.Token[0]); err == nil && need[p] != "" { + line.Token[1] = need[p] + delete(need, p) + setIndirect(line, indirect[p]) + newLines = append(newLines, line) + } + } + if len(newLines) == 0 { + continue // drop stmt + } + stmt.Line = newLines + } + + case *Line: + if len(stmt.Token) > 0 && stmt.Token[0] == "require" { + if p, err := parseString(&stmt.Token[1]); err == nil && need[p] != "" { + stmt.Token[2] = need[p] + delete(need, p) + setIndirect(stmt, indirect[p]) + } else { + continue // drop stmt + } + } + } + newStmts = append(newStmts, stmt) + } + f.Syntax.Stmt = newStmts + + for path, vers := range need { + f.AddNewRequire(path, vers, indirect[path]) + } + f.SortBlocks() +} + +func (f *File) DropRequire(path string) error { + for _, r := range f.Require { + if r.Mod.Path == path { + f.Syntax.removeLine(r.Syntax) + *r = Require{} + } + } + return nil +} + +func (f *File) AddExclude(path, vers string) error { + var hint *Line + for _, x := range f.Exclude { + if x.Mod.Path == path && x.Mod.Version == vers { + return nil + } + if x.Mod.Path == path { + hint = x.Syntax + } + } + + f.Exclude = append(f.Exclude, &Exclude{Mod: module.Version{Path: path, Version: vers}, Syntax: f.Syntax.addLine(hint, "exclude", AutoQuote(path), vers)}) + return nil +} + +func (f *File) DropExclude(path, vers string) error { + for _, x := range f.Exclude { + if x.Mod.Path == path && x.Mod.Version == vers { + f.Syntax.removeLine(x.Syntax) + *x = Exclude{} + } + } + return nil +} + +func (f *File) AddReplace(oldPath, oldVers, newPath, newVers string) error { + need := true + old := module.Version{Path: oldPath, Version: oldVers} + new := module.Version{Path: newPath, Version: newVers} + tokens := []string{"replace", AutoQuote(oldPath)} + if oldVers != "" { + tokens = append(tokens, oldVers) + } + tokens = append(tokens, "=>", AutoQuote(newPath)) + if newVers != "" { + tokens = append(tokens, newVers) + } + + var hint *Line + for _, r := range f.Replace { + if r.Old.Path == oldPath && (oldVers == "" || r.Old.Version == oldVers) { + if need { + // Found replacement for old; update to use new. + r.New = new + f.Syntax.updateLine(r.Syntax, tokens...) + need = false + continue + } + // Already added; delete other replacements for same. + f.Syntax.removeLine(r.Syntax) + *r = Replace{} + } + if r.Old.Path == oldPath { + hint = r.Syntax + } + } + if need { + f.Replace = append(f.Replace, &Replace{Old: old, New: new, Syntax: f.Syntax.addLine(hint, tokens...)}) + } + return nil +} + +func (f *File) DropReplace(oldPath, oldVers string) error { + for _, r := range f.Replace { + if r.Old.Path == oldPath && r.Old.Version == oldVers { + f.Syntax.removeLine(r.Syntax) + *r = Replace{} + } + } + return nil +} + +func (f *File) SortBlocks() { + f.removeDups() // otherwise sorting is unsafe + + for _, stmt := range f.Syntax.Stmt { + block, ok := stmt.(*LineBlock) + if !ok { + continue + } + sort.Slice(block.Line, func(i, j int) bool { + li := block.Line[i] + lj := block.Line[j] + for k := 0; k < len(li.Token) && k < len(lj.Token); k++ { + if li.Token[k] != lj.Token[k] { + return li.Token[k] < lj.Token[k] + } + } + return len(li.Token) < len(lj.Token) + }) + } +} + +func (f *File) removeDups() { + have := make(map[module.Version]bool) + kill := make(map[*Line]bool) + for _, x := range f.Exclude { + if have[x.Mod] { + kill[x.Syntax] = true + continue + } + have[x.Mod] = true + } + var excl []*Exclude + for _, x := range f.Exclude { + if !kill[x.Syntax] { + excl = append(excl, x) + } + } + f.Exclude = excl + + have = make(map[module.Version]bool) + // Later replacements take priority over earlier ones. + for i := len(f.Replace) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + x := f.Replace[i] + if have[x.Old] { + kill[x.Syntax] = true + continue + } + have[x.Old] = true + } + var repl []*Replace + for _, x := range f.Replace { + if !kill[x.Syntax] { + repl = append(repl, x) + } + } + f.Replace = repl + + var stmts []Expr + for _, stmt := range f.Syntax.Stmt { + switch stmt := stmt.(type) { + case *Line: + if kill[stmt] { + continue + } + case *LineBlock: + var lines []*Line + for _, line := range stmt.Line { + if !kill[line] { + lines = append(lines, line) + } + } + stmt.Line = lines + if len(lines) == 0 { + continue + } + } + stmts = append(stmts, stmt) + } + f.Syntax.Stmt = stmts +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/module/module.go b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/module/module.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3ff6d9bf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/module/module.go @@ -0,0 +1,540 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package module defines the module.Version type +// along with support code. +package module + +// IMPORTANT NOTE +// +// This file essentially defines the set of valid import paths for the go command. +// There are many subtle considerations, including Unicode ambiguity, +// security, network, and file system representations. +// +// This file also defines the set of valid module path and version combinations, +// another topic with many subtle considerations. +// +// Changes to the semantics in this file require approval from rsc. + +import ( + "fmt" + "sort" + "strings" + "unicode" + "unicode/utf8" + + "github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/semver" +) + +// A Version is defined by a module path and version pair. +type Version struct { + Path string + + // Version is usually a semantic version in canonical form. + // There are two exceptions to this general rule. + // First, the top-level target of a build has no specific version + // and uses Version = "". + // Second, during MVS calculations the version "none" is used + // to represent the decision to take no version of a given module. + Version string `json:",omitempty"` +} + +// Check checks that a given module path, version pair is valid. +// In addition to the path being a valid module path +// and the version being a valid semantic version, +// the two must correspond. +// For example, the path "yaml/v2" only corresponds to +// semantic versions beginning with "v2.". +func Check(path, version string) error { + if err := CheckPath(path); err != nil { + return err + } + if !semver.IsValid(version) { + return fmt.Errorf("malformed semantic version %v", version) + } + _, pathMajor, _ := SplitPathVersion(path) + if !MatchPathMajor(version, pathMajor) { + if pathMajor == "" { + pathMajor = "v0 or v1" + } + if pathMajor[0] == '.' { // .v1 + pathMajor = pathMajor[1:] + } + return fmt.Errorf("mismatched module path %v and version %v (want %v)", path, version, pathMajor) + } + return nil +} + +// firstPathOK reports whether r can appear in the first element of a module path. +// The first element of the path must be an LDH domain name, at least for now. +// To avoid case ambiguity, the domain name must be entirely lower case. +func firstPathOK(r rune) bool { + return r == '-' || r == '.' || + '0' <= r && r <= '9' || + 'a' <= r && r <= 'z' +} + +// pathOK reports whether r can appear in an import path element. +// Paths can be ASCII letters, ASCII digits, and limited ASCII punctuation: + - . _ and ~. +// This matches what "go get" has historically recognized in import paths. +// TODO(rsc): We would like to allow Unicode letters, but that requires additional +// care in the safe encoding (see note below). +func pathOK(r rune) bool { + if r < utf8.RuneSelf { + return r == '+' || r == '-' || r == '.' || r == '_' || r == '~' || + '0' <= r && r <= '9' || + 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' || + 'a' <= r && r <= 'z' + } + return false +} + +// fileNameOK reports whether r can appear in a file name. +// For now we allow all Unicode letters but otherwise limit to pathOK plus a few more punctuation characters. +// If we expand the set of allowed characters here, we have to +// work harder at detecting potential case-folding and normalization collisions. +// See note about "safe encoding" below. +func fileNameOK(r rune) bool { + if r < utf8.RuneSelf { + // Entire set of ASCII punctuation, from which we remove characters: + // ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ + // We disallow some shell special characters: " ' * < > ? ` | + // (Note that some of those are disallowed by the Windows file system as well.) + // We also disallow path separators / : and \ (fileNameOK is only called on path element characters). + // We allow spaces (U+0020) in file names. + const allowed = "!#$%&()+,-.=@[]^_{}~ " + if '0' <= r && r <= '9' || 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' || 'a' <= r && r <= 'z' { + return true + } + for i := 0; i < len(allowed); i++ { + if rune(allowed[i]) == r { + return true + } + } + return false + } + // It may be OK to add more ASCII punctuation here, but only carefully. + // For example Windows disallows < > \, and macOS disallows :, so we must not allow those. + return unicode.IsLetter(r) +} + +// CheckPath checks that a module path is valid. +func CheckPath(path string) error { + if err := checkPath(path, false); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: %v", path, err) + } + i := strings.Index(path, "/") + if i < 0 { + i = len(path) + } + if i == 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: leading slash", path) + } + if !strings.Contains(path[:i], ".") { + return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: missing dot in first path element", path) + } + if path[0] == '-' { + return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: leading dash in first path element", path) + } + for _, r := range path[:i] { + if !firstPathOK(r) { + return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: invalid char %q in first path element", path, r) + } + } + if _, _, ok := SplitPathVersion(path); !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: invalid version", path) + } + return nil +} + +// CheckImportPath checks that an import path is valid. +func CheckImportPath(path string) error { + if err := checkPath(path, false); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("malformed import path %q: %v", path, err) + } + return nil +} + +// checkPath checks that a general path is valid. +// It returns an error describing why but not mentioning path. +// Because these checks apply to both module paths and import paths, +// the caller is expected to add the "malformed ___ path %q: " prefix. +// fileName indicates whether the final element of the path is a file name +// (as opposed to a directory name). +func checkPath(path string, fileName bool) error { + if !utf8.ValidString(path) { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid UTF-8") + } + if path == "" { + return fmt.Errorf("empty string") + } + if strings.Contains(path, "..") { + return fmt.Errorf("double dot") + } + if strings.Contains(path, "//") { + return fmt.Errorf("double slash") + } + if path[len(path)-1] == '/' { + return fmt.Errorf("trailing slash") + } + elemStart := 0 + for i, r := range path { + if r == '/' { + if err := checkElem(path[elemStart:i], fileName); err != nil { + return err + } + elemStart = i + 1 + } + } + if err := checkElem(path[elemStart:], fileName); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil +} + +// checkElem checks whether an individual path element is valid. +// fileName indicates whether the element is a file name (not a directory name). +func checkElem(elem string, fileName bool) error { + if elem == "" { + return fmt.Errorf("empty path element") + } + if strings.Count(elem, ".") == len(elem) { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid path element %q", elem) + } + if elem[0] == '.' && !fileName { + return fmt.Errorf("leading dot in path element") + } + if elem[len(elem)-1] == '.' { + return fmt.Errorf("trailing dot in path element") + } + charOK := pathOK + if fileName { + charOK = fileNameOK + } + for _, r := range elem { + if !charOK(r) { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid char %q", r) + } + } + + // Windows disallows a bunch of path elements, sadly. + // See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/fileio/naming-a-file + short := elem + if i := strings.Index(short, "."); i >= 0 { + short = short[:i] + } + for _, bad := range badWindowsNames { + if strings.EqualFold(bad, short) { + return fmt.Errorf("disallowed path element %q", elem) + } + } + return nil +} + +// CheckFilePath checks whether a slash-separated file path is valid. +func CheckFilePath(path string) error { + if err := checkPath(path, true); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("malformed file path %q: %v", path, err) + } + return nil +} + +// badWindowsNames are the reserved file path elements on Windows. +// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/fileio/naming-a-file +var badWindowsNames = []string{ + "CON", + "PRN", + "AUX", + "NUL", + "COM1", + "COM2", + "COM3", + "COM4", + "COM5", + "COM6", + "COM7", + "COM8", + "COM9", + "LPT1", + "LPT2", + "LPT3", + "LPT4", + "LPT5", + "LPT6", + "LPT7", + "LPT8", + "LPT9", +} + +// SplitPathVersion returns prefix and major version such that prefix+pathMajor == path +// and version is either empty or "/vN" for N >= 2. +// As a special case, gopkg.in paths are recognized directly; +// they require ".vN" instead of "/vN", and for all N, not just N >= 2. +func SplitPathVersion(path string) (prefix, pathMajor string, ok bool) { + if strings.HasPrefix(path, "gopkg.in/") { + return splitGopkgIn(path) + } + + i := len(path) + dot := false + for i > 0 && ('0' <= path[i-1] && path[i-1] <= '9' || path[i-1] == '.') { + if path[i-1] == '.' { + dot = true + } + i-- + } + if i <= 1 || path[i-1] != 'v' || path[i-2] != '/' { + return path, "", true + } + prefix, pathMajor = path[:i-2], path[i-2:] + if dot || len(pathMajor) <= 2 || pathMajor[2] == '0' || pathMajor == "/v1" { + return path, "", false + } + return prefix, pathMajor, true +} + +// splitGopkgIn is like SplitPathVersion but only for gopkg.in paths. +func splitGopkgIn(path string) (prefix, pathMajor string, ok bool) { + if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "gopkg.in/") { + return path, "", false + } + i := len(path) + if strings.HasSuffix(path, "-unstable") { + i -= len("-unstable") + } + for i > 0 && ('0' <= path[i-1] && path[i-1] <= '9') { + i-- + } + if i <= 1 || path[i-1] != 'v' || path[i-2] != '.' { + // All gopkg.in paths must end in vN for some N. + return path, "", false + } + prefix, pathMajor = path[:i-2], path[i-2:] + if len(pathMajor) <= 2 || pathMajor[2] == '0' && pathMajor != ".v0" { + return path, "", false + } + return prefix, pathMajor, true +} + +// MatchPathMajor reports whether the semantic version v +// matches the path major version pathMajor. +func MatchPathMajor(v, pathMajor string) bool { + if strings.HasPrefix(pathMajor, ".v") && strings.HasSuffix(pathMajor, "-unstable") { + pathMajor = strings.TrimSuffix(pathMajor, "-unstable") + } + if strings.HasPrefix(v, "v0.0.0-") && pathMajor == ".v1" { + // Allow old bug in pseudo-versions that generated v0.0.0- pseudoversion for gopkg .v1. + // For example, gopkg.in/yaml.v2@v2.2.1's go.mod requires gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405. + return true + } + m := semver.Major(v) + if pathMajor == "" { + return m == "v0" || m == "v1" || semver.Build(v) == "+incompatible" + } + return (pathMajor[0] == '/' || pathMajor[0] == '.') && m == pathMajor[1:] +} + +// CanonicalVersion returns the canonical form of the version string v. +// It is the same as semver.Canonical(v) except that it preserves the special build suffix "+incompatible". +func CanonicalVersion(v string) string { + cv := semver.Canonical(v) + if semver.Build(v) == "+incompatible" { + cv += "+incompatible" + } + return cv +} + +// Sort sorts the list by Path, breaking ties by comparing Versions. +func Sort(list []Version) { + sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool { + mi := list[i] + mj := list[j] + if mi.Path != mj.Path { + return mi.Path < mj.Path + } + // To help go.sum formatting, allow version/file. + // Compare semver prefix by semver rules, + // file by string order. + vi := mi.Version + vj := mj.Version + var fi, fj string + if k := strings.Index(vi, "/"); k >= 0 { + vi, fi = vi[:k], vi[k:] + } + if k := strings.Index(vj, "/"); k >= 0 { + vj, fj = vj[:k], vj[k:] + } + if vi != vj { + return semver.Compare(vi, vj) < 0 + } + return fi < fj + }) +} + +// Safe encodings +// +// Module paths appear as substrings of file system paths +// (in the download cache) and of web server URLs in the proxy protocol. +// In general we cannot rely on file systems to be case-sensitive, +// nor can we rely on web servers, since they read from file systems. +// That is, we cannot rely on the file system to keep rsc.io/QUOTE +// and rsc.io/quote separate. Windows and macOS don't. +// Instead, we must never require two different casings of a file path. +// Because we want the download cache to match the proxy protocol, +// and because we want the proxy protocol to be possible to serve +// from a tree of static files (which might be stored on a case-insensitive +// file system), the proxy protocol must never require two different casings +// of a URL path either. +// +// One possibility would be to make the safe encoding be the lowercase +// hexadecimal encoding of the actual path bytes. This would avoid ever +// needing different casings of a file path, but it would be fairly illegible +// to most programmers when those paths appeared in the file system +// (including in file paths in compiler errors and stack traces) +// in web server logs, and so on. Instead, we want a safe encoding that +// leaves most paths unaltered. +// +// The safe encoding is this: +// replace every uppercase letter with an exclamation mark +// followed by the letter's lowercase equivalent. +// +// For example, +// github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go -> github.com/!azure/azure-sdk-for-go. +// github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloudsql-proxy -> github.com/!google!cloud!platform/cloudsql-proxy +// github.com/Sirupsen/logrus -> github.com/!sirupsen/logrus. +// +// Import paths that avoid upper-case letters are left unchanged. +// Note that because import paths are ASCII-only and avoid various +// problematic punctuation (like : < and >), the safe encoding is also ASCII-only +// and avoids the same problematic punctuation. +// +// Import paths have never allowed exclamation marks, so there is no +// need to define how to encode a literal !. +// +// Although paths are disallowed from using Unicode (see pathOK above), +// the eventual plan is to allow Unicode letters as well, to assume that +// file systems and URLs are Unicode-safe (storing UTF-8), and apply +// the !-for-uppercase convention. Note however that not all runes that +// are different but case-fold equivalent are an upper/lower pair. +// For example, U+004B ('K'), U+006B ('k'), and U+212A ('K' for Kelvin) +// are considered to case-fold to each other. When we do add Unicode +// letters, we must not assume that upper/lower are the only case-equivalent pairs. +// Perhaps the Kelvin symbol would be disallowed entirely, for example. +// Or perhaps it would encode as "!!k", or perhaps as "(212A)". +// +// Also, it would be nice to allow Unicode marks as well as letters, +// but marks include combining marks, and then we must deal not +// only with case folding but also normalization: both U+00E9 ('é') +// and U+0065 U+0301 ('e' followed by combining acute accent) +// look the same on the page and are treated by some file systems +// as the same path. If we do allow Unicode marks in paths, there +// must be some kind of normalization to allow only one canonical +// encoding of any character used in an import path. + +// EncodePath returns the safe encoding of the given module path. +// It fails if the module path is invalid. +func EncodePath(path string) (encoding string, err error) { + if err := CheckPath(path); err != nil { + return "", err + } + + return encodeString(path) +} + +// EncodeVersion returns the safe encoding of the given module version. +// Versions are allowed to be in non-semver form but must be valid file names +// and not contain exclamation marks. +func EncodeVersion(v string) (encoding string, err error) { + if err := checkElem(v, true); err != nil || strings.Contains(v, "!") { + return "", fmt.Errorf("disallowed version string %q", v) + } + return encodeString(v) +} + +func encodeString(s string) (encoding string, err error) { + haveUpper := false + for _, r := range s { + if r == '!' || r >= utf8.RuneSelf { + // This should be disallowed by CheckPath, but diagnose anyway. + // The correctness of the encoding loop below depends on it. + return "", fmt.Errorf("internal error: inconsistency in EncodePath") + } + if 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' { + haveUpper = true + } + } + + if !haveUpper { + return s, nil + } + + var buf []byte + for _, r := range s { + if 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' { + buf = append(buf, '!', byte(r+'a'-'A')) + } else { + buf = append(buf, byte(r)) + } + } + return string(buf), nil +} + +// DecodePath returns the module path of the given safe encoding. +// It fails if the encoding is invalid or encodes an invalid path. +func DecodePath(encoding string) (path string, err error) { + path, ok := decodeString(encoding) + if !ok { + return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid module path encoding %q", encoding) + } + if err := CheckPath(path); err != nil { + return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid module path encoding %q: %v", encoding, err) + } + return path, nil +} + +// DecodeVersion returns the version string for the given safe encoding. +// It fails if the encoding is invalid or encodes an invalid version. +// Versions are allowed to be in non-semver form but must be valid file names +// and not contain exclamation marks. +func DecodeVersion(encoding string) (v string, err error) { + v, ok := decodeString(encoding) + if !ok { + return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid version encoding %q", encoding) + } + if err := checkElem(v, true); err != nil { + return "", fmt.Errorf("disallowed version string %q", v) + } + return v, nil +} + +func decodeString(encoding string) (string, bool) { + var buf []byte + + bang := false + for _, r := range encoding { + if r >= utf8.RuneSelf { + return "", false + } + if bang { + bang = false + if r < 'a' || 'z' < r { + return "", false + } + buf = append(buf, byte(r+'A'-'a')) + continue + } + if r == '!' { + bang = true + continue + } + if 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' { + return "", false + } + buf = append(buf, byte(r)) + } + if bang { + return "", false + } + return string(buf), true +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/semver/semver.go b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/semver/semver.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4af7118e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/semver/semver.go @@ -0,0 +1,388 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package semver implements comparison of semantic version strings. +// In this package, semantic version strings must begin with a leading "v", +// as in "v1.0.0". +// +// The general form of a semantic version string accepted by this package is +// +// vMAJOR[.MINOR[.PATCH[-PRERELEASE][+BUILD]]] +// +// where square brackets indicate optional parts of the syntax; +// MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH are decimal integers without extra leading zeros; +// PRERELEASE and BUILD are each a series of non-empty dot-separated identifiers +// using only alphanumeric characters and hyphens; and +// all-numeric PRERELEASE identifiers must not have leading zeros. +// +// This package follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (see semver.org) +// with two exceptions. First, it requires the "v" prefix. Second, it recognizes +// vMAJOR and vMAJOR.MINOR (with no prerelease or build suffixes) +// as shorthands for vMAJOR.0.0 and vMAJOR.MINOR.0. +package semver + +// parsed returns the parsed form of a semantic version string. +type parsed struct { + major string + minor string + patch string + short string + prerelease string + build string + err string +} + +// IsValid reports whether v is a valid semantic version string. +func IsValid(v string) bool { + _, ok := parse(v) + return ok +} + +// Canonical returns the canonical formatting of the semantic version v. +// It fills in any missing .MINOR or .PATCH and discards build metadata. +// Two semantic versions compare equal only if their canonical formattings +// are identical strings. +// The canonical invalid semantic version is the empty string. +func Canonical(v string) string { + p, ok := parse(v) + if !ok { + return "" + } + if p.build != "" { + return v[:len(v)-len(p.build)] + } + if p.short != "" { + return v + p.short + } + return v +} + +// Major returns the major version prefix of the semantic version v. +// For example, Major("v2.1.0") == "v2". +// If v is an invalid semantic version string, Major returns the empty string. +func Major(v string) string { + pv, ok := parse(v) + if !ok { + return "" + } + return v[:1+len(pv.major)] +} + +// MajorMinor returns the major.minor version prefix of the semantic version v. +// For example, MajorMinor("v2.1.0") == "v2.1". +// If v is an invalid semantic version string, MajorMinor returns the empty string. +func MajorMinor(v string) string { + pv, ok := parse(v) + if !ok { + return "" + } + i := 1 + len(pv.major) + if j := i + 1 + len(pv.minor); j <= len(v) && v[i] == '.' && v[i+1:j] == pv.minor { + return v[:j] + } + return v[:i] + "." + pv.minor +} + +// Prerelease returns the prerelease suffix of the semantic version v. +// For example, Prerelease("v2.1.0-pre+meta") == "-pre". +// If v is an invalid semantic version string, Prerelease returns the empty string. +func Prerelease(v string) string { + pv, ok := parse(v) + if !ok { + return "" + } + return pv.prerelease +} + +// Build returns the build suffix of the semantic version v. +// For example, Build("v2.1.0+meta") == "+meta". +// If v is an invalid semantic version string, Build returns the empty string. +func Build(v string) string { + pv, ok := parse(v) + if !ok { + return "" + } + return pv.build +} + +// Compare returns an integer comparing two versions according to +// according to semantic version precedence. +// The result will be 0 if v == w, -1 if v < w, or +1 if v > w. +// +// An invalid semantic version string is considered less than a valid one. +// All invalid semantic version strings compare equal to each other. +func Compare(v, w string) int { + pv, ok1 := parse(v) + pw, ok2 := parse(w) + if !ok1 && !ok2 { + return 0 + } + if !ok1 { + return -1 + } + if !ok2 { + return +1 + } + if c := compareInt(pv.major, pw.major); c != 0 { + return c + } + if c := compareInt(pv.minor, pw.minor); c != 0 { + return c + } + if c := compareInt(pv.patch, pw.patch); c != 0 { + return c + } + return comparePrerelease(pv.prerelease, pw.prerelease) +} + +// Max canonicalizes its arguments and then returns the version string +// that compares greater. +func Max(v, w string) string { + v = Canonical(v) + w = Canonical(w) + if Compare(v, w) > 0 { + return v + } + return w +} + +func parse(v string) (p parsed, ok bool) { + if v == "" || v[0] != 'v' { + p.err = "missing v prefix" + return + } + p.major, v, ok = parseInt(v[1:]) + if !ok { + p.err = "bad major version" + return + } + if v == "" { + p.minor = "0" + p.patch = "0" + p.short = ".0.0" + return + } + if v[0] != '.' { + p.err = "bad minor prefix" + ok = false + return + } + p.minor, v, ok = parseInt(v[1:]) + if !ok { + p.err = "bad minor version" + return + } + if v == "" { + p.patch = "0" + p.short = ".0" + return + } + if v[0] != '.' { + p.err = "bad patch prefix" + ok = false + return + } + p.patch, v, ok = parseInt(v[1:]) + if !ok { + p.err = "bad patch version" + return + } + if len(v) > 0 && v[0] == '-' { + p.prerelease, v, ok = parsePrerelease(v) + if !ok { + p.err = "bad prerelease" + return + } + } + if len(v) > 0 && v[0] == '+' { + p.build, v, ok = parseBuild(v) + if !ok { + p.err = "bad build" + return + } + } + if v != "" { + p.err = "junk on end" + ok = false + return + } + ok = true + return +} + +func parseInt(v string) (t, rest string, ok bool) { + if v == "" { + return + } + if v[0] < '0' || '9' < v[0] { + return + } + i := 1 + for i < len(v) && '0' <= v[i] && v[i] <= '9' { + i++ + } + if v[0] == '0' && i != 1 { + return + } + return v[:i], v[i:], true +} + +func parsePrerelease(v string) (t, rest string, ok bool) { + // "A pre-release version MAY be denoted by appending a hyphen and + // a series of dot separated identifiers immediately following the patch version. + // Identifiers MUST comprise only ASCII alphanumerics and hyphen [0-9A-Za-z-]. + // Identifiers MUST NOT be empty. Numeric identifiers MUST NOT include leading zeroes." + if v == "" || v[0] != '-' { + return + } + i := 1 + start := 1 + for i < len(v) && v[i] != '+' { + if !isIdentChar(v[i]) && v[i] != '.' { + return + } + if v[i] == '.' { + if start == i || isBadNum(v[start:i]) { + return + } + start = i + 1 + } + i++ + } + if start == i || isBadNum(v[start:i]) { + return + } + return v[:i], v[i:], true +} + +func parseBuild(v string) (t, rest string, ok bool) { + if v == "" || v[0] != '+' { + return + } + i := 1 + start := 1 + for i < len(v) { + if !isIdentChar(v[i]) { + return + } + if v[i] == '.' { + if start == i { + return + } + start = i + 1 + } + i++ + } + if start == i { + return + } + return v[:i], v[i:], true +} + +func isIdentChar(c byte) bool { + return 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || '0' <= c && c <= '9' || c == '-' +} + +func isBadNum(v string) bool { + i := 0 + for i < len(v) && '0' <= v[i] && v[i] <= '9' { + i++ + } + return i == len(v) && i > 1 && v[0] == '0' +} + +func isNum(v string) bool { + i := 0 + for i < len(v) && '0' <= v[i] && v[i] <= '9' { + i++ + } + return i == len(v) +} + +func compareInt(x, y string) int { + if x == y { + return 0 + } + if len(x) < len(y) { + return -1 + } + if len(x) > len(y) { + return +1 + } + if x < y { + return -1 + } else { + return +1 + } +} + +func comparePrerelease(x, y string) int { + // "When major, minor, and patch are equal, a pre-release version has + // lower precedence than a normal version. + // Example: 1.0.0-alpha < 1.0.0. + // Precedence for two pre-release versions with the same major, minor, + // and patch version MUST be determined by comparing each dot separated + // identifier from left to right until a difference is found as follows: + // identifiers consisting of only digits are compared numerically and + // identifiers with letters or hyphens are compared lexically in ASCII + // sort order. Numeric identifiers always have lower precedence than + // non-numeric identifiers. A larger set of pre-release fields has a + // higher precedence than a smaller set, if all of the preceding + // identifiers are equal. + // Example: 1.0.0-alpha < 1.0.0-alpha.1 < 1.0.0-alpha.beta < + // 1.0.0-beta < 1.0.0-beta.2 < 1.0.0-beta.11 < 1.0.0-rc.1 < 1.0.0." + if x == y { + return 0 + } + if x == "" { + return +1 + } + if y == "" { + return -1 + } + for x != "" && y != "" { + x = x[1:] // skip - or . + y = y[1:] // skip - or . + var dx, dy string + dx, x = nextIdent(x) + dy, y = nextIdent(y) + if dx != dy { + ix := isNum(dx) + iy := isNum(dy) + if ix != iy { + if ix { + return -1 + } else { + return +1 + } + } + if ix { + if len(dx) < len(dy) { + return -1 + } + if len(dx) > len(dy) { + return +1 + } + } + if dx < dy { + return -1 + } else { + return +1 + } + } + } + if x == "" { + return -1 + } else { + return +1 + } +} + +func nextIdent(x string) (dx, rest string) { + i := 0 + for i < len(x) && x[i] != '.' { + i++ + } + return x[:i], x[i:] +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ff36b987 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +.git +*.swp + +# IntelliJ +.idea/ +*.iml + +# VS code +*.code-workspace diff --git a/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6326d40f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +language: go + +arch: + - amd64 + - ppc64le + +go: + - 1.7.x + - 1.14.x + - 1.15.x + - 1.16.x + - 1.17.x + - tip + +install: + - go build . + +script: + - go test -v diff --git a/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aea61154 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +## Decimal v1.3.1 + +#### ENHANCEMENTS +- Reduce memory allocation in case of initialization from big.Int [#252](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/252) + +#### BUGFIXES +- Fix binary marshalling of decimal zero value [#253](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/253) + +## Decimal v1.3.0 + +#### FEATURES +- Add NewFromFormattedString initializer [#184](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/184) +- Add NewNullDecimal initializer [#234](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/234) +- Add implementation of natural exponent function (Taylor, Hull-Abraham) [#229](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/229) +- Add RoundUp, RoundDown, RoundCeil, RoundFloor methods [#196](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/196) [#202](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/202) [#220](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/220) +- Add XML support for NullDecimal [#192](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/192) +- Add IsInteger method [#179](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/179) +- Add Copy helper method [#123](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/123) +- Add InexactFloat64 helper method [#205](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/205) +- Add CoefficientInt64 helper method [#244](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/244) + +#### ENHANCEMENTS +- Performance optimization of NewFromString init method [#198](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/198) +- Performance optimization of Abs and Round methods [#240](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/240) +- Additional tests (CI) for ppc64le architecture [#188](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/188) + +#### BUGFIXES +- Fix rounding in FormatFloat fallback path (roundShortest method, fix taken from Go main repository) [#161](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/161) +- Add slice range checks to UnmarshalBinary method [#232](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/232) + +## Decimal v1.2.0 + +#### BREAKING +- Drop support for Go version older than 1.7 [#172](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/172) + +#### FEATURES +- Add NewFromInt and NewFromInt32 initializers [#72](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/72) +- Add support for Go modules [#157](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/157) +- Add BigInt, BigFloat helper methods [#171](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/171) + +#### ENHANCEMENTS +- Memory usage optimization [#160](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/160) +- Updated travis CI golang versions [#156](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/156) +- Update documentation [#173](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/173) +- Improve code quality [#174](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/174) + +#### BUGFIXES +- Revert remove insignificant digits [#159](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/159) +- Remove 15 interval for RoundCash [#166](https://github.com/shopspring/decimal/pull/166) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad2148aa --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2015 Spring, Inc. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. + +- Based on https://github.com/oguzbilgic/fpd, which has the following license: +""" +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2013 Oguz Bilgic + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of +this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in +the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to +use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of +the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, +subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS +FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR +COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER +IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +""" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/README.md b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e35df06 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +# decimal + +[![Build Status](https://app.travis-ci.com/shopspring/decimal.svg?branch=master)](https://app.travis-ci.com/shopspring/decimal) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/shopspring/decimal?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/shopspring/decimal) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/shopspring/decimal)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/shopspring/decimal) + +Arbitrary-precision fixed-point decimal numbers in go. + +_Note:_ Decimal library can "only" represent numbers with a maximum of 2^31 digits after the decimal point. + +## Features + + * The zero-value is 0, and is safe to use without initialization + * Addition, subtraction, multiplication with no loss of precision + * Division with specified precision + * Database/sql serialization/deserialization + * JSON and XML serialization/deserialization + +## Install + +Run `go get github.com/shopspring/decimal` + +## Requirements + +Decimal library requires Go version `>=1.7` + +## Usage + +```go +package main + +import ( + "fmt" + "github.com/shopspring/decimal" +) + +func main() { + price, err := decimal.NewFromString("136.02") + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + quantity := decimal.NewFromInt(3) + + fee, _ := decimal.NewFromString(".035") + taxRate, _ := decimal.NewFromString(".08875") + + subtotal := price.Mul(quantity) + + preTax := subtotal.Mul(fee.Add(decimal.NewFromFloat(1))) + + total := preTax.Mul(taxRate.Add(decimal.NewFromFloat(1))) + + fmt.Println("Subtotal:", subtotal) // Subtotal: 408.06 + fmt.Println("Pre-tax:", preTax) // Pre-tax: 422.3421 + fmt.Println("Taxes:", total.Sub(preTax)) // Taxes: 37.482861375 + fmt.Println("Total:", total) // Total: 459.824961375 + fmt.Println("Tax rate:", total.Sub(preTax).Div(preTax)) // Tax rate: 0.08875 +} +``` + +## Documentation + +http://godoc.org/github.com/shopspring/decimal + +## Production Usage + +* [Spring](https://shopspring.com/), since August 14, 2014. +* If you are using this in production, please let us know! + +## FAQ + +#### Why don't you just use float64? + +Because float64 (or any binary floating point type, actually) can't represent +numbers such as `0.1` exactly. + +Consider this code: http://play.golang.org/p/TQBd4yJe6B You might expect that +it prints out `10`, but it actually prints `9.999999999999831`. Over time, +these small errors can really add up! + +#### Why don't you just use big.Rat? + +big.Rat is fine for representing rational numbers, but Decimal is better for +representing money. Why? Here's a (contrived) example: + +Let's say you use big.Rat, and you have two numbers, x and y, both +representing 1/3, and you have `z = 1 - x - y = 1/3`. If you print each one +out, the string output has to stop somewhere (let's say it stops at 3 decimal +digits, for simplicity), so you'll get 0.333, 0.333, and 0.333. But where did +the other 0.001 go? + +Here's the above example as code: http://play.golang.org/p/lCZZs0w9KE + +With Decimal, the strings being printed out represent the number exactly. So, +if you have `x = y = 1/3` (with precision 3), they will actually be equal to +0.333, and when you do `z = 1 - x - y`, `z` will be equal to .334. No money is +unaccounted for! + +You still have to be careful. If you want to split a number `N` 3 ways, you +can't just send `N/3` to three different people. You have to pick one to send +`N - (2/3*N)` to. That person will receive the fraction of a penny remainder. + +But, it is much easier to be careful with Decimal than with big.Rat. + +#### Why isn't the API similar to big.Int's? + +big.Int's API is built to reduce the number of memory allocations for maximal +performance. This makes sense for its use-case, but the trade-off is that the +API is awkward and easy to misuse. + +For example, to add two big.Ints, you do: `z := new(big.Int).Add(x, y)`. A +developer unfamiliar with this API might try to do `z := a.Add(a, b)`. This +modifies `a` and sets `z` as an alias for `a`, which they might not expect. It +also modifies any other aliases to `a`. + +Here's an example of the subtle bugs you can introduce with big.Int's API: +https://play.golang.org/p/x2R_78pa8r + +In contrast, it's difficult to make such mistakes with decimal. Decimals +behave like other go numbers types: even though `a = b` will not deep copy +`b` into `a`, it is impossible to modify a Decimal, since all Decimal methods +return new Decimals and do not modify the originals. The downside is that +this causes extra allocations, so Decimal is less performant. My assumption +is that if you're using Decimals, you probably care more about correctness +than performance. + +## License + +The MIT License (MIT) + +This is a heavily modified fork of [fpd.Decimal](https://github.com/oguzbilgic/fpd), which was also released under the MIT License. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/decimal-go.go b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/decimal-go.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9958d690 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/decimal-go.go @@ -0,0 +1,415 @@ +// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Multiprecision decimal numbers. +// For floating-point formatting only; not general purpose. +// Only operations are assign and (binary) left/right shift. +// Can do binary floating point in multiprecision decimal precisely +// because 2 divides 10; cannot do decimal floating point +// in multiprecision binary precisely. + +package decimal + +type decimal struct { + d [800]byte // digits, big-endian representation + nd int // number of digits used + dp int // decimal point + neg bool // negative flag + trunc bool // discarded nonzero digits beyond d[:nd] +} + +func (a *decimal) String() string { + n := 10 + a.nd + if a.dp > 0 { + n += a.dp + } + if a.dp < 0 { + n += -a.dp + } + + buf := make([]byte, n) + w := 0 + switch { + case a.nd == 0: + return "0" + + case a.dp <= 0: + // zeros fill space between decimal point and digits + buf[w] = '0' + w++ + buf[w] = '.' + w++ + w += digitZero(buf[w : w+-a.dp]) + w += copy(buf[w:], a.d[0:a.nd]) + + case a.dp < a.nd: + // decimal point in middle of digits + w += copy(buf[w:], a.d[0:a.dp]) + buf[w] = '.' + w++ + w += copy(buf[w:], a.d[a.dp:a.nd]) + + default: + // zeros fill space between digits and decimal point + w += copy(buf[w:], a.d[0:a.nd]) + w += digitZero(buf[w : w+a.dp-a.nd]) + } + return string(buf[0:w]) +} + +func digitZero(dst []byte) int { + for i := range dst { + dst[i] = '0' + } + return len(dst) +} + +// trim trailing zeros from number. +// (They are meaningless; the decimal point is tracked +// independent of the number of digits.) +func trim(a *decimal) { + for a.nd > 0 && a.d[a.nd-1] == '0' { + a.nd-- + } + if a.nd == 0 { + a.dp = 0 + } +} + +// Assign v to a. +func (a *decimal) Assign(v uint64) { + var buf [24]byte + + // Write reversed decimal in buf. + n := 0 + for v > 0 { + v1 := v / 10 + v -= 10 * v1 + buf[n] = byte(v + '0') + n++ + v = v1 + } + + // Reverse again to produce forward decimal in a.d. + a.nd = 0 + for n--; n >= 0; n-- { + a.d[a.nd] = buf[n] + a.nd++ + } + a.dp = a.nd + trim(a) +} + +// Maximum shift that we can do in one pass without overflow. +// A uint has 32 or 64 bits, and we have to be able to accommodate 9<> 63) +const maxShift = uintSize - 4 + +// Binary shift right (/ 2) by k bits. k <= maxShift to avoid overflow. +func rightShift(a *decimal, k uint) { + r := 0 // read pointer + w := 0 // write pointer + + // Pick up enough leading digits to cover first shift. + var n uint + for ; n>>k == 0; r++ { + if r >= a.nd { + if n == 0 { + // a == 0; shouldn't get here, but handle anyway. + a.nd = 0 + return + } + for n>>k == 0 { + n = n * 10 + r++ + } + break + } + c := uint(a.d[r]) + n = n*10 + c - '0' + } + a.dp -= r - 1 + + var mask uint = (1 << k) - 1 + + // Pick up a digit, put down a digit. + for ; r < a.nd; r++ { + c := uint(a.d[r]) + dig := n >> k + n &= mask + a.d[w] = byte(dig + '0') + w++ + n = n*10 + c - '0' + } + + // Put down extra digits. + for n > 0 { + dig := n >> k + n &= mask + if w < len(a.d) { + a.d[w] = byte(dig + '0') + w++ + } else if dig > 0 { + a.trunc = true + } + n = n * 10 + } + + a.nd = w + trim(a) +} + +// Cheat sheet for left shift: table indexed by shift count giving +// number of new digits that will be introduced by that shift. +// +// For example, leftcheats[4] = {2, "625"}. That means that +// if we are shifting by 4 (multiplying by 16), it will add 2 digits +// when the string prefix is "625" through "999", and one fewer digit +// if the string prefix is "000" through "624". +// +// Credit for this trick goes to Ken. + +type leftCheat struct { + delta int // number of new digits + cutoff string // minus one digit if original < a. +} + +var leftcheats = []leftCheat{ + // Leading digits of 1/2^i = 5^i. + // 5^23 is not an exact 64-bit floating point number, + // so have to use bc for the math. + // Go up to 60 to be large enough for 32bit and 64bit platforms. + /* + seq 60 | sed 's/^/5^/' | bc | + awk 'BEGIN{ print "\t{ 0, \"\" }," } + { + log2 = log(2)/log(10) + printf("\t{ %d, \"%s\" },\t// * %d\n", + int(log2*NR+1), $0, 2**NR) + }' + */ + {0, ""}, + {1, "5"}, // * 2 + {1, "25"}, // * 4 + {1, "125"}, // * 8 + {2, "625"}, // * 16 + {2, "3125"}, // * 32 + {2, "15625"}, // * 64 + {3, "78125"}, // * 128 + {3, "390625"}, // * 256 + {3, "1953125"}, // * 512 + {4, "9765625"}, // * 1024 + {4, "48828125"}, // * 2048 + {4, "244140625"}, // * 4096 + {4, "1220703125"}, // * 8192 + {5, "6103515625"}, // * 16384 + {5, "30517578125"}, // * 32768 + {5, "152587890625"}, // * 65536 + {6, "762939453125"}, // * 131072 + {6, "3814697265625"}, // * 262144 + {6, "19073486328125"}, // * 524288 + {7, "95367431640625"}, // * 1048576 + {7, "476837158203125"}, // * 2097152 + {7, "2384185791015625"}, // * 4194304 + {7, "11920928955078125"}, // * 8388608 + {8, "59604644775390625"}, // * 16777216 + {8, "298023223876953125"}, // * 33554432 + {8, "1490116119384765625"}, // * 67108864 + {9, "7450580596923828125"}, // * 134217728 + {9, "37252902984619140625"}, // * 268435456 + {9, "186264514923095703125"}, // * 536870912 + {10, "931322574615478515625"}, // * 1073741824 + {10, "4656612873077392578125"}, // * 2147483648 + {10, "23283064365386962890625"}, // * 4294967296 + {10, "116415321826934814453125"}, // * 8589934592 + {11, "582076609134674072265625"}, // * 17179869184 + {11, "2910383045673370361328125"}, // * 34359738368 + {11, "14551915228366851806640625"}, // * 68719476736 + {12, "72759576141834259033203125"}, // * 137438953472 + {12, "363797880709171295166015625"}, // * 274877906944 + {12, "1818989403545856475830078125"}, // * 549755813888 + {13, "9094947017729282379150390625"}, // * 1099511627776 + {13, "45474735088646411895751953125"}, // * 2199023255552 + {13, "227373675443232059478759765625"}, // * 4398046511104 + {13, "1136868377216160297393798828125"}, // * 8796093022208 + {14, "5684341886080801486968994140625"}, // * 17592186044416 + {14, "28421709430404007434844970703125"}, // * 35184372088832 + {14, "142108547152020037174224853515625"}, // * 70368744177664 + {15, "710542735760100185871124267578125"}, // * 140737488355328 + {15, "3552713678800500929355621337890625"}, // * 281474976710656 + {15, "17763568394002504646778106689453125"}, // * 562949953421312 + {16, "88817841970012523233890533447265625"}, // * 1125899906842624 + {16, "444089209850062616169452667236328125"}, // * 2251799813685248 + {16, "2220446049250313080847263336181640625"}, // * 4503599627370496 + {16, "11102230246251565404236316680908203125"}, // * 9007199254740992 + {17, "55511151231257827021181583404541015625"}, // * 18014398509481984 + {17, "277555756156289135105907917022705078125"}, // * 36028797018963968 + {17, "1387778780781445675529539585113525390625"}, // * 72057594037927936 + {18, "6938893903907228377647697925567626953125"}, // * 144115188075855872 + {18, "34694469519536141888238489627838134765625"}, // * 288230376151711744 + {18, "173472347597680709441192448139190673828125"}, // * 576460752303423488 + {19, "867361737988403547205962240695953369140625"}, // * 1152921504606846976 +} + +// Is the leading prefix of b lexicographically less than s? +func prefixIsLessThan(b []byte, s string) bool { + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { + if i >= len(b) { + return true + } + if b[i] != s[i] { + return b[i] < s[i] + } + } + return false +} + +// Binary shift left (* 2) by k bits. k <= maxShift to avoid overflow. +func leftShift(a *decimal, k uint) { + delta := leftcheats[k].delta + if prefixIsLessThan(a.d[0:a.nd], leftcheats[k].cutoff) { + delta-- + } + + r := a.nd // read index + w := a.nd + delta // write index + + // Pick up a digit, put down a digit. + var n uint + for r--; r >= 0; r-- { + n += (uint(a.d[r]) - '0') << k + quo := n / 10 + rem := n - 10*quo + w-- + if w < len(a.d) { + a.d[w] = byte(rem + '0') + } else if rem != 0 { + a.trunc = true + } + n = quo + } + + // Put down extra digits. + for n > 0 { + quo := n / 10 + rem := n - 10*quo + w-- + if w < len(a.d) { + a.d[w] = byte(rem + '0') + } else if rem != 0 { + a.trunc = true + } + n = quo + } + + a.nd += delta + if a.nd >= len(a.d) { + a.nd = len(a.d) + } + a.dp += delta + trim(a) +} + +// Binary shift left (k > 0) or right (k < 0). +func (a *decimal) Shift(k int) { + switch { + case a.nd == 0: + // nothing to do: a == 0 + case k > 0: + for k > maxShift { + leftShift(a, maxShift) + k -= maxShift + } + leftShift(a, uint(k)) + case k < 0: + for k < -maxShift { + rightShift(a, maxShift) + k += maxShift + } + rightShift(a, uint(-k)) + } +} + +// If we chop a at nd digits, should we round up? +func shouldRoundUp(a *decimal, nd int) bool { + if nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd { + return false + } + if a.d[nd] == '5' && nd+1 == a.nd { // exactly halfway - round to even + // if we truncated, a little higher than what's recorded - always round up + if a.trunc { + return true + } + return nd > 0 && (a.d[nd-1]-'0')%2 != 0 + } + // not halfway - digit tells all + return a.d[nd] >= '5' +} + +// Round a to nd digits (or fewer). +// If nd is zero, it means we're rounding +// just to the left of the digits, as in +// 0.09 -> 0.1. +func (a *decimal) Round(nd int) { + if nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd { + return + } + if shouldRoundUp(a, nd) { + a.RoundUp(nd) + } else { + a.RoundDown(nd) + } +} + +// Round a down to nd digits (or fewer). +func (a *decimal) RoundDown(nd int) { + if nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd { + return + } + a.nd = nd + trim(a) +} + +// Round a up to nd digits (or fewer). +func (a *decimal) RoundUp(nd int) { + if nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd { + return + } + + // round up + for i := nd - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + c := a.d[i] + if c < '9' { // can stop after this digit + a.d[i]++ + a.nd = i + 1 + return + } + } + + // Number is all 9s. + // Change to single 1 with adjusted decimal point. + a.d[0] = '1' + a.nd = 1 + a.dp++ +} + +// Extract integer part, rounded appropriately. +// No guarantees about overflow. +func (a *decimal) RoundedInteger() uint64 { + if a.dp > 20 { + return 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF + } + var i int + n := uint64(0) + for i = 0; i < a.dp && i < a.nd; i++ { + n = n*10 + uint64(a.d[i]-'0') + } + for ; i < a.dp; i++ { + n *= 10 + } + if shouldRoundUp(a, a.dp) { + n++ + } + return n +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/decimal.go b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/decimal.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..84405ec1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/decimal.go @@ -0,0 +1,1904 @@ +// Package decimal implements an arbitrary precision fixed-point decimal. +// +// The zero-value of a Decimal is 0, as you would expect. +// +// The best way to create a new Decimal is to use decimal.NewFromString, ex: +// +// n, err := decimal.NewFromString("-123.4567") +// n.String() // output: "-123.4567" +// +// To use Decimal as part of a struct: +// +// type Struct struct { +// Number Decimal +// } +// +// Note: This can "only" represent numbers with a maximum of 2^31 digits after the decimal point. +package decimal + +import ( + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "math" + "math/big" + "regexp" + "strconv" + "strings" +) + +// DivisionPrecision is the number of decimal places in the result when it +// doesn't divide exactly. +// +// Example: +// +// d1 := decimal.NewFromFloat(2).Div(decimal.NewFromFloat(3)) +// d1.String() // output: "0.6666666666666667" +// d2 := decimal.NewFromFloat(2).Div(decimal.NewFromFloat(30000)) +// d2.String() // output: "0.0000666666666667" +// d3 := decimal.NewFromFloat(20000).Div(decimal.NewFromFloat(3)) +// d3.String() // output: "6666.6666666666666667" +// decimal.DivisionPrecision = 3 +// d4 := decimal.NewFromFloat(2).Div(decimal.NewFromFloat(3)) +// d4.String() // output: "0.667" +// +var DivisionPrecision = 16 + +// MarshalJSONWithoutQuotes should be set to true if you want the decimal to +// be JSON marshaled as a number, instead of as a string. +// WARNING: this is dangerous for decimals with many digits, since many JSON +// unmarshallers (ex: Javascript's) will unmarshal JSON numbers to IEEE 754 +// double-precision floating point numbers, which means you can potentially +// silently lose precision. +var MarshalJSONWithoutQuotes = false + +// ExpMaxIterations specifies the maximum number of iterations needed to calculate +// precise natural exponent value using ExpHullAbrham method. +var ExpMaxIterations = 1000 + +// Zero constant, to make computations faster. +// Zero should never be compared with == or != directly, please use decimal.Equal or decimal.Cmp instead. +var Zero = New(0, 1) + +var zeroInt = big.NewInt(0) +var oneInt = big.NewInt(1) +var twoInt = big.NewInt(2) +var fourInt = big.NewInt(4) +var fiveInt = big.NewInt(5) +var tenInt = big.NewInt(10) +var twentyInt = big.NewInt(20) + +var factorials = []Decimal{New(1, 0)} + +// Decimal represents a fixed-point decimal. It is immutable. +// number = value * 10 ^ exp +type Decimal struct { + value *big.Int + + // NOTE(vadim): this must be an int32, because we cast it to float64 during + // calculations. If exp is 64 bit, we might lose precision. + // If we cared about being able to represent every possible decimal, we + // could make exp a *big.Int but it would hurt performance and numbers + // like that are unrealistic. + exp int32 +} + +// New returns a new fixed-point decimal, value * 10 ^ exp. +func New(value int64, exp int32) Decimal { + return Decimal{ + value: big.NewInt(value), + exp: exp, + } +} + +// NewFromInt converts a int64 to Decimal. +// +// Example: +// +// NewFromInt(123).String() // output: "123" +// NewFromInt(-10).String() // output: "-10" +func NewFromInt(value int64) Decimal { + return Decimal{ + value: big.NewInt(value), + exp: 0, + } +} + +// NewFromInt32 converts a int32 to Decimal. +// +// Example: +// +// NewFromInt(123).String() // output: "123" +// NewFromInt(-10).String() // output: "-10" +func NewFromInt32(value int32) Decimal { + return Decimal{ + value: big.NewInt(int64(value)), + exp: 0, + } +} + +// NewFromBigInt returns a new Decimal from a big.Int, value * 10 ^ exp +func NewFromBigInt(value *big.Int, exp int32) Decimal { + return Decimal{ + value: new(big.Int).Set(value), + exp: exp, + } +} + +// NewFromString returns a new Decimal from a string representation. +// Trailing zeroes are not trimmed. +// +// Example: +// +// d, err := NewFromString("-123.45") +// d2, err := NewFromString(".0001") +// d3, err := NewFromString("1.47000") +// +func NewFromString(value string) (Decimal, error) { + originalInput := value + var intString string + var exp int64 + + // Check if number is using scientific notation + eIndex := strings.IndexAny(value, "Ee") + if eIndex != -1 { + expInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(value[eIndex+1:], 10, 32) + if err != nil { + if e, ok := err.(*strconv.NumError); ok && e.Err == strconv.ErrRange { + return Decimal{}, fmt.Errorf("can't convert %s to decimal: fractional part too long", value) + } + return Decimal{}, fmt.Errorf("can't convert %s to decimal: exponent is not numeric", value) + } + value = value[:eIndex] + exp = expInt + } + + pIndex := -1 + vLen := len(value) + for i := 0; i < vLen; i++ { + if value[i] == '.' { + if pIndex > -1 { + return Decimal{}, fmt.Errorf("can't convert %s to decimal: too many .s", value) + } + pIndex = i + } + } + + if pIndex == -1 { + // There is no decimal point, we can just parse the original string as + // an int + intString = value + } else { + if pIndex+1 < vLen { + intString = value[:pIndex] + value[pIndex+1:] + } else { + intString = value[:pIndex] + } + expInt := -len(value[pIndex+1:]) + exp += int64(expInt) + } + + var dValue *big.Int + // strconv.ParseInt is faster than new(big.Int).SetString so this is just a shortcut for strings we know won't overflow + if len(intString) <= 18 { + parsed64, err := strconv.ParseInt(intString, 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return Decimal{}, fmt.Errorf("can't convert %s to decimal", value) + } + dValue = big.NewInt(parsed64) + } else { + dValue = new(big.Int) + _, ok := dValue.SetString(intString, 10) + if !ok { + return Decimal{}, fmt.Errorf("can't convert %s to decimal", value) + } + } + + if exp < math.MinInt32 || exp > math.MaxInt32 { + // NOTE(vadim): I doubt a string could realistically be this long + return Decimal{}, fmt.Errorf("can't convert %s to decimal: fractional part too long", originalInput) + } + + return Decimal{ + value: dValue, + exp: int32(exp), + }, nil +} + +// NewFromFormattedString returns a new Decimal from a formatted string representation. +// The second argument - replRegexp, is a regular expression that is used to find characters that should be +// removed from given decimal string representation. All matched characters will be replaced with an empty string. +// +// Example: +// +// r := regexp.MustCompile("[$,]") +// d1, err := NewFromFormattedString("$5,125.99", r) +// +// r2 := regexp.MustCompile("[_]") +// d2, err := NewFromFormattedString("1_000_000", r2) +// +// r3 := regexp.MustCompile("[USD\\s]") +// d3, err := NewFromFormattedString("5000 USD", r3) +// +func NewFromFormattedString(value string, replRegexp *regexp.Regexp) (Decimal, error) { + parsedValue := replRegexp.ReplaceAllString(value, "") + d, err := NewFromString(parsedValue) + if err != nil { + return Decimal{}, err + } + return d, nil +} + +// RequireFromString returns a new Decimal from a string representation +// or panics if NewFromString would have returned an error. +// +// Example: +// +// d := RequireFromString("-123.45") +// d2 := RequireFromString(".0001") +// +func RequireFromString(value string) Decimal { + dec, err := NewFromString(value) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return dec +} + +// NewFromFloat converts a float64 to Decimal. +// +// The converted number will contain the number of significant digits that can be +// represented in a float with reliable roundtrip. +// This is typically 15 digits, but may be more in some cases. +// See https://www.exploringbinary.com/decimal-precision-of-binary-floating-point-numbers/ for more information. +// +// For slightly faster conversion, use NewFromFloatWithExponent where you can specify the precision in absolute terms. +// +// NOTE: this will panic on NaN, +/-inf +func NewFromFloat(value float64) Decimal { + if value == 0 { + return New(0, 0) + } + return newFromFloat(value, math.Float64bits(value), &float64info) +} + +// NewFromFloat32 converts a float32 to Decimal. +// +// The converted number will contain the number of significant digits that can be +// represented in a float with reliable roundtrip. +// This is typically 6-8 digits depending on the input. +// See https://www.exploringbinary.com/decimal-precision-of-binary-floating-point-numbers/ for more information. +// +// For slightly faster conversion, use NewFromFloatWithExponent where you can specify the precision in absolute terms. +// +// NOTE: this will panic on NaN, +/-inf +func NewFromFloat32(value float32) Decimal { + if value == 0 { + return New(0, 0) + } + // XOR is workaround for https://github.com/golang/go/issues/26285 + a := math.Float32bits(value) ^ 0x80808080 + return newFromFloat(float64(value), uint64(a)^0x80808080, &float32info) +} + +func newFromFloat(val float64, bits uint64, flt *floatInfo) Decimal { + if math.IsNaN(val) || math.IsInf(val, 0) { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot create a Decimal from %v", val)) + } + exp := int(bits>>flt.mantbits) & (1<>(flt.expbits+flt.mantbits) != 0 + + roundShortest(&d, mant, exp, flt) + // If less than 19 digits, we can do calculation in an int64. + if d.nd < 19 { + tmp := int64(0) + m := int64(1) + for i := d.nd - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + tmp += m * int64(d.d[i]-'0') + m *= 10 + } + if d.neg { + tmp *= -1 + } + return Decimal{value: big.NewInt(tmp), exp: int32(d.dp) - int32(d.nd)} + } + dValue := new(big.Int) + dValue, ok := dValue.SetString(string(d.d[:d.nd]), 10) + if ok { + return Decimal{value: dValue, exp: int32(d.dp) - int32(d.nd)} + } + + return NewFromFloatWithExponent(val, int32(d.dp)-int32(d.nd)) +} + +// NewFromFloatWithExponent converts a float64 to Decimal, with an arbitrary +// number of fractional digits. +// +// Example: +// +// NewFromFloatWithExponent(123.456, -2).String() // output: "123.46" +// +func NewFromFloatWithExponent(value float64, exp int32) Decimal { + if math.IsNaN(value) || math.IsInf(value, 0) { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot create a Decimal from %v", value)) + } + + bits := math.Float64bits(value) + mant := bits & (1<<52 - 1) + exp2 := int32((bits >> 52) & (1<<11 - 1)) + sign := bits >> 63 + + if exp2 == 0 { + // specials + if mant == 0 { + return Decimal{} + } + // subnormal + exp2++ + } else { + // normal + mant |= 1 << 52 + } + + exp2 -= 1023 + 52 + + // normalizing base-2 values + for mant&1 == 0 { + mant = mant >> 1 + exp2++ + } + + // maximum number of fractional base-10 digits to represent 2^N exactly cannot be more than -N if N<0 + if exp < 0 && exp < exp2 { + if exp2 < 0 { + exp = exp2 + } else { + exp = 0 + } + } + + // representing 10^M * 2^N as 5^M * 2^(M+N) + exp2 -= exp + + temp := big.NewInt(1) + dMant := big.NewInt(int64(mant)) + + // applying 5^M + if exp > 0 { + temp = temp.SetInt64(int64(exp)) + temp = temp.Exp(fiveInt, temp, nil) + } else if exp < 0 { + temp = temp.SetInt64(-int64(exp)) + temp = temp.Exp(fiveInt, temp, nil) + dMant = dMant.Mul(dMant, temp) + temp = temp.SetUint64(1) + } + + // applying 2^(M+N) + if exp2 > 0 { + dMant = dMant.Lsh(dMant, uint(exp2)) + } else if exp2 < 0 { + temp = temp.Lsh(temp, uint(-exp2)) + } + + // rounding and downscaling + if exp > 0 || exp2 < 0 { + halfDown := new(big.Int).Rsh(temp, 1) + dMant = dMant.Add(dMant, halfDown) + dMant = dMant.Quo(dMant, temp) + } + + if sign == 1 { + dMant = dMant.Neg(dMant) + } + + return Decimal{ + value: dMant, + exp: exp, + } +} + +// Copy returns a copy of decimal with the same value and exponent, but a different pointer to value. +func (d Decimal) Copy() Decimal { + d.ensureInitialized() + return Decimal{ + value: &(*d.value), + exp: d.exp, + } +} + +// rescale returns a rescaled version of the decimal. Returned +// decimal may be less precise if the given exponent is bigger +// than the initial exponent of the Decimal. +// NOTE: this will truncate, NOT round +// +// Example: +// +// d := New(12345, -4) +// d2 := d.rescale(-1) +// d3 := d2.rescale(-4) +// println(d1) +// println(d2) +// println(d3) +// +// Output: +// +// 1.2345 +// 1.2 +// 1.2000 +// +func (d Decimal) rescale(exp int32) Decimal { + d.ensureInitialized() + + if d.exp == exp { + return Decimal{ + new(big.Int).Set(d.value), + d.exp, + } + } + + // NOTE(vadim): must convert exps to float64 before - to prevent overflow + diff := math.Abs(float64(exp) - float64(d.exp)) + value := new(big.Int).Set(d.value) + + expScale := new(big.Int).Exp(tenInt, big.NewInt(int64(diff)), nil) + if exp > d.exp { + value = value.Quo(value, expScale) + } else if exp < d.exp { + value = value.Mul(value, expScale) + } + + return Decimal{ + value: value, + exp: exp, + } +} + +// Abs returns the absolute value of the decimal. +func (d Decimal) Abs() Decimal { + if !d.IsNegative() { + return d + } + d.ensureInitialized() + d2Value := new(big.Int).Abs(d.value) + return Decimal{ + value: d2Value, + exp: d.exp, + } +} + +// Add returns d + d2. +func (d Decimal) Add(d2 Decimal) Decimal { + rd, rd2 := RescalePair(d, d2) + + d3Value := new(big.Int).Add(rd.value, rd2.value) + return Decimal{ + value: d3Value, + exp: rd.exp, + } +} + +// Sub returns d - d2. +func (d Decimal) Sub(d2 Decimal) Decimal { + rd, rd2 := RescalePair(d, d2) + + d3Value := new(big.Int).Sub(rd.value, rd2.value) + return Decimal{ + value: d3Value, + exp: rd.exp, + } +} + +// Neg returns -d. +func (d Decimal) Neg() Decimal { + d.ensureInitialized() + val := new(big.Int).Neg(d.value) + return Decimal{ + value: val, + exp: d.exp, + } +} + +// Mul returns d * d2. +func (d Decimal) Mul(d2 Decimal) Decimal { + d.ensureInitialized() + d2.ensureInitialized() + + expInt64 := int64(d.exp) + int64(d2.exp) + if expInt64 > math.MaxInt32 || expInt64 < math.MinInt32 { + // NOTE(vadim): better to panic than give incorrect results, as + // Decimals are usually used for money + panic(fmt.Sprintf("exponent %v overflows an int32!", expInt64)) + } + + d3Value := new(big.Int).Mul(d.value, d2.value) + return Decimal{ + value: d3Value, + exp: int32(expInt64), + } +} + +// Shift shifts the decimal in base 10. +// It shifts left when shift is positive and right if shift is negative. +// In simpler terms, the given value for shift is added to the exponent +// of the decimal. +func (d Decimal) Shift(shift int32) Decimal { + d.ensureInitialized() + return Decimal{ + value: new(big.Int).Set(d.value), + exp: d.exp + shift, + } +} + +// Div returns d / d2. If it doesn't divide exactly, the result will have +// DivisionPrecision digits after the decimal point. +func (d Decimal) Div(d2 Decimal) Decimal { + return d.DivRound(d2, int32(DivisionPrecision)) +} + +// QuoRem does divsion with remainder +// d.QuoRem(d2,precision) returns quotient q and remainder r such that +// d = d2 * q + r, q an integer multiple of 10^(-precision) +// 0 <= r < abs(d2) * 10 ^(-precision) if d>=0 +// 0 >= r > -abs(d2) * 10 ^(-precision) if d<0 +// Note that precision<0 is allowed as input. +func (d Decimal) QuoRem(d2 Decimal, precision int32) (Decimal, Decimal) { + d.ensureInitialized() + d2.ensureInitialized() + if d2.value.Sign() == 0 { + panic("decimal division by 0") + } + scale := -precision + e := int64(d.exp - d2.exp - scale) + if e > math.MaxInt32 || e < math.MinInt32 { + panic("overflow in decimal QuoRem") + } + var aa, bb, expo big.Int + var scalerest int32 + // d = a 10^ea + // d2 = b 10^eb + if e < 0 { + aa = *d.value + expo.SetInt64(-e) + bb.Exp(tenInt, &expo, nil) + bb.Mul(d2.value, &bb) + scalerest = d.exp + // now aa = a + // bb = b 10^(scale + eb - ea) + } else { + expo.SetInt64(e) + aa.Exp(tenInt, &expo, nil) + aa.Mul(d.value, &aa) + bb = *d2.value + scalerest = scale + d2.exp + // now aa = a ^ (ea - eb - scale) + // bb = b + } + var q, r big.Int + q.QuoRem(&aa, &bb, &r) + dq := Decimal{value: &q, exp: scale} + dr := Decimal{value: &r, exp: scalerest} + return dq, dr +} + +// DivRound divides and rounds to a given precision +// i.e. to an integer multiple of 10^(-precision) +// for a positive quotient digit 5 is rounded up, away from 0 +// if the quotient is negative then digit 5 is rounded down, away from 0 +// Note that precision<0 is allowed as input. +func (d Decimal) DivRound(d2 Decimal, precision int32) Decimal { + // QuoRem already checks initialization + q, r := d.QuoRem(d2, precision) + // the actual rounding decision is based on comparing r*10^precision and d2/2 + // instead compare 2 r 10 ^precision and d2 + var rv2 big.Int + rv2.Abs(r.value) + rv2.Lsh(&rv2, 1) + // now rv2 = abs(r.value) * 2 + r2 := Decimal{value: &rv2, exp: r.exp + precision} + // r2 is now 2 * r * 10 ^ precision + var c = r2.Cmp(d2.Abs()) + + if c < 0 { + return q + } + + if d.value.Sign()*d2.value.Sign() < 0 { + return q.Sub(New(1, -precision)) + } + + return q.Add(New(1, -precision)) +} + +// Mod returns d % d2. +func (d Decimal) Mod(d2 Decimal) Decimal { + quo := d.Div(d2).Truncate(0) + return d.Sub(d2.Mul(quo)) +} + +// Pow returns d to the power d2 +func (d Decimal) Pow(d2 Decimal) Decimal { + var temp Decimal + if d2.IntPart() == 0 { + return NewFromFloat(1) + } + temp = d.Pow(d2.Div(NewFromFloat(2))) + if d2.IntPart()%2 == 0 { + return temp.Mul(temp) + } + if d2.IntPart() > 0 { + return temp.Mul(temp).Mul(d) + } + return temp.Mul(temp).Div(d) +} + +// ExpHullAbrham calculates the natural exponent of decimal (e to the power of d) using Hull-Abraham algorithm. +// OverallPrecision argument specifies the overall precision of the result (integer part + decimal part). +// +// ExpHullAbrham is faster than ExpTaylor for small precision values, but it is much slower for large precision values. +// +// Example: +// +// NewFromFloat(26.1).ExpHullAbrham(2).String() // output: "220000000000" +// NewFromFloat(26.1).ExpHullAbrham(20).String() // output: "216314672147.05767284" +// +func (d Decimal) ExpHullAbrham(overallPrecision uint32) (Decimal, error) { + // Algorithm based on Variable precision exponential function. + // ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software by T. E. Hull & A. Abrham. + if d.IsZero() { + return Decimal{oneInt, 0}, nil + } + + currentPrecision := overallPrecision + + // Algorithm does not work if currentPrecision * 23 < |x|. + // Precision is automatically increased in such cases, so the value can be calculated precisely. + // If newly calculated precision is higher than ExpMaxIterations the currentPrecision will not be changed. + f := d.Abs().InexactFloat64() + if ncp := f / 23; ncp > float64(currentPrecision) && ncp < float64(ExpMaxIterations) { + currentPrecision = uint32(math.Ceil(ncp)) + } + + // fail if abs(d) beyond an over/underflow threshold + overflowThreshold := New(23*int64(currentPrecision), 0) + if d.Abs().Cmp(overflowThreshold) > 0 { + return Decimal{}, fmt.Errorf("over/underflow threshold, exp(x) cannot be calculated precisely") + } + + // Return 1 if abs(d) small enough; this also avoids later over/underflow + overflowThreshold2 := New(9, -int32(currentPrecision)-1) + if d.Abs().Cmp(overflowThreshold2) <= 0 { + return Decimal{oneInt, d.exp}, nil + } + + // t is the smallest integer >= 0 such that the corresponding abs(d/k) < 1 + t := d.exp + int32(d.NumDigits()) // Add d.NumDigits because the paper assumes that d.value [0.1, 1) + + if t < 0 { + t = 0 + } + + k := New(1, t) // reduction factor + r := Decimal{new(big.Int).Set(d.value), d.exp - t} // reduced argument + p := int32(currentPrecision) + t + 2 // precision for calculating the sum + + // Determine n, the number of therms for calculating sum + // use first Newton step (1.435p - 1.182) / log10(p/abs(r)) + // for solving appropriate equation, along with directed + // roundings and simple rational bound for log10(p/abs(r)) + rf := r.Abs().InexactFloat64() + pf := float64(p) + nf := math.Ceil((1.453*pf - 1.182) / math.Log10(pf/rf)) + if nf > float64(ExpMaxIterations) || math.IsNaN(nf) { + return Decimal{}, fmt.Errorf("exact value cannot be calculated in <=ExpMaxIterations iterations") + } + n := int64(nf) + + tmp := New(0, 0) + sum := New(1, 0) + one := New(1, 0) + for i := n - 1; i > 0; i-- { + tmp.value.SetInt64(i) + sum = sum.Mul(r.DivRound(tmp, p)) + sum = sum.Add(one) + } + + ki := k.IntPart() + res := New(1, 0) + for i := ki; i > 0; i-- { + res = res.Mul(sum) + } + + resNumDigits := int32(res.NumDigits()) + + var roundDigits int32 + if resNumDigits > abs(res.exp) { + roundDigits = int32(currentPrecision) - resNumDigits - res.exp + } else { + roundDigits = int32(currentPrecision) + } + + res = res.Round(roundDigits) + + return res, nil +} + +// ExpTaylor calculates the natural exponent of decimal (e to the power of d) using Taylor series expansion. +// Precision argument specifies how precise the result must be (number of digits after decimal point). +// Negative precision is allowed. +// +// ExpTaylor is much faster for large precision values than ExpHullAbrham. +// +// Example: +// +// d, err := NewFromFloat(26.1).ExpTaylor(2).String() +// d.String() // output: "216314672147.06" +// +// NewFromFloat(26.1).ExpTaylor(20).String() +// d.String() // output: "216314672147.05767284062928674083" +// +// NewFromFloat(26.1).ExpTaylor(-10).String() +// d.String() // output: "220000000000" +// +func (d Decimal) ExpTaylor(precision int32) (Decimal, error) { + // Note(mwoss): Implementation can be optimized by exclusively using big.Int API only + if d.IsZero() { + return Decimal{oneInt, 0}.Round(precision), nil + } + + var epsilon Decimal + var divPrecision int32 + if precision < 0 { + epsilon = New(1, -1) + divPrecision = 8 + } else { + epsilon = New(1, -precision-1) + divPrecision = precision + 1 + } + + decAbs := d.Abs() + pow := d.Abs() + factorial := New(1, 0) + + result := New(1, 0) + + for i := int64(1); ; { + step := pow.DivRound(factorial, divPrecision) + result = result.Add(step) + + // Stop Taylor series when current step is smaller than epsilon + if step.Cmp(epsilon) < 0 { + break + } + + pow = pow.Mul(decAbs) + + i++ + + // Calculate next factorial number or retrieve cached value + if len(factorials) >= int(i) && !factorials[i-1].IsZero() { + factorial = factorials[i-1] + } else { + // To avoid any race conditions, firstly the zero value is appended to a slice to create + // a spot for newly calculated factorial. After that, the zero value is replaced by calculated + // factorial using the index notation. + factorial = factorials[i-2].Mul(New(i, 0)) + factorials = append(factorials, Zero) + factorials[i-1] = factorial + } + } + + if d.Sign() < 0 { + result = New(1, 0).DivRound(result, precision+1) + } + + result = result.Round(precision) + return result, nil +} + +// NumDigits returns the number of digits of the decimal coefficient (d.Value) +// Note: Current implementation is extremely slow for large decimals and/or decimals with large fractional part +func (d Decimal) NumDigits() int { + // Note(mwoss): It can be optimized, unnecessary cast of big.Int to string + if d.IsNegative() { + return len(d.value.String()) - 1 + } + return len(d.value.String()) +} + +// IsInteger returns true when decimal can be represented as an integer value, otherwise, it returns false. +func (d Decimal) IsInteger() bool { + // The most typical case, all decimal with exponent higher or equal 0 can be represented as integer + if d.exp >= 0 { + return true + } + // When the exponent is negative we have to check every number after the decimal place + // If all of them are zeroes, we are sure that given decimal can be represented as an integer + var r big.Int + q := new(big.Int).Set(d.value) + for z := abs(d.exp); z > 0; z-- { + q.QuoRem(q, tenInt, &r) + if r.Cmp(zeroInt) != 0 { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// Abs calculates absolute value of any int32. Used for calculating absolute value of decimal's exponent. +func abs(n int32) int32 { + if n < 0 { + return -n + } + return n +} + +// Cmp compares the numbers represented by d and d2 and returns: +// +// -1 if d < d2 +// 0 if d == d2 +// +1 if d > d2 +// +func (d Decimal) Cmp(d2 Decimal) int { + d.ensureInitialized() + d2.ensureInitialized() + + if d.exp == d2.exp { + return d.value.Cmp(d2.value) + } + + rd, rd2 := RescalePair(d, d2) + + return rd.value.Cmp(rd2.value) +} + +// Equal returns whether the numbers represented by d and d2 are equal. +func (d Decimal) Equal(d2 Decimal) bool { + return d.Cmp(d2) == 0 +} + +// Equals is deprecated, please use Equal method instead +func (d Decimal) Equals(d2 Decimal) bool { + return d.Equal(d2) +} + +// GreaterThan (GT) returns true when d is greater than d2. +func (d Decimal) GreaterThan(d2 Decimal) bool { + return d.Cmp(d2) == 1 +} + +// GreaterThanOrEqual (GTE) returns true when d is greater than or equal to d2. +func (d Decimal) GreaterThanOrEqual(d2 Decimal) bool { + cmp := d.Cmp(d2) + return cmp == 1 || cmp == 0 +} + +// LessThan (LT) returns true when d is less than d2. +func (d Decimal) LessThan(d2 Decimal) bool { + return d.Cmp(d2) == -1 +} + +// LessThanOrEqual (LTE) returns true when d is less than or equal to d2. +func (d Decimal) LessThanOrEqual(d2 Decimal) bool { + cmp := d.Cmp(d2) + return cmp == -1 || cmp == 0 +} + +// Sign returns: +// +// -1 if d < 0 +// 0 if d == 0 +// +1 if d > 0 +// +func (d Decimal) Sign() int { + if d.value == nil { + return 0 + } + return d.value.Sign() +} + +// IsPositive return +// +// true if d > 0 +// false if d == 0 +// false if d < 0 +func (d Decimal) IsPositive() bool { + return d.Sign() == 1 +} + +// IsNegative return +// +// true if d < 0 +// false if d == 0 +// false if d > 0 +func (d Decimal) IsNegative() bool { + return d.Sign() == -1 +} + +// IsZero return +// +// true if d == 0 +// false if d > 0 +// false if d < 0 +func (d Decimal) IsZero() bool { + return d.Sign() == 0 +} + +// Exponent returns the exponent, or scale component of the decimal. +func (d Decimal) Exponent() int32 { + return d.exp +} + +// Coefficient returns the coefficient of the decimal. It is scaled by 10^Exponent() +func (d Decimal) Coefficient() *big.Int { + d.ensureInitialized() + // we copy the coefficient so that mutating the result does not mutate the Decimal. + return new(big.Int).Set(d.value) +} + +// CoefficientInt64 returns the coefficient of the decimal as int64. It is scaled by 10^Exponent() +// If coefficient cannot be represented in an int64, the result will be undefined. +func (d Decimal) CoefficientInt64() int64 { + d.ensureInitialized() + return d.value.Int64() +} + +// IntPart returns the integer component of the decimal. +func (d Decimal) IntPart() int64 { + scaledD := d.rescale(0) + return scaledD.value.Int64() +} + +// BigInt returns integer component of the decimal as a BigInt. +func (d Decimal) BigInt() *big.Int { + scaledD := d.rescale(0) + i := &big.Int{} + i.SetString(scaledD.String(), 10) + return i +} + +// BigFloat returns decimal as BigFloat. +// Be aware that casting decimal to BigFloat might cause a loss of precision. +func (d Decimal) BigFloat() *big.Float { + f := &big.Float{} + f.SetString(d.String()) + return f +} + +// Rat returns a rational number representation of the decimal. +func (d Decimal) Rat() *big.Rat { + d.ensureInitialized() + if d.exp <= 0 { + // NOTE(vadim): must negate after casting to prevent int32 overflow + denom := new(big.Int).Exp(tenInt, big.NewInt(-int64(d.exp)), nil) + return new(big.Rat).SetFrac(d.value, denom) + } + + mul := new(big.Int).Exp(tenInt, big.NewInt(int64(d.exp)), nil) + num := new(big.Int).Mul(d.value, mul) + return new(big.Rat).SetFrac(num, oneInt) +} + +// Float64 returns the nearest float64 value for d and a bool indicating +// whether f represents d exactly. +// For more details, see the documentation for big.Rat.Float64 +func (d Decimal) Float64() (f float64, exact bool) { + return d.Rat().Float64() +} + +// InexactFloat64 returns the nearest float64 value for d. +// It doesn't indicate if the returned value represents d exactly. +func (d Decimal) InexactFloat64() float64 { + f, _ := d.Float64() + return f +} + +// String returns the string representation of the decimal +// with the fixed point. +// +// Example: +// +// d := New(-12345, -3) +// println(d.String()) +// +// Output: +// +// -12.345 +// +func (d Decimal) String() string { + return d.string(true) +} + +// StringFixed returns a rounded fixed-point string with places digits after +// the decimal point. +// +// Example: +// +// NewFromFloat(0).StringFixed(2) // output: "0.00" +// NewFromFloat(0).StringFixed(0) // output: "0" +// NewFromFloat(5.45).StringFixed(0) // output: "5" +// NewFromFloat(5.45).StringFixed(1) // output: "5.5" +// NewFromFloat(5.45).StringFixed(2) // output: "5.45" +// NewFromFloat(5.45).StringFixed(3) // output: "5.450" +// NewFromFloat(545).StringFixed(-1) // output: "550" +// +func (d Decimal) StringFixed(places int32) string { + rounded := d.Round(places) + return rounded.string(false) +} + +// StringFixedBank returns a banker rounded fixed-point string with places digits +// after the decimal point. +// +// Example: +// +// NewFromFloat(0).StringFixedBank(2) // output: "0.00" +// NewFromFloat(0).StringFixedBank(0) // output: "0" +// NewFromFloat(5.45).StringFixedBank(0) // output: "5" +// NewFromFloat(5.45).StringFixedBank(1) // output: "5.4" +// NewFromFloat(5.45).StringFixedBank(2) // output: "5.45" +// NewFromFloat(5.45).StringFixedBank(3) // output: "5.450" +// NewFromFloat(545).StringFixedBank(-1) // output: "540" +// +func (d Decimal) StringFixedBank(places int32) string { + rounded := d.RoundBank(places) + return rounded.string(false) +} + +// StringFixedCash returns a Swedish/Cash rounded fixed-point string. For +// more details see the documentation at function RoundCash. +func (d Decimal) StringFixedCash(interval uint8) string { + rounded := d.RoundCash(interval) + return rounded.string(false) +} + +// Round rounds the decimal to places decimal places. +// If places < 0, it will round the integer part to the nearest 10^(-places). +// +// Example: +// +// NewFromFloat(5.45).Round(1).String() // output: "5.5" +// NewFromFloat(545).Round(-1).String() // output: "550" +// +func (d Decimal) Round(places int32) Decimal { + if d.exp == -places { + return d + } + // truncate to places + 1 + ret := d.rescale(-places - 1) + + // add sign(d) * 0.5 + if ret.value.Sign() < 0 { + ret.value.Sub(ret.value, fiveInt) + } else { + ret.value.Add(ret.value, fiveInt) + } + + // floor for positive numbers, ceil for negative numbers + _, m := ret.value.DivMod(ret.value, tenInt, new(big.Int)) + ret.exp++ + if ret.value.Sign() < 0 && m.Cmp(zeroInt) != 0 { + ret.value.Add(ret.value, oneInt) + } + + return ret +} + +// RoundCeil rounds the decimal towards +infinity. +// +// Example: +// +// NewFromFloat(545).RoundCeil(-2).String() // output: "600" +// NewFromFloat(500).RoundCeil(-2).String() // output: "500" +// NewFromFloat(1.1001).RoundCeil(2).String() // output: "1.11" +// NewFromFloat(-1.454).RoundCeil(1).String() // output: "-1.5" +// +func (d Decimal) RoundCeil(places int32) Decimal { + if d.exp >= -places { + return d + } + + rescaled := d.rescale(-places) + if d.Equal(rescaled) { + return d + } + + if d.value.Sign() > 0 { + rescaled.value.Add(rescaled.value, oneInt) + } + + return rescaled +} + +// RoundFloor rounds the decimal towards -infinity. +// +// Example: +// +// NewFromFloat(545).RoundFloor(-2).String() // output: "500" +// NewFromFloat(-500).RoundFloor(-2).String() // output: "-500" +// NewFromFloat(1.1001).RoundFloor(2).String() // output: "1.1" +// NewFromFloat(-1.454).RoundFloor(1).String() // output: "-1.4" +// +func (d Decimal) RoundFloor(places int32) Decimal { + if d.exp >= -places { + return d + } + + rescaled := d.rescale(-places) + if d.Equal(rescaled) { + return d + } + + if d.value.Sign() < 0 { + rescaled.value.Sub(rescaled.value, oneInt) + } + + return rescaled +} + +// RoundUp rounds the decimal away from zero. +// +// Example: +// +// NewFromFloat(545).RoundUp(-2).String() // output: "600" +// NewFromFloat(500).RoundUp(-2).String() // output: "500" +// NewFromFloat(1.1001).RoundUp(2).String() // output: "1.11" +// NewFromFloat(-1.454).RoundUp(1).String() // output: "-1.4" +// +func (d Decimal) RoundUp(places int32) Decimal { + if d.exp >= -places { + return d + } + + rescaled := d.rescale(-places) + if d.Equal(rescaled) { + return d + } + + if d.value.Sign() > 0 { + rescaled.value.Add(rescaled.value, oneInt) + } else if d.value.Sign() < 0 { + rescaled.value.Sub(rescaled.value, oneInt) + } + + return rescaled +} + +// RoundDown rounds the decimal towards zero. +// +// Example: +// +// NewFromFloat(545).RoundDown(-2).String() // output: "500" +// NewFromFloat(-500).RoundDown(-2).String() // output: "-500" +// NewFromFloat(1.1001).RoundDown(2).String() // output: "1.1" +// NewFromFloat(-1.454).RoundDown(1).String() // output: "-1.5" +// +func (d Decimal) RoundDown(places int32) Decimal { + if d.exp >= -places { + return d + } + + rescaled := d.rescale(-places) + if d.Equal(rescaled) { + return d + } + return rescaled +} + +// RoundBank rounds the decimal to places decimal places. +// If the final digit to round is equidistant from the nearest two integers the +// rounded value is taken as the even number +// +// If places < 0, it will round the integer part to the nearest 10^(-places). +// +// Examples: +// +// NewFromFloat(5.45).RoundBank(1).String() // output: "5.4" +// NewFromFloat(545).RoundBank(-1).String() // output: "540" +// NewFromFloat(5.46).RoundBank(1).String() // output: "5.5" +// NewFromFloat(546).RoundBank(-1).String() // output: "550" +// NewFromFloat(5.55).RoundBank(1).String() // output: "5.6" +// NewFromFloat(555).RoundBank(-1).String() // output: "560" +// +func (d Decimal) RoundBank(places int32) Decimal { + + round := d.Round(places) + remainder := d.Sub(round).Abs() + + half := New(5, -places-1) + if remainder.Cmp(half) == 0 && round.value.Bit(0) != 0 { + if round.value.Sign() < 0 { + round.value.Add(round.value, oneInt) + } else { + round.value.Sub(round.value, oneInt) + } + } + + return round +} + +// RoundCash aka Cash/Penny/öre rounding rounds decimal to a specific +// interval. The amount payable for a cash transaction is rounded to the nearest +// multiple of the minimum currency unit available. The following intervals are +// available: 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100; any other number throws a panic. +// 5: 5 cent rounding 3.43 => 3.45 +// 10: 10 cent rounding 3.45 => 3.50 (5 gets rounded up) +// 25: 25 cent rounding 3.41 => 3.50 +// 50: 50 cent rounding 3.75 => 4.00 +// 100: 100 cent rounding 3.50 => 4.00 +// For more details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cash_rounding +func (d Decimal) RoundCash(interval uint8) Decimal { + var iVal *big.Int + switch interval { + case 5: + iVal = twentyInt + case 10: + iVal = tenInt + case 25: + iVal = fourInt + case 50: + iVal = twoInt + case 100: + iVal = oneInt + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("Decimal does not support this Cash rounding interval `%d`. Supported: 5, 10, 25, 50, 100", interval)) + } + dVal := Decimal{ + value: iVal, + } + + // TODO: optimize those calculations to reduce the high allocations (~29 allocs). + return d.Mul(dVal).Round(0).Div(dVal).Truncate(2) +} + +// Floor returns the nearest integer value less than or equal to d. +func (d Decimal) Floor() Decimal { + d.ensureInitialized() + + if d.exp >= 0 { + return d + } + + exp := big.NewInt(10) + + // NOTE(vadim): must negate after casting to prevent int32 overflow + exp.Exp(exp, big.NewInt(-int64(d.exp)), nil) + + z := new(big.Int).Div(d.value, exp) + return Decimal{value: z, exp: 0} +} + +// Ceil returns the nearest integer value greater than or equal to d. +func (d Decimal) Ceil() Decimal { + d.ensureInitialized() + + if d.exp >= 0 { + return d + } + + exp := big.NewInt(10) + + // NOTE(vadim): must negate after casting to prevent int32 overflow + exp.Exp(exp, big.NewInt(-int64(d.exp)), nil) + + z, m := new(big.Int).DivMod(d.value, exp, new(big.Int)) + if m.Cmp(zeroInt) != 0 { + z.Add(z, oneInt) + } + return Decimal{value: z, exp: 0} +} + +// Truncate truncates off digits from the number, without rounding. +// +// NOTE: precision is the last digit that will not be truncated (must be >= 0). +// +// Example: +// +// decimal.NewFromString("123.456").Truncate(2).String() // "123.45" +// +func (d Decimal) Truncate(precision int32) Decimal { + d.ensureInitialized() + if precision >= 0 && -precision > d.exp { + return d.rescale(-precision) + } + return d +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface. +func (d *Decimal) UnmarshalJSON(decimalBytes []byte) error { + if string(decimalBytes) == "null" { + return nil + } + + str, err := unquoteIfQuoted(decimalBytes) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("error decoding string '%s': %s", decimalBytes, err) + } + + decimal, err := NewFromString(str) + *d = decimal + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("error decoding string '%s': %s", str, err) + } + return nil +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface. +func (d Decimal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + var str string + if MarshalJSONWithoutQuotes { + str = d.String() + } else { + str = "\"" + d.String() + "\"" + } + return []byte(str), nil +} + +// UnmarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler interface. As a string representation +// is already used when encoding to text, this method stores that string as []byte +func (d *Decimal) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error { + // Verify we have at least 4 bytes for the exponent. The GOB encoded value + // may be empty. + if len(data) < 4 { + return fmt.Errorf("error decoding binary %v: expected at least 4 bytes, got %d", data, len(data)) + } + + // Extract the exponent + d.exp = int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[:4])) + + // Extract the value + d.value = new(big.Int) + if err := d.value.GobDecode(data[4:]); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("error decoding binary %v: %s", data, err) + } + + return nil +} + +// MarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryMarshaler interface. +func (d Decimal) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) { + // Write the exponent first since it's a fixed size + v1 := make([]byte, 4) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(v1, uint32(d.exp)) + + // Add the value + var v2 []byte + if v2, err = d.value.GobEncode(); err != nil { + return + } + + // Return the byte array + data = append(v1, v2...) + return +} + +// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface for database deserialization. +func (d *Decimal) Scan(value interface{}) error { + // first try to see if the data is stored in database as a Numeric datatype + switch v := value.(type) { + + case float32: + *d = NewFromFloat(float64(v)) + return nil + + case float64: + // numeric in sqlite3 sends us float64 + *d = NewFromFloat(v) + return nil + + case int64: + // at least in sqlite3 when the value is 0 in db, the data is sent + // to us as an int64 instead of a float64 ... + *d = New(v, 0) + return nil + + default: + // default is trying to interpret value stored as string + str, err := unquoteIfQuoted(v) + if err != nil { + return err + } + *d, err = NewFromString(str) + return err + } +} + +// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface for database serialization. +func (d Decimal) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return d.String(), nil +} + +// UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface for XML +// deserialization. +func (d *Decimal) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error { + str := string(text) + + dec, err := NewFromString(str) + *d = dec + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("error decoding string '%s': %s", str, err) + } + + return nil +} + +// MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface for XML +// serialization. +func (d Decimal) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) { + return []byte(d.String()), nil +} + +// GobEncode implements the gob.GobEncoder interface for gob serialization. +func (d Decimal) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) { + return d.MarshalBinary() +} + +// GobDecode implements the gob.GobDecoder interface for gob serialization. +func (d *Decimal) GobDecode(data []byte) error { + return d.UnmarshalBinary(data) +} + +// StringScaled first scales the decimal then calls .String() on it. +// NOTE: buggy, unintuitive, and DEPRECATED! Use StringFixed instead. +func (d Decimal) StringScaled(exp int32) string { + return d.rescale(exp).String() +} + +func (d Decimal) string(trimTrailingZeros bool) string { + if d.exp >= 0 { + return d.rescale(0).value.String() + } + + abs := new(big.Int).Abs(d.value) + str := abs.String() + + var intPart, fractionalPart string + + // NOTE(vadim): this cast to int will cause bugs if d.exp == INT_MIN + // and you are on a 32-bit machine. Won't fix this super-edge case. + dExpInt := int(d.exp) + if len(str) > -dExpInt { + intPart = str[:len(str)+dExpInt] + fractionalPart = str[len(str)+dExpInt:] + } else { + intPart = "0" + + num0s := -dExpInt - len(str) + fractionalPart = strings.Repeat("0", num0s) + str + } + + if trimTrailingZeros { + i := len(fractionalPart) - 1 + for ; i >= 0; i-- { + if fractionalPart[i] != '0' { + break + } + } + fractionalPart = fractionalPart[:i+1] + } + + number := intPart + if len(fractionalPart) > 0 { + number += "." + fractionalPart + } + + if d.value.Sign() < 0 { + return "-" + number + } + + return number +} + +func (d *Decimal) ensureInitialized() { + if d.value == nil { + d.value = new(big.Int) + } +} + +// Min returns the smallest Decimal that was passed in the arguments. +// +// To call this function with an array, you must do: +// +// Min(arr[0], arr[1:]...) +// +// This makes it harder to accidentally call Min with 0 arguments. +func Min(first Decimal, rest ...Decimal) Decimal { + ans := first + for _, item := range rest { + if item.Cmp(ans) < 0 { + ans = item + } + } + return ans +} + +// Max returns the largest Decimal that was passed in the arguments. +// +// To call this function with an array, you must do: +// +// Max(arr[0], arr[1:]...) +// +// This makes it harder to accidentally call Max with 0 arguments. +func Max(first Decimal, rest ...Decimal) Decimal { + ans := first + for _, item := range rest { + if item.Cmp(ans) > 0 { + ans = item + } + } + return ans +} + +// Sum returns the combined total of the provided first and rest Decimals +func Sum(first Decimal, rest ...Decimal) Decimal { + total := first + for _, item := range rest { + total = total.Add(item) + } + + return total +} + +// Avg returns the average value of the provided first and rest Decimals +func Avg(first Decimal, rest ...Decimal) Decimal { + count := New(int64(len(rest)+1), 0) + sum := Sum(first, rest...) + return sum.Div(count) +} + +// RescalePair rescales two decimals to common exponential value (minimal exp of both decimals) +func RescalePair(d1 Decimal, d2 Decimal) (Decimal, Decimal) { + d1.ensureInitialized() + d2.ensureInitialized() + + if d1.exp == d2.exp { + return d1, d2 + } + + baseScale := min(d1.exp, d2.exp) + if baseScale != d1.exp { + return d1.rescale(baseScale), d2 + } + return d1, d2.rescale(baseScale) +} + +func min(x, y int32) int32 { + if x >= y { + return y + } + return x +} + +func unquoteIfQuoted(value interface{}) (string, error) { + var bytes []byte + + switch v := value.(type) { + case string: + bytes = []byte(v) + case []byte: + bytes = v + default: + return "", fmt.Errorf("could not convert value '%+v' to byte array of type '%T'", + value, value) + } + + // If the amount is quoted, strip the quotes + if len(bytes) > 2 && bytes[0] == '"' && bytes[len(bytes)-1] == '"' { + bytes = bytes[1 : len(bytes)-1] + } + return string(bytes), nil +} + +// NullDecimal represents a nullable decimal with compatibility for +// scanning null values from the database. +type NullDecimal struct { + Decimal Decimal + Valid bool +} + +func NewNullDecimal(d Decimal) NullDecimal { + return NullDecimal{ + Decimal: d, + Valid: true, + } +} + +// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface for database deserialization. +func (d *NullDecimal) Scan(value interface{}) error { + if value == nil { + d.Valid = false + return nil + } + d.Valid = true + return d.Decimal.Scan(value) +} + +// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface for database serialization. +func (d NullDecimal) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + if !d.Valid { + return nil, nil + } + return d.Decimal.Value() +} + +// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface. +func (d *NullDecimal) UnmarshalJSON(decimalBytes []byte) error { + if string(decimalBytes) == "null" { + d.Valid = false + return nil + } + d.Valid = true + return d.Decimal.UnmarshalJSON(decimalBytes) +} + +// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface. +func (d NullDecimal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + if !d.Valid { + return []byte("null"), nil + } + return d.Decimal.MarshalJSON() +} + +// UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface for XML +// deserialization +func (d *NullDecimal) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error { + str := string(text) + + // check for empty XML or XML without body e.g., + if str == "" { + d.Valid = false + return nil + } + if err := d.Decimal.UnmarshalText(text); err != nil { + d.Valid = false + return err + } + d.Valid = true + return nil +} + +// MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface for XML +// serialization. +func (d NullDecimal) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) { + if !d.Valid { + return []byte{}, nil + } + return d.Decimal.MarshalText() +} + +// Trig functions + +// Atan returns the arctangent, in radians, of x. +func (d Decimal) Atan() Decimal { + if d.Equal(NewFromFloat(0.0)) { + return d + } + if d.GreaterThan(NewFromFloat(0.0)) { + return d.satan() + } + return d.Neg().satan().Neg() +} + +func (d Decimal) xatan() Decimal { + P0 := NewFromFloat(-8.750608600031904122785e-01) + P1 := NewFromFloat(-1.615753718733365076637e+01) + P2 := NewFromFloat(-7.500855792314704667340e+01) + P3 := NewFromFloat(-1.228866684490136173410e+02) + P4 := NewFromFloat(-6.485021904942025371773e+01) + Q0 := NewFromFloat(2.485846490142306297962e+01) + Q1 := NewFromFloat(1.650270098316988542046e+02) + Q2 := NewFromFloat(4.328810604912902668951e+02) + Q3 := NewFromFloat(4.853903996359136964868e+02) + Q4 := NewFromFloat(1.945506571482613964425e+02) + z := d.Mul(d) + b1 := P0.Mul(z).Add(P1).Mul(z).Add(P2).Mul(z).Add(P3).Mul(z).Add(P4).Mul(z) + b2 := z.Add(Q0).Mul(z).Add(Q1).Mul(z).Add(Q2).Mul(z).Add(Q3).Mul(z).Add(Q4) + z = b1.Div(b2) + z = d.Mul(z).Add(d) + return z +} + +// satan reduces its argument (known to be positive) +// to the range [0, 0.66] and calls xatan. +func (d Decimal) satan() Decimal { + Morebits := NewFromFloat(6.123233995736765886130e-17) // pi/2 = PIO2 + Morebits + Tan3pio8 := NewFromFloat(2.41421356237309504880) // tan(3*pi/8) + pi := NewFromFloat(3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459) + + if d.LessThanOrEqual(NewFromFloat(0.66)) { + return d.xatan() + } + if d.GreaterThan(Tan3pio8) { + return pi.Div(NewFromFloat(2.0)).Sub(NewFromFloat(1.0).Div(d).xatan()).Add(Morebits) + } + return pi.Div(NewFromFloat(4.0)).Add((d.Sub(NewFromFloat(1.0)).Div(d.Add(NewFromFloat(1.0)))).xatan()).Add(NewFromFloat(0.5).Mul(Morebits)) +} + +// sin coefficients +var _sin = [...]Decimal{ + NewFromFloat(1.58962301576546568060e-10), // 0x3de5d8fd1fd19ccd + NewFromFloat(-2.50507477628578072866e-8), // 0xbe5ae5e5a9291f5d + NewFromFloat(2.75573136213857245213e-6), // 0x3ec71de3567d48a1 + NewFromFloat(-1.98412698295895385996e-4), // 0xbf2a01a019bfdf03 + NewFromFloat(8.33333333332211858878e-3), // 0x3f8111111110f7d0 + NewFromFloat(-1.66666666666666307295e-1), // 0xbfc5555555555548 +} + +// Sin returns the sine of the radian argument x. +func (d Decimal) Sin() Decimal { + PI4A := NewFromFloat(7.85398125648498535156e-1) // 0x3fe921fb40000000, Pi/4 split into three parts + PI4B := NewFromFloat(3.77489470793079817668e-8) // 0x3e64442d00000000, + PI4C := NewFromFloat(2.69515142907905952645e-15) // 0x3ce8469898cc5170, + M4PI := NewFromFloat(1.273239544735162542821171882678754627704620361328125) // 4/pi + + if d.Equal(NewFromFloat(0.0)) { + return d + } + // make argument positive but save the sign + sign := false + if d.LessThan(NewFromFloat(0.0)) { + d = d.Neg() + sign = true + } + + j := d.Mul(M4PI).IntPart() // integer part of x/(Pi/4), as integer for tests on the phase angle + y := NewFromFloat(float64(j)) // integer part of x/(Pi/4), as float + + // map zeros to origin + if j&1 == 1 { + j++ + y = y.Add(NewFromFloat(1.0)) + } + j &= 7 // octant modulo 2Pi radians (360 degrees) + // reflect in x axis + if j > 3 { + sign = !sign + j -= 4 + } + z := d.Sub(y.Mul(PI4A)).Sub(y.Mul(PI4B)).Sub(y.Mul(PI4C)) // Extended precision modular arithmetic + zz := z.Mul(z) + + if j == 1 || j == 2 { + w := zz.Mul(zz).Mul(_cos[0].Mul(zz).Add(_cos[1]).Mul(zz).Add(_cos[2]).Mul(zz).Add(_cos[3]).Mul(zz).Add(_cos[4]).Mul(zz).Add(_cos[5])) + y = NewFromFloat(1.0).Sub(NewFromFloat(0.5).Mul(zz)).Add(w) + } else { + y = z.Add(z.Mul(zz).Mul(_sin[0].Mul(zz).Add(_sin[1]).Mul(zz).Add(_sin[2]).Mul(zz).Add(_sin[3]).Mul(zz).Add(_sin[4]).Mul(zz).Add(_sin[5]))) + } + if sign { + y = y.Neg() + } + return y +} + +// cos coefficients +var _cos = [...]Decimal{ + NewFromFloat(-1.13585365213876817300e-11), // 0xbda8fa49a0861a9b + NewFromFloat(2.08757008419747316778e-9), // 0x3e21ee9d7b4e3f05 + NewFromFloat(-2.75573141792967388112e-7), // 0xbe927e4f7eac4bc6 + NewFromFloat(2.48015872888517045348e-5), // 0x3efa01a019c844f5 + NewFromFloat(-1.38888888888730564116e-3), // 0xbf56c16c16c14f91 + NewFromFloat(4.16666666666665929218e-2), // 0x3fa555555555554b +} + +// Cos returns the cosine of the radian argument x. +func (d Decimal) Cos() Decimal { + + PI4A := NewFromFloat(7.85398125648498535156e-1) // 0x3fe921fb40000000, Pi/4 split into three parts + PI4B := NewFromFloat(3.77489470793079817668e-8) // 0x3e64442d00000000, + PI4C := NewFromFloat(2.69515142907905952645e-15) // 0x3ce8469898cc5170, + M4PI := NewFromFloat(1.273239544735162542821171882678754627704620361328125) // 4/pi + + // make argument positive + sign := false + if d.LessThan(NewFromFloat(0.0)) { + d = d.Neg() + } + + j := d.Mul(M4PI).IntPart() // integer part of x/(Pi/4), as integer for tests on the phase angle + y := NewFromFloat(float64(j)) // integer part of x/(Pi/4), as float + + // map zeros to origin + if j&1 == 1 { + j++ + y = y.Add(NewFromFloat(1.0)) + } + j &= 7 // octant modulo 2Pi radians (360 degrees) + // reflect in x axis + if j > 3 { + sign = !sign + j -= 4 + } + if j > 1 { + sign = !sign + } + + z := d.Sub(y.Mul(PI4A)).Sub(y.Mul(PI4B)).Sub(y.Mul(PI4C)) // Extended precision modular arithmetic + zz := z.Mul(z) + + if j == 1 || j == 2 { + y = z.Add(z.Mul(zz).Mul(_sin[0].Mul(zz).Add(_sin[1]).Mul(zz).Add(_sin[2]).Mul(zz).Add(_sin[3]).Mul(zz).Add(_sin[4]).Mul(zz).Add(_sin[5]))) + } else { + w := zz.Mul(zz).Mul(_cos[0].Mul(zz).Add(_cos[1]).Mul(zz).Add(_cos[2]).Mul(zz).Add(_cos[3]).Mul(zz).Add(_cos[4]).Mul(zz).Add(_cos[5])) + y = NewFromFloat(1.0).Sub(NewFromFloat(0.5).Mul(zz)).Add(w) + } + if sign { + y = y.Neg() + } + return y +} + +var _tanP = [...]Decimal{ + NewFromFloat(-1.30936939181383777646e+4), // 0xc0c992d8d24f3f38 + NewFromFloat(1.15351664838587416140e+6), // 0x413199eca5fc9ddd + NewFromFloat(-1.79565251976484877988e+7), // 0xc1711fead3299176 +} +var _tanQ = [...]Decimal{ + NewFromFloat(1.00000000000000000000e+0), + NewFromFloat(1.36812963470692954678e+4), //0x40cab8a5eeb36572 + NewFromFloat(-1.32089234440210967447e+6), //0xc13427bc582abc96 + NewFromFloat(2.50083801823357915839e+7), //0x4177d98fc2ead8ef + NewFromFloat(-5.38695755929454629881e+7), //0xc189afe03cbe5a31 +} + +// Tan returns the tangent of the radian argument x. +func (d Decimal) Tan() Decimal { + + PI4A := NewFromFloat(7.85398125648498535156e-1) // 0x3fe921fb40000000, Pi/4 split into three parts + PI4B := NewFromFloat(3.77489470793079817668e-8) // 0x3e64442d00000000, + PI4C := NewFromFloat(2.69515142907905952645e-15) // 0x3ce8469898cc5170, + M4PI := NewFromFloat(1.273239544735162542821171882678754627704620361328125) // 4/pi + + if d.Equal(NewFromFloat(0.0)) { + return d + } + + // make argument positive but save the sign + sign := false + if d.LessThan(NewFromFloat(0.0)) { + d = d.Neg() + sign = true + } + + j := d.Mul(M4PI).IntPart() // integer part of x/(Pi/4), as integer for tests on the phase angle + y := NewFromFloat(float64(j)) // integer part of x/(Pi/4), as float + + // map zeros to origin + if j&1 == 1 { + j++ + y = y.Add(NewFromFloat(1.0)) + } + + z := d.Sub(y.Mul(PI4A)).Sub(y.Mul(PI4B)).Sub(y.Mul(PI4C)) // Extended precision modular arithmetic + zz := z.Mul(z) + + if zz.GreaterThan(NewFromFloat(1e-14)) { + w := zz.Mul(_tanP[0].Mul(zz).Add(_tanP[1]).Mul(zz).Add(_tanP[2])) + x := zz.Add(_tanQ[1]).Mul(zz).Add(_tanQ[2]).Mul(zz).Add(_tanQ[3]).Mul(zz).Add(_tanQ[4]) + y = z.Add(z.Mul(w.Div(x))) + } else { + y = z + } + if j&2 == 2 { + y = NewFromFloat(-1.0).Div(y) + } + if sign { + y = y.Neg() + } + return y +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/rounding.go b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/rounding.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d4b0cd00 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/shopspring/decimal/rounding.go @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Multiprecision decimal numbers. +// For floating-point formatting only; not general purpose. +// Only operations are assign and (binary) left/right shift. +// Can do binary floating point in multiprecision decimal precisely +// because 2 divides 10; cannot do decimal floating point +// in multiprecision binary precisely. + +package decimal + +type floatInfo struct { + mantbits uint + expbits uint + bias int +} + +var float32info = floatInfo{23, 8, -127} +var float64info = floatInfo{52, 11, -1023} + +// roundShortest rounds d (= mant * 2^exp) to the shortest number of digits +// that will let the original floating point value be precisely reconstructed. +func roundShortest(d *decimal, mant uint64, exp int, flt *floatInfo) { + // If mantissa is zero, the number is zero; stop now. + if mant == 0 { + d.nd = 0 + return + } + + // Compute upper and lower such that any decimal number + // between upper and lower (possibly inclusive) + // will round to the original floating point number. + + // We may see at once that the number is already shortest. + // + // Suppose d is not denormal, so that 2^exp <= d < 10^dp. + // The closest shorter number is at least 10^(dp-nd) away. + // The lower/upper bounds computed below are at distance + // at most 2^(exp-mantbits). + // + // So the number is already shortest if 10^(dp-nd) > 2^(exp-mantbits), + // or equivalently log2(10)*(dp-nd) > exp-mantbits. + // It is true if 332/100*(dp-nd) >= exp-mantbits (log2(10) > 3.32). + minexp := flt.bias + 1 // minimum possible exponent + if exp > minexp && 332*(d.dp-d.nd) >= 100*(exp-int(flt.mantbits)) { + // The number is already shortest. + return + } + + // d = mant << (exp - mantbits) + // Next highest floating point number is mant+1 << exp-mantbits. + // Our upper bound is halfway between, mant*2+1 << exp-mantbits-1. + upper := new(decimal) + upper.Assign(mant*2 + 1) + upper.Shift(exp - int(flt.mantbits) - 1) + + // d = mant << (exp - mantbits) + // Next lowest floating point number is mant-1 << exp-mantbits, + // unless mant-1 drops the significant bit and exp is not the minimum exp, + // in which case the next lowest is mant*2-1 << exp-mantbits-1. + // Either way, call it mantlo << explo-mantbits. + // Our lower bound is halfway between, mantlo*2+1 << explo-mantbits-1. + var mantlo uint64 + var explo int + if mant > 1<= d.nd { + break + } + li := ui - upper.dp + lower.dp + l := byte('0') // lower digit + if li >= 0 && li < lower.nd { + l = lower.d[li] + } + m := byte('0') // middle digit + if mi >= 0 { + m = d.d[mi] + } + u := byte('0') // upper digit + if ui < upper.nd { + u = upper.d[ui] + } + + // Okay to round down (truncate) if lower has a different digit + // or if lower is inclusive and is exactly the result of rounding + // down (i.e., and we have reached the final digit of lower). + okdown := l != m || inclusive && li+1 == lower.nd + + switch { + case upperdelta == 0 && m+1 < u: + // Example: + // m = 12345xxx + // u = 12347xxx + upperdelta = 2 + case upperdelta == 0 && m != u: + // Example: + // m = 12345xxx + // u = 12346xxx + upperdelta = 1 + case upperdelta == 1 && (m != '9' || u != '0'): + // Example: + // m = 1234598x + // u = 1234600x + upperdelta = 2 + } + // Okay to round up if upper has a different digit and either upper + // is inclusive or upper is bigger than the result of rounding up. + okup := upperdelta > 0 && (inclusive || upperdelta > 1 || ui+1 < upper.nd) + + // If it's okay to do either, then round to the nearest one. + // If it's okay to do only one, do it. + switch { + case okdown && okup: + d.Round(mi + 1) + return + case okdown: + d.RoundDown(mi + 1) + return + case okup: + d.RoundUp(mi + 1) + return + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/cases.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/cases.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..752cdf03 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/cases.go @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:generate go run gen.go gen_trieval.go + +// Package cases provides general and language-specific case mappers. +package cases // import "golang.org/x/text/cases" + +import ( + "golang.org/x/text/language" + "golang.org/x/text/transform" +) + +// References: +// - Unicode Reference Manual Chapter 3.13, 4.2, and 5.18. +// - https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/ +// - https://www.unicode.org/Public/6.3.0/ucd/CaseFolding.txt +// - https://www.unicode.org/Public/6.3.0/ucd/SpecialCasing.txt +// - https://www.unicode.org/Public/6.3.0/ucd/DerivedCoreProperties.txt +// - https://www.unicode.org/Public/6.3.0/ucd/auxiliary/WordBreakProperty.txt +// - https://www.unicode.org/Public/6.3.0/ucd/auxiliary/WordBreakTest.txt +// - http://userguide.icu-project.org/transforms/casemappings + +// TODO: +// - Case folding +// - Wide and Narrow? +// - Segmenter option for title casing. +// - ASCII fast paths +// - Encode Soft-Dotted property within trie somehow. + +// A Caser transforms given input to a certain case. It implements +// transform.Transformer. +// +// A Caser may be stateful and should therefore not be shared between +// goroutines. +type Caser struct { + t transform.SpanningTransformer +} + +// Bytes returns a new byte slice with the result of converting b to the case +// form implemented by c. +func (c Caser) Bytes(b []byte) []byte { + b, _, _ = transform.Bytes(c.t, b) + return b +} + +// String returns a string with the result of transforming s to the case form +// implemented by c. +func (c Caser) String(s string) string { + s, _, _ = transform.String(c.t, s) + return s +} + +// Reset resets the Caser to be reused for new input after a previous call to +// Transform. +func (c Caser) Reset() { c.t.Reset() } + +// Transform implements the transform.Transformer interface and transforms the +// given input to the case form implemented by c. +func (c Caser) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + return c.t.Transform(dst, src, atEOF) +} + +// Span implements the transform.SpanningTransformer interface. +func (c Caser) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + return c.t.Span(src, atEOF) +} + +// Upper returns a Caser for language-specific uppercasing. +func Upper(t language.Tag, opts ...Option) Caser { + return Caser{makeUpper(t, getOpts(opts...))} +} + +// Lower returns a Caser for language-specific lowercasing. +func Lower(t language.Tag, opts ...Option) Caser { + return Caser{makeLower(t, getOpts(opts...))} +} + +// Title returns a Caser for language-specific title casing. It uses an +// approximation of the default Unicode Word Break algorithm. +func Title(t language.Tag, opts ...Option) Caser { + return Caser{makeTitle(t, getOpts(opts...))} +} + +// Fold returns a Caser that implements Unicode case folding. The returned Caser +// is stateless and safe to use concurrently by multiple goroutines. +// +// Case folding does not normalize the input and may not preserve a normal form. +// Use the collate or search package for more convenient and linguistically +// sound comparisons. Use golang.org/x/text/secure/precis for string comparisons +// where security aspects are a concern. +func Fold(opts ...Option) Caser { + return Caser{makeFold(getOpts(opts...))} +} + +// An Option is used to modify the behavior of a Caser. +type Option func(o options) options + +// TODO: consider these options to take a boolean as well, like FinalSigma. +// The advantage of using this approach is that other providers of a lower-case +// algorithm could set different defaults by prefixing a user-provided slice +// of options with their own. This is handy, for instance, for the precis +// package which would override the default to not handle the Greek final sigma. + +var ( + // NoLower disables the lowercasing of non-leading letters for a title + // caser. + NoLower Option = noLower + + // Compact omits mappings in case folding for characters that would grow the + // input. (Unimplemented.) + Compact Option = compact +) + +// TODO: option to preserve a normal form, if applicable? + +type options struct { + noLower bool + simple bool + + // TODO: segmenter, max ignorable, alternative versions, etc. + + ignoreFinalSigma bool +} + +func getOpts(o ...Option) (res options) { + for _, f := range o { + res = f(res) + } + return +} + +func noLower(o options) options { + o.noLower = true + return o +} + +func compact(o options) options { + o.simple = true + return o +} + +// HandleFinalSigma specifies whether the special handling of Greek final sigma +// should be enabled. Unicode prescribes handling the Greek final sigma for all +// locales, but standards like IDNA and PRECIS override this default. +func HandleFinalSigma(enable bool) Option { + if enable { + return handleFinalSigma + } + return ignoreFinalSigma +} + +func ignoreFinalSigma(o options) options { + o.ignoreFinalSigma = true + return o +} + +func handleFinalSigma(o options) options { + o.ignoreFinalSigma = false + return o +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/context.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/context.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e9aa9e19 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/context.go @@ -0,0 +1,376 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package cases + +import "golang.org/x/text/transform" + +// A context is used for iterating over source bytes, fetching case info and +// writing to a destination buffer. +// +// Casing operations may need more than one rune of context to decide how a rune +// should be cased. Casing implementations should call checkpoint on context +// whenever it is known to be safe to return the runes processed so far. +// +// It is recommended for implementations to not allow for more than 30 case +// ignorables as lookahead (analogous to the limit in norm) and to use state if +// unbounded lookahead is needed for cased runes. +type context struct { + dst, src []byte + atEOF bool + + pDst int // pDst points past the last written rune in dst. + pSrc int // pSrc points to the start of the currently scanned rune. + + // checkpoints safe to return in Transform, where nDst <= pDst and nSrc <= pSrc. + nDst, nSrc int + err error + + sz int // size of current rune + info info // case information of currently scanned rune + + // State preserved across calls to Transform. + isMidWord bool // false if next cased letter needs to be title-cased. +} + +func (c *context) Reset() { + c.isMidWord = false +} + +// ret returns the return values for the Transform method. It checks whether +// there were insufficient bytes in src to complete and introduces an error +// accordingly, if necessary. +func (c *context) ret() (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + if c.err != nil || c.nSrc == len(c.src) { + return c.nDst, c.nSrc, c.err + } + // This point is only reached by mappers if there was no short destination + // buffer. This means that the source buffer was exhausted and that c.sz was + // set to 0 by next. + if c.atEOF && c.pSrc == len(c.src) { + return c.pDst, c.pSrc, nil + } + return c.nDst, c.nSrc, transform.ErrShortSrc +} + +// retSpan returns the return values for the Span method. It checks whether +// there were insufficient bytes in src to complete and introduces an error +// accordingly, if necessary. +func (c *context) retSpan() (n int, err error) { + _, nSrc, err := c.ret() + return nSrc, err +} + +// checkpoint sets the return value buffer points for Transform to the current +// positions. +func (c *context) checkpoint() { + if c.err == nil { + c.nDst, c.nSrc = c.pDst, c.pSrc+c.sz + } +} + +// unreadRune causes the last rune read by next to be reread on the next +// invocation of next. Only one unreadRune may be called after a call to next. +func (c *context) unreadRune() { + c.sz = 0 +} + +func (c *context) next() bool { + c.pSrc += c.sz + if c.pSrc == len(c.src) || c.err != nil { + c.info, c.sz = 0, 0 + return false + } + v, sz := trie.lookup(c.src[c.pSrc:]) + c.info, c.sz = info(v), sz + if c.sz == 0 { + if c.atEOF { + // A zero size means we have an incomplete rune. If we are atEOF, + // this means it is an illegal rune, which we will consume one + // byte at a time. + c.sz = 1 + } else { + c.err = transform.ErrShortSrc + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// writeBytes adds bytes to dst. +func (c *context) writeBytes(b []byte) bool { + if len(c.dst)-c.pDst < len(b) { + c.err = transform.ErrShortDst + return false + } + // This loop is faster than using copy. + for _, ch := range b { + c.dst[c.pDst] = ch + c.pDst++ + } + return true +} + +// writeString writes the given string to dst. +func (c *context) writeString(s string) bool { + if len(c.dst)-c.pDst < len(s) { + c.err = transform.ErrShortDst + return false + } + // This loop is faster than using copy. + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { + c.dst[c.pDst] = s[i] + c.pDst++ + } + return true +} + +// copy writes the current rune to dst. +func (c *context) copy() bool { + return c.writeBytes(c.src[c.pSrc : c.pSrc+c.sz]) +} + +// copyXOR copies the current rune to dst and modifies it by applying the XOR +// pattern of the case info. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure +// that this is a rune with a XOR pattern defined. +func (c *context) copyXOR() bool { + if !c.copy() { + return false + } + if c.info&xorIndexBit == 0 { + // Fast path for 6-bit XOR pattern, which covers most cases. + c.dst[c.pDst-1] ^= byte(c.info >> xorShift) + } else { + // Interpret XOR bits as an index. + // TODO: test performance for unrolling this loop. Verify that we have + // at least two bytes and at most three. + idx := c.info >> xorShift + for p := c.pDst - 1; ; p-- { + c.dst[p] ^= xorData[idx] + idx-- + if xorData[idx] == 0 { + break + } + } + } + return true +} + +// hasPrefix returns true if src[pSrc:] starts with the given string. +func (c *context) hasPrefix(s string) bool { + b := c.src[c.pSrc:] + if len(b) < len(s) { + return false + } + for i, c := range b[:len(s)] { + if c != s[i] { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// caseType returns an info with only the case bits, normalized to either +// cLower, cUpper, cTitle or cUncased. +func (c *context) caseType() info { + cm := c.info & 0x7 + if cm < 4 { + return cm + } + if cm >= cXORCase { + // xor the last bit of the rune with the case type bits. + b := c.src[c.pSrc+c.sz-1] + return info(b&1) ^ cm&0x3 + } + if cm == cIgnorableCased { + return cLower + } + return cUncased +} + +// lower writes the lowercase version of the current rune to dst. +func lower(c *context) bool { + ct := c.caseType() + if c.info&hasMappingMask == 0 || ct == cLower { + return c.copy() + } + if c.info&exceptionBit == 0 { + return c.copyXOR() + } + e := exceptions[c.info>>exceptionShift:] + offset := 2 + e[0]&lengthMask // size of header + fold string + if nLower := (e[1] >> lengthBits) & lengthMask; nLower != noChange { + return c.writeString(e[offset : offset+nLower]) + } + return c.copy() +} + +func isLower(c *context) bool { + ct := c.caseType() + if c.info&hasMappingMask == 0 || ct == cLower { + return true + } + if c.info&exceptionBit == 0 { + c.err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + return false + } + e := exceptions[c.info>>exceptionShift:] + if nLower := (e[1] >> lengthBits) & lengthMask; nLower != noChange { + c.err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + return false + } + return true +} + +// upper writes the uppercase version of the current rune to dst. +func upper(c *context) bool { + ct := c.caseType() + if c.info&hasMappingMask == 0 || ct == cUpper { + return c.copy() + } + if c.info&exceptionBit == 0 { + return c.copyXOR() + } + e := exceptions[c.info>>exceptionShift:] + offset := 2 + e[0]&lengthMask // size of header + fold string + // Get length of first special case mapping. + n := (e[1] >> lengthBits) & lengthMask + if ct == cTitle { + // The first special case mapping is for lower. Set n to the second. + if n == noChange { + n = 0 + } + n, e = e[1]&lengthMask, e[n:] + } + if n != noChange { + return c.writeString(e[offset : offset+n]) + } + return c.copy() +} + +// isUpper writes the isUppercase version of the current rune to dst. +func isUpper(c *context) bool { + ct := c.caseType() + if c.info&hasMappingMask == 0 || ct == cUpper { + return true + } + if c.info&exceptionBit == 0 { + c.err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + return false + } + e := exceptions[c.info>>exceptionShift:] + // Get length of first special case mapping. + n := (e[1] >> lengthBits) & lengthMask + if ct == cTitle { + n = e[1] & lengthMask + } + if n != noChange { + c.err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + return false + } + return true +} + +// title writes the title case version of the current rune to dst. +func title(c *context) bool { + ct := c.caseType() + if c.info&hasMappingMask == 0 || ct == cTitle { + return c.copy() + } + if c.info&exceptionBit == 0 { + if ct == cLower { + return c.copyXOR() + } + return c.copy() + } + // Get the exception data. + e := exceptions[c.info>>exceptionShift:] + offset := 2 + e[0]&lengthMask // size of header + fold string + + nFirst := (e[1] >> lengthBits) & lengthMask + if nTitle := e[1] & lengthMask; nTitle != noChange { + if nFirst != noChange { + e = e[nFirst:] + } + return c.writeString(e[offset : offset+nTitle]) + } + if ct == cLower && nFirst != noChange { + // Use the uppercase version instead. + return c.writeString(e[offset : offset+nFirst]) + } + // Already in correct case. + return c.copy() +} + +// isTitle reports whether the current rune is in title case. +func isTitle(c *context) bool { + ct := c.caseType() + if c.info&hasMappingMask == 0 || ct == cTitle { + return true + } + if c.info&exceptionBit == 0 { + if ct == cLower { + c.err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + return false + } + return true + } + // Get the exception data. + e := exceptions[c.info>>exceptionShift:] + if nTitle := e[1] & lengthMask; nTitle != noChange { + c.err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + return false + } + nFirst := (e[1] >> lengthBits) & lengthMask + if ct == cLower && nFirst != noChange { + c.err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + return false + } + return true +} + +// foldFull writes the foldFull version of the current rune to dst. +func foldFull(c *context) bool { + if c.info&hasMappingMask == 0 { + return c.copy() + } + ct := c.caseType() + if c.info&exceptionBit == 0 { + if ct != cLower || c.info&inverseFoldBit != 0 { + return c.copyXOR() + } + return c.copy() + } + e := exceptions[c.info>>exceptionShift:] + n := e[0] & lengthMask + if n == 0 { + if ct == cLower { + return c.copy() + } + n = (e[1] >> lengthBits) & lengthMask + } + return c.writeString(e[2 : 2+n]) +} + +// isFoldFull reports whether the current run is mapped to foldFull +func isFoldFull(c *context) bool { + if c.info&hasMappingMask == 0 { + return true + } + ct := c.caseType() + if c.info&exceptionBit == 0 { + if ct != cLower || c.info&inverseFoldBit != 0 { + c.err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + return false + } + return true + } + e := exceptions[c.info>>exceptionShift:] + n := e[0] & lengthMask + if n == 0 && ct == cLower { + return true + } + c.err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/fold.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/fold.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..85cc434f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/fold.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package cases + +import "golang.org/x/text/transform" + +type caseFolder struct{ transform.NopResetter } + +// caseFolder implements the Transformer interface for doing case folding. +func (t *caseFolder) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + c := context{dst: dst, src: src, atEOF: atEOF} + for c.next() { + foldFull(&c) + c.checkpoint() + } + return c.ret() +} + +func (t *caseFolder) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + c := context{src: src, atEOF: atEOF} + for c.next() && isFoldFull(&c) { + c.checkpoint() + } + return c.retSpan() +} + +func makeFold(o options) transform.SpanningTransformer { + // TODO: Special case folding, through option Language, Special/Turkic, or + // both. + // TODO: Implement Compact options. + return &caseFolder{} +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/icu.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/icu.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2dc84b39 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/icu.go @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build icu +// +build icu + +package cases + +// Ideally these functions would be defined in a test file, but go test doesn't +// allow CGO in tests. The build tag should ensure either way that these +// functions will not end up in the package. + +// TODO: Ensure that the correct ICU version is set. + +/* +#cgo LDFLAGS: -licui18n.57 -licuuc.57 +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +*/ +import "C" + +import "unsafe" + +func doICU(tag, caser, input string) string { + err := C.UErrorCode(0) + loc := C.CString(tag) + cm := C.ucasemap_open(loc, C.uint32_t(0), &err) + + buf := make([]byte, len(input)*4) + dst := (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])) + src := C.CString(input) + + cn := C.int32_t(0) + + switch caser { + case "fold": + cn = C.ucasemap_utf8FoldCase(cm, + dst, C.int32_t(len(buf)), + src, C.int32_t(len(input)), + &err) + case "lower": + cn = C.ucasemap_utf8ToLower(cm, + dst, C.int32_t(len(buf)), + src, C.int32_t(len(input)), + &err) + case "upper": + cn = C.ucasemap_utf8ToUpper(cm, + dst, C.int32_t(len(buf)), + src, C.int32_t(len(input)), + &err) + case "title": + cn = C.ucasemap_utf8ToTitle(cm, + dst, C.int32_t(len(buf)), + src, C.int32_t(len(input)), + &err) + } + return string(buf[:cn]) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/info.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/info.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87a7c3e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/info.go @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package cases + +func (c info) cccVal() info { + if c&exceptionBit != 0 { + return info(exceptions[c>>exceptionShift]) & cccMask + } + return c & cccMask +} + +func (c info) cccType() info { + ccc := c.cccVal() + if ccc <= cccZero { + return cccZero + } + return ccc +} + +// TODO: Implement full Unicode breaking algorithm: +// 1) Implement breaking in separate package. +// 2) Use the breaker here. +// 3) Compare table size and performance of using the more generic breaker. +// +// Note that we can extend the current algorithm to be much more accurate. This +// only makes sense, though, if the performance and/or space penalty of using +// the generic breaker is big. Extra data will only be needed for non-cased +// runes, which means there are sufficient bits left in the caseType. +// ICU prohibits breaking in such cases as well. + +// For the purpose of title casing we use an approximation of the Unicode Word +// Breaking algorithm defined in Annex #29: +// https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Default_Grapheme_Cluster_Table. +// +// For our approximation, we group the Word Break types into the following +// categories, with associated rules: +// +// 1) Letter: +// ALetter, Hebrew_Letter, Numeric, ExtendNumLet, Extend, Format_FE, ZWJ. +// Rule: Never break between consecutive runes of this category. +// +// 2) Mid: +// MidLetter, MidNumLet, Single_Quote. +// (Cf. case-ignorable: MidLetter, MidNumLet, Single_Quote or cat is Mn, +// Me, Cf, Lm or Sk). +// Rule: Don't break between Letter and Mid, but break between two Mids. +// +// 3) Break: +// Any other category: NewLine, MidNum, CR, LF, Double_Quote, Katakana, and +// Other. +// These categories should always result in a break between two cased letters. +// Rule: Always break. +// +// Note 1: the Katakana and MidNum categories can, in esoteric cases, result in +// preventing a break between two cased letters. For now we will ignore this +// (e.g. [ALetter] [ExtendNumLet] [Katakana] [ExtendNumLet] [ALetter] and +// [ALetter] [Numeric] [MidNum] [Numeric] [ALetter].) +// +// Note 2: the rule for Mid is very approximate, but works in most cases. To +// improve, we could store the categories in the trie value and use a FA to +// manage breaks. See TODO comment above. +// +// Note 3: according to the spec, it is possible for the Extend category to +// introduce breaks between other categories grouped in Letter. However, this +// is undesirable for our purposes. ICU prevents breaks in such cases as well. + +// isBreak returns whether this rune should introduce a break. +func (c info) isBreak() bool { + return c.cccVal() == cccBreak +} + +// isLetter returns whether the rune is of break type ALetter, Hebrew_Letter, +// Numeric, ExtendNumLet, or Extend. +func (c info) isLetter() bool { + ccc := c.cccVal() + if ccc == cccZero { + return !c.isCaseIgnorable() + } + return ccc != cccBreak +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/map.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/map.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0f7c6a14 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/map.go @@ -0,0 +1,816 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package cases + +// This file contains the definitions of case mappings for all supported +// languages. The rules for the language-specific tailorings were taken and +// modified from the CLDR transform definitions in common/transforms. + +import ( + "strings" + "unicode" + "unicode/utf8" + + "golang.org/x/text/internal" + "golang.org/x/text/language" + "golang.org/x/text/transform" + "golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm" +) + +// A mapFunc takes a context set to the current rune and writes the mapped +// version to the same context. It may advance the context to the next rune. It +// returns whether a checkpoint is possible: whether the pDst bytes written to +// dst so far won't need changing as we see more source bytes. +type mapFunc func(*context) bool + +// A spanFunc takes a context set to the current rune and returns whether this +// rune would be altered when written to the output. It may advance the context +// to the next rune. It returns whether a checkpoint is possible. +type spanFunc func(*context) bool + +// maxIgnorable defines the maximum number of ignorables to consider for +// lookahead operations. +const maxIgnorable = 30 + +// supported lists the language tags for which we have tailorings. +const supported = "und af az el lt nl tr" + +func init() { + tags := []language.Tag{} + for _, s := range strings.Split(supported, " ") { + tags = append(tags, language.MustParse(s)) + } + matcher = internal.NewInheritanceMatcher(tags) + Supported = language.NewCoverage(tags) +} + +var ( + matcher *internal.InheritanceMatcher + + Supported language.Coverage + + // We keep the following lists separate, instead of having a single per- + // language struct, to give the compiler a chance to remove unused code. + + // Some uppercase mappers are stateless, so we can precompute the + // Transformers and save a bit on runtime allocations. + upperFunc = []struct { + upper mapFunc + span spanFunc + }{ + {nil, nil}, // und + {nil, nil}, // af + {aztrUpper(upper), isUpper}, // az + {elUpper, noSpan}, // el + {ltUpper(upper), noSpan}, // lt + {nil, nil}, // nl + {aztrUpper(upper), isUpper}, // tr + } + + undUpper transform.SpanningTransformer = &undUpperCaser{} + undLower transform.SpanningTransformer = &undLowerCaser{} + undLowerIgnoreSigma transform.SpanningTransformer = &undLowerIgnoreSigmaCaser{} + + lowerFunc = []mapFunc{ + nil, // und + nil, // af + aztrLower, // az + nil, // el + ltLower, // lt + nil, // nl + aztrLower, // tr + } + + titleInfos = []struct { + title mapFunc + lower mapFunc + titleSpan spanFunc + rewrite func(*context) + }{ + {title, lower, isTitle, nil}, // und + {title, lower, isTitle, afnlRewrite}, // af + {aztrUpper(title), aztrLower, isTitle, nil}, // az + {title, lower, isTitle, nil}, // el + {ltUpper(title), ltLower, noSpan, nil}, // lt + {nlTitle, lower, nlTitleSpan, afnlRewrite}, // nl + {aztrUpper(title), aztrLower, isTitle, nil}, // tr + } +) + +func makeUpper(t language.Tag, o options) transform.SpanningTransformer { + _, i, _ := matcher.Match(t) + f := upperFunc[i].upper + if f == nil { + return undUpper + } + return &simpleCaser{f: f, span: upperFunc[i].span} +} + +func makeLower(t language.Tag, o options) transform.SpanningTransformer { + _, i, _ := matcher.Match(t) + f := lowerFunc[i] + if f == nil { + if o.ignoreFinalSigma { + return undLowerIgnoreSigma + } + return undLower + } + if o.ignoreFinalSigma { + return &simpleCaser{f: f, span: isLower} + } + return &lowerCaser{ + first: f, + midWord: finalSigma(f), + } +} + +func makeTitle(t language.Tag, o options) transform.SpanningTransformer { + _, i, _ := matcher.Match(t) + x := &titleInfos[i] + lower := x.lower + if o.noLower { + lower = (*context).copy + } else if !o.ignoreFinalSigma { + lower = finalSigma(lower) + } + return &titleCaser{ + title: x.title, + lower: lower, + titleSpan: x.titleSpan, + rewrite: x.rewrite, + } +} + +func noSpan(c *context) bool { + c.err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + return false +} + +// TODO: consider a similar special case for the fast majority lower case. This +// is a bit more involved so will require some more precise benchmarking to +// justify it. + +type undUpperCaser struct{ transform.NopResetter } + +// undUpperCaser implements the Transformer interface for doing an upper case +// mapping for the root locale (und). It eliminates the need for an allocation +// as it prevents escaping by not using function pointers. +func (t undUpperCaser) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + c := context{dst: dst, src: src, atEOF: atEOF} + for c.next() { + upper(&c) + c.checkpoint() + } + return c.ret() +} + +func (t undUpperCaser) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + c := context{src: src, atEOF: atEOF} + for c.next() && isUpper(&c) { + c.checkpoint() + } + return c.retSpan() +} + +// undLowerIgnoreSigmaCaser implements the Transformer interface for doing +// a lower case mapping for the root locale (und) ignoring final sigma +// handling. This casing algorithm is used in some performance-critical packages +// like secure/precis and x/net/http/idna, which warrants its special-casing. +type undLowerIgnoreSigmaCaser struct{ transform.NopResetter } + +func (t undLowerIgnoreSigmaCaser) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + c := context{dst: dst, src: src, atEOF: atEOF} + for c.next() && lower(&c) { + c.checkpoint() + } + return c.ret() + +} + +// Span implements a generic lower-casing. This is possible as isLower works +// for all lowercasing variants. All lowercase variants only vary in how they +// transform a non-lowercase letter. They will never change an already lowercase +// letter. In addition, there is no state. +func (t undLowerIgnoreSigmaCaser) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + c := context{src: src, atEOF: atEOF} + for c.next() && isLower(&c) { + c.checkpoint() + } + return c.retSpan() +} + +type simpleCaser struct { + context + f mapFunc + span spanFunc +} + +// simpleCaser implements the Transformer interface for doing a case operation +// on a rune-by-rune basis. +func (t *simpleCaser) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + c := context{dst: dst, src: src, atEOF: atEOF} + for c.next() && t.f(&c) { + c.checkpoint() + } + return c.ret() +} + +func (t *simpleCaser) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + c := context{src: src, atEOF: atEOF} + for c.next() && t.span(&c) { + c.checkpoint() + } + return c.retSpan() +} + +// undLowerCaser implements the Transformer interface for doing a lower case +// mapping for the root locale (und) ignoring final sigma handling. This casing +// algorithm is used in some performance-critical packages like secure/precis +// and x/net/http/idna, which warrants its special-casing. +type undLowerCaser struct{ transform.NopResetter } + +func (t undLowerCaser) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + c := context{dst: dst, src: src, atEOF: atEOF} + + for isInterWord := true; c.next(); { + if isInterWord { + if c.info.isCased() { + if !lower(&c) { + break + } + isInterWord = false + } else if !c.copy() { + break + } + } else { + if c.info.isNotCasedAndNotCaseIgnorable() { + if !c.copy() { + break + } + isInterWord = true + } else if !c.hasPrefix("Σ") { + if !lower(&c) { + break + } + } else if !finalSigmaBody(&c) { + break + } + } + c.checkpoint() + } + return c.ret() +} + +func (t undLowerCaser) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + c := context{src: src, atEOF: atEOF} + for c.next() && isLower(&c) { + c.checkpoint() + } + return c.retSpan() +} + +// lowerCaser implements the Transformer interface. The default Unicode lower +// casing requires different treatment for the first and subsequent characters +// of a word, most notably to handle the Greek final Sigma. +type lowerCaser struct { + undLowerIgnoreSigmaCaser + + context + + first, midWord mapFunc +} + +func (t *lowerCaser) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + t.context = context{dst: dst, src: src, atEOF: atEOF} + c := &t.context + + for isInterWord := true; c.next(); { + if isInterWord { + if c.info.isCased() { + if !t.first(c) { + break + } + isInterWord = false + } else if !c.copy() { + break + } + } else { + if c.info.isNotCasedAndNotCaseIgnorable() { + if !c.copy() { + break + } + isInterWord = true + } else if !t.midWord(c) { + break + } + } + c.checkpoint() + } + return c.ret() +} + +// titleCaser implements the Transformer interface. Title casing algorithms +// distinguish between the first letter of a word and subsequent letters of the +// same word. It uses state to avoid requiring a potentially infinite lookahead. +type titleCaser struct { + context + + // rune mappings used by the actual casing algorithms. + title mapFunc + lower mapFunc + titleSpan spanFunc + + rewrite func(*context) +} + +// Transform implements the standard Unicode title case algorithm as defined in +// Chapter 3 of The Unicode Standard: +// toTitlecase(X): Find the word boundaries in X according to Unicode Standard +// Annex #29, "Unicode Text Segmentation." For each word boundary, find the +// first cased character F following the word boundary. If F exists, map F to +// Titlecase_Mapping(F); then map all characters C between F and the following +// word boundary to Lowercase_Mapping(C). +func (t *titleCaser) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + t.context = context{dst: dst, src: src, atEOF: atEOF, isMidWord: t.isMidWord} + c := &t.context + + if !c.next() { + return c.ret() + } + + for { + p := c.info + if t.rewrite != nil { + t.rewrite(c) + } + + wasMid := p.isMid() + // Break out of this loop on failure to ensure we do not modify the + // state incorrectly. + if p.isCased() { + if !c.isMidWord { + if !t.title(c) { + break + } + c.isMidWord = true + } else if !t.lower(c) { + break + } + } else if !c.copy() { + break + } else if p.isBreak() { + c.isMidWord = false + } + + // As we save the state of the transformer, it is safe to call + // checkpoint after any successful write. + if !(c.isMidWord && wasMid) { + c.checkpoint() + } + + if !c.next() { + break + } + if wasMid && c.info.isMid() { + c.isMidWord = false + } + } + return c.ret() +} + +func (t *titleCaser) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + t.context = context{src: src, atEOF: atEOF, isMidWord: t.isMidWord} + c := &t.context + + if !c.next() { + return c.retSpan() + } + + for { + p := c.info + if t.rewrite != nil { + t.rewrite(c) + } + + wasMid := p.isMid() + // Break out of this loop on failure to ensure we do not modify the + // state incorrectly. + if p.isCased() { + if !c.isMidWord { + if !t.titleSpan(c) { + break + } + c.isMidWord = true + } else if !isLower(c) { + break + } + } else if p.isBreak() { + c.isMidWord = false + } + // As we save the state of the transformer, it is safe to call + // checkpoint after any successful write. + if !(c.isMidWord && wasMid) { + c.checkpoint() + } + + if !c.next() { + break + } + if wasMid && c.info.isMid() { + c.isMidWord = false + } + } + return c.retSpan() +} + +// finalSigma adds Greek final Sigma handing to another casing function. It +// determines whether a lowercased sigma should be σ or ς, by looking ahead for +// case-ignorables and a cased letters. +func finalSigma(f mapFunc) mapFunc { + return func(c *context) bool { + if !c.hasPrefix("Σ") { + return f(c) + } + return finalSigmaBody(c) + } +} + +func finalSigmaBody(c *context) bool { + // Current rune must be ∑. + + // ::NFD(); + // # 03A3; 03C2; 03A3; 03A3; Final_Sigma; # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA + // Σ } [:case-ignorable:]* [:cased:] → σ; + // [:cased:] [:case-ignorable:]* { Σ → ς; + // ::Any-Lower; + // ::NFC(); + + p := c.pDst + c.writeString("ς") + + // TODO: we should do this here, but right now this will never have an + // effect as this is called when the prefix is Sigma, whereas Dutch and + // Afrikaans only test for an apostrophe. + // + // if t.rewrite != nil { + // t.rewrite(c) + // } + + // We need to do one more iteration after maxIgnorable, as a cased + // letter is not an ignorable and may modify the result. + wasMid := false + for i := 0; i < maxIgnorable+1; i++ { + if !c.next() { + return false + } + if !c.info.isCaseIgnorable() { + // All Midword runes are also case ignorable, so we are + // guaranteed to have a letter or word break here. As we are + // unreading the run, there is no need to unset c.isMidWord; + // the title caser will handle this. + if c.info.isCased() { + // p+1 is guaranteed to be in bounds: if writing ς was + // successful, p+1 will contain the second byte of ς. If not, + // this function will have returned after c.next returned false. + c.dst[p+1]++ // ς → σ + } + c.unreadRune() + return true + } + // A case ignorable may also introduce a word break, so we may need + // to continue searching even after detecting a break. + isMid := c.info.isMid() + if (wasMid && isMid) || c.info.isBreak() { + c.isMidWord = false + } + wasMid = isMid + c.copy() + } + return true +} + +// finalSigmaSpan would be the same as isLower. + +// elUpper implements Greek upper casing, which entails removing a predefined +// set of non-blocked modifiers. Note that these accents should not be removed +// for title casing! +// Example: "Οδός" -> "ΟΔΟΣ". +func elUpper(c *context) bool { + // From CLDR: + // [:Greek:] [^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Above:]]*? { [\u0313\u0314\u0301\u0300\u0306\u0342\u0308\u0304] → ; + // [:Greek:] [^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Iota_Subscript:]]*? { \u0345 → ; + + r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(c.src[c.pSrc:]) + oldPDst := c.pDst + if !upper(c) { + return false + } + if !unicode.Is(unicode.Greek, r) { + return true + } + i := 0 + // Take the properties of the uppercased rune that is already written to the + // destination. This saves us the trouble of having to uppercase the + // decomposed rune again. + if b := norm.NFD.Properties(c.dst[oldPDst:]).Decomposition(); b != nil { + // Restore the destination position and process the decomposed rune. + r, sz := utf8.DecodeRune(b) + if r <= 0xFF { // See A.6.1 + return true + } + c.pDst = oldPDst + // Insert the first rune and ignore the modifiers. See A.6.2. + c.writeBytes(b[:sz]) + i = len(b[sz:]) / 2 // Greek modifiers are always of length 2. + } + + for ; i < maxIgnorable && c.next(); i++ { + switch r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(c.src[c.pSrc:]); r { + // Above and Iota Subscript + case 0x0300, // U+0300 COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT + 0x0301, // U+0301 COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT + 0x0304, // U+0304 COMBINING MACRON + 0x0306, // U+0306 COMBINING BREVE + 0x0308, // U+0308 COMBINING DIAERESIS + 0x0313, // U+0313 COMBINING COMMA ABOVE + 0x0314, // U+0314 COMBINING REVERSED COMMA ABOVE + 0x0342, // U+0342 COMBINING GREEK PERISPOMENI + 0x0345: // U+0345 COMBINING GREEK YPOGEGRAMMENI + // No-op. Gobble the modifier. + + default: + switch v, _ := trie.lookup(c.src[c.pSrc:]); info(v).cccType() { + case cccZero: + c.unreadRune() + return true + + // We don't need to test for IotaSubscript as the only rune that + // qualifies (U+0345) was already excluded in the switch statement + // above. See A.4. + + case cccAbove: + return c.copy() + default: + // Some other modifier. We're still allowed to gobble Greek + // modifiers after this. + c.copy() + } + } + } + return i == maxIgnorable +} + +// TODO: implement elUpperSpan (low-priority: complex and infrequent). + +func ltLower(c *context) bool { + // From CLDR: + // # Introduce an explicit dot above when lowercasing capital I's and J's + // # whenever there are more accents above. + // # (of the accents used in Lithuanian: grave, acute, tilde above, and ogonek) + // # 0049; 0069 0307; 0049; 0049; lt More_Above; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I + // # 004A; 006A 0307; 004A; 004A; lt More_Above; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J + // # 012E; 012F 0307; 012E; 012E; lt More_Above; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK + // # 00CC; 0069 0307 0300; 00CC; 00CC; lt; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE + // # 00CD; 0069 0307 0301; 00CD; 00CD; lt; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE + // # 0128; 0069 0307 0303; 0128; 0128; lt; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE + // ::NFD(); + // I } [^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Above:]]* [:ccc=Above:] → i \u0307; + // J } [^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Above:]]* [:ccc=Above:] → j \u0307; + // I \u0328 (Į) } [^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Above:]]* [:ccc=Above:] → i \u0328 \u0307; + // I \u0300 (Ì) → i \u0307 \u0300; + // I \u0301 (Í) → i \u0307 \u0301; + // I \u0303 (Ĩ) → i \u0307 \u0303; + // ::Any-Lower(); + // ::NFC(); + + i := 0 + if r := c.src[c.pSrc]; r < utf8.RuneSelf { + lower(c) + if r != 'I' && r != 'J' { + return true + } + } else { + p := norm.NFD.Properties(c.src[c.pSrc:]) + if d := p.Decomposition(); len(d) >= 3 && (d[0] == 'I' || d[0] == 'J') { + // UTF-8 optimization: the decomposition will only have an above + // modifier if the last rune of the decomposition is in [U+300-U+311]. + // In all other cases, a decomposition starting with I is always + // an I followed by modifiers that are not cased themselves. See A.2. + if d[1] == 0xCC && d[2] <= 0x91 { // A.2.4. + if !c.writeBytes(d[:1]) { + return false + } + c.dst[c.pDst-1] += 'a' - 'A' // lower + + // Assumption: modifier never changes on lowercase. See A.1. + // Assumption: all modifiers added have CCC = Above. See A.2.3. + return c.writeString("\u0307") && c.writeBytes(d[1:]) + } + // In all other cases the additional modifiers will have a CCC + // that is less than 230 (Above). We will insert the U+0307, if + // needed, after these modifiers so that a string in FCD form + // will remain so. See A.2.2. + lower(c) + i = 1 + } else { + return lower(c) + } + } + + for ; i < maxIgnorable && c.next(); i++ { + switch c.info.cccType() { + case cccZero: + c.unreadRune() + return true + case cccAbove: + return c.writeString("\u0307") && c.copy() // See A.1. + default: + c.copy() // See A.1. + } + } + return i == maxIgnorable +} + +// ltLowerSpan would be the same as isLower. + +func ltUpper(f mapFunc) mapFunc { + return func(c *context) bool { + // Unicode: + // 0307; 0307; ; ; lt After_Soft_Dotted; # COMBINING DOT ABOVE + // + // From CLDR: + // # Remove \u0307 following soft-dotteds (i, j, and the like), with possible + // # intervening non-230 marks. + // ::NFD(); + // [:Soft_Dotted:] [^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Above:]]* { \u0307 → ; + // ::Any-Upper(); + // ::NFC(); + + // TODO: See A.5. A soft-dotted rune never has an exception. This would + // allow us to overload the exception bit and encode this property in + // info. Need to measure performance impact of this. + r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(c.src[c.pSrc:]) + oldPDst := c.pDst + if !f(c) { + return false + } + if !unicode.Is(unicode.Soft_Dotted, r) { + return true + } + + // We don't need to do an NFD normalization, as a soft-dotted rune never + // contains U+0307. See A.3. + + i := 0 + for ; i < maxIgnorable && c.next(); i++ { + switch c.info.cccType() { + case cccZero: + c.unreadRune() + return true + case cccAbove: + if c.hasPrefix("\u0307") { + // We don't do a full NFC, but rather combine runes for + // some of the common cases. (Returning NFC or + // preserving normal form is neither a requirement nor + // a possibility anyway). + if !c.next() { + return false + } + if c.dst[oldPDst] == 'I' && c.pDst == oldPDst+1 && c.src[c.pSrc] == 0xcc { + s := "" + switch c.src[c.pSrc+1] { + case 0x80: // U+0300 COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT + s = "\u00cc" // U+00CC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE + case 0x81: // U+0301 COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT + s = "\u00cd" // U+00CD LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE + case 0x83: // U+0303 COMBINING TILDE + s = "\u0128" // U+0128 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE + case 0x88: // U+0308 COMBINING DIAERESIS + s = "\u00cf" // U+00CF LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS + default: + } + if s != "" { + c.pDst = oldPDst + return c.writeString(s) + } + } + } + return c.copy() + default: + c.copy() + } + } + return i == maxIgnorable + } +} + +// TODO: implement ltUpperSpan (low priority: complex and infrequent). + +func aztrUpper(f mapFunc) mapFunc { + return func(c *context) bool { + // i→İ; + if c.src[c.pSrc] == 'i' { + return c.writeString("İ") + } + return f(c) + } +} + +func aztrLower(c *context) (done bool) { + // From CLDR: + // # I and i-dotless; I-dot and i are case pairs in Turkish and Azeri + // # 0130; 0069; 0130; 0130; tr; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE + // İ→i; + // # When lowercasing, remove dot_above in the sequence I + dot_above, which will turn into i. + // # This matches the behavior of the canonically equivalent I-dot_above + // # 0307; ; 0307; 0307; tr After_I; # COMBINING DOT ABOVE + // # When lowercasing, unless an I is before a dot_above, it turns into a dotless i. + // # 0049; 0131; 0049; 0049; tr Not_Before_Dot; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I + // I([^[:ccc=Not_Reordered:][:ccc=Above:]]*)\u0307 → i$1 ; + // I→ı ; + // ::Any-Lower(); + if c.hasPrefix("\u0130") { // İ + return c.writeString("i") + } + if c.src[c.pSrc] != 'I' { + return lower(c) + } + + // We ignore the lower-case I for now, but insert it later when we know + // which form we need. + start := c.pSrc + c.sz + + i := 0 +Loop: + // We check for up to n ignorables before \u0307. As \u0307 is an + // ignorable as well, n is maxIgnorable-1. + for ; i < maxIgnorable && c.next(); i++ { + switch c.info.cccType() { + case cccAbove: + if c.hasPrefix("\u0307") { + return c.writeString("i") && c.writeBytes(c.src[start:c.pSrc]) // ignore U+0307 + } + done = true + break Loop + case cccZero: + c.unreadRune() + done = true + break Loop + default: + // We'll write this rune after we know which starter to use. + } + } + if i == maxIgnorable { + done = true + } + return c.writeString("ı") && c.writeBytes(c.src[start:c.pSrc+c.sz]) && done +} + +// aztrLowerSpan would be the same as isLower. + +func nlTitle(c *context) bool { + // From CLDR: + // # Special titlecasing for Dutch initial "ij". + // ::Any-Title(); + // # Fix up Ij at the beginning of a "word" (per Any-Title, notUAX #29) + // [:^WB=ALetter:] [:WB=Extend:]* [[:WB=MidLetter:][:WB=MidNumLet:]]? { Ij } → IJ ; + if c.src[c.pSrc] != 'I' && c.src[c.pSrc] != 'i' { + return title(c) + } + + if !c.writeString("I") || !c.next() { + return false + } + if c.src[c.pSrc] == 'j' || c.src[c.pSrc] == 'J' { + return c.writeString("J") + } + c.unreadRune() + return true +} + +func nlTitleSpan(c *context) bool { + // From CLDR: + // # Special titlecasing for Dutch initial "ij". + // ::Any-Title(); + // # Fix up Ij at the beginning of a "word" (per Any-Title, notUAX #29) + // [:^WB=ALetter:] [:WB=Extend:]* [[:WB=MidLetter:][:WB=MidNumLet:]]? { Ij } → IJ ; + if c.src[c.pSrc] != 'I' { + return isTitle(c) + } + if !c.next() || c.src[c.pSrc] == 'j' { + return false + } + if c.src[c.pSrc] != 'J' { + c.unreadRune() + } + return true +} + +// Not part of CLDR, but see https://unicode.org/cldr/trac/ticket/7078. +func afnlRewrite(c *context) { + if c.hasPrefix("'") || c.hasPrefix("’") { + c.isMidWord = true + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables10.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables10.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca992310 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables10.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,2256 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.10 && !go1.13 +// +build go1.10,!go1.13 + +package cases + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "10.0.0" + +var xorData string = "" + // Size: 185 bytes + "\x00\x06\x07\x00\x01?\x00\x0f\x03\x00\x0f\x12\x00\x0f\x1f\x00\x0f\x1d" + + "\x00\x01\x13\x00\x0f\x16\x00\x0f\x0b\x00\x0f3\x00\x0f7\x00\x01#\x00\x0f?" + + "\x00\x0e'\x00\x0f/\x00\x0e>\x00\x0f*\x00\x0c&\x00\x0c*\x00\x0c;\x00\x0c9" + + "\x00\x0c%\x00\x01\x08\x00\x03\x0d\x00\x03\x09\x00\x02\x06\x00\x02\x02" + + "\x00\x02\x0c\x00\x01\x00\x00\x01\x03\x00\x01\x01\x00\x01 \x00\x01\x0c" + + "\x00\x01\x10\x00\x03\x10\x00\x036 \x00\x037 \x00\x0b#\x10\x00\x0b 0\x00" + + "\x0b!\x10\x00\x0b!0\x00\x0b(\x04\x00\x03\x04\x1e\x00\x03\x0a\x00\x02:" + + "\x00\x02>\x00\x02,\x00\x02\x00\x00\x02\x10\x00\x01<\x00\x01&\x00\x01*" + + "\x00\x01.\x00\x010\x003 \x00\x01\x18\x00\x01(\x00\x01\x1e\x00\x01\x22" + +var exceptions string = "" + // Size: 2068 bytes + "\x00\x12\x12μΜΜ\x12\x12ssSSSs\x13\x18i̇i̇\x10\x09II\x13\x1bʼnʼNʼN\x11" + + "\x09sSS\x12\x12dždžDž\x12\x12dždžDŽ\x10\x12DŽDž\x12\x12ljljLj\x12\x12ljljLJ\x10\x12LJLj" + + "\x12\x12njnjNj\x12\x12njnjNJ\x10\x12NJNj\x13\x1bǰJ̌J̌\x12\x12dzdzDz\x12\x12dzdzDZ\x10" + + "\x12DZDz\x13\x18ⱥⱥ\x13\x18ⱦⱦ\x10\x1bⱾⱾ\x10\x1bⱿⱿ\x10\x1bⱯⱯ\x10\x1bⱭⱭ\x10" + + "\x1bⱰⱰ\x10\x1bꞫꞫ\x10\x1bꞬꞬ\x10\x1bꞍꞍ\x10\x1bꞪꞪ\x10\x1bꞮꞮ\x10\x1bⱢⱢ\x10" + + "\x1bꞭꞭ\x10\x1bⱮⱮ\x10\x1bⱤⱤ\x10\x1bꞱꞱ\x10\x1bꞲꞲ\x10\x1bꞰꞰ2\x12ιΙΙ\x166ΐ" + + "Ϊ́Ϊ́\x166ΰΫ́Ϋ́\x12\x12σΣΣ\x12\x12βΒΒ\x12\x12θΘΘ\x12\x12φΦΦ\x12" + + "\x12πΠΠ\x12\x12κΚΚ\x12\x12ρΡΡ\x12\x12εΕΕ\x14$եւԵՒԵւ\x12\x12вВВ\x12\x12дД" + + "Д\x12\x12оОО\x12\x12сСС\x12\x12тТТ\x12\x12тТТ\x12\x12ъЪЪ\x12\x12ѣѢѢ\x13" + + "\x1bꙋꙊꙊ\x13\x1bẖH̱H̱\x13\x1bẗT̈T̈\x13\x1bẘW̊W̊\x13\x1bẙY̊Y̊\x13\x1ba" + + "ʾAʾAʾ\x13\x1bṡṠṠ\x12\x10ssß\x14$ὐΥ̓Υ̓\x166ὒΥ̓̀Υ̓̀\x166ὔΥ̓́Υ̓́\x166" + + "ὖΥ̓͂Υ̓͂\x15+ἀιἈΙᾈ\x15+ἁιἉΙᾉ\x15+ἂιἊΙᾊ\x15+ἃιἋΙᾋ\x15+ἄιἌΙᾌ\x15+ἅιἍΙᾍ" + + "\x15+ἆιἎΙᾎ\x15+ἇιἏΙᾏ\x15\x1dἀιᾀἈΙ\x15\x1dἁιᾁἉΙ\x15\x1dἂιᾂἊΙ\x15\x1dἃιᾃἋΙ" + + "\x15\x1dἄιᾄἌΙ\x15\x1dἅιᾅἍΙ\x15\x1dἆιᾆἎΙ\x15\x1dἇιᾇἏΙ\x15+ἠιἨΙᾘ\x15+ἡιἩΙᾙ" + + "\x15+ἢιἪΙᾚ\x15+ἣιἫΙᾛ\x15+ἤιἬΙᾜ\x15+ἥιἭΙᾝ\x15+ἦιἮΙᾞ\x15+ἧιἯΙᾟ\x15\x1dἠιᾐἨ" + + "Ι\x15\x1dἡιᾑἩΙ\x15\x1dἢιᾒἪΙ\x15\x1dἣιᾓἫΙ\x15\x1dἤιᾔἬΙ\x15\x1dἥιᾕἭΙ\x15" + + "\x1dἦιᾖἮΙ\x15\x1dἧιᾗἯΙ\x15+ὠιὨΙᾨ\x15+ὡιὩΙᾩ\x15+ὢιὪΙᾪ\x15+ὣιὫΙᾫ\x15+ὤιὬΙᾬ" + + "\x15+ὥιὭΙᾭ\x15+ὦιὮΙᾮ\x15+ὧιὯΙᾯ\x15\x1dὠιᾠὨΙ\x15\x1dὡιᾡὩΙ\x15\x1dὢιᾢὪΙ" + + "\x15\x1dὣιᾣὫΙ\x15\x1dὤιᾤὬΙ\x15\x1dὥιᾥὭΙ\x15\x1dὦιᾦὮΙ\x15\x1dὧιᾧὯΙ\x15-ὰι" + + "ᾺΙᾺͅ\x14#αιΑΙᾼ\x14$άιΆΙΆͅ\x14$ᾶΑ͂Α͂\x166ᾶιΑ͂Ιᾼ͂\x14\x1cαιᾳΑΙ\x12" + + "\x12ιΙΙ\x15-ὴιῊΙῊͅ\x14#ηιΗΙῌ\x14$ήιΉΙΉͅ\x14$ῆΗ͂Η͂\x166ῆιΗ͂Ιῌ͂\x14\x1c" + + "ηιῃΗΙ\x166ῒΪ̀Ϊ̀\x166ΐΪ́Ϊ́\x14$ῖΙ͂Ι͂\x166ῗΪ͂Ϊ͂\x166ῢΫ̀Ϋ" + + "̀\x166ΰΫ́Ϋ́\x14$ῤΡ̓Ρ̓\x14$ῦΥ͂Υ͂\x166ῧΫ͂Ϋ͂\x15-ὼιῺΙῺͅ\x14#ωιΩΙ" + + "ῼ\x14$ώιΏΙΏͅ\x14$ῶΩ͂Ω͂\x166ῶιΩ͂Ιῼ͂\x14\x1cωιῳΩΙ\x12\x10ωω\x11\x08kk" + + "\x12\x10åå\x12\x10ɫɫ\x12\x10ɽɽ\x10\x12ȺȺ\x10\x12ȾȾ\x12\x10ɑɑ\x12\x10ɱɱ" + + "\x12\x10ɐɐ\x12\x10ɒɒ\x12\x10ȿȿ\x12\x10ɀɀ\x12\x10ɥɥ\x12\x10ɦɦ\x12\x10ɜɜ" + + "\x12\x10ɡɡ\x12\x10ɬɬ\x12\x10ɪɪ\x12\x10ʞʞ\x12\x10ʇʇ\x12\x10ʝʝ\x12\x12ffFF" + + "Ff\x12\x12fiFIFi\x12\x12flFLFl\x13\x1bffiFFIFfi\x13\x1bfflFFLFfl\x12\x12" + + "stSTSt\x12\x12stSTSt\x14$մնՄՆՄն\x14$մեՄԵՄե\x14$միՄԻՄի\x14$վնՎՆՎն\x14$մխՄ" + + "ԽՄխ" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *caseTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = caseIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0] + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = caseIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0] + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// caseTrie. Total size: 11892 bytes (11.61 KiB). Checksum: c6f15484b7653775. +type caseTrie struct{} + +func newCaseTrie(i int) *caseTrie { + return &caseTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + case n < 18: + return uint16(caseValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + default: + n -= 18 + return uint16(sparse.lookup(n, b)) + } +} + +// caseValues: 20 blocks, 1280 entries, 2560 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var caseValues = [1280]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x27: 0x0054, + 0x2e: 0x0054, + 0x30: 0x0010, 0x31: 0x0010, 0x32: 0x0010, 0x33: 0x0010, 0x34: 0x0010, 0x35: 0x0010, + 0x36: 0x0010, 0x37: 0x0010, 0x38: 0x0010, 0x39: 0x0010, 0x3a: 0x0054, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x41: 0x2013, 0x42: 0x2013, 0x43: 0x2013, 0x44: 0x2013, 0x45: 0x2013, + 0x46: 0x2013, 0x47: 0x2013, 0x48: 0x2013, 0x49: 0x2013, 0x4a: 0x2013, 0x4b: 0x2013, + 0x4c: 0x2013, 0x4d: 0x2013, 0x4e: 0x2013, 0x4f: 0x2013, 0x50: 0x2013, 0x51: 0x2013, + 0x52: 0x2013, 0x53: 0x2013, 0x54: 0x2013, 0x55: 0x2013, 0x56: 0x2013, 0x57: 0x2013, + 0x58: 0x2013, 0x59: 0x2013, 0x5a: 0x2013, + 0x5e: 0x0004, 0x5f: 0x0010, 0x60: 0x0004, 0x61: 0x2012, 0x62: 0x2012, 0x63: 0x2012, + 0x64: 0x2012, 0x65: 0x2012, 0x66: 0x2012, 0x67: 0x2012, 0x68: 0x2012, 0x69: 0x2012, + 0x6a: 0x2012, 0x6b: 0x2012, 0x6c: 0x2012, 0x6d: 0x2012, 0x6e: 0x2012, 0x6f: 0x2012, + 0x70: 0x2012, 0x71: 0x2012, 0x72: 0x2012, 0x73: 0x2012, 0x74: 0x2012, 0x75: 0x2012, + 0x76: 0x2012, 0x77: 0x2012, 0x78: 0x2012, 0x79: 0x2012, 0x7a: 0x2012, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x0852, 0xc1: 0x0b53, 0xc2: 0x0113, 0xc3: 0x0112, 0xc4: 0x0113, 0xc5: 0x0112, + 0xc6: 0x0b53, 0xc7: 0x0f13, 0xc8: 0x0f12, 0xc9: 0x0e53, 0xca: 0x1153, 0xcb: 0x0713, + 0xcc: 0x0712, 0xcd: 0x0012, 0xce: 0x1453, 0xcf: 0x1753, 0xd0: 0x1a53, 0xd1: 0x0313, + 0xd2: 0x0312, 0xd3: 0x1d53, 0xd4: 0x2053, 0xd5: 0x2352, 0xd6: 0x2653, 0xd7: 0x2653, + 0xd8: 0x0113, 0xd9: 0x0112, 0xda: 0x2952, 0xdb: 0x0012, 0xdc: 0x1d53, 0xdd: 0x2c53, + 0xde: 0x2f52, 0xdf: 0x3253, 0xe0: 0x0113, 0xe1: 0x0112, 0xe2: 0x0113, 0xe3: 0x0112, + 0xe4: 0x0113, 0xe5: 0x0112, 0xe6: 0x3553, 0xe7: 0x0f13, 0xe8: 0x0f12, 0xe9: 0x3853, + 0xea: 0x0012, 0xeb: 0x0012, 0xec: 0x0113, 0xed: 0x0112, 0xee: 0x3553, 0xef: 0x1f13, + 0xf0: 0x1f12, 0xf1: 0x3b53, 0xf2: 0x3e53, 0xf3: 0x0713, 0xf4: 0x0712, 0xf5: 0x0313, + 0xf6: 0x0312, 0xf7: 0x4153, 0xf8: 0x0113, 0xf9: 0x0112, 0xfa: 0x0012, 0xfb: 0x0010, + 0xfc: 0x0113, 0xfd: 0x0112, 0xfe: 0x0012, 0xff: 0x4452, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0x0010, 0x101: 0x0010, 0x102: 0x0010, 0x103: 0x0010, 0x104: 0x02db, 0x105: 0x0359, + 0x106: 0x03da, 0x107: 0x043b, 0x108: 0x04b9, 0x109: 0x053a, 0x10a: 0x059b, 0x10b: 0x0619, + 0x10c: 0x069a, 0x10d: 0x0313, 0x10e: 0x0312, 0x10f: 0x1f13, 0x110: 0x1f12, 0x111: 0x0313, + 0x112: 0x0312, 0x113: 0x0713, 0x114: 0x0712, 0x115: 0x0313, 0x116: 0x0312, 0x117: 0x0f13, + 0x118: 0x0f12, 0x119: 0x0313, 0x11a: 0x0312, 0x11b: 0x0713, 0x11c: 0x0712, 0x11d: 0x1452, + 0x11e: 0x0113, 0x11f: 0x0112, 0x120: 0x0113, 0x121: 0x0112, 0x122: 0x0113, 0x123: 0x0112, + 0x124: 0x0113, 0x125: 0x0112, 0x126: 0x0113, 0x127: 0x0112, 0x128: 0x0113, 0x129: 0x0112, + 0x12a: 0x0113, 0x12b: 0x0112, 0x12c: 0x0113, 0x12d: 0x0112, 0x12e: 0x0113, 0x12f: 0x0112, + 0x130: 0x06fa, 0x131: 0x07ab, 0x132: 0x0829, 0x133: 0x08aa, 0x134: 0x0113, 0x135: 0x0112, + 0x136: 0x2353, 0x137: 0x4453, 0x138: 0x0113, 0x139: 0x0112, 0x13a: 0x0113, 0x13b: 0x0112, + 0x13c: 0x0113, 0x13d: 0x0112, 0x13e: 0x0113, 0x13f: 0x0112, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x0a8a, 0x141: 0x0313, 0x142: 0x0312, 0x143: 0x0853, 0x144: 0x4753, 0x145: 0x4a53, + 0x146: 0x0113, 0x147: 0x0112, 0x148: 0x0113, 0x149: 0x0112, 0x14a: 0x0113, 0x14b: 0x0112, + 0x14c: 0x0113, 0x14d: 0x0112, 0x14e: 0x0113, 0x14f: 0x0112, 0x150: 0x0b0a, 0x151: 0x0b8a, + 0x152: 0x0c0a, 0x153: 0x0b52, 0x154: 0x0b52, 0x155: 0x0012, 0x156: 0x0e52, 0x157: 0x1152, + 0x158: 0x0012, 0x159: 0x1752, 0x15a: 0x0012, 0x15b: 0x1a52, 0x15c: 0x0c8a, 0x15d: 0x0012, + 0x15e: 0x0012, 0x15f: 0x0012, 0x160: 0x1d52, 0x161: 0x0d0a, 0x162: 0x0012, 0x163: 0x2052, + 0x164: 0x0012, 0x165: 0x0d8a, 0x166: 0x0e0a, 0x167: 0x0012, 0x168: 0x2652, 0x169: 0x2652, + 0x16a: 0x0e8a, 0x16b: 0x0f0a, 0x16c: 0x0f8a, 0x16d: 0x0012, 0x16e: 0x0012, 0x16f: 0x1d52, + 0x170: 0x0012, 0x171: 0x100a, 0x172: 0x2c52, 0x173: 0x0012, 0x174: 0x0012, 0x175: 0x3252, + 0x176: 0x0012, 0x177: 0x0012, 0x178: 0x0012, 0x179: 0x0012, 0x17a: 0x0012, 0x17b: 0x0012, + 0x17c: 0x0012, 0x17d: 0x108a, 0x17e: 0x0012, 0x17f: 0x0012, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x3552, 0x181: 0x0012, 0x182: 0x0012, 0x183: 0x3852, 0x184: 0x0012, 0x185: 0x0012, + 0x186: 0x0012, 0x187: 0x110a, 0x188: 0x3552, 0x189: 0x4752, 0x18a: 0x3b52, 0x18b: 0x3e52, + 0x18c: 0x4a52, 0x18d: 0x0012, 0x18e: 0x0012, 0x18f: 0x0012, 0x190: 0x0012, 0x191: 0x0012, + 0x192: 0x4152, 0x193: 0x0012, 0x194: 0x0010, 0x195: 0x0012, 0x196: 0x0012, 0x197: 0x0012, + 0x198: 0x0012, 0x199: 0x0012, 0x19a: 0x0012, 0x19b: 0x0012, 0x19c: 0x0012, 0x19d: 0x118a, + 0x19e: 0x120a, 0x19f: 0x0012, 0x1a0: 0x0012, 0x1a1: 0x0012, 0x1a2: 0x0012, 0x1a3: 0x0012, + 0x1a4: 0x0012, 0x1a5: 0x0012, 0x1a6: 0x0012, 0x1a7: 0x0012, 0x1a8: 0x0012, 0x1a9: 0x0012, + 0x1aa: 0x0012, 0x1ab: 0x0012, 0x1ac: 0x0012, 0x1ad: 0x0012, 0x1ae: 0x0012, 0x1af: 0x0012, + 0x1b0: 0x0015, 0x1b1: 0x0015, 0x1b2: 0x0015, 0x1b3: 0x0015, 0x1b4: 0x0015, 0x1b5: 0x0015, + 0x1b6: 0x0015, 0x1b7: 0x0015, 0x1b8: 0x0015, 0x1b9: 0x0014, 0x1ba: 0x0014, 0x1bb: 0x0014, + 0x1bc: 0x0014, 0x1bd: 0x0014, 0x1be: 0x0014, 0x1bf: 0x0014, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x0024, 0x1c1: 0x0024, 0x1c2: 0x0024, 0x1c3: 0x0024, 0x1c4: 0x0024, 0x1c5: 0x128d, + 0x1c6: 0x0024, 0x1c7: 0x0034, 0x1c8: 0x0034, 0x1c9: 0x0034, 0x1ca: 0x0024, 0x1cb: 0x0024, + 0x1cc: 0x0024, 0x1cd: 0x0034, 0x1ce: 0x0034, 0x1cf: 0x0014, 0x1d0: 0x0024, 0x1d1: 0x0024, + 0x1d2: 0x0024, 0x1d3: 0x0034, 0x1d4: 0x0034, 0x1d5: 0x0034, 0x1d6: 0x0034, 0x1d7: 0x0024, + 0x1d8: 0x0034, 0x1d9: 0x0034, 0x1da: 0x0034, 0x1db: 0x0024, 0x1dc: 0x0034, 0x1dd: 0x0034, + 0x1de: 0x0034, 0x1df: 0x0034, 0x1e0: 0x0034, 0x1e1: 0x0034, 0x1e2: 0x0034, 0x1e3: 0x0024, + 0x1e4: 0x0024, 0x1e5: 0x0024, 0x1e6: 0x0024, 0x1e7: 0x0024, 0x1e8: 0x0024, 0x1e9: 0x0024, + 0x1ea: 0x0024, 0x1eb: 0x0024, 0x1ec: 0x0024, 0x1ed: 0x0024, 0x1ee: 0x0024, 0x1ef: 0x0024, + 0x1f0: 0x0113, 0x1f1: 0x0112, 0x1f2: 0x0113, 0x1f3: 0x0112, 0x1f4: 0x0014, 0x1f5: 0x0004, + 0x1f6: 0x0113, 0x1f7: 0x0112, 0x1fa: 0x0015, 0x1fb: 0x4d52, + 0x1fc: 0x5052, 0x1fd: 0x5052, 0x1ff: 0x5353, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x204: 0x0004, 0x205: 0x0004, + 0x206: 0x2a13, 0x207: 0x0054, 0x208: 0x2513, 0x209: 0x2713, 0x20a: 0x2513, + 0x20c: 0x5653, 0x20e: 0x5953, 0x20f: 0x5c53, 0x210: 0x130a, 0x211: 0x2013, + 0x212: 0x2013, 0x213: 0x2013, 0x214: 0x2013, 0x215: 0x2013, 0x216: 0x2013, 0x217: 0x2013, + 0x218: 0x2013, 0x219: 0x2013, 0x21a: 0x2013, 0x21b: 0x2013, 0x21c: 0x2013, 0x21d: 0x2013, + 0x21e: 0x2013, 0x21f: 0x2013, 0x220: 0x5f53, 0x221: 0x5f53, 0x223: 0x5f53, + 0x224: 0x5f53, 0x225: 0x5f53, 0x226: 0x5f53, 0x227: 0x5f53, 0x228: 0x5f53, 0x229: 0x5f53, + 0x22a: 0x5f53, 0x22b: 0x5f53, 0x22c: 0x2a12, 0x22d: 0x2512, 0x22e: 0x2712, 0x22f: 0x2512, + 0x230: 0x144a, 0x231: 0x2012, 0x232: 0x2012, 0x233: 0x2012, 0x234: 0x2012, 0x235: 0x2012, + 0x236: 0x2012, 0x237: 0x2012, 0x238: 0x2012, 0x239: 0x2012, 0x23a: 0x2012, 0x23b: 0x2012, + 0x23c: 0x2012, 0x23d: 0x2012, 0x23e: 0x2012, 0x23f: 0x2012, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x5f52, 0x241: 0x5f52, 0x242: 0x158a, 0x243: 0x5f52, 0x244: 0x5f52, 0x245: 0x5f52, + 0x246: 0x5f52, 0x247: 0x5f52, 0x248: 0x5f52, 0x249: 0x5f52, 0x24a: 0x5f52, 0x24b: 0x5f52, + 0x24c: 0x5652, 0x24d: 0x5952, 0x24e: 0x5c52, 0x24f: 0x1813, 0x250: 0x160a, 0x251: 0x168a, + 0x252: 0x0013, 0x253: 0x0013, 0x254: 0x0013, 0x255: 0x170a, 0x256: 0x178a, 0x257: 0x1812, + 0x258: 0x0113, 0x259: 0x0112, 0x25a: 0x0113, 0x25b: 0x0112, 0x25c: 0x0113, 0x25d: 0x0112, + 0x25e: 0x0113, 0x25f: 0x0112, 0x260: 0x0113, 0x261: 0x0112, 0x262: 0x0113, 0x263: 0x0112, + 0x264: 0x0113, 0x265: 0x0112, 0x266: 0x0113, 0x267: 0x0112, 0x268: 0x0113, 0x269: 0x0112, + 0x26a: 0x0113, 0x26b: 0x0112, 0x26c: 0x0113, 0x26d: 0x0112, 0x26e: 0x0113, 0x26f: 0x0112, + 0x270: 0x180a, 0x271: 0x188a, 0x272: 0x0b12, 0x273: 0x5352, 0x274: 0x6253, 0x275: 0x190a, + 0x277: 0x0f13, 0x278: 0x0f12, 0x279: 0x0b13, 0x27a: 0x0113, 0x27b: 0x0112, + 0x27c: 0x0012, 0x27d: 0x4d53, 0x27e: 0x5053, 0x27f: 0x5053, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x0812, 0x281: 0x0812, 0x282: 0x0812, 0x283: 0x0812, 0x284: 0x0812, 0x285: 0x0812, + 0x288: 0x0813, 0x289: 0x0813, 0x28a: 0x0813, 0x28b: 0x0813, + 0x28c: 0x0813, 0x28d: 0x0813, 0x290: 0x239a, 0x291: 0x0812, + 0x292: 0x247a, 0x293: 0x0812, 0x294: 0x25ba, 0x295: 0x0812, 0x296: 0x26fa, 0x297: 0x0812, + 0x299: 0x0813, 0x29b: 0x0813, 0x29d: 0x0813, + 0x29f: 0x0813, 0x2a0: 0x0812, 0x2a1: 0x0812, 0x2a2: 0x0812, 0x2a3: 0x0812, + 0x2a4: 0x0812, 0x2a5: 0x0812, 0x2a6: 0x0812, 0x2a7: 0x0812, 0x2a8: 0x0813, 0x2a9: 0x0813, + 0x2aa: 0x0813, 0x2ab: 0x0813, 0x2ac: 0x0813, 0x2ad: 0x0813, 0x2ae: 0x0813, 0x2af: 0x0813, + 0x2b0: 0x8b52, 0x2b1: 0x8b52, 0x2b2: 0x8e52, 0x2b3: 0x8e52, 0x2b4: 0x9152, 0x2b5: 0x9152, + 0x2b6: 0x9452, 0x2b7: 0x9452, 0x2b8: 0x9752, 0x2b9: 0x9752, 0x2ba: 0x9a52, 0x2bb: 0x9a52, + 0x2bc: 0x4d52, 0x2bd: 0x4d52, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x283a, 0x2c1: 0x292a, 0x2c2: 0x2a1a, 0x2c3: 0x2b0a, 0x2c4: 0x2bfa, 0x2c5: 0x2cea, + 0x2c6: 0x2dda, 0x2c7: 0x2eca, 0x2c8: 0x2fb9, 0x2c9: 0x30a9, 0x2ca: 0x3199, 0x2cb: 0x3289, + 0x2cc: 0x3379, 0x2cd: 0x3469, 0x2ce: 0x3559, 0x2cf: 0x3649, 0x2d0: 0x373a, 0x2d1: 0x382a, + 0x2d2: 0x391a, 0x2d3: 0x3a0a, 0x2d4: 0x3afa, 0x2d5: 0x3bea, 0x2d6: 0x3cda, 0x2d7: 0x3dca, + 0x2d8: 0x3eb9, 0x2d9: 0x3fa9, 0x2da: 0x4099, 0x2db: 0x4189, 0x2dc: 0x4279, 0x2dd: 0x4369, + 0x2de: 0x4459, 0x2df: 0x4549, 0x2e0: 0x463a, 0x2e1: 0x472a, 0x2e2: 0x481a, 0x2e3: 0x490a, + 0x2e4: 0x49fa, 0x2e5: 0x4aea, 0x2e6: 0x4bda, 0x2e7: 0x4cca, 0x2e8: 0x4db9, 0x2e9: 0x4ea9, + 0x2ea: 0x4f99, 0x2eb: 0x5089, 0x2ec: 0x5179, 0x2ed: 0x5269, 0x2ee: 0x5359, 0x2ef: 0x5449, + 0x2f0: 0x0812, 0x2f1: 0x0812, 0x2f2: 0x553a, 0x2f3: 0x564a, 0x2f4: 0x571a, + 0x2f6: 0x57fa, 0x2f7: 0x58da, 0x2f8: 0x0813, 0x2f9: 0x0813, 0x2fa: 0x8b53, 0x2fb: 0x8b53, + 0x2fc: 0x5a19, 0x2fd: 0x0004, 0x2fe: 0x5aea, 0x2ff: 0x0004, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x0004, 0x301: 0x0004, 0x302: 0x5b6a, 0x303: 0x5c7a, 0x304: 0x5d4a, + 0x306: 0x5e2a, 0x307: 0x5f0a, 0x308: 0x8e53, 0x309: 0x8e53, 0x30a: 0x9153, 0x30b: 0x9153, + 0x30c: 0x6049, 0x30d: 0x0004, 0x30e: 0x0004, 0x30f: 0x0004, 0x310: 0x0812, 0x311: 0x0812, + 0x312: 0x611a, 0x313: 0x625a, 0x316: 0x639a, 0x317: 0x647a, + 0x318: 0x0813, 0x319: 0x0813, 0x31a: 0x9453, 0x31b: 0x9453, 0x31d: 0x0004, + 0x31e: 0x0004, 0x31f: 0x0004, 0x320: 0x0812, 0x321: 0x0812, 0x322: 0x65ba, 0x323: 0x66fa, + 0x324: 0x683a, 0x325: 0x0912, 0x326: 0x691a, 0x327: 0x69fa, 0x328: 0x0813, 0x329: 0x0813, + 0x32a: 0x9a53, 0x32b: 0x9a53, 0x32c: 0x0913, 0x32d: 0x0004, 0x32e: 0x0004, 0x32f: 0x0004, + 0x332: 0x6b3a, 0x333: 0x6c4a, 0x334: 0x6d1a, + 0x336: 0x6dfa, 0x337: 0x6eda, 0x338: 0x9753, 0x339: 0x9753, 0x33a: 0x4d53, 0x33b: 0x4d53, + 0x33c: 0x7019, 0x33d: 0x0004, 0x33e: 0x0004, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x342: 0x0013, + 0x347: 0x0013, 0x34a: 0x0012, 0x34b: 0x0013, + 0x34c: 0x0013, 0x34d: 0x0013, 0x34e: 0x0012, 0x34f: 0x0012, 0x350: 0x0013, 0x351: 0x0013, + 0x352: 0x0013, 0x353: 0x0012, 0x355: 0x0013, + 0x359: 0x0013, 0x35a: 0x0013, 0x35b: 0x0013, 0x35c: 0x0013, 0x35d: 0x0013, + 0x364: 0x0013, 0x366: 0x70eb, 0x368: 0x0013, + 0x36a: 0x714b, 0x36b: 0x718b, 0x36c: 0x0013, 0x36d: 0x0013, 0x36f: 0x0012, + 0x370: 0x0013, 0x371: 0x0013, 0x372: 0x9d53, 0x373: 0x0013, 0x374: 0x0012, 0x375: 0x0010, + 0x376: 0x0010, 0x377: 0x0010, 0x378: 0x0010, 0x379: 0x0012, + 0x37c: 0x0012, 0x37d: 0x0012, 0x37e: 0x0013, 0x37f: 0x0013, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x1a13, 0x381: 0x1a13, 0x382: 0x1e13, 0x383: 0x1e13, 0x384: 0x1a13, 0x385: 0x1a13, + 0x386: 0x2613, 0x387: 0x2613, 0x388: 0x2a13, 0x389: 0x2a13, 0x38a: 0x2e13, 0x38b: 0x2e13, + 0x38c: 0x2a13, 0x38d: 0x2a13, 0x38e: 0x2613, 0x38f: 0x2613, 0x390: 0xa052, 0x391: 0xa052, + 0x392: 0xa352, 0x393: 0xa352, 0x394: 0xa652, 0x395: 0xa652, 0x396: 0xa352, 0x397: 0xa352, + 0x398: 0xa052, 0x399: 0xa052, 0x39a: 0x1a12, 0x39b: 0x1a12, 0x39c: 0x1e12, 0x39d: 0x1e12, + 0x39e: 0x1a12, 0x39f: 0x1a12, 0x3a0: 0x2612, 0x3a1: 0x2612, 0x3a2: 0x2a12, 0x3a3: 0x2a12, + 0x3a4: 0x2e12, 0x3a5: 0x2e12, 0x3a6: 0x2a12, 0x3a7: 0x2a12, 0x3a8: 0x2612, 0x3a9: 0x2612, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x6552, 0x3c1: 0x6552, 0x3c2: 0x6552, 0x3c3: 0x6552, 0x3c4: 0x6552, 0x3c5: 0x6552, + 0x3c6: 0x6552, 0x3c7: 0x6552, 0x3c8: 0x6552, 0x3c9: 0x6552, 0x3ca: 0x6552, 0x3cb: 0x6552, + 0x3cc: 0x6552, 0x3cd: 0x6552, 0x3ce: 0x6552, 0x3cf: 0x6552, 0x3d0: 0xa952, 0x3d1: 0xa952, + 0x3d2: 0xa952, 0x3d3: 0xa952, 0x3d4: 0xa952, 0x3d5: 0xa952, 0x3d6: 0xa952, 0x3d7: 0xa952, + 0x3d8: 0xa952, 0x3d9: 0xa952, 0x3da: 0xa952, 0x3db: 0xa952, 0x3dc: 0xa952, 0x3dd: 0xa952, + 0x3de: 0xa952, 0x3e0: 0x0113, 0x3e1: 0x0112, 0x3e2: 0x71eb, 0x3e3: 0x8853, + 0x3e4: 0x724b, 0x3e5: 0x72aa, 0x3e6: 0x730a, 0x3e7: 0x0f13, 0x3e8: 0x0f12, 0x3e9: 0x0313, + 0x3ea: 0x0312, 0x3eb: 0x0713, 0x3ec: 0x0712, 0x3ed: 0x736b, 0x3ee: 0x73cb, 0x3ef: 0x742b, + 0x3f0: 0x748b, 0x3f1: 0x0012, 0x3f2: 0x0113, 0x3f3: 0x0112, 0x3f4: 0x0012, 0x3f5: 0x0313, + 0x3f6: 0x0312, 0x3f7: 0x0012, 0x3f8: 0x0012, 0x3f9: 0x0012, 0x3fa: 0x0012, 0x3fb: 0x0012, + 0x3fc: 0x0015, 0x3fd: 0x0015, 0x3fe: 0x74eb, 0x3ff: 0x754b, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x0113, 0x401: 0x0112, 0x402: 0x0113, 0x403: 0x0112, 0x404: 0x0113, 0x405: 0x0112, + 0x406: 0x0113, 0x407: 0x0112, 0x408: 0x0014, 0x409: 0x0014, 0x40a: 0x0014, 0x40b: 0x0713, + 0x40c: 0x0712, 0x40d: 0x75ab, 0x40e: 0x0012, 0x40f: 0x0010, 0x410: 0x0113, 0x411: 0x0112, + 0x412: 0x0113, 0x413: 0x0112, 0x414: 0x0012, 0x415: 0x0012, 0x416: 0x0113, 0x417: 0x0112, + 0x418: 0x0113, 0x419: 0x0112, 0x41a: 0x0113, 0x41b: 0x0112, 0x41c: 0x0113, 0x41d: 0x0112, + 0x41e: 0x0113, 0x41f: 0x0112, 0x420: 0x0113, 0x421: 0x0112, 0x422: 0x0113, 0x423: 0x0112, + 0x424: 0x0113, 0x425: 0x0112, 0x426: 0x0113, 0x427: 0x0112, 0x428: 0x0113, 0x429: 0x0112, + 0x42a: 0x760b, 0x42b: 0x766b, 0x42c: 0x76cb, 0x42d: 0x772b, 0x42e: 0x778b, + 0x430: 0x77eb, 0x431: 0x784b, 0x432: 0x78ab, 0x433: 0xac53, 0x434: 0x0113, 0x435: 0x0112, + 0x436: 0x0113, 0x437: 0x0112, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x790a, 0x441: 0x798a, 0x442: 0x7a0a, 0x443: 0x7a8a, 0x444: 0x7b3a, 0x445: 0x7bea, + 0x446: 0x7c6a, + 0x453: 0x7cea, 0x454: 0x7dca, 0x455: 0x7eaa, 0x456: 0x7f8a, 0x457: 0x806a, + 0x45d: 0x0010, + 0x45e: 0x0034, 0x45f: 0x0010, 0x460: 0x0010, 0x461: 0x0010, 0x462: 0x0010, 0x463: 0x0010, + 0x464: 0x0010, 0x465: 0x0010, 0x466: 0x0010, 0x467: 0x0010, 0x468: 0x0010, + 0x46a: 0x0010, 0x46b: 0x0010, 0x46c: 0x0010, 0x46d: 0x0010, 0x46e: 0x0010, 0x46f: 0x0010, + 0x470: 0x0010, 0x471: 0x0010, 0x472: 0x0010, 0x473: 0x0010, 0x474: 0x0010, 0x475: 0x0010, + 0x476: 0x0010, 0x478: 0x0010, 0x479: 0x0010, 0x47a: 0x0010, 0x47b: 0x0010, + 0x47c: 0x0010, 0x47e: 0x0010, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x2213, 0x481: 0x2213, 0x482: 0x2613, 0x483: 0x2613, 0x484: 0x2213, 0x485: 0x2213, + 0x486: 0x2e13, 0x487: 0x2e13, 0x488: 0x2213, 0x489: 0x2213, 0x48a: 0x2613, 0x48b: 0x2613, + 0x48c: 0x2213, 0x48d: 0x2213, 0x48e: 0x3e13, 0x48f: 0x3e13, 0x490: 0x2213, 0x491: 0x2213, + 0x492: 0x2613, 0x493: 0x2613, 0x494: 0x2213, 0x495: 0x2213, 0x496: 0x2e13, 0x497: 0x2e13, + 0x498: 0x2213, 0x499: 0x2213, 0x49a: 0x2613, 0x49b: 0x2613, 0x49c: 0x2213, 0x49d: 0x2213, + 0x49e: 0xb553, 0x49f: 0xb553, 0x4a0: 0xb853, 0x4a1: 0xb853, 0x4a2: 0x2212, 0x4a3: 0x2212, + 0x4a4: 0x2612, 0x4a5: 0x2612, 0x4a6: 0x2212, 0x4a7: 0x2212, 0x4a8: 0x2e12, 0x4a9: 0x2e12, + 0x4aa: 0x2212, 0x4ab: 0x2212, 0x4ac: 0x2612, 0x4ad: 0x2612, 0x4ae: 0x2212, 0x4af: 0x2212, + 0x4b0: 0x3e12, 0x4b1: 0x3e12, 0x4b2: 0x2212, 0x4b3: 0x2212, 0x4b4: 0x2612, 0x4b5: 0x2612, + 0x4b6: 0x2212, 0x4b7: 0x2212, 0x4b8: 0x2e12, 0x4b9: 0x2e12, 0x4ba: 0x2212, 0x4bb: 0x2212, + 0x4bc: 0x2612, 0x4bd: 0x2612, 0x4be: 0x2212, 0x4bf: 0x2212, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c2: 0x0010, + 0x4c7: 0x0010, 0x4c9: 0x0010, 0x4cb: 0x0010, + 0x4cd: 0x0010, 0x4ce: 0x0010, 0x4cf: 0x0010, 0x4d1: 0x0010, + 0x4d2: 0x0010, 0x4d4: 0x0010, 0x4d7: 0x0010, + 0x4d9: 0x0010, 0x4db: 0x0010, 0x4dd: 0x0010, + 0x4df: 0x0010, 0x4e1: 0x0010, 0x4e2: 0x0010, + 0x4e4: 0x0010, 0x4e7: 0x0010, 0x4e8: 0x0010, 0x4e9: 0x0010, + 0x4ea: 0x0010, 0x4ec: 0x0010, 0x4ed: 0x0010, 0x4ee: 0x0010, 0x4ef: 0x0010, + 0x4f0: 0x0010, 0x4f1: 0x0010, 0x4f2: 0x0010, 0x4f4: 0x0010, 0x4f5: 0x0010, + 0x4f6: 0x0010, 0x4f7: 0x0010, 0x4f9: 0x0010, 0x4fa: 0x0010, 0x4fb: 0x0010, + 0x4fc: 0x0010, 0x4fe: 0x0010, +} + +// caseIndex: 25 blocks, 1600 entries, 3200 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var caseIndex = [1600]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x12, 0xc3: 0x13, 0xc4: 0x14, 0xc5: 0x15, 0xc6: 0x01, 0xc7: 0x02, + 0xc8: 0x16, 0xc9: 0x03, 0xca: 0x04, 0xcb: 0x17, 0xcc: 0x18, 0xcd: 0x05, 0xce: 0x06, 0xcf: 0x07, + 0xd0: 0x19, 0xd1: 0x1a, 0xd2: 0x1b, 0xd3: 0x1c, 0xd4: 0x1d, 0xd5: 0x1e, 0xd6: 0x1f, 0xd7: 0x20, + 0xd8: 0x21, 0xd9: 0x22, 0xda: 0x23, 0xdb: 0x24, 0xdc: 0x25, 0xdd: 0x26, 0xde: 0x27, 0xdf: 0x28, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, + 0xea: 0x06, 0xeb: 0x07, 0xec: 0x07, 0xed: 0x08, 0xef: 0x09, + 0xf0: 0x14, 0xf3: 0x16, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x29, 0x121: 0x2a, 0x122: 0x2b, 0x123: 0x2c, 0x124: 0x2d, 0x125: 0x2e, 0x126: 0x2f, 0x127: 0x30, + 0x128: 0x31, 0x129: 0x32, 0x12a: 0x33, 0x12b: 0x34, 0x12c: 0x35, 0x12d: 0x36, 0x12e: 0x37, 0x12f: 0x38, + 0x130: 0x39, 0x131: 0x3a, 0x132: 0x3b, 0x133: 0x3c, 0x134: 0x3d, 0x135: 0x3e, 0x136: 0x3f, 0x137: 0x40, + 0x138: 0x41, 0x139: 0x42, 0x13a: 0x43, 0x13b: 0x44, 0x13c: 0x45, 0x13d: 0x46, 0x13e: 0x47, 0x13f: 0x48, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x49, 0x141: 0x4a, 0x142: 0x4b, 0x143: 0x4c, 0x144: 0x23, 0x145: 0x23, 0x146: 0x23, 0x147: 0x23, + 0x148: 0x23, 0x149: 0x4d, 0x14a: 0x4e, 0x14b: 0x4f, 0x14c: 0x50, 0x14d: 0x51, 0x14e: 0x52, 0x14f: 0x53, + 0x150: 0x54, 0x151: 0x23, 0x152: 0x23, 0x153: 0x23, 0x154: 0x23, 0x155: 0x23, 0x156: 0x23, 0x157: 0x23, + 0x158: 0x23, 0x159: 0x55, 0x15a: 0x56, 0x15b: 0x57, 0x15c: 0x58, 0x15d: 0x59, 0x15e: 0x5a, 0x15f: 0x5b, + 0x160: 0x5c, 0x161: 0x5d, 0x162: 0x5e, 0x163: 0x5f, 0x164: 0x60, 0x165: 0x61, 0x167: 0x62, + 0x168: 0x63, 0x169: 0x64, 0x16a: 0x65, 0x16c: 0x66, 0x16d: 0x67, 0x16e: 0x68, 0x16f: 0x69, + 0x170: 0x6a, 0x171: 0x6b, 0x172: 0x6c, 0x173: 0x6d, 0x174: 0x6e, 0x175: 0x6f, 0x176: 0x70, 0x177: 0x71, + 0x178: 0x72, 0x179: 0x72, 0x17a: 0x73, 0x17b: 0x72, 0x17c: 0x74, 0x17d: 0x08, 0x17e: 0x09, 0x17f: 0x0a, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x75, 0x181: 0x76, 0x182: 0x77, 0x183: 0x78, 0x184: 0x0b, 0x185: 0x79, 0x186: 0x7a, + 0x192: 0x7b, 0x193: 0x0c, + 0x1b0: 0x7c, 0x1b1: 0x0d, 0x1b2: 0x72, 0x1b3: 0x7d, 0x1b4: 0x7e, 0x1b5: 0x7f, 0x1b6: 0x80, 0x1b7: 0x81, + 0x1b8: 0x82, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x83, 0x1c2: 0x84, 0x1c3: 0x85, 0x1c4: 0x86, 0x1c5: 0x23, 0x1c6: 0x87, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x88, 0x201: 0x23, 0x202: 0x23, 0x203: 0x23, 0x204: 0x23, 0x205: 0x23, 0x206: 0x23, 0x207: 0x23, + 0x208: 0x23, 0x209: 0x23, 0x20a: 0x23, 0x20b: 0x23, 0x20c: 0x23, 0x20d: 0x23, 0x20e: 0x23, 0x20f: 0x23, + 0x210: 0x23, 0x211: 0x23, 0x212: 0x89, 0x213: 0x8a, 0x214: 0x23, 0x215: 0x23, 0x216: 0x23, 0x217: 0x23, + 0x218: 0x8b, 0x219: 0x8c, 0x21a: 0x8d, 0x21b: 0x8e, 0x21c: 0x8f, 0x21d: 0x90, 0x21e: 0x0e, 0x21f: 0x91, + 0x220: 0x92, 0x221: 0x93, 0x222: 0x23, 0x223: 0x94, 0x224: 0x95, 0x225: 0x96, 0x226: 0x97, 0x227: 0x98, + 0x228: 0x99, 0x229: 0x9a, 0x22a: 0x9b, 0x22b: 0x9c, 0x22c: 0x9d, 0x22d: 0x9e, 0x22e: 0x9f, 0x22f: 0xa0, + 0x230: 0x23, 0x231: 0x23, 0x232: 0x23, 0x233: 0x23, 0x234: 0x23, 0x235: 0x23, 0x236: 0x23, 0x237: 0x23, + 0x238: 0x23, 0x239: 0x23, 0x23a: 0x23, 0x23b: 0x23, 0x23c: 0x23, 0x23d: 0x23, 0x23e: 0x23, 0x23f: 0x23, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x23, 0x241: 0x23, 0x242: 0x23, 0x243: 0x23, 0x244: 0x23, 0x245: 0x23, 0x246: 0x23, 0x247: 0x23, + 0x248: 0x23, 0x249: 0x23, 0x24a: 0x23, 0x24b: 0x23, 0x24c: 0x23, 0x24d: 0x23, 0x24e: 0x23, 0x24f: 0x23, + 0x250: 0x23, 0x251: 0x23, 0x252: 0x23, 0x253: 0x23, 0x254: 0x23, 0x255: 0x23, 0x256: 0x23, 0x257: 0x23, + 0x258: 0x23, 0x259: 0x23, 0x25a: 0x23, 0x25b: 0x23, 0x25c: 0x23, 0x25d: 0x23, 0x25e: 0x23, 0x25f: 0x23, + 0x260: 0x23, 0x261: 0x23, 0x262: 0x23, 0x263: 0x23, 0x264: 0x23, 0x265: 0x23, 0x266: 0x23, 0x267: 0x23, + 0x268: 0x23, 0x269: 0x23, 0x26a: 0x23, 0x26b: 0x23, 0x26c: 0x23, 0x26d: 0x23, 0x26e: 0x23, 0x26f: 0x23, + 0x270: 0x23, 0x271: 0x23, 0x272: 0x23, 0x273: 0x23, 0x274: 0x23, 0x275: 0x23, 0x276: 0x23, 0x277: 0x23, + 0x278: 0x23, 0x279: 0x23, 0x27a: 0x23, 0x27b: 0x23, 0x27c: 0x23, 0x27d: 0x23, 0x27e: 0x23, 0x27f: 0x23, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x23, 0x281: 0x23, 0x282: 0x23, 0x283: 0x23, 0x284: 0x23, 0x285: 0x23, 0x286: 0x23, 0x287: 0x23, + 0x288: 0x23, 0x289: 0x23, 0x28a: 0x23, 0x28b: 0x23, 0x28c: 0x23, 0x28d: 0x23, 0x28e: 0x23, 0x28f: 0x23, + 0x290: 0x23, 0x291: 0x23, 0x292: 0x23, 0x293: 0x23, 0x294: 0x23, 0x295: 0x23, 0x296: 0x23, 0x297: 0x23, + 0x298: 0x23, 0x299: 0x23, 0x29a: 0x23, 0x29b: 0x23, 0x29c: 0x23, 0x29d: 0x23, 0x29e: 0xa1, 0x29f: 0xa2, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2ec: 0x0f, 0x2ed: 0xa3, 0x2ee: 0xa4, 0x2ef: 0xa5, + 0x2f0: 0x23, 0x2f1: 0x23, 0x2f2: 0x23, 0x2f3: 0x23, 0x2f4: 0xa6, 0x2f5: 0xa7, 0x2f6: 0xa8, 0x2f7: 0xa9, + 0x2f8: 0xaa, 0x2f9: 0xab, 0x2fa: 0x23, 0x2fb: 0xac, 0x2fc: 0xad, 0x2fd: 0xae, 0x2fe: 0xaf, 0x2ff: 0xb0, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0xb1, 0x301: 0xb2, 0x302: 0x23, 0x303: 0xb3, 0x305: 0xb4, 0x307: 0xb5, + 0x30a: 0xb6, 0x30b: 0xb7, 0x30c: 0xb8, 0x30d: 0xb9, 0x30e: 0xba, 0x30f: 0xbb, + 0x310: 0xbc, 0x311: 0xbd, 0x312: 0xbe, 0x313: 0xbf, 0x314: 0xc0, 0x315: 0xc1, + 0x318: 0x23, 0x319: 0x23, 0x31a: 0x23, 0x31b: 0x23, 0x31c: 0xc2, 0x31d: 0xc3, + 0x320: 0xc4, 0x321: 0xc5, 0x322: 0xc6, 0x323: 0xc7, 0x324: 0xc8, 0x326: 0xc9, + 0x328: 0xca, 0x329: 0xcb, 0x32a: 0xcc, 0x32b: 0xcd, 0x32c: 0x5f, 0x32d: 0xce, 0x32e: 0xcf, + 0x330: 0x23, 0x331: 0xd0, 0x332: 0xd1, 0x333: 0xd2, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0xd3, 0x341: 0xd4, 0x342: 0xd5, 0x343: 0xd6, 0x344: 0xd7, 0x345: 0xd8, 0x346: 0xd9, 0x347: 0xda, + 0x348: 0xdb, 0x34a: 0xdc, 0x34b: 0xdd, 0x34c: 0xde, 0x34d: 0xdf, + 0x350: 0xe0, 0x351: 0xe1, 0x352: 0xe2, 0x353: 0xe3, 0x356: 0xe4, 0x357: 0xe5, + 0x358: 0xe6, 0x359: 0xe7, 0x35a: 0xe8, 0x35b: 0xe9, 0x35c: 0xea, + 0x362: 0xeb, 0x363: 0xec, + 0x368: 0xed, 0x369: 0xee, 0x36a: 0xef, 0x36b: 0xf0, + 0x370: 0xf1, 0x371: 0xf2, 0x372: 0xf3, 0x374: 0xf4, 0x375: 0xf5, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x23, 0x381: 0x23, 0x382: 0x23, 0x383: 0x23, 0x384: 0x23, 0x385: 0x23, 0x386: 0x23, 0x387: 0x23, + 0x388: 0x23, 0x389: 0x23, 0x38a: 0x23, 0x38b: 0x23, 0x38c: 0x23, 0x38d: 0x23, 0x38e: 0xf6, + 0x390: 0x23, 0x391: 0xf7, 0x392: 0x23, 0x393: 0x23, 0x394: 0x23, 0x395: 0xf8, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x23, 0x3c1: 0x23, 0x3c2: 0x23, 0x3c3: 0x23, 0x3c4: 0x23, 0x3c5: 0x23, 0x3c6: 0x23, 0x3c7: 0x23, + 0x3c8: 0x23, 0x3c9: 0x23, 0x3ca: 0x23, 0x3cb: 0x23, 0x3cc: 0x23, 0x3cd: 0x23, 0x3ce: 0x23, 0x3cf: 0x23, + 0x3d0: 0xf7, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x410: 0x23, 0x411: 0x23, 0x412: 0x23, 0x413: 0x23, 0x414: 0x23, 0x415: 0x23, 0x416: 0x23, 0x417: 0x23, + 0x418: 0x23, 0x419: 0xf9, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x460: 0x23, 0x461: 0x23, 0x462: 0x23, 0x463: 0x23, 0x464: 0x23, 0x465: 0x23, 0x466: 0x23, 0x467: 0x23, + 0x468: 0xf0, 0x469: 0xfa, 0x46b: 0xfb, 0x46c: 0xfc, 0x46d: 0xfd, 0x46e: 0xfe, + 0x47c: 0x23, 0x47d: 0xff, 0x47e: 0x100, 0x47f: 0x101, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x4b0: 0x23, 0x4b1: 0x102, 0x4b2: 0x103, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c5: 0x104, 0x4c6: 0x105, + 0x4c9: 0x106, + 0x4d0: 0x107, 0x4d1: 0x108, 0x4d2: 0x109, 0x4d3: 0x10a, 0x4d4: 0x10b, 0x4d5: 0x10c, 0x4d6: 0x10d, 0x4d7: 0x10e, + 0x4d8: 0x10f, 0x4d9: 0x110, 0x4da: 0x111, 0x4db: 0x112, 0x4dc: 0x113, 0x4dd: 0x114, 0x4de: 0x115, 0x4df: 0x116, + 0x4e8: 0x117, 0x4e9: 0x118, 0x4ea: 0x119, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x11a, + 0x520: 0x23, 0x521: 0x23, 0x522: 0x23, 0x523: 0x11b, 0x524: 0x10, 0x525: 0x11c, + 0x538: 0x11d, 0x539: 0x11, 0x53a: 0x11e, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x544: 0x11f, 0x545: 0x120, 0x546: 0x121, + 0x54f: 0x122, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x590: 0x0a, 0x591: 0x0b, 0x592: 0x0c, 0x593: 0x0d, 0x594: 0x0e, 0x596: 0x0f, + 0x59b: 0x10, 0x59d: 0x11, 0x59e: 0x12, 0x59f: 0x13, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x123, 0x5c1: 0x124, 0x5c4: 0x124, 0x5c5: 0x124, 0x5c6: 0x124, 0x5c7: 0x125, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x620: 0x15, +} + +// sparseOffsets: 277 entries, 554 bytes +var sparseOffsets = []uint16{0x0, 0x9, 0xf, 0x18, 0x24, 0x2e, 0x35, 0x38, 0x3c, 0x3f, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x4f, 0x54, 0x64, 0x6b, 0x70, 0x7e, 0x7f, 0x8d, 0x9c, 0xa6, 0xa9, 0xaf, 0xb7, 0xba, 0xbc, 0xca, 0xd0, 0xde, 0xe9, 0xf5, 0x100, 0x10c, 0x116, 0x122, 0x12d, 0x139, 0x145, 0x14d, 0x155, 0x15f, 0x16a, 0x176, 0x17d, 0x188, 0x18d, 0x195, 0x198, 0x19d, 0x1a1, 0x1a5, 0x1ac, 0x1b5, 0x1bd, 0x1be, 0x1c7, 0x1ce, 0x1d6, 0x1dc, 0x1e2, 0x1e7, 0x1eb, 0x1ee, 0x1f0, 0x1f3, 0x1f8, 0x1f9, 0x1fb, 0x1fd, 0x1ff, 0x206, 0x20b, 0x20f, 0x218, 0x21b, 0x21e, 0x224, 0x225, 0x230, 0x231, 0x232, 0x237, 0x244, 0x24c, 0x254, 0x25d, 0x266, 0x26f, 0x274, 0x277, 0x280, 0x28d, 0x28f, 0x296, 0x298, 0x2a4, 0x2a5, 0x2b0, 0x2b8, 0x2c0, 0x2c6, 0x2c7, 0x2d5, 0x2da, 0x2dd, 0x2e2, 0x2e6, 0x2ec, 0x2f1, 0x2f4, 0x2f9, 0x2fe, 0x2ff, 0x305, 0x307, 0x308, 0x30a, 0x30c, 0x30f, 0x310, 0x312, 0x315, 0x31b, 0x31f, 0x321, 0x326, 0x32d, 0x331, 0x33a, 0x33b, 0x343, 0x347, 0x34c, 0x354, 0x35a, 0x360, 0x36a, 0x36f, 0x378, 0x37e, 0x385, 0x389, 0x391, 0x393, 0x395, 0x398, 0x39a, 0x39c, 0x39d, 0x39e, 0x3a0, 0x3a2, 0x3a8, 0x3ad, 0x3af, 0x3b5, 0x3b8, 0x3ba, 0x3c0, 0x3c5, 0x3c7, 0x3c8, 0x3c9, 0x3ca, 0x3cc, 0x3ce, 0x3d0, 0x3d3, 0x3d5, 0x3d8, 0x3e0, 0x3e3, 0x3e7, 0x3ef, 0x3f1, 0x3f2, 0x3f3, 0x3f5, 0x3fb, 0x3fd, 0x3fe, 0x400, 0x402, 0x404, 0x411, 0x412, 0x413, 0x417, 0x419, 0x41a, 0x41b, 0x41c, 0x41d, 0x421, 0x425, 0x42b, 0x42d, 0x434, 0x437, 0x43b, 0x441, 0x44a, 0x450, 0x456, 0x460, 0x46a, 0x46c, 0x473, 0x479, 0x47f, 0x485, 0x488, 0x48e, 0x491, 0x499, 0x49a, 0x4a1, 0x4a2, 0x4a5, 0x4af, 0x4b5, 0x4bb, 0x4bc, 0x4c2, 0x4c5, 0x4cd, 0x4d4, 0x4db, 0x4dc, 0x4dd, 0x4de, 0x4df, 0x4e1, 0x4e3, 0x4e5, 0x4e9, 0x4ea, 0x4ec, 0x4ed, 0x4ee, 0x4f0, 0x4f5, 0x4fa, 0x4fe, 0x4ff, 0x502, 0x506, 0x511, 0x515, 0x51d, 0x522, 0x526, 0x529, 0x52d, 0x530, 0x533, 0x538, 0x53c, 0x540, 0x544, 0x548, 0x54a, 0x54c, 0x54f, 0x554, 0x556, 0x55b, 0x564, 0x569, 0x56a, 0x56d, 0x56e, 0x56f, 0x571, 0x572, 0x573} + +// sparseValues: 1395 entries, 5580 bytes +var sparseValues = [1395]valueRange{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x001a, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x9 + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x009a, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0252, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2, offset 0xf + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x011b, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x019a, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0553, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3, offset 0x18 + {value: 0x0552, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0f16, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x01da, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0253, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x028a, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x24 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x2f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x090b, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x2953, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x098b, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0a0a, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x2e + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x35 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x38 + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x3c + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6552, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x3f + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x43 + {value: 0x0f13, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0f16, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0f12, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x4d + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x4f + {value: 0x3013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6853, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x6552, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x54 + {value: 0x6852, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x198a, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x64 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x6b + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x70 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x7e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x7f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x8d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x9c + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x15, offset 0xa6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x16, offset 0xa9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x17, offset 0xaf + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0x18, offset 0xb7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x19, offset 0xba + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0xbc + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0xca + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0xd0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0xde + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0xe9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0xf5 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x100 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x10c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x116 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x122 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x12d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x139 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x145 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x14d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x28, offset 0x155 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x29, offset 0x15f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0x16a + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0x176 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0x17d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0x188 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0x18d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0x195 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x30, offset 0x198 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x31, offset 0x19d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x32, offset 0x1a1 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x33, offset 0x1a5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x34, offset 0x1ac + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x35, offset 0x1b5 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x36, offset 0x1bd + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0x37, offset 0x1be + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x38, offset 0x1c7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x39, offset 0x1ce + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x6c53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0x1d6 + {value: 0x7053, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x7053, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x7053, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0x1dc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0x1e2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0x1e7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0x1eb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0x1ee + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1f0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x7453, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x7853, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1f3 + {value: 0x7c53, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x8053, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x7c53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0892, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1f8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x1f9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1fb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1fd + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1ff + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x206 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x20b + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x20f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x218 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x21b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x21e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x224 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x225 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x230 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x8f}, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x231 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x232 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x237 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x244 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x24c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x254 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x25d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x266 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x26f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x274 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x277 + {value: 0x1a6a, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x1aea, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x1b6a, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x1bea, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x1c6a, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x1cea, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x1d6a, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x1dea, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x1e6a, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x280 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x28d + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x28f + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x8452, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x8852, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x296 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x298 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x2a4 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x2a5 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x1f1a, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x1fca, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x207a, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x212a, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x21da, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x228a, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x233b, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x2b0 + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x2b8 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x2c0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x2c6 + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x2c7 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x2d5 + {value: 0x0016, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x9d52, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x1013, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x1012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x2da + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x88}, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x2dd + {value: 0xa053, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xa353, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0xa653, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xa353, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0xa053, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x2e2 + {value: 0x3013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xa953, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x2e6 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x2ec + {value: 0x6c52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x2f1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x2f4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x2f9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x2fe + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x2ff + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x305 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x307 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x308 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x30a + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x30c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x30f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x310 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x312 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xab}, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x315 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x31b + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x31f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x321 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x97, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x326 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x8453, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x32d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x331 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x33a + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x33b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x343 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x347 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x34c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x354 + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x35a + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x360 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x36a + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x36f + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x378 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x37e + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0xac52, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x74d2, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x385 + {value: 0x78d2, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x7cd2, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x80d2, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x7cd2, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x389 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x391 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x393 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x395 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x398 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x39a + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x39c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x39d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x39e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x3a0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x3a2 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x3a8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x3ad + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x3af + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x3b5 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x3b8 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x3ba + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x3c0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x3c5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x3c7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x3c8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x3c9 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x3ca + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x3cc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x3ce + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x3d0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x3d3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x3d5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x95}, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x3d8 + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xaf53, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xb253, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x3e0 + {value: 0xaf52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xb252, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x3e3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0xb253, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xaf53, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x3e7 + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0xb252, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xaf52, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x3ef + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x3f1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x3f2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x3f3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x3f5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x3fb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x3fd + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x3fe + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x400 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x402 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x404 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x411 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x412 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x413 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x417 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x419 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x41a + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x41b + {value: 0x5653, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x41c + {value: 0x5652, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x41d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x421 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x425 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x42b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x42d + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x434 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x437 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x43b + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x441 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x44a + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x450 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x456 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x460 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x46a + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x46c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x473 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x479 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x47f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x485 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x488 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x48e + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x491 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x499 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x49a + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x4a1 + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x4a2 + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x4a5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x4af + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x4b5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x4bb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x4bc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x4c2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x4c5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x4cd + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x4d4 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x4db + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x4dc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x4dd + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x4de + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x4df + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x4e1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x4e3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x4e5 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x4e9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x4ea + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x4ec + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x4ed + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + // Block 0xf0, offset 0x4ee + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0xf1, offset 0x4f0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0xf2, offset 0x4f5 + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf3, offset 0x4fa + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0xf4, offset 0x4fe + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x84}, + // Block 0xf5, offset 0x4ff + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf6, offset 0x502 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf7, offset 0x506 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf8, offset 0x511 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf9, offset 0x515 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xfa, offset 0x51d + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfb, offset 0x522 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfc, offset 0x526 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfd, offset 0x529 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x88, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfe, offset 0x52d + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xff, offset 0x530 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x100, offset 0x533 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x101, offset 0x538 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x102, offset 0x53c + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x103, offset 0x540 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x104, offset 0x544 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0017, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x105, offset 0x548 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x106, offset 0x54a + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x107, offset 0x54c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x108, offset 0x54f + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x109, offset 0x554 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + // Block 0x10a, offset 0x556 + {value: 0xb552, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0xb852, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x10b, offset 0x55b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x10c, offset 0x564 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x10d, offset 0x569 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10e, offset 0x56a + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10f, offset 0x56d + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + // Block 0x110, offset 0x56e + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x111, offset 0x56f + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x112, offset 0x571 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x113, offset 0x572 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, +} + +// Total table size 14177 bytes (13KiB); checksum: F17D40E8 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables11.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables11.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1106b41 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables11.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,2317 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.13 && !go1.14 +// +build go1.13,!go1.14 + +package cases + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "11.0.0" + +var xorData string = "" + // Size: 188 bytes + "\x00\x06\x07\x00\x01?\x00\x0f\x03\x00\x0f\x12\x00\x0f\x1f\x00\x0f\x1d" + + "\x00\x01\x13\x00\x0f\x16\x00\x0f\x0b\x00\x0f3\x00\x0f7\x00\x01#\x00\x0f?" + + "\x00\x0e'\x00\x0f/\x00\x0e>\x00\x0f*\x00\x0c&\x00\x0c*\x00\x0c;\x00\x0c9" + + "\x00\x0c%\x00\x01\x08\x00\x03\x0d\x00\x03\x09\x00\x02\x06\x00\x02\x02" + + "\x00\x02\x0c\x00\x01\x00\x00\x01\x03\x00\x01\x01\x00\x01 \x00\x01\x0c" + + "\x00\x01\x10\x00\x03\x10\x00\x036 \x00\x037 \x00\x0b#\x10\x00\x0b 0\x00" + + "\x0b!\x10\x00\x0b!0\x001\x00\x00\x0b(\x04\x00\x03\x04\x1e\x00\x03\x0a" + + "\x00\x02:\x00\x02>\x00\x02,\x00\x02\x00\x00\x02\x10\x00\x01<\x00\x01&" + + "\x00\x01*\x00\x01.\x00\x010\x003 \x00\x01\x18\x00\x01(\x00\x01\x1e\x00" + + "\x01\x22" + +var exceptions string = "" + // Size: 2436 bytes + "\x00\x12\x12μΜΜ\x12\x12ssSSSs\x13\x18i̇i̇\x10\x09II\x13\x1bʼnʼNʼN\x11" + + "\x09sSS\x12\x12dždžDž\x12\x12dždžDŽ\x10\x12DŽDž\x12\x12ljljLj\x12\x12ljljLJ\x10\x12LJLj" + + "\x12\x12njnjNj\x12\x12njnjNJ\x10\x12NJNj\x13\x1bǰJ̌J̌\x12\x12dzdzDz\x12\x12dzdzDZ\x10" + + "\x12DZDz\x13\x18ⱥⱥ\x13\x18ⱦⱦ\x10\x1bⱾⱾ\x10\x1bⱿⱿ\x10\x1bⱯⱯ\x10\x1bⱭⱭ\x10" + + "\x1bⱰⱰ\x10\x1bꞫꞫ\x10\x1bꞬꞬ\x10\x1bꞍꞍ\x10\x1bꞪꞪ\x10\x1bꞮꞮ\x10\x1bⱢⱢ\x10" + + "\x1bꞭꞭ\x10\x1bⱮⱮ\x10\x1bⱤⱤ\x10\x1bꞱꞱ\x10\x1bꞲꞲ\x10\x1bꞰꞰ2\x12ιΙΙ\x166ΐ" + + "Ϊ́Ϊ́\x166ΰΫ́Ϋ́\x12\x12σΣΣ\x12\x12βΒΒ\x12\x12θΘΘ\x12\x12φΦΦ\x12" + + "\x12πΠΠ\x12\x12κΚΚ\x12\x12ρΡΡ\x12\x12εΕΕ\x14$եւԵՒԵւ\x10\x1bᲐა\x10\x1bᲑბ" + + "\x10\x1bᲒგ\x10\x1bᲓდ\x10\x1bᲔე\x10\x1bᲕვ\x10\x1bᲖზ\x10\x1bᲗთ\x10\x1bᲘი" + + "\x10\x1bᲙკ\x10\x1bᲚლ\x10\x1bᲛმ\x10\x1bᲜნ\x10\x1bᲝო\x10\x1bᲞპ\x10\x1bᲟჟ" + + "\x10\x1bᲠრ\x10\x1bᲡს\x10\x1bᲢტ\x10\x1bᲣუ\x10\x1bᲤფ\x10\x1bᲥქ\x10\x1bᲦღ" + + "\x10\x1bᲧყ\x10\x1bᲨშ\x10\x1bᲩჩ\x10\x1bᲪც\x10\x1bᲫძ\x10\x1bᲬწ\x10\x1bᲭჭ" + + "\x10\x1bᲮხ\x10\x1bᲯჯ\x10\x1bᲰჰ\x10\x1bᲱჱ\x10\x1bᲲჲ\x10\x1bᲳჳ\x10\x1bᲴჴ" + + "\x10\x1bᲵჵ\x10\x1bᲶჶ\x10\x1bᲷჷ\x10\x1bᲸჸ\x10\x1bᲹჹ\x10\x1bᲺჺ\x10\x1bᲽჽ" + + "\x10\x1bᲾჾ\x10\x1bᲿჿ\x12\x12вВВ\x12\x12дДД\x12\x12оОО\x12\x12сСС\x12\x12" + + "тТТ\x12\x12тТТ\x12\x12ъЪЪ\x12\x12ѣѢѢ\x13\x1bꙋꙊꙊ\x13\x1bẖH̱H̱\x13\x1bẗ" + + "T̈T̈\x13\x1bẘW̊W̊\x13\x1bẙY̊Y̊\x13\x1baʾAʾAʾ\x13\x1bṡṠṠ\x12\x10ssß\x14" + + "$ὐΥ̓Υ̓\x166ὒΥ̓̀Υ̓̀\x166ὔΥ̓́Υ̓́\x166ὖΥ̓͂Υ̓͂\x15+ἀιἈΙᾈ\x15+ἁιἉΙᾉ" + + "\x15+ἂιἊΙᾊ\x15+ἃιἋΙᾋ\x15+ἄιἌΙᾌ\x15+ἅιἍΙᾍ\x15+ἆιἎΙᾎ\x15+ἇιἏΙᾏ\x15\x1dἀιᾀἈ" + + "Ι\x15\x1dἁιᾁἉΙ\x15\x1dἂιᾂἊΙ\x15\x1dἃιᾃἋΙ\x15\x1dἄιᾄἌΙ\x15\x1dἅιᾅἍΙ\x15" + + "\x1dἆιᾆἎΙ\x15\x1dἇιᾇἏΙ\x15+ἠιἨΙᾘ\x15+ἡιἩΙᾙ\x15+ἢιἪΙᾚ\x15+ἣιἫΙᾛ\x15+ἤιἬΙᾜ" + + "\x15+ἥιἭΙᾝ\x15+ἦιἮΙᾞ\x15+ἧιἯΙᾟ\x15\x1dἠιᾐἨΙ\x15\x1dἡιᾑἩΙ\x15\x1dἢιᾒἪΙ" + + "\x15\x1dἣιᾓἫΙ\x15\x1dἤιᾔἬΙ\x15\x1dἥιᾕἭΙ\x15\x1dἦιᾖἮΙ\x15\x1dἧιᾗἯΙ\x15+ὠι" + + "ὨΙᾨ\x15+ὡιὩΙᾩ\x15+ὢιὪΙᾪ\x15+ὣιὫΙᾫ\x15+ὤιὬΙᾬ\x15+ὥιὭΙᾭ\x15+ὦιὮΙᾮ\x15+ὧι" + + "ὯΙᾯ\x15\x1dὠιᾠὨΙ\x15\x1dὡιᾡὩΙ\x15\x1dὢιᾢὪΙ\x15\x1dὣιᾣὫΙ\x15\x1dὤιᾤὬΙ" + + "\x15\x1dὥιᾥὭΙ\x15\x1dὦιᾦὮΙ\x15\x1dὧιᾧὯΙ\x15-ὰιᾺΙᾺͅ\x14#αιΑΙᾼ\x14$άιΆΙΆͅ" + + "\x14$ᾶΑ͂Α͂\x166ᾶιΑ͂Ιᾼ͂\x14\x1cαιᾳΑΙ\x12\x12ιΙΙ\x15-ὴιῊΙῊͅ\x14#ηιΗΙῌ" + + "\x14$ήιΉΙΉͅ\x14$ῆΗ͂Η͂\x166ῆιΗ͂Ιῌ͂\x14\x1cηιῃΗΙ\x166ῒΪ̀Ϊ̀\x166ΐΙ" + + "̈́Ϊ́\x14$ῖΙ͂Ι͂\x166ῗΪ͂Ϊ͂\x166ῢΫ̀Ϋ̀\x166ΰΫ́Ϋ́\x14$ῤΡ̓Ρ̓" + + "\x14$ῦΥ͂Υ͂\x166ῧΫ͂Ϋ͂\x15-ὼιῺΙῺͅ\x14#ωιΩΙῼ\x14$ώιΏΙΏͅ\x14$ῶΩ͂Ω͂\x16" + + "6ῶιΩ͂Ιῼ͂\x14\x1cωιῳΩΙ\x12\x10ωω\x11\x08kk\x12\x10åå\x12\x10ɫɫ\x12\x10ɽ" + + "ɽ\x10\x12ȺȺ\x10\x12ȾȾ\x12\x10ɑɑ\x12\x10ɱɱ\x12\x10ɐɐ\x12\x10ɒɒ\x12\x10ȿȿ" + + "\x12\x10ɀɀ\x12\x10ɥɥ\x12\x10ɦɦ\x12\x10ɜɜ\x12\x10ɡɡ\x12\x10ɬɬ\x12\x10ɪɪ" + + "\x12\x10ʞʞ\x12\x10ʇʇ\x12\x10ʝʝ\x12\x12ffFFFf\x12\x12fiFIFi\x12\x12flFLFl" + + "\x13\x1bffiFFIFfi\x13\x1bfflFFLFfl\x12\x12stSTSt\x12\x12stSTSt\x14$մնՄՆՄ" + + "ն\x14$մեՄԵՄե\x14$միՄԻՄի\x14$վնՎՆՎն\x14$մխՄԽՄխ" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *caseTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = caseIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0] + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = caseIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0] + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// caseTrie. Total size: 12250 bytes (11.96 KiB). Checksum: 53ff6cb7321675e1. +type caseTrie struct{} + +func newCaseTrie(i int) *caseTrie { + return &caseTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + case n < 20: + return uint16(caseValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + default: + n -= 20 + return uint16(sparse.lookup(n, b)) + } +} + +// caseValues: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 2816 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var caseValues = [1408]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x27: 0x0054, + 0x2e: 0x0054, + 0x30: 0x0010, 0x31: 0x0010, 0x32: 0x0010, 0x33: 0x0010, 0x34: 0x0010, 0x35: 0x0010, + 0x36: 0x0010, 0x37: 0x0010, 0x38: 0x0010, 0x39: 0x0010, 0x3a: 0x0054, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x41: 0x2013, 0x42: 0x2013, 0x43: 0x2013, 0x44: 0x2013, 0x45: 0x2013, + 0x46: 0x2013, 0x47: 0x2013, 0x48: 0x2013, 0x49: 0x2013, 0x4a: 0x2013, 0x4b: 0x2013, + 0x4c: 0x2013, 0x4d: 0x2013, 0x4e: 0x2013, 0x4f: 0x2013, 0x50: 0x2013, 0x51: 0x2013, + 0x52: 0x2013, 0x53: 0x2013, 0x54: 0x2013, 0x55: 0x2013, 0x56: 0x2013, 0x57: 0x2013, + 0x58: 0x2013, 0x59: 0x2013, 0x5a: 0x2013, + 0x5e: 0x0004, 0x5f: 0x0010, 0x60: 0x0004, 0x61: 0x2012, 0x62: 0x2012, 0x63: 0x2012, + 0x64: 0x2012, 0x65: 0x2012, 0x66: 0x2012, 0x67: 0x2012, 0x68: 0x2012, 0x69: 0x2012, + 0x6a: 0x2012, 0x6b: 0x2012, 0x6c: 0x2012, 0x6d: 0x2012, 0x6e: 0x2012, 0x6f: 0x2012, + 0x70: 0x2012, 0x71: 0x2012, 0x72: 0x2012, 0x73: 0x2012, 0x74: 0x2012, 0x75: 0x2012, + 0x76: 0x2012, 0x77: 0x2012, 0x78: 0x2012, 0x79: 0x2012, 0x7a: 0x2012, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x0852, 0xc1: 0x0b53, 0xc2: 0x0113, 0xc3: 0x0112, 0xc4: 0x0113, 0xc5: 0x0112, + 0xc6: 0x0b53, 0xc7: 0x0f13, 0xc8: 0x0f12, 0xc9: 0x0e53, 0xca: 0x1153, 0xcb: 0x0713, + 0xcc: 0x0712, 0xcd: 0x0012, 0xce: 0x1453, 0xcf: 0x1753, 0xd0: 0x1a53, 0xd1: 0x0313, + 0xd2: 0x0312, 0xd3: 0x1d53, 0xd4: 0x2053, 0xd5: 0x2352, 0xd6: 0x2653, 0xd7: 0x2653, + 0xd8: 0x0113, 0xd9: 0x0112, 0xda: 0x2952, 0xdb: 0x0012, 0xdc: 0x1d53, 0xdd: 0x2c53, + 0xde: 0x2f52, 0xdf: 0x3253, 0xe0: 0x0113, 0xe1: 0x0112, 0xe2: 0x0113, 0xe3: 0x0112, + 0xe4: 0x0113, 0xe5: 0x0112, 0xe6: 0x3553, 0xe7: 0x0f13, 0xe8: 0x0f12, 0xe9: 0x3853, + 0xea: 0x0012, 0xeb: 0x0012, 0xec: 0x0113, 0xed: 0x0112, 0xee: 0x3553, 0xef: 0x1f13, + 0xf0: 0x1f12, 0xf1: 0x3b53, 0xf2: 0x3e53, 0xf3: 0x0713, 0xf4: 0x0712, 0xf5: 0x0313, + 0xf6: 0x0312, 0xf7: 0x4153, 0xf8: 0x0113, 0xf9: 0x0112, 0xfa: 0x0012, 0xfb: 0x0010, + 0xfc: 0x0113, 0xfd: 0x0112, 0xfe: 0x0012, 0xff: 0x4452, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0x0010, 0x101: 0x0010, 0x102: 0x0010, 0x103: 0x0010, 0x104: 0x02db, 0x105: 0x0359, + 0x106: 0x03da, 0x107: 0x043b, 0x108: 0x04b9, 0x109: 0x053a, 0x10a: 0x059b, 0x10b: 0x0619, + 0x10c: 0x069a, 0x10d: 0x0313, 0x10e: 0x0312, 0x10f: 0x1f13, 0x110: 0x1f12, 0x111: 0x0313, + 0x112: 0x0312, 0x113: 0x0713, 0x114: 0x0712, 0x115: 0x0313, 0x116: 0x0312, 0x117: 0x0f13, + 0x118: 0x0f12, 0x119: 0x0313, 0x11a: 0x0312, 0x11b: 0x0713, 0x11c: 0x0712, 0x11d: 0x1452, + 0x11e: 0x0113, 0x11f: 0x0112, 0x120: 0x0113, 0x121: 0x0112, 0x122: 0x0113, 0x123: 0x0112, + 0x124: 0x0113, 0x125: 0x0112, 0x126: 0x0113, 0x127: 0x0112, 0x128: 0x0113, 0x129: 0x0112, + 0x12a: 0x0113, 0x12b: 0x0112, 0x12c: 0x0113, 0x12d: 0x0112, 0x12e: 0x0113, 0x12f: 0x0112, + 0x130: 0x06fa, 0x131: 0x07ab, 0x132: 0x0829, 0x133: 0x08aa, 0x134: 0x0113, 0x135: 0x0112, + 0x136: 0x2353, 0x137: 0x4453, 0x138: 0x0113, 0x139: 0x0112, 0x13a: 0x0113, 0x13b: 0x0112, + 0x13c: 0x0113, 0x13d: 0x0112, 0x13e: 0x0113, 0x13f: 0x0112, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x0a8a, 0x141: 0x0313, 0x142: 0x0312, 0x143: 0x0853, 0x144: 0x4753, 0x145: 0x4a53, + 0x146: 0x0113, 0x147: 0x0112, 0x148: 0x0113, 0x149: 0x0112, 0x14a: 0x0113, 0x14b: 0x0112, + 0x14c: 0x0113, 0x14d: 0x0112, 0x14e: 0x0113, 0x14f: 0x0112, 0x150: 0x0b0a, 0x151: 0x0b8a, + 0x152: 0x0c0a, 0x153: 0x0b52, 0x154: 0x0b52, 0x155: 0x0012, 0x156: 0x0e52, 0x157: 0x1152, + 0x158: 0x0012, 0x159: 0x1752, 0x15a: 0x0012, 0x15b: 0x1a52, 0x15c: 0x0c8a, 0x15d: 0x0012, + 0x15e: 0x0012, 0x15f: 0x0012, 0x160: 0x1d52, 0x161: 0x0d0a, 0x162: 0x0012, 0x163: 0x2052, + 0x164: 0x0012, 0x165: 0x0d8a, 0x166: 0x0e0a, 0x167: 0x0012, 0x168: 0x2652, 0x169: 0x2652, + 0x16a: 0x0e8a, 0x16b: 0x0f0a, 0x16c: 0x0f8a, 0x16d: 0x0012, 0x16e: 0x0012, 0x16f: 0x1d52, + 0x170: 0x0012, 0x171: 0x100a, 0x172: 0x2c52, 0x173: 0x0012, 0x174: 0x0012, 0x175: 0x3252, + 0x176: 0x0012, 0x177: 0x0012, 0x178: 0x0012, 0x179: 0x0012, 0x17a: 0x0012, 0x17b: 0x0012, + 0x17c: 0x0012, 0x17d: 0x108a, 0x17e: 0x0012, 0x17f: 0x0012, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x3552, 0x181: 0x0012, 0x182: 0x0012, 0x183: 0x3852, 0x184: 0x0012, 0x185: 0x0012, + 0x186: 0x0012, 0x187: 0x110a, 0x188: 0x3552, 0x189: 0x4752, 0x18a: 0x3b52, 0x18b: 0x3e52, + 0x18c: 0x4a52, 0x18d: 0x0012, 0x18e: 0x0012, 0x18f: 0x0012, 0x190: 0x0012, 0x191: 0x0012, + 0x192: 0x4152, 0x193: 0x0012, 0x194: 0x0010, 0x195: 0x0012, 0x196: 0x0012, 0x197: 0x0012, + 0x198: 0x0012, 0x199: 0x0012, 0x19a: 0x0012, 0x19b: 0x0012, 0x19c: 0x0012, 0x19d: 0x118a, + 0x19e: 0x120a, 0x19f: 0x0012, 0x1a0: 0x0012, 0x1a1: 0x0012, 0x1a2: 0x0012, 0x1a3: 0x0012, + 0x1a4: 0x0012, 0x1a5: 0x0012, 0x1a6: 0x0012, 0x1a7: 0x0012, 0x1a8: 0x0012, 0x1a9: 0x0012, + 0x1aa: 0x0012, 0x1ab: 0x0012, 0x1ac: 0x0012, 0x1ad: 0x0012, 0x1ae: 0x0012, 0x1af: 0x0012, + 0x1b0: 0x0015, 0x1b1: 0x0015, 0x1b2: 0x0015, 0x1b3: 0x0015, 0x1b4: 0x0015, 0x1b5: 0x0015, + 0x1b6: 0x0015, 0x1b7: 0x0015, 0x1b8: 0x0015, 0x1b9: 0x0014, 0x1ba: 0x0014, 0x1bb: 0x0014, + 0x1bc: 0x0014, 0x1bd: 0x0014, 0x1be: 0x0014, 0x1bf: 0x0014, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x0024, 0x1c1: 0x0024, 0x1c2: 0x0024, 0x1c3: 0x0024, 0x1c4: 0x0024, 0x1c5: 0x128d, + 0x1c6: 0x0024, 0x1c7: 0x0034, 0x1c8: 0x0034, 0x1c9: 0x0034, 0x1ca: 0x0024, 0x1cb: 0x0024, + 0x1cc: 0x0024, 0x1cd: 0x0034, 0x1ce: 0x0034, 0x1cf: 0x0014, 0x1d0: 0x0024, 0x1d1: 0x0024, + 0x1d2: 0x0024, 0x1d3: 0x0034, 0x1d4: 0x0034, 0x1d5: 0x0034, 0x1d6: 0x0034, 0x1d7: 0x0024, + 0x1d8: 0x0034, 0x1d9: 0x0034, 0x1da: 0x0034, 0x1db: 0x0024, 0x1dc: 0x0034, 0x1dd: 0x0034, + 0x1de: 0x0034, 0x1df: 0x0034, 0x1e0: 0x0034, 0x1e1: 0x0034, 0x1e2: 0x0034, 0x1e3: 0x0024, + 0x1e4: 0x0024, 0x1e5: 0x0024, 0x1e6: 0x0024, 0x1e7: 0x0024, 0x1e8: 0x0024, 0x1e9: 0x0024, + 0x1ea: 0x0024, 0x1eb: 0x0024, 0x1ec: 0x0024, 0x1ed: 0x0024, 0x1ee: 0x0024, 0x1ef: 0x0024, + 0x1f0: 0x0113, 0x1f1: 0x0112, 0x1f2: 0x0113, 0x1f3: 0x0112, 0x1f4: 0x0014, 0x1f5: 0x0004, + 0x1f6: 0x0113, 0x1f7: 0x0112, 0x1fa: 0x0015, 0x1fb: 0x4d52, + 0x1fc: 0x5052, 0x1fd: 0x5052, 0x1ff: 0x5353, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x204: 0x0004, 0x205: 0x0004, + 0x206: 0x2a13, 0x207: 0x0054, 0x208: 0x2513, 0x209: 0x2713, 0x20a: 0x2513, + 0x20c: 0x5653, 0x20e: 0x5953, 0x20f: 0x5c53, 0x210: 0x130a, 0x211: 0x2013, + 0x212: 0x2013, 0x213: 0x2013, 0x214: 0x2013, 0x215: 0x2013, 0x216: 0x2013, 0x217: 0x2013, + 0x218: 0x2013, 0x219: 0x2013, 0x21a: 0x2013, 0x21b: 0x2013, 0x21c: 0x2013, 0x21d: 0x2013, + 0x21e: 0x2013, 0x21f: 0x2013, 0x220: 0x5f53, 0x221: 0x5f53, 0x223: 0x5f53, + 0x224: 0x5f53, 0x225: 0x5f53, 0x226: 0x5f53, 0x227: 0x5f53, 0x228: 0x5f53, 0x229: 0x5f53, + 0x22a: 0x5f53, 0x22b: 0x5f53, 0x22c: 0x2a12, 0x22d: 0x2512, 0x22e: 0x2712, 0x22f: 0x2512, + 0x230: 0x144a, 0x231: 0x2012, 0x232: 0x2012, 0x233: 0x2012, 0x234: 0x2012, 0x235: 0x2012, + 0x236: 0x2012, 0x237: 0x2012, 0x238: 0x2012, 0x239: 0x2012, 0x23a: 0x2012, 0x23b: 0x2012, + 0x23c: 0x2012, 0x23d: 0x2012, 0x23e: 0x2012, 0x23f: 0x2012, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x5f52, 0x241: 0x5f52, 0x242: 0x158a, 0x243: 0x5f52, 0x244: 0x5f52, 0x245: 0x5f52, + 0x246: 0x5f52, 0x247: 0x5f52, 0x248: 0x5f52, 0x249: 0x5f52, 0x24a: 0x5f52, 0x24b: 0x5f52, + 0x24c: 0x5652, 0x24d: 0x5952, 0x24e: 0x5c52, 0x24f: 0x1813, 0x250: 0x160a, 0x251: 0x168a, + 0x252: 0x0013, 0x253: 0x0013, 0x254: 0x0013, 0x255: 0x170a, 0x256: 0x178a, 0x257: 0x1812, + 0x258: 0x0113, 0x259: 0x0112, 0x25a: 0x0113, 0x25b: 0x0112, 0x25c: 0x0113, 0x25d: 0x0112, + 0x25e: 0x0113, 0x25f: 0x0112, 0x260: 0x0113, 0x261: 0x0112, 0x262: 0x0113, 0x263: 0x0112, + 0x264: 0x0113, 0x265: 0x0112, 0x266: 0x0113, 0x267: 0x0112, 0x268: 0x0113, 0x269: 0x0112, + 0x26a: 0x0113, 0x26b: 0x0112, 0x26c: 0x0113, 0x26d: 0x0112, 0x26e: 0x0113, 0x26f: 0x0112, + 0x270: 0x180a, 0x271: 0x188a, 0x272: 0x0b12, 0x273: 0x5352, 0x274: 0x6253, 0x275: 0x190a, + 0x277: 0x0f13, 0x278: 0x0f12, 0x279: 0x0b13, 0x27a: 0x0113, 0x27b: 0x0112, + 0x27c: 0x0012, 0x27d: 0x4d53, 0x27e: 0x5053, 0x27f: 0x5053, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x6852, 0x281: 0x6852, 0x282: 0x6852, 0x283: 0x6852, 0x284: 0x6852, 0x285: 0x6852, + 0x286: 0x6852, 0x287: 0x198a, 0x288: 0x0012, + 0x291: 0x0034, + 0x292: 0x0024, 0x293: 0x0024, 0x294: 0x0024, 0x295: 0x0024, 0x296: 0x0034, 0x297: 0x0024, + 0x298: 0x0024, 0x299: 0x0024, 0x29a: 0x0034, 0x29b: 0x0034, 0x29c: 0x0024, 0x29d: 0x0024, + 0x29e: 0x0024, 0x29f: 0x0024, 0x2a0: 0x0024, 0x2a1: 0x0024, 0x2a2: 0x0034, 0x2a3: 0x0034, + 0x2a4: 0x0034, 0x2a5: 0x0034, 0x2a6: 0x0034, 0x2a7: 0x0034, 0x2a8: 0x0024, 0x2a9: 0x0024, + 0x2aa: 0x0034, 0x2ab: 0x0024, 0x2ac: 0x0024, 0x2ad: 0x0034, 0x2ae: 0x0034, 0x2af: 0x0024, + 0x2b0: 0x0034, 0x2b1: 0x0034, 0x2b2: 0x0034, 0x2b3: 0x0034, 0x2b4: 0x0034, 0x2b5: 0x0034, + 0x2b6: 0x0034, 0x2b7: 0x0034, 0x2b8: 0x0034, 0x2b9: 0x0034, 0x2ba: 0x0034, 0x2bb: 0x0034, + 0x2bc: 0x0034, 0x2bd: 0x0034, 0x2bf: 0x0034, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x7053, 0x2c1: 0x7053, 0x2c2: 0x7053, 0x2c3: 0x7053, 0x2c4: 0x7053, 0x2c5: 0x7053, + 0x2c7: 0x7053, + 0x2cd: 0x7053, 0x2d0: 0x1a6a, 0x2d1: 0x1aea, + 0x2d2: 0x1b6a, 0x2d3: 0x1bea, 0x2d4: 0x1c6a, 0x2d5: 0x1cea, 0x2d6: 0x1d6a, 0x2d7: 0x1dea, + 0x2d8: 0x1e6a, 0x2d9: 0x1eea, 0x2da: 0x1f6a, 0x2db: 0x1fea, 0x2dc: 0x206a, 0x2dd: 0x20ea, + 0x2de: 0x216a, 0x2df: 0x21ea, 0x2e0: 0x226a, 0x2e1: 0x22ea, 0x2e2: 0x236a, 0x2e3: 0x23ea, + 0x2e4: 0x246a, 0x2e5: 0x24ea, 0x2e6: 0x256a, 0x2e7: 0x25ea, 0x2e8: 0x266a, 0x2e9: 0x26ea, + 0x2ea: 0x276a, 0x2eb: 0x27ea, 0x2ec: 0x286a, 0x2ed: 0x28ea, 0x2ee: 0x296a, 0x2ef: 0x29ea, + 0x2f0: 0x2a6a, 0x2f1: 0x2aea, 0x2f2: 0x2b6a, 0x2f3: 0x2bea, 0x2f4: 0x2c6a, 0x2f5: 0x2cea, + 0x2f6: 0x2d6a, 0x2f7: 0x2dea, 0x2f8: 0x2e6a, 0x2f9: 0x2eea, 0x2fa: 0x2f6a, + 0x2fc: 0x0014, 0x2fd: 0x2fea, 0x2fe: 0x306a, 0x2ff: 0x30ea, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x0812, 0x301: 0x0812, 0x302: 0x0812, 0x303: 0x0812, 0x304: 0x0812, 0x305: 0x0812, + 0x308: 0x0813, 0x309: 0x0813, 0x30a: 0x0813, 0x30b: 0x0813, + 0x30c: 0x0813, 0x30d: 0x0813, 0x310: 0x3a9a, 0x311: 0x0812, + 0x312: 0x3b7a, 0x313: 0x0812, 0x314: 0x3cba, 0x315: 0x0812, 0x316: 0x3dfa, 0x317: 0x0812, + 0x319: 0x0813, 0x31b: 0x0813, 0x31d: 0x0813, + 0x31f: 0x0813, 0x320: 0x0812, 0x321: 0x0812, 0x322: 0x0812, 0x323: 0x0812, + 0x324: 0x0812, 0x325: 0x0812, 0x326: 0x0812, 0x327: 0x0812, 0x328: 0x0813, 0x329: 0x0813, + 0x32a: 0x0813, 0x32b: 0x0813, 0x32c: 0x0813, 0x32d: 0x0813, 0x32e: 0x0813, 0x32f: 0x0813, + 0x330: 0x8e52, 0x331: 0x8e52, 0x332: 0x9152, 0x333: 0x9152, 0x334: 0x9452, 0x335: 0x9452, + 0x336: 0x9752, 0x337: 0x9752, 0x338: 0x9a52, 0x339: 0x9a52, 0x33a: 0x9d52, 0x33b: 0x9d52, + 0x33c: 0x4d52, 0x33d: 0x4d52, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x3f3a, 0x341: 0x402a, 0x342: 0x411a, 0x343: 0x420a, 0x344: 0x42fa, 0x345: 0x43ea, + 0x346: 0x44da, 0x347: 0x45ca, 0x348: 0x46b9, 0x349: 0x47a9, 0x34a: 0x4899, 0x34b: 0x4989, + 0x34c: 0x4a79, 0x34d: 0x4b69, 0x34e: 0x4c59, 0x34f: 0x4d49, 0x350: 0x4e3a, 0x351: 0x4f2a, + 0x352: 0x501a, 0x353: 0x510a, 0x354: 0x51fa, 0x355: 0x52ea, 0x356: 0x53da, 0x357: 0x54ca, + 0x358: 0x55b9, 0x359: 0x56a9, 0x35a: 0x5799, 0x35b: 0x5889, 0x35c: 0x5979, 0x35d: 0x5a69, + 0x35e: 0x5b59, 0x35f: 0x5c49, 0x360: 0x5d3a, 0x361: 0x5e2a, 0x362: 0x5f1a, 0x363: 0x600a, + 0x364: 0x60fa, 0x365: 0x61ea, 0x366: 0x62da, 0x367: 0x63ca, 0x368: 0x64b9, 0x369: 0x65a9, + 0x36a: 0x6699, 0x36b: 0x6789, 0x36c: 0x6879, 0x36d: 0x6969, 0x36e: 0x6a59, 0x36f: 0x6b49, + 0x370: 0x0812, 0x371: 0x0812, 0x372: 0x6c3a, 0x373: 0x6d4a, 0x374: 0x6e1a, + 0x376: 0x6efa, 0x377: 0x6fda, 0x378: 0x0813, 0x379: 0x0813, 0x37a: 0x8e53, 0x37b: 0x8e53, + 0x37c: 0x7119, 0x37d: 0x0004, 0x37e: 0x71ea, 0x37f: 0x0004, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0004, 0x381: 0x0004, 0x382: 0x726a, 0x383: 0x737a, 0x384: 0x744a, + 0x386: 0x752a, 0x387: 0x760a, 0x388: 0x9153, 0x389: 0x9153, 0x38a: 0x9453, 0x38b: 0x9453, + 0x38c: 0x7749, 0x38d: 0x0004, 0x38e: 0x0004, 0x38f: 0x0004, 0x390: 0x0812, 0x391: 0x0812, + 0x392: 0x781a, 0x393: 0x795a, 0x396: 0x7a9a, 0x397: 0x7b7a, + 0x398: 0x0813, 0x399: 0x0813, 0x39a: 0x9753, 0x39b: 0x9753, 0x39d: 0x0004, + 0x39e: 0x0004, 0x39f: 0x0004, 0x3a0: 0x0812, 0x3a1: 0x0812, 0x3a2: 0x7cba, 0x3a3: 0x7dfa, + 0x3a4: 0x7f3a, 0x3a5: 0x0912, 0x3a6: 0x801a, 0x3a7: 0x80fa, 0x3a8: 0x0813, 0x3a9: 0x0813, + 0x3aa: 0x9d53, 0x3ab: 0x9d53, 0x3ac: 0x0913, 0x3ad: 0x0004, 0x3ae: 0x0004, 0x3af: 0x0004, + 0x3b2: 0x823a, 0x3b3: 0x834a, 0x3b4: 0x841a, + 0x3b6: 0x84fa, 0x3b7: 0x85da, 0x3b8: 0x9a53, 0x3b9: 0x9a53, 0x3ba: 0x4d53, 0x3bb: 0x4d53, + 0x3bc: 0x8719, 0x3bd: 0x0004, 0x3be: 0x0004, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c2: 0x0013, + 0x3c7: 0x0013, 0x3ca: 0x0012, 0x3cb: 0x0013, + 0x3cc: 0x0013, 0x3cd: 0x0013, 0x3ce: 0x0012, 0x3cf: 0x0012, 0x3d0: 0x0013, 0x3d1: 0x0013, + 0x3d2: 0x0013, 0x3d3: 0x0012, 0x3d5: 0x0013, + 0x3d9: 0x0013, 0x3da: 0x0013, 0x3db: 0x0013, 0x3dc: 0x0013, 0x3dd: 0x0013, + 0x3e4: 0x0013, 0x3e6: 0x87eb, 0x3e8: 0x0013, + 0x3ea: 0x884b, 0x3eb: 0x888b, 0x3ec: 0x0013, 0x3ed: 0x0013, 0x3ef: 0x0012, + 0x3f0: 0x0013, 0x3f1: 0x0013, 0x3f2: 0xa053, 0x3f3: 0x0013, 0x3f4: 0x0012, 0x3f5: 0x0010, + 0x3f6: 0x0010, 0x3f7: 0x0010, 0x3f8: 0x0010, 0x3f9: 0x0012, + 0x3fc: 0x0012, 0x3fd: 0x0012, 0x3fe: 0x0013, 0x3ff: 0x0013, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x1a13, 0x401: 0x1a13, 0x402: 0x1e13, 0x403: 0x1e13, 0x404: 0x1a13, 0x405: 0x1a13, + 0x406: 0x2613, 0x407: 0x2613, 0x408: 0x2a13, 0x409: 0x2a13, 0x40a: 0x2e13, 0x40b: 0x2e13, + 0x40c: 0x2a13, 0x40d: 0x2a13, 0x40e: 0x2613, 0x40f: 0x2613, 0x410: 0xa352, 0x411: 0xa352, + 0x412: 0xa652, 0x413: 0xa652, 0x414: 0xa952, 0x415: 0xa952, 0x416: 0xa652, 0x417: 0xa652, + 0x418: 0xa352, 0x419: 0xa352, 0x41a: 0x1a12, 0x41b: 0x1a12, 0x41c: 0x1e12, 0x41d: 0x1e12, + 0x41e: 0x1a12, 0x41f: 0x1a12, 0x420: 0x2612, 0x421: 0x2612, 0x422: 0x2a12, 0x423: 0x2a12, + 0x424: 0x2e12, 0x425: 0x2e12, 0x426: 0x2a12, 0x427: 0x2a12, 0x428: 0x2612, 0x429: 0x2612, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x6552, 0x441: 0x6552, 0x442: 0x6552, 0x443: 0x6552, 0x444: 0x6552, 0x445: 0x6552, + 0x446: 0x6552, 0x447: 0x6552, 0x448: 0x6552, 0x449: 0x6552, 0x44a: 0x6552, 0x44b: 0x6552, + 0x44c: 0x6552, 0x44d: 0x6552, 0x44e: 0x6552, 0x44f: 0x6552, 0x450: 0xac52, 0x451: 0xac52, + 0x452: 0xac52, 0x453: 0xac52, 0x454: 0xac52, 0x455: 0xac52, 0x456: 0xac52, 0x457: 0xac52, + 0x458: 0xac52, 0x459: 0xac52, 0x45a: 0xac52, 0x45b: 0xac52, 0x45c: 0xac52, 0x45d: 0xac52, + 0x45e: 0xac52, 0x460: 0x0113, 0x461: 0x0112, 0x462: 0x88eb, 0x463: 0x8b53, + 0x464: 0x894b, 0x465: 0x89aa, 0x466: 0x8a0a, 0x467: 0x0f13, 0x468: 0x0f12, 0x469: 0x0313, + 0x46a: 0x0312, 0x46b: 0x0713, 0x46c: 0x0712, 0x46d: 0x8a6b, 0x46e: 0x8acb, 0x46f: 0x8b2b, + 0x470: 0x8b8b, 0x471: 0x0012, 0x472: 0x0113, 0x473: 0x0112, 0x474: 0x0012, 0x475: 0x0313, + 0x476: 0x0312, 0x477: 0x0012, 0x478: 0x0012, 0x479: 0x0012, 0x47a: 0x0012, 0x47b: 0x0012, + 0x47c: 0x0015, 0x47d: 0x0015, 0x47e: 0x8beb, 0x47f: 0x8c4b, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x0113, 0x481: 0x0112, 0x482: 0x0113, 0x483: 0x0112, 0x484: 0x0113, 0x485: 0x0112, + 0x486: 0x0113, 0x487: 0x0112, 0x488: 0x0014, 0x489: 0x0014, 0x48a: 0x0014, 0x48b: 0x0713, + 0x48c: 0x0712, 0x48d: 0x8cab, 0x48e: 0x0012, 0x48f: 0x0010, 0x490: 0x0113, 0x491: 0x0112, + 0x492: 0x0113, 0x493: 0x0112, 0x494: 0x0012, 0x495: 0x0012, 0x496: 0x0113, 0x497: 0x0112, + 0x498: 0x0113, 0x499: 0x0112, 0x49a: 0x0113, 0x49b: 0x0112, 0x49c: 0x0113, 0x49d: 0x0112, + 0x49e: 0x0113, 0x49f: 0x0112, 0x4a0: 0x0113, 0x4a1: 0x0112, 0x4a2: 0x0113, 0x4a3: 0x0112, + 0x4a4: 0x0113, 0x4a5: 0x0112, 0x4a6: 0x0113, 0x4a7: 0x0112, 0x4a8: 0x0113, 0x4a9: 0x0112, + 0x4aa: 0x8d0b, 0x4ab: 0x8d6b, 0x4ac: 0x8dcb, 0x4ad: 0x8e2b, 0x4ae: 0x8e8b, 0x4af: 0x0012, + 0x4b0: 0x8eeb, 0x4b1: 0x8f4b, 0x4b2: 0x8fab, 0x4b3: 0xaf53, 0x4b4: 0x0113, 0x4b5: 0x0112, + 0x4b6: 0x0113, 0x4b7: 0x0112, 0x4b8: 0x0113, 0x4b9: 0x0112, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x900a, 0x4c1: 0x908a, 0x4c2: 0x910a, 0x4c3: 0x918a, 0x4c4: 0x923a, 0x4c5: 0x92ea, + 0x4c6: 0x936a, + 0x4d3: 0x93ea, 0x4d4: 0x94ca, 0x4d5: 0x95aa, 0x4d6: 0x968a, 0x4d7: 0x976a, + 0x4dd: 0x0010, + 0x4de: 0x0034, 0x4df: 0x0010, 0x4e0: 0x0010, 0x4e1: 0x0010, 0x4e2: 0x0010, 0x4e3: 0x0010, + 0x4e4: 0x0010, 0x4e5: 0x0010, 0x4e6: 0x0010, 0x4e7: 0x0010, 0x4e8: 0x0010, + 0x4ea: 0x0010, 0x4eb: 0x0010, 0x4ec: 0x0010, 0x4ed: 0x0010, 0x4ee: 0x0010, 0x4ef: 0x0010, + 0x4f0: 0x0010, 0x4f1: 0x0010, 0x4f2: 0x0010, 0x4f3: 0x0010, 0x4f4: 0x0010, 0x4f5: 0x0010, + 0x4f6: 0x0010, 0x4f8: 0x0010, 0x4f9: 0x0010, 0x4fa: 0x0010, 0x4fb: 0x0010, + 0x4fc: 0x0010, 0x4fe: 0x0010, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x2213, 0x501: 0x2213, 0x502: 0x2613, 0x503: 0x2613, 0x504: 0x2213, 0x505: 0x2213, + 0x506: 0x2e13, 0x507: 0x2e13, 0x508: 0x2213, 0x509: 0x2213, 0x50a: 0x2613, 0x50b: 0x2613, + 0x50c: 0x2213, 0x50d: 0x2213, 0x50e: 0x3e13, 0x50f: 0x3e13, 0x510: 0x2213, 0x511: 0x2213, + 0x512: 0x2613, 0x513: 0x2613, 0x514: 0x2213, 0x515: 0x2213, 0x516: 0x2e13, 0x517: 0x2e13, + 0x518: 0x2213, 0x519: 0x2213, 0x51a: 0x2613, 0x51b: 0x2613, 0x51c: 0x2213, 0x51d: 0x2213, + 0x51e: 0xb853, 0x51f: 0xb853, 0x520: 0xbb53, 0x521: 0xbb53, 0x522: 0x2212, 0x523: 0x2212, + 0x524: 0x2612, 0x525: 0x2612, 0x526: 0x2212, 0x527: 0x2212, 0x528: 0x2e12, 0x529: 0x2e12, + 0x52a: 0x2212, 0x52b: 0x2212, 0x52c: 0x2612, 0x52d: 0x2612, 0x52e: 0x2212, 0x52f: 0x2212, + 0x530: 0x3e12, 0x531: 0x3e12, 0x532: 0x2212, 0x533: 0x2212, 0x534: 0x2612, 0x535: 0x2612, + 0x536: 0x2212, 0x537: 0x2212, 0x538: 0x2e12, 0x539: 0x2e12, 0x53a: 0x2212, 0x53b: 0x2212, + 0x53c: 0x2612, 0x53d: 0x2612, 0x53e: 0x2212, 0x53f: 0x2212, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x542: 0x0010, + 0x547: 0x0010, 0x549: 0x0010, 0x54b: 0x0010, + 0x54d: 0x0010, 0x54e: 0x0010, 0x54f: 0x0010, 0x551: 0x0010, + 0x552: 0x0010, 0x554: 0x0010, 0x557: 0x0010, + 0x559: 0x0010, 0x55b: 0x0010, 0x55d: 0x0010, + 0x55f: 0x0010, 0x561: 0x0010, 0x562: 0x0010, + 0x564: 0x0010, 0x567: 0x0010, 0x568: 0x0010, 0x569: 0x0010, + 0x56a: 0x0010, 0x56c: 0x0010, 0x56d: 0x0010, 0x56e: 0x0010, 0x56f: 0x0010, + 0x570: 0x0010, 0x571: 0x0010, 0x572: 0x0010, 0x574: 0x0010, 0x575: 0x0010, + 0x576: 0x0010, 0x577: 0x0010, 0x579: 0x0010, 0x57a: 0x0010, 0x57b: 0x0010, + 0x57c: 0x0010, 0x57e: 0x0010, +} + +// caseIndex: 25 blocks, 1600 entries, 3200 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var caseIndex = [1600]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x14, 0xc3: 0x15, 0xc4: 0x16, 0xc5: 0x17, 0xc6: 0x01, 0xc7: 0x02, + 0xc8: 0x18, 0xc9: 0x03, 0xca: 0x04, 0xcb: 0x19, 0xcc: 0x1a, 0xcd: 0x05, 0xce: 0x06, 0xcf: 0x07, + 0xd0: 0x1b, 0xd1: 0x1c, 0xd2: 0x1d, 0xd3: 0x1e, 0xd4: 0x1f, 0xd5: 0x20, 0xd6: 0x08, 0xd7: 0x21, + 0xd8: 0x22, 0xd9: 0x23, 0xda: 0x24, 0xdb: 0x25, 0xdc: 0x26, 0xdd: 0x27, 0xde: 0x28, 0xdf: 0x29, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, + 0xea: 0x06, 0xeb: 0x07, 0xec: 0x07, 0xed: 0x08, 0xef: 0x09, + 0xf0: 0x14, 0xf3: 0x16, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x2a, 0x121: 0x2b, 0x122: 0x2c, 0x123: 0x2d, 0x124: 0x2e, 0x125: 0x2f, 0x126: 0x30, 0x127: 0x31, + 0x128: 0x32, 0x129: 0x33, 0x12a: 0x34, 0x12b: 0x35, 0x12c: 0x36, 0x12d: 0x37, 0x12e: 0x38, 0x12f: 0x39, + 0x130: 0x3a, 0x131: 0x3b, 0x132: 0x3c, 0x133: 0x3d, 0x134: 0x3e, 0x135: 0x3f, 0x136: 0x40, 0x137: 0x41, + 0x138: 0x42, 0x139: 0x43, 0x13a: 0x44, 0x13b: 0x45, 0x13c: 0x46, 0x13d: 0x47, 0x13e: 0x48, 0x13f: 0x49, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x4a, 0x141: 0x4b, 0x142: 0x4c, 0x143: 0x09, 0x144: 0x24, 0x145: 0x24, 0x146: 0x24, 0x147: 0x24, + 0x148: 0x24, 0x149: 0x4d, 0x14a: 0x4e, 0x14b: 0x4f, 0x14c: 0x50, 0x14d: 0x51, 0x14e: 0x52, 0x14f: 0x53, + 0x150: 0x54, 0x151: 0x24, 0x152: 0x24, 0x153: 0x24, 0x154: 0x24, 0x155: 0x24, 0x156: 0x24, 0x157: 0x24, + 0x158: 0x24, 0x159: 0x55, 0x15a: 0x56, 0x15b: 0x57, 0x15c: 0x58, 0x15d: 0x59, 0x15e: 0x5a, 0x15f: 0x5b, + 0x160: 0x5c, 0x161: 0x5d, 0x162: 0x5e, 0x163: 0x5f, 0x164: 0x60, 0x165: 0x61, 0x167: 0x62, + 0x168: 0x63, 0x169: 0x64, 0x16a: 0x65, 0x16c: 0x66, 0x16d: 0x67, 0x16e: 0x68, 0x16f: 0x69, + 0x170: 0x6a, 0x171: 0x6b, 0x172: 0x6c, 0x173: 0x6d, 0x174: 0x6e, 0x175: 0x6f, 0x176: 0x70, 0x177: 0x71, + 0x178: 0x72, 0x179: 0x72, 0x17a: 0x73, 0x17b: 0x72, 0x17c: 0x74, 0x17d: 0x0a, 0x17e: 0x0b, 0x17f: 0x0c, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x75, 0x181: 0x76, 0x182: 0x77, 0x183: 0x78, 0x184: 0x0d, 0x185: 0x79, 0x186: 0x7a, + 0x192: 0x7b, 0x193: 0x0e, + 0x1b0: 0x7c, 0x1b1: 0x0f, 0x1b2: 0x72, 0x1b3: 0x7d, 0x1b4: 0x7e, 0x1b5: 0x7f, 0x1b6: 0x80, 0x1b7: 0x81, + 0x1b8: 0x82, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x83, 0x1c2: 0x84, 0x1c3: 0x85, 0x1c4: 0x86, 0x1c5: 0x24, 0x1c6: 0x87, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x88, 0x201: 0x24, 0x202: 0x24, 0x203: 0x24, 0x204: 0x24, 0x205: 0x24, 0x206: 0x24, 0x207: 0x24, + 0x208: 0x24, 0x209: 0x24, 0x20a: 0x24, 0x20b: 0x24, 0x20c: 0x24, 0x20d: 0x24, 0x20e: 0x24, 0x20f: 0x24, + 0x210: 0x24, 0x211: 0x24, 0x212: 0x89, 0x213: 0x8a, 0x214: 0x24, 0x215: 0x24, 0x216: 0x24, 0x217: 0x24, + 0x218: 0x8b, 0x219: 0x8c, 0x21a: 0x8d, 0x21b: 0x8e, 0x21c: 0x8f, 0x21d: 0x90, 0x21e: 0x10, 0x21f: 0x91, + 0x220: 0x92, 0x221: 0x93, 0x222: 0x24, 0x223: 0x94, 0x224: 0x95, 0x225: 0x96, 0x226: 0x97, 0x227: 0x98, + 0x228: 0x99, 0x229: 0x9a, 0x22a: 0x9b, 0x22b: 0x9c, 0x22c: 0x9d, 0x22d: 0x9e, 0x22e: 0x9f, 0x22f: 0xa0, + 0x230: 0x24, 0x231: 0x24, 0x232: 0x24, 0x233: 0x24, 0x234: 0x24, 0x235: 0x24, 0x236: 0x24, 0x237: 0x24, + 0x238: 0x24, 0x239: 0x24, 0x23a: 0x24, 0x23b: 0x24, 0x23c: 0x24, 0x23d: 0x24, 0x23e: 0x24, 0x23f: 0x24, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x24, 0x241: 0x24, 0x242: 0x24, 0x243: 0x24, 0x244: 0x24, 0x245: 0x24, 0x246: 0x24, 0x247: 0x24, + 0x248: 0x24, 0x249: 0x24, 0x24a: 0x24, 0x24b: 0x24, 0x24c: 0x24, 0x24d: 0x24, 0x24e: 0x24, 0x24f: 0x24, + 0x250: 0x24, 0x251: 0x24, 0x252: 0x24, 0x253: 0x24, 0x254: 0x24, 0x255: 0x24, 0x256: 0x24, 0x257: 0x24, + 0x258: 0x24, 0x259: 0x24, 0x25a: 0x24, 0x25b: 0x24, 0x25c: 0x24, 0x25d: 0x24, 0x25e: 0x24, 0x25f: 0x24, + 0x260: 0x24, 0x261: 0x24, 0x262: 0x24, 0x263: 0x24, 0x264: 0x24, 0x265: 0x24, 0x266: 0x24, 0x267: 0x24, + 0x268: 0x24, 0x269: 0x24, 0x26a: 0x24, 0x26b: 0x24, 0x26c: 0x24, 0x26d: 0x24, 0x26e: 0x24, 0x26f: 0x24, + 0x270: 0x24, 0x271: 0x24, 0x272: 0x24, 0x273: 0x24, 0x274: 0x24, 0x275: 0x24, 0x276: 0x24, 0x277: 0x24, + 0x278: 0x24, 0x279: 0x24, 0x27a: 0x24, 0x27b: 0x24, 0x27c: 0x24, 0x27d: 0x24, 0x27e: 0x24, 0x27f: 0x24, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x24, 0x281: 0x24, 0x282: 0x24, 0x283: 0x24, 0x284: 0x24, 0x285: 0x24, 0x286: 0x24, 0x287: 0x24, + 0x288: 0x24, 0x289: 0x24, 0x28a: 0x24, 0x28b: 0x24, 0x28c: 0x24, 0x28d: 0x24, 0x28e: 0x24, 0x28f: 0x24, + 0x290: 0x24, 0x291: 0x24, 0x292: 0x24, 0x293: 0x24, 0x294: 0x24, 0x295: 0x24, 0x296: 0x24, 0x297: 0x24, + 0x298: 0x24, 0x299: 0x24, 0x29a: 0x24, 0x29b: 0x24, 0x29c: 0x24, 0x29d: 0x24, 0x29e: 0xa1, 0x29f: 0xa2, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2ec: 0x11, 0x2ed: 0xa3, 0x2ee: 0xa4, 0x2ef: 0xa5, + 0x2f0: 0x24, 0x2f1: 0x24, 0x2f2: 0x24, 0x2f3: 0x24, 0x2f4: 0xa6, 0x2f5: 0xa7, 0x2f6: 0xa8, 0x2f7: 0xa9, + 0x2f8: 0xaa, 0x2f9: 0xab, 0x2fa: 0x24, 0x2fb: 0xac, 0x2fc: 0xad, 0x2fd: 0xae, 0x2fe: 0xaf, 0x2ff: 0xb0, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0xb1, 0x301: 0xb2, 0x302: 0x24, 0x303: 0xb3, 0x305: 0xb4, 0x307: 0xb5, + 0x30a: 0xb6, 0x30b: 0xb7, 0x30c: 0xb8, 0x30d: 0xb9, 0x30e: 0xba, 0x30f: 0xbb, + 0x310: 0xbc, 0x311: 0xbd, 0x312: 0xbe, 0x313: 0xbf, 0x314: 0xc0, 0x315: 0xc1, + 0x318: 0x24, 0x319: 0x24, 0x31a: 0x24, 0x31b: 0x24, 0x31c: 0xc2, 0x31d: 0xc3, + 0x320: 0xc4, 0x321: 0xc5, 0x322: 0xc6, 0x323: 0xc7, 0x324: 0xc8, 0x326: 0xc9, + 0x328: 0xca, 0x329: 0xcb, 0x32a: 0xcc, 0x32b: 0xcd, 0x32c: 0x5f, 0x32d: 0xce, 0x32e: 0xcf, + 0x330: 0x24, 0x331: 0xd0, 0x332: 0xd1, 0x333: 0xd2, 0x334: 0xd3, + 0x33c: 0xd4, 0x33d: 0xd5, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0xd6, 0x341: 0xd7, 0x342: 0xd8, 0x343: 0xd9, 0x344: 0xda, 0x345: 0xdb, 0x346: 0xdc, 0x347: 0xdd, + 0x348: 0xde, 0x34a: 0xdf, 0x34b: 0xe0, 0x34c: 0xe1, 0x34d: 0xe2, + 0x350: 0xe3, 0x351: 0xe4, 0x352: 0xe5, 0x353: 0xe6, 0x356: 0xe7, 0x357: 0xe8, + 0x358: 0xe9, 0x359: 0xea, 0x35a: 0xeb, 0x35b: 0xec, 0x35c: 0xed, + 0x360: 0xee, 0x362: 0xef, 0x363: 0xf0, + 0x368: 0xf1, 0x369: 0xf2, 0x36a: 0xf3, 0x36b: 0xf4, + 0x370: 0xf5, 0x371: 0xf6, 0x372: 0xf7, 0x374: 0xf8, 0x375: 0xf9, 0x376: 0xfa, + 0x37b: 0xfb, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x24, 0x381: 0x24, 0x382: 0x24, 0x383: 0x24, 0x384: 0x24, 0x385: 0x24, 0x386: 0x24, 0x387: 0x24, + 0x388: 0x24, 0x389: 0x24, 0x38a: 0x24, 0x38b: 0x24, 0x38c: 0x24, 0x38d: 0x24, 0x38e: 0xfc, + 0x390: 0x24, 0x391: 0xfd, 0x392: 0x24, 0x393: 0x24, 0x394: 0x24, 0x395: 0xfe, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x24, 0x3c1: 0x24, 0x3c2: 0x24, 0x3c3: 0x24, 0x3c4: 0x24, 0x3c5: 0x24, 0x3c6: 0x24, 0x3c7: 0x24, + 0x3c8: 0x24, 0x3c9: 0x24, 0x3ca: 0x24, 0x3cb: 0x24, 0x3cc: 0x24, 0x3cd: 0x24, 0x3ce: 0x24, 0x3cf: 0x24, + 0x3d0: 0xfd, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x410: 0x24, 0x411: 0x24, 0x412: 0x24, 0x413: 0x24, 0x414: 0x24, 0x415: 0x24, 0x416: 0x24, 0x417: 0x24, + 0x418: 0x24, 0x419: 0xff, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x460: 0x24, 0x461: 0x24, 0x462: 0x24, 0x463: 0x24, 0x464: 0x24, 0x465: 0x24, 0x466: 0x24, 0x467: 0x24, + 0x468: 0xf4, 0x469: 0x100, 0x46b: 0x101, 0x46c: 0x102, 0x46d: 0x103, 0x46e: 0x104, + 0x479: 0x105, 0x47c: 0x24, 0x47d: 0x106, 0x47e: 0x107, 0x47f: 0x108, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x4b0: 0x24, 0x4b1: 0x109, 0x4b2: 0x10a, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c5: 0x10b, 0x4c6: 0x10c, + 0x4c9: 0x10d, + 0x4d0: 0x10e, 0x4d1: 0x10f, 0x4d2: 0x110, 0x4d3: 0x111, 0x4d4: 0x112, 0x4d5: 0x113, 0x4d6: 0x114, 0x4d7: 0x115, + 0x4d8: 0x116, 0x4d9: 0x117, 0x4da: 0x118, 0x4db: 0x119, 0x4dc: 0x11a, 0x4dd: 0x11b, 0x4de: 0x11c, 0x4df: 0x11d, + 0x4e8: 0x11e, 0x4e9: 0x11f, 0x4ea: 0x120, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x121, + 0x520: 0x24, 0x521: 0x24, 0x522: 0x24, 0x523: 0x122, 0x524: 0x12, 0x525: 0x123, + 0x538: 0x124, 0x539: 0x13, 0x53a: 0x125, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x544: 0x126, 0x545: 0x127, 0x546: 0x128, + 0x54f: 0x129, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x590: 0x0a, 0x591: 0x0b, 0x592: 0x0c, 0x593: 0x0d, 0x594: 0x0e, 0x596: 0x0f, + 0x59b: 0x10, 0x59d: 0x11, 0x59e: 0x12, 0x59f: 0x13, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x12a, 0x5c1: 0x12b, 0x5c4: 0x12b, 0x5c5: 0x12b, 0x5c6: 0x12b, 0x5c7: 0x12c, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x620: 0x15, +} + +// sparseOffsets: 282 entries, 564 bytes +var sparseOffsets = []uint16{0x0, 0x9, 0xf, 0x18, 0x24, 0x2e, 0x35, 0x38, 0x3c, 0x3f, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x4f, 0x57, 0x5e, 0x63, 0x71, 0x72, 0x80, 0x8f, 0x99, 0x9c, 0xa3, 0xab, 0xae, 0xb0, 0xbf, 0xc5, 0xd3, 0xde, 0xeb, 0xf6, 0x102, 0x10c, 0x118, 0x123, 0x12f, 0x13b, 0x143, 0x14c, 0x156, 0x161, 0x16d, 0x174, 0x17f, 0x184, 0x18c, 0x18f, 0x194, 0x198, 0x19c, 0x1a3, 0x1ac, 0x1b4, 0x1b5, 0x1be, 0x1c5, 0x1cd, 0x1d3, 0x1d8, 0x1dc, 0x1df, 0x1e1, 0x1e4, 0x1e9, 0x1ea, 0x1ec, 0x1ee, 0x1f0, 0x1f7, 0x1fc, 0x200, 0x209, 0x20c, 0x20f, 0x215, 0x216, 0x221, 0x222, 0x223, 0x228, 0x235, 0x23d, 0x245, 0x24e, 0x257, 0x260, 0x265, 0x268, 0x273, 0x280, 0x282, 0x289, 0x28b, 0x297, 0x298, 0x2a3, 0x2ab, 0x2b3, 0x2b9, 0x2ba, 0x2c8, 0x2cd, 0x2d0, 0x2d5, 0x2d9, 0x2df, 0x2e4, 0x2e7, 0x2ec, 0x2f1, 0x2f2, 0x2f8, 0x2fa, 0x2fb, 0x2fd, 0x2ff, 0x302, 0x303, 0x305, 0x308, 0x30e, 0x312, 0x314, 0x319, 0x320, 0x324, 0x32d, 0x32e, 0x337, 0x33b, 0x340, 0x348, 0x34e, 0x354, 0x35e, 0x363, 0x36c, 0x372, 0x379, 0x37d, 0x385, 0x387, 0x389, 0x38c, 0x38e, 0x390, 0x391, 0x392, 0x394, 0x396, 0x39c, 0x3a1, 0x3a3, 0x3a9, 0x3ac, 0x3ae, 0x3b4, 0x3b9, 0x3bb, 0x3bc, 0x3bd, 0x3be, 0x3c0, 0x3c2, 0x3c4, 0x3c7, 0x3c9, 0x3cc, 0x3d4, 0x3d7, 0x3db, 0x3e3, 0x3e5, 0x3e6, 0x3e7, 0x3e9, 0x3ef, 0x3f1, 0x3f2, 0x3f4, 0x3f6, 0x3f8, 0x405, 0x406, 0x407, 0x40b, 0x40d, 0x40e, 0x40f, 0x410, 0x411, 0x414, 0x417, 0x41d, 0x421, 0x425, 0x42b, 0x42e, 0x435, 0x439, 0x43d, 0x444, 0x44d, 0x453, 0x459, 0x463, 0x46d, 0x46f, 0x477, 0x47d, 0x483, 0x489, 0x48c, 0x492, 0x495, 0x49d, 0x49e, 0x4a5, 0x4a9, 0x4aa, 0x4ad, 0x4b5, 0x4bb, 0x4c2, 0x4c3, 0x4c9, 0x4cc, 0x4d4, 0x4db, 0x4e5, 0x4ed, 0x4f0, 0x4f1, 0x4f2, 0x4f3, 0x4f4, 0x4f6, 0x4f8, 0x4fa, 0x4fe, 0x4ff, 0x501, 0x503, 0x504, 0x505, 0x507, 0x50c, 0x511, 0x515, 0x516, 0x519, 0x51d, 0x528, 0x52c, 0x534, 0x539, 0x53d, 0x540, 0x544, 0x547, 0x54a, 0x54f, 0x553, 0x557, 0x55b, 0x55f, 0x561, 0x563, 0x566, 0x56b, 0x56d, 0x572, 0x57b, 0x580, 0x581, 0x584, 0x585, 0x586, 0x588, 0x589, 0x58a} + +// sparseValues: 1418 entries, 5672 bytes +var sparseValues = [1418]valueRange{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x001a, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x9 + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x009a, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0252, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2, offset 0xf + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x011b, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x019a, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0553, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3, offset 0x18 + {value: 0x0552, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0f16, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x01da, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0253, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x028a, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x24 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x2f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x090b, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x2953, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x098b, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0a0a, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x2e + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x35 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x38 + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x3c + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6552, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x3f + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x43 + {value: 0x0f13, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0f16, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0f12, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x4d + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x4f + {value: 0x3013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6853, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x6552, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x57 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x5e + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x63 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x71 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x72 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x80 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x8f + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x99 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x9c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x16, offset 0xa3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0x17, offset 0xab + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x18, offset 0xae + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x19, offset 0xb0 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0xbf + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0xc5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0xd3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0xde + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0xeb + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0xf6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x102 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x10c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x118 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x123 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x12f + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x13b + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x143 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x14c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x28, offset 0x156 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x29, offset 0x161 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0x16d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0x174 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0x17f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0x184 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0x18c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0x18f + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x30, offset 0x194 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x31, offset 0x198 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x32, offset 0x19c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x33, offset 0x1a3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x34, offset 0x1ac + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x35, offset 0x1b4 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0x36, offset 0x1b5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x37, offset 0x1be + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x38, offset 0x1c5 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x6c53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x39, offset 0x1cd + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0x1d3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0x1d8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0x1dc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0x1df + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0x1e1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x7453, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x7853, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0x1e4 + {value: 0x7c53, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x8053, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x7c53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0892, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1e9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1ea + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1ec + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x1ee + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1f0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1f7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1fc + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x200 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x209 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x20c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x20f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x215 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x216 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x221 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x8f}, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x222 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x223 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x228 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x235 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x23d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x245 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x24e + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x257 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x260 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x265 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x268 + {value: 0x316a, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x31ea, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x326a, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x32ea, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x336a, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x33ea, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x346a, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x34ea, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x356a, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x8353, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x8353, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x273 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x280 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x282 + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x8752, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x8b52, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x289 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x28b + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x297 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x298 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x361a, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x36ca, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x377a, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x382a, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x38da, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x398a, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x3a3b, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x2a3 + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x2ab + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x2b3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x2b9 + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x2ba + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x2c8 + {value: 0x0016, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0xa052, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x1013, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x1012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x2cd + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x88}, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x2d0 + {value: 0xa353, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xa653, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0xa953, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xa653, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0xa353, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x2d5 + {value: 0x3013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xac53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x2d9 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x2df + {value: 0x6c52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x2e4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x2e7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x2ec + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x2f1 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x2f2 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x2f8 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x2fa + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x2fb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x2fd + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x2ff + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x302 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x303 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x305 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xab}, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x308 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x30e + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x312 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x314 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x97, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x319 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x8753, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x320 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x324 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x32d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x32e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x337 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x33b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x340 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x348 + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x34e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x354 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x35e + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x363 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x36c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x372 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0xaf52, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x74d2, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x379 + {value: 0x78d2, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x7cd2, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x80d2, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x7cd2, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x37d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x385 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x387 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x389 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x38c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x38e + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x390 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x391 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x392 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x394 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x396 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x39c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x3a1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x3a3 + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x3a9 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x3ac + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x3ae + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x3b4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x3b9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x3bb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x3bc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x3bd + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x3be + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x3c0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x3c2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x3c4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x3c7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x3c9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x95}, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x3cc + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xb253, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xb553, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x3d4 + {value: 0xb252, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xb552, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x3d7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0xb553, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xb253, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x3db + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0xb552, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xb252, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x3e3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x3e5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x3e6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x3e7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x3e9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x3ef + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x3f1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x3f2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x3f4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x3f6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x3f8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x405 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x406 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x407 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x40b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x40d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x40e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x40f + {value: 0x5653, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x410 + {value: 0x5652, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x411 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x414 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x417 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x90}, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x41d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x421 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x425 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x42b + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x42e + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x435 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x439 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x43d + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x444 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x44d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x453 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x459 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x463 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x46d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x46f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x477 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x47d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x483 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x489 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x48c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x492 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x495 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x49d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x49e + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x4a5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x4a9 + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x4aa + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x4ad + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x4b5 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x4bb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x4c2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x4c3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x4c9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x4cc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x4d4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x4db + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x4e5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x4ed + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x4f0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x4f1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x4f2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x4f3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x4f4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x4f6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x4f8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x4fa + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf0, offset 0x4fe + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + // Block 0xf1, offset 0x4ff + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf2, offset 0x501 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xf3, offset 0x503 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0xf4, offset 0x504 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + // Block 0xf5, offset 0x505 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0xf6, offset 0x507 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0xf7, offset 0x50c + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf8, offset 0x511 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0xf9, offset 0x515 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x84}, + // Block 0xfa, offset 0x516 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfb, offset 0x519 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfc, offset 0x51d + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfd, offset 0x528 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfe, offset 0x52c + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xff, offset 0x534 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x100, offset 0x539 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x101, offset 0x53d + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x102, offset 0x540 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x88, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x103, offset 0x544 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x104, offset 0x547 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x105, offset 0x54a + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x106, offset 0x54f + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x107, offset 0x553 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x108, offset 0x557 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x109, offset 0x55b + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0017, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10a, offset 0x55f + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10b, offset 0x561 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x10c, offset 0x563 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x10d, offset 0x566 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x10e, offset 0x56b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + // Block 0x10f, offset 0x56d + {value: 0xb852, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0xbb52, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x110, offset 0x572 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x111, offset 0x57b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x112, offset 0x580 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x113, offset 0x581 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x114, offset 0x584 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + // Block 0x115, offset 0x585 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x116, offset 0x586 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x117, offset 0x588 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x118, offset 0x589 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, +} + +// Total table size 14906 bytes (14KiB); checksum: 362795C7 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables12.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables12.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae7dc240 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables12.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,2360 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.14 && !go1.16 +// +build go1.14,!go1.16 + +package cases + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "12.0.0" + +var xorData string = "" + // Size: 192 bytes + "\x00\x06\x07\x00\x01?\x00\x0f\x03\x00\x0f\x12\x00\x0f\x1f\x00\x0f\x1d" + + "\x00\x01\x13\x00\x0f\x16\x00\x0f\x0b\x00\x0f3\x00\x0f7\x00\x01#\x00\x0f?" + + "\x00\x0e'\x00\x0f/\x00\x0e>\x00\x0f*\x00\x0c&\x00\x0c*\x00\x0c;\x00\x0c9" + + "\x00\x0c%\x00\x01\x08\x00\x03\x0d\x00\x03\x09\x00\x02\x06\x00\x02\x02" + + "\x00\x02\x0c\x00\x01\x00\x00\x01\x03\x00\x01\x01\x00\x01 \x00\x01\x0c" + + "\x00\x01\x10\x00\x03\x10\x00\x036 \x00\x037 \x00\x0b#\x10\x00\x0b 0\x00" + + "\x0b!\x10\x00\x0b!0\x001\x00\x00\x0b(\x04\x00\x03\x04\x1e\x00\x0b)\x08" + + "\x00\x03\x0a\x00\x02:\x00\x02>\x00\x02,\x00\x02\x00\x00\x02\x10\x00\x01<" + + "\x00\x01&\x00\x01*\x00\x01.\x00\x010\x003 \x00\x01\x18\x00\x01(\x00\x01" + + "\x1e\x00\x01\x22" + +var exceptions string = "" + // Size: 2450 bytes + "\x00\x12\x12μΜΜ\x12\x12ssSSSs\x13\x18i̇i̇\x10\x09II\x13\x1bʼnʼNʼN\x11" + + "\x09sSS\x12\x12dždžDž\x12\x12dždžDŽ\x10\x12DŽDž\x12\x12ljljLj\x12\x12ljljLJ\x10\x12LJLj" + + "\x12\x12njnjNj\x12\x12njnjNJ\x10\x12NJNj\x13\x1bǰJ̌J̌\x12\x12dzdzDz\x12\x12dzdzDZ\x10" + + "\x12DZDz\x13\x18ⱥⱥ\x13\x18ⱦⱦ\x10\x1bⱾⱾ\x10\x1bⱿⱿ\x10\x1bⱯⱯ\x10\x1bⱭⱭ\x10" + + "\x1bⱰⱰ\x10\x1bꞫꞫ\x10\x1bꞬꞬ\x10\x1bꞍꞍ\x10\x1bꞪꞪ\x10\x1bꞮꞮ\x10\x1bⱢⱢ\x10" + + "\x1bꞭꞭ\x10\x1bⱮⱮ\x10\x1bⱤⱤ\x10\x1bꟅꟅ\x10\x1bꞱꞱ\x10\x1bꞲꞲ\x10\x1bꞰꞰ2\x12ι" + + "ΙΙ\x166ΐΪ́Ϊ́\x166ΰΫ́Ϋ́\x12\x12σΣΣ\x12\x12βΒΒ\x12\x12θΘΘ\x12\x12" + + "φΦΦ\x12\x12πΠΠ\x12\x12κΚΚ\x12\x12ρΡΡ\x12\x12εΕΕ\x14$եւԵՒԵւ\x10\x1bᲐა" + + "\x10\x1bᲑბ\x10\x1bᲒგ\x10\x1bᲓდ\x10\x1bᲔე\x10\x1bᲕვ\x10\x1bᲖზ\x10\x1bᲗთ" + + "\x10\x1bᲘი\x10\x1bᲙკ\x10\x1bᲚლ\x10\x1bᲛმ\x10\x1bᲜნ\x10\x1bᲝო\x10\x1bᲞპ" + + "\x10\x1bᲟჟ\x10\x1bᲠრ\x10\x1bᲡს\x10\x1bᲢტ\x10\x1bᲣუ\x10\x1bᲤფ\x10\x1bᲥქ" + + "\x10\x1bᲦღ\x10\x1bᲧყ\x10\x1bᲨშ\x10\x1bᲩჩ\x10\x1bᲪც\x10\x1bᲫძ\x10\x1bᲬწ" + + "\x10\x1bᲭჭ\x10\x1bᲮხ\x10\x1bᲯჯ\x10\x1bᲰჰ\x10\x1bᲱჱ\x10\x1bᲲჲ\x10\x1bᲳჳ" + + "\x10\x1bᲴჴ\x10\x1bᲵჵ\x10\x1bᲶჶ\x10\x1bᲷჷ\x10\x1bᲸჸ\x10\x1bᲹჹ\x10\x1bᲺჺ" + + "\x10\x1bᲽჽ\x10\x1bᲾჾ\x10\x1bᲿჿ\x12\x12вВВ\x12\x12дДД\x12\x12оОО\x12\x12с" + + "СС\x12\x12тТТ\x12\x12тТТ\x12\x12ъЪЪ\x12\x12ѣѢѢ\x13\x1bꙋꙊꙊ\x13\x1bẖH̱H̱" + + "\x13\x1bẗT̈T̈\x13\x1bẘW̊W̊\x13\x1bẙY̊Y̊\x13\x1baʾAʾAʾ\x13\x1bṡṠṠ\x12" + + "\x10ssß\x14$ὐΥ̓Υ̓\x166ὒΥ̓̀Υ̓̀\x166ὔΥ̓́Υ̓́\x166ὖΥ̓͂Υ̓͂\x15+ἀιἈΙᾈ" + + "\x15+ἁιἉΙᾉ\x15+ἂιἊΙᾊ\x15+ἃιἋΙᾋ\x15+ἄιἌΙᾌ\x15+ἅιἍΙᾍ\x15+ἆιἎΙᾎ\x15+ἇιἏΙᾏ" + + "\x15\x1dἀιᾀἈΙ\x15\x1dἁιᾁἉΙ\x15\x1dἂιᾂἊΙ\x15\x1dἃιᾃἋΙ\x15\x1dἄιᾄἌΙ\x15" + + "\x1dἅιᾅἍΙ\x15\x1dἆιᾆἎΙ\x15\x1dἇιᾇἏΙ\x15+ἠιἨΙᾘ\x15+ἡιἩΙᾙ\x15+ἢιἪΙᾚ\x15+ἣι" + + "ἫΙᾛ\x15+ἤιἬΙᾜ\x15+ἥιἭΙᾝ\x15+ἦιἮΙᾞ\x15+ἧιἯΙᾟ\x15\x1dἠιᾐἨΙ\x15\x1dἡιᾑἩΙ" + + "\x15\x1dἢιᾒἪΙ\x15\x1dἣιᾓἫΙ\x15\x1dἤιᾔἬΙ\x15\x1dἥιᾕἭΙ\x15\x1dἦιᾖἮΙ\x15" + + "\x1dἧιᾗἯΙ\x15+ὠιὨΙᾨ\x15+ὡιὩΙᾩ\x15+ὢιὪΙᾪ\x15+ὣιὫΙᾫ\x15+ὤιὬΙᾬ\x15+ὥιὭΙᾭ" + + "\x15+ὦιὮΙᾮ\x15+ὧιὯΙᾯ\x15\x1dὠιᾠὨΙ\x15\x1dὡιᾡὩΙ\x15\x1dὢιᾢὪΙ\x15\x1dὣιᾣὫΙ" + + "\x15\x1dὤιᾤὬΙ\x15\x1dὥιᾥὭΙ\x15\x1dὦιᾦὮΙ\x15\x1dὧιᾧὯΙ\x15-ὰιᾺΙᾺͅ\x14#αιΑΙ" + + "ᾼ\x14$άιΆΙΆͅ\x14$ᾶΑ͂Α͂\x166ᾶιΑ͂Ιᾼ͂\x14\x1cαιᾳΑΙ\x12\x12ιΙΙ\x15-ὴιῊΙ" + + "Ὴͅ\x14#ηιΗΙῌ\x14$ήιΉΙΉͅ\x14$ῆΗ͂Η͂\x166ῆιΗ͂Ιῌ͂\x14\x1cηιῃΗΙ\x166ῒΙ" + + "̈̀Ϊ̀\x166ΐΪ́Ϊ́\x14$ῖΙ͂Ι͂\x166ῗΪ͂Ϊ͂\x166ῢΫ̀Ϋ̀\x166ΰΫ́Ϋ" + + "́\x14$ῤΡ̓Ρ̓\x14$ῦΥ͂Υ͂\x166ῧΫ͂Ϋ͂\x15-ὼιῺΙῺͅ\x14#ωιΩΙῼ\x14$ώιΏΙΏͅ" + + "\x14$ῶΩ͂Ω͂\x166ῶιΩ͂Ιῼ͂\x14\x1cωιῳΩΙ\x12\x10ωω\x11\x08kk\x12\x10åå\x12" + + "\x10ɫɫ\x12\x10ɽɽ\x10\x12ȺȺ\x10\x12ȾȾ\x12\x10ɑɑ\x12\x10ɱɱ\x12\x10ɐɐ\x12" + + "\x10ɒɒ\x12\x10ȿȿ\x12\x10ɀɀ\x12\x10ɥɥ\x12\x10ɦɦ\x12\x10ɜɜ\x12\x10ɡɡ\x12" + + "\x10ɬɬ\x12\x10ɪɪ\x12\x10ʞʞ\x12\x10ʇʇ\x12\x10ʝʝ\x12\x10ʂʂ\x12\x12ffFFFf" + + "\x12\x12fiFIFi\x12\x12flFLFl\x13\x1bffiFFIFfi\x13\x1bfflFFLFfl\x12\x12st" + + "STSt\x12\x12stSTSt\x14$մնՄՆՄն\x14$մեՄԵՄե\x14$միՄԻՄի\x14$վնՎՆՎն\x14$մխՄԽՄ" + + "խ" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *caseTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = caseIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0] + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = caseIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0] + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// caseTrie. Total size: 12396 bytes (12.11 KiB). Checksum: c0656238384c3da1. +type caseTrie struct{} + +func newCaseTrie(i int) *caseTrie { + return &caseTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + case n < 20: + return uint16(caseValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + default: + n -= 20 + return uint16(sparse.lookup(n, b)) + } +} + +// caseValues: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 2816 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var caseValues = [1408]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x27: 0x0054, + 0x2e: 0x0054, + 0x30: 0x0010, 0x31: 0x0010, 0x32: 0x0010, 0x33: 0x0010, 0x34: 0x0010, 0x35: 0x0010, + 0x36: 0x0010, 0x37: 0x0010, 0x38: 0x0010, 0x39: 0x0010, 0x3a: 0x0054, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x41: 0x2013, 0x42: 0x2013, 0x43: 0x2013, 0x44: 0x2013, 0x45: 0x2013, + 0x46: 0x2013, 0x47: 0x2013, 0x48: 0x2013, 0x49: 0x2013, 0x4a: 0x2013, 0x4b: 0x2013, + 0x4c: 0x2013, 0x4d: 0x2013, 0x4e: 0x2013, 0x4f: 0x2013, 0x50: 0x2013, 0x51: 0x2013, + 0x52: 0x2013, 0x53: 0x2013, 0x54: 0x2013, 0x55: 0x2013, 0x56: 0x2013, 0x57: 0x2013, + 0x58: 0x2013, 0x59: 0x2013, 0x5a: 0x2013, + 0x5e: 0x0004, 0x5f: 0x0010, 0x60: 0x0004, 0x61: 0x2012, 0x62: 0x2012, 0x63: 0x2012, + 0x64: 0x2012, 0x65: 0x2012, 0x66: 0x2012, 0x67: 0x2012, 0x68: 0x2012, 0x69: 0x2012, + 0x6a: 0x2012, 0x6b: 0x2012, 0x6c: 0x2012, 0x6d: 0x2012, 0x6e: 0x2012, 0x6f: 0x2012, + 0x70: 0x2012, 0x71: 0x2012, 0x72: 0x2012, 0x73: 0x2012, 0x74: 0x2012, 0x75: 0x2012, + 0x76: 0x2012, 0x77: 0x2012, 0x78: 0x2012, 0x79: 0x2012, 0x7a: 0x2012, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x0852, 0xc1: 0x0b53, 0xc2: 0x0113, 0xc3: 0x0112, 0xc4: 0x0113, 0xc5: 0x0112, + 0xc6: 0x0b53, 0xc7: 0x0f13, 0xc8: 0x0f12, 0xc9: 0x0e53, 0xca: 0x1153, 0xcb: 0x0713, + 0xcc: 0x0712, 0xcd: 0x0012, 0xce: 0x1453, 0xcf: 0x1753, 0xd0: 0x1a53, 0xd1: 0x0313, + 0xd2: 0x0312, 0xd3: 0x1d53, 0xd4: 0x2053, 0xd5: 0x2352, 0xd6: 0x2653, 0xd7: 0x2653, + 0xd8: 0x0113, 0xd9: 0x0112, 0xda: 0x2952, 0xdb: 0x0012, 0xdc: 0x1d53, 0xdd: 0x2c53, + 0xde: 0x2f52, 0xdf: 0x3253, 0xe0: 0x0113, 0xe1: 0x0112, 0xe2: 0x0113, 0xe3: 0x0112, + 0xe4: 0x0113, 0xe5: 0x0112, 0xe6: 0x3553, 0xe7: 0x0f13, 0xe8: 0x0f12, 0xe9: 0x3853, + 0xea: 0x0012, 0xeb: 0x0012, 0xec: 0x0113, 0xed: 0x0112, 0xee: 0x3553, 0xef: 0x1f13, + 0xf0: 0x1f12, 0xf1: 0x3b53, 0xf2: 0x3e53, 0xf3: 0x0713, 0xf4: 0x0712, 0xf5: 0x0313, + 0xf6: 0x0312, 0xf7: 0x4153, 0xf8: 0x0113, 0xf9: 0x0112, 0xfa: 0x0012, 0xfb: 0x0010, + 0xfc: 0x0113, 0xfd: 0x0112, 0xfe: 0x0012, 0xff: 0x4452, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0x0010, 0x101: 0x0010, 0x102: 0x0010, 0x103: 0x0010, 0x104: 0x02db, 0x105: 0x0359, + 0x106: 0x03da, 0x107: 0x043b, 0x108: 0x04b9, 0x109: 0x053a, 0x10a: 0x059b, 0x10b: 0x0619, + 0x10c: 0x069a, 0x10d: 0x0313, 0x10e: 0x0312, 0x10f: 0x1f13, 0x110: 0x1f12, 0x111: 0x0313, + 0x112: 0x0312, 0x113: 0x0713, 0x114: 0x0712, 0x115: 0x0313, 0x116: 0x0312, 0x117: 0x0f13, + 0x118: 0x0f12, 0x119: 0x0313, 0x11a: 0x0312, 0x11b: 0x0713, 0x11c: 0x0712, 0x11d: 0x1452, + 0x11e: 0x0113, 0x11f: 0x0112, 0x120: 0x0113, 0x121: 0x0112, 0x122: 0x0113, 0x123: 0x0112, + 0x124: 0x0113, 0x125: 0x0112, 0x126: 0x0113, 0x127: 0x0112, 0x128: 0x0113, 0x129: 0x0112, + 0x12a: 0x0113, 0x12b: 0x0112, 0x12c: 0x0113, 0x12d: 0x0112, 0x12e: 0x0113, 0x12f: 0x0112, + 0x130: 0x06fa, 0x131: 0x07ab, 0x132: 0x0829, 0x133: 0x08aa, 0x134: 0x0113, 0x135: 0x0112, + 0x136: 0x2353, 0x137: 0x4453, 0x138: 0x0113, 0x139: 0x0112, 0x13a: 0x0113, 0x13b: 0x0112, + 0x13c: 0x0113, 0x13d: 0x0112, 0x13e: 0x0113, 0x13f: 0x0112, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x0a8a, 0x141: 0x0313, 0x142: 0x0312, 0x143: 0x0853, 0x144: 0x4753, 0x145: 0x4a53, + 0x146: 0x0113, 0x147: 0x0112, 0x148: 0x0113, 0x149: 0x0112, 0x14a: 0x0113, 0x14b: 0x0112, + 0x14c: 0x0113, 0x14d: 0x0112, 0x14e: 0x0113, 0x14f: 0x0112, 0x150: 0x0b0a, 0x151: 0x0b8a, + 0x152: 0x0c0a, 0x153: 0x0b52, 0x154: 0x0b52, 0x155: 0x0012, 0x156: 0x0e52, 0x157: 0x1152, + 0x158: 0x0012, 0x159: 0x1752, 0x15a: 0x0012, 0x15b: 0x1a52, 0x15c: 0x0c8a, 0x15d: 0x0012, + 0x15e: 0x0012, 0x15f: 0x0012, 0x160: 0x1d52, 0x161: 0x0d0a, 0x162: 0x0012, 0x163: 0x2052, + 0x164: 0x0012, 0x165: 0x0d8a, 0x166: 0x0e0a, 0x167: 0x0012, 0x168: 0x2652, 0x169: 0x2652, + 0x16a: 0x0e8a, 0x16b: 0x0f0a, 0x16c: 0x0f8a, 0x16d: 0x0012, 0x16e: 0x0012, 0x16f: 0x1d52, + 0x170: 0x0012, 0x171: 0x100a, 0x172: 0x2c52, 0x173: 0x0012, 0x174: 0x0012, 0x175: 0x3252, + 0x176: 0x0012, 0x177: 0x0012, 0x178: 0x0012, 0x179: 0x0012, 0x17a: 0x0012, 0x17b: 0x0012, + 0x17c: 0x0012, 0x17d: 0x108a, 0x17e: 0x0012, 0x17f: 0x0012, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x3552, 0x181: 0x0012, 0x182: 0x110a, 0x183: 0x3852, 0x184: 0x0012, 0x185: 0x0012, + 0x186: 0x0012, 0x187: 0x118a, 0x188: 0x3552, 0x189: 0x4752, 0x18a: 0x3b52, 0x18b: 0x3e52, + 0x18c: 0x4a52, 0x18d: 0x0012, 0x18e: 0x0012, 0x18f: 0x0012, 0x190: 0x0012, 0x191: 0x0012, + 0x192: 0x4152, 0x193: 0x0012, 0x194: 0x0010, 0x195: 0x0012, 0x196: 0x0012, 0x197: 0x0012, + 0x198: 0x0012, 0x199: 0x0012, 0x19a: 0x0012, 0x19b: 0x0012, 0x19c: 0x0012, 0x19d: 0x120a, + 0x19e: 0x128a, 0x19f: 0x0012, 0x1a0: 0x0012, 0x1a1: 0x0012, 0x1a2: 0x0012, 0x1a3: 0x0012, + 0x1a4: 0x0012, 0x1a5: 0x0012, 0x1a6: 0x0012, 0x1a7: 0x0012, 0x1a8: 0x0012, 0x1a9: 0x0012, + 0x1aa: 0x0012, 0x1ab: 0x0012, 0x1ac: 0x0012, 0x1ad: 0x0012, 0x1ae: 0x0012, 0x1af: 0x0012, + 0x1b0: 0x0015, 0x1b1: 0x0015, 0x1b2: 0x0015, 0x1b3: 0x0015, 0x1b4: 0x0015, 0x1b5: 0x0015, + 0x1b6: 0x0015, 0x1b7: 0x0015, 0x1b8: 0x0015, 0x1b9: 0x0014, 0x1ba: 0x0014, 0x1bb: 0x0014, + 0x1bc: 0x0014, 0x1bd: 0x0014, 0x1be: 0x0014, 0x1bf: 0x0014, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x0024, 0x1c1: 0x0024, 0x1c2: 0x0024, 0x1c3: 0x0024, 0x1c4: 0x0024, 0x1c5: 0x130d, + 0x1c6: 0x0024, 0x1c7: 0x0034, 0x1c8: 0x0034, 0x1c9: 0x0034, 0x1ca: 0x0024, 0x1cb: 0x0024, + 0x1cc: 0x0024, 0x1cd: 0x0034, 0x1ce: 0x0034, 0x1cf: 0x0014, 0x1d0: 0x0024, 0x1d1: 0x0024, + 0x1d2: 0x0024, 0x1d3: 0x0034, 0x1d4: 0x0034, 0x1d5: 0x0034, 0x1d6: 0x0034, 0x1d7: 0x0024, + 0x1d8: 0x0034, 0x1d9: 0x0034, 0x1da: 0x0034, 0x1db: 0x0024, 0x1dc: 0x0034, 0x1dd: 0x0034, + 0x1de: 0x0034, 0x1df: 0x0034, 0x1e0: 0x0034, 0x1e1: 0x0034, 0x1e2: 0x0034, 0x1e3: 0x0024, + 0x1e4: 0x0024, 0x1e5: 0x0024, 0x1e6: 0x0024, 0x1e7: 0x0024, 0x1e8: 0x0024, 0x1e9: 0x0024, + 0x1ea: 0x0024, 0x1eb: 0x0024, 0x1ec: 0x0024, 0x1ed: 0x0024, 0x1ee: 0x0024, 0x1ef: 0x0024, + 0x1f0: 0x0113, 0x1f1: 0x0112, 0x1f2: 0x0113, 0x1f3: 0x0112, 0x1f4: 0x0014, 0x1f5: 0x0004, + 0x1f6: 0x0113, 0x1f7: 0x0112, 0x1fa: 0x0015, 0x1fb: 0x4d52, + 0x1fc: 0x5052, 0x1fd: 0x5052, 0x1ff: 0x5353, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x204: 0x0004, 0x205: 0x0004, + 0x206: 0x2a13, 0x207: 0x0054, 0x208: 0x2513, 0x209: 0x2713, 0x20a: 0x2513, + 0x20c: 0x5653, 0x20e: 0x5953, 0x20f: 0x5c53, 0x210: 0x138a, 0x211: 0x2013, + 0x212: 0x2013, 0x213: 0x2013, 0x214: 0x2013, 0x215: 0x2013, 0x216: 0x2013, 0x217: 0x2013, + 0x218: 0x2013, 0x219: 0x2013, 0x21a: 0x2013, 0x21b: 0x2013, 0x21c: 0x2013, 0x21d: 0x2013, + 0x21e: 0x2013, 0x21f: 0x2013, 0x220: 0x5f53, 0x221: 0x5f53, 0x223: 0x5f53, + 0x224: 0x5f53, 0x225: 0x5f53, 0x226: 0x5f53, 0x227: 0x5f53, 0x228: 0x5f53, 0x229: 0x5f53, + 0x22a: 0x5f53, 0x22b: 0x5f53, 0x22c: 0x2a12, 0x22d: 0x2512, 0x22e: 0x2712, 0x22f: 0x2512, + 0x230: 0x14ca, 0x231: 0x2012, 0x232: 0x2012, 0x233: 0x2012, 0x234: 0x2012, 0x235: 0x2012, + 0x236: 0x2012, 0x237: 0x2012, 0x238: 0x2012, 0x239: 0x2012, 0x23a: 0x2012, 0x23b: 0x2012, + 0x23c: 0x2012, 0x23d: 0x2012, 0x23e: 0x2012, 0x23f: 0x2012, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x5f52, 0x241: 0x5f52, 0x242: 0x160a, 0x243: 0x5f52, 0x244: 0x5f52, 0x245: 0x5f52, + 0x246: 0x5f52, 0x247: 0x5f52, 0x248: 0x5f52, 0x249: 0x5f52, 0x24a: 0x5f52, 0x24b: 0x5f52, + 0x24c: 0x5652, 0x24d: 0x5952, 0x24e: 0x5c52, 0x24f: 0x1813, 0x250: 0x168a, 0x251: 0x170a, + 0x252: 0x0013, 0x253: 0x0013, 0x254: 0x0013, 0x255: 0x178a, 0x256: 0x180a, 0x257: 0x1812, + 0x258: 0x0113, 0x259: 0x0112, 0x25a: 0x0113, 0x25b: 0x0112, 0x25c: 0x0113, 0x25d: 0x0112, + 0x25e: 0x0113, 0x25f: 0x0112, 0x260: 0x0113, 0x261: 0x0112, 0x262: 0x0113, 0x263: 0x0112, + 0x264: 0x0113, 0x265: 0x0112, 0x266: 0x0113, 0x267: 0x0112, 0x268: 0x0113, 0x269: 0x0112, + 0x26a: 0x0113, 0x26b: 0x0112, 0x26c: 0x0113, 0x26d: 0x0112, 0x26e: 0x0113, 0x26f: 0x0112, + 0x270: 0x188a, 0x271: 0x190a, 0x272: 0x0b12, 0x273: 0x5352, 0x274: 0x6253, 0x275: 0x198a, + 0x277: 0x0f13, 0x278: 0x0f12, 0x279: 0x0b13, 0x27a: 0x0113, 0x27b: 0x0112, + 0x27c: 0x0012, 0x27d: 0x4d53, 0x27e: 0x5053, 0x27f: 0x5053, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x6852, 0x281: 0x6852, 0x282: 0x6852, 0x283: 0x6852, 0x284: 0x6852, 0x285: 0x6852, + 0x286: 0x6852, 0x287: 0x1a0a, 0x288: 0x0012, + 0x291: 0x0034, + 0x292: 0x0024, 0x293: 0x0024, 0x294: 0x0024, 0x295: 0x0024, 0x296: 0x0034, 0x297: 0x0024, + 0x298: 0x0024, 0x299: 0x0024, 0x29a: 0x0034, 0x29b: 0x0034, 0x29c: 0x0024, 0x29d: 0x0024, + 0x29e: 0x0024, 0x29f: 0x0024, 0x2a0: 0x0024, 0x2a1: 0x0024, 0x2a2: 0x0034, 0x2a3: 0x0034, + 0x2a4: 0x0034, 0x2a5: 0x0034, 0x2a6: 0x0034, 0x2a7: 0x0034, 0x2a8: 0x0024, 0x2a9: 0x0024, + 0x2aa: 0x0034, 0x2ab: 0x0024, 0x2ac: 0x0024, 0x2ad: 0x0034, 0x2ae: 0x0034, 0x2af: 0x0024, + 0x2b0: 0x0034, 0x2b1: 0x0034, 0x2b2: 0x0034, 0x2b3: 0x0034, 0x2b4: 0x0034, 0x2b5: 0x0034, + 0x2b6: 0x0034, 0x2b7: 0x0034, 0x2b8: 0x0034, 0x2b9: 0x0034, 0x2ba: 0x0034, 0x2bb: 0x0034, + 0x2bc: 0x0034, 0x2bd: 0x0034, 0x2bf: 0x0034, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x7053, 0x2c1: 0x7053, 0x2c2: 0x7053, 0x2c3: 0x7053, 0x2c4: 0x7053, 0x2c5: 0x7053, + 0x2c7: 0x7053, + 0x2cd: 0x7053, 0x2d0: 0x1aea, 0x2d1: 0x1b6a, + 0x2d2: 0x1bea, 0x2d3: 0x1c6a, 0x2d4: 0x1cea, 0x2d5: 0x1d6a, 0x2d6: 0x1dea, 0x2d7: 0x1e6a, + 0x2d8: 0x1eea, 0x2d9: 0x1f6a, 0x2da: 0x1fea, 0x2db: 0x206a, 0x2dc: 0x20ea, 0x2dd: 0x216a, + 0x2de: 0x21ea, 0x2df: 0x226a, 0x2e0: 0x22ea, 0x2e1: 0x236a, 0x2e2: 0x23ea, 0x2e3: 0x246a, + 0x2e4: 0x24ea, 0x2e5: 0x256a, 0x2e6: 0x25ea, 0x2e7: 0x266a, 0x2e8: 0x26ea, 0x2e9: 0x276a, + 0x2ea: 0x27ea, 0x2eb: 0x286a, 0x2ec: 0x28ea, 0x2ed: 0x296a, 0x2ee: 0x29ea, 0x2ef: 0x2a6a, + 0x2f0: 0x2aea, 0x2f1: 0x2b6a, 0x2f2: 0x2bea, 0x2f3: 0x2c6a, 0x2f4: 0x2cea, 0x2f5: 0x2d6a, + 0x2f6: 0x2dea, 0x2f7: 0x2e6a, 0x2f8: 0x2eea, 0x2f9: 0x2f6a, 0x2fa: 0x2fea, + 0x2fc: 0x0014, 0x2fd: 0x306a, 0x2fe: 0x30ea, 0x2ff: 0x316a, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x0812, 0x301: 0x0812, 0x302: 0x0812, 0x303: 0x0812, 0x304: 0x0812, 0x305: 0x0812, + 0x308: 0x0813, 0x309: 0x0813, 0x30a: 0x0813, 0x30b: 0x0813, + 0x30c: 0x0813, 0x30d: 0x0813, 0x310: 0x3b1a, 0x311: 0x0812, + 0x312: 0x3bfa, 0x313: 0x0812, 0x314: 0x3d3a, 0x315: 0x0812, 0x316: 0x3e7a, 0x317: 0x0812, + 0x319: 0x0813, 0x31b: 0x0813, 0x31d: 0x0813, + 0x31f: 0x0813, 0x320: 0x0812, 0x321: 0x0812, 0x322: 0x0812, 0x323: 0x0812, + 0x324: 0x0812, 0x325: 0x0812, 0x326: 0x0812, 0x327: 0x0812, 0x328: 0x0813, 0x329: 0x0813, + 0x32a: 0x0813, 0x32b: 0x0813, 0x32c: 0x0813, 0x32d: 0x0813, 0x32e: 0x0813, 0x32f: 0x0813, + 0x330: 0x9252, 0x331: 0x9252, 0x332: 0x9552, 0x333: 0x9552, 0x334: 0x9852, 0x335: 0x9852, + 0x336: 0x9b52, 0x337: 0x9b52, 0x338: 0x9e52, 0x339: 0x9e52, 0x33a: 0xa152, 0x33b: 0xa152, + 0x33c: 0x4d52, 0x33d: 0x4d52, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x3fba, 0x341: 0x40aa, 0x342: 0x419a, 0x343: 0x428a, 0x344: 0x437a, 0x345: 0x446a, + 0x346: 0x455a, 0x347: 0x464a, 0x348: 0x4739, 0x349: 0x4829, 0x34a: 0x4919, 0x34b: 0x4a09, + 0x34c: 0x4af9, 0x34d: 0x4be9, 0x34e: 0x4cd9, 0x34f: 0x4dc9, 0x350: 0x4eba, 0x351: 0x4faa, + 0x352: 0x509a, 0x353: 0x518a, 0x354: 0x527a, 0x355: 0x536a, 0x356: 0x545a, 0x357: 0x554a, + 0x358: 0x5639, 0x359: 0x5729, 0x35a: 0x5819, 0x35b: 0x5909, 0x35c: 0x59f9, 0x35d: 0x5ae9, + 0x35e: 0x5bd9, 0x35f: 0x5cc9, 0x360: 0x5dba, 0x361: 0x5eaa, 0x362: 0x5f9a, 0x363: 0x608a, + 0x364: 0x617a, 0x365: 0x626a, 0x366: 0x635a, 0x367: 0x644a, 0x368: 0x6539, 0x369: 0x6629, + 0x36a: 0x6719, 0x36b: 0x6809, 0x36c: 0x68f9, 0x36d: 0x69e9, 0x36e: 0x6ad9, 0x36f: 0x6bc9, + 0x370: 0x0812, 0x371: 0x0812, 0x372: 0x6cba, 0x373: 0x6dca, 0x374: 0x6e9a, + 0x376: 0x6f7a, 0x377: 0x705a, 0x378: 0x0813, 0x379: 0x0813, 0x37a: 0x9253, 0x37b: 0x9253, + 0x37c: 0x7199, 0x37d: 0x0004, 0x37e: 0x726a, 0x37f: 0x0004, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0004, 0x381: 0x0004, 0x382: 0x72ea, 0x383: 0x73fa, 0x384: 0x74ca, + 0x386: 0x75aa, 0x387: 0x768a, 0x388: 0x9553, 0x389: 0x9553, 0x38a: 0x9853, 0x38b: 0x9853, + 0x38c: 0x77c9, 0x38d: 0x0004, 0x38e: 0x0004, 0x38f: 0x0004, 0x390: 0x0812, 0x391: 0x0812, + 0x392: 0x789a, 0x393: 0x79da, 0x396: 0x7b1a, 0x397: 0x7bfa, + 0x398: 0x0813, 0x399: 0x0813, 0x39a: 0x9b53, 0x39b: 0x9b53, 0x39d: 0x0004, + 0x39e: 0x0004, 0x39f: 0x0004, 0x3a0: 0x0812, 0x3a1: 0x0812, 0x3a2: 0x7d3a, 0x3a3: 0x7e7a, + 0x3a4: 0x7fba, 0x3a5: 0x0912, 0x3a6: 0x809a, 0x3a7: 0x817a, 0x3a8: 0x0813, 0x3a9: 0x0813, + 0x3aa: 0xa153, 0x3ab: 0xa153, 0x3ac: 0x0913, 0x3ad: 0x0004, 0x3ae: 0x0004, 0x3af: 0x0004, + 0x3b2: 0x82ba, 0x3b3: 0x83ca, 0x3b4: 0x849a, + 0x3b6: 0x857a, 0x3b7: 0x865a, 0x3b8: 0x9e53, 0x3b9: 0x9e53, 0x3ba: 0x4d53, 0x3bb: 0x4d53, + 0x3bc: 0x8799, 0x3bd: 0x0004, 0x3be: 0x0004, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c2: 0x0013, + 0x3c7: 0x0013, 0x3ca: 0x0012, 0x3cb: 0x0013, + 0x3cc: 0x0013, 0x3cd: 0x0013, 0x3ce: 0x0012, 0x3cf: 0x0012, 0x3d0: 0x0013, 0x3d1: 0x0013, + 0x3d2: 0x0013, 0x3d3: 0x0012, 0x3d5: 0x0013, + 0x3d9: 0x0013, 0x3da: 0x0013, 0x3db: 0x0013, 0x3dc: 0x0013, 0x3dd: 0x0013, + 0x3e4: 0x0013, 0x3e6: 0x886b, 0x3e8: 0x0013, + 0x3ea: 0x88cb, 0x3eb: 0x890b, 0x3ec: 0x0013, 0x3ed: 0x0013, 0x3ef: 0x0012, + 0x3f0: 0x0013, 0x3f1: 0x0013, 0x3f2: 0xa453, 0x3f3: 0x0013, 0x3f4: 0x0012, 0x3f5: 0x0010, + 0x3f6: 0x0010, 0x3f7: 0x0010, 0x3f8: 0x0010, 0x3f9: 0x0012, + 0x3fc: 0x0012, 0x3fd: 0x0012, 0x3fe: 0x0013, 0x3ff: 0x0013, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x1a13, 0x401: 0x1a13, 0x402: 0x1e13, 0x403: 0x1e13, 0x404: 0x1a13, 0x405: 0x1a13, + 0x406: 0x2613, 0x407: 0x2613, 0x408: 0x2a13, 0x409: 0x2a13, 0x40a: 0x2e13, 0x40b: 0x2e13, + 0x40c: 0x2a13, 0x40d: 0x2a13, 0x40e: 0x2613, 0x40f: 0x2613, 0x410: 0xa752, 0x411: 0xa752, + 0x412: 0xaa52, 0x413: 0xaa52, 0x414: 0xad52, 0x415: 0xad52, 0x416: 0xaa52, 0x417: 0xaa52, + 0x418: 0xa752, 0x419: 0xa752, 0x41a: 0x1a12, 0x41b: 0x1a12, 0x41c: 0x1e12, 0x41d: 0x1e12, + 0x41e: 0x1a12, 0x41f: 0x1a12, 0x420: 0x2612, 0x421: 0x2612, 0x422: 0x2a12, 0x423: 0x2a12, + 0x424: 0x2e12, 0x425: 0x2e12, 0x426: 0x2a12, 0x427: 0x2a12, 0x428: 0x2612, 0x429: 0x2612, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x6552, 0x441: 0x6552, 0x442: 0x6552, 0x443: 0x6552, 0x444: 0x6552, 0x445: 0x6552, + 0x446: 0x6552, 0x447: 0x6552, 0x448: 0x6552, 0x449: 0x6552, 0x44a: 0x6552, 0x44b: 0x6552, + 0x44c: 0x6552, 0x44d: 0x6552, 0x44e: 0x6552, 0x44f: 0x6552, 0x450: 0xb052, 0x451: 0xb052, + 0x452: 0xb052, 0x453: 0xb052, 0x454: 0xb052, 0x455: 0xb052, 0x456: 0xb052, 0x457: 0xb052, + 0x458: 0xb052, 0x459: 0xb052, 0x45a: 0xb052, 0x45b: 0xb052, 0x45c: 0xb052, 0x45d: 0xb052, + 0x45e: 0xb052, 0x460: 0x0113, 0x461: 0x0112, 0x462: 0x896b, 0x463: 0x8b53, + 0x464: 0x89cb, 0x465: 0x8a2a, 0x466: 0x8a8a, 0x467: 0x0f13, 0x468: 0x0f12, 0x469: 0x0313, + 0x46a: 0x0312, 0x46b: 0x0713, 0x46c: 0x0712, 0x46d: 0x8aeb, 0x46e: 0x8b4b, 0x46f: 0x8bab, + 0x470: 0x8c0b, 0x471: 0x0012, 0x472: 0x0113, 0x473: 0x0112, 0x474: 0x0012, 0x475: 0x0313, + 0x476: 0x0312, 0x477: 0x0012, 0x478: 0x0012, 0x479: 0x0012, 0x47a: 0x0012, 0x47b: 0x0012, + 0x47c: 0x0015, 0x47d: 0x0015, 0x47e: 0x8c6b, 0x47f: 0x8ccb, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x0113, 0x481: 0x0112, 0x482: 0x0113, 0x483: 0x0112, 0x484: 0x0113, 0x485: 0x0112, + 0x486: 0x0113, 0x487: 0x0112, 0x488: 0x0014, 0x489: 0x0014, 0x48a: 0x0014, 0x48b: 0x0713, + 0x48c: 0x0712, 0x48d: 0x8d2b, 0x48e: 0x0012, 0x48f: 0x0010, 0x490: 0x0113, 0x491: 0x0112, + 0x492: 0x0113, 0x493: 0x0112, 0x494: 0x6552, 0x495: 0x0012, 0x496: 0x0113, 0x497: 0x0112, + 0x498: 0x0113, 0x499: 0x0112, 0x49a: 0x0113, 0x49b: 0x0112, 0x49c: 0x0113, 0x49d: 0x0112, + 0x49e: 0x0113, 0x49f: 0x0112, 0x4a0: 0x0113, 0x4a1: 0x0112, 0x4a2: 0x0113, 0x4a3: 0x0112, + 0x4a4: 0x0113, 0x4a5: 0x0112, 0x4a6: 0x0113, 0x4a7: 0x0112, 0x4a8: 0x0113, 0x4a9: 0x0112, + 0x4aa: 0x8d8b, 0x4ab: 0x8deb, 0x4ac: 0x8e4b, 0x4ad: 0x8eab, 0x4ae: 0x8f0b, 0x4af: 0x0012, + 0x4b0: 0x8f6b, 0x4b1: 0x8fcb, 0x4b2: 0x902b, 0x4b3: 0xb353, 0x4b4: 0x0113, 0x4b5: 0x0112, + 0x4b6: 0x0113, 0x4b7: 0x0112, 0x4b8: 0x0113, 0x4b9: 0x0112, 0x4ba: 0x0113, 0x4bb: 0x0112, + 0x4bc: 0x0113, 0x4bd: 0x0112, 0x4be: 0x0113, 0x4bf: 0x0112, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x90ea, 0x4c1: 0x916a, 0x4c2: 0x91ea, 0x4c3: 0x926a, 0x4c4: 0x931a, 0x4c5: 0x93ca, + 0x4c6: 0x944a, + 0x4d3: 0x94ca, 0x4d4: 0x95aa, 0x4d5: 0x968a, 0x4d6: 0x976a, 0x4d7: 0x984a, + 0x4dd: 0x0010, + 0x4de: 0x0034, 0x4df: 0x0010, 0x4e0: 0x0010, 0x4e1: 0x0010, 0x4e2: 0x0010, 0x4e3: 0x0010, + 0x4e4: 0x0010, 0x4e5: 0x0010, 0x4e6: 0x0010, 0x4e7: 0x0010, 0x4e8: 0x0010, + 0x4ea: 0x0010, 0x4eb: 0x0010, 0x4ec: 0x0010, 0x4ed: 0x0010, 0x4ee: 0x0010, 0x4ef: 0x0010, + 0x4f0: 0x0010, 0x4f1: 0x0010, 0x4f2: 0x0010, 0x4f3: 0x0010, 0x4f4: 0x0010, 0x4f5: 0x0010, + 0x4f6: 0x0010, 0x4f8: 0x0010, 0x4f9: 0x0010, 0x4fa: 0x0010, 0x4fb: 0x0010, + 0x4fc: 0x0010, 0x4fe: 0x0010, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x2213, 0x501: 0x2213, 0x502: 0x2613, 0x503: 0x2613, 0x504: 0x2213, 0x505: 0x2213, + 0x506: 0x2e13, 0x507: 0x2e13, 0x508: 0x2213, 0x509: 0x2213, 0x50a: 0x2613, 0x50b: 0x2613, + 0x50c: 0x2213, 0x50d: 0x2213, 0x50e: 0x3e13, 0x50f: 0x3e13, 0x510: 0x2213, 0x511: 0x2213, + 0x512: 0x2613, 0x513: 0x2613, 0x514: 0x2213, 0x515: 0x2213, 0x516: 0x2e13, 0x517: 0x2e13, + 0x518: 0x2213, 0x519: 0x2213, 0x51a: 0x2613, 0x51b: 0x2613, 0x51c: 0x2213, 0x51d: 0x2213, + 0x51e: 0xbc53, 0x51f: 0xbc53, 0x520: 0xbf53, 0x521: 0xbf53, 0x522: 0x2212, 0x523: 0x2212, + 0x524: 0x2612, 0x525: 0x2612, 0x526: 0x2212, 0x527: 0x2212, 0x528: 0x2e12, 0x529: 0x2e12, + 0x52a: 0x2212, 0x52b: 0x2212, 0x52c: 0x2612, 0x52d: 0x2612, 0x52e: 0x2212, 0x52f: 0x2212, + 0x530: 0x3e12, 0x531: 0x3e12, 0x532: 0x2212, 0x533: 0x2212, 0x534: 0x2612, 0x535: 0x2612, + 0x536: 0x2212, 0x537: 0x2212, 0x538: 0x2e12, 0x539: 0x2e12, 0x53a: 0x2212, 0x53b: 0x2212, + 0x53c: 0x2612, 0x53d: 0x2612, 0x53e: 0x2212, 0x53f: 0x2212, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x542: 0x0010, + 0x547: 0x0010, 0x549: 0x0010, 0x54b: 0x0010, + 0x54d: 0x0010, 0x54e: 0x0010, 0x54f: 0x0010, 0x551: 0x0010, + 0x552: 0x0010, 0x554: 0x0010, 0x557: 0x0010, + 0x559: 0x0010, 0x55b: 0x0010, 0x55d: 0x0010, + 0x55f: 0x0010, 0x561: 0x0010, 0x562: 0x0010, + 0x564: 0x0010, 0x567: 0x0010, 0x568: 0x0010, 0x569: 0x0010, + 0x56a: 0x0010, 0x56c: 0x0010, 0x56d: 0x0010, 0x56e: 0x0010, 0x56f: 0x0010, + 0x570: 0x0010, 0x571: 0x0010, 0x572: 0x0010, 0x574: 0x0010, 0x575: 0x0010, + 0x576: 0x0010, 0x577: 0x0010, 0x579: 0x0010, 0x57a: 0x0010, 0x57b: 0x0010, + 0x57c: 0x0010, 0x57e: 0x0010, +} + +// caseIndex: 25 blocks, 1600 entries, 3200 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var caseIndex = [1600]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x14, 0xc3: 0x15, 0xc4: 0x16, 0xc5: 0x17, 0xc6: 0x01, 0xc7: 0x02, + 0xc8: 0x18, 0xc9: 0x03, 0xca: 0x04, 0xcb: 0x19, 0xcc: 0x1a, 0xcd: 0x05, 0xce: 0x06, 0xcf: 0x07, + 0xd0: 0x1b, 0xd1: 0x1c, 0xd2: 0x1d, 0xd3: 0x1e, 0xd4: 0x1f, 0xd5: 0x20, 0xd6: 0x08, 0xd7: 0x21, + 0xd8: 0x22, 0xd9: 0x23, 0xda: 0x24, 0xdb: 0x25, 0xdc: 0x26, 0xdd: 0x27, 0xde: 0x28, 0xdf: 0x29, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, + 0xea: 0x06, 0xeb: 0x07, 0xec: 0x07, 0xed: 0x08, 0xef: 0x09, + 0xf0: 0x14, 0xf3: 0x16, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x2a, 0x121: 0x2b, 0x122: 0x2c, 0x123: 0x2d, 0x124: 0x2e, 0x125: 0x2f, 0x126: 0x30, 0x127: 0x31, + 0x128: 0x32, 0x129: 0x33, 0x12a: 0x34, 0x12b: 0x35, 0x12c: 0x36, 0x12d: 0x37, 0x12e: 0x38, 0x12f: 0x39, + 0x130: 0x3a, 0x131: 0x3b, 0x132: 0x3c, 0x133: 0x3d, 0x134: 0x3e, 0x135: 0x3f, 0x136: 0x40, 0x137: 0x41, + 0x138: 0x42, 0x139: 0x43, 0x13a: 0x44, 0x13b: 0x45, 0x13c: 0x46, 0x13d: 0x47, 0x13e: 0x48, 0x13f: 0x49, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x4a, 0x141: 0x4b, 0x142: 0x4c, 0x143: 0x09, 0x144: 0x24, 0x145: 0x24, 0x146: 0x24, 0x147: 0x24, + 0x148: 0x24, 0x149: 0x4d, 0x14a: 0x4e, 0x14b: 0x4f, 0x14c: 0x50, 0x14d: 0x51, 0x14e: 0x52, 0x14f: 0x53, + 0x150: 0x54, 0x151: 0x24, 0x152: 0x24, 0x153: 0x24, 0x154: 0x24, 0x155: 0x24, 0x156: 0x24, 0x157: 0x24, + 0x158: 0x24, 0x159: 0x55, 0x15a: 0x56, 0x15b: 0x57, 0x15c: 0x58, 0x15d: 0x59, 0x15e: 0x5a, 0x15f: 0x5b, + 0x160: 0x5c, 0x161: 0x5d, 0x162: 0x5e, 0x163: 0x5f, 0x164: 0x60, 0x165: 0x61, 0x167: 0x62, + 0x168: 0x63, 0x169: 0x64, 0x16a: 0x65, 0x16c: 0x66, 0x16d: 0x67, 0x16e: 0x68, 0x16f: 0x69, + 0x170: 0x6a, 0x171: 0x6b, 0x172: 0x6c, 0x173: 0x6d, 0x174: 0x6e, 0x175: 0x6f, 0x176: 0x70, 0x177: 0x71, + 0x178: 0x72, 0x179: 0x72, 0x17a: 0x73, 0x17b: 0x72, 0x17c: 0x74, 0x17d: 0x0a, 0x17e: 0x0b, 0x17f: 0x0c, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x75, 0x181: 0x76, 0x182: 0x77, 0x183: 0x78, 0x184: 0x0d, 0x185: 0x79, 0x186: 0x7a, + 0x192: 0x7b, 0x193: 0x0e, + 0x1b0: 0x7c, 0x1b1: 0x0f, 0x1b2: 0x72, 0x1b3: 0x7d, 0x1b4: 0x7e, 0x1b5: 0x7f, 0x1b6: 0x80, 0x1b7: 0x81, + 0x1b8: 0x82, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x83, 0x1c2: 0x84, 0x1c3: 0x85, 0x1c4: 0x86, 0x1c5: 0x24, 0x1c6: 0x87, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x88, 0x201: 0x24, 0x202: 0x24, 0x203: 0x24, 0x204: 0x24, 0x205: 0x24, 0x206: 0x24, 0x207: 0x24, + 0x208: 0x24, 0x209: 0x24, 0x20a: 0x24, 0x20b: 0x24, 0x20c: 0x24, 0x20d: 0x24, 0x20e: 0x24, 0x20f: 0x24, + 0x210: 0x24, 0x211: 0x24, 0x212: 0x89, 0x213: 0x8a, 0x214: 0x24, 0x215: 0x24, 0x216: 0x24, 0x217: 0x24, + 0x218: 0x8b, 0x219: 0x8c, 0x21a: 0x8d, 0x21b: 0x8e, 0x21c: 0x8f, 0x21d: 0x90, 0x21e: 0x10, 0x21f: 0x91, + 0x220: 0x92, 0x221: 0x93, 0x222: 0x24, 0x223: 0x94, 0x224: 0x95, 0x225: 0x96, 0x226: 0x97, 0x227: 0x98, + 0x228: 0x99, 0x229: 0x9a, 0x22a: 0x9b, 0x22b: 0x9c, 0x22c: 0x9d, 0x22d: 0x9e, 0x22e: 0x9f, 0x22f: 0xa0, + 0x230: 0x24, 0x231: 0x24, 0x232: 0x24, 0x233: 0x24, 0x234: 0x24, 0x235: 0x24, 0x236: 0x24, 0x237: 0x24, + 0x238: 0x24, 0x239: 0x24, 0x23a: 0x24, 0x23b: 0x24, 0x23c: 0x24, 0x23d: 0x24, 0x23e: 0x24, 0x23f: 0x24, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x24, 0x241: 0x24, 0x242: 0x24, 0x243: 0x24, 0x244: 0x24, 0x245: 0x24, 0x246: 0x24, 0x247: 0x24, + 0x248: 0x24, 0x249: 0x24, 0x24a: 0x24, 0x24b: 0x24, 0x24c: 0x24, 0x24d: 0x24, 0x24e: 0x24, 0x24f: 0x24, + 0x250: 0x24, 0x251: 0x24, 0x252: 0x24, 0x253: 0x24, 0x254: 0x24, 0x255: 0x24, 0x256: 0x24, 0x257: 0x24, + 0x258: 0x24, 0x259: 0x24, 0x25a: 0x24, 0x25b: 0x24, 0x25c: 0x24, 0x25d: 0x24, 0x25e: 0x24, 0x25f: 0x24, + 0x260: 0x24, 0x261: 0x24, 0x262: 0x24, 0x263: 0x24, 0x264: 0x24, 0x265: 0x24, 0x266: 0x24, 0x267: 0x24, + 0x268: 0x24, 0x269: 0x24, 0x26a: 0x24, 0x26b: 0x24, 0x26c: 0x24, 0x26d: 0x24, 0x26e: 0x24, 0x26f: 0x24, + 0x270: 0x24, 0x271: 0x24, 0x272: 0x24, 0x273: 0x24, 0x274: 0x24, 0x275: 0x24, 0x276: 0x24, 0x277: 0x24, + 0x278: 0x24, 0x279: 0x24, 0x27a: 0x24, 0x27b: 0x24, 0x27c: 0x24, 0x27d: 0x24, 0x27e: 0x24, 0x27f: 0x24, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x24, 0x281: 0x24, 0x282: 0x24, 0x283: 0x24, 0x284: 0x24, 0x285: 0x24, 0x286: 0x24, 0x287: 0x24, + 0x288: 0x24, 0x289: 0x24, 0x28a: 0x24, 0x28b: 0x24, 0x28c: 0x24, 0x28d: 0x24, 0x28e: 0x24, 0x28f: 0x24, + 0x290: 0x24, 0x291: 0x24, 0x292: 0x24, 0x293: 0x24, 0x294: 0x24, 0x295: 0x24, 0x296: 0x24, 0x297: 0x24, + 0x298: 0x24, 0x299: 0x24, 0x29a: 0x24, 0x29b: 0x24, 0x29c: 0x24, 0x29d: 0x24, 0x29e: 0xa1, 0x29f: 0xa2, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2ec: 0x11, 0x2ed: 0xa3, 0x2ee: 0xa4, 0x2ef: 0xa5, + 0x2f0: 0x24, 0x2f1: 0x24, 0x2f2: 0x24, 0x2f3: 0x24, 0x2f4: 0xa6, 0x2f5: 0xa7, 0x2f6: 0xa8, 0x2f7: 0xa9, + 0x2f8: 0xaa, 0x2f9: 0xab, 0x2fa: 0x24, 0x2fb: 0xac, 0x2fc: 0xad, 0x2fd: 0xae, 0x2fe: 0xaf, 0x2ff: 0xb0, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0xb1, 0x301: 0xb2, 0x302: 0x24, 0x303: 0xb3, 0x305: 0xb4, 0x307: 0xb5, + 0x30a: 0xb6, 0x30b: 0xb7, 0x30c: 0xb8, 0x30d: 0xb9, 0x30e: 0xba, 0x30f: 0xbb, + 0x310: 0xbc, 0x311: 0xbd, 0x312: 0xbe, 0x313: 0xbf, 0x314: 0xc0, 0x315: 0xc1, + 0x318: 0x24, 0x319: 0x24, 0x31a: 0x24, 0x31b: 0x24, 0x31c: 0xc2, 0x31d: 0xc3, + 0x320: 0xc4, 0x321: 0xc5, 0x322: 0xc6, 0x323: 0xc7, 0x324: 0xc8, 0x326: 0xc9, + 0x328: 0xca, 0x329: 0xcb, 0x32a: 0xcc, 0x32b: 0xcd, 0x32c: 0x5f, 0x32d: 0xce, 0x32e: 0xcf, + 0x330: 0x24, 0x331: 0xd0, 0x332: 0xd1, 0x333: 0xd2, 0x334: 0xd3, + 0x33c: 0xd4, 0x33d: 0xd5, 0x33f: 0xd6, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0xd7, 0x341: 0xd8, 0x342: 0xd9, 0x343: 0xda, 0x344: 0xdb, 0x345: 0xdc, 0x346: 0xdd, 0x347: 0xde, + 0x348: 0xdf, 0x34a: 0xe0, 0x34b: 0xe1, 0x34c: 0xe2, 0x34d: 0xe3, + 0x350: 0xe4, 0x351: 0xe5, 0x352: 0xe6, 0x353: 0xe7, 0x356: 0xe8, 0x357: 0xe9, + 0x358: 0xea, 0x359: 0xeb, 0x35a: 0xec, 0x35b: 0xed, 0x35c: 0xee, + 0x360: 0xef, 0x362: 0xf0, 0x363: 0xf1, 0x366: 0xf2, 0x367: 0xf3, + 0x368: 0xf4, 0x369: 0xf5, 0x36a: 0xf6, 0x36b: 0xf7, + 0x370: 0xf8, 0x371: 0xf9, 0x372: 0xfa, 0x374: 0xfb, 0x375: 0xfc, 0x376: 0xfd, + 0x37b: 0xfe, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x24, 0x381: 0x24, 0x382: 0x24, 0x383: 0x24, 0x384: 0x24, 0x385: 0x24, 0x386: 0x24, 0x387: 0x24, + 0x388: 0x24, 0x389: 0x24, 0x38a: 0x24, 0x38b: 0x24, 0x38c: 0x24, 0x38d: 0x24, 0x38e: 0xff, + 0x390: 0x24, 0x391: 0x100, 0x392: 0x24, 0x393: 0x24, 0x394: 0x24, 0x395: 0x101, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x24, 0x3c1: 0x24, 0x3c2: 0x24, 0x3c3: 0x24, 0x3c4: 0x24, 0x3c5: 0x24, 0x3c6: 0x24, 0x3c7: 0x24, + 0x3c8: 0x24, 0x3c9: 0x24, 0x3ca: 0x24, 0x3cb: 0x24, 0x3cc: 0x24, 0x3cd: 0x24, 0x3ce: 0x24, 0x3cf: 0x24, + 0x3d0: 0x102, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x410: 0x24, 0x411: 0x24, 0x412: 0x24, 0x413: 0x24, 0x414: 0x24, 0x415: 0x24, 0x416: 0x24, 0x417: 0x24, + 0x418: 0x24, 0x419: 0x103, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x460: 0x24, 0x461: 0x24, 0x462: 0x24, 0x463: 0x24, 0x464: 0x24, 0x465: 0x24, 0x466: 0x24, 0x467: 0x24, + 0x468: 0xf7, 0x469: 0x104, 0x46b: 0x105, 0x46c: 0x106, 0x46d: 0x107, 0x46e: 0x108, + 0x479: 0x109, 0x47c: 0x24, 0x47d: 0x10a, 0x47e: 0x10b, 0x47f: 0x10c, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x4b0: 0x24, 0x4b1: 0x10d, 0x4b2: 0x10e, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c5: 0x10f, 0x4c6: 0x110, + 0x4c9: 0x111, + 0x4d0: 0x112, 0x4d1: 0x113, 0x4d2: 0x114, 0x4d3: 0x115, 0x4d4: 0x116, 0x4d5: 0x117, 0x4d6: 0x118, 0x4d7: 0x119, + 0x4d8: 0x11a, 0x4d9: 0x11b, 0x4da: 0x11c, 0x4db: 0x11d, 0x4dc: 0x11e, 0x4dd: 0x11f, 0x4de: 0x120, 0x4df: 0x121, + 0x4e8: 0x122, 0x4e9: 0x123, 0x4ea: 0x124, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x125, 0x504: 0x126, 0x505: 0x127, + 0x50b: 0x128, + 0x520: 0x24, 0x521: 0x24, 0x522: 0x24, 0x523: 0x129, 0x524: 0x12, 0x525: 0x12a, + 0x538: 0x12b, 0x539: 0x13, 0x53a: 0x12c, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x544: 0x12d, 0x545: 0x12e, 0x546: 0x12f, + 0x54f: 0x130, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x590: 0x0a, 0x591: 0x0b, 0x592: 0x0c, 0x593: 0x0d, 0x594: 0x0e, 0x596: 0x0f, + 0x59b: 0x10, 0x59d: 0x11, 0x59e: 0x12, 0x59f: 0x13, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x131, 0x5c1: 0x132, 0x5c4: 0x132, 0x5c5: 0x132, 0x5c6: 0x132, 0x5c7: 0x133, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x620: 0x15, +} + +// sparseOffsets: 289 entries, 578 bytes +var sparseOffsets = []uint16{0x0, 0x9, 0xf, 0x18, 0x24, 0x2e, 0x35, 0x38, 0x3c, 0x3f, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x4f, 0x57, 0x5e, 0x63, 0x71, 0x72, 0x80, 0x8f, 0x99, 0x9c, 0xa3, 0xab, 0xae, 0xb0, 0xbf, 0xc5, 0xd3, 0xde, 0xeb, 0xf6, 0x102, 0x10c, 0x118, 0x123, 0x12f, 0x13b, 0x143, 0x14c, 0x156, 0x161, 0x16d, 0x174, 0x17f, 0x184, 0x18c, 0x18f, 0x194, 0x198, 0x19c, 0x1a3, 0x1ac, 0x1b4, 0x1b5, 0x1be, 0x1c5, 0x1cd, 0x1d3, 0x1d8, 0x1dc, 0x1df, 0x1e1, 0x1e4, 0x1e9, 0x1ea, 0x1ec, 0x1ee, 0x1f0, 0x1f7, 0x1fc, 0x200, 0x209, 0x20c, 0x20f, 0x215, 0x216, 0x221, 0x222, 0x223, 0x228, 0x235, 0x23d, 0x245, 0x24e, 0x257, 0x260, 0x265, 0x268, 0x273, 0x281, 0x283, 0x28a, 0x28e, 0x29a, 0x29b, 0x2a6, 0x2ae, 0x2b6, 0x2bc, 0x2bd, 0x2cb, 0x2d0, 0x2d3, 0x2d8, 0x2dc, 0x2e2, 0x2e7, 0x2ea, 0x2ef, 0x2f4, 0x2f5, 0x2fb, 0x2fd, 0x2fe, 0x300, 0x302, 0x305, 0x306, 0x308, 0x30b, 0x311, 0x315, 0x317, 0x31c, 0x323, 0x32b, 0x334, 0x335, 0x33e, 0x342, 0x347, 0x34f, 0x355, 0x35b, 0x365, 0x36a, 0x373, 0x379, 0x380, 0x384, 0x38c, 0x38e, 0x390, 0x393, 0x395, 0x397, 0x398, 0x399, 0x39b, 0x39d, 0x3a3, 0x3a8, 0x3aa, 0x3b1, 0x3b4, 0x3b6, 0x3bc, 0x3c1, 0x3c3, 0x3c4, 0x3c5, 0x3c6, 0x3c8, 0x3ca, 0x3cc, 0x3cf, 0x3d1, 0x3d4, 0x3dc, 0x3df, 0x3e3, 0x3eb, 0x3ed, 0x3ee, 0x3ef, 0x3f1, 0x3f7, 0x3f9, 0x3fa, 0x3fc, 0x3fe, 0x400, 0x40d, 0x40e, 0x40f, 0x413, 0x415, 0x416, 0x417, 0x418, 0x419, 0x41c, 0x41f, 0x425, 0x426, 0x42a, 0x42e, 0x434, 0x437, 0x43e, 0x442, 0x446, 0x44d, 0x456, 0x45c, 0x462, 0x46c, 0x476, 0x478, 0x481, 0x487, 0x48d, 0x493, 0x496, 0x49c, 0x49f, 0x4a8, 0x4a9, 0x4b0, 0x4b4, 0x4b5, 0x4b8, 0x4ba, 0x4c1, 0x4c9, 0x4cf, 0x4d5, 0x4d6, 0x4dc, 0x4df, 0x4e7, 0x4ee, 0x4f8, 0x500, 0x503, 0x504, 0x505, 0x506, 0x508, 0x509, 0x50b, 0x50d, 0x50f, 0x513, 0x514, 0x516, 0x519, 0x51b, 0x51d, 0x51f, 0x524, 0x529, 0x52d, 0x52e, 0x531, 0x535, 0x540, 0x544, 0x54c, 0x551, 0x555, 0x558, 0x55c, 0x55f, 0x562, 0x567, 0x56b, 0x56f, 0x573, 0x577, 0x579, 0x57b, 0x57e, 0x583, 0x586, 0x588, 0x58b, 0x58d, 0x593, 0x59c, 0x5a1, 0x5a2, 0x5a5, 0x5a6, 0x5a7, 0x5a9, 0x5aa, 0x5ab} + +// sparseValues: 1451 entries, 5804 bytes +var sparseValues = [1451]valueRange{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x001a, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x9 + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x009a, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0252, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2, offset 0xf + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x011b, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x019a, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0553, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3, offset 0x18 + {value: 0x0552, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0f16, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x01da, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0253, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x028a, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x24 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x2f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x090b, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x2953, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x098b, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0a0a, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x2e + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x35 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x38 + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x3c + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6552, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x3f + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x43 + {value: 0x0f13, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0f16, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0f12, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x4d + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x4f + {value: 0x3013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6853, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x6552, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x57 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x5e + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x63 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x71 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x72 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x80 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x8f + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x99 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x9c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x16, offset 0xa3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0x17, offset 0xab + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x18, offset 0xae + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x19, offset 0xb0 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0xbf + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0xc5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0xd3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0xde + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0xeb + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0xf6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x102 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x10c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x118 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x123 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x12f + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x13b + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x143 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x14c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x28, offset 0x156 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x29, offset 0x161 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0x16d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0x174 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0x17f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0x184 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0x18c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0x18f + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x30, offset 0x194 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x31, offset 0x198 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x32, offset 0x19c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x33, offset 0x1a3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x34, offset 0x1ac + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x35, offset 0x1b4 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0x36, offset 0x1b5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x37, offset 0x1be + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x38, offset 0x1c5 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x6c53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x39, offset 0x1cd + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0x1d3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0x1d8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0x1dc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0x1df + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0x1e1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x7453, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x7853, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0x1e4 + {value: 0x7c53, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x8053, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x7c53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0892, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1e9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1ea + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1ec + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x1ee + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1f0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1f7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1fc + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x200 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x209 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x20c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x20f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x215 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x216 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x221 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x8f}, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x222 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x223 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x228 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x235 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x23d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x245 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x24e + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x257 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x260 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x265 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x268 + {value: 0x31ea, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x326a, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x32ea, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x336a, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x33ea, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x346a, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x34ea, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x356a, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x35ea, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x8353, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x8353, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x273 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x281 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x283 + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x8752, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x8b52, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x28a + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x8f52, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x28e + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x29a + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x29b + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x369a, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x374a, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x37fa, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x38aa, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x395a, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x3a0a, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x3abb, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x2a6 + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x2ae + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x2b6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x2bc + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x2bd + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x2cb + {value: 0x0016, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0xa452, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x1013, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x1012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x2d0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x88}, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x2d3 + {value: 0xa753, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xaa53, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0xad53, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xaa53, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0xa753, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x2d8 + {value: 0x3013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xb053, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x2dc + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x2e2 + {value: 0x6c52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x2e7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x2ea + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x2ef + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x2f4 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x2f5 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x2fb + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x2fd + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x2fe + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x300 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x302 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x305 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x306 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x308 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xab}, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x30b + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x311 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x315 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x317 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x97, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x31c + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x8753, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x323 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x908b, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x8f53, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x32b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x334 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x335 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x33e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x342 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x347 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x34f + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x355 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x35b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x365 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x36a + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x373 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x379 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0xb352, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x74d2, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x380 + {value: 0x78d2, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x7cd2, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x80d2, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x7cd2, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x384 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x38c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x38e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x390 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x393 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x395 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x397 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x398 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x399 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x39b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x39d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x3a3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x3a8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x3aa + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x3b1 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x3b4 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x3b6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x3bc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x3c1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x3c3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x3c4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x3c5 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x3c6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x3c8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x3ca + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x3cc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x3cf + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x3d1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x95}, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x3d4 + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xb653, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xb953, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x3dc + {value: 0xb652, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xb952, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x3df + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0xb953, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xb653, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x3e3 + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0xb952, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xb652, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x3eb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x3ed + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x3ee + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x3ef + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x3f1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x3f7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x3f9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x3fa + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x3fc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x3fe + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x400 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x40d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x40e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x40f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x413 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x415 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x416 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x417 + {value: 0x5653, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x418 + {value: 0x5652, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x419 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x41c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x41f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x90}, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x425 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x426 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x42a + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x42e + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x434 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x437 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x43e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x442 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x446 + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x44d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x456 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x45c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x462 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x46c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x476 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x478 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x481 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x487 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x48d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x493 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x496 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x49c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x49f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x4a8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x4a9 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x4b0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x4b4 + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x4b5 + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x4b8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x4ba + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x4c1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x4c9 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x4cf + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x4d5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x4d6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x4dc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x4df + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x4e7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x4ee + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x4f8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x500 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x503 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x504 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x505 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x506 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x508 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0xf0, offset 0x509 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0xf1, offset 0x50b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xf2, offset 0x50d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xf3, offset 0x50f + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf4, offset 0x513 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + // Block 0xf5, offset 0x514 + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf6, offset 0x516 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf7, offset 0x519 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0xf8, offset 0x51b + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0xf9, offset 0x51d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0xfa, offset 0x51f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0xfb, offset 0x524 + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfc, offset 0x529 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0xfd, offset 0x52d + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x84}, + // Block 0xfe, offset 0x52e + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xff, offset 0x531 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x100, offset 0x535 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x101, offset 0x540 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x102, offset 0x544 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x103, offset 0x54c + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x104, offset 0x551 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x105, offset 0x555 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x106, offset 0x558 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x88, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x107, offset 0x55c + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x108, offset 0x55f + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x109, offset 0x562 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10a, offset 0x567 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10b, offset 0x56b + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10c, offset 0x56f + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10d, offset 0x573 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0017, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10e, offset 0x577 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10f, offset 0x579 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x110, offset 0x57b + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x111, offset 0x57e + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x112, offset 0x583 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x113, offset 0x586 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + // Block 0x114, offset 0x588 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x115, offset 0x58b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + // Block 0x116, offset 0x58d + {value: 0xbc52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0xbf52, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x117, offset 0x593 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x118, offset 0x59c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x119, offset 0x5a1 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x11a, offset 0x5a2 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x11b, offset 0x5a5 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + // Block 0x11c, offset 0x5a6 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x11d, offset 0x5a7 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x11e, offset 0x5a9 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x11f, offset 0x5aa + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, +} + +// Total table size 15070 bytes (14KiB); checksum: 1EB13752 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables13.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables13.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd874775 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables13.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,2400 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.16 +// +build go1.16 + +package cases + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "13.0.0" + +var xorData string = "" + // Size: 192 bytes + "\x00\x06\x07\x00\x01?\x00\x0f\x03\x00\x0f\x12\x00\x0f\x1f\x00\x0f\x1d" + + "\x00\x01\x13\x00\x0f\x16\x00\x0f\x0b\x00\x0f3\x00\x0f7\x00\x01#\x00\x0f?" + + "\x00\x0e'\x00\x0f/\x00\x0e>\x00\x0f*\x00\x0c&\x00\x0c*\x00\x0c;\x00\x0c9" + + "\x00\x0c%\x00\x01\x08\x00\x03\x0d\x00\x03\x09\x00\x02\x06\x00\x02\x02" + + "\x00\x02\x0c\x00\x01\x00\x00\x01\x03\x00\x01\x01\x00\x01 \x00\x01\x0c" + + "\x00\x01\x10\x00\x03\x10\x00\x036 \x00\x037 \x00\x0b#\x10\x00\x0b 0\x00" + + "\x0b!\x10\x00\x0b!0\x001\x00\x00\x0b(\x04\x00\x03\x04\x1e\x00\x0b)\x08" + + "\x00\x03\x0a\x00\x02:\x00\x02>\x00\x02,\x00\x02\x00\x00\x02\x10\x00\x01<" + + "\x00\x01&\x00\x01*\x00\x01.\x00\x010\x003 \x00\x01\x18\x00\x01(\x00\x01" + + "\x1e\x00\x01\x22" + +var exceptions string = "" + // Size: 2450 bytes + "\x00\x12\x12μΜΜ\x12\x12ssSSSs\x13\x18i̇i̇\x10\x09II\x13\x1bʼnʼNʼN\x11" + + "\x09sSS\x12\x12dždžDž\x12\x12dždžDŽ\x10\x12DŽDž\x12\x12ljljLj\x12\x12ljljLJ\x10\x12LJLj" + + "\x12\x12njnjNj\x12\x12njnjNJ\x10\x12NJNj\x13\x1bǰJ̌J̌\x12\x12dzdzDz\x12\x12dzdzDZ\x10" + + "\x12DZDz\x13\x18ⱥⱥ\x13\x18ⱦⱦ\x10\x1bⱾⱾ\x10\x1bⱿⱿ\x10\x1bⱯⱯ\x10\x1bⱭⱭ\x10" + + "\x1bⱰⱰ\x10\x1bꞫꞫ\x10\x1bꞬꞬ\x10\x1bꞍꞍ\x10\x1bꞪꞪ\x10\x1bꞮꞮ\x10\x1bⱢⱢ\x10" + + "\x1bꞭꞭ\x10\x1bⱮⱮ\x10\x1bⱤⱤ\x10\x1bꟅꟅ\x10\x1bꞱꞱ\x10\x1bꞲꞲ\x10\x1bꞰꞰ2\x12ι" + + "ΙΙ\x166ΐΪ́Ϊ́\x166ΰΫ́Ϋ́\x12\x12σΣΣ\x12\x12βΒΒ\x12\x12θΘΘ\x12\x12" + + "φΦΦ\x12\x12πΠΠ\x12\x12κΚΚ\x12\x12ρΡΡ\x12\x12εΕΕ\x14$եւԵՒԵւ\x10\x1bᲐა" + + "\x10\x1bᲑბ\x10\x1bᲒგ\x10\x1bᲓდ\x10\x1bᲔე\x10\x1bᲕვ\x10\x1bᲖზ\x10\x1bᲗთ" + + "\x10\x1bᲘი\x10\x1bᲙკ\x10\x1bᲚლ\x10\x1bᲛმ\x10\x1bᲜნ\x10\x1bᲝო\x10\x1bᲞპ" + + "\x10\x1bᲟჟ\x10\x1bᲠრ\x10\x1bᲡს\x10\x1bᲢტ\x10\x1bᲣუ\x10\x1bᲤფ\x10\x1bᲥქ" + + "\x10\x1bᲦღ\x10\x1bᲧყ\x10\x1bᲨშ\x10\x1bᲩჩ\x10\x1bᲪც\x10\x1bᲫძ\x10\x1bᲬწ" + + "\x10\x1bᲭჭ\x10\x1bᲮხ\x10\x1bᲯჯ\x10\x1bᲰჰ\x10\x1bᲱჱ\x10\x1bᲲჲ\x10\x1bᲳჳ" + + "\x10\x1bᲴჴ\x10\x1bᲵჵ\x10\x1bᲶჶ\x10\x1bᲷჷ\x10\x1bᲸჸ\x10\x1bᲹჹ\x10\x1bᲺჺ" + + "\x10\x1bᲽჽ\x10\x1bᲾჾ\x10\x1bᲿჿ\x12\x12вВВ\x12\x12дДД\x12\x12оОО\x12\x12с" + + "СС\x12\x12тТТ\x12\x12тТТ\x12\x12ъЪЪ\x12\x12ѣѢѢ\x13\x1bꙋꙊꙊ\x13\x1bẖH̱H̱" + + "\x13\x1bẗT̈T̈\x13\x1bẘW̊W̊\x13\x1bẙY̊Y̊\x13\x1baʾAʾAʾ\x13\x1bṡṠṠ\x12" + + "\x10ssß\x14$ὐΥ̓Υ̓\x166ὒΥ̓̀Υ̓̀\x166ὔΥ̓́Υ̓́\x166ὖΥ̓͂Υ̓͂\x15+ἀιἈΙᾈ" + + "\x15+ἁιἉΙᾉ\x15+ἂιἊΙᾊ\x15+ἃιἋΙᾋ\x15+ἄιἌΙᾌ\x15+ἅιἍΙᾍ\x15+ἆιἎΙᾎ\x15+ἇιἏΙᾏ" + + "\x15\x1dἀιᾀἈΙ\x15\x1dἁιᾁἉΙ\x15\x1dἂιᾂἊΙ\x15\x1dἃιᾃἋΙ\x15\x1dἄιᾄἌΙ\x15" + + "\x1dἅιᾅἍΙ\x15\x1dἆιᾆἎΙ\x15\x1dἇιᾇἏΙ\x15+ἠιἨΙᾘ\x15+ἡιἩΙᾙ\x15+ἢιἪΙᾚ\x15+ἣι" + + "ἫΙᾛ\x15+ἤιἬΙᾜ\x15+ἥιἭΙᾝ\x15+ἦιἮΙᾞ\x15+ἧιἯΙᾟ\x15\x1dἠιᾐἨΙ\x15\x1dἡιᾑἩΙ" + + "\x15\x1dἢιᾒἪΙ\x15\x1dἣιᾓἫΙ\x15\x1dἤιᾔἬΙ\x15\x1dἥιᾕἭΙ\x15\x1dἦιᾖἮΙ\x15" + + "\x1dἧιᾗἯΙ\x15+ὠιὨΙᾨ\x15+ὡιὩΙᾩ\x15+ὢιὪΙᾪ\x15+ὣιὫΙᾫ\x15+ὤιὬΙᾬ\x15+ὥιὭΙᾭ" + + "\x15+ὦιὮΙᾮ\x15+ὧιὯΙᾯ\x15\x1dὠιᾠὨΙ\x15\x1dὡιᾡὩΙ\x15\x1dὢιᾢὪΙ\x15\x1dὣιᾣὫΙ" + + "\x15\x1dὤιᾤὬΙ\x15\x1dὥιᾥὭΙ\x15\x1dὦιᾦὮΙ\x15\x1dὧιᾧὯΙ\x15-ὰιᾺΙᾺͅ\x14#αιΑΙ" + + "ᾼ\x14$άιΆΙΆͅ\x14$ᾶΑ͂Α͂\x166ᾶιΑ͂Ιᾼ͂\x14\x1cαιᾳΑΙ\x12\x12ιΙΙ\x15-ὴιῊΙ" + + "Ὴͅ\x14#ηιΗΙῌ\x14$ήιΉΙΉͅ\x14$ῆΗ͂Η͂\x166ῆιΗ͂Ιῌ͂\x14\x1cηιῃΗΙ\x166ῒΙ" + + "̈̀Ϊ̀\x166ΐΪ́Ϊ́\x14$ῖΙ͂Ι͂\x166ῗΪ͂Ϊ͂\x166ῢΫ̀Ϋ̀\x166ΰΫ́Ϋ" + + "́\x14$ῤΡ̓Ρ̓\x14$ῦΥ͂Υ͂\x166ῧΫ͂Ϋ͂\x15-ὼιῺΙῺͅ\x14#ωιΩΙῼ\x14$ώιΏΙΏͅ" + + "\x14$ῶΩ͂Ω͂\x166ῶιΩ͂Ιῼ͂\x14\x1cωιῳΩΙ\x12\x10ωω\x11\x08kk\x12\x10åå\x12" + + "\x10ɫɫ\x12\x10ɽɽ\x10\x12ȺȺ\x10\x12ȾȾ\x12\x10ɑɑ\x12\x10ɱɱ\x12\x10ɐɐ\x12" + + "\x10ɒɒ\x12\x10ȿȿ\x12\x10ɀɀ\x12\x10ɥɥ\x12\x10ɦɦ\x12\x10ɜɜ\x12\x10ɡɡ\x12" + + "\x10ɬɬ\x12\x10ɪɪ\x12\x10ʞʞ\x12\x10ʇʇ\x12\x10ʝʝ\x12\x10ʂʂ\x12\x12ffFFFf" + + "\x12\x12fiFIFi\x12\x12flFLFl\x13\x1bffiFFIFfi\x13\x1bfflFFLFfl\x12\x12st" + + "STSt\x12\x12stSTSt\x14$մնՄՆՄն\x14$մեՄԵՄե\x14$միՄԻՄի\x14$վնՎՆՎն\x14$մխՄԽՄ" + + "խ" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *caseTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = caseIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0] + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = caseIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0] + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// caseTrie. Total size: 12538 bytes (12.24 KiB). Checksum: af4dfa7d60c71d4c. +type caseTrie struct{} + +func newCaseTrie(i int) *caseTrie { + return &caseTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + case n < 20: + return uint16(caseValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + default: + n -= 20 + return uint16(sparse.lookup(n, b)) + } +} + +// caseValues: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 2816 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var caseValues = [1408]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x27: 0x0054, + 0x2e: 0x0054, + 0x30: 0x0010, 0x31: 0x0010, 0x32: 0x0010, 0x33: 0x0010, 0x34: 0x0010, 0x35: 0x0010, + 0x36: 0x0010, 0x37: 0x0010, 0x38: 0x0010, 0x39: 0x0010, 0x3a: 0x0054, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x41: 0x2013, 0x42: 0x2013, 0x43: 0x2013, 0x44: 0x2013, 0x45: 0x2013, + 0x46: 0x2013, 0x47: 0x2013, 0x48: 0x2013, 0x49: 0x2013, 0x4a: 0x2013, 0x4b: 0x2013, + 0x4c: 0x2013, 0x4d: 0x2013, 0x4e: 0x2013, 0x4f: 0x2013, 0x50: 0x2013, 0x51: 0x2013, + 0x52: 0x2013, 0x53: 0x2013, 0x54: 0x2013, 0x55: 0x2013, 0x56: 0x2013, 0x57: 0x2013, + 0x58: 0x2013, 0x59: 0x2013, 0x5a: 0x2013, + 0x5e: 0x0004, 0x5f: 0x0010, 0x60: 0x0004, 0x61: 0x2012, 0x62: 0x2012, 0x63: 0x2012, + 0x64: 0x2012, 0x65: 0x2012, 0x66: 0x2012, 0x67: 0x2012, 0x68: 0x2012, 0x69: 0x2012, + 0x6a: 0x2012, 0x6b: 0x2012, 0x6c: 0x2012, 0x6d: 0x2012, 0x6e: 0x2012, 0x6f: 0x2012, + 0x70: 0x2012, 0x71: 0x2012, 0x72: 0x2012, 0x73: 0x2012, 0x74: 0x2012, 0x75: 0x2012, + 0x76: 0x2012, 0x77: 0x2012, 0x78: 0x2012, 0x79: 0x2012, 0x7a: 0x2012, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x0852, 0xc1: 0x0b53, 0xc2: 0x0113, 0xc3: 0x0112, 0xc4: 0x0113, 0xc5: 0x0112, + 0xc6: 0x0b53, 0xc7: 0x0f13, 0xc8: 0x0f12, 0xc9: 0x0e53, 0xca: 0x1153, 0xcb: 0x0713, + 0xcc: 0x0712, 0xcd: 0x0012, 0xce: 0x1453, 0xcf: 0x1753, 0xd0: 0x1a53, 0xd1: 0x0313, + 0xd2: 0x0312, 0xd3: 0x1d53, 0xd4: 0x2053, 0xd5: 0x2352, 0xd6: 0x2653, 0xd7: 0x2653, + 0xd8: 0x0113, 0xd9: 0x0112, 0xda: 0x2952, 0xdb: 0x0012, 0xdc: 0x1d53, 0xdd: 0x2c53, + 0xde: 0x2f52, 0xdf: 0x3253, 0xe0: 0x0113, 0xe1: 0x0112, 0xe2: 0x0113, 0xe3: 0x0112, + 0xe4: 0x0113, 0xe5: 0x0112, 0xe6: 0x3553, 0xe7: 0x0f13, 0xe8: 0x0f12, 0xe9: 0x3853, + 0xea: 0x0012, 0xeb: 0x0012, 0xec: 0x0113, 0xed: 0x0112, 0xee: 0x3553, 0xef: 0x1f13, + 0xf0: 0x1f12, 0xf1: 0x3b53, 0xf2: 0x3e53, 0xf3: 0x0713, 0xf4: 0x0712, 0xf5: 0x0313, + 0xf6: 0x0312, 0xf7: 0x4153, 0xf8: 0x0113, 0xf9: 0x0112, 0xfa: 0x0012, 0xfb: 0x0010, + 0xfc: 0x0113, 0xfd: 0x0112, 0xfe: 0x0012, 0xff: 0x4452, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0x0010, 0x101: 0x0010, 0x102: 0x0010, 0x103: 0x0010, 0x104: 0x02db, 0x105: 0x0359, + 0x106: 0x03da, 0x107: 0x043b, 0x108: 0x04b9, 0x109: 0x053a, 0x10a: 0x059b, 0x10b: 0x0619, + 0x10c: 0x069a, 0x10d: 0x0313, 0x10e: 0x0312, 0x10f: 0x1f13, 0x110: 0x1f12, 0x111: 0x0313, + 0x112: 0x0312, 0x113: 0x0713, 0x114: 0x0712, 0x115: 0x0313, 0x116: 0x0312, 0x117: 0x0f13, + 0x118: 0x0f12, 0x119: 0x0313, 0x11a: 0x0312, 0x11b: 0x0713, 0x11c: 0x0712, 0x11d: 0x1452, + 0x11e: 0x0113, 0x11f: 0x0112, 0x120: 0x0113, 0x121: 0x0112, 0x122: 0x0113, 0x123: 0x0112, + 0x124: 0x0113, 0x125: 0x0112, 0x126: 0x0113, 0x127: 0x0112, 0x128: 0x0113, 0x129: 0x0112, + 0x12a: 0x0113, 0x12b: 0x0112, 0x12c: 0x0113, 0x12d: 0x0112, 0x12e: 0x0113, 0x12f: 0x0112, + 0x130: 0x06fa, 0x131: 0x07ab, 0x132: 0x0829, 0x133: 0x08aa, 0x134: 0x0113, 0x135: 0x0112, + 0x136: 0x2353, 0x137: 0x4453, 0x138: 0x0113, 0x139: 0x0112, 0x13a: 0x0113, 0x13b: 0x0112, + 0x13c: 0x0113, 0x13d: 0x0112, 0x13e: 0x0113, 0x13f: 0x0112, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x0a8a, 0x141: 0x0313, 0x142: 0x0312, 0x143: 0x0853, 0x144: 0x4753, 0x145: 0x4a53, + 0x146: 0x0113, 0x147: 0x0112, 0x148: 0x0113, 0x149: 0x0112, 0x14a: 0x0113, 0x14b: 0x0112, + 0x14c: 0x0113, 0x14d: 0x0112, 0x14e: 0x0113, 0x14f: 0x0112, 0x150: 0x0b0a, 0x151: 0x0b8a, + 0x152: 0x0c0a, 0x153: 0x0b52, 0x154: 0x0b52, 0x155: 0x0012, 0x156: 0x0e52, 0x157: 0x1152, + 0x158: 0x0012, 0x159: 0x1752, 0x15a: 0x0012, 0x15b: 0x1a52, 0x15c: 0x0c8a, 0x15d: 0x0012, + 0x15e: 0x0012, 0x15f: 0x0012, 0x160: 0x1d52, 0x161: 0x0d0a, 0x162: 0x0012, 0x163: 0x2052, + 0x164: 0x0012, 0x165: 0x0d8a, 0x166: 0x0e0a, 0x167: 0x0012, 0x168: 0x2652, 0x169: 0x2652, + 0x16a: 0x0e8a, 0x16b: 0x0f0a, 0x16c: 0x0f8a, 0x16d: 0x0012, 0x16e: 0x0012, 0x16f: 0x1d52, + 0x170: 0x0012, 0x171: 0x100a, 0x172: 0x2c52, 0x173: 0x0012, 0x174: 0x0012, 0x175: 0x3252, + 0x176: 0x0012, 0x177: 0x0012, 0x178: 0x0012, 0x179: 0x0012, 0x17a: 0x0012, 0x17b: 0x0012, + 0x17c: 0x0012, 0x17d: 0x108a, 0x17e: 0x0012, 0x17f: 0x0012, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x3552, 0x181: 0x0012, 0x182: 0x110a, 0x183: 0x3852, 0x184: 0x0012, 0x185: 0x0012, + 0x186: 0x0012, 0x187: 0x118a, 0x188: 0x3552, 0x189: 0x4752, 0x18a: 0x3b52, 0x18b: 0x3e52, + 0x18c: 0x4a52, 0x18d: 0x0012, 0x18e: 0x0012, 0x18f: 0x0012, 0x190: 0x0012, 0x191: 0x0012, + 0x192: 0x4152, 0x193: 0x0012, 0x194: 0x0010, 0x195: 0x0012, 0x196: 0x0012, 0x197: 0x0012, + 0x198: 0x0012, 0x199: 0x0012, 0x19a: 0x0012, 0x19b: 0x0012, 0x19c: 0x0012, 0x19d: 0x120a, + 0x19e: 0x128a, 0x19f: 0x0012, 0x1a0: 0x0012, 0x1a1: 0x0012, 0x1a2: 0x0012, 0x1a3: 0x0012, + 0x1a4: 0x0012, 0x1a5: 0x0012, 0x1a6: 0x0012, 0x1a7: 0x0012, 0x1a8: 0x0012, 0x1a9: 0x0012, + 0x1aa: 0x0012, 0x1ab: 0x0012, 0x1ac: 0x0012, 0x1ad: 0x0012, 0x1ae: 0x0012, 0x1af: 0x0012, + 0x1b0: 0x0015, 0x1b1: 0x0015, 0x1b2: 0x0015, 0x1b3: 0x0015, 0x1b4: 0x0015, 0x1b5: 0x0015, + 0x1b6: 0x0015, 0x1b7: 0x0015, 0x1b8: 0x0015, 0x1b9: 0x0014, 0x1ba: 0x0014, 0x1bb: 0x0014, + 0x1bc: 0x0014, 0x1bd: 0x0014, 0x1be: 0x0014, 0x1bf: 0x0014, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x0024, 0x1c1: 0x0024, 0x1c2: 0x0024, 0x1c3: 0x0024, 0x1c4: 0x0024, 0x1c5: 0x130d, + 0x1c6: 0x0024, 0x1c7: 0x0034, 0x1c8: 0x0034, 0x1c9: 0x0034, 0x1ca: 0x0024, 0x1cb: 0x0024, + 0x1cc: 0x0024, 0x1cd: 0x0034, 0x1ce: 0x0034, 0x1cf: 0x0014, 0x1d0: 0x0024, 0x1d1: 0x0024, + 0x1d2: 0x0024, 0x1d3: 0x0034, 0x1d4: 0x0034, 0x1d5: 0x0034, 0x1d6: 0x0034, 0x1d7: 0x0024, + 0x1d8: 0x0034, 0x1d9: 0x0034, 0x1da: 0x0034, 0x1db: 0x0024, 0x1dc: 0x0034, 0x1dd: 0x0034, + 0x1de: 0x0034, 0x1df: 0x0034, 0x1e0: 0x0034, 0x1e1: 0x0034, 0x1e2: 0x0034, 0x1e3: 0x0024, + 0x1e4: 0x0024, 0x1e5: 0x0024, 0x1e6: 0x0024, 0x1e7: 0x0024, 0x1e8: 0x0024, 0x1e9: 0x0024, + 0x1ea: 0x0024, 0x1eb: 0x0024, 0x1ec: 0x0024, 0x1ed: 0x0024, 0x1ee: 0x0024, 0x1ef: 0x0024, + 0x1f0: 0x0113, 0x1f1: 0x0112, 0x1f2: 0x0113, 0x1f3: 0x0112, 0x1f4: 0x0014, 0x1f5: 0x0004, + 0x1f6: 0x0113, 0x1f7: 0x0112, 0x1fa: 0x0015, 0x1fb: 0x4d52, + 0x1fc: 0x5052, 0x1fd: 0x5052, 0x1ff: 0x5353, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x204: 0x0004, 0x205: 0x0004, + 0x206: 0x2a13, 0x207: 0x0054, 0x208: 0x2513, 0x209: 0x2713, 0x20a: 0x2513, + 0x20c: 0x5653, 0x20e: 0x5953, 0x20f: 0x5c53, 0x210: 0x138a, 0x211: 0x2013, + 0x212: 0x2013, 0x213: 0x2013, 0x214: 0x2013, 0x215: 0x2013, 0x216: 0x2013, 0x217: 0x2013, + 0x218: 0x2013, 0x219: 0x2013, 0x21a: 0x2013, 0x21b: 0x2013, 0x21c: 0x2013, 0x21d: 0x2013, + 0x21e: 0x2013, 0x21f: 0x2013, 0x220: 0x5f53, 0x221: 0x5f53, 0x223: 0x5f53, + 0x224: 0x5f53, 0x225: 0x5f53, 0x226: 0x5f53, 0x227: 0x5f53, 0x228: 0x5f53, 0x229: 0x5f53, + 0x22a: 0x5f53, 0x22b: 0x5f53, 0x22c: 0x2a12, 0x22d: 0x2512, 0x22e: 0x2712, 0x22f: 0x2512, + 0x230: 0x14ca, 0x231: 0x2012, 0x232: 0x2012, 0x233: 0x2012, 0x234: 0x2012, 0x235: 0x2012, + 0x236: 0x2012, 0x237: 0x2012, 0x238: 0x2012, 0x239: 0x2012, 0x23a: 0x2012, 0x23b: 0x2012, + 0x23c: 0x2012, 0x23d: 0x2012, 0x23e: 0x2012, 0x23f: 0x2012, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x5f52, 0x241: 0x5f52, 0x242: 0x160a, 0x243: 0x5f52, 0x244: 0x5f52, 0x245: 0x5f52, + 0x246: 0x5f52, 0x247: 0x5f52, 0x248: 0x5f52, 0x249: 0x5f52, 0x24a: 0x5f52, 0x24b: 0x5f52, + 0x24c: 0x5652, 0x24d: 0x5952, 0x24e: 0x5c52, 0x24f: 0x1813, 0x250: 0x168a, 0x251: 0x170a, + 0x252: 0x0013, 0x253: 0x0013, 0x254: 0x0013, 0x255: 0x178a, 0x256: 0x180a, 0x257: 0x1812, + 0x258: 0x0113, 0x259: 0x0112, 0x25a: 0x0113, 0x25b: 0x0112, 0x25c: 0x0113, 0x25d: 0x0112, + 0x25e: 0x0113, 0x25f: 0x0112, 0x260: 0x0113, 0x261: 0x0112, 0x262: 0x0113, 0x263: 0x0112, + 0x264: 0x0113, 0x265: 0x0112, 0x266: 0x0113, 0x267: 0x0112, 0x268: 0x0113, 0x269: 0x0112, + 0x26a: 0x0113, 0x26b: 0x0112, 0x26c: 0x0113, 0x26d: 0x0112, 0x26e: 0x0113, 0x26f: 0x0112, + 0x270: 0x188a, 0x271: 0x190a, 0x272: 0x0b12, 0x273: 0x5352, 0x274: 0x6253, 0x275: 0x198a, + 0x277: 0x0f13, 0x278: 0x0f12, 0x279: 0x0b13, 0x27a: 0x0113, 0x27b: 0x0112, + 0x27c: 0x0012, 0x27d: 0x4d53, 0x27e: 0x5053, 0x27f: 0x5053, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x6852, 0x281: 0x6852, 0x282: 0x6852, 0x283: 0x6852, 0x284: 0x6852, 0x285: 0x6852, + 0x286: 0x6852, 0x287: 0x1a0a, 0x288: 0x0012, 0x28a: 0x0010, + 0x291: 0x0034, + 0x292: 0x0024, 0x293: 0x0024, 0x294: 0x0024, 0x295: 0x0024, 0x296: 0x0034, 0x297: 0x0024, + 0x298: 0x0024, 0x299: 0x0024, 0x29a: 0x0034, 0x29b: 0x0034, 0x29c: 0x0024, 0x29d: 0x0024, + 0x29e: 0x0024, 0x29f: 0x0024, 0x2a0: 0x0024, 0x2a1: 0x0024, 0x2a2: 0x0034, 0x2a3: 0x0034, + 0x2a4: 0x0034, 0x2a5: 0x0034, 0x2a6: 0x0034, 0x2a7: 0x0034, 0x2a8: 0x0024, 0x2a9: 0x0024, + 0x2aa: 0x0034, 0x2ab: 0x0024, 0x2ac: 0x0024, 0x2ad: 0x0034, 0x2ae: 0x0034, 0x2af: 0x0024, + 0x2b0: 0x0034, 0x2b1: 0x0034, 0x2b2: 0x0034, 0x2b3: 0x0034, 0x2b4: 0x0034, 0x2b5: 0x0034, + 0x2b6: 0x0034, 0x2b7: 0x0034, 0x2b8: 0x0034, 0x2b9: 0x0034, 0x2ba: 0x0034, 0x2bb: 0x0034, + 0x2bc: 0x0034, 0x2bd: 0x0034, 0x2bf: 0x0034, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x7053, 0x2c1: 0x7053, 0x2c2: 0x7053, 0x2c3: 0x7053, 0x2c4: 0x7053, 0x2c5: 0x7053, + 0x2c7: 0x7053, + 0x2cd: 0x7053, 0x2d0: 0x1aea, 0x2d1: 0x1b6a, + 0x2d2: 0x1bea, 0x2d3: 0x1c6a, 0x2d4: 0x1cea, 0x2d5: 0x1d6a, 0x2d6: 0x1dea, 0x2d7: 0x1e6a, + 0x2d8: 0x1eea, 0x2d9: 0x1f6a, 0x2da: 0x1fea, 0x2db: 0x206a, 0x2dc: 0x20ea, 0x2dd: 0x216a, + 0x2de: 0x21ea, 0x2df: 0x226a, 0x2e0: 0x22ea, 0x2e1: 0x236a, 0x2e2: 0x23ea, 0x2e3: 0x246a, + 0x2e4: 0x24ea, 0x2e5: 0x256a, 0x2e6: 0x25ea, 0x2e7: 0x266a, 0x2e8: 0x26ea, 0x2e9: 0x276a, + 0x2ea: 0x27ea, 0x2eb: 0x286a, 0x2ec: 0x28ea, 0x2ed: 0x296a, 0x2ee: 0x29ea, 0x2ef: 0x2a6a, + 0x2f0: 0x2aea, 0x2f1: 0x2b6a, 0x2f2: 0x2bea, 0x2f3: 0x2c6a, 0x2f4: 0x2cea, 0x2f5: 0x2d6a, + 0x2f6: 0x2dea, 0x2f7: 0x2e6a, 0x2f8: 0x2eea, 0x2f9: 0x2f6a, 0x2fa: 0x2fea, + 0x2fc: 0x0014, 0x2fd: 0x306a, 0x2fe: 0x30ea, 0x2ff: 0x316a, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x0812, 0x301: 0x0812, 0x302: 0x0812, 0x303: 0x0812, 0x304: 0x0812, 0x305: 0x0812, + 0x308: 0x0813, 0x309: 0x0813, 0x30a: 0x0813, 0x30b: 0x0813, + 0x30c: 0x0813, 0x30d: 0x0813, 0x310: 0x3b1a, 0x311: 0x0812, + 0x312: 0x3bfa, 0x313: 0x0812, 0x314: 0x3d3a, 0x315: 0x0812, 0x316: 0x3e7a, 0x317: 0x0812, + 0x319: 0x0813, 0x31b: 0x0813, 0x31d: 0x0813, + 0x31f: 0x0813, 0x320: 0x0812, 0x321: 0x0812, 0x322: 0x0812, 0x323: 0x0812, + 0x324: 0x0812, 0x325: 0x0812, 0x326: 0x0812, 0x327: 0x0812, 0x328: 0x0813, 0x329: 0x0813, + 0x32a: 0x0813, 0x32b: 0x0813, 0x32c: 0x0813, 0x32d: 0x0813, 0x32e: 0x0813, 0x32f: 0x0813, + 0x330: 0x9252, 0x331: 0x9252, 0x332: 0x9552, 0x333: 0x9552, 0x334: 0x9852, 0x335: 0x9852, + 0x336: 0x9b52, 0x337: 0x9b52, 0x338: 0x9e52, 0x339: 0x9e52, 0x33a: 0xa152, 0x33b: 0xa152, + 0x33c: 0x4d52, 0x33d: 0x4d52, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x3fba, 0x341: 0x40aa, 0x342: 0x419a, 0x343: 0x428a, 0x344: 0x437a, 0x345: 0x446a, + 0x346: 0x455a, 0x347: 0x464a, 0x348: 0x4739, 0x349: 0x4829, 0x34a: 0x4919, 0x34b: 0x4a09, + 0x34c: 0x4af9, 0x34d: 0x4be9, 0x34e: 0x4cd9, 0x34f: 0x4dc9, 0x350: 0x4eba, 0x351: 0x4faa, + 0x352: 0x509a, 0x353: 0x518a, 0x354: 0x527a, 0x355: 0x536a, 0x356: 0x545a, 0x357: 0x554a, + 0x358: 0x5639, 0x359: 0x5729, 0x35a: 0x5819, 0x35b: 0x5909, 0x35c: 0x59f9, 0x35d: 0x5ae9, + 0x35e: 0x5bd9, 0x35f: 0x5cc9, 0x360: 0x5dba, 0x361: 0x5eaa, 0x362: 0x5f9a, 0x363: 0x608a, + 0x364: 0x617a, 0x365: 0x626a, 0x366: 0x635a, 0x367: 0x644a, 0x368: 0x6539, 0x369: 0x6629, + 0x36a: 0x6719, 0x36b: 0x6809, 0x36c: 0x68f9, 0x36d: 0x69e9, 0x36e: 0x6ad9, 0x36f: 0x6bc9, + 0x370: 0x0812, 0x371: 0x0812, 0x372: 0x6cba, 0x373: 0x6dca, 0x374: 0x6e9a, + 0x376: 0x6f7a, 0x377: 0x705a, 0x378: 0x0813, 0x379: 0x0813, 0x37a: 0x9253, 0x37b: 0x9253, + 0x37c: 0x7199, 0x37d: 0x0004, 0x37e: 0x726a, 0x37f: 0x0004, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0004, 0x381: 0x0004, 0x382: 0x72ea, 0x383: 0x73fa, 0x384: 0x74ca, + 0x386: 0x75aa, 0x387: 0x768a, 0x388: 0x9553, 0x389: 0x9553, 0x38a: 0x9853, 0x38b: 0x9853, + 0x38c: 0x77c9, 0x38d: 0x0004, 0x38e: 0x0004, 0x38f: 0x0004, 0x390: 0x0812, 0x391: 0x0812, + 0x392: 0x789a, 0x393: 0x79da, 0x396: 0x7b1a, 0x397: 0x7bfa, + 0x398: 0x0813, 0x399: 0x0813, 0x39a: 0x9b53, 0x39b: 0x9b53, 0x39d: 0x0004, + 0x39e: 0x0004, 0x39f: 0x0004, 0x3a0: 0x0812, 0x3a1: 0x0812, 0x3a2: 0x7d3a, 0x3a3: 0x7e7a, + 0x3a4: 0x7fba, 0x3a5: 0x0912, 0x3a6: 0x809a, 0x3a7: 0x817a, 0x3a8: 0x0813, 0x3a9: 0x0813, + 0x3aa: 0xa153, 0x3ab: 0xa153, 0x3ac: 0x0913, 0x3ad: 0x0004, 0x3ae: 0x0004, 0x3af: 0x0004, + 0x3b2: 0x82ba, 0x3b3: 0x83ca, 0x3b4: 0x849a, + 0x3b6: 0x857a, 0x3b7: 0x865a, 0x3b8: 0x9e53, 0x3b9: 0x9e53, 0x3ba: 0x4d53, 0x3bb: 0x4d53, + 0x3bc: 0x8799, 0x3bd: 0x0004, 0x3be: 0x0004, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c2: 0x0013, + 0x3c7: 0x0013, 0x3ca: 0x0012, 0x3cb: 0x0013, + 0x3cc: 0x0013, 0x3cd: 0x0013, 0x3ce: 0x0012, 0x3cf: 0x0012, 0x3d0: 0x0013, 0x3d1: 0x0013, + 0x3d2: 0x0013, 0x3d3: 0x0012, 0x3d5: 0x0013, + 0x3d9: 0x0013, 0x3da: 0x0013, 0x3db: 0x0013, 0x3dc: 0x0013, 0x3dd: 0x0013, + 0x3e4: 0x0013, 0x3e6: 0x886b, 0x3e8: 0x0013, + 0x3ea: 0x88cb, 0x3eb: 0x890b, 0x3ec: 0x0013, 0x3ed: 0x0013, 0x3ef: 0x0012, + 0x3f0: 0x0013, 0x3f1: 0x0013, 0x3f2: 0xa453, 0x3f3: 0x0013, 0x3f4: 0x0012, 0x3f5: 0x0010, + 0x3f6: 0x0010, 0x3f7: 0x0010, 0x3f8: 0x0010, 0x3f9: 0x0012, + 0x3fc: 0x0012, 0x3fd: 0x0012, 0x3fe: 0x0013, 0x3ff: 0x0013, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x1a13, 0x401: 0x1a13, 0x402: 0x1e13, 0x403: 0x1e13, 0x404: 0x1a13, 0x405: 0x1a13, + 0x406: 0x2613, 0x407: 0x2613, 0x408: 0x2a13, 0x409: 0x2a13, 0x40a: 0x2e13, 0x40b: 0x2e13, + 0x40c: 0x2a13, 0x40d: 0x2a13, 0x40e: 0x2613, 0x40f: 0x2613, 0x410: 0xa752, 0x411: 0xa752, + 0x412: 0xaa52, 0x413: 0xaa52, 0x414: 0xad52, 0x415: 0xad52, 0x416: 0xaa52, 0x417: 0xaa52, + 0x418: 0xa752, 0x419: 0xa752, 0x41a: 0x1a12, 0x41b: 0x1a12, 0x41c: 0x1e12, 0x41d: 0x1e12, + 0x41e: 0x1a12, 0x41f: 0x1a12, 0x420: 0x2612, 0x421: 0x2612, 0x422: 0x2a12, 0x423: 0x2a12, + 0x424: 0x2e12, 0x425: 0x2e12, 0x426: 0x2a12, 0x427: 0x2a12, 0x428: 0x2612, 0x429: 0x2612, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x6552, 0x441: 0x6552, 0x442: 0x6552, 0x443: 0x6552, 0x444: 0x6552, 0x445: 0x6552, + 0x446: 0x6552, 0x447: 0x6552, 0x448: 0x6552, 0x449: 0x6552, 0x44a: 0x6552, 0x44b: 0x6552, + 0x44c: 0x6552, 0x44d: 0x6552, 0x44e: 0x6552, 0x44f: 0x6552, 0x450: 0xb052, 0x451: 0xb052, + 0x452: 0xb052, 0x453: 0xb052, 0x454: 0xb052, 0x455: 0xb052, 0x456: 0xb052, 0x457: 0xb052, + 0x458: 0xb052, 0x459: 0xb052, 0x45a: 0xb052, 0x45b: 0xb052, 0x45c: 0xb052, 0x45d: 0xb052, + 0x45e: 0xb052, 0x460: 0x0113, 0x461: 0x0112, 0x462: 0x896b, 0x463: 0x8b53, + 0x464: 0x89cb, 0x465: 0x8a2a, 0x466: 0x8a8a, 0x467: 0x0f13, 0x468: 0x0f12, 0x469: 0x0313, + 0x46a: 0x0312, 0x46b: 0x0713, 0x46c: 0x0712, 0x46d: 0x8aeb, 0x46e: 0x8b4b, 0x46f: 0x8bab, + 0x470: 0x8c0b, 0x471: 0x0012, 0x472: 0x0113, 0x473: 0x0112, 0x474: 0x0012, 0x475: 0x0313, + 0x476: 0x0312, 0x477: 0x0012, 0x478: 0x0012, 0x479: 0x0012, 0x47a: 0x0012, 0x47b: 0x0012, + 0x47c: 0x0015, 0x47d: 0x0015, 0x47e: 0x8c6b, 0x47f: 0x8ccb, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x0113, 0x481: 0x0112, 0x482: 0x0113, 0x483: 0x0112, 0x484: 0x0113, 0x485: 0x0112, + 0x486: 0x0113, 0x487: 0x0112, 0x488: 0x0014, 0x489: 0x0014, 0x48a: 0x0014, 0x48b: 0x0713, + 0x48c: 0x0712, 0x48d: 0x8d2b, 0x48e: 0x0012, 0x48f: 0x0010, 0x490: 0x0113, 0x491: 0x0112, + 0x492: 0x0113, 0x493: 0x0112, 0x494: 0x6552, 0x495: 0x0012, 0x496: 0x0113, 0x497: 0x0112, + 0x498: 0x0113, 0x499: 0x0112, 0x49a: 0x0113, 0x49b: 0x0112, 0x49c: 0x0113, 0x49d: 0x0112, + 0x49e: 0x0113, 0x49f: 0x0112, 0x4a0: 0x0113, 0x4a1: 0x0112, 0x4a2: 0x0113, 0x4a3: 0x0112, + 0x4a4: 0x0113, 0x4a5: 0x0112, 0x4a6: 0x0113, 0x4a7: 0x0112, 0x4a8: 0x0113, 0x4a9: 0x0112, + 0x4aa: 0x8d8b, 0x4ab: 0x8deb, 0x4ac: 0x8e4b, 0x4ad: 0x8eab, 0x4ae: 0x8f0b, 0x4af: 0x0012, + 0x4b0: 0x8f6b, 0x4b1: 0x8fcb, 0x4b2: 0x902b, 0x4b3: 0xb353, 0x4b4: 0x0113, 0x4b5: 0x0112, + 0x4b6: 0x0113, 0x4b7: 0x0112, 0x4b8: 0x0113, 0x4b9: 0x0112, 0x4ba: 0x0113, 0x4bb: 0x0112, + 0x4bc: 0x0113, 0x4bd: 0x0112, 0x4be: 0x0113, 0x4bf: 0x0112, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x90ea, 0x4c1: 0x916a, 0x4c2: 0x91ea, 0x4c3: 0x926a, 0x4c4: 0x931a, 0x4c5: 0x93ca, + 0x4c6: 0x944a, + 0x4d3: 0x94ca, 0x4d4: 0x95aa, 0x4d5: 0x968a, 0x4d6: 0x976a, 0x4d7: 0x984a, + 0x4dd: 0x0010, + 0x4de: 0x0034, 0x4df: 0x0010, 0x4e0: 0x0010, 0x4e1: 0x0010, 0x4e2: 0x0010, 0x4e3: 0x0010, + 0x4e4: 0x0010, 0x4e5: 0x0010, 0x4e6: 0x0010, 0x4e7: 0x0010, 0x4e8: 0x0010, + 0x4ea: 0x0010, 0x4eb: 0x0010, 0x4ec: 0x0010, 0x4ed: 0x0010, 0x4ee: 0x0010, 0x4ef: 0x0010, + 0x4f0: 0x0010, 0x4f1: 0x0010, 0x4f2: 0x0010, 0x4f3: 0x0010, 0x4f4: 0x0010, 0x4f5: 0x0010, + 0x4f6: 0x0010, 0x4f8: 0x0010, 0x4f9: 0x0010, 0x4fa: 0x0010, 0x4fb: 0x0010, + 0x4fc: 0x0010, 0x4fe: 0x0010, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x2213, 0x501: 0x2213, 0x502: 0x2613, 0x503: 0x2613, 0x504: 0x2213, 0x505: 0x2213, + 0x506: 0x2e13, 0x507: 0x2e13, 0x508: 0x2213, 0x509: 0x2213, 0x50a: 0x2613, 0x50b: 0x2613, + 0x50c: 0x2213, 0x50d: 0x2213, 0x50e: 0x3e13, 0x50f: 0x3e13, 0x510: 0x2213, 0x511: 0x2213, + 0x512: 0x2613, 0x513: 0x2613, 0x514: 0x2213, 0x515: 0x2213, 0x516: 0x2e13, 0x517: 0x2e13, + 0x518: 0x2213, 0x519: 0x2213, 0x51a: 0x2613, 0x51b: 0x2613, 0x51c: 0x2213, 0x51d: 0x2213, + 0x51e: 0xbc53, 0x51f: 0xbc53, 0x520: 0xbf53, 0x521: 0xbf53, 0x522: 0x2212, 0x523: 0x2212, + 0x524: 0x2612, 0x525: 0x2612, 0x526: 0x2212, 0x527: 0x2212, 0x528: 0x2e12, 0x529: 0x2e12, + 0x52a: 0x2212, 0x52b: 0x2212, 0x52c: 0x2612, 0x52d: 0x2612, 0x52e: 0x2212, 0x52f: 0x2212, + 0x530: 0x3e12, 0x531: 0x3e12, 0x532: 0x2212, 0x533: 0x2212, 0x534: 0x2612, 0x535: 0x2612, + 0x536: 0x2212, 0x537: 0x2212, 0x538: 0x2e12, 0x539: 0x2e12, 0x53a: 0x2212, 0x53b: 0x2212, + 0x53c: 0x2612, 0x53d: 0x2612, 0x53e: 0x2212, 0x53f: 0x2212, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x542: 0x0010, + 0x547: 0x0010, 0x549: 0x0010, 0x54b: 0x0010, + 0x54d: 0x0010, 0x54e: 0x0010, 0x54f: 0x0010, 0x551: 0x0010, + 0x552: 0x0010, 0x554: 0x0010, 0x557: 0x0010, + 0x559: 0x0010, 0x55b: 0x0010, 0x55d: 0x0010, + 0x55f: 0x0010, 0x561: 0x0010, 0x562: 0x0010, + 0x564: 0x0010, 0x567: 0x0010, 0x568: 0x0010, 0x569: 0x0010, + 0x56a: 0x0010, 0x56c: 0x0010, 0x56d: 0x0010, 0x56e: 0x0010, 0x56f: 0x0010, + 0x570: 0x0010, 0x571: 0x0010, 0x572: 0x0010, 0x574: 0x0010, 0x575: 0x0010, + 0x576: 0x0010, 0x577: 0x0010, 0x579: 0x0010, 0x57a: 0x0010, 0x57b: 0x0010, + 0x57c: 0x0010, 0x57e: 0x0010, +} + +// caseIndex: 25 blocks, 1600 entries, 3200 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var caseIndex = [1600]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x14, 0xc3: 0x15, 0xc4: 0x16, 0xc5: 0x17, 0xc6: 0x01, 0xc7: 0x02, + 0xc8: 0x18, 0xc9: 0x03, 0xca: 0x04, 0xcb: 0x19, 0xcc: 0x1a, 0xcd: 0x05, 0xce: 0x06, 0xcf: 0x07, + 0xd0: 0x1b, 0xd1: 0x1c, 0xd2: 0x1d, 0xd3: 0x1e, 0xd4: 0x1f, 0xd5: 0x20, 0xd6: 0x08, 0xd7: 0x21, + 0xd8: 0x22, 0xd9: 0x23, 0xda: 0x24, 0xdb: 0x25, 0xdc: 0x26, 0xdd: 0x27, 0xde: 0x28, 0xdf: 0x29, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, + 0xea: 0x06, 0xeb: 0x07, 0xec: 0x07, 0xed: 0x08, 0xef: 0x09, + 0xf0: 0x14, 0xf3: 0x16, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x2a, 0x121: 0x2b, 0x122: 0x2c, 0x123: 0x2d, 0x124: 0x2e, 0x125: 0x2f, 0x126: 0x30, 0x127: 0x31, + 0x128: 0x32, 0x129: 0x33, 0x12a: 0x34, 0x12b: 0x35, 0x12c: 0x36, 0x12d: 0x37, 0x12e: 0x38, 0x12f: 0x39, + 0x130: 0x3a, 0x131: 0x3b, 0x132: 0x3c, 0x133: 0x3d, 0x134: 0x3e, 0x135: 0x3f, 0x136: 0x40, 0x137: 0x41, + 0x138: 0x42, 0x139: 0x43, 0x13a: 0x44, 0x13b: 0x45, 0x13c: 0x46, 0x13d: 0x47, 0x13e: 0x48, 0x13f: 0x49, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x4a, 0x141: 0x4b, 0x142: 0x4c, 0x143: 0x09, 0x144: 0x24, 0x145: 0x24, 0x146: 0x24, 0x147: 0x24, + 0x148: 0x24, 0x149: 0x4d, 0x14a: 0x4e, 0x14b: 0x4f, 0x14c: 0x50, 0x14d: 0x51, 0x14e: 0x52, 0x14f: 0x53, + 0x150: 0x54, 0x151: 0x24, 0x152: 0x24, 0x153: 0x24, 0x154: 0x24, 0x155: 0x24, 0x156: 0x24, 0x157: 0x24, + 0x158: 0x24, 0x159: 0x55, 0x15a: 0x56, 0x15b: 0x57, 0x15c: 0x58, 0x15d: 0x59, 0x15e: 0x5a, 0x15f: 0x5b, + 0x160: 0x5c, 0x161: 0x5d, 0x162: 0x5e, 0x163: 0x5f, 0x164: 0x60, 0x165: 0x61, 0x167: 0x62, + 0x168: 0x63, 0x169: 0x64, 0x16a: 0x65, 0x16b: 0x66, 0x16c: 0x67, 0x16d: 0x68, 0x16e: 0x69, 0x16f: 0x6a, + 0x170: 0x6b, 0x171: 0x6c, 0x172: 0x6d, 0x173: 0x6e, 0x174: 0x6f, 0x175: 0x70, 0x176: 0x71, 0x177: 0x72, + 0x178: 0x73, 0x179: 0x73, 0x17a: 0x74, 0x17b: 0x73, 0x17c: 0x75, 0x17d: 0x0a, 0x17e: 0x0b, 0x17f: 0x0c, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x76, 0x181: 0x77, 0x182: 0x78, 0x183: 0x79, 0x184: 0x0d, 0x185: 0x7a, 0x186: 0x7b, + 0x192: 0x7c, 0x193: 0x0e, + 0x1b0: 0x7d, 0x1b1: 0x0f, 0x1b2: 0x73, 0x1b3: 0x7e, 0x1b4: 0x7f, 0x1b5: 0x80, 0x1b6: 0x81, 0x1b7: 0x82, + 0x1b8: 0x83, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x84, 0x1c2: 0x85, 0x1c3: 0x86, 0x1c4: 0x87, 0x1c5: 0x24, 0x1c6: 0x88, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x89, 0x201: 0x24, 0x202: 0x24, 0x203: 0x24, 0x204: 0x24, 0x205: 0x24, 0x206: 0x24, 0x207: 0x24, + 0x208: 0x24, 0x209: 0x24, 0x20a: 0x24, 0x20b: 0x24, 0x20c: 0x24, 0x20d: 0x24, 0x20e: 0x24, 0x20f: 0x24, + 0x210: 0x24, 0x211: 0x24, 0x212: 0x8a, 0x213: 0x8b, 0x214: 0x24, 0x215: 0x24, 0x216: 0x24, 0x217: 0x24, + 0x218: 0x8c, 0x219: 0x8d, 0x21a: 0x8e, 0x21b: 0x8f, 0x21c: 0x90, 0x21d: 0x91, 0x21e: 0x10, 0x21f: 0x92, + 0x220: 0x93, 0x221: 0x94, 0x222: 0x24, 0x223: 0x95, 0x224: 0x96, 0x225: 0x97, 0x226: 0x98, 0x227: 0x99, + 0x228: 0x9a, 0x229: 0x9b, 0x22a: 0x9c, 0x22b: 0x9d, 0x22c: 0x9e, 0x22d: 0x9f, 0x22e: 0xa0, 0x22f: 0xa1, + 0x230: 0x24, 0x231: 0x24, 0x232: 0x24, 0x233: 0x24, 0x234: 0x24, 0x235: 0x24, 0x236: 0x24, 0x237: 0x24, + 0x238: 0x24, 0x239: 0x24, 0x23a: 0x24, 0x23b: 0x24, 0x23c: 0x24, 0x23d: 0x24, 0x23e: 0x24, 0x23f: 0x24, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x24, 0x241: 0x24, 0x242: 0x24, 0x243: 0x24, 0x244: 0x24, 0x245: 0x24, 0x246: 0x24, 0x247: 0x24, + 0x248: 0x24, 0x249: 0x24, 0x24a: 0x24, 0x24b: 0x24, 0x24c: 0x24, 0x24d: 0x24, 0x24e: 0x24, 0x24f: 0x24, + 0x250: 0x24, 0x251: 0x24, 0x252: 0x24, 0x253: 0x24, 0x254: 0x24, 0x255: 0x24, 0x256: 0x24, 0x257: 0x24, + 0x258: 0x24, 0x259: 0x24, 0x25a: 0x24, 0x25b: 0x24, 0x25c: 0x24, 0x25d: 0x24, 0x25e: 0x24, 0x25f: 0x24, + 0x260: 0x24, 0x261: 0x24, 0x262: 0x24, 0x263: 0x24, 0x264: 0x24, 0x265: 0x24, 0x266: 0x24, 0x267: 0x24, + 0x268: 0x24, 0x269: 0x24, 0x26a: 0x24, 0x26b: 0x24, 0x26c: 0x24, 0x26d: 0x24, 0x26e: 0x24, 0x26f: 0x24, + 0x270: 0x24, 0x271: 0x24, 0x272: 0x24, 0x273: 0x24, 0x274: 0x24, 0x275: 0x24, 0x276: 0x24, 0x277: 0x24, + 0x278: 0x24, 0x279: 0x24, 0x27a: 0x24, 0x27b: 0x24, 0x27c: 0x24, 0x27d: 0x24, 0x27e: 0x24, 0x27f: 0x24, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x24, 0x281: 0x24, 0x282: 0x24, 0x283: 0x24, 0x284: 0x24, 0x285: 0x24, 0x286: 0x24, 0x287: 0x24, + 0x288: 0x24, 0x289: 0x24, 0x28a: 0x24, 0x28b: 0x24, 0x28c: 0x24, 0x28d: 0x24, 0x28e: 0x24, 0x28f: 0x24, + 0x290: 0x24, 0x291: 0x24, 0x292: 0x24, 0x293: 0x24, 0x294: 0x24, 0x295: 0x24, 0x296: 0x24, 0x297: 0x24, + 0x298: 0x24, 0x299: 0x24, 0x29a: 0x24, 0x29b: 0x24, 0x29c: 0x24, 0x29d: 0x24, 0x29e: 0xa2, 0x29f: 0xa3, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2ec: 0x11, 0x2ed: 0xa4, 0x2ee: 0xa5, 0x2ef: 0xa6, + 0x2f0: 0x24, 0x2f1: 0x24, 0x2f2: 0x24, 0x2f3: 0x24, 0x2f4: 0xa7, 0x2f5: 0xa8, 0x2f6: 0xa9, 0x2f7: 0xaa, + 0x2f8: 0xab, 0x2f9: 0xac, 0x2fa: 0x24, 0x2fb: 0xad, 0x2fc: 0xae, 0x2fd: 0xaf, 0x2fe: 0xb0, 0x2ff: 0xb1, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0xb2, 0x301: 0xb3, 0x302: 0x24, 0x303: 0xb4, 0x305: 0xb5, 0x307: 0xb6, + 0x30a: 0xb7, 0x30b: 0xb8, 0x30c: 0xb9, 0x30d: 0xba, 0x30e: 0xbb, 0x30f: 0xbc, + 0x310: 0xbd, 0x311: 0xbe, 0x312: 0xbf, 0x313: 0xc0, 0x314: 0xc1, 0x315: 0xc2, + 0x318: 0x24, 0x319: 0x24, 0x31a: 0x24, 0x31b: 0x24, 0x31c: 0xc3, 0x31d: 0xc4, + 0x320: 0xc5, 0x321: 0xc6, 0x322: 0xc7, 0x323: 0xc8, 0x324: 0xc9, 0x326: 0xca, + 0x328: 0xcb, 0x329: 0xcc, 0x32a: 0xcd, 0x32b: 0xce, 0x32c: 0x5f, 0x32d: 0xcf, 0x32e: 0xd0, + 0x330: 0x24, 0x331: 0xd1, 0x332: 0xd2, 0x333: 0xd3, 0x334: 0xd4, + 0x33a: 0xd5, 0x33c: 0xd6, 0x33d: 0xd7, 0x33e: 0xd8, 0x33f: 0xd9, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0xda, 0x341: 0xdb, 0x342: 0xdc, 0x343: 0xdd, 0x344: 0xde, 0x345: 0xdf, 0x346: 0xe0, 0x347: 0xe1, + 0x348: 0xe2, 0x34a: 0xe3, 0x34b: 0xe4, 0x34c: 0xe5, 0x34d: 0xe6, + 0x350: 0xe7, 0x351: 0xe8, 0x352: 0xe9, 0x353: 0xea, 0x356: 0xeb, 0x357: 0xec, + 0x358: 0xed, 0x359: 0xee, 0x35a: 0xef, 0x35b: 0xf0, 0x35c: 0xf1, + 0x360: 0xf2, 0x362: 0xf3, 0x363: 0xf4, 0x364: 0xf5, 0x365: 0xf6, 0x366: 0xf7, 0x367: 0xf8, + 0x368: 0xf9, 0x369: 0xfa, 0x36a: 0xfb, 0x36b: 0xfc, + 0x370: 0xfd, 0x371: 0xfe, 0x372: 0xff, 0x374: 0x100, 0x375: 0x101, 0x376: 0x102, + 0x37b: 0x103, 0x37e: 0x104, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x24, 0x381: 0x24, 0x382: 0x24, 0x383: 0x24, 0x384: 0x24, 0x385: 0x24, 0x386: 0x24, 0x387: 0x24, + 0x388: 0x24, 0x389: 0x24, 0x38a: 0x24, 0x38b: 0x24, 0x38c: 0x24, 0x38d: 0x24, 0x38e: 0x105, + 0x390: 0x24, 0x391: 0x106, 0x392: 0x24, 0x393: 0x24, 0x394: 0x24, 0x395: 0x107, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x24, 0x3c1: 0x24, 0x3c2: 0x24, 0x3c3: 0x24, 0x3c4: 0x24, 0x3c5: 0x24, 0x3c6: 0x24, 0x3c7: 0x24, + 0x3c8: 0x24, 0x3c9: 0x24, 0x3ca: 0x24, 0x3cb: 0x24, 0x3cc: 0x24, 0x3cd: 0x24, 0x3ce: 0x24, 0x3cf: 0x24, + 0x3d0: 0x108, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x410: 0x24, 0x411: 0x24, 0x412: 0x24, 0x413: 0x24, 0x414: 0x24, 0x415: 0x24, 0x416: 0x24, 0x417: 0x24, + 0x418: 0x24, 0x419: 0x109, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x460: 0x24, 0x461: 0x24, 0x462: 0x24, 0x463: 0x24, 0x464: 0x24, 0x465: 0x24, 0x466: 0x24, 0x467: 0x24, + 0x468: 0xfc, 0x469: 0x10a, 0x46b: 0x10b, 0x46c: 0x10c, 0x46d: 0x10d, 0x46e: 0x10e, + 0x479: 0x10f, 0x47c: 0x24, 0x47d: 0x110, 0x47e: 0x111, 0x47f: 0x112, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x4b0: 0x24, 0x4b1: 0x113, 0x4b2: 0x114, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c5: 0x115, 0x4c6: 0x116, + 0x4c9: 0x117, + 0x4d0: 0x118, 0x4d1: 0x119, 0x4d2: 0x11a, 0x4d3: 0x11b, 0x4d4: 0x11c, 0x4d5: 0x11d, 0x4d6: 0x11e, 0x4d7: 0x11f, + 0x4d8: 0x120, 0x4d9: 0x121, 0x4da: 0x122, 0x4db: 0x123, 0x4dc: 0x124, 0x4dd: 0x125, 0x4de: 0x126, 0x4df: 0x127, + 0x4e8: 0x128, 0x4e9: 0x129, 0x4ea: 0x12a, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x12b, 0x504: 0x12c, 0x505: 0x12d, + 0x50b: 0x12e, + 0x520: 0x24, 0x521: 0x24, 0x522: 0x24, 0x523: 0x12f, 0x524: 0x12, 0x525: 0x130, + 0x538: 0x131, 0x539: 0x13, 0x53a: 0x132, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x544: 0x133, 0x545: 0x134, 0x546: 0x135, + 0x54f: 0x136, + 0x56f: 0x137, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x590: 0x0a, 0x591: 0x0b, 0x592: 0x0c, 0x593: 0x0d, 0x594: 0x0e, 0x596: 0x0f, + 0x59b: 0x10, 0x59d: 0x11, 0x59e: 0x12, 0x59f: 0x13, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x138, 0x5c1: 0x139, 0x5c4: 0x139, 0x5c5: 0x139, 0x5c6: 0x139, 0x5c7: 0x13a, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x620: 0x15, +} + +// sparseOffsets: 296 entries, 592 bytes +var sparseOffsets = []uint16{0x0, 0x9, 0xf, 0x18, 0x24, 0x2e, 0x34, 0x37, 0x3b, 0x3e, 0x42, 0x4c, 0x4e, 0x57, 0x5e, 0x63, 0x71, 0x72, 0x80, 0x8f, 0x99, 0x9c, 0xa3, 0xab, 0xae, 0xb0, 0xc0, 0xc6, 0xd4, 0xdf, 0xec, 0xf7, 0x103, 0x10d, 0x119, 0x124, 0x130, 0x13c, 0x144, 0x14d, 0x157, 0x162, 0x16e, 0x174, 0x17f, 0x185, 0x18d, 0x190, 0x195, 0x199, 0x19d, 0x1a4, 0x1ad, 0x1b5, 0x1b6, 0x1bf, 0x1c6, 0x1ce, 0x1d4, 0x1d9, 0x1dd, 0x1e0, 0x1e2, 0x1e5, 0x1ea, 0x1eb, 0x1ed, 0x1ef, 0x1f1, 0x1f8, 0x1fd, 0x201, 0x20a, 0x20d, 0x210, 0x216, 0x217, 0x222, 0x223, 0x224, 0x229, 0x236, 0x23f, 0x240, 0x248, 0x251, 0x25a, 0x263, 0x268, 0x26b, 0x276, 0x284, 0x286, 0x28d, 0x291, 0x29d, 0x29e, 0x2a9, 0x2b1, 0x2b9, 0x2bf, 0x2c0, 0x2ce, 0x2d3, 0x2d6, 0x2db, 0x2df, 0x2e5, 0x2ea, 0x2ed, 0x2f2, 0x2f7, 0x2f8, 0x2fe, 0x300, 0x301, 0x303, 0x305, 0x308, 0x309, 0x30b, 0x30e, 0x314, 0x318, 0x31a, 0x31f, 0x326, 0x331, 0x33b, 0x33c, 0x345, 0x349, 0x34e, 0x356, 0x35c, 0x362, 0x36c, 0x371, 0x37a, 0x380, 0x389, 0x38d, 0x395, 0x397, 0x399, 0x39c, 0x39e, 0x3a0, 0x3a1, 0x3a2, 0x3a4, 0x3a6, 0x3ac, 0x3b1, 0x3b3, 0x3ba, 0x3bd, 0x3bf, 0x3c5, 0x3ca, 0x3cc, 0x3cd, 0x3ce, 0x3cf, 0x3d1, 0x3d3, 0x3d5, 0x3d8, 0x3da, 0x3dd, 0x3e5, 0x3e8, 0x3ec, 0x3f4, 0x3f6, 0x3f7, 0x3f8, 0x3fa, 0x400, 0x402, 0x403, 0x405, 0x407, 0x409, 0x416, 0x417, 0x418, 0x41c, 0x41e, 0x41f, 0x420, 0x421, 0x422, 0x425, 0x428, 0x42b, 0x431, 0x432, 0x434, 0x438, 0x43c, 0x442, 0x445, 0x44c, 0x450, 0x454, 0x45d, 0x466, 0x46c, 0x472, 0x47c, 0x486, 0x488, 0x491, 0x497, 0x49d, 0x4a3, 0x4a6, 0x4ac, 0x4af, 0x4b8, 0x4b9, 0x4c0, 0x4c4, 0x4c5, 0x4c8, 0x4d2, 0x4d5, 0x4d7, 0x4de, 0x4e6, 0x4ec, 0x4f2, 0x4f3, 0x4f9, 0x4fc, 0x504, 0x50b, 0x515, 0x51d, 0x520, 0x521, 0x522, 0x523, 0x524, 0x526, 0x527, 0x529, 0x52b, 0x52d, 0x531, 0x532, 0x534, 0x537, 0x539, 0x53c, 0x53e, 0x543, 0x548, 0x54c, 0x54d, 0x550, 0x554, 0x55f, 0x563, 0x56b, 0x570, 0x574, 0x577, 0x57b, 0x57e, 0x581, 0x586, 0x58a, 0x58e, 0x592, 0x596, 0x598, 0x59a, 0x59d, 0x5a2, 0x5a5, 0x5a7, 0x5aa, 0x5ac, 0x5b2, 0x5bb, 0x5c0, 0x5c1, 0x5c4, 0x5c5, 0x5c6, 0x5c7, 0x5c9, 0x5ca, 0x5cb} + +// sparseValues: 1483 entries, 5932 bytes +var sparseValues = [1483]valueRange{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x001a, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x9 + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x009a, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0252, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2, offset 0xf + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x011b, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x019a, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0553, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3, offset 0x18 + {value: 0x0552, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0f16, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x01da, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0253, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x028a, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x24 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x2f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x090b, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x2953, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x098b, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0a0a, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x2e + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x34 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x37 + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x3b + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6552, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x3e + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x42 + {value: 0x0f13, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0f16, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0f12, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x4c + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x4e + {value: 0x3013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6853, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x6552, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x57 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x5e + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x63 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x71 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x72 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x80 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x8f + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x99 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x9c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x16, offset 0xa3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0x17, offset 0xab + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x18, offset 0xae + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x19, offset 0xb0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0xc0 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0xc6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0xd4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0xdf + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0xec + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0xf7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x103 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x10d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x119 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x124 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x130 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x13c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x144 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x14d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x28, offset 0x157 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x29, offset 0x162 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0x16e + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0x174 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0x17f + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0x185 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0x18d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0x190 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x30, offset 0x195 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x31, offset 0x199 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x32, offset 0x19d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x33, offset 0x1a4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x34, offset 0x1ad + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x35, offset 0x1b5 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0x36, offset 0x1b6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x37, offset 0x1bf + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x38, offset 0x1c6 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x6c53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x39, offset 0x1ce + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0x1d4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0x1d9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0x1dd + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0x1e0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0x1e2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x7453, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x7853, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0x1e5 + {value: 0x7c53, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x8053, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x7c53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0892, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1ea + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1eb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1ed + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x1ef + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1f1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1f8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1fd + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x201 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x20a + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x20d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x210 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x216 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x217 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x222 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x8f}, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x223 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x224 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x229 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x236 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x23f + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x240 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x248 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x251 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x25a + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x263 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x268 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x26b + {value: 0x31ea, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x326a, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x32ea, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x336a, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x33ea, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x346a, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x34ea, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x356a, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x35ea, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x8353, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x8353, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x276 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x284 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x286 + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x8752, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x8b52, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x28d + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x8f52, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x291 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x29d + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x29e + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x369a, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x374a, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x37fa, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x38aa, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x395a, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x3a0a, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x3abb, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x2a9 + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x2b1 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x2b9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x2bf + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x2c0 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x2ce + {value: 0x0016, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0xa452, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x1013, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x1012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x2d3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x88}, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x2d6 + {value: 0xa753, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xaa53, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0xad53, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xaa53, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0xa753, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x2db + {value: 0x3013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xb053, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x2df + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x2e5 + {value: 0x6c52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x2ea + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x2ed + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x2f2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x2f7 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x2f8 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x2fe + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x300 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x301 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x303 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x305 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x308 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x309 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x30b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xab}, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x30e + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x314 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x318 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x31a + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x88, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x31f + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x8753, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x326 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x908b, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x8f53, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0f16, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x331 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x33b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x33c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x345 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x349 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x34e + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x356 + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x35c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x362 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x36c + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x371 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x37a + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x380 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0xb352, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x74d2, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x389 + {value: 0x78d2, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x7cd2, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x80d2, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x7cd2, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x38d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x395 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x397 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x399 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x39c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x39e + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x3a0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x3a1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x3a2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x3a4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x3a6 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x3ac + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x3b1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x3b3 + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x3ba + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x3bd + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x3bf + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x3c5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x3ca + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x3cc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x3cd + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x3ce + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x3cf + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x3d1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x3d3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x3d5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x3d8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x3da + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x95}, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x3dd + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xb653, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xb953, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x3e5 + {value: 0xb652, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xb952, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x3e8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0xb953, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xb653, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x3ec + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0xb952, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xb652, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x3f4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x3f6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x3f7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x3f8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x3fa + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x400 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x402 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x403 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x405 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x407 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x409 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x416 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x417 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x418 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x41c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x41e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x41f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x420 + {value: 0x5653, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x421 + {value: 0x5652, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x422 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x425 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x428 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x42b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x90}, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x431 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x432 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x434 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x438 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x43c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x442 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x445 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x44c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x450 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x454 + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x45d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x466 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x46c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x472 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x47c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x486 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x488 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x491 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x497 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x49d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x4a3 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x4a6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x4ac + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x4af + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x4b8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x4b9 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x4c0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x4c4 + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x4c5 + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x4c8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x4d2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x4d5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x4d7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x4de + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x4e6 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x4ec + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x4f2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x4f3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x4f9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x4fc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x504 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x50b + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x515 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x51d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xf0, offset 0x520 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0xf1, offset 0x521 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xf2, offset 0x522 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + // Block 0xf3, offset 0x523 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + // Block 0xf4, offset 0x524 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0xf5, offset 0x526 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0xf6, offset 0x527 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0xf7, offset 0x529 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xf8, offset 0x52b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xf9, offset 0x52d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfa, offset 0x531 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + // Block 0xfb, offset 0x532 + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfc, offset 0x534 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfd, offset 0x537 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0xfe, offset 0x539 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0xff, offset 0x53c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x100, offset 0x53e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0x101, offset 0x543 + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x102, offset 0x548 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0x103, offset 0x54c + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x84}, + // Block 0x104, offset 0x54d + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x105, offset 0x550 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x106, offset 0x554 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x107, offset 0x55f + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x108, offset 0x563 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x109, offset 0x56b + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10a, offset 0x570 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10b, offset 0x574 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10c, offset 0x577 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x88, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10d, offset 0x57b + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10e, offset 0x57e + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10f, offset 0x581 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x110, offset 0x586 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x111, offset 0x58a + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x112, offset 0x58e + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x113, offset 0x592 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0017, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x114, offset 0x596 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x115, offset 0x598 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x116, offset 0x59a + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x117, offset 0x59d + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x118, offset 0x5a2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x119, offset 0x5a5 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + // Block 0x11a, offset 0x5a7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x11b, offset 0x5aa + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + // Block 0x11c, offset 0x5ac + {value: 0xbc52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0xbf52, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x11d, offset 0x5b2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x11e, offset 0x5bb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x11f, offset 0x5c0 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x120, offset 0x5c1 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x121, offset 0x5c4 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + // Block 0x122, offset 0x5c5 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x123, offset 0x5c6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x124, offset 0x5c7 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x125, offset 0x5c9 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x126, offset 0x5ca + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, +} + +// Total table size 15212 bytes (14KiB); checksum: 1EB13752 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables9.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables9.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..636d5d14 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/tables9.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,2216 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build !go1.10 +// +build !go1.10 + +package cases + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "9.0.0" + +var xorData string = "" + // Size: 185 bytes + "\x00\x06\x07\x00\x01?\x00\x0f\x03\x00\x0f\x12\x00\x0f\x1f\x00\x0f\x1d" + + "\x00\x01\x13\x00\x0f\x16\x00\x0f\x0b\x00\x0f3\x00\x0f7\x00\x01#\x00\x0f?" + + "\x00\x0e'\x00\x0f/\x00\x0e>\x00\x0f*\x00\x0c&\x00\x0c*\x00\x0c;\x00\x0c9" + + "\x00\x0c%\x00\x01\x08\x00\x03\x0d\x00\x03\x09\x00\x02\x06\x00\x02\x02" + + "\x00\x02\x0c\x00\x01\x00\x00\x01\x03\x00\x01\x01\x00\x01 \x00\x01\x0c" + + "\x00\x01\x10\x00\x03\x10\x00\x036 \x00\x037 \x00\x0b#\x10\x00\x0b 0\x00" + + "\x0b!\x10\x00\x0b!0\x00\x0b(\x04\x00\x03\x04\x1e\x00\x03\x0a\x00\x02:" + + "\x00\x02>\x00\x02,\x00\x02\x00\x00\x02\x10\x00\x01<\x00\x01&\x00\x01*" + + "\x00\x01.\x00\x010\x003 \x00\x01\x18\x00\x01(\x00\x01\x1e\x00\x01\x22" + +var exceptions string = "" + // Size: 2068 bytes + "\x00\x12\x12μΜΜ\x12\x12ssSSSs\x13\x18i̇i̇\x10\x09II\x13\x1bʼnʼNʼN\x11" + + "\x09sSS\x12\x12dždžDž\x12\x12dždžDŽ\x10\x12DŽDž\x12\x12ljljLj\x12\x12ljljLJ\x10\x12LJLj" + + "\x12\x12njnjNj\x12\x12njnjNJ\x10\x12NJNj\x13\x1bǰJ̌J̌\x12\x12dzdzDz\x12\x12dzdzDZ\x10" + + "\x12DZDz\x13\x18ⱥⱥ\x13\x18ⱦⱦ\x10\x1bⱾⱾ\x10\x1bⱿⱿ\x10\x1bⱯⱯ\x10\x1bⱭⱭ\x10" + + "\x1bⱰⱰ\x10\x1bꞫꞫ\x10\x1bꞬꞬ\x10\x1bꞍꞍ\x10\x1bꞪꞪ\x10\x1bꞮꞮ\x10\x1bⱢⱢ\x10" + + "\x1bꞭꞭ\x10\x1bⱮⱮ\x10\x1bⱤⱤ\x10\x1bꞱꞱ\x10\x1bꞲꞲ\x10\x1bꞰꞰ2\x12ιΙΙ\x166ΐ" + + "Ϊ́Ϊ́\x166ΰΫ́Ϋ́\x12\x12σΣΣ\x12\x12βΒΒ\x12\x12θΘΘ\x12\x12φΦΦ\x12" + + "\x12πΠΠ\x12\x12κΚΚ\x12\x12ρΡΡ\x12\x12εΕΕ\x14$եւԵՒԵւ\x12\x12вВВ\x12\x12дД" + + "Д\x12\x12оОО\x12\x12сСС\x12\x12тТТ\x12\x12тТТ\x12\x12ъЪЪ\x12\x12ѣѢѢ\x13" + + "\x1bꙋꙊꙊ\x13\x1bẖH̱H̱\x13\x1bẗT̈T̈\x13\x1bẘW̊W̊\x13\x1bẙY̊Y̊\x13\x1ba" + + "ʾAʾAʾ\x13\x1bṡṠṠ\x12\x10ssß\x14$ὐΥ̓Υ̓\x166ὒΥ̓̀Υ̓̀\x166ὔΥ̓́Υ̓́\x166" + + "ὖΥ̓͂Υ̓͂\x15+ἀιἈΙᾈ\x15+ἁιἉΙᾉ\x15+ἂιἊΙᾊ\x15+ἃιἋΙᾋ\x15+ἄιἌΙᾌ\x15+ἅιἍΙᾍ" + + "\x15+ἆιἎΙᾎ\x15+ἇιἏΙᾏ\x15\x1dἀιᾀἈΙ\x15\x1dἁιᾁἉΙ\x15\x1dἂιᾂἊΙ\x15\x1dἃιᾃἋΙ" + + "\x15\x1dἄιᾄἌΙ\x15\x1dἅιᾅἍΙ\x15\x1dἆιᾆἎΙ\x15\x1dἇιᾇἏΙ\x15+ἠιἨΙᾘ\x15+ἡιἩΙᾙ" + + "\x15+ἢιἪΙᾚ\x15+ἣιἫΙᾛ\x15+ἤιἬΙᾜ\x15+ἥιἭΙᾝ\x15+ἦιἮΙᾞ\x15+ἧιἯΙᾟ\x15\x1dἠιᾐἨ" + + "Ι\x15\x1dἡιᾑἩΙ\x15\x1dἢιᾒἪΙ\x15\x1dἣιᾓἫΙ\x15\x1dἤιᾔἬΙ\x15\x1dἥιᾕἭΙ\x15" + + "\x1dἦιᾖἮΙ\x15\x1dἧιᾗἯΙ\x15+ὠιὨΙᾨ\x15+ὡιὩΙᾩ\x15+ὢιὪΙᾪ\x15+ὣιὫΙᾫ\x15+ὤιὬΙᾬ" + + "\x15+ὥιὭΙᾭ\x15+ὦιὮΙᾮ\x15+ὧιὯΙᾯ\x15\x1dὠιᾠὨΙ\x15\x1dὡιᾡὩΙ\x15\x1dὢιᾢὪΙ" + + "\x15\x1dὣιᾣὫΙ\x15\x1dὤιᾤὬΙ\x15\x1dὥιᾥὭΙ\x15\x1dὦιᾦὮΙ\x15\x1dὧιᾧὯΙ\x15-ὰι" + + "ᾺΙᾺͅ\x14#αιΑΙᾼ\x14$άιΆΙΆͅ\x14$ᾶΑ͂Α͂\x166ᾶιΑ͂Ιᾼ͂\x14\x1cαιᾳΑΙ\x12" + + "\x12ιΙΙ\x15-ὴιῊΙῊͅ\x14#ηιΗΙῌ\x14$ήιΉΙΉͅ\x14$ῆΗ͂Η͂\x166ῆιΗ͂Ιῌ͂\x14\x1c" + + "ηιῃΗΙ\x166ῒΪ̀Ϊ̀\x166ΐΪ́Ϊ́\x14$ῖΙ͂Ι͂\x166ῗΪ͂Ϊ͂\x166ῢΫ̀Ϋ" + + "̀\x166ΰΫ́Ϋ́\x14$ῤΡ̓Ρ̓\x14$ῦΥ͂Υ͂\x166ῧΫ͂Ϋ͂\x15-ὼιῺΙῺͅ\x14#ωιΩΙ" + + "ῼ\x14$ώιΏΙΏͅ\x14$ῶΩ͂Ω͂\x166ῶιΩ͂Ιῼ͂\x14\x1cωιῳΩΙ\x12\x10ωω\x11\x08kk" + + "\x12\x10åå\x12\x10ɫɫ\x12\x10ɽɽ\x10\x12ȺȺ\x10\x12ȾȾ\x12\x10ɑɑ\x12\x10ɱɱ" + + "\x12\x10ɐɐ\x12\x10ɒɒ\x12\x10ȿȿ\x12\x10ɀɀ\x12\x10ɥɥ\x12\x10ɦɦ\x12\x10ɜɜ" + + "\x12\x10ɡɡ\x12\x10ɬɬ\x12\x10ɪɪ\x12\x10ʞʞ\x12\x10ʇʇ\x12\x10ʝʝ\x12\x12ffFF" + + "Ff\x12\x12fiFIFi\x12\x12flFLFl\x13\x1bffiFFIFfi\x13\x1bfflFFLFfl\x12\x12" + + "stSTSt\x12\x12stSTSt\x14$մնՄՆՄն\x14$մեՄԵՄե\x14$միՄԻՄի\x14$վնՎՆՎն\x14$մխՄ" + + "ԽՄխ" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *caseTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = caseIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0] + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = caseIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = caseIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return caseValues[c0] + } + i := caseIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = caseIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// caseTrie. Total size: 11742 bytes (11.47 KiB). Checksum: 795fe57ee5135873. +type caseTrie struct{} + +func newCaseTrie(i int) *caseTrie { + return &caseTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *caseTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + case n < 18: + return uint16(caseValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + default: + n -= 18 + return uint16(sparse.lookup(n, b)) + } +} + +// caseValues: 20 blocks, 1280 entries, 2560 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var caseValues = [1280]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x27: 0x0054, + 0x2e: 0x0054, + 0x30: 0x0010, 0x31: 0x0010, 0x32: 0x0010, 0x33: 0x0010, 0x34: 0x0010, 0x35: 0x0010, + 0x36: 0x0010, 0x37: 0x0010, 0x38: 0x0010, 0x39: 0x0010, 0x3a: 0x0054, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x41: 0x2013, 0x42: 0x2013, 0x43: 0x2013, 0x44: 0x2013, 0x45: 0x2013, + 0x46: 0x2013, 0x47: 0x2013, 0x48: 0x2013, 0x49: 0x2013, 0x4a: 0x2013, 0x4b: 0x2013, + 0x4c: 0x2013, 0x4d: 0x2013, 0x4e: 0x2013, 0x4f: 0x2013, 0x50: 0x2013, 0x51: 0x2013, + 0x52: 0x2013, 0x53: 0x2013, 0x54: 0x2013, 0x55: 0x2013, 0x56: 0x2013, 0x57: 0x2013, + 0x58: 0x2013, 0x59: 0x2013, 0x5a: 0x2013, + 0x5e: 0x0004, 0x5f: 0x0010, 0x60: 0x0004, 0x61: 0x2012, 0x62: 0x2012, 0x63: 0x2012, + 0x64: 0x2012, 0x65: 0x2012, 0x66: 0x2012, 0x67: 0x2012, 0x68: 0x2012, 0x69: 0x2012, + 0x6a: 0x2012, 0x6b: 0x2012, 0x6c: 0x2012, 0x6d: 0x2012, 0x6e: 0x2012, 0x6f: 0x2012, + 0x70: 0x2012, 0x71: 0x2012, 0x72: 0x2012, 0x73: 0x2012, 0x74: 0x2012, 0x75: 0x2012, + 0x76: 0x2012, 0x77: 0x2012, 0x78: 0x2012, 0x79: 0x2012, 0x7a: 0x2012, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x0852, 0xc1: 0x0b53, 0xc2: 0x0113, 0xc3: 0x0112, 0xc4: 0x0113, 0xc5: 0x0112, + 0xc6: 0x0b53, 0xc7: 0x0f13, 0xc8: 0x0f12, 0xc9: 0x0e53, 0xca: 0x1153, 0xcb: 0x0713, + 0xcc: 0x0712, 0xcd: 0x0012, 0xce: 0x1453, 0xcf: 0x1753, 0xd0: 0x1a53, 0xd1: 0x0313, + 0xd2: 0x0312, 0xd3: 0x1d53, 0xd4: 0x2053, 0xd5: 0x2352, 0xd6: 0x2653, 0xd7: 0x2653, + 0xd8: 0x0113, 0xd9: 0x0112, 0xda: 0x2952, 0xdb: 0x0012, 0xdc: 0x1d53, 0xdd: 0x2c53, + 0xde: 0x2f52, 0xdf: 0x3253, 0xe0: 0x0113, 0xe1: 0x0112, 0xe2: 0x0113, 0xe3: 0x0112, + 0xe4: 0x0113, 0xe5: 0x0112, 0xe6: 0x3553, 0xe7: 0x0f13, 0xe8: 0x0f12, 0xe9: 0x3853, + 0xea: 0x0012, 0xeb: 0x0012, 0xec: 0x0113, 0xed: 0x0112, 0xee: 0x3553, 0xef: 0x1f13, + 0xf0: 0x1f12, 0xf1: 0x3b53, 0xf2: 0x3e53, 0xf3: 0x0713, 0xf4: 0x0712, 0xf5: 0x0313, + 0xf6: 0x0312, 0xf7: 0x4153, 0xf8: 0x0113, 0xf9: 0x0112, 0xfa: 0x0012, 0xfb: 0x0010, + 0xfc: 0x0113, 0xfd: 0x0112, 0xfe: 0x0012, 0xff: 0x4452, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0x0010, 0x101: 0x0010, 0x102: 0x0010, 0x103: 0x0010, 0x104: 0x02db, 0x105: 0x0359, + 0x106: 0x03da, 0x107: 0x043b, 0x108: 0x04b9, 0x109: 0x053a, 0x10a: 0x059b, 0x10b: 0x0619, + 0x10c: 0x069a, 0x10d: 0x0313, 0x10e: 0x0312, 0x10f: 0x1f13, 0x110: 0x1f12, 0x111: 0x0313, + 0x112: 0x0312, 0x113: 0x0713, 0x114: 0x0712, 0x115: 0x0313, 0x116: 0x0312, 0x117: 0x0f13, + 0x118: 0x0f12, 0x119: 0x0313, 0x11a: 0x0312, 0x11b: 0x0713, 0x11c: 0x0712, 0x11d: 0x1452, + 0x11e: 0x0113, 0x11f: 0x0112, 0x120: 0x0113, 0x121: 0x0112, 0x122: 0x0113, 0x123: 0x0112, + 0x124: 0x0113, 0x125: 0x0112, 0x126: 0x0113, 0x127: 0x0112, 0x128: 0x0113, 0x129: 0x0112, + 0x12a: 0x0113, 0x12b: 0x0112, 0x12c: 0x0113, 0x12d: 0x0112, 0x12e: 0x0113, 0x12f: 0x0112, + 0x130: 0x06fa, 0x131: 0x07ab, 0x132: 0x0829, 0x133: 0x08aa, 0x134: 0x0113, 0x135: 0x0112, + 0x136: 0x2353, 0x137: 0x4453, 0x138: 0x0113, 0x139: 0x0112, 0x13a: 0x0113, 0x13b: 0x0112, + 0x13c: 0x0113, 0x13d: 0x0112, 0x13e: 0x0113, 0x13f: 0x0112, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x0a8a, 0x141: 0x0313, 0x142: 0x0312, 0x143: 0x0853, 0x144: 0x4753, 0x145: 0x4a53, + 0x146: 0x0113, 0x147: 0x0112, 0x148: 0x0113, 0x149: 0x0112, 0x14a: 0x0113, 0x14b: 0x0112, + 0x14c: 0x0113, 0x14d: 0x0112, 0x14e: 0x0113, 0x14f: 0x0112, 0x150: 0x0b0a, 0x151: 0x0b8a, + 0x152: 0x0c0a, 0x153: 0x0b52, 0x154: 0x0b52, 0x155: 0x0012, 0x156: 0x0e52, 0x157: 0x1152, + 0x158: 0x0012, 0x159: 0x1752, 0x15a: 0x0012, 0x15b: 0x1a52, 0x15c: 0x0c8a, 0x15d: 0x0012, + 0x15e: 0x0012, 0x15f: 0x0012, 0x160: 0x1d52, 0x161: 0x0d0a, 0x162: 0x0012, 0x163: 0x2052, + 0x164: 0x0012, 0x165: 0x0d8a, 0x166: 0x0e0a, 0x167: 0x0012, 0x168: 0x2652, 0x169: 0x2652, + 0x16a: 0x0e8a, 0x16b: 0x0f0a, 0x16c: 0x0f8a, 0x16d: 0x0012, 0x16e: 0x0012, 0x16f: 0x1d52, + 0x170: 0x0012, 0x171: 0x100a, 0x172: 0x2c52, 0x173: 0x0012, 0x174: 0x0012, 0x175: 0x3252, + 0x176: 0x0012, 0x177: 0x0012, 0x178: 0x0012, 0x179: 0x0012, 0x17a: 0x0012, 0x17b: 0x0012, + 0x17c: 0x0012, 0x17d: 0x108a, 0x17e: 0x0012, 0x17f: 0x0012, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x3552, 0x181: 0x0012, 0x182: 0x0012, 0x183: 0x3852, 0x184: 0x0012, 0x185: 0x0012, + 0x186: 0x0012, 0x187: 0x110a, 0x188: 0x3552, 0x189: 0x4752, 0x18a: 0x3b52, 0x18b: 0x3e52, + 0x18c: 0x4a52, 0x18d: 0x0012, 0x18e: 0x0012, 0x18f: 0x0012, 0x190: 0x0012, 0x191: 0x0012, + 0x192: 0x4152, 0x193: 0x0012, 0x194: 0x0010, 0x195: 0x0012, 0x196: 0x0012, 0x197: 0x0012, + 0x198: 0x0012, 0x199: 0x0012, 0x19a: 0x0012, 0x19b: 0x0012, 0x19c: 0x0012, 0x19d: 0x118a, + 0x19e: 0x120a, 0x19f: 0x0012, 0x1a0: 0x0012, 0x1a1: 0x0012, 0x1a2: 0x0012, 0x1a3: 0x0012, + 0x1a4: 0x0012, 0x1a5: 0x0012, 0x1a6: 0x0012, 0x1a7: 0x0012, 0x1a8: 0x0012, 0x1a9: 0x0012, + 0x1aa: 0x0012, 0x1ab: 0x0012, 0x1ac: 0x0012, 0x1ad: 0x0012, 0x1ae: 0x0012, 0x1af: 0x0012, + 0x1b0: 0x0015, 0x1b1: 0x0015, 0x1b2: 0x0015, 0x1b3: 0x0015, 0x1b4: 0x0015, 0x1b5: 0x0015, + 0x1b6: 0x0015, 0x1b7: 0x0015, 0x1b8: 0x0015, 0x1b9: 0x0014, 0x1ba: 0x0014, 0x1bb: 0x0014, + 0x1bc: 0x0014, 0x1bd: 0x0014, 0x1be: 0x0014, 0x1bf: 0x0014, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x0024, 0x1c1: 0x0024, 0x1c2: 0x0024, 0x1c3: 0x0024, 0x1c4: 0x0024, 0x1c5: 0x128d, + 0x1c6: 0x0024, 0x1c7: 0x0034, 0x1c8: 0x0034, 0x1c9: 0x0034, 0x1ca: 0x0024, 0x1cb: 0x0024, + 0x1cc: 0x0024, 0x1cd: 0x0034, 0x1ce: 0x0034, 0x1cf: 0x0014, 0x1d0: 0x0024, 0x1d1: 0x0024, + 0x1d2: 0x0024, 0x1d3: 0x0034, 0x1d4: 0x0034, 0x1d5: 0x0034, 0x1d6: 0x0034, 0x1d7: 0x0024, + 0x1d8: 0x0034, 0x1d9: 0x0034, 0x1da: 0x0034, 0x1db: 0x0024, 0x1dc: 0x0034, 0x1dd: 0x0034, + 0x1de: 0x0034, 0x1df: 0x0034, 0x1e0: 0x0034, 0x1e1: 0x0034, 0x1e2: 0x0034, 0x1e3: 0x0024, + 0x1e4: 0x0024, 0x1e5: 0x0024, 0x1e6: 0x0024, 0x1e7: 0x0024, 0x1e8: 0x0024, 0x1e9: 0x0024, + 0x1ea: 0x0024, 0x1eb: 0x0024, 0x1ec: 0x0024, 0x1ed: 0x0024, 0x1ee: 0x0024, 0x1ef: 0x0024, + 0x1f0: 0x0113, 0x1f1: 0x0112, 0x1f2: 0x0113, 0x1f3: 0x0112, 0x1f4: 0x0014, 0x1f5: 0x0004, + 0x1f6: 0x0113, 0x1f7: 0x0112, 0x1fa: 0x0015, 0x1fb: 0x4d52, + 0x1fc: 0x5052, 0x1fd: 0x5052, 0x1ff: 0x5353, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x204: 0x0004, 0x205: 0x0004, + 0x206: 0x2a13, 0x207: 0x0054, 0x208: 0x2513, 0x209: 0x2713, 0x20a: 0x2513, + 0x20c: 0x5653, 0x20e: 0x5953, 0x20f: 0x5c53, 0x210: 0x130a, 0x211: 0x2013, + 0x212: 0x2013, 0x213: 0x2013, 0x214: 0x2013, 0x215: 0x2013, 0x216: 0x2013, 0x217: 0x2013, + 0x218: 0x2013, 0x219: 0x2013, 0x21a: 0x2013, 0x21b: 0x2013, 0x21c: 0x2013, 0x21d: 0x2013, + 0x21e: 0x2013, 0x21f: 0x2013, 0x220: 0x5f53, 0x221: 0x5f53, 0x223: 0x5f53, + 0x224: 0x5f53, 0x225: 0x5f53, 0x226: 0x5f53, 0x227: 0x5f53, 0x228: 0x5f53, 0x229: 0x5f53, + 0x22a: 0x5f53, 0x22b: 0x5f53, 0x22c: 0x2a12, 0x22d: 0x2512, 0x22e: 0x2712, 0x22f: 0x2512, + 0x230: 0x144a, 0x231: 0x2012, 0x232: 0x2012, 0x233: 0x2012, 0x234: 0x2012, 0x235: 0x2012, + 0x236: 0x2012, 0x237: 0x2012, 0x238: 0x2012, 0x239: 0x2012, 0x23a: 0x2012, 0x23b: 0x2012, + 0x23c: 0x2012, 0x23d: 0x2012, 0x23e: 0x2012, 0x23f: 0x2012, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x5f52, 0x241: 0x5f52, 0x242: 0x158a, 0x243: 0x5f52, 0x244: 0x5f52, 0x245: 0x5f52, + 0x246: 0x5f52, 0x247: 0x5f52, 0x248: 0x5f52, 0x249: 0x5f52, 0x24a: 0x5f52, 0x24b: 0x5f52, + 0x24c: 0x5652, 0x24d: 0x5952, 0x24e: 0x5c52, 0x24f: 0x1813, 0x250: 0x160a, 0x251: 0x168a, + 0x252: 0x0013, 0x253: 0x0013, 0x254: 0x0013, 0x255: 0x170a, 0x256: 0x178a, 0x257: 0x1812, + 0x258: 0x0113, 0x259: 0x0112, 0x25a: 0x0113, 0x25b: 0x0112, 0x25c: 0x0113, 0x25d: 0x0112, + 0x25e: 0x0113, 0x25f: 0x0112, 0x260: 0x0113, 0x261: 0x0112, 0x262: 0x0113, 0x263: 0x0112, + 0x264: 0x0113, 0x265: 0x0112, 0x266: 0x0113, 0x267: 0x0112, 0x268: 0x0113, 0x269: 0x0112, + 0x26a: 0x0113, 0x26b: 0x0112, 0x26c: 0x0113, 0x26d: 0x0112, 0x26e: 0x0113, 0x26f: 0x0112, + 0x270: 0x180a, 0x271: 0x188a, 0x272: 0x0b12, 0x273: 0x5352, 0x274: 0x6253, 0x275: 0x190a, + 0x277: 0x0f13, 0x278: 0x0f12, 0x279: 0x0b13, 0x27a: 0x0113, 0x27b: 0x0112, + 0x27c: 0x0012, 0x27d: 0x4d53, 0x27e: 0x5053, 0x27f: 0x5053, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x0812, 0x281: 0x0812, 0x282: 0x0812, 0x283: 0x0812, 0x284: 0x0812, 0x285: 0x0812, + 0x288: 0x0813, 0x289: 0x0813, 0x28a: 0x0813, 0x28b: 0x0813, + 0x28c: 0x0813, 0x28d: 0x0813, 0x290: 0x239a, 0x291: 0x0812, + 0x292: 0x247a, 0x293: 0x0812, 0x294: 0x25ba, 0x295: 0x0812, 0x296: 0x26fa, 0x297: 0x0812, + 0x299: 0x0813, 0x29b: 0x0813, 0x29d: 0x0813, + 0x29f: 0x0813, 0x2a0: 0x0812, 0x2a1: 0x0812, 0x2a2: 0x0812, 0x2a3: 0x0812, + 0x2a4: 0x0812, 0x2a5: 0x0812, 0x2a6: 0x0812, 0x2a7: 0x0812, 0x2a8: 0x0813, 0x2a9: 0x0813, + 0x2aa: 0x0813, 0x2ab: 0x0813, 0x2ac: 0x0813, 0x2ad: 0x0813, 0x2ae: 0x0813, 0x2af: 0x0813, + 0x2b0: 0x8b52, 0x2b1: 0x8b52, 0x2b2: 0x8e52, 0x2b3: 0x8e52, 0x2b4: 0x9152, 0x2b5: 0x9152, + 0x2b6: 0x9452, 0x2b7: 0x9452, 0x2b8: 0x9752, 0x2b9: 0x9752, 0x2ba: 0x9a52, 0x2bb: 0x9a52, + 0x2bc: 0x4d52, 0x2bd: 0x4d52, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x283a, 0x2c1: 0x292a, 0x2c2: 0x2a1a, 0x2c3: 0x2b0a, 0x2c4: 0x2bfa, 0x2c5: 0x2cea, + 0x2c6: 0x2dda, 0x2c7: 0x2eca, 0x2c8: 0x2fb9, 0x2c9: 0x30a9, 0x2ca: 0x3199, 0x2cb: 0x3289, + 0x2cc: 0x3379, 0x2cd: 0x3469, 0x2ce: 0x3559, 0x2cf: 0x3649, 0x2d0: 0x373a, 0x2d1: 0x382a, + 0x2d2: 0x391a, 0x2d3: 0x3a0a, 0x2d4: 0x3afa, 0x2d5: 0x3bea, 0x2d6: 0x3cda, 0x2d7: 0x3dca, + 0x2d8: 0x3eb9, 0x2d9: 0x3fa9, 0x2da: 0x4099, 0x2db: 0x4189, 0x2dc: 0x4279, 0x2dd: 0x4369, + 0x2de: 0x4459, 0x2df: 0x4549, 0x2e0: 0x463a, 0x2e1: 0x472a, 0x2e2: 0x481a, 0x2e3: 0x490a, + 0x2e4: 0x49fa, 0x2e5: 0x4aea, 0x2e6: 0x4bda, 0x2e7: 0x4cca, 0x2e8: 0x4db9, 0x2e9: 0x4ea9, + 0x2ea: 0x4f99, 0x2eb: 0x5089, 0x2ec: 0x5179, 0x2ed: 0x5269, 0x2ee: 0x5359, 0x2ef: 0x5449, + 0x2f0: 0x0812, 0x2f1: 0x0812, 0x2f2: 0x553a, 0x2f3: 0x564a, 0x2f4: 0x571a, + 0x2f6: 0x57fa, 0x2f7: 0x58da, 0x2f8: 0x0813, 0x2f9: 0x0813, 0x2fa: 0x8b53, 0x2fb: 0x8b53, + 0x2fc: 0x5a19, 0x2fd: 0x0004, 0x2fe: 0x5aea, 0x2ff: 0x0004, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x0004, 0x301: 0x0004, 0x302: 0x5b6a, 0x303: 0x5c7a, 0x304: 0x5d4a, + 0x306: 0x5e2a, 0x307: 0x5f0a, 0x308: 0x8e53, 0x309: 0x8e53, 0x30a: 0x9153, 0x30b: 0x9153, + 0x30c: 0x6049, 0x30d: 0x0004, 0x30e: 0x0004, 0x30f: 0x0004, 0x310: 0x0812, 0x311: 0x0812, + 0x312: 0x611a, 0x313: 0x625a, 0x316: 0x639a, 0x317: 0x647a, + 0x318: 0x0813, 0x319: 0x0813, 0x31a: 0x9453, 0x31b: 0x9453, 0x31d: 0x0004, + 0x31e: 0x0004, 0x31f: 0x0004, 0x320: 0x0812, 0x321: 0x0812, 0x322: 0x65ba, 0x323: 0x66fa, + 0x324: 0x683a, 0x325: 0x0912, 0x326: 0x691a, 0x327: 0x69fa, 0x328: 0x0813, 0x329: 0x0813, + 0x32a: 0x9a53, 0x32b: 0x9a53, 0x32c: 0x0913, 0x32d: 0x0004, 0x32e: 0x0004, 0x32f: 0x0004, + 0x332: 0x6b3a, 0x333: 0x6c4a, 0x334: 0x6d1a, + 0x336: 0x6dfa, 0x337: 0x6eda, 0x338: 0x9753, 0x339: 0x9753, 0x33a: 0x4d53, 0x33b: 0x4d53, + 0x33c: 0x7019, 0x33d: 0x0004, 0x33e: 0x0004, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x342: 0x0013, + 0x347: 0x0013, 0x34a: 0x0012, 0x34b: 0x0013, + 0x34c: 0x0013, 0x34d: 0x0013, 0x34e: 0x0012, 0x34f: 0x0012, 0x350: 0x0013, 0x351: 0x0013, + 0x352: 0x0013, 0x353: 0x0012, 0x355: 0x0013, + 0x359: 0x0013, 0x35a: 0x0013, 0x35b: 0x0013, 0x35c: 0x0013, 0x35d: 0x0013, + 0x364: 0x0013, 0x366: 0x70eb, 0x368: 0x0013, + 0x36a: 0x714b, 0x36b: 0x718b, 0x36c: 0x0013, 0x36d: 0x0013, 0x36f: 0x0012, + 0x370: 0x0013, 0x371: 0x0013, 0x372: 0x9d53, 0x373: 0x0013, 0x374: 0x0012, 0x375: 0x0010, + 0x376: 0x0010, 0x377: 0x0010, 0x378: 0x0010, 0x379: 0x0012, + 0x37c: 0x0012, 0x37d: 0x0012, 0x37e: 0x0013, 0x37f: 0x0013, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x1a13, 0x381: 0x1a13, 0x382: 0x1e13, 0x383: 0x1e13, 0x384: 0x1a13, 0x385: 0x1a13, + 0x386: 0x2613, 0x387: 0x2613, 0x388: 0x2a13, 0x389: 0x2a13, 0x38a: 0x2e13, 0x38b: 0x2e13, + 0x38c: 0x2a13, 0x38d: 0x2a13, 0x38e: 0x2613, 0x38f: 0x2613, 0x390: 0xa052, 0x391: 0xa052, + 0x392: 0xa352, 0x393: 0xa352, 0x394: 0xa652, 0x395: 0xa652, 0x396: 0xa352, 0x397: 0xa352, + 0x398: 0xa052, 0x399: 0xa052, 0x39a: 0x1a12, 0x39b: 0x1a12, 0x39c: 0x1e12, 0x39d: 0x1e12, + 0x39e: 0x1a12, 0x39f: 0x1a12, 0x3a0: 0x2612, 0x3a1: 0x2612, 0x3a2: 0x2a12, 0x3a3: 0x2a12, + 0x3a4: 0x2e12, 0x3a5: 0x2e12, 0x3a6: 0x2a12, 0x3a7: 0x2a12, 0x3a8: 0x2612, 0x3a9: 0x2612, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x6552, 0x3c1: 0x6552, 0x3c2: 0x6552, 0x3c3: 0x6552, 0x3c4: 0x6552, 0x3c5: 0x6552, + 0x3c6: 0x6552, 0x3c7: 0x6552, 0x3c8: 0x6552, 0x3c9: 0x6552, 0x3ca: 0x6552, 0x3cb: 0x6552, + 0x3cc: 0x6552, 0x3cd: 0x6552, 0x3ce: 0x6552, 0x3cf: 0x6552, 0x3d0: 0xa952, 0x3d1: 0xa952, + 0x3d2: 0xa952, 0x3d3: 0xa952, 0x3d4: 0xa952, 0x3d5: 0xa952, 0x3d6: 0xa952, 0x3d7: 0xa952, + 0x3d8: 0xa952, 0x3d9: 0xa952, 0x3da: 0xa952, 0x3db: 0xa952, 0x3dc: 0xa952, 0x3dd: 0xa952, + 0x3de: 0xa952, 0x3e0: 0x0113, 0x3e1: 0x0112, 0x3e2: 0x71eb, 0x3e3: 0x8853, + 0x3e4: 0x724b, 0x3e5: 0x72aa, 0x3e6: 0x730a, 0x3e7: 0x0f13, 0x3e8: 0x0f12, 0x3e9: 0x0313, + 0x3ea: 0x0312, 0x3eb: 0x0713, 0x3ec: 0x0712, 0x3ed: 0x736b, 0x3ee: 0x73cb, 0x3ef: 0x742b, + 0x3f0: 0x748b, 0x3f1: 0x0012, 0x3f2: 0x0113, 0x3f3: 0x0112, 0x3f4: 0x0012, 0x3f5: 0x0313, + 0x3f6: 0x0312, 0x3f7: 0x0012, 0x3f8: 0x0012, 0x3f9: 0x0012, 0x3fa: 0x0012, 0x3fb: 0x0012, + 0x3fc: 0x0015, 0x3fd: 0x0015, 0x3fe: 0x74eb, 0x3ff: 0x754b, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x0113, 0x401: 0x0112, 0x402: 0x0113, 0x403: 0x0112, 0x404: 0x0113, 0x405: 0x0112, + 0x406: 0x0113, 0x407: 0x0112, 0x408: 0x0014, 0x409: 0x0004, 0x40a: 0x0004, 0x40b: 0x0713, + 0x40c: 0x0712, 0x40d: 0x75ab, 0x40e: 0x0012, 0x40f: 0x0010, 0x410: 0x0113, 0x411: 0x0112, + 0x412: 0x0113, 0x413: 0x0112, 0x414: 0x0012, 0x415: 0x0012, 0x416: 0x0113, 0x417: 0x0112, + 0x418: 0x0113, 0x419: 0x0112, 0x41a: 0x0113, 0x41b: 0x0112, 0x41c: 0x0113, 0x41d: 0x0112, + 0x41e: 0x0113, 0x41f: 0x0112, 0x420: 0x0113, 0x421: 0x0112, 0x422: 0x0113, 0x423: 0x0112, + 0x424: 0x0113, 0x425: 0x0112, 0x426: 0x0113, 0x427: 0x0112, 0x428: 0x0113, 0x429: 0x0112, + 0x42a: 0x760b, 0x42b: 0x766b, 0x42c: 0x76cb, 0x42d: 0x772b, 0x42e: 0x778b, + 0x430: 0x77eb, 0x431: 0x784b, 0x432: 0x78ab, 0x433: 0xac53, 0x434: 0x0113, 0x435: 0x0112, + 0x436: 0x0113, 0x437: 0x0112, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x790a, 0x441: 0x798a, 0x442: 0x7a0a, 0x443: 0x7a8a, 0x444: 0x7b3a, 0x445: 0x7bea, + 0x446: 0x7c6a, + 0x453: 0x7cea, 0x454: 0x7dca, 0x455: 0x7eaa, 0x456: 0x7f8a, 0x457: 0x806a, + 0x45d: 0x0010, + 0x45e: 0x0034, 0x45f: 0x0010, 0x460: 0x0010, 0x461: 0x0010, 0x462: 0x0010, 0x463: 0x0010, + 0x464: 0x0010, 0x465: 0x0010, 0x466: 0x0010, 0x467: 0x0010, 0x468: 0x0010, + 0x46a: 0x0010, 0x46b: 0x0010, 0x46c: 0x0010, 0x46d: 0x0010, 0x46e: 0x0010, 0x46f: 0x0010, + 0x470: 0x0010, 0x471: 0x0010, 0x472: 0x0010, 0x473: 0x0010, 0x474: 0x0010, 0x475: 0x0010, + 0x476: 0x0010, 0x478: 0x0010, 0x479: 0x0010, 0x47a: 0x0010, 0x47b: 0x0010, + 0x47c: 0x0010, 0x47e: 0x0010, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x2213, 0x481: 0x2213, 0x482: 0x2613, 0x483: 0x2613, 0x484: 0x2213, 0x485: 0x2213, + 0x486: 0x2e13, 0x487: 0x2e13, 0x488: 0x2213, 0x489: 0x2213, 0x48a: 0x2613, 0x48b: 0x2613, + 0x48c: 0x2213, 0x48d: 0x2213, 0x48e: 0x3e13, 0x48f: 0x3e13, 0x490: 0x2213, 0x491: 0x2213, + 0x492: 0x2613, 0x493: 0x2613, 0x494: 0x2213, 0x495: 0x2213, 0x496: 0x2e13, 0x497: 0x2e13, + 0x498: 0x2213, 0x499: 0x2213, 0x49a: 0x2613, 0x49b: 0x2613, 0x49c: 0x2213, 0x49d: 0x2213, + 0x49e: 0xb553, 0x49f: 0xb553, 0x4a0: 0xb853, 0x4a1: 0xb853, 0x4a2: 0x2212, 0x4a3: 0x2212, + 0x4a4: 0x2612, 0x4a5: 0x2612, 0x4a6: 0x2212, 0x4a7: 0x2212, 0x4a8: 0x2e12, 0x4a9: 0x2e12, + 0x4aa: 0x2212, 0x4ab: 0x2212, 0x4ac: 0x2612, 0x4ad: 0x2612, 0x4ae: 0x2212, 0x4af: 0x2212, + 0x4b0: 0x3e12, 0x4b1: 0x3e12, 0x4b2: 0x2212, 0x4b3: 0x2212, 0x4b4: 0x2612, 0x4b5: 0x2612, + 0x4b6: 0x2212, 0x4b7: 0x2212, 0x4b8: 0x2e12, 0x4b9: 0x2e12, 0x4ba: 0x2212, 0x4bb: 0x2212, + 0x4bc: 0x2612, 0x4bd: 0x2612, 0x4be: 0x2212, 0x4bf: 0x2212, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c2: 0x0010, + 0x4c7: 0x0010, 0x4c9: 0x0010, 0x4cb: 0x0010, + 0x4cd: 0x0010, 0x4ce: 0x0010, 0x4cf: 0x0010, 0x4d1: 0x0010, + 0x4d2: 0x0010, 0x4d4: 0x0010, 0x4d7: 0x0010, + 0x4d9: 0x0010, 0x4db: 0x0010, 0x4dd: 0x0010, + 0x4df: 0x0010, 0x4e1: 0x0010, 0x4e2: 0x0010, + 0x4e4: 0x0010, 0x4e7: 0x0010, 0x4e8: 0x0010, 0x4e9: 0x0010, + 0x4ea: 0x0010, 0x4ec: 0x0010, 0x4ed: 0x0010, 0x4ee: 0x0010, 0x4ef: 0x0010, + 0x4f0: 0x0010, 0x4f1: 0x0010, 0x4f2: 0x0010, 0x4f4: 0x0010, 0x4f5: 0x0010, + 0x4f6: 0x0010, 0x4f7: 0x0010, 0x4f9: 0x0010, 0x4fa: 0x0010, 0x4fb: 0x0010, + 0x4fc: 0x0010, 0x4fe: 0x0010, +} + +// caseIndex: 25 blocks, 1600 entries, 3200 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var caseIndex = [1600]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x12, 0xc3: 0x13, 0xc4: 0x14, 0xc5: 0x15, 0xc6: 0x01, 0xc7: 0x02, + 0xc8: 0x16, 0xc9: 0x03, 0xca: 0x04, 0xcb: 0x17, 0xcc: 0x18, 0xcd: 0x05, 0xce: 0x06, 0xcf: 0x07, + 0xd0: 0x19, 0xd1: 0x1a, 0xd2: 0x1b, 0xd3: 0x1c, 0xd4: 0x1d, 0xd5: 0x1e, 0xd6: 0x1f, 0xd7: 0x20, + 0xd8: 0x21, 0xd9: 0x22, 0xda: 0x23, 0xdb: 0x24, 0xdc: 0x25, 0xdd: 0x26, 0xde: 0x27, 0xdf: 0x28, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, + 0xea: 0x06, 0xeb: 0x07, 0xec: 0x07, 0xed: 0x08, 0xef: 0x09, + 0xf0: 0x14, 0xf3: 0x16, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x29, 0x121: 0x2a, 0x122: 0x2b, 0x123: 0x2c, 0x124: 0x2d, 0x125: 0x2e, 0x126: 0x2f, 0x127: 0x30, + 0x128: 0x31, 0x129: 0x32, 0x12a: 0x33, 0x12b: 0x34, 0x12c: 0x35, 0x12d: 0x36, 0x12e: 0x37, 0x12f: 0x38, + 0x130: 0x39, 0x131: 0x3a, 0x132: 0x3b, 0x133: 0x3c, 0x134: 0x3d, 0x135: 0x3e, 0x136: 0x3f, 0x137: 0x40, + 0x138: 0x41, 0x139: 0x42, 0x13a: 0x43, 0x13b: 0x44, 0x13c: 0x45, 0x13d: 0x46, 0x13e: 0x47, 0x13f: 0x48, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x49, 0x141: 0x4a, 0x142: 0x4b, 0x143: 0x4c, 0x144: 0x23, 0x145: 0x23, 0x146: 0x23, 0x147: 0x23, + 0x148: 0x23, 0x149: 0x4d, 0x14a: 0x4e, 0x14b: 0x4f, 0x14c: 0x50, 0x14d: 0x51, 0x14e: 0x52, 0x14f: 0x53, + 0x150: 0x54, 0x151: 0x23, 0x152: 0x23, 0x153: 0x23, 0x154: 0x23, 0x155: 0x23, 0x156: 0x23, 0x157: 0x23, + 0x158: 0x23, 0x159: 0x55, 0x15a: 0x56, 0x15b: 0x57, 0x15c: 0x58, 0x15d: 0x59, 0x15e: 0x5a, 0x15f: 0x5b, + 0x160: 0x5c, 0x161: 0x5d, 0x162: 0x5e, 0x163: 0x5f, 0x164: 0x60, 0x165: 0x61, 0x167: 0x62, + 0x168: 0x63, 0x169: 0x64, 0x16a: 0x65, 0x16c: 0x66, 0x16d: 0x67, 0x16e: 0x68, 0x16f: 0x69, + 0x170: 0x6a, 0x171: 0x6b, 0x172: 0x6c, 0x173: 0x6d, 0x174: 0x6e, 0x175: 0x6f, 0x176: 0x70, 0x177: 0x71, + 0x178: 0x72, 0x179: 0x72, 0x17a: 0x73, 0x17b: 0x72, 0x17c: 0x74, 0x17d: 0x08, 0x17e: 0x09, 0x17f: 0x0a, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x75, 0x181: 0x76, 0x182: 0x77, 0x183: 0x78, 0x184: 0x0b, 0x185: 0x79, 0x186: 0x7a, + 0x192: 0x7b, 0x193: 0x0c, + 0x1b0: 0x7c, 0x1b1: 0x0d, 0x1b2: 0x72, 0x1b3: 0x7d, 0x1b4: 0x7e, 0x1b5: 0x7f, 0x1b6: 0x80, 0x1b7: 0x81, + 0x1b8: 0x82, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x83, 0x1c2: 0x84, 0x1c3: 0x85, 0x1c4: 0x86, 0x1c5: 0x23, 0x1c6: 0x87, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x88, 0x201: 0x23, 0x202: 0x23, 0x203: 0x23, 0x204: 0x23, 0x205: 0x23, 0x206: 0x23, 0x207: 0x23, + 0x208: 0x23, 0x209: 0x23, 0x20a: 0x23, 0x20b: 0x23, 0x20c: 0x23, 0x20d: 0x23, 0x20e: 0x23, 0x20f: 0x23, + 0x210: 0x23, 0x211: 0x23, 0x212: 0x89, 0x213: 0x8a, 0x214: 0x23, 0x215: 0x23, 0x216: 0x23, 0x217: 0x23, + 0x218: 0x8b, 0x219: 0x8c, 0x21a: 0x8d, 0x21b: 0x8e, 0x21c: 0x8f, 0x21d: 0x90, 0x21e: 0x0e, 0x21f: 0x91, + 0x220: 0x92, 0x221: 0x93, 0x222: 0x23, 0x223: 0x94, 0x224: 0x95, 0x225: 0x96, 0x226: 0x97, 0x227: 0x98, + 0x228: 0x99, 0x229: 0x9a, 0x22a: 0x9b, 0x22b: 0x9c, 0x22c: 0x9d, 0x22d: 0x9e, 0x22e: 0x9f, 0x22f: 0xa0, + 0x230: 0x23, 0x231: 0x23, 0x232: 0x23, 0x233: 0x23, 0x234: 0x23, 0x235: 0x23, 0x236: 0x23, 0x237: 0x23, + 0x238: 0x23, 0x239: 0x23, 0x23a: 0x23, 0x23b: 0x23, 0x23c: 0x23, 0x23d: 0x23, 0x23e: 0x23, 0x23f: 0x23, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x23, 0x241: 0x23, 0x242: 0x23, 0x243: 0x23, 0x244: 0x23, 0x245: 0x23, 0x246: 0x23, 0x247: 0x23, + 0x248: 0x23, 0x249: 0x23, 0x24a: 0x23, 0x24b: 0x23, 0x24c: 0x23, 0x24d: 0x23, 0x24e: 0x23, 0x24f: 0x23, + 0x250: 0x23, 0x251: 0x23, 0x252: 0x23, 0x253: 0x23, 0x254: 0x23, 0x255: 0x23, 0x256: 0x23, 0x257: 0x23, + 0x258: 0x23, 0x259: 0x23, 0x25a: 0x23, 0x25b: 0x23, 0x25c: 0x23, 0x25d: 0x23, 0x25e: 0x23, 0x25f: 0x23, + 0x260: 0x23, 0x261: 0x23, 0x262: 0x23, 0x263: 0x23, 0x264: 0x23, 0x265: 0x23, 0x266: 0x23, 0x267: 0x23, + 0x268: 0x23, 0x269: 0x23, 0x26a: 0x23, 0x26b: 0x23, 0x26c: 0x23, 0x26d: 0x23, 0x26e: 0x23, 0x26f: 0x23, + 0x270: 0x23, 0x271: 0x23, 0x272: 0x23, 0x273: 0x23, 0x274: 0x23, 0x275: 0x23, 0x276: 0x23, 0x277: 0x23, + 0x278: 0x23, 0x279: 0x23, 0x27a: 0x23, 0x27b: 0x23, 0x27c: 0x23, 0x27d: 0x23, 0x27e: 0x23, 0x27f: 0x23, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x23, 0x281: 0x23, 0x282: 0x23, 0x283: 0x23, 0x284: 0x23, 0x285: 0x23, 0x286: 0x23, 0x287: 0x23, + 0x288: 0x23, 0x289: 0x23, 0x28a: 0x23, 0x28b: 0x23, 0x28c: 0x23, 0x28d: 0x23, 0x28e: 0x23, 0x28f: 0x23, + 0x290: 0x23, 0x291: 0x23, 0x292: 0x23, 0x293: 0x23, 0x294: 0x23, 0x295: 0x23, 0x296: 0x23, 0x297: 0x23, + 0x298: 0x23, 0x299: 0x23, 0x29a: 0x23, 0x29b: 0x23, 0x29c: 0x23, 0x29d: 0x23, 0x29e: 0xa1, 0x29f: 0xa2, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2ec: 0x0f, 0x2ed: 0xa3, 0x2ee: 0xa4, 0x2ef: 0xa5, + 0x2f0: 0x23, 0x2f1: 0x23, 0x2f2: 0x23, 0x2f3: 0x23, 0x2f4: 0xa6, 0x2f5: 0xa7, 0x2f6: 0xa8, 0x2f7: 0xa9, + 0x2f8: 0xaa, 0x2f9: 0xab, 0x2fa: 0x23, 0x2fb: 0xac, 0x2fc: 0xad, 0x2fd: 0xae, 0x2fe: 0xaf, 0x2ff: 0xb0, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0xb1, 0x301: 0xb2, 0x302: 0x23, 0x303: 0xb3, 0x305: 0xb4, 0x307: 0xb5, + 0x30a: 0xb6, 0x30b: 0xb7, 0x30c: 0xb8, 0x30d: 0xb9, 0x30e: 0xba, 0x30f: 0xbb, + 0x310: 0xbc, 0x311: 0xbd, 0x312: 0xbe, 0x313: 0xbf, 0x314: 0xc0, 0x315: 0xc1, + 0x318: 0x23, 0x319: 0x23, 0x31a: 0x23, 0x31b: 0x23, 0x31c: 0xc2, 0x31d: 0xc3, + 0x320: 0xc4, 0x321: 0xc5, 0x322: 0xc6, 0x323: 0xc7, 0x324: 0xc8, 0x326: 0xc9, + 0x328: 0xca, 0x329: 0xcb, 0x32a: 0xcc, 0x32b: 0xcd, 0x32c: 0x5f, 0x32d: 0xce, 0x32e: 0xcf, + 0x330: 0x23, 0x331: 0xd0, 0x332: 0xd1, 0x333: 0xd2, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0xd3, 0x341: 0xd4, 0x342: 0xd5, 0x343: 0xd6, 0x344: 0xd7, 0x345: 0xd8, 0x346: 0xd9, 0x347: 0xda, + 0x348: 0xdb, 0x34a: 0xdc, 0x34b: 0xdd, 0x34c: 0xde, 0x34d: 0xdf, + 0x350: 0xe0, 0x351: 0xe1, 0x352: 0xe2, 0x353: 0xe3, 0x356: 0xe4, 0x357: 0xe5, + 0x358: 0xe6, 0x359: 0xe7, 0x35a: 0xe8, 0x35b: 0xe9, 0x35c: 0xea, + 0x362: 0xeb, 0x363: 0xec, + 0x36b: 0xed, + 0x370: 0xee, 0x371: 0xef, 0x372: 0xf0, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x23, 0x381: 0x23, 0x382: 0x23, 0x383: 0x23, 0x384: 0x23, 0x385: 0x23, 0x386: 0x23, 0x387: 0x23, + 0x388: 0x23, 0x389: 0x23, 0x38a: 0x23, 0x38b: 0x23, 0x38c: 0x23, 0x38d: 0x23, 0x38e: 0xf1, + 0x390: 0x23, 0x391: 0xf2, 0x392: 0x23, 0x393: 0x23, 0x394: 0x23, 0x395: 0xf3, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x23, 0x3c1: 0x23, 0x3c2: 0x23, 0x3c3: 0x23, 0x3c4: 0x23, 0x3c5: 0x23, 0x3c6: 0x23, 0x3c7: 0x23, + 0x3c8: 0x23, 0x3c9: 0x23, 0x3ca: 0x23, 0x3cb: 0x23, 0x3cc: 0x23, 0x3cd: 0x23, 0x3ce: 0x23, 0x3cf: 0x23, + 0x3d0: 0xf2, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x410: 0x23, 0x411: 0x23, 0x412: 0x23, 0x413: 0x23, 0x414: 0x23, 0x415: 0x23, 0x416: 0x23, 0x417: 0x23, + 0x418: 0x23, 0x419: 0xf4, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x460: 0x23, 0x461: 0x23, 0x462: 0x23, 0x463: 0x23, 0x464: 0x23, 0x465: 0x23, 0x466: 0x23, 0x467: 0x23, + 0x468: 0xed, 0x469: 0xf5, 0x46b: 0xf6, 0x46c: 0xf7, 0x46d: 0xf8, 0x46e: 0xf9, + 0x47c: 0x23, 0x47d: 0xfa, 0x47e: 0xfb, 0x47f: 0xfc, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x4b0: 0x23, 0x4b1: 0xfd, 0x4b2: 0xfe, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c5: 0xff, 0x4c6: 0x100, + 0x4c9: 0x101, + 0x4d0: 0x102, 0x4d1: 0x103, 0x4d2: 0x104, 0x4d3: 0x105, 0x4d4: 0x106, 0x4d5: 0x107, 0x4d6: 0x108, 0x4d7: 0x109, + 0x4d8: 0x10a, 0x4d9: 0x10b, 0x4da: 0x10c, 0x4db: 0x10d, 0x4dc: 0x10e, 0x4dd: 0x10f, 0x4de: 0x110, 0x4df: 0x111, + 0x4e8: 0x112, 0x4e9: 0x113, 0x4ea: 0x114, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x115, + 0x520: 0x23, 0x521: 0x23, 0x522: 0x23, 0x523: 0x116, 0x524: 0x10, 0x525: 0x117, + 0x538: 0x118, 0x539: 0x11, 0x53a: 0x119, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x544: 0x11a, 0x545: 0x11b, 0x546: 0x11c, + 0x54f: 0x11d, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x590: 0x0a, 0x591: 0x0b, 0x592: 0x0c, 0x593: 0x0d, 0x594: 0x0e, 0x596: 0x0f, + 0x59b: 0x10, 0x59d: 0x11, 0x59e: 0x12, 0x59f: 0x13, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x11e, 0x5c1: 0x11f, 0x5c4: 0x11f, 0x5c5: 0x11f, 0x5c6: 0x11f, 0x5c7: 0x120, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x620: 0x15, +} + +// sparseOffsets: 272 entries, 544 bytes +var sparseOffsets = []uint16{0x0, 0x9, 0xf, 0x18, 0x24, 0x2e, 0x3a, 0x3d, 0x41, 0x44, 0x48, 0x52, 0x54, 0x59, 0x69, 0x70, 0x75, 0x83, 0x84, 0x92, 0xa1, 0xab, 0xae, 0xb4, 0xbc, 0xbe, 0xc0, 0xce, 0xd4, 0xe2, 0xed, 0xf8, 0x103, 0x10f, 0x119, 0x124, 0x12f, 0x13b, 0x147, 0x14f, 0x157, 0x161, 0x16c, 0x178, 0x17e, 0x189, 0x18e, 0x196, 0x199, 0x19e, 0x1a2, 0x1a6, 0x1ad, 0x1b6, 0x1be, 0x1bf, 0x1c8, 0x1cf, 0x1d7, 0x1dd, 0x1e3, 0x1e8, 0x1ec, 0x1ef, 0x1f1, 0x1f4, 0x1f9, 0x1fa, 0x1fc, 0x1fe, 0x200, 0x207, 0x20c, 0x210, 0x219, 0x21c, 0x21f, 0x225, 0x226, 0x231, 0x232, 0x233, 0x238, 0x245, 0x24d, 0x255, 0x25e, 0x267, 0x270, 0x275, 0x278, 0x281, 0x28e, 0x290, 0x297, 0x299, 0x2a4, 0x2a5, 0x2b0, 0x2b8, 0x2c0, 0x2c6, 0x2c7, 0x2d5, 0x2da, 0x2dd, 0x2e2, 0x2e6, 0x2ec, 0x2f1, 0x2f4, 0x2f9, 0x2fe, 0x2ff, 0x305, 0x307, 0x308, 0x30a, 0x30c, 0x30f, 0x310, 0x312, 0x315, 0x31b, 0x31f, 0x321, 0x327, 0x32e, 0x332, 0x33b, 0x33c, 0x344, 0x348, 0x34d, 0x355, 0x35b, 0x361, 0x36b, 0x370, 0x379, 0x37f, 0x386, 0x38a, 0x392, 0x394, 0x396, 0x399, 0x39b, 0x39d, 0x39e, 0x39f, 0x3a1, 0x3a3, 0x3a9, 0x3ae, 0x3b0, 0x3b6, 0x3b9, 0x3bb, 0x3c1, 0x3c6, 0x3c8, 0x3c9, 0x3ca, 0x3cb, 0x3cd, 0x3cf, 0x3d1, 0x3d4, 0x3d6, 0x3d9, 0x3e1, 0x3e4, 0x3e8, 0x3f0, 0x3f2, 0x3f3, 0x3f4, 0x3f6, 0x3fc, 0x3fe, 0x3ff, 0x401, 0x403, 0x405, 0x412, 0x413, 0x414, 0x418, 0x41a, 0x41b, 0x41c, 0x41d, 0x41e, 0x422, 0x426, 0x42c, 0x42e, 0x435, 0x438, 0x43c, 0x442, 0x44b, 0x451, 0x457, 0x461, 0x46b, 0x46d, 0x474, 0x47a, 0x480, 0x486, 0x489, 0x48f, 0x492, 0x49a, 0x49b, 0x4a2, 0x4a3, 0x4a6, 0x4a7, 0x4ad, 0x4b0, 0x4b8, 0x4b9, 0x4ba, 0x4bb, 0x4bc, 0x4be, 0x4c0, 0x4c2, 0x4c6, 0x4c7, 0x4c9, 0x4ca, 0x4cb, 0x4cd, 0x4d2, 0x4d7, 0x4db, 0x4dc, 0x4df, 0x4e3, 0x4ee, 0x4f2, 0x4fa, 0x4ff, 0x503, 0x506, 0x50a, 0x50d, 0x510, 0x515, 0x519, 0x51d, 0x521, 0x525, 0x527, 0x529, 0x52c, 0x531, 0x533, 0x538, 0x541, 0x546, 0x547, 0x54a, 0x54b, 0x54c, 0x54e, 0x54f, 0x550} + +// sparseValues: 1360 entries, 5440 bytes +var sparseValues = [1360]valueRange{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x001a, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x9 + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x009a, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0252, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2, offset 0xf + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x011b, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x019a, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0553, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3, offset 0x18 + {value: 0x0552, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0f16, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x01da, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0253, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x028a, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x24 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x2f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x090b, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x2953, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x098b, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0a0a, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x2e + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x3a + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x3d + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x2012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x41 + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6552, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x44 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x48 + {value: 0x0f13, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0f16, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0f12, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x52 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x54 + {value: 0x3013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6853, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x6552, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x59 + {value: 0x6852, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x198a, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x69 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x70 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x75 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x83 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x84 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x92 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x14, offset 0xa1 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x15, offset 0xab + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x16, offset 0xae + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x17, offset 0xb4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0x18, offset 0xbc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + // Block 0x19, offset 0xbe + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0xc0 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0xce + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0xd4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0xe2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0xed + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0xf8 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x103 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x10f + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x119 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x124 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x12f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x13b + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x147 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x14f + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x28, offset 0x157 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x29, offset 0x161 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0x16c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0x178 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0x17e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0x189 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0x18e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0x196 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x30, offset 0x199 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x31, offset 0x19e + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x32, offset 0x1a2 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x33, offset 0x1a6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x34, offset 0x1ad + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x35, offset 0x1b6 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x36, offset 0x1be + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0x37, offset 0x1bf + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x38, offset 0x1c8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x39, offset 0x1cf + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x6c53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0x1d7 + {value: 0x7053, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x7053, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x7053, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0x1dd + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0x1e3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0x1e8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0x1ec + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0x1ef + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1f1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x7453, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x7853, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1f4 + {value: 0x7c53, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x8053, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x7c53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0892, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1f9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x1fa + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1fc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1fe + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x200 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x207 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x20c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x210 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x219 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x21c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x21f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x225 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x226 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x231 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x8f}, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x232 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x233 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x238 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x245 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x24d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x255 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x25e + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x267 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x270 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x275 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x278 + {value: 0x1a6a, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x1aea, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x1b6a, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x1bea, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x1c6a, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x1cea, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x1d6a, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x1dea, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x1e6a, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x281 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x28e + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x290 + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x8452, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x8852, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x297 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x299 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x2a4 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x2a5 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x1f1a, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x1fca, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x207a, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x212a, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x21da, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x228a, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x233b, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x2b0 + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0813, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x2b8 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x2c0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x2c6 + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x2c7 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x2d5 + {value: 0x0016, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x9d52, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x1013, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x1012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x2da + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x88}, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x2dd + {value: 0xa053, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xa353, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0xa653, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xa353, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0xa053, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x2e2 + {value: 0x3013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6553, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xa953, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x2e6 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x2ec + {value: 0x6c52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x7052, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x2f1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x2f4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x2f9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x2fe + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x2ff + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x305 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x307 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x308 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x30a + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x30c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x30f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x310 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x312 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xab}, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x315 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x31b + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x31f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x321 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x327 + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0316, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0716, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x8453, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0117, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x32e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x332 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x33b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x33c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x344 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x348 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x34d + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x355 + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x35b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x361 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x36b + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x370 + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x379 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x37f + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0xac52, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0015, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x74d2, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x386 + {value: 0x78d2, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x7cd2, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x80d2, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x7cd2, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x38a + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x392 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x394 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x396 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x86, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x399 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x39b + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x39d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x39e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x39f + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x3a1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x3a3 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x3a9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x3ae + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x3b0 + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0054, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x3b6 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x3b9 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x3bb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x3c1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x3c6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x3c8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x3c9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x3ca + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x3cb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x3cd + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x3cf + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x3d1 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x3d4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x3d6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x95}, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x3d9 + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xaf53, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xb253, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x3e1 + {value: 0xaf52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xb252, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x3e4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0xb253, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xaf53, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x3e8 + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3813, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x2813, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0xb252, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xaf52, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3812, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2812, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x3f0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x3f2 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x3f3 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x3f4 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x3f6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x3fc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x3fe + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x3ff + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x401 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x403 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x405 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x412 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x413 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x414 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x418 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x41a + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x41b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x41c + {value: 0x5653, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x41d + {value: 0x5652, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x41e + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x422 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x426 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x42c + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x42e + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x435 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x438 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x43c + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x442 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x44b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x451 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x457 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x461 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x46b + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x46d + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x474 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x47a + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x480 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x486 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x489 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x48f + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x492 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x49a + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x49b + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x4a2 + {value: 0x5f53, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x4a3 + {value: 0x5f52, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x4a6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x4a7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x4ad + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x4b0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x4b8 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x4b9 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x4ba + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x4bb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x4bc + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x4be + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x4c0 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x4c2 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x4c6 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x4c7 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x4c9 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x4ca + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x4cb + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x4cd + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x4d2 + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x4d7 + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x4db + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x84}, + // Block 0xf0, offset 0x4dc + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf1, offset 0x4df + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf2, offset 0x4e3 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf3, offset 0x4ee + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf4, offset 0x4f2 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0xf5, offset 0x4fa + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf6, offset 0x4ff + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf7, offset 0x503 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf8, offset 0x506 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x88, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf9, offset 0x50a + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfa, offset 0x50d + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfb, offset 0x510 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfc, offset 0x515 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfd, offset 0x519 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfe, offset 0x51d + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xff, offset 0x521 + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0012, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0017, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x100, offset 0x525 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x101, offset 0x527 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x102, offset 0x529 + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x103, offset 0x52c + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x104, offset 0x531 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + // Block 0x105, offset 0x533 + {value: 0xb552, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0xb852, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0024, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0034, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x106, offset 0x538 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x107, offset 0x541 + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0010, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x108, offset 0x546 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x109, offset 0x547 + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10a, offset 0x54a + {value: 0x0013, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + // Block 0x10b, offset 0x54b + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10c, offset 0x54c + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10d, offset 0x54e + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10e, offset 0x54f + {value: 0x0014, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, +} + +// Total table size 14027 bytes (13KiB); checksum: F17D40E8 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/trieval.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/trieval.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..99e03962 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/cases/trieval.go @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +package cases + +// This file contains definitions for interpreting the trie value of the case +// trie generated by "go run gen*.go". It is shared by both the generator +// program and the resultant package. Sharing is achieved by the generator +// copying gen_trieval.go to trieval.go and changing what's above this comment. + +// info holds case information for a single rune. It is the value returned +// by a trie lookup. Most mapping information can be stored in a single 16-bit +// value. If not, for example when a rune is mapped to multiple runes, the value +// stores some basic case data and an index into an array with additional data. +// +// The per-rune values have the following format: +// +// if (exception) { +// 15..4 unsigned exception index +// } else { +// 15..8 XOR pattern or index to XOR pattern for case mapping +// Only 13..8 are used for XOR patterns. +// 7 inverseFold (fold to upper, not to lower) +// 6 index: interpret the XOR pattern as an index +// or isMid if case mode is cIgnorableUncased. +// 5..4 CCC: zero (normal or break), above or other +// } +// 3 exception: interpret this value as an exception index +// (TODO: is this bit necessary? Probably implied from case mode.) +// 2..0 case mode +// +// For the non-exceptional cases, a rune must be either uncased, lowercase or +// uppercase. If the rune is cased, the XOR pattern maps either a lowercase +// rune to uppercase or an uppercase rune to lowercase (applied to the 10 +// least-significant bits of the rune). +// +// See the definitions below for a more detailed description of the various +// bits. +type info uint16 + +const ( + casedMask = 0x0003 + fullCasedMask = 0x0007 + ignorableMask = 0x0006 + ignorableValue = 0x0004 + + inverseFoldBit = 1 << 7 + isMidBit = 1 << 6 + + exceptionBit = 1 << 3 + exceptionShift = 4 + numExceptionBits = 12 + + xorIndexBit = 1 << 6 + xorShift = 8 + + // There is no mapping if all xor bits and the exception bit are zero. + hasMappingMask = 0xff80 | exceptionBit +) + +// The case mode bits encodes the case type of a rune. This includes uncased, +// title, upper and lower case and case ignorable. (For a definition of these +// terms see Chapter 3 of The Unicode Standard Core Specification.) In some rare +// cases, a rune can be both cased and case-ignorable. This is encoded by +// cIgnorableCased. A rune of this type is always lower case. Some runes are +// cased while not having a mapping. +// +// A common pattern for scripts in the Unicode standard is for upper and lower +// case runes to alternate for increasing rune values (e.g. the accented Latin +// ranges starting from U+0100 and U+1E00 among others and some Cyrillic +// characters). We use this property by defining a cXORCase mode, where the case +// mode (always upper or lower case) is derived from the rune value. As the XOR +// pattern for case mappings is often identical for successive runes, using +// cXORCase can result in large series of identical trie values. This, in turn, +// allows us to better compress the trie blocks. +const ( + cUncased info = iota // 000 + cTitle // 001 + cLower // 010 + cUpper // 011 + cIgnorableUncased // 100 + cIgnorableCased // 101 // lower case if mappings exist + cXORCase // 11x // case is cLower | ((rune&1) ^ x) + + maxCaseMode = cUpper +) + +func (c info) isCased() bool { + return c&casedMask != 0 +} + +func (c info) isCaseIgnorable() bool { + return c&ignorableMask == ignorableValue +} + +func (c info) isNotCasedAndNotCaseIgnorable() bool { + return c&fullCasedMask == 0 +} + +func (c info) isCaseIgnorableAndNotCased() bool { + return c&fullCasedMask == cIgnorableUncased +} + +func (c info) isMid() bool { + return c&(fullCasedMask|isMidBit) == isMidBit|cIgnorableUncased +} + +// The case mapping implementation will need to know about various Canonical +// Combining Class (CCC) values. We encode two of these in the trie value: +// cccZero (0) and cccAbove (230). If the value is cccOther, it means that +// CCC(r) > 0, but not 230. A value of cccBreak means that CCC(r) == 0 and that +// the rune also has the break category Break (see below). +const ( + cccBreak info = iota << 4 + cccZero + cccAbove + cccOther + + cccMask = cccBreak | cccZero | cccAbove | cccOther +) + +const ( + starter = 0 + above = 230 + iotaSubscript = 240 +) + +// The exceptions slice holds data that does not fit in a normal info entry. +// The entry is pointed to by the exception index in an entry. It has the +// following format: +// +// Header +// byte 0: +// 7..6 unused +// 5..4 CCC type (same bits as entry) +// 3 unused +// 2..0 length of fold +// +// byte 1: +// 7..6 unused +// 5..3 length of 1st mapping of case type +// 2..0 length of 2nd mapping of case type +// +// case 1st 2nd +// lower -> upper, title +// upper -> lower, title +// title -> lower, upper +// +// Lengths with the value 0x7 indicate no value and implies no change. +// A length of 0 indicates a mapping to zero-length string. +// +// Body bytes: +// case folding bytes +// lowercase mapping bytes +// uppercase mapping bytes +// titlecase mapping bytes +// closure mapping bytes (for NFKC_Casefold). (TODO) +// +// Fallbacks: +// missing fold -> lower +// missing title -> upper +// all missing -> original rune +// +// exceptions starts with a dummy byte to enforce that there is no zero index +// value. +const ( + lengthMask = 0x07 + lengthBits = 3 + noChange = 0 +) + +// References to generated trie. + +var trie = newCaseTrie(0) + +var sparse = sparseBlocks{ + values: sparseValues[:], + offsets: sparseOffsets[:], +} + +// Sparse block lookup code. + +// valueRange is an entry in a sparse block. +type valueRange struct { + value uint16 + lo, hi byte +} + +type sparseBlocks struct { + values []valueRange + offsets []uint16 +} + +// lookup returns the value from values block n for byte b using binary search. +func (s *sparseBlocks) lookup(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + lo := s.offsets[n] + hi := s.offsets[n+1] + for lo < hi { + m := lo + (hi-lo)/2 + r := s.values[m] + if r.lo <= b && b <= r.hi { + return r.value + } + if b < r.lo { + hi = m + } else { + lo = m + 1 + } + } + return 0 +} + +// lastRuneForTesting is the last rune used for testing. Everything after this +// is boring. +const lastRuneForTesting = rune(0x1FFFF) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/internal.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/internal.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3cddbbdd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/internal.go @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package internal contains non-exported functionality that are used by +// packages in the text repository. +package internal // import "golang.org/x/text/internal" + +import ( + "sort" + + "golang.org/x/text/language" +) + +// SortTags sorts tags in place. +func SortTags(tags []language.Tag) { + sort.Sort(sorter(tags)) +} + +type sorter []language.Tag + +func (s sorter) Len() int { + return len(s) +} + +func (s sorter) Swap(i, j int) { + s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] +} + +func (s sorter) Less(i, j int) bool { + return s[i].String() < s[j].String() +} + +// UniqueTags sorts and filters duplicate tags in place and returns a slice with +// only unique tags. +func UniqueTags(tags []language.Tag) []language.Tag { + if len(tags) <= 1 { + return tags + } + SortTags(tags) + k := 0 + for i := 1; i < len(tags); i++ { + if tags[k].String() < tags[i].String() { + k++ + tags[k] = tags[i] + } + } + return tags[:k+1] +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/common.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/common.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cdfdb749 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/common.go @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +package language + +// This file contains code common to the maketables.go and the package code. + +// AliasType is the type of an alias in AliasMap. +type AliasType int8 + +const ( + Deprecated AliasType = iota + Macro + Legacy + + AliasTypeUnknown AliasType = -1 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..46a00150 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package language + +// CompactCoreInfo is a compact integer with the three core tags encoded. +type CompactCoreInfo uint32 + +// GetCompactCore generates a uint32 value that is guaranteed to be unique for +// different language, region, and script values. +func GetCompactCore(t Tag) (cci CompactCoreInfo, ok bool) { + if t.LangID > langNoIndexOffset { + return 0, false + } + cci |= CompactCoreInfo(t.LangID) << (8 + 12) + cci |= CompactCoreInfo(t.ScriptID) << 12 + cci |= CompactCoreInfo(t.RegionID) + return cci, true +} + +// Tag generates a tag from c. +func (c CompactCoreInfo) Tag() Tag { + return Tag{ + LangID: Language(c >> 20), + RegionID: Region(c & 0x3ff), + ScriptID: Script(c>>12) & 0xff, + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/compact.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/compact.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b36935e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/compact.go @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package compact defines a compact representation of language tags. +// +// Common language tags (at least all for which locale information is defined +// in CLDR) are assigned a unique index. Each Tag is associated with such an +// ID for selecting language-related resources (such as translations) as well +// as one for selecting regional defaults (currency, number formatting, etc.) +// +// It may want to export this functionality at some point, but at this point +// this is only available for use within x/text. +package compact // import "golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact" + +import ( + "sort" + "strings" + + "golang.org/x/text/internal/language" +) + +// ID is an integer identifying a single tag. +type ID uint16 + +func getCoreIndex(t language.Tag) (id ID, ok bool) { + cci, ok := language.GetCompactCore(t) + if !ok { + return 0, false + } + i := sort.Search(len(coreTags), func(i int) bool { + return cci <= coreTags[i] + }) + if i == len(coreTags) || coreTags[i] != cci { + return 0, false + } + return ID(i), true +} + +// Parent returns the ID of the parent or the root ID if id is already the root. +func (id ID) Parent() ID { + return parents[id] +} + +// Tag converts id to an internal language Tag. +func (id ID) Tag() language.Tag { + if int(id) >= len(coreTags) { + return specialTags[int(id)-len(coreTags)] + } + return coreTags[id].Tag() +} + +var specialTags []language.Tag + +func init() { + tags := strings.Split(specialTagsStr, " ") + specialTags = make([]language.Tag, len(tags)) + for i, t := range tags { + specialTags[i] = language.MustParse(t) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/language.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/language.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..83816a72 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/language.go @@ -0,0 +1,260 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:generate go run gen.go gen_index.go -output tables.go +//go:generate go run gen_parents.go + +package compact + +// TODO: Remove above NOTE after: +// - verifying that tables are dropped correctly (most notably matcher tables). + +import ( + "strings" + + "golang.org/x/text/internal/language" +) + +// Tag represents a BCP 47 language tag. It is used to specify an instance of a +// specific language or locale. All language tag values are guaranteed to be +// well-formed. +type Tag struct { + // NOTE: exported tags will become part of the public API. + language ID + locale ID + full fullTag // always a language.Tag for now. +} + +const _und = 0 + +type fullTag interface { + IsRoot() bool + Parent() language.Tag +} + +// Make a compact Tag from a fully specified internal language Tag. +func Make(t language.Tag) (tag Tag) { + if region := t.TypeForKey("rg"); len(region) == 6 && region[2:] == "zzzz" { + if r, err := language.ParseRegion(region[:2]); err == nil { + tFull := t + t, _ = t.SetTypeForKey("rg", "") + // TODO: should we not consider "va" for the language tag? + var exact1, exact2 bool + tag.language, exact1 = FromTag(t) + t.RegionID = r + tag.locale, exact2 = FromTag(t) + if !exact1 || !exact2 { + tag.full = tFull + } + return tag + } + } + lang, ok := FromTag(t) + tag.language = lang + tag.locale = lang + if !ok { + tag.full = t + } + return tag +} + +// Tag returns an internal language Tag version of this tag. +func (t Tag) Tag() language.Tag { + if t.full != nil { + return t.full.(language.Tag) + } + tag := t.language.Tag() + if t.language != t.locale { + loc := t.locale.Tag() + tag, _ = tag.SetTypeForKey("rg", strings.ToLower(loc.RegionID.String())+"zzzz") + } + return tag +} + +// IsCompact reports whether this tag is fully defined in terms of ID. +func (t *Tag) IsCompact() bool { + return t.full == nil +} + +// MayHaveVariants reports whether a tag may have variants. If it returns false +// it is guaranteed the tag does not have variants. +func (t Tag) MayHaveVariants() bool { + return t.full != nil || int(t.language) >= len(coreTags) +} + +// MayHaveExtensions reports whether a tag may have extensions. If it returns +// false it is guaranteed the tag does not have them. +func (t Tag) MayHaveExtensions() bool { + return t.full != nil || + int(t.language) >= len(coreTags) || + t.language != t.locale +} + +// IsRoot returns true if t is equal to language "und". +func (t Tag) IsRoot() bool { + if t.full != nil { + return t.full.IsRoot() + } + return t.language == _und +} + +// Parent returns the CLDR parent of t. In CLDR, missing fields in data for a +// specific language are substituted with fields from the parent language. +// The parent for a language may change for newer versions of CLDR. +func (t Tag) Parent() Tag { + if t.full != nil { + return Make(t.full.Parent()) + } + if t.language != t.locale { + // Simulate stripping -u-rg-xxxxxx + return Tag{language: t.language, locale: t.language} + } + // TODO: use parent lookup table once cycle from internal package is + // removed. Probably by internalizing the table and declaring this fast + // enough. + // lang := compactID(internal.Parent(uint16(t.language))) + lang, _ := FromTag(t.language.Tag().Parent()) + return Tag{language: lang, locale: lang} +} + +// returns token t and the rest of the string. +func nextToken(s string) (t, tail string) { + p := strings.Index(s[1:], "-") + if p == -1 { + return s[1:], "" + } + p++ + return s[1:p], s[p:] +} + +// LanguageID returns an index, where 0 <= index < NumCompactTags, for tags +// for which data exists in the text repository.The index will change over time +// and should not be stored in persistent storage. If t does not match a compact +// index, exact will be false and the compact index will be returned for the +// first match after repeatedly taking the Parent of t. +func LanguageID(t Tag) (id ID, exact bool) { + return t.language, t.full == nil +} + +// RegionalID returns the ID for the regional variant of this tag. This index is +// used to indicate region-specific overrides, such as default currency, default +// calendar and week data, default time cycle, and default measurement system +// and unit preferences. +// +// For instance, the tag en-GB-u-rg-uszzzz specifies British English with US +// settings for currency, number formatting, etc. The CompactIndex for this tag +// will be that for en-GB, while the RegionalID will be the one corresponding to +// en-US. +func RegionalID(t Tag) (id ID, exact bool) { + return t.locale, t.full == nil +} + +// LanguageTag returns t stripped of regional variant indicators. +// +// At the moment this means it is stripped of a regional and variant subtag "rg" +// and "va" in the "u" extension. +func (t Tag) LanguageTag() Tag { + if t.full == nil { + return Tag{language: t.language, locale: t.language} + } + tt := t.Tag() + tt.SetTypeForKey("rg", "") + tt.SetTypeForKey("va", "") + return Make(tt) +} + +// RegionalTag returns the regional variant of the tag. +// +// At the moment this means that the region is set from the regional subtag +// "rg" in the "u" extension. +func (t Tag) RegionalTag() Tag { + rt := Tag{language: t.locale, locale: t.locale} + if t.full == nil { + return rt + } + b := language.Builder{} + tag := t.Tag() + // tag, _ = tag.SetTypeForKey("rg", "") + b.SetTag(t.locale.Tag()) + if v := tag.Variants(); v != "" { + for _, v := range strings.Split(v, "-") { + b.AddVariant(v) + } + } + for _, e := range tag.Extensions() { + b.AddExt(e) + } + return t +} + +// FromTag reports closest matching ID for an internal language Tag. +func FromTag(t language.Tag) (id ID, exact bool) { + // TODO: perhaps give more frequent tags a lower index. + // TODO: we could make the indexes stable. This will excluded some + // possibilities for optimization, so don't do this quite yet. + exact = true + + b, s, r := t.Raw() + if t.HasString() { + if t.IsPrivateUse() { + // We have no entries for user-defined tags. + return 0, false + } + hasExtra := false + if t.HasVariants() { + if t.HasExtensions() { + build := language.Builder{} + build.SetTag(language.Tag{LangID: b, ScriptID: s, RegionID: r}) + build.AddVariant(t.Variants()) + exact = false + t = build.Make() + } + hasExtra = true + } else if _, ok := t.Extension('u'); ok { + // TODO: va may mean something else. Consider not considering it. + // Strip all but the 'va' entry. + old := t + variant := t.TypeForKey("va") + t = language.Tag{LangID: b, ScriptID: s, RegionID: r} + if variant != "" { + t, _ = t.SetTypeForKey("va", variant) + hasExtra = true + } + exact = old == t + } else { + exact = false + } + if hasExtra { + // We have some variants. + for i, s := range specialTags { + if s == t { + return ID(i + len(coreTags)), exact + } + } + exact = false + } + } + if x, ok := getCoreIndex(t); ok { + return x, exact + } + exact = false + if r != 0 && s == 0 { + // Deal with cases where an extra script is inserted for the region. + t, _ := t.Maximize() + if x, ok := getCoreIndex(t); ok { + return x, exact + } + } + for t = t.Parent(); t != root; t = t.Parent() { + // No variants specified: just compare core components. + // The key has the form lllssrrr, where l, s, and r are nibbles for + // respectively the langID, scriptID, and regionID. + if x, ok := getCoreIndex(t); ok { + return x, exact + } + } + return 0, exact +} + +var root = language.Tag{} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/parents.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/parents.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d810723 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/parents.go @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +package compact + +// parents maps a compact index of a tag to the compact index of the parent of +// this tag. +var parents = []ID{ // 775 elements + // Entry 0 - 3F + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0001, 0x0000, 0x0004, 0x0000, 0x0006, + 0x0000, 0x0008, 0x0000, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, + 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, + 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, + 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x000a, 0x0000, + 0x0000, 0x0028, 0x0000, 0x002a, 0x0000, 0x002c, 0x0000, 0x0000, + 0x002f, 0x002e, 0x002e, 0x0000, 0x0033, 0x0000, 0x0035, 0x0000, + 0x0037, 0x0000, 0x0039, 0x0000, 0x003b, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x003e, + // Entry 40 - 7F + 0x0000, 0x0040, 0x0040, 0x0000, 0x0043, 0x0043, 0x0000, 0x0046, + 0x0000, 0x0048, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x004b, 0x004a, 0x004a, 0x0000, + 0x004f, 0x004f, 0x004f, 0x004f, 0x0000, 0x0054, 0x0054, 0x0000, + 0x0057, 0x0000, 0x0059, 0x0000, 0x005b, 0x0000, 0x005d, 0x005d, + 0x0000, 0x0060, 0x0000, 0x0062, 0x0000, 0x0064, 0x0000, 0x0066, + 0x0066, 0x0000, 0x0069, 0x0000, 0x006b, 0x006b, 0x006b, 0x006b, + 0x006b, 0x006b, 0x006b, 0x0000, 0x0073, 0x0000, 0x0075, 0x0000, + 0x0077, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x007a, 0x0000, 0x007c, 0x0000, 0x007e, + // Entry 80 - BF + 0x0000, 0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0000, 0x0083, 0x0083, 0x0000, 0x0086, + 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0086, 0x0088, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, + 0x0086, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0088, + 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0088, 0x0087, 0x0088, 0x0087, + 0x0087, 0x0088, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, + 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0086, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, + 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, + 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0086, 0x0087, 0x0086, + // Entry C0 - FF + 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, + 0x0088, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, + 0x0086, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0088, 0x0087, + 0x0087, 0x0088, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, + 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0086, 0x0086, 0x0087, + 0x0087, 0x0086, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0087, 0x0000, + 0x00ef, 0x0000, 0x00f1, 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f2, + 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f1, 0x00f2, 0x00f1, 0x00f1, + // Entry 100 - 13F + 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f1, 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f1, + 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x00f2, 0x0000, 0x010e, + 0x0000, 0x0110, 0x0000, 0x0112, 0x0000, 0x0114, 0x0114, 0x0000, + 0x0117, 0x0117, 0x0117, 0x0117, 0x0000, 0x011c, 0x0000, 0x011e, + 0x0000, 0x0120, 0x0120, 0x0000, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, + 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, + 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, + 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, + // Entry 140 - 17F + 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, + 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0123, + 0x0123, 0x0123, 0x0000, 0x0152, 0x0000, 0x0154, 0x0000, 0x0156, + 0x0000, 0x0158, 0x0000, 0x015a, 0x0000, 0x015c, 0x015c, 0x015c, + 0x0000, 0x0160, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0163, 0x0000, 0x0165, 0x0000, + 0x0167, 0x0167, 0x0167, 0x0000, 0x016b, 0x0000, 0x016d, 0x0000, + 0x016f, 0x0000, 0x0171, 0x0171, 0x0000, 0x0174, 0x0000, 0x0176, + 0x0000, 0x0178, 0x0000, 0x017a, 0x0000, 0x017c, 0x0000, 0x017e, + // Entry 180 - 1BF + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0182, 0x0000, 0x0184, 0x0184, 0x0184, + 0x0184, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x018b, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x018e, + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0191, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0195, 0x0000, + 0x0197, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x019a, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x019d, 0x0000, + 0x019f, 0x0000, 0x01a1, 0x0000, 0x01a3, 0x0000, 0x01a5, 0x0000, + 0x01a7, 0x0000, 0x01a9, 0x0000, 0x01ab, 0x0000, 0x01ad, 0x0000, + 0x01af, 0x0000, 0x01b1, 0x01b1, 0x0000, 0x01b4, 0x0000, 0x01b6, + 0x0000, 0x01b8, 0x0000, 0x01ba, 0x0000, 0x01bc, 0x0000, 0x0000, + // Entry 1C0 - 1FF + 0x01bf, 0x0000, 0x01c1, 0x0000, 0x01c3, 0x0000, 0x01c5, 0x0000, + 0x01c7, 0x0000, 0x01c9, 0x0000, 0x01cb, 0x01cb, 0x01cb, 0x01cb, + 0x0000, 0x01d0, 0x0000, 0x01d2, 0x01d2, 0x0000, 0x01d5, 0x0000, + 0x01d7, 0x0000, 0x01d9, 0x0000, 0x01db, 0x0000, 0x01dd, 0x0000, + 0x01df, 0x01df, 0x0000, 0x01e2, 0x0000, 0x01e4, 0x0000, 0x01e6, + 0x0000, 0x01e8, 0x0000, 0x01ea, 0x0000, 0x01ec, 0x0000, 0x01ee, + 0x0000, 0x01f0, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x01f3, 0x0000, 0x01f5, 0x01f5, + 0x01f5, 0x0000, 0x01f9, 0x0000, 0x01fb, 0x0000, 0x01fd, 0x0000, + // Entry 200 - 23F + 0x01ff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0202, 0x0000, 0x0204, 0x0204, 0x0000, + 0x0207, 0x0000, 0x0209, 0x0209, 0x0000, 0x020c, 0x020c, 0x0000, + 0x020f, 0x020f, 0x020f, 0x020f, 0x020f, 0x020f, 0x020f, 0x0000, + 0x0217, 0x0000, 0x0219, 0x0000, 0x021b, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0221, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0224, 0x0000, 0x0226, + 0x0226, 0x0000, 0x0229, 0x0000, 0x022b, 0x022b, 0x0000, 0x0000, + 0x022f, 0x022e, 0x022e, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0234, 0x0000, 0x0236, + 0x0000, 0x0238, 0x0000, 0x0244, 0x023a, 0x0244, 0x0244, 0x0244, + // Entry 240 - 27F + 0x0244, 0x0244, 0x0244, 0x0244, 0x023a, 0x0244, 0x0244, 0x0000, + 0x0247, 0x0247, 0x0247, 0x0000, 0x024b, 0x0000, 0x024d, 0x0000, + 0x024f, 0x024f, 0x0000, 0x0252, 0x0000, 0x0254, 0x0254, 0x0254, + 0x0254, 0x0254, 0x0254, 0x0000, 0x025b, 0x0000, 0x025d, 0x0000, + 0x025f, 0x0000, 0x0261, 0x0000, 0x0263, 0x0000, 0x0265, 0x0000, + 0x0000, 0x0268, 0x0268, 0x0268, 0x0000, 0x026c, 0x0000, 0x026e, + 0x0000, 0x0270, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0274, 0x0273, 0x0273, + 0x0000, 0x0278, 0x0000, 0x027a, 0x0000, 0x027c, 0x0000, 0x0000, + // Entry 280 - 2BF + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0281, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0284, 0x0000, 0x0286, + 0x0286, 0x0286, 0x0286, 0x0000, 0x028b, 0x028b, 0x028b, 0x0000, + 0x028f, 0x028f, 0x028f, 0x028f, 0x028f, 0x0000, 0x0295, 0x0295, + 0x0295, 0x0295, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x029d, 0x029d, + 0x029d, 0x0000, 0x02a1, 0x02a1, 0x02a1, 0x02a1, 0x0000, 0x0000, + 0x02a7, 0x02a7, 0x02a7, 0x02a7, 0x0000, 0x02ac, 0x0000, 0x02ae, + 0x02ae, 0x0000, 0x02b1, 0x0000, 0x02b3, 0x0000, 0x02b5, 0x02b5, + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x02b9, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x02bd, 0x0000, + // Entry 2C0 - 2FF + 0x02bf, 0x02bf, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x02c3, 0x0000, 0x02c5, 0x0000, + 0x02c7, 0x0000, 0x02c9, 0x0000, 0x02cb, 0x0000, 0x02cd, 0x02cd, + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x02d1, 0x0000, 0x02d3, 0x02d0, 0x02d0, 0x0000, + 0x0000, 0x02d8, 0x02d7, 0x02d7, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x02dd, 0x0000, + 0x02df, 0x0000, 0x02e1, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x02e4, 0x0000, 0x02e6, + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x02e9, 0x0000, 0x02eb, 0x0000, 0x02ed, 0x0000, + 0x02ef, 0x02ef, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x02f3, 0x02f2, 0x02f2, 0x0000, + 0x02f7, 0x0000, 0x02f9, 0x02f9, 0x02f9, 0x02f9, 0x02f9, 0x0000, + // Entry 300 - 33F + 0x02ff, 0x0300, 0x02ff, 0x0000, 0x0303, 0x0051, 0x00e6, +} // Size: 1574 bytes + +// Total table size 1574 bytes (1KiB); checksum: 895AAF0B diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/tables.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/tables.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fe7ad9ea --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/tables.go @@ -0,0 +1,1015 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +package compact + +import "golang.org/x/text/internal/language" + +// CLDRVersion is the CLDR version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const CLDRVersion = "32" + +// NumCompactTags is the number of common tags. The maximum tag is +// NumCompactTags-1. +const NumCompactTags = 775 +const ( + undIndex ID = 0 + afIndex ID = 1 + afNAIndex ID = 2 + afZAIndex ID = 3 + agqIndex ID = 4 + agqCMIndex ID = 5 + akIndex ID = 6 + akGHIndex ID = 7 + amIndex ID = 8 + amETIndex ID = 9 + arIndex ID = 10 + ar001Index ID = 11 + arAEIndex ID = 12 + arBHIndex ID = 13 + arDJIndex ID = 14 + arDZIndex ID = 15 + arEGIndex ID = 16 + arEHIndex ID = 17 + arERIndex ID = 18 + arILIndex ID = 19 + arIQIndex ID = 20 + arJOIndex ID = 21 + arKMIndex ID = 22 + arKWIndex ID = 23 + arLBIndex ID = 24 + arLYIndex ID = 25 + arMAIndex ID = 26 + arMRIndex ID = 27 + arOMIndex ID = 28 + arPSIndex ID = 29 + arQAIndex ID = 30 + arSAIndex ID = 31 + arSDIndex ID = 32 + arSOIndex ID = 33 + arSSIndex ID = 34 + arSYIndex ID = 35 + arTDIndex ID = 36 + arTNIndex ID = 37 + arYEIndex ID = 38 + arsIndex ID = 39 + asIndex ID = 40 + asINIndex ID = 41 + asaIndex ID = 42 + asaTZIndex ID = 43 + astIndex ID = 44 + astESIndex ID = 45 + azIndex ID = 46 + azCyrlIndex ID = 47 + azCyrlAZIndex ID = 48 + azLatnIndex ID = 49 + azLatnAZIndex ID = 50 + basIndex ID = 51 + basCMIndex ID = 52 + beIndex ID = 53 + beBYIndex ID = 54 + bemIndex ID = 55 + bemZMIndex ID = 56 + bezIndex ID = 57 + bezTZIndex ID = 58 + bgIndex ID = 59 + bgBGIndex ID = 60 + bhIndex ID = 61 + bmIndex ID = 62 + bmMLIndex ID = 63 + bnIndex ID = 64 + bnBDIndex ID = 65 + bnINIndex ID = 66 + boIndex ID = 67 + boCNIndex ID = 68 + boINIndex ID = 69 + brIndex ID = 70 + brFRIndex ID = 71 + brxIndex ID = 72 + brxINIndex ID = 73 + bsIndex ID = 74 + bsCyrlIndex ID = 75 + bsCyrlBAIndex ID = 76 + bsLatnIndex ID = 77 + bsLatnBAIndex ID = 78 + caIndex ID = 79 + caADIndex ID = 80 + caESIndex ID = 81 + caFRIndex ID = 82 + caITIndex ID = 83 + ccpIndex ID = 84 + ccpBDIndex ID = 85 + ccpINIndex ID = 86 + ceIndex ID = 87 + ceRUIndex ID = 88 + cggIndex ID = 89 + cggUGIndex ID = 90 + chrIndex ID = 91 + chrUSIndex ID = 92 + ckbIndex ID = 93 + ckbIQIndex ID = 94 + ckbIRIndex ID = 95 + csIndex ID = 96 + csCZIndex ID = 97 + cuIndex ID = 98 + cuRUIndex ID = 99 + cyIndex ID = 100 + cyGBIndex ID = 101 + daIndex ID = 102 + daDKIndex ID = 103 + daGLIndex ID = 104 + davIndex ID = 105 + davKEIndex ID = 106 + deIndex ID = 107 + deATIndex ID = 108 + deBEIndex ID = 109 + deCHIndex ID = 110 + deDEIndex ID = 111 + deITIndex ID = 112 + deLIIndex ID = 113 + deLUIndex ID = 114 + djeIndex ID = 115 + djeNEIndex ID = 116 + dsbIndex ID = 117 + dsbDEIndex ID = 118 + duaIndex ID = 119 + duaCMIndex ID = 120 + dvIndex ID = 121 + dyoIndex ID = 122 + dyoSNIndex ID = 123 + dzIndex ID = 124 + dzBTIndex ID = 125 + ebuIndex ID = 126 + ebuKEIndex ID = 127 + eeIndex ID = 128 + eeGHIndex ID = 129 + eeTGIndex ID = 130 + elIndex ID = 131 + elCYIndex ID = 132 + elGRIndex ID = 133 + enIndex ID = 134 + en001Index ID = 135 + en150Index ID = 136 + enAGIndex ID = 137 + enAIIndex ID = 138 + enASIndex ID = 139 + enATIndex ID = 140 + enAUIndex ID = 141 + enBBIndex ID = 142 + enBEIndex ID = 143 + enBIIndex ID = 144 + 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= 192 + enMTIndex ID = 193 + enMUIndex ID = 194 + enMWIndex ID = 195 + enMYIndex ID = 196 + enNAIndex ID = 197 + enNFIndex ID = 198 + enNGIndex ID = 199 + enNLIndex ID = 200 + enNRIndex ID = 201 + enNUIndex ID = 202 + enNZIndex ID = 203 + enPGIndex ID = 204 + enPHIndex ID = 205 + enPKIndex ID = 206 + enPNIndex ID = 207 + enPRIndex ID = 208 + enPWIndex ID = 209 + enRWIndex ID = 210 + enSBIndex ID = 211 + enSCIndex ID = 212 + enSDIndex ID = 213 + enSEIndex ID = 214 + enSGIndex ID = 215 + enSHIndex ID = 216 + enSIIndex ID = 217 + enSLIndex ID = 218 + enSSIndex ID = 219 + enSXIndex ID = 220 + enSZIndex ID = 221 + enTCIndex ID = 222 + enTKIndex ID = 223 + enTOIndex ID = 224 + enTTIndex ID = 225 + enTVIndex ID = 226 + enTZIndex ID = 227 + enUGIndex ID = 228 + enUMIndex ID = 229 + enUSIndex ID = 230 + enVCIndex ID = 231 + enVGIndex ID = 232 + enVIIndex ID = 233 + enVUIndex ID = 234 + enWSIndex ID = 235 + enZAIndex ID = 236 + enZMIndex ID = 237 + enZWIndex ID = 238 + eoIndex ID = 239 + eo001Index ID = 240 + esIndex ID = 241 + es419Index ID = 242 + esARIndex ID = 243 + esBOIndex ID = 244 + esBRIndex ID = 245 + esBZIndex ID = 246 + esCLIndex ID = 247 + esCOIndex ID = 248 + esCRIndex ID = 249 + esCUIndex ID = 250 + esDOIndex ID = 251 + esEAIndex ID = 252 + esECIndex ID = 253 + esESIndex ID = 254 + esGQIndex ID = 255 + esGTIndex ID = 256 + esHNIndex ID = 257 + esICIndex ID = 258 + esMXIndex ID = 259 + esNIIndex ID = 260 + esPAIndex ID = 261 + esPEIndex ID = 262 + esPHIndex ID = 263 + esPRIndex ID = 264 + esPYIndex ID = 265 + esSVIndex ID = 266 + esUSIndex ID = 267 + esUYIndex ID = 268 + esVEIndex ID = 269 + etIndex ID = 270 + etEEIndex ID = 271 + euIndex ID = 272 + euESIndex ID = 273 + ewoIndex ID = 274 + ewoCMIndex ID = 275 + faIndex ID = 276 + faAFIndex ID = 277 + faIRIndex ID = 278 + ffIndex ID = 279 + ffCMIndex ID = 280 + ffGNIndex ID = 281 + ffMRIndex ID = 282 + ffSNIndex ID = 283 + fiIndex ID = 284 + fiFIIndex ID = 285 + filIndex ID = 286 + filPHIndex ID = 287 + 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335 + frWFIndex ID = 336 + frYTIndex ID = 337 + furIndex ID = 338 + furITIndex ID = 339 + fyIndex ID = 340 + fyNLIndex ID = 341 + gaIndex ID = 342 + gaIEIndex ID = 343 + gdIndex ID = 344 + gdGBIndex ID = 345 + glIndex ID = 346 + glESIndex ID = 347 + gswIndex ID = 348 + gswCHIndex ID = 349 + gswFRIndex ID = 350 + gswLIIndex ID = 351 + guIndex ID = 352 + guINIndex ID = 353 + guwIndex ID = 354 + guzIndex ID = 355 + guzKEIndex ID = 356 + gvIndex ID = 357 + gvIMIndex ID = 358 + haIndex ID = 359 + haGHIndex ID = 360 + haNEIndex ID = 361 + haNGIndex ID = 362 + hawIndex ID = 363 + hawUSIndex ID = 364 + heIndex ID = 365 + heILIndex ID = 366 + hiIndex ID = 367 + hiINIndex ID = 368 + hrIndex ID = 369 + hrBAIndex ID = 370 + hrHRIndex ID = 371 + hsbIndex ID = 372 + hsbDEIndex ID = 373 + huIndex ID = 374 + huHUIndex ID = 375 + hyIndex ID = 376 + hyAMIndex ID = 377 + idIndex ID = 378 + idIDIndex ID = 379 + igIndex ID = 380 + igNGIndex ID = 381 + iiIndex ID = 382 + iiCNIndex ID = 383 + inIndex ID = 384 + ioIndex ID = 385 + isIndex ID = 386 + isISIndex ID = 387 + itIndex ID = 388 + itCHIndex ID = 389 + itITIndex ID = 390 + itSMIndex ID = 391 + itVAIndex ID = 392 + iuIndex ID = 393 + iwIndex ID = 394 + jaIndex ID = 395 + jaJPIndex ID = 396 + jboIndex ID = 397 + jgoIndex ID = 398 + jgoCMIndex ID = 399 + jiIndex ID = 400 + jmcIndex ID = 401 + jmcTZIndex ID = 402 + jvIndex ID = 403 + jwIndex ID = 404 + kaIndex ID = 405 + kaGEIndex ID = 406 + kabIndex ID = 407 + kabDZIndex ID = 408 + kajIndex ID = 409 + kamIndex ID = 410 + kamKEIndex ID = 411 + kcgIndex ID = 412 + kdeIndex ID = 413 + kdeTZIndex ID = 414 + keaIndex ID = 415 + keaCVIndex ID = 416 + khqIndex ID = 417 + khqMLIndex ID = 418 + kiIndex ID = 419 + kiKEIndex ID = 420 + kkIndex ID = 421 + kkKZIndex ID = 422 + kkjIndex ID = 423 + kkjCMIndex ID = 424 + klIndex ID = 425 + klGLIndex ID = 426 + klnIndex ID = 427 + klnKEIndex ID = 428 + kmIndex ID = 429 + kmKHIndex ID = 430 + knIndex ID = 431 + knINIndex ID = 432 + koIndex ID = 433 + koKPIndex ID = 434 + koKRIndex ID = 435 + kokIndex ID = 436 + kokINIndex ID = 437 + ksIndex ID = 438 + ksINIndex ID = 439 + ksbIndex ID = 440 + ksbTZIndex ID = 441 + ksfIndex ID = 442 + ksfCMIndex ID = 443 + kshIndex ID = 444 + kshDEIndex ID = 445 + kuIndex ID = 446 + kwIndex ID = 447 + kwGBIndex ID = 448 + kyIndex ID = 449 + kyKGIndex ID = 450 + lagIndex ID = 451 + lagTZIndex ID = 452 + lbIndex ID = 453 + lbLUIndex ID = 454 + lgIndex ID = 455 + lgUGIndex ID = 456 + lktIndex ID = 457 + lktUSIndex ID = 458 + lnIndex ID = 459 + lnAOIndex ID = 460 + lnCDIndex ID = 461 + lnCFIndex ID = 462 + lnCGIndex ID = 463 + loIndex ID = 464 + loLAIndex ID = 465 + lrcIndex ID = 466 + lrcIQIndex ID = 467 + lrcIRIndex ID = 468 + ltIndex ID = 469 + ltLTIndex ID = 470 + luIndex ID = 471 + luCDIndex ID = 472 + luoIndex ID = 473 + luoKEIndex ID = 474 + luyIndex ID = 475 + luyKEIndex ID = 476 + lvIndex ID = 477 + lvLVIndex ID = 478 + masIndex ID = 479 + masKEIndex ID = 480 + masTZIndex ID = 481 + merIndex ID = 482 + merKEIndex ID = 483 + mfeIndex ID = 484 + mfeMUIndex ID = 485 + mgIndex ID = 486 + mgMGIndex ID = 487 + mghIndex ID = 488 + mghMZIndex ID = 489 + mgoIndex ID = 490 + mgoCMIndex ID = 491 + mkIndex ID = 492 + mkMKIndex ID = 493 + mlIndex ID = 494 + mlINIndex ID = 495 + mnIndex ID = 496 + mnMNIndex ID = 497 + moIndex ID = 498 + mrIndex ID = 499 + mrINIndex ID = 500 + msIndex ID = 501 + msBNIndex ID = 502 + msMYIndex ID = 503 + msSGIndex ID = 504 + mtIndex ID = 505 + mtMTIndex ID = 506 + muaIndex ID = 507 + muaCMIndex ID = 508 + myIndex ID = 509 + myMMIndex ID = 510 + mznIndex ID = 511 + mznIRIndex ID = 512 + nahIndex ID = 513 + naqIndex ID = 514 + naqNAIndex ID = 515 + nbIndex ID = 516 + nbNOIndex ID = 517 + nbSJIndex ID = 518 + ndIndex ID = 519 + ndZWIndex ID = 520 + ndsIndex ID = 521 + ndsDEIndex ID = 522 + ndsNLIndex ID = 523 + neIndex ID = 524 + neINIndex ID = 525 + neNPIndex ID = 526 + nlIndex ID = 527 + nlAWIndex ID = 528 + nlBEIndex ID = 529 + nlBQIndex ID = 530 + nlCWIndex 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579 + ptPTIndex ID = 580 + ptSTIndex ID = 581 + ptTLIndex ID = 582 + quIndex ID = 583 + quBOIndex ID = 584 + quECIndex ID = 585 + quPEIndex ID = 586 + rmIndex ID = 587 + rmCHIndex ID = 588 + rnIndex ID = 589 + rnBIIndex ID = 590 + roIndex ID = 591 + roMDIndex ID = 592 + roROIndex ID = 593 + rofIndex ID = 594 + rofTZIndex ID = 595 + ruIndex ID = 596 + ruBYIndex ID = 597 + ruKGIndex ID = 598 + ruKZIndex ID = 599 + ruMDIndex ID = 600 + ruRUIndex ID = 601 + ruUAIndex ID = 602 + rwIndex ID = 603 + rwRWIndex ID = 604 + rwkIndex ID = 605 + rwkTZIndex ID = 606 + sahIndex ID = 607 + sahRUIndex ID = 608 + saqIndex ID = 609 + saqKEIndex ID = 610 + sbpIndex ID = 611 + sbpTZIndex ID = 612 + sdIndex ID = 613 + sdPKIndex ID = 614 + sdhIndex ID = 615 + seIndex ID = 616 + seFIIndex ID = 617 + seNOIndex ID = 618 + seSEIndex ID = 619 + sehIndex ID = 620 + sehMZIndex ID = 621 + sesIndex ID = 622 + sesMLIndex ID = 623 + sgIndex ID = 624 + sgCFIndex ID = 625 + shIndex ID = 626 + shiIndex ID = 627 + shiLatnIndex ID = 628 + shiLatnMAIndex ID = 629 + shiTfngIndex ID = 630 + shiTfngMAIndex ID = 631 + siIndex ID = 632 + siLKIndex ID = 633 + skIndex ID = 634 + skSKIndex ID = 635 + slIndex ID = 636 + slSIIndex ID = 637 + smaIndex ID = 638 + smiIndex ID = 639 + smjIndex ID = 640 + smnIndex ID = 641 + smnFIIndex ID = 642 + smsIndex ID = 643 + snIndex ID = 644 + snZWIndex ID = 645 + soIndex ID = 646 + soDJIndex ID = 647 + soETIndex ID = 648 + soKEIndex ID = 649 + soSOIndex ID = 650 + sqIndex ID = 651 + sqALIndex ID = 652 + sqMKIndex ID = 653 + sqXKIndex ID = 654 + srIndex ID = 655 + srCyrlIndex ID = 656 + srCyrlBAIndex ID = 657 + srCyrlMEIndex ID = 658 + srCyrlRSIndex ID = 659 + srCyrlXKIndex ID = 660 + srLatnIndex ID = 661 + srLatnBAIndex ID = 662 + srLatnMEIndex ID = 663 + srLatnRSIndex ID = 664 + srLatnXKIndex ID = 665 + ssIndex ID = 666 + ssyIndex ID = 667 + stIndex ID = 668 + svIndex ID = 669 + svAXIndex ID = 670 + svFIIndex ID = 671 + svSEIndex ID = 672 + swIndex ID = 673 + swCDIndex ID = 674 + swKEIndex ID = 675 + swTZIndex ID = 676 + swUGIndex ID = 677 + syrIndex ID = 678 + taIndex ID = 679 + taINIndex ID = 680 + taLKIndex ID = 681 + taMYIndex ID = 682 + taSGIndex ID = 683 + teIndex ID = 684 + teINIndex ID = 685 + teoIndex ID = 686 + teoKEIndex ID = 687 + teoUGIndex ID = 688 + tgIndex ID = 689 + tgTJIndex ID = 690 + thIndex ID = 691 + thTHIndex ID = 692 + tiIndex ID = 693 + tiERIndex ID = 694 + tiETIndex ID = 695 + tigIndex ID = 696 + tkIndex ID = 697 + tkTMIndex ID = 698 + tlIndex ID = 699 + tnIndex ID = 700 + toIndex ID = 701 + toTOIndex ID = 702 + trIndex ID = 703 + trCYIndex ID = 704 + trTRIndex ID = 705 + tsIndex ID = 706 + ttIndex ID = 707 + ttRUIndex ID = 708 + twqIndex ID = 709 + twqNEIndex ID = 710 + tzmIndex ID = 711 + tzmMAIndex ID = 712 + ugIndex ID = 713 + ugCNIndex ID = 714 + ukIndex ID = 715 + ukUAIndex ID = 716 + urIndex ID = 717 + urINIndex ID = 718 + urPKIndex ID = 719 + uzIndex ID = 720 + uzArabIndex ID = 721 + uzArabAFIndex ID = 722 + uzCyrlIndex ID = 723 + uzCyrlUZIndex ID = 724 + uzLatnIndex ID = 725 + uzLatnUZIndex ID = 726 + vaiIndex ID = 727 + vaiLatnIndex ID = 728 + vaiLatnLRIndex ID = 729 + vaiVaiiIndex ID = 730 + vaiVaiiLRIndex ID = 731 + veIndex ID = 732 + viIndex ID = 733 + viVNIndex ID = 734 + voIndex ID = 735 + vo001Index ID = 736 + vunIndex ID = 737 + vunTZIndex ID = 738 + waIndex ID = 739 + waeIndex ID = 740 + waeCHIndex ID = 741 + woIndex ID = 742 + woSNIndex ID = 743 + xhIndex ID = 744 + xogIndex ID = 745 + xogUGIndex ID = 746 + yavIndex ID = 747 + yavCMIndex ID = 748 + yiIndex ID = 749 + yi001Index ID = 750 + yoIndex ID = 751 + yoBJIndex ID = 752 + yoNGIndex ID = 753 + yueIndex ID = 754 + yueHansIndex ID = 755 + yueHansCNIndex ID = 756 + yueHantIndex ID = 757 + yueHantHKIndex ID = 758 + zghIndex ID = 759 + zghMAIndex ID = 760 + zhIndex ID = 761 + zhHansIndex ID = 762 + zhHansCNIndex ID = 763 + zhHansHKIndex ID = 764 + zhHansMOIndex ID = 765 + zhHansSGIndex ID = 766 + zhHantIndex ID = 767 + zhHantHKIndex ID = 768 + zhHantMOIndex ID = 769 + zhHantTWIndex ID = 770 + zuIndex ID = 771 + zuZAIndex ID = 772 + caESvalenciaIndex ID = 773 + enUSuvaposixIndex ID = 774 +) + +var coreTags = []language.CompactCoreInfo{ // 773 elements + // Entry 0 - 1F + 0x00000000, 0x01600000, 0x016000d2, 0x01600161, + 0x01c00000, 0x01c00052, 0x02100000, 0x02100080, + 0x02700000, 0x0270006f, 0x03a00000, 0x03a00001, + 0x03a00023, 0x03a00039, 0x03a00062, 0x03a00067, + 0x03a0006b, 0x03a0006c, 0x03a0006d, 0x03a00097, + 0x03a0009b, 0x03a000a1, 0x03a000a8, 0x03a000ac, + 0x03a000b0, 0x03a000b9, 0x03a000ba, 0x03a000c9, + 0x03a000e1, 0x03a000ed, 0x03a000f3, 0x03a00108, + // Entry 20 - 3F + 0x03a0010b, 0x03a00115, 0x03a00117, 0x03a0011c, + 0x03a00120, 0x03a00128, 0x03a0015e, 0x04000000, + 0x04300000, 0x04300099, 0x04400000, 0x0440012f, + 0x04800000, 0x0480006e, 0x05800000, 0x05820000, + 0x05820032, 0x0585a000, 0x0585a032, 0x05e00000, + 0x05e00052, 0x07100000, 0x07100047, 0x07500000, + 0x07500162, 0x07900000, 0x0790012f, 0x07e00000, + 0x07e00038, 0x08200000, 0x0a000000, 0x0a0000c3, + // Entry 40 - 5F + 0x0a500000, 0x0a500035, 0x0a500099, 0x0a900000, + 0x0a900053, 0x0a900099, 0x0b200000, 0x0b200078, + 0x0b500000, 0x0b500099, 0x0b700000, 0x0b720000, + 0x0b720033, 0x0b75a000, 0x0b75a033, 0x0d700000, + 0x0d700022, 0x0d70006e, 0x0d700078, 0x0d70009e, + 0x0db00000, 0x0db00035, 0x0db00099, 0x0dc00000, + 0x0dc00106, 0x0df00000, 0x0df00131, 0x0e500000, + 0x0e500135, 0x0e900000, 0x0e90009b, 0x0e90009c, + // Entry 60 - 7F + 0x0fa00000, 0x0fa0005e, 0x0fe00000, 0x0fe00106, + 0x10000000, 0x1000007b, 0x10100000, 0x10100063, + 0x10100082, 0x10800000, 0x108000a4, 0x10d00000, + 0x10d0002e, 0x10d00036, 0x10d0004e, 0x10d00060, + 0x10d0009e, 0x10d000b2, 0x10d000b7, 0x11700000, + 0x117000d4, 0x11f00000, 0x11f00060, 0x12400000, + 0x12400052, 0x12800000, 0x12b00000, 0x12b00114, + 0x12d00000, 0x12d00043, 0x12f00000, 0x12f000a4, + // Entry 80 - 9F + 0x13000000, 0x13000080, 0x13000122, 0x13600000, + 0x1360005d, 0x13600087, 0x13900000, 0x13900001, + 0x1390001a, 0x13900025, 0x13900026, 0x1390002d, + 0x1390002e, 0x1390002f, 0x13900034, 0x13900036, + 0x1390003a, 0x1390003d, 0x13900042, 0x13900046, + 0x13900048, 0x13900049, 0x1390004a, 0x1390004e, + 0x13900050, 0x13900052, 0x1390005c, 0x1390005d, + 0x13900060, 0x13900061, 0x13900063, 0x13900064, + // Entry A0 - BF + 0x1390006d, 0x13900072, 0x13900073, 0x13900074, + 0x13900075, 0x1390007b, 0x1390007c, 0x1390007f, + 0x13900080, 0x13900081, 0x13900083, 0x1390008a, + 0x1390008c, 0x1390008d, 0x13900096, 0x13900097, + 0x13900098, 0x13900099, 0x1390009a, 0x1390009f, + 0x139000a0, 0x139000a4, 0x139000a7, 0x139000a9, + 0x139000ad, 0x139000b1, 0x139000b4, 0x139000b5, + 0x139000bf, 0x139000c0, 0x139000c6, 0x139000c7, + // Entry C0 - DF + 0x139000ca, 0x139000cb, 0x139000cc, 0x139000ce, + 0x139000d0, 0x139000d2, 0x139000d5, 0x139000d6, + 0x139000d9, 0x139000dd, 0x139000df, 0x139000e0, + 0x139000e6, 0x139000e7, 0x139000e8, 0x139000eb, + 0x139000ec, 0x139000f0, 0x13900107, 0x13900109, + 0x1390010a, 0x1390010b, 0x1390010c, 0x1390010d, + 0x1390010e, 0x1390010f, 0x13900112, 0x13900117, + 0x1390011b, 0x1390011d, 0x1390011f, 0x13900125, + // Entry E0 - FF + 0x13900129, 0x1390012c, 0x1390012d, 0x1390012f, + 0x13900131, 0x13900133, 0x13900135, 0x13900139, + 0x1390013c, 0x1390013d, 0x1390013f, 0x13900142, + 0x13900161, 0x13900162, 0x13900164, 0x13c00000, + 0x13c00001, 0x13e00000, 0x13e0001f, 0x13e0002c, + 0x13e0003f, 0x13e00041, 0x13e00048, 0x13e00051, + 0x13e00054, 0x13e00056, 0x13e00059, 0x13e00065, + 0x13e00068, 0x13e00069, 0x13e0006e, 0x13e00086, + // Entry 100 - 11F + 0x13e00089, 0x13e0008f, 0x13e00094, 0x13e000cf, + 0x13e000d8, 0x13e000e2, 0x13e000e4, 0x13e000e7, + 0x13e000ec, 0x13e000f1, 0x13e0011a, 0x13e00135, + 0x13e00136, 0x13e0013b, 0x14000000, 0x1400006a, + 0x14500000, 0x1450006e, 0x14600000, 0x14600052, + 0x14800000, 0x14800024, 0x1480009c, 0x14e00000, + 0x14e00052, 0x14e00084, 0x14e000c9, 0x14e00114, + 0x15100000, 0x15100072, 0x15300000, 0x153000e7, + // Entry 120 - 13F + 0x15800000, 0x15800063, 0x15800076, 0x15e00000, + 0x15e00036, 0x15e00037, 0x15e0003a, 0x15e0003b, + 0x15e0003c, 0x15e00049, 0x15e0004b, 0x15e0004c, + 0x15e0004d, 0x15e0004e, 0x15e0004f, 0x15e00052, + 0x15e00062, 0x15e00067, 0x15e00078, 0x15e0007a, + 0x15e0007e, 0x15e00084, 0x15e00085, 0x15e00086, + 0x15e00091, 0x15e000a8, 0x15e000b7, 0x15e000ba, + 0x15e000bb, 0x15e000be, 0x15e000bf, 0x15e000c3, + // Entry 140 - 15F + 0x15e000c8, 0x15e000c9, 0x15e000cc, 0x15e000d3, + 0x15e000d4, 0x15e000e5, 0x15e000ea, 0x15e00102, + 0x15e00107, 0x15e0010a, 0x15e00114, 0x15e0011c, + 0x15e00120, 0x15e00122, 0x15e00128, 0x15e0013f, + 0x15e00140, 0x15e0015f, 0x16900000, 0x1690009e, + 0x16d00000, 0x16d000d9, 0x16e00000, 0x16e00096, + 0x17e00000, 0x17e0007b, 0x19000000, 0x1900006e, + 0x1a300000, 0x1a30004e, 0x1a300078, 0x1a3000b2, + // Entry 160 - 17F + 0x1a400000, 0x1a400099, 0x1a900000, 0x1ab00000, + 0x1ab000a4, 0x1ac00000, 0x1ac00098, 0x1b400000, + 0x1b400080, 0x1b4000d4, 0x1b4000d6, 0x1b800000, + 0x1b800135, 0x1bc00000, 0x1bc00097, 0x1be00000, + 0x1be00099, 0x1d100000, 0x1d100033, 0x1d100090, + 0x1d200000, 0x1d200060, 0x1d500000, 0x1d500092, + 0x1d700000, 0x1d700028, 0x1e100000, 0x1e100095, + 0x1e700000, 0x1e7000d6, 0x1ea00000, 0x1ea00053, + // Entry 180 - 19F + 0x1f300000, 0x1f500000, 0x1f800000, 0x1f80009d, + 0x1f900000, 0x1f90004e, 0x1f90009e, 0x1f900113, + 0x1f900138, 0x1fa00000, 0x1fb00000, 0x20000000, + 0x200000a2, 0x20300000, 0x20700000, 0x20700052, + 0x20800000, 0x20a00000, 0x20a0012f, 0x20e00000, + 0x20f00000, 0x21000000, 0x2100007d, 0x21200000, + 0x21200067, 0x21600000, 0x21700000, 0x217000a4, + 0x21f00000, 0x22300000, 0x2230012f, 0x22700000, + // Entry 1A0 - 1BF + 0x2270005a, 0x23400000, 0x234000c3, 0x23900000, + 0x239000a4, 0x24200000, 0x242000ae, 0x24400000, + 0x24400052, 0x24500000, 0x24500082, 0x24600000, + 0x246000a4, 0x24a00000, 0x24a000a6, 0x25100000, + 0x25100099, 0x25400000, 0x254000aa, 0x254000ab, + 0x25600000, 0x25600099, 0x26a00000, 0x26a00099, + 0x26b00000, 0x26b0012f, 0x26d00000, 0x26d00052, + 0x26e00000, 0x26e00060, 0x27400000, 0x28100000, + // Entry 1C0 - 1DF + 0x2810007b, 0x28a00000, 0x28a000a5, 0x29100000, + 0x2910012f, 0x29500000, 0x295000b7, 0x2a300000, + 0x2a300131, 0x2af00000, 0x2af00135, 0x2b500000, + 0x2b50002a, 0x2b50004b, 0x2b50004c, 0x2b50004d, + 0x2b800000, 0x2b8000af, 0x2bf00000, 0x2bf0009b, + 0x2bf0009c, 0x2c000000, 0x2c0000b6, 0x2c200000, + 0x2c20004b, 0x2c400000, 0x2c4000a4, 0x2c500000, + 0x2c5000a4, 0x2c700000, 0x2c7000b8, 0x2d100000, + // Entry 1E0 - 1FF + 0x2d1000a4, 0x2d10012f, 0x2e900000, 0x2e9000a4, + 0x2ed00000, 0x2ed000cc, 0x2f100000, 0x2f1000bf, + 0x2f200000, 0x2f2000d1, 0x2f400000, 0x2f400052, + 0x2ff00000, 0x2ff000c2, 0x30400000, 0x30400099, + 0x30b00000, 0x30b000c5, 0x31000000, 0x31b00000, + 0x31b00099, 0x31f00000, 0x31f0003e, 0x31f000d0, + 0x31f0010d, 0x32000000, 0x320000cb, 0x32500000, + 0x32500052, 0x33100000, 0x331000c4, 0x33a00000, + // Entry 200 - 21F + 0x33a0009c, 0x34100000, 0x34500000, 0x345000d2, + 0x34700000, 0x347000da, 0x34700110, 0x34e00000, + 0x34e00164, 0x35000000, 0x35000060, 0x350000d9, + 0x35100000, 0x35100099, 0x351000db, 0x36700000, + 0x36700030, 0x36700036, 0x36700040, 0x3670005b, + 0x367000d9, 0x36700116, 0x3670011b, 0x36800000, + 0x36800052, 0x36a00000, 0x36a000da, 0x36c00000, + 0x36c00052, 0x36f00000, 0x37500000, 0x37600000, + // Entry 220 - 23F + 0x37a00000, 0x38000000, 0x38000117, 0x38700000, + 0x38900000, 0x38900131, 0x39000000, 0x3900006f, + 0x390000a4, 0x39500000, 0x39500099, 0x39800000, + 0x3980007d, 0x39800106, 0x39d00000, 0x39d05000, + 0x39d050e8, 0x39d36000, 0x39d36099, 0x3a100000, + 0x3b300000, 0x3b3000e9, 0x3bd00000, 0x3bd00001, + 0x3be00000, 0x3be00024, 0x3c000000, 0x3c00002a, + 0x3c000041, 0x3c00004e, 0x3c00005a, 0x3c000086, + // Entry 240 - 25F + 0x3c00008b, 0x3c0000b7, 0x3c0000c6, 0x3c0000d1, + 0x3c0000ee, 0x3c000118, 0x3c000126, 0x3c400000, + 0x3c40003f, 0x3c400069, 0x3c4000e4, 0x3d400000, + 0x3d40004e, 0x3d900000, 0x3d90003a, 0x3dc00000, + 0x3dc000bc, 0x3dc00104, 0x3de00000, 0x3de0012f, + 0x3e200000, 0x3e200047, 0x3e2000a5, 0x3e2000ae, + 0x3e2000bc, 0x3e200106, 0x3e200130, 0x3e500000, + 0x3e500107, 0x3e600000, 0x3e60012f, 0x3eb00000, + // Entry 260 - 27F + 0x3eb00106, 0x3ec00000, 0x3ec000a4, 0x3f300000, + 0x3f30012f, 0x3fa00000, 0x3fa000e8, 0x3fc00000, + 0x3fd00000, 0x3fd00072, 0x3fd000da, 0x3fd0010c, + 0x3ff00000, 0x3ff000d1, 0x40100000, 0x401000c3, + 0x40200000, 0x4020004c, 0x40700000, 0x40800000, + 0x4085a000, 0x4085a0ba, 0x408e3000, 0x408e30ba, + 0x40c00000, 0x40c000b3, 0x41200000, 0x41200111, + 0x41600000, 0x4160010f, 0x41c00000, 0x41d00000, + // Entry 280 - 29F + 0x41e00000, 0x41f00000, 0x41f00072, 0x42200000, + 0x42300000, 0x42300164, 0x42900000, 0x42900062, + 0x4290006f, 0x429000a4, 0x42900115, 0x43100000, + 0x43100027, 0x431000c2, 0x4310014d, 0x43200000, + 0x43220000, 0x43220033, 0x432200bd, 0x43220105, + 0x4322014d, 0x4325a000, 0x4325a033, 0x4325a0bd, + 0x4325a105, 0x4325a14d, 0x43700000, 0x43a00000, + 0x43b00000, 0x44400000, 0x44400031, 0x44400072, + // Entry 2A0 - 2BF + 0x4440010c, 0x44500000, 0x4450004b, 0x445000a4, + 0x4450012f, 0x44500131, 0x44e00000, 0x45000000, + 0x45000099, 0x450000b3, 0x450000d0, 0x4500010d, + 0x46100000, 0x46100099, 0x46400000, 0x464000a4, + 0x46400131, 0x46700000, 0x46700124, 0x46b00000, + 0x46b00123, 0x46f00000, 0x46f0006d, 0x46f0006f, + 0x47100000, 0x47600000, 0x47600127, 0x47a00000, + 0x48000000, 0x48200000, 0x48200129, 0x48a00000, + // Entry 2C0 - 2DF + 0x48a0005d, 0x48a0012b, 0x48e00000, 0x49400000, + 0x49400106, 0x4a400000, 0x4a4000d4, 0x4a900000, + 0x4a9000ba, 0x4ac00000, 0x4ac00053, 0x4ae00000, + 0x4ae00130, 0x4b400000, 0x4b400099, 0x4b4000e8, + 0x4bc00000, 0x4bc05000, 0x4bc05024, 0x4bc20000, + 0x4bc20137, 0x4bc5a000, 0x4bc5a137, 0x4be00000, + 0x4be5a000, 0x4be5a0b4, 0x4beeb000, 0x4beeb0b4, + 0x4c000000, 0x4c300000, 0x4c30013e, 0x4c900000, + // Entry 2E0 - 2FF + 0x4c900001, 0x4cc00000, 0x4cc0012f, 0x4ce00000, + 0x4cf00000, 0x4cf0004e, 0x4e500000, 0x4e500114, + 0x4f200000, 0x4fb00000, 0x4fb00131, 0x50900000, + 0x50900052, 0x51200000, 0x51200001, 0x51800000, + 0x5180003b, 0x518000d6, 0x51f00000, 0x51f3b000, + 0x51f3b053, 0x51f3c000, 0x51f3c08d, 0x52800000, + 0x528000ba, 0x52900000, 0x5293b000, 0x5293b053, + 0x5293b08d, 0x5293b0c6, 0x5293b10d, 0x5293c000, + // Entry 300 - 31F + 0x5293c08d, 0x5293c0c6, 0x5293c12e, 0x52f00000, + 0x52f00161, +} // Size: 3116 bytes + +const specialTagsStr string = "ca-ES-valencia en-US-u-va-posix" + +// Total table size 3147 bytes (3KiB); checksum: BE816D44 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/tags.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/tags.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca135d29 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact/tags.go @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package compact + +var ( + und = Tag{} + + Und Tag = Tag{} + + Afrikaans Tag = Tag{language: afIndex, locale: afIndex} + Amharic Tag = Tag{language: amIndex, locale: amIndex} + Arabic Tag = Tag{language: arIndex, locale: arIndex} + ModernStandardArabic Tag = Tag{language: ar001Index, locale: ar001Index} + Azerbaijani Tag = Tag{language: azIndex, locale: azIndex} + Bulgarian Tag = Tag{language: bgIndex, locale: bgIndex} + Bengali Tag = Tag{language: bnIndex, locale: bnIndex} + Catalan Tag = Tag{language: caIndex, locale: caIndex} + Czech Tag = Tag{language: csIndex, locale: csIndex} + Danish Tag = Tag{language: daIndex, locale: daIndex} + German Tag = Tag{language: deIndex, locale: deIndex} + Greek Tag = Tag{language: elIndex, locale: elIndex} + English Tag = Tag{language: enIndex, locale: enIndex} + AmericanEnglish Tag = Tag{language: enUSIndex, locale: enUSIndex} + BritishEnglish Tag = Tag{language: enGBIndex, locale: enGBIndex} + Spanish Tag = Tag{language: esIndex, locale: esIndex} + EuropeanSpanish Tag = Tag{language: esESIndex, locale: esESIndex} + LatinAmericanSpanish Tag = Tag{language: es419Index, locale: es419Index} + Estonian Tag = Tag{language: etIndex, locale: etIndex} + Persian Tag = Tag{language: faIndex, locale: faIndex} + Finnish Tag = Tag{language: fiIndex, locale: fiIndex} + Filipino Tag = Tag{language: filIndex, locale: filIndex} + French Tag = Tag{language: frIndex, locale: frIndex} + CanadianFrench Tag = Tag{language: frCAIndex, locale: frCAIndex} + Gujarati Tag = Tag{language: guIndex, locale: guIndex} + Hebrew Tag = Tag{language: heIndex, locale: heIndex} + Hindi Tag = Tag{language: hiIndex, locale: hiIndex} + Croatian Tag = Tag{language: hrIndex, locale: hrIndex} + Hungarian Tag = Tag{language: huIndex, locale: huIndex} + Armenian Tag = Tag{language: hyIndex, locale: hyIndex} + Indonesian Tag = Tag{language: idIndex, locale: idIndex} + Icelandic Tag = Tag{language: isIndex, locale: isIndex} + Italian Tag = Tag{language: itIndex, locale: itIndex} + Japanese Tag = Tag{language: jaIndex, locale: jaIndex} + Georgian Tag = Tag{language: kaIndex, locale: kaIndex} + Kazakh Tag = Tag{language: kkIndex, locale: kkIndex} + Khmer Tag = Tag{language: kmIndex, locale: kmIndex} + Kannada Tag = Tag{language: knIndex, locale: knIndex} + Korean Tag = Tag{language: koIndex, locale: koIndex} + Kirghiz Tag = Tag{language: kyIndex, locale: kyIndex} + Lao Tag = Tag{language: loIndex, locale: loIndex} + Lithuanian Tag = Tag{language: ltIndex, locale: ltIndex} + Latvian Tag = Tag{language: lvIndex, locale: lvIndex} + Macedonian Tag = Tag{language: mkIndex, locale: mkIndex} + Malayalam Tag = Tag{language: mlIndex, locale: mlIndex} + Mongolian Tag = Tag{language: mnIndex, locale: mnIndex} + Marathi Tag = Tag{language: mrIndex, locale: mrIndex} + Malay Tag = Tag{language: msIndex, locale: msIndex} + Burmese Tag = Tag{language: myIndex, locale: myIndex} + Nepali Tag = Tag{language: neIndex, locale: neIndex} + Dutch Tag = Tag{language: nlIndex, locale: nlIndex} + Norwegian Tag = Tag{language: noIndex, locale: noIndex} + Punjabi Tag = Tag{language: paIndex, locale: paIndex} + Polish Tag = Tag{language: plIndex, locale: plIndex} + Portuguese Tag = Tag{language: ptIndex, locale: ptIndex} + BrazilianPortuguese Tag = Tag{language: ptBRIndex, locale: ptBRIndex} + EuropeanPortuguese Tag = Tag{language: ptPTIndex, locale: ptPTIndex} + Romanian Tag = Tag{language: roIndex, locale: roIndex} + Russian Tag = Tag{language: ruIndex, locale: ruIndex} + Sinhala Tag = Tag{language: siIndex, locale: siIndex} + Slovak Tag = Tag{language: skIndex, locale: skIndex} + Slovenian Tag = Tag{language: slIndex, locale: slIndex} + Albanian Tag = Tag{language: sqIndex, locale: sqIndex} + Serbian Tag = Tag{language: srIndex, locale: srIndex} + SerbianLatin Tag = Tag{language: srLatnIndex, locale: srLatnIndex} + Swedish Tag = Tag{language: svIndex, locale: svIndex} + Swahili Tag = Tag{language: swIndex, locale: swIndex} + Tamil Tag = Tag{language: taIndex, locale: taIndex} + Telugu Tag = Tag{language: teIndex, locale: teIndex} + Thai Tag = Tag{language: thIndex, locale: thIndex} + Turkish Tag = Tag{language: trIndex, locale: trIndex} + Ukrainian Tag = Tag{language: ukIndex, locale: ukIndex} + Urdu Tag = Tag{language: urIndex, locale: urIndex} + Uzbek Tag = Tag{language: uzIndex, locale: uzIndex} + Vietnamese Tag = Tag{language: viIndex, locale: viIndex} + Chinese Tag = Tag{language: zhIndex, locale: zhIndex} + SimplifiedChinese Tag = Tag{language: zhHansIndex, locale: zhHansIndex} + TraditionalChinese Tag = Tag{language: zhHantIndex, locale: zhHantIndex} + Zulu Tag = Tag{language: zuIndex, locale: zuIndex} +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compose.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compose.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4ae78e0f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compose.go @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package language + +import ( + "sort" + "strings" +) + +// A Builder allows constructing a Tag from individual components. +// Its main user is Compose in the top-level language package. +type Builder struct { + Tag Tag + + private string // the x extension + variants []string + extensions []string +} + +// Make returns a new Tag from the current settings. +func (b *Builder) Make() Tag { + t := b.Tag + + if len(b.extensions) > 0 || len(b.variants) > 0 { + sort.Sort(sortVariants(b.variants)) + sort.Strings(b.extensions) + + if b.private != "" { + b.extensions = append(b.extensions, b.private) + } + n := maxCoreSize + tokenLen(b.variants...) + tokenLen(b.extensions...) + buf := make([]byte, n) + p := t.genCoreBytes(buf) + t.pVariant = byte(p) + p += appendTokens(buf[p:], b.variants...) + t.pExt = uint16(p) + p += appendTokens(buf[p:], b.extensions...) + t.str = string(buf[:p]) + // We may not always need to remake the string, but when or when not + // to do so is rather tricky. + scan := makeScanner(buf[:p]) + t, _ = parse(&scan, "") + return t + + } else if b.private != "" { + t.str = b.private + t.RemakeString() + } + return t +} + +// SetTag copies all the settings from a given Tag. Any previously set values +// are discarded. +func (b *Builder) SetTag(t Tag) { + b.Tag.LangID = t.LangID + b.Tag.RegionID = t.RegionID + b.Tag.ScriptID = t.ScriptID + // TODO: optimize + b.variants = b.variants[:0] + if variants := t.Variants(); variants != "" { + for _, vr := range strings.Split(variants[1:], "-") { + b.variants = append(b.variants, vr) + } + } + b.extensions, b.private = b.extensions[:0], "" + for _, e := range t.Extensions() { + b.AddExt(e) + } +} + +// AddExt adds extension e to the tag. e must be a valid extension as returned +// by Tag.Extension. If the extension already exists, it will be discarded, +// except for a -u extension, where non-existing key-type pairs will added. +func (b *Builder) AddExt(e string) { + if e[0] == 'x' { + if b.private == "" { + b.private = e + } + return + } + for i, s := range b.extensions { + if s[0] == e[0] { + if e[0] == 'u' { + b.extensions[i] += e[1:] + } + return + } + } + b.extensions = append(b.extensions, e) +} + +// SetExt sets the extension e to the tag. e must be a valid extension as +// returned by Tag.Extension. If the extension already exists, it will be +// overwritten, except for a -u extension, where the individual key-type pairs +// will be set. +func (b *Builder) SetExt(e string) { + if e[0] == 'x' { + b.private = e + return + } + for i, s := range b.extensions { + if s[0] == e[0] { + if e[0] == 'u' { + b.extensions[i] = e + s[1:] + } else { + b.extensions[i] = e + } + return + } + } + b.extensions = append(b.extensions, e) +} + +// AddVariant adds any number of variants. +func (b *Builder) AddVariant(v ...string) { + for _, v := range v { + if v != "" { + b.variants = append(b.variants, v) + } + } +} + +// ClearVariants removes any variants previously added, including those +// copied from a Tag in SetTag. +func (b *Builder) ClearVariants() { + b.variants = b.variants[:0] +} + +// ClearExtensions removes any extensions previously added, including those +// copied from a Tag in SetTag. +func (b *Builder) ClearExtensions() { + b.private = "" + b.extensions = b.extensions[:0] +} + +func tokenLen(token ...string) (n int) { + for _, t := range token { + n += len(t) + 1 + } + return +} + +func appendTokens(b []byte, token ...string) int { + p := 0 + for _, t := range token { + b[p] = '-' + copy(b[p+1:], t) + p += 1 + len(t) + } + return p +} + +type sortVariants []string + +func (s sortVariants) Len() int { + return len(s) +} + +func (s sortVariants) Swap(i, j int) { + s[j], s[i] = s[i], s[j] +} + +func (s sortVariants) Less(i, j int) bool { + return variantIndex[s[i]] < variantIndex[s[j]] +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/coverage.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/coverage.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b20b88f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/coverage.go @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package language + +// BaseLanguages returns the list of all supported base languages. It generates +// the list by traversing the internal structures. +func BaseLanguages() []Language { + base := make([]Language, 0, NumLanguages) + for i := 0; i < langNoIndexOffset; i++ { + // We included "und" already for the value 0. + if i != nonCanonicalUnd { + base = append(base, Language(i)) + } + } + i := langNoIndexOffset + for _, v := range langNoIndex { + for k := 0; k < 8; k++ { + if v&1 == 1 { + base = append(base, Language(i)) + } + v >>= 1 + i++ + } + } + return base +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/language.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/language.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6105bc7f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/language.go @@ -0,0 +1,627 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:generate go run gen.go gen_common.go -output tables.go + +package language // import "golang.org/x/text/internal/language" + +// TODO: Remove above NOTE after: +// - verifying that tables are dropped correctly (most notably matcher tables). + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "strings" +) + +const ( + // maxCoreSize is the maximum size of a BCP 47 tag without variants and + // extensions. Equals max lang (3) + script (4) + max reg (3) + 2 dashes. + maxCoreSize = 12 + + // max99thPercentileSize is a somewhat arbitrary buffer size that presumably + // is large enough to hold at least 99% of the BCP 47 tags. + max99thPercentileSize = 32 + + // maxSimpleUExtensionSize is the maximum size of a -u extension with one + // key-type pair. Equals len("-u-") + key (2) + dash + max value (8). + maxSimpleUExtensionSize = 14 +) + +// Tag represents a BCP 47 language tag. It is used to specify an instance of a +// specific language or locale. All language tag values are guaranteed to be +// well-formed. The zero value of Tag is Und. +type Tag struct { + // TODO: the following fields have the form TagTypeID. This name is chosen + // to allow refactoring the public package without conflicting with its + // Base, Script, and Region methods. Once the transition is fully completed + // the ID can be stripped from the name. + + LangID Language + RegionID Region + // TODO: we will soon run out of positions for ScriptID. Idea: instead of + // storing lang, region, and ScriptID codes, store only the compact index and + // have a lookup table from this code to its expansion. This greatly speeds + // up table lookup, speed up common variant cases. + // This will also immediately free up 3 extra bytes. Also, the pVariant + // field can now be moved to the lookup table, as the compact index uniquely + // determines the offset of a possible variant. + ScriptID Script + pVariant byte // offset in str, includes preceding '-' + pExt uint16 // offset of first extension, includes preceding '-' + + // str is the string representation of the Tag. It will only be used if the + // tag has variants or extensions. + str string +} + +// Make is a convenience wrapper for Parse that omits the error. +// In case of an error, a sensible default is returned. +func Make(s string) Tag { + t, _ := Parse(s) + return t +} + +// Raw returns the raw base language, script and region, without making an +// attempt to infer their values. +// TODO: consider removing +func (t Tag) Raw() (b Language, s Script, r Region) { + return t.LangID, t.ScriptID, t.RegionID +} + +// equalTags compares language, script and region subtags only. +func (t Tag) equalTags(a Tag) bool { + return t.LangID == a.LangID && t.ScriptID == a.ScriptID && t.RegionID == a.RegionID +} + +// IsRoot returns true if t is equal to language "und". +func (t Tag) IsRoot() bool { + if int(t.pVariant) < len(t.str) { + return false + } + return t.equalTags(Und) +} + +// IsPrivateUse reports whether the Tag consists solely of an IsPrivateUse use +// tag. +func (t Tag) IsPrivateUse() bool { + return t.str != "" && t.pVariant == 0 +} + +// RemakeString is used to update t.str in case lang, script or region changed. +// It is assumed that pExt and pVariant still point to the start of the +// respective parts. +func (t *Tag) RemakeString() { + if t.str == "" { + return + } + extra := t.str[t.pVariant:] + if t.pVariant > 0 { + extra = extra[1:] + } + if t.equalTags(Und) && strings.HasPrefix(extra, "x-") { + t.str = extra + t.pVariant = 0 + t.pExt = 0 + return + } + var buf [max99thPercentileSize]byte // avoid extra memory allocation in most cases. + b := buf[:t.genCoreBytes(buf[:])] + if extra != "" { + diff := len(b) - int(t.pVariant) + b = append(b, '-') + b = append(b, extra...) + t.pVariant = uint8(int(t.pVariant) + diff) + t.pExt = uint16(int(t.pExt) + diff) + } else { + t.pVariant = uint8(len(b)) + t.pExt = uint16(len(b)) + } + t.str = string(b) +} + +// genCoreBytes writes a string for the base languages, script and region tags +// to the given buffer and returns the number of bytes written. It will never +// write more than maxCoreSize bytes. +func (t *Tag) genCoreBytes(buf []byte) int { + n := t.LangID.StringToBuf(buf[:]) + if t.ScriptID != 0 { + n += copy(buf[n:], "-") + n += copy(buf[n:], t.ScriptID.String()) + } + if t.RegionID != 0 { + n += copy(buf[n:], "-") + n += copy(buf[n:], t.RegionID.String()) + } + return n +} + +// String returns the canonical string representation of the language tag. +func (t Tag) String() string { + if t.str != "" { + return t.str + } + if t.ScriptID == 0 && t.RegionID == 0 { + return t.LangID.String() + } + buf := [maxCoreSize]byte{} + return string(buf[:t.genCoreBytes(buf[:])]) +} + +// MarshalText implements encoding.TextMarshaler. +func (t Tag) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) { + if t.str != "" { + text = append(text, t.str...) + } else if t.ScriptID == 0 && t.RegionID == 0 { + text = append(text, t.LangID.String()...) + } else { + buf := [maxCoreSize]byte{} + text = buf[:t.genCoreBytes(buf[:])] + } + return text, nil +} + +// UnmarshalText implements encoding.TextUnmarshaler. +func (t *Tag) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error { + tag, err := Parse(string(text)) + *t = tag + return err +} + +// Variants returns the part of the tag holding all variants or the empty string +// if there are no variants defined. +func (t Tag) Variants() string { + if t.pVariant == 0 { + return "" + } + return t.str[t.pVariant:t.pExt] +} + +// VariantOrPrivateUseTags returns variants or private use tags. +func (t Tag) VariantOrPrivateUseTags() string { + if t.pExt > 0 { + return t.str[t.pVariant:t.pExt] + } + return t.str[t.pVariant:] +} + +// HasString reports whether this tag defines more than just the raw +// components. +func (t Tag) HasString() bool { + return t.str != "" +} + +// Parent returns the CLDR parent of t. In CLDR, missing fields in data for a +// specific language are substituted with fields from the parent language. +// The parent for a language may change for newer versions of CLDR. +func (t Tag) Parent() Tag { + if t.str != "" { + // Strip the variants and extensions. + b, s, r := t.Raw() + t = Tag{LangID: b, ScriptID: s, RegionID: r} + if t.RegionID == 0 && t.ScriptID != 0 && t.LangID != 0 { + base, _ := addTags(Tag{LangID: t.LangID}) + if base.ScriptID == t.ScriptID { + return Tag{LangID: t.LangID} + } + } + return t + } + if t.LangID != 0 { + if t.RegionID != 0 { + maxScript := t.ScriptID + if maxScript == 0 { + max, _ := addTags(t) + maxScript = max.ScriptID + } + + for i := range parents { + if Language(parents[i].lang) == t.LangID && Script(parents[i].maxScript) == maxScript { + for _, r := range parents[i].fromRegion { + if Region(r) == t.RegionID { + return Tag{ + LangID: t.LangID, + ScriptID: Script(parents[i].script), + RegionID: Region(parents[i].toRegion), + } + } + } + } + } + + // Strip the script if it is the default one. + base, _ := addTags(Tag{LangID: t.LangID}) + if base.ScriptID != maxScript { + return Tag{LangID: t.LangID, ScriptID: maxScript} + } + return Tag{LangID: t.LangID} + } else if t.ScriptID != 0 { + // The parent for an base-script pair with a non-default script is + // "und" instead of the base language. + base, _ := addTags(Tag{LangID: t.LangID}) + if base.ScriptID != t.ScriptID { + return Und + } + return Tag{LangID: t.LangID} + } + } + return Und +} + +// ParseExtension parses s as an extension and returns it on success. +func ParseExtension(s string) (ext string, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + ext = "" + err = ErrSyntax + } + }() + + scan := makeScannerString(s) + var end int + if n := len(scan.token); n != 1 { + return "", ErrSyntax + } + scan.toLower(0, len(scan.b)) + end = parseExtension(&scan) + if end != len(s) { + return "", ErrSyntax + } + return string(scan.b), nil +} + +// HasVariants reports whether t has variants. +func (t Tag) HasVariants() bool { + return uint16(t.pVariant) < t.pExt +} + +// HasExtensions reports whether t has extensions. +func (t Tag) HasExtensions() bool { + return int(t.pExt) < len(t.str) +} + +// Extension returns the extension of type x for tag t. It will return +// false for ok if t does not have the requested extension. The returned +// extension will be invalid in this case. +func (t Tag) Extension(x byte) (ext string, ok bool) { + for i := int(t.pExt); i < len(t.str)-1; { + var ext string + i, ext = getExtension(t.str, i) + if ext[0] == x { + return ext, true + } + } + return "", false +} + +// Extensions returns all extensions of t. +func (t Tag) Extensions() []string { + e := []string{} + for i := int(t.pExt); i < len(t.str)-1; { + var ext string + i, ext = getExtension(t.str, i) + e = append(e, ext) + } + return e +} + +// TypeForKey returns the type associated with the given key, where key and type +// are of the allowed values defined for the Unicode locale extension ('u') in +// https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Unicode_Language_and_Locale_Identifiers. +// TypeForKey will traverse the inheritance chain to get the correct value. +// +// If there are multiple types associated with a key, only the first will be +// returned. If there is no type associated with a key, it returns the empty +// string. +func (t Tag) TypeForKey(key string) string { + if _, start, end, _ := t.findTypeForKey(key); end != start { + s := t.str[start:end] + if p := strings.IndexByte(s, '-'); p >= 0 { + s = s[:p] + } + return s + } + return "" +} + +var ( + errPrivateUse = errors.New("cannot set a key on a private use tag") + errInvalidArguments = errors.New("invalid key or type") +) + +// SetTypeForKey returns a new Tag with the key set to type, where key and type +// are of the allowed values defined for the Unicode locale extension ('u') in +// https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Unicode_Language_and_Locale_Identifiers. +// An empty value removes an existing pair with the same key. +func (t Tag) SetTypeForKey(key, value string) (Tag, error) { + if t.IsPrivateUse() { + return t, errPrivateUse + } + if len(key) != 2 { + return t, errInvalidArguments + } + + // Remove the setting if value is "". + if value == "" { + start, sep, end, _ := t.findTypeForKey(key) + if start != sep { + // Remove a possible empty extension. + switch { + case t.str[start-2] != '-': // has previous elements. + case end == len(t.str), // end of string + end+2 < len(t.str) && t.str[end+2] == '-': // end of extension + start -= 2 + } + if start == int(t.pVariant) && end == len(t.str) { + t.str = "" + t.pVariant, t.pExt = 0, 0 + } else { + t.str = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", t.str[:start], t.str[end:]) + } + } + return t, nil + } + + if len(value) < 3 || len(value) > 8 { + return t, errInvalidArguments + } + + var ( + buf [maxCoreSize + maxSimpleUExtensionSize]byte + uStart int // start of the -u extension. + ) + + // Generate the tag string if needed. + if t.str == "" { + uStart = t.genCoreBytes(buf[:]) + buf[uStart] = '-' + uStart++ + } + + // Create new key-type pair and parse it to verify. + b := buf[uStart:] + copy(b, "u-") + copy(b[2:], key) + b[4] = '-' + b = b[:5+copy(b[5:], value)] + scan := makeScanner(b) + if parseExtensions(&scan); scan.err != nil { + return t, scan.err + } + + // Assemble the replacement string. + if t.str == "" { + t.pVariant, t.pExt = byte(uStart-1), uint16(uStart-1) + t.str = string(buf[:uStart+len(b)]) + } else { + s := t.str + start, sep, end, hasExt := t.findTypeForKey(key) + if start == sep { + if hasExt { + b = b[2:] + } + t.str = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s%s", s[:sep], b, s[end:]) + } else { + t.str = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s%s", s[:start+3], value, s[end:]) + } + } + return t, nil +} + +// findKeyAndType returns the start and end position for the type corresponding +// to key or the point at which to insert the key-value pair if the type +// wasn't found. The hasExt return value reports whether an -u extension was present. +// Note: the extensions are typically very small and are likely to contain +// only one key-type pair. +func (t Tag) findTypeForKey(key string) (start, sep, end int, hasExt bool) { + p := int(t.pExt) + if len(key) != 2 || p == len(t.str) || p == 0 { + return p, p, p, false + } + s := t.str + + // Find the correct extension. + for p++; s[p] != 'u'; p++ { + if s[p] > 'u' { + p-- + return p, p, p, false + } + if p = nextExtension(s, p); p == len(s) { + return len(s), len(s), len(s), false + } + } + // Proceed to the hyphen following the extension name. + p++ + + // curKey is the key currently being processed. + curKey := "" + + // Iterate over keys until we get the end of a section. + for { + end = p + for p++; p < len(s) && s[p] != '-'; p++ { + } + n := p - end - 1 + if n <= 2 && curKey == key { + if sep < end { + sep++ + } + return start, sep, end, true + } + switch n { + case 0, // invalid string + 1: // next extension + return end, end, end, true + case 2: + // next key + curKey = s[end+1 : p] + if curKey > key { + return end, end, end, true + } + start = end + sep = p + } + } +} + +// ParseBase parses a 2- or 3-letter ISO 639 code. +// It returns a ValueError if s is a well-formed but unknown language identifier +// or another error if another error occurred. +func ParseBase(s string) (l Language, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + l = 0 + err = ErrSyntax + } + }() + + if n := len(s); n < 2 || 3 < n { + return 0, ErrSyntax + } + var buf [3]byte + return getLangID(buf[:copy(buf[:], s)]) +} + +// ParseScript parses a 4-letter ISO 15924 code. +// It returns a ValueError if s is a well-formed but unknown script identifier +// or another error if another error occurred. +func ParseScript(s string) (scr Script, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + scr = 0 + err = ErrSyntax + } + }() + + if len(s) != 4 { + return 0, ErrSyntax + } + var buf [4]byte + return getScriptID(script, buf[:copy(buf[:], s)]) +} + +// EncodeM49 returns the Region for the given UN M.49 code. +// It returns an error if r is not a valid code. +func EncodeM49(r int) (Region, error) { + return getRegionM49(r) +} + +// ParseRegion parses a 2- or 3-letter ISO 3166-1 or a UN M.49 code. +// It returns a ValueError if s is a well-formed but unknown region identifier +// or another error if another error occurred. +func ParseRegion(s string) (r Region, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + r = 0 + err = ErrSyntax + } + }() + + if n := len(s); n < 2 || 3 < n { + return 0, ErrSyntax + } + var buf [3]byte + return getRegionID(buf[:copy(buf[:], s)]) +} + +// IsCountry returns whether this region is a country or autonomous area. This +// includes non-standard definitions from CLDR. +func (r Region) IsCountry() bool { + if r == 0 || r.IsGroup() || r.IsPrivateUse() && r != _XK { + return false + } + return true +} + +// IsGroup returns whether this region defines a collection of regions. This +// includes non-standard definitions from CLDR. +func (r Region) IsGroup() bool { + if r == 0 { + return false + } + return int(regionInclusion[r]) < len(regionContainment) +} + +// Contains returns whether Region c is contained by Region r. It returns true +// if c == r. +func (r Region) Contains(c Region) bool { + if r == c { + return true + } + g := regionInclusion[r] + if g >= nRegionGroups { + return false + } + m := regionContainment[g] + + d := regionInclusion[c] + b := regionInclusionBits[d] + + // A contained country may belong to multiple disjoint groups. Matching any + // of these indicates containment. If the contained region is a group, it + // must strictly be a subset. + if d >= nRegionGroups { + return b&m != 0 + } + return b&^m == 0 +} + +var errNoTLD = errors.New("language: region is not a valid ccTLD") + +// TLD returns the country code top-level domain (ccTLD). UK is returned for GB. +// In all other cases it returns either the region itself or an error. +// +// This method may return an error for a region for which there exists a +// canonical form with a ccTLD. To get that ccTLD canonicalize r first. The +// region will already be canonicalized it was obtained from a Tag that was +// obtained using any of the default methods. +func (r Region) TLD() (Region, error) { + // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Country_code_top-level_domain for the + // difference between ISO 3166-1 and IANA ccTLD. + if r == _GB { + r = _UK + } + if (r.typ() & ccTLD) == 0 { + return 0, errNoTLD + } + return r, nil +} + +// Canonicalize returns the region or a possible replacement if the region is +// deprecated. It will not return a replacement for deprecated regions that +// are split into multiple regions. +func (r Region) Canonicalize() Region { + if cr := normRegion(r); cr != 0 { + return cr + } + return r +} + +// Variant represents a registered variant of a language as defined by BCP 47. +type Variant struct { + ID uint8 + str string +} + +// ParseVariant parses and returns a Variant. An error is returned if s is not +// a valid variant. +func ParseVariant(s string) (v Variant, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + v = Variant{} + err = ErrSyntax + } + }() + + s = strings.ToLower(s) + if id, ok := variantIndex[s]; ok { + return Variant{id, s}, nil + } + return Variant{}, NewValueError([]byte(s)) +} + +// String returns the string representation of the variant. +func (v Variant) String() string { + return v.str +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/lookup.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/lookup.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6294b815 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/lookup.go @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package language + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "sort" + "strconv" + + "golang.org/x/text/internal/tag" +) + +// findIndex tries to find the given tag in idx and returns a standardized error +// if it could not be found. +func findIndex(idx tag.Index, key []byte, form string) (index int, err error) { + if !tag.FixCase(form, key) { + return 0, ErrSyntax + } + i := idx.Index(key) + if i == -1 { + return 0, NewValueError(key) + } + return i, nil +} + +func searchUint(imap []uint16, key uint16) int { + return sort.Search(len(imap), func(i int) bool { + return imap[i] >= key + }) +} + +type Language uint16 + +// getLangID returns the langID of s if s is a canonical subtag +// or langUnknown if s is not a canonical subtag. +func getLangID(s []byte) (Language, error) { + if len(s) == 2 { + return getLangISO2(s) + } + return getLangISO3(s) +} + +// TODO language normalization as well as the AliasMaps could be moved to the +// higher level package, but it is a bit tricky to separate the generation. + +func (id Language) Canonicalize() (Language, AliasType) { + return normLang(id) +} + +// mapLang returns the mapped langID of id according to mapping m. +func normLang(id Language) (Language, AliasType) { + k := sort.Search(len(AliasMap), func(i int) bool { + return AliasMap[i].From >= uint16(id) + }) + if k < len(AliasMap) && AliasMap[k].From == uint16(id) { + return Language(AliasMap[k].To), AliasTypes[k] + } + return id, AliasTypeUnknown +} + +// getLangISO2 returns the langID for the given 2-letter ISO language code +// or unknownLang if this does not exist. +func getLangISO2(s []byte) (Language, error) { + if !tag.FixCase("zz", s) { + return 0, ErrSyntax + } + if i := lang.Index(s); i != -1 && lang.Elem(i)[3] != 0 { + return Language(i), nil + } + return 0, NewValueError(s) +} + +const base = 'z' - 'a' + 1 + +func strToInt(s []byte) uint { + v := uint(0) + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { + v *= base + v += uint(s[i] - 'a') + } + return v +} + +// converts the given integer to the original ASCII string passed to strToInt. +// len(s) must match the number of characters obtained. +func intToStr(v uint, s []byte) { + for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + s[i] = byte(v%base) + 'a' + v /= base + } +} + +// getLangISO3 returns the langID for the given 3-letter ISO language code +// or unknownLang if this does not exist. +func getLangISO3(s []byte) (Language, error) { + if tag.FixCase("und", s) { + // first try to match canonical 3-letter entries + for i := lang.Index(s[:2]); i != -1; i = lang.Next(s[:2], i) { + if e := lang.Elem(i); e[3] == 0 && e[2] == s[2] { + // We treat "und" as special and always translate it to "unspecified". + // Note that ZZ and Zzzz are private use and are not treated as + // unspecified by default. + id := Language(i) + if id == nonCanonicalUnd { + return 0, nil + } + return id, nil + } + } + if i := altLangISO3.Index(s); i != -1 { + return Language(altLangIndex[altLangISO3.Elem(i)[3]]), nil + } + n := strToInt(s) + if langNoIndex[n/8]&(1<<(n%8)) != 0 { + return Language(n) + langNoIndexOffset, nil + } + // Check for non-canonical uses of ISO3. + for i := lang.Index(s[:1]); i != -1; i = lang.Next(s[:1], i) { + if e := lang.Elem(i); e[2] == s[1] && e[3] == s[2] { + return Language(i), nil + } + } + return 0, NewValueError(s) + } + return 0, ErrSyntax +} + +// StringToBuf writes the string to b and returns the number of bytes +// written. cap(b) must be >= 3. +func (id Language) StringToBuf(b []byte) int { + if id >= langNoIndexOffset { + intToStr(uint(id)-langNoIndexOffset, b[:3]) + return 3 + } else if id == 0 { + return copy(b, "und") + } + l := lang[id<<2:] + if l[3] == 0 { + return copy(b, l[:3]) + } + return copy(b, l[:2]) +} + +// String returns the BCP 47 representation of the langID. +// Use b as variable name, instead of id, to ensure the variable +// used is consistent with that of Base in which this type is embedded. +func (b Language) String() string { + if b == 0 { + return "und" + } else if b >= langNoIndexOffset { + b -= langNoIndexOffset + buf := [3]byte{} + intToStr(uint(b), buf[:]) + return string(buf[:]) + } + l := lang.Elem(int(b)) + if l[3] == 0 { + return l[:3] + } + return l[:2] +} + +// ISO3 returns the ISO 639-3 language code. +func (b Language) ISO3() string { + if b == 0 || b >= langNoIndexOffset { + return b.String() + } + l := lang.Elem(int(b)) + if l[3] == 0 { + return l[:3] + } else if l[2] == 0 { + return altLangISO3.Elem(int(l[3]))[:3] + } + // This allocation will only happen for 3-letter ISO codes + // that are non-canonical BCP 47 language identifiers. + return l[0:1] + l[2:4] +} + +// IsPrivateUse reports whether this language code is reserved for private use. +func (b Language) IsPrivateUse() bool { + return langPrivateStart <= b && b <= langPrivateEnd +} + +// SuppressScript returns the script marked as SuppressScript in the IANA +// language tag repository, or 0 if there is no such script. +func (b Language) SuppressScript() Script { + if b < langNoIndexOffset { + return Script(suppressScript[b]) + } + return 0 +} + +type Region uint16 + +// getRegionID returns the region id for s if s is a valid 2-letter region code +// or unknownRegion. +func getRegionID(s []byte) (Region, error) { + if len(s) == 3 { + if isAlpha(s[0]) { + return getRegionISO3(s) + } + if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(s), 10, 10); err == nil { + return getRegionM49(int(i)) + } + } + return getRegionISO2(s) +} + +// getRegionISO2 returns the regionID for the given 2-letter ISO country code +// or unknownRegion if this does not exist. +func getRegionISO2(s []byte) (Region, error) { + i, err := findIndex(regionISO, s, "ZZ") + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return Region(i) + isoRegionOffset, nil +} + +// getRegionISO3 returns the regionID for the given 3-letter ISO country code +// or unknownRegion if this does not exist. +func getRegionISO3(s []byte) (Region, error) { + if tag.FixCase("ZZZ", s) { + for i := regionISO.Index(s[:1]); i != -1; i = regionISO.Next(s[:1], i) { + if e := regionISO.Elem(i); e[2] == s[1] && e[3] == s[2] { + return Region(i) + isoRegionOffset, nil + } + } + for i := 0; i < len(altRegionISO3); i += 3 { + if tag.Compare(altRegionISO3[i:i+3], s) == 0 { + return Region(altRegionIDs[i/3]), nil + } + } + return 0, NewValueError(s) + } + return 0, ErrSyntax +} + +func getRegionM49(n int) (Region, error) { + if 0 < n && n <= 999 { + const ( + searchBits = 7 + regionBits = 9 + regionMask = 1<> searchBits + buf := fromM49[m49Index[idx]:m49Index[idx+1]] + val := uint16(n) << regionBits // we rely on bits shifting out + i := sort.Search(len(buf), func(i int) bool { + return buf[i] >= val + }) + if r := fromM49[int(m49Index[idx])+i]; r&^regionMask == val { + return Region(r & regionMask), nil + } + } + var e ValueError + fmt.Fprint(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(e.v[:])), n) + return 0, e +} + +// normRegion returns a region if r is deprecated or 0 otherwise. +// TODO: consider supporting BYS (-> BLR), CSK (-> 200 or CZ), PHI (-> PHL) and AFI (-> DJ). +// TODO: consider mapping split up regions to new most populous one (like CLDR). +func normRegion(r Region) Region { + m := regionOldMap + k := sort.Search(len(m), func(i int) bool { + return m[i].From >= uint16(r) + }) + if k < len(m) && m[k].From == uint16(r) { + return Region(m[k].To) + } + return 0 +} + +const ( + iso3166UserAssigned = 1 << iota + ccTLD + bcp47Region +) + +func (r Region) typ() byte { + return regionTypes[r] +} + +// String returns the BCP 47 representation for the region. +// It returns "ZZ" for an unspecified region. +func (r Region) String() string { + if r < isoRegionOffset { + if r == 0 { + return "ZZ" + } + return fmt.Sprintf("%03d", r.M49()) + } + r -= isoRegionOffset + return regionISO.Elem(int(r))[:2] +} + +// ISO3 returns the 3-letter ISO code of r. +// Note that not all regions have a 3-letter ISO code. +// In such cases this method returns "ZZZ". +func (r Region) ISO3() string { + if r < isoRegionOffset { + return "ZZZ" + } + r -= isoRegionOffset + reg := regionISO.Elem(int(r)) + switch reg[2] { + case 0: + return altRegionISO3[reg[3]:][:3] + case ' ': + return "ZZZ" + } + return reg[0:1] + reg[2:4] +} + +// M49 returns the UN M.49 encoding of r, or 0 if this encoding +// is not defined for r. +func (r Region) M49() int { + return int(m49[r]) +} + +// IsPrivateUse reports whether r has the ISO 3166 User-assigned status. This +// may include private-use tags that are assigned by CLDR and used in this +// implementation. So IsPrivateUse and IsCountry can be simultaneously true. +func (r Region) IsPrivateUse() bool { + return r.typ()&iso3166UserAssigned != 0 +} + +type Script uint8 + +// getScriptID returns the script id for string s. It assumes that s +// is of the format [A-Z][a-z]{3}. +func getScriptID(idx tag.Index, s []byte) (Script, error) { + i, err := findIndex(idx, s, "Zzzz") + return Script(i), err +} + +// String returns the script code in title case. +// It returns "Zzzz" for an unspecified script. +func (s Script) String() string { + if s == 0 { + return "Zzzz" + } + return script.Elem(int(s)) +} + +// IsPrivateUse reports whether this script code is reserved for private use. +func (s Script) IsPrivateUse() bool { + return _Qaaa <= s && s <= _Qabx +} + +const ( + maxAltTaglen = len("en-US-POSIX") + maxLen = maxAltTaglen +) + +var ( + // grandfatheredMap holds a mapping from legacy and grandfathered tags to + // their base language or index to more elaborate tag. + grandfatheredMap = map[[maxLen]byte]int16{ + [maxLen]byte{'a', 'r', 't', '-', 'l', 'o', 'j', 'b', 'a', 'n'}: _jbo, // art-lojban + [maxLen]byte{'i', '-', 'a', 'm', 'i'}: _ami, // i-ami + [maxLen]byte{'i', '-', 'b', 'n', 'n'}: _bnn, // i-bnn + [maxLen]byte{'i', '-', 'h', 'a', 'k'}: _hak, // i-hak + [maxLen]byte{'i', '-', 'k', 'l', 'i', 'n', 'g', 'o', 'n'}: _tlh, // i-klingon + [maxLen]byte{'i', '-', 'l', 'u', 'x'}: _lb, // i-lux + [maxLen]byte{'i', '-', 'n', 'a', 'v', 'a', 'j', 'o'}: _nv, // i-navajo + [maxLen]byte{'i', '-', 'p', 'w', 'n'}: _pwn, // i-pwn + [maxLen]byte{'i', '-', 't', 'a', 'o'}: _tao, // i-tao + [maxLen]byte{'i', '-', 't', 'a', 'y'}: _tay, // i-tay + [maxLen]byte{'i', '-', 't', 's', 'u'}: _tsu, // i-tsu + [maxLen]byte{'n', 'o', '-', 'b', 'o', 'k'}: _nb, // no-bok + [maxLen]byte{'n', 'o', '-', 'n', 'y', 'n'}: _nn, // no-nyn + [maxLen]byte{'s', 'g', 'n', '-', 'b', 'e', '-', 'f', 'r'}: _sfb, // sgn-BE-FR + [maxLen]byte{'s', 'g', 'n', '-', 'b', 'e', '-', 'n', 'l'}: _vgt, // sgn-BE-NL + [maxLen]byte{'s', 'g', 'n', '-', 'c', 'h', '-', 'd', 'e'}: _sgg, // sgn-CH-DE + [maxLen]byte{'z', 'h', '-', 'g', 'u', 'o', 'y', 'u'}: _cmn, // zh-guoyu + [maxLen]byte{'z', 'h', '-', 'h', 'a', 'k', 'k', 'a'}: _hak, // zh-hakka + [maxLen]byte{'z', 'h', '-', 'm', 'i', 'n', '-', 'n', 'a', 'n'}: _nan, // zh-min-nan + [maxLen]byte{'z', 'h', '-', 'x', 'i', 'a', 'n', 'g'}: _hsn, // zh-xiang + + // Grandfathered tags with no modern replacement will be converted as + // follows: + [maxLen]byte{'c', 'e', 'l', '-', 'g', 'a', 'u', 'l', 'i', 's', 'h'}: -1, // cel-gaulish + [maxLen]byte{'e', 'n', '-', 'g', 'b', '-', 'o', 'e', 'd'}: -2, // en-GB-oed + [maxLen]byte{'i', '-', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'u', 'l', 't'}: -3, // i-default + [maxLen]byte{'i', '-', 'e', 'n', 'o', 'c', 'h', 'i', 'a', 'n'}: -4, // i-enochian + [maxLen]byte{'i', '-', 'm', 'i', 'n', 'g', 'o'}: -5, // i-mingo + [maxLen]byte{'z', 'h', '-', 'm', 'i', 'n'}: -6, // zh-min + + // CLDR-specific tag. + [maxLen]byte{'r', 'o', 'o', 't'}: 0, // root + [maxLen]byte{'e', 'n', '-', 'u', 's', '-', 'p', 'o', 's', 'i', 'x'}: -7, // en_US_POSIX" + } + + altTagIndex = [...]uint8{0, 17, 31, 45, 61, 74, 86, 102} + + altTags = "xtg-x-cel-gaulishen-GB-oxendicten-x-i-defaultund-x-i-enochiansee-x-i-mingonan-x-zh-minen-US-u-va-posix" +) + +func grandfathered(s [maxAltTaglen]byte) (t Tag, ok bool) { + if v, ok := grandfatheredMap[s]; ok { + if v < 0 { + return Make(altTags[altTagIndex[-v-1]:altTagIndex[-v]]), true + } + t.LangID = Language(v) + return t, true + } + return t, false +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/match.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/match.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75a2dbca --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/match.go @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package language + +import "errors" + +type scriptRegionFlags uint8 + +const ( + isList = 1 << iota + scriptInFrom + regionInFrom +) + +func (t *Tag) setUndefinedLang(id Language) { + if t.LangID == 0 { + t.LangID = id + } +} + +func (t *Tag) setUndefinedScript(id Script) { + if t.ScriptID == 0 { + t.ScriptID = id + } +} + +func (t *Tag) setUndefinedRegion(id Region) { + if t.RegionID == 0 || t.RegionID.Contains(id) { + t.RegionID = id + } +} + +// ErrMissingLikelyTagsData indicates no information was available +// to compute likely values of missing tags. +var ErrMissingLikelyTagsData = errors.New("missing likely tags data") + +// addLikelySubtags sets subtags to their most likely value, given the locale. +// In most cases this means setting fields for unknown values, but in some +// cases it may alter a value. It returns an ErrMissingLikelyTagsData error +// if the given locale cannot be expanded. +func (t Tag) addLikelySubtags() (Tag, error) { + id, err := addTags(t) + if err != nil { + return t, err + } else if id.equalTags(t) { + return t, nil + } + id.RemakeString() + return id, nil +} + +// specializeRegion attempts to specialize a group region. +func specializeRegion(t *Tag) bool { + if i := regionInclusion[t.RegionID]; i < nRegionGroups { + x := likelyRegionGroup[i] + if Language(x.lang) == t.LangID && Script(x.script) == t.ScriptID { + t.RegionID = Region(x.region) + } + return true + } + return false +} + +// Maximize returns a new tag with missing tags filled in. +func (t Tag) Maximize() (Tag, error) { + return addTags(t) +} + +func addTags(t Tag) (Tag, error) { + // We leave private use identifiers alone. + if t.IsPrivateUse() { + return t, nil + } + if t.ScriptID != 0 && t.RegionID != 0 { + if t.LangID != 0 { + // already fully specified + specializeRegion(&t) + return t, nil + } + // Search matches for und-script-region. Note that for these cases + // region will never be a group so there is no need to check for this. + list := likelyRegion[t.RegionID : t.RegionID+1] + if x := list[0]; x.flags&isList != 0 { + list = likelyRegionList[x.lang : x.lang+uint16(x.script)] + } + for _, x := range list { + // Deviating from the spec. See match_test.go for details. + if Script(x.script) == t.ScriptID { + t.setUndefinedLang(Language(x.lang)) + return t, nil + } + } + } + if t.LangID != 0 { + // Search matches for lang-script and lang-region, where lang != und. + if t.LangID < langNoIndexOffset { + x := likelyLang[t.LangID] + if x.flags&isList != 0 { + list := likelyLangList[x.region : x.region+uint16(x.script)] + if t.ScriptID != 0 { + for _, x := range list { + if Script(x.script) == t.ScriptID && x.flags&scriptInFrom != 0 { + t.setUndefinedRegion(Region(x.region)) + return t, nil + } + } + } else if t.RegionID != 0 { + count := 0 + goodScript := true + tt := t + for _, x := range list { + // We visit all entries for which the script was not + // defined, including the ones where the region was not + // defined. This allows for proper disambiguation within + // regions. + if x.flags&scriptInFrom == 0 && t.RegionID.Contains(Region(x.region)) { + tt.RegionID = Region(x.region) + tt.setUndefinedScript(Script(x.script)) + goodScript = goodScript && tt.ScriptID == Script(x.script) + count++ + } + } + if count == 1 { + return tt, nil + } + // Even if we fail to find a unique Region, we might have + // an unambiguous script. + if goodScript { + t.ScriptID = tt.ScriptID + } + } + } + } + } else { + // Search matches for und-script. + if t.ScriptID != 0 { + x := likelyScript[t.ScriptID] + if x.region != 0 { + t.setUndefinedRegion(Region(x.region)) + t.setUndefinedLang(Language(x.lang)) + return t, nil + } + } + // Search matches for und-region. If und-script-region exists, it would + // have been found earlier. + if t.RegionID != 0 { + if i := regionInclusion[t.RegionID]; i < nRegionGroups { + x := likelyRegionGroup[i] + if x.region != 0 { + t.setUndefinedLang(Language(x.lang)) + t.setUndefinedScript(Script(x.script)) + t.RegionID = Region(x.region) + } + } else { + x := likelyRegion[t.RegionID] + if x.flags&isList != 0 { + x = likelyRegionList[x.lang] + } + if x.script != 0 && x.flags != scriptInFrom { + t.setUndefinedLang(Language(x.lang)) + t.setUndefinedScript(Script(x.script)) + return t, nil + } + } + } + } + + // Search matches for lang. + if t.LangID < langNoIndexOffset { + x := likelyLang[t.LangID] + if x.flags&isList != 0 { + x = likelyLangList[x.region] + } + if x.region != 0 { + t.setUndefinedScript(Script(x.script)) + t.setUndefinedRegion(Region(x.region)) + } + specializeRegion(&t) + if t.LangID == 0 { + t.LangID = _en // default language + } + return t, nil + } + return t, ErrMissingLikelyTagsData +} + +func (t *Tag) setTagsFrom(id Tag) { + t.LangID = id.LangID + t.ScriptID = id.ScriptID + t.RegionID = id.RegionID +} + +// minimize removes the region or script subtags from t such that +// t.addLikelySubtags() == t.minimize().addLikelySubtags(). +func (t Tag) minimize() (Tag, error) { + t, err := minimizeTags(t) + if err != nil { + return t, err + } + t.RemakeString() + return t, nil +} + +// minimizeTags mimics the behavior of the ICU 51 C implementation. +func minimizeTags(t Tag) (Tag, error) { + if t.equalTags(Und) { + return t, nil + } + max, err := addTags(t) + if err != nil { + return t, err + } + for _, id := range [...]Tag{ + {LangID: t.LangID}, + {LangID: t.LangID, RegionID: t.RegionID}, + {LangID: t.LangID, ScriptID: t.ScriptID}, + } { + if x, err := addTags(id); err == nil && max.equalTags(x) { + t.setTagsFrom(id) + break + } + } + return t, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/parse.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/parse.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..47ee0fed --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/parse.go @@ -0,0 +1,604 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package language + +import ( + "bytes" + "errors" + "fmt" + "sort" + + "golang.org/x/text/internal/tag" +) + +// isAlpha returns true if the byte is not a digit. +// b must be an ASCII letter or digit. +func isAlpha(b byte) bool { + return b > '9' +} + +// isAlphaNum returns true if the string contains only ASCII letters or digits. +func isAlphaNum(s []byte) bool { + for _, c := range s { + if !('a' <= c && c <= 'z' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || '0' <= c && c <= '9') { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// ErrSyntax is returned by any of the parsing functions when the +// input is not well-formed, according to BCP 47. +// TODO: return the position at which the syntax error occurred? +var ErrSyntax = errors.New("language: tag is not well-formed") + +// ErrDuplicateKey is returned when a tag contains the same key twice with +// different values in the -u section. +var ErrDuplicateKey = errors.New("language: different values for same key in -u extension") + +// ValueError is returned by any of the parsing functions when the +// input is well-formed but the respective subtag is not recognized +// as a valid value. +type ValueError struct { + v [8]byte +} + +// NewValueError creates a new ValueError. +func NewValueError(tag []byte) ValueError { + var e ValueError + copy(e.v[:], tag) + return e +} + +func (e ValueError) tag() []byte { + n := bytes.IndexByte(e.v[:], 0) + if n == -1 { + n = 8 + } + return e.v[:n] +} + +// Error implements the error interface. +func (e ValueError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("language: subtag %q is well-formed but unknown", e.tag()) +} + +// Subtag returns the subtag for which the error occurred. +func (e ValueError) Subtag() string { + return string(e.tag()) +} + +// scanner is used to scan BCP 47 tokens, which are separated by _ or -. +type scanner struct { + b []byte + bytes [max99thPercentileSize]byte + token []byte + start int // start position of the current token + end int // end position of the current token + next int // next point for scan + err error + done bool +} + +func makeScannerString(s string) scanner { + scan := scanner{} + if len(s) <= len(scan.bytes) { + scan.b = scan.bytes[:copy(scan.bytes[:], s)] + } else { + scan.b = []byte(s) + } + scan.init() + return scan +} + +// makeScanner returns a scanner using b as the input buffer. +// b is not copied and may be modified by the scanner routines. +func makeScanner(b []byte) scanner { + scan := scanner{b: b} + scan.init() + return scan +} + +func (s *scanner) init() { + for i, c := range s.b { + if c == '_' { + s.b[i] = '-' + } + } + s.scan() +} + +// restToLower converts the string between start and end to lower case. +func (s *scanner) toLower(start, end int) { + for i := start; i < end; i++ { + c := s.b[i] + if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' { + s.b[i] += 'a' - 'A' + } + } +} + +func (s *scanner) setError(e error) { + if s.err == nil || (e == ErrSyntax && s.err != ErrSyntax) { + s.err = e + } +} + +// resizeRange shrinks or grows the array at position oldStart such that +// a new string of size newSize can fit between oldStart and oldEnd. +// Sets the scan point to after the resized range. +func (s *scanner) resizeRange(oldStart, oldEnd, newSize int) { + s.start = oldStart + if end := oldStart + newSize; end != oldEnd { + diff := end - oldEnd + var b []byte + if n := len(s.b) + diff; n > cap(s.b) { + b = make([]byte, n) + copy(b, s.b[:oldStart]) + } else { + b = s.b[:n] + } + copy(b[end:], s.b[oldEnd:]) + s.b = b + s.next = end + (s.next - s.end) + s.end = end + } +} + +// replace replaces the current token with repl. +func (s *scanner) replace(repl string) { + s.resizeRange(s.start, s.end, len(repl)) + copy(s.b[s.start:], repl) +} + +// gobble removes the current token from the input. +// Caller must call scan after calling gobble. +func (s *scanner) gobble(e error) { + s.setError(e) + if s.start == 0 { + s.b = s.b[:+copy(s.b, s.b[s.next:])] + s.end = 0 + } else { + s.b = s.b[:s.start-1+copy(s.b[s.start-1:], s.b[s.end:])] + s.end = s.start - 1 + } + s.next = s.start +} + +// deleteRange removes the given range from s.b before the current token. +func (s *scanner) deleteRange(start, end int) { + s.b = s.b[:start+copy(s.b[start:], s.b[end:])] + diff := end - start + s.next -= diff + s.start -= diff + s.end -= diff +} + +// scan parses the next token of a BCP 47 string. Tokens that are larger +// than 8 characters or include non-alphanumeric characters result in an error +// and are gobbled and removed from the output. +// It returns the end position of the last token consumed. +func (s *scanner) scan() (end int) { + end = s.end + s.token = nil + for s.start = s.next; s.next < len(s.b); { + i := bytes.IndexByte(s.b[s.next:], '-') + if i == -1 { + s.end = len(s.b) + s.next = len(s.b) + i = s.end - s.start + } else { + s.end = s.next + i + s.next = s.end + 1 + } + token := s.b[s.start:s.end] + if i < 1 || i > 8 || !isAlphaNum(token) { + s.gobble(ErrSyntax) + continue + } + s.token = token + return end + } + if n := len(s.b); n > 0 && s.b[n-1] == '-' { + s.setError(ErrSyntax) + s.b = s.b[:len(s.b)-1] + } + s.done = true + return end +} + +// acceptMinSize parses multiple tokens of the given size or greater. +// It returns the end position of the last token consumed. +func (s *scanner) acceptMinSize(min int) (end int) { + end = s.end + s.scan() + for ; len(s.token) >= min; s.scan() { + end = s.end + } + return end +} + +// Parse parses the given BCP 47 string and returns a valid Tag. If parsing +// failed it returns an error and any part of the tag that could be parsed. +// If parsing succeeded but an unknown value was found, it returns +// ValueError. The Tag returned in this case is just stripped of the unknown +// value. All other values are preserved. It accepts tags in the BCP 47 format +// and extensions to this standard defined in +// https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Unicode_Language_and_Locale_Identifiers. +func Parse(s string) (t Tag, err error) { + // TODO: consider supporting old-style locale key-value pairs. + if s == "" { + return Und, ErrSyntax + } + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + t = Und + err = ErrSyntax + return + } + }() + if len(s) <= maxAltTaglen { + b := [maxAltTaglen]byte{} + for i, c := range s { + // Generating invalid UTF-8 is okay as it won't match. + if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' { + c += 'a' - 'A' + } else if c == '_' { + c = '-' + } + b[i] = byte(c) + } + if t, ok := grandfathered(b); ok { + return t, nil + } + } + scan := makeScannerString(s) + return parse(&scan, s) +} + +func parse(scan *scanner, s string) (t Tag, err error) { + t = Und + var end int + if n := len(scan.token); n <= 1 { + scan.toLower(0, len(scan.b)) + if n == 0 || scan.token[0] != 'x' { + return t, ErrSyntax + } + end = parseExtensions(scan) + } else if n >= 4 { + return Und, ErrSyntax + } else { // the usual case + t, end = parseTag(scan) + if n := len(scan.token); n == 1 { + t.pExt = uint16(end) + end = parseExtensions(scan) + } else if end < len(scan.b) { + scan.setError(ErrSyntax) + scan.b = scan.b[:end] + } + } + if int(t.pVariant) < len(scan.b) { + if end < len(s) { + s = s[:end] + } + if len(s) > 0 && tag.Compare(s, scan.b) == 0 { + t.str = s + } else { + t.str = string(scan.b) + } + } else { + t.pVariant, t.pExt = 0, 0 + } + return t, scan.err +} + +// parseTag parses language, script, region and variants. +// It returns a Tag and the end position in the input that was parsed. +func parseTag(scan *scanner) (t Tag, end int) { + var e error + // TODO: set an error if an unknown lang, script or region is encountered. + t.LangID, e = getLangID(scan.token) + scan.setError(e) + scan.replace(t.LangID.String()) + langStart := scan.start + end = scan.scan() + for len(scan.token) == 3 && isAlpha(scan.token[0]) { + // From http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47, - tags are equivalent + // to a tag of the form . + lang, e := getLangID(scan.token) + if lang != 0 { + t.LangID = lang + copy(scan.b[langStart:], lang.String()) + scan.b[langStart+3] = '-' + scan.start = langStart + 4 + } + scan.gobble(e) + end = scan.scan() + } + if len(scan.token) == 4 && isAlpha(scan.token[0]) { + t.ScriptID, e = getScriptID(script, scan.token) + if t.ScriptID == 0 { + scan.gobble(e) + } + end = scan.scan() + } + if n := len(scan.token); n >= 2 && n <= 3 { + t.RegionID, e = getRegionID(scan.token) + if t.RegionID == 0 { + scan.gobble(e) + } else { + scan.replace(t.RegionID.String()) + } + end = scan.scan() + } + scan.toLower(scan.start, len(scan.b)) + t.pVariant = byte(end) + end = parseVariants(scan, end, t) + t.pExt = uint16(end) + return t, end +} + +var separator = []byte{'-'} + +// parseVariants scans tokens as long as each token is a valid variant string. +// Duplicate variants are removed. +func parseVariants(scan *scanner, end int, t Tag) int { + start := scan.start + varIDBuf := [4]uint8{} + variantBuf := [4][]byte{} + varID := varIDBuf[:0] + variant := variantBuf[:0] + last := -1 + needSort := false + for ; len(scan.token) >= 4; scan.scan() { + // TODO: measure the impact of needing this conversion and redesign + // the data structure if there is an issue. + v, ok := variantIndex[string(scan.token)] + if !ok { + // unknown variant + // TODO: allow user-defined variants? + scan.gobble(NewValueError(scan.token)) + continue + } + varID = append(varID, v) + variant = append(variant, scan.token) + if !needSort { + if last < int(v) { + last = int(v) + } else { + needSort = true + // There is no legal combinations of more than 7 variants + // (and this is by no means a useful sequence). + const maxVariants = 8 + if len(varID) > maxVariants { + break + } + } + } + end = scan.end + } + if needSort { + sort.Sort(variantsSort{varID, variant}) + k, l := 0, -1 + for i, v := range varID { + w := int(v) + if l == w { + // Remove duplicates. + continue + } + varID[k] = varID[i] + variant[k] = variant[i] + k++ + l = w + } + if str := bytes.Join(variant[:k], separator); len(str) == 0 { + end = start - 1 + } else { + scan.resizeRange(start, end, len(str)) + copy(scan.b[scan.start:], str) + end = scan.end + } + } + return end +} + +type variantsSort struct { + i []uint8 + v [][]byte +} + +func (s variantsSort) Len() int { + return len(s.i) +} + +func (s variantsSort) Swap(i, j int) { + s.i[i], s.i[j] = s.i[j], s.i[i] + s.v[i], s.v[j] = s.v[j], s.v[i] +} + +func (s variantsSort) Less(i, j int) bool { + return s.i[i] < s.i[j] +} + +type bytesSort struct { + b [][]byte + n int // first n bytes to compare +} + +func (b bytesSort) Len() int { + return len(b.b) +} + +func (b bytesSort) Swap(i, j int) { + b.b[i], b.b[j] = b.b[j], b.b[i] +} + +func (b bytesSort) Less(i, j int) bool { + for k := 0; k < b.n; k++ { + if b.b[i][k] == b.b[j][k] { + continue + } + return b.b[i][k] < b.b[j][k] + } + return false +} + +// parseExtensions parses and normalizes the extensions in the buffer. +// It returns the last position of scan.b that is part of any extension. +// It also trims scan.b to remove excess parts accordingly. +func parseExtensions(scan *scanner) int { + start := scan.start + exts := [][]byte{} + private := []byte{} + end := scan.end + for len(scan.token) == 1 { + extStart := scan.start + ext := scan.token[0] + end = parseExtension(scan) + extension := scan.b[extStart:end] + if len(extension) < 3 || (ext != 'x' && len(extension) < 4) { + scan.setError(ErrSyntax) + end = extStart + continue + } else if start == extStart && (ext == 'x' || scan.start == len(scan.b)) { + scan.b = scan.b[:end] + return end + } else if ext == 'x' { + private = extension + break + } + exts = append(exts, extension) + } + sort.Sort(bytesSort{exts, 1}) + if len(private) > 0 { + exts = append(exts, private) + } + scan.b = scan.b[:start] + if len(exts) > 0 { + scan.b = append(scan.b, bytes.Join(exts, separator)...) + } else if start > 0 { + // Strip trailing '-'. + scan.b = scan.b[:start-1] + } + return end +} + +// parseExtension parses a single extension and returns the position of +// the extension end. +func parseExtension(scan *scanner) int { + start, end := scan.start, scan.end + switch scan.token[0] { + case 'u': // https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6067.txt + attrStart := end + scan.scan() + for last := []byte{}; len(scan.token) > 2; scan.scan() { + if bytes.Compare(scan.token, last) != -1 { + // Attributes are unsorted. Start over from scratch. + p := attrStart + 1 + scan.next = p + attrs := [][]byte{} + for scan.scan(); len(scan.token) > 2; scan.scan() { + attrs = append(attrs, scan.token) + end = scan.end + } + sort.Sort(bytesSort{attrs, 3}) + copy(scan.b[p:], bytes.Join(attrs, separator)) + break + } + last = scan.token + end = scan.end + } + // Scan key-type sequences. A key is of length 2 and may be followed + // by 0 or more "type" subtags from 3 to the maximum of 8 letters. + var last, key []byte + for attrEnd := end; len(scan.token) == 2; last = key { + key = scan.token + end = scan.end + for scan.scan(); end < scan.end && len(scan.token) > 2; scan.scan() { + end = scan.end + } + // TODO: check key value validity + if bytes.Compare(key, last) != 1 || scan.err != nil { + // We have an invalid key or the keys are not sorted. + // Start scanning keys from scratch and reorder. + p := attrEnd + 1 + scan.next = p + keys := [][]byte{} + for scan.scan(); len(scan.token) == 2; { + keyStart := scan.start + end = scan.end + for scan.scan(); end < scan.end && len(scan.token) > 2; scan.scan() { + end = scan.end + } + keys = append(keys, scan.b[keyStart:end]) + } + sort.Stable(bytesSort{keys, 2}) + if n := len(keys); n > 0 { + k := 0 + for i := 1; i < n; i++ { + if !bytes.Equal(keys[k][:2], keys[i][:2]) { + k++ + keys[k] = keys[i] + } else if !bytes.Equal(keys[k], keys[i]) { + scan.setError(ErrDuplicateKey) + } + } + keys = keys[:k+1] + } + reordered := bytes.Join(keys, separator) + if e := p + len(reordered); e < end { + scan.deleteRange(e, end) + end = e + } + copy(scan.b[p:], reordered) + break + } + } + case 't': // https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6497.txt + scan.scan() + if n := len(scan.token); n >= 2 && n <= 3 && isAlpha(scan.token[1]) { + _, end = parseTag(scan) + scan.toLower(start, end) + } + for len(scan.token) == 2 && !isAlpha(scan.token[1]) { + end = scan.acceptMinSize(3) + } + case 'x': + end = scan.acceptMinSize(1) + default: + end = scan.acceptMinSize(2) + } + return end +} + +// getExtension returns the name, body and end position of the extension. +func getExtension(s string, p int) (end int, ext string) { + if s[p] == '-' { + p++ + } + if s[p] == 'x' { + return len(s), s[p:] + } + end = nextExtension(s, p) + return end, s[p:end] +} + +// nextExtension finds the next extension within the string, searching +// for the -- pattern from position p. +// In the fast majority of cases, language tags will have at most +// one extension and extensions tend to be small. +func nextExtension(s string, p int) int { + for n := len(s) - 3; p < n; { + if s[p] == '-' { + if s[p+2] == '-' { + return p + } + p += 3 + } else { + p++ + } + } + return len(s) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/tables.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/tables.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a19480c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/tables.go @@ -0,0 +1,3464 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +package language + +import "golang.org/x/text/internal/tag" + +// CLDRVersion is the CLDR version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const CLDRVersion = "32" + +const NumLanguages = 8717 + +const NumScripts = 251 + +const NumRegions = 357 + +type FromTo struct { + From uint16 + To uint16 +} + +const nonCanonicalUnd = 1201 +const ( + _af = 22 + _am = 39 + _ar = 58 + _az = 88 + _bg = 126 + _bn = 165 + _ca = 215 + _cs = 250 + _da = 257 + _de = 269 + _el = 310 + _en = 313 + _es = 318 + _et = 320 + _fa = 328 + _fi = 337 + _fil = 339 + _fr = 350 + _gu = 420 + _he = 444 + _hi = 446 + _hr = 465 + _hu = 469 + _hy = 471 + _id = 481 + _is = 504 + _it = 505 + _ja = 512 + _ka = 528 + _kk = 578 + _km = 586 + _kn = 593 + _ko = 596 + _ky = 650 + _lo = 696 + _lt = 704 + _lv = 711 + _mk = 767 + _ml = 772 + _mn = 779 + _mo = 784 + _mr = 795 + _ms = 799 + _mul = 806 + _my = 817 + _nb = 839 + _ne = 849 + _nl = 871 + _no = 879 + _pa = 925 + _pl = 947 + _pt = 960 + _ro = 988 + _ru = 994 + _sh = 1031 + _si = 1036 + _sk = 1042 + _sl = 1046 + _sq = 1073 + _sr = 1074 + _sv = 1092 + _sw = 1093 + _ta = 1104 + _te = 1121 + _th = 1131 + _tl = 1146 + _tn = 1152 + _tr = 1162 + _uk = 1198 + _ur = 1204 + _uz = 1212 + _vi = 1219 + _zh = 1321 + _zu = 1327 + _jbo = 515 + _ami = 1650 + _bnn = 2357 + _hak = 438 + _tlh = 14467 + _lb = 661 + _nv = 899 + _pwn = 12055 + _tao = 14188 + _tay = 14198 + _tsu = 14662 + _nn = 874 + _sfb = 13629 + _vgt = 15701 + _sgg = 13660 + _cmn = 3007 + _nan = 835 + _hsn = 467 +) + +const langPrivateStart = 0x2f72 + +const langPrivateEnd = 0x3179 + +// lang holds an alphabetically sorted list of ISO-639 language identifiers. +// All entries are 4 bytes. The index of the identifier (divided by 4) is the language tag. +// For 2-byte language identifiers, the two successive bytes have the following meaning: +// - if the first letter of the 2- and 3-letter ISO codes are the same: +// the second and third letter of the 3-letter ISO code. +// - otherwise: a 0 and a by 2 bits right-shifted index into altLangISO3. +// For 3-byte language identifiers the 4th byte is 0. +const lang tag.Index = "" + // Size: 5324 bytes + "---\x00aaaraai\x00aak\x00aau\x00abbkabi\x00abq\x00abr\x00abt\x00aby\x00a" + + "cd\x00ace\x00ach\x00ada\x00ade\x00adj\x00ady\x00adz\x00aeveaeb\x00aey" + + "\x00affragc\x00agd\x00agg\x00agm\x00ago\x00agq\x00aha\x00ahl\x00aho\x00a" + + "jg\x00akkaakk\x00ala\x00ali\x00aln\x00alt\x00ammhamm\x00amn\x00amo\x00am" + + "p\x00anrganc\x00ank\x00ann\x00any\x00aoj\x00aom\x00aoz\x00apc\x00apd\x00" + + "ape\x00apr\x00aps\x00apz\x00arraarc\x00arh\x00arn\x00aro\x00arq\x00ars" + + "\x00ary\x00arz\x00assmasa\x00ase\x00asg\x00aso\x00ast\x00ata\x00atg\x00a" + + "tj\x00auy\x00avvaavl\x00avn\x00avt\x00avu\x00awa\x00awb\x00awo\x00awx" + + "\x00ayymayb\x00azzebaakbal\x00ban\x00bap\x00bar\x00bas\x00bav\x00bax\x00" + + "bba\x00bbb\x00bbc\x00bbd\x00bbj\x00bbp\x00bbr\x00bcf\x00bch\x00bci\x00bc" + + "m\x00bcn\x00bco\x00bcq\x00bcu\x00bdd\x00beelbef\x00beh\x00bej\x00bem\x00" + + "bet\x00bew\x00bex\x00bez\x00bfd\x00bfq\x00bft\x00bfy\x00bgulbgc\x00bgn" + + "\x00bgx\x00bhihbhb\x00bhg\x00bhi\x00bhk\x00bhl\x00bho\x00bhy\x00biisbib" + + "\x00big\x00bik\x00bim\x00bin\x00bio\x00biq\x00bjh\x00bji\x00bjj\x00bjn" + + "\x00bjo\x00bjr\x00bjt\x00bjz\x00bkc\x00bkm\x00bkq\x00bku\x00bkv\x00blt" + + "\x00bmambmh\x00bmk\x00bmq\x00bmu\x00bnenbng\x00bnm\x00bnp\x00boodboj\x00" + + "bom\x00bon\x00bpy\x00bqc\x00bqi\x00bqp\x00bqv\x00brrebra\x00brh\x00brx" + + "\x00brz\x00bsosbsj\x00bsq\x00bss\x00bst\x00bto\x00btt\x00btv\x00bua\x00b" + + "uc\x00bud\x00bug\x00buk\x00bum\x00buo\x00bus\x00buu\x00bvb\x00bwd\x00bwr" + + "\x00bxh\x00bye\x00byn\x00byr\x00bys\x00byv\x00byx\x00bza\x00bze\x00bzf" + + "\x00bzh\x00bzw\x00caatcan\x00cbj\x00cch\x00ccp\x00ceheceb\x00cfa\x00cgg" + + "\x00chhachk\x00chm\x00cho\x00chp\x00chr\x00cja\x00cjm\x00cjv\x00ckb\x00c" + + "kl\x00cko\x00cky\x00cla\x00cme\x00cmg\x00cooscop\x00cps\x00crrecrh\x00cr" + + "j\x00crk\x00crl\x00crm\x00crs\x00csescsb\x00csw\x00ctd\x00cuhucvhvcyymda" + + "andad\x00daf\x00dag\x00dah\x00dak\x00dar\x00dav\x00dbd\x00dbq\x00dcc\x00" + + "ddn\x00deeuded\x00den\x00dga\x00dgh\x00dgi\x00dgl\x00dgr\x00dgz\x00dia" + + "\x00dje\x00dnj\x00dob\x00doi\x00dop\x00dow\x00dri\x00drs\x00dsb\x00dtm" + + "\x00dtp\x00dts\x00dty\x00dua\x00duc\x00dud\x00dug\x00dvivdva\x00dww\x00d" + + "yo\x00dyu\x00dzzodzg\x00ebu\x00eeweefi\x00egl\x00egy\x00eka\x00eky\x00el" + + "llema\x00emi\x00enngenn\x00enq\x00eopoeri\x00es\x00\x05esu\x00etstetr" + + "\x00ett\x00etu\x00etx\x00euusewo\x00ext\x00faasfaa\x00fab\x00fag\x00fai" + + "\x00fan\x00ffulffi\x00ffm\x00fiinfia\x00fil\x00fit\x00fjijflr\x00fmp\x00" + + "foaofod\x00fon\x00for\x00fpe\x00fqs\x00frrafrc\x00frp\x00frr\x00frs\x00f" + + "ub\x00fud\x00fue\x00fuf\x00fuh\x00fuq\x00fur\x00fuv\x00fuy\x00fvr\x00fyr" + + "ygalegaa\x00gaf\x00gag\x00gah\x00gaj\x00gam\x00gan\x00gaw\x00gay\x00gba" + + "\x00gbf\x00gbm\x00gby\x00gbz\x00gcr\x00gdlagde\x00gdn\x00gdr\x00geb\x00g" + + "ej\x00gel\x00gez\x00gfk\x00ggn\x00ghs\x00gil\x00gim\x00gjk\x00gjn\x00gju" + + "\x00gkn\x00gkp\x00gllgglk\x00gmm\x00gmv\x00gnrngnd\x00gng\x00god\x00gof" + + "\x00goi\x00gom\x00gon\x00gor\x00gos\x00got\x00grb\x00grc\x00grt\x00grw" + + "\x00gsw\x00guujgub\x00guc\x00gud\x00gur\x00guw\x00gux\x00guz\x00gvlvgvf" + + "\x00gvr\x00gvs\x00gwc\x00gwi\x00gwt\x00gyi\x00haauhag\x00hak\x00ham\x00h" + + "aw\x00haz\x00hbb\x00hdy\x00heebhhy\x00hiinhia\x00hif\x00hig\x00hih\x00hi" + + "l\x00hla\x00hlu\x00hmd\x00hmt\x00hnd\x00hne\x00hnj\x00hnn\x00hno\x00homo" + + "hoc\x00hoj\x00hot\x00hrrvhsb\x00hsn\x00htathuunhui\x00hyyehzerianaian" + + "\x00iar\x00iba\x00ibb\x00iby\x00ica\x00ich\x00idndidd\x00idi\x00idu\x00i" + + "eleife\x00igboigb\x00ige\x00iiiiijj\x00ikpkikk\x00ikt\x00ikw\x00ikx\x00i" + + "lo\x00imo\x00inndinh\x00iodoiou\x00iri\x00isslittaiukuiw\x00\x03iwm\x00i" + + "ws\x00izh\x00izi\x00japnjab\x00jam\x00jbo\x00jbu\x00jen\x00jgk\x00jgo" + + "\x00ji\x00\x06jib\x00jmc\x00jml\x00jra\x00jut\x00jvavjwavkaatkaa\x00kab" + + "\x00kac\x00kad\x00kai\x00kaj\x00kam\x00kao\x00kbd\x00kbm\x00kbp\x00kbq" + + "\x00kbx\x00kby\x00kcg\x00kck\x00kcl\x00kct\x00kde\x00kdh\x00kdl\x00kdt" + + "\x00kea\x00ken\x00kez\x00kfo\x00kfr\x00kfy\x00kgonkge\x00kgf\x00kgp\x00k" + + "ha\x00khb\x00khn\x00khq\x00khs\x00kht\x00khw\x00khz\x00kiikkij\x00kiu" + + "\x00kiw\x00kjuakjd\x00kjg\x00kjs\x00kjy\x00kkazkkc\x00kkj\x00klalkln\x00" + + "klq\x00klt\x00klx\x00kmhmkmb\x00kmh\x00kmo\x00kms\x00kmu\x00kmw\x00knank" + + "nf\x00knp\x00koorkoi\x00kok\x00kol\x00kos\x00koz\x00kpe\x00kpf\x00kpo" + + "\x00kpr\x00kpx\x00kqb\x00kqf\x00kqs\x00kqy\x00kraukrc\x00kri\x00krj\x00k" + + "rl\x00krs\x00kru\x00ksasksb\x00ksd\x00ksf\x00ksh\x00ksj\x00ksr\x00ktb" + + "\x00ktm\x00kto\x00kuurkub\x00kud\x00kue\x00kuj\x00kum\x00kun\x00kup\x00k" + + "us\x00kvomkvg\x00kvr\x00kvx\x00kw\x00\x01kwj\x00kwo\x00kxa\x00kxc\x00kxm" + + "\x00kxp\x00kxw\x00kxz\x00kyirkye\x00kyx\x00kzr\x00laatlab\x00lad\x00lag" + + "\x00lah\x00laj\x00las\x00lbtzlbe\x00lbu\x00lbw\x00lcm\x00lcp\x00ldb\x00l" + + "ed\x00lee\x00lem\x00lep\x00leq\x00leu\x00lez\x00lguglgg\x00liimlia\x00li" + + "d\x00lif\x00lig\x00lih\x00lij\x00lis\x00ljp\x00lki\x00lkt\x00lle\x00lln" + + "\x00lmn\x00lmo\x00lmp\x00lninlns\x00lnu\x00loaoloj\x00lok\x00lol\x00lor" + + "\x00los\x00loz\x00lrc\x00ltitltg\x00luublua\x00luo\x00luy\x00luz\x00lvav" + + "lwl\x00lzh\x00lzz\x00mad\x00maf\x00mag\x00mai\x00mak\x00man\x00mas\x00ma" + + "w\x00maz\x00mbh\x00mbo\x00mbq\x00mbu\x00mbw\x00mci\x00mcp\x00mcq\x00mcr" + + "\x00mcu\x00mda\x00mde\x00mdf\x00mdh\x00mdj\x00mdr\x00mdx\x00med\x00mee" + + "\x00mek\x00men\x00mer\x00met\x00meu\x00mfa\x00mfe\x00mfn\x00mfo\x00mfq" + + "\x00mglgmgh\x00mgl\x00mgo\x00mgp\x00mgy\x00mhahmhi\x00mhl\x00mirimif\x00" + + "min\x00mis\x00miw\x00mkkdmki\x00mkl\x00mkp\x00mkw\x00mlalmle\x00mlp\x00m" + + "ls\x00mmo\x00mmu\x00mmx\x00mnonmna\x00mnf\x00mni\x00mnw\x00moolmoa\x00mo" + + "e\x00moh\x00mos\x00mox\x00mpp\x00mps\x00mpt\x00mpx\x00mql\x00mrarmrd\x00" + + "mrj\x00mro\x00mssamtltmtc\x00mtf\x00mti\x00mtr\x00mua\x00mul\x00mur\x00m" + + "us\x00mva\x00mvn\x00mvy\x00mwk\x00mwr\x00mwv\x00mxc\x00mxm\x00myyamyk" + + "\x00mym\x00myv\x00myw\x00myx\x00myz\x00mzk\x00mzm\x00mzn\x00mzp\x00mzw" + + "\x00mzz\x00naaunac\x00naf\x00nah\x00nak\x00nan\x00nap\x00naq\x00nas\x00n" + + "bobnca\x00nce\x00ncf\x00nch\x00nco\x00ncu\x00nddendc\x00nds\x00neepneb" + + "\x00new\x00nex\x00nfr\x00ngdonga\x00ngb\x00ngl\x00nhb\x00nhe\x00nhw\x00n" + + "if\x00nii\x00nij\x00nin\x00niu\x00niy\x00niz\x00njo\x00nkg\x00nko\x00nll" + + "dnmg\x00nmz\x00nnnonnf\x00nnh\x00nnk\x00nnm\x00noornod\x00noe\x00non\x00" + + "nop\x00nou\x00nqo\x00nrblnrb\x00nsk\x00nsn\x00nso\x00nss\x00ntm\x00ntr" + + "\x00nui\x00nup\x00nus\x00nuv\x00nux\x00nvavnwb\x00nxq\x00nxr\x00nyyanym" + + "\x00nyn\x00nzi\x00occiogc\x00ojjiokr\x00okv\x00omrmong\x00onn\x00ons\x00" + + "opm\x00orrioro\x00oru\x00osssosa\x00ota\x00otk\x00ozm\x00paanpag\x00pal" + + "\x00pam\x00pap\x00pau\x00pbi\x00pcd\x00pcm\x00pdc\x00pdt\x00ped\x00peo" + + "\x00pex\x00pfl\x00phl\x00phn\x00pilipil\x00pip\x00pka\x00pko\x00plolpla" + + "\x00pms\x00png\x00pnn\x00pnt\x00pon\x00ppo\x00pra\x00prd\x00prg\x00psusp" + + "ss\x00ptorptp\x00puu\x00pwa\x00quuequc\x00qug\x00rai\x00raj\x00rao\x00rc" + + "f\x00rej\x00rel\x00res\x00rgn\x00rhg\x00ria\x00rif\x00rjs\x00rkt\x00rmoh" + + "rmf\x00rmo\x00rmt\x00rmu\x00rnunrna\x00rng\x00roonrob\x00rof\x00roo\x00r" + + "ro\x00rtm\x00ruusrue\x00rug\x00rw\x00\x04rwk\x00rwo\x00ryu\x00saansaf" + + "\x00sah\x00saq\x00sas\x00sat\x00sav\x00saz\x00sba\x00sbe\x00sbp\x00scrds" + + "ck\x00scl\x00scn\x00sco\x00scs\x00sdndsdc\x00sdh\x00semesef\x00seh\x00se" + + "i\x00ses\x00sgagsga\x00sgs\x00sgw\x00sgz\x00sh\x00\x02shi\x00shk\x00shn" + + "\x00shu\x00siinsid\x00sig\x00sil\x00sim\x00sjr\x00sklkskc\x00skr\x00sks" + + "\x00sllvsld\x00sli\x00sll\x00sly\x00smmosma\x00smi\x00smj\x00smn\x00smp" + + "\x00smq\x00sms\x00snnasnc\x00snk\x00snp\x00snx\x00sny\x00soomsok\x00soq" + + "\x00sou\x00soy\x00spd\x00spl\x00sps\x00sqqisrrpsrb\x00srn\x00srr\x00srx" + + "\x00ssswssd\x00ssg\x00ssy\x00stotstk\x00stq\x00suunsua\x00sue\x00suk\x00" + + "sur\x00sus\x00svweswwaswb\x00swc\x00swg\x00swp\x00swv\x00sxn\x00sxw\x00s" + + "yl\x00syr\x00szl\x00taamtaj\x00tal\x00tan\x00taq\x00tbc\x00tbd\x00tbf" + + "\x00tbg\x00tbo\x00tbw\x00tbz\x00tci\x00tcy\x00tdd\x00tdg\x00tdh\x00teelt" + + "ed\x00tem\x00teo\x00tet\x00tfi\x00tggktgc\x00tgo\x00tgu\x00thhathl\x00th" + + "q\x00thr\x00tiirtif\x00tig\x00tik\x00tim\x00tio\x00tiv\x00tkuktkl\x00tkr" + + "\x00tkt\x00tlgltlf\x00tlx\x00tly\x00tmh\x00tmy\x00tnsntnh\x00toontof\x00" + + "tog\x00toq\x00tpi\x00tpm\x00tpz\x00tqo\x00trurtru\x00trv\x00trw\x00tssot" + + "sd\x00tsf\x00tsg\x00tsj\x00tsw\x00ttatttd\x00tte\x00ttj\x00ttr\x00tts" + + "\x00ttt\x00tuh\x00tul\x00tum\x00tuq\x00tvd\x00tvl\x00tvu\x00twwitwh\x00t" + + "wq\x00txg\x00tyahtya\x00tyv\x00tzm\x00ubu\x00udm\x00ugiguga\x00ukkruli" + + "\x00umb\x00und\x00unr\x00unx\x00urrduri\x00urt\x00urw\x00usa\x00utr\x00u" + + "vh\x00uvl\x00uzzbvag\x00vai\x00van\x00veenvec\x00vep\x00viievic\x00viv" + + "\x00vls\x00vmf\x00vmw\x00voolvot\x00vro\x00vun\x00vut\x00walnwae\x00waj" + + "\x00wal\x00wan\x00war\x00wbp\x00wbq\x00wbr\x00wci\x00wer\x00wgi\x00whg" + + "\x00wib\x00wiu\x00wiv\x00wja\x00wji\x00wls\x00wmo\x00wnc\x00wni\x00wnu" + + "\x00woolwob\x00wos\x00wrs\x00wsk\x00wtm\x00wuu\x00wuv\x00wwa\x00xav\x00x" + + "bi\x00xcr\x00xes\x00xhhoxla\x00xlc\x00xld\x00xmf\x00xmn\x00xmr\x00xna" + + "\x00xnr\x00xog\x00xon\x00xpr\x00xrb\x00xsa\x00xsi\x00xsm\x00xsr\x00xwe" + + "\x00yam\x00yao\x00yap\x00yas\x00yat\x00yav\x00yay\x00yaz\x00yba\x00ybb" + + "\x00yby\x00yer\x00ygr\x00ygw\x00yiidyko\x00yle\x00ylg\x00yll\x00yml\x00y" + + "ooryon\x00yrb\x00yre\x00yrl\x00yss\x00yua\x00yue\x00yuj\x00yut\x00yuw" + + "\x00zahazag\x00zbl\x00zdj\x00zea\x00zgh\x00zhhozhx\x00zia\x00zlm\x00zmi" + + "\x00zne\x00zuulzxx\x00zza\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff" + +const langNoIndexOffset = 1330 + +// langNoIndex is a bit vector of all 3-letter language codes that are not used as an index +// in lookup tables. The language ids for these language codes are derived directly +// from the letters and are not consecutive. +// Size: 2197 bytes, 2197 elements +var langNoIndex = [2197]uint8{ + // Entry 0 - 3F + 0xff, 0xf8, 0xed, 0xfe, 0xeb, 0xd3, 0x3b, 0xd2, + 0xfb, 0xbf, 0x7a, 0xfa, 0x37, 0x1d, 0x3c, 0x57, + 0x6e, 0x97, 0x73, 0x38, 0xfb, 0xea, 0xbf, 0x70, + 0xad, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xcf, 0x05, 0x84, 0x62, + 0xe9, 0xbf, 0xfd, 0xbf, 0xbf, 0xf7, 0xfd, 0x77, + 0x0f, 0xff, 0xef, 0x6f, 0xff, 0xfb, 0xdf, 0xe2, + 0xc9, 0xf8, 0x7f, 0x7e, 0x4d, 0xb8, 0x0a, 0x6a, + 0x7c, 0xea, 0xe3, 0xfa, 0x7a, 0xbf, 0x67, 0xff, + // Entry 40 - 7F + 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xdf, 0x2a, 0x54, 0x91, 0xc0, + 0x5d, 0xe3, 0x97, 0x14, 0x07, 0x20, 0xdd, 0xed, + 0x9f, 0x3f, 0xc9, 0x21, 0xf8, 0x3f, 0x94, 0x35, + 0x7c, 0x5f, 0xff, 0x5f, 0x8e, 0x6e, 0xdf, 0xff, + 0xff, 0xff, 0x55, 0x7c, 0xd3, 0xfd, 0xbf, 0xb5, + 0x7b, 0xdf, 0x7f, 0xf7, 0xca, 0xfe, 0xdb, 0xa3, + 0xa8, 0xff, 0x1f, 0x67, 0x7d, 0xeb, 0xef, 0xce, + 0xff, 0xff, 0x9f, 0xff, 0xb7, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xcf, + // Entry 80 - BF + 0xdb, 0xff, 0xf3, 0xcd, 0xfb, 0x2f, 0xff, 0xff, + 0xbb, 0xee, 0xf7, 0xbd, 0xdb, 0xff, 0x5f, 0xf7, + 0xfd, 0xf2, 0xfd, 0xff, 0x5e, 0x2f, 0x3b, 0xba, + 0x7e, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfe, 0xf7, 0xff, 0xdd, 0xff, + 0xfd, 0xdf, 0xfb, 0xfe, 0x9d, 0xb4, 0xd3, 0xff, + 0xef, 0xff, 0xdf, 0xf7, 0x7f, 0xb7, 0xfd, 0xd5, + 0xa5, 0x77, 0x40, 0xff, 0x9c, 0xc1, 0x41, 0x2c, + 0x08, 0x21, 0x41, 0x00, 0x50, 0x40, 0x00, 0x80, + // Entry C0 - FF + 0xfb, 0x4a, 0xf2, 0x9f, 0xb4, 0x42, 0x41, 0x96, + 0x1b, 0x14, 0x08, 0xf3, 0x2b, 0xe7, 0x17, 0x56, + 0x05, 0x7d, 0x0e, 0x1c, 0x37, 0x7b, 0xf3, 0xef, + 0x97, 0xff, 0x5d, 0x38, 0x64, 0x08, 0x00, 0x10, + 0xbc, 0x85, 0xaf, 0xdf, 0xff, 0xff, 0x73, 0x35, + 0x3e, 0x87, 0xc7, 0xdf, 0xff, 0x01, 0x81, 0x00, + 0xb0, 0x05, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, + 0x40, 0x00, 0x40, 0x92, 0x21, 0x50, 0xb1, 0x5d, + // Entry 100 - 13F + 0xfd, 0xdc, 0xbe, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x64, + 0x0d, 0x19, 0x41, 0xdf, 0x79, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x5e, 0x64, 0xdc, 0x24, 0xe5, 0xd9, 0xe3, + 0xfe, 0xff, 0xfd, 0xcb, 0x9f, 0x14, 0x01, 0x0c, + 0x86, 0x00, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xf0, 0xc7, 0x67, 0x5f, + 0x56, 0x99, 0x5e, 0xb5, 0x6c, 0xaf, 0x03, 0x00, + 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x37, 0xda, 0x56, + 0x90, 0x69, 0x01, 0x2c, 0x96, 0x69, 0x20, 0xfb, + // Entry 140 - 17F + 0xff, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x16, + 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0x14, 0x03, 0x50, 0x06, + 0x0a, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x11, 0x09, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x44, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x04, + 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x80, 0x28, 0x04, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0xd5, 0x2d, 0x00, 0x64, 0x35, + 0x24, 0x52, 0xf4, 0xd4, 0xbd, 0x62, 0xc9, 0x03, + // Entry 180 - 1BF + 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x04, 0x13, 0x39, 0x01, 0xdd, 0x57, 0x98, + 0x21, 0x18, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x40, 0x82, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x01, 0x40, 0x00, 0x44, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xea, + 0xa9, 0x39, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 1C0 - 1FF + 0x00, 0x03, 0x28, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x04, 0x20, 0x04, 0xa6, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x81, 0x50, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x84, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x55, + 0x02, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, + 0x30, 0x83, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1e, 0xcd, 0xbf, 0x7a, 0xbf, + // Entry 200 - 23F + 0xdf, 0xc3, 0x83, 0x82, 0xc0, 0xfb, 0x57, 0x27, + 0xed, 0x55, 0xe7, 0x01, 0x00, 0x20, 0xb2, 0xc5, + 0xa4, 0x45, 0x25, 0x9b, 0x02, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xdf, + 0x03, 0x44, 0x08, 0x90, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0xe3, + 0x92, 0x54, 0xdb, 0x28, 0xd3, 0x5f, 0xfe, 0x6d, + 0x79, 0xed, 0x1c, 0x7d, 0x04, 0x08, 0x00, 0x01, + 0x21, 0x12, 0x64, 0x5f, 0xdd, 0x0e, 0x85, 0x4f, + 0x40, 0x40, 0x00, 0x04, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0x3d, 0x54, + // Entry 240 - 27F + 0xe8, 0x03, 0xb4, 0x27, 0x23, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x20, 0x7b, 0x78, 0x02, 0x05, 0x84, 0x00, 0xf0, + 0xbb, 0x7e, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x18, 0x04, 0x81, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x10, 0x90, 0x1c, 0x01, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x40, 0x00, 0x04, + 0x08, 0xa0, 0x70, 0xa5, 0x0c, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x11, 0x24, 0x04, 0x68, 0x00, 0x20, 0x70, 0xff, + 0x7b, 0x7f, 0x70, 0x00, 0x05, 0x9b, 0xdd, 0x66, + // Entry 280 - 2BF + 0x03, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x05, + 0xb5, 0xb6, 0x80, 0x08, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x51, + 0xe2, 0xef, 0xfd, 0x3f, 0x05, 0x09, 0x08, 0x05, + 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0x60, + 0xe7, 0x48, 0x00, 0x81, 0x20, 0xc0, 0x05, 0x80, + 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x50, 0x40, 0x04, + 0x84, 0x47, 0x84, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x00, 0x20, + // Entry 2C0 - 2FF + 0x02, 0x50, 0x80, 0x11, 0x00, 0x91, 0x6c, 0xe2, + 0x50, 0x27, 0x1d, 0x11, 0x29, 0x06, 0x59, 0xe9, + 0x33, 0x08, 0x00, 0x20, 0x04, 0x40, 0x10, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x44, 0x92, 0x49, 0xd6, 0x5d, + 0xa7, 0x81, 0x47, 0x97, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, + 0x08, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x40, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, + 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x40, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, + 0xd8, 0xeb, 0xf6, 0x39, 0xc4, 0x89, 0x12, 0x00, + // Entry 300 - 33F + 0x00, 0x0c, 0x04, 0x01, 0x20, 0x20, 0xdd, 0xa0, + 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x12, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x04, 0x10, 0xd0, 0x9d, 0x95, 0x13, 0x04, 0x80, + 0x00, 0x01, 0xd0, 0x12, 0x40, 0x00, 0x10, 0xb0, + 0x10, 0x62, 0x4c, 0xd2, 0x02, 0x01, 0x4a, 0x00, + 0x46, 0x04, 0x00, 0x08, 0x02, 0x00, 0x20, 0x80, + 0x00, 0x80, 0x06, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0xf0, 0xd8, 0x6f, 0x15, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, + // Entry 340 - 37F + 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x01, + 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x84, 0xe3, + 0xdd, 0xbf, 0xf9, 0xf9, 0x3b, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0xdb, + 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xfe, 0xdf, 0xff, 0xfd, 0xff, 0xf6, + 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xf7, 0x1f, 0xff, 0xb3, 0x6c, 0xff, + 0xd9, 0xad, 0xdf, 0xfe, 0xef, 0xba, 0xdf, 0xff, + 0xff, 0xff, 0xb7, 0xdd, 0x7d, 0xbf, 0xab, 0x7f, + 0xfd, 0xfd, 0xdf, 0x2f, 0x9c, 0xdf, 0xf3, 0x6f, + // Entry 380 - 3BF + 0xdf, 0xdd, 0xff, 0xfb, 0xee, 0xd2, 0xab, 0x5f, + 0xd5, 0xdf, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xeb, 0xff, 0xe4, 0x4d, + 0xf9, 0xff, 0xfe, 0xf7, 0xfd, 0xdf, 0xfb, 0xbf, + 0xee, 0xdb, 0x6f, 0xef, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, + 0xf7, 0x5f, 0xd3, 0x3b, 0xfd, 0xd9, 0xdf, 0xeb, + 0xbc, 0x08, 0x05, 0x24, 0xff, 0x07, 0x70, 0xfe, + 0xe6, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x83, 0x3d, 0x1b, + 0x06, 0xe6, 0x72, 0x60, 0xd1, 0x3c, 0x7f, 0x44, + // Entry 3C0 - 3FF + 0x02, 0x30, 0x9f, 0x7a, 0x16, 0xbd, 0x7f, 0x57, + 0xf2, 0xff, 0x31, 0xff, 0xf2, 0x1e, 0x90, 0xf7, + 0xf1, 0xf9, 0x45, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x40, 0x54, 0x9f, 0x8a, 0xd9, 0xf9, 0x2e, 0x11, + 0x86, 0x51, 0xc0, 0xf3, 0xfb, 0x47, 0x40, 0x01, + 0x05, 0xd1, 0x50, 0x5c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, + 0x04, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x17, 0xd2, + 0xb9, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xba, 0xfe, 0xef, 0xc7, 0xbe, + // Entry 400 - 43F + 0x53, 0x6f, 0xdf, 0xe7, 0xdb, 0x65, 0xbb, 0x7f, + 0xfa, 0xff, 0x77, 0xf3, 0xef, 0xbf, 0xfd, 0xf7, + 0xdf, 0xdf, 0x9b, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x6f, + 0xf7, 0xfb, 0xeb, 0xdf, 0xbc, 0xff, 0xbf, 0x6b, + 0x7b, 0xfb, 0xff, 0xce, 0x76, 0xbd, 0xf7, 0xf7, + 0xdf, 0xdc, 0xf7, 0xf7, 0xff, 0xdf, 0xf3, 0xfe, + 0xef, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xb6, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0xde, + 0xf7, 0xb9, 0xeb, 0x77, 0xff, 0xfb, 0xbf, 0xdf, + // Entry 440 - 47F + 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xfb, 0xff, 0xfe, 0xeb, 0x1f, 0x7d, + 0x2f, 0xfd, 0xb6, 0xb5, 0xa5, 0xfc, 0xff, 0xfd, + 0x7f, 0x4e, 0xbf, 0x8f, 0xae, 0xff, 0xee, 0xdf, + 0x7f, 0xf7, 0x73, 0x02, 0x02, 0x04, 0xfc, 0xf7, + 0xff, 0xb7, 0xd7, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0xf5, 0xce, + 0xe2, 0x8e, 0xe7, 0xbf, 0xb7, 0xff, 0x56, 0xfd, + 0xcd, 0xff, 0xfb, 0xff, 0xdf, 0xd7, 0xea, 0xff, + 0xe5, 0x5f, 0x6d, 0x0f, 0xa7, 0x51, 0x06, 0xc4, + // Entry 480 - 4BF + 0x13, 0x50, 0x5d, 0xaf, 0xa6, 0xff, 0x99, 0xfb, + 0x63, 0x1d, 0x53, 0xff, 0xef, 0xb7, 0x35, 0x20, + 0x14, 0x00, 0x55, 0x51, 0x82, 0x65, 0xf5, 0x41, + 0xe2, 0xff, 0xfc, 0xdf, 0x02, 0x05, 0xc5, 0x05, + 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, 0x74, 0x69, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, + 0x41, 0x00, 0x01, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x51, 0x20, 0x05, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x06, 0x01, 0x20, 0x00, 0x18, 0x01, 0x92, 0xb1, + // Entry 4C0 - 4FF + 0xfd, 0x47, 0x49, 0x06, 0x95, 0x06, 0x57, 0xed, + 0xfb, 0x4c, 0x1c, 0x6b, 0x83, 0x04, 0x62, 0x40, + 0x00, 0x11, 0x42, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x54, 0x83, + 0xb8, 0x4f, 0x10, 0x8c, 0x89, 0x46, 0xde, 0xf7, + 0x13, 0x31, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x90, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x10, 0x00, + 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x5b, 0xf4, 0xbe, 0x3d, + 0xbe, 0xcf, 0xf7, 0xaf, 0x42, 0x04, 0x84, 0x41, + // Entry 500 - 53F + 0x30, 0xff, 0x79, 0x72, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49, + 0x2d, 0x14, 0x27, 0x57, 0xed, 0xf1, 0x3f, 0xe7, + 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xc6, 0xa0, 0x1e, 0xf8, + 0xbb, 0xff, 0xfd, 0xfb, 0xb7, 0xfd, 0xe7, 0xf7, + 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xd5, 0xed, 0x47, 0xf4, 0x7e, 0x10, + 0x01, 0x01, 0x84, 0x6d, 0xff, 0xf7, 0xdd, 0xf9, + 0x5b, 0x05, 0x86, 0xed, 0xf5, 0x77, 0xbd, 0x3c, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x42, 0x71, 0x42, 0x00, 0x40, + // Entry 540 - 57F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x43, 0x19, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, + 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, + 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, + 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, + 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, + 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, + 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, + 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, + // Entry 580 - 5BF + 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, + 0xff, 0xab, 0xbd, 0xe7, 0x57, 0xee, 0x13, 0x5d, + 0x09, 0xc1, 0x40, 0x21, 0xfa, 0x17, 0x01, 0x80, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0xce, 0xfb, 0xbf, + 0x00, 0x23, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x30, 0x15, 0xa3, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x11, 0x04, 0x16, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x81, + 0xa3, 0x01, 0x50, 0x00, 0x00, 0x83, 0x11, 0x40, + // Entry 5C0 - 5FF + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0xdd, 0x7b, 0x3e, 0x02, + 0xaa, 0x10, 0x5d, 0x98, 0x52, 0x00, 0x80, 0x20, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, + 0x19, 0x00, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0x61, 0x5a, 0x9d, + 0x31, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x02, 0x20, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x42, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x1f, 0xdf, 0xd2, 0xb9, 0xff, 0xfd, 0x3f, + 0x1f, 0x98, 0xcf, 0x9c, 0xff, 0xaf, 0x5f, 0xfe, + // Entry 600 - 63F + 0x7b, 0x4b, 0x40, 0x10, 0xe1, 0xfd, 0xaf, 0xd9, + 0xb7, 0xf6, 0xfb, 0xb3, 0xc7, 0xff, 0x6f, 0xf1, + 0x73, 0xb1, 0x7f, 0x9f, 0x7f, 0xbd, 0xfc, 0xb7, + 0xee, 0x1c, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0xef, 0xdd, 0xf9, 0xbd, + 0x6e, 0xae, 0x55, 0xfd, 0x6e, 0x81, 0x76, 0x1f, + 0xd4, 0x77, 0xf5, 0x7d, 0xfb, 0xff, 0xeb, 0xfe, + 0xbe, 0x5f, 0x46, 0x1b, 0xe9, 0x5f, 0x50, 0x18, + 0x02, 0xfa, 0xf7, 0x9d, 0x15, 0x97, 0x05, 0x0f, + // Entry 640 - 67F + 0x75, 0xc4, 0x7d, 0x81, 0x92, 0xf5, 0x57, 0x6c, + 0xff, 0xe4, 0xef, 0x6f, 0xff, 0xfc, 0xdd, 0xde, + 0xfc, 0xfd, 0x76, 0x5f, 0x7a, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x98, + 0x02, 0xfb, 0xa3, 0xef, 0xf3, 0xd6, 0xf2, 0xff, + 0xb9, 0xda, 0x7d, 0xd0, 0x3e, 0x15, 0x7b, 0xb4, + 0xf5, 0x3e, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf1, 0xf7, 0xff, 0xe7, + 0x5f, 0xff, 0xff, 0x9e, 0xdb, 0xf6, 0xd7, 0xb9, + 0xef, 0x27, 0x80, 0xbb, 0xc5, 0xff, 0xff, 0xe3, + // Entry 680 - 6BF + 0x97, 0x9d, 0xbf, 0x9f, 0xf7, 0xc7, 0xfd, 0x37, + 0xce, 0x7f, 0x04, 0x1d, 0x73, 0x7f, 0xf8, 0xda, + 0x5d, 0xce, 0x7d, 0x06, 0xb9, 0xea, 0x69, 0xa0, + 0x1a, 0x20, 0x00, 0x30, 0x02, 0x04, 0x24, 0x08, + 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0xd4, 0x02, 0x04, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x20, 0x01, 0x06, + 0x50, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x24, 0x00, + 0x04, 0x00, 0x10, 0xdc, 0x58, 0xd7, 0x0d, 0x0f, + // Entry 6C0 - 6FF + 0x14, 0x4d, 0xf1, 0x16, 0x44, 0xd1, 0x42, 0x08, + 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0xdc, 0xfb, 0xcb, 0x0e, 0x58, 0x48, 0x41, + 0x24, 0x20, 0x04, 0x00, 0x30, 0x12, 0x40, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x10, 0x10, 0xab, + 0x6d, 0x93, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 700 - 73F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x80, 0x86, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, + 0xdf, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xf0, 0xfd, 0x79, + 0x3b, 0x00, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x03, 0x00, 0x09, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 740 - 77F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xef, 0xd5, 0xfd, 0xcf, 0x7e, + 0xb0, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x92, 0x01, 0x44, + 0xcd, 0xf9, 0x5c, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x30, 0x04, + 0x04, 0x55, 0x00, 0x01, 0x04, 0xf4, 0x3f, 0x4a, + 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0x80, 0x20, 0x55, 0x75, + 0x97, 0x7c, 0x9f, 0x31, 0xcc, 0x68, 0xd1, 0x03, + 0xd5, 0x57, 0x27, 0x14, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x2c, 0xf7, 0xcb, 0x1f, 0x14, 0x60, + // Entry 780 - 7BF + 0x03, 0x68, 0x01, 0x10, 0x8b, 0x38, 0x8a, 0x01, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x24, 0x44, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x10, 0x03, 0x11, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, + 0xf5, 0xff, 0xd5, 0x97, 0xbc, 0x70, 0xd6, 0x78, + 0x78, 0x15, 0x50, 0x01, 0xa4, 0x84, 0xa9, 0x41, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6b, 0x39, 0x52, 0x74, 0x00, + 0xe8, 0x30, 0x90, 0x6a, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, + 0xff, 0xef, 0xff, 0x4b, 0x85, 0x53, 0xf4, 0xed, + // Entry 7C0 - 7FF + 0xdd, 0xbf, 0x72, 0x1d, 0xc7, 0x0c, 0xd5, 0x42, + 0xfc, 0xff, 0xf7, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x56, + 0xcc, 0x16, 0x9e, 0xea, 0x35, 0x7d, 0xef, 0xff, + 0xbd, 0xa4, 0xaf, 0x01, 0x44, 0x18, 0x01, 0x4d, + 0x4e, 0x4a, 0x08, 0x50, 0x28, 0x30, 0xe0, 0x80, + 0x10, 0x20, 0x24, 0x00, 0xff, 0x2f, 0xd3, 0x60, + 0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x88, 0x0a, 0x40, 0x16, 0x01, + 0x01, 0x15, 0x2b, 0x3c, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, + // Entry 800 - 83F + 0x90, 0x49, 0x41, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0xe1, 0xbf, + 0xbf, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0xd4, 0xa3, 0xd1, + 0x40, 0x9c, 0x44, 0xdf, 0xf5, 0x8f, 0x66, 0xb3, + 0x55, 0x20, 0xd4, 0xc1, 0xd8, 0x30, 0x3d, 0x80, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0xd4, 0x11, 0xc5, 0x84, + 0x2e, 0x50, 0x00, 0x22, 0x50, 0x6e, 0xbd, 0x93, + 0x07, 0x00, 0x20, 0x10, 0x84, 0xb2, 0x45, 0x10, + 0x06, 0x44, 0x00, 0x00, 0x12, 0x02, 0x11, 0x00, + // Entry 840 - 87F + 0xf0, 0xfb, 0xfd, 0x7f, 0x05, 0x00, 0x12, 0x81, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x02, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x30, 0x02, 0x28, + 0x84, 0x00, 0x21, 0xc0, 0x23, 0x24, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0xcb, 0xe4, 0x3a, 0x42, 0x88, 0x14, 0xf1, + 0xef, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x12, 0x01, 0x01, 0x84, 0x50, + 0x07, 0xfc, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0x01, 0x00, 0x40, + 0x10, 0x38, 0x01, 0x01, 0x1c, 0x12, 0x40, 0xe1, + // Entry 880 - 8BF + 0x76, 0x16, 0x08, 0x03, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x24, + 0x0a, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, +} + +// altLangISO3 holds an alphabetically sorted list of 3-letter language code alternatives +// to 2-letter language codes that cannot be derived using the method described above. +// Each 3-letter code is followed by its 1-byte langID. +const altLangISO3 tag.Index = "---\x00cor\x00hbs\x01heb\x02kin\x03spa\x04yid\x05\xff\xff\xff\xff" + +// altLangIndex is used to convert indexes in altLangISO3 to langIDs. +// Size: 12 bytes, 6 elements +var altLangIndex = [6]uint16{ + 0x0281, 0x0407, 0x01fb, 0x03e5, 0x013e, 0x0208, +} + +// AliasMap maps langIDs to their suggested replacements. +// Size: 704 bytes, 176 elements +var AliasMap = [176]FromTo{ + 0: {From: 0x82, To: 0x88}, + 1: {From: 0x187, To: 0x1ae}, + 2: {From: 0x1f3, To: 0x1e1}, + 3: {From: 0x1fb, To: 0x1bc}, + 4: {From: 0x208, To: 0x512}, + 5: {From: 0x20f, To: 0x20e}, + 6: {From: 0x310, To: 0x3dc}, + 7: {From: 0x347, To: 0x36f}, + 8: {From: 0x407, To: 0x432}, + 9: {From: 0x47a, To: 0x153}, + 10: {From: 0x490, To: 0x451}, + 11: {From: 0x4a2, To: 0x21}, + 12: {From: 0x53e, To: 0x544}, + 13: {From: 0x58f, To: 0x12d}, + 14: {From: 0x630, To: 0x1eb1}, + 15: {From: 0x651, To: 0x431}, + 16: {From: 0x662, To: 0x431}, + 17: {From: 0x6ed, To: 0x3a}, + 18: {From: 0x6f8, To: 0x1d7}, + 19: {From: 0x709, To: 0x3625}, + 20: {From: 0x73e, To: 0x21a1}, + 21: {From: 0x7b3, To: 0x56}, + 22: {From: 0x7b9, To: 0x299b}, + 23: {From: 0x7c5, To: 0x58}, + 24: {From: 0x7e6, To: 0x145}, + 25: {From: 0x80c, To: 0x5a}, + 26: {From: 0x815, To: 0x8d}, + 27: {From: 0x87e, To: 0x810}, + 28: {From: 0x8c3, To: 0xee3}, + 29: {From: 0x9ef, To: 0x331}, + 30: {From: 0xa36, To: 0x2c5}, + 31: {From: 0xa3d, To: 0xbf}, + 32: {From: 0xabe, To: 0x3322}, + 33: {From: 0xb38, To: 0x529}, + 34: {From: 0xb75, To: 0x265a}, + 35: {From: 0xb7e, To: 0xbc3}, + 36: {From: 0xb9b, To: 0x44e}, + 37: {From: 0xbbc, To: 0x4229}, + 38: {From: 0xbbf, To: 0x529}, + 39: {From: 0xbfe, To: 0x2da7}, + 40: {From: 0xc2e, To: 0x3181}, + 41: {From: 0xcb9, To: 0xf3}, + 42: {From: 0xd08, To: 0xfa}, + 43: {From: 0xdc8, To: 0x11a}, + 44: {From: 0xdd7, To: 0x32d}, + 45: {From: 0xdf8, To: 0xdfb}, + 46: {From: 0xdfe, To: 0x531}, + 47: {From: 0xe01, To: 0xdf3}, + 48: {From: 0xedf, To: 0x205a}, + 49: {From: 0xee9, To: 0x222e}, + 50: {From: 0xeee, To: 0x2e9a}, + 51: {From: 0xf39, To: 0x367}, + 52: {From: 0x10d0, To: 0x140}, + 53: {From: 0x1104, To: 0x2d0}, + 54: {From: 0x11a0, To: 0x1ec}, + 55: {From: 0x1279, To: 0x21}, + 56: {From: 0x1424, To: 0x15e}, + 57: {From: 0x1470, To: 0x14e}, + 58: {From: 0x151f, To: 0xd9b}, + 59: {From: 0x1523, To: 0x390}, + 60: {From: 0x1532, To: 0x19f}, + 61: {From: 0x1580, To: 0x210}, + 62: {From: 0x1583, To: 0x10d}, + 63: {From: 0x15a3, To: 0x3caf}, + 64: {From: 0x1630, To: 0x222e}, + 65: {From: 0x166a, To: 0x19b}, + 66: {From: 0x16c8, To: 0x136}, + 67: {From: 0x1700, To: 0x29f8}, + 68: {From: 0x1718, To: 0x194}, + 69: {From: 0x1727, To: 0xf3f}, + 70: {From: 0x177a, To: 0x178}, + 71: {From: 0x1809, To: 0x17b6}, + 72: {From: 0x1816, To: 0x18f3}, + 73: {From: 0x188a, To: 0x436}, + 74: {From: 0x1979, To: 0x1d01}, + 75: {From: 0x1a74, To: 0x2bb0}, + 76: {From: 0x1a8a, To: 0x1f8}, + 77: {From: 0x1b5a, To: 0x1fa}, + 78: {From: 0x1b86, To: 0x1515}, + 79: {From: 0x1d64, To: 0x2c9b}, + 80: {From: 0x2038, To: 0x37b1}, + 81: {From: 0x203d, To: 0x20dd}, + 82: {From: 0x205a, To: 0x30b}, + 83: {From: 0x20e3, To: 0x274}, + 84: {From: 0x20ee, To: 0x263}, + 85: {From: 0x20f2, To: 0x22d}, + 86: {From: 0x20f9, To: 0x256}, + 87: {From: 0x210f, To: 0x21eb}, + 88: {From: 0x2135, To: 0x27d}, + 89: {From: 0x2160, To: 0x913}, + 90: {From: 0x2199, To: 0x121}, + 91: {From: 0x21ce, To: 0x1561}, + 92: {From: 0x21e6, To: 0x504}, + 93: {From: 0x21f4, To: 0x49f}, + 94: {From: 0x21fb, To: 0x269}, + 95: {From: 0x222d, To: 0x121}, + 96: {From: 0x2237, To: 0x121}, + 97: {From: 0x2262, To: 0x92a}, + 98: {From: 0x2316, To: 0x3226}, + 99: {From: 0x236a, To: 0x2835}, + 100: {From: 0x2382, To: 0x3365}, + 101: {From: 0x2472, To: 0x2c7}, + 102: {From: 0x24e4, To: 0x2ff}, + 103: {From: 0x24f0, To: 0x2fa}, + 104: {From: 0x24fa, To: 0x31f}, + 105: {From: 0x2550, To: 0xb5b}, + 106: {From: 0x25a9, To: 0xe2}, + 107: {From: 0x263e, To: 0x2d0}, + 108: {From: 0x26c9, To: 0x26b4}, + 109: {From: 0x26f9, To: 0x3c8}, + 110: {From: 0x2727, To: 0x3caf}, + 111: {From: 0x2755, To: 0x6a4}, + 112: {From: 0x2765, To: 0x26b4}, + 113: {From: 0x2789, To: 0x4358}, + 114: {From: 0x27c9, To: 0x2001}, + 115: {From: 0x28ea, To: 0x27b1}, + 116: {From: 0x28ef, To: 0x2837}, + 117: {From: 0x2914, To: 0x351}, + 118: {From: 0x2986, To: 0x2da7}, + 119: {From: 0x29f0, To: 0x96b}, + 120: {From: 0x2b1a, To: 0x38d}, + 121: {From: 0x2bfc, To: 0x395}, + 122: {From: 0x2c3f, To: 0x3caf}, + 123: {From: 0x2cfc, To: 0x3be}, + 124: {From: 0x2d13, To: 0x597}, + 125: {From: 0x2d47, To: 0x148}, + 126: {From: 0x2d48, To: 0x148}, + 127: {From: 0x2dff, To: 0x2f1}, + 128: {From: 0x2e08, To: 0x19cc}, + 129: {From: 0x2e1a, To: 0x2d95}, + 130: {From: 0x2e21, To: 0x292}, + 131: {From: 0x2e54, To: 0x7d}, + 132: {From: 0x2e65, To: 0x2282}, + 133: {From: 0x2ea0, To: 0x2e9b}, + 134: {From: 0x2eef, To: 0x2ed7}, + 135: {From: 0x3193, To: 0x3c4}, + 136: {From: 0x3366, To: 0x338e}, + 137: {From: 0x342a, To: 0x3dc}, + 138: {From: 0x34ee, To: 0x18d0}, + 139: {From: 0x35c8, To: 0x2c9b}, + 140: {From: 0x35e6, To: 0x412}, + 141: {From: 0x3658, To: 0x246}, + 142: {From: 0x3676, To: 0x3f4}, + 143: {From: 0x36fd, To: 0x445}, + 144: {From: 0x37c0, To: 0x121}, + 145: {From: 0x3816, To: 0x38f2}, + 146: {From: 0x382a, To: 0x2b48}, + 147: {From: 0x382b, To: 0x2c9b}, + 148: {From: 0x382f, To: 0xa9}, + 149: {From: 0x3832, To: 0x3228}, + 150: {From: 0x386c, To: 0x39a6}, + 151: {From: 0x3892, To: 0x3fc0}, + 152: {From: 0x38a5, To: 0x39d7}, + 153: {From: 0x38b4, To: 0x1fa4}, + 154: {From: 0x38b5, To: 0x2e9a}, + 155: {From: 0x395c, To: 0x47e}, + 156: {From: 0x3b4e, To: 0xd91}, + 157: {From: 0x3b78, To: 0x137}, + 158: {From: 0x3c99, To: 0x4bc}, + 159: {From: 0x3fbd, To: 0x100}, + 160: {From: 0x4208, To: 0xa91}, + 161: {From: 0x42be, To: 0x573}, + 162: {From: 0x42f9, To: 0x3f60}, + 163: {From: 0x4378, To: 0x25a}, + 164: {From: 0x43b8, To: 0xe6c}, + 165: {From: 0x43cd, To: 0x10f}, + 166: {From: 0x44af, To: 0x3322}, + 167: {From: 0x44e3, To: 0x512}, + 168: {From: 0x45ca, To: 0x2409}, + 169: {From: 0x45dd, To: 0x26dc}, + 170: {From: 0x4610, To: 0x48ae}, + 171: {From: 0x46ae, To: 0x46a0}, + 172: {From: 0x473e, To: 0x4745}, + 173: {From: 0x4817, To: 0x3503}, + 174: {From: 0x4916, To: 0x31f}, + 175: {From: 0x49a7, To: 0x523}, +} + +// Size: 176 bytes, 176 elements +var AliasTypes = [176]AliasType{ + // Entry 0 - 3F + 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, + 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, + 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, + // Entry 40 - 7F + 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, + // Entry 80 - BF + 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, + 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, +} + +const ( + _Latn = 90 + _Hani = 57 + _Hans = 59 + _Hant = 60 + _Qaaa = 143 + _Qaai = 151 + _Qabx = 192 + _Zinh = 245 + _Zyyy = 250 + _Zzzz = 251 +) + +// script is an alphabetically sorted list of ISO 15924 codes. The index +// of the script in the string, divided by 4, is the internal scriptID. +const script tag.Index = "" + // Size: 1012 bytes + "----AdlmAfakAghbAhomArabAranArmiArmnAvstBaliBamuBassBatkBengBhksBlisBopo" + + "BrahBraiBugiBuhdCakmCansCariChamCherChrsCirtCoptCpmnCprtCyrlCyrsDevaDiak" + + "DogrDsrtDuplEgydEgyhEgypElbaElymEthiGeokGeorGlagGongGonmGothGranGrekGujr" + + "GuruHanbHangHaniHanoHansHantHatrHebrHiraHluwHmngHmnpHrktHungIndsItalJamo" + + "JavaJpanJurcKaliKanaKharKhmrKhojKitlKitsKndaKoreKpelKthiLanaLaooLatfLatg" + + "LatnLekeLepcLimbLinaLinbLisuLomaLyciLydiMahjMakaMandManiMarcMayaMedfMend" + + "MercMeroMlymModiMongMoonMrooMteiMultMymrNandNarbNbatNewaNkdbNkgbNkooNshu" + + "OgamOlckOrkhOryaOsgeOsmaPalmPaucPermPhagPhliPhlpPhlvPhnxPiqdPlrdPrtiQaaa" + + "QaabQaacQaadQaaeQaafQaagQaahQaaiQaajQaakQaalQaamQaanQaaoQaapQaaqQaarQaas" + + "QaatQaauQaavQaawQaaxQaayQaazQabaQabbQabcQabdQabeQabfQabgQabhQabiQabjQabk" + + "QablQabmQabnQaboQabpQabqQabrQabsQabtQabuQabvQabwQabxRjngRohgRoroRunrSamr" + + "SaraSarbSaurSgnwShawShrdShuiSiddSindSinhSogdSogoSoraSoyoSundSyloSyrcSyre" + + "SyrjSyrnTagbTakrTaleTaluTamlTangTavtTeluTengTfngTglgThaaThaiTibtTirhToto" + + "UgarVaiiVispWaraWchoWoleXpeoXsuxYeziYiiiZanbZinhZmthZsyeZsymZxxxZyyyZzzz" + + "\xff\xff\xff\xff" + +// suppressScript is an index from langID to the dominant script for that language, +// if it exists. If a script is given, it should be suppressed from the language tag. +// Size: 1330 bytes, 1330 elements +var suppressScript = [1330]uint8{ + // Entry 0 - 3F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2c, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 40 - 7F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, + // Entry 80 - BF + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry C0 - FF + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 100 - 13F + 0x5a, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0xe5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe7, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x34, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, + // Entry 140 - 17F + 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 180 - 1BF + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x35, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3e, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, + // Entry 1C0 - 1FF + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x08, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x5a, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x3e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 200 - 23F + 0x49, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x2e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 240 - 27F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x4e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x52, 0x00, 0x00, 0x53, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 280 - 2BF + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x57, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 2C0 - 2FF + 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, + // Entry 300 - 33F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, + 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x75, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, + // Entry 340 - 37F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, + 0x5a, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x5a, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 380 - 3BF + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x36, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, + // Entry 3C0 - 3FF + 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 400 - 43F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 440 - 47F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0xde, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0xe1, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2c, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, + // Entry 480 - 4BF + 0x5a, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 4C0 - 4FF + 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 500 - 53F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x3e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, + 0x00, 0x00, +} + +const ( + _001 = 1 + _419 = 31 + _BR = 65 + _CA = 73 + _ES = 110 + _GB = 123 + _MD = 188 + _PT = 238 + _UK = 306 + _US = 309 + _ZZ = 357 + _XA = 323 + _XC = 325 + _XK = 333 +) + +// isoRegionOffset needs to be added to the index of regionISO to obtain the regionID +// for 2-letter ISO codes. (The first isoRegionOffset regionIDs are reserved for +// the UN.M49 codes used for groups.) +const isoRegionOffset = 32 + +// regionTypes defines the status of a region for various standards. +// Size: 358 bytes, 358 elements +var regionTypes = [358]uint8{ + // Entry 0 - 3F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x05, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + // Entry 40 - 7F + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x04, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x04, 0x06, 0x04, + 0x00, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x04, + 0x06, 0x04, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, 0x06, + 0x04, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x04, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, + 0x06, 0x04, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + // Entry 80 - BF + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, 0x04, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + // Entry C0 - FF + 0x06, 0x00, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, 0x06, 0x04, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, 0x06, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, + 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, + // Entry 100 - 13F + 0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x00, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x04, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x02, 0x06, 0x04, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, + // Entry 140 - 17F + 0x06, 0x00, 0x06, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, + 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, + 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, + 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x04, 0x06, 0x06, + 0x04, 0x06, 0x06, 0x04, 0x06, 0x05, +} + +// regionISO holds a list of alphabetically sorted 2-letter ISO region codes. +// Each 2-letter codes is followed by two bytes with the following meaning: +// - [A-Z}{2}: the first letter of the 2-letter code plus these two +// letters form the 3-letter ISO code. +// - 0, n: index into altRegionISO3. +const regionISO tag.Index = "" + // Size: 1308 bytes + "AAAAACSCADNDAEREAFFGAGTGAIIAALLBAMRMANNTAOGOAQTAARRGASSMATUTAUUSAWBWAXLA" + + "AZZEBAIHBBRBBDGDBEELBFFABGGRBHHRBIDIBJENBLLMBMMUBNRNBOOLBQESBRRABSHSBTTN" + + "BUURBVVTBWWABYLRBZLZCAANCCCKCDODCFAFCGOGCHHECIIVCKOKCLHLCMMRCNHNCOOLCPPT" + + "CRRICS\x00\x00CTTECUUBCVPVCWUWCXXRCYYPCZZEDDDRDEEUDGGADJJIDKNKDMMADOOMDY" + + "HYDZZAEA ECCUEESTEGGYEHSHERRIESSPETTHEU\x00\x03EZ FIINFJJIFKLKFMSMFORO" + + "FQ\x00\x18FRRAFXXXGAABGBBRGDRDGEEOGFUFGGGYGHHAGIIBGLRLGMMBGNINGPLPGQNQGR" + + "RCGS\x00\x06GTTMGUUMGWNBGYUYHKKGHMMDHNNDHRRVHTTIHUUNHVVOIC IDDNIERLILSR" + + "IMMNINNDIOOTIQRQIRRNISSLITTAJEEYJMAMJOORJPPNJTTNKEENKGGZKHHMKIIRKM\x00" + + "\x09KNNAKP\x00\x0cKRORKWWTKY\x00\x0fKZAZLAAOLBBNLCCALIIELKKALRBRLSSOLTTU" + + "LUUXLVVALYBYMAARMCCOMDDAMENEMFAFMGDGMHHLMIIDMKKDMLLIMMMRMNNGMOACMPNPMQTQ" + + "MRRTMSSRMTLTMUUSMVDVMWWIMXEXMYYSMZOZNAAMNCCLNEERNFFKNGGANHHBNIICNLLDNOOR" + + "NPPLNQ\x00\x1eNRRUNTTZNUIUNZZLOMMNPAANPCCIPEERPFYFPGNGPHHLPKAKPLOLPM\x00" + + "\x12PNCNPRRIPSSEPTRTPUUSPWLWPYRYPZCZQAATQMMMQNNNQOOOQPPPQQQQQRRRQSSSQTTT" + + "QU\x00\x03QVVVQWWWQXXXQYYYQZZZREEURHHOROOURS\x00\x15RUUSRWWASAAUSBLBSCYC" + + "SDDNSEWESGGPSHHNSIVNSJJMSKVKSLLESMMRSNENSOOMSRURSSSDSTTPSUUNSVLVSXXMSYYR" + + "SZWZTAAATCCATDCDTF\x00\x18TGGOTHHATJJKTKKLTLLSTMKMTNUNTOONTPMPTRURTTTOTV" + + "UVTWWNTZZAUAKRUGGAUK UMMIUN USSAUYRYUZZBVAATVCCTVDDRVEENVGGBVIIRVNNMVU" + + "UTWFLFWKAKWSSMXAAAXBBBXCCCXDDDXEEEXFFFXGGGXHHHXIIIXJJJXKKKXLLLXMMMXNNNXO" + + "OOXPPPXQQQXRRRXSSSXTTTXUUUXVVVXWWWXXXXXYYYXZZZYDMDYEEMYT\x00\x1bYUUGZAAF" + + "ZMMBZRARZWWEZZZZ\xff\xff\xff\xff" + +// altRegionISO3 holds a list of 3-letter region codes that cannot be +// mapped to 2-letter codes using the default algorithm. This is a short list. +const altRegionISO3 string = "SCGQUUSGSCOMPRKCYMSPMSRBATFMYTATN" + +// altRegionIDs holds a list of regionIDs the positions of which match those +// of the 3-letter ISO codes in altRegionISO3. +// Size: 22 bytes, 11 elements +var altRegionIDs = [11]uint16{ + 0x0057, 0x0070, 0x0088, 0x00a8, 0x00aa, 0x00ad, 0x00ea, 0x0105, + 0x0121, 0x015f, 0x00dc, +} + +// Size: 80 bytes, 20 elements +var regionOldMap = [20]FromTo{ + 0: {From: 0x44, To: 0xc4}, + 1: {From: 0x58, To: 0xa7}, + 2: {From: 0x5f, To: 0x60}, + 3: {From: 0x66, To: 0x3b}, + 4: {From: 0x79, To: 0x78}, + 5: {From: 0x93, To: 0x37}, + 6: {From: 0xa3, To: 0x133}, + 7: {From: 0xc1, To: 0x133}, + 8: {From: 0xd7, To: 0x13f}, + 9: {From: 0xdc, To: 0x2b}, + 10: {From: 0xef, To: 0x133}, + 11: {From: 0xf2, To: 0xe2}, + 12: {From: 0xfc, To: 0x70}, + 13: {From: 0x103, To: 0x164}, + 14: {From: 0x12a, To: 0x126}, + 15: {From: 0x132, To: 0x7b}, + 16: {From: 0x13a, To: 0x13e}, + 17: {From: 0x141, To: 0x133}, + 18: {From: 0x15d, To: 0x15e}, + 19: {From: 0x163, To: 0x4b}, +} + +// m49 maps regionIDs to UN.M49 codes. The first isoRegionOffset entries are +// codes indicating collections of regions. +// Size: 716 bytes, 358 elements +var m49 = [358]int16{ + // Entry 0 - 3F + 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, + 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 29, 30, + 34, 35, 39, 53, 54, 57, 61, 142, + 143, 145, 150, 151, 154, 155, 202, 419, + 958, 0, 20, 784, 4, 28, 660, 8, + 51, 530, 24, 10, 32, 16, 40, 36, + 533, 248, 31, 70, 52, 50, 56, 854, + 100, 48, 108, 204, 652, 60, 96, 68, + // Entry 40 - 7F + 535, 76, 44, 64, 104, 74, 72, 112, + 84, 124, 166, 180, 140, 178, 756, 384, + 184, 152, 120, 156, 170, 0, 188, 891, + 296, 192, 132, 531, 162, 196, 203, 278, + 276, 0, 262, 208, 212, 214, 204, 12, + 0, 218, 233, 818, 732, 232, 724, 231, + 967, 0, 246, 242, 238, 583, 234, 0, + 250, 249, 266, 826, 308, 268, 254, 831, + // Entry 80 - BF + 288, 292, 304, 270, 324, 312, 226, 300, + 239, 320, 316, 624, 328, 344, 334, 340, + 191, 332, 348, 854, 0, 360, 372, 376, + 833, 356, 86, 368, 364, 352, 380, 832, + 388, 400, 392, 581, 404, 417, 116, 296, + 174, 659, 408, 410, 414, 136, 398, 418, + 422, 662, 438, 144, 430, 426, 440, 442, + 428, 434, 504, 492, 498, 499, 663, 450, + // Entry C0 - FF + 584, 581, 807, 466, 104, 496, 446, 580, + 474, 478, 500, 470, 480, 462, 454, 484, + 458, 508, 516, 540, 562, 574, 566, 548, + 558, 528, 578, 524, 10, 520, 536, 570, + 554, 512, 591, 0, 604, 258, 598, 608, + 586, 616, 666, 612, 630, 275, 620, 581, + 585, 600, 591, 634, 959, 960, 961, 962, + 963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 968, 969, 970, + // Entry 100 - 13F + 971, 972, 638, 716, 642, 688, 643, 646, + 682, 90, 690, 729, 752, 702, 654, 705, + 744, 703, 694, 674, 686, 706, 740, 728, + 678, 810, 222, 534, 760, 748, 0, 796, + 148, 260, 768, 764, 762, 772, 626, 795, + 788, 776, 626, 792, 780, 798, 158, 834, + 804, 800, 826, 581, 0, 840, 858, 860, + 336, 670, 704, 862, 92, 850, 704, 548, + // Entry 140 - 17F + 876, 581, 882, 973, 974, 975, 976, 977, + 978, 979, 980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 985, + 986, 987, 988, 989, 990, 991, 992, 993, + 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 720, 887, 175, + 891, 710, 894, 180, 716, 999, +} + +// m49Index gives indexes into fromM49 based on the three most significant bits +// of a 10-bit UN.M49 code. To search an UN.M49 code in fromM49, search in +// fromM49[m49Index[msb39(code)]:m49Index[msb3(code)+1]] +// for an entry where the first 7 bits match the 7 lsb of the UN.M49 code. +// The region code is stored in the 9 lsb of the indexed value. +// Size: 18 bytes, 9 elements +var m49Index = [9]int16{ + 0, 59, 108, 143, 181, 220, 259, 291, + 333, +} + +// fromM49 contains entries to map UN.M49 codes to regions. See m49Index for details. +// Size: 666 bytes, 333 elements +var fromM49 = [333]uint16{ + // Entry 0 - 3F + 0x0201, 0x0402, 0x0603, 0x0824, 0x0a04, 0x1027, 0x1205, 0x142b, + 0x1606, 0x1867, 0x1a07, 0x1c08, 0x1e09, 0x202d, 0x220a, 0x240b, + 0x260c, 0x2822, 0x2a0d, 0x302a, 0x3825, 0x3a0e, 0x3c0f, 0x3e32, + 0x402c, 0x4410, 0x4611, 0x482f, 0x4e12, 0x502e, 0x5842, 0x6039, + 0x6435, 0x6628, 0x6834, 0x6a13, 0x6c14, 0x7036, 0x7215, 0x783d, + 0x7a16, 0x8043, 0x883f, 0x8c33, 0x9046, 0x9445, 0x9841, 0xa848, + 0xac9a, 0xb509, 0xb93c, 0xc03e, 0xc838, 0xd0c4, 0xd83a, 0xe047, + 0xe8a6, 0xf052, 0xf849, 0x085a, 0x10ad, 0x184c, 0x1c17, 0x1e18, + // Entry 40 - 7F + 0x20b3, 0x2219, 0x2920, 0x2c1a, 0x2e1b, 0x3051, 0x341c, 0x361d, + 0x3853, 0x3d2e, 0x445c, 0x4c4a, 0x5454, 0x5ca8, 0x5f5f, 0x644d, + 0x684b, 0x7050, 0x7856, 0x7e90, 0x8059, 0x885d, 0x941e, 0x965e, + 0x983b, 0xa063, 0xa864, 0xac65, 0xb469, 0xbd1a, 0xc486, 0xcc6f, + 0xce6f, 0xd06d, 0xd26a, 0xd476, 0xdc74, 0xde88, 0xe473, 0xec72, + 0xf031, 0xf279, 0xf478, 0xfc7e, 0x04e5, 0x0921, 0x0c62, 0x147a, + 0x187d, 0x1c83, 0x26ed, 0x2860, 0x2c5f, 0x3060, 0x4080, 0x4881, + 0x50a7, 0x5887, 0x6082, 0x687c, 0x7085, 0x788a, 0x8089, 0x8884, + // Entry 80 - BF + 0x908c, 0x9891, 0x9c8e, 0xa138, 0xa88f, 0xb08d, 0xb892, 0xc09d, + 0xc899, 0xd095, 0xd89c, 0xe09b, 0xe896, 0xf097, 0xf89e, 0x004f, + 0x08a0, 0x10a2, 0x1cae, 0x20a1, 0x28a4, 0x30aa, 0x34ab, 0x3cac, + 0x42a5, 0x44af, 0x461f, 0x4cb0, 0x54b5, 0x58b8, 0x5cb4, 0x64b9, + 0x6cb2, 0x70b6, 0x74b7, 0x7cc6, 0x84bf, 0x8cce, 0x94d0, 0x9ccd, + 0xa4c3, 0xaccb, 0xb4c8, 0xbcc9, 0xc0cc, 0xc8cf, 0xd8bb, 0xe0c5, + 0xe4bc, 0xe6bd, 0xe8ca, 0xf0ba, 0xf8d1, 0x00e1, 0x08d2, 0x10dd, + 0x18db, 0x20d9, 0x2429, 0x265b, 0x2a30, 0x2d1b, 0x2e40, 0x30de, + // Entry C0 - FF + 0x38d3, 0x493f, 0x54e0, 0x5cd8, 0x64d4, 0x6cd6, 0x74df, 0x7cd5, + 0x84da, 0x88c7, 0x8b33, 0x8e75, 0x90c0, 0x92f0, 0x94e8, 0x9ee2, + 0xace6, 0xb0f1, 0xb8e4, 0xc0e7, 0xc8eb, 0xd0e9, 0xd8ee, 0xe08b, + 0xe526, 0xecec, 0xf4f3, 0xfd02, 0x0504, 0x0706, 0x0d07, 0x183c, + 0x1d0e, 0x26a9, 0x2826, 0x2cb1, 0x2ebe, 0x34ea, 0x3d39, 0x4513, + 0x4d18, 0x5508, 0x5d14, 0x6105, 0x650a, 0x6d12, 0x7d0d, 0x7f11, + 0x813e, 0x830f, 0x8515, 0x8d61, 0x9964, 0xa15d, 0xa86e, 0xb117, + 0xb30b, 0xb86c, 0xc10b, 0xc916, 0xd110, 0xd91d, 0xe10c, 0xe84e, + // Entry 100 - 13F + 0xf11c, 0xf524, 0xf923, 0x0122, 0x0925, 0x1129, 0x192c, 0x2023, + 0x2928, 0x312b, 0x3727, 0x391f, 0x3d2d, 0x4131, 0x4930, 0x4ec2, + 0x5519, 0x646b, 0x747b, 0x7e7f, 0x809f, 0x8298, 0x852f, 0x9135, + 0xa53d, 0xac37, 0xb536, 0xb937, 0xbd3b, 0xd940, 0xe542, 0xed5e, + 0xef5e, 0xf657, 0xfd62, 0x7c20, 0x7ef4, 0x80f5, 0x82f6, 0x84f7, + 0x86f8, 0x88f9, 0x8afa, 0x8cfb, 0x8e70, 0x90fd, 0x92fe, 0x94ff, + 0x9700, 0x9901, 0x9b43, 0x9d44, 0x9f45, 0xa146, 0xa347, 0xa548, + 0xa749, 0xa94a, 0xab4b, 0xad4c, 0xaf4d, 0xb14e, 0xb34f, 0xb550, + // Entry 140 - 17F + 0xb751, 0xb952, 0xbb53, 0xbd54, 0xbf55, 0xc156, 0xc357, 0xc558, + 0xc759, 0xc95a, 0xcb5b, 0xcd5c, 0xcf65, +} + +// Size: 1995 bytes +var variantIndex = map[string]uint8{ + "1606nict": 0x0, + "1694acad": 0x1, + "1901": 0x2, + "1959acad": 0x3, + "1994": 0x60, + "1996": 0x4, + "abl1943": 0x5, + "akuapem": 0x6, + "alalc97": 0x62, + "aluku": 0x7, + "ao1990": 0x8, + "aranes": 0x9, + "arevela": 0xa, + "arevmda": 0xb, + "asante": 0xc, + "auvern": 0xd, + "baku1926": 0xe, + "balanka": 0xf, + "barla": 0x10, + "basiceng": 0x11, + "bauddha": 0x12, + "biscayan": 0x13, + "biske": 0x5b, + "bohoric": 0x14, + "boont": 0x15, + "bornholm": 0x16, + "cisaup": 0x17, + "colb1945": 0x18, + "cornu": 0x19, + "creiss": 0x1a, + "dajnko": 0x1b, + "ekavsk": 0x1c, + "emodeng": 0x1d, + "fonipa": 0x63, + "fonkirsh": 0x64, + "fonnapa": 0x65, + "fonupa": 0x66, + "fonxsamp": 0x67, + "gascon": 0x1e, + "grclass": 0x1f, + "grital": 0x20, + "grmistr": 0x21, + "hepburn": 0x22, + "heploc": 0x61, + "hognorsk": 0x23, + "hsistemo": 0x24, + "ijekavsk": 0x25, + "itihasa": 0x26, + "ivanchov": 0x27, + "jauer": 0x28, + "jyutping": 0x29, + "kkcor": 0x2a, + "kociewie": 0x2b, + "kscor": 0x2c, + "laukika": 0x2d, + "lemosin": 0x2e, + "lengadoc": 0x2f, + "lipaw": 0x5c, + "luna1918": 0x30, + "metelko": 0x31, + "monoton": 0x32, + "ndyuka": 0x33, + "nedis": 0x34, + "newfound": 0x35, + "nicard": 0x36, + "njiva": 0x5d, + "nulik": 0x37, + "osojs": 0x5e, + "oxendict": 0x38, + "pahawh2": 0x39, + "pahawh3": 0x3a, + "pahawh4": 0x3b, + "pamaka": 0x3c, + "peano": 0x3d, + "petr1708": 0x3e, + "pinyin": 0x3f, + "polyton": 0x40, + "provenc": 0x41, + "puter": 0x42, + "rigik": 0x43, + "rozaj": 0x44, + "rumgr": 0x45, + "scotland": 0x46, + "scouse": 0x47, + "simple": 0x68, + "solba": 0x5f, + "sotav": 0x48, + "spanglis": 0x49, + "surmiran": 0x4a, + "sursilv": 0x4b, + "sutsilv": 0x4c, + "tarask": 0x4d, + "tongyong": 0x4e, + "tunumiit": 0x4f, + "uccor": 0x50, + "ucrcor": 0x51, + "ulster": 0x52, + "unifon": 0x53, + "vaidika": 0x54, + "valencia": 0x55, + "vallader": 0x56, + "vecdruka": 0x57, + "vivaraup": 0x58, + "wadegile": 0x59, + "xsistemo": 0x5a, +} + +// variantNumSpecialized is the number of specialized variants in variants. +const variantNumSpecialized = 98 + +// nRegionGroups is the number of region groups. +const nRegionGroups = 33 + +type likelyLangRegion struct { + lang uint16 + region uint16 +} + +// likelyScript is a lookup table, indexed by scriptID, for the most likely +// languages and regions given a script. +// Size: 1012 bytes, 253 elements +var likelyScript = [253]likelyLangRegion{ + 1: {lang: 0x14e, region: 0x84}, + 3: {lang: 0x2a2, region: 0x106}, + 4: {lang: 0x1f, region: 0x99}, + 5: {lang: 0x3a, region: 0x6b}, + 7: {lang: 0x3b, region: 0x9c}, + 8: {lang: 0x1d7, region: 0x28}, + 9: {lang: 0x13, region: 0x9c}, + 10: {lang: 0x5b, region: 0x95}, + 11: {lang: 0x60, region: 0x52}, + 12: {lang: 0xb9, region: 0xb4}, + 13: {lang: 0x63, region: 0x95}, + 14: {lang: 0xa5, region: 0x35}, + 15: {lang: 0x3e9, region: 0x99}, + 17: {lang: 0x529, region: 0x12e}, + 18: {lang: 0x3b1, region: 0x99}, + 19: {lang: 0x15e, region: 0x78}, + 20: {lang: 0xc2, region: 0x95}, + 21: {lang: 0x9d, region: 0xe7}, + 22: {lang: 0xdb, region: 0x35}, + 23: {lang: 0xf3, region: 0x49}, + 24: {lang: 0x4f0, region: 0x12b}, + 25: {lang: 0xe7, region: 0x13e}, + 26: {lang: 0xe5, region: 0x135}, + 29: {lang: 0xf1, region: 0x6b}, + 31: {lang: 0x1a0, region: 0x5d}, + 32: {lang: 0x3e2, region: 0x106}, + 34: {lang: 0x1be, region: 0x99}, + 38: {lang: 0x15e, region: 0x78}, + 41: {lang: 0x133, region: 0x6b}, + 42: {lang: 0x431, region: 0x27}, + 44: {lang: 0x27, region: 0x6f}, + 46: {lang: 0x210, region: 0x7d}, + 47: {lang: 0xfe, region: 0x38}, + 49: {lang: 0x19b, region: 0x99}, + 50: {lang: 0x19e, region: 0x130}, + 51: {lang: 0x3e9, region: 0x99}, + 52: {lang: 0x136, region: 0x87}, + 53: {lang: 0x1a4, region: 0x99}, + 54: {lang: 0x39d, region: 0x99}, + 55: {lang: 0x529, region: 0x12e}, + 56: {lang: 0x254, region: 0xab}, + 57: {lang: 0x529, region: 0x53}, + 58: {lang: 0x1cb, region: 0xe7}, + 59: {lang: 0x529, region: 0x53}, + 60: {lang: 0x529, region: 0x12e}, + 61: {lang: 0x2fd, region: 0x9b}, + 62: {lang: 0x1bc, region: 0x97}, + 63: {lang: 0x200, region: 0xa2}, + 64: {lang: 0x1c5, region: 0x12b}, + 65: {lang: 0x1ca, region: 0xaf}, + 68: {lang: 0x1d5, region: 0x92}, + 70: {lang: 0x142, region: 0x9e}, + 71: {lang: 0x254, region: 0xab}, + 72: {lang: 0x20e, region: 0x95}, + 73: {lang: 0x200, region: 0xa2}, + 75: {lang: 0x135, region: 0xc4}, + 76: {lang: 0x200, region: 0xa2}, + 77: {lang: 0x3bb, region: 0xe8}, + 78: {lang: 0x24a, region: 0xa6}, + 79: {lang: 0x3fa, region: 0x99}, + 82: {lang: 0x251, region: 0x99}, + 83: {lang: 0x254, region: 0xab}, + 85: {lang: 0x88, region: 0x99}, + 86: {lang: 0x370, region: 0x123}, + 87: {lang: 0x2b8, region: 0xaf}, + 92: {lang: 0x29f, region: 0x99}, + 93: {lang: 0x2a8, region: 0x99}, + 94: {lang: 0x28f, region: 0x87}, + 95: {lang: 0x1a0, region: 0x87}, + 96: {lang: 0x2ac, region: 0x53}, + 98: {lang: 0x4f4, region: 0x12b}, + 99: {lang: 0x4f5, region: 0x12b}, + 100: {lang: 0x1be, region: 0x99}, + 102: {lang: 0x337, region: 0x9c}, + 103: {lang: 0x4f7, region: 0x53}, + 104: {lang: 0xa9, region: 0x53}, + 107: {lang: 0x2e8, region: 0x112}, + 108: {lang: 0x4f8, region: 0x10b}, + 109: {lang: 0x4f8, region: 0x10b}, + 110: {lang: 0x304, region: 0x99}, + 111: {lang: 0x31b, region: 0x99}, + 112: {lang: 0x30b, region: 0x53}, + 114: {lang: 0x31e, region: 0x35}, + 115: {lang: 0x30e, region: 0x99}, + 116: {lang: 0x414, region: 0xe8}, + 117: {lang: 0x331, region: 0xc4}, + 119: {lang: 0x4f9, region: 0x108}, + 120: {lang: 0x3b, region: 0xa1}, + 121: {lang: 0x353, region: 0xdb}, + 124: {lang: 0x2d0, region: 0x84}, + 125: {lang: 0x52a, region: 0x53}, + 126: {lang: 0x403, region: 0x96}, + 127: {lang: 0x3ee, region: 0x99}, + 128: {lang: 0x39b, region: 0xc5}, + 129: {lang: 0x395, region: 0x99}, + 130: {lang: 0x399, region: 0x135}, + 131: {lang: 0x429, region: 0x115}, + 132: {lang: 0x3b, region: 0x11c}, + 133: {lang: 0xfd, region: 0xc4}, + 134: {lang: 0x27d, region: 0x106}, + 135: {lang: 0x2c9, region: 0x53}, + 136: {lang: 0x39f, region: 0x9c}, + 137: {lang: 0x39f, region: 0x53}, + 139: {lang: 0x3ad, region: 0xb0}, + 141: {lang: 0x1c6, region: 0x53}, + 142: {lang: 0x4fd, region: 0x9c}, + 193: {lang: 0x3cb, region: 0x95}, + 196: {lang: 0x372, region: 0x10c}, + 197: {lang: 0x420, region: 0x97}, + 199: {lang: 0x4ff, region: 0x15e}, + 200: {lang: 0x3f0, region: 0x99}, + 201: {lang: 0x45, region: 0x135}, + 202: {lang: 0x139, region: 0x7b}, + 203: {lang: 0x3e9, region: 0x99}, + 205: {lang: 0x3e9, region: 0x99}, + 206: {lang: 0x3fa, region: 0x99}, + 207: {lang: 0x40c, region: 0xb3}, + 210: {lang: 0x433, region: 0x99}, + 211: {lang: 0xef, region: 0xc5}, + 212: {lang: 0x43e, region: 0x95}, + 213: {lang: 0x44d, region: 0x35}, + 214: {lang: 0x44e, region: 0x9b}, + 218: {lang: 0x45a, region: 0xe7}, + 219: {lang: 0x11a, region: 0x99}, + 220: {lang: 0x45e, region: 0x53}, + 221: {lang: 0x232, region: 0x53}, + 222: {lang: 0x450, region: 0x99}, + 223: {lang: 0x4a5, region: 0x53}, + 224: {lang: 0x9f, region: 0x13e}, + 225: {lang: 0x461, region: 0x99}, + 227: {lang: 0x528, region: 0xba}, + 228: {lang: 0x153, region: 0xe7}, + 229: {lang: 0x128, region: 0xcd}, + 230: {lang: 0x46b, region: 0x123}, + 231: {lang: 0xa9, region: 0x53}, + 232: {lang: 0x2ce, region: 0x99}, + 234: {lang: 0x4ad, region: 0x11c}, + 235: {lang: 0x4be, region: 0xb4}, + 237: {lang: 0x1ce, region: 0x99}, + 240: {lang: 0x3a9, region: 0x9c}, + 241: {lang: 0x22, region: 0x9b}, + 243: {lang: 0x1ea, region: 0x53}, + 244: {lang: 0xef, region: 0xc5}, +} + +type likelyScriptRegion struct { + region uint16 + script uint8 + flags uint8 +} + +// likelyLang is a lookup table, indexed by langID, for the most likely +// scripts and regions given incomplete information. If more entries exist for a +// given language, region and script are the index and size respectively +// of the list in likelyLangList. +// Size: 5320 bytes, 1330 elements +var likelyLang = [1330]likelyScriptRegion{ + 0: {region: 0x135, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1: {region: 0x6f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 2: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 3: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 4: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 5: {region: 0x7d, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 6: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 7: {region: 0x165, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 8: {region: 0x80, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 9: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 10: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 11: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 12: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 13: {region: 0x131, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 14: {region: 0x80, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 15: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 16: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 17: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 18: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 19: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x9, flags: 0x0}, + 20: {region: 0x128, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 21: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 22: {region: 0x161, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 23: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 24: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 25: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 26: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 27: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 28: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 29: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 30: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 31: {region: 0x99, script: 0x4, flags: 0x0}, + 32: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 33: {region: 0x80, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 34: {region: 0x9b, script: 0xf1, flags: 0x0}, + 35: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 36: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 37: {region: 0x14d, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 38: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 39: {region: 0x6f, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 40: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 41: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 42: {region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 43: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 45: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 46: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 47: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 48: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 49: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 50: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 51: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 52: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 53: {region: 0x122, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 54: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 55: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 56: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 57: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 58: {region: 0x6b, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 59: {region: 0x0, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 60: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 61: {region: 0x51, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 62: {region: 0x3f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 63: {region: 0x67, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 65: {region: 0xba, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 66: {region: 0x6b, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 67: {region: 0x99, script: 0xe, flags: 0x0}, + 68: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 69: {region: 0x135, script: 0xc9, flags: 0x0}, + 70: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 71: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 72: {region: 0x6e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 73: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 74: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 75: {region: 0x49, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 76: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 77: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 78: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 79: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 80: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 81: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 82: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 83: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 84: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 85: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 86: {region: 0x3f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 87: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 88: {region: 0x3, script: 0x5, flags: 0x1}, + 89: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 90: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 91: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 92: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 93: {region: 0x2e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 94: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 95: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 96: {region: 0x52, script: 0xb, flags: 0x0}, + 97: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 98: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 99: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 100: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 101: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 102: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 103: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 104: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 105: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 106: {region: 0x4f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 107: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 108: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 109: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 110: {region: 0x165, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 111: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 112: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 113: {region: 0x47, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 114: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 115: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 116: {region: 0x10b, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 117: {region: 0x162, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 118: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 119: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 120: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 121: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 122: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 123: {region: 0x99, script: 0xde, flags: 0x0}, + 124: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 125: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 126: {region: 0x38, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 127: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 128: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 129: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x34, flags: 0x0}, + 131: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 132: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 133: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 134: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 135: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 136: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 137: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 138: {region: 0x13f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 139: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 140: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 141: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 142: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 143: {region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 144: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 145: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 146: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 147: {region: 0x165, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 148: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 149: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 150: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 151: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 152: {region: 0x114, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 153: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 154: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 155: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 156: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 157: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 158: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 159: {region: 0x13e, script: 0xe0, flags: 0x0}, + 160: {region: 0xc3, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 161: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 162: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 163: {region: 0xc3, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 164: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 165: {region: 0x35, script: 0xe, flags: 0x0}, + 166: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 167: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 168: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 169: {region: 0x53, script: 0xe7, flags: 0x0}, + 170: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 171: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 172: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 173: {region: 0x99, script: 0xe, flags: 0x0}, + 174: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 175: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 176: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 177: {region: 0x4f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 178: {region: 0x78, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 179: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 180: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 181: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 182: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 183: {region: 0x33, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 184: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 185: {region: 0xb4, script: 0xc, flags: 0x0}, + 186: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 187: {region: 0x165, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 188: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 189: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 190: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 191: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 192: {region: 0x15f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 193: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 194: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 195: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 196: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 197: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 198: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 199: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 200: {region: 0x86, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 201: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 202: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 203: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 204: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 205: {region: 0x6d, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 206: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 207: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 208: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 209: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 210: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 211: {region: 0xc3, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 212: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 213: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 214: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 215: {region: 0x6e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 216: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 217: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 218: {region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 219: {region: 0x35, script: 0x16, flags: 0x0}, + 220: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 221: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 222: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 223: {region: 0x131, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 224: {region: 0x8a, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 225: {region: 0x75, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 226: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 227: {region: 0x135, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 228: {region: 0x49, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 229: {region: 0x135, script: 0x1a, flags: 0x0}, + 230: {region: 0xa6, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 231: {region: 0x13e, script: 0x19, flags: 0x0}, + 232: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 233: {region: 0x9b, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 234: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 235: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 236: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 237: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 238: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 239: {region: 0xc5, script: 0xd3, flags: 0x0}, + 240: {region: 0x78, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 241: {region: 0x6b, script: 0x1d, flags: 0x0}, + 242: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 243: {region: 0x49, script: 0x17, flags: 0x0}, + 244: {region: 0x130, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 245: {region: 0x49, script: 0x17, flags: 0x0}, + 246: {region: 0x49, script: 0x17, flags: 0x0}, + 247: {region: 0x49, script: 0x17, flags: 0x0}, + 248: {region: 0x49, script: 0x17, flags: 0x0}, + 249: {region: 0x10a, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 250: {region: 0x5e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 251: {region: 0xe9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 252: {region: 0x49, script: 0x17, flags: 0x0}, + 253: {region: 0xc4, script: 0x85, flags: 0x0}, + 254: {region: 0x8, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 255: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 256: {region: 0x7b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 257: {region: 0x63, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 258: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 259: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 260: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 261: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 262: {region: 0x135, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 263: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 264: {region: 0xa4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 265: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 266: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 267: {region: 0x99, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 268: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 269: {region: 0x60, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 270: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 271: {region: 0x49, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 272: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 273: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 274: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 275: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 276: {region: 0x49, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 277: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 278: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 279: {region: 0xd4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 280: {region: 0x4f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 281: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 282: {region: 0x99, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 283: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 284: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 285: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 286: {region: 0x165, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 287: {region: 0x60, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 288: {region: 0xc3, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 289: {region: 0xd0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 290: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 291: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 292: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 293: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 294: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 295: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 296: {region: 0xcd, script: 0xe5, flags: 0x0}, + 297: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 298: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 299: {region: 0x114, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 300: {region: 0x37, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 301: {region: 0x43, script: 0xe7, flags: 0x0}, + 302: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 303: {region: 0xa4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 304: {region: 0x80, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 305: {region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 306: {region: 0x9e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 307: {region: 0x6b, script: 0x29, flags: 0x0}, + 308: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 309: {region: 0xc4, script: 0x4b, flags: 0x0}, + 310: {region: 0x87, script: 0x34, flags: 0x0}, + 311: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 312: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 313: {region: 0xa, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 314: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 315: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 316: {region: 0x1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 317: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 318: {region: 0x6e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 319: {region: 0x135, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 320: {region: 0x6a, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 321: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 322: {region: 0x9e, script: 0x46, flags: 0x0}, + 323: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 324: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 325: {region: 0x6e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 326: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 327: {region: 0x6e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 328: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 329: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 330: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 331: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 332: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 333: {region: 0x86, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 334: {region: 0xc, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 335: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 336: {region: 0xc3, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 337: {region: 0x72, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 338: {region: 0x10b, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 339: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 340: {region: 0x10c, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 341: {region: 0x73, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 342: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 343: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 344: {region: 0x76, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 345: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 346: {region: 0x3b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 347: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 348: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 349: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 350: {region: 0x78, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 351: {region: 0x135, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 352: {region: 0x78, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 353: {region: 0x60, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 354: {region: 0x60, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 355: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 356: {region: 0x140, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 357: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 358: {region: 0x84, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 359: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 360: {region: 0xd4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 361: {region: 0x9e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 362: {region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 363: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 364: {region: 0x10b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 365: {region: 0xd9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 366: {region: 0x96, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 367: {region: 0x80, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 368: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 369: {region: 0xbc, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 370: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 371: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 372: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 373: {region: 0x53, script: 0x3b, flags: 0x0}, + 374: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 375: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 376: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 377: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 378: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 379: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 380: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 381: {region: 0x7e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 382: {region: 0x7b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 383: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 384: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 385: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 386: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 387: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 388: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 389: {region: 0x6f, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 390: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 391: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 392: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 393: {region: 0xa7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 394: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 395: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 396: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 397: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 398: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 399: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 400: {region: 0x6e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 401: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 402: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 403: {region: 0x165, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 404: {region: 0xf1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 405: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 406: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 407: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 408: {region: 0x165, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 409: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 410: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 411: {region: 0x99, script: 0xe1, flags: 0x0}, + 412: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 413: {region: 0xd9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 414: {region: 0x130, script: 0x32, flags: 0x0}, + 415: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 416: {region: 0xe, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 417: {region: 0x99, script: 0xe, flags: 0x0}, + 418: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 419: {region: 0x4e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 420: {region: 0x99, script: 0x35, flags: 0x0}, + 421: {region: 0x41, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 422: {region: 0x54, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 423: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 424: {region: 0x80, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 425: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 426: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 427: {region: 0xa4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 428: {region: 0x98, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 429: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 430: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 431: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 432: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 433: {region: 0x49, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 434: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 435: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 436: {region: 0x10, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 437: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 438: {region: 0x53, script: 0x3b, flags: 0x0}, + 439: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 440: {region: 0x135, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 441: {region: 0x24, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 442: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 443: {region: 0x165, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 444: {region: 0x97, script: 0x3e, flags: 0x0}, + 445: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 446: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 447: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 448: {region: 0x73, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 449: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 450: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 451: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 452: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 453: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x40, flags: 0x0}, + 454: {region: 0x53, script: 0x8d, flags: 0x0}, + 455: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 456: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 457: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 458: {region: 0xaf, script: 0x41, flags: 0x0}, + 459: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 460: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 461: {region: 0xe6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 462: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 463: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 464: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 465: {region: 0x90, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 466: {region: 0x60, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 467: {region: 0x53, script: 0x3b, flags: 0x0}, + 468: {region: 0x91, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 469: {region: 0x92, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 470: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 471: {region: 0x28, script: 0x8, flags: 0x0}, + 472: {region: 0xd2, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 473: {region: 0x78, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 474: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 475: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 476: {region: 0xd0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 477: {region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 478: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 479: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 480: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 481: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 482: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 483: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 484: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 486: {region: 0x122, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 487: {region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 488: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 489: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 490: {region: 0x53, script: 0xf3, flags: 0x0}, + 491: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 492: {region: 0x135, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 493: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 494: {region: 0x49, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 495: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 496: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 497: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 498: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 499: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 500: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 501: {region: 0x1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 502: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 503: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 504: {region: 0x9d, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 505: {region: 0x9e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 506: {region: 0x49, script: 0x17, flags: 0x0}, + 507: {region: 0x97, script: 0x3e, flags: 0x0}, + 508: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 509: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 510: {region: 0x106, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 511: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 512: {region: 0xa2, script: 0x49, flags: 0x0}, + 513: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 514: {region: 0xa0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 515: {region: 0x1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 516: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 517: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 518: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 519: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 520: {region: 0x130, script: 0x3e, flags: 0x0}, + 521: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 522: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 523: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 524: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 525: {region: 0x63, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 526: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 527: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 528: {region: 0x7d, script: 0x2e, flags: 0x0}, + 529: {region: 0x137, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 530: {region: 0x67, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 531: {region: 0xc4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 532: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 533: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 534: {region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 535: {region: 0xa4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 536: {region: 0xc3, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 537: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 538: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 539: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 540: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 541: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 542: {region: 0xd4, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 543: {region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 544: {region: 0x164, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 545: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 546: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 547: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 548: {region: 0x122, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 549: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 550: {region: 0x123, script: 0xe6, flags: 0x0}, + 551: {region: 0x5a, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 552: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 553: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 554: {region: 0x4f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 555: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 556: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 557: {region: 0x4b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 558: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 559: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 560: {region: 0x41, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 561: {region: 0x99, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 562: {region: 0x53, script: 0xdd, flags: 0x0}, + 563: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 564: {region: 0xc3, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 565: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 566: {region: 0x99, script: 0x75, flags: 0x0}, + 567: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 568: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 569: {region: 0xa4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 570: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 571: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 572: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 573: {region: 0xd2, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 574: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 575: {region: 0xaf, script: 0x57, flags: 0x0}, + 576: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 577: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 578: {region: 0x13, script: 0x6, flags: 0x1}, + 579: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 580: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 581: {region: 0x82, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 582: {region: 0xa4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 583: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 584: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 585: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 586: {region: 0xa6, script: 0x4e, flags: 0x0}, + 587: {region: 0x2a, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 588: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 589: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 590: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 591: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 592: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 593: {region: 0x99, script: 0x52, flags: 0x0}, + 594: {region: 0x8b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 595: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 596: {region: 0xab, script: 0x53, flags: 0x0}, + 597: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 598: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 599: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 600: {region: 0x75, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 601: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 602: {region: 0xb4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 603: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 604: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 605: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 606: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 607: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 608: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 609: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 610: {region: 0x165, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 611: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 612: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 613: {region: 0x112, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 614: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 615: {region: 0x106, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 616: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 617: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 618: {region: 0x99, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 619: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 620: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 621: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 622: {region: 0x60, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 623: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 624: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 625: {region: 0x165, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 626: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 627: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 628: {region: 0x19, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 629: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 630: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 631: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 632: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 633: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 634: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 635: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 636: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 637: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 638: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 639: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 640: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 641: {region: 0x7b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 642: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 643: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 644: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 645: {region: 0x165, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 646: {region: 0x123, script: 0xe6, flags: 0x0}, + 647: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 648: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 649: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 650: {region: 0x1c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x1}, + 651: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 652: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 653: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 654: {region: 0x138, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 655: {region: 0x87, script: 0x5e, flags: 0x0}, + 656: {region: 0x97, script: 0x3e, flags: 0x0}, + 657: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 658: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 659: {region: 0x131, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 660: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 661: {region: 0xb7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 662: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 663: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 664: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 665: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 666: {region: 0x53, script: 0xe6, flags: 0x0}, + 667: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 668: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 669: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 670: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 671: {region: 0x99, script: 0x5c, flags: 0x0}, + 672: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 673: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 674: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 675: {region: 0x131, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 676: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 677: {region: 0xd9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 678: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 679: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 680: {region: 0x21, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 681: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 682: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 683: {region: 0x9e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 684: {region: 0x53, script: 0x60, flags: 0x0}, + 685: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 686: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 687: {region: 0x135, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 688: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 689: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 690: {region: 0x99, script: 0xe1, flags: 0x0}, + 691: {region: 0x9e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 692: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 693: {region: 0x4b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 694: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 695: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 696: {region: 0xaf, script: 0x57, flags: 0x0}, + 697: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 698: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 699: {region: 0x4b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 700: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 701: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 702: {region: 0x162, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 703: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 704: {region: 0xb6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 705: {region: 0xb8, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 706: {region: 0x4b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 707: {region: 0x4b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 708: {region: 0xa4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 709: {region: 0xa4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 710: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 711: {region: 0xb8, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 712: {region: 0x123, script: 0xe6, flags: 0x0}, + 713: {region: 0x53, script: 0x3b, flags: 0x0}, + 714: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 715: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 716: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 717: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 718: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 719: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 720: {region: 0x23, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 721: {region: 0xa4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 722: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 723: {region: 0xcf, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 724: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 725: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 726: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 727: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 728: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 729: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 730: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 731: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 732: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 733: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 734: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 735: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 736: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 737: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 738: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 739: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 740: {region: 0x165, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 741: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 742: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 743: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 744: {region: 0x112, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 745: {region: 0xa4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 746: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 747: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 748: {region: 0x123, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 749: {region: 0xcc, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 750: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 751: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 752: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 753: {region: 0xbf, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 754: {region: 0xd1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 755: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 756: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 757: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 758: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 759: {region: 0xc0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 760: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 761: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 762: {region: 0xe0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 763: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 764: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 765: {region: 0x9b, script: 0x3d, flags: 0x0}, + 766: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 767: {region: 0xc2, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 768: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 769: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 770: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 771: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 772: {region: 0x99, script: 0x6e, flags: 0x0}, + 773: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 774: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 775: {region: 0x10b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 776: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 777: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 778: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 779: {region: 0x26, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 780: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 781: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 782: {region: 0x99, script: 0xe, flags: 0x0}, + 783: {region: 0xc4, script: 0x75, flags: 0x0}, + 785: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 786: {region: 0x49, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 787: {region: 0x49, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 788: {region: 0x37, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 789: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 790: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 791: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 792: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 793: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 794: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 795: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 796: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 797: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 798: {region: 0x35, script: 0x72, flags: 0x0}, + 799: {region: 0x29, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 800: {region: 0xcb, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 801: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 802: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 803: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 804: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 805: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 807: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 808: {region: 0x135, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 809: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 810: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 811: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 812: {region: 0xc3, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 813: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 814: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 815: {region: 0x164, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 816: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 817: {region: 0xc4, script: 0x75, flags: 0x0}, + 818: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 819: {region: 0x165, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 820: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 821: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 822: {region: 0x131, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 823: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x66, flags: 0x0}, + 824: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 825: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 826: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 827: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 828: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 829: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 830: {region: 0xdd, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 831: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 832: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 834: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 835: {region: 0x53, script: 0x3b, flags: 0x0}, + 836: {region: 0x9e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 837: {region: 0xd2, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 838: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 839: {region: 0xda, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 840: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 841: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 842: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 843: {region: 0xcf, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 844: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 845: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 846: {region: 0x164, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 847: {region: 0xd1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 848: {region: 0x60, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 849: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 850: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 851: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 852: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 853: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 854: {region: 0xd2, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 855: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 856: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 857: {region: 0xd1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 858: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 859: {region: 0xcf, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 860: {region: 0xcf, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 861: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 862: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 863: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 864: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 865: {region: 0xdf, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 866: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 867: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 868: {region: 0x99, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 869: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 870: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 871: {region: 0xd9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 872: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 873: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 874: {region: 0xda, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 875: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 876: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 877: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 878: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 879: {region: 0xda, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 880: {region: 0x123, script: 0x56, flags: 0x0}, + 881: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 882: {region: 0x10c, script: 0xc4, flags: 0x0}, + 883: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 884: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 885: {region: 0x84, script: 0x7c, flags: 0x0}, + 886: {region: 0x161, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 887: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 888: {region: 0x49, script: 0x17, flags: 0x0}, + 889: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 890: {region: 0x161, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 891: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 892: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 893: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 894: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 895: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 896: {region: 0x117, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 897: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 898: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 899: {region: 0x135, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 900: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 901: {region: 0x53, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 902: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 903: {region: 0xce, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 904: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 905: {region: 0x131, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 906: {region: 0x80, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 907: {region: 0x78, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 908: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 910: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 911: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 912: {region: 0x6f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 913: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 914: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 915: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 916: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 917: {region: 0x99, script: 0x81, flags: 0x0}, + 918: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 919: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 920: {region: 0x7d, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 921: {region: 0x135, script: 0x82, flags: 0x0}, + 922: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 923: {region: 0xc5, script: 0x80, flags: 0x0}, + 924: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 925: {region: 0x2c, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 926: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 927: {region: 0x2f, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 928: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 929: {region: 0x30, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 930: {region: 0xf0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 931: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 932: {region: 0x78, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 933: {region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 934: {region: 0x135, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 935: {region: 0x49, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 936: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 937: {region: 0x9c, script: 0xf0, flags: 0x0}, + 938: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 939: {region: 0x60, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 940: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 941: {region: 0xb0, script: 0x8b, flags: 0x0}, + 943: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 944: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 945: {region: 0x99, script: 0x12, flags: 0x0}, + 946: {region: 0xa4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 947: {region: 0xe9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 948: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 949: {region: 0x9e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 950: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 951: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 952: {region: 0x87, script: 0x34, flags: 0x0}, + 953: {region: 0x75, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 954: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 955: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x4d, flags: 0x0}, + 956: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 957: {region: 0x1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 958: {region: 0x24, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 959: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 960: {region: 0x41, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 961: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 962: {region: 0x7a, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 963: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 964: {region: 0xe4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 965: {region: 0x89, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 966: {region: 0x69, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 967: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 968: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 969: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 970: {region: 0x102, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 971: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 972: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 973: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 974: {region: 0x9e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 975: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 976: {region: 0x99, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 977: {region: 0x31, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 978: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 979: {region: 0x35, script: 0xe, flags: 0x0}, + 980: {region: 0x4e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 981: {region: 0x72, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 982: {region: 0x4e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 983: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 984: {region: 0x10c, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 985: {region: 0x3a, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 986: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 987: {region: 0xd1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 988: {region: 0x104, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 989: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 990: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 991: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 992: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 993: {region: 0x73, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 994: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 995: {region: 0x130, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 996: {region: 0x109, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 997: {region: 0x107, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 998: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 999: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1000: {region: 0xa2, script: 0x4c, flags: 0x0}, + 1001: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1002: {region: 0x80, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1003: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 1004: {region: 0xa4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1005: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1006: {region: 0x99, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1007: {region: 0x114, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1008: {region: 0x99, script: 0xc8, flags: 0x0}, + 1009: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1010: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1011: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1012: {region: 0x9e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1013: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1014: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 1015: {region: 0x9e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1016: {region: 0x7b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1017: {region: 0x49, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1018: {region: 0x33, script: 0x4, flags: 0x1}, + 1019: {region: 0x9e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1020: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 1021: {region: 0xda, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1022: {region: 0x4f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1023: {region: 0xd1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1024: {region: 0xcf, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1025: {region: 0xc3, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1026: {region: 0x4c, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1027: {region: 0x96, script: 0x7e, flags: 0x0}, + 1028: {region: 0xb6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1029: {region: 0x165, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 1030: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1032: {region: 0xba, script: 0xe3, flags: 0x0}, + 1033: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1034: {region: 0xc4, script: 0x75, flags: 0x0}, + 1035: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 1036: {region: 0xb3, script: 0xcf, flags: 0x0}, + 1037: {region: 0x6f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1038: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1039: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1040: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1041: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1042: {region: 0x111, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1043: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1044: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 1045: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1046: {region: 0x10f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1047: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1048: {region: 0xe9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1049: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1050: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1051: {region: 0x142, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1052: {region: 0x10c, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1054: {region: 0x10c, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1055: {region: 0x72, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1056: {region: 0x97, script: 0xc5, flags: 0x0}, + 1057: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1058: {region: 0x72, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1059: {region: 0x164, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1060: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1061: {region: 0xc3, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1062: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1063: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1064: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1065: {region: 0x115, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1066: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1067: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1068: {region: 0x123, script: 0xe6, flags: 0x0}, + 1069: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1070: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1071: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1072: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1073: {region: 0x27, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1074: {region: 0x37, script: 0x5, flags: 0x1}, + 1075: {region: 0x99, script: 0xd2, flags: 0x0}, + 1076: {region: 0x116, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1077: {region: 0x114, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1078: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1079: {region: 0x161, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1080: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1081: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1082: {region: 0x6d, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1083: {region: 0x161, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1084: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1085: {region: 0x60, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1086: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1087: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1088: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1089: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1090: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1091: {region: 0x84, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1092: {region: 0x10c, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1093: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1094: {region: 0x15f, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 1095: {region: 0x4b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1096: {region: 0x60, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1097: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1098: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1099: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1100: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1101: {region: 0x35, script: 0xe, flags: 0x0}, + 1102: {region: 0x9b, script: 0xd6, flags: 0x0}, + 1103: {region: 0xe9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1104: {region: 0x99, script: 0xde, flags: 0x0}, + 1105: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1106: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1107: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1108: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1109: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1110: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1111: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1112: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1113: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1114: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1115: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1116: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1117: {region: 0x99, script: 0x52, flags: 0x0}, + 1118: {region: 0x53, script: 0xdc, flags: 0x0}, + 1119: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1120: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1121: {region: 0x99, script: 0xe1, flags: 0x0}, + 1122: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1123: {region: 0x112, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1124: {region: 0x131, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1125: {region: 0x126, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1126: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1127: {region: 0x3c, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 1128: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1129: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1130: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1131: {region: 0x123, script: 0xe6, flags: 0x0}, + 1132: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1133: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1134: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1135: {region: 0x6f, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 1136: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1137: {region: 0x6d, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 1138: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1139: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1140: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1141: {region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1142: {region: 0x127, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1143: {region: 0x125, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1144: {region: 0x32, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1145: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1146: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1147: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1148: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1149: {region: 0x32, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1150: {region: 0xd4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1151: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1152: {region: 0x161, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1153: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1154: {region: 0x129, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1155: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1156: {region: 0xce, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1157: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1158: {region: 0xe6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1159: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1160: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1161: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1162: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1163: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1164: {region: 0x12e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1165: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 1166: {region: 0x161, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1167: {region: 0x87, script: 0x34, flags: 0x0}, + 1168: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1169: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1170: {region: 0x43, script: 0xe7, flags: 0x0}, + 1171: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1172: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 1173: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1174: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1175: {region: 0x131, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1176: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1177: {region: 0x123, script: 0xe6, flags: 0x0}, + 1178: {region: 0x32, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1179: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1180: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1181: {region: 0xce, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1182: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1183: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1184: {region: 0x12d, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1185: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1187: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1188: {region: 0xd4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1189: {region: 0x53, script: 0xdf, flags: 0x0}, + 1190: {region: 0xe5, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1191: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1192: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 1193: {region: 0xba, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1194: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1195: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 1196: {region: 0x3f, script: 0x4, flags: 0x1}, + 1197: {region: 0x11c, script: 0xea, flags: 0x0}, + 1198: {region: 0x130, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 1199: {region: 0x75, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1200: {region: 0x2a, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1202: {region: 0x43, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 1203: {region: 0x99, script: 0xe, flags: 0x0}, + 1204: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 1205: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1206: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1207: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1208: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1209: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1210: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1211: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1212: {region: 0x46, script: 0x4, flags: 0x1}, + 1213: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1214: {region: 0xb4, script: 0xeb, flags: 0x0}, + 1215: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1216: {region: 0x161, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1217: {region: 0x9e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1218: {region: 0x106, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1219: {region: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1220: {region: 0x11b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1221: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1222: {region: 0x36, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1223: {region: 0x60, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1224: {region: 0xd1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1225: {region: 0x1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1226: {region: 0x106, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1227: {region: 0x6a, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1228: {region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1229: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1230: {region: 0x36, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1231: {region: 0x4e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1232: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1233: {region: 0x6f, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 1234: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1235: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1236: {region: 0x2f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1237: {region: 0x99, script: 0xe1, flags: 0x0}, + 1238: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1239: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1240: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1241: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1242: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1243: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1244: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1245: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1246: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1247: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1248: {region: 0x140, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1249: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1250: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1251: {region: 0xa8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 1252: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1253: {region: 0x114, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1254: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1255: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1256: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1257: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1258: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1259: {region: 0x53, script: 0x3b, flags: 0x0}, + 1260: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1261: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1262: {region: 0x41, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1263: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1264: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x18, flags: 0x0}, + 1265: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1266: {region: 0x161, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1267: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1268: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x62, flags: 0x0}, + 1269: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x63, flags: 0x0}, + 1270: {region: 0x7d, script: 0x2e, flags: 0x0}, + 1271: {region: 0x53, script: 0x67, flags: 0x0}, + 1272: {region: 0x10b, script: 0x6c, flags: 0x0}, + 1273: {region: 0x108, script: 0x77, flags: 0x0}, + 1274: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1275: {region: 0x131, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1276: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1277: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x8e, flags: 0x0}, + 1278: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1279: {region: 0x15e, script: 0xc7, flags: 0x0}, + 1280: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1281: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1282: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 1283: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1284: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1285: {region: 0xd1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1286: {region: 0x75, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1287: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1288: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1289: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1290: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1291: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1292: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1293: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1294: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1295: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1296: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1297: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1298: {region: 0x1, script: 0x3e, flags: 0x0}, + 1299: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1300: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1301: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1302: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1303: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1304: {region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1305: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1306: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1307: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1308: {region: 0x41, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1309: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1310: {region: 0xcf, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1311: {region: 0x4a, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 1312: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1313: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1314: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1315: {region: 0x53, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1316: {region: 0x10b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1318: {region: 0xa8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 1319: {region: 0xd9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1320: {region: 0xba, script: 0xe3, flags: 0x0}, + 1321: {region: 0x4d, script: 0x14, flags: 0x1}, + 1322: {region: 0x53, script: 0x7d, flags: 0x0}, + 1323: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1324: {region: 0x122, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1325: {region: 0xd0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1326: {region: 0x165, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1327: {region: 0x161, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 1329: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, +} + +// likelyLangList holds lists info associated with likelyLang. +// Size: 388 bytes, 97 elements +var likelyLangList = [97]likelyScriptRegion{ + 0: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x7, flags: 0x0}, + 1: {region: 0xa1, script: 0x78, flags: 0x2}, + 2: {region: 0x11c, script: 0x84, flags: 0x2}, + 3: {region: 0x32, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 4: {region: 0x9b, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 5: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 6: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x4}, + 7: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x2}, + 8: {region: 0x106, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 9: {region: 0x38, script: 0x2f, flags: 0x2}, + 10: {region: 0x135, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 11: {region: 0x7b, script: 0xca, flags: 0x2}, + 12: {region: 0x114, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 13: {region: 0x84, script: 0x1, flags: 0x2}, + 14: {region: 0x5d, script: 0x1f, flags: 0x0}, + 15: {region: 0x87, script: 0x5f, flags: 0x2}, + 16: {region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 17: {region: 0x52, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 18: {region: 0x10b, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 19: {region: 0xae, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 20: {region: 0x24, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 21: {region: 0x53, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 22: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 23: {region: 0xc5, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 24: {region: 0x53, script: 0x5, flags: 0x2}, + 25: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 26: {region: 0xb0, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 27: {region: 0x9b, script: 0x5, flags: 0x2}, + 28: {region: 0xa5, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 29: {region: 0x53, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 30: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x4}, + 31: {region: 0x53, script: 0x5, flags: 0x2}, + 32: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x2}, + 33: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 34: {region: 0x99, script: 0x5d, flags: 0x2}, + 35: {region: 0x83, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 36: {region: 0x84, script: 0x7c, flags: 0x4}, + 37: {region: 0x84, script: 0x7c, flags: 0x2}, + 38: {region: 0xc5, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 39: {region: 0x53, script: 0x70, flags: 0x4}, + 40: {region: 0x53, script: 0x70, flags: 0x2}, + 41: {region: 0xd0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 42: {region: 0x4a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 43: {region: 0x95, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 44: {region: 0x99, script: 0x36, flags: 0x0}, + 45: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 46: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x2}, + 47: {region: 0x9c, script: 0x88, flags: 0x0}, + 48: {region: 0x53, script: 0x89, flags: 0x2}, + 49: {region: 0xba, script: 0xe3, flags: 0x0}, + 50: {region: 0xd9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x4}, + 51: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 52: {region: 0x99, script: 0x22, flags: 0x2}, + 53: {region: 0x99, script: 0x4f, flags: 0x2}, + 54: {region: 0x99, script: 0xce, flags: 0x2}, + 55: {region: 0x105, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 56: {region: 0xbd, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x4}, + 57: {region: 0x104, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x4}, + 58: {region: 0x106, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x4}, + 59: {region: 0x12b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x4}, + 60: {region: 0x124, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 61: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 62: {region: 0xe8, script: 0x5, flags: 0x2}, + 63: {region: 0x53, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 64: {region: 0xae, script: 0x20, flags: 0x4}, + 65: {region: 0xc5, script: 0x20, flags: 0x4}, + 66: {region: 0xae, script: 0x20, flags: 0x2}, + 67: {region: 0x99, script: 0xe, flags: 0x0}, + 68: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x4}, + 69: {region: 0xdb, script: 0x22, flags: 0x2}, + 70: {region: 0x137, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 71: {region: 0x24, script: 0x5, flags: 0x4}, + 72: {region: 0x53, script: 0x20, flags: 0x4}, + 73: {region: 0x24, script: 0x5, flags: 0x2}, + 74: {region: 0x8d, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x0}, + 75: {region: 0x53, script: 0x3b, flags: 0x4}, + 76: {region: 0x53, script: 0x3b, flags: 0x2}, + 77: {region: 0x53, script: 0x3b, flags: 0x0}, + 78: {region: 0x2f, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 79: {region: 0x3e, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 80: {region: 0x7b, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 81: {region: 0x7e, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 82: {region: 0x8d, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 83: {region: 0x95, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 84: {region: 0xc6, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 85: {region: 0xd0, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 86: {region: 0xe2, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 87: {region: 0xe5, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 88: {region: 0xe7, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 89: {region: 0x116, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 90: {region: 0x123, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 91: {region: 0x12e, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 92: {region: 0x135, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 93: {region: 0x13e, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x4}, + 94: {region: 0x12e, script: 0x11, flags: 0x2}, + 95: {region: 0x12e, script: 0x37, flags: 0x2}, + 96: {region: 0x12e, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x2}, +} + +type likelyLangScript struct { + lang uint16 + script uint8 + flags uint8 +} + +// likelyRegion is a lookup table, indexed by regionID, for the most likely +// languages and scripts given incomplete information. If more entries exist +// for a given regionID, lang and script are the index and size respectively +// of the list in likelyRegionList. +// TODO: exclude containers and user-definable regions from the list. +// Size: 1432 bytes, 358 elements +var likelyRegion = [358]likelyLangScript{ + 34: {lang: 0xd7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 35: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 36: {lang: 0x0, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 39: {lang: 0x2, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 40: {lang: 0x4, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 42: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 43: {lang: 0x0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 44: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 45: {lang: 0x41b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 46: {lang: 0x10d, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 48: {lang: 0x367, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 49: {lang: 0x444, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 50: {lang: 0x58, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 51: {lang: 0x6, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 53: {lang: 0xa5, script: 0xe, flags: 0x0}, + 54: {lang: 0x367, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 55: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 56: {lang: 0x7e, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 57: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 58: {lang: 0x3d9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 59: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 60: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 62: {lang: 0x31f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 63: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 64: {lang: 0x3a1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 65: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 67: {lang: 0x8, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 69: {lang: 0x0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 71: {lang: 0x71, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 73: {lang: 0x512, script: 0x3e, flags: 0x2}, + 74: {lang: 0x31f, script: 0x5, flags: 0x2}, + 75: {lang: 0x445, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 76: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 77: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 78: {lang: 0x10d, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 79: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 81: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 82: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 83: {lang: 0xa, script: 0x4, flags: 0x1}, + 84: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 85: {lang: 0x0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 86: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 89: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 90: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 91: {lang: 0x3a1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 93: {lang: 0xe, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 94: {lang: 0xfa, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 96: {lang: 0x10d, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 98: {lang: 0x1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 99: {lang: 0x101, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 101: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 103: {lang: 0x10, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 104: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 105: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 106: {lang: 0x140, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 107: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 108: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 109: {lang: 0x46f, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 110: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 111: {lang: 0x12, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 113: {lang: 0x10d, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 114: {lang: 0x151, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 115: {lang: 0x1c0, script: 0x22, flags: 0x2}, + 118: {lang: 0x158, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 120: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 122: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 123: {lang: 0x14, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 125: {lang: 0x16, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 126: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 128: {lang: 0x21, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 130: {lang: 0x245, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 132: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 133: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 134: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 135: {lang: 0x19, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 136: {lang: 0x0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 137: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 139: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 141: {lang: 0x529, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x0}, + 142: {lang: 0x0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 143: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 144: {lang: 0x1d1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 145: {lang: 0x1d4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 146: {lang: 0x1d5, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 148: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 149: {lang: 0x1b, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 151: {lang: 0x1bc, script: 0x3e, flags: 0x0}, + 153: {lang: 0x1d, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 155: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 156: {lang: 0x20, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 157: {lang: 0x1f8, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 158: {lang: 0x1f9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 161: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 162: {lang: 0x200, script: 0x49, flags: 0x0}, + 164: {lang: 0x445, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 165: {lang: 0x28a, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 166: {lang: 0x22, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 168: {lang: 0x25, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 170: {lang: 0x254, script: 0x53, flags: 0x0}, + 171: {lang: 0x254, script: 0x53, flags: 0x0}, + 172: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 174: {lang: 0x3e2, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 175: {lang: 0x27, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 176: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 178: {lang: 0x10d, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 179: {lang: 0x40c, script: 0xcf, flags: 0x0}, + 181: {lang: 0x43b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 182: {lang: 0x2c0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 183: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 184: {lang: 0x2c7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 185: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 186: {lang: 0x29, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 187: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 188: {lang: 0x2b, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 189: {lang: 0x432, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 190: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 191: {lang: 0x2f1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 194: {lang: 0x2d, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 195: {lang: 0xa0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 196: {lang: 0x2f, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 197: {lang: 0x31, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 198: {lang: 0x33, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 200: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 201: {lang: 0x35, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 203: {lang: 0x320, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 204: {lang: 0x37, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 205: {lang: 0x128, script: 0xe5, flags: 0x0}, + 207: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 208: {lang: 0x31f, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 209: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 210: {lang: 0x16, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 211: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 212: {lang: 0x1b4, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 214: {lang: 0x1b4, script: 0x5, flags: 0x2}, + 216: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 217: {lang: 0x367, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 218: {lang: 0x347, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 219: {lang: 0x351, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 225: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 226: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 228: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 229: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 230: {lang: 0x486, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 231: {lang: 0x153, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 232: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 233: {lang: 0x3b3, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 234: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 236: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 237: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 238: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 240: {lang: 0x3a2, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 241: {lang: 0x194, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 243: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 258: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 260: {lang: 0x3d, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 261: {lang: 0x432, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 262: {lang: 0x3f, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 263: {lang: 0x3e5, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 264: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 266: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 267: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 268: {lang: 0x41, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 271: {lang: 0x416, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 272: {lang: 0x347, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 273: {lang: 0x43, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 275: {lang: 0x1f9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 276: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 277: {lang: 0x429, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 278: {lang: 0x367, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 280: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 282: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 284: {lang: 0x45, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 288: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 289: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 290: {lang: 0x47, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 291: {lang: 0x49, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 292: {lang: 0x4c, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 293: {lang: 0x477, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 294: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 295: {lang: 0x476, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 296: {lang: 0x4e, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 297: {lang: 0x482, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 299: {lang: 0x50, script: 0x4, flags: 0x1}, + 301: {lang: 0x4a0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 302: {lang: 0x54, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 303: {lang: 0x445, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 304: {lang: 0x56, script: 0x3, flags: 0x1}, + 305: {lang: 0x445, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 309: {lang: 0x512, script: 0x3e, flags: 0x2}, + 310: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 311: {lang: 0x4bc, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 312: {lang: 0x1f9, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 315: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 318: {lang: 0x4c3, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 319: {lang: 0x8a, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 320: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 322: {lang: 0x41b, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 333: {lang: 0x59, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 350: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 351: {lang: 0x5b, script: 0x2, flags: 0x1}, + 356: {lang: 0x423, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, +} + +// likelyRegionList holds lists info associated with likelyRegion. +// Size: 372 bytes, 93 elements +var likelyRegionList = [93]likelyLangScript{ + 0: {lang: 0x148, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 1: {lang: 0x476, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 2: {lang: 0x431, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 3: {lang: 0x2ff, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 4: {lang: 0x1d7, script: 0x8, flags: 0x0}, + 5: {lang: 0x274, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 6: {lang: 0xb7, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 7: {lang: 0x432, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 8: {lang: 0x12d, script: 0xe7, flags: 0x0}, + 9: {lang: 0x351, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 10: {lang: 0x529, script: 0x3b, flags: 0x0}, + 11: {lang: 0x4ac, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 12: {lang: 0x523, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 13: {lang: 0x29a, script: 0xe6, flags: 0x0}, + 14: {lang: 0x136, script: 0x34, flags: 0x0}, + 15: {lang: 0x48a, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 16: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 17: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 18: {lang: 0x27, script: 0x2c, flags: 0x0}, + 19: {lang: 0x139, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 20: {lang: 0x26a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x2}, + 21: {lang: 0x512, script: 0x3e, flags: 0x2}, + 22: {lang: 0x210, script: 0x2e, flags: 0x0}, + 23: {lang: 0x5, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 24: {lang: 0x274, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 25: {lang: 0x136, script: 0x34, flags: 0x0}, + 26: {lang: 0x2ff, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 27: {lang: 0x1e1, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 28: {lang: 0x31f, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 29: {lang: 0x1be, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 30: {lang: 0x4b4, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 31: {lang: 0x236, script: 0x75, flags: 0x0}, + 32: {lang: 0x148, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 33: {lang: 0x476, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 34: {lang: 0x24a, script: 0x4e, flags: 0x0}, + 35: {lang: 0xe6, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 36: {lang: 0x226, script: 0xe6, flags: 0x0}, + 37: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 38: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 39: {lang: 0x2b8, script: 0x57, flags: 0x0}, + 40: {lang: 0x226, script: 0xe6, flags: 0x0}, + 41: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 42: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 43: {lang: 0x3dc, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 44: {lang: 0x4ae, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 45: {lang: 0x2ff, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 46: {lang: 0x431, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 47: {lang: 0x331, script: 0x75, flags: 0x0}, + 48: {lang: 0x213, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 49: {lang: 0x30b, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 50: {lang: 0x242, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 51: {lang: 0x529, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x0}, + 52: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 53: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 54: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 55: {lang: 0x2ed, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 56: {lang: 0x4b4, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 57: {lang: 0x88, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 58: {lang: 0x4b4, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 59: {lang: 0x4b4, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 60: {lang: 0xbe, script: 0x22, flags: 0x0}, + 61: {lang: 0x3dc, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 62: {lang: 0x7e, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 63: {lang: 0x3e2, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 64: {lang: 0x267, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 65: {lang: 0x444, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 66: {lang: 0x512, script: 0x3e, flags: 0x0}, + 67: {lang: 0x412, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 68: {lang: 0x4ae, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 69: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 70: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 71: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 72: {lang: 0x35, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 73: {lang: 0x46b, script: 0xe6, flags: 0x0}, + 74: {lang: 0x2ec, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 75: {lang: 0x30f, script: 0x75, flags: 0x0}, + 76: {lang: 0x467, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 77: {lang: 0x148, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 78: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 79: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 80: {lang: 0x48a, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 81: {lang: 0x58, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, + 82: {lang: 0x219, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 83: {lang: 0x81, script: 0x34, flags: 0x0}, + 84: {lang: 0x529, script: 0x3c, flags: 0x0}, + 85: {lang: 0x48c, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 86: {lang: 0x4ae, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 87: {lang: 0x512, script: 0x3e, flags: 0x0}, + 88: {lang: 0x3b3, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 89: {lang: 0x431, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 90: {lang: 0x432, script: 0x20, flags: 0x0}, + 91: {lang: 0x15e, script: 0x5a, flags: 0x0}, + 92: {lang: 0x446, script: 0x5, flags: 0x0}, +} + +type likelyTag struct { + lang uint16 + region uint16 + script uint8 +} + +// Size: 198 bytes, 33 elements +var likelyRegionGroup = [33]likelyTag{ + 1: {lang: 0x139, region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a}, + 2: {lang: 0x139, region: 0x135, script: 0x5a}, + 3: {lang: 0x3c0, region: 0x41, script: 0x5a}, + 4: {lang: 0x139, region: 0x2f, script: 0x5a}, + 5: {lang: 0x139, region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a}, + 6: {lang: 0x13e, region: 0xcf, script: 0x5a}, + 7: {lang: 0x445, region: 0x12f, script: 0x5a}, + 8: {lang: 0x3a, region: 0x6b, script: 0x5}, + 9: {lang: 0x445, region: 0x4b, script: 0x5a}, + 10: {lang: 0x139, region: 0x161, script: 0x5a}, + 11: {lang: 0x139, region: 0x135, script: 0x5a}, + 12: {lang: 0x139, region: 0x135, script: 0x5a}, + 13: {lang: 0x13e, region: 0x59, script: 0x5a}, + 14: {lang: 0x529, region: 0x53, script: 0x3b}, + 15: {lang: 0x1be, region: 0x99, script: 0x22}, + 16: {lang: 0x1e1, region: 0x95, script: 0x5a}, + 17: {lang: 0x1f9, region: 0x9e, script: 0x5a}, + 18: {lang: 0x139, region: 0x2f, script: 0x5a}, + 19: {lang: 0x139, region: 0xe6, script: 0x5a}, + 20: {lang: 0x139, region: 0x8a, script: 0x5a}, + 21: {lang: 0x41b, region: 0x142, script: 0x5a}, + 22: {lang: 0x529, region: 0x53, script: 0x3b}, + 23: {lang: 0x4bc, region: 0x137, script: 0x5a}, + 24: {lang: 0x3a, region: 0x108, script: 0x5}, + 25: {lang: 0x3e2, region: 0x106, script: 0x20}, + 26: {lang: 0x3e2, region: 0x106, script: 0x20}, + 27: {lang: 0x139, region: 0x7b, script: 0x5a}, + 28: {lang: 0x10d, region: 0x60, script: 0x5a}, + 29: {lang: 0x139, region: 0xd6, script: 0x5a}, + 30: {lang: 0x13e, region: 0x1f, script: 0x5a}, + 31: {lang: 0x139, region: 0x9a, script: 0x5a}, + 32: {lang: 0x139, region: 0x7b, script: 0x5a}, +} + +// Size: 264 bytes, 33 elements +var regionContainment = [33]uint64{ + // Entry 0 - 1F + 0x00000001ffffffff, 0x00000000200007a2, 0x0000000000003044, 0x0000000000000008, + 0x00000000803c0010, 0x0000000000000020, 0x0000000000000040, 0x0000000000000080, + 0x0000000000000100, 0x0000000000000200, 0x0000000000000400, 0x000000004000384c, + 0x0000000000001000, 0x0000000000002000, 0x0000000000004000, 0x0000000000008000, + 0x0000000000010000, 0x0000000000020000, 0x0000000000040000, 0x0000000000080000, + 0x0000000000100000, 0x0000000000200000, 0x0000000001c1c000, 0x0000000000800000, + 0x0000000001000000, 0x000000001e020000, 0x0000000004000000, 0x0000000008000000, + 0x0000000010000000, 0x00000000200006a0, 0x0000000040002048, 0x0000000080000000, + // Entry 20 - 3F + 0x0000000100000000, +} + +// regionInclusion maps region identifiers to sets of regions in regionInclusionBits, +// where each set holds all groupings that are directly connected in a region +// containment graph. +// Size: 358 bytes, 358 elements +var regionInclusion = [358]uint8{ + // Entry 0 - 3F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, + 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, + 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, + 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x26, 0x23, + 0x24, 0x26, 0x27, 0x22, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + 0x26, 0x2c, 0x24, 0x23, 0x26, 0x25, 0x2a, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x24, 0x2f, 0x2d, 0x26, 0x30, 0x31, 0x28, + // Entry 40 - 7F + 0x26, 0x28, 0x26, 0x25, 0x31, 0x22, 0x32, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x30, 0x22, 0x27, 0x27, 0x27, 0x35, 0x2d, + 0x29, 0x28, 0x27, 0x36, 0x28, 0x22, 0x34, 0x23, + 0x21, 0x26, 0x2d, 0x26, 0x22, 0x37, 0x2e, 0x35, + 0x2a, 0x22, 0x2f, 0x38, 0x26, 0x26, 0x21, 0x39, + 0x39, 0x28, 0x38, 0x39, 0x39, 0x2f, 0x3a, 0x2f, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x38, 0x3b, 0x28, 0x3c, 0x2c, 0x21, + 0x2a, 0x35, 0x27, 0x38, 0x26, 0x24, 0x28, 0x2c, + // Entry 80 - BF + 0x2d, 0x23, 0x30, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x26, 0x27, 0x3a, + 0x22, 0x34, 0x3c, 0x2d, 0x28, 0x36, 0x22, 0x34, + 0x3a, 0x26, 0x2e, 0x21, 0x39, 0x31, 0x38, 0x24, + 0x2c, 0x25, 0x22, 0x24, 0x25, 0x2c, 0x3a, 0x2c, + 0x26, 0x24, 0x36, 0x21, 0x2f, 0x3d, 0x31, 0x3c, + 0x2f, 0x26, 0x36, 0x36, 0x24, 0x26, 0x3d, 0x31, + 0x24, 0x26, 0x35, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x32, 0x38, 0x2a, + 0x38, 0x39, 0x39, 0x35, 0x33, 0x23, 0x26, 0x2f, + // Entry C0 - FF + 0x3c, 0x21, 0x23, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x36, 0x36, 0x3c, + 0x26, 0x2d, 0x26, 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x25, 0x2f, 0x34, + 0x31, 0x2f, 0x32, 0x3b, 0x2d, 0x2b, 0x2d, 0x21, + 0x34, 0x2a, 0x2c, 0x25, 0x21, 0x3c, 0x24, 0x29, + 0x2b, 0x24, 0x34, 0x21, 0x28, 0x29, 0x3b, 0x31, + 0x25, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x29, 0x26, 0x24, 0x3a, 0x21, + 0x3c, 0x28, 0x21, 0x24, 0x21, 0x21, 0x1f, 0x21, + 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, + // Entry 100 - 13F + 0x21, 0x21, 0x2f, 0x21, 0x2e, 0x23, 0x33, 0x2f, + 0x24, 0x3b, 0x2f, 0x39, 0x38, 0x31, 0x2d, 0x3a, + 0x2c, 0x2e, 0x2d, 0x23, 0x2d, 0x2f, 0x28, 0x2f, + 0x27, 0x33, 0x34, 0x26, 0x24, 0x32, 0x22, 0x26, + 0x27, 0x22, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x3d, 0x29, 0x31, 0x3d, + 0x39, 0x29, 0x31, 0x24, 0x26, 0x29, 0x36, 0x2f, + 0x33, 0x2f, 0x21, 0x22, 0x21, 0x30, 0x28, 0x3d, + 0x23, 0x26, 0x21, 0x28, 0x26, 0x26, 0x31, 0x3b, + // Entry 140 - 17F + 0x29, 0x21, 0x29, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, + 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x23, 0x21, 0x21, + 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, + 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0x24, 0x24, 0x2f, + 0x23, 0x32, 0x2f, 0x27, 0x2f, 0x21, +} + +// regionInclusionBits is an array of bit vectors where every vector represents +// a set of region groupings. These sets are used to compute the distance +// between two regions for the purpose of language matching. +// Size: 584 bytes, 73 elements +var regionInclusionBits = [73]uint64{ + // Entry 0 - 1F + 0x0000000102400813, 0x00000000200007a3, 0x0000000000003844, 0x0000000040000808, + 0x00000000803c0011, 0x0000000020000022, 0x0000000040000844, 0x0000000020000082, + 0x0000000000000102, 0x0000000020000202, 0x0000000020000402, 0x000000004000384d, + 0x0000000000001804, 0x0000000040002804, 0x0000000000404000, 0x0000000000408000, + 0x0000000000410000, 0x0000000002020000, 0x0000000000040010, 0x0000000000080010, + 0x0000000000100010, 0x0000000000200010, 0x0000000001c1c001, 0x0000000000c00000, + 0x0000000001400000, 0x000000001e020001, 0x0000000006000000, 0x000000000a000000, + 0x0000000012000000, 0x00000000200006a2, 0x0000000040002848, 0x0000000080000010, + // Entry 20 - 3F + 0x0000000100000001, 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000080000000, 0x0000000000020000, + 0x0000000001000000, 0x0000000000008000, 0x0000000000002000, 0x0000000000000200, + 0x0000000000000008, 0x0000000000200000, 0x0000000110000000, 0x0000000000040000, + 0x0000000008000000, 0x0000000000000020, 0x0000000104000000, 0x0000000000000080, + 0x0000000000001000, 0x0000000000010000, 0x0000000000000400, 0x0000000004000000, + 0x0000000000000040, 0x0000000010000000, 0x0000000000004000, 0x0000000101000000, + 0x0000000108000000, 0x0000000000000100, 0x0000000100020000, 0x0000000000080000, + 0x0000000000100000, 0x0000000000800000, 0x00000001ffffffff, 0x0000000122400fb3, + // Entry 40 - 5F + 0x00000001827c0813, 0x000000014240385f, 0x0000000103c1c813, 0x000000011e420813, + 0x0000000112000001, 0x0000000106000001, 0x0000000101400001, 0x000000010a000001, + 0x0000000102020001, +} + +// regionInclusionNext marks, for each entry in regionInclusionBits, the set of +// all groups that are reachable from the groups set in the respective entry. +// Size: 73 bytes, 73 elements +var regionInclusionNext = [73]uint8{ + // Entry 0 - 3F + 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x0b, 0x0b, 0x40, 0x01, 0x0b, 0x01, + 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x41, 0x0b, 0x0b, 0x16, 0x16, + 0x16, 0x19, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x42, 0x16, + 0x16, 0x43, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x01, 0x0b, 0x04, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x11, 0x18, 0x0f, 0x0d, 0x09, + 0x03, 0x15, 0x44, 0x12, 0x1b, 0x05, 0x45, 0x07, + 0x0c, 0x10, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x06, 0x1c, 0x0e, 0x46, + 0x47, 0x08, 0x48, 0x13, 0x14, 0x17, 0x3e, 0x3e, + // Entry 40 - 7F + 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x43, 0x43, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x43, +} + +type parentRel struct { + lang uint16 + script uint8 + maxScript uint8 + toRegion uint16 + fromRegion []uint16 +} + +// Size: 414 bytes, 5 elements +var parents = [5]parentRel{ + 0: {lang: 0x139, script: 0x0, maxScript: 0x5a, toRegion: 0x1, fromRegion: []uint16{0x1a, 0x25, 0x26, 0x2f, 0x34, 0x36, 0x3d, 0x42, 0x46, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x50, 0x52, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x61, 0x64, 0x6d, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7f, 0x80, 0x81, 0x83, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa4, 0xa7, 0xa9, 0xad, 0xb1, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xbf, 0xc6, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xce, 0xd0, 0xd2, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xdd, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xeb, 0xf0, 0x107, 0x109, 0x10a, 0x10b, 0x10d, 0x10e, 0x112, 0x117, 0x11b, 0x11d, 0x11f, 0x125, 0x129, 0x12c, 0x12d, 0x12f, 0x131, 0x139, 0x13c, 0x13f, 0x142, 0x161, 0x162, 0x164}}, + 1: {lang: 0x139, script: 0x0, maxScript: 0x5a, toRegion: 0x1a, fromRegion: []uint16{0x2e, 0x4e, 0x60, 0x63, 0x72, 0xd9, 0x10c, 0x10f}}, + 2: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x0, maxScript: 0x5a, toRegion: 0x1f, fromRegion: []uint16{0x2c, 0x3f, 0x41, 0x48, 0x51, 0x54, 0x56, 0x59, 0x65, 0x69, 0x89, 0x8f, 0xcf, 0xd8, 0xe2, 0xe4, 0xec, 0xf1, 0x11a, 0x135, 0x136, 0x13b}}, + 3: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x0, maxScript: 0x5a, toRegion: 0xee, fromRegion: []uint16{0x2a, 0x4e, 0x5a, 0x86, 0x8b, 0xb7, 0xc6, 0xd1, 0x118, 0x126}}, + 4: {lang: 0x529, script: 0x3c, maxScript: 0x3c, toRegion: 0x8d, fromRegion: []uint16{0xc6}}, +} + +// Total table size 26398 bytes (25KiB); checksum: 1C859EA7 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/tags.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/tags.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e7afd318 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/tags.go @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package language + +// MustParse is like Parse, but panics if the given BCP 47 tag cannot be parsed. +// It simplifies safe initialization of Tag values. +func MustParse(s string) Tag { + t, err := Parse(s) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return t +} + +// MustParseBase is like ParseBase, but panics if the given base cannot be parsed. +// It simplifies safe initialization of Base values. +func MustParseBase(s string) Language { + b, err := ParseBase(s) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return b +} + +// MustParseScript is like ParseScript, but panics if the given script cannot be +// parsed. It simplifies safe initialization of Script values. +func MustParseScript(s string) Script { + scr, err := ParseScript(s) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return scr +} + +// MustParseRegion is like ParseRegion, but panics if the given region cannot be +// parsed. It simplifies safe initialization of Region values. +func MustParseRegion(s string) Region { + r, err := ParseRegion(s) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return r +} + +// Und is the root language. +var Und Tag diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/match.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/match.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1cc004a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/match.go @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package internal + +// This file contains matchers that implement CLDR inheritance. +// +// See https://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Locale_Inheritance. +// +// Some of the inheritance described in this document is already handled by +// the cldr package. + +import ( + "golang.org/x/text/language" +) + +// TODO: consider if (some of the) matching algorithm needs to be public after +// getting some feel about what is generic and what is specific. + +// NewInheritanceMatcher returns a matcher that matches based on the inheritance +// chain. +// +// The matcher uses canonicalization and the parent relationship to find a +// match. The resulting match will always be either Und or a language with the +// same language and script as the requested language. It will not match +// languages for which there is understood to be mutual or one-directional +// intelligibility. +// +// A Match will indicate an Exact match if the language matches after +// canonicalization and High if the matched tag is a parent. +func NewInheritanceMatcher(t []language.Tag) *InheritanceMatcher { + tags := &InheritanceMatcher{make(map[language.Tag]int)} + for i, tag := range t { + ct, err := language.All.Canonicalize(tag) + if err != nil { + ct = tag + } + tags.index[ct] = i + } + return tags +} + +type InheritanceMatcher struct { + index map[language.Tag]int +} + +func (m InheritanceMatcher) Match(want ...language.Tag) (language.Tag, int, language.Confidence) { + for _, t := range want { + ct, err := language.All.Canonicalize(t) + if err != nil { + ct = t + } + conf := language.Exact + for { + if index, ok := m.index[ct]; ok { + return ct, index, conf + } + if ct == language.Und { + break + } + ct = ct.Parent() + conf = language.High + } + } + return language.Und, 0, language.No +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/tag/tag.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/tag/tag.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b5d34889 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/tag/tag.go @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package tag contains functionality handling tags and related data. +package tag // import "golang.org/x/text/internal/tag" + +import "sort" + +// An Index converts tags to a compact numeric value. +// +// All elements are of size 4. Tags may be up to 4 bytes long. Excess bytes can +// be used to store additional information about the tag. +type Index string + +// Elem returns the element data at the given index. +func (s Index) Elem(x int) string { + return string(s[x*4 : x*4+4]) +} + +// Index reports the index of the given key or -1 if it could not be found. +// Only the first len(key) bytes from the start of the 4-byte entries will be +// considered for the search and the first match in Index will be returned. +func (s Index) Index(key []byte) int { + n := len(key) + // search the index of the first entry with an equal or higher value than + // key in s. + index := sort.Search(len(s)/4, func(i int) bool { + return cmp(s[i*4:i*4+n], key) != -1 + }) + i := index * 4 + if cmp(s[i:i+len(key)], key) != 0 { + return -1 + } + return index +} + +// Next finds the next occurrence of key after index x, which must have been +// obtained from a call to Index using the same key. It returns x+1 or -1. +func (s Index) Next(key []byte, x int) int { + if x++; x*4 < len(s) && cmp(s[x*4:x*4+len(key)], key) == 0 { + return x + } + return -1 +} + +// cmp returns an integer comparing a and b lexicographically. +func cmp(a Index, b []byte) int { + n := len(a) + if len(b) < n { + n = len(b) + } + for i, c := range b[:n] { + switch { + case a[i] > c: + return 1 + case a[i] < c: + return -1 + } + } + switch { + case len(a) < len(b): + return -1 + case len(a) > len(b): + return 1 + } + return 0 +} + +// Compare returns an integer comparing a and b lexicographically. +func Compare(a string, b []byte) int { + return cmp(Index(a), b) +} + +// FixCase reformats b to the same pattern of cases as form. +// If returns false if string b is malformed. +func FixCase(form string, b []byte) bool { + if len(form) != len(b) { + return false + } + for i, c := range b { + if form[i] <= 'Z' { + if c >= 'a' { + c -= 'z' - 'Z' + } + if c < 'A' || 'Z' < c { + return false + } + } else { + if c <= 'Z' { + c += 'z' - 'Z' + } + if c < 'a' || 'z' < c { + return false + } + } + b[i] = c + } + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/coverage.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/coverage.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a24fd1a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/coverage.go @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package language + +import ( + "fmt" + "sort" + + "golang.org/x/text/internal/language" +) + +// The Coverage interface is used to define the level of coverage of an +// internationalization service. Note that not all types are supported by all +// services. As lists may be generated on the fly, it is recommended that users +// of a Coverage cache the results. +type Coverage interface { + // Tags returns the list of supported tags. + Tags() []Tag + + // BaseLanguages returns the list of supported base languages. + BaseLanguages() []Base + + // Scripts returns the list of supported scripts. + Scripts() []Script + + // Regions returns the list of supported regions. + Regions() []Region +} + +var ( + // Supported defines a Coverage that lists all supported subtags. Tags + // always returns nil. + Supported Coverage = allSubtags{} +) + +// TODO: +// - Support Variants, numbering systems. +// - CLDR coverage levels. +// - Set of common tags defined in this package. + +type allSubtags struct{} + +// Regions returns the list of supported regions. As all regions are in a +// consecutive range, it simply returns a slice of numbers in increasing order. +// The "undefined" region is not returned. +func (s allSubtags) Regions() []Region { + reg := make([]Region, language.NumRegions) + for i := range reg { + reg[i] = Region{language.Region(i + 1)} + } + return reg +} + +// Scripts returns the list of supported scripts. As all scripts are in a +// consecutive range, it simply returns a slice of numbers in increasing order. +// The "undefined" script is not returned. +func (s allSubtags) Scripts() []Script { + scr := make([]Script, language.NumScripts) + for i := range scr { + scr[i] = Script{language.Script(i + 1)} + } + return scr +} + +// BaseLanguages returns the list of all supported base languages. It generates +// the list by traversing the internal structures. +func (s allSubtags) BaseLanguages() []Base { + bs := language.BaseLanguages() + base := make([]Base, len(bs)) + for i, b := range bs { + base[i] = Base{b} + } + return base +} + +// Tags always returns nil. +func (s allSubtags) Tags() []Tag { + return nil +} + +// coverage is used by NewCoverage which is used as a convenient way for +// creating Coverage implementations for partially defined data. Very often a +// package will only need to define a subset of slices. coverage provides a +// convenient way to do this. Moreover, packages using NewCoverage, instead of +// their own implementation, will not break if later new slice types are added. +type coverage struct { + tags func() []Tag + bases func() []Base + scripts func() []Script + regions func() []Region +} + +func (s *coverage) Tags() []Tag { + if s.tags == nil { + return nil + } + return s.tags() +} + +// bases implements sort.Interface and is used to sort base languages. +type bases []Base + +func (b bases) Len() int { + return len(b) +} + +func (b bases) Swap(i, j int) { + b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] +} + +func (b bases) Less(i, j int) bool { + return b[i].langID < b[j].langID +} + +// BaseLanguages returns the result from calling s.bases if it is specified or +// otherwise derives the set of supported base languages from tags. +func (s *coverage) BaseLanguages() []Base { + if s.bases == nil { + tags := s.Tags() + if len(tags) == 0 { + return nil + } + a := make([]Base, len(tags)) + for i, t := range tags { + a[i] = Base{language.Language(t.lang())} + } + sort.Sort(bases(a)) + k := 0 + for i := 1; i < len(a); i++ { + if a[k] != a[i] { + k++ + a[k] = a[i] + } + } + return a[:k+1] + } + return s.bases() +} + +func (s *coverage) Scripts() []Script { + if s.scripts == nil { + return nil + } + return s.scripts() +} + +func (s *coverage) Regions() []Region { + if s.regions == nil { + return nil + } + return s.regions() +} + +// NewCoverage returns a Coverage for the given lists. It is typically used by +// packages providing internationalization services to define their level of +// coverage. A list may be of type []T or func() []T, where T is either Tag, +// Base, Script or Region. The returned Coverage derives the value for Bases +// from Tags if no func or slice for []Base is specified. For other unspecified +// types the returned Coverage will return nil for the respective methods. +func NewCoverage(list ...interface{}) Coverage { + s := &coverage{} + for _, x := range list { + switch v := x.(type) { + case func() []Base: + s.bases = v + case func() []Script: + s.scripts = v + case func() []Region: + s.regions = v + case func() []Tag: + s.tags = v + case []Base: + s.bases = func() []Base { return v } + case []Script: + s.scripts = func() []Script { return v } + case []Region: + s.regions = func() []Region { return v } + case []Tag: + s.tags = func() []Tag { return v } + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("language: unsupported set type %T", v)) + } + } + return s +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/doc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8afecd50 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package language implements BCP 47 language tags and related functionality. +// +// The most important function of package language is to match a list of +// user-preferred languages to a list of supported languages. +// It alleviates the developer of dealing with the complexity of this process +// and provides the user with the best experience +// (see https://blog.golang.org/matchlang). +// +// +// Matching preferred against supported languages +// +// A Matcher for an application that supports English, Australian English, +// Danish, and standard Mandarin can be created as follows: +// +// var matcher = language.NewMatcher([]language.Tag{ +// language.English, // The first language is used as fallback. +// language.MustParse("en-AU"), +// language.Danish, +// language.Chinese, +// }) +// +// This list of supported languages is typically implied by the languages for +// which there exists translations of the user interface. +// +// User-preferred languages usually come as a comma-separated list of BCP 47 +// language tags. +// The MatchString finds best matches for such strings: +// +// handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { +// lang, _ := r.Cookie("lang") +// accept := r.Header.Get("Accept-Language") +// tag, _ := language.MatchStrings(matcher, lang.String(), accept) +// +// // tag should now be used for the initialization of any +// // locale-specific service. +// } +// +// The Matcher's Match method can be used to match Tags directly. +// +// Matchers are aware of the intricacies of equivalence between languages, such +// as deprecated subtags, legacy tags, macro languages, mutual +// intelligibility between scripts and languages, and transparently passing +// BCP 47 user configuration. +// For instance, it will know that a reader of Bokmål Danish can read Norwegian +// and will know that Cantonese ("yue") is a good match for "zh-HK". +// +// +// Using match results +// +// To guarantee a consistent user experience to the user it is important to +// use the same language tag for the selection of any locale-specific services. +// For example, it is utterly confusing to substitute spelled-out numbers +// or dates in one language in text of another language. +// More subtly confusing is using the wrong sorting order or casing +// algorithm for a certain language. +// +// All the packages in x/text that provide locale-specific services +// (e.g. collate, cases) should be initialized with the tag that was +// obtained at the start of an interaction with the user. +// +// Note that Tag that is returned by Match and MatchString may differ from any +// of the supported languages, as it may contain carried over settings from +// the user tags. +// This may be inconvenient when your application has some additional +// locale-specific data for your supported languages. +// Match and MatchString both return the index of the matched supported tag +// to simplify associating such data with the matched tag. +// +// +// Canonicalization +// +// If one uses the Matcher to compare languages one does not need to +// worry about canonicalization. +// +// The meaning of a Tag varies per application. The language package +// therefore delays canonicalization and preserves information as much +// as possible. The Matcher, however, will always take into account that +// two different tags may represent the same language. +// +// By default, only legacy and deprecated tags are converted into their +// canonical equivalent. All other information is preserved. This approach makes +// the confidence scores more accurate and allows matchers to distinguish +// between variants that are otherwise lost. +// +// As a consequence, two tags that should be treated as identical according to +// BCP 47 or CLDR, like "en-Latn" and "en", will be represented differently. The +// Matcher handles such distinctions, though, and is aware of the +// equivalence relations. The CanonType type can be used to alter the +// canonicalization form. +// +// References +// +// BCP 47 - Tags for Identifying Languages http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47 +// +package language // import "golang.org/x/text/language" + +// TODO: explanation on how to match languages for your own locale-specific +// service. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/go1_1.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/go1_1.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c7435583 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/go1_1.go @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build !go1.2 +// +build !go1.2 + +package language + +import "sort" + +func sortStable(s sort.Interface) { + ss := stableSort{ + s: s, + pos: make([]int, s.Len()), + } + for i := range ss.pos { + ss.pos[i] = i + } + sort.Sort(&ss) +} + +type stableSort struct { + s sort.Interface + pos []int +} + +func (s *stableSort) Len() int { + return len(s.pos) +} + +func (s *stableSort) Less(i, j int) bool { + return s.s.Less(i, j) || !s.s.Less(j, i) && s.pos[i] < s.pos[j] +} + +func (s *stableSort) Swap(i, j int) { + s.s.Swap(i, j) + s.pos[i], s.pos[j] = s.pos[j], s.pos[i] +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/go1_2.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/go1_2.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..77aaaa29 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/go1_2.go @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build go1.2 +// +build go1.2 + +package language + +import "sort" + +var sortStable = sort.Stable diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/language.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/language.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..289b3a36 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/language.go @@ -0,0 +1,605 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:generate go run gen.go -output tables.go + +package language + +// TODO: Remove above NOTE after: +// - verifying that tables are dropped correctly (most notably matcher tables). + +import ( + "strings" + + "golang.org/x/text/internal/language" + "golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact" +) + +// Tag represents a BCP 47 language tag. It is used to specify an instance of a +// specific language or locale. All language tag values are guaranteed to be +// well-formed. +type Tag compact.Tag + +func makeTag(t language.Tag) (tag Tag) { + return Tag(compact.Make(t)) +} + +func (t *Tag) tag() language.Tag { + return (*compact.Tag)(t).Tag() +} + +func (t *Tag) isCompact() bool { + return (*compact.Tag)(t).IsCompact() +} + +// TODO: improve performance. +func (t *Tag) lang() language.Language { return t.tag().LangID } +func (t *Tag) region() language.Region { return t.tag().RegionID } +func (t *Tag) script() language.Script { return t.tag().ScriptID } + +// Make is a convenience wrapper for Parse that omits the error. +// In case of an error, a sensible default is returned. +func Make(s string) Tag { + return Default.Make(s) +} + +// Make is a convenience wrapper for c.Parse that omits the error. +// In case of an error, a sensible default is returned. +func (c CanonType) Make(s string) Tag { + t, _ := c.Parse(s) + return t +} + +// Raw returns the raw base language, script and region, without making an +// attempt to infer their values. +func (t Tag) Raw() (b Base, s Script, r Region) { + tt := t.tag() + return Base{tt.LangID}, Script{tt.ScriptID}, Region{tt.RegionID} +} + +// IsRoot returns true if t is equal to language "und". +func (t Tag) IsRoot() bool { + return compact.Tag(t).IsRoot() +} + +// CanonType can be used to enable or disable various types of canonicalization. +type CanonType int + +const ( + // Replace deprecated base languages with their preferred replacements. + DeprecatedBase CanonType = 1 << iota + // Replace deprecated scripts with their preferred replacements. + DeprecatedScript + // Replace deprecated regions with their preferred replacements. + DeprecatedRegion + // Remove redundant scripts. + SuppressScript + // Normalize legacy encodings. This includes legacy languages defined in + // CLDR as well as bibliographic codes defined in ISO-639. + Legacy + // Map the dominant language of a macro language group to the macro language + // subtag. For example cmn -> zh. + Macro + // The CLDR flag should be used if full compatibility with CLDR is required. + // There are a few cases where language.Tag may differ from CLDR. To follow all + // of CLDR's suggestions, use All|CLDR. + CLDR + + // Raw can be used to Compose or Parse without Canonicalization. + Raw CanonType = 0 + + // Replace all deprecated tags with their preferred replacements. + Deprecated = DeprecatedBase | DeprecatedScript | DeprecatedRegion + + // All canonicalizations recommended by BCP 47. + BCP47 = Deprecated | SuppressScript + + // All canonicalizations. + All = BCP47 | Legacy | Macro + + // Default is the canonicalization used by Parse, Make and Compose. To + // preserve as much information as possible, canonicalizations that remove + // potentially valuable information are not included. The Matcher is + // designed to recognize similar tags that would be the same if + // they were canonicalized using All. + Default = Deprecated | Legacy + + canonLang = DeprecatedBase | Legacy | Macro + + // TODO: LikelyScript, LikelyRegion: suppress similar to ICU. +) + +// canonicalize returns the canonicalized equivalent of the tag and +// whether there was any change. +func canonicalize(c CanonType, t language.Tag) (language.Tag, bool) { + if c == Raw { + return t, false + } + changed := false + if c&SuppressScript != 0 { + if t.LangID.SuppressScript() == t.ScriptID { + t.ScriptID = 0 + changed = true + } + } + if c&canonLang != 0 { + for { + if l, aliasType := t.LangID.Canonicalize(); l != t.LangID { + switch aliasType { + case language.Legacy: + if c&Legacy != 0 { + if t.LangID == _sh && t.ScriptID == 0 { + t.ScriptID = _Latn + } + t.LangID = l + changed = true + } + case language.Macro: + if c&Macro != 0 { + // We deviate here from CLDR. The mapping "nb" -> "no" + // qualifies as a typical Macro language mapping. However, + // for legacy reasons, CLDR maps "no", the macro language + // code for Norwegian, to the dominant variant "nb". This + // change is currently under consideration for CLDR as well. + // See https://unicode.org/cldr/trac/ticket/2698 and also + // https://unicode.org/cldr/trac/ticket/1790 for some of the + // practical implications. TODO: this check could be removed + // if CLDR adopts this change. + if c&CLDR == 0 || t.LangID != _nb { + changed = true + t.LangID = l + } + } + case language.Deprecated: + if c&DeprecatedBase != 0 { + if t.LangID == _mo && t.RegionID == 0 { + t.RegionID = _MD + } + t.LangID = l + changed = true + // Other canonicalization types may still apply. + continue + } + } + } else if c&Legacy != 0 && t.LangID == _no && c&CLDR != 0 { + t.LangID = _nb + changed = true + } + break + } + } + if c&DeprecatedScript != 0 { + if t.ScriptID == _Qaai { + changed = true + t.ScriptID = _Zinh + } + } + if c&DeprecatedRegion != 0 { + if r := t.RegionID.Canonicalize(); r != t.RegionID { + changed = true + t.RegionID = r + } + } + return t, changed +} + +// Canonicalize returns the canonicalized equivalent of the tag. +func (c CanonType) Canonicalize(t Tag) (Tag, error) { + // First try fast path. + if t.isCompact() { + if _, changed := canonicalize(c, compact.Tag(t).Tag()); !changed { + return t, nil + } + } + // It is unlikely that one will canonicalize a tag after matching. So do + // a slow but simple approach here. + if tag, changed := canonicalize(c, t.tag()); changed { + tag.RemakeString() + return makeTag(tag), nil + } + return t, nil + +} + +// Confidence indicates the level of certainty for a given return value. +// For example, Serbian may be written in Cyrillic or Latin script. +// The confidence level indicates whether a value was explicitly specified, +// whether it is typically the only possible value, or whether there is +// an ambiguity. +type Confidence int + +const ( + No Confidence = iota // full confidence that there was no match + Low // most likely value picked out of a set of alternatives + High // value is generally assumed to be the correct match + Exact // exact match or explicitly specified value +) + +var confName = []string{"No", "Low", "High", "Exact"} + +func (c Confidence) String() string { + return confName[c] +} + +// String returns the canonical string representation of the language tag. +func (t Tag) String() string { + return t.tag().String() +} + +// MarshalText implements encoding.TextMarshaler. +func (t Tag) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) { + return t.tag().MarshalText() +} + +// UnmarshalText implements encoding.TextUnmarshaler. +func (t *Tag) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error { + var tag language.Tag + err := tag.UnmarshalText(text) + *t = makeTag(tag) + return err +} + +// Base returns the base language of the language tag. If the base language is +// unspecified, an attempt will be made to infer it from the context. +// It uses a variant of CLDR's Add Likely Subtags algorithm. This is subject to change. +func (t Tag) Base() (Base, Confidence) { + if b := t.lang(); b != 0 { + return Base{b}, Exact + } + tt := t.tag() + c := High + if tt.ScriptID == 0 && !tt.RegionID.IsCountry() { + c = Low + } + if tag, err := tt.Maximize(); err == nil && tag.LangID != 0 { + return Base{tag.LangID}, c + } + return Base{0}, No +} + +// Script infers the script for the language tag. If it was not explicitly given, it will infer +// a most likely candidate. +// If more than one script is commonly used for a language, the most likely one +// is returned with a low confidence indication. For example, it returns (Cyrl, Low) +// for Serbian. +// If a script cannot be inferred (Zzzz, No) is returned. We do not use Zyyy (undetermined) +// as one would suspect from the IANA registry for BCP 47. In a Unicode context Zyyy marks +// common characters (like 1, 2, 3, '.', etc.) and is therefore more like multiple scripts. +// See https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr24/#Values for more details. Zzzz is also used for +// unknown value in CLDR. (Zzzz, Exact) is returned if Zzzz was explicitly specified. +// Note that an inferred script is never guaranteed to be the correct one. Latin is +// almost exclusively used for Afrikaans, but Arabic has been used for some texts +// in the past. Also, the script that is commonly used may change over time. +// It uses a variant of CLDR's Add Likely Subtags algorithm. This is subject to change. +func (t Tag) Script() (Script, Confidence) { + if scr := t.script(); scr != 0 { + return Script{scr}, Exact + } + tt := t.tag() + sc, c := language.Script(_Zzzz), No + if scr := tt.LangID.SuppressScript(); scr != 0 { + // Note: it is not always the case that a language with a suppress + // script value is only written in one script (e.g. kk, ms, pa). + if tt.RegionID == 0 { + return Script{scr}, High + } + sc, c = scr, High + } + if tag, err := tt.Maximize(); err == nil { + if tag.ScriptID != sc { + sc, c = tag.ScriptID, Low + } + } else { + tt, _ = canonicalize(Deprecated|Macro, tt) + if tag, err := tt.Maximize(); err == nil && tag.ScriptID != sc { + sc, c = tag.ScriptID, Low + } + } + return Script{sc}, c +} + +// Region returns the region for the language tag. If it was not explicitly given, it will +// infer a most likely candidate from the context. +// It uses a variant of CLDR's Add Likely Subtags algorithm. This is subject to change. +func (t Tag) Region() (Region, Confidence) { + if r := t.region(); r != 0 { + return Region{r}, Exact + } + tt := t.tag() + if tt, err := tt.Maximize(); err == nil { + return Region{tt.RegionID}, Low // TODO: differentiate between high and low. + } + tt, _ = canonicalize(Deprecated|Macro, tt) + if tag, err := tt.Maximize(); err == nil { + return Region{tag.RegionID}, Low + } + return Region{_ZZ}, No // TODO: return world instead of undetermined? +} + +// Variants returns the variants specified explicitly for this language tag. +// or nil if no variant was specified. +func (t Tag) Variants() []Variant { + if !compact.Tag(t).MayHaveVariants() { + return nil + } + v := []Variant{} + x, str := "", t.tag().Variants() + for str != "" { + x, str = nextToken(str) + v = append(v, Variant{x}) + } + return v +} + +// Parent returns the CLDR parent of t. In CLDR, missing fields in data for a +// specific language are substituted with fields from the parent language. +// The parent for a language may change for newer versions of CLDR. +// +// Parent returns a tag for a less specific language that is mutually +// intelligible or Und if there is no such language. This may not be the same as +// simply stripping the last BCP 47 subtag. For instance, the parent of "zh-TW" +// is "zh-Hant", and the parent of "zh-Hant" is "und". +func (t Tag) Parent() Tag { + return Tag(compact.Tag(t).Parent()) +} + +// returns token t and the rest of the string. +func nextToken(s string) (t, tail string) { + p := strings.Index(s[1:], "-") + if p == -1 { + return s[1:], "" + } + p++ + return s[1:p], s[p:] +} + +// Extension is a single BCP 47 extension. +type Extension struct { + s string +} + +// String returns the string representation of the extension, including the +// type tag. +func (e Extension) String() string { + return e.s +} + +// ParseExtension parses s as an extension and returns it on success. +func ParseExtension(s string) (e Extension, err error) { + ext, err := language.ParseExtension(s) + return Extension{ext}, err +} + +// Type returns the one-byte extension type of e. It returns 0 for the zero +// exception. +func (e Extension) Type() byte { + if e.s == "" { + return 0 + } + return e.s[0] +} + +// Tokens returns the list of tokens of e. +func (e Extension) Tokens() []string { + return strings.Split(e.s, "-") +} + +// Extension returns the extension of type x for tag t. It will return +// false for ok if t does not have the requested extension. The returned +// extension will be invalid in this case. +func (t Tag) Extension(x byte) (ext Extension, ok bool) { + if !compact.Tag(t).MayHaveExtensions() { + return Extension{}, false + } + e, ok := t.tag().Extension(x) + return Extension{e}, ok +} + +// Extensions returns all extensions of t. +func (t Tag) Extensions() []Extension { + if !compact.Tag(t).MayHaveExtensions() { + return nil + } + e := []Extension{} + for _, ext := range t.tag().Extensions() { + e = append(e, Extension{ext}) + } + return e +} + +// TypeForKey returns the type associated with the given key, where key and type +// are of the allowed values defined for the Unicode locale extension ('u') in +// https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Unicode_Language_and_Locale_Identifiers. +// TypeForKey will traverse the inheritance chain to get the correct value. +// +// If there are multiple types associated with a key, only the first will be +// returned. If there is no type associated with a key, it returns the empty +// string. +func (t Tag) TypeForKey(key string) string { + if !compact.Tag(t).MayHaveExtensions() { + if key != "rg" && key != "va" { + return "" + } + } + return t.tag().TypeForKey(key) +} + +// SetTypeForKey returns a new Tag with the key set to type, where key and type +// are of the allowed values defined for the Unicode locale extension ('u') in +// https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Unicode_Language_and_Locale_Identifiers. +// An empty value removes an existing pair with the same key. +func (t Tag) SetTypeForKey(key, value string) (Tag, error) { + tt, err := t.tag().SetTypeForKey(key, value) + return makeTag(tt), err +} + +// NumCompactTags is the number of compact tags. The maximum tag is +// NumCompactTags-1. +const NumCompactTags = compact.NumCompactTags + +// CompactIndex returns an index, where 0 <= index < NumCompactTags, for tags +// for which data exists in the text repository.The index will change over time +// and should not be stored in persistent storage. If t does not match a compact +// index, exact will be false and the compact index will be returned for the +// first match after repeatedly taking the Parent of t. +func CompactIndex(t Tag) (index int, exact bool) { + id, exact := compact.LanguageID(compact.Tag(t)) + return int(id), exact +} + +var root = language.Tag{} + +// Base is an ISO 639 language code, used for encoding the base language +// of a language tag. +type Base struct { + langID language.Language +} + +// ParseBase parses a 2- or 3-letter ISO 639 code. +// It returns a ValueError if s is a well-formed but unknown language identifier +// or another error if another error occurred. +func ParseBase(s string) (Base, error) { + l, err := language.ParseBase(s) + return Base{l}, err +} + +// String returns the BCP 47 representation of the base language. +func (b Base) String() string { + return b.langID.String() +} + +// ISO3 returns the ISO 639-3 language code. +func (b Base) ISO3() string { + return b.langID.ISO3() +} + +// IsPrivateUse reports whether this language code is reserved for private use. +func (b Base) IsPrivateUse() bool { + return b.langID.IsPrivateUse() +} + +// Script is a 4-letter ISO 15924 code for representing scripts. +// It is idiomatically represented in title case. +type Script struct { + scriptID language.Script +} + +// ParseScript parses a 4-letter ISO 15924 code. +// It returns a ValueError if s is a well-formed but unknown script identifier +// or another error if another error occurred. +func ParseScript(s string) (Script, error) { + sc, err := language.ParseScript(s) + return Script{sc}, err +} + +// String returns the script code in title case. +// It returns "Zzzz" for an unspecified script. +func (s Script) String() string { + return s.scriptID.String() +} + +// IsPrivateUse reports whether this script code is reserved for private use. +func (s Script) IsPrivateUse() bool { + return s.scriptID.IsPrivateUse() +} + +// Region is an ISO 3166-1 or UN M.49 code for representing countries and regions. +type Region struct { + regionID language.Region +} + +// EncodeM49 returns the Region for the given UN M.49 code. +// It returns an error if r is not a valid code. +func EncodeM49(r int) (Region, error) { + rid, err := language.EncodeM49(r) + return Region{rid}, err +} + +// ParseRegion parses a 2- or 3-letter ISO 3166-1 or a UN M.49 code. +// It returns a ValueError if s is a well-formed but unknown region identifier +// or another error if another error occurred. +func ParseRegion(s string) (Region, error) { + r, err := language.ParseRegion(s) + return Region{r}, err +} + +// String returns the BCP 47 representation for the region. +// It returns "ZZ" for an unspecified region. +func (r Region) String() string { + return r.regionID.String() +} + +// ISO3 returns the 3-letter ISO code of r. +// Note that not all regions have a 3-letter ISO code. +// In such cases this method returns "ZZZ". +func (r Region) ISO3() string { + return r.regionID.ISO3() +} + +// M49 returns the UN M.49 encoding of r, or 0 if this encoding +// is not defined for r. +func (r Region) M49() int { + return r.regionID.M49() +} + +// IsPrivateUse reports whether r has the ISO 3166 User-assigned status. This +// may include private-use tags that are assigned by CLDR and used in this +// implementation. So IsPrivateUse and IsCountry can be simultaneously true. +func (r Region) IsPrivateUse() bool { + return r.regionID.IsPrivateUse() +} + +// IsCountry returns whether this region is a country or autonomous area. This +// includes non-standard definitions from CLDR. +func (r Region) IsCountry() bool { + return r.regionID.IsCountry() +} + +// IsGroup returns whether this region defines a collection of regions. This +// includes non-standard definitions from CLDR. +func (r Region) IsGroup() bool { + return r.regionID.IsGroup() +} + +// Contains returns whether Region c is contained by Region r. It returns true +// if c == r. +func (r Region) Contains(c Region) bool { + return r.regionID.Contains(c.regionID) +} + +// TLD returns the country code top-level domain (ccTLD). UK is returned for GB. +// In all other cases it returns either the region itself or an error. +// +// This method may return an error for a region for which there exists a +// canonical form with a ccTLD. To get that ccTLD canonicalize r first. The +// region will already be canonicalized it was obtained from a Tag that was +// obtained using any of the default methods. +func (r Region) TLD() (Region, error) { + tld, err := r.regionID.TLD() + return Region{tld}, err +} + +// Canonicalize returns the region or a possible replacement if the region is +// deprecated. It will not return a replacement for deprecated regions that +// are split into multiple regions. +func (r Region) Canonicalize() Region { + return Region{r.regionID.Canonicalize()} +} + +// Variant represents a registered variant of a language as defined by BCP 47. +type Variant struct { + variant string +} + +// ParseVariant parses and returns a Variant. An error is returned if s is not +// a valid variant. +func ParseVariant(s string) (Variant, error) { + v, err := language.ParseVariant(s) + return Variant{v.String()}, err +} + +// String returns the string representation of the variant. +func (v Variant) String() string { + return v.variant +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/match.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/match.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f7349213 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/match.go @@ -0,0 +1,735 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package language + +import ( + "errors" + "strings" + + "golang.org/x/text/internal/language" +) + +// A MatchOption configures a Matcher. +type MatchOption func(*matcher) + +// PreferSameScript will, in the absence of a match, result in the first +// preferred tag with the same script as a supported tag to match this supported +// tag. The default is currently true, but this may change in the future. +func PreferSameScript(preferSame bool) MatchOption { + return func(m *matcher) { m.preferSameScript = preferSame } +} + +// TODO(v1.0.0): consider making Matcher a concrete type, instead of interface. +// There doesn't seem to be too much need for multiple types. +// Making it a concrete type allows MatchStrings to be a method, which will +// improve its discoverability. + +// MatchStrings parses and matches the given strings until one of them matches +// the language in the Matcher. A string may be an Accept-Language header as +// handled by ParseAcceptLanguage. The default language is returned if no +// other language matched. +func MatchStrings(m Matcher, lang ...string) (tag Tag, index int) { + for _, accept := range lang { + desired, _, err := ParseAcceptLanguage(accept) + if err != nil { + continue + } + if tag, index, conf := m.Match(desired...); conf != No { + return tag, index + } + } + tag, index, _ = m.Match() + return +} + +// Matcher is the interface that wraps the Match method. +// +// Match returns the best match for any of the given tags, along with +// a unique index associated with the returned tag and a confidence +// score. +type Matcher interface { + Match(t ...Tag) (tag Tag, index int, c Confidence) +} + +// Comprehends reports the confidence score for a speaker of a given language +// to being able to comprehend the written form of an alternative language. +func Comprehends(speaker, alternative Tag) Confidence { + _, _, c := NewMatcher([]Tag{alternative}).Match(speaker) + return c +} + +// NewMatcher returns a Matcher that matches an ordered list of preferred tags +// against a list of supported tags based on written intelligibility, closeness +// of dialect, equivalence of subtags and various other rules. It is initialized +// with the list of supported tags. The first element is used as the default +// value in case no match is found. +// +// Its Match method matches the first of the given Tags to reach a certain +// confidence threshold. The tags passed to Match should therefore be specified +// in order of preference. Extensions are ignored for matching. +// +// The index returned by the Match method corresponds to the index of the +// matched tag in t, but is augmented with the Unicode extension ('u')of the +// corresponding preferred tag. This allows user locale options to be passed +// transparently. +func NewMatcher(t []Tag, options ...MatchOption) Matcher { + return newMatcher(t, options) +} + +func (m *matcher) Match(want ...Tag) (t Tag, index int, c Confidence) { + var tt language.Tag + match, w, c := m.getBest(want...) + if match != nil { + tt, index = match.tag, match.index + } else { + // TODO: this should be an option + tt = m.default_.tag + if m.preferSameScript { + outer: + for _, w := range want { + script, _ := w.Script() + if script.scriptID == 0 { + // Don't do anything if there is no script, such as with + // private subtags. + continue + } + for i, h := range m.supported { + if script.scriptID == h.maxScript { + tt, index = h.tag, i + break outer + } + } + } + } + // TODO: select first language tag based on script. + } + if w.RegionID != tt.RegionID && w.RegionID != 0 { + if w.RegionID != 0 && tt.RegionID != 0 && tt.RegionID.Contains(w.RegionID) { + tt.RegionID = w.RegionID + tt.RemakeString() + } else if r := w.RegionID.String(); len(r) == 2 { + // TODO: also filter macro and deprecated. + tt, _ = tt.SetTypeForKey("rg", strings.ToLower(r)+"zzzz") + } + } + // Copy options from the user-provided tag into the result tag. This is hard + // to do after the fact, so we do it here. + // TODO: add in alternative variants to -u-va-. + // TODO: add preferred region to -u-rg-. + if e := w.Extensions(); len(e) > 0 { + b := language.Builder{} + b.SetTag(tt) + for _, e := range e { + b.AddExt(e) + } + tt = b.Make() + } + return makeTag(tt), index, c +} + +// ErrMissingLikelyTagsData indicates no information was available +// to compute likely values of missing tags. +var ErrMissingLikelyTagsData = errors.New("missing likely tags data") + +// func (t *Tag) setTagsFrom(id Tag) { +// t.LangID = id.LangID +// t.ScriptID = id.ScriptID +// t.RegionID = id.RegionID +// } + +// Tag Matching +// CLDR defines an algorithm for finding the best match between two sets of language +// tags. The basic algorithm defines how to score a possible match and then find +// the match with the best score +// (see https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#LanguageMatching). +// Using scoring has several disadvantages. The scoring obfuscates the importance of +// the various factors considered, making the algorithm harder to understand. Using +// scoring also requires the full score to be computed for each pair of tags. +// +// We will use a different algorithm which aims to have the following properties: +// - clarity on the precedence of the various selection factors, and +// - improved performance by allowing early termination of a comparison. +// +// Matching algorithm (overview) +// Input: +// - supported: a set of supported tags +// - default: the default tag to return in case there is no match +// - desired: list of desired tags, ordered by preference, starting with +// the most-preferred. +// +// Algorithm: +// 1) Set the best match to the lowest confidence level +// 2) For each tag in "desired": +// a) For each tag in "supported": +// 1) compute the match between the two tags. +// 2) if the match is better than the previous best match, replace it +// with the new match. (see next section) +// b) if the current best match is Exact and pin is true the result will be +// frozen to the language found thusfar, although better matches may +// still be found for the same language. +// 3) If the best match so far is below a certain threshold, return "default". +// +// Ranking: +// We use two phases to determine whether one pair of tags are a better match +// than another pair of tags. First, we determine a rough confidence level. If the +// levels are different, the one with the highest confidence wins. +// Second, if the rough confidence levels are identical, we use a set of tie-breaker +// rules. +// +// The confidence level of matching a pair of tags is determined by finding the +// lowest confidence level of any matches of the corresponding subtags (the +// result is deemed as good as its weakest link). +// We define the following levels: +// Exact - An exact match of a subtag, before adding likely subtags. +// MaxExact - An exact match of a subtag, after adding likely subtags. +// [See Note 2]. +// High - High level of mutual intelligibility between different subtag +// variants. +// Low - Low level of mutual intelligibility between different subtag +// variants. +// No - No mutual intelligibility. +// +// The following levels can occur for each type of subtag: +// Base: Exact, MaxExact, High, Low, No +// Script: Exact, MaxExact [see Note 3], Low, No +// Region: Exact, MaxExact, High +// Variant: Exact, High +// Private: Exact, No +// +// Any result with a confidence level of Low or higher is deemed a possible match. +// Once a desired tag matches any of the supported tags with a level of MaxExact +// or higher, the next desired tag is not considered (see Step 2.b). +// Note that CLDR provides languageMatching data that defines close equivalence +// classes for base languages, scripts and regions. +// +// Tie-breaking +// If we get the same confidence level for two matches, we apply a sequence of +// tie-breaking rules. The first that succeeds defines the result. The rules are +// applied in the following order. +// 1) Original language was defined and was identical. +// 2) Original region was defined and was identical. +// 3) Distance between two maximized regions was the smallest. +// 4) Original script was defined and was identical. +// 5) Distance from want tag to have tag using the parent relation [see Note 5.] +// If there is still no winner after these rules are applied, the first match +// found wins. +// +// Notes: +// [2] In practice, as matching of Exact is done in a separate phase from +// matching the other levels, we reuse the Exact level to mean MaxExact in +// the second phase. As a consequence, we only need the levels defined by +// the Confidence type. The MaxExact confidence level is mapped to High in +// the public API. +// [3] We do not differentiate between maximized script values that were derived +// from suppressScript versus most likely tag data. We determined that in +// ranking the two, one ranks just after the other. Moreover, the two cannot +// occur concurrently. As a consequence, they are identical for practical +// purposes. +// [4] In case of deprecated, macro-equivalents and legacy mappings, we assign +// the MaxExact level to allow iw vs he to still be a closer match than +// en-AU vs en-US, for example. +// [5] In CLDR a locale inherits fields that are unspecified for this locale +// from its parent. Therefore, if a locale is a parent of another locale, +// it is a strong measure for closeness, especially when no other tie +// breaker rule applies. One could also argue it is inconsistent, for +// example, when pt-AO matches pt (which CLDR equates with pt-BR), even +// though its parent is pt-PT according to the inheritance rules. +// +// Implementation Details: +// There are several performance considerations worth pointing out. Most notably, +// we preprocess as much as possible (within reason) at the time of creation of a +// matcher. This includes: +// - creating a per-language map, which includes data for the raw base language +// and its canonicalized variant (if applicable), +// - expanding entries for the equivalence classes defined in CLDR's +// languageMatch data. +// The per-language map ensures that typically only a very small number of tags +// need to be considered. The pre-expansion of canonicalized subtags and +// equivalence classes reduces the amount of map lookups that need to be done at +// runtime. + +// matcher keeps a set of supported language tags, indexed by language. +type matcher struct { + default_ *haveTag + supported []*haveTag + index map[language.Language]*matchHeader + passSettings bool + preferSameScript bool +} + +// matchHeader has the lists of tags for exact matches and matches based on +// maximized and canonicalized tags for a given language. +type matchHeader struct { + haveTags []*haveTag + original bool +} + +// haveTag holds a supported Tag and its maximized script and region. The maximized +// or canonicalized language is not stored as it is not needed during matching. +type haveTag struct { + tag language.Tag + + // index of this tag in the original list of supported tags. + index int + + // conf is the maximum confidence that can result from matching this haveTag. + // When conf < Exact this means it was inserted after applying a CLDR equivalence rule. + conf Confidence + + // Maximized region and script. + maxRegion language.Region + maxScript language.Script + + // altScript may be checked as an alternative match to maxScript. If altScript + // matches, the confidence level for this match is Low. Theoretically there + // could be multiple alternative scripts. This does not occur in practice. + altScript language.Script + + // nextMax is the index of the next haveTag with the same maximized tags. + nextMax uint16 +} + +func makeHaveTag(tag language.Tag, index int) (haveTag, language.Language) { + max := tag + if tag.LangID != 0 || tag.RegionID != 0 || tag.ScriptID != 0 { + max, _ = canonicalize(All, max) + max, _ = max.Maximize() + max.RemakeString() + } + return haveTag{tag, index, Exact, max.RegionID, max.ScriptID, altScript(max.LangID, max.ScriptID), 0}, max.LangID +} + +// altScript returns an alternative script that may match the given script with +// a low confidence. At the moment, the langMatch data allows for at most one +// script to map to another and we rely on this to keep the code simple. +func altScript(l language.Language, s language.Script) language.Script { + for _, alt := range matchScript { + // TODO: also match cases where language is not the same. + if (language.Language(alt.wantLang) == l || language.Language(alt.haveLang) == l) && + language.Script(alt.haveScript) == s { + return language.Script(alt.wantScript) + } + } + return 0 +} + +// addIfNew adds a haveTag to the list of tags only if it is a unique tag. +// Tags that have the same maximized values are linked by index. +func (h *matchHeader) addIfNew(n haveTag, exact bool) { + h.original = h.original || exact + // Don't add new exact matches. + for _, v := range h.haveTags { + if equalsRest(v.tag, n.tag) { + return + } + } + // Allow duplicate maximized tags, but create a linked list to allow quickly + // comparing the equivalents and bail out. + for i, v := range h.haveTags { + if v.maxScript == n.maxScript && + v.maxRegion == n.maxRegion && + v.tag.VariantOrPrivateUseTags() == n.tag.VariantOrPrivateUseTags() { + for h.haveTags[i].nextMax != 0 { + i = int(h.haveTags[i].nextMax) + } + h.haveTags[i].nextMax = uint16(len(h.haveTags)) + break + } + } + h.haveTags = append(h.haveTags, &n) +} + +// header returns the matchHeader for the given language. It creates one if +// it doesn't already exist. +func (m *matcher) header(l language.Language) *matchHeader { + if h := m.index[l]; h != nil { + return h + } + h := &matchHeader{} + m.index[l] = h + return h +} + +func toConf(d uint8) Confidence { + if d <= 10 { + return High + } + if d < 30 { + return Low + } + return No +} + +// newMatcher builds an index for the given supported tags and returns it as +// a matcher. It also expands the index by considering various equivalence classes +// for a given tag. +func newMatcher(supported []Tag, options []MatchOption) *matcher { + m := &matcher{ + index: make(map[language.Language]*matchHeader), + preferSameScript: true, + } + for _, o := range options { + o(m) + } + if len(supported) == 0 { + m.default_ = &haveTag{} + return m + } + // Add supported languages to the index. Add exact matches first to give + // them precedence. + for i, tag := range supported { + tt := tag.tag() + pair, _ := makeHaveTag(tt, i) + m.header(tt.LangID).addIfNew(pair, true) + m.supported = append(m.supported, &pair) + } + m.default_ = m.header(supported[0].lang()).haveTags[0] + // Keep these in two different loops to support the case that two equivalent + // languages are distinguished, such as iw and he. + for i, tag := range supported { + tt := tag.tag() + pair, max := makeHaveTag(tt, i) + if max != tt.LangID { + m.header(max).addIfNew(pair, true) + } + } + + // update is used to add indexes in the map for equivalent languages. + // update will only add entries to original indexes, thus not computing any + // transitive relations. + update := func(want, have uint16, conf Confidence) { + if hh := m.index[language.Language(have)]; hh != nil { + if !hh.original { + return + } + hw := m.header(language.Language(want)) + for _, ht := range hh.haveTags { + v := *ht + if conf < v.conf { + v.conf = conf + } + v.nextMax = 0 // this value needs to be recomputed + if v.altScript != 0 { + v.altScript = altScript(language.Language(want), v.maxScript) + } + hw.addIfNew(v, conf == Exact && hh.original) + } + } + } + + // Add entries for languages with mutual intelligibility as defined by CLDR's + // languageMatch data. + for _, ml := range matchLang { + update(ml.want, ml.have, toConf(ml.distance)) + if !ml.oneway { + update(ml.have, ml.want, toConf(ml.distance)) + } + } + + // Add entries for possible canonicalizations. This is an optimization to + // ensure that only one map lookup needs to be done at runtime per desired tag. + // First we match deprecated equivalents. If they are perfect equivalents + // (their canonicalization simply substitutes a different language code, but + // nothing else), the match confidence is Exact, otherwise it is High. + for i, lm := range language.AliasMap { + // If deprecated codes match and there is no fiddling with the script or + // or region, we consider it an exact match. + conf := Exact + if language.AliasTypes[i] != language.Macro { + if !isExactEquivalent(language.Language(lm.From)) { + conf = High + } + update(lm.To, lm.From, conf) + } + update(lm.From, lm.To, conf) + } + return m +} + +// getBest gets the best matching tag in m for any of the given tags, taking into +// account the order of preference of the given tags. +func (m *matcher) getBest(want ...Tag) (got *haveTag, orig language.Tag, c Confidence) { + best := bestMatch{} + for i, ww := range want { + w := ww.tag() + var max language.Tag + // Check for exact match first. + h := m.index[w.LangID] + if w.LangID != 0 { + if h == nil { + continue + } + // Base language is defined. + max, _ = canonicalize(Legacy|Deprecated|Macro, w) + // A region that is added through canonicalization is stronger than + // a maximized region: set it in the original (e.g. mo -> ro-MD). + if w.RegionID != max.RegionID { + w.RegionID = max.RegionID + } + // TODO: should we do the same for scripts? + // See test case: en, sr, nl ; sh ; sr + max, _ = max.Maximize() + } else { + // Base language is not defined. + if h != nil { + for i := range h.haveTags { + have := h.haveTags[i] + if equalsRest(have.tag, w) { + return have, w, Exact + } + } + } + if w.ScriptID == 0 && w.RegionID == 0 { + // We skip all tags matching und for approximate matching, including + // private tags. + continue + } + max, _ = w.Maximize() + if h = m.index[max.LangID]; h == nil { + continue + } + } + pin := true + for _, t := range want[i+1:] { + if w.LangID == t.lang() { + pin = false + break + } + } + // Check for match based on maximized tag. + for i := range h.haveTags { + have := h.haveTags[i] + best.update(have, w, max.ScriptID, max.RegionID, pin) + if best.conf == Exact { + for have.nextMax != 0 { + have = h.haveTags[have.nextMax] + best.update(have, w, max.ScriptID, max.RegionID, pin) + } + return best.have, best.want, best.conf + } + } + } + if best.conf <= No { + if len(want) != 0 { + return nil, want[0].tag(), No + } + return nil, language.Tag{}, No + } + return best.have, best.want, best.conf +} + +// bestMatch accumulates the best match so far. +type bestMatch struct { + have *haveTag + want language.Tag + conf Confidence + pinnedRegion language.Region + pinLanguage bool + sameRegionGroup bool + // Cached results from applying tie-breaking rules. + origLang bool + origReg bool + paradigmReg bool + regGroupDist uint8 + origScript bool +} + +// update updates the existing best match if the new pair is considered to be a +// better match. To determine if the given pair is a better match, it first +// computes the rough confidence level. If this surpasses the current match, it +// will replace it and update the tie-breaker rule cache. If there is a tie, it +// proceeds with applying a series of tie-breaker rules. If there is no +// conclusive winner after applying the tie-breaker rules, it leaves the current +// match as the preferred match. +// +// If pin is true and have and tag are a strong match, it will henceforth only +// consider matches for this language. This corresponds to the nothing that most +// users have a strong preference for the first defined language. A user can +// still prefer a second language over a dialect of the preferred language by +// explicitly specifying dialects, e.g. "en, nl, en-GB". In this case pin should +// be false. +func (m *bestMatch) update(have *haveTag, tag language.Tag, maxScript language.Script, maxRegion language.Region, pin bool) { + // Bail if the maximum attainable confidence is below that of the current best match. + c := have.conf + if c < m.conf { + return + } + // Don't change the language once we already have found an exact match. + if m.pinLanguage && tag.LangID != m.want.LangID { + return + } + // Pin the region group if we are comparing tags for the same language. + if tag.LangID == m.want.LangID && m.sameRegionGroup { + _, sameGroup := regionGroupDist(m.pinnedRegion, have.maxRegion, have.maxScript, m.want.LangID) + if !sameGroup { + return + } + } + if c == Exact && have.maxScript == maxScript { + // If there is another language and then another entry of this language, + // don't pin anything, otherwise pin the language. + m.pinLanguage = pin + } + if equalsRest(have.tag, tag) { + } else if have.maxScript != maxScript { + // There is usually very little comprehension between different scripts. + // In a few cases there may still be Low comprehension. This possibility + // is pre-computed and stored in have.altScript. + if Low < m.conf || have.altScript != maxScript { + return + } + c = Low + } else if have.maxRegion != maxRegion { + if High < c { + // There is usually a small difference between languages across regions. + c = High + } + } + + // We store the results of the computations of the tie-breaker rules along + // with the best match. There is no need to do the checks once we determine + // we have a winner, but we do still need to do the tie-breaker computations. + // We use "beaten" to keep track if we still need to do the checks. + beaten := false // true if the new pair defeats the current one. + if c != m.conf { + if c < m.conf { + return + } + beaten = true + } + + // Tie-breaker rules: + // We prefer if the pre-maximized language was specified and identical. + origLang := have.tag.LangID == tag.LangID && tag.LangID != 0 + if !beaten && m.origLang != origLang { + if m.origLang { + return + } + beaten = true + } + + // We prefer if the pre-maximized region was specified and identical. + origReg := have.tag.RegionID == tag.RegionID && tag.RegionID != 0 + if !beaten && m.origReg != origReg { + if m.origReg { + return + } + beaten = true + } + + regGroupDist, sameGroup := regionGroupDist(have.maxRegion, maxRegion, maxScript, tag.LangID) + if !beaten && m.regGroupDist != regGroupDist { + if regGroupDist > m.regGroupDist { + return + } + beaten = true + } + + paradigmReg := isParadigmLocale(tag.LangID, have.maxRegion) + if !beaten && m.paradigmReg != paradigmReg { + if !paradigmReg { + return + } + beaten = true + } + + // Next we prefer if the pre-maximized script was specified and identical. + origScript := have.tag.ScriptID == tag.ScriptID && tag.ScriptID != 0 + if !beaten && m.origScript != origScript { + if m.origScript { + return + } + beaten = true + } + + // Update m to the newly found best match. + if beaten { + m.have = have + m.want = tag + m.conf = c + m.pinnedRegion = maxRegion + m.sameRegionGroup = sameGroup + m.origLang = origLang + m.origReg = origReg + m.paradigmReg = paradigmReg + m.origScript = origScript + m.regGroupDist = regGroupDist + } +} + +func isParadigmLocale(lang language.Language, r language.Region) bool { + for _, e := range paradigmLocales { + if language.Language(e[0]) == lang && (r == language.Region(e[1]) || r == language.Region(e[2])) { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +// regionGroupDist computes the distance between two regions based on their +// CLDR grouping. +func regionGroupDist(a, b language.Region, script language.Script, lang language.Language) (dist uint8, same bool) { + const defaultDistance = 4 + + aGroup := uint(regionToGroups[a]) << 1 + bGroup := uint(regionToGroups[b]) << 1 + for _, ri := range matchRegion { + if language.Language(ri.lang) == lang && (ri.script == 0 || language.Script(ri.script) == script) { + group := uint(1 << (ri.group &^ 0x80)) + if 0x80&ri.group == 0 { + if aGroup&bGroup&group != 0 { // Both regions are in the group. + return ri.distance, ri.distance == defaultDistance + } + } else { + if (aGroup|bGroup)&group == 0 { // Both regions are not in the group. + return ri.distance, ri.distance == defaultDistance + } + } + } + } + return defaultDistance, true +} + +// equalsRest compares everything except the language. +func equalsRest(a, b language.Tag) bool { + // TODO: don't include extensions in this comparison. To do this efficiently, + // though, we should handle private tags separately. + return a.ScriptID == b.ScriptID && a.RegionID == b.RegionID && a.VariantOrPrivateUseTags() == b.VariantOrPrivateUseTags() +} + +// isExactEquivalent returns true if canonicalizing the language will not alter +// the script or region of a tag. +func isExactEquivalent(l language.Language) bool { + for _, o := range notEquivalent { + if o == l { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +var notEquivalent []language.Language + +func init() { + // Create a list of all languages for which canonicalization may alter the + // script or region. + for _, lm := range language.AliasMap { + tag := language.Tag{LangID: language.Language(lm.From)} + if tag, _ = canonicalize(All, tag); tag.ScriptID != 0 || tag.RegionID != 0 { + notEquivalent = append(notEquivalent, language.Language(lm.From)) + } + } + // Maximize undefined regions of paradigm locales. + for i, v := range paradigmLocales { + t := language.Tag{LangID: language.Language(v[0])} + max, _ := t.Maximize() + if v[1] == 0 { + paradigmLocales[i][1] = uint16(max.RegionID) + } + if v[2] == 0 { + paradigmLocales[i][2] = uint16(max.RegionID) + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/parse.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/parse.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..59b04100 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/parse.go @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package language + +import ( + "errors" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "golang.org/x/text/internal/language" +) + +// ValueError is returned by any of the parsing functions when the +// input is well-formed but the respective subtag is not recognized +// as a valid value. +type ValueError interface { + error + + // Subtag returns the subtag for which the error occurred. + Subtag() string +} + +// Parse parses the given BCP 47 string and returns a valid Tag. If parsing +// failed it returns an error and any part of the tag that could be parsed. +// If parsing succeeded but an unknown value was found, it returns +// ValueError. The Tag returned in this case is just stripped of the unknown +// value. All other values are preserved. It accepts tags in the BCP 47 format +// and extensions to this standard defined in +// https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Unicode_Language_and_Locale_Identifiers. +// The resulting tag is canonicalized using the default canonicalization type. +func Parse(s string) (t Tag, err error) { + return Default.Parse(s) +} + +// Parse parses the given BCP 47 string and returns a valid Tag. If parsing +// failed it returns an error and any part of the tag that could be parsed. +// If parsing succeeded but an unknown value was found, it returns +// ValueError. The Tag returned in this case is just stripped of the unknown +// value. All other values are preserved. It accepts tags in the BCP 47 format +// and extensions to this standard defined in +// https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Unicode_Language_and_Locale_Identifiers. +// The resulting tag is canonicalized using the canonicalization type c. +func (c CanonType) Parse(s string) (t Tag, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + t = Tag{} + err = language.ErrSyntax + } + }() + + tt, err := language.Parse(s) + if err != nil { + return makeTag(tt), err + } + tt, changed := canonicalize(c, tt) + if changed { + tt.RemakeString() + } + return makeTag(tt), err +} + +// Compose creates a Tag from individual parts, which may be of type Tag, Base, +// Script, Region, Variant, []Variant, Extension, []Extension or error. If a +// Base, Script or Region or slice of type Variant or Extension is passed more +// than once, the latter will overwrite the former. Variants and Extensions are +// accumulated, but if two extensions of the same type are passed, the latter +// will replace the former. For -u extensions, though, the key-type pairs are +// added, where later values overwrite older ones. A Tag overwrites all former +// values and typically only makes sense as the first argument. The resulting +// tag is returned after canonicalizing using the Default CanonType. If one or +// more errors are encountered, one of the errors is returned. +func Compose(part ...interface{}) (t Tag, err error) { + return Default.Compose(part...) +} + +// Compose creates a Tag from individual parts, which may be of type Tag, Base, +// Script, Region, Variant, []Variant, Extension, []Extension or error. If a +// Base, Script or Region or slice of type Variant or Extension is passed more +// than once, the latter will overwrite the former. Variants and Extensions are +// accumulated, but if two extensions of the same type are passed, the latter +// will replace the former. For -u extensions, though, the key-type pairs are +// added, where later values overwrite older ones. A Tag overwrites all former +// values and typically only makes sense as the first argument. The resulting +// tag is returned after canonicalizing using CanonType c. If one or more errors +// are encountered, one of the errors is returned. +func (c CanonType) Compose(part ...interface{}) (t Tag, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + t = Tag{} + err = language.ErrSyntax + } + }() + + var b language.Builder + if err = update(&b, part...); err != nil { + return und, err + } + b.Tag, _ = canonicalize(c, b.Tag) + return makeTag(b.Make()), err +} + +var errInvalidArgument = errors.New("invalid Extension or Variant") + +func update(b *language.Builder, part ...interface{}) (err error) { + for _, x := range part { + switch v := x.(type) { + case Tag: + b.SetTag(v.tag()) + case Base: + b.Tag.LangID = v.langID + case Script: + b.Tag.ScriptID = v.scriptID + case Region: + b.Tag.RegionID = v.regionID + case Variant: + if v.variant == "" { + err = errInvalidArgument + break + } + b.AddVariant(v.variant) + case Extension: + if v.s == "" { + err = errInvalidArgument + break + } + b.SetExt(v.s) + case []Variant: + b.ClearVariants() + for _, v := range v { + b.AddVariant(v.variant) + } + case []Extension: + b.ClearExtensions() + for _, e := range v { + b.SetExt(e.s) + } + // TODO: support parsing of raw strings based on morphology or just extensions? + case error: + if v != nil { + err = v + } + } + } + return +} + +var errInvalidWeight = errors.New("ParseAcceptLanguage: invalid weight") + +// ParseAcceptLanguage parses the contents of an Accept-Language header as +// defined in http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt and returns a list of Tags and +// a list of corresponding quality weights. It is more permissive than RFC 2616 +// and may return non-nil slices even if the input is not valid. +// The Tags will be sorted by highest weight first and then by first occurrence. +// Tags with a weight of zero will be dropped. An error will be returned if the +// input could not be parsed. +func ParseAcceptLanguage(s string) (tag []Tag, q []float32, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + tag = nil + q = nil + err = language.ErrSyntax + } + }() + + var entry string + for s != "" { + if entry, s = split(s, ','); entry == "" { + continue + } + + entry, weight := split(entry, ';') + + // Scan the language. + t, err := Parse(entry) + if err != nil { + id, ok := acceptFallback[entry] + if !ok { + return nil, nil, err + } + t = makeTag(language.Tag{LangID: id}) + } + + // Scan the optional weight. + w := 1.0 + if weight != "" { + weight = consume(weight, 'q') + weight = consume(weight, '=') + // consume returns the empty string when a token could not be + // consumed, resulting in an error for ParseFloat. + if w, err = strconv.ParseFloat(weight, 32); err != nil { + return nil, nil, errInvalidWeight + } + // Drop tags with a quality weight of 0. + if w <= 0 { + continue + } + } + + tag = append(tag, t) + q = append(q, float32(w)) + } + sortStable(&tagSort{tag, q}) + return tag, q, nil +} + +// consume removes a leading token c from s and returns the result or the empty +// string if there is no such token. +func consume(s string, c byte) string { + if s == "" || s[0] != c { + return "" + } + return strings.TrimSpace(s[1:]) +} + +func split(s string, c byte) (head, tail string) { + if i := strings.IndexByte(s, c); i >= 0 { + return strings.TrimSpace(s[:i]), strings.TrimSpace(s[i+1:]) + } + return strings.TrimSpace(s), "" +} + +// Add hack mapping to deal with a small number of cases that occur +// in Accept-Language (with reasonable frequency). +var acceptFallback = map[string]language.Language{ + "english": _en, + "deutsch": _de, + "italian": _it, + "french": _fr, + "*": _mul, // defined in the spec to match all languages. +} + +type tagSort struct { + tag []Tag + q []float32 +} + +func (s *tagSort) Len() int { + return len(s.q) +} + +func (s *tagSort) Less(i, j int) bool { + return s.q[i] > s.q[j] +} + +func (s *tagSort) Swap(i, j int) { + s.tag[i], s.tag[j] = s.tag[j], s.tag[i] + s.q[i], s.q[j] = s.q[j], s.q[i] +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/tables.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/tables.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..96b57f61 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/tables.go @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +package language + +// CLDRVersion is the CLDR version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const CLDRVersion = "32" + +const ( + _de = 269 + _en = 313 + _fr = 350 + _it = 505 + _mo = 784 + _no = 879 + _nb = 839 + _pt = 960 + _sh = 1031 + _mul = 806 + _und = 0 +) +const ( + _001 = 1 + _419 = 31 + _BR = 65 + _CA = 73 + _ES = 110 + _GB = 123 + _MD = 188 + _PT = 238 + _UK = 306 + _US = 309 + _ZZ = 357 + _XA = 323 + _XC = 325 + _XK = 333 +) +const ( + _Latn = 90 + _Hani = 57 + _Hans = 59 + _Hant = 60 + _Qaaa = 143 + _Qaai = 151 + _Qabx = 192 + _Zinh = 245 + _Zyyy = 250 + _Zzzz = 251 +) + +var regionToGroups = []uint8{ // 358 elements + // Entry 0 - 3F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, + // Entry 40 - 7F + 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x08, + 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, + // Entry 80 - BF + 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x02, 0x00, 0x04, + 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x08, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, + // Entry C0 - FF + 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, + 0x04, 0x08, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 100 - 13F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x04, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, + // Entry 140 - 17F + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, +} // Size: 382 bytes + +var paradigmLocales = [][3]uint16{ // 3 elements + 0: [3]uint16{0x139, 0x0, 0x7b}, + 1: [3]uint16{0x13e, 0x0, 0x1f}, + 2: [3]uint16{0x3c0, 0x41, 0xee}, +} // Size: 42 bytes + +type mutualIntelligibility struct { + want uint16 + have uint16 + distance uint8 + oneway bool +} +type scriptIntelligibility struct { + wantLang uint16 + haveLang uint16 + wantScript uint8 + haveScript uint8 + distance uint8 +} +type regionIntelligibility struct { + lang uint16 + script uint8 + group uint8 + distance uint8 +} + +// matchLang holds pairs of langIDs of base languages that are typically +// mutually intelligible. Each pair is associated with a confidence and +// whether the intelligibility goes one or both ways. +var matchLang = []mutualIntelligibility{ // 113 elements + 0: {want: 0x1d1, have: 0xb7, distance: 0x4, oneway: false}, + 1: {want: 0x407, have: 0xb7, distance: 0x4, oneway: false}, + 2: {want: 0x407, have: 0x1d1, distance: 0x4, oneway: false}, + 3: {want: 0x407, have: 0x432, distance: 0x4, oneway: false}, + 4: {want: 0x43a, have: 0x1, distance: 0x4, oneway: false}, + 5: {want: 0x1a3, have: 0x10d, distance: 0x4, oneway: true}, + 6: {want: 0x295, have: 0x10d, distance: 0x4, oneway: true}, + 7: {want: 0x101, have: 0x36f, distance: 0x8, oneway: false}, + 8: {want: 0x101, have: 0x347, distance: 0x8, oneway: false}, + 9: {want: 0x5, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 10: {want: 0xd, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 11: {want: 0x16, have: 0x367, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 12: {want: 0x21, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 13: {want: 0x56, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 14: {want: 0x58, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 15: {want: 0x71, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 16: {want: 0x75, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 17: {want: 0x82, have: 0x1be, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 18: {want: 0xa5, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 19: {want: 0xb2, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 20: {want: 0xdd, have: 0x153, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 21: {want: 0xe5, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 22: {want: 0xe9, have: 0x3a, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 23: {want: 0xf0, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 24: {want: 0xf9, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 25: {want: 0x100, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 26: {want: 0x130, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 27: {want: 0x13c, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 28: {want: 0x140, have: 0x151, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 29: {want: 0x145, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 30: {want: 0x158, have: 0x101, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 31: {want: 0x16d, have: 0x367, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 32: {want: 0x16e, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 33: {want: 0x16f, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 34: {want: 0x17e, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 35: {want: 0x190, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 36: {want: 0x194, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 37: {want: 0x1a4, have: 0x1be, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 38: {want: 0x1b4, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 39: {want: 0x1b8, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 40: {want: 0x1d4, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 41: {want: 0x1d7, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 42: {want: 0x1d9, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 43: {want: 0x1e7, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 44: {want: 0x1f8, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 45: {want: 0x20e, have: 0x1e1, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 46: {want: 0x210, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 47: {want: 0x22d, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 48: {want: 0x242, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 49: {want: 0x24a, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 50: {want: 0x251, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 51: {want: 0x265, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 52: {want: 0x274, have: 0x48a, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 53: {want: 0x28a, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 54: {want: 0x28e, have: 0x1f9, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 55: {want: 0x2a3, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 56: {want: 0x2b5, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 57: {want: 0x2b8, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 58: {want: 0x2be, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 59: {want: 0x2c3, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 60: {want: 0x2ed, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 61: {want: 0x2f1, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 62: {want: 0x2fa, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 63: {want: 0x2ff, have: 0x7e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 64: {want: 0x304, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 65: {want: 0x30b, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 66: {want: 0x31b, have: 0x1be, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 67: {want: 0x31f, have: 0x1e1, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 68: {want: 0x320, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 69: {want: 0x331, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 70: {want: 0x351, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 71: {want: 0x36a, have: 0x347, distance: 0xa, oneway: false}, + 72: {want: 0x36a, have: 0x36f, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 73: {want: 0x37a, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 74: {want: 0x387, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 75: {want: 0x389, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 76: {want: 0x38b, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 77: {want: 0x390, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 78: {want: 0x395, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 79: {want: 0x39d, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 80: {want: 0x3a5, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 81: {want: 0x3be, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 82: {want: 0x3c4, have: 0x13e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 83: {want: 0x3d4, have: 0x10d, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 84: {want: 0x3d9, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 85: {want: 0x3e5, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 86: {want: 0x3e9, have: 0x1be, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 87: {want: 0x3fa, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 88: {want: 0x40c, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 89: {want: 0x423, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 90: {want: 0x429, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 91: {want: 0x431, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 92: {want: 0x43b, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 93: {want: 0x43e, have: 0x1e1, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 94: {want: 0x445, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 95: {want: 0x450, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 96: {want: 0x461, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 97: {want: 0x467, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 98: {want: 0x46f, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 99: {want: 0x476, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 100: {want: 0x3883, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 101: {want: 0x480, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 102: {want: 0x482, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 103: {want: 0x494, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 104: {want: 0x49d, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 105: {want: 0x4ac, have: 0x529, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 106: {want: 0x4b4, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 107: {want: 0x4bc, have: 0x3e2, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 108: {want: 0x4e5, have: 0x15e, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 109: {want: 0x4f2, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 110: {want: 0x512, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 111: {want: 0x518, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, + 112: {want: 0x52f, have: 0x139, distance: 0xa, oneway: true}, +} // Size: 702 bytes + +// matchScript holds pairs of scriptIDs where readers of one script +// can typically also read the other. Each is associated with a confidence. +var matchScript = []scriptIntelligibility{ // 26 elements + 0: {wantLang: 0x432, haveLang: 0x432, wantScript: 0x5a, haveScript: 0x20, distance: 0x5}, + 1: {wantLang: 0x432, haveLang: 0x432, wantScript: 0x20, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0x5}, + 2: {wantLang: 0x58, haveLang: 0x3e2, wantScript: 0x5a, haveScript: 0x20, distance: 0xa}, + 3: {wantLang: 0xa5, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0xe, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 4: {wantLang: 0x1d7, haveLang: 0x3e2, wantScript: 0x8, haveScript: 0x20, distance: 0xa}, + 5: {wantLang: 0x210, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x2e, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 6: {wantLang: 0x24a, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x4e, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 7: {wantLang: 0x251, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x52, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 8: {wantLang: 0x2b8, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x57, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 9: {wantLang: 0x304, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x6e, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 10: {wantLang: 0x331, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x75, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 11: {wantLang: 0x351, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x22, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 12: {wantLang: 0x395, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x81, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 13: {wantLang: 0x39d, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x36, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 14: {wantLang: 0x3be, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x5, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 15: {wantLang: 0x3fa, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x5, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 16: {wantLang: 0x40c, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0xcf, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 17: {wantLang: 0x450, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0xde, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 18: {wantLang: 0x461, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0xe1, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 19: {wantLang: 0x46f, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x2c, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 20: {wantLang: 0x476, haveLang: 0x3e2, wantScript: 0x5a, haveScript: 0x20, distance: 0xa}, + 21: {wantLang: 0x4b4, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x5, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 22: {wantLang: 0x4bc, haveLang: 0x3e2, wantScript: 0x5a, haveScript: 0x20, distance: 0xa}, + 23: {wantLang: 0x512, haveLang: 0x139, wantScript: 0x3e, haveScript: 0x5a, distance: 0xa}, + 24: {wantLang: 0x529, haveLang: 0x529, wantScript: 0x3b, haveScript: 0x3c, distance: 0xf}, + 25: {wantLang: 0x529, haveLang: 0x529, wantScript: 0x3c, haveScript: 0x3b, distance: 0x13}, +} // Size: 232 bytes + +var matchRegion = []regionIntelligibility{ // 15 elements + 0: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x0, group: 0x4, distance: 0x4}, + 1: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x0, group: 0x84, distance: 0x4}, + 2: {lang: 0x139, script: 0x0, group: 0x1, distance: 0x4}, + 3: {lang: 0x139, script: 0x0, group: 0x81, distance: 0x4}, + 4: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x0, group: 0x3, distance: 0x4}, + 5: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x0, group: 0x83, distance: 0x4}, + 6: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x0, group: 0x3, distance: 0x4}, + 7: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x0, group: 0x83, distance: 0x4}, + 8: {lang: 0x529, script: 0x3c, group: 0x2, distance: 0x4}, + 9: {lang: 0x529, script: 0x3c, group: 0x82, distance: 0x4}, + 10: {lang: 0x3a, script: 0x0, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5}, + 11: {lang: 0x139, script: 0x0, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5}, + 12: {lang: 0x13e, script: 0x0, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5}, + 13: {lang: 0x3c0, script: 0x0, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5}, + 14: {lang: 0x529, script: 0x3c, group: 0x80, distance: 0x5}, +} // Size: 114 bytes + +// Total table size 1472 bytes (1KiB); checksum: F86C669 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/tags.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/tags.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..42ea7926 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/tags.go @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package language + +import "golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact" + +// TODO: Various sets of commonly use tags and regions. + +// MustParse is like Parse, but panics if the given BCP 47 tag cannot be parsed. +// It simplifies safe initialization of Tag values. +func MustParse(s string) Tag { + t, err := Parse(s) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return t +} + +// MustParse is like Parse, but panics if the given BCP 47 tag cannot be parsed. +// It simplifies safe initialization of Tag values. +func (c CanonType) MustParse(s string) Tag { + t, err := c.Parse(s) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return t +} + +// MustParseBase is like ParseBase, but panics if the given base cannot be parsed. +// It simplifies safe initialization of Base values. +func MustParseBase(s string) Base { + b, err := ParseBase(s) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return b +} + +// MustParseScript is like ParseScript, but panics if the given script cannot be +// parsed. It simplifies safe initialization of Script values. +func MustParseScript(s string) Script { + scr, err := ParseScript(s) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return scr +} + +// MustParseRegion is like ParseRegion, but panics if the given region cannot be +// parsed. It simplifies safe initialization of Region values. +func MustParseRegion(s string) Region { + r, err := ParseRegion(s) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return r +} + +var ( + und = Tag{} + + Und Tag = Tag{} + + Afrikaans Tag = Tag(compact.Afrikaans) + Amharic Tag = Tag(compact.Amharic) + Arabic Tag = Tag(compact.Arabic) + ModernStandardArabic Tag = Tag(compact.ModernStandardArabic) + Azerbaijani Tag = Tag(compact.Azerbaijani) + Bulgarian Tag = Tag(compact.Bulgarian) + Bengali Tag = Tag(compact.Bengali) + Catalan Tag = Tag(compact.Catalan) + Czech Tag = Tag(compact.Czech) + Danish Tag = Tag(compact.Danish) + German Tag = Tag(compact.German) + Greek Tag = Tag(compact.Greek) + English Tag = Tag(compact.English) + AmericanEnglish Tag = Tag(compact.AmericanEnglish) + BritishEnglish Tag = Tag(compact.BritishEnglish) + Spanish Tag = Tag(compact.Spanish) + EuropeanSpanish Tag = Tag(compact.EuropeanSpanish) + LatinAmericanSpanish Tag = Tag(compact.LatinAmericanSpanish) + Estonian Tag = Tag(compact.Estonian) + Persian Tag = Tag(compact.Persian) + Finnish Tag = Tag(compact.Finnish) + Filipino Tag = Tag(compact.Filipino) + French Tag = Tag(compact.French) + CanadianFrench Tag = Tag(compact.CanadianFrench) + Gujarati Tag = Tag(compact.Gujarati) + Hebrew Tag = Tag(compact.Hebrew) + Hindi Tag = Tag(compact.Hindi) + Croatian Tag = Tag(compact.Croatian) + Hungarian Tag = Tag(compact.Hungarian) + Armenian Tag = Tag(compact.Armenian) + Indonesian Tag = Tag(compact.Indonesian) + Icelandic Tag = Tag(compact.Icelandic) + Italian Tag = Tag(compact.Italian) + Japanese Tag = Tag(compact.Japanese) + Georgian Tag = Tag(compact.Georgian) + Kazakh Tag = Tag(compact.Kazakh) + Khmer Tag = Tag(compact.Khmer) + Kannada Tag = Tag(compact.Kannada) + Korean Tag = Tag(compact.Korean) + Kirghiz Tag = Tag(compact.Kirghiz) + Lao Tag = Tag(compact.Lao) + Lithuanian Tag = Tag(compact.Lithuanian) + Latvian Tag = Tag(compact.Latvian) + Macedonian Tag = Tag(compact.Macedonian) + Malayalam Tag = Tag(compact.Malayalam) + Mongolian Tag = Tag(compact.Mongolian) + Marathi Tag = Tag(compact.Marathi) + Malay Tag = Tag(compact.Malay) + Burmese Tag = Tag(compact.Burmese) + Nepali Tag = Tag(compact.Nepali) + Dutch Tag = Tag(compact.Dutch) + Norwegian Tag = Tag(compact.Norwegian) + Punjabi Tag = Tag(compact.Punjabi) + Polish Tag = Tag(compact.Polish) + Portuguese Tag = Tag(compact.Portuguese) + BrazilianPortuguese Tag = Tag(compact.BrazilianPortuguese) + EuropeanPortuguese Tag = Tag(compact.EuropeanPortuguese) + Romanian Tag = Tag(compact.Romanian) + Russian Tag = Tag(compact.Russian) + Sinhala Tag = Tag(compact.Sinhala) + Slovak Tag = Tag(compact.Slovak) + Slovenian Tag = Tag(compact.Slovenian) + Albanian Tag = Tag(compact.Albanian) + Serbian Tag = Tag(compact.Serbian) + SerbianLatin Tag = Tag(compact.SerbianLatin) + Swedish Tag = Tag(compact.Swedish) + Swahili Tag = Tag(compact.Swahili) + Tamil Tag = Tag(compact.Tamil) + Telugu Tag = Tag(compact.Telugu) + Thai Tag = Tag(compact.Thai) + Turkish Tag = Tag(compact.Turkish) + Ukrainian Tag = Tag(compact.Ukrainian) + Urdu Tag = Tag(compact.Urdu) + Uzbek Tag = Tag(compact.Uzbek) + Vietnamese Tag = Tag(compact.Vietnamese) + Chinese Tag = Tag(compact.Chinese) + SimplifiedChinese Tag = Tag(compact.SimplifiedChinese) + TraditionalChinese Tag = Tag(compact.TraditionalChinese) + Zulu Tag = Tag(compact.Zulu) +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/runes/cond.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/runes/cond.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df7aa02d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/runes/cond.go @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package runes + +import ( + "unicode/utf8" + + "golang.org/x/text/transform" +) + +// Note: below we pass invalid UTF-8 to the tIn and tNotIn transformers as is. +// This is done for various reasons: +// - To retain the semantics of the Nop transformer: if input is passed to a Nop +// one would expect it to be unchanged. +// - It would be very expensive to pass a converted RuneError to a transformer: +// a transformer might need more source bytes after RuneError, meaning that +// the only way to pass it safely is to create a new buffer and manage the +// intermingling of RuneErrors and normal input. +// - Many transformers leave ill-formed UTF-8 as is, so this is not +// inconsistent. Generally ill-formed UTF-8 is only replaced if it is a +// logical consequence of the operation (as for Map) or if it otherwise would +// pose security concerns (as for Remove). +// - An alternative would be to return an error on ill-formed UTF-8, but this +// would be inconsistent with other operations. + +// If returns a transformer that applies tIn to consecutive runes for which +// s.Contains(r) and tNotIn to consecutive runes for which !s.Contains(r). Reset +// is called on tIn and tNotIn at the start of each run. A Nop transformer will +// substitute a nil value passed to tIn or tNotIn. Invalid UTF-8 is translated +// to RuneError to determine which transformer to apply, but is passed as is to +// the respective transformer. +func If(s Set, tIn, tNotIn transform.Transformer) Transformer { + if tIn == nil && tNotIn == nil { + return Transformer{transform.Nop} + } + if tIn == nil { + tIn = transform.Nop + } + if tNotIn == nil { + tNotIn = transform.Nop + } + sIn, ok := tIn.(transform.SpanningTransformer) + if !ok { + sIn = dummySpan{tIn} + } + sNotIn, ok := tNotIn.(transform.SpanningTransformer) + if !ok { + sNotIn = dummySpan{tNotIn} + } + + a := &cond{ + tIn: sIn, + tNotIn: sNotIn, + f: s.Contains, + } + a.Reset() + return Transformer{a} +} + +type dummySpan struct{ transform.Transformer } + +func (d dummySpan) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + return 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan +} + +type cond struct { + tIn, tNotIn transform.SpanningTransformer + f func(rune) bool + check func(rune) bool // current check to perform + t transform.SpanningTransformer // current transformer to use +} + +// Reset implements transform.Transformer. +func (t *cond) Reset() { + t.check = t.is + t.t = t.tIn + t.t.Reset() // notIn will be reset on first usage. +} + +func (t *cond) is(r rune) bool { + if t.f(r) { + return true + } + t.check = t.isNot + t.t = t.tNotIn + t.tNotIn.Reset() + return false +} + +func (t *cond) isNot(r rune) bool { + if !t.f(r) { + return true + } + t.check = t.is + t.t = t.tIn + t.tIn.Reset() + return false +} + +// This implementation of Span doesn't help all too much, but it needs to be +// there to satisfy this package's Transformer interface. +// TODO: there are certainly room for improvements, though. For example, if +// t.t == transform.Nop (which will a common occurrence) it will save a bundle +// to special-case that loop. +func (t *cond) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + p := 0 + for n < len(src) && err == nil { + // Don't process too much at a time as the Spanner that will be + // called on this block may terminate early. + const maxChunk = 4096 + max := len(src) + if v := n + maxChunk; v < max { + max = v + } + atEnd := false + size := 0 + current := t.t + for ; p < max; p += size { + r := rune(src[p]) + if r < utf8.RuneSelf { + size = 1 + } else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[p:]); size == 1 { + if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[p:]) { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc + break + } + } + if !t.check(r) { + // The next rune will be the start of a new run. + atEnd = true + break + } + } + n2, err2 := current.Span(src[n:p], atEnd || (atEOF && p == len(src))) + n += n2 + if err2 != nil { + return n, err2 + } + // At this point either err != nil or t.check will pass for the rune at p. + p = n + size + } + return n, err +} + +func (t *cond) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + p := 0 + for nSrc < len(src) && err == nil { + // Don't process too much at a time, as the work might be wasted if the + // destination buffer isn't large enough to hold the result or a + // transform returns an error early. + const maxChunk = 4096 + max := len(src) + if n := nSrc + maxChunk; n < len(src) { + max = n + } + atEnd := false + size := 0 + current := t.t + for ; p < max; p += size { + r := rune(src[p]) + if r < utf8.RuneSelf { + size = 1 + } else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[p:]); size == 1 { + if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[p:]) { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc + break + } + } + if !t.check(r) { + // The next rune will be the start of a new run. + atEnd = true + break + } + } + nDst2, nSrc2, err2 := current.Transform(dst[nDst:], src[nSrc:p], atEnd || (atEOF && p == len(src))) + nDst += nDst2 + nSrc += nSrc2 + if err2 != nil { + return nDst, nSrc, err2 + } + // At this point either err != nil or t.check will pass for the rune at p. + p = nSrc + size + } + return nDst, nSrc, err +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/runes/runes.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/runes/runes.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..71933696 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/runes/runes.go @@ -0,0 +1,355 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package runes provide transforms for UTF-8 encoded text. +package runes // import "golang.org/x/text/runes" + +import ( + "unicode" + "unicode/utf8" + + "golang.org/x/text/transform" +) + +// A Set is a collection of runes. +type Set interface { + // Contains returns true if r is contained in the set. + Contains(r rune) bool +} + +type setFunc func(rune) bool + +func (s setFunc) Contains(r rune) bool { + return s(r) +} + +// Note: using funcs here instead of wrapping types result in cleaner +// documentation and a smaller API. + +// In creates a Set with a Contains method that returns true for all runes in +// the given RangeTable. +func In(rt *unicode.RangeTable) Set { + return setFunc(func(r rune) bool { return unicode.Is(rt, r) }) +} + +// In creates a Set with a Contains method that returns true for all runes not +// in the given RangeTable. +func NotIn(rt *unicode.RangeTable) Set { + return setFunc(func(r rune) bool { return !unicode.Is(rt, r) }) +} + +// Predicate creates a Set with a Contains method that returns f(r). +func Predicate(f func(rune) bool) Set { + return setFunc(f) +} + +// Transformer implements the transform.Transformer interface. +type Transformer struct { + t transform.SpanningTransformer +} + +func (t Transformer) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + return t.t.Transform(dst, src, atEOF) +} + +func (t Transformer) Span(b []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + return t.t.Span(b, atEOF) +} + +func (t Transformer) Reset() { t.t.Reset() } + +// Bytes returns a new byte slice with the result of converting b using t. It +// calls Reset on t. It returns nil if any error was found. This can only happen +// if an error-producing Transformer is passed to If. +func (t Transformer) Bytes(b []byte) []byte { + b, _, err := transform.Bytes(t, b) + if err != nil { + return nil + } + return b +} + +// String returns a string with the result of converting s using t. It calls +// Reset on t. It returns the empty string if any error was found. This can only +// happen if an error-producing Transformer is passed to If. +func (t Transformer) String(s string) string { + s, _, err := transform.String(t, s) + if err != nil { + return "" + } + return s +} + +// TODO: +// - Copy: copying strings and bytes in whole-rune units. +// - Validation (maybe) +// - Well-formed-ness (maybe) + +const runeErrorString = string(utf8.RuneError) + +// Remove returns a Transformer that removes runes r for which s.Contains(r). +// Illegal input bytes are replaced by RuneError before being passed to f. +func Remove(s Set) Transformer { + if f, ok := s.(setFunc); ok { + // This little trick cuts the running time of BenchmarkRemove for sets + // created by Predicate roughly in half. + // TODO: special-case RangeTables as well. + return Transformer{remove(f)} + } + return Transformer{remove(s.Contains)} +} + +// TODO: remove transform.RemoveFunc. + +type remove func(r rune) bool + +func (remove) Reset() {} + +// Span implements transform.Spanner. +func (t remove) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + for r, size := rune(0), 0; n < len(src); { + if r = rune(src[n]); r < utf8.RuneSelf { + size = 1 + } else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[n:]); size == 1 { + // Invalid rune. + if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[n:]) { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc + } else { + err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + } + break + } + if t(r) { + err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + break + } + n += size + } + return +} + +// Transform implements transform.Transformer. +func (t remove) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + for r, size := rune(0), 0; nSrc < len(src); { + if r = rune(src[nSrc]); r < utf8.RuneSelf { + size = 1 + } else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[nSrc:]); size == 1 { + // Invalid rune. + if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[nSrc:]) { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc + break + } + // We replace illegal bytes with RuneError. Not doing so might + // otherwise turn a sequence of invalid UTF-8 into valid UTF-8. + // The resulting byte sequence may subsequently contain runes + // for which t(r) is true that were passed unnoticed. + if !t(utf8.RuneError) { + if nDst+3 > len(dst) { + err = transform.ErrShortDst + break + } + dst[nDst+0] = runeErrorString[0] + dst[nDst+1] = runeErrorString[1] + dst[nDst+2] = runeErrorString[2] + nDst += 3 + } + nSrc++ + continue + } + if t(r) { + nSrc += size + continue + } + if nDst+size > len(dst) { + err = transform.ErrShortDst + break + } + for i := 0; i < size; i++ { + dst[nDst] = src[nSrc] + nDst++ + nSrc++ + } + } + return +} + +// Map returns a Transformer that maps the runes in the input using the given +// mapping. Illegal bytes in the input are converted to utf8.RuneError before +// being passed to the mapping func. +func Map(mapping func(rune) rune) Transformer { + return Transformer{mapper(mapping)} +} + +type mapper func(rune) rune + +func (mapper) Reset() {} + +// Span implements transform.Spanner. +func (t mapper) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + for r, size := rune(0), 0; n < len(src); n += size { + if r = rune(src[n]); r < utf8.RuneSelf { + size = 1 + } else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[n:]); size == 1 { + // Invalid rune. + if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[n:]) { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc + } else { + err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + } + break + } + if t(r) != r { + err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + break + } + } + return n, err +} + +// Transform implements transform.Transformer. +func (t mapper) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + var replacement rune + var b [utf8.UTFMax]byte + + for r, size := rune(0), 0; nSrc < len(src); { + if r = rune(src[nSrc]); r < utf8.RuneSelf { + if replacement = t(r); replacement < utf8.RuneSelf { + if nDst == len(dst) { + err = transform.ErrShortDst + break + } + dst[nDst] = byte(replacement) + nDst++ + nSrc++ + continue + } + size = 1 + } else if r, size = utf8.DecodeRune(src[nSrc:]); size == 1 { + // Invalid rune. + if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[nSrc:]) { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc + break + } + + if replacement = t(utf8.RuneError); replacement == utf8.RuneError { + if nDst+3 > len(dst) { + err = transform.ErrShortDst + break + } + dst[nDst+0] = runeErrorString[0] + dst[nDst+1] = runeErrorString[1] + dst[nDst+2] = runeErrorString[2] + nDst += 3 + nSrc++ + continue + } + } else if replacement = t(r); replacement == r { + if nDst+size > len(dst) { + err = transform.ErrShortDst + break + } + for i := 0; i < size; i++ { + dst[nDst] = src[nSrc] + nDst++ + nSrc++ + } + continue + } + + n := utf8.EncodeRune(b[:], replacement) + + if nDst+n > len(dst) { + err = transform.ErrShortDst + break + } + for i := 0; i < n; i++ { + dst[nDst] = b[i] + nDst++ + } + nSrc += size + } + return +} + +// ReplaceIllFormed returns a transformer that replaces all input bytes that are +// not part of a well-formed UTF-8 code sequence with utf8.RuneError. +func ReplaceIllFormed() Transformer { + return Transformer{&replaceIllFormed{}} +} + +type replaceIllFormed struct{ transform.NopResetter } + +func (t replaceIllFormed) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(src) { + // ASCII fast path. + if src[n] < utf8.RuneSelf { + n++ + continue + } + + r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(src[n:]) + + // Look for a valid non-ASCII rune. + if r != utf8.RuneError || size != 1 { + n += size + continue + } + + // Look for short source data. + if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[n:]) { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc + break + } + + // We have an invalid rune. + err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + break + } + return n, err +} + +func (t replaceIllFormed) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + for nSrc < len(src) { + // ASCII fast path. + if r := src[nSrc]; r < utf8.RuneSelf { + if nDst == len(dst) { + err = transform.ErrShortDst + break + } + dst[nDst] = r + nDst++ + nSrc++ + continue + } + + // Look for a valid non-ASCII rune. + if _, size := utf8.DecodeRune(src[nSrc:]); size != 1 { + if size != copy(dst[nDst:], src[nSrc:nSrc+size]) { + err = transform.ErrShortDst + break + } + nDst += size + nSrc += size + continue + } + + // Look for short source data. + if !atEOF && !utf8.FullRune(src[nSrc:]) { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc + break + } + + // We have an invalid rune. + if nDst+3 > len(dst) { + err = transform.ErrShortDst + break + } + dst[nDst+0] = runeErrorString[0] + dst[nDst+1] = runeErrorString[1] + dst[nDst+2] = runeErrorString[2] + nDst += 3 + nSrc++ + } + return nDst, nSrc, err +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule/bidirule.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule/bidirule.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e2b70f76 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule/bidirule.go @@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package bidirule implements the Bidi Rule defined by RFC 5893. +// +// This package is under development. The API may change without notice and +// without preserving backward compatibility. +package bidirule + +import ( + "errors" + "unicode/utf8" + + "golang.org/x/text/transform" + "golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi" +) + +// This file contains an implementation of RFC 5893: Right-to-Left Scripts for +// Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA) +// +// A label is an individual component of a domain name. Labels are usually +// shown separated by dots; for example, the domain name "www.example.com" is +// composed of three labels: "www", "example", and "com". +// +// An RTL label is a label that contains at least one character of class R, AL, +// or AN. An LTR label is any label that is not an RTL label. +// +// A "Bidi domain name" is a domain name that contains at least one RTL label. +// +// The following guarantees can be made based on the above: +// +// o In a domain name consisting of only labels that satisfy the rule, +// the requirements of Section 3 are satisfied. Note that even LTR +// labels and pure ASCII labels have to be tested. +// +// o In a domain name consisting of only LDH labels (as defined in the +// Definitions document [RFC5890]) and labels that satisfy the rule, +// the requirements of Section 3 are satisfied as long as a label +// that starts with an ASCII digit does not come after a +// right-to-left label. +// +// No guarantee is given for other combinations. + +// ErrInvalid indicates a label is invalid according to the Bidi Rule. +var ErrInvalid = errors.New("bidirule: failed Bidi Rule") + +type ruleState uint8 + +const ( + ruleInitial ruleState = iota + ruleLTR + ruleLTRFinal + ruleRTL + ruleRTLFinal + ruleInvalid +) + +type ruleTransition struct { + next ruleState + mask uint16 +} + +var transitions = [...][2]ruleTransition{ + // [2.1] The first character must be a character with Bidi property L, R, or + // AL. If it has the R or AL property, it is an RTL label; if it has the L + // property, it is an LTR label. + ruleInitial: { + {ruleLTRFinal, 1 << bidi.L}, + {ruleRTLFinal, 1< 0; r-- { + if p.options.foldWidth { + ts = append(ts, width.Fold) + } + + for _, f := range p.options.additional { + ts = append(ts, f()) + } + + if p.options.cases != nil { + ts = append(ts, p.options.cases) + } + + ts = append(ts, p.options.norm) + + if p.options.bidiRule { + ts = append(ts, bidirule.New()) + } + + ts = append(ts, &checker{p: p, allowed: p.Allowed()}) + } + + // TODO: Add the disallow empty rule with a dummy transformer? + + return &Transformer{transform.Chain(ts...)} +} + +var errEmptyString = errors.New("precis: transformation resulted in empty string") + +type buffers struct { + src []byte + buf [2][]byte + next int +} + +func (b *buffers) apply(t transform.SpanningTransformer) (err error) { + n, err := t.Span(b.src, true) + if err != transform.ErrEndOfSpan { + return err + } + x := b.next & 1 + if b.buf[x] == nil { + b.buf[x] = make([]byte, 0, 8+len(b.src)+len(b.src)>>2) + } + span := append(b.buf[x][:0], b.src[:n]...) + b.src, _, err = transform.Append(t, span, b.src[n:]) + b.buf[x] = b.src + b.next++ + return err +} + +// Pre-allocate transformers when possible. In some cases this avoids allocation. +var ( + foldWidthT transform.SpanningTransformer = width.Fold + lowerCaseT transform.SpanningTransformer = cases.Lower(language.Und, cases.HandleFinalSigma(false)) +) + +// TODO: make this a method on profile. + +func (b *buffers) enforce(p *Profile, src []byte, comparing bool) (str []byte, err error) { + b.src = src + + ascii := true + for _, c := range src { + if c >= utf8.RuneSelf { + ascii = false + break + } + } + // ASCII fast path. + if ascii { + for _, f := range p.options.additional { + if err = b.apply(f()); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + switch { + case p.options.asciiLower || (comparing && p.options.ignorecase): + for i, c := range b.src { + if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' { + b.src[i] = c ^ 1<<5 + } + } + case p.options.cases != nil: + b.apply(p.options.cases) + } + c := checker{p: p} + if _, err := c.span(b.src, true); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if p.disallow != nil { + for _, c := range b.src { + if p.disallow.Contains(rune(c)) { + return nil, errDisallowedRune + } + } + } + if p.options.disallowEmpty && len(b.src) == 0 { + return nil, errEmptyString + } + return b.src, nil + } + + // These transforms are applied in the order defined in + // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8264#section-7 + + r := 1 + if p.options.repeat { + r = 4 + } + for ; r > 0; r-- { + // TODO: allow different width transforms options. + if p.options.foldWidth || (p.options.ignorecase && comparing) { + b.apply(foldWidthT) + } + for _, f := range p.options.additional { + if err = b.apply(f()); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + if p.options.cases != nil { + b.apply(p.options.cases) + } + if comparing && p.options.ignorecase { + b.apply(lowerCaseT) + } + b.apply(p.norm) + if p.options.bidiRule && !bidirule.Valid(b.src) { + return nil, bidirule.ErrInvalid + } + c := checker{p: p} + if _, err := c.span(b.src, true); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if p.disallow != nil { + for i := 0; i < len(b.src); { + r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(b.src[i:]) + if p.disallow.Contains(r) { + return nil, errDisallowedRune + } + i += size + } + } + if p.options.disallowEmpty && len(b.src) == 0 { + return nil, errEmptyString + } + } + return b.src, nil +} + +// Append appends the result of applying p to src writing the result to dst. +// It returns an error if the input string is invalid. +func (p *Profile) Append(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + var buf buffers + b, err := buf.enforce(p, src, false) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return append(dst, b...), nil +} + +func processBytes(p *Profile, b []byte, key bool) ([]byte, error) { + var buf buffers + b, err := buf.enforce(p, b, key) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if buf.next == 0 { + c := make([]byte, len(b)) + copy(c, b) + return c, nil + } + return b, nil +} + +// Bytes returns a new byte slice with the result of applying the profile to b. +func (p *Profile) Bytes(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return processBytes(p, b, false) +} + +// AppendCompareKey appends the result of applying p to src (including any +// optional rules to make strings comparable or useful in a map key such as +// applying lowercasing) writing the result to dst. It returns an error if the +// input string is invalid. +func (p *Profile) AppendCompareKey(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + var buf buffers + b, err := buf.enforce(p, src, true) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return append(dst, b...), nil +} + +func processString(p *Profile, s string, key bool) (string, error) { + var buf buffers + b, err := buf.enforce(p, []byte(s), key) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + return string(b), nil +} + +// String returns a string with the result of applying the profile to s. +func (p *Profile) String(s string) (string, error) { + return processString(p, s, false) +} + +// CompareKey returns a string that can be used for comparison, hashing, or +// collation. +func (p *Profile) CompareKey(s string) (string, error) { + return processString(p, s, true) +} + +// Compare enforces both strings, and then compares them for bit-string identity +// (byte-for-byte equality). If either string cannot be enforced, the comparison +// is false. +func (p *Profile) Compare(a, b string) bool { + var buf buffers + + akey, err := buf.enforce(p, []byte(a), true) + if err != nil { + return false + } + + buf = buffers{} + bkey, err := buf.enforce(p, []byte(b), true) + if err != nil { + return false + } + + return bytes.Compare(akey, bkey) == 0 +} + +// Allowed returns a runes.Set containing every rune that is a member of the +// underlying profile's string class and not disallowed by any profile specific +// rules. +func (p *Profile) Allowed() runes.Set { + if p.options.disallow != nil { + return runes.Predicate(func(r rune) bool { + return p.class.Contains(r) && !p.options.disallow.Contains(r) + }) + } + return p.class +} + +type checker struct { + p *Profile + allowed runes.Set + + beforeBits catBitmap + termBits catBitmap + acceptBits catBitmap +} + +func (c *checker) Reset() { + c.beforeBits = 0 + c.termBits = 0 + c.acceptBits = 0 +} + +func (c *checker) span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(src) { + e, sz := dpTrie.lookup(src[n:]) + d := categoryTransitions[category(e&catMask)] + if sz == 0 { + if !atEOF { + return n, transform.ErrShortSrc + } + return n, errDisallowedRune + } + doLookAhead := false + if property(e) < c.p.class.validFrom { + if d.rule == nil { + return n, errDisallowedRune + } + doLookAhead, err = d.rule(c.beforeBits) + if err != nil { + return n, err + } + } + c.beforeBits &= d.keep + c.beforeBits |= d.set + if c.termBits != 0 { + // We are currently in an unterminated lookahead. + if c.beforeBits&c.termBits != 0 { + c.termBits = 0 + c.acceptBits = 0 + } else if c.beforeBits&c.acceptBits == 0 { + // Invalid continuation of the unterminated lookahead sequence. + return n, errContext + } + } + if doLookAhead { + if c.termBits != 0 { + // A previous lookahead run has not been terminated yet. + return n, errContext + } + c.termBits = d.term + c.acceptBits = d.accept + } + n += sz + } + if m := c.beforeBits >> finalShift; c.beforeBits&m != m || c.termBits != 0 { + err = errContext + } + return n, err +} + +// TODO: we may get rid of this transform if transform.Chain understands +// something like a Spanner interface. +func (c checker) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + short := false + if len(dst) < len(src) { + src = src[:len(dst)] + atEOF = false + short = true + } + nSrc, err = c.span(src, atEOF) + nDst = copy(dst, src[:nSrc]) + if short && (err == transform.ErrShortSrc || err == nil) { + err = transform.ErrShortDst + } + return nDst, nSrc, err +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/profiles.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/profiles.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..061936d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/profiles.go @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package precis + +import ( + "unicode" + + "golang.org/x/text/runes" + "golang.org/x/text/transform" + "golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm" +) + +var ( + // Implements the Nickname profile specified in RFC 8266. + Nickname *Profile = nickname + + // Implements the UsernameCaseMapped profile specified in RFC 8265. + UsernameCaseMapped *Profile = usernameCaseMap + + // Implements the UsernameCasePreserved profile specified in RFC 8265. + UsernameCasePreserved *Profile = usernameNoCaseMap + + // Implements the OpaqueString profile defined in RFC 8265 for passwords and + // other secure labels. + OpaqueString *Profile = opaquestring +) + +var ( + nickname = &Profile{ + options: getOpts( + AdditionalMapping(func() transform.Transformer { + return &nickAdditionalMapping{} + }), + IgnoreCase, + Norm(norm.NFKC), + DisallowEmpty, + repeat, + ), + class: freeform, + } + usernameCaseMap = &Profile{ + options: getOpts( + FoldWidth, + LowerCase(), + Norm(norm.NFC), + BidiRule, + ), + class: identifier, + } + usernameNoCaseMap = &Profile{ + options: getOpts( + FoldWidth, + Norm(norm.NFC), + BidiRule, + ), + class: identifier, + } + opaquestring = &Profile{ + options: getOpts( + AdditionalMapping(func() transform.Transformer { + return mapSpaces + }), + Norm(norm.NFC), + DisallowEmpty, + ), + class: freeform, + } +) + +// mapSpaces is a shared value of a runes.Map transformer. +var mapSpaces transform.Transformer = runes.Map(func(r rune) rune { + if unicode.Is(unicode.Zs, r) { + return ' ' + } + return r +}) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables10.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables10.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..81647495 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables10.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,3890 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.10 && !go1.13 +// +build go1.10,!go1.13 + +package precis + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "10.0.0" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0] + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0] + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// derivedPropertiesTrie. Total size: 25920 bytes (25.31 KiB). Checksum: 25eb1c8ad0a9331f. +type derivedPropertiesTrie struct{} + +func newDerivedPropertiesTrie(i int) *derivedPropertiesTrie { + return &derivedPropertiesTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint8 { + switch { + default: + return uint8(derivedPropertiesValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// derivedPropertiesValues: 331 blocks, 21184 entries, 21184 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var derivedPropertiesValues = [21184]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x00: 0x0040, 0x01: 0x0040, 0x02: 0x0040, 0x03: 0x0040, 0x04: 0x0040, 0x05: 0x0040, + 0x06: 0x0040, 0x07: 0x0040, 0x08: 0x0040, 0x09: 0x0040, 0x0a: 0x0040, 0x0b: 0x0040, + 0x0c: 0x0040, 0x0d: 0x0040, 0x0e: 0x0040, 0x0f: 0x0040, 0x10: 0x0040, 0x11: 0x0040, + 0x12: 0x0040, 0x13: 0x0040, 0x14: 0x0040, 0x15: 0x0040, 0x16: 0x0040, 0x17: 0x0040, + 0x18: 0x0040, 0x19: 0x0040, 0x1a: 0x0040, 0x1b: 0x0040, 0x1c: 0x0040, 0x1d: 0x0040, + 0x1e: 0x0040, 0x1f: 0x0040, 0x20: 0x0080, 0x21: 0x00c0, 0x22: 0x00c0, 0x23: 0x00c0, + 0x24: 0x00c0, 0x25: 0x00c0, 0x26: 0x00c0, 0x27: 0x00c0, 0x28: 0x00c0, 0x29: 0x00c0, + 0x2a: 0x00c0, 0x2b: 0x00c0, 0x2c: 0x00c0, 0x2d: 0x00c0, 0x2e: 0x00c0, 0x2f: 0x00c0, + 0x30: 0x00c0, 0x31: 0x00c0, 0x32: 0x00c0, 0x33: 0x00c0, 0x34: 0x00c0, 0x35: 0x00c0, + 0x36: 0x00c0, 0x37: 0x00c0, 0x38: 0x00c0, 0x39: 0x00c0, 0x3a: 0x00c0, 0x3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c: 0x00c0, 0x3d: 0x00c0, 0x3e: 0x00c0, 0x3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x00c0, 0x41: 0x00c0, 0x42: 0x00c0, 0x43: 0x00c0, 0x44: 0x00c0, 0x45: 0x00c0, + 0x46: 0x00c0, 0x47: 0x00c0, 0x48: 0x00c0, 0x49: 0x00c0, 0x4a: 0x00c0, 0x4b: 0x00c0, + 0x4c: 0x00c0, 0x4d: 0x00c0, 0x4e: 0x00c0, 0x4f: 0x00c0, 0x50: 0x00c0, 0x51: 0x00c0, + 0x52: 0x00c0, 0x53: 0x00c0, 0x54: 0x00c0, 0x55: 0x00c0, 0x56: 0x00c0, 0x57: 0x00c0, + 0x58: 0x00c0, 0x59: 0x00c0, 0x5a: 0x00c0, 0x5b: 0x00c0, 0x5c: 0x00c0, 0x5d: 0x00c0, + 0x5e: 0x00c0, 0x5f: 0x00c0, 0x60: 0x00c0, 0x61: 0x00c0, 0x62: 0x00c0, 0x63: 0x00c0, + 0x64: 0x00c0, 0x65: 0x00c0, 0x66: 0x00c0, 0x67: 0x00c0, 0x68: 0x00c0, 0x69: 0x00c0, + 0x6a: 0x00c0, 0x6b: 0x00c0, 0x6c: 0x00c7, 0x6d: 0x00c0, 0x6e: 0x00c0, 0x6f: 0x00c0, + 0x70: 0x00c0, 0x71: 0x00c0, 0x72: 0x00c0, 0x73: 0x00c0, 0x74: 0x00c0, 0x75: 0x00c0, + 0x76: 0x00c0, 0x77: 0x00c0, 0x78: 0x00c0, 0x79: 0x00c0, 0x7a: 0x00c0, 0x7b: 0x00c0, + 0x7c: 0x00c0, 0x7d: 0x00c0, 0x7e: 0x00c0, 0x7f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x0040, 0xc1: 0x0040, 0xc2: 0x0040, 0xc3: 0x0040, 0xc4: 0x0040, 0xc5: 0x0040, + 0xc6: 0x0040, 0xc7: 0x0040, 0xc8: 0x0040, 0xc9: 0x0040, 0xca: 0x0040, 0xcb: 0x0040, + 0xcc: 0x0040, 0xcd: 0x0040, 0xce: 0x0040, 0xcf: 0x0040, 0xd0: 0x0040, 0xd1: 0x0040, + 0xd2: 0x0040, 0xd3: 0x0040, 0xd4: 0x0040, 0xd5: 0x0040, 0xd6: 0x0040, 0xd7: 0x0040, + 0xd8: 0x0040, 0xd9: 0x0040, 0xda: 0x0040, 0xdb: 0x0040, 0xdc: 0x0040, 0xdd: 0x0040, + 0xde: 0x0040, 0xdf: 0x0040, 0xe0: 0x0080, 0xe1: 0x0080, 0xe2: 0x0080, 0xe3: 0x0080, + 0xe4: 0x0080, 0xe5: 0x0080, 0xe6: 0x0080, 0xe7: 0x0080, 0xe8: 0x0080, 0xe9: 0x0080, + 0xea: 0x0080, 0xeb: 0x0080, 0xec: 0x0080, 0xed: 0x0040, 0xee: 0x0080, 0xef: 0x0080, + 0xf0: 0x0080, 0xf1: 0x0080, 0xf2: 0x0080, 0xf3: 0x0080, 0xf4: 0x0080, 0xf5: 0x0080, + 0xf6: 0x0080, 0xf7: 0x004f, 0xf8: 0x0080, 0xf9: 0x0080, 0xfa: 0x0080, 0xfb: 0x0080, + 0xfc: 0x0080, 0xfd: 0x0080, 0xfe: 0x0080, 0xff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0x00c0, 0x101: 0x00c0, 0x102: 0x00c0, 0x103: 0x00c0, 0x104: 0x00c0, 0x105: 0x00c0, + 0x106: 0x00c0, 0x107: 0x00c0, 0x108: 0x00c0, 0x109: 0x00c0, 0x10a: 0x00c0, 0x10b: 0x00c0, + 0x10c: 0x00c0, 0x10d: 0x00c0, 0x10e: 0x00c0, 0x10f: 0x00c0, 0x110: 0x00c0, 0x111: 0x00c0, + 0x112: 0x00c0, 0x113: 0x00c0, 0x114: 0x00c0, 0x115: 0x00c0, 0x116: 0x00c0, 0x117: 0x0080, + 0x118: 0x00c0, 0x119: 0x00c0, 0x11a: 0x00c0, 0x11b: 0x00c0, 0x11c: 0x00c0, 0x11d: 0x00c0, + 0x11e: 0x00c0, 0x11f: 0x00c0, 0x120: 0x00c0, 0x121: 0x00c0, 0x122: 0x00c0, 0x123: 0x00c0, + 0x124: 0x00c0, 0x125: 0x00c0, 0x126: 0x00c0, 0x127: 0x00c0, 0x128: 0x00c0, 0x129: 0x00c0, + 0x12a: 0x00c0, 0x12b: 0x00c0, 0x12c: 0x00c0, 0x12d: 0x00c0, 0x12e: 0x00c0, 0x12f: 0x00c0, + 0x130: 0x00c0, 0x131: 0x00c0, 0x132: 0x00c0, 0x133: 0x00c0, 0x134: 0x00c0, 0x135: 0x00c0, + 0x136: 0x00c0, 0x137: 0x0080, 0x138: 0x00c0, 0x139: 0x00c0, 0x13a: 0x00c0, 0x13b: 0x00c0, + 0x13c: 0x00c0, 0x13d: 0x00c0, 0x13e: 0x00c0, 0x13f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x00c0, 0x141: 0x00c0, 0x142: 0x00c0, 0x143: 0x00c0, 0x144: 0x00c0, 0x145: 0x00c0, + 0x146: 0x00c0, 0x147: 0x00c0, 0x148: 0x00c0, 0x149: 0x00c0, 0x14a: 0x00c0, 0x14b: 0x00c0, + 0x14c: 0x00c0, 0x14d: 0x00c0, 0x14e: 0x00c0, 0x14f: 0x00c0, 0x150: 0x00c0, 0x151: 0x00c0, + 0x152: 0x00c0, 0x153: 0x00c0, 0x154: 0x00c0, 0x155: 0x00c0, 0x156: 0x00c0, 0x157: 0x00c0, + 0x158: 0x00c0, 0x159: 0x00c0, 0x15a: 0x00c0, 0x15b: 0x00c0, 0x15c: 0x00c0, 0x15d: 0x00c0, + 0x15e: 0x00c0, 0x15f: 0x00c0, 0x160: 0x00c0, 0x161: 0x00c0, 0x162: 0x00c0, 0x163: 0x00c0, + 0x164: 0x00c0, 0x165: 0x00c0, 0x166: 0x00c0, 0x167: 0x00c0, 0x168: 0x00c0, 0x169: 0x00c0, + 0x16a: 0x00c0, 0x16b: 0x00c0, 0x16c: 0x00c0, 0x16d: 0x00c0, 0x16e: 0x00c0, 0x16f: 0x00c0, + 0x170: 0x00c0, 0x171: 0x00c0, 0x172: 0x0080, 0x173: 0x0080, 0x174: 0x00c0, 0x175: 0x00c0, + 0x176: 0x00c0, 0x177: 0x00c0, 0x178: 0x00c0, 0x179: 0x00c0, 0x17a: 0x00c0, 0x17b: 0x00c0, + 0x17c: 0x00c0, 0x17d: 0x00c0, 0x17e: 0x00c0, 0x17f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x0080, 0x181: 0x00c0, 0x182: 0x00c0, 0x183: 0x00c0, 0x184: 0x00c0, 0x185: 0x00c0, + 0x186: 0x00c0, 0x187: 0x00c0, 0x188: 0x00c0, 0x189: 0x0080, 0x18a: 0x00c0, 0x18b: 0x00c0, + 0x18c: 0x00c0, 0x18d: 0x00c0, 0x18e: 0x00c0, 0x18f: 0x00c0, 0x190: 0x00c0, 0x191: 0x00c0, + 0x192: 0x00c0, 0x193: 0x00c0, 0x194: 0x00c0, 0x195: 0x00c0, 0x196: 0x00c0, 0x197: 0x00c0, + 0x198: 0x00c0, 0x199: 0x00c0, 0x19a: 0x00c0, 0x19b: 0x00c0, 0x19c: 0x00c0, 0x19d: 0x00c0, + 0x19e: 0x00c0, 0x19f: 0x00c0, 0x1a0: 0x00c0, 0x1a1: 0x00c0, 0x1a2: 0x00c0, 0x1a3: 0x00c0, + 0x1a4: 0x00c0, 0x1a5: 0x00c0, 0x1a6: 0x00c0, 0x1a7: 0x00c0, 0x1a8: 0x00c0, 0x1a9: 0x00c0, + 0x1aa: 0x00c0, 0x1ab: 0x00c0, 0x1ac: 0x00c0, 0x1ad: 0x00c0, 0x1ae: 0x00c0, 0x1af: 0x00c0, + 0x1b0: 0x00c0, 0x1b1: 0x00c0, 0x1b2: 0x00c0, 0x1b3: 0x00c0, 0x1b4: 0x00c0, 0x1b5: 0x00c0, + 0x1b6: 0x00c0, 0x1b7: 0x00c0, 0x1b8: 0x00c0, 0x1b9: 0x00c0, 0x1ba: 0x00c0, 0x1bb: 0x00c0, + 0x1bc: 0x00c0, 0x1bd: 0x00c0, 0x1be: 0x00c0, 0x1bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x00c0, 0x1c1: 0x00c0, 0x1c2: 0x00c0, 0x1c3: 0x00c0, 0x1c4: 0x00c0, 0x1c5: 0x00c0, + 0x1c6: 0x00c0, 0x1c7: 0x00c0, 0x1c8: 0x00c0, 0x1c9: 0x00c0, 0x1ca: 0x00c0, 0x1cb: 0x00c0, + 0x1cc: 0x00c0, 0x1cd: 0x00c0, 0x1ce: 0x00c0, 0x1cf: 0x00c0, 0x1d0: 0x00c0, 0x1d1: 0x00c0, + 0x1d2: 0x00c0, 0x1d3: 0x00c0, 0x1d4: 0x00c0, 0x1d5: 0x00c0, 0x1d6: 0x00c0, 0x1d7: 0x00c0, + 0x1d8: 0x00c0, 0x1d9: 0x00c0, 0x1da: 0x00c0, 0x1db: 0x00c0, 0x1dc: 0x00c0, 0x1dd: 0x00c0, + 0x1de: 0x00c0, 0x1df: 0x00c0, 0x1e0: 0x00c0, 0x1e1: 0x00c0, 0x1e2: 0x00c0, 0x1e3: 0x00c0, + 0x1e4: 0x00c0, 0x1e5: 0x00c0, 0x1e6: 0x00c0, 0x1e7: 0x00c0, 0x1e8: 0x00c0, 0x1e9: 0x00c0, + 0x1ea: 0x00c0, 0x1eb: 0x00c0, 0x1ec: 0x00c0, 0x1ed: 0x00c0, 0x1ee: 0x00c0, 0x1ef: 0x00c0, + 0x1f0: 0x00c0, 0x1f1: 0x00c0, 0x1f2: 0x00c0, 0x1f3: 0x00c0, 0x1f4: 0x00c0, 0x1f5: 0x00c0, + 0x1f6: 0x00c0, 0x1f7: 0x00c0, 0x1f8: 0x00c0, 0x1f9: 0x00c0, 0x1fa: 0x00c0, 0x1fb: 0x00c0, + 0x1fc: 0x00c0, 0x1fd: 0x00c0, 0x1fe: 0x00c0, 0x1ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x00c0, 0x201: 0x00c0, 0x202: 0x00c0, 0x203: 0x00c0, 0x204: 0x0080, 0x205: 0x0080, + 0x206: 0x0080, 0x207: 0x0080, 0x208: 0x0080, 0x209: 0x0080, 0x20a: 0x0080, 0x20b: 0x0080, + 0x20c: 0x0080, 0x20d: 0x00c0, 0x20e: 0x00c0, 0x20f: 0x00c0, 0x210: 0x00c0, 0x211: 0x00c0, + 0x212: 0x00c0, 0x213: 0x00c0, 0x214: 0x00c0, 0x215: 0x00c0, 0x216: 0x00c0, 0x217: 0x00c0, + 0x218: 0x00c0, 0x219: 0x00c0, 0x21a: 0x00c0, 0x21b: 0x00c0, 0x21c: 0x00c0, 0x21d: 0x00c0, + 0x21e: 0x00c0, 0x21f: 0x00c0, 0x220: 0x00c0, 0x221: 0x00c0, 0x222: 0x00c0, 0x223: 0x00c0, + 0x224: 0x00c0, 0x225: 0x00c0, 0x226: 0x00c0, 0x227: 0x00c0, 0x228: 0x00c0, 0x229: 0x00c0, + 0x22a: 0x00c0, 0x22b: 0x00c0, 0x22c: 0x00c0, 0x22d: 0x00c0, 0x22e: 0x00c0, 0x22f: 0x00c0, + 0x230: 0x00c0, 0x231: 0x0080, 0x232: 0x0080, 0x233: 0x0080, 0x234: 0x00c0, 0x235: 0x00c0, + 0x236: 0x00c0, 0x237: 0x00c0, 0x238: 0x00c0, 0x239: 0x00c0, 0x23a: 0x00c0, 0x23b: 0x00c0, + 0x23c: 0x00c0, 0x23d: 0x00c0, 0x23e: 0x00c0, 0x23f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x00c0, 0x241: 0x00c0, 0x242: 0x00c0, 0x243: 0x00c0, 0x244: 0x00c0, 0x245: 0x00c0, + 0x246: 0x00c0, 0x247: 0x00c0, 0x248: 0x00c0, 0x249: 0x00c0, 0x24a: 0x00c0, 0x24b: 0x00c0, + 0x24c: 0x00c0, 0x24d: 0x00c0, 0x24e: 0x00c0, 0x24f: 0x00c0, 0x250: 0x00c0, 0x251: 0x00c0, + 0x252: 0x00c0, 0x253: 0x00c0, 0x254: 0x00c0, 0x255: 0x00c0, 0x256: 0x00c0, 0x257: 0x00c0, + 0x258: 0x00c0, 0x259: 0x00c0, 0x25a: 0x00c0, 0x25b: 0x00c0, 0x25c: 0x00c0, 0x25d: 0x00c0, + 0x25e: 0x00c0, 0x25f: 0x00c0, 0x260: 0x00c0, 0x261: 0x00c0, 0x262: 0x00c0, 0x263: 0x00c0, + 0x264: 0x00c0, 0x265: 0x00c0, 0x266: 0x00c0, 0x267: 0x00c0, 0x268: 0x00c0, 0x269: 0x00c0, + 0x26a: 0x00c0, 0x26b: 0x00c0, 0x26c: 0x00c0, 0x26d: 0x00c0, 0x26e: 0x00c0, 0x26f: 0x00c0, + 0x270: 0x0080, 0x271: 0x0080, 0x272: 0x0080, 0x273: 0x0080, 0x274: 0x0080, 0x275: 0x0080, + 0x276: 0x0080, 0x277: 0x0080, 0x278: 0x0080, 0x279: 0x00c0, 0x27a: 0x00c0, 0x27b: 0x00c0, + 0x27c: 0x00c0, 0x27d: 0x00c0, 0x27e: 0x00c0, 0x27f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x00c0, 0x281: 0x00c0, 0x282: 0x0080, 0x283: 0x0080, 0x284: 0x0080, 0x285: 0x0080, + 0x286: 0x00c0, 0x287: 0x00c0, 0x288: 0x00c0, 0x289: 0x00c0, 0x28a: 0x00c0, 0x28b: 0x00c0, + 0x28c: 0x00c0, 0x28d: 0x00c0, 0x28e: 0x00c0, 0x28f: 0x00c0, 0x290: 0x00c0, 0x291: 0x00c0, + 0x292: 0x0080, 0x293: 0x0080, 0x294: 0x0080, 0x295: 0x0080, 0x296: 0x0080, 0x297: 0x0080, + 0x298: 0x0080, 0x299: 0x0080, 0x29a: 0x0080, 0x29b: 0x0080, 0x29c: 0x0080, 0x29d: 0x0080, + 0x29e: 0x0080, 0x29f: 0x0080, 0x2a0: 0x0080, 0x2a1: 0x0080, 0x2a2: 0x0080, 0x2a3: 0x0080, + 0x2a4: 0x0080, 0x2a5: 0x0080, 0x2a6: 0x0080, 0x2a7: 0x0080, 0x2a8: 0x0080, 0x2a9: 0x0080, + 0x2aa: 0x0080, 0x2ab: 0x0080, 0x2ac: 0x00c0, 0x2ad: 0x0080, 0x2ae: 0x00c0, 0x2af: 0x0080, + 0x2b0: 0x0080, 0x2b1: 0x0080, 0x2b2: 0x0080, 0x2b3: 0x0080, 0x2b4: 0x0080, 0x2b5: 0x0080, + 0x2b6: 0x0080, 0x2b7: 0x0080, 0x2b8: 0x0080, 0x2b9: 0x0080, 0x2ba: 0x0080, 0x2bb: 0x0080, + 0x2bc: 0x0080, 0x2bd: 0x0080, 0x2be: 0x0080, 0x2bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x00c3, 0x2c1: 0x00c3, 0x2c2: 0x00c3, 0x2c3: 0x00c3, 0x2c4: 0x00c3, 0x2c5: 0x00c3, + 0x2c6: 0x00c3, 0x2c7: 0x00c3, 0x2c8: 0x00c3, 0x2c9: 0x00c3, 0x2ca: 0x00c3, 0x2cb: 0x00c3, + 0x2cc: 0x00c3, 0x2cd: 0x00c3, 0x2ce: 0x00c3, 0x2cf: 0x00c3, 0x2d0: 0x00c3, 0x2d1: 0x00c3, + 0x2d2: 0x00c3, 0x2d3: 0x00c3, 0x2d4: 0x00c3, 0x2d5: 0x00c3, 0x2d6: 0x00c3, 0x2d7: 0x00c3, + 0x2d8: 0x00c3, 0x2d9: 0x00c3, 0x2da: 0x00c3, 0x2db: 0x00c3, 0x2dc: 0x00c3, 0x2dd: 0x00c3, + 0x2de: 0x00c3, 0x2df: 0x00c3, 0x2e0: 0x00c3, 0x2e1: 0x00c3, 0x2e2: 0x00c3, 0x2e3: 0x00c3, + 0x2e4: 0x00c3, 0x2e5: 0x00c3, 0x2e6: 0x00c3, 0x2e7: 0x00c3, 0x2e8: 0x00c3, 0x2e9: 0x00c3, + 0x2ea: 0x00c3, 0x2eb: 0x00c3, 0x2ec: 0x00c3, 0x2ed: 0x00c3, 0x2ee: 0x00c3, 0x2ef: 0x00c3, + 0x2f0: 0x00c3, 0x2f1: 0x00c3, 0x2f2: 0x00c3, 0x2f3: 0x00c3, 0x2f4: 0x00c3, 0x2f5: 0x00c3, + 0x2f6: 0x00c3, 0x2f7: 0x00c3, 0x2f8: 0x00c3, 0x2f9: 0x00c3, 0x2fa: 0x00c3, 0x2fb: 0x00c3, + 0x2fc: 0x00c3, 0x2fd: 0x00c3, 0x2fe: 0x00c3, 0x2ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x0083, 0x301: 0x0083, 0x302: 0x00c3, 0x303: 0x0083, 0x304: 0x0083, 0x305: 0x00c3, + 0x306: 0x00c3, 0x307: 0x00c3, 0x308: 0x00c3, 0x309: 0x00c3, 0x30a: 0x00c3, 0x30b: 0x00c3, + 0x30c: 0x00c3, 0x30d: 0x00c3, 0x30e: 0x00c3, 0x30f: 0x0040, 0x310: 0x00c3, 0x311: 0x00c3, + 0x312: 0x00c3, 0x313: 0x00c3, 0x314: 0x00c3, 0x315: 0x00c3, 0x316: 0x00c3, 0x317: 0x00c3, + 0x318: 0x00c3, 0x319: 0x00c3, 0x31a: 0x00c3, 0x31b: 0x00c3, 0x31c: 0x00c3, 0x31d: 0x00c3, + 0x31e: 0x00c3, 0x31f: 0x00c3, 0x320: 0x00c3, 0x321: 0x00c3, 0x322: 0x00c3, 0x323: 0x00c3, + 0x324: 0x00c3, 0x325: 0x00c3, 0x326: 0x00c3, 0x327: 0x00c3, 0x328: 0x00c3, 0x329: 0x00c3, + 0x32a: 0x00c3, 0x32b: 0x00c3, 0x32c: 0x00c3, 0x32d: 0x00c3, 0x32e: 0x00c3, 0x32f: 0x00c3, + 0x330: 0x00c8, 0x331: 0x00c8, 0x332: 0x00c8, 0x333: 0x00c8, 0x334: 0x0080, 0x335: 0x0050, + 0x336: 0x00c8, 0x337: 0x00c8, 0x33a: 0x0088, 0x33b: 0x00c8, + 0x33c: 0x00c8, 0x33d: 0x00c8, 0x33e: 0x0080, 0x33f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x344: 0x0088, 0x345: 0x0080, + 0x346: 0x00c8, 0x347: 0x0080, 0x348: 0x00c8, 0x349: 0x00c8, 0x34a: 0x00c8, + 0x34c: 0x00c8, 0x34e: 0x00c8, 0x34f: 0x00c8, 0x350: 0x00c8, 0x351: 0x00c8, + 0x352: 0x00c8, 0x353: 0x00c8, 0x354: 0x00c8, 0x355: 0x00c8, 0x356: 0x00c8, 0x357: 0x00c8, + 0x358: 0x00c8, 0x359: 0x00c8, 0x35a: 0x00c8, 0x35b: 0x00c8, 0x35c: 0x00c8, 0x35d: 0x00c8, + 0x35e: 0x00c8, 0x35f: 0x00c8, 0x360: 0x00c8, 0x361: 0x00c8, 0x363: 0x00c8, + 0x364: 0x00c8, 0x365: 0x00c8, 0x366: 0x00c8, 0x367: 0x00c8, 0x368: 0x00c8, 0x369: 0x00c8, + 0x36a: 0x00c8, 0x36b: 0x00c8, 0x36c: 0x00c8, 0x36d: 0x00c8, 0x36e: 0x00c8, 0x36f: 0x00c8, + 0x370: 0x00c8, 0x371: 0x00c8, 0x372: 0x00c8, 0x373: 0x00c8, 0x374: 0x00c8, 0x375: 0x00c8, + 0x376: 0x00c8, 0x377: 0x00c8, 0x378: 0x00c8, 0x379: 0x00c8, 0x37a: 0x00c8, 0x37b: 0x00c8, + 0x37c: 0x00c8, 0x37d: 0x00c8, 0x37e: 0x00c8, 0x37f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x00c8, 0x381: 0x00c8, 0x382: 0x00c8, 0x383: 0x00c8, 0x384: 0x00c8, 0x385: 0x00c8, + 0x386: 0x00c8, 0x387: 0x00c8, 0x388: 0x00c8, 0x389: 0x00c8, 0x38a: 0x00c8, 0x38b: 0x00c8, + 0x38c: 0x00c8, 0x38d: 0x00c8, 0x38e: 0x00c8, 0x38f: 0x00c8, 0x390: 0x0088, 0x391: 0x0088, + 0x392: 0x0088, 0x393: 0x0088, 0x394: 0x0088, 0x395: 0x0088, 0x396: 0x0088, 0x397: 0x00c8, + 0x398: 0x00c8, 0x399: 0x00c8, 0x39a: 0x00c8, 0x39b: 0x00c8, 0x39c: 0x00c8, 0x39d: 0x00c8, + 0x39e: 0x00c8, 0x39f: 0x00c8, 0x3a0: 0x00c8, 0x3a1: 0x00c8, 0x3a2: 0x00c0, 0x3a3: 0x00c0, + 0x3a4: 0x00c0, 0x3a5: 0x00c0, 0x3a6: 0x00c0, 0x3a7: 0x00c0, 0x3a8: 0x00c0, 0x3a9: 0x00c0, + 0x3aa: 0x00c0, 0x3ab: 0x00c0, 0x3ac: 0x00c0, 0x3ad: 0x00c0, 0x3ae: 0x00c0, 0x3af: 0x00c0, + 0x3b0: 0x0088, 0x3b1: 0x0088, 0x3b2: 0x0088, 0x3b3: 0x00c8, 0x3b4: 0x0088, 0x3b5: 0x0088, + 0x3b6: 0x0088, 0x3b7: 0x00c8, 0x3b8: 0x00c8, 0x3b9: 0x0088, 0x3ba: 0x00c8, 0x3bb: 0x00c8, + 0x3bc: 0x00c8, 0x3bd: 0x00c8, 0x3be: 0x00c8, 0x3bf: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x00c0, 0x3c1: 0x00c0, 0x3c2: 0x0080, 0x3c3: 0x00c3, 0x3c4: 0x00c3, 0x3c5: 0x00c3, + 0x3c6: 0x00c3, 0x3c7: 0x00c3, 0x3c8: 0x0083, 0x3c9: 0x0083, 0x3ca: 0x00c0, 0x3cb: 0x00c0, + 0x3cc: 0x00c0, 0x3cd: 0x00c0, 0x3ce: 0x00c0, 0x3cf: 0x00c0, 0x3d0: 0x00c0, 0x3d1: 0x00c0, + 0x3d2: 0x00c0, 0x3d3: 0x00c0, 0x3d4: 0x00c0, 0x3d5: 0x00c0, 0x3d6: 0x00c0, 0x3d7: 0x00c0, + 0x3d8: 0x00c0, 0x3d9: 0x00c0, 0x3da: 0x00c0, 0x3db: 0x00c0, 0x3dc: 0x00c0, 0x3dd: 0x00c0, + 0x3de: 0x00c0, 0x3df: 0x00c0, 0x3e0: 0x00c0, 0x3e1: 0x00c0, 0x3e2: 0x00c0, 0x3e3: 0x00c0, + 0x3e4: 0x00c0, 0x3e5: 0x00c0, 0x3e6: 0x00c0, 0x3e7: 0x00c0, 0x3e8: 0x00c0, 0x3e9: 0x00c0, + 0x3ea: 0x00c0, 0x3eb: 0x00c0, 0x3ec: 0x00c0, 0x3ed: 0x00c0, 0x3ee: 0x00c0, 0x3ef: 0x00c0, + 0x3f0: 0x00c0, 0x3f1: 0x00c0, 0x3f2: 0x00c0, 0x3f3: 0x00c0, 0x3f4: 0x00c0, 0x3f5: 0x00c0, + 0x3f6: 0x00c0, 0x3f7: 0x00c0, 0x3f8: 0x00c0, 0x3f9: 0x00c0, 0x3fa: 0x00c0, 0x3fb: 0x00c0, + 0x3fc: 0x00c0, 0x3fd: 0x00c0, 0x3fe: 0x00c0, 0x3ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x00c0, 0x401: 0x00c0, 0x402: 0x00c0, 0x403: 0x00c0, 0x404: 0x00c0, 0x405: 0x00c0, + 0x406: 0x00c0, 0x407: 0x00c0, 0x408: 0x00c0, 0x409: 0x00c0, 0x40a: 0x00c0, 0x40b: 0x00c0, + 0x40c: 0x00c0, 0x40d: 0x00c0, 0x40e: 0x00c0, 0x40f: 0x00c0, 0x410: 0x00c0, 0x411: 0x00c0, + 0x412: 0x00c0, 0x413: 0x00c0, 0x414: 0x00c0, 0x415: 0x00c0, 0x416: 0x00c0, 0x417: 0x00c0, + 0x418: 0x00c0, 0x419: 0x00c0, 0x41a: 0x00c0, 0x41b: 0x00c0, 0x41c: 0x00c0, 0x41d: 0x00c0, + 0x41e: 0x00c0, 0x41f: 0x00c0, 0x420: 0x00c0, 0x421: 0x00c0, 0x422: 0x00c0, 0x423: 0x00c0, + 0x424: 0x00c0, 0x425: 0x00c0, 0x426: 0x00c0, 0x427: 0x00c0, 0x428: 0x00c0, 0x429: 0x00c0, + 0x42a: 0x00c0, 0x42b: 0x00c0, 0x42c: 0x00c0, 0x42d: 0x00c0, 0x42e: 0x00c0, 0x42f: 0x00c0, + 0x431: 0x00c0, 0x432: 0x00c0, 0x433: 0x00c0, 0x434: 0x00c0, 0x435: 0x00c0, + 0x436: 0x00c0, 0x437: 0x00c0, 0x438: 0x00c0, 0x439: 0x00c0, 0x43a: 0x00c0, 0x43b: 0x00c0, + 0x43c: 0x00c0, 0x43d: 0x00c0, 0x43e: 0x00c0, 0x43f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x00c0, 0x441: 0x00c0, 0x442: 0x00c0, 0x443: 0x00c0, 0x444: 0x00c0, 0x445: 0x00c0, + 0x446: 0x00c0, 0x447: 0x00c0, 0x448: 0x00c0, 0x449: 0x00c0, 0x44a: 0x00c0, 0x44b: 0x00c0, + 0x44c: 0x00c0, 0x44d: 0x00c0, 0x44e: 0x00c0, 0x44f: 0x00c0, 0x450: 0x00c0, 0x451: 0x00c0, + 0x452: 0x00c0, 0x453: 0x00c0, 0x454: 0x00c0, 0x455: 0x00c0, 0x456: 0x00c0, + 0x459: 0x00c0, 0x45a: 0x0080, 0x45b: 0x0080, 0x45c: 0x0080, 0x45d: 0x0080, + 0x45e: 0x0080, 0x45f: 0x0080, 0x461: 0x00c0, 0x462: 0x00c0, 0x463: 0x00c0, + 0x464: 0x00c0, 0x465: 0x00c0, 0x466: 0x00c0, 0x467: 0x00c0, 0x468: 0x00c0, 0x469: 0x00c0, + 0x46a: 0x00c0, 0x46b: 0x00c0, 0x46c: 0x00c0, 0x46d: 0x00c0, 0x46e: 0x00c0, 0x46f: 0x00c0, + 0x470: 0x00c0, 0x471: 0x00c0, 0x472: 0x00c0, 0x473: 0x00c0, 0x474: 0x00c0, 0x475: 0x00c0, + 0x476: 0x00c0, 0x477: 0x00c0, 0x478: 0x00c0, 0x479: 0x00c0, 0x47a: 0x00c0, 0x47b: 0x00c0, + 0x47c: 0x00c0, 0x47d: 0x00c0, 0x47e: 0x00c0, 0x47f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x00c0, 0x481: 0x00c0, 0x482: 0x00c0, 0x483: 0x00c0, 0x484: 0x00c0, 0x485: 0x00c0, + 0x486: 0x00c0, 0x487: 0x0080, 0x489: 0x0080, 0x48a: 0x0080, + 0x48d: 0x0080, 0x48e: 0x0080, 0x48f: 0x0080, 0x491: 0x00cb, + 0x492: 0x00cb, 0x493: 0x00cb, 0x494: 0x00cb, 0x495: 0x00cb, 0x496: 0x00cb, 0x497: 0x00cb, + 0x498: 0x00cb, 0x499: 0x00cb, 0x49a: 0x00cb, 0x49b: 0x00cb, 0x49c: 0x00cb, 0x49d: 0x00cb, + 0x49e: 0x00cb, 0x49f: 0x00cb, 0x4a0: 0x00cb, 0x4a1: 0x00cb, 0x4a2: 0x00cb, 0x4a3: 0x00cb, + 0x4a4: 0x00cb, 0x4a5: 0x00cb, 0x4a6: 0x00cb, 0x4a7: 0x00cb, 0x4a8: 0x00cb, 0x4a9: 0x00cb, + 0x4aa: 0x00cb, 0x4ab: 0x00cb, 0x4ac: 0x00cb, 0x4ad: 0x00cb, 0x4ae: 0x00cb, 0x4af: 0x00cb, + 0x4b0: 0x00cb, 0x4b1: 0x00cb, 0x4b2: 0x00cb, 0x4b3: 0x00cb, 0x4b4: 0x00cb, 0x4b5: 0x00cb, + 0x4b6: 0x00cb, 0x4b7: 0x00cb, 0x4b8: 0x00cb, 0x4b9: 0x00cb, 0x4ba: 0x00cb, 0x4bb: 0x00cb, + 0x4bc: 0x00cb, 0x4bd: 0x00cb, 0x4be: 0x008a, 0x4bf: 0x00cb, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x008a, 0x4c1: 0x00cb, 0x4c2: 0x00cb, 0x4c3: 0x008a, 0x4c4: 0x00cb, 0x4c5: 0x00cb, + 0x4c6: 0x008a, 0x4c7: 0x00cb, + 0x4d0: 0x00ca, 0x4d1: 0x00ca, + 0x4d2: 0x00ca, 0x4d3: 0x00ca, 0x4d4: 0x00ca, 0x4d5: 0x00ca, 0x4d6: 0x00ca, 0x4d7: 0x00ca, + 0x4d8: 0x00ca, 0x4d9: 0x00ca, 0x4da: 0x00ca, 0x4db: 0x00ca, 0x4dc: 0x00ca, 0x4dd: 0x00ca, + 0x4de: 0x00ca, 0x4df: 0x00ca, 0x4e0: 0x00ca, 0x4e1: 0x00ca, 0x4e2: 0x00ca, 0x4e3: 0x00ca, + 0x4e4: 0x00ca, 0x4e5: 0x00ca, 0x4e6: 0x00ca, 0x4e7: 0x00ca, 0x4e8: 0x00ca, 0x4e9: 0x00ca, + 0x4ea: 0x00ca, + 0x4f0: 0x00ca, 0x4f1: 0x00ca, 0x4f2: 0x00ca, 0x4f3: 0x0051, 0x4f4: 0x0051, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x0040, 0x501: 0x0040, 0x502: 0x0040, 0x503: 0x0040, 0x504: 0x0040, 0x505: 0x0040, + 0x506: 0x0080, 0x507: 0x0080, 0x508: 0x0080, 0x509: 0x0080, 0x50a: 0x0080, 0x50b: 0x0080, + 0x50c: 0x0080, 0x50d: 0x0080, 0x50e: 0x0080, 0x50f: 0x0080, 0x510: 0x00c3, 0x511: 0x00c3, + 0x512: 0x00c3, 0x513: 0x00c3, 0x514: 0x00c3, 0x515: 0x00c3, 0x516: 0x00c3, 0x517: 0x00c3, + 0x518: 0x00c3, 0x519: 0x00c3, 0x51a: 0x00c3, 0x51b: 0x0080, 0x51c: 0x0040, + 0x51e: 0x0080, 0x51f: 0x0080, 0x520: 0x00c2, 0x521: 0x00c0, 0x522: 0x00c4, 0x523: 0x00c4, + 0x524: 0x00c4, 0x525: 0x00c4, 0x526: 0x00c2, 0x527: 0x00c4, 0x528: 0x00c2, 0x529: 0x00c4, + 0x52a: 0x00c2, 0x52b: 0x00c2, 0x52c: 0x00c2, 0x52d: 0x00c2, 0x52e: 0x00c2, 0x52f: 0x00c4, + 0x530: 0x00c4, 0x531: 0x00c4, 0x532: 0x00c4, 0x533: 0x00c2, 0x534: 0x00c2, 0x535: 0x00c2, + 0x536: 0x00c2, 0x537: 0x00c2, 0x538: 0x00c2, 0x539: 0x00c2, 0x53a: 0x00c2, 0x53b: 0x00c2, + 0x53c: 0x00c2, 0x53d: 0x00c2, 0x53e: 0x00c2, 0x53f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x0040, 0x541: 0x00c2, 0x542: 0x00c2, 0x543: 0x00c2, 0x544: 0x00c2, 0x545: 0x00c2, + 0x546: 0x00c2, 0x547: 0x00c2, 0x548: 0x00c4, 0x549: 0x00c2, 0x54a: 0x00c2, 0x54b: 0x00c3, + 0x54c: 0x00c3, 0x54d: 0x00c3, 0x54e: 0x00c3, 0x54f: 0x00c3, 0x550: 0x00c3, 0x551: 0x00c3, + 0x552: 0x00c3, 0x553: 0x00c3, 0x554: 0x00c3, 0x555: 0x00c3, 0x556: 0x00c3, 0x557: 0x00c3, + 0x558: 0x00c3, 0x559: 0x00c3, 0x55a: 0x00c3, 0x55b: 0x00c3, 0x55c: 0x00c3, 0x55d: 0x00c3, + 0x55e: 0x00c3, 0x55f: 0x00c3, 0x560: 0x0053, 0x561: 0x0053, 0x562: 0x0053, 0x563: 0x0053, + 0x564: 0x0053, 0x565: 0x0053, 0x566: 0x0053, 0x567: 0x0053, 0x568: 0x0053, 0x569: 0x0053, + 0x56a: 0x0080, 0x56b: 0x0080, 0x56c: 0x0080, 0x56d: 0x0080, 0x56e: 0x00c2, 0x56f: 0x00c2, + 0x570: 0x00c3, 0x571: 0x00c4, 0x572: 0x00c4, 0x573: 0x00c4, 0x574: 0x00c0, 0x575: 0x0084, + 0x576: 0x0084, 0x577: 0x0084, 0x578: 0x0082, 0x579: 0x00c2, 0x57a: 0x00c2, 0x57b: 0x00c2, + 0x57c: 0x00c2, 0x57d: 0x00c2, 0x57e: 0x00c2, 0x57f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x00c2, 0x581: 0x00c2, 0x582: 0x00c2, 0x583: 0x00c2, 0x584: 0x00c2, 0x585: 0x00c2, + 0x586: 0x00c2, 0x587: 0x00c2, 0x588: 0x00c4, 0x589: 0x00c4, 0x58a: 0x00c4, 0x58b: 0x00c4, + 0x58c: 0x00c4, 0x58d: 0x00c4, 0x58e: 0x00c4, 0x58f: 0x00c4, 0x590: 0x00c4, 0x591: 0x00c4, + 0x592: 0x00c4, 0x593: 0x00c4, 0x594: 0x00c4, 0x595: 0x00c4, 0x596: 0x00c4, 0x597: 0x00c4, + 0x598: 0x00c4, 0x599: 0x00c4, 0x59a: 0x00c2, 0x59b: 0x00c2, 0x59c: 0x00c2, 0x59d: 0x00c2, + 0x59e: 0x00c2, 0x59f: 0x00c2, 0x5a0: 0x00c2, 0x5a1: 0x00c2, 0x5a2: 0x00c2, 0x5a3: 0x00c2, + 0x5a4: 0x00c2, 0x5a5: 0x00c2, 0x5a6: 0x00c2, 0x5a7: 0x00c2, 0x5a8: 0x00c2, 0x5a9: 0x00c2, + 0x5aa: 0x00c2, 0x5ab: 0x00c2, 0x5ac: 0x00c2, 0x5ad: 0x00c2, 0x5ae: 0x00c2, 0x5af: 0x00c2, + 0x5b0: 0x00c2, 0x5b1: 0x00c2, 0x5b2: 0x00c2, 0x5b3: 0x00c2, 0x5b4: 0x00c2, 0x5b5: 0x00c2, + 0x5b6: 0x00c2, 0x5b7: 0x00c2, 0x5b8: 0x00c2, 0x5b9: 0x00c2, 0x5ba: 0x00c2, 0x5bb: 0x00c2, + 0x5bc: 0x00c2, 0x5bd: 0x00c2, 0x5be: 0x00c2, 0x5bf: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x00c4, 0x5c1: 0x00c2, 0x5c2: 0x00c2, 0x5c3: 0x00c4, 0x5c4: 0x00c4, 0x5c5: 0x00c4, + 0x5c6: 0x00c4, 0x5c7: 0x00c4, 0x5c8: 0x00c4, 0x5c9: 0x00c4, 0x5ca: 0x00c4, 0x5cb: 0x00c4, + 0x5cc: 0x00c2, 0x5cd: 0x00c4, 0x5ce: 0x00c2, 0x5cf: 0x00c4, 0x5d0: 0x00c2, 0x5d1: 0x00c2, + 0x5d2: 0x00c4, 0x5d3: 0x00c4, 0x5d4: 0x0080, 0x5d5: 0x00c4, 0x5d6: 0x00c3, 0x5d7: 0x00c3, + 0x5d8: 0x00c3, 0x5d9: 0x00c3, 0x5da: 0x00c3, 0x5db: 0x00c3, 0x5dc: 0x00c3, 0x5dd: 0x0040, + 0x5de: 0x0080, 0x5df: 0x00c3, 0x5e0: 0x00c3, 0x5e1: 0x00c3, 0x5e2: 0x00c3, 0x5e3: 0x00c3, + 0x5e4: 0x00c3, 0x5e5: 0x00c0, 0x5e6: 0x00c0, 0x5e7: 0x00c3, 0x5e8: 0x00c3, 0x5e9: 0x0080, + 0x5ea: 0x00c3, 0x5eb: 0x00c3, 0x5ec: 0x00c3, 0x5ed: 0x00c3, 0x5ee: 0x00c4, 0x5ef: 0x00c4, + 0x5f0: 0x0054, 0x5f1: 0x0054, 0x5f2: 0x0054, 0x5f3: 0x0054, 0x5f4: 0x0054, 0x5f5: 0x0054, + 0x5f6: 0x0054, 0x5f7: 0x0054, 0x5f8: 0x0054, 0x5f9: 0x0054, 0x5fa: 0x00c2, 0x5fb: 0x00c2, + 0x5fc: 0x00c2, 0x5fd: 0x00c0, 0x5fe: 0x00c0, 0x5ff: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x0080, 0x601: 0x0080, 0x602: 0x0080, 0x603: 0x0080, 0x604: 0x0080, 0x605: 0x0080, + 0x606: 0x0080, 0x607: 0x0080, 0x608: 0x0080, 0x609: 0x0080, 0x60a: 0x0080, 0x60b: 0x0080, + 0x60c: 0x0080, 0x60d: 0x0080, 0x60f: 0x0040, 0x610: 0x00c4, 0x611: 0x00c3, + 0x612: 0x00c2, 0x613: 0x00c2, 0x614: 0x00c2, 0x615: 0x00c4, 0x616: 0x00c4, 0x617: 0x00c4, + 0x618: 0x00c4, 0x619: 0x00c4, 0x61a: 0x00c2, 0x61b: 0x00c2, 0x61c: 0x00c2, 0x61d: 0x00c2, + 0x61e: 0x00c4, 0x61f: 0x00c2, 0x620: 0x00c2, 0x621: 0x00c2, 0x622: 0x00c2, 0x623: 0x00c2, + 0x624: 0x00c2, 0x625: 0x00c2, 0x626: 0x00c2, 0x627: 0x00c2, 0x628: 0x00c4, 0x629: 0x00c2, + 0x62a: 0x00c4, 0x62b: 0x00c2, 0x62c: 0x00c4, 0x62d: 0x00c2, 0x62e: 0x00c2, 0x62f: 0x00c4, + 0x630: 0x00c3, 0x631: 0x00c3, 0x632: 0x00c3, 0x633: 0x00c3, 0x634: 0x00c3, 0x635: 0x00c3, + 0x636: 0x00c3, 0x637: 0x00c3, 0x638: 0x00c3, 0x639: 0x00c3, 0x63a: 0x00c3, 0x63b: 0x00c3, + 0x63c: 0x00c3, 0x63d: 0x00c3, 0x63e: 0x00c3, 0x63f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x00c3, 0x641: 0x00c3, 0x642: 0x00c3, 0x643: 0x00c3, 0x644: 0x00c3, 0x645: 0x00c3, + 0x646: 0x00c3, 0x647: 0x00c3, 0x648: 0x00c3, 0x649: 0x00c3, 0x64a: 0x00c3, + 0x64d: 0x00c4, 0x64e: 0x00c2, 0x64f: 0x00c2, 0x650: 0x00c2, 0x651: 0x00c2, + 0x652: 0x00c2, 0x653: 0x00c2, 0x654: 0x00c2, 0x655: 0x00c2, 0x656: 0x00c2, 0x657: 0x00c2, + 0x658: 0x00c2, 0x659: 0x00c4, 0x65a: 0x00c4, 0x65b: 0x00c4, 0x65c: 0x00c2, 0x65d: 0x00c2, + 0x65e: 0x00c2, 0x65f: 0x00c2, 0x660: 0x00c2, 0x661: 0x00c2, 0x662: 0x00c2, 0x663: 0x00c2, + 0x664: 0x00c2, 0x665: 0x00c2, 0x666: 0x00c2, 0x667: 0x00c2, 0x668: 0x00c2, 0x669: 0x00c2, + 0x66a: 0x00c2, 0x66b: 0x00c4, 0x66c: 0x00c4, 0x66d: 0x00c2, 0x66e: 0x00c2, 0x66f: 0x00c2, + 0x670: 0x00c2, 0x671: 0x00c4, 0x672: 0x00c2, 0x673: 0x00c4, 0x674: 0x00c4, 0x675: 0x00c2, + 0x676: 0x00c2, 0x677: 0x00c2, 0x678: 0x00c4, 0x679: 0x00c4, 0x67a: 0x00c2, 0x67b: 0x00c2, + 0x67c: 0x00c2, 0x67d: 0x00c2, 0x67e: 0x00c2, 0x67f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x00c0, 0x681: 0x00c0, 0x682: 0x00c0, 0x683: 0x00c0, 0x684: 0x00c0, 0x685: 0x00c0, + 0x686: 0x00c0, 0x687: 0x00c0, 0x688: 0x00c0, 0x689: 0x00c0, 0x68a: 0x00c0, 0x68b: 0x00c0, + 0x68c: 0x00c0, 0x68d: 0x00c0, 0x68e: 0x00c0, 0x68f: 0x00c0, 0x690: 0x00c0, 0x691: 0x00c0, + 0x692: 0x00c0, 0x693: 0x00c0, 0x694: 0x00c0, 0x695: 0x00c0, 0x696: 0x00c0, 0x697: 0x00c0, + 0x698: 0x00c0, 0x699: 0x00c0, 0x69a: 0x00c0, 0x69b: 0x00c0, 0x69c: 0x00c0, 0x69d: 0x00c0, + 0x69e: 0x00c0, 0x69f: 0x00c0, 0x6a0: 0x00c0, 0x6a1: 0x00c0, 0x6a2: 0x00c0, 0x6a3: 0x00c0, + 0x6a4: 0x00c0, 0x6a5: 0x00c0, 0x6a6: 0x00c3, 0x6a7: 0x00c3, 0x6a8: 0x00c3, 0x6a9: 0x00c3, + 0x6aa: 0x00c3, 0x6ab: 0x00c3, 0x6ac: 0x00c3, 0x6ad: 0x00c3, 0x6ae: 0x00c3, 0x6af: 0x00c3, + 0x6b0: 0x00c3, 0x6b1: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x00c0, 0x6c1: 0x00c0, 0x6c2: 0x00c0, 0x6c3: 0x00c0, 0x6c4: 0x00c0, 0x6c5: 0x00c0, + 0x6c6: 0x00c0, 0x6c7: 0x00c0, 0x6c8: 0x00c0, 0x6c9: 0x00c0, 0x6ca: 0x00c2, 0x6cb: 0x00c2, + 0x6cc: 0x00c2, 0x6cd: 0x00c2, 0x6ce: 0x00c2, 0x6cf: 0x00c2, 0x6d0: 0x00c2, 0x6d1: 0x00c2, + 0x6d2: 0x00c2, 0x6d3: 0x00c2, 0x6d4: 0x00c2, 0x6d5: 0x00c2, 0x6d6: 0x00c2, 0x6d7: 0x00c2, + 0x6d8: 0x00c2, 0x6d9: 0x00c2, 0x6da: 0x00c2, 0x6db: 0x00c2, 0x6dc: 0x00c2, 0x6dd: 0x00c2, + 0x6de: 0x00c2, 0x6df: 0x00c2, 0x6e0: 0x00c2, 0x6e1: 0x00c2, 0x6e2: 0x00c2, 0x6e3: 0x00c2, + 0x6e4: 0x00c2, 0x6e5: 0x00c2, 0x6e6: 0x00c2, 0x6e7: 0x00c2, 0x6e8: 0x00c2, 0x6e9: 0x00c2, + 0x6ea: 0x00c2, 0x6eb: 0x00c3, 0x6ec: 0x00c3, 0x6ed: 0x00c3, 0x6ee: 0x00c3, 0x6ef: 0x00c3, + 0x6f0: 0x00c3, 0x6f1: 0x00c3, 0x6f2: 0x00c3, 0x6f3: 0x00c3, 0x6f4: 0x00c0, 0x6f5: 0x00c0, + 0x6f6: 0x0080, 0x6f7: 0x0080, 0x6f8: 0x0080, 0x6f9: 0x0080, 0x6fa: 0x0040, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x00c0, 0x701: 0x00c0, 0x702: 0x00c0, 0x703: 0x00c0, 0x704: 0x00c0, 0x705: 0x00c0, + 0x706: 0x00c0, 0x707: 0x00c0, 0x708: 0x00c0, 0x709: 0x00c0, 0x70a: 0x00c0, 0x70b: 0x00c0, + 0x70c: 0x00c0, 0x70d: 0x00c0, 0x70e: 0x00c0, 0x70f: 0x00c0, 0x710: 0x00c0, 0x711: 0x00c0, + 0x712: 0x00c0, 0x713: 0x00c0, 0x714: 0x00c0, 0x715: 0x00c0, 0x716: 0x00c3, 0x717: 0x00c3, + 0x718: 0x00c3, 0x719: 0x00c3, 0x71a: 0x00c0, 0x71b: 0x00c3, 0x71c: 0x00c3, 0x71d: 0x00c3, + 0x71e: 0x00c3, 0x71f: 0x00c3, 0x720: 0x00c3, 0x721: 0x00c3, 0x722: 0x00c3, 0x723: 0x00c3, + 0x724: 0x00c0, 0x725: 0x00c3, 0x726: 0x00c3, 0x727: 0x00c3, 0x728: 0x00c0, 0x729: 0x00c3, + 0x72a: 0x00c3, 0x72b: 0x00c3, 0x72c: 0x00c3, 0x72d: 0x00c3, + 0x730: 0x0080, 0x731: 0x0080, 0x732: 0x0080, 0x733: 0x0080, 0x734: 0x0080, 0x735: 0x0080, + 0x736: 0x0080, 0x737: 0x0080, 0x738: 0x0080, 0x739: 0x0080, 0x73a: 0x0080, 0x73b: 0x0080, + 0x73c: 0x0080, 0x73d: 0x0080, 0x73e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x00c4, 0x741: 0x00c2, 0x742: 0x00c2, 0x743: 0x00c2, 0x744: 0x00c2, 0x745: 0x00c2, + 0x746: 0x00c4, 0x747: 0x00c4, 0x748: 0x00c2, 0x749: 0x00c4, 0x74a: 0x00c2, 0x74b: 0x00c2, + 0x74c: 0x00c2, 0x74d: 0x00c2, 0x74e: 0x00c2, 0x74f: 0x00c2, 0x750: 0x00c2, 0x751: 0x00c2, + 0x752: 0x00c2, 0x753: 0x00c2, 0x754: 0x00c4, 0x755: 0x00c2, 0x756: 0x00c0, 0x757: 0x00c0, + 0x758: 0x00c0, 0x759: 0x00c3, 0x75a: 0x00c3, 0x75b: 0x00c3, + 0x75e: 0x0080, 0x760: 0x00c2, 0x761: 0x00c0, 0x762: 0x00c2, 0x763: 0x00c2, + 0x764: 0x00c2, 0x765: 0x00c2, 0x766: 0x00c0, 0x767: 0x00c4, 0x768: 0x00c2, 0x769: 0x00c4, + 0x76a: 0x00c4, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x7a0: 0x00c2, 0x7a1: 0x00c2, 0x7a2: 0x00c2, 0x7a3: 0x00c2, + 0x7a4: 0x00c2, 0x7a5: 0x00c2, 0x7a6: 0x00c2, 0x7a7: 0x00c2, 0x7a8: 0x00c2, 0x7a9: 0x00c2, + 0x7aa: 0x00c4, 0x7ab: 0x00c4, 0x7ac: 0x00c4, 0x7ad: 0x00c0, 0x7ae: 0x00c4, 0x7af: 0x00c2, + 0x7b0: 0x00c2, 0x7b1: 0x00c4, 0x7b2: 0x00c4, 0x7b3: 0x00c2, 0x7b4: 0x00c2, + 0x7b6: 0x00c2, 0x7b7: 0x00c2, 0x7b8: 0x00c2, 0x7b9: 0x00c4, 0x7ba: 0x00c2, 0x7bb: 0x00c2, + 0x7bc: 0x00c2, 0x7bd: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7d4: 0x00c3, 0x7d5: 0x00c3, 0x7d6: 0x00c3, 0x7d7: 0x00c3, + 0x7d8: 0x00c3, 0x7d9: 0x00c3, 0x7da: 0x00c3, 0x7db: 0x00c3, 0x7dc: 0x00c3, 0x7dd: 0x00c3, + 0x7de: 0x00c3, 0x7df: 0x00c3, 0x7e0: 0x00c3, 0x7e1: 0x00c3, 0x7e2: 0x0040, 0x7e3: 0x00c3, + 0x7e4: 0x00c3, 0x7e5: 0x00c3, 0x7e6: 0x00c3, 0x7e7: 0x00c3, 0x7e8: 0x00c3, 0x7e9: 0x00c3, + 0x7ea: 0x00c3, 0x7eb: 0x00c3, 0x7ec: 0x00c3, 0x7ed: 0x00c3, 0x7ee: 0x00c3, 0x7ef: 0x00c3, + 0x7f0: 0x00c3, 0x7f1: 0x00c3, 0x7f2: 0x00c3, 0x7f3: 0x00c3, 0x7f4: 0x00c3, 0x7f5: 0x00c3, + 0x7f6: 0x00c3, 0x7f7: 0x00c3, 0x7f8: 0x00c3, 0x7f9: 0x00c3, 0x7fa: 0x00c3, 0x7fb: 0x00c3, + 0x7fc: 0x00c3, 0x7fd: 0x00c3, 0x7fe: 0x00c3, 0x7ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x00c3, 0x801: 0x00c3, 0x802: 0x00c3, 0x803: 0x00c0, 0x804: 0x00c0, 0x805: 0x00c0, + 0x806: 0x00c0, 0x807: 0x00c0, 0x808: 0x00c0, 0x809: 0x00c0, 0x80a: 0x00c0, 0x80b: 0x00c0, + 0x80c: 0x00c0, 0x80d: 0x00c0, 0x80e: 0x00c0, 0x80f: 0x00c0, 0x810: 0x00c0, 0x811: 0x00c0, + 0x812: 0x00c0, 0x813: 0x00c0, 0x814: 0x00c0, 0x815: 0x00c0, 0x816: 0x00c0, 0x817: 0x00c0, + 0x818: 0x00c0, 0x819: 0x00c0, 0x81a: 0x00c0, 0x81b: 0x00c0, 0x81c: 0x00c0, 0x81d: 0x00c0, + 0x81e: 0x00c0, 0x81f: 0x00c0, 0x820: 0x00c0, 0x821: 0x00c0, 0x822: 0x00c0, 0x823: 0x00c0, + 0x824: 0x00c0, 0x825: 0x00c0, 0x826: 0x00c0, 0x827: 0x00c0, 0x828: 0x00c0, 0x829: 0x00c0, + 0x82a: 0x00c0, 0x82b: 0x00c0, 0x82c: 0x00c0, 0x82d: 0x00c0, 0x82e: 0x00c0, 0x82f: 0x00c0, + 0x830: 0x00c0, 0x831: 0x00c0, 0x832: 0x00c0, 0x833: 0x00c0, 0x834: 0x00c0, 0x835: 0x00c0, + 0x836: 0x00c0, 0x837: 0x00c0, 0x838: 0x00c0, 0x839: 0x00c0, 0x83a: 0x00c3, 0x83b: 0x00c0, + 0x83c: 0x00c3, 0x83d: 0x00c0, 0x83e: 0x00c0, 0x83f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x00c0, 0x841: 0x00c3, 0x842: 0x00c3, 0x843: 0x00c3, 0x844: 0x00c3, 0x845: 0x00c3, + 0x846: 0x00c3, 0x847: 0x00c3, 0x848: 0x00c3, 0x849: 0x00c0, 0x84a: 0x00c0, 0x84b: 0x00c0, + 0x84c: 0x00c0, 0x84d: 0x00c6, 0x84e: 0x00c0, 0x84f: 0x00c0, 0x850: 0x00c0, 0x851: 0x00c3, + 0x852: 0x00c3, 0x853: 0x00c3, 0x854: 0x00c3, 0x855: 0x00c3, 0x856: 0x00c3, 0x857: 0x00c3, + 0x858: 0x0080, 0x859: 0x0080, 0x85a: 0x0080, 0x85b: 0x0080, 0x85c: 0x0080, 0x85d: 0x0080, + 0x85e: 0x0080, 0x85f: 0x0080, 0x860: 0x00c0, 0x861: 0x00c0, 0x862: 0x00c3, 0x863: 0x00c3, + 0x864: 0x0080, 0x865: 0x0080, 0x866: 0x00c0, 0x867: 0x00c0, 0x868: 0x00c0, 0x869: 0x00c0, + 0x86a: 0x00c0, 0x86b: 0x00c0, 0x86c: 0x00c0, 0x86d: 0x00c0, 0x86e: 0x00c0, 0x86f: 0x00c0, + 0x870: 0x0080, 0x871: 0x00c0, 0x872: 0x00c0, 0x873: 0x00c0, 0x874: 0x00c0, 0x875: 0x00c0, + 0x876: 0x00c0, 0x877: 0x00c0, 0x878: 0x00c0, 0x879: 0x00c0, 0x87a: 0x00c0, 0x87b: 0x00c0, + 0x87c: 0x00c0, 0x87d: 0x00c0, 0x87e: 0x00c0, 0x87f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x00c0, 0x881: 0x00c3, 0x882: 0x00c0, 0x883: 0x00c0, 0x885: 0x00c0, + 0x886: 0x00c0, 0x887: 0x00c0, 0x888: 0x00c0, 0x889: 0x00c0, 0x88a: 0x00c0, 0x88b: 0x00c0, + 0x88c: 0x00c0, 0x88f: 0x00c0, 0x890: 0x00c0, + 0x893: 0x00c0, 0x894: 0x00c0, 0x895: 0x00c0, 0x896: 0x00c0, 0x897: 0x00c0, + 0x898: 0x00c0, 0x899: 0x00c0, 0x89a: 0x00c0, 0x89b: 0x00c0, 0x89c: 0x00c0, 0x89d: 0x00c0, + 0x89e: 0x00c0, 0x89f: 0x00c0, 0x8a0: 0x00c0, 0x8a1: 0x00c0, 0x8a2: 0x00c0, 0x8a3: 0x00c0, + 0x8a4: 0x00c0, 0x8a5: 0x00c0, 0x8a6: 0x00c0, 0x8a7: 0x00c0, 0x8a8: 0x00c0, + 0x8aa: 0x00c0, 0x8ab: 0x00c0, 0x8ac: 0x00c0, 0x8ad: 0x00c0, 0x8ae: 0x00c0, 0x8af: 0x00c0, + 0x8b0: 0x00c0, 0x8b2: 0x00c0, + 0x8b6: 0x00c0, 0x8b7: 0x00c0, 0x8b8: 0x00c0, 0x8b9: 0x00c0, + 0x8bc: 0x00c3, 0x8bd: 0x00c0, 0x8be: 0x00c0, 0x8bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x00c0, 0x8c1: 0x00c3, 0x8c2: 0x00c3, 0x8c3: 0x00c3, 0x8c4: 0x00c3, + 0x8c7: 0x00c0, 0x8c8: 0x00c0, 0x8cb: 0x00c0, + 0x8cc: 0x00c0, 0x8cd: 0x00c6, 0x8ce: 0x00c0, + 0x8d7: 0x00c0, + 0x8dc: 0x0080, 0x8dd: 0x0080, + 0x8df: 0x0080, 0x8e0: 0x00c0, 0x8e1: 0x00c0, 0x8e2: 0x00c3, 0x8e3: 0x00c3, + 0x8e6: 0x00c0, 0x8e7: 0x00c0, 0x8e8: 0x00c0, 0x8e9: 0x00c0, + 0x8ea: 0x00c0, 0x8eb: 0x00c0, 0x8ec: 0x00c0, 0x8ed: 0x00c0, 0x8ee: 0x00c0, 0x8ef: 0x00c0, + 0x8f0: 0x00c0, 0x8f1: 0x00c0, 0x8f2: 0x0080, 0x8f3: 0x0080, 0x8f4: 0x0080, 0x8f5: 0x0080, + 0x8f6: 0x0080, 0x8f7: 0x0080, 0x8f8: 0x0080, 0x8f9: 0x0080, 0x8fa: 0x0080, 0x8fb: 0x0080, + 0x8fc: 0x00c0, 0x8fd: 0x0080, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x901: 0x00c3, 0x902: 0x00c3, 0x903: 0x00c0, 0x905: 0x00c0, + 0x906: 0x00c0, 0x907: 0x00c0, 0x908: 0x00c0, 0x909: 0x00c0, 0x90a: 0x00c0, + 0x90f: 0x00c0, 0x910: 0x00c0, + 0x913: 0x00c0, 0x914: 0x00c0, 0x915: 0x00c0, 0x916: 0x00c0, 0x917: 0x00c0, + 0x918: 0x00c0, 0x919: 0x00c0, 0x91a: 0x00c0, 0x91b: 0x00c0, 0x91c: 0x00c0, 0x91d: 0x00c0, + 0x91e: 0x00c0, 0x91f: 0x00c0, 0x920: 0x00c0, 0x921: 0x00c0, 0x922: 0x00c0, 0x923: 0x00c0, + 0x924: 0x00c0, 0x925: 0x00c0, 0x926: 0x00c0, 0x927: 0x00c0, 0x928: 0x00c0, + 0x92a: 0x00c0, 0x92b: 0x00c0, 0x92c: 0x00c0, 0x92d: 0x00c0, 0x92e: 0x00c0, 0x92f: 0x00c0, + 0x930: 0x00c0, 0x932: 0x00c0, 0x933: 0x0080, 0x935: 0x00c0, + 0x936: 0x0080, 0x938: 0x00c0, 0x939: 0x00c0, + 0x93c: 0x00c3, 0x93e: 0x00c0, 0x93f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x00c0, 0x941: 0x00c3, 0x942: 0x00c3, + 0x947: 0x00c3, 0x948: 0x00c3, 0x94b: 0x00c3, + 0x94c: 0x00c3, 0x94d: 0x00c6, 0x951: 0x00c3, + 0x959: 0x0080, 0x95a: 0x0080, 0x95b: 0x0080, 0x95c: 0x00c0, + 0x95e: 0x0080, + 0x966: 0x00c0, 0x967: 0x00c0, 0x968: 0x00c0, 0x969: 0x00c0, + 0x96a: 0x00c0, 0x96b: 0x00c0, 0x96c: 0x00c0, 0x96d: 0x00c0, 0x96e: 0x00c0, 0x96f: 0x00c0, + 0x970: 0x00c3, 0x971: 0x00c3, 0x972: 0x00c0, 0x973: 0x00c0, 0x974: 0x00c0, 0x975: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x981: 0x00c3, 0x982: 0x00c3, 0x983: 0x00c0, 0x985: 0x00c0, + 0x986: 0x00c0, 0x987: 0x00c0, 0x988: 0x00c0, 0x989: 0x00c0, 0x98a: 0x00c0, 0x98b: 0x00c0, + 0x98c: 0x00c0, 0x98d: 0x00c0, 0x98f: 0x00c0, 0x990: 0x00c0, 0x991: 0x00c0, + 0x993: 0x00c0, 0x994: 0x00c0, 0x995: 0x00c0, 0x996: 0x00c0, 0x997: 0x00c0, + 0x998: 0x00c0, 0x999: 0x00c0, 0x99a: 0x00c0, 0x99b: 0x00c0, 0x99c: 0x00c0, 0x99d: 0x00c0, + 0x99e: 0x00c0, 0x99f: 0x00c0, 0x9a0: 0x00c0, 0x9a1: 0x00c0, 0x9a2: 0x00c0, 0x9a3: 0x00c0, + 0x9a4: 0x00c0, 0x9a5: 0x00c0, 0x9a6: 0x00c0, 0x9a7: 0x00c0, 0x9a8: 0x00c0, + 0x9aa: 0x00c0, 0x9ab: 0x00c0, 0x9ac: 0x00c0, 0x9ad: 0x00c0, 0x9ae: 0x00c0, 0x9af: 0x00c0, + 0x9b0: 0x00c0, 0x9b2: 0x00c0, 0x9b3: 0x00c0, 0x9b5: 0x00c0, + 0x9b6: 0x00c0, 0x9b7: 0x00c0, 0x9b8: 0x00c0, 0x9b9: 0x00c0, + 0x9bc: 0x00c3, 0x9bd: 0x00c0, 0x9be: 0x00c0, 0x9bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c0: 0x00c0, 0x9c1: 0x00c3, 0x9c2: 0x00c3, 0x9c3: 0x00c3, 0x9c4: 0x00c3, 0x9c5: 0x00c3, + 0x9c7: 0x00c3, 0x9c8: 0x00c3, 0x9c9: 0x00c0, 0x9cb: 0x00c0, + 0x9cc: 0x00c0, 0x9cd: 0x00c6, 0x9d0: 0x00c0, + 0x9e0: 0x00c0, 0x9e1: 0x00c0, 0x9e2: 0x00c3, 0x9e3: 0x00c3, + 0x9e6: 0x00c0, 0x9e7: 0x00c0, 0x9e8: 0x00c0, 0x9e9: 0x00c0, + 0x9ea: 0x00c0, 0x9eb: 0x00c0, 0x9ec: 0x00c0, 0x9ed: 0x00c0, 0x9ee: 0x00c0, 0x9ef: 0x00c0, + 0x9f0: 0x0080, 0x9f1: 0x0080, + 0x9f9: 0x00c0, 0x9fa: 0x00c3, 0x9fb: 0x00c3, + 0x9fc: 0x00c3, 0x9fd: 0x00c3, 0x9fe: 0x00c3, 0x9ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa01: 0x00c3, 0xa02: 0x00c0, 0xa03: 0x00c0, 0xa05: 0x00c0, + 0xa06: 0x00c0, 0xa07: 0x00c0, 0xa08: 0x00c0, 0xa09: 0x00c0, 0xa0a: 0x00c0, 0xa0b: 0x00c0, + 0xa0c: 0x00c0, 0xa0f: 0x00c0, 0xa10: 0x00c0, + 0xa13: 0x00c0, 0xa14: 0x00c0, 0xa15: 0x00c0, 0xa16: 0x00c0, 0xa17: 0x00c0, + 0xa18: 0x00c0, 0xa19: 0x00c0, 0xa1a: 0x00c0, 0xa1b: 0x00c0, 0xa1c: 0x00c0, 0xa1d: 0x00c0, + 0xa1e: 0x00c0, 0xa1f: 0x00c0, 0xa20: 0x00c0, 0xa21: 0x00c0, 0xa22: 0x00c0, 0xa23: 0x00c0, + 0xa24: 0x00c0, 0xa25: 0x00c0, 0xa26: 0x00c0, 0xa27: 0x00c0, 0xa28: 0x00c0, + 0xa2a: 0x00c0, 0xa2b: 0x00c0, 0xa2c: 0x00c0, 0xa2d: 0x00c0, 0xa2e: 0x00c0, 0xa2f: 0x00c0, + 0xa30: 0x00c0, 0xa32: 0x00c0, 0xa33: 0x00c0, 0xa35: 0x00c0, + 0xa36: 0x00c0, 0xa37: 0x00c0, 0xa38: 0x00c0, 0xa39: 0x00c0, + 0xa3c: 0x00c3, 0xa3d: 0x00c0, 0xa3e: 0x00c0, 0xa3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa40: 0x00c0, 0xa41: 0x00c3, 0xa42: 0x00c3, 0xa43: 0x00c3, 0xa44: 0x00c3, + 0xa47: 0x00c0, 0xa48: 0x00c0, 0xa4b: 0x00c0, + 0xa4c: 0x00c0, 0xa4d: 0x00c6, + 0xa56: 0x00c3, 0xa57: 0x00c0, + 0xa5c: 0x0080, 0xa5d: 0x0080, + 0xa5f: 0x00c0, 0xa60: 0x00c0, 0xa61: 0x00c0, 0xa62: 0x00c3, 0xa63: 0x00c3, + 0xa66: 0x00c0, 0xa67: 0x00c0, 0xa68: 0x00c0, 0xa69: 0x00c0, + 0xa6a: 0x00c0, 0xa6b: 0x00c0, 0xa6c: 0x00c0, 0xa6d: 0x00c0, 0xa6e: 0x00c0, 0xa6f: 0x00c0, + 0xa70: 0x0080, 0xa71: 0x00c0, 0xa72: 0x0080, 0xa73: 0x0080, 0xa74: 0x0080, 0xa75: 0x0080, + 0xa76: 0x0080, 0xa77: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa82: 0x00c3, 0xa83: 0x00c0, 0xa85: 0x00c0, + 0xa86: 0x00c0, 0xa87: 0x00c0, 0xa88: 0x00c0, 0xa89: 0x00c0, 0xa8a: 0x00c0, + 0xa8e: 0x00c0, 0xa8f: 0x00c0, 0xa90: 0x00c0, + 0xa92: 0x00c0, 0xa93: 0x00c0, 0xa94: 0x00c0, 0xa95: 0x00c0, + 0xa99: 0x00c0, 0xa9a: 0x00c0, 0xa9c: 0x00c0, + 0xa9e: 0x00c0, 0xa9f: 0x00c0, 0xaa3: 0x00c0, + 0xaa4: 0x00c0, 0xaa8: 0x00c0, 0xaa9: 0x00c0, + 0xaaa: 0x00c0, 0xaae: 0x00c0, 0xaaf: 0x00c0, + 0xab0: 0x00c0, 0xab1: 0x00c0, 0xab2: 0x00c0, 0xab3: 0x00c0, 0xab4: 0x00c0, 0xab5: 0x00c0, + 0xab6: 0x00c0, 0xab7: 0x00c0, 0xab8: 0x00c0, 0xab9: 0x00c0, + 0xabe: 0x00c0, 0xabf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xac0: 0x00c3, 0xac1: 0x00c0, 0xac2: 0x00c0, + 0xac6: 0x00c0, 0xac7: 0x00c0, 0xac8: 0x00c0, 0xaca: 0x00c0, 0xacb: 0x00c0, + 0xacc: 0x00c0, 0xacd: 0x00c6, 0xad0: 0x00c0, + 0xad7: 0x00c0, + 0xae6: 0x00c0, 0xae7: 0x00c0, 0xae8: 0x00c0, 0xae9: 0x00c0, + 0xaea: 0x00c0, 0xaeb: 0x00c0, 0xaec: 0x00c0, 0xaed: 0x00c0, 0xaee: 0x00c0, 0xaef: 0x00c0, + 0xaf0: 0x0080, 0xaf1: 0x0080, 0xaf2: 0x0080, 0xaf3: 0x0080, 0xaf4: 0x0080, 0xaf5: 0x0080, + 0xaf6: 0x0080, 0xaf7: 0x0080, 0xaf8: 0x0080, 0xaf9: 0x0080, 0xafa: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb00: 0x00c3, 0xb01: 0x00c0, 0xb02: 0x00c0, 0xb03: 0x00c0, 0xb05: 0x00c0, + 0xb06: 0x00c0, 0xb07: 0x00c0, 0xb08: 0x00c0, 0xb09: 0x00c0, 0xb0a: 0x00c0, 0xb0b: 0x00c0, + 0xb0c: 0x00c0, 0xb0e: 0x00c0, 0xb0f: 0x00c0, 0xb10: 0x00c0, + 0xb12: 0x00c0, 0xb13: 0x00c0, 0xb14: 0x00c0, 0xb15: 0x00c0, 0xb16: 0x00c0, 0xb17: 0x00c0, + 0xb18: 0x00c0, 0xb19: 0x00c0, 0xb1a: 0x00c0, 0xb1b: 0x00c0, 0xb1c: 0x00c0, 0xb1d: 0x00c0, + 0xb1e: 0x00c0, 0xb1f: 0x00c0, 0xb20: 0x00c0, 0xb21: 0x00c0, 0xb22: 0x00c0, 0xb23: 0x00c0, + 0xb24: 0x00c0, 0xb25: 0x00c0, 0xb26: 0x00c0, 0xb27: 0x00c0, 0xb28: 0x00c0, + 0xb2a: 0x00c0, 0xb2b: 0x00c0, 0xb2c: 0x00c0, 0xb2d: 0x00c0, 0xb2e: 0x00c0, 0xb2f: 0x00c0, + 0xb30: 0x00c0, 0xb31: 0x00c0, 0xb32: 0x00c0, 0xb33: 0x00c0, 0xb34: 0x00c0, 0xb35: 0x00c0, + 0xb36: 0x00c0, 0xb37: 0x00c0, 0xb38: 0x00c0, 0xb39: 0x00c0, + 0xb3d: 0x00c0, 0xb3e: 0x00c3, 0xb3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb40: 0x00c3, 0xb41: 0x00c0, 0xb42: 0x00c0, 0xb43: 0x00c0, 0xb44: 0x00c0, + 0xb46: 0x00c3, 0xb47: 0x00c3, 0xb48: 0x00c3, 0xb4a: 0x00c3, 0xb4b: 0x00c3, + 0xb4c: 0x00c3, 0xb4d: 0x00c6, + 0xb55: 0x00c3, 0xb56: 0x00c3, + 0xb58: 0x00c0, 0xb59: 0x00c0, 0xb5a: 0x00c0, + 0xb60: 0x00c0, 0xb61: 0x00c0, 0xb62: 0x00c3, 0xb63: 0x00c3, + 0xb66: 0x00c0, 0xb67: 0x00c0, 0xb68: 0x00c0, 0xb69: 0x00c0, + 0xb6a: 0x00c0, 0xb6b: 0x00c0, 0xb6c: 0x00c0, 0xb6d: 0x00c0, 0xb6e: 0x00c0, 0xb6f: 0x00c0, + 0xb78: 0x0080, 0xb79: 0x0080, 0xb7a: 0x0080, 0xb7b: 0x0080, + 0xb7c: 0x0080, 0xb7d: 0x0080, 0xb7e: 0x0080, 0xb7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb80: 0x00c0, 0xb81: 0x00c3, 0xb82: 0x00c0, 0xb83: 0x00c0, 0xb85: 0x00c0, + 0xb86: 0x00c0, 0xb87: 0x00c0, 0xb88: 0x00c0, 0xb89: 0x00c0, 0xb8a: 0x00c0, 0xb8b: 0x00c0, + 0xb8c: 0x00c0, 0xb8e: 0x00c0, 0xb8f: 0x00c0, 0xb90: 0x00c0, + 0xb92: 0x00c0, 0xb93: 0x00c0, 0xb94: 0x00c0, 0xb95: 0x00c0, 0xb96: 0x00c0, 0xb97: 0x00c0, + 0xb98: 0x00c0, 0xb99: 0x00c0, 0xb9a: 0x00c0, 0xb9b: 0x00c0, 0xb9c: 0x00c0, 0xb9d: 0x00c0, + 0xb9e: 0x00c0, 0xb9f: 0x00c0, 0xba0: 0x00c0, 0xba1: 0x00c0, 0xba2: 0x00c0, 0xba3: 0x00c0, + 0xba4: 0x00c0, 0xba5: 0x00c0, 0xba6: 0x00c0, 0xba7: 0x00c0, 0xba8: 0x00c0, + 0xbaa: 0x00c0, 0xbab: 0x00c0, 0xbac: 0x00c0, 0xbad: 0x00c0, 0xbae: 0x00c0, 0xbaf: 0x00c0, + 0xbb0: 0x00c0, 0xbb1: 0x00c0, 0xbb2: 0x00c0, 0xbb3: 0x00c0, 0xbb5: 0x00c0, + 0xbb6: 0x00c0, 0xbb7: 0x00c0, 0xbb8: 0x00c0, 0xbb9: 0x00c0, + 0xbbc: 0x00c3, 0xbbd: 0x00c0, 0xbbe: 0x00c0, 0xbbf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x00c0, 0xbc1: 0x00c0, 0xbc2: 0x00c0, 0xbc3: 0x00c0, 0xbc4: 0x00c0, + 0xbc6: 0x00c3, 0xbc7: 0x00c0, 0xbc8: 0x00c0, 0xbca: 0x00c0, 0xbcb: 0x00c0, + 0xbcc: 0x00c3, 0xbcd: 0x00c6, + 0xbd5: 0x00c0, 0xbd6: 0x00c0, + 0xbde: 0x00c0, 0xbe0: 0x00c0, 0xbe1: 0x00c0, 0xbe2: 0x00c3, 0xbe3: 0x00c3, + 0xbe6: 0x00c0, 0xbe7: 0x00c0, 0xbe8: 0x00c0, 0xbe9: 0x00c0, + 0xbea: 0x00c0, 0xbeb: 0x00c0, 0xbec: 0x00c0, 0xbed: 0x00c0, 0xbee: 0x00c0, 0xbef: 0x00c0, + 0xbf1: 0x00c0, 0xbf2: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc00: 0x00c3, 0xc01: 0x00c3, 0xc02: 0x00c0, 0xc03: 0x00c0, 0xc05: 0x00c0, + 0xc06: 0x00c0, 0xc07: 0x00c0, 0xc08: 0x00c0, 0xc09: 0x00c0, 0xc0a: 0x00c0, 0xc0b: 0x00c0, + 0xc0c: 0x00c0, 0xc0e: 0x00c0, 0xc0f: 0x00c0, 0xc10: 0x00c0, + 0xc12: 0x00c0, 0xc13: 0x00c0, 0xc14: 0x00c0, 0xc15: 0x00c0, 0xc16: 0x00c0, 0xc17: 0x00c0, + 0xc18: 0x00c0, 0xc19: 0x00c0, 0xc1a: 0x00c0, 0xc1b: 0x00c0, 0xc1c: 0x00c0, 0xc1d: 0x00c0, + 0xc1e: 0x00c0, 0xc1f: 0x00c0, 0xc20: 0x00c0, 0xc21: 0x00c0, 0xc22: 0x00c0, 0xc23: 0x00c0, + 0xc24: 0x00c0, 0xc25: 0x00c0, 0xc26: 0x00c0, 0xc27: 0x00c0, 0xc28: 0x00c0, 0xc29: 0x00c0, + 0xc2a: 0x00c0, 0xc2b: 0x00c0, 0xc2c: 0x00c0, 0xc2d: 0x00c0, 0xc2e: 0x00c0, 0xc2f: 0x00c0, + 0xc30: 0x00c0, 0xc31: 0x00c0, 0xc32: 0x00c0, 0xc33: 0x00c0, 0xc34: 0x00c0, 0xc35: 0x00c0, + 0xc36: 0x00c0, 0xc37: 0x00c0, 0xc38: 0x00c0, 0xc39: 0x00c0, 0xc3a: 0x00c0, 0xc3b: 0x00c6, + 0xc3c: 0x00c6, 0xc3d: 0x00c0, 0xc3e: 0x00c0, 0xc3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x00c0, 0xc41: 0x00c3, 0xc42: 0x00c3, 0xc43: 0x00c3, 0xc44: 0x00c3, + 0xc46: 0x00c0, 0xc47: 0x00c0, 0xc48: 0x00c0, 0xc4a: 0x00c0, 0xc4b: 0x00c0, + 0xc4c: 0x00c0, 0xc4d: 0x00c6, 0xc4e: 0x00c0, 0xc4f: 0x0080, + 0xc54: 0x00c0, 0xc55: 0x00c0, 0xc56: 0x00c0, 0xc57: 0x00c0, + 0xc58: 0x0080, 0xc59: 0x0080, 0xc5a: 0x0080, 0xc5b: 0x0080, 0xc5c: 0x0080, 0xc5d: 0x0080, + 0xc5e: 0x0080, 0xc5f: 0x00c0, 0xc60: 0x00c0, 0xc61: 0x00c0, 0xc62: 0x00c3, 0xc63: 0x00c3, + 0xc66: 0x00c0, 0xc67: 0x00c0, 0xc68: 0x00c0, 0xc69: 0x00c0, + 0xc6a: 0x00c0, 0xc6b: 0x00c0, 0xc6c: 0x00c0, 0xc6d: 0x00c0, 0xc6e: 0x00c0, 0xc6f: 0x00c0, + 0xc70: 0x0080, 0xc71: 0x0080, 0xc72: 0x0080, 0xc73: 0x0080, 0xc74: 0x0080, 0xc75: 0x0080, + 0xc76: 0x0080, 0xc77: 0x0080, 0xc78: 0x0080, 0xc79: 0x0080, 0xc7a: 0x00c0, 0xc7b: 0x00c0, + 0xc7c: 0x00c0, 0xc7d: 0x00c0, 0xc7e: 0x00c0, 0xc7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc82: 0x00c0, 0xc83: 0x00c0, 0xc85: 0x00c0, + 0xc86: 0x00c0, 0xc87: 0x00c0, 0xc88: 0x00c0, 0xc89: 0x00c0, 0xc8a: 0x00c0, 0xc8b: 0x00c0, + 0xc8c: 0x00c0, 0xc8d: 0x00c0, 0xc8e: 0x00c0, 0xc8f: 0x00c0, 0xc90: 0x00c0, 0xc91: 0x00c0, + 0xc92: 0x00c0, 0xc93: 0x00c0, 0xc94: 0x00c0, 0xc95: 0x00c0, 0xc96: 0x00c0, + 0xc9a: 0x00c0, 0xc9b: 0x00c0, 0xc9c: 0x00c0, 0xc9d: 0x00c0, + 0xc9e: 0x00c0, 0xc9f: 0x00c0, 0xca0: 0x00c0, 0xca1: 0x00c0, 0xca2: 0x00c0, 0xca3: 0x00c0, + 0xca4: 0x00c0, 0xca5: 0x00c0, 0xca6: 0x00c0, 0xca7: 0x00c0, 0xca8: 0x00c0, 0xca9: 0x00c0, + 0xcaa: 0x00c0, 0xcab: 0x00c0, 0xcac: 0x00c0, 0xcad: 0x00c0, 0xcae: 0x00c0, 0xcaf: 0x00c0, + 0xcb0: 0x00c0, 0xcb1: 0x00c0, 0xcb3: 0x00c0, 0xcb4: 0x00c0, 0xcb5: 0x00c0, + 0xcb6: 0x00c0, 0xcb7: 0x00c0, 0xcb8: 0x00c0, 0xcb9: 0x00c0, 0xcba: 0x00c0, 0xcbb: 0x00c0, + 0xcbd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc0: 0x00c0, 0xcc1: 0x00c0, 0xcc2: 0x00c0, 0xcc3: 0x00c0, 0xcc4: 0x00c0, 0xcc5: 0x00c0, + 0xcc6: 0x00c0, 0xcca: 0x00c6, + 0xccf: 0x00c0, 0xcd0: 0x00c0, 0xcd1: 0x00c0, + 0xcd2: 0x00c3, 0xcd3: 0x00c3, 0xcd4: 0x00c3, 0xcd6: 0x00c3, + 0xcd8: 0x00c0, 0xcd9: 0x00c0, 0xcda: 0x00c0, 0xcdb: 0x00c0, 0xcdc: 0x00c0, 0xcdd: 0x00c0, + 0xcde: 0x00c0, 0xcdf: 0x00c0, + 0xce6: 0x00c0, 0xce7: 0x00c0, 0xce8: 0x00c0, 0xce9: 0x00c0, + 0xcea: 0x00c0, 0xceb: 0x00c0, 0xcec: 0x00c0, 0xced: 0x00c0, 0xcee: 0x00c0, 0xcef: 0x00c0, + 0xcf2: 0x00c0, 0xcf3: 0x00c0, 0xcf4: 0x0080, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd01: 0x00c0, 0xd02: 0x00c0, 0xd03: 0x00c0, 0xd04: 0x00c0, 0xd05: 0x00c0, + 0xd06: 0x00c0, 0xd07: 0x00c0, 0xd08: 0x00c0, 0xd09: 0x00c0, 0xd0a: 0x00c0, 0xd0b: 0x00c0, + 0xd0c: 0x00c0, 0xd0d: 0x00c0, 0xd0e: 0x00c0, 0xd0f: 0x00c0, 0xd10: 0x00c0, 0xd11: 0x00c0, + 0xd12: 0x00c0, 0xd13: 0x00c0, 0xd14: 0x00c0, 0xd15: 0x00c0, 0xd16: 0x00c0, 0xd17: 0x00c0, + 0xd18: 0x00c0, 0xd19: 0x00c0, 0xd1a: 0x00c0, 0xd1b: 0x00c0, 0xd1c: 0x00c0, 0xd1d: 0x00c0, + 0xd1e: 0x00c0, 0xd1f: 0x00c0, 0xd20: 0x00c0, 0xd21: 0x00c0, 0xd22: 0x00c0, 0xd23: 0x00c0, + 0xd24: 0x00c0, 0xd25: 0x00c0, 0xd26: 0x00c0, 0xd27: 0x00c0, 0xd28: 0x00c0, 0xd29: 0x00c0, + 0xd2a: 0x00c0, 0xd2b: 0x00c0, 0xd2c: 0x00c0, 0xd2d: 0x00c0, 0xd2e: 0x00c0, 0xd2f: 0x00c0, + 0xd30: 0x00c0, 0xd31: 0x00c3, 0xd32: 0x00c0, 0xd33: 0x0080, 0xd34: 0x00c3, 0xd35: 0x00c3, + 0xd36: 0x00c3, 0xd37: 0x00c3, 0xd38: 0x00c3, 0xd39: 0x00c3, 0xd3a: 0x00c6, + 0xd3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x00c0, 0xd41: 0x00c0, 0xd42: 0x00c0, 0xd43: 0x00c0, 0xd44: 0x00c0, 0xd45: 0x00c0, + 0xd46: 0x00c0, 0xd47: 0x00c3, 0xd48: 0x00c3, 0xd49: 0x00c3, 0xd4a: 0x00c3, 0xd4b: 0x00c3, + 0xd4c: 0x00c3, 0xd4d: 0x00c3, 0xd4e: 0x00c3, 0xd4f: 0x0080, 0xd50: 0x00c0, 0xd51: 0x00c0, + 0xd52: 0x00c0, 0xd53: 0x00c0, 0xd54: 0x00c0, 0xd55: 0x00c0, 0xd56: 0x00c0, 0xd57: 0x00c0, + 0xd58: 0x00c0, 0xd59: 0x00c0, 0xd5a: 0x0080, 0xd5b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd81: 0x00c0, 0xd82: 0x00c0, 0xd84: 0x00c0, + 0xd87: 0x00c0, 0xd88: 0x00c0, 0xd8a: 0x00c0, + 0xd8d: 0x00c0, + 0xd94: 0x00c0, 0xd95: 0x00c0, 0xd96: 0x00c0, 0xd97: 0x00c0, + 0xd99: 0x00c0, 0xd9a: 0x00c0, 0xd9b: 0x00c0, 0xd9c: 0x00c0, 0xd9d: 0x00c0, + 0xd9e: 0x00c0, 0xd9f: 0x00c0, 0xda1: 0x00c0, 0xda2: 0x00c0, 0xda3: 0x00c0, + 0xda5: 0x00c0, 0xda7: 0x00c0, + 0xdaa: 0x00c0, 0xdab: 0x00c0, 0xdad: 0x00c0, 0xdae: 0x00c0, 0xdaf: 0x00c0, + 0xdb0: 0x00c0, 0xdb1: 0x00c3, 0xdb2: 0x00c0, 0xdb3: 0x0080, 0xdb4: 0x00c3, 0xdb5: 0x00c3, + 0xdb6: 0x00c3, 0xdb7: 0x00c3, 0xdb8: 0x00c3, 0xdb9: 0x00c3, 0xdbb: 0x00c3, + 0xdbc: 0x00c3, 0xdbd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0x00c0, 0xdc1: 0x00c0, 0xdc2: 0x00c0, 0xdc3: 0x00c0, 0xdc4: 0x00c0, + 0xdc6: 0x00c0, 0xdc8: 0x00c3, 0xdc9: 0x00c3, 0xdca: 0x00c3, 0xdcb: 0x00c3, + 0xdcc: 0x00c3, 0xdcd: 0x00c3, 0xdd0: 0x00c0, 0xdd1: 0x00c0, + 0xdd2: 0x00c0, 0xdd3: 0x00c0, 0xdd4: 0x00c0, 0xdd5: 0x00c0, 0xdd6: 0x00c0, 0xdd7: 0x00c0, + 0xdd8: 0x00c0, 0xdd9: 0x00c0, 0xddc: 0x0080, 0xddd: 0x0080, + 0xdde: 0x00c0, 0xddf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x00c0, 0xe01: 0x0080, 0xe02: 0x0080, 0xe03: 0x0080, 0xe04: 0x0080, 0xe05: 0x0080, + 0xe06: 0x0080, 0xe07: 0x0080, 0xe08: 0x0080, 0xe09: 0x0080, 0xe0a: 0x0080, 0xe0b: 0x00c0, + 0xe0c: 0x0080, 0xe0d: 0x0080, 0xe0e: 0x0080, 0xe0f: 0x0080, 0xe10: 0x0080, 0xe11: 0x0080, + 0xe12: 0x0080, 0xe13: 0x0080, 0xe14: 0x0080, 0xe15: 0x0080, 0xe16: 0x0080, 0xe17: 0x0080, + 0xe18: 0x00c3, 0xe19: 0x00c3, 0xe1a: 0x0080, 0xe1b: 0x0080, 0xe1c: 0x0080, 0xe1d: 0x0080, + 0xe1e: 0x0080, 0xe1f: 0x0080, 0xe20: 0x00c0, 0xe21: 0x00c0, 0xe22: 0x00c0, 0xe23: 0x00c0, + 0xe24: 0x00c0, 0xe25: 0x00c0, 0xe26: 0x00c0, 0xe27: 0x00c0, 0xe28: 0x00c0, 0xe29: 0x00c0, + 0xe2a: 0x0080, 0xe2b: 0x0080, 0xe2c: 0x0080, 0xe2d: 0x0080, 0xe2e: 0x0080, 0xe2f: 0x0080, + 0xe30: 0x0080, 0xe31: 0x0080, 0xe32: 0x0080, 0xe33: 0x0080, 0xe34: 0x0080, 0xe35: 0x00c3, + 0xe36: 0x0080, 0xe37: 0x00c3, 0xe38: 0x0080, 0xe39: 0x00c3, 0xe3a: 0x0080, 0xe3b: 0x0080, + 0xe3c: 0x0080, 0xe3d: 0x0080, 0xe3e: 0x00c0, 0xe3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x00c0, 0xe41: 0x00c0, 0xe42: 0x00c0, 0xe43: 0x0080, 0xe44: 0x00c0, 0xe45: 0x00c0, + 0xe46: 0x00c0, 0xe47: 0x00c0, 0xe49: 0x00c0, 0xe4a: 0x00c0, 0xe4b: 0x00c0, + 0xe4c: 0x00c0, 0xe4d: 0x0080, 0xe4e: 0x00c0, 0xe4f: 0x00c0, 0xe50: 0x00c0, 0xe51: 0x00c0, + 0xe52: 0x0080, 0xe53: 0x00c0, 0xe54: 0x00c0, 0xe55: 0x00c0, 0xe56: 0x00c0, 0xe57: 0x0080, + 0xe58: 0x00c0, 0xe59: 0x00c0, 0xe5a: 0x00c0, 0xe5b: 0x00c0, 0xe5c: 0x0080, 0xe5d: 0x00c0, + 0xe5e: 0x00c0, 0xe5f: 0x00c0, 0xe60: 0x00c0, 0xe61: 0x00c0, 0xe62: 0x00c0, 0xe63: 0x00c0, + 0xe64: 0x00c0, 0xe65: 0x00c0, 0xe66: 0x00c0, 0xe67: 0x00c0, 0xe68: 0x00c0, 0xe69: 0x0080, + 0xe6a: 0x00c0, 0xe6b: 0x00c0, 0xe6c: 0x00c0, + 0xe71: 0x00c3, 0xe72: 0x00c3, 0xe73: 0x0083, 0xe74: 0x00c3, 0xe75: 0x0083, + 0xe76: 0x0083, 0xe77: 0x0083, 0xe78: 0x0083, 0xe79: 0x0083, 0xe7a: 0x00c3, 0xe7b: 0x00c3, + 0xe7c: 0x00c3, 0xe7d: 0x00c3, 0xe7e: 0x00c3, 0xe7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x00c3, 0xe81: 0x0083, 0xe82: 0x00c3, 0xe83: 0x00c3, 0xe84: 0x00c6, 0xe85: 0x0080, + 0xe86: 0x00c3, 0xe87: 0x00c3, 0xe88: 0x00c0, 0xe89: 0x00c0, 0xe8a: 0x00c0, 0xe8b: 0x00c0, + 0xe8c: 0x00c0, 0xe8d: 0x00c3, 0xe8e: 0x00c3, 0xe8f: 0x00c3, 0xe90: 0x00c3, 0xe91: 0x00c3, + 0xe92: 0x00c3, 0xe93: 0x0083, 0xe94: 0x00c3, 0xe95: 0x00c3, 0xe96: 0x00c3, 0xe97: 0x00c3, + 0xe99: 0x00c3, 0xe9a: 0x00c3, 0xe9b: 0x00c3, 0xe9c: 0x00c3, 0xe9d: 0x0083, + 0xe9e: 0x00c3, 0xe9f: 0x00c3, 0xea0: 0x00c3, 0xea1: 0x00c3, 0xea2: 0x0083, 0xea3: 0x00c3, + 0xea4: 0x00c3, 0xea5: 0x00c3, 0xea6: 0x00c3, 0xea7: 0x0083, 0xea8: 0x00c3, 0xea9: 0x00c3, + 0xeaa: 0x00c3, 0xeab: 0x00c3, 0xeac: 0x0083, 0xead: 0x00c3, 0xeae: 0x00c3, 0xeaf: 0x00c3, + 0xeb0: 0x00c3, 0xeb1: 0x00c3, 0xeb2: 0x00c3, 0xeb3: 0x00c3, 0xeb4: 0x00c3, 0xeb5: 0x00c3, + 0xeb6: 0x00c3, 0xeb7: 0x00c3, 0xeb8: 0x00c3, 0xeb9: 0x0083, 0xeba: 0x00c3, 0xebb: 0x00c3, + 0xebc: 0x00c3, 0xebe: 0x0080, 0xebf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x0080, 0xec1: 0x0080, 0xec2: 0x0080, 0xec3: 0x0080, 0xec4: 0x0080, 0xec5: 0x0080, + 0xec6: 0x00c3, 0xec7: 0x0080, 0xec8: 0x0080, 0xec9: 0x0080, 0xeca: 0x0080, 0xecb: 0x0080, + 0xecc: 0x0080, 0xece: 0x0080, 0xecf: 0x0080, 0xed0: 0x0080, 0xed1: 0x0080, + 0xed2: 0x0080, 0xed3: 0x0080, 0xed4: 0x0080, 0xed5: 0x0080, 0xed6: 0x0080, 0xed7: 0x0080, + 0xed8: 0x0080, 0xed9: 0x0080, 0xeda: 0x0080, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x00c0, 0xf01: 0x00c0, 0xf02: 0x00c0, 0xf03: 0x00c0, 0xf04: 0x00c0, 0xf05: 0x00c0, + 0xf06: 0x00c0, 0xf07: 0x00c0, 0xf08: 0x00c0, 0xf09: 0x00c0, 0xf0a: 0x00c0, 0xf0b: 0x00c0, + 0xf0c: 0x00c0, 0xf0d: 0x00c0, 0xf0e: 0x00c0, 0xf0f: 0x00c0, 0xf10: 0x00c0, 0xf11: 0x00c0, + 0xf12: 0x00c0, 0xf13: 0x00c0, 0xf14: 0x00c0, 0xf15: 0x00c0, 0xf16: 0x00c0, 0xf17: 0x00c0, + 0xf18: 0x00c0, 0xf19: 0x00c0, 0xf1a: 0x00c0, 0xf1b: 0x00c0, 0xf1c: 0x00c0, 0xf1d: 0x00c0, + 0xf1e: 0x00c0, 0xf1f: 0x00c0, 0xf20: 0x00c0, 0xf21: 0x00c0, 0xf22: 0x00c0, 0xf23: 0x00c0, + 0xf24: 0x00c0, 0xf25: 0x00c0, 0xf26: 0x00c0, 0xf27: 0x00c0, 0xf28: 0x00c0, 0xf29: 0x00c0, + 0xf2a: 0x00c0, 0xf2b: 0x00c0, 0xf2c: 0x00c0, 0xf2d: 0x00c3, 0xf2e: 0x00c3, 0xf2f: 0x00c3, + 0xf30: 0x00c3, 0xf31: 0x00c0, 0xf32: 0x00c3, 0xf33: 0x00c3, 0xf34: 0x00c3, 0xf35: 0x00c3, + 0xf36: 0x00c3, 0xf37: 0x00c3, 0xf38: 0x00c0, 0xf39: 0x00c6, 0xf3a: 0x00c6, 0xf3b: 0x00c0, + 0xf3c: 0x00c0, 0xf3d: 0x00c3, 0xf3e: 0x00c3, 0xf3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x00c0, 0xf41: 0x00c0, 0xf42: 0x00c0, 0xf43: 0x00c0, 0xf44: 0x00c0, 0xf45: 0x00c0, + 0xf46: 0x00c0, 0xf47: 0x00c0, 0xf48: 0x00c0, 0xf49: 0x00c0, 0xf4a: 0x0080, 0xf4b: 0x0080, + 0xf4c: 0x0080, 0xf4d: 0x0080, 0xf4e: 0x0080, 0xf4f: 0x0080, 0xf50: 0x00c0, 0xf51: 0x00c0, + 0xf52: 0x00c0, 0xf53: 0x00c0, 0xf54: 0x00c0, 0xf55: 0x00c0, 0xf56: 0x00c0, 0xf57: 0x00c0, + 0xf58: 0x00c3, 0xf59: 0x00c3, 0xf5a: 0x00c0, 0xf5b: 0x00c0, 0xf5c: 0x00c0, 0xf5d: 0x00c0, + 0xf5e: 0x00c3, 0xf5f: 0x00c3, 0xf60: 0x00c3, 0xf61: 0x00c0, 0xf62: 0x00c0, 0xf63: 0x00c0, + 0xf64: 0x00c0, 0xf65: 0x00c0, 0xf66: 0x00c0, 0xf67: 0x00c0, 0xf68: 0x00c0, 0xf69: 0x00c0, + 0xf6a: 0x00c0, 0xf6b: 0x00c0, 0xf6c: 0x00c0, 0xf6d: 0x00c0, 0xf6e: 0x00c0, 0xf6f: 0x00c0, + 0xf70: 0x00c0, 0xf71: 0x00c3, 0xf72: 0x00c3, 0xf73: 0x00c3, 0xf74: 0x00c3, 0xf75: 0x00c0, + 0xf76: 0x00c0, 0xf77: 0x00c0, 0xf78: 0x00c0, 0xf79: 0x00c0, 0xf7a: 0x00c0, 0xf7b: 0x00c0, + 0xf7c: 0x00c0, 0xf7d: 0x00c0, 0xf7e: 0x00c0, 0xf7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x00c0, 0xf81: 0x00c0, 0xf82: 0x00c3, 0xf83: 0x00c0, 0xf84: 0x00c0, 0xf85: 0x00c3, + 0xf86: 0x00c3, 0xf87: 0x00c0, 0xf88: 0x00c0, 0xf89: 0x00c0, 0xf8a: 0x00c0, 0xf8b: 0x00c0, + 0xf8c: 0x00c0, 0xf8d: 0x00c3, 0xf8e: 0x00c0, 0xf8f: 0x00c0, 0xf90: 0x00c0, 0xf91: 0x00c0, + 0xf92: 0x00c0, 0xf93: 0x00c0, 0xf94: 0x00c0, 0xf95: 0x00c0, 0xf96: 0x00c0, 0xf97: 0x00c0, + 0xf98: 0x00c0, 0xf99: 0x00c0, 0xf9a: 0x00c0, 0xf9b: 0x00c0, 0xf9c: 0x00c0, 0xf9d: 0x00c3, + 0xf9e: 0x0080, 0xf9f: 0x0080, 0xfa0: 0x00c0, 0xfa1: 0x00c0, 0xfa2: 0x00c0, 0xfa3: 0x00c0, + 0xfa4: 0x00c0, 0xfa5: 0x00c0, 0xfa6: 0x00c0, 0xfa7: 0x00c0, 0xfa8: 0x00c0, 0xfa9: 0x00c0, + 0xfaa: 0x00c0, 0xfab: 0x00c0, 0xfac: 0x00c0, 0xfad: 0x00c0, 0xfae: 0x00c0, 0xfaf: 0x00c0, + 0xfb0: 0x00c0, 0xfb1: 0x00c0, 0xfb2: 0x00c0, 0xfb3: 0x00c0, 0xfb4: 0x00c0, 0xfb5: 0x00c0, + 0xfb6: 0x00c0, 0xfb7: 0x00c0, 0xfb8: 0x00c0, 0xfb9: 0x00c0, 0xfba: 0x00c0, 0xfbb: 0x00c0, + 0xfbc: 0x00c0, 0xfbd: 0x00c0, 0xfbe: 0x00c0, 0xfbf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc0: 0x00c0, 0xfc1: 0x00c0, 0xfc2: 0x00c0, 0xfc3: 0x00c0, 0xfc4: 0x00c0, 0xfc5: 0x00c0, + 0xfc7: 0x00c0, + 0xfcd: 0x00c0, 0xfd0: 0x00c0, 0xfd1: 0x00c0, + 0xfd2: 0x00c0, 0xfd3: 0x00c0, 0xfd4: 0x00c0, 0xfd5: 0x00c0, 0xfd6: 0x00c0, 0xfd7: 0x00c0, + 0xfd8: 0x00c0, 0xfd9: 0x00c0, 0xfda: 0x00c0, 0xfdb: 0x00c0, 0xfdc: 0x00c0, 0xfdd: 0x00c0, + 0xfde: 0x00c0, 0xfdf: 0x00c0, 0xfe0: 0x00c0, 0xfe1: 0x00c0, 0xfe2: 0x00c0, 0xfe3: 0x00c0, + 0xfe4: 0x00c0, 0xfe5: 0x00c0, 0xfe6: 0x00c0, 0xfe7: 0x00c0, 0xfe8: 0x00c0, 0xfe9: 0x00c0, + 0xfea: 0x00c0, 0xfeb: 0x00c0, 0xfec: 0x00c0, 0xfed: 0x00c0, 0xfee: 0x00c0, 0xfef: 0x00c0, + 0xff0: 0x00c0, 0xff1: 0x00c0, 0xff2: 0x00c0, 0xff3: 0x00c0, 0xff4: 0x00c0, 0xff5: 0x00c0, + 0xff6: 0x00c0, 0xff7: 0x00c0, 0xff8: 0x00c0, 0xff9: 0x00c0, 0xffa: 0x00c0, 0xffb: 0x0080, + 0xffc: 0x0080, 0xffd: 0x00c0, 0xffe: 0x00c0, 0xfff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x0040, 0x1001: 0x0040, 0x1002: 0x0040, 0x1003: 0x0040, 0x1004: 0x0040, 0x1005: 0x0040, + 0x1006: 0x0040, 0x1007: 0x0040, 0x1008: 0x0040, 0x1009: 0x0040, 0x100a: 0x0040, 0x100b: 0x0040, + 0x100c: 0x0040, 0x100d: 0x0040, 0x100e: 0x0040, 0x100f: 0x0040, 0x1010: 0x0040, 0x1011: 0x0040, + 0x1012: 0x0040, 0x1013: 0x0040, 0x1014: 0x0040, 0x1015: 0x0040, 0x1016: 0x0040, 0x1017: 0x0040, + 0x1018: 0x0040, 0x1019: 0x0040, 0x101a: 0x0040, 0x101b: 0x0040, 0x101c: 0x0040, 0x101d: 0x0040, + 0x101e: 0x0040, 0x101f: 0x0040, 0x1020: 0x0040, 0x1021: 0x0040, 0x1022: 0x0040, 0x1023: 0x0040, + 0x1024: 0x0040, 0x1025: 0x0040, 0x1026: 0x0040, 0x1027: 0x0040, 0x1028: 0x0040, 0x1029: 0x0040, + 0x102a: 0x0040, 0x102b: 0x0040, 0x102c: 0x0040, 0x102d: 0x0040, 0x102e: 0x0040, 0x102f: 0x0040, + 0x1030: 0x0040, 0x1031: 0x0040, 0x1032: 0x0040, 0x1033: 0x0040, 0x1034: 0x0040, 0x1035: 0x0040, + 0x1036: 0x0040, 0x1037: 0x0040, 0x1038: 0x0040, 0x1039: 0x0040, 0x103a: 0x0040, 0x103b: 0x0040, + 0x103c: 0x0040, 0x103d: 0x0040, 0x103e: 0x0040, 0x103f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x00c0, 0x1041: 0x00c0, 0x1042: 0x00c0, 0x1043: 0x00c0, 0x1044: 0x00c0, 0x1045: 0x00c0, + 0x1046: 0x00c0, 0x1047: 0x00c0, 0x1048: 0x00c0, 0x104a: 0x00c0, 0x104b: 0x00c0, + 0x104c: 0x00c0, 0x104d: 0x00c0, 0x1050: 0x00c0, 0x1051: 0x00c0, + 0x1052: 0x00c0, 0x1053: 0x00c0, 0x1054: 0x00c0, 0x1055: 0x00c0, 0x1056: 0x00c0, + 0x1058: 0x00c0, 0x105a: 0x00c0, 0x105b: 0x00c0, 0x105c: 0x00c0, 0x105d: 0x00c0, + 0x1060: 0x00c0, 0x1061: 0x00c0, 0x1062: 0x00c0, 0x1063: 0x00c0, + 0x1064: 0x00c0, 0x1065: 0x00c0, 0x1066: 0x00c0, 0x1067: 0x00c0, 0x1068: 0x00c0, 0x1069: 0x00c0, + 0x106a: 0x00c0, 0x106b: 0x00c0, 0x106c: 0x00c0, 0x106d: 0x00c0, 0x106e: 0x00c0, 0x106f: 0x00c0, + 0x1070: 0x00c0, 0x1071: 0x00c0, 0x1072: 0x00c0, 0x1073: 0x00c0, 0x1074: 0x00c0, 0x1075: 0x00c0, + 0x1076: 0x00c0, 0x1077: 0x00c0, 0x1078: 0x00c0, 0x1079: 0x00c0, 0x107a: 0x00c0, 0x107b: 0x00c0, + 0x107c: 0x00c0, 0x107d: 0x00c0, 0x107e: 0x00c0, 0x107f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x00c0, 0x1081: 0x00c0, 0x1082: 0x00c0, 0x1083: 0x00c0, 0x1084: 0x00c0, 0x1085: 0x00c0, + 0x1086: 0x00c0, 0x1087: 0x00c0, 0x1088: 0x00c0, 0x108a: 0x00c0, 0x108b: 0x00c0, + 0x108c: 0x00c0, 0x108d: 0x00c0, 0x1090: 0x00c0, 0x1091: 0x00c0, + 0x1092: 0x00c0, 0x1093: 0x00c0, 0x1094: 0x00c0, 0x1095: 0x00c0, 0x1096: 0x00c0, 0x1097: 0x00c0, + 0x1098: 0x00c0, 0x1099: 0x00c0, 0x109a: 0x00c0, 0x109b: 0x00c0, 0x109c: 0x00c0, 0x109d: 0x00c0, + 0x109e: 0x00c0, 0x109f: 0x00c0, 0x10a0: 0x00c0, 0x10a1: 0x00c0, 0x10a2: 0x00c0, 0x10a3: 0x00c0, + 0x10a4: 0x00c0, 0x10a5: 0x00c0, 0x10a6: 0x00c0, 0x10a7: 0x00c0, 0x10a8: 0x00c0, 0x10a9: 0x00c0, + 0x10aa: 0x00c0, 0x10ab: 0x00c0, 0x10ac: 0x00c0, 0x10ad: 0x00c0, 0x10ae: 0x00c0, 0x10af: 0x00c0, + 0x10b0: 0x00c0, 0x10b2: 0x00c0, 0x10b3: 0x00c0, 0x10b4: 0x00c0, 0x10b5: 0x00c0, + 0x10b8: 0x00c0, 0x10b9: 0x00c0, 0x10ba: 0x00c0, 0x10bb: 0x00c0, + 0x10bc: 0x00c0, 0x10bd: 0x00c0, 0x10be: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c0: 0x00c0, 0x10c2: 0x00c0, 0x10c3: 0x00c0, 0x10c4: 0x00c0, 0x10c5: 0x00c0, + 0x10c8: 0x00c0, 0x10c9: 0x00c0, 0x10ca: 0x00c0, 0x10cb: 0x00c0, + 0x10cc: 0x00c0, 0x10cd: 0x00c0, 0x10ce: 0x00c0, 0x10cf: 0x00c0, 0x10d0: 0x00c0, 0x10d1: 0x00c0, + 0x10d2: 0x00c0, 0x10d3: 0x00c0, 0x10d4: 0x00c0, 0x10d5: 0x00c0, 0x10d6: 0x00c0, + 0x10d8: 0x00c0, 0x10d9: 0x00c0, 0x10da: 0x00c0, 0x10db: 0x00c0, 0x10dc: 0x00c0, 0x10dd: 0x00c0, + 0x10de: 0x00c0, 0x10df: 0x00c0, 0x10e0: 0x00c0, 0x10e1: 0x00c0, 0x10e2: 0x00c0, 0x10e3: 0x00c0, + 0x10e4: 0x00c0, 0x10e5: 0x00c0, 0x10e6: 0x00c0, 0x10e7: 0x00c0, 0x10e8: 0x00c0, 0x10e9: 0x00c0, + 0x10ea: 0x00c0, 0x10eb: 0x00c0, 0x10ec: 0x00c0, 0x10ed: 0x00c0, 0x10ee: 0x00c0, 0x10ef: 0x00c0, + 0x10f0: 0x00c0, 0x10f1: 0x00c0, 0x10f2: 0x00c0, 0x10f3: 0x00c0, 0x10f4: 0x00c0, 0x10f5: 0x00c0, + 0x10f6: 0x00c0, 0x10f7: 0x00c0, 0x10f8: 0x00c0, 0x10f9: 0x00c0, 0x10fa: 0x00c0, 0x10fb: 0x00c0, + 0x10fc: 0x00c0, 0x10fd: 0x00c0, 0x10fe: 0x00c0, 0x10ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1100: 0x00c0, 0x1101: 0x00c0, 0x1102: 0x00c0, 0x1103: 0x00c0, 0x1104: 0x00c0, 0x1105: 0x00c0, + 0x1106: 0x00c0, 0x1107: 0x00c0, 0x1108: 0x00c0, 0x1109: 0x00c0, 0x110a: 0x00c0, 0x110b: 0x00c0, + 0x110c: 0x00c0, 0x110d: 0x00c0, 0x110e: 0x00c0, 0x110f: 0x00c0, 0x1110: 0x00c0, + 0x1112: 0x00c0, 0x1113: 0x00c0, 0x1114: 0x00c0, 0x1115: 0x00c0, + 0x1118: 0x00c0, 0x1119: 0x00c0, 0x111a: 0x00c0, 0x111b: 0x00c0, 0x111c: 0x00c0, 0x111d: 0x00c0, + 0x111e: 0x00c0, 0x111f: 0x00c0, 0x1120: 0x00c0, 0x1121: 0x00c0, 0x1122: 0x00c0, 0x1123: 0x00c0, + 0x1124: 0x00c0, 0x1125: 0x00c0, 0x1126: 0x00c0, 0x1127: 0x00c0, 0x1128: 0x00c0, 0x1129: 0x00c0, + 0x112a: 0x00c0, 0x112b: 0x00c0, 0x112c: 0x00c0, 0x112d: 0x00c0, 0x112e: 0x00c0, 0x112f: 0x00c0, + 0x1130: 0x00c0, 0x1131: 0x00c0, 0x1132: 0x00c0, 0x1133: 0x00c0, 0x1134: 0x00c0, 0x1135: 0x00c0, + 0x1136: 0x00c0, 0x1137: 0x00c0, 0x1138: 0x00c0, 0x1139: 0x00c0, 0x113a: 0x00c0, 0x113b: 0x00c0, + 0x113c: 0x00c0, 0x113d: 0x00c0, 0x113e: 0x00c0, 0x113f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1140: 0x00c0, 0x1141: 0x00c0, 0x1142: 0x00c0, 0x1143: 0x00c0, 0x1144: 0x00c0, 0x1145: 0x00c0, + 0x1146: 0x00c0, 0x1147: 0x00c0, 0x1148: 0x00c0, 0x1149: 0x00c0, 0x114a: 0x00c0, 0x114b: 0x00c0, + 0x114c: 0x00c0, 0x114d: 0x00c0, 0x114e: 0x00c0, 0x114f: 0x00c0, 0x1150: 0x00c0, 0x1151: 0x00c0, + 0x1152: 0x00c0, 0x1153: 0x00c0, 0x1154: 0x00c0, 0x1155: 0x00c0, 0x1156: 0x00c0, 0x1157: 0x00c0, + 0x1158: 0x00c0, 0x1159: 0x00c0, 0x115a: 0x00c0, 0x115d: 0x00c3, + 0x115e: 0x00c3, 0x115f: 0x00c3, 0x1160: 0x0080, 0x1161: 0x0080, 0x1162: 0x0080, 0x1163: 0x0080, + 0x1164: 0x0080, 0x1165: 0x0080, 0x1166: 0x0080, 0x1167: 0x0080, 0x1168: 0x0080, 0x1169: 0x0080, + 0x116a: 0x0080, 0x116b: 0x0080, 0x116c: 0x0080, 0x116d: 0x0080, 0x116e: 0x0080, 0x116f: 0x0080, + 0x1170: 0x0080, 0x1171: 0x0080, 0x1172: 0x0080, 0x1173: 0x0080, 0x1174: 0x0080, 0x1175: 0x0080, + 0x1176: 0x0080, 0x1177: 0x0080, 0x1178: 0x0080, 0x1179: 0x0080, 0x117a: 0x0080, 0x117b: 0x0080, + 0x117c: 0x0080, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1180: 0x00c0, 0x1181: 0x00c0, 0x1182: 0x00c0, 0x1183: 0x00c0, 0x1184: 0x00c0, 0x1185: 0x00c0, + 0x1186: 0x00c0, 0x1187: 0x00c0, 0x1188: 0x00c0, 0x1189: 0x00c0, 0x118a: 0x00c0, 0x118b: 0x00c0, + 0x118c: 0x00c0, 0x118d: 0x00c0, 0x118e: 0x00c0, 0x118f: 0x00c0, 0x1190: 0x0080, 0x1191: 0x0080, + 0x1192: 0x0080, 0x1193: 0x0080, 0x1194: 0x0080, 0x1195: 0x0080, 0x1196: 0x0080, 0x1197: 0x0080, + 0x1198: 0x0080, 0x1199: 0x0080, + 0x11a0: 0x00c0, 0x11a1: 0x00c0, 0x11a2: 0x00c0, 0x11a3: 0x00c0, + 0x11a4: 0x00c0, 0x11a5: 0x00c0, 0x11a6: 0x00c0, 0x11a7: 0x00c0, 0x11a8: 0x00c0, 0x11a9: 0x00c0, + 0x11aa: 0x00c0, 0x11ab: 0x00c0, 0x11ac: 0x00c0, 0x11ad: 0x00c0, 0x11ae: 0x00c0, 0x11af: 0x00c0, + 0x11b0: 0x00c0, 0x11b1: 0x00c0, 0x11b2: 0x00c0, 0x11b3: 0x00c0, 0x11b4: 0x00c0, 0x11b5: 0x00c0, + 0x11b6: 0x00c0, 0x11b7: 0x00c0, 0x11b8: 0x00c0, 0x11b9: 0x00c0, 0x11ba: 0x00c0, 0x11bb: 0x00c0, + 0x11bc: 0x00c0, 0x11bd: 0x00c0, 0x11be: 0x00c0, 0x11bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c0: 0x00c0, 0x11c1: 0x00c0, 0x11c2: 0x00c0, 0x11c3: 0x00c0, 0x11c4: 0x00c0, 0x11c5: 0x00c0, + 0x11c6: 0x00c0, 0x11c7: 0x00c0, 0x11c8: 0x00c0, 0x11c9: 0x00c0, 0x11ca: 0x00c0, 0x11cb: 0x00c0, + 0x11cc: 0x00c0, 0x11cd: 0x00c0, 0x11ce: 0x00c0, 0x11cf: 0x00c0, 0x11d0: 0x00c0, 0x11d1: 0x00c0, + 0x11d2: 0x00c0, 0x11d3: 0x00c0, 0x11d4: 0x00c0, 0x11d5: 0x00c0, 0x11d6: 0x00c0, 0x11d7: 0x00c0, + 0x11d8: 0x00c0, 0x11d9: 0x00c0, 0x11da: 0x00c0, 0x11db: 0x00c0, 0x11dc: 0x00c0, 0x11dd: 0x00c0, + 0x11de: 0x00c0, 0x11df: 0x00c0, 0x11e0: 0x00c0, 0x11e1: 0x00c0, 0x11e2: 0x00c0, 0x11e3: 0x00c0, + 0x11e4: 0x00c0, 0x11e5: 0x00c0, 0x11e6: 0x00c0, 0x11e7: 0x00c0, 0x11e8: 0x00c0, 0x11e9: 0x00c0, + 0x11ea: 0x00c0, 0x11eb: 0x00c0, 0x11ec: 0x00c0, 0x11ed: 0x00c0, 0x11ee: 0x00c0, 0x11ef: 0x00c0, + 0x11f0: 0x00c0, 0x11f1: 0x00c0, 0x11f2: 0x00c0, 0x11f3: 0x00c0, 0x11f4: 0x00c0, 0x11f5: 0x00c0, + 0x11f8: 0x00c0, 0x11f9: 0x00c0, 0x11fa: 0x00c0, 0x11fb: 0x00c0, + 0x11fc: 0x00c0, 0x11fd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x0080, 0x1201: 0x00c0, 0x1202: 0x00c0, 0x1203: 0x00c0, 0x1204: 0x00c0, 0x1205: 0x00c0, + 0x1206: 0x00c0, 0x1207: 0x00c0, 0x1208: 0x00c0, 0x1209: 0x00c0, 0x120a: 0x00c0, 0x120b: 0x00c0, + 0x120c: 0x00c0, 0x120d: 0x00c0, 0x120e: 0x00c0, 0x120f: 0x00c0, 0x1210: 0x00c0, 0x1211: 0x00c0, + 0x1212: 0x00c0, 0x1213: 0x00c0, 0x1214: 0x00c0, 0x1215: 0x00c0, 0x1216: 0x00c0, 0x1217: 0x00c0, + 0x1218: 0x00c0, 0x1219: 0x00c0, 0x121a: 0x00c0, 0x121b: 0x00c0, 0x121c: 0x00c0, 0x121d: 0x00c0, + 0x121e: 0x00c0, 0x121f: 0x00c0, 0x1220: 0x00c0, 0x1221: 0x00c0, 0x1222: 0x00c0, 0x1223: 0x00c0, + 0x1224: 0x00c0, 0x1225: 0x00c0, 0x1226: 0x00c0, 0x1227: 0x00c0, 0x1228: 0x00c0, 0x1229: 0x00c0, + 0x122a: 0x00c0, 0x122b: 0x00c0, 0x122c: 0x00c0, 0x122d: 0x00c0, 0x122e: 0x00c0, 0x122f: 0x00c0, + 0x1230: 0x00c0, 0x1231: 0x00c0, 0x1232: 0x00c0, 0x1233: 0x00c0, 0x1234: 0x00c0, 0x1235: 0x00c0, + 0x1236: 0x00c0, 0x1237: 0x00c0, 0x1238: 0x00c0, 0x1239: 0x00c0, 0x123a: 0x00c0, 0x123b: 0x00c0, + 0x123c: 0x00c0, 0x123d: 0x00c0, 0x123e: 0x00c0, 0x123f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1240: 0x00c0, 0x1241: 0x00c0, 0x1242: 0x00c0, 0x1243: 0x00c0, 0x1244: 0x00c0, 0x1245: 0x00c0, + 0x1246: 0x00c0, 0x1247: 0x00c0, 0x1248: 0x00c0, 0x1249: 0x00c0, 0x124a: 0x00c0, 0x124b: 0x00c0, + 0x124c: 0x00c0, 0x124d: 0x00c0, 0x124e: 0x00c0, 0x124f: 0x00c0, 0x1250: 0x00c0, 0x1251: 0x00c0, + 0x1252: 0x00c0, 0x1253: 0x00c0, 0x1254: 0x00c0, 0x1255: 0x00c0, 0x1256: 0x00c0, 0x1257: 0x00c0, + 0x1258: 0x00c0, 0x1259: 0x00c0, 0x125a: 0x00c0, 0x125b: 0x00c0, 0x125c: 0x00c0, 0x125d: 0x00c0, + 0x125e: 0x00c0, 0x125f: 0x00c0, 0x1260: 0x00c0, 0x1261: 0x00c0, 0x1262: 0x00c0, 0x1263: 0x00c0, + 0x1264: 0x00c0, 0x1265: 0x00c0, 0x1266: 0x00c0, 0x1267: 0x00c0, 0x1268: 0x00c0, 0x1269: 0x00c0, + 0x126a: 0x00c0, 0x126b: 0x00c0, 0x126c: 0x00c0, 0x126d: 0x0080, 0x126e: 0x0080, 0x126f: 0x00c0, + 0x1270: 0x00c0, 0x1271: 0x00c0, 0x1272: 0x00c0, 0x1273: 0x00c0, 0x1274: 0x00c0, 0x1275: 0x00c0, + 0x1276: 0x00c0, 0x1277: 0x00c0, 0x1278: 0x00c0, 0x1279: 0x00c0, 0x127a: 0x00c0, 0x127b: 0x00c0, + 0x127c: 0x00c0, 0x127d: 0x00c0, 0x127e: 0x00c0, 0x127f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x1280: 0x0080, 0x1281: 0x00c0, 0x1282: 0x00c0, 0x1283: 0x00c0, 0x1284: 0x00c0, 0x1285: 0x00c0, + 0x1286: 0x00c0, 0x1287: 0x00c0, 0x1288: 0x00c0, 0x1289: 0x00c0, 0x128a: 0x00c0, 0x128b: 0x00c0, + 0x128c: 0x00c0, 0x128d: 0x00c0, 0x128e: 0x00c0, 0x128f: 0x00c0, 0x1290: 0x00c0, 0x1291: 0x00c0, + 0x1292: 0x00c0, 0x1293: 0x00c0, 0x1294: 0x00c0, 0x1295: 0x00c0, 0x1296: 0x00c0, 0x1297: 0x00c0, + 0x1298: 0x00c0, 0x1299: 0x00c0, 0x129a: 0x00c0, 0x129b: 0x0080, 0x129c: 0x0080, + 0x12a0: 0x00c0, 0x12a1: 0x00c0, 0x12a2: 0x00c0, 0x12a3: 0x00c0, + 0x12a4: 0x00c0, 0x12a5: 0x00c0, 0x12a6: 0x00c0, 0x12a7: 0x00c0, 0x12a8: 0x00c0, 0x12a9: 0x00c0, + 0x12aa: 0x00c0, 0x12ab: 0x00c0, 0x12ac: 0x00c0, 0x12ad: 0x00c0, 0x12ae: 0x00c0, 0x12af: 0x00c0, + 0x12b0: 0x00c0, 0x12b1: 0x00c0, 0x12b2: 0x00c0, 0x12b3: 0x00c0, 0x12b4: 0x00c0, 0x12b5: 0x00c0, + 0x12b6: 0x00c0, 0x12b7: 0x00c0, 0x12b8: 0x00c0, 0x12b9: 0x00c0, 0x12ba: 0x00c0, 0x12bb: 0x00c0, + 0x12bc: 0x00c0, 0x12bd: 0x00c0, 0x12be: 0x00c0, 0x12bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12c0: 0x00c0, 0x12c1: 0x00c0, 0x12c2: 0x00c0, 0x12c3: 0x00c0, 0x12c4: 0x00c0, 0x12c5: 0x00c0, + 0x12c6: 0x00c0, 0x12c7: 0x00c0, 0x12c8: 0x00c0, 0x12c9: 0x00c0, 0x12ca: 0x00c0, 0x12cb: 0x00c0, + 0x12cc: 0x00c0, 0x12cd: 0x00c0, 0x12ce: 0x00c0, 0x12cf: 0x00c0, 0x12d0: 0x00c0, 0x12d1: 0x00c0, + 0x12d2: 0x00c0, 0x12d3: 0x00c0, 0x12d4: 0x00c0, 0x12d5: 0x00c0, 0x12d6: 0x00c0, 0x12d7: 0x00c0, + 0x12d8: 0x00c0, 0x12d9: 0x00c0, 0x12da: 0x00c0, 0x12db: 0x00c0, 0x12dc: 0x00c0, 0x12dd: 0x00c0, + 0x12de: 0x00c0, 0x12df: 0x00c0, 0x12e0: 0x00c0, 0x12e1: 0x00c0, 0x12e2: 0x00c0, 0x12e3: 0x00c0, + 0x12e4: 0x00c0, 0x12e5: 0x00c0, 0x12e6: 0x00c0, 0x12e7: 0x00c0, 0x12e8: 0x00c0, 0x12e9: 0x00c0, + 0x12ea: 0x00c0, 0x12eb: 0x0080, 0x12ec: 0x0080, 0x12ed: 0x0080, 0x12ee: 0x0080, 0x12ef: 0x0080, + 0x12f0: 0x0080, 0x12f1: 0x00c0, 0x12f2: 0x00c0, 0x12f3: 0x00c0, 0x12f4: 0x00c0, 0x12f5: 0x00c0, + 0x12f6: 0x00c0, 0x12f7: 0x00c0, 0x12f8: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x00c0, 0x1301: 0x00c0, 0x1302: 0x00c0, 0x1303: 0x00c0, 0x1304: 0x00c0, 0x1305: 0x00c0, + 0x1306: 0x00c0, 0x1307: 0x00c0, 0x1308: 0x00c0, 0x1309: 0x00c0, 0x130a: 0x00c0, 0x130b: 0x00c0, + 0x130c: 0x00c0, 0x130e: 0x00c0, 0x130f: 0x00c0, 0x1310: 0x00c0, 0x1311: 0x00c0, + 0x1312: 0x00c3, 0x1313: 0x00c3, 0x1314: 0x00c6, + 0x1320: 0x00c0, 0x1321: 0x00c0, 0x1322: 0x00c0, 0x1323: 0x00c0, + 0x1324: 0x00c0, 0x1325: 0x00c0, 0x1326: 0x00c0, 0x1327: 0x00c0, 0x1328: 0x00c0, 0x1329: 0x00c0, + 0x132a: 0x00c0, 0x132b: 0x00c0, 0x132c: 0x00c0, 0x132d: 0x00c0, 0x132e: 0x00c0, 0x132f: 0x00c0, + 0x1330: 0x00c0, 0x1331: 0x00c0, 0x1332: 0x00c3, 0x1333: 0x00c3, 0x1334: 0x00c6, 0x1335: 0x0080, + 0x1336: 0x0080, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x1340: 0x00c0, 0x1341: 0x00c0, 0x1342: 0x00c0, 0x1343: 0x00c0, 0x1344: 0x00c0, 0x1345: 0x00c0, + 0x1346: 0x00c0, 0x1347: 0x00c0, 0x1348: 0x00c0, 0x1349: 0x00c0, 0x134a: 0x00c0, 0x134b: 0x00c0, + 0x134c: 0x00c0, 0x134d: 0x00c0, 0x134e: 0x00c0, 0x134f: 0x00c0, 0x1350: 0x00c0, 0x1351: 0x00c0, + 0x1352: 0x00c3, 0x1353: 0x00c3, + 0x1360: 0x00c0, 0x1361: 0x00c0, 0x1362: 0x00c0, 0x1363: 0x00c0, + 0x1364: 0x00c0, 0x1365: 0x00c0, 0x1366: 0x00c0, 0x1367: 0x00c0, 0x1368: 0x00c0, 0x1369: 0x00c0, + 0x136a: 0x00c0, 0x136b: 0x00c0, 0x136c: 0x00c0, 0x136e: 0x00c0, 0x136f: 0x00c0, + 0x1370: 0x00c0, 0x1372: 0x00c3, 0x1373: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x00c0, 0x1381: 0x00c0, 0x1382: 0x00c0, 0x1383: 0x00c0, 0x1384: 0x00c0, 0x1385: 0x00c0, + 0x1386: 0x00c0, 0x1387: 0x00c0, 0x1388: 0x00c0, 0x1389: 0x00c0, 0x138a: 0x00c0, 0x138b: 0x00c0, + 0x138c: 0x00c0, 0x138d: 0x00c0, 0x138e: 0x00c0, 0x138f: 0x00c0, 0x1390: 0x00c0, 0x1391: 0x00c0, + 0x1392: 0x00c0, 0x1393: 0x00c0, 0x1394: 0x00c0, 0x1395: 0x00c0, 0x1396: 0x00c0, 0x1397: 0x00c0, + 0x1398: 0x00c0, 0x1399: 0x00c0, 0x139a: 0x00c0, 0x139b: 0x00c0, 0x139c: 0x00c0, 0x139d: 0x00c0, + 0x139e: 0x00c0, 0x139f: 0x00c0, 0x13a0: 0x00c0, 0x13a1: 0x00c0, 0x13a2: 0x00c0, 0x13a3: 0x00c0, + 0x13a4: 0x00c0, 0x13a5: 0x00c0, 0x13a6: 0x00c0, 0x13a7: 0x00c0, 0x13a8: 0x00c0, 0x13a9: 0x00c0, + 0x13aa: 0x00c0, 0x13ab: 0x00c0, 0x13ac: 0x00c0, 0x13ad: 0x00c0, 0x13ae: 0x00c0, 0x13af: 0x00c0, + 0x13b0: 0x00c0, 0x13b1: 0x00c0, 0x13b2: 0x00c0, 0x13b3: 0x00c0, 0x13b4: 0x0040, 0x13b5: 0x0040, + 0x13b6: 0x00c0, 0x13b7: 0x00c3, 0x13b8: 0x00c3, 0x13b9: 0x00c3, 0x13ba: 0x00c3, 0x13bb: 0x00c3, + 0x13bc: 0x00c3, 0x13bd: 0x00c3, 0x13be: 0x00c0, 0x13bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x00c0, 0x13c1: 0x00c0, 0x13c2: 0x00c0, 0x13c3: 0x00c0, 0x13c4: 0x00c0, 0x13c5: 0x00c0, + 0x13c6: 0x00c3, 0x13c7: 0x00c0, 0x13c8: 0x00c0, 0x13c9: 0x00c3, 0x13ca: 0x00c3, 0x13cb: 0x00c3, + 0x13cc: 0x00c3, 0x13cd: 0x00c3, 0x13ce: 0x00c3, 0x13cf: 0x00c3, 0x13d0: 0x00c3, 0x13d1: 0x00c3, + 0x13d2: 0x00c6, 0x13d3: 0x00c3, 0x13d4: 0x0080, 0x13d5: 0x0080, 0x13d6: 0x0080, 0x13d7: 0x00c0, + 0x13d8: 0x0080, 0x13d9: 0x0080, 0x13da: 0x0080, 0x13db: 0x0080, 0x13dc: 0x00c0, 0x13dd: 0x00c3, + 0x13e0: 0x00c0, 0x13e1: 0x00c0, 0x13e2: 0x00c0, 0x13e3: 0x00c0, + 0x13e4: 0x00c0, 0x13e5: 0x00c0, 0x13e6: 0x00c0, 0x13e7: 0x00c0, 0x13e8: 0x00c0, 0x13e9: 0x00c0, + 0x13f0: 0x0080, 0x13f1: 0x0080, 0x13f2: 0x0080, 0x13f3: 0x0080, 0x13f4: 0x0080, 0x13f5: 0x0080, + 0x13f6: 0x0080, 0x13f7: 0x0080, 0x13f8: 0x0080, 0x13f9: 0x0080, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x0080, 0x1401: 0x0080, 0x1402: 0x0080, 0x1403: 0x0080, 0x1404: 0x0080, 0x1405: 0x0080, + 0x1406: 0x0080, 0x1407: 0x0082, 0x1408: 0x0080, 0x1409: 0x0080, 0x140a: 0x0080, 0x140b: 0x0040, + 0x140c: 0x0040, 0x140d: 0x0040, 0x140e: 0x0040, 0x1410: 0x00c0, 0x1411: 0x00c0, + 0x1412: 0x00c0, 0x1413: 0x00c0, 0x1414: 0x00c0, 0x1415: 0x00c0, 0x1416: 0x00c0, 0x1417: 0x00c0, + 0x1418: 0x00c0, 0x1419: 0x00c0, + 0x1420: 0x00c2, 0x1421: 0x00c2, 0x1422: 0x00c2, 0x1423: 0x00c2, + 0x1424: 0x00c2, 0x1425: 0x00c2, 0x1426: 0x00c2, 0x1427: 0x00c2, 0x1428: 0x00c2, 0x1429: 0x00c2, + 0x142a: 0x00c2, 0x142b: 0x00c2, 0x142c: 0x00c2, 0x142d: 0x00c2, 0x142e: 0x00c2, 0x142f: 0x00c2, + 0x1430: 0x00c2, 0x1431: 0x00c2, 0x1432: 0x00c2, 0x1433: 0x00c2, 0x1434: 0x00c2, 0x1435: 0x00c2, + 0x1436: 0x00c2, 0x1437: 0x00c2, 0x1438: 0x00c2, 0x1439: 0x00c2, 0x143a: 0x00c2, 0x143b: 0x00c2, + 0x143c: 0x00c2, 0x143d: 0x00c2, 0x143e: 0x00c2, 0x143f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1440: 0x00c2, 0x1441: 0x00c2, 0x1442: 0x00c2, 0x1443: 0x00c2, 0x1444: 0x00c2, 0x1445: 0x00c2, + 0x1446: 0x00c2, 0x1447: 0x00c2, 0x1448: 0x00c2, 0x1449: 0x00c2, 0x144a: 0x00c2, 0x144b: 0x00c2, + 0x144c: 0x00c2, 0x144d: 0x00c2, 0x144e: 0x00c2, 0x144f: 0x00c2, 0x1450: 0x00c2, 0x1451: 0x00c2, + 0x1452: 0x00c2, 0x1453: 0x00c2, 0x1454: 0x00c2, 0x1455: 0x00c2, 0x1456: 0x00c2, 0x1457: 0x00c2, + 0x1458: 0x00c2, 0x1459: 0x00c2, 0x145a: 0x00c2, 0x145b: 0x00c2, 0x145c: 0x00c2, 0x145d: 0x00c2, + 0x145e: 0x00c2, 0x145f: 0x00c2, 0x1460: 0x00c2, 0x1461: 0x00c2, 0x1462: 0x00c2, 0x1463: 0x00c2, + 0x1464: 0x00c2, 0x1465: 0x00c2, 0x1466: 0x00c2, 0x1467: 0x00c2, 0x1468: 0x00c2, 0x1469: 0x00c2, + 0x146a: 0x00c2, 0x146b: 0x00c2, 0x146c: 0x00c2, 0x146d: 0x00c2, 0x146e: 0x00c2, 0x146f: 0x00c2, + 0x1470: 0x00c2, 0x1471: 0x00c2, 0x1472: 0x00c2, 0x1473: 0x00c2, 0x1474: 0x00c2, 0x1475: 0x00c2, + 0x1476: 0x00c2, 0x1477: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x00c0, 0x1481: 0x00c0, 0x1482: 0x00c0, 0x1483: 0x00c0, 0x1484: 0x00c0, 0x1485: 0x00c3, + 0x1486: 0x00c3, 0x1487: 0x00c2, 0x1488: 0x00c2, 0x1489: 0x00c2, 0x148a: 0x00c2, 0x148b: 0x00c2, + 0x148c: 0x00c2, 0x148d: 0x00c2, 0x148e: 0x00c2, 0x148f: 0x00c2, 0x1490: 0x00c2, 0x1491: 0x00c2, + 0x1492: 0x00c2, 0x1493: 0x00c2, 0x1494: 0x00c2, 0x1495: 0x00c2, 0x1496: 0x00c2, 0x1497: 0x00c2, + 0x1498: 0x00c2, 0x1499: 0x00c2, 0x149a: 0x00c2, 0x149b: 0x00c2, 0x149c: 0x00c2, 0x149d: 0x00c2, + 0x149e: 0x00c2, 0x149f: 0x00c2, 0x14a0: 0x00c2, 0x14a1: 0x00c2, 0x14a2: 0x00c2, 0x14a3: 0x00c2, + 0x14a4: 0x00c2, 0x14a5: 0x00c2, 0x14a6: 0x00c2, 0x14a7: 0x00c2, 0x14a8: 0x00c2, 0x14a9: 0x00c3, + 0x14aa: 0x00c2, + 0x14b0: 0x00c0, 0x14b1: 0x00c0, 0x14b2: 0x00c0, 0x14b3: 0x00c0, 0x14b4: 0x00c0, 0x14b5: 0x00c0, + 0x14b6: 0x00c0, 0x14b7: 0x00c0, 0x14b8: 0x00c0, 0x14b9: 0x00c0, 0x14ba: 0x00c0, 0x14bb: 0x00c0, + 0x14bc: 0x00c0, 0x14bd: 0x00c0, 0x14be: 0x00c0, 0x14bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x00c0, 0x14c1: 0x00c0, 0x14c2: 0x00c0, 0x14c3: 0x00c0, 0x14c4: 0x00c0, 0x14c5: 0x00c0, + 0x14c6: 0x00c0, 0x14c7: 0x00c0, 0x14c8: 0x00c0, 0x14c9: 0x00c0, 0x14ca: 0x00c0, 0x14cb: 0x00c0, + 0x14cc: 0x00c0, 0x14cd: 0x00c0, 0x14ce: 0x00c0, 0x14cf: 0x00c0, 0x14d0: 0x00c0, 0x14d1: 0x00c0, + 0x14d2: 0x00c0, 0x14d3: 0x00c0, 0x14d4: 0x00c0, 0x14d5: 0x00c0, 0x14d6: 0x00c0, 0x14d7: 0x00c0, + 0x14d8: 0x00c0, 0x14d9: 0x00c0, 0x14da: 0x00c0, 0x14db: 0x00c0, 0x14dc: 0x00c0, 0x14dd: 0x00c0, + 0x14de: 0x00c0, 0x14df: 0x00c0, 0x14e0: 0x00c0, 0x14e1: 0x00c0, 0x14e2: 0x00c0, 0x14e3: 0x00c0, + 0x14e4: 0x00c0, 0x14e5: 0x00c0, 0x14e6: 0x00c0, 0x14e7: 0x00c0, 0x14e8: 0x00c0, 0x14e9: 0x00c0, + 0x14ea: 0x00c0, 0x14eb: 0x00c0, 0x14ec: 0x00c0, 0x14ed: 0x00c0, 0x14ee: 0x00c0, 0x14ef: 0x00c0, + 0x14f0: 0x00c0, 0x14f1: 0x00c0, 0x14f2: 0x00c0, 0x14f3: 0x00c0, 0x14f4: 0x00c0, 0x14f5: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x00c0, 0x1501: 0x00c0, 0x1502: 0x00c0, 0x1503: 0x00c0, 0x1504: 0x00c0, 0x1505: 0x00c0, + 0x1506: 0x00c0, 0x1507: 0x00c0, 0x1508: 0x00c0, 0x1509: 0x00c0, 0x150a: 0x00c0, 0x150b: 0x00c0, + 0x150c: 0x00c0, 0x150d: 0x00c0, 0x150e: 0x00c0, 0x150f: 0x00c0, 0x1510: 0x00c0, 0x1511: 0x00c0, + 0x1512: 0x00c0, 0x1513: 0x00c0, 0x1514: 0x00c0, 0x1515: 0x00c0, 0x1516: 0x00c0, 0x1517: 0x00c0, + 0x1518: 0x00c0, 0x1519: 0x00c0, 0x151a: 0x00c0, 0x151b: 0x00c0, 0x151c: 0x00c0, 0x151d: 0x00c0, + 0x151e: 0x00c0, 0x1520: 0x00c3, 0x1521: 0x00c3, 0x1522: 0x00c3, 0x1523: 0x00c0, + 0x1524: 0x00c0, 0x1525: 0x00c0, 0x1526: 0x00c0, 0x1527: 0x00c3, 0x1528: 0x00c3, 0x1529: 0x00c0, + 0x152a: 0x00c0, 0x152b: 0x00c0, + 0x1530: 0x00c0, 0x1531: 0x00c0, 0x1532: 0x00c3, 0x1533: 0x00c0, 0x1534: 0x00c0, 0x1535: 0x00c0, + 0x1536: 0x00c0, 0x1537: 0x00c0, 0x1538: 0x00c0, 0x1539: 0x00c3, 0x153a: 0x00c3, 0x153b: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1540: 0x0080, 0x1544: 0x0080, 0x1545: 0x0080, + 0x1546: 0x00c0, 0x1547: 0x00c0, 0x1548: 0x00c0, 0x1549: 0x00c0, 0x154a: 0x00c0, 0x154b: 0x00c0, + 0x154c: 0x00c0, 0x154d: 0x00c0, 0x154e: 0x00c0, 0x154f: 0x00c0, 0x1550: 0x00c0, 0x1551: 0x00c0, + 0x1552: 0x00c0, 0x1553: 0x00c0, 0x1554: 0x00c0, 0x1555: 0x00c0, 0x1556: 0x00c0, 0x1557: 0x00c0, + 0x1558: 0x00c0, 0x1559: 0x00c0, 0x155a: 0x00c0, 0x155b: 0x00c0, 0x155c: 0x00c0, 0x155d: 0x00c0, + 0x155e: 0x00c0, 0x155f: 0x00c0, 0x1560: 0x00c0, 0x1561: 0x00c0, 0x1562: 0x00c0, 0x1563: 0x00c0, + 0x1564: 0x00c0, 0x1565: 0x00c0, 0x1566: 0x00c0, 0x1567: 0x00c0, 0x1568: 0x00c0, 0x1569: 0x00c0, + 0x156a: 0x00c0, 0x156b: 0x00c0, 0x156c: 0x00c0, 0x156d: 0x00c0, + 0x1570: 0x00c0, 0x1571: 0x00c0, 0x1572: 0x00c0, 0x1573: 0x00c0, 0x1574: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0x00c0, 0x1581: 0x00c0, 0x1582: 0x00c0, 0x1583: 0x00c0, 0x1584: 0x00c0, 0x1585: 0x00c0, + 0x1586: 0x00c0, 0x1587: 0x00c0, 0x1588: 0x00c0, 0x1589: 0x00c0, 0x158a: 0x00c0, 0x158b: 0x00c0, + 0x158c: 0x00c0, 0x158d: 0x00c0, 0x158e: 0x00c0, 0x158f: 0x00c0, 0x1590: 0x00c0, 0x1591: 0x00c0, + 0x1592: 0x00c0, 0x1593: 0x00c0, 0x1594: 0x00c0, 0x1595: 0x00c0, 0x1596: 0x00c0, 0x1597: 0x00c0, + 0x1598: 0x00c0, 0x1599: 0x00c0, 0x159a: 0x00c0, 0x159b: 0x00c0, 0x159c: 0x00c0, 0x159d: 0x00c0, + 0x159e: 0x00c0, 0x159f: 0x00c0, 0x15a0: 0x00c0, 0x15a1: 0x00c0, 0x15a2: 0x00c0, 0x15a3: 0x00c0, + 0x15a4: 0x00c0, 0x15a5: 0x00c0, 0x15a6: 0x00c0, 0x15a7: 0x00c0, 0x15a8: 0x00c0, 0x15a9: 0x00c0, + 0x15aa: 0x00c0, 0x15ab: 0x00c0, + 0x15b0: 0x00c0, 0x15b1: 0x00c0, 0x15b2: 0x00c0, 0x15b3: 0x00c0, 0x15b4: 0x00c0, 0x15b5: 0x00c0, + 0x15b6: 0x00c0, 0x15b7: 0x00c0, 0x15b8: 0x00c0, 0x15b9: 0x00c0, 0x15ba: 0x00c0, 0x15bb: 0x00c0, + 0x15bc: 0x00c0, 0x15bd: 0x00c0, 0x15be: 0x00c0, 0x15bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0x00c0, 0x15c1: 0x00c0, 0x15c2: 0x00c0, 0x15c3: 0x00c0, 0x15c4: 0x00c0, 0x15c5: 0x00c0, + 0x15c6: 0x00c0, 0x15c7: 0x00c0, 0x15c8: 0x00c0, 0x15c9: 0x00c0, + 0x15d0: 0x00c0, 0x15d1: 0x00c0, + 0x15d2: 0x00c0, 0x15d3: 0x00c0, 0x15d4: 0x00c0, 0x15d5: 0x00c0, 0x15d6: 0x00c0, 0x15d7: 0x00c0, + 0x15d8: 0x00c0, 0x15d9: 0x00c0, 0x15da: 0x0080, + 0x15de: 0x0080, 0x15df: 0x0080, 0x15e0: 0x0080, 0x15e1: 0x0080, 0x15e2: 0x0080, 0x15e3: 0x0080, + 0x15e4: 0x0080, 0x15e5: 0x0080, 0x15e6: 0x0080, 0x15e7: 0x0080, 0x15e8: 0x0080, 0x15e9: 0x0080, + 0x15ea: 0x0080, 0x15eb: 0x0080, 0x15ec: 0x0080, 0x15ed: 0x0080, 0x15ee: 0x0080, 0x15ef: 0x0080, + 0x15f0: 0x0080, 0x15f1: 0x0080, 0x15f2: 0x0080, 0x15f3: 0x0080, 0x15f4: 0x0080, 0x15f5: 0x0080, + 0x15f6: 0x0080, 0x15f7: 0x0080, 0x15f8: 0x0080, 0x15f9: 0x0080, 0x15fa: 0x0080, 0x15fb: 0x0080, + 0x15fc: 0x0080, 0x15fd: 0x0080, 0x15fe: 0x0080, 0x15ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x00c0, 0x1601: 0x00c0, 0x1602: 0x00c0, 0x1603: 0x00c0, 0x1604: 0x00c0, 0x1605: 0x00c0, + 0x1606: 0x00c0, 0x1607: 0x00c0, 0x1608: 0x00c0, 0x1609: 0x00c0, 0x160a: 0x00c0, 0x160b: 0x00c0, + 0x160c: 0x00c0, 0x160d: 0x00c0, 0x160e: 0x00c0, 0x160f: 0x00c0, 0x1610: 0x00c0, 0x1611: 0x00c0, + 0x1612: 0x00c0, 0x1613: 0x00c0, 0x1614: 0x00c0, 0x1615: 0x00c0, 0x1616: 0x00c0, 0x1617: 0x00c3, + 0x1618: 0x00c3, 0x1619: 0x00c0, 0x161a: 0x00c0, 0x161b: 0x00c3, + 0x161e: 0x0080, 0x161f: 0x0080, 0x1620: 0x00c0, 0x1621: 0x00c0, 0x1622: 0x00c0, 0x1623: 0x00c0, + 0x1624: 0x00c0, 0x1625: 0x00c0, 0x1626: 0x00c0, 0x1627: 0x00c0, 0x1628: 0x00c0, 0x1629: 0x00c0, + 0x162a: 0x00c0, 0x162b: 0x00c0, 0x162c: 0x00c0, 0x162d: 0x00c0, 0x162e: 0x00c0, 0x162f: 0x00c0, + 0x1630: 0x00c0, 0x1631: 0x00c0, 0x1632: 0x00c0, 0x1633: 0x00c0, 0x1634: 0x00c0, 0x1635: 0x00c0, + 0x1636: 0x00c0, 0x1637: 0x00c0, 0x1638: 0x00c0, 0x1639: 0x00c0, 0x163a: 0x00c0, 0x163b: 0x00c0, + 0x163c: 0x00c0, 0x163d: 0x00c0, 0x163e: 0x00c0, 0x163f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x1640: 0x00c0, 0x1641: 0x00c0, 0x1642: 0x00c0, 0x1643: 0x00c0, 0x1644: 0x00c0, 0x1645: 0x00c0, + 0x1646: 0x00c0, 0x1647: 0x00c0, 0x1648: 0x00c0, 0x1649: 0x00c0, 0x164a: 0x00c0, 0x164b: 0x00c0, + 0x164c: 0x00c0, 0x164d: 0x00c0, 0x164e: 0x00c0, 0x164f: 0x00c0, 0x1650: 0x00c0, 0x1651: 0x00c0, + 0x1652: 0x00c0, 0x1653: 0x00c0, 0x1654: 0x00c0, 0x1655: 0x00c0, 0x1656: 0x00c3, 0x1657: 0x00c0, + 0x1658: 0x00c3, 0x1659: 0x00c3, 0x165a: 0x00c3, 0x165b: 0x00c3, 0x165c: 0x00c3, 0x165d: 0x00c3, + 0x165e: 0x00c3, 0x1660: 0x00c6, 0x1661: 0x00c0, 0x1662: 0x00c3, 0x1663: 0x00c0, + 0x1664: 0x00c0, 0x1665: 0x00c3, 0x1666: 0x00c3, 0x1667: 0x00c3, 0x1668: 0x00c3, 0x1669: 0x00c3, + 0x166a: 0x00c3, 0x166b: 0x00c3, 0x166c: 0x00c3, 0x166d: 0x00c0, 0x166e: 0x00c0, 0x166f: 0x00c0, + 0x1670: 0x00c0, 0x1671: 0x00c0, 0x1672: 0x00c0, 0x1673: 0x00c3, 0x1674: 0x00c3, 0x1675: 0x00c3, + 0x1676: 0x00c3, 0x1677: 0x00c3, 0x1678: 0x00c3, 0x1679: 0x00c3, 0x167a: 0x00c3, 0x167b: 0x00c3, + 0x167c: 0x00c3, 0x167f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x00c0, 0x1681: 0x00c0, 0x1682: 0x00c0, 0x1683: 0x00c0, 0x1684: 0x00c0, 0x1685: 0x00c0, + 0x1686: 0x00c0, 0x1687: 0x00c0, 0x1688: 0x00c0, 0x1689: 0x00c0, + 0x1690: 0x00c0, 0x1691: 0x00c0, + 0x1692: 0x00c0, 0x1693: 0x00c0, 0x1694: 0x00c0, 0x1695: 0x00c0, 0x1696: 0x00c0, 0x1697: 0x00c0, + 0x1698: 0x00c0, 0x1699: 0x00c0, + 0x16a0: 0x0080, 0x16a1: 0x0080, 0x16a2: 0x0080, 0x16a3: 0x0080, + 0x16a4: 0x0080, 0x16a5: 0x0080, 0x16a6: 0x0080, 0x16a7: 0x00c0, 0x16a8: 0x0080, 0x16a9: 0x0080, + 0x16aa: 0x0080, 0x16ab: 0x0080, 0x16ac: 0x0080, 0x16ad: 0x0080, + 0x16b0: 0x00c3, 0x16b1: 0x00c3, 0x16b2: 0x00c3, 0x16b3: 0x00c3, 0x16b4: 0x00c3, 0x16b5: 0x00c3, + 0x16b6: 0x00c3, 0x16b7: 0x00c3, 0x16b8: 0x00c3, 0x16b9: 0x00c3, 0x16ba: 0x00c3, 0x16bb: 0x00c3, + 0x16bc: 0x00c3, 0x16bd: 0x00c3, 0x16be: 0x0083, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16c0: 0x00c3, 0x16c1: 0x00c3, 0x16c2: 0x00c3, 0x16c3: 0x00c3, 0x16c4: 0x00c0, 0x16c5: 0x00c0, + 0x16c6: 0x00c0, 0x16c7: 0x00c0, 0x16c8: 0x00c0, 0x16c9: 0x00c0, 0x16ca: 0x00c0, 0x16cb: 0x00c0, + 0x16cc: 0x00c0, 0x16cd: 0x00c0, 0x16ce: 0x00c0, 0x16cf: 0x00c0, 0x16d0: 0x00c0, 0x16d1: 0x00c0, + 0x16d2: 0x00c0, 0x16d3: 0x00c0, 0x16d4: 0x00c0, 0x16d5: 0x00c0, 0x16d6: 0x00c0, 0x16d7: 0x00c0, + 0x16d8: 0x00c0, 0x16d9: 0x00c0, 0x16da: 0x00c0, 0x16db: 0x00c0, 0x16dc: 0x00c0, 0x16dd: 0x00c0, + 0x16de: 0x00c0, 0x16df: 0x00c0, 0x16e0: 0x00c0, 0x16e1: 0x00c0, 0x16e2: 0x00c0, 0x16e3: 0x00c0, + 0x16e4: 0x00c0, 0x16e5: 0x00c0, 0x16e6: 0x00c0, 0x16e7: 0x00c0, 0x16e8: 0x00c0, 0x16e9: 0x00c0, + 0x16ea: 0x00c0, 0x16eb: 0x00c0, 0x16ec: 0x00c0, 0x16ed: 0x00c0, 0x16ee: 0x00c0, 0x16ef: 0x00c0, + 0x16f0: 0x00c0, 0x16f1: 0x00c0, 0x16f2: 0x00c0, 0x16f3: 0x00c0, 0x16f4: 0x00c3, 0x16f5: 0x00c0, + 0x16f6: 0x00c3, 0x16f7: 0x00c3, 0x16f8: 0x00c3, 0x16f9: 0x00c3, 0x16fa: 0x00c3, 0x16fb: 0x00c0, + 0x16fc: 0x00c3, 0x16fd: 0x00c0, 0x16fe: 0x00c0, 0x16ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x00c0, 0x1701: 0x00c0, 0x1702: 0x00c3, 0x1703: 0x00c0, 0x1704: 0x00c5, 0x1705: 0x00c0, + 0x1706: 0x00c0, 0x1707: 0x00c0, 0x1708: 0x00c0, 0x1709: 0x00c0, 0x170a: 0x00c0, 0x170b: 0x00c0, + 0x1710: 0x00c0, 0x1711: 0x00c0, + 0x1712: 0x00c0, 0x1713: 0x00c0, 0x1714: 0x00c0, 0x1715: 0x00c0, 0x1716: 0x00c0, 0x1717: 0x00c0, + 0x1718: 0x00c0, 0x1719: 0x00c0, 0x171a: 0x0080, 0x171b: 0x0080, 0x171c: 0x0080, 0x171d: 0x0080, + 0x171e: 0x0080, 0x171f: 0x0080, 0x1720: 0x0080, 0x1721: 0x0080, 0x1722: 0x0080, 0x1723: 0x0080, + 0x1724: 0x0080, 0x1725: 0x0080, 0x1726: 0x0080, 0x1727: 0x0080, 0x1728: 0x0080, 0x1729: 0x0080, + 0x172a: 0x0080, 0x172b: 0x00c3, 0x172c: 0x00c3, 0x172d: 0x00c3, 0x172e: 0x00c3, 0x172f: 0x00c3, + 0x1730: 0x00c3, 0x1731: 0x00c3, 0x1732: 0x00c3, 0x1733: 0x00c3, 0x1734: 0x0080, 0x1735: 0x0080, + 0x1736: 0x0080, 0x1737: 0x0080, 0x1738: 0x0080, 0x1739: 0x0080, 0x173a: 0x0080, 0x173b: 0x0080, + 0x173c: 0x0080, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x00c3, 0x1741: 0x00c3, 0x1742: 0x00c0, 0x1743: 0x00c0, 0x1744: 0x00c0, 0x1745: 0x00c0, + 0x1746: 0x00c0, 0x1747: 0x00c0, 0x1748: 0x00c0, 0x1749: 0x00c0, 0x174a: 0x00c0, 0x174b: 0x00c0, + 0x174c: 0x00c0, 0x174d: 0x00c0, 0x174e: 0x00c0, 0x174f: 0x00c0, 0x1750: 0x00c0, 0x1751: 0x00c0, + 0x1752: 0x00c0, 0x1753: 0x00c0, 0x1754: 0x00c0, 0x1755: 0x00c0, 0x1756: 0x00c0, 0x1757: 0x00c0, + 0x1758: 0x00c0, 0x1759: 0x00c0, 0x175a: 0x00c0, 0x175b: 0x00c0, 0x175c: 0x00c0, 0x175d: 0x00c0, + 0x175e: 0x00c0, 0x175f: 0x00c0, 0x1760: 0x00c0, 0x1761: 0x00c0, 0x1762: 0x00c3, 0x1763: 0x00c3, + 0x1764: 0x00c3, 0x1765: 0x00c3, 0x1766: 0x00c0, 0x1767: 0x00c0, 0x1768: 0x00c3, 0x1769: 0x00c3, + 0x176a: 0x00c5, 0x176b: 0x00c6, 0x176c: 0x00c3, 0x176d: 0x00c3, 0x176e: 0x00c0, 0x176f: 0x00c0, + 0x1770: 0x00c0, 0x1771: 0x00c0, 0x1772: 0x00c0, 0x1773: 0x00c0, 0x1774: 0x00c0, 0x1775: 0x00c0, + 0x1776: 0x00c0, 0x1777: 0x00c0, 0x1778: 0x00c0, 0x1779: 0x00c0, 0x177a: 0x00c0, 0x177b: 0x00c0, + 0x177c: 0x00c0, 0x177d: 0x00c0, 0x177e: 0x00c0, 0x177f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x1780: 0x00c0, 0x1781: 0x00c0, 0x1782: 0x00c0, 0x1783: 0x00c0, 0x1784: 0x00c0, 0x1785: 0x00c0, + 0x1786: 0x00c0, 0x1787: 0x00c0, 0x1788: 0x00c0, 0x1789: 0x00c0, 0x178a: 0x00c0, 0x178b: 0x00c0, + 0x178c: 0x00c0, 0x178d: 0x00c0, 0x178e: 0x00c0, 0x178f: 0x00c0, 0x1790: 0x00c0, 0x1791: 0x00c0, + 0x1792: 0x00c0, 0x1793: 0x00c0, 0x1794: 0x00c0, 0x1795: 0x00c0, 0x1796: 0x00c0, 0x1797: 0x00c0, + 0x1798: 0x00c0, 0x1799: 0x00c0, 0x179a: 0x00c0, 0x179b: 0x00c0, 0x179c: 0x00c0, 0x179d: 0x00c0, + 0x179e: 0x00c0, 0x179f: 0x00c0, 0x17a0: 0x00c0, 0x17a1: 0x00c0, 0x17a2: 0x00c0, 0x17a3: 0x00c0, + 0x17a4: 0x00c0, 0x17a5: 0x00c0, 0x17a6: 0x00c3, 0x17a7: 0x00c0, 0x17a8: 0x00c3, 0x17a9: 0x00c3, + 0x17aa: 0x00c0, 0x17ab: 0x00c0, 0x17ac: 0x00c0, 0x17ad: 0x00c3, 0x17ae: 0x00c0, 0x17af: 0x00c3, + 0x17b0: 0x00c3, 0x17b1: 0x00c3, 0x17b2: 0x00c5, 0x17b3: 0x00c5, + 0x17bc: 0x0080, 0x17bd: 0x0080, 0x17be: 0x0080, 0x17bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x00c0, 0x17c1: 0x00c0, 0x17c2: 0x00c0, 0x17c3: 0x00c0, 0x17c4: 0x00c0, 0x17c5: 0x00c0, + 0x17c6: 0x00c0, 0x17c7: 0x00c0, 0x17c8: 0x00c0, 0x17c9: 0x00c0, 0x17ca: 0x00c0, 0x17cb: 0x00c0, + 0x17cc: 0x00c0, 0x17cd: 0x00c0, 0x17ce: 0x00c0, 0x17cf: 0x00c0, 0x17d0: 0x00c0, 0x17d1: 0x00c0, + 0x17d2: 0x00c0, 0x17d3: 0x00c0, 0x17d4: 0x00c0, 0x17d5: 0x00c0, 0x17d6: 0x00c0, 0x17d7: 0x00c0, + 0x17d8: 0x00c0, 0x17d9: 0x00c0, 0x17da: 0x00c0, 0x17db: 0x00c0, 0x17dc: 0x00c0, 0x17dd: 0x00c0, + 0x17de: 0x00c0, 0x17df: 0x00c0, 0x17e0: 0x00c0, 0x17e1: 0x00c0, 0x17e2: 0x00c0, 0x17e3: 0x00c0, + 0x17e4: 0x00c0, 0x17e5: 0x00c0, 0x17e6: 0x00c0, 0x17e7: 0x00c0, 0x17e8: 0x00c0, 0x17e9: 0x00c0, + 0x17ea: 0x00c0, 0x17eb: 0x00c0, 0x17ec: 0x00c3, 0x17ed: 0x00c3, 0x17ee: 0x00c3, 0x17ef: 0x00c3, + 0x17f0: 0x00c3, 0x17f1: 0x00c3, 0x17f2: 0x00c3, 0x17f3: 0x00c3, 0x17f4: 0x00c0, 0x17f5: 0x00c0, + 0x17f6: 0x00c3, 0x17f7: 0x00c3, 0x17fb: 0x0080, + 0x17fc: 0x0080, 0x17fd: 0x0080, 0x17fe: 0x0080, 0x17ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1800: 0x00c0, 0x1801: 0x00c0, 0x1802: 0x00c0, 0x1803: 0x00c0, 0x1804: 0x00c0, 0x1805: 0x00c0, + 0x1806: 0x00c0, 0x1807: 0x00c0, 0x1808: 0x00c0, 0x1809: 0x00c0, + 0x180d: 0x00c0, 0x180e: 0x00c0, 0x180f: 0x00c0, 0x1810: 0x00c0, 0x1811: 0x00c0, + 0x1812: 0x00c0, 0x1813: 0x00c0, 0x1814: 0x00c0, 0x1815: 0x00c0, 0x1816: 0x00c0, 0x1817: 0x00c0, + 0x1818: 0x00c0, 0x1819: 0x00c0, 0x181a: 0x00c0, 0x181b: 0x00c0, 0x181c: 0x00c0, 0x181d: 0x00c0, + 0x181e: 0x00c0, 0x181f: 0x00c0, 0x1820: 0x00c0, 0x1821: 0x00c0, 0x1822: 0x00c0, 0x1823: 0x00c0, + 0x1824: 0x00c0, 0x1825: 0x00c0, 0x1826: 0x00c0, 0x1827: 0x00c0, 0x1828: 0x00c0, 0x1829: 0x00c0, + 0x182a: 0x00c0, 0x182b: 0x00c0, 0x182c: 0x00c0, 0x182d: 0x00c0, 0x182e: 0x00c0, 0x182f: 0x00c0, + 0x1830: 0x00c0, 0x1831: 0x00c0, 0x1832: 0x00c0, 0x1833: 0x00c0, 0x1834: 0x00c0, 0x1835: 0x00c0, + 0x1836: 0x00c0, 0x1837: 0x00c0, 0x1838: 0x00c0, 0x1839: 0x00c0, 0x183a: 0x00c0, 0x183b: 0x00c0, + 0x183c: 0x00c0, 0x183d: 0x00c0, 0x183e: 0x0080, 0x183f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x00c0, 0x1841: 0x00c0, 0x1842: 0x00c0, 0x1843: 0x00c0, 0x1844: 0x00c0, 0x1845: 0x00c0, + 0x1846: 0x00c0, 0x1847: 0x00c0, 0x1848: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x0080, 0x1881: 0x0080, 0x1882: 0x0080, 0x1883: 0x0080, 0x1884: 0x0080, 0x1885: 0x0080, + 0x1886: 0x0080, 0x1887: 0x0080, + 0x1890: 0x00c3, 0x1891: 0x00c3, + 0x1892: 0x00c3, 0x1893: 0x0080, 0x1894: 0x00c3, 0x1895: 0x00c3, 0x1896: 0x00c3, 0x1897: 0x00c3, + 0x1898: 0x00c3, 0x1899: 0x00c3, 0x189a: 0x00c3, 0x189b: 0x00c3, 0x189c: 0x00c3, 0x189d: 0x00c3, + 0x189e: 0x00c3, 0x189f: 0x00c3, 0x18a0: 0x00c3, 0x18a1: 0x00c0, 0x18a2: 0x00c3, 0x18a3: 0x00c3, + 0x18a4: 0x00c3, 0x18a5: 0x00c3, 0x18a6: 0x00c3, 0x18a7: 0x00c3, 0x18a8: 0x00c3, 0x18a9: 0x00c0, + 0x18aa: 0x00c0, 0x18ab: 0x00c0, 0x18ac: 0x00c0, 0x18ad: 0x00c3, 0x18ae: 0x00c0, 0x18af: 0x00c0, + 0x18b0: 0x00c0, 0x18b1: 0x00c0, 0x18b2: 0x00c0, 0x18b3: 0x00c0, 0x18b4: 0x00c3, 0x18b5: 0x00c0, + 0x18b6: 0x00c0, 0x18b7: 0x00c0, 0x18b8: 0x00c3, 0x18b9: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x00c0, 0x18c1: 0x00c0, 0x18c2: 0x00c0, 0x18c3: 0x00c0, 0x18c4: 0x00c0, 0x18c5: 0x00c0, + 0x18c6: 0x00c0, 0x18c7: 0x00c0, 0x18c8: 0x00c0, 0x18c9: 0x00c0, 0x18ca: 0x00c0, 0x18cb: 0x00c0, + 0x18cc: 0x00c0, 0x18cd: 0x00c0, 0x18ce: 0x00c0, 0x18cf: 0x00c0, 0x18d0: 0x00c0, 0x18d1: 0x00c0, + 0x18d2: 0x00c0, 0x18d3: 0x00c0, 0x18d4: 0x00c0, 0x18d5: 0x00c0, 0x18d6: 0x00c0, 0x18d7: 0x00c0, + 0x18d8: 0x00c0, 0x18d9: 0x00c0, 0x18da: 0x00c0, 0x18db: 0x00c0, 0x18dc: 0x00c0, 0x18dd: 0x00c0, + 0x18de: 0x00c0, 0x18df: 0x00c0, 0x18e0: 0x00c0, 0x18e1: 0x00c0, 0x18e2: 0x00c0, 0x18e3: 0x00c0, + 0x18e4: 0x00c0, 0x18e5: 0x00c0, 0x18e6: 0x00c8, 0x18e7: 0x00c8, 0x18e8: 0x00c8, 0x18e9: 0x00c8, + 0x18ea: 0x00c8, 0x18eb: 0x00c0, 0x18ec: 0x0080, 0x18ed: 0x0080, 0x18ee: 0x0080, 0x18ef: 0x00c0, + 0x18f0: 0x0080, 0x18f1: 0x0080, 0x18f2: 0x0080, 0x18f3: 0x0080, 0x18f4: 0x0080, 0x18f5: 0x0080, + 0x18f6: 0x0080, 0x18f7: 0x0080, 0x18f8: 0x0080, 0x18f9: 0x0080, 0x18fa: 0x0080, 0x18fb: 0x00c0, + 0x18fc: 0x0080, 0x18fd: 0x0080, 0x18fe: 0x0080, 0x18ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x0080, 0x1901: 0x0080, 0x1902: 0x0080, 0x1903: 0x0080, 0x1904: 0x0080, 0x1905: 0x0080, + 0x1906: 0x0080, 0x1907: 0x0080, 0x1908: 0x0080, 0x1909: 0x0080, 0x190a: 0x0080, 0x190b: 0x0080, + 0x190c: 0x0080, 0x190d: 0x0080, 0x190e: 0x00c0, 0x190f: 0x0080, 0x1910: 0x0080, 0x1911: 0x0080, + 0x1912: 0x0080, 0x1913: 0x0080, 0x1914: 0x0080, 0x1915: 0x0080, 0x1916: 0x0080, 0x1917: 0x0080, + 0x1918: 0x0080, 0x1919: 0x0080, 0x191a: 0x0080, 0x191b: 0x0080, 0x191c: 0x0080, 0x191d: 0x0088, + 0x191e: 0x0088, 0x191f: 0x0088, 0x1920: 0x0088, 0x1921: 0x0088, 0x1922: 0x0080, 0x1923: 0x0080, + 0x1924: 0x0080, 0x1925: 0x0080, 0x1926: 0x0088, 0x1927: 0x0088, 0x1928: 0x0088, 0x1929: 0x0088, + 0x192a: 0x0088, 0x192b: 0x00c0, 0x192c: 0x00c0, 0x192d: 0x00c0, 0x192e: 0x00c0, 0x192f: 0x00c0, + 0x1930: 0x00c0, 0x1931: 0x00c0, 0x1932: 0x00c0, 0x1933: 0x00c0, 0x1934: 0x00c0, 0x1935: 0x00c0, + 0x1936: 0x00c0, 0x1937: 0x00c0, 0x1938: 0x0080, 0x1939: 0x00c0, 0x193a: 0x00c0, 0x193b: 0x00c0, + 0x193c: 0x00c0, 0x193d: 0x00c0, 0x193e: 0x00c0, 0x193f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1940: 0x00c0, 0x1941: 0x00c0, 0x1942: 0x00c0, 0x1943: 0x00c0, 0x1944: 0x00c0, 0x1945: 0x00c0, + 0x1946: 0x00c0, 0x1947: 0x00c0, 0x1948: 0x00c0, 0x1949: 0x00c0, 0x194a: 0x00c0, 0x194b: 0x00c0, + 0x194c: 0x00c0, 0x194d: 0x00c0, 0x194e: 0x00c0, 0x194f: 0x00c0, 0x1950: 0x00c0, 0x1951: 0x00c0, + 0x1952: 0x00c0, 0x1953: 0x00c0, 0x1954: 0x00c0, 0x1955: 0x00c0, 0x1956: 0x00c0, 0x1957: 0x00c0, + 0x1958: 0x00c0, 0x1959: 0x00c0, 0x195a: 0x00c0, 0x195b: 0x0080, 0x195c: 0x0080, 0x195d: 0x0080, + 0x195e: 0x0080, 0x195f: 0x0080, 0x1960: 0x0080, 0x1961: 0x0080, 0x1962: 0x0080, 0x1963: 0x0080, + 0x1964: 0x0080, 0x1965: 0x0080, 0x1966: 0x0080, 0x1967: 0x0080, 0x1968: 0x0080, 0x1969: 0x0080, + 0x196a: 0x0080, 0x196b: 0x0080, 0x196c: 0x0080, 0x196d: 0x0080, 0x196e: 0x0080, 0x196f: 0x0080, + 0x1970: 0x0080, 0x1971: 0x0080, 0x1972: 0x0080, 0x1973: 0x0080, 0x1974: 0x0080, 0x1975: 0x0080, + 0x1976: 0x0080, 0x1977: 0x0080, 0x1978: 0x0080, 0x1979: 0x0080, 0x197a: 0x0080, 0x197b: 0x0080, + 0x197c: 0x0080, 0x197d: 0x0080, 0x197e: 0x0080, 0x197f: 0x0088, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x00c3, 0x1981: 0x00c3, 0x1982: 0x00c3, 0x1983: 0x00c3, 0x1984: 0x00c3, 0x1985: 0x00c3, + 0x1986: 0x00c3, 0x1987: 0x00c3, 0x1988: 0x00c3, 0x1989: 0x00c3, 0x198a: 0x00c3, 0x198b: 0x00c3, + 0x198c: 0x00c3, 0x198d: 0x00c3, 0x198e: 0x00c3, 0x198f: 0x00c3, 0x1990: 0x00c3, 0x1991: 0x00c3, + 0x1992: 0x00c3, 0x1993: 0x00c3, 0x1994: 0x00c3, 0x1995: 0x00c3, 0x1996: 0x00c3, 0x1997: 0x00c3, + 0x1998: 0x00c3, 0x1999: 0x00c3, 0x199a: 0x00c3, 0x199b: 0x00c3, 0x199c: 0x00c3, 0x199d: 0x00c3, + 0x199e: 0x00c3, 0x199f: 0x00c3, 0x19a0: 0x00c3, 0x19a1: 0x00c3, 0x19a2: 0x00c3, 0x19a3: 0x00c3, + 0x19a4: 0x00c3, 0x19a5: 0x00c3, 0x19a6: 0x00c3, 0x19a7: 0x00c3, 0x19a8: 0x00c3, 0x19a9: 0x00c3, + 0x19aa: 0x00c3, 0x19ab: 0x00c3, 0x19ac: 0x00c3, 0x19ad: 0x00c3, 0x19ae: 0x00c3, 0x19af: 0x00c3, + 0x19b0: 0x00c3, 0x19b1: 0x00c3, 0x19b2: 0x00c3, 0x19b3: 0x00c3, 0x19b4: 0x00c3, 0x19b5: 0x00c3, + 0x19b6: 0x00c3, 0x19b7: 0x00c3, 0x19b8: 0x00c3, 0x19b9: 0x00c3, 0x19bb: 0x00c3, + 0x19bc: 0x00c3, 0x19bd: 0x00c3, 0x19be: 0x00c3, 0x19bf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19c0: 0x00c0, 0x19c1: 0x00c0, 0x19c2: 0x00c0, 0x19c3: 0x00c0, 0x19c4: 0x00c0, 0x19c5: 0x00c0, + 0x19c6: 0x00c0, 0x19c7: 0x00c0, 0x19c8: 0x00c0, 0x19c9: 0x00c0, 0x19ca: 0x00c0, 0x19cb: 0x00c0, + 0x19cc: 0x00c0, 0x19cd: 0x00c0, 0x19ce: 0x00c0, 0x19cf: 0x00c0, 0x19d0: 0x00c0, 0x19d1: 0x00c0, + 0x19d2: 0x00c0, 0x19d3: 0x00c0, 0x19d4: 0x00c0, 0x19d5: 0x00c0, 0x19d6: 0x00c0, 0x19d7: 0x00c0, + 0x19d8: 0x00c0, 0x19d9: 0x00c0, 0x19da: 0x0080, 0x19db: 0x0080, 0x19dc: 0x00c0, 0x19dd: 0x00c0, + 0x19de: 0x00c0, 0x19df: 0x00c0, 0x19e0: 0x00c0, 0x19e1: 0x00c0, 0x19e2: 0x00c0, 0x19e3: 0x00c0, + 0x19e4: 0x00c0, 0x19e5: 0x00c0, 0x19e6: 0x00c0, 0x19e7: 0x00c0, 0x19e8: 0x00c0, 0x19e9: 0x00c0, + 0x19ea: 0x00c0, 0x19eb: 0x00c0, 0x19ec: 0x00c0, 0x19ed: 0x00c0, 0x19ee: 0x00c0, 0x19ef: 0x00c0, + 0x19f0: 0x00c0, 0x19f1: 0x00c0, 0x19f2: 0x00c0, 0x19f3: 0x00c0, 0x19f4: 0x00c0, 0x19f5: 0x00c0, + 0x19f6: 0x00c0, 0x19f7: 0x00c0, 0x19f8: 0x00c0, 0x19f9: 0x00c0, 0x19fa: 0x00c0, 0x19fb: 0x00c0, + 0x19fc: 0x00c0, 0x19fd: 0x00c0, 0x19fe: 0x00c0, 0x19ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a00: 0x00c8, 0x1a01: 0x00c8, 0x1a02: 0x00c8, 0x1a03: 0x00c8, 0x1a04: 0x00c8, 0x1a05: 0x00c8, + 0x1a06: 0x00c8, 0x1a07: 0x00c8, 0x1a08: 0x00c8, 0x1a09: 0x00c8, 0x1a0a: 0x00c8, 0x1a0b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a0c: 0x00c8, 0x1a0d: 0x00c8, 0x1a0e: 0x00c8, 0x1a0f: 0x00c8, 0x1a10: 0x00c8, 0x1a11: 0x00c8, + 0x1a12: 0x00c8, 0x1a13: 0x00c8, 0x1a14: 0x00c8, 0x1a15: 0x00c8, + 0x1a18: 0x00c8, 0x1a19: 0x00c8, 0x1a1a: 0x00c8, 0x1a1b: 0x00c8, 0x1a1c: 0x00c8, 0x1a1d: 0x00c8, + 0x1a20: 0x00c8, 0x1a21: 0x00c8, 0x1a22: 0x00c8, 0x1a23: 0x00c8, + 0x1a24: 0x00c8, 0x1a25: 0x00c8, 0x1a26: 0x00c8, 0x1a27: 0x00c8, 0x1a28: 0x00c8, 0x1a29: 0x00c8, + 0x1a2a: 0x00c8, 0x1a2b: 0x00c8, 0x1a2c: 0x00c8, 0x1a2d: 0x00c8, 0x1a2e: 0x00c8, 0x1a2f: 0x00c8, + 0x1a30: 0x00c8, 0x1a31: 0x00c8, 0x1a32: 0x00c8, 0x1a33: 0x00c8, 0x1a34: 0x00c8, 0x1a35: 0x00c8, + 0x1a36: 0x00c8, 0x1a37: 0x00c8, 0x1a38: 0x00c8, 0x1a39: 0x00c8, 0x1a3a: 0x00c8, 0x1a3b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a3c: 0x00c8, 0x1a3d: 0x00c8, 0x1a3e: 0x00c8, 0x1a3f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x1a40 + 0x1a40: 0x00c8, 0x1a41: 0x00c8, 0x1a42: 0x00c8, 0x1a43: 0x00c8, 0x1a44: 0x00c8, 0x1a45: 0x00c8, + 0x1a48: 0x00c8, 0x1a49: 0x00c8, 0x1a4a: 0x00c8, 0x1a4b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a4c: 0x00c8, 0x1a4d: 0x00c8, 0x1a50: 0x00c8, 0x1a51: 0x00c8, + 0x1a52: 0x00c8, 0x1a53: 0x00c8, 0x1a54: 0x00c8, 0x1a55: 0x00c8, 0x1a56: 0x00c8, 0x1a57: 0x00c8, + 0x1a59: 0x00c8, 0x1a5b: 0x00c8, 0x1a5d: 0x00c8, + 0x1a5f: 0x00c8, 0x1a60: 0x00c8, 0x1a61: 0x00c8, 0x1a62: 0x00c8, 0x1a63: 0x00c8, + 0x1a64: 0x00c8, 0x1a65: 0x00c8, 0x1a66: 0x00c8, 0x1a67: 0x00c8, 0x1a68: 0x00c8, 0x1a69: 0x00c8, + 0x1a6a: 0x00c8, 0x1a6b: 0x00c8, 0x1a6c: 0x00c8, 0x1a6d: 0x00c8, 0x1a6e: 0x00c8, 0x1a6f: 0x00c8, + 0x1a70: 0x00c8, 0x1a71: 0x0088, 0x1a72: 0x00c8, 0x1a73: 0x0088, 0x1a74: 0x00c8, 0x1a75: 0x0088, + 0x1a76: 0x00c8, 0x1a77: 0x0088, 0x1a78: 0x00c8, 0x1a79: 0x0088, 0x1a7a: 0x00c8, 0x1a7b: 0x0088, + 0x1a7c: 0x00c8, 0x1a7d: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x1a80 + 0x1a80: 0x00c8, 0x1a81: 0x00c8, 0x1a82: 0x00c8, 0x1a83: 0x00c8, 0x1a84: 0x00c8, 0x1a85: 0x00c8, + 0x1a86: 0x00c8, 0x1a87: 0x00c8, 0x1a88: 0x0088, 0x1a89: 0x0088, 0x1a8a: 0x0088, 0x1a8b: 0x0088, + 0x1a8c: 0x0088, 0x1a8d: 0x0088, 0x1a8e: 0x0088, 0x1a8f: 0x0088, 0x1a90: 0x00c8, 0x1a91: 0x00c8, + 0x1a92: 0x00c8, 0x1a93: 0x00c8, 0x1a94: 0x00c8, 0x1a95: 0x00c8, 0x1a96: 0x00c8, 0x1a97: 0x00c8, + 0x1a98: 0x0088, 0x1a99: 0x0088, 0x1a9a: 0x0088, 0x1a9b: 0x0088, 0x1a9c: 0x0088, 0x1a9d: 0x0088, + 0x1a9e: 0x0088, 0x1a9f: 0x0088, 0x1aa0: 0x00c8, 0x1aa1: 0x00c8, 0x1aa2: 0x00c8, 0x1aa3: 0x00c8, + 0x1aa4: 0x00c8, 0x1aa5: 0x00c8, 0x1aa6: 0x00c8, 0x1aa7: 0x00c8, 0x1aa8: 0x0088, 0x1aa9: 0x0088, + 0x1aaa: 0x0088, 0x1aab: 0x0088, 0x1aac: 0x0088, 0x1aad: 0x0088, 0x1aae: 0x0088, 0x1aaf: 0x0088, + 0x1ab0: 0x00c8, 0x1ab1: 0x00c8, 0x1ab2: 0x00c8, 0x1ab3: 0x00c8, 0x1ab4: 0x00c8, + 0x1ab6: 0x00c8, 0x1ab7: 0x00c8, 0x1ab8: 0x00c8, 0x1ab9: 0x00c8, 0x1aba: 0x00c8, 0x1abb: 0x0088, + 0x1abc: 0x0088, 0x1abd: 0x0088, 0x1abe: 0x0088, 0x1abf: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x1ac0 + 0x1ac0: 0x0088, 0x1ac1: 0x0088, 0x1ac2: 0x00c8, 0x1ac3: 0x00c8, 0x1ac4: 0x00c8, + 0x1ac6: 0x00c8, 0x1ac7: 0x00c8, 0x1ac8: 0x00c8, 0x1ac9: 0x0088, 0x1aca: 0x00c8, 0x1acb: 0x0088, + 0x1acc: 0x0088, 0x1acd: 0x0088, 0x1ace: 0x0088, 0x1acf: 0x0088, 0x1ad0: 0x00c8, 0x1ad1: 0x00c8, + 0x1ad2: 0x00c8, 0x1ad3: 0x0088, 0x1ad6: 0x00c8, 0x1ad7: 0x00c8, + 0x1ad8: 0x00c8, 0x1ad9: 0x00c8, 0x1ada: 0x00c8, 0x1adb: 0x0088, 0x1add: 0x0088, + 0x1ade: 0x0088, 0x1adf: 0x0088, 0x1ae0: 0x00c8, 0x1ae1: 0x00c8, 0x1ae2: 0x00c8, 0x1ae3: 0x0088, + 0x1ae4: 0x00c8, 0x1ae5: 0x00c8, 0x1ae6: 0x00c8, 0x1ae7: 0x00c8, 0x1ae8: 0x00c8, 0x1ae9: 0x00c8, + 0x1aea: 0x00c8, 0x1aeb: 0x0088, 0x1aec: 0x00c8, 0x1aed: 0x0088, 0x1aee: 0x0088, 0x1aef: 0x0088, + 0x1af2: 0x00c8, 0x1af3: 0x00c8, 0x1af4: 0x00c8, + 0x1af6: 0x00c8, 0x1af7: 0x00c8, 0x1af8: 0x00c8, 0x1af9: 0x0088, 0x1afa: 0x00c8, 0x1afb: 0x0088, + 0x1afc: 0x0088, 0x1afd: 0x0088, 0x1afe: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x1b00 + 0x1b00: 0x0080, 0x1b01: 0x0080, 0x1b02: 0x0080, 0x1b03: 0x0080, 0x1b04: 0x0080, 0x1b05: 0x0080, + 0x1b06: 0x0080, 0x1b07: 0x0080, 0x1b08: 0x0080, 0x1b09: 0x0080, 0x1b0a: 0x0080, 0x1b0b: 0x0040, + 0x1b0c: 0x004d, 0x1b0d: 0x004e, 0x1b0e: 0x0040, 0x1b0f: 0x0040, 0x1b10: 0x0080, 0x1b11: 0x0080, + 0x1b12: 0x0080, 0x1b13: 0x0080, 0x1b14: 0x0080, 0x1b15: 0x0080, 0x1b16: 0x0080, 0x1b17: 0x0080, + 0x1b18: 0x0080, 0x1b19: 0x0080, 0x1b1a: 0x0080, 0x1b1b: 0x0080, 0x1b1c: 0x0080, 0x1b1d: 0x0080, + 0x1b1e: 0x0080, 0x1b1f: 0x0080, 0x1b20: 0x0080, 0x1b21: 0x0080, 0x1b22: 0x0080, 0x1b23: 0x0080, + 0x1b24: 0x0080, 0x1b25: 0x0080, 0x1b26: 0x0080, 0x1b27: 0x0080, 0x1b28: 0x0040, 0x1b29: 0x0040, + 0x1b2a: 0x0040, 0x1b2b: 0x0040, 0x1b2c: 0x0040, 0x1b2d: 0x0040, 0x1b2e: 0x0040, 0x1b2f: 0x0080, + 0x1b30: 0x0080, 0x1b31: 0x0080, 0x1b32: 0x0080, 0x1b33: 0x0080, 0x1b34: 0x0080, 0x1b35: 0x0080, + 0x1b36: 0x0080, 0x1b37: 0x0080, 0x1b38: 0x0080, 0x1b39: 0x0080, 0x1b3a: 0x0080, 0x1b3b: 0x0080, + 0x1b3c: 0x0080, 0x1b3d: 0x0080, 0x1b3e: 0x0080, 0x1b3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x1b40 + 0x1b40: 0x0080, 0x1b41: 0x0080, 0x1b42: 0x0080, 0x1b43: 0x0080, 0x1b44: 0x0080, 0x1b45: 0x0080, + 0x1b46: 0x0080, 0x1b47: 0x0080, 0x1b48: 0x0080, 0x1b49: 0x0080, 0x1b4a: 0x0080, 0x1b4b: 0x0080, + 0x1b4c: 0x0080, 0x1b4d: 0x0080, 0x1b4e: 0x0080, 0x1b4f: 0x0080, 0x1b50: 0x0080, 0x1b51: 0x0080, + 0x1b52: 0x0080, 0x1b53: 0x0080, 0x1b54: 0x0080, 0x1b55: 0x0080, 0x1b56: 0x0080, 0x1b57: 0x0080, + 0x1b58: 0x0080, 0x1b59: 0x0080, 0x1b5a: 0x0080, 0x1b5b: 0x0080, 0x1b5c: 0x0080, 0x1b5d: 0x0080, + 0x1b5e: 0x0080, 0x1b5f: 0x0080, 0x1b60: 0x0040, 0x1b61: 0x0040, 0x1b62: 0x0040, 0x1b63: 0x0040, + 0x1b64: 0x0040, 0x1b66: 0x0040, 0x1b67: 0x0040, 0x1b68: 0x0040, 0x1b69: 0x0040, + 0x1b6a: 0x0040, 0x1b6b: 0x0040, 0x1b6c: 0x0040, 0x1b6d: 0x0040, 0x1b6e: 0x0040, 0x1b6f: 0x0040, + 0x1b70: 0x0080, 0x1b71: 0x0080, 0x1b74: 0x0080, 0x1b75: 0x0080, + 0x1b76: 0x0080, 0x1b77: 0x0080, 0x1b78: 0x0080, 0x1b79: 0x0080, 0x1b7a: 0x0080, 0x1b7b: 0x0080, + 0x1b7c: 0x0080, 0x1b7d: 0x0080, 0x1b7e: 0x0080, 0x1b7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x1b80 + 0x1b80: 0x0080, 0x1b81: 0x0080, 0x1b82: 0x0080, 0x1b83: 0x0080, 0x1b84: 0x0080, 0x1b85: 0x0080, + 0x1b86: 0x0080, 0x1b87: 0x0080, 0x1b88: 0x0080, 0x1b89: 0x0080, 0x1b8a: 0x0080, 0x1b8b: 0x0080, + 0x1b8c: 0x0080, 0x1b8d: 0x0080, 0x1b8e: 0x0080, 0x1b90: 0x0080, 0x1b91: 0x0080, + 0x1b92: 0x0080, 0x1b93: 0x0080, 0x1b94: 0x0080, 0x1b95: 0x0080, 0x1b96: 0x0080, 0x1b97: 0x0080, + 0x1b98: 0x0080, 0x1b99: 0x0080, 0x1b9a: 0x0080, 0x1b9b: 0x0080, 0x1b9c: 0x0080, + 0x1ba0: 0x0080, 0x1ba1: 0x0080, 0x1ba2: 0x0080, 0x1ba3: 0x0080, + 0x1ba4: 0x0080, 0x1ba5: 0x0080, 0x1ba6: 0x0080, 0x1ba7: 0x0080, 0x1ba8: 0x0080, 0x1ba9: 0x0080, + 0x1baa: 0x0080, 0x1bab: 0x0080, 0x1bac: 0x0080, 0x1bad: 0x0080, 0x1bae: 0x0080, 0x1baf: 0x0080, + 0x1bb0: 0x0080, 0x1bb1: 0x0080, 0x1bb2: 0x0080, 0x1bb3: 0x0080, 0x1bb4: 0x0080, 0x1bb5: 0x0080, + 0x1bb6: 0x0080, 0x1bb7: 0x0080, 0x1bb8: 0x0080, 0x1bb9: 0x0080, 0x1bba: 0x0080, 0x1bbb: 0x0080, + 0x1bbc: 0x0080, 0x1bbd: 0x0080, 0x1bbe: 0x0080, 0x1bbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x1bc0 + 0x1bd0: 0x00c3, 0x1bd1: 0x00c3, + 0x1bd2: 0x00c3, 0x1bd3: 0x00c3, 0x1bd4: 0x00c3, 0x1bd5: 0x00c3, 0x1bd6: 0x00c3, 0x1bd7: 0x00c3, + 0x1bd8: 0x00c3, 0x1bd9: 0x00c3, 0x1bda: 0x00c3, 0x1bdb: 0x00c3, 0x1bdc: 0x00c3, 0x1bdd: 0x0083, + 0x1bde: 0x0083, 0x1bdf: 0x0083, 0x1be0: 0x0083, 0x1be1: 0x00c3, 0x1be2: 0x0083, 0x1be3: 0x0083, + 0x1be4: 0x0083, 0x1be5: 0x00c3, 0x1be6: 0x00c3, 0x1be7: 0x00c3, 0x1be8: 0x00c3, 0x1be9: 0x00c3, + 0x1bea: 0x00c3, 0x1beb: 0x00c3, 0x1bec: 0x00c3, 0x1bed: 0x00c3, 0x1bee: 0x00c3, 0x1bef: 0x00c3, + 0x1bf0: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x1c00 + 0x1c00: 0x0080, 0x1c01: 0x0080, 0x1c02: 0x0080, 0x1c03: 0x0080, 0x1c04: 0x0080, 0x1c05: 0x0080, + 0x1c06: 0x0080, 0x1c07: 0x0080, 0x1c08: 0x0080, 0x1c09: 0x0080, 0x1c0a: 0x0080, 0x1c0b: 0x0080, + 0x1c0c: 0x0080, 0x1c0d: 0x0080, 0x1c0e: 0x0080, 0x1c0f: 0x0080, 0x1c10: 0x0080, 0x1c11: 0x0080, + 0x1c12: 0x0080, 0x1c13: 0x0080, 0x1c14: 0x0080, 0x1c15: 0x0080, 0x1c16: 0x0080, 0x1c17: 0x0080, + 0x1c18: 0x0080, 0x1c19: 0x0080, 0x1c1a: 0x0080, 0x1c1b: 0x0080, 0x1c1c: 0x0080, 0x1c1d: 0x0080, + 0x1c1e: 0x0080, 0x1c1f: 0x0080, 0x1c20: 0x0080, 0x1c21: 0x0080, 0x1c22: 0x0080, 0x1c23: 0x0080, + 0x1c24: 0x0080, 0x1c25: 0x0080, 0x1c26: 0x0088, 0x1c27: 0x0080, 0x1c28: 0x0080, 0x1c29: 0x0080, + 0x1c2a: 0x0080, 0x1c2b: 0x0080, 0x1c2c: 0x0080, 0x1c2d: 0x0080, 0x1c2e: 0x0080, 0x1c2f: 0x0080, + 0x1c30: 0x0080, 0x1c31: 0x0080, 0x1c32: 0x00c0, 0x1c33: 0x0080, 0x1c34: 0x0080, 0x1c35: 0x0080, + 0x1c36: 0x0080, 0x1c37: 0x0080, 0x1c38: 0x0080, 0x1c39: 0x0080, 0x1c3a: 0x0080, 0x1c3b: 0x0080, + 0x1c3c: 0x0080, 0x1c3d: 0x0080, 0x1c3e: 0x0080, 0x1c3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x1c40 + 0x1c40: 0x0080, 0x1c41: 0x0080, 0x1c42: 0x0080, 0x1c43: 0x0080, 0x1c44: 0x0080, 0x1c45: 0x0080, + 0x1c46: 0x0080, 0x1c47: 0x0080, 0x1c48: 0x0080, 0x1c49: 0x0080, 0x1c4a: 0x0080, 0x1c4b: 0x0080, + 0x1c4c: 0x0080, 0x1c4d: 0x0080, 0x1c4e: 0x00c0, 0x1c4f: 0x0080, 0x1c50: 0x0080, 0x1c51: 0x0080, + 0x1c52: 0x0080, 0x1c53: 0x0080, 0x1c54: 0x0080, 0x1c55: 0x0080, 0x1c56: 0x0080, 0x1c57: 0x0080, + 0x1c58: 0x0080, 0x1c59: 0x0080, 0x1c5a: 0x0080, 0x1c5b: 0x0080, 0x1c5c: 0x0080, 0x1c5d: 0x0080, + 0x1c5e: 0x0080, 0x1c5f: 0x0080, 0x1c60: 0x0080, 0x1c61: 0x0080, 0x1c62: 0x0080, 0x1c63: 0x0080, + 0x1c64: 0x0080, 0x1c65: 0x0080, 0x1c66: 0x0080, 0x1c67: 0x0080, 0x1c68: 0x0080, 0x1c69: 0x0080, + 0x1c6a: 0x0080, 0x1c6b: 0x0080, 0x1c6c: 0x0080, 0x1c6d: 0x0080, 0x1c6e: 0x0080, 0x1c6f: 0x0080, + 0x1c70: 0x0080, 0x1c71: 0x0080, 0x1c72: 0x0080, 0x1c73: 0x0080, 0x1c74: 0x0080, 0x1c75: 0x0080, + 0x1c76: 0x0080, 0x1c77: 0x0080, 0x1c78: 0x0080, 0x1c79: 0x0080, 0x1c7a: 0x0080, 0x1c7b: 0x0080, + 0x1c7c: 0x0080, 0x1c7d: 0x0080, 0x1c7e: 0x0080, 0x1c7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x1c80 + 0x1c80: 0x0080, 0x1c81: 0x0080, 0x1c82: 0x0080, 0x1c83: 0x00c0, 0x1c84: 0x00c0, 0x1c85: 0x0080, + 0x1c86: 0x0080, 0x1c87: 0x0080, 0x1c88: 0x0080, 0x1c89: 0x0080, 0x1c8a: 0x0080, 0x1c8b: 0x0080, + 0x1c90: 0x0080, 0x1c91: 0x0080, + 0x1c92: 0x0080, 0x1c93: 0x0080, 0x1c94: 0x0080, 0x1c95: 0x0080, 0x1c96: 0x0080, 0x1c97: 0x0080, + 0x1c98: 0x0080, 0x1c99: 0x0080, 0x1c9a: 0x0080, 0x1c9b: 0x0080, 0x1c9c: 0x0080, 0x1c9d: 0x0080, + 0x1c9e: 0x0080, 0x1c9f: 0x0080, 0x1ca0: 0x0080, 0x1ca1: 0x0080, 0x1ca2: 0x0080, 0x1ca3: 0x0080, + 0x1ca4: 0x0080, 0x1ca5: 0x0080, 0x1ca6: 0x0080, 0x1ca7: 0x0080, 0x1ca8: 0x0080, 0x1ca9: 0x0080, + 0x1caa: 0x0080, 0x1cab: 0x0080, 0x1cac: 0x0080, 0x1cad: 0x0080, 0x1cae: 0x0080, 0x1caf: 0x0080, + 0x1cb0: 0x0080, 0x1cb1: 0x0080, 0x1cb2: 0x0080, 0x1cb3: 0x0080, 0x1cb4: 0x0080, 0x1cb5: 0x0080, + 0x1cb6: 0x0080, 0x1cb7: 0x0080, 0x1cb8: 0x0080, 0x1cb9: 0x0080, 0x1cba: 0x0080, 0x1cbb: 0x0080, + 0x1cbc: 0x0080, 0x1cbd: 0x0080, 0x1cbe: 0x0080, 0x1cbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x1cc0 + 0x1cc0: 0x0080, 0x1cc1: 0x0080, 0x1cc2: 0x0080, 0x1cc3: 0x0080, 0x1cc4: 0x0080, 0x1cc5: 0x0080, + 0x1cc6: 0x0080, 0x1cc7: 0x0080, 0x1cc8: 0x0080, 0x1cc9: 0x0080, 0x1cca: 0x0080, 0x1ccb: 0x0080, + 0x1ccc: 0x0080, 0x1ccd: 0x0080, 0x1cce: 0x0080, 0x1ccf: 0x0080, 0x1cd0: 0x0080, 0x1cd1: 0x0080, + 0x1cd2: 0x0080, 0x1cd3: 0x0080, 0x1cd4: 0x0080, 0x1cd5: 0x0080, 0x1cd6: 0x0080, 0x1cd7: 0x0080, + 0x1cd8: 0x0080, 0x1cd9: 0x0080, 0x1cda: 0x0080, 0x1cdb: 0x0080, 0x1cdc: 0x0080, 0x1cdd: 0x0080, + 0x1cde: 0x0080, 0x1cdf: 0x0080, 0x1ce0: 0x0080, 0x1ce1: 0x0080, 0x1ce2: 0x0080, 0x1ce3: 0x0080, + 0x1ce4: 0x0080, 0x1ce5: 0x0080, 0x1ce6: 0x0080, 0x1ce7: 0x0080, 0x1ce8: 0x0080, 0x1ce9: 0x0080, + 0x1cea: 0x0080, 0x1ceb: 0x0080, 0x1cec: 0x0080, 0x1ced: 0x0080, 0x1cee: 0x0080, 0x1cef: 0x0080, + 0x1cf0: 0x0080, 0x1cf1: 0x0080, 0x1cf2: 0x0080, 0x1cf3: 0x0080, 0x1cf4: 0x0080, 0x1cf5: 0x0080, + 0x1cf6: 0x0080, 0x1cf7: 0x0080, 0x1cf8: 0x0080, 0x1cf9: 0x0080, 0x1cfa: 0x0080, 0x1cfb: 0x0080, + 0x1cfc: 0x0080, 0x1cfd: 0x0080, 0x1cfe: 0x0080, 0x1cff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x1d00 + 0x1d00: 0x0080, 0x1d01: 0x0080, 0x1d02: 0x0080, 0x1d03: 0x0080, 0x1d04: 0x0080, 0x1d05: 0x0080, + 0x1d06: 0x0080, 0x1d07: 0x0080, 0x1d08: 0x0080, 0x1d09: 0x0080, 0x1d0a: 0x0080, 0x1d0b: 0x0080, + 0x1d0c: 0x0080, 0x1d0d: 0x0080, 0x1d0e: 0x0080, 0x1d0f: 0x0080, 0x1d10: 0x0080, 0x1d11: 0x0080, + 0x1d12: 0x0080, 0x1d13: 0x0080, 0x1d14: 0x0080, 0x1d15: 0x0080, 0x1d16: 0x0080, 0x1d17: 0x0080, + 0x1d18: 0x0080, 0x1d19: 0x0080, 0x1d1a: 0x0080, 0x1d1b: 0x0080, 0x1d1c: 0x0080, 0x1d1d: 0x0080, + 0x1d1e: 0x0080, 0x1d1f: 0x0080, 0x1d20: 0x0080, 0x1d21: 0x0080, 0x1d22: 0x0080, 0x1d23: 0x0080, + 0x1d24: 0x0080, 0x1d25: 0x0080, 0x1d26: 0x0080, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x1d40 + 0x1d40: 0x0080, 0x1d41: 0x0080, 0x1d42: 0x0080, 0x1d43: 0x0080, 0x1d44: 0x0080, 0x1d45: 0x0080, + 0x1d46: 0x0080, 0x1d47: 0x0080, 0x1d48: 0x0080, 0x1d49: 0x0080, 0x1d4a: 0x0080, + 0x1d60: 0x0080, 0x1d61: 0x0080, 0x1d62: 0x0080, 0x1d63: 0x0080, + 0x1d64: 0x0080, 0x1d65: 0x0080, 0x1d66: 0x0080, 0x1d67: 0x0080, 0x1d68: 0x0080, 0x1d69: 0x0080, + 0x1d6a: 0x0080, 0x1d6b: 0x0080, 0x1d6c: 0x0080, 0x1d6d: 0x0080, 0x1d6e: 0x0080, 0x1d6f: 0x0080, + 0x1d70: 0x0080, 0x1d71: 0x0080, 0x1d72: 0x0080, 0x1d73: 0x0080, 0x1d74: 0x0080, 0x1d75: 0x0080, + 0x1d76: 0x0080, 0x1d77: 0x0080, 0x1d78: 0x0080, 0x1d79: 0x0080, 0x1d7a: 0x0080, 0x1d7b: 0x0080, + 0x1d7c: 0x0080, 0x1d7d: 0x0080, 0x1d7e: 0x0080, 0x1d7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x1d80 + 0x1d80: 0x0080, 0x1d81: 0x0080, 0x1d82: 0x0080, 0x1d83: 0x0080, 0x1d84: 0x0080, 0x1d85: 0x0080, + 0x1d86: 0x0080, 0x1d87: 0x0080, 0x1d88: 0x0080, 0x1d89: 0x0080, 0x1d8a: 0x0080, 0x1d8b: 0x0080, + 0x1d8c: 0x0080, 0x1d8d: 0x0080, 0x1d8e: 0x0080, 0x1d8f: 0x0080, 0x1d90: 0x0080, 0x1d91: 0x0080, + 0x1d92: 0x0080, 0x1d93: 0x0080, 0x1d94: 0x0080, 0x1d95: 0x0080, 0x1d96: 0x0080, 0x1d97: 0x0080, + 0x1d98: 0x0080, 0x1d99: 0x0080, 0x1d9a: 0x0080, 0x1d9b: 0x0080, 0x1d9c: 0x0080, 0x1d9d: 0x0080, + 0x1d9e: 0x0080, 0x1d9f: 0x0080, 0x1da0: 0x0080, 0x1da1: 0x0080, 0x1da2: 0x0080, 0x1da3: 0x0080, + 0x1da4: 0x0080, 0x1da5: 0x0080, 0x1da6: 0x0080, 0x1da7: 0x0080, 0x1da8: 0x0080, 0x1da9: 0x0080, + 0x1daa: 0x0080, 0x1dab: 0x0080, 0x1dac: 0x0080, 0x1dad: 0x0080, 0x1dae: 0x0080, 0x1daf: 0x0080, + 0x1db0: 0x0080, 0x1db1: 0x0080, 0x1db2: 0x0080, 0x1db3: 0x0080, + 0x1db6: 0x0080, 0x1db7: 0x0080, 0x1db8: 0x0080, 0x1db9: 0x0080, 0x1dba: 0x0080, 0x1dbb: 0x0080, + 0x1dbc: 0x0080, 0x1dbd: 0x0080, 0x1dbe: 0x0080, 0x1dbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x1dc0 + 0x1dc0: 0x0080, 0x1dc1: 0x0080, 0x1dc2: 0x0080, 0x1dc3: 0x0080, 0x1dc4: 0x0080, 0x1dc5: 0x0080, + 0x1dc6: 0x0080, 0x1dc7: 0x0080, 0x1dc8: 0x0080, 0x1dc9: 0x0080, 0x1dca: 0x0080, 0x1dcb: 0x0080, + 0x1dcc: 0x0080, 0x1dcd: 0x0080, 0x1dce: 0x0080, 0x1dcf: 0x0080, 0x1dd0: 0x0080, 0x1dd1: 0x0080, + 0x1dd2: 0x0080, 0x1dd3: 0x0080, 0x1dd4: 0x0080, 0x1dd5: 0x0080, + 0x1dd8: 0x0080, 0x1dd9: 0x0080, 0x1dda: 0x0080, 0x1ddb: 0x0080, 0x1ddc: 0x0080, 0x1ddd: 0x0080, + 0x1dde: 0x0080, 0x1ddf: 0x0080, 0x1de0: 0x0080, 0x1de1: 0x0080, 0x1de2: 0x0080, 0x1de3: 0x0080, + 0x1de4: 0x0080, 0x1de5: 0x0080, 0x1de6: 0x0080, 0x1de7: 0x0080, 0x1de8: 0x0080, 0x1de9: 0x0080, + 0x1dea: 0x0080, 0x1deb: 0x0080, 0x1dec: 0x0080, 0x1ded: 0x0080, 0x1dee: 0x0080, 0x1def: 0x0080, + 0x1df0: 0x0080, 0x1df1: 0x0080, 0x1df2: 0x0080, 0x1df3: 0x0080, 0x1df4: 0x0080, 0x1df5: 0x0080, + 0x1df6: 0x0080, 0x1df7: 0x0080, 0x1df8: 0x0080, 0x1df9: 0x0080, + 0x1dfd: 0x0080, 0x1dfe: 0x0080, 0x1dff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x1e00 + 0x1e00: 0x0080, 0x1e01: 0x0080, 0x1e02: 0x0080, 0x1e03: 0x0080, 0x1e04: 0x0080, 0x1e05: 0x0080, + 0x1e06: 0x0080, 0x1e07: 0x0080, 0x1e08: 0x0080, 0x1e0a: 0x0080, 0x1e0b: 0x0080, + 0x1e0c: 0x0080, 0x1e0d: 0x0080, 0x1e0e: 0x0080, 0x1e0f: 0x0080, 0x1e10: 0x0080, 0x1e11: 0x0080, + 0x1e12: 0x0080, + 0x1e2c: 0x0080, 0x1e2d: 0x0080, 0x1e2e: 0x0080, 0x1e2f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x1e40 + 0x1e40: 0x00c0, 0x1e41: 0x00c0, 0x1e42: 0x00c0, 0x1e43: 0x00c0, 0x1e44: 0x00c0, 0x1e45: 0x00c0, + 0x1e46: 0x00c0, 0x1e47: 0x00c0, 0x1e48: 0x00c0, 0x1e49: 0x00c0, 0x1e4a: 0x00c0, 0x1e4b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e4c: 0x00c0, 0x1e4d: 0x00c0, 0x1e4e: 0x00c0, 0x1e4f: 0x00c0, 0x1e50: 0x00c0, 0x1e51: 0x00c0, + 0x1e52: 0x00c0, 0x1e53: 0x00c0, 0x1e54: 0x00c0, 0x1e55: 0x00c0, 0x1e56: 0x00c0, 0x1e57: 0x00c0, + 0x1e58: 0x00c0, 0x1e59: 0x00c0, 0x1e5a: 0x00c0, 0x1e5b: 0x00c0, 0x1e5c: 0x00c0, 0x1e5d: 0x00c0, + 0x1e5e: 0x00c0, 0x1e5f: 0x00c0, 0x1e60: 0x00c0, 0x1e61: 0x00c0, 0x1e62: 0x00c0, 0x1e63: 0x00c0, + 0x1e64: 0x00c0, 0x1e65: 0x00c0, 0x1e66: 0x00c0, 0x1e67: 0x00c0, 0x1e68: 0x00c0, 0x1e69: 0x00c0, + 0x1e6a: 0x00c0, 0x1e6b: 0x00c0, 0x1e6c: 0x00c0, 0x1e6d: 0x00c0, 0x1e6e: 0x00c0, + 0x1e70: 0x00c0, 0x1e71: 0x00c0, 0x1e72: 0x00c0, 0x1e73: 0x00c0, 0x1e74: 0x00c0, 0x1e75: 0x00c0, + 0x1e76: 0x00c0, 0x1e77: 0x00c0, 0x1e78: 0x00c0, 0x1e79: 0x00c0, 0x1e7a: 0x00c0, 0x1e7b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e7c: 0x00c0, 0x1e7d: 0x00c0, 0x1e7e: 0x00c0, 0x1e7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x1e80 + 0x1e80: 0x00c0, 0x1e81: 0x00c0, 0x1e82: 0x00c0, 0x1e83: 0x00c0, 0x1e84: 0x00c0, 0x1e85: 0x00c0, + 0x1e86: 0x00c0, 0x1e87: 0x00c0, 0x1e88: 0x00c0, 0x1e89: 0x00c0, 0x1e8a: 0x00c0, 0x1e8b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e8c: 0x00c0, 0x1e8d: 0x00c0, 0x1e8e: 0x00c0, 0x1e8f: 0x00c0, 0x1e90: 0x00c0, 0x1e91: 0x00c0, + 0x1e92: 0x00c0, 0x1e93: 0x00c0, 0x1e94: 0x00c0, 0x1e95: 0x00c0, 0x1e96: 0x00c0, 0x1e97: 0x00c0, + 0x1e98: 0x00c0, 0x1e99: 0x00c0, 0x1e9a: 0x00c0, 0x1e9b: 0x00c0, 0x1e9c: 0x00c0, 0x1e9d: 0x00c0, + 0x1e9e: 0x00c0, 0x1ea0: 0x00c0, 0x1ea1: 0x00c0, 0x1ea2: 0x00c0, 0x1ea3: 0x00c0, + 0x1ea4: 0x00c0, 0x1ea5: 0x00c0, 0x1ea6: 0x00c0, 0x1ea7: 0x00c0, 0x1ea8: 0x00c0, 0x1ea9: 0x00c0, + 0x1eaa: 0x00c0, 0x1eab: 0x00c0, 0x1eac: 0x00c0, 0x1ead: 0x00c0, 0x1eae: 0x00c0, 0x1eaf: 0x00c0, + 0x1eb0: 0x00c0, 0x1eb1: 0x00c0, 0x1eb2: 0x00c0, 0x1eb3: 0x00c0, 0x1eb4: 0x00c0, 0x1eb5: 0x00c0, + 0x1eb6: 0x00c0, 0x1eb7: 0x00c0, 0x1eb8: 0x00c0, 0x1eb9: 0x00c0, 0x1eba: 0x00c0, 0x1ebb: 0x00c0, + 0x1ebc: 0x0080, 0x1ebd: 0x0080, 0x1ebe: 0x00c0, 0x1ebf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x1ec0 + 0x1ec0: 0x00c0, 0x1ec1: 0x00c0, 0x1ec2: 0x00c0, 0x1ec3: 0x00c0, 0x1ec4: 0x00c0, 0x1ec5: 0x00c0, + 0x1ec6: 0x00c0, 0x1ec7: 0x00c0, 0x1ec8: 0x00c0, 0x1ec9: 0x00c0, 0x1eca: 0x00c0, 0x1ecb: 0x00c0, + 0x1ecc: 0x00c0, 0x1ecd: 0x00c0, 0x1ece: 0x00c0, 0x1ecf: 0x00c0, 0x1ed0: 0x00c0, 0x1ed1: 0x00c0, + 0x1ed2: 0x00c0, 0x1ed3: 0x00c0, 0x1ed4: 0x00c0, 0x1ed5: 0x00c0, 0x1ed6: 0x00c0, 0x1ed7: 0x00c0, + 0x1ed8: 0x00c0, 0x1ed9: 0x00c0, 0x1eda: 0x00c0, 0x1edb: 0x00c0, 0x1edc: 0x00c0, 0x1edd: 0x00c0, + 0x1ede: 0x00c0, 0x1edf: 0x00c0, 0x1ee0: 0x00c0, 0x1ee1: 0x00c0, 0x1ee2: 0x00c0, 0x1ee3: 0x00c0, + 0x1ee4: 0x00c0, 0x1ee5: 0x0080, 0x1ee6: 0x0080, 0x1ee7: 0x0080, 0x1ee8: 0x0080, 0x1ee9: 0x0080, + 0x1eea: 0x0080, 0x1eeb: 0x00c0, 0x1eec: 0x00c0, 0x1eed: 0x00c0, 0x1eee: 0x00c0, 0x1eef: 0x00c3, + 0x1ef0: 0x00c3, 0x1ef1: 0x00c3, 0x1ef2: 0x00c0, 0x1ef3: 0x00c0, + 0x1ef9: 0x0080, 0x1efa: 0x0080, 0x1efb: 0x0080, + 0x1efc: 0x0080, 0x1efd: 0x0080, 0x1efe: 0x0080, 0x1eff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x1f00 + 0x1f00: 0x00c0, 0x1f01: 0x00c0, 0x1f02: 0x00c0, 0x1f03: 0x00c0, 0x1f04: 0x00c0, 0x1f05: 0x00c0, + 0x1f06: 0x00c0, 0x1f07: 0x00c0, 0x1f08: 0x00c0, 0x1f09: 0x00c0, 0x1f0a: 0x00c0, 0x1f0b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f0c: 0x00c0, 0x1f0d: 0x00c0, 0x1f0e: 0x00c0, 0x1f0f: 0x00c0, 0x1f10: 0x00c0, 0x1f11: 0x00c0, + 0x1f12: 0x00c0, 0x1f13: 0x00c0, 0x1f14: 0x00c0, 0x1f15: 0x00c0, 0x1f16: 0x00c0, 0x1f17: 0x00c0, + 0x1f18: 0x00c0, 0x1f19: 0x00c0, 0x1f1a: 0x00c0, 0x1f1b: 0x00c0, 0x1f1c: 0x00c0, 0x1f1d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f1e: 0x00c0, 0x1f1f: 0x00c0, 0x1f20: 0x00c0, 0x1f21: 0x00c0, 0x1f22: 0x00c0, 0x1f23: 0x00c0, + 0x1f24: 0x00c0, 0x1f25: 0x00c0, 0x1f27: 0x00c0, + 0x1f2d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f30: 0x00c0, 0x1f31: 0x00c0, 0x1f32: 0x00c0, 0x1f33: 0x00c0, 0x1f34: 0x00c0, 0x1f35: 0x00c0, + 0x1f36: 0x00c0, 0x1f37: 0x00c0, 0x1f38: 0x00c0, 0x1f39: 0x00c0, 0x1f3a: 0x00c0, 0x1f3b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f3c: 0x00c0, 0x1f3d: 0x00c0, 0x1f3e: 0x00c0, 0x1f3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x1f40 + 0x1f40: 0x00c0, 0x1f41: 0x00c0, 0x1f42: 0x00c0, 0x1f43: 0x00c0, 0x1f44: 0x00c0, 0x1f45: 0x00c0, + 0x1f46: 0x00c0, 0x1f47: 0x00c0, 0x1f48: 0x00c0, 0x1f49: 0x00c0, 0x1f4a: 0x00c0, 0x1f4b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f4c: 0x00c0, 0x1f4d: 0x00c0, 0x1f4e: 0x00c0, 0x1f4f: 0x00c0, 0x1f50: 0x00c0, 0x1f51: 0x00c0, + 0x1f52: 0x00c0, 0x1f53: 0x00c0, 0x1f54: 0x00c0, 0x1f55: 0x00c0, 0x1f56: 0x00c0, 0x1f57: 0x00c0, + 0x1f58: 0x00c0, 0x1f59: 0x00c0, 0x1f5a: 0x00c0, 0x1f5b: 0x00c0, 0x1f5c: 0x00c0, 0x1f5d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f5e: 0x00c0, 0x1f5f: 0x00c0, 0x1f60: 0x00c0, 0x1f61: 0x00c0, 0x1f62: 0x00c0, 0x1f63: 0x00c0, + 0x1f64: 0x00c0, 0x1f65: 0x00c0, 0x1f66: 0x00c0, 0x1f67: 0x00c0, + 0x1f6f: 0x0080, + 0x1f70: 0x0080, + 0x1f7f: 0x00c6, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x1f80 + 0x1f80: 0x00c0, 0x1f81: 0x00c0, 0x1f82: 0x00c0, 0x1f83: 0x00c0, 0x1f84: 0x00c0, 0x1f85: 0x00c0, + 0x1f86: 0x00c0, 0x1f87: 0x00c0, 0x1f88: 0x00c0, 0x1f89: 0x00c0, 0x1f8a: 0x00c0, 0x1f8b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f8c: 0x00c0, 0x1f8d: 0x00c0, 0x1f8e: 0x00c0, 0x1f8f: 0x00c0, 0x1f90: 0x00c0, 0x1f91: 0x00c0, + 0x1f92: 0x00c0, 0x1f93: 0x00c0, 0x1f94: 0x00c0, 0x1f95: 0x00c0, 0x1f96: 0x00c0, + 0x1fa0: 0x00c0, 0x1fa1: 0x00c0, 0x1fa2: 0x00c0, 0x1fa3: 0x00c0, + 0x1fa4: 0x00c0, 0x1fa5: 0x00c0, 0x1fa6: 0x00c0, 0x1fa8: 0x00c0, 0x1fa9: 0x00c0, + 0x1faa: 0x00c0, 0x1fab: 0x00c0, 0x1fac: 0x00c0, 0x1fad: 0x00c0, 0x1fae: 0x00c0, + 0x1fb0: 0x00c0, 0x1fb1: 0x00c0, 0x1fb2: 0x00c0, 0x1fb3: 0x00c0, 0x1fb4: 0x00c0, 0x1fb5: 0x00c0, + 0x1fb6: 0x00c0, 0x1fb8: 0x00c0, 0x1fb9: 0x00c0, 0x1fba: 0x00c0, 0x1fbb: 0x00c0, + 0x1fbc: 0x00c0, 0x1fbd: 0x00c0, 0x1fbe: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x1fc0 + 0x1fc0: 0x00c0, 0x1fc1: 0x00c0, 0x1fc2: 0x00c0, 0x1fc3: 0x00c0, 0x1fc4: 0x00c0, 0x1fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x1fc6: 0x00c0, 0x1fc8: 0x00c0, 0x1fc9: 0x00c0, 0x1fca: 0x00c0, 0x1fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x1fcc: 0x00c0, 0x1fcd: 0x00c0, 0x1fce: 0x00c0, 0x1fd0: 0x00c0, 0x1fd1: 0x00c0, + 0x1fd2: 0x00c0, 0x1fd3: 0x00c0, 0x1fd4: 0x00c0, 0x1fd5: 0x00c0, 0x1fd6: 0x00c0, + 0x1fd8: 0x00c0, 0x1fd9: 0x00c0, 0x1fda: 0x00c0, 0x1fdb: 0x00c0, 0x1fdc: 0x00c0, 0x1fdd: 0x00c0, + 0x1fde: 0x00c0, 0x1fe0: 0x00c3, 0x1fe1: 0x00c3, 0x1fe2: 0x00c3, 0x1fe3: 0x00c3, + 0x1fe4: 0x00c3, 0x1fe5: 0x00c3, 0x1fe6: 0x00c3, 0x1fe7: 0x00c3, 0x1fe8: 0x00c3, 0x1fe9: 0x00c3, + 0x1fea: 0x00c3, 0x1feb: 0x00c3, 0x1fec: 0x00c3, 0x1fed: 0x00c3, 0x1fee: 0x00c3, 0x1fef: 0x00c3, + 0x1ff0: 0x00c3, 0x1ff1: 0x00c3, 0x1ff2: 0x00c3, 0x1ff3: 0x00c3, 0x1ff4: 0x00c3, 0x1ff5: 0x00c3, + 0x1ff6: 0x00c3, 0x1ff7: 0x00c3, 0x1ff8: 0x00c3, 0x1ff9: 0x00c3, 0x1ffa: 0x00c3, 0x1ffb: 0x00c3, + 0x1ffc: 0x00c3, 0x1ffd: 0x00c3, 0x1ffe: 0x00c3, 0x1fff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x2000 + 0x2000: 0x0080, 0x2001: 0x0080, 0x2002: 0x0080, 0x2003: 0x0080, 0x2004: 0x0080, 0x2005: 0x0080, + 0x2006: 0x0080, 0x2007: 0x0080, 0x2008: 0x0080, 0x2009: 0x0080, 0x200a: 0x0080, 0x200b: 0x0080, + 0x200c: 0x0080, 0x200d: 0x0080, 0x200e: 0x0080, 0x200f: 0x0080, 0x2010: 0x0080, 0x2011: 0x0080, + 0x2012: 0x0080, 0x2013: 0x0080, 0x2014: 0x0080, 0x2015: 0x0080, 0x2016: 0x0080, 0x2017: 0x0080, + 0x2018: 0x0080, 0x2019: 0x0080, 0x201a: 0x0080, 0x201b: 0x0080, 0x201c: 0x0080, 0x201d: 0x0080, + 0x201e: 0x0080, 0x201f: 0x0080, 0x2020: 0x0080, 0x2021: 0x0080, 0x2022: 0x0080, 0x2023: 0x0080, + 0x2024: 0x0080, 0x2025: 0x0080, 0x2026: 0x0080, 0x2027: 0x0080, 0x2028: 0x0080, 0x2029: 0x0080, + 0x202a: 0x0080, 0x202b: 0x0080, 0x202c: 0x0080, 0x202d: 0x0080, 0x202e: 0x0080, 0x202f: 0x00c0, + 0x2030: 0x0080, 0x2031: 0x0080, 0x2032: 0x0080, 0x2033: 0x0080, 0x2034: 0x0080, 0x2035: 0x0080, + 0x2036: 0x0080, 0x2037: 0x0080, 0x2038: 0x0080, 0x2039: 0x0080, 0x203a: 0x0080, 0x203b: 0x0080, + 0x203c: 0x0080, 0x203d: 0x0080, 0x203e: 0x0080, 0x203f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x2040 + 0x2040: 0x0080, 0x2041: 0x0080, 0x2042: 0x0080, 0x2043: 0x0080, 0x2044: 0x0080, 0x2045: 0x0080, + 0x2046: 0x0080, 0x2047: 0x0080, 0x2048: 0x0080, 0x2049: 0x0080, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x2080 + 0x2080: 0x008c, 0x2081: 0x008c, 0x2082: 0x008c, 0x2083: 0x008c, 0x2084: 0x008c, 0x2085: 0x008c, + 0x2086: 0x008c, 0x2087: 0x008c, 0x2088: 0x008c, 0x2089: 0x008c, 0x208a: 0x008c, 0x208b: 0x008c, + 0x208c: 0x008c, 0x208d: 0x008c, 0x208e: 0x008c, 0x208f: 0x008c, 0x2090: 0x008c, 0x2091: 0x008c, + 0x2092: 0x008c, 0x2093: 0x008c, 0x2094: 0x008c, 0x2095: 0x008c, 0x2096: 0x008c, 0x2097: 0x008c, + 0x2098: 0x008c, 0x2099: 0x008c, 0x209b: 0x008c, 0x209c: 0x008c, 0x209d: 0x008c, + 0x209e: 0x008c, 0x209f: 0x008c, 0x20a0: 0x008c, 0x20a1: 0x008c, 0x20a2: 0x008c, 0x20a3: 0x008c, + 0x20a4: 0x008c, 0x20a5: 0x008c, 0x20a6: 0x008c, 0x20a7: 0x008c, 0x20a8: 0x008c, 0x20a9: 0x008c, + 0x20aa: 0x008c, 0x20ab: 0x008c, 0x20ac: 0x008c, 0x20ad: 0x008c, 0x20ae: 0x008c, 0x20af: 0x008c, + 0x20b0: 0x008c, 0x20b1: 0x008c, 0x20b2: 0x008c, 0x20b3: 0x008c, 0x20b4: 0x008c, 0x20b5: 0x008c, + 0x20b6: 0x008c, 0x20b7: 0x008c, 0x20b8: 0x008c, 0x20b9: 0x008c, 0x20ba: 0x008c, 0x20bb: 0x008c, + 0x20bc: 0x008c, 0x20bd: 0x008c, 0x20be: 0x008c, 0x20bf: 0x008c, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x20c0 + 0x20c0: 0x008c, 0x20c1: 0x008c, 0x20c2: 0x008c, 0x20c3: 0x008c, 0x20c4: 0x008c, 0x20c5: 0x008c, + 0x20c6: 0x008c, 0x20c7: 0x008c, 0x20c8: 0x008c, 0x20c9: 0x008c, 0x20ca: 0x008c, 0x20cb: 0x008c, + 0x20cc: 0x008c, 0x20cd: 0x008c, 0x20ce: 0x008c, 0x20cf: 0x008c, 0x20d0: 0x008c, 0x20d1: 0x008c, + 0x20d2: 0x008c, 0x20d3: 0x008c, 0x20d4: 0x008c, 0x20d5: 0x008c, 0x20d6: 0x008c, 0x20d7: 0x008c, + 0x20d8: 0x008c, 0x20d9: 0x008c, 0x20da: 0x008c, 0x20db: 0x008c, 0x20dc: 0x008c, 0x20dd: 0x008c, + 0x20de: 0x008c, 0x20df: 0x008c, 0x20e0: 0x008c, 0x20e1: 0x008c, 0x20e2: 0x008c, 0x20e3: 0x008c, + 0x20e4: 0x008c, 0x20e5: 0x008c, 0x20e6: 0x008c, 0x20e7: 0x008c, 0x20e8: 0x008c, 0x20e9: 0x008c, + 0x20ea: 0x008c, 0x20eb: 0x008c, 0x20ec: 0x008c, 0x20ed: 0x008c, 0x20ee: 0x008c, 0x20ef: 0x008c, + 0x20f0: 0x008c, 0x20f1: 0x008c, 0x20f2: 0x008c, 0x20f3: 0x008c, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x2100 + 0x2100: 0x008c, 0x2101: 0x008c, 0x2102: 0x008c, 0x2103: 0x008c, 0x2104: 0x008c, 0x2105: 0x008c, + 0x2106: 0x008c, 0x2107: 0x008c, 0x2108: 0x008c, 0x2109: 0x008c, 0x210a: 0x008c, 0x210b: 0x008c, + 0x210c: 0x008c, 0x210d: 0x008c, 0x210e: 0x008c, 0x210f: 0x008c, 0x2110: 0x008c, 0x2111: 0x008c, + 0x2112: 0x008c, 0x2113: 0x008c, 0x2114: 0x008c, 0x2115: 0x008c, 0x2116: 0x008c, 0x2117: 0x008c, + 0x2118: 0x008c, 0x2119: 0x008c, 0x211a: 0x008c, 0x211b: 0x008c, 0x211c: 0x008c, 0x211d: 0x008c, + 0x211e: 0x008c, 0x211f: 0x008c, 0x2120: 0x008c, 0x2121: 0x008c, 0x2122: 0x008c, 0x2123: 0x008c, + 0x2124: 0x008c, 0x2125: 0x008c, 0x2126: 0x008c, 0x2127: 0x008c, 0x2128: 0x008c, 0x2129: 0x008c, + 0x212a: 0x008c, 0x212b: 0x008c, 0x212c: 0x008c, 0x212d: 0x008c, 0x212e: 0x008c, 0x212f: 0x008c, + 0x2130: 0x008c, 0x2131: 0x008c, 0x2132: 0x008c, 0x2133: 0x008c, 0x2134: 0x008c, 0x2135: 0x008c, + 0x2136: 0x008c, 0x2137: 0x008c, 0x2138: 0x008c, 0x2139: 0x008c, 0x213a: 0x008c, 0x213b: 0x008c, + 0x213c: 0x008c, 0x213d: 0x008c, 0x213e: 0x008c, 0x213f: 0x008c, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x2140 + 0x2140: 0x008c, 0x2141: 0x008c, 0x2142: 0x008c, 0x2143: 0x008c, 0x2144: 0x008c, 0x2145: 0x008c, + 0x2146: 0x008c, 0x2147: 0x008c, 0x2148: 0x008c, 0x2149: 0x008c, 0x214a: 0x008c, 0x214b: 0x008c, + 0x214c: 0x008c, 0x214d: 0x008c, 0x214e: 0x008c, 0x214f: 0x008c, 0x2150: 0x008c, 0x2151: 0x008c, + 0x2152: 0x008c, 0x2153: 0x008c, 0x2154: 0x008c, 0x2155: 0x008c, + 0x2170: 0x0080, 0x2171: 0x0080, 0x2172: 0x0080, 0x2173: 0x0080, 0x2174: 0x0080, 0x2175: 0x0080, + 0x2176: 0x0080, 0x2177: 0x0080, 0x2178: 0x0080, 0x2179: 0x0080, 0x217a: 0x0080, 0x217b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x2180 + 0x2180: 0x0080, 0x2181: 0x0080, 0x2182: 0x0080, 0x2183: 0x0080, 0x2184: 0x0080, 0x2185: 0x00cc, + 0x2186: 0x00c0, 0x2187: 0x00cc, 0x2188: 0x0080, 0x2189: 0x0080, 0x218a: 0x0080, 0x218b: 0x0080, + 0x218c: 0x0080, 0x218d: 0x0080, 0x218e: 0x0080, 0x218f: 0x0080, 0x2190: 0x0080, 0x2191: 0x0080, + 0x2192: 0x0080, 0x2193: 0x0080, 0x2194: 0x0080, 0x2195: 0x0080, 0x2196: 0x0080, 0x2197: 0x0080, + 0x2198: 0x0080, 0x2199: 0x0080, 0x219a: 0x0080, 0x219b: 0x0080, 0x219c: 0x0080, 0x219d: 0x0080, + 0x219e: 0x0080, 0x219f: 0x0080, 0x21a0: 0x0080, 0x21a1: 0x008c, 0x21a2: 0x008c, 0x21a3: 0x008c, + 0x21a4: 0x008c, 0x21a5: 0x008c, 0x21a6: 0x008c, 0x21a7: 0x008c, 0x21a8: 0x008c, 0x21a9: 0x008c, + 0x21aa: 0x00c3, 0x21ab: 0x00c3, 0x21ac: 0x00c3, 0x21ad: 0x00c3, 0x21ae: 0x0040, 0x21af: 0x0040, + 0x21b0: 0x0080, 0x21b1: 0x0040, 0x21b2: 0x0040, 0x21b3: 0x0040, 0x21b4: 0x0040, 0x21b5: 0x0040, + 0x21b6: 0x0080, 0x21b7: 0x0080, 0x21b8: 0x008c, 0x21b9: 0x008c, 0x21ba: 0x008c, 0x21bb: 0x0040, + 0x21bc: 0x00c0, 0x21bd: 0x0080, 0x21be: 0x0080, 0x21bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x21c0 + 0x21c1: 0x00cc, 0x21c2: 0x00cc, 0x21c3: 0x00cc, 0x21c4: 0x00cc, 0x21c5: 0x00cc, + 0x21c6: 0x00cc, 0x21c7: 0x00cc, 0x21c8: 0x00cc, 0x21c9: 0x00cc, 0x21ca: 0x00cc, 0x21cb: 0x00cc, + 0x21cc: 0x00cc, 0x21cd: 0x00cc, 0x21ce: 0x00cc, 0x21cf: 0x00cc, 0x21d0: 0x00cc, 0x21d1: 0x00cc, + 0x21d2: 0x00cc, 0x21d3: 0x00cc, 0x21d4: 0x00cc, 0x21d5: 0x00cc, 0x21d6: 0x00cc, 0x21d7: 0x00cc, + 0x21d8: 0x00cc, 0x21d9: 0x00cc, 0x21da: 0x00cc, 0x21db: 0x00cc, 0x21dc: 0x00cc, 0x21dd: 0x00cc, + 0x21de: 0x00cc, 0x21df: 0x00cc, 0x21e0: 0x00cc, 0x21e1: 0x00cc, 0x21e2: 0x00cc, 0x21e3: 0x00cc, + 0x21e4: 0x00cc, 0x21e5: 0x00cc, 0x21e6: 0x00cc, 0x21e7: 0x00cc, 0x21e8: 0x00cc, 0x21e9: 0x00cc, + 0x21ea: 0x00cc, 0x21eb: 0x00cc, 0x21ec: 0x00cc, 0x21ed: 0x00cc, 0x21ee: 0x00cc, 0x21ef: 0x00cc, + 0x21f0: 0x00cc, 0x21f1: 0x00cc, 0x21f2: 0x00cc, 0x21f3: 0x00cc, 0x21f4: 0x00cc, 0x21f5: 0x00cc, + 0x21f6: 0x00cc, 0x21f7: 0x00cc, 0x21f8: 0x00cc, 0x21f9: 0x00cc, 0x21fa: 0x00cc, 0x21fb: 0x00cc, + 0x21fc: 0x00cc, 0x21fd: 0x00cc, 0x21fe: 0x00cc, 0x21ff: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x2200 + 0x2200: 0x00cc, 0x2201: 0x00cc, 0x2202: 0x00cc, 0x2203: 0x00cc, 0x2204: 0x00cc, 0x2205: 0x00cc, + 0x2206: 0x00cc, 0x2207: 0x00cc, 0x2208: 0x00cc, 0x2209: 0x00cc, 0x220a: 0x00cc, 0x220b: 0x00cc, + 0x220c: 0x00cc, 0x220d: 0x00cc, 0x220e: 0x00cc, 0x220f: 0x00cc, 0x2210: 0x00cc, 0x2211: 0x00cc, + 0x2212: 0x00cc, 0x2213: 0x00cc, 0x2214: 0x00cc, 0x2215: 0x00cc, 0x2216: 0x00cc, + 0x2219: 0x00c3, 0x221a: 0x00c3, 0x221b: 0x0080, 0x221c: 0x0080, 0x221d: 0x00cc, + 0x221e: 0x00cc, 0x221f: 0x008c, 0x2220: 0x0080, 0x2221: 0x00cc, 0x2222: 0x00cc, 0x2223: 0x00cc, + 0x2224: 0x00cc, 0x2225: 0x00cc, 0x2226: 0x00cc, 0x2227: 0x00cc, 0x2228: 0x00cc, 0x2229: 0x00cc, + 0x222a: 0x00cc, 0x222b: 0x00cc, 0x222c: 0x00cc, 0x222d: 0x00cc, 0x222e: 0x00cc, 0x222f: 0x00cc, + 0x2230: 0x00cc, 0x2231: 0x00cc, 0x2232: 0x00cc, 0x2233: 0x00cc, 0x2234: 0x00cc, 0x2235: 0x00cc, + 0x2236: 0x00cc, 0x2237: 0x00cc, 0x2238: 0x00cc, 0x2239: 0x00cc, 0x223a: 0x00cc, 0x223b: 0x00cc, + 0x223c: 0x00cc, 0x223d: 0x00cc, 0x223e: 0x00cc, 0x223f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x2240 + 0x2240: 0x00cc, 0x2241: 0x00cc, 0x2242: 0x00cc, 0x2243: 0x00cc, 0x2244: 0x00cc, 0x2245: 0x00cc, + 0x2246: 0x00cc, 0x2247: 0x00cc, 0x2248: 0x00cc, 0x2249: 0x00cc, 0x224a: 0x00cc, 0x224b: 0x00cc, + 0x224c: 0x00cc, 0x224d: 0x00cc, 0x224e: 0x00cc, 0x224f: 0x00cc, 0x2250: 0x00cc, 0x2251: 0x00cc, + 0x2252: 0x00cc, 0x2253: 0x00cc, 0x2254: 0x00cc, 0x2255: 0x00cc, 0x2256: 0x00cc, 0x2257: 0x00cc, + 0x2258: 0x00cc, 0x2259: 0x00cc, 0x225a: 0x00cc, 0x225b: 0x00cc, 0x225c: 0x00cc, 0x225d: 0x00cc, + 0x225e: 0x00cc, 0x225f: 0x00cc, 0x2260: 0x00cc, 0x2261: 0x00cc, 0x2262: 0x00cc, 0x2263: 0x00cc, + 0x2264: 0x00cc, 0x2265: 0x00cc, 0x2266: 0x00cc, 0x2267: 0x00cc, 0x2268: 0x00cc, 0x2269: 0x00cc, + 0x226a: 0x00cc, 0x226b: 0x00cc, 0x226c: 0x00cc, 0x226d: 0x00cc, 0x226e: 0x00cc, 0x226f: 0x00cc, + 0x2270: 0x00cc, 0x2271: 0x00cc, 0x2272: 0x00cc, 0x2273: 0x00cc, 0x2274: 0x00cc, 0x2275: 0x00cc, + 0x2276: 0x00cc, 0x2277: 0x00cc, 0x2278: 0x00cc, 0x2279: 0x00cc, 0x227a: 0x00cc, 0x227b: 0x00d2, + 0x227c: 0x00c0, 0x227d: 0x00cc, 0x227e: 0x00cc, 0x227f: 0x008c, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x2280 + 0x2285: 0x00c0, + 0x2286: 0x00c0, 0x2287: 0x00c0, 0x2288: 0x00c0, 0x2289: 0x00c0, 0x228a: 0x00c0, 0x228b: 0x00c0, + 0x228c: 0x00c0, 0x228d: 0x00c0, 0x228e: 0x00c0, 0x228f: 0x00c0, 0x2290: 0x00c0, 0x2291: 0x00c0, + 0x2292: 0x00c0, 0x2293: 0x00c0, 0x2294: 0x00c0, 0x2295: 0x00c0, 0x2296: 0x00c0, 0x2297: 0x00c0, + 0x2298: 0x00c0, 0x2299: 0x00c0, 0x229a: 0x00c0, 0x229b: 0x00c0, 0x229c: 0x00c0, 0x229d: 0x00c0, + 0x229e: 0x00c0, 0x229f: 0x00c0, 0x22a0: 0x00c0, 0x22a1: 0x00c0, 0x22a2: 0x00c0, 0x22a3: 0x00c0, + 0x22a4: 0x00c0, 0x22a5: 0x00c0, 0x22a6: 0x00c0, 0x22a7: 0x00c0, 0x22a8: 0x00c0, 0x22a9: 0x00c0, + 0x22aa: 0x00c0, 0x22ab: 0x00c0, 0x22ac: 0x00c0, 0x22ad: 0x00c0, 0x22ae: 0x00c0, + 0x22b1: 0x0080, 0x22b2: 0x0080, 0x22b3: 0x0080, 0x22b4: 0x0080, 0x22b5: 0x0080, + 0x22b6: 0x0080, 0x22b7: 0x0080, 0x22b8: 0x0080, 0x22b9: 0x0080, 0x22ba: 0x0080, 0x22bb: 0x0080, + 0x22bc: 0x0080, 0x22bd: 0x0080, 0x22be: 0x0080, 0x22bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x22c0 + 0x22c0: 0x0080, 0x22c1: 0x0080, 0x22c2: 0x0080, 0x22c3: 0x0080, 0x22c4: 0x0080, 0x22c5: 0x0080, + 0x22c6: 0x0080, 0x22c7: 0x0080, 0x22c8: 0x0080, 0x22c9: 0x0080, 0x22ca: 0x0080, 0x22cb: 0x0080, + 0x22cc: 0x0080, 0x22cd: 0x0080, 0x22ce: 0x0080, 0x22cf: 0x0080, 0x22d0: 0x0080, 0x22d1: 0x0080, + 0x22d2: 0x0080, 0x22d3: 0x0080, 0x22d4: 0x0080, 0x22d5: 0x0080, 0x22d6: 0x0080, 0x22d7: 0x0080, + 0x22d8: 0x0080, 0x22d9: 0x0080, 0x22da: 0x0080, 0x22db: 0x0080, 0x22dc: 0x0080, 0x22dd: 0x0080, + 0x22de: 0x0080, 0x22df: 0x0080, 0x22e0: 0x0080, 0x22e1: 0x0080, 0x22e2: 0x0080, 0x22e3: 0x0080, + 0x22e4: 0x0040, 0x22e5: 0x0080, 0x22e6: 0x0080, 0x22e7: 0x0080, 0x22e8: 0x0080, 0x22e9: 0x0080, + 0x22ea: 0x0080, 0x22eb: 0x0080, 0x22ec: 0x0080, 0x22ed: 0x0080, 0x22ee: 0x0080, 0x22ef: 0x0080, + 0x22f0: 0x0080, 0x22f1: 0x0080, 0x22f2: 0x0080, 0x22f3: 0x0080, 0x22f4: 0x0080, 0x22f5: 0x0080, + 0x22f6: 0x0080, 0x22f7: 0x0080, 0x22f8: 0x0080, 0x22f9: 0x0080, 0x22fa: 0x0080, 0x22fb: 0x0080, + 0x22fc: 0x0080, 0x22fd: 0x0080, 0x22fe: 0x0080, 0x22ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x2300 + 0x2300: 0x0080, 0x2301: 0x0080, 0x2302: 0x0080, 0x2303: 0x0080, 0x2304: 0x0080, 0x2305: 0x0080, + 0x2306: 0x0080, 0x2307: 0x0080, 0x2308: 0x0080, 0x2309: 0x0080, 0x230a: 0x0080, 0x230b: 0x0080, + 0x230c: 0x0080, 0x230d: 0x0080, 0x230e: 0x0080, 0x2310: 0x0080, 0x2311: 0x0080, + 0x2312: 0x0080, 0x2313: 0x0080, 0x2314: 0x0080, 0x2315: 0x0080, 0x2316: 0x0080, 0x2317: 0x0080, + 0x2318: 0x0080, 0x2319: 0x0080, 0x231a: 0x0080, 0x231b: 0x0080, 0x231c: 0x0080, 0x231d: 0x0080, + 0x231e: 0x0080, 0x231f: 0x0080, 0x2320: 0x00c0, 0x2321: 0x00c0, 0x2322: 0x00c0, 0x2323: 0x00c0, + 0x2324: 0x00c0, 0x2325: 0x00c0, 0x2326: 0x00c0, 0x2327: 0x00c0, 0x2328: 0x00c0, 0x2329: 0x00c0, + 0x232a: 0x00c0, 0x232b: 0x00c0, 0x232c: 0x00c0, 0x232d: 0x00c0, 0x232e: 0x00c0, 0x232f: 0x00c0, + 0x2330: 0x00c0, 0x2331: 0x00c0, 0x2332: 0x00c0, 0x2333: 0x00c0, 0x2334: 0x00c0, 0x2335: 0x00c0, + 0x2336: 0x00c0, 0x2337: 0x00c0, 0x2338: 0x00c0, 0x2339: 0x00c0, 0x233a: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x2340 + 0x2340: 0x0080, 0x2341: 0x0080, 0x2342: 0x0080, 0x2343: 0x0080, 0x2344: 0x0080, 0x2345: 0x0080, + 0x2346: 0x0080, 0x2347: 0x0080, 0x2348: 0x0080, 0x2349: 0x0080, 0x234a: 0x0080, 0x234b: 0x0080, + 0x234c: 0x0080, 0x234d: 0x0080, 0x234e: 0x0080, 0x234f: 0x0080, 0x2350: 0x0080, 0x2351: 0x0080, + 0x2352: 0x0080, 0x2353: 0x0080, 0x2354: 0x0080, 0x2355: 0x0080, 0x2356: 0x0080, 0x2357: 0x0080, + 0x2358: 0x0080, 0x2359: 0x0080, 0x235a: 0x0080, 0x235b: 0x0080, 0x235c: 0x0080, 0x235d: 0x0080, + 0x235e: 0x0080, 0x235f: 0x0080, 0x2360: 0x0080, 0x2361: 0x0080, 0x2362: 0x0080, 0x2363: 0x0080, + 0x2370: 0x00cc, 0x2371: 0x00cc, 0x2372: 0x00cc, 0x2373: 0x00cc, 0x2374: 0x00cc, 0x2375: 0x00cc, + 0x2376: 0x00cc, 0x2377: 0x00cc, 0x2378: 0x00cc, 0x2379: 0x00cc, 0x237a: 0x00cc, 0x237b: 0x00cc, + 0x237c: 0x00cc, 0x237d: 0x00cc, 0x237e: 0x00cc, 0x237f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x2380 + 0x2380: 0x0080, 0x2381: 0x0080, 0x2382: 0x0080, 0x2383: 0x0080, 0x2384: 0x0080, 0x2385: 0x0080, + 0x2386: 0x0080, 0x2387: 0x0080, 0x2388: 0x0080, 0x2389: 0x0080, 0x238a: 0x0080, 0x238b: 0x0080, + 0x238c: 0x0080, 0x238d: 0x0080, 0x238e: 0x0080, 0x238f: 0x0080, 0x2390: 0x0080, 0x2391: 0x0080, + 0x2392: 0x0080, 0x2393: 0x0080, 0x2394: 0x0080, 0x2395: 0x0080, 0x2396: 0x0080, 0x2397: 0x0080, + 0x2398: 0x0080, 0x2399: 0x0080, 0x239a: 0x0080, 0x239b: 0x0080, 0x239c: 0x0080, 0x239d: 0x0080, + 0x239e: 0x0080, 0x23a0: 0x0080, 0x23a1: 0x0080, 0x23a2: 0x0080, 0x23a3: 0x0080, + 0x23a4: 0x0080, 0x23a5: 0x0080, 0x23a6: 0x0080, 0x23a7: 0x0080, 0x23a8: 0x0080, 0x23a9: 0x0080, + 0x23aa: 0x0080, 0x23ab: 0x0080, 0x23ac: 0x0080, 0x23ad: 0x0080, 0x23ae: 0x0080, 0x23af: 0x0080, + 0x23b0: 0x0080, 0x23b1: 0x0080, 0x23b2: 0x0080, 0x23b3: 0x0080, 0x23b4: 0x0080, 0x23b5: 0x0080, + 0x23b6: 0x0080, 0x23b7: 0x0080, 0x23b8: 0x0080, 0x23b9: 0x0080, 0x23ba: 0x0080, 0x23bb: 0x0080, + 0x23bc: 0x0080, 0x23bd: 0x0080, 0x23be: 0x0080, 0x23bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x23c0 + 0x23c0: 0x0080, 0x23c1: 0x0080, 0x23c2: 0x0080, 0x23c3: 0x0080, 0x23c4: 0x0080, 0x23c5: 0x0080, + 0x23c6: 0x0080, 0x23c7: 0x0080, 0x23c8: 0x0080, 0x23c9: 0x0080, 0x23ca: 0x0080, 0x23cb: 0x0080, + 0x23cc: 0x0080, 0x23cd: 0x0080, 0x23ce: 0x0080, 0x23cf: 0x0080, 0x23d0: 0x008c, 0x23d1: 0x008c, + 0x23d2: 0x008c, 0x23d3: 0x008c, 0x23d4: 0x008c, 0x23d5: 0x008c, 0x23d6: 0x008c, 0x23d7: 0x008c, + 0x23d8: 0x008c, 0x23d9: 0x008c, 0x23da: 0x008c, 0x23db: 0x008c, 0x23dc: 0x008c, 0x23dd: 0x008c, + 0x23de: 0x008c, 0x23df: 0x008c, 0x23e0: 0x008c, 0x23e1: 0x008c, 0x23e2: 0x008c, 0x23e3: 0x008c, + 0x23e4: 0x008c, 0x23e5: 0x008c, 0x23e6: 0x008c, 0x23e7: 0x008c, 0x23e8: 0x008c, 0x23e9: 0x008c, + 0x23ea: 0x008c, 0x23eb: 0x008c, 0x23ec: 0x008c, 0x23ed: 0x008c, 0x23ee: 0x008c, 0x23ef: 0x008c, + 0x23f0: 0x008c, 0x23f1: 0x008c, 0x23f2: 0x008c, 0x23f3: 0x008c, 0x23f4: 0x008c, 0x23f5: 0x008c, + 0x23f6: 0x008c, 0x23f7: 0x008c, 0x23f8: 0x008c, 0x23f9: 0x008c, 0x23fa: 0x008c, 0x23fb: 0x008c, + 0x23fc: 0x008c, 0x23fd: 0x008c, 0x23fe: 0x008c, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x2400 + 0x2400: 0x008c, 0x2401: 0x008c, 0x2402: 0x008c, 0x2403: 0x008c, 0x2404: 0x008c, 0x2405: 0x008c, + 0x2406: 0x008c, 0x2407: 0x008c, 0x2408: 0x008c, 0x2409: 0x008c, 0x240a: 0x008c, 0x240b: 0x008c, + 0x240c: 0x008c, 0x240d: 0x008c, 0x240e: 0x008c, 0x240f: 0x008c, 0x2410: 0x008c, 0x2411: 0x008c, + 0x2412: 0x008c, 0x2413: 0x008c, 0x2414: 0x008c, 0x2415: 0x008c, 0x2416: 0x008c, 0x2417: 0x008c, + 0x2418: 0x0080, 0x2419: 0x0080, 0x241a: 0x0080, 0x241b: 0x0080, 0x241c: 0x0080, 0x241d: 0x0080, + 0x241e: 0x0080, 0x241f: 0x0080, 0x2420: 0x0080, 0x2421: 0x0080, 0x2422: 0x0080, 0x2423: 0x0080, + 0x2424: 0x0080, 0x2425: 0x0080, 0x2426: 0x0080, 0x2427: 0x0080, 0x2428: 0x0080, 0x2429: 0x0080, + 0x242a: 0x0080, 0x242b: 0x0080, 0x242c: 0x0080, 0x242d: 0x0080, 0x242e: 0x0080, 0x242f: 0x0080, + 0x2430: 0x0080, 0x2431: 0x0080, 0x2432: 0x0080, 0x2433: 0x0080, 0x2434: 0x0080, 0x2435: 0x0080, + 0x2436: 0x0080, 0x2437: 0x0080, 0x2438: 0x0080, 0x2439: 0x0080, 0x243a: 0x0080, 0x243b: 0x0080, + 0x243c: 0x0080, 0x243d: 0x0080, 0x243e: 0x0080, 0x243f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x2440 + 0x2440: 0x00cc, 0x2441: 0x00cc, 0x2442: 0x00cc, 0x2443: 0x00cc, 0x2444: 0x00cc, 0x2445: 0x00cc, + 0x2446: 0x00cc, 0x2447: 0x00cc, 0x2448: 0x00cc, 0x2449: 0x00cc, 0x244a: 0x00cc, 0x244b: 0x00cc, + 0x244c: 0x00cc, 0x244d: 0x00cc, 0x244e: 0x00cc, 0x244f: 0x00cc, 0x2450: 0x00cc, 0x2451: 0x00cc, + 0x2452: 0x00cc, 0x2453: 0x00cc, 0x2454: 0x00cc, 0x2455: 0x00cc, 0x2456: 0x00cc, 0x2457: 0x00cc, + 0x2458: 0x00cc, 0x2459: 0x00cc, 0x245a: 0x00cc, 0x245b: 0x00cc, 0x245c: 0x00cc, 0x245d: 0x00cc, + 0x245e: 0x00cc, 0x245f: 0x00cc, 0x2460: 0x00cc, 0x2461: 0x00cc, 0x2462: 0x00cc, 0x2463: 0x00cc, + 0x2464: 0x00cc, 0x2465: 0x00cc, 0x2466: 0x00cc, 0x2467: 0x00cc, 0x2468: 0x00cc, 0x2469: 0x00cc, + 0x246a: 0x00cc, 0x246b: 0x00cc, 0x246c: 0x00cc, 0x246d: 0x00cc, 0x246e: 0x00cc, 0x246f: 0x00cc, + 0x2470: 0x00cc, 0x2471: 0x00cc, 0x2472: 0x00cc, 0x2473: 0x00cc, 0x2474: 0x00cc, 0x2475: 0x00cc, + 0x2476: 0x00cc, 0x2477: 0x00cc, 0x2478: 0x00cc, 0x2479: 0x00cc, 0x247a: 0x00cc, 0x247b: 0x00cc, + 0x247c: 0x00cc, 0x247d: 0x00cc, 0x247e: 0x00cc, 0x247f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x2480 + 0x2480: 0x00cc, 0x2481: 0x00cc, 0x2482: 0x00cc, 0x2483: 0x00cc, 0x2484: 0x00cc, 0x2485: 0x00cc, + 0x2486: 0x00cc, 0x2487: 0x00cc, 0x2488: 0x00cc, 0x2489: 0x00cc, 0x248a: 0x00cc, 0x248b: 0x00cc, + 0x248c: 0x00cc, 0x248d: 0x00cc, 0x248e: 0x00cc, 0x248f: 0x00cc, 0x2490: 0x00cc, 0x2491: 0x00cc, + 0x2492: 0x00cc, 0x2493: 0x00cc, 0x2494: 0x00cc, 0x2495: 0x00cc, 0x2496: 0x00cc, 0x2497: 0x00cc, + 0x2498: 0x00cc, 0x2499: 0x00cc, 0x249a: 0x00cc, 0x249b: 0x00cc, 0x249c: 0x00cc, 0x249d: 0x00cc, + 0x249e: 0x00cc, 0x249f: 0x00cc, 0x24a0: 0x00cc, 0x24a1: 0x00cc, 0x24a2: 0x00cc, 0x24a3: 0x00cc, + 0x24a4: 0x00cc, 0x24a5: 0x00cc, 0x24a6: 0x00cc, 0x24a7: 0x00cc, 0x24a8: 0x00cc, 0x24a9: 0x00cc, + 0x24aa: 0x00cc, 0x24ab: 0x00cc, 0x24ac: 0x00cc, 0x24ad: 0x00cc, 0x24ae: 0x00cc, 0x24af: 0x00cc, + 0x24b0: 0x00cc, 0x24b1: 0x00cc, 0x24b2: 0x00cc, 0x24b3: 0x00cc, 0x24b4: 0x00cc, 0x24b5: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x24c0 + 0x24c0: 0x00cc, 0x24c1: 0x00cc, 0x24c2: 0x00cc, 0x24c3: 0x00cc, 0x24c4: 0x00cc, 0x24c5: 0x00cc, + 0x24c6: 0x00cc, 0x24c7: 0x00cc, 0x24c8: 0x00cc, 0x24c9: 0x00cc, 0x24ca: 0x00cc, 0x24cb: 0x00cc, + 0x24cc: 0x00cc, 0x24cd: 0x00cc, 0x24ce: 0x00cc, 0x24cf: 0x00cc, 0x24d0: 0x00cc, 0x24d1: 0x00cc, + 0x24d2: 0x00cc, 0x24d3: 0x00cc, 0x24d4: 0x00cc, 0x24d5: 0x00cc, 0x24d6: 0x00cc, 0x24d7: 0x00cc, + 0x24d8: 0x00cc, 0x24d9: 0x00cc, 0x24da: 0x00cc, 0x24db: 0x00cc, 0x24dc: 0x00cc, 0x24dd: 0x00cc, + 0x24de: 0x00cc, 0x24df: 0x00cc, 0x24e0: 0x00cc, 0x24e1: 0x00cc, 0x24e2: 0x00cc, 0x24e3: 0x00cc, + 0x24e4: 0x00cc, 0x24e5: 0x00cc, 0x24e6: 0x00cc, 0x24e7: 0x00cc, 0x24e8: 0x00cc, 0x24e9: 0x00cc, + 0x24ea: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x2500 + 0x2500: 0x00c0, 0x2501: 0x00c0, 0x2502: 0x00c0, 0x2503: 0x00c0, 0x2504: 0x00c0, 0x2505: 0x00c0, + 0x2506: 0x00c0, 0x2507: 0x00c0, 0x2508: 0x00c0, 0x2509: 0x00c0, 0x250a: 0x00c0, 0x250b: 0x00c0, + 0x250c: 0x00c0, 0x2510: 0x0080, 0x2511: 0x0080, + 0x2512: 0x0080, 0x2513: 0x0080, 0x2514: 0x0080, 0x2515: 0x0080, 0x2516: 0x0080, 0x2517: 0x0080, + 0x2518: 0x0080, 0x2519: 0x0080, 0x251a: 0x0080, 0x251b: 0x0080, 0x251c: 0x0080, 0x251d: 0x0080, + 0x251e: 0x0080, 0x251f: 0x0080, 0x2520: 0x0080, 0x2521: 0x0080, 0x2522: 0x0080, 0x2523: 0x0080, + 0x2524: 0x0080, 0x2525: 0x0080, 0x2526: 0x0080, 0x2527: 0x0080, 0x2528: 0x0080, 0x2529: 0x0080, + 0x252a: 0x0080, 0x252b: 0x0080, 0x252c: 0x0080, 0x252d: 0x0080, 0x252e: 0x0080, 0x252f: 0x0080, + 0x2530: 0x0080, 0x2531: 0x0080, 0x2532: 0x0080, 0x2533: 0x0080, 0x2534: 0x0080, 0x2535: 0x0080, + 0x2536: 0x0080, 0x2537: 0x0080, 0x2538: 0x0080, 0x2539: 0x0080, 0x253a: 0x0080, 0x253b: 0x0080, + 0x253c: 0x0080, 0x253d: 0x0080, 0x253e: 0x0080, 0x253f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x2540 + 0x2540: 0x0080, 0x2541: 0x0080, 0x2542: 0x0080, 0x2543: 0x0080, 0x2544: 0x0080, 0x2545: 0x0080, + 0x2546: 0x0080, + 0x2550: 0x00c0, 0x2551: 0x00c0, + 0x2552: 0x00c0, 0x2553: 0x00c0, 0x2554: 0x00c0, 0x2555: 0x00c0, 0x2556: 0x00c0, 0x2557: 0x00c0, + 0x2558: 0x00c0, 0x2559: 0x00c0, 0x255a: 0x00c0, 0x255b: 0x00c0, 0x255c: 0x00c0, 0x255d: 0x00c0, + 0x255e: 0x00c0, 0x255f: 0x00c0, 0x2560: 0x00c0, 0x2561: 0x00c0, 0x2562: 0x00c0, 0x2563: 0x00c0, + 0x2564: 0x00c0, 0x2565: 0x00c0, 0x2566: 0x00c0, 0x2567: 0x00c0, 0x2568: 0x00c0, 0x2569: 0x00c0, + 0x256a: 0x00c0, 0x256b: 0x00c0, 0x256c: 0x00c0, 0x256d: 0x00c0, 0x256e: 0x00c0, 0x256f: 0x00c0, + 0x2570: 0x00c0, 0x2571: 0x00c0, 0x2572: 0x00c0, 0x2573: 0x00c0, 0x2574: 0x00c0, 0x2575: 0x00c0, + 0x2576: 0x00c0, 0x2577: 0x00c0, 0x2578: 0x00c0, 0x2579: 0x00c0, 0x257a: 0x00c0, 0x257b: 0x00c0, + 0x257c: 0x00c0, 0x257d: 0x00c0, 0x257e: 0x0080, 0x257f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x2580 + 0x2580: 0x00c0, 0x2581: 0x00c0, 0x2582: 0x00c0, 0x2583: 0x00c0, 0x2584: 0x00c0, 0x2585: 0x00c0, + 0x2586: 0x00c0, 0x2587: 0x00c0, 0x2588: 0x00c0, 0x2589: 0x00c0, 0x258a: 0x00c0, 0x258b: 0x00c0, + 0x258c: 0x00c0, 0x258d: 0x0080, 0x258e: 0x0080, 0x258f: 0x0080, 0x2590: 0x00c0, 0x2591: 0x00c0, + 0x2592: 0x00c0, 0x2593: 0x00c0, 0x2594: 0x00c0, 0x2595: 0x00c0, 0x2596: 0x00c0, 0x2597: 0x00c0, + 0x2598: 0x00c0, 0x2599: 0x00c0, 0x259a: 0x00c0, 0x259b: 0x00c0, 0x259c: 0x00c0, 0x259d: 0x00c0, + 0x259e: 0x00c0, 0x259f: 0x00c0, 0x25a0: 0x00c0, 0x25a1: 0x00c0, 0x25a2: 0x00c0, 0x25a3: 0x00c0, + 0x25a4: 0x00c0, 0x25a5: 0x00c0, 0x25a6: 0x00c0, 0x25a7: 0x00c0, 0x25a8: 0x00c0, 0x25a9: 0x00c0, + 0x25aa: 0x00c0, 0x25ab: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x25c0 + 0x25c0: 0x00c0, 0x25c1: 0x00c0, 0x25c2: 0x00c0, 0x25c3: 0x00c0, 0x25c4: 0x00c0, 0x25c5: 0x00c0, + 0x25c6: 0x00c0, 0x25c7: 0x00c0, 0x25c8: 0x00c0, 0x25c9: 0x00c0, 0x25ca: 0x00c0, 0x25cb: 0x00c0, + 0x25cc: 0x00c0, 0x25cd: 0x00c0, 0x25ce: 0x00c0, 0x25cf: 0x00c0, 0x25d0: 0x00c0, 0x25d1: 0x00c0, + 0x25d2: 0x00c0, 0x25d3: 0x00c0, 0x25d4: 0x00c0, 0x25d5: 0x00c0, 0x25d6: 0x00c0, 0x25d7: 0x00c0, + 0x25d8: 0x00c0, 0x25d9: 0x00c0, 0x25da: 0x00c0, 0x25db: 0x00c0, 0x25dc: 0x00c0, 0x25dd: 0x00c0, + 0x25de: 0x00c0, 0x25df: 0x00c0, 0x25e0: 0x00c0, 0x25e1: 0x00c0, 0x25e2: 0x00c0, 0x25e3: 0x00c0, + 0x25e4: 0x00c0, 0x25e5: 0x00c0, 0x25e6: 0x00c0, 0x25e7: 0x00c0, 0x25e8: 0x00c0, 0x25e9: 0x00c0, + 0x25ea: 0x00c0, 0x25eb: 0x00c0, 0x25ec: 0x00c0, 0x25ed: 0x00c0, 0x25ee: 0x00c0, 0x25ef: 0x00c3, + 0x25f0: 0x0083, 0x25f1: 0x0083, 0x25f2: 0x0083, 0x25f3: 0x0080, 0x25f4: 0x00c3, 0x25f5: 0x00c3, + 0x25f6: 0x00c3, 0x25f7: 0x00c3, 0x25f8: 0x00c3, 0x25f9: 0x00c3, 0x25fa: 0x00c3, 0x25fb: 0x00c3, + 0x25fc: 0x00c3, 0x25fd: 0x00c3, 0x25fe: 0x0080, 0x25ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x2600 + 0x2600: 0x00c0, 0x2601: 0x00c0, 0x2602: 0x00c0, 0x2603: 0x00c0, 0x2604: 0x00c0, 0x2605: 0x00c0, + 0x2606: 0x00c0, 0x2607: 0x00c0, 0x2608: 0x00c0, 0x2609: 0x00c0, 0x260a: 0x00c0, 0x260b: 0x00c0, + 0x260c: 0x00c0, 0x260d: 0x00c0, 0x260e: 0x00c0, 0x260f: 0x00c0, 0x2610: 0x00c0, 0x2611: 0x00c0, + 0x2612: 0x00c0, 0x2613: 0x00c0, 0x2614: 0x00c0, 0x2615: 0x00c0, 0x2616: 0x00c0, 0x2617: 0x00c0, + 0x2618: 0x00c0, 0x2619: 0x00c0, 0x261a: 0x00c0, 0x261b: 0x00c0, 0x261c: 0x0080, 0x261d: 0x0080, + 0x261e: 0x00c3, 0x261f: 0x00c3, 0x2620: 0x00c0, 0x2621: 0x00c0, 0x2622: 0x00c0, 0x2623: 0x00c0, + 0x2624: 0x00c0, 0x2625: 0x00c0, 0x2626: 0x00c0, 0x2627: 0x00c0, 0x2628: 0x00c0, 0x2629: 0x00c0, + 0x262a: 0x00c0, 0x262b: 0x00c0, 0x262c: 0x00c0, 0x262d: 0x00c0, 0x262e: 0x00c0, 0x262f: 0x00c0, + 0x2630: 0x00c0, 0x2631: 0x00c0, 0x2632: 0x00c0, 0x2633: 0x00c0, 0x2634: 0x00c0, 0x2635: 0x00c0, + 0x2636: 0x00c0, 0x2637: 0x00c0, 0x2638: 0x00c0, 0x2639: 0x00c0, 0x263a: 0x00c0, 0x263b: 0x00c0, + 0x263c: 0x00c0, 0x263d: 0x00c0, 0x263e: 0x00c0, 0x263f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x2640 + 0x2640: 0x00c0, 0x2641: 0x00c0, 0x2642: 0x00c0, 0x2643: 0x00c0, 0x2644: 0x00c0, 0x2645: 0x00c0, + 0x2646: 0x00c0, 0x2647: 0x00c0, 0x2648: 0x00c0, 0x2649: 0x00c0, 0x264a: 0x00c0, 0x264b: 0x00c0, + 0x264c: 0x00c0, 0x264d: 0x00c0, 0x264e: 0x00c0, 0x264f: 0x00c0, 0x2650: 0x00c0, 0x2651: 0x00c0, + 0x2652: 0x00c0, 0x2653: 0x00c0, 0x2654: 0x00c0, 0x2655: 0x00c0, 0x2656: 0x00c0, 0x2657: 0x00c0, + 0x2658: 0x00c0, 0x2659: 0x00c0, 0x265a: 0x00c0, 0x265b: 0x00c0, 0x265c: 0x00c0, 0x265d: 0x00c0, + 0x265e: 0x00c0, 0x265f: 0x00c0, 0x2660: 0x00c0, 0x2661: 0x00c0, 0x2662: 0x00c0, 0x2663: 0x00c0, + 0x2664: 0x00c0, 0x2665: 0x00c0, 0x2666: 0x0080, 0x2667: 0x0080, 0x2668: 0x0080, 0x2669: 0x0080, + 0x266a: 0x0080, 0x266b: 0x0080, 0x266c: 0x0080, 0x266d: 0x0080, 0x266e: 0x0080, 0x266f: 0x0080, + 0x2670: 0x00c3, 0x2671: 0x00c3, 0x2672: 0x0080, 0x2673: 0x0080, 0x2674: 0x0080, 0x2675: 0x0080, + 0x2676: 0x0080, 0x2677: 0x0080, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x2680 + 0x2680: 0x0080, 0x2681: 0x0080, 0x2682: 0x0080, 0x2683: 0x0080, 0x2684: 0x0080, 0x2685: 0x0080, + 0x2686: 0x0080, 0x2687: 0x0080, 0x2688: 0x0080, 0x2689: 0x0080, 0x268a: 0x0080, 0x268b: 0x0080, + 0x268c: 0x0080, 0x268d: 0x0080, 0x268e: 0x0080, 0x268f: 0x0080, 0x2690: 0x0080, 0x2691: 0x0080, + 0x2692: 0x0080, 0x2693: 0x0080, 0x2694: 0x0080, 0x2695: 0x0080, 0x2696: 0x0080, 0x2697: 0x00c0, + 0x2698: 0x00c0, 0x2699: 0x00c0, 0x269a: 0x00c0, 0x269b: 0x00c0, 0x269c: 0x00c0, 0x269d: 0x00c0, + 0x269e: 0x00c0, 0x269f: 0x00c0, 0x26a0: 0x0080, 0x26a1: 0x0080, 0x26a2: 0x00c0, 0x26a3: 0x00c0, + 0x26a4: 0x00c0, 0x26a5: 0x00c0, 0x26a6: 0x00c0, 0x26a7: 0x00c0, 0x26a8: 0x00c0, 0x26a9: 0x00c0, + 0x26aa: 0x00c0, 0x26ab: 0x00c0, 0x26ac: 0x00c0, 0x26ad: 0x00c0, 0x26ae: 0x00c0, 0x26af: 0x00c0, + 0x26b0: 0x00c0, 0x26b1: 0x00c0, 0x26b2: 0x00c0, 0x26b3: 0x00c0, 0x26b4: 0x00c0, 0x26b5: 0x00c0, + 0x26b6: 0x00c0, 0x26b7: 0x00c0, 0x26b8: 0x00c0, 0x26b9: 0x00c0, 0x26ba: 0x00c0, 0x26bb: 0x00c0, + 0x26bc: 0x00c0, 0x26bd: 0x00c0, 0x26be: 0x00c0, 0x26bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x26c0 + 0x26c0: 0x00c0, 0x26c1: 0x00c0, 0x26c2: 0x00c0, 0x26c3: 0x00c0, 0x26c4: 0x00c0, 0x26c5: 0x00c0, + 0x26c6: 0x00c0, 0x26c7: 0x00c0, 0x26c8: 0x00c0, 0x26c9: 0x00c0, 0x26ca: 0x00c0, 0x26cb: 0x00c0, + 0x26cc: 0x00c0, 0x26cd: 0x00c0, 0x26ce: 0x00c0, 0x26cf: 0x00c0, 0x26d0: 0x00c0, 0x26d1: 0x00c0, + 0x26d2: 0x00c0, 0x26d3: 0x00c0, 0x26d4: 0x00c0, 0x26d5: 0x00c0, 0x26d6: 0x00c0, 0x26d7: 0x00c0, + 0x26d8: 0x00c0, 0x26d9: 0x00c0, 0x26da: 0x00c0, 0x26db: 0x00c0, 0x26dc: 0x00c0, 0x26dd: 0x00c0, + 0x26de: 0x00c0, 0x26df: 0x00c0, 0x26e0: 0x00c0, 0x26e1: 0x00c0, 0x26e2: 0x00c0, 0x26e3: 0x00c0, + 0x26e4: 0x00c0, 0x26e5: 0x00c0, 0x26e6: 0x00c0, 0x26e7: 0x00c0, 0x26e8: 0x00c0, 0x26e9: 0x00c0, + 0x26ea: 0x00c0, 0x26eb: 0x00c0, 0x26ec: 0x00c0, 0x26ed: 0x00c0, 0x26ee: 0x00c0, 0x26ef: 0x00c0, + 0x26f0: 0x0080, 0x26f1: 0x00c0, 0x26f2: 0x00c0, 0x26f3: 0x00c0, 0x26f4: 0x00c0, 0x26f5: 0x00c0, + 0x26f6: 0x00c0, 0x26f7: 0x00c0, 0x26f8: 0x00c0, 0x26f9: 0x00c0, 0x26fa: 0x00c0, 0x26fb: 0x00c0, + 0x26fc: 0x00c0, 0x26fd: 0x00c0, 0x26fe: 0x00c0, 0x26ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x2700 + 0x2700: 0x00c0, 0x2701: 0x00c0, 0x2702: 0x00c0, 0x2703: 0x00c0, 0x2704: 0x00c0, 0x2705: 0x00c0, + 0x2706: 0x00c0, 0x2707: 0x00c0, 0x2708: 0x00c0, 0x2709: 0x0080, 0x270a: 0x0080, 0x270b: 0x00c0, + 0x270c: 0x00c0, 0x270d: 0x00c0, 0x270e: 0x00c0, 0x270f: 0x00c0, 0x2710: 0x00c0, 0x2711: 0x00c0, + 0x2712: 0x00c0, 0x2713: 0x00c0, 0x2714: 0x00c0, 0x2715: 0x00c0, 0x2716: 0x00c0, 0x2717: 0x00c0, + 0x2718: 0x00c0, 0x2719: 0x00c0, 0x271a: 0x00c0, 0x271b: 0x00c0, 0x271c: 0x00c0, 0x271d: 0x00c0, + 0x271e: 0x00c0, 0x271f: 0x00c0, 0x2720: 0x00c0, 0x2721: 0x00c0, 0x2722: 0x00c0, 0x2723: 0x00c0, + 0x2724: 0x00c0, 0x2725: 0x00c0, 0x2726: 0x00c0, 0x2727: 0x00c0, 0x2728: 0x00c0, 0x2729: 0x00c0, + 0x272a: 0x00c0, 0x272b: 0x00c0, 0x272c: 0x00c0, 0x272d: 0x00c0, 0x272e: 0x00c0, + 0x2730: 0x00c0, 0x2731: 0x00c0, 0x2732: 0x00c0, 0x2733: 0x00c0, 0x2734: 0x00c0, 0x2735: 0x00c0, + 0x2736: 0x00c0, 0x2737: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x2740 + 0x2777: 0x00c0, 0x2778: 0x0080, 0x2779: 0x0080, 0x277a: 0x00c0, 0x277b: 0x00c0, + 0x277c: 0x00c0, 0x277d: 0x00c0, 0x277e: 0x00c0, 0x277f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x2780 + 0x2780: 0x00c0, 0x2781: 0x00c0, 0x2782: 0x00c3, 0x2783: 0x00c0, 0x2784: 0x00c0, 0x2785: 0x00c0, + 0x2786: 0x00c6, 0x2787: 0x00c0, 0x2788: 0x00c0, 0x2789: 0x00c0, 0x278a: 0x00c0, 0x278b: 0x00c3, + 0x278c: 0x00c0, 0x278d: 0x00c0, 0x278e: 0x00c0, 0x278f: 0x00c0, 0x2790: 0x00c0, 0x2791: 0x00c0, + 0x2792: 0x00c0, 0x2793: 0x00c0, 0x2794: 0x00c0, 0x2795: 0x00c0, 0x2796: 0x00c0, 0x2797: 0x00c0, + 0x2798: 0x00c0, 0x2799: 0x00c0, 0x279a: 0x00c0, 0x279b: 0x00c0, 0x279c: 0x00c0, 0x279d: 0x00c0, + 0x279e: 0x00c0, 0x279f: 0x00c0, 0x27a0: 0x00c0, 0x27a1: 0x00c0, 0x27a2: 0x00c0, 0x27a3: 0x00c0, + 0x27a4: 0x00c0, 0x27a5: 0x00c3, 0x27a6: 0x00c3, 0x27a7: 0x00c0, 0x27a8: 0x0080, 0x27a9: 0x0080, + 0x27aa: 0x0080, 0x27ab: 0x0080, + 0x27b0: 0x0080, 0x27b1: 0x0080, 0x27b2: 0x0080, 0x27b3: 0x0080, 0x27b4: 0x0080, 0x27b5: 0x0080, + 0x27b6: 0x0080, 0x27b7: 0x0080, 0x27b8: 0x0080, 0x27b9: 0x0080, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x27c0 + 0x27c0: 0x00c2, 0x27c1: 0x00c2, 0x27c2: 0x00c2, 0x27c3: 0x00c2, 0x27c4: 0x00c2, 0x27c5: 0x00c2, + 0x27c6: 0x00c2, 0x27c7: 0x00c2, 0x27c8: 0x00c2, 0x27c9: 0x00c2, 0x27ca: 0x00c2, 0x27cb: 0x00c2, + 0x27cc: 0x00c2, 0x27cd: 0x00c2, 0x27ce: 0x00c2, 0x27cf: 0x00c2, 0x27d0: 0x00c2, 0x27d1: 0x00c2, + 0x27d2: 0x00c2, 0x27d3: 0x00c2, 0x27d4: 0x00c2, 0x27d5: 0x00c2, 0x27d6: 0x00c2, 0x27d7: 0x00c2, + 0x27d8: 0x00c2, 0x27d9: 0x00c2, 0x27da: 0x00c2, 0x27db: 0x00c2, 0x27dc: 0x00c2, 0x27dd: 0x00c2, + 0x27de: 0x00c2, 0x27df: 0x00c2, 0x27e0: 0x00c2, 0x27e1: 0x00c2, 0x27e2: 0x00c2, 0x27e3: 0x00c2, + 0x27e4: 0x00c2, 0x27e5: 0x00c2, 0x27e6: 0x00c2, 0x27e7: 0x00c2, 0x27e8: 0x00c2, 0x27e9: 0x00c2, + 0x27ea: 0x00c2, 0x27eb: 0x00c2, 0x27ec: 0x00c2, 0x27ed: 0x00c2, 0x27ee: 0x00c2, 0x27ef: 0x00c2, + 0x27f0: 0x00c2, 0x27f1: 0x00c2, 0x27f2: 0x00c1, 0x27f3: 0x00c0, 0x27f4: 0x0080, 0x27f5: 0x0080, + 0x27f6: 0x0080, 0x27f7: 0x0080, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x2800 + 0x2800: 0x00c0, 0x2801: 0x00c0, 0x2802: 0x00c0, 0x2803: 0x00c0, 0x2804: 0x00c6, 0x2805: 0x00c3, + 0x280e: 0x0080, 0x280f: 0x0080, 0x2810: 0x00c0, 0x2811: 0x00c0, + 0x2812: 0x00c0, 0x2813: 0x00c0, 0x2814: 0x00c0, 0x2815: 0x00c0, 0x2816: 0x00c0, 0x2817: 0x00c0, + 0x2818: 0x00c0, 0x2819: 0x00c0, + 0x2820: 0x00c3, 0x2821: 0x00c3, 0x2822: 0x00c3, 0x2823: 0x00c3, + 0x2824: 0x00c3, 0x2825: 0x00c3, 0x2826: 0x00c3, 0x2827: 0x00c3, 0x2828: 0x00c3, 0x2829: 0x00c3, + 0x282a: 0x00c3, 0x282b: 0x00c3, 0x282c: 0x00c3, 0x282d: 0x00c3, 0x282e: 0x00c3, 0x282f: 0x00c3, + 0x2830: 0x00c3, 0x2831: 0x00c3, 0x2832: 0x00c0, 0x2833: 0x00c0, 0x2834: 0x00c0, 0x2835: 0x00c0, + 0x2836: 0x00c0, 0x2837: 0x00c0, 0x2838: 0x0080, 0x2839: 0x0080, 0x283a: 0x0080, 0x283b: 0x00c0, + 0x283c: 0x0080, 0x283d: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x2840 + 0x2840: 0x00c0, 0x2841: 0x00c0, 0x2842: 0x00c0, 0x2843: 0x00c0, 0x2844: 0x00c0, 0x2845: 0x00c0, + 0x2846: 0x00c0, 0x2847: 0x00c0, 0x2848: 0x00c0, 0x2849: 0x00c0, 0x284a: 0x00c0, 0x284b: 0x00c0, + 0x284c: 0x00c0, 0x284d: 0x00c0, 0x284e: 0x00c0, 0x284f: 0x00c0, 0x2850: 0x00c0, 0x2851: 0x00c0, + 0x2852: 0x00c0, 0x2853: 0x00c0, 0x2854: 0x00c0, 0x2855: 0x00c0, 0x2856: 0x00c0, 0x2857: 0x00c0, + 0x2858: 0x00c0, 0x2859: 0x00c0, 0x285a: 0x00c0, 0x285b: 0x00c0, 0x285c: 0x00c0, 0x285d: 0x00c0, + 0x285e: 0x00c0, 0x285f: 0x00c0, 0x2860: 0x00c0, 0x2861: 0x00c0, 0x2862: 0x00c0, 0x2863: 0x00c0, + 0x2864: 0x00c0, 0x2865: 0x00c0, 0x2866: 0x00c3, 0x2867: 0x00c3, 0x2868: 0x00c3, 0x2869: 0x00c3, + 0x286a: 0x00c3, 0x286b: 0x00c3, 0x286c: 0x00c3, 0x286d: 0x00c3, 0x286e: 0x0080, 0x286f: 0x0080, + 0x2870: 0x00c0, 0x2871: 0x00c0, 0x2872: 0x00c0, 0x2873: 0x00c0, 0x2874: 0x00c0, 0x2875: 0x00c0, + 0x2876: 0x00c0, 0x2877: 0x00c0, 0x2878: 0x00c0, 0x2879: 0x00c0, 0x287a: 0x00c0, 0x287b: 0x00c0, + 0x287c: 0x00c0, 0x287d: 0x00c0, 0x287e: 0x00c0, 0x287f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x2880 + 0x2880: 0x00c0, 0x2881: 0x00c0, 0x2882: 0x00c0, 0x2883: 0x00c0, 0x2884: 0x00c0, 0x2885: 0x00c0, + 0x2886: 0x00c0, 0x2887: 0x00c3, 0x2888: 0x00c3, 0x2889: 0x00c3, 0x288a: 0x00c3, 0x288b: 0x00c3, + 0x288c: 0x00c3, 0x288d: 0x00c3, 0x288e: 0x00c3, 0x288f: 0x00c3, 0x2890: 0x00c3, 0x2891: 0x00c3, + 0x2892: 0x00c0, 0x2893: 0x00c5, + 0x289f: 0x0080, 0x28a0: 0x0040, 0x28a1: 0x0040, 0x28a2: 0x0040, 0x28a3: 0x0040, + 0x28a4: 0x0040, 0x28a5: 0x0040, 0x28a6: 0x0040, 0x28a7: 0x0040, 0x28a8: 0x0040, 0x28a9: 0x0040, + 0x28aa: 0x0040, 0x28ab: 0x0040, 0x28ac: 0x0040, 0x28ad: 0x0040, 0x28ae: 0x0040, 0x28af: 0x0040, + 0x28b0: 0x0040, 0x28b1: 0x0040, 0x28b2: 0x0040, 0x28b3: 0x0040, 0x28b4: 0x0040, 0x28b5: 0x0040, + 0x28b6: 0x0040, 0x28b7: 0x0040, 0x28b8: 0x0040, 0x28b9: 0x0040, 0x28ba: 0x0040, 0x28bb: 0x0040, + 0x28bc: 0x0040, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x28c0 + 0x28c0: 0x00c3, 0x28c1: 0x00c3, 0x28c2: 0x00c3, 0x28c3: 0x00c0, 0x28c4: 0x00c0, 0x28c5: 0x00c0, + 0x28c6: 0x00c0, 0x28c7: 0x00c0, 0x28c8: 0x00c0, 0x28c9: 0x00c0, 0x28ca: 0x00c0, 0x28cb: 0x00c0, + 0x28cc: 0x00c0, 0x28cd: 0x00c0, 0x28ce: 0x00c0, 0x28cf: 0x00c0, 0x28d0: 0x00c0, 0x28d1: 0x00c0, + 0x28d2: 0x00c0, 0x28d3: 0x00c0, 0x28d4: 0x00c0, 0x28d5: 0x00c0, 0x28d6: 0x00c0, 0x28d7: 0x00c0, + 0x28d8: 0x00c0, 0x28d9: 0x00c0, 0x28da: 0x00c0, 0x28db: 0x00c0, 0x28dc: 0x00c0, 0x28dd: 0x00c0, + 0x28de: 0x00c0, 0x28df: 0x00c0, 0x28e0: 0x00c0, 0x28e1: 0x00c0, 0x28e2: 0x00c0, 0x28e3: 0x00c0, + 0x28e4: 0x00c0, 0x28e5: 0x00c0, 0x28e6: 0x00c0, 0x28e7: 0x00c0, 0x28e8: 0x00c0, 0x28e9: 0x00c0, + 0x28ea: 0x00c0, 0x28eb: 0x00c0, 0x28ec: 0x00c0, 0x28ed: 0x00c0, 0x28ee: 0x00c0, 0x28ef: 0x00c0, + 0x28f0: 0x00c0, 0x28f1: 0x00c0, 0x28f2: 0x00c0, 0x28f3: 0x00c3, 0x28f4: 0x00c0, 0x28f5: 0x00c0, + 0x28f6: 0x00c3, 0x28f7: 0x00c3, 0x28f8: 0x00c3, 0x28f9: 0x00c3, 0x28fa: 0x00c0, 0x28fb: 0x00c0, + 0x28fc: 0x00c3, 0x28fd: 0x00c0, 0x28fe: 0x00c0, 0x28ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x2900 + 0x2900: 0x00c5, 0x2901: 0x0080, 0x2902: 0x0080, 0x2903: 0x0080, 0x2904: 0x0080, 0x2905: 0x0080, + 0x2906: 0x0080, 0x2907: 0x0080, 0x2908: 0x0080, 0x2909: 0x0080, 0x290a: 0x0080, 0x290b: 0x0080, + 0x290c: 0x0080, 0x290d: 0x0080, 0x290f: 0x00c0, 0x2910: 0x00c0, 0x2911: 0x00c0, + 0x2912: 0x00c0, 0x2913: 0x00c0, 0x2914: 0x00c0, 0x2915: 0x00c0, 0x2916: 0x00c0, 0x2917: 0x00c0, + 0x2918: 0x00c0, 0x2919: 0x00c0, + 0x291e: 0x0080, 0x291f: 0x0080, 0x2920: 0x00c0, 0x2921: 0x00c0, 0x2922: 0x00c0, 0x2923: 0x00c0, + 0x2924: 0x00c0, 0x2925: 0x00c3, 0x2926: 0x00c0, 0x2927: 0x00c0, 0x2928: 0x00c0, 0x2929: 0x00c0, + 0x292a: 0x00c0, 0x292b: 0x00c0, 0x292c: 0x00c0, 0x292d: 0x00c0, 0x292e: 0x00c0, 0x292f: 0x00c0, + 0x2930: 0x00c0, 0x2931: 0x00c0, 0x2932: 0x00c0, 0x2933: 0x00c0, 0x2934: 0x00c0, 0x2935: 0x00c0, + 0x2936: 0x00c0, 0x2937: 0x00c0, 0x2938: 0x00c0, 0x2939: 0x00c0, 0x293a: 0x00c0, 0x293b: 0x00c0, + 0x293c: 0x00c0, 0x293d: 0x00c0, 0x293e: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x2940 + 0x2940: 0x00c0, 0x2941: 0x00c0, 0x2942: 0x00c0, 0x2943: 0x00c0, 0x2944: 0x00c0, 0x2945: 0x00c0, + 0x2946: 0x00c0, 0x2947: 0x00c0, 0x2948: 0x00c0, 0x2949: 0x00c0, 0x294a: 0x00c0, 0x294b: 0x00c0, + 0x294c: 0x00c0, 0x294d: 0x00c0, 0x294e: 0x00c0, 0x294f: 0x00c0, 0x2950: 0x00c0, 0x2951: 0x00c0, + 0x2952: 0x00c0, 0x2953: 0x00c0, 0x2954: 0x00c0, 0x2955: 0x00c0, 0x2956: 0x00c0, 0x2957: 0x00c0, + 0x2958: 0x00c0, 0x2959: 0x00c0, 0x295a: 0x00c0, 0x295b: 0x00c0, 0x295c: 0x00c0, 0x295d: 0x00c0, + 0x295e: 0x00c0, 0x295f: 0x00c0, 0x2960: 0x00c0, 0x2961: 0x00c0, 0x2962: 0x00c0, 0x2963: 0x00c0, + 0x2964: 0x00c0, 0x2965: 0x00c0, 0x2966: 0x00c0, 0x2967: 0x00c0, 0x2968: 0x00c0, 0x2969: 0x00c3, + 0x296a: 0x00c3, 0x296b: 0x00c3, 0x296c: 0x00c3, 0x296d: 0x00c3, 0x296e: 0x00c3, 0x296f: 0x00c0, + 0x2970: 0x00c0, 0x2971: 0x00c3, 0x2972: 0x00c3, 0x2973: 0x00c0, 0x2974: 0x00c0, 0x2975: 0x00c3, + 0x2976: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x2980 + 0x2980: 0x00c0, 0x2981: 0x00c0, 0x2982: 0x00c0, 0x2983: 0x00c3, 0x2984: 0x00c0, 0x2985: 0x00c0, + 0x2986: 0x00c0, 0x2987: 0x00c0, 0x2988: 0x00c0, 0x2989: 0x00c0, 0x298a: 0x00c0, 0x298b: 0x00c0, + 0x298c: 0x00c3, 0x298d: 0x00c0, 0x2990: 0x00c0, 0x2991: 0x00c0, + 0x2992: 0x00c0, 0x2993: 0x00c0, 0x2994: 0x00c0, 0x2995: 0x00c0, 0x2996: 0x00c0, 0x2997: 0x00c0, + 0x2998: 0x00c0, 0x2999: 0x00c0, 0x299c: 0x0080, 0x299d: 0x0080, + 0x299e: 0x0080, 0x299f: 0x0080, 0x29a0: 0x00c0, 0x29a1: 0x00c0, 0x29a2: 0x00c0, 0x29a3: 0x00c0, + 0x29a4: 0x00c0, 0x29a5: 0x00c0, 0x29a6: 0x00c0, 0x29a7: 0x00c0, 0x29a8: 0x00c0, 0x29a9: 0x00c0, + 0x29aa: 0x00c0, 0x29ab: 0x00c0, 0x29ac: 0x00c0, 0x29ad: 0x00c0, 0x29ae: 0x00c0, 0x29af: 0x00c0, + 0x29b0: 0x00c0, 0x29b1: 0x00c0, 0x29b2: 0x00c0, 0x29b3: 0x00c0, 0x29b4: 0x00c0, 0x29b5: 0x00c0, + 0x29b6: 0x00c0, 0x29b7: 0x0080, 0x29b8: 0x0080, 0x29b9: 0x0080, 0x29ba: 0x00c0, 0x29bb: 0x00c0, + 0x29bc: 0x00c3, 0x29bd: 0x00c0, 0x29be: 0x00c0, 0x29bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x29c0 + 0x29c0: 0x00c0, 0x29c1: 0x00c0, 0x29c2: 0x00c0, 0x29c3: 0x00c0, 0x29c4: 0x00c0, 0x29c5: 0x00c0, + 0x29c6: 0x00c0, 0x29c7: 0x00c0, 0x29c8: 0x00c0, 0x29c9: 0x00c0, 0x29ca: 0x00c0, 0x29cb: 0x00c0, + 0x29cc: 0x00c0, 0x29cd: 0x00c0, 0x29ce: 0x00c0, 0x29cf: 0x00c0, 0x29d0: 0x00c0, 0x29d1: 0x00c0, + 0x29d2: 0x00c0, 0x29d3: 0x00c0, 0x29d4: 0x00c0, 0x29d5: 0x00c0, 0x29d6: 0x00c0, 0x29d7: 0x00c0, + 0x29d8: 0x00c0, 0x29d9: 0x00c0, 0x29da: 0x00c0, 0x29db: 0x00c0, 0x29dc: 0x00c0, 0x29dd: 0x00c0, + 0x29de: 0x00c0, 0x29df: 0x00c0, 0x29e0: 0x00c0, 0x29e1: 0x00c0, 0x29e2: 0x00c0, 0x29e3: 0x00c0, + 0x29e4: 0x00c0, 0x29e5: 0x00c0, 0x29e6: 0x00c0, 0x29e7: 0x00c0, 0x29e8: 0x00c0, 0x29e9: 0x00c0, + 0x29ea: 0x00c0, 0x29eb: 0x00c0, 0x29ec: 0x00c0, 0x29ed: 0x00c0, 0x29ee: 0x00c0, 0x29ef: 0x00c0, + 0x29f0: 0x00c3, 0x29f1: 0x00c0, 0x29f2: 0x00c3, 0x29f3: 0x00c3, 0x29f4: 0x00c3, 0x29f5: 0x00c0, + 0x29f6: 0x00c0, 0x29f7: 0x00c3, 0x29f8: 0x00c3, 0x29f9: 0x00c0, 0x29fa: 0x00c0, 0x29fb: 0x00c0, + 0x29fc: 0x00c0, 0x29fd: 0x00c0, 0x29fe: 0x00c3, 0x29ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x2a00 + 0x2a00: 0x00c0, 0x2a01: 0x00c3, 0x2a02: 0x00c0, + 0x2a1b: 0x00c0, 0x2a1c: 0x00c0, 0x2a1d: 0x00c0, + 0x2a1e: 0x0080, 0x2a1f: 0x0080, 0x2a20: 0x00c0, 0x2a21: 0x00c0, 0x2a22: 0x00c0, 0x2a23: 0x00c0, + 0x2a24: 0x00c0, 0x2a25: 0x00c0, 0x2a26: 0x00c0, 0x2a27: 0x00c0, 0x2a28: 0x00c0, 0x2a29: 0x00c0, + 0x2a2a: 0x00c0, 0x2a2b: 0x00c0, 0x2a2c: 0x00c3, 0x2a2d: 0x00c3, 0x2a2e: 0x00c0, 0x2a2f: 0x00c0, + 0x2a30: 0x0080, 0x2a31: 0x0080, 0x2a32: 0x00c0, 0x2a33: 0x00c0, 0x2a34: 0x00c0, 0x2a35: 0x00c0, + 0x2a36: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x2a40 + 0x2a41: 0x00c0, 0x2a42: 0x00c0, 0x2a43: 0x00c0, 0x2a44: 0x00c0, 0x2a45: 0x00c0, + 0x2a46: 0x00c0, 0x2a49: 0x00c0, 0x2a4a: 0x00c0, 0x2a4b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a4c: 0x00c0, 0x2a4d: 0x00c0, 0x2a4e: 0x00c0, 0x2a51: 0x00c0, + 0x2a52: 0x00c0, 0x2a53: 0x00c0, 0x2a54: 0x00c0, 0x2a55: 0x00c0, 0x2a56: 0x00c0, + 0x2a60: 0x00c0, 0x2a61: 0x00c0, 0x2a62: 0x00c0, 0x2a63: 0x00c0, + 0x2a64: 0x00c0, 0x2a65: 0x00c0, 0x2a66: 0x00c0, 0x2a68: 0x00c0, 0x2a69: 0x00c0, + 0x2a6a: 0x00c0, 0x2a6b: 0x00c0, 0x2a6c: 0x00c0, 0x2a6d: 0x00c0, 0x2a6e: 0x00c0, + 0x2a70: 0x00c0, 0x2a71: 0x00c0, 0x2a72: 0x00c0, 0x2a73: 0x00c0, 0x2a74: 0x00c0, 0x2a75: 0x00c0, + 0x2a76: 0x00c0, 0x2a77: 0x00c0, 0x2a78: 0x00c0, 0x2a79: 0x00c0, 0x2a7a: 0x00c0, 0x2a7b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a7c: 0x00c0, 0x2a7d: 0x00c0, 0x2a7e: 0x00c0, 0x2a7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x2a80 + 0x2a80: 0x00c0, 0x2a81: 0x00c0, 0x2a82: 0x00c0, 0x2a83: 0x00c0, 0x2a84: 0x00c0, 0x2a85: 0x00c0, + 0x2a86: 0x00c0, 0x2a87: 0x00c0, 0x2a88: 0x00c0, 0x2a89: 0x00c0, 0x2a8a: 0x00c0, 0x2a8b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a8c: 0x00c0, 0x2a8d: 0x00c0, 0x2a8e: 0x00c0, 0x2a8f: 0x00c0, 0x2a90: 0x00c0, 0x2a91: 0x00c0, + 0x2a92: 0x00c0, 0x2a93: 0x00c0, 0x2a94: 0x00c0, 0x2a95: 0x00c0, 0x2a96: 0x00c0, 0x2a97: 0x00c0, + 0x2a98: 0x00c0, 0x2a99: 0x00c0, 0x2a9a: 0x00c0, 0x2a9b: 0x0080, 0x2a9c: 0x0080, 0x2a9d: 0x0080, + 0x2a9e: 0x0080, 0x2a9f: 0x0080, 0x2aa0: 0x00c0, 0x2aa1: 0x00c0, 0x2aa2: 0x00c0, 0x2aa3: 0x00c0, + 0x2aa4: 0x00c0, 0x2aa5: 0x00c8, + 0x2ab0: 0x00c0, 0x2ab1: 0x00c0, 0x2ab2: 0x00c0, 0x2ab3: 0x00c0, 0x2ab4: 0x00c0, 0x2ab5: 0x00c0, + 0x2ab6: 0x00c0, 0x2ab7: 0x00c0, 0x2ab8: 0x00c0, 0x2ab9: 0x00c0, 0x2aba: 0x00c0, 0x2abb: 0x00c0, + 0x2abc: 0x00c0, 0x2abd: 0x00c0, 0x2abe: 0x00c0, 0x2abf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x2ac0 + 0x2ac0: 0x00c0, 0x2ac1: 0x00c0, 0x2ac2: 0x00c0, 0x2ac3: 0x00c0, 0x2ac4: 0x00c0, 0x2ac5: 0x00c0, + 0x2ac6: 0x00c0, 0x2ac7: 0x00c0, 0x2ac8: 0x00c0, 0x2ac9: 0x00c0, 0x2aca: 0x00c0, 0x2acb: 0x00c0, + 0x2acc: 0x00c0, 0x2acd: 0x00c0, 0x2ace: 0x00c0, 0x2acf: 0x00c0, 0x2ad0: 0x00c0, 0x2ad1: 0x00c0, + 0x2ad2: 0x00c0, 0x2ad3: 0x00c0, 0x2ad4: 0x00c0, 0x2ad5: 0x00c0, 0x2ad6: 0x00c0, 0x2ad7: 0x00c0, + 0x2ad8: 0x00c0, 0x2ad9: 0x00c0, 0x2ada: 0x00c0, 0x2adb: 0x00c0, 0x2adc: 0x00c0, 0x2add: 0x00c0, + 0x2ade: 0x00c0, 0x2adf: 0x00c0, 0x2ae0: 0x00c0, 0x2ae1: 0x00c0, 0x2ae2: 0x00c0, 0x2ae3: 0x00c0, + 0x2ae4: 0x00c0, 0x2ae5: 0x00c3, 0x2ae6: 0x00c0, 0x2ae7: 0x00c0, 0x2ae8: 0x00c3, 0x2ae9: 0x00c0, + 0x2aea: 0x00c0, 0x2aeb: 0x0080, 0x2aec: 0x00c0, 0x2aed: 0x00c6, + 0x2af0: 0x00c0, 0x2af1: 0x00c0, 0x2af2: 0x00c0, 0x2af3: 0x00c0, 0x2af4: 0x00c0, 0x2af5: 0x00c0, + 0x2af6: 0x00c0, 0x2af7: 0x00c0, 0x2af8: 0x00c0, 0x2af9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x2b00 + 0x2b00: 0x00c0, 0x2b01: 0x00c0, 0x2b02: 0x00c0, 0x2b03: 0x00c0, 0x2b04: 0x00c0, 0x2b05: 0x00c0, + 0x2b06: 0x00c0, 0x2b07: 0x00c0, 0x2b08: 0x00c0, 0x2b09: 0x00c0, 0x2b0a: 0x00c0, 0x2b0b: 0x00c0, + 0x2b0c: 0x00c0, 0x2b0d: 0x00c0, 0x2b0e: 0x00c0, 0x2b0f: 0x00c0, 0x2b10: 0x00c0, 0x2b11: 0x00c0, + 0x2b12: 0x00c0, 0x2b13: 0x00c0, 0x2b14: 0x00c0, 0x2b15: 0x00c0, 0x2b16: 0x00c0, 0x2b17: 0x00c0, + 0x2b18: 0x00c0, 0x2b19: 0x00c0, 0x2b1a: 0x00c0, 0x2b1b: 0x00c0, 0x2b1c: 0x00c0, 0x2b1d: 0x00c0, + 0x2b1e: 0x00c0, 0x2b1f: 0x00c0, 0x2b20: 0x00c0, 0x2b21: 0x00c0, 0x2b22: 0x00c0, 0x2b23: 0x00c0, + 0x2b30: 0x0040, 0x2b31: 0x0040, 0x2b32: 0x0040, 0x2b33: 0x0040, 0x2b34: 0x0040, 0x2b35: 0x0040, + 0x2b36: 0x0040, 0x2b37: 0x0040, 0x2b38: 0x0040, 0x2b39: 0x0040, 0x2b3a: 0x0040, 0x2b3b: 0x0040, + 0x2b3c: 0x0040, 0x2b3d: 0x0040, 0x2b3e: 0x0040, 0x2b3f: 0x0040, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x2b40 + 0x2b40: 0x0040, 0x2b41: 0x0040, 0x2b42: 0x0040, 0x2b43: 0x0040, 0x2b44: 0x0040, 0x2b45: 0x0040, + 0x2b46: 0x0040, 0x2b4b: 0x0040, + 0x2b4c: 0x0040, 0x2b4d: 0x0040, 0x2b4e: 0x0040, 0x2b4f: 0x0040, 0x2b50: 0x0040, 0x2b51: 0x0040, + 0x2b52: 0x0040, 0x2b53: 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0x008c, 0x2b93: 0x00cc, 0x2b94: 0x00cc, 0x2b95: 0x008c, 0x2b96: 0x008c, 0x2b97: 0x008c, + 0x2b98: 0x008c, 0x2b99: 0x008c, 0x2b9a: 0x008c, 0x2b9b: 0x008c, 0x2b9c: 0x008c, 0x2b9d: 0x008c, + 0x2b9e: 0x008c, 0x2b9f: 0x00cc, 0x2ba0: 0x008c, 0x2ba1: 0x00cc, 0x2ba2: 0x008c, 0x2ba3: 0x00cc, + 0x2ba4: 0x00cc, 0x2ba5: 0x008c, 0x2ba6: 0x008c, 0x2ba7: 0x00cc, 0x2ba8: 0x00cc, 0x2ba9: 0x00cc, + 0x2baa: 0x008c, 0x2bab: 0x008c, 0x2bac: 0x008c, 0x2bad: 0x008c, 0x2bae: 0x008c, 0x2baf: 0x008c, + 0x2bb0: 0x008c, 0x2bb1: 0x008c, 0x2bb2: 0x008c, 0x2bb3: 0x008c, 0x2bb4: 0x008c, 0x2bb5: 0x008c, + 0x2bb6: 0x008c, 0x2bb7: 0x008c, 0x2bb8: 0x008c, 0x2bb9: 0x008c, 0x2bba: 0x008c, 0x2bbb: 0x008c, + 0x2bbc: 0x008c, 0x2bbd: 0x008c, 0x2bbe: 0x008c, 0x2bbf: 0x008c, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x2bc0 + 0x2bc0: 0x008c, 0x2bc1: 0x008c, 0x2bc2: 0x008c, 0x2bc3: 0x008c, 0x2bc4: 0x008c, 0x2bc5: 0x008c, + 0x2bc6: 0x008c, 0x2bc7: 0x008c, 0x2bc8: 0x008c, 0x2bc9: 0x008c, 0x2bca: 0x008c, 0x2bcb: 0x008c, + 0x2bcc: 0x008c, 0x2bcd: 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0x008c, 0x2c0b: 0x008c, + 0x2c0c: 0x008c, 0x2c0d: 0x008c, 0x2c0e: 0x008c, 0x2c0f: 0x008c, 0x2c10: 0x008c, 0x2c11: 0x008c, + 0x2c12: 0x008c, 0x2c13: 0x008c, 0x2c14: 0x008c, 0x2c15: 0x008c, 0x2c16: 0x008c, 0x2c17: 0x008c, + 0x2c18: 0x008c, 0x2c19: 0x008c, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x2c40 + 0x2c40: 0x0080, 0x2c41: 0x0080, 0x2c42: 0x0080, 0x2c43: 0x0080, 0x2c44: 0x0080, 0x2c45: 0x0080, + 0x2c46: 0x0080, + 0x2c53: 0x0080, 0x2c54: 0x0080, 0x2c55: 0x0080, 0x2c56: 0x0080, 0x2c57: 0x0080, + 0x2c5d: 0x008a, + 0x2c5e: 0x00cb, 0x2c5f: 0x008a, 0x2c60: 0x008a, 0x2c61: 0x008a, 0x2c62: 0x008a, 0x2c63: 0x008a, + 0x2c64: 0x008a, 0x2c65: 0x008a, 0x2c66: 0x008a, 0x2c67: 0x008a, 0x2c68: 0x008a, 0x2c69: 0x008a, + 0x2c6a: 0x008a, 0x2c6b: 0x008a, 0x2c6c: 0x008a, 0x2c6d: 0x008a, 0x2c6e: 0x008a, 0x2c6f: 0x008a, + 0x2c70: 0x008a, 0x2c71: 0x008a, 0x2c72: 0x008a, 0x2c73: 0x008a, 0x2c74: 0x008a, 0x2c75: 0x008a, + 0x2c76: 0x008a, 0x2c78: 0x008a, 0x2c79: 0x008a, 0x2c7a: 0x008a, 0x2c7b: 0x008a, + 0x2c7c: 0x008a, 0x2c7e: 0x008a, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x2c80 + 0x2c80: 0x008a, 0x2c81: 0x008a, 0x2c83: 0x008a, 0x2c84: 0x008a, + 0x2c86: 0x008a, 0x2c87: 0x008a, 0x2c88: 0x008a, 0x2c89: 0x008a, 0x2c8a: 0x008a, 0x2c8b: 0x008a, + 0x2c8c: 0x008a, 0x2c8d: 0x008a, 0x2c8e: 0x008a, 0x2c8f: 0x008a, 0x2c90: 0x0080, 0x2c91: 0x0080, + 0x2c92: 0x0080, 0x2c93: 0x0080, 0x2c94: 0x0080, 0x2c95: 0x0080, 0x2c96: 0x0080, 0x2c97: 0x0080, + 0x2c98: 0x0080, 0x2c99: 0x0080, 0x2c9a: 0x0080, 0x2c9b: 0x0080, 0x2c9c: 0x0080, 0x2c9d: 0x0080, + 0x2c9e: 0x0080, 0x2c9f: 0x0080, 0x2ca0: 0x0080, 0x2ca1: 0x0080, 0x2ca2: 0x0080, 0x2ca3: 0x0080, + 0x2ca4: 0x0080, 0x2ca5: 0x0080, 0x2ca6: 0x0080, 0x2ca7: 0x0080, 0x2ca8: 0x0080, 0x2ca9: 0x0080, + 0x2caa: 0x0080, 0x2cab: 0x0080, 0x2cac: 0x0080, 0x2cad: 0x0080, 0x2cae: 0x0080, 0x2caf: 0x0080, + 0x2cb0: 0x0080, 0x2cb1: 0x0080, 0x2cb2: 0x0080, 0x2cb3: 0x0080, 0x2cb4: 0x0080, 0x2cb5: 0x0080, + 0x2cb6: 0x0080, 0x2cb7: 0x0080, 0x2cb8: 0x0080, 0x2cb9: 0x0080, 0x2cba: 0x0080, 0x2cbb: 0x0080, + 0x2cbc: 0x0080, 0x2cbd: 0x0080, 0x2cbe: 0x0080, 0x2cbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x2cc0 + 0x2cc0: 0x0080, 0x2cc1: 0x0080, + 0x2cd3: 0x0080, 0x2cd4: 0x0080, 0x2cd5: 0x0080, 0x2cd6: 0x0080, 0x2cd7: 0x0080, + 0x2cd8: 0x0080, 0x2cd9: 0x0080, 0x2cda: 0x0080, 0x2cdb: 0x0080, 0x2cdc: 0x0080, 0x2cdd: 0x0080, + 0x2cde: 0x0080, 0x2cdf: 0x0080, 0x2ce0: 0x0080, 0x2ce1: 0x0080, 0x2ce2: 0x0080, 0x2ce3: 0x0080, + 0x2ce4: 0x0080, 0x2ce5: 0x0080, 0x2ce6: 0x0080, 0x2ce7: 0x0080, 0x2ce8: 0x0080, 0x2ce9: 0x0080, + 0x2cea: 0x0080, 0x2ceb: 0x0080, 0x2cec: 0x0080, 0x2ced: 0x0080, 0x2cee: 0x0080, 0x2cef: 0x0080, + 0x2cf0: 0x0080, 0x2cf1: 0x0080, 0x2cf2: 0x0080, 0x2cf3: 0x0080, 0x2cf4: 0x0080, 0x2cf5: 0x0080, + 0x2cf6: 0x0080, 0x2cf7: 0x0080, 0x2cf8: 0x0080, 0x2cf9: 0x0080, 0x2cfa: 0x0080, 0x2cfb: 0x0080, + 0x2cfc: 0x0080, 0x2cfd: 0x0080, 0x2cfe: 0x0080, 0x2cff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x2d00 + 0x2d10: 0x0080, 0x2d11: 0x0080, + 0x2d12: 0x0080, 0x2d13: 0x0080, 0x2d14: 0x0080, 0x2d15: 0x0080, 0x2d16: 0x0080, 0x2d17: 0x0080, + 0x2d18: 0x0080, 0x2d19: 0x0080, 0x2d1a: 0x0080, 0x2d1b: 0x0080, 0x2d1c: 0x0080, 0x2d1d: 0x0080, + 0x2d1e: 0x0080, 0x2d1f: 0x0080, 0x2d20: 0x0080, 0x2d21: 0x0080, 0x2d22: 0x0080, 0x2d23: 0x0080, + 0x2d24: 0x0080, 0x2d25: 0x0080, 0x2d26: 0x0080, 0x2d27: 0x0080, 0x2d28: 0x0080, 0x2d29: 0x0080, + 0x2d2a: 0x0080, 0x2d2b: 0x0080, 0x2d2c: 0x0080, 0x2d2d: 0x0080, 0x2d2e: 0x0080, 0x2d2f: 0x0080, + 0x2d30: 0x0080, 0x2d31: 0x0080, 0x2d32: 0x0080, 0x2d33: 0x0080, 0x2d34: 0x0080, 0x2d35: 0x0080, + 0x2d36: 0x0080, 0x2d37: 0x0080, 0x2d38: 0x0080, 0x2d39: 0x0080, 0x2d3a: 0x0080, 0x2d3b: 0x0080, + 0x2d3c: 0x0080, 0x2d3d: 0x0080, 0x2d3e: 0x0080, 0x2d3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x2d40 + 0x2d40: 0x0080, 0x2d41: 0x0080, 0x2d42: 0x0080, 0x2d43: 0x0080, 0x2d44: 0x0080, 0x2d45: 0x0080, + 0x2d46: 0x0080, 0x2d47: 0x0080, 0x2d48: 0x0080, 0x2d49: 0x0080, 0x2d4a: 0x0080, 0x2d4b: 0x0080, + 0x2d4c: 0x0080, 0x2d4d: 0x0080, 0x2d4e: 0x0080, 0x2d4f: 0x0080, + 0x2d52: 0x0080, 0x2d53: 0x0080, 0x2d54: 0x0080, 0x2d55: 0x0080, 0x2d56: 0x0080, 0x2d57: 0x0080, + 0x2d58: 0x0080, 0x2d59: 0x0080, 0x2d5a: 0x0080, 0x2d5b: 0x0080, 0x2d5c: 0x0080, 0x2d5d: 0x0080, + 0x2d5e: 0x0080, 0x2d5f: 0x0080, 0x2d60: 0x0080, 0x2d61: 0x0080, 0x2d62: 0x0080, 0x2d63: 0x0080, + 0x2d64: 0x0080, 0x2d65: 0x0080, 0x2d66: 0x0080, 0x2d67: 0x0080, 0x2d68: 0x0080, 0x2d69: 0x0080, + 0x2d6a: 0x0080, 0x2d6b: 0x0080, 0x2d6c: 0x0080, 0x2d6d: 0x0080, 0x2d6e: 0x0080, 0x2d6f: 0x0080, + 0x2d70: 0x0080, 0x2d71: 0x0080, 0x2d72: 0x0080, 0x2d73: 0x0080, 0x2d74: 0x0080, 0x2d75: 0x0080, + 0x2d76: 0x0080, 0x2d77: 0x0080, 0x2d78: 0x0080, 0x2d79: 0x0080, 0x2d7a: 0x0080, 0x2d7b: 0x0080, + 0x2d7c: 0x0080, 0x2d7d: 0x0080, 0x2d7e: 0x0080, 0x2d7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x2d80 + 0x2d80: 0x0080, 0x2d81: 0x0080, 0x2d82: 0x0080, 0x2d83: 0x0080, 0x2d84: 0x0080, 0x2d85: 0x0080, + 0x2d86: 0x0080, 0x2d87: 0x0080, + 0x2db0: 0x0080, 0x2db1: 0x0080, 0x2db2: 0x0080, 0x2db3: 0x0080, 0x2db4: 0x0080, 0x2db5: 0x0080, + 0x2db6: 0x0080, 0x2db7: 0x0080, 0x2db8: 0x0080, 0x2db9: 0x0080, 0x2dba: 0x0080, 0x2dbb: 0x0080, + 0x2dbc: 0x0080, 0x2dbd: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x2dc0 + 0x2dc0: 0x0040, 0x2dc1: 0x0040, 0x2dc2: 0x0040, 0x2dc3: 0x0040, 0x2dc4: 0x0040, 0x2dc5: 0x0040, + 0x2dc6: 0x0040, 0x2dc7: 0x0040, 0x2dc8: 0x0040, 0x2dc9: 0x0040, 0x2dca: 0x0040, 0x2dcb: 0x0040, + 0x2dcc: 0x0040, 0x2dcd: 0x0040, 0x2dce: 0x0040, 0x2dcf: 0x0040, 0x2dd0: 0x0080, 0x2dd1: 0x0080, + 0x2dd2: 0x0080, 0x2dd3: 0x0080, 0x2dd4: 0x0080, 0x2dd5: 0x0080, 0x2dd6: 0x0080, 0x2dd7: 0x0080, + 0x2dd8: 0x0080, 0x2dd9: 0x0080, + 0x2de0: 0x00c3, 0x2de1: 0x00c3, 0x2de2: 0x00c3, 0x2de3: 0x00c3, + 0x2de4: 0x00c3, 0x2de5: 0x00c3, 0x2de6: 0x00c3, 0x2de7: 0x00c3, 0x2de8: 0x00c3, 0x2de9: 0x00c3, + 0x2dea: 0x00c3, 0x2deb: 0x00c3, 0x2dec: 0x00c3, 0x2ded: 0x00c3, 0x2dee: 0x00c3, 0x2def: 0x00c3, + 0x2df0: 0x0080, 0x2df1: 0x0080, 0x2df2: 0x0080, 0x2df3: 0x0080, 0x2df4: 0x0080, 0x2df5: 0x0080, + 0x2df6: 0x0080, 0x2df7: 0x0080, 0x2df8: 0x0080, 0x2df9: 0x0080, 0x2dfa: 0x0080, 0x2dfb: 0x0080, + 0x2dfc: 0x0080, 0x2dfd: 0x0080, 0x2dfe: 0x0080, 0x2dff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x2e00 + 0x2e00: 0x0080, 0x2e01: 0x0080, 0x2e02: 0x0080, 0x2e03: 0x0080, 0x2e04: 0x0080, 0x2e05: 0x0080, + 0x2e06: 0x0080, 0x2e07: 0x0080, 0x2e08: 0x0080, 0x2e09: 0x0080, 0x2e0a: 0x0080, 0x2e0b: 0x0080, + 0x2e0c: 0x0080, 0x2e0d: 0x0080, 0x2e0e: 0x0080, 0x2e0f: 0x0080, 0x2e10: 0x0080, 0x2e11: 0x0080, + 0x2e12: 0x0080, 0x2e14: 0x0080, 0x2e15: 0x0080, 0x2e16: 0x0080, 0x2e17: 0x0080, + 0x2e18: 0x0080, 0x2e19: 0x0080, 0x2e1a: 0x0080, 0x2e1b: 0x0080, 0x2e1c: 0x0080, 0x2e1d: 0x0080, + 0x2e1e: 0x0080, 0x2e1f: 0x0080, 0x2e20: 0x0080, 0x2e21: 0x0080, 0x2e22: 0x0080, 0x2e23: 0x0080, + 0x2e24: 0x0080, 0x2e25: 0x0080, 0x2e26: 0x0080, 0x2e28: 0x0080, 0x2e29: 0x0080, + 0x2e2a: 0x0080, 0x2e2b: 0x0080, + 0x2e30: 0x0080, 0x2e31: 0x0080, 0x2e32: 0x0080, 0x2e33: 0x00c0, 0x2e34: 0x0080, + 0x2e36: 0x0080, 0x2e37: 0x0080, 0x2e38: 0x0080, 0x2e39: 0x0080, 0x2e3a: 0x0080, 0x2e3b: 0x0080, + 0x2e3c: 0x0080, 0x2e3d: 0x0080, 0x2e3e: 0x0080, 0x2e3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x2e40 + 0x2e40: 0x0080, 0x2e41: 0x0080, 0x2e42: 0x0080, 0x2e43: 0x0080, 0x2e44: 0x0080, 0x2e45: 0x0080, + 0x2e46: 0x0080, 0x2e47: 0x0080, 0x2e48: 0x0080, 0x2e49: 0x0080, 0x2e4a: 0x0080, 0x2e4b: 0x0080, + 0x2e4c: 0x0080, 0x2e4d: 0x0080, 0x2e4e: 0x0080, 0x2e4f: 0x0080, 0x2e50: 0x0080, 0x2e51: 0x0080, + 0x2e52: 0x0080, 0x2e53: 0x0080, 0x2e54: 0x0080, 0x2e55: 0x0080, 0x2e56: 0x0080, 0x2e57: 0x0080, + 0x2e58: 0x0080, 0x2e59: 0x0080, 0x2e5a: 0x0080, 0x2e5b: 0x0080, 0x2e5c: 0x0080, 0x2e5d: 0x0080, + 0x2e5e: 0x0080, 0x2e5f: 0x0080, 0x2e60: 0x0080, 0x2e61: 0x0080, 0x2e62: 0x0080, 0x2e63: 0x0080, + 0x2e64: 0x0080, 0x2e65: 0x0080, 0x2e66: 0x0080, 0x2e67: 0x0080, 0x2e68: 0x0080, 0x2e69: 0x0080, + 0x2e6a: 0x0080, 0x2e6b: 0x0080, 0x2e6c: 0x0080, 0x2e6d: 0x0080, 0x2e6e: 0x0080, 0x2e6f: 0x0080, + 0x2e70: 0x0080, 0x2e71: 0x0080, 0x2e72: 0x0080, 0x2e73: 0x0080, 0x2e74: 0x0080, 0x2e75: 0x0080, + 0x2e76: 0x0080, 0x2e77: 0x0080, 0x2e78: 0x0080, 0x2e79: 0x0080, 0x2e7a: 0x0080, 0x2e7b: 0x0080, + 0x2e7c: 0x0080, 0x2e7f: 0x0040, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x2e80 + 0x2e81: 0x0080, 0x2e82: 0x0080, 0x2e83: 0x0080, 0x2e84: 0x0080, 0x2e85: 0x0080, + 0x2e86: 0x0080, 0x2e87: 0x0080, 0x2e88: 0x0080, 0x2e89: 0x0080, 0x2e8a: 0x0080, 0x2e8b: 0x0080, + 0x2e8c: 0x0080, 0x2e8d: 0x0080, 0x2e8e: 0x0080, 0x2e8f: 0x0080, 0x2e90: 0x0080, 0x2e91: 0x0080, + 0x2e92: 0x0080, 0x2e93: 0x0080, 0x2e94: 0x0080, 0x2e95: 0x0080, 0x2e96: 0x0080, 0x2e97: 0x0080, + 0x2e98: 0x0080, 0x2e99: 0x0080, 0x2e9a: 0x0080, 0x2e9b: 0x0080, 0x2e9c: 0x0080, 0x2e9d: 0x0080, + 0x2e9e: 0x0080, 0x2e9f: 0x0080, 0x2ea0: 0x0080, 0x2ea1: 0x0080, 0x2ea2: 0x0080, 0x2ea3: 0x0080, + 0x2ea4: 0x0080, 0x2ea5: 0x0080, 0x2ea6: 0x0080, 0x2ea7: 0x0080, 0x2ea8: 0x0080, 0x2ea9: 0x0080, + 0x2eaa: 0x0080, 0x2eab: 0x0080, 0x2eac: 0x0080, 0x2ead: 0x0080, 0x2eae: 0x0080, 0x2eaf: 0x0080, + 0x2eb0: 0x0080, 0x2eb1: 0x0080, 0x2eb2: 0x0080, 0x2eb3: 0x0080, 0x2eb4: 0x0080, 0x2eb5: 0x0080, + 0x2eb6: 0x0080, 0x2eb7: 0x0080, 0x2eb8: 0x0080, 0x2eb9: 0x0080, 0x2eba: 0x0080, 0x2ebb: 0x0080, + 0x2ebc: 0x0080, 0x2ebd: 0x0080, 0x2ebe: 0x0080, 0x2ebf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x2ec0 + 0x2ec0: 0x0080, 0x2ec1: 0x0080, 0x2ec2: 0x0080, 0x2ec3: 0x0080, 0x2ec4: 0x0080, 0x2ec5: 0x0080, + 0x2ec6: 0x0080, 0x2ec7: 0x0080, 0x2ec8: 0x0080, 0x2ec9: 0x0080, 0x2eca: 0x0080, 0x2ecb: 0x0080, + 0x2ecc: 0x0080, 0x2ecd: 0x0080, 0x2ece: 0x0080, 0x2ecf: 0x0080, 0x2ed0: 0x0080, 0x2ed1: 0x0080, + 0x2ed2: 0x0080, 0x2ed3: 0x0080, 0x2ed4: 0x0080, 0x2ed5: 0x0080, 0x2ed6: 0x0080, 0x2ed7: 0x0080, + 0x2ed8: 0x0080, 0x2ed9: 0x0080, 0x2eda: 0x0080, 0x2edb: 0x0080, 0x2edc: 0x0080, 0x2edd: 0x0080, + 0x2ede: 0x0080, 0x2edf: 0x0080, 0x2ee0: 0x0080, 0x2ee1: 0x0080, 0x2ee2: 0x0080, 0x2ee3: 0x0080, + 0x2ee4: 0x0080, 0x2ee5: 0x0080, 0x2ee6: 0x008c, 0x2ee7: 0x008c, 0x2ee8: 0x008c, 0x2ee9: 0x008c, + 0x2eea: 0x008c, 0x2eeb: 0x008c, 0x2eec: 0x008c, 0x2eed: 0x008c, 0x2eee: 0x008c, 0x2eef: 0x008c, + 0x2ef0: 0x0080, 0x2ef1: 0x008c, 0x2ef2: 0x008c, 0x2ef3: 0x008c, 0x2ef4: 0x008c, 0x2ef5: 0x008c, + 0x2ef6: 0x008c, 0x2ef7: 0x008c, 0x2ef8: 0x008c, 0x2ef9: 0x008c, 0x2efa: 0x008c, 0x2efb: 0x008c, + 0x2efc: 0x008c, 0x2efd: 0x008c, 0x2efe: 0x008c, 0x2eff: 0x008c, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x2f00 + 0x2f00: 0x008c, 0x2f01: 0x008c, 0x2f02: 0x008c, 0x2f03: 0x008c, 0x2f04: 0x008c, 0x2f05: 0x008c, + 0x2f06: 0x008c, 0x2f07: 0x008c, 0x2f08: 0x008c, 0x2f09: 0x008c, 0x2f0a: 0x008c, 0x2f0b: 0x008c, + 0x2f0c: 0x008c, 0x2f0d: 0x008c, 0x2f0e: 0x008c, 0x2f0f: 0x008c, 0x2f10: 0x008c, 0x2f11: 0x008c, + 0x2f12: 0x008c, 0x2f13: 0x008c, 0x2f14: 0x008c, 0x2f15: 0x008c, 0x2f16: 0x008c, 0x2f17: 0x008c, + 0x2f18: 0x008c, 0x2f19: 0x008c, 0x2f1a: 0x008c, 0x2f1b: 0x008c, 0x2f1c: 0x008c, 0x2f1d: 0x008c, + 0x2f1e: 0x0080, 0x2f1f: 0x0080, 0x2f20: 0x0040, 0x2f21: 0x0080, 0x2f22: 0x0080, 0x2f23: 0x0080, + 0x2f24: 0x0080, 0x2f25: 0x0080, 0x2f26: 0x0080, 0x2f27: 0x0080, 0x2f28: 0x0080, 0x2f29: 0x0080, + 0x2f2a: 0x0080, 0x2f2b: 0x0080, 0x2f2c: 0x0080, 0x2f2d: 0x0080, 0x2f2e: 0x0080, 0x2f2f: 0x0080, + 0x2f30: 0x0080, 0x2f31: 0x0080, 0x2f32: 0x0080, 0x2f33: 0x0080, 0x2f34: 0x0080, 0x2f35: 0x0080, + 0x2f36: 0x0080, 0x2f37: 0x0080, 0x2f38: 0x0080, 0x2f39: 0x0080, 0x2f3a: 0x0080, 0x2f3b: 0x0080, + 0x2f3c: 0x0080, 0x2f3d: 0x0080, 0x2f3e: 0x0080, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x2f40 + 0x2f42: 0x0080, 0x2f43: 0x0080, 0x2f44: 0x0080, 0x2f45: 0x0080, + 0x2f46: 0x0080, 0x2f47: 0x0080, 0x2f4a: 0x0080, 0x2f4b: 0x0080, + 0x2f4c: 0x0080, 0x2f4d: 0x0080, 0x2f4e: 0x0080, 0x2f4f: 0x0080, + 0x2f52: 0x0080, 0x2f53: 0x0080, 0x2f54: 0x0080, 0x2f55: 0x0080, 0x2f56: 0x0080, 0x2f57: 0x0080, + 0x2f5a: 0x0080, 0x2f5b: 0x0080, 0x2f5c: 0x0080, + 0x2f60: 0x0080, 0x2f61: 0x0080, 0x2f62: 0x0080, 0x2f63: 0x0080, + 0x2f64: 0x0080, 0x2f65: 0x0080, 0x2f66: 0x0080, 0x2f68: 0x0080, 0x2f69: 0x0080, + 0x2f6a: 0x0080, 0x2f6b: 0x0080, 0x2f6c: 0x0080, 0x2f6d: 0x0080, 0x2f6e: 0x0080, + 0x2f79: 0x0040, 0x2f7a: 0x0040, 0x2f7b: 0x0040, + 0x2f7c: 0x0080, 0x2f7d: 0x0080, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x2f80 + 0x2f80: 0x00c0, 0x2f81: 0x00c0, 0x2f82: 0x00c0, 0x2f83: 0x00c0, 0x2f84: 0x00c0, 0x2f85: 0x00c0, + 0x2f86: 0x00c0, 0x2f87: 0x00c0, 0x2f88: 0x00c0, 0x2f89: 0x00c0, 0x2f8a: 0x00c0, 0x2f8b: 0x00c0, + 0x2f8d: 0x00c0, 0x2f8e: 0x00c0, 0x2f8f: 0x00c0, 0x2f90: 0x00c0, 0x2f91: 0x00c0, + 0x2f92: 0x00c0, 0x2f93: 0x00c0, 0x2f94: 0x00c0, 0x2f95: 0x00c0, 0x2f96: 0x00c0, 0x2f97: 0x00c0, + 0x2f98: 0x00c0, 0x2f99: 0x00c0, 0x2f9a: 0x00c0, 0x2f9b: 0x00c0, 0x2f9c: 0x00c0, 0x2f9d: 0x00c0, + 0x2f9e: 0x00c0, 0x2f9f: 0x00c0, 0x2fa0: 0x00c0, 0x2fa1: 0x00c0, 0x2fa2: 0x00c0, 0x2fa3: 0x00c0, + 0x2fa4: 0x00c0, 0x2fa5: 0x00c0, 0x2fa6: 0x00c0, 0x2fa8: 0x00c0, 0x2fa9: 0x00c0, + 0x2faa: 0x00c0, 0x2fab: 0x00c0, 0x2fac: 0x00c0, 0x2fad: 0x00c0, 0x2fae: 0x00c0, 0x2faf: 0x00c0, + 0x2fb0: 0x00c0, 0x2fb1: 0x00c0, 0x2fb2: 0x00c0, 0x2fb3: 0x00c0, 0x2fb4: 0x00c0, 0x2fb5: 0x00c0, + 0x2fb6: 0x00c0, 0x2fb7: 0x00c0, 0x2fb8: 0x00c0, 0x2fb9: 0x00c0, 0x2fba: 0x00c0, + 0x2fbc: 0x00c0, 0x2fbd: 0x00c0, 0x2fbf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x2fc0 + 0x2fc0: 0x00c0, 0x2fc1: 0x00c0, 0x2fc2: 0x00c0, 0x2fc3: 0x00c0, 0x2fc4: 0x00c0, 0x2fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x2fc6: 0x00c0, 0x2fc7: 0x00c0, 0x2fc8: 0x00c0, 0x2fc9: 0x00c0, 0x2fca: 0x00c0, 0x2fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x2fcc: 0x00c0, 0x2fcd: 0x00c0, 0x2fd0: 0x00c0, 0x2fd1: 0x00c0, + 0x2fd2: 0x00c0, 0x2fd3: 0x00c0, 0x2fd4: 0x00c0, 0x2fd5: 0x00c0, 0x2fd6: 0x00c0, 0x2fd7: 0x00c0, + 0x2fd8: 0x00c0, 0x2fd9: 0x00c0, 0x2fda: 0x00c0, 0x2fdb: 0x00c0, 0x2fdc: 0x00c0, 0x2fdd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x3000 + 0x3000: 0x00c0, 0x3001: 0x00c0, 0x3002: 0x00c0, 0x3003: 0x00c0, 0x3004: 0x00c0, 0x3005: 0x00c0, + 0x3006: 0x00c0, 0x3007: 0x00c0, 0x3008: 0x00c0, 0x3009: 0x00c0, 0x300a: 0x00c0, 0x300b: 0x00c0, + 0x300c: 0x00c0, 0x300d: 0x00c0, 0x300e: 0x00c0, 0x300f: 0x00c0, 0x3010: 0x00c0, 0x3011: 0x00c0, + 0x3012: 0x00c0, 0x3013: 0x00c0, 0x3014: 0x00c0, 0x3015: 0x00c0, 0x3016: 0x00c0, 0x3017: 0x00c0, + 0x3018: 0x00c0, 0x3019: 0x00c0, 0x301a: 0x00c0, 0x301b: 0x00c0, 0x301c: 0x00c0, 0x301d: 0x00c0, + 0x301e: 0x00c0, 0x301f: 0x00c0, 0x3020: 0x00c0, 0x3021: 0x00c0, 0x3022: 0x00c0, 0x3023: 0x00c0, + 0x3024: 0x00c0, 0x3025: 0x00c0, 0x3026: 0x00c0, 0x3027: 0x00c0, 0x3028: 0x00c0, 0x3029: 0x00c0, + 0x302a: 0x00c0, 0x302b: 0x00c0, 0x302c: 0x00c0, 0x302d: 0x00c0, 0x302e: 0x00c0, 0x302f: 0x00c0, + 0x3030: 0x00c0, 0x3031: 0x00c0, 0x3032: 0x00c0, 0x3033: 0x00c0, 0x3034: 0x00c0, 0x3035: 0x00c0, + 0x3036: 0x00c0, 0x3037: 0x00c0, 0x3038: 0x00c0, 0x3039: 0x00c0, 0x303a: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x3040 + 0x3040: 0x0080, 0x3041: 0x0080, 0x3042: 0x0080, + 0x3047: 0x0080, 0x3048: 0x0080, 0x3049: 0x0080, 0x304a: 0x0080, 0x304b: 0x0080, + 0x304c: 0x0080, 0x304d: 0x0080, 0x304e: 0x0080, 0x304f: 0x0080, 0x3050: 0x0080, 0x3051: 0x0080, + 0x3052: 0x0080, 0x3053: 0x0080, 0x3054: 0x0080, 0x3055: 0x0080, 0x3056: 0x0080, 0x3057: 0x0080, + 0x3058: 0x0080, 0x3059: 0x0080, 0x305a: 0x0080, 0x305b: 0x0080, 0x305c: 0x0080, 0x305d: 0x0080, + 0x305e: 0x0080, 0x305f: 0x0080, 0x3060: 0x0080, 0x3061: 0x0080, 0x3062: 0x0080, 0x3063: 0x0080, + 0x3064: 0x0080, 0x3065: 0x0080, 0x3066: 0x0080, 0x3067: 0x0080, 0x3068: 0x0080, 0x3069: 0x0080, + 0x306a: 0x0080, 0x306b: 0x0080, 0x306c: 0x0080, 0x306d: 0x0080, 0x306e: 0x0080, 0x306f: 0x0080, + 0x3070: 0x0080, 0x3071: 0x0080, 0x3072: 0x0080, 0x3073: 0x0080, + 0x3077: 0x0080, 0x3078: 0x0080, 0x3079: 0x0080, 0x307a: 0x0080, 0x307b: 0x0080, + 0x307c: 0x0080, 0x307d: 0x0080, 0x307e: 0x0080, 0x307f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x3080 + 0x3080: 0x0088, 0x3081: 0x0088, 0x3082: 0x0088, 0x3083: 0x0088, 0x3084: 0x0088, 0x3085: 0x0088, + 0x3086: 0x0088, 0x3087: 0x0088, 0x3088: 0x0088, 0x3089: 0x0088, 0x308a: 0x0088, 0x308b: 0x0088, + 0x308c: 0x0088, 0x308d: 0x0088, 0x308e: 0x0088, 0x308f: 0x0088, 0x3090: 0x0088, 0x3091: 0x0088, + 0x3092: 0x0088, 0x3093: 0x0088, 0x3094: 0x0088, 0x3095: 0x0088, 0x3096: 0x0088, 0x3097: 0x0088, + 0x3098: 0x0088, 0x3099: 0x0088, 0x309a: 0x0088, 0x309b: 0x0088, 0x309c: 0x0088, 0x309d: 0x0088, + 0x309e: 0x0088, 0x309f: 0x0088, 0x30a0: 0x0088, 0x30a1: 0x0088, 0x30a2: 0x0088, 0x30a3: 0x0088, + 0x30a4: 0x0088, 0x30a5: 0x0088, 0x30a6: 0x0088, 0x30a7: 0x0088, 0x30a8: 0x0088, 0x30a9: 0x0088, + 0x30aa: 0x0088, 0x30ab: 0x0088, 0x30ac: 0x0088, 0x30ad: 0x0088, 0x30ae: 0x0088, 0x30af: 0x0088, + 0x30b0: 0x0088, 0x30b1: 0x0088, 0x30b2: 0x0088, 0x30b3: 0x0088, 0x30b4: 0x0088, 0x30b5: 0x0088, + 0x30b6: 0x0088, 0x30b7: 0x0088, 0x30b8: 0x0088, 0x30b9: 0x0088, 0x30ba: 0x0088, 0x30bb: 0x0088, + 0x30bc: 0x0088, 0x30bd: 0x0088, 0x30be: 0x0088, 0x30bf: 0x0088, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x30c0 + 0x30c0: 0x0088, 0x30c1: 0x0088, 0x30c2: 0x0088, 0x30c3: 0x0088, 0x30c4: 0x0088, 0x30c5: 0x0088, + 0x30c6: 0x0088, 0x30c7: 0x0088, 0x30c8: 0x0088, 0x30c9: 0x0088, 0x30ca: 0x0088, 0x30cb: 0x0088, + 0x30cc: 0x0088, 0x30cd: 0x0088, 0x30ce: 0x0088, 0x30d0: 0x0080, 0x30d1: 0x0080, + 0x30d2: 0x0080, 0x30d3: 0x0080, 0x30d4: 0x0080, 0x30d5: 0x0080, 0x30d6: 0x0080, 0x30d7: 0x0080, + 0x30d8: 0x0080, 0x30d9: 0x0080, 0x30da: 0x0080, 0x30db: 0x0080, + 0x30e0: 0x0088, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x3100 + 0x3110: 0x0080, 0x3111: 0x0080, + 0x3112: 0x0080, 0x3113: 0x0080, 0x3114: 0x0080, 0x3115: 0x0080, 0x3116: 0x0080, 0x3117: 0x0080, + 0x3118: 0x0080, 0x3119: 0x0080, 0x311a: 0x0080, 0x311b: 0x0080, 0x311c: 0x0080, 0x311d: 0x0080, + 0x311e: 0x0080, 0x311f: 0x0080, 0x3120: 0x0080, 0x3121: 0x0080, 0x3122: 0x0080, 0x3123: 0x0080, + 0x3124: 0x0080, 0x3125: 0x0080, 0x3126: 0x0080, 0x3127: 0x0080, 0x3128: 0x0080, 0x3129: 0x0080, + 0x312a: 0x0080, 0x312b: 0x0080, 0x312c: 0x0080, 0x312d: 0x0080, 0x312e: 0x0080, 0x312f: 0x0080, + 0x3130: 0x0080, 0x3131: 0x0080, 0x3132: 0x0080, 0x3133: 0x0080, 0x3134: 0x0080, 0x3135: 0x0080, + 0x3136: 0x0080, 0x3137: 0x0080, 0x3138: 0x0080, 0x3139: 0x0080, 0x313a: 0x0080, 0x313b: 0x0080, + 0x313c: 0x0080, 0x313d: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x3140 + 0x3140: 0x00c0, 0x3141: 0x00c0, 0x3142: 0x00c0, 0x3143: 0x00c0, 0x3144: 0x00c0, 0x3145: 0x00c0, + 0x3146: 0x00c0, 0x3147: 0x00c0, 0x3148: 0x00c0, 0x3149: 0x00c0, 0x314a: 0x00c0, 0x314b: 0x00c0, + 0x314c: 0x00c0, 0x314d: 0x00c0, 0x314e: 0x00c0, 0x314f: 0x00c0, 0x3150: 0x00c0, 0x3151: 0x00c0, + 0x3152: 0x00c0, 0x3153: 0x00c0, 0x3154: 0x00c0, 0x3155: 0x00c0, 0x3156: 0x00c0, 0x3157: 0x00c0, + 0x3158: 0x00c0, 0x3159: 0x00c0, 0x315a: 0x00c0, 0x315b: 0x00c0, 0x315c: 0x00c0, + 0x3160: 0x00c0, 0x3161: 0x00c0, 0x3162: 0x00c0, 0x3163: 0x00c0, + 0x3164: 0x00c0, 0x3165: 0x00c0, 0x3166: 0x00c0, 0x3167: 0x00c0, 0x3168: 0x00c0, 0x3169: 0x00c0, + 0x316a: 0x00c0, 0x316b: 0x00c0, 0x316c: 0x00c0, 0x316d: 0x00c0, 0x316e: 0x00c0, 0x316f: 0x00c0, + 0x3170: 0x00c0, 0x3171: 0x00c0, 0x3172: 0x00c0, 0x3173: 0x00c0, 0x3174: 0x00c0, 0x3175: 0x00c0, + 0x3176: 0x00c0, 0x3177: 0x00c0, 0x3178: 0x00c0, 0x3179: 0x00c0, 0x317a: 0x00c0, 0x317b: 0x00c0, + 0x317c: 0x00c0, 0x317d: 0x00c0, 0x317e: 0x00c0, 0x317f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x3180 + 0x3180: 0x00c0, 0x3181: 0x00c0, 0x3182: 0x00c0, 0x3183: 0x00c0, 0x3184: 0x00c0, 0x3185: 0x00c0, + 0x3186: 0x00c0, 0x3187: 0x00c0, 0x3188: 0x00c0, 0x3189: 0x00c0, 0x318a: 0x00c0, 0x318b: 0x00c0, + 0x318c: 0x00c0, 0x318d: 0x00c0, 0x318e: 0x00c0, 0x318f: 0x00c0, 0x3190: 0x00c0, + 0x31a0: 0x00c3, 0x31a1: 0x0080, 0x31a2: 0x0080, 0x31a3: 0x0080, + 0x31a4: 0x0080, 0x31a5: 0x0080, 0x31a6: 0x0080, 0x31a7: 0x0080, 0x31a8: 0x0080, 0x31a9: 0x0080, + 0x31aa: 0x0080, 0x31ab: 0x0080, 0x31ac: 0x0080, 0x31ad: 0x0080, 0x31ae: 0x0080, 0x31af: 0x0080, + 0x31b0: 0x0080, 0x31b1: 0x0080, 0x31b2: 0x0080, 0x31b3: 0x0080, 0x31b4: 0x0080, 0x31b5: 0x0080, + 0x31b6: 0x0080, 0x31b7: 0x0080, 0x31b8: 0x0080, 0x31b9: 0x0080, 0x31ba: 0x0080, 0x31bb: 0x0080, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x31c0 + 0x31c0: 0x00c0, 0x31c1: 0x00c0, 0x31c2: 0x00c0, 0x31c3: 0x00c0, 0x31c4: 0x00c0, 0x31c5: 0x00c0, + 0x31c6: 0x00c0, 0x31c7: 0x00c0, 0x31c8: 0x00c0, 0x31c9: 0x00c0, 0x31ca: 0x00c0, 0x31cb: 0x00c0, + 0x31cc: 0x00c0, 0x31cd: 0x00c0, 0x31ce: 0x00c0, 0x31cf: 0x00c0, 0x31d0: 0x00c0, 0x31d1: 0x00c0, + 0x31d2: 0x00c0, 0x31d3: 0x00c0, 0x31d4: 0x00c0, 0x31d5: 0x00c0, 0x31d6: 0x00c0, 0x31d7: 0x00c0, + 0x31d8: 0x00c0, 0x31d9: 0x00c0, 0x31da: 0x00c0, 0x31db: 0x00c0, 0x31dc: 0x00c0, 0x31dd: 0x00c0, + 0x31de: 0x00c0, 0x31df: 0x00c0, 0x31e0: 0x0080, 0x31e1: 0x0080, 0x31e2: 0x0080, 0x31e3: 0x0080, + 0x31ed: 0x00c0, 0x31ee: 0x00c0, 0x31ef: 0x00c0, + 0x31f0: 0x00c0, 0x31f1: 0x00c0, 0x31f2: 0x00c0, 0x31f3: 0x00c0, 0x31f4: 0x00c0, 0x31f5: 0x00c0, + 0x31f6: 0x00c0, 0x31f7: 0x00c0, 0x31f8: 0x00c0, 0x31f9: 0x00c0, 0x31fa: 0x00c0, 0x31fb: 0x00c0, + 0x31fc: 0x00c0, 0x31fd: 0x00c0, 0x31fe: 0x00c0, 0x31ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x3200 + 0x3200: 0x00c0, 0x3201: 0x0080, 0x3202: 0x00c0, 0x3203: 0x00c0, 0x3204: 0x00c0, 0x3205: 0x00c0, + 0x3206: 0x00c0, 0x3207: 0x00c0, 0x3208: 0x00c0, 0x3209: 0x00c0, 0x320a: 0x0080, + 0x3210: 0x00c0, 0x3211: 0x00c0, + 0x3212: 0x00c0, 0x3213: 0x00c0, 0x3214: 0x00c0, 0x3215: 0x00c0, 0x3216: 0x00c0, 0x3217: 0x00c0, + 0x3218: 0x00c0, 0x3219: 0x00c0, 0x321a: 0x00c0, 0x321b: 0x00c0, 0x321c: 0x00c0, 0x321d: 0x00c0, + 0x321e: 0x00c0, 0x321f: 0x00c0, 0x3220: 0x00c0, 0x3221: 0x00c0, 0x3222: 0x00c0, 0x3223: 0x00c0, + 0x3224: 0x00c0, 0x3225: 0x00c0, 0x3226: 0x00c0, 0x3227: 0x00c0, 0x3228: 0x00c0, 0x3229: 0x00c0, + 0x322a: 0x00c0, 0x322b: 0x00c0, 0x322c: 0x00c0, 0x322d: 0x00c0, 0x322e: 0x00c0, 0x322f: 0x00c0, + 0x3230: 0x00c0, 0x3231: 0x00c0, 0x3232: 0x00c0, 0x3233: 0x00c0, 0x3234: 0x00c0, 0x3235: 0x00c0, + 0x3236: 0x00c3, 0x3237: 0x00c3, 0x3238: 0x00c3, 0x3239: 0x00c3, 0x323a: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x3240 + 0x3240: 0x00c0, 0x3241: 0x00c0, 0x3242: 0x00c0, 0x3243: 0x00c0, 0x3244: 0x00c0, 0x3245: 0x00c0, + 0x3246: 0x00c0, 0x3247: 0x00c0, 0x3248: 0x00c0, 0x3249: 0x00c0, 0x324a: 0x00c0, 0x324b: 0x00c0, + 0x324c: 0x00c0, 0x324d: 0x00c0, 0x324e: 0x00c0, 0x324f: 0x00c0, 0x3250: 0x00c0, 0x3251: 0x00c0, + 0x3252: 0x00c0, 0x3253: 0x00c0, 0x3254: 0x00c0, 0x3255: 0x00c0, 0x3256: 0x00c0, 0x3257: 0x00c0, + 0x3258: 0x00c0, 0x3259: 0x00c0, 0x325a: 0x00c0, 0x325b: 0x00c0, 0x325c: 0x00c0, 0x325d: 0x00c0, + 0x325f: 0x0080, 0x3260: 0x00c0, 0x3261: 0x00c0, 0x3262: 0x00c0, 0x3263: 0x00c0, + 0x3264: 0x00c0, 0x3265: 0x00c0, 0x3266: 0x00c0, 0x3267: 0x00c0, 0x3268: 0x00c0, 0x3269: 0x00c0, + 0x326a: 0x00c0, 0x326b: 0x00c0, 0x326c: 0x00c0, 0x326d: 0x00c0, 0x326e: 0x00c0, 0x326f: 0x00c0, + 0x3270: 0x00c0, 0x3271: 0x00c0, 0x3272: 0x00c0, 0x3273: 0x00c0, 0x3274: 0x00c0, 0x3275: 0x00c0, + 0x3276: 0x00c0, 0x3277: 0x00c0, 0x3278: 0x00c0, 0x3279: 0x00c0, 0x327a: 0x00c0, 0x327b: 0x00c0, + 0x327c: 0x00c0, 0x327d: 0x00c0, 0x327e: 0x00c0, 0x327f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x3280 + 0x3280: 0x00c0, 0x3281: 0x00c0, 0x3282: 0x00c0, 0x3283: 0x00c0, + 0x3288: 0x00c0, 0x3289: 0x00c0, 0x328a: 0x00c0, 0x328b: 0x00c0, + 0x328c: 0x00c0, 0x328d: 0x00c0, 0x328e: 0x00c0, 0x328f: 0x00c0, 0x3290: 0x0080, 0x3291: 0x0080, + 0x3292: 0x0080, 0x3293: 0x0080, 0x3294: 0x0080, 0x3295: 0x0080, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x32c0 + 0x32c0: 0x00c0, 0x32c1: 0x00c0, 0x32c2: 0x00c0, 0x32c3: 0x00c0, 0x32c4: 0x00c0, 0x32c5: 0x00c0, + 0x32c6: 0x00c0, 0x32c7: 0x00c0, 0x32c8: 0x00c0, 0x32c9: 0x00c0, 0x32ca: 0x00c0, 0x32cb: 0x00c0, + 0x32cc: 0x00c0, 0x32cd: 0x00c0, 0x32ce: 0x00c0, 0x32cf: 0x00c0, 0x32d0: 0x00c0, 0x32d1: 0x00c0, + 0x32d2: 0x00c0, 0x32d3: 0x00c0, 0x32d4: 0x00c0, 0x32d5: 0x00c0, 0x32d6: 0x00c0, 0x32d7: 0x00c0, + 0x32d8: 0x00c0, 0x32d9: 0x00c0, 0x32da: 0x00c0, 0x32db: 0x00c0, 0x32dc: 0x00c0, 0x32dd: 0x00c0, + 0x32e0: 0x00c0, 0x32e1: 0x00c0, 0x32e2: 0x00c0, 0x32e3: 0x00c0, + 0x32e4: 0x00c0, 0x32e5: 0x00c0, 0x32e6: 0x00c0, 0x32e7: 0x00c0, 0x32e8: 0x00c0, 0x32e9: 0x00c0, + 0x32f0: 0x00c0, 0x32f1: 0x00c0, 0x32f2: 0x00c0, 0x32f3: 0x00c0, 0x32f4: 0x00c0, 0x32f5: 0x00c0, + 0x32f6: 0x00c0, 0x32f7: 0x00c0, 0x32f8: 0x00c0, 0x32f9: 0x00c0, 0x32fa: 0x00c0, 0x32fb: 0x00c0, + 0x32fc: 0x00c0, 0x32fd: 0x00c0, 0x32fe: 0x00c0, 0x32ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x3300 + 0x3300: 0x00c0, 0x3301: 0x00c0, 0x3302: 0x00c0, 0x3303: 0x00c0, 0x3304: 0x00c0, 0x3305: 0x00c0, + 0x3306: 0x00c0, 0x3307: 0x00c0, 0x3308: 0x00c0, 0x3309: 0x00c0, 0x330a: 0x00c0, 0x330b: 0x00c0, + 0x330c: 0x00c0, 0x330d: 0x00c0, 0x330e: 0x00c0, 0x330f: 0x00c0, 0x3310: 0x00c0, 0x3311: 0x00c0, + 0x3312: 0x00c0, 0x3313: 0x00c0, + 0x3318: 0x00c0, 0x3319: 0x00c0, 0x331a: 0x00c0, 0x331b: 0x00c0, 0x331c: 0x00c0, 0x331d: 0x00c0, + 0x331e: 0x00c0, 0x331f: 0x00c0, 0x3320: 0x00c0, 0x3321: 0x00c0, 0x3322: 0x00c0, 0x3323: 0x00c0, + 0x3324: 0x00c0, 0x3325: 0x00c0, 0x3326: 0x00c0, 0x3327: 0x00c0, 0x3328: 0x00c0, 0x3329: 0x00c0, + 0x332a: 0x00c0, 0x332b: 0x00c0, 0x332c: 0x00c0, 0x332d: 0x00c0, 0x332e: 0x00c0, 0x332f: 0x00c0, + 0x3330: 0x00c0, 0x3331: 0x00c0, 0x3332: 0x00c0, 0x3333: 0x00c0, 0x3334: 0x00c0, 0x3335: 0x00c0, + 0x3336: 0x00c0, 0x3337: 0x00c0, 0x3338: 0x00c0, 0x3339: 0x00c0, 0x333a: 0x00c0, 0x333b: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x3340 + 0x3340: 0x00c0, 0x3341: 0x00c0, 0x3342: 0x00c0, 0x3343: 0x00c0, 0x3344: 0x00c0, 0x3345: 0x00c0, + 0x3346: 0x00c0, 0x3347: 0x00c0, 0x3348: 0x00c0, 0x3349: 0x00c0, 0x334a: 0x00c0, 0x334b: 0x00c0, + 0x334c: 0x00c0, 0x334d: 0x00c0, 0x334e: 0x00c0, 0x334f: 0x00c0, 0x3350: 0x00c0, 0x3351: 0x00c0, + 0x3352: 0x00c0, 0x3353: 0x00c0, 0x3354: 0x00c0, 0x3355: 0x00c0, 0x3356: 0x00c0, 0x3357: 0x00c0, + 0x3358: 0x00c0, 0x3359: 0x00c0, 0x335a: 0x00c0, 0x335b: 0x00c0, 0x335c: 0x00c0, 0x335d: 0x00c0, + 0x335e: 0x00c0, 0x335f: 0x00c0, 0x3360: 0x00c0, 0x3361: 0x00c0, 0x3362: 0x00c0, 0x3363: 0x00c0, + 0x3364: 0x00c0, 0x3365: 0x00c0, 0x3366: 0x00c0, 0x3367: 0x00c0, + 0x3370: 0x00c0, 0x3371: 0x00c0, 0x3372: 0x00c0, 0x3373: 0x00c0, 0x3374: 0x00c0, 0x3375: 0x00c0, + 0x3376: 0x00c0, 0x3377: 0x00c0, 0x3378: 0x00c0, 0x3379: 0x00c0, 0x337a: 0x00c0, 0x337b: 0x00c0, + 0x337c: 0x00c0, 0x337d: 0x00c0, 0x337e: 0x00c0, 0x337f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x3380 + 0x3380: 0x00c0, 0x3381: 0x00c0, 0x3382: 0x00c0, 0x3383: 0x00c0, 0x3384: 0x00c0, 0x3385: 0x00c0, + 0x3386: 0x00c0, 0x3387: 0x00c0, 0x3388: 0x00c0, 0x3389: 0x00c0, 0x338a: 0x00c0, 0x338b: 0x00c0, + 0x338c: 0x00c0, 0x338d: 0x00c0, 0x338e: 0x00c0, 0x338f: 0x00c0, 0x3390: 0x00c0, 0x3391: 0x00c0, + 0x3392: 0x00c0, 0x3393: 0x00c0, 0x3394: 0x00c0, 0x3395: 0x00c0, 0x3396: 0x00c0, 0x3397: 0x00c0, + 0x3398: 0x00c0, 0x3399: 0x00c0, 0x339a: 0x00c0, 0x339b: 0x00c0, 0x339c: 0x00c0, 0x339d: 0x00c0, + 0x339e: 0x00c0, 0x339f: 0x00c0, 0x33a0: 0x00c0, 0x33a1: 0x00c0, 0x33a2: 0x00c0, 0x33a3: 0x00c0, + 0x33af: 0x0080, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x33c0 + 0x33c0: 0x00c0, 0x33c1: 0x00c0, 0x33c2: 0x00c0, 0x33c3: 0x00c0, 0x33c4: 0x00c0, 0x33c5: 0x00c0, + 0x33c6: 0x00c0, 0x33c7: 0x00c0, 0x33c8: 0x00c0, 0x33c9: 0x00c0, 0x33ca: 0x00c0, 0x33cb: 0x00c0, + 0x33cc: 0x00c0, 0x33cd: 0x00c0, 0x33ce: 0x00c0, 0x33cf: 0x00c0, 0x33d0: 0x00c0, 0x33d1: 0x00c0, + 0x33d2: 0x00c0, 0x33d3: 0x00c0, 0x33d4: 0x00c0, 0x33d5: 0x00c0, 0x33d6: 0x00c0, 0x33d7: 0x00c0, + 0x33d8: 0x00c0, 0x33d9: 0x00c0, 0x33da: 0x00c0, 0x33db: 0x00c0, 0x33dc: 0x00c0, 0x33dd: 0x00c0, + 0x33de: 0x00c0, 0x33df: 0x00c0, 0x33e0: 0x00c0, 0x33e1: 0x00c0, 0x33e2: 0x00c0, 0x33e3: 0x00c0, + 0x33e4: 0x00c0, 0x33e5: 0x00c0, 0x33e6: 0x00c0, 0x33e7: 0x00c0, 0x33e8: 0x00c0, 0x33e9: 0x00c0, + 0x33ea: 0x00c0, 0x33eb: 0x00c0, 0x33ec: 0x00c0, 0x33ed: 0x00c0, 0x33ee: 0x00c0, 0x33ef: 0x00c0, + 0x33f0: 0x00c0, 0x33f1: 0x00c0, 0x33f2: 0x00c0, 0x33f3: 0x00c0, 0x33f4: 0x00c0, 0x33f5: 0x00c0, + 0x33f6: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x3400 + 0x3400: 0x00c0, 0x3401: 0x00c0, 0x3402: 0x00c0, 0x3403: 0x00c0, 0x3404: 0x00c0, 0x3405: 0x00c0, + 0x3406: 0x00c0, 0x3407: 0x00c0, 0x3408: 0x00c0, 0x3409: 0x00c0, 0x340a: 0x00c0, 0x340b: 0x00c0, + 0x340c: 0x00c0, 0x340d: 0x00c0, 0x340e: 0x00c0, 0x340f: 0x00c0, 0x3410: 0x00c0, 0x3411: 0x00c0, + 0x3412: 0x00c0, 0x3413: 0x00c0, 0x3414: 0x00c0, 0x3415: 0x00c0, + 0x3420: 0x00c0, 0x3421: 0x00c0, 0x3422: 0x00c0, 0x3423: 0x00c0, + 0x3424: 0x00c0, 0x3425: 0x00c0, 0x3426: 0x00c0, 0x3427: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x3440 + 0x3440: 0x00c0, 0x3441: 0x00c0, 0x3442: 0x00c0, 0x3443: 0x00c0, 0x3444: 0x00c0, 0x3445: 0x00c0, + 0x3448: 0x00c0, 0x344a: 0x00c0, 0x344b: 0x00c0, + 0x344c: 0x00c0, 0x344d: 0x00c0, 0x344e: 0x00c0, 0x344f: 0x00c0, 0x3450: 0x00c0, 0x3451: 0x00c0, + 0x3452: 0x00c0, 0x3453: 0x00c0, 0x3454: 0x00c0, 0x3455: 0x00c0, 0x3456: 0x00c0, 0x3457: 0x00c0, + 0x3458: 0x00c0, 0x3459: 0x00c0, 0x345a: 0x00c0, 0x345b: 0x00c0, 0x345c: 0x00c0, 0x345d: 0x00c0, + 0x345e: 0x00c0, 0x345f: 0x00c0, 0x3460: 0x00c0, 0x3461: 0x00c0, 0x3462: 0x00c0, 0x3463: 0x00c0, + 0x3464: 0x00c0, 0x3465: 0x00c0, 0x3466: 0x00c0, 0x3467: 0x00c0, 0x3468: 0x00c0, 0x3469: 0x00c0, + 0x346a: 0x00c0, 0x346b: 0x00c0, 0x346c: 0x00c0, 0x346d: 0x00c0, 0x346e: 0x00c0, 0x346f: 0x00c0, + 0x3470: 0x00c0, 0x3471: 0x00c0, 0x3472: 0x00c0, 0x3473: 0x00c0, 0x3474: 0x00c0, 0x3475: 0x00c0, + 0x3477: 0x00c0, 0x3478: 0x00c0, + 0x347c: 0x00c0, 0x347f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x3480 + 0x3480: 0x00c0, 0x3481: 0x00c0, 0x3482: 0x00c0, 0x3483: 0x00c0, 0x3484: 0x00c0, 0x3485: 0x00c0, + 0x3486: 0x00c0, 0x3487: 0x00c0, 0x3488: 0x00c0, 0x3489: 0x00c0, 0x348a: 0x00c0, 0x348b: 0x00c0, + 0x348c: 0x00c0, 0x348d: 0x00c0, 0x348e: 0x00c0, 0x348f: 0x00c0, 0x3490: 0x00c0, 0x3491: 0x00c0, + 0x3492: 0x00c0, 0x3493: 0x00c0, 0x3494: 0x00c0, 0x3495: 0x00c0, 0x3497: 0x0080, + 0x3498: 0x0080, 0x3499: 0x0080, 0x349a: 0x0080, 0x349b: 0x0080, 0x349c: 0x0080, 0x349d: 0x0080, + 0x349e: 0x0080, 0x349f: 0x0080, 0x34a0: 0x00c0, 0x34a1: 0x00c0, 0x34a2: 0x00c0, 0x34a3: 0x00c0, + 0x34a4: 0x00c0, 0x34a5: 0x00c0, 0x34a6: 0x00c0, 0x34a7: 0x00c0, 0x34a8: 0x00c0, 0x34a9: 0x00c0, + 0x34aa: 0x00c0, 0x34ab: 0x00c0, 0x34ac: 0x00c0, 0x34ad: 0x00c0, 0x34ae: 0x00c0, 0x34af: 0x00c0, + 0x34b0: 0x00c0, 0x34b1: 0x00c0, 0x34b2: 0x00c0, 0x34b3: 0x00c0, 0x34b4: 0x00c0, 0x34b5: 0x00c0, + 0x34b6: 0x00c0, 0x34b7: 0x0080, 0x34b8: 0x0080, 0x34b9: 0x0080, 0x34ba: 0x0080, 0x34bb: 0x0080, + 0x34bc: 0x0080, 0x34bd: 0x0080, 0x34be: 0x0080, 0x34bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x34c0 + 0x34c0: 0x00c0, 0x34c1: 0x00c0, 0x34c2: 0x00c0, 0x34c3: 0x00c0, 0x34c4: 0x00c0, 0x34c5: 0x00c0, + 0x34c6: 0x00c0, 0x34c7: 0x00c0, 0x34c8: 0x00c0, 0x34c9: 0x00c0, 0x34ca: 0x00c0, 0x34cb: 0x00c0, + 0x34cc: 0x00c0, 0x34cd: 0x00c0, 0x34ce: 0x00c0, 0x34cf: 0x00c0, 0x34d0: 0x00c0, 0x34d1: 0x00c0, + 0x34d2: 0x00c0, 0x34d3: 0x00c0, 0x34d4: 0x00c0, 0x34d5: 0x00c0, 0x34d6: 0x00c0, 0x34d7: 0x00c0, + 0x34d8: 0x00c0, 0x34d9: 0x00c0, 0x34da: 0x00c0, 0x34db: 0x00c0, 0x34dc: 0x00c0, 0x34dd: 0x00c0, + 0x34de: 0x00c0, + 0x34e7: 0x0080, 0x34e8: 0x0080, 0x34e9: 0x0080, + 0x34ea: 0x0080, 0x34eb: 0x0080, 0x34ec: 0x0080, 0x34ed: 0x0080, 0x34ee: 0x0080, 0x34ef: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x3500 + 0x3520: 0x00c0, 0x3521: 0x00c0, 0x3522: 0x00c0, 0x3523: 0x00c0, + 0x3524: 0x00c0, 0x3525: 0x00c0, 0x3526: 0x00c0, 0x3527: 0x00c0, 0x3528: 0x00c0, 0x3529: 0x00c0, + 0x352a: 0x00c0, 0x352b: 0x00c0, 0x352c: 0x00c0, 0x352d: 0x00c0, 0x352e: 0x00c0, 0x352f: 0x00c0, + 0x3530: 0x00c0, 0x3531: 0x00c0, 0x3532: 0x00c0, 0x3534: 0x00c0, 0x3535: 0x00c0, + 0x353b: 0x0080, + 0x353c: 0x0080, 0x353d: 0x0080, 0x353e: 0x0080, 0x353f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x3540 + 0x3540: 0x00c0, 0x3541: 0x00c0, 0x3542: 0x00c0, 0x3543: 0x00c0, 0x3544: 0x00c0, 0x3545: 0x00c0, + 0x3546: 0x00c0, 0x3547: 0x00c0, 0x3548: 0x00c0, 0x3549: 0x00c0, 0x354a: 0x00c0, 0x354b: 0x00c0, + 0x354c: 0x00c0, 0x354d: 0x00c0, 0x354e: 0x00c0, 0x354f: 0x00c0, 0x3550: 0x00c0, 0x3551: 0x00c0, + 0x3552: 0x00c0, 0x3553: 0x00c0, 0x3554: 0x00c0, 0x3555: 0x00c0, 0x3556: 0x0080, 0x3557: 0x0080, + 0x3558: 0x0080, 0x3559: 0x0080, 0x355a: 0x0080, 0x355b: 0x0080, + 0x355f: 0x0080, 0x3560: 0x00c0, 0x3561: 0x00c0, 0x3562: 0x00c0, 0x3563: 0x00c0, + 0x3564: 0x00c0, 0x3565: 0x00c0, 0x3566: 0x00c0, 0x3567: 0x00c0, 0x3568: 0x00c0, 0x3569: 0x00c0, + 0x356a: 0x00c0, 0x356b: 0x00c0, 0x356c: 0x00c0, 0x356d: 0x00c0, 0x356e: 0x00c0, 0x356f: 0x00c0, + 0x3570: 0x00c0, 0x3571: 0x00c0, 0x3572: 0x00c0, 0x3573: 0x00c0, 0x3574: 0x00c0, 0x3575: 0x00c0, + 0x3576: 0x00c0, 0x3577: 0x00c0, 0x3578: 0x00c0, 0x3579: 0x00c0, + 0x357f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x3580 + 0x3580: 0x00c0, 0x3581: 0x00c0, 0x3582: 0x00c0, 0x3583: 0x00c0, 0x3584: 0x00c0, 0x3585: 0x00c0, + 0x3586: 0x00c0, 0x3587: 0x00c0, 0x3588: 0x00c0, 0x3589: 0x00c0, 0x358a: 0x00c0, 0x358b: 0x00c0, + 0x358c: 0x00c0, 0x358d: 0x00c0, 0x358e: 0x00c0, 0x358f: 0x00c0, 0x3590: 0x00c0, 0x3591: 0x00c0, + 0x3592: 0x00c0, 0x3593: 0x00c0, 0x3594: 0x00c0, 0x3595: 0x00c0, 0x3596: 0x00c0, 0x3597: 0x00c0, + 0x3598: 0x00c0, 0x3599: 0x00c0, 0x359a: 0x00c0, 0x359b: 0x00c0, 0x359c: 0x00c0, 0x359d: 0x00c0, + 0x359e: 0x00c0, 0x359f: 0x00c0, 0x35a0: 0x00c0, 0x35a1: 0x00c0, 0x35a2: 0x00c0, 0x35a3: 0x00c0, + 0x35a4: 0x00c0, 0x35a5: 0x00c0, 0x35a6: 0x00c0, 0x35a7: 0x00c0, 0x35a8: 0x00c0, 0x35a9: 0x00c0, + 0x35aa: 0x00c0, 0x35ab: 0x00c0, 0x35ac: 0x00c0, 0x35ad: 0x00c0, 0x35ae: 0x00c0, 0x35af: 0x00c0, + 0x35b0: 0x00c0, 0x35b1: 0x00c0, 0x35b2: 0x00c0, 0x35b3: 0x00c0, 0x35b4: 0x00c0, 0x35b5: 0x00c0, + 0x35b6: 0x00c0, 0x35b7: 0x00c0, + 0x35bc: 0x0080, 0x35bd: 0x0080, 0x35be: 0x00c0, 0x35bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x35c0 + 0x35c0: 0x00c0, 0x35c1: 0x00c3, 0x35c2: 0x00c3, 0x35c3: 0x00c3, 0x35c5: 0x00c3, + 0x35c6: 0x00c3, + 0x35cc: 0x00c3, 0x35cd: 0x00c3, 0x35ce: 0x00c3, 0x35cf: 0x00c3, 0x35d0: 0x00c0, 0x35d1: 0x00c0, + 0x35d2: 0x00c0, 0x35d3: 0x00c0, 0x35d5: 0x00c0, 0x35d6: 0x00c0, 0x35d7: 0x00c0, + 0x35d9: 0x00c0, 0x35da: 0x00c0, 0x35db: 0x00c0, 0x35dc: 0x00c0, 0x35dd: 0x00c0, + 0x35de: 0x00c0, 0x35df: 0x00c0, 0x35e0: 0x00c0, 0x35e1: 0x00c0, 0x35e2: 0x00c0, 0x35e3: 0x00c0, + 0x35e4: 0x00c0, 0x35e5: 0x00c0, 0x35e6: 0x00c0, 0x35e7: 0x00c0, 0x35e8: 0x00c0, 0x35e9: 0x00c0, + 0x35ea: 0x00c0, 0x35eb: 0x00c0, 0x35ec: 0x00c0, 0x35ed: 0x00c0, 0x35ee: 0x00c0, 0x35ef: 0x00c0, + 0x35f0: 0x00c0, 0x35f1: 0x00c0, 0x35f2: 0x00c0, 0x35f3: 0x00c0, + 0x35f8: 0x00c3, 0x35f9: 0x00c3, 0x35fa: 0x00c3, + 0x35ff: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x3600 + 0x3600: 0x0080, 0x3601: 0x0080, 0x3602: 0x0080, 0x3603: 0x0080, 0x3604: 0x0080, 0x3605: 0x0080, + 0x3606: 0x0080, 0x3607: 0x0080, + 0x3610: 0x0080, 0x3611: 0x0080, + 0x3612: 0x0080, 0x3613: 0x0080, 0x3614: 0x0080, 0x3615: 0x0080, 0x3616: 0x0080, 0x3617: 0x0080, + 0x3618: 0x0080, + 0x3620: 0x00c0, 0x3621: 0x00c0, 0x3622: 0x00c0, 0x3623: 0x00c0, + 0x3624: 0x00c0, 0x3625: 0x00c0, 0x3626: 0x00c0, 0x3627: 0x00c0, 0x3628: 0x00c0, 0x3629: 0x00c0, + 0x362a: 0x00c0, 0x362b: 0x00c0, 0x362c: 0x00c0, 0x362d: 0x00c0, 0x362e: 0x00c0, 0x362f: 0x00c0, + 0x3630: 0x00c0, 0x3631: 0x00c0, 0x3632: 0x00c0, 0x3633: 0x00c0, 0x3634: 0x00c0, 0x3635: 0x00c0, + 0x3636: 0x00c0, 0x3637: 0x00c0, 0x3638: 0x00c0, 0x3639: 0x00c0, 0x363a: 0x00c0, 0x363b: 0x00c0, + 0x363c: 0x00c0, 0x363d: 0x0080, 0x363e: 0x0080, 0x363f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x3640 + 0x3640: 0x00c0, 0x3641: 0x00c0, 0x3642: 0x00c0, 0x3643: 0x00c0, 0x3644: 0x00c0, 0x3645: 0x00c0, + 0x3646: 0x00c0, 0x3647: 0x00c0, 0x3648: 0x00c0, 0x3649: 0x00c0, 0x364a: 0x00c0, 0x364b: 0x00c0, + 0x364c: 0x00c0, 0x364d: 0x00c0, 0x364e: 0x00c0, 0x364f: 0x00c0, 0x3650: 0x00c0, 0x3651: 0x00c0, + 0x3652: 0x00c0, 0x3653: 0x00c0, 0x3654: 0x00c0, 0x3655: 0x00c0, 0x3656: 0x00c0, 0x3657: 0x00c0, + 0x3658: 0x00c0, 0x3659: 0x00c0, 0x365a: 0x00c0, 0x365b: 0x00c0, 0x365c: 0x00c0, 0x365d: 0x0080, + 0x365e: 0x0080, 0x365f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x3680 + 0x3680: 0x00c2, 0x3681: 0x00c2, 0x3682: 0x00c2, 0x3683: 0x00c2, 0x3684: 0x00c2, 0x3685: 0x00c4, + 0x3686: 0x00c0, 0x3687: 0x00c4, 0x3688: 0x0080, 0x3689: 0x00c4, 0x368a: 0x00c4, 0x368b: 0x00c0, + 0x368c: 0x00c0, 0x368d: 0x00c1, 0x368e: 0x00c4, 0x368f: 0x00c4, 0x3690: 0x00c4, 0x3691: 0x00c4, + 0x3692: 0x00c4, 0x3693: 0x00c2, 0x3694: 0x00c2, 0x3695: 0x00c2, 0x3696: 0x00c2, 0x3697: 0x00c1, + 0x3698: 0x00c2, 0x3699: 0x00c2, 0x369a: 0x00c2, 0x369b: 0x00c2, 0x369c: 0x00c2, 0x369d: 0x00c4, + 0x369e: 0x00c2, 0x369f: 0x00c2, 0x36a0: 0x00c2, 0x36a1: 0x00c4, 0x36a2: 0x00c0, 0x36a3: 0x00c0, + 0x36a4: 0x00c4, 0x36a5: 0x00c3, 0x36a6: 0x00c3, + 0x36ab: 0x0082, 0x36ac: 0x0082, 0x36ad: 0x0082, 0x36ae: 0x0082, 0x36af: 0x0084, + 0x36b0: 0x0080, 0x36b1: 0x0080, 0x36b2: 0x0080, 0x36b3: 0x0080, 0x36b4: 0x0080, 0x36b5: 0x0080, + 0x36b6: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x36c0 + 0x36c0: 0x00c0, 0x36c1: 0x00c0, 0x36c2: 0x00c0, 0x36c3: 0x00c0, 0x36c4: 0x00c0, 0x36c5: 0x00c0, + 0x36c6: 0x00c0, 0x36c7: 0x00c0, 0x36c8: 0x00c0, 0x36c9: 0x00c0, 0x36ca: 0x00c0, 0x36cb: 0x00c0, + 0x36cc: 0x00c0, 0x36cd: 0x00c0, 0x36ce: 0x00c0, 0x36cf: 0x00c0, 0x36d0: 0x00c0, 0x36d1: 0x00c0, + 0x36d2: 0x00c0, 0x36d3: 0x00c0, 0x36d4: 0x00c0, 0x36d5: 0x00c0, 0x36d6: 0x00c0, 0x36d7: 0x00c0, + 0x36d8: 0x00c0, 0x36d9: 0x00c0, 0x36da: 0x00c0, 0x36db: 0x00c0, 0x36dc: 0x00c0, 0x36dd: 0x00c0, + 0x36de: 0x00c0, 0x36df: 0x00c0, 0x36e0: 0x00c0, 0x36e1: 0x00c0, 0x36e2: 0x00c0, 0x36e3: 0x00c0, + 0x36e4: 0x00c0, 0x36e5: 0x00c0, 0x36e6: 0x00c0, 0x36e7: 0x00c0, 0x36e8: 0x00c0, 0x36e9: 0x00c0, + 0x36ea: 0x00c0, 0x36eb: 0x00c0, 0x36ec: 0x00c0, 0x36ed: 0x00c0, 0x36ee: 0x00c0, 0x36ef: 0x00c0, + 0x36f0: 0x00c0, 0x36f1: 0x00c0, 0x36f2: 0x00c0, 0x36f3: 0x00c0, 0x36f4: 0x00c0, 0x36f5: 0x00c0, + 0x36f9: 0x0080, 0x36fa: 0x0080, 0x36fb: 0x0080, + 0x36fc: 0x0080, 0x36fd: 0x0080, 0x36fe: 0x0080, 0x36ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x3700 + 0x3700: 0x00c0, 0x3701: 0x00c0, 0x3702: 0x00c0, 0x3703: 0x00c0, 0x3704: 0x00c0, 0x3705: 0x00c0, + 0x3706: 0x00c0, 0x3707: 0x00c0, 0x3708: 0x00c0, 0x3709: 0x00c0, 0x370a: 0x00c0, 0x370b: 0x00c0, + 0x370c: 0x00c0, 0x370d: 0x00c0, 0x370e: 0x00c0, 0x370f: 0x00c0, 0x3710: 0x00c0, 0x3711: 0x00c0, + 0x3712: 0x00c0, 0x3713: 0x00c0, 0x3714: 0x00c0, 0x3715: 0x00c0, + 0x3718: 0x0080, 0x3719: 0x0080, 0x371a: 0x0080, 0x371b: 0x0080, 0x371c: 0x0080, 0x371d: 0x0080, + 0x371e: 0x0080, 0x371f: 0x0080, 0x3720: 0x00c0, 0x3721: 0x00c0, 0x3722: 0x00c0, 0x3723: 0x00c0, + 0x3724: 0x00c0, 0x3725: 0x00c0, 0x3726: 0x00c0, 0x3727: 0x00c0, 0x3728: 0x00c0, 0x3729: 0x00c0, + 0x372a: 0x00c0, 0x372b: 0x00c0, 0x372c: 0x00c0, 0x372d: 0x00c0, 0x372e: 0x00c0, 0x372f: 0x00c0, + 0x3730: 0x00c0, 0x3731: 0x00c0, 0x3732: 0x00c0, + 0x3738: 0x0080, 0x3739: 0x0080, 0x373a: 0x0080, 0x373b: 0x0080, + 0x373c: 0x0080, 0x373d: 0x0080, 0x373e: 0x0080, 0x373f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x3740 + 0x3740: 0x00c2, 0x3741: 0x00c4, 0x3742: 0x00c2, 0x3743: 0x00c4, 0x3744: 0x00c4, 0x3745: 0x00c4, + 0x3746: 0x00c2, 0x3747: 0x00c2, 0x3748: 0x00c2, 0x3749: 0x00c4, 0x374a: 0x00c2, 0x374b: 0x00c2, + 0x374c: 0x00c4, 0x374d: 0x00c2, 0x374e: 0x00c4, 0x374f: 0x00c4, 0x3750: 0x00c2, 0x3751: 0x00c4, + 0x3759: 0x0080, 0x375a: 0x0080, 0x375b: 0x0080, 0x375c: 0x0080, + 0x3769: 0x0084, + 0x376a: 0x0084, 0x376b: 0x0084, 0x376c: 0x0084, 0x376d: 0x0082, 0x376e: 0x0082, 0x376f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x3780 + 0x3780: 0x00c0, 0x3781: 0x00c0, 0x3782: 0x00c0, 0x3783: 0x00c0, 0x3784: 0x00c0, 0x3785: 0x00c0, + 0x3786: 0x00c0, 0x3787: 0x00c0, 0x3788: 0x00c0, 0x3789: 0x00c0, 0x378a: 0x00c0, 0x378b: 0x00c0, + 0x378c: 0x00c0, 0x378d: 0x00c0, 0x378e: 0x00c0, 0x378f: 0x00c0, 0x3790: 0x00c0, 0x3791: 0x00c0, + 0x3792: 0x00c0, 0x3793: 0x00c0, 0x3794: 0x00c0, 0x3795: 0x00c0, 0x3796: 0x00c0, 0x3797: 0x00c0, + 0x3798: 0x00c0, 0x3799: 0x00c0, 0x379a: 0x00c0, 0x379b: 0x00c0, 0x379c: 0x00c0, 0x379d: 0x00c0, + 0x379e: 0x00c0, 0x379f: 0x00c0, 0x37a0: 0x00c0, 0x37a1: 0x00c0, 0x37a2: 0x00c0, 0x37a3: 0x00c0, + 0x37a4: 0x00c0, 0x37a5: 0x00c0, 0x37a6: 0x00c0, 0x37a7: 0x00c0, 0x37a8: 0x00c0, 0x37a9: 0x00c0, + 0x37aa: 0x00c0, 0x37ab: 0x00c0, 0x37ac: 0x00c0, 0x37ad: 0x00c0, 0x37ae: 0x00c0, 0x37af: 0x00c0, + 0x37b0: 0x00c0, 0x37b1: 0x00c0, 0x37b2: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x37c0 + 0x37c0: 0x00c0, 0x37c1: 0x00c0, 0x37c2: 0x00c0, 0x37c3: 0x00c0, 0x37c4: 0x00c0, 0x37c5: 0x00c0, + 0x37c6: 0x00c0, 0x37c7: 0x00c0, 0x37c8: 0x00c0, 0x37c9: 0x00c0, 0x37ca: 0x00c0, 0x37cb: 0x00c0, + 0x37cc: 0x00c0, 0x37cd: 0x00c0, 0x37ce: 0x00c0, 0x37cf: 0x00c0, 0x37d0: 0x00c0, 0x37d1: 0x00c0, + 0x37d2: 0x00c0, 0x37d3: 0x00c0, 0x37d4: 0x00c0, 0x37d5: 0x00c0, 0x37d6: 0x00c0, 0x37d7: 0x00c0, + 0x37d8: 0x00c0, 0x37d9: 0x00c0, 0x37da: 0x00c0, 0x37db: 0x00c0, 0x37dc: 0x00c0, 0x37dd: 0x00c0, + 0x37de: 0x00c0, 0x37df: 0x00c0, 0x37e0: 0x00c0, 0x37e1: 0x00c0, 0x37e2: 0x00c0, 0x37e3: 0x00c0, + 0x37e4: 0x00c0, 0x37e5: 0x00c0, 0x37e6: 0x00c0, 0x37e7: 0x00c0, 0x37e8: 0x00c0, 0x37e9: 0x00c0, + 0x37ea: 0x00c0, 0x37eb: 0x00c0, 0x37ec: 0x00c0, 0x37ed: 0x00c0, 0x37ee: 0x00c0, 0x37ef: 0x00c0, + 0x37f0: 0x00c0, 0x37f1: 0x00c0, 0x37f2: 0x00c0, + 0x37fa: 0x0080, 0x37fb: 0x0080, + 0x37fc: 0x0080, 0x37fd: 0x0080, 0x37fe: 0x0080, 0x37ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x3800 + 0x3820: 0x0080, 0x3821: 0x0080, 0x3822: 0x0080, 0x3823: 0x0080, + 0x3824: 0x0080, 0x3825: 0x0080, 0x3826: 0x0080, 0x3827: 0x0080, 0x3828: 0x0080, 0x3829: 0x0080, + 0x382a: 0x0080, 0x382b: 0x0080, 0x382c: 0x0080, 0x382d: 0x0080, 0x382e: 0x0080, 0x382f: 0x0080, + 0x3830: 0x0080, 0x3831: 0x0080, 0x3832: 0x0080, 0x3833: 0x0080, 0x3834: 0x0080, 0x3835: 0x0080, + 0x3836: 0x0080, 0x3837: 0x0080, 0x3838: 0x0080, 0x3839: 0x0080, 0x383a: 0x0080, 0x383b: 0x0080, + 0x383c: 0x0080, 0x383d: 0x0080, 0x383e: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x3840 + 0x3840: 0x00c0, 0x3841: 0x00c3, 0x3842: 0x00c0, 0x3843: 0x00c0, 0x3844: 0x00c0, 0x3845: 0x00c0, + 0x3846: 0x00c0, 0x3847: 0x00c0, 0x3848: 0x00c0, 0x3849: 0x00c0, 0x384a: 0x00c0, 0x384b: 0x00c0, + 0x384c: 0x00c0, 0x384d: 0x00c0, 0x384e: 0x00c0, 0x384f: 0x00c0, 0x3850: 0x00c0, 0x3851: 0x00c0, + 0x3852: 0x00c0, 0x3853: 0x00c0, 0x3854: 0x00c0, 0x3855: 0x00c0, 0x3856: 0x00c0, 0x3857: 0x00c0, + 0x3858: 0x00c0, 0x3859: 0x00c0, 0x385a: 0x00c0, 0x385b: 0x00c0, 0x385c: 0x00c0, 0x385d: 0x00c0, + 0x385e: 0x00c0, 0x385f: 0x00c0, 0x3860: 0x00c0, 0x3861: 0x00c0, 0x3862: 0x00c0, 0x3863: 0x00c0, + 0x3864: 0x00c0, 0x3865: 0x00c0, 0x3866: 0x00c0, 0x3867: 0x00c0, 0x3868: 0x00c0, 0x3869: 0x00c0, + 0x386a: 0x00c0, 0x386b: 0x00c0, 0x386c: 0x00c0, 0x386d: 0x00c0, 0x386e: 0x00c0, 0x386f: 0x00c0, + 0x3870: 0x00c0, 0x3871: 0x00c0, 0x3872: 0x00c0, 0x3873: 0x00c0, 0x3874: 0x00c0, 0x3875: 0x00c0, + 0x3876: 0x00c0, 0x3877: 0x00c0, 0x3878: 0x00c3, 0x3879: 0x00c3, 0x387a: 0x00c3, 0x387b: 0x00c3, + 0x387c: 0x00c3, 0x387d: 0x00c3, 0x387e: 0x00c3, 0x387f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x3880 + 0x3880: 0x00c3, 0x3881: 0x00c3, 0x3882: 0x00c3, 0x3883: 0x00c3, 0x3884: 0x00c3, 0x3885: 0x00c3, + 0x3886: 0x00c6, 0x3887: 0x0080, 0x3888: 0x0080, 0x3889: 0x0080, 0x388a: 0x0080, 0x388b: 0x0080, + 0x388c: 0x0080, 0x388d: 0x0080, + 0x3892: 0x0080, 0x3893: 0x0080, 0x3894: 0x0080, 0x3895: 0x0080, 0x3896: 0x0080, 0x3897: 0x0080, + 0x3898: 0x0080, 0x3899: 0x0080, 0x389a: 0x0080, 0x389b: 0x0080, 0x389c: 0x0080, 0x389d: 0x0080, + 0x389e: 0x0080, 0x389f: 0x0080, 0x38a0: 0x0080, 0x38a1: 0x0080, 0x38a2: 0x0080, 0x38a3: 0x0080, + 0x38a4: 0x0080, 0x38a5: 0x0080, 0x38a6: 0x00c0, 0x38a7: 0x00c0, 0x38a8: 0x00c0, 0x38a9: 0x00c0, + 0x38aa: 0x00c0, 0x38ab: 0x00c0, 0x38ac: 0x00c0, 0x38ad: 0x00c0, 0x38ae: 0x00c0, 0x38af: 0x00c0, + 0x38bf: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x38c0 + 0x38c0: 0x00c3, 0x38c1: 0x00c3, 0x38c2: 0x00c0, 0x38c3: 0x00c0, 0x38c4: 0x00c0, 0x38c5: 0x00c0, + 0x38c6: 0x00c0, 0x38c7: 0x00c0, 0x38c8: 0x00c0, 0x38c9: 0x00c0, 0x38ca: 0x00c0, 0x38cb: 0x00c0, + 0x38cc: 0x00c0, 0x38cd: 0x00c0, 0x38ce: 0x00c0, 0x38cf: 0x00c0, 0x38d0: 0x00c0, 0x38d1: 0x00c0, + 0x38d2: 0x00c0, 0x38d3: 0x00c0, 0x38d4: 0x00c0, 0x38d5: 0x00c0, 0x38d6: 0x00c0, 0x38d7: 0x00c0, + 0x38d8: 0x00c0, 0x38d9: 0x00c0, 0x38da: 0x00c0, 0x38db: 0x00c0, 0x38dc: 0x00c0, 0x38dd: 0x00c0, + 0x38de: 0x00c0, 0x38df: 0x00c0, 0x38e0: 0x00c0, 0x38e1: 0x00c0, 0x38e2: 0x00c0, 0x38e3: 0x00c0, + 0x38e4: 0x00c0, 0x38e5: 0x00c0, 0x38e6: 0x00c0, 0x38e7: 0x00c0, 0x38e8: 0x00c0, 0x38e9: 0x00c0, + 0x38ea: 0x00c0, 0x38eb: 0x00c0, 0x38ec: 0x00c0, 0x38ed: 0x00c0, 0x38ee: 0x00c0, 0x38ef: 0x00c0, + 0x38f0: 0x00c0, 0x38f1: 0x00c0, 0x38f2: 0x00c0, 0x38f3: 0x00c3, 0x38f4: 0x00c3, 0x38f5: 0x00c3, + 0x38f6: 0x00c3, 0x38f7: 0x00c0, 0x38f8: 0x00c0, 0x38f9: 0x00c6, 0x38fa: 0x00c3, 0x38fb: 0x0080, + 0x38fc: 0x0080, 0x38fd: 0x0040, 0x38fe: 0x0080, 0x38ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x3900 + 0x3900: 0x0080, 0x3901: 0x0080, + 0x3910: 0x00c0, 0x3911: 0x00c0, + 0x3912: 0x00c0, 0x3913: 0x00c0, 0x3914: 0x00c0, 0x3915: 0x00c0, 0x3916: 0x00c0, 0x3917: 0x00c0, + 0x3918: 0x00c0, 0x3919: 0x00c0, 0x391a: 0x00c0, 0x391b: 0x00c0, 0x391c: 0x00c0, 0x391d: 0x00c0, + 0x391e: 0x00c0, 0x391f: 0x00c0, 0x3920: 0x00c0, 0x3921: 0x00c0, 0x3922: 0x00c0, 0x3923: 0x00c0, + 0x3924: 0x00c0, 0x3925: 0x00c0, 0x3926: 0x00c0, 0x3927: 0x00c0, 0x3928: 0x00c0, + 0x3930: 0x00c0, 0x3931: 0x00c0, 0x3932: 0x00c0, 0x3933: 0x00c0, 0x3934: 0x00c0, 0x3935: 0x00c0, + 0x3936: 0x00c0, 0x3937: 0x00c0, 0x3938: 0x00c0, 0x3939: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x3940 + 0x3940: 0x00c3, 0x3941: 0x00c3, 0x3942: 0x00c3, 0x3943: 0x00c0, 0x3944: 0x00c0, 0x3945: 0x00c0, + 0x3946: 0x00c0, 0x3947: 0x00c0, 0x3948: 0x00c0, 0x3949: 0x00c0, 0x394a: 0x00c0, 0x394b: 0x00c0, + 0x394c: 0x00c0, 0x394d: 0x00c0, 0x394e: 0x00c0, 0x394f: 0x00c0, 0x3950: 0x00c0, 0x3951: 0x00c0, + 0x3952: 0x00c0, 0x3953: 0x00c0, 0x3954: 0x00c0, 0x3955: 0x00c0, 0x3956: 0x00c0, 0x3957: 0x00c0, + 0x3958: 0x00c0, 0x3959: 0x00c0, 0x395a: 0x00c0, 0x395b: 0x00c0, 0x395c: 0x00c0, 0x395d: 0x00c0, + 0x395e: 0x00c0, 0x395f: 0x00c0, 0x3960: 0x00c0, 0x3961: 0x00c0, 0x3962: 0x00c0, 0x3963: 0x00c0, + 0x3964: 0x00c0, 0x3965: 0x00c0, 0x3966: 0x00c0, 0x3967: 0x00c3, 0x3968: 0x00c3, 0x3969: 0x00c3, + 0x396a: 0x00c3, 0x396b: 0x00c3, 0x396c: 0x00c0, 0x396d: 0x00c3, 0x396e: 0x00c3, 0x396f: 0x00c3, + 0x3970: 0x00c3, 0x3971: 0x00c3, 0x3972: 0x00c3, 0x3973: 0x00c6, 0x3974: 0x00c6, + 0x3976: 0x00c0, 0x3977: 0x00c0, 0x3978: 0x00c0, 0x3979: 0x00c0, 0x397a: 0x00c0, 0x397b: 0x00c0, + 0x397c: 0x00c0, 0x397d: 0x00c0, 0x397e: 0x00c0, 0x397f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x3980 + 0x3980: 0x0080, 0x3981: 0x0080, 0x3982: 0x0080, 0x3983: 0x0080, + 0x3990: 0x00c0, 0x3991: 0x00c0, + 0x3992: 0x00c0, 0x3993: 0x00c0, 0x3994: 0x00c0, 0x3995: 0x00c0, 0x3996: 0x00c0, 0x3997: 0x00c0, + 0x3998: 0x00c0, 0x3999: 0x00c0, 0x399a: 0x00c0, 0x399b: 0x00c0, 0x399c: 0x00c0, 0x399d: 0x00c0, + 0x399e: 0x00c0, 0x399f: 0x00c0, 0x39a0: 0x00c0, 0x39a1: 0x00c0, 0x39a2: 0x00c0, 0x39a3: 0x00c0, + 0x39a4: 0x00c0, 0x39a5: 0x00c0, 0x39a6: 0x00c0, 0x39a7: 0x00c0, 0x39a8: 0x00c0, 0x39a9: 0x00c0, + 0x39aa: 0x00c0, 0x39ab: 0x00c0, 0x39ac: 0x00c0, 0x39ad: 0x00c0, 0x39ae: 0x00c0, 0x39af: 0x00c0, + 0x39b0: 0x00c0, 0x39b1: 0x00c0, 0x39b2: 0x00c0, 0x39b3: 0x00c3, 0x39b4: 0x0080, 0x39b5: 0x0080, + 0x39b6: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x39c0 + 0x39c0: 0x00c3, 0x39c1: 0x00c3, 0x39c2: 0x00c0, 0x39c3: 0x00c0, 0x39c4: 0x00c0, 0x39c5: 0x00c0, + 0x39c6: 0x00c0, 0x39c7: 0x00c0, 0x39c8: 0x00c0, 0x39c9: 0x00c0, 0x39ca: 0x00c0, 0x39cb: 0x00c0, + 0x39cc: 0x00c0, 0x39cd: 0x00c0, 0x39ce: 0x00c0, 0x39cf: 0x00c0, 0x39d0: 0x00c0, 0x39d1: 0x00c0, + 0x39d2: 0x00c0, 0x39d3: 0x00c0, 0x39d4: 0x00c0, 0x39d5: 0x00c0, 0x39d6: 0x00c0, 0x39d7: 0x00c0, + 0x39d8: 0x00c0, 0x39d9: 0x00c0, 0x39da: 0x00c0, 0x39db: 0x00c0, 0x39dc: 0x00c0, 0x39dd: 0x00c0, + 0x39de: 0x00c0, 0x39df: 0x00c0, 0x39e0: 0x00c0, 0x39e1: 0x00c0, 0x39e2: 0x00c0, 0x39e3: 0x00c0, + 0x39e4: 0x00c0, 0x39e5: 0x00c0, 0x39e6: 0x00c0, 0x39e7: 0x00c0, 0x39e8: 0x00c0, 0x39e9: 0x00c0, + 0x39ea: 0x00c0, 0x39eb: 0x00c0, 0x39ec: 0x00c0, 0x39ed: 0x00c0, 0x39ee: 0x00c0, 0x39ef: 0x00c0, + 0x39f0: 0x00c0, 0x39f1: 0x00c0, 0x39f2: 0x00c0, 0x39f3: 0x00c0, 0x39f4: 0x00c0, 0x39f5: 0x00c0, + 0x39f6: 0x00c3, 0x39f7: 0x00c3, 0x39f8: 0x00c3, 0x39f9: 0x00c3, 0x39fa: 0x00c3, 0x39fb: 0x00c3, + 0x39fc: 0x00c3, 0x39fd: 0x00c3, 0x39fe: 0x00c3, 0x39ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x3a00 + 0x3a00: 0x00c5, 0x3a01: 0x00c0, 0x3a02: 0x00c0, 0x3a03: 0x00c0, 0x3a04: 0x00c0, 0x3a05: 0x0080, + 0x3a06: 0x0080, 0x3a07: 0x0080, 0x3a08: 0x0080, 0x3a09: 0x0080, 0x3a0a: 0x00c3, 0x3a0b: 0x00c3, + 0x3a0c: 0x00c3, 0x3a0d: 0x0080, 0x3a10: 0x00c0, 0x3a11: 0x00c0, + 0x3a12: 0x00c0, 0x3a13: 0x00c0, 0x3a14: 0x00c0, 0x3a15: 0x00c0, 0x3a16: 0x00c0, 0x3a17: 0x00c0, + 0x3a18: 0x00c0, 0x3a19: 0x00c0, 0x3a1a: 0x00c0, 0x3a1b: 0x0080, 0x3a1c: 0x00c0, 0x3a1d: 0x0080, + 0x3a1e: 0x0080, 0x3a1f: 0x0080, 0x3a21: 0x0080, 0x3a22: 0x0080, 0x3a23: 0x0080, + 0x3a24: 0x0080, 0x3a25: 0x0080, 0x3a26: 0x0080, 0x3a27: 0x0080, 0x3a28: 0x0080, 0x3a29: 0x0080, + 0x3a2a: 0x0080, 0x3a2b: 0x0080, 0x3a2c: 0x0080, 0x3a2d: 0x0080, 0x3a2e: 0x0080, 0x3a2f: 0x0080, + 0x3a30: 0x0080, 0x3a31: 0x0080, 0x3a32: 0x0080, 0x3a33: 0x0080, 0x3a34: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x3a40 + 0x3a40: 0x00c0, 0x3a41: 0x00c0, 0x3a42: 0x00c0, 0x3a43: 0x00c0, 0x3a44: 0x00c0, 0x3a45: 0x00c0, + 0x3a46: 0x00c0, 0x3a47: 0x00c0, 0x3a48: 0x00c0, 0x3a49: 0x00c0, 0x3a4a: 0x00c0, 0x3a4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3a4c: 0x00c0, 0x3a4d: 0x00c0, 0x3a4e: 0x00c0, 0x3a4f: 0x00c0, 0x3a50: 0x00c0, 0x3a51: 0x00c0, + 0x3a53: 0x00c0, 0x3a54: 0x00c0, 0x3a55: 0x00c0, 0x3a56: 0x00c0, 0x3a57: 0x00c0, + 0x3a58: 0x00c0, 0x3a59: 0x00c0, 0x3a5a: 0x00c0, 0x3a5b: 0x00c0, 0x3a5c: 0x00c0, 0x3a5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3a5e: 0x00c0, 0x3a5f: 0x00c0, 0x3a60: 0x00c0, 0x3a61: 0x00c0, 0x3a62: 0x00c0, 0x3a63: 0x00c0, + 0x3a64: 0x00c0, 0x3a65: 0x00c0, 0x3a66: 0x00c0, 0x3a67: 0x00c0, 0x3a68: 0x00c0, 0x3a69: 0x00c0, + 0x3a6a: 0x00c0, 0x3a6b: 0x00c0, 0x3a6c: 0x00c0, 0x3a6d: 0x00c0, 0x3a6e: 0x00c0, 0x3a6f: 0x00c3, + 0x3a70: 0x00c3, 0x3a71: 0x00c3, 0x3a72: 0x00c0, 0x3a73: 0x00c0, 0x3a74: 0x00c3, 0x3a75: 0x00c5, + 0x3a76: 0x00c3, 0x3a77: 0x00c3, 0x3a78: 0x0080, 0x3a79: 0x0080, 0x3a7a: 0x0080, 0x3a7b: 0x0080, + 0x3a7c: 0x0080, 0x3a7d: 0x0080, 0x3a7e: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x3a80 + 0x3a80: 0x00c0, 0x3a81: 0x00c0, 0x3a82: 0x00c0, 0x3a83: 0x00c0, 0x3a84: 0x00c0, 0x3a85: 0x00c0, + 0x3a86: 0x00c0, 0x3a88: 0x00c0, 0x3a8a: 0x00c0, 0x3a8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3a8c: 0x00c0, 0x3a8d: 0x00c0, 0x3a8f: 0x00c0, 0x3a90: 0x00c0, 0x3a91: 0x00c0, + 0x3a92: 0x00c0, 0x3a93: 0x00c0, 0x3a94: 0x00c0, 0x3a95: 0x00c0, 0x3a96: 0x00c0, 0x3a97: 0x00c0, + 0x3a98: 0x00c0, 0x3a99: 0x00c0, 0x3a9a: 0x00c0, 0x3a9b: 0x00c0, 0x3a9c: 0x00c0, 0x3a9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3a9f: 0x00c0, 0x3aa0: 0x00c0, 0x3aa1: 0x00c0, 0x3aa2: 0x00c0, 0x3aa3: 0x00c0, + 0x3aa4: 0x00c0, 0x3aa5: 0x00c0, 0x3aa6: 0x00c0, 0x3aa7: 0x00c0, 0x3aa8: 0x00c0, 0x3aa9: 0x0080, + 0x3ab0: 0x00c0, 0x3ab1: 0x00c0, 0x3ab2: 0x00c0, 0x3ab3: 0x00c0, 0x3ab4: 0x00c0, 0x3ab5: 0x00c0, + 0x3ab6: 0x00c0, 0x3ab7: 0x00c0, 0x3ab8: 0x00c0, 0x3ab9: 0x00c0, 0x3aba: 0x00c0, 0x3abb: 0x00c0, + 0x3abc: 0x00c0, 0x3abd: 0x00c0, 0x3abe: 0x00c0, 0x3abf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x3ac0 + 0x3ac0: 0x00c0, 0x3ac1: 0x00c0, 0x3ac2: 0x00c0, 0x3ac3: 0x00c0, 0x3ac4: 0x00c0, 0x3ac5: 0x00c0, + 0x3ac6: 0x00c0, 0x3ac7: 0x00c0, 0x3ac8: 0x00c0, 0x3ac9: 0x00c0, 0x3aca: 0x00c0, 0x3acb: 0x00c0, + 0x3acc: 0x00c0, 0x3acd: 0x00c0, 0x3ace: 0x00c0, 0x3acf: 0x00c0, 0x3ad0: 0x00c0, 0x3ad1: 0x00c0, + 0x3ad2: 0x00c0, 0x3ad3: 0x00c0, 0x3ad4: 0x00c0, 0x3ad5: 0x00c0, 0x3ad6: 0x00c0, 0x3ad7: 0x00c0, + 0x3ad8: 0x00c0, 0x3ad9: 0x00c0, 0x3ada: 0x00c0, 0x3adb: 0x00c0, 0x3adc: 0x00c0, 0x3add: 0x00c0, + 0x3ade: 0x00c0, 0x3adf: 0x00c3, 0x3ae0: 0x00c0, 0x3ae1: 0x00c0, 0x3ae2: 0x00c0, 0x3ae3: 0x00c3, + 0x3ae4: 0x00c3, 0x3ae5: 0x00c3, 0x3ae6: 0x00c3, 0x3ae7: 0x00c3, 0x3ae8: 0x00c3, 0x3ae9: 0x00c3, + 0x3aea: 0x00c6, + 0x3af0: 0x00c0, 0x3af1: 0x00c0, 0x3af2: 0x00c0, 0x3af3: 0x00c0, 0x3af4: 0x00c0, 0x3af5: 0x00c0, + 0x3af6: 0x00c0, 0x3af7: 0x00c0, 0x3af8: 0x00c0, 0x3af9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x3b00 + 0x3b00: 0x00c3, 0x3b01: 0x00c3, 0x3b02: 0x00c0, 0x3b03: 0x00c0, 0x3b05: 0x00c0, + 0x3b06: 0x00c0, 0x3b07: 0x00c0, 0x3b08: 0x00c0, 0x3b09: 0x00c0, 0x3b0a: 0x00c0, 0x3b0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3b0c: 0x00c0, 0x3b0f: 0x00c0, 0x3b10: 0x00c0, + 0x3b13: 0x00c0, 0x3b14: 0x00c0, 0x3b15: 0x00c0, 0x3b16: 0x00c0, 0x3b17: 0x00c0, + 0x3b18: 0x00c0, 0x3b19: 0x00c0, 0x3b1a: 0x00c0, 0x3b1b: 0x00c0, 0x3b1c: 0x00c0, 0x3b1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3b1e: 0x00c0, 0x3b1f: 0x00c0, 0x3b20: 0x00c0, 0x3b21: 0x00c0, 0x3b22: 0x00c0, 0x3b23: 0x00c0, + 0x3b24: 0x00c0, 0x3b25: 0x00c0, 0x3b26: 0x00c0, 0x3b27: 0x00c0, 0x3b28: 0x00c0, + 0x3b2a: 0x00c0, 0x3b2b: 0x00c0, 0x3b2c: 0x00c0, 0x3b2d: 0x00c0, 0x3b2e: 0x00c0, 0x3b2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3b30: 0x00c0, 0x3b32: 0x00c0, 0x3b33: 0x00c0, 0x3b35: 0x00c0, + 0x3b36: 0x00c0, 0x3b37: 0x00c0, 0x3b38: 0x00c0, 0x3b39: 0x00c0, + 0x3b3c: 0x00c3, 0x3b3d: 0x00c0, 0x3b3e: 0x00c0, 0x3b3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x3b40 + 0x3b40: 0x00c3, 0x3b41: 0x00c0, 0x3b42: 0x00c0, 0x3b43: 0x00c0, 0x3b44: 0x00c0, + 0x3b47: 0x00c0, 0x3b48: 0x00c0, 0x3b4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3b4c: 0x00c0, 0x3b4d: 0x00c5, 0x3b50: 0x00c0, + 0x3b57: 0x00c0, + 0x3b5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3b5e: 0x00c0, 0x3b5f: 0x00c0, 0x3b60: 0x00c0, 0x3b61: 0x00c0, 0x3b62: 0x00c0, 0x3b63: 0x00c0, + 0x3b66: 0x00c3, 0x3b67: 0x00c3, 0x3b68: 0x00c3, 0x3b69: 0x00c3, + 0x3b6a: 0x00c3, 0x3b6b: 0x00c3, 0x3b6c: 0x00c3, + 0x3b70: 0x00c3, 0x3b71: 0x00c3, 0x3b72: 0x00c3, 0x3b73: 0x00c3, 0x3b74: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x3b80 + 0x3b80: 0x00c0, 0x3b81: 0x00c0, 0x3b82: 0x00c0, 0x3b83: 0x00c0, 0x3b84: 0x00c0, 0x3b85: 0x00c0, + 0x3b86: 0x00c0, 0x3b87: 0x00c0, 0x3b88: 0x00c0, 0x3b89: 0x00c0, 0x3b8a: 0x00c0, 0x3b8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3b8c: 0x00c0, 0x3b8d: 0x00c0, 0x3b8e: 0x00c0, 0x3b8f: 0x00c0, 0x3b90: 0x00c0, 0x3b91: 0x00c0, + 0x3b92: 0x00c0, 0x3b93: 0x00c0, 0x3b94: 0x00c0, 0x3b95: 0x00c0, 0x3b96: 0x00c0, 0x3b97: 0x00c0, + 0x3b98: 0x00c0, 0x3b99: 0x00c0, 0x3b9a: 0x00c0, 0x3b9b: 0x00c0, 0x3b9c: 0x00c0, 0x3b9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3b9e: 0x00c0, 0x3b9f: 0x00c0, 0x3ba0: 0x00c0, 0x3ba1: 0x00c0, 0x3ba2: 0x00c0, 0x3ba3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ba4: 0x00c0, 0x3ba5: 0x00c0, 0x3ba6: 0x00c0, 0x3ba7: 0x00c0, 0x3ba8: 0x00c0, 0x3ba9: 0x00c0, + 0x3baa: 0x00c0, 0x3bab: 0x00c0, 0x3bac: 0x00c0, 0x3bad: 0x00c0, 0x3bae: 0x00c0, 0x3baf: 0x00c0, + 0x3bb0: 0x00c0, 0x3bb1: 0x00c0, 0x3bb2: 0x00c0, 0x3bb3: 0x00c0, 0x3bb4: 0x00c0, 0x3bb5: 0x00c0, + 0x3bb6: 0x00c0, 0x3bb7: 0x00c0, 0x3bb8: 0x00c3, 0x3bb9: 0x00c3, 0x3bba: 0x00c3, 0x3bbb: 0x00c3, + 0x3bbc: 0x00c3, 0x3bbd: 0x00c3, 0x3bbe: 0x00c3, 0x3bbf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x3bc0 + 0x3bc0: 0x00c0, 0x3bc1: 0x00c0, 0x3bc2: 0x00c6, 0x3bc3: 0x00c3, 0x3bc4: 0x00c3, 0x3bc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3bc6: 0x00c3, 0x3bc7: 0x00c0, 0x3bc8: 0x00c0, 0x3bc9: 0x00c0, 0x3bca: 0x00c0, 0x3bcb: 0x0080, + 0x3bcc: 0x0080, 0x3bcd: 0x0080, 0x3bce: 0x0080, 0x3bcf: 0x0080, 0x3bd0: 0x00c0, 0x3bd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3bd2: 0x00c0, 0x3bd3: 0x00c0, 0x3bd4: 0x00c0, 0x3bd5: 0x00c0, 0x3bd6: 0x00c0, 0x3bd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3bd8: 0x00c0, 0x3bd9: 0x00c0, 0x3bdb: 0x0080, 0x3bdd: 0x0080, + // Block 0xf0, offset 0x3c00 + 0x3c00: 0x00c0, 0x3c01: 0x00c0, 0x3c02: 0x00c0, 0x3c03: 0x00c0, 0x3c04: 0x00c0, 0x3c05: 0x00c0, + 0x3c06: 0x00c0, 0x3c07: 0x00c0, 0x3c08: 0x00c0, 0x3c09: 0x00c0, 0x3c0a: 0x00c0, 0x3c0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c0c: 0x00c0, 0x3c0d: 0x00c0, 0x3c0e: 0x00c0, 0x3c0f: 0x00c0, 0x3c10: 0x00c0, 0x3c11: 0x00c0, + 0x3c12: 0x00c0, 0x3c13: 0x00c0, 0x3c14: 0x00c0, 0x3c15: 0x00c0, 0x3c16: 0x00c0, 0x3c17: 0x00c0, + 0x3c18: 0x00c0, 0x3c19: 0x00c0, 0x3c1a: 0x00c0, 0x3c1b: 0x00c0, 0x3c1c: 0x00c0, 0x3c1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3c1e: 0x00c0, 0x3c1f: 0x00c0, 0x3c20: 0x00c0, 0x3c21: 0x00c0, 0x3c22: 0x00c0, 0x3c23: 0x00c0, + 0x3c24: 0x00c0, 0x3c25: 0x00c0, 0x3c26: 0x00c0, 0x3c27: 0x00c0, 0x3c28: 0x00c0, 0x3c29: 0x00c0, + 0x3c2a: 0x00c0, 0x3c2b: 0x00c0, 0x3c2c: 0x00c0, 0x3c2d: 0x00c0, 0x3c2e: 0x00c0, 0x3c2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3c30: 0x00c0, 0x3c31: 0x00c0, 0x3c32: 0x00c0, 0x3c33: 0x00c3, 0x3c34: 0x00c3, 0x3c35: 0x00c3, + 0x3c36: 0x00c3, 0x3c37: 0x00c3, 0x3c38: 0x00c3, 0x3c39: 0x00c0, 0x3c3a: 0x00c3, 0x3c3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c3c: 0x00c0, 0x3c3d: 0x00c0, 0x3c3e: 0x00c0, 0x3c3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf1, offset 0x3c40 + 0x3c40: 0x00c3, 0x3c41: 0x00c0, 0x3c42: 0x00c6, 0x3c43: 0x00c3, 0x3c44: 0x00c0, 0x3c45: 0x00c0, + 0x3c46: 0x0080, 0x3c47: 0x00c0, + 0x3c50: 0x00c0, 0x3c51: 0x00c0, + 0x3c52: 0x00c0, 0x3c53: 0x00c0, 0x3c54: 0x00c0, 0x3c55: 0x00c0, 0x3c56: 0x00c0, 0x3c57: 0x00c0, + 0x3c58: 0x00c0, 0x3c59: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf2, offset 0x3c80 + 0x3c80: 0x00c0, 0x3c81: 0x00c0, 0x3c82: 0x00c0, 0x3c83: 0x00c0, 0x3c84: 0x00c0, 0x3c85: 0x00c0, + 0x3c86: 0x00c0, 0x3c87: 0x00c0, 0x3c88: 0x00c0, 0x3c89: 0x00c0, 0x3c8a: 0x00c0, 0x3c8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c8c: 0x00c0, 0x3c8d: 0x00c0, 0x3c8e: 0x00c0, 0x3c8f: 0x00c0, 0x3c90: 0x00c0, 0x3c91: 0x00c0, + 0x3c92: 0x00c0, 0x3c93: 0x00c0, 0x3c94: 0x00c0, 0x3c95: 0x00c0, 0x3c96: 0x00c0, 0x3c97: 0x00c0, + 0x3c98: 0x00c0, 0x3c99: 0x00c0, 0x3c9a: 0x00c0, 0x3c9b: 0x00c0, 0x3c9c: 0x00c0, 0x3c9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3c9e: 0x00c0, 0x3c9f: 0x00c0, 0x3ca0: 0x00c0, 0x3ca1: 0x00c0, 0x3ca2: 0x00c0, 0x3ca3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ca4: 0x00c0, 0x3ca5: 0x00c0, 0x3ca6: 0x00c0, 0x3ca7: 0x00c0, 0x3ca8: 0x00c0, 0x3ca9: 0x00c0, + 0x3caa: 0x00c0, 0x3cab: 0x00c0, 0x3cac: 0x00c0, 0x3cad: 0x00c0, 0x3cae: 0x00c0, 0x3caf: 0x00c0, + 0x3cb0: 0x00c0, 0x3cb1: 0x00c0, 0x3cb2: 0x00c3, 0x3cb3: 0x00c3, 0x3cb4: 0x00c3, 0x3cb5: 0x00c3, + 0x3cb8: 0x00c0, 0x3cb9: 0x00c0, 0x3cba: 0x00c0, 0x3cbb: 0x00c0, + 0x3cbc: 0x00c3, 0x3cbd: 0x00c3, 0x3cbe: 0x00c0, 0x3cbf: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xf3, offset 0x3cc0 + 0x3cc0: 0x00c3, 0x3cc1: 0x0080, 0x3cc2: 0x0080, 0x3cc3: 0x0080, 0x3cc4: 0x0080, 0x3cc5: 0x0080, + 0x3cc6: 0x0080, 0x3cc7: 0x0080, 0x3cc8: 0x0080, 0x3cc9: 0x0080, 0x3cca: 0x0080, 0x3ccb: 0x0080, + 0x3ccc: 0x0080, 0x3ccd: 0x0080, 0x3cce: 0x0080, 0x3ccf: 0x0080, 0x3cd0: 0x0080, 0x3cd1: 0x0080, + 0x3cd2: 0x0080, 0x3cd3: 0x0080, 0x3cd4: 0x0080, 0x3cd5: 0x0080, 0x3cd6: 0x0080, 0x3cd7: 0x0080, + 0x3cd8: 0x00c0, 0x3cd9: 0x00c0, 0x3cda: 0x00c0, 0x3cdb: 0x00c0, 0x3cdc: 0x00c3, 0x3cdd: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf4, offset 0x3d00 + 0x3d00: 0x00c0, 0x3d01: 0x00c0, 0x3d02: 0x00c0, 0x3d03: 0x00c0, 0x3d04: 0x00c0, 0x3d05: 0x00c0, + 0x3d06: 0x00c0, 0x3d07: 0x00c0, 0x3d08: 0x00c0, 0x3d09: 0x00c0, 0x3d0a: 0x00c0, 0x3d0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3d0c: 0x00c0, 0x3d0d: 0x00c0, 0x3d0e: 0x00c0, 0x3d0f: 0x00c0, 0x3d10: 0x00c0, 0x3d11: 0x00c0, + 0x3d12: 0x00c0, 0x3d13: 0x00c0, 0x3d14: 0x00c0, 0x3d15: 0x00c0, 0x3d16: 0x00c0, 0x3d17: 0x00c0, + 0x3d18: 0x00c0, 0x3d19: 0x00c0, 0x3d1a: 0x00c0, 0x3d1b: 0x00c0, 0x3d1c: 0x00c0, 0x3d1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3d1e: 0x00c0, 0x3d1f: 0x00c0, 0x3d20: 0x00c0, 0x3d21: 0x00c0, 0x3d22: 0x00c0, 0x3d23: 0x00c0, + 0x3d24: 0x00c0, 0x3d25: 0x00c0, 0x3d26: 0x00c0, 0x3d27: 0x00c0, 0x3d28: 0x00c0, 0x3d29: 0x00c0, + 0x3d2a: 0x00c0, 0x3d2b: 0x00c0, 0x3d2c: 0x00c0, 0x3d2d: 0x00c0, 0x3d2e: 0x00c0, 0x3d2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3d30: 0x00c0, 0x3d31: 0x00c0, 0x3d32: 0x00c0, 0x3d33: 0x00c3, 0x3d34: 0x00c3, 0x3d35: 0x00c3, + 0x3d36: 0x00c3, 0x3d37: 0x00c3, 0x3d38: 0x00c3, 0x3d39: 0x00c3, 0x3d3a: 0x00c3, 0x3d3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3d3c: 0x00c0, 0x3d3d: 0x00c3, 0x3d3e: 0x00c0, 0x3d3f: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xf5, offset 0x3d40 + 0x3d40: 0x00c3, 0x3d41: 0x0080, 0x3d42: 0x0080, 0x3d43: 0x0080, 0x3d44: 0x00c0, + 0x3d50: 0x00c0, 0x3d51: 0x00c0, + 0x3d52: 0x00c0, 0x3d53: 0x00c0, 0x3d54: 0x00c0, 0x3d55: 0x00c0, 0x3d56: 0x00c0, 0x3d57: 0x00c0, + 0x3d58: 0x00c0, 0x3d59: 0x00c0, + 0x3d60: 0x0080, 0x3d61: 0x0080, 0x3d62: 0x0080, 0x3d63: 0x0080, + 0x3d64: 0x0080, 0x3d65: 0x0080, 0x3d66: 0x0080, 0x3d67: 0x0080, 0x3d68: 0x0080, 0x3d69: 0x0080, + 0x3d6a: 0x0080, 0x3d6b: 0x0080, 0x3d6c: 0x0080, + // Block 0xf6, offset 0x3d80 + 0x3d80: 0x00c0, 0x3d81: 0x00c0, 0x3d82: 0x00c0, 0x3d83: 0x00c0, 0x3d84: 0x00c0, 0x3d85: 0x00c0, + 0x3d86: 0x00c0, 0x3d87: 0x00c0, 0x3d88: 0x00c0, 0x3d89: 0x00c0, 0x3d8a: 0x00c0, 0x3d8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3d8c: 0x00c0, 0x3d8d: 0x00c0, 0x3d8e: 0x00c0, 0x3d8f: 0x00c0, 0x3d90: 0x00c0, 0x3d91: 0x00c0, + 0x3d92: 0x00c0, 0x3d93: 0x00c0, 0x3d94: 0x00c0, 0x3d95: 0x00c0, 0x3d96: 0x00c0, 0x3d97: 0x00c0, + 0x3d98: 0x00c0, 0x3d99: 0x00c0, 0x3d9a: 0x00c0, 0x3d9b: 0x00c0, 0x3d9c: 0x00c0, 0x3d9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3d9e: 0x00c0, 0x3d9f: 0x00c0, 0x3da0: 0x00c0, 0x3da1: 0x00c0, 0x3da2: 0x00c0, 0x3da3: 0x00c0, + 0x3da4: 0x00c0, 0x3da5: 0x00c0, 0x3da6: 0x00c0, 0x3da7: 0x00c0, 0x3da8: 0x00c0, 0x3da9: 0x00c0, + 0x3daa: 0x00c0, 0x3dab: 0x00c3, 0x3dac: 0x00c0, 0x3dad: 0x00c3, 0x3dae: 0x00c0, 0x3daf: 0x00c0, + 0x3db0: 0x00c3, 0x3db1: 0x00c3, 0x3db2: 0x00c3, 0x3db3: 0x00c3, 0x3db4: 0x00c3, 0x3db5: 0x00c3, + 0x3db6: 0x00c5, 0x3db7: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf7, offset 0x3dc0 + 0x3dc0: 0x00c0, 0x3dc1: 0x00c0, 0x3dc2: 0x00c0, 0x3dc3: 0x00c0, 0x3dc4: 0x00c0, 0x3dc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3dc6: 0x00c0, 0x3dc7: 0x00c0, 0x3dc8: 0x00c0, 0x3dc9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf8, offset 0x3e00 + 0x3e00: 0x00c0, 0x3e01: 0x00c0, 0x3e02: 0x00c0, 0x3e03: 0x00c0, 0x3e04: 0x00c0, 0x3e05: 0x00c0, + 0x3e06: 0x00c0, 0x3e07: 0x00c0, 0x3e08: 0x00c0, 0x3e09: 0x00c0, 0x3e0a: 0x00c0, 0x3e0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3e0c: 0x00c0, 0x3e0d: 0x00c0, 0x3e0e: 0x00c0, 0x3e0f: 0x00c0, 0x3e10: 0x00c0, 0x3e11: 0x00c0, + 0x3e12: 0x00c0, 0x3e13: 0x00c0, 0x3e14: 0x00c0, 0x3e15: 0x00c0, 0x3e16: 0x00c0, 0x3e17: 0x00c0, + 0x3e18: 0x00c0, 0x3e19: 0x00c0, 0x3e1d: 0x00c3, + 0x3e1e: 0x00c3, 0x3e1f: 0x00c3, 0x3e20: 0x00c0, 0x3e21: 0x00c0, 0x3e22: 0x00c3, 0x3e23: 0x00c3, + 0x3e24: 0x00c3, 0x3e25: 0x00c3, 0x3e26: 0x00c0, 0x3e27: 0x00c3, 0x3e28: 0x00c3, 0x3e29: 0x00c3, + 0x3e2a: 0x00c3, 0x3e2b: 0x00c6, + 0x3e30: 0x00c0, 0x3e31: 0x00c0, 0x3e32: 0x00c0, 0x3e33: 0x00c0, 0x3e34: 0x00c0, 0x3e35: 0x00c0, + 0x3e36: 0x00c0, 0x3e37: 0x00c0, 0x3e38: 0x00c0, 0x3e39: 0x00c0, 0x3e3a: 0x0080, 0x3e3b: 0x0080, + 0x3e3c: 0x0080, 0x3e3d: 0x0080, 0x3e3e: 0x0080, 0x3e3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xf9, offset 0x3e40 + 0x3e60: 0x00c0, 0x3e61: 0x00c0, 0x3e62: 0x00c0, 0x3e63: 0x00c0, + 0x3e64: 0x00c0, 0x3e65: 0x00c0, 0x3e66: 0x00c0, 0x3e67: 0x00c0, 0x3e68: 0x00c0, 0x3e69: 0x00c0, + 0x3e6a: 0x00c0, 0x3e6b: 0x00c0, 0x3e6c: 0x00c0, 0x3e6d: 0x00c0, 0x3e6e: 0x00c0, 0x3e6f: 0x00c0, + 0x3e70: 0x00c0, 0x3e71: 0x00c0, 0x3e72: 0x00c0, 0x3e73: 0x00c0, 0x3e74: 0x00c0, 0x3e75: 0x00c0, + 0x3e76: 0x00c0, 0x3e77: 0x00c0, 0x3e78: 0x00c0, 0x3e79: 0x00c0, 0x3e7a: 0x00c0, 0x3e7b: 0x00c0, + 0x3e7c: 0x00c0, 0x3e7d: 0x00c0, 0x3e7e: 0x00c0, 0x3e7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xfa, offset 0x3e80 + 0x3e80: 0x00c0, 0x3e81: 0x00c0, 0x3e82: 0x00c0, 0x3e83: 0x00c0, 0x3e84: 0x00c0, 0x3e85: 0x00c0, + 0x3e86: 0x00c0, 0x3e87: 0x00c0, 0x3e88: 0x00c0, 0x3e89: 0x00c0, 0x3e8a: 0x00c0, 0x3e8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3e8c: 0x00c0, 0x3e8d: 0x00c0, 0x3e8e: 0x00c0, 0x3e8f: 0x00c0, 0x3e90: 0x00c0, 0x3e91: 0x00c0, + 0x3e92: 0x00c0, 0x3e93: 0x00c0, 0x3e94: 0x00c0, 0x3e95: 0x00c0, 0x3e96: 0x00c0, 0x3e97: 0x00c0, + 0x3e98: 0x00c0, 0x3e99: 0x00c0, 0x3e9a: 0x00c0, 0x3e9b: 0x00c0, 0x3e9c: 0x00c0, 0x3e9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3e9e: 0x00c0, 0x3e9f: 0x00c0, 0x3ea0: 0x00c0, 0x3ea1: 0x00c0, 0x3ea2: 0x00c0, 0x3ea3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ea4: 0x00c0, 0x3ea5: 0x00c0, 0x3ea6: 0x00c0, 0x3ea7: 0x00c0, 0x3ea8: 0x00c0, 0x3ea9: 0x00c0, + 0x3eaa: 0x0080, 0x3eab: 0x0080, 0x3eac: 0x0080, 0x3ead: 0x0080, 0x3eae: 0x0080, 0x3eaf: 0x0080, + 0x3eb0: 0x0080, 0x3eb1: 0x0080, 0x3eb2: 0x0080, + 0x3ebf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xfb, offset 0x3ec0 + 0x3ec0: 0x00c0, 0x3ec1: 0x00c3, 0x3ec2: 0x00c3, 0x3ec3: 0x00c3, 0x3ec4: 0x00c3, 0x3ec5: 0x00c3, + 0x3ec6: 0x00c3, 0x3ec7: 0x00c0, 0x3ec8: 0x00c0, 0x3ec9: 0x00c3, 0x3eca: 0x00c3, 0x3ecb: 0x00c0, + 0x3ecc: 0x00c0, 0x3ecd: 0x00c0, 0x3ece: 0x00c0, 0x3ecf: 0x00c0, 0x3ed0: 0x00c0, 0x3ed1: 0x00c0, + 0x3ed2: 0x00c0, 0x3ed3: 0x00c0, 0x3ed4: 0x00c0, 0x3ed5: 0x00c0, 0x3ed6: 0x00c0, 0x3ed7: 0x00c0, + 0x3ed8: 0x00c0, 0x3ed9: 0x00c0, 0x3eda: 0x00c0, 0x3edb: 0x00c0, 0x3edc: 0x00c0, 0x3edd: 0x00c0, + 0x3ede: 0x00c0, 0x3edf: 0x00c0, 0x3ee0: 0x00c0, 0x3ee1: 0x00c0, 0x3ee2: 0x00c0, 0x3ee3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ee4: 0x00c0, 0x3ee5: 0x00c0, 0x3ee6: 0x00c0, 0x3ee7: 0x00c0, 0x3ee8: 0x00c0, 0x3ee9: 0x00c0, + 0x3eea: 0x00c0, 0x3eeb: 0x00c0, 0x3eec: 0x00c0, 0x3eed: 0x00c0, 0x3eee: 0x00c0, 0x3eef: 0x00c0, + 0x3ef0: 0x00c0, 0x3ef1: 0x00c0, 0x3ef2: 0x00c0, 0x3ef3: 0x00c3, 0x3ef4: 0x00c6, 0x3ef5: 0x00c3, + 0x3ef6: 0x00c3, 0x3ef7: 0x00c3, 0x3ef8: 0x00c3, 0x3ef9: 0x00c0, 0x3efa: 0x00c0, 0x3efb: 0x00c3, + 0x3efc: 0x00c3, 0x3efd: 0x00c3, 0x3efe: 0x00c3, 0x3eff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xfc, offset 0x3f00 + 0x3f00: 0x0080, 0x3f01: 0x0080, 0x3f02: 0x0080, 0x3f03: 0x0080, 0x3f04: 0x0080, 0x3f05: 0x0080, + 0x3f06: 0x0080, 0x3f07: 0x00c6, + 0x3f10: 0x00c0, 0x3f11: 0x00c3, + 0x3f12: 0x00c3, 0x3f13: 0x00c3, 0x3f14: 0x00c3, 0x3f15: 0x00c3, 0x3f16: 0x00c3, 0x3f17: 0x00c0, + 0x3f18: 0x00c0, 0x3f19: 0x00c3, 0x3f1a: 0x00c3, 0x3f1b: 0x00c3, 0x3f1c: 0x00c0, 0x3f1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3f1e: 0x00c0, 0x3f1f: 0x00c0, 0x3f20: 0x00c0, 0x3f21: 0x00c0, 0x3f22: 0x00c0, 0x3f23: 0x00c0, + 0x3f24: 0x00c0, 0x3f25: 0x00c0, 0x3f26: 0x00c0, 0x3f27: 0x00c0, 0x3f28: 0x00c0, 0x3f29: 0x00c0, + 0x3f2a: 0x00c0, 0x3f2b: 0x00c0, 0x3f2c: 0x00c0, 0x3f2d: 0x00c0, 0x3f2e: 0x00c0, 0x3f2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3f30: 0x00c0, 0x3f31: 0x00c0, 0x3f32: 0x00c0, 0x3f33: 0x00c0, 0x3f34: 0x00c0, 0x3f35: 0x00c0, + 0x3f36: 0x00c0, 0x3f37: 0x00c0, 0x3f38: 0x00c0, 0x3f39: 0x00c0, 0x3f3a: 0x00c0, 0x3f3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3f3c: 0x00c0, 0x3f3d: 0x00c0, 0x3f3e: 0x00c0, 0x3f3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xfd, offset 0x3f40 + 0x3f40: 0x00c0, 0x3f41: 0x00c0, 0x3f42: 0x00c0, 0x3f43: 0x00c0, + 0x3f46: 0x00c0, 0x3f47: 0x00c0, 0x3f48: 0x00c0, 0x3f49: 0x00c0, 0x3f4a: 0x00c3, 0x3f4b: 0x00c3, + 0x3f4c: 0x00c3, 0x3f4d: 0x00c3, 0x3f4e: 0x00c3, 0x3f4f: 0x00c3, 0x3f50: 0x00c3, 0x3f51: 0x00c3, + 0x3f52: 0x00c3, 0x3f53: 0x00c3, 0x3f54: 0x00c3, 0x3f55: 0x00c3, 0x3f56: 0x00c3, 0x3f57: 0x00c0, + 0x3f58: 0x00c3, 0x3f59: 0x00c6, 0x3f5a: 0x0080, 0x3f5b: 0x0080, 0x3f5c: 0x0080, + 0x3f5e: 0x0080, 0x3f5f: 0x0080, 0x3f60: 0x0080, 0x3f61: 0x0080, 0x3f62: 0x0080, + // Block 0xfe, offset 0x3f80 + 0x3f80: 0x00c0, 0x3f81: 0x00c0, 0x3f82: 0x00c0, 0x3f83: 0x00c0, 0x3f84: 0x00c0, 0x3f85: 0x00c0, + 0x3f86: 0x00c0, 0x3f87: 0x00c0, 0x3f88: 0x00c0, 0x3f89: 0x00c0, 0x3f8a: 0x00c0, 0x3f8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3f8c: 0x00c0, 0x3f8d: 0x00c0, 0x3f8e: 0x00c0, 0x3f8f: 0x00c0, 0x3f90: 0x00c0, 0x3f91: 0x00c0, + 0x3f92: 0x00c0, 0x3f93: 0x00c0, 0x3f94: 0x00c0, 0x3f95: 0x00c0, 0x3f96: 0x00c0, 0x3f97: 0x00c0, + 0x3f98: 0x00c0, 0x3f99: 0x00c0, 0x3f9a: 0x00c0, 0x3f9b: 0x00c0, 0x3f9c: 0x00c0, 0x3f9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3f9e: 0x00c0, 0x3f9f: 0x00c0, 0x3fa0: 0x00c0, 0x3fa1: 0x00c0, 0x3fa2: 0x00c0, 0x3fa3: 0x00c0, + 0x3fa4: 0x00c0, 0x3fa5: 0x00c0, 0x3fa6: 0x00c0, 0x3fa7: 0x00c0, 0x3fa8: 0x00c0, 0x3fa9: 0x00c0, + 0x3faa: 0x00c0, 0x3fab: 0x00c0, 0x3fac: 0x00c0, 0x3fad: 0x00c0, 0x3fae: 0x00c0, 0x3faf: 0x00c0, + 0x3fb0: 0x00c0, 0x3fb1: 0x00c0, 0x3fb2: 0x00c0, 0x3fb3: 0x00c0, 0x3fb4: 0x00c0, 0x3fb5: 0x00c0, + 0x3fb6: 0x00c0, 0x3fb7: 0x00c0, 0x3fb8: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xff, offset 0x3fc0 + 0x3fc0: 0x00c0, 0x3fc1: 0x00c0, 0x3fc2: 0x00c0, 0x3fc3: 0x00c0, 0x3fc4: 0x00c0, 0x3fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3fc6: 0x00c0, 0x3fc7: 0x00c0, 0x3fc8: 0x00c0, 0x3fca: 0x00c0, 0x3fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x3fcc: 0x00c0, 0x3fcd: 0x00c0, 0x3fce: 0x00c0, 0x3fcf: 0x00c0, 0x3fd0: 0x00c0, 0x3fd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3fd2: 0x00c0, 0x3fd3: 0x00c0, 0x3fd4: 0x00c0, 0x3fd5: 0x00c0, 0x3fd6: 0x00c0, 0x3fd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3fd8: 0x00c0, 0x3fd9: 0x00c0, 0x3fda: 0x00c0, 0x3fdb: 0x00c0, 0x3fdc: 0x00c0, 0x3fdd: 0x00c0, + 0x3fde: 0x00c0, 0x3fdf: 0x00c0, 0x3fe0: 0x00c0, 0x3fe1: 0x00c0, 0x3fe2: 0x00c0, 0x3fe3: 0x00c0, + 0x3fe4: 0x00c0, 0x3fe5: 0x00c0, 0x3fe6: 0x00c0, 0x3fe7: 0x00c0, 0x3fe8: 0x00c0, 0x3fe9: 0x00c0, + 0x3fea: 0x00c0, 0x3feb: 0x00c0, 0x3fec: 0x00c0, 0x3fed: 0x00c0, 0x3fee: 0x00c0, 0x3fef: 0x00c0, + 0x3ff0: 0x00c3, 0x3ff1: 0x00c3, 0x3ff2: 0x00c3, 0x3ff3: 0x00c3, 0x3ff4: 0x00c3, 0x3ff5: 0x00c3, + 0x3ff6: 0x00c3, 0x3ff8: 0x00c3, 0x3ff9: 0x00c3, 0x3ffa: 0x00c3, 0x3ffb: 0x00c3, + 0x3ffc: 0x00c3, 0x3ffd: 0x00c3, 0x3ffe: 0x00c0, 0x3fff: 0x00c6, + // Block 0x100, offset 0x4000 + 0x4000: 0x00c0, 0x4001: 0x0080, 0x4002: 0x0080, 0x4003: 0x0080, 0x4004: 0x0080, 0x4005: 0x0080, + 0x4010: 0x00c0, 0x4011: 0x00c0, + 0x4012: 0x00c0, 0x4013: 0x00c0, 0x4014: 0x00c0, 0x4015: 0x00c0, 0x4016: 0x00c0, 0x4017: 0x00c0, + 0x4018: 0x00c0, 0x4019: 0x00c0, 0x401a: 0x0080, 0x401b: 0x0080, 0x401c: 0x0080, 0x401d: 0x0080, + 0x401e: 0x0080, 0x401f: 0x0080, 0x4020: 0x0080, 0x4021: 0x0080, 0x4022: 0x0080, 0x4023: 0x0080, + 0x4024: 0x0080, 0x4025: 0x0080, 0x4026: 0x0080, 0x4027: 0x0080, 0x4028: 0x0080, 0x4029: 0x0080, + 0x402a: 0x0080, 0x402b: 0x0080, 0x402c: 0x0080, + 0x4030: 0x0080, 0x4031: 0x0080, 0x4032: 0x00c0, 0x4033: 0x00c0, 0x4034: 0x00c0, 0x4035: 0x00c0, + 0x4036: 0x00c0, 0x4037: 0x00c0, 0x4038: 0x00c0, 0x4039: 0x00c0, 0x403a: 0x00c0, 0x403b: 0x00c0, + 0x403c: 0x00c0, 0x403d: 0x00c0, 0x403e: 0x00c0, 0x403f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x101, offset 0x4040 + 0x4040: 0x00c0, 0x4041: 0x00c0, 0x4042: 0x00c0, 0x4043: 0x00c0, 0x4044: 0x00c0, 0x4045: 0x00c0, + 0x4046: 0x00c0, 0x4047: 0x00c0, 0x4048: 0x00c0, 0x4049: 0x00c0, 0x404a: 0x00c0, 0x404b: 0x00c0, + 0x404c: 0x00c0, 0x404d: 0x00c0, 0x404e: 0x00c0, 0x404f: 0x00c0, + 0x4052: 0x00c3, 0x4053: 0x00c3, 0x4054: 0x00c3, 0x4055: 0x00c3, 0x4056: 0x00c3, 0x4057: 0x00c3, + 0x4058: 0x00c3, 0x4059: 0x00c3, 0x405a: 0x00c3, 0x405b: 0x00c3, 0x405c: 0x00c3, 0x405d: 0x00c3, + 0x405e: 0x00c3, 0x405f: 0x00c3, 0x4060: 0x00c3, 0x4061: 0x00c3, 0x4062: 0x00c3, 0x4063: 0x00c3, + 0x4064: 0x00c3, 0x4065: 0x00c3, 0x4066: 0x00c3, 0x4067: 0x00c3, 0x4069: 0x00c0, + 0x406a: 0x00c3, 0x406b: 0x00c3, 0x406c: 0x00c3, 0x406d: 0x00c3, 0x406e: 0x00c3, 0x406f: 0x00c3, + 0x4070: 0x00c3, 0x4071: 0x00c0, 0x4072: 0x00c3, 0x4073: 0x00c3, 0x4074: 0x00c0, 0x4075: 0x00c3, + 0x4076: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x102, offset 0x4080 + 0x4080: 0x00c0, 0x4081: 0x00c0, 0x4082: 0x00c0, 0x4083: 0x00c0, 0x4084: 0x00c0, 0x4085: 0x00c0, + 0x4086: 0x00c0, 0x4088: 0x00c0, 0x4089: 0x00c0, 0x408b: 0x00c0, + 0x408c: 0x00c0, 0x408d: 0x00c0, 0x408e: 0x00c0, 0x408f: 0x00c0, 0x4090: 0x00c0, 0x4091: 0x00c0, + 0x4092: 0x00c0, 0x4093: 0x00c0, 0x4094: 0x00c0, 0x4095: 0x00c0, 0x4096: 0x00c0, 0x4097: 0x00c0, + 0x4098: 0x00c0, 0x4099: 0x00c0, 0x409a: 0x00c0, 0x409b: 0x00c0, 0x409c: 0x00c0, 0x409d: 0x00c0, + 0x409e: 0x00c0, 0x409f: 0x00c0, 0x40a0: 0x00c0, 0x40a1: 0x00c0, 0x40a2: 0x00c0, 0x40a3: 0x00c0, + 0x40a4: 0x00c0, 0x40a5: 0x00c0, 0x40a6: 0x00c0, 0x40a7: 0x00c0, 0x40a8: 0x00c0, 0x40a9: 0x00c0, + 0x40aa: 0x00c0, 0x40ab: 0x00c0, 0x40ac: 0x00c0, 0x40ad: 0x00c0, 0x40ae: 0x00c0, 0x40af: 0x00c0, + 0x40b0: 0x00c0, 0x40b1: 0x00c3, 0x40b2: 0x00c3, 0x40b3: 0x00c3, 0x40b4: 0x00c3, 0x40b5: 0x00c3, + 0x40b6: 0x00c3, 0x40ba: 0x00c3, + 0x40bc: 0x00c3, 0x40bd: 0x00c3, 0x40bf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x103, offset 0x40c0 + 0x40c0: 0x00c3, 0x40c1: 0x00c3, 0x40c2: 0x00c3, 0x40c3: 0x00c3, 0x40c4: 0x00c6, 0x40c5: 0x00c6, + 0x40c6: 0x00c0, 0x40c7: 0x00c3, + 0x40d0: 0x00c0, 0x40d1: 0x00c0, + 0x40d2: 0x00c0, 0x40d3: 0x00c0, 0x40d4: 0x00c0, 0x40d5: 0x00c0, 0x40d6: 0x00c0, 0x40d7: 0x00c0, + 0x40d8: 0x00c0, 0x40d9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x104, offset 0x4100 + 0x4100: 0x00c0, 0x4101: 0x00c0, 0x4102: 0x00c0, 0x4103: 0x00c0, 0x4104: 0x00c0, 0x4105: 0x00c0, + 0x4106: 0x00c0, 0x4107: 0x00c0, 0x4108: 0x00c0, 0x4109: 0x00c0, 0x410a: 0x00c0, 0x410b: 0x00c0, + 0x410c: 0x00c0, 0x410d: 0x00c0, 0x410e: 0x00c0, 0x410f: 0x00c0, 0x4110: 0x00c0, 0x4111: 0x00c0, + 0x4112: 0x00c0, 0x4113: 0x00c0, 0x4114: 0x00c0, 0x4115: 0x00c0, 0x4116: 0x00c0, 0x4117: 0x00c0, + 0x4118: 0x00c0, 0x4119: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x105, offset 0x4140 + 0x4140: 0x0080, 0x4141: 0x0080, 0x4142: 0x0080, 0x4143: 0x0080, 0x4144: 0x0080, 0x4145: 0x0080, + 0x4146: 0x0080, 0x4147: 0x0080, 0x4148: 0x0080, 0x4149: 0x0080, 0x414a: 0x0080, 0x414b: 0x0080, + 0x414c: 0x0080, 0x414d: 0x0080, 0x414e: 0x0080, 0x414f: 0x0080, 0x4150: 0x0080, 0x4151: 0x0080, + 0x4152: 0x0080, 0x4153: 0x0080, 0x4154: 0x0080, 0x4155: 0x0080, 0x4156: 0x0080, 0x4157: 0x0080, + 0x4158: 0x0080, 0x4159: 0x0080, 0x415a: 0x0080, 0x415b: 0x0080, 0x415c: 0x0080, 0x415d: 0x0080, + 0x415e: 0x0080, 0x415f: 0x0080, 0x4160: 0x0080, 0x4161: 0x0080, 0x4162: 0x0080, 0x4163: 0x0080, + 0x4164: 0x0080, 0x4165: 0x0080, 0x4166: 0x0080, 0x4167: 0x0080, 0x4168: 0x0080, 0x4169: 0x0080, + 0x416a: 0x0080, 0x416b: 0x0080, 0x416c: 0x0080, 0x416d: 0x0080, 0x416e: 0x0080, + 0x4170: 0x0080, 0x4171: 0x0080, 0x4172: 0x0080, 0x4173: 0x0080, 0x4174: 0x0080, + // Block 0x106, offset 0x4180 + 0x4180: 0x00c0, 0x4181: 0x00c0, 0x4182: 0x00c0, 0x4183: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x107, offset 0x41c0 + 0x41c0: 0x00c0, 0x41c1: 0x00c0, 0x41c2: 0x00c0, 0x41c3: 0x00c0, 0x41c4: 0x00c0, 0x41c5: 0x00c0, + 0x41c6: 0x00c0, 0x41c7: 0x00c0, 0x41c8: 0x00c0, 0x41c9: 0x00c0, 0x41ca: 0x00c0, 0x41cb: 0x00c0, + 0x41cc: 0x00c0, 0x41cd: 0x00c0, 0x41ce: 0x00c0, 0x41cf: 0x00c0, 0x41d0: 0x00c0, 0x41d1: 0x00c0, + 0x41d2: 0x00c0, 0x41d3: 0x00c0, 0x41d4: 0x00c0, 0x41d5: 0x00c0, 0x41d6: 0x00c0, 0x41d7: 0x00c0, + 0x41d8: 0x00c0, 0x41d9: 0x00c0, 0x41da: 0x00c0, 0x41db: 0x00c0, 0x41dc: 0x00c0, 0x41dd: 0x00c0, + 0x41de: 0x00c0, 0x41df: 0x00c0, 0x41e0: 0x00c0, 0x41e1: 0x00c0, 0x41e2: 0x00c0, 0x41e3: 0x00c0, + 0x41e4: 0x00c0, 0x41e5: 0x00c0, 0x41e6: 0x00c0, 0x41e7: 0x00c0, 0x41e8: 0x00c0, 0x41e9: 0x00c0, + 0x41ea: 0x00c0, 0x41eb: 0x00c0, 0x41ec: 0x00c0, 0x41ed: 0x00c0, 0x41ee: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x108, offset 0x4200 + 0x4200: 0x00c0, 0x4201: 0x00c0, 0x4202: 0x00c0, 0x4203: 0x00c0, 0x4204: 0x00c0, 0x4205: 0x00c0, + 0x4206: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x109, offset 0x4240 + 0x4240: 0x00c0, 0x4241: 0x00c0, 0x4242: 0x00c0, 0x4243: 0x00c0, 0x4244: 0x00c0, 0x4245: 0x00c0, + 0x4246: 0x00c0, 0x4247: 0x00c0, 0x4248: 0x00c0, 0x4249: 0x00c0, 0x424a: 0x00c0, 0x424b: 0x00c0, + 0x424c: 0x00c0, 0x424d: 0x00c0, 0x424e: 0x00c0, 0x424f: 0x00c0, 0x4250: 0x00c0, 0x4251: 0x00c0, + 0x4252: 0x00c0, 0x4253: 0x00c0, 0x4254: 0x00c0, 0x4255: 0x00c0, 0x4256: 0x00c0, 0x4257: 0x00c0, + 0x4258: 0x00c0, 0x4259: 0x00c0, 0x425a: 0x00c0, 0x425b: 0x00c0, 0x425c: 0x00c0, 0x425d: 0x00c0, + 0x425e: 0x00c0, 0x4260: 0x00c0, 0x4261: 0x00c0, 0x4262: 0x00c0, 0x4263: 0x00c0, + 0x4264: 0x00c0, 0x4265: 0x00c0, 0x4266: 0x00c0, 0x4267: 0x00c0, 0x4268: 0x00c0, 0x4269: 0x00c0, + 0x426e: 0x0080, 0x426f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x10a, offset 0x4280 + 0x4290: 0x00c0, 0x4291: 0x00c0, + 0x4292: 0x00c0, 0x4293: 0x00c0, 0x4294: 0x00c0, 0x4295: 0x00c0, 0x4296: 0x00c0, 0x4297: 0x00c0, + 0x4298: 0x00c0, 0x4299: 0x00c0, 0x429a: 0x00c0, 0x429b: 0x00c0, 0x429c: 0x00c0, 0x429d: 0x00c0, + 0x429e: 0x00c0, 0x429f: 0x00c0, 0x42a0: 0x00c0, 0x42a1: 0x00c0, 0x42a2: 0x00c0, 0x42a3: 0x00c0, + 0x42a4: 0x00c0, 0x42a5: 0x00c0, 0x42a6: 0x00c0, 0x42a7: 0x00c0, 0x42a8: 0x00c0, 0x42a9: 0x00c0, + 0x42aa: 0x00c0, 0x42ab: 0x00c0, 0x42ac: 0x00c0, 0x42ad: 0x00c0, + 0x42b0: 0x00c3, 0x42b1: 0x00c3, 0x42b2: 0x00c3, 0x42b3: 0x00c3, 0x42b4: 0x00c3, 0x42b5: 0x0080, + // Block 0x10b, offset 0x42c0 + 0x42c0: 0x00c0, 0x42c1: 0x00c0, 0x42c2: 0x00c0, 0x42c3: 0x00c0, 0x42c4: 0x00c0, 0x42c5: 0x00c0, + 0x42c6: 0x00c0, 0x42c7: 0x00c0, 0x42c8: 0x00c0, 0x42c9: 0x00c0, 0x42ca: 0x00c0, 0x42cb: 0x00c0, + 0x42cc: 0x00c0, 0x42cd: 0x00c0, 0x42ce: 0x00c0, 0x42cf: 0x00c0, 0x42d0: 0x00c0, 0x42d1: 0x00c0, + 0x42d2: 0x00c0, 0x42d3: 0x00c0, 0x42d4: 0x00c0, 0x42d5: 0x00c0, 0x42d6: 0x00c0, 0x42d7: 0x00c0, + 0x42d8: 0x00c0, 0x42d9: 0x00c0, 0x42da: 0x00c0, 0x42db: 0x00c0, 0x42dc: 0x00c0, 0x42dd: 0x00c0, + 0x42de: 0x00c0, 0x42df: 0x00c0, 0x42e0: 0x00c0, 0x42e1: 0x00c0, 0x42e2: 0x00c0, 0x42e3: 0x00c0, + 0x42e4: 0x00c0, 0x42e5: 0x00c0, 0x42e6: 0x00c0, 0x42e7: 0x00c0, 0x42e8: 0x00c0, 0x42e9: 0x00c0, + 0x42ea: 0x00c0, 0x42eb: 0x00c0, 0x42ec: 0x00c0, 0x42ed: 0x00c0, 0x42ee: 0x00c0, 0x42ef: 0x00c0, + 0x42f0: 0x00c3, 0x42f1: 0x00c3, 0x42f2: 0x00c3, 0x42f3: 0x00c3, 0x42f4: 0x00c3, 0x42f5: 0x00c3, + 0x42f6: 0x00c3, 0x42f7: 0x0080, 0x42f8: 0x0080, 0x42f9: 0x0080, 0x42fa: 0x0080, 0x42fb: 0x0080, + 0x42fc: 0x0080, 0x42fd: 0x0080, 0x42fe: 0x0080, 0x42ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x10c, offset 0x4300 + 0x4300: 0x00c0, 0x4301: 0x00c0, 0x4302: 0x00c0, 0x4303: 0x00c0, 0x4304: 0x0080, 0x4305: 0x0080, + 0x4310: 0x00c0, 0x4311: 0x00c0, + 0x4312: 0x00c0, 0x4313: 0x00c0, 0x4314: 0x00c0, 0x4315: 0x00c0, 0x4316: 0x00c0, 0x4317: 0x00c0, + 0x4318: 0x00c0, 0x4319: 0x00c0, 0x431b: 0x0080, 0x431c: 0x0080, 0x431d: 0x0080, + 0x431e: 0x0080, 0x431f: 0x0080, 0x4320: 0x0080, 0x4321: 0x0080, 0x4323: 0x00c0, + 0x4324: 0x00c0, 0x4325: 0x00c0, 0x4326: 0x00c0, 0x4327: 0x00c0, 0x4328: 0x00c0, 0x4329: 0x00c0, + 0x432a: 0x00c0, 0x432b: 0x00c0, 0x432c: 0x00c0, 0x432d: 0x00c0, 0x432e: 0x00c0, 0x432f: 0x00c0, + 0x4330: 0x00c0, 0x4331: 0x00c0, 0x4332: 0x00c0, 0x4333: 0x00c0, 0x4334: 0x00c0, 0x4335: 0x00c0, + 0x4336: 0x00c0, 0x4337: 0x00c0, + 0x433d: 0x00c0, 0x433e: 0x00c0, 0x433f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10d, offset 0x4340 + 0x4340: 0x00c0, 0x4341: 0x00c0, 0x4342: 0x00c0, 0x4343: 0x00c0, 0x4344: 0x00c0, 0x4345: 0x00c0, + 0x4346: 0x00c0, 0x4347: 0x00c0, 0x4348: 0x00c0, 0x4349: 0x00c0, 0x434a: 0x00c0, 0x434b: 0x00c0, + 0x434c: 0x00c0, 0x434d: 0x00c0, 0x434e: 0x00c0, 0x434f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10e, offset 0x4380 + 0x4380: 0x00c0, 0x4381: 0x00c0, 0x4382: 0x00c0, 0x4383: 0x00c0, 0x4384: 0x00c0, + 0x4390: 0x00c0, 0x4391: 0x00c0, + 0x4392: 0x00c0, 0x4393: 0x00c0, 0x4394: 0x00c0, 0x4395: 0x00c0, 0x4396: 0x00c0, 0x4397: 0x00c0, + 0x4398: 0x00c0, 0x4399: 0x00c0, 0x439a: 0x00c0, 0x439b: 0x00c0, 0x439c: 0x00c0, 0x439d: 0x00c0, + 0x439e: 0x00c0, 0x439f: 0x00c0, 0x43a0: 0x00c0, 0x43a1: 0x00c0, 0x43a2: 0x00c0, 0x43a3: 0x00c0, + 0x43a4: 0x00c0, 0x43a5: 0x00c0, 0x43a6: 0x00c0, 0x43a7: 0x00c0, 0x43a8: 0x00c0, 0x43a9: 0x00c0, + 0x43aa: 0x00c0, 0x43ab: 0x00c0, 0x43ac: 0x00c0, 0x43ad: 0x00c0, 0x43ae: 0x00c0, 0x43af: 0x00c0, + 0x43b0: 0x00c0, 0x43b1: 0x00c0, 0x43b2: 0x00c0, 0x43b3: 0x00c0, 0x43b4: 0x00c0, 0x43b5: 0x00c0, + 0x43b6: 0x00c0, 0x43b7: 0x00c0, 0x43b8: 0x00c0, 0x43b9: 0x00c0, 0x43ba: 0x00c0, 0x43bb: 0x00c0, + 0x43bc: 0x00c0, 0x43bd: 0x00c0, 0x43be: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10f, offset 0x43c0 + 0x43cf: 0x00c3, 0x43d0: 0x00c3, 0x43d1: 0x00c3, + 0x43d2: 0x00c3, 0x43d3: 0x00c0, 0x43d4: 0x00c0, 0x43d5: 0x00c0, 0x43d6: 0x00c0, 0x43d7: 0x00c0, + 0x43d8: 0x00c0, 0x43d9: 0x00c0, 0x43da: 0x00c0, 0x43db: 0x00c0, 0x43dc: 0x00c0, 0x43dd: 0x00c0, + 0x43de: 0x00c0, 0x43df: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x110, offset 0x4400 + 0x4420: 0x00c0, 0x4421: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x111, offset 0x4440 + 0x4440: 0x00c0, 0x4441: 0x00c0, 0x4442: 0x00c0, 0x4443: 0x00c0, 0x4444: 0x00c0, 0x4445: 0x00c0, + 0x4446: 0x00c0, 0x4447: 0x00c0, 0x4448: 0x00c0, 0x4449: 0x00c0, 0x444a: 0x00c0, 0x444b: 0x00c0, + 0x444c: 0x00c0, 0x444d: 0x00c0, 0x444e: 0x00c0, 0x444f: 0x00c0, 0x4450: 0x00c0, 0x4451: 0x00c0, + 0x4452: 0x00c0, 0x4453: 0x00c0, 0x4454: 0x00c0, 0x4455: 0x00c0, 0x4456: 0x00c0, 0x4457: 0x00c0, + 0x4458: 0x00c0, 0x4459: 0x00c0, 0x445a: 0x00c0, 0x445b: 0x00c0, 0x445c: 0x00c0, 0x445d: 0x00c0, + 0x445e: 0x00c0, 0x445f: 0x00c0, 0x4460: 0x00c0, 0x4461: 0x00c0, 0x4462: 0x00c0, 0x4463: 0x00c0, + 0x4464: 0x00c0, 0x4465: 0x00c0, 0x4466: 0x00c0, 0x4467: 0x00c0, 0x4468: 0x00c0, 0x4469: 0x00c0, + 0x446a: 0x00c0, 0x446b: 0x00c0, 0x446c: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x112, offset 0x4480 + 0x4480: 0x00cc, 0x4481: 0x00cc, 0x4482: 0x00cc, 0x4483: 0x00cc, 0x4484: 0x00cc, 0x4485: 0x00cc, + 0x4486: 0x00cc, 0x4487: 0x00cc, 0x4488: 0x00cc, 0x4489: 0x00cc, 0x448a: 0x00cc, 0x448b: 0x00cc, + 0x448c: 0x00cc, 0x448d: 0x00cc, 0x448e: 0x00cc, 0x448f: 0x00cc, 0x4490: 0x00cc, 0x4491: 0x00cc, + 0x4492: 0x00cc, 0x4493: 0x00cc, 0x4494: 0x00cc, 0x4495: 0x00cc, 0x4496: 0x00cc, 0x4497: 0x00cc, + 0x4498: 0x00cc, 0x4499: 0x00cc, 0x449a: 0x00cc, 0x449b: 0x00cc, 0x449c: 0x00cc, 0x449d: 0x00cc, + 0x449e: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x113, offset 0x44c0 + 0x44f0: 0x00c0, 0x44f1: 0x00c0, 0x44f2: 0x00c0, 0x44f3: 0x00c0, 0x44f4: 0x00c0, 0x44f5: 0x00c0, + 0x44f6: 0x00c0, 0x44f7: 0x00c0, 0x44f8: 0x00c0, 0x44f9: 0x00c0, 0x44fa: 0x00c0, 0x44fb: 0x00c0, + 0x44fc: 0x00c0, 0x44fd: 0x00c0, 0x44fe: 0x00c0, 0x44ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x114, offset 0x4500 + 0x4500: 0x00c0, 0x4501: 0x00c0, 0x4502: 0x00c0, 0x4503: 0x00c0, 0x4504: 0x00c0, 0x4505: 0x00c0, + 0x4506: 0x00c0, 0x4507: 0x00c0, 0x4508: 0x00c0, 0x4509: 0x00c0, 0x450a: 0x00c0, 0x450b: 0x00c0, + 0x450c: 0x00c0, 0x450d: 0x00c0, 0x450e: 0x00c0, 0x450f: 0x00c0, 0x4510: 0x00c0, 0x4511: 0x00c0, + 0x4512: 0x00c0, 0x4513: 0x00c0, 0x4514: 0x00c0, 0x4515: 0x00c0, 0x4516: 0x00c0, 0x4517: 0x00c0, + 0x4518: 0x00c0, 0x4519: 0x00c0, 0x451a: 0x00c0, 0x451b: 0x00c0, 0x451c: 0x00c0, 0x451d: 0x00c0, + 0x451e: 0x00c0, 0x451f: 0x00c0, 0x4520: 0x00c0, 0x4521: 0x00c0, 0x4522: 0x00c0, 0x4523: 0x00c0, + 0x4524: 0x00c0, 0x4525: 0x00c0, 0x4526: 0x00c0, 0x4527: 0x00c0, 0x4528: 0x00c0, 0x4529: 0x00c0, + 0x452a: 0x00c0, 0x452b: 0x00c0, 0x452c: 0x00c0, 0x452d: 0x00c0, 0x452e: 0x00c0, 0x452f: 0x00c0, + 0x4530: 0x00c0, 0x4531: 0x00c0, 0x4532: 0x00c0, 0x4533: 0x00c0, 0x4534: 0x00c0, 0x4535: 0x00c0, + 0x4536: 0x00c0, 0x4537: 0x00c0, 0x4538: 0x00c0, 0x4539: 0x00c0, 0x453a: 0x00c0, 0x453b: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x115, offset 0x4540 + 0x4540: 0x00c0, 0x4541: 0x00c0, 0x4542: 0x00c0, 0x4543: 0x00c0, 0x4544: 0x00c0, 0x4545: 0x00c0, + 0x4546: 0x00c0, 0x4547: 0x00c0, 0x4548: 0x00c0, 0x4549: 0x00c0, 0x454a: 0x00c0, 0x454b: 0x00c0, + 0x454c: 0x00c0, 0x454d: 0x00c0, 0x454e: 0x00c0, 0x454f: 0x00c0, 0x4550: 0x00c0, 0x4551: 0x00c0, + 0x4552: 0x00c0, 0x4553: 0x00c0, 0x4554: 0x00c0, 0x4555: 0x00c0, 0x4556: 0x00c0, 0x4557: 0x00c0, + 0x4558: 0x00c0, 0x4559: 0x00c0, 0x455a: 0x00c0, 0x455b: 0x00c0, 0x455c: 0x00c0, 0x455d: 0x00c0, + 0x455e: 0x00c0, 0x455f: 0x00c0, 0x4560: 0x00c0, 0x4561: 0x00c0, 0x4562: 0x00c0, 0x4563: 0x00c0, + 0x4564: 0x00c0, 0x4565: 0x00c0, 0x4566: 0x00c0, 0x4567: 0x00c0, 0x4568: 0x00c0, 0x4569: 0x00c0, + 0x456a: 0x00c0, + 0x4570: 0x00c0, 0x4571: 0x00c0, 0x4572: 0x00c0, 0x4573: 0x00c0, 0x4574: 0x00c0, 0x4575: 0x00c0, + 0x4576: 0x00c0, 0x4577: 0x00c0, 0x4578: 0x00c0, 0x4579: 0x00c0, 0x457a: 0x00c0, 0x457b: 0x00c0, + 0x457c: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x116, offset 0x4580 + 0x4580: 0x00c0, 0x4581: 0x00c0, 0x4582: 0x00c0, 0x4583: 0x00c0, 0x4584: 0x00c0, 0x4585: 0x00c0, + 0x4586: 0x00c0, 0x4587: 0x00c0, 0x4588: 0x00c0, + 0x4590: 0x00c0, 0x4591: 0x00c0, + 0x4592: 0x00c0, 0x4593: 0x00c0, 0x4594: 0x00c0, 0x4595: 0x00c0, 0x4596: 0x00c0, 0x4597: 0x00c0, + 0x4598: 0x00c0, 0x4599: 0x00c0, 0x459c: 0x0080, 0x459d: 0x00c3, + 0x459e: 0x00c3, 0x459f: 0x0080, 0x45a0: 0x0040, 0x45a1: 0x0040, 0x45a2: 0x0040, 0x45a3: 0x0040, + // Block 0x117, offset 0x45c0 + 0x45c0: 0x0080, 0x45c1: 0x0080, 0x45c2: 0x0080, 0x45c3: 0x0080, 0x45c4: 0x0080, 0x45c5: 0x0080, + 0x45c6: 0x0080, 0x45c7: 0x0080, 0x45c8: 0x0080, 0x45c9: 0x0080, 0x45ca: 0x0080, 0x45cb: 0x0080, + 0x45cc: 0x0080, 0x45cd: 0x0080, 0x45ce: 0x0080, 0x45cf: 0x0080, 0x45d0: 0x0080, 0x45d1: 0x0080, + 0x45d2: 0x0080, 0x45d3: 0x0080, 0x45d4: 0x0080, 0x45d5: 0x0080, 0x45d6: 0x0080, 0x45d7: 0x0080, + 0x45d8: 0x0080, 0x45d9: 0x0080, 0x45da: 0x0080, 0x45db: 0x0080, 0x45dc: 0x0080, 0x45dd: 0x0080, + 0x45de: 0x0080, 0x45df: 0x0080, 0x45e0: 0x0080, 0x45e1: 0x0080, 0x45e2: 0x0080, 0x45e3: 0x0080, + 0x45e4: 0x0080, 0x45e5: 0x0080, 0x45e6: 0x0080, 0x45e7: 0x0080, 0x45e8: 0x0080, 0x45e9: 0x0080, + 0x45ea: 0x0080, 0x45eb: 0x0080, 0x45ec: 0x0080, 0x45ed: 0x0080, 0x45ee: 0x0080, 0x45ef: 0x0080, + 0x45f0: 0x0080, 0x45f1: 0x0080, 0x45f2: 0x0080, 0x45f3: 0x0080, 0x45f4: 0x0080, 0x45f5: 0x0080, + // Block 0x118, offset 0x4600 + 0x4600: 0x0080, 0x4601: 0x0080, 0x4602: 0x0080, 0x4603: 0x0080, 0x4604: 0x0080, 0x4605: 0x0080, + 0x4606: 0x0080, 0x4607: 0x0080, 0x4608: 0x0080, 0x4609: 0x0080, 0x460a: 0x0080, 0x460b: 0x0080, + 0x460c: 0x0080, 0x460d: 0x0080, 0x460e: 0x0080, 0x460f: 0x0080, 0x4610: 0x0080, 0x4611: 0x0080, + 0x4612: 0x0080, 0x4613: 0x0080, 0x4614: 0x0080, 0x4615: 0x0080, 0x4616: 0x0080, 0x4617: 0x0080, + 0x4618: 0x0080, 0x4619: 0x0080, 0x461a: 0x0080, 0x461b: 0x0080, 0x461c: 0x0080, 0x461d: 0x0080, + 0x461e: 0x0080, 0x461f: 0x0080, 0x4620: 0x0080, 0x4621: 0x0080, 0x4622: 0x0080, 0x4623: 0x0080, + 0x4624: 0x0080, 0x4625: 0x0080, 0x4626: 0x0080, 0x4629: 0x0080, + 0x462a: 0x0080, 0x462b: 0x0080, 0x462c: 0x0080, 0x462d: 0x0080, 0x462e: 0x0080, 0x462f: 0x0080, + 0x4630: 0x0080, 0x4631: 0x0080, 0x4632: 0x0080, 0x4633: 0x0080, 0x4634: 0x0080, 0x4635: 0x0080, + 0x4636: 0x0080, 0x4637: 0x0080, 0x4638: 0x0080, 0x4639: 0x0080, 0x463a: 0x0080, 0x463b: 0x0080, + 0x463c: 0x0080, 0x463d: 0x0080, 0x463e: 0x0080, 0x463f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x119, offset 0x4640 + 0x4640: 0x0080, 0x4641: 0x0080, 0x4642: 0x0080, 0x4643: 0x0080, 0x4644: 0x0080, 0x4645: 0x0080, + 0x4646: 0x0080, 0x4647: 0x0080, 0x4648: 0x0080, 0x4649: 0x0080, 0x464a: 0x0080, 0x464b: 0x0080, + 0x464c: 0x0080, 0x464d: 0x0080, 0x464e: 0x0080, 0x464f: 0x0080, 0x4650: 0x0080, 0x4651: 0x0080, + 0x4652: 0x0080, 0x4653: 0x0080, 0x4654: 0x0080, 0x4655: 0x0080, 0x4656: 0x0080, 0x4657: 0x0080, + 0x4658: 0x0080, 0x4659: 0x0080, 0x465a: 0x0080, 0x465b: 0x0080, 0x465c: 0x0080, 0x465d: 0x0080, + 0x465e: 0x0080, 0x465f: 0x0080, 0x4660: 0x0080, 0x4661: 0x0080, 0x4662: 0x0080, 0x4663: 0x0080, + 0x4664: 0x0080, 0x4665: 0x00c0, 0x4666: 0x00c0, 0x4667: 0x00c3, 0x4668: 0x00c3, 0x4669: 0x00c3, + 0x466a: 0x0080, 0x466b: 0x0080, 0x466c: 0x0080, 0x466d: 0x00c0, 0x466e: 0x00c0, 0x466f: 0x00c0, + 0x4670: 0x00c0, 0x4671: 0x00c0, 0x4672: 0x00c0, 0x4673: 0x0040, 0x4674: 0x0040, 0x4675: 0x0040, + 0x4676: 0x0040, 0x4677: 0x0040, 0x4678: 0x0040, 0x4679: 0x0040, 0x467a: 0x0040, 0x467b: 0x00c3, + 0x467c: 0x00c3, 0x467d: 0x00c3, 0x467e: 0x00c3, 0x467f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x11a, offset 0x4680 + 0x4680: 0x00c3, 0x4681: 0x00c3, 0x4682: 0x00c3, 0x4683: 0x0080, 0x4684: 0x0080, 0x4685: 0x00c3, + 0x4686: 0x00c3, 0x4687: 0x00c3, 0x4688: 0x00c3, 0x4689: 0x00c3, 0x468a: 0x00c3, 0x468b: 0x00c3, + 0x468c: 0x0080, 0x468d: 0x0080, 0x468e: 0x0080, 0x468f: 0x0080, 0x4690: 0x0080, 0x4691: 0x0080, + 0x4692: 0x0080, 0x4693: 0x0080, 0x4694: 0x0080, 0x4695: 0x0080, 0x4696: 0x0080, 0x4697: 0x0080, + 0x4698: 0x0080, 0x4699: 0x0080, 0x469a: 0x0080, 0x469b: 0x0080, 0x469c: 0x0080, 0x469d: 0x0080, + 0x469e: 0x0080, 0x469f: 0x0080, 0x46a0: 0x0080, 0x46a1: 0x0080, 0x46a2: 0x0080, 0x46a3: 0x0080, + 0x46a4: 0x0080, 0x46a5: 0x0080, 0x46a6: 0x0080, 0x46a7: 0x0080, 0x46a8: 0x0080, 0x46a9: 0x0080, + 0x46aa: 0x00c3, 0x46ab: 0x00c3, 0x46ac: 0x00c3, 0x46ad: 0x00c3, 0x46ae: 0x0080, 0x46af: 0x0080, + 0x46b0: 0x0080, 0x46b1: 0x0080, 0x46b2: 0x0080, 0x46b3: 0x0080, 0x46b4: 0x0080, 0x46b5: 0x0080, + 0x46b6: 0x0080, 0x46b7: 0x0080, 0x46b8: 0x0080, 0x46b9: 0x0080, 0x46ba: 0x0080, 0x46bb: 0x0080, + 0x46bc: 0x0080, 0x46bd: 0x0080, 0x46be: 0x0080, 0x46bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x11b, offset 0x46c0 + 0x46c0: 0x0080, 0x46c1: 0x0080, 0x46c2: 0x0080, 0x46c3: 0x0080, 0x46c4: 0x0080, 0x46c5: 0x0080, + 0x46c6: 0x0080, 0x46c7: 0x0080, 0x46c8: 0x0080, 0x46c9: 0x0080, 0x46ca: 0x0080, 0x46cb: 0x0080, + 0x46cc: 0x0080, 0x46cd: 0x0080, 0x46ce: 0x0080, 0x46cf: 0x0080, 0x46d0: 0x0080, 0x46d1: 0x0080, + 0x46d2: 0x0080, 0x46d3: 0x0080, 0x46d4: 0x0080, 0x46d5: 0x0080, 0x46d6: 0x0080, 0x46d7: 0x0080, + 0x46d8: 0x0080, 0x46d9: 0x0080, 0x46da: 0x0080, 0x46db: 0x0080, 0x46dc: 0x0080, 0x46dd: 0x0080, + 0x46de: 0x0080, 0x46df: 0x0080, 0x46e0: 0x0080, 0x46e1: 0x0080, 0x46e2: 0x0080, 0x46e3: 0x0080, + 0x46e4: 0x0080, 0x46e5: 0x0080, 0x46e6: 0x0080, 0x46e7: 0x0080, 0x46e8: 0x0080, + // Block 0x11c, offset 0x4700 + 0x4700: 0x0088, 0x4701: 0x0088, 0x4702: 0x00c9, 0x4703: 0x00c9, 0x4704: 0x00c9, 0x4705: 0x0088, + // Block 0x11d, offset 0x4740 + 0x4740: 0x0080, 0x4741: 0x0080, 0x4742: 0x0080, 0x4743: 0x0080, 0x4744: 0x0080, 0x4745: 0x0080, + 0x4746: 0x0080, 0x4747: 0x0080, 0x4748: 0x0080, 0x4749: 0x0080, 0x474a: 0x0080, 0x474b: 0x0080, + 0x474c: 0x0080, 0x474d: 0x0080, 0x474e: 0x0080, 0x474f: 0x0080, 0x4750: 0x0080, 0x4751: 0x0080, + 0x4752: 0x0080, 0x4753: 0x0080, 0x4754: 0x0080, 0x4755: 0x0080, 0x4756: 0x0080, + 0x4760: 0x0080, 0x4761: 0x0080, 0x4762: 0x0080, 0x4763: 0x0080, + 0x4764: 0x0080, 0x4765: 0x0080, 0x4766: 0x0080, 0x4767: 0x0080, 0x4768: 0x0080, 0x4769: 0x0080, + 0x476a: 0x0080, 0x476b: 0x0080, 0x476c: 0x0080, 0x476d: 0x0080, 0x476e: 0x0080, 0x476f: 0x0080, + 0x4770: 0x0080, 0x4771: 0x0080, + // Block 0x11e, offset 0x4780 + 0x4780: 0x0080, 0x4781: 0x0080, 0x4782: 0x0080, 0x4783: 0x0080, 0x4784: 0x0080, 0x4785: 0x0080, + 0x4786: 0x0080, 0x4787: 0x0080, 0x4788: 0x0080, 0x4789: 0x0080, 0x478a: 0x0080, 0x478b: 0x0080, + 0x478c: 0x0080, 0x478d: 0x0080, 0x478e: 0x0080, 0x478f: 0x0080, 0x4790: 0x0080, 0x4791: 0x0080, + 0x4792: 0x0080, 0x4793: 0x0080, 0x4794: 0x0080, 0x4796: 0x0080, 0x4797: 0x0080, + 0x4798: 0x0080, 0x4799: 0x0080, 0x479a: 0x0080, 0x479b: 0x0080, 0x479c: 0x0080, 0x479d: 0x0080, + 0x479e: 0x0080, 0x479f: 0x0080, 0x47a0: 0x0080, 0x47a1: 0x0080, 0x47a2: 0x0080, 0x47a3: 0x0080, + 0x47a4: 0x0080, 0x47a5: 0x0080, 0x47a6: 0x0080, 0x47a7: 0x0080, 0x47a8: 0x0080, 0x47a9: 0x0080, + 0x47aa: 0x0080, 0x47ab: 0x0080, 0x47ac: 0x0080, 0x47ad: 0x0080, 0x47ae: 0x0080, 0x47af: 0x0080, + 0x47b0: 0x0080, 0x47b1: 0x0080, 0x47b2: 0x0080, 0x47b3: 0x0080, 0x47b4: 0x0080, 0x47b5: 0x0080, + 0x47b6: 0x0080, 0x47b7: 0x0080, 0x47b8: 0x0080, 0x47b9: 0x0080, 0x47ba: 0x0080, 0x47bb: 0x0080, + 0x47bc: 0x0080, 0x47bd: 0x0080, 0x47be: 0x0080, 0x47bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x11f, offset 0x47c0 + 0x47c0: 0x0080, 0x47c1: 0x0080, 0x47c2: 0x0080, 0x47c3: 0x0080, 0x47c4: 0x0080, 0x47c5: 0x0080, + 0x47c6: 0x0080, 0x47c7: 0x0080, 0x47c8: 0x0080, 0x47c9: 0x0080, 0x47ca: 0x0080, 0x47cb: 0x0080, + 0x47cc: 0x0080, 0x47cd: 0x0080, 0x47ce: 0x0080, 0x47cf: 0x0080, 0x47d0: 0x0080, 0x47d1: 0x0080, + 0x47d2: 0x0080, 0x47d3: 0x0080, 0x47d4: 0x0080, 0x47d5: 0x0080, 0x47d6: 0x0080, 0x47d7: 0x0080, + 0x47d8: 0x0080, 0x47d9: 0x0080, 0x47da: 0x0080, 0x47db: 0x0080, 0x47dc: 0x0080, + 0x47de: 0x0080, 0x47df: 0x0080, 0x47e2: 0x0080, + 0x47e5: 0x0080, 0x47e6: 0x0080, 0x47e9: 0x0080, + 0x47ea: 0x0080, 0x47eb: 0x0080, 0x47ec: 0x0080, 0x47ee: 0x0080, 0x47ef: 0x0080, + 0x47f0: 0x0080, 0x47f1: 0x0080, 0x47f2: 0x0080, 0x47f3: 0x0080, 0x47f4: 0x0080, 0x47f5: 0x0080, + 0x47f6: 0x0080, 0x47f7: 0x0080, 0x47f8: 0x0080, 0x47f9: 0x0080, 0x47fb: 0x0080, + 0x47fd: 0x0080, 0x47fe: 0x0080, 0x47ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x120, offset 0x4800 + 0x4800: 0x0080, 0x4801: 0x0080, 0x4802: 0x0080, 0x4803: 0x0080, 0x4805: 0x0080, + 0x4806: 0x0080, 0x4807: 0x0080, 0x4808: 0x0080, 0x4809: 0x0080, 0x480a: 0x0080, 0x480b: 0x0080, + 0x480c: 0x0080, 0x480d: 0x0080, 0x480e: 0x0080, 0x480f: 0x0080, 0x4810: 0x0080, 0x4811: 0x0080, + 0x4812: 0x0080, 0x4813: 0x0080, 0x4814: 0x0080, 0x4815: 0x0080, 0x4816: 0x0080, 0x4817: 0x0080, + 0x4818: 0x0080, 0x4819: 0x0080, 0x481a: 0x0080, 0x481b: 0x0080, 0x481c: 0x0080, 0x481d: 0x0080, + 0x481e: 0x0080, 0x481f: 0x0080, 0x4820: 0x0080, 0x4821: 0x0080, 0x4822: 0x0080, 0x4823: 0x0080, + 0x4824: 0x0080, 0x4825: 0x0080, 0x4826: 0x0080, 0x4827: 0x0080, 0x4828: 0x0080, 0x4829: 0x0080, + 0x482a: 0x0080, 0x482b: 0x0080, 0x482c: 0x0080, 0x482d: 0x0080, 0x482e: 0x0080, 0x482f: 0x0080, + 0x4830: 0x0080, 0x4831: 0x0080, 0x4832: 0x0080, 0x4833: 0x0080, 0x4834: 0x0080, 0x4835: 0x0080, + 0x4836: 0x0080, 0x4837: 0x0080, 0x4838: 0x0080, 0x4839: 0x0080, 0x483a: 0x0080, 0x483b: 0x0080, + 0x483c: 0x0080, 0x483d: 0x0080, 0x483e: 0x0080, 0x483f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x121, offset 0x4840 + 0x4840: 0x0080, 0x4841: 0x0080, 0x4842: 0x0080, 0x4843: 0x0080, 0x4844: 0x0080, 0x4845: 0x0080, + 0x4847: 0x0080, 0x4848: 0x0080, 0x4849: 0x0080, 0x484a: 0x0080, + 0x484d: 0x0080, 0x484e: 0x0080, 0x484f: 0x0080, 0x4850: 0x0080, 0x4851: 0x0080, + 0x4852: 0x0080, 0x4853: 0x0080, 0x4854: 0x0080, 0x4856: 0x0080, 0x4857: 0x0080, + 0x4858: 0x0080, 0x4859: 0x0080, 0x485a: 0x0080, 0x485b: 0x0080, 0x485c: 0x0080, + 0x485e: 0x0080, 0x485f: 0x0080, 0x4860: 0x0080, 0x4861: 0x0080, 0x4862: 0x0080, 0x4863: 0x0080, + 0x4864: 0x0080, 0x4865: 0x0080, 0x4866: 0x0080, 0x4867: 0x0080, 0x4868: 0x0080, 0x4869: 0x0080, + 0x486a: 0x0080, 0x486b: 0x0080, 0x486c: 0x0080, 0x486d: 0x0080, 0x486e: 0x0080, 0x486f: 0x0080, + 0x4870: 0x0080, 0x4871: 0x0080, 0x4872: 0x0080, 0x4873: 0x0080, 0x4874: 0x0080, 0x4875: 0x0080, + 0x4876: 0x0080, 0x4877: 0x0080, 0x4878: 0x0080, 0x4879: 0x0080, 0x487b: 0x0080, + 0x487c: 0x0080, 0x487d: 0x0080, 0x487e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x122, offset 0x4880 + 0x4880: 0x0080, 0x4881: 0x0080, 0x4882: 0x0080, 0x4883: 0x0080, 0x4884: 0x0080, + 0x4886: 0x0080, 0x488a: 0x0080, 0x488b: 0x0080, + 0x488c: 0x0080, 0x488d: 0x0080, 0x488e: 0x0080, 0x488f: 0x0080, 0x4890: 0x0080, + 0x4892: 0x0080, 0x4893: 0x0080, 0x4894: 0x0080, 0x4895: 0x0080, 0x4896: 0x0080, 0x4897: 0x0080, + 0x4898: 0x0080, 0x4899: 0x0080, 0x489a: 0x0080, 0x489b: 0x0080, 0x489c: 0x0080, 0x489d: 0x0080, + 0x489e: 0x0080, 0x489f: 0x0080, 0x48a0: 0x0080, 0x48a1: 0x0080, 0x48a2: 0x0080, 0x48a3: 0x0080, + 0x48a4: 0x0080, 0x48a5: 0x0080, 0x48a6: 0x0080, 0x48a7: 0x0080, 0x48a8: 0x0080, 0x48a9: 0x0080, + 0x48aa: 0x0080, 0x48ab: 0x0080, 0x48ac: 0x0080, 0x48ad: 0x0080, 0x48ae: 0x0080, 0x48af: 0x0080, + 0x48b0: 0x0080, 0x48b1: 0x0080, 0x48b2: 0x0080, 0x48b3: 0x0080, 0x48b4: 0x0080, 0x48b5: 0x0080, + 0x48b6: 0x0080, 0x48b7: 0x0080, 0x48b8: 0x0080, 0x48b9: 0x0080, 0x48ba: 0x0080, 0x48bb: 0x0080, + 0x48bc: 0x0080, 0x48bd: 0x0080, 0x48be: 0x0080, 0x48bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x123, offset 0x48c0 + 0x48c0: 0x0080, 0x48c1: 0x0080, 0x48c2: 0x0080, 0x48c3: 0x0080, 0x48c4: 0x0080, 0x48c5: 0x0080, + 0x48c6: 0x0080, 0x48c7: 0x0080, 0x48c8: 0x0080, 0x48c9: 0x0080, 0x48ca: 0x0080, 0x48cb: 0x0080, + 0x48cc: 0x0080, 0x48cd: 0x0080, 0x48ce: 0x0080, 0x48cf: 0x0080, 0x48d0: 0x0080, 0x48d1: 0x0080, + 0x48d2: 0x0080, 0x48d3: 0x0080, 0x48d4: 0x0080, 0x48d5: 0x0080, 0x48d6: 0x0080, 0x48d7: 0x0080, + 0x48d8: 0x0080, 0x48d9: 0x0080, 0x48da: 0x0080, 0x48db: 0x0080, 0x48dc: 0x0080, 0x48dd: 0x0080, + 0x48de: 0x0080, 0x48df: 0x0080, 0x48e0: 0x0080, 0x48e1: 0x0080, 0x48e2: 0x0080, 0x48e3: 0x0080, + 0x48e4: 0x0080, 0x48e5: 0x0080, 0x48e8: 0x0080, 0x48e9: 0x0080, + 0x48ea: 0x0080, 0x48eb: 0x0080, 0x48ec: 0x0080, 0x48ed: 0x0080, 0x48ee: 0x0080, 0x48ef: 0x0080, + 0x48f0: 0x0080, 0x48f1: 0x0080, 0x48f2: 0x0080, 0x48f3: 0x0080, 0x48f4: 0x0080, 0x48f5: 0x0080, + 0x48f6: 0x0080, 0x48f7: 0x0080, 0x48f8: 0x0080, 0x48f9: 0x0080, 0x48fa: 0x0080, 0x48fb: 0x0080, + 0x48fc: 0x0080, 0x48fd: 0x0080, 0x48fe: 0x0080, 0x48ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x124, offset 0x4900 + 0x4900: 0x0080, 0x4901: 0x0080, 0x4902: 0x0080, 0x4903: 0x0080, 0x4904: 0x0080, 0x4905: 0x0080, + 0x4906: 0x0080, 0x4907: 0x0080, 0x4908: 0x0080, 0x4909: 0x0080, 0x490a: 0x0080, 0x490b: 0x0080, + 0x490e: 0x0080, 0x490f: 0x0080, 0x4910: 0x0080, 0x4911: 0x0080, + 0x4912: 0x0080, 0x4913: 0x0080, 0x4914: 0x0080, 0x4915: 0x0080, 0x4916: 0x0080, 0x4917: 0x0080, + 0x4918: 0x0080, 0x4919: 0x0080, 0x491a: 0x0080, 0x491b: 0x0080, 0x491c: 0x0080, 0x491d: 0x0080, + 0x491e: 0x0080, 0x491f: 0x0080, 0x4920: 0x0080, 0x4921: 0x0080, 0x4922: 0x0080, 0x4923: 0x0080, + 0x4924: 0x0080, 0x4925: 0x0080, 0x4926: 0x0080, 0x4927: 0x0080, 0x4928: 0x0080, 0x4929: 0x0080, + 0x492a: 0x0080, 0x492b: 0x0080, 0x492c: 0x0080, 0x492d: 0x0080, 0x492e: 0x0080, 0x492f: 0x0080, + 0x4930: 0x0080, 0x4931: 0x0080, 0x4932: 0x0080, 0x4933: 0x0080, 0x4934: 0x0080, 0x4935: 0x0080, + 0x4936: 0x0080, 0x4937: 0x0080, 0x4938: 0x0080, 0x4939: 0x0080, 0x493a: 0x0080, 0x493b: 0x0080, + 0x493c: 0x0080, 0x493d: 0x0080, 0x493e: 0x0080, 0x493f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x125, offset 0x4940 + 0x4940: 0x00c3, 0x4941: 0x00c3, 0x4942: 0x00c3, 0x4943: 0x00c3, 0x4944: 0x00c3, 0x4945: 0x00c3, + 0x4946: 0x00c3, 0x4947: 0x00c3, 0x4948: 0x00c3, 0x4949: 0x00c3, 0x494a: 0x00c3, 0x494b: 0x00c3, + 0x494c: 0x00c3, 0x494d: 0x00c3, 0x494e: 0x00c3, 0x494f: 0x00c3, 0x4950: 0x00c3, 0x4951: 0x00c3, + 0x4952: 0x00c3, 0x4953: 0x00c3, 0x4954: 0x00c3, 0x4955: 0x00c3, 0x4956: 0x00c3, 0x4957: 0x00c3, + 0x4958: 0x00c3, 0x4959: 0x00c3, 0x495a: 0x00c3, 0x495b: 0x00c3, 0x495c: 0x00c3, 0x495d: 0x00c3, + 0x495e: 0x00c3, 0x495f: 0x00c3, 0x4960: 0x00c3, 0x4961: 0x00c3, 0x4962: 0x00c3, 0x4963: 0x00c3, + 0x4964: 0x00c3, 0x4965: 0x00c3, 0x4966: 0x00c3, 0x4967: 0x00c3, 0x4968: 0x00c3, 0x4969: 0x00c3, + 0x496a: 0x00c3, 0x496b: 0x00c3, 0x496c: 0x00c3, 0x496d: 0x00c3, 0x496e: 0x00c3, 0x496f: 0x00c3, + 0x4970: 0x00c3, 0x4971: 0x00c3, 0x4972: 0x00c3, 0x4973: 0x00c3, 0x4974: 0x00c3, 0x4975: 0x00c3, + 0x4976: 0x00c3, 0x4977: 0x0080, 0x4978: 0x0080, 0x4979: 0x0080, 0x497a: 0x0080, 0x497b: 0x00c3, + 0x497c: 0x00c3, 0x497d: 0x00c3, 0x497e: 0x00c3, 0x497f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x126, offset 0x4980 + 0x4980: 0x00c3, 0x4981: 0x00c3, 0x4982: 0x00c3, 0x4983: 0x00c3, 0x4984: 0x00c3, 0x4985: 0x00c3, + 0x4986: 0x00c3, 0x4987: 0x00c3, 0x4988: 0x00c3, 0x4989: 0x00c3, 0x498a: 0x00c3, 0x498b: 0x00c3, + 0x498c: 0x00c3, 0x498d: 0x00c3, 0x498e: 0x00c3, 0x498f: 0x00c3, 0x4990: 0x00c3, 0x4991: 0x00c3, + 0x4992: 0x00c3, 0x4993: 0x00c3, 0x4994: 0x00c3, 0x4995: 0x00c3, 0x4996: 0x00c3, 0x4997: 0x00c3, + 0x4998: 0x00c3, 0x4999: 0x00c3, 0x499a: 0x00c3, 0x499b: 0x00c3, 0x499c: 0x00c3, 0x499d: 0x00c3, + 0x499e: 0x00c3, 0x499f: 0x00c3, 0x49a0: 0x00c3, 0x49a1: 0x00c3, 0x49a2: 0x00c3, 0x49a3: 0x00c3, + 0x49a4: 0x00c3, 0x49a5: 0x00c3, 0x49a6: 0x00c3, 0x49a7: 0x00c3, 0x49a8: 0x00c3, 0x49a9: 0x00c3, + 0x49aa: 0x00c3, 0x49ab: 0x00c3, 0x49ac: 0x00c3, 0x49ad: 0x0080, 0x49ae: 0x0080, 0x49af: 0x0080, + 0x49b0: 0x0080, 0x49b1: 0x0080, 0x49b2: 0x0080, 0x49b3: 0x0080, 0x49b4: 0x0080, 0x49b5: 0x00c3, + 0x49b6: 0x0080, 0x49b7: 0x0080, 0x49b8: 0x0080, 0x49b9: 0x0080, 0x49ba: 0x0080, 0x49bb: 0x0080, + 0x49bc: 0x0080, 0x49bd: 0x0080, 0x49be: 0x0080, 0x49bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x127, offset 0x49c0 + 0x49c0: 0x0080, 0x49c1: 0x0080, 0x49c2: 0x0080, 0x49c3: 0x0080, 0x49c4: 0x00c3, 0x49c5: 0x0080, + 0x49c6: 0x0080, 0x49c7: 0x0080, 0x49c8: 0x0080, 0x49c9: 0x0080, 0x49ca: 0x0080, 0x49cb: 0x0080, + 0x49db: 0x00c3, 0x49dc: 0x00c3, 0x49dd: 0x00c3, + 0x49de: 0x00c3, 0x49df: 0x00c3, 0x49e1: 0x00c3, 0x49e2: 0x00c3, 0x49e3: 0x00c3, + 0x49e4: 0x00c3, 0x49e5: 0x00c3, 0x49e6: 0x00c3, 0x49e7: 0x00c3, 0x49e8: 0x00c3, 0x49e9: 0x00c3, + 0x49ea: 0x00c3, 0x49eb: 0x00c3, 0x49ec: 0x00c3, 0x49ed: 0x00c3, 0x49ee: 0x00c3, 0x49ef: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x128, offset 0x4a00 + 0x4a00: 0x00c3, 0x4a01: 0x00c3, 0x4a02: 0x00c3, 0x4a03: 0x00c3, 0x4a04: 0x00c3, 0x4a05: 0x00c3, + 0x4a06: 0x00c3, 0x4a08: 0x00c3, 0x4a09: 0x00c3, 0x4a0a: 0x00c3, 0x4a0b: 0x00c3, + 0x4a0c: 0x00c3, 0x4a0d: 0x00c3, 0x4a0e: 0x00c3, 0x4a0f: 0x00c3, 0x4a10: 0x00c3, 0x4a11: 0x00c3, + 0x4a12: 0x00c3, 0x4a13: 0x00c3, 0x4a14: 0x00c3, 0x4a15: 0x00c3, 0x4a16: 0x00c3, 0x4a17: 0x00c3, + 0x4a18: 0x00c3, 0x4a1b: 0x00c3, 0x4a1c: 0x00c3, 0x4a1d: 0x00c3, + 0x4a1e: 0x00c3, 0x4a1f: 0x00c3, 0x4a20: 0x00c3, 0x4a21: 0x00c3, 0x4a23: 0x00c3, + 0x4a24: 0x00c3, 0x4a26: 0x00c3, 0x4a27: 0x00c3, 0x4a28: 0x00c3, 0x4a29: 0x00c3, + 0x4a2a: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x129, offset 0x4a40 + 0x4a40: 0x00c0, 0x4a41: 0x00c0, 0x4a42: 0x00c0, 0x4a43: 0x00c0, 0x4a44: 0x00c0, + 0x4a47: 0x0080, 0x4a48: 0x0080, 0x4a49: 0x0080, 0x4a4a: 0x0080, 0x4a4b: 0x0080, + 0x4a4c: 0x0080, 0x4a4d: 0x0080, 0x4a4e: 0x0080, 0x4a4f: 0x0080, 0x4a50: 0x00c3, 0x4a51: 0x00c3, + 0x4a52: 0x00c3, 0x4a53: 0x00c3, 0x4a54: 0x00c3, 0x4a55: 0x00c3, 0x4a56: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x12a, offset 0x4a80 + 0x4a80: 0x00c2, 0x4a81: 0x00c2, 0x4a82: 0x00c2, 0x4a83: 0x00c2, 0x4a84: 0x00c2, 0x4a85: 0x00c2, + 0x4a86: 0x00c2, 0x4a87: 0x00c2, 0x4a88: 0x00c2, 0x4a89: 0x00c2, 0x4a8a: 0x00c2, 0x4a8b: 0x00c2, + 0x4a8c: 0x00c2, 0x4a8d: 0x00c2, 0x4a8e: 0x00c2, 0x4a8f: 0x00c2, 0x4a90: 0x00c2, 0x4a91: 0x00c2, + 0x4a92: 0x00c2, 0x4a93: 0x00c2, 0x4a94: 0x00c2, 0x4a95: 0x00c2, 0x4a96: 0x00c2, 0x4a97: 0x00c2, + 0x4a98: 0x00c2, 0x4a99: 0x00c2, 0x4a9a: 0x00c2, 0x4a9b: 0x00c2, 0x4a9c: 0x00c2, 0x4a9d: 0x00c2, + 0x4a9e: 0x00c2, 0x4a9f: 0x00c2, 0x4aa0: 0x00c2, 0x4aa1: 0x00c2, 0x4aa2: 0x00c2, 0x4aa3: 0x00c2, + 0x4aa4: 0x00c2, 0x4aa5: 0x00c2, 0x4aa6: 0x00c2, 0x4aa7: 0x00c2, 0x4aa8: 0x00c2, 0x4aa9: 0x00c2, + 0x4aaa: 0x00c2, 0x4aab: 0x00c2, 0x4aac: 0x00c2, 0x4aad: 0x00c2, 0x4aae: 0x00c2, 0x4aaf: 0x00c2, + 0x4ab0: 0x00c2, 0x4ab1: 0x00c2, 0x4ab2: 0x00c2, 0x4ab3: 0x00c2, 0x4ab4: 0x00c2, 0x4ab5: 0x00c2, + 0x4ab6: 0x00c2, 0x4ab7: 0x00c2, 0x4ab8: 0x00c2, 0x4ab9: 0x00c2, 0x4aba: 0x00c2, 0x4abb: 0x00c2, + 0x4abc: 0x00c2, 0x4abd: 0x00c2, 0x4abe: 0x00c2, 0x4abf: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x12b, offset 0x4ac0 + 0x4ac0: 0x00c2, 0x4ac1: 0x00c2, 0x4ac2: 0x00c2, 0x4ac3: 0x00c2, 0x4ac4: 0x00c3, 0x4ac5: 0x00c3, + 0x4ac6: 0x00c3, 0x4ac7: 0x00c3, 0x4ac8: 0x00c3, 0x4ac9: 0x00c3, 0x4aca: 0x00c3, + 0x4ad0: 0x00c0, 0x4ad1: 0x00c0, + 0x4ad2: 0x00c0, 0x4ad3: 0x00c0, 0x4ad4: 0x00c0, 0x4ad5: 0x00c0, 0x4ad6: 0x00c0, 0x4ad7: 0x00c0, + 0x4ad8: 0x00c0, 0x4ad9: 0x00c0, + 0x4ade: 0x0080, 0x4adf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12c, offset 0x4b00 + 0x4b00: 0x0080, 0x4b01: 0x0080, 0x4b02: 0x0080, 0x4b03: 0x0080, 0x4b05: 0x0080, + 0x4b06: 0x0080, 0x4b07: 0x0080, 0x4b08: 0x0080, 0x4b09: 0x0080, 0x4b0a: 0x0080, 0x4b0b: 0x0080, + 0x4b0c: 0x0080, 0x4b0d: 0x0080, 0x4b0e: 0x0080, 0x4b0f: 0x0080, 0x4b10: 0x0080, 0x4b11: 0x0080, + 0x4b12: 0x0080, 0x4b13: 0x0080, 0x4b14: 0x0080, 0x4b15: 0x0080, 0x4b16: 0x0080, 0x4b17: 0x0080, + 0x4b18: 0x0080, 0x4b19: 0x0080, 0x4b1a: 0x0080, 0x4b1b: 0x0080, 0x4b1c: 0x0080, 0x4b1d: 0x0080, + 0x4b1e: 0x0080, 0x4b1f: 0x0080, 0x4b21: 0x0080, 0x4b22: 0x0080, + 0x4b24: 0x0080, 0x4b27: 0x0080, 0x4b29: 0x0080, + 0x4b2a: 0x0080, 0x4b2b: 0x0080, 0x4b2c: 0x0080, 0x4b2d: 0x0080, 0x4b2e: 0x0080, 0x4b2f: 0x0080, + 0x4b30: 0x0080, 0x4b31: 0x0080, 0x4b32: 0x0080, 0x4b34: 0x0080, 0x4b35: 0x0080, + 0x4b36: 0x0080, 0x4b37: 0x0080, 0x4b39: 0x0080, 0x4b3b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12d, offset 0x4b40 + 0x4b42: 0x0080, + 0x4b47: 0x0080, 0x4b49: 0x0080, 0x4b4b: 0x0080, + 0x4b4d: 0x0080, 0x4b4e: 0x0080, 0x4b4f: 0x0080, 0x4b51: 0x0080, + 0x4b52: 0x0080, 0x4b54: 0x0080, 0x4b57: 0x0080, + 0x4b59: 0x0080, 0x4b5b: 0x0080, 0x4b5d: 0x0080, + 0x4b5f: 0x0080, 0x4b61: 0x0080, 0x4b62: 0x0080, + 0x4b64: 0x0080, 0x4b67: 0x0080, 0x4b68: 0x0080, 0x4b69: 0x0080, + 0x4b6a: 0x0080, 0x4b6c: 0x0080, 0x4b6d: 0x0080, 0x4b6e: 0x0080, 0x4b6f: 0x0080, + 0x4b70: 0x0080, 0x4b71: 0x0080, 0x4b72: 0x0080, 0x4b74: 0x0080, 0x4b75: 0x0080, + 0x4b76: 0x0080, 0x4b77: 0x0080, 0x4b79: 0x0080, 0x4b7a: 0x0080, 0x4b7b: 0x0080, + 0x4b7c: 0x0080, 0x4b7e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12e, offset 0x4b80 + 0x4b80: 0x0080, 0x4b81: 0x0080, 0x4b82: 0x0080, 0x4b83: 0x0080, 0x4b84: 0x0080, 0x4b85: 0x0080, + 0x4b86: 0x0080, 0x4b87: 0x0080, 0x4b88: 0x0080, 0x4b89: 0x0080, 0x4b8b: 0x0080, + 0x4b8c: 0x0080, 0x4b8d: 0x0080, 0x4b8e: 0x0080, 0x4b8f: 0x0080, 0x4b90: 0x0080, 0x4b91: 0x0080, + 0x4b92: 0x0080, 0x4b93: 0x0080, 0x4b94: 0x0080, 0x4b95: 0x0080, 0x4b96: 0x0080, 0x4b97: 0x0080, + 0x4b98: 0x0080, 0x4b99: 0x0080, 0x4b9a: 0x0080, 0x4b9b: 0x0080, + 0x4ba1: 0x0080, 0x4ba2: 0x0080, 0x4ba3: 0x0080, + 0x4ba5: 0x0080, 0x4ba6: 0x0080, 0x4ba7: 0x0080, 0x4ba8: 0x0080, 0x4ba9: 0x0080, + 0x4bab: 0x0080, 0x4bac: 0x0080, 0x4bad: 0x0080, 0x4bae: 0x0080, 0x4baf: 0x0080, + 0x4bb0: 0x0080, 0x4bb1: 0x0080, 0x4bb2: 0x0080, 0x4bb3: 0x0080, 0x4bb4: 0x0080, 0x4bb5: 0x0080, + 0x4bb6: 0x0080, 0x4bb7: 0x0080, 0x4bb8: 0x0080, 0x4bb9: 0x0080, 0x4bba: 0x0080, 0x4bbb: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12f, offset 0x4bc0 + 0x4bf0: 0x0080, 0x4bf1: 0x0080, + // Block 0x130, offset 0x4c00 + 0x4c00: 0x0080, 0x4c01: 0x0080, 0x4c02: 0x0080, 0x4c03: 0x0080, 0x4c04: 0x0080, 0x4c05: 0x0080, + 0x4c06: 0x0080, 0x4c07: 0x0080, 0x4c08: 0x0080, 0x4c09: 0x0080, 0x4c0a: 0x0080, 0x4c0b: 0x0080, + 0x4c0c: 0x0080, 0x4c0d: 0x0080, 0x4c0e: 0x0080, 0x4c0f: 0x0080, 0x4c10: 0x0080, 0x4c11: 0x0080, + 0x4c12: 0x0080, 0x4c13: 0x0080, 0x4c14: 0x0080, 0x4c15: 0x0080, 0x4c16: 0x0080, 0x4c17: 0x0080, + 0x4c18: 0x0080, 0x4c19: 0x0080, 0x4c1a: 0x0080, 0x4c1b: 0x0080, 0x4c1c: 0x0080, 0x4c1d: 0x0080, + 0x4c1e: 0x0080, 0x4c1f: 0x0080, 0x4c20: 0x0080, 0x4c21: 0x0080, 0x4c22: 0x0080, 0x4c23: 0x0080, + 0x4c24: 0x0080, 0x4c25: 0x0080, 0x4c26: 0x0080, 0x4c27: 0x0080, 0x4c28: 0x0080, 0x4c29: 0x0080, + 0x4c2a: 0x0080, 0x4c2b: 0x0080, + 0x4c30: 0x0080, 0x4c31: 0x0080, 0x4c32: 0x0080, 0x4c33: 0x0080, 0x4c34: 0x0080, 0x4c35: 0x0080, + 0x4c36: 0x0080, 0x4c37: 0x0080, 0x4c38: 0x0080, 0x4c39: 0x0080, 0x4c3a: 0x0080, 0x4c3b: 0x0080, + 0x4c3c: 0x0080, 0x4c3d: 0x0080, 0x4c3e: 0x0080, 0x4c3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x131, offset 0x4c40 + 0x4c40: 0x0080, 0x4c41: 0x0080, 0x4c42: 0x0080, 0x4c43: 0x0080, 0x4c44: 0x0080, 0x4c45: 0x0080, + 0x4c46: 0x0080, 0x4c47: 0x0080, 0x4c48: 0x0080, 0x4c49: 0x0080, 0x4c4a: 0x0080, 0x4c4b: 0x0080, + 0x4c4c: 0x0080, 0x4c4d: 0x0080, 0x4c4e: 0x0080, 0x4c4f: 0x0080, 0x4c50: 0x0080, 0x4c51: 0x0080, + 0x4c52: 0x0080, 0x4c53: 0x0080, + 0x4c60: 0x0080, 0x4c61: 0x0080, 0x4c62: 0x0080, 0x4c63: 0x0080, + 0x4c64: 0x0080, 0x4c65: 0x0080, 0x4c66: 0x0080, 0x4c67: 0x0080, 0x4c68: 0x0080, 0x4c69: 0x0080, + 0x4c6a: 0x0080, 0x4c6b: 0x0080, 0x4c6c: 0x0080, 0x4c6d: 0x0080, 0x4c6e: 0x0080, + 0x4c71: 0x0080, 0x4c72: 0x0080, 0x4c73: 0x0080, 0x4c74: 0x0080, 0x4c75: 0x0080, + 0x4c76: 0x0080, 0x4c77: 0x0080, 0x4c78: 0x0080, 0x4c79: 0x0080, 0x4c7a: 0x0080, 0x4c7b: 0x0080, + 0x4c7c: 0x0080, 0x4c7d: 0x0080, 0x4c7e: 0x0080, 0x4c7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x132, offset 0x4c80 + 0x4c81: 0x0080, 0x4c82: 0x0080, 0x4c83: 0x0080, 0x4c84: 0x0080, 0x4c85: 0x0080, + 0x4c86: 0x0080, 0x4c87: 0x0080, 0x4c88: 0x0080, 0x4c89: 0x0080, 0x4c8a: 0x0080, 0x4c8b: 0x0080, + 0x4c8c: 0x0080, 0x4c8d: 0x0080, 0x4c8e: 0x0080, 0x4c8f: 0x0080, 0x4c91: 0x0080, + 0x4c92: 0x0080, 0x4c93: 0x0080, 0x4c94: 0x0080, 0x4c95: 0x0080, 0x4c96: 0x0080, 0x4c97: 0x0080, + 0x4c98: 0x0080, 0x4c99: 0x0080, 0x4c9a: 0x0080, 0x4c9b: 0x0080, 0x4c9c: 0x0080, 0x4c9d: 0x0080, + 0x4c9e: 0x0080, 0x4c9f: 0x0080, 0x4ca0: 0x0080, 0x4ca1: 0x0080, 0x4ca2: 0x0080, 0x4ca3: 0x0080, + 0x4ca4: 0x0080, 0x4ca5: 0x0080, 0x4ca6: 0x0080, 0x4ca7: 0x0080, 0x4ca8: 0x0080, 0x4ca9: 0x0080, + 0x4caa: 0x0080, 0x4cab: 0x0080, 0x4cac: 0x0080, 0x4cad: 0x0080, 0x4cae: 0x0080, 0x4caf: 0x0080, + 0x4cb0: 0x0080, 0x4cb1: 0x0080, 0x4cb2: 0x0080, 0x4cb3: 0x0080, 0x4cb4: 0x0080, 0x4cb5: 0x0080, + // Block 0x133, offset 0x4cc0 + 0x4cc0: 0x0080, 0x4cc1: 0x0080, 0x4cc2: 0x0080, 0x4cc3: 0x0080, 0x4cc4: 0x0080, 0x4cc5: 0x0080, + 0x4cc6: 0x0080, 0x4cc7: 0x0080, 0x4cc8: 0x0080, 0x4cc9: 0x0080, 0x4cca: 0x0080, 0x4ccb: 0x0080, + 0x4ccc: 0x0080, 0x4cd0: 0x0080, 0x4cd1: 0x0080, + 0x4cd2: 0x0080, 0x4cd3: 0x0080, 0x4cd4: 0x0080, 0x4cd5: 0x0080, 0x4cd6: 0x0080, 0x4cd7: 0x0080, + 0x4cd8: 0x0080, 0x4cd9: 0x0080, 0x4cda: 0x0080, 0x4cdb: 0x0080, 0x4cdc: 0x0080, 0x4cdd: 0x0080, + 0x4cde: 0x0080, 0x4cdf: 0x0080, 0x4ce0: 0x0080, 0x4ce1: 0x0080, 0x4ce2: 0x0080, 0x4ce3: 0x0080, + 0x4ce4: 0x0080, 0x4ce5: 0x0080, 0x4ce6: 0x0080, 0x4ce7: 0x0080, 0x4ce8: 0x0080, 0x4ce9: 0x0080, + 0x4cea: 0x0080, 0x4ceb: 0x0080, 0x4cec: 0x0080, 0x4ced: 0x0080, 0x4cee: 0x0080, + 0x4cf0: 0x0080, 0x4cf1: 0x0080, 0x4cf2: 0x0080, 0x4cf3: 0x0080, 0x4cf4: 0x0080, 0x4cf5: 0x0080, + 0x4cf6: 0x0080, 0x4cf7: 0x0080, 0x4cf8: 0x0080, 0x4cf9: 0x0080, 0x4cfa: 0x0080, 0x4cfb: 0x0080, + 0x4cfc: 0x0080, 0x4cfd: 0x0080, 0x4cfe: 0x0080, 0x4cff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x134, offset 0x4d00 + 0x4d00: 0x0080, 0x4d01: 0x0080, 0x4d02: 0x0080, 0x4d03: 0x0080, 0x4d04: 0x0080, 0x4d05: 0x0080, + 0x4d06: 0x0080, 0x4d07: 0x0080, 0x4d08: 0x0080, 0x4d09: 0x0080, 0x4d0a: 0x0080, 0x4d0b: 0x0080, + 0x4d0c: 0x0080, 0x4d0d: 0x0080, 0x4d0e: 0x0080, 0x4d0f: 0x0080, 0x4d10: 0x0080, 0x4d11: 0x0080, + 0x4d12: 0x0080, 0x4d13: 0x0080, 0x4d14: 0x0080, 0x4d15: 0x0080, 0x4d16: 0x0080, 0x4d17: 0x0080, + 0x4d18: 0x0080, 0x4d19: 0x0080, 0x4d1a: 0x0080, 0x4d1b: 0x0080, 0x4d1c: 0x0080, 0x4d1d: 0x0080, + 0x4d1e: 0x0080, 0x4d1f: 0x0080, 0x4d20: 0x0080, 0x4d21: 0x0080, 0x4d22: 0x0080, 0x4d23: 0x0080, + 0x4d24: 0x0080, 0x4d25: 0x0080, 0x4d26: 0x0080, 0x4d27: 0x0080, 0x4d28: 0x0080, 0x4d29: 0x0080, + 0x4d2a: 0x0080, 0x4d2b: 0x0080, 0x4d2c: 0x0080, + // Block 0x135, offset 0x4d40 + 0x4d66: 0x0080, 0x4d67: 0x0080, 0x4d68: 0x0080, 0x4d69: 0x0080, + 0x4d6a: 0x0080, 0x4d6b: 0x0080, 0x4d6c: 0x0080, 0x4d6d: 0x0080, 0x4d6e: 0x0080, 0x4d6f: 0x0080, + 0x4d70: 0x0080, 0x4d71: 0x0080, 0x4d72: 0x0080, 0x4d73: 0x0080, 0x4d74: 0x0080, 0x4d75: 0x0080, + 0x4d76: 0x0080, 0x4d77: 0x0080, 0x4d78: 0x0080, 0x4d79: 0x0080, 0x4d7a: 0x0080, 0x4d7b: 0x0080, + 0x4d7c: 0x0080, 0x4d7d: 0x0080, 0x4d7e: 0x0080, 0x4d7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x136, offset 0x4d80 + 0x4d80: 0x008c, 0x4d81: 0x0080, 0x4d82: 0x0080, + 0x4d90: 0x0080, 0x4d91: 0x0080, + 0x4d92: 0x0080, 0x4d93: 0x0080, 0x4d94: 0x0080, 0x4d95: 0x0080, 0x4d96: 0x0080, 0x4d97: 0x0080, + 0x4d98: 0x0080, 0x4d99: 0x0080, 0x4d9a: 0x0080, 0x4d9b: 0x0080, 0x4d9c: 0x0080, 0x4d9d: 0x0080, + 0x4d9e: 0x0080, 0x4d9f: 0x0080, 0x4da0: 0x0080, 0x4da1: 0x0080, 0x4da2: 0x0080, 0x4da3: 0x0080, + 0x4da4: 0x0080, 0x4da5: 0x0080, 0x4da6: 0x0080, 0x4da7: 0x0080, 0x4da8: 0x0080, 0x4da9: 0x0080, + 0x4daa: 0x0080, 0x4dab: 0x0080, 0x4dac: 0x0080, 0x4dad: 0x0080, 0x4dae: 0x0080, 0x4daf: 0x0080, + 0x4db0: 0x0080, 0x4db1: 0x0080, 0x4db2: 0x0080, 0x4db3: 0x0080, 0x4db4: 0x0080, 0x4db5: 0x0080, + 0x4db6: 0x0080, 0x4db7: 0x0080, 0x4db8: 0x0080, 0x4db9: 0x0080, 0x4dba: 0x0080, 0x4dbb: 0x0080, + // Block 0x137, offset 0x4dc0 + 0x4dc0: 0x0080, 0x4dc1: 0x0080, 0x4dc2: 0x0080, 0x4dc3: 0x0080, 0x4dc4: 0x0080, 0x4dc5: 0x0080, + 0x4dc6: 0x0080, 0x4dc7: 0x0080, 0x4dc8: 0x0080, + 0x4dd0: 0x0080, 0x4dd1: 0x0080, + 0x4de0: 0x0080, 0x4de1: 0x0080, 0x4de2: 0x0080, 0x4de3: 0x0080, + 0x4de4: 0x0080, 0x4de5: 0x0080, + // Block 0x138, offset 0x4e00 + 0x4e00: 0x0080, 0x4e01: 0x0080, 0x4e02: 0x0080, 0x4e03: 0x0080, 0x4e04: 0x0080, 0x4e05: 0x0080, + 0x4e06: 0x0080, 0x4e07: 0x0080, 0x4e08: 0x0080, 0x4e09: 0x0080, 0x4e0a: 0x0080, 0x4e0b: 0x0080, + 0x4e0c: 0x0080, 0x4e0d: 0x0080, 0x4e0e: 0x0080, 0x4e0f: 0x0080, 0x4e10: 0x0080, 0x4e11: 0x0080, + 0x4e12: 0x0080, 0x4e13: 0x0080, 0x4e14: 0x0080, + 0x4e20: 0x0080, 0x4e21: 0x0080, 0x4e22: 0x0080, 0x4e23: 0x0080, + 0x4e24: 0x0080, 0x4e25: 0x0080, 0x4e26: 0x0080, 0x4e27: 0x0080, 0x4e28: 0x0080, 0x4e29: 0x0080, + 0x4e2a: 0x0080, 0x4e2b: 0x0080, 0x4e2c: 0x0080, + 0x4e30: 0x0080, 0x4e31: 0x0080, 0x4e32: 0x0080, 0x4e33: 0x0080, 0x4e34: 0x0080, 0x4e35: 0x0080, + 0x4e36: 0x0080, 0x4e37: 0x0080, 0x4e38: 0x0080, + // Block 0x139, offset 0x4e40 + 0x4e40: 0x0080, 0x4e41: 0x0080, 0x4e42: 0x0080, 0x4e43: 0x0080, 0x4e44: 0x0080, 0x4e45: 0x0080, + 0x4e46: 0x0080, 0x4e47: 0x0080, 0x4e48: 0x0080, 0x4e49: 0x0080, 0x4e4a: 0x0080, 0x4e4b: 0x0080, + 0x4e4c: 0x0080, 0x4e4d: 0x0080, 0x4e4e: 0x0080, 0x4e4f: 0x0080, 0x4e50: 0x0080, 0x4e51: 0x0080, + 0x4e52: 0x0080, 0x4e53: 0x0080, 0x4e54: 0x0080, 0x4e55: 0x0080, 0x4e56: 0x0080, 0x4e57: 0x0080, + 0x4e58: 0x0080, 0x4e59: 0x0080, 0x4e5a: 0x0080, 0x4e5b: 0x0080, 0x4e5c: 0x0080, 0x4e5d: 0x0080, + 0x4e5e: 0x0080, 0x4e5f: 0x0080, 0x4e60: 0x0080, 0x4e61: 0x0080, 0x4e62: 0x0080, 0x4e63: 0x0080, + 0x4e64: 0x0080, 0x4e65: 0x0080, 0x4e66: 0x0080, 0x4e67: 0x0080, 0x4e68: 0x0080, 0x4e69: 0x0080, + 0x4e6a: 0x0080, 0x4e6b: 0x0080, 0x4e6c: 0x0080, 0x4e6d: 0x0080, 0x4e6e: 0x0080, 0x4e6f: 0x0080, + 0x4e70: 0x0080, 0x4e71: 0x0080, 0x4e72: 0x0080, 0x4e73: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13a, offset 0x4e80 + 0x4e80: 0x0080, 0x4e81: 0x0080, 0x4e82: 0x0080, 0x4e83: 0x0080, 0x4e84: 0x0080, 0x4e85: 0x0080, + 0x4e86: 0x0080, 0x4e87: 0x0080, 0x4e88: 0x0080, 0x4e89: 0x0080, 0x4e8a: 0x0080, 0x4e8b: 0x0080, + 0x4e8c: 0x0080, 0x4e8d: 0x0080, 0x4e8e: 0x0080, 0x4e8f: 0x0080, 0x4e90: 0x0080, 0x4e91: 0x0080, + 0x4e92: 0x0080, 0x4e93: 0x0080, 0x4e94: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13b, offset 0x4ec0 + 0x4ec0: 0x0080, 0x4ec1: 0x0080, 0x4ec2: 0x0080, 0x4ec3: 0x0080, 0x4ec4: 0x0080, 0x4ec5: 0x0080, + 0x4ec6: 0x0080, 0x4ec7: 0x0080, 0x4ec8: 0x0080, 0x4ec9: 0x0080, 0x4eca: 0x0080, 0x4ecb: 0x0080, + 0x4ed0: 0x0080, 0x4ed1: 0x0080, + 0x4ed2: 0x0080, 0x4ed3: 0x0080, 0x4ed4: 0x0080, 0x4ed5: 0x0080, 0x4ed6: 0x0080, 0x4ed7: 0x0080, + 0x4ed8: 0x0080, 0x4ed9: 0x0080, 0x4eda: 0x0080, 0x4edb: 0x0080, 0x4edc: 0x0080, 0x4edd: 0x0080, + 0x4ede: 0x0080, 0x4edf: 0x0080, 0x4ee0: 0x0080, 0x4ee1: 0x0080, 0x4ee2: 0x0080, 0x4ee3: 0x0080, + 0x4ee4: 0x0080, 0x4ee5: 0x0080, 0x4ee6: 0x0080, 0x4ee7: 0x0080, 0x4ee8: 0x0080, 0x4ee9: 0x0080, + 0x4eea: 0x0080, 0x4eeb: 0x0080, 0x4eec: 0x0080, 0x4eed: 0x0080, 0x4eee: 0x0080, 0x4eef: 0x0080, + 0x4ef0: 0x0080, 0x4ef1: 0x0080, 0x4ef2: 0x0080, 0x4ef3: 0x0080, 0x4ef4: 0x0080, 0x4ef5: 0x0080, + 0x4ef6: 0x0080, 0x4ef7: 0x0080, 0x4ef8: 0x0080, 0x4ef9: 0x0080, 0x4efa: 0x0080, 0x4efb: 0x0080, + 0x4efc: 0x0080, 0x4efd: 0x0080, 0x4efe: 0x0080, 0x4eff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13c, offset 0x4f00 + 0x4f00: 0x0080, 0x4f01: 0x0080, 0x4f02: 0x0080, 0x4f03: 0x0080, 0x4f04: 0x0080, 0x4f05: 0x0080, + 0x4f06: 0x0080, 0x4f07: 0x0080, + 0x4f10: 0x0080, 0x4f11: 0x0080, + 0x4f12: 0x0080, 0x4f13: 0x0080, 0x4f14: 0x0080, 0x4f15: 0x0080, 0x4f16: 0x0080, 0x4f17: 0x0080, + 0x4f18: 0x0080, 0x4f19: 0x0080, + 0x4f20: 0x0080, 0x4f21: 0x0080, 0x4f22: 0x0080, 0x4f23: 0x0080, + 0x4f24: 0x0080, 0x4f25: 0x0080, 0x4f26: 0x0080, 0x4f27: 0x0080, 0x4f28: 0x0080, 0x4f29: 0x0080, + 0x4f2a: 0x0080, 0x4f2b: 0x0080, 0x4f2c: 0x0080, 0x4f2d: 0x0080, 0x4f2e: 0x0080, 0x4f2f: 0x0080, + 0x4f30: 0x0080, 0x4f31: 0x0080, 0x4f32: 0x0080, 0x4f33: 0x0080, 0x4f34: 0x0080, 0x4f35: 0x0080, + 0x4f36: 0x0080, 0x4f37: 0x0080, 0x4f38: 0x0080, 0x4f39: 0x0080, 0x4f3a: 0x0080, 0x4f3b: 0x0080, + 0x4f3c: 0x0080, 0x4f3d: 0x0080, 0x4f3e: 0x0080, 0x4f3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13d, offset 0x4f40 + 0x4f40: 0x0080, 0x4f41: 0x0080, 0x4f42: 0x0080, 0x4f43: 0x0080, 0x4f44: 0x0080, 0x4f45: 0x0080, + 0x4f46: 0x0080, 0x4f47: 0x0080, + 0x4f50: 0x0080, 0x4f51: 0x0080, + 0x4f52: 0x0080, 0x4f53: 0x0080, 0x4f54: 0x0080, 0x4f55: 0x0080, 0x4f56: 0x0080, 0x4f57: 0x0080, + 0x4f58: 0x0080, 0x4f59: 0x0080, 0x4f5a: 0x0080, 0x4f5b: 0x0080, 0x4f5c: 0x0080, 0x4f5d: 0x0080, + 0x4f5e: 0x0080, 0x4f5f: 0x0080, 0x4f60: 0x0080, 0x4f61: 0x0080, 0x4f62: 0x0080, 0x4f63: 0x0080, + 0x4f64: 0x0080, 0x4f65: 0x0080, 0x4f66: 0x0080, 0x4f67: 0x0080, 0x4f68: 0x0080, 0x4f69: 0x0080, + 0x4f6a: 0x0080, 0x4f6b: 0x0080, 0x4f6c: 0x0080, 0x4f6d: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13e, offset 0x4f80 + 0x4f80: 0x0080, 0x4f81: 0x0080, 0x4f82: 0x0080, 0x4f83: 0x0080, 0x4f84: 0x0080, 0x4f85: 0x0080, + 0x4f86: 0x0080, 0x4f87: 0x0080, 0x4f88: 0x0080, 0x4f89: 0x0080, 0x4f8a: 0x0080, 0x4f8b: 0x0080, + 0x4f90: 0x0080, 0x4f91: 0x0080, + 0x4f92: 0x0080, 0x4f93: 0x0080, 0x4f94: 0x0080, 0x4f95: 0x0080, 0x4f96: 0x0080, 0x4f97: 0x0080, + 0x4f98: 0x0080, 0x4f99: 0x0080, 0x4f9a: 0x0080, 0x4f9b: 0x0080, 0x4f9c: 0x0080, 0x4f9d: 0x0080, + 0x4f9e: 0x0080, 0x4f9f: 0x0080, 0x4fa0: 0x0080, 0x4fa1: 0x0080, 0x4fa2: 0x0080, 0x4fa3: 0x0080, + 0x4fa4: 0x0080, 0x4fa5: 0x0080, 0x4fa6: 0x0080, 0x4fa7: 0x0080, 0x4fa8: 0x0080, 0x4fa9: 0x0080, + 0x4faa: 0x0080, 0x4fab: 0x0080, 0x4fac: 0x0080, 0x4fad: 0x0080, 0x4fae: 0x0080, 0x4faf: 0x0080, + 0x4fb0: 0x0080, 0x4fb1: 0x0080, 0x4fb2: 0x0080, 0x4fb3: 0x0080, 0x4fb4: 0x0080, 0x4fb5: 0x0080, + 0x4fb6: 0x0080, 0x4fb7: 0x0080, 0x4fb8: 0x0080, 0x4fb9: 0x0080, 0x4fba: 0x0080, 0x4fbb: 0x0080, + 0x4fbc: 0x0080, 0x4fbd: 0x0080, 0x4fbe: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13f, offset 0x4fc0 + 0x4fc0: 0x0080, 0x4fc1: 0x0080, 0x4fc2: 0x0080, 0x4fc3: 0x0080, 0x4fc4: 0x0080, 0x4fc5: 0x0080, + 0x4fc6: 0x0080, 0x4fc7: 0x0080, 0x4fc8: 0x0080, 0x4fc9: 0x0080, 0x4fca: 0x0080, 0x4fcb: 0x0080, + 0x4fcc: 0x0080, 0x4fd0: 0x0080, 0x4fd1: 0x0080, + 0x4fd2: 0x0080, 0x4fd3: 0x0080, 0x4fd4: 0x0080, 0x4fd5: 0x0080, 0x4fd6: 0x0080, 0x4fd7: 0x0080, + 0x4fd8: 0x0080, 0x4fd9: 0x0080, 0x4fda: 0x0080, 0x4fdb: 0x0080, 0x4fdc: 0x0080, 0x4fdd: 0x0080, + 0x4fde: 0x0080, 0x4fdf: 0x0080, 0x4fe0: 0x0080, 0x4fe1: 0x0080, 0x4fe2: 0x0080, 0x4fe3: 0x0080, + 0x4fe4: 0x0080, 0x4fe5: 0x0080, 0x4fe6: 0x0080, 0x4fe7: 0x0080, 0x4fe8: 0x0080, 0x4fe9: 0x0080, + 0x4fea: 0x0080, 0x4feb: 0x0080, + // Block 0x140, offset 0x5000 + 0x5000: 0x0080, 0x5001: 0x0080, 0x5002: 0x0080, 0x5003: 0x0080, 0x5004: 0x0080, 0x5005: 0x0080, + 0x5006: 0x0080, 0x5007: 0x0080, 0x5008: 0x0080, 0x5009: 0x0080, 0x500a: 0x0080, 0x500b: 0x0080, + 0x500c: 0x0080, 0x500d: 0x0080, 0x500e: 0x0080, 0x500f: 0x0080, 0x5010: 0x0080, 0x5011: 0x0080, + 0x5012: 0x0080, 0x5013: 0x0080, 0x5014: 0x0080, 0x5015: 0x0080, 0x5016: 0x0080, 0x5017: 0x0080, + // Block 0x141, offset 0x5040 + 0x5040: 0x0080, + 0x5050: 0x0080, 0x5051: 0x0080, + 0x5052: 0x0080, 0x5053: 0x0080, 0x5054: 0x0080, 0x5055: 0x0080, 0x5056: 0x0080, 0x5057: 0x0080, + 0x5058: 0x0080, 0x5059: 0x0080, 0x505a: 0x0080, 0x505b: 0x0080, 0x505c: 0x0080, 0x505d: 0x0080, + 0x505e: 0x0080, 0x505f: 0x0080, 0x5060: 0x0080, 0x5061: 0x0080, 0x5062: 0x0080, 0x5063: 0x0080, + 0x5064: 0x0080, 0x5065: 0x0080, 0x5066: 0x0080, + // Block 0x142, offset 0x5080 + 0x5080: 0x00cc, 0x5081: 0x00cc, 0x5082: 0x00cc, 0x5083: 0x00cc, 0x5084: 0x00cc, 0x5085: 0x00cc, + 0x5086: 0x00cc, 0x5087: 0x00cc, 0x5088: 0x00cc, 0x5089: 0x00cc, 0x508a: 0x00cc, 0x508b: 0x00cc, + 0x508c: 0x00cc, 0x508d: 0x00cc, 0x508e: 0x00cc, 0x508f: 0x00cc, 0x5090: 0x00cc, 0x5091: 0x00cc, + 0x5092: 0x00cc, 0x5093: 0x00cc, 0x5094: 0x00cc, 0x5095: 0x00cc, 0x5096: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x143, offset 0x50c0 + 0x50c0: 0x00cc, 0x50c1: 0x00cc, 0x50c2: 0x00cc, 0x50c3: 0x00cc, 0x50c4: 0x00cc, 0x50c5: 0x00cc, + 0x50c6: 0x00cc, 0x50c7: 0x00cc, 0x50c8: 0x00cc, 0x50c9: 0x00cc, 0x50ca: 0x00cc, 0x50cb: 0x00cc, + 0x50cc: 0x00cc, 0x50cd: 0x00cc, 0x50ce: 0x00cc, 0x50cf: 0x00cc, 0x50d0: 0x00cc, 0x50d1: 0x00cc, + 0x50d2: 0x00cc, 0x50d3: 0x00cc, 0x50d4: 0x00cc, 0x50d5: 0x00cc, 0x50d6: 0x00cc, 0x50d7: 0x00cc, + 0x50d8: 0x00cc, 0x50d9: 0x00cc, 0x50da: 0x00cc, 0x50db: 0x00cc, 0x50dc: 0x00cc, 0x50dd: 0x00cc, + 0x50de: 0x00cc, 0x50df: 0x00cc, 0x50e0: 0x00cc, 0x50e1: 0x00cc, 0x50e2: 0x00cc, 0x50e3: 0x00cc, + 0x50e4: 0x00cc, 0x50e5: 0x00cc, 0x50e6: 0x00cc, 0x50e7: 0x00cc, 0x50e8: 0x00cc, 0x50e9: 0x00cc, + 0x50ea: 0x00cc, 0x50eb: 0x00cc, 0x50ec: 0x00cc, 0x50ed: 0x00cc, 0x50ee: 0x00cc, 0x50ef: 0x00cc, + 0x50f0: 0x00cc, 0x50f1: 0x00cc, 0x50f2: 0x00cc, 0x50f3: 0x00cc, 0x50f4: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x144, offset 0x5100 + 0x5100: 0x00cc, 0x5101: 0x00cc, 0x5102: 0x00cc, 0x5103: 0x00cc, 0x5104: 0x00cc, 0x5105: 0x00cc, + 0x5106: 0x00cc, 0x5107: 0x00cc, 0x5108: 0x00cc, 0x5109: 0x00cc, 0x510a: 0x00cc, 0x510b: 0x00cc, + 0x510c: 0x00cc, 0x510d: 0x00cc, 0x510e: 0x00cc, 0x510f: 0x00cc, 0x5110: 0x00cc, 0x5111: 0x00cc, + 0x5112: 0x00cc, 0x5113: 0x00cc, 0x5114: 0x00cc, 0x5115: 0x00cc, 0x5116: 0x00cc, 0x5117: 0x00cc, + 0x5118: 0x00cc, 0x5119: 0x00cc, 0x511a: 0x00cc, 0x511b: 0x00cc, 0x511c: 0x00cc, 0x511d: 0x00cc, + 0x5120: 0x00cc, 0x5121: 0x00cc, 0x5122: 0x00cc, 0x5123: 0x00cc, + 0x5124: 0x00cc, 0x5125: 0x00cc, 0x5126: 0x00cc, 0x5127: 0x00cc, 0x5128: 0x00cc, 0x5129: 0x00cc, + 0x512a: 0x00cc, 0x512b: 0x00cc, 0x512c: 0x00cc, 0x512d: 0x00cc, 0x512e: 0x00cc, 0x512f: 0x00cc, + 0x5130: 0x00cc, 0x5131: 0x00cc, 0x5132: 0x00cc, 0x5133: 0x00cc, 0x5134: 0x00cc, 0x5135: 0x00cc, + 0x5136: 0x00cc, 0x5137: 0x00cc, 0x5138: 0x00cc, 0x5139: 0x00cc, 0x513a: 0x00cc, 0x513b: 0x00cc, + 0x513c: 0x00cc, 0x513d: 0x00cc, 0x513e: 0x00cc, 0x513f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x145, offset 0x5140 + 0x5140: 0x00cc, 0x5141: 0x00cc, 0x5142: 0x00cc, 0x5143: 0x00cc, 0x5144: 0x00cc, 0x5145: 0x00cc, + 0x5146: 0x00cc, 0x5147: 0x00cc, 0x5148: 0x00cc, 0x5149: 0x00cc, 0x514a: 0x00cc, 0x514b: 0x00cc, + 0x514c: 0x00cc, 0x514d: 0x00cc, 0x514e: 0x00cc, 0x514f: 0x00cc, 0x5150: 0x00cc, 0x5151: 0x00cc, + 0x5152: 0x00cc, 0x5153: 0x00cc, 0x5154: 0x00cc, 0x5155: 0x00cc, 0x5156: 0x00cc, 0x5157: 0x00cc, + 0x5158: 0x00cc, 0x5159: 0x00cc, 0x515a: 0x00cc, 0x515b: 0x00cc, 0x515c: 0x00cc, 0x515d: 0x00cc, + 0x515e: 0x00cc, 0x515f: 0x00cc, 0x5160: 0x00cc, 0x5161: 0x00cc, + 0x5170: 0x00cc, 0x5171: 0x00cc, 0x5172: 0x00cc, 0x5173: 0x00cc, 0x5174: 0x00cc, 0x5175: 0x00cc, + 0x5176: 0x00cc, 0x5177: 0x00cc, 0x5178: 0x00cc, 0x5179: 0x00cc, 0x517a: 0x00cc, 0x517b: 0x00cc, + 0x517c: 0x00cc, 0x517d: 0x00cc, 0x517e: 0x00cc, 0x517f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x146, offset 0x5180 + 0x5180: 0x00cc, 0x5181: 0x00cc, 0x5182: 0x00cc, 0x5183: 0x00cc, 0x5184: 0x00cc, 0x5185: 0x00cc, + 0x5186: 0x00cc, 0x5187: 0x00cc, 0x5188: 0x00cc, 0x5189: 0x00cc, 0x518a: 0x00cc, 0x518b: 0x00cc, + 0x518c: 0x00cc, 0x518d: 0x00cc, 0x518e: 0x00cc, 0x518f: 0x00cc, 0x5190: 0x00cc, 0x5191: 0x00cc, + 0x5192: 0x00cc, 0x5193: 0x00cc, 0x5194: 0x00cc, 0x5195: 0x00cc, 0x5196: 0x00cc, 0x5197: 0x00cc, + 0x5198: 0x00cc, 0x5199: 0x00cc, 0x519a: 0x00cc, 0x519b: 0x00cc, 0x519c: 0x00cc, 0x519d: 0x00cc, + 0x519e: 0x00cc, 0x519f: 0x00cc, 0x51a0: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x147, offset 0x51c0 + 0x51c0: 0x008c, 0x51c1: 0x008c, 0x51c2: 0x008c, 0x51c3: 0x008c, 0x51c4: 0x008c, 0x51c5: 0x008c, + 0x51c6: 0x008c, 0x51c7: 0x008c, 0x51c8: 0x008c, 0x51c9: 0x008c, 0x51ca: 0x008c, 0x51cb: 0x008c, + 0x51cc: 0x008c, 0x51cd: 0x008c, 0x51ce: 0x008c, 0x51cf: 0x008c, 0x51d0: 0x008c, 0x51d1: 0x008c, + 0x51d2: 0x008c, 0x51d3: 0x008c, 0x51d4: 0x008c, 0x51d5: 0x008c, 0x51d6: 0x008c, 0x51d7: 0x008c, + 0x51d8: 0x008c, 0x51d9: 0x008c, 0x51da: 0x008c, 0x51db: 0x008c, 0x51dc: 0x008c, 0x51dd: 0x008c, + // Block 0x148, offset 0x5200 + 0x5201: 0x0040, + 0x5220: 0x0040, 0x5221: 0x0040, 0x5222: 0x0040, 0x5223: 0x0040, + 0x5224: 0x0040, 0x5225: 0x0040, 0x5226: 0x0040, 0x5227: 0x0040, 0x5228: 0x0040, 0x5229: 0x0040, + 0x522a: 0x0040, 0x522b: 0x0040, 0x522c: 0x0040, 0x522d: 0x0040, 0x522e: 0x0040, 0x522f: 0x0040, + 0x5230: 0x0040, 0x5231: 0x0040, 0x5232: 0x0040, 0x5233: 0x0040, 0x5234: 0x0040, 0x5235: 0x0040, + 0x5236: 0x0040, 0x5237: 0x0040, 0x5238: 0x0040, 0x5239: 0x0040, 0x523a: 0x0040, 0x523b: 0x0040, + 0x523c: 0x0040, 0x523d: 0x0040, 0x523e: 0x0040, 0x523f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x149, offset 0x5240 + 0x5240: 0x0040, 0x5241: 0x0040, 0x5242: 0x0040, 0x5243: 0x0040, 0x5244: 0x0040, 0x5245: 0x0040, + 0x5246: 0x0040, 0x5247: 0x0040, 0x5248: 0x0040, 0x5249: 0x0040, 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0xc8: 0x05, 0xc9: 0x05, 0xca: 0x07, 0xcb: 0x08, 0xcc: 0x09, 0xcd: 0x0a, 0xce: 0x0b, 0xcf: 0x0c, + 0xd0: 0x05, 0xd1: 0x05, 0xd2: 0x0d, 0xd3: 0x05, 0xd4: 0x0e, 0xd5: 0x0f, 0xd6: 0x10, 0xd7: 0x11, + 0xd8: 0x12, 0xd9: 0x13, 0xda: 0x14, 0xdb: 0x15, 0xdc: 0x16, 0xdd: 0x17, 0xde: 0x18, 0xdf: 0x19, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, 0xe4: 0x06, 0xe5: 0x07, 0xe6: 0x07, 0xe7: 0x07, + 0xe8: 0x07, 0xe9: 0x08, 0xea: 0x09, 0xeb: 0x0a, 0xec: 0x0a, 0xed: 0x0b, 0xee: 0x0c, 0xef: 0x0d, + 0xf0: 0x1e, 0xf3: 0x21, 0xf4: 0x22, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x1a, 0x121: 0x1b, 0x122: 0x1c, 0x123: 0x1d, 0x124: 0x1e, 0x125: 0x1f, 0x126: 0x20, 0x127: 0x21, + 0x128: 0x22, 0x129: 0x23, 0x12a: 0x24, 0x12b: 0x25, 0x12c: 0x26, 0x12d: 0x27, 0x12e: 0x28, 0x12f: 0x29, + 0x130: 0x2a, 0x131: 0x2b, 0x132: 0x2c, 0x133: 0x2d, 0x134: 0x2e, 0x135: 0x2f, 0x136: 0x30, 0x137: 0x31, + 0x138: 0x32, 0x139: 0x33, 0x13a: 0x34, 0x13b: 0x35, 0x13c: 0x36, 0x13d: 0x37, 0x13e: 0x38, 0x13f: 0x39, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x3a, 0x141: 0x3b, 0x142: 0x3c, 0x143: 0x3d, 0x144: 0x3e, 0x145: 0x3e, 0x146: 0x3e, 0x147: 0x3e, + 0x148: 0x05, 0x149: 0x3f, 0x14a: 0x40, 0x14b: 0x41, 0x14c: 0x42, 0x14d: 0x43, 0x14e: 0x44, 0x14f: 0x45, + 0x150: 0x46, 0x151: 0x05, 0x152: 0x05, 0x153: 0x05, 0x154: 0x05, 0x155: 0x05, 0x156: 0x05, 0x157: 0x05, + 0x158: 0x05, 0x159: 0x47, 0x15a: 0x48, 0x15b: 0x49, 0x15c: 0x4a, 0x15d: 0x4b, 0x15e: 0x4c, 0x15f: 0x4d, + 0x160: 0x4e, 0x161: 0x4f, 0x162: 0x50, 0x163: 0x51, 0x164: 0x52, 0x165: 0x53, 0x166: 0x54, 0x167: 0x55, + 0x168: 0x56, 0x169: 0x57, 0x16a: 0x58, 0x16c: 0x59, 0x16d: 0x5a, 0x16e: 0x5b, 0x16f: 0x5c, + 0x170: 0x5d, 0x171: 0x5e, 0x172: 0x5f, 0x173: 0x60, 0x174: 0x61, 0x175: 0x62, 0x176: 0x63, 0x177: 0x64, + 0x178: 0x05, 0x179: 0x05, 0x17a: 0x65, 0x17b: 0x05, 0x17c: 0x66, 0x17d: 0x67, 0x17e: 0x68, 0x17f: 0x69, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x6a, 0x181: 0x6b, 0x182: 0x6c, 0x183: 0x6d, 0x184: 0x6e, 0x185: 0x6f, 0x186: 0x70, 0x187: 0x71, + 0x188: 0x71, 0x189: 0x71, 0x18a: 0x71, 0x18b: 0x71, 0x18c: 0x71, 0x18d: 0x71, 0x18e: 0x71, 0x18f: 0x71, + 0x190: 0x72, 0x191: 0x73, 0x192: 0x71, 0x193: 0x71, 0x194: 0x71, 0x195: 0x71, 0x196: 0x71, 0x197: 0x71, + 0x198: 0x71, 0x199: 0x71, 0x19a: 0x71, 0x19b: 0x71, 0x19c: 0x71, 0x19d: 0x71, 0x19e: 0x71, 0x19f: 0x71, + 0x1a0: 0x71, 0x1a1: 0x71, 0x1a2: 0x71, 0x1a3: 0x71, 0x1a4: 0x71, 0x1a5: 0x71, 0x1a6: 0x71, 0x1a7: 0x71, + 0x1a8: 0x71, 0x1a9: 0x71, 0x1aa: 0x71, 0x1ab: 0x71, 0x1ac: 0x71, 0x1ad: 0x74, 0x1ae: 0x75, 0x1af: 0x76, + 0x1b0: 0x77, 0x1b1: 0x78, 0x1b2: 0x05, 0x1b3: 0x79, 0x1b4: 0x7a, 0x1b5: 0x7b, 0x1b6: 0x7c, 0x1b7: 0x7d, + 0x1b8: 0x7e, 0x1b9: 0x7f, 0x1ba: 0x80, 0x1bb: 0x81, 0x1bc: 0x82, 0x1bd: 0x82, 0x1be: 0x82, 0x1bf: 0x83, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x84, 0x1c1: 0x85, 0x1c2: 0x86, 0x1c3: 0x87, 0x1c4: 0x88, 0x1c5: 0x89, 0x1c6: 0x8a, 0x1c7: 0x8b, + 0x1c8: 0x8c, 0x1c9: 0x71, 0x1ca: 0x71, 0x1cb: 0x8d, 0x1cc: 0x82, 0x1cd: 0x8e, 0x1ce: 0x71, 0x1cf: 0x71, + 0x1d0: 0x8f, 0x1d1: 0x8f, 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0x21b: 0x8f, 0x21c: 0x8f, 0x21d: 0x8f, 0x21e: 0x8f, 0x21f: 0x8f, + 0x220: 0x8f, 0x221: 0x8f, 0x222: 0x8f, 0x223: 0x8f, 0x224: 0x8f, 0x225: 0x8f, 0x226: 0x8f, 0x227: 0x8f, + 0x228: 0x8f, 0x229: 0x8f, 0x22a: 0x8f, 0x22b: 0x8f, 0x22c: 0x8f, 0x22d: 0x8f, 0x22e: 0x8f, 0x22f: 0x8f, + 0x230: 0x8f, 0x231: 0x8f, 0x232: 0x8f, 0x233: 0x8f, 0x234: 0x8f, 0x235: 0x8f, 0x236: 0x90, 0x237: 0x71, + 0x238: 0x8f, 0x239: 0x8f, 0x23a: 0x8f, 0x23b: 0x8f, 0x23c: 0x8f, 0x23d: 0x8f, 0x23e: 0x8f, 0x23f: 0x8f, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x8f, 0x241: 0x8f, 0x242: 0x8f, 0x243: 0x8f, 0x244: 0x8f, 0x245: 0x8f, 0x246: 0x8f, 0x247: 0x8f, + 0x248: 0x8f, 0x249: 0x8f, 0x24a: 0x8f, 0x24b: 0x8f, 0x24c: 0x8f, 0x24d: 0x8f, 0x24e: 0x8f, 0x24f: 0x8f, + 0x250: 0x8f, 0x251: 0x8f, 0x252: 0x8f, 0x253: 0x8f, 0x254: 0x8f, 0x255: 0x8f, 0x256: 0x8f, 0x257: 0x8f, + 0x258: 0x8f, 0x259: 0x8f, 0x25a: 0x8f, 0x25b: 0x8f, 0x25c: 0x8f, 0x25d: 0x8f, 0x25e: 0x8f, 0x25f: 0x8f, + 0x260: 0x8f, 0x261: 0x8f, 0x262: 0x8f, 0x263: 0x8f, 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0x2ad: 0x8f, 0x2ae: 0x8f, 0x2af: 0x8f, + 0x2b0: 0x8f, 0x2b1: 0x8f, 0x2b2: 0x8f, 0x2b3: 0x8f, 0x2b4: 0x8f, 0x2b5: 0x8f, 0x2b6: 0x8f, 0x2b7: 0x8f, + 0x2b8: 0x8f, 0x2b9: 0x8f, 0x2ba: 0x8f, 0x2bb: 0x8f, 0x2bc: 0x8f, 0x2bd: 0x8f, 0x2be: 0x8f, 0x2bf: 0x91, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x05, 0x2c1: 0x05, 0x2c2: 0x05, 0x2c3: 0x05, 0x2c4: 0x05, 0x2c5: 0x05, 0x2c6: 0x05, 0x2c7: 0x05, + 0x2c8: 0x05, 0x2c9: 0x05, 0x2ca: 0x05, 0x2cb: 0x05, 0x2cc: 0x05, 0x2cd: 0x05, 0x2ce: 0x05, 0x2cf: 0x05, + 0x2d0: 0x05, 0x2d1: 0x05, 0x2d2: 0x92, 0x2d3: 0x93, 0x2d4: 0x05, 0x2d5: 0x05, 0x2d6: 0x05, 0x2d7: 0x05, + 0x2d8: 0x94, 0x2d9: 0x95, 0x2da: 0x96, 0x2db: 0x97, 0x2dc: 0x98, 0x2dd: 0x99, 0x2de: 0x9a, 0x2df: 0x9b, + 0x2e0: 0x9c, 0x2e1: 0x9d, 0x2e2: 0x05, 0x2e3: 0x9e, 0x2e4: 0x9f, 0x2e5: 0xa0, 0x2e6: 0xa1, 0x2e7: 0xa2, + 0x2e8: 0xa3, 0x2e9: 0xa4, 0x2ea: 0xa5, 0x2eb: 0xa6, 0x2ec: 0xa7, 0x2ed: 0xa8, 0x2ee: 0x05, 0x2ef: 0xa9, + 0x2f0: 0x05, 0x2f1: 0x05, 0x2f2: 0x05, 0x2f3: 0x05, 0x2f4: 0x05, 0x2f5: 0x05, 0x2f6: 0x05, 0x2f7: 0x05, + 0x2f8: 0x05, 0x2f9: 0x05, 0x2fa: 0x05, 0x2fb: 0x05, 0x2fc: 0x05, 0x2fd: 0x05, 0x2fe: 0x05, 0x2ff: 0x05, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x05, 0x301: 0x05, 0x302: 0x05, 0x303: 0x05, 0x304: 0x05, 0x305: 0x05, 0x306: 0x05, 0x307: 0x05, + 0x308: 0x05, 0x309: 0x05, 0x30a: 0x05, 0x30b: 0x05, 0x30c: 0x05, 0x30d: 0x05, 0x30e: 0x05, 0x30f: 0x05, + 0x310: 0x05, 0x311: 0x05, 0x312: 0x05, 0x313: 0x05, 0x314: 0x05, 0x315: 0x05, 0x316: 0x05, 0x317: 0x05, + 0x318: 0x05, 0x319: 0x05, 0x31a: 0x05, 0x31b: 0x05, 0x31c: 0x05, 0x31d: 0x05, 0x31e: 0x05, 0x31f: 0x05, + 0x320: 0x05, 0x321: 0x05, 0x322: 0x05, 0x323: 0x05, 0x324: 0x05, 0x325: 0x05, 0x326: 0x05, 0x327: 0x05, + 0x328: 0x05, 0x329: 0x05, 0x32a: 0x05, 0x32b: 0x05, 0x32c: 0x05, 0x32d: 0x05, 0x32e: 0x05, 0x32f: 0x05, + 0x330: 0x05, 0x331: 0x05, 0x332: 0x05, 0x333: 0x05, 0x334: 0x05, 0x335: 0x05, 0x336: 0x05, 0x337: 0x05, + 0x338: 0x05, 0x339: 0x05, 0x33a: 0x05, 0x33b: 0x05, 0x33c: 0x05, 0x33d: 0x05, 0x33e: 0x05, 0x33f: 0x05, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x05, 0x341: 0x05, 0x342: 0x05, 0x343: 0x05, 0x344: 0x05, 0x345: 0x05, 0x346: 0x05, 0x347: 0x05, + 0x348: 0x05, 0x349: 0x05, 0x34a: 0x05, 0x34b: 0x05, 0x34c: 0x05, 0x34d: 0x05, 0x34e: 0x05, 0x34f: 0x05, + 0x350: 0x05, 0x351: 0x05, 0x352: 0x05, 0x353: 0x05, 0x354: 0x05, 0x355: 0x05, 0x356: 0x05, 0x357: 0x05, + 0x358: 0x05, 0x359: 0x05, 0x35a: 0x05, 0x35b: 0x05, 0x35c: 0x05, 0x35d: 0x05, 0x35e: 0xaa, 0x35f: 0xab, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x3e, 0x381: 0x3e, 0x382: 0x3e, 0x383: 0x3e, 0x384: 0x3e, 0x385: 0x3e, 0x386: 0x3e, 0x387: 0x3e, + 0x388: 0x3e, 0x389: 0x3e, 0x38a: 0x3e, 0x38b: 0x3e, 0x38c: 0x3e, 0x38d: 0x3e, 0x38e: 0x3e, 0x38f: 0x3e, + 0x390: 0x3e, 0x391: 0x3e, 0x392: 0x3e, 0x393: 0x3e, 0x394: 0x3e, 0x395: 0x3e, 0x396: 0x3e, 0x397: 0x3e, + 0x398: 0x3e, 0x399: 0x3e, 0x39a: 0x3e, 0x39b: 0x3e, 0x39c: 0x3e, 0x39d: 0x3e, 0x39e: 0x3e, 0x39f: 0x3e, + 0x3a0: 0x3e, 0x3a1: 0x3e, 0x3a2: 0x3e, 0x3a3: 0x3e, 0x3a4: 0x3e, 0x3a5: 0x3e, 0x3a6: 0x3e, 0x3a7: 0x3e, + 0x3a8: 0x3e, 0x3a9: 0x3e, 0x3aa: 0x3e, 0x3ab: 0x3e, 0x3ac: 0x3e, 0x3ad: 0x3e, 0x3ae: 0x3e, 0x3af: 0x3e, + 0x3b0: 0x3e, 0x3b1: 0x3e, 0x3b2: 0x3e, 0x3b3: 0x3e, 0x3b4: 0x3e, 0x3b5: 0x3e, 0x3b6: 0x3e, 0x3b7: 0x3e, + 0x3b8: 0x3e, 0x3b9: 0x3e, 0x3ba: 0x3e, 0x3bb: 0x3e, 0x3bc: 0x3e, 0x3bd: 0x3e, 0x3be: 0x3e, 0x3bf: 0x3e, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x3e, 0x3c1: 0x3e, 0x3c2: 0x3e, 0x3c3: 0x3e, 0x3c4: 0x3e, 0x3c5: 0x3e, 0x3c6: 0x3e, 0x3c7: 0x3e, + 0x3c8: 0x3e, 0x3c9: 0x3e, 0x3ca: 0x3e, 0x3cb: 0x3e, 0x3cc: 0x3e, 0x3cd: 0x3e, 0x3ce: 0x3e, 0x3cf: 0x3e, + 0x3d0: 0x3e, 0x3d1: 0x3e, 0x3d2: 0x3e, 0x3d3: 0x3e, 0x3d4: 0x3e, 0x3d5: 0x3e, 0x3d6: 0x3e, 0x3d7: 0x3e, + 0x3d8: 0x3e, 0x3d9: 0x3e, 0x3da: 0x3e, 0x3db: 0x3e, 0x3dc: 0x3e, 0x3dd: 0x3e, 0x3de: 0x3e, 0x3df: 0x3e, + 0x3e0: 0x3e, 0x3e1: 0x3e, 0x3e2: 0x3e, 0x3e3: 0x3e, 0x3e4: 0x82, 0x3e5: 0x82, 0x3e6: 0x82, 0x3e7: 0x82, + 0x3e8: 0xac, 0x3e9: 0xad, 0x3ea: 0x82, 0x3eb: 0xae, 0x3ec: 0xaf, 0x3ed: 0xb0, 0x3ee: 0x71, 0x3ef: 0xb1, + 0x3f0: 0x71, 0x3f1: 0x71, 0x3f2: 0x71, 0x3f3: 0x71, 0x3f4: 0x71, 0x3f5: 0xb2, 0x3f6: 0xb3, 0x3f7: 0xb4, + 0x3f8: 0xb5, 0x3f9: 0xb6, 0x3fa: 0x71, 0x3fb: 0xb7, 0x3fc: 0xb8, 0x3fd: 0xb9, 0x3fe: 0xba, 0x3ff: 0xbb, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0xbc, 0x401: 0xbd, 0x402: 0x05, 0x403: 0xbe, 0x404: 0xbf, 0x405: 0xc0, 0x406: 0xc1, 0x407: 0xc2, + 0x40a: 0xc3, 0x40b: 0xc4, 0x40c: 0xc5, 0x40d: 0xc6, 0x40e: 0xc7, 0x40f: 0xc8, + 0x410: 0x05, 0x411: 0x05, 0x412: 0xc9, 0x413: 0xca, 0x414: 0xcb, 0x415: 0xcc, + 0x418: 0x05, 0x419: 0x05, 0x41a: 0x05, 0x41b: 0x05, 0x41c: 0xcd, 0x41d: 0xce, + 0x420: 0xcf, 0x421: 0xd0, 0x422: 0xd1, 0x423: 0xd2, 0x424: 0xd3, 0x426: 0xd4, 0x427: 0xb3, + 0x428: 0xd5, 0x429: 0xd6, 0x42a: 0xd7, 0x42b: 0xd8, 0x42c: 0xd9, 0x42d: 0xda, 0x42e: 0xdb, + 0x430: 0x05, 0x431: 0x5f, 0x432: 0xdc, 0x433: 0xdd, + 0x439: 0xde, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0xdf, 0x441: 0xe0, 0x442: 0xe1, 0x443: 0xe2, 0x444: 0xe3, 0x445: 0xe4, 0x446: 0xe5, 0x447: 0xe6, + 0x448: 0xe7, 0x44a: 0xe8, 0x44b: 0xe9, 0x44c: 0xea, 0x44d: 0xeb, + 0x450: 0xec, 0x451: 0xed, 0x452: 0xee, 0x453: 0xef, 0x456: 0xf0, 0x457: 0xf1, + 0x458: 0xf2, 0x459: 0xf3, 0x45a: 0xf4, 0x45b: 0xf5, 0x45c: 0xf6, + 0x462: 0xf7, 0x463: 0xf8, + 0x468: 0xf9, 0x469: 0xfa, 0x46a: 0xfb, 0x46b: 0xfc, + 0x470: 0xfd, 0x471: 0xfe, 0x472: 0xff, 0x474: 0x100, 0x475: 0x101, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x05, 0x481: 0x05, 0x482: 0x05, 0x483: 0x05, 0x484: 0x05, 0x485: 0x05, 0x486: 0x05, 0x487: 0x05, + 0x488: 0x05, 0x489: 0x05, 0x48a: 0x05, 0x48b: 0x05, 0x48c: 0x05, 0x48d: 0x05, 0x48e: 0x102, + 0x490: 0x71, 0x491: 0x103, 0x492: 0x05, 0x493: 0x05, 0x494: 0x05, 0x495: 0x104, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x05, 0x4c1: 0x05, 0x4c2: 0x05, 0x4c3: 0x05, 0x4c4: 0x05, 0x4c5: 0x05, 0x4c6: 0x05, 0x4c7: 0x05, + 0x4c8: 0x05, 0x4c9: 0x05, 0x4ca: 0x05, 0x4cb: 0x05, 0x4cc: 0x05, 0x4cd: 0x05, 0x4ce: 0x05, 0x4cf: 0x05, + 0x4d0: 0x105, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x510: 0x05, 0x511: 0x05, 0x512: 0x05, 0x513: 0x05, 0x514: 0x05, 0x515: 0x05, 0x516: 0x05, 0x517: 0x05, + 0x518: 0x05, 0x519: 0x106, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x560: 0x05, 0x561: 0x05, 0x562: 0x05, 0x563: 0x05, 0x564: 0x05, 0x565: 0x05, 0x566: 0x05, 0x567: 0x05, + 0x568: 0xfc, 0x569: 0x107, 0x56b: 0x108, 0x56c: 0x109, 0x56d: 0x10a, 0x56e: 0x10b, + 0x57c: 0x05, 0x57d: 0x10c, 0x57e: 0x10d, 0x57f: 0x10e, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x05, 0x581: 0x05, 0x582: 0x05, 0x583: 0x05, 0x584: 0x05, 0x585: 0x05, 0x586: 0x05, 0x587: 0x05, + 0x588: 0x05, 0x589: 0x05, 0x58a: 0x05, 0x58b: 0x05, 0x58c: 0x05, 0x58d: 0x05, 0x58e: 0x05, 0x58f: 0x05, + 0x590: 0x05, 0x591: 0x05, 0x592: 0x05, 0x593: 0x05, 0x594: 0x05, 0x595: 0x05, 0x596: 0x05, 0x597: 0x05, + 0x598: 0x05, 0x599: 0x05, 0x59a: 0x05, 0x59b: 0x05, 0x59c: 0x05, 0x59d: 0x05, 0x59e: 0x05, 0x59f: 0x10f, + 0x5a0: 0x05, 0x5a1: 0x05, 0x5a2: 0x05, 0x5a3: 0x05, 0x5a4: 0x05, 0x5a5: 0x05, 0x5a6: 0x05, 0x5a7: 0x05, + 0x5a8: 0x05, 0x5a9: 0x05, 0x5aa: 0x05, 0x5ab: 0xdc, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x8f, 0x5c1: 0x8f, 0x5c2: 0x8f, 0x5c3: 0x8f, 0x5c4: 0x110, 0x5c5: 0x111, 0x5c6: 0x05, 0x5c7: 0x05, + 0x5c8: 0x05, 0x5c9: 0x05, 0x5ca: 0x05, 0x5cb: 0x112, + 0x5f0: 0x05, 0x5f1: 0x113, 0x5f2: 0x114, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x71, 0x601: 0x71, 0x602: 0x71, 0x603: 0x115, 0x604: 0x116, 0x605: 0x117, 0x606: 0x118, 0x607: 0x119, + 0x608: 0xc0, 0x609: 0x11a, 0x60c: 0x71, 0x60d: 0x11b, + 0x610: 0x71, 0x611: 0x11c, 0x612: 0x11d, 0x613: 0x11e, 0x614: 0x11f, 0x615: 0x120, 0x616: 0x71, 0x617: 0x71, + 0x618: 0x71, 0x619: 0x71, 0x61a: 0x121, 0x61b: 0x71, 0x61c: 0x71, 0x61d: 0x71, 0x61e: 0x71, 0x61f: 0x122, + 0x620: 0x71, 0x621: 0x71, 0x622: 0x71, 0x623: 0x71, 0x624: 0x71, 0x625: 0x71, 0x626: 0x71, 0x627: 0x71, + 0x628: 0x123, 0x629: 0x124, 0x62a: 0x125, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x126, + 0x660: 0x05, 0x661: 0x05, 0x662: 0x05, 0x663: 0x127, 0x664: 0x128, 0x665: 0x129, + 0x678: 0x12a, 0x679: 0x12b, 0x67a: 0x12c, 0x67b: 0x12d, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x12e, 0x681: 0x71, 0x682: 0x12f, 0x683: 0x130, 0x684: 0x131, 0x685: 0x12e, 0x686: 0x132, 0x687: 0x133, + 0x688: 0x134, 0x689: 0x135, 0x68c: 0x71, 0x68d: 0x71, 0x68e: 0x71, 0x68f: 0x71, + 0x690: 0x71, 0x691: 0x71, 0x692: 0x71, 0x693: 0x71, 0x694: 0x71, 0x695: 0x71, 0x696: 0x71, 0x697: 0x71, + 0x698: 0x71, 0x699: 0x71, 0x69a: 0x71, 0x69b: 0x136, 0x69c: 0x71, 0x69d: 0x137, 0x69e: 0x71, 0x69f: 0x138, + 0x6a0: 0x139, 0x6a1: 0x13a, 0x6a2: 0x13b, 0x6a4: 0x13c, 0x6a5: 0x13d, 0x6a6: 0x13e, 0x6a7: 0x13f, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x8f, 0x6c1: 0x8f, 0x6c2: 0x8f, 0x6c3: 0x8f, 0x6c4: 0x8f, 0x6c5: 0x8f, 0x6c6: 0x8f, 0x6c7: 0x8f, + 0x6c8: 0x8f, 0x6c9: 0x8f, 0x6ca: 0x8f, 0x6cb: 0x8f, 0x6cc: 0x8f, 0x6cd: 0x8f, 0x6ce: 0x8f, 0x6cf: 0x8f, + 0x6d0: 0x8f, 0x6d1: 0x8f, 0x6d2: 0x8f, 0x6d3: 0x8f, 0x6d4: 0x8f, 0x6d5: 0x8f, 0x6d6: 0x8f, 0x6d7: 0x8f, + 0x6d8: 0x8f, 0x6d9: 0x8f, 0x6da: 0x8f, 0x6db: 0x140, 0x6dc: 0x8f, 0x6dd: 0x8f, 0x6de: 0x8f, 0x6df: 0x8f, + 0x6e0: 0x8f, 0x6e1: 0x8f, 0x6e2: 0x8f, 0x6e3: 0x8f, 0x6e4: 0x8f, 0x6e5: 0x8f, 0x6e6: 0x8f, 0x6e7: 0x8f, + 0x6e8: 0x8f, 0x6e9: 0x8f, 0x6ea: 0x8f, 0x6eb: 0x8f, 0x6ec: 0x8f, 0x6ed: 0x8f, 0x6ee: 0x8f, 0x6ef: 0x8f, + 0x6f0: 0x8f, 0x6f1: 0x8f, 0x6f2: 0x8f, 0x6f3: 0x8f, 0x6f4: 0x8f, 0x6f5: 0x8f, 0x6f6: 0x8f, 0x6f7: 0x8f, + 0x6f8: 0x8f, 0x6f9: 0x8f, 0x6fa: 0x8f, 0x6fb: 0x8f, 0x6fc: 0x8f, 0x6fd: 0x8f, 0x6fe: 0x8f, 0x6ff: 0x8f, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x8f, 0x701: 0x8f, 0x702: 0x8f, 0x703: 0x8f, 0x704: 0x8f, 0x705: 0x8f, 0x706: 0x8f, 0x707: 0x8f, + 0x708: 0x8f, 0x709: 0x8f, 0x70a: 0x8f, 0x70b: 0x8f, 0x70c: 0x8f, 0x70d: 0x8f, 0x70e: 0x8f, 0x70f: 0x8f, + 0x710: 0x8f, 0x711: 0x8f, 0x712: 0x8f, 0x713: 0x8f, 0x714: 0x8f, 0x715: 0x8f, 0x716: 0x8f, 0x717: 0x8f, + 0x718: 0x8f, 0x719: 0x8f, 0x71a: 0x8f, 0x71b: 0x8f, 0x71c: 0x141, 0x71d: 0x8f, 0x71e: 0x8f, 0x71f: 0x8f, + 0x720: 0x142, 0x721: 0x8f, 0x722: 0x8f, 0x723: 0x8f, 0x724: 0x8f, 0x725: 0x8f, 0x726: 0x8f, 0x727: 0x8f, + 0x728: 0x8f, 0x729: 0x8f, 0x72a: 0x8f, 0x72b: 0x8f, 0x72c: 0x8f, 0x72d: 0x8f, 0x72e: 0x8f, 0x72f: 0x8f, + 0x730: 0x8f, 0x731: 0x8f, 0x732: 0x8f, 0x733: 0x8f, 0x734: 0x8f, 0x735: 0x8f, 0x736: 0x8f, 0x737: 0x8f, + 0x738: 0x8f, 0x739: 0x8f, 0x73a: 0x8f, 0x73b: 0x8f, 0x73c: 0x8f, 0x73d: 0x8f, 0x73e: 0x8f, 0x73f: 0x8f, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x8f, 0x741: 0x8f, 0x742: 0x8f, 0x743: 0x8f, 0x744: 0x8f, 0x745: 0x8f, 0x746: 0x8f, 0x747: 0x8f, + 0x748: 0x8f, 0x749: 0x8f, 0x74a: 0x8f, 0x74b: 0x8f, 0x74c: 0x8f, 0x74d: 0x8f, 0x74e: 0x8f, 0x74f: 0x8f, + 0x750: 0x8f, 0x751: 0x8f, 0x752: 0x8f, 0x753: 0x8f, 0x754: 0x8f, 0x755: 0x8f, 0x756: 0x8f, 0x757: 0x8f, + 0x758: 0x8f, 0x759: 0x8f, 0x75a: 0x8f, 0x75b: 0x8f, 0x75c: 0x8f, 0x75d: 0x8f, 0x75e: 0x8f, 0x75f: 0x8f, + 0x760: 0x8f, 0x761: 0x8f, 0x762: 0x8f, 0x763: 0x8f, 0x764: 0x8f, 0x765: 0x8f, 0x766: 0x8f, 0x767: 0x8f, + 0x768: 0x8f, 0x769: 0x8f, 0x76a: 0x8f, 0x76b: 0x8f, 0x76c: 0x8f, 0x76d: 0x8f, 0x76e: 0x8f, 0x76f: 0x8f, + 0x770: 0x8f, 0x771: 0x8f, 0x772: 0x8f, 0x773: 0x8f, 0x774: 0x8f, 0x775: 0x8f, 0x776: 0x8f, 0x777: 0x8f, + 0x778: 0x8f, 0x779: 0x8f, 0x77a: 0x143, 0x77b: 0x8f, 0x77c: 0x8f, 0x77d: 0x8f, 0x77e: 0x8f, 0x77f: 0x8f, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x780: 0x8f, 0x781: 0x8f, 0x782: 0x8f, 0x783: 0x8f, 0x784: 0x8f, 0x785: 0x8f, 0x786: 0x8f, 0x787: 0x8f, + 0x788: 0x8f, 0x789: 0x8f, 0x78a: 0x8f, 0x78b: 0x8f, 0x78c: 0x8f, 0x78d: 0x8f, 0x78e: 0x8f, 0x78f: 0x8f, + 0x790: 0x8f, 0x791: 0x8f, 0x792: 0x8f, 0x793: 0x8f, 0x794: 0x8f, 0x795: 0x8f, 0x796: 0x8f, 0x797: 0x8f, + 0x798: 0x8f, 0x799: 0x8f, 0x79a: 0x8f, 0x79b: 0x8f, 0x79c: 0x8f, 0x79d: 0x8f, 0x79e: 0x8f, 0x79f: 0x8f, + 0x7a0: 0x8f, 0x7a1: 0x8f, 0x7a2: 0x8f, 0x7a3: 0x8f, 0x7a4: 0x8f, 0x7a5: 0x8f, 0x7a6: 0x8f, 0x7a7: 0x8f, + 0x7a8: 0x8f, 0x7a9: 0x8f, 0x7aa: 0x8f, 0x7ab: 0x8f, 0x7ac: 0x8f, 0x7ad: 0x8f, 0x7ae: 0x8f, 0x7af: 0x144, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7e0: 0x82, 0x7e1: 0x82, 0x7e2: 0x82, 0x7e3: 0x82, 0x7e4: 0x82, 0x7e5: 0x82, 0x7e6: 0x82, 0x7e7: 0x82, + 0x7e8: 0x145, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x810: 0x0e, 0x811: 0x0f, 0x812: 0x10, 0x813: 0x11, 0x814: 0x12, 0x816: 0x13, 0x817: 0x0a, + 0x818: 0x14, 0x81b: 0x15, 0x81d: 0x16, 0x81e: 0x17, 0x81f: 0x18, + 0x820: 0x07, 0x821: 0x07, 0x822: 0x07, 0x823: 0x07, 0x824: 0x07, 0x825: 0x07, 0x826: 0x07, 0x827: 0x07, + 0x828: 0x07, 0x829: 0x07, 0x82a: 0x19, 0x82b: 0x1a, 0x82c: 0x1b, 0x82d: 0x07, 0x82e: 0x1c, 0x82f: 0x1d, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x146, 0x841: 0x3e, 0x844: 0x3e, 0x845: 0x3e, 0x846: 0x3e, 0x847: 0x147, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x3e, 0x881: 0x3e, 0x882: 0x3e, 0x883: 0x3e, 0x884: 0x3e, 0x885: 0x3e, 0x886: 0x3e, 0x887: 0x3e, + 0x888: 0x3e, 0x889: 0x3e, 0x88a: 0x3e, 0x88b: 0x3e, 0x88c: 0x3e, 0x88d: 0x3e, 0x88e: 0x3e, 0x88f: 0x3e, + 0x890: 0x3e, 0x891: 0x3e, 0x892: 0x3e, 0x893: 0x3e, 0x894: 0x3e, 0x895: 0x3e, 0x896: 0x3e, 0x897: 0x3e, + 0x898: 0x3e, 0x899: 0x3e, 0x89a: 0x3e, 0x89b: 0x3e, 0x89c: 0x3e, 0x89d: 0x3e, 0x89e: 0x3e, 0x89f: 0x3e, + 0x8a0: 0x3e, 0x8a1: 0x3e, 0x8a2: 0x3e, 0x8a3: 0x3e, 0x8a4: 0x3e, 0x8a5: 0x3e, 0x8a6: 0x3e, 0x8a7: 0x3e, + 0x8a8: 0x3e, 0x8a9: 0x3e, 0x8aa: 0x3e, 0x8ab: 0x3e, 0x8ac: 0x3e, 0x8ad: 0x3e, 0x8ae: 0x3e, 0x8af: 0x3e, + 0x8b0: 0x3e, 0x8b1: 0x3e, 0x8b2: 0x3e, 0x8b3: 0x3e, 0x8b4: 0x3e, 0x8b5: 0x3e, 0x8b6: 0x3e, 0x8b7: 0x3e, + 0x8b8: 0x3e, 0x8b9: 0x3e, 0x8ba: 0x3e, 0x8bb: 0x3e, 0x8bc: 0x3e, 0x8bd: 0x3e, 0x8be: 0x3e, 0x8bf: 0x148, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8e0: 0x1f, + 0x8f0: 0x0c, 0x8f1: 0x0c, 0x8f2: 0x0c, 0x8f3: 0x0c, 0x8f4: 0x0c, 0x8f5: 0x0c, 0x8f6: 0x0c, 0x8f7: 0x0c, + 0x8f8: 0x0c, 0x8f9: 0x0c, 0x8fa: 0x0c, 0x8fb: 0x0c, 0x8fc: 0x0c, 0x8fd: 0x0c, 0x8fe: 0x0c, 0x8ff: 0x20, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x900: 0x0c, 0x901: 0x0c, 0x902: 0x0c, 0x903: 0x0c, 0x904: 0x0c, 0x905: 0x0c, 0x906: 0x0c, 0x907: 0x0c, + 0x908: 0x0c, 0x909: 0x0c, 0x90a: 0x0c, 0x90b: 0x0c, 0x90c: 0x0c, 0x90d: 0x0c, 0x90e: 0x0c, 0x90f: 0x20, +} + +// Total table size 25920 bytes (25KiB); checksum: 811C9DC5 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables11.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables11.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a40e55d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables11.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,4017 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.13 && !go1.14 +// +build go1.13,!go1.14 + +package precis + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "11.0.0" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0] + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0] + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// derivedPropertiesTrie. Total size: 26688 bytes (26.06 KiB). Checksum: e3220a77004d02ba. +type derivedPropertiesTrie struct{} + +func newDerivedPropertiesTrie(i int) *derivedPropertiesTrie { + return &derivedPropertiesTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint8 { + switch { + default: + return uint8(derivedPropertiesValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// derivedPropertiesValues: 343 blocks, 21952 entries, 21952 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var derivedPropertiesValues = [21952]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x00: 0x0040, 0x01: 0x0040, 0x02: 0x0040, 0x03: 0x0040, 0x04: 0x0040, 0x05: 0x0040, + 0x06: 0x0040, 0x07: 0x0040, 0x08: 0x0040, 0x09: 0x0040, 0x0a: 0x0040, 0x0b: 0x0040, + 0x0c: 0x0040, 0x0d: 0x0040, 0x0e: 0x0040, 0x0f: 0x0040, 0x10: 0x0040, 0x11: 0x0040, + 0x12: 0x0040, 0x13: 0x0040, 0x14: 0x0040, 0x15: 0x0040, 0x16: 0x0040, 0x17: 0x0040, + 0x18: 0x0040, 0x19: 0x0040, 0x1a: 0x0040, 0x1b: 0x0040, 0x1c: 0x0040, 0x1d: 0x0040, + 0x1e: 0x0040, 0x1f: 0x0040, 0x20: 0x0080, 0x21: 0x00c0, 0x22: 0x00c0, 0x23: 0x00c0, + 0x24: 0x00c0, 0x25: 0x00c0, 0x26: 0x00c0, 0x27: 0x00c0, 0x28: 0x00c0, 0x29: 0x00c0, + 0x2a: 0x00c0, 0x2b: 0x00c0, 0x2c: 0x00c0, 0x2d: 0x00c0, 0x2e: 0x00c0, 0x2f: 0x00c0, + 0x30: 0x00c0, 0x31: 0x00c0, 0x32: 0x00c0, 0x33: 0x00c0, 0x34: 0x00c0, 0x35: 0x00c0, + 0x36: 0x00c0, 0x37: 0x00c0, 0x38: 0x00c0, 0x39: 0x00c0, 0x3a: 0x00c0, 0x3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c: 0x00c0, 0x3d: 0x00c0, 0x3e: 0x00c0, 0x3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x00c0, 0x41: 0x00c0, 0x42: 0x00c0, 0x43: 0x00c0, 0x44: 0x00c0, 0x45: 0x00c0, + 0x46: 0x00c0, 0x47: 0x00c0, 0x48: 0x00c0, 0x49: 0x00c0, 0x4a: 0x00c0, 0x4b: 0x00c0, + 0x4c: 0x00c0, 0x4d: 0x00c0, 0x4e: 0x00c0, 0x4f: 0x00c0, 0x50: 0x00c0, 0x51: 0x00c0, + 0x52: 0x00c0, 0x53: 0x00c0, 0x54: 0x00c0, 0x55: 0x00c0, 0x56: 0x00c0, 0x57: 0x00c0, + 0x58: 0x00c0, 0x59: 0x00c0, 0x5a: 0x00c0, 0x5b: 0x00c0, 0x5c: 0x00c0, 0x5d: 0x00c0, + 0x5e: 0x00c0, 0x5f: 0x00c0, 0x60: 0x00c0, 0x61: 0x00c0, 0x62: 0x00c0, 0x63: 0x00c0, + 0x64: 0x00c0, 0x65: 0x00c0, 0x66: 0x00c0, 0x67: 0x00c0, 0x68: 0x00c0, 0x69: 0x00c0, + 0x6a: 0x00c0, 0x6b: 0x00c0, 0x6c: 0x00c7, 0x6d: 0x00c0, 0x6e: 0x00c0, 0x6f: 0x00c0, + 0x70: 0x00c0, 0x71: 0x00c0, 0x72: 0x00c0, 0x73: 0x00c0, 0x74: 0x00c0, 0x75: 0x00c0, + 0x76: 0x00c0, 0x77: 0x00c0, 0x78: 0x00c0, 0x79: 0x00c0, 0x7a: 0x00c0, 0x7b: 0x00c0, + 0x7c: 0x00c0, 0x7d: 0x00c0, 0x7e: 0x00c0, 0x7f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x0040, 0xc1: 0x0040, 0xc2: 0x0040, 0xc3: 0x0040, 0xc4: 0x0040, 0xc5: 0x0040, + 0xc6: 0x0040, 0xc7: 0x0040, 0xc8: 0x0040, 0xc9: 0x0040, 0xca: 0x0040, 0xcb: 0x0040, + 0xcc: 0x0040, 0xcd: 0x0040, 0xce: 0x0040, 0xcf: 0x0040, 0xd0: 0x0040, 0xd1: 0x0040, + 0xd2: 0x0040, 0xd3: 0x0040, 0xd4: 0x0040, 0xd5: 0x0040, 0xd6: 0x0040, 0xd7: 0x0040, + 0xd8: 0x0040, 0xd9: 0x0040, 0xda: 0x0040, 0xdb: 0x0040, 0xdc: 0x0040, 0xdd: 0x0040, + 0xde: 0x0040, 0xdf: 0x0040, 0xe0: 0x0080, 0xe1: 0x0080, 0xe2: 0x0080, 0xe3: 0x0080, + 0xe4: 0x0080, 0xe5: 0x0080, 0xe6: 0x0080, 0xe7: 0x0080, 0xe8: 0x0080, 0xe9: 0x0080, + 0xea: 0x0080, 0xeb: 0x0080, 0xec: 0x0080, 0xed: 0x0040, 0xee: 0x0080, 0xef: 0x0080, + 0xf0: 0x0080, 0xf1: 0x0080, 0xf2: 0x0080, 0xf3: 0x0080, 0xf4: 0x0080, 0xf5: 0x0080, + 0xf6: 0x0080, 0xf7: 0x004f, 0xf8: 0x0080, 0xf9: 0x0080, 0xfa: 0x0080, 0xfb: 0x0080, + 0xfc: 0x0080, 0xfd: 0x0080, 0xfe: 0x0080, 0xff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0x00c0, 0x101: 0x00c0, 0x102: 0x00c0, 0x103: 0x00c0, 0x104: 0x00c0, 0x105: 0x00c0, + 0x106: 0x00c0, 0x107: 0x00c0, 0x108: 0x00c0, 0x109: 0x00c0, 0x10a: 0x00c0, 0x10b: 0x00c0, + 0x10c: 0x00c0, 0x10d: 0x00c0, 0x10e: 0x00c0, 0x10f: 0x00c0, 0x110: 0x00c0, 0x111: 0x00c0, + 0x112: 0x00c0, 0x113: 0x00c0, 0x114: 0x00c0, 0x115: 0x00c0, 0x116: 0x00c0, 0x117: 0x0080, + 0x118: 0x00c0, 0x119: 0x00c0, 0x11a: 0x00c0, 0x11b: 0x00c0, 0x11c: 0x00c0, 0x11d: 0x00c0, + 0x11e: 0x00c0, 0x11f: 0x00c0, 0x120: 0x00c0, 0x121: 0x00c0, 0x122: 0x00c0, 0x123: 0x00c0, + 0x124: 0x00c0, 0x125: 0x00c0, 0x126: 0x00c0, 0x127: 0x00c0, 0x128: 0x00c0, 0x129: 0x00c0, + 0x12a: 0x00c0, 0x12b: 0x00c0, 0x12c: 0x00c0, 0x12d: 0x00c0, 0x12e: 0x00c0, 0x12f: 0x00c0, + 0x130: 0x00c0, 0x131: 0x00c0, 0x132: 0x00c0, 0x133: 0x00c0, 0x134: 0x00c0, 0x135: 0x00c0, + 0x136: 0x00c0, 0x137: 0x0080, 0x138: 0x00c0, 0x139: 0x00c0, 0x13a: 0x00c0, 0x13b: 0x00c0, + 0x13c: 0x00c0, 0x13d: 0x00c0, 0x13e: 0x00c0, 0x13f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x00c0, 0x141: 0x00c0, 0x142: 0x00c0, 0x143: 0x00c0, 0x144: 0x00c0, 0x145: 0x00c0, + 0x146: 0x00c0, 0x147: 0x00c0, 0x148: 0x00c0, 0x149: 0x00c0, 0x14a: 0x00c0, 0x14b: 0x00c0, + 0x14c: 0x00c0, 0x14d: 0x00c0, 0x14e: 0x00c0, 0x14f: 0x00c0, 0x150: 0x00c0, 0x151: 0x00c0, + 0x152: 0x00c0, 0x153: 0x00c0, 0x154: 0x00c0, 0x155: 0x00c0, 0x156: 0x00c0, 0x157: 0x00c0, + 0x158: 0x00c0, 0x159: 0x00c0, 0x15a: 0x00c0, 0x15b: 0x00c0, 0x15c: 0x00c0, 0x15d: 0x00c0, + 0x15e: 0x00c0, 0x15f: 0x00c0, 0x160: 0x00c0, 0x161: 0x00c0, 0x162: 0x00c0, 0x163: 0x00c0, + 0x164: 0x00c0, 0x165: 0x00c0, 0x166: 0x00c0, 0x167: 0x00c0, 0x168: 0x00c0, 0x169: 0x00c0, + 0x16a: 0x00c0, 0x16b: 0x00c0, 0x16c: 0x00c0, 0x16d: 0x00c0, 0x16e: 0x00c0, 0x16f: 0x00c0, + 0x170: 0x00c0, 0x171: 0x00c0, 0x172: 0x0080, 0x173: 0x0080, 0x174: 0x00c0, 0x175: 0x00c0, + 0x176: 0x00c0, 0x177: 0x00c0, 0x178: 0x00c0, 0x179: 0x00c0, 0x17a: 0x00c0, 0x17b: 0x00c0, + 0x17c: 0x00c0, 0x17d: 0x00c0, 0x17e: 0x00c0, 0x17f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x0080, 0x181: 0x00c0, 0x182: 0x00c0, 0x183: 0x00c0, 0x184: 0x00c0, 0x185: 0x00c0, + 0x186: 0x00c0, 0x187: 0x00c0, 0x188: 0x00c0, 0x189: 0x0080, 0x18a: 0x00c0, 0x18b: 0x00c0, + 0x18c: 0x00c0, 0x18d: 0x00c0, 0x18e: 0x00c0, 0x18f: 0x00c0, 0x190: 0x00c0, 0x191: 0x00c0, + 0x192: 0x00c0, 0x193: 0x00c0, 0x194: 0x00c0, 0x195: 0x00c0, 0x196: 0x00c0, 0x197: 0x00c0, + 0x198: 0x00c0, 0x199: 0x00c0, 0x19a: 0x00c0, 0x19b: 0x00c0, 0x19c: 0x00c0, 0x19d: 0x00c0, + 0x19e: 0x00c0, 0x19f: 0x00c0, 0x1a0: 0x00c0, 0x1a1: 0x00c0, 0x1a2: 0x00c0, 0x1a3: 0x00c0, + 0x1a4: 0x00c0, 0x1a5: 0x00c0, 0x1a6: 0x00c0, 0x1a7: 0x00c0, 0x1a8: 0x00c0, 0x1a9: 0x00c0, + 0x1aa: 0x00c0, 0x1ab: 0x00c0, 0x1ac: 0x00c0, 0x1ad: 0x00c0, 0x1ae: 0x00c0, 0x1af: 0x00c0, + 0x1b0: 0x00c0, 0x1b1: 0x00c0, 0x1b2: 0x00c0, 0x1b3: 0x00c0, 0x1b4: 0x00c0, 0x1b5: 0x00c0, + 0x1b6: 0x00c0, 0x1b7: 0x00c0, 0x1b8: 0x00c0, 0x1b9: 0x00c0, 0x1ba: 0x00c0, 0x1bb: 0x00c0, + 0x1bc: 0x00c0, 0x1bd: 0x00c0, 0x1be: 0x00c0, 0x1bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x00c0, 0x1c1: 0x00c0, 0x1c2: 0x00c0, 0x1c3: 0x00c0, 0x1c4: 0x00c0, 0x1c5: 0x00c0, + 0x1c6: 0x00c0, 0x1c7: 0x00c0, 0x1c8: 0x00c0, 0x1c9: 0x00c0, 0x1ca: 0x00c0, 0x1cb: 0x00c0, + 0x1cc: 0x00c0, 0x1cd: 0x00c0, 0x1ce: 0x00c0, 0x1cf: 0x00c0, 0x1d0: 0x00c0, 0x1d1: 0x00c0, + 0x1d2: 0x00c0, 0x1d3: 0x00c0, 0x1d4: 0x00c0, 0x1d5: 0x00c0, 0x1d6: 0x00c0, 0x1d7: 0x00c0, + 0x1d8: 0x00c0, 0x1d9: 0x00c0, 0x1da: 0x00c0, 0x1db: 0x00c0, 0x1dc: 0x00c0, 0x1dd: 0x00c0, + 0x1de: 0x00c0, 0x1df: 0x00c0, 0x1e0: 0x00c0, 0x1e1: 0x00c0, 0x1e2: 0x00c0, 0x1e3: 0x00c0, + 0x1e4: 0x00c0, 0x1e5: 0x00c0, 0x1e6: 0x00c0, 0x1e7: 0x00c0, 0x1e8: 0x00c0, 0x1e9: 0x00c0, + 0x1ea: 0x00c0, 0x1eb: 0x00c0, 0x1ec: 0x00c0, 0x1ed: 0x00c0, 0x1ee: 0x00c0, 0x1ef: 0x00c0, + 0x1f0: 0x00c0, 0x1f1: 0x00c0, 0x1f2: 0x00c0, 0x1f3: 0x00c0, 0x1f4: 0x00c0, 0x1f5: 0x00c0, + 0x1f6: 0x00c0, 0x1f7: 0x00c0, 0x1f8: 0x00c0, 0x1f9: 0x00c0, 0x1fa: 0x00c0, 0x1fb: 0x00c0, + 0x1fc: 0x00c0, 0x1fd: 0x00c0, 0x1fe: 0x00c0, 0x1ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x00c0, 0x201: 0x00c0, 0x202: 0x00c0, 0x203: 0x00c0, 0x204: 0x0080, 0x205: 0x0080, + 0x206: 0x0080, 0x207: 0x0080, 0x208: 0x0080, 0x209: 0x0080, 0x20a: 0x0080, 0x20b: 0x0080, + 0x20c: 0x0080, 0x20d: 0x00c0, 0x20e: 0x00c0, 0x20f: 0x00c0, 0x210: 0x00c0, 0x211: 0x00c0, + 0x212: 0x00c0, 0x213: 0x00c0, 0x214: 0x00c0, 0x215: 0x00c0, 0x216: 0x00c0, 0x217: 0x00c0, + 0x218: 0x00c0, 0x219: 0x00c0, 0x21a: 0x00c0, 0x21b: 0x00c0, 0x21c: 0x00c0, 0x21d: 0x00c0, + 0x21e: 0x00c0, 0x21f: 0x00c0, 0x220: 0x00c0, 0x221: 0x00c0, 0x222: 0x00c0, 0x223: 0x00c0, + 0x224: 0x00c0, 0x225: 0x00c0, 0x226: 0x00c0, 0x227: 0x00c0, 0x228: 0x00c0, 0x229: 0x00c0, + 0x22a: 0x00c0, 0x22b: 0x00c0, 0x22c: 0x00c0, 0x22d: 0x00c0, 0x22e: 0x00c0, 0x22f: 0x00c0, + 0x230: 0x00c0, 0x231: 0x0080, 0x232: 0x0080, 0x233: 0x0080, 0x234: 0x00c0, 0x235: 0x00c0, + 0x236: 0x00c0, 0x237: 0x00c0, 0x238: 0x00c0, 0x239: 0x00c0, 0x23a: 0x00c0, 0x23b: 0x00c0, + 0x23c: 0x00c0, 0x23d: 0x00c0, 0x23e: 0x00c0, 0x23f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x00c0, 0x241: 0x00c0, 0x242: 0x00c0, 0x243: 0x00c0, 0x244: 0x00c0, 0x245: 0x00c0, + 0x246: 0x00c0, 0x247: 0x00c0, 0x248: 0x00c0, 0x249: 0x00c0, 0x24a: 0x00c0, 0x24b: 0x00c0, + 0x24c: 0x00c0, 0x24d: 0x00c0, 0x24e: 0x00c0, 0x24f: 0x00c0, 0x250: 0x00c0, 0x251: 0x00c0, + 0x252: 0x00c0, 0x253: 0x00c0, 0x254: 0x00c0, 0x255: 0x00c0, 0x256: 0x00c0, 0x257: 0x00c0, + 0x258: 0x00c0, 0x259: 0x00c0, 0x25a: 0x00c0, 0x25b: 0x00c0, 0x25c: 0x00c0, 0x25d: 0x00c0, + 0x25e: 0x00c0, 0x25f: 0x00c0, 0x260: 0x00c0, 0x261: 0x00c0, 0x262: 0x00c0, 0x263: 0x00c0, + 0x264: 0x00c0, 0x265: 0x00c0, 0x266: 0x00c0, 0x267: 0x00c0, 0x268: 0x00c0, 0x269: 0x00c0, + 0x26a: 0x00c0, 0x26b: 0x00c0, 0x26c: 0x00c0, 0x26d: 0x00c0, 0x26e: 0x00c0, 0x26f: 0x00c0, + 0x270: 0x0080, 0x271: 0x0080, 0x272: 0x0080, 0x273: 0x0080, 0x274: 0x0080, 0x275: 0x0080, + 0x276: 0x0080, 0x277: 0x0080, 0x278: 0x0080, 0x279: 0x00c0, 0x27a: 0x00c0, 0x27b: 0x00c0, + 0x27c: 0x00c0, 0x27d: 0x00c0, 0x27e: 0x00c0, 0x27f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x00c0, 0x281: 0x00c0, 0x282: 0x0080, 0x283: 0x0080, 0x284: 0x0080, 0x285: 0x0080, + 0x286: 0x00c0, 0x287: 0x00c0, 0x288: 0x00c0, 0x289: 0x00c0, 0x28a: 0x00c0, 0x28b: 0x00c0, + 0x28c: 0x00c0, 0x28d: 0x00c0, 0x28e: 0x00c0, 0x28f: 0x00c0, 0x290: 0x00c0, 0x291: 0x00c0, + 0x292: 0x0080, 0x293: 0x0080, 0x294: 0x0080, 0x295: 0x0080, 0x296: 0x0080, 0x297: 0x0080, + 0x298: 0x0080, 0x299: 0x0080, 0x29a: 0x0080, 0x29b: 0x0080, 0x29c: 0x0080, 0x29d: 0x0080, + 0x29e: 0x0080, 0x29f: 0x0080, 0x2a0: 0x0080, 0x2a1: 0x0080, 0x2a2: 0x0080, 0x2a3: 0x0080, + 0x2a4: 0x0080, 0x2a5: 0x0080, 0x2a6: 0x0080, 0x2a7: 0x0080, 0x2a8: 0x0080, 0x2a9: 0x0080, + 0x2aa: 0x0080, 0x2ab: 0x0080, 0x2ac: 0x00c0, 0x2ad: 0x0080, 0x2ae: 0x00c0, 0x2af: 0x0080, + 0x2b0: 0x0080, 0x2b1: 0x0080, 0x2b2: 0x0080, 0x2b3: 0x0080, 0x2b4: 0x0080, 0x2b5: 0x0080, + 0x2b6: 0x0080, 0x2b7: 0x0080, 0x2b8: 0x0080, 0x2b9: 0x0080, 0x2ba: 0x0080, 0x2bb: 0x0080, + 0x2bc: 0x0080, 0x2bd: 0x0080, 0x2be: 0x0080, 0x2bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x00c3, 0x2c1: 0x00c3, 0x2c2: 0x00c3, 0x2c3: 0x00c3, 0x2c4: 0x00c3, 0x2c5: 0x00c3, + 0x2c6: 0x00c3, 0x2c7: 0x00c3, 0x2c8: 0x00c3, 0x2c9: 0x00c3, 0x2ca: 0x00c3, 0x2cb: 0x00c3, + 0x2cc: 0x00c3, 0x2cd: 0x00c3, 0x2ce: 0x00c3, 0x2cf: 0x00c3, 0x2d0: 0x00c3, 0x2d1: 0x00c3, + 0x2d2: 0x00c3, 0x2d3: 0x00c3, 0x2d4: 0x00c3, 0x2d5: 0x00c3, 0x2d6: 0x00c3, 0x2d7: 0x00c3, + 0x2d8: 0x00c3, 0x2d9: 0x00c3, 0x2da: 0x00c3, 0x2db: 0x00c3, 0x2dc: 0x00c3, 0x2dd: 0x00c3, + 0x2de: 0x00c3, 0x2df: 0x00c3, 0x2e0: 0x00c3, 0x2e1: 0x00c3, 0x2e2: 0x00c3, 0x2e3: 0x00c3, + 0x2e4: 0x00c3, 0x2e5: 0x00c3, 0x2e6: 0x00c3, 0x2e7: 0x00c3, 0x2e8: 0x00c3, 0x2e9: 0x00c3, + 0x2ea: 0x00c3, 0x2eb: 0x00c3, 0x2ec: 0x00c3, 0x2ed: 0x00c3, 0x2ee: 0x00c3, 0x2ef: 0x00c3, + 0x2f0: 0x00c3, 0x2f1: 0x00c3, 0x2f2: 0x00c3, 0x2f3: 0x00c3, 0x2f4: 0x00c3, 0x2f5: 0x00c3, + 0x2f6: 0x00c3, 0x2f7: 0x00c3, 0x2f8: 0x00c3, 0x2f9: 0x00c3, 0x2fa: 0x00c3, 0x2fb: 0x00c3, + 0x2fc: 0x00c3, 0x2fd: 0x00c3, 0x2fe: 0x00c3, 0x2ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x0083, 0x301: 0x0083, 0x302: 0x00c3, 0x303: 0x0083, 0x304: 0x0083, 0x305: 0x00c3, + 0x306: 0x00c3, 0x307: 0x00c3, 0x308: 0x00c3, 0x309: 0x00c3, 0x30a: 0x00c3, 0x30b: 0x00c3, + 0x30c: 0x00c3, 0x30d: 0x00c3, 0x30e: 0x00c3, 0x30f: 0x0040, 0x310: 0x00c3, 0x311: 0x00c3, + 0x312: 0x00c3, 0x313: 0x00c3, 0x314: 0x00c3, 0x315: 0x00c3, 0x316: 0x00c3, 0x317: 0x00c3, + 0x318: 0x00c3, 0x319: 0x00c3, 0x31a: 0x00c3, 0x31b: 0x00c3, 0x31c: 0x00c3, 0x31d: 0x00c3, + 0x31e: 0x00c3, 0x31f: 0x00c3, 0x320: 0x00c3, 0x321: 0x00c3, 0x322: 0x00c3, 0x323: 0x00c3, + 0x324: 0x00c3, 0x325: 0x00c3, 0x326: 0x00c3, 0x327: 0x00c3, 0x328: 0x00c3, 0x329: 0x00c3, + 0x32a: 0x00c3, 0x32b: 0x00c3, 0x32c: 0x00c3, 0x32d: 0x00c3, 0x32e: 0x00c3, 0x32f: 0x00c3, + 0x330: 0x00c8, 0x331: 0x00c8, 0x332: 0x00c8, 0x333: 0x00c8, 0x334: 0x0080, 0x335: 0x0050, + 0x336: 0x00c8, 0x337: 0x00c8, 0x33a: 0x0088, 0x33b: 0x00c8, + 0x33c: 0x00c8, 0x33d: 0x00c8, 0x33e: 0x0080, 0x33f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x344: 0x0088, 0x345: 0x0080, + 0x346: 0x00c8, 0x347: 0x0080, 0x348: 0x00c8, 0x349: 0x00c8, 0x34a: 0x00c8, + 0x34c: 0x00c8, 0x34e: 0x00c8, 0x34f: 0x00c8, 0x350: 0x00c8, 0x351: 0x00c8, + 0x352: 0x00c8, 0x353: 0x00c8, 0x354: 0x00c8, 0x355: 0x00c8, 0x356: 0x00c8, 0x357: 0x00c8, + 0x358: 0x00c8, 0x359: 0x00c8, 0x35a: 0x00c8, 0x35b: 0x00c8, 0x35c: 0x00c8, 0x35d: 0x00c8, + 0x35e: 0x00c8, 0x35f: 0x00c8, 0x360: 0x00c8, 0x361: 0x00c8, 0x363: 0x00c8, + 0x364: 0x00c8, 0x365: 0x00c8, 0x366: 0x00c8, 0x367: 0x00c8, 0x368: 0x00c8, 0x369: 0x00c8, + 0x36a: 0x00c8, 0x36b: 0x00c8, 0x36c: 0x00c8, 0x36d: 0x00c8, 0x36e: 0x00c8, 0x36f: 0x00c8, + 0x370: 0x00c8, 0x371: 0x00c8, 0x372: 0x00c8, 0x373: 0x00c8, 0x374: 0x00c8, 0x375: 0x00c8, + 0x376: 0x00c8, 0x377: 0x00c8, 0x378: 0x00c8, 0x379: 0x00c8, 0x37a: 0x00c8, 0x37b: 0x00c8, + 0x37c: 0x00c8, 0x37d: 0x00c8, 0x37e: 0x00c8, 0x37f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x00c8, 0x381: 0x00c8, 0x382: 0x00c8, 0x383: 0x00c8, 0x384: 0x00c8, 0x385: 0x00c8, + 0x386: 0x00c8, 0x387: 0x00c8, 0x388: 0x00c8, 0x389: 0x00c8, 0x38a: 0x00c8, 0x38b: 0x00c8, + 0x38c: 0x00c8, 0x38d: 0x00c8, 0x38e: 0x00c8, 0x38f: 0x00c8, 0x390: 0x0088, 0x391: 0x0088, + 0x392: 0x0088, 0x393: 0x0088, 0x394: 0x0088, 0x395: 0x0088, 0x396: 0x0088, 0x397: 0x00c8, + 0x398: 0x00c8, 0x399: 0x00c8, 0x39a: 0x00c8, 0x39b: 0x00c8, 0x39c: 0x00c8, 0x39d: 0x00c8, + 0x39e: 0x00c8, 0x39f: 0x00c8, 0x3a0: 0x00c8, 0x3a1: 0x00c8, 0x3a2: 0x00c0, 0x3a3: 0x00c0, + 0x3a4: 0x00c0, 0x3a5: 0x00c0, 0x3a6: 0x00c0, 0x3a7: 0x00c0, 0x3a8: 0x00c0, 0x3a9: 0x00c0, + 0x3aa: 0x00c0, 0x3ab: 0x00c0, 0x3ac: 0x00c0, 0x3ad: 0x00c0, 0x3ae: 0x00c0, 0x3af: 0x00c0, + 0x3b0: 0x0088, 0x3b1: 0x0088, 0x3b2: 0x0088, 0x3b3: 0x00c8, 0x3b4: 0x0088, 0x3b5: 0x0088, + 0x3b6: 0x0088, 0x3b7: 0x00c8, 0x3b8: 0x00c8, 0x3b9: 0x0088, 0x3ba: 0x00c8, 0x3bb: 0x00c8, + 0x3bc: 0x00c8, 0x3bd: 0x00c8, 0x3be: 0x00c8, 0x3bf: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x00c0, 0x3c1: 0x00c0, 0x3c2: 0x0080, 0x3c3: 0x00c3, 0x3c4: 0x00c3, 0x3c5: 0x00c3, + 0x3c6: 0x00c3, 0x3c7: 0x00c3, 0x3c8: 0x0083, 0x3c9: 0x0083, 0x3ca: 0x00c0, 0x3cb: 0x00c0, + 0x3cc: 0x00c0, 0x3cd: 0x00c0, 0x3ce: 0x00c0, 0x3cf: 0x00c0, 0x3d0: 0x00c0, 0x3d1: 0x00c0, + 0x3d2: 0x00c0, 0x3d3: 0x00c0, 0x3d4: 0x00c0, 0x3d5: 0x00c0, 0x3d6: 0x00c0, 0x3d7: 0x00c0, + 0x3d8: 0x00c0, 0x3d9: 0x00c0, 0x3da: 0x00c0, 0x3db: 0x00c0, 0x3dc: 0x00c0, 0x3dd: 0x00c0, + 0x3de: 0x00c0, 0x3df: 0x00c0, 0x3e0: 0x00c0, 0x3e1: 0x00c0, 0x3e2: 0x00c0, 0x3e3: 0x00c0, + 0x3e4: 0x00c0, 0x3e5: 0x00c0, 0x3e6: 0x00c0, 0x3e7: 0x00c0, 0x3e8: 0x00c0, 0x3e9: 0x00c0, + 0x3ea: 0x00c0, 0x3eb: 0x00c0, 0x3ec: 0x00c0, 0x3ed: 0x00c0, 0x3ee: 0x00c0, 0x3ef: 0x00c0, + 0x3f0: 0x00c0, 0x3f1: 0x00c0, 0x3f2: 0x00c0, 0x3f3: 0x00c0, 0x3f4: 0x00c0, 0x3f5: 0x00c0, + 0x3f6: 0x00c0, 0x3f7: 0x00c0, 0x3f8: 0x00c0, 0x3f9: 0x00c0, 0x3fa: 0x00c0, 0x3fb: 0x00c0, + 0x3fc: 0x00c0, 0x3fd: 0x00c0, 0x3fe: 0x00c0, 0x3ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x00c0, 0x401: 0x00c0, 0x402: 0x00c0, 0x403: 0x00c0, 0x404: 0x00c0, 0x405: 0x00c0, + 0x406: 0x00c0, 0x407: 0x00c0, 0x408: 0x00c0, 0x409: 0x00c0, 0x40a: 0x00c0, 0x40b: 0x00c0, + 0x40c: 0x00c0, 0x40d: 0x00c0, 0x40e: 0x00c0, 0x40f: 0x00c0, 0x410: 0x00c0, 0x411: 0x00c0, + 0x412: 0x00c0, 0x413: 0x00c0, 0x414: 0x00c0, 0x415: 0x00c0, 0x416: 0x00c0, 0x417: 0x00c0, + 0x418: 0x00c0, 0x419: 0x00c0, 0x41a: 0x00c0, 0x41b: 0x00c0, 0x41c: 0x00c0, 0x41d: 0x00c0, + 0x41e: 0x00c0, 0x41f: 0x00c0, 0x420: 0x00c0, 0x421: 0x00c0, 0x422: 0x00c0, 0x423: 0x00c0, + 0x424: 0x00c0, 0x425: 0x00c0, 0x426: 0x00c0, 0x427: 0x00c0, 0x428: 0x00c0, 0x429: 0x00c0, + 0x42a: 0x00c0, 0x42b: 0x00c0, 0x42c: 0x00c0, 0x42d: 0x00c0, 0x42e: 0x00c0, 0x42f: 0x00c0, + 0x431: 0x00c0, 0x432: 0x00c0, 0x433: 0x00c0, 0x434: 0x00c0, 0x435: 0x00c0, + 0x436: 0x00c0, 0x437: 0x00c0, 0x438: 0x00c0, 0x439: 0x00c0, 0x43a: 0x00c0, 0x43b: 0x00c0, + 0x43c: 0x00c0, 0x43d: 0x00c0, 0x43e: 0x00c0, 0x43f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x00c0, 0x441: 0x00c0, 0x442: 0x00c0, 0x443: 0x00c0, 0x444: 0x00c0, 0x445: 0x00c0, + 0x446: 0x00c0, 0x447: 0x00c0, 0x448: 0x00c0, 0x449: 0x00c0, 0x44a: 0x00c0, 0x44b: 0x00c0, + 0x44c: 0x00c0, 0x44d: 0x00c0, 0x44e: 0x00c0, 0x44f: 0x00c0, 0x450: 0x00c0, 0x451: 0x00c0, + 0x452: 0x00c0, 0x453: 0x00c0, 0x454: 0x00c0, 0x455: 0x00c0, 0x456: 0x00c0, + 0x459: 0x00c0, 0x45a: 0x0080, 0x45b: 0x0080, 0x45c: 0x0080, 0x45d: 0x0080, + 0x45e: 0x0080, 0x45f: 0x0080, 0x460: 0x00c0, 0x461: 0x00c0, 0x462: 0x00c0, 0x463: 0x00c0, + 0x464: 0x00c0, 0x465: 0x00c0, 0x466: 0x00c0, 0x467: 0x00c0, 0x468: 0x00c0, 0x469: 0x00c0, + 0x46a: 0x00c0, 0x46b: 0x00c0, 0x46c: 0x00c0, 0x46d: 0x00c0, 0x46e: 0x00c0, 0x46f: 0x00c0, + 0x470: 0x00c0, 0x471: 0x00c0, 0x472: 0x00c0, 0x473: 0x00c0, 0x474: 0x00c0, 0x475: 0x00c0, + 0x476: 0x00c0, 0x477: 0x00c0, 0x478: 0x00c0, 0x479: 0x00c0, 0x47a: 0x00c0, 0x47b: 0x00c0, + 0x47c: 0x00c0, 0x47d: 0x00c0, 0x47e: 0x00c0, 0x47f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x00c0, 0x481: 0x00c0, 0x482: 0x00c0, 0x483: 0x00c0, 0x484: 0x00c0, 0x485: 0x00c0, + 0x486: 0x00c0, 0x487: 0x0080, 0x488: 0x00c0, 0x489: 0x0080, 0x48a: 0x0080, + 0x48d: 0x0080, 0x48e: 0x0080, 0x48f: 0x0080, 0x491: 0x00cb, + 0x492: 0x00cb, 0x493: 0x00cb, 0x494: 0x00cb, 0x495: 0x00cb, 0x496: 0x00cb, 0x497: 0x00cb, + 0x498: 0x00cb, 0x499: 0x00cb, 0x49a: 0x00cb, 0x49b: 0x00cb, 0x49c: 0x00cb, 0x49d: 0x00cb, + 0x49e: 0x00cb, 0x49f: 0x00cb, 0x4a0: 0x00cb, 0x4a1: 0x00cb, 0x4a2: 0x00cb, 0x4a3: 0x00cb, + 0x4a4: 0x00cb, 0x4a5: 0x00cb, 0x4a6: 0x00cb, 0x4a7: 0x00cb, 0x4a8: 0x00cb, 0x4a9: 0x00cb, + 0x4aa: 0x00cb, 0x4ab: 0x00cb, 0x4ac: 0x00cb, 0x4ad: 0x00cb, 0x4ae: 0x00cb, 0x4af: 0x00cb, + 0x4b0: 0x00cb, 0x4b1: 0x00cb, 0x4b2: 0x00cb, 0x4b3: 0x00cb, 0x4b4: 0x00cb, 0x4b5: 0x00cb, + 0x4b6: 0x00cb, 0x4b7: 0x00cb, 0x4b8: 0x00cb, 0x4b9: 0x00cb, 0x4ba: 0x00cb, 0x4bb: 0x00cb, + 0x4bc: 0x00cb, 0x4bd: 0x00cb, 0x4be: 0x008a, 0x4bf: 0x00cb, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x008a, 0x4c1: 0x00cb, 0x4c2: 0x00cb, 0x4c3: 0x008a, 0x4c4: 0x00cb, 0x4c5: 0x00cb, + 0x4c6: 0x008a, 0x4c7: 0x00cb, + 0x4d0: 0x00ca, 0x4d1: 0x00ca, + 0x4d2: 0x00ca, 0x4d3: 0x00ca, 0x4d4: 0x00ca, 0x4d5: 0x00ca, 0x4d6: 0x00ca, 0x4d7: 0x00ca, + 0x4d8: 0x00ca, 0x4d9: 0x00ca, 0x4da: 0x00ca, 0x4db: 0x00ca, 0x4dc: 0x00ca, 0x4dd: 0x00ca, + 0x4de: 0x00ca, 0x4df: 0x00ca, 0x4e0: 0x00ca, 0x4e1: 0x00ca, 0x4e2: 0x00ca, 0x4e3: 0x00ca, + 0x4e4: 0x00ca, 0x4e5: 0x00ca, 0x4e6: 0x00ca, 0x4e7: 0x00ca, 0x4e8: 0x00ca, 0x4e9: 0x00ca, + 0x4ea: 0x00ca, 0x4ef: 0x00ca, + 0x4f0: 0x00ca, 0x4f1: 0x00ca, 0x4f2: 0x00ca, 0x4f3: 0x0051, 0x4f4: 0x0051, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x0040, 0x501: 0x0040, 0x502: 0x0040, 0x503: 0x0040, 0x504: 0x0040, 0x505: 0x0040, + 0x506: 0x0080, 0x507: 0x0080, 0x508: 0x0080, 0x509: 0x0080, 0x50a: 0x0080, 0x50b: 0x0080, + 0x50c: 0x0080, 0x50d: 0x0080, 0x50e: 0x0080, 0x50f: 0x0080, 0x510: 0x00c3, 0x511: 0x00c3, + 0x512: 0x00c3, 0x513: 0x00c3, 0x514: 0x00c3, 0x515: 0x00c3, 0x516: 0x00c3, 0x517: 0x00c3, + 0x518: 0x00c3, 0x519: 0x00c3, 0x51a: 0x00c3, 0x51b: 0x0080, 0x51c: 0x0040, + 0x51e: 0x0080, 0x51f: 0x0080, 0x520: 0x00c2, 0x521: 0x00c0, 0x522: 0x00c4, 0x523: 0x00c4, + 0x524: 0x00c4, 0x525: 0x00c4, 0x526: 0x00c2, 0x527: 0x00c4, 0x528: 0x00c2, 0x529: 0x00c4, + 0x52a: 0x00c2, 0x52b: 0x00c2, 0x52c: 0x00c2, 0x52d: 0x00c2, 0x52e: 0x00c2, 0x52f: 0x00c4, + 0x530: 0x00c4, 0x531: 0x00c4, 0x532: 0x00c4, 0x533: 0x00c2, 0x534: 0x00c2, 0x535: 0x00c2, + 0x536: 0x00c2, 0x537: 0x00c2, 0x538: 0x00c2, 0x539: 0x00c2, 0x53a: 0x00c2, 0x53b: 0x00c2, + 0x53c: 0x00c2, 0x53d: 0x00c2, 0x53e: 0x00c2, 0x53f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x0040, 0x541: 0x00c2, 0x542: 0x00c2, 0x543: 0x00c2, 0x544: 0x00c2, 0x545: 0x00c2, + 0x546: 0x00c2, 0x547: 0x00c2, 0x548: 0x00c4, 0x549: 0x00c2, 0x54a: 0x00c2, 0x54b: 0x00c3, + 0x54c: 0x00c3, 0x54d: 0x00c3, 0x54e: 0x00c3, 0x54f: 0x00c3, 0x550: 0x00c3, 0x551: 0x00c3, + 0x552: 0x00c3, 0x553: 0x00c3, 0x554: 0x00c3, 0x555: 0x00c3, 0x556: 0x00c3, 0x557: 0x00c3, + 0x558: 0x00c3, 0x559: 0x00c3, 0x55a: 0x00c3, 0x55b: 0x00c3, 0x55c: 0x00c3, 0x55d: 0x00c3, + 0x55e: 0x00c3, 0x55f: 0x00c3, 0x560: 0x0053, 0x561: 0x0053, 0x562: 0x0053, 0x563: 0x0053, + 0x564: 0x0053, 0x565: 0x0053, 0x566: 0x0053, 0x567: 0x0053, 0x568: 0x0053, 0x569: 0x0053, + 0x56a: 0x0080, 0x56b: 0x0080, 0x56c: 0x0080, 0x56d: 0x0080, 0x56e: 0x00c2, 0x56f: 0x00c2, + 0x570: 0x00c3, 0x571: 0x00c4, 0x572: 0x00c4, 0x573: 0x00c4, 0x574: 0x00c0, 0x575: 0x0084, + 0x576: 0x0084, 0x577: 0x0084, 0x578: 0x0082, 0x579: 0x00c2, 0x57a: 0x00c2, 0x57b: 0x00c2, + 0x57c: 0x00c2, 0x57d: 0x00c2, 0x57e: 0x00c2, 0x57f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x00c2, 0x581: 0x00c2, 0x582: 0x00c2, 0x583: 0x00c2, 0x584: 0x00c2, 0x585: 0x00c2, + 0x586: 0x00c2, 0x587: 0x00c2, 0x588: 0x00c4, 0x589: 0x00c4, 0x58a: 0x00c4, 0x58b: 0x00c4, + 0x58c: 0x00c4, 0x58d: 0x00c4, 0x58e: 0x00c4, 0x58f: 0x00c4, 0x590: 0x00c4, 0x591: 0x00c4, + 0x592: 0x00c4, 0x593: 0x00c4, 0x594: 0x00c4, 0x595: 0x00c4, 0x596: 0x00c4, 0x597: 0x00c4, + 0x598: 0x00c4, 0x599: 0x00c4, 0x59a: 0x00c2, 0x59b: 0x00c2, 0x59c: 0x00c2, 0x59d: 0x00c2, + 0x59e: 0x00c2, 0x59f: 0x00c2, 0x5a0: 0x00c2, 0x5a1: 0x00c2, 0x5a2: 0x00c2, 0x5a3: 0x00c2, + 0x5a4: 0x00c2, 0x5a5: 0x00c2, 0x5a6: 0x00c2, 0x5a7: 0x00c2, 0x5a8: 0x00c2, 0x5a9: 0x00c2, + 0x5aa: 0x00c2, 0x5ab: 0x00c2, 0x5ac: 0x00c2, 0x5ad: 0x00c2, 0x5ae: 0x00c2, 0x5af: 0x00c2, + 0x5b0: 0x00c2, 0x5b1: 0x00c2, 0x5b2: 0x00c2, 0x5b3: 0x00c2, 0x5b4: 0x00c2, 0x5b5: 0x00c2, + 0x5b6: 0x00c2, 0x5b7: 0x00c2, 0x5b8: 0x00c2, 0x5b9: 0x00c2, 0x5ba: 0x00c2, 0x5bb: 0x00c2, + 0x5bc: 0x00c2, 0x5bd: 0x00c2, 0x5be: 0x00c2, 0x5bf: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x00c4, 0x5c1: 0x00c2, 0x5c2: 0x00c2, 0x5c3: 0x00c4, 0x5c4: 0x00c4, 0x5c5: 0x00c4, + 0x5c6: 0x00c4, 0x5c7: 0x00c4, 0x5c8: 0x00c4, 0x5c9: 0x00c4, 0x5ca: 0x00c4, 0x5cb: 0x00c4, + 0x5cc: 0x00c2, 0x5cd: 0x00c4, 0x5ce: 0x00c2, 0x5cf: 0x00c4, 0x5d0: 0x00c2, 0x5d1: 0x00c2, + 0x5d2: 0x00c4, 0x5d3: 0x00c4, 0x5d4: 0x0080, 0x5d5: 0x00c4, 0x5d6: 0x00c3, 0x5d7: 0x00c3, + 0x5d8: 0x00c3, 0x5d9: 0x00c3, 0x5da: 0x00c3, 0x5db: 0x00c3, 0x5dc: 0x00c3, 0x5dd: 0x0040, + 0x5de: 0x0080, 0x5df: 0x00c3, 0x5e0: 0x00c3, 0x5e1: 0x00c3, 0x5e2: 0x00c3, 0x5e3: 0x00c3, + 0x5e4: 0x00c3, 0x5e5: 0x00c0, 0x5e6: 0x00c0, 0x5e7: 0x00c3, 0x5e8: 0x00c3, 0x5e9: 0x0080, + 0x5ea: 0x00c3, 0x5eb: 0x00c3, 0x5ec: 0x00c3, 0x5ed: 0x00c3, 0x5ee: 0x00c4, 0x5ef: 0x00c4, + 0x5f0: 0x0054, 0x5f1: 0x0054, 0x5f2: 0x0054, 0x5f3: 0x0054, 0x5f4: 0x0054, 0x5f5: 0x0054, + 0x5f6: 0x0054, 0x5f7: 0x0054, 0x5f8: 0x0054, 0x5f9: 0x0054, 0x5fa: 0x00c2, 0x5fb: 0x00c2, + 0x5fc: 0x00c2, 0x5fd: 0x00c0, 0x5fe: 0x00c0, 0x5ff: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x0080, 0x601: 0x0080, 0x602: 0x0080, 0x603: 0x0080, 0x604: 0x0080, 0x605: 0x0080, + 0x606: 0x0080, 0x607: 0x0080, 0x608: 0x0080, 0x609: 0x0080, 0x60a: 0x0080, 0x60b: 0x0080, + 0x60c: 0x0080, 0x60d: 0x0080, 0x60f: 0x0040, 0x610: 0x00c4, 0x611: 0x00c3, + 0x612: 0x00c2, 0x613: 0x00c2, 0x614: 0x00c2, 0x615: 0x00c4, 0x616: 0x00c4, 0x617: 0x00c4, + 0x618: 0x00c4, 0x619: 0x00c4, 0x61a: 0x00c2, 0x61b: 0x00c2, 0x61c: 0x00c2, 0x61d: 0x00c2, + 0x61e: 0x00c4, 0x61f: 0x00c2, 0x620: 0x00c2, 0x621: 0x00c2, 0x622: 0x00c2, 0x623: 0x00c2, + 0x624: 0x00c2, 0x625: 0x00c2, 0x626: 0x00c2, 0x627: 0x00c2, 0x628: 0x00c4, 0x629: 0x00c2, + 0x62a: 0x00c4, 0x62b: 0x00c2, 0x62c: 0x00c4, 0x62d: 0x00c2, 0x62e: 0x00c2, 0x62f: 0x00c4, + 0x630: 0x00c3, 0x631: 0x00c3, 0x632: 0x00c3, 0x633: 0x00c3, 0x634: 0x00c3, 0x635: 0x00c3, + 0x636: 0x00c3, 0x637: 0x00c3, 0x638: 0x00c3, 0x639: 0x00c3, 0x63a: 0x00c3, 0x63b: 0x00c3, + 0x63c: 0x00c3, 0x63d: 0x00c3, 0x63e: 0x00c3, 0x63f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x00c3, 0x641: 0x00c3, 0x642: 0x00c3, 0x643: 0x00c3, 0x644: 0x00c3, 0x645: 0x00c3, + 0x646: 0x00c3, 0x647: 0x00c3, 0x648: 0x00c3, 0x649: 0x00c3, 0x64a: 0x00c3, + 0x64d: 0x00c4, 0x64e: 0x00c2, 0x64f: 0x00c2, 0x650: 0x00c2, 0x651: 0x00c2, + 0x652: 0x00c2, 0x653: 0x00c2, 0x654: 0x00c2, 0x655: 0x00c2, 0x656: 0x00c2, 0x657: 0x00c2, + 0x658: 0x00c2, 0x659: 0x00c4, 0x65a: 0x00c4, 0x65b: 0x00c4, 0x65c: 0x00c2, 0x65d: 0x00c2, + 0x65e: 0x00c2, 0x65f: 0x00c2, 0x660: 0x00c2, 0x661: 0x00c2, 0x662: 0x00c2, 0x663: 0x00c2, + 0x664: 0x00c2, 0x665: 0x00c2, 0x666: 0x00c2, 0x667: 0x00c2, 0x668: 0x00c2, 0x669: 0x00c2, + 0x66a: 0x00c2, 0x66b: 0x00c4, 0x66c: 0x00c4, 0x66d: 0x00c2, 0x66e: 0x00c2, 0x66f: 0x00c2, + 0x670: 0x00c2, 0x671: 0x00c4, 0x672: 0x00c2, 0x673: 0x00c4, 0x674: 0x00c4, 0x675: 0x00c2, + 0x676: 0x00c2, 0x677: 0x00c2, 0x678: 0x00c4, 0x679: 0x00c4, 0x67a: 0x00c2, 0x67b: 0x00c2, + 0x67c: 0x00c2, 0x67d: 0x00c2, 0x67e: 0x00c2, 0x67f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x00c0, 0x681: 0x00c0, 0x682: 0x00c0, 0x683: 0x00c0, 0x684: 0x00c0, 0x685: 0x00c0, + 0x686: 0x00c0, 0x687: 0x00c0, 0x688: 0x00c0, 0x689: 0x00c0, 0x68a: 0x00c0, 0x68b: 0x00c0, + 0x68c: 0x00c0, 0x68d: 0x00c0, 0x68e: 0x00c0, 0x68f: 0x00c0, 0x690: 0x00c0, 0x691: 0x00c0, + 0x692: 0x00c0, 0x693: 0x00c0, 0x694: 0x00c0, 0x695: 0x00c0, 0x696: 0x00c0, 0x697: 0x00c0, + 0x698: 0x00c0, 0x699: 0x00c0, 0x69a: 0x00c0, 0x69b: 0x00c0, 0x69c: 0x00c0, 0x69d: 0x00c0, + 0x69e: 0x00c0, 0x69f: 0x00c0, 0x6a0: 0x00c0, 0x6a1: 0x00c0, 0x6a2: 0x00c0, 0x6a3: 0x00c0, + 0x6a4: 0x00c0, 0x6a5: 0x00c0, 0x6a6: 0x00c3, 0x6a7: 0x00c3, 0x6a8: 0x00c3, 0x6a9: 0x00c3, + 0x6aa: 0x00c3, 0x6ab: 0x00c3, 0x6ac: 0x00c3, 0x6ad: 0x00c3, 0x6ae: 0x00c3, 0x6af: 0x00c3, + 0x6b0: 0x00c3, 0x6b1: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x00c0, 0x6c1: 0x00c0, 0x6c2: 0x00c0, 0x6c3: 0x00c0, 0x6c4: 0x00c0, 0x6c5: 0x00c0, + 0x6c6: 0x00c0, 0x6c7: 0x00c0, 0x6c8: 0x00c0, 0x6c9: 0x00c0, 0x6ca: 0x00c2, 0x6cb: 0x00c2, + 0x6cc: 0x00c2, 0x6cd: 0x00c2, 0x6ce: 0x00c2, 0x6cf: 0x00c2, 0x6d0: 0x00c2, 0x6d1: 0x00c2, + 0x6d2: 0x00c2, 0x6d3: 0x00c2, 0x6d4: 0x00c2, 0x6d5: 0x00c2, 0x6d6: 0x00c2, 0x6d7: 0x00c2, + 0x6d8: 0x00c2, 0x6d9: 0x00c2, 0x6da: 0x00c2, 0x6db: 0x00c2, 0x6dc: 0x00c2, 0x6dd: 0x00c2, + 0x6de: 0x00c2, 0x6df: 0x00c2, 0x6e0: 0x00c2, 0x6e1: 0x00c2, 0x6e2: 0x00c2, 0x6e3: 0x00c2, + 0x6e4: 0x00c2, 0x6e5: 0x00c2, 0x6e6: 0x00c2, 0x6e7: 0x00c2, 0x6e8: 0x00c2, 0x6e9: 0x00c2, + 0x6ea: 0x00c2, 0x6eb: 0x00c3, 0x6ec: 0x00c3, 0x6ed: 0x00c3, 0x6ee: 0x00c3, 0x6ef: 0x00c3, + 0x6f0: 0x00c3, 0x6f1: 0x00c3, 0x6f2: 0x00c3, 0x6f3: 0x00c3, 0x6f4: 0x00c0, 0x6f5: 0x00c0, + 0x6f6: 0x0080, 0x6f7: 0x0080, 0x6f8: 0x0080, 0x6f9: 0x0080, 0x6fa: 0x0040, + 0x6fd: 0x00c3, 0x6fe: 0x0080, 0x6ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x00c0, 0x701: 0x00c0, 0x702: 0x00c0, 0x703: 0x00c0, 0x704: 0x00c0, 0x705: 0x00c0, + 0x706: 0x00c0, 0x707: 0x00c0, 0x708: 0x00c0, 0x709: 0x00c0, 0x70a: 0x00c0, 0x70b: 0x00c0, + 0x70c: 0x00c0, 0x70d: 0x00c0, 0x70e: 0x00c0, 0x70f: 0x00c0, 0x710: 0x00c0, 0x711: 0x00c0, + 0x712: 0x00c0, 0x713: 0x00c0, 0x714: 0x00c0, 0x715: 0x00c0, 0x716: 0x00c3, 0x717: 0x00c3, + 0x718: 0x00c3, 0x719: 0x00c3, 0x71a: 0x00c0, 0x71b: 0x00c3, 0x71c: 0x00c3, 0x71d: 0x00c3, + 0x71e: 0x00c3, 0x71f: 0x00c3, 0x720: 0x00c3, 0x721: 0x00c3, 0x722: 0x00c3, 0x723: 0x00c3, + 0x724: 0x00c0, 0x725: 0x00c3, 0x726: 0x00c3, 0x727: 0x00c3, 0x728: 0x00c0, 0x729: 0x00c3, + 0x72a: 0x00c3, 0x72b: 0x00c3, 0x72c: 0x00c3, 0x72d: 0x00c3, + 0x730: 0x0080, 0x731: 0x0080, 0x732: 0x0080, 0x733: 0x0080, 0x734: 0x0080, 0x735: 0x0080, + 0x736: 0x0080, 0x737: 0x0080, 0x738: 0x0080, 0x739: 0x0080, 0x73a: 0x0080, 0x73b: 0x0080, + 0x73c: 0x0080, 0x73d: 0x0080, 0x73e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x00c4, 0x741: 0x00c2, 0x742: 0x00c2, 0x743: 0x00c2, 0x744: 0x00c2, 0x745: 0x00c2, + 0x746: 0x00c4, 0x747: 0x00c4, 0x748: 0x00c2, 0x749: 0x00c4, 0x74a: 0x00c2, 0x74b: 0x00c2, + 0x74c: 0x00c2, 0x74d: 0x00c2, 0x74e: 0x00c2, 0x74f: 0x00c2, 0x750: 0x00c2, 0x751: 0x00c2, + 0x752: 0x00c2, 0x753: 0x00c2, 0x754: 0x00c4, 0x755: 0x00c2, 0x756: 0x00c0, 0x757: 0x00c0, + 0x758: 0x00c0, 0x759: 0x00c3, 0x75a: 0x00c3, 0x75b: 0x00c3, + 0x75e: 0x0080, 0x760: 0x00c2, 0x761: 0x00c0, 0x762: 0x00c2, 0x763: 0x00c2, + 0x764: 0x00c2, 0x765: 0x00c2, 0x766: 0x00c0, 0x767: 0x00c4, 0x768: 0x00c2, 0x769: 0x00c4, + 0x76a: 0x00c4, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x7a0: 0x00c2, 0x7a1: 0x00c2, 0x7a2: 0x00c2, 0x7a3: 0x00c2, + 0x7a4: 0x00c2, 0x7a5: 0x00c2, 0x7a6: 0x00c2, 0x7a7: 0x00c2, 0x7a8: 0x00c2, 0x7a9: 0x00c2, + 0x7aa: 0x00c4, 0x7ab: 0x00c4, 0x7ac: 0x00c4, 0x7ad: 0x00c0, 0x7ae: 0x00c4, 0x7af: 0x00c2, + 0x7b0: 0x00c2, 0x7b1: 0x00c4, 0x7b2: 0x00c4, 0x7b3: 0x00c2, 0x7b4: 0x00c2, + 0x7b6: 0x00c2, 0x7b7: 0x00c2, 0x7b8: 0x00c2, 0x7b9: 0x00c4, 0x7ba: 0x00c2, 0x7bb: 0x00c2, + 0x7bc: 0x00c2, 0x7bd: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7d3: 0x00c3, 0x7d4: 0x00c3, 0x7d5: 0x00c3, 0x7d6: 0x00c3, 0x7d7: 0x00c3, + 0x7d8: 0x00c3, 0x7d9: 0x00c3, 0x7da: 0x00c3, 0x7db: 0x00c3, 0x7dc: 0x00c3, 0x7dd: 0x00c3, + 0x7de: 0x00c3, 0x7df: 0x00c3, 0x7e0: 0x00c3, 0x7e1: 0x00c3, 0x7e2: 0x0040, 0x7e3: 0x00c3, + 0x7e4: 0x00c3, 0x7e5: 0x00c3, 0x7e6: 0x00c3, 0x7e7: 0x00c3, 0x7e8: 0x00c3, 0x7e9: 0x00c3, + 0x7ea: 0x00c3, 0x7eb: 0x00c3, 0x7ec: 0x00c3, 0x7ed: 0x00c3, 0x7ee: 0x00c3, 0x7ef: 0x00c3, + 0x7f0: 0x00c3, 0x7f1: 0x00c3, 0x7f2: 0x00c3, 0x7f3: 0x00c3, 0x7f4: 0x00c3, 0x7f5: 0x00c3, + 0x7f6: 0x00c3, 0x7f7: 0x00c3, 0x7f8: 0x00c3, 0x7f9: 0x00c3, 0x7fa: 0x00c3, 0x7fb: 0x00c3, + 0x7fc: 0x00c3, 0x7fd: 0x00c3, 0x7fe: 0x00c3, 0x7ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x00c3, 0x801: 0x00c3, 0x802: 0x00c3, 0x803: 0x00c0, 0x804: 0x00c0, 0x805: 0x00c0, + 0x806: 0x00c0, 0x807: 0x00c0, 0x808: 0x00c0, 0x809: 0x00c0, 0x80a: 0x00c0, 0x80b: 0x00c0, + 0x80c: 0x00c0, 0x80d: 0x00c0, 0x80e: 0x00c0, 0x80f: 0x00c0, 0x810: 0x00c0, 0x811: 0x00c0, + 0x812: 0x00c0, 0x813: 0x00c0, 0x814: 0x00c0, 0x815: 0x00c0, 0x816: 0x00c0, 0x817: 0x00c0, + 0x818: 0x00c0, 0x819: 0x00c0, 0x81a: 0x00c0, 0x81b: 0x00c0, 0x81c: 0x00c0, 0x81d: 0x00c0, + 0x81e: 0x00c0, 0x81f: 0x00c0, 0x820: 0x00c0, 0x821: 0x00c0, 0x822: 0x00c0, 0x823: 0x00c0, + 0x824: 0x00c0, 0x825: 0x00c0, 0x826: 0x00c0, 0x827: 0x00c0, 0x828: 0x00c0, 0x829: 0x00c0, + 0x82a: 0x00c0, 0x82b: 0x00c0, 0x82c: 0x00c0, 0x82d: 0x00c0, 0x82e: 0x00c0, 0x82f: 0x00c0, + 0x830: 0x00c0, 0x831: 0x00c0, 0x832: 0x00c0, 0x833: 0x00c0, 0x834: 0x00c0, 0x835: 0x00c0, + 0x836: 0x00c0, 0x837: 0x00c0, 0x838: 0x00c0, 0x839: 0x00c0, 0x83a: 0x00c3, 0x83b: 0x00c0, + 0x83c: 0x00c3, 0x83d: 0x00c0, 0x83e: 0x00c0, 0x83f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x00c0, 0x841: 0x00c3, 0x842: 0x00c3, 0x843: 0x00c3, 0x844: 0x00c3, 0x845: 0x00c3, + 0x846: 0x00c3, 0x847: 0x00c3, 0x848: 0x00c3, 0x849: 0x00c0, 0x84a: 0x00c0, 0x84b: 0x00c0, + 0x84c: 0x00c0, 0x84d: 0x00c6, 0x84e: 0x00c0, 0x84f: 0x00c0, 0x850: 0x00c0, 0x851: 0x00c3, + 0x852: 0x00c3, 0x853: 0x00c3, 0x854: 0x00c3, 0x855: 0x00c3, 0x856: 0x00c3, 0x857: 0x00c3, + 0x858: 0x0080, 0x859: 0x0080, 0x85a: 0x0080, 0x85b: 0x0080, 0x85c: 0x0080, 0x85d: 0x0080, + 0x85e: 0x0080, 0x85f: 0x0080, 0x860: 0x00c0, 0x861: 0x00c0, 0x862: 0x00c3, 0x863: 0x00c3, + 0x864: 0x0080, 0x865: 0x0080, 0x866: 0x00c0, 0x867: 0x00c0, 0x868: 0x00c0, 0x869: 0x00c0, + 0x86a: 0x00c0, 0x86b: 0x00c0, 0x86c: 0x00c0, 0x86d: 0x00c0, 0x86e: 0x00c0, 0x86f: 0x00c0, + 0x870: 0x0080, 0x871: 0x00c0, 0x872: 0x00c0, 0x873: 0x00c0, 0x874: 0x00c0, 0x875: 0x00c0, + 0x876: 0x00c0, 0x877: 0x00c0, 0x878: 0x00c0, 0x879: 0x00c0, 0x87a: 0x00c0, 0x87b: 0x00c0, + 0x87c: 0x00c0, 0x87d: 0x00c0, 0x87e: 0x00c0, 0x87f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x00c0, 0x881: 0x00c3, 0x882: 0x00c0, 0x883: 0x00c0, 0x885: 0x00c0, + 0x886: 0x00c0, 0x887: 0x00c0, 0x888: 0x00c0, 0x889: 0x00c0, 0x88a: 0x00c0, 0x88b: 0x00c0, + 0x88c: 0x00c0, 0x88f: 0x00c0, 0x890: 0x00c0, + 0x893: 0x00c0, 0x894: 0x00c0, 0x895: 0x00c0, 0x896: 0x00c0, 0x897: 0x00c0, + 0x898: 0x00c0, 0x899: 0x00c0, 0x89a: 0x00c0, 0x89b: 0x00c0, 0x89c: 0x00c0, 0x89d: 0x00c0, + 0x89e: 0x00c0, 0x89f: 0x00c0, 0x8a0: 0x00c0, 0x8a1: 0x00c0, 0x8a2: 0x00c0, 0x8a3: 0x00c0, + 0x8a4: 0x00c0, 0x8a5: 0x00c0, 0x8a6: 0x00c0, 0x8a7: 0x00c0, 0x8a8: 0x00c0, + 0x8aa: 0x00c0, 0x8ab: 0x00c0, 0x8ac: 0x00c0, 0x8ad: 0x00c0, 0x8ae: 0x00c0, 0x8af: 0x00c0, + 0x8b0: 0x00c0, 0x8b2: 0x00c0, + 0x8b6: 0x00c0, 0x8b7: 0x00c0, 0x8b8: 0x00c0, 0x8b9: 0x00c0, + 0x8bc: 0x00c3, 0x8bd: 0x00c0, 0x8be: 0x00c0, 0x8bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x00c0, 0x8c1: 0x00c3, 0x8c2: 0x00c3, 0x8c3: 0x00c3, 0x8c4: 0x00c3, + 0x8c7: 0x00c0, 0x8c8: 0x00c0, 0x8cb: 0x00c0, + 0x8cc: 0x00c0, 0x8cd: 0x00c6, 0x8ce: 0x00c0, + 0x8d7: 0x00c0, + 0x8dc: 0x0080, 0x8dd: 0x0080, + 0x8df: 0x0080, 0x8e0: 0x00c0, 0x8e1: 0x00c0, 0x8e2: 0x00c3, 0x8e3: 0x00c3, + 0x8e6: 0x00c0, 0x8e7: 0x00c0, 0x8e8: 0x00c0, 0x8e9: 0x00c0, + 0x8ea: 0x00c0, 0x8eb: 0x00c0, 0x8ec: 0x00c0, 0x8ed: 0x00c0, 0x8ee: 0x00c0, 0x8ef: 0x00c0, + 0x8f0: 0x00c0, 0x8f1: 0x00c0, 0x8f2: 0x0080, 0x8f3: 0x0080, 0x8f4: 0x0080, 0x8f5: 0x0080, + 0x8f6: 0x0080, 0x8f7: 0x0080, 0x8f8: 0x0080, 0x8f9: 0x0080, 0x8fa: 0x0080, 0x8fb: 0x0080, + 0x8fc: 0x00c0, 0x8fd: 0x0080, 0x8fe: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x901: 0x00c3, 0x902: 0x00c3, 0x903: 0x00c0, 0x905: 0x00c0, + 0x906: 0x00c0, 0x907: 0x00c0, 0x908: 0x00c0, 0x909: 0x00c0, 0x90a: 0x00c0, + 0x90f: 0x00c0, 0x910: 0x00c0, + 0x913: 0x00c0, 0x914: 0x00c0, 0x915: 0x00c0, 0x916: 0x00c0, 0x917: 0x00c0, + 0x918: 0x00c0, 0x919: 0x00c0, 0x91a: 0x00c0, 0x91b: 0x00c0, 0x91c: 0x00c0, 0x91d: 0x00c0, + 0x91e: 0x00c0, 0x91f: 0x00c0, 0x920: 0x00c0, 0x921: 0x00c0, 0x922: 0x00c0, 0x923: 0x00c0, + 0x924: 0x00c0, 0x925: 0x00c0, 0x926: 0x00c0, 0x927: 0x00c0, 0x928: 0x00c0, + 0x92a: 0x00c0, 0x92b: 0x00c0, 0x92c: 0x00c0, 0x92d: 0x00c0, 0x92e: 0x00c0, 0x92f: 0x00c0, + 0x930: 0x00c0, 0x932: 0x00c0, 0x933: 0x0080, 0x935: 0x00c0, + 0x936: 0x0080, 0x938: 0x00c0, 0x939: 0x00c0, + 0x93c: 0x00c3, 0x93e: 0x00c0, 0x93f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x00c0, 0x941: 0x00c3, 0x942: 0x00c3, + 0x947: 0x00c3, 0x948: 0x00c3, 0x94b: 0x00c3, + 0x94c: 0x00c3, 0x94d: 0x00c6, 0x951: 0x00c3, + 0x959: 0x0080, 0x95a: 0x0080, 0x95b: 0x0080, 0x95c: 0x00c0, + 0x95e: 0x0080, + 0x966: 0x00c0, 0x967: 0x00c0, 0x968: 0x00c0, 0x969: 0x00c0, + 0x96a: 0x00c0, 0x96b: 0x00c0, 0x96c: 0x00c0, 0x96d: 0x00c0, 0x96e: 0x00c0, 0x96f: 0x00c0, + 0x970: 0x00c3, 0x971: 0x00c3, 0x972: 0x00c0, 0x973: 0x00c0, 0x974: 0x00c0, 0x975: 0x00c3, + 0x976: 0x0080, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x981: 0x00c3, 0x982: 0x00c3, 0x983: 0x00c0, 0x985: 0x00c0, + 0x986: 0x00c0, 0x987: 0x00c0, 0x988: 0x00c0, 0x989: 0x00c0, 0x98a: 0x00c0, 0x98b: 0x00c0, + 0x98c: 0x00c0, 0x98d: 0x00c0, 0x98f: 0x00c0, 0x990: 0x00c0, 0x991: 0x00c0, + 0x993: 0x00c0, 0x994: 0x00c0, 0x995: 0x00c0, 0x996: 0x00c0, 0x997: 0x00c0, + 0x998: 0x00c0, 0x999: 0x00c0, 0x99a: 0x00c0, 0x99b: 0x00c0, 0x99c: 0x00c0, 0x99d: 0x00c0, + 0x99e: 0x00c0, 0x99f: 0x00c0, 0x9a0: 0x00c0, 0x9a1: 0x00c0, 0x9a2: 0x00c0, 0x9a3: 0x00c0, + 0x9a4: 0x00c0, 0x9a5: 0x00c0, 0x9a6: 0x00c0, 0x9a7: 0x00c0, 0x9a8: 0x00c0, + 0x9aa: 0x00c0, 0x9ab: 0x00c0, 0x9ac: 0x00c0, 0x9ad: 0x00c0, 0x9ae: 0x00c0, 0x9af: 0x00c0, + 0x9b0: 0x00c0, 0x9b2: 0x00c0, 0x9b3: 0x00c0, 0x9b5: 0x00c0, + 0x9b6: 0x00c0, 0x9b7: 0x00c0, 0x9b8: 0x00c0, 0x9b9: 0x00c0, + 0x9bc: 0x00c3, 0x9bd: 0x00c0, 0x9be: 0x00c0, 0x9bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c0: 0x00c0, 0x9c1: 0x00c3, 0x9c2: 0x00c3, 0x9c3: 0x00c3, 0x9c4: 0x00c3, 0x9c5: 0x00c3, + 0x9c7: 0x00c3, 0x9c8: 0x00c3, 0x9c9: 0x00c0, 0x9cb: 0x00c0, + 0x9cc: 0x00c0, 0x9cd: 0x00c6, 0x9d0: 0x00c0, + 0x9e0: 0x00c0, 0x9e1: 0x00c0, 0x9e2: 0x00c3, 0x9e3: 0x00c3, + 0x9e6: 0x00c0, 0x9e7: 0x00c0, 0x9e8: 0x00c0, 0x9e9: 0x00c0, + 0x9ea: 0x00c0, 0x9eb: 0x00c0, 0x9ec: 0x00c0, 0x9ed: 0x00c0, 0x9ee: 0x00c0, 0x9ef: 0x00c0, + 0x9f0: 0x0080, 0x9f1: 0x0080, + 0x9f9: 0x00c0, 0x9fa: 0x00c3, 0x9fb: 0x00c3, + 0x9fc: 0x00c3, 0x9fd: 0x00c3, 0x9fe: 0x00c3, 0x9ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa01: 0x00c3, 0xa02: 0x00c0, 0xa03: 0x00c0, 0xa05: 0x00c0, + 0xa06: 0x00c0, 0xa07: 0x00c0, 0xa08: 0x00c0, 0xa09: 0x00c0, 0xa0a: 0x00c0, 0xa0b: 0x00c0, + 0xa0c: 0x00c0, 0xa0f: 0x00c0, 0xa10: 0x00c0, + 0xa13: 0x00c0, 0xa14: 0x00c0, 0xa15: 0x00c0, 0xa16: 0x00c0, 0xa17: 0x00c0, + 0xa18: 0x00c0, 0xa19: 0x00c0, 0xa1a: 0x00c0, 0xa1b: 0x00c0, 0xa1c: 0x00c0, 0xa1d: 0x00c0, + 0xa1e: 0x00c0, 0xa1f: 0x00c0, 0xa20: 0x00c0, 0xa21: 0x00c0, 0xa22: 0x00c0, 0xa23: 0x00c0, + 0xa24: 0x00c0, 0xa25: 0x00c0, 0xa26: 0x00c0, 0xa27: 0x00c0, 0xa28: 0x00c0, + 0xa2a: 0x00c0, 0xa2b: 0x00c0, 0xa2c: 0x00c0, 0xa2d: 0x00c0, 0xa2e: 0x00c0, 0xa2f: 0x00c0, + 0xa30: 0x00c0, 0xa32: 0x00c0, 0xa33: 0x00c0, 0xa35: 0x00c0, + 0xa36: 0x00c0, 0xa37: 0x00c0, 0xa38: 0x00c0, 0xa39: 0x00c0, + 0xa3c: 0x00c3, 0xa3d: 0x00c0, 0xa3e: 0x00c0, 0xa3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa40: 0x00c0, 0xa41: 0x00c3, 0xa42: 0x00c3, 0xa43: 0x00c3, 0xa44: 0x00c3, + 0xa47: 0x00c0, 0xa48: 0x00c0, 0xa4b: 0x00c0, + 0xa4c: 0x00c0, 0xa4d: 0x00c6, + 0xa56: 0x00c3, 0xa57: 0x00c0, + 0xa5c: 0x0080, 0xa5d: 0x0080, + 0xa5f: 0x00c0, 0xa60: 0x00c0, 0xa61: 0x00c0, 0xa62: 0x00c3, 0xa63: 0x00c3, + 0xa66: 0x00c0, 0xa67: 0x00c0, 0xa68: 0x00c0, 0xa69: 0x00c0, + 0xa6a: 0x00c0, 0xa6b: 0x00c0, 0xa6c: 0x00c0, 0xa6d: 0x00c0, 0xa6e: 0x00c0, 0xa6f: 0x00c0, + 0xa70: 0x0080, 0xa71: 0x00c0, 0xa72: 0x0080, 0xa73: 0x0080, 0xa74: 0x0080, 0xa75: 0x0080, + 0xa76: 0x0080, 0xa77: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa82: 0x00c3, 0xa83: 0x00c0, 0xa85: 0x00c0, + 0xa86: 0x00c0, 0xa87: 0x00c0, 0xa88: 0x00c0, 0xa89: 0x00c0, 0xa8a: 0x00c0, + 0xa8e: 0x00c0, 0xa8f: 0x00c0, 0xa90: 0x00c0, + 0xa92: 0x00c0, 0xa93: 0x00c0, 0xa94: 0x00c0, 0xa95: 0x00c0, + 0xa99: 0x00c0, 0xa9a: 0x00c0, 0xa9c: 0x00c0, + 0xa9e: 0x00c0, 0xa9f: 0x00c0, 0xaa3: 0x00c0, + 0xaa4: 0x00c0, 0xaa8: 0x00c0, 0xaa9: 0x00c0, + 0xaaa: 0x00c0, 0xaae: 0x00c0, 0xaaf: 0x00c0, + 0xab0: 0x00c0, 0xab1: 0x00c0, 0xab2: 0x00c0, 0xab3: 0x00c0, 0xab4: 0x00c0, 0xab5: 0x00c0, + 0xab6: 0x00c0, 0xab7: 0x00c0, 0xab8: 0x00c0, 0xab9: 0x00c0, + 0xabe: 0x00c0, 0xabf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xac0: 0x00c3, 0xac1: 0x00c0, 0xac2: 0x00c0, + 0xac6: 0x00c0, 0xac7: 0x00c0, 0xac8: 0x00c0, 0xaca: 0x00c0, 0xacb: 0x00c0, + 0xacc: 0x00c0, 0xacd: 0x00c6, 0xad0: 0x00c0, + 0xad7: 0x00c0, + 0xae6: 0x00c0, 0xae7: 0x00c0, 0xae8: 0x00c0, 0xae9: 0x00c0, + 0xaea: 0x00c0, 0xaeb: 0x00c0, 0xaec: 0x00c0, 0xaed: 0x00c0, 0xaee: 0x00c0, 0xaef: 0x00c0, + 0xaf0: 0x0080, 0xaf1: 0x0080, 0xaf2: 0x0080, 0xaf3: 0x0080, 0xaf4: 0x0080, 0xaf5: 0x0080, + 0xaf6: 0x0080, 0xaf7: 0x0080, 0xaf8: 0x0080, 0xaf9: 0x0080, 0xafa: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb00: 0x00c3, 0xb01: 0x00c0, 0xb02: 0x00c0, 0xb03: 0x00c0, 0xb04: 0x00c3, 0xb05: 0x00c0, + 0xb06: 0x00c0, 0xb07: 0x00c0, 0xb08: 0x00c0, 0xb09: 0x00c0, 0xb0a: 0x00c0, 0xb0b: 0x00c0, + 0xb0c: 0x00c0, 0xb0e: 0x00c0, 0xb0f: 0x00c0, 0xb10: 0x00c0, + 0xb12: 0x00c0, 0xb13: 0x00c0, 0xb14: 0x00c0, 0xb15: 0x00c0, 0xb16: 0x00c0, 0xb17: 0x00c0, + 0xb18: 0x00c0, 0xb19: 0x00c0, 0xb1a: 0x00c0, 0xb1b: 0x00c0, 0xb1c: 0x00c0, 0xb1d: 0x00c0, + 0xb1e: 0x00c0, 0xb1f: 0x00c0, 0xb20: 0x00c0, 0xb21: 0x00c0, 0xb22: 0x00c0, 0xb23: 0x00c0, + 0xb24: 0x00c0, 0xb25: 0x00c0, 0xb26: 0x00c0, 0xb27: 0x00c0, 0xb28: 0x00c0, + 0xb2a: 0x00c0, 0xb2b: 0x00c0, 0xb2c: 0x00c0, 0xb2d: 0x00c0, 0xb2e: 0x00c0, 0xb2f: 0x00c0, + 0xb30: 0x00c0, 0xb31: 0x00c0, 0xb32: 0x00c0, 0xb33: 0x00c0, 0xb34: 0x00c0, 0xb35: 0x00c0, + 0xb36: 0x00c0, 0xb37: 0x00c0, 0xb38: 0x00c0, 0xb39: 0x00c0, + 0xb3d: 0x00c0, 0xb3e: 0x00c3, 0xb3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb40: 0x00c3, 0xb41: 0x00c0, 0xb42: 0x00c0, 0xb43: 0x00c0, 0xb44: 0x00c0, + 0xb46: 0x00c3, 0xb47: 0x00c3, 0xb48: 0x00c3, 0xb4a: 0x00c3, 0xb4b: 0x00c3, + 0xb4c: 0x00c3, 0xb4d: 0x00c6, + 0xb55: 0x00c3, 0xb56: 0x00c3, + 0xb58: 0x00c0, 0xb59: 0x00c0, 0xb5a: 0x00c0, + 0xb60: 0x00c0, 0xb61: 0x00c0, 0xb62: 0x00c3, 0xb63: 0x00c3, + 0xb66: 0x00c0, 0xb67: 0x00c0, 0xb68: 0x00c0, 0xb69: 0x00c0, + 0xb6a: 0x00c0, 0xb6b: 0x00c0, 0xb6c: 0x00c0, 0xb6d: 0x00c0, 0xb6e: 0x00c0, 0xb6f: 0x00c0, + 0xb78: 0x0080, 0xb79: 0x0080, 0xb7a: 0x0080, 0xb7b: 0x0080, + 0xb7c: 0x0080, 0xb7d: 0x0080, 0xb7e: 0x0080, 0xb7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb80: 0x00c0, 0xb81: 0x00c3, 0xb82: 0x00c0, 0xb83: 0x00c0, 0xb84: 0x0080, 0xb85: 0x00c0, + 0xb86: 0x00c0, 0xb87: 0x00c0, 0xb88: 0x00c0, 0xb89: 0x00c0, 0xb8a: 0x00c0, 0xb8b: 0x00c0, + 0xb8c: 0x00c0, 0xb8e: 0x00c0, 0xb8f: 0x00c0, 0xb90: 0x00c0, + 0xb92: 0x00c0, 0xb93: 0x00c0, 0xb94: 0x00c0, 0xb95: 0x00c0, 0xb96: 0x00c0, 0xb97: 0x00c0, + 0xb98: 0x00c0, 0xb99: 0x00c0, 0xb9a: 0x00c0, 0xb9b: 0x00c0, 0xb9c: 0x00c0, 0xb9d: 0x00c0, + 0xb9e: 0x00c0, 0xb9f: 0x00c0, 0xba0: 0x00c0, 0xba1: 0x00c0, 0xba2: 0x00c0, 0xba3: 0x00c0, + 0xba4: 0x00c0, 0xba5: 0x00c0, 0xba6: 0x00c0, 0xba7: 0x00c0, 0xba8: 0x00c0, + 0xbaa: 0x00c0, 0xbab: 0x00c0, 0xbac: 0x00c0, 0xbad: 0x00c0, 0xbae: 0x00c0, 0xbaf: 0x00c0, + 0xbb0: 0x00c0, 0xbb1: 0x00c0, 0xbb2: 0x00c0, 0xbb3: 0x00c0, 0xbb5: 0x00c0, + 0xbb6: 0x00c0, 0xbb7: 0x00c0, 0xbb8: 0x00c0, 0xbb9: 0x00c0, + 0xbbc: 0x00c3, 0xbbd: 0x00c0, 0xbbe: 0x00c0, 0xbbf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x00c0, 0xbc1: 0x00c0, 0xbc2: 0x00c0, 0xbc3: 0x00c0, 0xbc4: 0x00c0, + 0xbc6: 0x00c3, 0xbc7: 0x00c0, 0xbc8: 0x00c0, 0xbca: 0x00c0, 0xbcb: 0x00c0, + 0xbcc: 0x00c3, 0xbcd: 0x00c6, + 0xbd5: 0x00c0, 0xbd6: 0x00c0, + 0xbde: 0x00c0, 0xbe0: 0x00c0, 0xbe1: 0x00c0, 0xbe2: 0x00c3, 0xbe3: 0x00c3, + 0xbe6: 0x00c0, 0xbe7: 0x00c0, 0xbe8: 0x00c0, 0xbe9: 0x00c0, + 0xbea: 0x00c0, 0xbeb: 0x00c0, 0xbec: 0x00c0, 0xbed: 0x00c0, 0xbee: 0x00c0, 0xbef: 0x00c0, + 0xbf1: 0x00c0, 0xbf2: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc00: 0x00c3, 0xc01: 0x00c3, 0xc02: 0x00c0, 0xc03: 0x00c0, 0xc05: 0x00c0, + 0xc06: 0x00c0, 0xc07: 0x00c0, 0xc08: 0x00c0, 0xc09: 0x00c0, 0xc0a: 0x00c0, 0xc0b: 0x00c0, + 0xc0c: 0x00c0, 0xc0e: 0x00c0, 0xc0f: 0x00c0, 0xc10: 0x00c0, + 0xc12: 0x00c0, 0xc13: 0x00c0, 0xc14: 0x00c0, 0xc15: 0x00c0, 0xc16: 0x00c0, 0xc17: 0x00c0, + 0xc18: 0x00c0, 0xc19: 0x00c0, 0xc1a: 0x00c0, 0xc1b: 0x00c0, 0xc1c: 0x00c0, 0xc1d: 0x00c0, + 0xc1e: 0x00c0, 0xc1f: 0x00c0, 0xc20: 0x00c0, 0xc21: 0x00c0, 0xc22: 0x00c0, 0xc23: 0x00c0, + 0xc24: 0x00c0, 0xc25: 0x00c0, 0xc26: 0x00c0, 0xc27: 0x00c0, 0xc28: 0x00c0, 0xc29: 0x00c0, + 0xc2a: 0x00c0, 0xc2b: 0x00c0, 0xc2c: 0x00c0, 0xc2d: 0x00c0, 0xc2e: 0x00c0, 0xc2f: 0x00c0, + 0xc30: 0x00c0, 0xc31: 0x00c0, 0xc32: 0x00c0, 0xc33: 0x00c0, 0xc34: 0x00c0, 0xc35: 0x00c0, + 0xc36: 0x00c0, 0xc37: 0x00c0, 0xc38: 0x00c0, 0xc39: 0x00c0, 0xc3a: 0x00c0, 0xc3b: 0x00c6, + 0xc3c: 0x00c6, 0xc3d: 0x00c0, 0xc3e: 0x00c0, 0xc3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x00c0, 0xc41: 0x00c3, 0xc42: 0x00c3, 0xc43: 0x00c3, 0xc44: 0x00c3, + 0xc46: 0x00c0, 0xc47: 0x00c0, 0xc48: 0x00c0, 0xc4a: 0x00c0, 0xc4b: 0x00c0, + 0xc4c: 0x00c0, 0xc4d: 0x00c6, 0xc4e: 0x00c0, 0xc4f: 0x0080, + 0xc54: 0x00c0, 0xc55: 0x00c0, 0xc56: 0x00c0, 0xc57: 0x00c0, + 0xc58: 0x0080, 0xc59: 0x0080, 0xc5a: 0x0080, 0xc5b: 0x0080, 0xc5c: 0x0080, 0xc5d: 0x0080, + 0xc5e: 0x0080, 0xc5f: 0x00c0, 0xc60: 0x00c0, 0xc61: 0x00c0, 0xc62: 0x00c3, 0xc63: 0x00c3, + 0xc66: 0x00c0, 0xc67: 0x00c0, 0xc68: 0x00c0, 0xc69: 0x00c0, + 0xc6a: 0x00c0, 0xc6b: 0x00c0, 0xc6c: 0x00c0, 0xc6d: 0x00c0, 0xc6e: 0x00c0, 0xc6f: 0x00c0, + 0xc70: 0x0080, 0xc71: 0x0080, 0xc72: 0x0080, 0xc73: 0x0080, 0xc74: 0x0080, 0xc75: 0x0080, + 0xc76: 0x0080, 0xc77: 0x0080, 0xc78: 0x0080, 0xc79: 0x0080, 0xc7a: 0x00c0, 0xc7b: 0x00c0, + 0xc7c: 0x00c0, 0xc7d: 0x00c0, 0xc7e: 0x00c0, 0xc7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc82: 0x00c0, 0xc83: 0x00c0, 0xc85: 0x00c0, + 0xc86: 0x00c0, 0xc87: 0x00c0, 0xc88: 0x00c0, 0xc89: 0x00c0, 0xc8a: 0x00c0, 0xc8b: 0x00c0, + 0xc8c: 0x00c0, 0xc8d: 0x00c0, 0xc8e: 0x00c0, 0xc8f: 0x00c0, 0xc90: 0x00c0, 0xc91: 0x00c0, + 0xc92: 0x00c0, 0xc93: 0x00c0, 0xc94: 0x00c0, 0xc95: 0x00c0, 0xc96: 0x00c0, + 0xc9a: 0x00c0, 0xc9b: 0x00c0, 0xc9c: 0x00c0, 0xc9d: 0x00c0, + 0xc9e: 0x00c0, 0xc9f: 0x00c0, 0xca0: 0x00c0, 0xca1: 0x00c0, 0xca2: 0x00c0, 0xca3: 0x00c0, + 0xca4: 0x00c0, 0xca5: 0x00c0, 0xca6: 0x00c0, 0xca7: 0x00c0, 0xca8: 0x00c0, 0xca9: 0x00c0, + 0xcaa: 0x00c0, 0xcab: 0x00c0, 0xcac: 0x00c0, 0xcad: 0x00c0, 0xcae: 0x00c0, 0xcaf: 0x00c0, + 0xcb0: 0x00c0, 0xcb1: 0x00c0, 0xcb3: 0x00c0, 0xcb4: 0x00c0, 0xcb5: 0x00c0, + 0xcb6: 0x00c0, 0xcb7: 0x00c0, 0xcb8: 0x00c0, 0xcb9: 0x00c0, 0xcba: 0x00c0, 0xcbb: 0x00c0, + 0xcbd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc0: 0x00c0, 0xcc1: 0x00c0, 0xcc2: 0x00c0, 0xcc3: 0x00c0, 0xcc4: 0x00c0, 0xcc5: 0x00c0, + 0xcc6: 0x00c0, 0xcca: 0x00c6, + 0xccf: 0x00c0, 0xcd0: 0x00c0, 0xcd1: 0x00c0, + 0xcd2: 0x00c3, 0xcd3: 0x00c3, 0xcd4: 0x00c3, 0xcd6: 0x00c3, + 0xcd8: 0x00c0, 0xcd9: 0x00c0, 0xcda: 0x00c0, 0xcdb: 0x00c0, 0xcdc: 0x00c0, 0xcdd: 0x00c0, + 0xcde: 0x00c0, 0xcdf: 0x00c0, + 0xce6: 0x00c0, 0xce7: 0x00c0, 0xce8: 0x00c0, 0xce9: 0x00c0, + 0xcea: 0x00c0, 0xceb: 0x00c0, 0xcec: 0x00c0, 0xced: 0x00c0, 0xcee: 0x00c0, 0xcef: 0x00c0, + 0xcf2: 0x00c0, 0xcf3: 0x00c0, 0xcf4: 0x0080, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd01: 0x00c0, 0xd02: 0x00c0, 0xd03: 0x00c0, 0xd04: 0x00c0, 0xd05: 0x00c0, + 0xd06: 0x00c0, 0xd07: 0x00c0, 0xd08: 0x00c0, 0xd09: 0x00c0, 0xd0a: 0x00c0, 0xd0b: 0x00c0, + 0xd0c: 0x00c0, 0xd0d: 0x00c0, 0xd0e: 0x00c0, 0xd0f: 0x00c0, 0xd10: 0x00c0, 0xd11: 0x00c0, + 0xd12: 0x00c0, 0xd13: 0x00c0, 0xd14: 0x00c0, 0xd15: 0x00c0, 0xd16: 0x00c0, 0xd17: 0x00c0, + 0xd18: 0x00c0, 0xd19: 0x00c0, 0xd1a: 0x00c0, 0xd1b: 0x00c0, 0xd1c: 0x00c0, 0xd1d: 0x00c0, + 0xd1e: 0x00c0, 0xd1f: 0x00c0, 0xd20: 0x00c0, 0xd21: 0x00c0, 0xd22: 0x00c0, 0xd23: 0x00c0, + 0xd24: 0x00c0, 0xd25: 0x00c0, 0xd26: 0x00c0, 0xd27: 0x00c0, 0xd28: 0x00c0, 0xd29: 0x00c0, + 0xd2a: 0x00c0, 0xd2b: 0x00c0, 0xd2c: 0x00c0, 0xd2d: 0x00c0, 0xd2e: 0x00c0, 0xd2f: 0x00c0, + 0xd30: 0x00c0, 0xd31: 0x00c3, 0xd32: 0x00c0, 0xd33: 0x0080, 0xd34: 0x00c3, 0xd35: 0x00c3, + 0xd36: 0x00c3, 0xd37: 0x00c3, 0xd38: 0x00c3, 0xd39: 0x00c3, 0xd3a: 0x00c6, + 0xd3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x00c0, 0xd41: 0x00c0, 0xd42: 0x00c0, 0xd43: 0x00c0, 0xd44: 0x00c0, 0xd45: 0x00c0, + 0xd46: 0x00c0, 0xd47: 0x00c3, 0xd48: 0x00c3, 0xd49: 0x00c3, 0xd4a: 0x00c3, 0xd4b: 0x00c3, + 0xd4c: 0x00c3, 0xd4d: 0x00c3, 0xd4e: 0x00c3, 0xd4f: 0x0080, 0xd50: 0x00c0, 0xd51: 0x00c0, + 0xd52: 0x00c0, 0xd53: 0x00c0, 0xd54: 0x00c0, 0xd55: 0x00c0, 0xd56: 0x00c0, 0xd57: 0x00c0, + 0xd58: 0x00c0, 0xd59: 0x00c0, 0xd5a: 0x0080, 0xd5b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd81: 0x00c0, 0xd82: 0x00c0, 0xd84: 0x00c0, + 0xd87: 0x00c0, 0xd88: 0x00c0, 0xd8a: 0x00c0, + 0xd8d: 0x00c0, + 0xd94: 0x00c0, 0xd95: 0x00c0, 0xd96: 0x00c0, 0xd97: 0x00c0, + 0xd99: 0x00c0, 0xd9a: 0x00c0, 0xd9b: 0x00c0, 0xd9c: 0x00c0, 0xd9d: 0x00c0, + 0xd9e: 0x00c0, 0xd9f: 0x00c0, 0xda1: 0x00c0, 0xda2: 0x00c0, 0xda3: 0x00c0, + 0xda5: 0x00c0, 0xda7: 0x00c0, + 0xdaa: 0x00c0, 0xdab: 0x00c0, 0xdad: 0x00c0, 0xdae: 0x00c0, 0xdaf: 0x00c0, + 0xdb0: 0x00c0, 0xdb1: 0x00c3, 0xdb2: 0x00c0, 0xdb3: 0x0080, 0xdb4: 0x00c3, 0xdb5: 0x00c3, + 0xdb6: 0x00c3, 0xdb7: 0x00c3, 0xdb8: 0x00c3, 0xdb9: 0x00c3, 0xdbb: 0x00c3, + 0xdbc: 0x00c3, 0xdbd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0x00c0, 0xdc1: 0x00c0, 0xdc2: 0x00c0, 0xdc3: 0x00c0, 0xdc4: 0x00c0, + 0xdc6: 0x00c0, 0xdc8: 0x00c3, 0xdc9: 0x00c3, 0xdca: 0x00c3, 0xdcb: 0x00c3, + 0xdcc: 0x00c3, 0xdcd: 0x00c3, 0xdd0: 0x00c0, 0xdd1: 0x00c0, + 0xdd2: 0x00c0, 0xdd3: 0x00c0, 0xdd4: 0x00c0, 0xdd5: 0x00c0, 0xdd6: 0x00c0, 0xdd7: 0x00c0, + 0xdd8: 0x00c0, 0xdd9: 0x00c0, 0xddc: 0x0080, 0xddd: 0x0080, + 0xdde: 0x00c0, 0xddf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x00c0, 0xe01: 0x0080, 0xe02: 0x0080, 0xe03: 0x0080, 0xe04: 0x0080, 0xe05: 0x0080, + 0xe06: 0x0080, 0xe07: 0x0080, 0xe08: 0x0080, 0xe09: 0x0080, 0xe0a: 0x0080, 0xe0b: 0x00c0, + 0xe0c: 0x0080, 0xe0d: 0x0080, 0xe0e: 0x0080, 0xe0f: 0x0080, 0xe10: 0x0080, 0xe11: 0x0080, + 0xe12: 0x0080, 0xe13: 0x0080, 0xe14: 0x0080, 0xe15: 0x0080, 0xe16: 0x0080, 0xe17: 0x0080, + 0xe18: 0x00c3, 0xe19: 0x00c3, 0xe1a: 0x0080, 0xe1b: 0x0080, 0xe1c: 0x0080, 0xe1d: 0x0080, + 0xe1e: 0x0080, 0xe1f: 0x0080, 0xe20: 0x00c0, 0xe21: 0x00c0, 0xe22: 0x00c0, 0xe23: 0x00c0, + 0xe24: 0x00c0, 0xe25: 0x00c0, 0xe26: 0x00c0, 0xe27: 0x00c0, 0xe28: 0x00c0, 0xe29: 0x00c0, + 0xe2a: 0x0080, 0xe2b: 0x0080, 0xe2c: 0x0080, 0xe2d: 0x0080, 0xe2e: 0x0080, 0xe2f: 0x0080, + 0xe30: 0x0080, 0xe31: 0x0080, 0xe32: 0x0080, 0xe33: 0x0080, 0xe34: 0x0080, 0xe35: 0x00c3, + 0xe36: 0x0080, 0xe37: 0x00c3, 0xe38: 0x0080, 0xe39: 0x00c3, 0xe3a: 0x0080, 0xe3b: 0x0080, + 0xe3c: 0x0080, 0xe3d: 0x0080, 0xe3e: 0x00c0, 0xe3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x00c0, 0xe41: 0x00c0, 0xe42: 0x00c0, 0xe43: 0x0080, 0xe44: 0x00c0, 0xe45: 0x00c0, + 0xe46: 0x00c0, 0xe47: 0x00c0, 0xe49: 0x00c0, 0xe4a: 0x00c0, 0xe4b: 0x00c0, + 0xe4c: 0x00c0, 0xe4d: 0x0080, 0xe4e: 0x00c0, 0xe4f: 0x00c0, 0xe50: 0x00c0, 0xe51: 0x00c0, + 0xe52: 0x0080, 0xe53: 0x00c0, 0xe54: 0x00c0, 0xe55: 0x00c0, 0xe56: 0x00c0, 0xe57: 0x0080, + 0xe58: 0x00c0, 0xe59: 0x00c0, 0xe5a: 0x00c0, 0xe5b: 0x00c0, 0xe5c: 0x0080, 0xe5d: 0x00c0, + 0xe5e: 0x00c0, 0xe5f: 0x00c0, 0xe60: 0x00c0, 0xe61: 0x00c0, 0xe62: 0x00c0, 0xe63: 0x00c0, + 0xe64: 0x00c0, 0xe65: 0x00c0, 0xe66: 0x00c0, 0xe67: 0x00c0, 0xe68: 0x00c0, 0xe69: 0x0080, + 0xe6a: 0x00c0, 0xe6b: 0x00c0, 0xe6c: 0x00c0, + 0xe71: 0x00c3, 0xe72: 0x00c3, 0xe73: 0x0083, 0xe74: 0x00c3, 0xe75: 0x0083, + 0xe76: 0x0083, 0xe77: 0x0083, 0xe78: 0x0083, 0xe79: 0x0083, 0xe7a: 0x00c3, 0xe7b: 0x00c3, + 0xe7c: 0x00c3, 0xe7d: 0x00c3, 0xe7e: 0x00c3, 0xe7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x00c3, 0xe81: 0x0083, 0xe82: 0x00c3, 0xe83: 0x00c3, 0xe84: 0x00c6, 0xe85: 0x0080, + 0xe86: 0x00c3, 0xe87: 0x00c3, 0xe88: 0x00c0, 0xe89: 0x00c0, 0xe8a: 0x00c0, 0xe8b: 0x00c0, + 0xe8c: 0x00c0, 0xe8d: 0x00c3, 0xe8e: 0x00c3, 0xe8f: 0x00c3, 0xe90: 0x00c3, 0xe91: 0x00c3, + 0xe92: 0x00c3, 0xe93: 0x0083, 0xe94: 0x00c3, 0xe95: 0x00c3, 0xe96: 0x00c3, 0xe97: 0x00c3, + 0xe99: 0x00c3, 0xe9a: 0x00c3, 0xe9b: 0x00c3, 0xe9c: 0x00c3, 0xe9d: 0x0083, + 0xe9e: 0x00c3, 0xe9f: 0x00c3, 0xea0: 0x00c3, 0xea1: 0x00c3, 0xea2: 0x0083, 0xea3: 0x00c3, + 0xea4: 0x00c3, 0xea5: 0x00c3, 0xea6: 0x00c3, 0xea7: 0x0083, 0xea8: 0x00c3, 0xea9: 0x00c3, + 0xeaa: 0x00c3, 0xeab: 0x00c3, 0xeac: 0x0083, 0xead: 0x00c3, 0xeae: 0x00c3, 0xeaf: 0x00c3, + 0xeb0: 0x00c3, 0xeb1: 0x00c3, 0xeb2: 0x00c3, 0xeb3: 0x00c3, 0xeb4: 0x00c3, 0xeb5: 0x00c3, + 0xeb6: 0x00c3, 0xeb7: 0x00c3, 0xeb8: 0x00c3, 0xeb9: 0x0083, 0xeba: 0x00c3, 0xebb: 0x00c3, + 0xebc: 0x00c3, 0xebe: 0x0080, 0xebf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x0080, 0xec1: 0x0080, 0xec2: 0x0080, 0xec3: 0x0080, 0xec4: 0x0080, 0xec5: 0x0080, + 0xec6: 0x00c3, 0xec7: 0x0080, 0xec8: 0x0080, 0xec9: 0x0080, 0xeca: 0x0080, 0xecb: 0x0080, + 0xecc: 0x0080, 0xece: 0x0080, 0xecf: 0x0080, 0xed0: 0x0080, 0xed1: 0x0080, + 0xed2: 0x0080, 0xed3: 0x0080, 0xed4: 0x0080, 0xed5: 0x0080, 0xed6: 0x0080, 0xed7: 0x0080, + 0xed8: 0x0080, 0xed9: 0x0080, 0xeda: 0x0080, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x00c0, 0xf01: 0x00c0, 0xf02: 0x00c0, 0xf03: 0x00c0, 0xf04: 0x00c0, 0xf05: 0x00c0, + 0xf06: 0x00c0, 0xf07: 0x00c0, 0xf08: 0x00c0, 0xf09: 0x00c0, 0xf0a: 0x00c0, 0xf0b: 0x00c0, + 0xf0c: 0x00c0, 0xf0d: 0x00c0, 0xf0e: 0x00c0, 0xf0f: 0x00c0, 0xf10: 0x00c0, 0xf11: 0x00c0, + 0xf12: 0x00c0, 0xf13: 0x00c0, 0xf14: 0x00c0, 0xf15: 0x00c0, 0xf16: 0x00c0, 0xf17: 0x00c0, + 0xf18: 0x00c0, 0xf19: 0x00c0, 0xf1a: 0x00c0, 0xf1b: 0x00c0, 0xf1c: 0x00c0, 0xf1d: 0x00c0, + 0xf1e: 0x00c0, 0xf1f: 0x00c0, 0xf20: 0x00c0, 0xf21: 0x00c0, 0xf22: 0x00c0, 0xf23: 0x00c0, + 0xf24: 0x00c0, 0xf25: 0x00c0, 0xf26: 0x00c0, 0xf27: 0x00c0, 0xf28: 0x00c0, 0xf29: 0x00c0, + 0xf2a: 0x00c0, 0xf2b: 0x00c0, 0xf2c: 0x00c0, 0xf2d: 0x00c3, 0xf2e: 0x00c3, 0xf2f: 0x00c3, + 0xf30: 0x00c3, 0xf31: 0x00c0, 0xf32: 0x00c3, 0xf33: 0x00c3, 0xf34: 0x00c3, 0xf35: 0x00c3, + 0xf36: 0x00c3, 0xf37: 0x00c3, 0xf38: 0x00c0, 0xf39: 0x00c6, 0xf3a: 0x00c6, 0xf3b: 0x00c0, + 0xf3c: 0x00c0, 0xf3d: 0x00c3, 0xf3e: 0x00c3, 0xf3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x00c0, 0xf41: 0x00c0, 0xf42: 0x00c0, 0xf43: 0x00c0, 0xf44: 0x00c0, 0xf45: 0x00c0, + 0xf46: 0x00c0, 0xf47: 0x00c0, 0xf48: 0x00c0, 0xf49: 0x00c0, 0xf4a: 0x0080, 0xf4b: 0x0080, + 0xf4c: 0x0080, 0xf4d: 0x0080, 0xf4e: 0x0080, 0xf4f: 0x0080, 0xf50: 0x00c0, 0xf51: 0x00c0, + 0xf52: 0x00c0, 0xf53: 0x00c0, 0xf54: 0x00c0, 0xf55: 0x00c0, 0xf56: 0x00c0, 0xf57: 0x00c0, + 0xf58: 0x00c3, 0xf59: 0x00c3, 0xf5a: 0x00c0, 0xf5b: 0x00c0, 0xf5c: 0x00c0, 0xf5d: 0x00c0, + 0xf5e: 0x00c3, 0xf5f: 0x00c3, 0xf60: 0x00c3, 0xf61: 0x00c0, 0xf62: 0x00c0, 0xf63: 0x00c0, + 0xf64: 0x00c0, 0xf65: 0x00c0, 0xf66: 0x00c0, 0xf67: 0x00c0, 0xf68: 0x00c0, 0xf69: 0x00c0, + 0xf6a: 0x00c0, 0xf6b: 0x00c0, 0xf6c: 0x00c0, 0xf6d: 0x00c0, 0xf6e: 0x00c0, 0xf6f: 0x00c0, + 0xf70: 0x00c0, 0xf71: 0x00c3, 0xf72: 0x00c3, 0xf73: 0x00c3, 0xf74: 0x00c3, 0xf75: 0x00c0, + 0xf76: 0x00c0, 0xf77: 0x00c0, 0xf78: 0x00c0, 0xf79: 0x00c0, 0xf7a: 0x00c0, 0xf7b: 0x00c0, + 0xf7c: 0x00c0, 0xf7d: 0x00c0, 0xf7e: 0x00c0, 0xf7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x00c0, 0xf81: 0x00c0, 0xf82: 0x00c3, 0xf83: 0x00c0, 0xf84: 0x00c0, 0xf85: 0x00c3, + 0xf86: 0x00c3, 0xf87: 0x00c0, 0xf88: 0x00c0, 0xf89: 0x00c0, 0xf8a: 0x00c0, 0xf8b: 0x00c0, + 0xf8c: 0x00c0, 0xf8d: 0x00c3, 0xf8e: 0x00c0, 0xf8f: 0x00c0, 0xf90: 0x00c0, 0xf91: 0x00c0, + 0xf92: 0x00c0, 0xf93: 0x00c0, 0xf94: 0x00c0, 0xf95: 0x00c0, 0xf96: 0x00c0, 0xf97: 0x00c0, + 0xf98: 0x00c0, 0xf99: 0x00c0, 0xf9a: 0x00c0, 0xf9b: 0x00c0, 0xf9c: 0x00c0, 0xf9d: 0x00c3, + 0xf9e: 0x0080, 0xf9f: 0x0080, 0xfa0: 0x00c0, 0xfa1: 0x00c0, 0xfa2: 0x00c0, 0xfa3: 0x00c0, + 0xfa4: 0x00c0, 0xfa5: 0x00c0, 0xfa6: 0x00c0, 0xfa7: 0x00c0, 0xfa8: 0x00c0, 0xfa9: 0x00c0, + 0xfaa: 0x00c0, 0xfab: 0x00c0, 0xfac: 0x00c0, 0xfad: 0x00c0, 0xfae: 0x00c0, 0xfaf: 0x00c0, + 0xfb0: 0x00c0, 0xfb1: 0x00c0, 0xfb2: 0x00c0, 0xfb3: 0x00c0, 0xfb4: 0x00c0, 0xfb5: 0x00c0, + 0xfb6: 0x00c0, 0xfb7: 0x00c0, 0xfb8: 0x00c0, 0xfb9: 0x00c0, 0xfba: 0x00c0, 0xfbb: 0x00c0, + 0xfbc: 0x00c0, 0xfbd: 0x00c0, 0xfbe: 0x00c0, 0xfbf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc0: 0x00c0, 0xfc1: 0x00c0, 0xfc2: 0x00c0, 0xfc3: 0x00c0, 0xfc4: 0x00c0, 0xfc5: 0x00c0, + 0xfc7: 0x00c0, + 0xfcd: 0x00c0, 0xfd0: 0x00c0, 0xfd1: 0x00c0, + 0xfd2: 0x00c0, 0xfd3: 0x00c0, 0xfd4: 0x00c0, 0xfd5: 0x00c0, 0xfd6: 0x00c0, 0xfd7: 0x00c0, + 0xfd8: 0x00c0, 0xfd9: 0x00c0, 0xfda: 0x00c0, 0xfdb: 0x00c0, 0xfdc: 0x00c0, 0xfdd: 0x00c0, + 0xfde: 0x00c0, 0xfdf: 0x00c0, 0xfe0: 0x00c0, 0xfe1: 0x00c0, 0xfe2: 0x00c0, 0xfe3: 0x00c0, + 0xfe4: 0x00c0, 0xfe5: 0x00c0, 0xfe6: 0x00c0, 0xfe7: 0x00c0, 0xfe8: 0x00c0, 0xfe9: 0x00c0, + 0xfea: 0x00c0, 0xfeb: 0x00c0, 0xfec: 0x00c0, 0xfed: 0x00c0, 0xfee: 0x00c0, 0xfef: 0x00c0, + 0xff0: 0x00c0, 0xff1: 0x00c0, 0xff2: 0x00c0, 0xff3: 0x00c0, 0xff4: 0x00c0, 0xff5: 0x00c0, + 0xff6: 0x00c0, 0xff7: 0x00c0, 0xff8: 0x00c0, 0xff9: 0x00c0, 0xffa: 0x00c0, 0xffb: 0x0080, + 0xffc: 0x0080, 0xffd: 0x00c0, 0xffe: 0x00c0, 0xfff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x0040, 0x1001: 0x0040, 0x1002: 0x0040, 0x1003: 0x0040, 0x1004: 0x0040, 0x1005: 0x0040, + 0x1006: 0x0040, 0x1007: 0x0040, 0x1008: 0x0040, 0x1009: 0x0040, 0x100a: 0x0040, 0x100b: 0x0040, + 0x100c: 0x0040, 0x100d: 0x0040, 0x100e: 0x0040, 0x100f: 0x0040, 0x1010: 0x0040, 0x1011: 0x0040, + 0x1012: 0x0040, 0x1013: 0x0040, 0x1014: 0x0040, 0x1015: 0x0040, 0x1016: 0x0040, 0x1017: 0x0040, + 0x1018: 0x0040, 0x1019: 0x0040, 0x101a: 0x0040, 0x101b: 0x0040, 0x101c: 0x0040, 0x101d: 0x0040, + 0x101e: 0x0040, 0x101f: 0x0040, 0x1020: 0x0040, 0x1021: 0x0040, 0x1022: 0x0040, 0x1023: 0x0040, + 0x1024: 0x0040, 0x1025: 0x0040, 0x1026: 0x0040, 0x1027: 0x0040, 0x1028: 0x0040, 0x1029: 0x0040, + 0x102a: 0x0040, 0x102b: 0x0040, 0x102c: 0x0040, 0x102d: 0x0040, 0x102e: 0x0040, 0x102f: 0x0040, + 0x1030: 0x0040, 0x1031: 0x0040, 0x1032: 0x0040, 0x1033: 0x0040, 0x1034: 0x0040, 0x1035: 0x0040, + 0x1036: 0x0040, 0x1037: 0x0040, 0x1038: 0x0040, 0x1039: 0x0040, 0x103a: 0x0040, 0x103b: 0x0040, + 0x103c: 0x0040, 0x103d: 0x0040, 0x103e: 0x0040, 0x103f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x00c0, 0x1041: 0x00c0, 0x1042: 0x00c0, 0x1043: 0x00c0, 0x1044: 0x00c0, 0x1045: 0x00c0, + 0x1046: 0x00c0, 0x1047: 0x00c0, 0x1048: 0x00c0, 0x104a: 0x00c0, 0x104b: 0x00c0, + 0x104c: 0x00c0, 0x104d: 0x00c0, 0x1050: 0x00c0, 0x1051: 0x00c0, + 0x1052: 0x00c0, 0x1053: 0x00c0, 0x1054: 0x00c0, 0x1055: 0x00c0, 0x1056: 0x00c0, + 0x1058: 0x00c0, 0x105a: 0x00c0, 0x105b: 0x00c0, 0x105c: 0x00c0, 0x105d: 0x00c0, + 0x1060: 0x00c0, 0x1061: 0x00c0, 0x1062: 0x00c0, 0x1063: 0x00c0, + 0x1064: 0x00c0, 0x1065: 0x00c0, 0x1066: 0x00c0, 0x1067: 0x00c0, 0x1068: 0x00c0, 0x1069: 0x00c0, + 0x106a: 0x00c0, 0x106b: 0x00c0, 0x106c: 0x00c0, 0x106d: 0x00c0, 0x106e: 0x00c0, 0x106f: 0x00c0, + 0x1070: 0x00c0, 0x1071: 0x00c0, 0x1072: 0x00c0, 0x1073: 0x00c0, 0x1074: 0x00c0, 0x1075: 0x00c0, + 0x1076: 0x00c0, 0x1077: 0x00c0, 0x1078: 0x00c0, 0x1079: 0x00c0, 0x107a: 0x00c0, 0x107b: 0x00c0, + 0x107c: 0x00c0, 0x107d: 0x00c0, 0x107e: 0x00c0, 0x107f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x00c0, 0x1081: 0x00c0, 0x1082: 0x00c0, 0x1083: 0x00c0, 0x1084: 0x00c0, 0x1085: 0x00c0, + 0x1086: 0x00c0, 0x1087: 0x00c0, 0x1088: 0x00c0, 0x108a: 0x00c0, 0x108b: 0x00c0, + 0x108c: 0x00c0, 0x108d: 0x00c0, 0x1090: 0x00c0, 0x1091: 0x00c0, + 0x1092: 0x00c0, 0x1093: 0x00c0, 0x1094: 0x00c0, 0x1095: 0x00c0, 0x1096: 0x00c0, 0x1097: 0x00c0, + 0x1098: 0x00c0, 0x1099: 0x00c0, 0x109a: 0x00c0, 0x109b: 0x00c0, 0x109c: 0x00c0, 0x109d: 0x00c0, + 0x109e: 0x00c0, 0x109f: 0x00c0, 0x10a0: 0x00c0, 0x10a1: 0x00c0, 0x10a2: 0x00c0, 0x10a3: 0x00c0, + 0x10a4: 0x00c0, 0x10a5: 0x00c0, 0x10a6: 0x00c0, 0x10a7: 0x00c0, 0x10a8: 0x00c0, 0x10a9: 0x00c0, + 0x10aa: 0x00c0, 0x10ab: 0x00c0, 0x10ac: 0x00c0, 0x10ad: 0x00c0, 0x10ae: 0x00c0, 0x10af: 0x00c0, + 0x10b0: 0x00c0, 0x10b2: 0x00c0, 0x10b3: 0x00c0, 0x10b4: 0x00c0, 0x10b5: 0x00c0, + 0x10b8: 0x00c0, 0x10b9: 0x00c0, 0x10ba: 0x00c0, 0x10bb: 0x00c0, + 0x10bc: 0x00c0, 0x10bd: 0x00c0, 0x10be: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c0: 0x00c0, 0x10c2: 0x00c0, 0x10c3: 0x00c0, 0x10c4: 0x00c0, 0x10c5: 0x00c0, + 0x10c8: 0x00c0, 0x10c9: 0x00c0, 0x10ca: 0x00c0, 0x10cb: 0x00c0, + 0x10cc: 0x00c0, 0x10cd: 0x00c0, 0x10ce: 0x00c0, 0x10cf: 0x00c0, 0x10d0: 0x00c0, 0x10d1: 0x00c0, + 0x10d2: 0x00c0, 0x10d3: 0x00c0, 0x10d4: 0x00c0, 0x10d5: 0x00c0, 0x10d6: 0x00c0, + 0x10d8: 0x00c0, 0x10d9: 0x00c0, 0x10da: 0x00c0, 0x10db: 0x00c0, 0x10dc: 0x00c0, 0x10dd: 0x00c0, + 0x10de: 0x00c0, 0x10df: 0x00c0, 0x10e0: 0x00c0, 0x10e1: 0x00c0, 0x10e2: 0x00c0, 0x10e3: 0x00c0, + 0x10e4: 0x00c0, 0x10e5: 0x00c0, 0x10e6: 0x00c0, 0x10e7: 0x00c0, 0x10e8: 0x00c0, 0x10e9: 0x00c0, + 0x10ea: 0x00c0, 0x10eb: 0x00c0, 0x10ec: 0x00c0, 0x10ed: 0x00c0, 0x10ee: 0x00c0, 0x10ef: 0x00c0, + 0x10f0: 0x00c0, 0x10f1: 0x00c0, 0x10f2: 0x00c0, 0x10f3: 0x00c0, 0x10f4: 0x00c0, 0x10f5: 0x00c0, + 0x10f6: 0x00c0, 0x10f7: 0x00c0, 0x10f8: 0x00c0, 0x10f9: 0x00c0, 0x10fa: 0x00c0, 0x10fb: 0x00c0, + 0x10fc: 0x00c0, 0x10fd: 0x00c0, 0x10fe: 0x00c0, 0x10ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1100: 0x00c0, 0x1101: 0x00c0, 0x1102: 0x00c0, 0x1103: 0x00c0, 0x1104: 0x00c0, 0x1105: 0x00c0, + 0x1106: 0x00c0, 0x1107: 0x00c0, 0x1108: 0x00c0, 0x1109: 0x00c0, 0x110a: 0x00c0, 0x110b: 0x00c0, + 0x110c: 0x00c0, 0x110d: 0x00c0, 0x110e: 0x00c0, 0x110f: 0x00c0, 0x1110: 0x00c0, + 0x1112: 0x00c0, 0x1113: 0x00c0, 0x1114: 0x00c0, 0x1115: 0x00c0, + 0x1118: 0x00c0, 0x1119: 0x00c0, 0x111a: 0x00c0, 0x111b: 0x00c0, 0x111c: 0x00c0, 0x111d: 0x00c0, + 0x111e: 0x00c0, 0x111f: 0x00c0, 0x1120: 0x00c0, 0x1121: 0x00c0, 0x1122: 0x00c0, 0x1123: 0x00c0, + 0x1124: 0x00c0, 0x1125: 0x00c0, 0x1126: 0x00c0, 0x1127: 0x00c0, 0x1128: 0x00c0, 0x1129: 0x00c0, + 0x112a: 0x00c0, 0x112b: 0x00c0, 0x112c: 0x00c0, 0x112d: 0x00c0, 0x112e: 0x00c0, 0x112f: 0x00c0, + 0x1130: 0x00c0, 0x1131: 0x00c0, 0x1132: 0x00c0, 0x1133: 0x00c0, 0x1134: 0x00c0, 0x1135: 0x00c0, + 0x1136: 0x00c0, 0x1137: 0x00c0, 0x1138: 0x00c0, 0x1139: 0x00c0, 0x113a: 0x00c0, 0x113b: 0x00c0, + 0x113c: 0x00c0, 0x113d: 0x00c0, 0x113e: 0x00c0, 0x113f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1140: 0x00c0, 0x1141: 0x00c0, 0x1142: 0x00c0, 0x1143: 0x00c0, 0x1144: 0x00c0, 0x1145: 0x00c0, + 0x1146: 0x00c0, 0x1147: 0x00c0, 0x1148: 0x00c0, 0x1149: 0x00c0, 0x114a: 0x00c0, 0x114b: 0x00c0, + 0x114c: 0x00c0, 0x114d: 0x00c0, 0x114e: 0x00c0, 0x114f: 0x00c0, 0x1150: 0x00c0, 0x1151: 0x00c0, + 0x1152: 0x00c0, 0x1153: 0x00c0, 0x1154: 0x00c0, 0x1155: 0x00c0, 0x1156: 0x00c0, 0x1157: 0x00c0, + 0x1158: 0x00c0, 0x1159: 0x00c0, 0x115a: 0x00c0, 0x115d: 0x00c3, + 0x115e: 0x00c3, 0x115f: 0x00c3, 0x1160: 0x0080, 0x1161: 0x0080, 0x1162: 0x0080, 0x1163: 0x0080, + 0x1164: 0x0080, 0x1165: 0x0080, 0x1166: 0x0080, 0x1167: 0x0080, 0x1168: 0x0080, 0x1169: 0x0080, + 0x116a: 0x0080, 0x116b: 0x0080, 0x116c: 0x0080, 0x116d: 0x0080, 0x116e: 0x0080, 0x116f: 0x0080, + 0x1170: 0x0080, 0x1171: 0x0080, 0x1172: 0x0080, 0x1173: 0x0080, 0x1174: 0x0080, 0x1175: 0x0080, + 0x1176: 0x0080, 0x1177: 0x0080, 0x1178: 0x0080, 0x1179: 0x0080, 0x117a: 0x0080, 0x117b: 0x0080, + 0x117c: 0x0080, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1180: 0x00c0, 0x1181: 0x00c0, 0x1182: 0x00c0, 0x1183: 0x00c0, 0x1184: 0x00c0, 0x1185: 0x00c0, + 0x1186: 0x00c0, 0x1187: 0x00c0, 0x1188: 0x00c0, 0x1189: 0x00c0, 0x118a: 0x00c0, 0x118b: 0x00c0, + 0x118c: 0x00c0, 0x118d: 0x00c0, 0x118e: 0x00c0, 0x118f: 0x00c0, 0x1190: 0x0080, 0x1191: 0x0080, + 0x1192: 0x0080, 0x1193: 0x0080, 0x1194: 0x0080, 0x1195: 0x0080, 0x1196: 0x0080, 0x1197: 0x0080, + 0x1198: 0x0080, 0x1199: 0x0080, + 0x11a0: 0x00c0, 0x11a1: 0x00c0, 0x11a2: 0x00c0, 0x11a3: 0x00c0, + 0x11a4: 0x00c0, 0x11a5: 0x00c0, 0x11a6: 0x00c0, 0x11a7: 0x00c0, 0x11a8: 0x00c0, 0x11a9: 0x00c0, + 0x11aa: 0x00c0, 0x11ab: 0x00c0, 0x11ac: 0x00c0, 0x11ad: 0x00c0, 0x11ae: 0x00c0, 0x11af: 0x00c0, + 0x11b0: 0x00c0, 0x11b1: 0x00c0, 0x11b2: 0x00c0, 0x11b3: 0x00c0, 0x11b4: 0x00c0, 0x11b5: 0x00c0, + 0x11b6: 0x00c0, 0x11b7: 0x00c0, 0x11b8: 0x00c0, 0x11b9: 0x00c0, 0x11ba: 0x00c0, 0x11bb: 0x00c0, + 0x11bc: 0x00c0, 0x11bd: 0x00c0, 0x11be: 0x00c0, 0x11bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c0: 0x00c0, 0x11c1: 0x00c0, 0x11c2: 0x00c0, 0x11c3: 0x00c0, 0x11c4: 0x00c0, 0x11c5: 0x00c0, + 0x11c6: 0x00c0, 0x11c7: 0x00c0, 0x11c8: 0x00c0, 0x11c9: 0x00c0, 0x11ca: 0x00c0, 0x11cb: 0x00c0, + 0x11cc: 0x00c0, 0x11cd: 0x00c0, 0x11ce: 0x00c0, 0x11cf: 0x00c0, 0x11d0: 0x00c0, 0x11d1: 0x00c0, + 0x11d2: 0x00c0, 0x11d3: 0x00c0, 0x11d4: 0x00c0, 0x11d5: 0x00c0, 0x11d6: 0x00c0, 0x11d7: 0x00c0, + 0x11d8: 0x00c0, 0x11d9: 0x00c0, 0x11da: 0x00c0, 0x11db: 0x00c0, 0x11dc: 0x00c0, 0x11dd: 0x00c0, + 0x11de: 0x00c0, 0x11df: 0x00c0, 0x11e0: 0x00c0, 0x11e1: 0x00c0, 0x11e2: 0x00c0, 0x11e3: 0x00c0, + 0x11e4: 0x00c0, 0x11e5: 0x00c0, 0x11e6: 0x00c0, 0x11e7: 0x00c0, 0x11e8: 0x00c0, 0x11e9: 0x00c0, + 0x11ea: 0x00c0, 0x11eb: 0x00c0, 0x11ec: 0x00c0, 0x11ed: 0x00c0, 0x11ee: 0x00c0, 0x11ef: 0x00c0, + 0x11f0: 0x00c0, 0x11f1: 0x00c0, 0x11f2: 0x00c0, 0x11f3: 0x00c0, 0x11f4: 0x00c0, 0x11f5: 0x00c0, + 0x11f8: 0x00c0, 0x11f9: 0x00c0, 0x11fa: 0x00c0, 0x11fb: 0x00c0, + 0x11fc: 0x00c0, 0x11fd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x0080, 0x1201: 0x00c0, 0x1202: 0x00c0, 0x1203: 0x00c0, 0x1204: 0x00c0, 0x1205: 0x00c0, + 0x1206: 0x00c0, 0x1207: 0x00c0, 0x1208: 0x00c0, 0x1209: 0x00c0, 0x120a: 0x00c0, 0x120b: 0x00c0, + 0x120c: 0x00c0, 0x120d: 0x00c0, 0x120e: 0x00c0, 0x120f: 0x00c0, 0x1210: 0x00c0, 0x1211: 0x00c0, + 0x1212: 0x00c0, 0x1213: 0x00c0, 0x1214: 0x00c0, 0x1215: 0x00c0, 0x1216: 0x00c0, 0x1217: 0x00c0, + 0x1218: 0x00c0, 0x1219: 0x00c0, 0x121a: 0x00c0, 0x121b: 0x00c0, 0x121c: 0x00c0, 0x121d: 0x00c0, + 0x121e: 0x00c0, 0x121f: 0x00c0, 0x1220: 0x00c0, 0x1221: 0x00c0, 0x1222: 0x00c0, 0x1223: 0x00c0, + 0x1224: 0x00c0, 0x1225: 0x00c0, 0x1226: 0x00c0, 0x1227: 0x00c0, 0x1228: 0x00c0, 0x1229: 0x00c0, + 0x122a: 0x00c0, 0x122b: 0x00c0, 0x122c: 0x00c0, 0x122d: 0x00c0, 0x122e: 0x00c0, 0x122f: 0x00c0, + 0x1230: 0x00c0, 0x1231: 0x00c0, 0x1232: 0x00c0, 0x1233: 0x00c0, 0x1234: 0x00c0, 0x1235: 0x00c0, + 0x1236: 0x00c0, 0x1237: 0x00c0, 0x1238: 0x00c0, 0x1239: 0x00c0, 0x123a: 0x00c0, 0x123b: 0x00c0, + 0x123c: 0x00c0, 0x123d: 0x00c0, 0x123e: 0x00c0, 0x123f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1240: 0x00c0, 0x1241: 0x00c0, 0x1242: 0x00c0, 0x1243: 0x00c0, 0x1244: 0x00c0, 0x1245: 0x00c0, + 0x1246: 0x00c0, 0x1247: 0x00c0, 0x1248: 0x00c0, 0x1249: 0x00c0, 0x124a: 0x00c0, 0x124b: 0x00c0, + 0x124c: 0x00c0, 0x124d: 0x00c0, 0x124e: 0x00c0, 0x124f: 0x00c0, 0x1250: 0x00c0, 0x1251: 0x00c0, + 0x1252: 0x00c0, 0x1253: 0x00c0, 0x1254: 0x00c0, 0x1255: 0x00c0, 0x1256: 0x00c0, 0x1257: 0x00c0, + 0x1258: 0x00c0, 0x1259: 0x00c0, 0x125a: 0x00c0, 0x125b: 0x00c0, 0x125c: 0x00c0, 0x125d: 0x00c0, + 0x125e: 0x00c0, 0x125f: 0x00c0, 0x1260: 0x00c0, 0x1261: 0x00c0, 0x1262: 0x00c0, 0x1263: 0x00c0, + 0x1264: 0x00c0, 0x1265: 0x00c0, 0x1266: 0x00c0, 0x1267: 0x00c0, 0x1268: 0x00c0, 0x1269: 0x00c0, + 0x126a: 0x00c0, 0x126b: 0x00c0, 0x126c: 0x00c0, 0x126d: 0x0080, 0x126e: 0x0080, 0x126f: 0x00c0, + 0x1270: 0x00c0, 0x1271: 0x00c0, 0x1272: 0x00c0, 0x1273: 0x00c0, 0x1274: 0x00c0, 0x1275: 0x00c0, + 0x1276: 0x00c0, 0x1277: 0x00c0, 0x1278: 0x00c0, 0x1279: 0x00c0, 0x127a: 0x00c0, 0x127b: 0x00c0, + 0x127c: 0x00c0, 0x127d: 0x00c0, 0x127e: 0x00c0, 0x127f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x1280: 0x0080, 0x1281: 0x00c0, 0x1282: 0x00c0, 0x1283: 0x00c0, 0x1284: 0x00c0, 0x1285: 0x00c0, + 0x1286: 0x00c0, 0x1287: 0x00c0, 0x1288: 0x00c0, 0x1289: 0x00c0, 0x128a: 0x00c0, 0x128b: 0x00c0, + 0x128c: 0x00c0, 0x128d: 0x00c0, 0x128e: 0x00c0, 0x128f: 0x00c0, 0x1290: 0x00c0, 0x1291: 0x00c0, + 0x1292: 0x00c0, 0x1293: 0x00c0, 0x1294: 0x00c0, 0x1295: 0x00c0, 0x1296: 0x00c0, 0x1297: 0x00c0, + 0x1298: 0x00c0, 0x1299: 0x00c0, 0x129a: 0x00c0, 0x129b: 0x0080, 0x129c: 0x0080, + 0x12a0: 0x00c0, 0x12a1: 0x00c0, 0x12a2: 0x00c0, 0x12a3: 0x00c0, + 0x12a4: 0x00c0, 0x12a5: 0x00c0, 0x12a6: 0x00c0, 0x12a7: 0x00c0, 0x12a8: 0x00c0, 0x12a9: 0x00c0, + 0x12aa: 0x00c0, 0x12ab: 0x00c0, 0x12ac: 0x00c0, 0x12ad: 0x00c0, 0x12ae: 0x00c0, 0x12af: 0x00c0, + 0x12b0: 0x00c0, 0x12b1: 0x00c0, 0x12b2: 0x00c0, 0x12b3: 0x00c0, 0x12b4: 0x00c0, 0x12b5: 0x00c0, + 0x12b6: 0x00c0, 0x12b7: 0x00c0, 0x12b8: 0x00c0, 0x12b9: 0x00c0, 0x12ba: 0x00c0, 0x12bb: 0x00c0, + 0x12bc: 0x00c0, 0x12bd: 0x00c0, 0x12be: 0x00c0, 0x12bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12c0: 0x00c0, 0x12c1: 0x00c0, 0x12c2: 0x00c0, 0x12c3: 0x00c0, 0x12c4: 0x00c0, 0x12c5: 0x00c0, + 0x12c6: 0x00c0, 0x12c7: 0x00c0, 0x12c8: 0x00c0, 0x12c9: 0x00c0, 0x12ca: 0x00c0, 0x12cb: 0x00c0, + 0x12cc: 0x00c0, 0x12cd: 0x00c0, 0x12ce: 0x00c0, 0x12cf: 0x00c0, 0x12d0: 0x00c0, 0x12d1: 0x00c0, + 0x12d2: 0x00c0, 0x12d3: 0x00c0, 0x12d4: 0x00c0, 0x12d5: 0x00c0, 0x12d6: 0x00c0, 0x12d7: 0x00c0, + 0x12d8: 0x00c0, 0x12d9: 0x00c0, 0x12da: 0x00c0, 0x12db: 0x00c0, 0x12dc: 0x00c0, 0x12dd: 0x00c0, + 0x12de: 0x00c0, 0x12df: 0x00c0, 0x12e0: 0x00c0, 0x12e1: 0x00c0, 0x12e2: 0x00c0, 0x12e3: 0x00c0, + 0x12e4: 0x00c0, 0x12e5: 0x00c0, 0x12e6: 0x00c0, 0x12e7: 0x00c0, 0x12e8: 0x00c0, 0x12e9: 0x00c0, + 0x12ea: 0x00c0, 0x12eb: 0x0080, 0x12ec: 0x0080, 0x12ed: 0x0080, 0x12ee: 0x0080, 0x12ef: 0x0080, + 0x12f0: 0x0080, 0x12f1: 0x00c0, 0x12f2: 0x00c0, 0x12f3: 0x00c0, 0x12f4: 0x00c0, 0x12f5: 0x00c0, + 0x12f6: 0x00c0, 0x12f7: 0x00c0, 0x12f8: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x00c0, 0x1301: 0x00c0, 0x1302: 0x00c0, 0x1303: 0x00c0, 0x1304: 0x00c0, 0x1305: 0x00c0, + 0x1306: 0x00c0, 0x1307: 0x00c0, 0x1308: 0x00c0, 0x1309: 0x00c0, 0x130a: 0x00c0, 0x130b: 0x00c0, + 0x130c: 0x00c0, 0x130e: 0x00c0, 0x130f: 0x00c0, 0x1310: 0x00c0, 0x1311: 0x00c0, + 0x1312: 0x00c3, 0x1313: 0x00c3, 0x1314: 0x00c6, + 0x1320: 0x00c0, 0x1321: 0x00c0, 0x1322: 0x00c0, 0x1323: 0x00c0, + 0x1324: 0x00c0, 0x1325: 0x00c0, 0x1326: 0x00c0, 0x1327: 0x00c0, 0x1328: 0x00c0, 0x1329: 0x00c0, + 0x132a: 0x00c0, 0x132b: 0x00c0, 0x132c: 0x00c0, 0x132d: 0x00c0, 0x132e: 0x00c0, 0x132f: 0x00c0, + 0x1330: 0x00c0, 0x1331: 0x00c0, 0x1332: 0x00c3, 0x1333: 0x00c3, 0x1334: 0x00c6, 0x1335: 0x0080, + 0x1336: 0x0080, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x1340: 0x00c0, 0x1341: 0x00c0, 0x1342: 0x00c0, 0x1343: 0x00c0, 0x1344: 0x00c0, 0x1345: 0x00c0, + 0x1346: 0x00c0, 0x1347: 0x00c0, 0x1348: 0x00c0, 0x1349: 0x00c0, 0x134a: 0x00c0, 0x134b: 0x00c0, + 0x134c: 0x00c0, 0x134d: 0x00c0, 0x134e: 0x00c0, 0x134f: 0x00c0, 0x1350: 0x00c0, 0x1351: 0x00c0, + 0x1352: 0x00c3, 0x1353: 0x00c3, + 0x1360: 0x00c0, 0x1361: 0x00c0, 0x1362: 0x00c0, 0x1363: 0x00c0, + 0x1364: 0x00c0, 0x1365: 0x00c0, 0x1366: 0x00c0, 0x1367: 0x00c0, 0x1368: 0x00c0, 0x1369: 0x00c0, + 0x136a: 0x00c0, 0x136b: 0x00c0, 0x136c: 0x00c0, 0x136e: 0x00c0, 0x136f: 0x00c0, + 0x1370: 0x00c0, 0x1372: 0x00c3, 0x1373: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x00c0, 0x1381: 0x00c0, 0x1382: 0x00c0, 0x1383: 0x00c0, 0x1384: 0x00c0, 0x1385: 0x00c0, + 0x1386: 0x00c0, 0x1387: 0x00c0, 0x1388: 0x00c0, 0x1389: 0x00c0, 0x138a: 0x00c0, 0x138b: 0x00c0, + 0x138c: 0x00c0, 0x138d: 0x00c0, 0x138e: 0x00c0, 0x138f: 0x00c0, 0x1390: 0x00c0, 0x1391: 0x00c0, + 0x1392: 0x00c0, 0x1393: 0x00c0, 0x1394: 0x00c0, 0x1395: 0x00c0, 0x1396: 0x00c0, 0x1397: 0x00c0, + 0x1398: 0x00c0, 0x1399: 0x00c0, 0x139a: 0x00c0, 0x139b: 0x00c0, 0x139c: 0x00c0, 0x139d: 0x00c0, + 0x139e: 0x00c0, 0x139f: 0x00c0, 0x13a0: 0x00c0, 0x13a1: 0x00c0, 0x13a2: 0x00c0, 0x13a3: 0x00c0, + 0x13a4: 0x00c0, 0x13a5: 0x00c0, 0x13a6: 0x00c0, 0x13a7: 0x00c0, 0x13a8: 0x00c0, 0x13a9: 0x00c0, + 0x13aa: 0x00c0, 0x13ab: 0x00c0, 0x13ac: 0x00c0, 0x13ad: 0x00c0, 0x13ae: 0x00c0, 0x13af: 0x00c0, + 0x13b0: 0x00c0, 0x13b1: 0x00c0, 0x13b2: 0x00c0, 0x13b3: 0x00c0, 0x13b4: 0x0040, 0x13b5: 0x0040, + 0x13b6: 0x00c0, 0x13b7: 0x00c3, 0x13b8: 0x00c3, 0x13b9: 0x00c3, 0x13ba: 0x00c3, 0x13bb: 0x00c3, + 0x13bc: 0x00c3, 0x13bd: 0x00c3, 0x13be: 0x00c0, 0x13bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x00c0, 0x13c1: 0x00c0, 0x13c2: 0x00c0, 0x13c3: 0x00c0, 0x13c4: 0x00c0, 0x13c5: 0x00c0, + 0x13c6: 0x00c3, 0x13c7: 0x00c0, 0x13c8: 0x00c0, 0x13c9: 0x00c3, 0x13ca: 0x00c3, 0x13cb: 0x00c3, + 0x13cc: 0x00c3, 0x13cd: 0x00c3, 0x13ce: 0x00c3, 0x13cf: 0x00c3, 0x13d0: 0x00c3, 0x13d1: 0x00c3, + 0x13d2: 0x00c6, 0x13d3: 0x00c3, 0x13d4: 0x0080, 0x13d5: 0x0080, 0x13d6: 0x0080, 0x13d7: 0x00c0, + 0x13d8: 0x0080, 0x13d9: 0x0080, 0x13da: 0x0080, 0x13db: 0x0080, 0x13dc: 0x00c0, 0x13dd: 0x00c3, + 0x13e0: 0x00c0, 0x13e1: 0x00c0, 0x13e2: 0x00c0, 0x13e3: 0x00c0, + 0x13e4: 0x00c0, 0x13e5: 0x00c0, 0x13e6: 0x00c0, 0x13e7: 0x00c0, 0x13e8: 0x00c0, 0x13e9: 0x00c0, + 0x13f0: 0x0080, 0x13f1: 0x0080, 0x13f2: 0x0080, 0x13f3: 0x0080, 0x13f4: 0x0080, 0x13f5: 0x0080, + 0x13f6: 0x0080, 0x13f7: 0x0080, 0x13f8: 0x0080, 0x13f9: 0x0080, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x0080, 0x1401: 0x0080, 0x1402: 0x0080, 0x1403: 0x0080, 0x1404: 0x0080, 0x1405: 0x0080, + 0x1406: 0x0080, 0x1407: 0x0082, 0x1408: 0x0080, 0x1409: 0x0080, 0x140a: 0x0080, 0x140b: 0x0040, + 0x140c: 0x0040, 0x140d: 0x0040, 0x140e: 0x0040, 0x1410: 0x00c0, 0x1411: 0x00c0, + 0x1412: 0x00c0, 0x1413: 0x00c0, 0x1414: 0x00c0, 0x1415: 0x00c0, 0x1416: 0x00c0, 0x1417: 0x00c0, + 0x1418: 0x00c0, 0x1419: 0x00c0, + 0x1420: 0x00c2, 0x1421: 0x00c2, 0x1422: 0x00c2, 0x1423: 0x00c2, + 0x1424: 0x00c2, 0x1425: 0x00c2, 0x1426: 0x00c2, 0x1427: 0x00c2, 0x1428: 0x00c2, 0x1429: 0x00c2, + 0x142a: 0x00c2, 0x142b: 0x00c2, 0x142c: 0x00c2, 0x142d: 0x00c2, 0x142e: 0x00c2, 0x142f: 0x00c2, + 0x1430: 0x00c2, 0x1431: 0x00c2, 0x1432: 0x00c2, 0x1433: 0x00c2, 0x1434: 0x00c2, 0x1435: 0x00c2, + 0x1436: 0x00c2, 0x1437: 0x00c2, 0x1438: 0x00c2, 0x1439: 0x00c2, 0x143a: 0x00c2, 0x143b: 0x00c2, + 0x143c: 0x00c2, 0x143d: 0x00c2, 0x143e: 0x00c2, 0x143f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1440: 0x00c2, 0x1441: 0x00c2, 0x1442: 0x00c2, 0x1443: 0x00c2, 0x1444: 0x00c2, 0x1445: 0x00c2, + 0x1446: 0x00c2, 0x1447: 0x00c2, 0x1448: 0x00c2, 0x1449: 0x00c2, 0x144a: 0x00c2, 0x144b: 0x00c2, + 0x144c: 0x00c2, 0x144d: 0x00c2, 0x144e: 0x00c2, 0x144f: 0x00c2, 0x1450: 0x00c2, 0x1451: 0x00c2, + 0x1452: 0x00c2, 0x1453: 0x00c2, 0x1454: 0x00c2, 0x1455: 0x00c2, 0x1456: 0x00c2, 0x1457: 0x00c2, + 0x1458: 0x00c2, 0x1459: 0x00c2, 0x145a: 0x00c2, 0x145b: 0x00c2, 0x145c: 0x00c2, 0x145d: 0x00c2, + 0x145e: 0x00c2, 0x145f: 0x00c2, 0x1460: 0x00c2, 0x1461: 0x00c2, 0x1462: 0x00c2, 0x1463: 0x00c2, + 0x1464: 0x00c2, 0x1465: 0x00c2, 0x1466: 0x00c2, 0x1467: 0x00c2, 0x1468: 0x00c2, 0x1469: 0x00c2, + 0x146a: 0x00c2, 0x146b: 0x00c2, 0x146c: 0x00c2, 0x146d: 0x00c2, 0x146e: 0x00c2, 0x146f: 0x00c2, + 0x1470: 0x00c2, 0x1471: 0x00c2, 0x1472: 0x00c2, 0x1473: 0x00c2, 0x1474: 0x00c2, 0x1475: 0x00c2, + 0x1476: 0x00c2, 0x1477: 0x00c2, 0x1478: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x00c0, 0x1481: 0x00c0, 0x1482: 0x00c0, 0x1483: 0x00c0, 0x1484: 0x00c0, 0x1485: 0x00c3, + 0x1486: 0x00c3, 0x1487: 0x00c2, 0x1488: 0x00c2, 0x1489: 0x00c2, 0x148a: 0x00c2, 0x148b: 0x00c2, + 0x148c: 0x00c2, 0x148d: 0x00c2, 0x148e: 0x00c2, 0x148f: 0x00c2, 0x1490: 0x00c2, 0x1491: 0x00c2, + 0x1492: 0x00c2, 0x1493: 0x00c2, 0x1494: 0x00c2, 0x1495: 0x00c2, 0x1496: 0x00c2, 0x1497: 0x00c2, + 0x1498: 0x00c2, 0x1499: 0x00c2, 0x149a: 0x00c2, 0x149b: 0x00c2, 0x149c: 0x00c2, 0x149d: 0x00c2, + 0x149e: 0x00c2, 0x149f: 0x00c2, 0x14a0: 0x00c2, 0x14a1: 0x00c2, 0x14a2: 0x00c2, 0x14a3: 0x00c2, + 0x14a4: 0x00c2, 0x14a5: 0x00c2, 0x14a6: 0x00c2, 0x14a7: 0x00c2, 0x14a8: 0x00c2, 0x14a9: 0x00c3, + 0x14aa: 0x00c2, + 0x14b0: 0x00c0, 0x14b1: 0x00c0, 0x14b2: 0x00c0, 0x14b3: 0x00c0, 0x14b4: 0x00c0, 0x14b5: 0x00c0, + 0x14b6: 0x00c0, 0x14b7: 0x00c0, 0x14b8: 0x00c0, 0x14b9: 0x00c0, 0x14ba: 0x00c0, 0x14bb: 0x00c0, + 0x14bc: 0x00c0, 0x14bd: 0x00c0, 0x14be: 0x00c0, 0x14bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x00c0, 0x14c1: 0x00c0, 0x14c2: 0x00c0, 0x14c3: 0x00c0, 0x14c4: 0x00c0, 0x14c5: 0x00c0, + 0x14c6: 0x00c0, 0x14c7: 0x00c0, 0x14c8: 0x00c0, 0x14c9: 0x00c0, 0x14ca: 0x00c0, 0x14cb: 0x00c0, + 0x14cc: 0x00c0, 0x14cd: 0x00c0, 0x14ce: 0x00c0, 0x14cf: 0x00c0, 0x14d0: 0x00c0, 0x14d1: 0x00c0, + 0x14d2: 0x00c0, 0x14d3: 0x00c0, 0x14d4: 0x00c0, 0x14d5: 0x00c0, 0x14d6: 0x00c0, 0x14d7: 0x00c0, + 0x14d8: 0x00c0, 0x14d9: 0x00c0, 0x14da: 0x00c0, 0x14db: 0x00c0, 0x14dc: 0x00c0, 0x14dd: 0x00c0, + 0x14de: 0x00c0, 0x14df: 0x00c0, 0x14e0: 0x00c0, 0x14e1: 0x00c0, 0x14e2: 0x00c0, 0x14e3: 0x00c0, + 0x14e4: 0x00c0, 0x14e5: 0x00c0, 0x14e6: 0x00c0, 0x14e7: 0x00c0, 0x14e8: 0x00c0, 0x14e9: 0x00c0, + 0x14ea: 0x00c0, 0x14eb: 0x00c0, 0x14ec: 0x00c0, 0x14ed: 0x00c0, 0x14ee: 0x00c0, 0x14ef: 0x00c0, + 0x14f0: 0x00c0, 0x14f1: 0x00c0, 0x14f2: 0x00c0, 0x14f3: 0x00c0, 0x14f4: 0x00c0, 0x14f5: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x00c0, 0x1501: 0x00c0, 0x1502: 0x00c0, 0x1503: 0x00c0, 0x1504: 0x00c0, 0x1505: 0x00c0, + 0x1506: 0x00c0, 0x1507: 0x00c0, 0x1508: 0x00c0, 0x1509: 0x00c0, 0x150a: 0x00c0, 0x150b: 0x00c0, + 0x150c: 0x00c0, 0x150d: 0x00c0, 0x150e: 0x00c0, 0x150f: 0x00c0, 0x1510: 0x00c0, 0x1511: 0x00c0, + 0x1512: 0x00c0, 0x1513: 0x00c0, 0x1514: 0x00c0, 0x1515: 0x00c0, 0x1516: 0x00c0, 0x1517: 0x00c0, + 0x1518: 0x00c0, 0x1519: 0x00c0, 0x151a: 0x00c0, 0x151b: 0x00c0, 0x151c: 0x00c0, 0x151d: 0x00c0, + 0x151e: 0x00c0, 0x1520: 0x00c3, 0x1521: 0x00c3, 0x1522: 0x00c3, 0x1523: 0x00c0, + 0x1524: 0x00c0, 0x1525: 0x00c0, 0x1526: 0x00c0, 0x1527: 0x00c3, 0x1528: 0x00c3, 0x1529: 0x00c0, + 0x152a: 0x00c0, 0x152b: 0x00c0, + 0x1530: 0x00c0, 0x1531: 0x00c0, 0x1532: 0x00c3, 0x1533: 0x00c0, 0x1534: 0x00c0, 0x1535: 0x00c0, + 0x1536: 0x00c0, 0x1537: 0x00c0, 0x1538: 0x00c0, 0x1539: 0x00c3, 0x153a: 0x00c3, 0x153b: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1540: 0x0080, 0x1544: 0x0080, 0x1545: 0x0080, + 0x1546: 0x00c0, 0x1547: 0x00c0, 0x1548: 0x00c0, 0x1549: 0x00c0, 0x154a: 0x00c0, 0x154b: 0x00c0, + 0x154c: 0x00c0, 0x154d: 0x00c0, 0x154e: 0x00c0, 0x154f: 0x00c0, 0x1550: 0x00c0, 0x1551: 0x00c0, + 0x1552: 0x00c0, 0x1553: 0x00c0, 0x1554: 0x00c0, 0x1555: 0x00c0, 0x1556: 0x00c0, 0x1557: 0x00c0, + 0x1558: 0x00c0, 0x1559: 0x00c0, 0x155a: 0x00c0, 0x155b: 0x00c0, 0x155c: 0x00c0, 0x155d: 0x00c0, + 0x155e: 0x00c0, 0x155f: 0x00c0, 0x1560: 0x00c0, 0x1561: 0x00c0, 0x1562: 0x00c0, 0x1563: 0x00c0, + 0x1564: 0x00c0, 0x1565: 0x00c0, 0x1566: 0x00c0, 0x1567: 0x00c0, 0x1568: 0x00c0, 0x1569: 0x00c0, + 0x156a: 0x00c0, 0x156b: 0x00c0, 0x156c: 0x00c0, 0x156d: 0x00c0, + 0x1570: 0x00c0, 0x1571: 0x00c0, 0x1572: 0x00c0, 0x1573: 0x00c0, 0x1574: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0x00c0, 0x1581: 0x00c0, 0x1582: 0x00c0, 0x1583: 0x00c0, 0x1584: 0x00c0, 0x1585: 0x00c0, + 0x1586: 0x00c0, 0x1587: 0x00c0, 0x1588: 0x00c0, 0x1589: 0x00c0, 0x158a: 0x00c0, 0x158b: 0x00c0, + 0x158c: 0x00c0, 0x158d: 0x00c0, 0x158e: 0x00c0, 0x158f: 0x00c0, 0x1590: 0x00c0, 0x1591: 0x00c0, + 0x1592: 0x00c0, 0x1593: 0x00c0, 0x1594: 0x00c0, 0x1595: 0x00c0, 0x1596: 0x00c0, 0x1597: 0x00c0, + 0x1598: 0x00c0, 0x1599: 0x00c0, 0x159a: 0x00c0, 0x159b: 0x00c0, 0x159c: 0x00c0, 0x159d: 0x00c0, + 0x159e: 0x00c0, 0x159f: 0x00c0, 0x15a0: 0x00c0, 0x15a1: 0x00c0, 0x15a2: 0x00c0, 0x15a3: 0x00c0, + 0x15a4: 0x00c0, 0x15a5: 0x00c0, 0x15a6: 0x00c0, 0x15a7: 0x00c0, 0x15a8: 0x00c0, 0x15a9: 0x00c0, + 0x15aa: 0x00c0, 0x15ab: 0x00c0, + 0x15b0: 0x00c0, 0x15b1: 0x00c0, 0x15b2: 0x00c0, 0x15b3: 0x00c0, 0x15b4: 0x00c0, 0x15b5: 0x00c0, + 0x15b6: 0x00c0, 0x15b7: 0x00c0, 0x15b8: 0x00c0, 0x15b9: 0x00c0, 0x15ba: 0x00c0, 0x15bb: 0x00c0, + 0x15bc: 0x00c0, 0x15bd: 0x00c0, 0x15be: 0x00c0, 0x15bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0x00c0, 0x15c1: 0x00c0, 0x15c2: 0x00c0, 0x15c3: 0x00c0, 0x15c4: 0x00c0, 0x15c5: 0x00c0, + 0x15c6: 0x00c0, 0x15c7: 0x00c0, 0x15c8: 0x00c0, 0x15c9: 0x00c0, + 0x15d0: 0x00c0, 0x15d1: 0x00c0, + 0x15d2: 0x00c0, 0x15d3: 0x00c0, 0x15d4: 0x00c0, 0x15d5: 0x00c0, 0x15d6: 0x00c0, 0x15d7: 0x00c0, + 0x15d8: 0x00c0, 0x15d9: 0x00c0, 0x15da: 0x0080, + 0x15de: 0x0080, 0x15df: 0x0080, 0x15e0: 0x0080, 0x15e1: 0x0080, 0x15e2: 0x0080, 0x15e3: 0x0080, + 0x15e4: 0x0080, 0x15e5: 0x0080, 0x15e6: 0x0080, 0x15e7: 0x0080, 0x15e8: 0x0080, 0x15e9: 0x0080, + 0x15ea: 0x0080, 0x15eb: 0x0080, 0x15ec: 0x0080, 0x15ed: 0x0080, 0x15ee: 0x0080, 0x15ef: 0x0080, + 0x15f0: 0x0080, 0x15f1: 0x0080, 0x15f2: 0x0080, 0x15f3: 0x0080, 0x15f4: 0x0080, 0x15f5: 0x0080, + 0x15f6: 0x0080, 0x15f7: 0x0080, 0x15f8: 0x0080, 0x15f9: 0x0080, 0x15fa: 0x0080, 0x15fb: 0x0080, + 0x15fc: 0x0080, 0x15fd: 0x0080, 0x15fe: 0x0080, 0x15ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x00c0, 0x1601: 0x00c0, 0x1602: 0x00c0, 0x1603: 0x00c0, 0x1604: 0x00c0, 0x1605: 0x00c0, + 0x1606: 0x00c0, 0x1607: 0x00c0, 0x1608: 0x00c0, 0x1609: 0x00c0, 0x160a: 0x00c0, 0x160b: 0x00c0, + 0x160c: 0x00c0, 0x160d: 0x00c0, 0x160e: 0x00c0, 0x160f: 0x00c0, 0x1610: 0x00c0, 0x1611: 0x00c0, + 0x1612: 0x00c0, 0x1613: 0x00c0, 0x1614: 0x00c0, 0x1615: 0x00c0, 0x1616: 0x00c0, 0x1617: 0x00c3, + 0x1618: 0x00c3, 0x1619: 0x00c0, 0x161a: 0x00c0, 0x161b: 0x00c3, + 0x161e: 0x0080, 0x161f: 0x0080, 0x1620: 0x00c0, 0x1621: 0x00c0, 0x1622: 0x00c0, 0x1623: 0x00c0, + 0x1624: 0x00c0, 0x1625: 0x00c0, 0x1626: 0x00c0, 0x1627: 0x00c0, 0x1628: 0x00c0, 0x1629: 0x00c0, + 0x162a: 0x00c0, 0x162b: 0x00c0, 0x162c: 0x00c0, 0x162d: 0x00c0, 0x162e: 0x00c0, 0x162f: 0x00c0, + 0x1630: 0x00c0, 0x1631: 0x00c0, 0x1632: 0x00c0, 0x1633: 0x00c0, 0x1634: 0x00c0, 0x1635: 0x00c0, + 0x1636: 0x00c0, 0x1637: 0x00c0, 0x1638: 0x00c0, 0x1639: 0x00c0, 0x163a: 0x00c0, 0x163b: 0x00c0, + 0x163c: 0x00c0, 0x163d: 0x00c0, 0x163e: 0x00c0, 0x163f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x1640: 0x00c0, 0x1641: 0x00c0, 0x1642: 0x00c0, 0x1643: 0x00c0, 0x1644: 0x00c0, 0x1645: 0x00c0, + 0x1646: 0x00c0, 0x1647: 0x00c0, 0x1648: 0x00c0, 0x1649: 0x00c0, 0x164a: 0x00c0, 0x164b: 0x00c0, + 0x164c: 0x00c0, 0x164d: 0x00c0, 0x164e: 0x00c0, 0x164f: 0x00c0, 0x1650: 0x00c0, 0x1651: 0x00c0, + 0x1652: 0x00c0, 0x1653: 0x00c0, 0x1654: 0x00c0, 0x1655: 0x00c0, 0x1656: 0x00c3, 0x1657: 0x00c0, + 0x1658: 0x00c3, 0x1659: 0x00c3, 0x165a: 0x00c3, 0x165b: 0x00c3, 0x165c: 0x00c3, 0x165d: 0x00c3, + 0x165e: 0x00c3, 0x1660: 0x00c6, 0x1661: 0x00c0, 0x1662: 0x00c3, 0x1663: 0x00c0, + 0x1664: 0x00c0, 0x1665: 0x00c3, 0x1666: 0x00c3, 0x1667: 0x00c3, 0x1668: 0x00c3, 0x1669: 0x00c3, + 0x166a: 0x00c3, 0x166b: 0x00c3, 0x166c: 0x00c3, 0x166d: 0x00c0, 0x166e: 0x00c0, 0x166f: 0x00c0, + 0x1670: 0x00c0, 0x1671: 0x00c0, 0x1672: 0x00c0, 0x1673: 0x00c3, 0x1674: 0x00c3, 0x1675: 0x00c3, + 0x1676: 0x00c3, 0x1677: 0x00c3, 0x1678: 0x00c3, 0x1679: 0x00c3, 0x167a: 0x00c3, 0x167b: 0x00c3, + 0x167c: 0x00c3, 0x167f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x00c0, 0x1681: 0x00c0, 0x1682: 0x00c0, 0x1683: 0x00c0, 0x1684: 0x00c0, 0x1685: 0x00c0, + 0x1686: 0x00c0, 0x1687: 0x00c0, 0x1688: 0x00c0, 0x1689: 0x00c0, + 0x1690: 0x00c0, 0x1691: 0x00c0, + 0x1692: 0x00c0, 0x1693: 0x00c0, 0x1694: 0x00c0, 0x1695: 0x00c0, 0x1696: 0x00c0, 0x1697: 0x00c0, + 0x1698: 0x00c0, 0x1699: 0x00c0, + 0x16a0: 0x0080, 0x16a1: 0x0080, 0x16a2: 0x0080, 0x16a3: 0x0080, + 0x16a4: 0x0080, 0x16a5: 0x0080, 0x16a6: 0x0080, 0x16a7: 0x00c0, 0x16a8: 0x0080, 0x16a9: 0x0080, + 0x16aa: 0x0080, 0x16ab: 0x0080, 0x16ac: 0x0080, 0x16ad: 0x0080, + 0x16b0: 0x00c3, 0x16b1: 0x00c3, 0x16b2: 0x00c3, 0x16b3: 0x00c3, 0x16b4: 0x00c3, 0x16b5: 0x00c3, + 0x16b6: 0x00c3, 0x16b7: 0x00c3, 0x16b8: 0x00c3, 0x16b9: 0x00c3, 0x16ba: 0x00c3, 0x16bb: 0x00c3, + 0x16bc: 0x00c3, 0x16bd: 0x00c3, 0x16be: 0x0083, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16c0: 0x00c3, 0x16c1: 0x00c3, 0x16c2: 0x00c3, 0x16c3: 0x00c3, 0x16c4: 0x00c0, 0x16c5: 0x00c0, + 0x16c6: 0x00c0, 0x16c7: 0x00c0, 0x16c8: 0x00c0, 0x16c9: 0x00c0, 0x16ca: 0x00c0, 0x16cb: 0x00c0, + 0x16cc: 0x00c0, 0x16cd: 0x00c0, 0x16ce: 0x00c0, 0x16cf: 0x00c0, 0x16d0: 0x00c0, 0x16d1: 0x00c0, + 0x16d2: 0x00c0, 0x16d3: 0x00c0, 0x16d4: 0x00c0, 0x16d5: 0x00c0, 0x16d6: 0x00c0, 0x16d7: 0x00c0, + 0x16d8: 0x00c0, 0x16d9: 0x00c0, 0x16da: 0x00c0, 0x16db: 0x00c0, 0x16dc: 0x00c0, 0x16dd: 0x00c0, + 0x16de: 0x00c0, 0x16df: 0x00c0, 0x16e0: 0x00c0, 0x16e1: 0x00c0, 0x16e2: 0x00c0, 0x16e3: 0x00c0, + 0x16e4: 0x00c0, 0x16e5: 0x00c0, 0x16e6: 0x00c0, 0x16e7: 0x00c0, 0x16e8: 0x00c0, 0x16e9: 0x00c0, + 0x16ea: 0x00c0, 0x16eb: 0x00c0, 0x16ec: 0x00c0, 0x16ed: 0x00c0, 0x16ee: 0x00c0, 0x16ef: 0x00c0, + 0x16f0: 0x00c0, 0x16f1: 0x00c0, 0x16f2: 0x00c0, 0x16f3: 0x00c0, 0x16f4: 0x00c3, 0x16f5: 0x00c0, + 0x16f6: 0x00c3, 0x16f7: 0x00c3, 0x16f8: 0x00c3, 0x16f9: 0x00c3, 0x16fa: 0x00c3, 0x16fb: 0x00c0, + 0x16fc: 0x00c3, 0x16fd: 0x00c0, 0x16fe: 0x00c0, 0x16ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x00c0, 0x1701: 0x00c0, 0x1702: 0x00c3, 0x1703: 0x00c0, 0x1704: 0x00c5, 0x1705: 0x00c0, + 0x1706: 0x00c0, 0x1707: 0x00c0, 0x1708: 0x00c0, 0x1709: 0x00c0, 0x170a: 0x00c0, 0x170b: 0x00c0, + 0x1710: 0x00c0, 0x1711: 0x00c0, + 0x1712: 0x00c0, 0x1713: 0x00c0, 0x1714: 0x00c0, 0x1715: 0x00c0, 0x1716: 0x00c0, 0x1717: 0x00c0, + 0x1718: 0x00c0, 0x1719: 0x00c0, 0x171a: 0x0080, 0x171b: 0x0080, 0x171c: 0x0080, 0x171d: 0x0080, + 0x171e: 0x0080, 0x171f: 0x0080, 0x1720: 0x0080, 0x1721: 0x0080, 0x1722: 0x0080, 0x1723: 0x0080, + 0x1724: 0x0080, 0x1725: 0x0080, 0x1726: 0x0080, 0x1727: 0x0080, 0x1728: 0x0080, 0x1729: 0x0080, + 0x172a: 0x0080, 0x172b: 0x00c3, 0x172c: 0x00c3, 0x172d: 0x00c3, 0x172e: 0x00c3, 0x172f: 0x00c3, + 0x1730: 0x00c3, 0x1731: 0x00c3, 0x1732: 0x00c3, 0x1733: 0x00c3, 0x1734: 0x0080, 0x1735: 0x0080, + 0x1736: 0x0080, 0x1737: 0x0080, 0x1738: 0x0080, 0x1739: 0x0080, 0x173a: 0x0080, 0x173b: 0x0080, + 0x173c: 0x0080, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x00c3, 0x1741: 0x00c3, 0x1742: 0x00c0, 0x1743: 0x00c0, 0x1744: 0x00c0, 0x1745: 0x00c0, + 0x1746: 0x00c0, 0x1747: 0x00c0, 0x1748: 0x00c0, 0x1749: 0x00c0, 0x174a: 0x00c0, 0x174b: 0x00c0, + 0x174c: 0x00c0, 0x174d: 0x00c0, 0x174e: 0x00c0, 0x174f: 0x00c0, 0x1750: 0x00c0, 0x1751: 0x00c0, + 0x1752: 0x00c0, 0x1753: 0x00c0, 0x1754: 0x00c0, 0x1755: 0x00c0, 0x1756: 0x00c0, 0x1757: 0x00c0, + 0x1758: 0x00c0, 0x1759: 0x00c0, 0x175a: 0x00c0, 0x175b: 0x00c0, 0x175c: 0x00c0, 0x175d: 0x00c0, + 0x175e: 0x00c0, 0x175f: 0x00c0, 0x1760: 0x00c0, 0x1761: 0x00c0, 0x1762: 0x00c3, 0x1763: 0x00c3, + 0x1764: 0x00c3, 0x1765: 0x00c3, 0x1766: 0x00c0, 0x1767: 0x00c0, 0x1768: 0x00c3, 0x1769: 0x00c3, + 0x176a: 0x00c5, 0x176b: 0x00c6, 0x176c: 0x00c3, 0x176d: 0x00c3, 0x176e: 0x00c0, 0x176f: 0x00c0, + 0x1770: 0x00c0, 0x1771: 0x00c0, 0x1772: 0x00c0, 0x1773: 0x00c0, 0x1774: 0x00c0, 0x1775: 0x00c0, + 0x1776: 0x00c0, 0x1777: 0x00c0, 0x1778: 0x00c0, 0x1779: 0x00c0, 0x177a: 0x00c0, 0x177b: 0x00c0, + 0x177c: 0x00c0, 0x177d: 0x00c0, 0x177e: 0x00c0, 0x177f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x1780: 0x00c0, 0x1781: 0x00c0, 0x1782: 0x00c0, 0x1783: 0x00c0, 0x1784: 0x00c0, 0x1785: 0x00c0, + 0x1786: 0x00c0, 0x1787: 0x00c0, 0x1788: 0x00c0, 0x1789: 0x00c0, 0x178a: 0x00c0, 0x178b: 0x00c0, + 0x178c: 0x00c0, 0x178d: 0x00c0, 0x178e: 0x00c0, 0x178f: 0x00c0, 0x1790: 0x00c0, 0x1791: 0x00c0, + 0x1792: 0x00c0, 0x1793: 0x00c0, 0x1794: 0x00c0, 0x1795: 0x00c0, 0x1796: 0x00c0, 0x1797: 0x00c0, + 0x1798: 0x00c0, 0x1799: 0x00c0, 0x179a: 0x00c0, 0x179b: 0x00c0, 0x179c: 0x00c0, 0x179d: 0x00c0, + 0x179e: 0x00c0, 0x179f: 0x00c0, 0x17a0: 0x00c0, 0x17a1: 0x00c0, 0x17a2: 0x00c0, 0x17a3: 0x00c0, + 0x17a4: 0x00c0, 0x17a5: 0x00c0, 0x17a6: 0x00c3, 0x17a7: 0x00c0, 0x17a8: 0x00c3, 0x17a9: 0x00c3, + 0x17aa: 0x00c0, 0x17ab: 0x00c0, 0x17ac: 0x00c0, 0x17ad: 0x00c3, 0x17ae: 0x00c0, 0x17af: 0x00c3, + 0x17b0: 0x00c3, 0x17b1: 0x00c3, 0x17b2: 0x00c5, 0x17b3: 0x00c5, + 0x17bc: 0x0080, 0x17bd: 0x0080, 0x17be: 0x0080, 0x17bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x00c0, 0x17c1: 0x00c0, 0x17c2: 0x00c0, 0x17c3: 0x00c0, 0x17c4: 0x00c0, 0x17c5: 0x00c0, + 0x17c6: 0x00c0, 0x17c7: 0x00c0, 0x17c8: 0x00c0, 0x17c9: 0x00c0, 0x17ca: 0x00c0, 0x17cb: 0x00c0, + 0x17cc: 0x00c0, 0x17cd: 0x00c0, 0x17ce: 0x00c0, 0x17cf: 0x00c0, 0x17d0: 0x00c0, 0x17d1: 0x00c0, + 0x17d2: 0x00c0, 0x17d3: 0x00c0, 0x17d4: 0x00c0, 0x17d5: 0x00c0, 0x17d6: 0x00c0, 0x17d7: 0x00c0, + 0x17d8: 0x00c0, 0x17d9: 0x00c0, 0x17da: 0x00c0, 0x17db: 0x00c0, 0x17dc: 0x00c0, 0x17dd: 0x00c0, + 0x17de: 0x00c0, 0x17df: 0x00c0, 0x17e0: 0x00c0, 0x17e1: 0x00c0, 0x17e2: 0x00c0, 0x17e3: 0x00c0, + 0x17e4: 0x00c0, 0x17e5: 0x00c0, 0x17e6: 0x00c0, 0x17e7: 0x00c0, 0x17e8: 0x00c0, 0x17e9: 0x00c0, + 0x17ea: 0x00c0, 0x17eb: 0x00c0, 0x17ec: 0x00c3, 0x17ed: 0x00c3, 0x17ee: 0x00c3, 0x17ef: 0x00c3, + 0x17f0: 0x00c3, 0x17f1: 0x00c3, 0x17f2: 0x00c3, 0x17f3: 0x00c3, 0x17f4: 0x00c0, 0x17f5: 0x00c0, + 0x17f6: 0x00c3, 0x17f7: 0x00c3, 0x17fb: 0x0080, + 0x17fc: 0x0080, 0x17fd: 0x0080, 0x17fe: 0x0080, 0x17ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1800: 0x00c0, 0x1801: 0x00c0, 0x1802: 0x00c0, 0x1803: 0x00c0, 0x1804: 0x00c0, 0x1805: 0x00c0, + 0x1806: 0x00c0, 0x1807: 0x00c0, 0x1808: 0x00c0, 0x1809: 0x00c0, + 0x180d: 0x00c0, 0x180e: 0x00c0, 0x180f: 0x00c0, 0x1810: 0x00c0, 0x1811: 0x00c0, + 0x1812: 0x00c0, 0x1813: 0x00c0, 0x1814: 0x00c0, 0x1815: 0x00c0, 0x1816: 0x00c0, 0x1817: 0x00c0, + 0x1818: 0x00c0, 0x1819: 0x00c0, 0x181a: 0x00c0, 0x181b: 0x00c0, 0x181c: 0x00c0, 0x181d: 0x00c0, + 0x181e: 0x00c0, 0x181f: 0x00c0, 0x1820: 0x00c0, 0x1821: 0x00c0, 0x1822: 0x00c0, 0x1823: 0x00c0, + 0x1824: 0x00c0, 0x1825: 0x00c0, 0x1826: 0x00c0, 0x1827: 0x00c0, 0x1828: 0x00c0, 0x1829: 0x00c0, + 0x182a: 0x00c0, 0x182b: 0x00c0, 0x182c: 0x00c0, 0x182d: 0x00c0, 0x182e: 0x00c0, 0x182f: 0x00c0, + 0x1830: 0x00c0, 0x1831: 0x00c0, 0x1832: 0x00c0, 0x1833: 0x00c0, 0x1834: 0x00c0, 0x1835: 0x00c0, + 0x1836: 0x00c0, 0x1837: 0x00c0, 0x1838: 0x00c0, 0x1839: 0x00c0, 0x183a: 0x00c0, 0x183b: 0x00c0, + 0x183c: 0x00c0, 0x183d: 0x00c0, 0x183e: 0x0080, 0x183f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x00c0, 0x1841: 0x00c0, 0x1842: 0x00c0, 0x1843: 0x00c0, 0x1844: 0x00c0, 0x1845: 0x00c0, + 0x1846: 0x00c0, 0x1847: 0x00c0, 0x1848: 0x00c0, + 0x1850: 0x00c0, 0x1851: 0x00c0, + 0x1852: 0x00c0, 0x1853: 0x00c0, 0x1854: 0x00c0, 0x1855: 0x00c0, 0x1856: 0x00c0, 0x1857: 0x00c0, + 0x1858: 0x00c0, 0x1859: 0x00c0, 0x185a: 0x00c0, 0x185b: 0x00c0, 0x185c: 0x00c0, 0x185d: 0x00c0, + 0x185e: 0x00c0, 0x185f: 0x00c0, 0x1860: 0x00c0, 0x1861: 0x00c0, 0x1862: 0x00c0, 0x1863: 0x00c0, + 0x1864: 0x00c0, 0x1865: 0x00c0, 0x1866: 0x00c0, 0x1867: 0x00c0, 0x1868: 0x00c0, 0x1869: 0x00c0, + 0x186a: 0x00c0, 0x186b: 0x00c0, 0x186c: 0x00c0, 0x186d: 0x00c0, 0x186e: 0x00c0, 0x186f: 0x00c0, + 0x1870: 0x00c0, 0x1871: 0x00c0, 0x1872: 0x00c0, 0x1873: 0x00c0, 0x1874: 0x00c0, 0x1875: 0x00c0, + 0x1876: 0x00c0, 0x1877: 0x00c0, 0x1878: 0x00c0, 0x1879: 0x00c0, 0x187a: 0x00c0, + 0x187d: 0x00c0, 0x187e: 0x00c0, 0x187f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x0080, 0x1881: 0x0080, 0x1882: 0x0080, 0x1883: 0x0080, 0x1884: 0x0080, 0x1885: 0x0080, + 0x1886: 0x0080, 0x1887: 0x0080, + 0x1890: 0x00c3, 0x1891: 0x00c3, + 0x1892: 0x00c3, 0x1893: 0x0080, 0x1894: 0x00c3, 0x1895: 0x00c3, 0x1896: 0x00c3, 0x1897: 0x00c3, + 0x1898: 0x00c3, 0x1899: 0x00c3, 0x189a: 0x00c3, 0x189b: 0x00c3, 0x189c: 0x00c3, 0x189d: 0x00c3, + 0x189e: 0x00c3, 0x189f: 0x00c3, 0x18a0: 0x00c3, 0x18a1: 0x00c0, 0x18a2: 0x00c3, 0x18a3: 0x00c3, + 0x18a4: 0x00c3, 0x18a5: 0x00c3, 0x18a6: 0x00c3, 0x18a7: 0x00c3, 0x18a8: 0x00c3, 0x18a9: 0x00c0, + 0x18aa: 0x00c0, 0x18ab: 0x00c0, 0x18ac: 0x00c0, 0x18ad: 0x00c3, 0x18ae: 0x00c0, 0x18af: 0x00c0, + 0x18b0: 0x00c0, 0x18b1: 0x00c0, 0x18b2: 0x00c0, 0x18b3: 0x00c0, 0x18b4: 0x00c3, 0x18b5: 0x00c0, + 0x18b6: 0x00c0, 0x18b7: 0x00c0, 0x18b8: 0x00c3, 0x18b9: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x00c0, 0x18c1: 0x00c0, 0x18c2: 0x00c0, 0x18c3: 0x00c0, 0x18c4: 0x00c0, 0x18c5: 0x00c0, + 0x18c6: 0x00c0, 0x18c7: 0x00c0, 0x18c8: 0x00c0, 0x18c9: 0x00c0, 0x18ca: 0x00c0, 0x18cb: 0x00c0, + 0x18cc: 0x00c0, 0x18cd: 0x00c0, 0x18ce: 0x00c0, 0x18cf: 0x00c0, 0x18d0: 0x00c0, 0x18d1: 0x00c0, + 0x18d2: 0x00c0, 0x18d3: 0x00c0, 0x18d4: 0x00c0, 0x18d5: 0x00c0, 0x18d6: 0x00c0, 0x18d7: 0x00c0, + 0x18d8: 0x00c0, 0x18d9: 0x00c0, 0x18da: 0x00c0, 0x18db: 0x00c0, 0x18dc: 0x00c0, 0x18dd: 0x00c0, + 0x18de: 0x00c0, 0x18df: 0x00c0, 0x18e0: 0x00c0, 0x18e1: 0x00c0, 0x18e2: 0x00c0, 0x18e3: 0x00c0, + 0x18e4: 0x00c0, 0x18e5: 0x00c0, 0x18e6: 0x00c8, 0x18e7: 0x00c8, 0x18e8: 0x00c8, 0x18e9: 0x00c8, + 0x18ea: 0x00c8, 0x18eb: 0x00c0, 0x18ec: 0x0080, 0x18ed: 0x0080, 0x18ee: 0x0080, 0x18ef: 0x00c0, + 0x18f0: 0x0080, 0x18f1: 0x0080, 0x18f2: 0x0080, 0x18f3: 0x0080, 0x18f4: 0x0080, 0x18f5: 0x0080, + 0x18f6: 0x0080, 0x18f7: 0x0080, 0x18f8: 0x0080, 0x18f9: 0x0080, 0x18fa: 0x0080, 0x18fb: 0x00c0, + 0x18fc: 0x0080, 0x18fd: 0x0080, 0x18fe: 0x0080, 0x18ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x0080, 0x1901: 0x0080, 0x1902: 0x0080, 0x1903: 0x0080, 0x1904: 0x0080, 0x1905: 0x0080, + 0x1906: 0x0080, 0x1907: 0x0080, 0x1908: 0x0080, 0x1909: 0x0080, 0x190a: 0x0080, 0x190b: 0x0080, + 0x190c: 0x0080, 0x190d: 0x0080, 0x190e: 0x00c0, 0x190f: 0x0080, 0x1910: 0x0080, 0x1911: 0x0080, + 0x1912: 0x0080, 0x1913: 0x0080, 0x1914: 0x0080, 0x1915: 0x0080, 0x1916: 0x0080, 0x1917: 0x0080, + 0x1918: 0x0080, 0x1919: 0x0080, 0x191a: 0x0080, 0x191b: 0x0080, 0x191c: 0x0080, 0x191d: 0x0088, + 0x191e: 0x0088, 0x191f: 0x0088, 0x1920: 0x0088, 0x1921: 0x0088, 0x1922: 0x0080, 0x1923: 0x0080, + 0x1924: 0x0080, 0x1925: 0x0080, 0x1926: 0x0088, 0x1927: 0x0088, 0x1928: 0x0088, 0x1929: 0x0088, + 0x192a: 0x0088, 0x192b: 0x00c0, 0x192c: 0x00c0, 0x192d: 0x00c0, 0x192e: 0x00c0, 0x192f: 0x00c0, + 0x1930: 0x00c0, 0x1931: 0x00c0, 0x1932: 0x00c0, 0x1933: 0x00c0, 0x1934: 0x00c0, 0x1935: 0x00c0, + 0x1936: 0x00c0, 0x1937: 0x00c0, 0x1938: 0x0080, 0x1939: 0x00c0, 0x193a: 0x00c0, 0x193b: 0x00c0, + 0x193c: 0x00c0, 0x193d: 0x00c0, 0x193e: 0x00c0, 0x193f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1940: 0x00c0, 0x1941: 0x00c0, 0x1942: 0x00c0, 0x1943: 0x00c0, 0x1944: 0x00c0, 0x1945: 0x00c0, + 0x1946: 0x00c0, 0x1947: 0x00c0, 0x1948: 0x00c0, 0x1949: 0x00c0, 0x194a: 0x00c0, 0x194b: 0x00c0, + 0x194c: 0x00c0, 0x194d: 0x00c0, 0x194e: 0x00c0, 0x194f: 0x00c0, 0x1950: 0x00c0, 0x1951: 0x00c0, + 0x1952: 0x00c0, 0x1953: 0x00c0, 0x1954: 0x00c0, 0x1955: 0x00c0, 0x1956: 0x00c0, 0x1957: 0x00c0, + 0x1958: 0x00c0, 0x1959: 0x00c0, 0x195a: 0x00c0, 0x195b: 0x0080, 0x195c: 0x0080, 0x195d: 0x0080, + 0x195e: 0x0080, 0x195f: 0x0080, 0x1960: 0x0080, 0x1961: 0x0080, 0x1962: 0x0080, 0x1963: 0x0080, + 0x1964: 0x0080, 0x1965: 0x0080, 0x1966: 0x0080, 0x1967: 0x0080, 0x1968: 0x0080, 0x1969: 0x0080, + 0x196a: 0x0080, 0x196b: 0x0080, 0x196c: 0x0080, 0x196d: 0x0080, 0x196e: 0x0080, 0x196f: 0x0080, + 0x1970: 0x0080, 0x1971: 0x0080, 0x1972: 0x0080, 0x1973: 0x0080, 0x1974: 0x0080, 0x1975: 0x0080, + 0x1976: 0x0080, 0x1977: 0x0080, 0x1978: 0x0080, 0x1979: 0x0080, 0x197a: 0x0080, 0x197b: 0x0080, + 0x197c: 0x0080, 0x197d: 0x0080, 0x197e: 0x0080, 0x197f: 0x0088, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x00c3, 0x1981: 0x00c3, 0x1982: 0x00c3, 0x1983: 0x00c3, 0x1984: 0x00c3, 0x1985: 0x00c3, + 0x1986: 0x00c3, 0x1987: 0x00c3, 0x1988: 0x00c3, 0x1989: 0x00c3, 0x198a: 0x00c3, 0x198b: 0x00c3, + 0x198c: 0x00c3, 0x198d: 0x00c3, 0x198e: 0x00c3, 0x198f: 0x00c3, 0x1990: 0x00c3, 0x1991: 0x00c3, + 0x1992: 0x00c3, 0x1993: 0x00c3, 0x1994: 0x00c3, 0x1995: 0x00c3, 0x1996: 0x00c3, 0x1997: 0x00c3, + 0x1998: 0x00c3, 0x1999: 0x00c3, 0x199a: 0x00c3, 0x199b: 0x00c3, 0x199c: 0x00c3, 0x199d: 0x00c3, + 0x199e: 0x00c3, 0x199f: 0x00c3, 0x19a0: 0x00c3, 0x19a1: 0x00c3, 0x19a2: 0x00c3, 0x19a3: 0x00c3, + 0x19a4: 0x00c3, 0x19a5: 0x00c3, 0x19a6: 0x00c3, 0x19a7: 0x00c3, 0x19a8: 0x00c3, 0x19a9: 0x00c3, + 0x19aa: 0x00c3, 0x19ab: 0x00c3, 0x19ac: 0x00c3, 0x19ad: 0x00c3, 0x19ae: 0x00c3, 0x19af: 0x00c3, + 0x19b0: 0x00c3, 0x19b1: 0x00c3, 0x19b2: 0x00c3, 0x19b3: 0x00c3, 0x19b4: 0x00c3, 0x19b5: 0x00c3, + 0x19b6: 0x00c3, 0x19b7: 0x00c3, 0x19b8: 0x00c3, 0x19b9: 0x00c3, 0x19bb: 0x00c3, + 0x19bc: 0x00c3, 0x19bd: 0x00c3, 0x19be: 0x00c3, 0x19bf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19c0: 0x00c0, 0x19c1: 0x00c0, 0x19c2: 0x00c0, 0x19c3: 0x00c0, 0x19c4: 0x00c0, 0x19c5: 0x00c0, + 0x19c6: 0x00c0, 0x19c7: 0x00c0, 0x19c8: 0x00c0, 0x19c9: 0x00c0, 0x19ca: 0x00c0, 0x19cb: 0x00c0, + 0x19cc: 0x00c0, 0x19cd: 0x00c0, 0x19ce: 0x00c0, 0x19cf: 0x00c0, 0x19d0: 0x00c0, 0x19d1: 0x00c0, + 0x19d2: 0x00c0, 0x19d3: 0x00c0, 0x19d4: 0x00c0, 0x19d5: 0x00c0, 0x19d6: 0x00c0, 0x19d7: 0x00c0, + 0x19d8: 0x00c0, 0x19d9: 0x00c0, 0x19da: 0x0080, 0x19db: 0x0080, 0x19dc: 0x00c0, 0x19dd: 0x00c0, + 0x19de: 0x00c0, 0x19df: 0x00c0, 0x19e0: 0x00c0, 0x19e1: 0x00c0, 0x19e2: 0x00c0, 0x19e3: 0x00c0, + 0x19e4: 0x00c0, 0x19e5: 0x00c0, 0x19e6: 0x00c0, 0x19e7: 0x00c0, 0x19e8: 0x00c0, 0x19e9: 0x00c0, + 0x19ea: 0x00c0, 0x19eb: 0x00c0, 0x19ec: 0x00c0, 0x19ed: 0x00c0, 0x19ee: 0x00c0, 0x19ef: 0x00c0, + 0x19f0: 0x00c0, 0x19f1: 0x00c0, 0x19f2: 0x00c0, 0x19f3: 0x00c0, 0x19f4: 0x00c0, 0x19f5: 0x00c0, + 0x19f6: 0x00c0, 0x19f7: 0x00c0, 0x19f8: 0x00c0, 0x19f9: 0x00c0, 0x19fa: 0x00c0, 0x19fb: 0x00c0, + 0x19fc: 0x00c0, 0x19fd: 0x00c0, 0x19fe: 0x00c0, 0x19ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a00: 0x00c8, 0x1a01: 0x00c8, 0x1a02: 0x00c8, 0x1a03: 0x00c8, 0x1a04: 0x00c8, 0x1a05: 0x00c8, + 0x1a06: 0x00c8, 0x1a07: 0x00c8, 0x1a08: 0x00c8, 0x1a09: 0x00c8, 0x1a0a: 0x00c8, 0x1a0b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a0c: 0x00c8, 0x1a0d: 0x00c8, 0x1a0e: 0x00c8, 0x1a0f: 0x00c8, 0x1a10: 0x00c8, 0x1a11: 0x00c8, + 0x1a12: 0x00c8, 0x1a13: 0x00c8, 0x1a14: 0x00c8, 0x1a15: 0x00c8, + 0x1a18: 0x00c8, 0x1a19: 0x00c8, 0x1a1a: 0x00c8, 0x1a1b: 0x00c8, 0x1a1c: 0x00c8, 0x1a1d: 0x00c8, + 0x1a20: 0x00c8, 0x1a21: 0x00c8, 0x1a22: 0x00c8, 0x1a23: 0x00c8, + 0x1a24: 0x00c8, 0x1a25: 0x00c8, 0x1a26: 0x00c8, 0x1a27: 0x00c8, 0x1a28: 0x00c8, 0x1a29: 0x00c8, + 0x1a2a: 0x00c8, 0x1a2b: 0x00c8, 0x1a2c: 0x00c8, 0x1a2d: 0x00c8, 0x1a2e: 0x00c8, 0x1a2f: 0x00c8, + 0x1a30: 0x00c8, 0x1a31: 0x00c8, 0x1a32: 0x00c8, 0x1a33: 0x00c8, 0x1a34: 0x00c8, 0x1a35: 0x00c8, + 0x1a36: 0x00c8, 0x1a37: 0x00c8, 0x1a38: 0x00c8, 0x1a39: 0x00c8, 0x1a3a: 0x00c8, 0x1a3b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a3c: 0x00c8, 0x1a3d: 0x00c8, 0x1a3e: 0x00c8, 0x1a3f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x1a40 + 0x1a40: 0x00c8, 0x1a41: 0x00c8, 0x1a42: 0x00c8, 0x1a43: 0x00c8, 0x1a44: 0x00c8, 0x1a45: 0x00c8, + 0x1a48: 0x00c8, 0x1a49: 0x00c8, 0x1a4a: 0x00c8, 0x1a4b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a4c: 0x00c8, 0x1a4d: 0x00c8, 0x1a50: 0x00c8, 0x1a51: 0x00c8, + 0x1a52: 0x00c8, 0x1a53: 0x00c8, 0x1a54: 0x00c8, 0x1a55: 0x00c8, 0x1a56: 0x00c8, 0x1a57: 0x00c8, + 0x1a59: 0x00c8, 0x1a5b: 0x00c8, 0x1a5d: 0x00c8, + 0x1a5f: 0x00c8, 0x1a60: 0x00c8, 0x1a61: 0x00c8, 0x1a62: 0x00c8, 0x1a63: 0x00c8, + 0x1a64: 0x00c8, 0x1a65: 0x00c8, 0x1a66: 0x00c8, 0x1a67: 0x00c8, 0x1a68: 0x00c8, 0x1a69: 0x00c8, + 0x1a6a: 0x00c8, 0x1a6b: 0x00c8, 0x1a6c: 0x00c8, 0x1a6d: 0x00c8, 0x1a6e: 0x00c8, 0x1a6f: 0x00c8, + 0x1a70: 0x00c8, 0x1a71: 0x0088, 0x1a72: 0x00c8, 0x1a73: 0x0088, 0x1a74: 0x00c8, 0x1a75: 0x0088, + 0x1a76: 0x00c8, 0x1a77: 0x0088, 0x1a78: 0x00c8, 0x1a79: 0x0088, 0x1a7a: 0x00c8, 0x1a7b: 0x0088, + 0x1a7c: 0x00c8, 0x1a7d: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x1a80 + 0x1a80: 0x00c8, 0x1a81: 0x00c8, 0x1a82: 0x00c8, 0x1a83: 0x00c8, 0x1a84: 0x00c8, 0x1a85: 0x00c8, + 0x1a86: 0x00c8, 0x1a87: 0x00c8, 0x1a88: 0x0088, 0x1a89: 0x0088, 0x1a8a: 0x0088, 0x1a8b: 0x0088, + 0x1a8c: 0x0088, 0x1a8d: 0x0088, 0x1a8e: 0x0088, 0x1a8f: 0x0088, 0x1a90: 0x00c8, 0x1a91: 0x00c8, + 0x1a92: 0x00c8, 0x1a93: 0x00c8, 0x1a94: 0x00c8, 0x1a95: 0x00c8, 0x1a96: 0x00c8, 0x1a97: 0x00c8, + 0x1a98: 0x0088, 0x1a99: 0x0088, 0x1a9a: 0x0088, 0x1a9b: 0x0088, 0x1a9c: 0x0088, 0x1a9d: 0x0088, + 0x1a9e: 0x0088, 0x1a9f: 0x0088, 0x1aa0: 0x00c8, 0x1aa1: 0x00c8, 0x1aa2: 0x00c8, 0x1aa3: 0x00c8, + 0x1aa4: 0x00c8, 0x1aa5: 0x00c8, 0x1aa6: 0x00c8, 0x1aa7: 0x00c8, 0x1aa8: 0x0088, 0x1aa9: 0x0088, + 0x1aaa: 0x0088, 0x1aab: 0x0088, 0x1aac: 0x0088, 0x1aad: 0x0088, 0x1aae: 0x0088, 0x1aaf: 0x0088, + 0x1ab0: 0x00c8, 0x1ab1: 0x00c8, 0x1ab2: 0x00c8, 0x1ab3: 0x00c8, 0x1ab4: 0x00c8, + 0x1ab6: 0x00c8, 0x1ab7: 0x00c8, 0x1ab8: 0x00c8, 0x1ab9: 0x00c8, 0x1aba: 0x00c8, 0x1abb: 0x0088, + 0x1abc: 0x0088, 0x1abd: 0x0088, 0x1abe: 0x0088, 0x1abf: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x1ac0 + 0x1ac0: 0x0088, 0x1ac1: 0x0088, 0x1ac2: 0x00c8, 0x1ac3: 0x00c8, 0x1ac4: 0x00c8, + 0x1ac6: 0x00c8, 0x1ac7: 0x00c8, 0x1ac8: 0x00c8, 0x1ac9: 0x0088, 0x1aca: 0x00c8, 0x1acb: 0x0088, + 0x1acc: 0x0088, 0x1acd: 0x0088, 0x1ace: 0x0088, 0x1acf: 0x0088, 0x1ad0: 0x00c8, 0x1ad1: 0x00c8, + 0x1ad2: 0x00c8, 0x1ad3: 0x0088, 0x1ad6: 0x00c8, 0x1ad7: 0x00c8, + 0x1ad8: 0x00c8, 0x1ad9: 0x00c8, 0x1ada: 0x00c8, 0x1adb: 0x0088, 0x1add: 0x0088, + 0x1ade: 0x0088, 0x1adf: 0x0088, 0x1ae0: 0x00c8, 0x1ae1: 0x00c8, 0x1ae2: 0x00c8, 0x1ae3: 0x0088, + 0x1ae4: 0x00c8, 0x1ae5: 0x00c8, 0x1ae6: 0x00c8, 0x1ae7: 0x00c8, 0x1ae8: 0x00c8, 0x1ae9: 0x00c8, + 0x1aea: 0x00c8, 0x1aeb: 0x0088, 0x1aec: 0x00c8, 0x1aed: 0x0088, 0x1aee: 0x0088, 0x1aef: 0x0088, + 0x1af2: 0x00c8, 0x1af3: 0x00c8, 0x1af4: 0x00c8, + 0x1af6: 0x00c8, 0x1af7: 0x00c8, 0x1af8: 0x00c8, 0x1af9: 0x0088, 0x1afa: 0x00c8, 0x1afb: 0x0088, + 0x1afc: 0x0088, 0x1afd: 0x0088, 0x1afe: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x1b00 + 0x1b00: 0x0080, 0x1b01: 0x0080, 0x1b02: 0x0080, 0x1b03: 0x0080, 0x1b04: 0x0080, 0x1b05: 0x0080, + 0x1b06: 0x0080, 0x1b07: 0x0080, 0x1b08: 0x0080, 0x1b09: 0x0080, 0x1b0a: 0x0080, 0x1b0b: 0x0040, + 0x1b0c: 0x004d, 0x1b0d: 0x004e, 0x1b0e: 0x0040, 0x1b0f: 0x0040, 0x1b10: 0x0080, 0x1b11: 0x0080, + 0x1b12: 0x0080, 0x1b13: 0x0080, 0x1b14: 0x0080, 0x1b15: 0x0080, 0x1b16: 0x0080, 0x1b17: 0x0080, + 0x1b18: 0x0080, 0x1b19: 0x0080, 0x1b1a: 0x0080, 0x1b1b: 0x0080, 0x1b1c: 0x0080, 0x1b1d: 0x0080, + 0x1b1e: 0x0080, 0x1b1f: 0x0080, 0x1b20: 0x0080, 0x1b21: 0x0080, 0x1b22: 0x0080, 0x1b23: 0x0080, + 0x1b24: 0x0080, 0x1b25: 0x0080, 0x1b26: 0x0080, 0x1b27: 0x0080, 0x1b28: 0x0040, 0x1b29: 0x0040, + 0x1b2a: 0x0040, 0x1b2b: 0x0040, 0x1b2c: 0x0040, 0x1b2d: 0x0040, 0x1b2e: 0x0040, 0x1b2f: 0x0080, + 0x1b30: 0x0080, 0x1b31: 0x0080, 0x1b32: 0x0080, 0x1b33: 0x0080, 0x1b34: 0x0080, 0x1b35: 0x0080, + 0x1b36: 0x0080, 0x1b37: 0x0080, 0x1b38: 0x0080, 0x1b39: 0x0080, 0x1b3a: 0x0080, 0x1b3b: 0x0080, + 0x1b3c: 0x0080, 0x1b3d: 0x0080, 0x1b3e: 0x0080, 0x1b3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x1b40 + 0x1b40: 0x0080, 0x1b41: 0x0080, 0x1b42: 0x0080, 0x1b43: 0x0080, 0x1b44: 0x0080, 0x1b45: 0x0080, + 0x1b46: 0x0080, 0x1b47: 0x0080, 0x1b48: 0x0080, 0x1b49: 0x0080, 0x1b4a: 0x0080, 0x1b4b: 0x0080, + 0x1b4c: 0x0080, 0x1b4d: 0x0080, 0x1b4e: 0x0080, 0x1b4f: 0x0080, 0x1b50: 0x0080, 0x1b51: 0x0080, + 0x1b52: 0x0080, 0x1b53: 0x0080, 0x1b54: 0x0080, 0x1b55: 0x0080, 0x1b56: 0x0080, 0x1b57: 0x0080, + 0x1b58: 0x0080, 0x1b59: 0x0080, 0x1b5a: 0x0080, 0x1b5b: 0x0080, 0x1b5c: 0x0080, 0x1b5d: 0x0080, + 0x1b5e: 0x0080, 0x1b5f: 0x0080, 0x1b60: 0x0040, 0x1b61: 0x0040, 0x1b62: 0x0040, 0x1b63: 0x0040, + 0x1b64: 0x0040, 0x1b66: 0x0040, 0x1b67: 0x0040, 0x1b68: 0x0040, 0x1b69: 0x0040, + 0x1b6a: 0x0040, 0x1b6b: 0x0040, 0x1b6c: 0x0040, 0x1b6d: 0x0040, 0x1b6e: 0x0040, 0x1b6f: 0x0040, + 0x1b70: 0x0080, 0x1b71: 0x0080, 0x1b74: 0x0080, 0x1b75: 0x0080, + 0x1b76: 0x0080, 0x1b77: 0x0080, 0x1b78: 0x0080, 0x1b79: 0x0080, 0x1b7a: 0x0080, 0x1b7b: 0x0080, + 0x1b7c: 0x0080, 0x1b7d: 0x0080, 0x1b7e: 0x0080, 0x1b7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x1b80 + 0x1b80: 0x0080, 0x1b81: 0x0080, 0x1b82: 0x0080, 0x1b83: 0x0080, 0x1b84: 0x0080, 0x1b85: 0x0080, + 0x1b86: 0x0080, 0x1b87: 0x0080, 0x1b88: 0x0080, 0x1b89: 0x0080, 0x1b8a: 0x0080, 0x1b8b: 0x0080, + 0x1b8c: 0x0080, 0x1b8d: 0x0080, 0x1b8e: 0x0080, 0x1b90: 0x0080, 0x1b91: 0x0080, + 0x1b92: 0x0080, 0x1b93: 0x0080, 0x1b94: 0x0080, 0x1b95: 0x0080, 0x1b96: 0x0080, 0x1b97: 0x0080, + 0x1b98: 0x0080, 0x1b99: 0x0080, 0x1b9a: 0x0080, 0x1b9b: 0x0080, 0x1b9c: 0x0080, + 0x1ba0: 0x0080, 0x1ba1: 0x0080, 0x1ba2: 0x0080, 0x1ba3: 0x0080, + 0x1ba4: 0x0080, 0x1ba5: 0x0080, 0x1ba6: 0x0080, 0x1ba7: 0x0080, 0x1ba8: 0x0080, 0x1ba9: 0x0080, + 0x1baa: 0x0080, 0x1bab: 0x0080, 0x1bac: 0x0080, 0x1bad: 0x0080, 0x1bae: 0x0080, 0x1baf: 0x0080, + 0x1bb0: 0x0080, 0x1bb1: 0x0080, 0x1bb2: 0x0080, 0x1bb3: 0x0080, 0x1bb4: 0x0080, 0x1bb5: 0x0080, + 0x1bb6: 0x0080, 0x1bb7: 0x0080, 0x1bb8: 0x0080, 0x1bb9: 0x0080, 0x1bba: 0x0080, 0x1bbb: 0x0080, + 0x1bbc: 0x0080, 0x1bbd: 0x0080, 0x1bbe: 0x0080, 0x1bbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x1bc0 + 0x1bd0: 0x00c3, 0x1bd1: 0x00c3, + 0x1bd2: 0x00c3, 0x1bd3: 0x00c3, 0x1bd4: 0x00c3, 0x1bd5: 0x00c3, 0x1bd6: 0x00c3, 0x1bd7: 0x00c3, + 0x1bd8: 0x00c3, 0x1bd9: 0x00c3, 0x1bda: 0x00c3, 0x1bdb: 0x00c3, 0x1bdc: 0x00c3, 0x1bdd: 0x0083, + 0x1bde: 0x0083, 0x1bdf: 0x0083, 0x1be0: 0x0083, 0x1be1: 0x00c3, 0x1be2: 0x0083, 0x1be3: 0x0083, + 0x1be4: 0x0083, 0x1be5: 0x00c3, 0x1be6: 0x00c3, 0x1be7: 0x00c3, 0x1be8: 0x00c3, 0x1be9: 0x00c3, + 0x1bea: 0x00c3, 0x1beb: 0x00c3, 0x1bec: 0x00c3, 0x1bed: 0x00c3, 0x1bee: 0x00c3, 0x1bef: 0x00c3, + 0x1bf0: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x1c00 + 0x1c00: 0x0080, 0x1c01: 0x0080, 0x1c02: 0x0080, 0x1c03: 0x0080, 0x1c04: 0x0080, 0x1c05: 0x0080, + 0x1c06: 0x0080, 0x1c07: 0x0080, 0x1c08: 0x0080, 0x1c09: 0x0080, 0x1c0a: 0x0080, 0x1c0b: 0x0080, + 0x1c0c: 0x0080, 0x1c0d: 0x0080, 0x1c0e: 0x0080, 0x1c0f: 0x0080, 0x1c10: 0x0080, 0x1c11: 0x0080, + 0x1c12: 0x0080, 0x1c13: 0x0080, 0x1c14: 0x0080, 0x1c15: 0x0080, 0x1c16: 0x0080, 0x1c17: 0x0080, + 0x1c18: 0x0080, 0x1c19: 0x0080, 0x1c1a: 0x0080, 0x1c1b: 0x0080, 0x1c1c: 0x0080, 0x1c1d: 0x0080, + 0x1c1e: 0x0080, 0x1c1f: 0x0080, 0x1c20: 0x0080, 0x1c21: 0x0080, 0x1c22: 0x0080, 0x1c23: 0x0080, + 0x1c24: 0x0080, 0x1c25: 0x0080, 0x1c26: 0x0088, 0x1c27: 0x0080, 0x1c28: 0x0080, 0x1c29: 0x0080, + 0x1c2a: 0x0080, 0x1c2b: 0x0080, 0x1c2c: 0x0080, 0x1c2d: 0x0080, 0x1c2e: 0x0080, 0x1c2f: 0x0080, + 0x1c30: 0x0080, 0x1c31: 0x0080, 0x1c32: 0x00c0, 0x1c33: 0x0080, 0x1c34: 0x0080, 0x1c35: 0x0080, + 0x1c36: 0x0080, 0x1c37: 0x0080, 0x1c38: 0x0080, 0x1c39: 0x0080, 0x1c3a: 0x0080, 0x1c3b: 0x0080, + 0x1c3c: 0x0080, 0x1c3d: 0x0080, 0x1c3e: 0x0080, 0x1c3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x1c40 + 0x1c40: 0x0080, 0x1c41: 0x0080, 0x1c42: 0x0080, 0x1c43: 0x0080, 0x1c44: 0x0080, 0x1c45: 0x0080, + 0x1c46: 0x0080, 0x1c47: 0x0080, 0x1c48: 0x0080, 0x1c49: 0x0080, 0x1c4a: 0x0080, 0x1c4b: 0x0080, + 0x1c4c: 0x0080, 0x1c4d: 0x0080, 0x1c4e: 0x00c0, 0x1c4f: 0x0080, 0x1c50: 0x0080, 0x1c51: 0x0080, + 0x1c52: 0x0080, 0x1c53: 0x0080, 0x1c54: 0x0080, 0x1c55: 0x0080, 0x1c56: 0x0080, 0x1c57: 0x0080, + 0x1c58: 0x0080, 0x1c59: 0x0080, 0x1c5a: 0x0080, 0x1c5b: 0x0080, 0x1c5c: 0x0080, 0x1c5d: 0x0080, + 0x1c5e: 0x0080, 0x1c5f: 0x0080, 0x1c60: 0x0080, 0x1c61: 0x0080, 0x1c62: 0x0080, 0x1c63: 0x0080, + 0x1c64: 0x0080, 0x1c65: 0x0080, 0x1c66: 0x0080, 0x1c67: 0x0080, 0x1c68: 0x0080, 0x1c69: 0x0080, + 0x1c6a: 0x0080, 0x1c6b: 0x0080, 0x1c6c: 0x0080, 0x1c6d: 0x0080, 0x1c6e: 0x0080, 0x1c6f: 0x0080, + 0x1c70: 0x0080, 0x1c71: 0x0080, 0x1c72: 0x0080, 0x1c73: 0x0080, 0x1c74: 0x0080, 0x1c75: 0x0080, + 0x1c76: 0x0080, 0x1c77: 0x0080, 0x1c78: 0x0080, 0x1c79: 0x0080, 0x1c7a: 0x0080, 0x1c7b: 0x0080, + 0x1c7c: 0x0080, 0x1c7d: 0x0080, 0x1c7e: 0x0080, 0x1c7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x1c80 + 0x1c80: 0x0080, 0x1c81: 0x0080, 0x1c82: 0x0080, 0x1c83: 0x00c0, 0x1c84: 0x00c0, 0x1c85: 0x0080, + 0x1c86: 0x0080, 0x1c87: 0x0080, 0x1c88: 0x0080, 0x1c89: 0x0080, 0x1c8a: 0x0080, 0x1c8b: 0x0080, + 0x1c90: 0x0080, 0x1c91: 0x0080, + 0x1c92: 0x0080, 0x1c93: 0x0080, 0x1c94: 0x0080, 0x1c95: 0x0080, 0x1c96: 0x0080, 0x1c97: 0x0080, + 0x1c98: 0x0080, 0x1c99: 0x0080, 0x1c9a: 0x0080, 0x1c9b: 0x0080, 0x1c9c: 0x0080, 0x1c9d: 0x0080, + 0x1c9e: 0x0080, 0x1c9f: 0x0080, 0x1ca0: 0x0080, 0x1ca1: 0x0080, 0x1ca2: 0x0080, 0x1ca3: 0x0080, + 0x1ca4: 0x0080, 0x1ca5: 0x0080, 0x1ca6: 0x0080, 0x1ca7: 0x0080, 0x1ca8: 0x0080, 0x1ca9: 0x0080, + 0x1caa: 0x0080, 0x1cab: 0x0080, 0x1cac: 0x0080, 0x1cad: 0x0080, 0x1cae: 0x0080, 0x1caf: 0x0080, + 0x1cb0: 0x0080, 0x1cb1: 0x0080, 0x1cb2: 0x0080, 0x1cb3: 0x0080, 0x1cb4: 0x0080, 0x1cb5: 0x0080, + 0x1cb6: 0x0080, 0x1cb7: 0x0080, 0x1cb8: 0x0080, 0x1cb9: 0x0080, 0x1cba: 0x0080, 0x1cbb: 0x0080, + 0x1cbc: 0x0080, 0x1cbd: 0x0080, 0x1cbe: 0x0080, 0x1cbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x1cc0 + 0x1cc0: 0x0080, 0x1cc1: 0x0080, 0x1cc2: 0x0080, 0x1cc3: 0x0080, 0x1cc4: 0x0080, 0x1cc5: 0x0080, + 0x1cc6: 0x0080, 0x1cc7: 0x0080, 0x1cc8: 0x0080, 0x1cc9: 0x0080, 0x1cca: 0x0080, 0x1ccb: 0x0080, + 0x1ccc: 0x0080, 0x1ccd: 0x0080, 0x1cce: 0x0080, 0x1ccf: 0x0080, 0x1cd0: 0x0080, 0x1cd1: 0x0080, + 0x1cd2: 0x0080, 0x1cd3: 0x0080, 0x1cd4: 0x0080, 0x1cd5: 0x0080, 0x1cd6: 0x0080, 0x1cd7: 0x0080, + 0x1cd8: 0x0080, 0x1cd9: 0x0080, 0x1cda: 0x0080, 0x1cdb: 0x0080, 0x1cdc: 0x0080, 0x1cdd: 0x0080, + 0x1cde: 0x0080, 0x1cdf: 0x0080, 0x1ce0: 0x0080, 0x1ce1: 0x0080, 0x1ce2: 0x0080, 0x1ce3: 0x0080, + 0x1ce4: 0x0080, 0x1ce5: 0x0080, 0x1ce6: 0x0080, 0x1ce7: 0x0080, 0x1ce8: 0x0080, 0x1ce9: 0x0080, + 0x1cea: 0x0080, 0x1ceb: 0x0080, 0x1cec: 0x0080, 0x1ced: 0x0080, 0x1cee: 0x0080, 0x1cef: 0x0080, + 0x1cf0: 0x0080, 0x1cf1: 0x0080, 0x1cf2: 0x0080, 0x1cf3: 0x0080, 0x1cf4: 0x0080, 0x1cf5: 0x0080, + 0x1cf6: 0x0080, 0x1cf7: 0x0080, 0x1cf8: 0x0080, 0x1cf9: 0x0080, 0x1cfa: 0x0080, 0x1cfb: 0x0080, + 0x1cfc: 0x0080, 0x1cfd: 0x0080, 0x1cfe: 0x0080, 0x1cff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x1d00 + 0x1d00: 0x0080, 0x1d01: 0x0080, 0x1d02: 0x0080, 0x1d03: 0x0080, 0x1d04: 0x0080, 0x1d05: 0x0080, + 0x1d06: 0x0080, 0x1d07: 0x0080, 0x1d08: 0x0080, 0x1d09: 0x0080, 0x1d0a: 0x0080, 0x1d0b: 0x0080, + 0x1d0c: 0x0080, 0x1d0d: 0x0080, 0x1d0e: 0x0080, 0x1d0f: 0x0080, 0x1d10: 0x0080, 0x1d11: 0x0080, + 0x1d12: 0x0080, 0x1d13: 0x0080, 0x1d14: 0x0080, 0x1d15: 0x0080, 0x1d16: 0x0080, 0x1d17: 0x0080, + 0x1d18: 0x0080, 0x1d19: 0x0080, 0x1d1a: 0x0080, 0x1d1b: 0x0080, 0x1d1c: 0x0080, 0x1d1d: 0x0080, + 0x1d1e: 0x0080, 0x1d1f: 0x0080, 0x1d20: 0x0080, 0x1d21: 0x0080, 0x1d22: 0x0080, 0x1d23: 0x0080, + 0x1d24: 0x0080, 0x1d25: 0x0080, 0x1d26: 0x0080, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x1d40 + 0x1d40: 0x0080, 0x1d41: 0x0080, 0x1d42: 0x0080, 0x1d43: 0x0080, 0x1d44: 0x0080, 0x1d45: 0x0080, + 0x1d46: 0x0080, 0x1d47: 0x0080, 0x1d48: 0x0080, 0x1d49: 0x0080, 0x1d4a: 0x0080, + 0x1d60: 0x0080, 0x1d61: 0x0080, 0x1d62: 0x0080, 0x1d63: 0x0080, + 0x1d64: 0x0080, 0x1d65: 0x0080, 0x1d66: 0x0080, 0x1d67: 0x0080, 0x1d68: 0x0080, 0x1d69: 0x0080, + 0x1d6a: 0x0080, 0x1d6b: 0x0080, 0x1d6c: 0x0080, 0x1d6d: 0x0080, 0x1d6e: 0x0080, 0x1d6f: 0x0080, + 0x1d70: 0x0080, 0x1d71: 0x0080, 0x1d72: 0x0080, 0x1d73: 0x0080, 0x1d74: 0x0080, 0x1d75: 0x0080, + 0x1d76: 0x0080, 0x1d77: 0x0080, 0x1d78: 0x0080, 0x1d79: 0x0080, 0x1d7a: 0x0080, 0x1d7b: 0x0080, + 0x1d7c: 0x0080, 0x1d7d: 0x0080, 0x1d7e: 0x0080, 0x1d7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x1d80 + 0x1d80: 0x0080, 0x1d81: 0x0080, 0x1d82: 0x0080, 0x1d83: 0x0080, 0x1d84: 0x0080, 0x1d85: 0x0080, + 0x1d86: 0x0080, 0x1d87: 0x0080, 0x1d88: 0x0080, 0x1d89: 0x0080, 0x1d8a: 0x0080, 0x1d8b: 0x0080, + 0x1d8c: 0x0080, 0x1d8d: 0x0080, 0x1d8e: 0x0080, 0x1d8f: 0x0080, 0x1d90: 0x0080, 0x1d91: 0x0080, + 0x1d92: 0x0080, 0x1d93: 0x0080, 0x1d94: 0x0080, 0x1d95: 0x0080, 0x1d96: 0x0080, 0x1d97: 0x0080, + 0x1d98: 0x0080, 0x1d99: 0x0080, 0x1d9a: 0x0080, 0x1d9b: 0x0080, 0x1d9c: 0x0080, 0x1d9d: 0x0080, + 0x1d9e: 0x0080, 0x1d9f: 0x0080, 0x1da0: 0x0080, 0x1da1: 0x0080, 0x1da2: 0x0080, 0x1da3: 0x0080, + 0x1da4: 0x0080, 0x1da5: 0x0080, 0x1da6: 0x0080, 0x1da7: 0x0080, 0x1da8: 0x0080, 0x1da9: 0x0080, + 0x1daa: 0x0080, 0x1dab: 0x0080, 0x1dac: 0x0080, 0x1dad: 0x0080, 0x1dae: 0x0080, 0x1daf: 0x0080, + 0x1db0: 0x0080, 0x1db1: 0x0080, 0x1db2: 0x0080, 0x1db3: 0x0080, + 0x1db6: 0x0080, 0x1db7: 0x0080, 0x1db8: 0x0080, 0x1db9: 0x0080, 0x1dba: 0x0080, 0x1dbb: 0x0080, + 0x1dbc: 0x0080, 0x1dbd: 0x0080, 0x1dbe: 0x0080, 0x1dbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x1dc0 + 0x1dc0: 0x0080, 0x1dc1: 0x0080, 0x1dc2: 0x0080, 0x1dc3: 0x0080, 0x1dc4: 0x0080, 0x1dc5: 0x0080, + 0x1dc6: 0x0080, 0x1dc7: 0x0080, 0x1dc8: 0x0080, 0x1dc9: 0x0080, 0x1dca: 0x0080, 0x1dcb: 0x0080, + 0x1dcc: 0x0080, 0x1dcd: 0x0080, 0x1dce: 0x0080, 0x1dcf: 0x0080, 0x1dd0: 0x0080, 0x1dd1: 0x0080, + 0x1dd2: 0x0080, 0x1dd3: 0x0080, 0x1dd4: 0x0080, 0x1dd5: 0x0080, + 0x1dd8: 0x0080, 0x1dd9: 0x0080, 0x1dda: 0x0080, 0x1ddb: 0x0080, 0x1ddc: 0x0080, 0x1ddd: 0x0080, + 0x1dde: 0x0080, 0x1ddf: 0x0080, 0x1de0: 0x0080, 0x1de1: 0x0080, 0x1de2: 0x0080, 0x1de3: 0x0080, + 0x1de4: 0x0080, 0x1de5: 0x0080, 0x1de6: 0x0080, 0x1de7: 0x0080, 0x1de8: 0x0080, 0x1de9: 0x0080, + 0x1dea: 0x0080, 0x1deb: 0x0080, 0x1dec: 0x0080, 0x1ded: 0x0080, 0x1dee: 0x0080, 0x1def: 0x0080, + 0x1df0: 0x0080, 0x1df1: 0x0080, 0x1df2: 0x0080, 0x1df3: 0x0080, 0x1df4: 0x0080, 0x1df5: 0x0080, + 0x1df6: 0x0080, 0x1df7: 0x0080, 0x1df8: 0x0080, 0x1df9: 0x0080, 0x1dfa: 0x0080, 0x1dfb: 0x0080, + 0x1dfc: 0x0080, 0x1dfd: 0x0080, 0x1dfe: 0x0080, 0x1dff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x1e00 + 0x1e00: 0x0080, 0x1e01: 0x0080, 0x1e02: 0x0080, 0x1e03: 0x0080, 0x1e04: 0x0080, 0x1e05: 0x0080, + 0x1e06: 0x0080, 0x1e07: 0x0080, 0x1e08: 0x0080, 0x1e0a: 0x0080, 0x1e0b: 0x0080, + 0x1e0c: 0x0080, 0x1e0d: 0x0080, 0x1e0e: 0x0080, 0x1e0f: 0x0080, 0x1e10: 0x0080, 0x1e11: 0x0080, + 0x1e12: 0x0080, 0x1e13: 0x0080, 0x1e14: 0x0080, 0x1e15: 0x0080, 0x1e16: 0x0080, 0x1e17: 0x0080, + 0x1e18: 0x0080, 0x1e19: 0x0080, 0x1e1a: 0x0080, 0x1e1b: 0x0080, 0x1e1c: 0x0080, 0x1e1d: 0x0080, + 0x1e1e: 0x0080, 0x1e1f: 0x0080, 0x1e20: 0x0080, 0x1e21: 0x0080, 0x1e22: 0x0080, 0x1e23: 0x0080, + 0x1e24: 0x0080, 0x1e25: 0x0080, 0x1e26: 0x0080, 0x1e27: 0x0080, 0x1e28: 0x0080, 0x1e29: 0x0080, + 0x1e2a: 0x0080, 0x1e2b: 0x0080, 0x1e2c: 0x0080, 0x1e2d: 0x0080, 0x1e2e: 0x0080, 0x1e2f: 0x0080, + 0x1e30: 0x0080, 0x1e31: 0x0080, 0x1e32: 0x0080, 0x1e33: 0x0080, 0x1e34: 0x0080, 0x1e35: 0x0080, + 0x1e36: 0x0080, 0x1e37: 0x0080, 0x1e38: 0x0080, 0x1e39: 0x0080, 0x1e3a: 0x0080, 0x1e3b: 0x0080, + 0x1e3c: 0x0080, 0x1e3d: 0x0080, 0x1e3e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x1e40 + 0x1e40: 0x00c0, 0x1e41: 0x00c0, 0x1e42: 0x00c0, 0x1e43: 0x00c0, 0x1e44: 0x00c0, 0x1e45: 0x00c0, + 0x1e46: 0x00c0, 0x1e47: 0x00c0, 0x1e48: 0x00c0, 0x1e49: 0x00c0, 0x1e4a: 0x00c0, 0x1e4b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e4c: 0x00c0, 0x1e4d: 0x00c0, 0x1e4e: 0x00c0, 0x1e4f: 0x00c0, 0x1e50: 0x00c0, 0x1e51: 0x00c0, + 0x1e52: 0x00c0, 0x1e53: 0x00c0, 0x1e54: 0x00c0, 0x1e55: 0x00c0, 0x1e56: 0x00c0, 0x1e57: 0x00c0, + 0x1e58: 0x00c0, 0x1e59: 0x00c0, 0x1e5a: 0x00c0, 0x1e5b: 0x00c0, 0x1e5c: 0x00c0, 0x1e5d: 0x00c0, + 0x1e5e: 0x00c0, 0x1e5f: 0x00c0, 0x1e60: 0x00c0, 0x1e61: 0x00c0, 0x1e62: 0x00c0, 0x1e63: 0x00c0, + 0x1e64: 0x00c0, 0x1e65: 0x00c0, 0x1e66: 0x00c0, 0x1e67: 0x00c0, 0x1e68: 0x00c0, 0x1e69: 0x00c0, + 0x1e6a: 0x00c0, 0x1e6b: 0x00c0, 0x1e6c: 0x00c0, 0x1e6d: 0x00c0, 0x1e6e: 0x00c0, + 0x1e70: 0x00c0, 0x1e71: 0x00c0, 0x1e72: 0x00c0, 0x1e73: 0x00c0, 0x1e74: 0x00c0, 0x1e75: 0x00c0, + 0x1e76: 0x00c0, 0x1e77: 0x00c0, 0x1e78: 0x00c0, 0x1e79: 0x00c0, 0x1e7a: 0x00c0, 0x1e7b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e7c: 0x00c0, 0x1e7d: 0x00c0, 0x1e7e: 0x00c0, 0x1e7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x1e80 + 0x1e80: 0x00c0, 0x1e81: 0x00c0, 0x1e82: 0x00c0, 0x1e83: 0x00c0, 0x1e84: 0x00c0, 0x1e85: 0x00c0, + 0x1e86: 0x00c0, 0x1e87: 0x00c0, 0x1e88: 0x00c0, 0x1e89: 0x00c0, 0x1e8a: 0x00c0, 0x1e8b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e8c: 0x00c0, 0x1e8d: 0x00c0, 0x1e8e: 0x00c0, 0x1e8f: 0x00c0, 0x1e90: 0x00c0, 0x1e91: 0x00c0, + 0x1e92: 0x00c0, 0x1e93: 0x00c0, 0x1e94: 0x00c0, 0x1e95: 0x00c0, 0x1e96: 0x00c0, 0x1e97: 0x00c0, + 0x1e98: 0x00c0, 0x1e99: 0x00c0, 0x1e9a: 0x00c0, 0x1e9b: 0x00c0, 0x1e9c: 0x00c0, 0x1e9d: 0x00c0, + 0x1e9e: 0x00c0, 0x1ea0: 0x00c0, 0x1ea1: 0x00c0, 0x1ea2: 0x00c0, 0x1ea3: 0x00c0, + 0x1ea4: 0x00c0, 0x1ea5: 0x00c0, 0x1ea6: 0x00c0, 0x1ea7: 0x00c0, 0x1ea8: 0x00c0, 0x1ea9: 0x00c0, + 0x1eaa: 0x00c0, 0x1eab: 0x00c0, 0x1eac: 0x00c0, 0x1ead: 0x00c0, 0x1eae: 0x00c0, 0x1eaf: 0x00c0, + 0x1eb0: 0x00c0, 0x1eb1: 0x00c0, 0x1eb2: 0x00c0, 0x1eb3: 0x00c0, 0x1eb4: 0x00c0, 0x1eb5: 0x00c0, + 0x1eb6: 0x00c0, 0x1eb7: 0x00c0, 0x1eb8: 0x00c0, 0x1eb9: 0x00c0, 0x1eba: 0x00c0, 0x1ebb: 0x00c0, + 0x1ebc: 0x0080, 0x1ebd: 0x0080, 0x1ebe: 0x00c0, 0x1ebf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x1ec0 + 0x1ec0: 0x00c0, 0x1ec1: 0x00c0, 0x1ec2: 0x00c0, 0x1ec3: 0x00c0, 0x1ec4: 0x00c0, 0x1ec5: 0x00c0, + 0x1ec6: 0x00c0, 0x1ec7: 0x00c0, 0x1ec8: 0x00c0, 0x1ec9: 0x00c0, 0x1eca: 0x00c0, 0x1ecb: 0x00c0, + 0x1ecc: 0x00c0, 0x1ecd: 0x00c0, 0x1ece: 0x00c0, 0x1ecf: 0x00c0, 0x1ed0: 0x00c0, 0x1ed1: 0x00c0, + 0x1ed2: 0x00c0, 0x1ed3: 0x00c0, 0x1ed4: 0x00c0, 0x1ed5: 0x00c0, 0x1ed6: 0x00c0, 0x1ed7: 0x00c0, + 0x1ed8: 0x00c0, 0x1ed9: 0x00c0, 0x1eda: 0x00c0, 0x1edb: 0x00c0, 0x1edc: 0x00c0, 0x1edd: 0x00c0, + 0x1ede: 0x00c0, 0x1edf: 0x00c0, 0x1ee0: 0x00c0, 0x1ee1: 0x00c0, 0x1ee2: 0x00c0, 0x1ee3: 0x00c0, + 0x1ee4: 0x00c0, 0x1ee5: 0x0080, 0x1ee6: 0x0080, 0x1ee7: 0x0080, 0x1ee8: 0x0080, 0x1ee9: 0x0080, + 0x1eea: 0x0080, 0x1eeb: 0x00c0, 0x1eec: 0x00c0, 0x1eed: 0x00c0, 0x1eee: 0x00c0, 0x1eef: 0x00c3, + 0x1ef0: 0x00c3, 0x1ef1: 0x00c3, 0x1ef2: 0x00c0, 0x1ef3: 0x00c0, + 0x1ef9: 0x0080, 0x1efa: 0x0080, 0x1efb: 0x0080, + 0x1efc: 0x0080, 0x1efd: 0x0080, 0x1efe: 0x0080, 0x1eff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x1f00 + 0x1f00: 0x00c0, 0x1f01: 0x00c0, 0x1f02: 0x00c0, 0x1f03: 0x00c0, 0x1f04: 0x00c0, 0x1f05: 0x00c0, + 0x1f06: 0x00c0, 0x1f07: 0x00c0, 0x1f08: 0x00c0, 0x1f09: 0x00c0, 0x1f0a: 0x00c0, 0x1f0b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f0c: 0x00c0, 0x1f0d: 0x00c0, 0x1f0e: 0x00c0, 0x1f0f: 0x00c0, 0x1f10: 0x00c0, 0x1f11: 0x00c0, + 0x1f12: 0x00c0, 0x1f13: 0x00c0, 0x1f14: 0x00c0, 0x1f15: 0x00c0, 0x1f16: 0x00c0, 0x1f17: 0x00c0, + 0x1f18: 0x00c0, 0x1f19: 0x00c0, 0x1f1a: 0x00c0, 0x1f1b: 0x00c0, 0x1f1c: 0x00c0, 0x1f1d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f1e: 0x00c0, 0x1f1f: 0x00c0, 0x1f20: 0x00c0, 0x1f21: 0x00c0, 0x1f22: 0x00c0, 0x1f23: 0x00c0, + 0x1f24: 0x00c0, 0x1f25: 0x00c0, 0x1f27: 0x00c0, + 0x1f2d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f30: 0x00c0, 0x1f31: 0x00c0, 0x1f32: 0x00c0, 0x1f33: 0x00c0, 0x1f34: 0x00c0, 0x1f35: 0x00c0, + 0x1f36: 0x00c0, 0x1f37: 0x00c0, 0x1f38: 0x00c0, 0x1f39: 0x00c0, 0x1f3a: 0x00c0, 0x1f3b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f3c: 0x00c0, 0x1f3d: 0x00c0, 0x1f3e: 0x00c0, 0x1f3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x1f40 + 0x1f40: 0x00c0, 0x1f41: 0x00c0, 0x1f42: 0x00c0, 0x1f43: 0x00c0, 0x1f44: 0x00c0, 0x1f45: 0x00c0, + 0x1f46: 0x00c0, 0x1f47: 0x00c0, 0x1f48: 0x00c0, 0x1f49: 0x00c0, 0x1f4a: 0x00c0, 0x1f4b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f4c: 0x00c0, 0x1f4d: 0x00c0, 0x1f4e: 0x00c0, 0x1f4f: 0x00c0, 0x1f50: 0x00c0, 0x1f51: 0x00c0, + 0x1f52: 0x00c0, 0x1f53: 0x00c0, 0x1f54: 0x00c0, 0x1f55: 0x00c0, 0x1f56: 0x00c0, 0x1f57: 0x00c0, + 0x1f58: 0x00c0, 0x1f59: 0x00c0, 0x1f5a: 0x00c0, 0x1f5b: 0x00c0, 0x1f5c: 0x00c0, 0x1f5d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f5e: 0x00c0, 0x1f5f: 0x00c0, 0x1f60: 0x00c0, 0x1f61: 0x00c0, 0x1f62: 0x00c0, 0x1f63: 0x00c0, + 0x1f64: 0x00c0, 0x1f65: 0x00c0, 0x1f66: 0x00c0, 0x1f67: 0x00c0, + 0x1f6f: 0x0080, + 0x1f70: 0x0080, + 0x1f7f: 0x00c6, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x1f80 + 0x1f80: 0x00c0, 0x1f81: 0x00c0, 0x1f82: 0x00c0, 0x1f83: 0x00c0, 0x1f84: 0x00c0, 0x1f85: 0x00c0, + 0x1f86: 0x00c0, 0x1f87: 0x00c0, 0x1f88: 0x00c0, 0x1f89: 0x00c0, 0x1f8a: 0x00c0, 0x1f8b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f8c: 0x00c0, 0x1f8d: 0x00c0, 0x1f8e: 0x00c0, 0x1f8f: 0x00c0, 0x1f90: 0x00c0, 0x1f91: 0x00c0, + 0x1f92: 0x00c0, 0x1f93: 0x00c0, 0x1f94: 0x00c0, 0x1f95: 0x00c0, 0x1f96: 0x00c0, + 0x1fa0: 0x00c0, 0x1fa1: 0x00c0, 0x1fa2: 0x00c0, 0x1fa3: 0x00c0, + 0x1fa4: 0x00c0, 0x1fa5: 0x00c0, 0x1fa6: 0x00c0, 0x1fa8: 0x00c0, 0x1fa9: 0x00c0, + 0x1faa: 0x00c0, 0x1fab: 0x00c0, 0x1fac: 0x00c0, 0x1fad: 0x00c0, 0x1fae: 0x00c0, + 0x1fb0: 0x00c0, 0x1fb1: 0x00c0, 0x1fb2: 0x00c0, 0x1fb3: 0x00c0, 0x1fb4: 0x00c0, 0x1fb5: 0x00c0, + 0x1fb6: 0x00c0, 0x1fb8: 0x00c0, 0x1fb9: 0x00c0, 0x1fba: 0x00c0, 0x1fbb: 0x00c0, + 0x1fbc: 0x00c0, 0x1fbd: 0x00c0, 0x1fbe: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x1fc0 + 0x1fc0: 0x00c0, 0x1fc1: 0x00c0, 0x1fc2: 0x00c0, 0x1fc3: 0x00c0, 0x1fc4: 0x00c0, 0x1fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x1fc6: 0x00c0, 0x1fc8: 0x00c0, 0x1fc9: 0x00c0, 0x1fca: 0x00c0, 0x1fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x1fcc: 0x00c0, 0x1fcd: 0x00c0, 0x1fce: 0x00c0, 0x1fd0: 0x00c0, 0x1fd1: 0x00c0, + 0x1fd2: 0x00c0, 0x1fd3: 0x00c0, 0x1fd4: 0x00c0, 0x1fd5: 0x00c0, 0x1fd6: 0x00c0, + 0x1fd8: 0x00c0, 0x1fd9: 0x00c0, 0x1fda: 0x00c0, 0x1fdb: 0x00c0, 0x1fdc: 0x00c0, 0x1fdd: 0x00c0, + 0x1fde: 0x00c0, 0x1fe0: 0x00c3, 0x1fe1: 0x00c3, 0x1fe2: 0x00c3, 0x1fe3: 0x00c3, + 0x1fe4: 0x00c3, 0x1fe5: 0x00c3, 0x1fe6: 0x00c3, 0x1fe7: 0x00c3, 0x1fe8: 0x00c3, 0x1fe9: 0x00c3, + 0x1fea: 0x00c3, 0x1feb: 0x00c3, 0x1fec: 0x00c3, 0x1fed: 0x00c3, 0x1fee: 0x00c3, 0x1fef: 0x00c3, + 0x1ff0: 0x00c3, 0x1ff1: 0x00c3, 0x1ff2: 0x00c3, 0x1ff3: 0x00c3, 0x1ff4: 0x00c3, 0x1ff5: 0x00c3, + 0x1ff6: 0x00c3, 0x1ff7: 0x00c3, 0x1ff8: 0x00c3, 0x1ff9: 0x00c3, 0x1ffa: 0x00c3, 0x1ffb: 0x00c3, + 0x1ffc: 0x00c3, 0x1ffd: 0x00c3, 0x1ffe: 0x00c3, 0x1fff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x2000 + 0x2000: 0x0080, 0x2001: 0x0080, 0x2002: 0x0080, 0x2003: 0x0080, 0x2004: 0x0080, 0x2005: 0x0080, + 0x2006: 0x0080, 0x2007: 0x0080, 0x2008: 0x0080, 0x2009: 0x0080, 0x200a: 0x0080, 0x200b: 0x0080, + 0x200c: 0x0080, 0x200d: 0x0080, 0x200e: 0x0080, 0x200f: 0x0080, 0x2010: 0x0080, 0x2011: 0x0080, + 0x2012: 0x0080, 0x2013: 0x0080, 0x2014: 0x0080, 0x2015: 0x0080, 0x2016: 0x0080, 0x2017: 0x0080, + 0x2018: 0x0080, 0x2019: 0x0080, 0x201a: 0x0080, 0x201b: 0x0080, 0x201c: 0x0080, 0x201d: 0x0080, + 0x201e: 0x0080, 0x201f: 0x0080, 0x2020: 0x0080, 0x2021: 0x0080, 0x2022: 0x0080, 0x2023: 0x0080, + 0x2024: 0x0080, 0x2025: 0x0080, 0x2026: 0x0080, 0x2027: 0x0080, 0x2028: 0x0080, 0x2029: 0x0080, + 0x202a: 0x0080, 0x202b: 0x0080, 0x202c: 0x0080, 0x202d: 0x0080, 0x202e: 0x0080, 0x202f: 0x00c0, + 0x2030: 0x0080, 0x2031: 0x0080, 0x2032: 0x0080, 0x2033: 0x0080, 0x2034: 0x0080, 0x2035: 0x0080, + 0x2036: 0x0080, 0x2037: 0x0080, 0x2038: 0x0080, 0x2039: 0x0080, 0x203a: 0x0080, 0x203b: 0x0080, + 0x203c: 0x0080, 0x203d: 0x0080, 0x203e: 0x0080, 0x203f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x2040 + 0x2040: 0x0080, 0x2041: 0x0080, 0x2042: 0x0080, 0x2043: 0x0080, 0x2044: 0x0080, 0x2045: 0x0080, + 0x2046: 0x0080, 0x2047: 0x0080, 0x2048: 0x0080, 0x2049: 0x0080, 0x204a: 0x0080, 0x204b: 0x0080, + 0x204c: 0x0080, 0x204d: 0x0080, 0x204e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x2080 + 0x2080: 0x008c, 0x2081: 0x008c, 0x2082: 0x008c, 0x2083: 0x008c, 0x2084: 0x008c, 0x2085: 0x008c, + 0x2086: 0x008c, 0x2087: 0x008c, 0x2088: 0x008c, 0x2089: 0x008c, 0x208a: 0x008c, 0x208b: 0x008c, + 0x208c: 0x008c, 0x208d: 0x008c, 0x208e: 0x008c, 0x208f: 0x008c, 0x2090: 0x008c, 0x2091: 0x008c, + 0x2092: 0x008c, 0x2093: 0x008c, 0x2094: 0x008c, 0x2095: 0x008c, 0x2096: 0x008c, 0x2097: 0x008c, + 0x2098: 0x008c, 0x2099: 0x008c, 0x209b: 0x008c, 0x209c: 0x008c, 0x209d: 0x008c, + 0x209e: 0x008c, 0x209f: 0x008c, 0x20a0: 0x008c, 0x20a1: 0x008c, 0x20a2: 0x008c, 0x20a3: 0x008c, + 0x20a4: 0x008c, 0x20a5: 0x008c, 0x20a6: 0x008c, 0x20a7: 0x008c, 0x20a8: 0x008c, 0x20a9: 0x008c, + 0x20aa: 0x008c, 0x20ab: 0x008c, 0x20ac: 0x008c, 0x20ad: 0x008c, 0x20ae: 0x008c, 0x20af: 0x008c, + 0x20b0: 0x008c, 0x20b1: 0x008c, 0x20b2: 0x008c, 0x20b3: 0x008c, 0x20b4: 0x008c, 0x20b5: 0x008c, + 0x20b6: 0x008c, 0x20b7: 0x008c, 0x20b8: 0x008c, 0x20b9: 0x008c, 0x20ba: 0x008c, 0x20bb: 0x008c, + 0x20bc: 0x008c, 0x20bd: 0x008c, 0x20be: 0x008c, 0x20bf: 0x008c, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x20c0 + 0x20c0: 0x008c, 0x20c1: 0x008c, 0x20c2: 0x008c, 0x20c3: 0x008c, 0x20c4: 0x008c, 0x20c5: 0x008c, + 0x20c6: 0x008c, 0x20c7: 0x008c, 0x20c8: 0x008c, 0x20c9: 0x008c, 0x20ca: 0x008c, 0x20cb: 0x008c, + 0x20cc: 0x008c, 0x20cd: 0x008c, 0x20ce: 0x008c, 0x20cf: 0x008c, 0x20d0: 0x008c, 0x20d1: 0x008c, + 0x20d2: 0x008c, 0x20d3: 0x008c, 0x20d4: 0x008c, 0x20d5: 0x008c, 0x20d6: 0x008c, 0x20d7: 0x008c, + 0x20d8: 0x008c, 0x20d9: 0x008c, 0x20da: 0x008c, 0x20db: 0x008c, 0x20dc: 0x008c, 0x20dd: 0x008c, + 0x20de: 0x008c, 0x20df: 0x008c, 0x20e0: 0x008c, 0x20e1: 0x008c, 0x20e2: 0x008c, 0x20e3: 0x008c, + 0x20e4: 0x008c, 0x20e5: 0x008c, 0x20e6: 0x008c, 0x20e7: 0x008c, 0x20e8: 0x008c, 0x20e9: 0x008c, + 0x20ea: 0x008c, 0x20eb: 0x008c, 0x20ec: 0x008c, 0x20ed: 0x008c, 0x20ee: 0x008c, 0x20ef: 0x008c, + 0x20f0: 0x008c, 0x20f1: 0x008c, 0x20f2: 0x008c, 0x20f3: 0x008c, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x2100 + 0x2100: 0x008c, 0x2101: 0x008c, 0x2102: 0x008c, 0x2103: 0x008c, 0x2104: 0x008c, 0x2105: 0x008c, + 0x2106: 0x008c, 0x2107: 0x008c, 0x2108: 0x008c, 0x2109: 0x008c, 0x210a: 0x008c, 0x210b: 0x008c, + 0x210c: 0x008c, 0x210d: 0x008c, 0x210e: 0x008c, 0x210f: 0x008c, 0x2110: 0x008c, 0x2111: 0x008c, + 0x2112: 0x008c, 0x2113: 0x008c, 0x2114: 0x008c, 0x2115: 0x008c, 0x2116: 0x008c, 0x2117: 0x008c, + 0x2118: 0x008c, 0x2119: 0x008c, 0x211a: 0x008c, 0x211b: 0x008c, 0x211c: 0x008c, 0x211d: 0x008c, + 0x211e: 0x008c, 0x211f: 0x008c, 0x2120: 0x008c, 0x2121: 0x008c, 0x2122: 0x008c, 0x2123: 0x008c, + 0x2124: 0x008c, 0x2125: 0x008c, 0x2126: 0x008c, 0x2127: 0x008c, 0x2128: 0x008c, 0x2129: 0x008c, + 0x212a: 0x008c, 0x212b: 0x008c, 0x212c: 0x008c, 0x212d: 0x008c, 0x212e: 0x008c, 0x212f: 0x008c, + 0x2130: 0x008c, 0x2131: 0x008c, 0x2132: 0x008c, 0x2133: 0x008c, 0x2134: 0x008c, 0x2135: 0x008c, + 0x2136: 0x008c, 0x2137: 0x008c, 0x2138: 0x008c, 0x2139: 0x008c, 0x213a: 0x008c, 0x213b: 0x008c, + 0x213c: 0x008c, 0x213d: 0x008c, 0x213e: 0x008c, 0x213f: 0x008c, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x2140 + 0x2140: 0x008c, 0x2141: 0x008c, 0x2142: 0x008c, 0x2143: 0x008c, 0x2144: 0x008c, 0x2145: 0x008c, + 0x2146: 0x008c, 0x2147: 0x008c, 0x2148: 0x008c, 0x2149: 0x008c, 0x214a: 0x008c, 0x214b: 0x008c, + 0x214c: 0x008c, 0x214d: 0x008c, 0x214e: 0x008c, 0x214f: 0x008c, 0x2150: 0x008c, 0x2151: 0x008c, + 0x2152: 0x008c, 0x2153: 0x008c, 0x2154: 0x008c, 0x2155: 0x008c, + 0x2170: 0x0080, 0x2171: 0x0080, 0x2172: 0x0080, 0x2173: 0x0080, 0x2174: 0x0080, 0x2175: 0x0080, + 0x2176: 0x0080, 0x2177: 0x0080, 0x2178: 0x0080, 0x2179: 0x0080, 0x217a: 0x0080, 0x217b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x2180 + 0x2180: 0x0080, 0x2181: 0x0080, 0x2182: 0x0080, 0x2183: 0x0080, 0x2184: 0x0080, 0x2185: 0x00cc, + 0x2186: 0x00c0, 0x2187: 0x00cc, 0x2188: 0x0080, 0x2189: 0x0080, 0x218a: 0x0080, 0x218b: 0x0080, + 0x218c: 0x0080, 0x218d: 0x0080, 0x218e: 0x0080, 0x218f: 0x0080, 0x2190: 0x0080, 0x2191: 0x0080, + 0x2192: 0x0080, 0x2193: 0x0080, 0x2194: 0x0080, 0x2195: 0x0080, 0x2196: 0x0080, 0x2197: 0x0080, + 0x2198: 0x0080, 0x2199: 0x0080, 0x219a: 0x0080, 0x219b: 0x0080, 0x219c: 0x0080, 0x219d: 0x0080, + 0x219e: 0x0080, 0x219f: 0x0080, 0x21a0: 0x0080, 0x21a1: 0x008c, 0x21a2: 0x008c, 0x21a3: 0x008c, + 0x21a4: 0x008c, 0x21a5: 0x008c, 0x21a6: 0x008c, 0x21a7: 0x008c, 0x21a8: 0x008c, 0x21a9: 0x008c, + 0x21aa: 0x00c3, 0x21ab: 0x00c3, 0x21ac: 0x00c3, 0x21ad: 0x00c3, 0x21ae: 0x0040, 0x21af: 0x0040, + 0x21b0: 0x0080, 0x21b1: 0x0040, 0x21b2: 0x0040, 0x21b3: 0x0040, 0x21b4: 0x0040, 0x21b5: 0x0040, + 0x21b6: 0x0080, 0x21b7: 0x0080, 0x21b8: 0x008c, 0x21b9: 0x008c, 0x21ba: 0x008c, 0x21bb: 0x0040, + 0x21bc: 0x00c0, 0x21bd: 0x0080, 0x21be: 0x0080, 0x21bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x21c0 + 0x21c1: 0x00cc, 0x21c2: 0x00cc, 0x21c3: 0x00cc, 0x21c4: 0x00cc, 0x21c5: 0x00cc, + 0x21c6: 0x00cc, 0x21c7: 0x00cc, 0x21c8: 0x00cc, 0x21c9: 0x00cc, 0x21ca: 0x00cc, 0x21cb: 0x00cc, + 0x21cc: 0x00cc, 0x21cd: 0x00cc, 0x21ce: 0x00cc, 0x21cf: 0x00cc, 0x21d0: 0x00cc, 0x21d1: 0x00cc, + 0x21d2: 0x00cc, 0x21d3: 0x00cc, 0x21d4: 0x00cc, 0x21d5: 0x00cc, 0x21d6: 0x00cc, 0x21d7: 0x00cc, + 0x21d8: 0x00cc, 0x21d9: 0x00cc, 0x21da: 0x00cc, 0x21db: 0x00cc, 0x21dc: 0x00cc, 0x21dd: 0x00cc, + 0x21de: 0x00cc, 0x21df: 0x00cc, 0x21e0: 0x00cc, 0x21e1: 0x00cc, 0x21e2: 0x00cc, 0x21e3: 0x00cc, + 0x21e4: 0x00cc, 0x21e5: 0x00cc, 0x21e6: 0x00cc, 0x21e7: 0x00cc, 0x21e8: 0x00cc, 0x21e9: 0x00cc, + 0x21ea: 0x00cc, 0x21eb: 0x00cc, 0x21ec: 0x00cc, 0x21ed: 0x00cc, 0x21ee: 0x00cc, 0x21ef: 0x00cc, + 0x21f0: 0x00cc, 0x21f1: 0x00cc, 0x21f2: 0x00cc, 0x21f3: 0x00cc, 0x21f4: 0x00cc, 0x21f5: 0x00cc, + 0x21f6: 0x00cc, 0x21f7: 0x00cc, 0x21f8: 0x00cc, 0x21f9: 0x00cc, 0x21fa: 0x00cc, 0x21fb: 0x00cc, + 0x21fc: 0x00cc, 0x21fd: 0x00cc, 0x21fe: 0x00cc, 0x21ff: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x2200 + 0x2200: 0x00cc, 0x2201: 0x00cc, 0x2202: 0x00cc, 0x2203: 0x00cc, 0x2204: 0x00cc, 0x2205: 0x00cc, + 0x2206: 0x00cc, 0x2207: 0x00cc, 0x2208: 0x00cc, 0x2209: 0x00cc, 0x220a: 0x00cc, 0x220b: 0x00cc, + 0x220c: 0x00cc, 0x220d: 0x00cc, 0x220e: 0x00cc, 0x220f: 0x00cc, 0x2210: 0x00cc, 0x2211: 0x00cc, + 0x2212: 0x00cc, 0x2213: 0x00cc, 0x2214: 0x00cc, 0x2215: 0x00cc, 0x2216: 0x00cc, + 0x2219: 0x00c3, 0x221a: 0x00c3, 0x221b: 0x0080, 0x221c: 0x0080, 0x221d: 0x00cc, + 0x221e: 0x00cc, 0x221f: 0x008c, 0x2220: 0x0080, 0x2221: 0x00cc, 0x2222: 0x00cc, 0x2223: 0x00cc, + 0x2224: 0x00cc, 0x2225: 0x00cc, 0x2226: 0x00cc, 0x2227: 0x00cc, 0x2228: 0x00cc, 0x2229: 0x00cc, + 0x222a: 0x00cc, 0x222b: 0x00cc, 0x222c: 0x00cc, 0x222d: 0x00cc, 0x222e: 0x00cc, 0x222f: 0x00cc, + 0x2230: 0x00cc, 0x2231: 0x00cc, 0x2232: 0x00cc, 0x2233: 0x00cc, 0x2234: 0x00cc, 0x2235: 0x00cc, + 0x2236: 0x00cc, 0x2237: 0x00cc, 0x2238: 0x00cc, 0x2239: 0x00cc, 0x223a: 0x00cc, 0x223b: 0x00cc, + 0x223c: 0x00cc, 0x223d: 0x00cc, 0x223e: 0x00cc, 0x223f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x2240 + 0x2240: 0x00cc, 0x2241: 0x00cc, 0x2242: 0x00cc, 0x2243: 0x00cc, 0x2244: 0x00cc, 0x2245: 0x00cc, + 0x2246: 0x00cc, 0x2247: 0x00cc, 0x2248: 0x00cc, 0x2249: 0x00cc, 0x224a: 0x00cc, 0x224b: 0x00cc, + 0x224c: 0x00cc, 0x224d: 0x00cc, 0x224e: 0x00cc, 0x224f: 0x00cc, 0x2250: 0x00cc, 0x2251: 0x00cc, + 0x2252: 0x00cc, 0x2253: 0x00cc, 0x2254: 0x00cc, 0x2255: 0x00cc, 0x2256: 0x00cc, 0x2257: 0x00cc, + 0x2258: 0x00cc, 0x2259: 0x00cc, 0x225a: 0x00cc, 0x225b: 0x00cc, 0x225c: 0x00cc, 0x225d: 0x00cc, + 0x225e: 0x00cc, 0x225f: 0x00cc, 0x2260: 0x00cc, 0x2261: 0x00cc, 0x2262: 0x00cc, 0x2263: 0x00cc, + 0x2264: 0x00cc, 0x2265: 0x00cc, 0x2266: 0x00cc, 0x2267: 0x00cc, 0x2268: 0x00cc, 0x2269: 0x00cc, + 0x226a: 0x00cc, 0x226b: 0x00cc, 0x226c: 0x00cc, 0x226d: 0x00cc, 0x226e: 0x00cc, 0x226f: 0x00cc, + 0x2270: 0x00cc, 0x2271: 0x00cc, 0x2272: 0x00cc, 0x2273: 0x00cc, 0x2274: 0x00cc, 0x2275: 0x00cc, + 0x2276: 0x00cc, 0x2277: 0x00cc, 0x2278: 0x00cc, 0x2279: 0x00cc, 0x227a: 0x00cc, 0x227b: 0x00d2, + 0x227c: 0x00c0, 0x227d: 0x00cc, 0x227e: 0x00cc, 0x227f: 0x008c, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x2280 + 0x2285: 0x00c0, + 0x2286: 0x00c0, 0x2287: 0x00c0, 0x2288: 0x00c0, 0x2289: 0x00c0, 0x228a: 0x00c0, 0x228b: 0x00c0, + 0x228c: 0x00c0, 0x228d: 0x00c0, 0x228e: 0x00c0, 0x228f: 0x00c0, 0x2290: 0x00c0, 0x2291: 0x00c0, + 0x2292: 0x00c0, 0x2293: 0x00c0, 0x2294: 0x00c0, 0x2295: 0x00c0, 0x2296: 0x00c0, 0x2297: 0x00c0, + 0x2298: 0x00c0, 0x2299: 0x00c0, 0x229a: 0x00c0, 0x229b: 0x00c0, 0x229c: 0x00c0, 0x229d: 0x00c0, + 0x229e: 0x00c0, 0x229f: 0x00c0, 0x22a0: 0x00c0, 0x22a1: 0x00c0, 0x22a2: 0x00c0, 0x22a3: 0x00c0, + 0x22a4: 0x00c0, 0x22a5: 0x00c0, 0x22a6: 0x00c0, 0x22a7: 0x00c0, 0x22a8: 0x00c0, 0x22a9: 0x00c0, + 0x22aa: 0x00c0, 0x22ab: 0x00c0, 0x22ac: 0x00c0, 0x22ad: 0x00c0, 0x22ae: 0x00c0, 0x22af: 0x00c0, + 0x22b1: 0x0080, 0x22b2: 0x0080, 0x22b3: 0x0080, 0x22b4: 0x0080, 0x22b5: 0x0080, + 0x22b6: 0x0080, 0x22b7: 0x0080, 0x22b8: 0x0080, 0x22b9: 0x0080, 0x22ba: 0x0080, 0x22bb: 0x0080, + 0x22bc: 0x0080, 0x22bd: 0x0080, 0x22be: 0x0080, 0x22bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x22c0 + 0x22c0: 0x0080, 0x22c1: 0x0080, 0x22c2: 0x0080, 0x22c3: 0x0080, 0x22c4: 0x0080, 0x22c5: 0x0080, + 0x22c6: 0x0080, 0x22c7: 0x0080, 0x22c8: 0x0080, 0x22c9: 0x0080, 0x22ca: 0x0080, 0x22cb: 0x0080, + 0x22cc: 0x0080, 0x22cd: 0x0080, 0x22ce: 0x0080, 0x22cf: 0x0080, 0x22d0: 0x0080, 0x22d1: 0x0080, + 0x22d2: 0x0080, 0x22d3: 0x0080, 0x22d4: 0x0080, 0x22d5: 0x0080, 0x22d6: 0x0080, 0x22d7: 0x0080, + 0x22d8: 0x0080, 0x22d9: 0x0080, 0x22da: 0x0080, 0x22db: 0x0080, 0x22dc: 0x0080, 0x22dd: 0x0080, + 0x22de: 0x0080, 0x22df: 0x0080, 0x22e0: 0x0080, 0x22e1: 0x0080, 0x22e2: 0x0080, 0x22e3: 0x0080, + 0x22e4: 0x0040, 0x22e5: 0x0080, 0x22e6: 0x0080, 0x22e7: 0x0080, 0x22e8: 0x0080, 0x22e9: 0x0080, + 0x22ea: 0x0080, 0x22eb: 0x0080, 0x22ec: 0x0080, 0x22ed: 0x0080, 0x22ee: 0x0080, 0x22ef: 0x0080, + 0x22f0: 0x0080, 0x22f1: 0x0080, 0x22f2: 0x0080, 0x22f3: 0x0080, 0x22f4: 0x0080, 0x22f5: 0x0080, + 0x22f6: 0x0080, 0x22f7: 0x0080, 0x22f8: 0x0080, 0x22f9: 0x0080, 0x22fa: 0x0080, 0x22fb: 0x0080, + 0x22fc: 0x0080, 0x22fd: 0x0080, 0x22fe: 0x0080, 0x22ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x2300 + 0x2300: 0x0080, 0x2301: 0x0080, 0x2302: 0x0080, 0x2303: 0x0080, 0x2304: 0x0080, 0x2305: 0x0080, + 0x2306: 0x0080, 0x2307: 0x0080, 0x2308: 0x0080, 0x2309: 0x0080, 0x230a: 0x0080, 0x230b: 0x0080, + 0x230c: 0x0080, 0x230d: 0x0080, 0x230e: 0x0080, 0x2310: 0x0080, 0x2311: 0x0080, + 0x2312: 0x0080, 0x2313: 0x0080, 0x2314: 0x0080, 0x2315: 0x0080, 0x2316: 0x0080, 0x2317: 0x0080, + 0x2318: 0x0080, 0x2319: 0x0080, 0x231a: 0x0080, 0x231b: 0x0080, 0x231c: 0x0080, 0x231d: 0x0080, + 0x231e: 0x0080, 0x231f: 0x0080, 0x2320: 0x00c0, 0x2321: 0x00c0, 0x2322: 0x00c0, 0x2323: 0x00c0, + 0x2324: 0x00c0, 0x2325: 0x00c0, 0x2326: 0x00c0, 0x2327: 0x00c0, 0x2328: 0x00c0, 0x2329: 0x00c0, + 0x232a: 0x00c0, 0x232b: 0x00c0, 0x232c: 0x00c0, 0x232d: 0x00c0, 0x232e: 0x00c0, 0x232f: 0x00c0, + 0x2330: 0x00c0, 0x2331: 0x00c0, 0x2332: 0x00c0, 0x2333: 0x00c0, 0x2334: 0x00c0, 0x2335: 0x00c0, + 0x2336: 0x00c0, 0x2337: 0x00c0, 0x2338: 0x00c0, 0x2339: 0x00c0, 0x233a: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x2340 + 0x2340: 0x0080, 0x2341: 0x0080, 0x2342: 0x0080, 0x2343: 0x0080, 0x2344: 0x0080, 0x2345: 0x0080, + 0x2346: 0x0080, 0x2347: 0x0080, 0x2348: 0x0080, 0x2349: 0x0080, 0x234a: 0x0080, 0x234b: 0x0080, + 0x234c: 0x0080, 0x234d: 0x0080, 0x234e: 0x0080, 0x234f: 0x0080, 0x2350: 0x0080, 0x2351: 0x0080, + 0x2352: 0x0080, 0x2353: 0x0080, 0x2354: 0x0080, 0x2355: 0x0080, 0x2356: 0x0080, 0x2357: 0x0080, + 0x2358: 0x0080, 0x2359: 0x0080, 0x235a: 0x0080, 0x235b: 0x0080, 0x235c: 0x0080, 0x235d: 0x0080, + 0x235e: 0x0080, 0x235f: 0x0080, 0x2360: 0x0080, 0x2361: 0x0080, 0x2362: 0x0080, 0x2363: 0x0080, + 0x2370: 0x00cc, 0x2371: 0x00cc, 0x2372: 0x00cc, 0x2373: 0x00cc, 0x2374: 0x00cc, 0x2375: 0x00cc, + 0x2376: 0x00cc, 0x2377: 0x00cc, 0x2378: 0x00cc, 0x2379: 0x00cc, 0x237a: 0x00cc, 0x237b: 0x00cc, + 0x237c: 0x00cc, 0x237d: 0x00cc, 0x237e: 0x00cc, 0x237f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x2380 + 0x2380: 0x0080, 0x2381: 0x0080, 0x2382: 0x0080, 0x2383: 0x0080, 0x2384: 0x0080, 0x2385: 0x0080, + 0x2386: 0x0080, 0x2387: 0x0080, 0x2388: 0x0080, 0x2389: 0x0080, 0x238a: 0x0080, 0x238b: 0x0080, + 0x238c: 0x0080, 0x238d: 0x0080, 0x238e: 0x0080, 0x238f: 0x0080, 0x2390: 0x0080, 0x2391: 0x0080, + 0x2392: 0x0080, 0x2393: 0x0080, 0x2394: 0x0080, 0x2395: 0x0080, 0x2396: 0x0080, 0x2397: 0x0080, + 0x2398: 0x0080, 0x2399: 0x0080, 0x239a: 0x0080, 0x239b: 0x0080, 0x239c: 0x0080, 0x239d: 0x0080, + 0x239e: 0x0080, 0x23a0: 0x0080, 0x23a1: 0x0080, 0x23a2: 0x0080, 0x23a3: 0x0080, + 0x23a4: 0x0080, 0x23a5: 0x0080, 0x23a6: 0x0080, 0x23a7: 0x0080, 0x23a8: 0x0080, 0x23a9: 0x0080, + 0x23aa: 0x0080, 0x23ab: 0x0080, 0x23ac: 0x0080, 0x23ad: 0x0080, 0x23ae: 0x0080, 0x23af: 0x0080, + 0x23b0: 0x0080, 0x23b1: 0x0080, 0x23b2: 0x0080, 0x23b3: 0x0080, 0x23b4: 0x0080, 0x23b5: 0x0080, + 0x23b6: 0x0080, 0x23b7: 0x0080, 0x23b8: 0x0080, 0x23b9: 0x0080, 0x23ba: 0x0080, 0x23bb: 0x0080, + 0x23bc: 0x0080, 0x23bd: 0x0080, 0x23be: 0x0080, 0x23bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x23c0 + 0x23c0: 0x0080, 0x23c1: 0x0080, 0x23c2: 0x0080, 0x23c3: 0x0080, 0x23c4: 0x0080, 0x23c5: 0x0080, + 0x23c6: 0x0080, 0x23c7: 0x0080, 0x23c8: 0x0080, 0x23c9: 0x0080, 0x23ca: 0x0080, 0x23cb: 0x0080, + 0x23cc: 0x0080, 0x23cd: 0x0080, 0x23ce: 0x0080, 0x23cf: 0x0080, 0x23d0: 0x008c, 0x23d1: 0x008c, + 0x23d2: 0x008c, 0x23d3: 0x008c, 0x23d4: 0x008c, 0x23d5: 0x008c, 0x23d6: 0x008c, 0x23d7: 0x008c, + 0x23d8: 0x008c, 0x23d9: 0x008c, 0x23da: 0x008c, 0x23db: 0x008c, 0x23dc: 0x008c, 0x23dd: 0x008c, + 0x23de: 0x008c, 0x23df: 0x008c, 0x23e0: 0x008c, 0x23e1: 0x008c, 0x23e2: 0x008c, 0x23e3: 0x008c, + 0x23e4: 0x008c, 0x23e5: 0x008c, 0x23e6: 0x008c, 0x23e7: 0x008c, 0x23e8: 0x008c, 0x23e9: 0x008c, + 0x23ea: 0x008c, 0x23eb: 0x008c, 0x23ec: 0x008c, 0x23ed: 0x008c, 0x23ee: 0x008c, 0x23ef: 0x008c, + 0x23f0: 0x008c, 0x23f1: 0x008c, 0x23f2: 0x008c, 0x23f3: 0x008c, 0x23f4: 0x008c, 0x23f5: 0x008c, + 0x23f6: 0x008c, 0x23f7: 0x008c, 0x23f8: 0x008c, 0x23f9: 0x008c, 0x23fa: 0x008c, 0x23fb: 0x008c, + 0x23fc: 0x008c, 0x23fd: 0x008c, 0x23fe: 0x008c, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x2400 + 0x2400: 0x008c, 0x2401: 0x008c, 0x2402: 0x008c, 0x2403: 0x008c, 0x2404: 0x008c, 0x2405: 0x008c, + 0x2406: 0x008c, 0x2407: 0x008c, 0x2408: 0x008c, 0x2409: 0x008c, 0x240a: 0x008c, 0x240b: 0x008c, + 0x240c: 0x008c, 0x240d: 0x008c, 0x240e: 0x008c, 0x240f: 0x008c, 0x2410: 0x008c, 0x2411: 0x008c, + 0x2412: 0x008c, 0x2413: 0x008c, 0x2414: 0x008c, 0x2415: 0x008c, 0x2416: 0x008c, 0x2417: 0x008c, + 0x2418: 0x0080, 0x2419: 0x0080, 0x241a: 0x0080, 0x241b: 0x0080, 0x241c: 0x0080, 0x241d: 0x0080, + 0x241e: 0x0080, 0x241f: 0x0080, 0x2420: 0x0080, 0x2421: 0x0080, 0x2422: 0x0080, 0x2423: 0x0080, + 0x2424: 0x0080, 0x2425: 0x0080, 0x2426: 0x0080, 0x2427: 0x0080, 0x2428: 0x0080, 0x2429: 0x0080, + 0x242a: 0x0080, 0x242b: 0x0080, 0x242c: 0x0080, 0x242d: 0x0080, 0x242e: 0x0080, 0x242f: 0x0080, + 0x2430: 0x0080, 0x2431: 0x0080, 0x2432: 0x0080, 0x2433: 0x0080, 0x2434: 0x0080, 0x2435: 0x0080, + 0x2436: 0x0080, 0x2437: 0x0080, 0x2438: 0x0080, 0x2439: 0x0080, 0x243a: 0x0080, 0x243b: 0x0080, + 0x243c: 0x0080, 0x243d: 0x0080, 0x243e: 0x0080, 0x243f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x2440 + 0x2440: 0x00cc, 0x2441: 0x00cc, 0x2442: 0x00cc, 0x2443: 0x00cc, 0x2444: 0x00cc, 0x2445: 0x00cc, + 0x2446: 0x00cc, 0x2447: 0x00cc, 0x2448: 0x00cc, 0x2449: 0x00cc, 0x244a: 0x00cc, 0x244b: 0x00cc, + 0x244c: 0x00cc, 0x244d: 0x00cc, 0x244e: 0x00cc, 0x244f: 0x00cc, 0x2450: 0x00cc, 0x2451: 0x00cc, + 0x2452: 0x00cc, 0x2453: 0x00cc, 0x2454: 0x00cc, 0x2455: 0x00cc, 0x2456: 0x00cc, 0x2457: 0x00cc, + 0x2458: 0x00cc, 0x2459: 0x00cc, 0x245a: 0x00cc, 0x245b: 0x00cc, 0x245c: 0x00cc, 0x245d: 0x00cc, + 0x245e: 0x00cc, 0x245f: 0x00cc, 0x2460: 0x00cc, 0x2461: 0x00cc, 0x2462: 0x00cc, 0x2463: 0x00cc, + 0x2464: 0x00cc, 0x2465: 0x00cc, 0x2466: 0x00cc, 0x2467: 0x00cc, 0x2468: 0x00cc, 0x2469: 0x00cc, + 0x246a: 0x00cc, 0x246b: 0x00cc, 0x246c: 0x00cc, 0x246d: 0x00cc, 0x246e: 0x00cc, 0x246f: 0x00cc, + 0x2470: 0x00cc, 0x2471: 0x00cc, 0x2472: 0x00cc, 0x2473: 0x00cc, 0x2474: 0x00cc, 0x2475: 0x00cc, + 0x2476: 0x00cc, 0x2477: 0x00cc, 0x2478: 0x00cc, 0x2479: 0x00cc, 0x247a: 0x00cc, 0x247b: 0x00cc, + 0x247c: 0x00cc, 0x247d: 0x00cc, 0x247e: 0x00cc, 0x247f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x2480 + 0x2480: 0x00cc, 0x2481: 0x00cc, 0x2482: 0x00cc, 0x2483: 0x00cc, 0x2484: 0x00cc, 0x2485: 0x00cc, + 0x2486: 0x00cc, 0x2487: 0x00cc, 0x2488: 0x00cc, 0x2489: 0x00cc, 0x248a: 0x00cc, 0x248b: 0x00cc, + 0x248c: 0x00cc, 0x248d: 0x00cc, 0x248e: 0x00cc, 0x248f: 0x00cc, 0x2490: 0x00cc, 0x2491: 0x00cc, + 0x2492: 0x00cc, 0x2493: 0x00cc, 0x2494: 0x00cc, 0x2495: 0x00cc, 0x2496: 0x00cc, 0x2497: 0x00cc, + 0x2498: 0x00cc, 0x2499: 0x00cc, 0x249a: 0x00cc, 0x249b: 0x00cc, 0x249c: 0x00cc, 0x249d: 0x00cc, + 0x249e: 0x00cc, 0x249f: 0x00cc, 0x24a0: 0x00cc, 0x24a1: 0x00cc, 0x24a2: 0x00cc, 0x24a3: 0x00cc, + 0x24a4: 0x00cc, 0x24a5: 0x00cc, 0x24a6: 0x00cc, 0x24a7: 0x00cc, 0x24a8: 0x00cc, 0x24a9: 0x00cc, + 0x24aa: 0x00cc, 0x24ab: 0x00cc, 0x24ac: 0x00cc, 0x24ad: 0x00cc, 0x24ae: 0x00cc, 0x24af: 0x00cc, + 0x24b0: 0x00cc, 0x24b1: 0x00cc, 0x24b2: 0x00cc, 0x24b3: 0x00cc, 0x24b4: 0x00cc, 0x24b5: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x24c0 + 0x24c0: 0x00cc, 0x24c1: 0x00cc, 0x24c2: 0x00cc, 0x24c3: 0x00cc, 0x24c4: 0x00cc, 0x24c5: 0x00cc, + 0x24c6: 0x00cc, 0x24c7: 0x00cc, 0x24c8: 0x00cc, 0x24c9: 0x00cc, 0x24ca: 0x00cc, 0x24cb: 0x00cc, + 0x24cc: 0x00cc, 0x24cd: 0x00cc, 0x24ce: 0x00cc, 0x24cf: 0x00cc, 0x24d0: 0x00cc, 0x24d1: 0x00cc, + 0x24d2: 0x00cc, 0x24d3: 0x00cc, 0x24d4: 0x00cc, 0x24d5: 0x00cc, 0x24d6: 0x00cc, 0x24d7: 0x00cc, + 0x24d8: 0x00cc, 0x24d9: 0x00cc, 0x24da: 0x00cc, 0x24db: 0x00cc, 0x24dc: 0x00cc, 0x24dd: 0x00cc, + 0x24de: 0x00cc, 0x24df: 0x00cc, 0x24e0: 0x00cc, 0x24e1: 0x00cc, 0x24e2: 0x00cc, 0x24e3: 0x00cc, + 0x24e4: 0x00cc, 0x24e5: 0x00cc, 0x24e6: 0x00cc, 0x24e7: 0x00cc, 0x24e8: 0x00cc, 0x24e9: 0x00cc, + 0x24ea: 0x00cc, 0x24eb: 0x00cc, 0x24ec: 0x00cc, 0x24ed: 0x00cc, 0x24ee: 0x00cc, 0x24ef: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x2500 + 0x2500: 0x00c0, 0x2501: 0x00c0, 0x2502: 0x00c0, 0x2503: 0x00c0, 0x2504: 0x00c0, 0x2505: 0x00c0, + 0x2506: 0x00c0, 0x2507: 0x00c0, 0x2508: 0x00c0, 0x2509: 0x00c0, 0x250a: 0x00c0, 0x250b: 0x00c0, + 0x250c: 0x00c0, 0x2510: 0x0080, 0x2511: 0x0080, + 0x2512: 0x0080, 0x2513: 0x0080, 0x2514: 0x0080, 0x2515: 0x0080, 0x2516: 0x0080, 0x2517: 0x0080, + 0x2518: 0x0080, 0x2519: 0x0080, 0x251a: 0x0080, 0x251b: 0x0080, 0x251c: 0x0080, 0x251d: 0x0080, + 0x251e: 0x0080, 0x251f: 0x0080, 0x2520: 0x0080, 0x2521: 0x0080, 0x2522: 0x0080, 0x2523: 0x0080, + 0x2524: 0x0080, 0x2525: 0x0080, 0x2526: 0x0080, 0x2527: 0x0080, 0x2528: 0x0080, 0x2529: 0x0080, + 0x252a: 0x0080, 0x252b: 0x0080, 0x252c: 0x0080, 0x252d: 0x0080, 0x252e: 0x0080, 0x252f: 0x0080, + 0x2530: 0x0080, 0x2531: 0x0080, 0x2532: 0x0080, 0x2533: 0x0080, 0x2534: 0x0080, 0x2535: 0x0080, + 0x2536: 0x0080, 0x2537: 0x0080, 0x2538: 0x0080, 0x2539: 0x0080, 0x253a: 0x0080, 0x253b: 0x0080, + 0x253c: 0x0080, 0x253d: 0x0080, 0x253e: 0x0080, 0x253f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x2540 + 0x2540: 0x0080, 0x2541: 0x0080, 0x2542: 0x0080, 0x2543: 0x0080, 0x2544: 0x0080, 0x2545: 0x0080, + 0x2546: 0x0080, + 0x2550: 0x00c0, 0x2551: 0x00c0, + 0x2552: 0x00c0, 0x2553: 0x00c0, 0x2554: 0x00c0, 0x2555: 0x00c0, 0x2556: 0x00c0, 0x2557: 0x00c0, + 0x2558: 0x00c0, 0x2559: 0x00c0, 0x255a: 0x00c0, 0x255b: 0x00c0, 0x255c: 0x00c0, 0x255d: 0x00c0, + 0x255e: 0x00c0, 0x255f: 0x00c0, 0x2560: 0x00c0, 0x2561: 0x00c0, 0x2562: 0x00c0, 0x2563: 0x00c0, + 0x2564: 0x00c0, 0x2565: 0x00c0, 0x2566: 0x00c0, 0x2567: 0x00c0, 0x2568: 0x00c0, 0x2569: 0x00c0, + 0x256a: 0x00c0, 0x256b: 0x00c0, 0x256c: 0x00c0, 0x256d: 0x00c0, 0x256e: 0x00c0, 0x256f: 0x00c0, + 0x2570: 0x00c0, 0x2571: 0x00c0, 0x2572: 0x00c0, 0x2573: 0x00c0, 0x2574: 0x00c0, 0x2575: 0x00c0, + 0x2576: 0x00c0, 0x2577: 0x00c0, 0x2578: 0x00c0, 0x2579: 0x00c0, 0x257a: 0x00c0, 0x257b: 0x00c0, + 0x257c: 0x00c0, 0x257d: 0x00c0, 0x257e: 0x0080, 0x257f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x2580 + 0x2580: 0x00c0, 0x2581: 0x00c0, 0x2582: 0x00c0, 0x2583: 0x00c0, 0x2584: 0x00c0, 0x2585: 0x00c0, + 0x2586: 0x00c0, 0x2587: 0x00c0, 0x2588: 0x00c0, 0x2589: 0x00c0, 0x258a: 0x00c0, 0x258b: 0x00c0, + 0x258c: 0x00c0, 0x258d: 0x0080, 0x258e: 0x0080, 0x258f: 0x0080, 0x2590: 0x00c0, 0x2591: 0x00c0, + 0x2592: 0x00c0, 0x2593: 0x00c0, 0x2594: 0x00c0, 0x2595: 0x00c0, 0x2596: 0x00c0, 0x2597: 0x00c0, + 0x2598: 0x00c0, 0x2599: 0x00c0, 0x259a: 0x00c0, 0x259b: 0x00c0, 0x259c: 0x00c0, 0x259d: 0x00c0, + 0x259e: 0x00c0, 0x259f: 0x00c0, 0x25a0: 0x00c0, 0x25a1: 0x00c0, 0x25a2: 0x00c0, 0x25a3: 0x00c0, + 0x25a4: 0x00c0, 0x25a5: 0x00c0, 0x25a6: 0x00c0, 0x25a7: 0x00c0, 0x25a8: 0x00c0, 0x25a9: 0x00c0, + 0x25aa: 0x00c0, 0x25ab: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x25c0 + 0x25c0: 0x00c0, 0x25c1: 0x00c0, 0x25c2: 0x00c0, 0x25c3: 0x00c0, 0x25c4: 0x00c0, 0x25c5: 0x00c0, + 0x25c6: 0x00c0, 0x25c7: 0x00c0, 0x25c8: 0x00c0, 0x25c9: 0x00c0, 0x25ca: 0x00c0, 0x25cb: 0x00c0, + 0x25cc: 0x00c0, 0x25cd: 0x00c0, 0x25ce: 0x00c0, 0x25cf: 0x00c0, 0x25d0: 0x00c0, 0x25d1: 0x00c0, + 0x25d2: 0x00c0, 0x25d3: 0x00c0, 0x25d4: 0x00c0, 0x25d5: 0x00c0, 0x25d6: 0x00c0, 0x25d7: 0x00c0, + 0x25d8: 0x00c0, 0x25d9: 0x00c0, 0x25da: 0x00c0, 0x25db: 0x00c0, 0x25dc: 0x00c0, 0x25dd: 0x00c0, + 0x25de: 0x00c0, 0x25df: 0x00c0, 0x25e0: 0x00c0, 0x25e1: 0x00c0, 0x25e2: 0x00c0, 0x25e3: 0x00c0, + 0x25e4: 0x00c0, 0x25e5: 0x00c0, 0x25e6: 0x00c0, 0x25e7: 0x00c0, 0x25e8: 0x00c0, 0x25e9: 0x00c0, + 0x25ea: 0x00c0, 0x25eb: 0x00c0, 0x25ec: 0x00c0, 0x25ed: 0x00c0, 0x25ee: 0x00c0, 0x25ef: 0x00c3, + 0x25f0: 0x0083, 0x25f1: 0x0083, 0x25f2: 0x0083, 0x25f3: 0x0080, 0x25f4: 0x00c3, 0x25f5: 0x00c3, + 0x25f6: 0x00c3, 0x25f7: 0x00c3, 0x25f8: 0x00c3, 0x25f9: 0x00c3, 0x25fa: 0x00c3, 0x25fb: 0x00c3, + 0x25fc: 0x00c3, 0x25fd: 0x00c3, 0x25fe: 0x0080, 0x25ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x2600 + 0x2600: 0x00c0, 0x2601: 0x00c0, 0x2602: 0x00c0, 0x2603: 0x00c0, 0x2604: 0x00c0, 0x2605: 0x00c0, + 0x2606: 0x00c0, 0x2607: 0x00c0, 0x2608: 0x00c0, 0x2609: 0x00c0, 0x260a: 0x00c0, 0x260b: 0x00c0, + 0x260c: 0x00c0, 0x260d: 0x00c0, 0x260e: 0x00c0, 0x260f: 0x00c0, 0x2610: 0x00c0, 0x2611: 0x00c0, + 0x2612: 0x00c0, 0x2613: 0x00c0, 0x2614: 0x00c0, 0x2615: 0x00c0, 0x2616: 0x00c0, 0x2617: 0x00c0, + 0x2618: 0x00c0, 0x2619: 0x00c0, 0x261a: 0x00c0, 0x261b: 0x00c0, 0x261c: 0x0080, 0x261d: 0x0080, + 0x261e: 0x00c3, 0x261f: 0x00c3, 0x2620: 0x00c0, 0x2621: 0x00c0, 0x2622: 0x00c0, 0x2623: 0x00c0, + 0x2624: 0x00c0, 0x2625: 0x00c0, 0x2626: 0x00c0, 0x2627: 0x00c0, 0x2628: 0x00c0, 0x2629: 0x00c0, + 0x262a: 0x00c0, 0x262b: 0x00c0, 0x262c: 0x00c0, 0x262d: 0x00c0, 0x262e: 0x00c0, 0x262f: 0x00c0, + 0x2630: 0x00c0, 0x2631: 0x00c0, 0x2632: 0x00c0, 0x2633: 0x00c0, 0x2634: 0x00c0, 0x2635: 0x00c0, + 0x2636: 0x00c0, 0x2637: 0x00c0, 0x2638: 0x00c0, 0x2639: 0x00c0, 0x263a: 0x00c0, 0x263b: 0x00c0, + 0x263c: 0x00c0, 0x263d: 0x00c0, 0x263e: 0x00c0, 0x263f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x2640 + 0x2640: 0x00c0, 0x2641: 0x00c0, 0x2642: 0x00c0, 0x2643: 0x00c0, 0x2644: 0x00c0, 0x2645: 0x00c0, + 0x2646: 0x00c0, 0x2647: 0x00c0, 0x2648: 0x00c0, 0x2649: 0x00c0, 0x264a: 0x00c0, 0x264b: 0x00c0, + 0x264c: 0x00c0, 0x264d: 0x00c0, 0x264e: 0x00c0, 0x264f: 0x00c0, 0x2650: 0x00c0, 0x2651: 0x00c0, + 0x2652: 0x00c0, 0x2653: 0x00c0, 0x2654: 0x00c0, 0x2655: 0x00c0, 0x2656: 0x00c0, 0x2657: 0x00c0, + 0x2658: 0x00c0, 0x2659: 0x00c0, 0x265a: 0x00c0, 0x265b: 0x00c0, 0x265c: 0x00c0, 0x265d: 0x00c0, + 0x265e: 0x00c0, 0x265f: 0x00c0, 0x2660: 0x00c0, 0x2661: 0x00c0, 0x2662: 0x00c0, 0x2663: 0x00c0, + 0x2664: 0x00c0, 0x2665: 0x00c0, 0x2666: 0x0080, 0x2667: 0x0080, 0x2668: 0x0080, 0x2669: 0x0080, + 0x266a: 0x0080, 0x266b: 0x0080, 0x266c: 0x0080, 0x266d: 0x0080, 0x266e: 0x0080, 0x266f: 0x0080, + 0x2670: 0x00c3, 0x2671: 0x00c3, 0x2672: 0x0080, 0x2673: 0x0080, 0x2674: 0x0080, 0x2675: 0x0080, + 0x2676: 0x0080, 0x2677: 0x0080, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x2680 + 0x2680: 0x0080, 0x2681: 0x0080, 0x2682: 0x0080, 0x2683: 0x0080, 0x2684: 0x0080, 0x2685: 0x0080, + 0x2686: 0x0080, 0x2687: 0x0080, 0x2688: 0x0080, 0x2689: 0x0080, 0x268a: 0x0080, 0x268b: 0x0080, + 0x268c: 0x0080, 0x268d: 0x0080, 0x268e: 0x0080, 0x268f: 0x0080, 0x2690: 0x0080, 0x2691: 0x0080, + 0x2692: 0x0080, 0x2693: 0x0080, 0x2694: 0x0080, 0x2695: 0x0080, 0x2696: 0x0080, 0x2697: 0x00c0, + 0x2698: 0x00c0, 0x2699: 0x00c0, 0x269a: 0x00c0, 0x269b: 0x00c0, 0x269c: 0x00c0, 0x269d: 0x00c0, + 0x269e: 0x00c0, 0x269f: 0x00c0, 0x26a0: 0x0080, 0x26a1: 0x0080, 0x26a2: 0x00c0, 0x26a3: 0x00c0, + 0x26a4: 0x00c0, 0x26a5: 0x00c0, 0x26a6: 0x00c0, 0x26a7: 0x00c0, 0x26a8: 0x00c0, 0x26a9: 0x00c0, + 0x26aa: 0x00c0, 0x26ab: 0x00c0, 0x26ac: 0x00c0, 0x26ad: 0x00c0, 0x26ae: 0x00c0, 0x26af: 0x00c0, + 0x26b0: 0x00c0, 0x26b1: 0x00c0, 0x26b2: 0x00c0, 0x26b3: 0x00c0, 0x26b4: 0x00c0, 0x26b5: 0x00c0, + 0x26b6: 0x00c0, 0x26b7: 0x00c0, 0x26b8: 0x00c0, 0x26b9: 0x00c0, 0x26ba: 0x00c0, 0x26bb: 0x00c0, + 0x26bc: 0x00c0, 0x26bd: 0x00c0, 0x26be: 0x00c0, 0x26bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x26c0 + 0x26c0: 0x00c0, 0x26c1: 0x00c0, 0x26c2: 0x00c0, 0x26c3: 0x00c0, 0x26c4: 0x00c0, 0x26c5: 0x00c0, + 0x26c6: 0x00c0, 0x26c7: 0x00c0, 0x26c8: 0x00c0, 0x26c9: 0x00c0, 0x26ca: 0x00c0, 0x26cb: 0x00c0, + 0x26cc: 0x00c0, 0x26cd: 0x00c0, 0x26ce: 0x00c0, 0x26cf: 0x00c0, 0x26d0: 0x00c0, 0x26d1: 0x00c0, + 0x26d2: 0x00c0, 0x26d3: 0x00c0, 0x26d4: 0x00c0, 0x26d5: 0x00c0, 0x26d6: 0x00c0, 0x26d7: 0x00c0, + 0x26d8: 0x00c0, 0x26d9: 0x00c0, 0x26da: 0x00c0, 0x26db: 0x00c0, 0x26dc: 0x00c0, 0x26dd: 0x00c0, + 0x26de: 0x00c0, 0x26df: 0x00c0, 0x26e0: 0x00c0, 0x26e1: 0x00c0, 0x26e2: 0x00c0, 0x26e3: 0x00c0, + 0x26e4: 0x00c0, 0x26e5: 0x00c0, 0x26e6: 0x00c0, 0x26e7: 0x00c0, 0x26e8: 0x00c0, 0x26e9: 0x00c0, + 0x26ea: 0x00c0, 0x26eb: 0x00c0, 0x26ec: 0x00c0, 0x26ed: 0x00c0, 0x26ee: 0x00c0, 0x26ef: 0x00c0, + 0x26f0: 0x0080, 0x26f1: 0x00c0, 0x26f2: 0x00c0, 0x26f3: 0x00c0, 0x26f4: 0x00c0, 0x26f5: 0x00c0, + 0x26f6: 0x00c0, 0x26f7: 0x00c0, 0x26f8: 0x00c0, 0x26f9: 0x00c0, 0x26fa: 0x00c0, 0x26fb: 0x00c0, + 0x26fc: 0x00c0, 0x26fd: 0x00c0, 0x26fe: 0x00c0, 0x26ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x2700 + 0x2700: 0x00c0, 0x2701: 0x00c0, 0x2702: 0x00c0, 0x2703: 0x00c0, 0x2704: 0x00c0, 0x2705: 0x00c0, + 0x2706: 0x00c0, 0x2707: 0x00c0, 0x2708: 0x00c0, 0x2709: 0x0080, 0x270a: 0x0080, 0x270b: 0x00c0, + 0x270c: 0x00c0, 0x270d: 0x00c0, 0x270e: 0x00c0, 0x270f: 0x00c0, 0x2710: 0x00c0, 0x2711: 0x00c0, + 0x2712: 0x00c0, 0x2713: 0x00c0, 0x2714: 0x00c0, 0x2715: 0x00c0, 0x2716: 0x00c0, 0x2717: 0x00c0, + 0x2718: 0x00c0, 0x2719: 0x00c0, 0x271a: 0x00c0, 0x271b: 0x00c0, 0x271c: 0x00c0, 0x271d: 0x00c0, + 0x271e: 0x00c0, 0x271f: 0x00c0, 0x2720: 0x00c0, 0x2721: 0x00c0, 0x2722: 0x00c0, 0x2723: 0x00c0, + 0x2724: 0x00c0, 0x2725: 0x00c0, 0x2726: 0x00c0, 0x2727: 0x00c0, 0x2728: 0x00c0, 0x2729: 0x00c0, + 0x272a: 0x00c0, 0x272b: 0x00c0, 0x272c: 0x00c0, 0x272d: 0x00c0, 0x272e: 0x00c0, 0x272f: 0x00c0, + 0x2730: 0x00c0, 0x2731: 0x00c0, 0x2732: 0x00c0, 0x2733: 0x00c0, 0x2734: 0x00c0, 0x2735: 0x00c0, + 0x2736: 0x00c0, 0x2737: 0x00c0, 0x2738: 0x00c0, 0x2739: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x2740 + 0x2777: 0x00c0, 0x2778: 0x0080, 0x2779: 0x0080, 0x277a: 0x00c0, 0x277b: 0x00c0, + 0x277c: 0x00c0, 0x277d: 0x00c0, 0x277e: 0x00c0, 0x277f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x2780 + 0x2780: 0x00c0, 0x2781: 0x00c0, 0x2782: 0x00c3, 0x2783: 0x00c0, 0x2784: 0x00c0, 0x2785: 0x00c0, + 0x2786: 0x00c6, 0x2787: 0x00c0, 0x2788: 0x00c0, 0x2789: 0x00c0, 0x278a: 0x00c0, 0x278b: 0x00c3, + 0x278c: 0x00c0, 0x278d: 0x00c0, 0x278e: 0x00c0, 0x278f: 0x00c0, 0x2790: 0x00c0, 0x2791: 0x00c0, + 0x2792: 0x00c0, 0x2793: 0x00c0, 0x2794: 0x00c0, 0x2795: 0x00c0, 0x2796: 0x00c0, 0x2797: 0x00c0, + 0x2798: 0x00c0, 0x2799: 0x00c0, 0x279a: 0x00c0, 0x279b: 0x00c0, 0x279c: 0x00c0, 0x279d: 0x00c0, + 0x279e: 0x00c0, 0x279f: 0x00c0, 0x27a0: 0x00c0, 0x27a1: 0x00c0, 0x27a2: 0x00c0, 0x27a3: 0x00c0, + 0x27a4: 0x00c0, 0x27a5: 0x00c3, 0x27a6: 0x00c3, 0x27a7: 0x00c0, 0x27a8: 0x0080, 0x27a9: 0x0080, + 0x27aa: 0x0080, 0x27ab: 0x0080, + 0x27b0: 0x0080, 0x27b1: 0x0080, 0x27b2: 0x0080, 0x27b3: 0x0080, 0x27b4: 0x0080, 0x27b5: 0x0080, + 0x27b6: 0x0080, 0x27b7: 0x0080, 0x27b8: 0x0080, 0x27b9: 0x0080, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x27c0 + 0x27c0: 0x00c2, 0x27c1: 0x00c2, 0x27c2: 0x00c2, 0x27c3: 0x00c2, 0x27c4: 0x00c2, 0x27c5: 0x00c2, + 0x27c6: 0x00c2, 0x27c7: 0x00c2, 0x27c8: 0x00c2, 0x27c9: 0x00c2, 0x27ca: 0x00c2, 0x27cb: 0x00c2, + 0x27cc: 0x00c2, 0x27cd: 0x00c2, 0x27ce: 0x00c2, 0x27cf: 0x00c2, 0x27d0: 0x00c2, 0x27d1: 0x00c2, + 0x27d2: 0x00c2, 0x27d3: 0x00c2, 0x27d4: 0x00c2, 0x27d5: 0x00c2, 0x27d6: 0x00c2, 0x27d7: 0x00c2, + 0x27d8: 0x00c2, 0x27d9: 0x00c2, 0x27da: 0x00c2, 0x27db: 0x00c2, 0x27dc: 0x00c2, 0x27dd: 0x00c2, + 0x27de: 0x00c2, 0x27df: 0x00c2, 0x27e0: 0x00c2, 0x27e1: 0x00c2, 0x27e2: 0x00c2, 0x27e3: 0x00c2, + 0x27e4: 0x00c2, 0x27e5: 0x00c2, 0x27e6: 0x00c2, 0x27e7: 0x00c2, 0x27e8: 0x00c2, 0x27e9: 0x00c2, + 0x27ea: 0x00c2, 0x27eb: 0x00c2, 0x27ec: 0x00c2, 0x27ed: 0x00c2, 0x27ee: 0x00c2, 0x27ef: 0x00c2, + 0x27f0: 0x00c2, 0x27f1: 0x00c2, 0x27f2: 0x00c1, 0x27f3: 0x00c0, 0x27f4: 0x0080, 0x27f5: 0x0080, + 0x27f6: 0x0080, 0x27f7: 0x0080, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x2800 + 0x2800: 0x00c0, 0x2801: 0x00c0, 0x2802: 0x00c0, 0x2803: 0x00c0, 0x2804: 0x00c6, 0x2805: 0x00c3, + 0x280e: 0x0080, 0x280f: 0x0080, 0x2810: 0x00c0, 0x2811: 0x00c0, + 0x2812: 0x00c0, 0x2813: 0x00c0, 0x2814: 0x00c0, 0x2815: 0x00c0, 0x2816: 0x00c0, 0x2817: 0x00c0, + 0x2818: 0x00c0, 0x2819: 0x00c0, + 0x2820: 0x00c3, 0x2821: 0x00c3, 0x2822: 0x00c3, 0x2823: 0x00c3, + 0x2824: 0x00c3, 0x2825: 0x00c3, 0x2826: 0x00c3, 0x2827: 0x00c3, 0x2828: 0x00c3, 0x2829: 0x00c3, + 0x282a: 0x00c3, 0x282b: 0x00c3, 0x282c: 0x00c3, 0x282d: 0x00c3, 0x282e: 0x00c3, 0x282f: 0x00c3, + 0x2830: 0x00c3, 0x2831: 0x00c3, 0x2832: 0x00c0, 0x2833: 0x00c0, 0x2834: 0x00c0, 0x2835: 0x00c0, + 0x2836: 0x00c0, 0x2837: 0x00c0, 0x2838: 0x0080, 0x2839: 0x0080, 0x283a: 0x0080, 0x283b: 0x00c0, + 0x283c: 0x0080, 0x283d: 0x00c0, 0x283e: 0x00c0, 0x283f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x2840 + 0x2840: 0x00c0, 0x2841: 0x00c0, 0x2842: 0x00c0, 0x2843: 0x00c0, 0x2844: 0x00c0, 0x2845: 0x00c0, + 0x2846: 0x00c0, 0x2847: 0x00c0, 0x2848: 0x00c0, 0x2849: 0x00c0, 0x284a: 0x00c0, 0x284b: 0x00c0, + 0x284c: 0x00c0, 0x284d: 0x00c0, 0x284e: 0x00c0, 0x284f: 0x00c0, 0x2850: 0x00c0, 0x2851: 0x00c0, + 0x2852: 0x00c0, 0x2853: 0x00c0, 0x2854: 0x00c0, 0x2855: 0x00c0, 0x2856: 0x00c0, 0x2857: 0x00c0, + 0x2858: 0x00c0, 0x2859: 0x00c0, 0x285a: 0x00c0, 0x285b: 0x00c0, 0x285c: 0x00c0, 0x285d: 0x00c0, + 0x285e: 0x00c0, 0x285f: 0x00c0, 0x2860: 0x00c0, 0x2861: 0x00c0, 0x2862: 0x00c0, 0x2863: 0x00c0, + 0x2864: 0x00c0, 0x2865: 0x00c0, 0x2866: 0x00c3, 0x2867: 0x00c3, 0x2868: 0x00c3, 0x2869: 0x00c3, + 0x286a: 0x00c3, 0x286b: 0x00c3, 0x286c: 0x00c3, 0x286d: 0x00c3, 0x286e: 0x0080, 0x286f: 0x0080, + 0x2870: 0x00c0, 0x2871: 0x00c0, 0x2872: 0x00c0, 0x2873: 0x00c0, 0x2874: 0x00c0, 0x2875: 0x00c0, + 0x2876: 0x00c0, 0x2877: 0x00c0, 0x2878: 0x00c0, 0x2879: 0x00c0, 0x287a: 0x00c0, 0x287b: 0x00c0, + 0x287c: 0x00c0, 0x287d: 0x00c0, 0x287e: 0x00c0, 0x287f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x2880 + 0x2880: 0x00c0, 0x2881: 0x00c0, 0x2882: 0x00c0, 0x2883: 0x00c0, 0x2884: 0x00c0, 0x2885: 0x00c0, + 0x2886: 0x00c0, 0x2887: 0x00c3, 0x2888: 0x00c3, 0x2889: 0x00c3, 0x288a: 0x00c3, 0x288b: 0x00c3, + 0x288c: 0x00c3, 0x288d: 0x00c3, 0x288e: 0x00c3, 0x288f: 0x00c3, 0x2890: 0x00c3, 0x2891: 0x00c3, + 0x2892: 0x00c0, 0x2893: 0x00c5, + 0x289f: 0x0080, 0x28a0: 0x0040, 0x28a1: 0x0040, 0x28a2: 0x0040, 0x28a3: 0x0040, + 0x28a4: 0x0040, 0x28a5: 0x0040, 0x28a6: 0x0040, 0x28a7: 0x0040, 0x28a8: 0x0040, 0x28a9: 0x0040, + 0x28aa: 0x0040, 0x28ab: 0x0040, 0x28ac: 0x0040, 0x28ad: 0x0040, 0x28ae: 0x0040, 0x28af: 0x0040, + 0x28b0: 0x0040, 0x28b1: 0x0040, 0x28b2: 0x0040, 0x28b3: 0x0040, 0x28b4: 0x0040, 0x28b5: 0x0040, + 0x28b6: 0x0040, 0x28b7: 0x0040, 0x28b8: 0x0040, 0x28b9: 0x0040, 0x28ba: 0x0040, 0x28bb: 0x0040, + 0x28bc: 0x0040, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x28c0 + 0x28c0: 0x00c3, 0x28c1: 0x00c3, 0x28c2: 0x00c3, 0x28c3: 0x00c0, 0x28c4: 0x00c0, 0x28c5: 0x00c0, + 0x28c6: 0x00c0, 0x28c7: 0x00c0, 0x28c8: 0x00c0, 0x28c9: 0x00c0, 0x28ca: 0x00c0, 0x28cb: 0x00c0, + 0x28cc: 0x00c0, 0x28cd: 0x00c0, 0x28ce: 0x00c0, 0x28cf: 0x00c0, 0x28d0: 0x00c0, 0x28d1: 0x00c0, + 0x28d2: 0x00c0, 0x28d3: 0x00c0, 0x28d4: 0x00c0, 0x28d5: 0x00c0, 0x28d6: 0x00c0, 0x28d7: 0x00c0, + 0x28d8: 0x00c0, 0x28d9: 0x00c0, 0x28da: 0x00c0, 0x28db: 0x00c0, 0x28dc: 0x00c0, 0x28dd: 0x00c0, + 0x28de: 0x00c0, 0x28df: 0x00c0, 0x28e0: 0x00c0, 0x28e1: 0x00c0, 0x28e2: 0x00c0, 0x28e3: 0x00c0, + 0x28e4: 0x00c0, 0x28e5: 0x00c0, 0x28e6: 0x00c0, 0x28e7: 0x00c0, 0x28e8: 0x00c0, 0x28e9: 0x00c0, + 0x28ea: 0x00c0, 0x28eb: 0x00c0, 0x28ec: 0x00c0, 0x28ed: 0x00c0, 0x28ee: 0x00c0, 0x28ef: 0x00c0, + 0x28f0: 0x00c0, 0x28f1: 0x00c0, 0x28f2: 0x00c0, 0x28f3: 0x00c3, 0x28f4: 0x00c0, 0x28f5: 0x00c0, + 0x28f6: 0x00c3, 0x28f7: 0x00c3, 0x28f8: 0x00c3, 0x28f9: 0x00c3, 0x28fa: 0x00c0, 0x28fb: 0x00c0, + 0x28fc: 0x00c3, 0x28fd: 0x00c0, 0x28fe: 0x00c0, 0x28ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x2900 + 0x2900: 0x00c5, 0x2901: 0x0080, 0x2902: 0x0080, 0x2903: 0x0080, 0x2904: 0x0080, 0x2905: 0x0080, + 0x2906: 0x0080, 0x2907: 0x0080, 0x2908: 0x0080, 0x2909: 0x0080, 0x290a: 0x0080, 0x290b: 0x0080, + 0x290c: 0x0080, 0x290d: 0x0080, 0x290f: 0x00c0, 0x2910: 0x00c0, 0x2911: 0x00c0, + 0x2912: 0x00c0, 0x2913: 0x00c0, 0x2914: 0x00c0, 0x2915: 0x00c0, 0x2916: 0x00c0, 0x2917: 0x00c0, + 0x2918: 0x00c0, 0x2919: 0x00c0, + 0x291e: 0x0080, 0x291f: 0x0080, 0x2920: 0x00c0, 0x2921: 0x00c0, 0x2922: 0x00c0, 0x2923: 0x00c0, + 0x2924: 0x00c0, 0x2925: 0x00c3, 0x2926: 0x00c0, 0x2927: 0x00c0, 0x2928: 0x00c0, 0x2929: 0x00c0, + 0x292a: 0x00c0, 0x292b: 0x00c0, 0x292c: 0x00c0, 0x292d: 0x00c0, 0x292e: 0x00c0, 0x292f: 0x00c0, + 0x2930: 0x00c0, 0x2931: 0x00c0, 0x2932: 0x00c0, 0x2933: 0x00c0, 0x2934: 0x00c0, 0x2935: 0x00c0, + 0x2936: 0x00c0, 0x2937: 0x00c0, 0x2938: 0x00c0, 0x2939: 0x00c0, 0x293a: 0x00c0, 0x293b: 0x00c0, + 0x293c: 0x00c0, 0x293d: 0x00c0, 0x293e: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x2940 + 0x2940: 0x00c0, 0x2941: 0x00c0, 0x2942: 0x00c0, 0x2943: 0x00c0, 0x2944: 0x00c0, 0x2945: 0x00c0, + 0x2946: 0x00c0, 0x2947: 0x00c0, 0x2948: 0x00c0, 0x2949: 0x00c0, 0x294a: 0x00c0, 0x294b: 0x00c0, + 0x294c: 0x00c0, 0x294d: 0x00c0, 0x294e: 0x00c0, 0x294f: 0x00c0, 0x2950: 0x00c0, 0x2951: 0x00c0, + 0x2952: 0x00c0, 0x2953: 0x00c0, 0x2954: 0x00c0, 0x2955: 0x00c0, 0x2956: 0x00c0, 0x2957: 0x00c0, + 0x2958: 0x00c0, 0x2959: 0x00c0, 0x295a: 0x00c0, 0x295b: 0x00c0, 0x295c: 0x00c0, 0x295d: 0x00c0, + 0x295e: 0x00c0, 0x295f: 0x00c0, 0x2960: 0x00c0, 0x2961: 0x00c0, 0x2962: 0x00c0, 0x2963: 0x00c0, + 0x2964: 0x00c0, 0x2965: 0x00c0, 0x2966: 0x00c0, 0x2967: 0x00c0, 0x2968: 0x00c0, 0x2969: 0x00c3, + 0x296a: 0x00c3, 0x296b: 0x00c3, 0x296c: 0x00c3, 0x296d: 0x00c3, 0x296e: 0x00c3, 0x296f: 0x00c0, + 0x2970: 0x00c0, 0x2971: 0x00c3, 0x2972: 0x00c3, 0x2973: 0x00c0, 0x2974: 0x00c0, 0x2975: 0x00c3, + 0x2976: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x2980 + 0x2980: 0x00c0, 0x2981: 0x00c0, 0x2982: 0x00c0, 0x2983: 0x00c3, 0x2984: 0x00c0, 0x2985: 0x00c0, + 0x2986: 0x00c0, 0x2987: 0x00c0, 0x2988: 0x00c0, 0x2989: 0x00c0, 0x298a: 0x00c0, 0x298b: 0x00c0, + 0x298c: 0x00c3, 0x298d: 0x00c0, 0x2990: 0x00c0, 0x2991: 0x00c0, + 0x2992: 0x00c0, 0x2993: 0x00c0, 0x2994: 0x00c0, 0x2995: 0x00c0, 0x2996: 0x00c0, 0x2997: 0x00c0, + 0x2998: 0x00c0, 0x2999: 0x00c0, 0x299c: 0x0080, 0x299d: 0x0080, + 0x299e: 0x0080, 0x299f: 0x0080, 0x29a0: 0x00c0, 0x29a1: 0x00c0, 0x29a2: 0x00c0, 0x29a3: 0x00c0, + 0x29a4: 0x00c0, 0x29a5: 0x00c0, 0x29a6: 0x00c0, 0x29a7: 0x00c0, 0x29a8: 0x00c0, 0x29a9: 0x00c0, + 0x29aa: 0x00c0, 0x29ab: 0x00c0, 0x29ac: 0x00c0, 0x29ad: 0x00c0, 0x29ae: 0x00c0, 0x29af: 0x00c0, + 0x29b0: 0x00c0, 0x29b1: 0x00c0, 0x29b2: 0x00c0, 0x29b3: 0x00c0, 0x29b4: 0x00c0, 0x29b5: 0x00c0, + 0x29b6: 0x00c0, 0x29b7: 0x0080, 0x29b8: 0x0080, 0x29b9: 0x0080, 0x29ba: 0x00c0, 0x29bb: 0x00c0, + 0x29bc: 0x00c3, 0x29bd: 0x00c0, 0x29be: 0x00c0, 0x29bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x29c0 + 0x29c0: 0x00c0, 0x29c1: 0x00c0, 0x29c2: 0x00c0, 0x29c3: 0x00c0, 0x29c4: 0x00c0, 0x29c5: 0x00c0, + 0x29c6: 0x00c0, 0x29c7: 0x00c0, 0x29c8: 0x00c0, 0x29c9: 0x00c0, 0x29ca: 0x00c0, 0x29cb: 0x00c0, + 0x29cc: 0x00c0, 0x29cd: 0x00c0, 0x29ce: 0x00c0, 0x29cf: 0x00c0, 0x29d0: 0x00c0, 0x29d1: 0x00c0, + 0x29d2: 0x00c0, 0x29d3: 0x00c0, 0x29d4: 0x00c0, 0x29d5: 0x00c0, 0x29d6: 0x00c0, 0x29d7: 0x00c0, + 0x29d8: 0x00c0, 0x29d9: 0x00c0, 0x29da: 0x00c0, 0x29db: 0x00c0, 0x29dc: 0x00c0, 0x29dd: 0x00c0, + 0x29de: 0x00c0, 0x29df: 0x00c0, 0x29e0: 0x00c0, 0x29e1: 0x00c0, 0x29e2: 0x00c0, 0x29e3: 0x00c0, + 0x29e4: 0x00c0, 0x29e5: 0x00c0, 0x29e6: 0x00c0, 0x29e7: 0x00c0, 0x29e8: 0x00c0, 0x29e9: 0x00c0, + 0x29ea: 0x00c0, 0x29eb: 0x00c0, 0x29ec: 0x00c0, 0x29ed: 0x00c0, 0x29ee: 0x00c0, 0x29ef: 0x00c0, + 0x29f0: 0x00c3, 0x29f1: 0x00c0, 0x29f2: 0x00c3, 0x29f3: 0x00c3, 0x29f4: 0x00c3, 0x29f5: 0x00c0, + 0x29f6: 0x00c0, 0x29f7: 0x00c3, 0x29f8: 0x00c3, 0x29f9: 0x00c0, 0x29fa: 0x00c0, 0x29fb: 0x00c0, + 0x29fc: 0x00c0, 0x29fd: 0x00c0, 0x29fe: 0x00c3, 0x29ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x2a00 + 0x2a00: 0x00c0, 0x2a01: 0x00c3, 0x2a02: 0x00c0, + 0x2a1b: 0x00c0, 0x2a1c: 0x00c0, 0x2a1d: 0x00c0, + 0x2a1e: 0x0080, 0x2a1f: 0x0080, 0x2a20: 0x00c0, 0x2a21: 0x00c0, 0x2a22: 0x00c0, 0x2a23: 0x00c0, + 0x2a24: 0x00c0, 0x2a25: 0x00c0, 0x2a26: 0x00c0, 0x2a27: 0x00c0, 0x2a28: 0x00c0, 0x2a29: 0x00c0, + 0x2a2a: 0x00c0, 0x2a2b: 0x00c0, 0x2a2c: 0x00c3, 0x2a2d: 0x00c3, 0x2a2e: 0x00c0, 0x2a2f: 0x00c0, + 0x2a30: 0x0080, 0x2a31: 0x0080, 0x2a32: 0x00c0, 0x2a33: 0x00c0, 0x2a34: 0x00c0, 0x2a35: 0x00c0, + 0x2a36: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x2a40 + 0x2a41: 0x00c0, 0x2a42: 0x00c0, 0x2a43: 0x00c0, 0x2a44: 0x00c0, 0x2a45: 0x00c0, + 0x2a46: 0x00c0, 0x2a49: 0x00c0, 0x2a4a: 0x00c0, 0x2a4b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a4c: 0x00c0, 0x2a4d: 0x00c0, 0x2a4e: 0x00c0, 0x2a51: 0x00c0, + 0x2a52: 0x00c0, 0x2a53: 0x00c0, 0x2a54: 0x00c0, 0x2a55: 0x00c0, 0x2a56: 0x00c0, + 0x2a60: 0x00c0, 0x2a61: 0x00c0, 0x2a62: 0x00c0, 0x2a63: 0x00c0, + 0x2a64: 0x00c0, 0x2a65: 0x00c0, 0x2a66: 0x00c0, 0x2a68: 0x00c0, 0x2a69: 0x00c0, + 0x2a6a: 0x00c0, 0x2a6b: 0x00c0, 0x2a6c: 0x00c0, 0x2a6d: 0x00c0, 0x2a6e: 0x00c0, + 0x2a70: 0x00c0, 0x2a71: 0x00c0, 0x2a72: 0x00c0, 0x2a73: 0x00c0, 0x2a74: 0x00c0, 0x2a75: 0x00c0, + 0x2a76: 0x00c0, 0x2a77: 0x00c0, 0x2a78: 0x00c0, 0x2a79: 0x00c0, 0x2a7a: 0x00c0, 0x2a7b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a7c: 0x00c0, 0x2a7d: 0x00c0, 0x2a7e: 0x00c0, 0x2a7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x2a80 + 0x2a80: 0x00c0, 0x2a81: 0x00c0, 0x2a82: 0x00c0, 0x2a83: 0x00c0, 0x2a84: 0x00c0, 0x2a85: 0x00c0, + 0x2a86: 0x00c0, 0x2a87: 0x00c0, 0x2a88: 0x00c0, 0x2a89: 0x00c0, 0x2a8a: 0x00c0, 0x2a8b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a8c: 0x00c0, 0x2a8d: 0x00c0, 0x2a8e: 0x00c0, 0x2a8f: 0x00c0, 0x2a90: 0x00c0, 0x2a91: 0x00c0, + 0x2a92: 0x00c0, 0x2a93: 0x00c0, 0x2a94: 0x00c0, 0x2a95: 0x00c0, 0x2a96: 0x00c0, 0x2a97: 0x00c0, + 0x2a98: 0x00c0, 0x2a99: 0x00c0, 0x2a9a: 0x00c0, 0x2a9b: 0x0080, 0x2a9c: 0x0080, 0x2a9d: 0x0080, + 0x2a9e: 0x0080, 0x2a9f: 0x0080, 0x2aa0: 0x00c0, 0x2aa1: 0x00c0, 0x2aa2: 0x00c0, 0x2aa3: 0x00c0, + 0x2aa4: 0x00c0, 0x2aa5: 0x00c8, + 0x2ab0: 0x00c0, 0x2ab1: 0x00c0, 0x2ab2: 0x00c0, 0x2ab3: 0x00c0, 0x2ab4: 0x00c0, 0x2ab5: 0x00c0, + 0x2ab6: 0x00c0, 0x2ab7: 0x00c0, 0x2ab8: 0x00c0, 0x2ab9: 0x00c0, 0x2aba: 0x00c0, 0x2abb: 0x00c0, + 0x2abc: 0x00c0, 0x2abd: 0x00c0, 0x2abe: 0x00c0, 0x2abf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x2ac0 + 0x2ac0: 0x00c0, 0x2ac1: 0x00c0, 0x2ac2: 0x00c0, 0x2ac3: 0x00c0, 0x2ac4: 0x00c0, 0x2ac5: 0x00c0, + 0x2ac6: 0x00c0, 0x2ac7: 0x00c0, 0x2ac8: 0x00c0, 0x2ac9: 0x00c0, 0x2aca: 0x00c0, 0x2acb: 0x00c0, + 0x2acc: 0x00c0, 0x2acd: 0x00c0, 0x2ace: 0x00c0, 0x2acf: 0x00c0, 0x2ad0: 0x00c0, 0x2ad1: 0x00c0, + 0x2ad2: 0x00c0, 0x2ad3: 0x00c0, 0x2ad4: 0x00c0, 0x2ad5: 0x00c0, 0x2ad6: 0x00c0, 0x2ad7: 0x00c0, + 0x2ad8: 0x00c0, 0x2ad9: 0x00c0, 0x2ada: 0x00c0, 0x2adb: 0x00c0, 0x2adc: 0x00c0, 0x2add: 0x00c0, + 0x2ade: 0x00c0, 0x2adf: 0x00c0, 0x2ae0: 0x00c0, 0x2ae1: 0x00c0, 0x2ae2: 0x00c0, 0x2ae3: 0x00c0, + 0x2ae4: 0x00c0, 0x2ae5: 0x00c3, 0x2ae6: 0x00c0, 0x2ae7: 0x00c0, 0x2ae8: 0x00c3, 0x2ae9: 0x00c0, + 0x2aea: 0x00c0, 0x2aeb: 0x0080, 0x2aec: 0x00c0, 0x2aed: 0x00c6, + 0x2af0: 0x00c0, 0x2af1: 0x00c0, 0x2af2: 0x00c0, 0x2af3: 0x00c0, 0x2af4: 0x00c0, 0x2af5: 0x00c0, + 0x2af6: 0x00c0, 0x2af7: 0x00c0, 0x2af8: 0x00c0, 0x2af9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x2b00 + 0x2b00: 0x00c0, 0x2b01: 0x00c0, 0x2b02: 0x00c0, 0x2b03: 0x00c0, 0x2b04: 0x00c0, 0x2b05: 0x00c0, + 0x2b06: 0x00c0, 0x2b07: 0x00c0, 0x2b08: 0x00c0, 0x2b09: 0x00c0, 0x2b0a: 0x00c0, 0x2b0b: 0x00c0, + 0x2b0c: 0x00c0, 0x2b0d: 0x00c0, 0x2b0e: 0x00c0, 0x2b0f: 0x00c0, 0x2b10: 0x00c0, 0x2b11: 0x00c0, + 0x2b12: 0x00c0, 0x2b13: 0x00c0, 0x2b14: 0x00c0, 0x2b15: 0x00c0, 0x2b16: 0x00c0, 0x2b17: 0x00c0, + 0x2b18: 0x00c0, 0x2b19: 0x00c0, 0x2b1a: 0x00c0, 0x2b1b: 0x00c0, 0x2b1c: 0x00c0, 0x2b1d: 0x00c0, + 0x2b1e: 0x00c0, 0x2b1f: 0x00c0, 0x2b20: 0x00c0, 0x2b21: 0x00c0, 0x2b22: 0x00c0, 0x2b23: 0x00c0, + 0x2b30: 0x0040, 0x2b31: 0x0040, 0x2b32: 0x0040, 0x2b33: 0x0040, 0x2b34: 0x0040, 0x2b35: 0x0040, + 0x2b36: 0x0040, 0x2b37: 0x0040, 0x2b38: 0x0040, 0x2b39: 0x0040, 0x2b3a: 0x0040, 0x2b3b: 0x0040, + 0x2b3c: 0x0040, 0x2b3d: 0x0040, 0x2b3e: 0x0040, 0x2b3f: 0x0040, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x2b40 + 0x2b40: 0x0040, 0x2b41: 0x0040, 0x2b42: 0x0040, 0x2b43: 0x0040, 0x2b44: 0x0040, 0x2b45: 0x0040, + 0x2b46: 0x0040, 0x2b4b: 0x0040, + 0x2b4c: 0x0040, 0x2b4d: 0x0040, 0x2b4e: 0x0040, 0x2b4f: 0x0040, 0x2b50: 0x0040, 0x2b51: 0x0040, + 0x2b52: 0x0040, 0x2b53: 0x0040, 0x2b54: 0x0040, 0x2b55: 0x0040, 0x2b56: 0x0040, 0x2b57: 0x0040, + 0x2b58: 0x0040, 0x2b59: 0x0040, 0x2b5a: 0x0040, 0x2b5b: 0x0040, 0x2b5c: 0x0040, 0x2b5d: 0x0040, + 0x2b5e: 0x0040, 0x2b5f: 0x0040, 0x2b60: 0x0040, 0x2b61: 0x0040, 0x2b62: 0x0040, 0x2b63: 0x0040, + 0x2b64: 0x0040, 0x2b65: 0x0040, 0x2b66: 0x0040, 0x2b67: 0x0040, 0x2b68: 0x0040, 0x2b69: 0x0040, + 0x2b6a: 0x0040, 0x2b6b: 0x0040, 0x2b6c: 0x0040, 0x2b6d: 0x0040, 0x2b6e: 0x0040, 0x2b6f: 0x0040, + 0x2b70: 0x0040, 0x2b71: 0x0040, 0x2b72: 0x0040, 0x2b73: 0x0040, 0x2b74: 0x0040, 0x2b75: 0x0040, + 0x2b76: 0x0040, 0x2b77: 0x0040, 0x2b78: 0x0040, 0x2b79: 0x0040, 0x2b7a: 0x0040, 0x2b7b: 0x0040, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x2b80 + 0x2b80: 0x008c, 0x2b81: 0x008c, 0x2b82: 0x008c, 0x2b83: 0x008c, 0x2b84: 0x008c, 0x2b85: 0x008c, + 0x2b86: 0x008c, 0x2b87: 0x008c, 0x2b88: 0x008c, 0x2b89: 0x008c, 0x2b8a: 0x008c, 0x2b8b: 0x008c, + 0x2b8c: 0x008c, 0x2b8d: 0x008c, 0x2b8e: 0x00cc, 0x2b8f: 0x00cc, 0x2b90: 0x008c, 0x2b91: 0x00cc, + 0x2b92: 0x008c, 0x2b93: 0x00cc, 0x2b94: 0x00cc, 0x2b95: 0x008c, 0x2b96: 0x008c, 0x2b97: 0x008c, + 0x2b98: 0x008c, 0x2b99: 0x008c, 0x2b9a: 0x008c, 0x2b9b: 0x008c, 0x2b9c: 0x008c, 0x2b9d: 0x008c, + 0x2b9e: 0x008c, 0x2b9f: 0x00cc, 0x2ba0: 0x008c, 0x2ba1: 0x00cc, 0x2ba2: 0x008c, 0x2ba3: 0x00cc, + 0x2ba4: 0x00cc, 0x2ba5: 0x008c, 0x2ba6: 0x008c, 0x2ba7: 0x00cc, 0x2ba8: 0x00cc, 0x2ba9: 0x00cc, + 0x2baa: 0x008c, 0x2bab: 0x008c, 0x2bac: 0x008c, 0x2bad: 0x008c, 0x2bae: 0x008c, 0x2baf: 0x008c, + 0x2bb0: 0x008c, 0x2bb1: 0x008c, 0x2bb2: 0x008c, 0x2bb3: 0x008c, 0x2bb4: 0x008c, 0x2bb5: 0x008c, + 0x2bb6: 0x008c, 0x2bb7: 0x008c, 0x2bb8: 0x008c, 0x2bb9: 0x008c, 0x2bba: 0x008c, 0x2bbb: 0x008c, + 0x2bbc: 0x008c, 0x2bbd: 0x008c, 0x2bbe: 0x008c, 0x2bbf: 0x008c, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x2bc0 + 0x2bc0: 0x008c, 0x2bc1: 0x008c, 0x2bc2: 0x008c, 0x2bc3: 0x008c, 0x2bc4: 0x008c, 0x2bc5: 0x008c, + 0x2bc6: 0x008c, 0x2bc7: 0x008c, 0x2bc8: 0x008c, 0x2bc9: 0x008c, 0x2bca: 0x008c, 0x2bcb: 0x008c, + 0x2bcc: 0x008c, 0x2bcd: 0x008c, 0x2bce: 0x008c, 0x2bcf: 0x008c, 0x2bd0: 0x008c, 0x2bd1: 0x008c, + 0x2bd2: 0x008c, 0x2bd3: 0x008c, 0x2bd4: 0x008c, 0x2bd5: 0x008c, 0x2bd6: 0x008c, 0x2bd7: 0x008c, + 0x2bd8: 0x008c, 0x2bd9: 0x008c, 0x2bda: 0x008c, 0x2bdb: 0x008c, 0x2bdc: 0x008c, 0x2bdd: 0x008c, + 0x2bde: 0x008c, 0x2bdf: 0x008c, 0x2be0: 0x008c, 0x2be1: 0x008c, 0x2be2: 0x008c, 0x2be3: 0x008c, + 0x2be4: 0x008c, 0x2be5: 0x008c, 0x2be6: 0x008c, 0x2be7: 0x008c, 0x2be8: 0x008c, 0x2be9: 0x008c, + 0x2bea: 0x008c, 0x2beb: 0x008c, 0x2bec: 0x008c, 0x2bed: 0x008c, + 0x2bf0: 0x008c, 0x2bf1: 0x008c, 0x2bf2: 0x008c, 0x2bf3: 0x008c, 0x2bf4: 0x008c, 0x2bf5: 0x008c, + 0x2bf6: 0x008c, 0x2bf7: 0x008c, 0x2bf8: 0x008c, 0x2bf9: 0x008c, 0x2bfa: 0x008c, 0x2bfb: 0x008c, + 0x2bfc: 0x008c, 0x2bfd: 0x008c, 0x2bfe: 0x008c, 0x2bff: 0x008c, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x2c00 + 0x2c00: 0x008c, 0x2c01: 0x008c, 0x2c02: 0x008c, 0x2c03: 0x008c, 0x2c04: 0x008c, 0x2c05: 0x008c, + 0x2c06: 0x008c, 0x2c07: 0x008c, 0x2c08: 0x008c, 0x2c09: 0x008c, 0x2c0a: 0x008c, 0x2c0b: 0x008c, + 0x2c0c: 0x008c, 0x2c0d: 0x008c, 0x2c0e: 0x008c, 0x2c0f: 0x008c, 0x2c10: 0x008c, 0x2c11: 0x008c, + 0x2c12: 0x008c, 0x2c13: 0x008c, 0x2c14: 0x008c, 0x2c15: 0x008c, 0x2c16: 0x008c, 0x2c17: 0x008c, + 0x2c18: 0x008c, 0x2c19: 0x008c, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x2c40 + 0x2c40: 0x0080, 0x2c41: 0x0080, 0x2c42: 0x0080, 0x2c43: 0x0080, 0x2c44: 0x0080, 0x2c45: 0x0080, + 0x2c46: 0x0080, + 0x2c53: 0x0080, 0x2c54: 0x0080, 0x2c55: 0x0080, 0x2c56: 0x0080, 0x2c57: 0x0080, + 0x2c5d: 0x008a, + 0x2c5e: 0x00cb, 0x2c5f: 0x008a, 0x2c60: 0x008a, 0x2c61: 0x008a, 0x2c62: 0x008a, 0x2c63: 0x008a, + 0x2c64: 0x008a, 0x2c65: 0x008a, 0x2c66: 0x008a, 0x2c67: 0x008a, 0x2c68: 0x008a, 0x2c69: 0x008a, + 0x2c6a: 0x008a, 0x2c6b: 0x008a, 0x2c6c: 0x008a, 0x2c6d: 0x008a, 0x2c6e: 0x008a, 0x2c6f: 0x008a, + 0x2c70: 0x008a, 0x2c71: 0x008a, 0x2c72: 0x008a, 0x2c73: 0x008a, 0x2c74: 0x008a, 0x2c75: 0x008a, + 0x2c76: 0x008a, 0x2c78: 0x008a, 0x2c79: 0x008a, 0x2c7a: 0x008a, 0x2c7b: 0x008a, + 0x2c7c: 0x008a, 0x2c7e: 0x008a, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x2c80 + 0x2c80: 0x008a, 0x2c81: 0x008a, 0x2c83: 0x008a, 0x2c84: 0x008a, + 0x2c86: 0x008a, 0x2c87: 0x008a, 0x2c88: 0x008a, 0x2c89: 0x008a, 0x2c8a: 0x008a, 0x2c8b: 0x008a, + 0x2c8c: 0x008a, 0x2c8d: 0x008a, 0x2c8e: 0x008a, 0x2c8f: 0x008a, 0x2c90: 0x0080, 0x2c91: 0x0080, + 0x2c92: 0x0080, 0x2c93: 0x0080, 0x2c94: 0x0080, 0x2c95: 0x0080, 0x2c96: 0x0080, 0x2c97: 0x0080, + 0x2c98: 0x0080, 0x2c99: 0x0080, 0x2c9a: 0x0080, 0x2c9b: 0x0080, 0x2c9c: 0x0080, 0x2c9d: 0x0080, + 0x2c9e: 0x0080, 0x2c9f: 0x0080, 0x2ca0: 0x0080, 0x2ca1: 0x0080, 0x2ca2: 0x0080, 0x2ca3: 0x0080, + 0x2ca4: 0x0080, 0x2ca5: 0x0080, 0x2ca6: 0x0080, 0x2ca7: 0x0080, 0x2ca8: 0x0080, 0x2ca9: 0x0080, + 0x2caa: 0x0080, 0x2cab: 0x0080, 0x2cac: 0x0080, 0x2cad: 0x0080, 0x2cae: 0x0080, 0x2caf: 0x0080, + 0x2cb0: 0x0080, 0x2cb1: 0x0080, 0x2cb2: 0x0080, 0x2cb3: 0x0080, 0x2cb4: 0x0080, 0x2cb5: 0x0080, + 0x2cb6: 0x0080, 0x2cb7: 0x0080, 0x2cb8: 0x0080, 0x2cb9: 0x0080, 0x2cba: 0x0080, 0x2cbb: 0x0080, + 0x2cbc: 0x0080, 0x2cbd: 0x0080, 0x2cbe: 0x0080, 0x2cbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x2cc0 + 0x2cc0: 0x0080, 0x2cc1: 0x0080, + 0x2cd3: 0x0080, 0x2cd4: 0x0080, 0x2cd5: 0x0080, 0x2cd6: 0x0080, 0x2cd7: 0x0080, + 0x2cd8: 0x0080, 0x2cd9: 0x0080, 0x2cda: 0x0080, 0x2cdb: 0x0080, 0x2cdc: 0x0080, 0x2cdd: 0x0080, + 0x2cde: 0x0080, 0x2cdf: 0x0080, 0x2ce0: 0x0080, 0x2ce1: 0x0080, 0x2ce2: 0x0080, 0x2ce3: 0x0080, + 0x2ce4: 0x0080, 0x2ce5: 0x0080, 0x2ce6: 0x0080, 0x2ce7: 0x0080, 0x2ce8: 0x0080, 0x2ce9: 0x0080, + 0x2cea: 0x0080, 0x2ceb: 0x0080, 0x2cec: 0x0080, 0x2ced: 0x0080, 0x2cee: 0x0080, 0x2cef: 0x0080, + 0x2cf0: 0x0080, 0x2cf1: 0x0080, 0x2cf2: 0x0080, 0x2cf3: 0x0080, 0x2cf4: 0x0080, 0x2cf5: 0x0080, + 0x2cf6: 0x0080, 0x2cf7: 0x0080, 0x2cf8: 0x0080, 0x2cf9: 0x0080, 0x2cfa: 0x0080, 0x2cfb: 0x0080, + 0x2cfc: 0x0080, 0x2cfd: 0x0080, 0x2cfe: 0x0080, 0x2cff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x2d00 + 0x2d10: 0x0080, 0x2d11: 0x0080, + 0x2d12: 0x0080, 0x2d13: 0x0080, 0x2d14: 0x0080, 0x2d15: 0x0080, 0x2d16: 0x0080, 0x2d17: 0x0080, + 0x2d18: 0x0080, 0x2d19: 0x0080, 0x2d1a: 0x0080, 0x2d1b: 0x0080, 0x2d1c: 0x0080, 0x2d1d: 0x0080, + 0x2d1e: 0x0080, 0x2d1f: 0x0080, 0x2d20: 0x0080, 0x2d21: 0x0080, 0x2d22: 0x0080, 0x2d23: 0x0080, + 0x2d24: 0x0080, 0x2d25: 0x0080, 0x2d26: 0x0080, 0x2d27: 0x0080, 0x2d28: 0x0080, 0x2d29: 0x0080, + 0x2d2a: 0x0080, 0x2d2b: 0x0080, 0x2d2c: 0x0080, 0x2d2d: 0x0080, 0x2d2e: 0x0080, 0x2d2f: 0x0080, + 0x2d30: 0x0080, 0x2d31: 0x0080, 0x2d32: 0x0080, 0x2d33: 0x0080, 0x2d34: 0x0080, 0x2d35: 0x0080, + 0x2d36: 0x0080, 0x2d37: 0x0080, 0x2d38: 0x0080, 0x2d39: 0x0080, 0x2d3a: 0x0080, 0x2d3b: 0x0080, + 0x2d3c: 0x0080, 0x2d3d: 0x0080, 0x2d3e: 0x0080, 0x2d3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x2d40 + 0x2d40: 0x0080, 0x2d41: 0x0080, 0x2d42: 0x0080, 0x2d43: 0x0080, 0x2d44: 0x0080, 0x2d45: 0x0080, + 0x2d46: 0x0080, 0x2d47: 0x0080, 0x2d48: 0x0080, 0x2d49: 0x0080, 0x2d4a: 0x0080, 0x2d4b: 0x0080, + 0x2d4c: 0x0080, 0x2d4d: 0x0080, 0x2d4e: 0x0080, 0x2d4f: 0x0080, + 0x2d52: 0x0080, 0x2d53: 0x0080, 0x2d54: 0x0080, 0x2d55: 0x0080, 0x2d56: 0x0080, 0x2d57: 0x0080, + 0x2d58: 0x0080, 0x2d59: 0x0080, 0x2d5a: 0x0080, 0x2d5b: 0x0080, 0x2d5c: 0x0080, 0x2d5d: 0x0080, + 0x2d5e: 0x0080, 0x2d5f: 0x0080, 0x2d60: 0x0080, 0x2d61: 0x0080, 0x2d62: 0x0080, 0x2d63: 0x0080, + 0x2d64: 0x0080, 0x2d65: 0x0080, 0x2d66: 0x0080, 0x2d67: 0x0080, 0x2d68: 0x0080, 0x2d69: 0x0080, + 0x2d6a: 0x0080, 0x2d6b: 0x0080, 0x2d6c: 0x0080, 0x2d6d: 0x0080, 0x2d6e: 0x0080, 0x2d6f: 0x0080, + 0x2d70: 0x0080, 0x2d71: 0x0080, 0x2d72: 0x0080, 0x2d73: 0x0080, 0x2d74: 0x0080, 0x2d75: 0x0080, + 0x2d76: 0x0080, 0x2d77: 0x0080, 0x2d78: 0x0080, 0x2d79: 0x0080, 0x2d7a: 0x0080, 0x2d7b: 0x0080, + 0x2d7c: 0x0080, 0x2d7d: 0x0080, 0x2d7e: 0x0080, 0x2d7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x2d80 + 0x2d80: 0x0080, 0x2d81: 0x0080, 0x2d82: 0x0080, 0x2d83: 0x0080, 0x2d84: 0x0080, 0x2d85: 0x0080, + 0x2d86: 0x0080, 0x2d87: 0x0080, + 0x2db0: 0x0080, 0x2db1: 0x0080, 0x2db2: 0x0080, 0x2db3: 0x0080, 0x2db4: 0x0080, 0x2db5: 0x0080, + 0x2db6: 0x0080, 0x2db7: 0x0080, 0x2db8: 0x0080, 0x2db9: 0x0080, 0x2dba: 0x0080, 0x2dbb: 0x0080, + 0x2dbc: 0x0080, 0x2dbd: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x2dc0 + 0x2dc0: 0x0040, 0x2dc1: 0x0040, 0x2dc2: 0x0040, 0x2dc3: 0x0040, 0x2dc4: 0x0040, 0x2dc5: 0x0040, + 0x2dc6: 0x0040, 0x2dc7: 0x0040, 0x2dc8: 0x0040, 0x2dc9: 0x0040, 0x2dca: 0x0040, 0x2dcb: 0x0040, + 0x2dcc: 0x0040, 0x2dcd: 0x0040, 0x2dce: 0x0040, 0x2dcf: 0x0040, 0x2dd0: 0x0080, 0x2dd1: 0x0080, + 0x2dd2: 0x0080, 0x2dd3: 0x0080, 0x2dd4: 0x0080, 0x2dd5: 0x0080, 0x2dd6: 0x0080, 0x2dd7: 0x0080, + 0x2dd8: 0x0080, 0x2dd9: 0x0080, + 0x2de0: 0x00c3, 0x2de1: 0x00c3, 0x2de2: 0x00c3, 0x2de3: 0x00c3, + 0x2de4: 0x00c3, 0x2de5: 0x00c3, 0x2de6: 0x00c3, 0x2de7: 0x00c3, 0x2de8: 0x00c3, 0x2de9: 0x00c3, + 0x2dea: 0x00c3, 0x2deb: 0x00c3, 0x2dec: 0x00c3, 0x2ded: 0x00c3, 0x2dee: 0x00c3, 0x2def: 0x00c3, + 0x2df0: 0x0080, 0x2df1: 0x0080, 0x2df2: 0x0080, 0x2df3: 0x0080, 0x2df4: 0x0080, 0x2df5: 0x0080, + 0x2df6: 0x0080, 0x2df7: 0x0080, 0x2df8: 0x0080, 0x2df9: 0x0080, 0x2dfa: 0x0080, 0x2dfb: 0x0080, + 0x2dfc: 0x0080, 0x2dfd: 0x0080, 0x2dfe: 0x0080, 0x2dff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x2e00 + 0x2e00: 0x0080, 0x2e01: 0x0080, 0x2e02: 0x0080, 0x2e03: 0x0080, 0x2e04: 0x0080, 0x2e05: 0x0080, + 0x2e06: 0x0080, 0x2e07: 0x0080, 0x2e08: 0x0080, 0x2e09: 0x0080, 0x2e0a: 0x0080, 0x2e0b: 0x0080, + 0x2e0c: 0x0080, 0x2e0d: 0x0080, 0x2e0e: 0x0080, 0x2e0f: 0x0080, 0x2e10: 0x0080, 0x2e11: 0x0080, + 0x2e12: 0x0080, 0x2e14: 0x0080, 0x2e15: 0x0080, 0x2e16: 0x0080, 0x2e17: 0x0080, + 0x2e18: 0x0080, 0x2e19: 0x0080, 0x2e1a: 0x0080, 0x2e1b: 0x0080, 0x2e1c: 0x0080, 0x2e1d: 0x0080, + 0x2e1e: 0x0080, 0x2e1f: 0x0080, 0x2e20: 0x0080, 0x2e21: 0x0080, 0x2e22: 0x0080, 0x2e23: 0x0080, + 0x2e24: 0x0080, 0x2e25: 0x0080, 0x2e26: 0x0080, 0x2e28: 0x0080, 0x2e29: 0x0080, + 0x2e2a: 0x0080, 0x2e2b: 0x0080, + 0x2e30: 0x0080, 0x2e31: 0x0080, 0x2e32: 0x0080, 0x2e33: 0x00c0, 0x2e34: 0x0080, + 0x2e36: 0x0080, 0x2e37: 0x0080, 0x2e38: 0x0080, 0x2e39: 0x0080, 0x2e3a: 0x0080, 0x2e3b: 0x0080, + 0x2e3c: 0x0080, 0x2e3d: 0x0080, 0x2e3e: 0x0080, 0x2e3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x2e40 + 0x2e40: 0x0080, 0x2e41: 0x0080, 0x2e42: 0x0080, 0x2e43: 0x0080, 0x2e44: 0x0080, 0x2e45: 0x0080, + 0x2e46: 0x0080, 0x2e47: 0x0080, 0x2e48: 0x0080, 0x2e49: 0x0080, 0x2e4a: 0x0080, 0x2e4b: 0x0080, + 0x2e4c: 0x0080, 0x2e4d: 0x0080, 0x2e4e: 0x0080, 0x2e4f: 0x0080, 0x2e50: 0x0080, 0x2e51: 0x0080, + 0x2e52: 0x0080, 0x2e53: 0x0080, 0x2e54: 0x0080, 0x2e55: 0x0080, 0x2e56: 0x0080, 0x2e57: 0x0080, + 0x2e58: 0x0080, 0x2e59: 0x0080, 0x2e5a: 0x0080, 0x2e5b: 0x0080, 0x2e5c: 0x0080, 0x2e5d: 0x0080, + 0x2e5e: 0x0080, 0x2e5f: 0x0080, 0x2e60: 0x0080, 0x2e61: 0x0080, 0x2e62: 0x0080, 0x2e63: 0x0080, + 0x2e64: 0x0080, 0x2e65: 0x0080, 0x2e66: 0x0080, 0x2e67: 0x0080, 0x2e68: 0x0080, 0x2e69: 0x0080, + 0x2e6a: 0x0080, 0x2e6b: 0x0080, 0x2e6c: 0x0080, 0x2e6d: 0x0080, 0x2e6e: 0x0080, 0x2e6f: 0x0080, + 0x2e70: 0x0080, 0x2e71: 0x0080, 0x2e72: 0x0080, 0x2e73: 0x0080, 0x2e74: 0x0080, 0x2e75: 0x0080, + 0x2e76: 0x0080, 0x2e77: 0x0080, 0x2e78: 0x0080, 0x2e79: 0x0080, 0x2e7a: 0x0080, 0x2e7b: 0x0080, + 0x2e7c: 0x0080, 0x2e7f: 0x0040, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x2e80 + 0x2e81: 0x0080, 0x2e82: 0x0080, 0x2e83: 0x0080, 0x2e84: 0x0080, 0x2e85: 0x0080, + 0x2e86: 0x0080, 0x2e87: 0x0080, 0x2e88: 0x0080, 0x2e89: 0x0080, 0x2e8a: 0x0080, 0x2e8b: 0x0080, + 0x2e8c: 0x0080, 0x2e8d: 0x0080, 0x2e8e: 0x0080, 0x2e8f: 0x0080, 0x2e90: 0x0080, 0x2e91: 0x0080, + 0x2e92: 0x0080, 0x2e93: 0x0080, 0x2e94: 0x0080, 0x2e95: 0x0080, 0x2e96: 0x0080, 0x2e97: 0x0080, + 0x2e98: 0x0080, 0x2e99: 0x0080, 0x2e9a: 0x0080, 0x2e9b: 0x0080, 0x2e9c: 0x0080, 0x2e9d: 0x0080, + 0x2e9e: 0x0080, 0x2e9f: 0x0080, 0x2ea0: 0x0080, 0x2ea1: 0x0080, 0x2ea2: 0x0080, 0x2ea3: 0x0080, + 0x2ea4: 0x0080, 0x2ea5: 0x0080, 0x2ea6: 0x0080, 0x2ea7: 0x0080, 0x2ea8: 0x0080, 0x2ea9: 0x0080, + 0x2eaa: 0x0080, 0x2eab: 0x0080, 0x2eac: 0x0080, 0x2ead: 0x0080, 0x2eae: 0x0080, 0x2eaf: 0x0080, + 0x2eb0: 0x0080, 0x2eb1: 0x0080, 0x2eb2: 0x0080, 0x2eb3: 0x0080, 0x2eb4: 0x0080, 0x2eb5: 0x0080, + 0x2eb6: 0x0080, 0x2eb7: 0x0080, 0x2eb8: 0x0080, 0x2eb9: 0x0080, 0x2eba: 0x0080, 0x2ebb: 0x0080, + 0x2ebc: 0x0080, 0x2ebd: 0x0080, 0x2ebe: 0x0080, 0x2ebf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x2ec0 + 0x2ec0: 0x0080, 0x2ec1: 0x0080, 0x2ec2: 0x0080, 0x2ec3: 0x0080, 0x2ec4: 0x0080, 0x2ec5: 0x0080, + 0x2ec6: 0x0080, 0x2ec7: 0x0080, 0x2ec8: 0x0080, 0x2ec9: 0x0080, 0x2eca: 0x0080, 0x2ecb: 0x0080, + 0x2ecc: 0x0080, 0x2ecd: 0x0080, 0x2ece: 0x0080, 0x2ecf: 0x0080, 0x2ed0: 0x0080, 0x2ed1: 0x0080, + 0x2ed2: 0x0080, 0x2ed3: 0x0080, 0x2ed4: 0x0080, 0x2ed5: 0x0080, 0x2ed6: 0x0080, 0x2ed7: 0x0080, + 0x2ed8: 0x0080, 0x2ed9: 0x0080, 0x2eda: 0x0080, 0x2edb: 0x0080, 0x2edc: 0x0080, 0x2edd: 0x0080, + 0x2ede: 0x0080, 0x2edf: 0x0080, 0x2ee0: 0x0080, 0x2ee1: 0x0080, 0x2ee2: 0x0080, 0x2ee3: 0x0080, + 0x2ee4: 0x0080, 0x2ee5: 0x0080, 0x2ee6: 0x008c, 0x2ee7: 0x008c, 0x2ee8: 0x008c, 0x2ee9: 0x008c, + 0x2eea: 0x008c, 0x2eeb: 0x008c, 0x2eec: 0x008c, 0x2eed: 0x008c, 0x2eee: 0x008c, 0x2eef: 0x008c, + 0x2ef0: 0x0080, 0x2ef1: 0x008c, 0x2ef2: 0x008c, 0x2ef3: 0x008c, 0x2ef4: 0x008c, 0x2ef5: 0x008c, + 0x2ef6: 0x008c, 0x2ef7: 0x008c, 0x2ef8: 0x008c, 0x2ef9: 0x008c, 0x2efa: 0x008c, 0x2efb: 0x008c, + 0x2efc: 0x008c, 0x2efd: 0x008c, 0x2efe: 0x008c, 0x2eff: 0x008c, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x2f00 + 0x2f00: 0x008c, 0x2f01: 0x008c, 0x2f02: 0x008c, 0x2f03: 0x008c, 0x2f04: 0x008c, 0x2f05: 0x008c, + 0x2f06: 0x008c, 0x2f07: 0x008c, 0x2f08: 0x008c, 0x2f09: 0x008c, 0x2f0a: 0x008c, 0x2f0b: 0x008c, + 0x2f0c: 0x008c, 0x2f0d: 0x008c, 0x2f0e: 0x008c, 0x2f0f: 0x008c, 0x2f10: 0x008c, 0x2f11: 0x008c, + 0x2f12: 0x008c, 0x2f13: 0x008c, 0x2f14: 0x008c, 0x2f15: 0x008c, 0x2f16: 0x008c, 0x2f17: 0x008c, + 0x2f18: 0x008c, 0x2f19: 0x008c, 0x2f1a: 0x008c, 0x2f1b: 0x008c, 0x2f1c: 0x008c, 0x2f1d: 0x008c, + 0x2f1e: 0x0080, 0x2f1f: 0x0080, 0x2f20: 0x0040, 0x2f21: 0x0080, 0x2f22: 0x0080, 0x2f23: 0x0080, + 0x2f24: 0x0080, 0x2f25: 0x0080, 0x2f26: 0x0080, 0x2f27: 0x0080, 0x2f28: 0x0080, 0x2f29: 0x0080, + 0x2f2a: 0x0080, 0x2f2b: 0x0080, 0x2f2c: 0x0080, 0x2f2d: 0x0080, 0x2f2e: 0x0080, 0x2f2f: 0x0080, + 0x2f30: 0x0080, 0x2f31: 0x0080, 0x2f32: 0x0080, 0x2f33: 0x0080, 0x2f34: 0x0080, 0x2f35: 0x0080, + 0x2f36: 0x0080, 0x2f37: 0x0080, 0x2f38: 0x0080, 0x2f39: 0x0080, 0x2f3a: 0x0080, 0x2f3b: 0x0080, + 0x2f3c: 0x0080, 0x2f3d: 0x0080, 0x2f3e: 0x0080, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x2f40 + 0x2f42: 0x0080, 0x2f43: 0x0080, 0x2f44: 0x0080, 0x2f45: 0x0080, + 0x2f46: 0x0080, 0x2f47: 0x0080, 0x2f4a: 0x0080, 0x2f4b: 0x0080, + 0x2f4c: 0x0080, 0x2f4d: 0x0080, 0x2f4e: 0x0080, 0x2f4f: 0x0080, + 0x2f52: 0x0080, 0x2f53: 0x0080, 0x2f54: 0x0080, 0x2f55: 0x0080, 0x2f56: 0x0080, 0x2f57: 0x0080, + 0x2f5a: 0x0080, 0x2f5b: 0x0080, 0x2f5c: 0x0080, + 0x2f60: 0x0080, 0x2f61: 0x0080, 0x2f62: 0x0080, 0x2f63: 0x0080, + 0x2f64: 0x0080, 0x2f65: 0x0080, 0x2f66: 0x0080, 0x2f68: 0x0080, 0x2f69: 0x0080, + 0x2f6a: 0x0080, 0x2f6b: 0x0080, 0x2f6c: 0x0080, 0x2f6d: 0x0080, 0x2f6e: 0x0080, + 0x2f79: 0x0040, 0x2f7a: 0x0040, 0x2f7b: 0x0040, + 0x2f7c: 0x0080, 0x2f7d: 0x0080, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x2f80 + 0x2f80: 0x00c0, 0x2f81: 0x00c0, 0x2f82: 0x00c0, 0x2f83: 0x00c0, 0x2f84: 0x00c0, 0x2f85: 0x00c0, + 0x2f86: 0x00c0, 0x2f87: 0x00c0, 0x2f88: 0x00c0, 0x2f89: 0x00c0, 0x2f8a: 0x00c0, 0x2f8b: 0x00c0, + 0x2f8d: 0x00c0, 0x2f8e: 0x00c0, 0x2f8f: 0x00c0, 0x2f90: 0x00c0, 0x2f91: 0x00c0, + 0x2f92: 0x00c0, 0x2f93: 0x00c0, 0x2f94: 0x00c0, 0x2f95: 0x00c0, 0x2f96: 0x00c0, 0x2f97: 0x00c0, + 0x2f98: 0x00c0, 0x2f99: 0x00c0, 0x2f9a: 0x00c0, 0x2f9b: 0x00c0, 0x2f9c: 0x00c0, 0x2f9d: 0x00c0, + 0x2f9e: 0x00c0, 0x2f9f: 0x00c0, 0x2fa0: 0x00c0, 0x2fa1: 0x00c0, 0x2fa2: 0x00c0, 0x2fa3: 0x00c0, + 0x2fa4: 0x00c0, 0x2fa5: 0x00c0, 0x2fa6: 0x00c0, 0x2fa8: 0x00c0, 0x2fa9: 0x00c0, + 0x2faa: 0x00c0, 0x2fab: 0x00c0, 0x2fac: 0x00c0, 0x2fad: 0x00c0, 0x2fae: 0x00c0, 0x2faf: 0x00c0, + 0x2fb0: 0x00c0, 0x2fb1: 0x00c0, 0x2fb2: 0x00c0, 0x2fb3: 0x00c0, 0x2fb4: 0x00c0, 0x2fb5: 0x00c0, + 0x2fb6: 0x00c0, 0x2fb7: 0x00c0, 0x2fb8: 0x00c0, 0x2fb9: 0x00c0, 0x2fba: 0x00c0, + 0x2fbc: 0x00c0, 0x2fbd: 0x00c0, 0x2fbf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x2fc0 + 0x2fc0: 0x00c0, 0x2fc1: 0x00c0, 0x2fc2: 0x00c0, 0x2fc3: 0x00c0, 0x2fc4: 0x00c0, 0x2fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x2fc6: 0x00c0, 0x2fc7: 0x00c0, 0x2fc8: 0x00c0, 0x2fc9: 0x00c0, 0x2fca: 0x00c0, 0x2fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x2fcc: 0x00c0, 0x2fcd: 0x00c0, 0x2fd0: 0x00c0, 0x2fd1: 0x00c0, + 0x2fd2: 0x00c0, 0x2fd3: 0x00c0, 0x2fd4: 0x00c0, 0x2fd5: 0x00c0, 0x2fd6: 0x00c0, 0x2fd7: 0x00c0, + 0x2fd8: 0x00c0, 0x2fd9: 0x00c0, 0x2fda: 0x00c0, 0x2fdb: 0x00c0, 0x2fdc: 0x00c0, 0x2fdd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x3000 + 0x3000: 0x00c0, 0x3001: 0x00c0, 0x3002: 0x00c0, 0x3003: 0x00c0, 0x3004: 0x00c0, 0x3005: 0x00c0, + 0x3006: 0x00c0, 0x3007: 0x00c0, 0x3008: 0x00c0, 0x3009: 0x00c0, 0x300a: 0x00c0, 0x300b: 0x00c0, + 0x300c: 0x00c0, 0x300d: 0x00c0, 0x300e: 0x00c0, 0x300f: 0x00c0, 0x3010: 0x00c0, 0x3011: 0x00c0, + 0x3012: 0x00c0, 0x3013: 0x00c0, 0x3014: 0x00c0, 0x3015: 0x00c0, 0x3016: 0x00c0, 0x3017: 0x00c0, + 0x3018: 0x00c0, 0x3019: 0x00c0, 0x301a: 0x00c0, 0x301b: 0x00c0, 0x301c: 0x00c0, 0x301d: 0x00c0, + 0x301e: 0x00c0, 0x301f: 0x00c0, 0x3020: 0x00c0, 0x3021: 0x00c0, 0x3022: 0x00c0, 0x3023: 0x00c0, + 0x3024: 0x00c0, 0x3025: 0x00c0, 0x3026: 0x00c0, 0x3027: 0x00c0, 0x3028: 0x00c0, 0x3029: 0x00c0, + 0x302a: 0x00c0, 0x302b: 0x00c0, 0x302c: 0x00c0, 0x302d: 0x00c0, 0x302e: 0x00c0, 0x302f: 0x00c0, + 0x3030: 0x00c0, 0x3031: 0x00c0, 0x3032: 0x00c0, 0x3033: 0x00c0, 0x3034: 0x00c0, 0x3035: 0x00c0, + 0x3036: 0x00c0, 0x3037: 0x00c0, 0x3038: 0x00c0, 0x3039: 0x00c0, 0x303a: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x3040 + 0x3040: 0x0080, 0x3041: 0x0080, 0x3042: 0x0080, + 0x3047: 0x0080, 0x3048: 0x0080, 0x3049: 0x0080, 0x304a: 0x0080, 0x304b: 0x0080, + 0x304c: 0x0080, 0x304d: 0x0080, 0x304e: 0x0080, 0x304f: 0x0080, 0x3050: 0x0080, 0x3051: 0x0080, + 0x3052: 0x0080, 0x3053: 0x0080, 0x3054: 0x0080, 0x3055: 0x0080, 0x3056: 0x0080, 0x3057: 0x0080, + 0x3058: 0x0080, 0x3059: 0x0080, 0x305a: 0x0080, 0x305b: 0x0080, 0x305c: 0x0080, 0x305d: 0x0080, + 0x305e: 0x0080, 0x305f: 0x0080, 0x3060: 0x0080, 0x3061: 0x0080, 0x3062: 0x0080, 0x3063: 0x0080, + 0x3064: 0x0080, 0x3065: 0x0080, 0x3066: 0x0080, 0x3067: 0x0080, 0x3068: 0x0080, 0x3069: 0x0080, + 0x306a: 0x0080, 0x306b: 0x0080, 0x306c: 0x0080, 0x306d: 0x0080, 0x306e: 0x0080, 0x306f: 0x0080, + 0x3070: 0x0080, 0x3071: 0x0080, 0x3072: 0x0080, 0x3073: 0x0080, + 0x3077: 0x0080, 0x3078: 0x0080, 0x3079: 0x0080, 0x307a: 0x0080, 0x307b: 0x0080, + 0x307c: 0x0080, 0x307d: 0x0080, 0x307e: 0x0080, 0x307f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x3080 + 0x3080: 0x0088, 0x3081: 0x0088, 0x3082: 0x0088, 0x3083: 0x0088, 0x3084: 0x0088, 0x3085: 0x0088, + 0x3086: 0x0088, 0x3087: 0x0088, 0x3088: 0x0088, 0x3089: 0x0088, 0x308a: 0x0088, 0x308b: 0x0088, + 0x308c: 0x0088, 0x308d: 0x0088, 0x308e: 0x0088, 0x308f: 0x0088, 0x3090: 0x0088, 0x3091: 0x0088, + 0x3092: 0x0088, 0x3093: 0x0088, 0x3094: 0x0088, 0x3095: 0x0088, 0x3096: 0x0088, 0x3097: 0x0088, + 0x3098: 0x0088, 0x3099: 0x0088, 0x309a: 0x0088, 0x309b: 0x0088, 0x309c: 0x0088, 0x309d: 0x0088, + 0x309e: 0x0088, 0x309f: 0x0088, 0x30a0: 0x0088, 0x30a1: 0x0088, 0x30a2: 0x0088, 0x30a3: 0x0088, + 0x30a4: 0x0088, 0x30a5: 0x0088, 0x30a6: 0x0088, 0x30a7: 0x0088, 0x30a8: 0x0088, 0x30a9: 0x0088, + 0x30aa: 0x0088, 0x30ab: 0x0088, 0x30ac: 0x0088, 0x30ad: 0x0088, 0x30ae: 0x0088, 0x30af: 0x0088, + 0x30b0: 0x0088, 0x30b1: 0x0088, 0x30b2: 0x0088, 0x30b3: 0x0088, 0x30b4: 0x0088, 0x30b5: 0x0088, + 0x30b6: 0x0088, 0x30b7: 0x0088, 0x30b8: 0x0088, 0x30b9: 0x0088, 0x30ba: 0x0088, 0x30bb: 0x0088, + 0x30bc: 0x0088, 0x30bd: 0x0088, 0x30be: 0x0088, 0x30bf: 0x0088, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x30c0 + 0x30c0: 0x0088, 0x30c1: 0x0088, 0x30c2: 0x0088, 0x30c3: 0x0088, 0x30c4: 0x0088, 0x30c5: 0x0088, + 0x30c6: 0x0088, 0x30c7: 0x0088, 0x30c8: 0x0088, 0x30c9: 0x0088, 0x30ca: 0x0088, 0x30cb: 0x0088, + 0x30cc: 0x0088, 0x30cd: 0x0088, 0x30ce: 0x0088, 0x30d0: 0x0080, 0x30d1: 0x0080, + 0x30d2: 0x0080, 0x30d3: 0x0080, 0x30d4: 0x0080, 0x30d5: 0x0080, 0x30d6: 0x0080, 0x30d7: 0x0080, + 0x30d8: 0x0080, 0x30d9: 0x0080, 0x30da: 0x0080, 0x30db: 0x0080, + 0x30e0: 0x0088, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x3100 + 0x3110: 0x0080, 0x3111: 0x0080, + 0x3112: 0x0080, 0x3113: 0x0080, 0x3114: 0x0080, 0x3115: 0x0080, 0x3116: 0x0080, 0x3117: 0x0080, + 0x3118: 0x0080, 0x3119: 0x0080, 0x311a: 0x0080, 0x311b: 0x0080, 0x311c: 0x0080, 0x311d: 0x0080, + 0x311e: 0x0080, 0x311f: 0x0080, 0x3120: 0x0080, 0x3121: 0x0080, 0x3122: 0x0080, 0x3123: 0x0080, + 0x3124: 0x0080, 0x3125: 0x0080, 0x3126: 0x0080, 0x3127: 0x0080, 0x3128: 0x0080, 0x3129: 0x0080, + 0x312a: 0x0080, 0x312b: 0x0080, 0x312c: 0x0080, 0x312d: 0x0080, 0x312e: 0x0080, 0x312f: 0x0080, + 0x3130: 0x0080, 0x3131: 0x0080, 0x3132: 0x0080, 0x3133: 0x0080, 0x3134: 0x0080, 0x3135: 0x0080, + 0x3136: 0x0080, 0x3137: 0x0080, 0x3138: 0x0080, 0x3139: 0x0080, 0x313a: 0x0080, 0x313b: 0x0080, + 0x313c: 0x0080, 0x313d: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x3140 + 0x3140: 0x00c0, 0x3141: 0x00c0, 0x3142: 0x00c0, 0x3143: 0x00c0, 0x3144: 0x00c0, 0x3145: 0x00c0, + 0x3146: 0x00c0, 0x3147: 0x00c0, 0x3148: 0x00c0, 0x3149: 0x00c0, 0x314a: 0x00c0, 0x314b: 0x00c0, + 0x314c: 0x00c0, 0x314d: 0x00c0, 0x314e: 0x00c0, 0x314f: 0x00c0, 0x3150: 0x00c0, 0x3151: 0x00c0, + 0x3152: 0x00c0, 0x3153: 0x00c0, 0x3154: 0x00c0, 0x3155: 0x00c0, 0x3156: 0x00c0, 0x3157: 0x00c0, + 0x3158: 0x00c0, 0x3159: 0x00c0, 0x315a: 0x00c0, 0x315b: 0x00c0, 0x315c: 0x00c0, + 0x3160: 0x00c0, 0x3161: 0x00c0, 0x3162: 0x00c0, 0x3163: 0x00c0, + 0x3164: 0x00c0, 0x3165: 0x00c0, 0x3166: 0x00c0, 0x3167: 0x00c0, 0x3168: 0x00c0, 0x3169: 0x00c0, + 0x316a: 0x00c0, 0x316b: 0x00c0, 0x316c: 0x00c0, 0x316d: 0x00c0, 0x316e: 0x00c0, 0x316f: 0x00c0, + 0x3170: 0x00c0, 0x3171: 0x00c0, 0x3172: 0x00c0, 0x3173: 0x00c0, 0x3174: 0x00c0, 0x3175: 0x00c0, + 0x3176: 0x00c0, 0x3177: 0x00c0, 0x3178: 0x00c0, 0x3179: 0x00c0, 0x317a: 0x00c0, 0x317b: 0x00c0, + 0x317c: 0x00c0, 0x317d: 0x00c0, 0x317e: 0x00c0, 0x317f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x3180 + 0x3180: 0x00c0, 0x3181: 0x00c0, 0x3182: 0x00c0, 0x3183: 0x00c0, 0x3184: 0x00c0, 0x3185: 0x00c0, + 0x3186: 0x00c0, 0x3187: 0x00c0, 0x3188: 0x00c0, 0x3189: 0x00c0, 0x318a: 0x00c0, 0x318b: 0x00c0, + 0x318c: 0x00c0, 0x318d: 0x00c0, 0x318e: 0x00c0, 0x318f: 0x00c0, 0x3190: 0x00c0, + 0x31a0: 0x00c3, 0x31a1: 0x0080, 0x31a2: 0x0080, 0x31a3: 0x0080, + 0x31a4: 0x0080, 0x31a5: 0x0080, 0x31a6: 0x0080, 0x31a7: 0x0080, 0x31a8: 0x0080, 0x31a9: 0x0080, + 0x31aa: 0x0080, 0x31ab: 0x0080, 0x31ac: 0x0080, 0x31ad: 0x0080, 0x31ae: 0x0080, 0x31af: 0x0080, + 0x31b0: 0x0080, 0x31b1: 0x0080, 0x31b2: 0x0080, 0x31b3: 0x0080, 0x31b4: 0x0080, 0x31b5: 0x0080, + 0x31b6: 0x0080, 0x31b7: 0x0080, 0x31b8: 0x0080, 0x31b9: 0x0080, 0x31ba: 0x0080, 0x31bb: 0x0080, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x31c0 + 0x31c0: 0x00c0, 0x31c1: 0x00c0, 0x31c2: 0x00c0, 0x31c3: 0x00c0, 0x31c4: 0x00c0, 0x31c5: 0x00c0, + 0x31c6: 0x00c0, 0x31c7: 0x00c0, 0x31c8: 0x00c0, 0x31c9: 0x00c0, 0x31ca: 0x00c0, 0x31cb: 0x00c0, + 0x31cc: 0x00c0, 0x31cd: 0x00c0, 0x31ce: 0x00c0, 0x31cf: 0x00c0, 0x31d0: 0x00c0, 0x31d1: 0x00c0, + 0x31d2: 0x00c0, 0x31d3: 0x00c0, 0x31d4: 0x00c0, 0x31d5: 0x00c0, 0x31d6: 0x00c0, 0x31d7: 0x00c0, + 0x31d8: 0x00c0, 0x31d9: 0x00c0, 0x31da: 0x00c0, 0x31db: 0x00c0, 0x31dc: 0x00c0, 0x31dd: 0x00c0, + 0x31de: 0x00c0, 0x31df: 0x00c0, 0x31e0: 0x0080, 0x31e1: 0x0080, 0x31e2: 0x0080, 0x31e3: 0x0080, + 0x31ed: 0x00c0, 0x31ee: 0x00c0, 0x31ef: 0x00c0, + 0x31f0: 0x00c0, 0x31f1: 0x00c0, 0x31f2: 0x00c0, 0x31f3: 0x00c0, 0x31f4: 0x00c0, 0x31f5: 0x00c0, + 0x31f6: 0x00c0, 0x31f7: 0x00c0, 0x31f8: 0x00c0, 0x31f9: 0x00c0, 0x31fa: 0x00c0, 0x31fb: 0x00c0, + 0x31fc: 0x00c0, 0x31fd: 0x00c0, 0x31fe: 0x00c0, 0x31ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x3200 + 0x3200: 0x00c0, 0x3201: 0x0080, 0x3202: 0x00c0, 0x3203: 0x00c0, 0x3204: 0x00c0, 0x3205: 0x00c0, + 0x3206: 0x00c0, 0x3207: 0x00c0, 0x3208: 0x00c0, 0x3209: 0x00c0, 0x320a: 0x0080, + 0x3210: 0x00c0, 0x3211: 0x00c0, + 0x3212: 0x00c0, 0x3213: 0x00c0, 0x3214: 0x00c0, 0x3215: 0x00c0, 0x3216: 0x00c0, 0x3217: 0x00c0, + 0x3218: 0x00c0, 0x3219: 0x00c0, 0x321a: 0x00c0, 0x321b: 0x00c0, 0x321c: 0x00c0, 0x321d: 0x00c0, + 0x321e: 0x00c0, 0x321f: 0x00c0, 0x3220: 0x00c0, 0x3221: 0x00c0, 0x3222: 0x00c0, 0x3223: 0x00c0, + 0x3224: 0x00c0, 0x3225: 0x00c0, 0x3226: 0x00c0, 0x3227: 0x00c0, 0x3228: 0x00c0, 0x3229: 0x00c0, + 0x322a: 0x00c0, 0x322b: 0x00c0, 0x322c: 0x00c0, 0x322d: 0x00c0, 0x322e: 0x00c0, 0x322f: 0x00c0, + 0x3230: 0x00c0, 0x3231: 0x00c0, 0x3232: 0x00c0, 0x3233: 0x00c0, 0x3234: 0x00c0, 0x3235: 0x00c0, + 0x3236: 0x00c3, 0x3237: 0x00c3, 0x3238: 0x00c3, 0x3239: 0x00c3, 0x323a: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x3240 + 0x3240: 0x00c0, 0x3241: 0x00c0, 0x3242: 0x00c0, 0x3243: 0x00c0, 0x3244: 0x00c0, 0x3245: 0x00c0, + 0x3246: 0x00c0, 0x3247: 0x00c0, 0x3248: 0x00c0, 0x3249: 0x00c0, 0x324a: 0x00c0, 0x324b: 0x00c0, + 0x324c: 0x00c0, 0x324d: 0x00c0, 0x324e: 0x00c0, 0x324f: 0x00c0, 0x3250: 0x00c0, 0x3251: 0x00c0, + 0x3252: 0x00c0, 0x3253: 0x00c0, 0x3254: 0x00c0, 0x3255: 0x00c0, 0x3256: 0x00c0, 0x3257: 0x00c0, + 0x3258: 0x00c0, 0x3259: 0x00c0, 0x325a: 0x00c0, 0x325b: 0x00c0, 0x325c: 0x00c0, 0x325d: 0x00c0, + 0x325f: 0x0080, 0x3260: 0x00c0, 0x3261: 0x00c0, 0x3262: 0x00c0, 0x3263: 0x00c0, + 0x3264: 0x00c0, 0x3265: 0x00c0, 0x3266: 0x00c0, 0x3267: 0x00c0, 0x3268: 0x00c0, 0x3269: 0x00c0, + 0x326a: 0x00c0, 0x326b: 0x00c0, 0x326c: 0x00c0, 0x326d: 0x00c0, 0x326e: 0x00c0, 0x326f: 0x00c0, + 0x3270: 0x00c0, 0x3271: 0x00c0, 0x3272: 0x00c0, 0x3273: 0x00c0, 0x3274: 0x00c0, 0x3275: 0x00c0, + 0x3276: 0x00c0, 0x3277: 0x00c0, 0x3278: 0x00c0, 0x3279: 0x00c0, 0x327a: 0x00c0, 0x327b: 0x00c0, + 0x327c: 0x00c0, 0x327d: 0x00c0, 0x327e: 0x00c0, 0x327f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x3280 + 0x3280: 0x00c0, 0x3281: 0x00c0, 0x3282: 0x00c0, 0x3283: 0x00c0, + 0x3288: 0x00c0, 0x3289: 0x00c0, 0x328a: 0x00c0, 0x328b: 0x00c0, + 0x328c: 0x00c0, 0x328d: 0x00c0, 0x328e: 0x00c0, 0x328f: 0x00c0, 0x3290: 0x0080, 0x3291: 0x0080, + 0x3292: 0x0080, 0x3293: 0x0080, 0x3294: 0x0080, 0x3295: 0x0080, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x32c0 + 0x32c0: 0x00c0, 0x32c1: 0x00c0, 0x32c2: 0x00c0, 0x32c3: 0x00c0, 0x32c4: 0x00c0, 0x32c5: 0x00c0, + 0x32c6: 0x00c0, 0x32c7: 0x00c0, 0x32c8: 0x00c0, 0x32c9: 0x00c0, 0x32ca: 0x00c0, 0x32cb: 0x00c0, + 0x32cc: 0x00c0, 0x32cd: 0x00c0, 0x32ce: 0x00c0, 0x32cf: 0x00c0, 0x32d0: 0x00c0, 0x32d1: 0x00c0, + 0x32d2: 0x00c0, 0x32d3: 0x00c0, 0x32d4: 0x00c0, 0x32d5: 0x00c0, 0x32d6: 0x00c0, 0x32d7: 0x00c0, + 0x32d8: 0x00c0, 0x32d9: 0x00c0, 0x32da: 0x00c0, 0x32db: 0x00c0, 0x32dc: 0x00c0, 0x32dd: 0x00c0, + 0x32e0: 0x00c0, 0x32e1: 0x00c0, 0x32e2: 0x00c0, 0x32e3: 0x00c0, + 0x32e4: 0x00c0, 0x32e5: 0x00c0, 0x32e6: 0x00c0, 0x32e7: 0x00c0, 0x32e8: 0x00c0, 0x32e9: 0x00c0, + 0x32f0: 0x00c0, 0x32f1: 0x00c0, 0x32f2: 0x00c0, 0x32f3: 0x00c0, 0x32f4: 0x00c0, 0x32f5: 0x00c0, + 0x32f6: 0x00c0, 0x32f7: 0x00c0, 0x32f8: 0x00c0, 0x32f9: 0x00c0, 0x32fa: 0x00c0, 0x32fb: 0x00c0, + 0x32fc: 0x00c0, 0x32fd: 0x00c0, 0x32fe: 0x00c0, 0x32ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x3300 + 0x3300: 0x00c0, 0x3301: 0x00c0, 0x3302: 0x00c0, 0x3303: 0x00c0, 0x3304: 0x00c0, 0x3305: 0x00c0, + 0x3306: 0x00c0, 0x3307: 0x00c0, 0x3308: 0x00c0, 0x3309: 0x00c0, 0x330a: 0x00c0, 0x330b: 0x00c0, + 0x330c: 0x00c0, 0x330d: 0x00c0, 0x330e: 0x00c0, 0x330f: 0x00c0, 0x3310: 0x00c0, 0x3311: 0x00c0, + 0x3312: 0x00c0, 0x3313: 0x00c0, + 0x3318: 0x00c0, 0x3319: 0x00c0, 0x331a: 0x00c0, 0x331b: 0x00c0, 0x331c: 0x00c0, 0x331d: 0x00c0, + 0x331e: 0x00c0, 0x331f: 0x00c0, 0x3320: 0x00c0, 0x3321: 0x00c0, 0x3322: 0x00c0, 0x3323: 0x00c0, + 0x3324: 0x00c0, 0x3325: 0x00c0, 0x3326: 0x00c0, 0x3327: 0x00c0, 0x3328: 0x00c0, 0x3329: 0x00c0, + 0x332a: 0x00c0, 0x332b: 0x00c0, 0x332c: 0x00c0, 0x332d: 0x00c0, 0x332e: 0x00c0, 0x332f: 0x00c0, + 0x3330: 0x00c0, 0x3331: 0x00c0, 0x3332: 0x00c0, 0x3333: 0x00c0, 0x3334: 0x00c0, 0x3335: 0x00c0, + 0x3336: 0x00c0, 0x3337: 0x00c0, 0x3338: 0x00c0, 0x3339: 0x00c0, 0x333a: 0x00c0, 0x333b: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x3340 + 0x3340: 0x00c0, 0x3341: 0x00c0, 0x3342: 0x00c0, 0x3343: 0x00c0, 0x3344: 0x00c0, 0x3345: 0x00c0, + 0x3346: 0x00c0, 0x3347: 0x00c0, 0x3348: 0x00c0, 0x3349: 0x00c0, 0x334a: 0x00c0, 0x334b: 0x00c0, + 0x334c: 0x00c0, 0x334d: 0x00c0, 0x334e: 0x00c0, 0x334f: 0x00c0, 0x3350: 0x00c0, 0x3351: 0x00c0, + 0x3352: 0x00c0, 0x3353: 0x00c0, 0x3354: 0x00c0, 0x3355: 0x00c0, 0x3356: 0x00c0, 0x3357: 0x00c0, + 0x3358: 0x00c0, 0x3359: 0x00c0, 0x335a: 0x00c0, 0x335b: 0x00c0, 0x335c: 0x00c0, 0x335d: 0x00c0, + 0x335e: 0x00c0, 0x335f: 0x00c0, 0x3360: 0x00c0, 0x3361: 0x00c0, 0x3362: 0x00c0, 0x3363: 0x00c0, + 0x3364: 0x00c0, 0x3365: 0x00c0, 0x3366: 0x00c0, 0x3367: 0x00c0, + 0x3370: 0x00c0, 0x3371: 0x00c0, 0x3372: 0x00c0, 0x3373: 0x00c0, 0x3374: 0x00c0, 0x3375: 0x00c0, + 0x3376: 0x00c0, 0x3377: 0x00c0, 0x3378: 0x00c0, 0x3379: 0x00c0, 0x337a: 0x00c0, 0x337b: 0x00c0, + 0x337c: 0x00c0, 0x337d: 0x00c0, 0x337e: 0x00c0, 0x337f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x3380 + 0x3380: 0x00c0, 0x3381: 0x00c0, 0x3382: 0x00c0, 0x3383: 0x00c0, 0x3384: 0x00c0, 0x3385: 0x00c0, + 0x3386: 0x00c0, 0x3387: 0x00c0, 0x3388: 0x00c0, 0x3389: 0x00c0, 0x338a: 0x00c0, 0x338b: 0x00c0, + 0x338c: 0x00c0, 0x338d: 0x00c0, 0x338e: 0x00c0, 0x338f: 0x00c0, 0x3390: 0x00c0, 0x3391: 0x00c0, + 0x3392: 0x00c0, 0x3393: 0x00c0, 0x3394: 0x00c0, 0x3395: 0x00c0, 0x3396: 0x00c0, 0x3397: 0x00c0, + 0x3398: 0x00c0, 0x3399: 0x00c0, 0x339a: 0x00c0, 0x339b: 0x00c0, 0x339c: 0x00c0, 0x339d: 0x00c0, + 0x339e: 0x00c0, 0x339f: 0x00c0, 0x33a0: 0x00c0, 0x33a1: 0x00c0, 0x33a2: 0x00c0, 0x33a3: 0x00c0, + 0x33af: 0x0080, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x33c0 + 0x33c0: 0x00c0, 0x33c1: 0x00c0, 0x33c2: 0x00c0, 0x33c3: 0x00c0, 0x33c4: 0x00c0, 0x33c5: 0x00c0, + 0x33c6: 0x00c0, 0x33c7: 0x00c0, 0x33c8: 0x00c0, 0x33c9: 0x00c0, 0x33ca: 0x00c0, 0x33cb: 0x00c0, + 0x33cc: 0x00c0, 0x33cd: 0x00c0, 0x33ce: 0x00c0, 0x33cf: 0x00c0, 0x33d0: 0x00c0, 0x33d1: 0x00c0, + 0x33d2: 0x00c0, 0x33d3: 0x00c0, 0x33d4: 0x00c0, 0x33d5: 0x00c0, 0x33d6: 0x00c0, 0x33d7: 0x00c0, + 0x33d8: 0x00c0, 0x33d9: 0x00c0, 0x33da: 0x00c0, 0x33db: 0x00c0, 0x33dc: 0x00c0, 0x33dd: 0x00c0, + 0x33de: 0x00c0, 0x33df: 0x00c0, 0x33e0: 0x00c0, 0x33e1: 0x00c0, 0x33e2: 0x00c0, 0x33e3: 0x00c0, + 0x33e4: 0x00c0, 0x33e5: 0x00c0, 0x33e6: 0x00c0, 0x33e7: 0x00c0, 0x33e8: 0x00c0, 0x33e9: 0x00c0, + 0x33ea: 0x00c0, 0x33eb: 0x00c0, 0x33ec: 0x00c0, 0x33ed: 0x00c0, 0x33ee: 0x00c0, 0x33ef: 0x00c0, + 0x33f0: 0x00c0, 0x33f1: 0x00c0, 0x33f2: 0x00c0, 0x33f3: 0x00c0, 0x33f4: 0x00c0, 0x33f5: 0x00c0, + 0x33f6: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x3400 + 0x3400: 0x00c0, 0x3401: 0x00c0, 0x3402: 0x00c0, 0x3403: 0x00c0, 0x3404: 0x00c0, 0x3405: 0x00c0, + 0x3406: 0x00c0, 0x3407: 0x00c0, 0x3408: 0x00c0, 0x3409: 0x00c0, 0x340a: 0x00c0, 0x340b: 0x00c0, + 0x340c: 0x00c0, 0x340d: 0x00c0, 0x340e: 0x00c0, 0x340f: 0x00c0, 0x3410: 0x00c0, 0x3411: 0x00c0, + 0x3412: 0x00c0, 0x3413: 0x00c0, 0x3414: 0x00c0, 0x3415: 0x00c0, + 0x3420: 0x00c0, 0x3421: 0x00c0, 0x3422: 0x00c0, 0x3423: 0x00c0, + 0x3424: 0x00c0, 0x3425: 0x00c0, 0x3426: 0x00c0, 0x3427: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x3440 + 0x3440: 0x00c0, 0x3441: 0x00c0, 0x3442: 0x00c0, 0x3443: 0x00c0, 0x3444: 0x00c0, 0x3445: 0x00c0, + 0x3448: 0x00c0, 0x344a: 0x00c0, 0x344b: 0x00c0, + 0x344c: 0x00c0, 0x344d: 0x00c0, 0x344e: 0x00c0, 0x344f: 0x00c0, 0x3450: 0x00c0, 0x3451: 0x00c0, + 0x3452: 0x00c0, 0x3453: 0x00c0, 0x3454: 0x00c0, 0x3455: 0x00c0, 0x3456: 0x00c0, 0x3457: 0x00c0, + 0x3458: 0x00c0, 0x3459: 0x00c0, 0x345a: 0x00c0, 0x345b: 0x00c0, 0x345c: 0x00c0, 0x345d: 0x00c0, + 0x345e: 0x00c0, 0x345f: 0x00c0, 0x3460: 0x00c0, 0x3461: 0x00c0, 0x3462: 0x00c0, 0x3463: 0x00c0, + 0x3464: 0x00c0, 0x3465: 0x00c0, 0x3466: 0x00c0, 0x3467: 0x00c0, 0x3468: 0x00c0, 0x3469: 0x00c0, + 0x346a: 0x00c0, 0x346b: 0x00c0, 0x346c: 0x00c0, 0x346d: 0x00c0, 0x346e: 0x00c0, 0x346f: 0x00c0, + 0x3470: 0x00c0, 0x3471: 0x00c0, 0x3472: 0x00c0, 0x3473: 0x00c0, 0x3474: 0x00c0, 0x3475: 0x00c0, + 0x3477: 0x00c0, 0x3478: 0x00c0, + 0x347c: 0x00c0, 0x347f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x3480 + 0x3480: 0x00c0, 0x3481: 0x00c0, 0x3482: 0x00c0, 0x3483: 0x00c0, 0x3484: 0x00c0, 0x3485: 0x00c0, + 0x3486: 0x00c0, 0x3487: 0x00c0, 0x3488: 0x00c0, 0x3489: 0x00c0, 0x348a: 0x00c0, 0x348b: 0x00c0, + 0x348c: 0x00c0, 0x348d: 0x00c0, 0x348e: 0x00c0, 0x348f: 0x00c0, 0x3490: 0x00c0, 0x3491: 0x00c0, + 0x3492: 0x00c0, 0x3493: 0x00c0, 0x3494: 0x00c0, 0x3495: 0x00c0, 0x3497: 0x0080, + 0x3498: 0x0080, 0x3499: 0x0080, 0x349a: 0x0080, 0x349b: 0x0080, 0x349c: 0x0080, 0x349d: 0x0080, + 0x349e: 0x0080, 0x349f: 0x0080, 0x34a0: 0x00c0, 0x34a1: 0x00c0, 0x34a2: 0x00c0, 0x34a3: 0x00c0, + 0x34a4: 0x00c0, 0x34a5: 0x00c0, 0x34a6: 0x00c0, 0x34a7: 0x00c0, 0x34a8: 0x00c0, 0x34a9: 0x00c0, + 0x34aa: 0x00c0, 0x34ab: 0x00c0, 0x34ac: 0x00c0, 0x34ad: 0x00c0, 0x34ae: 0x00c0, 0x34af: 0x00c0, + 0x34b0: 0x00c0, 0x34b1: 0x00c0, 0x34b2: 0x00c0, 0x34b3: 0x00c0, 0x34b4: 0x00c0, 0x34b5: 0x00c0, + 0x34b6: 0x00c0, 0x34b7: 0x0080, 0x34b8: 0x0080, 0x34b9: 0x0080, 0x34ba: 0x0080, 0x34bb: 0x0080, + 0x34bc: 0x0080, 0x34bd: 0x0080, 0x34be: 0x0080, 0x34bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x34c0 + 0x34c0: 0x00c0, 0x34c1: 0x00c0, 0x34c2: 0x00c0, 0x34c3: 0x00c0, 0x34c4: 0x00c0, 0x34c5: 0x00c0, + 0x34c6: 0x00c0, 0x34c7: 0x00c0, 0x34c8: 0x00c0, 0x34c9: 0x00c0, 0x34ca: 0x00c0, 0x34cb: 0x00c0, + 0x34cc: 0x00c0, 0x34cd: 0x00c0, 0x34ce: 0x00c0, 0x34cf: 0x00c0, 0x34d0: 0x00c0, 0x34d1: 0x00c0, + 0x34d2: 0x00c0, 0x34d3: 0x00c0, 0x34d4: 0x00c0, 0x34d5: 0x00c0, 0x34d6: 0x00c0, 0x34d7: 0x00c0, + 0x34d8: 0x00c0, 0x34d9: 0x00c0, 0x34da: 0x00c0, 0x34db: 0x00c0, 0x34dc: 0x00c0, 0x34dd: 0x00c0, + 0x34de: 0x00c0, + 0x34e7: 0x0080, 0x34e8: 0x0080, 0x34e9: 0x0080, + 0x34ea: 0x0080, 0x34eb: 0x0080, 0x34ec: 0x0080, 0x34ed: 0x0080, 0x34ee: 0x0080, 0x34ef: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x3500 + 0x3520: 0x00c0, 0x3521: 0x00c0, 0x3522: 0x00c0, 0x3523: 0x00c0, + 0x3524: 0x00c0, 0x3525: 0x00c0, 0x3526: 0x00c0, 0x3527: 0x00c0, 0x3528: 0x00c0, 0x3529: 0x00c0, + 0x352a: 0x00c0, 0x352b: 0x00c0, 0x352c: 0x00c0, 0x352d: 0x00c0, 0x352e: 0x00c0, 0x352f: 0x00c0, + 0x3530: 0x00c0, 0x3531: 0x00c0, 0x3532: 0x00c0, 0x3534: 0x00c0, 0x3535: 0x00c0, + 0x353b: 0x0080, + 0x353c: 0x0080, 0x353d: 0x0080, 0x353e: 0x0080, 0x353f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x3540 + 0x3540: 0x00c0, 0x3541: 0x00c0, 0x3542: 0x00c0, 0x3543: 0x00c0, 0x3544: 0x00c0, 0x3545: 0x00c0, + 0x3546: 0x00c0, 0x3547: 0x00c0, 0x3548: 0x00c0, 0x3549: 0x00c0, 0x354a: 0x00c0, 0x354b: 0x00c0, + 0x354c: 0x00c0, 0x354d: 0x00c0, 0x354e: 0x00c0, 0x354f: 0x00c0, 0x3550: 0x00c0, 0x3551: 0x00c0, + 0x3552: 0x00c0, 0x3553: 0x00c0, 0x3554: 0x00c0, 0x3555: 0x00c0, 0x3556: 0x0080, 0x3557: 0x0080, + 0x3558: 0x0080, 0x3559: 0x0080, 0x355a: 0x0080, 0x355b: 0x0080, + 0x355f: 0x0080, 0x3560: 0x00c0, 0x3561: 0x00c0, 0x3562: 0x00c0, 0x3563: 0x00c0, + 0x3564: 0x00c0, 0x3565: 0x00c0, 0x3566: 0x00c0, 0x3567: 0x00c0, 0x3568: 0x00c0, 0x3569: 0x00c0, + 0x356a: 0x00c0, 0x356b: 0x00c0, 0x356c: 0x00c0, 0x356d: 0x00c0, 0x356e: 0x00c0, 0x356f: 0x00c0, + 0x3570: 0x00c0, 0x3571: 0x00c0, 0x3572: 0x00c0, 0x3573: 0x00c0, 0x3574: 0x00c0, 0x3575: 0x00c0, + 0x3576: 0x00c0, 0x3577: 0x00c0, 0x3578: 0x00c0, 0x3579: 0x00c0, + 0x357f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x3580 + 0x3580: 0x00c0, 0x3581: 0x00c0, 0x3582: 0x00c0, 0x3583: 0x00c0, 0x3584: 0x00c0, 0x3585: 0x00c0, + 0x3586: 0x00c0, 0x3587: 0x00c0, 0x3588: 0x00c0, 0x3589: 0x00c0, 0x358a: 0x00c0, 0x358b: 0x00c0, + 0x358c: 0x00c0, 0x358d: 0x00c0, 0x358e: 0x00c0, 0x358f: 0x00c0, 0x3590: 0x00c0, 0x3591: 0x00c0, + 0x3592: 0x00c0, 0x3593: 0x00c0, 0x3594: 0x00c0, 0x3595: 0x00c0, 0x3596: 0x00c0, 0x3597: 0x00c0, + 0x3598: 0x00c0, 0x3599: 0x00c0, 0x359a: 0x00c0, 0x359b: 0x00c0, 0x359c: 0x00c0, 0x359d: 0x00c0, + 0x359e: 0x00c0, 0x359f: 0x00c0, 0x35a0: 0x00c0, 0x35a1: 0x00c0, 0x35a2: 0x00c0, 0x35a3: 0x00c0, + 0x35a4: 0x00c0, 0x35a5: 0x00c0, 0x35a6: 0x00c0, 0x35a7: 0x00c0, 0x35a8: 0x00c0, 0x35a9: 0x00c0, + 0x35aa: 0x00c0, 0x35ab: 0x00c0, 0x35ac: 0x00c0, 0x35ad: 0x00c0, 0x35ae: 0x00c0, 0x35af: 0x00c0, + 0x35b0: 0x00c0, 0x35b1: 0x00c0, 0x35b2: 0x00c0, 0x35b3: 0x00c0, 0x35b4: 0x00c0, 0x35b5: 0x00c0, + 0x35b6: 0x00c0, 0x35b7: 0x00c0, + 0x35bc: 0x0080, 0x35bd: 0x0080, 0x35be: 0x00c0, 0x35bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x35c0 + 0x35c0: 0x00c0, 0x35c1: 0x00c3, 0x35c2: 0x00c3, 0x35c3: 0x00c3, 0x35c5: 0x00c3, + 0x35c6: 0x00c3, + 0x35cc: 0x00c3, 0x35cd: 0x00c3, 0x35ce: 0x00c3, 0x35cf: 0x00c3, 0x35d0: 0x00c0, 0x35d1: 0x00c0, + 0x35d2: 0x00c0, 0x35d3: 0x00c0, 0x35d5: 0x00c0, 0x35d6: 0x00c0, 0x35d7: 0x00c0, + 0x35d9: 0x00c0, 0x35da: 0x00c0, 0x35db: 0x00c0, 0x35dc: 0x00c0, 0x35dd: 0x00c0, + 0x35de: 0x00c0, 0x35df: 0x00c0, 0x35e0: 0x00c0, 0x35e1: 0x00c0, 0x35e2: 0x00c0, 0x35e3: 0x00c0, + 0x35e4: 0x00c0, 0x35e5: 0x00c0, 0x35e6: 0x00c0, 0x35e7: 0x00c0, 0x35e8: 0x00c0, 0x35e9: 0x00c0, + 0x35ea: 0x00c0, 0x35eb: 0x00c0, 0x35ec: 0x00c0, 0x35ed: 0x00c0, 0x35ee: 0x00c0, 0x35ef: 0x00c0, + 0x35f0: 0x00c0, 0x35f1: 0x00c0, 0x35f2: 0x00c0, 0x35f3: 0x00c0, 0x35f4: 0x00c0, 0x35f5: 0x00c0, + 0x35f8: 0x00c3, 0x35f9: 0x00c3, 0x35fa: 0x00c3, + 0x35ff: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x3600 + 0x3600: 0x0080, 0x3601: 0x0080, 0x3602: 0x0080, 0x3603: 0x0080, 0x3604: 0x0080, 0x3605: 0x0080, + 0x3606: 0x0080, 0x3607: 0x0080, 0x3608: 0x0080, + 0x3610: 0x0080, 0x3611: 0x0080, + 0x3612: 0x0080, 0x3613: 0x0080, 0x3614: 0x0080, 0x3615: 0x0080, 0x3616: 0x0080, 0x3617: 0x0080, + 0x3618: 0x0080, + 0x3620: 0x00c0, 0x3621: 0x00c0, 0x3622: 0x00c0, 0x3623: 0x00c0, + 0x3624: 0x00c0, 0x3625: 0x00c0, 0x3626: 0x00c0, 0x3627: 0x00c0, 0x3628: 0x00c0, 0x3629: 0x00c0, + 0x362a: 0x00c0, 0x362b: 0x00c0, 0x362c: 0x00c0, 0x362d: 0x00c0, 0x362e: 0x00c0, 0x362f: 0x00c0, + 0x3630: 0x00c0, 0x3631: 0x00c0, 0x3632: 0x00c0, 0x3633: 0x00c0, 0x3634: 0x00c0, 0x3635: 0x00c0, + 0x3636: 0x00c0, 0x3637: 0x00c0, 0x3638: 0x00c0, 0x3639: 0x00c0, 0x363a: 0x00c0, 0x363b: 0x00c0, + 0x363c: 0x00c0, 0x363d: 0x0080, 0x363e: 0x0080, 0x363f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x3640 + 0x3640: 0x00c0, 0x3641: 0x00c0, 0x3642: 0x00c0, 0x3643: 0x00c0, 0x3644: 0x00c0, 0x3645: 0x00c0, + 0x3646: 0x00c0, 0x3647: 0x00c0, 0x3648: 0x00c0, 0x3649: 0x00c0, 0x364a: 0x00c0, 0x364b: 0x00c0, + 0x364c: 0x00c0, 0x364d: 0x00c0, 0x364e: 0x00c0, 0x364f: 0x00c0, 0x3650: 0x00c0, 0x3651: 0x00c0, + 0x3652: 0x00c0, 0x3653: 0x00c0, 0x3654: 0x00c0, 0x3655: 0x00c0, 0x3656: 0x00c0, 0x3657: 0x00c0, + 0x3658: 0x00c0, 0x3659: 0x00c0, 0x365a: 0x00c0, 0x365b: 0x00c0, 0x365c: 0x00c0, 0x365d: 0x0080, + 0x365e: 0x0080, 0x365f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x3680 + 0x3680: 0x00c2, 0x3681: 0x00c2, 0x3682: 0x00c2, 0x3683: 0x00c2, 0x3684: 0x00c2, 0x3685: 0x00c4, + 0x3686: 0x00c0, 0x3687: 0x00c4, 0x3688: 0x0080, 0x3689: 0x00c4, 0x368a: 0x00c4, 0x368b: 0x00c0, + 0x368c: 0x00c0, 0x368d: 0x00c1, 0x368e: 0x00c4, 0x368f: 0x00c4, 0x3690: 0x00c4, 0x3691: 0x00c4, + 0x3692: 0x00c4, 0x3693: 0x00c2, 0x3694: 0x00c2, 0x3695: 0x00c2, 0x3696: 0x00c2, 0x3697: 0x00c1, + 0x3698: 0x00c2, 0x3699: 0x00c2, 0x369a: 0x00c2, 0x369b: 0x00c2, 0x369c: 0x00c2, 0x369d: 0x00c4, + 0x369e: 0x00c2, 0x369f: 0x00c2, 0x36a0: 0x00c2, 0x36a1: 0x00c4, 0x36a2: 0x00c0, 0x36a3: 0x00c0, + 0x36a4: 0x00c4, 0x36a5: 0x00c3, 0x36a6: 0x00c3, + 0x36ab: 0x0082, 0x36ac: 0x0082, 0x36ad: 0x0082, 0x36ae: 0x0082, 0x36af: 0x0084, + 0x36b0: 0x0080, 0x36b1: 0x0080, 0x36b2: 0x0080, 0x36b3: 0x0080, 0x36b4: 0x0080, 0x36b5: 0x0080, + 0x36b6: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x36c0 + 0x36c0: 0x00c0, 0x36c1: 0x00c0, 0x36c2: 0x00c0, 0x36c3: 0x00c0, 0x36c4: 0x00c0, 0x36c5: 0x00c0, + 0x36c6: 0x00c0, 0x36c7: 0x00c0, 0x36c8: 0x00c0, 0x36c9: 0x00c0, 0x36ca: 0x00c0, 0x36cb: 0x00c0, + 0x36cc: 0x00c0, 0x36cd: 0x00c0, 0x36ce: 0x00c0, 0x36cf: 0x00c0, 0x36d0: 0x00c0, 0x36d1: 0x00c0, + 0x36d2: 0x00c0, 0x36d3: 0x00c0, 0x36d4: 0x00c0, 0x36d5: 0x00c0, 0x36d6: 0x00c0, 0x36d7: 0x00c0, + 0x36d8: 0x00c0, 0x36d9: 0x00c0, 0x36da: 0x00c0, 0x36db: 0x00c0, 0x36dc: 0x00c0, 0x36dd: 0x00c0, + 0x36de: 0x00c0, 0x36df: 0x00c0, 0x36e0: 0x00c0, 0x36e1: 0x00c0, 0x36e2: 0x00c0, 0x36e3: 0x00c0, + 0x36e4: 0x00c0, 0x36e5: 0x00c0, 0x36e6: 0x00c0, 0x36e7: 0x00c0, 0x36e8: 0x00c0, 0x36e9: 0x00c0, + 0x36ea: 0x00c0, 0x36eb: 0x00c0, 0x36ec: 0x00c0, 0x36ed: 0x00c0, 0x36ee: 0x00c0, 0x36ef: 0x00c0, + 0x36f0: 0x00c0, 0x36f1: 0x00c0, 0x36f2: 0x00c0, 0x36f3: 0x00c0, 0x36f4: 0x00c0, 0x36f5: 0x00c0, + 0x36f9: 0x0080, 0x36fa: 0x0080, 0x36fb: 0x0080, + 0x36fc: 0x0080, 0x36fd: 0x0080, 0x36fe: 0x0080, 0x36ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x3700 + 0x3700: 0x00c0, 0x3701: 0x00c0, 0x3702: 0x00c0, 0x3703: 0x00c0, 0x3704: 0x00c0, 0x3705: 0x00c0, + 0x3706: 0x00c0, 0x3707: 0x00c0, 0x3708: 0x00c0, 0x3709: 0x00c0, 0x370a: 0x00c0, 0x370b: 0x00c0, + 0x370c: 0x00c0, 0x370d: 0x00c0, 0x370e: 0x00c0, 0x370f: 0x00c0, 0x3710: 0x00c0, 0x3711: 0x00c0, + 0x3712: 0x00c0, 0x3713: 0x00c0, 0x3714: 0x00c0, 0x3715: 0x00c0, + 0x3718: 0x0080, 0x3719: 0x0080, 0x371a: 0x0080, 0x371b: 0x0080, 0x371c: 0x0080, 0x371d: 0x0080, + 0x371e: 0x0080, 0x371f: 0x0080, 0x3720: 0x00c0, 0x3721: 0x00c0, 0x3722: 0x00c0, 0x3723: 0x00c0, + 0x3724: 0x00c0, 0x3725: 0x00c0, 0x3726: 0x00c0, 0x3727: 0x00c0, 0x3728: 0x00c0, 0x3729: 0x00c0, + 0x372a: 0x00c0, 0x372b: 0x00c0, 0x372c: 0x00c0, 0x372d: 0x00c0, 0x372e: 0x00c0, 0x372f: 0x00c0, + 0x3730: 0x00c0, 0x3731: 0x00c0, 0x3732: 0x00c0, + 0x3738: 0x0080, 0x3739: 0x0080, 0x373a: 0x0080, 0x373b: 0x0080, + 0x373c: 0x0080, 0x373d: 0x0080, 0x373e: 0x0080, 0x373f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x3740 + 0x3740: 0x00c2, 0x3741: 0x00c4, 0x3742: 0x00c2, 0x3743: 0x00c4, 0x3744: 0x00c4, 0x3745: 0x00c4, + 0x3746: 0x00c2, 0x3747: 0x00c2, 0x3748: 0x00c2, 0x3749: 0x00c4, 0x374a: 0x00c2, 0x374b: 0x00c2, + 0x374c: 0x00c4, 0x374d: 0x00c2, 0x374e: 0x00c4, 0x374f: 0x00c4, 0x3750: 0x00c2, 0x3751: 0x00c4, + 0x3759: 0x0080, 0x375a: 0x0080, 0x375b: 0x0080, 0x375c: 0x0080, + 0x3769: 0x0084, + 0x376a: 0x0084, 0x376b: 0x0084, 0x376c: 0x0084, 0x376d: 0x0082, 0x376e: 0x0082, 0x376f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x3780 + 0x3780: 0x00c0, 0x3781: 0x00c0, 0x3782: 0x00c0, 0x3783: 0x00c0, 0x3784: 0x00c0, 0x3785: 0x00c0, + 0x3786: 0x00c0, 0x3787: 0x00c0, 0x3788: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x37c0 + 0x37c0: 0x00c0, 0x37c1: 0x00c0, 0x37c2: 0x00c0, 0x37c3: 0x00c0, 0x37c4: 0x00c0, 0x37c5: 0x00c0, + 0x37c6: 0x00c0, 0x37c7: 0x00c0, 0x37c8: 0x00c0, 0x37c9: 0x00c0, 0x37ca: 0x00c0, 0x37cb: 0x00c0, + 0x37cc: 0x00c0, 0x37cd: 0x00c0, 0x37ce: 0x00c0, 0x37cf: 0x00c0, 0x37d0: 0x00c0, 0x37d1: 0x00c0, + 0x37d2: 0x00c0, 0x37d3: 0x00c0, 0x37d4: 0x00c0, 0x37d5: 0x00c0, 0x37d6: 0x00c0, 0x37d7: 0x00c0, + 0x37d8: 0x00c0, 0x37d9: 0x00c0, 0x37da: 0x00c0, 0x37db: 0x00c0, 0x37dc: 0x00c0, 0x37dd: 0x00c0, + 0x37de: 0x00c0, 0x37df: 0x00c0, 0x37e0: 0x00c0, 0x37e1: 0x00c0, 0x37e2: 0x00c0, 0x37e3: 0x00c0, + 0x37e4: 0x00c0, 0x37e5: 0x00c0, 0x37e6: 0x00c0, 0x37e7: 0x00c0, 0x37e8: 0x00c0, 0x37e9: 0x00c0, + 0x37ea: 0x00c0, 0x37eb: 0x00c0, 0x37ec: 0x00c0, 0x37ed: 0x00c0, 0x37ee: 0x00c0, 0x37ef: 0x00c0, + 0x37f0: 0x00c0, 0x37f1: 0x00c0, 0x37f2: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x3800 + 0x3800: 0x00c0, 0x3801: 0x00c0, 0x3802: 0x00c0, 0x3803: 0x00c0, 0x3804: 0x00c0, 0x3805: 0x00c0, + 0x3806: 0x00c0, 0x3807: 0x00c0, 0x3808: 0x00c0, 0x3809: 0x00c0, 0x380a: 0x00c0, 0x380b: 0x00c0, + 0x380c: 0x00c0, 0x380d: 0x00c0, 0x380e: 0x00c0, 0x380f: 0x00c0, 0x3810: 0x00c0, 0x3811: 0x00c0, + 0x3812: 0x00c0, 0x3813: 0x00c0, 0x3814: 0x00c0, 0x3815: 0x00c0, 0x3816: 0x00c0, 0x3817: 0x00c0, + 0x3818: 0x00c0, 0x3819: 0x00c0, 0x381a: 0x00c0, 0x381b: 0x00c0, 0x381c: 0x00c0, 0x381d: 0x00c0, + 0x381e: 0x00c0, 0x381f: 0x00c0, 0x3820: 0x00c0, 0x3821: 0x00c0, 0x3822: 0x00c0, 0x3823: 0x00c0, + 0x3824: 0x00c0, 0x3825: 0x00c0, 0x3826: 0x00c0, 0x3827: 0x00c0, 0x3828: 0x00c0, 0x3829: 0x00c0, + 0x382a: 0x00c0, 0x382b: 0x00c0, 0x382c: 0x00c0, 0x382d: 0x00c0, 0x382e: 0x00c0, 0x382f: 0x00c0, + 0x3830: 0x00c0, 0x3831: 0x00c0, 0x3832: 0x00c0, + 0x383a: 0x0080, 0x383b: 0x0080, + 0x383c: 0x0080, 0x383d: 0x0080, 0x383e: 0x0080, 0x383f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x3840 + 0x3840: 0x00c1, 0x3841: 0x00c2, 0x3842: 0x00c2, 0x3843: 0x00c2, 0x3844: 0x00c2, 0x3845: 0x00c2, + 0x3846: 0x00c2, 0x3847: 0x00c2, 0x3848: 0x00c2, 0x3849: 0x00c2, 0x384a: 0x00c2, 0x384b: 0x00c2, + 0x384c: 0x00c2, 0x384d: 0x00c2, 0x384e: 0x00c2, 0x384f: 0x00c2, 0x3850: 0x00c2, 0x3851: 0x00c2, + 0x3852: 0x00c2, 0x3853: 0x00c2, 0x3854: 0x00c2, 0x3855: 0x00c2, 0x3856: 0x00c2, 0x3857: 0x00c2, + 0x3858: 0x00c2, 0x3859: 0x00c2, 0x385a: 0x00c2, 0x385b: 0x00c2, 0x385c: 0x00c2, 0x385d: 0x00c2, + 0x385e: 0x00c2, 0x385f: 0x00c2, 0x3860: 0x00c2, 0x3861: 0x00c2, 0x3862: 0x00c4, 0x3863: 0x00c2, + 0x3864: 0x00c3, 0x3865: 0x00c3, 0x3866: 0x00c3, 0x3867: 0x00c3, + 0x3870: 0x00c0, 0x3871: 0x00c0, 0x3872: 0x00c0, 0x3873: 0x00c0, 0x3874: 0x00c0, 0x3875: 0x00c0, + 0x3876: 0x00c0, 0x3877: 0x00c0, 0x3878: 0x00c0, 0x3879: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x3880 + 0x38a0: 0x0080, 0x38a1: 0x0080, 0x38a2: 0x0080, 0x38a3: 0x0080, + 0x38a4: 0x0080, 0x38a5: 0x0080, 0x38a6: 0x0080, 0x38a7: 0x0080, 0x38a8: 0x0080, 0x38a9: 0x0080, + 0x38aa: 0x0080, 0x38ab: 0x0080, 0x38ac: 0x0080, 0x38ad: 0x0080, 0x38ae: 0x0080, 0x38af: 0x0080, + 0x38b0: 0x0080, 0x38b1: 0x0080, 0x38b2: 0x0080, 0x38b3: 0x0080, 0x38b4: 0x0080, 0x38b5: 0x0080, + 0x38b6: 0x0080, 0x38b7: 0x0080, 0x38b8: 0x0080, 0x38b9: 0x0080, 0x38ba: 0x0080, 0x38bb: 0x0080, + 0x38bc: 0x0080, 0x38bd: 0x0080, 0x38be: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x38c0 + 0x38c0: 0x00c0, 0x38c1: 0x00c0, 0x38c2: 0x00c0, 0x38c3: 0x00c0, 0x38c4: 0x00c0, 0x38c5: 0x00c0, + 0x38c6: 0x00c0, 0x38c7: 0x00c0, 0x38c8: 0x00c0, 0x38c9: 0x00c0, 0x38ca: 0x00c0, 0x38cb: 0x00c0, + 0x38cc: 0x00c0, 0x38cd: 0x00c0, 0x38ce: 0x00c0, 0x38cf: 0x00c0, 0x38d0: 0x00c0, 0x38d1: 0x00c0, + 0x38d2: 0x00c0, 0x38d3: 0x00c0, 0x38d4: 0x00c0, 0x38d5: 0x00c0, 0x38d6: 0x00c0, 0x38d7: 0x00c0, + 0x38d8: 0x00c0, 0x38d9: 0x00c0, 0x38da: 0x00c0, 0x38db: 0x00c0, 0x38dc: 0x00c0, 0x38dd: 0x0080, + 0x38de: 0x0080, 0x38df: 0x0080, 0x38e0: 0x0080, 0x38e1: 0x0080, 0x38e2: 0x0080, 0x38e3: 0x0080, + 0x38e4: 0x0080, 0x38e5: 0x0080, 0x38e6: 0x0080, 0x38e7: 0x00c0, + 0x38f0: 0x00c2, 0x38f1: 0x00c2, 0x38f2: 0x00c2, 0x38f3: 0x00c4, 0x38f4: 0x00c2, 0x38f5: 0x00c2, + 0x38f6: 0x00c2, 0x38f7: 0x00c2, 0x38f8: 0x00c2, 0x38f9: 0x00c2, 0x38fa: 0x00c2, 0x38fb: 0x00c2, + 0x38fc: 0x00c2, 0x38fd: 0x00c2, 0x38fe: 0x00c2, 0x38ff: 0x00c2, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x3900 + 0x3900: 0x00c2, 0x3901: 0x00c2, 0x3902: 0x00c2, 0x3903: 0x00c2, 0x3904: 0x00c2, 0x3905: 0x00c0, + 0x3906: 0x00c3, 0x3907: 0x00c3, 0x3908: 0x00c3, 0x3909: 0x00c3, 0x390a: 0x00c3, 0x390b: 0x00c3, + 0x390c: 0x00c3, 0x390d: 0x00c3, 0x390e: 0x00c3, 0x390f: 0x00c3, 0x3910: 0x00c3, 0x3911: 0x0082, + 0x3912: 0x0082, 0x3913: 0x0082, 0x3914: 0x0084, 0x3915: 0x0080, 0x3916: 0x0080, 0x3917: 0x0080, + 0x3918: 0x0080, 0x3919: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x3940 + 0x3940: 0x00c0, 0x3941: 0x00c3, 0x3942: 0x00c0, 0x3943: 0x00c0, 0x3944: 0x00c0, 0x3945: 0x00c0, + 0x3946: 0x00c0, 0x3947: 0x00c0, 0x3948: 0x00c0, 0x3949: 0x00c0, 0x394a: 0x00c0, 0x394b: 0x00c0, + 0x394c: 0x00c0, 0x394d: 0x00c0, 0x394e: 0x00c0, 0x394f: 0x00c0, 0x3950: 0x00c0, 0x3951: 0x00c0, + 0x3952: 0x00c0, 0x3953: 0x00c0, 0x3954: 0x00c0, 0x3955: 0x00c0, 0x3956: 0x00c0, 0x3957: 0x00c0, + 0x3958: 0x00c0, 0x3959: 0x00c0, 0x395a: 0x00c0, 0x395b: 0x00c0, 0x395c: 0x00c0, 0x395d: 0x00c0, + 0x395e: 0x00c0, 0x395f: 0x00c0, 0x3960: 0x00c0, 0x3961: 0x00c0, 0x3962: 0x00c0, 0x3963: 0x00c0, + 0x3964: 0x00c0, 0x3965: 0x00c0, 0x3966: 0x00c0, 0x3967: 0x00c0, 0x3968: 0x00c0, 0x3969: 0x00c0, + 0x396a: 0x00c0, 0x396b: 0x00c0, 0x396c: 0x00c0, 0x396d: 0x00c0, 0x396e: 0x00c0, 0x396f: 0x00c0, + 0x3970: 0x00c0, 0x3971: 0x00c0, 0x3972: 0x00c0, 0x3973: 0x00c0, 0x3974: 0x00c0, 0x3975: 0x00c0, + 0x3976: 0x00c0, 0x3977: 0x00c0, 0x3978: 0x00c3, 0x3979: 0x00c3, 0x397a: 0x00c3, 0x397b: 0x00c3, + 0x397c: 0x00c3, 0x397d: 0x00c3, 0x397e: 0x00c3, 0x397f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x3980 + 0x3980: 0x00c3, 0x3981: 0x00c3, 0x3982: 0x00c3, 0x3983: 0x00c3, 0x3984: 0x00c3, 0x3985: 0x00c3, + 0x3986: 0x00c6, 0x3987: 0x0080, 0x3988: 0x0080, 0x3989: 0x0080, 0x398a: 0x0080, 0x398b: 0x0080, + 0x398c: 0x0080, 0x398d: 0x0080, + 0x3992: 0x0080, 0x3993: 0x0080, 0x3994: 0x0080, 0x3995: 0x0080, 0x3996: 0x0080, 0x3997: 0x0080, + 0x3998: 0x0080, 0x3999: 0x0080, 0x399a: 0x0080, 0x399b: 0x0080, 0x399c: 0x0080, 0x399d: 0x0080, + 0x399e: 0x0080, 0x399f: 0x0080, 0x39a0: 0x0080, 0x39a1: 0x0080, 0x39a2: 0x0080, 0x39a3: 0x0080, + 0x39a4: 0x0080, 0x39a5: 0x0080, 0x39a6: 0x00c0, 0x39a7: 0x00c0, 0x39a8: 0x00c0, 0x39a9: 0x00c0, + 0x39aa: 0x00c0, 0x39ab: 0x00c0, 0x39ac: 0x00c0, 0x39ad: 0x00c0, 0x39ae: 0x00c0, 0x39af: 0x00c0, + 0x39bf: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x39c0 + 0x39c0: 0x00c3, 0x39c1: 0x00c3, 0x39c2: 0x00c0, 0x39c3: 0x00c0, 0x39c4: 0x00c0, 0x39c5: 0x00c0, + 0x39c6: 0x00c0, 0x39c7: 0x00c0, 0x39c8: 0x00c0, 0x39c9: 0x00c0, 0x39ca: 0x00c0, 0x39cb: 0x00c0, + 0x39cc: 0x00c0, 0x39cd: 0x00c0, 0x39ce: 0x00c0, 0x39cf: 0x00c0, 0x39d0: 0x00c0, 0x39d1: 0x00c0, + 0x39d2: 0x00c0, 0x39d3: 0x00c0, 0x39d4: 0x00c0, 0x39d5: 0x00c0, 0x39d6: 0x00c0, 0x39d7: 0x00c0, + 0x39d8: 0x00c0, 0x39d9: 0x00c0, 0x39da: 0x00c0, 0x39db: 0x00c0, 0x39dc: 0x00c0, 0x39dd: 0x00c0, + 0x39de: 0x00c0, 0x39df: 0x00c0, 0x39e0: 0x00c0, 0x39e1: 0x00c0, 0x39e2: 0x00c0, 0x39e3: 0x00c0, + 0x39e4: 0x00c0, 0x39e5: 0x00c0, 0x39e6: 0x00c0, 0x39e7: 0x00c0, 0x39e8: 0x00c0, 0x39e9: 0x00c0, + 0x39ea: 0x00c0, 0x39eb: 0x00c0, 0x39ec: 0x00c0, 0x39ed: 0x00c0, 0x39ee: 0x00c0, 0x39ef: 0x00c0, + 0x39f0: 0x00c0, 0x39f1: 0x00c0, 0x39f2: 0x00c0, 0x39f3: 0x00c3, 0x39f4: 0x00c3, 0x39f5: 0x00c3, + 0x39f6: 0x00c3, 0x39f7: 0x00c0, 0x39f8: 0x00c0, 0x39f9: 0x00c6, 0x39fa: 0x00c3, 0x39fb: 0x0080, + 0x39fc: 0x0080, 0x39fd: 0x0040, 0x39fe: 0x0080, 0x39ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x3a00 + 0x3a00: 0x0080, 0x3a01: 0x0080, + 0x3a0d: 0x0040, 0x3a10: 0x00c0, 0x3a11: 0x00c0, + 0x3a12: 0x00c0, 0x3a13: 0x00c0, 0x3a14: 0x00c0, 0x3a15: 0x00c0, 0x3a16: 0x00c0, 0x3a17: 0x00c0, + 0x3a18: 0x00c0, 0x3a19: 0x00c0, 0x3a1a: 0x00c0, 0x3a1b: 0x00c0, 0x3a1c: 0x00c0, 0x3a1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3a1e: 0x00c0, 0x3a1f: 0x00c0, 0x3a20: 0x00c0, 0x3a21: 0x00c0, 0x3a22: 0x00c0, 0x3a23: 0x00c0, + 0x3a24: 0x00c0, 0x3a25: 0x00c0, 0x3a26: 0x00c0, 0x3a27: 0x00c0, 0x3a28: 0x00c0, + 0x3a30: 0x00c0, 0x3a31: 0x00c0, 0x3a32: 0x00c0, 0x3a33: 0x00c0, 0x3a34: 0x00c0, 0x3a35: 0x00c0, + 0x3a36: 0x00c0, 0x3a37: 0x00c0, 0x3a38: 0x00c0, 0x3a39: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x3a40 + 0x3a40: 0x00c3, 0x3a41: 0x00c3, 0x3a42: 0x00c3, 0x3a43: 0x00c0, 0x3a44: 0x00c0, 0x3a45: 0x00c0, + 0x3a46: 0x00c0, 0x3a47: 0x00c0, 0x3a48: 0x00c0, 0x3a49: 0x00c0, 0x3a4a: 0x00c0, 0x3a4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3a4c: 0x00c0, 0x3a4d: 0x00c0, 0x3a4e: 0x00c0, 0x3a4f: 0x00c0, 0x3a50: 0x00c0, 0x3a51: 0x00c0, + 0x3a52: 0x00c0, 0x3a53: 0x00c0, 0x3a54: 0x00c0, 0x3a55: 0x00c0, 0x3a56: 0x00c0, 0x3a57: 0x00c0, + 0x3a58: 0x00c0, 0x3a59: 0x00c0, 0x3a5a: 0x00c0, 0x3a5b: 0x00c0, 0x3a5c: 0x00c0, 0x3a5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3a5e: 0x00c0, 0x3a5f: 0x00c0, 0x3a60: 0x00c0, 0x3a61: 0x00c0, 0x3a62: 0x00c0, 0x3a63: 0x00c0, + 0x3a64: 0x00c0, 0x3a65: 0x00c0, 0x3a66: 0x00c0, 0x3a67: 0x00c3, 0x3a68: 0x00c3, 0x3a69: 0x00c3, + 0x3a6a: 0x00c3, 0x3a6b: 0x00c3, 0x3a6c: 0x00c0, 0x3a6d: 0x00c3, 0x3a6e: 0x00c3, 0x3a6f: 0x00c3, + 0x3a70: 0x00c3, 0x3a71: 0x00c3, 0x3a72: 0x00c3, 0x3a73: 0x00c6, 0x3a74: 0x00c6, + 0x3a76: 0x00c0, 0x3a77: 0x00c0, 0x3a78: 0x00c0, 0x3a79: 0x00c0, 0x3a7a: 0x00c0, 0x3a7b: 0x00c0, + 0x3a7c: 0x00c0, 0x3a7d: 0x00c0, 0x3a7e: 0x00c0, 0x3a7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x3a80 + 0x3a80: 0x0080, 0x3a81: 0x0080, 0x3a82: 0x0080, 0x3a83: 0x0080, 0x3a84: 0x00c0, 0x3a85: 0x00c0, + 0x3a86: 0x00c0, + 0x3a90: 0x00c0, 0x3a91: 0x00c0, + 0x3a92: 0x00c0, 0x3a93: 0x00c0, 0x3a94: 0x00c0, 0x3a95: 0x00c0, 0x3a96: 0x00c0, 0x3a97: 0x00c0, + 0x3a98: 0x00c0, 0x3a99: 0x00c0, 0x3a9a: 0x00c0, 0x3a9b: 0x00c0, 0x3a9c: 0x00c0, 0x3a9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3a9e: 0x00c0, 0x3a9f: 0x00c0, 0x3aa0: 0x00c0, 0x3aa1: 0x00c0, 0x3aa2: 0x00c0, 0x3aa3: 0x00c0, + 0x3aa4: 0x00c0, 0x3aa5: 0x00c0, 0x3aa6: 0x00c0, 0x3aa7: 0x00c0, 0x3aa8: 0x00c0, 0x3aa9: 0x00c0, + 0x3aaa: 0x00c0, 0x3aab: 0x00c0, 0x3aac: 0x00c0, 0x3aad: 0x00c0, 0x3aae: 0x00c0, 0x3aaf: 0x00c0, + 0x3ab0: 0x00c0, 0x3ab1: 0x00c0, 0x3ab2: 0x00c0, 0x3ab3: 0x00c3, 0x3ab4: 0x0080, 0x3ab5: 0x0080, + 0x3ab6: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x3ac0 + 0x3ac0: 0x00c3, 0x3ac1: 0x00c3, 0x3ac2: 0x00c0, 0x3ac3: 0x00c0, 0x3ac4: 0x00c0, 0x3ac5: 0x00c0, + 0x3ac6: 0x00c0, 0x3ac7: 0x00c0, 0x3ac8: 0x00c0, 0x3ac9: 0x00c0, 0x3aca: 0x00c0, 0x3acb: 0x00c0, + 0x3acc: 0x00c0, 0x3acd: 0x00c0, 0x3ace: 0x00c0, 0x3acf: 0x00c0, 0x3ad0: 0x00c0, 0x3ad1: 0x00c0, + 0x3ad2: 0x00c0, 0x3ad3: 0x00c0, 0x3ad4: 0x00c0, 0x3ad5: 0x00c0, 0x3ad6: 0x00c0, 0x3ad7: 0x00c0, + 0x3ad8: 0x00c0, 0x3ad9: 0x00c0, 0x3ada: 0x00c0, 0x3adb: 0x00c0, 0x3adc: 0x00c0, 0x3add: 0x00c0, + 0x3ade: 0x00c0, 0x3adf: 0x00c0, 0x3ae0: 0x00c0, 0x3ae1: 0x00c0, 0x3ae2: 0x00c0, 0x3ae3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ae4: 0x00c0, 0x3ae5: 0x00c0, 0x3ae6: 0x00c0, 0x3ae7: 0x00c0, 0x3ae8: 0x00c0, 0x3ae9: 0x00c0, + 0x3aea: 0x00c0, 0x3aeb: 0x00c0, 0x3aec: 0x00c0, 0x3aed: 0x00c0, 0x3aee: 0x00c0, 0x3aef: 0x00c0, + 0x3af0: 0x00c0, 0x3af1: 0x00c0, 0x3af2: 0x00c0, 0x3af3: 0x00c0, 0x3af4: 0x00c0, 0x3af5: 0x00c0, + 0x3af6: 0x00c3, 0x3af7: 0x00c3, 0x3af8: 0x00c3, 0x3af9: 0x00c3, 0x3afa: 0x00c3, 0x3afb: 0x00c3, + 0x3afc: 0x00c3, 0x3afd: 0x00c3, 0x3afe: 0x00c3, 0x3aff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x3b00 + 0x3b00: 0x00c5, 0x3b01: 0x00c0, 0x3b02: 0x00c0, 0x3b03: 0x00c0, 0x3b04: 0x00c0, 0x3b05: 0x0080, + 0x3b06: 0x0080, 0x3b07: 0x0080, 0x3b08: 0x0080, 0x3b09: 0x00c3, 0x3b0a: 0x00c3, 0x3b0b: 0x00c3, + 0x3b0c: 0x00c3, 0x3b0d: 0x0080, 0x3b10: 0x00c0, 0x3b11: 0x00c0, + 0x3b12: 0x00c0, 0x3b13: 0x00c0, 0x3b14: 0x00c0, 0x3b15: 0x00c0, 0x3b16: 0x00c0, 0x3b17: 0x00c0, + 0x3b18: 0x00c0, 0x3b19: 0x00c0, 0x3b1a: 0x00c0, 0x3b1b: 0x0080, 0x3b1c: 0x00c0, 0x3b1d: 0x0080, + 0x3b1e: 0x0080, 0x3b1f: 0x0080, 0x3b21: 0x0080, 0x3b22: 0x0080, 0x3b23: 0x0080, + 0x3b24: 0x0080, 0x3b25: 0x0080, 0x3b26: 0x0080, 0x3b27: 0x0080, 0x3b28: 0x0080, 0x3b29: 0x0080, + 0x3b2a: 0x0080, 0x3b2b: 0x0080, 0x3b2c: 0x0080, 0x3b2d: 0x0080, 0x3b2e: 0x0080, 0x3b2f: 0x0080, + 0x3b30: 0x0080, 0x3b31: 0x0080, 0x3b32: 0x0080, 0x3b33: 0x0080, 0x3b34: 0x0080, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x3b40 + 0x3b40: 0x00c0, 0x3b41: 0x00c0, 0x3b42: 0x00c0, 0x3b43: 0x00c0, 0x3b44: 0x00c0, 0x3b45: 0x00c0, + 0x3b46: 0x00c0, 0x3b47: 0x00c0, 0x3b48: 0x00c0, 0x3b49: 0x00c0, 0x3b4a: 0x00c0, 0x3b4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3b4c: 0x00c0, 0x3b4d: 0x00c0, 0x3b4e: 0x00c0, 0x3b4f: 0x00c0, 0x3b50: 0x00c0, 0x3b51: 0x00c0, + 0x3b53: 0x00c0, 0x3b54: 0x00c0, 0x3b55: 0x00c0, 0x3b56: 0x00c0, 0x3b57: 0x00c0, + 0x3b58: 0x00c0, 0x3b59: 0x00c0, 0x3b5a: 0x00c0, 0x3b5b: 0x00c0, 0x3b5c: 0x00c0, 0x3b5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3b5e: 0x00c0, 0x3b5f: 0x00c0, 0x3b60: 0x00c0, 0x3b61: 0x00c0, 0x3b62: 0x00c0, 0x3b63: 0x00c0, + 0x3b64: 0x00c0, 0x3b65: 0x00c0, 0x3b66: 0x00c0, 0x3b67: 0x00c0, 0x3b68: 0x00c0, 0x3b69: 0x00c0, + 0x3b6a: 0x00c0, 0x3b6b: 0x00c0, 0x3b6c: 0x00c0, 0x3b6d: 0x00c0, 0x3b6e: 0x00c0, 0x3b6f: 0x00c3, + 0x3b70: 0x00c3, 0x3b71: 0x00c3, 0x3b72: 0x00c0, 0x3b73: 0x00c0, 0x3b74: 0x00c3, 0x3b75: 0x00c5, + 0x3b76: 0x00c3, 0x3b77: 0x00c3, 0x3b78: 0x0080, 0x3b79: 0x0080, 0x3b7a: 0x0080, 0x3b7b: 0x0080, + 0x3b7c: 0x0080, 0x3b7d: 0x0080, 0x3b7e: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x3b80 + 0x3b80: 0x00c0, 0x3b81: 0x00c0, 0x3b82: 0x00c0, 0x3b83: 0x00c0, 0x3b84: 0x00c0, 0x3b85: 0x00c0, + 0x3b86: 0x00c0, 0x3b88: 0x00c0, 0x3b8a: 0x00c0, 0x3b8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3b8c: 0x00c0, 0x3b8d: 0x00c0, 0x3b8f: 0x00c0, 0x3b90: 0x00c0, 0x3b91: 0x00c0, + 0x3b92: 0x00c0, 0x3b93: 0x00c0, 0x3b94: 0x00c0, 0x3b95: 0x00c0, 0x3b96: 0x00c0, 0x3b97: 0x00c0, + 0x3b98: 0x00c0, 0x3b99: 0x00c0, 0x3b9a: 0x00c0, 0x3b9b: 0x00c0, 0x3b9c: 0x00c0, 0x3b9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3b9f: 0x00c0, 0x3ba0: 0x00c0, 0x3ba1: 0x00c0, 0x3ba2: 0x00c0, 0x3ba3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ba4: 0x00c0, 0x3ba5: 0x00c0, 0x3ba6: 0x00c0, 0x3ba7: 0x00c0, 0x3ba8: 0x00c0, 0x3ba9: 0x0080, + 0x3bb0: 0x00c0, 0x3bb1: 0x00c0, 0x3bb2: 0x00c0, 0x3bb3: 0x00c0, 0x3bb4: 0x00c0, 0x3bb5: 0x00c0, + 0x3bb6: 0x00c0, 0x3bb7: 0x00c0, 0x3bb8: 0x00c0, 0x3bb9: 0x00c0, 0x3bba: 0x00c0, 0x3bbb: 0x00c0, + 0x3bbc: 0x00c0, 0x3bbd: 0x00c0, 0x3bbe: 0x00c0, 0x3bbf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x3bc0 + 0x3bc0: 0x00c0, 0x3bc1: 0x00c0, 0x3bc2: 0x00c0, 0x3bc3: 0x00c0, 0x3bc4: 0x00c0, 0x3bc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3bc6: 0x00c0, 0x3bc7: 0x00c0, 0x3bc8: 0x00c0, 0x3bc9: 0x00c0, 0x3bca: 0x00c0, 0x3bcb: 0x00c0, + 0x3bcc: 0x00c0, 0x3bcd: 0x00c0, 0x3bce: 0x00c0, 0x3bcf: 0x00c0, 0x3bd0: 0x00c0, 0x3bd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3bd2: 0x00c0, 0x3bd3: 0x00c0, 0x3bd4: 0x00c0, 0x3bd5: 0x00c0, 0x3bd6: 0x00c0, 0x3bd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3bd8: 0x00c0, 0x3bd9: 0x00c0, 0x3bda: 0x00c0, 0x3bdb: 0x00c0, 0x3bdc: 0x00c0, 0x3bdd: 0x00c0, + 0x3bde: 0x00c0, 0x3bdf: 0x00c3, 0x3be0: 0x00c0, 0x3be1: 0x00c0, 0x3be2: 0x00c0, 0x3be3: 0x00c3, + 0x3be4: 0x00c3, 0x3be5: 0x00c3, 0x3be6: 0x00c3, 0x3be7: 0x00c3, 0x3be8: 0x00c3, 0x3be9: 0x00c3, + 0x3bea: 0x00c6, + 0x3bf0: 0x00c0, 0x3bf1: 0x00c0, 0x3bf2: 0x00c0, 0x3bf3: 0x00c0, 0x3bf4: 0x00c0, 0x3bf5: 0x00c0, + 0x3bf6: 0x00c0, 0x3bf7: 0x00c0, 0x3bf8: 0x00c0, 0x3bf9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf0, offset 0x3c00 + 0x3c00: 0x00c3, 0x3c01: 0x00c3, 0x3c02: 0x00c0, 0x3c03: 0x00c0, 0x3c05: 0x00c0, + 0x3c06: 0x00c0, 0x3c07: 0x00c0, 0x3c08: 0x00c0, 0x3c09: 0x00c0, 0x3c0a: 0x00c0, 0x3c0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c0c: 0x00c0, 0x3c0f: 0x00c0, 0x3c10: 0x00c0, + 0x3c13: 0x00c0, 0x3c14: 0x00c0, 0x3c15: 0x00c0, 0x3c16: 0x00c0, 0x3c17: 0x00c0, + 0x3c18: 0x00c0, 0x3c19: 0x00c0, 0x3c1a: 0x00c0, 0x3c1b: 0x00c0, 0x3c1c: 0x00c0, 0x3c1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3c1e: 0x00c0, 0x3c1f: 0x00c0, 0x3c20: 0x00c0, 0x3c21: 0x00c0, 0x3c22: 0x00c0, 0x3c23: 0x00c0, + 0x3c24: 0x00c0, 0x3c25: 0x00c0, 0x3c26: 0x00c0, 0x3c27: 0x00c0, 0x3c28: 0x00c0, + 0x3c2a: 0x00c0, 0x3c2b: 0x00c0, 0x3c2c: 0x00c0, 0x3c2d: 0x00c0, 0x3c2e: 0x00c0, 0x3c2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3c30: 0x00c0, 0x3c32: 0x00c0, 0x3c33: 0x00c0, 0x3c35: 0x00c0, + 0x3c36: 0x00c0, 0x3c37: 0x00c0, 0x3c38: 0x00c0, 0x3c39: 0x00c0, 0x3c3b: 0x00c3, + 0x3c3c: 0x00c3, 0x3c3d: 0x00c0, 0x3c3e: 0x00c0, 0x3c3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf1, offset 0x3c40 + 0x3c40: 0x00c3, 0x3c41: 0x00c0, 0x3c42: 0x00c0, 0x3c43: 0x00c0, 0x3c44: 0x00c0, + 0x3c47: 0x00c0, 0x3c48: 0x00c0, 0x3c4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c4c: 0x00c0, 0x3c4d: 0x00c5, 0x3c50: 0x00c0, + 0x3c57: 0x00c0, + 0x3c5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3c5e: 0x00c0, 0x3c5f: 0x00c0, 0x3c60: 0x00c0, 0x3c61: 0x00c0, 0x3c62: 0x00c0, 0x3c63: 0x00c0, + 0x3c66: 0x00c3, 0x3c67: 0x00c3, 0x3c68: 0x00c3, 0x3c69: 0x00c3, + 0x3c6a: 0x00c3, 0x3c6b: 0x00c3, 0x3c6c: 0x00c3, + 0x3c70: 0x00c3, 0x3c71: 0x00c3, 0x3c72: 0x00c3, 0x3c73: 0x00c3, 0x3c74: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf2, offset 0x3c80 + 0x3c80: 0x00c0, 0x3c81: 0x00c0, 0x3c82: 0x00c0, 0x3c83: 0x00c0, 0x3c84: 0x00c0, 0x3c85: 0x00c0, + 0x3c86: 0x00c0, 0x3c87: 0x00c0, 0x3c88: 0x00c0, 0x3c89: 0x00c0, 0x3c8a: 0x00c0, 0x3c8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c8c: 0x00c0, 0x3c8d: 0x00c0, 0x3c8e: 0x00c0, 0x3c8f: 0x00c0, 0x3c90: 0x00c0, 0x3c91: 0x00c0, + 0x3c92: 0x00c0, 0x3c93: 0x00c0, 0x3c94: 0x00c0, 0x3c95: 0x00c0, 0x3c96: 0x00c0, 0x3c97: 0x00c0, + 0x3c98: 0x00c0, 0x3c99: 0x00c0, 0x3c9a: 0x00c0, 0x3c9b: 0x00c0, 0x3c9c: 0x00c0, 0x3c9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3c9e: 0x00c0, 0x3c9f: 0x00c0, 0x3ca0: 0x00c0, 0x3ca1: 0x00c0, 0x3ca2: 0x00c0, 0x3ca3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ca4: 0x00c0, 0x3ca5: 0x00c0, 0x3ca6: 0x00c0, 0x3ca7: 0x00c0, 0x3ca8: 0x00c0, 0x3ca9: 0x00c0, + 0x3caa: 0x00c0, 0x3cab: 0x00c0, 0x3cac: 0x00c0, 0x3cad: 0x00c0, 0x3cae: 0x00c0, 0x3caf: 0x00c0, + 0x3cb0: 0x00c0, 0x3cb1: 0x00c0, 0x3cb2: 0x00c0, 0x3cb3: 0x00c0, 0x3cb4: 0x00c0, 0x3cb5: 0x00c0, + 0x3cb6: 0x00c0, 0x3cb7: 0x00c0, 0x3cb8: 0x00c3, 0x3cb9: 0x00c3, 0x3cba: 0x00c3, 0x3cbb: 0x00c3, + 0x3cbc: 0x00c3, 0x3cbd: 0x00c3, 0x3cbe: 0x00c3, 0x3cbf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf3, offset 0x3cc0 + 0x3cc0: 0x00c0, 0x3cc1: 0x00c0, 0x3cc2: 0x00c6, 0x3cc3: 0x00c3, 0x3cc4: 0x00c3, 0x3cc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3cc6: 0x00c3, 0x3cc7: 0x00c0, 0x3cc8: 0x00c0, 0x3cc9: 0x00c0, 0x3cca: 0x00c0, 0x3ccb: 0x0080, + 0x3ccc: 0x0080, 0x3ccd: 0x0080, 0x3cce: 0x0080, 0x3ccf: 0x0080, 0x3cd0: 0x00c0, 0x3cd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3cd2: 0x00c0, 0x3cd3: 0x00c0, 0x3cd4: 0x00c0, 0x3cd5: 0x00c0, 0x3cd6: 0x00c0, 0x3cd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3cd8: 0x00c0, 0x3cd9: 0x00c0, 0x3cdb: 0x0080, 0x3cdd: 0x0080, + 0x3cde: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf4, offset 0x3d00 + 0x3d00: 0x00c0, 0x3d01: 0x00c0, 0x3d02: 0x00c0, 0x3d03: 0x00c0, 0x3d04: 0x00c0, 0x3d05: 0x00c0, + 0x3d06: 0x00c0, 0x3d07: 0x00c0, 0x3d08: 0x00c0, 0x3d09: 0x00c0, 0x3d0a: 0x00c0, 0x3d0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3d0c: 0x00c0, 0x3d0d: 0x00c0, 0x3d0e: 0x00c0, 0x3d0f: 0x00c0, 0x3d10: 0x00c0, 0x3d11: 0x00c0, + 0x3d12: 0x00c0, 0x3d13: 0x00c0, 0x3d14: 0x00c0, 0x3d15: 0x00c0, 0x3d16: 0x00c0, 0x3d17: 0x00c0, + 0x3d18: 0x00c0, 0x3d19: 0x00c0, 0x3d1a: 0x00c0, 0x3d1b: 0x00c0, 0x3d1c: 0x00c0, 0x3d1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3d1e: 0x00c0, 0x3d1f: 0x00c0, 0x3d20: 0x00c0, 0x3d21: 0x00c0, 0x3d22: 0x00c0, 0x3d23: 0x00c0, + 0x3d24: 0x00c0, 0x3d25: 0x00c0, 0x3d26: 0x00c0, 0x3d27: 0x00c0, 0x3d28: 0x00c0, 0x3d29: 0x00c0, + 0x3d2a: 0x00c0, 0x3d2b: 0x00c0, 0x3d2c: 0x00c0, 0x3d2d: 0x00c0, 0x3d2e: 0x00c0, 0x3d2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3d30: 0x00c0, 0x3d31: 0x00c0, 0x3d32: 0x00c0, 0x3d33: 0x00c3, 0x3d34: 0x00c3, 0x3d35: 0x00c3, + 0x3d36: 0x00c3, 0x3d37: 0x00c3, 0x3d38: 0x00c3, 0x3d39: 0x00c0, 0x3d3a: 0x00c3, 0x3d3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3d3c: 0x00c0, 0x3d3d: 0x00c0, 0x3d3e: 0x00c0, 0x3d3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf5, offset 0x3d40 + 0x3d40: 0x00c3, 0x3d41: 0x00c0, 0x3d42: 0x00c6, 0x3d43: 0x00c3, 0x3d44: 0x00c0, 0x3d45: 0x00c0, + 0x3d46: 0x0080, 0x3d47: 0x00c0, + 0x3d50: 0x00c0, 0x3d51: 0x00c0, + 0x3d52: 0x00c0, 0x3d53: 0x00c0, 0x3d54: 0x00c0, 0x3d55: 0x00c0, 0x3d56: 0x00c0, 0x3d57: 0x00c0, + 0x3d58: 0x00c0, 0x3d59: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf6, offset 0x3d80 + 0x3d80: 0x00c0, 0x3d81: 0x00c0, 0x3d82: 0x00c0, 0x3d83: 0x00c0, 0x3d84: 0x00c0, 0x3d85: 0x00c0, + 0x3d86: 0x00c0, 0x3d87: 0x00c0, 0x3d88: 0x00c0, 0x3d89: 0x00c0, 0x3d8a: 0x00c0, 0x3d8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3d8c: 0x00c0, 0x3d8d: 0x00c0, 0x3d8e: 0x00c0, 0x3d8f: 0x00c0, 0x3d90: 0x00c0, 0x3d91: 0x00c0, + 0x3d92: 0x00c0, 0x3d93: 0x00c0, 0x3d94: 0x00c0, 0x3d95: 0x00c0, 0x3d96: 0x00c0, 0x3d97: 0x00c0, + 0x3d98: 0x00c0, 0x3d99: 0x00c0, 0x3d9a: 0x00c0, 0x3d9b: 0x00c0, 0x3d9c: 0x00c0, 0x3d9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3d9e: 0x00c0, 0x3d9f: 0x00c0, 0x3da0: 0x00c0, 0x3da1: 0x00c0, 0x3da2: 0x00c0, 0x3da3: 0x00c0, + 0x3da4: 0x00c0, 0x3da5: 0x00c0, 0x3da6: 0x00c0, 0x3da7: 0x00c0, 0x3da8: 0x00c0, 0x3da9: 0x00c0, + 0x3daa: 0x00c0, 0x3dab: 0x00c0, 0x3dac: 0x00c0, 0x3dad: 0x00c0, 0x3dae: 0x00c0, 0x3daf: 0x00c0, + 0x3db0: 0x00c0, 0x3db1: 0x00c0, 0x3db2: 0x00c3, 0x3db3: 0x00c3, 0x3db4: 0x00c3, 0x3db5: 0x00c3, + 0x3db8: 0x00c0, 0x3db9: 0x00c0, 0x3dba: 0x00c0, 0x3dbb: 0x00c0, + 0x3dbc: 0x00c3, 0x3dbd: 0x00c3, 0x3dbe: 0x00c0, 0x3dbf: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xf7, offset 0x3dc0 + 0x3dc0: 0x00c3, 0x3dc1: 0x0080, 0x3dc2: 0x0080, 0x3dc3: 0x0080, 0x3dc4: 0x0080, 0x3dc5: 0x0080, + 0x3dc6: 0x0080, 0x3dc7: 0x0080, 0x3dc8: 0x0080, 0x3dc9: 0x0080, 0x3dca: 0x0080, 0x3dcb: 0x0080, + 0x3dcc: 0x0080, 0x3dcd: 0x0080, 0x3dce: 0x0080, 0x3dcf: 0x0080, 0x3dd0: 0x0080, 0x3dd1: 0x0080, + 0x3dd2: 0x0080, 0x3dd3: 0x0080, 0x3dd4: 0x0080, 0x3dd5: 0x0080, 0x3dd6: 0x0080, 0x3dd7: 0x0080, + 0x3dd8: 0x00c0, 0x3dd9: 0x00c0, 0x3dda: 0x00c0, 0x3ddb: 0x00c0, 0x3ddc: 0x00c3, 0x3ddd: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf8, offset 0x3e00 + 0x3e00: 0x00c0, 0x3e01: 0x00c0, 0x3e02: 0x00c0, 0x3e03: 0x00c0, 0x3e04: 0x00c0, 0x3e05: 0x00c0, + 0x3e06: 0x00c0, 0x3e07: 0x00c0, 0x3e08: 0x00c0, 0x3e09: 0x00c0, 0x3e0a: 0x00c0, 0x3e0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3e0c: 0x00c0, 0x3e0d: 0x00c0, 0x3e0e: 0x00c0, 0x3e0f: 0x00c0, 0x3e10: 0x00c0, 0x3e11: 0x00c0, + 0x3e12: 0x00c0, 0x3e13: 0x00c0, 0x3e14: 0x00c0, 0x3e15: 0x00c0, 0x3e16: 0x00c0, 0x3e17: 0x00c0, + 0x3e18: 0x00c0, 0x3e19: 0x00c0, 0x3e1a: 0x00c0, 0x3e1b: 0x00c0, 0x3e1c: 0x00c0, 0x3e1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3e1e: 0x00c0, 0x3e1f: 0x00c0, 0x3e20: 0x00c0, 0x3e21: 0x00c0, 0x3e22: 0x00c0, 0x3e23: 0x00c0, + 0x3e24: 0x00c0, 0x3e25: 0x00c0, 0x3e26: 0x00c0, 0x3e27: 0x00c0, 0x3e28: 0x00c0, 0x3e29: 0x00c0, + 0x3e2a: 0x00c0, 0x3e2b: 0x00c0, 0x3e2c: 0x00c0, 0x3e2d: 0x00c0, 0x3e2e: 0x00c0, 0x3e2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3e30: 0x00c0, 0x3e31: 0x00c0, 0x3e32: 0x00c0, 0x3e33: 0x00c3, 0x3e34: 0x00c3, 0x3e35: 0x00c3, + 0x3e36: 0x00c3, 0x3e37: 0x00c3, 0x3e38: 0x00c3, 0x3e39: 0x00c3, 0x3e3a: 0x00c3, 0x3e3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3e3c: 0x00c0, 0x3e3d: 0x00c3, 0x3e3e: 0x00c0, 0x3e3f: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xf9, offset 0x3e40 + 0x3e40: 0x00c3, 0x3e41: 0x0080, 0x3e42: 0x0080, 0x3e43: 0x0080, 0x3e44: 0x00c0, + 0x3e50: 0x00c0, 0x3e51: 0x00c0, + 0x3e52: 0x00c0, 0x3e53: 0x00c0, 0x3e54: 0x00c0, 0x3e55: 0x00c0, 0x3e56: 0x00c0, 0x3e57: 0x00c0, + 0x3e58: 0x00c0, 0x3e59: 0x00c0, + 0x3e60: 0x0080, 0x3e61: 0x0080, 0x3e62: 0x0080, 0x3e63: 0x0080, + 0x3e64: 0x0080, 0x3e65: 0x0080, 0x3e66: 0x0080, 0x3e67: 0x0080, 0x3e68: 0x0080, 0x3e69: 0x0080, + 0x3e6a: 0x0080, 0x3e6b: 0x0080, 0x3e6c: 0x0080, + // Block 0xfa, offset 0x3e80 + 0x3e80: 0x00c0, 0x3e81: 0x00c0, 0x3e82: 0x00c0, 0x3e83: 0x00c0, 0x3e84: 0x00c0, 0x3e85: 0x00c0, + 0x3e86: 0x00c0, 0x3e87: 0x00c0, 0x3e88: 0x00c0, 0x3e89: 0x00c0, 0x3e8a: 0x00c0, 0x3e8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3e8c: 0x00c0, 0x3e8d: 0x00c0, 0x3e8e: 0x00c0, 0x3e8f: 0x00c0, 0x3e90: 0x00c0, 0x3e91: 0x00c0, + 0x3e92: 0x00c0, 0x3e93: 0x00c0, 0x3e94: 0x00c0, 0x3e95: 0x00c0, 0x3e96: 0x00c0, 0x3e97: 0x00c0, + 0x3e98: 0x00c0, 0x3e99: 0x00c0, 0x3e9a: 0x00c0, 0x3e9b: 0x00c0, 0x3e9c: 0x00c0, 0x3e9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3e9e: 0x00c0, 0x3e9f: 0x00c0, 0x3ea0: 0x00c0, 0x3ea1: 0x00c0, 0x3ea2: 0x00c0, 0x3ea3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ea4: 0x00c0, 0x3ea5: 0x00c0, 0x3ea6: 0x00c0, 0x3ea7: 0x00c0, 0x3ea8: 0x00c0, 0x3ea9: 0x00c0, + 0x3eaa: 0x00c0, 0x3eab: 0x00c3, 0x3eac: 0x00c0, 0x3ead: 0x00c3, 0x3eae: 0x00c0, 0x3eaf: 0x00c0, + 0x3eb0: 0x00c3, 0x3eb1: 0x00c3, 0x3eb2: 0x00c3, 0x3eb3: 0x00c3, 0x3eb4: 0x00c3, 0x3eb5: 0x00c3, + 0x3eb6: 0x00c5, 0x3eb7: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xfb, offset 0x3ec0 + 0x3ec0: 0x00c0, 0x3ec1: 0x00c0, 0x3ec2: 0x00c0, 0x3ec3: 0x00c0, 0x3ec4: 0x00c0, 0x3ec5: 0x00c0, + 0x3ec6: 0x00c0, 0x3ec7: 0x00c0, 0x3ec8: 0x00c0, 0x3ec9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xfc, offset 0x3f00 + 0x3f00: 0x00c0, 0x3f01: 0x00c0, 0x3f02: 0x00c0, 0x3f03: 0x00c0, 0x3f04: 0x00c0, 0x3f05: 0x00c0, + 0x3f06: 0x00c0, 0x3f07: 0x00c0, 0x3f08: 0x00c0, 0x3f09: 0x00c0, 0x3f0a: 0x00c0, 0x3f0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3f0c: 0x00c0, 0x3f0d: 0x00c0, 0x3f0e: 0x00c0, 0x3f0f: 0x00c0, 0x3f10: 0x00c0, 0x3f11: 0x00c0, + 0x3f12: 0x00c0, 0x3f13: 0x00c0, 0x3f14: 0x00c0, 0x3f15: 0x00c0, 0x3f16: 0x00c0, 0x3f17: 0x00c0, + 0x3f18: 0x00c0, 0x3f19: 0x00c0, 0x3f1a: 0x00c0, 0x3f1d: 0x00c3, + 0x3f1e: 0x00c3, 0x3f1f: 0x00c3, 0x3f20: 0x00c0, 0x3f21: 0x00c0, 0x3f22: 0x00c3, 0x3f23: 0x00c3, + 0x3f24: 0x00c3, 0x3f25: 0x00c3, 0x3f26: 0x00c0, 0x3f27: 0x00c3, 0x3f28: 0x00c3, 0x3f29: 0x00c3, + 0x3f2a: 0x00c3, 0x3f2b: 0x00c6, + 0x3f30: 0x00c0, 0x3f31: 0x00c0, 0x3f32: 0x00c0, 0x3f33: 0x00c0, 0x3f34: 0x00c0, 0x3f35: 0x00c0, + 0x3f36: 0x00c0, 0x3f37: 0x00c0, 0x3f38: 0x00c0, 0x3f39: 0x00c0, 0x3f3a: 0x0080, 0x3f3b: 0x0080, + 0x3f3c: 0x0080, 0x3f3d: 0x0080, 0x3f3e: 0x0080, 0x3f3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xfd, offset 0x3f40 + 0x3f40: 0x00c0, 0x3f41: 0x00c0, 0x3f42: 0x00c0, 0x3f43: 0x00c0, 0x3f44: 0x00c0, 0x3f45: 0x00c0, + 0x3f46: 0x00c0, 0x3f47: 0x00c0, 0x3f48: 0x00c0, 0x3f49: 0x00c0, 0x3f4a: 0x00c0, 0x3f4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3f4c: 0x00c0, 0x3f4d: 0x00c0, 0x3f4e: 0x00c0, 0x3f4f: 0x00c0, 0x3f50: 0x00c0, 0x3f51: 0x00c0, + 0x3f52: 0x00c0, 0x3f53: 0x00c0, 0x3f54: 0x00c0, 0x3f55: 0x00c0, 0x3f56: 0x00c0, 0x3f57: 0x00c0, + 0x3f58: 0x00c0, 0x3f59: 0x00c0, 0x3f5a: 0x00c0, 0x3f5b: 0x00c0, 0x3f5c: 0x00c0, 0x3f5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3f5e: 0x00c0, 0x3f5f: 0x00c0, 0x3f60: 0x00c0, 0x3f61: 0x00c0, 0x3f62: 0x00c0, 0x3f63: 0x00c0, + 0x3f64: 0x00c0, 0x3f65: 0x00c0, 0x3f66: 0x00c0, 0x3f67: 0x00c0, 0x3f68: 0x00c0, 0x3f69: 0x00c0, + 0x3f6a: 0x00c0, 0x3f6b: 0x00c0, 0x3f6c: 0x00c0, 0x3f6d: 0x00c0, 0x3f6e: 0x00c0, 0x3f6f: 0x00c3, + 0x3f70: 0x00c3, 0x3f71: 0x00c3, 0x3f72: 0x00c3, 0x3f73: 0x00c3, 0x3f74: 0x00c3, 0x3f75: 0x00c3, + 0x3f76: 0x00c3, 0x3f77: 0x00c3, 0x3f78: 0x00c0, 0x3f79: 0x00c6, 0x3f7a: 0x00c3, 0x3f7b: 0x0080, + // Block 0xfe, offset 0x3f80 + 0x3fa0: 0x00c0, 0x3fa1: 0x00c0, 0x3fa2: 0x00c0, 0x3fa3: 0x00c0, + 0x3fa4: 0x00c0, 0x3fa5: 0x00c0, 0x3fa6: 0x00c0, 0x3fa7: 0x00c0, 0x3fa8: 0x00c0, 0x3fa9: 0x00c0, + 0x3faa: 0x00c0, 0x3fab: 0x00c0, 0x3fac: 0x00c0, 0x3fad: 0x00c0, 0x3fae: 0x00c0, 0x3faf: 0x00c0, + 0x3fb0: 0x00c0, 0x3fb1: 0x00c0, 0x3fb2: 0x00c0, 0x3fb3: 0x00c0, 0x3fb4: 0x00c0, 0x3fb5: 0x00c0, + 0x3fb6: 0x00c0, 0x3fb7: 0x00c0, 0x3fb8: 0x00c0, 0x3fb9: 0x00c0, 0x3fba: 0x00c0, 0x3fbb: 0x00c0, + 0x3fbc: 0x00c0, 0x3fbd: 0x00c0, 0x3fbe: 0x00c0, 0x3fbf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xff, offset 0x3fc0 + 0x3fc0: 0x00c0, 0x3fc1: 0x00c0, 0x3fc2: 0x00c0, 0x3fc3: 0x00c0, 0x3fc4: 0x00c0, 0x3fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3fc6: 0x00c0, 0x3fc7: 0x00c0, 0x3fc8: 0x00c0, 0x3fc9: 0x00c0, 0x3fca: 0x00c0, 0x3fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x3fcc: 0x00c0, 0x3fcd: 0x00c0, 0x3fce: 0x00c0, 0x3fcf: 0x00c0, 0x3fd0: 0x00c0, 0x3fd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3fd2: 0x00c0, 0x3fd3: 0x00c0, 0x3fd4: 0x00c0, 0x3fd5: 0x00c0, 0x3fd6: 0x00c0, 0x3fd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3fd8: 0x00c0, 0x3fd9: 0x00c0, 0x3fda: 0x00c0, 0x3fdb: 0x00c0, 0x3fdc: 0x00c0, 0x3fdd: 0x00c0, + 0x3fde: 0x00c0, 0x3fdf: 0x00c0, 0x3fe0: 0x00c0, 0x3fe1: 0x00c0, 0x3fe2: 0x00c0, 0x3fe3: 0x00c0, + 0x3fe4: 0x00c0, 0x3fe5: 0x00c0, 0x3fe6: 0x00c0, 0x3fe7: 0x00c0, 0x3fe8: 0x00c0, 0x3fe9: 0x00c0, + 0x3fea: 0x0080, 0x3feb: 0x0080, 0x3fec: 0x0080, 0x3fed: 0x0080, 0x3fee: 0x0080, 0x3fef: 0x0080, + 0x3ff0: 0x0080, 0x3ff1: 0x0080, 0x3ff2: 0x0080, + 0x3fff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x100, offset 0x4000 + 0x4000: 0x00c0, 0x4001: 0x00c3, 0x4002: 0x00c3, 0x4003: 0x00c3, 0x4004: 0x00c3, 0x4005: 0x00c3, + 0x4006: 0x00c3, 0x4007: 0x00c3, 0x4008: 0x00c3, 0x4009: 0x00c3, 0x400a: 0x00c3, 0x400b: 0x00c0, + 0x400c: 0x00c0, 0x400d: 0x00c0, 0x400e: 0x00c0, 0x400f: 0x00c0, 0x4010: 0x00c0, 0x4011: 0x00c0, + 0x4012: 0x00c0, 0x4013: 0x00c0, 0x4014: 0x00c0, 0x4015: 0x00c0, 0x4016: 0x00c0, 0x4017: 0x00c0, + 0x4018: 0x00c0, 0x4019: 0x00c0, 0x401a: 0x00c0, 0x401b: 0x00c0, 0x401c: 0x00c0, 0x401d: 0x00c0, + 0x401e: 0x00c0, 0x401f: 0x00c0, 0x4020: 0x00c0, 0x4021: 0x00c0, 0x4022: 0x00c0, 0x4023: 0x00c0, + 0x4024: 0x00c0, 0x4025: 0x00c0, 0x4026: 0x00c0, 0x4027: 0x00c0, 0x4028: 0x00c0, 0x4029: 0x00c0, + 0x402a: 0x00c0, 0x402b: 0x00c0, 0x402c: 0x00c0, 0x402d: 0x00c0, 0x402e: 0x00c0, 0x402f: 0x00c0, + 0x4030: 0x00c0, 0x4031: 0x00c0, 0x4032: 0x00c0, 0x4033: 0x00c3, 0x4034: 0x00c6, 0x4035: 0x00c3, + 0x4036: 0x00c3, 0x4037: 0x00c3, 0x4038: 0x00c3, 0x4039: 0x00c0, 0x403a: 0x00c0, 0x403b: 0x00c3, + 0x403c: 0x00c3, 0x403d: 0x00c3, 0x403e: 0x00c3, 0x403f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x101, offset 0x4040 + 0x4040: 0x0080, 0x4041: 0x0080, 0x4042: 0x0080, 0x4043: 0x0080, 0x4044: 0x0080, 0x4045: 0x0080, + 0x4046: 0x0080, 0x4047: 0x00c6, + 0x4050: 0x00c0, 0x4051: 0x00c3, + 0x4052: 0x00c3, 0x4053: 0x00c3, 0x4054: 0x00c3, 0x4055: 0x00c3, 0x4056: 0x00c3, 0x4057: 0x00c0, + 0x4058: 0x00c0, 0x4059: 0x00c3, 0x405a: 0x00c3, 0x405b: 0x00c3, 0x405c: 0x00c0, 0x405d: 0x00c0, + 0x405e: 0x00c0, 0x405f: 0x00c0, 0x4060: 0x00c0, 0x4061: 0x00c0, 0x4062: 0x00c0, 0x4063: 0x00c0, + 0x4064: 0x00c0, 0x4065: 0x00c0, 0x4066: 0x00c0, 0x4067: 0x00c0, 0x4068: 0x00c0, 0x4069: 0x00c0, + 0x406a: 0x00c0, 0x406b: 0x00c0, 0x406c: 0x00c0, 0x406d: 0x00c0, 0x406e: 0x00c0, 0x406f: 0x00c0, + 0x4070: 0x00c0, 0x4071: 0x00c0, 0x4072: 0x00c0, 0x4073: 0x00c0, 0x4074: 0x00c0, 0x4075: 0x00c0, + 0x4076: 0x00c0, 0x4077: 0x00c0, 0x4078: 0x00c0, 0x4079: 0x00c0, 0x407a: 0x00c0, 0x407b: 0x00c0, + 0x407c: 0x00c0, 0x407d: 0x00c0, 0x407e: 0x00c0, 0x407f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x102, offset 0x4080 + 0x4080: 0x00c0, 0x4081: 0x00c0, 0x4082: 0x00c0, 0x4083: 0x00c0, + 0x4086: 0x00c0, 0x4087: 0x00c0, 0x4088: 0x00c0, 0x4089: 0x00c0, 0x408a: 0x00c3, 0x408b: 0x00c3, + 0x408c: 0x00c3, 0x408d: 0x00c3, 0x408e: 0x00c3, 0x408f: 0x00c3, 0x4090: 0x00c3, 0x4091: 0x00c3, + 0x4092: 0x00c3, 0x4093: 0x00c3, 0x4094: 0x00c3, 0x4095: 0x00c3, 0x4096: 0x00c3, 0x4097: 0x00c0, + 0x4098: 0x00c3, 0x4099: 0x00c6, 0x409a: 0x0080, 0x409b: 0x0080, 0x409c: 0x0080, 0x409d: 0x00c0, + 0x409e: 0x0080, 0x409f: 0x0080, 0x40a0: 0x0080, 0x40a1: 0x0080, 0x40a2: 0x0080, + // Block 0x103, offset 0x40c0 + 0x40c0: 0x00c0, 0x40c1: 0x00c0, 0x40c2: 0x00c0, 0x40c3: 0x00c0, 0x40c4: 0x00c0, 0x40c5: 0x00c0, + 0x40c6: 0x00c0, 0x40c7: 0x00c0, 0x40c8: 0x00c0, 0x40c9: 0x00c0, 0x40ca: 0x00c0, 0x40cb: 0x00c0, + 0x40cc: 0x00c0, 0x40cd: 0x00c0, 0x40ce: 0x00c0, 0x40cf: 0x00c0, 0x40d0: 0x00c0, 0x40d1: 0x00c0, + 0x40d2: 0x00c0, 0x40d3: 0x00c0, 0x40d4: 0x00c0, 0x40d5: 0x00c0, 0x40d6: 0x00c0, 0x40d7: 0x00c0, + 0x40d8: 0x00c0, 0x40d9: 0x00c0, 0x40da: 0x00c0, 0x40db: 0x00c0, 0x40dc: 0x00c0, 0x40dd: 0x00c0, + 0x40de: 0x00c0, 0x40df: 0x00c0, 0x40e0: 0x00c0, 0x40e1: 0x00c0, 0x40e2: 0x00c0, 0x40e3: 0x00c0, + 0x40e4: 0x00c0, 0x40e5: 0x00c0, 0x40e6: 0x00c0, 0x40e7: 0x00c0, 0x40e8: 0x00c0, 0x40e9: 0x00c0, + 0x40ea: 0x00c0, 0x40eb: 0x00c0, 0x40ec: 0x00c0, 0x40ed: 0x00c0, 0x40ee: 0x00c0, 0x40ef: 0x00c0, + 0x40f0: 0x00c0, 0x40f1: 0x00c0, 0x40f2: 0x00c0, 0x40f3: 0x00c0, 0x40f4: 0x00c0, 0x40f5: 0x00c0, + 0x40f6: 0x00c0, 0x40f7: 0x00c0, 0x40f8: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x104, offset 0x4100 + 0x4100: 0x00c0, 0x4101: 0x00c0, 0x4102: 0x00c0, 0x4103: 0x00c0, 0x4104: 0x00c0, 0x4105: 0x00c0, + 0x4106: 0x00c0, 0x4107: 0x00c0, 0x4108: 0x00c0, 0x410a: 0x00c0, 0x410b: 0x00c0, + 0x410c: 0x00c0, 0x410d: 0x00c0, 0x410e: 0x00c0, 0x410f: 0x00c0, 0x4110: 0x00c0, 0x4111: 0x00c0, + 0x4112: 0x00c0, 0x4113: 0x00c0, 0x4114: 0x00c0, 0x4115: 0x00c0, 0x4116: 0x00c0, 0x4117: 0x00c0, + 0x4118: 0x00c0, 0x4119: 0x00c0, 0x411a: 0x00c0, 0x411b: 0x00c0, 0x411c: 0x00c0, 0x411d: 0x00c0, + 0x411e: 0x00c0, 0x411f: 0x00c0, 0x4120: 0x00c0, 0x4121: 0x00c0, 0x4122: 0x00c0, 0x4123: 0x00c0, + 0x4124: 0x00c0, 0x4125: 0x00c0, 0x4126: 0x00c0, 0x4127: 0x00c0, 0x4128: 0x00c0, 0x4129: 0x00c0, + 0x412a: 0x00c0, 0x412b: 0x00c0, 0x412c: 0x00c0, 0x412d: 0x00c0, 0x412e: 0x00c0, 0x412f: 0x00c0, + 0x4130: 0x00c3, 0x4131: 0x00c3, 0x4132: 0x00c3, 0x4133: 0x00c3, 0x4134: 0x00c3, 0x4135: 0x00c3, + 0x4136: 0x00c3, 0x4138: 0x00c3, 0x4139: 0x00c3, 0x413a: 0x00c3, 0x413b: 0x00c3, + 0x413c: 0x00c3, 0x413d: 0x00c3, 0x413e: 0x00c0, 0x413f: 0x00c6, + // Block 0x105, offset 0x4140 + 0x4140: 0x00c0, 0x4141: 0x0080, 0x4142: 0x0080, 0x4143: 0x0080, 0x4144: 0x0080, 0x4145: 0x0080, + 0x4150: 0x00c0, 0x4151: 0x00c0, + 0x4152: 0x00c0, 0x4153: 0x00c0, 0x4154: 0x00c0, 0x4155: 0x00c0, 0x4156: 0x00c0, 0x4157: 0x00c0, + 0x4158: 0x00c0, 0x4159: 0x00c0, 0x415a: 0x0080, 0x415b: 0x0080, 0x415c: 0x0080, 0x415d: 0x0080, + 0x415e: 0x0080, 0x415f: 0x0080, 0x4160: 0x0080, 0x4161: 0x0080, 0x4162: 0x0080, 0x4163: 0x0080, + 0x4164: 0x0080, 0x4165: 0x0080, 0x4166: 0x0080, 0x4167: 0x0080, 0x4168: 0x0080, 0x4169: 0x0080, + 0x416a: 0x0080, 0x416b: 0x0080, 0x416c: 0x0080, + 0x4170: 0x0080, 0x4171: 0x0080, 0x4172: 0x00c0, 0x4173: 0x00c0, 0x4174: 0x00c0, 0x4175: 0x00c0, + 0x4176: 0x00c0, 0x4177: 0x00c0, 0x4178: 0x00c0, 0x4179: 0x00c0, 0x417a: 0x00c0, 0x417b: 0x00c0, + 0x417c: 0x00c0, 0x417d: 0x00c0, 0x417e: 0x00c0, 0x417f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x106, offset 0x4180 + 0x4180: 0x00c0, 0x4181: 0x00c0, 0x4182: 0x00c0, 0x4183: 0x00c0, 0x4184: 0x00c0, 0x4185: 0x00c0, + 0x4186: 0x00c0, 0x4187: 0x00c0, 0x4188: 0x00c0, 0x4189: 0x00c0, 0x418a: 0x00c0, 0x418b: 0x00c0, + 0x418c: 0x00c0, 0x418d: 0x00c0, 0x418e: 0x00c0, 0x418f: 0x00c0, + 0x4192: 0x00c3, 0x4193: 0x00c3, 0x4194: 0x00c3, 0x4195: 0x00c3, 0x4196: 0x00c3, 0x4197: 0x00c3, + 0x4198: 0x00c3, 0x4199: 0x00c3, 0x419a: 0x00c3, 0x419b: 0x00c3, 0x419c: 0x00c3, 0x419d: 0x00c3, + 0x419e: 0x00c3, 0x419f: 0x00c3, 0x41a0: 0x00c3, 0x41a1: 0x00c3, 0x41a2: 0x00c3, 0x41a3: 0x00c3, + 0x41a4: 0x00c3, 0x41a5: 0x00c3, 0x41a6: 0x00c3, 0x41a7: 0x00c3, 0x41a9: 0x00c0, + 0x41aa: 0x00c3, 0x41ab: 0x00c3, 0x41ac: 0x00c3, 0x41ad: 0x00c3, 0x41ae: 0x00c3, 0x41af: 0x00c3, + 0x41b0: 0x00c3, 0x41b1: 0x00c0, 0x41b2: 0x00c3, 0x41b3: 0x00c3, 0x41b4: 0x00c0, 0x41b5: 0x00c3, + 0x41b6: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x107, offset 0x41c0 + 0x41c0: 0x00c0, 0x41c1: 0x00c0, 0x41c2: 0x00c0, 0x41c3: 0x00c0, 0x41c4: 0x00c0, 0x41c5: 0x00c0, + 0x41c6: 0x00c0, 0x41c8: 0x00c0, 0x41c9: 0x00c0, 0x41cb: 0x00c0, + 0x41cc: 0x00c0, 0x41cd: 0x00c0, 0x41ce: 0x00c0, 0x41cf: 0x00c0, 0x41d0: 0x00c0, 0x41d1: 0x00c0, + 0x41d2: 0x00c0, 0x41d3: 0x00c0, 0x41d4: 0x00c0, 0x41d5: 0x00c0, 0x41d6: 0x00c0, 0x41d7: 0x00c0, + 0x41d8: 0x00c0, 0x41d9: 0x00c0, 0x41da: 0x00c0, 0x41db: 0x00c0, 0x41dc: 0x00c0, 0x41dd: 0x00c0, + 0x41de: 0x00c0, 0x41df: 0x00c0, 0x41e0: 0x00c0, 0x41e1: 0x00c0, 0x41e2: 0x00c0, 0x41e3: 0x00c0, + 0x41e4: 0x00c0, 0x41e5: 0x00c0, 0x41e6: 0x00c0, 0x41e7: 0x00c0, 0x41e8: 0x00c0, 0x41e9: 0x00c0, + 0x41ea: 0x00c0, 0x41eb: 0x00c0, 0x41ec: 0x00c0, 0x41ed: 0x00c0, 0x41ee: 0x00c0, 0x41ef: 0x00c0, + 0x41f0: 0x00c0, 0x41f1: 0x00c3, 0x41f2: 0x00c3, 0x41f3: 0x00c3, 0x41f4: 0x00c3, 0x41f5: 0x00c3, + 0x41f6: 0x00c3, 0x41fa: 0x00c3, + 0x41fc: 0x00c3, 0x41fd: 0x00c3, 0x41ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x108, offset 0x4200 + 0x4200: 0x00c3, 0x4201: 0x00c3, 0x4202: 0x00c3, 0x4203: 0x00c3, 0x4204: 0x00c6, 0x4205: 0x00c6, + 0x4206: 0x00c0, 0x4207: 0x00c3, + 0x4210: 0x00c0, 0x4211: 0x00c0, + 0x4212: 0x00c0, 0x4213: 0x00c0, 0x4214: 0x00c0, 0x4215: 0x00c0, 0x4216: 0x00c0, 0x4217: 0x00c0, + 0x4218: 0x00c0, 0x4219: 0x00c0, + 0x4220: 0x00c0, 0x4221: 0x00c0, 0x4222: 0x00c0, 0x4223: 0x00c0, + 0x4224: 0x00c0, 0x4225: 0x00c0, 0x4227: 0x00c0, 0x4228: 0x00c0, + 0x422a: 0x00c0, 0x422b: 0x00c0, 0x422c: 0x00c0, 0x422d: 0x00c0, 0x422e: 0x00c0, 0x422f: 0x00c0, + 0x4230: 0x00c0, 0x4231: 0x00c0, 0x4232: 0x00c0, 0x4233: 0x00c0, 0x4234: 0x00c0, 0x4235: 0x00c0, + 0x4236: 0x00c0, 0x4237: 0x00c0, 0x4238: 0x00c0, 0x4239: 0x00c0, 0x423a: 0x00c0, 0x423b: 0x00c0, + 0x423c: 0x00c0, 0x423d: 0x00c0, 0x423e: 0x00c0, 0x423f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x109, offset 0x4240 + 0x4240: 0x00c0, 0x4241: 0x00c0, 0x4242: 0x00c0, 0x4243: 0x00c0, 0x4244: 0x00c0, 0x4245: 0x00c0, + 0x4246: 0x00c0, 0x4247: 0x00c0, 0x4248: 0x00c0, 0x4249: 0x00c0, 0x424a: 0x00c0, 0x424b: 0x00c0, + 0x424c: 0x00c0, 0x424d: 0x00c0, 0x424e: 0x00c0, 0x4250: 0x00c3, 0x4251: 0x00c3, + 0x4253: 0x00c0, 0x4254: 0x00c0, 0x4255: 0x00c3, 0x4256: 0x00c0, 0x4257: 0x00c6, + 0x4258: 0x00c0, + 0x4260: 0x00c0, 0x4261: 0x00c0, 0x4262: 0x00c0, 0x4263: 0x00c0, + 0x4264: 0x00c0, 0x4265: 0x00c0, 0x4266: 0x00c0, 0x4267: 0x00c0, 0x4268: 0x00c0, 0x4269: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10a, offset 0x4280 + 0x42a0: 0x00c0, 0x42a1: 0x00c0, 0x42a2: 0x00c0, 0x42a3: 0x00c0, + 0x42a4: 0x00c0, 0x42a5: 0x00c0, 0x42a6: 0x00c0, 0x42a7: 0x00c0, 0x42a8: 0x00c0, 0x42a9: 0x00c0, + 0x42aa: 0x00c0, 0x42ab: 0x00c0, 0x42ac: 0x00c0, 0x42ad: 0x00c0, 0x42ae: 0x00c0, 0x42af: 0x00c0, + 0x42b0: 0x00c0, 0x42b1: 0x00c0, 0x42b2: 0x00c0, 0x42b3: 0x00c3, 0x42b4: 0x00c3, 0x42b5: 0x00c0, + 0x42b6: 0x00c0, 0x42b7: 0x0080, 0x42b8: 0x0080, + // Block 0x10b, offset 0x42c0 + 0x42c0: 0x00c0, 0x42c1: 0x00c0, 0x42c2: 0x00c0, 0x42c3: 0x00c0, 0x42c4: 0x00c0, 0x42c5: 0x00c0, + 0x42c6: 0x00c0, 0x42c7: 0x00c0, 0x42c8: 0x00c0, 0x42c9: 0x00c0, 0x42ca: 0x00c0, 0x42cb: 0x00c0, + 0x42cc: 0x00c0, 0x42cd: 0x00c0, 0x42ce: 0x00c0, 0x42cf: 0x00c0, 0x42d0: 0x00c0, 0x42d1: 0x00c0, + 0x42d2: 0x00c0, 0x42d3: 0x00c0, 0x42d4: 0x00c0, 0x42d5: 0x00c0, 0x42d6: 0x00c0, 0x42d7: 0x00c0, + 0x42d8: 0x00c0, 0x42d9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10c, offset 0x4300 + 0x4300: 0x0080, 0x4301: 0x0080, 0x4302: 0x0080, 0x4303: 0x0080, 0x4304: 0x0080, 0x4305: 0x0080, + 0x4306: 0x0080, 0x4307: 0x0080, 0x4308: 0x0080, 0x4309: 0x0080, 0x430a: 0x0080, 0x430b: 0x0080, + 0x430c: 0x0080, 0x430d: 0x0080, 0x430e: 0x0080, 0x430f: 0x0080, 0x4310: 0x0080, 0x4311: 0x0080, + 0x4312: 0x0080, 0x4313: 0x0080, 0x4314: 0x0080, 0x4315: 0x0080, 0x4316: 0x0080, 0x4317: 0x0080, + 0x4318: 0x0080, 0x4319: 0x0080, 0x431a: 0x0080, 0x431b: 0x0080, 0x431c: 0x0080, 0x431d: 0x0080, + 0x431e: 0x0080, 0x431f: 0x0080, 0x4320: 0x0080, 0x4321: 0x0080, 0x4322: 0x0080, 0x4323: 0x0080, + 0x4324: 0x0080, 0x4325: 0x0080, 0x4326: 0x0080, 0x4327: 0x0080, 0x4328: 0x0080, 0x4329: 0x0080, + 0x432a: 0x0080, 0x432b: 0x0080, 0x432c: 0x0080, 0x432d: 0x0080, 0x432e: 0x0080, + 0x4330: 0x0080, 0x4331: 0x0080, 0x4332: 0x0080, 0x4333: 0x0080, 0x4334: 0x0080, + // Block 0x10d, offset 0x4340 + 0x4340: 0x00c0, 0x4341: 0x00c0, 0x4342: 0x00c0, 0x4343: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10e, offset 0x4380 + 0x4380: 0x00c0, 0x4381: 0x00c0, 0x4382: 0x00c0, 0x4383: 0x00c0, 0x4384: 0x00c0, 0x4385: 0x00c0, + 0x4386: 0x00c0, 0x4387: 0x00c0, 0x4388: 0x00c0, 0x4389: 0x00c0, 0x438a: 0x00c0, 0x438b: 0x00c0, + 0x438c: 0x00c0, 0x438d: 0x00c0, 0x438e: 0x00c0, 0x438f: 0x00c0, 0x4390: 0x00c0, 0x4391: 0x00c0, + 0x4392: 0x00c0, 0x4393: 0x00c0, 0x4394: 0x00c0, 0x4395: 0x00c0, 0x4396: 0x00c0, 0x4397: 0x00c0, + 0x4398: 0x00c0, 0x4399: 0x00c0, 0x439a: 0x00c0, 0x439b: 0x00c0, 0x439c: 0x00c0, 0x439d: 0x00c0, + 0x439e: 0x00c0, 0x439f: 0x00c0, 0x43a0: 0x00c0, 0x43a1: 0x00c0, 0x43a2: 0x00c0, 0x43a3: 0x00c0, + 0x43a4: 0x00c0, 0x43a5: 0x00c0, 0x43a6: 0x00c0, 0x43a7: 0x00c0, 0x43a8: 0x00c0, 0x43a9: 0x00c0, + 0x43aa: 0x00c0, 0x43ab: 0x00c0, 0x43ac: 0x00c0, 0x43ad: 0x00c0, 0x43ae: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10f, offset 0x43c0 + 0x43c0: 0x00c0, 0x43c1: 0x00c0, 0x43c2: 0x00c0, 0x43c3: 0x00c0, 0x43c4: 0x00c0, 0x43c5: 0x00c0, + 0x43c6: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x110, offset 0x4400 + 0x4400: 0x00c0, 0x4401: 0x00c0, 0x4402: 0x00c0, 0x4403: 0x00c0, 0x4404: 0x00c0, 0x4405: 0x00c0, + 0x4406: 0x00c0, 0x4407: 0x00c0, 0x4408: 0x00c0, 0x4409: 0x00c0, 0x440a: 0x00c0, 0x440b: 0x00c0, + 0x440c: 0x00c0, 0x440d: 0x00c0, 0x440e: 0x00c0, 0x440f: 0x00c0, 0x4410: 0x00c0, 0x4411: 0x00c0, + 0x4412: 0x00c0, 0x4413: 0x00c0, 0x4414: 0x00c0, 0x4415: 0x00c0, 0x4416: 0x00c0, 0x4417: 0x00c0, + 0x4418: 0x00c0, 0x4419: 0x00c0, 0x441a: 0x00c0, 0x441b: 0x00c0, 0x441c: 0x00c0, 0x441d: 0x00c0, + 0x441e: 0x00c0, 0x4420: 0x00c0, 0x4421: 0x00c0, 0x4422: 0x00c0, 0x4423: 0x00c0, + 0x4424: 0x00c0, 0x4425: 0x00c0, 0x4426: 0x00c0, 0x4427: 0x00c0, 0x4428: 0x00c0, 0x4429: 0x00c0, + 0x442e: 0x0080, 0x442f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x111, offset 0x4440 + 0x4450: 0x00c0, 0x4451: 0x00c0, + 0x4452: 0x00c0, 0x4453: 0x00c0, 0x4454: 0x00c0, 0x4455: 0x00c0, 0x4456: 0x00c0, 0x4457: 0x00c0, + 0x4458: 0x00c0, 0x4459: 0x00c0, 0x445a: 0x00c0, 0x445b: 0x00c0, 0x445c: 0x00c0, 0x445d: 0x00c0, + 0x445e: 0x00c0, 0x445f: 0x00c0, 0x4460: 0x00c0, 0x4461: 0x00c0, 0x4462: 0x00c0, 0x4463: 0x00c0, + 0x4464: 0x00c0, 0x4465: 0x00c0, 0x4466: 0x00c0, 0x4467: 0x00c0, 0x4468: 0x00c0, 0x4469: 0x00c0, + 0x446a: 0x00c0, 0x446b: 0x00c0, 0x446c: 0x00c0, 0x446d: 0x00c0, + 0x4470: 0x00c3, 0x4471: 0x00c3, 0x4472: 0x00c3, 0x4473: 0x00c3, 0x4474: 0x00c3, 0x4475: 0x0080, + // Block 0x112, offset 0x4480 + 0x4480: 0x00c0, 0x4481: 0x00c0, 0x4482: 0x00c0, 0x4483: 0x00c0, 0x4484: 0x00c0, 0x4485: 0x00c0, + 0x4486: 0x00c0, 0x4487: 0x00c0, 0x4488: 0x00c0, 0x4489: 0x00c0, 0x448a: 0x00c0, 0x448b: 0x00c0, + 0x448c: 0x00c0, 0x448d: 0x00c0, 0x448e: 0x00c0, 0x448f: 0x00c0, 0x4490: 0x00c0, 0x4491: 0x00c0, + 0x4492: 0x00c0, 0x4493: 0x00c0, 0x4494: 0x00c0, 0x4495: 0x00c0, 0x4496: 0x00c0, 0x4497: 0x00c0, + 0x4498: 0x00c0, 0x4499: 0x00c0, 0x449a: 0x00c0, 0x449b: 0x00c0, 0x449c: 0x00c0, 0x449d: 0x00c0, + 0x449e: 0x00c0, 0x449f: 0x00c0, 0x44a0: 0x00c0, 0x44a1: 0x00c0, 0x44a2: 0x00c0, 0x44a3: 0x00c0, + 0x44a4: 0x00c0, 0x44a5: 0x00c0, 0x44a6: 0x00c0, 0x44a7: 0x00c0, 0x44a8: 0x00c0, 0x44a9: 0x00c0, + 0x44aa: 0x00c0, 0x44ab: 0x00c0, 0x44ac: 0x00c0, 0x44ad: 0x00c0, 0x44ae: 0x00c0, 0x44af: 0x00c0, + 0x44b0: 0x00c3, 0x44b1: 0x00c3, 0x44b2: 0x00c3, 0x44b3: 0x00c3, 0x44b4: 0x00c3, 0x44b5: 0x00c3, + 0x44b6: 0x00c3, 0x44b7: 0x0080, 0x44b8: 0x0080, 0x44b9: 0x0080, 0x44ba: 0x0080, 0x44bb: 0x0080, + 0x44bc: 0x0080, 0x44bd: 0x0080, 0x44be: 0x0080, 0x44bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x113, offset 0x44c0 + 0x44c0: 0x00c0, 0x44c1: 0x00c0, 0x44c2: 0x00c0, 0x44c3: 0x00c0, 0x44c4: 0x0080, 0x44c5: 0x0080, + 0x44d0: 0x00c0, 0x44d1: 0x00c0, + 0x44d2: 0x00c0, 0x44d3: 0x00c0, 0x44d4: 0x00c0, 0x44d5: 0x00c0, 0x44d6: 0x00c0, 0x44d7: 0x00c0, + 0x44d8: 0x00c0, 0x44d9: 0x00c0, 0x44db: 0x0080, 0x44dc: 0x0080, 0x44dd: 0x0080, + 0x44de: 0x0080, 0x44df: 0x0080, 0x44e0: 0x0080, 0x44e1: 0x0080, 0x44e3: 0x00c0, + 0x44e4: 0x00c0, 0x44e5: 0x00c0, 0x44e6: 0x00c0, 0x44e7: 0x00c0, 0x44e8: 0x00c0, 0x44e9: 0x00c0, + 0x44ea: 0x00c0, 0x44eb: 0x00c0, 0x44ec: 0x00c0, 0x44ed: 0x00c0, 0x44ee: 0x00c0, 0x44ef: 0x00c0, + 0x44f0: 0x00c0, 0x44f1: 0x00c0, 0x44f2: 0x00c0, 0x44f3: 0x00c0, 0x44f4: 0x00c0, 0x44f5: 0x00c0, + 0x44f6: 0x00c0, 0x44f7: 0x00c0, + 0x44fd: 0x00c0, 0x44fe: 0x00c0, 0x44ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x114, offset 0x4500 + 0x4500: 0x00c0, 0x4501: 0x00c0, 0x4502: 0x00c0, 0x4503: 0x00c0, 0x4504: 0x00c0, 0x4505: 0x00c0, + 0x4506: 0x00c0, 0x4507: 0x00c0, 0x4508: 0x00c0, 0x4509: 0x00c0, 0x450a: 0x00c0, 0x450b: 0x00c0, + 0x450c: 0x00c0, 0x450d: 0x00c0, 0x450e: 0x00c0, 0x450f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x115, offset 0x4540 + 0x4540: 0x0080, 0x4541: 0x0080, 0x4542: 0x0080, 0x4543: 0x0080, 0x4544: 0x0080, 0x4545: 0x0080, + 0x4546: 0x0080, 0x4547: 0x0080, 0x4548: 0x0080, 0x4549: 0x0080, 0x454a: 0x0080, 0x454b: 0x0080, + 0x454c: 0x0080, 0x454d: 0x0080, 0x454e: 0x0080, 0x454f: 0x0080, 0x4550: 0x0080, 0x4551: 0x0080, + 0x4552: 0x0080, 0x4553: 0x0080, 0x4554: 0x0080, 0x4555: 0x0080, 0x4556: 0x0080, 0x4557: 0x0080, + 0x4558: 0x0080, 0x4559: 0x0080, 0x455a: 0x0080, + // Block 0x116, offset 0x4580 + 0x4580: 0x00c0, 0x4581: 0x00c0, 0x4582: 0x00c0, 0x4583: 0x00c0, 0x4584: 0x00c0, + 0x4590: 0x00c0, 0x4591: 0x00c0, + 0x4592: 0x00c0, 0x4593: 0x00c0, 0x4594: 0x00c0, 0x4595: 0x00c0, 0x4596: 0x00c0, 0x4597: 0x00c0, + 0x4598: 0x00c0, 0x4599: 0x00c0, 0x459a: 0x00c0, 0x459b: 0x00c0, 0x459c: 0x00c0, 0x459d: 0x00c0, + 0x459e: 0x00c0, 0x459f: 0x00c0, 0x45a0: 0x00c0, 0x45a1: 0x00c0, 0x45a2: 0x00c0, 0x45a3: 0x00c0, + 0x45a4: 0x00c0, 0x45a5: 0x00c0, 0x45a6: 0x00c0, 0x45a7: 0x00c0, 0x45a8: 0x00c0, 0x45a9: 0x00c0, + 0x45aa: 0x00c0, 0x45ab: 0x00c0, 0x45ac: 0x00c0, 0x45ad: 0x00c0, 0x45ae: 0x00c0, 0x45af: 0x00c0, + 0x45b0: 0x00c0, 0x45b1: 0x00c0, 0x45b2: 0x00c0, 0x45b3: 0x00c0, 0x45b4: 0x00c0, 0x45b5: 0x00c0, + 0x45b6: 0x00c0, 0x45b7: 0x00c0, 0x45b8: 0x00c0, 0x45b9: 0x00c0, 0x45ba: 0x00c0, 0x45bb: 0x00c0, + 0x45bc: 0x00c0, 0x45bd: 0x00c0, 0x45be: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x117, offset 0x45c0 + 0x45cf: 0x00c3, 0x45d0: 0x00c3, 0x45d1: 0x00c3, + 0x45d2: 0x00c3, 0x45d3: 0x00c0, 0x45d4: 0x00c0, 0x45d5: 0x00c0, 0x45d6: 0x00c0, 0x45d7: 0x00c0, + 0x45d8: 0x00c0, 0x45d9: 0x00c0, 0x45da: 0x00c0, 0x45db: 0x00c0, 0x45dc: 0x00c0, 0x45dd: 0x00c0, + 0x45de: 0x00c0, 0x45df: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x118, offset 0x4600 + 0x4620: 0x00c0, 0x4621: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x119, offset 0x4640 + 0x4640: 0x00c0, 0x4641: 0x00c0, 0x4642: 0x00c0, 0x4643: 0x00c0, 0x4644: 0x00c0, 0x4645: 0x00c0, + 0x4646: 0x00c0, 0x4647: 0x00c0, 0x4648: 0x00c0, 0x4649: 0x00c0, 0x464a: 0x00c0, 0x464b: 0x00c0, + 0x464c: 0x00c0, 0x464d: 0x00c0, 0x464e: 0x00c0, 0x464f: 0x00c0, 0x4650: 0x00c0, 0x4651: 0x00c0, + 0x4652: 0x00c0, 0x4653: 0x00c0, 0x4654: 0x00c0, 0x4655: 0x00c0, 0x4656: 0x00c0, 0x4657: 0x00c0, + 0x4658: 0x00c0, 0x4659: 0x00c0, 0x465a: 0x00c0, 0x465b: 0x00c0, 0x465c: 0x00c0, 0x465d: 0x00c0, + 0x465e: 0x00c0, 0x465f: 0x00c0, 0x4660: 0x00c0, 0x4661: 0x00c0, 0x4662: 0x00c0, 0x4663: 0x00c0, + 0x4664: 0x00c0, 0x4665: 0x00c0, 0x4666: 0x00c0, 0x4667: 0x00c0, 0x4668: 0x00c0, 0x4669: 0x00c0, + 0x466a: 0x00c0, 0x466b: 0x00c0, 0x466c: 0x00c0, 0x466d: 0x00c0, 0x466e: 0x00c0, 0x466f: 0x00c0, + 0x4670: 0x00c0, 0x4671: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11a, offset 0x4680 + 0x4680: 0x00cc, 0x4681: 0x00cc, 0x4682: 0x00cc, 0x4683: 0x00cc, 0x4684: 0x00cc, 0x4685: 0x00cc, + 0x4686: 0x00cc, 0x4687: 0x00cc, 0x4688: 0x00cc, 0x4689: 0x00cc, 0x468a: 0x00cc, 0x468b: 0x00cc, + 0x468c: 0x00cc, 0x468d: 0x00cc, 0x468e: 0x00cc, 0x468f: 0x00cc, 0x4690: 0x00cc, 0x4691: 0x00cc, + 0x4692: 0x00cc, 0x4693: 0x00cc, 0x4694: 0x00cc, 0x4695: 0x00cc, 0x4696: 0x00cc, 0x4697: 0x00cc, + 0x4698: 0x00cc, 0x4699: 0x00cc, 0x469a: 0x00cc, 0x469b: 0x00cc, 0x469c: 0x00cc, 0x469d: 0x00cc, + 0x469e: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x11b, offset 0x46c0 + 0x46f0: 0x00c0, 0x46f1: 0x00c0, 0x46f2: 0x00c0, 0x46f3: 0x00c0, 0x46f4: 0x00c0, 0x46f5: 0x00c0, + 0x46f6: 0x00c0, 0x46f7: 0x00c0, 0x46f8: 0x00c0, 0x46f9: 0x00c0, 0x46fa: 0x00c0, 0x46fb: 0x00c0, + 0x46fc: 0x00c0, 0x46fd: 0x00c0, 0x46fe: 0x00c0, 0x46ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11c, offset 0x4700 + 0x4700: 0x00c0, 0x4701: 0x00c0, 0x4702: 0x00c0, 0x4703: 0x00c0, 0x4704: 0x00c0, 0x4705: 0x00c0, + 0x4706: 0x00c0, 0x4707: 0x00c0, 0x4708: 0x00c0, 0x4709: 0x00c0, 0x470a: 0x00c0, 0x470b: 0x00c0, + 0x470c: 0x00c0, 0x470d: 0x00c0, 0x470e: 0x00c0, 0x470f: 0x00c0, 0x4710: 0x00c0, 0x4711: 0x00c0, + 0x4712: 0x00c0, 0x4713: 0x00c0, 0x4714: 0x00c0, 0x4715: 0x00c0, 0x4716: 0x00c0, 0x4717: 0x00c0, + 0x4718: 0x00c0, 0x4719: 0x00c0, 0x471a: 0x00c0, 0x471b: 0x00c0, 0x471c: 0x00c0, 0x471d: 0x00c0, + 0x471e: 0x00c0, 0x471f: 0x00c0, 0x4720: 0x00c0, 0x4721: 0x00c0, 0x4722: 0x00c0, 0x4723: 0x00c0, + 0x4724: 0x00c0, 0x4725: 0x00c0, 0x4726: 0x00c0, 0x4727: 0x00c0, 0x4728: 0x00c0, 0x4729: 0x00c0, + 0x472a: 0x00c0, 0x472b: 0x00c0, 0x472c: 0x00c0, 0x472d: 0x00c0, 0x472e: 0x00c0, 0x472f: 0x00c0, + 0x4730: 0x00c0, 0x4731: 0x00c0, 0x4732: 0x00c0, 0x4733: 0x00c0, 0x4734: 0x00c0, 0x4735: 0x00c0, + 0x4736: 0x00c0, 0x4737: 0x00c0, 0x4738: 0x00c0, 0x4739: 0x00c0, 0x473a: 0x00c0, 0x473b: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11d, offset 0x4740 + 0x4740: 0x00c0, 0x4741: 0x00c0, 0x4742: 0x00c0, 0x4743: 0x00c0, 0x4744: 0x00c0, 0x4745: 0x00c0, + 0x4746: 0x00c0, 0x4747: 0x00c0, 0x4748: 0x00c0, 0x4749: 0x00c0, 0x474a: 0x00c0, 0x474b: 0x00c0, + 0x474c: 0x00c0, 0x474d: 0x00c0, 0x474e: 0x00c0, 0x474f: 0x00c0, 0x4750: 0x00c0, 0x4751: 0x00c0, + 0x4752: 0x00c0, 0x4753: 0x00c0, 0x4754: 0x00c0, 0x4755: 0x00c0, 0x4756: 0x00c0, 0x4757: 0x00c0, + 0x4758: 0x00c0, 0x4759: 0x00c0, 0x475a: 0x00c0, 0x475b: 0x00c0, 0x475c: 0x00c0, 0x475d: 0x00c0, + 0x475e: 0x00c0, 0x475f: 0x00c0, 0x4760: 0x00c0, 0x4761: 0x00c0, 0x4762: 0x00c0, 0x4763: 0x00c0, + 0x4764: 0x00c0, 0x4765: 0x00c0, 0x4766: 0x00c0, 0x4767: 0x00c0, 0x4768: 0x00c0, 0x4769: 0x00c0, + 0x476a: 0x00c0, + 0x4770: 0x00c0, 0x4771: 0x00c0, 0x4772: 0x00c0, 0x4773: 0x00c0, 0x4774: 0x00c0, 0x4775: 0x00c0, + 0x4776: 0x00c0, 0x4777: 0x00c0, 0x4778: 0x00c0, 0x4779: 0x00c0, 0x477a: 0x00c0, 0x477b: 0x00c0, + 0x477c: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11e, offset 0x4780 + 0x4780: 0x00c0, 0x4781: 0x00c0, 0x4782: 0x00c0, 0x4783: 0x00c0, 0x4784: 0x00c0, 0x4785: 0x00c0, + 0x4786: 0x00c0, 0x4787: 0x00c0, 0x4788: 0x00c0, + 0x4790: 0x00c0, 0x4791: 0x00c0, + 0x4792: 0x00c0, 0x4793: 0x00c0, 0x4794: 0x00c0, 0x4795: 0x00c0, 0x4796: 0x00c0, 0x4797: 0x00c0, + 0x4798: 0x00c0, 0x4799: 0x00c0, 0x479c: 0x0080, 0x479d: 0x00c3, + 0x479e: 0x00c3, 0x479f: 0x0080, 0x47a0: 0x0040, 0x47a1: 0x0040, 0x47a2: 0x0040, 0x47a3: 0x0040, + // Block 0x11f, offset 0x47c0 + 0x47c0: 0x0080, 0x47c1: 0x0080, 0x47c2: 0x0080, 0x47c3: 0x0080, 0x47c4: 0x0080, 0x47c5: 0x0080, + 0x47c6: 0x0080, 0x47c7: 0x0080, 0x47c8: 0x0080, 0x47c9: 0x0080, 0x47ca: 0x0080, 0x47cb: 0x0080, + 0x47cc: 0x0080, 0x47cd: 0x0080, 0x47ce: 0x0080, 0x47cf: 0x0080, 0x47d0: 0x0080, 0x47d1: 0x0080, + 0x47d2: 0x0080, 0x47d3: 0x0080, 0x47d4: 0x0080, 0x47d5: 0x0080, 0x47d6: 0x0080, 0x47d7: 0x0080, + 0x47d8: 0x0080, 0x47d9: 0x0080, 0x47da: 0x0080, 0x47db: 0x0080, 0x47dc: 0x0080, 0x47dd: 0x0080, + 0x47de: 0x0080, 0x47df: 0x0080, 0x47e0: 0x0080, 0x47e1: 0x0080, 0x47e2: 0x0080, 0x47e3: 0x0080, + 0x47e4: 0x0080, 0x47e5: 0x0080, 0x47e6: 0x0080, 0x47e7: 0x0080, 0x47e8: 0x0080, 0x47e9: 0x0080, + 0x47ea: 0x0080, 0x47eb: 0x0080, 0x47ec: 0x0080, 0x47ed: 0x0080, 0x47ee: 0x0080, 0x47ef: 0x0080, + 0x47f0: 0x0080, 0x47f1: 0x0080, 0x47f2: 0x0080, 0x47f3: 0x0080, 0x47f4: 0x0080, 0x47f5: 0x0080, + // Block 0x120, offset 0x4800 + 0x4800: 0x0080, 0x4801: 0x0080, 0x4802: 0x0080, 0x4803: 0x0080, 0x4804: 0x0080, 0x4805: 0x0080, + 0x4806: 0x0080, 0x4807: 0x0080, 0x4808: 0x0080, 0x4809: 0x0080, 0x480a: 0x0080, 0x480b: 0x0080, + 0x480c: 0x0080, 0x480d: 0x0080, 0x480e: 0x0080, 0x480f: 0x0080, 0x4810: 0x0080, 0x4811: 0x0080, + 0x4812: 0x0080, 0x4813: 0x0080, 0x4814: 0x0080, 0x4815: 0x0080, 0x4816: 0x0080, 0x4817: 0x0080, + 0x4818: 0x0080, 0x4819: 0x0080, 0x481a: 0x0080, 0x481b: 0x0080, 0x481c: 0x0080, 0x481d: 0x0080, + 0x481e: 0x0080, 0x481f: 0x0080, 0x4820: 0x0080, 0x4821: 0x0080, 0x4822: 0x0080, 0x4823: 0x0080, + 0x4824: 0x0080, 0x4825: 0x0080, 0x4826: 0x0080, 0x4829: 0x0080, + 0x482a: 0x0080, 0x482b: 0x0080, 0x482c: 0x0080, 0x482d: 0x0080, 0x482e: 0x0080, 0x482f: 0x0080, + 0x4830: 0x0080, 0x4831: 0x0080, 0x4832: 0x0080, 0x4833: 0x0080, 0x4834: 0x0080, 0x4835: 0x0080, + 0x4836: 0x0080, 0x4837: 0x0080, 0x4838: 0x0080, 0x4839: 0x0080, 0x483a: 0x0080, 0x483b: 0x0080, + 0x483c: 0x0080, 0x483d: 0x0080, 0x483e: 0x0080, 0x483f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x121, offset 0x4840 + 0x4840: 0x0080, 0x4841: 0x0080, 0x4842: 0x0080, 0x4843: 0x0080, 0x4844: 0x0080, 0x4845: 0x0080, + 0x4846: 0x0080, 0x4847: 0x0080, 0x4848: 0x0080, 0x4849: 0x0080, 0x484a: 0x0080, 0x484b: 0x0080, + 0x484c: 0x0080, 0x484d: 0x0080, 0x484e: 0x0080, 0x484f: 0x0080, 0x4850: 0x0080, 0x4851: 0x0080, + 0x4852: 0x0080, 0x4853: 0x0080, 0x4854: 0x0080, 0x4855: 0x0080, 0x4856: 0x0080, 0x4857: 0x0080, + 0x4858: 0x0080, 0x4859: 0x0080, 0x485a: 0x0080, 0x485b: 0x0080, 0x485c: 0x0080, 0x485d: 0x0080, + 0x485e: 0x0080, 0x485f: 0x0080, 0x4860: 0x0080, 0x4861: 0x0080, 0x4862: 0x0080, 0x4863: 0x0080, + 0x4864: 0x0080, 0x4865: 0x00c0, 0x4866: 0x00c0, 0x4867: 0x00c3, 0x4868: 0x00c3, 0x4869: 0x00c3, + 0x486a: 0x0080, 0x486b: 0x0080, 0x486c: 0x0080, 0x486d: 0x00c0, 0x486e: 0x00c0, 0x486f: 0x00c0, + 0x4870: 0x00c0, 0x4871: 0x00c0, 0x4872: 0x00c0, 0x4873: 0x0040, 0x4874: 0x0040, 0x4875: 0x0040, + 0x4876: 0x0040, 0x4877: 0x0040, 0x4878: 0x0040, 0x4879: 0x0040, 0x487a: 0x0040, 0x487b: 0x00c3, + 0x487c: 0x00c3, 0x487d: 0x00c3, 0x487e: 0x00c3, 0x487f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x122, offset 0x4880 + 0x4880: 0x00c3, 0x4881: 0x00c3, 0x4882: 0x00c3, 0x4883: 0x0080, 0x4884: 0x0080, 0x4885: 0x00c3, + 0x4886: 0x00c3, 0x4887: 0x00c3, 0x4888: 0x00c3, 0x4889: 0x00c3, 0x488a: 0x00c3, 0x488b: 0x00c3, + 0x488c: 0x0080, 0x488d: 0x0080, 0x488e: 0x0080, 0x488f: 0x0080, 0x4890: 0x0080, 0x4891: 0x0080, + 0x4892: 0x0080, 0x4893: 0x0080, 0x4894: 0x0080, 0x4895: 0x0080, 0x4896: 0x0080, 0x4897: 0x0080, + 0x4898: 0x0080, 0x4899: 0x0080, 0x489a: 0x0080, 0x489b: 0x0080, 0x489c: 0x0080, 0x489d: 0x0080, + 0x489e: 0x0080, 0x489f: 0x0080, 0x48a0: 0x0080, 0x48a1: 0x0080, 0x48a2: 0x0080, 0x48a3: 0x0080, + 0x48a4: 0x0080, 0x48a5: 0x0080, 0x48a6: 0x0080, 0x48a7: 0x0080, 0x48a8: 0x0080, 0x48a9: 0x0080, + 0x48aa: 0x00c3, 0x48ab: 0x00c3, 0x48ac: 0x00c3, 0x48ad: 0x00c3, 0x48ae: 0x0080, 0x48af: 0x0080, + 0x48b0: 0x0080, 0x48b1: 0x0080, 0x48b2: 0x0080, 0x48b3: 0x0080, 0x48b4: 0x0080, 0x48b5: 0x0080, + 0x48b6: 0x0080, 0x48b7: 0x0080, 0x48b8: 0x0080, 0x48b9: 0x0080, 0x48ba: 0x0080, 0x48bb: 0x0080, + 0x48bc: 0x0080, 0x48bd: 0x0080, 0x48be: 0x0080, 0x48bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x123, offset 0x48c0 + 0x48c0: 0x0080, 0x48c1: 0x0080, 0x48c2: 0x0080, 0x48c3: 0x0080, 0x48c4: 0x0080, 0x48c5: 0x0080, + 0x48c6: 0x0080, 0x48c7: 0x0080, 0x48c8: 0x0080, 0x48c9: 0x0080, 0x48ca: 0x0080, 0x48cb: 0x0080, + 0x48cc: 0x0080, 0x48cd: 0x0080, 0x48ce: 0x0080, 0x48cf: 0x0080, 0x48d0: 0x0080, 0x48d1: 0x0080, + 0x48d2: 0x0080, 0x48d3: 0x0080, 0x48d4: 0x0080, 0x48d5: 0x0080, 0x48d6: 0x0080, 0x48d7: 0x0080, + 0x48d8: 0x0080, 0x48d9: 0x0080, 0x48da: 0x0080, 0x48db: 0x0080, 0x48dc: 0x0080, 0x48dd: 0x0080, + 0x48de: 0x0080, 0x48df: 0x0080, 0x48e0: 0x0080, 0x48e1: 0x0080, 0x48e2: 0x0080, 0x48e3: 0x0080, + 0x48e4: 0x0080, 0x48e5: 0x0080, 0x48e6: 0x0080, 0x48e7: 0x0080, 0x48e8: 0x0080, + // Block 0x124, offset 0x4900 + 0x4900: 0x0088, 0x4901: 0x0088, 0x4902: 0x00c9, 0x4903: 0x00c9, 0x4904: 0x00c9, 0x4905: 0x0088, + // Block 0x125, offset 0x4940 + 0x4960: 0x0080, 0x4961: 0x0080, 0x4962: 0x0080, 0x4963: 0x0080, + 0x4964: 0x0080, 0x4965: 0x0080, 0x4966: 0x0080, 0x4967: 0x0080, 0x4968: 0x0080, 0x4969: 0x0080, + 0x496a: 0x0080, 0x496b: 0x0080, 0x496c: 0x0080, 0x496d: 0x0080, 0x496e: 0x0080, 0x496f: 0x0080, + 0x4970: 0x0080, 0x4971: 0x0080, 0x4972: 0x0080, 0x4973: 0x0080, + // Block 0x126, offset 0x4980 + 0x4980: 0x0080, 0x4981: 0x0080, 0x4982: 0x0080, 0x4983: 0x0080, 0x4984: 0x0080, 0x4985: 0x0080, + 0x4986: 0x0080, 0x4987: 0x0080, 0x4988: 0x0080, 0x4989: 0x0080, 0x498a: 0x0080, 0x498b: 0x0080, + 0x498c: 0x0080, 0x498d: 0x0080, 0x498e: 0x0080, 0x498f: 0x0080, 0x4990: 0x0080, 0x4991: 0x0080, + 0x4992: 0x0080, 0x4993: 0x0080, 0x4994: 0x0080, 0x4995: 0x0080, 0x4996: 0x0080, + 0x49a0: 0x0080, 0x49a1: 0x0080, 0x49a2: 0x0080, 0x49a3: 0x0080, + 0x49a4: 0x0080, 0x49a5: 0x0080, 0x49a6: 0x0080, 0x49a7: 0x0080, 0x49a8: 0x0080, 0x49a9: 0x0080, + 0x49aa: 0x0080, 0x49ab: 0x0080, 0x49ac: 0x0080, 0x49ad: 0x0080, 0x49ae: 0x0080, 0x49af: 0x0080, + 0x49b0: 0x0080, 0x49b1: 0x0080, 0x49b2: 0x0080, 0x49b3: 0x0080, 0x49b4: 0x0080, 0x49b5: 0x0080, + 0x49b6: 0x0080, 0x49b7: 0x0080, 0x49b8: 0x0080, + // Block 0x127, offset 0x49c0 + 0x49c0: 0x0080, 0x49c1: 0x0080, 0x49c2: 0x0080, 0x49c3: 0x0080, 0x49c4: 0x0080, 0x49c5: 0x0080, + 0x49c6: 0x0080, 0x49c7: 0x0080, 0x49c8: 0x0080, 0x49c9: 0x0080, 0x49ca: 0x0080, 0x49cb: 0x0080, + 0x49cc: 0x0080, 0x49cd: 0x0080, 0x49ce: 0x0080, 0x49cf: 0x0080, 0x49d0: 0x0080, 0x49d1: 0x0080, + 0x49d2: 0x0080, 0x49d3: 0x0080, 0x49d4: 0x0080, 0x49d6: 0x0080, 0x49d7: 0x0080, + 0x49d8: 0x0080, 0x49d9: 0x0080, 0x49da: 0x0080, 0x49db: 0x0080, 0x49dc: 0x0080, 0x49dd: 0x0080, + 0x49de: 0x0080, 0x49df: 0x0080, 0x49e0: 0x0080, 0x49e1: 0x0080, 0x49e2: 0x0080, 0x49e3: 0x0080, + 0x49e4: 0x0080, 0x49e5: 0x0080, 0x49e6: 0x0080, 0x49e7: 0x0080, 0x49e8: 0x0080, 0x49e9: 0x0080, + 0x49ea: 0x0080, 0x49eb: 0x0080, 0x49ec: 0x0080, 0x49ed: 0x0080, 0x49ee: 0x0080, 0x49ef: 0x0080, + 0x49f0: 0x0080, 0x49f1: 0x0080, 0x49f2: 0x0080, 0x49f3: 0x0080, 0x49f4: 0x0080, 0x49f5: 0x0080, + 0x49f6: 0x0080, 0x49f7: 0x0080, 0x49f8: 0x0080, 0x49f9: 0x0080, 0x49fa: 0x0080, 0x49fb: 0x0080, + 0x49fc: 0x0080, 0x49fd: 0x0080, 0x49fe: 0x0080, 0x49ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x128, offset 0x4a00 + 0x4a00: 0x0080, 0x4a01: 0x0080, 0x4a02: 0x0080, 0x4a03: 0x0080, 0x4a04: 0x0080, 0x4a05: 0x0080, + 0x4a06: 0x0080, 0x4a07: 0x0080, 0x4a08: 0x0080, 0x4a09: 0x0080, 0x4a0a: 0x0080, 0x4a0b: 0x0080, + 0x4a0c: 0x0080, 0x4a0d: 0x0080, 0x4a0e: 0x0080, 0x4a0f: 0x0080, 0x4a10: 0x0080, 0x4a11: 0x0080, + 0x4a12: 0x0080, 0x4a13: 0x0080, 0x4a14: 0x0080, 0x4a15: 0x0080, 0x4a16: 0x0080, 0x4a17: 0x0080, + 0x4a18: 0x0080, 0x4a19: 0x0080, 0x4a1a: 0x0080, 0x4a1b: 0x0080, 0x4a1c: 0x0080, + 0x4a1e: 0x0080, 0x4a1f: 0x0080, 0x4a22: 0x0080, + 0x4a25: 0x0080, 0x4a26: 0x0080, 0x4a29: 0x0080, + 0x4a2a: 0x0080, 0x4a2b: 0x0080, 0x4a2c: 0x0080, 0x4a2e: 0x0080, 0x4a2f: 0x0080, + 0x4a30: 0x0080, 0x4a31: 0x0080, 0x4a32: 0x0080, 0x4a33: 0x0080, 0x4a34: 0x0080, 0x4a35: 0x0080, + 0x4a36: 0x0080, 0x4a37: 0x0080, 0x4a38: 0x0080, 0x4a39: 0x0080, 0x4a3b: 0x0080, + 0x4a3d: 0x0080, 0x4a3e: 0x0080, 0x4a3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x129, offset 0x4a40 + 0x4a40: 0x0080, 0x4a41: 0x0080, 0x4a42: 0x0080, 0x4a43: 0x0080, 0x4a45: 0x0080, + 0x4a46: 0x0080, 0x4a47: 0x0080, 0x4a48: 0x0080, 0x4a49: 0x0080, 0x4a4a: 0x0080, 0x4a4b: 0x0080, + 0x4a4c: 0x0080, 0x4a4d: 0x0080, 0x4a4e: 0x0080, 0x4a4f: 0x0080, 0x4a50: 0x0080, 0x4a51: 0x0080, + 0x4a52: 0x0080, 0x4a53: 0x0080, 0x4a54: 0x0080, 0x4a55: 0x0080, 0x4a56: 0x0080, 0x4a57: 0x0080, + 0x4a58: 0x0080, 0x4a59: 0x0080, 0x4a5a: 0x0080, 0x4a5b: 0x0080, 0x4a5c: 0x0080, 0x4a5d: 0x0080, + 0x4a5e: 0x0080, 0x4a5f: 0x0080, 0x4a60: 0x0080, 0x4a61: 0x0080, 0x4a62: 0x0080, 0x4a63: 0x0080, + 0x4a64: 0x0080, 0x4a65: 0x0080, 0x4a66: 0x0080, 0x4a67: 0x0080, 0x4a68: 0x0080, 0x4a69: 0x0080, + 0x4a6a: 0x0080, 0x4a6b: 0x0080, 0x4a6c: 0x0080, 0x4a6d: 0x0080, 0x4a6e: 0x0080, 0x4a6f: 0x0080, + 0x4a70: 0x0080, 0x4a71: 0x0080, 0x4a72: 0x0080, 0x4a73: 0x0080, 0x4a74: 0x0080, 0x4a75: 0x0080, + 0x4a76: 0x0080, 0x4a77: 0x0080, 0x4a78: 0x0080, 0x4a79: 0x0080, 0x4a7a: 0x0080, 0x4a7b: 0x0080, + 0x4a7c: 0x0080, 0x4a7d: 0x0080, 0x4a7e: 0x0080, 0x4a7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12a, offset 0x4a80 + 0x4a80: 0x0080, 0x4a81: 0x0080, 0x4a82: 0x0080, 0x4a83: 0x0080, 0x4a84: 0x0080, 0x4a85: 0x0080, + 0x4a87: 0x0080, 0x4a88: 0x0080, 0x4a89: 0x0080, 0x4a8a: 0x0080, + 0x4a8d: 0x0080, 0x4a8e: 0x0080, 0x4a8f: 0x0080, 0x4a90: 0x0080, 0x4a91: 0x0080, + 0x4a92: 0x0080, 0x4a93: 0x0080, 0x4a94: 0x0080, 0x4a96: 0x0080, 0x4a97: 0x0080, + 0x4a98: 0x0080, 0x4a99: 0x0080, 0x4a9a: 0x0080, 0x4a9b: 0x0080, 0x4a9c: 0x0080, + 0x4a9e: 0x0080, 0x4a9f: 0x0080, 0x4aa0: 0x0080, 0x4aa1: 0x0080, 0x4aa2: 0x0080, 0x4aa3: 0x0080, + 0x4aa4: 0x0080, 0x4aa5: 0x0080, 0x4aa6: 0x0080, 0x4aa7: 0x0080, 0x4aa8: 0x0080, 0x4aa9: 0x0080, + 0x4aaa: 0x0080, 0x4aab: 0x0080, 0x4aac: 0x0080, 0x4aad: 0x0080, 0x4aae: 0x0080, 0x4aaf: 0x0080, + 0x4ab0: 0x0080, 0x4ab1: 0x0080, 0x4ab2: 0x0080, 0x4ab3: 0x0080, 0x4ab4: 0x0080, 0x4ab5: 0x0080, + 0x4ab6: 0x0080, 0x4ab7: 0x0080, 0x4ab8: 0x0080, 0x4ab9: 0x0080, 0x4abb: 0x0080, + 0x4abc: 0x0080, 0x4abd: 0x0080, 0x4abe: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12b, offset 0x4ac0 + 0x4ac0: 0x0080, 0x4ac1: 0x0080, 0x4ac2: 0x0080, 0x4ac3: 0x0080, 0x4ac4: 0x0080, + 0x4ac6: 0x0080, 0x4aca: 0x0080, 0x4acb: 0x0080, + 0x4acc: 0x0080, 0x4acd: 0x0080, 0x4ace: 0x0080, 0x4acf: 0x0080, 0x4ad0: 0x0080, + 0x4ad2: 0x0080, 0x4ad3: 0x0080, 0x4ad4: 0x0080, 0x4ad5: 0x0080, 0x4ad6: 0x0080, 0x4ad7: 0x0080, + 0x4ad8: 0x0080, 0x4ad9: 0x0080, 0x4ada: 0x0080, 0x4adb: 0x0080, 0x4adc: 0x0080, 0x4add: 0x0080, + 0x4ade: 0x0080, 0x4adf: 0x0080, 0x4ae0: 0x0080, 0x4ae1: 0x0080, 0x4ae2: 0x0080, 0x4ae3: 0x0080, + 0x4ae4: 0x0080, 0x4ae5: 0x0080, 0x4ae6: 0x0080, 0x4ae7: 0x0080, 0x4ae8: 0x0080, 0x4ae9: 0x0080, + 0x4aea: 0x0080, 0x4aeb: 0x0080, 0x4aec: 0x0080, 0x4aed: 0x0080, 0x4aee: 0x0080, 0x4aef: 0x0080, + 0x4af0: 0x0080, 0x4af1: 0x0080, 0x4af2: 0x0080, 0x4af3: 0x0080, 0x4af4: 0x0080, 0x4af5: 0x0080, + 0x4af6: 0x0080, 0x4af7: 0x0080, 0x4af8: 0x0080, 0x4af9: 0x0080, 0x4afa: 0x0080, 0x4afb: 0x0080, + 0x4afc: 0x0080, 0x4afd: 0x0080, 0x4afe: 0x0080, 0x4aff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12c, offset 0x4b00 + 0x4b00: 0x0080, 0x4b01: 0x0080, 0x4b02: 0x0080, 0x4b03: 0x0080, 0x4b04: 0x0080, 0x4b05: 0x0080, + 0x4b06: 0x0080, 0x4b07: 0x0080, 0x4b08: 0x0080, 0x4b09: 0x0080, 0x4b0a: 0x0080, 0x4b0b: 0x0080, + 0x4b0c: 0x0080, 0x4b0d: 0x0080, 0x4b0e: 0x0080, 0x4b0f: 0x0080, 0x4b10: 0x0080, 0x4b11: 0x0080, + 0x4b12: 0x0080, 0x4b13: 0x0080, 0x4b14: 0x0080, 0x4b15: 0x0080, 0x4b16: 0x0080, 0x4b17: 0x0080, + 0x4b18: 0x0080, 0x4b19: 0x0080, 0x4b1a: 0x0080, 0x4b1b: 0x0080, 0x4b1c: 0x0080, 0x4b1d: 0x0080, + 0x4b1e: 0x0080, 0x4b1f: 0x0080, 0x4b20: 0x0080, 0x4b21: 0x0080, 0x4b22: 0x0080, 0x4b23: 0x0080, + 0x4b24: 0x0080, 0x4b25: 0x0080, 0x4b28: 0x0080, 0x4b29: 0x0080, + 0x4b2a: 0x0080, 0x4b2b: 0x0080, 0x4b2c: 0x0080, 0x4b2d: 0x0080, 0x4b2e: 0x0080, 0x4b2f: 0x0080, + 0x4b30: 0x0080, 0x4b31: 0x0080, 0x4b32: 0x0080, 0x4b33: 0x0080, 0x4b34: 0x0080, 0x4b35: 0x0080, + 0x4b36: 0x0080, 0x4b37: 0x0080, 0x4b38: 0x0080, 0x4b39: 0x0080, 0x4b3a: 0x0080, 0x4b3b: 0x0080, + 0x4b3c: 0x0080, 0x4b3d: 0x0080, 0x4b3e: 0x0080, 0x4b3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12d, offset 0x4b40 + 0x4b40: 0x0080, 0x4b41: 0x0080, 0x4b42: 0x0080, 0x4b43: 0x0080, 0x4b44: 0x0080, 0x4b45: 0x0080, + 0x4b46: 0x0080, 0x4b47: 0x0080, 0x4b48: 0x0080, 0x4b49: 0x0080, 0x4b4a: 0x0080, 0x4b4b: 0x0080, + 0x4b4e: 0x0080, 0x4b4f: 0x0080, 0x4b50: 0x0080, 0x4b51: 0x0080, + 0x4b52: 0x0080, 0x4b53: 0x0080, 0x4b54: 0x0080, 0x4b55: 0x0080, 0x4b56: 0x0080, 0x4b57: 0x0080, + 0x4b58: 0x0080, 0x4b59: 0x0080, 0x4b5a: 0x0080, 0x4b5b: 0x0080, 0x4b5c: 0x0080, 0x4b5d: 0x0080, + 0x4b5e: 0x0080, 0x4b5f: 0x0080, 0x4b60: 0x0080, 0x4b61: 0x0080, 0x4b62: 0x0080, 0x4b63: 0x0080, + 0x4b64: 0x0080, 0x4b65: 0x0080, 0x4b66: 0x0080, 0x4b67: 0x0080, 0x4b68: 0x0080, 0x4b69: 0x0080, + 0x4b6a: 0x0080, 0x4b6b: 0x0080, 0x4b6c: 0x0080, 0x4b6d: 0x0080, 0x4b6e: 0x0080, 0x4b6f: 0x0080, + 0x4b70: 0x0080, 0x4b71: 0x0080, 0x4b72: 0x0080, 0x4b73: 0x0080, 0x4b74: 0x0080, 0x4b75: 0x0080, + 0x4b76: 0x0080, 0x4b77: 0x0080, 0x4b78: 0x0080, 0x4b79: 0x0080, 0x4b7a: 0x0080, 0x4b7b: 0x0080, + 0x4b7c: 0x0080, 0x4b7d: 0x0080, 0x4b7e: 0x0080, 0x4b7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12e, offset 0x4b80 + 0x4b80: 0x00c3, 0x4b81: 0x00c3, 0x4b82: 0x00c3, 0x4b83: 0x00c3, 0x4b84: 0x00c3, 0x4b85: 0x00c3, + 0x4b86: 0x00c3, 0x4b87: 0x00c3, 0x4b88: 0x00c3, 0x4b89: 0x00c3, 0x4b8a: 0x00c3, 0x4b8b: 0x00c3, + 0x4b8c: 0x00c3, 0x4b8d: 0x00c3, 0x4b8e: 0x00c3, 0x4b8f: 0x00c3, 0x4b90: 0x00c3, 0x4b91: 0x00c3, + 0x4b92: 0x00c3, 0x4b93: 0x00c3, 0x4b94: 0x00c3, 0x4b95: 0x00c3, 0x4b96: 0x00c3, 0x4b97: 0x00c3, + 0x4b98: 0x00c3, 0x4b99: 0x00c3, 0x4b9a: 0x00c3, 0x4b9b: 0x00c3, 0x4b9c: 0x00c3, 0x4b9d: 0x00c3, + 0x4b9e: 0x00c3, 0x4b9f: 0x00c3, 0x4ba0: 0x00c3, 0x4ba1: 0x00c3, 0x4ba2: 0x00c3, 0x4ba3: 0x00c3, + 0x4ba4: 0x00c3, 0x4ba5: 0x00c3, 0x4ba6: 0x00c3, 0x4ba7: 0x00c3, 0x4ba8: 0x00c3, 0x4ba9: 0x00c3, + 0x4baa: 0x00c3, 0x4bab: 0x00c3, 0x4bac: 0x00c3, 0x4bad: 0x00c3, 0x4bae: 0x00c3, 0x4baf: 0x00c3, + 0x4bb0: 0x00c3, 0x4bb1: 0x00c3, 0x4bb2: 0x00c3, 0x4bb3: 0x00c3, 0x4bb4: 0x00c3, 0x4bb5: 0x00c3, + 0x4bb6: 0x00c3, 0x4bb7: 0x0080, 0x4bb8: 0x0080, 0x4bb9: 0x0080, 0x4bba: 0x0080, 0x4bbb: 0x00c3, + 0x4bbc: 0x00c3, 0x4bbd: 0x00c3, 0x4bbe: 0x00c3, 0x4bbf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x12f, offset 0x4bc0 + 0x4bc0: 0x00c3, 0x4bc1: 0x00c3, 0x4bc2: 0x00c3, 0x4bc3: 0x00c3, 0x4bc4: 0x00c3, 0x4bc5: 0x00c3, + 0x4bc6: 0x00c3, 0x4bc7: 0x00c3, 0x4bc8: 0x00c3, 0x4bc9: 0x00c3, 0x4bca: 0x00c3, 0x4bcb: 0x00c3, + 0x4bcc: 0x00c3, 0x4bcd: 0x00c3, 0x4bce: 0x00c3, 0x4bcf: 0x00c3, 0x4bd0: 0x00c3, 0x4bd1: 0x00c3, + 0x4bd2: 0x00c3, 0x4bd3: 0x00c3, 0x4bd4: 0x00c3, 0x4bd5: 0x00c3, 0x4bd6: 0x00c3, 0x4bd7: 0x00c3, + 0x4bd8: 0x00c3, 0x4bd9: 0x00c3, 0x4bda: 0x00c3, 0x4bdb: 0x00c3, 0x4bdc: 0x00c3, 0x4bdd: 0x00c3, + 0x4bde: 0x00c3, 0x4bdf: 0x00c3, 0x4be0: 0x00c3, 0x4be1: 0x00c3, 0x4be2: 0x00c3, 0x4be3: 0x00c3, + 0x4be4: 0x00c3, 0x4be5: 0x00c3, 0x4be6: 0x00c3, 0x4be7: 0x00c3, 0x4be8: 0x00c3, 0x4be9: 0x00c3, + 0x4bea: 0x00c3, 0x4beb: 0x00c3, 0x4bec: 0x00c3, 0x4bed: 0x0080, 0x4bee: 0x0080, 0x4bef: 0x0080, + 0x4bf0: 0x0080, 0x4bf1: 0x0080, 0x4bf2: 0x0080, 0x4bf3: 0x0080, 0x4bf4: 0x0080, 0x4bf5: 0x00c3, + 0x4bf6: 0x0080, 0x4bf7: 0x0080, 0x4bf8: 0x0080, 0x4bf9: 0x0080, 0x4bfa: 0x0080, 0x4bfb: 0x0080, + 0x4bfc: 0x0080, 0x4bfd: 0x0080, 0x4bfe: 0x0080, 0x4bff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x130, offset 0x4c00 + 0x4c00: 0x0080, 0x4c01: 0x0080, 0x4c02: 0x0080, 0x4c03: 0x0080, 0x4c04: 0x00c3, 0x4c05: 0x0080, + 0x4c06: 0x0080, 0x4c07: 0x0080, 0x4c08: 0x0080, 0x4c09: 0x0080, 0x4c0a: 0x0080, 0x4c0b: 0x0080, + 0x4c1b: 0x00c3, 0x4c1c: 0x00c3, 0x4c1d: 0x00c3, + 0x4c1e: 0x00c3, 0x4c1f: 0x00c3, 0x4c21: 0x00c3, 0x4c22: 0x00c3, 0x4c23: 0x00c3, + 0x4c24: 0x00c3, 0x4c25: 0x00c3, 0x4c26: 0x00c3, 0x4c27: 0x00c3, 0x4c28: 0x00c3, 0x4c29: 0x00c3, + 0x4c2a: 0x00c3, 0x4c2b: 0x00c3, 0x4c2c: 0x00c3, 0x4c2d: 0x00c3, 0x4c2e: 0x00c3, 0x4c2f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x131, offset 0x4c40 + 0x4c40: 0x00c3, 0x4c41: 0x00c3, 0x4c42: 0x00c3, 0x4c43: 0x00c3, 0x4c44: 0x00c3, 0x4c45: 0x00c3, + 0x4c46: 0x00c3, 0x4c48: 0x00c3, 0x4c49: 0x00c3, 0x4c4a: 0x00c3, 0x4c4b: 0x00c3, + 0x4c4c: 0x00c3, 0x4c4d: 0x00c3, 0x4c4e: 0x00c3, 0x4c4f: 0x00c3, 0x4c50: 0x00c3, 0x4c51: 0x00c3, + 0x4c52: 0x00c3, 0x4c53: 0x00c3, 0x4c54: 0x00c3, 0x4c55: 0x00c3, 0x4c56: 0x00c3, 0x4c57: 0x00c3, + 0x4c58: 0x00c3, 0x4c5b: 0x00c3, 0x4c5c: 0x00c3, 0x4c5d: 0x00c3, + 0x4c5e: 0x00c3, 0x4c5f: 0x00c3, 0x4c60: 0x00c3, 0x4c61: 0x00c3, 0x4c63: 0x00c3, + 0x4c64: 0x00c3, 0x4c66: 0x00c3, 0x4c67: 0x00c3, 0x4c68: 0x00c3, 0x4c69: 0x00c3, + 0x4c6a: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x132, offset 0x4c80 + 0x4c80: 0x00c0, 0x4c81: 0x00c0, 0x4c82: 0x00c0, 0x4c83: 0x00c0, 0x4c84: 0x00c0, + 0x4c87: 0x0080, 0x4c88: 0x0080, 0x4c89: 0x0080, 0x4c8a: 0x0080, 0x4c8b: 0x0080, + 0x4c8c: 0x0080, 0x4c8d: 0x0080, 0x4c8e: 0x0080, 0x4c8f: 0x0080, 0x4c90: 0x00c3, 0x4c91: 0x00c3, + 0x4c92: 0x00c3, 0x4c93: 0x00c3, 0x4c94: 0x00c3, 0x4c95: 0x00c3, 0x4c96: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x133, offset 0x4cc0 + 0x4cc0: 0x00c2, 0x4cc1: 0x00c2, 0x4cc2: 0x00c2, 0x4cc3: 0x00c2, 0x4cc4: 0x00c2, 0x4cc5: 0x00c2, + 0x4cc6: 0x00c2, 0x4cc7: 0x00c2, 0x4cc8: 0x00c2, 0x4cc9: 0x00c2, 0x4cca: 0x00c2, 0x4ccb: 0x00c2, + 0x4ccc: 0x00c2, 0x4ccd: 0x00c2, 0x4cce: 0x00c2, 0x4ccf: 0x00c2, 0x4cd0: 0x00c2, 0x4cd1: 0x00c2, + 0x4cd2: 0x00c2, 0x4cd3: 0x00c2, 0x4cd4: 0x00c2, 0x4cd5: 0x00c2, 0x4cd6: 0x00c2, 0x4cd7: 0x00c2, + 0x4cd8: 0x00c2, 0x4cd9: 0x00c2, 0x4cda: 0x00c2, 0x4cdb: 0x00c2, 0x4cdc: 0x00c2, 0x4cdd: 0x00c2, + 0x4cde: 0x00c2, 0x4cdf: 0x00c2, 0x4ce0: 0x00c2, 0x4ce1: 0x00c2, 0x4ce2: 0x00c2, 0x4ce3: 0x00c2, + 0x4ce4: 0x00c2, 0x4ce5: 0x00c2, 0x4ce6: 0x00c2, 0x4ce7: 0x00c2, 0x4ce8: 0x00c2, 0x4ce9: 0x00c2, + 0x4cea: 0x00c2, 0x4ceb: 0x00c2, 0x4cec: 0x00c2, 0x4ced: 0x00c2, 0x4cee: 0x00c2, 0x4cef: 0x00c2, + 0x4cf0: 0x00c2, 0x4cf1: 0x00c2, 0x4cf2: 0x00c2, 0x4cf3: 0x00c2, 0x4cf4: 0x00c2, 0x4cf5: 0x00c2, + 0x4cf6: 0x00c2, 0x4cf7: 0x00c2, 0x4cf8: 0x00c2, 0x4cf9: 0x00c2, 0x4cfa: 0x00c2, 0x4cfb: 0x00c2, + 0x4cfc: 0x00c2, 0x4cfd: 0x00c2, 0x4cfe: 0x00c2, 0x4cff: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x134, offset 0x4d00 + 0x4d00: 0x00c2, 0x4d01: 0x00c2, 0x4d02: 0x00c2, 0x4d03: 0x00c2, 0x4d04: 0x00c3, 0x4d05: 0x00c3, + 0x4d06: 0x00c3, 0x4d07: 0x00c3, 0x4d08: 0x00c3, 0x4d09: 0x00c3, 0x4d0a: 0x00c3, + 0x4d10: 0x00c0, 0x4d11: 0x00c0, + 0x4d12: 0x00c0, 0x4d13: 0x00c0, 0x4d14: 0x00c0, 0x4d15: 0x00c0, 0x4d16: 0x00c0, 0x4d17: 0x00c0, + 0x4d18: 0x00c0, 0x4d19: 0x00c0, + 0x4d1e: 0x0080, 0x4d1f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x135, offset 0x4d40 + 0x4d71: 0x0080, 0x4d72: 0x0080, 0x4d73: 0x0080, 0x4d74: 0x0080, 0x4d75: 0x0080, + 0x4d76: 0x0080, 0x4d77: 0x0080, 0x4d78: 0x0080, 0x4d79: 0x0080, 0x4d7a: 0x0080, 0x4d7b: 0x0080, + 0x4d7c: 0x0080, 0x4d7d: 0x0080, 0x4d7e: 0x0080, 0x4d7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x136, offset 0x4d80 + 0x4d80: 0x0080, 0x4d81: 0x0080, 0x4d82: 0x0080, 0x4d83: 0x0080, 0x4d84: 0x0080, 0x4d85: 0x0080, + 0x4d86: 0x0080, 0x4d87: 0x0080, 0x4d88: 0x0080, 0x4d89: 0x0080, 0x4d8a: 0x0080, 0x4d8b: 0x0080, + 0x4d8c: 0x0080, 0x4d8d: 0x0080, 0x4d8e: 0x0080, 0x4d8f: 0x0080, 0x4d90: 0x0080, 0x4d91: 0x0080, + 0x4d92: 0x0080, 0x4d93: 0x0080, 0x4d94: 0x0080, 0x4d95: 0x0080, 0x4d96: 0x0080, 0x4d97: 0x0080, + 0x4d98: 0x0080, 0x4d99: 0x0080, 0x4d9a: 0x0080, 0x4d9b: 0x0080, 0x4d9c: 0x0080, 0x4d9d: 0x0080, + 0x4d9e: 0x0080, 0x4d9f: 0x0080, 0x4da0: 0x0080, 0x4da1: 0x0080, 0x4da2: 0x0080, 0x4da3: 0x0080, + 0x4da4: 0x0080, 0x4da5: 0x0080, 0x4da6: 0x0080, 0x4da7: 0x0080, 0x4da8: 0x0080, 0x4da9: 0x0080, + 0x4daa: 0x0080, 0x4dab: 0x0080, 0x4dac: 0x0080, 0x4dad: 0x0080, 0x4dae: 0x0080, 0x4daf: 0x0080, + 0x4db0: 0x0080, 0x4db1: 0x0080, 0x4db2: 0x0080, 0x4db3: 0x0080, 0x4db4: 0x0080, + // Block 0x137, offset 0x4dc0 + 0x4dc0: 0x0080, 0x4dc1: 0x0080, 0x4dc2: 0x0080, 0x4dc3: 0x0080, 0x4dc5: 0x0080, + 0x4dc6: 0x0080, 0x4dc7: 0x0080, 0x4dc8: 0x0080, 0x4dc9: 0x0080, 0x4dca: 0x0080, 0x4dcb: 0x0080, + 0x4dcc: 0x0080, 0x4dcd: 0x0080, 0x4dce: 0x0080, 0x4dcf: 0x0080, 0x4dd0: 0x0080, 0x4dd1: 0x0080, + 0x4dd2: 0x0080, 0x4dd3: 0x0080, 0x4dd4: 0x0080, 0x4dd5: 0x0080, 0x4dd6: 0x0080, 0x4dd7: 0x0080, + 0x4dd8: 0x0080, 0x4dd9: 0x0080, 0x4dda: 0x0080, 0x4ddb: 0x0080, 0x4ddc: 0x0080, 0x4ddd: 0x0080, + 0x4dde: 0x0080, 0x4ddf: 0x0080, 0x4de1: 0x0080, 0x4de2: 0x0080, + 0x4de4: 0x0080, 0x4de7: 0x0080, 0x4de9: 0x0080, + 0x4dea: 0x0080, 0x4deb: 0x0080, 0x4dec: 0x0080, 0x4ded: 0x0080, 0x4dee: 0x0080, 0x4def: 0x0080, + 0x4df0: 0x0080, 0x4df1: 0x0080, 0x4df2: 0x0080, 0x4df4: 0x0080, 0x4df5: 0x0080, + 0x4df6: 0x0080, 0x4df7: 0x0080, 0x4df9: 0x0080, 0x4dfb: 0x0080, + // Block 0x138, offset 0x4e00 + 0x4e02: 0x0080, + 0x4e07: 0x0080, 0x4e09: 0x0080, 0x4e0b: 0x0080, + 0x4e0d: 0x0080, 0x4e0e: 0x0080, 0x4e0f: 0x0080, 0x4e11: 0x0080, + 0x4e12: 0x0080, 0x4e14: 0x0080, 0x4e17: 0x0080, + 0x4e19: 0x0080, 0x4e1b: 0x0080, 0x4e1d: 0x0080, + 0x4e1f: 0x0080, 0x4e21: 0x0080, 0x4e22: 0x0080, + 0x4e24: 0x0080, 0x4e27: 0x0080, 0x4e28: 0x0080, 0x4e29: 0x0080, + 0x4e2a: 0x0080, 0x4e2c: 0x0080, 0x4e2d: 0x0080, 0x4e2e: 0x0080, 0x4e2f: 0x0080, + 0x4e30: 0x0080, 0x4e31: 0x0080, 0x4e32: 0x0080, 0x4e34: 0x0080, 0x4e35: 0x0080, + 0x4e36: 0x0080, 0x4e37: 0x0080, 0x4e39: 0x0080, 0x4e3a: 0x0080, 0x4e3b: 0x0080, + 0x4e3c: 0x0080, 0x4e3e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x139, offset 0x4e40 + 0x4e40: 0x0080, 0x4e41: 0x0080, 0x4e42: 0x0080, 0x4e43: 0x0080, 0x4e44: 0x0080, 0x4e45: 0x0080, + 0x4e46: 0x0080, 0x4e47: 0x0080, 0x4e48: 0x0080, 0x4e49: 0x0080, 0x4e4b: 0x0080, + 0x4e4c: 0x0080, 0x4e4d: 0x0080, 0x4e4e: 0x0080, 0x4e4f: 0x0080, 0x4e50: 0x0080, 0x4e51: 0x0080, + 0x4e52: 0x0080, 0x4e53: 0x0080, 0x4e54: 0x0080, 0x4e55: 0x0080, 0x4e56: 0x0080, 0x4e57: 0x0080, + 0x4e58: 0x0080, 0x4e59: 0x0080, 0x4e5a: 0x0080, 0x4e5b: 0x0080, + 0x4e61: 0x0080, 0x4e62: 0x0080, 0x4e63: 0x0080, + 0x4e65: 0x0080, 0x4e66: 0x0080, 0x4e67: 0x0080, 0x4e68: 0x0080, 0x4e69: 0x0080, + 0x4e6b: 0x0080, 0x4e6c: 0x0080, 0x4e6d: 0x0080, 0x4e6e: 0x0080, 0x4e6f: 0x0080, + 0x4e70: 0x0080, 0x4e71: 0x0080, 0x4e72: 0x0080, 0x4e73: 0x0080, 0x4e74: 0x0080, 0x4e75: 0x0080, + 0x4e76: 0x0080, 0x4e77: 0x0080, 0x4e78: 0x0080, 0x4e79: 0x0080, 0x4e7a: 0x0080, 0x4e7b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13a, offset 0x4e80 + 0x4eb0: 0x0080, 0x4eb1: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13b, offset 0x4ec0 + 0x4ec0: 0x0080, 0x4ec1: 0x0080, 0x4ec2: 0x0080, 0x4ec3: 0x0080, 0x4ec4: 0x0080, 0x4ec5: 0x0080, + 0x4ec6: 0x0080, 0x4ec7: 0x0080, 0x4ec8: 0x0080, 0x4ec9: 0x0080, 0x4eca: 0x0080, 0x4ecb: 0x0080, + 0x4ecc: 0x0080, 0x4ecd: 0x0080, 0x4ece: 0x0080, 0x4ecf: 0x0080, 0x4ed0: 0x0080, 0x4ed1: 0x0080, + 0x4ed2: 0x0080, 0x4ed3: 0x0080, 0x4ed4: 0x0080, 0x4ed5: 0x0080, 0x4ed6: 0x0080, 0x4ed7: 0x0080, + 0x4ed8: 0x0080, 0x4ed9: 0x0080, 0x4eda: 0x0080, 0x4edb: 0x0080, 0x4edc: 0x0080, 0x4edd: 0x0080, + 0x4ede: 0x0080, 0x4edf: 0x0080, 0x4ee0: 0x0080, 0x4ee1: 0x0080, 0x4ee2: 0x0080, 0x4ee3: 0x0080, + 0x4ee4: 0x0080, 0x4ee5: 0x0080, 0x4ee6: 0x0080, 0x4ee7: 0x0080, 0x4ee8: 0x0080, 0x4ee9: 0x0080, + 0x4eea: 0x0080, 0x4eeb: 0x0080, + 0x4ef0: 0x0080, 0x4ef1: 0x0080, 0x4ef2: 0x0080, 0x4ef3: 0x0080, 0x4ef4: 0x0080, 0x4ef5: 0x0080, + 0x4ef6: 0x0080, 0x4ef7: 0x0080, 0x4ef8: 0x0080, 0x4ef9: 0x0080, 0x4efa: 0x0080, 0x4efb: 0x0080, + 0x4efc: 0x0080, 0x4efd: 0x0080, 0x4efe: 0x0080, 0x4eff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13c, offset 0x4f00 + 0x4f00: 0x0080, 0x4f01: 0x0080, 0x4f02: 0x0080, 0x4f03: 0x0080, 0x4f04: 0x0080, 0x4f05: 0x0080, + 0x4f06: 0x0080, 0x4f07: 0x0080, 0x4f08: 0x0080, 0x4f09: 0x0080, 0x4f0a: 0x0080, 0x4f0b: 0x0080, + 0x4f0c: 0x0080, 0x4f0d: 0x0080, 0x4f0e: 0x0080, 0x4f0f: 0x0080, 0x4f10: 0x0080, 0x4f11: 0x0080, + 0x4f12: 0x0080, 0x4f13: 0x0080, + 0x4f20: 0x0080, 0x4f21: 0x0080, 0x4f22: 0x0080, 0x4f23: 0x0080, + 0x4f24: 0x0080, 0x4f25: 0x0080, 0x4f26: 0x0080, 0x4f27: 0x0080, 0x4f28: 0x0080, 0x4f29: 0x0080, + 0x4f2a: 0x0080, 0x4f2b: 0x0080, 0x4f2c: 0x0080, 0x4f2d: 0x0080, 0x4f2e: 0x0080, + 0x4f31: 0x0080, 0x4f32: 0x0080, 0x4f33: 0x0080, 0x4f34: 0x0080, 0x4f35: 0x0080, + 0x4f36: 0x0080, 0x4f37: 0x0080, 0x4f38: 0x0080, 0x4f39: 0x0080, 0x4f3a: 0x0080, 0x4f3b: 0x0080, + 0x4f3c: 0x0080, 0x4f3d: 0x0080, 0x4f3e: 0x0080, 0x4f3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13d, offset 0x4f40 + 0x4f41: 0x0080, 0x4f42: 0x0080, 0x4f43: 0x0080, 0x4f44: 0x0080, 0x4f45: 0x0080, + 0x4f46: 0x0080, 0x4f47: 0x0080, 0x4f48: 0x0080, 0x4f49: 0x0080, 0x4f4a: 0x0080, 0x4f4b: 0x0080, + 0x4f4c: 0x0080, 0x4f4d: 0x0080, 0x4f4e: 0x0080, 0x4f4f: 0x0080, 0x4f51: 0x0080, + 0x4f52: 0x0080, 0x4f53: 0x0080, 0x4f54: 0x0080, 0x4f55: 0x0080, 0x4f56: 0x0080, 0x4f57: 0x0080, + 0x4f58: 0x0080, 0x4f59: 0x0080, 0x4f5a: 0x0080, 0x4f5b: 0x0080, 0x4f5c: 0x0080, 0x4f5d: 0x0080, + 0x4f5e: 0x0080, 0x4f5f: 0x0080, 0x4f60: 0x0080, 0x4f61: 0x0080, 0x4f62: 0x0080, 0x4f63: 0x0080, + 0x4f64: 0x0080, 0x4f65: 0x0080, 0x4f66: 0x0080, 0x4f67: 0x0080, 0x4f68: 0x0080, 0x4f69: 0x0080, + 0x4f6a: 0x0080, 0x4f6b: 0x0080, 0x4f6c: 0x0080, 0x4f6d: 0x0080, 0x4f6e: 0x0080, 0x4f6f: 0x0080, + 0x4f70: 0x0080, 0x4f71: 0x0080, 0x4f72: 0x0080, 0x4f73: 0x0080, 0x4f74: 0x0080, 0x4f75: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13e, offset 0x4f80 + 0x4f80: 0x0080, 0x4f81: 0x0080, 0x4f82: 0x0080, 0x4f83: 0x0080, 0x4f84: 0x0080, 0x4f85: 0x0080, + 0x4f86: 0x0080, 0x4f87: 0x0080, 0x4f88: 0x0080, 0x4f89: 0x0080, 0x4f8a: 0x0080, 0x4f8b: 0x0080, + 0x4f8c: 0x0080, 0x4f90: 0x0080, 0x4f91: 0x0080, + 0x4f92: 0x0080, 0x4f93: 0x0080, 0x4f94: 0x0080, 0x4f95: 0x0080, 0x4f96: 0x0080, 0x4f97: 0x0080, + 0x4f98: 0x0080, 0x4f99: 0x0080, 0x4f9a: 0x0080, 0x4f9b: 0x0080, 0x4f9c: 0x0080, 0x4f9d: 0x0080, + 0x4f9e: 0x0080, 0x4f9f: 0x0080, 0x4fa0: 0x0080, 0x4fa1: 0x0080, 0x4fa2: 0x0080, 0x4fa3: 0x0080, + 0x4fa4: 0x0080, 0x4fa5: 0x0080, 0x4fa6: 0x0080, 0x4fa7: 0x0080, 0x4fa8: 0x0080, 0x4fa9: 0x0080, + 0x4faa: 0x0080, 0x4fab: 0x0080, 0x4fac: 0x0080, 0x4fad: 0x0080, 0x4fae: 0x0080, 0x4faf: 0x0080, + 0x4fb0: 0x0080, 0x4fb1: 0x0080, 0x4fb2: 0x0080, 0x4fb3: 0x0080, 0x4fb4: 0x0080, 0x4fb5: 0x0080, + 0x4fb6: 0x0080, 0x4fb7: 0x0080, 0x4fb8: 0x0080, 0x4fb9: 0x0080, 0x4fba: 0x0080, 0x4fbb: 0x0080, + 0x4fbc: 0x0080, 0x4fbd: 0x0080, 0x4fbe: 0x0080, 0x4fbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13f, offset 0x4fc0 + 0x4fc0: 0x0080, 0x4fc1: 0x0080, 0x4fc2: 0x0080, 0x4fc3: 0x0080, 0x4fc4: 0x0080, 0x4fc5: 0x0080, + 0x4fc6: 0x0080, 0x4fc7: 0x0080, 0x4fc8: 0x0080, 0x4fc9: 0x0080, 0x4fca: 0x0080, 0x4fcb: 0x0080, + 0x4fcc: 0x0080, 0x4fcd: 0x0080, 0x4fce: 0x0080, 0x4fcf: 0x0080, 0x4fd0: 0x0080, 0x4fd1: 0x0080, + 0x4fd2: 0x0080, 0x4fd3: 0x0080, 0x4fd4: 0x0080, 0x4fd5: 0x0080, 0x4fd6: 0x0080, 0x4fd7: 0x0080, + 0x4fd8: 0x0080, 0x4fd9: 0x0080, 0x4fda: 0x0080, 0x4fdb: 0x0080, 0x4fdc: 0x0080, 0x4fdd: 0x0080, + 0x4fde: 0x0080, 0x4fdf: 0x0080, 0x4fe0: 0x0080, 0x4fe1: 0x0080, 0x4fe2: 0x0080, 0x4fe3: 0x0080, + 0x4fe4: 0x0080, 0x4fe5: 0x0080, 0x4fe6: 0x0080, 0x4fe7: 0x0080, 0x4fe8: 0x0080, 0x4fe9: 0x0080, + 0x4fea: 0x0080, 0x4feb: 0x0080, 0x4fec: 0x0080, + // Block 0x140, offset 0x5000 + 0x5026: 0x0080, 0x5027: 0x0080, 0x5028: 0x0080, 0x5029: 0x0080, + 0x502a: 0x0080, 0x502b: 0x0080, 0x502c: 0x0080, 0x502d: 0x0080, 0x502e: 0x0080, 0x502f: 0x0080, + 0x5030: 0x0080, 0x5031: 0x0080, 0x5032: 0x0080, 0x5033: 0x0080, 0x5034: 0x0080, 0x5035: 0x0080, + 0x5036: 0x0080, 0x5037: 0x0080, 0x5038: 0x0080, 0x5039: 0x0080, 0x503a: 0x0080, 0x503b: 0x0080, + 0x503c: 0x0080, 0x503d: 0x0080, 0x503e: 0x0080, 0x503f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x141, offset 0x5040 + 0x5040: 0x008c, 0x5041: 0x0080, 0x5042: 0x0080, + 0x5050: 0x0080, 0x5051: 0x0080, + 0x5052: 0x0080, 0x5053: 0x0080, 0x5054: 0x0080, 0x5055: 0x0080, 0x5056: 0x0080, 0x5057: 0x0080, + 0x5058: 0x0080, 0x5059: 0x0080, 0x505a: 0x0080, 0x505b: 0x0080, 0x505c: 0x0080, 0x505d: 0x0080, + 0x505e: 0x0080, 0x505f: 0x0080, 0x5060: 0x0080, 0x5061: 0x0080, 0x5062: 0x0080, 0x5063: 0x0080, + 0x5064: 0x0080, 0x5065: 0x0080, 0x5066: 0x0080, 0x5067: 0x0080, 0x5068: 0x0080, 0x5069: 0x0080, + 0x506a: 0x0080, 0x506b: 0x0080, 0x506c: 0x0080, 0x506d: 0x0080, 0x506e: 0x0080, 0x506f: 0x0080, + 0x5070: 0x0080, 0x5071: 0x0080, 0x5072: 0x0080, 0x5073: 0x0080, 0x5074: 0x0080, 0x5075: 0x0080, + 0x5076: 0x0080, 0x5077: 0x0080, 0x5078: 0x0080, 0x5079: 0x0080, 0x507a: 0x0080, 0x507b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x142, offset 0x5080 + 0x5080: 0x0080, 0x5081: 0x0080, 0x5082: 0x0080, 0x5083: 0x0080, 0x5084: 0x0080, 0x5085: 0x0080, + 0x5086: 0x0080, 0x5087: 0x0080, 0x5088: 0x0080, + 0x5090: 0x0080, 0x5091: 0x0080, + 0x50a0: 0x0080, 0x50a1: 0x0080, 0x50a2: 0x0080, 0x50a3: 0x0080, + 0x50a4: 0x0080, 0x50a5: 0x0080, + // Block 0x143, offset 0x50c0 + 0x50c0: 0x0080, 0x50c1: 0x0080, 0x50c2: 0x0080, 0x50c3: 0x0080, 0x50c4: 0x0080, 0x50c5: 0x0080, + 0x50c6: 0x0080, 0x50c7: 0x0080, 0x50c8: 0x0080, 0x50c9: 0x0080, 0x50ca: 0x0080, 0x50cb: 0x0080, + 0x50cc: 0x0080, 0x50cd: 0x0080, 0x50ce: 0x0080, 0x50cf: 0x0080, 0x50d0: 0x0080, 0x50d1: 0x0080, + 0x50d2: 0x0080, 0x50d3: 0x0080, 0x50d4: 0x0080, + 0x50e0: 0x0080, 0x50e1: 0x0080, 0x50e2: 0x0080, 0x50e3: 0x0080, + 0x50e4: 0x0080, 0x50e5: 0x0080, 0x50e6: 0x0080, 0x50e7: 0x0080, 0x50e8: 0x0080, 0x50e9: 0x0080, + 0x50ea: 0x0080, 0x50eb: 0x0080, 0x50ec: 0x0080, + 0x50f0: 0x0080, 0x50f1: 0x0080, 0x50f2: 0x0080, 0x50f3: 0x0080, 0x50f4: 0x0080, 0x50f5: 0x0080, + 0x50f6: 0x0080, 0x50f7: 0x0080, 0x50f8: 0x0080, 0x50f9: 0x0080, + // Block 0x144, offset 0x5100 + 0x5100: 0x0080, 0x5101: 0x0080, 0x5102: 0x0080, 0x5103: 0x0080, 0x5104: 0x0080, 0x5105: 0x0080, + 0x5106: 0x0080, 0x5107: 0x0080, 0x5108: 0x0080, 0x5109: 0x0080, 0x510a: 0x0080, 0x510b: 0x0080, + 0x510c: 0x0080, 0x510d: 0x0080, 0x510e: 0x0080, 0x510f: 0x0080, 0x5110: 0x0080, 0x5111: 0x0080, + 0x5112: 0x0080, 0x5113: 0x0080, 0x5114: 0x0080, 0x5115: 0x0080, 0x5116: 0x0080, 0x5117: 0x0080, + 0x5118: 0x0080, 0x5119: 0x0080, 0x511a: 0x0080, 0x511b: 0x0080, 0x511c: 0x0080, 0x511d: 0x0080, + 0x511e: 0x0080, 0x511f: 0x0080, 0x5120: 0x0080, 0x5121: 0x0080, 0x5122: 0x0080, 0x5123: 0x0080, + 0x5124: 0x0080, 0x5125: 0x0080, 0x5126: 0x0080, 0x5127: 0x0080, 0x5128: 0x0080, 0x5129: 0x0080, + 0x512a: 0x0080, 0x512b: 0x0080, 0x512c: 0x0080, 0x512d: 0x0080, 0x512e: 0x0080, 0x512f: 0x0080, + 0x5130: 0x0080, 0x5131: 0x0080, 0x5132: 0x0080, 0x5133: 0x0080, + // Block 0x145, offset 0x5140 + 0x5140: 0x0080, 0x5141: 0x0080, 0x5142: 0x0080, 0x5143: 0x0080, 0x5144: 0x0080, 0x5145: 0x0080, + 0x5146: 0x0080, 0x5147: 0x0080, 0x5148: 0x0080, 0x5149: 0x0080, 0x514a: 0x0080, 0x514b: 0x0080, + 0x514c: 0x0080, 0x514d: 0x0080, 0x514e: 0x0080, 0x514f: 0x0080, 0x5150: 0x0080, 0x5151: 0x0080, + 0x5152: 0x0080, 0x5153: 0x0080, 0x5154: 0x0080, 0x5155: 0x0080, 0x5156: 0x0080, 0x5157: 0x0080, + 0x5158: 0x0080, + // Block 0x146, offset 0x5180 + 0x5180: 0x0080, 0x5181: 0x0080, 0x5182: 0x0080, 0x5183: 0x0080, 0x5184: 0x0080, 0x5185: 0x0080, + 0x5186: 0x0080, 0x5187: 0x0080, 0x5188: 0x0080, 0x5189: 0x0080, 0x518a: 0x0080, 0x518b: 0x0080, + 0x5190: 0x0080, 0x5191: 0x0080, + 0x5192: 0x0080, 0x5193: 0x0080, 0x5194: 0x0080, 0x5195: 0x0080, 0x5196: 0x0080, 0x5197: 0x0080, + 0x5198: 0x0080, 0x5199: 0x0080, 0x519a: 0x0080, 0x519b: 0x0080, 0x519c: 0x0080, 0x519d: 0x0080, + 0x519e: 0x0080, 0x519f: 0x0080, 0x51a0: 0x0080, 0x51a1: 0x0080, 0x51a2: 0x0080, 0x51a3: 0x0080, + 0x51a4: 0x0080, 0x51a5: 0x0080, 0x51a6: 0x0080, 0x51a7: 0x0080, 0x51a8: 0x0080, 0x51a9: 0x0080, + 0x51aa: 0x0080, 0x51ab: 0x0080, 0x51ac: 0x0080, 0x51ad: 0x0080, 0x51ae: 0x0080, 0x51af: 0x0080, + 0x51b0: 0x0080, 0x51b1: 0x0080, 0x51b2: 0x0080, 0x51b3: 0x0080, 0x51b4: 0x0080, 0x51b5: 0x0080, + 0x51b6: 0x0080, 0x51b7: 0x0080, 0x51b8: 0x0080, 0x51b9: 0x0080, 0x51ba: 0x0080, 0x51bb: 0x0080, + 0x51bc: 0x0080, 0x51bd: 0x0080, 0x51be: 0x0080, 0x51bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x147, offset 0x51c0 + 0x51c0: 0x0080, 0x51c1: 0x0080, 0x51c2: 0x0080, 0x51c3: 0x0080, 0x51c4: 0x0080, 0x51c5: 0x0080, + 0x51c6: 0x0080, 0x51c7: 0x0080, + 0x51d0: 0x0080, 0x51d1: 0x0080, + 0x51d2: 0x0080, 0x51d3: 0x0080, 0x51d4: 0x0080, 0x51d5: 0x0080, 0x51d6: 0x0080, 0x51d7: 0x0080, + 0x51d8: 0x0080, 0x51d9: 0x0080, + 0x51e0: 0x0080, 0x51e1: 0x0080, 0x51e2: 0x0080, 0x51e3: 0x0080, + 0x51e4: 0x0080, 0x51e5: 0x0080, 0x51e6: 0x0080, 0x51e7: 0x0080, 0x51e8: 0x0080, 0x51e9: 0x0080, + 0x51ea: 0x0080, 0x51eb: 0x0080, 0x51ec: 0x0080, 0x51ed: 0x0080, 0x51ee: 0x0080, 0x51ef: 0x0080, + 0x51f0: 0x0080, 0x51f1: 0x0080, 0x51f2: 0x0080, 0x51f3: 0x0080, 0x51f4: 0x0080, 0x51f5: 0x0080, + 0x51f6: 0x0080, 0x51f7: 0x0080, 0x51f8: 0x0080, 0x51f9: 0x0080, 0x51fa: 0x0080, 0x51fb: 0x0080, + 0x51fc: 0x0080, 0x51fd: 0x0080, 0x51fe: 0x0080, 0x51ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x148, offset 0x5200 + 0x5200: 0x0080, 0x5201: 0x0080, 0x5202: 0x0080, 0x5203: 0x0080, 0x5204: 0x0080, 0x5205: 0x0080, + 0x5206: 0x0080, 0x5207: 0x0080, + 0x5210: 0x0080, 0x5211: 0x0080, + 0x5212: 0x0080, 0x5213: 0x0080, 0x5214: 0x0080, 0x5215: 0x0080, 0x5216: 0x0080, 0x5217: 0x0080, + 0x5218: 0x0080, 0x5219: 0x0080, 0x521a: 0x0080, 0x521b: 0x0080, 0x521c: 0x0080, 0x521d: 0x0080, + 0x521e: 0x0080, 0x521f: 0x0080, 0x5220: 0x0080, 0x5221: 0x0080, 0x5222: 0x0080, 0x5223: 0x0080, + 0x5224: 0x0080, 0x5225: 0x0080, 0x5226: 0x0080, 0x5227: 0x0080, 0x5228: 0x0080, 0x5229: 0x0080, + 0x522a: 0x0080, 0x522b: 0x0080, 0x522c: 0x0080, 0x522d: 0x0080, + // Block 0x149, offset 0x5240 + 0x5240: 0x0080, 0x5241: 0x0080, 0x5242: 0x0080, 0x5243: 0x0080, 0x5244: 0x0080, 0x5245: 0x0080, + 0x5246: 0x0080, 0x5247: 0x0080, 0x5248: 0x0080, 0x5249: 0x0080, 0x524a: 0x0080, 0x524b: 0x0080, + 0x5250: 0x0080, 0x5251: 0x0080, + 0x5252: 0x0080, 0x5253: 0x0080, 0x5254: 0x0080, 0x5255: 0x0080, 0x5256: 0x0080, 0x5257: 0x0080, + 0x5258: 0x0080, 0x5259: 0x0080, 0x525a: 0x0080, 0x525b: 0x0080, 0x525c: 0x0080, 0x525d: 0x0080, + 0x525e: 0x0080, 0x525f: 0x0080, 0x5260: 0x0080, 0x5261: 0x0080, 0x5262: 0x0080, 0x5263: 0x0080, + 0x5264: 0x0080, 0x5265: 0x0080, 0x5266: 0x0080, 0x5267: 0x0080, 0x5268: 0x0080, 0x5269: 0x0080, + 0x526a: 0x0080, 0x526b: 0x0080, 0x526c: 0x0080, 0x526d: 0x0080, 0x526e: 0x0080, 0x526f: 0x0080, + 0x5270: 0x0080, 0x5271: 0x0080, 0x5272: 0x0080, 0x5273: 0x0080, 0x5274: 0x0080, 0x5275: 0x0080, + 0x5276: 0x0080, 0x5277: 0x0080, 0x5278: 0x0080, 0x5279: 0x0080, 0x527a: 0x0080, 0x527b: 0x0080, + 0x527c: 0x0080, 0x527d: 0x0080, 0x527e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14a, offset 0x5280 + 0x5280: 0x0080, 0x5281: 0x0080, 0x5282: 0x0080, 0x5283: 0x0080, 0x5284: 0x0080, 0x5285: 0x0080, + 0x5286: 0x0080, 0x5287: 0x0080, 0x5288: 0x0080, 0x5289: 0x0080, 0x528a: 0x0080, 0x528b: 0x0080, + 0x528c: 0x0080, 0x528d: 0x0080, 0x528e: 0x0080, 0x528f: 0x0080, 0x5290: 0x0080, 0x5291: 0x0080, + 0x5292: 0x0080, 0x5293: 0x0080, 0x5294: 0x0080, 0x5295: 0x0080, 0x5296: 0x0080, 0x5297: 0x0080, + 0x5298: 0x0080, 0x5299: 0x0080, 0x529a: 0x0080, 0x529b: 0x0080, 0x529c: 0x0080, 0x529d: 0x0080, + 0x529e: 0x0080, 0x529f: 0x0080, 0x52a0: 0x0080, 0x52a1: 0x0080, 0x52a2: 0x0080, 0x52a3: 0x0080, + 0x52a4: 0x0080, 0x52a5: 0x0080, 0x52a6: 0x0080, 0x52a7: 0x0080, 0x52a8: 0x0080, 0x52a9: 0x0080, + 0x52aa: 0x0080, 0x52ab: 0x0080, 0x52ac: 0x0080, 0x52ad: 0x0080, 0x52ae: 0x0080, 0x52af: 0x0080, + 0x52b0: 0x0080, 0x52b3: 0x0080, 0x52b4: 0x0080, 0x52b5: 0x0080, + 0x52b6: 0x0080, 0x52ba: 0x0080, + 0x52bc: 0x0080, 0x52bd: 0x0080, 0x52be: 0x0080, 0x52bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14b, offset 0x52c0 + 0x52c0: 0x0080, 0x52c1: 0x0080, 0x52c2: 0x0080, 0x52c3: 0x0080, 0x52c4: 0x0080, 0x52c5: 0x0080, + 0x52c6: 0x0080, 0x52c7: 0x0080, 0x52c8: 0x0080, 0x52c9: 0x0080, 0x52ca: 0x0080, 0x52cb: 0x0080, + 0x52cc: 0x0080, 0x52cd: 0x0080, 0x52ce: 0x0080, 0x52cf: 0x0080, 0x52d0: 0x0080, 0x52d1: 0x0080, + 0x52d2: 0x0080, 0x52d3: 0x0080, 0x52d4: 0x0080, 0x52d5: 0x0080, 0x52d6: 0x0080, 0x52d7: 0x0080, + 0x52d8: 0x0080, 0x52d9: 0x0080, 0x52da: 0x0080, 0x52db: 0x0080, 0x52dc: 0x0080, 0x52dd: 0x0080, + 0x52de: 0x0080, 0x52df: 0x0080, 0x52e0: 0x0080, 0x52e1: 0x0080, 0x52e2: 0x0080, + 0x52f0: 0x0080, 0x52f1: 0x0080, 0x52f2: 0x0080, 0x52f3: 0x0080, 0x52f4: 0x0080, 0x52f5: 0x0080, + 0x52f6: 0x0080, 0x52f7: 0x0080, 0x52f8: 0x0080, 0x52f9: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14c, offset 0x5300 + 0x5300: 0x0080, 0x5301: 0x0080, 0x5302: 0x0080, + 0x5310: 0x0080, 0x5311: 0x0080, + 0x5312: 0x0080, 0x5313: 0x0080, 0x5314: 0x0080, 0x5315: 0x0080, 0x5316: 0x0080, 0x5317: 0x0080, + 0x5318: 0x0080, 0x5319: 0x0080, 0x531a: 0x0080, 0x531b: 0x0080, 0x531c: 0x0080, 0x531d: 0x0080, + 0x531e: 0x0080, 0x531f: 0x0080, 0x5320: 0x0080, 0x5321: 0x0080, 0x5322: 0x0080, 0x5323: 0x0080, + 0x5324: 0x0080, 0x5325: 0x0080, 0x5326: 0x0080, 0x5327: 0x0080, 0x5328: 0x0080, 0x5329: 0x0080, + 0x532a: 0x0080, 0x532b: 0x0080, 0x532c: 0x0080, 0x532d: 0x0080, 0x532e: 0x0080, 0x532f: 0x0080, + 0x5330: 0x0080, 0x5331: 0x0080, 0x5332: 0x0080, 0x5333: 0x0080, 0x5334: 0x0080, 0x5335: 0x0080, + 0x5336: 0x0080, 0x5337: 0x0080, 0x5338: 0x0080, 0x5339: 0x0080, 0x533a: 0x0080, 0x533b: 0x0080, + 0x533c: 0x0080, 0x533d: 0x0080, 0x533e: 0x0080, 0x533f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14d, offset 0x5340 + 0x5360: 0x0080, 0x5361: 0x0080, 0x5362: 0x0080, 0x5363: 0x0080, + 0x5364: 0x0080, 0x5365: 0x0080, 0x5366: 0x0080, 0x5367: 0x0080, 0x5368: 0x0080, 0x5369: 0x0080, + 0x536a: 0x0080, 0x536b: 0x0080, 0x536c: 0x0080, 0x536d: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14e, offset 0x5380 + 0x5380: 0x00cc, 0x5381: 0x00cc, 0x5382: 0x00cc, 0x5383: 0x00cc, 0x5384: 0x00cc, 0x5385: 0x00cc, + 0x5386: 0x00cc, 0x5387: 0x00cc, 0x5388: 0x00cc, 0x5389: 0x00cc, 0x538a: 0x00cc, 0x538b: 0x00cc, + 0x538c: 0x00cc, 0x538d: 0x00cc, 0x538e: 0x00cc, 0x538f: 0x00cc, 0x5390: 0x00cc, 0x5391: 0x00cc, + 0x5392: 0x00cc, 0x5393: 0x00cc, 0x5394: 0x00cc, 0x5395: 0x00cc, 0x5396: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x14f, offset 0x53c0 + 0x53c0: 0x00cc, 0x53c1: 0x00cc, 0x53c2: 0x00cc, 0x53c3: 0x00cc, 0x53c4: 0x00cc, 0x53c5: 0x00cc, + 0x53c6: 0x00cc, 0x53c7: 0x00cc, 0x53c8: 0x00cc, 0x53c9: 0x00cc, 0x53ca: 0x00cc, 0x53cb: 0x00cc, + 0x53cc: 0x00cc, 0x53cd: 0x00cc, 0x53ce: 0x00cc, 0x53cf: 0x00cc, 0x53d0: 0x00cc, 0x53d1: 0x00cc, + 0x53d2: 0x00cc, 0x53d3: 0x00cc, 0x53d4: 0x00cc, 0x53d5: 0x00cc, 0x53d6: 0x00cc, 0x53d7: 0x00cc, + 0x53d8: 0x00cc, 0x53d9: 0x00cc, 0x53da: 0x00cc, 0x53db: 0x00cc, 0x53dc: 0x00cc, 0x53dd: 0x00cc, + 0x53de: 0x00cc, 0x53df: 0x00cc, 0x53e0: 0x00cc, 0x53e1: 0x00cc, 0x53e2: 0x00cc, 0x53e3: 0x00cc, + 0x53e4: 0x00cc, 0x53e5: 0x00cc, 0x53e6: 0x00cc, 0x53e7: 0x00cc, 0x53e8: 0x00cc, 0x53e9: 0x00cc, + 0x53ea: 0x00cc, 0x53eb: 0x00cc, 0x53ec: 0x00cc, 0x53ed: 0x00cc, 0x53ee: 0x00cc, 0x53ef: 0x00cc, + 0x53f0: 0x00cc, 0x53f1: 0x00cc, 0x53f2: 0x00cc, 0x53f3: 0x00cc, 0x53f4: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x150, offset 0x5400 + 0x5400: 0x00cc, 0x5401: 0x00cc, 0x5402: 0x00cc, 0x5403: 0x00cc, 0x5404: 0x00cc, 0x5405: 0x00cc, + 0x5406: 0x00cc, 0x5407: 0x00cc, 0x5408: 0x00cc, 0x5409: 0x00cc, 0x540a: 0x00cc, 0x540b: 0x00cc, + 0x540c: 0x00cc, 0x540d: 0x00cc, 0x540e: 0x00cc, 0x540f: 0x00cc, 0x5410: 0x00cc, 0x5411: 0x00cc, + 0x5412: 0x00cc, 0x5413: 0x00cc, 0x5414: 0x00cc, 0x5415: 0x00cc, 0x5416: 0x00cc, 0x5417: 0x00cc, + 0x5418: 0x00cc, 0x5419: 0x00cc, 0x541a: 0x00cc, 0x541b: 0x00cc, 0x541c: 0x00cc, 0x541d: 0x00cc, + 0x5420: 0x00cc, 0x5421: 0x00cc, 0x5422: 0x00cc, 0x5423: 0x00cc, + 0x5424: 0x00cc, 0x5425: 0x00cc, 0x5426: 0x00cc, 0x5427: 0x00cc, 0x5428: 0x00cc, 0x5429: 0x00cc, + 0x542a: 0x00cc, 0x542b: 0x00cc, 0x542c: 0x00cc, 0x542d: 0x00cc, 0x542e: 0x00cc, 0x542f: 0x00cc, + 0x5430: 0x00cc, 0x5431: 0x00cc, 0x5432: 0x00cc, 0x5433: 0x00cc, 0x5434: 0x00cc, 0x5435: 0x00cc, + 0x5436: 0x00cc, 0x5437: 0x00cc, 0x5438: 0x00cc, 0x5439: 0x00cc, 0x543a: 0x00cc, 0x543b: 0x00cc, + 0x543c: 0x00cc, 0x543d: 0x00cc, 0x543e: 0x00cc, 0x543f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x151, offset 0x5440 + 0x5440: 0x00cc, 0x5441: 0x00cc, 0x5442: 0x00cc, 0x5443: 0x00cc, 0x5444: 0x00cc, 0x5445: 0x00cc, + 0x5446: 0x00cc, 0x5447: 0x00cc, 0x5448: 0x00cc, 0x5449: 0x00cc, 0x544a: 0x00cc, 0x544b: 0x00cc, + 0x544c: 0x00cc, 0x544d: 0x00cc, 0x544e: 0x00cc, 0x544f: 0x00cc, 0x5450: 0x00cc, 0x5451: 0x00cc, + 0x5452: 0x00cc, 0x5453: 0x00cc, 0x5454: 0x00cc, 0x5455: 0x00cc, 0x5456: 0x00cc, 0x5457: 0x00cc, + 0x5458: 0x00cc, 0x5459: 0x00cc, 0x545a: 0x00cc, 0x545b: 0x00cc, 0x545c: 0x00cc, 0x545d: 0x00cc, + 0x545e: 0x00cc, 0x545f: 0x00cc, 0x5460: 0x00cc, 0x5461: 0x00cc, + 0x5470: 0x00cc, 0x5471: 0x00cc, 0x5472: 0x00cc, 0x5473: 0x00cc, 0x5474: 0x00cc, 0x5475: 0x00cc, + 0x5476: 0x00cc, 0x5477: 0x00cc, 0x5478: 0x00cc, 0x5479: 0x00cc, 0x547a: 0x00cc, 0x547b: 0x00cc, + 0x547c: 0x00cc, 0x547d: 0x00cc, 0x547e: 0x00cc, 0x547f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x152, offset 0x5480 + 0x5480: 0x00cc, 0x5481: 0x00cc, 0x5482: 0x00cc, 0x5483: 0x00cc, 0x5484: 0x00cc, 0x5485: 0x00cc, + 0x5486: 0x00cc, 0x5487: 0x00cc, 0x5488: 0x00cc, 0x5489: 0x00cc, 0x548a: 0x00cc, 0x548b: 0x00cc, + 0x548c: 0x00cc, 0x548d: 0x00cc, 0x548e: 0x00cc, 0x548f: 0x00cc, 0x5490: 0x00cc, 0x5491: 0x00cc, + 0x5492: 0x00cc, 0x5493: 0x00cc, 0x5494: 0x00cc, 0x5495: 0x00cc, 0x5496: 0x00cc, 0x5497: 0x00cc, + 0x5498: 0x00cc, 0x5499: 0x00cc, 0x549a: 0x00cc, 0x549b: 0x00cc, 0x549c: 0x00cc, 0x549d: 0x00cc, + 0x549e: 0x00cc, 0x549f: 0x00cc, 0x54a0: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x153, offset 0x54c0 + 0x54c0: 0x008c, 0x54c1: 0x008c, 0x54c2: 0x008c, 0x54c3: 0x008c, 0x54c4: 0x008c, 0x54c5: 0x008c, + 0x54c6: 0x008c, 0x54c7: 0x008c, 0x54c8: 0x008c, 0x54c9: 0x008c, 0x54ca: 0x008c, 0x54cb: 0x008c, + 0x54cc: 0x008c, 0x54cd: 0x008c, 0x54ce: 0x008c, 0x54cf: 0x008c, 0x54d0: 0x008c, 0x54d1: 0x008c, + 0x54d2: 0x008c, 0x54d3: 0x008c, 0x54d4: 0x008c, 0x54d5: 0x008c, 0x54d6: 0x008c, 0x54d7: 0x008c, + 0x54d8: 0x008c, 0x54d9: 0x008c, 0x54da: 0x008c, 0x54db: 0x008c, 0x54dc: 0x008c, 0x54dd: 0x008c, + // Block 0x154, offset 0x5500 + 0x5501: 0x0040, + 0x5520: 0x0040, 0x5521: 0x0040, 0x5522: 0x0040, 0x5523: 0x0040, + 0x5524: 0x0040, 0x5525: 0x0040, 0x5526: 0x0040, 0x5527: 0x0040, 0x5528: 0x0040, 0x5529: 0x0040, + 0x552a: 0x0040, 0x552b: 0x0040, 0x552c: 0x0040, 0x552d: 0x0040, 0x552e: 0x0040, 0x552f: 0x0040, + 0x5530: 0x0040, 0x5531: 0x0040, 0x5532: 0x0040, 0x5533: 0x0040, 0x5534: 0x0040, 0x5535: 0x0040, + 0x5536: 0x0040, 0x5537: 0x0040, 0x5538: 0x0040, 0x5539: 0x0040, 0x553a: 0x0040, 0x553b: 0x0040, + 0x553c: 0x0040, 0x553d: 0x0040, 0x553e: 0x0040, 0x553f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x155, offset 0x5540 + 0x5540: 0x0040, 0x5541: 0x0040, 0x5542: 0x0040, 0x5543: 0x0040, 0x5544: 0x0040, 0x5545: 0x0040, + 0x5546: 0x0040, 0x5547: 0x0040, 0x5548: 0x0040, 0x5549: 0x0040, 0x554a: 0x0040, 0x554b: 0x0040, + 0x554c: 0x0040, 0x554d: 0x0040, 0x554e: 0x0040, 0x554f: 0x0040, 0x5550: 0x0040, 0x5551: 0x0040, + 0x5552: 0x0040, 0x5553: 0x0040, 0x5554: 0x0040, 0x5555: 0x0040, 0x5556: 0x0040, 0x5557: 0x0040, + 0x5558: 0x0040, 0x5559: 0x0040, 0x555a: 0x0040, 0x555b: 0x0040, 0x555c: 0x0040, 0x555d: 0x0040, + 0x555e: 0x0040, 0x555f: 0x0040, 0x5560: 0x0040, 0x5561: 0x0040, 0x5562: 0x0040, 0x5563: 0x0040, + 0x5564: 0x0040, 0x5565: 0x0040, 0x5566: 0x0040, 0x5567: 0x0040, 0x5568: 0x0040, 0x5569: 0x0040, + 0x556a: 0x0040, 0x556b: 0x0040, 0x556c: 0x0040, 0x556d: 0x0040, 0x556e: 0x0040, 0x556f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x156, offset 0x5580 + 0x5580: 0x0040, 0x5581: 0x0040, 0x5582: 0x0040, 0x5583: 0x0040, 0x5584: 0x0040, 0x5585: 0x0040, + 0x5586: 0x0040, 0x5587: 0x0040, 0x5588: 0x0040, 0x5589: 0x0040, 0x558a: 0x0040, 0x558b: 0x0040, + 0x558c: 0x0040, 0x558d: 0x0040, 0x558e: 0x0040, 0x558f: 0x0040, 0x5590: 0x0040, 0x5591: 0x0040, + 0x5592: 0x0040, 0x5593: 0x0040, 0x5594: 0x0040, 0x5595: 0x0040, 0x5596: 0x0040, 0x5597: 0x0040, + 0x5598: 0x0040, 0x5599: 0x0040, 0x559a: 0x0040, 0x559b: 0x0040, 0x559c: 0x0040, 0x559d: 0x0040, + 0x559e: 0x0040, 0x559f: 0x0040, 0x55a0: 0x0040, 0x55a1: 0x0040, 0x55a2: 0x0040, 0x55a3: 0x0040, + 0x55a4: 0x0040, 0x55a5: 0x0040, 0x55a6: 0x0040, 0x55a7: 0x0040, 0x55a8: 0x0040, 0x55a9: 0x0040, + 0x55aa: 0x0040, 0x55ab: 0x0040, 0x55ac: 0x0040, 0x55ad: 0x0040, 0x55ae: 0x0040, 0x55af: 0x0040, + 0x55b0: 0x0040, 0x55b1: 0x0040, 0x55b2: 0x0040, 0x55b3: 0x0040, 0x55b4: 0x0040, 0x55b5: 0x0040, + 0x55b6: 0x0040, 0x55b7: 0x0040, 0x55b8: 0x0040, 0x55b9: 0x0040, 0x55ba: 0x0040, 0x55bb: 0x0040, + 0x55bc: 0x0040, 0x55bd: 0x0040, +} + +// derivedPropertiesIndex: 37 blocks, 2368 entries, 4736 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var derivedPropertiesIndex = [2368]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc6: 0x05, 0xc7: 0x06, + 0xc8: 0x05, 0xc9: 0x05, 0xca: 0x07, 0xcb: 0x08, 0xcc: 0x09, 0xcd: 0x0a, 0xce: 0x0b, 0xcf: 0x0c, + 0xd0: 0x05, 0xd1: 0x05, 0xd2: 0x0d, 0xd3: 0x05, 0xd4: 0x0e, 0xd5: 0x0f, 0xd6: 0x10, 0xd7: 0x11, + 0xd8: 0x12, 0xd9: 0x13, 0xda: 0x14, 0xdb: 0x15, 0xdc: 0x16, 0xdd: 0x17, 0xde: 0x18, 0xdf: 0x19, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, 0xe4: 0x06, 0xe5: 0x07, 0xe6: 0x07, 0xe7: 0x07, + 0xe8: 0x07, 0xe9: 0x08, 0xea: 0x09, 0xeb: 0x0a, 0xec: 0x0a, 0xed: 0x0b, 0xee: 0x0c, 0xef: 0x0d, + 0xf0: 0x1e, 0xf3: 0x21, 0xf4: 0x22, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x1a, 0x121: 0x1b, 0x122: 0x1c, 0x123: 0x1d, 0x124: 0x1e, 0x125: 0x1f, 0x126: 0x20, 0x127: 0x21, + 0x128: 0x22, 0x129: 0x23, 0x12a: 0x24, 0x12b: 0x25, 0x12c: 0x26, 0x12d: 0x27, 0x12e: 0x28, 0x12f: 0x29, + 0x130: 0x2a, 0x131: 0x2b, 0x132: 0x2c, 0x133: 0x2d, 0x134: 0x2e, 0x135: 0x2f, 0x136: 0x30, 0x137: 0x31, + 0x138: 0x32, 0x139: 0x33, 0x13a: 0x34, 0x13b: 0x35, 0x13c: 0x36, 0x13d: 0x37, 0x13e: 0x38, 0x13f: 0x39, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x3a, 0x141: 0x3b, 0x142: 0x3c, 0x143: 0x3d, 0x144: 0x3e, 0x145: 0x3e, 0x146: 0x3e, 0x147: 0x3e, + 0x148: 0x05, 0x149: 0x3f, 0x14a: 0x40, 0x14b: 0x41, 0x14c: 0x42, 0x14d: 0x43, 0x14e: 0x44, 0x14f: 0x45, + 0x150: 0x46, 0x151: 0x05, 0x152: 0x05, 0x153: 0x05, 0x154: 0x05, 0x155: 0x05, 0x156: 0x05, 0x157: 0x05, + 0x158: 0x05, 0x159: 0x47, 0x15a: 0x48, 0x15b: 0x49, 0x15c: 0x4a, 0x15d: 0x4b, 0x15e: 0x4c, 0x15f: 0x4d, + 0x160: 0x4e, 0x161: 0x4f, 0x162: 0x50, 0x163: 0x51, 0x164: 0x52, 0x165: 0x53, 0x166: 0x54, 0x167: 0x55, + 0x168: 0x56, 0x169: 0x57, 0x16a: 0x58, 0x16c: 0x59, 0x16d: 0x5a, 0x16e: 0x5b, 0x16f: 0x5c, + 0x170: 0x5d, 0x171: 0x5e, 0x172: 0x5f, 0x173: 0x60, 0x174: 0x61, 0x175: 0x62, 0x176: 0x63, 0x177: 0x64, + 0x178: 0x05, 0x179: 0x05, 0x17a: 0x65, 0x17b: 0x05, 0x17c: 0x66, 0x17d: 0x67, 0x17e: 0x68, 0x17f: 0x69, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x6a, 0x181: 0x6b, 0x182: 0x6c, 0x183: 0x6d, 0x184: 0x6e, 0x185: 0x6f, 0x186: 0x70, 0x187: 0x71, + 0x188: 0x71, 0x189: 0x71, 0x18a: 0x71, 0x18b: 0x71, 0x18c: 0x71, 0x18d: 0x71, 0x18e: 0x71, 0x18f: 0x71, + 0x190: 0x72, 0x191: 0x73, 0x192: 0x71, 0x193: 0x71, 0x194: 0x71, 0x195: 0x71, 0x196: 0x71, 0x197: 0x71, + 0x198: 0x71, 0x199: 0x71, 0x19a: 0x71, 0x19b: 0x71, 0x19c: 0x71, 0x19d: 0x71, 0x19e: 0x71, 0x19f: 0x71, + 0x1a0: 0x71, 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0x1ea: 0x8f, 0x1eb: 0x8f, 0x1ec: 0x8f, 0x1ed: 0x8f, 0x1ee: 0x8f, 0x1ef: 0x8f, + 0x1f0: 0x8f, 0x1f1: 0x8f, 0x1f2: 0x8f, 0x1f3: 0x8f, 0x1f4: 0x8f, 0x1f5: 0x8f, 0x1f6: 0x8f, 0x1f7: 0x8f, + 0x1f8: 0x8f, 0x1f9: 0x8f, 0x1fa: 0x8f, 0x1fb: 0x8f, 0x1fc: 0x8f, 0x1fd: 0x8f, 0x1fe: 0x8f, 0x1ff: 0x8f, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x8f, 0x201: 0x8f, 0x202: 0x8f, 0x203: 0x8f, 0x204: 0x8f, 0x205: 0x8f, 0x206: 0x8f, 0x207: 0x8f, + 0x208: 0x8f, 0x209: 0x8f, 0x20a: 0x8f, 0x20b: 0x8f, 0x20c: 0x8f, 0x20d: 0x8f, 0x20e: 0x8f, 0x20f: 0x8f, + 0x210: 0x8f, 0x211: 0x8f, 0x212: 0x8f, 0x213: 0x8f, 0x214: 0x8f, 0x215: 0x8f, 0x216: 0x8f, 0x217: 0x8f, + 0x218: 0x8f, 0x219: 0x8f, 0x21a: 0x8f, 0x21b: 0x8f, 0x21c: 0x8f, 0x21d: 0x8f, 0x21e: 0x8f, 0x21f: 0x8f, + 0x220: 0x8f, 0x221: 0x8f, 0x222: 0x8f, 0x223: 0x8f, 0x224: 0x8f, 0x225: 0x8f, 0x226: 0x8f, 0x227: 0x8f, + 0x228: 0x8f, 0x229: 0x8f, 0x22a: 0x8f, 0x22b: 0x8f, 0x22c: 0x8f, 0x22d: 0x8f, 0x22e: 0x8f, 0x22f: 0x8f, + 0x230: 0x8f, 0x231: 0x8f, 0x232: 0x8f, 0x233: 0x8f, 0x234: 0x8f, 0x235: 0x8f, 0x236: 0x90, 0x237: 0x71, + 0x238: 0x8f, 0x239: 0x8f, 0x23a: 0x8f, 0x23b: 0x8f, 0x23c: 0x8f, 0x23d: 0x8f, 0x23e: 0x8f, 0x23f: 0x8f, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x8f, 0x241: 0x8f, 0x242: 0x8f, 0x243: 0x8f, 0x244: 0x8f, 0x245: 0x8f, 0x246: 0x8f, 0x247: 0x8f, + 0x248: 0x8f, 0x249: 0x8f, 0x24a: 0x8f, 0x24b: 0x8f, 0x24c: 0x8f, 0x24d: 0x8f, 0x24e: 0x8f, 0x24f: 0x8f, + 0x250: 0x8f, 0x251: 0x8f, 0x252: 0x8f, 0x253: 0x8f, 0x254: 0x8f, 0x255: 0x8f, 0x256: 0x8f, 0x257: 0x8f, + 0x258: 0x8f, 0x259: 0x8f, 0x25a: 0x8f, 0x25b: 0x8f, 0x25c: 0x8f, 0x25d: 0x8f, 0x25e: 0x8f, 0x25f: 0x8f, + 0x260: 0x8f, 0x261: 0x8f, 0x262: 0x8f, 0x263: 0x8f, 0x264: 0x8f, 0x265: 0x8f, 0x266: 0x8f, 0x267: 0x8f, + 0x268: 0x8f, 0x269: 0x8f, 0x26a: 0x8f, 0x26b: 0x8f, 0x26c: 0x8f, 0x26d: 0x8f, 0x26e: 0x8f, 0x26f: 0x8f, + 0x270: 0x8f, 0x271: 0x8f, 0x272: 0x8f, 0x273: 0x8f, 0x274: 0x8f, 0x275: 0x8f, 0x276: 0x8f, 0x277: 0x8f, + 0x278: 0x8f, 0x279: 0x8f, 0x27a: 0x8f, 0x27b: 0x8f, 0x27c: 0x8f, 0x27d: 0x8f, 0x27e: 0x8f, 0x27f: 0x8f, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x8f, 0x281: 0x8f, 0x282: 0x8f, 0x283: 0x8f, 0x284: 0x8f, 0x285: 0x8f, 0x286: 0x8f, 0x287: 0x8f, + 0x288: 0x8f, 0x289: 0x8f, 0x28a: 0x8f, 0x28b: 0x8f, 0x28c: 0x8f, 0x28d: 0x8f, 0x28e: 0x8f, 0x28f: 0x8f, + 0x290: 0x8f, 0x291: 0x8f, 0x292: 0x8f, 0x293: 0x8f, 0x294: 0x8f, 0x295: 0x8f, 0x296: 0x8f, 0x297: 0x8f, + 0x298: 0x8f, 0x299: 0x8f, 0x29a: 0x8f, 0x29b: 0x8f, 0x29c: 0x8f, 0x29d: 0x8f, 0x29e: 0x8f, 0x29f: 0x8f, + 0x2a0: 0x8f, 0x2a1: 0x8f, 0x2a2: 0x8f, 0x2a3: 0x8f, 0x2a4: 0x8f, 0x2a5: 0x8f, 0x2a6: 0x8f, 0x2a7: 0x8f, + 0x2a8: 0x8f, 0x2a9: 0x8f, 0x2aa: 0x8f, 0x2ab: 0x8f, 0x2ac: 0x8f, 0x2ad: 0x8f, 0x2ae: 0x8f, 0x2af: 0x8f, + 0x2b0: 0x8f, 0x2b1: 0x8f, 0x2b2: 0x8f, 0x2b3: 0x8f, 0x2b4: 0x8f, 0x2b5: 0x8f, 0x2b6: 0x8f, 0x2b7: 0x8f, + 0x2b8: 0x8f, 0x2b9: 0x8f, 0x2ba: 0x8f, 0x2bb: 0x8f, 0x2bc: 0x8f, 0x2bd: 0x8f, 0x2be: 0x8f, 0x2bf: 0x91, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x05, 0x2c1: 0x05, 0x2c2: 0x05, 0x2c3: 0x05, 0x2c4: 0x05, 0x2c5: 0x05, 0x2c6: 0x05, 0x2c7: 0x05, + 0x2c8: 0x05, 0x2c9: 0x05, 0x2ca: 0x05, 0x2cb: 0x05, 0x2cc: 0x05, 0x2cd: 0x05, 0x2ce: 0x05, 0x2cf: 0x05, + 0x2d0: 0x05, 0x2d1: 0x05, 0x2d2: 0x92, 0x2d3: 0x93, 0x2d4: 0x05, 0x2d5: 0x05, 0x2d6: 0x05, 0x2d7: 0x05, + 0x2d8: 0x94, 0x2d9: 0x95, 0x2da: 0x96, 0x2db: 0x97, 0x2dc: 0x98, 0x2dd: 0x99, 0x2de: 0x9a, 0x2df: 0x9b, + 0x2e0: 0x9c, 0x2e1: 0x9d, 0x2e2: 0x05, 0x2e3: 0x9e, 0x2e4: 0x9f, 0x2e5: 0xa0, 0x2e6: 0xa1, 0x2e7: 0xa2, + 0x2e8: 0xa3, 0x2e9: 0xa4, 0x2ea: 0xa5, 0x2eb: 0xa6, 0x2ec: 0xa7, 0x2ed: 0xa8, 0x2ee: 0x05, 0x2ef: 0xa9, + 0x2f0: 0x05, 0x2f1: 0x05, 0x2f2: 0x05, 0x2f3: 0x05, 0x2f4: 0x05, 0x2f5: 0x05, 0x2f6: 0x05, 0x2f7: 0x05, + 0x2f8: 0x05, 0x2f9: 0x05, 0x2fa: 0x05, 0x2fb: 0x05, 0x2fc: 0x05, 0x2fd: 0x05, 0x2fe: 0x05, 0x2ff: 0x05, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x05, 0x301: 0x05, 0x302: 0x05, 0x303: 0x05, 0x304: 0x05, 0x305: 0x05, 0x306: 0x05, 0x307: 0x05, + 0x308: 0x05, 0x309: 0x05, 0x30a: 0x05, 0x30b: 0x05, 0x30c: 0x05, 0x30d: 0x05, 0x30e: 0x05, 0x30f: 0x05, + 0x310: 0x05, 0x311: 0x05, 0x312: 0x05, 0x313: 0x05, 0x314: 0x05, 0x315: 0x05, 0x316: 0x05, 0x317: 0x05, + 0x318: 0x05, 0x319: 0x05, 0x31a: 0x05, 0x31b: 0x05, 0x31c: 0x05, 0x31d: 0x05, 0x31e: 0x05, 0x31f: 0x05, + 0x320: 0x05, 0x321: 0x05, 0x322: 0x05, 0x323: 0x05, 0x324: 0x05, 0x325: 0x05, 0x326: 0x05, 0x327: 0x05, + 0x328: 0x05, 0x329: 0x05, 0x32a: 0x05, 0x32b: 0x05, 0x32c: 0x05, 0x32d: 0x05, 0x32e: 0x05, 0x32f: 0x05, + 0x330: 0x05, 0x331: 0x05, 0x332: 0x05, 0x333: 0x05, 0x334: 0x05, 0x335: 0x05, 0x336: 0x05, 0x337: 0x05, + 0x338: 0x05, 0x339: 0x05, 0x33a: 0x05, 0x33b: 0x05, 0x33c: 0x05, 0x33d: 0x05, 0x33e: 0x05, 0x33f: 0x05, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x05, 0x341: 0x05, 0x342: 0x05, 0x343: 0x05, 0x344: 0x05, 0x345: 0x05, 0x346: 0x05, 0x347: 0x05, + 0x348: 0x05, 0x349: 0x05, 0x34a: 0x05, 0x34b: 0x05, 0x34c: 0x05, 0x34d: 0x05, 0x34e: 0x05, 0x34f: 0x05, + 0x350: 0x05, 0x351: 0x05, 0x352: 0x05, 0x353: 0x05, 0x354: 0x05, 0x355: 0x05, 0x356: 0x05, 0x357: 0x05, + 0x358: 0x05, 0x359: 0x05, 0x35a: 0x05, 0x35b: 0x05, 0x35c: 0x05, 0x35d: 0x05, 0x35e: 0xaa, 0x35f: 0xab, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x3e, 0x381: 0x3e, 0x382: 0x3e, 0x383: 0x3e, 0x384: 0x3e, 0x385: 0x3e, 0x386: 0x3e, 0x387: 0x3e, + 0x388: 0x3e, 0x389: 0x3e, 0x38a: 0x3e, 0x38b: 0x3e, 0x38c: 0x3e, 0x38d: 0x3e, 0x38e: 0x3e, 0x38f: 0x3e, + 0x390: 0x3e, 0x391: 0x3e, 0x392: 0x3e, 0x393: 0x3e, 0x394: 0x3e, 0x395: 0x3e, 0x396: 0x3e, 0x397: 0x3e, + 0x398: 0x3e, 0x399: 0x3e, 0x39a: 0x3e, 0x39b: 0x3e, 0x39c: 0x3e, 0x39d: 0x3e, 0x39e: 0x3e, 0x39f: 0x3e, + 0x3a0: 0x3e, 0x3a1: 0x3e, 0x3a2: 0x3e, 0x3a3: 0x3e, 0x3a4: 0x3e, 0x3a5: 0x3e, 0x3a6: 0x3e, 0x3a7: 0x3e, + 0x3a8: 0x3e, 0x3a9: 0x3e, 0x3aa: 0x3e, 0x3ab: 0x3e, 0x3ac: 0x3e, 0x3ad: 0x3e, 0x3ae: 0x3e, 0x3af: 0x3e, + 0x3b0: 0x3e, 0x3b1: 0x3e, 0x3b2: 0x3e, 0x3b3: 0x3e, 0x3b4: 0x3e, 0x3b5: 0x3e, 0x3b6: 0x3e, 0x3b7: 0x3e, + 0x3b8: 0x3e, 0x3b9: 0x3e, 0x3ba: 0x3e, 0x3bb: 0x3e, 0x3bc: 0x3e, 0x3bd: 0x3e, 0x3be: 0x3e, 0x3bf: 0x3e, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x3e, 0x3c1: 0x3e, 0x3c2: 0x3e, 0x3c3: 0x3e, 0x3c4: 0x3e, 0x3c5: 0x3e, 0x3c6: 0x3e, 0x3c7: 0x3e, + 0x3c8: 0x3e, 0x3c9: 0x3e, 0x3ca: 0x3e, 0x3cb: 0x3e, 0x3cc: 0x3e, 0x3cd: 0x3e, 0x3ce: 0x3e, 0x3cf: 0x3e, + 0x3d0: 0x3e, 0x3d1: 0x3e, 0x3d2: 0x3e, 0x3d3: 0x3e, 0x3d4: 0x3e, 0x3d5: 0x3e, 0x3d6: 0x3e, 0x3d7: 0x3e, + 0x3d8: 0x3e, 0x3d9: 0x3e, 0x3da: 0x3e, 0x3db: 0x3e, 0x3dc: 0x3e, 0x3dd: 0x3e, 0x3de: 0x3e, 0x3df: 0x3e, + 0x3e0: 0x3e, 0x3e1: 0x3e, 0x3e2: 0x3e, 0x3e3: 0x3e, 0x3e4: 0x82, 0x3e5: 0x82, 0x3e6: 0x82, 0x3e7: 0x82, + 0x3e8: 0xac, 0x3e9: 0xad, 0x3ea: 0x82, 0x3eb: 0xae, 0x3ec: 0xaf, 0x3ed: 0xb0, 0x3ee: 0x71, 0x3ef: 0xb1, + 0x3f0: 0x71, 0x3f1: 0x71, 0x3f2: 0x71, 0x3f3: 0x71, 0x3f4: 0x71, 0x3f5: 0xb2, 0x3f6: 0xb3, 0x3f7: 0xb4, + 0x3f8: 0xb5, 0x3f9: 0xb6, 0x3fa: 0x71, 0x3fb: 0xb7, 0x3fc: 0xb8, 0x3fd: 0xb9, 0x3fe: 0xba, 0x3ff: 0xbb, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0xbc, 0x401: 0xbd, 0x402: 0x05, 0x403: 0xbe, 0x404: 0xbf, 0x405: 0xc0, 0x406: 0xc1, 0x407: 0xc2, + 0x40a: 0xc3, 0x40b: 0xc4, 0x40c: 0xc5, 0x40d: 0xc6, 0x40e: 0xc7, 0x40f: 0xc8, + 0x410: 0x05, 0x411: 0x05, 0x412: 0xc9, 0x413: 0xca, 0x414: 0xcb, 0x415: 0xcc, + 0x418: 0x05, 0x419: 0x05, 0x41a: 0x05, 0x41b: 0x05, 0x41c: 0xcd, 0x41d: 0xce, + 0x420: 0xcf, 0x421: 0xd0, 0x422: 0xd1, 0x423: 0xd2, 0x424: 0xd3, 0x426: 0xd4, 0x427: 0xb3, + 0x428: 0xd5, 0x429: 0xd6, 0x42a: 0xd7, 0x42b: 0xd8, 0x42c: 0xd9, 0x42d: 0xda, 0x42e: 0xdb, + 0x430: 0x05, 0x431: 0xdc, 0x432: 0xdd, 0x433: 0xde, 0x434: 0xdf, + 0x439: 0xe0, 0x43c: 0xe1, 0x43d: 0xe2, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0xe3, 0x441: 0xe4, 0x442: 0xe5, 0x443: 0xe6, 0x444: 0xe7, 0x445: 0xe8, 0x446: 0xe9, 0x447: 0xea, + 0x448: 0xeb, 0x44a: 0xec, 0x44b: 0xed, 0x44c: 0xee, 0x44d: 0xef, + 0x450: 0xf0, 0x451: 0xf1, 0x452: 0xf2, 0x453: 0xf3, 0x456: 0xf4, 0x457: 0xf5, + 0x458: 0xf6, 0x459: 0xf7, 0x45a: 0xf8, 0x45b: 0xf9, 0x45c: 0xfa, + 0x460: 0xfb, 0x462: 0xfc, 0x463: 0xfd, + 0x468: 0xfe, 0x469: 0xff, 0x46a: 0x100, 0x46b: 0x101, + 0x470: 0x102, 0x471: 0x103, 0x472: 0x104, 0x474: 0x105, 0x475: 0x106, 0x476: 0x107, + 0x47b: 0x108, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x05, 0x481: 0x05, 0x482: 0x05, 0x483: 0x05, 0x484: 0x05, 0x485: 0x05, 0x486: 0x05, 0x487: 0x05, + 0x488: 0x05, 0x489: 0x05, 0x48a: 0x05, 0x48b: 0x05, 0x48c: 0x05, 0x48d: 0x05, 0x48e: 0x109, + 0x490: 0x71, 0x491: 0x10a, 0x492: 0x05, 0x493: 0x05, 0x494: 0x05, 0x495: 0x10b, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x05, 0x4c1: 0x05, 0x4c2: 0x05, 0x4c3: 0x05, 0x4c4: 0x05, 0x4c5: 0x05, 0x4c6: 0x05, 0x4c7: 0x05, + 0x4c8: 0x05, 0x4c9: 0x05, 0x4ca: 0x05, 0x4cb: 0x05, 0x4cc: 0x05, 0x4cd: 0x05, 0x4ce: 0x05, 0x4cf: 0x05, + 0x4d0: 0x10c, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x510: 0x05, 0x511: 0x05, 0x512: 0x05, 0x513: 0x05, 0x514: 0x05, 0x515: 0x05, 0x516: 0x05, 0x517: 0x05, + 0x518: 0x05, 0x519: 0x10d, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x560: 0x05, 0x561: 0x05, 0x562: 0x05, 0x563: 0x05, 0x564: 0x05, 0x565: 0x05, 0x566: 0x05, 0x567: 0x05, + 0x568: 0x101, 0x569: 0x10e, 0x56b: 0x10f, 0x56c: 0x110, 0x56d: 0x111, 0x56e: 0x112, + 0x579: 0x05, 0x57a: 0x113, 0x57c: 0x05, 0x57d: 0x114, 0x57e: 0x115, 0x57f: 0x116, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x05, 0x581: 0x05, 0x582: 0x05, 0x583: 0x05, 0x584: 0x05, 0x585: 0x05, 0x586: 0x05, 0x587: 0x05, + 0x588: 0x05, 0x589: 0x05, 0x58a: 0x05, 0x58b: 0x05, 0x58c: 0x05, 0x58d: 0x05, 0x58e: 0x05, 0x58f: 0x05, + 0x590: 0x05, 0x591: 0x05, 0x592: 0x05, 0x593: 0x05, 0x594: 0x05, 0x595: 0x05, 0x596: 0x05, 0x597: 0x05, + 0x598: 0x05, 0x599: 0x05, 0x59a: 0x05, 0x59b: 0x05, 0x59c: 0x05, 0x59d: 0x05, 0x59e: 0x05, 0x59f: 0x117, + 0x5a0: 0x05, 0x5a1: 0x05, 0x5a2: 0x05, 0x5a3: 0x05, 0x5a4: 0x05, 0x5a5: 0x05, 0x5a6: 0x05, 0x5a7: 0x05, + 0x5a8: 0x05, 0x5a9: 0x05, 0x5aa: 0x05, 0x5ab: 0xdd, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x8f, 0x5c1: 0x8f, 0x5c2: 0x8f, 0x5c3: 0x8f, 0x5c4: 0x118, 0x5c5: 0x119, 0x5c6: 0x05, 0x5c7: 0x05, + 0x5c8: 0x05, 0x5c9: 0x05, 0x5ca: 0x05, 0x5cb: 0x11a, + 0x5f0: 0x05, 0x5f1: 0x11b, 0x5f2: 0x11c, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x71, 0x601: 0x71, 0x602: 0x71, 0x603: 0x11d, 0x604: 0x11e, 0x605: 0x11f, 0x606: 0x120, 0x607: 0x121, + 0x608: 0xc0, 0x609: 0x122, 0x60b: 0x123, 0x60c: 0x71, 0x60d: 0x124, + 0x610: 0x71, 0x611: 0x125, 0x612: 0x126, 0x613: 0x127, 0x614: 0x128, 0x615: 0x129, 0x616: 0x71, 0x617: 0x71, + 0x618: 0x71, 0x619: 0x71, 0x61a: 0x12a, 0x61b: 0x71, 0x61c: 0x71, 0x61d: 0x71, 0x61e: 0x71, 0x61f: 0x12b, + 0x620: 0x71, 0x621: 0x71, 0x622: 0x71, 0x623: 0x71, 0x624: 0x71, 0x625: 0x71, 0x626: 0x71, 0x627: 0x71, + 0x628: 0x12c, 0x629: 0x12d, 0x62a: 0x12e, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x12f, + 0x660: 0x05, 0x661: 0x05, 0x662: 0x05, 0x663: 0x130, 0x664: 0x131, 0x665: 0x132, + 0x671: 0x133, 0x672: 0x134, + 0x678: 0x135, 0x679: 0x136, 0x67a: 0x137, 0x67b: 0x138, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x139, 0x681: 0x71, 0x682: 0x13a, 0x683: 0x13b, 0x684: 0x13c, 0x685: 0x139, 0x686: 0x13d, 0x687: 0x13e, + 0x688: 0x13f, 0x689: 0x140, 0x68c: 0x71, 0x68d: 0x71, 0x68e: 0x71, 0x68f: 0x71, + 0x690: 0x71, 0x691: 0x71, 0x692: 0x71, 0x693: 0x71, 0x694: 0x71, 0x695: 0x71, 0x696: 0x71, 0x697: 0x71, + 0x698: 0x71, 0x699: 0x71, 0x69a: 0x71, 0x69b: 0x141, 0x69c: 0x71, 0x69d: 0x142, 0x69e: 0x71, 0x69f: 0x143, + 0x6a0: 0x144, 0x6a1: 0x145, 0x6a2: 0x146, 0x6a4: 0x147, 0x6a5: 0x148, 0x6a6: 0x149, 0x6a7: 0x14a, + 0x6a9: 0x14b, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x8f, 0x6c1: 0x8f, 0x6c2: 0x8f, 0x6c3: 0x8f, 0x6c4: 0x8f, 0x6c5: 0x8f, 0x6c6: 0x8f, 0x6c7: 0x8f, + 0x6c8: 0x8f, 0x6c9: 0x8f, 0x6ca: 0x8f, 0x6cb: 0x8f, 0x6cc: 0x8f, 0x6cd: 0x8f, 0x6ce: 0x8f, 0x6cf: 0x8f, + 0x6d0: 0x8f, 0x6d1: 0x8f, 0x6d2: 0x8f, 0x6d3: 0x8f, 0x6d4: 0x8f, 0x6d5: 0x8f, 0x6d6: 0x8f, 0x6d7: 0x8f, + 0x6d8: 0x8f, 0x6d9: 0x8f, 0x6da: 0x8f, 0x6db: 0x14c, 0x6dc: 0x8f, 0x6dd: 0x8f, 0x6de: 0x8f, 0x6df: 0x8f, + 0x6e0: 0x8f, 0x6e1: 0x8f, 0x6e2: 0x8f, 0x6e3: 0x8f, 0x6e4: 0x8f, 0x6e5: 0x8f, 0x6e6: 0x8f, 0x6e7: 0x8f, + 0x6e8: 0x8f, 0x6e9: 0x8f, 0x6ea: 0x8f, 0x6eb: 0x8f, 0x6ec: 0x8f, 0x6ed: 0x8f, 0x6ee: 0x8f, 0x6ef: 0x8f, + 0x6f0: 0x8f, 0x6f1: 0x8f, 0x6f2: 0x8f, 0x6f3: 0x8f, 0x6f4: 0x8f, 0x6f5: 0x8f, 0x6f6: 0x8f, 0x6f7: 0x8f, + 0x6f8: 0x8f, 0x6f9: 0x8f, 0x6fa: 0x8f, 0x6fb: 0x8f, 0x6fc: 0x8f, 0x6fd: 0x8f, 0x6fe: 0x8f, 0x6ff: 0x8f, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x8f, 0x701: 0x8f, 0x702: 0x8f, 0x703: 0x8f, 0x704: 0x8f, 0x705: 0x8f, 0x706: 0x8f, 0x707: 0x8f, + 0x708: 0x8f, 0x709: 0x8f, 0x70a: 0x8f, 0x70b: 0x8f, 0x70c: 0x8f, 0x70d: 0x8f, 0x70e: 0x8f, 0x70f: 0x8f, + 0x710: 0x8f, 0x711: 0x8f, 0x712: 0x8f, 0x713: 0x8f, 0x714: 0x8f, 0x715: 0x8f, 0x716: 0x8f, 0x717: 0x8f, + 0x718: 0x8f, 0x719: 0x8f, 0x71a: 0x8f, 0x71b: 0x8f, 0x71c: 0x14d, 0x71d: 0x8f, 0x71e: 0x8f, 0x71f: 0x8f, + 0x720: 0x14e, 0x721: 0x8f, 0x722: 0x8f, 0x723: 0x8f, 0x724: 0x8f, 0x725: 0x8f, 0x726: 0x8f, 0x727: 0x8f, + 0x728: 0x8f, 0x729: 0x8f, 0x72a: 0x8f, 0x72b: 0x8f, 0x72c: 0x8f, 0x72d: 0x8f, 0x72e: 0x8f, 0x72f: 0x8f, + 0x730: 0x8f, 0x731: 0x8f, 0x732: 0x8f, 0x733: 0x8f, 0x734: 0x8f, 0x735: 0x8f, 0x736: 0x8f, 0x737: 0x8f, + 0x738: 0x8f, 0x739: 0x8f, 0x73a: 0x8f, 0x73b: 0x8f, 0x73c: 0x8f, 0x73d: 0x8f, 0x73e: 0x8f, 0x73f: 0x8f, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x8f, 0x741: 0x8f, 0x742: 0x8f, 0x743: 0x8f, 0x744: 0x8f, 0x745: 0x8f, 0x746: 0x8f, 0x747: 0x8f, + 0x748: 0x8f, 0x749: 0x8f, 0x74a: 0x8f, 0x74b: 0x8f, 0x74c: 0x8f, 0x74d: 0x8f, 0x74e: 0x8f, 0x74f: 0x8f, + 0x750: 0x8f, 0x751: 0x8f, 0x752: 0x8f, 0x753: 0x8f, 0x754: 0x8f, 0x755: 0x8f, 0x756: 0x8f, 0x757: 0x8f, + 0x758: 0x8f, 0x759: 0x8f, 0x75a: 0x8f, 0x75b: 0x8f, 0x75c: 0x8f, 0x75d: 0x8f, 0x75e: 0x8f, 0x75f: 0x8f, + 0x760: 0x8f, 0x761: 0x8f, 0x762: 0x8f, 0x763: 0x8f, 0x764: 0x8f, 0x765: 0x8f, 0x766: 0x8f, 0x767: 0x8f, + 0x768: 0x8f, 0x769: 0x8f, 0x76a: 0x8f, 0x76b: 0x8f, 0x76c: 0x8f, 0x76d: 0x8f, 0x76e: 0x8f, 0x76f: 0x8f, + 0x770: 0x8f, 0x771: 0x8f, 0x772: 0x8f, 0x773: 0x8f, 0x774: 0x8f, 0x775: 0x8f, 0x776: 0x8f, 0x777: 0x8f, + 0x778: 0x8f, 0x779: 0x8f, 0x77a: 0x14f, 0x77b: 0x8f, 0x77c: 0x8f, 0x77d: 0x8f, 0x77e: 0x8f, 0x77f: 0x8f, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x780: 0x8f, 0x781: 0x8f, 0x782: 0x8f, 0x783: 0x8f, 0x784: 0x8f, 0x785: 0x8f, 0x786: 0x8f, 0x787: 0x8f, + 0x788: 0x8f, 0x789: 0x8f, 0x78a: 0x8f, 0x78b: 0x8f, 0x78c: 0x8f, 0x78d: 0x8f, 0x78e: 0x8f, 0x78f: 0x8f, + 0x790: 0x8f, 0x791: 0x8f, 0x792: 0x8f, 0x793: 0x8f, 0x794: 0x8f, 0x795: 0x8f, 0x796: 0x8f, 0x797: 0x8f, + 0x798: 0x8f, 0x799: 0x8f, 0x79a: 0x8f, 0x79b: 0x8f, 0x79c: 0x8f, 0x79d: 0x8f, 0x79e: 0x8f, 0x79f: 0x8f, + 0x7a0: 0x8f, 0x7a1: 0x8f, 0x7a2: 0x8f, 0x7a3: 0x8f, 0x7a4: 0x8f, 0x7a5: 0x8f, 0x7a6: 0x8f, 0x7a7: 0x8f, + 0x7a8: 0x8f, 0x7a9: 0x8f, 0x7aa: 0x8f, 0x7ab: 0x8f, 0x7ac: 0x8f, 0x7ad: 0x8f, 0x7ae: 0x8f, 0x7af: 0x150, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7e0: 0x82, 0x7e1: 0x82, 0x7e2: 0x82, 0x7e3: 0x82, 0x7e4: 0x82, 0x7e5: 0x82, 0x7e6: 0x82, 0x7e7: 0x82, + 0x7e8: 0x151, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x810: 0x0e, 0x811: 0x0f, 0x812: 0x10, 0x813: 0x11, 0x814: 0x12, 0x816: 0x13, 0x817: 0x0a, + 0x818: 0x14, 0x81b: 0x15, 0x81d: 0x16, 0x81e: 0x17, 0x81f: 0x18, + 0x820: 0x07, 0x821: 0x07, 0x822: 0x07, 0x823: 0x07, 0x824: 0x07, 0x825: 0x07, 0x826: 0x07, 0x827: 0x07, + 0x828: 0x07, 0x829: 0x07, 0x82a: 0x19, 0x82b: 0x1a, 0x82c: 0x1b, 0x82d: 0x07, 0x82e: 0x1c, 0x82f: 0x1d, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x152, 0x841: 0x3e, 0x844: 0x3e, 0x845: 0x3e, 0x846: 0x3e, 0x847: 0x153, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x3e, 0x881: 0x3e, 0x882: 0x3e, 0x883: 0x3e, 0x884: 0x3e, 0x885: 0x3e, 0x886: 0x3e, 0x887: 0x3e, + 0x888: 0x3e, 0x889: 0x3e, 0x88a: 0x3e, 0x88b: 0x3e, 0x88c: 0x3e, 0x88d: 0x3e, 0x88e: 0x3e, 0x88f: 0x3e, + 0x890: 0x3e, 0x891: 0x3e, 0x892: 0x3e, 0x893: 0x3e, 0x894: 0x3e, 0x895: 0x3e, 0x896: 0x3e, 0x897: 0x3e, + 0x898: 0x3e, 0x899: 0x3e, 0x89a: 0x3e, 0x89b: 0x3e, 0x89c: 0x3e, 0x89d: 0x3e, 0x89e: 0x3e, 0x89f: 0x3e, + 0x8a0: 0x3e, 0x8a1: 0x3e, 0x8a2: 0x3e, 0x8a3: 0x3e, 0x8a4: 0x3e, 0x8a5: 0x3e, 0x8a6: 0x3e, 0x8a7: 0x3e, + 0x8a8: 0x3e, 0x8a9: 0x3e, 0x8aa: 0x3e, 0x8ab: 0x3e, 0x8ac: 0x3e, 0x8ad: 0x3e, 0x8ae: 0x3e, 0x8af: 0x3e, + 0x8b0: 0x3e, 0x8b1: 0x3e, 0x8b2: 0x3e, 0x8b3: 0x3e, 0x8b4: 0x3e, 0x8b5: 0x3e, 0x8b6: 0x3e, 0x8b7: 0x3e, + 0x8b8: 0x3e, 0x8b9: 0x3e, 0x8ba: 0x3e, 0x8bb: 0x3e, 0x8bc: 0x3e, 0x8bd: 0x3e, 0x8be: 0x3e, 0x8bf: 0x154, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8e0: 0x1f, + 0x8f0: 0x0c, 0x8f1: 0x0c, 0x8f2: 0x0c, 0x8f3: 0x0c, 0x8f4: 0x0c, 0x8f5: 0x0c, 0x8f6: 0x0c, 0x8f7: 0x0c, + 0x8f8: 0x0c, 0x8f9: 0x0c, 0x8fa: 0x0c, 0x8fb: 0x0c, 0x8fc: 0x0c, 0x8fd: 0x0c, 0x8fe: 0x0c, 0x8ff: 0x20, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x900: 0x0c, 0x901: 0x0c, 0x902: 0x0c, 0x903: 0x0c, 0x904: 0x0c, 0x905: 0x0c, 0x906: 0x0c, 0x907: 0x0c, + 0x908: 0x0c, 0x909: 0x0c, 0x90a: 0x0c, 0x90b: 0x0c, 0x90c: 0x0c, 0x90d: 0x0c, 0x90e: 0x0c, 0x90f: 0x20, +} + +// Total table size 26688 bytes (26KiB); checksum: 811C9DC5 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables12.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables12.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..254bbc79 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables12.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,4119 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.14 && !go1.16 +// +build go1.14,!go1.16 + +package precis + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "12.0.0" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0] + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0] + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// derivedPropertiesTrie. Total size: 27264 bytes (26.62 KiB). Checksum: 529104c7ecd852f6. +type derivedPropertiesTrie struct{} + +func newDerivedPropertiesTrie(i int) *derivedPropertiesTrie { + return &derivedPropertiesTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint8 { + switch { + default: + return uint8(derivedPropertiesValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// derivedPropertiesValues: 352 blocks, 22528 entries, 22528 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var derivedPropertiesValues = [22528]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x00: 0x0040, 0x01: 0x0040, 0x02: 0x0040, 0x03: 0x0040, 0x04: 0x0040, 0x05: 0x0040, + 0x06: 0x0040, 0x07: 0x0040, 0x08: 0x0040, 0x09: 0x0040, 0x0a: 0x0040, 0x0b: 0x0040, + 0x0c: 0x0040, 0x0d: 0x0040, 0x0e: 0x0040, 0x0f: 0x0040, 0x10: 0x0040, 0x11: 0x0040, + 0x12: 0x0040, 0x13: 0x0040, 0x14: 0x0040, 0x15: 0x0040, 0x16: 0x0040, 0x17: 0x0040, + 0x18: 0x0040, 0x19: 0x0040, 0x1a: 0x0040, 0x1b: 0x0040, 0x1c: 0x0040, 0x1d: 0x0040, + 0x1e: 0x0040, 0x1f: 0x0040, 0x20: 0x0080, 0x21: 0x00c0, 0x22: 0x00c0, 0x23: 0x00c0, + 0x24: 0x00c0, 0x25: 0x00c0, 0x26: 0x00c0, 0x27: 0x00c0, 0x28: 0x00c0, 0x29: 0x00c0, + 0x2a: 0x00c0, 0x2b: 0x00c0, 0x2c: 0x00c0, 0x2d: 0x00c0, 0x2e: 0x00c0, 0x2f: 0x00c0, + 0x30: 0x00c0, 0x31: 0x00c0, 0x32: 0x00c0, 0x33: 0x00c0, 0x34: 0x00c0, 0x35: 0x00c0, + 0x36: 0x00c0, 0x37: 0x00c0, 0x38: 0x00c0, 0x39: 0x00c0, 0x3a: 0x00c0, 0x3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c: 0x00c0, 0x3d: 0x00c0, 0x3e: 0x00c0, 0x3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x00c0, 0x41: 0x00c0, 0x42: 0x00c0, 0x43: 0x00c0, 0x44: 0x00c0, 0x45: 0x00c0, + 0x46: 0x00c0, 0x47: 0x00c0, 0x48: 0x00c0, 0x49: 0x00c0, 0x4a: 0x00c0, 0x4b: 0x00c0, + 0x4c: 0x00c0, 0x4d: 0x00c0, 0x4e: 0x00c0, 0x4f: 0x00c0, 0x50: 0x00c0, 0x51: 0x00c0, + 0x52: 0x00c0, 0x53: 0x00c0, 0x54: 0x00c0, 0x55: 0x00c0, 0x56: 0x00c0, 0x57: 0x00c0, + 0x58: 0x00c0, 0x59: 0x00c0, 0x5a: 0x00c0, 0x5b: 0x00c0, 0x5c: 0x00c0, 0x5d: 0x00c0, + 0x5e: 0x00c0, 0x5f: 0x00c0, 0x60: 0x00c0, 0x61: 0x00c0, 0x62: 0x00c0, 0x63: 0x00c0, + 0x64: 0x00c0, 0x65: 0x00c0, 0x66: 0x00c0, 0x67: 0x00c0, 0x68: 0x00c0, 0x69: 0x00c0, + 0x6a: 0x00c0, 0x6b: 0x00c0, 0x6c: 0x00c7, 0x6d: 0x00c0, 0x6e: 0x00c0, 0x6f: 0x00c0, + 0x70: 0x00c0, 0x71: 0x00c0, 0x72: 0x00c0, 0x73: 0x00c0, 0x74: 0x00c0, 0x75: 0x00c0, + 0x76: 0x00c0, 0x77: 0x00c0, 0x78: 0x00c0, 0x79: 0x00c0, 0x7a: 0x00c0, 0x7b: 0x00c0, + 0x7c: 0x00c0, 0x7d: 0x00c0, 0x7e: 0x00c0, 0x7f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x0040, 0xc1: 0x0040, 0xc2: 0x0040, 0xc3: 0x0040, 0xc4: 0x0040, 0xc5: 0x0040, + 0xc6: 0x0040, 0xc7: 0x0040, 0xc8: 0x0040, 0xc9: 0x0040, 0xca: 0x0040, 0xcb: 0x0040, + 0xcc: 0x0040, 0xcd: 0x0040, 0xce: 0x0040, 0xcf: 0x0040, 0xd0: 0x0040, 0xd1: 0x0040, + 0xd2: 0x0040, 0xd3: 0x0040, 0xd4: 0x0040, 0xd5: 0x0040, 0xd6: 0x0040, 0xd7: 0x0040, + 0xd8: 0x0040, 0xd9: 0x0040, 0xda: 0x0040, 0xdb: 0x0040, 0xdc: 0x0040, 0xdd: 0x0040, + 0xde: 0x0040, 0xdf: 0x0040, 0xe0: 0x0080, 0xe1: 0x0080, 0xe2: 0x0080, 0xe3: 0x0080, + 0xe4: 0x0080, 0xe5: 0x0080, 0xe6: 0x0080, 0xe7: 0x0080, 0xe8: 0x0080, 0xe9: 0x0080, + 0xea: 0x0080, 0xeb: 0x0080, 0xec: 0x0080, 0xed: 0x0040, 0xee: 0x0080, 0xef: 0x0080, + 0xf0: 0x0080, 0xf1: 0x0080, 0xf2: 0x0080, 0xf3: 0x0080, 0xf4: 0x0080, 0xf5: 0x0080, + 0xf6: 0x0080, 0xf7: 0x004f, 0xf8: 0x0080, 0xf9: 0x0080, 0xfa: 0x0080, 0xfb: 0x0080, + 0xfc: 0x0080, 0xfd: 0x0080, 0xfe: 0x0080, 0xff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0x00c0, 0x101: 0x00c0, 0x102: 0x00c0, 0x103: 0x00c0, 0x104: 0x00c0, 0x105: 0x00c0, + 0x106: 0x00c0, 0x107: 0x00c0, 0x108: 0x00c0, 0x109: 0x00c0, 0x10a: 0x00c0, 0x10b: 0x00c0, + 0x10c: 0x00c0, 0x10d: 0x00c0, 0x10e: 0x00c0, 0x10f: 0x00c0, 0x110: 0x00c0, 0x111: 0x00c0, + 0x112: 0x00c0, 0x113: 0x00c0, 0x114: 0x00c0, 0x115: 0x00c0, 0x116: 0x00c0, 0x117: 0x0080, + 0x118: 0x00c0, 0x119: 0x00c0, 0x11a: 0x00c0, 0x11b: 0x00c0, 0x11c: 0x00c0, 0x11d: 0x00c0, + 0x11e: 0x00c0, 0x11f: 0x00c0, 0x120: 0x00c0, 0x121: 0x00c0, 0x122: 0x00c0, 0x123: 0x00c0, + 0x124: 0x00c0, 0x125: 0x00c0, 0x126: 0x00c0, 0x127: 0x00c0, 0x128: 0x00c0, 0x129: 0x00c0, + 0x12a: 0x00c0, 0x12b: 0x00c0, 0x12c: 0x00c0, 0x12d: 0x00c0, 0x12e: 0x00c0, 0x12f: 0x00c0, + 0x130: 0x00c0, 0x131: 0x00c0, 0x132: 0x00c0, 0x133: 0x00c0, 0x134: 0x00c0, 0x135: 0x00c0, + 0x136: 0x00c0, 0x137: 0x0080, 0x138: 0x00c0, 0x139: 0x00c0, 0x13a: 0x00c0, 0x13b: 0x00c0, + 0x13c: 0x00c0, 0x13d: 0x00c0, 0x13e: 0x00c0, 0x13f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x00c0, 0x141: 0x00c0, 0x142: 0x00c0, 0x143: 0x00c0, 0x144: 0x00c0, 0x145: 0x00c0, + 0x146: 0x00c0, 0x147: 0x00c0, 0x148: 0x00c0, 0x149: 0x00c0, 0x14a: 0x00c0, 0x14b: 0x00c0, + 0x14c: 0x00c0, 0x14d: 0x00c0, 0x14e: 0x00c0, 0x14f: 0x00c0, 0x150: 0x00c0, 0x151: 0x00c0, + 0x152: 0x00c0, 0x153: 0x00c0, 0x154: 0x00c0, 0x155: 0x00c0, 0x156: 0x00c0, 0x157: 0x00c0, + 0x158: 0x00c0, 0x159: 0x00c0, 0x15a: 0x00c0, 0x15b: 0x00c0, 0x15c: 0x00c0, 0x15d: 0x00c0, + 0x15e: 0x00c0, 0x15f: 0x00c0, 0x160: 0x00c0, 0x161: 0x00c0, 0x162: 0x00c0, 0x163: 0x00c0, + 0x164: 0x00c0, 0x165: 0x00c0, 0x166: 0x00c0, 0x167: 0x00c0, 0x168: 0x00c0, 0x169: 0x00c0, + 0x16a: 0x00c0, 0x16b: 0x00c0, 0x16c: 0x00c0, 0x16d: 0x00c0, 0x16e: 0x00c0, 0x16f: 0x00c0, + 0x170: 0x00c0, 0x171: 0x00c0, 0x172: 0x0080, 0x173: 0x0080, 0x174: 0x00c0, 0x175: 0x00c0, + 0x176: 0x00c0, 0x177: 0x00c0, 0x178: 0x00c0, 0x179: 0x00c0, 0x17a: 0x00c0, 0x17b: 0x00c0, + 0x17c: 0x00c0, 0x17d: 0x00c0, 0x17e: 0x00c0, 0x17f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x0080, 0x181: 0x00c0, 0x182: 0x00c0, 0x183: 0x00c0, 0x184: 0x00c0, 0x185: 0x00c0, + 0x186: 0x00c0, 0x187: 0x00c0, 0x188: 0x00c0, 0x189: 0x0080, 0x18a: 0x00c0, 0x18b: 0x00c0, + 0x18c: 0x00c0, 0x18d: 0x00c0, 0x18e: 0x00c0, 0x18f: 0x00c0, 0x190: 0x00c0, 0x191: 0x00c0, + 0x192: 0x00c0, 0x193: 0x00c0, 0x194: 0x00c0, 0x195: 0x00c0, 0x196: 0x00c0, 0x197: 0x00c0, + 0x198: 0x00c0, 0x199: 0x00c0, 0x19a: 0x00c0, 0x19b: 0x00c0, 0x19c: 0x00c0, 0x19d: 0x00c0, + 0x19e: 0x00c0, 0x19f: 0x00c0, 0x1a0: 0x00c0, 0x1a1: 0x00c0, 0x1a2: 0x00c0, 0x1a3: 0x00c0, + 0x1a4: 0x00c0, 0x1a5: 0x00c0, 0x1a6: 0x00c0, 0x1a7: 0x00c0, 0x1a8: 0x00c0, 0x1a9: 0x00c0, + 0x1aa: 0x00c0, 0x1ab: 0x00c0, 0x1ac: 0x00c0, 0x1ad: 0x00c0, 0x1ae: 0x00c0, 0x1af: 0x00c0, + 0x1b0: 0x00c0, 0x1b1: 0x00c0, 0x1b2: 0x00c0, 0x1b3: 0x00c0, 0x1b4: 0x00c0, 0x1b5: 0x00c0, + 0x1b6: 0x00c0, 0x1b7: 0x00c0, 0x1b8: 0x00c0, 0x1b9: 0x00c0, 0x1ba: 0x00c0, 0x1bb: 0x00c0, + 0x1bc: 0x00c0, 0x1bd: 0x00c0, 0x1be: 0x00c0, 0x1bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x00c0, 0x1c1: 0x00c0, 0x1c2: 0x00c0, 0x1c3: 0x00c0, 0x1c4: 0x00c0, 0x1c5: 0x00c0, + 0x1c6: 0x00c0, 0x1c7: 0x00c0, 0x1c8: 0x00c0, 0x1c9: 0x00c0, 0x1ca: 0x00c0, 0x1cb: 0x00c0, + 0x1cc: 0x00c0, 0x1cd: 0x00c0, 0x1ce: 0x00c0, 0x1cf: 0x00c0, 0x1d0: 0x00c0, 0x1d1: 0x00c0, + 0x1d2: 0x00c0, 0x1d3: 0x00c0, 0x1d4: 0x00c0, 0x1d5: 0x00c0, 0x1d6: 0x00c0, 0x1d7: 0x00c0, + 0x1d8: 0x00c0, 0x1d9: 0x00c0, 0x1da: 0x00c0, 0x1db: 0x00c0, 0x1dc: 0x00c0, 0x1dd: 0x00c0, + 0x1de: 0x00c0, 0x1df: 0x00c0, 0x1e0: 0x00c0, 0x1e1: 0x00c0, 0x1e2: 0x00c0, 0x1e3: 0x00c0, + 0x1e4: 0x00c0, 0x1e5: 0x00c0, 0x1e6: 0x00c0, 0x1e7: 0x00c0, 0x1e8: 0x00c0, 0x1e9: 0x00c0, + 0x1ea: 0x00c0, 0x1eb: 0x00c0, 0x1ec: 0x00c0, 0x1ed: 0x00c0, 0x1ee: 0x00c0, 0x1ef: 0x00c0, + 0x1f0: 0x00c0, 0x1f1: 0x00c0, 0x1f2: 0x00c0, 0x1f3: 0x00c0, 0x1f4: 0x00c0, 0x1f5: 0x00c0, + 0x1f6: 0x00c0, 0x1f7: 0x00c0, 0x1f8: 0x00c0, 0x1f9: 0x00c0, 0x1fa: 0x00c0, 0x1fb: 0x00c0, + 0x1fc: 0x00c0, 0x1fd: 0x00c0, 0x1fe: 0x00c0, 0x1ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x00c0, 0x201: 0x00c0, 0x202: 0x00c0, 0x203: 0x00c0, 0x204: 0x0080, 0x205: 0x0080, + 0x206: 0x0080, 0x207: 0x0080, 0x208: 0x0080, 0x209: 0x0080, 0x20a: 0x0080, 0x20b: 0x0080, + 0x20c: 0x0080, 0x20d: 0x00c0, 0x20e: 0x00c0, 0x20f: 0x00c0, 0x210: 0x00c0, 0x211: 0x00c0, + 0x212: 0x00c0, 0x213: 0x00c0, 0x214: 0x00c0, 0x215: 0x00c0, 0x216: 0x00c0, 0x217: 0x00c0, + 0x218: 0x00c0, 0x219: 0x00c0, 0x21a: 0x00c0, 0x21b: 0x00c0, 0x21c: 0x00c0, 0x21d: 0x00c0, + 0x21e: 0x00c0, 0x21f: 0x00c0, 0x220: 0x00c0, 0x221: 0x00c0, 0x222: 0x00c0, 0x223: 0x00c0, + 0x224: 0x00c0, 0x225: 0x00c0, 0x226: 0x00c0, 0x227: 0x00c0, 0x228: 0x00c0, 0x229: 0x00c0, + 0x22a: 0x00c0, 0x22b: 0x00c0, 0x22c: 0x00c0, 0x22d: 0x00c0, 0x22e: 0x00c0, 0x22f: 0x00c0, + 0x230: 0x00c0, 0x231: 0x0080, 0x232: 0x0080, 0x233: 0x0080, 0x234: 0x00c0, 0x235: 0x00c0, + 0x236: 0x00c0, 0x237: 0x00c0, 0x238: 0x00c0, 0x239: 0x00c0, 0x23a: 0x00c0, 0x23b: 0x00c0, + 0x23c: 0x00c0, 0x23d: 0x00c0, 0x23e: 0x00c0, 0x23f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x00c0, 0x241: 0x00c0, 0x242: 0x00c0, 0x243: 0x00c0, 0x244: 0x00c0, 0x245: 0x00c0, + 0x246: 0x00c0, 0x247: 0x00c0, 0x248: 0x00c0, 0x249: 0x00c0, 0x24a: 0x00c0, 0x24b: 0x00c0, + 0x24c: 0x00c0, 0x24d: 0x00c0, 0x24e: 0x00c0, 0x24f: 0x00c0, 0x250: 0x00c0, 0x251: 0x00c0, + 0x252: 0x00c0, 0x253: 0x00c0, 0x254: 0x00c0, 0x255: 0x00c0, 0x256: 0x00c0, 0x257: 0x00c0, + 0x258: 0x00c0, 0x259: 0x00c0, 0x25a: 0x00c0, 0x25b: 0x00c0, 0x25c: 0x00c0, 0x25d: 0x00c0, + 0x25e: 0x00c0, 0x25f: 0x00c0, 0x260: 0x00c0, 0x261: 0x00c0, 0x262: 0x00c0, 0x263: 0x00c0, + 0x264: 0x00c0, 0x265: 0x00c0, 0x266: 0x00c0, 0x267: 0x00c0, 0x268: 0x00c0, 0x269: 0x00c0, + 0x26a: 0x00c0, 0x26b: 0x00c0, 0x26c: 0x00c0, 0x26d: 0x00c0, 0x26e: 0x00c0, 0x26f: 0x00c0, + 0x270: 0x0080, 0x271: 0x0080, 0x272: 0x0080, 0x273: 0x0080, 0x274: 0x0080, 0x275: 0x0080, + 0x276: 0x0080, 0x277: 0x0080, 0x278: 0x0080, 0x279: 0x00c0, 0x27a: 0x00c0, 0x27b: 0x00c0, + 0x27c: 0x00c0, 0x27d: 0x00c0, 0x27e: 0x00c0, 0x27f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x00c0, 0x281: 0x00c0, 0x282: 0x0080, 0x283: 0x0080, 0x284: 0x0080, 0x285: 0x0080, + 0x286: 0x00c0, 0x287: 0x00c0, 0x288: 0x00c0, 0x289: 0x00c0, 0x28a: 0x00c0, 0x28b: 0x00c0, + 0x28c: 0x00c0, 0x28d: 0x00c0, 0x28e: 0x00c0, 0x28f: 0x00c0, 0x290: 0x00c0, 0x291: 0x00c0, + 0x292: 0x0080, 0x293: 0x0080, 0x294: 0x0080, 0x295: 0x0080, 0x296: 0x0080, 0x297: 0x0080, + 0x298: 0x0080, 0x299: 0x0080, 0x29a: 0x0080, 0x29b: 0x0080, 0x29c: 0x0080, 0x29d: 0x0080, + 0x29e: 0x0080, 0x29f: 0x0080, 0x2a0: 0x0080, 0x2a1: 0x0080, 0x2a2: 0x0080, 0x2a3: 0x0080, + 0x2a4: 0x0080, 0x2a5: 0x0080, 0x2a6: 0x0080, 0x2a7: 0x0080, 0x2a8: 0x0080, 0x2a9: 0x0080, + 0x2aa: 0x0080, 0x2ab: 0x0080, 0x2ac: 0x00c0, 0x2ad: 0x0080, 0x2ae: 0x00c0, 0x2af: 0x0080, + 0x2b0: 0x0080, 0x2b1: 0x0080, 0x2b2: 0x0080, 0x2b3: 0x0080, 0x2b4: 0x0080, 0x2b5: 0x0080, + 0x2b6: 0x0080, 0x2b7: 0x0080, 0x2b8: 0x0080, 0x2b9: 0x0080, 0x2ba: 0x0080, 0x2bb: 0x0080, + 0x2bc: 0x0080, 0x2bd: 0x0080, 0x2be: 0x0080, 0x2bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x00c3, 0x2c1: 0x00c3, 0x2c2: 0x00c3, 0x2c3: 0x00c3, 0x2c4: 0x00c3, 0x2c5: 0x00c3, + 0x2c6: 0x00c3, 0x2c7: 0x00c3, 0x2c8: 0x00c3, 0x2c9: 0x00c3, 0x2ca: 0x00c3, 0x2cb: 0x00c3, + 0x2cc: 0x00c3, 0x2cd: 0x00c3, 0x2ce: 0x00c3, 0x2cf: 0x00c3, 0x2d0: 0x00c3, 0x2d1: 0x00c3, + 0x2d2: 0x00c3, 0x2d3: 0x00c3, 0x2d4: 0x00c3, 0x2d5: 0x00c3, 0x2d6: 0x00c3, 0x2d7: 0x00c3, + 0x2d8: 0x00c3, 0x2d9: 0x00c3, 0x2da: 0x00c3, 0x2db: 0x00c3, 0x2dc: 0x00c3, 0x2dd: 0x00c3, + 0x2de: 0x00c3, 0x2df: 0x00c3, 0x2e0: 0x00c3, 0x2e1: 0x00c3, 0x2e2: 0x00c3, 0x2e3: 0x00c3, + 0x2e4: 0x00c3, 0x2e5: 0x00c3, 0x2e6: 0x00c3, 0x2e7: 0x00c3, 0x2e8: 0x00c3, 0x2e9: 0x00c3, + 0x2ea: 0x00c3, 0x2eb: 0x00c3, 0x2ec: 0x00c3, 0x2ed: 0x00c3, 0x2ee: 0x00c3, 0x2ef: 0x00c3, + 0x2f0: 0x00c3, 0x2f1: 0x00c3, 0x2f2: 0x00c3, 0x2f3: 0x00c3, 0x2f4: 0x00c3, 0x2f5: 0x00c3, + 0x2f6: 0x00c3, 0x2f7: 0x00c3, 0x2f8: 0x00c3, 0x2f9: 0x00c3, 0x2fa: 0x00c3, 0x2fb: 0x00c3, + 0x2fc: 0x00c3, 0x2fd: 0x00c3, 0x2fe: 0x00c3, 0x2ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x0083, 0x301: 0x0083, 0x302: 0x00c3, 0x303: 0x0083, 0x304: 0x0083, 0x305: 0x00c3, + 0x306: 0x00c3, 0x307: 0x00c3, 0x308: 0x00c3, 0x309: 0x00c3, 0x30a: 0x00c3, 0x30b: 0x00c3, + 0x30c: 0x00c3, 0x30d: 0x00c3, 0x30e: 0x00c3, 0x30f: 0x0040, 0x310: 0x00c3, 0x311: 0x00c3, + 0x312: 0x00c3, 0x313: 0x00c3, 0x314: 0x00c3, 0x315: 0x00c3, 0x316: 0x00c3, 0x317: 0x00c3, + 0x318: 0x00c3, 0x319: 0x00c3, 0x31a: 0x00c3, 0x31b: 0x00c3, 0x31c: 0x00c3, 0x31d: 0x00c3, + 0x31e: 0x00c3, 0x31f: 0x00c3, 0x320: 0x00c3, 0x321: 0x00c3, 0x322: 0x00c3, 0x323: 0x00c3, + 0x324: 0x00c3, 0x325: 0x00c3, 0x326: 0x00c3, 0x327: 0x00c3, 0x328: 0x00c3, 0x329: 0x00c3, + 0x32a: 0x00c3, 0x32b: 0x00c3, 0x32c: 0x00c3, 0x32d: 0x00c3, 0x32e: 0x00c3, 0x32f: 0x00c3, + 0x330: 0x00c8, 0x331: 0x00c8, 0x332: 0x00c8, 0x333: 0x00c8, 0x334: 0x0080, 0x335: 0x0050, + 0x336: 0x00c8, 0x337: 0x00c8, 0x33a: 0x0088, 0x33b: 0x00c8, + 0x33c: 0x00c8, 0x33d: 0x00c8, 0x33e: 0x0080, 0x33f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x344: 0x0088, 0x345: 0x0080, + 0x346: 0x00c8, 0x347: 0x0080, 0x348: 0x00c8, 0x349: 0x00c8, 0x34a: 0x00c8, + 0x34c: 0x00c8, 0x34e: 0x00c8, 0x34f: 0x00c8, 0x350: 0x00c8, 0x351: 0x00c8, + 0x352: 0x00c8, 0x353: 0x00c8, 0x354: 0x00c8, 0x355: 0x00c8, 0x356: 0x00c8, 0x357: 0x00c8, + 0x358: 0x00c8, 0x359: 0x00c8, 0x35a: 0x00c8, 0x35b: 0x00c8, 0x35c: 0x00c8, 0x35d: 0x00c8, + 0x35e: 0x00c8, 0x35f: 0x00c8, 0x360: 0x00c8, 0x361: 0x00c8, 0x363: 0x00c8, + 0x364: 0x00c8, 0x365: 0x00c8, 0x366: 0x00c8, 0x367: 0x00c8, 0x368: 0x00c8, 0x369: 0x00c8, + 0x36a: 0x00c8, 0x36b: 0x00c8, 0x36c: 0x00c8, 0x36d: 0x00c8, 0x36e: 0x00c8, 0x36f: 0x00c8, + 0x370: 0x00c8, 0x371: 0x00c8, 0x372: 0x00c8, 0x373: 0x00c8, 0x374: 0x00c8, 0x375: 0x00c8, + 0x376: 0x00c8, 0x377: 0x00c8, 0x378: 0x00c8, 0x379: 0x00c8, 0x37a: 0x00c8, 0x37b: 0x00c8, + 0x37c: 0x00c8, 0x37d: 0x00c8, 0x37e: 0x00c8, 0x37f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x00c8, 0x381: 0x00c8, 0x382: 0x00c8, 0x383: 0x00c8, 0x384: 0x00c8, 0x385: 0x00c8, + 0x386: 0x00c8, 0x387: 0x00c8, 0x388: 0x00c8, 0x389: 0x00c8, 0x38a: 0x00c8, 0x38b: 0x00c8, + 0x38c: 0x00c8, 0x38d: 0x00c8, 0x38e: 0x00c8, 0x38f: 0x00c8, 0x390: 0x0088, 0x391: 0x0088, + 0x392: 0x0088, 0x393: 0x0088, 0x394: 0x0088, 0x395: 0x0088, 0x396: 0x0088, 0x397: 0x00c8, + 0x398: 0x00c8, 0x399: 0x00c8, 0x39a: 0x00c8, 0x39b: 0x00c8, 0x39c: 0x00c8, 0x39d: 0x00c8, + 0x39e: 0x00c8, 0x39f: 0x00c8, 0x3a0: 0x00c8, 0x3a1: 0x00c8, 0x3a2: 0x00c0, 0x3a3: 0x00c0, + 0x3a4: 0x00c0, 0x3a5: 0x00c0, 0x3a6: 0x00c0, 0x3a7: 0x00c0, 0x3a8: 0x00c0, 0x3a9: 0x00c0, + 0x3aa: 0x00c0, 0x3ab: 0x00c0, 0x3ac: 0x00c0, 0x3ad: 0x00c0, 0x3ae: 0x00c0, 0x3af: 0x00c0, + 0x3b0: 0x0088, 0x3b1: 0x0088, 0x3b2: 0x0088, 0x3b3: 0x00c8, 0x3b4: 0x0088, 0x3b5: 0x0088, + 0x3b6: 0x0088, 0x3b7: 0x00c8, 0x3b8: 0x00c8, 0x3b9: 0x0088, 0x3ba: 0x00c8, 0x3bb: 0x00c8, + 0x3bc: 0x00c8, 0x3bd: 0x00c8, 0x3be: 0x00c8, 0x3bf: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x00c0, 0x3c1: 0x00c0, 0x3c2: 0x0080, 0x3c3: 0x00c3, 0x3c4: 0x00c3, 0x3c5: 0x00c3, + 0x3c6: 0x00c3, 0x3c7: 0x00c3, 0x3c8: 0x0083, 0x3c9: 0x0083, 0x3ca: 0x00c0, 0x3cb: 0x00c0, + 0x3cc: 0x00c0, 0x3cd: 0x00c0, 0x3ce: 0x00c0, 0x3cf: 0x00c0, 0x3d0: 0x00c0, 0x3d1: 0x00c0, + 0x3d2: 0x00c0, 0x3d3: 0x00c0, 0x3d4: 0x00c0, 0x3d5: 0x00c0, 0x3d6: 0x00c0, 0x3d7: 0x00c0, + 0x3d8: 0x00c0, 0x3d9: 0x00c0, 0x3da: 0x00c0, 0x3db: 0x00c0, 0x3dc: 0x00c0, 0x3dd: 0x00c0, + 0x3de: 0x00c0, 0x3df: 0x00c0, 0x3e0: 0x00c0, 0x3e1: 0x00c0, 0x3e2: 0x00c0, 0x3e3: 0x00c0, + 0x3e4: 0x00c0, 0x3e5: 0x00c0, 0x3e6: 0x00c0, 0x3e7: 0x00c0, 0x3e8: 0x00c0, 0x3e9: 0x00c0, + 0x3ea: 0x00c0, 0x3eb: 0x00c0, 0x3ec: 0x00c0, 0x3ed: 0x00c0, 0x3ee: 0x00c0, 0x3ef: 0x00c0, + 0x3f0: 0x00c0, 0x3f1: 0x00c0, 0x3f2: 0x00c0, 0x3f3: 0x00c0, 0x3f4: 0x00c0, 0x3f5: 0x00c0, + 0x3f6: 0x00c0, 0x3f7: 0x00c0, 0x3f8: 0x00c0, 0x3f9: 0x00c0, 0x3fa: 0x00c0, 0x3fb: 0x00c0, + 0x3fc: 0x00c0, 0x3fd: 0x00c0, 0x3fe: 0x00c0, 0x3ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x00c0, 0x401: 0x00c0, 0x402: 0x00c0, 0x403: 0x00c0, 0x404: 0x00c0, 0x405: 0x00c0, + 0x406: 0x00c0, 0x407: 0x00c0, 0x408: 0x00c0, 0x409: 0x00c0, 0x40a: 0x00c0, 0x40b: 0x00c0, + 0x40c: 0x00c0, 0x40d: 0x00c0, 0x40e: 0x00c0, 0x40f: 0x00c0, 0x410: 0x00c0, 0x411: 0x00c0, + 0x412: 0x00c0, 0x413: 0x00c0, 0x414: 0x00c0, 0x415: 0x00c0, 0x416: 0x00c0, 0x417: 0x00c0, + 0x418: 0x00c0, 0x419: 0x00c0, 0x41a: 0x00c0, 0x41b: 0x00c0, 0x41c: 0x00c0, 0x41d: 0x00c0, + 0x41e: 0x00c0, 0x41f: 0x00c0, 0x420: 0x00c0, 0x421: 0x00c0, 0x422: 0x00c0, 0x423: 0x00c0, + 0x424: 0x00c0, 0x425: 0x00c0, 0x426: 0x00c0, 0x427: 0x00c0, 0x428: 0x00c0, 0x429: 0x00c0, + 0x42a: 0x00c0, 0x42b: 0x00c0, 0x42c: 0x00c0, 0x42d: 0x00c0, 0x42e: 0x00c0, 0x42f: 0x00c0, + 0x431: 0x00c0, 0x432: 0x00c0, 0x433: 0x00c0, 0x434: 0x00c0, 0x435: 0x00c0, + 0x436: 0x00c0, 0x437: 0x00c0, 0x438: 0x00c0, 0x439: 0x00c0, 0x43a: 0x00c0, 0x43b: 0x00c0, + 0x43c: 0x00c0, 0x43d: 0x00c0, 0x43e: 0x00c0, 0x43f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x00c0, 0x441: 0x00c0, 0x442: 0x00c0, 0x443: 0x00c0, 0x444: 0x00c0, 0x445: 0x00c0, + 0x446: 0x00c0, 0x447: 0x00c0, 0x448: 0x00c0, 0x449: 0x00c0, 0x44a: 0x00c0, 0x44b: 0x00c0, + 0x44c: 0x00c0, 0x44d: 0x00c0, 0x44e: 0x00c0, 0x44f: 0x00c0, 0x450: 0x00c0, 0x451: 0x00c0, + 0x452: 0x00c0, 0x453: 0x00c0, 0x454: 0x00c0, 0x455: 0x00c0, 0x456: 0x00c0, + 0x459: 0x00c0, 0x45a: 0x0080, 0x45b: 0x0080, 0x45c: 0x0080, 0x45d: 0x0080, + 0x45e: 0x0080, 0x45f: 0x0080, 0x460: 0x00c0, 0x461: 0x00c0, 0x462: 0x00c0, 0x463: 0x00c0, + 0x464: 0x00c0, 0x465: 0x00c0, 0x466: 0x00c0, 0x467: 0x00c0, 0x468: 0x00c0, 0x469: 0x00c0, + 0x46a: 0x00c0, 0x46b: 0x00c0, 0x46c: 0x00c0, 0x46d: 0x00c0, 0x46e: 0x00c0, 0x46f: 0x00c0, + 0x470: 0x00c0, 0x471: 0x00c0, 0x472: 0x00c0, 0x473: 0x00c0, 0x474: 0x00c0, 0x475: 0x00c0, + 0x476: 0x00c0, 0x477: 0x00c0, 0x478: 0x00c0, 0x479: 0x00c0, 0x47a: 0x00c0, 0x47b: 0x00c0, + 0x47c: 0x00c0, 0x47d: 0x00c0, 0x47e: 0x00c0, 0x47f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x00c0, 0x481: 0x00c0, 0x482: 0x00c0, 0x483: 0x00c0, 0x484: 0x00c0, 0x485: 0x00c0, + 0x486: 0x00c0, 0x487: 0x0080, 0x488: 0x00c0, 0x489: 0x0080, 0x48a: 0x0080, + 0x48d: 0x0080, 0x48e: 0x0080, 0x48f: 0x0080, 0x491: 0x00cb, + 0x492: 0x00cb, 0x493: 0x00cb, 0x494: 0x00cb, 0x495: 0x00cb, 0x496: 0x00cb, 0x497: 0x00cb, + 0x498: 0x00cb, 0x499: 0x00cb, 0x49a: 0x00cb, 0x49b: 0x00cb, 0x49c: 0x00cb, 0x49d: 0x00cb, + 0x49e: 0x00cb, 0x49f: 0x00cb, 0x4a0: 0x00cb, 0x4a1: 0x00cb, 0x4a2: 0x00cb, 0x4a3: 0x00cb, + 0x4a4: 0x00cb, 0x4a5: 0x00cb, 0x4a6: 0x00cb, 0x4a7: 0x00cb, 0x4a8: 0x00cb, 0x4a9: 0x00cb, + 0x4aa: 0x00cb, 0x4ab: 0x00cb, 0x4ac: 0x00cb, 0x4ad: 0x00cb, 0x4ae: 0x00cb, 0x4af: 0x00cb, + 0x4b0: 0x00cb, 0x4b1: 0x00cb, 0x4b2: 0x00cb, 0x4b3: 0x00cb, 0x4b4: 0x00cb, 0x4b5: 0x00cb, + 0x4b6: 0x00cb, 0x4b7: 0x00cb, 0x4b8: 0x00cb, 0x4b9: 0x00cb, 0x4ba: 0x00cb, 0x4bb: 0x00cb, + 0x4bc: 0x00cb, 0x4bd: 0x00cb, 0x4be: 0x008a, 0x4bf: 0x00cb, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x008a, 0x4c1: 0x00cb, 0x4c2: 0x00cb, 0x4c3: 0x008a, 0x4c4: 0x00cb, 0x4c5: 0x00cb, + 0x4c6: 0x008a, 0x4c7: 0x00cb, + 0x4d0: 0x00ca, 0x4d1: 0x00ca, + 0x4d2: 0x00ca, 0x4d3: 0x00ca, 0x4d4: 0x00ca, 0x4d5: 0x00ca, 0x4d6: 0x00ca, 0x4d7: 0x00ca, + 0x4d8: 0x00ca, 0x4d9: 0x00ca, 0x4da: 0x00ca, 0x4db: 0x00ca, 0x4dc: 0x00ca, 0x4dd: 0x00ca, + 0x4de: 0x00ca, 0x4df: 0x00ca, 0x4e0: 0x00ca, 0x4e1: 0x00ca, 0x4e2: 0x00ca, 0x4e3: 0x00ca, + 0x4e4: 0x00ca, 0x4e5: 0x00ca, 0x4e6: 0x00ca, 0x4e7: 0x00ca, 0x4e8: 0x00ca, 0x4e9: 0x00ca, + 0x4ea: 0x00ca, 0x4ef: 0x00ca, + 0x4f0: 0x00ca, 0x4f1: 0x00ca, 0x4f2: 0x00ca, 0x4f3: 0x0051, 0x4f4: 0x0051, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x0040, 0x501: 0x0040, 0x502: 0x0040, 0x503: 0x0040, 0x504: 0x0040, 0x505: 0x0040, + 0x506: 0x0080, 0x507: 0x0080, 0x508: 0x0080, 0x509: 0x0080, 0x50a: 0x0080, 0x50b: 0x0080, + 0x50c: 0x0080, 0x50d: 0x0080, 0x50e: 0x0080, 0x50f: 0x0080, 0x510: 0x00c3, 0x511: 0x00c3, + 0x512: 0x00c3, 0x513: 0x00c3, 0x514: 0x00c3, 0x515: 0x00c3, 0x516: 0x00c3, 0x517: 0x00c3, + 0x518: 0x00c3, 0x519: 0x00c3, 0x51a: 0x00c3, 0x51b: 0x0080, 0x51c: 0x0040, + 0x51e: 0x0080, 0x51f: 0x0080, 0x520: 0x00c2, 0x521: 0x00c0, 0x522: 0x00c4, 0x523: 0x00c4, + 0x524: 0x00c4, 0x525: 0x00c4, 0x526: 0x00c2, 0x527: 0x00c4, 0x528: 0x00c2, 0x529: 0x00c4, + 0x52a: 0x00c2, 0x52b: 0x00c2, 0x52c: 0x00c2, 0x52d: 0x00c2, 0x52e: 0x00c2, 0x52f: 0x00c4, + 0x530: 0x00c4, 0x531: 0x00c4, 0x532: 0x00c4, 0x533: 0x00c2, 0x534: 0x00c2, 0x535: 0x00c2, + 0x536: 0x00c2, 0x537: 0x00c2, 0x538: 0x00c2, 0x539: 0x00c2, 0x53a: 0x00c2, 0x53b: 0x00c2, + 0x53c: 0x00c2, 0x53d: 0x00c2, 0x53e: 0x00c2, 0x53f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x0040, 0x541: 0x00c2, 0x542: 0x00c2, 0x543: 0x00c2, 0x544: 0x00c2, 0x545: 0x00c2, + 0x546: 0x00c2, 0x547: 0x00c2, 0x548: 0x00c4, 0x549: 0x00c2, 0x54a: 0x00c2, 0x54b: 0x00c3, + 0x54c: 0x00c3, 0x54d: 0x00c3, 0x54e: 0x00c3, 0x54f: 0x00c3, 0x550: 0x00c3, 0x551: 0x00c3, + 0x552: 0x00c3, 0x553: 0x00c3, 0x554: 0x00c3, 0x555: 0x00c3, 0x556: 0x00c3, 0x557: 0x00c3, + 0x558: 0x00c3, 0x559: 0x00c3, 0x55a: 0x00c3, 0x55b: 0x00c3, 0x55c: 0x00c3, 0x55d: 0x00c3, + 0x55e: 0x00c3, 0x55f: 0x00c3, 0x560: 0x0053, 0x561: 0x0053, 0x562: 0x0053, 0x563: 0x0053, + 0x564: 0x0053, 0x565: 0x0053, 0x566: 0x0053, 0x567: 0x0053, 0x568: 0x0053, 0x569: 0x0053, + 0x56a: 0x0080, 0x56b: 0x0080, 0x56c: 0x0080, 0x56d: 0x0080, 0x56e: 0x00c2, 0x56f: 0x00c2, + 0x570: 0x00c3, 0x571: 0x00c4, 0x572: 0x00c4, 0x573: 0x00c4, 0x574: 0x00c0, 0x575: 0x0084, + 0x576: 0x0084, 0x577: 0x0084, 0x578: 0x0082, 0x579: 0x00c2, 0x57a: 0x00c2, 0x57b: 0x00c2, + 0x57c: 0x00c2, 0x57d: 0x00c2, 0x57e: 0x00c2, 0x57f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x00c2, 0x581: 0x00c2, 0x582: 0x00c2, 0x583: 0x00c2, 0x584: 0x00c2, 0x585: 0x00c2, + 0x586: 0x00c2, 0x587: 0x00c2, 0x588: 0x00c4, 0x589: 0x00c4, 0x58a: 0x00c4, 0x58b: 0x00c4, + 0x58c: 0x00c4, 0x58d: 0x00c4, 0x58e: 0x00c4, 0x58f: 0x00c4, 0x590: 0x00c4, 0x591: 0x00c4, + 0x592: 0x00c4, 0x593: 0x00c4, 0x594: 0x00c4, 0x595: 0x00c4, 0x596: 0x00c4, 0x597: 0x00c4, + 0x598: 0x00c4, 0x599: 0x00c4, 0x59a: 0x00c2, 0x59b: 0x00c2, 0x59c: 0x00c2, 0x59d: 0x00c2, + 0x59e: 0x00c2, 0x59f: 0x00c2, 0x5a0: 0x00c2, 0x5a1: 0x00c2, 0x5a2: 0x00c2, 0x5a3: 0x00c2, + 0x5a4: 0x00c2, 0x5a5: 0x00c2, 0x5a6: 0x00c2, 0x5a7: 0x00c2, 0x5a8: 0x00c2, 0x5a9: 0x00c2, + 0x5aa: 0x00c2, 0x5ab: 0x00c2, 0x5ac: 0x00c2, 0x5ad: 0x00c2, 0x5ae: 0x00c2, 0x5af: 0x00c2, + 0x5b0: 0x00c2, 0x5b1: 0x00c2, 0x5b2: 0x00c2, 0x5b3: 0x00c2, 0x5b4: 0x00c2, 0x5b5: 0x00c2, + 0x5b6: 0x00c2, 0x5b7: 0x00c2, 0x5b8: 0x00c2, 0x5b9: 0x00c2, 0x5ba: 0x00c2, 0x5bb: 0x00c2, + 0x5bc: 0x00c2, 0x5bd: 0x00c2, 0x5be: 0x00c2, 0x5bf: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x00c4, 0x5c1: 0x00c2, 0x5c2: 0x00c2, 0x5c3: 0x00c4, 0x5c4: 0x00c4, 0x5c5: 0x00c4, + 0x5c6: 0x00c4, 0x5c7: 0x00c4, 0x5c8: 0x00c4, 0x5c9: 0x00c4, 0x5ca: 0x00c4, 0x5cb: 0x00c4, + 0x5cc: 0x00c2, 0x5cd: 0x00c4, 0x5ce: 0x00c2, 0x5cf: 0x00c4, 0x5d0: 0x00c2, 0x5d1: 0x00c2, + 0x5d2: 0x00c4, 0x5d3: 0x00c4, 0x5d4: 0x0080, 0x5d5: 0x00c4, 0x5d6: 0x00c3, 0x5d7: 0x00c3, + 0x5d8: 0x00c3, 0x5d9: 0x00c3, 0x5da: 0x00c3, 0x5db: 0x00c3, 0x5dc: 0x00c3, 0x5dd: 0x0040, + 0x5de: 0x0080, 0x5df: 0x00c3, 0x5e0: 0x00c3, 0x5e1: 0x00c3, 0x5e2: 0x00c3, 0x5e3: 0x00c3, + 0x5e4: 0x00c3, 0x5e5: 0x00c0, 0x5e6: 0x00c0, 0x5e7: 0x00c3, 0x5e8: 0x00c3, 0x5e9: 0x0080, + 0x5ea: 0x00c3, 0x5eb: 0x00c3, 0x5ec: 0x00c3, 0x5ed: 0x00c3, 0x5ee: 0x00c4, 0x5ef: 0x00c4, + 0x5f0: 0x0054, 0x5f1: 0x0054, 0x5f2: 0x0054, 0x5f3: 0x0054, 0x5f4: 0x0054, 0x5f5: 0x0054, + 0x5f6: 0x0054, 0x5f7: 0x0054, 0x5f8: 0x0054, 0x5f9: 0x0054, 0x5fa: 0x00c2, 0x5fb: 0x00c2, + 0x5fc: 0x00c2, 0x5fd: 0x00c0, 0x5fe: 0x00c0, 0x5ff: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x0080, 0x601: 0x0080, 0x602: 0x0080, 0x603: 0x0080, 0x604: 0x0080, 0x605: 0x0080, + 0x606: 0x0080, 0x607: 0x0080, 0x608: 0x0080, 0x609: 0x0080, 0x60a: 0x0080, 0x60b: 0x0080, + 0x60c: 0x0080, 0x60d: 0x0080, 0x60f: 0x0040, 0x610: 0x00c4, 0x611: 0x00c3, + 0x612: 0x00c2, 0x613: 0x00c2, 0x614: 0x00c2, 0x615: 0x00c4, 0x616: 0x00c4, 0x617: 0x00c4, + 0x618: 0x00c4, 0x619: 0x00c4, 0x61a: 0x00c2, 0x61b: 0x00c2, 0x61c: 0x00c2, 0x61d: 0x00c2, + 0x61e: 0x00c4, 0x61f: 0x00c2, 0x620: 0x00c2, 0x621: 0x00c2, 0x622: 0x00c2, 0x623: 0x00c2, + 0x624: 0x00c2, 0x625: 0x00c2, 0x626: 0x00c2, 0x627: 0x00c2, 0x628: 0x00c4, 0x629: 0x00c2, + 0x62a: 0x00c4, 0x62b: 0x00c2, 0x62c: 0x00c4, 0x62d: 0x00c2, 0x62e: 0x00c2, 0x62f: 0x00c4, + 0x630: 0x00c3, 0x631: 0x00c3, 0x632: 0x00c3, 0x633: 0x00c3, 0x634: 0x00c3, 0x635: 0x00c3, + 0x636: 0x00c3, 0x637: 0x00c3, 0x638: 0x00c3, 0x639: 0x00c3, 0x63a: 0x00c3, 0x63b: 0x00c3, + 0x63c: 0x00c3, 0x63d: 0x00c3, 0x63e: 0x00c3, 0x63f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x00c3, 0x641: 0x00c3, 0x642: 0x00c3, 0x643: 0x00c3, 0x644: 0x00c3, 0x645: 0x00c3, + 0x646: 0x00c3, 0x647: 0x00c3, 0x648: 0x00c3, 0x649: 0x00c3, 0x64a: 0x00c3, + 0x64d: 0x00c4, 0x64e: 0x00c2, 0x64f: 0x00c2, 0x650: 0x00c2, 0x651: 0x00c2, + 0x652: 0x00c2, 0x653: 0x00c2, 0x654: 0x00c2, 0x655: 0x00c2, 0x656: 0x00c2, 0x657: 0x00c2, + 0x658: 0x00c2, 0x659: 0x00c4, 0x65a: 0x00c4, 0x65b: 0x00c4, 0x65c: 0x00c2, 0x65d: 0x00c2, + 0x65e: 0x00c2, 0x65f: 0x00c2, 0x660: 0x00c2, 0x661: 0x00c2, 0x662: 0x00c2, 0x663: 0x00c2, + 0x664: 0x00c2, 0x665: 0x00c2, 0x666: 0x00c2, 0x667: 0x00c2, 0x668: 0x00c2, 0x669: 0x00c2, + 0x66a: 0x00c2, 0x66b: 0x00c4, 0x66c: 0x00c4, 0x66d: 0x00c2, 0x66e: 0x00c2, 0x66f: 0x00c2, + 0x670: 0x00c2, 0x671: 0x00c4, 0x672: 0x00c2, 0x673: 0x00c4, 0x674: 0x00c4, 0x675: 0x00c2, + 0x676: 0x00c2, 0x677: 0x00c2, 0x678: 0x00c4, 0x679: 0x00c4, 0x67a: 0x00c2, 0x67b: 0x00c2, + 0x67c: 0x00c2, 0x67d: 0x00c2, 0x67e: 0x00c2, 0x67f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x00c0, 0x681: 0x00c0, 0x682: 0x00c0, 0x683: 0x00c0, 0x684: 0x00c0, 0x685: 0x00c0, + 0x686: 0x00c0, 0x687: 0x00c0, 0x688: 0x00c0, 0x689: 0x00c0, 0x68a: 0x00c0, 0x68b: 0x00c0, + 0x68c: 0x00c0, 0x68d: 0x00c0, 0x68e: 0x00c0, 0x68f: 0x00c0, 0x690: 0x00c0, 0x691: 0x00c0, + 0x692: 0x00c0, 0x693: 0x00c0, 0x694: 0x00c0, 0x695: 0x00c0, 0x696: 0x00c0, 0x697: 0x00c0, + 0x698: 0x00c0, 0x699: 0x00c0, 0x69a: 0x00c0, 0x69b: 0x00c0, 0x69c: 0x00c0, 0x69d: 0x00c0, + 0x69e: 0x00c0, 0x69f: 0x00c0, 0x6a0: 0x00c0, 0x6a1: 0x00c0, 0x6a2: 0x00c0, 0x6a3: 0x00c0, + 0x6a4: 0x00c0, 0x6a5: 0x00c0, 0x6a6: 0x00c3, 0x6a7: 0x00c3, 0x6a8: 0x00c3, 0x6a9: 0x00c3, + 0x6aa: 0x00c3, 0x6ab: 0x00c3, 0x6ac: 0x00c3, 0x6ad: 0x00c3, 0x6ae: 0x00c3, 0x6af: 0x00c3, + 0x6b0: 0x00c3, 0x6b1: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x00c0, 0x6c1: 0x00c0, 0x6c2: 0x00c0, 0x6c3: 0x00c0, 0x6c4: 0x00c0, 0x6c5: 0x00c0, + 0x6c6: 0x00c0, 0x6c7: 0x00c0, 0x6c8: 0x00c0, 0x6c9: 0x00c0, 0x6ca: 0x00c2, 0x6cb: 0x00c2, + 0x6cc: 0x00c2, 0x6cd: 0x00c2, 0x6ce: 0x00c2, 0x6cf: 0x00c2, 0x6d0: 0x00c2, 0x6d1: 0x00c2, + 0x6d2: 0x00c2, 0x6d3: 0x00c2, 0x6d4: 0x00c2, 0x6d5: 0x00c2, 0x6d6: 0x00c2, 0x6d7: 0x00c2, + 0x6d8: 0x00c2, 0x6d9: 0x00c2, 0x6da: 0x00c2, 0x6db: 0x00c2, 0x6dc: 0x00c2, 0x6dd: 0x00c2, + 0x6de: 0x00c2, 0x6df: 0x00c2, 0x6e0: 0x00c2, 0x6e1: 0x00c2, 0x6e2: 0x00c2, 0x6e3: 0x00c2, + 0x6e4: 0x00c2, 0x6e5: 0x00c2, 0x6e6: 0x00c2, 0x6e7: 0x00c2, 0x6e8: 0x00c2, 0x6e9: 0x00c2, + 0x6ea: 0x00c2, 0x6eb: 0x00c3, 0x6ec: 0x00c3, 0x6ed: 0x00c3, 0x6ee: 0x00c3, 0x6ef: 0x00c3, + 0x6f0: 0x00c3, 0x6f1: 0x00c3, 0x6f2: 0x00c3, 0x6f3: 0x00c3, 0x6f4: 0x00c0, 0x6f5: 0x00c0, + 0x6f6: 0x0080, 0x6f7: 0x0080, 0x6f8: 0x0080, 0x6f9: 0x0080, 0x6fa: 0x0040, + 0x6fd: 0x00c3, 0x6fe: 0x0080, 0x6ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x00c0, 0x701: 0x00c0, 0x702: 0x00c0, 0x703: 0x00c0, 0x704: 0x00c0, 0x705: 0x00c0, + 0x706: 0x00c0, 0x707: 0x00c0, 0x708: 0x00c0, 0x709: 0x00c0, 0x70a: 0x00c0, 0x70b: 0x00c0, + 0x70c: 0x00c0, 0x70d: 0x00c0, 0x70e: 0x00c0, 0x70f: 0x00c0, 0x710: 0x00c0, 0x711: 0x00c0, + 0x712: 0x00c0, 0x713: 0x00c0, 0x714: 0x00c0, 0x715: 0x00c0, 0x716: 0x00c3, 0x717: 0x00c3, + 0x718: 0x00c3, 0x719: 0x00c3, 0x71a: 0x00c0, 0x71b: 0x00c3, 0x71c: 0x00c3, 0x71d: 0x00c3, + 0x71e: 0x00c3, 0x71f: 0x00c3, 0x720: 0x00c3, 0x721: 0x00c3, 0x722: 0x00c3, 0x723: 0x00c3, + 0x724: 0x00c0, 0x725: 0x00c3, 0x726: 0x00c3, 0x727: 0x00c3, 0x728: 0x00c0, 0x729: 0x00c3, + 0x72a: 0x00c3, 0x72b: 0x00c3, 0x72c: 0x00c3, 0x72d: 0x00c3, + 0x730: 0x0080, 0x731: 0x0080, 0x732: 0x0080, 0x733: 0x0080, 0x734: 0x0080, 0x735: 0x0080, + 0x736: 0x0080, 0x737: 0x0080, 0x738: 0x0080, 0x739: 0x0080, 0x73a: 0x0080, 0x73b: 0x0080, + 0x73c: 0x0080, 0x73d: 0x0080, 0x73e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x00c4, 0x741: 0x00c2, 0x742: 0x00c2, 0x743: 0x00c2, 0x744: 0x00c2, 0x745: 0x00c2, + 0x746: 0x00c4, 0x747: 0x00c4, 0x748: 0x00c2, 0x749: 0x00c4, 0x74a: 0x00c2, 0x74b: 0x00c2, + 0x74c: 0x00c2, 0x74d: 0x00c2, 0x74e: 0x00c2, 0x74f: 0x00c2, 0x750: 0x00c2, 0x751: 0x00c2, + 0x752: 0x00c2, 0x753: 0x00c2, 0x754: 0x00c4, 0x755: 0x00c2, 0x756: 0x00c0, 0x757: 0x00c0, + 0x758: 0x00c0, 0x759: 0x00c3, 0x75a: 0x00c3, 0x75b: 0x00c3, + 0x75e: 0x0080, 0x760: 0x00c2, 0x761: 0x00c0, 0x762: 0x00c2, 0x763: 0x00c2, + 0x764: 0x00c2, 0x765: 0x00c2, 0x766: 0x00c0, 0x767: 0x00c4, 0x768: 0x00c2, 0x769: 0x00c4, + 0x76a: 0x00c4, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x7a0: 0x00c2, 0x7a1: 0x00c2, 0x7a2: 0x00c2, 0x7a3: 0x00c2, + 0x7a4: 0x00c2, 0x7a5: 0x00c2, 0x7a6: 0x00c2, 0x7a7: 0x00c2, 0x7a8: 0x00c2, 0x7a9: 0x00c2, + 0x7aa: 0x00c4, 0x7ab: 0x00c4, 0x7ac: 0x00c4, 0x7ad: 0x00c0, 0x7ae: 0x00c4, 0x7af: 0x00c2, + 0x7b0: 0x00c2, 0x7b1: 0x00c4, 0x7b2: 0x00c4, 0x7b3: 0x00c2, 0x7b4: 0x00c2, + 0x7b6: 0x00c2, 0x7b7: 0x00c2, 0x7b8: 0x00c2, 0x7b9: 0x00c4, 0x7ba: 0x00c2, 0x7bb: 0x00c2, + 0x7bc: 0x00c2, 0x7bd: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7d3: 0x00c3, 0x7d4: 0x00c3, 0x7d5: 0x00c3, 0x7d6: 0x00c3, 0x7d7: 0x00c3, + 0x7d8: 0x00c3, 0x7d9: 0x00c3, 0x7da: 0x00c3, 0x7db: 0x00c3, 0x7dc: 0x00c3, 0x7dd: 0x00c3, + 0x7de: 0x00c3, 0x7df: 0x00c3, 0x7e0: 0x00c3, 0x7e1: 0x00c3, 0x7e2: 0x0040, 0x7e3: 0x00c3, + 0x7e4: 0x00c3, 0x7e5: 0x00c3, 0x7e6: 0x00c3, 0x7e7: 0x00c3, 0x7e8: 0x00c3, 0x7e9: 0x00c3, + 0x7ea: 0x00c3, 0x7eb: 0x00c3, 0x7ec: 0x00c3, 0x7ed: 0x00c3, 0x7ee: 0x00c3, 0x7ef: 0x00c3, + 0x7f0: 0x00c3, 0x7f1: 0x00c3, 0x7f2: 0x00c3, 0x7f3: 0x00c3, 0x7f4: 0x00c3, 0x7f5: 0x00c3, + 0x7f6: 0x00c3, 0x7f7: 0x00c3, 0x7f8: 0x00c3, 0x7f9: 0x00c3, 0x7fa: 0x00c3, 0x7fb: 0x00c3, + 0x7fc: 0x00c3, 0x7fd: 0x00c3, 0x7fe: 0x00c3, 0x7ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x00c3, 0x801: 0x00c3, 0x802: 0x00c3, 0x803: 0x00c0, 0x804: 0x00c0, 0x805: 0x00c0, + 0x806: 0x00c0, 0x807: 0x00c0, 0x808: 0x00c0, 0x809: 0x00c0, 0x80a: 0x00c0, 0x80b: 0x00c0, + 0x80c: 0x00c0, 0x80d: 0x00c0, 0x80e: 0x00c0, 0x80f: 0x00c0, 0x810: 0x00c0, 0x811: 0x00c0, + 0x812: 0x00c0, 0x813: 0x00c0, 0x814: 0x00c0, 0x815: 0x00c0, 0x816: 0x00c0, 0x817: 0x00c0, + 0x818: 0x00c0, 0x819: 0x00c0, 0x81a: 0x00c0, 0x81b: 0x00c0, 0x81c: 0x00c0, 0x81d: 0x00c0, + 0x81e: 0x00c0, 0x81f: 0x00c0, 0x820: 0x00c0, 0x821: 0x00c0, 0x822: 0x00c0, 0x823: 0x00c0, + 0x824: 0x00c0, 0x825: 0x00c0, 0x826: 0x00c0, 0x827: 0x00c0, 0x828: 0x00c0, 0x829: 0x00c0, + 0x82a: 0x00c0, 0x82b: 0x00c0, 0x82c: 0x00c0, 0x82d: 0x00c0, 0x82e: 0x00c0, 0x82f: 0x00c0, + 0x830: 0x00c0, 0x831: 0x00c0, 0x832: 0x00c0, 0x833: 0x00c0, 0x834: 0x00c0, 0x835: 0x00c0, + 0x836: 0x00c0, 0x837: 0x00c0, 0x838: 0x00c0, 0x839: 0x00c0, 0x83a: 0x00c3, 0x83b: 0x00c0, + 0x83c: 0x00c3, 0x83d: 0x00c0, 0x83e: 0x00c0, 0x83f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x00c0, 0x841: 0x00c3, 0x842: 0x00c3, 0x843: 0x00c3, 0x844: 0x00c3, 0x845: 0x00c3, + 0x846: 0x00c3, 0x847: 0x00c3, 0x848: 0x00c3, 0x849: 0x00c0, 0x84a: 0x00c0, 0x84b: 0x00c0, + 0x84c: 0x00c0, 0x84d: 0x00c6, 0x84e: 0x00c0, 0x84f: 0x00c0, 0x850: 0x00c0, 0x851: 0x00c3, + 0x852: 0x00c3, 0x853: 0x00c3, 0x854: 0x00c3, 0x855: 0x00c3, 0x856: 0x00c3, 0x857: 0x00c3, + 0x858: 0x0080, 0x859: 0x0080, 0x85a: 0x0080, 0x85b: 0x0080, 0x85c: 0x0080, 0x85d: 0x0080, + 0x85e: 0x0080, 0x85f: 0x0080, 0x860: 0x00c0, 0x861: 0x00c0, 0x862: 0x00c3, 0x863: 0x00c3, + 0x864: 0x0080, 0x865: 0x0080, 0x866: 0x00c0, 0x867: 0x00c0, 0x868: 0x00c0, 0x869: 0x00c0, + 0x86a: 0x00c0, 0x86b: 0x00c0, 0x86c: 0x00c0, 0x86d: 0x00c0, 0x86e: 0x00c0, 0x86f: 0x00c0, + 0x870: 0x0080, 0x871: 0x00c0, 0x872: 0x00c0, 0x873: 0x00c0, 0x874: 0x00c0, 0x875: 0x00c0, + 0x876: 0x00c0, 0x877: 0x00c0, 0x878: 0x00c0, 0x879: 0x00c0, 0x87a: 0x00c0, 0x87b: 0x00c0, + 0x87c: 0x00c0, 0x87d: 0x00c0, 0x87e: 0x00c0, 0x87f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x00c0, 0x881: 0x00c3, 0x882: 0x00c0, 0x883: 0x00c0, 0x885: 0x00c0, + 0x886: 0x00c0, 0x887: 0x00c0, 0x888: 0x00c0, 0x889: 0x00c0, 0x88a: 0x00c0, 0x88b: 0x00c0, + 0x88c: 0x00c0, 0x88f: 0x00c0, 0x890: 0x00c0, + 0x893: 0x00c0, 0x894: 0x00c0, 0x895: 0x00c0, 0x896: 0x00c0, 0x897: 0x00c0, + 0x898: 0x00c0, 0x899: 0x00c0, 0x89a: 0x00c0, 0x89b: 0x00c0, 0x89c: 0x00c0, 0x89d: 0x00c0, + 0x89e: 0x00c0, 0x89f: 0x00c0, 0x8a0: 0x00c0, 0x8a1: 0x00c0, 0x8a2: 0x00c0, 0x8a3: 0x00c0, + 0x8a4: 0x00c0, 0x8a5: 0x00c0, 0x8a6: 0x00c0, 0x8a7: 0x00c0, 0x8a8: 0x00c0, + 0x8aa: 0x00c0, 0x8ab: 0x00c0, 0x8ac: 0x00c0, 0x8ad: 0x00c0, 0x8ae: 0x00c0, 0x8af: 0x00c0, + 0x8b0: 0x00c0, 0x8b2: 0x00c0, + 0x8b6: 0x00c0, 0x8b7: 0x00c0, 0x8b8: 0x00c0, 0x8b9: 0x00c0, + 0x8bc: 0x00c3, 0x8bd: 0x00c0, 0x8be: 0x00c0, 0x8bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x00c0, 0x8c1: 0x00c3, 0x8c2: 0x00c3, 0x8c3: 0x00c3, 0x8c4: 0x00c3, + 0x8c7: 0x00c0, 0x8c8: 0x00c0, 0x8cb: 0x00c0, + 0x8cc: 0x00c0, 0x8cd: 0x00c6, 0x8ce: 0x00c0, + 0x8d7: 0x00c0, + 0x8dc: 0x0080, 0x8dd: 0x0080, + 0x8df: 0x0080, 0x8e0: 0x00c0, 0x8e1: 0x00c0, 0x8e2: 0x00c3, 0x8e3: 0x00c3, + 0x8e6: 0x00c0, 0x8e7: 0x00c0, 0x8e8: 0x00c0, 0x8e9: 0x00c0, + 0x8ea: 0x00c0, 0x8eb: 0x00c0, 0x8ec: 0x00c0, 0x8ed: 0x00c0, 0x8ee: 0x00c0, 0x8ef: 0x00c0, + 0x8f0: 0x00c0, 0x8f1: 0x00c0, 0x8f2: 0x0080, 0x8f3: 0x0080, 0x8f4: 0x0080, 0x8f5: 0x0080, + 0x8f6: 0x0080, 0x8f7: 0x0080, 0x8f8: 0x0080, 0x8f9: 0x0080, 0x8fa: 0x0080, 0x8fb: 0x0080, + 0x8fc: 0x00c0, 0x8fd: 0x0080, 0x8fe: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x901: 0x00c3, 0x902: 0x00c3, 0x903: 0x00c0, 0x905: 0x00c0, + 0x906: 0x00c0, 0x907: 0x00c0, 0x908: 0x00c0, 0x909: 0x00c0, 0x90a: 0x00c0, + 0x90f: 0x00c0, 0x910: 0x00c0, + 0x913: 0x00c0, 0x914: 0x00c0, 0x915: 0x00c0, 0x916: 0x00c0, 0x917: 0x00c0, + 0x918: 0x00c0, 0x919: 0x00c0, 0x91a: 0x00c0, 0x91b: 0x00c0, 0x91c: 0x00c0, 0x91d: 0x00c0, + 0x91e: 0x00c0, 0x91f: 0x00c0, 0x920: 0x00c0, 0x921: 0x00c0, 0x922: 0x00c0, 0x923: 0x00c0, + 0x924: 0x00c0, 0x925: 0x00c0, 0x926: 0x00c0, 0x927: 0x00c0, 0x928: 0x00c0, + 0x92a: 0x00c0, 0x92b: 0x00c0, 0x92c: 0x00c0, 0x92d: 0x00c0, 0x92e: 0x00c0, 0x92f: 0x00c0, + 0x930: 0x00c0, 0x932: 0x00c0, 0x933: 0x0080, 0x935: 0x00c0, + 0x936: 0x0080, 0x938: 0x00c0, 0x939: 0x00c0, + 0x93c: 0x00c3, 0x93e: 0x00c0, 0x93f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x00c0, 0x941: 0x00c3, 0x942: 0x00c3, + 0x947: 0x00c3, 0x948: 0x00c3, 0x94b: 0x00c3, + 0x94c: 0x00c3, 0x94d: 0x00c6, 0x951: 0x00c3, + 0x959: 0x0080, 0x95a: 0x0080, 0x95b: 0x0080, 0x95c: 0x00c0, + 0x95e: 0x0080, + 0x966: 0x00c0, 0x967: 0x00c0, 0x968: 0x00c0, 0x969: 0x00c0, + 0x96a: 0x00c0, 0x96b: 0x00c0, 0x96c: 0x00c0, 0x96d: 0x00c0, 0x96e: 0x00c0, 0x96f: 0x00c0, + 0x970: 0x00c3, 0x971: 0x00c3, 0x972: 0x00c0, 0x973: 0x00c0, 0x974: 0x00c0, 0x975: 0x00c3, + 0x976: 0x0080, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x981: 0x00c3, 0x982: 0x00c3, 0x983: 0x00c0, 0x985: 0x00c0, + 0x986: 0x00c0, 0x987: 0x00c0, 0x988: 0x00c0, 0x989: 0x00c0, 0x98a: 0x00c0, 0x98b: 0x00c0, + 0x98c: 0x00c0, 0x98d: 0x00c0, 0x98f: 0x00c0, 0x990: 0x00c0, 0x991: 0x00c0, + 0x993: 0x00c0, 0x994: 0x00c0, 0x995: 0x00c0, 0x996: 0x00c0, 0x997: 0x00c0, + 0x998: 0x00c0, 0x999: 0x00c0, 0x99a: 0x00c0, 0x99b: 0x00c0, 0x99c: 0x00c0, 0x99d: 0x00c0, + 0x99e: 0x00c0, 0x99f: 0x00c0, 0x9a0: 0x00c0, 0x9a1: 0x00c0, 0x9a2: 0x00c0, 0x9a3: 0x00c0, + 0x9a4: 0x00c0, 0x9a5: 0x00c0, 0x9a6: 0x00c0, 0x9a7: 0x00c0, 0x9a8: 0x00c0, + 0x9aa: 0x00c0, 0x9ab: 0x00c0, 0x9ac: 0x00c0, 0x9ad: 0x00c0, 0x9ae: 0x00c0, 0x9af: 0x00c0, + 0x9b0: 0x00c0, 0x9b2: 0x00c0, 0x9b3: 0x00c0, 0x9b5: 0x00c0, + 0x9b6: 0x00c0, 0x9b7: 0x00c0, 0x9b8: 0x00c0, 0x9b9: 0x00c0, + 0x9bc: 0x00c3, 0x9bd: 0x00c0, 0x9be: 0x00c0, 0x9bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c0: 0x00c0, 0x9c1: 0x00c3, 0x9c2: 0x00c3, 0x9c3: 0x00c3, 0x9c4: 0x00c3, 0x9c5: 0x00c3, + 0x9c7: 0x00c3, 0x9c8: 0x00c3, 0x9c9: 0x00c0, 0x9cb: 0x00c0, + 0x9cc: 0x00c0, 0x9cd: 0x00c6, 0x9d0: 0x00c0, + 0x9e0: 0x00c0, 0x9e1: 0x00c0, 0x9e2: 0x00c3, 0x9e3: 0x00c3, + 0x9e6: 0x00c0, 0x9e7: 0x00c0, 0x9e8: 0x00c0, 0x9e9: 0x00c0, + 0x9ea: 0x00c0, 0x9eb: 0x00c0, 0x9ec: 0x00c0, 0x9ed: 0x00c0, 0x9ee: 0x00c0, 0x9ef: 0x00c0, + 0x9f0: 0x0080, 0x9f1: 0x0080, + 0x9f9: 0x00c0, 0x9fa: 0x00c3, 0x9fb: 0x00c3, + 0x9fc: 0x00c3, 0x9fd: 0x00c3, 0x9fe: 0x00c3, 0x9ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa01: 0x00c3, 0xa02: 0x00c0, 0xa03: 0x00c0, 0xa05: 0x00c0, + 0xa06: 0x00c0, 0xa07: 0x00c0, 0xa08: 0x00c0, 0xa09: 0x00c0, 0xa0a: 0x00c0, 0xa0b: 0x00c0, + 0xa0c: 0x00c0, 0xa0f: 0x00c0, 0xa10: 0x00c0, + 0xa13: 0x00c0, 0xa14: 0x00c0, 0xa15: 0x00c0, 0xa16: 0x00c0, 0xa17: 0x00c0, + 0xa18: 0x00c0, 0xa19: 0x00c0, 0xa1a: 0x00c0, 0xa1b: 0x00c0, 0xa1c: 0x00c0, 0xa1d: 0x00c0, + 0xa1e: 0x00c0, 0xa1f: 0x00c0, 0xa20: 0x00c0, 0xa21: 0x00c0, 0xa22: 0x00c0, 0xa23: 0x00c0, + 0xa24: 0x00c0, 0xa25: 0x00c0, 0xa26: 0x00c0, 0xa27: 0x00c0, 0xa28: 0x00c0, + 0xa2a: 0x00c0, 0xa2b: 0x00c0, 0xa2c: 0x00c0, 0xa2d: 0x00c0, 0xa2e: 0x00c0, 0xa2f: 0x00c0, + 0xa30: 0x00c0, 0xa32: 0x00c0, 0xa33: 0x00c0, 0xa35: 0x00c0, + 0xa36: 0x00c0, 0xa37: 0x00c0, 0xa38: 0x00c0, 0xa39: 0x00c0, + 0xa3c: 0x00c3, 0xa3d: 0x00c0, 0xa3e: 0x00c0, 0xa3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa40: 0x00c0, 0xa41: 0x00c3, 0xa42: 0x00c3, 0xa43: 0x00c3, 0xa44: 0x00c3, + 0xa47: 0x00c0, 0xa48: 0x00c0, 0xa4b: 0x00c0, + 0xa4c: 0x00c0, 0xa4d: 0x00c6, + 0xa56: 0x00c3, 0xa57: 0x00c0, + 0xa5c: 0x0080, 0xa5d: 0x0080, + 0xa5f: 0x00c0, 0xa60: 0x00c0, 0xa61: 0x00c0, 0xa62: 0x00c3, 0xa63: 0x00c3, + 0xa66: 0x00c0, 0xa67: 0x00c0, 0xa68: 0x00c0, 0xa69: 0x00c0, + 0xa6a: 0x00c0, 0xa6b: 0x00c0, 0xa6c: 0x00c0, 0xa6d: 0x00c0, 0xa6e: 0x00c0, 0xa6f: 0x00c0, + 0xa70: 0x0080, 0xa71: 0x00c0, 0xa72: 0x0080, 0xa73: 0x0080, 0xa74: 0x0080, 0xa75: 0x0080, + 0xa76: 0x0080, 0xa77: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa82: 0x00c3, 0xa83: 0x00c0, 0xa85: 0x00c0, + 0xa86: 0x00c0, 0xa87: 0x00c0, 0xa88: 0x00c0, 0xa89: 0x00c0, 0xa8a: 0x00c0, + 0xa8e: 0x00c0, 0xa8f: 0x00c0, 0xa90: 0x00c0, + 0xa92: 0x00c0, 0xa93: 0x00c0, 0xa94: 0x00c0, 0xa95: 0x00c0, + 0xa99: 0x00c0, 0xa9a: 0x00c0, 0xa9c: 0x00c0, + 0xa9e: 0x00c0, 0xa9f: 0x00c0, 0xaa3: 0x00c0, + 0xaa4: 0x00c0, 0xaa8: 0x00c0, 0xaa9: 0x00c0, + 0xaaa: 0x00c0, 0xaae: 0x00c0, 0xaaf: 0x00c0, + 0xab0: 0x00c0, 0xab1: 0x00c0, 0xab2: 0x00c0, 0xab3: 0x00c0, 0xab4: 0x00c0, 0xab5: 0x00c0, + 0xab6: 0x00c0, 0xab7: 0x00c0, 0xab8: 0x00c0, 0xab9: 0x00c0, + 0xabe: 0x00c0, 0xabf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xac0: 0x00c3, 0xac1: 0x00c0, 0xac2: 0x00c0, + 0xac6: 0x00c0, 0xac7: 0x00c0, 0xac8: 0x00c0, 0xaca: 0x00c0, 0xacb: 0x00c0, + 0xacc: 0x00c0, 0xacd: 0x00c6, 0xad0: 0x00c0, + 0xad7: 0x00c0, + 0xae6: 0x00c0, 0xae7: 0x00c0, 0xae8: 0x00c0, 0xae9: 0x00c0, + 0xaea: 0x00c0, 0xaeb: 0x00c0, 0xaec: 0x00c0, 0xaed: 0x00c0, 0xaee: 0x00c0, 0xaef: 0x00c0, + 0xaf0: 0x0080, 0xaf1: 0x0080, 0xaf2: 0x0080, 0xaf3: 0x0080, 0xaf4: 0x0080, 0xaf5: 0x0080, + 0xaf6: 0x0080, 0xaf7: 0x0080, 0xaf8: 0x0080, 0xaf9: 0x0080, 0xafa: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb00: 0x00c3, 0xb01: 0x00c0, 0xb02: 0x00c0, 0xb03: 0x00c0, 0xb04: 0x00c3, 0xb05: 0x00c0, + 0xb06: 0x00c0, 0xb07: 0x00c0, 0xb08: 0x00c0, 0xb09: 0x00c0, 0xb0a: 0x00c0, 0xb0b: 0x00c0, + 0xb0c: 0x00c0, 0xb0e: 0x00c0, 0xb0f: 0x00c0, 0xb10: 0x00c0, + 0xb12: 0x00c0, 0xb13: 0x00c0, 0xb14: 0x00c0, 0xb15: 0x00c0, 0xb16: 0x00c0, 0xb17: 0x00c0, + 0xb18: 0x00c0, 0xb19: 0x00c0, 0xb1a: 0x00c0, 0xb1b: 0x00c0, 0xb1c: 0x00c0, 0xb1d: 0x00c0, + 0xb1e: 0x00c0, 0xb1f: 0x00c0, 0xb20: 0x00c0, 0xb21: 0x00c0, 0xb22: 0x00c0, 0xb23: 0x00c0, + 0xb24: 0x00c0, 0xb25: 0x00c0, 0xb26: 0x00c0, 0xb27: 0x00c0, 0xb28: 0x00c0, + 0xb2a: 0x00c0, 0xb2b: 0x00c0, 0xb2c: 0x00c0, 0xb2d: 0x00c0, 0xb2e: 0x00c0, 0xb2f: 0x00c0, + 0xb30: 0x00c0, 0xb31: 0x00c0, 0xb32: 0x00c0, 0xb33: 0x00c0, 0xb34: 0x00c0, 0xb35: 0x00c0, + 0xb36: 0x00c0, 0xb37: 0x00c0, 0xb38: 0x00c0, 0xb39: 0x00c0, + 0xb3d: 0x00c0, 0xb3e: 0x00c3, 0xb3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb40: 0x00c3, 0xb41: 0x00c0, 0xb42: 0x00c0, 0xb43: 0x00c0, 0xb44: 0x00c0, + 0xb46: 0x00c3, 0xb47: 0x00c3, 0xb48: 0x00c3, 0xb4a: 0x00c3, 0xb4b: 0x00c3, + 0xb4c: 0x00c3, 0xb4d: 0x00c6, + 0xb55: 0x00c3, 0xb56: 0x00c3, + 0xb58: 0x00c0, 0xb59: 0x00c0, 0xb5a: 0x00c0, + 0xb60: 0x00c0, 0xb61: 0x00c0, 0xb62: 0x00c3, 0xb63: 0x00c3, + 0xb66: 0x00c0, 0xb67: 0x00c0, 0xb68: 0x00c0, 0xb69: 0x00c0, + 0xb6a: 0x00c0, 0xb6b: 0x00c0, 0xb6c: 0x00c0, 0xb6d: 0x00c0, 0xb6e: 0x00c0, 0xb6f: 0x00c0, + 0xb77: 0x0080, 0xb78: 0x0080, 0xb79: 0x0080, 0xb7a: 0x0080, 0xb7b: 0x0080, + 0xb7c: 0x0080, 0xb7d: 0x0080, 0xb7e: 0x0080, 0xb7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb80: 0x00c0, 0xb81: 0x00c3, 0xb82: 0x00c0, 0xb83: 0x00c0, 0xb84: 0x0080, 0xb85: 0x00c0, + 0xb86: 0x00c0, 0xb87: 0x00c0, 0xb88: 0x00c0, 0xb89: 0x00c0, 0xb8a: 0x00c0, 0xb8b: 0x00c0, + 0xb8c: 0x00c0, 0xb8e: 0x00c0, 0xb8f: 0x00c0, 0xb90: 0x00c0, + 0xb92: 0x00c0, 0xb93: 0x00c0, 0xb94: 0x00c0, 0xb95: 0x00c0, 0xb96: 0x00c0, 0xb97: 0x00c0, + 0xb98: 0x00c0, 0xb99: 0x00c0, 0xb9a: 0x00c0, 0xb9b: 0x00c0, 0xb9c: 0x00c0, 0xb9d: 0x00c0, + 0xb9e: 0x00c0, 0xb9f: 0x00c0, 0xba0: 0x00c0, 0xba1: 0x00c0, 0xba2: 0x00c0, 0xba3: 0x00c0, + 0xba4: 0x00c0, 0xba5: 0x00c0, 0xba6: 0x00c0, 0xba7: 0x00c0, 0xba8: 0x00c0, + 0xbaa: 0x00c0, 0xbab: 0x00c0, 0xbac: 0x00c0, 0xbad: 0x00c0, 0xbae: 0x00c0, 0xbaf: 0x00c0, + 0xbb0: 0x00c0, 0xbb1: 0x00c0, 0xbb2: 0x00c0, 0xbb3: 0x00c0, 0xbb5: 0x00c0, + 0xbb6: 0x00c0, 0xbb7: 0x00c0, 0xbb8: 0x00c0, 0xbb9: 0x00c0, + 0xbbc: 0x00c3, 0xbbd: 0x00c0, 0xbbe: 0x00c0, 0xbbf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x00c0, 0xbc1: 0x00c0, 0xbc2: 0x00c0, 0xbc3: 0x00c0, 0xbc4: 0x00c0, + 0xbc6: 0x00c3, 0xbc7: 0x00c0, 0xbc8: 0x00c0, 0xbca: 0x00c0, 0xbcb: 0x00c0, + 0xbcc: 0x00c3, 0xbcd: 0x00c6, + 0xbd5: 0x00c0, 0xbd6: 0x00c0, + 0xbde: 0x00c0, 0xbe0: 0x00c0, 0xbe1: 0x00c0, 0xbe2: 0x00c3, 0xbe3: 0x00c3, + 0xbe6: 0x00c0, 0xbe7: 0x00c0, 0xbe8: 0x00c0, 0xbe9: 0x00c0, + 0xbea: 0x00c0, 0xbeb: 0x00c0, 0xbec: 0x00c0, 0xbed: 0x00c0, 0xbee: 0x00c0, 0xbef: 0x00c0, + 0xbf1: 0x00c0, 0xbf2: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc00: 0x00c3, 0xc01: 0x00c3, 0xc02: 0x00c0, 0xc03: 0x00c0, 0xc05: 0x00c0, + 0xc06: 0x00c0, 0xc07: 0x00c0, 0xc08: 0x00c0, 0xc09: 0x00c0, 0xc0a: 0x00c0, 0xc0b: 0x00c0, + 0xc0c: 0x00c0, 0xc0e: 0x00c0, 0xc0f: 0x00c0, 0xc10: 0x00c0, + 0xc12: 0x00c0, 0xc13: 0x00c0, 0xc14: 0x00c0, 0xc15: 0x00c0, 0xc16: 0x00c0, 0xc17: 0x00c0, + 0xc18: 0x00c0, 0xc19: 0x00c0, 0xc1a: 0x00c0, 0xc1b: 0x00c0, 0xc1c: 0x00c0, 0xc1d: 0x00c0, + 0xc1e: 0x00c0, 0xc1f: 0x00c0, 0xc20: 0x00c0, 0xc21: 0x00c0, 0xc22: 0x00c0, 0xc23: 0x00c0, + 0xc24: 0x00c0, 0xc25: 0x00c0, 0xc26: 0x00c0, 0xc27: 0x00c0, 0xc28: 0x00c0, 0xc29: 0x00c0, + 0xc2a: 0x00c0, 0xc2b: 0x00c0, 0xc2c: 0x00c0, 0xc2d: 0x00c0, 0xc2e: 0x00c0, 0xc2f: 0x00c0, + 0xc30: 0x00c0, 0xc31: 0x00c0, 0xc32: 0x00c0, 0xc33: 0x00c0, 0xc34: 0x00c0, 0xc35: 0x00c0, + 0xc36: 0x00c0, 0xc37: 0x00c0, 0xc38: 0x00c0, 0xc39: 0x00c0, 0xc3a: 0x00c0, 0xc3b: 0x00c6, + 0xc3c: 0x00c6, 0xc3d: 0x00c0, 0xc3e: 0x00c0, 0xc3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x00c0, 0xc41: 0x00c3, 0xc42: 0x00c3, 0xc43: 0x00c3, 0xc44: 0x00c3, + 0xc46: 0x00c0, 0xc47: 0x00c0, 0xc48: 0x00c0, 0xc4a: 0x00c0, 0xc4b: 0x00c0, + 0xc4c: 0x00c0, 0xc4d: 0x00c6, 0xc4e: 0x00c0, 0xc4f: 0x0080, + 0xc54: 0x00c0, 0xc55: 0x00c0, 0xc56: 0x00c0, 0xc57: 0x00c0, + 0xc58: 0x0080, 0xc59: 0x0080, 0xc5a: 0x0080, 0xc5b: 0x0080, 0xc5c: 0x0080, 0xc5d: 0x0080, + 0xc5e: 0x0080, 0xc5f: 0x00c0, 0xc60: 0x00c0, 0xc61: 0x00c0, 0xc62: 0x00c3, 0xc63: 0x00c3, + 0xc66: 0x00c0, 0xc67: 0x00c0, 0xc68: 0x00c0, 0xc69: 0x00c0, + 0xc6a: 0x00c0, 0xc6b: 0x00c0, 0xc6c: 0x00c0, 0xc6d: 0x00c0, 0xc6e: 0x00c0, 0xc6f: 0x00c0, + 0xc70: 0x0080, 0xc71: 0x0080, 0xc72: 0x0080, 0xc73: 0x0080, 0xc74: 0x0080, 0xc75: 0x0080, + 0xc76: 0x0080, 0xc77: 0x0080, 0xc78: 0x0080, 0xc79: 0x0080, 0xc7a: 0x00c0, 0xc7b: 0x00c0, + 0xc7c: 0x00c0, 0xc7d: 0x00c0, 0xc7e: 0x00c0, 0xc7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc82: 0x00c0, 0xc83: 0x00c0, 0xc85: 0x00c0, + 0xc86: 0x00c0, 0xc87: 0x00c0, 0xc88: 0x00c0, 0xc89: 0x00c0, 0xc8a: 0x00c0, 0xc8b: 0x00c0, + 0xc8c: 0x00c0, 0xc8d: 0x00c0, 0xc8e: 0x00c0, 0xc8f: 0x00c0, 0xc90: 0x00c0, 0xc91: 0x00c0, + 0xc92: 0x00c0, 0xc93: 0x00c0, 0xc94: 0x00c0, 0xc95: 0x00c0, 0xc96: 0x00c0, + 0xc9a: 0x00c0, 0xc9b: 0x00c0, 0xc9c: 0x00c0, 0xc9d: 0x00c0, + 0xc9e: 0x00c0, 0xc9f: 0x00c0, 0xca0: 0x00c0, 0xca1: 0x00c0, 0xca2: 0x00c0, 0xca3: 0x00c0, + 0xca4: 0x00c0, 0xca5: 0x00c0, 0xca6: 0x00c0, 0xca7: 0x00c0, 0xca8: 0x00c0, 0xca9: 0x00c0, + 0xcaa: 0x00c0, 0xcab: 0x00c0, 0xcac: 0x00c0, 0xcad: 0x00c0, 0xcae: 0x00c0, 0xcaf: 0x00c0, + 0xcb0: 0x00c0, 0xcb1: 0x00c0, 0xcb3: 0x00c0, 0xcb4: 0x00c0, 0xcb5: 0x00c0, + 0xcb6: 0x00c0, 0xcb7: 0x00c0, 0xcb8: 0x00c0, 0xcb9: 0x00c0, 0xcba: 0x00c0, 0xcbb: 0x00c0, + 0xcbd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc0: 0x00c0, 0xcc1: 0x00c0, 0xcc2: 0x00c0, 0xcc3: 0x00c0, 0xcc4: 0x00c0, 0xcc5: 0x00c0, + 0xcc6: 0x00c0, 0xcca: 0x00c6, + 0xccf: 0x00c0, 0xcd0: 0x00c0, 0xcd1: 0x00c0, + 0xcd2: 0x00c3, 0xcd3: 0x00c3, 0xcd4: 0x00c3, 0xcd6: 0x00c3, + 0xcd8: 0x00c0, 0xcd9: 0x00c0, 0xcda: 0x00c0, 0xcdb: 0x00c0, 0xcdc: 0x00c0, 0xcdd: 0x00c0, + 0xcde: 0x00c0, 0xcdf: 0x00c0, + 0xce6: 0x00c0, 0xce7: 0x00c0, 0xce8: 0x00c0, 0xce9: 0x00c0, + 0xcea: 0x00c0, 0xceb: 0x00c0, 0xcec: 0x00c0, 0xced: 0x00c0, 0xcee: 0x00c0, 0xcef: 0x00c0, + 0xcf2: 0x00c0, 0xcf3: 0x00c0, 0xcf4: 0x0080, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd01: 0x00c0, 0xd02: 0x00c0, 0xd03: 0x00c0, 0xd04: 0x00c0, 0xd05: 0x00c0, + 0xd06: 0x00c0, 0xd07: 0x00c0, 0xd08: 0x00c0, 0xd09: 0x00c0, 0xd0a: 0x00c0, 0xd0b: 0x00c0, + 0xd0c: 0x00c0, 0xd0d: 0x00c0, 0xd0e: 0x00c0, 0xd0f: 0x00c0, 0xd10: 0x00c0, 0xd11: 0x00c0, + 0xd12: 0x00c0, 0xd13: 0x00c0, 0xd14: 0x00c0, 0xd15: 0x00c0, 0xd16: 0x00c0, 0xd17: 0x00c0, + 0xd18: 0x00c0, 0xd19: 0x00c0, 0xd1a: 0x00c0, 0xd1b: 0x00c0, 0xd1c: 0x00c0, 0xd1d: 0x00c0, + 0xd1e: 0x00c0, 0xd1f: 0x00c0, 0xd20: 0x00c0, 0xd21: 0x00c0, 0xd22: 0x00c0, 0xd23: 0x00c0, + 0xd24: 0x00c0, 0xd25: 0x00c0, 0xd26: 0x00c0, 0xd27: 0x00c0, 0xd28: 0x00c0, 0xd29: 0x00c0, + 0xd2a: 0x00c0, 0xd2b: 0x00c0, 0xd2c: 0x00c0, 0xd2d: 0x00c0, 0xd2e: 0x00c0, 0xd2f: 0x00c0, + 0xd30: 0x00c0, 0xd31: 0x00c3, 0xd32: 0x00c0, 0xd33: 0x0080, 0xd34: 0x00c3, 0xd35: 0x00c3, + 0xd36: 0x00c3, 0xd37: 0x00c3, 0xd38: 0x00c3, 0xd39: 0x00c3, 0xd3a: 0x00c6, + 0xd3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x00c0, 0xd41: 0x00c0, 0xd42: 0x00c0, 0xd43: 0x00c0, 0xd44: 0x00c0, 0xd45: 0x00c0, + 0xd46: 0x00c0, 0xd47: 0x00c3, 0xd48: 0x00c3, 0xd49: 0x00c3, 0xd4a: 0x00c3, 0xd4b: 0x00c3, + 0xd4c: 0x00c3, 0xd4d: 0x00c3, 0xd4e: 0x00c3, 0xd4f: 0x0080, 0xd50: 0x00c0, 0xd51: 0x00c0, + 0xd52: 0x00c0, 0xd53: 0x00c0, 0xd54: 0x00c0, 0xd55: 0x00c0, 0xd56: 0x00c0, 0xd57: 0x00c0, + 0xd58: 0x00c0, 0xd59: 0x00c0, 0xd5a: 0x0080, 0xd5b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd81: 0x00c0, 0xd82: 0x00c0, 0xd84: 0x00c0, + 0xd86: 0x00c0, 0xd87: 0x00c0, 0xd88: 0x00c0, 0xd89: 0x00c0, 0xd8a: 0x00c0, + 0xd8c: 0x00c0, 0xd8d: 0x00c0, 0xd8e: 0x00c0, 0xd8f: 0x00c0, 0xd90: 0x00c0, 0xd91: 0x00c0, + 0xd92: 0x00c0, 0xd93: 0x00c0, 0xd94: 0x00c0, 0xd95: 0x00c0, 0xd96: 0x00c0, 0xd97: 0x00c0, + 0xd98: 0x00c0, 0xd99: 0x00c0, 0xd9a: 0x00c0, 0xd9b: 0x00c0, 0xd9c: 0x00c0, 0xd9d: 0x00c0, + 0xd9e: 0x00c0, 0xd9f: 0x00c0, 0xda0: 0x00c0, 0xda1: 0x00c0, 0xda2: 0x00c0, 0xda3: 0x00c0, + 0xda5: 0x00c0, 0xda7: 0x00c0, 0xda8: 0x00c0, 0xda9: 0x00c0, + 0xdaa: 0x00c0, 0xdab: 0x00c0, 0xdac: 0x00c0, 0xdad: 0x00c0, 0xdae: 0x00c0, 0xdaf: 0x00c0, + 0xdb0: 0x00c0, 0xdb1: 0x00c3, 0xdb2: 0x00c0, 0xdb3: 0x0080, 0xdb4: 0x00c3, 0xdb5: 0x00c3, + 0xdb6: 0x00c3, 0xdb7: 0x00c3, 0xdb8: 0x00c3, 0xdb9: 0x00c3, 0xdba: 0x00c6, 0xdbb: 0x00c3, + 0xdbc: 0x00c3, 0xdbd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0x00c0, 0xdc1: 0x00c0, 0xdc2: 0x00c0, 0xdc3: 0x00c0, 0xdc4: 0x00c0, + 0xdc6: 0x00c0, 0xdc8: 0x00c3, 0xdc9: 0x00c3, 0xdca: 0x00c3, 0xdcb: 0x00c3, + 0xdcc: 0x00c3, 0xdcd: 0x00c3, 0xdd0: 0x00c0, 0xdd1: 0x00c0, + 0xdd2: 0x00c0, 0xdd3: 0x00c0, 0xdd4: 0x00c0, 0xdd5: 0x00c0, 0xdd6: 0x00c0, 0xdd7: 0x00c0, + 0xdd8: 0x00c0, 0xdd9: 0x00c0, 0xddc: 0x0080, 0xddd: 0x0080, + 0xdde: 0x00c0, 0xddf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x00c0, 0xe01: 0x0080, 0xe02: 0x0080, 0xe03: 0x0080, 0xe04: 0x0080, 0xe05: 0x0080, + 0xe06: 0x0080, 0xe07: 0x0080, 0xe08: 0x0080, 0xe09: 0x0080, 0xe0a: 0x0080, 0xe0b: 0x00c0, + 0xe0c: 0x0080, 0xe0d: 0x0080, 0xe0e: 0x0080, 0xe0f: 0x0080, 0xe10: 0x0080, 0xe11: 0x0080, + 0xe12: 0x0080, 0xe13: 0x0080, 0xe14: 0x0080, 0xe15: 0x0080, 0xe16: 0x0080, 0xe17: 0x0080, + 0xe18: 0x00c3, 0xe19: 0x00c3, 0xe1a: 0x0080, 0xe1b: 0x0080, 0xe1c: 0x0080, 0xe1d: 0x0080, + 0xe1e: 0x0080, 0xe1f: 0x0080, 0xe20: 0x00c0, 0xe21: 0x00c0, 0xe22: 0x00c0, 0xe23: 0x00c0, + 0xe24: 0x00c0, 0xe25: 0x00c0, 0xe26: 0x00c0, 0xe27: 0x00c0, 0xe28: 0x00c0, 0xe29: 0x00c0, + 0xe2a: 0x0080, 0xe2b: 0x0080, 0xe2c: 0x0080, 0xe2d: 0x0080, 0xe2e: 0x0080, 0xe2f: 0x0080, + 0xe30: 0x0080, 0xe31: 0x0080, 0xe32: 0x0080, 0xe33: 0x0080, 0xe34: 0x0080, 0xe35: 0x00c3, + 0xe36: 0x0080, 0xe37: 0x00c3, 0xe38: 0x0080, 0xe39: 0x00c3, 0xe3a: 0x0080, 0xe3b: 0x0080, + 0xe3c: 0x0080, 0xe3d: 0x0080, 0xe3e: 0x00c0, 0xe3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x00c0, 0xe41: 0x00c0, 0xe42: 0x00c0, 0xe43: 0x0080, 0xe44: 0x00c0, 0xe45: 0x00c0, + 0xe46: 0x00c0, 0xe47: 0x00c0, 0xe49: 0x00c0, 0xe4a: 0x00c0, 0xe4b: 0x00c0, + 0xe4c: 0x00c0, 0xe4d: 0x0080, 0xe4e: 0x00c0, 0xe4f: 0x00c0, 0xe50: 0x00c0, 0xe51: 0x00c0, + 0xe52: 0x0080, 0xe53: 0x00c0, 0xe54: 0x00c0, 0xe55: 0x00c0, 0xe56: 0x00c0, 0xe57: 0x0080, + 0xe58: 0x00c0, 0xe59: 0x00c0, 0xe5a: 0x00c0, 0xe5b: 0x00c0, 0xe5c: 0x0080, 0xe5d: 0x00c0, + 0xe5e: 0x00c0, 0xe5f: 0x00c0, 0xe60: 0x00c0, 0xe61: 0x00c0, 0xe62: 0x00c0, 0xe63: 0x00c0, + 0xe64: 0x00c0, 0xe65: 0x00c0, 0xe66: 0x00c0, 0xe67: 0x00c0, 0xe68: 0x00c0, 0xe69: 0x0080, + 0xe6a: 0x00c0, 0xe6b: 0x00c0, 0xe6c: 0x00c0, + 0xe71: 0x00c3, 0xe72: 0x00c3, 0xe73: 0x0083, 0xe74: 0x00c3, 0xe75: 0x0083, + 0xe76: 0x0083, 0xe77: 0x0083, 0xe78: 0x0083, 0xe79: 0x0083, 0xe7a: 0x00c3, 0xe7b: 0x00c3, + 0xe7c: 0x00c3, 0xe7d: 0x00c3, 0xe7e: 0x00c3, 0xe7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x00c3, 0xe81: 0x0083, 0xe82: 0x00c3, 0xe83: 0x00c3, 0xe84: 0x00c6, 0xe85: 0x0080, + 0xe86: 0x00c3, 0xe87: 0x00c3, 0xe88: 0x00c0, 0xe89: 0x00c0, 0xe8a: 0x00c0, 0xe8b: 0x00c0, + 0xe8c: 0x00c0, 0xe8d: 0x00c3, 0xe8e: 0x00c3, 0xe8f: 0x00c3, 0xe90: 0x00c3, 0xe91: 0x00c3, + 0xe92: 0x00c3, 0xe93: 0x0083, 0xe94: 0x00c3, 0xe95: 0x00c3, 0xe96: 0x00c3, 0xe97: 0x00c3, + 0xe99: 0x00c3, 0xe9a: 0x00c3, 0xe9b: 0x00c3, 0xe9c: 0x00c3, 0xe9d: 0x0083, + 0xe9e: 0x00c3, 0xe9f: 0x00c3, 0xea0: 0x00c3, 0xea1: 0x00c3, 0xea2: 0x0083, 0xea3: 0x00c3, + 0xea4: 0x00c3, 0xea5: 0x00c3, 0xea6: 0x00c3, 0xea7: 0x0083, 0xea8: 0x00c3, 0xea9: 0x00c3, + 0xeaa: 0x00c3, 0xeab: 0x00c3, 0xeac: 0x0083, 0xead: 0x00c3, 0xeae: 0x00c3, 0xeaf: 0x00c3, + 0xeb0: 0x00c3, 0xeb1: 0x00c3, 0xeb2: 0x00c3, 0xeb3: 0x00c3, 0xeb4: 0x00c3, 0xeb5: 0x00c3, + 0xeb6: 0x00c3, 0xeb7: 0x00c3, 0xeb8: 0x00c3, 0xeb9: 0x0083, 0xeba: 0x00c3, 0xebb: 0x00c3, + 0xebc: 0x00c3, 0xebe: 0x0080, 0xebf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x0080, 0xec1: 0x0080, 0xec2: 0x0080, 0xec3: 0x0080, 0xec4: 0x0080, 0xec5: 0x0080, + 0xec6: 0x00c3, 0xec7: 0x0080, 0xec8: 0x0080, 0xec9: 0x0080, 0xeca: 0x0080, 0xecb: 0x0080, + 0xecc: 0x0080, 0xece: 0x0080, 0xecf: 0x0080, 0xed0: 0x0080, 0xed1: 0x0080, + 0xed2: 0x0080, 0xed3: 0x0080, 0xed4: 0x0080, 0xed5: 0x0080, 0xed6: 0x0080, 0xed7: 0x0080, + 0xed8: 0x0080, 0xed9: 0x0080, 0xeda: 0x0080, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x00c0, 0xf01: 0x00c0, 0xf02: 0x00c0, 0xf03: 0x00c0, 0xf04: 0x00c0, 0xf05: 0x00c0, + 0xf06: 0x00c0, 0xf07: 0x00c0, 0xf08: 0x00c0, 0xf09: 0x00c0, 0xf0a: 0x00c0, 0xf0b: 0x00c0, + 0xf0c: 0x00c0, 0xf0d: 0x00c0, 0xf0e: 0x00c0, 0xf0f: 0x00c0, 0xf10: 0x00c0, 0xf11: 0x00c0, + 0xf12: 0x00c0, 0xf13: 0x00c0, 0xf14: 0x00c0, 0xf15: 0x00c0, 0xf16: 0x00c0, 0xf17: 0x00c0, + 0xf18: 0x00c0, 0xf19: 0x00c0, 0xf1a: 0x00c0, 0xf1b: 0x00c0, 0xf1c: 0x00c0, 0xf1d: 0x00c0, + 0xf1e: 0x00c0, 0xf1f: 0x00c0, 0xf20: 0x00c0, 0xf21: 0x00c0, 0xf22: 0x00c0, 0xf23: 0x00c0, + 0xf24: 0x00c0, 0xf25: 0x00c0, 0xf26: 0x00c0, 0xf27: 0x00c0, 0xf28: 0x00c0, 0xf29: 0x00c0, + 0xf2a: 0x00c0, 0xf2b: 0x00c0, 0xf2c: 0x00c0, 0xf2d: 0x00c3, 0xf2e: 0x00c3, 0xf2f: 0x00c3, + 0xf30: 0x00c3, 0xf31: 0x00c0, 0xf32: 0x00c3, 0xf33: 0x00c3, 0xf34: 0x00c3, 0xf35: 0x00c3, + 0xf36: 0x00c3, 0xf37: 0x00c3, 0xf38: 0x00c0, 0xf39: 0x00c6, 0xf3a: 0x00c6, 0xf3b: 0x00c0, + 0xf3c: 0x00c0, 0xf3d: 0x00c3, 0xf3e: 0x00c3, 0xf3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x00c0, 0xf41: 0x00c0, 0xf42: 0x00c0, 0xf43: 0x00c0, 0xf44: 0x00c0, 0xf45: 0x00c0, + 0xf46: 0x00c0, 0xf47: 0x00c0, 0xf48: 0x00c0, 0xf49: 0x00c0, 0xf4a: 0x0080, 0xf4b: 0x0080, + 0xf4c: 0x0080, 0xf4d: 0x0080, 0xf4e: 0x0080, 0xf4f: 0x0080, 0xf50: 0x00c0, 0xf51: 0x00c0, + 0xf52: 0x00c0, 0xf53: 0x00c0, 0xf54: 0x00c0, 0xf55: 0x00c0, 0xf56: 0x00c0, 0xf57: 0x00c0, + 0xf58: 0x00c3, 0xf59: 0x00c3, 0xf5a: 0x00c0, 0xf5b: 0x00c0, 0xf5c: 0x00c0, 0xf5d: 0x00c0, + 0xf5e: 0x00c3, 0xf5f: 0x00c3, 0xf60: 0x00c3, 0xf61: 0x00c0, 0xf62: 0x00c0, 0xf63: 0x00c0, + 0xf64: 0x00c0, 0xf65: 0x00c0, 0xf66: 0x00c0, 0xf67: 0x00c0, 0xf68: 0x00c0, 0xf69: 0x00c0, + 0xf6a: 0x00c0, 0xf6b: 0x00c0, 0xf6c: 0x00c0, 0xf6d: 0x00c0, 0xf6e: 0x00c0, 0xf6f: 0x00c0, + 0xf70: 0x00c0, 0xf71: 0x00c3, 0xf72: 0x00c3, 0xf73: 0x00c3, 0xf74: 0x00c3, 0xf75: 0x00c0, + 0xf76: 0x00c0, 0xf77: 0x00c0, 0xf78: 0x00c0, 0xf79: 0x00c0, 0xf7a: 0x00c0, 0xf7b: 0x00c0, + 0xf7c: 0x00c0, 0xf7d: 0x00c0, 0xf7e: 0x00c0, 0xf7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x00c0, 0xf81: 0x00c0, 0xf82: 0x00c3, 0xf83: 0x00c0, 0xf84: 0x00c0, 0xf85: 0x00c3, + 0xf86: 0x00c3, 0xf87: 0x00c0, 0xf88: 0x00c0, 0xf89: 0x00c0, 0xf8a: 0x00c0, 0xf8b: 0x00c0, + 0xf8c: 0x00c0, 0xf8d: 0x00c3, 0xf8e: 0x00c0, 0xf8f: 0x00c0, 0xf90: 0x00c0, 0xf91: 0x00c0, + 0xf92: 0x00c0, 0xf93: 0x00c0, 0xf94: 0x00c0, 0xf95: 0x00c0, 0xf96: 0x00c0, 0xf97: 0x00c0, + 0xf98: 0x00c0, 0xf99: 0x00c0, 0xf9a: 0x00c0, 0xf9b: 0x00c0, 0xf9c: 0x00c0, 0xf9d: 0x00c3, + 0xf9e: 0x0080, 0xf9f: 0x0080, 0xfa0: 0x00c0, 0xfa1: 0x00c0, 0xfa2: 0x00c0, 0xfa3: 0x00c0, + 0xfa4: 0x00c0, 0xfa5: 0x00c0, 0xfa6: 0x00c0, 0xfa7: 0x00c0, 0xfa8: 0x00c0, 0xfa9: 0x00c0, + 0xfaa: 0x00c0, 0xfab: 0x00c0, 0xfac: 0x00c0, 0xfad: 0x00c0, 0xfae: 0x00c0, 0xfaf: 0x00c0, + 0xfb0: 0x00c0, 0xfb1: 0x00c0, 0xfb2: 0x00c0, 0xfb3: 0x00c0, 0xfb4: 0x00c0, 0xfb5: 0x00c0, + 0xfb6: 0x00c0, 0xfb7: 0x00c0, 0xfb8: 0x00c0, 0xfb9: 0x00c0, 0xfba: 0x00c0, 0xfbb: 0x00c0, + 0xfbc: 0x00c0, 0xfbd: 0x00c0, 0xfbe: 0x00c0, 0xfbf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc0: 0x00c0, 0xfc1: 0x00c0, 0xfc2: 0x00c0, 0xfc3: 0x00c0, 0xfc4: 0x00c0, 0xfc5: 0x00c0, + 0xfc7: 0x00c0, + 0xfcd: 0x00c0, 0xfd0: 0x00c0, 0xfd1: 0x00c0, + 0xfd2: 0x00c0, 0xfd3: 0x00c0, 0xfd4: 0x00c0, 0xfd5: 0x00c0, 0xfd6: 0x00c0, 0xfd7: 0x00c0, + 0xfd8: 0x00c0, 0xfd9: 0x00c0, 0xfda: 0x00c0, 0xfdb: 0x00c0, 0xfdc: 0x00c0, 0xfdd: 0x00c0, + 0xfde: 0x00c0, 0xfdf: 0x00c0, 0xfe0: 0x00c0, 0xfe1: 0x00c0, 0xfe2: 0x00c0, 0xfe3: 0x00c0, + 0xfe4: 0x00c0, 0xfe5: 0x00c0, 0xfe6: 0x00c0, 0xfe7: 0x00c0, 0xfe8: 0x00c0, 0xfe9: 0x00c0, + 0xfea: 0x00c0, 0xfeb: 0x00c0, 0xfec: 0x00c0, 0xfed: 0x00c0, 0xfee: 0x00c0, 0xfef: 0x00c0, + 0xff0: 0x00c0, 0xff1: 0x00c0, 0xff2: 0x00c0, 0xff3: 0x00c0, 0xff4: 0x00c0, 0xff5: 0x00c0, + 0xff6: 0x00c0, 0xff7: 0x00c0, 0xff8: 0x00c0, 0xff9: 0x00c0, 0xffa: 0x00c0, 0xffb: 0x0080, + 0xffc: 0x0080, 0xffd: 0x00c0, 0xffe: 0x00c0, 0xfff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x0040, 0x1001: 0x0040, 0x1002: 0x0040, 0x1003: 0x0040, 0x1004: 0x0040, 0x1005: 0x0040, + 0x1006: 0x0040, 0x1007: 0x0040, 0x1008: 0x0040, 0x1009: 0x0040, 0x100a: 0x0040, 0x100b: 0x0040, + 0x100c: 0x0040, 0x100d: 0x0040, 0x100e: 0x0040, 0x100f: 0x0040, 0x1010: 0x0040, 0x1011: 0x0040, + 0x1012: 0x0040, 0x1013: 0x0040, 0x1014: 0x0040, 0x1015: 0x0040, 0x1016: 0x0040, 0x1017: 0x0040, + 0x1018: 0x0040, 0x1019: 0x0040, 0x101a: 0x0040, 0x101b: 0x0040, 0x101c: 0x0040, 0x101d: 0x0040, + 0x101e: 0x0040, 0x101f: 0x0040, 0x1020: 0x0040, 0x1021: 0x0040, 0x1022: 0x0040, 0x1023: 0x0040, + 0x1024: 0x0040, 0x1025: 0x0040, 0x1026: 0x0040, 0x1027: 0x0040, 0x1028: 0x0040, 0x1029: 0x0040, + 0x102a: 0x0040, 0x102b: 0x0040, 0x102c: 0x0040, 0x102d: 0x0040, 0x102e: 0x0040, 0x102f: 0x0040, + 0x1030: 0x0040, 0x1031: 0x0040, 0x1032: 0x0040, 0x1033: 0x0040, 0x1034: 0x0040, 0x1035: 0x0040, + 0x1036: 0x0040, 0x1037: 0x0040, 0x1038: 0x0040, 0x1039: 0x0040, 0x103a: 0x0040, 0x103b: 0x0040, + 0x103c: 0x0040, 0x103d: 0x0040, 0x103e: 0x0040, 0x103f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x00c0, 0x1041: 0x00c0, 0x1042: 0x00c0, 0x1043: 0x00c0, 0x1044: 0x00c0, 0x1045: 0x00c0, + 0x1046: 0x00c0, 0x1047: 0x00c0, 0x1048: 0x00c0, 0x104a: 0x00c0, 0x104b: 0x00c0, + 0x104c: 0x00c0, 0x104d: 0x00c0, 0x1050: 0x00c0, 0x1051: 0x00c0, + 0x1052: 0x00c0, 0x1053: 0x00c0, 0x1054: 0x00c0, 0x1055: 0x00c0, 0x1056: 0x00c0, + 0x1058: 0x00c0, 0x105a: 0x00c0, 0x105b: 0x00c0, 0x105c: 0x00c0, 0x105d: 0x00c0, + 0x1060: 0x00c0, 0x1061: 0x00c0, 0x1062: 0x00c0, 0x1063: 0x00c0, + 0x1064: 0x00c0, 0x1065: 0x00c0, 0x1066: 0x00c0, 0x1067: 0x00c0, 0x1068: 0x00c0, 0x1069: 0x00c0, + 0x106a: 0x00c0, 0x106b: 0x00c0, 0x106c: 0x00c0, 0x106d: 0x00c0, 0x106e: 0x00c0, 0x106f: 0x00c0, + 0x1070: 0x00c0, 0x1071: 0x00c0, 0x1072: 0x00c0, 0x1073: 0x00c0, 0x1074: 0x00c0, 0x1075: 0x00c0, + 0x1076: 0x00c0, 0x1077: 0x00c0, 0x1078: 0x00c0, 0x1079: 0x00c0, 0x107a: 0x00c0, 0x107b: 0x00c0, + 0x107c: 0x00c0, 0x107d: 0x00c0, 0x107e: 0x00c0, 0x107f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x00c0, 0x1081: 0x00c0, 0x1082: 0x00c0, 0x1083: 0x00c0, 0x1084: 0x00c0, 0x1085: 0x00c0, + 0x1086: 0x00c0, 0x1087: 0x00c0, 0x1088: 0x00c0, 0x108a: 0x00c0, 0x108b: 0x00c0, + 0x108c: 0x00c0, 0x108d: 0x00c0, 0x1090: 0x00c0, 0x1091: 0x00c0, + 0x1092: 0x00c0, 0x1093: 0x00c0, 0x1094: 0x00c0, 0x1095: 0x00c0, 0x1096: 0x00c0, 0x1097: 0x00c0, + 0x1098: 0x00c0, 0x1099: 0x00c0, 0x109a: 0x00c0, 0x109b: 0x00c0, 0x109c: 0x00c0, 0x109d: 0x00c0, + 0x109e: 0x00c0, 0x109f: 0x00c0, 0x10a0: 0x00c0, 0x10a1: 0x00c0, 0x10a2: 0x00c0, 0x10a3: 0x00c0, + 0x10a4: 0x00c0, 0x10a5: 0x00c0, 0x10a6: 0x00c0, 0x10a7: 0x00c0, 0x10a8: 0x00c0, 0x10a9: 0x00c0, + 0x10aa: 0x00c0, 0x10ab: 0x00c0, 0x10ac: 0x00c0, 0x10ad: 0x00c0, 0x10ae: 0x00c0, 0x10af: 0x00c0, + 0x10b0: 0x00c0, 0x10b2: 0x00c0, 0x10b3: 0x00c0, 0x10b4: 0x00c0, 0x10b5: 0x00c0, + 0x10b8: 0x00c0, 0x10b9: 0x00c0, 0x10ba: 0x00c0, 0x10bb: 0x00c0, + 0x10bc: 0x00c0, 0x10bd: 0x00c0, 0x10be: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c0: 0x00c0, 0x10c2: 0x00c0, 0x10c3: 0x00c0, 0x10c4: 0x00c0, 0x10c5: 0x00c0, + 0x10c8: 0x00c0, 0x10c9: 0x00c0, 0x10ca: 0x00c0, 0x10cb: 0x00c0, + 0x10cc: 0x00c0, 0x10cd: 0x00c0, 0x10ce: 0x00c0, 0x10cf: 0x00c0, 0x10d0: 0x00c0, 0x10d1: 0x00c0, + 0x10d2: 0x00c0, 0x10d3: 0x00c0, 0x10d4: 0x00c0, 0x10d5: 0x00c0, 0x10d6: 0x00c0, + 0x10d8: 0x00c0, 0x10d9: 0x00c0, 0x10da: 0x00c0, 0x10db: 0x00c0, 0x10dc: 0x00c0, 0x10dd: 0x00c0, + 0x10de: 0x00c0, 0x10df: 0x00c0, 0x10e0: 0x00c0, 0x10e1: 0x00c0, 0x10e2: 0x00c0, 0x10e3: 0x00c0, + 0x10e4: 0x00c0, 0x10e5: 0x00c0, 0x10e6: 0x00c0, 0x10e7: 0x00c0, 0x10e8: 0x00c0, 0x10e9: 0x00c0, + 0x10ea: 0x00c0, 0x10eb: 0x00c0, 0x10ec: 0x00c0, 0x10ed: 0x00c0, 0x10ee: 0x00c0, 0x10ef: 0x00c0, + 0x10f0: 0x00c0, 0x10f1: 0x00c0, 0x10f2: 0x00c0, 0x10f3: 0x00c0, 0x10f4: 0x00c0, 0x10f5: 0x00c0, + 0x10f6: 0x00c0, 0x10f7: 0x00c0, 0x10f8: 0x00c0, 0x10f9: 0x00c0, 0x10fa: 0x00c0, 0x10fb: 0x00c0, + 0x10fc: 0x00c0, 0x10fd: 0x00c0, 0x10fe: 0x00c0, 0x10ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1100: 0x00c0, 0x1101: 0x00c0, 0x1102: 0x00c0, 0x1103: 0x00c0, 0x1104: 0x00c0, 0x1105: 0x00c0, + 0x1106: 0x00c0, 0x1107: 0x00c0, 0x1108: 0x00c0, 0x1109: 0x00c0, 0x110a: 0x00c0, 0x110b: 0x00c0, + 0x110c: 0x00c0, 0x110d: 0x00c0, 0x110e: 0x00c0, 0x110f: 0x00c0, 0x1110: 0x00c0, + 0x1112: 0x00c0, 0x1113: 0x00c0, 0x1114: 0x00c0, 0x1115: 0x00c0, + 0x1118: 0x00c0, 0x1119: 0x00c0, 0x111a: 0x00c0, 0x111b: 0x00c0, 0x111c: 0x00c0, 0x111d: 0x00c0, + 0x111e: 0x00c0, 0x111f: 0x00c0, 0x1120: 0x00c0, 0x1121: 0x00c0, 0x1122: 0x00c0, 0x1123: 0x00c0, + 0x1124: 0x00c0, 0x1125: 0x00c0, 0x1126: 0x00c0, 0x1127: 0x00c0, 0x1128: 0x00c0, 0x1129: 0x00c0, + 0x112a: 0x00c0, 0x112b: 0x00c0, 0x112c: 0x00c0, 0x112d: 0x00c0, 0x112e: 0x00c0, 0x112f: 0x00c0, + 0x1130: 0x00c0, 0x1131: 0x00c0, 0x1132: 0x00c0, 0x1133: 0x00c0, 0x1134: 0x00c0, 0x1135: 0x00c0, + 0x1136: 0x00c0, 0x1137: 0x00c0, 0x1138: 0x00c0, 0x1139: 0x00c0, 0x113a: 0x00c0, 0x113b: 0x00c0, + 0x113c: 0x00c0, 0x113d: 0x00c0, 0x113e: 0x00c0, 0x113f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1140: 0x00c0, 0x1141: 0x00c0, 0x1142: 0x00c0, 0x1143: 0x00c0, 0x1144: 0x00c0, 0x1145: 0x00c0, + 0x1146: 0x00c0, 0x1147: 0x00c0, 0x1148: 0x00c0, 0x1149: 0x00c0, 0x114a: 0x00c0, 0x114b: 0x00c0, + 0x114c: 0x00c0, 0x114d: 0x00c0, 0x114e: 0x00c0, 0x114f: 0x00c0, 0x1150: 0x00c0, 0x1151: 0x00c0, + 0x1152: 0x00c0, 0x1153: 0x00c0, 0x1154: 0x00c0, 0x1155: 0x00c0, 0x1156: 0x00c0, 0x1157: 0x00c0, + 0x1158: 0x00c0, 0x1159: 0x00c0, 0x115a: 0x00c0, 0x115d: 0x00c3, + 0x115e: 0x00c3, 0x115f: 0x00c3, 0x1160: 0x0080, 0x1161: 0x0080, 0x1162: 0x0080, 0x1163: 0x0080, + 0x1164: 0x0080, 0x1165: 0x0080, 0x1166: 0x0080, 0x1167: 0x0080, 0x1168: 0x0080, 0x1169: 0x0080, + 0x116a: 0x0080, 0x116b: 0x0080, 0x116c: 0x0080, 0x116d: 0x0080, 0x116e: 0x0080, 0x116f: 0x0080, + 0x1170: 0x0080, 0x1171: 0x0080, 0x1172: 0x0080, 0x1173: 0x0080, 0x1174: 0x0080, 0x1175: 0x0080, + 0x1176: 0x0080, 0x1177: 0x0080, 0x1178: 0x0080, 0x1179: 0x0080, 0x117a: 0x0080, 0x117b: 0x0080, + 0x117c: 0x0080, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1180: 0x00c0, 0x1181: 0x00c0, 0x1182: 0x00c0, 0x1183: 0x00c0, 0x1184: 0x00c0, 0x1185: 0x00c0, + 0x1186: 0x00c0, 0x1187: 0x00c0, 0x1188: 0x00c0, 0x1189: 0x00c0, 0x118a: 0x00c0, 0x118b: 0x00c0, + 0x118c: 0x00c0, 0x118d: 0x00c0, 0x118e: 0x00c0, 0x118f: 0x00c0, 0x1190: 0x0080, 0x1191: 0x0080, + 0x1192: 0x0080, 0x1193: 0x0080, 0x1194: 0x0080, 0x1195: 0x0080, 0x1196: 0x0080, 0x1197: 0x0080, + 0x1198: 0x0080, 0x1199: 0x0080, + 0x11a0: 0x00c0, 0x11a1: 0x00c0, 0x11a2: 0x00c0, 0x11a3: 0x00c0, + 0x11a4: 0x00c0, 0x11a5: 0x00c0, 0x11a6: 0x00c0, 0x11a7: 0x00c0, 0x11a8: 0x00c0, 0x11a9: 0x00c0, + 0x11aa: 0x00c0, 0x11ab: 0x00c0, 0x11ac: 0x00c0, 0x11ad: 0x00c0, 0x11ae: 0x00c0, 0x11af: 0x00c0, + 0x11b0: 0x00c0, 0x11b1: 0x00c0, 0x11b2: 0x00c0, 0x11b3: 0x00c0, 0x11b4: 0x00c0, 0x11b5: 0x00c0, + 0x11b6: 0x00c0, 0x11b7: 0x00c0, 0x11b8: 0x00c0, 0x11b9: 0x00c0, 0x11ba: 0x00c0, 0x11bb: 0x00c0, + 0x11bc: 0x00c0, 0x11bd: 0x00c0, 0x11be: 0x00c0, 0x11bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c0: 0x00c0, 0x11c1: 0x00c0, 0x11c2: 0x00c0, 0x11c3: 0x00c0, 0x11c4: 0x00c0, 0x11c5: 0x00c0, + 0x11c6: 0x00c0, 0x11c7: 0x00c0, 0x11c8: 0x00c0, 0x11c9: 0x00c0, 0x11ca: 0x00c0, 0x11cb: 0x00c0, + 0x11cc: 0x00c0, 0x11cd: 0x00c0, 0x11ce: 0x00c0, 0x11cf: 0x00c0, 0x11d0: 0x00c0, 0x11d1: 0x00c0, + 0x11d2: 0x00c0, 0x11d3: 0x00c0, 0x11d4: 0x00c0, 0x11d5: 0x00c0, 0x11d6: 0x00c0, 0x11d7: 0x00c0, + 0x11d8: 0x00c0, 0x11d9: 0x00c0, 0x11da: 0x00c0, 0x11db: 0x00c0, 0x11dc: 0x00c0, 0x11dd: 0x00c0, + 0x11de: 0x00c0, 0x11df: 0x00c0, 0x11e0: 0x00c0, 0x11e1: 0x00c0, 0x11e2: 0x00c0, 0x11e3: 0x00c0, + 0x11e4: 0x00c0, 0x11e5: 0x00c0, 0x11e6: 0x00c0, 0x11e7: 0x00c0, 0x11e8: 0x00c0, 0x11e9: 0x00c0, + 0x11ea: 0x00c0, 0x11eb: 0x00c0, 0x11ec: 0x00c0, 0x11ed: 0x00c0, 0x11ee: 0x00c0, 0x11ef: 0x00c0, + 0x11f0: 0x00c0, 0x11f1: 0x00c0, 0x11f2: 0x00c0, 0x11f3: 0x00c0, 0x11f4: 0x00c0, 0x11f5: 0x00c0, + 0x11f8: 0x00c0, 0x11f9: 0x00c0, 0x11fa: 0x00c0, 0x11fb: 0x00c0, + 0x11fc: 0x00c0, 0x11fd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x0080, 0x1201: 0x00c0, 0x1202: 0x00c0, 0x1203: 0x00c0, 0x1204: 0x00c0, 0x1205: 0x00c0, + 0x1206: 0x00c0, 0x1207: 0x00c0, 0x1208: 0x00c0, 0x1209: 0x00c0, 0x120a: 0x00c0, 0x120b: 0x00c0, + 0x120c: 0x00c0, 0x120d: 0x00c0, 0x120e: 0x00c0, 0x120f: 0x00c0, 0x1210: 0x00c0, 0x1211: 0x00c0, + 0x1212: 0x00c0, 0x1213: 0x00c0, 0x1214: 0x00c0, 0x1215: 0x00c0, 0x1216: 0x00c0, 0x1217: 0x00c0, + 0x1218: 0x00c0, 0x1219: 0x00c0, 0x121a: 0x00c0, 0x121b: 0x00c0, 0x121c: 0x00c0, 0x121d: 0x00c0, + 0x121e: 0x00c0, 0x121f: 0x00c0, 0x1220: 0x00c0, 0x1221: 0x00c0, 0x1222: 0x00c0, 0x1223: 0x00c0, + 0x1224: 0x00c0, 0x1225: 0x00c0, 0x1226: 0x00c0, 0x1227: 0x00c0, 0x1228: 0x00c0, 0x1229: 0x00c0, + 0x122a: 0x00c0, 0x122b: 0x00c0, 0x122c: 0x00c0, 0x122d: 0x00c0, 0x122e: 0x00c0, 0x122f: 0x00c0, + 0x1230: 0x00c0, 0x1231: 0x00c0, 0x1232: 0x00c0, 0x1233: 0x00c0, 0x1234: 0x00c0, 0x1235: 0x00c0, + 0x1236: 0x00c0, 0x1237: 0x00c0, 0x1238: 0x00c0, 0x1239: 0x00c0, 0x123a: 0x00c0, 0x123b: 0x00c0, + 0x123c: 0x00c0, 0x123d: 0x00c0, 0x123e: 0x00c0, 0x123f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1240: 0x00c0, 0x1241: 0x00c0, 0x1242: 0x00c0, 0x1243: 0x00c0, 0x1244: 0x00c0, 0x1245: 0x00c0, + 0x1246: 0x00c0, 0x1247: 0x00c0, 0x1248: 0x00c0, 0x1249: 0x00c0, 0x124a: 0x00c0, 0x124b: 0x00c0, + 0x124c: 0x00c0, 0x124d: 0x00c0, 0x124e: 0x00c0, 0x124f: 0x00c0, 0x1250: 0x00c0, 0x1251: 0x00c0, + 0x1252: 0x00c0, 0x1253: 0x00c0, 0x1254: 0x00c0, 0x1255: 0x00c0, 0x1256: 0x00c0, 0x1257: 0x00c0, + 0x1258: 0x00c0, 0x1259: 0x00c0, 0x125a: 0x00c0, 0x125b: 0x00c0, 0x125c: 0x00c0, 0x125d: 0x00c0, + 0x125e: 0x00c0, 0x125f: 0x00c0, 0x1260: 0x00c0, 0x1261: 0x00c0, 0x1262: 0x00c0, 0x1263: 0x00c0, + 0x1264: 0x00c0, 0x1265: 0x00c0, 0x1266: 0x00c0, 0x1267: 0x00c0, 0x1268: 0x00c0, 0x1269: 0x00c0, + 0x126a: 0x00c0, 0x126b: 0x00c0, 0x126c: 0x00c0, 0x126d: 0x0080, 0x126e: 0x0080, 0x126f: 0x00c0, + 0x1270: 0x00c0, 0x1271: 0x00c0, 0x1272: 0x00c0, 0x1273: 0x00c0, 0x1274: 0x00c0, 0x1275: 0x00c0, + 0x1276: 0x00c0, 0x1277: 0x00c0, 0x1278: 0x00c0, 0x1279: 0x00c0, 0x127a: 0x00c0, 0x127b: 0x00c0, + 0x127c: 0x00c0, 0x127d: 0x00c0, 0x127e: 0x00c0, 0x127f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x1280: 0x0080, 0x1281: 0x00c0, 0x1282: 0x00c0, 0x1283: 0x00c0, 0x1284: 0x00c0, 0x1285: 0x00c0, + 0x1286: 0x00c0, 0x1287: 0x00c0, 0x1288: 0x00c0, 0x1289: 0x00c0, 0x128a: 0x00c0, 0x128b: 0x00c0, + 0x128c: 0x00c0, 0x128d: 0x00c0, 0x128e: 0x00c0, 0x128f: 0x00c0, 0x1290: 0x00c0, 0x1291: 0x00c0, + 0x1292: 0x00c0, 0x1293: 0x00c0, 0x1294: 0x00c0, 0x1295: 0x00c0, 0x1296: 0x00c0, 0x1297: 0x00c0, + 0x1298: 0x00c0, 0x1299: 0x00c0, 0x129a: 0x00c0, 0x129b: 0x0080, 0x129c: 0x0080, + 0x12a0: 0x00c0, 0x12a1: 0x00c0, 0x12a2: 0x00c0, 0x12a3: 0x00c0, + 0x12a4: 0x00c0, 0x12a5: 0x00c0, 0x12a6: 0x00c0, 0x12a7: 0x00c0, 0x12a8: 0x00c0, 0x12a9: 0x00c0, + 0x12aa: 0x00c0, 0x12ab: 0x00c0, 0x12ac: 0x00c0, 0x12ad: 0x00c0, 0x12ae: 0x00c0, 0x12af: 0x00c0, + 0x12b0: 0x00c0, 0x12b1: 0x00c0, 0x12b2: 0x00c0, 0x12b3: 0x00c0, 0x12b4: 0x00c0, 0x12b5: 0x00c0, + 0x12b6: 0x00c0, 0x12b7: 0x00c0, 0x12b8: 0x00c0, 0x12b9: 0x00c0, 0x12ba: 0x00c0, 0x12bb: 0x00c0, + 0x12bc: 0x00c0, 0x12bd: 0x00c0, 0x12be: 0x00c0, 0x12bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12c0: 0x00c0, 0x12c1: 0x00c0, 0x12c2: 0x00c0, 0x12c3: 0x00c0, 0x12c4: 0x00c0, 0x12c5: 0x00c0, + 0x12c6: 0x00c0, 0x12c7: 0x00c0, 0x12c8: 0x00c0, 0x12c9: 0x00c0, 0x12ca: 0x00c0, 0x12cb: 0x00c0, + 0x12cc: 0x00c0, 0x12cd: 0x00c0, 0x12ce: 0x00c0, 0x12cf: 0x00c0, 0x12d0: 0x00c0, 0x12d1: 0x00c0, + 0x12d2: 0x00c0, 0x12d3: 0x00c0, 0x12d4: 0x00c0, 0x12d5: 0x00c0, 0x12d6: 0x00c0, 0x12d7: 0x00c0, + 0x12d8: 0x00c0, 0x12d9: 0x00c0, 0x12da: 0x00c0, 0x12db: 0x00c0, 0x12dc: 0x00c0, 0x12dd: 0x00c0, + 0x12de: 0x00c0, 0x12df: 0x00c0, 0x12e0: 0x00c0, 0x12e1: 0x00c0, 0x12e2: 0x00c0, 0x12e3: 0x00c0, + 0x12e4: 0x00c0, 0x12e5: 0x00c0, 0x12e6: 0x00c0, 0x12e7: 0x00c0, 0x12e8: 0x00c0, 0x12e9: 0x00c0, + 0x12ea: 0x00c0, 0x12eb: 0x0080, 0x12ec: 0x0080, 0x12ed: 0x0080, 0x12ee: 0x0080, 0x12ef: 0x0080, + 0x12f0: 0x0080, 0x12f1: 0x00c0, 0x12f2: 0x00c0, 0x12f3: 0x00c0, 0x12f4: 0x00c0, 0x12f5: 0x00c0, + 0x12f6: 0x00c0, 0x12f7: 0x00c0, 0x12f8: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x00c0, 0x1301: 0x00c0, 0x1302: 0x00c0, 0x1303: 0x00c0, 0x1304: 0x00c0, 0x1305: 0x00c0, + 0x1306: 0x00c0, 0x1307: 0x00c0, 0x1308: 0x00c0, 0x1309: 0x00c0, 0x130a: 0x00c0, 0x130b: 0x00c0, + 0x130c: 0x00c0, 0x130e: 0x00c0, 0x130f: 0x00c0, 0x1310: 0x00c0, 0x1311: 0x00c0, + 0x1312: 0x00c3, 0x1313: 0x00c3, 0x1314: 0x00c6, + 0x1320: 0x00c0, 0x1321: 0x00c0, 0x1322: 0x00c0, 0x1323: 0x00c0, + 0x1324: 0x00c0, 0x1325: 0x00c0, 0x1326: 0x00c0, 0x1327: 0x00c0, 0x1328: 0x00c0, 0x1329: 0x00c0, + 0x132a: 0x00c0, 0x132b: 0x00c0, 0x132c: 0x00c0, 0x132d: 0x00c0, 0x132e: 0x00c0, 0x132f: 0x00c0, + 0x1330: 0x00c0, 0x1331: 0x00c0, 0x1332: 0x00c3, 0x1333: 0x00c3, 0x1334: 0x00c6, 0x1335: 0x0080, + 0x1336: 0x0080, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x1340: 0x00c0, 0x1341: 0x00c0, 0x1342: 0x00c0, 0x1343: 0x00c0, 0x1344: 0x00c0, 0x1345: 0x00c0, + 0x1346: 0x00c0, 0x1347: 0x00c0, 0x1348: 0x00c0, 0x1349: 0x00c0, 0x134a: 0x00c0, 0x134b: 0x00c0, + 0x134c: 0x00c0, 0x134d: 0x00c0, 0x134e: 0x00c0, 0x134f: 0x00c0, 0x1350: 0x00c0, 0x1351: 0x00c0, + 0x1352: 0x00c3, 0x1353: 0x00c3, + 0x1360: 0x00c0, 0x1361: 0x00c0, 0x1362: 0x00c0, 0x1363: 0x00c0, + 0x1364: 0x00c0, 0x1365: 0x00c0, 0x1366: 0x00c0, 0x1367: 0x00c0, 0x1368: 0x00c0, 0x1369: 0x00c0, + 0x136a: 0x00c0, 0x136b: 0x00c0, 0x136c: 0x00c0, 0x136e: 0x00c0, 0x136f: 0x00c0, + 0x1370: 0x00c0, 0x1372: 0x00c3, 0x1373: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x00c0, 0x1381: 0x00c0, 0x1382: 0x00c0, 0x1383: 0x00c0, 0x1384: 0x00c0, 0x1385: 0x00c0, + 0x1386: 0x00c0, 0x1387: 0x00c0, 0x1388: 0x00c0, 0x1389: 0x00c0, 0x138a: 0x00c0, 0x138b: 0x00c0, + 0x138c: 0x00c0, 0x138d: 0x00c0, 0x138e: 0x00c0, 0x138f: 0x00c0, 0x1390: 0x00c0, 0x1391: 0x00c0, + 0x1392: 0x00c0, 0x1393: 0x00c0, 0x1394: 0x00c0, 0x1395: 0x00c0, 0x1396: 0x00c0, 0x1397: 0x00c0, + 0x1398: 0x00c0, 0x1399: 0x00c0, 0x139a: 0x00c0, 0x139b: 0x00c0, 0x139c: 0x00c0, 0x139d: 0x00c0, + 0x139e: 0x00c0, 0x139f: 0x00c0, 0x13a0: 0x00c0, 0x13a1: 0x00c0, 0x13a2: 0x00c0, 0x13a3: 0x00c0, + 0x13a4: 0x00c0, 0x13a5: 0x00c0, 0x13a6: 0x00c0, 0x13a7: 0x00c0, 0x13a8: 0x00c0, 0x13a9: 0x00c0, + 0x13aa: 0x00c0, 0x13ab: 0x00c0, 0x13ac: 0x00c0, 0x13ad: 0x00c0, 0x13ae: 0x00c0, 0x13af: 0x00c0, + 0x13b0: 0x00c0, 0x13b1: 0x00c0, 0x13b2: 0x00c0, 0x13b3: 0x00c0, 0x13b4: 0x0040, 0x13b5: 0x0040, + 0x13b6: 0x00c0, 0x13b7: 0x00c3, 0x13b8: 0x00c3, 0x13b9: 0x00c3, 0x13ba: 0x00c3, 0x13bb: 0x00c3, + 0x13bc: 0x00c3, 0x13bd: 0x00c3, 0x13be: 0x00c0, 0x13bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x00c0, 0x13c1: 0x00c0, 0x13c2: 0x00c0, 0x13c3: 0x00c0, 0x13c4: 0x00c0, 0x13c5: 0x00c0, + 0x13c6: 0x00c3, 0x13c7: 0x00c0, 0x13c8: 0x00c0, 0x13c9: 0x00c3, 0x13ca: 0x00c3, 0x13cb: 0x00c3, + 0x13cc: 0x00c3, 0x13cd: 0x00c3, 0x13ce: 0x00c3, 0x13cf: 0x00c3, 0x13d0: 0x00c3, 0x13d1: 0x00c3, + 0x13d2: 0x00c6, 0x13d3: 0x00c3, 0x13d4: 0x0080, 0x13d5: 0x0080, 0x13d6: 0x0080, 0x13d7: 0x00c0, + 0x13d8: 0x0080, 0x13d9: 0x0080, 0x13da: 0x0080, 0x13db: 0x0080, 0x13dc: 0x00c0, 0x13dd: 0x00c3, + 0x13e0: 0x00c0, 0x13e1: 0x00c0, 0x13e2: 0x00c0, 0x13e3: 0x00c0, + 0x13e4: 0x00c0, 0x13e5: 0x00c0, 0x13e6: 0x00c0, 0x13e7: 0x00c0, 0x13e8: 0x00c0, 0x13e9: 0x00c0, + 0x13f0: 0x0080, 0x13f1: 0x0080, 0x13f2: 0x0080, 0x13f3: 0x0080, 0x13f4: 0x0080, 0x13f5: 0x0080, + 0x13f6: 0x0080, 0x13f7: 0x0080, 0x13f8: 0x0080, 0x13f9: 0x0080, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x0080, 0x1401: 0x0080, 0x1402: 0x0080, 0x1403: 0x0080, 0x1404: 0x0080, 0x1405: 0x0080, + 0x1406: 0x0080, 0x1407: 0x0082, 0x1408: 0x0080, 0x1409: 0x0080, 0x140a: 0x0080, 0x140b: 0x0040, + 0x140c: 0x0040, 0x140d: 0x0040, 0x140e: 0x0040, 0x1410: 0x00c0, 0x1411: 0x00c0, + 0x1412: 0x00c0, 0x1413: 0x00c0, 0x1414: 0x00c0, 0x1415: 0x00c0, 0x1416: 0x00c0, 0x1417: 0x00c0, + 0x1418: 0x00c0, 0x1419: 0x00c0, + 0x1420: 0x00c2, 0x1421: 0x00c2, 0x1422: 0x00c2, 0x1423: 0x00c2, + 0x1424: 0x00c2, 0x1425: 0x00c2, 0x1426: 0x00c2, 0x1427: 0x00c2, 0x1428: 0x00c2, 0x1429: 0x00c2, + 0x142a: 0x00c2, 0x142b: 0x00c2, 0x142c: 0x00c2, 0x142d: 0x00c2, 0x142e: 0x00c2, 0x142f: 0x00c2, + 0x1430: 0x00c2, 0x1431: 0x00c2, 0x1432: 0x00c2, 0x1433: 0x00c2, 0x1434: 0x00c2, 0x1435: 0x00c2, + 0x1436: 0x00c2, 0x1437: 0x00c2, 0x1438: 0x00c2, 0x1439: 0x00c2, 0x143a: 0x00c2, 0x143b: 0x00c2, + 0x143c: 0x00c2, 0x143d: 0x00c2, 0x143e: 0x00c2, 0x143f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1440: 0x00c2, 0x1441: 0x00c2, 0x1442: 0x00c2, 0x1443: 0x00c2, 0x1444: 0x00c2, 0x1445: 0x00c2, + 0x1446: 0x00c2, 0x1447: 0x00c2, 0x1448: 0x00c2, 0x1449: 0x00c2, 0x144a: 0x00c2, 0x144b: 0x00c2, + 0x144c: 0x00c2, 0x144d: 0x00c2, 0x144e: 0x00c2, 0x144f: 0x00c2, 0x1450: 0x00c2, 0x1451: 0x00c2, + 0x1452: 0x00c2, 0x1453: 0x00c2, 0x1454: 0x00c2, 0x1455: 0x00c2, 0x1456: 0x00c2, 0x1457: 0x00c2, + 0x1458: 0x00c2, 0x1459: 0x00c2, 0x145a: 0x00c2, 0x145b: 0x00c2, 0x145c: 0x00c2, 0x145d: 0x00c2, + 0x145e: 0x00c2, 0x145f: 0x00c2, 0x1460: 0x00c2, 0x1461: 0x00c2, 0x1462: 0x00c2, 0x1463: 0x00c2, + 0x1464: 0x00c2, 0x1465: 0x00c2, 0x1466: 0x00c2, 0x1467: 0x00c2, 0x1468: 0x00c2, 0x1469: 0x00c2, + 0x146a: 0x00c2, 0x146b: 0x00c2, 0x146c: 0x00c2, 0x146d: 0x00c2, 0x146e: 0x00c2, 0x146f: 0x00c2, + 0x1470: 0x00c2, 0x1471: 0x00c2, 0x1472: 0x00c2, 0x1473: 0x00c2, 0x1474: 0x00c2, 0x1475: 0x00c2, + 0x1476: 0x00c2, 0x1477: 0x00c2, 0x1478: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x00c0, 0x1481: 0x00c0, 0x1482: 0x00c0, 0x1483: 0x00c0, 0x1484: 0x00c0, 0x1485: 0x00c3, + 0x1486: 0x00c3, 0x1487: 0x00c2, 0x1488: 0x00c2, 0x1489: 0x00c2, 0x148a: 0x00c2, 0x148b: 0x00c2, + 0x148c: 0x00c2, 0x148d: 0x00c2, 0x148e: 0x00c2, 0x148f: 0x00c2, 0x1490: 0x00c2, 0x1491: 0x00c2, + 0x1492: 0x00c2, 0x1493: 0x00c2, 0x1494: 0x00c2, 0x1495: 0x00c2, 0x1496: 0x00c2, 0x1497: 0x00c2, + 0x1498: 0x00c2, 0x1499: 0x00c2, 0x149a: 0x00c2, 0x149b: 0x00c2, 0x149c: 0x00c2, 0x149d: 0x00c2, + 0x149e: 0x00c2, 0x149f: 0x00c2, 0x14a0: 0x00c2, 0x14a1: 0x00c2, 0x14a2: 0x00c2, 0x14a3: 0x00c2, + 0x14a4: 0x00c2, 0x14a5: 0x00c2, 0x14a6: 0x00c2, 0x14a7: 0x00c2, 0x14a8: 0x00c2, 0x14a9: 0x00c3, + 0x14aa: 0x00c2, + 0x14b0: 0x00c0, 0x14b1: 0x00c0, 0x14b2: 0x00c0, 0x14b3: 0x00c0, 0x14b4: 0x00c0, 0x14b5: 0x00c0, + 0x14b6: 0x00c0, 0x14b7: 0x00c0, 0x14b8: 0x00c0, 0x14b9: 0x00c0, 0x14ba: 0x00c0, 0x14bb: 0x00c0, + 0x14bc: 0x00c0, 0x14bd: 0x00c0, 0x14be: 0x00c0, 0x14bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x00c0, 0x14c1: 0x00c0, 0x14c2: 0x00c0, 0x14c3: 0x00c0, 0x14c4: 0x00c0, 0x14c5: 0x00c0, + 0x14c6: 0x00c0, 0x14c7: 0x00c0, 0x14c8: 0x00c0, 0x14c9: 0x00c0, 0x14ca: 0x00c0, 0x14cb: 0x00c0, + 0x14cc: 0x00c0, 0x14cd: 0x00c0, 0x14ce: 0x00c0, 0x14cf: 0x00c0, 0x14d0: 0x00c0, 0x14d1: 0x00c0, + 0x14d2: 0x00c0, 0x14d3: 0x00c0, 0x14d4: 0x00c0, 0x14d5: 0x00c0, 0x14d6: 0x00c0, 0x14d7: 0x00c0, + 0x14d8: 0x00c0, 0x14d9: 0x00c0, 0x14da: 0x00c0, 0x14db: 0x00c0, 0x14dc: 0x00c0, 0x14dd: 0x00c0, + 0x14de: 0x00c0, 0x14df: 0x00c0, 0x14e0: 0x00c0, 0x14e1: 0x00c0, 0x14e2: 0x00c0, 0x14e3: 0x00c0, + 0x14e4: 0x00c0, 0x14e5: 0x00c0, 0x14e6: 0x00c0, 0x14e7: 0x00c0, 0x14e8: 0x00c0, 0x14e9: 0x00c0, + 0x14ea: 0x00c0, 0x14eb: 0x00c0, 0x14ec: 0x00c0, 0x14ed: 0x00c0, 0x14ee: 0x00c0, 0x14ef: 0x00c0, + 0x14f0: 0x00c0, 0x14f1: 0x00c0, 0x14f2: 0x00c0, 0x14f3: 0x00c0, 0x14f4: 0x00c0, 0x14f5: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x00c0, 0x1501: 0x00c0, 0x1502: 0x00c0, 0x1503: 0x00c0, 0x1504: 0x00c0, 0x1505: 0x00c0, + 0x1506: 0x00c0, 0x1507: 0x00c0, 0x1508: 0x00c0, 0x1509: 0x00c0, 0x150a: 0x00c0, 0x150b: 0x00c0, + 0x150c: 0x00c0, 0x150d: 0x00c0, 0x150e: 0x00c0, 0x150f: 0x00c0, 0x1510: 0x00c0, 0x1511: 0x00c0, + 0x1512: 0x00c0, 0x1513: 0x00c0, 0x1514: 0x00c0, 0x1515: 0x00c0, 0x1516: 0x00c0, 0x1517: 0x00c0, + 0x1518: 0x00c0, 0x1519: 0x00c0, 0x151a: 0x00c0, 0x151b: 0x00c0, 0x151c: 0x00c0, 0x151d: 0x00c0, + 0x151e: 0x00c0, 0x1520: 0x00c3, 0x1521: 0x00c3, 0x1522: 0x00c3, 0x1523: 0x00c0, + 0x1524: 0x00c0, 0x1525: 0x00c0, 0x1526: 0x00c0, 0x1527: 0x00c3, 0x1528: 0x00c3, 0x1529: 0x00c0, + 0x152a: 0x00c0, 0x152b: 0x00c0, + 0x1530: 0x00c0, 0x1531: 0x00c0, 0x1532: 0x00c3, 0x1533: 0x00c0, 0x1534: 0x00c0, 0x1535: 0x00c0, + 0x1536: 0x00c0, 0x1537: 0x00c0, 0x1538: 0x00c0, 0x1539: 0x00c3, 0x153a: 0x00c3, 0x153b: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1540: 0x0080, 0x1544: 0x0080, 0x1545: 0x0080, + 0x1546: 0x00c0, 0x1547: 0x00c0, 0x1548: 0x00c0, 0x1549: 0x00c0, 0x154a: 0x00c0, 0x154b: 0x00c0, + 0x154c: 0x00c0, 0x154d: 0x00c0, 0x154e: 0x00c0, 0x154f: 0x00c0, 0x1550: 0x00c0, 0x1551: 0x00c0, + 0x1552: 0x00c0, 0x1553: 0x00c0, 0x1554: 0x00c0, 0x1555: 0x00c0, 0x1556: 0x00c0, 0x1557: 0x00c0, + 0x1558: 0x00c0, 0x1559: 0x00c0, 0x155a: 0x00c0, 0x155b: 0x00c0, 0x155c: 0x00c0, 0x155d: 0x00c0, + 0x155e: 0x00c0, 0x155f: 0x00c0, 0x1560: 0x00c0, 0x1561: 0x00c0, 0x1562: 0x00c0, 0x1563: 0x00c0, + 0x1564: 0x00c0, 0x1565: 0x00c0, 0x1566: 0x00c0, 0x1567: 0x00c0, 0x1568: 0x00c0, 0x1569: 0x00c0, + 0x156a: 0x00c0, 0x156b: 0x00c0, 0x156c: 0x00c0, 0x156d: 0x00c0, + 0x1570: 0x00c0, 0x1571: 0x00c0, 0x1572: 0x00c0, 0x1573: 0x00c0, 0x1574: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0x00c0, 0x1581: 0x00c0, 0x1582: 0x00c0, 0x1583: 0x00c0, 0x1584: 0x00c0, 0x1585: 0x00c0, + 0x1586: 0x00c0, 0x1587: 0x00c0, 0x1588: 0x00c0, 0x1589: 0x00c0, 0x158a: 0x00c0, 0x158b: 0x00c0, + 0x158c: 0x00c0, 0x158d: 0x00c0, 0x158e: 0x00c0, 0x158f: 0x00c0, 0x1590: 0x00c0, 0x1591: 0x00c0, + 0x1592: 0x00c0, 0x1593: 0x00c0, 0x1594: 0x00c0, 0x1595: 0x00c0, 0x1596: 0x00c0, 0x1597: 0x00c0, + 0x1598: 0x00c0, 0x1599: 0x00c0, 0x159a: 0x00c0, 0x159b: 0x00c0, 0x159c: 0x00c0, 0x159d: 0x00c0, + 0x159e: 0x00c0, 0x159f: 0x00c0, 0x15a0: 0x00c0, 0x15a1: 0x00c0, 0x15a2: 0x00c0, 0x15a3: 0x00c0, + 0x15a4: 0x00c0, 0x15a5: 0x00c0, 0x15a6: 0x00c0, 0x15a7: 0x00c0, 0x15a8: 0x00c0, 0x15a9: 0x00c0, + 0x15aa: 0x00c0, 0x15ab: 0x00c0, + 0x15b0: 0x00c0, 0x15b1: 0x00c0, 0x15b2: 0x00c0, 0x15b3: 0x00c0, 0x15b4: 0x00c0, 0x15b5: 0x00c0, + 0x15b6: 0x00c0, 0x15b7: 0x00c0, 0x15b8: 0x00c0, 0x15b9: 0x00c0, 0x15ba: 0x00c0, 0x15bb: 0x00c0, + 0x15bc: 0x00c0, 0x15bd: 0x00c0, 0x15be: 0x00c0, 0x15bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0x00c0, 0x15c1: 0x00c0, 0x15c2: 0x00c0, 0x15c3: 0x00c0, 0x15c4: 0x00c0, 0x15c5: 0x00c0, + 0x15c6: 0x00c0, 0x15c7: 0x00c0, 0x15c8: 0x00c0, 0x15c9: 0x00c0, + 0x15d0: 0x00c0, 0x15d1: 0x00c0, + 0x15d2: 0x00c0, 0x15d3: 0x00c0, 0x15d4: 0x00c0, 0x15d5: 0x00c0, 0x15d6: 0x00c0, 0x15d7: 0x00c0, + 0x15d8: 0x00c0, 0x15d9: 0x00c0, 0x15da: 0x0080, + 0x15de: 0x0080, 0x15df: 0x0080, 0x15e0: 0x0080, 0x15e1: 0x0080, 0x15e2: 0x0080, 0x15e3: 0x0080, + 0x15e4: 0x0080, 0x15e5: 0x0080, 0x15e6: 0x0080, 0x15e7: 0x0080, 0x15e8: 0x0080, 0x15e9: 0x0080, + 0x15ea: 0x0080, 0x15eb: 0x0080, 0x15ec: 0x0080, 0x15ed: 0x0080, 0x15ee: 0x0080, 0x15ef: 0x0080, + 0x15f0: 0x0080, 0x15f1: 0x0080, 0x15f2: 0x0080, 0x15f3: 0x0080, 0x15f4: 0x0080, 0x15f5: 0x0080, + 0x15f6: 0x0080, 0x15f7: 0x0080, 0x15f8: 0x0080, 0x15f9: 0x0080, 0x15fa: 0x0080, 0x15fb: 0x0080, + 0x15fc: 0x0080, 0x15fd: 0x0080, 0x15fe: 0x0080, 0x15ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x00c0, 0x1601: 0x00c0, 0x1602: 0x00c0, 0x1603: 0x00c0, 0x1604: 0x00c0, 0x1605: 0x00c0, + 0x1606: 0x00c0, 0x1607: 0x00c0, 0x1608: 0x00c0, 0x1609: 0x00c0, 0x160a: 0x00c0, 0x160b: 0x00c0, + 0x160c: 0x00c0, 0x160d: 0x00c0, 0x160e: 0x00c0, 0x160f: 0x00c0, 0x1610: 0x00c0, 0x1611: 0x00c0, + 0x1612: 0x00c0, 0x1613: 0x00c0, 0x1614: 0x00c0, 0x1615: 0x00c0, 0x1616: 0x00c0, 0x1617: 0x00c3, + 0x1618: 0x00c3, 0x1619: 0x00c0, 0x161a: 0x00c0, 0x161b: 0x00c3, + 0x161e: 0x0080, 0x161f: 0x0080, 0x1620: 0x00c0, 0x1621: 0x00c0, 0x1622: 0x00c0, 0x1623: 0x00c0, + 0x1624: 0x00c0, 0x1625: 0x00c0, 0x1626: 0x00c0, 0x1627: 0x00c0, 0x1628: 0x00c0, 0x1629: 0x00c0, + 0x162a: 0x00c0, 0x162b: 0x00c0, 0x162c: 0x00c0, 0x162d: 0x00c0, 0x162e: 0x00c0, 0x162f: 0x00c0, + 0x1630: 0x00c0, 0x1631: 0x00c0, 0x1632: 0x00c0, 0x1633: 0x00c0, 0x1634: 0x00c0, 0x1635: 0x00c0, + 0x1636: 0x00c0, 0x1637: 0x00c0, 0x1638: 0x00c0, 0x1639: 0x00c0, 0x163a: 0x00c0, 0x163b: 0x00c0, + 0x163c: 0x00c0, 0x163d: 0x00c0, 0x163e: 0x00c0, 0x163f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x1640: 0x00c0, 0x1641: 0x00c0, 0x1642: 0x00c0, 0x1643: 0x00c0, 0x1644: 0x00c0, 0x1645: 0x00c0, + 0x1646: 0x00c0, 0x1647: 0x00c0, 0x1648: 0x00c0, 0x1649: 0x00c0, 0x164a: 0x00c0, 0x164b: 0x00c0, + 0x164c: 0x00c0, 0x164d: 0x00c0, 0x164e: 0x00c0, 0x164f: 0x00c0, 0x1650: 0x00c0, 0x1651: 0x00c0, + 0x1652: 0x00c0, 0x1653: 0x00c0, 0x1654: 0x00c0, 0x1655: 0x00c0, 0x1656: 0x00c3, 0x1657: 0x00c0, + 0x1658: 0x00c3, 0x1659: 0x00c3, 0x165a: 0x00c3, 0x165b: 0x00c3, 0x165c: 0x00c3, 0x165d: 0x00c3, + 0x165e: 0x00c3, 0x1660: 0x00c6, 0x1661: 0x00c0, 0x1662: 0x00c3, 0x1663: 0x00c0, + 0x1664: 0x00c0, 0x1665: 0x00c3, 0x1666: 0x00c3, 0x1667: 0x00c3, 0x1668: 0x00c3, 0x1669: 0x00c3, + 0x166a: 0x00c3, 0x166b: 0x00c3, 0x166c: 0x00c3, 0x166d: 0x00c0, 0x166e: 0x00c0, 0x166f: 0x00c0, + 0x1670: 0x00c0, 0x1671: 0x00c0, 0x1672: 0x00c0, 0x1673: 0x00c3, 0x1674: 0x00c3, 0x1675: 0x00c3, + 0x1676: 0x00c3, 0x1677: 0x00c3, 0x1678: 0x00c3, 0x1679: 0x00c3, 0x167a: 0x00c3, 0x167b: 0x00c3, + 0x167c: 0x00c3, 0x167f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x00c0, 0x1681: 0x00c0, 0x1682: 0x00c0, 0x1683: 0x00c0, 0x1684: 0x00c0, 0x1685: 0x00c0, + 0x1686: 0x00c0, 0x1687: 0x00c0, 0x1688: 0x00c0, 0x1689: 0x00c0, + 0x1690: 0x00c0, 0x1691: 0x00c0, + 0x1692: 0x00c0, 0x1693: 0x00c0, 0x1694: 0x00c0, 0x1695: 0x00c0, 0x1696: 0x00c0, 0x1697: 0x00c0, + 0x1698: 0x00c0, 0x1699: 0x00c0, + 0x16a0: 0x0080, 0x16a1: 0x0080, 0x16a2: 0x0080, 0x16a3: 0x0080, + 0x16a4: 0x0080, 0x16a5: 0x0080, 0x16a6: 0x0080, 0x16a7: 0x00c0, 0x16a8: 0x0080, 0x16a9: 0x0080, + 0x16aa: 0x0080, 0x16ab: 0x0080, 0x16ac: 0x0080, 0x16ad: 0x0080, + 0x16b0: 0x00c3, 0x16b1: 0x00c3, 0x16b2: 0x00c3, 0x16b3: 0x00c3, 0x16b4: 0x00c3, 0x16b5: 0x00c3, + 0x16b6: 0x00c3, 0x16b7: 0x00c3, 0x16b8: 0x00c3, 0x16b9: 0x00c3, 0x16ba: 0x00c3, 0x16bb: 0x00c3, + 0x16bc: 0x00c3, 0x16bd: 0x00c3, 0x16be: 0x0083, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16c0: 0x00c3, 0x16c1: 0x00c3, 0x16c2: 0x00c3, 0x16c3: 0x00c3, 0x16c4: 0x00c0, 0x16c5: 0x00c0, + 0x16c6: 0x00c0, 0x16c7: 0x00c0, 0x16c8: 0x00c0, 0x16c9: 0x00c0, 0x16ca: 0x00c0, 0x16cb: 0x00c0, + 0x16cc: 0x00c0, 0x16cd: 0x00c0, 0x16ce: 0x00c0, 0x16cf: 0x00c0, 0x16d0: 0x00c0, 0x16d1: 0x00c0, + 0x16d2: 0x00c0, 0x16d3: 0x00c0, 0x16d4: 0x00c0, 0x16d5: 0x00c0, 0x16d6: 0x00c0, 0x16d7: 0x00c0, + 0x16d8: 0x00c0, 0x16d9: 0x00c0, 0x16da: 0x00c0, 0x16db: 0x00c0, 0x16dc: 0x00c0, 0x16dd: 0x00c0, + 0x16de: 0x00c0, 0x16df: 0x00c0, 0x16e0: 0x00c0, 0x16e1: 0x00c0, 0x16e2: 0x00c0, 0x16e3: 0x00c0, + 0x16e4: 0x00c0, 0x16e5: 0x00c0, 0x16e6: 0x00c0, 0x16e7: 0x00c0, 0x16e8: 0x00c0, 0x16e9: 0x00c0, + 0x16ea: 0x00c0, 0x16eb: 0x00c0, 0x16ec: 0x00c0, 0x16ed: 0x00c0, 0x16ee: 0x00c0, 0x16ef: 0x00c0, + 0x16f0: 0x00c0, 0x16f1: 0x00c0, 0x16f2: 0x00c0, 0x16f3: 0x00c0, 0x16f4: 0x00c3, 0x16f5: 0x00c0, + 0x16f6: 0x00c3, 0x16f7: 0x00c3, 0x16f8: 0x00c3, 0x16f9: 0x00c3, 0x16fa: 0x00c3, 0x16fb: 0x00c0, + 0x16fc: 0x00c3, 0x16fd: 0x00c0, 0x16fe: 0x00c0, 0x16ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x00c0, 0x1701: 0x00c0, 0x1702: 0x00c3, 0x1703: 0x00c0, 0x1704: 0x00c5, 0x1705: 0x00c0, + 0x1706: 0x00c0, 0x1707: 0x00c0, 0x1708: 0x00c0, 0x1709: 0x00c0, 0x170a: 0x00c0, 0x170b: 0x00c0, + 0x1710: 0x00c0, 0x1711: 0x00c0, + 0x1712: 0x00c0, 0x1713: 0x00c0, 0x1714: 0x00c0, 0x1715: 0x00c0, 0x1716: 0x00c0, 0x1717: 0x00c0, + 0x1718: 0x00c0, 0x1719: 0x00c0, 0x171a: 0x0080, 0x171b: 0x0080, 0x171c: 0x0080, 0x171d: 0x0080, + 0x171e: 0x0080, 0x171f: 0x0080, 0x1720: 0x0080, 0x1721: 0x0080, 0x1722: 0x0080, 0x1723: 0x0080, + 0x1724: 0x0080, 0x1725: 0x0080, 0x1726: 0x0080, 0x1727: 0x0080, 0x1728: 0x0080, 0x1729: 0x0080, + 0x172a: 0x0080, 0x172b: 0x00c3, 0x172c: 0x00c3, 0x172d: 0x00c3, 0x172e: 0x00c3, 0x172f: 0x00c3, + 0x1730: 0x00c3, 0x1731: 0x00c3, 0x1732: 0x00c3, 0x1733: 0x00c3, 0x1734: 0x0080, 0x1735: 0x0080, + 0x1736: 0x0080, 0x1737: 0x0080, 0x1738: 0x0080, 0x1739: 0x0080, 0x173a: 0x0080, 0x173b: 0x0080, + 0x173c: 0x0080, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x00c3, 0x1741: 0x00c3, 0x1742: 0x00c0, 0x1743: 0x00c0, 0x1744: 0x00c0, 0x1745: 0x00c0, + 0x1746: 0x00c0, 0x1747: 0x00c0, 0x1748: 0x00c0, 0x1749: 0x00c0, 0x174a: 0x00c0, 0x174b: 0x00c0, + 0x174c: 0x00c0, 0x174d: 0x00c0, 0x174e: 0x00c0, 0x174f: 0x00c0, 0x1750: 0x00c0, 0x1751: 0x00c0, + 0x1752: 0x00c0, 0x1753: 0x00c0, 0x1754: 0x00c0, 0x1755: 0x00c0, 0x1756: 0x00c0, 0x1757: 0x00c0, + 0x1758: 0x00c0, 0x1759: 0x00c0, 0x175a: 0x00c0, 0x175b: 0x00c0, 0x175c: 0x00c0, 0x175d: 0x00c0, + 0x175e: 0x00c0, 0x175f: 0x00c0, 0x1760: 0x00c0, 0x1761: 0x00c0, 0x1762: 0x00c3, 0x1763: 0x00c3, + 0x1764: 0x00c3, 0x1765: 0x00c3, 0x1766: 0x00c0, 0x1767: 0x00c0, 0x1768: 0x00c3, 0x1769: 0x00c3, + 0x176a: 0x00c5, 0x176b: 0x00c6, 0x176c: 0x00c3, 0x176d: 0x00c3, 0x176e: 0x00c0, 0x176f: 0x00c0, + 0x1770: 0x00c0, 0x1771: 0x00c0, 0x1772: 0x00c0, 0x1773: 0x00c0, 0x1774: 0x00c0, 0x1775: 0x00c0, + 0x1776: 0x00c0, 0x1777: 0x00c0, 0x1778: 0x00c0, 0x1779: 0x00c0, 0x177a: 0x00c0, 0x177b: 0x00c0, + 0x177c: 0x00c0, 0x177d: 0x00c0, 0x177e: 0x00c0, 0x177f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x1780: 0x00c0, 0x1781: 0x00c0, 0x1782: 0x00c0, 0x1783: 0x00c0, 0x1784: 0x00c0, 0x1785: 0x00c0, + 0x1786: 0x00c0, 0x1787: 0x00c0, 0x1788: 0x00c0, 0x1789: 0x00c0, 0x178a: 0x00c0, 0x178b: 0x00c0, + 0x178c: 0x00c0, 0x178d: 0x00c0, 0x178e: 0x00c0, 0x178f: 0x00c0, 0x1790: 0x00c0, 0x1791: 0x00c0, + 0x1792: 0x00c0, 0x1793: 0x00c0, 0x1794: 0x00c0, 0x1795: 0x00c0, 0x1796: 0x00c0, 0x1797: 0x00c0, + 0x1798: 0x00c0, 0x1799: 0x00c0, 0x179a: 0x00c0, 0x179b: 0x00c0, 0x179c: 0x00c0, 0x179d: 0x00c0, + 0x179e: 0x00c0, 0x179f: 0x00c0, 0x17a0: 0x00c0, 0x17a1: 0x00c0, 0x17a2: 0x00c0, 0x17a3: 0x00c0, + 0x17a4: 0x00c0, 0x17a5: 0x00c0, 0x17a6: 0x00c3, 0x17a7: 0x00c0, 0x17a8: 0x00c3, 0x17a9: 0x00c3, + 0x17aa: 0x00c0, 0x17ab: 0x00c0, 0x17ac: 0x00c0, 0x17ad: 0x00c3, 0x17ae: 0x00c0, 0x17af: 0x00c3, + 0x17b0: 0x00c3, 0x17b1: 0x00c3, 0x17b2: 0x00c5, 0x17b3: 0x00c5, + 0x17bc: 0x0080, 0x17bd: 0x0080, 0x17be: 0x0080, 0x17bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x00c0, 0x17c1: 0x00c0, 0x17c2: 0x00c0, 0x17c3: 0x00c0, 0x17c4: 0x00c0, 0x17c5: 0x00c0, + 0x17c6: 0x00c0, 0x17c7: 0x00c0, 0x17c8: 0x00c0, 0x17c9: 0x00c0, 0x17ca: 0x00c0, 0x17cb: 0x00c0, + 0x17cc: 0x00c0, 0x17cd: 0x00c0, 0x17ce: 0x00c0, 0x17cf: 0x00c0, 0x17d0: 0x00c0, 0x17d1: 0x00c0, + 0x17d2: 0x00c0, 0x17d3: 0x00c0, 0x17d4: 0x00c0, 0x17d5: 0x00c0, 0x17d6: 0x00c0, 0x17d7: 0x00c0, + 0x17d8: 0x00c0, 0x17d9: 0x00c0, 0x17da: 0x00c0, 0x17db: 0x00c0, 0x17dc: 0x00c0, 0x17dd: 0x00c0, + 0x17de: 0x00c0, 0x17df: 0x00c0, 0x17e0: 0x00c0, 0x17e1: 0x00c0, 0x17e2: 0x00c0, 0x17e3: 0x00c0, + 0x17e4: 0x00c0, 0x17e5: 0x00c0, 0x17e6: 0x00c0, 0x17e7: 0x00c0, 0x17e8: 0x00c0, 0x17e9: 0x00c0, + 0x17ea: 0x00c0, 0x17eb: 0x00c0, 0x17ec: 0x00c3, 0x17ed: 0x00c3, 0x17ee: 0x00c3, 0x17ef: 0x00c3, + 0x17f0: 0x00c3, 0x17f1: 0x00c3, 0x17f2: 0x00c3, 0x17f3: 0x00c3, 0x17f4: 0x00c0, 0x17f5: 0x00c0, + 0x17f6: 0x00c3, 0x17f7: 0x00c3, 0x17fb: 0x0080, + 0x17fc: 0x0080, 0x17fd: 0x0080, 0x17fe: 0x0080, 0x17ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1800: 0x00c0, 0x1801: 0x00c0, 0x1802: 0x00c0, 0x1803: 0x00c0, 0x1804: 0x00c0, 0x1805: 0x00c0, + 0x1806: 0x00c0, 0x1807: 0x00c0, 0x1808: 0x00c0, 0x1809: 0x00c0, + 0x180d: 0x00c0, 0x180e: 0x00c0, 0x180f: 0x00c0, 0x1810: 0x00c0, 0x1811: 0x00c0, + 0x1812: 0x00c0, 0x1813: 0x00c0, 0x1814: 0x00c0, 0x1815: 0x00c0, 0x1816: 0x00c0, 0x1817: 0x00c0, + 0x1818: 0x00c0, 0x1819: 0x00c0, 0x181a: 0x00c0, 0x181b: 0x00c0, 0x181c: 0x00c0, 0x181d: 0x00c0, + 0x181e: 0x00c0, 0x181f: 0x00c0, 0x1820: 0x00c0, 0x1821: 0x00c0, 0x1822: 0x00c0, 0x1823: 0x00c0, + 0x1824: 0x00c0, 0x1825: 0x00c0, 0x1826: 0x00c0, 0x1827: 0x00c0, 0x1828: 0x00c0, 0x1829: 0x00c0, + 0x182a: 0x00c0, 0x182b: 0x00c0, 0x182c: 0x00c0, 0x182d: 0x00c0, 0x182e: 0x00c0, 0x182f: 0x00c0, + 0x1830: 0x00c0, 0x1831: 0x00c0, 0x1832: 0x00c0, 0x1833: 0x00c0, 0x1834: 0x00c0, 0x1835: 0x00c0, + 0x1836: 0x00c0, 0x1837: 0x00c0, 0x1838: 0x00c0, 0x1839: 0x00c0, 0x183a: 0x00c0, 0x183b: 0x00c0, + 0x183c: 0x00c0, 0x183d: 0x00c0, 0x183e: 0x0080, 0x183f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x00c0, 0x1841: 0x00c0, 0x1842: 0x00c0, 0x1843: 0x00c0, 0x1844: 0x00c0, 0x1845: 0x00c0, + 0x1846: 0x00c0, 0x1847: 0x00c0, 0x1848: 0x00c0, + 0x1850: 0x00c0, 0x1851: 0x00c0, + 0x1852: 0x00c0, 0x1853: 0x00c0, 0x1854: 0x00c0, 0x1855: 0x00c0, 0x1856: 0x00c0, 0x1857: 0x00c0, + 0x1858: 0x00c0, 0x1859: 0x00c0, 0x185a: 0x00c0, 0x185b: 0x00c0, 0x185c: 0x00c0, 0x185d: 0x00c0, + 0x185e: 0x00c0, 0x185f: 0x00c0, 0x1860: 0x00c0, 0x1861: 0x00c0, 0x1862: 0x00c0, 0x1863: 0x00c0, + 0x1864: 0x00c0, 0x1865: 0x00c0, 0x1866: 0x00c0, 0x1867: 0x00c0, 0x1868: 0x00c0, 0x1869: 0x00c0, + 0x186a: 0x00c0, 0x186b: 0x00c0, 0x186c: 0x00c0, 0x186d: 0x00c0, 0x186e: 0x00c0, 0x186f: 0x00c0, + 0x1870: 0x00c0, 0x1871: 0x00c0, 0x1872: 0x00c0, 0x1873: 0x00c0, 0x1874: 0x00c0, 0x1875: 0x00c0, + 0x1876: 0x00c0, 0x1877: 0x00c0, 0x1878: 0x00c0, 0x1879: 0x00c0, 0x187a: 0x00c0, + 0x187d: 0x00c0, 0x187e: 0x00c0, 0x187f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x0080, 0x1881: 0x0080, 0x1882: 0x0080, 0x1883: 0x0080, 0x1884: 0x0080, 0x1885: 0x0080, + 0x1886: 0x0080, 0x1887: 0x0080, + 0x1890: 0x00c3, 0x1891: 0x00c3, + 0x1892: 0x00c3, 0x1893: 0x0080, 0x1894: 0x00c3, 0x1895: 0x00c3, 0x1896: 0x00c3, 0x1897: 0x00c3, + 0x1898: 0x00c3, 0x1899: 0x00c3, 0x189a: 0x00c3, 0x189b: 0x00c3, 0x189c: 0x00c3, 0x189d: 0x00c3, + 0x189e: 0x00c3, 0x189f: 0x00c3, 0x18a0: 0x00c3, 0x18a1: 0x00c0, 0x18a2: 0x00c3, 0x18a3: 0x00c3, + 0x18a4: 0x00c3, 0x18a5: 0x00c3, 0x18a6: 0x00c3, 0x18a7: 0x00c3, 0x18a8: 0x00c3, 0x18a9: 0x00c0, + 0x18aa: 0x00c0, 0x18ab: 0x00c0, 0x18ac: 0x00c0, 0x18ad: 0x00c3, 0x18ae: 0x00c0, 0x18af: 0x00c0, + 0x18b0: 0x00c0, 0x18b1: 0x00c0, 0x18b2: 0x00c0, 0x18b3: 0x00c0, 0x18b4: 0x00c3, 0x18b5: 0x00c0, + 0x18b6: 0x00c0, 0x18b7: 0x00c0, 0x18b8: 0x00c3, 0x18b9: 0x00c3, 0x18ba: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x00c0, 0x18c1: 0x00c0, 0x18c2: 0x00c0, 0x18c3: 0x00c0, 0x18c4: 0x00c0, 0x18c5: 0x00c0, + 0x18c6: 0x00c0, 0x18c7: 0x00c0, 0x18c8: 0x00c0, 0x18c9: 0x00c0, 0x18ca: 0x00c0, 0x18cb: 0x00c0, + 0x18cc: 0x00c0, 0x18cd: 0x00c0, 0x18ce: 0x00c0, 0x18cf: 0x00c0, 0x18d0: 0x00c0, 0x18d1: 0x00c0, + 0x18d2: 0x00c0, 0x18d3: 0x00c0, 0x18d4: 0x00c0, 0x18d5: 0x00c0, 0x18d6: 0x00c0, 0x18d7: 0x00c0, + 0x18d8: 0x00c0, 0x18d9: 0x00c0, 0x18da: 0x00c0, 0x18db: 0x00c0, 0x18dc: 0x00c0, 0x18dd: 0x00c0, + 0x18de: 0x00c0, 0x18df: 0x00c0, 0x18e0: 0x00c0, 0x18e1: 0x00c0, 0x18e2: 0x00c0, 0x18e3: 0x00c0, + 0x18e4: 0x00c0, 0x18e5: 0x00c0, 0x18e6: 0x00c8, 0x18e7: 0x00c8, 0x18e8: 0x00c8, 0x18e9: 0x00c8, + 0x18ea: 0x00c8, 0x18eb: 0x00c0, 0x18ec: 0x0080, 0x18ed: 0x0080, 0x18ee: 0x0080, 0x18ef: 0x00c0, + 0x18f0: 0x0080, 0x18f1: 0x0080, 0x18f2: 0x0080, 0x18f3: 0x0080, 0x18f4: 0x0080, 0x18f5: 0x0080, + 0x18f6: 0x0080, 0x18f7: 0x0080, 0x18f8: 0x0080, 0x18f9: 0x0080, 0x18fa: 0x0080, 0x18fb: 0x00c0, + 0x18fc: 0x0080, 0x18fd: 0x0080, 0x18fe: 0x0080, 0x18ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x0080, 0x1901: 0x0080, 0x1902: 0x0080, 0x1903: 0x0080, 0x1904: 0x0080, 0x1905: 0x0080, + 0x1906: 0x0080, 0x1907: 0x0080, 0x1908: 0x0080, 0x1909: 0x0080, 0x190a: 0x0080, 0x190b: 0x0080, + 0x190c: 0x0080, 0x190d: 0x0080, 0x190e: 0x00c0, 0x190f: 0x0080, 0x1910: 0x0080, 0x1911: 0x0080, + 0x1912: 0x0080, 0x1913: 0x0080, 0x1914: 0x0080, 0x1915: 0x0080, 0x1916: 0x0080, 0x1917: 0x0080, + 0x1918: 0x0080, 0x1919: 0x0080, 0x191a: 0x0080, 0x191b: 0x0080, 0x191c: 0x0080, 0x191d: 0x0088, + 0x191e: 0x0088, 0x191f: 0x0088, 0x1920: 0x0088, 0x1921: 0x0088, 0x1922: 0x0080, 0x1923: 0x0080, + 0x1924: 0x0080, 0x1925: 0x0080, 0x1926: 0x0088, 0x1927: 0x0088, 0x1928: 0x0088, 0x1929: 0x0088, + 0x192a: 0x0088, 0x192b: 0x00c0, 0x192c: 0x00c0, 0x192d: 0x00c0, 0x192e: 0x00c0, 0x192f: 0x00c0, + 0x1930: 0x00c0, 0x1931: 0x00c0, 0x1932: 0x00c0, 0x1933: 0x00c0, 0x1934: 0x00c0, 0x1935: 0x00c0, + 0x1936: 0x00c0, 0x1937: 0x00c0, 0x1938: 0x0080, 0x1939: 0x00c0, 0x193a: 0x00c0, 0x193b: 0x00c0, + 0x193c: 0x00c0, 0x193d: 0x00c0, 0x193e: 0x00c0, 0x193f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1940: 0x00c0, 0x1941: 0x00c0, 0x1942: 0x00c0, 0x1943: 0x00c0, 0x1944: 0x00c0, 0x1945: 0x00c0, + 0x1946: 0x00c0, 0x1947: 0x00c0, 0x1948: 0x00c0, 0x1949: 0x00c0, 0x194a: 0x00c0, 0x194b: 0x00c0, + 0x194c: 0x00c0, 0x194d: 0x00c0, 0x194e: 0x00c0, 0x194f: 0x00c0, 0x1950: 0x00c0, 0x1951: 0x00c0, + 0x1952: 0x00c0, 0x1953: 0x00c0, 0x1954: 0x00c0, 0x1955: 0x00c0, 0x1956: 0x00c0, 0x1957: 0x00c0, + 0x1958: 0x00c0, 0x1959: 0x00c0, 0x195a: 0x00c0, 0x195b: 0x0080, 0x195c: 0x0080, 0x195d: 0x0080, + 0x195e: 0x0080, 0x195f: 0x0080, 0x1960: 0x0080, 0x1961: 0x0080, 0x1962: 0x0080, 0x1963: 0x0080, + 0x1964: 0x0080, 0x1965: 0x0080, 0x1966: 0x0080, 0x1967: 0x0080, 0x1968: 0x0080, 0x1969: 0x0080, + 0x196a: 0x0080, 0x196b: 0x0080, 0x196c: 0x0080, 0x196d: 0x0080, 0x196e: 0x0080, 0x196f: 0x0080, + 0x1970: 0x0080, 0x1971: 0x0080, 0x1972: 0x0080, 0x1973: 0x0080, 0x1974: 0x0080, 0x1975: 0x0080, + 0x1976: 0x0080, 0x1977: 0x0080, 0x1978: 0x0080, 0x1979: 0x0080, 0x197a: 0x0080, 0x197b: 0x0080, + 0x197c: 0x0080, 0x197d: 0x0080, 0x197e: 0x0080, 0x197f: 0x0088, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x00c3, 0x1981: 0x00c3, 0x1982: 0x00c3, 0x1983: 0x00c3, 0x1984: 0x00c3, 0x1985: 0x00c3, + 0x1986: 0x00c3, 0x1987: 0x00c3, 0x1988: 0x00c3, 0x1989: 0x00c3, 0x198a: 0x00c3, 0x198b: 0x00c3, + 0x198c: 0x00c3, 0x198d: 0x00c3, 0x198e: 0x00c3, 0x198f: 0x00c3, 0x1990: 0x00c3, 0x1991: 0x00c3, + 0x1992: 0x00c3, 0x1993: 0x00c3, 0x1994: 0x00c3, 0x1995: 0x00c3, 0x1996: 0x00c3, 0x1997: 0x00c3, + 0x1998: 0x00c3, 0x1999: 0x00c3, 0x199a: 0x00c3, 0x199b: 0x00c3, 0x199c: 0x00c3, 0x199d: 0x00c3, + 0x199e: 0x00c3, 0x199f: 0x00c3, 0x19a0: 0x00c3, 0x19a1: 0x00c3, 0x19a2: 0x00c3, 0x19a3: 0x00c3, + 0x19a4: 0x00c3, 0x19a5: 0x00c3, 0x19a6: 0x00c3, 0x19a7: 0x00c3, 0x19a8: 0x00c3, 0x19a9: 0x00c3, + 0x19aa: 0x00c3, 0x19ab: 0x00c3, 0x19ac: 0x00c3, 0x19ad: 0x00c3, 0x19ae: 0x00c3, 0x19af: 0x00c3, + 0x19b0: 0x00c3, 0x19b1: 0x00c3, 0x19b2: 0x00c3, 0x19b3: 0x00c3, 0x19b4: 0x00c3, 0x19b5: 0x00c3, + 0x19b6: 0x00c3, 0x19b7: 0x00c3, 0x19b8: 0x00c3, 0x19b9: 0x00c3, 0x19bb: 0x00c3, + 0x19bc: 0x00c3, 0x19bd: 0x00c3, 0x19be: 0x00c3, 0x19bf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19c0: 0x00c0, 0x19c1: 0x00c0, 0x19c2: 0x00c0, 0x19c3: 0x00c0, 0x19c4: 0x00c0, 0x19c5: 0x00c0, + 0x19c6: 0x00c0, 0x19c7: 0x00c0, 0x19c8: 0x00c0, 0x19c9: 0x00c0, 0x19ca: 0x00c0, 0x19cb: 0x00c0, + 0x19cc: 0x00c0, 0x19cd: 0x00c0, 0x19ce: 0x00c0, 0x19cf: 0x00c0, 0x19d0: 0x00c0, 0x19d1: 0x00c0, + 0x19d2: 0x00c0, 0x19d3: 0x00c0, 0x19d4: 0x00c0, 0x19d5: 0x00c0, 0x19d6: 0x00c0, 0x19d7: 0x00c0, + 0x19d8: 0x00c0, 0x19d9: 0x00c0, 0x19da: 0x0080, 0x19db: 0x0080, 0x19dc: 0x00c0, 0x19dd: 0x00c0, + 0x19de: 0x00c0, 0x19df: 0x00c0, 0x19e0: 0x00c0, 0x19e1: 0x00c0, 0x19e2: 0x00c0, 0x19e3: 0x00c0, + 0x19e4: 0x00c0, 0x19e5: 0x00c0, 0x19e6: 0x00c0, 0x19e7: 0x00c0, 0x19e8: 0x00c0, 0x19e9: 0x00c0, + 0x19ea: 0x00c0, 0x19eb: 0x00c0, 0x19ec: 0x00c0, 0x19ed: 0x00c0, 0x19ee: 0x00c0, 0x19ef: 0x00c0, + 0x19f0: 0x00c0, 0x19f1: 0x00c0, 0x19f2: 0x00c0, 0x19f3: 0x00c0, 0x19f4: 0x00c0, 0x19f5: 0x00c0, + 0x19f6: 0x00c0, 0x19f7: 0x00c0, 0x19f8: 0x00c0, 0x19f9: 0x00c0, 0x19fa: 0x00c0, 0x19fb: 0x00c0, + 0x19fc: 0x00c0, 0x19fd: 0x00c0, 0x19fe: 0x00c0, 0x19ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a00: 0x00c8, 0x1a01: 0x00c8, 0x1a02: 0x00c8, 0x1a03: 0x00c8, 0x1a04: 0x00c8, 0x1a05: 0x00c8, + 0x1a06: 0x00c8, 0x1a07: 0x00c8, 0x1a08: 0x00c8, 0x1a09: 0x00c8, 0x1a0a: 0x00c8, 0x1a0b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a0c: 0x00c8, 0x1a0d: 0x00c8, 0x1a0e: 0x00c8, 0x1a0f: 0x00c8, 0x1a10: 0x00c8, 0x1a11: 0x00c8, + 0x1a12: 0x00c8, 0x1a13: 0x00c8, 0x1a14: 0x00c8, 0x1a15: 0x00c8, + 0x1a18: 0x00c8, 0x1a19: 0x00c8, 0x1a1a: 0x00c8, 0x1a1b: 0x00c8, 0x1a1c: 0x00c8, 0x1a1d: 0x00c8, + 0x1a20: 0x00c8, 0x1a21: 0x00c8, 0x1a22: 0x00c8, 0x1a23: 0x00c8, + 0x1a24: 0x00c8, 0x1a25: 0x00c8, 0x1a26: 0x00c8, 0x1a27: 0x00c8, 0x1a28: 0x00c8, 0x1a29: 0x00c8, + 0x1a2a: 0x00c8, 0x1a2b: 0x00c8, 0x1a2c: 0x00c8, 0x1a2d: 0x00c8, 0x1a2e: 0x00c8, 0x1a2f: 0x00c8, + 0x1a30: 0x00c8, 0x1a31: 0x00c8, 0x1a32: 0x00c8, 0x1a33: 0x00c8, 0x1a34: 0x00c8, 0x1a35: 0x00c8, + 0x1a36: 0x00c8, 0x1a37: 0x00c8, 0x1a38: 0x00c8, 0x1a39: 0x00c8, 0x1a3a: 0x00c8, 0x1a3b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a3c: 0x00c8, 0x1a3d: 0x00c8, 0x1a3e: 0x00c8, 0x1a3f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x1a40 + 0x1a40: 0x00c8, 0x1a41: 0x00c8, 0x1a42: 0x00c8, 0x1a43: 0x00c8, 0x1a44: 0x00c8, 0x1a45: 0x00c8, + 0x1a48: 0x00c8, 0x1a49: 0x00c8, 0x1a4a: 0x00c8, 0x1a4b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a4c: 0x00c8, 0x1a4d: 0x00c8, 0x1a50: 0x00c8, 0x1a51: 0x00c8, + 0x1a52: 0x00c8, 0x1a53: 0x00c8, 0x1a54: 0x00c8, 0x1a55: 0x00c8, 0x1a56: 0x00c8, 0x1a57: 0x00c8, + 0x1a59: 0x00c8, 0x1a5b: 0x00c8, 0x1a5d: 0x00c8, + 0x1a5f: 0x00c8, 0x1a60: 0x00c8, 0x1a61: 0x00c8, 0x1a62: 0x00c8, 0x1a63: 0x00c8, + 0x1a64: 0x00c8, 0x1a65: 0x00c8, 0x1a66: 0x00c8, 0x1a67: 0x00c8, 0x1a68: 0x00c8, 0x1a69: 0x00c8, + 0x1a6a: 0x00c8, 0x1a6b: 0x00c8, 0x1a6c: 0x00c8, 0x1a6d: 0x00c8, 0x1a6e: 0x00c8, 0x1a6f: 0x00c8, + 0x1a70: 0x00c8, 0x1a71: 0x0088, 0x1a72: 0x00c8, 0x1a73: 0x0088, 0x1a74: 0x00c8, 0x1a75: 0x0088, + 0x1a76: 0x00c8, 0x1a77: 0x0088, 0x1a78: 0x00c8, 0x1a79: 0x0088, 0x1a7a: 0x00c8, 0x1a7b: 0x0088, + 0x1a7c: 0x00c8, 0x1a7d: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x1a80 + 0x1a80: 0x00c8, 0x1a81: 0x00c8, 0x1a82: 0x00c8, 0x1a83: 0x00c8, 0x1a84: 0x00c8, 0x1a85: 0x00c8, + 0x1a86: 0x00c8, 0x1a87: 0x00c8, 0x1a88: 0x0088, 0x1a89: 0x0088, 0x1a8a: 0x0088, 0x1a8b: 0x0088, + 0x1a8c: 0x0088, 0x1a8d: 0x0088, 0x1a8e: 0x0088, 0x1a8f: 0x0088, 0x1a90: 0x00c8, 0x1a91: 0x00c8, + 0x1a92: 0x00c8, 0x1a93: 0x00c8, 0x1a94: 0x00c8, 0x1a95: 0x00c8, 0x1a96: 0x00c8, 0x1a97: 0x00c8, + 0x1a98: 0x0088, 0x1a99: 0x0088, 0x1a9a: 0x0088, 0x1a9b: 0x0088, 0x1a9c: 0x0088, 0x1a9d: 0x0088, + 0x1a9e: 0x0088, 0x1a9f: 0x0088, 0x1aa0: 0x00c8, 0x1aa1: 0x00c8, 0x1aa2: 0x00c8, 0x1aa3: 0x00c8, + 0x1aa4: 0x00c8, 0x1aa5: 0x00c8, 0x1aa6: 0x00c8, 0x1aa7: 0x00c8, 0x1aa8: 0x0088, 0x1aa9: 0x0088, + 0x1aaa: 0x0088, 0x1aab: 0x0088, 0x1aac: 0x0088, 0x1aad: 0x0088, 0x1aae: 0x0088, 0x1aaf: 0x0088, + 0x1ab0: 0x00c8, 0x1ab1: 0x00c8, 0x1ab2: 0x00c8, 0x1ab3: 0x00c8, 0x1ab4: 0x00c8, + 0x1ab6: 0x00c8, 0x1ab7: 0x00c8, 0x1ab8: 0x00c8, 0x1ab9: 0x00c8, 0x1aba: 0x00c8, 0x1abb: 0x0088, + 0x1abc: 0x0088, 0x1abd: 0x0088, 0x1abe: 0x0088, 0x1abf: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x1ac0 + 0x1ac0: 0x0088, 0x1ac1: 0x0088, 0x1ac2: 0x00c8, 0x1ac3: 0x00c8, 0x1ac4: 0x00c8, + 0x1ac6: 0x00c8, 0x1ac7: 0x00c8, 0x1ac8: 0x00c8, 0x1ac9: 0x0088, 0x1aca: 0x00c8, 0x1acb: 0x0088, + 0x1acc: 0x0088, 0x1acd: 0x0088, 0x1ace: 0x0088, 0x1acf: 0x0088, 0x1ad0: 0x00c8, 0x1ad1: 0x00c8, + 0x1ad2: 0x00c8, 0x1ad3: 0x0088, 0x1ad6: 0x00c8, 0x1ad7: 0x00c8, + 0x1ad8: 0x00c8, 0x1ad9: 0x00c8, 0x1ada: 0x00c8, 0x1adb: 0x0088, 0x1add: 0x0088, + 0x1ade: 0x0088, 0x1adf: 0x0088, 0x1ae0: 0x00c8, 0x1ae1: 0x00c8, 0x1ae2: 0x00c8, 0x1ae3: 0x0088, + 0x1ae4: 0x00c8, 0x1ae5: 0x00c8, 0x1ae6: 0x00c8, 0x1ae7: 0x00c8, 0x1ae8: 0x00c8, 0x1ae9: 0x00c8, + 0x1aea: 0x00c8, 0x1aeb: 0x0088, 0x1aec: 0x00c8, 0x1aed: 0x0088, 0x1aee: 0x0088, 0x1aef: 0x0088, + 0x1af2: 0x00c8, 0x1af3: 0x00c8, 0x1af4: 0x00c8, + 0x1af6: 0x00c8, 0x1af7: 0x00c8, 0x1af8: 0x00c8, 0x1af9: 0x0088, 0x1afa: 0x00c8, 0x1afb: 0x0088, + 0x1afc: 0x0088, 0x1afd: 0x0088, 0x1afe: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x1b00 + 0x1b00: 0x0080, 0x1b01: 0x0080, 0x1b02: 0x0080, 0x1b03: 0x0080, 0x1b04: 0x0080, 0x1b05: 0x0080, + 0x1b06: 0x0080, 0x1b07: 0x0080, 0x1b08: 0x0080, 0x1b09: 0x0080, 0x1b0a: 0x0080, 0x1b0b: 0x0040, + 0x1b0c: 0x004d, 0x1b0d: 0x004e, 0x1b0e: 0x0040, 0x1b0f: 0x0040, 0x1b10: 0x0080, 0x1b11: 0x0080, + 0x1b12: 0x0080, 0x1b13: 0x0080, 0x1b14: 0x0080, 0x1b15: 0x0080, 0x1b16: 0x0080, 0x1b17: 0x0080, + 0x1b18: 0x0080, 0x1b19: 0x0080, 0x1b1a: 0x0080, 0x1b1b: 0x0080, 0x1b1c: 0x0080, 0x1b1d: 0x0080, + 0x1b1e: 0x0080, 0x1b1f: 0x0080, 0x1b20: 0x0080, 0x1b21: 0x0080, 0x1b22: 0x0080, 0x1b23: 0x0080, + 0x1b24: 0x0080, 0x1b25: 0x0080, 0x1b26: 0x0080, 0x1b27: 0x0080, 0x1b28: 0x0040, 0x1b29: 0x0040, + 0x1b2a: 0x0040, 0x1b2b: 0x0040, 0x1b2c: 0x0040, 0x1b2d: 0x0040, 0x1b2e: 0x0040, 0x1b2f: 0x0080, + 0x1b30: 0x0080, 0x1b31: 0x0080, 0x1b32: 0x0080, 0x1b33: 0x0080, 0x1b34: 0x0080, 0x1b35: 0x0080, + 0x1b36: 0x0080, 0x1b37: 0x0080, 0x1b38: 0x0080, 0x1b39: 0x0080, 0x1b3a: 0x0080, 0x1b3b: 0x0080, + 0x1b3c: 0x0080, 0x1b3d: 0x0080, 0x1b3e: 0x0080, 0x1b3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x1b40 + 0x1b40: 0x0080, 0x1b41: 0x0080, 0x1b42: 0x0080, 0x1b43: 0x0080, 0x1b44: 0x0080, 0x1b45: 0x0080, + 0x1b46: 0x0080, 0x1b47: 0x0080, 0x1b48: 0x0080, 0x1b49: 0x0080, 0x1b4a: 0x0080, 0x1b4b: 0x0080, + 0x1b4c: 0x0080, 0x1b4d: 0x0080, 0x1b4e: 0x0080, 0x1b4f: 0x0080, 0x1b50: 0x0080, 0x1b51: 0x0080, + 0x1b52: 0x0080, 0x1b53: 0x0080, 0x1b54: 0x0080, 0x1b55: 0x0080, 0x1b56: 0x0080, 0x1b57: 0x0080, + 0x1b58: 0x0080, 0x1b59: 0x0080, 0x1b5a: 0x0080, 0x1b5b: 0x0080, 0x1b5c: 0x0080, 0x1b5d: 0x0080, + 0x1b5e: 0x0080, 0x1b5f: 0x0080, 0x1b60: 0x0040, 0x1b61: 0x0040, 0x1b62: 0x0040, 0x1b63: 0x0040, + 0x1b64: 0x0040, 0x1b66: 0x0040, 0x1b67: 0x0040, 0x1b68: 0x0040, 0x1b69: 0x0040, + 0x1b6a: 0x0040, 0x1b6b: 0x0040, 0x1b6c: 0x0040, 0x1b6d: 0x0040, 0x1b6e: 0x0040, 0x1b6f: 0x0040, + 0x1b70: 0x0080, 0x1b71: 0x0080, 0x1b74: 0x0080, 0x1b75: 0x0080, + 0x1b76: 0x0080, 0x1b77: 0x0080, 0x1b78: 0x0080, 0x1b79: 0x0080, 0x1b7a: 0x0080, 0x1b7b: 0x0080, + 0x1b7c: 0x0080, 0x1b7d: 0x0080, 0x1b7e: 0x0080, 0x1b7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x1b80 + 0x1b80: 0x0080, 0x1b81: 0x0080, 0x1b82: 0x0080, 0x1b83: 0x0080, 0x1b84: 0x0080, 0x1b85: 0x0080, + 0x1b86: 0x0080, 0x1b87: 0x0080, 0x1b88: 0x0080, 0x1b89: 0x0080, 0x1b8a: 0x0080, 0x1b8b: 0x0080, + 0x1b8c: 0x0080, 0x1b8d: 0x0080, 0x1b8e: 0x0080, 0x1b90: 0x0080, 0x1b91: 0x0080, + 0x1b92: 0x0080, 0x1b93: 0x0080, 0x1b94: 0x0080, 0x1b95: 0x0080, 0x1b96: 0x0080, 0x1b97: 0x0080, + 0x1b98: 0x0080, 0x1b99: 0x0080, 0x1b9a: 0x0080, 0x1b9b: 0x0080, 0x1b9c: 0x0080, + 0x1ba0: 0x0080, 0x1ba1: 0x0080, 0x1ba2: 0x0080, 0x1ba3: 0x0080, + 0x1ba4: 0x0080, 0x1ba5: 0x0080, 0x1ba6: 0x0080, 0x1ba7: 0x0080, 0x1ba8: 0x0080, 0x1ba9: 0x0080, + 0x1baa: 0x0080, 0x1bab: 0x0080, 0x1bac: 0x0080, 0x1bad: 0x0080, 0x1bae: 0x0080, 0x1baf: 0x0080, + 0x1bb0: 0x0080, 0x1bb1: 0x0080, 0x1bb2: 0x0080, 0x1bb3: 0x0080, 0x1bb4: 0x0080, 0x1bb5: 0x0080, + 0x1bb6: 0x0080, 0x1bb7: 0x0080, 0x1bb8: 0x0080, 0x1bb9: 0x0080, 0x1bba: 0x0080, 0x1bbb: 0x0080, + 0x1bbc: 0x0080, 0x1bbd: 0x0080, 0x1bbe: 0x0080, 0x1bbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x1bc0 + 0x1bd0: 0x00c3, 0x1bd1: 0x00c3, + 0x1bd2: 0x00c3, 0x1bd3: 0x00c3, 0x1bd4: 0x00c3, 0x1bd5: 0x00c3, 0x1bd6: 0x00c3, 0x1bd7: 0x00c3, + 0x1bd8: 0x00c3, 0x1bd9: 0x00c3, 0x1bda: 0x00c3, 0x1bdb: 0x00c3, 0x1bdc: 0x00c3, 0x1bdd: 0x0083, + 0x1bde: 0x0083, 0x1bdf: 0x0083, 0x1be0: 0x0083, 0x1be1: 0x00c3, 0x1be2: 0x0083, 0x1be3: 0x0083, + 0x1be4: 0x0083, 0x1be5: 0x00c3, 0x1be6: 0x00c3, 0x1be7: 0x00c3, 0x1be8: 0x00c3, 0x1be9: 0x00c3, + 0x1bea: 0x00c3, 0x1beb: 0x00c3, 0x1bec: 0x00c3, 0x1bed: 0x00c3, 0x1bee: 0x00c3, 0x1bef: 0x00c3, + 0x1bf0: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x1c00 + 0x1c00: 0x0080, 0x1c01: 0x0080, 0x1c02: 0x0080, 0x1c03: 0x0080, 0x1c04: 0x0080, 0x1c05: 0x0080, + 0x1c06: 0x0080, 0x1c07: 0x0080, 0x1c08: 0x0080, 0x1c09: 0x0080, 0x1c0a: 0x0080, 0x1c0b: 0x0080, + 0x1c0c: 0x0080, 0x1c0d: 0x0080, 0x1c0e: 0x0080, 0x1c0f: 0x0080, 0x1c10: 0x0080, 0x1c11: 0x0080, + 0x1c12: 0x0080, 0x1c13: 0x0080, 0x1c14: 0x0080, 0x1c15: 0x0080, 0x1c16: 0x0080, 0x1c17: 0x0080, + 0x1c18: 0x0080, 0x1c19: 0x0080, 0x1c1a: 0x0080, 0x1c1b: 0x0080, 0x1c1c: 0x0080, 0x1c1d: 0x0080, + 0x1c1e: 0x0080, 0x1c1f: 0x0080, 0x1c20: 0x0080, 0x1c21: 0x0080, 0x1c22: 0x0080, 0x1c23: 0x0080, + 0x1c24: 0x0080, 0x1c25: 0x0080, 0x1c26: 0x0088, 0x1c27: 0x0080, 0x1c28: 0x0080, 0x1c29: 0x0080, + 0x1c2a: 0x0080, 0x1c2b: 0x0080, 0x1c2c: 0x0080, 0x1c2d: 0x0080, 0x1c2e: 0x0080, 0x1c2f: 0x0080, + 0x1c30: 0x0080, 0x1c31: 0x0080, 0x1c32: 0x00c0, 0x1c33: 0x0080, 0x1c34: 0x0080, 0x1c35: 0x0080, + 0x1c36: 0x0080, 0x1c37: 0x0080, 0x1c38: 0x0080, 0x1c39: 0x0080, 0x1c3a: 0x0080, 0x1c3b: 0x0080, + 0x1c3c: 0x0080, 0x1c3d: 0x0080, 0x1c3e: 0x0080, 0x1c3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x1c40 + 0x1c40: 0x0080, 0x1c41: 0x0080, 0x1c42: 0x0080, 0x1c43: 0x0080, 0x1c44: 0x0080, 0x1c45: 0x0080, + 0x1c46: 0x0080, 0x1c47: 0x0080, 0x1c48: 0x0080, 0x1c49: 0x0080, 0x1c4a: 0x0080, 0x1c4b: 0x0080, + 0x1c4c: 0x0080, 0x1c4d: 0x0080, 0x1c4e: 0x00c0, 0x1c4f: 0x0080, 0x1c50: 0x0080, 0x1c51: 0x0080, + 0x1c52: 0x0080, 0x1c53: 0x0080, 0x1c54: 0x0080, 0x1c55: 0x0080, 0x1c56: 0x0080, 0x1c57: 0x0080, + 0x1c58: 0x0080, 0x1c59: 0x0080, 0x1c5a: 0x0080, 0x1c5b: 0x0080, 0x1c5c: 0x0080, 0x1c5d: 0x0080, + 0x1c5e: 0x0080, 0x1c5f: 0x0080, 0x1c60: 0x0080, 0x1c61: 0x0080, 0x1c62: 0x0080, 0x1c63: 0x0080, + 0x1c64: 0x0080, 0x1c65: 0x0080, 0x1c66: 0x0080, 0x1c67: 0x0080, 0x1c68: 0x0080, 0x1c69: 0x0080, + 0x1c6a: 0x0080, 0x1c6b: 0x0080, 0x1c6c: 0x0080, 0x1c6d: 0x0080, 0x1c6e: 0x0080, 0x1c6f: 0x0080, + 0x1c70: 0x0080, 0x1c71: 0x0080, 0x1c72: 0x0080, 0x1c73: 0x0080, 0x1c74: 0x0080, 0x1c75: 0x0080, + 0x1c76: 0x0080, 0x1c77: 0x0080, 0x1c78: 0x0080, 0x1c79: 0x0080, 0x1c7a: 0x0080, 0x1c7b: 0x0080, + 0x1c7c: 0x0080, 0x1c7d: 0x0080, 0x1c7e: 0x0080, 0x1c7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x1c80 + 0x1c80: 0x0080, 0x1c81: 0x0080, 0x1c82: 0x0080, 0x1c83: 0x00c0, 0x1c84: 0x00c0, 0x1c85: 0x0080, + 0x1c86: 0x0080, 0x1c87: 0x0080, 0x1c88: 0x0080, 0x1c89: 0x0080, 0x1c8a: 0x0080, 0x1c8b: 0x0080, + 0x1c90: 0x0080, 0x1c91: 0x0080, + 0x1c92: 0x0080, 0x1c93: 0x0080, 0x1c94: 0x0080, 0x1c95: 0x0080, 0x1c96: 0x0080, 0x1c97: 0x0080, + 0x1c98: 0x0080, 0x1c99: 0x0080, 0x1c9a: 0x0080, 0x1c9b: 0x0080, 0x1c9c: 0x0080, 0x1c9d: 0x0080, + 0x1c9e: 0x0080, 0x1c9f: 0x0080, 0x1ca0: 0x0080, 0x1ca1: 0x0080, 0x1ca2: 0x0080, 0x1ca3: 0x0080, + 0x1ca4: 0x0080, 0x1ca5: 0x0080, 0x1ca6: 0x0080, 0x1ca7: 0x0080, 0x1ca8: 0x0080, 0x1ca9: 0x0080, + 0x1caa: 0x0080, 0x1cab: 0x0080, 0x1cac: 0x0080, 0x1cad: 0x0080, 0x1cae: 0x0080, 0x1caf: 0x0080, + 0x1cb0: 0x0080, 0x1cb1: 0x0080, 0x1cb2: 0x0080, 0x1cb3: 0x0080, 0x1cb4: 0x0080, 0x1cb5: 0x0080, + 0x1cb6: 0x0080, 0x1cb7: 0x0080, 0x1cb8: 0x0080, 0x1cb9: 0x0080, 0x1cba: 0x0080, 0x1cbb: 0x0080, + 0x1cbc: 0x0080, 0x1cbd: 0x0080, 0x1cbe: 0x0080, 0x1cbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x1cc0 + 0x1cc0: 0x0080, 0x1cc1: 0x0080, 0x1cc2: 0x0080, 0x1cc3: 0x0080, 0x1cc4: 0x0080, 0x1cc5: 0x0080, + 0x1cc6: 0x0080, 0x1cc7: 0x0080, 0x1cc8: 0x0080, 0x1cc9: 0x0080, 0x1cca: 0x0080, 0x1ccb: 0x0080, + 0x1ccc: 0x0080, 0x1ccd: 0x0080, 0x1cce: 0x0080, 0x1ccf: 0x0080, 0x1cd0: 0x0080, 0x1cd1: 0x0080, + 0x1cd2: 0x0080, 0x1cd3: 0x0080, 0x1cd4: 0x0080, 0x1cd5: 0x0080, 0x1cd6: 0x0080, 0x1cd7: 0x0080, + 0x1cd8: 0x0080, 0x1cd9: 0x0080, 0x1cda: 0x0080, 0x1cdb: 0x0080, 0x1cdc: 0x0080, 0x1cdd: 0x0080, + 0x1cde: 0x0080, 0x1cdf: 0x0080, 0x1ce0: 0x0080, 0x1ce1: 0x0080, 0x1ce2: 0x0080, 0x1ce3: 0x0080, + 0x1ce4: 0x0080, 0x1ce5: 0x0080, 0x1ce6: 0x0080, 0x1ce7: 0x0080, 0x1ce8: 0x0080, 0x1ce9: 0x0080, + 0x1cea: 0x0080, 0x1ceb: 0x0080, 0x1cec: 0x0080, 0x1ced: 0x0080, 0x1cee: 0x0080, 0x1cef: 0x0080, + 0x1cf0: 0x0080, 0x1cf1: 0x0080, 0x1cf2: 0x0080, 0x1cf3: 0x0080, 0x1cf4: 0x0080, 0x1cf5: 0x0080, + 0x1cf6: 0x0080, 0x1cf7: 0x0080, 0x1cf8: 0x0080, 0x1cf9: 0x0080, 0x1cfa: 0x0080, 0x1cfb: 0x0080, + 0x1cfc: 0x0080, 0x1cfd: 0x0080, 0x1cfe: 0x0080, 0x1cff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x1d00 + 0x1d00: 0x0080, 0x1d01: 0x0080, 0x1d02: 0x0080, 0x1d03: 0x0080, 0x1d04: 0x0080, 0x1d05: 0x0080, + 0x1d06: 0x0080, 0x1d07: 0x0080, 0x1d08: 0x0080, 0x1d09: 0x0080, 0x1d0a: 0x0080, 0x1d0b: 0x0080, + 0x1d0c: 0x0080, 0x1d0d: 0x0080, 0x1d0e: 0x0080, 0x1d0f: 0x0080, 0x1d10: 0x0080, 0x1d11: 0x0080, + 0x1d12: 0x0080, 0x1d13: 0x0080, 0x1d14: 0x0080, 0x1d15: 0x0080, 0x1d16: 0x0080, 0x1d17: 0x0080, + 0x1d18: 0x0080, 0x1d19: 0x0080, 0x1d1a: 0x0080, 0x1d1b: 0x0080, 0x1d1c: 0x0080, 0x1d1d: 0x0080, + 0x1d1e: 0x0080, 0x1d1f: 0x0080, 0x1d20: 0x0080, 0x1d21: 0x0080, 0x1d22: 0x0080, 0x1d23: 0x0080, + 0x1d24: 0x0080, 0x1d25: 0x0080, 0x1d26: 0x0080, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x1d40 + 0x1d40: 0x0080, 0x1d41: 0x0080, 0x1d42: 0x0080, 0x1d43: 0x0080, 0x1d44: 0x0080, 0x1d45: 0x0080, + 0x1d46: 0x0080, 0x1d47: 0x0080, 0x1d48: 0x0080, 0x1d49: 0x0080, 0x1d4a: 0x0080, + 0x1d60: 0x0080, 0x1d61: 0x0080, 0x1d62: 0x0080, 0x1d63: 0x0080, + 0x1d64: 0x0080, 0x1d65: 0x0080, 0x1d66: 0x0080, 0x1d67: 0x0080, 0x1d68: 0x0080, 0x1d69: 0x0080, + 0x1d6a: 0x0080, 0x1d6b: 0x0080, 0x1d6c: 0x0080, 0x1d6d: 0x0080, 0x1d6e: 0x0080, 0x1d6f: 0x0080, + 0x1d70: 0x0080, 0x1d71: 0x0080, 0x1d72: 0x0080, 0x1d73: 0x0080, 0x1d74: 0x0080, 0x1d75: 0x0080, + 0x1d76: 0x0080, 0x1d77: 0x0080, 0x1d78: 0x0080, 0x1d79: 0x0080, 0x1d7a: 0x0080, 0x1d7b: 0x0080, + 0x1d7c: 0x0080, 0x1d7d: 0x0080, 0x1d7e: 0x0080, 0x1d7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x1d80 + 0x1d80: 0x0080, 0x1d81: 0x0080, 0x1d82: 0x0080, 0x1d83: 0x0080, 0x1d84: 0x0080, 0x1d85: 0x0080, + 0x1d86: 0x0080, 0x1d87: 0x0080, 0x1d88: 0x0080, 0x1d89: 0x0080, 0x1d8a: 0x0080, 0x1d8b: 0x0080, + 0x1d8c: 0x0080, 0x1d8d: 0x0080, 0x1d8e: 0x0080, 0x1d8f: 0x0080, 0x1d90: 0x0080, 0x1d91: 0x0080, + 0x1d92: 0x0080, 0x1d93: 0x0080, 0x1d94: 0x0080, 0x1d95: 0x0080, 0x1d96: 0x0080, 0x1d97: 0x0080, + 0x1d98: 0x0080, 0x1d99: 0x0080, 0x1d9a: 0x0080, 0x1d9b: 0x0080, 0x1d9c: 0x0080, 0x1d9d: 0x0080, + 0x1d9e: 0x0080, 0x1d9f: 0x0080, 0x1da0: 0x0080, 0x1da1: 0x0080, 0x1da2: 0x0080, 0x1da3: 0x0080, + 0x1da4: 0x0080, 0x1da5: 0x0080, 0x1da6: 0x0080, 0x1da7: 0x0080, 0x1da8: 0x0080, 0x1da9: 0x0080, + 0x1daa: 0x0080, 0x1dab: 0x0080, 0x1dac: 0x0080, 0x1dad: 0x0080, 0x1dae: 0x0080, 0x1daf: 0x0080, + 0x1db0: 0x0080, 0x1db1: 0x0080, 0x1db2: 0x0080, 0x1db3: 0x0080, + 0x1db6: 0x0080, 0x1db7: 0x0080, 0x1db8: 0x0080, 0x1db9: 0x0080, 0x1dba: 0x0080, 0x1dbb: 0x0080, + 0x1dbc: 0x0080, 0x1dbd: 0x0080, 0x1dbe: 0x0080, 0x1dbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x1dc0 + 0x1dc0: 0x0080, 0x1dc1: 0x0080, 0x1dc2: 0x0080, 0x1dc3: 0x0080, 0x1dc4: 0x0080, 0x1dc5: 0x0080, + 0x1dc6: 0x0080, 0x1dc7: 0x0080, 0x1dc8: 0x0080, 0x1dc9: 0x0080, 0x1dca: 0x0080, 0x1dcb: 0x0080, + 0x1dcc: 0x0080, 0x1dcd: 0x0080, 0x1dce: 0x0080, 0x1dcf: 0x0080, 0x1dd0: 0x0080, 0x1dd1: 0x0080, + 0x1dd2: 0x0080, 0x1dd3: 0x0080, 0x1dd4: 0x0080, 0x1dd5: 0x0080, + 0x1dd8: 0x0080, 0x1dd9: 0x0080, 0x1dda: 0x0080, 0x1ddb: 0x0080, 0x1ddc: 0x0080, 0x1ddd: 0x0080, + 0x1dde: 0x0080, 0x1ddf: 0x0080, 0x1de0: 0x0080, 0x1de1: 0x0080, 0x1de2: 0x0080, 0x1de3: 0x0080, + 0x1de4: 0x0080, 0x1de5: 0x0080, 0x1de6: 0x0080, 0x1de7: 0x0080, 0x1de8: 0x0080, 0x1de9: 0x0080, + 0x1dea: 0x0080, 0x1deb: 0x0080, 0x1dec: 0x0080, 0x1ded: 0x0080, 0x1dee: 0x0080, 0x1def: 0x0080, + 0x1df0: 0x0080, 0x1df1: 0x0080, 0x1df2: 0x0080, 0x1df3: 0x0080, 0x1df4: 0x0080, 0x1df5: 0x0080, + 0x1df6: 0x0080, 0x1df7: 0x0080, 0x1df8: 0x0080, 0x1df9: 0x0080, 0x1dfa: 0x0080, 0x1dfb: 0x0080, + 0x1dfc: 0x0080, 0x1dfd: 0x0080, 0x1dfe: 0x0080, 0x1dff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x1e00 + 0x1e00: 0x00c0, 0x1e01: 0x00c0, 0x1e02: 0x00c0, 0x1e03: 0x00c0, 0x1e04: 0x00c0, 0x1e05: 0x00c0, + 0x1e06: 0x00c0, 0x1e07: 0x00c0, 0x1e08: 0x00c0, 0x1e09: 0x00c0, 0x1e0a: 0x00c0, 0x1e0b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e0c: 0x00c0, 0x1e0d: 0x00c0, 0x1e0e: 0x00c0, 0x1e0f: 0x00c0, 0x1e10: 0x00c0, 0x1e11: 0x00c0, + 0x1e12: 0x00c0, 0x1e13: 0x00c0, 0x1e14: 0x00c0, 0x1e15: 0x00c0, 0x1e16: 0x00c0, 0x1e17: 0x00c0, + 0x1e18: 0x00c0, 0x1e19: 0x00c0, 0x1e1a: 0x00c0, 0x1e1b: 0x00c0, 0x1e1c: 0x00c0, 0x1e1d: 0x00c0, + 0x1e1e: 0x00c0, 0x1e1f: 0x00c0, 0x1e20: 0x00c0, 0x1e21: 0x00c0, 0x1e22: 0x00c0, 0x1e23: 0x00c0, + 0x1e24: 0x00c0, 0x1e25: 0x00c0, 0x1e26: 0x00c0, 0x1e27: 0x00c0, 0x1e28: 0x00c0, 0x1e29: 0x00c0, + 0x1e2a: 0x00c0, 0x1e2b: 0x00c0, 0x1e2c: 0x00c0, 0x1e2d: 0x00c0, 0x1e2e: 0x00c0, + 0x1e30: 0x00c0, 0x1e31: 0x00c0, 0x1e32: 0x00c0, 0x1e33: 0x00c0, 0x1e34: 0x00c0, 0x1e35: 0x00c0, + 0x1e36: 0x00c0, 0x1e37: 0x00c0, 0x1e38: 0x00c0, 0x1e39: 0x00c0, 0x1e3a: 0x00c0, 0x1e3b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e3c: 0x00c0, 0x1e3d: 0x00c0, 0x1e3e: 0x00c0, 0x1e3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x1e40 + 0x1e40: 0x00c0, 0x1e41: 0x00c0, 0x1e42: 0x00c0, 0x1e43: 0x00c0, 0x1e44: 0x00c0, 0x1e45: 0x00c0, + 0x1e46: 0x00c0, 0x1e47: 0x00c0, 0x1e48: 0x00c0, 0x1e49: 0x00c0, 0x1e4a: 0x00c0, 0x1e4b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e4c: 0x00c0, 0x1e4d: 0x00c0, 0x1e4e: 0x00c0, 0x1e4f: 0x00c0, 0x1e50: 0x00c0, 0x1e51: 0x00c0, + 0x1e52: 0x00c0, 0x1e53: 0x00c0, 0x1e54: 0x00c0, 0x1e55: 0x00c0, 0x1e56: 0x00c0, 0x1e57: 0x00c0, + 0x1e58: 0x00c0, 0x1e59: 0x00c0, 0x1e5a: 0x00c0, 0x1e5b: 0x00c0, 0x1e5c: 0x00c0, 0x1e5d: 0x00c0, + 0x1e5e: 0x00c0, 0x1e60: 0x00c0, 0x1e61: 0x00c0, 0x1e62: 0x00c0, 0x1e63: 0x00c0, + 0x1e64: 0x00c0, 0x1e65: 0x00c0, 0x1e66: 0x00c0, 0x1e67: 0x00c0, 0x1e68: 0x00c0, 0x1e69: 0x00c0, + 0x1e6a: 0x00c0, 0x1e6b: 0x00c0, 0x1e6c: 0x00c0, 0x1e6d: 0x00c0, 0x1e6e: 0x00c0, 0x1e6f: 0x00c0, + 0x1e70: 0x00c0, 0x1e71: 0x00c0, 0x1e72: 0x00c0, 0x1e73: 0x00c0, 0x1e74: 0x00c0, 0x1e75: 0x00c0, + 0x1e76: 0x00c0, 0x1e77: 0x00c0, 0x1e78: 0x00c0, 0x1e79: 0x00c0, 0x1e7a: 0x00c0, 0x1e7b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e7c: 0x0080, 0x1e7d: 0x0080, 0x1e7e: 0x00c0, 0x1e7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x1e80 + 0x1e80: 0x00c0, 0x1e81: 0x00c0, 0x1e82: 0x00c0, 0x1e83: 0x00c0, 0x1e84: 0x00c0, 0x1e85: 0x00c0, + 0x1e86: 0x00c0, 0x1e87: 0x00c0, 0x1e88: 0x00c0, 0x1e89: 0x00c0, 0x1e8a: 0x00c0, 0x1e8b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e8c: 0x00c0, 0x1e8d: 0x00c0, 0x1e8e: 0x00c0, 0x1e8f: 0x00c0, 0x1e90: 0x00c0, 0x1e91: 0x00c0, + 0x1e92: 0x00c0, 0x1e93: 0x00c0, 0x1e94: 0x00c0, 0x1e95: 0x00c0, 0x1e96: 0x00c0, 0x1e97: 0x00c0, + 0x1e98: 0x00c0, 0x1e99: 0x00c0, 0x1e9a: 0x00c0, 0x1e9b: 0x00c0, 0x1e9c: 0x00c0, 0x1e9d: 0x00c0, + 0x1e9e: 0x00c0, 0x1e9f: 0x00c0, 0x1ea0: 0x00c0, 0x1ea1: 0x00c0, 0x1ea2: 0x00c0, 0x1ea3: 0x00c0, + 0x1ea4: 0x00c0, 0x1ea5: 0x0080, 0x1ea6: 0x0080, 0x1ea7: 0x0080, 0x1ea8: 0x0080, 0x1ea9: 0x0080, + 0x1eaa: 0x0080, 0x1eab: 0x00c0, 0x1eac: 0x00c0, 0x1ead: 0x00c0, 0x1eae: 0x00c0, 0x1eaf: 0x00c3, + 0x1eb0: 0x00c3, 0x1eb1: 0x00c3, 0x1eb2: 0x00c0, 0x1eb3: 0x00c0, + 0x1eb9: 0x0080, 0x1eba: 0x0080, 0x1ebb: 0x0080, + 0x1ebc: 0x0080, 0x1ebd: 0x0080, 0x1ebe: 0x0080, 0x1ebf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x1ec0 + 0x1ec0: 0x00c0, 0x1ec1: 0x00c0, 0x1ec2: 0x00c0, 0x1ec3: 0x00c0, 0x1ec4: 0x00c0, 0x1ec5: 0x00c0, + 0x1ec6: 0x00c0, 0x1ec7: 0x00c0, 0x1ec8: 0x00c0, 0x1ec9: 0x00c0, 0x1eca: 0x00c0, 0x1ecb: 0x00c0, + 0x1ecc: 0x00c0, 0x1ecd: 0x00c0, 0x1ece: 0x00c0, 0x1ecf: 0x00c0, 0x1ed0: 0x00c0, 0x1ed1: 0x00c0, + 0x1ed2: 0x00c0, 0x1ed3: 0x00c0, 0x1ed4: 0x00c0, 0x1ed5: 0x00c0, 0x1ed6: 0x00c0, 0x1ed7: 0x00c0, + 0x1ed8: 0x00c0, 0x1ed9: 0x00c0, 0x1eda: 0x00c0, 0x1edb: 0x00c0, 0x1edc: 0x00c0, 0x1edd: 0x00c0, + 0x1ede: 0x00c0, 0x1edf: 0x00c0, 0x1ee0: 0x00c0, 0x1ee1: 0x00c0, 0x1ee2: 0x00c0, 0x1ee3: 0x00c0, + 0x1ee4: 0x00c0, 0x1ee5: 0x00c0, 0x1ee7: 0x00c0, + 0x1eed: 0x00c0, + 0x1ef0: 0x00c0, 0x1ef1: 0x00c0, 0x1ef2: 0x00c0, 0x1ef3: 0x00c0, 0x1ef4: 0x00c0, 0x1ef5: 0x00c0, + 0x1ef6: 0x00c0, 0x1ef7: 0x00c0, 0x1ef8: 0x00c0, 0x1ef9: 0x00c0, 0x1efa: 0x00c0, 0x1efb: 0x00c0, + 0x1efc: 0x00c0, 0x1efd: 0x00c0, 0x1efe: 0x00c0, 0x1eff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x1f00 + 0x1f00: 0x00c0, 0x1f01: 0x00c0, 0x1f02: 0x00c0, 0x1f03: 0x00c0, 0x1f04: 0x00c0, 0x1f05: 0x00c0, + 0x1f06: 0x00c0, 0x1f07: 0x00c0, 0x1f08: 0x00c0, 0x1f09: 0x00c0, 0x1f0a: 0x00c0, 0x1f0b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f0c: 0x00c0, 0x1f0d: 0x00c0, 0x1f0e: 0x00c0, 0x1f0f: 0x00c0, 0x1f10: 0x00c0, 0x1f11: 0x00c0, + 0x1f12: 0x00c0, 0x1f13: 0x00c0, 0x1f14: 0x00c0, 0x1f15: 0x00c0, 0x1f16: 0x00c0, 0x1f17: 0x00c0, + 0x1f18: 0x00c0, 0x1f19: 0x00c0, 0x1f1a: 0x00c0, 0x1f1b: 0x00c0, 0x1f1c: 0x00c0, 0x1f1d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f1e: 0x00c0, 0x1f1f: 0x00c0, 0x1f20: 0x00c0, 0x1f21: 0x00c0, 0x1f22: 0x00c0, 0x1f23: 0x00c0, + 0x1f24: 0x00c0, 0x1f25: 0x00c0, 0x1f26: 0x00c0, 0x1f27: 0x00c0, + 0x1f2f: 0x0080, + 0x1f30: 0x0080, + 0x1f3f: 0x00c6, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x1f40 + 0x1f40: 0x00c0, 0x1f41: 0x00c0, 0x1f42: 0x00c0, 0x1f43: 0x00c0, 0x1f44: 0x00c0, 0x1f45: 0x00c0, + 0x1f46: 0x00c0, 0x1f47: 0x00c0, 0x1f48: 0x00c0, 0x1f49: 0x00c0, 0x1f4a: 0x00c0, 0x1f4b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f4c: 0x00c0, 0x1f4d: 0x00c0, 0x1f4e: 0x00c0, 0x1f4f: 0x00c0, 0x1f50: 0x00c0, 0x1f51: 0x00c0, + 0x1f52: 0x00c0, 0x1f53: 0x00c0, 0x1f54: 0x00c0, 0x1f55: 0x00c0, 0x1f56: 0x00c0, + 0x1f60: 0x00c0, 0x1f61: 0x00c0, 0x1f62: 0x00c0, 0x1f63: 0x00c0, + 0x1f64: 0x00c0, 0x1f65: 0x00c0, 0x1f66: 0x00c0, 0x1f68: 0x00c0, 0x1f69: 0x00c0, + 0x1f6a: 0x00c0, 0x1f6b: 0x00c0, 0x1f6c: 0x00c0, 0x1f6d: 0x00c0, 0x1f6e: 0x00c0, + 0x1f70: 0x00c0, 0x1f71: 0x00c0, 0x1f72: 0x00c0, 0x1f73: 0x00c0, 0x1f74: 0x00c0, 0x1f75: 0x00c0, + 0x1f76: 0x00c0, 0x1f78: 0x00c0, 0x1f79: 0x00c0, 0x1f7a: 0x00c0, 0x1f7b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f7c: 0x00c0, 0x1f7d: 0x00c0, 0x1f7e: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x1f80 + 0x1f80: 0x00c0, 0x1f81: 0x00c0, 0x1f82: 0x00c0, 0x1f83: 0x00c0, 0x1f84: 0x00c0, 0x1f85: 0x00c0, + 0x1f86: 0x00c0, 0x1f88: 0x00c0, 0x1f89: 0x00c0, 0x1f8a: 0x00c0, 0x1f8b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f8c: 0x00c0, 0x1f8d: 0x00c0, 0x1f8e: 0x00c0, 0x1f90: 0x00c0, 0x1f91: 0x00c0, + 0x1f92: 0x00c0, 0x1f93: 0x00c0, 0x1f94: 0x00c0, 0x1f95: 0x00c0, 0x1f96: 0x00c0, + 0x1f98: 0x00c0, 0x1f99: 0x00c0, 0x1f9a: 0x00c0, 0x1f9b: 0x00c0, 0x1f9c: 0x00c0, 0x1f9d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f9e: 0x00c0, 0x1fa0: 0x00c3, 0x1fa1: 0x00c3, 0x1fa2: 0x00c3, 0x1fa3: 0x00c3, + 0x1fa4: 0x00c3, 0x1fa5: 0x00c3, 0x1fa6: 0x00c3, 0x1fa7: 0x00c3, 0x1fa8: 0x00c3, 0x1fa9: 0x00c3, + 0x1faa: 0x00c3, 0x1fab: 0x00c3, 0x1fac: 0x00c3, 0x1fad: 0x00c3, 0x1fae: 0x00c3, 0x1faf: 0x00c3, + 0x1fb0: 0x00c3, 0x1fb1: 0x00c3, 0x1fb2: 0x00c3, 0x1fb3: 0x00c3, 0x1fb4: 0x00c3, 0x1fb5: 0x00c3, + 0x1fb6: 0x00c3, 0x1fb7: 0x00c3, 0x1fb8: 0x00c3, 0x1fb9: 0x00c3, 0x1fba: 0x00c3, 0x1fbb: 0x00c3, + 0x1fbc: 0x00c3, 0x1fbd: 0x00c3, 0x1fbe: 0x00c3, 0x1fbf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x1fc0 + 0x1fc0: 0x0080, 0x1fc1: 0x0080, 0x1fc2: 0x0080, 0x1fc3: 0x0080, 0x1fc4: 0x0080, 0x1fc5: 0x0080, + 0x1fc6: 0x0080, 0x1fc7: 0x0080, 0x1fc8: 0x0080, 0x1fc9: 0x0080, 0x1fca: 0x0080, 0x1fcb: 0x0080, + 0x1fcc: 0x0080, 0x1fcd: 0x0080, 0x1fce: 0x0080, 0x1fcf: 0x0080, 0x1fd0: 0x0080, 0x1fd1: 0x0080, + 0x1fd2: 0x0080, 0x1fd3: 0x0080, 0x1fd4: 0x0080, 0x1fd5: 0x0080, 0x1fd6: 0x0080, 0x1fd7: 0x0080, + 0x1fd8: 0x0080, 0x1fd9: 0x0080, 0x1fda: 0x0080, 0x1fdb: 0x0080, 0x1fdc: 0x0080, 0x1fdd: 0x0080, + 0x1fde: 0x0080, 0x1fdf: 0x0080, 0x1fe0: 0x0080, 0x1fe1: 0x0080, 0x1fe2: 0x0080, 0x1fe3: 0x0080, + 0x1fe4: 0x0080, 0x1fe5: 0x0080, 0x1fe6: 0x0080, 0x1fe7: 0x0080, 0x1fe8: 0x0080, 0x1fe9: 0x0080, + 0x1fea: 0x0080, 0x1feb: 0x0080, 0x1fec: 0x0080, 0x1fed: 0x0080, 0x1fee: 0x0080, 0x1fef: 0x00c0, + 0x1ff0: 0x0080, 0x1ff1: 0x0080, 0x1ff2: 0x0080, 0x1ff3: 0x0080, 0x1ff4: 0x0080, 0x1ff5: 0x0080, + 0x1ff6: 0x0080, 0x1ff7: 0x0080, 0x1ff8: 0x0080, 0x1ff9: 0x0080, 0x1ffa: 0x0080, 0x1ffb: 0x0080, + 0x1ffc: 0x0080, 0x1ffd: 0x0080, 0x1ffe: 0x0080, 0x1fff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x2000 + 0x2000: 0x0080, 0x2001: 0x0080, 0x2002: 0x0080, 0x2003: 0x0080, 0x2004: 0x0080, 0x2005: 0x0080, + 0x2006: 0x0080, 0x2007: 0x0080, 0x2008: 0x0080, 0x2009: 0x0080, 0x200a: 0x0080, 0x200b: 0x0080, + 0x200c: 0x0080, 0x200d: 0x0080, 0x200e: 0x0080, 0x200f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x2040 + 0x2040: 0x008c, 0x2041: 0x008c, 0x2042: 0x008c, 0x2043: 0x008c, 0x2044: 0x008c, 0x2045: 0x008c, + 0x2046: 0x008c, 0x2047: 0x008c, 0x2048: 0x008c, 0x2049: 0x008c, 0x204a: 0x008c, 0x204b: 0x008c, + 0x204c: 0x008c, 0x204d: 0x008c, 0x204e: 0x008c, 0x204f: 0x008c, 0x2050: 0x008c, 0x2051: 0x008c, + 0x2052: 0x008c, 0x2053: 0x008c, 0x2054: 0x008c, 0x2055: 0x008c, 0x2056: 0x008c, 0x2057: 0x008c, + 0x2058: 0x008c, 0x2059: 0x008c, 0x205b: 0x008c, 0x205c: 0x008c, 0x205d: 0x008c, + 0x205e: 0x008c, 0x205f: 0x008c, 0x2060: 0x008c, 0x2061: 0x008c, 0x2062: 0x008c, 0x2063: 0x008c, + 0x2064: 0x008c, 0x2065: 0x008c, 0x2066: 0x008c, 0x2067: 0x008c, 0x2068: 0x008c, 0x2069: 0x008c, + 0x206a: 0x008c, 0x206b: 0x008c, 0x206c: 0x008c, 0x206d: 0x008c, 0x206e: 0x008c, 0x206f: 0x008c, + 0x2070: 0x008c, 0x2071: 0x008c, 0x2072: 0x008c, 0x2073: 0x008c, 0x2074: 0x008c, 0x2075: 0x008c, + 0x2076: 0x008c, 0x2077: 0x008c, 0x2078: 0x008c, 0x2079: 0x008c, 0x207a: 0x008c, 0x207b: 0x008c, + 0x207c: 0x008c, 0x207d: 0x008c, 0x207e: 0x008c, 0x207f: 0x008c, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x2080 + 0x2080: 0x008c, 0x2081: 0x008c, 0x2082: 0x008c, 0x2083: 0x008c, 0x2084: 0x008c, 0x2085: 0x008c, + 0x2086: 0x008c, 0x2087: 0x008c, 0x2088: 0x008c, 0x2089: 0x008c, 0x208a: 0x008c, 0x208b: 0x008c, + 0x208c: 0x008c, 0x208d: 0x008c, 0x208e: 0x008c, 0x208f: 0x008c, 0x2090: 0x008c, 0x2091: 0x008c, + 0x2092: 0x008c, 0x2093: 0x008c, 0x2094: 0x008c, 0x2095: 0x008c, 0x2096: 0x008c, 0x2097: 0x008c, + 0x2098: 0x008c, 0x2099: 0x008c, 0x209a: 0x008c, 0x209b: 0x008c, 0x209c: 0x008c, 0x209d: 0x008c, + 0x209e: 0x008c, 0x209f: 0x008c, 0x20a0: 0x008c, 0x20a1: 0x008c, 0x20a2: 0x008c, 0x20a3: 0x008c, + 0x20a4: 0x008c, 0x20a5: 0x008c, 0x20a6: 0x008c, 0x20a7: 0x008c, 0x20a8: 0x008c, 0x20a9: 0x008c, + 0x20aa: 0x008c, 0x20ab: 0x008c, 0x20ac: 0x008c, 0x20ad: 0x008c, 0x20ae: 0x008c, 0x20af: 0x008c, + 0x20b0: 0x008c, 0x20b1: 0x008c, 0x20b2: 0x008c, 0x20b3: 0x008c, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x20c0 + 0x20c0: 0x008c, 0x20c1: 0x008c, 0x20c2: 0x008c, 0x20c3: 0x008c, 0x20c4: 0x008c, 0x20c5: 0x008c, + 0x20c6: 0x008c, 0x20c7: 0x008c, 0x20c8: 0x008c, 0x20c9: 0x008c, 0x20ca: 0x008c, 0x20cb: 0x008c, + 0x20cc: 0x008c, 0x20cd: 0x008c, 0x20ce: 0x008c, 0x20cf: 0x008c, 0x20d0: 0x008c, 0x20d1: 0x008c, + 0x20d2: 0x008c, 0x20d3: 0x008c, 0x20d4: 0x008c, 0x20d5: 0x008c, 0x20d6: 0x008c, 0x20d7: 0x008c, + 0x20d8: 0x008c, 0x20d9: 0x008c, 0x20da: 0x008c, 0x20db: 0x008c, 0x20dc: 0x008c, 0x20dd: 0x008c, + 0x20de: 0x008c, 0x20df: 0x008c, 0x20e0: 0x008c, 0x20e1: 0x008c, 0x20e2: 0x008c, 0x20e3: 0x008c, + 0x20e4: 0x008c, 0x20e5: 0x008c, 0x20e6: 0x008c, 0x20e7: 0x008c, 0x20e8: 0x008c, 0x20e9: 0x008c, + 0x20ea: 0x008c, 0x20eb: 0x008c, 0x20ec: 0x008c, 0x20ed: 0x008c, 0x20ee: 0x008c, 0x20ef: 0x008c, + 0x20f0: 0x008c, 0x20f1: 0x008c, 0x20f2: 0x008c, 0x20f3: 0x008c, 0x20f4: 0x008c, 0x20f5: 0x008c, + 0x20f6: 0x008c, 0x20f7: 0x008c, 0x20f8: 0x008c, 0x20f9: 0x008c, 0x20fa: 0x008c, 0x20fb: 0x008c, + 0x20fc: 0x008c, 0x20fd: 0x008c, 0x20fe: 0x008c, 0x20ff: 0x008c, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x2100 + 0x2100: 0x008c, 0x2101: 0x008c, 0x2102: 0x008c, 0x2103: 0x008c, 0x2104: 0x008c, 0x2105: 0x008c, + 0x2106: 0x008c, 0x2107: 0x008c, 0x2108: 0x008c, 0x2109: 0x008c, 0x210a: 0x008c, 0x210b: 0x008c, + 0x210c: 0x008c, 0x210d: 0x008c, 0x210e: 0x008c, 0x210f: 0x008c, 0x2110: 0x008c, 0x2111: 0x008c, + 0x2112: 0x008c, 0x2113: 0x008c, 0x2114: 0x008c, 0x2115: 0x008c, + 0x2130: 0x0080, 0x2131: 0x0080, 0x2132: 0x0080, 0x2133: 0x0080, 0x2134: 0x0080, 0x2135: 0x0080, + 0x2136: 0x0080, 0x2137: 0x0080, 0x2138: 0x0080, 0x2139: 0x0080, 0x213a: 0x0080, 0x213b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x2140 + 0x2140: 0x0080, 0x2141: 0x0080, 0x2142: 0x0080, 0x2143: 0x0080, 0x2144: 0x0080, 0x2145: 0x00cc, + 0x2146: 0x00c0, 0x2147: 0x00cc, 0x2148: 0x0080, 0x2149: 0x0080, 0x214a: 0x0080, 0x214b: 0x0080, + 0x214c: 0x0080, 0x214d: 0x0080, 0x214e: 0x0080, 0x214f: 0x0080, 0x2150: 0x0080, 0x2151: 0x0080, + 0x2152: 0x0080, 0x2153: 0x0080, 0x2154: 0x0080, 0x2155: 0x0080, 0x2156: 0x0080, 0x2157: 0x0080, + 0x2158: 0x0080, 0x2159: 0x0080, 0x215a: 0x0080, 0x215b: 0x0080, 0x215c: 0x0080, 0x215d: 0x0080, + 0x215e: 0x0080, 0x215f: 0x0080, 0x2160: 0x0080, 0x2161: 0x008c, 0x2162: 0x008c, 0x2163: 0x008c, + 0x2164: 0x008c, 0x2165: 0x008c, 0x2166: 0x008c, 0x2167: 0x008c, 0x2168: 0x008c, 0x2169: 0x008c, + 0x216a: 0x00c3, 0x216b: 0x00c3, 0x216c: 0x00c3, 0x216d: 0x00c3, 0x216e: 0x0040, 0x216f: 0x0040, + 0x2170: 0x0080, 0x2171: 0x0040, 0x2172: 0x0040, 0x2173: 0x0040, 0x2174: 0x0040, 0x2175: 0x0040, + 0x2176: 0x0080, 0x2177: 0x0080, 0x2178: 0x008c, 0x2179: 0x008c, 0x217a: 0x008c, 0x217b: 0x0040, + 0x217c: 0x00c0, 0x217d: 0x0080, 0x217e: 0x0080, 0x217f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x2180 + 0x2181: 0x00cc, 0x2182: 0x00cc, 0x2183: 0x00cc, 0x2184: 0x00cc, 0x2185: 0x00cc, + 0x2186: 0x00cc, 0x2187: 0x00cc, 0x2188: 0x00cc, 0x2189: 0x00cc, 0x218a: 0x00cc, 0x218b: 0x00cc, + 0x218c: 0x00cc, 0x218d: 0x00cc, 0x218e: 0x00cc, 0x218f: 0x00cc, 0x2190: 0x00cc, 0x2191: 0x00cc, + 0x2192: 0x00cc, 0x2193: 0x00cc, 0x2194: 0x00cc, 0x2195: 0x00cc, 0x2196: 0x00cc, 0x2197: 0x00cc, + 0x2198: 0x00cc, 0x2199: 0x00cc, 0x219a: 0x00cc, 0x219b: 0x00cc, 0x219c: 0x00cc, 0x219d: 0x00cc, + 0x219e: 0x00cc, 0x219f: 0x00cc, 0x21a0: 0x00cc, 0x21a1: 0x00cc, 0x21a2: 0x00cc, 0x21a3: 0x00cc, + 0x21a4: 0x00cc, 0x21a5: 0x00cc, 0x21a6: 0x00cc, 0x21a7: 0x00cc, 0x21a8: 0x00cc, 0x21a9: 0x00cc, + 0x21aa: 0x00cc, 0x21ab: 0x00cc, 0x21ac: 0x00cc, 0x21ad: 0x00cc, 0x21ae: 0x00cc, 0x21af: 0x00cc, + 0x21b0: 0x00cc, 0x21b1: 0x00cc, 0x21b2: 0x00cc, 0x21b3: 0x00cc, 0x21b4: 0x00cc, 0x21b5: 0x00cc, + 0x21b6: 0x00cc, 0x21b7: 0x00cc, 0x21b8: 0x00cc, 0x21b9: 0x00cc, 0x21ba: 0x00cc, 0x21bb: 0x00cc, + 0x21bc: 0x00cc, 0x21bd: 0x00cc, 0x21be: 0x00cc, 0x21bf: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x21c0 + 0x21c0: 0x00cc, 0x21c1: 0x00cc, 0x21c2: 0x00cc, 0x21c3: 0x00cc, 0x21c4: 0x00cc, 0x21c5: 0x00cc, + 0x21c6: 0x00cc, 0x21c7: 0x00cc, 0x21c8: 0x00cc, 0x21c9: 0x00cc, 0x21ca: 0x00cc, 0x21cb: 0x00cc, + 0x21cc: 0x00cc, 0x21cd: 0x00cc, 0x21ce: 0x00cc, 0x21cf: 0x00cc, 0x21d0: 0x00cc, 0x21d1: 0x00cc, + 0x21d2: 0x00cc, 0x21d3: 0x00cc, 0x21d4: 0x00cc, 0x21d5: 0x00cc, 0x21d6: 0x00cc, + 0x21d9: 0x00c3, 0x21da: 0x00c3, 0x21db: 0x0080, 0x21dc: 0x0080, 0x21dd: 0x00cc, + 0x21de: 0x00cc, 0x21df: 0x008c, 0x21e0: 0x0080, 0x21e1: 0x00cc, 0x21e2: 0x00cc, 0x21e3: 0x00cc, + 0x21e4: 0x00cc, 0x21e5: 0x00cc, 0x21e6: 0x00cc, 0x21e7: 0x00cc, 0x21e8: 0x00cc, 0x21e9: 0x00cc, + 0x21ea: 0x00cc, 0x21eb: 0x00cc, 0x21ec: 0x00cc, 0x21ed: 0x00cc, 0x21ee: 0x00cc, 0x21ef: 0x00cc, + 0x21f0: 0x00cc, 0x21f1: 0x00cc, 0x21f2: 0x00cc, 0x21f3: 0x00cc, 0x21f4: 0x00cc, 0x21f5: 0x00cc, + 0x21f6: 0x00cc, 0x21f7: 0x00cc, 0x21f8: 0x00cc, 0x21f9: 0x00cc, 0x21fa: 0x00cc, 0x21fb: 0x00cc, + 0x21fc: 0x00cc, 0x21fd: 0x00cc, 0x21fe: 0x00cc, 0x21ff: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x2200 + 0x2200: 0x00cc, 0x2201: 0x00cc, 0x2202: 0x00cc, 0x2203: 0x00cc, 0x2204: 0x00cc, 0x2205: 0x00cc, + 0x2206: 0x00cc, 0x2207: 0x00cc, 0x2208: 0x00cc, 0x2209: 0x00cc, 0x220a: 0x00cc, 0x220b: 0x00cc, + 0x220c: 0x00cc, 0x220d: 0x00cc, 0x220e: 0x00cc, 0x220f: 0x00cc, 0x2210: 0x00cc, 0x2211: 0x00cc, + 0x2212: 0x00cc, 0x2213: 0x00cc, 0x2214: 0x00cc, 0x2215: 0x00cc, 0x2216: 0x00cc, 0x2217: 0x00cc, + 0x2218: 0x00cc, 0x2219: 0x00cc, 0x221a: 0x00cc, 0x221b: 0x00cc, 0x221c: 0x00cc, 0x221d: 0x00cc, + 0x221e: 0x00cc, 0x221f: 0x00cc, 0x2220: 0x00cc, 0x2221: 0x00cc, 0x2222: 0x00cc, 0x2223: 0x00cc, + 0x2224: 0x00cc, 0x2225: 0x00cc, 0x2226: 0x00cc, 0x2227: 0x00cc, 0x2228: 0x00cc, 0x2229: 0x00cc, + 0x222a: 0x00cc, 0x222b: 0x00cc, 0x222c: 0x00cc, 0x222d: 0x00cc, 0x222e: 0x00cc, 0x222f: 0x00cc, + 0x2230: 0x00cc, 0x2231: 0x00cc, 0x2232: 0x00cc, 0x2233: 0x00cc, 0x2234: 0x00cc, 0x2235: 0x00cc, + 0x2236: 0x00cc, 0x2237: 0x00cc, 0x2238: 0x00cc, 0x2239: 0x00cc, 0x223a: 0x00cc, 0x223b: 0x00d2, + 0x223c: 0x00c0, 0x223d: 0x00cc, 0x223e: 0x00cc, 0x223f: 0x008c, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x2240 + 0x2245: 0x00c0, + 0x2246: 0x00c0, 0x2247: 0x00c0, 0x2248: 0x00c0, 0x2249: 0x00c0, 0x224a: 0x00c0, 0x224b: 0x00c0, + 0x224c: 0x00c0, 0x224d: 0x00c0, 0x224e: 0x00c0, 0x224f: 0x00c0, 0x2250: 0x00c0, 0x2251: 0x00c0, + 0x2252: 0x00c0, 0x2253: 0x00c0, 0x2254: 0x00c0, 0x2255: 0x00c0, 0x2256: 0x00c0, 0x2257: 0x00c0, + 0x2258: 0x00c0, 0x2259: 0x00c0, 0x225a: 0x00c0, 0x225b: 0x00c0, 0x225c: 0x00c0, 0x225d: 0x00c0, + 0x225e: 0x00c0, 0x225f: 0x00c0, 0x2260: 0x00c0, 0x2261: 0x00c0, 0x2262: 0x00c0, 0x2263: 0x00c0, + 0x2264: 0x00c0, 0x2265: 0x00c0, 0x2266: 0x00c0, 0x2267: 0x00c0, 0x2268: 0x00c0, 0x2269: 0x00c0, + 0x226a: 0x00c0, 0x226b: 0x00c0, 0x226c: 0x00c0, 0x226d: 0x00c0, 0x226e: 0x00c0, 0x226f: 0x00c0, + 0x2271: 0x0080, 0x2272: 0x0080, 0x2273: 0x0080, 0x2274: 0x0080, 0x2275: 0x0080, + 0x2276: 0x0080, 0x2277: 0x0080, 0x2278: 0x0080, 0x2279: 0x0080, 0x227a: 0x0080, 0x227b: 0x0080, + 0x227c: 0x0080, 0x227d: 0x0080, 0x227e: 0x0080, 0x227f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x2280 + 0x2280: 0x0080, 0x2281: 0x0080, 0x2282: 0x0080, 0x2283: 0x0080, 0x2284: 0x0080, 0x2285: 0x0080, + 0x2286: 0x0080, 0x2287: 0x0080, 0x2288: 0x0080, 0x2289: 0x0080, 0x228a: 0x0080, 0x228b: 0x0080, + 0x228c: 0x0080, 0x228d: 0x0080, 0x228e: 0x0080, 0x228f: 0x0080, 0x2290: 0x0080, 0x2291: 0x0080, + 0x2292: 0x0080, 0x2293: 0x0080, 0x2294: 0x0080, 0x2295: 0x0080, 0x2296: 0x0080, 0x2297: 0x0080, + 0x2298: 0x0080, 0x2299: 0x0080, 0x229a: 0x0080, 0x229b: 0x0080, 0x229c: 0x0080, 0x229d: 0x0080, + 0x229e: 0x0080, 0x229f: 0x0080, 0x22a0: 0x0080, 0x22a1: 0x0080, 0x22a2: 0x0080, 0x22a3: 0x0080, + 0x22a4: 0x0040, 0x22a5: 0x0080, 0x22a6: 0x0080, 0x22a7: 0x0080, 0x22a8: 0x0080, 0x22a9: 0x0080, + 0x22aa: 0x0080, 0x22ab: 0x0080, 0x22ac: 0x0080, 0x22ad: 0x0080, 0x22ae: 0x0080, 0x22af: 0x0080, + 0x22b0: 0x0080, 0x22b1: 0x0080, 0x22b2: 0x0080, 0x22b3: 0x0080, 0x22b4: 0x0080, 0x22b5: 0x0080, + 0x22b6: 0x0080, 0x22b7: 0x0080, 0x22b8: 0x0080, 0x22b9: 0x0080, 0x22ba: 0x0080, 0x22bb: 0x0080, + 0x22bc: 0x0080, 0x22bd: 0x0080, 0x22be: 0x0080, 0x22bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x22c0 + 0x22c0: 0x0080, 0x22c1: 0x0080, 0x22c2: 0x0080, 0x22c3: 0x0080, 0x22c4: 0x0080, 0x22c5: 0x0080, + 0x22c6: 0x0080, 0x22c7: 0x0080, 0x22c8: 0x0080, 0x22c9: 0x0080, 0x22ca: 0x0080, 0x22cb: 0x0080, + 0x22cc: 0x0080, 0x22cd: 0x0080, 0x22ce: 0x0080, 0x22d0: 0x0080, 0x22d1: 0x0080, + 0x22d2: 0x0080, 0x22d3: 0x0080, 0x22d4: 0x0080, 0x22d5: 0x0080, 0x22d6: 0x0080, 0x22d7: 0x0080, + 0x22d8: 0x0080, 0x22d9: 0x0080, 0x22da: 0x0080, 0x22db: 0x0080, 0x22dc: 0x0080, 0x22dd: 0x0080, + 0x22de: 0x0080, 0x22df: 0x0080, 0x22e0: 0x00c0, 0x22e1: 0x00c0, 0x22e2: 0x00c0, 0x22e3: 0x00c0, + 0x22e4: 0x00c0, 0x22e5: 0x00c0, 0x22e6: 0x00c0, 0x22e7: 0x00c0, 0x22e8: 0x00c0, 0x22e9: 0x00c0, + 0x22ea: 0x00c0, 0x22eb: 0x00c0, 0x22ec: 0x00c0, 0x22ed: 0x00c0, 0x22ee: 0x00c0, 0x22ef: 0x00c0, + 0x22f0: 0x00c0, 0x22f1: 0x00c0, 0x22f2: 0x00c0, 0x22f3: 0x00c0, 0x22f4: 0x00c0, 0x22f5: 0x00c0, + 0x22f6: 0x00c0, 0x22f7: 0x00c0, 0x22f8: 0x00c0, 0x22f9: 0x00c0, 0x22fa: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x2300 + 0x2300: 0x0080, 0x2301: 0x0080, 0x2302: 0x0080, 0x2303: 0x0080, 0x2304: 0x0080, 0x2305: 0x0080, + 0x2306: 0x0080, 0x2307: 0x0080, 0x2308: 0x0080, 0x2309: 0x0080, 0x230a: 0x0080, 0x230b: 0x0080, + 0x230c: 0x0080, 0x230d: 0x0080, 0x230e: 0x0080, 0x230f: 0x0080, 0x2310: 0x0080, 0x2311: 0x0080, + 0x2312: 0x0080, 0x2313: 0x0080, 0x2314: 0x0080, 0x2315: 0x0080, 0x2316: 0x0080, 0x2317: 0x0080, + 0x2318: 0x0080, 0x2319: 0x0080, 0x231a: 0x0080, 0x231b: 0x0080, 0x231c: 0x0080, 0x231d: 0x0080, + 0x231e: 0x0080, 0x231f: 0x0080, 0x2320: 0x0080, 0x2321: 0x0080, 0x2322: 0x0080, 0x2323: 0x0080, + 0x2330: 0x00cc, 0x2331: 0x00cc, 0x2332: 0x00cc, 0x2333: 0x00cc, 0x2334: 0x00cc, 0x2335: 0x00cc, + 0x2336: 0x00cc, 0x2337: 0x00cc, 0x2338: 0x00cc, 0x2339: 0x00cc, 0x233a: 0x00cc, 0x233b: 0x00cc, + 0x233c: 0x00cc, 0x233d: 0x00cc, 0x233e: 0x00cc, 0x233f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x2340 + 0x2340: 0x0080, 0x2341: 0x0080, 0x2342: 0x0080, 0x2343: 0x0080, 0x2344: 0x0080, 0x2345: 0x0080, + 0x2346: 0x0080, 0x2347: 0x0080, 0x2348: 0x0080, 0x2349: 0x0080, 0x234a: 0x0080, 0x234b: 0x0080, + 0x234c: 0x0080, 0x234d: 0x0080, 0x234e: 0x0080, 0x234f: 0x0080, 0x2350: 0x0080, 0x2351: 0x0080, + 0x2352: 0x0080, 0x2353: 0x0080, 0x2354: 0x0080, 0x2355: 0x0080, 0x2356: 0x0080, 0x2357: 0x0080, + 0x2358: 0x0080, 0x2359: 0x0080, 0x235a: 0x0080, 0x235b: 0x0080, 0x235c: 0x0080, 0x235d: 0x0080, + 0x235e: 0x0080, 0x2360: 0x0080, 0x2361: 0x0080, 0x2362: 0x0080, 0x2363: 0x0080, + 0x2364: 0x0080, 0x2365: 0x0080, 0x2366: 0x0080, 0x2367: 0x0080, 0x2368: 0x0080, 0x2369: 0x0080, + 0x236a: 0x0080, 0x236b: 0x0080, 0x236c: 0x0080, 0x236d: 0x0080, 0x236e: 0x0080, 0x236f: 0x0080, + 0x2370: 0x0080, 0x2371: 0x0080, 0x2372: 0x0080, 0x2373: 0x0080, 0x2374: 0x0080, 0x2375: 0x0080, + 0x2376: 0x0080, 0x2377: 0x0080, 0x2378: 0x0080, 0x2379: 0x0080, 0x237a: 0x0080, 0x237b: 0x0080, + 0x237c: 0x0080, 0x237d: 0x0080, 0x237e: 0x0080, 0x237f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x2380 + 0x2380: 0x0080, 0x2381: 0x0080, 0x2382: 0x0080, 0x2383: 0x0080, 0x2384: 0x0080, 0x2385: 0x0080, + 0x2386: 0x0080, 0x2387: 0x0080, 0x2388: 0x0080, 0x2389: 0x0080, 0x238a: 0x0080, 0x238b: 0x0080, + 0x238c: 0x0080, 0x238d: 0x0080, 0x238e: 0x0080, 0x238f: 0x0080, 0x2390: 0x008c, 0x2391: 0x008c, + 0x2392: 0x008c, 0x2393: 0x008c, 0x2394: 0x008c, 0x2395: 0x008c, 0x2396: 0x008c, 0x2397: 0x008c, + 0x2398: 0x008c, 0x2399: 0x008c, 0x239a: 0x008c, 0x239b: 0x008c, 0x239c: 0x008c, 0x239d: 0x008c, + 0x239e: 0x008c, 0x239f: 0x008c, 0x23a0: 0x008c, 0x23a1: 0x008c, 0x23a2: 0x008c, 0x23a3: 0x008c, + 0x23a4: 0x008c, 0x23a5: 0x008c, 0x23a6: 0x008c, 0x23a7: 0x008c, 0x23a8: 0x008c, 0x23a9: 0x008c, + 0x23aa: 0x008c, 0x23ab: 0x008c, 0x23ac: 0x008c, 0x23ad: 0x008c, 0x23ae: 0x008c, 0x23af: 0x008c, + 0x23b0: 0x008c, 0x23b1: 0x008c, 0x23b2: 0x008c, 0x23b3: 0x008c, 0x23b4: 0x008c, 0x23b5: 0x008c, + 0x23b6: 0x008c, 0x23b7: 0x008c, 0x23b8: 0x008c, 0x23b9: 0x008c, 0x23ba: 0x008c, 0x23bb: 0x008c, + 0x23bc: 0x008c, 0x23bd: 0x008c, 0x23be: 0x008c, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x23c0 + 0x23c0: 0x008c, 0x23c1: 0x008c, 0x23c2: 0x008c, 0x23c3: 0x008c, 0x23c4: 0x008c, 0x23c5: 0x008c, + 0x23c6: 0x008c, 0x23c7: 0x008c, 0x23c8: 0x008c, 0x23c9: 0x008c, 0x23ca: 0x008c, 0x23cb: 0x008c, + 0x23cc: 0x008c, 0x23cd: 0x008c, 0x23ce: 0x008c, 0x23cf: 0x008c, 0x23d0: 0x008c, 0x23d1: 0x008c, + 0x23d2: 0x008c, 0x23d3: 0x008c, 0x23d4: 0x008c, 0x23d5: 0x008c, 0x23d6: 0x008c, 0x23d7: 0x008c, + 0x23d8: 0x0080, 0x23d9: 0x0080, 0x23da: 0x0080, 0x23db: 0x0080, 0x23dc: 0x0080, 0x23dd: 0x0080, + 0x23de: 0x0080, 0x23df: 0x0080, 0x23e0: 0x0080, 0x23e1: 0x0080, 0x23e2: 0x0080, 0x23e3: 0x0080, + 0x23e4: 0x0080, 0x23e5: 0x0080, 0x23e6: 0x0080, 0x23e7: 0x0080, 0x23e8: 0x0080, 0x23e9: 0x0080, + 0x23ea: 0x0080, 0x23eb: 0x0080, 0x23ec: 0x0080, 0x23ed: 0x0080, 0x23ee: 0x0080, 0x23ef: 0x0080, + 0x23f0: 0x0080, 0x23f1: 0x0080, 0x23f2: 0x0080, 0x23f3: 0x0080, 0x23f4: 0x0080, 0x23f5: 0x0080, + 0x23f6: 0x0080, 0x23f7: 0x0080, 0x23f8: 0x0080, 0x23f9: 0x0080, 0x23fa: 0x0080, 0x23fb: 0x0080, + 0x23fc: 0x0080, 0x23fd: 0x0080, 0x23fe: 0x0080, 0x23ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x2400 + 0x2400: 0x00cc, 0x2401: 0x00cc, 0x2402: 0x00cc, 0x2403: 0x00cc, 0x2404: 0x00cc, 0x2405: 0x00cc, + 0x2406: 0x00cc, 0x2407: 0x00cc, 0x2408: 0x00cc, 0x2409: 0x00cc, 0x240a: 0x00cc, 0x240b: 0x00cc, + 0x240c: 0x00cc, 0x240d: 0x00cc, 0x240e: 0x00cc, 0x240f: 0x00cc, 0x2410: 0x00cc, 0x2411: 0x00cc, + 0x2412: 0x00cc, 0x2413: 0x00cc, 0x2414: 0x00cc, 0x2415: 0x00cc, 0x2416: 0x00cc, 0x2417: 0x00cc, + 0x2418: 0x00cc, 0x2419: 0x00cc, 0x241a: 0x00cc, 0x241b: 0x00cc, 0x241c: 0x00cc, 0x241d: 0x00cc, + 0x241e: 0x00cc, 0x241f: 0x00cc, 0x2420: 0x00cc, 0x2421: 0x00cc, 0x2422: 0x00cc, 0x2423: 0x00cc, + 0x2424: 0x00cc, 0x2425: 0x00cc, 0x2426: 0x00cc, 0x2427: 0x00cc, 0x2428: 0x00cc, 0x2429: 0x00cc, + 0x242a: 0x00cc, 0x242b: 0x00cc, 0x242c: 0x00cc, 0x242d: 0x00cc, 0x242e: 0x00cc, 0x242f: 0x00cc, + 0x2430: 0x00cc, 0x2431: 0x00cc, 0x2432: 0x00cc, 0x2433: 0x00cc, 0x2434: 0x00cc, 0x2435: 0x00cc, + 0x2436: 0x00cc, 0x2437: 0x00cc, 0x2438: 0x00cc, 0x2439: 0x00cc, 0x243a: 0x00cc, 0x243b: 0x00cc, + 0x243c: 0x00cc, 0x243d: 0x00cc, 0x243e: 0x00cc, 0x243f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x2440 + 0x2440: 0x00cc, 0x2441: 0x00cc, 0x2442: 0x00cc, 0x2443: 0x00cc, 0x2444: 0x00cc, 0x2445: 0x00cc, + 0x2446: 0x00cc, 0x2447: 0x00cc, 0x2448: 0x00cc, 0x2449: 0x00cc, 0x244a: 0x00cc, 0x244b: 0x00cc, + 0x244c: 0x00cc, 0x244d: 0x00cc, 0x244e: 0x00cc, 0x244f: 0x00cc, 0x2450: 0x00cc, 0x2451: 0x00cc, + 0x2452: 0x00cc, 0x2453: 0x00cc, 0x2454: 0x00cc, 0x2455: 0x00cc, 0x2456: 0x00cc, 0x2457: 0x00cc, + 0x2458: 0x00cc, 0x2459: 0x00cc, 0x245a: 0x00cc, 0x245b: 0x00cc, 0x245c: 0x00cc, 0x245d: 0x00cc, + 0x245e: 0x00cc, 0x245f: 0x00cc, 0x2460: 0x00cc, 0x2461: 0x00cc, 0x2462: 0x00cc, 0x2463: 0x00cc, + 0x2464: 0x00cc, 0x2465: 0x00cc, 0x2466: 0x00cc, 0x2467: 0x00cc, 0x2468: 0x00cc, 0x2469: 0x00cc, + 0x246a: 0x00cc, 0x246b: 0x00cc, 0x246c: 0x00cc, 0x246d: 0x00cc, 0x246e: 0x00cc, 0x246f: 0x00cc, + 0x2470: 0x00cc, 0x2471: 0x00cc, 0x2472: 0x00cc, 0x2473: 0x00cc, 0x2474: 0x00cc, 0x2475: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x2480 + 0x2480: 0x00cc, 0x2481: 0x00cc, 0x2482: 0x00cc, 0x2483: 0x00cc, 0x2484: 0x00cc, 0x2485: 0x00cc, + 0x2486: 0x00cc, 0x2487: 0x00cc, 0x2488: 0x00cc, 0x2489: 0x00cc, 0x248a: 0x00cc, 0x248b: 0x00cc, + 0x248c: 0x00cc, 0x248d: 0x00cc, 0x248e: 0x00cc, 0x248f: 0x00cc, 0x2490: 0x00cc, 0x2491: 0x00cc, + 0x2492: 0x00cc, 0x2493: 0x00cc, 0x2494: 0x00cc, 0x2495: 0x00cc, 0x2496: 0x00cc, 0x2497: 0x00cc, + 0x2498: 0x00cc, 0x2499: 0x00cc, 0x249a: 0x00cc, 0x249b: 0x00cc, 0x249c: 0x00cc, 0x249d: 0x00cc, + 0x249e: 0x00cc, 0x249f: 0x00cc, 0x24a0: 0x00cc, 0x24a1: 0x00cc, 0x24a2: 0x00cc, 0x24a3: 0x00cc, + 0x24a4: 0x00cc, 0x24a5: 0x00cc, 0x24a6: 0x00cc, 0x24a7: 0x00cc, 0x24a8: 0x00cc, 0x24a9: 0x00cc, + 0x24aa: 0x00cc, 0x24ab: 0x00cc, 0x24ac: 0x00cc, 0x24ad: 0x00cc, 0x24ae: 0x00cc, 0x24af: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x24c0 + 0x24c0: 0x00c0, 0x24c1: 0x00c0, 0x24c2: 0x00c0, 0x24c3: 0x00c0, 0x24c4: 0x00c0, 0x24c5: 0x00c0, + 0x24c6: 0x00c0, 0x24c7: 0x00c0, 0x24c8: 0x00c0, 0x24c9: 0x00c0, 0x24ca: 0x00c0, 0x24cb: 0x00c0, + 0x24cc: 0x00c0, 0x24d0: 0x0080, 0x24d1: 0x0080, + 0x24d2: 0x0080, 0x24d3: 0x0080, 0x24d4: 0x0080, 0x24d5: 0x0080, 0x24d6: 0x0080, 0x24d7: 0x0080, + 0x24d8: 0x0080, 0x24d9: 0x0080, 0x24da: 0x0080, 0x24db: 0x0080, 0x24dc: 0x0080, 0x24dd: 0x0080, + 0x24de: 0x0080, 0x24df: 0x0080, 0x24e0: 0x0080, 0x24e1: 0x0080, 0x24e2: 0x0080, 0x24e3: 0x0080, + 0x24e4: 0x0080, 0x24e5: 0x0080, 0x24e6: 0x0080, 0x24e7: 0x0080, 0x24e8: 0x0080, 0x24e9: 0x0080, + 0x24ea: 0x0080, 0x24eb: 0x0080, 0x24ec: 0x0080, 0x24ed: 0x0080, 0x24ee: 0x0080, 0x24ef: 0x0080, + 0x24f0: 0x0080, 0x24f1: 0x0080, 0x24f2: 0x0080, 0x24f3: 0x0080, 0x24f4: 0x0080, 0x24f5: 0x0080, + 0x24f6: 0x0080, 0x24f7: 0x0080, 0x24f8: 0x0080, 0x24f9: 0x0080, 0x24fa: 0x0080, 0x24fb: 0x0080, + 0x24fc: 0x0080, 0x24fd: 0x0080, 0x24fe: 0x0080, 0x24ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x2500 + 0x2500: 0x0080, 0x2501: 0x0080, 0x2502: 0x0080, 0x2503: 0x0080, 0x2504: 0x0080, 0x2505: 0x0080, + 0x2506: 0x0080, + 0x2510: 0x00c0, 0x2511: 0x00c0, + 0x2512: 0x00c0, 0x2513: 0x00c0, 0x2514: 0x00c0, 0x2515: 0x00c0, 0x2516: 0x00c0, 0x2517: 0x00c0, + 0x2518: 0x00c0, 0x2519: 0x00c0, 0x251a: 0x00c0, 0x251b: 0x00c0, 0x251c: 0x00c0, 0x251d: 0x00c0, + 0x251e: 0x00c0, 0x251f: 0x00c0, 0x2520: 0x00c0, 0x2521: 0x00c0, 0x2522: 0x00c0, 0x2523: 0x00c0, + 0x2524: 0x00c0, 0x2525: 0x00c0, 0x2526: 0x00c0, 0x2527: 0x00c0, 0x2528: 0x00c0, 0x2529: 0x00c0, + 0x252a: 0x00c0, 0x252b: 0x00c0, 0x252c: 0x00c0, 0x252d: 0x00c0, 0x252e: 0x00c0, 0x252f: 0x00c0, + 0x2530: 0x00c0, 0x2531: 0x00c0, 0x2532: 0x00c0, 0x2533: 0x00c0, 0x2534: 0x00c0, 0x2535: 0x00c0, + 0x2536: 0x00c0, 0x2537: 0x00c0, 0x2538: 0x00c0, 0x2539: 0x00c0, 0x253a: 0x00c0, 0x253b: 0x00c0, + 0x253c: 0x00c0, 0x253d: 0x00c0, 0x253e: 0x0080, 0x253f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x2540 + 0x2540: 0x00c0, 0x2541: 0x00c0, 0x2542: 0x00c0, 0x2543: 0x00c0, 0x2544: 0x00c0, 0x2545: 0x00c0, + 0x2546: 0x00c0, 0x2547: 0x00c0, 0x2548: 0x00c0, 0x2549: 0x00c0, 0x254a: 0x00c0, 0x254b: 0x00c0, + 0x254c: 0x00c0, 0x254d: 0x0080, 0x254e: 0x0080, 0x254f: 0x0080, 0x2550: 0x00c0, 0x2551: 0x00c0, + 0x2552: 0x00c0, 0x2553: 0x00c0, 0x2554: 0x00c0, 0x2555: 0x00c0, 0x2556: 0x00c0, 0x2557: 0x00c0, + 0x2558: 0x00c0, 0x2559: 0x00c0, 0x255a: 0x00c0, 0x255b: 0x00c0, 0x255c: 0x00c0, 0x255d: 0x00c0, + 0x255e: 0x00c0, 0x255f: 0x00c0, 0x2560: 0x00c0, 0x2561: 0x00c0, 0x2562: 0x00c0, 0x2563: 0x00c0, + 0x2564: 0x00c0, 0x2565: 0x00c0, 0x2566: 0x00c0, 0x2567: 0x00c0, 0x2568: 0x00c0, 0x2569: 0x00c0, + 0x256a: 0x00c0, 0x256b: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x2580 + 0x2580: 0x00c0, 0x2581: 0x00c0, 0x2582: 0x00c0, 0x2583: 0x00c0, 0x2584: 0x00c0, 0x2585: 0x00c0, + 0x2586: 0x00c0, 0x2587: 0x00c0, 0x2588: 0x00c0, 0x2589: 0x00c0, 0x258a: 0x00c0, 0x258b: 0x00c0, + 0x258c: 0x00c0, 0x258d: 0x00c0, 0x258e: 0x00c0, 0x258f: 0x00c0, 0x2590: 0x00c0, 0x2591: 0x00c0, + 0x2592: 0x00c0, 0x2593: 0x00c0, 0x2594: 0x00c0, 0x2595: 0x00c0, 0x2596: 0x00c0, 0x2597: 0x00c0, + 0x2598: 0x00c0, 0x2599: 0x00c0, 0x259a: 0x00c0, 0x259b: 0x00c0, 0x259c: 0x00c0, 0x259d: 0x00c0, + 0x259e: 0x00c0, 0x259f: 0x00c0, 0x25a0: 0x00c0, 0x25a1: 0x00c0, 0x25a2: 0x00c0, 0x25a3: 0x00c0, + 0x25a4: 0x00c0, 0x25a5: 0x00c0, 0x25a6: 0x00c0, 0x25a7: 0x00c0, 0x25a8: 0x00c0, 0x25a9: 0x00c0, + 0x25aa: 0x00c0, 0x25ab: 0x00c0, 0x25ac: 0x00c0, 0x25ad: 0x00c0, 0x25ae: 0x00c0, 0x25af: 0x00c3, + 0x25b0: 0x0083, 0x25b1: 0x0083, 0x25b2: 0x0083, 0x25b3: 0x0080, 0x25b4: 0x00c3, 0x25b5: 0x00c3, + 0x25b6: 0x00c3, 0x25b7: 0x00c3, 0x25b8: 0x00c3, 0x25b9: 0x00c3, 0x25ba: 0x00c3, 0x25bb: 0x00c3, + 0x25bc: 0x00c3, 0x25bd: 0x00c3, 0x25be: 0x0080, 0x25bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x25c0 + 0x25c0: 0x00c0, 0x25c1: 0x00c0, 0x25c2: 0x00c0, 0x25c3: 0x00c0, 0x25c4: 0x00c0, 0x25c5: 0x00c0, + 0x25c6: 0x00c0, 0x25c7: 0x00c0, 0x25c8: 0x00c0, 0x25c9: 0x00c0, 0x25ca: 0x00c0, 0x25cb: 0x00c0, + 0x25cc: 0x00c0, 0x25cd: 0x00c0, 0x25ce: 0x00c0, 0x25cf: 0x00c0, 0x25d0: 0x00c0, 0x25d1: 0x00c0, + 0x25d2: 0x00c0, 0x25d3: 0x00c0, 0x25d4: 0x00c0, 0x25d5: 0x00c0, 0x25d6: 0x00c0, 0x25d7: 0x00c0, + 0x25d8: 0x00c0, 0x25d9: 0x00c0, 0x25da: 0x00c0, 0x25db: 0x00c0, 0x25dc: 0x0080, 0x25dd: 0x0080, + 0x25de: 0x00c3, 0x25df: 0x00c3, 0x25e0: 0x00c0, 0x25e1: 0x00c0, 0x25e2: 0x00c0, 0x25e3: 0x00c0, + 0x25e4: 0x00c0, 0x25e5: 0x00c0, 0x25e6: 0x00c0, 0x25e7: 0x00c0, 0x25e8: 0x00c0, 0x25e9: 0x00c0, + 0x25ea: 0x00c0, 0x25eb: 0x00c0, 0x25ec: 0x00c0, 0x25ed: 0x00c0, 0x25ee: 0x00c0, 0x25ef: 0x00c0, + 0x25f0: 0x00c0, 0x25f1: 0x00c0, 0x25f2: 0x00c0, 0x25f3: 0x00c0, 0x25f4: 0x00c0, 0x25f5: 0x00c0, + 0x25f6: 0x00c0, 0x25f7: 0x00c0, 0x25f8: 0x00c0, 0x25f9: 0x00c0, 0x25fa: 0x00c0, 0x25fb: 0x00c0, + 0x25fc: 0x00c0, 0x25fd: 0x00c0, 0x25fe: 0x00c0, 0x25ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x2600 + 0x2600: 0x00c0, 0x2601: 0x00c0, 0x2602: 0x00c0, 0x2603: 0x00c0, 0x2604: 0x00c0, 0x2605: 0x00c0, + 0x2606: 0x00c0, 0x2607: 0x00c0, 0x2608: 0x00c0, 0x2609: 0x00c0, 0x260a: 0x00c0, 0x260b: 0x00c0, + 0x260c: 0x00c0, 0x260d: 0x00c0, 0x260e: 0x00c0, 0x260f: 0x00c0, 0x2610: 0x00c0, 0x2611: 0x00c0, + 0x2612: 0x00c0, 0x2613: 0x00c0, 0x2614: 0x00c0, 0x2615: 0x00c0, 0x2616: 0x00c0, 0x2617: 0x00c0, + 0x2618: 0x00c0, 0x2619: 0x00c0, 0x261a: 0x00c0, 0x261b: 0x00c0, 0x261c: 0x00c0, 0x261d: 0x00c0, + 0x261e: 0x00c0, 0x261f: 0x00c0, 0x2620: 0x00c0, 0x2621: 0x00c0, 0x2622: 0x00c0, 0x2623: 0x00c0, + 0x2624: 0x00c0, 0x2625: 0x00c0, 0x2626: 0x0080, 0x2627: 0x0080, 0x2628: 0x0080, 0x2629: 0x0080, + 0x262a: 0x0080, 0x262b: 0x0080, 0x262c: 0x0080, 0x262d: 0x0080, 0x262e: 0x0080, 0x262f: 0x0080, + 0x2630: 0x00c3, 0x2631: 0x00c3, 0x2632: 0x0080, 0x2633: 0x0080, 0x2634: 0x0080, 0x2635: 0x0080, + 0x2636: 0x0080, 0x2637: 0x0080, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x2640 + 0x2640: 0x0080, 0x2641: 0x0080, 0x2642: 0x0080, 0x2643: 0x0080, 0x2644: 0x0080, 0x2645: 0x0080, + 0x2646: 0x0080, 0x2647: 0x0080, 0x2648: 0x0080, 0x2649: 0x0080, 0x264a: 0x0080, 0x264b: 0x0080, + 0x264c: 0x0080, 0x264d: 0x0080, 0x264e: 0x0080, 0x264f: 0x0080, 0x2650: 0x0080, 0x2651: 0x0080, + 0x2652: 0x0080, 0x2653: 0x0080, 0x2654: 0x0080, 0x2655: 0x0080, 0x2656: 0x0080, 0x2657: 0x00c0, + 0x2658: 0x00c0, 0x2659: 0x00c0, 0x265a: 0x00c0, 0x265b: 0x00c0, 0x265c: 0x00c0, 0x265d: 0x00c0, + 0x265e: 0x00c0, 0x265f: 0x00c0, 0x2660: 0x0080, 0x2661: 0x0080, 0x2662: 0x00c0, 0x2663: 0x00c0, + 0x2664: 0x00c0, 0x2665: 0x00c0, 0x2666: 0x00c0, 0x2667: 0x00c0, 0x2668: 0x00c0, 0x2669: 0x00c0, + 0x266a: 0x00c0, 0x266b: 0x00c0, 0x266c: 0x00c0, 0x266d: 0x00c0, 0x266e: 0x00c0, 0x266f: 0x00c0, + 0x2670: 0x00c0, 0x2671: 0x00c0, 0x2672: 0x00c0, 0x2673: 0x00c0, 0x2674: 0x00c0, 0x2675: 0x00c0, + 0x2676: 0x00c0, 0x2677: 0x00c0, 0x2678: 0x00c0, 0x2679: 0x00c0, 0x267a: 0x00c0, 0x267b: 0x00c0, + 0x267c: 0x00c0, 0x267d: 0x00c0, 0x267e: 0x00c0, 0x267f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x2680 + 0x2680: 0x00c0, 0x2681: 0x00c0, 0x2682: 0x00c0, 0x2683: 0x00c0, 0x2684: 0x00c0, 0x2685: 0x00c0, + 0x2686: 0x00c0, 0x2687: 0x00c0, 0x2688: 0x00c0, 0x2689: 0x00c0, 0x268a: 0x00c0, 0x268b: 0x00c0, + 0x268c: 0x00c0, 0x268d: 0x00c0, 0x268e: 0x00c0, 0x268f: 0x00c0, 0x2690: 0x00c0, 0x2691: 0x00c0, + 0x2692: 0x00c0, 0x2693: 0x00c0, 0x2694: 0x00c0, 0x2695: 0x00c0, 0x2696: 0x00c0, 0x2697: 0x00c0, + 0x2698: 0x00c0, 0x2699: 0x00c0, 0x269a: 0x00c0, 0x269b: 0x00c0, 0x269c: 0x00c0, 0x269d: 0x00c0, + 0x269e: 0x00c0, 0x269f: 0x00c0, 0x26a0: 0x00c0, 0x26a1: 0x00c0, 0x26a2: 0x00c0, 0x26a3: 0x00c0, + 0x26a4: 0x00c0, 0x26a5: 0x00c0, 0x26a6: 0x00c0, 0x26a7: 0x00c0, 0x26a8: 0x00c0, 0x26a9: 0x00c0, + 0x26aa: 0x00c0, 0x26ab: 0x00c0, 0x26ac: 0x00c0, 0x26ad: 0x00c0, 0x26ae: 0x00c0, 0x26af: 0x00c0, + 0x26b0: 0x0080, 0x26b1: 0x00c0, 0x26b2: 0x00c0, 0x26b3: 0x00c0, 0x26b4: 0x00c0, 0x26b5: 0x00c0, + 0x26b6: 0x00c0, 0x26b7: 0x00c0, 0x26b8: 0x00c0, 0x26b9: 0x00c0, 0x26ba: 0x00c0, 0x26bb: 0x00c0, + 0x26bc: 0x00c0, 0x26bd: 0x00c0, 0x26be: 0x00c0, 0x26bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x26c0 + 0x26c0: 0x00c0, 0x26c1: 0x00c0, 0x26c2: 0x00c0, 0x26c3: 0x00c0, 0x26c4: 0x00c0, 0x26c5: 0x00c0, + 0x26c6: 0x00c0, 0x26c7: 0x00c0, 0x26c8: 0x00c0, 0x26c9: 0x0080, 0x26ca: 0x0080, 0x26cb: 0x00c0, + 0x26cc: 0x00c0, 0x26cd: 0x00c0, 0x26ce: 0x00c0, 0x26cf: 0x00c0, 0x26d0: 0x00c0, 0x26d1: 0x00c0, + 0x26d2: 0x00c0, 0x26d3: 0x00c0, 0x26d4: 0x00c0, 0x26d5: 0x00c0, 0x26d6: 0x00c0, 0x26d7: 0x00c0, + 0x26d8: 0x00c0, 0x26d9: 0x00c0, 0x26da: 0x00c0, 0x26db: 0x00c0, 0x26dc: 0x00c0, 0x26dd: 0x00c0, + 0x26de: 0x00c0, 0x26df: 0x00c0, 0x26e0: 0x00c0, 0x26e1: 0x00c0, 0x26e2: 0x00c0, 0x26e3: 0x00c0, + 0x26e4: 0x00c0, 0x26e5: 0x00c0, 0x26e6: 0x00c0, 0x26e7: 0x00c0, 0x26e8: 0x00c0, 0x26e9: 0x00c0, + 0x26ea: 0x00c0, 0x26eb: 0x00c0, 0x26ec: 0x00c0, 0x26ed: 0x00c0, 0x26ee: 0x00c0, 0x26ef: 0x00c0, + 0x26f0: 0x00c0, 0x26f1: 0x00c0, 0x26f2: 0x00c0, 0x26f3: 0x00c0, 0x26f4: 0x00c0, 0x26f5: 0x00c0, + 0x26f6: 0x00c0, 0x26f7: 0x00c0, 0x26f8: 0x00c0, 0x26f9: 0x00c0, 0x26fa: 0x00c0, 0x26fb: 0x00c0, + 0x26fc: 0x00c0, 0x26fd: 0x00c0, 0x26fe: 0x00c0, 0x26ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x2700 + 0x2702: 0x00c0, 0x2703: 0x00c0, 0x2704: 0x00c0, 0x2705: 0x00c0, + 0x2706: 0x00c0, + 0x2737: 0x00c0, 0x2738: 0x0080, 0x2739: 0x0080, 0x273a: 0x00c0, 0x273b: 0x00c0, + 0x273c: 0x00c0, 0x273d: 0x00c0, 0x273e: 0x00c0, 0x273f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x2740 + 0x2740: 0x00c0, 0x2741: 0x00c0, 0x2742: 0x00c3, 0x2743: 0x00c0, 0x2744: 0x00c0, 0x2745: 0x00c0, + 0x2746: 0x00c6, 0x2747: 0x00c0, 0x2748: 0x00c0, 0x2749: 0x00c0, 0x274a: 0x00c0, 0x274b: 0x00c3, + 0x274c: 0x00c0, 0x274d: 0x00c0, 0x274e: 0x00c0, 0x274f: 0x00c0, 0x2750: 0x00c0, 0x2751: 0x00c0, + 0x2752: 0x00c0, 0x2753: 0x00c0, 0x2754: 0x00c0, 0x2755: 0x00c0, 0x2756: 0x00c0, 0x2757: 0x00c0, + 0x2758: 0x00c0, 0x2759: 0x00c0, 0x275a: 0x00c0, 0x275b: 0x00c0, 0x275c: 0x00c0, 0x275d: 0x00c0, + 0x275e: 0x00c0, 0x275f: 0x00c0, 0x2760: 0x00c0, 0x2761: 0x00c0, 0x2762: 0x00c0, 0x2763: 0x00c0, + 0x2764: 0x00c0, 0x2765: 0x00c3, 0x2766: 0x00c3, 0x2767: 0x00c0, 0x2768: 0x0080, 0x2769: 0x0080, + 0x276a: 0x0080, 0x276b: 0x0080, + 0x2770: 0x0080, 0x2771: 0x0080, 0x2772: 0x0080, 0x2773: 0x0080, 0x2774: 0x0080, 0x2775: 0x0080, + 0x2776: 0x0080, 0x2777: 0x0080, 0x2778: 0x0080, 0x2779: 0x0080, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x2780 + 0x2780: 0x00c2, 0x2781: 0x00c2, 0x2782: 0x00c2, 0x2783: 0x00c2, 0x2784: 0x00c2, 0x2785: 0x00c2, + 0x2786: 0x00c2, 0x2787: 0x00c2, 0x2788: 0x00c2, 0x2789: 0x00c2, 0x278a: 0x00c2, 0x278b: 0x00c2, + 0x278c: 0x00c2, 0x278d: 0x00c2, 0x278e: 0x00c2, 0x278f: 0x00c2, 0x2790: 0x00c2, 0x2791: 0x00c2, + 0x2792: 0x00c2, 0x2793: 0x00c2, 0x2794: 0x00c2, 0x2795: 0x00c2, 0x2796: 0x00c2, 0x2797: 0x00c2, + 0x2798: 0x00c2, 0x2799: 0x00c2, 0x279a: 0x00c2, 0x279b: 0x00c2, 0x279c: 0x00c2, 0x279d: 0x00c2, + 0x279e: 0x00c2, 0x279f: 0x00c2, 0x27a0: 0x00c2, 0x27a1: 0x00c2, 0x27a2: 0x00c2, 0x27a3: 0x00c2, + 0x27a4: 0x00c2, 0x27a5: 0x00c2, 0x27a6: 0x00c2, 0x27a7: 0x00c2, 0x27a8: 0x00c2, 0x27a9: 0x00c2, + 0x27aa: 0x00c2, 0x27ab: 0x00c2, 0x27ac: 0x00c2, 0x27ad: 0x00c2, 0x27ae: 0x00c2, 0x27af: 0x00c2, + 0x27b0: 0x00c2, 0x27b1: 0x00c2, 0x27b2: 0x00c1, 0x27b3: 0x00c0, 0x27b4: 0x0080, 0x27b5: 0x0080, + 0x27b6: 0x0080, 0x27b7: 0x0080, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x27c0 + 0x27c0: 0x00c0, 0x27c1: 0x00c0, 0x27c2: 0x00c0, 0x27c3: 0x00c0, 0x27c4: 0x00c6, 0x27c5: 0x00c3, + 0x27ce: 0x0080, 0x27cf: 0x0080, 0x27d0: 0x00c0, 0x27d1: 0x00c0, + 0x27d2: 0x00c0, 0x27d3: 0x00c0, 0x27d4: 0x00c0, 0x27d5: 0x00c0, 0x27d6: 0x00c0, 0x27d7: 0x00c0, + 0x27d8: 0x00c0, 0x27d9: 0x00c0, + 0x27e0: 0x00c3, 0x27e1: 0x00c3, 0x27e2: 0x00c3, 0x27e3: 0x00c3, + 0x27e4: 0x00c3, 0x27e5: 0x00c3, 0x27e6: 0x00c3, 0x27e7: 0x00c3, 0x27e8: 0x00c3, 0x27e9: 0x00c3, + 0x27ea: 0x00c3, 0x27eb: 0x00c3, 0x27ec: 0x00c3, 0x27ed: 0x00c3, 0x27ee: 0x00c3, 0x27ef: 0x00c3, + 0x27f0: 0x00c3, 0x27f1: 0x00c3, 0x27f2: 0x00c0, 0x27f3: 0x00c0, 0x27f4: 0x00c0, 0x27f5: 0x00c0, + 0x27f6: 0x00c0, 0x27f7: 0x00c0, 0x27f8: 0x0080, 0x27f9: 0x0080, 0x27fa: 0x0080, 0x27fb: 0x00c0, + 0x27fc: 0x0080, 0x27fd: 0x00c0, 0x27fe: 0x00c0, 0x27ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x2800 + 0x2800: 0x00c0, 0x2801: 0x00c0, 0x2802: 0x00c0, 0x2803: 0x00c0, 0x2804: 0x00c0, 0x2805: 0x00c0, + 0x2806: 0x00c0, 0x2807: 0x00c0, 0x2808: 0x00c0, 0x2809: 0x00c0, 0x280a: 0x00c0, 0x280b: 0x00c0, + 0x280c: 0x00c0, 0x280d: 0x00c0, 0x280e: 0x00c0, 0x280f: 0x00c0, 0x2810: 0x00c0, 0x2811: 0x00c0, + 0x2812: 0x00c0, 0x2813: 0x00c0, 0x2814: 0x00c0, 0x2815: 0x00c0, 0x2816: 0x00c0, 0x2817: 0x00c0, + 0x2818: 0x00c0, 0x2819: 0x00c0, 0x281a: 0x00c0, 0x281b: 0x00c0, 0x281c: 0x00c0, 0x281d: 0x00c0, + 0x281e: 0x00c0, 0x281f: 0x00c0, 0x2820: 0x00c0, 0x2821: 0x00c0, 0x2822: 0x00c0, 0x2823: 0x00c0, + 0x2824: 0x00c0, 0x2825: 0x00c0, 0x2826: 0x00c3, 0x2827: 0x00c3, 0x2828: 0x00c3, 0x2829: 0x00c3, + 0x282a: 0x00c3, 0x282b: 0x00c3, 0x282c: 0x00c3, 0x282d: 0x00c3, 0x282e: 0x0080, 0x282f: 0x0080, + 0x2830: 0x00c0, 0x2831: 0x00c0, 0x2832: 0x00c0, 0x2833: 0x00c0, 0x2834: 0x00c0, 0x2835: 0x00c0, + 0x2836: 0x00c0, 0x2837: 0x00c0, 0x2838: 0x00c0, 0x2839: 0x00c0, 0x283a: 0x00c0, 0x283b: 0x00c0, + 0x283c: 0x00c0, 0x283d: 0x00c0, 0x283e: 0x00c0, 0x283f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x2840 + 0x2840: 0x00c0, 0x2841: 0x00c0, 0x2842: 0x00c0, 0x2843: 0x00c0, 0x2844: 0x00c0, 0x2845: 0x00c0, + 0x2846: 0x00c0, 0x2847: 0x00c3, 0x2848: 0x00c3, 0x2849: 0x00c3, 0x284a: 0x00c3, 0x284b: 0x00c3, + 0x284c: 0x00c3, 0x284d: 0x00c3, 0x284e: 0x00c3, 0x284f: 0x00c3, 0x2850: 0x00c3, 0x2851: 0x00c3, + 0x2852: 0x00c0, 0x2853: 0x00c5, + 0x285f: 0x0080, 0x2860: 0x0040, 0x2861: 0x0040, 0x2862: 0x0040, 0x2863: 0x0040, + 0x2864: 0x0040, 0x2865: 0x0040, 0x2866: 0x0040, 0x2867: 0x0040, 0x2868: 0x0040, 0x2869: 0x0040, + 0x286a: 0x0040, 0x286b: 0x0040, 0x286c: 0x0040, 0x286d: 0x0040, 0x286e: 0x0040, 0x286f: 0x0040, + 0x2870: 0x0040, 0x2871: 0x0040, 0x2872: 0x0040, 0x2873: 0x0040, 0x2874: 0x0040, 0x2875: 0x0040, + 0x2876: 0x0040, 0x2877: 0x0040, 0x2878: 0x0040, 0x2879: 0x0040, 0x287a: 0x0040, 0x287b: 0x0040, + 0x287c: 0x0040, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x2880 + 0x2880: 0x00c3, 0x2881: 0x00c3, 0x2882: 0x00c3, 0x2883: 0x00c0, 0x2884: 0x00c0, 0x2885: 0x00c0, + 0x2886: 0x00c0, 0x2887: 0x00c0, 0x2888: 0x00c0, 0x2889: 0x00c0, 0x288a: 0x00c0, 0x288b: 0x00c0, + 0x288c: 0x00c0, 0x288d: 0x00c0, 0x288e: 0x00c0, 0x288f: 0x00c0, 0x2890: 0x00c0, 0x2891: 0x00c0, + 0x2892: 0x00c0, 0x2893: 0x00c0, 0x2894: 0x00c0, 0x2895: 0x00c0, 0x2896: 0x00c0, 0x2897: 0x00c0, + 0x2898: 0x00c0, 0x2899: 0x00c0, 0x289a: 0x00c0, 0x289b: 0x00c0, 0x289c: 0x00c0, 0x289d: 0x00c0, + 0x289e: 0x00c0, 0x289f: 0x00c0, 0x28a0: 0x00c0, 0x28a1: 0x00c0, 0x28a2: 0x00c0, 0x28a3: 0x00c0, + 0x28a4: 0x00c0, 0x28a5: 0x00c0, 0x28a6: 0x00c0, 0x28a7: 0x00c0, 0x28a8: 0x00c0, 0x28a9: 0x00c0, + 0x28aa: 0x00c0, 0x28ab: 0x00c0, 0x28ac: 0x00c0, 0x28ad: 0x00c0, 0x28ae: 0x00c0, 0x28af: 0x00c0, + 0x28b0: 0x00c0, 0x28b1: 0x00c0, 0x28b2: 0x00c0, 0x28b3: 0x00c3, 0x28b4: 0x00c0, 0x28b5: 0x00c0, + 0x28b6: 0x00c3, 0x28b7: 0x00c3, 0x28b8: 0x00c3, 0x28b9: 0x00c3, 0x28ba: 0x00c0, 0x28bb: 0x00c0, + 0x28bc: 0x00c3, 0x28bd: 0x00c3, 0x28be: 0x00c0, 0x28bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x28c0 + 0x28c0: 0x00c5, 0x28c1: 0x0080, 0x28c2: 0x0080, 0x28c3: 0x0080, 0x28c4: 0x0080, 0x28c5: 0x0080, + 0x28c6: 0x0080, 0x28c7: 0x0080, 0x28c8: 0x0080, 0x28c9: 0x0080, 0x28ca: 0x0080, 0x28cb: 0x0080, + 0x28cc: 0x0080, 0x28cd: 0x0080, 0x28cf: 0x00c0, 0x28d0: 0x00c0, 0x28d1: 0x00c0, + 0x28d2: 0x00c0, 0x28d3: 0x00c0, 0x28d4: 0x00c0, 0x28d5: 0x00c0, 0x28d6: 0x00c0, 0x28d7: 0x00c0, + 0x28d8: 0x00c0, 0x28d9: 0x00c0, + 0x28de: 0x0080, 0x28df: 0x0080, 0x28e0: 0x00c0, 0x28e1: 0x00c0, 0x28e2: 0x00c0, 0x28e3: 0x00c0, + 0x28e4: 0x00c0, 0x28e5: 0x00c3, 0x28e6: 0x00c0, 0x28e7: 0x00c0, 0x28e8: 0x00c0, 0x28e9: 0x00c0, + 0x28ea: 0x00c0, 0x28eb: 0x00c0, 0x28ec: 0x00c0, 0x28ed: 0x00c0, 0x28ee: 0x00c0, 0x28ef: 0x00c0, + 0x28f0: 0x00c0, 0x28f1: 0x00c0, 0x28f2: 0x00c0, 0x28f3: 0x00c0, 0x28f4: 0x00c0, 0x28f5: 0x00c0, + 0x28f6: 0x00c0, 0x28f7: 0x00c0, 0x28f8: 0x00c0, 0x28f9: 0x00c0, 0x28fa: 0x00c0, 0x28fb: 0x00c0, + 0x28fc: 0x00c0, 0x28fd: 0x00c0, 0x28fe: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x2900 + 0x2900: 0x00c0, 0x2901: 0x00c0, 0x2902: 0x00c0, 0x2903: 0x00c0, 0x2904: 0x00c0, 0x2905: 0x00c0, + 0x2906: 0x00c0, 0x2907: 0x00c0, 0x2908: 0x00c0, 0x2909: 0x00c0, 0x290a: 0x00c0, 0x290b: 0x00c0, + 0x290c: 0x00c0, 0x290d: 0x00c0, 0x290e: 0x00c0, 0x290f: 0x00c0, 0x2910: 0x00c0, 0x2911: 0x00c0, + 0x2912: 0x00c0, 0x2913: 0x00c0, 0x2914: 0x00c0, 0x2915: 0x00c0, 0x2916: 0x00c0, 0x2917: 0x00c0, + 0x2918: 0x00c0, 0x2919: 0x00c0, 0x291a: 0x00c0, 0x291b: 0x00c0, 0x291c: 0x00c0, 0x291d: 0x00c0, + 0x291e: 0x00c0, 0x291f: 0x00c0, 0x2920: 0x00c0, 0x2921: 0x00c0, 0x2922: 0x00c0, 0x2923: 0x00c0, + 0x2924: 0x00c0, 0x2925: 0x00c0, 0x2926: 0x00c0, 0x2927: 0x00c0, 0x2928: 0x00c0, 0x2929: 0x00c3, + 0x292a: 0x00c3, 0x292b: 0x00c3, 0x292c: 0x00c3, 0x292d: 0x00c3, 0x292e: 0x00c3, 0x292f: 0x00c0, + 0x2930: 0x00c0, 0x2931: 0x00c3, 0x2932: 0x00c3, 0x2933: 0x00c0, 0x2934: 0x00c0, 0x2935: 0x00c3, + 0x2936: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x2940 + 0x2940: 0x00c0, 0x2941: 0x00c0, 0x2942: 0x00c0, 0x2943: 0x00c3, 0x2944: 0x00c0, 0x2945: 0x00c0, + 0x2946: 0x00c0, 0x2947: 0x00c0, 0x2948: 0x00c0, 0x2949: 0x00c0, 0x294a: 0x00c0, 0x294b: 0x00c0, + 0x294c: 0x00c3, 0x294d: 0x00c0, 0x2950: 0x00c0, 0x2951: 0x00c0, + 0x2952: 0x00c0, 0x2953: 0x00c0, 0x2954: 0x00c0, 0x2955: 0x00c0, 0x2956: 0x00c0, 0x2957: 0x00c0, + 0x2958: 0x00c0, 0x2959: 0x00c0, 0x295c: 0x0080, 0x295d: 0x0080, + 0x295e: 0x0080, 0x295f: 0x0080, 0x2960: 0x00c0, 0x2961: 0x00c0, 0x2962: 0x00c0, 0x2963: 0x00c0, + 0x2964: 0x00c0, 0x2965: 0x00c0, 0x2966: 0x00c0, 0x2967: 0x00c0, 0x2968: 0x00c0, 0x2969: 0x00c0, + 0x296a: 0x00c0, 0x296b: 0x00c0, 0x296c: 0x00c0, 0x296d: 0x00c0, 0x296e: 0x00c0, 0x296f: 0x00c0, + 0x2970: 0x00c0, 0x2971: 0x00c0, 0x2972: 0x00c0, 0x2973: 0x00c0, 0x2974: 0x00c0, 0x2975: 0x00c0, + 0x2976: 0x00c0, 0x2977: 0x0080, 0x2978: 0x0080, 0x2979: 0x0080, 0x297a: 0x00c0, 0x297b: 0x00c0, + 0x297c: 0x00c3, 0x297d: 0x00c0, 0x297e: 0x00c0, 0x297f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x2980 + 0x2980: 0x00c0, 0x2981: 0x00c0, 0x2982: 0x00c0, 0x2983: 0x00c0, 0x2984: 0x00c0, 0x2985: 0x00c0, + 0x2986: 0x00c0, 0x2987: 0x00c0, 0x2988: 0x00c0, 0x2989: 0x00c0, 0x298a: 0x00c0, 0x298b: 0x00c0, + 0x298c: 0x00c0, 0x298d: 0x00c0, 0x298e: 0x00c0, 0x298f: 0x00c0, 0x2990: 0x00c0, 0x2991: 0x00c0, + 0x2992: 0x00c0, 0x2993: 0x00c0, 0x2994: 0x00c0, 0x2995: 0x00c0, 0x2996: 0x00c0, 0x2997: 0x00c0, + 0x2998: 0x00c0, 0x2999: 0x00c0, 0x299a: 0x00c0, 0x299b: 0x00c0, 0x299c: 0x00c0, 0x299d: 0x00c0, + 0x299e: 0x00c0, 0x299f: 0x00c0, 0x29a0: 0x00c0, 0x29a1: 0x00c0, 0x29a2: 0x00c0, 0x29a3: 0x00c0, + 0x29a4: 0x00c0, 0x29a5: 0x00c0, 0x29a6: 0x00c0, 0x29a7: 0x00c0, 0x29a8: 0x00c0, 0x29a9: 0x00c0, + 0x29aa: 0x00c0, 0x29ab: 0x00c0, 0x29ac: 0x00c0, 0x29ad: 0x00c0, 0x29ae: 0x00c0, 0x29af: 0x00c0, + 0x29b0: 0x00c3, 0x29b1: 0x00c0, 0x29b2: 0x00c3, 0x29b3: 0x00c3, 0x29b4: 0x00c3, 0x29b5: 0x00c0, + 0x29b6: 0x00c0, 0x29b7: 0x00c3, 0x29b8: 0x00c3, 0x29b9: 0x00c0, 0x29ba: 0x00c0, 0x29bb: 0x00c0, + 0x29bc: 0x00c0, 0x29bd: 0x00c0, 0x29be: 0x00c3, 0x29bf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x29c0 + 0x29c0: 0x00c0, 0x29c1: 0x00c3, 0x29c2: 0x00c0, + 0x29db: 0x00c0, 0x29dc: 0x00c0, 0x29dd: 0x00c0, + 0x29de: 0x0080, 0x29df: 0x0080, 0x29e0: 0x00c0, 0x29e1: 0x00c0, 0x29e2: 0x00c0, 0x29e3: 0x00c0, + 0x29e4: 0x00c0, 0x29e5: 0x00c0, 0x29e6: 0x00c0, 0x29e7: 0x00c0, 0x29e8: 0x00c0, 0x29e9: 0x00c0, + 0x29ea: 0x00c0, 0x29eb: 0x00c0, 0x29ec: 0x00c3, 0x29ed: 0x00c3, 0x29ee: 0x00c0, 0x29ef: 0x00c0, + 0x29f0: 0x0080, 0x29f1: 0x0080, 0x29f2: 0x00c0, 0x29f3: 0x00c0, 0x29f4: 0x00c0, 0x29f5: 0x00c0, + 0x29f6: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x2a00 + 0x2a01: 0x00c0, 0x2a02: 0x00c0, 0x2a03: 0x00c0, 0x2a04: 0x00c0, 0x2a05: 0x00c0, + 0x2a06: 0x00c0, 0x2a09: 0x00c0, 0x2a0a: 0x00c0, 0x2a0b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a0c: 0x00c0, 0x2a0d: 0x00c0, 0x2a0e: 0x00c0, 0x2a11: 0x00c0, + 0x2a12: 0x00c0, 0x2a13: 0x00c0, 0x2a14: 0x00c0, 0x2a15: 0x00c0, 0x2a16: 0x00c0, + 0x2a20: 0x00c0, 0x2a21: 0x00c0, 0x2a22: 0x00c0, 0x2a23: 0x00c0, + 0x2a24: 0x00c0, 0x2a25: 0x00c0, 0x2a26: 0x00c0, 0x2a28: 0x00c0, 0x2a29: 0x00c0, + 0x2a2a: 0x00c0, 0x2a2b: 0x00c0, 0x2a2c: 0x00c0, 0x2a2d: 0x00c0, 0x2a2e: 0x00c0, + 0x2a30: 0x00c0, 0x2a31: 0x00c0, 0x2a32: 0x00c0, 0x2a33: 0x00c0, 0x2a34: 0x00c0, 0x2a35: 0x00c0, + 0x2a36: 0x00c0, 0x2a37: 0x00c0, 0x2a38: 0x00c0, 0x2a39: 0x00c0, 0x2a3a: 0x00c0, 0x2a3b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a3c: 0x00c0, 0x2a3d: 0x00c0, 0x2a3e: 0x00c0, 0x2a3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x2a40 + 0x2a40: 0x00c0, 0x2a41: 0x00c0, 0x2a42: 0x00c0, 0x2a43: 0x00c0, 0x2a44: 0x00c0, 0x2a45: 0x00c0, + 0x2a46: 0x00c0, 0x2a47: 0x00c0, 0x2a48: 0x00c0, 0x2a49: 0x00c0, 0x2a4a: 0x00c0, 0x2a4b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a4c: 0x00c0, 0x2a4d: 0x00c0, 0x2a4e: 0x00c0, 0x2a4f: 0x00c0, 0x2a50: 0x00c0, 0x2a51: 0x00c0, + 0x2a52: 0x00c0, 0x2a53: 0x00c0, 0x2a54: 0x00c0, 0x2a55: 0x00c0, 0x2a56: 0x00c0, 0x2a57: 0x00c0, + 0x2a58: 0x00c0, 0x2a59: 0x00c0, 0x2a5a: 0x00c0, 0x2a5b: 0x0080, 0x2a5c: 0x0080, 0x2a5d: 0x0080, + 0x2a5e: 0x0080, 0x2a5f: 0x0080, 0x2a60: 0x00c0, 0x2a61: 0x00c0, 0x2a62: 0x00c0, 0x2a63: 0x00c0, + 0x2a64: 0x00c0, 0x2a65: 0x00c8, 0x2a66: 0x00c0, 0x2a67: 0x00c0, + 0x2a70: 0x00c0, 0x2a71: 0x00c0, 0x2a72: 0x00c0, 0x2a73: 0x00c0, 0x2a74: 0x00c0, 0x2a75: 0x00c0, + 0x2a76: 0x00c0, 0x2a77: 0x00c0, 0x2a78: 0x00c0, 0x2a79: 0x00c0, 0x2a7a: 0x00c0, 0x2a7b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a7c: 0x00c0, 0x2a7d: 0x00c0, 0x2a7e: 0x00c0, 0x2a7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x2a80 + 0x2a80: 0x00c0, 0x2a81: 0x00c0, 0x2a82: 0x00c0, 0x2a83: 0x00c0, 0x2a84: 0x00c0, 0x2a85: 0x00c0, + 0x2a86: 0x00c0, 0x2a87: 0x00c0, 0x2a88: 0x00c0, 0x2a89: 0x00c0, 0x2a8a: 0x00c0, 0x2a8b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a8c: 0x00c0, 0x2a8d: 0x00c0, 0x2a8e: 0x00c0, 0x2a8f: 0x00c0, 0x2a90: 0x00c0, 0x2a91: 0x00c0, + 0x2a92: 0x00c0, 0x2a93: 0x00c0, 0x2a94: 0x00c0, 0x2a95: 0x00c0, 0x2a96: 0x00c0, 0x2a97: 0x00c0, + 0x2a98: 0x00c0, 0x2a99: 0x00c0, 0x2a9a: 0x00c0, 0x2a9b: 0x00c0, 0x2a9c: 0x00c0, 0x2a9d: 0x00c0, + 0x2a9e: 0x00c0, 0x2a9f: 0x00c0, 0x2aa0: 0x00c0, 0x2aa1: 0x00c0, 0x2aa2: 0x00c0, 0x2aa3: 0x00c0, + 0x2aa4: 0x00c0, 0x2aa5: 0x00c3, 0x2aa6: 0x00c0, 0x2aa7: 0x00c0, 0x2aa8: 0x00c3, 0x2aa9: 0x00c0, + 0x2aaa: 0x00c0, 0x2aab: 0x0080, 0x2aac: 0x00c0, 0x2aad: 0x00c6, + 0x2ab0: 0x00c0, 0x2ab1: 0x00c0, 0x2ab2: 0x00c0, 0x2ab3: 0x00c0, 0x2ab4: 0x00c0, 0x2ab5: 0x00c0, + 0x2ab6: 0x00c0, 0x2ab7: 0x00c0, 0x2ab8: 0x00c0, 0x2ab9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x2ac0 + 0x2ac0: 0x00c0, 0x2ac1: 0x00c0, 0x2ac2: 0x00c0, 0x2ac3: 0x00c0, 0x2ac4: 0x00c0, 0x2ac5: 0x00c0, + 0x2ac6: 0x00c0, 0x2ac7: 0x00c0, 0x2ac8: 0x00c0, 0x2ac9: 0x00c0, 0x2aca: 0x00c0, 0x2acb: 0x00c0, + 0x2acc: 0x00c0, 0x2acd: 0x00c0, 0x2ace: 0x00c0, 0x2acf: 0x00c0, 0x2ad0: 0x00c0, 0x2ad1: 0x00c0, + 0x2ad2: 0x00c0, 0x2ad3: 0x00c0, 0x2ad4: 0x00c0, 0x2ad5: 0x00c0, 0x2ad6: 0x00c0, 0x2ad7: 0x00c0, + 0x2ad8: 0x00c0, 0x2ad9: 0x00c0, 0x2ada: 0x00c0, 0x2adb: 0x00c0, 0x2adc: 0x00c0, 0x2add: 0x00c0, + 0x2ade: 0x00c0, 0x2adf: 0x00c0, 0x2ae0: 0x00c0, 0x2ae1: 0x00c0, 0x2ae2: 0x00c0, 0x2ae3: 0x00c0, + 0x2af0: 0x0040, 0x2af1: 0x0040, 0x2af2: 0x0040, 0x2af3: 0x0040, 0x2af4: 0x0040, 0x2af5: 0x0040, + 0x2af6: 0x0040, 0x2af7: 0x0040, 0x2af8: 0x0040, 0x2af9: 0x0040, 0x2afa: 0x0040, 0x2afb: 0x0040, + 0x2afc: 0x0040, 0x2afd: 0x0040, 0x2afe: 0x0040, 0x2aff: 0x0040, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x2b00 + 0x2b00: 0x0040, 0x2b01: 0x0040, 0x2b02: 0x0040, 0x2b03: 0x0040, 0x2b04: 0x0040, 0x2b05: 0x0040, + 0x2b06: 0x0040, 0x2b0b: 0x0040, + 0x2b0c: 0x0040, 0x2b0d: 0x0040, 0x2b0e: 0x0040, 0x2b0f: 0x0040, 0x2b10: 0x0040, 0x2b11: 0x0040, + 0x2b12: 0x0040, 0x2b13: 0x0040, 0x2b14: 0x0040, 0x2b15: 0x0040, 0x2b16: 0x0040, 0x2b17: 0x0040, + 0x2b18: 0x0040, 0x2b19: 0x0040, 0x2b1a: 0x0040, 0x2b1b: 0x0040, 0x2b1c: 0x0040, 0x2b1d: 0x0040, + 0x2b1e: 0x0040, 0x2b1f: 0x0040, 0x2b20: 0x0040, 0x2b21: 0x0040, 0x2b22: 0x0040, 0x2b23: 0x0040, + 0x2b24: 0x0040, 0x2b25: 0x0040, 0x2b26: 0x0040, 0x2b27: 0x0040, 0x2b28: 0x0040, 0x2b29: 0x0040, + 0x2b2a: 0x0040, 0x2b2b: 0x0040, 0x2b2c: 0x0040, 0x2b2d: 0x0040, 0x2b2e: 0x0040, 0x2b2f: 0x0040, + 0x2b30: 0x0040, 0x2b31: 0x0040, 0x2b32: 0x0040, 0x2b33: 0x0040, 0x2b34: 0x0040, 0x2b35: 0x0040, + 0x2b36: 0x0040, 0x2b37: 0x0040, 0x2b38: 0x0040, 0x2b39: 0x0040, 0x2b3a: 0x0040, 0x2b3b: 0x0040, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x2b40 + 0x2b40: 0x008c, 0x2b41: 0x008c, 0x2b42: 0x008c, 0x2b43: 0x008c, 0x2b44: 0x008c, 0x2b45: 0x008c, + 0x2b46: 0x008c, 0x2b47: 0x008c, 0x2b48: 0x008c, 0x2b49: 0x008c, 0x2b4a: 0x008c, 0x2b4b: 0x008c, + 0x2b4c: 0x008c, 0x2b4d: 0x008c, 0x2b4e: 0x00cc, 0x2b4f: 0x00cc, 0x2b50: 0x008c, 0x2b51: 0x00cc, + 0x2b52: 0x008c, 0x2b53: 0x00cc, 0x2b54: 0x00cc, 0x2b55: 0x008c, 0x2b56: 0x008c, 0x2b57: 0x008c, + 0x2b58: 0x008c, 0x2b59: 0x008c, 0x2b5a: 0x008c, 0x2b5b: 0x008c, 0x2b5c: 0x008c, 0x2b5d: 0x008c, + 0x2b5e: 0x008c, 0x2b5f: 0x00cc, 0x2b60: 0x008c, 0x2b61: 0x00cc, 0x2b62: 0x008c, 0x2b63: 0x00cc, + 0x2b64: 0x00cc, 0x2b65: 0x008c, 0x2b66: 0x008c, 0x2b67: 0x00cc, 0x2b68: 0x00cc, 0x2b69: 0x00cc, + 0x2b6a: 0x008c, 0x2b6b: 0x008c, 0x2b6c: 0x008c, 0x2b6d: 0x008c, 0x2b6e: 0x008c, 0x2b6f: 0x008c, + 0x2b70: 0x008c, 0x2b71: 0x008c, 0x2b72: 0x008c, 0x2b73: 0x008c, 0x2b74: 0x008c, 0x2b75: 0x008c, + 0x2b76: 0x008c, 0x2b77: 0x008c, 0x2b78: 0x008c, 0x2b79: 0x008c, 0x2b7a: 0x008c, 0x2b7b: 0x008c, + 0x2b7c: 0x008c, 0x2b7d: 0x008c, 0x2b7e: 0x008c, 0x2b7f: 0x008c, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x2b80 + 0x2b80: 0x008c, 0x2b81: 0x008c, 0x2b82: 0x008c, 0x2b83: 0x008c, 0x2b84: 0x008c, 0x2b85: 0x008c, + 0x2b86: 0x008c, 0x2b87: 0x008c, 0x2b88: 0x008c, 0x2b89: 0x008c, 0x2b8a: 0x008c, 0x2b8b: 0x008c, + 0x2b8c: 0x008c, 0x2b8d: 0x008c, 0x2b8e: 0x008c, 0x2b8f: 0x008c, 0x2b90: 0x008c, 0x2b91: 0x008c, + 0x2b92: 0x008c, 0x2b93: 0x008c, 0x2b94: 0x008c, 0x2b95: 0x008c, 0x2b96: 0x008c, 0x2b97: 0x008c, + 0x2b98: 0x008c, 0x2b99: 0x008c, 0x2b9a: 0x008c, 0x2b9b: 0x008c, 0x2b9c: 0x008c, 0x2b9d: 0x008c, + 0x2b9e: 0x008c, 0x2b9f: 0x008c, 0x2ba0: 0x008c, 0x2ba1: 0x008c, 0x2ba2: 0x008c, 0x2ba3: 0x008c, + 0x2ba4: 0x008c, 0x2ba5: 0x008c, 0x2ba6: 0x008c, 0x2ba7: 0x008c, 0x2ba8: 0x008c, 0x2ba9: 0x008c, + 0x2baa: 0x008c, 0x2bab: 0x008c, 0x2bac: 0x008c, 0x2bad: 0x008c, + 0x2bb0: 0x008c, 0x2bb1: 0x008c, 0x2bb2: 0x008c, 0x2bb3: 0x008c, 0x2bb4: 0x008c, 0x2bb5: 0x008c, + 0x2bb6: 0x008c, 0x2bb7: 0x008c, 0x2bb8: 0x008c, 0x2bb9: 0x008c, 0x2bba: 0x008c, 0x2bbb: 0x008c, + 0x2bbc: 0x008c, 0x2bbd: 0x008c, 0x2bbe: 0x008c, 0x2bbf: 0x008c, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x2bc0 + 0x2bc0: 0x008c, 0x2bc1: 0x008c, 0x2bc2: 0x008c, 0x2bc3: 0x008c, 0x2bc4: 0x008c, 0x2bc5: 0x008c, + 0x2bc6: 0x008c, 0x2bc7: 0x008c, 0x2bc8: 0x008c, 0x2bc9: 0x008c, 0x2bca: 0x008c, 0x2bcb: 0x008c, + 0x2bcc: 0x008c, 0x2bcd: 0x008c, 0x2bce: 0x008c, 0x2bcf: 0x008c, 0x2bd0: 0x008c, 0x2bd1: 0x008c, + 0x2bd2: 0x008c, 0x2bd3: 0x008c, 0x2bd4: 0x008c, 0x2bd5: 0x008c, 0x2bd6: 0x008c, 0x2bd7: 0x008c, + 0x2bd8: 0x008c, 0x2bd9: 0x008c, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x2c00 + 0x2c00: 0x0080, 0x2c01: 0x0080, 0x2c02: 0x0080, 0x2c03: 0x0080, 0x2c04: 0x0080, 0x2c05: 0x0080, + 0x2c06: 0x0080, + 0x2c13: 0x0080, 0x2c14: 0x0080, 0x2c15: 0x0080, 0x2c16: 0x0080, 0x2c17: 0x0080, + 0x2c1d: 0x008a, + 0x2c1e: 0x00cb, 0x2c1f: 0x008a, 0x2c20: 0x008a, 0x2c21: 0x008a, 0x2c22: 0x008a, 0x2c23: 0x008a, + 0x2c24: 0x008a, 0x2c25: 0x008a, 0x2c26: 0x008a, 0x2c27: 0x008a, 0x2c28: 0x008a, 0x2c29: 0x008a, + 0x2c2a: 0x008a, 0x2c2b: 0x008a, 0x2c2c: 0x008a, 0x2c2d: 0x008a, 0x2c2e: 0x008a, 0x2c2f: 0x008a, + 0x2c30: 0x008a, 0x2c31: 0x008a, 0x2c32: 0x008a, 0x2c33: 0x008a, 0x2c34: 0x008a, 0x2c35: 0x008a, + 0x2c36: 0x008a, 0x2c38: 0x008a, 0x2c39: 0x008a, 0x2c3a: 0x008a, 0x2c3b: 0x008a, + 0x2c3c: 0x008a, 0x2c3e: 0x008a, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x2c40 + 0x2c40: 0x008a, 0x2c41: 0x008a, 0x2c43: 0x008a, 0x2c44: 0x008a, + 0x2c46: 0x008a, 0x2c47: 0x008a, 0x2c48: 0x008a, 0x2c49: 0x008a, 0x2c4a: 0x008a, 0x2c4b: 0x008a, + 0x2c4c: 0x008a, 0x2c4d: 0x008a, 0x2c4e: 0x008a, 0x2c4f: 0x008a, 0x2c50: 0x0080, 0x2c51: 0x0080, + 0x2c52: 0x0080, 0x2c53: 0x0080, 0x2c54: 0x0080, 0x2c55: 0x0080, 0x2c56: 0x0080, 0x2c57: 0x0080, + 0x2c58: 0x0080, 0x2c59: 0x0080, 0x2c5a: 0x0080, 0x2c5b: 0x0080, 0x2c5c: 0x0080, 0x2c5d: 0x0080, + 0x2c5e: 0x0080, 0x2c5f: 0x0080, 0x2c60: 0x0080, 0x2c61: 0x0080, 0x2c62: 0x0080, 0x2c63: 0x0080, + 0x2c64: 0x0080, 0x2c65: 0x0080, 0x2c66: 0x0080, 0x2c67: 0x0080, 0x2c68: 0x0080, 0x2c69: 0x0080, + 0x2c6a: 0x0080, 0x2c6b: 0x0080, 0x2c6c: 0x0080, 0x2c6d: 0x0080, 0x2c6e: 0x0080, 0x2c6f: 0x0080, + 0x2c70: 0x0080, 0x2c71: 0x0080, 0x2c72: 0x0080, 0x2c73: 0x0080, 0x2c74: 0x0080, 0x2c75: 0x0080, + 0x2c76: 0x0080, 0x2c77: 0x0080, 0x2c78: 0x0080, 0x2c79: 0x0080, 0x2c7a: 0x0080, 0x2c7b: 0x0080, + 0x2c7c: 0x0080, 0x2c7d: 0x0080, 0x2c7e: 0x0080, 0x2c7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x2c80 + 0x2c80: 0x0080, 0x2c81: 0x0080, + 0x2c93: 0x0080, 0x2c94: 0x0080, 0x2c95: 0x0080, 0x2c96: 0x0080, 0x2c97: 0x0080, + 0x2c98: 0x0080, 0x2c99: 0x0080, 0x2c9a: 0x0080, 0x2c9b: 0x0080, 0x2c9c: 0x0080, 0x2c9d: 0x0080, + 0x2c9e: 0x0080, 0x2c9f: 0x0080, 0x2ca0: 0x0080, 0x2ca1: 0x0080, 0x2ca2: 0x0080, 0x2ca3: 0x0080, + 0x2ca4: 0x0080, 0x2ca5: 0x0080, 0x2ca6: 0x0080, 0x2ca7: 0x0080, 0x2ca8: 0x0080, 0x2ca9: 0x0080, + 0x2caa: 0x0080, 0x2cab: 0x0080, 0x2cac: 0x0080, 0x2cad: 0x0080, 0x2cae: 0x0080, 0x2caf: 0x0080, + 0x2cb0: 0x0080, 0x2cb1: 0x0080, 0x2cb2: 0x0080, 0x2cb3: 0x0080, 0x2cb4: 0x0080, 0x2cb5: 0x0080, + 0x2cb6: 0x0080, 0x2cb7: 0x0080, 0x2cb8: 0x0080, 0x2cb9: 0x0080, 0x2cba: 0x0080, 0x2cbb: 0x0080, + 0x2cbc: 0x0080, 0x2cbd: 0x0080, 0x2cbe: 0x0080, 0x2cbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x2cc0 + 0x2cd0: 0x0080, 0x2cd1: 0x0080, + 0x2cd2: 0x0080, 0x2cd3: 0x0080, 0x2cd4: 0x0080, 0x2cd5: 0x0080, 0x2cd6: 0x0080, 0x2cd7: 0x0080, + 0x2cd8: 0x0080, 0x2cd9: 0x0080, 0x2cda: 0x0080, 0x2cdb: 0x0080, 0x2cdc: 0x0080, 0x2cdd: 0x0080, + 0x2cde: 0x0080, 0x2cdf: 0x0080, 0x2ce0: 0x0080, 0x2ce1: 0x0080, 0x2ce2: 0x0080, 0x2ce3: 0x0080, + 0x2ce4: 0x0080, 0x2ce5: 0x0080, 0x2ce6: 0x0080, 0x2ce7: 0x0080, 0x2ce8: 0x0080, 0x2ce9: 0x0080, + 0x2cea: 0x0080, 0x2ceb: 0x0080, 0x2cec: 0x0080, 0x2ced: 0x0080, 0x2cee: 0x0080, 0x2cef: 0x0080, + 0x2cf0: 0x0080, 0x2cf1: 0x0080, 0x2cf2: 0x0080, 0x2cf3: 0x0080, 0x2cf4: 0x0080, 0x2cf5: 0x0080, + 0x2cf6: 0x0080, 0x2cf7: 0x0080, 0x2cf8: 0x0080, 0x2cf9: 0x0080, 0x2cfa: 0x0080, 0x2cfb: 0x0080, + 0x2cfc: 0x0080, 0x2cfd: 0x0080, 0x2cfe: 0x0080, 0x2cff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x2d00 + 0x2d00: 0x0080, 0x2d01: 0x0080, 0x2d02: 0x0080, 0x2d03: 0x0080, 0x2d04: 0x0080, 0x2d05: 0x0080, + 0x2d06: 0x0080, 0x2d07: 0x0080, 0x2d08: 0x0080, 0x2d09: 0x0080, 0x2d0a: 0x0080, 0x2d0b: 0x0080, + 0x2d0c: 0x0080, 0x2d0d: 0x0080, 0x2d0e: 0x0080, 0x2d0f: 0x0080, + 0x2d12: 0x0080, 0x2d13: 0x0080, 0x2d14: 0x0080, 0x2d15: 0x0080, 0x2d16: 0x0080, 0x2d17: 0x0080, + 0x2d18: 0x0080, 0x2d19: 0x0080, 0x2d1a: 0x0080, 0x2d1b: 0x0080, 0x2d1c: 0x0080, 0x2d1d: 0x0080, + 0x2d1e: 0x0080, 0x2d1f: 0x0080, 0x2d20: 0x0080, 0x2d21: 0x0080, 0x2d22: 0x0080, 0x2d23: 0x0080, + 0x2d24: 0x0080, 0x2d25: 0x0080, 0x2d26: 0x0080, 0x2d27: 0x0080, 0x2d28: 0x0080, 0x2d29: 0x0080, + 0x2d2a: 0x0080, 0x2d2b: 0x0080, 0x2d2c: 0x0080, 0x2d2d: 0x0080, 0x2d2e: 0x0080, 0x2d2f: 0x0080, + 0x2d30: 0x0080, 0x2d31: 0x0080, 0x2d32: 0x0080, 0x2d33: 0x0080, 0x2d34: 0x0080, 0x2d35: 0x0080, + 0x2d36: 0x0080, 0x2d37: 0x0080, 0x2d38: 0x0080, 0x2d39: 0x0080, 0x2d3a: 0x0080, 0x2d3b: 0x0080, + 0x2d3c: 0x0080, 0x2d3d: 0x0080, 0x2d3e: 0x0080, 0x2d3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x2d40 + 0x2d40: 0x0080, 0x2d41: 0x0080, 0x2d42: 0x0080, 0x2d43: 0x0080, 0x2d44: 0x0080, 0x2d45: 0x0080, + 0x2d46: 0x0080, 0x2d47: 0x0080, + 0x2d70: 0x0080, 0x2d71: 0x0080, 0x2d72: 0x0080, 0x2d73: 0x0080, 0x2d74: 0x0080, 0x2d75: 0x0080, + 0x2d76: 0x0080, 0x2d77: 0x0080, 0x2d78: 0x0080, 0x2d79: 0x0080, 0x2d7a: 0x0080, 0x2d7b: 0x0080, + 0x2d7c: 0x0080, 0x2d7d: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x2d80 + 0x2d80: 0x0040, 0x2d81: 0x0040, 0x2d82: 0x0040, 0x2d83: 0x0040, 0x2d84: 0x0040, 0x2d85: 0x0040, + 0x2d86: 0x0040, 0x2d87: 0x0040, 0x2d88: 0x0040, 0x2d89: 0x0040, 0x2d8a: 0x0040, 0x2d8b: 0x0040, + 0x2d8c: 0x0040, 0x2d8d: 0x0040, 0x2d8e: 0x0040, 0x2d8f: 0x0040, 0x2d90: 0x0080, 0x2d91: 0x0080, + 0x2d92: 0x0080, 0x2d93: 0x0080, 0x2d94: 0x0080, 0x2d95: 0x0080, 0x2d96: 0x0080, 0x2d97: 0x0080, + 0x2d98: 0x0080, 0x2d99: 0x0080, + 0x2da0: 0x00c3, 0x2da1: 0x00c3, 0x2da2: 0x00c3, 0x2da3: 0x00c3, + 0x2da4: 0x00c3, 0x2da5: 0x00c3, 0x2da6: 0x00c3, 0x2da7: 0x00c3, 0x2da8: 0x00c3, 0x2da9: 0x00c3, + 0x2daa: 0x00c3, 0x2dab: 0x00c3, 0x2dac: 0x00c3, 0x2dad: 0x00c3, 0x2dae: 0x00c3, 0x2daf: 0x00c3, + 0x2db0: 0x0080, 0x2db1: 0x0080, 0x2db2: 0x0080, 0x2db3: 0x0080, 0x2db4: 0x0080, 0x2db5: 0x0080, + 0x2db6: 0x0080, 0x2db7: 0x0080, 0x2db8: 0x0080, 0x2db9: 0x0080, 0x2dba: 0x0080, 0x2dbb: 0x0080, + 0x2dbc: 0x0080, 0x2dbd: 0x0080, 0x2dbe: 0x0080, 0x2dbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x2dc0 + 0x2dc0: 0x0080, 0x2dc1: 0x0080, 0x2dc2: 0x0080, 0x2dc3: 0x0080, 0x2dc4: 0x0080, 0x2dc5: 0x0080, + 0x2dc6: 0x0080, 0x2dc7: 0x0080, 0x2dc8: 0x0080, 0x2dc9: 0x0080, 0x2dca: 0x0080, 0x2dcb: 0x0080, + 0x2dcc: 0x0080, 0x2dcd: 0x0080, 0x2dce: 0x0080, 0x2dcf: 0x0080, 0x2dd0: 0x0080, 0x2dd1: 0x0080, + 0x2dd2: 0x0080, 0x2dd4: 0x0080, 0x2dd5: 0x0080, 0x2dd6: 0x0080, 0x2dd7: 0x0080, + 0x2dd8: 0x0080, 0x2dd9: 0x0080, 0x2dda: 0x0080, 0x2ddb: 0x0080, 0x2ddc: 0x0080, 0x2ddd: 0x0080, + 0x2dde: 0x0080, 0x2ddf: 0x0080, 0x2de0: 0x0080, 0x2de1: 0x0080, 0x2de2: 0x0080, 0x2de3: 0x0080, + 0x2de4: 0x0080, 0x2de5: 0x0080, 0x2de6: 0x0080, 0x2de8: 0x0080, 0x2de9: 0x0080, + 0x2dea: 0x0080, 0x2deb: 0x0080, + 0x2df0: 0x0080, 0x2df1: 0x0080, 0x2df2: 0x0080, 0x2df3: 0x00c0, 0x2df4: 0x0080, + 0x2df6: 0x0080, 0x2df7: 0x0080, 0x2df8: 0x0080, 0x2df9: 0x0080, 0x2dfa: 0x0080, 0x2dfb: 0x0080, + 0x2dfc: 0x0080, 0x2dfd: 0x0080, 0x2dfe: 0x0080, 0x2dff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x2e00 + 0x2e00: 0x0080, 0x2e01: 0x0080, 0x2e02: 0x0080, 0x2e03: 0x0080, 0x2e04: 0x0080, 0x2e05: 0x0080, + 0x2e06: 0x0080, 0x2e07: 0x0080, 0x2e08: 0x0080, 0x2e09: 0x0080, 0x2e0a: 0x0080, 0x2e0b: 0x0080, + 0x2e0c: 0x0080, 0x2e0d: 0x0080, 0x2e0e: 0x0080, 0x2e0f: 0x0080, 0x2e10: 0x0080, 0x2e11: 0x0080, + 0x2e12: 0x0080, 0x2e13: 0x0080, 0x2e14: 0x0080, 0x2e15: 0x0080, 0x2e16: 0x0080, 0x2e17: 0x0080, + 0x2e18: 0x0080, 0x2e19: 0x0080, 0x2e1a: 0x0080, 0x2e1b: 0x0080, 0x2e1c: 0x0080, 0x2e1d: 0x0080, + 0x2e1e: 0x0080, 0x2e1f: 0x0080, 0x2e20: 0x0080, 0x2e21: 0x0080, 0x2e22: 0x0080, 0x2e23: 0x0080, + 0x2e24: 0x0080, 0x2e25: 0x0080, 0x2e26: 0x0080, 0x2e27: 0x0080, 0x2e28: 0x0080, 0x2e29: 0x0080, + 0x2e2a: 0x0080, 0x2e2b: 0x0080, 0x2e2c: 0x0080, 0x2e2d: 0x0080, 0x2e2e: 0x0080, 0x2e2f: 0x0080, + 0x2e30: 0x0080, 0x2e31: 0x0080, 0x2e32: 0x0080, 0x2e33: 0x0080, 0x2e34: 0x0080, 0x2e35: 0x0080, + 0x2e36: 0x0080, 0x2e37: 0x0080, 0x2e38: 0x0080, 0x2e39: 0x0080, 0x2e3a: 0x0080, 0x2e3b: 0x0080, + 0x2e3c: 0x0080, 0x2e3f: 0x0040, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x2e40 + 0x2e41: 0x0080, 0x2e42: 0x0080, 0x2e43: 0x0080, 0x2e44: 0x0080, 0x2e45: 0x0080, + 0x2e46: 0x0080, 0x2e47: 0x0080, 0x2e48: 0x0080, 0x2e49: 0x0080, 0x2e4a: 0x0080, 0x2e4b: 0x0080, + 0x2e4c: 0x0080, 0x2e4d: 0x0080, 0x2e4e: 0x0080, 0x2e4f: 0x0080, 0x2e50: 0x0080, 0x2e51: 0x0080, + 0x2e52: 0x0080, 0x2e53: 0x0080, 0x2e54: 0x0080, 0x2e55: 0x0080, 0x2e56: 0x0080, 0x2e57: 0x0080, + 0x2e58: 0x0080, 0x2e59: 0x0080, 0x2e5a: 0x0080, 0x2e5b: 0x0080, 0x2e5c: 0x0080, 0x2e5d: 0x0080, + 0x2e5e: 0x0080, 0x2e5f: 0x0080, 0x2e60: 0x0080, 0x2e61: 0x0080, 0x2e62: 0x0080, 0x2e63: 0x0080, + 0x2e64: 0x0080, 0x2e65: 0x0080, 0x2e66: 0x0080, 0x2e67: 0x0080, 0x2e68: 0x0080, 0x2e69: 0x0080, + 0x2e6a: 0x0080, 0x2e6b: 0x0080, 0x2e6c: 0x0080, 0x2e6d: 0x0080, 0x2e6e: 0x0080, 0x2e6f: 0x0080, + 0x2e70: 0x0080, 0x2e71: 0x0080, 0x2e72: 0x0080, 0x2e73: 0x0080, 0x2e74: 0x0080, 0x2e75: 0x0080, + 0x2e76: 0x0080, 0x2e77: 0x0080, 0x2e78: 0x0080, 0x2e79: 0x0080, 0x2e7a: 0x0080, 0x2e7b: 0x0080, + 0x2e7c: 0x0080, 0x2e7d: 0x0080, 0x2e7e: 0x0080, 0x2e7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x2e80 + 0x2e80: 0x0080, 0x2e81: 0x0080, 0x2e82: 0x0080, 0x2e83: 0x0080, 0x2e84: 0x0080, 0x2e85: 0x0080, + 0x2e86: 0x0080, 0x2e87: 0x0080, 0x2e88: 0x0080, 0x2e89: 0x0080, 0x2e8a: 0x0080, 0x2e8b: 0x0080, + 0x2e8c: 0x0080, 0x2e8d: 0x0080, 0x2e8e: 0x0080, 0x2e8f: 0x0080, 0x2e90: 0x0080, 0x2e91: 0x0080, + 0x2e92: 0x0080, 0x2e93: 0x0080, 0x2e94: 0x0080, 0x2e95: 0x0080, 0x2e96: 0x0080, 0x2e97: 0x0080, + 0x2e98: 0x0080, 0x2e99: 0x0080, 0x2e9a: 0x0080, 0x2e9b: 0x0080, 0x2e9c: 0x0080, 0x2e9d: 0x0080, + 0x2e9e: 0x0080, 0x2e9f: 0x0080, 0x2ea0: 0x0080, 0x2ea1: 0x0080, 0x2ea2: 0x0080, 0x2ea3: 0x0080, + 0x2ea4: 0x0080, 0x2ea5: 0x0080, 0x2ea6: 0x008c, 0x2ea7: 0x008c, 0x2ea8: 0x008c, 0x2ea9: 0x008c, + 0x2eaa: 0x008c, 0x2eab: 0x008c, 0x2eac: 0x008c, 0x2ead: 0x008c, 0x2eae: 0x008c, 0x2eaf: 0x008c, + 0x2eb0: 0x0080, 0x2eb1: 0x008c, 0x2eb2: 0x008c, 0x2eb3: 0x008c, 0x2eb4: 0x008c, 0x2eb5: 0x008c, + 0x2eb6: 0x008c, 0x2eb7: 0x008c, 0x2eb8: 0x008c, 0x2eb9: 0x008c, 0x2eba: 0x008c, 0x2ebb: 0x008c, + 0x2ebc: 0x008c, 0x2ebd: 0x008c, 0x2ebe: 0x008c, 0x2ebf: 0x008c, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x2ec0 + 0x2ec0: 0x008c, 0x2ec1: 0x008c, 0x2ec2: 0x008c, 0x2ec3: 0x008c, 0x2ec4: 0x008c, 0x2ec5: 0x008c, + 0x2ec6: 0x008c, 0x2ec7: 0x008c, 0x2ec8: 0x008c, 0x2ec9: 0x008c, 0x2eca: 0x008c, 0x2ecb: 0x008c, + 0x2ecc: 0x008c, 0x2ecd: 0x008c, 0x2ece: 0x008c, 0x2ecf: 0x008c, 0x2ed0: 0x008c, 0x2ed1: 0x008c, + 0x2ed2: 0x008c, 0x2ed3: 0x008c, 0x2ed4: 0x008c, 0x2ed5: 0x008c, 0x2ed6: 0x008c, 0x2ed7: 0x008c, + 0x2ed8: 0x008c, 0x2ed9: 0x008c, 0x2eda: 0x008c, 0x2edb: 0x008c, 0x2edc: 0x008c, 0x2edd: 0x008c, + 0x2ede: 0x0080, 0x2edf: 0x0080, 0x2ee0: 0x0040, 0x2ee1: 0x0080, 0x2ee2: 0x0080, 0x2ee3: 0x0080, + 0x2ee4: 0x0080, 0x2ee5: 0x0080, 0x2ee6: 0x0080, 0x2ee7: 0x0080, 0x2ee8: 0x0080, 0x2ee9: 0x0080, + 0x2eea: 0x0080, 0x2eeb: 0x0080, 0x2eec: 0x0080, 0x2eed: 0x0080, 0x2eee: 0x0080, 0x2eef: 0x0080, + 0x2ef0: 0x0080, 0x2ef1: 0x0080, 0x2ef2: 0x0080, 0x2ef3: 0x0080, 0x2ef4: 0x0080, 0x2ef5: 0x0080, + 0x2ef6: 0x0080, 0x2ef7: 0x0080, 0x2ef8: 0x0080, 0x2ef9: 0x0080, 0x2efa: 0x0080, 0x2efb: 0x0080, + 0x2efc: 0x0080, 0x2efd: 0x0080, 0x2efe: 0x0080, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x2f00 + 0x2f02: 0x0080, 0x2f03: 0x0080, 0x2f04: 0x0080, 0x2f05: 0x0080, + 0x2f06: 0x0080, 0x2f07: 0x0080, 0x2f0a: 0x0080, 0x2f0b: 0x0080, + 0x2f0c: 0x0080, 0x2f0d: 0x0080, 0x2f0e: 0x0080, 0x2f0f: 0x0080, + 0x2f12: 0x0080, 0x2f13: 0x0080, 0x2f14: 0x0080, 0x2f15: 0x0080, 0x2f16: 0x0080, 0x2f17: 0x0080, + 0x2f1a: 0x0080, 0x2f1b: 0x0080, 0x2f1c: 0x0080, + 0x2f20: 0x0080, 0x2f21: 0x0080, 0x2f22: 0x0080, 0x2f23: 0x0080, + 0x2f24: 0x0080, 0x2f25: 0x0080, 0x2f26: 0x0080, 0x2f28: 0x0080, 0x2f29: 0x0080, + 0x2f2a: 0x0080, 0x2f2b: 0x0080, 0x2f2c: 0x0080, 0x2f2d: 0x0080, 0x2f2e: 0x0080, + 0x2f39: 0x0040, 0x2f3a: 0x0040, 0x2f3b: 0x0040, + 0x2f3c: 0x0080, 0x2f3d: 0x0080, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x2f40 + 0x2f40: 0x00c0, 0x2f41: 0x00c0, 0x2f42: 0x00c0, 0x2f43: 0x00c0, 0x2f44: 0x00c0, 0x2f45: 0x00c0, + 0x2f46: 0x00c0, 0x2f47: 0x00c0, 0x2f48: 0x00c0, 0x2f49: 0x00c0, 0x2f4a: 0x00c0, 0x2f4b: 0x00c0, + 0x2f4d: 0x00c0, 0x2f4e: 0x00c0, 0x2f4f: 0x00c0, 0x2f50: 0x00c0, 0x2f51: 0x00c0, + 0x2f52: 0x00c0, 0x2f53: 0x00c0, 0x2f54: 0x00c0, 0x2f55: 0x00c0, 0x2f56: 0x00c0, 0x2f57: 0x00c0, + 0x2f58: 0x00c0, 0x2f59: 0x00c0, 0x2f5a: 0x00c0, 0x2f5b: 0x00c0, 0x2f5c: 0x00c0, 0x2f5d: 0x00c0, + 0x2f5e: 0x00c0, 0x2f5f: 0x00c0, 0x2f60: 0x00c0, 0x2f61: 0x00c0, 0x2f62: 0x00c0, 0x2f63: 0x00c0, + 0x2f64: 0x00c0, 0x2f65: 0x00c0, 0x2f66: 0x00c0, 0x2f68: 0x00c0, 0x2f69: 0x00c0, + 0x2f6a: 0x00c0, 0x2f6b: 0x00c0, 0x2f6c: 0x00c0, 0x2f6d: 0x00c0, 0x2f6e: 0x00c0, 0x2f6f: 0x00c0, + 0x2f70: 0x00c0, 0x2f71: 0x00c0, 0x2f72: 0x00c0, 0x2f73: 0x00c0, 0x2f74: 0x00c0, 0x2f75: 0x00c0, + 0x2f76: 0x00c0, 0x2f77: 0x00c0, 0x2f78: 0x00c0, 0x2f79: 0x00c0, 0x2f7a: 0x00c0, + 0x2f7c: 0x00c0, 0x2f7d: 0x00c0, 0x2f7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x2f80 + 0x2f80: 0x00c0, 0x2f81: 0x00c0, 0x2f82: 0x00c0, 0x2f83: 0x00c0, 0x2f84: 0x00c0, 0x2f85: 0x00c0, + 0x2f86: 0x00c0, 0x2f87: 0x00c0, 0x2f88: 0x00c0, 0x2f89: 0x00c0, 0x2f8a: 0x00c0, 0x2f8b: 0x00c0, + 0x2f8c: 0x00c0, 0x2f8d: 0x00c0, 0x2f90: 0x00c0, 0x2f91: 0x00c0, + 0x2f92: 0x00c0, 0x2f93: 0x00c0, 0x2f94: 0x00c0, 0x2f95: 0x00c0, 0x2f96: 0x00c0, 0x2f97: 0x00c0, + 0x2f98: 0x00c0, 0x2f99: 0x00c0, 0x2f9a: 0x00c0, 0x2f9b: 0x00c0, 0x2f9c: 0x00c0, 0x2f9d: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x2fc0 + 0x2fc0: 0x00c0, 0x2fc1: 0x00c0, 0x2fc2: 0x00c0, 0x2fc3: 0x00c0, 0x2fc4: 0x00c0, 0x2fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x2fc6: 0x00c0, 0x2fc7: 0x00c0, 0x2fc8: 0x00c0, 0x2fc9: 0x00c0, 0x2fca: 0x00c0, 0x2fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x2fcc: 0x00c0, 0x2fcd: 0x00c0, 0x2fce: 0x00c0, 0x2fcf: 0x00c0, 0x2fd0: 0x00c0, 0x2fd1: 0x00c0, + 0x2fd2: 0x00c0, 0x2fd3: 0x00c0, 0x2fd4: 0x00c0, 0x2fd5: 0x00c0, 0x2fd6: 0x00c0, 0x2fd7: 0x00c0, + 0x2fd8: 0x00c0, 0x2fd9: 0x00c0, 0x2fda: 0x00c0, 0x2fdb: 0x00c0, 0x2fdc: 0x00c0, 0x2fdd: 0x00c0, + 0x2fde: 0x00c0, 0x2fdf: 0x00c0, 0x2fe0: 0x00c0, 0x2fe1: 0x00c0, 0x2fe2: 0x00c0, 0x2fe3: 0x00c0, + 0x2fe4: 0x00c0, 0x2fe5: 0x00c0, 0x2fe6: 0x00c0, 0x2fe7: 0x00c0, 0x2fe8: 0x00c0, 0x2fe9: 0x00c0, + 0x2fea: 0x00c0, 0x2feb: 0x00c0, 0x2fec: 0x00c0, 0x2fed: 0x00c0, 0x2fee: 0x00c0, 0x2fef: 0x00c0, + 0x2ff0: 0x00c0, 0x2ff1: 0x00c0, 0x2ff2: 0x00c0, 0x2ff3: 0x00c0, 0x2ff4: 0x00c0, 0x2ff5: 0x00c0, + 0x2ff6: 0x00c0, 0x2ff7: 0x00c0, 0x2ff8: 0x00c0, 0x2ff9: 0x00c0, 0x2ffa: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x3000 + 0x3000: 0x0080, 0x3001: 0x0080, 0x3002: 0x0080, + 0x3007: 0x0080, 0x3008: 0x0080, 0x3009: 0x0080, 0x300a: 0x0080, 0x300b: 0x0080, + 0x300c: 0x0080, 0x300d: 0x0080, 0x300e: 0x0080, 0x300f: 0x0080, 0x3010: 0x0080, 0x3011: 0x0080, + 0x3012: 0x0080, 0x3013: 0x0080, 0x3014: 0x0080, 0x3015: 0x0080, 0x3016: 0x0080, 0x3017: 0x0080, + 0x3018: 0x0080, 0x3019: 0x0080, 0x301a: 0x0080, 0x301b: 0x0080, 0x301c: 0x0080, 0x301d: 0x0080, + 0x301e: 0x0080, 0x301f: 0x0080, 0x3020: 0x0080, 0x3021: 0x0080, 0x3022: 0x0080, 0x3023: 0x0080, + 0x3024: 0x0080, 0x3025: 0x0080, 0x3026: 0x0080, 0x3027: 0x0080, 0x3028: 0x0080, 0x3029: 0x0080, + 0x302a: 0x0080, 0x302b: 0x0080, 0x302c: 0x0080, 0x302d: 0x0080, 0x302e: 0x0080, 0x302f: 0x0080, + 0x3030: 0x0080, 0x3031: 0x0080, 0x3032: 0x0080, 0x3033: 0x0080, + 0x3037: 0x0080, 0x3038: 0x0080, 0x3039: 0x0080, 0x303a: 0x0080, 0x303b: 0x0080, + 0x303c: 0x0080, 0x303d: 0x0080, 0x303e: 0x0080, 0x303f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x3040 + 0x3040: 0x0088, 0x3041: 0x0088, 0x3042: 0x0088, 0x3043: 0x0088, 0x3044: 0x0088, 0x3045: 0x0088, + 0x3046: 0x0088, 0x3047: 0x0088, 0x3048: 0x0088, 0x3049: 0x0088, 0x304a: 0x0088, 0x304b: 0x0088, + 0x304c: 0x0088, 0x304d: 0x0088, 0x304e: 0x0088, 0x304f: 0x0088, 0x3050: 0x0088, 0x3051: 0x0088, + 0x3052: 0x0088, 0x3053: 0x0088, 0x3054: 0x0088, 0x3055: 0x0088, 0x3056: 0x0088, 0x3057: 0x0088, + 0x3058: 0x0088, 0x3059: 0x0088, 0x305a: 0x0088, 0x305b: 0x0088, 0x305c: 0x0088, 0x305d: 0x0088, + 0x305e: 0x0088, 0x305f: 0x0088, 0x3060: 0x0088, 0x3061: 0x0088, 0x3062: 0x0088, 0x3063: 0x0088, + 0x3064: 0x0088, 0x3065: 0x0088, 0x3066: 0x0088, 0x3067: 0x0088, 0x3068: 0x0088, 0x3069: 0x0088, + 0x306a: 0x0088, 0x306b: 0x0088, 0x306c: 0x0088, 0x306d: 0x0088, 0x306e: 0x0088, 0x306f: 0x0088, + 0x3070: 0x0088, 0x3071: 0x0088, 0x3072: 0x0088, 0x3073: 0x0088, 0x3074: 0x0088, 0x3075: 0x0088, + 0x3076: 0x0088, 0x3077: 0x0088, 0x3078: 0x0088, 0x3079: 0x0088, 0x307a: 0x0088, 0x307b: 0x0088, + 0x307c: 0x0088, 0x307d: 0x0088, 0x307e: 0x0088, 0x307f: 0x0088, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x3080 + 0x3080: 0x0088, 0x3081: 0x0088, 0x3082: 0x0088, 0x3083: 0x0088, 0x3084: 0x0088, 0x3085: 0x0088, + 0x3086: 0x0088, 0x3087: 0x0088, 0x3088: 0x0088, 0x3089: 0x0088, 0x308a: 0x0088, 0x308b: 0x0088, + 0x308c: 0x0088, 0x308d: 0x0088, 0x308e: 0x0088, 0x3090: 0x0080, 0x3091: 0x0080, + 0x3092: 0x0080, 0x3093: 0x0080, 0x3094: 0x0080, 0x3095: 0x0080, 0x3096: 0x0080, 0x3097: 0x0080, + 0x3098: 0x0080, 0x3099: 0x0080, 0x309a: 0x0080, 0x309b: 0x0080, + 0x30a0: 0x0088, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x30c0 + 0x30d0: 0x0080, 0x30d1: 0x0080, + 0x30d2: 0x0080, 0x30d3: 0x0080, 0x30d4: 0x0080, 0x30d5: 0x0080, 0x30d6: 0x0080, 0x30d7: 0x0080, + 0x30d8: 0x0080, 0x30d9: 0x0080, 0x30da: 0x0080, 0x30db: 0x0080, 0x30dc: 0x0080, 0x30dd: 0x0080, + 0x30de: 0x0080, 0x30df: 0x0080, 0x30e0: 0x0080, 0x30e1: 0x0080, 0x30e2: 0x0080, 0x30e3: 0x0080, + 0x30e4: 0x0080, 0x30e5: 0x0080, 0x30e6: 0x0080, 0x30e7: 0x0080, 0x30e8: 0x0080, 0x30e9: 0x0080, + 0x30ea: 0x0080, 0x30eb: 0x0080, 0x30ec: 0x0080, 0x30ed: 0x0080, 0x30ee: 0x0080, 0x30ef: 0x0080, + 0x30f0: 0x0080, 0x30f1: 0x0080, 0x30f2: 0x0080, 0x30f3: 0x0080, 0x30f4: 0x0080, 0x30f5: 0x0080, + 0x30f6: 0x0080, 0x30f7: 0x0080, 0x30f8: 0x0080, 0x30f9: 0x0080, 0x30fa: 0x0080, 0x30fb: 0x0080, + 0x30fc: 0x0080, 0x30fd: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x3100 + 0x3100: 0x00c0, 0x3101: 0x00c0, 0x3102: 0x00c0, 0x3103: 0x00c0, 0x3104: 0x00c0, 0x3105: 0x00c0, + 0x3106: 0x00c0, 0x3107: 0x00c0, 0x3108: 0x00c0, 0x3109: 0x00c0, 0x310a: 0x00c0, 0x310b: 0x00c0, + 0x310c: 0x00c0, 0x310d: 0x00c0, 0x310e: 0x00c0, 0x310f: 0x00c0, 0x3110: 0x00c0, 0x3111: 0x00c0, + 0x3112: 0x00c0, 0x3113: 0x00c0, 0x3114: 0x00c0, 0x3115: 0x00c0, 0x3116: 0x00c0, 0x3117: 0x00c0, + 0x3118: 0x00c0, 0x3119: 0x00c0, 0x311a: 0x00c0, 0x311b: 0x00c0, 0x311c: 0x00c0, + 0x3120: 0x00c0, 0x3121: 0x00c0, 0x3122: 0x00c0, 0x3123: 0x00c0, + 0x3124: 0x00c0, 0x3125: 0x00c0, 0x3126: 0x00c0, 0x3127: 0x00c0, 0x3128: 0x00c0, 0x3129: 0x00c0, + 0x312a: 0x00c0, 0x312b: 0x00c0, 0x312c: 0x00c0, 0x312d: 0x00c0, 0x312e: 0x00c0, 0x312f: 0x00c0, + 0x3130: 0x00c0, 0x3131: 0x00c0, 0x3132: 0x00c0, 0x3133: 0x00c0, 0x3134: 0x00c0, 0x3135: 0x00c0, + 0x3136: 0x00c0, 0x3137: 0x00c0, 0x3138: 0x00c0, 0x3139: 0x00c0, 0x313a: 0x00c0, 0x313b: 0x00c0, + 0x313c: 0x00c0, 0x313d: 0x00c0, 0x313e: 0x00c0, 0x313f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x3140 + 0x3140: 0x00c0, 0x3141: 0x00c0, 0x3142: 0x00c0, 0x3143: 0x00c0, 0x3144: 0x00c0, 0x3145: 0x00c0, + 0x3146: 0x00c0, 0x3147: 0x00c0, 0x3148: 0x00c0, 0x3149: 0x00c0, 0x314a: 0x00c0, 0x314b: 0x00c0, + 0x314c: 0x00c0, 0x314d: 0x00c0, 0x314e: 0x00c0, 0x314f: 0x00c0, 0x3150: 0x00c0, + 0x3160: 0x00c3, 0x3161: 0x0080, 0x3162: 0x0080, 0x3163: 0x0080, + 0x3164: 0x0080, 0x3165: 0x0080, 0x3166: 0x0080, 0x3167: 0x0080, 0x3168: 0x0080, 0x3169: 0x0080, + 0x316a: 0x0080, 0x316b: 0x0080, 0x316c: 0x0080, 0x316d: 0x0080, 0x316e: 0x0080, 0x316f: 0x0080, + 0x3170: 0x0080, 0x3171: 0x0080, 0x3172: 0x0080, 0x3173: 0x0080, 0x3174: 0x0080, 0x3175: 0x0080, + 0x3176: 0x0080, 0x3177: 0x0080, 0x3178: 0x0080, 0x3179: 0x0080, 0x317a: 0x0080, 0x317b: 0x0080, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x3180 + 0x3180: 0x00c0, 0x3181: 0x00c0, 0x3182: 0x00c0, 0x3183: 0x00c0, 0x3184: 0x00c0, 0x3185: 0x00c0, + 0x3186: 0x00c0, 0x3187: 0x00c0, 0x3188: 0x00c0, 0x3189: 0x00c0, 0x318a: 0x00c0, 0x318b: 0x00c0, + 0x318c: 0x00c0, 0x318d: 0x00c0, 0x318e: 0x00c0, 0x318f: 0x00c0, 0x3190: 0x00c0, 0x3191: 0x00c0, + 0x3192: 0x00c0, 0x3193: 0x00c0, 0x3194: 0x00c0, 0x3195: 0x00c0, 0x3196: 0x00c0, 0x3197: 0x00c0, + 0x3198: 0x00c0, 0x3199: 0x00c0, 0x319a: 0x00c0, 0x319b: 0x00c0, 0x319c: 0x00c0, 0x319d: 0x00c0, + 0x319e: 0x00c0, 0x319f: 0x00c0, 0x31a0: 0x0080, 0x31a1: 0x0080, 0x31a2: 0x0080, 0x31a3: 0x0080, + 0x31ad: 0x00c0, 0x31ae: 0x00c0, 0x31af: 0x00c0, + 0x31b0: 0x00c0, 0x31b1: 0x00c0, 0x31b2: 0x00c0, 0x31b3: 0x00c0, 0x31b4: 0x00c0, 0x31b5: 0x00c0, + 0x31b6: 0x00c0, 0x31b7: 0x00c0, 0x31b8: 0x00c0, 0x31b9: 0x00c0, 0x31ba: 0x00c0, 0x31bb: 0x00c0, + 0x31bc: 0x00c0, 0x31bd: 0x00c0, 0x31be: 0x00c0, 0x31bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x31c0 + 0x31c0: 0x00c0, 0x31c1: 0x0080, 0x31c2: 0x00c0, 0x31c3: 0x00c0, 0x31c4: 0x00c0, 0x31c5: 0x00c0, + 0x31c6: 0x00c0, 0x31c7: 0x00c0, 0x31c8: 0x00c0, 0x31c9: 0x00c0, 0x31ca: 0x0080, + 0x31d0: 0x00c0, 0x31d1: 0x00c0, + 0x31d2: 0x00c0, 0x31d3: 0x00c0, 0x31d4: 0x00c0, 0x31d5: 0x00c0, 0x31d6: 0x00c0, 0x31d7: 0x00c0, + 0x31d8: 0x00c0, 0x31d9: 0x00c0, 0x31da: 0x00c0, 0x31db: 0x00c0, 0x31dc: 0x00c0, 0x31dd: 0x00c0, + 0x31de: 0x00c0, 0x31df: 0x00c0, 0x31e0: 0x00c0, 0x31e1: 0x00c0, 0x31e2: 0x00c0, 0x31e3: 0x00c0, + 0x31e4: 0x00c0, 0x31e5: 0x00c0, 0x31e6: 0x00c0, 0x31e7: 0x00c0, 0x31e8: 0x00c0, 0x31e9: 0x00c0, + 0x31ea: 0x00c0, 0x31eb: 0x00c0, 0x31ec: 0x00c0, 0x31ed: 0x00c0, 0x31ee: 0x00c0, 0x31ef: 0x00c0, + 0x31f0: 0x00c0, 0x31f1: 0x00c0, 0x31f2: 0x00c0, 0x31f3: 0x00c0, 0x31f4: 0x00c0, 0x31f5: 0x00c0, + 0x31f6: 0x00c3, 0x31f7: 0x00c3, 0x31f8: 0x00c3, 0x31f9: 0x00c3, 0x31fa: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x3200 + 0x3200: 0x00c0, 0x3201: 0x00c0, 0x3202: 0x00c0, 0x3203: 0x00c0, 0x3204: 0x00c0, 0x3205: 0x00c0, + 0x3206: 0x00c0, 0x3207: 0x00c0, 0x3208: 0x00c0, 0x3209: 0x00c0, 0x320a: 0x00c0, 0x320b: 0x00c0, + 0x320c: 0x00c0, 0x320d: 0x00c0, 0x320e: 0x00c0, 0x320f: 0x00c0, 0x3210: 0x00c0, 0x3211: 0x00c0, + 0x3212: 0x00c0, 0x3213: 0x00c0, 0x3214: 0x00c0, 0x3215: 0x00c0, 0x3216: 0x00c0, 0x3217: 0x00c0, + 0x3218: 0x00c0, 0x3219: 0x00c0, 0x321a: 0x00c0, 0x321b: 0x00c0, 0x321c: 0x00c0, 0x321d: 0x00c0, + 0x321f: 0x0080, 0x3220: 0x00c0, 0x3221: 0x00c0, 0x3222: 0x00c0, 0x3223: 0x00c0, + 0x3224: 0x00c0, 0x3225: 0x00c0, 0x3226: 0x00c0, 0x3227: 0x00c0, 0x3228: 0x00c0, 0x3229: 0x00c0, + 0x322a: 0x00c0, 0x322b: 0x00c0, 0x322c: 0x00c0, 0x322d: 0x00c0, 0x322e: 0x00c0, 0x322f: 0x00c0, + 0x3230: 0x00c0, 0x3231: 0x00c0, 0x3232: 0x00c0, 0x3233: 0x00c0, 0x3234: 0x00c0, 0x3235: 0x00c0, + 0x3236: 0x00c0, 0x3237: 0x00c0, 0x3238: 0x00c0, 0x3239: 0x00c0, 0x323a: 0x00c0, 0x323b: 0x00c0, + 0x323c: 0x00c0, 0x323d: 0x00c0, 0x323e: 0x00c0, 0x323f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x3240 + 0x3240: 0x00c0, 0x3241: 0x00c0, 0x3242: 0x00c0, 0x3243: 0x00c0, + 0x3248: 0x00c0, 0x3249: 0x00c0, 0x324a: 0x00c0, 0x324b: 0x00c0, + 0x324c: 0x00c0, 0x324d: 0x00c0, 0x324e: 0x00c0, 0x324f: 0x00c0, 0x3250: 0x0080, 0x3251: 0x0080, + 0x3252: 0x0080, 0x3253: 0x0080, 0x3254: 0x0080, 0x3255: 0x0080, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x3280 + 0x3280: 0x00c0, 0x3281: 0x00c0, 0x3282: 0x00c0, 0x3283: 0x00c0, 0x3284: 0x00c0, 0x3285: 0x00c0, + 0x3286: 0x00c0, 0x3287: 0x00c0, 0x3288: 0x00c0, 0x3289: 0x00c0, 0x328a: 0x00c0, 0x328b: 0x00c0, + 0x328c: 0x00c0, 0x328d: 0x00c0, 0x328e: 0x00c0, 0x328f: 0x00c0, 0x3290: 0x00c0, 0x3291: 0x00c0, + 0x3292: 0x00c0, 0x3293: 0x00c0, 0x3294: 0x00c0, 0x3295: 0x00c0, 0x3296: 0x00c0, 0x3297: 0x00c0, + 0x3298: 0x00c0, 0x3299: 0x00c0, 0x329a: 0x00c0, 0x329b: 0x00c0, 0x329c: 0x00c0, 0x329d: 0x00c0, + 0x32a0: 0x00c0, 0x32a1: 0x00c0, 0x32a2: 0x00c0, 0x32a3: 0x00c0, + 0x32a4: 0x00c0, 0x32a5: 0x00c0, 0x32a6: 0x00c0, 0x32a7: 0x00c0, 0x32a8: 0x00c0, 0x32a9: 0x00c0, + 0x32b0: 0x00c0, 0x32b1: 0x00c0, 0x32b2: 0x00c0, 0x32b3: 0x00c0, 0x32b4: 0x00c0, 0x32b5: 0x00c0, + 0x32b6: 0x00c0, 0x32b7: 0x00c0, 0x32b8: 0x00c0, 0x32b9: 0x00c0, 0x32ba: 0x00c0, 0x32bb: 0x00c0, + 0x32bc: 0x00c0, 0x32bd: 0x00c0, 0x32be: 0x00c0, 0x32bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x32c0 + 0x32c0: 0x00c0, 0x32c1: 0x00c0, 0x32c2: 0x00c0, 0x32c3: 0x00c0, 0x32c4: 0x00c0, 0x32c5: 0x00c0, + 0x32c6: 0x00c0, 0x32c7: 0x00c0, 0x32c8: 0x00c0, 0x32c9: 0x00c0, 0x32ca: 0x00c0, 0x32cb: 0x00c0, + 0x32cc: 0x00c0, 0x32cd: 0x00c0, 0x32ce: 0x00c0, 0x32cf: 0x00c0, 0x32d0: 0x00c0, 0x32d1: 0x00c0, + 0x32d2: 0x00c0, 0x32d3: 0x00c0, + 0x32d8: 0x00c0, 0x32d9: 0x00c0, 0x32da: 0x00c0, 0x32db: 0x00c0, 0x32dc: 0x00c0, 0x32dd: 0x00c0, + 0x32de: 0x00c0, 0x32df: 0x00c0, 0x32e0: 0x00c0, 0x32e1: 0x00c0, 0x32e2: 0x00c0, 0x32e3: 0x00c0, + 0x32e4: 0x00c0, 0x32e5: 0x00c0, 0x32e6: 0x00c0, 0x32e7: 0x00c0, 0x32e8: 0x00c0, 0x32e9: 0x00c0, + 0x32ea: 0x00c0, 0x32eb: 0x00c0, 0x32ec: 0x00c0, 0x32ed: 0x00c0, 0x32ee: 0x00c0, 0x32ef: 0x00c0, + 0x32f0: 0x00c0, 0x32f1: 0x00c0, 0x32f2: 0x00c0, 0x32f3: 0x00c0, 0x32f4: 0x00c0, 0x32f5: 0x00c0, + 0x32f6: 0x00c0, 0x32f7: 0x00c0, 0x32f8: 0x00c0, 0x32f9: 0x00c0, 0x32fa: 0x00c0, 0x32fb: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x3300 + 0x3300: 0x00c0, 0x3301: 0x00c0, 0x3302: 0x00c0, 0x3303: 0x00c0, 0x3304: 0x00c0, 0x3305: 0x00c0, + 0x3306: 0x00c0, 0x3307: 0x00c0, 0x3308: 0x00c0, 0x3309: 0x00c0, 0x330a: 0x00c0, 0x330b: 0x00c0, + 0x330c: 0x00c0, 0x330d: 0x00c0, 0x330e: 0x00c0, 0x330f: 0x00c0, 0x3310: 0x00c0, 0x3311: 0x00c0, + 0x3312: 0x00c0, 0x3313: 0x00c0, 0x3314: 0x00c0, 0x3315: 0x00c0, 0x3316: 0x00c0, 0x3317: 0x00c0, + 0x3318: 0x00c0, 0x3319: 0x00c0, 0x331a: 0x00c0, 0x331b: 0x00c0, 0x331c: 0x00c0, 0x331d: 0x00c0, + 0x331e: 0x00c0, 0x331f: 0x00c0, 0x3320: 0x00c0, 0x3321: 0x00c0, 0x3322: 0x00c0, 0x3323: 0x00c0, + 0x3324: 0x00c0, 0x3325: 0x00c0, 0x3326: 0x00c0, 0x3327: 0x00c0, + 0x3330: 0x00c0, 0x3331: 0x00c0, 0x3332: 0x00c0, 0x3333: 0x00c0, 0x3334: 0x00c0, 0x3335: 0x00c0, + 0x3336: 0x00c0, 0x3337: 0x00c0, 0x3338: 0x00c0, 0x3339: 0x00c0, 0x333a: 0x00c0, 0x333b: 0x00c0, + 0x333c: 0x00c0, 0x333d: 0x00c0, 0x333e: 0x00c0, 0x333f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x3340 + 0x3340: 0x00c0, 0x3341: 0x00c0, 0x3342: 0x00c0, 0x3343: 0x00c0, 0x3344: 0x00c0, 0x3345: 0x00c0, + 0x3346: 0x00c0, 0x3347: 0x00c0, 0x3348: 0x00c0, 0x3349: 0x00c0, 0x334a: 0x00c0, 0x334b: 0x00c0, + 0x334c: 0x00c0, 0x334d: 0x00c0, 0x334e: 0x00c0, 0x334f: 0x00c0, 0x3350: 0x00c0, 0x3351: 0x00c0, + 0x3352: 0x00c0, 0x3353: 0x00c0, 0x3354: 0x00c0, 0x3355: 0x00c0, 0x3356: 0x00c0, 0x3357: 0x00c0, + 0x3358: 0x00c0, 0x3359: 0x00c0, 0x335a: 0x00c0, 0x335b: 0x00c0, 0x335c: 0x00c0, 0x335d: 0x00c0, + 0x335e: 0x00c0, 0x335f: 0x00c0, 0x3360: 0x00c0, 0x3361: 0x00c0, 0x3362: 0x00c0, 0x3363: 0x00c0, + 0x336f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x3380 + 0x3380: 0x00c0, 0x3381: 0x00c0, 0x3382: 0x00c0, 0x3383: 0x00c0, 0x3384: 0x00c0, 0x3385: 0x00c0, + 0x3386: 0x00c0, 0x3387: 0x00c0, 0x3388: 0x00c0, 0x3389: 0x00c0, 0x338a: 0x00c0, 0x338b: 0x00c0, + 0x338c: 0x00c0, 0x338d: 0x00c0, 0x338e: 0x00c0, 0x338f: 0x00c0, 0x3390: 0x00c0, 0x3391: 0x00c0, + 0x3392: 0x00c0, 0x3393: 0x00c0, 0x3394: 0x00c0, 0x3395: 0x00c0, 0x3396: 0x00c0, 0x3397: 0x00c0, + 0x3398: 0x00c0, 0x3399: 0x00c0, 0x339a: 0x00c0, 0x339b: 0x00c0, 0x339c: 0x00c0, 0x339d: 0x00c0, + 0x339e: 0x00c0, 0x339f: 0x00c0, 0x33a0: 0x00c0, 0x33a1: 0x00c0, 0x33a2: 0x00c0, 0x33a3: 0x00c0, + 0x33a4: 0x00c0, 0x33a5: 0x00c0, 0x33a6: 0x00c0, 0x33a7: 0x00c0, 0x33a8: 0x00c0, 0x33a9: 0x00c0, + 0x33aa: 0x00c0, 0x33ab: 0x00c0, 0x33ac: 0x00c0, 0x33ad: 0x00c0, 0x33ae: 0x00c0, 0x33af: 0x00c0, + 0x33b0: 0x00c0, 0x33b1: 0x00c0, 0x33b2: 0x00c0, 0x33b3: 0x00c0, 0x33b4: 0x00c0, 0x33b5: 0x00c0, + 0x33b6: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x33c0 + 0x33c0: 0x00c0, 0x33c1: 0x00c0, 0x33c2: 0x00c0, 0x33c3: 0x00c0, 0x33c4: 0x00c0, 0x33c5: 0x00c0, + 0x33c6: 0x00c0, 0x33c7: 0x00c0, 0x33c8: 0x00c0, 0x33c9: 0x00c0, 0x33ca: 0x00c0, 0x33cb: 0x00c0, + 0x33cc: 0x00c0, 0x33cd: 0x00c0, 0x33ce: 0x00c0, 0x33cf: 0x00c0, 0x33d0: 0x00c0, 0x33d1: 0x00c0, + 0x33d2: 0x00c0, 0x33d3: 0x00c0, 0x33d4: 0x00c0, 0x33d5: 0x00c0, + 0x33e0: 0x00c0, 0x33e1: 0x00c0, 0x33e2: 0x00c0, 0x33e3: 0x00c0, + 0x33e4: 0x00c0, 0x33e5: 0x00c0, 0x33e6: 0x00c0, 0x33e7: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x3400 + 0x3400: 0x00c0, 0x3401: 0x00c0, 0x3402: 0x00c0, 0x3403: 0x00c0, 0x3404: 0x00c0, 0x3405: 0x00c0, + 0x3408: 0x00c0, 0x340a: 0x00c0, 0x340b: 0x00c0, + 0x340c: 0x00c0, 0x340d: 0x00c0, 0x340e: 0x00c0, 0x340f: 0x00c0, 0x3410: 0x00c0, 0x3411: 0x00c0, + 0x3412: 0x00c0, 0x3413: 0x00c0, 0x3414: 0x00c0, 0x3415: 0x00c0, 0x3416: 0x00c0, 0x3417: 0x00c0, + 0x3418: 0x00c0, 0x3419: 0x00c0, 0x341a: 0x00c0, 0x341b: 0x00c0, 0x341c: 0x00c0, 0x341d: 0x00c0, + 0x341e: 0x00c0, 0x341f: 0x00c0, 0x3420: 0x00c0, 0x3421: 0x00c0, 0x3422: 0x00c0, 0x3423: 0x00c0, + 0x3424: 0x00c0, 0x3425: 0x00c0, 0x3426: 0x00c0, 0x3427: 0x00c0, 0x3428: 0x00c0, 0x3429: 0x00c0, + 0x342a: 0x00c0, 0x342b: 0x00c0, 0x342c: 0x00c0, 0x342d: 0x00c0, 0x342e: 0x00c0, 0x342f: 0x00c0, + 0x3430: 0x00c0, 0x3431: 0x00c0, 0x3432: 0x00c0, 0x3433: 0x00c0, 0x3434: 0x00c0, 0x3435: 0x00c0, + 0x3437: 0x00c0, 0x3438: 0x00c0, + 0x343c: 0x00c0, 0x343f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x3440 + 0x3440: 0x00c0, 0x3441: 0x00c0, 0x3442: 0x00c0, 0x3443: 0x00c0, 0x3444: 0x00c0, 0x3445: 0x00c0, + 0x3446: 0x00c0, 0x3447: 0x00c0, 0x3448: 0x00c0, 0x3449: 0x00c0, 0x344a: 0x00c0, 0x344b: 0x00c0, + 0x344c: 0x00c0, 0x344d: 0x00c0, 0x344e: 0x00c0, 0x344f: 0x00c0, 0x3450: 0x00c0, 0x3451: 0x00c0, + 0x3452: 0x00c0, 0x3453: 0x00c0, 0x3454: 0x00c0, 0x3455: 0x00c0, 0x3457: 0x0080, + 0x3458: 0x0080, 0x3459: 0x0080, 0x345a: 0x0080, 0x345b: 0x0080, 0x345c: 0x0080, 0x345d: 0x0080, + 0x345e: 0x0080, 0x345f: 0x0080, 0x3460: 0x00c0, 0x3461: 0x00c0, 0x3462: 0x00c0, 0x3463: 0x00c0, + 0x3464: 0x00c0, 0x3465: 0x00c0, 0x3466: 0x00c0, 0x3467: 0x00c0, 0x3468: 0x00c0, 0x3469: 0x00c0, + 0x346a: 0x00c0, 0x346b: 0x00c0, 0x346c: 0x00c0, 0x346d: 0x00c0, 0x346e: 0x00c0, 0x346f: 0x00c0, + 0x3470: 0x00c0, 0x3471: 0x00c0, 0x3472: 0x00c0, 0x3473: 0x00c0, 0x3474: 0x00c0, 0x3475: 0x00c0, + 0x3476: 0x00c0, 0x3477: 0x0080, 0x3478: 0x0080, 0x3479: 0x0080, 0x347a: 0x0080, 0x347b: 0x0080, + 0x347c: 0x0080, 0x347d: 0x0080, 0x347e: 0x0080, 0x347f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x3480 + 0x3480: 0x00c0, 0x3481: 0x00c0, 0x3482: 0x00c0, 0x3483: 0x00c0, 0x3484: 0x00c0, 0x3485: 0x00c0, + 0x3486: 0x00c0, 0x3487: 0x00c0, 0x3488: 0x00c0, 0x3489: 0x00c0, 0x348a: 0x00c0, 0x348b: 0x00c0, + 0x348c: 0x00c0, 0x348d: 0x00c0, 0x348e: 0x00c0, 0x348f: 0x00c0, 0x3490: 0x00c0, 0x3491: 0x00c0, + 0x3492: 0x00c0, 0x3493: 0x00c0, 0x3494: 0x00c0, 0x3495: 0x00c0, 0x3496: 0x00c0, 0x3497: 0x00c0, + 0x3498: 0x00c0, 0x3499: 0x00c0, 0x349a: 0x00c0, 0x349b: 0x00c0, 0x349c: 0x00c0, 0x349d: 0x00c0, + 0x349e: 0x00c0, + 0x34a7: 0x0080, 0x34a8: 0x0080, 0x34a9: 0x0080, + 0x34aa: 0x0080, 0x34ab: 0x0080, 0x34ac: 0x0080, 0x34ad: 0x0080, 0x34ae: 0x0080, 0x34af: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x34c0 + 0x34e0: 0x00c0, 0x34e1: 0x00c0, 0x34e2: 0x00c0, 0x34e3: 0x00c0, + 0x34e4: 0x00c0, 0x34e5: 0x00c0, 0x34e6: 0x00c0, 0x34e7: 0x00c0, 0x34e8: 0x00c0, 0x34e9: 0x00c0, + 0x34ea: 0x00c0, 0x34eb: 0x00c0, 0x34ec: 0x00c0, 0x34ed: 0x00c0, 0x34ee: 0x00c0, 0x34ef: 0x00c0, + 0x34f0: 0x00c0, 0x34f1: 0x00c0, 0x34f2: 0x00c0, 0x34f4: 0x00c0, 0x34f5: 0x00c0, + 0x34fb: 0x0080, + 0x34fc: 0x0080, 0x34fd: 0x0080, 0x34fe: 0x0080, 0x34ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x3500 + 0x3500: 0x00c0, 0x3501: 0x00c0, 0x3502: 0x00c0, 0x3503: 0x00c0, 0x3504: 0x00c0, 0x3505: 0x00c0, + 0x3506: 0x00c0, 0x3507: 0x00c0, 0x3508: 0x00c0, 0x3509: 0x00c0, 0x350a: 0x00c0, 0x350b: 0x00c0, + 0x350c: 0x00c0, 0x350d: 0x00c0, 0x350e: 0x00c0, 0x350f: 0x00c0, 0x3510: 0x00c0, 0x3511: 0x00c0, + 0x3512: 0x00c0, 0x3513: 0x00c0, 0x3514: 0x00c0, 0x3515: 0x00c0, 0x3516: 0x0080, 0x3517: 0x0080, + 0x3518: 0x0080, 0x3519: 0x0080, 0x351a: 0x0080, 0x351b: 0x0080, + 0x351f: 0x0080, 0x3520: 0x00c0, 0x3521: 0x00c0, 0x3522: 0x00c0, 0x3523: 0x00c0, + 0x3524: 0x00c0, 0x3525: 0x00c0, 0x3526: 0x00c0, 0x3527: 0x00c0, 0x3528: 0x00c0, 0x3529: 0x00c0, + 0x352a: 0x00c0, 0x352b: 0x00c0, 0x352c: 0x00c0, 0x352d: 0x00c0, 0x352e: 0x00c0, 0x352f: 0x00c0, + 0x3530: 0x00c0, 0x3531: 0x00c0, 0x3532: 0x00c0, 0x3533: 0x00c0, 0x3534: 0x00c0, 0x3535: 0x00c0, + 0x3536: 0x00c0, 0x3537: 0x00c0, 0x3538: 0x00c0, 0x3539: 0x00c0, + 0x353f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x3540 + 0x3540: 0x00c0, 0x3541: 0x00c0, 0x3542: 0x00c0, 0x3543: 0x00c0, 0x3544: 0x00c0, 0x3545: 0x00c0, + 0x3546: 0x00c0, 0x3547: 0x00c0, 0x3548: 0x00c0, 0x3549: 0x00c0, 0x354a: 0x00c0, 0x354b: 0x00c0, + 0x354c: 0x00c0, 0x354d: 0x00c0, 0x354e: 0x00c0, 0x354f: 0x00c0, 0x3550: 0x00c0, 0x3551: 0x00c0, + 0x3552: 0x00c0, 0x3553: 0x00c0, 0x3554: 0x00c0, 0x3555: 0x00c0, 0x3556: 0x00c0, 0x3557: 0x00c0, + 0x3558: 0x00c0, 0x3559: 0x00c0, 0x355a: 0x00c0, 0x355b: 0x00c0, 0x355c: 0x00c0, 0x355d: 0x00c0, + 0x355e: 0x00c0, 0x355f: 0x00c0, 0x3560: 0x00c0, 0x3561: 0x00c0, 0x3562: 0x00c0, 0x3563: 0x00c0, + 0x3564: 0x00c0, 0x3565: 0x00c0, 0x3566: 0x00c0, 0x3567: 0x00c0, 0x3568: 0x00c0, 0x3569: 0x00c0, + 0x356a: 0x00c0, 0x356b: 0x00c0, 0x356c: 0x00c0, 0x356d: 0x00c0, 0x356e: 0x00c0, 0x356f: 0x00c0, + 0x3570: 0x00c0, 0x3571: 0x00c0, 0x3572: 0x00c0, 0x3573: 0x00c0, 0x3574: 0x00c0, 0x3575: 0x00c0, + 0x3576: 0x00c0, 0x3577: 0x00c0, + 0x357c: 0x0080, 0x357d: 0x0080, 0x357e: 0x00c0, 0x357f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x3580 + 0x3580: 0x00c0, 0x3581: 0x00c3, 0x3582: 0x00c3, 0x3583: 0x00c3, 0x3585: 0x00c3, + 0x3586: 0x00c3, + 0x358c: 0x00c3, 0x358d: 0x00c3, 0x358e: 0x00c3, 0x358f: 0x00c3, 0x3590: 0x00c0, 0x3591: 0x00c0, + 0x3592: 0x00c0, 0x3593: 0x00c0, 0x3595: 0x00c0, 0x3596: 0x00c0, 0x3597: 0x00c0, + 0x3599: 0x00c0, 0x359a: 0x00c0, 0x359b: 0x00c0, 0x359c: 0x00c0, 0x359d: 0x00c0, + 0x359e: 0x00c0, 0x359f: 0x00c0, 0x35a0: 0x00c0, 0x35a1: 0x00c0, 0x35a2: 0x00c0, 0x35a3: 0x00c0, + 0x35a4: 0x00c0, 0x35a5: 0x00c0, 0x35a6: 0x00c0, 0x35a7: 0x00c0, 0x35a8: 0x00c0, 0x35a9: 0x00c0, + 0x35aa: 0x00c0, 0x35ab: 0x00c0, 0x35ac: 0x00c0, 0x35ad: 0x00c0, 0x35ae: 0x00c0, 0x35af: 0x00c0, + 0x35b0: 0x00c0, 0x35b1: 0x00c0, 0x35b2: 0x00c0, 0x35b3: 0x00c0, 0x35b4: 0x00c0, 0x35b5: 0x00c0, + 0x35b8: 0x00c3, 0x35b9: 0x00c3, 0x35ba: 0x00c3, + 0x35bf: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x35c0 + 0x35c0: 0x0080, 0x35c1: 0x0080, 0x35c2: 0x0080, 0x35c3: 0x0080, 0x35c4: 0x0080, 0x35c5: 0x0080, + 0x35c6: 0x0080, 0x35c7: 0x0080, 0x35c8: 0x0080, + 0x35d0: 0x0080, 0x35d1: 0x0080, + 0x35d2: 0x0080, 0x35d3: 0x0080, 0x35d4: 0x0080, 0x35d5: 0x0080, 0x35d6: 0x0080, 0x35d7: 0x0080, + 0x35d8: 0x0080, + 0x35e0: 0x00c0, 0x35e1: 0x00c0, 0x35e2: 0x00c0, 0x35e3: 0x00c0, + 0x35e4: 0x00c0, 0x35e5: 0x00c0, 0x35e6: 0x00c0, 0x35e7: 0x00c0, 0x35e8: 0x00c0, 0x35e9: 0x00c0, + 0x35ea: 0x00c0, 0x35eb: 0x00c0, 0x35ec: 0x00c0, 0x35ed: 0x00c0, 0x35ee: 0x00c0, 0x35ef: 0x00c0, + 0x35f0: 0x00c0, 0x35f1: 0x00c0, 0x35f2: 0x00c0, 0x35f3: 0x00c0, 0x35f4: 0x00c0, 0x35f5: 0x00c0, + 0x35f6: 0x00c0, 0x35f7: 0x00c0, 0x35f8: 0x00c0, 0x35f9: 0x00c0, 0x35fa: 0x00c0, 0x35fb: 0x00c0, + 0x35fc: 0x00c0, 0x35fd: 0x0080, 0x35fe: 0x0080, 0x35ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x3600 + 0x3600: 0x00c0, 0x3601: 0x00c0, 0x3602: 0x00c0, 0x3603: 0x00c0, 0x3604: 0x00c0, 0x3605: 0x00c0, + 0x3606: 0x00c0, 0x3607: 0x00c0, 0x3608: 0x00c0, 0x3609: 0x00c0, 0x360a: 0x00c0, 0x360b: 0x00c0, + 0x360c: 0x00c0, 0x360d: 0x00c0, 0x360e: 0x00c0, 0x360f: 0x00c0, 0x3610: 0x00c0, 0x3611: 0x00c0, + 0x3612: 0x00c0, 0x3613: 0x00c0, 0x3614: 0x00c0, 0x3615: 0x00c0, 0x3616: 0x00c0, 0x3617: 0x00c0, + 0x3618: 0x00c0, 0x3619: 0x00c0, 0x361a: 0x00c0, 0x361b: 0x00c0, 0x361c: 0x00c0, 0x361d: 0x0080, + 0x361e: 0x0080, 0x361f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x3640 + 0x3640: 0x00c2, 0x3641: 0x00c2, 0x3642: 0x00c2, 0x3643: 0x00c2, 0x3644: 0x00c2, 0x3645: 0x00c4, + 0x3646: 0x00c0, 0x3647: 0x00c4, 0x3648: 0x0080, 0x3649: 0x00c4, 0x364a: 0x00c4, 0x364b: 0x00c0, + 0x364c: 0x00c0, 0x364d: 0x00c1, 0x364e: 0x00c4, 0x364f: 0x00c4, 0x3650: 0x00c4, 0x3651: 0x00c4, + 0x3652: 0x00c4, 0x3653: 0x00c2, 0x3654: 0x00c2, 0x3655: 0x00c2, 0x3656: 0x00c2, 0x3657: 0x00c1, + 0x3658: 0x00c2, 0x3659: 0x00c2, 0x365a: 0x00c2, 0x365b: 0x00c2, 0x365c: 0x00c2, 0x365d: 0x00c4, + 0x365e: 0x00c2, 0x365f: 0x00c2, 0x3660: 0x00c2, 0x3661: 0x00c4, 0x3662: 0x00c0, 0x3663: 0x00c0, + 0x3664: 0x00c4, 0x3665: 0x00c3, 0x3666: 0x00c3, + 0x366b: 0x0082, 0x366c: 0x0082, 0x366d: 0x0082, 0x366e: 0x0082, 0x366f: 0x0084, + 0x3670: 0x0080, 0x3671: 0x0080, 0x3672: 0x0080, 0x3673: 0x0080, 0x3674: 0x0080, 0x3675: 0x0080, + 0x3676: 0x0080, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x3680 + 0x3680: 0x00c0, 0x3681: 0x00c0, 0x3682: 0x00c0, 0x3683: 0x00c0, 0x3684: 0x00c0, 0x3685: 0x00c0, + 0x3686: 0x00c0, 0x3687: 0x00c0, 0x3688: 0x00c0, 0x3689: 0x00c0, 0x368a: 0x00c0, 0x368b: 0x00c0, + 0x368c: 0x00c0, 0x368d: 0x00c0, 0x368e: 0x00c0, 0x368f: 0x00c0, 0x3690: 0x00c0, 0x3691: 0x00c0, + 0x3692: 0x00c0, 0x3693: 0x00c0, 0x3694: 0x00c0, 0x3695: 0x00c0, 0x3696: 0x00c0, 0x3697: 0x00c0, + 0x3698: 0x00c0, 0x3699: 0x00c0, 0x369a: 0x00c0, 0x369b: 0x00c0, 0x369c: 0x00c0, 0x369d: 0x00c0, + 0x369e: 0x00c0, 0x369f: 0x00c0, 0x36a0: 0x00c0, 0x36a1: 0x00c0, 0x36a2: 0x00c0, 0x36a3: 0x00c0, + 0x36a4: 0x00c0, 0x36a5: 0x00c0, 0x36a6: 0x00c0, 0x36a7: 0x00c0, 0x36a8: 0x00c0, 0x36a9: 0x00c0, + 0x36aa: 0x00c0, 0x36ab: 0x00c0, 0x36ac: 0x00c0, 0x36ad: 0x00c0, 0x36ae: 0x00c0, 0x36af: 0x00c0, + 0x36b0: 0x00c0, 0x36b1: 0x00c0, 0x36b2: 0x00c0, 0x36b3: 0x00c0, 0x36b4: 0x00c0, 0x36b5: 0x00c0, + 0x36b9: 0x0080, 0x36ba: 0x0080, 0x36bb: 0x0080, + 0x36bc: 0x0080, 0x36bd: 0x0080, 0x36be: 0x0080, 0x36bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x36c0 + 0x36c0: 0x00c0, 0x36c1: 0x00c0, 0x36c2: 0x00c0, 0x36c3: 0x00c0, 0x36c4: 0x00c0, 0x36c5: 0x00c0, + 0x36c6: 0x00c0, 0x36c7: 0x00c0, 0x36c8: 0x00c0, 0x36c9: 0x00c0, 0x36ca: 0x00c0, 0x36cb: 0x00c0, + 0x36cc: 0x00c0, 0x36cd: 0x00c0, 0x36ce: 0x00c0, 0x36cf: 0x00c0, 0x36d0: 0x00c0, 0x36d1: 0x00c0, + 0x36d2: 0x00c0, 0x36d3: 0x00c0, 0x36d4: 0x00c0, 0x36d5: 0x00c0, + 0x36d8: 0x0080, 0x36d9: 0x0080, 0x36da: 0x0080, 0x36db: 0x0080, 0x36dc: 0x0080, 0x36dd: 0x0080, + 0x36de: 0x0080, 0x36df: 0x0080, 0x36e0: 0x00c0, 0x36e1: 0x00c0, 0x36e2: 0x00c0, 0x36e3: 0x00c0, + 0x36e4: 0x00c0, 0x36e5: 0x00c0, 0x36e6: 0x00c0, 0x36e7: 0x00c0, 0x36e8: 0x00c0, 0x36e9: 0x00c0, + 0x36ea: 0x00c0, 0x36eb: 0x00c0, 0x36ec: 0x00c0, 0x36ed: 0x00c0, 0x36ee: 0x00c0, 0x36ef: 0x00c0, + 0x36f0: 0x00c0, 0x36f1: 0x00c0, 0x36f2: 0x00c0, + 0x36f8: 0x0080, 0x36f9: 0x0080, 0x36fa: 0x0080, 0x36fb: 0x0080, + 0x36fc: 0x0080, 0x36fd: 0x0080, 0x36fe: 0x0080, 0x36ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x3700 + 0x3700: 0x00c2, 0x3701: 0x00c4, 0x3702: 0x00c2, 0x3703: 0x00c4, 0x3704: 0x00c4, 0x3705: 0x00c4, + 0x3706: 0x00c2, 0x3707: 0x00c2, 0x3708: 0x00c2, 0x3709: 0x00c4, 0x370a: 0x00c2, 0x370b: 0x00c2, + 0x370c: 0x00c4, 0x370d: 0x00c2, 0x370e: 0x00c4, 0x370f: 0x00c4, 0x3710: 0x00c2, 0x3711: 0x00c4, + 0x3719: 0x0080, 0x371a: 0x0080, 0x371b: 0x0080, 0x371c: 0x0080, + 0x3729: 0x0084, + 0x372a: 0x0084, 0x372b: 0x0084, 0x372c: 0x0084, 0x372d: 0x0082, 0x372e: 0x0082, 0x372f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x3740 + 0x3740: 0x00c0, 0x3741: 0x00c0, 0x3742: 0x00c0, 0x3743: 0x00c0, 0x3744: 0x00c0, 0x3745: 0x00c0, + 0x3746: 0x00c0, 0x3747: 0x00c0, 0x3748: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x3780 + 0x3780: 0x00c0, 0x3781: 0x00c0, 0x3782: 0x00c0, 0x3783: 0x00c0, 0x3784: 0x00c0, 0x3785: 0x00c0, + 0x3786: 0x00c0, 0x3787: 0x00c0, 0x3788: 0x00c0, 0x3789: 0x00c0, 0x378a: 0x00c0, 0x378b: 0x00c0, + 0x378c: 0x00c0, 0x378d: 0x00c0, 0x378e: 0x00c0, 0x378f: 0x00c0, 0x3790: 0x00c0, 0x3791: 0x00c0, + 0x3792: 0x00c0, 0x3793: 0x00c0, 0x3794: 0x00c0, 0x3795: 0x00c0, 0x3796: 0x00c0, 0x3797: 0x00c0, + 0x3798: 0x00c0, 0x3799: 0x00c0, 0x379a: 0x00c0, 0x379b: 0x00c0, 0x379c: 0x00c0, 0x379d: 0x00c0, + 0x379e: 0x00c0, 0x379f: 0x00c0, 0x37a0: 0x00c0, 0x37a1: 0x00c0, 0x37a2: 0x00c0, 0x37a3: 0x00c0, + 0x37a4: 0x00c0, 0x37a5: 0x00c0, 0x37a6: 0x00c0, 0x37a7: 0x00c0, 0x37a8: 0x00c0, 0x37a9: 0x00c0, + 0x37aa: 0x00c0, 0x37ab: 0x00c0, 0x37ac: 0x00c0, 0x37ad: 0x00c0, 0x37ae: 0x00c0, 0x37af: 0x00c0, + 0x37b0: 0x00c0, 0x37b1: 0x00c0, 0x37b2: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x37c0 + 0x37c0: 0x00c0, 0x37c1: 0x00c0, 0x37c2: 0x00c0, 0x37c3: 0x00c0, 0x37c4: 0x00c0, 0x37c5: 0x00c0, + 0x37c6: 0x00c0, 0x37c7: 0x00c0, 0x37c8: 0x00c0, 0x37c9: 0x00c0, 0x37ca: 0x00c0, 0x37cb: 0x00c0, + 0x37cc: 0x00c0, 0x37cd: 0x00c0, 0x37ce: 0x00c0, 0x37cf: 0x00c0, 0x37d0: 0x00c0, 0x37d1: 0x00c0, + 0x37d2: 0x00c0, 0x37d3: 0x00c0, 0x37d4: 0x00c0, 0x37d5: 0x00c0, 0x37d6: 0x00c0, 0x37d7: 0x00c0, + 0x37d8: 0x00c0, 0x37d9: 0x00c0, 0x37da: 0x00c0, 0x37db: 0x00c0, 0x37dc: 0x00c0, 0x37dd: 0x00c0, + 0x37de: 0x00c0, 0x37df: 0x00c0, 0x37e0: 0x00c0, 0x37e1: 0x00c0, 0x37e2: 0x00c0, 0x37e3: 0x00c0, + 0x37e4: 0x00c0, 0x37e5: 0x00c0, 0x37e6: 0x00c0, 0x37e7: 0x00c0, 0x37e8: 0x00c0, 0x37e9: 0x00c0, + 0x37ea: 0x00c0, 0x37eb: 0x00c0, 0x37ec: 0x00c0, 0x37ed: 0x00c0, 0x37ee: 0x00c0, 0x37ef: 0x00c0, + 0x37f0: 0x00c0, 0x37f1: 0x00c0, 0x37f2: 0x00c0, + 0x37fa: 0x0080, 0x37fb: 0x0080, + 0x37fc: 0x0080, 0x37fd: 0x0080, 0x37fe: 0x0080, 0x37ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x3800 + 0x3800: 0x00c1, 0x3801: 0x00c2, 0x3802: 0x00c2, 0x3803: 0x00c2, 0x3804: 0x00c2, 0x3805: 0x00c2, + 0x3806: 0x00c2, 0x3807: 0x00c2, 0x3808: 0x00c2, 0x3809: 0x00c2, 0x380a: 0x00c2, 0x380b: 0x00c2, + 0x380c: 0x00c2, 0x380d: 0x00c2, 0x380e: 0x00c2, 0x380f: 0x00c2, 0x3810: 0x00c2, 0x3811: 0x00c2, + 0x3812: 0x00c2, 0x3813: 0x00c2, 0x3814: 0x00c2, 0x3815: 0x00c2, 0x3816: 0x00c2, 0x3817: 0x00c2, + 0x3818: 0x00c2, 0x3819: 0x00c2, 0x381a: 0x00c2, 0x381b: 0x00c2, 0x381c: 0x00c2, 0x381d: 0x00c2, + 0x381e: 0x00c2, 0x381f: 0x00c2, 0x3820: 0x00c2, 0x3821: 0x00c2, 0x3822: 0x00c4, 0x3823: 0x00c2, + 0x3824: 0x00c3, 0x3825: 0x00c3, 0x3826: 0x00c3, 0x3827: 0x00c3, + 0x3830: 0x00c0, 0x3831: 0x00c0, 0x3832: 0x00c0, 0x3833: 0x00c0, 0x3834: 0x00c0, 0x3835: 0x00c0, + 0x3836: 0x00c0, 0x3837: 0x00c0, 0x3838: 0x00c0, 0x3839: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x3840 + 0x3860: 0x0080, 0x3861: 0x0080, 0x3862: 0x0080, 0x3863: 0x0080, + 0x3864: 0x0080, 0x3865: 0x0080, 0x3866: 0x0080, 0x3867: 0x0080, 0x3868: 0x0080, 0x3869: 0x0080, + 0x386a: 0x0080, 0x386b: 0x0080, 0x386c: 0x0080, 0x386d: 0x0080, 0x386e: 0x0080, 0x386f: 0x0080, + 0x3870: 0x0080, 0x3871: 0x0080, 0x3872: 0x0080, 0x3873: 0x0080, 0x3874: 0x0080, 0x3875: 0x0080, + 0x3876: 0x0080, 0x3877: 0x0080, 0x3878: 0x0080, 0x3879: 0x0080, 0x387a: 0x0080, 0x387b: 0x0080, + 0x387c: 0x0080, 0x387d: 0x0080, 0x387e: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x3880 + 0x3880: 0x00c0, 0x3881: 0x00c0, 0x3882: 0x00c0, 0x3883: 0x00c0, 0x3884: 0x00c0, 0x3885: 0x00c0, + 0x3886: 0x00c0, 0x3887: 0x00c0, 0x3888: 0x00c0, 0x3889: 0x00c0, 0x388a: 0x00c0, 0x388b: 0x00c0, + 0x388c: 0x00c0, 0x388d: 0x00c0, 0x388e: 0x00c0, 0x388f: 0x00c0, 0x3890: 0x00c0, 0x3891: 0x00c0, + 0x3892: 0x00c0, 0x3893: 0x00c0, 0x3894: 0x00c0, 0x3895: 0x00c0, 0x3896: 0x00c0, 0x3897: 0x00c0, + 0x3898: 0x00c0, 0x3899: 0x00c0, 0x389a: 0x00c0, 0x389b: 0x00c0, 0x389c: 0x00c0, 0x389d: 0x0080, + 0x389e: 0x0080, 0x389f: 0x0080, 0x38a0: 0x0080, 0x38a1: 0x0080, 0x38a2: 0x0080, 0x38a3: 0x0080, + 0x38a4: 0x0080, 0x38a5: 0x0080, 0x38a6: 0x0080, 0x38a7: 0x00c0, + 0x38b0: 0x00c2, 0x38b1: 0x00c2, 0x38b2: 0x00c2, 0x38b3: 0x00c4, 0x38b4: 0x00c2, 0x38b5: 0x00c2, + 0x38b6: 0x00c2, 0x38b7: 0x00c2, 0x38b8: 0x00c2, 0x38b9: 0x00c2, 0x38ba: 0x00c2, 0x38bb: 0x00c2, + 0x38bc: 0x00c2, 0x38bd: 0x00c2, 0x38be: 0x00c2, 0x38bf: 0x00c2, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x38c0 + 0x38c0: 0x00c2, 0x38c1: 0x00c2, 0x38c2: 0x00c2, 0x38c3: 0x00c2, 0x38c4: 0x00c2, 0x38c5: 0x00c0, + 0x38c6: 0x00c3, 0x38c7: 0x00c3, 0x38c8: 0x00c3, 0x38c9: 0x00c3, 0x38ca: 0x00c3, 0x38cb: 0x00c3, + 0x38cc: 0x00c3, 0x38cd: 0x00c3, 0x38ce: 0x00c3, 0x38cf: 0x00c3, 0x38d0: 0x00c3, 0x38d1: 0x0082, + 0x38d2: 0x0082, 0x38d3: 0x0082, 0x38d4: 0x0084, 0x38d5: 0x0080, 0x38d6: 0x0080, 0x38d7: 0x0080, + 0x38d8: 0x0080, 0x38d9: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x3900 + 0x3920: 0x00c0, 0x3921: 0x00c0, 0x3922: 0x00c0, 0x3923: 0x00c0, + 0x3924: 0x00c0, 0x3925: 0x00c0, 0x3926: 0x00c0, 0x3927: 0x00c0, 0x3928: 0x00c0, 0x3929: 0x00c0, + 0x392a: 0x00c0, 0x392b: 0x00c0, 0x392c: 0x00c0, 0x392d: 0x00c0, 0x392e: 0x00c0, 0x392f: 0x00c0, + 0x3930: 0x00c0, 0x3931: 0x00c0, 0x3932: 0x00c0, 0x3933: 0x00c0, 0x3934: 0x00c0, 0x3935: 0x00c0, + 0x3936: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x3940 + 0x3940: 0x00c0, 0x3941: 0x00c3, 0x3942: 0x00c0, 0x3943: 0x00c0, 0x3944: 0x00c0, 0x3945: 0x00c0, + 0x3946: 0x00c0, 0x3947: 0x00c0, 0x3948: 0x00c0, 0x3949: 0x00c0, 0x394a: 0x00c0, 0x394b: 0x00c0, + 0x394c: 0x00c0, 0x394d: 0x00c0, 0x394e: 0x00c0, 0x394f: 0x00c0, 0x3950: 0x00c0, 0x3951: 0x00c0, + 0x3952: 0x00c0, 0x3953: 0x00c0, 0x3954: 0x00c0, 0x3955: 0x00c0, 0x3956: 0x00c0, 0x3957: 0x00c0, + 0x3958: 0x00c0, 0x3959: 0x00c0, 0x395a: 0x00c0, 0x395b: 0x00c0, 0x395c: 0x00c0, 0x395d: 0x00c0, + 0x395e: 0x00c0, 0x395f: 0x00c0, 0x3960: 0x00c0, 0x3961: 0x00c0, 0x3962: 0x00c0, 0x3963: 0x00c0, + 0x3964: 0x00c0, 0x3965: 0x00c0, 0x3966: 0x00c0, 0x3967: 0x00c0, 0x3968: 0x00c0, 0x3969: 0x00c0, + 0x396a: 0x00c0, 0x396b: 0x00c0, 0x396c: 0x00c0, 0x396d: 0x00c0, 0x396e: 0x00c0, 0x396f: 0x00c0, + 0x3970: 0x00c0, 0x3971: 0x00c0, 0x3972: 0x00c0, 0x3973: 0x00c0, 0x3974: 0x00c0, 0x3975: 0x00c0, + 0x3976: 0x00c0, 0x3977: 0x00c0, 0x3978: 0x00c3, 0x3979: 0x00c3, 0x397a: 0x00c3, 0x397b: 0x00c3, + 0x397c: 0x00c3, 0x397d: 0x00c3, 0x397e: 0x00c3, 0x397f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x3980 + 0x3980: 0x00c3, 0x3981: 0x00c3, 0x3982: 0x00c3, 0x3983: 0x00c3, 0x3984: 0x00c3, 0x3985: 0x00c3, + 0x3986: 0x00c6, 0x3987: 0x0080, 0x3988: 0x0080, 0x3989: 0x0080, 0x398a: 0x0080, 0x398b: 0x0080, + 0x398c: 0x0080, 0x398d: 0x0080, + 0x3992: 0x0080, 0x3993: 0x0080, 0x3994: 0x0080, 0x3995: 0x0080, 0x3996: 0x0080, 0x3997: 0x0080, + 0x3998: 0x0080, 0x3999: 0x0080, 0x399a: 0x0080, 0x399b: 0x0080, 0x399c: 0x0080, 0x399d: 0x0080, + 0x399e: 0x0080, 0x399f: 0x0080, 0x39a0: 0x0080, 0x39a1: 0x0080, 0x39a2: 0x0080, 0x39a3: 0x0080, + 0x39a4: 0x0080, 0x39a5: 0x0080, 0x39a6: 0x00c0, 0x39a7: 0x00c0, 0x39a8: 0x00c0, 0x39a9: 0x00c0, + 0x39aa: 0x00c0, 0x39ab: 0x00c0, 0x39ac: 0x00c0, 0x39ad: 0x00c0, 0x39ae: 0x00c0, 0x39af: 0x00c0, + 0x39bf: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x39c0 + 0x39c0: 0x00c3, 0x39c1: 0x00c3, 0x39c2: 0x00c0, 0x39c3: 0x00c0, 0x39c4: 0x00c0, 0x39c5: 0x00c0, + 0x39c6: 0x00c0, 0x39c7: 0x00c0, 0x39c8: 0x00c0, 0x39c9: 0x00c0, 0x39ca: 0x00c0, 0x39cb: 0x00c0, + 0x39cc: 0x00c0, 0x39cd: 0x00c0, 0x39ce: 0x00c0, 0x39cf: 0x00c0, 0x39d0: 0x00c0, 0x39d1: 0x00c0, + 0x39d2: 0x00c0, 0x39d3: 0x00c0, 0x39d4: 0x00c0, 0x39d5: 0x00c0, 0x39d6: 0x00c0, 0x39d7: 0x00c0, + 0x39d8: 0x00c0, 0x39d9: 0x00c0, 0x39da: 0x00c0, 0x39db: 0x00c0, 0x39dc: 0x00c0, 0x39dd: 0x00c0, + 0x39de: 0x00c0, 0x39df: 0x00c0, 0x39e0: 0x00c0, 0x39e1: 0x00c0, 0x39e2: 0x00c0, 0x39e3: 0x00c0, + 0x39e4: 0x00c0, 0x39e5: 0x00c0, 0x39e6: 0x00c0, 0x39e7: 0x00c0, 0x39e8: 0x00c0, 0x39e9: 0x00c0, + 0x39ea: 0x00c0, 0x39eb: 0x00c0, 0x39ec: 0x00c0, 0x39ed: 0x00c0, 0x39ee: 0x00c0, 0x39ef: 0x00c0, + 0x39f0: 0x00c0, 0x39f1: 0x00c0, 0x39f2: 0x00c0, 0x39f3: 0x00c3, 0x39f4: 0x00c3, 0x39f5: 0x00c3, + 0x39f6: 0x00c3, 0x39f7: 0x00c0, 0x39f8: 0x00c0, 0x39f9: 0x00c6, 0x39fa: 0x00c3, 0x39fb: 0x0080, + 0x39fc: 0x0080, 0x39fd: 0x0040, 0x39fe: 0x0080, 0x39ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x3a00 + 0x3a00: 0x0080, 0x3a01: 0x0080, + 0x3a0d: 0x0040, 0x3a10: 0x00c0, 0x3a11: 0x00c0, + 0x3a12: 0x00c0, 0x3a13: 0x00c0, 0x3a14: 0x00c0, 0x3a15: 0x00c0, 0x3a16: 0x00c0, 0x3a17: 0x00c0, + 0x3a18: 0x00c0, 0x3a19: 0x00c0, 0x3a1a: 0x00c0, 0x3a1b: 0x00c0, 0x3a1c: 0x00c0, 0x3a1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3a1e: 0x00c0, 0x3a1f: 0x00c0, 0x3a20: 0x00c0, 0x3a21: 0x00c0, 0x3a22: 0x00c0, 0x3a23: 0x00c0, + 0x3a24: 0x00c0, 0x3a25: 0x00c0, 0x3a26: 0x00c0, 0x3a27: 0x00c0, 0x3a28: 0x00c0, + 0x3a30: 0x00c0, 0x3a31: 0x00c0, 0x3a32: 0x00c0, 0x3a33: 0x00c0, 0x3a34: 0x00c0, 0x3a35: 0x00c0, + 0x3a36: 0x00c0, 0x3a37: 0x00c0, 0x3a38: 0x00c0, 0x3a39: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x3a40 + 0x3a40: 0x00c3, 0x3a41: 0x00c3, 0x3a42: 0x00c3, 0x3a43: 0x00c0, 0x3a44: 0x00c0, 0x3a45: 0x00c0, + 0x3a46: 0x00c0, 0x3a47: 0x00c0, 0x3a48: 0x00c0, 0x3a49: 0x00c0, 0x3a4a: 0x00c0, 0x3a4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3a4c: 0x00c0, 0x3a4d: 0x00c0, 0x3a4e: 0x00c0, 0x3a4f: 0x00c0, 0x3a50: 0x00c0, 0x3a51: 0x00c0, + 0x3a52: 0x00c0, 0x3a53: 0x00c0, 0x3a54: 0x00c0, 0x3a55: 0x00c0, 0x3a56: 0x00c0, 0x3a57: 0x00c0, + 0x3a58: 0x00c0, 0x3a59: 0x00c0, 0x3a5a: 0x00c0, 0x3a5b: 0x00c0, 0x3a5c: 0x00c0, 0x3a5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3a5e: 0x00c0, 0x3a5f: 0x00c0, 0x3a60: 0x00c0, 0x3a61: 0x00c0, 0x3a62: 0x00c0, 0x3a63: 0x00c0, + 0x3a64: 0x00c0, 0x3a65: 0x00c0, 0x3a66: 0x00c0, 0x3a67: 0x00c3, 0x3a68: 0x00c3, 0x3a69: 0x00c3, + 0x3a6a: 0x00c3, 0x3a6b: 0x00c3, 0x3a6c: 0x00c0, 0x3a6d: 0x00c3, 0x3a6e: 0x00c3, 0x3a6f: 0x00c3, + 0x3a70: 0x00c3, 0x3a71: 0x00c3, 0x3a72: 0x00c3, 0x3a73: 0x00c6, 0x3a74: 0x00c6, + 0x3a76: 0x00c0, 0x3a77: 0x00c0, 0x3a78: 0x00c0, 0x3a79: 0x00c0, 0x3a7a: 0x00c0, 0x3a7b: 0x00c0, + 0x3a7c: 0x00c0, 0x3a7d: 0x00c0, 0x3a7e: 0x00c0, 0x3a7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x3a80 + 0x3a80: 0x0080, 0x3a81: 0x0080, 0x3a82: 0x0080, 0x3a83: 0x0080, 0x3a84: 0x00c0, 0x3a85: 0x00c0, + 0x3a86: 0x00c0, + 0x3a90: 0x00c0, 0x3a91: 0x00c0, + 0x3a92: 0x00c0, 0x3a93: 0x00c0, 0x3a94: 0x00c0, 0x3a95: 0x00c0, 0x3a96: 0x00c0, 0x3a97: 0x00c0, + 0x3a98: 0x00c0, 0x3a99: 0x00c0, 0x3a9a: 0x00c0, 0x3a9b: 0x00c0, 0x3a9c: 0x00c0, 0x3a9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3a9e: 0x00c0, 0x3a9f: 0x00c0, 0x3aa0: 0x00c0, 0x3aa1: 0x00c0, 0x3aa2: 0x00c0, 0x3aa3: 0x00c0, + 0x3aa4: 0x00c0, 0x3aa5: 0x00c0, 0x3aa6: 0x00c0, 0x3aa7: 0x00c0, 0x3aa8: 0x00c0, 0x3aa9: 0x00c0, + 0x3aaa: 0x00c0, 0x3aab: 0x00c0, 0x3aac: 0x00c0, 0x3aad: 0x00c0, 0x3aae: 0x00c0, 0x3aaf: 0x00c0, + 0x3ab0: 0x00c0, 0x3ab1: 0x00c0, 0x3ab2: 0x00c0, 0x3ab3: 0x00c3, 0x3ab4: 0x0080, 0x3ab5: 0x0080, + 0x3ab6: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x3ac0 + 0x3ac0: 0x00c3, 0x3ac1: 0x00c3, 0x3ac2: 0x00c0, 0x3ac3: 0x00c0, 0x3ac4: 0x00c0, 0x3ac5: 0x00c0, + 0x3ac6: 0x00c0, 0x3ac7: 0x00c0, 0x3ac8: 0x00c0, 0x3ac9: 0x00c0, 0x3aca: 0x00c0, 0x3acb: 0x00c0, + 0x3acc: 0x00c0, 0x3acd: 0x00c0, 0x3ace: 0x00c0, 0x3acf: 0x00c0, 0x3ad0: 0x00c0, 0x3ad1: 0x00c0, + 0x3ad2: 0x00c0, 0x3ad3: 0x00c0, 0x3ad4: 0x00c0, 0x3ad5: 0x00c0, 0x3ad6: 0x00c0, 0x3ad7: 0x00c0, + 0x3ad8: 0x00c0, 0x3ad9: 0x00c0, 0x3ada: 0x00c0, 0x3adb: 0x00c0, 0x3adc: 0x00c0, 0x3add: 0x00c0, + 0x3ade: 0x00c0, 0x3adf: 0x00c0, 0x3ae0: 0x00c0, 0x3ae1: 0x00c0, 0x3ae2: 0x00c0, 0x3ae3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ae4: 0x00c0, 0x3ae5: 0x00c0, 0x3ae6: 0x00c0, 0x3ae7: 0x00c0, 0x3ae8: 0x00c0, 0x3ae9: 0x00c0, + 0x3aea: 0x00c0, 0x3aeb: 0x00c0, 0x3aec: 0x00c0, 0x3aed: 0x00c0, 0x3aee: 0x00c0, 0x3aef: 0x00c0, + 0x3af0: 0x00c0, 0x3af1: 0x00c0, 0x3af2: 0x00c0, 0x3af3: 0x00c0, 0x3af4: 0x00c0, 0x3af5: 0x00c0, + 0x3af6: 0x00c3, 0x3af7: 0x00c3, 0x3af8: 0x00c3, 0x3af9: 0x00c3, 0x3afa: 0x00c3, 0x3afb: 0x00c3, + 0x3afc: 0x00c3, 0x3afd: 0x00c3, 0x3afe: 0x00c3, 0x3aff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x3b00 + 0x3b00: 0x00c5, 0x3b01: 0x00c0, 0x3b02: 0x00c0, 0x3b03: 0x00c0, 0x3b04: 0x00c0, 0x3b05: 0x0080, + 0x3b06: 0x0080, 0x3b07: 0x0080, 0x3b08: 0x0080, 0x3b09: 0x00c3, 0x3b0a: 0x00c3, 0x3b0b: 0x00c3, + 0x3b0c: 0x00c3, 0x3b0d: 0x0080, 0x3b10: 0x00c0, 0x3b11: 0x00c0, + 0x3b12: 0x00c0, 0x3b13: 0x00c0, 0x3b14: 0x00c0, 0x3b15: 0x00c0, 0x3b16: 0x00c0, 0x3b17: 0x00c0, + 0x3b18: 0x00c0, 0x3b19: 0x00c0, 0x3b1a: 0x00c0, 0x3b1b: 0x0080, 0x3b1c: 0x00c0, 0x3b1d: 0x0080, + 0x3b1e: 0x0080, 0x3b1f: 0x0080, 0x3b21: 0x0080, 0x3b22: 0x0080, 0x3b23: 0x0080, + 0x3b24: 0x0080, 0x3b25: 0x0080, 0x3b26: 0x0080, 0x3b27: 0x0080, 0x3b28: 0x0080, 0x3b29: 0x0080, + 0x3b2a: 0x0080, 0x3b2b: 0x0080, 0x3b2c: 0x0080, 0x3b2d: 0x0080, 0x3b2e: 0x0080, 0x3b2f: 0x0080, + 0x3b30: 0x0080, 0x3b31: 0x0080, 0x3b32: 0x0080, 0x3b33: 0x0080, 0x3b34: 0x0080, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x3b40 + 0x3b40: 0x00c0, 0x3b41: 0x00c0, 0x3b42: 0x00c0, 0x3b43: 0x00c0, 0x3b44: 0x00c0, 0x3b45: 0x00c0, + 0x3b46: 0x00c0, 0x3b47: 0x00c0, 0x3b48: 0x00c0, 0x3b49: 0x00c0, 0x3b4a: 0x00c0, 0x3b4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3b4c: 0x00c0, 0x3b4d: 0x00c0, 0x3b4e: 0x00c0, 0x3b4f: 0x00c0, 0x3b50: 0x00c0, 0x3b51: 0x00c0, + 0x3b53: 0x00c0, 0x3b54: 0x00c0, 0x3b55: 0x00c0, 0x3b56: 0x00c0, 0x3b57: 0x00c0, + 0x3b58: 0x00c0, 0x3b59: 0x00c0, 0x3b5a: 0x00c0, 0x3b5b: 0x00c0, 0x3b5c: 0x00c0, 0x3b5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3b5e: 0x00c0, 0x3b5f: 0x00c0, 0x3b60: 0x00c0, 0x3b61: 0x00c0, 0x3b62: 0x00c0, 0x3b63: 0x00c0, + 0x3b64: 0x00c0, 0x3b65: 0x00c0, 0x3b66: 0x00c0, 0x3b67: 0x00c0, 0x3b68: 0x00c0, 0x3b69: 0x00c0, + 0x3b6a: 0x00c0, 0x3b6b: 0x00c0, 0x3b6c: 0x00c0, 0x3b6d: 0x00c0, 0x3b6e: 0x00c0, 0x3b6f: 0x00c3, + 0x3b70: 0x00c3, 0x3b71: 0x00c3, 0x3b72: 0x00c0, 0x3b73: 0x00c0, 0x3b74: 0x00c3, 0x3b75: 0x00c5, + 0x3b76: 0x00c3, 0x3b77: 0x00c3, 0x3b78: 0x0080, 0x3b79: 0x0080, 0x3b7a: 0x0080, 0x3b7b: 0x0080, + 0x3b7c: 0x0080, 0x3b7d: 0x0080, 0x3b7e: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x3b80 + 0x3b80: 0x00c0, 0x3b81: 0x00c0, 0x3b82: 0x00c0, 0x3b83: 0x00c0, 0x3b84: 0x00c0, 0x3b85: 0x00c0, + 0x3b86: 0x00c0, 0x3b88: 0x00c0, 0x3b8a: 0x00c0, 0x3b8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3b8c: 0x00c0, 0x3b8d: 0x00c0, 0x3b8f: 0x00c0, 0x3b90: 0x00c0, 0x3b91: 0x00c0, + 0x3b92: 0x00c0, 0x3b93: 0x00c0, 0x3b94: 0x00c0, 0x3b95: 0x00c0, 0x3b96: 0x00c0, 0x3b97: 0x00c0, + 0x3b98: 0x00c0, 0x3b99: 0x00c0, 0x3b9a: 0x00c0, 0x3b9b: 0x00c0, 0x3b9c: 0x00c0, 0x3b9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3b9f: 0x00c0, 0x3ba0: 0x00c0, 0x3ba1: 0x00c0, 0x3ba2: 0x00c0, 0x3ba3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ba4: 0x00c0, 0x3ba5: 0x00c0, 0x3ba6: 0x00c0, 0x3ba7: 0x00c0, 0x3ba8: 0x00c0, 0x3ba9: 0x0080, + 0x3bb0: 0x00c0, 0x3bb1: 0x00c0, 0x3bb2: 0x00c0, 0x3bb3: 0x00c0, 0x3bb4: 0x00c0, 0x3bb5: 0x00c0, + 0x3bb6: 0x00c0, 0x3bb7: 0x00c0, 0x3bb8: 0x00c0, 0x3bb9: 0x00c0, 0x3bba: 0x00c0, 0x3bbb: 0x00c0, + 0x3bbc: 0x00c0, 0x3bbd: 0x00c0, 0x3bbe: 0x00c0, 0x3bbf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x3bc0 + 0x3bc0: 0x00c0, 0x3bc1: 0x00c0, 0x3bc2: 0x00c0, 0x3bc3: 0x00c0, 0x3bc4: 0x00c0, 0x3bc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3bc6: 0x00c0, 0x3bc7: 0x00c0, 0x3bc8: 0x00c0, 0x3bc9: 0x00c0, 0x3bca: 0x00c0, 0x3bcb: 0x00c0, + 0x3bcc: 0x00c0, 0x3bcd: 0x00c0, 0x3bce: 0x00c0, 0x3bcf: 0x00c0, 0x3bd0: 0x00c0, 0x3bd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3bd2: 0x00c0, 0x3bd3: 0x00c0, 0x3bd4: 0x00c0, 0x3bd5: 0x00c0, 0x3bd6: 0x00c0, 0x3bd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3bd8: 0x00c0, 0x3bd9: 0x00c0, 0x3bda: 0x00c0, 0x3bdb: 0x00c0, 0x3bdc: 0x00c0, 0x3bdd: 0x00c0, + 0x3bde: 0x00c0, 0x3bdf: 0x00c3, 0x3be0: 0x00c0, 0x3be1: 0x00c0, 0x3be2: 0x00c0, 0x3be3: 0x00c3, + 0x3be4: 0x00c3, 0x3be5: 0x00c3, 0x3be6: 0x00c3, 0x3be7: 0x00c3, 0x3be8: 0x00c3, 0x3be9: 0x00c3, + 0x3bea: 0x00c6, + 0x3bf0: 0x00c0, 0x3bf1: 0x00c0, 0x3bf2: 0x00c0, 0x3bf3: 0x00c0, 0x3bf4: 0x00c0, 0x3bf5: 0x00c0, + 0x3bf6: 0x00c0, 0x3bf7: 0x00c0, 0x3bf8: 0x00c0, 0x3bf9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf0, offset 0x3c00 + 0x3c00: 0x00c3, 0x3c01: 0x00c3, 0x3c02: 0x00c0, 0x3c03: 0x00c0, 0x3c05: 0x00c0, + 0x3c06: 0x00c0, 0x3c07: 0x00c0, 0x3c08: 0x00c0, 0x3c09: 0x00c0, 0x3c0a: 0x00c0, 0x3c0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c0c: 0x00c0, 0x3c0f: 0x00c0, 0x3c10: 0x00c0, + 0x3c13: 0x00c0, 0x3c14: 0x00c0, 0x3c15: 0x00c0, 0x3c16: 0x00c0, 0x3c17: 0x00c0, + 0x3c18: 0x00c0, 0x3c19: 0x00c0, 0x3c1a: 0x00c0, 0x3c1b: 0x00c0, 0x3c1c: 0x00c0, 0x3c1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3c1e: 0x00c0, 0x3c1f: 0x00c0, 0x3c20: 0x00c0, 0x3c21: 0x00c0, 0x3c22: 0x00c0, 0x3c23: 0x00c0, + 0x3c24: 0x00c0, 0x3c25: 0x00c0, 0x3c26: 0x00c0, 0x3c27: 0x00c0, 0x3c28: 0x00c0, + 0x3c2a: 0x00c0, 0x3c2b: 0x00c0, 0x3c2c: 0x00c0, 0x3c2d: 0x00c0, 0x3c2e: 0x00c0, 0x3c2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3c30: 0x00c0, 0x3c32: 0x00c0, 0x3c33: 0x00c0, 0x3c35: 0x00c0, + 0x3c36: 0x00c0, 0x3c37: 0x00c0, 0x3c38: 0x00c0, 0x3c39: 0x00c0, 0x3c3b: 0x00c3, + 0x3c3c: 0x00c3, 0x3c3d: 0x00c0, 0x3c3e: 0x00c0, 0x3c3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf1, offset 0x3c40 + 0x3c40: 0x00c3, 0x3c41: 0x00c0, 0x3c42: 0x00c0, 0x3c43: 0x00c0, 0x3c44: 0x00c0, + 0x3c47: 0x00c0, 0x3c48: 0x00c0, 0x3c4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c4c: 0x00c0, 0x3c4d: 0x00c5, 0x3c50: 0x00c0, + 0x3c57: 0x00c0, + 0x3c5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3c5e: 0x00c0, 0x3c5f: 0x00c0, 0x3c60: 0x00c0, 0x3c61: 0x00c0, 0x3c62: 0x00c0, 0x3c63: 0x00c0, + 0x3c66: 0x00c3, 0x3c67: 0x00c3, 0x3c68: 0x00c3, 0x3c69: 0x00c3, + 0x3c6a: 0x00c3, 0x3c6b: 0x00c3, 0x3c6c: 0x00c3, + 0x3c70: 0x00c3, 0x3c71: 0x00c3, 0x3c72: 0x00c3, 0x3c73: 0x00c3, 0x3c74: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf2, offset 0x3c80 + 0x3c80: 0x00c0, 0x3c81: 0x00c0, 0x3c82: 0x00c0, 0x3c83: 0x00c0, 0x3c84: 0x00c0, 0x3c85: 0x00c0, + 0x3c86: 0x00c0, 0x3c87: 0x00c0, 0x3c88: 0x00c0, 0x3c89: 0x00c0, 0x3c8a: 0x00c0, 0x3c8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c8c: 0x00c0, 0x3c8d: 0x00c0, 0x3c8e: 0x00c0, 0x3c8f: 0x00c0, 0x3c90: 0x00c0, 0x3c91: 0x00c0, + 0x3c92: 0x00c0, 0x3c93: 0x00c0, 0x3c94: 0x00c0, 0x3c95: 0x00c0, 0x3c96: 0x00c0, 0x3c97: 0x00c0, + 0x3c98: 0x00c0, 0x3c99: 0x00c0, 0x3c9a: 0x00c0, 0x3c9b: 0x00c0, 0x3c9c: 0x00c0, 0x3c9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3c9e: 0x00c0, 0x3c9f: 0x00c0, 0x3ca0: 0x00c0, 0x3ca1: 0x00c0, 0x3ca2: 0x00c0, 0x3ca3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ca4: 0x00c0, 0x3ca5: 0x00c0, 0x3ca6: 0x00c0, 0x3ca7: 0x00c0, 0x3ca8: 0x00c0, 0x3ca9: 0x00c0, + 0x3caa: 0x00c0, 0x3cab: 0x00c0, 0x3cac: 0x00c0, 0x3cad: 0x00c0, 0x3cae: 0x00c0, 0x3caf: 0x00c0, + 0x3cb0: 0x00c0, 0x3cb1: 0x00c0, 0x3cb2: 0x00c0, 0x3cb3: 0x00c0, 0x3cb4: 0x00c0, 0x3cb5: 0x00c0, + 0x3cb6: 0x00c0, 0x3cb7: 0x00c0, 0x3cb8: 0x00c3, 0x3cb9: 0x00c3, 0x3cba: 0x00c3, 0x3cbb: 0x00c3, + 0x3cbc: 0x00c3, 0x3cbd: 0x00c3, 0x3cbe: 0x00c3, 0x3cbf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf3, offset 0x3cc0 + 0x3cc0: 0x00c0, 0x3cc1: 0x00c0, 0x3cc2: 0x00c6, 0x3cc3: 0x00c3, 0x3cc4: 0x00c3, 0x3cc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3cc6: 0x00c3, 0x3cc7: 0x00c0, 0x3cc8: 0x00c0, 0x3cc9: 0x00c0, 0x3cca: 0x00c0, 0x3ccb: 0x0080, + 0x3ccc: 0x0080, 0x3ccd: 0x0080, 0x3cce: 0x0080, 0x3ccf: 0x0080, 0x3cd0: 0x00c0, 0x3cd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3cd2: 0x00c0, 0x3cd3: 0x00c0, 0x3cd4: 0x00c0, 0x3cd5: 0x00c0, 0x3cd6: 0x00c0, 0x3cd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3cd8: 0x00c0, 0x3cd9: 0x00c0, 0x3cdb: 0x0080, 0x3cdd: 0x0080, + 0x3cde: 0x00c3, 0x3cdf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf4, offset 0x3d00 + 0x3d00: 0x00c0, 0x3d01: 0x00c0, 0x3d02: 0x00c0, 0x3d03: 0x00c0, 0x3d04: 0x00c0, 0x3d05: 0x00c0, + 0x3d06: 0x00c0, 0x3d07: 0x00c0, 0x3d08: 0x00c0, 0x3d09: 0x00c0, 0x3d0a: 0x00c0, 0x3d0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3d0c: 0x00c0, 0x3d0d: 0x00c0, 0x3d0e: 0x00c0, 0x3d0f: 0x00c0, 0x3d10: 0x00c0, 0x3d11: 0x00c0, + 0x3d12: 0x00c0, 0x3d13: 0x00c0, 0x3d14: 0x00c0, 0x3d15: 0x00c0, 0x3d16: 0x00c0, 0x3d17: 0x00c0, + 0x3d18: 0x00c0, 0x3d19: 0x00c0, 0x3d1a: 0x00c0, 0x3d1b: 0x00c0, 0x3d1c: 0x00c0, 0x3d1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3d1e: 0x00c0, 0x3d1f: 0x00c0, 0x3d20: 0x00c0, 0x3d21: 0x00c0, 0x3d22: 0x00c0, 0x3d23: 0x00c0, + 0x3d24: 0x00c0, 0x3d25: 0x00c0, 0x3d26: 0x00c0, 0x3d27: 0x00c0, 0x3d28: 0x00c0, 0x3d29: 0x00c0, + 0x3d2a: 0x00c0, 0x3d2b: 0x00c0, 0x3d2c: 0x00c0, 0x3d2d: 0x00c0, 0x3d2e: 0x00c0, 0x3d2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3d30: 0x00c0, 0x3d31: 0x00c0, 0x3d32: 0x00c0, 0x3d33: 0x00c3, 0x3d34: 0x00c3, 0x3d35: 0x00c3, + 0x3d36: 0x00c3, 0x3d37: 0x00c3, 0x3d38: 0x00c3, 0x3d39: 0x00c0, 0x3d3a: 0x00c3, 0x3d3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3d3c: 0x00c0, 0x3d3d: 0x00c0, 0x3d3e: 0x00c0, 0x3d3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf5, offset 0x3d40 + 0x3d40: 0x00c3, 0x3d41: 0x00c0, 0x3d42: 0x00c6, 0x3d43: 0x00c3, 0x3d44: 0x00c0, 0x3d45: 0x00c0, + 0x3d46: 0x0080, 0x3d47: 0x00c0, + 0x3d50: 0x00c0, 0x3d51: 0x00c0, + 0x3d52: 0x00c0, 0x3d53: 0x00c0, 0x3d54: 0x00c0, 0x3d55: 0x00c0, 0x3d56: 0x00c0, 0x3d57: 0x00c0, + 0x3d58: 0x00c0, 0x3d59: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf6, offset 0x3d80 + 0x3d80: 0x00c0, 0x3d81: 0x00c0, 0x3d82: 0x00c0, 0x3d83: 0x00c0, 0x3d84: 0x00c0, 0x3d85: 0x00c0, + 0x3d86: 0x00c0, 0x3d87: 0x00c0, 0x3d88: 0x00c0, 0x3d89: 0x00c0, 0x3d8a: 0x00c0, 0x3d8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3d8c: 0x00c0, 0x3d8d: 0x00c0, 0x3d8e: 0x00c0, 0x3d8f: 0x00c0, 0x3d90: 0x00c0, 0x3d91: 0x00c0, + 0x3d92: 0x00c0, 0x3d93: 0x00c0, 0x3d94: 0x00c0, 0x3d95: 0x00c0, 0x3d96: 0x00c0, 0x3d97: 0x00c0, + 0x3d98: 0x00c0, 0x3d99: 0x00c0, 0x3d9a: 0x00c0, 0x3d9b: 0x00c0, 0x3d9c: 0x00c0, 0x3d9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3d9e: 0x00c0, 0x3d9f: 0x00c0, 0x3da0: 0x00c0, 0x3da1: 0x00c0, 0x3da2: 0x00c0, 0x3da3: 0x00c0, + 0x3da4: 0x00c0, 0x3da5: 0x00c0, 0x3da6: 0x00c0, 0x3da7: 0x00c0, 0x3da8: 0x00c0, 0x3da9: 0x00c0, + 0x3daa: 0x00c0, 0x3dab: 0x00c0, 0x3dac: 0x00c0, 0x3dad: 0x00c0, 0x3dae: 0x00c0, 0x3daf: 0x00c0, + 0x3db0: 0x00c0, 0x3db1: 0x00c0, 0x3db2: 0x00c3, 0x3db3: 0x00c3, 0x3db4: 0x00c3, 0x3db5: 0x00c3, + 0x3db8: 0x00c0, 0x3db9: 0x00c0, 0x3dba: 0x00c0, 0x3dbb: 0x00c0, + 0x3dbc: 0x00c3, 0x3dbd: 0x00c3, 0x3dbe: 0x00c0, 0x3dbf: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xf7, offset 0x3dc0 + 0x3dc0: 0x00c3, 0x3dc1: 0x0080, 0x3dc2: 0x0080, 0x3dc3: 0x0080, 0x3dc4: 0x0080, 0x3dc5: 0x0080, + 0x3dc6: 0x0080, 0x3dc7: 0x0080, 0x3dc8: 0x0080, 0x3dc9: 0x0080, 0x3dca: 0x0080, 0x3dcb: 0x0080, + 0x3dcc: 0x0080, 0x3dcd: 0x0080, 0x3dce: 0x0080, 0x3dcf: 0x0080, 0x3dd0: 0x0080, 0x3dd1: 0x0080, + 0x3dd2: 0x0080, 0x3dd3: 0x0080, 0x3dd4: 0x0080, 0x3dd5: 0x0080, 0x3dd6: 0x0080, 0x3dd7: 0x0080, + 0x3dd8: 0x00c0, 0x3dd9: 0x00c0, 0x3dda: 0x00c0, 0x3ddb: 0x00c0, 0x3ddc: 0x00c3, 0x3ddd: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf8, offset 0x3e00 + 0x3e00: 0x00c0, 0x3e01: 0x00c0, 0x3e02: 0x00c0, 0x3e03: 0x00c0, 0x3e04: 0x00c0, 0x3e05: 0x00c0, + 0x3e06: 0x00c0, 0x3e07: 0x00c0, 0x3e08: 0x00c0, 0x3e09: 0x00c0, 0x3e0a: 0x00c0, 0x3e0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3e0c: 0x00c0, 0x3e0d: 0x00c0, 0x3e0e: 0x00c0, 0x3e0f: 0x00c0, 0x3e10: 0x00c0, 0x3e11: 0x00c0, + 0x3e12: 0x00c0, 0x3e13: 0x00c0, 0x3e14: 0x00c0, 0x3e15: 0x00c0, 0x3e16: 0x00c0, 0x3e17: 0x00c0, + 0x3e18: 0x00c0, 0x3e19: 0x00c0, 0x3e1a: 0x00c0, 0x3e1b: 0x00c0, 0x3e1c: 0x00c0, 0x3e1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3e1e: 0x00c0, 0x3e1f: 0x00c0, 0x3e20: 0x00c0, 0x3e21: 0x00c0, 0x3e22: 0x00c0, 0x3e23: 0x00c0, + 0x3e24: 0x00c0, 0x3e25: 0x00c0, 0x3e26: 0x00c0, 0x3e27: 0x00c0, 0x3e28: 0x00c0, 0x3e29: 0x00c0, + 0x3e2a: 0x00c0, 0x3e2b: 0x00c0, 0x3e2c: 0x00c0, 0x3e2d: 0x00c0, 0x3e2e: 0x00c0, 0x3e2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3e30: 0x00c0, 0x3e31: 0x00c0, 0x3e32: 0x00c0, 0x3e33: 0x00c3, 0x3e34: 0x00c3, 0x3e35: 0x00c3, + 0x3e36: 0x00c3, 0x3e37: 0x00c3, 0x3e38: 0x00c3, 0x3e39: 0x00c3, 0x3e3a: 0x00c3, 0x3e3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3e3c: 0x00c0, 0x3e3d: 0x00c3, 0x3e3e: 0x00c0, 0x3e3f: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xf9, offset 0x3e40 + 0x3e40: 0x00c3, 0x3e41: 0x0080, 0x3e42: 0x0080, 0x3e43: 0x0080, 0x3e44: 0x00c0, + 0x3e50: 0x00c0, 0x3e51: 0x00c0, + 0x3e52: 0x00c0, 0x3e53: 0x00c0, 0x3e54: 0x00c0, 0x3e55: 0x00c0, 0x3e56: 0x00c0, 0x3e57: 0x00c0, + 0x3e58: 0x00c0, 0x3e59: 0x00c0, + 0x3e60: 0x0080, 0x3e61: 0x0080, 0x3e62: 0x0080, 0x3e63: 0x0080, + 0x3e64: 0x0080, 0x3e65: 0x0080, 0x3e66: 0x0080, 0x3e67: 0x0080, 0x3e68: 0x0080, 0x3e69: 0x0080, + 0x3e6a: 0x0080, 0x3e6b: 0x0080, 0x3e6c: 0x0080, + // Block 0xfa, offset 0x3e80 + 0x3e80: 0x00c0, 0x3e81: 0x00c0, 0x3e82: 0x00c0, 0x3e83: 0x00c0, 0x3e84: 0x00c0, 0x3e85: 0x00c0, + 0x3e86: 0x00c0, 0x3e87: 0x00c0, 0x3e88: 0x00c0, 0x3e89: 0x00c0, 0x3e8a: 0x00c0, 0x3e8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3e8c: 0x00c0, 0x3e8d: 0x00c0, 0x3e8e: 0x00c0, 0x3e8f: 0x00c0, 0x3e90: 0x00c0, 0x3e91: 0x00c0, + 0x3e92: 0x00c0, 0x3e93: 0x00c0, 0x3e94: 0x00c0, 0x3e95: 0x00c0, 0x3e96: 0x00c0, 0x3e97: 0x00c0, + 0x3e98: 0x00c0, 0x3e99: 0x00c0, 0x3e9a: 0x00c0, 0x3e9b: 0x00c0, 0x3e9c: 0x00c0, 0x3e9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3e9e: 0x00c0, 0x3e9f: 0x00c0, 0x3ea0: 0x00c0, 0x3ea1: 0x00c0, 0x3ea2: 0x00c0, 0x3ea3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ea4: 0x00c0, 0x3ea5: 0x00c0, 0x3ea6: 0x00c0, 0x3ea7: 0x00c0, 0x3ea8: 0x00c0, 0x3ea9: 0x00c0, + 0x3eaa: 0x00c0, 0x3eab: 0x00c3, 0x3eac: 0x00c0, 0x3ead: 0x00c3, 0x3eae: 0x00c0, 0x3eaf: 0x00c0, + 0x3eb0: 0x00c3, 0x3eb1: 0x00c3, 0x3eb2: 0x00c3, 0x3eb3: 0x00c3, 0x3eb4: 0x00c3, 0x3eb5: 0x00c3, + 0x3eb6: 0x00c5, 0x3eb7: 0x00c3, 0x3eb8: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xfb, offset 0x3ec0 + 0x3ec0: 0x00c0, 0x3ec1: 0x00c0, 0x3ec2: 0x00c0, 0x3ec3: 0x00c0, 0x3ec4: 0x00c0, 0x3ec5: 0x00c0, + 0x3ec6: 0x00c0, 0x3ec7: 0x00c0, 0x3ec8: 0x00c0, 0x3ec9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xfc, offset 0x3f00 + 0x3f00: 0x00c0, 0x3f01: 0x00c0, 0x3f02: 0x00c0, 0x3f03: 0x00c0, 0x3f04: 0x00c0, 0x3f05: 0x00c0, + 0x3f06: 0x00c0, 0x3f07: 0x00c0, 0x3f08: 0x00c0, 0x3f09: 0x00c0, 0x3f0a: 0x00c0, 0x3f0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3f0c: 0x00c0, 0x3f0d: 0x00c0, 0x3f0e: 0x00c0, 0x3f0f: 0x00c0, 0x3f10: 0x00c0, 0x3f11: 0x00c0, + 0x3f12: 0x00c0, 0x3f13: 0x00c0, 0x3f14: 0x00c0, 0x3f15: 0x00c0, 0x3f16: 0x00c0, 0x3f17: 0x00c0, + 0x3f18: 0x00c0, 0x3f19: 0x00c0, 0x3f1a: 0x00c0, 0x3f1d: 0x00c3, + 0x3f1e: 0x00c3, 0x3f1f: 0x00c3, 0x3f20: 0x00c0, 0x3f21: 0x00c0, 0x3f22: 0x00c3, 0x3f23: 0x00c3, + 0x3f24: 0x00c3, 0x3f25: 0x00c3, 0x3f26: 0x00c0, 0x3f27: 0x00c3, 0x3f28: 0x00c3, 0x3f29: 0x00c3, + 0x3f2a: 0x00c3, 0x3f2b: 0x00c6, + 0x3f30: 0x00c0, 0x3f31: 0x00c0, 0x3f32: 0x00c0, 0x3f33: 0x00c0, 0x3f34: 0x00c0, 0x3f35: 0x00c0, + 0x3f36: 0x00c0, 0x3f37: 0x00c0, 0x3f38: 0x00c0, 0x3f39: 0x00c0, 0x3f3a: 0x0080, 0x3f3b: 0x0080, + 0x3f3c: 0x0080, 0x3f3d: 0x0080, 0x3f3e: 0x0080, 0x3f3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xfd, offset 0x3f40 + 0x3f40: 0x00c0, 0x3f41: 0x00c0, 0x3f42: 0x00c0, 0x3f43: 0x00c0, 0x3f44: 0x00c0, 0x3f45: 0x00c0, + 0x3f46: 0x00c0, 0x3f47: 0x00c0, 0x3f48: 0x00c0, 0x3f49: 0x00c0, 0x3f4a: 0x00c0, 0x3f4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3f4c: 0x00c0, 0x3f4d: 0x00c0, 0x3f4e: 0x00c0, 0x3f4f: 0x00c0, 0x3f50: 0x00c0, 0x3f51: 0x00c0, + 0x3f52: 0x00c0, 0x3f53: 0x00c0, 0x3f54: 0x00c0, 0x3f55: 0x00c0, 0x3f56: 0x00c0, 0x3f57: 0x00c0, + 0x3f58: 0x00c0, 0x3f59: 0x00c0, 0x3f5a: 0x00c0, 0x3f5b: 0x00c0, 0x3f5c: 0x00c0, 0x3f5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3f5e: 0x00c0, 0x3f5f: 0x00c0, 0x3f60: 0x00c0, 0x3f61: 0x00c0, 0x3f62: 0x00c0, 0x3f63: 0x00c0, + 0x3f64: 0x00c0, 0x3f65: 0x00c0, 0x3f66: 0x00c0, 0x3f67: 0x00c0, 0x3f68: 0x00c0, 0x3f69: 0x00c0, + 0x3f6a: 0x00c0, 0x3f6b: 0x00c0, 0x3f6c: 0x00c0, 0x3f6d: 0x00c0, 0x3f6e: 0x00c0, 0x3f6f: 0x00c3, + 0x3f70: 0x00c3, 0x3f71: 0x00c3, 0x3f72: 0x00c3, 0x3f73: 0x00c3, 0x3f74: 0x00c3, 0x3f75: 0x00c3, + 0x3f76: 0x00c3, 0x3f77: 0x00c3, 0x3f78: 0x00c0, 0x3f79: 0x00c6, 0x3f7a: 0x00c3, 0x3f7b: 0x0080, + // Block 0xfe, offset 0x3f80 + 0x3fa0: 0x00c0, 0x3fa1: 0x00c0, 0x3fa2: 0x00c0, 0x3fa3: 0x00c0, + 0x3fa4: 0x00c0, 0x3fa5: 0x00c0, 0x3fa6: 0x00c0, 0x3fa7: 0x00c0, 0x3fa8: 0x00c0, 0x3fa9: 0x00c0, + 0x3faa: 0x00c0, 0x3fab: 0x00c0, 0x3fac: 0x00c0, 0x3fad: 0x00c0, 0x3fae: 0x00c0, 0x3faf: 0x00c0, + 0x3fb0: 0x00c0, 0x3fb1: 0x00c0, 0x3fb2: 0x00c0, 0x3fb3: 0x00c0, 0x3fb4: 0x00c0, 0x3fb5: 0x00c0, + 0x3fb6: 0x00c0, 0x3fb7: 0x00c0, 0x3fb8: 0x00c0, 0x3fb9: 0x00c0, 0x3fba: 0x00c0, 0x3fbb: 0x00c0, + 0x3fbc: 0x00c0, 0x3fbd: 0x00c0, 0x3fbe: 0x00c0, 0x3fbf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xff, offset 0x3fc0 + 0x3fc0: 0x00c0, 0x3fc1: 0x00c0, 0x3fc2: 0x00c0, 0x3fc3: 0x00c0, 0x3fc4: 0x00c0, 0x3fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3fc6: 0x00c0, 0x3fc7: 0x00c0, 0x3fc8: 0x00c0, 0x3fc9: 0x00c0, 0x3fca: 0x00c0, 0x3fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x3fcc: 0x00c0, 0x3fcd: 0x00c0, 0x3fce: 0x00c0, 0x3fcf: 0x00c0, 0x3fd0: 0x00c0, 0x3fd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3fd2: 0x00c0, 0x3fd3: 0x00c0, 0x3fd4: 0x00c0, 0x3fd5: 0x00c0, 0x3fd6: 0x00c0, 0x3fd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3fd8: 0x00c0, 0x3fd9: 0x00c0, 0x3fda: 0x00c0, 0x3fdb: 0x00c0, 0x3fdc: 0x00c0, 0x3fdd: 0x00c0, + 0x3fde: 0x00c0, 0x3fdf: 0x00c0, 0x3fe0: 0x00c0, 0x3fe1: 0x00c0, 0x3fe2: 0x00c0, 0x3fe3: 0x00c0, + 0x3fe4: 0x00c0, 0x3fe5: 0x00c0, 0x3fe6: 0x00c0, 0x3fe7: 0x00c0, 0x3fe8: 0x00c0, 0x3fe9: 0x00c0, + 0x3fea: 0x0080, 0x3feb: 0x0080, 0x3fec: 0x0080, 0x3fed: 0x0080, 0x3fee: 0x0080, 0x3fef: 0x0080, + 0x3ff0: 0x0080, 0x3ff1: 0x0080, 0x3ff2: 0x0080, + 0x3fff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x100, offset 0x4000 + 0x4020: 0x00c0, 0x4021: 0x00c0, 0x4022: 0x00c0, 0x4023: 0x00c0, + 0x4024: 0x00c0, 0x4025: 0x00c0, 0x4026: 0x00c0, 0x4027: 0x00c0, + 0x402a: 0x00c0, 0x402b: 0x00c0, 0x402c: 0x00c0, 0x402d: 0x00c0, 0x402e: 0x00c0, 0x402f: 0x00c0, + 0x4030: 0x00c0, 0x4031: 0x00c0, 0x4032: 0x00c0, 0x4033: 0x00c0, 0x4034: 0x00c0, 0x4035: 0x00c0, + 0x4036: 0x00c0, 0x4037: 0x00c0, 0x4038: 0x00c0, 0x4039: 0x00c0, 0x403a: 0x00c0, 0x403b: 0x00c0, + 0x403c: 0x00c0, 0x403d: 0x00c0, 0x403e: 0x00c0, 0x403f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x101, offset 0x4040 + 0x4040: 0x00c0, 0x4041: 0x00c0, 0x4042: 0x00c0, 0x4043: 0x00c0, 0x4044: 0x00c0, 0x4045: 0x00c0, + 0x4046: 0x00c0, 0x4047: 0x00c0, 0x4048: 0x00c0, 0x4049: 0x00c0, 0x404a: 0x00c0, 0x404b: 0x00c0, + 0x404c: 0x00c0, 0x404d: 0x00c0, 0x404e: 0x00c0, 0x404f: 0x00c0, 0x4050: 0x00c0, 0x4051: 0x00c0, + 0x4052: 0x00c0, 0x4053: 0x00c0, 0x4054: 0x00c3, 0x4055: 0x00c3, 0x4056: 0x00c3, 0x4057: 0x00c3, + 0x405a: 0x00c3, 0x405b: 0x00c3, 0x405c: 0x00c0, 0x405d: 0x00c0, + 0x405e: 0x00c0, 0x405f: 0x00c0, 0x4060: 0x00c6, 0x4061: 0x00c0, 0x4062: 0x0080, 0x4063: 0x00c0, + 0x4064: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x102, offset 0x4080 + 0x4080: 0x00c0, 0x4081: 0x00c3, 0x4082: 0x00c3, 0x4083: 0x00c3, 0x4084: 0x00c3, 0x4085: 0x00c3, + 0x4086: 0x00c3, 0x4087: 0x00c3, 0x4088: 0x00c3, 0x4089: 0x00c3, 0x408a: 0x00c3, 0x408b: 0x00c0, + 0x408c: 0x00c0, 0x408d: 0x00c0, 0x408e: 0x00c0, 0x408f: 0x00c0, 0x4090: 0x00c0, 0x4091: 0x00c0, + 0x4092: 0x00c0, 0x4093: 0x00c0, 0x4094: 0x00c0, 0x4095: 0x00c0, 0x4096: 0x00c0, 0x4097: 0x00c0, + 0x4098: 0x00c0, 0x4099: 0x00c0, 0x409a: 0x00c0, 0x409b: 0x00c0, 0x409c: 0x00c0, 0x409d: 0x00c0, + 0x409e: 0x00c0, 0x409f: 0x00c0, 0x40a0: 0x00c0, 0x40a1: 0x00c0, 0x40a2: 0x00c0, 0x40a3: 0x00c0, + 0x40a4: 0x00c0, 0x40a5: 0x00c0, 0x40a6: 0x00c0, 0x40a7: 0x00c0, 0x40a8: 0x00c0, 0x40a9: 0x00c0, + 0x40aa: 0x00c0, 0x40ab: 0x00c0, 0x40ac: 0x00c0, 0x40ad: 0x00c0, 0x40ae: 0x00c0, 0x40af: 0x00c0, + 0x40b0: 0x00c0, 0x40b1: 0x00c0, 0x40b2: 0x00c0, 0x40b3: 0x00c3, 0x40b4: 0x00c6, 0x40b5: 0x00c3, + 0x40b6: 0x00c3, 0x40b7: 0x00c3, 0x40b8: 0x00c3, 0x40b9: 0x00c0, 0x40ba: 0x00c0, 0x40bb: 0x00c3, + 0x40bc: 0x00c3, 0x40bd: 0x00c3, 0x40be: 0x00c3, 0x40bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x103, offset 0x40c0 + 0x40c0: 0x0080, 0x40c1: 0x0080, 0x40c2: 0x0080, 0x40c3: 0x0080, 0x40c4: 0x0080, 0x40c5: 0x0080, + 0x40c6: 0x0080, 0x40c7: 0x00c6, + 0x40d0: 0x00c0, 0x40d1: 0x00c3, + 0x40d2: 0x00c3, 0x40d3: 0x00c3, 0x40d4: 0x00c3, 0x40d5: 0x00c3, 0x40d6: 0x00c3, 0x40d7: 0x00c0, + 0x40d8: 0x00c0, 0x40d9: 0x00c3, 0x40da: 0x00c3, 0x40db: 0x00c3, 0x40dc: 0x00c0, 0x40dd: 0x00c0, + 0x40de: 0x00c0, 0x40df: 0x00c0, 0x40e0: 0x00c0, 0x40e1: 0x00c0, 0x40e2: 0x00c0, 0x40e3: 0x00c0, + 0x40e4: 0x00c0, 0x40e5: 0x00c0, 0x40e6: 0x00c0, 0x40e7: 0x00c0, 0x40e8: 0x00c0, 0x40e9: 0x00c0, + 0x40ea: 0x00c0, 0x40eb: 0x00c0, 0x40ec: 0x00c0, 0x40ed: 0x00c0, 0x40ee: 0x00c0, 0x40ef: 0x00c0, + 0x40f0: 0x00c0, 0x40f1: 0x00c0, 0x40f2: 0x00c0, 0x40f3: 0x00c0, 0x40f4: 0x00c0, 0x40f5: 0x00c0, + 0x40f6: 0x00c0, 0x40f7: 0x00c0, 0x40f8: 0x00c0, 0x40f9: 0x00c0, 0x40fa: 0x00c0, 0x40fb: 0x00c0, + 0x40fc: 0x00c0, 0x40fd: 0x00c0, 0x40fe: 0x00c0, 0x40ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x104, offset 0x4100 + 0x4100: 0x00c0, 0x4101: 0x00c0, 0x4102: 0x00c0, 0x4103: 0x00c0, 0x4104: 0x00c0, 0x4105: 0x00c0, + 0x4106: 0x00c0, 0x4107: 0x00c0, 0x4108: 0x00c0, 0x4109: 0x00c0, 0x410a: 0x00c3, 0x410b: 0x00c3, + 0x410c: 0x00c3, 0x410d: 0x00c3, 0x410e: 0x00c3, 0x410f: 0x00c3, 0x4110: 0x00c3, 0x4111: 0x00c3, + 0x4112: 0x00c3, 0x4113: 0x00c3, 0x4114: 0x00c3, 0x4115: 0x00c3, 0x4116: 0x00c3, 0x4117: 0x00c0, + 0x4118: 0x00c3, 0x4119: 0x00c6, 0x411a: 0x0080, 0x411b: 0x0080, 0x411c: 0x0080, 0x411d: 0x00c0, + 0x411e: 0x0080, 0x411f: 0x0080, 0x4120: 0x0080, 0x4121: 0x0080, 0x4122: 0x0080, + // Block 0x105, offset 0x4140 + 0x4140: 0x00c0, 0x4141: 0x00c0, 0x4142: 0x00c0, 0x4143: 0x00c0, 0x4144: 0x00c0, 0x4145: 0x00c0, + 0x4146: 0x00c0, 0x4147: 0x00c0, 0x4148: 0x00c0, 0x4149: 0x00c0, 0x414a: 0x00c0, 0x414b: 0x00c0, + 0x414c: 0x00c0, 0x414d: 0x00c0, 0x414e: 0x00c0, 0x414f: 0x00c0, 0x4150: 0x00c0, 0x4151: 0x00c0, + 0x4152: 0x00c0, 0x4153: 0x00c0, 0x4154: 0x00c0, 0x4155: 0x00c0, 0x4156: 0x00c0, 0x4157: 0x00c0, + 0x4158: 0x00c0, 0x4159: 0x00c0, 0x415a: 0x00c0, 0x415b: 0x00c0, 0x415c: 0x00c0, 0x415d: 0x00c0, + 0x415e: 0x00c0, 0x415f: 0x00c0, 0x4160: 0x00c0, 0x4161: 0x00c0, 0x4162: 0x00c0, 0x4163: 0x00c0, + 0x4164: 0x00c0, 0x4165: 0x00c0, 0x4166: 0x00c0, 0x4167: 0x00c0, 0x4168: 0x00c0, 0x4169: 0x00c0, + 0x416a: 0x00c0, 0x416b: 0x00c0, 0x416c: 0x00c0, 0x416d: 0x00c0, 0x416e: 0x00c0, 0x416f: 0x00c0, + 0x4170: 0x00c0, 0x4171: 0x00c0, 0x4172: 0x00c0, 0x4173: 0x00c0, 0x4174: 0x00c0, 0x4175: 0x00c0, + 0x4176: 0x00c0, 0x4177: 0x00c0, 0x4178: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x106, offset 0x4180 + 0x4180: 0x00c0, 0x4181: 0x00c0, 0x4182: 0x00c0, 0x4183: 0x00c0, 0x4184: 0x00c0, 0x4185: 0x00c0, + 0x4186: 0x00c0, 0x4187: 0x00c0, 0x4188: 0x00c0, 0x418a: 0x00c0, 0x418b: 0x00c0, + 0x418c: 0x00c0, 0x418d: 0x00c0, 0x418e: 0x00c0, 0x418f: 0x00c0, 0x4190: 0x00c0, 0x4191: 0x00c0, + 0x4192: 0x00c0, 0x4193: 0x00c0, 0x4194: 0x00c0, 0x4195: 0x00c0, 0x4196: 0x00c0, 0x4197: 0x00c0, + 0x4198: 0x00c0, 0x4199: 0x00c0, 0x419a: 0x00c0, 0x419b: 0x00c0, 0x419c: 0x00c0, 0x419d: 0x00c0, + 0x419e: 0x00c0, 0x419f: 0x00c0, 0x41a0: 0x00c0, 0x41a1: 0x00c0, 0x41a2: 0x00c0, 0x41a3: 0x00c0, + 0x41a4: 0x00c0, 0x41a5: 0x00c0, 0x41a6: 0x00c0, 0x41a7: 0x00c0, 0x41a8: 0x00c0, 0x41a9: 0x00c0, + 0x41aa: 0x00c0, 0x41ab: 0x00c0, 0x41ac: 0x00c0, 0x41ad: 0x00c0, 0x41ae: 0x00c0, 0x41af: 0x00c0, + 0x41b0: 0x00c3, 0x41b1: 0x00c3, 0x41b2: 0x00c3, 0x41b3: 0x00c3, 0x41b4: 0x00c3, 0x41b5: 0x00c3, + 0x41b6: 0x00c3, 0x41b8: 0x00c3, 0x41b9: 0x00c3, 0x41ba: 0x00c3, 0x41bb: 0x00c3, + 0x41bc: 0x00c3, 0x41bd: 0x00c3, 0x41be: 0x00c0, 0x41bf: 0x00c6, + // Block 0x107, offset 0x41c0 + 0x41c0: 0x00c0, 0x41c1: 0x0080, 0x41c2: 0x0080, 0x41c3: 0x0080, 0x41c4: 0x0080, 0x41c5: 0x0080, + 0x41d0: 0x00c0, 0x41d1: 0x00c0, + 0x41d2: 0x00c0, 0x41d3: 0x00c0, 0x41d4: 0x00c0, 0x41d5: 0x00c0, 0x41d6: 0x00c0, 0x41d7: 0x00c0, + 0x41d8: 0x00c0, 0x41d9: 0x00c0, 0x41da: 0x0080, 0x41db: 0x0080, 0x41dc: 0x0080, 0x41dd: 0x0080, + 0x41de: 0x0080, 0x41df: 0x0080, 0x41e0: 0x0080, 0x41e1: 0x0080, 0x41e2: 0x0080, 0x41e3: 0x0080, + 0x41e4: 0x0080, 0x41e5: 0x0080, 0x41e6: 0x0080, 0x41e7: 0x0080, 0x41e8: 0x0080, 0x41e9: 0x0080, + 0x41ea: 0x0080, 0x41eb: 0x0080, 0x41ec: 0x0080, + 0x41f0: 0x0080, 0x41f1: 0x0080, 0x41f2: 0x00c0, 0x41f3: 0x00c0, 0x41f4: 0x00c0, 0x41f5: 0x00c0, + 0x41f6: 0x00c0, 0x41f7: 0x00c0, 0x41f8: 0x00c0, 0x41f9: 0x00c0, 0x41fa: 0x00c0, 0x41fb: 0x00c0, + 0x41fc: 0x00c0, 0x41fd: 0x00c0, 0x41fe: 0x00c0, 0x41ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x108, offset 0x4200 + 0x4200: 0x00c0, 0x4201: 0x00c0, 0x4202: 0x00c0, 0x4203: 0x00c0, 0x4204: 0x00c0, 0x4205: 0x00c0, + 0x4206: 0x00c0, 0x4207: 0x00c0, 0x4208: 0x00c0, 0x4209: 0x00c0, 0x420a: 0x00c0, 0x420b: 0x00c0, + 0x420c: 0x00c0, 0x420d: 0x00c0, 0x420e: 0x00c0, 0x420f: 0x00c0, + 0x4212: 0x00c3, 0x4213: 0x00c3, 0x4214: 0x00c3, 0x4215: 0x00c3, 0x4216: 0x00c3, 0x4217: 0x00c3, + 0x4218: 0x00c3, 0x4219: 0x00c3, 0x421a: 0x00c3, 0x421b: 0x00c3, 0x421c: 0x00c3, 0x421d: 0x00c3, + 0x421e: 0x00c3, 0x421f: 0x00c3, 0x4220: 0x00c3, 0x4221: 0x00c3, 0x4222: 0x00c3, 0x4223: 0x00c3, + 0x4224: 0x00c3, 0x4225: 0x00c3, 0x4226: 0x00c3, 0x4227: 0x00c3, 0x4229: 0x00c0, + 0x422a: 0x00c3, 0x422b: 0x00c3, 0x422c: 0x00c3, 0x422d: 0x00c3, 0x422e: 0x00c3, 0x422f: 0x00c3, + 0x4230: 0x00c3, 0x4231: 0x00c0, 0x4232: 0x00c3, 0x4233: 0x00c3, 0x4234: 0x00c0, 0x4235: 0x00c3, + 0x4236: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x109, offset 0x4240 + 0x4240: 0x00c0, 0x4241: 0x00c0, 0x4242: 0x00c0, 0x4243: 0x00c0, 0x4244: 0x00c0, 0x4245: 0x00c0, + 0x4246: 0x00c0, 0x4248: 0x00c0, 0x4249: 0x00c0, 0x424b: 0x00c0, + 0x424c: 0x00c0, 0x424d: 0x00c0, 0x424e: 0x00c0, 0x424f: 0x00c0, 0x4250: 0x00c0, 0x4251: 0x00c0, + 0x4252: 0x00c0, 0x4253: 0x00c0, 0x4254: 0x00c0, 0x4255: 0x00c0, 0x4256: 0x00c0, 0x4257: 0x00c0, + 0x4258: 0x00c0, 0x4259: 0x00c0, 0x425a: 0x00c0, 0x425b: 0x00c0, 0x425c: 0x00c0, 0x425d: 0x00c0, + 0x425e: 0x00c0, 0x425f: 0x00c0, 0x4260: 0x00c0, 0x4261: 0x00c0, 0x4262: 0x00c0, 0x4263: 0x00c0, + 0x4264: 0x00c0, 0x4265: 0x00c0, 0x4266: 0x00c0, 0x4267: 0x00c0, 0x4268: 0x00c0, 0x4269: 0x00c0, + 0x426a: 0x00c0, 0x426b: 0x00c0, 0x426c: 0x00c0, 0x426d: 0x00c0, 0x426e: 0x00c0, 0x426f: 0x00c0, + 0x4270: 0x00c0, 0x4271: 0x00c3, 0x4272: 0x00c3, 0x4273: 0x00c3, 0x4274: 0x00c3, 0x4275: 0x00c3, + 0x4276: 0x00c3, 0x427a: 0x00c3, + 0x427c: 0x00c3, 0x427d: 0x00c3, 0x427f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x10a, offset 0x4280 + 0x4280: 0x00c3, 0x4281: 0x00c3, 0x4282: 0x00c3, 0x4283: 0x00c3, 0x4284: 0x00c6, 0x4285: 0x00c6, + 0x4286: 0x00c0, 0x4287: 0x00c3, + 0x4290: 0x00c0, 0x4291: 0x00c0, + 0x4292: 0x00c0, 0x4293: 0x00c0, 0x4294: 0x00c0, 0x4295: 0x00c0, 0x4296: 0x00c0, 0x4297: 0x00c0, + 0x4298: 0x00c0, 0x4299: 0x00c0, + 0x42a0: 0x00c0, 0x42a1: 0x00c0, 0x42a2: 0x00c0, 0x42a3: 0x00c0, + 0x42a4: 0x00c0, 0x42a5: 0x00c0, 0x42a7: 0x00c0, 0x42a8: 0x00c0, + 0x42aa: 0x00c0, 0x42ab: 0x00c0, 0x42ac: 0x00c0, 0x42ad: 0x00c0, 0x42ae: 0x00c0, 0x42af: 0x00c0, + 0x42b0: 0x00c0, 0x42b1: 0x00c0, 0x42b2: 0x00c0, 0x42b3: 0x00c0, 0x42b4: 0x00c0, 0x42b5: 0x00c0, + 0x42b6: 0x00c0, 0x42b7: 0x00c0, 0x42b8: 0x00c0, 0x42b9: 0x00c0, 0x42ba: 0x00c0, 0x42bb: 0x00c0, + 0x42bc: 0x00c0, 0x42bd: 0x00c0, 0x42be: 0x00c0, 0x42bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10b, offset 0x42c0 + 0x42c0: 0x00c0, 0x42c1: 0x00c0, 0x42c2: 0x00c0, 0x42c3: 0x00c0, 0x42c4: 0x00c0, 0x42c5: 0x00c0, + 0x42c6: 0x00c0, 0x42c7: 0x00c0, 0x42c8: 0x00c0, 0x42c9: 0x00c0, 0x42ca: 0x00c0, 0x42cb: 0x00c0, + 0x42cc: 0x00c0, 0x42cd: 0x00c0, 0x42ce: 0x00c0, 0x42d0: 0x00c3, 0x42d1: 0x00c3, + 0x42d3: 0x00c0, 0x42d4: 0x00c0, 0x42d5: 0x00c3, 0x42d6: 0x00c0, 0x42d7: 0x00c6, + 0x42d8: 0x00c0, + 0x42e0: 0x00c0, 0x42e1: 0x00c0, 0x42e2: 0x00c0, 0x42e3: 0x00c0, + 0x42e4: 0x00c0, 0x42e5: 0x00c0, 0x42e6: 0x00c0, 0x42e7: 0x00c0, 0x42e8: 0x00c0, 0x42e9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10c, offset 0x4300 + 0x4320: 0x00c0, 0x4321: 0x00c0, 0x4322: 0x00c0, 0x4323: 0x00c0, + 0x4324: 0x00c0, 0x4325: 0x00c0, 0x4326: 0x00c0, 0x4327: 0x00c0, 0x4328: 0x00c0, 0x4329: 0x00c0, + 0x432a: 0x00c0, 0x432b: 0x00c0, 0x432c: 0x00c0, 0x432d: 0x00c0, 0x432e: 0x00c0, 0x432f: 0x00c0, + 0x4330: 0x00c0, 0x4331: 0x00c0, 0x4332: 0x00c0, 0x4333: 0x00c3, 0x4334: 0x00c3, 0x4335: 0x00c0, + 0x4336: 0x00c0, 0x4337: 0x0080, 0x4338: 0x0080, + // Block 0x10d, offset 0x4340 + 0x4340: 0x0080, 0x4341: 0x0080, 0x4342: 0x0080, 0x4343: 0x0080, 0x4344: 0x0080, 0x4345: 0x0080, + 0x4346: 0x0080, 0x4347: 0x0080, 0x4348: 0x0080, 0x4349: 0x0080, 0x434a: 0x0080, 0x434b: 0x0080, + 0x434c: 0x0080, 0x434d: 0x0080, 0x434e: 0x0080, 0x434f: 0x0080, 0x4350: 0x0080, 0x4351: 0x0080, + 0x4352: 0x0080, 0x4353: 0x0080, 0x4354: 0x0080, 0x4355: 0x0080, 0x4356: 0x0080, 0x4357: 0x0080, + 0x4358: 0x0080, 0x4359: 0x0080, 0x435a: 0x0080, 0x435b: 0x0080, 0x435c: 0x0080, 0x435d: 0x0080, + 0x435e: 0x0080, 0x435f: 0x0080, 0x4360: 0x0080, 0x4361: 0x0080, 0x4362: 0x0080, 0x4363: 0x0080, + 0x4364: 0x0080, 0x4365: 0x0080, 0x4366: 0x0080, 0x4367: 0x0080, 0x4368: 0x0080, 0x4369: 0x0080, + 0x436a: 0x0080, 0x436b: 0x0080, 0x436c: 0x0080, 0x436d: 0x0080, 0x436e: 0x0080, 0x436f: 0x0080, + 0x4370: 0x0080, 0x4371: 0x0080, + 0x437f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x10e, offset 0x4380 + 0x4380: 0x00c0, 0x4381: 0x00c0, 0x4382: 0x00c0, 0x4383: 0x00c0, 0x4384: 0x00c0, 0x4385: 0x00c0, + 0x4386: 0x00c0, 0x4387: 0x00c0, 0x4388: 0x00c0, 0x4389: 0x00c0, 0x438a: 0x00c0, 0x438b: 0x00c0, + 0x438c: 0x00c0, 0x438d: 0x00c0, 0x438e: 0x00c0, 0x438f: 0x00c0, 0x4390: 0x00c0, 0x4391: 0x00c0, + 0x4392: 0x00c0, 0x4393: 0x00c0, 0x4394: 0x00c0, 0x4395: 0x00c0, 0x4396: 0x00c0, 0x4397: 0x00c0, + 0x4398: 0x00c0, 0x4399: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10f, offset 0x43c0 + 0x43c0: 0x0080, 0x43c1: 0x0080, 0x43c2: 0x0080, 0x43c3: 0x0080, 0x43c4: 0x0080, 0x43c5: 0x0080, + 0x43c6: 0x0080, 0x43c7: 0x0080, 0x43c8: 0x0080, 0x43c9: 0x0080, 0x43ca: 0x0080, 0x43cb: 0x0080, + 0x43cc: 0x0080, 0x43cd: 0x0080, 0x43ce: 0x0080, 0x43cf: 0x0080, 0x43d0: 0x0080, 0x43d1: 0x0080, + 0x43d2: 0x0080, 0x43d3: 0x0080, 0x43d4: 0x0080, 0x43d5: 0x0080, 0x43d6: 0x0080, 0x43d7: 0x0080, + 0x43d8: 0x0080, 0x43d9: 0x0080, 0x43da: 0x0080, 0x43db: 0x0080, 0x43dc: 0x0080, 0x43dd: 0x0080, + 0x43de: 0x0080, 0x43df: 0x0080, 0x43e0: 0x0080, 0x43e1: 0x0080, 0x43e2: 0x0080, 0x43e3: 0x0080, + 0x43e4: 0x0080, 0x43e5: 0x0080, 0x43e6: 0x0080, 0x43e7: 0x0080, 0x43e8: 0x0080, 0x43e9: 0x0080, + 0x43ea: 0x0080, 0x43eb: 0x0080, 0x43ec: 0x0080, 0x43ed: 0x0080, 0x43ee: 0x0080, + 0x43f0: 0x0080, 0x43f1: 0x0080, 0x43f2: 0x0080, 0x43f3: 0x0080, 0x43f4: 0x0080, + // Block 0x110, offset 0x4400 + 0x4400: 0x00c0, 0x4401: 0x00c0, 0x4402: 0x00c0, 0x4403: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x111, offset 0x4440 + 0x4440: 0x00c0, 0x4441: 0x00c0, 0x4442: 0x00c0, 0x4443: 0x00c0, 0x4444: 0x00c0, 0x4445: 0x00c0, + 0x4446: 0x00c0, 0x4447: 0x00c0, 0x4448: 0x00c0, 0x4449: 0x00c0, 0x444a: 0x00c0, 0x444b: 0x00c0, + 0x444c: 0x00c0, 0x444d: 0x00c0, 0x444e: 0x00c0, 0x444f: 0x00c0, 0x4450: 0x00c0, 0x4451: 0x00c0, + 0x4452: 0x00c0, 0x4453: 0x00c0, 0x4454: 0x00c0, 0x4455: 0x00c0, 0x4456: 0x00c0, 0x4457: 0x00c0, + 0x4458: 0x00c0, 0x4459: 0x00c0, 0x445a: 0x00c0, 0x445b: 0x00c0, 0x445c: 0x00c0, 0x445d: 0x00c0, + 0x445e: 0x00c0, 0x445f: 0x00c0, 0x4460: 0x00c0, 0x4461: 0x00c0, 0x4462: 0x00c0, 0x4463: 0x00c0, + 0x4464: 0x00c0, 0x4465: 0x00c0, 0x4466: 0x00c0, 0x4467: 0x00c0, 0x4468: 0x00c0, 0x4469: 0x00c0, + 0x446a: 0x00c0, 0x446b: 0x00c0, 0x446c: 0x00c0, 0x446d: 0x00c0, 0x446e: 0x00c0, + 0x4470: 0x0040, 0x4471: 0x0040, 0x4472: 0x0040, 0x4473: 0x0040, 0x4474: 0x0040, 0x4475: 0x0040, + 0x4476: 0x0040, 0x4477: 0x0040, 0x4478: 0x0040, + // Block 0x112, offset 0x4480 + 0x4480: 0x00c0, 0x4481: 0x00c0, 0x4482: 0x00c0, 0x4483: 0x00c0, 0x4484: 0x00c0, 0x4485: 0x00c0, + 0x4486: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x113, offset 0x44c0 + 0x44c0: 0x00c0, 0x44c1: 0x00c0, 0x44c2: 0x00c0, 0x44c3: 0x00c0, 0x44c4: 0x00c0, 0x44c5: 0x00c0, + 0x44c6: 0x00c0, 0x44c7: 0x00c0, 0x44c8: 0x00c0, 0x44c9: 0x00c0, 0x44ca: 0x00c0, 0x44cb: 0x00c0, + 0x44cc: 0x00c0, 0x44cd: 0x00c0, 0x44ce: 0x00c0, 0x44cf: 0x00c0, 0x44d0: 0x00c0, 0x44d1: 0x00c0, + 0x44d2: 0x00c0, 0x44d3: 0x00c0, 0x44d4: 0x00c0, 0x44d5: 0x00c0, 0x44d6: 0x00c0, 0x44d7: 0x00c0, + 0x44d8: 0x00c0, 0x44d9: 0x00c0, 0x44da: 0x00c0, 0x44db: 0x00c0, 0x44dc: 0x00c0, 0x44dd: 0x00c0, + 0x44de: 0x00c0, 0x44e0: 0x00c0, 0x44e1: 0x00c0, 0x44e2: 0x00c0, 0x44e3: 0x00c0, + 0x44e4: 0x00c0, 0x44e5: 0x00c0, 0x44e6: 0x00c0, 0x44e7: 0x00c0, 0x44e8: 0x00c0, 0x44e9: 0x00c0, + 0x44ee: 0x0080, 0x44ef: 0x0080, + // Block 0x114, offset 0x4500 + 0x4510: 0x00c0, 0x4511: 0x00c0, + 0x4512: 0x00c0, 0x4513: 0x00c0, 0x4514: 0x00c0, 0x4515: 0x00c0, 0x4516: 0x00c0, 0x4517: 0x00c0, + 0x4518: 0x00c0, 0x4519: 0x00c0, 0x451a: 0x00c0, 0x451b: 0x00c0, 0x451c: 0x00c0, 0x451d: 0x00c0, + 0x451e: 0x00c0, 0x451f: 0x00c0, 0x4520: 0x00c0, 0x4521: 0x00c0, 0x4522: 0x00c0, 0x4523: 0x00c0, + 0x4524: 0x00c0, 0x4525: 0x00c0, 0x4526: 0x00c0, 0x4527: 0x00c0, 0x4528: 0x00c0, 0x4529: 0x00c0, + 0x452a: 0x00c0, 0x452b: 0x00c0, 0x452c: 0x00c0, 0x452d: 0x00c0, + 0x4530: 0x00c3, 0x4531: 0x00c3, 0x4532: 0x00c3, 0x4533: 0x00c3, 0x4534: 0x00c3, 0x4535: 0x0080, + // Block 0x115, offset 0x4540 + 0x4540: 0x00c0, 0x4541: 0x00c0, 0x4542: 0x00c0, 0x4543: 0x00c0, 0x4544: 0x00c0, 0x4545: 0x00c0, + 0x4546: 0x00c0, 0x4547: 0x00c0, 0x4548: 0x00c0, 0x4549: 0x00c0, 0x454a: 0x00c0, 0x454b: 0x00c0, + 0x454c: 0x00c0, 0x454d: 0x00c0, 0x454e: 0x00c0, 0x454f: 0x00c0, 0x4550: 0x00c0, 0x4551: 0x00c0, + 0x4552: 0x00c0, 0x4553: 0x00c0, 0x4554: 0x00c0, 0x4555: 0x00c0, 0x4556: 0x00c0, 0x4557: 0x00c0, + 0x4558: 0x00c0, 0x4559: 0x00c0, 0x455a: 0x00c0, 0x455b: 0x00c0, 0x455c: 0x00c0, 0x455d: 0x00c0, + 0x455e: 0x00c0, 0x455f: 0x00c0, 0x4560: 0x00c0, 0x4561: 0x00c0, 0x4562: 0x00c0, 0x4563: 0x00c0, + 0x4564: 0x00c0, 0x4565: 0x00c0, 0x4566: 0x00c0, 0x4567: 0x00c0, 0x4568: 0x00c0, 0x4569: 0x00c0, + 0x456a: 0x00c0, 0x456b: 0x00c0, 0x456c: 0x00c0, 0x456d: 0x00c0, 0x456e: 0x00c0, 0x456f: 0x00c0, + 0x4570: 0x00c3, 0x4571: 0x00c3, 0x4572: 0x00c3, 0x4573: 0x00c3, 0x4574: 0x00c3, 0x4575: 0x00c3, + 0x4576: 0x00c3, 0x4577: 0x0080, 0x4578: 0x0080, 0x4579: 0x0080, 0x457a: 0x0080, 0x457b: 0x0080, + 0x457c: 0x0080, 0x457d: 0x0080, 0x457e: 0x0080, 0x457f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x116, offset 0x4580 + 0x4580: 0x00c0, 0x4581: 0x00c0, 0x4582: 0x00c0, 0x4583: 0x00c0, 0x4584: 0x0080, 0x4585: 0x0080, + 0x4590: 0x00c0, 0x4591: 0x00c0, + 0x4592: 0x00c0, 0x4593: 0x00c0, 0x4594: 0x00c0, 0x4595: 0x00c0, 0x4596: 0x00c0, 0x4597: 0x00c0, + 0x4598: 0x00c0, 0x4599: 0x00c0, 0x459b: 0x0080, 0x459c: 0x0080, 0x459d: 0x0080, + 0x459e: 0x0080, 0x459f: 0x0080, 0x45a0: 0x0080, 0x45a1: 0x0080, 0x45a3: 0x00c0, + 0x45a4: 0x00c0, 0x45a5: 0x00c0, 0x45a6: 0x00c0, 0x45a7: 0x00c0, 0x45a8: 0x00c0, 0x45a9: 0x00c0, + 0x45aa: 0x00c0, 0x45ab: 0x00c0, 0x45ac: 0x00c0, 0x45ad: 0x00c0, 0x45ae: 0x00c0, 0x45af: 0x00c0, + 0x45b0: 0x00c0, 0x45b1: 0x00c0, 0x45b2: 0x00c0, 0x45b3: 0x00c0, 0x45b4: 0x00c0, 0x45b5: 0x00c0, + 0x45b6: 0x00c0, 0x45b7: 0x00c0, + 0x45bd: 0x00c0, 0x45be: 0x00c0, 0x45bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x117, offset 0x45c0 + 0x45c0: 0x00c0, 0x45c1: 0x00c0, 0x45c2: 0x00c0, 0x45c3: 0x00c0, 0x45c4: 0x00c0, 0x45c5: 0x00c0, + 0x45c6: 0x00c0, 0x45c7: 0x00c0, 0x45c8: 0x00c0, 0x45c9: 0x00c0, 0x45ca: 0x00c0, 0x45cb: 0x00c0, + 0x45cc: 0x00c0, 0x45cd: 0x00c0, 0x45ce: 0x00c0, 0x45cf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x118, offset 0x4600 + 0x4600: 0x0080, 0x4601: 0x0080, 0x4602: 0x0080, 0x4603: 0x0080, 0x4604: 0x0080, 0x4605: 0x0080, + 0x4606: 0x0080, 0x4607: 0x0080, 0x4608: 0x0080, 0x4609: 0x0080, 0x460a: 0x0080, 0x460b: 0x0080, + 0x460c: 0x0080, 0x460d: 0x0080, 0x460e: 0x0080, 0x460f: 0x0080, 0x4610: 0x0080, 0x4611: 0x0080, + 0x4612: 0x0080, 0x4613: 0x0080, 0x4614: 0x0080, 0x4615: 0x0080, 0x4616: 0x0080, 0x4617: 0x0080, + 0x4618: 0x0080, 0x4619: 0x0080, 0x461a: 0x0080, + // Block 0x119, offset 0x4640 + 0x4640: 0x00c0, 0x4641: 0x00c0, 0x4642: 0x00c0, 0x4643: 0x00c0, 0x4644: 0x00c0, 0x4645: 0x00c0, + 0x4646: 0x00c0, 0x4647: 0x00c0, 0x4648: 0x00c0, 0x4649: 0x00c0, 0x464a: 0x00c0, + 0x464f: 0x00c3, 0x4650: 0x00c0, 0x4651: 0x00c0, + 0x4652: 0x00c0, 0x4653: 0x00c0, 0x4654: 0x00c0, 0x4655: 0x00c0, 0x4656: 0x00c0, 0x4657: 0x00c0, + 0x4658: 0x00c0, 0x4659: 0x00c0, 0x465a: 0x00c0, 0x465b: 0x00c0, 0x465c: 0x00c0, 0x465d: 0x00c0, + 0x465e: 0x00c0, 0x465f: 0x00c0, 0x4660: 0x00c0, 0x4661: 0x00c0, 0x4662: 0x00c0, 0x4663: 0x00c0, + 0x4664: 0x00c0, 0x4665: 0x00c0, 0x4666: 0x00c0, 0x4667: 0x00c0, 0x4668: 0x00c0, 0x4669: 0x00c0, + 0x466a: 0x00c0, 0x466b: 0x00c0, 0x466c: 0x00c0, 0x466d: 0x00c0, 0x466e: 0x00c0, 0x466f: 0x00c0, + 0x4670: 0x00c0, 0x4671: 0x00c0, 0x4672: 0x00c0, 0x4673: 0x00c0, 0x4674: 0x00c0, 0x4675: 0x00c0, + 0x4676: 0x00c0, 0x4677: 0x00c0, 0x4678: 0x00c0, 0x4679: 0x00c0, 0x467a: 0x00c0, 0x467b: 0x00c0, + 0x467c: 0x00c0, 0x467d: 0x00c0, 0x467e: 0x00c0, 0x467f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11a, offset 0x4680 + 0x4680: 0x00c0, 0x4681: 0x00c0, 0x4682: 0x00c0, 0x4683: 0x00c0, 0x4684: 0x00c0, 0x4685: 0x00c0, + 0x4686: 0x00c0, 0x4687: 0x00c0, + 0x468f: 0x00c3, 0x4690: 0x00c3, 0x4691: 0x00c3, + 0x4692: 0x00c3, 0x4693: 0x00c0, 0x4694: 0x00c0, 0x4695: 0x00c0, 0x4696: 0x00c0, 0x4697: 0x00c0, + 0x4698: 0x00c0, 0x4699: 0x00c0, 0x469a: 0x00c0, 0x469b: 0x00c0, 0x469c: 0x00c0, 0x469d: 0x00c0, + 0x469e: 0x00c0, 0x469f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11b, offset 0x46c0 + 0x46e0: 0x00c0, 0x46e1: 0x00c0, 0x46e2: 0x0080, 0x46e3: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11c, offset 0x4700 + 0x4700: 0x00c0, 0x4701: 0x00c0, 0x4702: 0x00c0, 0x4703: 0x00c0, 0x4704: 0x00c0, 0x4705: 0x00c0, + 0x4706: 0x00c0, 0x4707: 0x00c0, 0x4708: 0x00c0, 0x4709: 0x00c0, 0x470a: 0x00c0, 0x470b: 0x00c0, + 0x470c: 0x00c0, 0x470d: 0x00c0, 0x470e: 0x00c0, 0x470f: 0x00c0, 0x4710: 0x00c0, 0x4711: 0x00c0, + 0x4712: 0x00c0, 0x4713: 0x00c0, 0x4714: 0x00c0, 0x4715: 0x00c0, 0x4716: 0x00c0, 0x4717: 0x00c0, + 0x4718: 0x00c0, 0x4719: 0x00c0, 0x471a: 0x00c0, 0x471b: 0x00c0, 0x471c: 0x00c0, 0x471d: 0x00c0, + 0x471e: 0x00c0, 0x471f: 0x00c0, 0x4720: 0x00c0, 0x4721: 0x00c0, 0x4722: 0x00c0, 0x4723: 0x00c0, + 0x4724: 0x00c0, 0x4725: 0x00c0, 0x4726: 0x00c0, 0x4727: 0x00c0, 0x4728: 0x00c0, 0x4729: 0x00c0, + 0x472a: 0x00c0, 0x472b: 0x00c0, 0x472c: 0x00c0, 0x472d: 0x00c0, 0x472e: 0x00c0, 0x472f: 0x00c0, + 0x4730: 0x00c0, 0x4731: 0x00c0, 0x4732: 0x00c0, 0x4733: 0x00c0, 0x4734: 0x00c0, 0x4735: 0x00c0, + 0x4736: 0x00c0, 0x4737: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11d, offset 0x4740 + 0x4740: 0x00cc, 0x4741: 0x00cc, 0x4742: 0x00cc, 0x4743: 0x00cc, 0x4744: 0x00cc, 0x4745: 0x00cc, + 0x4746: 0x00cc, 0x4747: 0x00cc, 0x4748: 0x00cc, 0x4749: 0x00cc, 0x474a: 0x00cc, 0x474b: 0x00cc, + 0x474c: 0x00cc, 0x474d: 0x00cc, 0x474e: 0x00cc, 0x474f: 0x00cc, 0x4750: 0x00cc, 0x4751: 0x00cc, + 0x4752: 0x00cc, 0x4753: 0x00cc, 0x4754: 0x00cc, 0x4755: 0x00cc, 0x4756: 0x00cc, 0x4757: 0x00cc, + 0x4758: 0x00cc, 0x4759: 0x00cc, 0x475a: 0x00cc, 0x475b: 0x00cc, 0x475c: 0x00cc, 0x475d: 0x00cc, + 0x475e: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x11e, offset 0x4780 + 0x4790: 0x00cc, 0x4791: 0x00cc, + 0x4792: 0x00cc, + 0x47a4: 0x00cc, 0x47a5: 0x00cc, 0x47a6: 0x00cc, 0x47a7: 0x00cc, + 0x47b0: 0x00c0, 0x47b1: 0x00c0, 0x47b2: 0x00c0, 0x47b3: 0x00c0, 0x47b4: 0x00c0, 0x47b5: 0x00c0, + 0x47b6: 0x00c0, 0x47b7: 0x00c0, 0x47b8: 0x00c0, 0x47b9: 0x00c0, 0x47ba: 0x00c0, 0x47bb: 0x00c0, + 0x47bc: 0x00c0, 0x47bd: 0x00c0, 0x47be: 0x00c0, 0x47bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11f, offset 0x47c0 + 0x47c0: 0x00c0, 0x47c1: 0x00c0, 0x47c2: 0x00c0, 0x47c3: 0x00c0, 0x47c4: 0x00c0, 0x47c5: 0x00c0, + 0x47c6: 0x00c0, 0x47c7: 0x00c0, 0x47c8: 0x00c0, 0x47c9: 0x00c0, 0x47ca: 0x00c0, 0x47cb: 0x00c0, + 0x47cc: 0x00c0, 0x47cd: 0x00c0, 0x47ce: 0x00c0, 0x47cf: 0x00c0, 0x47d0: 0x00c0, 0x47d1: 0x00c0, + 0x47d2: 0x00c0, 0x47d3: 0x00c0, 0x47d4: 0x00c0, 0x47d5: 0x00c0, 0x47d6: 0x00c0, 0x47d7: 0x00c0, + 0x47d8: 0x00c0, 0x47d9: 0x00c0, 0x47da: 0x00c0, 0x47db: 0x00c0, 0x47dc: 0x00c0, 0x47dd: 0x00c0, + 0x47de: 0x00c0, 0x47df: 0x00c0, 0x47e0: 0x00c0, 0x47e1: 0x00c0, 0x47e2: 0x00c0, 0x47e3: 0x00c0, + 0x47e4: 0x00c0, 0x47e5: 0x00c0, 0x47e6: 0x00c0, 0x47e7: 0x00c0, 0x47e8: 0x00c0, 0x47e9: 0x00c0, + 0x47ea: 0x00c0, 0x47eb: 0x00c0, 0x47ec: 0x00c0, 0x47ed: 0x00c0, 0x47ee: 0x00c0, 0x47ef: 0x00c0, + 0x47f0: 0x00c0, 0x47f1: 0x00c0, 0x47f2: 0x00c0, 0x47f3: 0x00c0, 0x47f4: 0x00c0, 0x47f5: 0x00c0, + 0x47f6: 0x00c0, 0x47f7: 0x00c0, 0x47f8: 0x00c0, 0x47f9: 0x00c0, 0x47fa: 0x00c0, 0x47fb: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x120, offset 0x4800 + 0x4800: 0x00c0, 0x4801: 0x00c0, 0x4802: 0x00c0, 0x4803: 0x00c0, 0x4804: 0x00c0, 0x4805: 0x00c0, + 0x4806: 0x00c0, 0x4807: 0x00c0, 0x4808: 0x00c0, 0x4809: 0x00c0, 0x480a: 0x00c0, 0x480b: 0x00c0, + 0x480c: 0x00c0, 0x480d: 0x00c0, 0x480e: 0x00c0, 0x480f: 0x00c0, 0x4810: 0x00c0, 0x4811: 0x00c0, + 0x4812: 0x00c0, 0x4813: 0x00c0, 0x4814: 0x00c0, 0x4815: 0x00c0, 0x4816: 0x00c0, 0x4817: 0x00c0, + 0x4818: 0x00c0, 0x4819: 0x00c0, 0x481a: 0x00c0, 0x481b: 0x00c0, 0x481c: 0x00c0, 0x481d: 0x00c0, + 0x481e: 0x00c0, 0x481f: 0x00c0, 0x4820: 0x00c0, 0x4821: 0x00c0, 0x4822: 0x00c0, 0x4823: 0x00c0, + 0x4824: 0x00c0, 0x4825: 0x00c0, 0x4826: 0x00c0, 0x4827: 0x00c0, 0x4828: 0x00c0, 0x4829: 0x00c0, + 0x482a: 0x00c0, + 0x4830: 0x00c0, 0x4831: 0x00c0, 0x4832: 0x00c0, 0x4833: 0x00c0, 0x4834: 0x00c0, 0x4835: 0x00c0, + 0x4836: 0x00c0, 0x4837: 0x00c0, 0x4838: 0x00c0, 0x4839: 0x00c0, 0x483a: 0x00c0, 0x483b: 0x00c0, + 0x483c: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x121, offset 0x4840 + 0x4840: 0x00c0, 0x4841: 0x00c0, 0x4842: 0x00c0, 0x4843: 0x00c0, 0x4844: 0x00c0, 0x4845: 0x00c0, + 0x4846: 0x00c0, 0x4847: 0x00c0, 0x4848: 0x00c0, + 0x4850: 0x00c0, 0x4851: 0x00c0, + 0x4852: 0x00c0, 0x4853: 0x00c0, 0x4854: 0x00c0, 0x4855: 0x00c0, 0x4856: 0x00c0, 0x4857: 0x00c0, + 0x4858: 0x00c0, 0x4859: 0x00c0, 0x485c: 0x0080, 0x485d: 0x00c3, + 0x485e: 0x00c3, 0x485f: 0x0080, 0x4860: 0x0040, 0x4861: 0x0040, 0x4862: 0x0040, 0x4863: 0x0040, + // Block 0x122, offset 0x4880 + 0x4880: 0x0080, 0x4881: 0x0080, 0x4882: 0x0080, 0x4883: 0x0080, 0x4884: 0x0080, 0x4885: 0x0080, + 0x4886: 0x0080, 0x4887: 0x0080, 0x4888: 0x0080, 0x4889: 0x0080, 0x488a: 0x0080, 0x488b: 0x0080, + 0x488c: 0x0080, 0x488d: 0x0080, 0x488e: 0x0080, 0x488f: 0x0080, 0x4890: 0x0080, 0x4891: 0x0080, + 0x4892: 0x0080, 0x4893: 0x0080, 0x4894: 0x0080, 0x4895: 0x0080, 0x4896: 0x0080, 0x4897: 0x0080, + 0x4898: 0x0080, 0x4899: 0x0080, 0x489a: 0x0080, 0x489b: 0x0080, 0x489c: 0x0080, 0x489d: 0x0080, + 0x489e: 0x0080, 0x489f: 0x0080, 0x48a0: 0x0080, 0x48a1: 0x0080, 0x48a2: 0x0080, 0x48a3: 0x0080, + 0x48a4: 0x0080, 0x48a5: 0x0080, 0x48a6: 0x0080, 0x48a7: 0x0080, 0x48a8: 0x0080, 0x48a9: 0x0080, + 0x48aa: 0x0080, 0x48ab: 0x0080, 0x48ac: 0x0080, 0x48ad: 0x0080, 0x48ae: 0x0080, 0x48af: 0x0080, + 0x48b0: 0x0080, 0x48b1: 0x0080, 0x48b2: 0x0080, 0x48b3: 0x0080, 0x48b4: 0x0080, 0x48b5: 0x0080, + // Block 0x123, offset 0x48c0 + 0x48c0: 0x0080, 0x48c1: 0x0080, 0x48c2: 0x0080, 0x48c3: 0x0080, 0x48c4: 0x0080, 0x48c5: 0x0080, + 0x48c6: 0x0080, 0x48c7: 0x0080, 0x48c8: 0x0080, 0x48c9: 0x0080, 0x48ca: 0x0080, 0x48cb: 0x0080, + 0x48cc: 0x0080, 0x48cd: 0x0080, 0x48ce: 0x0080, 0x48cf: 0x0080, 0x48d0: 0x0080, 0x48d1: 0x0080, + 0x48d2: 0x0080, 0x48d3: 0x0080, 0x48d4: 0x0080, 0x48d5: 0x0080, 0x48d6: 0x0080, 0x48d7: 0x0080, + 0x48d8: 0x0080, 0x48d9: 0x0080, 0x48da: 0x0080, 0x48db: 0x0080, 0x48dc: 0x0080, 0x48dd: 0x0080, + 0x48de: 0x0080, 0x48df: 0x0080, 0x48e0: 0x0080, 0x48e1: 0x0080, 0x48e2: 0x0080, 0x48e3: 0x0080, + 0x48e4: 0x0080, 0x48e5: 0x0080, 0x48e6: 0x0080, 0x48e9: 0x0080, + 0x48ea: 0x0080, 0x48eb: 0x0080, 0x48ec: 0x0080, 0x48ed: 0x0080, 0x48ee: 0x0080, 0x48ef: 0x0080, + 0x48f0: 0x0080, 0x48f1: 0x0080, 0x48f2: 0x0080, 0x48f3: 0x0080, 0x48f4: 0x0080, 0x48f5: 0x0080, + 0x48f6: 0x0080, 0x48f7: 0x0080, 0x48f8: 0x0080, 0x48f9: 0x0080, 0x48fa: 0x0080, 0x48fb: 0x0080, + 0x48fc: 0x0080, 0x48fd: 0x0080, 0x48fe: 0x0080, 0x48ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x124, offset 0x4900 + 0x4900: 0x0080, 0x4901: 0x0080, 0x4902: 0x0080, 0x4903: 0x0080, 0x4904: 0x0080, 0x4905: 0x0080, + 0x4906: 0x0080, 0x4907: 0x0080, 0x4908: 0x0080, 0x4909: 0x0080, 0x490a: 0x0080, 0x490b: 0x0080, + 0x490c: 0x0080, 0x490d: 0x0080, 0x490e: 0x0080, 0x490f: 0x0080, 0x4910: 0x0080, 0x4911: 0x0080, + 0x4912: 0x0080, 0x4913: 0x0080, 0x4914: 0x0080, 0x4915: 0x0080, 0x4916: 0x0080, 0x4917: 0x0080, + 0x4918: 0x0080, 0x4919: 0x0080, 0x491a: 0x0080, 0x491b: 0x0080, 0x491c: 0x0080, 0x491d: 0x0080, + 0x491e: 0x0080, 0x491f: 0x0080, 0x4920: 0x0080, 0x4921: 0x0080, 0x4922: 0x0080, 0x4923: 0x0080, + 0x4924: 0x0080, 0x4925: 0x00c0, 0x4926: 0x00c0, 0x4927: 0x00c3, 0x4928: 0x00c3, 0x4929: 0x00c3, + 0x492a: 0x0080, 0x492b: 0x0080, 0x492c: 0x0080, 0x492d: 0x00c0, 0x492e: 0x00c0, 0x492f: 0x00c0, + 0x4930: 0x00c0, 0x4931: 0x00c0, 0x4932: 0x00c0, 0x4933: 0x0040, 0x4934: 0x0040, 0x4935: 0x0040, + 0x4936: 0x0040, 0x4937: 0x0040, 0x4938: 0x0040, 0x4939: 0x0040, 0x493a: 0x0040, 0x493b: 0x00c3, + 0x493c: 0x00c3, 0x493d: 0x00c3, 0x493e: 0x00c3, 0x493f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x125, offset 0x4940 + 0x4940: 0x00c3, 0x4941: 0x00c3, 0x4942: 0x00c3, 0x4943: 0x0080, 0x4944: 0x0080, 0x4945: 0x00c3, + 0x4946: 0x00c3, 0x4947: 0x00c3, 0x4948: 0x00c3, 0x4949: 0x00c3, 0x494a: 0x00c3, 0x494b: 0x00c3, + 0x494c: 0x0080, 0x494d: 0x0080, 0x494e: 0x0080, 0x494f: 0x0080, 0x4950: 0x0080, 0x4951: 0x0080, + 0x4952: 0x0080, 0x4953: 0x0080, 0x4954: 0x0080, 0x4955: 0x0080, 0x4956: 0x0080, 0x4957: 0x0080, + 0x4958: 0x0080, 0x4959: 0x0080, 0x495a: 0x0080, 0x495b: 0x0080, 0x495c: 0x0080, 0x495d: 0x0080, + 0x495e: 0x0080, 0x495f: 0x0080, 0x4960: 0x0080, 0x4961: 0x0080, 0x4962: 0x0080, 0x4963: 0x0080, + 0x4964: 0x0080, 0x4965: 0x0080, 0x4966: 0x0080, 0x4967: 0x0080, 0x4968: 0x0080, 0x4969: 0x0080, + 0x496a: 0x00c3, 0x496b: 0x00c3, 0x496c: 0x00c3, 0x496d: 0x00c3, 0x496e: 0x0080, 0x496f: 0x0080, + 0x4970: 0x0080, 0x4971: 0x0080, 0x4972: 0x0080, 0x4973: 0x0080, 0x4974: 0x0080, 0x4975: 0x0080, + 0x4976: 0x0080, 0x4977: 0x0080, 0x4978: 0x0080, 0x4979: 0x0080, 0x497a: 0x0080, 0x497b: 0x0080, + 0x497c: 0x0080, 0x497d: 0x0080, 0x497e: 0x0080, 0x497f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x126, offset 0x4980 + 0x4980: 0x0080, 0x4981: 0x0080, 0x4982: 0x0080, 0x4983: 0x0080, 0x4984: 0x0080, 0x4985: 0x0080, + 0x4986: 0x0080, 0x4987: 0x0080, 0x4988: 0x0080, 0x4989: 0x0080, 0x498a: 0x0080, 0x498b: 0x0080, + 0x498c: 0x0080, 0x498d: 0x0080, 0x498e: 0x0080, 0x498f: 0x0080, 0x4990: 0x0080, 0x4991: 0x0080, + 0x4992: 0x0080, 0x4993: 0x0080, 0x4994: 0x0080, 0x4995: 0x0080, 0x4996: 0x0080, 0x4997: 0x0080, + 0x4998: 0x0080, 0x4999: 0x0080, 0x499a: 0x0080, 0x499b: 0x0080, 0x499c: 0x0080, 0x499d: 0x0080, + 0x499e: 0x0080, 0x499f: 0x0080, 0x49a0: 0x0080, 0x49a1: 0x0080, 0x49a2: 0x0080, 0x49a3: 0x0080, + 0x49a4: 0x0080, 0x49a5: 0x0080, 0x49a6: 0x0080, 0x49a7: 0x0080, 0x49a8: 0x0080, + // Block 0x127, offset 0x49c0 + 0x49c0: 0x0088, 0x49c1: 0x0088, 0x49c2: 0x00c9, 0x49c3: 0x00c9, 0x49c4: 0x00c9, 0x49c5: 0x0088, + // Block 0x128, offset 0x4a00 + 0x4a20: 0x0080, 0x4a21: 0x0080, 0x4a22: 0x0080, 0x4a23: 0x0080, + 0x4a24: 0x0080, 0x4a25: 0x0080, 0x4a26: 0x0080, 0x4a27: 0x0080, 0x4a28: 0x0080, 0x4a29: 0x0080, + 0x4a2a: 0x0080, 0x4a2b: 0x0080, 0x4a2c: 0x0080, 0x4a2d: 0x0080, 0x4a2e: 0x0080, 0x4a2f: 0x0080, + 0x4a30: 0x0080, 0x4a31: 0x0080, 0x4a32: 0x0080, 0x4a33: 0x0080, + // Block 0x129, offset 0x4a40 + 0x4a40: 0x0080, 0x4a41: 0x0080, 0x4a42: 0x0080, 0x4a43: 0x0080, 0x4a44: 0x0080, 0x4a45: 0x0080, + 0x4a46: 0x0080, 0x4a47: 0x0080, 0x4a48: 0x0080, 0x4a49: 0x0080, 0x4a4a: 0x0080, 0x4a4b: 0x0080, + 0x4a4c: 0x0080, 0x4a4d: 0x0080, 0x4a4e: 0x0080, 0x4a4f: 0x0080, 0x4a50: 0x0080, 0x4a51: 0x0080, + 0x4a52: 0x0080, 0x4a53: 0x0080, 0x4a54: 0x0080, 0x4a55: 0x0080, 0x4a56: 0x0080, + 0x4a60: 0x0080, 0x4a61: 0x0080, 0x4a62: 0x0080, 0x4a63: 0x0080, + 0x4a64: 0x0080, 0x4a65: 0x0080, 0x4a66: 0x0080, 0x4a67: 0x0080, 0x4a68: 0x0080, 0x4a69: 0x0080, + 0x4a6a: 0x0080, 0x4a6b: 0x0080, 0x4a6c: 0x0080, 0x4a6d: 0x0080, 0x4a6e: 0x0080, 0x4a6f: 0x0080, + 0x4a70: 0x0080, 0x4a71: 0x0080, 0x4a72: 0x0080, 0x4a73: 0x0080, 0x4a74: 0x0080, 0x4a75: 0x0080, + 0x4a76: 0x0080, 0x4a77: 0x0080, 0x4a78: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12a, offset 0x4a80 + 0x4a80: 0x0080, 0x4a81: 0x0080, 0x4a82: 0x0080, 0x4a83: 0x0080, 0x4a84: 0x0080, 0x4a85: 0x0080, + 0x4a86: 0x0080, 0x4a87: 0x0080, 0x4a88: 0x0080, 0x4a89: 0x0080, 0x4a8a: 0x0080, 0x4a8b: 0x0080, + 0x4a8c: 0x0080, 0x4a8d: 0x0080, 0x4a8e: 0x0080, 0x4a8f: 0x0080, 0x4a90: 0x0080, 0x4a91: 0x0080, + 0x4a92: 0x0080, 0x4a93: 0x0080, 0x4a94: 0x0080, 0x4a96: 0x0080, 0x4a97: 0x0080, + 0x4a98: 0x0080, 0x4a99: 0x0080, 0x4a9a: 0x0080, 0x4a9b: 0x0080, 0x4a9c: 0x0080, 0x4a9d: 0x0080, + 0x4a9e: 0x0080, 0x4a9f: 0x0080, 0x4aa0: 0x0080, 0x4aa1: 0x0080, 0x4aa2: 0x0080, 0x4aa3: 0x0080, + 0x4aa4: 0x0080, 0x4aa5: 0x0080, 0x4aa6: 0x0080, 0x4aa7: 0x0080, 0x4aa8: 0x0080, 0x4aa9: 0x0080, + 0x4aaa: 0x0080, 0x4aab: 0x0080, 0x4aac: 0x0080, 0x4aad: 0x0080, 0x4aae: 0x0080, 0x4aaf: 0x0080, + 0x4ab0: 0x0080, 0x4ab1: 0x0080, 0x4ab2: 0x0080, 0x4ab3: 0x0080, 0x4ab4: 0x0080, 0x4ab5: 0x0080, + 0x4ab6: 0x0080, 0x4ab7: 0x0080, 0x4ab8: 0x0080, 0x4ab9: 0x0080, 0x4aba: 0x0080, 0x4abb: 0x0080, + 0x4abc: 0x0080, 0x4abd: 0x0080, 0x4abe: 0x0080, 0x4abf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12b, offset 0x4ac0 + 0x4ac0: 0x0080, 0x4ac1: 0x0080, 0x4ac2: 0x0080, 0x4ac3: 0x0080, 0x4ac4: 0x0080, 0x4ac5: 0x0080, + 0x4ac6: 0x0080, 0x4ac7: 0x0080, 0x4ac8: 0x0080, 0x4ac9: 0x0080, 0x4aca: 0x0080, 0x4acb: 0x0080, + 0x4acc: 0x0080, 0x4acd: 0x0080, 0x4ace: 0x0080, 0x4acf: 0x0080, 0x4ad0: 0x0080, 0x4ad1: 0x0080, + 0x4ad2: 0x0080, 0x4ad3: 0x0080, 0x4ad4: 0x0080, 0x4ad5: 0x0080, 0x4ad6: 0x0080, 0x4ad7: 0x0080, + 0x4ad8: 0x0080, 0x4ad9: 0x0080, 0x4ada: 0x0080, 0x4adb: 0x0080, 0x4adc: 0x0080, + 0x4ade: 0x0080, 0x4adf: 0x0080, 0x4ae2: 0x0080, + 0x4ae5: 0x0080, 0x4ae6: 0x0080, 0x4ae9: 0x0080, + 0x4aea: 0x0080, 0x4aeb: 0x0080, 0x4aec: 0x0080, 0x4aee: 0x0080, 0x4aef: 0x0080, + 0x4af0: 0x0080, 0x4af1: 0x0080, 0x4af2: 0x0080, 0x4af3: 0x0080, 0x4af4: 0x0080, 0x4af5: 0x0080, + 0x4af6: 0x0080, 0x4af7: 0x0080, 0x4af8: 0x0080, 0x4af9: 0x0080, 0x4afb: 0x0080, + 0x4afd: 0x0080, 0x4afe: 0x0080, 0x4aff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12c, offset 0x4b00 + 0x4b00: 0x0080, 0x4b01: 0x0080, 0x4b02: 0x0080, 0x4b03: 0x0080, 0x4b05: 0x0080, + 0x4b06: 0x0080, 0x4b07: 0x0080, 0x4b08: 0x0080, 0x4b09: 0x0080, 0x4b0a: 0x0080, 0x4b0b: 0x0080, + 0x4b0c: 0x0080, 0x4b0d: 0x0080, 0x4b0e: 0x0080, 0x4b0f: 0x0080, 0x4b10: 0x0080, 0x4b11: 0x0080, + 0x4b12: 0x0080, 0x4b13: 0x0080, 0x4b14: 0x0080, 0x4b15: 0x0080, 0x4b16: 0x0080, 0x4b17: 0x0080, + 0x4b18: 0x0080, 0x4b19: 0x0080, 0x4b1a: 0x0080, 0x4b1b: 0x0080, 0x4b1c: 0x0080, 0x4b1d: 0x0080, + 0x4b1e: 0x0080, 0x4b1f: 0x0080, 0x4b20: 0x0080, 0x4b21: 0x0080, 0x4b22: 0x0080, 0x4b23: 0x0080, + 0x4b24: 0x0080, 0x4b25: 0x0080, 0x4b26: 0x0080, 0x4b27: 0x0080, 0x4b28: 0x0080, 0x4b29: 0x0080, + 0x4b2a: 0x0080, 0x4b2b: 0x0080, 0x4b2c: 0x0080, 0x4b2d: 0x0080, 0x4b2e: 0x0080, 0x4b2f: 0x0080, + 0x4b30: 0x0080, 0x4b31: 0x0080, 0x4b32: 0x0080, 0x4b33: 0x0080, 0x4b34: 0x0080, 0x4b35: 0x0080, + 0x4b36: 0x0080, 0x4b37: 0x0080, 0x4b38: 0x0080, 0x4b39: 0x0080, 0x4b3a: 0x0080, 0x4b3b: 0x0080, + 0x4b3c: 0x0080, 0x4b3d: 0x0080, 0x4b3e: 0x0080, 0x4b3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12d, offset 0x4b40 + 0x4b40: 0x0080, 0x4b41: 0x0080, 0x4b42: 0x0080, 0x4b43: 0x0080, 0x4b44: 0x0080, 0x4b45: 0x0080, + 0x4b47: 0x0080, 0x4b48: 0x0080, 0x4b49: 0x0080, 0x4b4a: 0x0080, + 0x4b4d: 0x0080, 0x4b4e: 0x0080, 0x4b4f: 0x0080, 0x4b50: 0x0080, 0x4b51: 0x0080, + 0x4b52: 0x0080, 0x4b53: 0x0080, 0x4b54: 0x0080, 0x4b56: 0x0080, 0x4b57: 0x0080, + 0x4b58: 0x0080, 0x4b59: 0x0080, 0x4b5a: 0x0080, 0x4b5b: 0x0080, 0x4b5c: 0x0080, + 0x4b5e: 0x0080, 0x4b5f: 0x0080, 0x4b60: 0x0080, 0x4b61: 0x0080, 0x4b62: 0x0080, 0x4b63: 0x0080, + 0x4b64: 0x0080, 0x4b65: 0x0080, 0x4b66: 0x0080, 0x4b67: 0x0080, 0x4b68: 0x0080, 0x4b69: 0x0080, + 0x4b6a: 0x0080, 0x4b6b: 0x0080, 0x4b6c: 0x0080, 0x4b6d: 0x0080, 0x4b6e: 0x0080, 0x4b6f: 0x0080, + 0x4b70: 0x0080, 0x4b71: 0x0080, 0x4b72: 0x0080, 0x4b73: 0x0080, 0x4b74: 0x0080, 0x4b75: 0x0080, + 0x4b76: 0x0080, 0x4b77: 0x0080, 0x4b78: 0x0080, 0x4b79: 0x0080, 0x4b7b: 0x0080, + 0x4b7c: 0x0080, 0x4b7d: 0x0080, 0x4b7e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12e, offset 0x4b80 + 0x4b80: 0x0080, 0x4b81: 0x0080, 0x4b82: 0x0080, 0x4b83: 0x0080, 0x4b84: 0x0080, + 0x4b86: 0x0080, 0x4b8a: 0x0080, 0x4b8b: 0x0080, + 0x4b8c: 0x0080, 0x4b8d: 0x0080, 0x4b8e: 0x0080, 0x4b8f: 0x0080, 0x4b90: 0x0080, + 0x4b92: 0x0080, 0x4b93: 0x0080, 0x4b94: 0x0080, 0x4b95: 0x0080, 0x4b96: 0x0080, 0x4b97: 0x0080, + 0x4b98: 0x0080, 0x4b99: 0x0080, 0x4b9a: 0x0080, 0x4b9b: 0x0080, 0x4b9c: 0x0080, 0x4b9d: 0x0080, + 0x4b9e: 0x0080, 0x4b9f: 0x0080, 0x4ba0: 0x0080, 0x4ba1: 0x0080, 0x4ba2: 0x0080, 0x4ba3: 0x0080, + 0x4ba4: 0x0080, 0x4ba5: 0x0080, 0x4ba6: 0x0080, 0x4ba7: 0x0080, 0x4ba8: 0x0080, 0x4ba9: 0x0080, + 0x4baa: 0x0080, 0x4bab: 0x0080, 0x4bac: 0x0080, 0x4bad: 0x0080, 0x4bae: 0x0080, 0x4baf: 0x0080, + 0x4bb0: 0x0080, 0x4bb1: 0x0080, 0x4bb2: 0x0080, 0x4bb3: 0x0080, 0x4bb4: 0x0080, 0x4bb5: 0x0080, + 0x4bb6: 0x0080, 0x4bb7: 0x0080, 0x4bb8: 0x0080, 0x4bb9: 0x0080, 0x4bba: 0x0080, 0x4bbb: 0x0080, + 0x4bbc: 0x0080, 0x4bbd: 0x0080, 0x4bbe: 0x0080, 0x4bbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12f, offset 0x4bc0 + 0x4bc0: 0x0080, 0x4bc1: 0x0080, 0x4bc2: 0x0080, 0x4bc3: 0x0080, 0x4bc4: 0x0080, 0x4bc5: 0x0080, + 0x4bc6: 0x0080, 0x4bc7: 0x0080, 0x4bc8: 0x0080, 0x4bc9: 0x0080, 0x4bca: 0x0080, 0x4bcb: 0x0080, + 0x4bcc: 0x0080, 0x4bcd: 0x0080, 0x4bce: 0x0080, 0x4bcf: 0x0080, 0x4bd0: 0x0080, 0x4bd1: 0x0080, + 0x4bd2: 0x0080, 0x4bd3: 0x0080, 0x4bd4: 0x0080, 0x4bd5: 0x0080, 0x4bd6: 0x0080, 0x4bd7: 0x0080, + 0x4bd8: 0x0080, 0x4bd9: 0x0080, 0x4bda: 0x0080, 0x4bdb: 0x0080, 0x4bdc: 0x0080, 0x4bdd: 0x0080, + 0x4bde: 0x0080, 0x4bdf: 0x0080, 0x4be0: 0x0080, 0x4be1: 0x0080, 0x4be2: 0x0080, 0x4be3: 0x0080, + 0x4be4: 0x0080, 0x4be5: 0x0080, 0x4be8: 0x0080, 0x4be9: 0x0080, + 0x4bea: 0x0080, 0x4beb: 0x0080, 0x4bec: 0x0080, 0x4bed: 0x0080, 0x4bee: 0x0080, 0x4bef: 0x0080, + 0x4bf0: 0x0080, 0x4bf1: 0x0080, 0x4bf2: 0x0080, 0x4bf3: 0x0080, 0x4bf4: 0x0080, 0x4bf5: 0x0080, + 0x4bf6: 0x0080, 0x4bf7: 0x0080, 0x4bf8: 0x0080, 0x4bf9: 0x0080, 0x4bfa: 0x0080, 0x4bfb: 0x0080, + 0x4bfc: 0x0080, 0x4bfd: 0x0080, 0x4bfe: 0x0080, 0x4bff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x130, offset 0x4c00 + 0x4c00: 0x0080, 0x4c01: 0x0080, 0x4c02: 0x0080, 0x4c03: 0x0080, 0x4c04: 0x0080, 0x4c05: 0x0080, + 0x4c06: 0x0080, 0x4c07: 0x0080, 0x4c08: 0x0080, 0x4c09: 0x0080, 0x4c0a: 0x0080, 0x4c0b: 0x0080, + 0x4c0e: 0x0080, 0x4c0f: 0x0080, 0x4c10: 0x0080, 0x4c11: 0x0080, + 0x4c12: 0x0080, 0x4c13: 0x0080, 0x4c14: 0x0080, 0x4c15: 0x0080, 0x4c16: 0x0080, 0x4c17: 0x0080, + 0x4c18: 0x0080, 0x4c19: 0x0080, 0x4c1a: 0x0080, 0x4c1b: 0x0080, 0x4c1c: 0x0080, 0x4c1d: 0x0080, + 0x4c1e: 0x0080, 0x4c1f: 0x0080, 0x4c20: 0x0080, 0x4c21: 0x0080, 0x4c22: 0x0080, 0x4c23: 0x0080, + 0x4c24: 0x0080, 0x4c25: 0x0080, 0x4c26: 0x0080, 0x4c27: 0x0080, 0x4c28: 0x0080, 0x4c29: 0x0080, + 0x4c2a: 0x0080, 0x4c2b: 0x0080, 0x4c2c: 0x0080, 0x4c2d: 0x0080, 0x4c2e: 0x0080, 0x4c2f: 0x0080, + 0x4c30: 0x0080, 0x4c31: 0x0080, 0x4c32: 0x0080, 0x4c33: 0x0080, 0x4c34: 0x0080, 0x4c35: 0x0080, + 0x4c36: 0x0080, 0x4c37: 0x0080, 0x4c38: 0x0080, 0x4c39: 0x0080, 0x4c3a: 0x0080, 0x4c3b: 0x0080, + 0x4c3c: 0x0080, 0x4c3d: 0x0080, 0x4c3e: 0x0080, 0x4c3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x131, offset 0x4c40 + 0x4c40: 0x00c3, 0x4c41: 0x00c3, 0x4c42: 0x00c3, 0x4c43: 0x00c3, 0x4c44: 0x00c3, 0x4c45: 0x00c3, + 0x4c46: 0x00c3, 0x4c47: 0x00c3, 0x4c48: 0x00c3, 0x4c49: 0x00c3, 0x4c4a: 0x00c3, 0x4c4b: 0x00c3, + 0x4c4c: 0x00c3, 0x4c4d: 0x00c3, 0x4c4e: 0x00c3, 0x4c4f: 0x00c3, 0x4c50: 0x00c3, 0x4c51: 0x00c3, + 0x4c52: 0x00c3, 0x4c53: 0x00c3, 0x4c54: 0x00c3, 0x4c55: 0x00c3, 0x4c56: 0x00c3, 0x4c57: 0x00c3, + 0x4c58: 0x00c3, 0x4c59: 0x00c3, 0x4c5a: 0x00c3, 0x4c5b: 0x00c3, 0x4c5c: 0x00c3, 0x4c5d: 0x00c3, + 0x4c5e: 0x00c3, 0x4c5f: 0x00c3, 0x4c60: 0x00c3, 0x4c61: 0x00c3, 0x4c62: 0x00c3, 0x4c63: 0x00c3, + 0x4c64: 0x00c3, 0x4c65: 0x00c3, 0x4c66: 0x00c3, 0x4c67: 0x00c3, 0x4c68: 0x00c3, 0x4c69: 0x00c3, + 0x4c6a: 0x00c3, 0x4c6b: 0x00c3, 0x4c6c: 0x00c3, 0x4c6d: 0x00c3, 0x4c6e: 0x00c3, 0x4c6f: 0x00c3, + 0x4c70: 0x00c3, 0x4c71: 0x00c3, 0x4c72: 0x00c3, 0x4c73: 0x00c3, 0x4c74: 0x00c3, 0x4c75: 0x00c3, + 0x4c76: 0x00c3, 0x4c77: 0x0080, 0x4c78: 0x0080, 0x4c79: 0x0080, 0x4c7a: 0x0080, 0x4c7b: 0x00c3, + 0x4c7c: 0x00c3, 0x4c7d: 0x00c3, 0x4c7e: 0x00c3, 0x4c7f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x132, offset 0x4c80 + 0x4c80: 0x00c3, 0x4c81: 0x00c3, 0x4c82: 0x00c3, 0x4c83: 0x00c3, 0x4c84: 0x00c3, 0x4c85: 0x00c3, + 0x4c86: 0x00c3, 0x4c87: 0x00c3, 0x4c88: 0x00c3, 0x4c89: 0x00c3, 0x4c8a: 0x00c3, 0x4c8b: 0x00c3, + 0x4c8c: 0x00c3, 0x4c8d: 0x00c3, 0x4c8e: 0x00c3, 0x4c8f: 0x00c3, 0x4c90: 0x00c3, 0x4c91: 0x00c3, + 0x4c92: 0x00c3, 0x4c93: 0x00c3, 0x4c94: 0x00c3, 0x4c95: 0x00c3, 0x4c96: 0x00c3, 0x4c97: 0x00c3, + 0x4c98: 0x00c3, 0x4c99: 0x00c3, 0x4c9a: 0x00c3, 0x4c9b: 0x00c3, 0x4c9c: 0x00c3, 0x4c9d: 0x00c3, + 0x4c9e: 0x00c3, 0x4c9f: 0x00c3, 0x4ca0: 0x00c3, 0x4ca1: 0x00c3, 0x4ca2: 0x00c3, 0x4ca3: 0x00c3, + 0x4ca4: 0x00c3, 0x4ca5: 0x00c3, 0x4ca6: 0x00c3, 0x4ca7: 0x00c3, 0x4ca8: 0x00c3, 0x4ca9: 0x00c3, + 0x4caa: 0x00c3, 0x4cab: 0x00c3, 0x4cac: 0x00c3, 0x4cad: 0x0080, 0x4cae: 0x0080, 0x4caf: 0x0080, + 0x4cb0: 0x0080, 0x4cb1: 0x0080, 0x4cb2: 0x0080, 0x4cb3: 0x0080, 0x4cb4: 0x0080, 0x4cb5: 0x00c3, + 0x4cb6: 0x0080, 0x4cb7: 0x0080, 0x4cb8: 0x0080, 0x4cb9: 0x0080, 0x4cba: 0x0080, 0x4cbb: 0x0080, + 0x4cbc: 0x0080, 0x4cbd: 0x0080, 0x4cbe: 0x0080, 0x4cbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x133, offset 0x4cc0 + 0x4cc0: 0x0080, 0x4cc1: 0x0080, 0x4cc2: 0x0080, 0x4cc3: 0x0080, 0x4cc4: 0x00c3, 0x4cc5: 0x0080, + 0x4cc6: 0x0080, 0x4cc7: 0x0080, 0x4cc8: 0x0080, 0x4cc9: 0x0080, 0x4cca: 0x0080, 0x4ccb: 0x0080, + 0x4cdb: 0x00c3, 0x4cdc: 0x00c3, 0x4cdd: 0x00c3, + 0x4cde: 0x00c3, 0x4cdf: 0x00c3, 0x4ce1: 0x00c3, 0x4ce2: 0x00c3, 0x4ce3: 0x00c3, + 0x4ce4: 0x00c3, 0x4ce5: 0x00c3, 0x4ce6: 0x00c3, 0x4ce7: 0x00c3, 0x4ce8: 0x00c3, 0x4ce9: 0x00c3, + 0x4cea: 0x00c3, 0x4ceb: 0x00c3, 0x4cec: 0x00c3, 0x4ced: 0x00c3, 0x4cee: 0x00c3, 0x4cef: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x134, offset 0x4d00 + 0x4d00: 0x00c3, 0x4d01: 0x00c3, 0x4d02: 0x00c3, 0x4d03: 0x00c3, 0x4d04: 0x00c3, 0x4d05: 0x00c3, + 0x4d06: 0x00c3, 0x4d08: 0x00c3, 0x4d09: 0x00c3, 0x4d0a: 0x00c3, 0x4d0b: 0x00c3, + 0x4d0c: 0x00c3, 0x4d0d: 0x00c3, 0x4d0e: 0x00c3, 0x4d0f: 0x00c3, 0x4d10: 0x00c3, 0x4d11: 0x00c3, + 0x4d12: 0x00c3, 0x4d13: 0x00c3, 0x4d14: 0x00c3, 0x4d15: 0x00c3, 0x4d16: 0x00c3, 0x4d17: 0x00c3, + 0x4d18: 0x00c3, 0x4d1b: 0x00c3, 0x4d1c: 0x00c3, 0x4d1d: 0x00c3, + 0x4d1e: 0x00c3, 0x4d1f: 0x00c3, 0x4d20: 0x00c3, 0x4d21: 0x00c3, 0x4d23: 0x00c3, + 0x4d24: 0x00c3, 0x4d26: 0x00c3, 0x4d27: 0x00c3, 0x4d28: 0x00c3, 0x4d29: 0x00c3, + 0x4d2a: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x135, offset 0x4d40 + 0x4d40: 0x00c0, 0x4d41: 0x00c0, 0x4d42: 0x00c0, 0x4d43: 0x00c0, 0x4d44: 0x00c0, 0x4d45: 0x00c0, + 0x4d46: 0x00c0, 0x4d47: 0x00c0, 0x4d48: 0x00c0, 0x4d49: 0x00c0, 0x4d4a: 0x00c0, 0x4d4b: 0x00c0, + 0x4d4c: 0x00c0, 0x4d4d: 0x00c0, 0x4d4e: 0x00c0, 0x4d4f: 0x00c0, 0x4d50: 0x00c0, 0x4d51: 0x00c0, + 0x4d52: 0x00c0, 0x4d53: 0x00c0, 0x4d54: 0x00c0, 0x4d55: 0x00c0, 0x4d56: 0x00c0, 0x4d57: 0x00c0, + 0x4d58: 0x00c0, 0x4d59: 0x00c0, 0x4d5a: 0x00c0, 0x4d5b: 0x00c0, 0x4d5c: 0x00c0, 0x4d5d: 0x00c0, + 0x4d5e: 0x00c0, 0x4d5f: 0x00c0, 0x4d60: 0x00c0, 0x4d61: 0x00c0, 0x4d62: 0x00c0, 0x4d63: 0x00c0, + 0x4d64: 0x00c0, 0x4d65: 0x00c0, 0x4d66: 0x00c0, 0x4d67: 0x00c0, 0x4d68: 0x00c0, 0x4d69: 0x00c0, + 0x4d6a: 0x00c0, 0x4d6b: 0x00c0, 0x4d6c: 0x00c0, + 0x4d70: 0x00c3, 0x4d71: 0x00c3, 0x4d72: 0x00c3, 0x4d73: 0x00c3, 0x4d74: 0x00c3, 0x4d75: 0x00c3, + 0x4d76: 0x00c3, 0x4d77: 0x00c0, 0x4d78: 0x00c0, 0x4d79: 0x00c0, 0x4d7a: 0x00c0, 0x4d7b: 0x00c0, + 0x4d7c: 0x00c0, 0x4d7d: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x136, offset 0x4d80 + 0x4d80: 0x00c0, 0x4d81: 0x00c0, 0x4d82: 0x00c0, 0x4d83: 0x00c0, 0x4d84: 0x00c0, 0x4d85: 0x00c0, + 0x4d86: 0x00c0, 0x4d87: 0x00c0, 0x4d88: 0x00c0, 0x4d89: 0x00c0, + 0x4d8e: 0x00c0, 0x4d8f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x137, offset 0x4dc0 + 0x4dc0: 0x00c0, 0x4dc1: 0x00c0, 0x4dc2: 0x00c0, 0x4dc3: 0x00c0, 0x4dc4: 0x00c0, 0x4dc5: 0x00c0, + 0x4dc6: 0x00c0, 0x4dc7: 0x00c0, 0x4dc8: 0x00c0, 0x4dc9: 0x00c0, 0x4dca: 0x00c0, 0x4dcb: 0x00c0, + 0x4dcc: 0x00c0, 0x4dcd: 0x00c0, 0x4dce: 0x00c0, 0x4dcf: 0x00c0, 0x4dd0: 0x00c0, 0x4dd1: 0x00c0, + 0x4dd2: 0x00c0, 0x4dd3: 0x00c0, 0x4dd4: 0x00c0, 0x4dd5: 0x00c0, 0x4dd6: 0x00c0, 0x4dd7: 0x00c0, + 0x4dd8: 0x00c0, 0x4dd9: 0x00c0, 0x4dda: 0x00c0, 0x4ddb: 0x00c0, 0x4ddc: 0x00c0, 0x4ddd: 0x00c0, + 0x4dde: 0x00c0, 0x4ddf: 0x00c0, 0x4de0: 0x00c0, 0x4de1: 0x00c0, 0x4de2: 0x00c0, 0x4de3: 0x00c0, + 0x4de4: 0x00c0, 0x4de5: 0x00c0, 0x4de6: 0x00c0, 0x4de7: 0x00c0, 0x4de8: 0x00c0, 0x4de9: 0x00c0, + 0x4dea: 0x00c0, 0x4deb: 0x00c0, 0x4dec: 0x00c3, 0x4ded: 0x00c3, 0x4dee: 0x00c3, 0x4def: 0x00c3, + 0x4df0: 0x00c0, 0x4df1: 0x00c0, 0x4df2: 0x00c0, 0x4df3: 0x00c0, 0x4df4: 0x00c0, 0x4df5: 0x00c0, + 0x4df6: 0x00c0, 0x4df7: 0x00c0, 0x4df8: 0x00c0, 0x4df9: 0x00c0, + 0x4dff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x138, offset 0x4e00 + 0x4e00: 0x00c0, 0x4e01: 0x00c0, 0x4e02: 0x00c0, 0x4e03: 0x00c0, 0x4e04: 0x00c0, + 0x4e07: 0x0080, 0x4e08: 0x0080, 0x4e09: 0x0080, 0x4e0a: 0x0080, 0x4e0b: 0x0080, + 0x4e0c: 0x0080, 0x4e0d: 0x0080, 0x4e0e: 0x0080, 0x4e0f: 0x0080, 0x4e10: 0x00c3, 0x4e11: 0x00c3, + 0x4e12: 0x00c3, 0x4e13: 0x00c3, 0x4e14: 0x00c3, 0x4e15: 0x00c3, 0x4e16: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x139, offset 0x4e40 + 0x4e40: 0x00c2, 0x4e41: 0x00c2, 0x4e42: 0x00c2, 0x4e43: 0x00c2, 0x4e44: 0x00c2, 0x4e45: 0x00c2, + 0x4e46: 0x00c2, 0x4e47: 0x00c2, 0x4e48: 0x00c2, 0x4e49: 0x00c2, 0x4e4a: 0x00c2, 0x4e4b: 0x00c2, + 0x4e4c: 0x00c2, 0x4e4d: 0x00c2, 0x4e4e: 0x00c2, 0x4e4f: 0x00c2, 0x4e50: 0x00c2, 0x4e51: 0x00c2, + 0x4e52: 0x00c2, 0x4e53: 0x00c2, 0x4e54: 0x00c2, 0x4e55: 0x00c2, 0x4e56: 0x00c2, 0x4e57: 0x00c2, + 0x4e58: 0x00c2, 0x4e59: 0x00c2, 0x4e5a: 0x00c2, 0x4e5b: 0x00c2, 0x4e5c: 0x00c2, 0x4e5d: 0x00c2, + 0x4e5e: 0x00c2, 0x4e5f: 0x00c2, 0x4e60: 0x00c2, 0x4e61: 0x00c2, 0x4e62: 0x00c2, 0x4e63: 0x00c2, + 0x4e64: 0x00c2, 0x4e65: 0x00c2, 0x4e66: 0x00c2, 0x4e67: 0x00c2, 0x4e68: 0x00c2, 0x4e69: 0x00c2, + 0x4e6a: 0x00c2, 0x4e6b: 0x00c2, 0x4e6c: 0x00c2, 0x4e6d: 0x00c2, 0x4e6e: 0x00c2, 0x4e6f: 0x00c2, + 0x4e70: 0x00c2, 0x4e71: 0x00c2, 0x4e72: 0x00c2, 0x4e73: 0x00c2, 0x4e74: 0x00c2, 0x4e75: 0x00c2, + 0x4e76: 0x00c2, 0x4e77: 0x00c2, 0x4e78: 0x00c2, 0x4e79: 0x00c2, 0x4e7a: 0x00c2, 0x4e7b: 0x00c2, + 0x4e7c: 0x00c2, 0x4e7d: 0x00c2, 0x4e7e: 0x00c2, 0x4e7f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x13a, offset 0x4e80 + 0x4e80: 0x00c2, 0x4e81: 0x00c2, 0x4e82: 0x00c2, 0x4e83: 0x00c2, 0x4e84: 0x00c3, 0x4e85: 0x00c3, + 0x4e86: 0x00c3, 0x4e87: 0x00c3, 0x4e88: 0x00c3, 0x4e89: 0x00c3, 0x4e8a: 0x00c3, 0x4e8b: 0x00c3, + 0x4e90: 0x00c0, 0x4e91: 0x00c0, + 0x4e92: 0x00c0, 0x4e93: 0x00c0, 0x4e94: 0x00c0, 0x4e95: 0x00c0, 0x4e96: 0x00c0, 0x4e97: 0x00c0, + 0x4e98: 0x00c0, 0x4e99: 0x00c0, + 0x4e9e: 0x0080, 0x4e9f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13b, offset 0x4ec0 + 0x4ef1: 0x0080, 0x4ef2: 0x0080, 0x4ef3: 0x0080, 0x4ef4: 0x0080, 0x4ef5: 0x0080, + 0x4ef6: 0x0080, 0x4ef7: 0x0080, 0x4ef8: 0x0080, 0x4ef9: 0x0080, 0x4efa: 0x0080, 0x4efb: 0x0080, + 0x4efc: 0x0080, 0x4efd: 0x0080, 0x4efe: 0x0080, 0x4eff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13c, offset 0x4f00 + 0x4f00: 0x0080, 0x4f01: 0x0080, 0x4f02: 0x0080, 0x4f03: 0x0080, 0x4f04: 0x0080, 0x4f05: 0x0080, + 0x4f06: 0x0080, 0x4f07: 0x0080, 0x4f08: 0x0080, 0x4f09: 0x0080, 0x4f0a: 0x0080, 0x4f0b: 0x0080, + 0x4f0c: 0x0080, 0x4f0d: 0x0080, 0x4f0e: 0x0080, 0x4f0f: 0x0080, 0x4f10: 0x0080, 0x4f11: 0x0080, + 0x4f12: 0x0080, 0x4f13: 0x0080, 0x4f14: 0x0080, 0x4f15: 0x0080, 0x4f16: 0x0080, 0x4f17: 0x0080, + 0x4f18: 0x0080, 0x4f19: 0x0080, 0x4f1a: 0x0080, 0x4f1b: 0x0080, 0x4f1c: 0x0080, 0x4f1d: 0x0080, + 0x4f1e: 0x0080, 0x4f1f: 0x0080, 0x4f20: 0x0080, 0x4f21: 0x0080, 0x4f22: 0x0080, 0x4f23: 0x0080, + 0x4f24: 0x0080, 0x4f25: 0x0080, 0x4f26: 0x0080, 0x4f27: 0x0080, 0x4f28: 0x0080, 0x4f29: 0x0080, + 0x4f2a: 0x0080, 0x4f2b: 0x0080, 0x4f2c: 0x0080, 0x4f2d: 0x0080, 0x4f2e: 0x0080, 0x4f2f: 0x0080, + 0x4f30: 0x0080, 0x4f31: 0x0080, 0x4f32: 0x0080, 0x4f33: 0x0080, 0x4f34: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13d, offset 0x4f40 + 0x4f41: 0x0080, 0x4f42: 0x0080, 0x4f43: 0x0080, 0x4f44: 0x0080, 0x4f45: 0x0080, + 0x4f46: 0x0080, 0x4f47: 0x0080, 0x4f48: 0x0080, 0x4f49: 0x0080, 0x4f4a: 0x0080, 0x4f4b: 0x0080, + 0x4f4c: 0x0080, 0x4f4d: 0x0080, 0x4f4e: 0x0080, 0x4f4f: 0x0080, 0x4f50: 0x0080, 0x4f51: 0x0080, + 0x4f52: 0x0080, 0x4f53: 0x0080, 0x4f54: 0x0080, 0x4f55: 0x0080, 0x4f56: 0x0080, 0x4f57: 0x0080, + 0x4f58: 0x0080, 0x4f59: 0x0080, 0x4f5a: 0x0080, 0x4f5b: 0x0080, 0x4f5c: 0x0080, 0x4f5d: 0x0080, + 0x4f5e: 0x0080, 0x4f5f: 0x0080, 0x4f60: 0x0080, 0x4f61: 0x0080, 0x4f62: 0x0080, 0x4f63: 0x0080, + 0x4f64: 0x0080, 0x4f65: 0x0080, 0x4f66: 0x0080, 0x4f67: 0x0080, 0x4f68: 0x0080, 0x4f69: 0x0080, + 0x4f6a: 0x0080, 0x4f6b: 0x0080, 0x4f6c: 0x0080, 0x4f6d: 0x0080, 0x4f6e: 0x0080, 0x4f6f: 0x0080, + 0x4f70: 0x0080, 0x4f71: 0x0080, 0x4f72: 0x0080, 0x4f73: 0x0080, 0x4f74: 0x0080, 0x4f75: 0x0080, + 0x4f76: 0x0080, 0x4f77: 0x0080, 0x4f78: 0x0080, 0x4f79: 0x0080, 0x4f7a: 0x0080, 0x4f7b: 0x0080, + 0x4f7c: 0x0080, 0x4f7d: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13e, offset 0x4f80 + 0x4f80: 0x0080, 0x4f81: 0x0080, 0x4f82: 0x0080, 0x4f83: 0x0080, 0x4f85: 0x0080, + 0x4f86: 0x0080, 0x4f87: 0x0080, 0x4f88: 0x0080, 0x4f89: 0x0080, 0x4f8a: 0x0080, 0x4f8b: 0x0080, + 0x4f8c: 0x0080, 0x4f8d: 0x0080, 0x4f8e: 0x0080, 0x4f8f: 0x0080, 0x4f90: 0x0080, 0x4f91: 0x0080, + 0x4f92: 0x0080, 0x4f93: 0x0080, 0x4f94: 0x0080, 0x4f95: 0x0080, 0x4f96: 0x0080, 0x4f97: 0x0080, + 0x4f98: 0x0080, 0x4f99: 0x0080, 0x4f9a: 0x0080, 0x4f9b: 0x0080, 0x4f9c: 0x0080, 0x4f9d: 0x0080, + 0x4f9e: 0x0080, 0x4f9f: 0x0080, 0x4fa1: 0x0080, 0x4fa2: 0x0080, + 0x4fa4: 0x0080, 0x4fa7: 0x0080, 0x4fa9: 0x0080, + 0x4faa: 0x0080, 0x4fab: 0x0080, 0x4fac: 0x0080, 0x4fad: 0x0080, 0x4fae: 0x0080, 0x4faf: 0x0080, + 0x4fb0: 0x0080, 0x4fb1: 0x0080, 0x4fb2: 0x0080, 0x4fb4: 0x0080, 0x4fb5: 0x0080, + 0x4fb6: 0x0080, 0x4fb7: 0x0080, 0x4fb9: 0x0080, 0x4fbb: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13f, offset 0x4fc0 + 0x4fc2: 0x0080, + 0x4fc7: 0x0080, 0x4fc9: 0x0080, 0x4fcb: 0x0080, + 0x4fcd: 0x0080, 0x4fce: 0x0080, 0x4fcf: 0x0080, 0x4fd1: 0x0080, + 0x4fd2: 0x0080, 0x4fd4: 0x0080, 0x4fd7: 0x0080, + 0x4fd9: 0x0080, 0x4fdb: 0x0080, 0x4fdd: 0x0080, + 0x4fdf: 0x0080, 0x4fe1: 0x0080, 0x4fe2: 0x0080, + 0x4fe4: 0x0080, 0x4fe7: 0x0080, 0x4fe8: 0x0080, 0x4fe9: 0x0080, + 0x4fea: 0x0080, 0x4fec: 0x0080, 0x4fed: 0x0080, 0x4fee: 0x0080, 0x4fef: 0x0080, + 0x4ff0: 0x0080, 0x4ff1: 0x0080, 0x4ff2: 0x0080, 0x4ff4: 0x0080, 0x4ff5: 0x0080, + 0x4ff6: 0x0080, 0x4ff7: 0x0080, 0x4ff9: 0x0080, 0x4ffa: 0x0080, 0x4ffb: 0x0080, + 0x4ffc: 0x0080, 0x4ffe: 0x0080, + // Block 0x140, offset 0x5000 + 0x5000: 0x0080, 0x5001: 0x0080, 0x5002: 0x0080, 0x5003: 0x0080, 0x5004: 0x0080, 0x5005: 0x0080, + 0x5006: 0x0080, 0x5007: 0x0080, 0x5008: 0x0080, 0x5009: 0x0080, 0x500b: 0x0080, + 0x500c: 0x0080, 0x500d: 0x0080, 0x500e: 0x0080, 0x500f: 0x0080, 0x5010: 0x0080, 0x5011: 0x0080, + 0x5012: 0x0080, 0x5013: 0x0080, 0x5014: 0x0080, 0x5015: 0x0080, 0x5016: 0x0080, 0x5017: 0x0080, + 0x5018: 0x0080, 0x5019: 0x0080, 0x501a: 0x0080, 0x501b: 0x0080, + 0x5021: 0x0080, 0x5022: 0x0080, 0x5023: 0x0080, + 0x5025: 0x0080, 0x5026: 0x0080, 0x5027: 0x0080, 0x5028: 0x0080, 0x5029: 0x0080, + 0x502b: 0x0080, 0x502c: 0x0080, 0x502d: 0x0080, 0x502e: 0x0080, 0x502f: 0x0080, + 0x5030: 0x0080, 0x5031: 0x0080, 0x5032: 0x0080, 0x5033: 0x0080, 0x5034: 0x0080, 0x5035: 0x0080, + 0x5036: 0x0080, 0x5037: 0x0080, 0x5038: 0x0080, 0x5039: 0x0080, 0x503a: 0x0080, 0x503b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x141, offset 0x5040 + 0x5070: 0x0080, 0x5071: 0x0080, + // Block 0x142, offset 0x5080 + 0x5080: 0x0080, 0x5081: 0x0080, 0x5082: 0x0080, 0x5083: 0x0080, 0x5084: 0x0080, 0x5085: 0x0080, + 0x5086: 0x0080, 0x5087: 0x0080, 0x5088: 0x0080, 0x5089: 0x0080, 0x508a: 0x0080, 0x508b: 0x0080, + 0x508c: 0x0080, 0x508d: 0x0080, 0x508e: 0x0080, 0x508f: 0x0080, 0x5090: 0x0080, 0x5091: 0x0080, + 0x5092: 0x0080, 0x5093: 0x0080, 0x5094: 0x0080, 0x5095: 0x0080, 0x5096: 0x0080, 0x5097: 0x0080, + 0x5098: 0x0080, 0x5099: 0x0080, 0x509a: 0x0080, 0x509b: 0x0080, 0x509c: 0x0080, 0x509d: 0x0080, + 0x509e: 0x0080, 0x509f: 0x0080, 0x50a0: 0x0080, 0x50a1: 0x0080, 0x50a2: 0x0080, 0x50a3: 0x0080, + 0x50a4: 0x0080, 0x50a5: 0x0080, 0x50a6: 0x0080, 0x50a7: 0x0080, 0x50a8: 0x0080, 0x50a9: 0x0080, + 0x50aa: 0x0080, 0x50ab: 0x0080, + 0x50b0: 0x0080, 0x50b1: 0x0080, 0x50b2: 0x0080, 0x50b3: 0x0080, 0x50b4: 0x0080, 0x50b5: 0x0080, + 0x50b6: 0x0080, 0x50b7: 0x0080, 0x50b8: 0x0080, 0x50b9: 0x0080, 0x50ba: 0x0080, 0x50bb: 0x0080, + 0x50bc: 0x0080, 0x50bd: 0x0080, 0x50be: 0x0080, 0x50bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x143, offset 0x50c0 + 0x50c0: 0x0080, 0x50c1: 0x0080, 0x50c2: 0x0080, 0x50c3: 0x0080, 0x50c4: 0x0080, 0x50c5: 0x0080, + 0x50c6: 0x0080, 0x50c7: 0x0080, 0x50c8: 0x0080, 0x50c9: 0x0080, 0x50ca: 0x0080, 0x50cb: 0x0080, + 0x50cc: 0x0080, 0x50cd: 0x0080, 0x50ce: 0x0080, 0x50cf: 0x0080, 0x50d0: 0x0080, 0x50d1: 0x0080, + 0x50d2: 0x0080, 0x50d3: 0x0080, + 0x50e0: 0x0080, 0x50e1: 0x0080, 0x50e2: 0x0080, 0x50e3: 0x0080, + 0x50e4: 0x0080, 0x50e5: 0x0080, 0x50e6: 0x0080, 0x50e7: 0x0080, 0x50e8: 0x0080, 0x50e9: 0x0080, + 0x50ea: 0x0080, 0x50eb: 0x0080, 0x50ec: 0x0080, 0x50ed: 0x0080, 0x50ee: 0x0080, + 0x50f1: 0x0080, 0x50f2: 0x0080, 0x50f3: 0x0080, 0x50f4: 0x0080, 0x50f5: 0x0080, + 0x50f6: 0x0080, 0x50f7: 0x0080, 0x50f8: 0x0080, 0x50f9: 0x0080, 0x50fa: 0x0080, 0x50fb: 0x0080, + 0x50fc: 0x0080, 0x50fd: 0x0080, 0x50fe: 0x0080, 0x50ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x144, offset 0x5100 + 0x5101: 0x0080, 0x5102: 0x0080, 0x5103: 0x0080, 0x5104: 0x0080, 0x5105: 0x0080, + 0x5106: 0x0080, 0x5107: 0x0080, 0x5108: 0x0080, 0x5109: 0x0080, 0x510a: 0x0080, 0x510b: 0x0080, + 0x510c: 0x0080, 0x510d: 0x0080, 0x510e: 0x0080, 0x510f: 0x0080, 0x5111: 0x0080, + 0x5112: 0x0080, 0x5113: 0x0080, 0x5114: 0x0080, 0x5115: 0x0080, 0x5116: 0x0080, 0x5117: 0x0080, + 0x5118: 0x0080, 0x5119: 0x0080, 0x511a: 0x0080, 0x511b: 0x0080, 0x511c: 0x0080, 0x511d: 0x0080, + 0x511e: 0x0080, 0x511f: 0x0080, 0x5120: 0x0080, 0x5121: 0x0080, 0x5122: 0x0080, 0x5123: 0x0080, + 0x5124: 0x0080, 0x5125: 0x0080, 0x5126: 0x0080, 0x5127: 0x0080, 0x5128: 0x0080, 0x5129: 0x0080, + 0x512a: 0x0080, 0x512b: 0x0080, 0x512c: 0x0080, 0x512d: 0x0080, 0x512e: 0x0080, 0x512f: 0x0080, + 0x5130: 0x0080, 0x5131: 0x0080, 0x5132: 0x0080, 0x5133: 0x0080, 0x5134: 0x0080, 0x5135: 0x0080, + // Block 0x145, offset 0x5140 + 0x5140: 0x0080, 0x5141: 0x0080, 0x5142: 0x0080, 0x5143: 0x0080, 0x5144: 0x0080, 0x5145: 0x0080, + 0x5146: 0x0080, 0x5147: 0x0080, 0x5148: 0x0080, 0x5149: 0x0080, 0x514a: 0x0080, 0x514b: 0x0080, + 0x514c: 0x0080, 0x5150: 0x0080, 0x5151: 0x0080, + 0x5152: 0x0080, 0x5153: 0x0080, 0x5154: 0x0080, 0x5155: 0x0080, 0x5156: 0x0080, 0x5157: 0x0080, + 0x5158: 0x0080, 0x5159: 0x0080, 0x515a: 0x0080, 0x515b: 0x0080, 0x515c: 0x0080, 0x515d: 0x0080, + 0x515e: 0x0080, 0x515f: 0x0080, 0x5160: 0x0080, 0x5161: 0x0080, 0x5162: 0x0080, 0x5163: 0x0080, + 0x5164: 0x0080, 0x5165: 0x0080, 0x5166: 0x0080, 0x5167: 0x0080, 0x5168: 0x0080, 0x5169: 0x0080, + 0x516a: 0x0080, 0x516b: 0x0080, 0x516c: 0x0080, 0x516d: 0x0080, 0x516e: 0x0080, 0x516f: 0x0080, + 0x5170: 0x0080, 0x5171: 0x0080, 0x5172: 0x0080, 0x5173: 0x0080, 0x5174: 0x0080, 0x5175: 0x0080, + 0x5176: 0x0080, 0x5177: 0x0080, 0x5178: 0x0080, 0x5179: 0x0080, 0x517a: 0x0080, 0x517b: 0x0080, + 0x517c: 0x0080, 0x517d: 0x0080, 0x517e: 0x0080, 0x517f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x146, offset 0x5180 + 0x5180: 0x0080, 0x5181: 0x0080, 0x5182: 0x0080, 0x5183: 0x0080, 0x5184: 0x0080, 0x5185: 0x0080, + 0x5186: 0x0080, 0x5187: 0x0080, 0x5188: 0x0080, 0x5189: 0x0080, 0x518a: 0x0080, 0x518b: 0x0080, + 0x518c: 0x0080, 0x518d: 0x0080, 0x518e: 0x0080, 0x518f: 0x0080, 0x5190: 0x0080, 0x5191: 0x0080, + 0x5192: 0x0080, 0x5193: 0x0080, 0x5194: 0x0080, 0x5195: 0x0080, 0x5196: 0x0080, 0x5197: 0x0080, + 0x5198: 0x0080, 0x5199: 0x0080, 0x519a: 0x0080, 0x519b: 0x0080, 0x519c: 0x0080, 0x519d: 0x0080, + 0x519e: 0x0080, 0x519f: 0x0080, 0x51a0: 0x0080, 0x51a1: 0x0080, 0x51a2: 0x0080, 0x51a3: 0x0080, + 0x51a4: 0x0080, 0x51a5: 0x0080, 0x51a6: 0x0080, 0x51a7: 0x0080, 0x51a8: 0x0080, 0x51a9: 0x0080, + 0x51aa: 0x0080, 0x51ab: 0x0080, 0x51ac: 0x0080, + 0x51b0: 0x0080, 0x51b1: 0x0080, 0x51b2: 0x0080, 0x51b3: 0x0080, 0x51b4: 0x0080, 0x51b5: 0x0080, + 0x51b6: 0x0080, 0x51b7: 0x0080, 0x51b8: 0x0080, 0x51b9: 0x0080, 0x51ba: 0x0080, 0x51bb: 0x0080, + 0x51bc: 0x0080, 0x51bd: 0x0080, 0x51be: 0x0080, 0x51bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x147, offset 0x51c0 + 0x51c0: 0x0080, 0x51c1: 0x0080, 0x51c2: 0x0080, 0x51c3: 0x0080, 0x51c4: 0x0080, 0x51c5: 0x0080, + 0x51c6: 0x0080, 0x51c7: 0x0080, 0x51c8: 0x0080, 0x51c9: 0x0080, 0x51ca: 0x0080, 0x51cb: 0x0080, + 0x51cc: 0x0080, 0x51cd: 0x0080, 0x51ce: 0x0080, 0x51cf: 0x0080, 0x51d0: 0x0080, 0x51d1: 0x0080, + 0x51d2: 0x0080, 0x51d3: 0x0080, 0x51d4: 0x0080, 0x51d5: 0x0080, 0x51d6: 0x0080, 0x51d7: 0x0080, + 0x51d8: 0x0080, 0x51d9: 0x0080, 0x51da: 0x0080, 0x51db: 0x0080, 0x51dc: 0x0080, 0x51dd: 0x0080, + 0x51de: 0x0080, 0x51df: 0x0080, 0x51e0: 0x0080, 0x51e1: 0x0080, 0x51e2: 0x0080, 0x51e3: 0x0080, + 0x51e4: 0x0080, 0x51e5: 0x0080, 0x51e6: 0x0080, 0x51e7: 0x0080, 0x51e8: 0x0080, 0x51e9: 0x0080, + 0x51ea: 0x0080, 0x51eb: 0x0080, 0x51ec: 0x0080, + // Block 0x148, offset 0x5200 + 0x5226: 0x0080, 0x5227: 0x0080, 0x5228: 0x0080, 0x5229: 0x0080, + 0x522a: 0x0080, 0x522b: 0x0080, 0x522c: 0x0080, 0x522d: 0x0080, 0x522e: 0x0080, 0x522f: 0x0080, + 0x5230: 0x0080, 0x5231: 0x0080, 0x5232: 0x0080, 0x5233: 0x0080, 0x5234: 0x0080, 0x5235: 0x0080, + 0x5236: 0x0080, 0x5237: 0x0080, 0x5238: 0x0080, 0x5239: 0x0080, 0x523a: 0x0080, 0x523b: 0x0080, + 0x523c: 0x0080, 0x523d: 0x0080, 0x523e: 0x0080, 0x523f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x149, offset 0x5240 + 0x5240: 0x008c, 0x5241: 0x0080, 0x5242: 0x0080, + 0x5250: 0x0080, 0x5251: 0x0080, + 0x5252: 0x0080, 0x5253: 0x0080, 0x5254: 0x0080, 0x5255: 0x0080, 0x5256: 0x0080, 0x5257: 0x0080, + 0x5258: 0x0080, 0x5259: 0x0080, 0x525a: 0x0080, 0x525b: 0x0080, 0x525c: 0x0080, 0x525d: 0x0080, + 0x525e: 0x0080, 0x525f: 0x0080, 0x5260: 0x0080, 0x5261: 0x0080, 0x5262: 0x0080, 0x5263: 0x0080, + 0x5264: 0x0080, 0x5265: 0x0080, 0x5266: 0x0080, 0x5267: 0x0080, 0x5268: 0x0080, 0x5269: 0x0080, + 0x526a: 0x0080, 0x526b: 0x0080, 0x526c: 0x0080, 0x526d: 0x0080, 0x526e: 0x0080, 0x526f: 0x0080, + 0x5270: 0x0080, 0x5271: 0x0080, 0x5272: 0x0080, 0x5273: 0x0080, 0x5274: 0x0080, 0x5275: 0x0080, + 0x5276: 0x0080, 0x5277: 0x0080, 0x5278: 0x0080, 0x5279: 0x0080, 0x527a: 0x0080, 0x527b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14a, offset 0x5280 + 0x5280: 0x0080, 0x5281: 0x0080, 0x5282: 0x0080, 0x5283: 0x0080, 0x5284: 0x0080, 0x5285: 0x0080, + 0x5286: 0x0080, 0x5287: 0x0080, 0x5288: 0x0080, + 0x5290: 0x0080, 0x5291: 0x0080, + 0x52a0: 0x0080, 0x52a1: 0x0080, 0x52a2: 0x0080, 0x52a3: 0x0080, + 0x52a4: 0x0080, 0x52a5: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14b, offset 0x52c0 + 0x52c0: 0x0080, 0x52c1: 0x0080, 0x52c2: 0x0080, 0x52c3: 0x0080, 0x52c4: 0x0080, 0x52c5: 0x0080, + 0x52c6: 0x0080, 0x52c7: 0x0080, 0x52c8: 0x0080, 0x52c9: 0x0080, 0x52ca: 0x0080, 0x52cb: 0x0080, + 0x52cc: 0x0080, 0x52cd: 0x0080, 0x52ce: 0x0080, 0x52cf: 0x0080, 0x52d0: 0x0080, 0x52d1: 0x0080, + 0x52d2: 0x0080, 0x52d3: 0x0080, 0x52d4: 0x0080, 0x52d5: 0x0080, + 0x52e0: 0x0080, 0x52e1: 0x0080, 0x52e2: 0x0080, 0x52e3: 0x0080, + 0x52e4: 0x0080, 0x52e5: 0x0080, 0x52e6: 0x0080, 0x52e7: 0x0080, 0x52e8: 0x0080, 0x52e9: 0x0080, + 0x52ea: 0x0080, 0x52eb: 0x0080, 0x52ec: 0x0080, + 0x52f0: 0x0080, 0x52f1: 0x0080, 0x52f2: 0x0080, 0x52f3: 0x0080, 0x52f4: 0x0080, 0x52f5: 0x0080, + 0x52f6: 0x0080, 0x52f7: 0x0080, 0x52f8: 0x0080, 0x52f9: 0x0080, 0x52fa: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14c, offset 0x5300 + 0x5300: 0x0080, 0x5301: 0x0080, 0x5302: 0x0080, 0x5303: 0x0080, 0x5304: 0x0080, 0x5305: 0x0080, + 0x5306: 0x0080, 0x5307: 0x0080, 0x5308: 0x0080, 0x5309: 0x0080, 0x530a: 0x0080, 0x530b: 0x0080, + 0x530c: 0x0080, 0x530d: 0x0080, 0x530e: 0x0080, 0x530f: 0x0080, 0x5310: 0x0080, 0x5311: 0x0080, + 0x5312: 0x0080, 0x5313: 0x0080, 0x5314: 0x0080, 0x5315: 0x0080, 0x5316: 0x0080, 0x5317: 0x0080, + 0x5318: 0x0080, 0x5319: 0x0080, 0x531a: 0x0080, 0x531b: 0x0080, 0x531c: 0x0080, 0x531d: 0x0080, + 0x531e: 0x0080, 0x531f: 0x0080, 0x5320: 0x0080, 0x5321: 0x0080, 0x5322: 0x0080, 0x5323: 0x0080, + 0x5324: 0x0080, 0x5325: 0x0080, 0x5326: 0x0080, 0x5327: 0x0080, 0x5328: 0x0080, 0x5329: 0x0080, + 0x532a: 0x0080, 0x532b: 0x0080, 0x532c: 0x0080, 0x532d: 0x0080, 0x532e: 0x0080, 0x532f: 0x0080, + 0x5330: 0x0080, 0x5331: 0x0080, 0x5332: 0x0080, 0x5333: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14d, offset 0x5340 + 0x5340: 0x0080, 0x5341: 0x0080, 0x5342: 0x0080, 0x5343: 0x0080, 0x5344: 0x0080, 0x5345: 0x0080, + 0x5346: 0x0080, 0x5347: 0x0080, 0x5348: 0x0080, 0x5349: 0x0080, 0x534a: 0x0080, 0x534b: 0x0080, + 0x534c: 0x0080, 0x534d: 0x0080, 0x534e: 0x0080, 0x534f: 0x0080, 0x5350: 0x0080, 0x5351: 0x0080, + 0x5352: 0x0080, 0x5353: 0x0080, 0x5354: 0x0080, 0x5355: 0x0080, 0x5356: 0x0080, 0x5357: 0x0080, + 0x5358: 0x0080, + 0x5360: 0x0080, 0x5361: 0x0080, 0x5362: 0x0080, 0x5363: 0x0080, + 0x5364: 0x0080, 0x5365: 0x0080, 0x5366: 0x0080, 0x5367: 0x0080, 0x5368: 0x0080, 0x5369: 0x0080, + 0x536a: 0x0080, 0x536b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14e, offset 0x5380 + 0x5380: 0x0080, 0x5381: 0x0080, 0x5382: 0x0080, 0x5383: 0x0080, 0x5384: 0x0080, 0x5385: 0x0080, + 0x5386: 0x0080, 0x5387: 0x0080, 0x5388: 0x0080, 0x5389: 0x0080, 0x538a: 0x0080, 0x538b: 0x0080, + 0x5390: 0x0080, 0x5391: 0x0080, + 0x5392: 0x0080, 0x5393: 0x0080, 0x5394: 0x0080, 0x5395: 0x0080, 0x5396: 0x0080, 0x5397: 0x0080, + 0x5398: 0x0080, 0x5399: 0x0080, 0x539a: 0x0080, 0x539b: 0x0080, 0x539c: 0x0080, 0x539d: 0x0080, + 0x539e: 0x0080, 0x539f: 0x0080, 0x53a0: 0x0080, 0x53a1: 0x0080, 0x53a2: 0x0080, 0x53a3: 0x0080, + 0x53a4: 0x0080, 0x53a5: 0x0080, 0x53a6: 0x0080, 0x53a7: 0x0080, 0x53a8: 0x0080, 0x53a9: 0x0080, + 0x53aa: 0x0080, 0x53ab: 0x0080, 0x53ac: 0x0080, 0x53ad: 0x0080, 0x53ae: 0x0080, 0x53af: 0x0080, + 0x53b0: 0x0080, 0x53b1: 0x0080, 0x53b2: 0x0080, 0x53b3: 0x0080, 0x53b4: 0x0080, 0x53b5: 0x0080, + 0x53b6: 0x0080, 0x53b7: 0x0080, 0x53b8: 0x0080, 0x53b9: 0x0080, 0x53ba: 0x0080, 0x53bb: 0x0080, + 0x53bc: 0x0080, 0x53bd: 0x0080, 0x53be: 0x0080, 0x53bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14f, offset 0x53c0 + 0x53c0: 0x0080, 0x53c1: 0x0080, 0x53c2: 0x0080, 0x53c3: 0x0080, 0x53c4: 0x0080, 0x53c5: 0x0080, + 0x53c6: 0x0080, 0x53c7: 0x0080, + 0x53d0: 0x0080, 0x53d1: 0x0080, + 0x53d2: 0x0080, 0x53d3: 0x0080, 0x53d4: 0x0080, 0x53d5: 0x0080, 0x53d6: 0x0080, 0x53d7: 0x0080, + 0x53d8: 0x0080, 0x53d9: 0x0080, + 0x53e0: 0x0080, 0x53e1: 0x0080, 0x53e2: 0x0080, 0x53e3: 0x0080, + 0x53e4: 0x0080, 0x53e5: 0x0080, 0x53e6: 0x0080, 0x53e7: 0x0080, 0x53e8: 0x0080, 0x53e9: 0x0080, + 0x53ea: 0x0080, 0x53eb: 0x0080, 0x53ec: 0x0080, 0x53ed: 0x0080, 0x53ee: 0x0080, 0x53ef: 0x0080, + 0x53f0: 0x0080, 0x53f1: 0x0080, 0x53f2: 0x0080, 0x53f3: 0x0080, 0x53f4: 0x0080, 0x53f5: 0x0080, + 0x53f6: 0x0080, 0x53f7: 0x0080, 0x53f8: 0x0080, 0x53f9: 0x0080, 0x53fa: 0x0080, 0x53fb: 0x0080, + 0x53fc: 0x0080, 0x53fd: 0x0080, 0x53fe: 0x0080, 0x53ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x150, offset 0x5400 + 0x5400: 0x0080, 0x5401: 0x0080, 0x5402: 0x0080, 0x5403: 0x0080, 0x5404: 0x0080, 0x5405: 0x0080, + 0x5406: 0x0080, 0x5407: 0x0080, + 0x5410: 0x0080, 0x5411: 0x0080, + 0x5412: 0x0080, 0x5413: 0x0080, 0x5414: 0x0080, 0x5415: 0x0080, 0x5416: 0x0080, 0x5417: 0x0080, + 0x5418: 0x0080, 0x5419: 0x0080, 0x541a: 0x0080, 0x541b: 0x0080, 0x541c: 0x0080, 0x541d: 0x0080, + 0x541e: 0x0080, 0x541f: 0x0080, 0x5420: 0x0080, 0x5421: 0x0080, 0x5422: 0x0080, 0x5423: 0x0080, + 0x5424: 0x0080, 0x5425: 0x0080, 0x5426: 0x0080, 0x5427: 0x0080, 0x5428: 0x0080, 0x5429: 0x0080, + 0x542a: 0x0080, 0x542b: 0x0080, 0x542c: 0x0080, 0x542d: 0x0080, + // Block 0x151, offset 0x5440 + 0x5440: 0x0080, 0x5441: 0x0080, 0x5442: 0x0080, 0x5443: 0x0080, 0x5444: 0x0080, 0x5445: 0x0080, + 0x5446: 0x0080, 0x5447: 0x0080, 0x5448: 0x0080, 0x5449: 0x0080, 0x544a: 0x0080, 0x544b: 0x0080, + 0x544d: 0x0080, 0x544e: 0x0080, 0x544f: 0x0080, 0x5450: 0x0080, 0x5451: 0x0080, + 0x5452: 0x0080, 0x5453: 0x0080, 0x5454: 0x0080, 0x5455: 0x0080, 0x5456: 0x0080, 0x5457: 0x0080, + 0x5458: 0x0080, 0x5459: 0x0080, 0x545a: 0x0080, 0x545b: 0x0080, 0x545c: 0x0080, 0x545d: 0x0080, + 0x545e: 0x0080, 0x545f: 0x0080, 0x5460: 0x0080, 0x5461: 0x0080, 0x5462: 0x0080, 0x5463: 0x0080, + 0x5464: 0x0080, 0x5465: 0x0080, 0x5466: 0x0080, 0x5467: 0x0080, 0x5468: 0x0080, 0x5469: 0x0080, + 0x546a: 0x0080, 0x546b: 0x0080, 0x546c: 0x0080, 0x546d: 0x0080, 0x546e: 0x0080, 0x546f: 0x0080, + 0x5470: 0x0080, 0x5471: 0x0080, 0x5472: 0x0080, 0x5473: 0x0080, 0x5474: 0x0080, 0x5475: 0x0080, + 0x5476: 0x0080, 0x5477: 0x0080, 0x5478: 0x0080, 0x5479: 0x0080, 0x547a: 0x0080, 0x547b: 0x0080, + 0x547c: 0x0080, 0x547d: 0x0080, 0x547e: 0x0080, 0x547f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x152, offset 0x5480 + 0x5480: 0x0080, 0x5481: 0x0080, 0x5482: 0x0080, 0x5483: 0x0080, 0x5484: 0x0080, 0x5485: 0x0080, + 0x5486: 0x0080, 0x5487: 0x0080, 0x5488: 0x0080, 0x5489: 0x0080, 0x548a: 0x0080, 0x548b: 0x0080, + 0x548c: 0x0080, 0x548d: 0x0080, 0x548e: 0x0080, 0x548f: 0x0080, 0x5490: 0x0080, 0x5491: 0x0080, + 0x5492: 0x0080, 0x5493: 0x0080, 0x5494: 0x0080, 0x5495: 0x0080, 0x5496: 0x0080, 0x5497: 0x0080, + 0x5498: 0x0080, 0x5499: 0x0080, 0x549a: 0x0080, 0x549b: 0x0080, 0x549c: 0x0080, 0x549d: 0x0080, + 0x549e: 0x0080, 0x549f: 0x0080, 0x54a0: 0x0080, 0x54a1: 0x0080, 0x54a2: 0x0080, 0x54a3: 0x0080, + 0x54a4: 0x0080, 0x54a5: 0x0080, 0x54a6: 0x0080, 0x54a7: 0x0080, 0x54a8: 0x0080, 0x54a9: 0x0080, + 0x54aa: 0x0080, 0x54ab: 0x0080, 0x54ac: 0x0080, 0x54ad: 0x0080, 0x54ae: 0x0080, 0x54af: 0x0080, + 0x54b0: 0x0080, 0x54b1: 0x0080, 0x54b3: 0x0080, 0x54b4: 0x0080, 0x54b5: 0x0080, + 0x54b6: 0x0080, 0x54ba: 0x0080, 0x54bb: 0x0080, + 0x54bc: 0x0080, 0x54bd: 0x0080, 0x54be: 0x0080, 0x54bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x153, offset 0x54c0 + 0x54c0: 0x0080, 0x54c1: 0x0080, 0x54c2: 0x0080, 0x54c3: 0x0080, 0x54c4: 0x0080, 0x54c5: 0x0080, + 0x54c6: 0x0080, 0x54c7: 0x0080, 0x54c8: 0x0080, 0x54c9: 0x0080, 0x54ca: 0x0080, 0x54cb: 0x0080, + 0x54cc: 0x0080, 0x54cd: 0x0080, 0x54ce: 0x0080, 0x54cf: 0x0080, 0x54d0: 0x0080, 0x54d1: 0x0080, + 0x54d2: 0x0080, 0x54d3: 0x0080, 0x54d4: 0x0080, 0x54d5: 0x0080, 0x54d6: 0x0080, 0x54d7: 0x0080, + 0x54d8: 0x0080, 0x54d9: 0x0080, 0x54da: 0x0080, 0x54db: 0x0080, 0x54dc: 0x0080, 0x54dd: 0x0080, + 0x54de: 0x0080, 0x54df: 0x0080, 0x54e0: 0x0080, 0x54e1: 0x0080, 0x54e2: 0x0080, + 0x54e5: 0x0080, 0x54e6: 0x0080, 0x54e7: 0x0080, 0x54e8: 0x0080, 0x54e9: 0x0080, + 0x54ea: 0x0080, 0x54ee: 0x0080, 0x54ef: 0x0080, + 0x54f0: 0x0080, 0x54f1: 0x0080, 0x54f2: 0x0080, 0x54f3: 0x0080, 0x54f4: 0x0080, 0x54f5: 0x0080, + 0x54f6: 0x0080, 0x54f7: 0x0080, 0x54f8: 0x0080, 0x54f9: 0x0080, 0x54fa: 0x0080, 0x54fb: 0x0080, + 0x54fc: 0x0080, 0x54fd: 0x0080, 0x54fe: 0x0080, 0x54ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x154, offset 0x5500 + 0x5500: 0x0080, 0x5501: 0x0080, 0x5502: 0x0080, 0x5503: 0x0080, 0x5504: 0x0080, 0x5505: 0x0080, + 0x5506: 0x0080, 0x5507: 0x0080, 0x5508: 0x0080, 0x5509: 0x0080, 0x550a: 0x0080, + 0x550d: 0x0080, 0x550e: 0x0080, 0x550f: 0x0080, 0x5510: 0x0080, 0x5511: 0x0080, + 0x5512: 0x0080, 0x5513: 0x0080, 0x5514: 0x0080, 0x5515: 0x0080, 0x5516: 0x0080, 0x5517: 0x0080, + 0x5518: 0x0080, 0x5519: 0x0080, 0x551a: 0x0080, 0x551b: 0x0080, 0x551c: 0x0080, 0x551d: 0x0080, + 0x551e: 0x0080, 0x551f: 0x0080, 0x5520: 0x0080, 0x5521: 0x0080, 0x5522: 0x0080, 0x5523: 0x0080, + 0x5524: 0x0080, 0x5525: 0x0080, 0x5526: 0x0080, 0x5527: 0x0080, 0x5528: 0x0080, 0x5529: 0x0080, + 0x552a: 0x0080, 0x552b: 0x0080, 0x552c: 0x0080, 0x552d: 0x0080, 0x552e: 0x0080, 0x552f: 0x0080, + 0x5530: 0x0080, 0x5531: 0x0080, 0x5532: 0x0080, 0x5533: 0x0080, 0x5534: 0x0080, 0x5535: 0x0080, + 0x5536: 0x0080, 0x5537: 0x0080, 0x5538: 0x0080, 0x5539: 0x0080, 0x553a: 0x0080, 0x553b: 0x0080, + 0x553c: 0x0080, 0x553d: 0x0080, 0x553e: 0x0080, 0x553f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x155, offset 0x5540 + 0x5540: 0x0080, 0x5541: 0x0080, 0x5542: 0x0080, 0x5543: 0x0080, 0x5544: 0x0080, 0x5545: 0x0080, + 0x5546: 0x0080, 0x5547: 0x0080, 0x5548: 0x0080, 0x5549: 0x0080, 0x554a: 0x0080, 0x554b: 0x0080, + 0x554c: 0x0080, 0x554d: 0x0080, 0x554e: 0x0080, 0x554f: 0x0080, 0x5550: 0x0080, 0x5551: 0x0080, + 0x5552: 0x0080, 0x5553: 0x0080, + 0x5560: 0x0080, 0x5561: 0x0080, 0x5562: 0x0080, 0x5563: 0x0080, + 0x5564: 0x0080, 0x5565: 0x0080, 0x5566: 0x0080, 0x5567: 0x0080, 0x5568: 0x0080, 0x5569: 0x0080, + 0x556a: 0x0080, 0x556b: 0x0080, 0x556c: 0x0080, 0x556d: 0x0080, + 0x5570: 0x0080, 0x5571: 0x0080, 0x5572: 0x0080, 0x5573: 0x0080, + 0x5578: 0x0080, 0x5579: 0x0080, 0x557a: 0x0080, + // Block 0x156, offset 0x5580 + 0x5580: 0x0080, 0x5581: 0x0080, 0x5582: 0x0080, + 0x5590: 0x0080, 0x5591: 0x0080, + 0x5592: 0x0080, 0x5593: 0x0080, 0x5594: 0x0080, 0x5595: 0x0080, + // Block 0x157, offset 0x55c0 + 0x55c0: 0x00cc, 0x55c1: 0x00cc, 0x55c2: 0x00cc, 0x55c3: 0x00cc, 0x55c4: 0x00cc, 0x55c5: 0x00cc, + 0x55c6: 0x00cc, 0x55c7: 0x00cc, 0x55c8: 0x00cc, 0x55c9: 0x00cc, 0x55ca: 0x00cc, 0x55cb: 0x00cc, + 0x55cc: 0x00cc, 0x55cd: 0x00cc, 0x55ce: 0x00cc, 0x55cf: 0x00cc, 0x55d0: 0x00cc, 0x55d1: 0x00cc, + 0x55d2: 0x00cc, 0x55d3: 0x00cc, 0x55d4: 0x00cc, 0x55d5: 0x00cc, 0x55d6: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x158, offset 0x5600 + 0x5600: 0x00cc, 0x5601: 0x00cc, 0x5602: 0x00cc, 0x5603: 0x00cc, 0x5604: 0x00cc, 0x5605: 0x00cc, + 0x5606: 0x00cc, 0x5607: 0x00cc, 0x5608: 0x00cc, 0x5609: 0x00cc, 0x560a: 0x00cc, 0x560b: 0x00cc, + 0x560c: 0x00cc, 0x560d: 0x00cc, 0x560e: 0x00cc, 0x560f: 0x00cc, 0x5610: 0x00cc, 0x5611: 0x00cc, + 0x5612: 0x00cc, 0x5613: 0x00cc, 0x5614: 0x00cc, 0x5615: 0x00cc, 0x5616: 0x00cc, 0x5617: 0x00cc, + 0x5618: 0x00cc, 0x5619: 0x00cc, 0x561a: 0x00cc, 0x561b: 0x00cc, 0x561c: 0x00cc, 0x561d: 0x00cc, + 0x561e: 0x00cc, 0x561f: 0x00cc, 0x5620: 0x00cc, 0x5621: 0x00cc, 0x5622: 0x00cc, 0x5623: 0x00cc, + 0x5624: 0x00cc, 0x5625: 0x00cc, 0x5626: 0x00cc, 0x5627: 0x00cc, 0x5628: 0x00cc, 0x5629: 0x00cc, + 0x562a: 0x00cc, 0x562b: 0x00cc, 0x562c: 0x00cc, 0x562d: 0x00cc, 0x562e: 0x00cc, 0x562f: 0x00cc, + 0x5630: 0x00cc, 0x5631: 0x00cc, 0x5632: 0x00cc, 0x5633: 0x00cc, 0x5634: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x159, offset 0x5640 + 0x5640: 0x00cc, 0x5641: 0x00cc, 0x5642: 0x00cc, 0x5643: 0x00cc, 0x5644: 0x00cc, 0x5645: 0x00cc, + 0x5646: 0x00cc, 0x5647: 0x00cc, 0x5648: 0x00cc, 0x5649: 0x00cc, 0x564a: 0x00cc, 0x564b: 0x00cc, + 0x564c: 0x00cc, 0x564d: 0x00cc, 0x564e: 0x00cc, 0x564f: 0x00cc, 0x5650: 0x00cc, 0x5651: 0x00cc, + 0x5652: 0x00cc, 0x5653: 0x00cc, 0x5654: 0x00cc, 0x5655: 0x00cc, 0x5656: 0x00cc, 0x5657: 0x00cc, + 0x5658: 0x00cc, 0x5659: 0x00cc, 0x565a: 0x00cc, 0x565b: 0x00cc, 0x565c: 0x00cc, 0x565d: 0x00cc, + 0x5660: 0x00cc, 0x5661: 0x00cc, 0x5662: 0x00cc, 0x5663: 0x00cc, + 0x5664: 0x00cc, 0x5665: 0x00cc, 0x5666: 0x00cc, 0x5667: 0x00cc, 0x5668: 0x00cc, 0x5669: 0x00cc, + 0x566a: 0x00cc, 0x566b: 0x00cc, 0x566c: 0x00cc, 0x566d: 0x00cc, 0x566e: 0x00cc, 0x566f: 0x00cc, + 0x5670: 0x00cc, 0x5671: 0x00cc, 0x5672: 0x00cc, 0x5673: 0x00cc, 0x5674: 0x00cc, 0x5675: 0x00cc, + 0x5676: 0x00cc, 0x5677: 0x00cc, 0x5678: 0x00cc, 0x5679: 0x00cc, 0x567a: 0x00cc, 0x567b: 0x00cc, + 0x567c: 0x00cc, 0x567d: 0x00cc, 0x567e: 0x00cc, 0x567f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x15a, offset 0x5680 + 0x5680: 0x00cc, 0x5681: 0x00cc, 0x5682: 0x00cc, 0x5683: 0x00cc, 0x5684: 0x00cc, 0x5685: 0x00cc, + 0x5686: 0x00cc, 0x5687: 0x00cc, 0x5688: 0x00cc, 0x5689: 0x00cc, 0x568a: 0x00cc, 0x568b: 0x00cc, + 0x568c: 0x00cc, 0x568d: 0x00cc, 0x568e: 0x00cc, 0x568f: 0x00cc, 0x5690: 0x00cc, 0x5691: 0x00cc, + 0x5692: 0x00cc, 0x5693: 0x00cc, 0x5694: 0x00cc, 0x5695: 0x00cc, 0x5696: 0x00cc, 0x5697: 0x00cc, + 0x5698: 0x00cc, 0x5699: 0x00cc, 0x569a: 0x00cc, 0x569b: 0x00cc, 0x569c: 0x00cc, 0x569d: 0x00cc, + 0x569e: 0x00cc, 0x569f: 0x00cc, 0x56a0: 0x00cc, 0x56a1: 0x00cc, + 0x56b0: 0x00cc, 0x56b1: 0x00cc, 0x56b2: 0x00cc, 0x56b3: 0x00cc, 0x56b4: 0x00cc, 0x56b5: 0x00cc, + 0x56b6: 0x00cc, 0x56b7: 0x00cc, 0x56b8: 0x00cc, 0x56b9: 0x00cc, 0x56ba: 0x00cc, 0x56bb: 0x00cc, + 0x56bc: 0x00cc, 0x56bd: 0x00cc, 0x56be: 0x00cc, 0x56bf: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x15b, offset 0x56c0 + 0x56c0: 0x00cc, 0x56c1: 0x00cc, 0x56c2: 0x00cc, 0x56c3: 0x00cc, 0x56c4: 0x00cc, 0x56c5: 0x00cc, + 0x56c6: 0x00cc, 0x56c7: 0x00cc, 0x56c8: 0x00cc, 0x56c9: 0x00cc, 0x56ca: 0x00cc, 0x56cb: 0x00cc, + 0x56cc: 0x00cc, 0x56cd: 0x00cc, 0x56ce: 0x00cc, 0x56cf: 0x00cc, 0x56d0: 0x00cc, 0x56d1: 0x00cc, + 0x56d2: 0x00cc, 0x56d3: 0x00cc, 0x56d4: 0x00cc, 0x56d5: 0x00cc, 0x56d6: 0x00cc, 0x56d7: 0x00cc, + 0x56d8: 0x00cc, 0x56d9: 0x00cc, 0x56da: 0x00cc, 0x56db: 0x00cc, 0x56dc: 0x00cc, 0x56dd: 0x00cc, + 0x56de: 0x00cc, 0x56df: 0x00cc, 0x56e0: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x15c, offset 0x5700 + 0x5700: 0x008c, 0x5701: 0x008c, 0x5702: 0x008c, 0x5703: 0x008c, 0x5704: 0x008c, 0x5705: 0x008c, + 0x5706: 0x008c, 0x5707: 0x008c, 0x5708: 0x008c, 0x5709: 0x008c, 0x570a: 0x008c, 0x570b: 0x008c, + 0x570c: 0x008c, 0x570d: 0x008c, 0x570e: 0x008c, 0x570f: 0x008c, 0x5710: 0x008c, 0x5711: 0x008c, + 0x5712: 0x008c, 0x5713: 0x008c, 0x5714: 0x008c, 0x5715: 0x008c, 0x5716: 0x008c, 0x5717: 0x008c, + 0x5718: 0x008c, 0x5719: 0x008c, 0x571a: 0x008c, 0x571b: 0x008c, 0x571c: 0x008c, 0x571d: 0x008c, + // Block 0x15d, offset 0x5740 + 0x5741: 0x0040, + 0x5760: 0x0040, 0x5761: 0x0040, 0x5762: 0x0040, 0x5763: 0x0040, + 0x5764: 0x0040, 0x5765: 0x0040, 0x5766: 0x0040, 0x5767: 0x0040, 0x5768: 0x0040, 0x5769: 0x0040, + 0x576a: 0x0040, 0x576b: 0x0040, 0x576c: 0x0040, 0x576d: 0x0040, 0x576e: 0x0040, 0x576f: 0x0040, + 0x5770: 0x0040, 0x5771: 0x0040, 0x5772: 0x0040, 0x5773: 0x0040, 0x5774: 0x0040, 0x5775: 0x0040, + 0x5776: 0x0040, 0x5777: 0x0040, 0x5778: 0x0040, 0x5779: 0x0040, 0x577a: 0x0040, 0x577b: 0x0040, + 0x577c: 0x0040, 0x577d: 0x0040, 0x577e: 0x0040, 0x577f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x15e, offset 0x5780 + 0x5780: 0x0040, 0x5781: 0x0040, 0x5782: 0x0040, 0x5783: 0x0040, 0x5784: 0x0040, 0x5785: 0x0040, + 0x5786: 0x0040, 0x5787: 0x0040, 0x5788: 0x0040, 0x5789: 0x0040, 0x578a: 0x0040, 0x578b: 0x0040, + 0x578c: 0x0040, 0x578d: 0x0040, 0x578e: 0x0040, 0x578f: 0x0040, 0x5790: 0x0040, 0x5791: 0x0040, + 0x5792: 0x0040, 0x5793: 0x0040, 0x5794: 0x0040, 0x5795: 0x0040, 0x5796: 0x0040, 0x5797: 0x0040, + 0x5798: 0x0040, 0x5799: 0x0040, 0x579a: 0x0040, 0x579b: 0x0040, 0x579c: 0x0040, 0x579d: 0x0040, + 0x579e: 0x0040, 0x579f: 0x0040, 0x57a0: 0x0040, 0x57a1: 0x0040, 0x57a2: 0x0040, 0x57a3: 0x0040, + 0x57a4: 0x0040, 0x57a5: 0x0040, 0x57a6: 0x0040, 0x57a7: 0x0040, 0x57a8: 0x0040, 0x57a9: 0x0040, + 0x57aa: 0x0040, 0x57ab: 0x0040, 0x57ac: 0x0040, 0x57ad: 0x0040, 0x57ae: 0x0040, 0x57af: 0x0040, + // Block 0x15f, offset 0x57c0 + 0x57c0: 0x0040, 0x57c1: 0x0040, 0x57c2: 0x0040, 0x57c3: 0x0040, 0x57c4: 0x0040, 0x57c5: 0x0040, + 0x57c6: 0x0040, 0x57c7: 0x0040, 0x57c8: 0x0040, 0x57c9: 0x0040, 0x57ca: 0x0040, 0x57cb: 0x0040, + 0x57cc: 0x0040, 0x57cd: 0x0040, 0x57ce: 0x0040, 0x57cf: 0x0040, 0x57d0: 0x0040, 0x57d1: 0x0040, + 0x57d2: 0x0040, 0x57d3: 0x0040, 0x57d4: 0x0040, 0x57d5: 0x0040, 0x57d6: 0x0040, 0x57d7: 0x0040, + 0x57d8: 0x0040, 0x57d9: 0x0040, 0x57da: 0x0040, 0x57db: 0x0040, 0x57dc: 0x0040, 0x57dd: 0x0040, + 0x57de: 0x0040, 0x57df: 0x0040, 0x57e0: 0x0040, 0x57e1: 0x0040, 0x57e2: 0x0040, 0x57e3: 0x0040, + 0x57e4: 0x0040, 0x57e5: 0x0040, 0x57e6: 0x0040, 0x57e7: 0x0040, 0x57e8: 0x0040, 0x57e9: 0x0040, + 0x57ea: 0x0040, 0x57eb: 0x0040, 0x57ec: 0x0040, 0x57ed: 0x0040, 0x57ee: 0x0040, 0x57ef: 0x0040, + 0x57f0: 0x0040, 0x57f1: 0x0040, 0x57f2: 0x0040, 0x57f3: 0x0040, 0x57f4: 0x0040, 0x57f5: 0x0040, + 0x57f6: 0x0040, 0x57f7: 0x0040, 0x57f8: 0x0040, 0x57f9: 0x0040, 0x57fa: 0x0040, 0x57fb: 0x0040, + 0x57fc: 0x0040, 0x57fd: 0x0040, +} + +// derivedPropertiesIndex: 37 blocks, 2368 entries, 4736 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var derivedPropertiesIndex = [2368]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc6: 0x05, 0xc7: 0x06, + 0xc8: 0x05, 0xc9: 0x05, 0xca: 0x07, 0xcb: 0x08, 0xcc: 0x09, 0xcd: 0x0a, 0xce: 0x0b, 0xcf: 0x0c, + 0xd0: 0x05, 0xd1: 0x05, 0xd2: 0x0d, 0xd3: 0x05, 0xd4: 0x0e, 0xd5: 0x0f, 0xd6: 0x10, 0xd7: 0x11, + 0xd8: 0x12, 0xd9: 0x13, 0xda: 0x14, 0xdb: 0x15, 0xdc: 0x16, 0xdd: 0x17, 0xde: 0x18, 0xdf: 0x19, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, 0xe4: 0x06, 0xe5: 0x07, 0xe6: 0x07, 0xe7: 0x07, + 0xe8: 0x07, 0xe9: 0x08, 0xea: 0x09, 0xeb: 0x0a, 0xec: 0x0a, 0xed: 0x0b, 0xee: 0x0c, 0xef: 0x0d, + 0xf0: 0x1e, 0xf3: 0x21, 0xf4: 0x22, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x1a, 0x121: 0x1b, 0x122: 0x1c, 0x123: 0x1d, 0x124: 0x1e, 0x125: 0x1f, 0x126: 0x20, 0x127: 0x21, + 0x128: 0x22, 0x129: 0x23, 0x12a: 0x24, 0x12b: 0x25, 0x12c: 0x26, 0x12d: 0x27, 0x12e: 0x28, 0x12f: 0x29, + 0x130: 0x2a, 0x131: 0x2b, 0x132: 0x2c, 0x133: 0x2d, 0x134: 0x2e, 0x135: 0x2f, 0x136: 0x30, 0x137: 0x31, + 0x138: 0x32, 0x139: 0x33, 0x13a: 0x34, 0x13b: 0x35, 0x13c: 0x36, 0x13d: 0x37, 0x13e: 0x38, 0x13f: 0x39, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x3a, 0x141: 0x3b, 0x142: 0x3c, 0x143: 0x3d, 0x144: 0x3e, 0x145: 0x3e, 0x146: 0x3e, 0x147: 0x3e, + 0x148: 0x05, 0x149: 0x3f, 0x14a: 0x40, 0x14b: 0x41, 0x14c: 0x42, 0x14d: 0x43, 0x14e: 0x44, 0x14f: 0x45, + 0x150: 0x46, 0x151: 0x05, 0x152: 0x05, 0x153: 0x05, 0x154: 0x05, 0x155: 0x05, 0x156: 0x05, 0x157: 0x05, + 0x158: 0x05, 0x159: 0x47, 0x15a: 0x48, 0x15b: 0x49, 0x15c: 0x4a, 0x15d: 0x4b, 0x15e: 0x4c, 0x15f: 0x4d, + 0x160: 0x4e, 0x161: 0x4f, 0x162: 0x50, 0x163: 0x51, 0x164: 0x52, 0x165: 0x53, 0x166: 0x54, 0x167: 0x55, + 0x168: 0x56, 0x169: 0x57, 0x16a: 0x58, 0x16c: 0x59, 0x16d: 0x5a, 0x16e: 0x5b, 0x16f: 0x5c, + 0x170: 0x5d, 0x171: 0x5e, 0x172: 0x5f, 0x173: 0x60, 0x174: 0x61, 0x175: 0x62, 0x176: 0x63, 0x177: 0x64, + 0x178: 0x05, 0x179: 0x05, 0x17a: 0x65, 0x17b: 0x05, 0x17c: 0x66, 0x17d: 0x67, 0x17e: 0x68, 0x17f: 0x69, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x6a, 0x181: 0x6b, 0x182: 0x6c, 0x183: 0x6d, 0x184: 0x6e, 0x185: 0x6f, 0x186: 0x70, 0x187: 0x71, + 0x188: 0x71, 0x189: 0x71, 0x18a: 0x71, 0x18b: 0x71, 0x18c: 0x71, 0x18d: 0x71, 0x18e: 0x71, 0x18f: 0x71, + 0x190: 0x72, 0x191: 0x73, 0x192: 0x71, 0x193: 0x71, 0x194: 0x71, 0x195: 0x71, 0x196: 0x71, 0x197: 0x71, + 0x198: 0x71, 0x199: 0x71, 0x19a: 0x71, 0x19b: 0x71, 0x19c: 0x71, 0x19d: 0x71, 0x19e: 0x71, 0x19f: 0x71, + 0x1a0: 0x71, 0x1a1: 0x71, 0x1a2: 0x71, 0x1a3: 0x71, 0x1a4: 0x71, 0x1a5: 0x71, 0x1a6: 0x71, 0x1a7: 0x71, + 0x1a8: 0x71, 0x1a9: 0x71, 0x1aa: 0x71, 0x1ab: 0x71, 0x1ac: 0x71, 0x1ad: 0x74, 0x1ae: 0x75, 0x1af: 0x71, + 0x1b0: 0x76, 0x1b1: 0x77, 0x1b2: 0x05, 0x1b3: 0x78, 0x1b4: 0x79, 0x1b5: 0x7a, 0x1b6: 0x7b, 0x1b7: 0x7c, + 0x1b8: 0x7d, 0x1b9: 0x7e, 0x1ba: 0x7f, 0x1bb: 0x80, 0x1bc: 0x81, 0x1bd: 0x81, 0x1be: 0x81, 0x1bf: 0x82, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x83, 0x1c1: 0x84, 0x1c2: 0x85, 0x1c3: 0x86, 0x1c4: 0x87, 0x1c5: 0x88, 0x1c6: 0x89, 0x1c7: 0x8a, + 0x1c8: 0x8b, 0x1c9: 0x71, 0x1ca: 0x71, 0x1cb: 0x8c, 0x1cc: 0x81, 0x1cd: 0x8d, 0x1ce: 0x71, 0x1cf: 0x71, + 0x1d0: 0x8e, 0x1d1: 0x8e, 0x1d2: 0x8e, 0x1d3: 0x8e, 0x1d4: 0x8e, 0x1d5: 0x8e, 0x1d6: 0x8e, 0x1d7: 0x8e, + 0x1d8: 0x8e, 0x1d9: 0x8e, 0x1da: 0x8e, 0x1db: 0x8e, 0x1dc: 0x8e, 0x1dd: 0x8e, 0x1de: 0x8e, 0x1df: 0x8e, + 0x1e0: 0x8e, 0x1e1: 0x8e, 0x1e2: 0x8e, 0x1e3: 0x8e, 0x1e4: 0x8e, 0x1e5: 0x8e, 0x1e6: 0x8e, 0x1e7: 0x8e, + 0x1e8: 0x8e, 0x1e9: 0x8e, 0x1ea: 0x8e, 0x1eb: 0x8e, 0x1ec: 0x8e, 0x1ed: 0x8e, 0x1ee: 0x8e, 0x1ef: 0x8e, + 0x1f0: 0x8e, 0x1f1: 0x8e, 0x1f2: 0x8e, 0x1f3: 0x8e, 0x1f4: 0x8e, 0x1f5: 0x8e, 0x1f6: 0x8e, 0x1f7: 0x8e, + 0x1f8: 0x8e, 0x1f9: 0x8e, 0x1fa: 0x8e, 0x1fb: 0x8e, 0x1fc: 0x8e, 0x1fd: 0x8e, 0x1fe: 0x8e, 0x1ff: 0x8e, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x8e, 0x201: 0x8e, 0x202: 0x8e, 0x203: 0x8e, 0x204: 0x8e, 0x205: 0x8e, 0x206: 0x8e, 0x207: 0x8e, + 0x208: 0x8e, 0x209: 0x8e, 0x20a: 0x8e, 0x20b: 0x8e, 0x20c: 0x8e, 0x20d: 0x8e, 0x20e: 0x8e, 0x20f: 0x8e, + 0x210: 0x8e, 0x211: 0x8e, 0x212: 0x8e, 0x213: 0x8e, 0x214: 0x8e, 0x215: 0x8e, 0x216: 0x8e, 0x217: 0x8e, + 0x218: 0x8e, 0x219: 0x8e, 0x21a: 0x8e, 0x21b: 0x8e, 0x21c: 0x8e, 0x21d: 0x8e, 0x21e: 0x8e, 0x21f: 0x8e, + 0x220: 0x8e, 0x221: 0x8e, 0x222: 0x8e, 0x223: 0x8e, 0x224: 0x8e, 0x225: 0x8e, 0x226: 0x8e, 0x227: 0x8e, + 0x228: 0x8e, 0x229: 0x8e, 0x22a: 0x8e, 0x22b: 0x8e, 0x22c: 0x8e, 0x22d: 0x8e, 0x22e: 0x8e, 0x22f: 0x8e, + 0x230: 0x8e, 0x231: 0x8e, 0x232: 0x8e, 0x233: 0x8e, 0x234: 0x8e, 0x235: 0x8e, 0x236: 0x8f, 0x237: 0x71, + 0x238: 0x8e, 0x239: 0x8e, 0x23a: 0x8e, 0x23b: 0x8e, 0x23c: 0x8e, 0x23d: 0x8e, 0x23e: 0x8e, 0x23f: 0x8e, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x8e, 0x241: 0x8e, 0x242: 0x8e, 0x243: 0x8e, 0x244: 0x8e, 0x245: 0x8e, 0x246: 0x8e, 0x247: 0x8e, + 0x248: 0x8e, 0x249: 0x8e, 0x24a: 0x8e, 0x24b: 0x8e, 0x24c: 0x8e, 0x24d: 0x8e, 0x24e: 0x8e, 0x24f: 0x8e, + 0x250: 0x8e, 0x251: 0x8e, 0x252: 0x8e, 0x253: 0x8e, 0x254: 0x8e, 0x255: 0x8e, 0x256: 0x8e, 0x257: 0x8e, + 0x258: 0x8e, 0x259: 0x8e, 0x25a: 0x8e, 0x25b: 0x8e, 0x25c: 0x8e, 0x25d: 0x8e, 0x25e: 0x8e, 0x25f: 0x8e, + 0x260: 0x8e, 0x261: 0x8e, 0x262: 0x8e, 0x263: 0x8e, 0x264: 0x8e, 0x265: 0x8e, 0x266: 0x8e, 0x267: 0x8e, + 0x268: 0x8e, 0x269: 0x8e, 0x26a: 0x8e, 0x26b: 0x8e, 0x26c: 0x8e, 0x26d: 0x8e, 0x26e: 0x8e, 0x26f: 0x8e, + 0x270: 0x8e, 0x271: 0x8e, 0x272: 0x8e, 0x273: 0x8e, 0x274: 0x8e, 0x275: 0x8e, 0x276: 0x8e, 0x277: 0x8e, + 0x278: 0x8e, 0x279: 0x8e, 0x27a: 0x8e, 0x27b: 0x8e, 0x27c: 0x8e, 0x27d: 0x8e, 0x27e: 0x8e, 0x27f: 0x8e, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x8e, 0x281: 0x8e, 0x282: 0x8e, 0x283: 0x8e, 0x284: 0x8e, 0x285: 0x8e, 0x286: 0x8e, 0x287: 0x8e, + 0x288: 0x8e, 0x289: 0x8e, 0x28a: 0x8e, 0x28b: 0x8e, 0x28c: 0x8e, 0x28d: 0x8e, 0x28e: 0x8e, 0x28f: 0x8e, + 0x290: 0x8e, 0x291: 0x8e, 0x292: 0x8e, 0x293: 0x8e, 0x294: 0x8e, 0x295: 0x8e, 0x296: 0x8e, 0x297: 0x8e, + 0x298: 0x8e, 0x299: 0x8e, 0x29a: 0x8e, 0x29b: 0x8e, 0x29c: 0x8e, 0x29d: 0x8e, 0x29e: 0x8e, 0x29f: 0x8e, + 0x2a0: 0x8e, 0x2a1: 0x8e, 0x2a2: 0x8e, 0x2a3: 0x8e, 0x2a4: 0x8e, 0x2a5: 0x8e, 0x2a6: 0x8e, 0x2a7: 0x8e, + 0x2a8: 0x8e, 0x2a9: 0x8e, 0x2aa: 0x8e, 0x2ab: 0x8e, 0x2ac: 0x8e, 0x2ad: 0x8e, 0x2ae: 0x8e, 0x2af: 0x8e, + 0x2b0: 0x8e, 0x2b1: 0x8e, 0x2b2: 0x8e, 0x2b3: 0x8e, 0x2b4: 0x8e, 0x2b5: 0x8e, 0x2b6: 0x8e, 0x2b7: 0x8e, + 0x2b8: 0x8e, 0x2b9: 0x8e, 0x2ba: 0x8e, 0x2bb: 0x8e, 0x2bc: 0x8e, 0x2bd: 0x8e, 0x2be: 0x8e, 0x2bf: 0x90, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x05, 0x2c1: 0x05, 0x2c2: 0x05, 0x2c3: 0x05, 0x2c4: 0x05, 0x2c5: 0x05, 0x2c6: 0x05, 0x2c7: 0x05, + 0x2c8: 0x05, 0x2c9: 0x05, 0x2ca: 0x05, 0x2cb: 0x05, 0x2cc: 0x05, 0x2cd: 0x05, 0x2ce: 0x05, 0x2cf: 0x05, + 0x2d0: 0x05, 0x2d1: 0x05, 0x2d2: 0x91, 0x2d3: 0x92, 0x2d4: 0x05, 0x2d5: 0x05, 0x2d6: 0x05, 0x2d7: 0x05, + 0x2d8: 0x93, 0x2d9: 0x94, 0x2da: 0x95, 0x2db: 0x96, 0x2dc: 0x97, 0x2dd: 0x98, 0x2de: 0x99, 0x2df: 0x9a, + 0x2e0: 0x9b, 0x2e1: 0x9c, 0x2e2: 0x05, 0x2e3: 0x9d, 0x2e4: 0x9e, 0x2e5: 0x9f, 0x2e6: 0xa0, 0x2e7: 0xa1, + 0x2e8: 0xa2, 0x2e9: 0xa3, 0x2ea: 0xa4, 0x2eb: 0xa5, 0x2ec: 0xa6, 0x2ed: 0xa7, 0x2ee: 0x05, 0x2ef: 0xa8, + 0x2f0: 0x05, 0x2f1: 0x05, 0x2f2: 0x05, 0x2f3: 0x05, 0x2f4: 0x05, 0x2f5: 0x05, 0x2f6: 0x05, 0x2f7: 0x05, + 0x2f8: 0x05, 0x2f9: 0x05, 0x2fa: 0x05, 0x2fb: 0x05, 0x2fc: 0x05, 0x2fd: 0x05, 0x2fe: 0x05, 0x2ff: 0x05, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x05, 0x301: 0x05, 0x302: 0x05, 0x303: 0x05, 0x304: 0x05, 0x305: 0x05, 0x306: 0x05, 0x307: 0x05, + 0x308: 0x05, 0x309: 0x05, 0x30a: 0x05, 0x30b: 0x05, 0x30c: 0x05, 0x30d: 0x05, 0x30e: 0x05, 0x30f: 0x05, + 0x310: 0x05, 0x311: 0x05, 0x312: 0x05, 0x313: 0x05, 0x314: 0x05, 0x315: 0x05, 0x316: 0x05, 0x317: 0x05, + 0x318: 0x05, 0x319: 0x05, 0x31a: 0x05, 0x31b: 0x05, 0x31c: 0x05, 0x31d: 0x05, 0x31e: 0x05, 0x31f: 0x05, + 0x320: 0x05, 0x321: 0x05, 0x322: 0x05, 0x323: 0x05, 0x324: 0x05, 0x325: 0x05, 0x326: 0x05, 0x327: 0x05, + 0x328: 0x05, 0x329: 0x05, 0x32a: 0x05, 0x32b: 0x05, 0x32c: 0x05, 0x32d: 0x05, 0x32e: 0x05, 0x32f: 0x05, + 0x330: 0x05, 0x331: 0x05, 0x332: 0x05, 0x333: 0x05, 0x334: 0x05, 0x335: 0x05, 0x336: 0x05, 0x337: 0x05, + 0x338: 0x05, 0x339: 0x05, 0x33a: 0x05, 0x33b: 0x05, 0x33c: 0x05, 0x33d: 0x05, 0x33e: 0x05, 0x33f: 0x05, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x05, 0x341: 0x05, 0x342: 0x05, 0x343: 0x05, 0x344: 0x05, 0x345: 0x05, 0x346: 0x05, 0x347: 0x05, + 0x348: 0x05, 0x349: 0x05, 0x34a: 0x05, 0x34b: 0x05, 0x34c: 0x05, 0x34d: 0x05, 0x34e: 0x05, 0x34f: 0x05, + 0x350: 0x05, 0x351: 0x05, 0x352: 0x05, 0x353: 0x05, 0x354: 0x05, 0x355: 0x05, 0x356: 0x05, 0x357: 0x05, + 0x358: 0x05, 0x359: 0x05, 0x35a: 0x05, 0x35b: 0x05, 0x35c: 0x05, 0x35d: 0x05, 0x35e: 0xa9, 0x35f: 0xaa, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x3e, 0x381: 0x3e, 0x382: 0x3e, 0x383: 0x3e, 0x384: 0x3e, 0x385: 0x3e, 0x386: 0x3e, 0x387: 0x3e, + 0x388: 0x3e, 0x389: 0x3e, 0x38a: 0x3e, 0x38b: 0x3e, 0x38c: 0x3e, 0x38d: 0x3e, 0x38e: 0x3e, 0x38f: 0x3e, + 0x390: 0x3e, 0x391: 0x3e, 0x392: 0x3e, 0x393: 0x3e, 0x394: 0x3e, 0x395: 0x3e, 0x396: 0x3e, 0x397: 0x3e, + 0x398: 0x3e, 0x399: 0x3e, 0x39a: 0x3e, 0x39b: 0x3e, 0x39c: 0x3e, 0x39d: 0x3e, 0x39e: 0x3e, 0x39f: 0x3e, + 0x3a0: 0x3e, 0x3a1: 0x3e, 0x3a2: 0x3e, 0x3a3: 0x3e, 0x3a4: 0x3e, 0x3a5: 0x3e, 0x3a6: 0x3e, 0x3a7: 0x3e, + 0x3a8: 0x3e, 0x3a9: 0x3e, 0x3aa: 0x3e, 0x3ab: 0x3e, 0x3ac: 0x3e, 0x3ad: 0x3e, 0x3ae: 0x3e, 0x3af: 0x3e, + 0x3b0: 0x3e, 0x3b1: 0x3e, 0x3b2: 0x3e, 0x3b3: 0x3e, 0x3b4: 0x3e, 0x3b5: 0x3e, 0x3b6: 0x3e, 0x3b7: 0x3e, + 0x3b8: 0x3e, 0x3b9: 0x3e, 0x3ba: 0x3e, 0x3bb: 0x3e, 0x3bc: 0x3e, 0x3bd: 0x3e, 0x3be: 0x3e, 0x3bf: 0x3e, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x3e, 0x3c1: 0x3e, 0x3c2: 0x3e, 0x3c3: 0x3e, 0x3c4: 0x3e, 0x3c5: 0x3e, 0x3c6: 0x3e, 0x3c7: 0x3e, + 0x3c8: 0x3e, 0x3c9: 0x3e, 0x3ca: 0x3e, 0x3cb: 0x3e, 0x3cc: 0x3e, 0x3cd: 0x3e, 0x3ce: 0x3e, 0x3cf: 0x3e, + 0x3d0: 0x3e, 0x3d1: 0x3e, 0x3d2: 0x3e, 0x3d3: 0x3e, 0x3d4: 0x3e, 0x3d5: 0x3e, 0x3d6: 0x3e, 0x3d7: 0x3e, + 0x3d8: 0x3e, 0x3d9: 0x3e, 0x3da: 0x3e, 0x3db: 0x3e, 0x3dc: 0x3e, 0x3dd: 0x3e, 0x3de: 0x3e, 0x3df: 0x3e, + 0x3e0: 0x3e, 0x3e1: 0x3e, 0x3e2: 0x3e, 0x3e3: 0x3e, 0x3e4: 0x81, 0x3e5: 0x81, 0x3e6: 0x81, 0x3e7: 0x81, + 0x3e8: 0xab, 0x3e9: 0xac, 0x3ea: 0x81, 0x3eb: 0xad, 0x3ec: 0xae, 0x3ed: 0xaf, 0x3ee: 0x71, 0x3ef: 0xb0, + 0x3f0: 0x71, 0x3f1: 0x71, 0x3f2: 0x71, 0x3f3: 0x71, 0x3f4: 0x71, 0x3f5: 0xb1, 0x3f6: 0xb2, 0x3f7: 0xb3, + 0x3f8: 0xb4, 0x3f9: 0xb5, 0x3fa: 0x71, 0x3fb: 0xb6, 0x3fc: 0xb7, 0x3fd: 0xb8, 0x3fe: 0xb9, 0x3ff: 0xba, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0xbb, 0x401: 0xbc, 0x402: 0x05, 0x403: 0xbd, 0x404: 0xbe, 0x405: 0xbf, 0x406: 0xc0, 0x407: 0xc1, + 0x40a: 0xc2, 0x40b: 0xc3, 0x40c: 0xc4, 0x40d: 0xc5, 0x40e: 0xc6, 0x40f: 0xc7, + 0x410: 0x05, 0x411: 0x05, 0x412: 0xc8, 0x413: 0xc9, 0x414: 0xca, 0x415: 0xcb, + 0x418: 0x05, 0x419: 0x05, 0x41a: 0x05, 0x41b: 0x05, 0x41c: 0xcc, 0x41d: 0xcd, + 0x420: 0xce, 0x421: 0xcf, 0x422: 0xd0, 0x423: 0xd1, 0x424: 0xd2, 0x426: 0xd3, 0x427: 0xb2, + 0x428: 0xd4, 0x429: 0xd5, 0x42a: 0xd6, 0x42b: 0xd7, 0x42c: 0xd8, 0x42d: 0xd9, 0x42e: 0xda, + 0x430: 0x05, 0x431: 0xdb, 0x432: 0xdc, 0x433: 0xdd, 0x434: 0xde, + 0x439: 0xdf, 0x43c: 0xe0, 0x43d: 0xe1, 0x43f: 0xe2, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0xe3, 0x441: 0xe4, 0x442: 0xe5, 0x443: 0xe6, 0x444: 0xe7, 0x445: 0xe8, 0x446: 0xe9, 0x447: 0xea, + 0x448: 0xeb, 0x44a: 0xec, 0x44b: 0xed, 0x44c: 0xee, 0x44d: 0xef, + 0x450: 0xf0, 0x451: 0xf1, 0x452: 0xf2, 0x453: 0xf3, 0x456: 0xf4, 0x457: 0xf5, + 0x458: 0xf6, 0x459: 0xf7, 0x45a: 0xf8, 0x45b: 0xf9, 0x45c: 0xfa, + 0x460: 0xfb, 0x462: 0xfc, 0x463: 0xfd, 0x466: 0xfe, 0x467: 0xff, + 0x468: 0x100, 0x469: 0x101, 0x46a: 0x102, 0x46b: 0x103, + 0x470: 0x104, 0x471: 0x105, 0x472: 0x106, 0x474: 0x107, 0x475: 0x108, 0x476: 0x109, + 0x47b: 0x10a, 0x47f: 0x10b, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x05, 0x481: 0x05, 0x482: 0x05, 0x483: 0x05, 0x484: 0x05, 0x485: 0x05, 0x486: 0x05, 0x487: 0x05, + 0x488: 0x05, 0x489: 0x05, 0x48a: 0x05, 0x48b: 0x05, 0x48c: 0x05, 0x48d: 0x05, 0x48e: 0x10c, + 0x490: 0x71, 0x491: 0x10d, 0x492: 0x05, 0x493: 0x05, 0x494: 0x05, 0x495: 0x10e, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x05, 0x4c1: 0x05, 0x4c2: 0x05, 0x4c3: 0x05, 0x4c4: 0x05, 0x4c5: 0x05, 0x4c6: 0x05, 0x4c7: 0x05, + 0x4c8: 0x05, 0x4c9: 0x05, 0x4ca: 0x05, 0x4cb: 0x05, 0x4cc: 0x05, 0x4cd: 0x05, 0x4ce: 0x05, 0x4cf: 0x05, + 0x4d0: 0x10f, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x510: 0x05, 0x511: 0x05, 0x512: 0x05, 0x513: 0x05, 0x514: 0x05, 0x515: 0x05, 0x516: 0x05, 0x517: 0x05, + 0x518: 0x05, 0x519: 0x110, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x560: 0x05, 0x561: 0x05, 0x562: 0x05, 0x563: 0x05, 0x564: 0x05, 0x565: 0x05, 0x566: 0x05, 0x567: 0x05, + 0x568: 0x103, 0x569: 0x111, 0x56b: 0x112, 0x56c: 0x113, 0x56d: 0x114, 0x56e: 0x115, + 0x579: 0x05, 0x57a: 0x116, 0x57c: 0x05, 0x57d: 0x117, 0x57e: 0x118, 0x57f: 0x119, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x05, 0x581: 0x05, 0x582: 0x05, 0x583: 0x05, 0x584: 0x05, 0x585: 0x05, 0x586: 0x05, 0x587: 0x05, + 0x588: 0x05, 0x589: 0x05, 0x58a: 0x05, 0x58b: 0x05, 0x58c: 0x05, 0x58d: 0x05, 0x58e: 0x05, 0x58f: 0x05, + 0x590: 0x05, 0x591: 0x05, 0x592: 0x05, 0x593: 0x05, 0x594: 0x05, 0x595: 0x05, 0x596: 0x05, 0x597: 0x05, + 0x598: 0x05, 0x599: 0x05, 0x59a: 0x05, 0x59b: 0x05, 0x59c: 0x05, 0x59d: 0x05, 0x59e: 0x05, 0x59f: 0x11a, + 0x5a0: 0x05, 0x5a1: 0x05, 0x5a2: 0x05, 0x5a3: 0x05, 0x5a4: 0x05, 0x5a5: 0x05, 0x5a6: 0x05, 0x5a7: 0x05, + 0x5a8: 0x05, 0x5a9: 0x05, 0x5aa: 0x05, 0x5ab: 0xdc, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x8e, 0x5c1: 0x8e, 0x5c2: 0x8e, 0x5c3: 0x8e, 0x5c4: 0x11b, 0x5c5: 0x11c, 0x5c6: 0x05, 0x5c7: 0x05, + 0x5c8: 0x05, 0x5c9: 0x05, 0x5ca: 0x05, 0x5cb: 0x11d, + 0x5f0: 0x05, 0x5f1: 0x11e, 0x5f2: 0x11f, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x71, 0x601: 0x71, 0x602: 0x71, 0x603: 0x120, 0x604: 0x121, 0x605: 0x122, 0x606: 0x123, 0x607: 0x124, + 0x608: 0xbf, 0x609: 0x125, 0x60b: 0x126, 0x60c: 0x71, 0x60d: 0x127, + 0x610: 0x71, 0x611: 0x128, 0x612: 0x129, 0x613: 0x12a, 0x614: 0x12b, 0x615: 0x12c, 0x616: 0x71, 0x617: 0x71, + 0x618: 0x71, 0x619: 0x71, 0x61a: 0x12d, 0x61b: 0x71, 0x61c: 0x71, 0x61d: 0x71, 0x61e: 0x71, 0x61f: 0x12e, + 0x620: 0x71, 0x621: 0x71, 0x622: 0x71, 0x623: 0x71, 0x624: 0x71, 0x625: 0x71, 0x626: 0x71, 0x627: 0x71, + 0x628: 0x12f, 0x629: 0x130, 0x62a: 0x131, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x132, 0x644: 0x133, 0x645: 0x134, + 0x64b: 0x135, + 0x660: 0x05, 0x661: 0x05, 0x662: 0x05, 0x663: 0x136, 0x664: 0x137, 0x665: 0x138, + 0x671: 0x139, 0x672: 0x13a, 0x674: 0x13b, + 0x678: 0x13c, 0x679: 0x13d, 0x67a: 0x13e, 0x67b: 0x13f, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x140, 0x681: 0x71, 0x682: 0x141, 0x683: 0x142, 0x684: 0x143, 0x685: 0x144, 0x686: 0x145, 0x687: 0x146, + 0x688: 0x147, 0x689: 0x148, 0x68c: 0x71, 0x68d: 0x71, 0x68e: 0x71, 0x68f: 0x71, + 0x690: 0x71, 0x691: 0x71, 0x692: 0x71, 0x693: 0x71, 0x694: 0x71, 0x695: 0x71, 0x696: 0x71, 0x697: 0x71, + 0x698: 0x71, 0x699: 0x71, 0x69a: 0x71, 0x69b: 0x149, 0x69c: 0x71, 0x69d: 0x14a, 0x69e: 0x71, 0x69f: 0x14b, + 0x6a0: 0x14c, 0x6a1: 0x14d, 0x6a2: 0x14e, 0x6a4: 0x14f, 0x6a5: 0x150, 0x6a6: 0x151, 0x6a7: 0x152, + 0x6a8: 0x71, 0x6a9: 0x153, 0x6aa: 0x154, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x8e, 0x6c1: 0x8e, 0x6c2: 0x8e, 0x6c3: 0x8e, 0x6c4: 0x8e, 0x6c5: 0x8e, 0x6c6: 0x8e, 0x6c7: 0x8e, + 0x6c8: 0x8e, 0x6c9: 0x8e, 0x6ca: 0x8e, 0x6cb: 0x8e, 0x6cc: 0x8e, 0x6cd: 0x8e, 0x6ce: 0x8e, 0x6cf: 0x8e, + 0x6d0: 0x8e, 0x6d1: 0x8e, 0x6d2: 0x8e, 0x6d3: 0x8e, 0x6d4: 0x8e, 0x6d5: 0x8e, 0x6d6: 0x8e, 0x6d7: 0x8e, + 0x6d8: 0x8e, 0x6d9: 0x8e, 0x6da: 0x8e, 0x6db: 0x155, 0x6dc: 0x8e, 0x6dd: 0x8e, 0x6de: 0x8e, 0x6df: 0x8e, + 0x6e0: 0x8e, 0x6e1: 0x8e, 0x6e2: 0x8e, 0x6e3: 0x8e, 0x6e4: 0x8e, 0x6e5: 0x8e, 0x6e6: 0x8e, 0x6e7: 0x8e, + 0x6e8: 0x8e, 0x6e9: 0x8e, 0x6ea: 0x8e, 0x6eb: 0x8e, 0x6ec: 0x8e, 0x6ed: 0x8e, 0x6ee: 0x8e, 0x6ef: 0x8e, + 0x6f0: 0x8e, 0x6f1: 0x8e, 0x6f2: 0x8e, 0x6f3: 0x8e, 0x6f4: 0x8e, 0x6f5: 0x8e, 0x6f6: 0x8e, 0x6f7: 0x8e, + 0x6f8: 0x8e, 0x6f9: 0x8e, 0x6fa: 0x8e, 0x6fb: 0x8e, 0x6fc: 0x8e, 0x6fd: 0x8e, 0x6fe: 0x8e, 0x6ff: 0x8e, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x8e, 0x701: 0x8e, 0x702: 0x8e, 0x703: 0x8e, 0x704: 0x8e, 0x705: 0x8e, 0x706: 0x8e, 0x707: 0x8e, + 0x708: 0x8e, 0x709: 0x8e, 0x70a: 0x8e, 0x70b: 0x8e, 0x70c: 0x8e, 0x70d: 0x8e, 0x70e: 0x8e, 0x70f: 0x8e, + 0x710: 0x8e, 0x711: 0x8e, 0x712: 0x8e, 0x713: 0x8e, 0x714: 0x8e, 0x715: 0x8e, 0x716: 0x8e, 0x717: 0x8e, + 0x718: 0x8e, 0x719: 0x8e, 0x71a: 0x8e, 0x71b: 0x8e, 0x71c: 0x156, 0x71d: 0x8e, 0x71e: 0x8e, 0x71f: 0x8e, + 0x720: 0x157, 0x721: 0x8e, 0x722: 0x8e, 0x723: 0x8e, 0x724: 0x8e, 0x725: 0x8e, 0x726: 0x8e, 0x727: 0x8e, + 0x728: 0x8e, 0x729: 0x8e, 0x72a: 0x8e, 0x72b: 0x8e, 0x72c: 0x8e, 0x72d: 0x8e, 0x72e: 0x8e, 0x72f: 0x8e, + 0x730: 0x8e, 0x731: 0x8e, 0x732: 0x8e, 0x733: 0x8e, 0x734: 0x8e, 0x735: 0x8e, 0x736: 0x8e, 0x737: 0x8e, + 0x738: 0x8e, 0x739: 0x8e, 0x73a: 0x8e, 0x73b: 0x8e, 0x73c: 0x8e, 0x73d: 0x8e, 0x73e: 0x8e, 0x73f: 0x8e, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x8e, 0x741: 0x8e, 0x742: 0x8e, 0x743: 0x8e, 0x744: 0x8e, 0x745: 0x8e, 0x746: 0x8e, 0x747: 0x8e, + 0x748: 0x8e, 0x749: 0x8e, 0x74a: 0x8e, 0x74b: 0x8e, 0x74c: 0x8e, 0x74d: 0x8e, 0x74e: 0x8e, 0x74f: 0x8e, + 0x750: 0x8e, 0x751: 0x8e, 0x752: 0x8e, 0x753: 0x8e, 0x754: 0x8e, 0x755: 0x8e, 0x756: 0x8e, 0x757: 0x8e, + 0x758: 0x8e, 0x759: 0x8e, 0x75a: 0x8e, 0x75b: 0x8e, 0x75c: 0x8e, 0x75d: 0x8e, 0x75e: 0x8e, 0x75f: 0x8e, + 0x760: 0x8e, 0x761: 0x8e, 0x762: 0x8e, 0x763: 0x8e, 0x764: 0x8e, 0x765: 0x8e, 0x766: 0x8e, 0x767: 0x8e, + 0x768: 0x8e, 0x769: 0x8e, 0x76a: 0x8e, 0x76b: 0x8e, 0x76c: 0x8e, 0x76d: 0x8e, 0x76e: 0x8e, 0x76f: 0x8e, + 0x770: 0x8e, 0x771: 0x8e, 0x772: 0x8e, 0x773: 0x8e, 0x774: 0x8e, 0x775: 0x8e, 0x776: 0x8e, 0x777: 0x8e, + 0x778: 0x8e, 0x779: 0x8e, 0x77a: 0x158, 0x77b: 0x8e, 0x77c: 0x8e, 0x77d: 0x8e, 0x77e: 0x8e, 0x77f: 0x8e, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x780: 0x8e, 0x781: 0x8e, 0x782: 0x8e, 0x783: 0x8e, 0x784: 0x8e, 0x785: 0x8e, 0x786: 0x8e, 0x787: 0x8e, + 0x788: 0x8e, 0x789: 0x8e, 0x78a: 0x8e, 0x78b: 0x8e, 0x78c: 0x8e, 0x78d: 0x8e, 0x78e: 0x8e, 0x78f: 0x8e, + 0x790: 0x8e, 0x791: 0x8e, 0x792: 0x8e, 0x793: 0x8e, 0x794: 0x8e, 0x795: 0x8e, 0x796: 0x8e, 0x797: 0x8e, + 0x798: 0x8e, 0x799: 0x8e, 0x79a: 0x8e, 0x79b: 0x8e, 0x79c: 0x8e, 0x79d: 0x8e, 0x79e: 0x8e, 0x79f: 0x8e, + 0x7a0: 0x8e, 0x7a1: 0x8e, 0x7a2: 0x8e, 0x7a3: 0x8e, 0x7a4: 0x8e, 0x7a5: 0x8e, 0x7a6: 0x8e, 0x7a7: 0x8e, + 0x7a8: 0x8e, 0x7a9: 0x8e, 0x7aa: 0x8e, 0x7ab: 0x8e, 0x7ac: 0x8e, 0x7ad: 0x8e, 0x7ae: 0x8e, 0x7af: 0x159, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7e0: 0x81, 0x7e1: 0x81, 0x7e2: 0x81, 0x7e3: 0x81, 0x7e4: 0x81, 0x7e5: 0x81, 0x7e6: 0x81, 0x7e7: 0x81, + 0x7e8: 0x15a, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x810: 0x0e, 0x811: 0x0f, 0x812: 0x10, 0x813: 0x11, 0x814: 0x12, 0x816: 0x13, 0x817: 0x0a, + 0x818: 0x14, 0x81b: 0x15, 0x81d: 0x16, 0x81e: 0x17, 0x81f: 0x18, + 0x820: 0x07, 0x821: 0x07, 0x822: 0x07, 0x823: 0x07, 0x824: 0x07, 0x825: 0x07, 0x826: 0x07, 0x827: 0x07, + 0x828: 0x07, 0x829: 0x07, 0x82a: 0x19, 0x82b: 0x1a, 0x82c: 0x1b, 0x82d: 0x07, 0x82e: 0x1c, 0x82f: 0x1d, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x15b, 0x841: 0x3e, 0x844: 0x3e, 0x845: 0x3e, 0x846: 0x3e, 0x847: 0x15c, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x3e, 0x881: 0x3e, 0x882: 0x3e, 0x883: 0x3e, 0x884: 0x3e, 0x885: 0x3e, 0x886: 0x3e, 0x887: 0x3e, + 0x888: 0x3e, 0x889: 0x3e, 0x88a: 0x3e, 0x88b: 0x3e, 0x88c: 0x3e, 0x88d: 0x3e, 0x88e: 0x3e, 0x88f: 0x3e, + 0x890: 0x3e, 0x891: 0x3e, 0x892: 0x3e, 0x893: 0x3e, 0x894: 0x3e, 0x895: 0x3e, 0x896: 0x3e, 0x897: 0x3e, + 0x898: 0x3e, 0x899: 0x3e, 0x89a: 0x3e, 0x89b: 0x3e, 0x89c: 0x3e, 0x89d: 0x3e, 0x89e: 0x3e, 0x89f: 0x3e, + 0x8a0: 0x3e, 0x8a1: 0x3e, 0x8a2: 0x3e, 0x8a3: 0x3e, 0x8a4: 0x3e, 0x8a5: 0x3e, 0x8a6: 0x3e, 0x8a7: 0x3e, + 0x8a8: 0x3e, 0x8a9: 0x3e, 0x8aa: 0x3e, 0x8ab: 0x3e, 0x8ac: 0x3e, 0x8ad: 0x3e, 0x8ae: 0x3e, 0x8af: 0x3e, + 0x8b0: 0x3e, 0x8b1: 0x3e, 0x8b2: 0x3e, 0x8b3: 0x3e, 0x8b4: 0x3e, 0x8b5: 0x3e, 0x8b6: 0x3e, 0x8b7: 0x3e, + 0x8b8: 0x3e, 0x8b9: 0x3e, 0x8ba: 0x3e, 0x8bb: 0x3e, 0x8bc: 0x3e, 0x8bd: 0x3e, 0x8be: 0x3e, 0x8bf: 0x15d, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8e0: 0x1f, + 0x8f0: 0x0c, 0x8f1: 0x0c, 0x8f2: 0x0c, 0x8f3: 0x0c, 0x8f4: 0x0c, 0x8f5: 0x0c, 0x8f6: 0x0c, 0x8f7: 0x0c, + 0x8f8: 0x0c, 0x8f9: 0x0c, 0x8fa: 0x0c, 0x8fb: 0x0c, 0x8fc: 0x0c, 0x8fd: 0x0c, 0x8fe: 0x0c, 0x8ff: 0x20, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x900: 0x0c, 0x901: 0x0c, 0x902: 0x0c, 0x903: 0x0c, 0x904: 0x0c, 0x905: 0x0c, 0x906: 0x0c, 0x907: 0x0c, + 0x908: 0x0c, 0x909: 0x0c, 0x90a: 0x0c, 0x90b: 0x0c, 0x90c: 0x0c, 0x90d: 0x0c, 0x90e: 0x0c, 0x90f: 0x20, +} + +// Total table size 27264 bytes (26KiB); checksum: 811C9DC5 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables13.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables13.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aad68b35 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables13.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,4153 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.16 +// +build go1.16 + +package precis + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "13.0.0" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0] + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0] + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// derivedPropertiesTrie. Total size: 27776 bytes (27.12 KiB). Checksum: c8bfc091c977a4c. +type derivedPropertiesTrie struct{} + +func newDerivedPropertiesTrie(i int) *derivedPropertiesTrie { + return &derivedPropertiesTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint8 { + switch { + default: + return uint8(derivedPropertiesValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// derivedPropertiesValues: 358 blocks, 22912 entries, 22912 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var derivedPropertiesValues = [22912]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x00: 0x0040, 0x01: 0x0040, 0x02: 0x0040, 0x03: 0x0040, 0x04: 0x0040, 0x05: 0x0040, + 0x06: 0x0040, 0x07: 0x0040, 0x08: 0x0040, 0x09: 0x0040, 0x0a: 0x0040, 0x0b: 0x0040, + 0x0c: 0x0040, 0x0d: 0x0040, 0x0e: 0x0040, 0x0f: 0x0040, 0x10: 0x0040, 0x11: 0x0040, + 0x12: 0x0040, 0x13: 0x0040, 0x14: 0x0040, 0x15: 0x0040, 0x16: 0x0040, 0x17: 0x0040, + 0x18: 0x0040, 0x19: 0x0040, 0x1a: 0x0040, 0x1b: 0x0040, 0x1c: 0x0040, 0x1d: 0x0040, + 0x1e: 0x0040, 0x1f: 0x0040, 0x20: 0x0080, 0x21: 0x00c0, 0x22: 0x00c0, 0x23: 0x00c0, + 0x24: 0x00c0, 0x25: 0x00c0, 0x26: 0x00c0, 0x27: 0x00c0, 0x28: 0x00c0, 0x29: 0x00c0, + 0x2a: 0x00c0, 0x2b: 0x00c0, 0x2c: 0x00c0, 0x2d: 0x00c0, 0x2e: 0x00c0, 0x2f: 0x00c0, + 0x30: 0x00c0, 0x31: 0x00c0, 0x32: 0x00c0, 0x33: 0x00c0, 0x34: 0x00c0, 0x35: 0x00c0, + 0x36: 0x00c0, 0x37: 0x00c0, 0x38: 0x00c0, 0x39: 0x00c0, 0x3a: 0x00c0, 0x3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c: 0x00c0, 0x3d: 0x00c0, 0x3e: 0x00c0, 0x3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x00c0, 0x41: 0x00c0, 0x42: 0x00c0, 0x43: 0x00c0, 0x44: 0x00c0, 0x45: 0x00c0, + 0x46: 0x00c0, 0x47: 0x00c0, 0x48: 0x00c0, 0x49: 0x00c0, 0x4a: 0x00c0, 0x4b: 0x00c0, + 0x4c: 0x00c0, 0x4d: 0x00c0, 0x4e: 0x00c0, 0x4f: 0x00c0, 0x50: 0x00c0, 0x51: 0x00c0, + 0x52: 0x00c0, 0x53: 0x00c0, 0x54: 0x00c0, 0x55: 0x00c0, 0x56: 0x00c0, 0x57: 0x00c0, + 0x58: 0x00c0, 0x59: 0x00c0, 0x5a: 0x00c0, 0x5b: 0x00c0, 0x5c: 0x00c0, 0x5d: 0x00c0, + 0x5e: 0x00c0, 0x5f: 0x00c0, 0x60: 0x00c0, 0x61: 0x00c0, 0x62: 0x00c0, 0x63: 0x00c0, + 0x64: 0x00c0, 0x65: 0x00c0, 0x66: 0x00c0, 0x67: 0x00c0, 0x68: 0x00c0, 0x69: 0x00c0, + 0x6a: 0x00c0, 0x6b: 0x00c0, 0x6c: 0x00c7, 0x6d: 0x00c0, 0x6e: 0x00c0, 0x6f: 0x00c0, + 0x70: 0x00c0, 0x71: 0x00c0, 0x72: 0x00c0, 0x73: 0x00c0, 0x74: 0x00c0, 0x75: 0x00c0, + 0x76: 0x00c0, 0x77: 0x00c0, 0x78: 0x00c0, 0x79: 0x00c0, 0x7a: 0x00c0, 0x7b: 0x00c0, + 0x7c: 0x00c0, 0x7d: 0x00c0, 0x7e: 0x00c0, 0x7f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x0040, 0xc1: 0x0040, 0xc2: 0x0040, 0xc3: 0x0040, 0xc4: 0x0040, 0xc5: 0x0040, + 0xc6: 0x0040, 0xc7: 0x0040, 0xc8: 0x0040, 0xc9: 0x0040, 0xca: 0x0040, 0xcb: 0x0040, + 0xcc: 0x0040, 0xcd: 0x0040, 0xce: 0x0040, 0xcf: 0x0040, 0xd0: 0x0040, 0xd1: 0x0040, + 0xd2: 0x0040, 0xd3: 0x0040, 0xd4: 0x0040, 0xd5: 0x0040, 0xd6: 0x0040, 0xd7: 0x0040, + 0xd8: 0x0040, 0xd9: 0x0040, 0xda: 0x0040, 0xdb: 0x0040, 0xdc: 0x0040, 0xdd: 0x0040, + 0xde: 0x0040, 0xdf: 0x0040, 0xe0: 0x0080, 0xe1: 0x0080, 0xe2: 0x0080, 0xe3: 0x0080, + 0xe4: 0x0080, 0xe5: 0x0080, 0xe6: 0x0080, 0xe7: 0x0080, 0xe8: 0x0080, 0xe9: 0x0080, + 0xea: 0x0080, 0xeb: 0x0080, 0xec: 0x0080, 0xed: 0x0040, 0xee: 0x0080, 0xef: 0x0080, + 0xf0: 0x0080, 0xf1: 0x0080, 0xf2: 0x0080, 0xf3: 0x0080, 0xf4: 0x0080, 0xf5: 0x0080, + 0xf6: 0x0080, 0xf7: 0x004f, 0xf8: 0x0080, 0xf9: 0x0080, 0xfa: 0x0080, 0xfb: 0x0080, + 0xfc: 0x0080, 0xfd: 0x0080, 0xfe: 0x0080, 0xff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0x00c0, 0x101: 0x00c0, 0x102: 0x00c0, 0x103: 0x00c0, 0x104: 0x00c0, 0x105: 0x00c0, + 0x106: 0x00c0, 0x107: 0x00c0, 0x108: 0x00c0, 0x109: 0x00c0, 0x10a: 0x00c0, 0x10b: 0x00c0, + 0x10c: 0x00c0, 0x10d: 0x00c0, 0x10e: 0x00c0, 0x10f: 0x00c0, 0x110: 0x00c0, 0x111: 0x00c0, + 0x112: 0x00c0, 0x113: 0x00c0, 0x114: 0x00c0, 0x115: 0x00c0, 0x116: 0x00c0, 0x117: 0x0080, + 0x118: 0x00c0, 0x119: 0x00c0, 0x11a: 0x00c0, 0x11b: 0x00c0, 0x11c: 0x00c0, 0x11d: 0x00c0, + 0x11e: 0x00c0, 0x11f: 0x00c0, 0x120: 0x00c0, 0x121: 0x00c0, 0x122: 0x00c0, 0x123: 0x00c0, + 0x124: 0x00c0, 0x125: 0x00c0, 0x126: 0x00c0, 0x127: 0x00c0, 0x128: 0x00c0, 0x129: 0x00c0, + 0x12a: 0x00c0, 0x12b: 0x00c0, 0x12c: 0x00c0, 0x12d: 0x00c0, 0x12e: 0x00c0, 0x12f: 0x00c0, + 0x130: 0x00c0, 0x131: 0x00c0, 0x132: 0x00c0, 0x133: 0x00c0, 0x134: 0x00c0, 0x135: 0x00c0, + 0x136: 0x00c0, 0x137: 0x0080, 0x138: 0x00c0, 0x139: 0x00c0, 0x13a: 0x00c0, 0x13b: 0x00c0, + 0x13c: 0x00c0, 0x13d: 0x00c0, 0x13e: 0x00c0, 0x13f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x00c0, 0x141: 0x00c0, 0x142: 0x00c0, 0x143: 0x00c0, 0x144: 0x00c0, 0x145: 0x00c0, + 0x146: 0x00c0, 0x147: 0x00c0, 0x148: 0x00c0, 0x149: 0x00c0, 0x14a: 0x00c0, 0x14b: 0x00c0, + 0x14c: 0x00c0, 0x14d: 0x00c0, 0x14e: 0x00c0, 0x14f: 0x00c0, 0x150: 0x00c0, 0x151: 0x00c0, + 0x152: 0x00c0, 0x153: 0x00c0, 0x154: 0x00c0, 0x155: 0x00c0, 0x156: 0x00c0, 0x157: 0x00c0, + 0x158: 0x00c0, 0x159: 0x00c0, 0x15a: 0x00c0, 0x15b: 0x00c0, 0x15c: 0x00c0, 0x15d: 0x00c0, + 0x15e: 0x00c0, 0x15f: 0x00c0, 0x160: 0x00c0, 0x161: 0x00c0, 0x162: 0x00c0, 0x163: 0x00c0, + 0x164: 0x00c0, 0x165: 0x00c0, 0x166: 0x00c0, 0x167: 0x00c0, 0x168: 0x00c0, 0x169: 0x00c0, + 0x16a: 0x00c0, 0x16b: 0x00c0, 0x16c: 0x00c0, 0x16d: 0x00c0, 0x16e: 0x00c0, 0x16f: 0x00c0, + 0x170: 0x00c0, 0x171: 0x00c0, 0x172: 0x0080, 0x173: 0x0080, 0x174: 0x00c0, 0x175: 0x00c0, + 0x176: 0x00c0, 0x177: 0x00c0, 0x178: 0x00c0, 0x179: 0x00c0, 0x17a: 0x00c0, 0x17b: 0x00c0, + 0x17c: 0x00c0, 0x17d: 0x00c0, 0x17e: 0x00c0, 0x17f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x0080, 0x181: 0x00c0, 0x182: 0x00c0, 0x183: 0x00c0, 0x184: 0x00c0, 0x185: 0x00c0, + 0x186: 0x00c0, 0x187: 0x00c0, 0x188: 0x00c0, 0x189: 0x0080, 0x18a: 0x00c0, 0x18b: 0x00c0, + 0x18c: 0x00c0, 0x18d: 0x00c0, 0x18e: 0x00c0, 0x18f: 0x00c0, 0x190: 0x00c0, 0x191: 0x00c0, + 0x192: 0x00c0, 0x193: 0x00c0, 0x194: 0x00c0, 0x195: 0x00c0, 0x196: 0x00c0, 0x197: 0x00c0, + 0x198: 0x00c0, 0x199: 0x00c0, 0x19a: 0x00c0, 0x19b: 0x00c0, 0x19c: 0x00c0, 0x19d: 0x00c0, + 0x19e: 0x00c0, 0x19f: 0x00c0, 0x1a0: 0x00c0, 0x1a1: 0x00c0, 0x1a2: 0x00c0, 0x1a3: 0x00c0, + 0x1a4: 0x00c0, 0x1a5: 0x00c0, 0x1a6: 0x00c0, 0x1a7: 0x00c0, 0x1a8: 0x00c0, 0x1a9: 0x00c0, + 0x1aa: 0x00c0, 0x1ab: 0x00c0, 0x1ac: 0x00c0, 0x1ad: 0x00c0, 0x1ae: 0x00c0, 0x1af: 0x00c0, + 0x1b0: 0x00c0, 0x1b1: 0x00c0, 0x1b2: 0x00c0, 0x1b3: 0x00c0, 0x1b4: 0x00c0, 0x1b5: 0x00c0, + 0x1b6: 0x00c0, 0x1b7: 0x00c0, 0x1b8: 0x00c0, 0x1b9: 0x00c0, 0x1ba: 0x00c0, 0x1bb: 0x00c0, + 0x1bc: 0x00c0, 0x1bd: 0x00c0, 0x1be: 0x00c0, 0x1bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x00c0, 0x1c1: 0x00c0, 0x1c2: 0x00c0, 0x1c3: 0x00c0, 0x1c4: 0x00c0, 0x1c5: 0x00c0, + 0x1c6: 0x00c0, 0x1c7: 0x00c0, 0x1c8: 0x00c0, 0x1c9: 0x00c0, 0x1ca: 0x00c0, 0x1cb: 0x00c0, + 0x1cc: 0x00c0, 0x1cd: 0x00c0, 0x1ce: 0x00c0, 0x1cf: 0x00c0, 0x1d0: 0x00c0, 0x1d1: 0x00c0, + 0x1d2: 0x00c0, 0x1d3: 0x00c0, 0x1d4: 0x00c0, 0x1d5: 0x00c0, 0x1d6: 0x00c0, 0x1d7: 0x00c0, + 0x1d8: 0x00c0, 0x1d9: 0x00c0, 0x1da: 0x00c0, 0x1db: 0x00c0, 0x1dc: 0x00c0, 0x1dd: 0x00c0, + 0x1de: 0x00c0, 0x1df: 0x00c0, 0x1e0: 0x00c0, 0x1e1: 0x00c0, 0x1e2: 0x00c0, 0x1e3: 0x00c0, + 0x1e4: 0x00c0, 0x1e5: 0x00c0, 0x1e6: 0x00c0, 0x1e7: 0x00c0, 0x1e8: 0x00c0, 0x1e9: 0x00c0, + 0x1ea: 0x00c0, 0x1eb: 0x00c0, 0x1ec: 0x00c0, 0x1ed: 0x00c0, 0x1ee: 0x00c0, 0x1ef: 0x00c0, + 0x1f0: 0x00c0, 0x1f1: 0x00c0, 0x1f2: 0x00c0, 0x1f3: 0x00c0, 0x1f4: 0x00c0, 0x1f5: 0x00c0, + 0x1f6: 0x00c0, 0x1f7: 0x00c0, 0x1f8: 0x00c0, 0x1f9: 0x00c0, 0x1fa: 0x00c0, 0x1fb: 0x00c0, + 0x1fc: 0x00c0, 0x1fd: 0x00c0, 0x1fe: 0x00c0, 0x1ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x00c0, 0x201: 0x00c0, 0x202: 0x00c0, 0x203: 0x00c0, 0x204: 0x0080, 0x205: 0x0080, + 0x206: 0x0080, 0x207: 0x0080, 0x208: 0x0080, 0x209: 0x0080, 0x20a: 0x0080, 0x20b: 0x0080, + 0x20c: 0x0080, 0x20d: 0x00c0, 0x20e: 0x00c0, 0x20f: 0x00c0, 0x210: 0x00c0, 0x211: 0x00c0, + 0x212: 0x00c0, 0x213: 0x00c0, 0x214: 0x00c0, 0x215: 0x00c0, 0x216: 0x00c0, 0x217: 0x00c0, + 0x218: 0x00c0, 0x219: 0x00c0, 0x21a: 0x00c0, 0x21b: 0x00c0, 0x21c: 0x00c0, 0x21d: 0x00c0, + 0x21e: 0x00c0, 0x21f: 0x00c0, 0x220: 0x00c0, 0x221: 0x00c0, 0x222: 0x00c0, 0x223: 0x00c0, + 0x224: 0x00c0, 0x225: 0x00c0, 0x226: 0x00c0, 0x227: 0x00c0, 0x228: 0x00c0, 0x229: 0x00c0, + 0x22a: 0x00c0, 0x22b: 0x00c0, 0x22c: 0x00c0, 0x22d: 0x00c0, 0x22e: 0x00c0, 0x22f: 0x00c0, + 0x230: 0x00c0, 0x231: 0x0080, 0x232: 0x0080, 0x233: 0x0080, 0x234: 0x00c0, 0x235: 0x00c0, + 0x236: 0x00c0, 0x237: 0x00c0, 0x238: 0x00c0, 0x239: 0x00c0, 0x23a: 0x00c0, 0x23b: 0x00c0, + 0x23c: 0x00c0, 0x23d: 0x00c0, 0x23e: 0x00c0, 0x23f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x00c0, 0x241: 0x00c0, 0x242: 0x00c0, 0x243: 0x00c0, 0x244: 0x00c0, 0x245: 0x00c0, + 0x246: 0x00c0, 0x247: 0x00c0, 0x248: 0x00c0, 0x249: 0x00c0, 0x24a: 0x00c0, 0x24b: 0x00c0, + 0x24c: 0x00c0, 0x24d: 0x00c0, 0x24e: 0x00c0, 0x24f: 0x00c0, 0x250: 0x00c0, 0x251: 0x00c0, + 0x252: 0x00c0, 0x253: 0x00c0, 0x254: 0x00c0, 0x255: 0x00c0, 0x256: 0x00c0, 0x257: 0x00c0, + 0x258: 0x00c0, 0x259: 0x00c0, 0x25a: 0x00c0, 0x25b: 0x00c0, 0x25c: 0x00c0, 0x25d: 0x00c0, + 0x25e: 0x00c0, 0x25f: 0x00c0, 0x260: 0x00c0, 0x261: 0x00c0, 0x262: 0x00c0, 0x263: 0x00c0, + 0x264: 0x00c0, 0x265: 0x00c0, 0x266: 0x00c0, 0x267: 0x00c0, 0x268: 0x00c0, 0x269: 0x00c0, + 0x26a: 0x00c0, 0x26b: 0x00c0, 0x26c: 0x00c0, 0x26d: 0x00c0, 0x26e: 0x00c0, 0x26f: 0x00c0, + 0x270: 0x0080, 0x271: 0x0080, 0x272: 0x0080, 0x273: 0x0080, 0x274: 0x0080, 0x275: 0x0080, + 0x276: 0x0080, 0x277: 0x0080, 0x278: 0x0080, 0x279: 0x00c0, 0x27a: 0x00c0, 0x27b: 0x00c0, + 0x27c: 0x00c0, 0x27d: 0x00c0, 0x27e: 0x00c0, 0x27f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x00c0, 0x281: 0x00c0, 0x282: 0x0080, 0x283: 0x0080, 0x284: 0x0080, 0x285: 0x0080, + 0x286: 0x00c0, 0x287: 0x00c0, 0x288: 0x00c0, 0x289: 0x00c0, 0x28a: 0x00c0, 0x28b: 0x00c0, + 0x28c: 0x00c0, 0x28d: 0x00c0, 0x28e: 0x00c0, 0x28f: 0x00c0, 0x290: 0x00c0, 0x291: 0x00c0, + 0x292: 0x0080, 0x293: 0x0080, 0x294: 0x0080, 0x295: 0x0080, 0x296: 0x0080, 0x297: 0x0080, + 0x298: 0x0080, 0x299: 0x0080, 0x29a: 0x0080, 0x29b: 0x0080, 0x29c: 0x0080, 0x29d: 0x0080, + 0x29e: 0x0080, 0x29f: 0x0080, 0x2a0: 0x0080, 0x2a1: 0x0080, 0x2a2: 0x0080, 0x2a3: 0x0080, + 0x2a4: 0x0080, 0x2a5: 0x0080, 0x2a6: 0x0080, 0x2a7: 0x0080, 0x2a8: 0x0080, 0x2a9: 0x0080, + 0x2aa: 0x0080, 0x2ab: 0x0080, 0x2ac: 0x00c0, 0x2ad: 0x0080, 0x2ae: 0x00c0, 0x2af: 0x0080, + 0x2b0: 0x0080, 0x2b1: 0x0080, 0x2b2: 0x0080, 0x2b3: 0x0080, 0x2b4: 0x0080, 0x2b5: 0x0080, + 0x2b6: 0x0080, 0x2b7: 0x0080, 0x2b8: 0x0080, 0x2b9: 0x0080, 0x2ba: 0x0080, 0x2bb: 0x0080, + 0x2bc: 0x0080, 0x2bd: 0x0080, 0x2be: 0x0080, 0x2bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x00c3, 0x2c1: 0x00c3, 0x2c2: 0x00c3, 0x2c3: 0x00c3, 0x2c4: 0x00c3, 0x2c5: 0x00c3, + 0x2c6: 0x00c3, 0x2c7: 0x00c3, 0x2c8: 0x00c3, 0x2c9: 0x00c3, 0x2ca: 0x00c3, 0x2cb: 0x00c3, + 0x2cc: 0x00c3, 0x2cd: 0x00c3, 0x2ce: 0x00c3, 0x2cf: 0x00c3, 0x2d0: 0x00c3, 0x2d1: 0x00c3, + 0x2d2: 0x00c3, 0x2d3: 0x00c3, 0x2d4: 0x00c3, 0x2d5: 0x00c3, 0x2d6: 0x00c3, 0x2d7: 0x00c3, + 0x2d8: 0x00c3, 0x2d9: 0x00c3, 0x2da: 0x00c3, 0x2db: 0x00c3, 0x2dc: 0x00c3, 0x2dd: 0x00c3, + 0x2de: 0x00c3, 0x2df: 0x00c3, 0x2e0: 0x00c3, 0x2e1: 0x00c3, 0x2e2: 0x00c3, 0x2e3: 0x00c3, + 0x2e4: 0x00c3, 0x2e5: 0x00c3, 0x2e6: 0x00c3, 0x2e7: 0x00c3, 0x2e8: 0x00c3, 0x2e9: 0x00c3, + 0x2ea: 0x00c3, 0x2eb: 0x00c3, 0x2ec: 0x00c3, 0x2ed: 0x00c3, 0x2ee: 0x00c3, 0x2ef: 0x00c3, + 0x2f0: 0x00c3, 0x2f1: 0x00c3, 0x2f2: 0x00c3, 0x2f3: 0x00c3, 0x2f4: 0x00c3, 0x2f5: 0x00c3, + 0x2f6: 0x00c3, 0x2f7: 0x00c3, 0x2f8: 0x00c3, 0x2f9: 0x00c3, 0x2fa: 0x00c3, 0x2fb: 0x00c3, + 0x2fc: 0x00c3, 0x2fd: 0x00c3, 0x2fe: 0x00c3, 0x2ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x0083, 0x301: 0x0083, 0x302: 0x00c3, 0x303: 0x0083, 0x304: 0x0083, 0x305: 0x00c3, + 0x306: 0x00c3, 0x307: 0x00c3, 0x308: 0x00c3, 0x309: 0x00c3, 0x30a: 0x00c3, 0x30b: 0x00c3, + 0x30c: 0x00c3, 0x30d: 0x00c3, 0x30e: 0x00c3, 0x30f: 0x0040, 0x310: 0x00c3, 0x311: 0x00c3, + 0x312: 0x00c3, 0x313: 0x00c3, 0x314: 0x00c3, 0x315: 0x00c3, 0x316: 0x00c3, 0x317: 0x00c3, + 0x318: 0x00c3, 0x319: 0x00c3, 0x31a: 0x00c3, 0x31b: 0x00c3, 0x31c: 0x00c3, 0x31d: 0x00c3, + 0x31e: 0x00c3, 0x31f: 0x00c3, 0x320: 0x00c3, 0x321: 0x00c3, 0x322: 0x00c3, 0x323: 0x00c3, + 0x324: 0x00c3, 0x325: 0x00c3, 0x326: 0x00c3, 0x327: 0x00c3, 0x328: 0x00c3, 0x329: 0x00c3, + 0x32a: 0x00c3, 0x32b: 0x00c3, 0x32c: 0x00c3, 0x32d: 0x00c3, 0x32e: 0x00c3, 0x32f: 0x00c3, + 0x330: 0x00c8, 0x331: 0x00c8, 0x332: 0x00c8, 0x333: 0x00c8, 0x334: 0x0080, 0x335: 0x0050, + 0x336: 0x00c8, 0x337: 0x00c8, 0x33a: 0x0088, 0x33b: 0x00c8, + 0x33c: 0x00c8, 0x33d: 0x00c8, 0x33e: 0x0080, 0x33f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x344: 0x0088, 0x345: 0x0080, + 0x346: 0x00c8, 0x347: 0x0080, 0x348: 0x00c8, 0x349: 0x00c8, 0x34a: 0x00c8, + 0x34c: 0x00c8, 0x34e: 0x00c8, 0x34f: 0x00c8, 0x350: 0x00c8, 0x351: 0x00c8, + 0x352: 0x00c8, 0x353: 0x00c8, 0x354: 0x00c8, 0x355: 0x00c8, 0x356: 0x00c8, 0x357: 0x00c8, + 0x358: 0x00c8, 0x359: 0x00c8, 0x35a: 0x00c8, 0x35b: 0x00c8, 0x35c: 0x00c8, 0x35d: 0x00c8, + 0x35e: 0x00c8, 0x35f: 0x00c8, 0x360: 0x00c8, 0x361: 0x00c8, 0x363: 0x00c8, + 0x364: 0x00c8, 0x365: 0x00c8, 0x366: 0x00c8, 0x367: 0x00c8, 0x368: 0x00c8, 0x369: 0x00c8, + 0x36a: 0x00c8, 0x36b: 0x00c8, 0x36c: 0x00c8, 0x36d: 0x00c8, 0x36e: 0x00c8, 0x36f: 0x00c8, + 0x370: 0x00c8, 0x371: 0x00c8, 0x372: 0x00c8, 0x373: 0x00c8, 0x374: 0x00c8, 0x375: 0x00c8, + 0x376: 0x00c8, 0x377: 0x00c8, 0x378: 0x00c8, 0x379: 0x00c8, 0x37a: 0x00c8, 0x37b: 0x00c8, + 0x37c: 0x00c8, 0x37d: 0x00c8, 0x37e: 0x00c8, 0x37f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x00c8, 0x381: 0x00c8, 0x382: 0x00c8, 0x383: 0x00c8, 0x384: 0x00c8, 0x385: 0x00c8, + 0x386: 0x00c8, 0x387: 0x00c8, 0x388: 0x00c8, 0x389: 0x00c8, 0x38a: 0x00c8, 0x38b: 0x00c8, + 0x38c: 0x00c8, 0x38d: 0x00c8, 0x38e: 0x00c8, 0x38f: 0x00c8, 0x390: 0x0088, 0x391: 0x0088, + 0x392: 0x0088, 0x393: 0x0088, 0x394: 0x0088, 0x395: 0x0088, 0x396: 0x0088, 0x397: 0x00c8, + 0x398: 0x00c8, 0x399: 0x00c8, 0x39a: 0x00c8, 0x39b: 0x00c8, 0x39c: 0x00c8, 0x39d: 0x00c8, + 0x39e: 0x00c8, 0x39f: 0x00c8, 0x3a0: 0x00c8, 0x3a1: 0x00c8, 0x3a2: 0x00c0, 0x3a3: 0x00c0, + 0x3a4: 0x00c0, 0x3a5: 0x00c0, 0x3a6: 0x00c0, 0x3a7: 0x00c0, 0x3a8: 0x00c0, 0x3a9: 0x00c0, + 0x3aa: 0x00c0, 0x3ab: 0x00c0, 0x3ac: 0x00c0, 0x3ad: 0x00c0, 0x3ae: 0x00c0, 0x3af: 0x00c0, + 0x3b0: 0x0088, 0x3b1: 0x0088, 0x3b2: 0x0088, 0x3b3: 0x00c8, 0x3b4: 0x0088, 0x3b5: 0x0088, + 0x3b6: 0x0088, 0x3b7: 0x00c8, 0x3b8: 0x00c8, 0x3b9: 0x0088, 0x3ba: 0x00c8, 0x3bb: 0x00c8, + 0x3bc: 0x00c8, 0x3bd: 0x00c8, 0x3be: 0x00c8, 0x3bf: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x00c0, 0x3c1: 0x00c0, 0x3c2: 0x0080, 0x3c3: 0x00c3, 0x3c4: 0x00c3, 0x3c5: 0x00c3, + 0x3c6: 0x00c3, 0x3c7: 0x00c3, 0x3c8: 0x0083, 0x3c9: 0x0083, 0x3ca: 0x00c0, 0x3cb: 0x00c0, + 0x3cc: 0x00c0, 0x3cd: 0x00c0, 0x3ce: 0x00c0, 0x3cf: 0x00c0, 0x3d0: 0x00c0, 0x3d1: 0x00c0, + 0x3d2: 0x00c0, 0x3d3: 0x00c0, 0x3d4: 0x00c0, 0x3d5: 0x00c0, 0x3d6: 0x00c0, 0x3d7: 0x00c0, + 0x3d8: 0x00c0, 0x3d9: 0x00c0, 0x3da: 0x00c0, 0x3db: 0x00c0, 0x3dc: 0x00c0, 0x3dd: 0x00c0, + 0x3de: 0x00c0, 0x3df: 0x00c0, 0x3e0: 0x00c0, 0x3e1: 0x00c0, 0x3e2: 0x00c0, 0x3e3: 0x00c0, + 0x3e4: 0x00c0, 0x3e5: 0x00c0, 0x3e6: 0x00c0, 0x3e7: 0x00c0, 0x3e8: 0x00c0, 0x3e9: 0x00c0, + 0x3ea: 0x00c0, 0x3eb: 0x00c0, 0x3ec: 0x00c0, 0x3ed: 0x00c0, 0x3ee: 0x00c0, 0x3ef: 0x00c0, + 0x3f0: 0x00c0, 0x3f1: 0x00c0, 0x3f2: 0x00c0, 0x3f3: 0x00c0, 0x3f4: 0x00c0, 0x3f5: 0x00c0, + 0x3f6: 0x00c0, 0x3f7: 0x00c0, 0x3f8: 0x00c0, 0x3f9: 0x00c0, 0x3fa: 0x00c0, 0x3fb: 0x00c0, + 0x3fc: 0x00c0, 0x3fd: 0x00c0, 0x3fe: 0x00c0, 0x3ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x00c0, 0x401: 0x00c0, 0x402: 0x00c0, 0x403: 0x00c0, 0x404: 0x00c0, 0x405: 0x00c0, + 0x406: 0x00c0, 0x407: 0x00c0, 0x408: 0x00c0, 0x409: 0x00c0, 0x40a: 0x00c0, 0x40b: 0x00c0, + 0x40c: 0x00c0, 0x40d: 0x00c0, 0x40e: 0x00c0, 0x40f: 0x00c0, 0x410: 0x00c0, 0x411: 0x00c0, + 0x412: 0x00c0, 0x413: 0x00c0, 0x414: 0x00c0, 0x415: 0x00c0, 0x416: 0x00c0, 0x417: 0x00c0, + 0x418: 0x00c0, 0x419: 0x00c0, 0x41a: 0x00c0, 0x41b: 0x00c0, 0x41c: 0x00c0, 0x41d: 0x00c0, + 0x41e: 0x00c0, 0x41f: 0x00c0, 0x420: 0x00c0, 0x421: 0x00c0, 0x422: 0x00c0, 0x423: 0x00c0, + 0x424: 0x00c0, 0x425: 0x00c0, 0x426: 0x00c0, 0x427: 0x00c0, 0x428: 0x00c0, 0x429: 0x00c0, + 0x42a: 0x00c0, 0x42b: 0x00c0, 0x42c: 0x00c0, 0x42d: 0x00c0, 0x42e: 0x00c0, 0x42f: 0x00c0, + 0x431: 0x00c0, 0x432: 0x00c0, 0x433: 0x00c0, 0x434: 0x00c0, 0x435: 0x00c0, + 0x436: 0x00c0, 0x437: 0x00c0, 0x438: 0x00c0, 0x439: 0x00c0, 0x43a: 0x00c0, 0x43b: 0x00c0, + 0x43c: 0x00c0, 0x43d: 0x00c0, 0x43e: 0x00c0, 0x43f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x00c0, 0x441: 0x00c0, 0x442: 0x00c0, 0x443: 0x00c0, 0x444: 0x00c0, 0x445: 0x00c0, + 0x446: 0x00c0, 0x447: 0x00c0, 0x448: 0x00c0, 0x449: 0x00c0, 0x44a: 0x00c0, 0x44b: 0x00c0, + 0x44c: 0x00c0, 0x44d: 0x00c0, 0x44e: 0x00c0, 0x44f: 0x00c0, 0x450: 0x00c0, 0x451: 0x00c0, + 0x452: 0x00c0, 0x453: 0x00c0, 0x454: 0x00c0, 0x455: 0x00c0, 0x456: 0x00c0, + 0x459: 0x00c0, 0x45a: 0x0080, 0x45b: 0x0080, 0x45c: 0x0080, 0x45d: 0x0080, + 0x45e: 0x0080, 0x45f: 0x0080, 0x460: 0x00c0, 0x461: 0x00c0, 0x462: 0x00c0, 0x463: 0x00c0, + 0x464: 0x00c0, 0x465: 0x00c0, 0x466: 0x00c0, 0x467: 0x00c0, 0x468: 0x00c0, 0x469: 0x00c0, + 0x46a: 0x00c0, 0x46b: 0x00c0, 0x46c: 0x00c0, 0x46d: 0x00c0, 0x46e: 0x00c0, 0x46f: 0x00c0, + 0x470: 0x00c0, 0x471: 0x00c0, 0x472: 0x00c0, 0x473: 0x00c0, 0x474: 0x00c0, 0x475: 0x00c0, + 0x476: 0x00c0, 0x477: 0x00c0, 0x478: 0x00c0, 0x479: 0x00c0, 0x47a: 0x00c0, 0x47b: 0x00c0, + 0x47c: 0x00c0, 0x47d: 0x00c0, 0x47e: 0x00c0, 0x47f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x00c0, 0x481: 0x00c0, 0x482: 0x00c0, 0x483: 0x00c0, 0x484: 0x00c0, 0x485: 0x00c0, + 0x486: 0x00c0, 0x487: 0x0080, 0x488: 0x00c0, 0x489: 0x0080, 0x48a: 0x0080, + 0x48d: 0x0080, 0x48e: 0x0080, 0x48f: 0x0080, 0x491: 0x00cb, + 0x492: 0x00cb, 0x493: 0x00cb, 0x494: 0x00cb, 0x495: 0x00cb, 0x496: 0x00cb, 0x497: 0x00cb, + 0x498: 0x00cb, 0x499: 0x00cb, 0x49a: 0x00cb, 0x49b: 0x00cb, 0x49c: 0x00cb, 0x49d: 0x00cb, + 0x49e: 0x00cb, 0x49f: 0x00cb, 0x4a0: 0x00cb, 0x4a1: 0x00cb, 0x4a2: 0x00cb, 0x4a3: 0x00cb, + 0x4a4: 0x00cb, 0x4a5: 0x00cb, 0x4a6: 0x00cb, 0x4a7: 0x00cb, 0x4a8: 0x00cb, 0x4a9: 0x00cb, + 0x4aa: 0x00cb, 0x4ab: 0x00cb, 0x4ac: 0x00cb, 0x4ad: 0x00cb, 0x4ae: 0x00cb, 0x4af: 0x00cb, + 0x4b0: 0x00cb, 0x4b1: 0x00cb, 0x4b2: 0x00cb, 0x4b3: 0x00cb, 0x4b4: 0x00cb, 0x4b5: 0x00cb, + 0x4b6: 0x00cb, 0x4b7: 0x00cb, 0x4b8: 0x00cb, 0x4b9: 0x00cb, 0x4ba: 0x00cb, 0x4bb: 0x00cb, + 0x4bc: 0x00cb, 0x4bd: 0x00cb, 0x4be: 0x008a, 0x4bf: 0x00cb, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x008a, 0x4c1: 0x00cb, 0x4c2: 0x00cb, 0x4c3: 0x008a, 0x4c4: 0x00cb, 0x4c5: 0x00cb, + 0x4c6: 0x008a, 0x4c7: 0x00cb, + 0x4d0: 0x00ca, 0x4d1: 0x00ca, + 0x4d2: 0x00ca, 0x4d3: 0x00ca, 0x4d4: 0x00ca, 0x4d5: 0x00ca, 0x4d6: 0x00ca, 0x4d7: 0x00ca, + 0x4d8: 0x00ca, 0x4d9: 0x00ca, 0x4da: 0x00ca, 0x4db: 0x00ca, 0x4dc: 0x00ca, 0x4dd: 0x00ca, + 0x4de: 0x00ca, 0x4df: 0x00ca, 0x4e0: 0x00ca, 0x4e1: 0x00ca, 0x4e2: 0x00ca, 0x4e3: 0x00ca, + 0x4e4: 0x00ca, 0x4e5: 0x00ca, 0x4e6: 0x00ca, 0x4e7: 0x00ca, 0x4e8: 0x00ca, 0x4e9: 0x00ca, + 0x4ea: 0x00ca, 0x4ef: 0x00ca, + 0x4f0: 0x00ca, 0x4f1: 0x00ca, 0x4f2: 0x00ca, 0x4f3: 0x0051, 0x4f4: 0x0051, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x0040, 0x501: 0x0040, 0x502: 0x0040, 0x503: 0x0040, 0x504: 0x0040, 0x505: 0x0040, + 0x506: 0x0080, 0x507: 0x0080, 0x508: 0x0080, 0x509: 0x0080, 0x50a: 0x0080, 0x50b: 0x0080, + 0x50c: 0x0080, 0x50d: 0x0080, 0x50e: 0x0080, 0x50f: 0x0080, 0x510: 0x00c3, 0x511: 0x00c3, + 0x512: 0x00c3, 0x513: 0x00c3, 0x514: 0x00c3, 0x515: 0x00c3, 0x516: 0x00c3, 0x517: 0x00c3, + 0x518: 0x00c3, 0x519: 0x00c3, 0x51a: 0x00c3, 0x51b: 0x0080, 0x51c: 0x0040, + 0x51e: 0x0080, 0x51f: 0x0080, 0x520: 0x00c2, 0x521: 0x00c0, 0x522: 0x00c4, 0x523: 0x00c4, + 0x524: 0x00c4, 0x525: 0x00c4, 0x526: 0x00c2, 0x527: 0x00c4, 0x528: 0x00c2, 0x529: 0x00c4, + 0x52a: 0x00c2, 0x52b: 0x00c2, 0x52c: 0x00c2, 0x52d: 0x00c2, 0x52e: 0x00c2, 0x52f: 0x00c4, + 0x530: 0x00c4, 0x531: 0x00c4, 0x532: 0x00c4, 0x533: 0x00c2, 0x534: 0x00c2, 0x535: 0x00c2, + 0x536: 0x00c2, 0x537: 0x00c2, 0x538: 0x00c2, 0x539: 0x00c2, 0x53a: 0x00c2, 0x53b: 0x00c2, + 0x53c: 0x00c2, 0x53d: 0x00c2, 0x53e: 0x00c2, 0x53f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x0040, 0x541: 0x00c2, 0x542: 0x00c2, 0x543: 0x00c2, 0x544: 0x00c2, 0x545: 0x00c2, + 0x546: 0x00c2, 0x547: 0x00c2, 0x548: 0x00c4, 0x549: 0x00c2, 0x54a: 0x00c2, 0x54b: 0x00c3, + 0x54c: 0x00c3, 0x54d: 0x00c3, 0x54e: 0x00c3, 0x54f: 0x00c3, 0x550: 0x00c3, 0x551: 0x00c3, + 0x552: 0x00c3, 0x553: 0x00c3, 0x554: 0x00c3, 0x555: 0x00c3, 0x556: 0x00c3, 0x557: 0x00c3, + 0x558: 0x00c3, 0x559: 0x00c3, 0x55a: 0x00c3, 0x55b: 0x00c3, 0x55c: 0x00c3, 0x55d: 0x00c3, + 0x55e: 0x00c3, 0x55f: 0x00c3, 0x560: 0x0053, 0x561: 0x0053, 0x562: 0x0053, 0x563: 0x0053, + 0x564: 0x0053, 0x565: 0x0053, 0x566: 0x0053, 0x567: 0x0053, 0x568: 0x0053, 0x569: 0x0053, + 0x56a: 0x0080, 0x56b: 0x0080, 0x56c: 0x0080, 0x56d: 0x0080, 0x56e: 0x00c2, 0x56f: 0x00c2, + 0x570: 0x00c3, 0x571: 0x00c4, 0x572: 0x00c4, 0x573: 0x00c4, 0x574: 0x00c0, 0x575: 0x0084, + 0x576: 0x0084, 0x577: 0x0084, 0x578: 0x0082, 0x579: 0x00c2, 0x57a: 0x00c2, 0x57b: 0x00c2, + 0x57c: 0x00c2, 0x57d: 0x00c2, 0x57e: 0x00c2, 0x57f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x00c2, 0x581: 0x00c2, 0x582: 0x00c2, 0x583: 0x00c2, 0x584: 0x00c2, 0x585: 0x00c2, + 0x586: 0x00c2, 0x587: 0x00c2, 0x588: 0x00c4, 0x589: 0x00c4, 0x58a: 0x00c4, 0x58b: 0x00c4, + 0x58c: 0x00c4, 0x58d: 0x00c4, 0x58e: 0x00c4, 0x58f: 0x00c4, 0x590: 0x00c4, 0x591: 0x00c4, + 0x592: 0x00c4, 0x593: 0x00c4, 0x594: 0x00c4, 0x595: 0x00c4, 0x596: 0x00c4, 0x597: 0x00c4, + 0x598: 0x00c4, 0x599: 0x00c4, 0x59a: 0x00c2, 0x59b: 0x00c2, 0x59c: 0x00c2, 0x59d: 0x00c2, + 0x59e: 0x00c2, 0x59f: 0x00c2, 0x5a0: 0x00c2, 0x5a1: 0x00c2, 0x5a2: 0x00c2, 0x5a3: 0x00c2, + 0x5a4: 0x00c2, 0x5a5: 0x00c2, 0x5a6: 0x00c2, 0x5a7: 0x00c2, 0x5a8: 0x00c2, 0x5a9: 0x00c2, + 0x5aa: 0x00c2, 0x5ab: 0x00c2, 0x5ac: 0x00c2, 0x5ad: 0x00c2, 0x5ae: 0x00c2, 0x5af: 0x00c2, + 0x5b0: 0x00c2, 0x5b1: 0x00c2, 0x5b2: 0x00c2, 0x5b3: 0x00c2, 0x5b4: 0x00c2, 0x5b5: 0x00c2, + 0x5b6: 0x00c2, 0x5b7: 0x00c2, 0x5b8: 0x00c2, 0x5b9: 0x00c2, 0x5ba: 0x00c2, 0x5bb: 0x00c2, + 0x5bc: 0x00c2, 0x5bd: 0x00c2, 0x5be: 0x00c2, 0x5bf: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x00c4, 0x5c1: 0x00c2, 0x5c2: 0x00c2, 0x5c3: 0x00c4, 0x5c4: 0x00c4, 0x5c5: 0x00c4, + 0x5c6: 0x00c4, 0x5c7: 0x00c4, 0x5c8: 0x00c4, 0x5c9: 0x00c4, 0x5ca: 0x00c4, 0x5cb: 0x00c4, + 0x5cc: 0x00c2, 0x5cd: 0x00c4, 0x5ce: 0x00c2, 0x5cf: 0x00c4, 0x5d0: 0x00c2, 0x5d1: 0x00c2, + 0x5d2: 0x00c4, 0x5d3: 0x00c4, 0x5d4: 0x0080, 0x5d5: 0x00c4, 0x5d6: 0x00c3, 0x5d7: 0x00c3, + 0x5d8: 0x00c3, 0x5d9: 0x00c3, 0x5da: 0x00c3, 0x5db: 0x00c3, 0x5dc: 0x00c3, 0x5dd: 0x0040, + 0x5de: 0x0080, 0x5df: 0x00c3, 0x5e0: 0x00c3, 0x5e1: 0x00c3, 0x5e2: 0x00c3, 0x5e3: 0x00c3, + 0x5e4: 0x00c3, 0x5e5: 0x00c0, 0x5e6: 0x00c0, 0x5e7: 0x00c3, 0x5e8: 0x00c3, 0x5e9: 0x0080, + 0x5ea: 0x00c3, 0x5eb: 0x00c3, 0x5ec: 0x00c3, 0x5ed: 0x00c3, 0x5ee: 0x00c4, 0x5ef: 0x00c4, + 0x5f0: 0x0054, 0x5f1: 0x0054, 0x5f2: 0x0054, 0x5f3: 0x0054, 0x5f4: 0x0054, 0x5f5: 0x0054, + 0x5f6: 0x0054, 0x5f7: 0x0054, 0x5f8: 0x0054, 0x5f9: 0x0054, 0x5fa: 0x00c2, 0x5fb: 0x00c2, + 0x5fc: 0x00c2, 0x5fd: 0x00c0, 0x5fe: 0x00c0, 0x5ff: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x0080, 0x601: 0x0080, 0x602: 0x0080, 0x603: 0x0080, 0x604: 0x0080, 0x605: 0x0080, + 0x606: 0x0080, 0x607: 0x0080, 0x608: 0x0080, 0x609: 0x0080, 0x60a: 0x0080, 0x60b: 0x0080, + 0x60c: 0x0080, 0x60d: 0x0080, 0x60f: 0x0040, 0x610: 0x00c4, 0x611: 0x00c3, + 0x612: 0x00c2, 0x613: 0x00c2, 0x614: 0x00c2, 0x615: 0x00c4, 0x616: 0x00c4, 0x617: 0x00c4, + 0x618: 0x00c4, 0x619: 0x00c4, 0x61a: 0x00c2, 0x61b: 0x00c2, 0x61c: 0x00c2, 0x61d: 0x00c2, + 0x61e: 0x00c4, 0x61f: 0x00c2, 0x620: 0x00c2, 0x621: 0x00c2, 0x622: 0x00c2, 0x623: 0x00c2, + 0x624: 0x00c2, 0x625: 0x00c2, 0x626: 0x00c2, 0x627: 0x00c2, 0x628: 0x00c4, 0x629: 0x00c2, + 0x62a: 0x00c4, 0x62b: 0x00c2, 0x62c: 0x00c4, 0x62d: 0x00c2, 0x62e: 0x00c2, 0x62f: 0x00c4, + 0x630: 0x00c3, 0x631: 0x00c3, 0x632: 0x00c3, 0x633: 0x00c3, 0x634: 0x00c3, 0x635: 0x00c3, + 0x636: 0x00c3, 0x637: 0x00c3, 0x638: 0x00c3, 0x639: 0x00c3, 0x63a: 0x00c3, 0x63b: 0x00c3, + 0x63c: 0x00c3, 0x63d: 0x00c3, 0x63e: 0x00c3, 0x63f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x00c3, 0x641: 0x00c3, 0x642: 0x00c3, 0x643: 0x00c3, 0x644: 0x00c3, 0x645: 0x00c3, + 0x646: 0x00c3, 0x647: 0x00c3, 0x648: 0x00c3, 0x649: 0x00c3, 0x64a: 0x00c3, + 0x64d: 0x00c4, 0x64e: 0x00c2, 0x64f: 0x00c2, 0x650: 0x00c2, 0x651: 0x00c2, + 0x652: 0x00c2, 0x653: 0x00c2, 0x654: 0x00c2, 0x655: 0x00c2, 0x656: 0x00c2, 0x657: 0x00c2, + 0x658: 0x00c2, 0x659: 0x00c4, 0x65a: 0x00c4, 0x65b: 0x00c4, 0x65c: 0x00c2, 0x65d: 0x00c2, + 0x65e: 0x00c2, 0x65f: 0x00c2, 0x660: 0x00c2, 0x661: 0x00c2, 0x662: 0x00c2, 0x663: 0x00c2, + 0x664: 0x00c2, 0x665: 0x00c2, 0x666: 0x00c2, 0x667: 0x00c2, 0x668: 0x00c2, 0x669: 0x00c2, + 0x66a: 0x00c2, 0x66b: 0x00c4, 0x66c: 0x00c4, 0x66d: 0x00c2, 0x66e: 0x00c2, 0x66f: 0x00c2, + 0x670: 0x00c2, 0x671: 0x00c4, 0x672: 0x00c2, 0x673: 0x00c4, 0x674: 0x00c4, 0x675: 0x00c2, + 0x676: 0x00c2, 0x677: 0x00c2, 0x678: 0x00c4, 0x679: 0x00c4, 0x67a: 0x00c2, 0x67b: 0x00c2, + 0x67c: 0x00c2, 0x67d: 0x00c2, 0x67e: 0x00c2, 0x67f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x00c0, 0x681: 0x00c0, 0x682: 0x00c0, 0x683: 0x00c0, 0x684: 0x00c0, 0x685: 0x00c0, + 0x686: 0x00c0, 0x687: 0x00c0, 0x688: 0x00c0, 0x689: 0x00c0, 0x68a: 0x00c0, 0x68b: 0x00c0, + 0x68c: 0x00c0, 0x68d: 0x00c0, 0x68e: 0x00c0, 0x68f: 0x00c0, 0x690: 0x00c0, 0x691: 0x00c0, + 0x692: 0x00c0, 0x693: 0x00c0, 0x694: 0x00c0, 0x695: 0x00c0, 0x696: 0x00c0, 0x697: 0x00c0, + 0x698: 0x00c0, 0x699: 0x00c0, 0x69a: 0x00c0, 0x69b: 0x00c0, 0x69c: 0x00c0, 0x69d: 0x00c0, + 0x69e: 0x00c0, 0x69f: 0x00c0, 0x6a0: 0x00c0, 0x6a1: 0x00c0, 0x6a2: 0x00c0, 0x6a3: 0x00c0, + 0x6a4: 0x00c0, 0x6a5: 0x00c0, 0x6a6: 0x00c3, 0x6a7: 0x00c3, 0x6a8: 0x00c3, 0x6a9: 0x00c3, + 0x6aa: 0x00c3, 0x6ab: 0x00c3, 0x6ac: 0x00c3, 0x6ad: 0x00c3, 0x6ae: 0x00c3, 0x6af: 0x00c3, + 0x6b0: 0x00c3, 0x6b1: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x00c0, 0x6c1: 0x00c0, 0x6c2: 0x00c0, 0x6c3: 0x00c0, 0x6c4: 0x00c0, 0x6c5: 0x00c0, + 0x6c6: 0x00c0, 0x6c7: 0x00c0, 0x6c8: 0x00c0, 0x6c9: 0x00c0, 0x6ca: 0x00c2, 0x6cb: 0x00c2, + 0x6cc: 0x00c2, 0x6cd: 0x00c2, 0x6ce: 0x00c2, 0x6cf: 0x00c2, 0x6d0: 0x00c2, 0x6d1: 0x00c2, + 0x6d2: 0x00c2, 0x6d3: 0x00c2, 0x6d4: 0x00c2, 0x6d5: 0x00c2, 0x6d6: 0x00c2, 0x6d7: 0x00c2, + 0x6d8: 0x00c2, 0x6d9: 0x00c2, 0x6da: 0x00c2, 0x6db: 0x00c2, 0x6dc: 0x00c2, 0x6dd: 0x00c2, + 0x6de: 0x00c2, 0x6df: 0x00c2, 0x6e0: 0x00c2, 0x6e1: 0x00c2, 0x6e2: 0x00c2, 0x6e3: 0x00c2, + 0x6e4: 0x00c2, 0x6e5: 0x00c2, 0x6e6: 0x00c2, 0x6e7: 0x00c2, 0x6e8: 0x00c2, 0x6e9: 0x00c2, + 0x6ea: 0x00c2, 0x6eb: 0x00c3, 0x6ec: 0x00c3, 0x6ed: 0x00c3, 0x6ee: 0x00c3, 0x6ef: 0x00c3, + 0x6f0: 0x00c3, 0x6f1: 0x00c3, 0x6f2: 0x00c3, 0x6f3: 0x00c3, 0x6f4: 0x00c0, 0x6f5: 0x00c0, + 0x6f6: 0x0080, 0x6f7: 0x0080, 0x6f8: 0x0080, 0x6f9: 0x0080, 0x6fa: 0x0040, + 0x6fd: 0x00c3, 0x6fe: 0x0080, 0x6ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x00c0, 0x701: 0x00c0, 0x702: 0x00c0, 0x703: 0x00c0, 0x704: 0x00c0, 0x705: 0x00c0, + 0x706: 0x00c0, 0x707: 0x00c0, 0x708: 0x00c0, 0x709: 0x00c0, 0x70a: 0x00c0, 0x70b: 0x00c0, + 0x70c: 0x00c0, 0x70d: 0x00c0, 0x70e: 0x00c0, 0x70f: 0x00c0, 0x710: 0x00c0, 0x711: 0x00c0, + 0x712: 0x00c0, 0x713: 0x00c0, 0x714: 0x00c0, 0x715: 0x00c0, 0x716: 0x00c3, 0x717: 0x00c3, + 0x718: 0x00c3, 0x719: 0x00c3, 0x71a: 0x00c0, 0x71b: 0x00c3, 0x71c: 0x00c3, 0x71d: 0x00c3, + 0x71e: 0x00c3, 0x71f: 0x00c3, 0x720: 0x00c3, 0x721: 0x00c3, 0x722: 0x00c3, 0x723: 0x00c3, + 0x724: 0x00c0, 0x725: 0x00c3, 0x726: 0x00c3, 0x727: 0x00c3, 0x728: 0x00c0, 0x729: 0x00c3, + 0x72a: 0x00c3, 0x72b: 0x00c3, 0x72c: 0x00c3, 0x72d: 0x00c3, + 0x730: 0x0080, 0x731: 0x0080, 0x732: 0x0080, 0x733: 0x0080, 0x734: 0x0080, 0x735: 0x0080, + 0x736: 0x0080, 0x737: 0x0080, 0x738: 0x0080, 0x739: 0x0080, 0x73a: 0x0080, 0x73b: 0x0080, + 0x73c: 0x0080, 0x73d: 0x0080, 0x73e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x00c4, 0x741: 0x00c2, 0x742: 0x00c2, 0x743: 0x00c2, 0x744: 0x00c2, 0x745: 0x00c2, + 0x746: 0x00c4, 0x747: 0x00c4, 0x748: 0x00c2, 0x749: 0x00c4, 0x74a: 0x00c2, 0x74b: 0x00c2, + 0x74c: 0x00c2, 0x74d: 0x00c2, 0x74e: 0x00c2, 0x74f: 0x00c2, 0x750: 0x00c2, 0x751: 0x00c2, + 0x752: 0x00c2, 0x753: 0x00c2, 0x754: 0x00c4, 0x755: 0x00c2, 0x756: 0x00c4, 0x757: 0x00c4, + 0x758: 0x00c4, 0x759: 0x00c3, 0x75a: 0x00c3, 0x75b: 0x00c3, + 0x75e: 0x0080, 0x760: 0x00c2, 0x761: 0x00c0, 0x762: 0x00c2, 0x763: 0x00c2, + 0x764: 0x00c2, 0x765: 0x00c2, 0x766: 0x00c0, 0x767: 0x00c4, 0x768: 0x00c2, 0x769: 0x00c4, + 0x76a: 0x00c4, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x7a0: 0x00c2, 0x7a1: 0x00c2, 0x7a2: 0x00c2, 0x7a3: 0x00c2, + 0x7a4: 0x00c2, 0x7a5: 0x00c2, 0x7a6: 0x00c2, 0x7a7: 0x00c2, 0x7a8: 0x00c2, 0x7a9: 0x00c2, + 0x7aa: 0x00c4, 0x7ab: 0x00c4, 0x7ac: 0x00c4, 0x7ad: 0x00c0, 0x7ae: 0x00c4, 0x7af: 0x00c2, + 0x7b0: 0x00c2, 0x7b1: 0x00c4, 0x7b2: 0x00c4, 0x7b3: 0x00c2, 0x7b4: 0x00c2, + 0x7b6: 0x00c2, 0x7b7: 0x00c2, 0x7b8: 0x00c2, 0x7b9: 0x00c4, 0x7ba: 0x00c2, 0x7bb: 0x00c2, + 0x7bc: 0x00c2, 0x7bd: 0x00c2, 0x7be: 0x00c2, 0x7bf: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c0: 0x00c2, 0x7c1: 0x00c2, 0x7c2: 0x00c2, 0x7c3: 0x00c2, 0x7c4: 0x00c2, 0x7c5: 0x00c2, + 0x7c6: 0x00c2, 0x7c7: 0x00c2, + 0x7d3: 0x00c3, 0x7d4: 0x00c3, 0x7d5: 0x00c3, 0x7d6: 0x00c3, 0x7d7: 0x00c3, + 0x7d8: 0x00c3, 0x7d9: 0x00c3, 0x7da: 0x00c3, 0x7db: 0x00c3, 0x7dc: 0x00c3, 0x7dd: 0x00c3, + 0x7de: 0x00c3, 0x7df: 0x00c3, 0x7e0: 0x00c3, 0x7e1: 0x00c3, 0x7e2: 0x0040, 0x7e3: 0x00c3, + 0x7e4: 0x00c3, 0x7e5: 0x00c3, 0x7e6: 0x00c3, 0x7e7: 0x00c3, 0x7e8: 0x00c3, 0x7e9: 0x00c3, + 0x7ea: 0x00c3, 0x7eb: 0x00c3, 0x7ec: 0x00c3, 0x7ed: 0x00c3, 0x7ee: 0x00c3, 0x7ef: 0x00c3, + 0x7f0: 0x00c3, 0x7f1: 0x00c3, 0x7f2: 0x00c3, 0x7f3: 0x00c3, 0x7f4: 0x00c3, 0x7f5: 0x00c3, + 0x7f6: 0x00c3, 0x7f7: 0x00c3, 0x7f8: 0x00c3, 0x7f9: 0x00c3, 0x7fa: 0x00c3, 0x7fb: 0x00c3, + 0x7fc: 0x00c3, 0x7fd: 0x00c3, 0x7fe: 0x00c3, 0x7ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x00c3, 0x801: 0x00c3, 0x802: 0x00c3, 0x803: 0x00c0, 0x804: 0x00c0, 0x805: 0x00c0, + 0x806: 0x00c0, 0x807: 0x00c0, 0x808: 0x00c0, 0x809: 0x00c0, 0x80a: 0x00c0, 0x80b: 0x00c0, + 0x80c: 0x00c0, 0x80d: 0x00c0, 0x80e: 0x00c0, 0x80f: 0x00c0, 0x810: 0x00c0, 0x811: 0x00c0, + 0x812: 0x00c0, 0x813: 0x00c0, 0x814: 0x00c0, 0x815: 0x00c0, 0x816: 0x00c0, 0x817: 0x00c0, + 0x818: 0x00c0, 0x819: 0x00c0, 0x81a: 0x00c0, 0x81b: 0x00c0, 0x81c: 0x00c0, 0x81d: 0x00c0, + 0x81e: 0x00c0, 0x81f: 0x00c0, 0x820: 0x00c0, 0x821: 0x00c0, 0x822: 0x00c0, 0x823: 0x00c0, + 0x824: 0x00c0, 0x825: 0x00c0, 0x826: 0x00c0, 0x827: 0x00c0, 0x828: 0x00c0, 0x829: 0x00c0, + 0x82a: 0x00c0, 0x82b: 0x00c0, 0x82c: 0x00c0, 0x82d: 0x00c0, 0x82e: 0x00c0, 0x82f: 0x00c0, + 0x830: 0x00c0, 0x831: 0x00c0, 0x832: 0x00c0, 0x833: 0x00c0, 0x834: 0x00c0, 0x835: 0x00c0, + 0x836: 0x00c0, 0x837: 0x00c0, 0x838: 0x00c0, 0x839: 0x00c0, 0x83a: 0x00c3, 0x83b: 0x00c0, + 0x83c: 0x00c3, 0x83d: 0x00c0, 0x83e: 0x00c0, 0x83f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x00c0, 0x841: 0x00c3, 0x842: 0x00c3, 0x843: 0x00c3, 0x844: 0x00c3, 0x845: 0x00c3, + 0x846: 0x00c3, 0x847: 0x00c3, 0x848: 0x00c3, 0x849: 0x00c0, 0x84a: 0x00c0, 0x84b: 0x00c0, + 0x84c: 0x00c0, 0x84d: 0x00c6, 0x84e: 0x00c0, 0x84f: 0x00c0, 0x850: 0x00c0, 0x851: 0x00c3, + 0x852: 0x00c3, 0x853: 0x00c3, 0x854: 0x00c3, 0x855: 0x00c3, 0x856: 0x00c3, 0x857: 0x00c3, + 0x858: 0x0080, 0x859: 0x0080, 0x85a: 0x0080, 0x85b: 0x0080, 0x85c: 0x0080, 0x85d: 0x0080, + 0x85e: 0x0080, 0x85f: 0x0080, 0x860: 0x00c0, 0x861: 0x00c0, 0x862: 0x00c3, 0x863: 0x00c3, + 0x864: 0x0080, 0x865: 0x0080, 0x866: 0x00c0, 0x867: 0x00c0, 0x868: 0x00c0, 0x869: 0x00c0, + 0x86a: 0x00c0, 0x86b: 0x00c0, 0x86c: 0x00c0, 0x86d: 0x00c0, 0x86e: 0x00c0, 0x86f: 0x00c0, + 0x870: 0x0080, 0x871: 0x00c0, 0x872: 0x00c0, 0x873: 0x00c0, 0x874: 0x00c0, 0x875: 0x00c0, + 0x876: 0x00c0, 0x877: 0x00c0, 0x878: 0x00c0, 0x879: 0x00c0, 0x87a: 0x00c0, 0x87b: 0x00c0, + 0x87c: 0x00c0, 0x87d: 0x00c0, 0x87e: 0x00c0, 0x87f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x00c0, 0x881: 0x00c3, 0x882: 0x00c0, 0x883: 0x00c0, 0x885: 0x00c0, + 0x886: 0x00c0, 0x887: 0x00c0, 0x888: 0x00c0, 0x889: 0x00c0, 0x88a: 0x00c0, 0x88b: 0x00c0, + 0x88c: 0x00c0, 0x88f: 0x00c0, 0x890: 0x00c0, + 0x893: 0x00c0, 0x894: 0x00c0, 0x895: 0x00c0, 0x896: 0x00c0, 0x897: 0x00c0, + 0x898: 0x00c0, 0x899: 0x00c0, 0x89a: 0x00c0, 0x89b: 0x00c0, 0x89c: 0x00c0, 0x89d: 0x00c0, + 0x89e: 0x00c0, 0x89f: 0x00c0, 0x8a0: 0x00c0, 0x8a1: 0x00c0, 0x8a2: 0x00c0, 0x8a3: 0x00c0, + 0x8a4: 0x00c0, 0x8a5: 0x00c0, 0x8a6: 0x00c0, 0x8a7: 0x00c0, 0x8a8: 0x00c0, + 0x8aa: 0x00c0, 0x8ab: 0x00c0, 0x8ac: 0x00c0, 0x8ad: 0x00c0, 0x8ae: 0x00c0, 0x8af: 0x00c0, + 0x8b0: 0x00c0, 0x8b2: 0x00c0, + 0x8b6: 0x00c0, 0x8b7: 0x00c0, 0x8b8: 0x00c0, 0x8b9: 0x00c0, + 0x8bc: 0x00c3, 0x8bd: 0x00c0, 0x8be: 0x00c0, 0x8bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x00c0, 0x8c1: 0x00c3, 0x8c2: 0x00c3, 0x8c3: 0x00c3, 0x8c4: 0x00c3, + 0x8c7: 0x00c0, 0x8c8: 0x00c0, 0x8cb: 0x00c0, + 0x8cc: 0x00c0, 0x8cd: 0x00c6, 0x8ce: 0x00c0, + 0x8d7: 0x00c0, + 0x8dc: 0x0080, 0x8dd: 0x0080, + 0x8df: 0x0080, 0x8e0: 0x00c0, 0x8e1: 0x00c0, 0x8e2: 0x00c3, 0x8e3: 0x00c3, + 0x8e6: 0x00c0, 0x8e7: 0x00c0, 0x8e8: 0x00c0, 0x8e9: 0x00c0, + 0x8ea: 0x00c0, 0x8eb: 0x00c0, 0x8ec: 0x00c0, 0x8ed: 0x00c0, 0x8ee: 0x00c0, 0x8ef: 0x00c0, + 0x8f0: 0x00c0, 0x8f1: 0x00c0, 0x8f2: 0x0080, 0x8f3: 0x0080, 0x8f4: 0x0080, 0x8f5: 0x0080, + 0x8f6: 0x0080, 0x8f7: 0x0080, 0x8f8: 0x0080, 0x8f9: 0x0080, 0x8fa: 0x0080, 0x8fb: 0x0080, + 0x8fc: 0x00c0, 0x8fd: 0x0080, 0x8fe: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x901: 0x00c3, 0x902: 0x00c3, 0x903: 0x00c0, 0x905: 0x00c0, + 0x906: 0x00c0, 0x907: 0x00c0, 0x908: 0x00c0, 0x909: 0x00c0, 0x90a: 0x00c0, + 0x90f: 0x00c0, 0x910: 0x00c0, + 0x913: 0x00c0, 0x914: 0x00c0, 0x915: 0x00c0, 0x916: 0x00c0, 0x917: 0x00c0, + 0x918: 0x00c0, 0x919: 0x00c0, 0x91a: 0x00c0, 0x91b: 0x00c0, 0x91c: 0x00c0, 0x91d: 0x00c0, + 0x91e: 0x00c0, 0x91f: 0x00c0, 0x920: 0x00c0, 0x921: 0x00c0, 0x922: 0x00c0, 0x923: 0x00c0, + 0x924: 0x00c0, 0x925: 0x00c0, 0x926: 0x00c0, 0x927: 0x00c0, 0x928: 0x00c0, + 0x92a: 0x00c0, 0x92b: 0x00c0, 0x92c: 0x00c0, 0x92d: 0x00c0, 0x92e: 0x00c0, 0x92f: 0x00c0, + 0x930: 0x00c0, 0x932: 0x00c0, 0x933: 0x0080, 0x935: 0x00c0, + 0x936: 0x0080, 0x938: 0x00c0, 0x939: 0x00c0, + 0x93c: 0x00c3, 0x93e: 0x00c0, 0x93f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x00c0, 0x941: 0x00c3, 0x942: 0x00c3, + 0x947: 0x00c3, 0x948: 0x00c3, 0x94b: 0x00c3, + 0x94c: 0x00c3, 0x94d: 0x00c6, 0x951: 0x00c3, + 0x959: 0x0080, 0x95a: 0x0080, 0x95b: 0x0080, 0x95c: 0x00c0, + 0x95e: 0x0080, + 0x966: 0x00c0, 0x967: 0x00c0, 0x968: 0x00c0, 0x969: 0x00c0, + 0x96a: 0x00c0, 0x96b: 0x00c0, 0x96c: 0x00c0, 0x96d: 0x00c0, 0x96e: 0x00c0, 0x96f: 0x00c0, + 0x970: 0x00c3, 0x971: 0x00c3, 0x972: 0x00c0, 0x973: 0x00c0, 0x974: 0x00c0, 0x975: 0x00c3, + 0x976: 0x0080, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x981: 0x00c3, 0x982: 0x00c3, 0x983: 0x00c0, 0x985: 0x00c0, + 0x986: 0x00c0, 0x987: 0x00c0, 0x988: 0x00c0, 0x989: 0x00c0, 0x98a: 0x00c0, 0x98b: 0x00c0, + 0x98c: 0x00c0, 0x98d: 0x00c0, 0x98f: 0x00c0, 0x990: 0x00c0, 0x991: 0x00c0, + 0x993: 0x00c0, 0x994: 0x00c0, 0x995: 0x00c0, 0x996: 0x00c0, 0x997: 0x00c0, + 0x998: 0x00c0, 0x999: 0x00c0, 0x99a: 0x00c0, 0x99b: 0x00c0, 0x99c: 0x00c0, 0x99d: 0x00c0, + 0x99e: 0x00c0, 0x99f: 0x00c0, 0x9a0: 0x00c0, 0x9a1: 0x00c0, 0x9a2: 0x00c0, 0x9a3: 0x00c0, + 0x9a4: 0x00c0, 0x9a5: 0x00c0, 0x9a6: 0x00c0, 0x9a7: 0x00c0, 0x9a8: 0x00c0, + 0x9aa: 0x00c0, 0x9ab: 0x00c0, 0x9ac: 0x00c0, 0x9ad: 0x00c0, 0x9ae: 0x00c0, 0x9af: 0x00c0, + 0x9b0: 0x00c0, 0x9b2: 0x00c0, 0x9b3: 0x00c0, 0x9b5: 0x00c0, + 0x9b6: 0x00c0, 0x9b7: 0x00c0, 0x9b8: 0x00c0, 0x9b9: 0x00c0, + 0x9bc: 0x00c3, 0x9bd: 0x00c0, 0x9be: 0x00c0, 0x9bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c0: 0x00c0, 0x9c1: 0x00c3, 0x9c2: 0x00c3, 0x9c3: 0x00c3, 0x9c4: 0x00c3, 0x9c5: 0x00c3, + 0x9c7: 0x00c3, 0x9c8: 0x00c3, 0x9c9: 0x00c0, 0x9cb: 0x00c0, + 0x9cc: 0x00c0, 0x9cd: 0x00c6, 0x9d0: 0x00c0, + 0x9e0: 0x00c0, 0x9e1: 0x00c0, 0x9e2: 0x00c3, 0x9e3: 0x00c3, + 0x9e6: 0x00c0, 0x9e7: 0x00c0, 0x9e8: 0x00c0, 0x9e9: 0x00c0, + 0x9ea: 0x00c0, 0x9eb: 0x00c0, 0x9ec: 0x00c0, 0x9ed: 0x00c0, 0x9ee: 0x00c0, 0x9ef: 0x00c0, + 0x9f0: 0x0080, 0x9f1: 0x0080, + 0x9f9: 0x00c0, 0x9fa: 0x00c3, 0x9fb: 0x00c3, + 0x9fc: 0x00c3, 0x9fd: 0x00c3, 0x9fe: 0x00c3, 0x9ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa01: 0x00c3, 0xa02: 0x00c0, 0xa03: 0x00c0, 0xa05: 0x00c0, + 0xa06: 0x00c0, 0xa07: 0x00c0, 0xa08: 0x00c0, 0xa09: 0x00c0, 0xa0a: 0x00c0, 0xa0b: 0x00c0, + 0xa0c: 0x00c0, 0xa0f: 0x00c0, 0xa10: 0x00c0, + 0xa13: 0x00c0, 0xa14: 0x00c0, 0xa15: 0x00c0, 0xa16: 0x00c0, 0xa17: 0x00c0, + 0xa18: 0x00c0, 0xa19: 0x00c0, 0xa1a: 0x00c0, 0xa1b: 0x00c0, 0xa1c: 0x00c0, 0xa1d: 0x00c0, + 0xa1e: 0x00c0, 0xa1f: 0x00c0, 0xa20: 0x00c0, 0xa21: 0x00c0, 0xa22: 0x00c0, 0xa23: 0x00c0, + 0xa24: 0x00c0, 0xa25: 0x00c0, 0xa26: 0x00c0, 0xa27: 0x00c0, 0xa28: 0x00c0, + 0xa2a: 0x00c0, 0xa2b: 0x00c0, 0xa2c: 0x00c0, 0xa2d: 0x00c0, 0xa2e: 0x00c0, 0xa2f: 0x00c0, + 0xa30: 0x00c0, 0xa32: 0x00c0, 0xa33: 0x00c0, 0xa35: 0x00c0, + 0xa36: 0x00c0, 0xa37: 0x00c0, 0xa38: 0x00c0, 0xa39: 0x00c0, + 0xa3c: 0x00c3, 0xa3d: 0x00c0, 0xa3e: 0x00c0, 0xa3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa40: 0x00c0, 0xa41: 0x00c3, 0xa42: 0x00c3, 0xa43: 0x00c3, 0xa44: 0x00c3, + 0xa47: 0x00c0, 0xa48: 0x00c0, 0xa4b: 0x00c0, + 0xa4c: 0x00c0, 0xa4d: 0x00c6, + 0xa55: 0x00c3, 0xa56: 0x00c3, 0xa57: 0x00c0, + 0xa5c: 0x0080, 0xa5d: 0x0080, + 0xa5f: 0x00c0, 0xa60: 0x00c0, 0xa61: 0x00c0, 0xa62: 0x00c3, 0xa63: 0x00c3, + 0xa66: 0x00c0, 0xa67: 0x00c0, 0xa68: 0x00c0, 0xa69: 0x00c0, + 0xa6a: 0x00c0, 0xa6b: 0x00c0, 0xa6c: 0x00c0, 0xa6d: 0x00c0, 0xa6e: 0x00c0, 0xa6f: 0x00c0, + 0xa70: 0x0080, 0xa71: 0x00c0, 0xa72: 0x0080, 0xa73: 0x0080, 0xa74: 0x0080, 0xa75: 0x0080, + 0xa76: 0x0080, 0xa77: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa82: 0x00c3, 0xa83: 0x00c0, 0xa85: 0x00c0, + 0xa86: 0x00c0, 0xa87: 0x00c0, 0xa88: 0x00c0, 0xa89: 0x00c0, 0xa8a: 0x00c0, + 0xa8e: 0x00c0, 0xa8f: 0x00c0, 0xa90: 0x00c0, + 0xa92: 0x00c0, 0xa93: 0x00c0, 0xa94: 0x00c0, 0xa95: 0x00c0, + 0xa99: 0x00c0, 0xa9a: 0x00c0, 0xa9c: 0x00c0, + 0xa9e: 0x00c0, 0xa9f: 0x00c0, 0xaa3: 0x00c0, + 0xaa4: 0x00c0, 0xaa8: 0x00c0, 0xaa9: 0x00c0, + 0xaaa: 0x00c0, 0xaae: 0x00c0, 0xaaf: 0x00c0, + 0xab0: 0x00c0, 0xab1: 0x00c0, 0xab2: 0x00c0, 0xab3: 0x00c0, 0xab4: 0x00c0, 0xab5: 0x00c0, + 0xab6: 0x00c0, 0xab7: 0x00c0, 0xab8: 0x00c0, 0xab9: 0x00c0, + 0xabe: 0x00c0, 0xabf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xac0: 0x00c3, 0xac1: 0x00c0, 0xac2: 0x00c0, + 0xac6: 0x00c0, 0xac7: 0x00c0, 0xac8: 0x00c0, 0xaca: 0x00c0, 0xacb: 0x00c0, + 0xacc: 0x00c0, 0xacd: 0x00c6, 0xad0: 0x00c0, + 0xad7: 0x00c0, + 0xae6: 0x00c0, 0xae7: 0x00c0, 0xae8: 0x00c0, 0xae9: 0x00c0, + 0xaea: 0x00c0, 0xaeb: 0x00c0, 0xaec: 0x00c0, 0xaed: 0x00c0, 0xaee: 0x00c0, 0xaef: 0x00c0, + 0xaf0: 0x0080, 0xaf1: 0x0080, 0xaf2: 0x0080, 0xaf3: 0x0080, 0xaf4: 0x0080, 0xaf5: 0x0080, + 0xaf6: 0x0080, 0xaf7: 0x0080, 0xaf8: 0x0080, 0xaf9: 0x0080, 0xafa: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb00: 0x00c3, 0xb01: 0x00c0, 0xb02: 0x00c0, 0xb03: 0x00c0, 0xb04: 0x00c3, 0xb05: 0x00c0, + 0xb06: 0x00c0, 0xb07: 0x00c0, 0xb08: 0x00c0, 0xb09: 0x00c0, 0xb0a: 0x00c0, 0xb0b: 0x00c0, + 0xb0c: 0x00c0, 0xb0e: 0x00c0, 0xb0f: 0x00c0, 0xb10: 0x00c0, + 0xb12: 0x00c0, 0xb13: 0x00c0, 0xb14: 0x00c0, 0xb15: 0x00c0, 0xb16: 0x00c0, 0xb17: 0x00c0, + 0xb18: 0x00c0, 0xb19: 0x00c0, 0xb1a: 0x00c0, 0xb1b: 0x00c0, 0xb1c: 0x00c0, 0xb1d: 0x00c0, + 0xb1e: 0x00c0, 0xb1f: 0x00c0, 0xb20: 0x00c0, 0xb21: 0x00c0, 0xb22: 0x00c0, 0xb23: 0x00c0, + 0xb24: 0x00c0, 0xb25: 0x00c0, 0xb26: 0x00c0, 0xb27: 0x00c0, 0xb28: 0x00c0, + 0xb2a: 0x00c0, 0xb2b: 0x00c0, 0xb2c: 0x00c0, 0xb2d: 0x00c0, 0xb2e: 0x00c0, 0xb2f: 0x00c0, + 0xb30: 0x00c0, 0xb31: 0x00c0, 0xb32: 0x00c0, 0xb33: 0x00c0, 0xb34: 0x00c0, 0xb35: 0x00c0, + 0xb36: 0x00c0, 0xb37: 0x00c0, 0xb38: 0x00c0, 0xb39: 0x00c0, + 0xb3d: 0x00c0, 0xb3e: 0x00c3, 0xb3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb40: 0x00c3, 0xb41: 0x00c0, 0xb42: 0x00c0, 0xb43: 0x00c0, 0xb44: 0x00c0, + 0xb46: 0x00c3, 0xb47: 0x00c3, 0xb48: 0x00c3, 0xb4a: 0x00c3, 0xb4b: 0x00c3, + 0xb4c: 0x00c3, 0xb4d: 0x00c6, + 0xb55: 0x00c3, 0xb56: 0x00c3, + 0xb58: 0x00c0, 0xb59: 0x00c0, 0xb5a: 0x00c0, + 0xb60: 0x00c0, 0xb61: 0x00c0, 0xb62: 0x00c3, 0xb63: 0x00c3, + 0xb66: 0x00c0, 0xb67: 0x00c0, 0xb68: 0x00c0, 0xb69: 0x00c0, + 0xb6a: 0x00c0, 0xb6b: 0x00c0, 0xb6c: 0x00c0, 0xb6d: 0x00c0, 0xb6e: 0x00c0, 0xb6f: 0x00c0, + 0xb77: 0x0080, 0xb78: 0x0080, 0xb79: 0x0080, 0xb7a: 0x0080, 0xb7b: 0x0080, + 0xb7c: 0x0080, 0xb7d: 0x0080, 0xb7e: 0x0080, 0xb7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb80: 0x00c0, 0xb81: 0x00c3, 0xb82: 0x00c0, 0xb83: 0x00c0, 0xb84: 0x0080, 0xb85: 0x00c0, + 0xb86: 0x00c0, 0xb87: 0x00c0, 0xb88: 0x00c0, 0xb89: 0x00c0, 0xb8a: 0x00c0, 0xb8b: 0x00c0, + 0xb8c: 0x00c0, 0xb8e: 0x00c0, 0xb8f: 0x00c0, 0xb90: 0x00c0, + 0xb92: 0x00c0, 0xb93: 0x00c0, 0xb94: 0x00c0, 0xb95: 0x00c0, 0xb96: 0x00c0, 0xb97: 0x00c0, + 0xb98: 0x00c0, 0xb99: 0x00c0, 0xb9a: 0x00c0, 0xb9b: 0x00c0, 0xb9c: 0x00c0, 0xb9d: 0x00c0, + 0xb9e: 0x00c0, 0xb9f: 0x00c0, 0xba0: 0x00c0, 0xba1: 0x00c0, 0xba2: 0x00c0, 0xba3: 0x00c0, + 0xba4: 0x00c0, 0xba5: 0x00c0, 0xba6: 0x00c0, 0xba7: 0x00c0, 0xba8: 0x00c0, + 0xbaa: 0x00c0, 0xbab: 0x00c0, 0xbac: 0x00c0, 0xbad: 0x00c0, 0xbae: 0x00c0, 0xbaf: 0x00c0, + 0xbb0: 0x00c0, 0xbb1: 0x00c0, 0xbb2: 0x00c0, 0xbb3: 0x00c0, 0xbb5: 0x00c0, + 0xbb6: 0x00c0, 0xbb7: 0x00c0, 0xbb8: 0x00c0, 0xbb9: 0x00c0, + 0xbbc: 0x00c3, 0xbbd: 0x00c0, 0xbbe: 0x00c0, 0xbbf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x00c0, 0xbc1: 0x00c0, 0xbc2: 0x00c0, 0xbc3: 0x00c0, 0xbc4: 0x00c0, + 0xbc6: 0x00c3, 0xbc7: 0x00c0, 0xbc8: 0x00c0, 0xbca: 0x00c0, 0xbcb: 0x00c0, + 0xbcc: 0x00c3, 0xbcd: 0x00c6, + 0xbd5: 0x00c0, 0xbd6: 0x00c0, + 0xbde: 0x00c0, 0xbe0: 0x00c0, 0xbe1: 0x00c0, 0xbe2: 0x00c3, 0xbe3: 0x00c3, + 0xbe6: 0x00c0, 0xbe7: 0x00c0, 0xbe8: 0x00c0, 0xbe9: 0x00c0, + 0xbea: 0x00c0, 0xbeb: 0x00c0, 0xbec: 0x00c0, 0xbed: 0x00c0, 0xbee: 0x00c0, 0xbef: 0x00c0, + 0xbf1: 0x00c0, 0xbf2: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc00: 0x00c3, 0xc01: 0x00c3, 0xc02: 0x00c0, 0xc03: 0x00c0, 0xc04: 0x00c0, 0xc05: 0x00c0, + 0xc06: 0x00c0, 0xc07: 0x00c0, 0xc08: 0x00c0, 0xc09: 0x00c0, 0xc0a: 0x00c0, 0xc0b: 0x00c0, + 0xc0c: 0x00c0, 0xc0e: 0x00c0, 0xc0f: 0x00c0, 0xc10: 0x00c0, + 0xc12: 0x00c0, 0xc13: 0x00c0, 0xc14: 0x00c0, 0xc15: 0x00c0, 0xc16: 0x00c0, 0xc17: 0x00c0, + 0xc18: 0x00c0, 0xc19: 0x00c0, 0xc1a: 0x00c0, 0xc1b: 0x00c0, 0xc1c: 0x00c0, 0xc1d: 0x00c0, + 0xc1e: 0x00c0, 0xc1f: 0x00c0, 0xc20: 0x00c0, 0xc21: 0x00c0, 0xc22: 0x00c0, 0xc23: 0x00c0, + 0xc24: 0x00c0, 0xc25: 0x00c0, 0xc26: 0x00c0, 0xc27: 0x00c0, 0xc28: 0x00c0, 0xc29: 0x00c0, + 0xc2a: 0x00c0, 0xc2b: 0x00c0, 0xc2c: 0x00c0, 0xc2d: 0x00c0, 0xc2e: 0x00c0, 0xc2f: 0x00c0, + 0xc30: 0x00c0, 0xc31: 0x00c0, 0xc32: 0x00c0, 0xc33: 0x00c0, 0xc34: 0x00c0, 0xc35: 0x00c0, + 0xc36: 0x00c0, 0xc37: 0x00c0, 0xc38: 0x00c0, 0xc39: 0x00c0, 0xc3a: 0x00c0, 0xc3b: 0x00c6, + 0xc3c: 0x00c6, 0xc3d: 0x00c0, 0xc3e: 0x00c0, 0xc3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x00c0, 0xc41: 0x00c3, 0xc42: 0x00c3, 0xc43: 0x00c3, 0xc44: 0x00c3, + 0xc46: 0x00c0, 0xc47: 0x00c0, 0xc48: 0x00c0, 0xc4a: 0x00c0, 0xc4b: 0x00c0, + 0xc4c: 0x00c0, 0xc4d: 0x00c6, 0xc4e: 0x00c0, 0xc4f: 0x0080, + 0xc54: 0x00c0, 0xc55: 0x00c0, 0xc56: 0x00c0, 0xc57: 0x00c0, + 0xc58: 0x0080, 0xc59: 0x0080, 0xc5a: 0x0080, 0xc5b: 0x0080, 0xc5c: 0x0080, 0xc5d: 0x0080, + 0xc5e: 0x0080, 0xc5f: 0x00c0, 0xc60: 0x00c0, 0xc61: 0x00c0, 0xc62: 0x00c3, 0xc63: 0x00c3, + 0xc66: 0x00c0, 0xc67: 0x00c0, 0xc68: 0x00c0, 0xc69: 0x00c0, + 0xc6a: 0x00c0, 0xc6b: 0x00c0, 0xc6c: 0x00c0, 0xc6d: 0x00c0, 0xc6e: 0x00c0, 0xc6f: 0x00c0, + 0xc70: 0x0080, 0xc71: 0x0080, 0xc72: 0x0080, 0xc73: 0x0080, 0xc74: 0x0080, 0xc75: 0x0080, + 0xc76: 0x0080, 0xc77: 0x0080, 0xc78: 0x0080, 0xc79: 0x0080, 0xc7a: 0x00c0, 0xc7b: 0x00c0, + 0xc7c: 0x00c0, 0xc7d: 0x00c0, 0xc7e: 0x00c0, 0xc7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc81: 0x00c3, 0xc82: 0x00c0, 0xc83: 0x00c0, 0xc85: 0x00c0, + 0xc86: 0x00c0, 0xc87: 0x00c0, 0xc88: 0x00c0, 0xc89: 0x00c0, 0xc8a: 0x00c0, 0xc8b: 0x00c0, + 0xc8c: 0x00c0, 0xc8d: 0x00c0, 0xc8e: 0x00c0, 0xc8f: 0x00c0, 0xc90: 0x00c0, 0xc91: 0x00c0, + 0xc92: 0x00c0, 0xc93: 0x00c0, 0xc94: 0x00c0, 0xc95: 0x00c0, 0xc96: 0x00c0, + 0xc9a: 0x00c0, 0xc9b: 0x00c0, 0xc9c: 0x00c0, 0xc9d: 0x00c0, + 0xc9e: 0x00c0, 0xc9f: 0x00c0, 0xca0: 0x00c0, 0xca1: 0x00c0, 0xca2: 0x00c0, 0xca3: 0x00c0, + 0xca4: 0x00c0, 0xca5: 0x00c0, 0xca6: 0x00c0, 0xca7: 0x00c0, 0xca8: 0x00c0, 0xca9: 0x00c0, + 0xcaa: 0x00c0, 0xcab: 0x00c0, 0xcac: 0x00c0, 0xcad: 0x00c0, 0xcae: 0x00c0, 0xcaf: 0x00c0, + 0xcb0: 0x00c0, 0xcb1: 0x00c0, 0xcb3: 0x00c0, 0xcb4: 0x00c0, 0xcb5: 0x00c0, + 0xcb6: 0x00c0, 0xcb7: 0x00c0, 0xcb8: 0x00c0, 0xcb9: 0x00c0, 0xcba: 0x00c0, 0xcbb: 0x00c0, + 0xcbd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc0: 0x00c0, 0xcc1: 0x00c0, 0xcc2: 0x00c0, 0xcc3: 0x00c0, 0xcc4: 0x00c0, 0xcc5: 0x00c0, + 0xcc6: 0x00c0, 0xcca: 0x00c6, + 0xccf: 0x00c0, 0xcd0: 0x00c0, 0xcd1: 0x00c0, + 0xcd2: 0x00c3, 0xcd3: 0x00c3, 0xcd4: 0x00c3, 0xcd6: 0x00c3, + 0xcd8: 0x00c0, 0xcd9: 0x00c0, 0xcda: 0x00c0, 0xcdb: 0x00c0, 0xcdc: 0x00c0, 0xcdd: 0x00c0, + 0xcde: 0x00c0, 0xcdf: 0x00c0, + 0xce6: 0x00c0, 0xce7: 0x00c0, 0xce8: 0x00c0, 0xce9: 0x00c0, + 0xcea: 0x00c0, 0xceb: 0x00c0, 0xcec: 0x00c0, 0xced: 0x00c0, 0xcee: 0x00c0, 0xcef: 0x00c0, + 0xcf2: 0x00c0, 0xcf3: 0x00c0, 0xcf4: 0x0080, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd01: 0x00c0, 0xd02: 0x00c0, 0xd03: 0x00c0, 0xd04: 0x00c0, 0xd05: 0x00c0, + 0xd06: 0x00c0, 0xd07: 0x00c0, 0xd08: 0x00c0, 0xd09: 0x00c0, 0xd0a: 0x00c0, 0xd0b: 0x00c0, + 0xd0c: 0x00c0, 0xd0d: 0x00c0, 0xd0e: 0x00c0, 0xd0f: 0x00c0, 0xd10: 0x00c0, 0xd11: 0x00c0, + 0xd12: 0x00c0, 0xd13: 0x00c0, 0xd14: 0x00c0, 0xd15: 0x00c0, 0xd16: 0x00c0, 0xd17: 0x00c0, + 0xd18: 0x00c0, 0xd19: 0x00c0, 0xd1a: 0x00c0, 0xd1b: 0x00c0, 0xd1c: 0x00c0, 0xd1d: 0x00c0, + 0xd1e: 0x00c0, 0xd1f: 0x00c0, 0xd20: 0x00c0, 0xd21: 0x00c0, 0xd22: 0x00c0, 0xd23: 0x00c0, + 0xd24: 0x00c0, 0xd25: 0x00c0, 0xd26: 0x00c0, 0xd27: 0x00c0, 0xd28: 0x00c0, 0xd29: 0x00c0, + 0xd2a: 0x00c0, 0xd2b: 0x00c0, 0xd2c: 0x00c0, 0xd2d: 0x00c0, 0xd2e: 0x00c0, 0xd2f: 0x00c0, + 0xd30: 0x00c0, 0xd31: 0x00c3, 0xd32: 0x00c0, 0xd33: 0x0080, 0xd34: 0x00c3, 0xd35: 0x00c3, + 0xd36: 0x00c3, 0xd37: 0x00c3, 0xd38: 0x00c3, 0xd39: 0x00c3, 0xd3a: 0x00c6, + 0xd3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x00c0, 0xd41: 0x00c0, 0xd42: 0x00c0, 0xd43: 0x00c0, 0xd44: 0x00c0, 0xd45: 0x00c0, + 0xd46: 0x00c0, 0xd47: 0x00c3, 0xd48: 0x00c3, 0xd49: 0x00c3, 0xd4a: 0x00c3, 0xd4b: 0x00c3, + 0xd4c: 0x00c3, 0xd4d: 0x00c3, 0xd4e: 0x00c3, 0xd4f: 0x0080, 0xd50: 0x00c0, 0xd51: 0x00c0, + 0xd52: 0x00c0, 0xd53: 0x00c0, 0xd54: 0x00c0, 0xd55: 0x00c0, 0xd56: 0x00c0, 0xd57: 0x00c0, + 0xd58: 0x00c0, 0xd59: 0x00c0, 0xd5a: 0x0080, 0xd5b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd81: 0x00c0, 0xd82: 0x00c0, 0xd84: 0x00c0, + 0xd86: 0x00c0, 0xd87: 0x00c0, 0xd88: 0x00c0, 0xd89: 0x00c0, 0xd8a: 0x00c0, + 0xd8c: 0x00c0, 0xd8d: 0x00c0, 0xd8e: 0x00c0, 0xd8f: 0x00c0, 0xd90: 0x00c0, 0xd91: 0x00c0, + 0xd92: 0x00c0, 0xd93: 0x00c0, 0xd94: 0x00c0, 0xd95: 0x00c0, 0xd96: 0x00c0, 0xd97: 0x00c0, + 0xd98: 0x00c0, 0xd99: 0x00c0, 0xd9a: 0x00c0, 0xd9b: 0x00c0, 0xd9c: 0x00c0, 0xd9d: 0x00c0, + 0xd9e: 0x00c0, 0xd9f: 0x00c0, 0xda0: 0x00c0, 0xda1: 0x00c0, 0xda2: 0x00c0, 0xda3: 0x00c0, + 0xda5: 0x00c0, 0xda7: 0x00c0, 0xda8: 0x00c0, 0xda9: 0x00c0, + 0xdaa: 0x00c0, 0xdab: 0x00c0, 0xdac: 0x00c0, 0xdad: 0x00c0, 0xdae: 0x00c0, 0xdaf: 0x00c0, + 0xdb0: 0x00c0, 0xdb1: 0x00c3, 0xdb2: 0x00c0, 0xdb3: 0x0080, 0xdb4: 0x00c3, 0xdb5: 0x00c3, + 0xdb6: 0x00c3, 0xdb7: 0x00c3, 0xdb8: 0x00c3, 0xdb9: 0x00c3, 0xdba: 0x00c6, 0xdbb: 0x00c3, + 0xdbc: 0x00c3, 0xdbd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0x00c0, 0xdc1: 0x00c0, 0xdc2: 0x00c0, 0xdc3: 0x00c0, 0xdc4: 0x00c0, + 0xdc6: 0x00c0, 0xdc8: 0x00c3, 0xdc9: 0x00c3, 0xdca: 0x00c3, 0xdcb: 0x00c3, + 0xdcc: 0x00c3, 0xdcd: 0x00c3, 0xdd0: 0x00c0, 0xdd1: 0x00c0, + 0xdd2: 0x00c0, 0xdd3: 0x00c0, 0xdd4: 0x00c0, 0xdd5: 0x00c0, 0xdd6: 0x00c0, 0xdd7: 0x00c0, + 0xdd8: 0x00c0, 0xdd9: 0x00c0, 0xddc: 0x0080, 0xddd: 0x0080, + 0xdde: 0x00c0, 0xddf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x00c0, 0xe01: 0x0080, 0xe02: 0x0080, 0xe03: 0x0080, 0xe04: 0x0080, 0xe05: 0x0080, + 0xe06: 0x0080, 0xe07: 0x0080, 0xe08: 0x0080, 0xe09: 0x0080, 0xe0a: 0x0080, 0xe0b: 0x00c0, + 0xe0c: 0x0080, 0xe0d: 0x0080, 0xe0e: 0x0080, 0xe0f: 0x0080, 0xe10: 0x0080, 0xe11: 0x0080, + 0xe12: 0x0080, 0xe13: 0x0080, 0xe14: 0x0080, 0xe15: 0x0080, 0xe16: 0x0080, 0xe17: 0x0080, + 0xe18: 0x00c3, 0xe19: 0x00c3, 0xe1a: 0x0080, 0xe1b: 0x0080, 0xe1c: 0x0080, 0xe1d: 0x0080, + 0xe1e: 0x0080, 0xe1f: 0x0080, 0xe20: 0x00c0, 0xe21: 0x00c0, 0xe22: 0x00c0, 0xe23: 0x00c0, + 0xe24: 0x00c0, 0xe25: 0x00c0, 0xe26: 0x00c0, 0xe27: 0x00c0, 0xe28: 0x00c0, 0xe29: 0x00c0, + 0xe2a: 0x0080, 0xe2b: 0x0080, 0xe2c: 0x0080, 0xe2d: 0x0080, 0xe2e: 0x0080, 0xe2f: 0x0080, + 0xe30: 0x0080, 0xe31: 0x0080, 0xe32: 0x0080, 0xe33: 0x0080, 0xe34: 0x0080, 0xe35: 0x00c3, + 0xe36: 0x0080, 0xe37: 0x00c3, 0xe38: 0x0080, 0xe39: 0x00c3, 0xe3a: 0x0080, 0xe3b: 0x0080, + 0xe3c: 0x0080, 0xe3d: 0x0080, 0xe3e: 0x00c0, 0xe3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x00c0, 0xe41: 0x00c0, 0xe42: 0x00c0, 0xe43: 0x0080, 0xe44: 0x00c0, 0xe45: 0x00c0, + 0xe46: 0x00c0, 0xe47: 0x00c0, 0xe49: 0x00c0, 0xe4a: 0x00c0, 0xe4b: 0x00c0, + 0xe4c: 0x00c0, 0xe4d: 0x0080, 0xe4e: 0x00c0, 0xe4f: 0x00c0, 0xe50: 0x00c0, 0xe51: 0x00c0, + 0xe52: 0x0080, 0xe53: 0x00c0, 0xe54: 0x00c0, 0xe55: 0x00c0, 0xe56: 0x00c0, 0xe57: 0x0080, + 0xe58: 0x00c0, 0xe59: 0x00c0, 0xe5a: 0x00c0, 0xe5b: 0x00c0, 0xe5c: 0x0080, 0xe5d: 0x00c0, + 0xe5e: 0x00c0, 0xe5f: 0x00c0, 0xe60: 0x00c0, 0xe61: 0x00c0, 0xe62: 0x00c0, 0xe63: 0x00c0, + 0xe64: 0x00c0, 0xe65: 0x00c0, 0xe66: 0x00c0, 0xe67: 0x00c0, 0xe68: 0x00c0, 0xe69: 0x0080, + 0xe6a: 0x00c0, 0xe6b: 0x00c0, 0xe6c: 0x00c0, + 0xe71: 0x00c3, 0xe72: 0x00c3, 0xe73: 0x0083, 0xe74: 0x00c3, 0xe75: 0x0083, + 0xe76: 0x0083, 0xe77: 0x0083, 0xe78: 0x0083, 0xe79: 0x0083, 0xe7a: 0x00c3, 0xe7b: 0x00c3, + 0xe7c: 0x00c3, 0xe7d: 0x00c3, 0xe7e: 0x00c3, 0xe7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x00c3, 0xe81: 0x0083, 0xe82: 0x00c3, 0xe83: 0x00c3, 0xe84: 0x00c6, 0xe85: 0x0080, + 0xe86: 0x00c3, 0xe87: 0x00c3, 0xe88: 0x00c0, 0xe89: 0x00c0, 0xe8a: 0x00c0, 0xe8b: 0x00c0, + 0xe8c: 0x00c0, 0xe8d: 0x00c3, 0xe8e: 0x00c3, 0xe8f: 0x00c3, 0xe90: 0x00c3, 0xe91: 0x00c3, + 0xe92: 0x00c3, 0xe93: 0x0083, 0xe94: 0x00c3, 0xe95: 0x00c3, 0xe96: 0x00c3, 0xe97: 0x00c3, + 0xe99: 0x00c3, 0xe9a: 0x00c3, 0xe9b: 0x00c3, 0xe9c: 0x00c3, 0xe9d: 0x0083, + 0xe9e: 0x00c3, 0xe9f: 0x00c3, 0xea0: 0x00c3, 0xea1: 0x00c3, 0xea2: 0x0083, 0xea3: 0x00c3, + 0xea4: 0x00c3, 0xea5: 0x00c3, 0xea6: 0x00c3, 0xea7: 0x0083, 0xea8: 0x00c3, 0xea9: 0x00c3, + 0xeaa: 0x00c3, 0xeab: 0x00c3, 0xeac: 0x0083, 0xead: 0x00c3, 0xeae: 0x00c3, 0xeaf: 0x00c3, + 0xeb0: 0x00c3, 0xeb1: 0x00c3, 0xeb2: 0x00c3, 0xeb3: 0x00c3, 0xeb4: 0x00c3, 0xeb5: 0x00c3, + 0xeb6: 0x00c3, 0xeb7: 0x00c3, 0xeb8: 0x00c3, 0xeb9: 0x0083, 0xeba: 0x00c3, 0xebb: 0x00c3, + 0xebc: 0x00c3, 0xebe: 0x0080, 0xebf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x0080, 0xec1: 0x0080, 0xec2: 0x0080, 0xec3: 0x0080, 0xec4: 0x0080, 0xec5: 0x0080, + 0xec6: 0x00c3, 0xec7: 0x0080, 0xec8: 0x0080, 0xec9: 0x0080, 0xeca: 0x0080, 0xecb: 0x0080, + 0xecc: 0x0080, 0xece: 0x0080, 0xecf: 0x0080, 0xed0: 0x0080, 0xed1: 0x0080, + 0xed2: 0x0080, 0xed3: 0x0080, 0xed4: 0x0080, 0xed5: 0x0080, 0xed6: 0x0080, 0xed7: 0x0080, + 0xed8: 0x0080, 0xed9: 0x0080, 0xeda: 0x0080, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x00c0, 0xf01: 0x00c0, 0xf02: 0x00c0, 0xf03: 0x00c0, 0xf04: 0x00c0, 0xf05: 0x00c0, + 0xf06: 0x00c0, 0xf07: 0x00c0, 0xf08: 0x00c0, 0xf09: 0x00c0, 0xf0a: 0x00c0, 0xf0b: 0x00c0, + 0xf0c: 0x00c0, 0xf0d: 0x00c0, 0xf0e: 0x00c0, 0xf0f: 0x00c0, 0xf10: 0x00c0, 0xf11: 0x00c0, + 0xf12: 0x00c0, 0xf13: 0x00c0, 0xf14: 0x00c0, 0xf15: 0x00c0, 0xf16: 0x00c0, 0xf17: 0x00c0, + 0xf18: 0x00c0, 0xf19: 0x00c0, 0xf1a: 0x00c0, 0xf1b: 0x00c0, 0xf1c: 0x00c0, 0xf1d: 0x00c0, + 0xf1e: 0x00c0, 0xf1f: 0x00c0, 0xf20: 0x00c0, 0xf21: 0x00c0, 0xf22: 0x00c0, 0xf23: 0x00c0, + 0xf24: 0x00c0, 0xf25: 0x00c0, 0xf26: 0x00c0, 0xf27: 0x00c0, 0xf28: 0x00c0, 0xf29: 0x00c0, + 0xf2a: 0x00c0, 0xf2b: 0x00c0, 0xf2c: 0x00c0, 0xf2d: 0x00c3, 0xf2e: 0x00c3, 0xf2f: 0x00c3, + 0xf30: 0x00c3, 0xf31: 0x00c0, 0xf32: 0x00c3, 0xf33: 0x00c3, 0xf34: 0x00c3, 0xf35: 0x00c3, + 0xf36: 0x00c3, 0xf37: 0x00c3, 0xf38: 0x00c0, 0xf39: 0x00c6, 0xf3a: 0x00c6, 0xf3b: 0x00c0, + 0xf3c: 0x00c0, 0xf3d: 0x00c3, 0xf3e: 0x00c3, 0xf3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x00c0, 0xf41: 0x00c0, 0xf42: 0x00c0, 0xf43: 0x00c0, 0xf44: 0x00c0, 0xf45: 0x00c0, + 0xf46: 0x00c0, 0xf47: 0x00c0, 0xf48: 0x00c0, 0xf49: 0x00c0, 0xf4a: 0x0080, 0xf4b: 0x0080, + 0xf4c: 0x0080, 0xf4d: 0x0080, 0xf4e: 0x0080, 0xf4f: 0x0080, 0xf50: 0x00c0, 0xf51: 0x00c0, + 0xf52: 0x00c0, 0xf53: 0x00c0, 0xf54: 0x00c0, 0xf55: 0x00c0, 0xf56: 0x00c0, 0xf57: 0x00c0, + 0xf58: 0x00c3, 0xf59: 0x00c3, 0xf5a: 0x00c0, 0xf5b: 0x00c0, 0xf5c: 0x00c0, 0xf5d: 0x00c0, + 0xf5e: 0x00c3, 0xf5f: 0x00c3, 0xf60: 0x00c3, 0xf61: 0x00c0, 0xf62: 0x00c0, 0xf63: 0x00c0, + 0xf64: 0x00c0, 0xf65: 0x00c0, 0xf66: 0x00c0, 0xf67: 0x00c0, 0xf68: 0x00c0, 0xf69: 0x00c0, + 0xf6a: 0x00c0, 0xf6b: 0x00c0, 0xf6c: 0x00c0, 0xf6d: 0x00c0, 0xf6e: 0x00c0, 0xf6f: 0x00c0, + 0xf70: 0x00c0, 0xf71: 0x00c3, 0xf72: 0x00c3, 0xf73: 0x00c3, 0xf74: 0x00c3, 0xf75: 0x00c0, + 0xf76: 0x00c0, 0xf77: 0x00c0, 0xf78: 0x00c0, 0xf79: 0x00c0, 0xf7a: 0x00c0, 0xf7b: 0x00c0, + 0xf7c: 0x00c0, 0xf7d: 0x00c0, 0xf7e: 0x00c0, 0xf7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x00c0, 0xf81: 0x00c0, 0xf82: 0x00c3, 0xf83: 0x00c0, 0xf84: 0x00c0, 0xf85: 0x00c3, + 0xf86: 0x00c3, 0xf87: 0x00c0, 0xf88: 0x00c0, 0xf89: 0x00c0, 0xf8a: 0x00c0, 0xf8b: 0x00c0, + 0xf8c: 0x00c0, 0xf8d: 0x00c3, 0xf8e: 0x00c0, 0xf8f: 0x00c0, 0xf90: 0x00c0, 0xf91: 0x00c0, + 0xf92: 0x00c0, 0xf93: 0x00c0, 0xf94: 0x00c0, 0xf95: 0x00c0, 0xf96: 0x00c0, 0xf97: 0x00c0, + 0xf98: 0x00c0, 0xf99: 0x00c0, 0xf9a: 0x00c0, 0xf9b: 0x00c0, 0xf9c: 0x00c0, 0xf9d: 0x00c3, + 0xf9e: 0x0080, 0xf9f: 0x0080, 0xfa0: 0x00c0, 0xfa1: 0x00c0, 0xfa2: 0x00c0, 0xfa3: 0x00c0, + 0xfa4: 0x00c0, 0xfa5: 0x00c0, 0xfa6: 0x00c0, 0xfa7: 0x00c0, 0xfa8: 0x00c0, 0xfa9: 0x00c0, + 0xfaa: 0x00c0, 0xfab: 0x00c0, 0xfac: 0x00c0, 0xfad: 0x00c0, 0xfae: 0x00c0, 0xfaf: 0x00c0, + 0xfb0: 0x00c0, 0xfb1: 0x00c0, 0xfb2: 0x00c0, 0xfb3: 0x00c0, 0xfb4: 0x00c0, 0xfb5: 0x00c0, + 0xfb6: 0x00c0, 0xfb7: 0x00c0, 0xfb8: 0x00c0, 0xfb9: 0x00c0, 0xfba: 0x00c0, 0xfbb: 0x00c0, + 0xfbc: 0x00c0, 0xfbd: 0x00c0, 0xfbe: 0x00c0, 0xfbf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc0: 0x00c0, 0xfc1: 0x00c0, 0xfc2: 0x00c0, 0xfc3: 0x00c0, 0xfc4: 0x00c0, 0xfc5: 0x00c0, + 0xfc7: 0x00c0, + 0xfcd: 0x00c0, 0xfd0: 0x00c0, 0xfd1: 0x00c0, + 0xfd2: 0x00c0, 0xfd3: 0x00c0, 0xfd4: 0x00c0, 0xfd5: 0x00c0, 0xfd6: 0x00c0, 0xfd7: 0x00c0, + 0xfd8: 0x00c0, 0xfd9: 0x00c0, 0xfda: 0x00c0, 0xfdb: 0x00c0, 0xfdc: 0x00c0, 0xfdd: 0x00c0, + 0xfde: 0x00c0, 0xfdf: 0x00c0, 0xfe0: 0x00c0, 0xfe1: 0x00c0, 0xfe2: 0x00c0, 0xfe3: 0x00c0, + 0xfe4: 0x00c0, 0xfe5: 0x00c0, 0xfe6: 0x00c0, 0xfe7: 0x00c0, 0xfe8: 0x00c0, 0xfe9: 0x00c0, + 0xfea: 0x00c0, 0xfeb: 0x00c0, 0xfec: 0x00c0, 0xfed: 0x00c0, 0xfee: 0x00c0, 0xfef: 0x00c0, + 0xff0: 0x00c0, 0xff1: 0x00c0, 0xff2: 0x00c0, 0xff3: 0x00c0, 0xff4: 0x00c0, 0xff5: 0x00c0, + 0xff6: 0x00c0, 0xff7: 0x00c0, 0xff8: 0x00c0, 0xff9: 0x00c0, 0xffa: 0x00c0, 0xffb: 0x0080, + 0xffc: 0x0080, 0xffd: 0x00c0, 0xffe: 0x00c0, 0xfff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x0040, 0x1001: 0x0040, 0x1002: 0x0040, 0x1003: 0x0040, 0x1004: 0x0040, 0x1005: 0x0040, + 0x1006: 0x0040, 0x1007: 0x0040, 0x1008: 0x0040, 0x1009: 0x0040, 0x100a: 0x0040, 0x100b: 0x0040, + 0x100c: 0x0040, 0x100d: 0x0040, 0x100e: 0x0040, 0x100f: 0x0040, 0x1010: 0x0040, 0x1011: 0x0040, + 0x1012: 0x0040, 0x1013: 0x0040, 0x1014: 0x0040, 0x1015: 0x0040, 0x1016: 0x0040, 0x1017: 0x0040, + 0x1018: 0x0040, 0x1019: 0x0040, 0x101a: 0x0040, 0x101b: 0x0040, 0x101c: 0x0040, 0x101d: 0x0040, + 0x101e: 0x0040, 0x101f: 0x0040, 0x1020: 0x0040, 0x1021: 0x0040, 0x1022: 0x0040, 0x1023: 0x0040, + 0x1024: 0x0040, 0x1025: 0x0040, 0x1026: 0x0040, 0x1027: 0x0040, 0x1028: 0x0040, 0x1029: 0x0040, + 0x102a: 0x0040, 0x102b: 0x0040, 0x102c: 0x0040, 0x102d: 0x0040, 0x102e: 0x0040, 0x102f: 0x0040, + 0x1030: 0x0040, 0x1031: 0x0040, 0x1032: 0x0040, 0x1033: 0x0040, 0x1034: 0x0040, 0x1035: 0x0040, + 0x1036: 0x0040, 0x1037: 0x0040, 0x1038: 0x0040, 0x1039: 0x0040, 0x103a: 0x0040, 0x103b: 0x0040, + 0x103c: 0x0040, 0x103d: 0x0040, 0x103e: 0x0040, 0x103f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x00c0, 0x1041: 0x00c0, 0x1042: 0x00c0, 0x1043: 0x00c0, 0x1044: 0x00c0, 0x1045: 0x00c0, + 0x1046: 0x00c0, 0x1047: 0x00c0, 0x1048: 0x00c0, 0x104a: 0x00c0, 0x104b: 0x00c0, + 0x104c: 0x00c0, 0x104d: 0x00c0, 0x1050: 0x00c0, 0x1051: 0x00c0, + 0x1052: 0x00c0, 0x1053: 0x00c0, 0x1054: 0x00c0, 0x1055: 0x00c0, 0x1056: 0x00c0, + 0x1058: 0x00c0, 0x105a: 0x00c0, 0x105b: 0x00c0, 0x105c: 0x00c0, 0x105d: 0x00c0, + 0x1060: 0x00c0, 0x1061: 0x00c0, 0x1062: 0x00c0, 0x1063: 0x00c0, + 0x1064: 0x00c0, 0x1065: 0x00c0, 0x1066: 0x00c0, 0x1067: 0x00c0, 0x1068: 0x00c0, 0x1069: 0x00c0, + 0x106a: 0x00c0, 0x106b: 0x00c0, 0x106c: 0x00c0, 0x106d: 0x00c0, 0x106e: 0x00c0, 0x106f: 0x00c0, + 0x1070: 0x00c0, 0x1071: 0x00c0, 0x1072: 0x00c0, 0x1073: 0x00c0, 0x1074: 0x00c0, 0x1075: 0x00c0, + 0x1076: 0x00c0, 0x1077: 0x00c0, 0x1078: 0x00c0, 0x1079: 0x00c0, 0x107a: 0x00c0, 0x107b: 0x00c0, + 0x107c: 0x00c0, 0x107d: 0x00c0, 0x107e: 0x00c0, 0x107f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x00c0, 0x1081: 0x00c0, 0x1082: 0x00c0, 0x1083: 0x00c0, 0x1084: 0x00c0, 0x1085: 0x00c0, + 0x1086: 0x00c0, 0x1087: 0x00c0, 0x1088: 0x00c0, 0x108a: 0x00c0, 0x108b: 0x00c0, + 0x108c: 0x00c0, 0x108d: 0x00c0, 0x1090: 0x00c0, 0x1091: 0x00c0, + 0x1092: 0x00c0, 0x1093: 0x00c0, 0x1094: 0x00c0, 0x1095: 0x00c0, 0x1096: 0x00c0, 0x1097: 0x00c0, + 0x1098: 0x00c0, 0x1099: 0x00c0, 0x109a: 0x00c0, 0x109b: 0x00c0, 0x109c: 0x00c0, 0x109d: 0x00c0, + 0x109e: 0x00c0, 0x109f: 0x00c0, 0x10a0: 0x00c0, 0x10a1: 0x00c0, 0x10a2: 0x00c0, 0x10a3: 0x00c0, + 0x10a4: 0x00c0, 0x10a5: 0x00c0, 0x10a6: 0x00c0, 0x10a7: 0x00c0, 0x10a8: 0x00c0, 0x10a9: 0x00c0, + 0x10aa: 0x00c0, 0x10ab: 0x00c0, 0x10ac: 0x00c0, 0x10ad: 0x00c0, 0x10ae: 0x00c0, 0x10af: 0x00c0, + 0x10b0: 0x00c0, 0x10b2: 0x00c0, 0x10b3: 0x00c0, 0x10b4: 0x00c0, 0x10b5: 0x00c0, + 0x10b8: 0x00c0, 0x10b9: 0x00c0, 0x10ba: 0x00c0, 0x10bb: 0x00c0, + 0x10bc: 0x00c0, 0x10bd: 0x00c0, 0x10be: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c0: 0x00c0, 0x10c2: 0x00c0, 0x10c3: 0x00c0, 0x10c4: 0x00c0, 0x10c5: 0x00c0, + 0x10c8: 0x00c0, 0x10c9: 0x00c0, 0x10ca: 0x00c0, 0x10cb: 0x00c0, + 0x10cc: 0x00c0, 0x10cd: 0x00c0, 0x10ce: 0x00c0, 0x10cf: 0x00c0, 0x10d0: 0x00c0, 0x10d1: 0x00c0, + 0x10d2: 0x00c0, 0x10d3: 0x00c0, 0x10d4: 0x00c0, 0x10d5: 0x00c0, 0x10d6: 0x00c0, + 0x10d8: 0x00c0, 0x10d9: 0x00c0, 0x10da: 0x00c0, 0x10db: 0x00c0, 0x10dc: 0x00c0, 0x10dd: 0x00c0, + 0x10de: 0x00c0, 0x10df: 0x00c0, 0x10e0: 0x00c0, 0x10e1: 0x00c0, 0x10e2: 0x00c0, 0x10e3: 0x00c0, + 0x10e4: 0x00c0, 0x10e5: 0x00c0, 0x10e6: 0x00c0, 0x10e7: 0x00c0, 0x10e8: 0x00c0, 0x10e9: 0x00c0, + 0x10ea: 0x00c0, 0x10eb: 0x00c0, 0x10ec: 0x00c0, 0x10ed: 0x00c0, 0x10ee: 0x00c0, 0x10ef: 0x00c0, + 0x10f0: 0x00c0, 0x10f1: 0x00c0, 0x10f2: 0x00c0, 0x10f3: 0x00c0, 0x10f4: 0x00c0, 0x10f5: 0x00c0, + 0x10f6: 0x00c0, 0x10f7: 0x00c0, 0x10f8: 0x00c0, 0x10f9: 0x00c0, 0x10fa: 0x00c0, 0x10fb: 0x00c0, + 0x10fc: 0x00c0, 0x10fd: 0x00c0, 0x10fe: 0x00c0, 0x10ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1100: 0x00c0, 0x1101: 0x00c0, 0x1102: 0x00c0, 0x1103: 0x00c0, 0x1104: 0x00c0, 0x1105: 0x00c0, + 0x1106: 0x00c0, 0x1107: 0x00c0, 0x1108: 0x00c0, 0x1109: 0x00c0, 0x110a: 0x00c0, 0x110b: 0x00c0, + 0x110c: 0x00c0, 0x110d: 0x00c0, 0x110e: 0x00c0, 0x110f: 0x00c0, 0x1110: 0x00c0, + 0x1112: 0x00c0, 0x1113: 0x00c0, 0x1114: 0x00c0, 0x1115: 0x00c0, + 0x1118: 0x00c0, 0x1119: 0x00c0, 0x111a: 0x00c0, 0x111b: 0x00c0, 0x111c: 0x00c0, 0x111d: 0x00c0, + 0x111e: 0x00c0, 0x111f: 0x00c0, 0x1120: 0x00c0, 0x1121: 0x00c0, 0x1122: 0x00c0, 0x1123: 0x00c0, + 0x1124: 0x00c0, 0x1125: 0x00c0, 0x1126: 0x00c0, 0x1127: 0x00c0, 0x1128: 0x00c0, 0x1129: 0x00c0, + 0x112a: 0x00c0, 0x112b: 0x00c0, 0x112c: 0x00c0, 0x112d: 0x00c0, 0x112e: 0x00c0, 0x112f: 0x00c0, + 0x1130: 0x00c0, 0x1131: 0x00c0, 0x1132: 0x00c0, 0x1133: 0x00c0, 0x1134: 0x00c0, 0x1135: 0x00c0, + 0x1136: 0x00c0, 0x1137: 0x00c0, 0x1138: 0x00c0, 0x1139: 0x00c0, 0x113a: 0x00c0, 0x113b: 0x00c0, + 0x113c: 0x00c0, 0x113d: 0x00c0, 0x113e: 0x00c0, 0x113f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1140: 0x00c0, 0x1141: 0x00c0, 0x1142: 0x00c0, 0x1143: 0x00c0, 0x1144: 0x00c0, 0x1145: 0x00c0, + 0x1146: 0x00c0, 0x1147: 0x00c0, 0x1148: 0x00c0, 0x1149: 0x00c0, 0x114a: 0x00c0, 0x114b: 0x00c0, + 0x114c: 0x00c0, 0x114d: 0x00c0, 0x114e: 0x00c0, 0x114f: 0x00c0, 0x1150: 0x00c0, 0x1151: 0x00c0, + 0x1152: 0x00c0, 0x1153: 0x00c0, 0x1154: 0x00c0, 0x1155: 0x00c0, 0x1156: 0x00c0, 0x1157: 0x00c0, + 0x1158: 0x00c0, 0x1159: 0x00c0, 0x115a: 0x00c0, 0x115d: 0x00c3, + 0x115e: 0x00c3, 0x115f: 0x00c3, 0x1160: 0x0080, 0x1161: 0x0080, 0x1162: 0x0080, 0x1163: 0x0080, + 0x1164: 0x0080, 0x1165: 0x0080, 0x1166: 0x0080, 0x1167: 0x0080, 0x1168: 0x0080, 0x1169: 0x0080, + 0x116a: 0x0080, 0x116b: 0x0080, 0x116c: 0x0080, 0x116d: 0x0080, 0x116e: 0x0080, 0x116f: 0x0080, + 0x1170: 0x0080, 0x1171: 0x0080, 0x1172: 0x0080, 0x1173: 0x0080, 0x1174: 0x0080, 0x1175: 0x0080, + 0x1176: 0x0080, 0x1177: 0x0080, 0x1178: 0x0080, 0x1179: 0x0080, 0x117a: 0x0080, 0x117b: 0x0080, + 0x117c: 0x0080, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1180: 0x00c0, 0x1181: 0x00c0, 0x1182: 0x00c0, 0x1183: 0x00c0, 0x1184: 0x00c0, 0x1185: 0x00c0, + 0x1186: 0x00c0, 0x1187: 0x00c0, 0x1188: 0x00c0, 0x1189: 0x00c0, 0x118a: 0x00c0, 0x118b: 0x00c0, + 0x118c: 0x00c0, 0x118d: 0x00c0, 0x118e: 0x00c0, 0x118f: 0x00c0, 0x1190: 0x0080, 0x1191: 0x0080, + 0x1192: 0x0080, 0x1193: 0x0080, 0x1194: 0x0080, 0x1195: 0x0080, 0x1196: 0x0080, 0x1197: 0x0080, + 0x1198: 0x0080, 0x1199: 0x0080, + 0x11a0: 0x00c0, 0x11a1: 0x00c0, 0x11a2: 0x00c0, 0x11a3: 0x00c0, + 0x11a4: 0x00c0, 0x11a5: 0x00c0, 0x11a6: 0x00c0, 0x11a7: 0x00c0, 0x11a8: 0x00c0, 0x11a9: 0x00c0, + 0x11aa: 0x00c0, 0x11ab: 0x00c0, 0x11ac: 0x00c0, 0x11ad: 0x00c0, 0x11ae: 0x00c0, 0x11af: 0x00c0, + 0x11b0: 0x00c0, 0x11b1: 0x00c0, 0x11b2: 0x00c0, 0x11b3: 0x00c0, 0x11b4: 0x00c0, 0x11b5: 0x00c0, + 0x11b6: 0x00c0, 0x11b7: 0x00c0, 0x11b8: 0x00c0, 0x11b9: 0x00c0, 0x11ba: 0x00c0, 0x11bb: 0x00c0, + 0x11bc: 0x00c0, 0x11bd: 0x00c0, 0x11be: 0x00c0, 0x11bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c0: 0x00c0, 0x11c1: 0x00c0, 0x11c2: 0x00c0, 0x11c3: 0x00c0, 0x11c4: 0x00c0, 0x11c5: 0x00c0, + 0x11c6: 0x00c0, 0x11c7: 0x00c0, 0x11c8: 0x00c0, 0x11c9: 0x00c0, 0x11ca: 0x00c0, 0x11cb: 0x00c0, + 0x11cc: 0x00c0, 0x11cd: 0x00c0, 0x11ce: 0x00c0, 0x11cf: 0x00c0, 0x11d0: 0x00c0, 0x11d1: 0x00c0, + 0x11d2: 0x00c0, 0x11d3: 0x00c0, 0x11d4: 0x00c0, 0x11d5: 0x00c0, 0x11d6: 0x00c0, 0x11d7: 0x00c0, + 0x11d8: 0x00c0, 0x11d9: 0x00c0, 0x11da: 0x00c0, 0x11db: 0x00c0, 0x11dc: 0x00c0, 0x11dd: 0x00c0, + 0x11de: 0x00c0, 0x11df: 0x00c0, 0x11e0: 0x00c0, 0x11e1: 0x00c0, 0x11e2: 0x00c0, 0x11e3: 0x00c0, + 0x11e4: 0x00c0, 0x11e5: 0x00c0, 0x11e6: 0x00c0, 0x11e7: 0x00c0, 0x11e8: 0x00c0, 0x11e9: 0x00c0, + 0x11ea: 0x00c0, 0x11eb: 0x00c0, 0x11ec: 0x00c0, 0x11ed: 0x00c0, 0x11ee: 0x00c0, 0x11ef: 0x00c0, + 0x11f0: 0x00c0, 0x11f1: 0x00c0, 0x11f2: 0x00c0, 0x11f3: 0x00c0, 0x11f4: 0x00c0, 0x11f5: 0x00c0, + 0x11f8: 0x00c0, 0x11f9: 0x00c0, 0x11fa: 0x00c0, 0x11fb: 0x00c0, + 0x11fc: 0x00c0, 0x11fd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x0080, 0x1201: 0x00c0, 0x1202: 0x00c0, 0x1203: 0x00c0, 0x1204: 0x00c0, 0x1205: 0x00c0, + 0x1206: 0x00c0, 0x1207: 0x00c0, 0x1208: 0x00c0, 0x1209: 0x00c0, 0x120a: 0x00c0, 0x120b: 0x00c0, + 0x120c: 0x00c0, 0x120d: 0x00c0, 0x120e: 0x00c0, 0x120f: 0x00c0, 0x1210: 0x00c0, 0x1211: 0x00c0, + 0x1212: 0x00c0, 0x1213: 0x00c0, 0x1214: 0x00c0, 0x1215: 0x00c0, 0x1216: 0x00c0, 0x1217: 0x00c0, + 0x1218: 0x00c0, 0x1219: 0x00c0, 0x121a: 0x00c0, 0x121b: 0x00c0, 0x121c: 0x00c0, 0x121d: 0x00c0, + 0x121e: 0x00c0, 0x121f: 0x00c0, 0x1220: 0x00c0, 0x1221: 0x00c0, 0x1222: 0x00c0, 0x1223: 0x00c0, + 0x1224: 0x00c0, 0x1225: 0x00c0, 0x1226: 0x00c0, 0x1227: 0x00c0, 0x1228: 0x00c0, 0x1229: 0x00c0, + 0x122a: 0x00c0, 0x122b: 0x00c0, 0x122c: 0x00c0, 0x122d: 0x00c0, 0x122e: 0x00c0, 0x122f: 0x00c0, + 0x1230: 0x00c0, 0x1231: 0x00c0, 0x1232: 0x00c0, 0x1233: 0x00c0, 0x1234: 0x00c0, 0x1235: 0x00c0, + 0x1236: 0x00c0, 0x1237: 0x00c0, 0x1238: 0x00c0, 0x1239: 0x00c0, 0x123a: 0x00c0, 0x123b: 0x00c0, + 0x123c: 0x00c0, 0x123d: 0x00c0, 0x123e: 0x00c0, 0x123f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1240: 0x00c0, 0x1241: 0x00c0, 0x1242: 0x00c0, 0x1243: 0x00c0, 0x1244: 0x00c0, 0x1245: 0x00c0, + 0x1246: 0x00c0, 0x1247: 0x00c0, 0x1248: 0x00c0, 0x1249: 0x00c0, 0x124a: 0x00c0, 0x124b: 0x00c0, + 0x124c: 0x00c0, 0x124d: 0x00c0, 0x124e: 0x00c0, 0x124f: 0x00c0, 0x1250: 0x00c0, 0x1251: 0x00c0, + 0x1252: 0x00c0, 0x1253: 0x00c0, 0x1254: 0x00c0, 0x1255: 0x00c0, 0x1256: 0x00c0, 0x1257: 0x00c0, + 0x1258: 0x00c0, 0x1259: 0x00c0, 0x125a: 0x00c0, 0x125b: 0x00c0, 0x125c: 0x00c0, 0x125d: 0x00c0, + 0x125e: 0x00c0, 0x125f: 0x00c0, 0x1260: 0x00c0, 0x1261: 0x00c0, 0x1262: 0x00c0, 0x1263: 0x00c0, + 0x1264: 0x00c0, 0x1265: 0x00c0, 0x1266: 0x00c0, 0x1267: 0x00c0, 0x1268: 0x00c0, 0x1269: 0x00c0, + 0x126a: 0x00c0, 0x126b: 0x00c0, 0x126c: 0x00c0, 0x126d: 0x0080, 0x126e: 0x0080, 0x126f: 0x00c0, + 0x1270: 0x00c0, 0x1271: 0x00c0, 0x1272: 0x00c0, 0x1273: 0x00c0, 0x1274: 0x00c0, 0x1275: 0x00c0, + 0x1276: 0x00c0, 0x1277: 0x00c0, 0x1278: 0x00c0, 0x1279: 0x00c0, 0x127a: 0x00c0, 0x127b: 0x00c0, + 0x127c: 0x00c0, 0x127d: 0x00c0, 0x127e: 0x00c0, 0x127f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x1280: 0x0080, 0x1281: 0x00c0, 0x1282: 0x00c0, 0x1283: 0x00c0, 0x1284: 0x00c0, 0x1285: 0x00c0, + 0x1286: 0x00c0, 0x1287: 0x00c0, 0x1288: 0x00c0, 0x1289: 0x00c0, 0x128a: 0x00c0, 0x128b: 0x00c0, + 0x128c: 0x00c0, 0x128d: 0x00c0, 0x128e: 0x00c0, 0x128f: 0x00c0, 0x1290: 0x00c0, 0x1291: 0x00c0, + 0x1292: 0x00c0, 0x1293: 0x00c0, 0x1294: 0x00c0, 0x1295: 0x00c0, 0x1296: 0x00c0, 0x1297: 0x00c0, + 0x1298: 0x00c0, 0x1299: 0x00c0, 0x129a: 0x00c0, 0x129b: 0x0080, 0x129c: 0x0080, + 0x12a0: 0x00c0, 0x12a1: 0x00c0, 0x12a2: 0x00c0, 0x12a3: 0x00c0, + 0x12a4: 0x00c0, 0x12a5: 0x00c0, 0x12a6: 0x00c0, 0x12a7: 0x00c0, 0x12a8: 0x00c0, 0x12a9: 0x00c0, + 0x12aa: 0x00c0, 0x12ab: 0x00c0, 0x12ac: 0x00c0, 0x12ad: 0x00c0, 0x12ae: 0x00c0, 0x12af: 0x00c0, + 0x12b0: 0x00c0, 0x12b1: 0x00c0, 0x12b2: 0x00c0, 0x12b3: 0x00c0, 0x12b4: 0x00c0, 0x12b5: 0x00c0, + 0x12b6: 0x00c0, 0x12b7: 0x00c0, 0x12b8: 0x00c0, 0x12b9: 0x00c0, 0x12ba: 0x00c0, 0x12bb: 0x00c0, + 0x12bc: 0x00c0, 0x12bd: 0x00c0, 0x12be: 0x00c0, 0x12bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12c0: 0x00c0, 0x12c1: 0x00c0, 0x12c2: 0x00c0, 0x12c3: 0x00c0, 0x12c4: 0x00c0, 0x12c5: 0x00c0, + 0x12c6: 0x00c0, 0x12c7: 0x00c0, 0x12c8: 0x00c0, 0x12c9: 0x00c0, 0x12ca: 0x00c0, 0x12cb: 0x00c0, + 0x12cc: 0x00c0, 0x12cd: 0x00c0, 0x12ce: 0x00c0, 0x12cf: 0x00c0, 0x12d0: 0x00c0, 0x12d1: 0x00c0, + 0x12d2: 0x00c0, 0x12d3: 0x00c0, 0x12d4: 0x00c0, 0x12d5: 0x00c0, 0x12d6: 0x00c0, 0x12d7: 0x00c0, + 0x12d8: 0x00c0, 0x12d9: 0x00c0, 0x12da: 0x00c0, 0x12db: 0x00c0, 0x12dc: 0x00c0, 0x12dd: 0x00c0, + 0x12de: 0x00c0, 0x12df: 0x00c0, 0x12e0: 0x00c0, 0x12e1: 0x00c0, 0x12e2: 0x00c0, 0x12e3: 0x00c0, + 0x12e4: 0x00c0, 0x12e5: 0x00c0, 0x12e6: 0x00c0, 0x12e7: 0x00c0, 0x12e8: 0x00c0, 0x12e9: 0x00c0, + 0x12ea: 0x00c0, 0x12eb: 0x0080, 0x12ec: 0x0080, 0x12ed: 0x0080, 0x12ee: 0x0080, 0x12ef: 0x0080, + 0x12f0: 0x0080, 0x12f1: 0x00c0, 0x12f2: 0x00c0, 0x12f3: 0x00c0, 0x12f4: 0x00c0, 0x12f5: 0x00c0, + 0x12f6: 0x00c0, 0x12f7: 0x00c0, 0x12f8: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x00c0, 0x1301: 0x00c0, 0x1302: 0x00c0, 0x1303: 0x00c0, 0x1304: 0x00c0, 0x1305: 0x00c0, + 0x1306: 0x00c0, 0x1307: 0x00c0, 0x1308: 0x00c0, 0x1309: 0x00c0, 0x130a: 0x00c0, 0x130b: 0x00c0, + 0x130c: 0x00c0, 0x130e: 0x00c0, 0x130f: 0x00c0, 0x1310: 0x00c0, 0x1311: 0x00c0, + 0x1312: 0x00c3, 0x1313: 0x00c3, 0x1314: 0x00c6, + 0x1320: 0x00c0, 0x1321: 0x00c0, 0x1322: 0x00c0, 0x1323: 0x00c0, + 0x1324: 0x00c0, 0x1325: 0x00c0, 0x1326: 0x00c0, 0x1327: 0x00c0, 0x1328: 0x00c0, 0x1329: 0x00c0, + 0x132a: 0x00c0, 0x132b: 0x00c0, 0x132c: 0x00c0, 0x132d: 0x00c0, 0x132e: 0x00c0, 0x132f: 0x00c0, + 0x1330: 0x00c0, 0x1331: 0x00c0, 0x1332: 0x00c3, 0x1333: 0x00c3, 0x1334: 0x00c6, 0x1335: 0x0080, + 0x1336: 0x0080, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x1340: 0x00c0, 0x1341: 0x00c0, 0x1342: 0x00c0, 0x1343: 0x00c0, 0x1344: 0x00c0, 0x1345: 0x00c0, + 0x1346: 0x00c0, 0x1347: 0x00c0, 0x1348: 0x00c0, 0x1349: 0x00c0, 0x134a: 0x00c0, 0x134b: 0x00c0, + 0x134c: 0x00c0, 0x134d: 0x00c0, 0x134e: 0x00c0, 0x134f: 0x00c0, 0x1350: 0x00c0, 0x1351: 0x00c0, + 0x1352: 0x00c3, 0x1353: 0x00c3, + 0x1360: 0x00c0, 0x1361: 0x00c0, 0x1362: 0x00c0, 0x1363: 0x00c0, + 0x1364: 0x00c0, 0x1365: 0x00c0, 0x1366: 0x00c0, 0x1367: 0x00c0, 0x1368: 0x00c0, 0x1369: 0x00c0, + 0x136a: 0x00c0, 0x136b: 0x00c0, 0x136c: 0x00c0, 0x136e: 0x00c0, 0x136f: 0x00c0, + 0x1370: 0x00c0, 0x1372: 0x00c3, 0x1373: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x00c0, 0x1381: 0x00c0, 0x1382: 0x00c0, 0x1383: 0x00c0, 0x1384: 0x00c0, 0x1385: 0x00c0, + 0x1386: 0x00c0, 0x1387: 0x00c0, 0x1388: 0x00c0, 0x1389: 0x00c0, 0x138a: 0x00c0, 0x138b: 0x00c0, + 0x138c: 0x00c0, 0x138d: 0x00c0, 0x138e: 0x00c0, 0x138f: 0x00c0, 0x1390: 0x00c0, 0x1391: 0x00c0, + 0x1392: 0x00c0, 0x1393: 0x00c0, 0x1394: 0x00c0, 0x1395: 0x00c0, 0x1396: 0x00c0, 0x1397: 0x00c0, + 0x1398: 0x00c0, 0x1399: 0x00c0, 0x139a: 0x00c0, 0x139b: 0x00c0, 0x139c: 0x00c0, 0x139d: 0x00c0, + 0x139e: 0x00c0, 0x139f: 0x00c0, 0x13a0: 0x00c0, 0x13a1: 0x00c0, 0x13a2: 0x00c0, 0x13a3: 0x00c0, + 0x13a4: 0x00c0, 0x13a5: 0x00c0, 0x13a6: 0x00c0, 0x13a7: 0x00c0, 0x13a8: 0x00c0, 0x13a9: 0x00c0, + 0x13aa: 0x00c0, 0x13ab: 0x00c0, 0x13ac: 0x00c0, 0x13ad: 0x00c0, 0x13ae: 0x00c0, 0x13af: 0x00c0, + 0x13b0: 0x00c0, 0x13b1: 0x00c0, 0x13b2: 0x00c0, 0x13b3: 0x00c0, 0x13b4: 0x0040, 0x13b5: 0x0040, + 0x13b6: 0x00c0, 0x13b7: 0x00c3, 0x13b8: 0x00c3, 0x13b9: 0x00c3, 0x13ba: 0x00c3, 0x13bb: 0x00c3, + 0x13bc: 0x00c3, 0x13bd: 0x00c3, 0x13be: 0x00c0, 0x13bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x00c0, 0x13c1: 0x00c0, 0x13c2: 0x00c0, 0x13c3: 0x00c0, 0x13c4: 0x00c0, 0x13c5: 0x00c0, + 0x13c6: 0x00c3, 0x13c7: 0x00c0, 0x13c8: 0x00c0, 0x13c9: 0x00c3, 0x13ca: 0x00c3, 0x13cb: 0x00c3, + 0x13cc: 0x00c3, 0x13cd: 0x00c3, 0x13ce: 0x00c3, 0x13cf: 0x00c3, 0x13d0: 0x00c3, 0x13d1: 0x00c3, + 0x13d2: 0x00c6, 0x13d3: 0x00c3, 0x13d4: 0x0080, 0x13d5: 0x0080, 0x13d6: 0x0080, 0x13d7: 0x00c0, + 0x13d8: 0x0080, 0x13d9: 0x0080, 0x13da: 0x0080, 0x13db: 0x0080, 0x13dc: 0x00c0, 0x13dd: 0x00c3, + 0x13e0: 0x00c0, 0x13e1: 0x00c0, 0x13e2: 0x00c0, 0x13e3: 0x00c0, + 0x13e4: 0x00c0, 0x13e5: 0x00c0, 0x13e6: 0x00c0, 0x13e7: 0x00c0, 0x13e8: 0x00c0, 0x13e9: 0x00c0, + 0x13f0: 0x0080, 0x13f1: 0x0080, 0x13f2: 0x0080, 0x13f3: 0x0080, 0x13f4: 0x0080, 0x13f5: 0x0080, + 0x13f6: 0x0080, 0x13f7: 0x0080, 0x13f8: 0x0080, 0x13f9: 0x0080, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x0080, 0x1401: 0x0080, 0x1402: 0x0080, 0x1403: 0x0080, 0x1404: 0x0080, 0x1405: 0x0080, + 0x1406: 0x0080, 0x1407: 0x0082, 0x1408: 0x0080, 0x1409: 0x0080, 0x140a: 0x0080, 0x140b: 0x0040, + 0x140c: 0x0040, 0x140d: 0x0040, 0x140e: 0x0040, 0x1410: 0x00c0, 0x1411: 0x00c0, + 0x1412: 0x00c0, 0x1413: 0x00c0, 0x1414: 0x00c0, 0x1415: 0x00c0, 0x1416: 0x00c0, 0x1417: 0x00c0, + 0x1418: 0x00c0, 0x1419: 0x00c0, + 0x1420: 0x00c2, 0x1421: 0x00c2, 0x1422: 0x00c2, 0x1423: 0x00c2, + 0x1424: 0x00c2, 0x1425: 0x00c2, 0x1426: 0x00c2, 0x1427: 0x00c2, 0x1428: 0x00c2, 0x1429: 0x00c2, + 0x142a: 0x00c2, 0x142b: 0x00c2, 0x142c: 0x00c2, 0x142d: 0x00c2, 0x142e: 0x00c2, 0x142f: 0x00c2, + 0x1430: 0x00c2, 0x1431: 0x00c2, 0x1432: 0x00c2, 0x1433: 0x00c2, 0x1434: 0x00c2, 0x1435: 0x00c2, + 0x1436: 0x00c2, 0x1437: 0x00c2, 0x1438: 0x00c2, 0x1439: 0x00c2, 0x143a: 0x00c2, 0x143b: 0x00c2, + 0x143c: 0x00c2, 0x143d: 0x00c2, 0x143e: 0x00c2, 0x143f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1440: 0x00c2, 0x1441: 0x00c2, 0x1442: 0x00c2, 0x1443: 0x00c2, 0x1444: 0x00c2, 0x1445: 0x00c2, + 0x1446: 0x00c2, 0x1447: 0x00c2, 0x1448: 0x00c2, 0x1449: 0x00c2, 0x144a: 0x00c2, 0x144b: 0x00c2, + 0x144c: 0x00c2, 0x144d: 0x00c2, 0x144e: 0x00c2, 0x144f: 0x00c2, 0x1450: 0x00c2, 0x1451: 0x00c2, + 0x1452: 0x00c2, 0x1453: 0x00c2, 0x1454: 0x00c2, 0x1455: 0x00c2, 0x1456: 0x00c2, 0x1457: 0x00c2, + 0x1458: 0x00c2, 0x1459: 0x00c2, 0x145a: 0x00c2, 0x145b: 0x00c2, 0x145c: 0x00c2, 0x145d: 0x00c2, + 0x145e: 0x00c2, 0x145f: 0x00c2, 0x1460: 0x00c2, 0x1461: 0x00c2, 0x1462: 0x00c2, 0x1463: 0x00c2, + 0x1464: 0x00c2, 0x1465: 0x00c2, 0x1466: 0x00c2, 0x1467: 0x00c2, 0x1468: 0x00c2, 0x1469: 0x00c2, + 0x146a: 0x00c2, 0x146b: 0x00c2, 0x146c: 0x00c2, 0x146d: 0x00c2, 0x146e: 0x00c2, 0x146f: 0x00c2, + 0x1470: 0x00c2, 0x1471: 0x00c2, 0x1472: 0x00c2, 0x1473: 0x00c2, 0x1474: 0x00c2, 0x1475: 0x00c2, + 0x1476: 0x00c2, 0x1477: 0x00c2, 0x1478: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x00c0, 0x1481: 0x00c0, 0x1482: 0x00c0, 0x1483: 0x00c0, 0x1484: 0x00c0, 0x1485: 0x00c3, + 0x1486: 0x00c3, 0x1487: 0x00c2, 0x1488: 0x00c2, 0x1489: 0x00c2, 0x148a: 0x00c2, 0x148b: 0x00c2, + 0x148c: 0x00c2, 0x148d: 0x00c2, 0x148e: 0x00c2, 0x148f: 0x00c2, 0x1490: 0x00c2, 0x1491: 0x00c2, + 0x1492: 0x00c2, 0x1493: 0x00c2, 0x1494: 0x00c2, 0x1495: 0x00c2, 0x1496: 0x00c2, 0x1497: 0x00c2, + 0x1498: 0x00c2, 0x1499: 0x00c2, 0x149a: 0x00c2, 0x149b: 0x00c2, 0x149c: 0x00c2, 0x149d: 0x00c2, + 0x149e: 0x00c2, 0x149f: 0x00c2, 0x14a0: 0x00c2, 0x14a1: 0x00c2, 0x14a2: 0x00c2, 0x14a3: 0x00c2, + 0x14a4: 0x00c2, 0x14a5: 0x00c2, 0x14a6: 0x00c2, 0x14a7: 0x00c2, 0x14a8: 0x00c2, 0x14a9: 0x00c3, + 0x14aa: 0x00c2, + 0x14b0: 0x00c0, 0x14b1: 0x00c0, 0x14b2: 0x00c0, 0x14b3: 0x00c0, 0x14b4: 0x00c0, 0x14b5: 0x00c0, + 0x14b6: 0x00c0, 0x14b7: 0x00c0, 0x14b8: 0x00c0, 0x14b9: 0x00c0, 0x14ba: 0x00c0, 0x14bb: 0x00c0, + 0x14bc: 0x00c0, 0x14bd: 0x00c0, 0x14be: 0x00c0, 0x14bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x00c0, 0x14c1: 0x00c0, 0x14c2: 0x00c0, 0x14c3: 0x00c0, 0x14c4: 0x00c0, 0x14c5: 0x00c0, + 0x14c6: 0x00c0, 0x14c7: 0x00c0, 0x14c8: 0x00c0, 0x14c9: 0x00c0, 0x14ca: 0x00c0, 0x14cb: 0x00c0, + 0x14cc: 0x00c0, 0x14cd: 0x00c0, 0x14ce: 0x00c0, 0x14cf: 0x00c0, 0x14d0: 0x00c0, 0x14d1: 0x00c0, + 0x14d2: 0x00c0, 0x14d3: 0x00c0, 0x14d4: 0x00c0, 0x14d5: 0x00c0, 0x14d6: 0x00c0, 0x14d7: 0x00c0, + 0x14d8: 0x00c0, 0x14d9: 0x00c0, 0x14da: 0x00c0, 0x14db: 0x00c0, 0x14dc: 0x00c0, 0x14dd: 0x00c0, + 0x14de: 0x00c0, 0x14df: 0x00c0, 0x14e0: 0x00c0, 0x14e1: 0x00c0, 0x14e2: 0x00c0, 0x14e3: 0x00c0, + 0x14e4: 0x00c0, 0x14e5: 0x00c0, 0x14e6: 0x00c0, 0x14e7: 0x00c0, 0x14e8: 0x00c0, 0x14e9: 0x00c0, + 0x14ea: 0x00c0, 0x14eb: 0x00c0, 0x14ec: 0x00c0, 0x14ed: 0x00c0, 0x14ee: 0x00c0, 0x14ef: 0x00c0, + 0x14f0: 0x00c0, 0x14f1: 0x00c0, 0x14f2: 0x00c0, 0x14f3: 0x00c0, 0x14f4: 0x00c0, 0x14f5: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x00c0, 0x1501: 0x00c0, 0x1502: 0x00c0, 0x1503: 0x00c0, 0x1504: 0x00c0, 0x1505: 0x00c0, + 0x1506: 0x00c0, 0x1507: 0x00c0, 0x1508: 0x00c0, 0x1509: 0x00c0, 0x150a: 0x00c0, 0x150b: 0x00c0, + 0x150c: 0x00c0, 0x150d: 0x00c0, 0x150e: 0x00c0, 0x150f: 0x00c0, 0x1510: 0x00c0, 0x1511: 0x00c0, + 0x1512: 0x00c0, 0x1513: 0x00c0, 0x1514: 0x00c0, 0x1515: 0x00c0, 0x1516: 0x00c0, 0x1517: 0x00c0, + 0x1518: 0x00c0, 0x1519: 0x00c0, 0x151a: 0x00c0, 0x151b: 0x00c0, 0x151c: 0x00c0, 0x151d: 0x00c0, + 0x151e: 0x00c0, 0x1520: 0x00c3, 0x1521: 0x00c3, 0x1522: 0x00c3, 0x1523: 0x00c0, + 0x1524: 0x00c0, 0x1525: 0x00c0, 0x1526: 0x00c0, 0x1527: 0x00c3, 0x1528: 0x00c3, 0x1529: 0x00c0, + 0x152a: 0x00c0, 0x152b: 0x00c0, + 0x1530: 0x00c0, 0x1531: 0x00c0, 0x1532: 0x00c3, 0x1533: 0x00c0, 0x1534: 0x00c0, 0x1535: 0x00c0, + 0x1536: 0x00c0, 0x1537: 0x00c0, 0x1538: 0x00c0, 0x1539: 0x00c3, 0x153a: 0x00c3, 0x153b: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1540: 0x0080, 0x1544: 0x0080, 0x1545: 0x0080, + 0x1546: 0x00c0, 0x1547: 0x00c0, 0x1548: 0x00c0, 0x1549: 0x00c0, 0x154a: 0x00c0, 0x154b: 0x00c0, + 0x154c: 0x00c0, 0x154d: 0x00c0, 0x154e: 0x00c0, 0x154f: 0x00c0, 0x1550: 0x00c0, 0x1551: 0x00c0, + 0x1552: 0x00c0, 0x1553: 0x00c0, 0x1554: 0x00c0, 0x1555: 0x00c0, 0x1556: 0x00c0, 0x1557: 0x00c0, + 0x1558: 0x00c0, 0x1559: 0x00c0, 0x155a: 0x00c0, 0x155b: 0x00c0, 0x155c: 0x00c0, 0x155d: 0x00c0, + 0x155e: 0x00c0, 0x155f: 0x00c0, 0x1560: 0x00c0, 0x1561: 0x00c0, 0x1562: 0x00c0, 0x1563: 0x00c0, + 0x1564: 0x00c0, 0x1565: 0x00c0, 0x1566: 0x00c0, 0x1567: 0x00c0, 0x1568: 0x00c0, 0x1569: 0x00c0, + 0x156a: 0x00c0, 0x156b: 0x00c0, 0x156c: 0x00c0, 0x156d: 0x00c0, + 0x1570: 0x00c0, 0x1571: 0x00c0, 0x1572: 0x00c0, 0x1573: 0x00c0, 0x1574: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0x00c0, 0x1581: 0x00c0, 0x1582: 0x00c0, 0x1583: 0x00c0, 0x1584: 0x00c0, 0x1585: 0x00c0, + 0x1586: 0x00c0, 0x1587: 0x00c0, 0x1588: 0x00c0, 0x1589: 0x00c0, 0x158a: 0x00c0, 0x158b: 0x00c0, + 0x158c: 0x00c0, 0x158d: 0x00c0, 0x158e: 0x00c0, 0x158f: 0x00c0, 0x1590: 0x00c0, 0x1591: 0x00c0, + 0x1592: 0x00c0, 0x1593: 0x00c0, 0x1594: 0x00c0, 0x1595: 0x00c0, 0x1596: 0x00c0, 0x1597: 0x00c0, + 0x1598: 0x00c0, 0x1599: 0x00c0, 0x159a: 0x00c0, 0x159b: 0x00c0, 0x159c: 0x00c0, 0x159d: 0x00c0, + 0x159e: 0x00c0, 0x159f: 0x00c0, 0x15a0: 0x00c0, 0x15a1: 0x00c0, 0x15a2: 0x00c0, 0x15a3: 0x00c0, + 0x15a4: 0x00c0, 0x15a5: 0x00c0, 0x15a6: 0x00c0, 0x15a7: 0x00c0, 0x15a8: 0x00c0, 0x15a9: 0x00c0, + 0x15aa: 0x00c0, 0x15ab: 0x00c0, + 0x15b0: 0x00c0, 0x15b1: 0x00c0, 0x15b2: 0x00c0, 0x15b3: 0x00c0, 0x15b4: 0x00c0, 0x15b5: 0x00c0, + 0x15b6: 0x00c0, 0x15b7: 0x00c0, 0x15b8: 0x00c0, 0x15b9: 0x00c0, 0x15ba: 0x00c0, 0x15bb: 0x00c0, + 0x15bc: 0x00c0, 0x15bd: 0x00c0, 0x15be: 0x00c0, 0x15bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0x00c0, 0x15c1: 0x00c0, 0x15c2: 0x00c0, 0x15c3: 0x00c0, 0x15c4: 0x00c0, 0x15c5: 0x00c0, + 0x15c6: 0x00c0, 0x15c7: 0x00c0, 0x15c8: 0x00c0, 0x15c9: 0x00c0, + 0x15d0: 0x00c0, 0x15d1: 0x00c0, + 0x15d2: 0x00c0, 0x15d3: 0x00c0, 0x15d4: 0x00c0, 0x15d5: 0x00c0, 0x15d6: 0x00c0, 0x15d7: 0x00c0, + 0x15d8: 0x00c0, 0x15d9: 0x00c0, 0x15da: 0x0080, + 0x15de: 0x0080, 0x15df: 0x0080, 0x15e0: 0x0080, 0x15e1: 0x0080, 0x15e2: 0x0080, 0x15e3: 0x0080, + 0x15e4: 0x0080, 0x15e5: 0x0080, 0x15e6: 0x0080, 0x15e7: 0x0080, 0x15e8: 0x0080, 0x15e9: 0x0080, + 0x15ea: 0x0080, 0x15eb: 0x0080, 0x15ec: 0x0080, 0x15ed: 0x0080, 0x15ee: 0x0080, 0x15ef: 0x0080, + 0x15f0: 0x0080, 0x15f1: 0x0080, 0x15f2: 0x0080, 0x15f3: 0x0080, 0x15f4: 0x0080, 0x15f5: 0x0080, + 0x15f6: 0x0080, 0x15f7: 0x0080, 0x15f8: 0x0080, 0x15f9: 0x0080, 0x15fa: 0x0080, 0x15fb: 0x0080, + 0x15fc: 0x0080, 0x15fd: 0x0080, 0x15fe: 0x0080, 0x15ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x00c0, 0x1601: 0x00c0, 0x1602: 0x00c0, 0x1603: 0x00c0, 0x1604: 0x00c0, 0x1605: 0x00c0, + 0x1606: 0x00c0, 0x1607: 0x00c0, 0x1608: 0x00c0, 0x1609: 0x00c0, 0x160a: 0x00c0, 0x160b: 0x00c0, + 0x160c: 0x00c0, 0x160d: 0x00c0, 0x160e: 0x00c0, 0x160f: 0x00c0, 0x1610: 0x00c0, 0x1611: 0x00c0, + 0x1612: 0x00c0, 0x1613: 0x00c0, 0x1614: 0x00c0, 0x1615: 0x00c0, 0x1616: 0x00c0, 0x1617: 0x00c3, + 0x1618: 0x00c3, 0x1619: 0x00c0, 0x161a: 0x00c0, 0x161b: 0x00c3, + 0x161e: 0x0080, 0x161f: 0x0080, 0x1620: 0x00c0, 0x1621: 0x00c0, 0x1622: 0x00c0, 0x1623: 0x00c0, + 0x1624: 0x00c0, 0x1625: 0x00c0, 0x1626: 0x00c0, 0x1627: 0x00c0, 0x1628: 0x00c0, 0x1629: 0x00c0, + 0x162a: 0x00c0, 0x162b: 0x00c0, 0x162c: 0x00c0, 0x162d: 0x00c0, 0x162e: 0x00c0, 0x162f: 0x00c0, + 0x1630: 0x00c0, 0x1631: 0x00c0, 0x1632: 0x00c0, 0x1633: 0x00c0, 0x1634: 0x00c0, 0x1635: 0x00c0, + 0x1636: 0x00c0, 0x1637: 0x00c0, 0x1638: 0x00c0, 0x1639: 0x00c0, 0x163a: 0x00c0, 0x163b: 0x00c0, + 0x163c: 0x00c0, 0x163d: 0x00c0, 0x163e: 0x00c0, 0x163f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x1640: 0x00c0, 0x1641: 0x00c0, 0x1642: 0x00c0, 0x1643: 0x00c0, 0x1644: 0x00c0, 0x1645: 0x00c0, + 0x1646: 0x00c0, 0x1647: 0x00c0, 0x1648: 0x00c0, 0x1649: 0x00c0, 0x164a: 0x00c0, 0x164b: 0x00c0, + 0x164c: 0x00c0, 0x164d: 0x00c0, 0x164e: 0x00c0, 0x164f: 0x00c0, 0x1650: 0x00c0, 0x1651: 0x00c0, + 0x1652: 0x00c0, 0x1653: 0x00c0, 0x1654: 0x00c0, 0x1655: 0x00c0, 0x1656: 0x00c3, 0x1657: 0x00c0, + 0x1658: 0x00c3, 0x1659: 0x00c3, 0x165a: 0x00c3, 0x165b: 0x00c3, 0x165c: 0x00c3, 0x165d: 0x00c3, + 0x165e: 0x00c3, 0x1660: 0x00c6, 0x1661: 0x00c0, 0x1662: 0x00c3, 0x1663: 0x00c0, + 0x1664: 0x00c0, 0x1665: 0x00c3, 0x1666: 0x00c3, 0x1667: 0x00c3, 0x1668: 0x00c3, 0x1669: 0x00c3, + 0x166a: 0x00c3, 0x166b: 0x00c3, 0x166c: 0x00c3, 0x166d: 0x00c0, 0x166e: 0x00c0, 0x166f: 0x00c0, + 0x1670: 0x00c0, 0x1671: 0x00c0, 0x1672: 0x00c0, 0x1673: 0x00c3, 0x1674: 0x00c3, 0x1675: 0x00c3, + 0x1676: 0x00c3, 0x1677: 0x00c3, 0x1678: 0x00c3, 0x1679: 0x00c3, 0x167a: 0x00c3, 0x167b: 0x00c3, + 0x167c: 0x00c3, 0x167f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x00c0, 0x1681: 0x00c0, 0x1682: 0x00c0, 0x1683: 0x00c0, 0x1684: 0x00c0, 0x1685: 0x00c0, + 0x1686: 0x00c0, 0x1687: 0x00c0, 0x1688: 0x00c0, 0x1689: 0x00c0, + 0x1690: 0x00c0, 0x1691: 0x00c0, + 0x1692: 0x00c0, 0x1693: 0x00c0, 0x1694: 0x00c0, 0x1695: 0x00c0, 0x1696: 0x00c0, 0x1697: 0x00c0, + 0x1698: 0x00c0, 0x1699: 0x00c0, + 0x16a0: 0x0080, 0x16a1: 0x0080, 0x16a2: 0x0080, 0x16a3: 0x0080, + 0x16a4: 0x0080, 0x16a5: 0x0080, 0x16a6: 0x0080, 0x16a7: 0x00c0, 0x16a8: 0x0080, 0x16a9: 0x0080, + 0x16aa: 0x0080, 0x16ab: 0x0080, 0x16ac: 0x0080, 0x16ad: 0x0080, + 0x16b0: 0x00c3, 0x16b1: 0x00c3, 0x16b2: 0x00c3, 0x16b3: 0x00c3, 0x16b4: 0x00c3, 0x16b5: 0x00c3, + 0x16b6: 0x00c3, 0x16b7: 0x00c3, 0x16b8: 0x00c3, 0x16b9: 0x00c3, 0x16ba: 0x00c3, 0x16bb: 0x00c3, + 0x16bc: 0x00c3, 0x16bd: 0x00c3, 0x16be: 0x0083, 0x16bf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16c0: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x00c3, 0x1701: 0x00c3, 0x1702: 0x00c3, 0x1703: 0x00c3, 0x1704: 0x00c0, 0x1705: 0x00c0, + 0x1706: 0x00c0, 0x1707: 0x00c0, 0x1708: 0x00c0, 0x1709: 0x00c0, 0x170a: 0x00c0, 0x170b: 0x00c0, + 0x170c: 0x00c0, 0x170d: 0x00c0, 0x170e: 0x00c0, 0x170f: 0x00c0, 0x1710: 0x00c0, 0x1711: 0x00c0, + 0x1712: 0x00c0, 0x1713: 0x00c0, 0x1714: 0x00c0, 0x1715: 0x00c0, 0x1716: 0x00c0, 0x1717: 0x00c0, + 0x1718: 0x00c0, 0x1719: 0x00c0, 0x171a: 0x00c0, 0x171b: 0x00c0, 0x171c: 0x00c0, 0x171d: 0x00c0, + 0x171e: 0x00c0, 0x171f: 0x00c0, 0x1720: 0x00c0, 0x1721: 0x00c0, 0x1722: 0x00c0, 0x1723: 0x00c0, + 0x1724: 0x00c0, 0x1725: 0x00c0, 0x1726: 0x00c0, 0x1727: 0x00c0, 0x1728: 0x00c0, 0x1729: 0x00c0, + 0x172a: 0x00c0, 0x172b: 0x00c0, 0x172c: 0x00c0, 0x172d: 0x00c0, 0x172e: 0x00c0, 0x172f: 0x00c0, + 0x1730: 0x00c0, 0x1731: 0x00c0, 0x1732: 0x00c0, 0x1733: 0x00c0, 0x1734: 0x00c3, 0x1735: 0x00c0, + 0x1736: 0x00c3, 0x1737: 0x00c3, 0x1738: 0x00c3, 0x1739: 0x00c3, 0x173a: 0x00c3, 0x173b: 0x00c0, + 0x173c: 0x00c3, 0x173d: 0x00c0, 0x173e: 0x00c0, 0x173f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x00c0, 0x1741: 0x00c0, 0x1742: 0x00c3, 0x1743: 0x00c0, 0x1744: 0x00c5, 0x1745: 0x00c0, + 0x1746: 0x00c0, 0x1747: 0x00c0, 0x1748: 0x00c0, 0x1749: 0x00c0, 0x174a: 0x00c0, 0x174b: 0x00c0, + 0x1750: 0x00c0, 0x1751: 0x00c0, + 0x1752: 0x00c0, 0x1753: 0x00c0, 0x1754: 0x00c0, 0x1755: 0x00c0, 0x1756: 0x00c0, 0x1757: 0x00c0, + 0x1758: 0x00c0, 0x1759: 0x00c0, 0x175a: 0x0080, 0x175b: 0x0080, 0x175c: 0x0080, 0x175d: 0x0080, + 0x175e: 0x0080, 0x175f: 0x0080, 0x1760: 0x0080, 0x1761: 0x0080, 0x1762: 0x0080, 0x1763: 0x0080, + 0x1764: 0x0080, 0x1765: 0x0080, 0x1766: 0x0080, 0x1767: 0x0080, 0x1768: 0x0080, 0x1769: 0x0080, + 0x176a: 0x0080, 0x176b: 0x00c3, 0x176c: 0x00c3, 0x176d: 0x00c3, 0x176e: 0x00c3, 0x176f: 0x00c3, + 0x1770: 0x00c3, 0x1771: 0x00c3, 0x1772: 0x00c3, 0x1773: 0x00c3, 0x1774: 0x0080, 0x1775: 0x0080, + 0x1776: 0x0080, 0x1777: 0x0080, 0x1778: 0x0080, 0x1779: 0x0080, 0x177a: 0x0080, 0x177b: 0x0080, + 0x177c: 0x0080, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x1780: 0x00c3, 0x1781: 0x00c3, 0x1782: 0x00c0, 0x1783: 0x00c0, 0x1784: 0x00c0, 0x1785: 0x00c0, + 0x1786: 0x00c0, 0x1787: 0x00c0, 0x1788: 0x00c0, 0x1789: 0x00c0, 0x178a: 0x00c0, 0x178b: 0x00c0, + 0x178c: 0x00c0, 0x178d: 0x00c0, 0x178e: 0x00c0, 0x178f: 0x00c0, 0x1790: 0x00c0, 0x1791: 0x00c0, + 0x1792: 0x00c0, 0x1793: 0x00c0, 0x1794: 0x00c0, 0x1795: 0x00c0, 0x1796: 0x00c0, 0x1797: 0x00c0, + 0x1798: 0x00c0, 0x1799: 0x00c0, 0x179a: 0x00c0, 0x179b: 0x00c0, 0x179c: 0x00c0, 0x179d: 0x00c0, + 0x179e: 0x00c0, 0x179f: 0x00c0, 0x17a0: 0x00c0, 0x17a1: 0x00c0, 0x17a2: 0x00c3, 0x17a3: 0x00c3, + 0x17a4: 0x00c3, 0x17a5: 0x00c3, 0x17a6: 0x00c0, 0x17a7: 0x00c0, 0x17a8: 0x00c3, 0x17a9: 0x00c3, + 0x17aa: 0x00c5, 0x17ab: 0x00c6, 0x17ac: 0x00c3, 0x17ad: 0x00c3, 0x17ae: 0x00c0, 0x17af: 0x00c0, + 0x17b0: 0x00c0, 0x17b1: 0x00c0, 0x17b2: 0x00c0, 0x17b3: 0x00c0, 0x17b4: 0x00c0, 0x17b5: 0x00c0, + 0x17b6: 0x00c0, 0x17b7: 0x00c0, 0x17b8: 0x00c0, 0x17b9: 0x00c0, 0x17ba: 0x00c0, 0x17bb: 0x00c0, + 0x17bc: 0x00c0, 0x17bd: 0x00c0, 0x17be: 0x00c0, 0x17bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x00c0, 0x17c1: 0x00c0, 0x17c2: 0x00c0, 0x17c3: 0x00c0, 0x17c4: 0x00c0, 0x17c5: 0x00c0, + 0x17c6: 0x00c0, 0x17c7: 0x00c0, 0x17c8: 0x00c0, 0x17c9: 0x00c0, 0x17ca: 0x00c0, 0x17cb: 0x00c0, + 0x17cc: 0x00c0, 0x17cd: 0x00c0, 0x17ce: 0x00c0, 0x17cf: 0x00c0, 0x17d0: 0x00c0, 0x17d1: 0x00c0, + 0x17d2: 0x00c0, 0x17d3: 0x00c0, 0x17d4: 0x00c0, 0x17d5: 0x00c0, 0x17d6: 0x00c0, 0x17d7: 0x00c0, + 0x17d8: 0x00c0, 0x17d9: 0x00c0, 0x17da: 0x00c0, 0x17db: 0x00c0, 0x17dc: 0x00c0, 0x17dd: 0x00c0, + 0x17de: 0x00c0, 0x17df: 0x00c0, 0x17e0: 0x00c0, 0x17e1: 0x00c0, 0x17e2: 0x00c0, 0x17e3: 0x00c0, + 0x17e4: 0x00c0, 0x17e5: 0x00c0, 0x17e6: 0x00c3, 0x17e7: 0x00c0, 0x17e8: 0x00c3, 0x17e9: 0x00c3, + 0x17ea: 0x00c0, 0x17eb: 0x00c0, 0x17ec: 0x00c0, 0x17ed: 0x00c3, 0x17ee: 0x00c0, 0x17ef: 0x00c3, + 0x17f0: 0x00c3, 0x17f1: 0x00c3, 0x17f2: 0x00c5, 0x17f3: 0x00c5, + 0x17fc: 0x0080, 0x17fd: 0x0080, 0x17fe: 0x0080, 0x17ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1800: 0x00c0, 0x1801: 0x00c0, 0x1802: 0x00c0, 0x1803: 0x00c0, 0x1804: 0x00c0, 0x1805: 0x00c0, + 0x1806: 0x00c0, 0x1807: 0x00c0, 0x1808: 0x00c0, 0x1809: 0x00c0, 0x180a: 0x00c0, 0x180b: 0x00c0, + 0x180c: 0x00c0, 0x180d: 0x00c0, 0x180e: 0x00c0, 0x180f: 0x00c0, 0x1810: 0x00c0, 0x1811: 0x00c0, + 0x1812: 0x00c0, 0x1813: 0x00c0, 0x1814: 0x00c0, 0x1815: 0x00c0, 0x1816: 0x00c0, 0x1817: 0x00c0, + 0x1818: 0x00c0, 0x1819: 0x00c0, 0x181a: 0x00c0, 0x181b: 0x00c0, 0x181c: 0x00c0, 0x181d: 0x00c0, + 0x181e: 0x00c0, 0x181f: 0x00c0, 0x1820: 0x00c0, 0x1821: 0x00c0, 0x1822: 0x00c0, 0x1823: 0x00c0, + 0x1824: 0x00c0, 0x1825: 0x00c0, 0x1826: 0x00c0, 0x1827: 0x00c0, 0x1828: 0x00c0, 0x1829: 0x00c0, + 0x182a: 0x00c0, 0x182b: 0x00c0, 0x182c: 0x00c3, 0x182d: 0x00c3, 0x182e: 0x00c3, 0x182f: 0x00c3, + 0x1830: 0x00c3, 0x1831: 0x00c3, 0x1832: 0x00c3, 0x1833: 0x00c3, 0x1834: 0x00c0, 0x1835: 0x00c0, + 0x1836: 0x00c3, 0x1837: 0x00c3, 0x183b: 0x0080, + 0x183c: 0x0080, 0x183d: 0x0080, 0x183e: 0x0080, 0x183f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x00c0, 0x1841: 0x00c0, 0x1842: 0x00c0, 0x1843: 0x00c0, 0x1844: 0x00c0, 0x1845: 0x00c0, + 0x1846: 0x00c0, 0x1847: 0x00c0, 0x1848: 0x00c0, 0x1849: 0x00c0, + 0x184d: 0x00c0, 0x184e: 0x00c0, 0x184f: 0x00c0, 0x1850: 0x00c0, 0x1851: 0x00c0, + 0x1852: 0x00c0, 0x1853: 0x00c0, 0x1854: 0x00c0, 0x1855: 0x00c0, 0x1856: 0x00c0, 0x1857: 0x00c0, + 0x1858: 0x00c0, 0x1859: 0x00c0, 0x185a: 0x00c0, 0x185b: 0x00c0, 0x185c: 0x00c0, 0x185d: 0x00c0, + 0x185e: 0x00c0, 0x185f: 0x00c0, 0x1860: 0x00c0, 0x1861: 0x00c0, 0x1862: 0x00c0, 0x1863: 0x00c0, + 0x1864: 0x00c0, 0x1865: 0x00c0, 0x1866: 0x00c0, 0x1867: 0x00c0, 0x1868: 0x00c0, 0x1869: 0x00c0, + 0x186a: 0x00c0, 0x186b: 0x00c0, 0x186c: 0x00c0, 0x186d: 0x00c0, 0x186e: 0x00c0, 0x186f: 0x00c0, + 0x1870: 0x00c0, 0x1871: 0x00c0, 0x1872: 0x00c0, 0x1873: 0x00c0, 0x1874: 0x00c0, 0x1875: 0x00c0, + 0x1876: 0x00c0, 0x1877: 0x00c0, 0x1878: 0x00c0, 0x1879: 0x00c0, 0x187a: 0x00c0, 0x187b: 0x00c0, + 0x187c: 0x00c0, 0x187d: 0x00c0, 0x187e: 0x0080, 0x187f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x00c0, 0x1881: 0x00c0, 0x1882: 0x00c0, 0x1883: 0x00c0, 0x1884: 0x00c0, 0x1885: 0x00c0, + 0x1886: 0x00c0, 0x1887: 0x00c0, 0x1888: 0x00c0, + 0x1890: 0x00c0, 0x1891: 0x00c0, + 0x1892: 0x00c0, 0x1893: 0x00c0, 0x1894: 0x00c0, 0x1895: 0x00c0, 0x1896: 0x00c0, 0x1897: 0x00c0, + 0x1898: 0x00c0, 0x1899: 0x00c0, 0x189a: 0x00c0, 0x189b: 0x00c0, 0x189c: 0x00c0, 0x189d: 0x00c0, + 0x189e: 0x00c0, 0x189f: 0x00c0, 0x18a0: 0x00c0, 0x18a1: 0x00c0, 0x18a2: 0x00c0, 0x18a3: 0x00c0, + 0x18a4: 0x00c0, 0x18a5: 0x00c0, 0x18a6: 0x00c0, 0x18a7: 0x00c0, 0x18a8: 0x00c0, 0x18a9: 0x00c0, + 0x18aa: 0x00c0, 0x18ab: 0x00c0, 0x18ac: 0x00c0, 0x18ad: 0x00c0, 0x18ae: 0x00c0, 0x18af: 0x00c0, + 0x18b0: 0x00c0, 0x18b1: 0x00c0, 0x18b2: 0x00c0, 0x18b3: 0x00c0, 0x18b4: 0x00c0, 0x18b5: 0x00c0, + 0x18b6: 0x00c0, 0x18b7: 0x00c0, 0x18b8: 0x00c0, 0x18b9: 0x00c0, 0x18ba: 0x00c0, + 0x18bd: 0x00c0, 0x18be: 0x00c0, 0x18bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x0080, 0x18c1: 0x0080, 0x18c2: 0x0080, 0x18c3: 0x0080, 0x18c4: 0x0080, 0x18c5: 0x0080, + 0x18c6: 0x0080, 0x18c7: 0x0080, + 0x18d0: 0x00c3, 0x18d1: 0x00c3, + 0x18d2: 0x00c3, 0x18d3: 0x0080, 0x18d4: 0x00c3, 0x18d5: 0x00c3, 0x18d6: 0x00c3, 0x18d7: 0x00c3, + 0x18d8: 0x00c3, 0x18d9: 0x00c3, 0x18da: 0x00c3, 0x18db: 0x00c3, 0x18dc: 0x00c3, 0x18dd: 0x00c3, + 0x18de: 0x00c3, 0x18df: 0x00c3, 0x18e0: 0x00c3, 0x18e1: 0x00c0, 0x18e2: 0x00c3, 0x18e3: 0x00c3, + 0x18e4: 0x00c3, 0x18e5: 0x00c3, 0x18e6: 0x00c3, 0x18e7: 0x00c3, 0x18e8: 0x00c3, 0x18e9: 0x00c0, + 0x18ea: 0x00c0, 0x18eb: 0x00c0, 0x18ec: 0x00c0, 0x18ed: 0x00c3, 0x18ee: 0x00c0, 0x18ef: 0x00c0, + 0x18f0: 0x00c0, 0x18f1: 0x00c0, 0x18f2: 0x00c0, 0x18f3: 0x00c0, 0x18f4: 0x00c3, 0x18f5: 0x00c0, + 0x18f6: 0x00c0, 0x18f7: 0x00c0, 0x18f8: 0x00c3, 0x18f9: 0x00c3, 0x18fa: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x00c0, 0x1901: 0x00c0, 0x1902: 0x00c0, 0x1903: 0x00c0, 0x1904: 0x00c0, 0x1905: 0x00c0, + 0x1906: 0x00c0, 0x1907: 0x00c0, 0x1908: 0x00c0, 0x1909: 0x00c0, 0x190a: 0x00c0, 0x190b: 0x00c0, + 0x190c: 0x00c0, 0x190d: 0x00c0, 0x190e: 0x00c0, 0x190f: 0x00c0, 0x1910: 0x00c0, 0x1911: 0x00c0, + 0x1912: 0x00c0, 0x1913: 0x00c0, 0x1914: 0x00c0, 0x1915: 0x00c0, 0x1916: 0x00c0, 0x1917: 0x00c0, + 0x1918: 0x00c0, 0x1919: 0x00c0, 0x191a: 0x00c0, 0x191b: 0x00c0, 0x191c: 0x00c0, 0x191d: 0x00c0, + 0x191e: 0x00c0, 0x191f: 0x00c0, 0x1920: 0x00c0, 0x1921: 0x00c0, 0x1922: 0x00c0, 0x1923: 0x00c0, + 0x1924: 0x00c0, 0x1925: 0x00c0, 0x1926: 0x00c8, 0x1927: 0x00c8, 0x1928: 0x00c8, 0x1929: 0x00c8, + 0x192a: 0x00c8, 0x192b: 0x00c0, 0x192c: 0x0080, 0x192d: 0x0080, 0x192e: 0x0080, 0x192f: 0x00c0, + 0x1930: 0x0080, 0x1931: 0x0080, 0x1932: 0x0080, 0x1933: 0x0080, 0x1934: 0x0080, 0x1935: 0x0080, + 0x1936: 0x0080, 0x1937: 0x0080, 0x1938: 0x0080, 0x1939: 0x0080, 0x193a: 0x0080, 0x193b: 0x00c0, + 0x193c: 0x0080, 0x193d: 0x0080, 0x193e: 0x0080, 0x193f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1940: 0x0080, 0x1941: 0x0080, 0x1942: 0x0080, 0x1943: 0x0080, 0x1944: 0x0080, 0x1945: 0x0080, + 0x1946: 0x0080, 0x1947: 0x0080, 0x1948: 0x0080, 0x1949: 0x0080, 0x194a: 0x0080, 0x194b: 0x0080, + 0x194c: 0x0080, 0x194d: 0x0080, 0x194e: 0x00c0, 0x194f: 0x0080, 0x1950: 0x0080, 0x1951: 0x0080, + 0x1952: 0x0080, 0x1953: 0x0080, 0x1954: 0x0080, 0x1955: 0x0080, 0x1956: 0x0080, 0x1957: 0x0080, + 0x1958: 0x0080, 0x1959: 0x0080, 0x195a: 0x0080, 0x195b: 0x0080, 0x195c: 0x0080, 0x195d: 0x0088, + 0x195e: 0x0088, 0x195f: 0x0088, 0x1960: 0x0088, 0x1961: 0x0088, 0x1962: 0x0080, 0x1963: 0x0080, + 0x1964: 0x0080, 0x1965: 0x0080, 0x1966: 0x0088, 0x1967: 0x0088, 0x1968: 0x0088, 0x1969: 0x0088, + 0x196a: 0x0088, 0x196b: 0x00c0, 0x196c: 0x00c0, 0x196d: 0x00c0, 0x196e: 0x00c0, 0x196f: 0x00c0, + 0x1970: 0x00c0, 0x1971: 0x00c0, 0x1972: 0x00c0, 0x1973: 0x00c0, 0x1974: 0x00c0, 0x1975: 0x00c0, + 0x1976: 0x00c0, 0x1977: 0x00c0, 0x1978: 0x0080, 0x1979: 0x00c0, 0x197a: 0x00c0, 0x197b: 0x00c0, + 0x197c: 0x00c0, 0x197d: 0x00c0, 0x197e: 0x00c0, 0x197f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x00c0, 0x1981: 0x00c0, 0x1982: 0x00c0, 0x1983: 0x00c0, 0x1984: 0x00c0, 0x1985: 0x00c0, + 0x1986: 0x00c0, 0x1987: 0x00c0, 0x1988: 0x00c0, 0x1989: 0x00c0, 0x198a: 0x00c0, 0x198b: 0x00c0, + 0x198c: 0x00c0, 0x198d: 0x00c0, 0x198e: 0x00c0, 0x198f: 0x00c0, 0x1990: 0x00c0, 0x1991: 0x00c0, + 0x1992: 0x00c0, 0x1993: 0x00c0, 0x1994: 0x00c0, 0x1995: 0x00c0, 0x1996: 0x00c0, 0x1997: 0x00c0, + 0x1998: 0x00c0, 0x1999: 0x00c0, 0x199a: 0x00c0, 0x199b: 0x0080, 0x199c: 0x0080, 0x199d: 0x0080, + 0x199e: 0x0080, 0x199f: 0x0080, 0x19a0: 0x0080, 0x19a1: 0x0080, 0x19a2: 0x0080, 0x19a3: 0x0080, + 0x19a4: 0x0080, 0x19a5: 0x0080, 0x19a6: 0x0080, 0x19a7: 0x0080, 0x19a8: 0x0080, 0x19a9: 0x0080, + 0x19aa: 0x0080, 0x19ab: 0x0080, 0x19ac: 0x0080, 0x19ad: 0x0080, 0x19ae: 0x0080, 0x19af: 0x0080, + 0x19b0: 0x0080, 0x19b1: 0x0080, 0x19b2: 0x0080, 0x19b3: 0x0080, 0x19b4: 0x0080, 0x19b5: 0x0080, + 0x19b6: 0x0080, 0x19b7: 0x0080, 0x19b8: 0x0080, 0x19b9: 0x0080, 0x19ba: 0x0080, 0x19bb: 0x0080, + 0x19bc: 0x0080, 0x19bd: 0x0080, 0x19be: 0x0080, 0x19bf: 0x0088, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19c0: 0x00c3, 0x19c1: 0x00c3, 0x19c2: 0x00c3, 0x19c3: 0x00c3, 0x19c4: 0x00c3, 0x19c5: 0x00c3, + 0x19c6: 0x00c3, 0x19c7: 0x00c3, 0x19c8: 0x00c3, 0x19c9: 0x00c3, 0x19ca: 0x00c3, 0x19cb: 0x00c3, + 0x19cc: 0x00c3, 0x19cd: 0x00c3, 0x19ce: 0x00c3, 0x19cf: 0x00c3, 0x19d0: 0x00c3, 0x19d1: 0x00c3, + 0x19d2: 0x00c3, 0x19d3: 0x00c3, 0x19d4: 0x00c3, 0x19d5: 0x00c3, 0x19d6: 0x00c3, 0x19d7: 0x00c3, + 0x19d8: 0x00c3, 0x19d9: 0x00c3, 0x19da: 0x00c3, 0x19db: 0x00c3, 0x19dc: 0x00c3, 0x19dd: 0x00c3, + 0x19de: 0x00c3, 0x19df: 0x00c3, 0x19e0: 0x00c3, 0x19e1: 0x00c3, 0x19e2: 0x00c3, 0x19e3: 0x00c3, + 0x19e4: 0x00c3, 0x19e5: 0x00c3, 0x19e6: 0x00c3, 0x19e7: 0x00c3, 0x19e8: 0x00c3, 0x19e9: 0x00c3, + 0x19ea: 0x00c3, 0x19eb: 0x00c3, 0x19ec: 0x00c3, 0x19ed: 0x00c3, 0x19ee: 0x00c3, 0x19ef: 0x00c3, + 0x19f0: 0x00c3, 0x19f1: 0x00c3, 0x19f2: 0x00c3, 0x19f3: 0x00c3, 0x19f4: 0x00c3, 0x19f5: 0x00c3, + 0x19f6: 0x00c3, 0x19f7: 0x00c3, 0x19f8: 0x00c3, 0x19f9: 0x00c3, 0x19fb: 0x00c3, + 0x19fc: 0x00c3, 0x19fd: 0x00c3, 0x19fe: 0x00c3, 0x19ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a00: 0x00c0, 0x1a01: 0x00c0, 0x1a02: 0x00c0, 0x1a03: 0x00c0, 0x1a04: 0x00c0, 0x1a05: 0x00c0, + 0x1a06: 0x00c0, 0x1a07: 0x00c0, 0x1a08: 0x00c0, 0x1a09: 0x00c0, 0x1a0a: 0x00c0, 0x1a0b: 0x00c0, + 0x1a0c: 0x00c0, 0x1a0d: 0x00c0, 0x1a0e: 0x00c0, 0x1a0f: 0x00c0, 0x1a10: 0x00c0, 0x1a11: 0x00c0, + 0x1a12: 0x00c0, 0x1a13: 0x00c0, 0x1a14: 0x00c0, 0x1a15: 0x00c0, 0x1a16: 0x00c0, 0x1a17: 0x00c0, + 0x1a18: 0x00c0, 0x1a19: 0x00c0, 0x1a1a: 0x0080, 0x1a1b: 0x0080, 0x1a1c: 0x00c0, 0x1a1d: 0x00c0, + 0x1a1e: 0x00c0, 0x1a1f: 0x00c0, 0x1a20: 0x00c0, 0x1a21: 0x00c0, 0x1a22: 0x00c0, 0x1a23: 0x00c0, + 0x1a24: 0x00c0, 0x1a25: 0x00c0, 0x1a26: 0x00c0, 0x1a27: 0x00c0, 0x1a28: 0x00c0, 0x1a29: 0x00c0, + 0x1a2a: 0x00c0, 0x1a2b: 0x00c0, 0x1a2c: 0x00c0, 0x1a2d: 0x00c0, 0x1a2e: 0x00c0, 0x1a2f: 0x00c0, + 0x1a30: 0x00c0, 0x1a31: 0x00c0, 0x1a32: 0x00c0, 0x1a33: 0x00c0, 0x1a34: 0x00c0, 0x1a35: 0x00c0, + 0x1a36: 0x00c0, 0x1a37: 0x00c0, 0x1a38: 0x00c0, 0x1a39: 0x00c0, 0x1a3a: 0x00c0, 0x1a3b: 0x00c0, + 0x1a3c: 0x00c0, 0x1a3d: 0x00c0, 0x1a3e: 0x00c0, 0x1a3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x1a40 + 0x1a40: 0x00c8, 0x1a41: 0x00c8, 0x1a42: 0x00c8, 0x1a43: 0x00c8, 0x1a44: 0x00c8, 0x1a45: 0x00c8, + 0x1a46: 0x00c8, 0x1a47: 0x00c8, 0x1a48: 0x00c8, 0x1a49: 0x00c8, 0x1a4a: 0x00c8, 0x1a4b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a4c: 0x00c8, 0x1a4d: 0x00c8, 0x1a4e: 0x00c8, 0x1a4f: 0x00c8, 0x1a50: 0x00c8, 0x1a51: 0x00c8, + 0x1a52: 0x00c8, 0x1a53: 0x00c8, 0x1a54: 0x00c8, 0x1a55: 0x00c8, + 0x1a58: 0x00c8, 0x1a59: 0x00c8, 0x1a5a: 0x00c8, 0x1a5b: 0x00c8, 0x1a5c: 0x00c8, 0x1a5d: 0x00c8, + 0x1a60: 0x00c8, 0x1a61: 0x00c8, 0x1a62: 0x00c8, 0x1a63: 0x00c8, + 0x1a64: 0x00c8, 0x1a65: 0x00c8, 0x1a66: 0x00c8, 0x1a67: 0x00c8, 0x1a68: 0x00c8, 0x1a69: 0x00c8, + 0x1a6a: 0x00c8, 0x1a6b: 0x00c8, 0x1a6c: 0x00c8, 0x1a6d: 0x00c8, 0x1a6e: 0x00c8, 0x1a6f: 0x00c8, + 0x1a70: 0x00c8, 0x1a71: 0x00c8, 0x1a72: 0x00c8, 0x1a73: 0x00c8, 0x1a74: 0x00c8, 0x1a75: 0x00c8, + 0x1a76: 0x00c8, 0x1a77: 0x00c8, 0x1a78: 0x00c8, 0x1a79: 0x00c8, 0x1a7a: 0x00c8, 0x1a7b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a7c: 0x00c8, 0x1a7d: 0x00c8, 0x1a7e: 0x00c8, 0x1a7f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x1a80 + 0x1a80: 0x00c8, 0x1a81: 0x00c8, 0x1a82: 0x00c8, 0x1a83: 0x00c8, 0x1a84: 0x00c8, 0x1a85: 0x00c8, + 0x1a88: 0x00c8, 0x1a89: 0x00c8, 0x1a8a: 0x00c8, 0x1a8b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a8c: 0x00c8, 0x1a8d: 0x00c8, 0x1a90: 0x00c8, 0x1a91: 0x00c8, + 0x1a92: 0x00c8, 0x1a93: 0x00c8, 0x1a94: 0x00c8, 0x1a95: 0x00c8, 0x1a96: 0x00c8, 0x1a97: 0x00c8, + 0x1a99: 0x00c8, 0x1a9b: 0x00c8, 0x1a9d: 0x00c8, + 0x1a9f: 0x00c8, 0x1aa0: 0x00c8, 0x1aa1: 0x00c8, 0x1aa2: 0x00c8, 0x1aa3: 0x00c8, + 0x1aa4: 0x00c8, 0x1aa5: 0x00c8, 0x1aa6: 0x00c8, 0x1aa7: 0x00c8, 0x1aa8: 0x00c8, 0x1aa9: 0x00c8, + 0x1aaa: 0x00c8, 0x1aab: 0x00c8, 0x1aac: 0x00c8, 0x1aad: 0x00c8, 0x1aae: 0x00c8, 0x1aaf: 0x00c8, + 0x1ab0: 0x00c8, 0x1ab1: 0x0088, 0x1ab2: 0x00c8, 0x1ab3: 0x0088, 0x1ab4: 0x00c8, 0x1ab5: 0x0088, + 0x1ab6: 0x00c8, 0x1ab7: 0x0088, 0x1ab8: 0x00c8, 0x1ab9: 0x0088, 0x1aba: 0x00c8, 0x1abb: 0x0088, + 0x1abc: 0x00c8, 0x1abd: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x1ac0 + 0x1ac0: 0x00c8, 0x1ac1: 0x00c8, 0x1ac2: 0x00c8, 0x1ac3: 0x00c8, 0x1ac4: 0x00c8, 0x1ac5: 0x00c8, + 0x1ac6: 0x00c8, 0x1ac7: 0x00c8, 0x1ac8: 0x0088, 0x1ac9: 0x0088, 0x1aca: 0x0088, 0x1acb: 0x0088, + 0x1acc: 0x0088, 0x1acd: 0x0088, 0x1ace: 0x0088, 0x1acf: 0x0088, 0x1ad0: 0x00c8, 0x1ad1: 0x00c8, + 0x1ad2: 0x00c8, 0x1ad3: 0x00c8, 0x1ad4: 0x00c8, 0x1ad5: 0x00c8, 0x1ad6: 0x00c8, 0x1ad7: 0x00c8, + 0x1ad8: 0x0088, 0x1ad9: 0x0088, 0x1ada: 0x0088, 0x1adb: 0x0088, 0x1adc: 0x0088, 0x1add: 0x0088, + 0x1ade: 0x0088, 0x1adf: 0x0088, 0x1ae0: 0x00c8, 0x1ae1: 0x00c8, 0x1ae2: 0x00c8, 0x1ae3: 0x00c8, + 0x1ae4: 0x00c8, 0x1ae5: 0x00c8, 0x1ae6: 0x00c8, 0x1ae7: 0x00c8, 0x1ae8: 0x0088, 0x1ae9: 0x0088, + 0x1aea: 0x0088, 0x1aeb: 0x0088, 0x1aec: 0x0088, 0x1aed: 0x0088, 0x1aee: 0x0088, 0x1aef: 0x0088, + 0x1af0: 0x00c8, 0x1af1: 0x00c8, 0x1af2: 0x00c8, 0x1af3: 0x00c8, 0x1af4: 0x00c8, + 0x1af6: 0x00c8, 0x1af7: 0x00c8, 0x1af8: 0x00c8, 0x1af9: 0x00c8, 0x1afa: 0x00c8, 0x1afb: 0x0088, + 0x1afc: 0x0088, 0x1afd: 0x0088, 0x1afe: 0x0088, 0x1aff: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x1b00 + 0x1b00: 0x0088, 0x1b01: 0x0088, 0x1b02: 0x00c8, 0x1b03: 0x00c8, 0x1b04: 0x00c8, + 0x1b06: 0x00c8, 0x1b07: 0x00c8, 0x1b08: 0x00c8, 0x1b09: 0x0088, 0x1b0a: 0x00c8, 0x1b0b: 0x0088, + 0x1b0c: 0x0088, 0x1b0d: 0x0088, 0x1b0e: 0x0088, 0x1b0f: 0x0088, 0x1b10: 0x00c8, 0x1b11: 0x00c8, + 0x1b12: 0x00c8, 0x1b13: 0x0088, 0x1b16: 0x00c8, 0x1b17: 0x00c8, + 0x1b18: 0x00c8, 0x1b19: 0x00c8, 0x1b1a: 0x00c8, 0x1b1b: 0x0088, 0x1b1d: 0x0088, + 0x1b1e: 0x0088, 0x1b1f: 0x0088, 0x1b20: 0x00c8, 0x1b21: 0x00c8, 0x1b22: 0x00c8, 0x1b23: 0x0088, + 0x1b24: 0x00c8, 0x1b25: 0x00c8, 0x1b26: 0x00c8, 0x1b27: 0x00c8, 0x1b28: 0x00c8, 0x1b29: 0x00c8, + 0x1b2a: 0x00c8, 0x1b2b: 0x0088, 0x1b2c: 0x00c8, 0x1b2d: 0x0088, 0x1b2e: 0x0088, 0x1b2f: 0x0088, + 0x1b32: 0x00c8, 0x1b33: 0x00c8, 0x1b34: 0x00c8, + 0x1b36: 0x00c8, 0x1b37: 0x00c8, 0x1b38: 0x00c8, 0x1b39: 0x0088, 0x1b3a: 0x00c8, 0x1b3b: 0x0088, + 0x1b3c: 0x0088, 0x1b3d: 0x0088, 0x1b3e: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x1b40 + 0x1b40: 0x0080, 0x1b41: 0x0080, 0x1b42: 0x0080, 0x1b43: 0x0080, 0x1b44: 0x0080, 0x1b45: 0x0080, + 0x1b46: 0x0080, 0x1b47: 0x0080, 0x1b48: 0x0080, 0x1b49: 0x0080, 0x1b4a: 0x0080, 0x1b4b: 0x0040, + 0x1b4c: 0x004d, 0x1b4d: 0x004e, 0x1b4e: 0x0040, 0x1b4f: 0x0040, 0x1b50: 0x0080, 0x1b51: 0x0080, + 0x1b52: 0x0080, 0x1b53: 0x0080, 0x1b54: 0x0080, 0x1b55: 0x0080, 0x1b56: 0x0080, 0x1b57: 0x0080, + 0x1b58: 0x0080, 0x1b59: 0x0080, 0x1b5a: 0x0080, 0x1b5b: 0x0080, 0x1b5c: 0x0080, 0x1b5d: 0x0080, + 0x1b5e: 0x0080, 0x1b5f: 0x0080, 0x1b60: 0x0080, 0x1b61: 0x0080, 0x1b62: 0x0080, 0x1b63: 0x0080, + 0x1b64: 0x0080, 0x1b65: 0x0080, 0x1b66: 0x0080, 0x1b67: 0x0080, 0x1b68: 0x0040, 0x1b69: 0x0040, + 0x1b6a: 0x0040, 0x1b6b: 0x0040, 0x1b6c: 0x0040, 0x1b6d: 0x0040, 0x1b6e: 0x0040, 0x1b6f: 0x0080, + 0x1b70: 0x0080, 0x1b71: 0x0080, 0x1b72: 0x0080, 0x1b73: 0x0080, 0x1b74: 0x0080, 0x1b75: 0x0080, + 0x1b76: 0x0080, 0x1b77: 0x0080, 0x1b78: 0x0080, 0x1b79: 0x0080, 0x1b7a: 0x0080, 0x1b7b: 0x0080, + 0x1b7c: 0x0080, 0x1b7d: 0x0080, 0x1b7e: 0x0080, 0x1b7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x1b80 + 0x1b80: 0x0080, 0x1b81: 0x0080, 0x1b82: 0x0080, 0x1b83: 0x0080, 0x1b84: 0x0080, 0x1b85: 0x0080, + 0x1b86: 0x0080, 0x1b87: 0x0080, 0x1b88: 0x0080, 0x1b89: 0x0080, 0x1b8a: 0x0080, 0x1b8b: 0x0080, + 0x1b8c: 0x0080, 0x1b8d: 0x0080, 0x1b8e: 0x0080, 0x1b8f: 0x0080, 0x1b90: 0x0080, 0x1b91: 0x0080, + 0x1b92: 0x0080, 0x1b93: 0x0080, 0x1b94: 0x0080, 0x1b95: 0x0080, 0x1b96: 0x0080, 0x1b97: 0x0080, + 0x1b98: 0x0080, 0x1b99: 0x0080, 0x1b9a: 0x0080, 0x1b9b: 0x0080, 0x1b9c: 0x0080, 0x1b9d: 0x0080, + 0x1b9e: 0x0080, 0x1b9f: 0x0080, 0x1ba0: 0x0040, 0x1ba1: 0x0040, 0x1ba2: 0x0040, 0x1ba3: 0x0040, + 0x1ba4: 0x0040, 0x1ba6: 0x0040, 0x1ba7: 0x0040, 0x1ba8: 0x0040, 0x1ba9: 0x0040, + 0x1baa: 0x0040, 0x1bab: 0x0040, 0x1bac: 0x0040, 0x1bad: 0x0040, 0x1bae: 0x0040, 0x1baf: 0x0040, + 0x1bb0: 0x0080, 0x1bb1: 0x0080, 0x1bb4: 0x0080, 0x1bb5: 0x0080, + 0x1bb6: 0x0080, 0x1bb7: 0x0080, 0x1bb8: 0x0080, 0x1bb9: 0x0080, 0x1bba: 0x0080, 0x1bbb: 0x0080, + 0x1bbc: 0x0080, 0x1bbd: 0x0080, 0x1bbe: 0x0080, 0x1bbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x1bc0 + 0x1bc0: 0x0080, 0x1bc1: 0x0080, 0x1bc2: 0x0080, 0x1bc3: 0x0080, 0x1bc4: 0x0080, 0x1bc5: 0x0080, + 0x1bc6: 0x0080, 0x1bc7: 0x0080, 0x1bc8: 0x0080, 0x1bc9: 0x0080, 0x1bca: 0x0080, 0x1bcb: 0x0080, + 0x1bcc: 0x0080, 0x1bcd: 0x0080, 0x1bce: 0x0080, 0x1bd0: 0x0080, 0x1bd1: 0x0080, + 0x1bd2: 0x0080, 0x1bd3: 0x0080, 0x1bd4: 0x0080, 0x1bd5: 0x0080, 0x1bd6: 0x0080, 0x1bd7: 0x0080, + 0x1bd8: 0x0080, 0x1bd9: 0x0080, 0x1bda: 0x0080, 0x1bdb: 0x0080, 0x1bdc: 0x0080, + 0x1be0: 0x0080, 0x1be1: 0x0080, 0x1be2: 0x0080, 0x1be3: 0x0080, + 0x1be4: 0x0080, 0x1be5: 0x0080, 0x1be6: 0x0080, 0x1be7: 0x0080, 0x1be8: 0x0080, 0x1be9: 0x0080, + 0x1bea: 0x0080, 0x1beb: 0x0080, 0x1bec: 0x0080, 0x1bed: 0x0080, 0x1bee: 0x0080, 0x1bef: 0x0080, + 0x1bf0: 0x0080, 0x1bf1: 0x0080, 0x1bf2: 0x0080, 0x1bf3: 0x0080, 0x1bf4: 0x0080, 0x1bf5: 0x0080, + 0x1bf6: 0x0080, 0x1bf7: 0x0080, 0x1bf8: 0x0080, 0x1bf9: 0x0080, 0x1bfa: 0x0080, 0x1bfb: 0x0080, + 0x1bfc: 0x0080, 0x1bfd: 0x0080, 0x1bfe: 0x0080, 0x1bff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x1c00 + 0x1c10: 0x00c3, 0x1c11: 0x00c3, + 0x1c12: 0x00c3, 0x1c13: 0x00c3, 0x1c14: 0x00c3, 0x1c15: 0x00c3, 0x1c16: 0x00c3, 0x1c17: 0x00c3, + 0x1c18: 0x00c3, 0x1c19: 0x00c3, 0x1c1a: 0x00c3, 0x1c1b: 0x00c3, 0x1c1c: 0x00c3, 0x1c1d: 0x0083, + 0x1c1e: 0x0083, 0x1c1f: 0x0083, 0x1c20: 0x0083, 0x1c21: 0x00c3, 0x1c22: 0x0083, 0x1c23: 0x0083, + 0x1c24: 0x0083, 0x1c25: 0x00c3, 0x1c26: 0x00c3, 0x1c27: 0x00c3, 0x1c28: 0x00c3, 0x1c29: 0x00c3, + 0x1c2a: 0x00c3, 0x1c2b: 0x00c3, 0x1c2c: 0x00c3, 0x1c2d: 0x00c3, 0x1c2e: 0x00c3, 0x1c2f: 0x00c3, + 0x1c30: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x1c40 + 0x1c40: 0x0080, 0x1c41: 0x0080, 0x1c42: 0x0080, 0x1c43: 0x0080, 0x1c44: 0x0080, 0x1c45: 0x0080, + 0x1c46: 0x0080, 0x1c47: 0x0080, 0x1c48: 0x0080, 0x1c49: 0x0080, 0x1c4a: 0x0080, 0x1c4b: 0x0080, + 0x1c4c: 0x0080, 0x1c4d: 0x0080, 0x1c4e: 0x0080, 0x1c4f: 0x0080, 0x1c50: 0x0080, 0x1c51: 0x0080, + 0x1c52: 0x0080, 0x1c53: 0x0080, 0x1c54: 0x0080, 0x1c55: 0x0080, 0x1c56: 0x0080, 0x1c57: 0x0080, + 0x1c58: 0x0080, 0x1c59: 0x0080, 0x1c5a: 0x0080, 0x1c5b: 0x0080, 0x1c5c: 0x0080, 0x1c5d: 0x0080, + 0x1c5e: 0x0080, 0x1c5f: 0x0080, 0x1c60: 0x0080, 0x1c61: 0x0080, 0x1c62: 0x0080, 0x1c63: 0x0080, + 0x1c64: 0x0080, 0x1c65: 0x0080, 0x1c66: 0x0088, 0x1c67: 0x0080, 0x1c68: 0x0080, 0x1c69: 0x0080, + 0x1c6a: 0x0080, 0x1c6b: 0x0080, 0x1c6c: 0x0080, 0x1c6d: 0x0080, 0x1c6e: 0x0080, 0x1c6f: 0x0080, + 0x1c70: 0x0080, 0x1c71: 0x0080, 0x1c72: 0x00c0, 0x1c73: 0x0080, 0x1c74: 0x0080, 0x1c75: 0x0080, + 0x1c76: 0x0080, 0x1c77: 0x0080, 0x1c78: 0x0080, 0x1c79: 0x0080, 0x1c7a: 0x0080, 0x1c7b: 0x0080, + 0x1c7c: 0x0080, 0x1c7d: 0x0080, 0x1c7e: 0x0080, 0x1c7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x1c80 + 0x1c80: 0x0080, 0x1c81: 0x0080, 0x1c82: 0x0080, 0x1c83: 0x0080, 0x1c84: 0x0080, 0x1c85: 0x0080, + 0x1c86: 0x0080, 0x1c87: 0x0080, 0x1c88: 0x0080, 0x1c89: 0x0080, 0x1c8a: 0x0080, 0x1c8b: 0x0080, + 0x1c8c: 0x0080, 0x1c8d: 0x0080, 0x1c8e: 0x00c0, 0x1c8f: 0x0080, 0x1c90: 0x0080, 0x1c91: 0x0080, + 0x1c92: 0x0080, 0x1c93: 0x0080, 0x1c94: 0x0080, 0x1c95: 0x0080, 0x1c96: 0x0080, 0x1c97: 0x0080, + 0x1c98: 0x0080, 0x1c99: 0x0080, 0x1c9a: 0x0080, 0x1c9b: 0x0080, 0x1c9c: 0x0080, 0x1c9d: 0x0080, + 0x1c9e: 0x0080, 0x1c9f: 0x0080, 0x1ca0: 0x0080, 0x1ca1: 0x0080, 0x1ca2: 0x0080, 0x1ca3: 0x0080, + 0x1ca4: 0x0080, 0x1ca5: 0x0080, 0x1ca6: 0x0080, 0x1ca7: 0x0080, 0x1ca8: 0x0080, 0x1ca9: 0x0080, + 0x1caa: 0x0080, 0x1cab: 0x0080, 0x1cac: 0x0080, 0x1cad: 0x0080, 0x1cae: 0x0080, 0x1caf: 0x0080, + 0x1cb0: 0x0080, 0x1cb1: 0x0080, 0x1cb2: 0x0080, 0x1cb3: 0x0080, 0x1cb4: 0x0080, 0x1cb5: 0x0080, + 0x1cb6: 0x0080, 0x1cb7: 0x0080, 0x1cb8: 0x0080, 0x1cb9: 0x0080, 0x1cba: 0x0080, 0x1cbb: 0x0080, + 0x1cbc: 0x0080, 0x1cbd: 0x0080, 0x1cbe: 0x0080, 0x1cbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x1cc0 + 0x1cc0: 0x0080, 0x1cc1: 0x0080, 0x1cc2: 0x0080, 0x1cc3: 0x00c0, 0x1cc4: 0x00c0, 0x1cc5: 0x0080, + 0x1cc6: 0x0080, 0x1cc7: 0x0080, 0x1cc8: 0x0080, 0x1cc9: 0x0080, 0x1cca: 0x0080, 0x1ccb: 0x0080, + 0x1cd0: 0x0080, 0x1cd1: 0x0080, + 0x1cd2: 0x0080, 0x1cd3: 0x0080, 0x1cd4: 0x0080, 0x1cd5: 0x0080, 0x1cd6: 0x0080, 0x1cd7: 0x0080, + 0x1cd8: 0x0080, 0x1cd9: 0x0080, 0x1cda: 0x0080, 0x1cdb: 0x0080, 0x1cdc: 0x0080, 0x1cdd: 0x0080, + 0x1cde: 0x0080, 0x1cdf: 0x0080, 0x1ce0: 0x0080, 0x1ce1: 0x0080, 0x1ce2: 0x0080, 0x1ce3: 0x0080, + 0x1ce4: 0x0080, 0x1ce5: 0x0080, 0x1ce6: 0x0080, 0x1ce7: 0x0080, 0x1ce8: 0x0080, 0x1ce9: 0x0080, + 0x1cea: 0x0080, 0x1ceb: 0x0080, 0x1cec: 0x0080, 0x1ced: 0x0080, 0x1cee: 0x0080, 0x1cef: 0x0080, + 0x1cf0: 0x0080, 0x1cf1: 0x0080, 0x1cf2: 0x0080, 0x1cf3: 0x0080, 0x1cf4: 0x0080, 0x1cf5: 0x0080, + 0x1cf6: 0x0080, 0x1cf7: 0x0080, 0x1cf8: 0x0080, 0x1cf9: 0x0080, 0x1cfa: 0x0080, 0x1cfb: 0x0080, + 0x1cfc: 0x0080, 0x1cfd: 0x0080, 0x1cfe: 0x0080, 0x1cff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x1d00 + 0x1d00: 0x0080, 0x1d01: 0x0080, 0x1d02: 0x0080, 0x1d03: 0x0080, 0x1d04: 0x0080, 0x1d05: 0x0080, + 0x1d06: 0x0080, 0x1d07: 0x0080, 0x1d08: 0x0080, 0x1d09: 0x0080, 0x1d0a: 0x0080, 0x1d0b: 0x0080, + 0x1d0c: 0x0080, 0x1d0d: 0x0080, 0x1d0e: 0x0080, 0x1d0f: 0x0080, 0x1d10: 0x0080, 0x1d11: 0x0080, + 0x1d12: 0x0080, 0x1d13: 0x0080, 0x1d14: 0x0080, 0x1d15: 0x0080, 0x1d16: 0x0080, 0x1d17: 0x0080, + 0x1d18: 0x0080, 0x1d19: 0x0080, 0x1d1a: 0x0080, 0x1d1b: 0x0080, 0x1d1c: 0x0080, 0x1d1d: 0x0080, + 0x1d1e: 0x0080, 0x1d1f: 0x0080, 0x1d20: 0x0080, 0x1d21: 0x0080, 0x1d22: 0x0080, 0x1d23: 0x0080, + 0x1d24: 0x0080, 0x1d25: 0x0080, 0x1d26: 0x0080, 0x1d27: 0x0080, 0x1d28: 0x0080, 0x1d29: 0x0080, + 0x1d2a: 0x0080, 0x1d2b: 0x0080, 0x1d2c: 0x0080, 0x1d2d: 0x0080, 0x1d2e: 0x0080, 0x1d2f: 0x0080, + 0x1d30: 0x0080, 0x1d31: 0x0080, 0x1d32: 0x0080, 0x1d33: 0x0080, 0x1d34: 0x0080, 0x1d35: 0x0080, + 0x1d36: 0x0080, 0x1d37: 0x0080, 0x1d38: 0x0080, 0x1d39: 0x0080, 0x1d3a: 0x0080, 0x1d3b: 0x0080, + 0x1d3c: 0x0080, 0x1d3d: 0x0080, 0x1d3e: 0x0080, 0x1d3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x1d40 + 0x1d40: 0x0080, 0x1d41: 0x0080, 0x1d42: 0x0080, 0x1d43: 0x0080, 0x1d44: 0x0080, 0x1d45: 0x0080, + 0x1d46: 0x0080, 0x1d47: 0x0080, 0x1d48: 0x0080, 0x1d49: 0x0080, 0x1d4a: 0x0080, 0x1d4b: 0x0080, + 0x1d4c: 0x0080, 0x1d4d: 0x0080, 0x1d4e: 0x0080, 0x1d4f: 0x0080, 0x1d50: 0x0080, 0x1d51: 0x0080, + 0x1d52: 0x0080, 0x1d53: 0x0080, 0x1d54: 0x0080, 0x1d55: 0x0080, 0x1d56: 0x0080, 0x1d57: 0x0080, + 0x1d58: 0x0080, 0x1d59: 0x0080, 0x1d5a: 0x0080, 0x1d5b: 0x0080, 0x1d5c: 0x0080, 0x1d5d: 0x0080, + 0x1d5e: 0x0080, 0x1d5f: 0x0080, 0x1d60: 0x0080, 0x1d61: 0x0080, 0x1d62: 0x0080, 0x1d63: 0x0080, + 0x1d64: 0x0080, 0x1d65: 0x0080, 0x1d66: 0x0080, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x1d80 + 0x1d80: 0x0080, 0x1d81: 0x0080, 0x1d82: 0x0080, 0x1d83: 0x0080, 0x1d84: 0x0080, 0x1d85: 0x0080, + 0x1d86: 0x0080, 0x1d87: 0x0080, 0x1d88: 0x0080, 0x1d89: 0x0080, 0x1d8a: 0x0080, + 0x1da0: 0x0080, 0x1da1: 0x0080, 0x1da2: 0x0080, 0x1da3: 0x0080, + 0x1da4: 0x0080, 0x1da5: 0x0080, 0x1da6: 0x0080, 0x1da7: 0x0080, 0x1da8: 0x0080, 0x1da9: 0x0080, + 0x1daa: 0x0080, 0x1dab: 0x0080, 0x1dac: 0x0080, 0x1dad: 0x0080, 0x1dae: 0x0080, 0x1daf: 0x0080, + 0x1db0: 0x0080, 0x1db1: 0x0080, 0x1db2: 0x0080, 0x1db3: 0x0080, 0x1db4: 0x0080, 0x1db5: 0x0080, + 0x1db6: 0x0080, 0x1db7: 0x0080, 0x1db8: 0x0080, 0x1db9: 0x0080, 0x1dba: 0x0080, 0x1dbb: 0x0080, + 0x1dbc: 0x0080, 0x1dbd: 0x0080, 0x1dbe: 0x0080, 0x1dbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x1dc0 + 0x1dc0: 0x0080, 0x1dc1: 0x0080, 0x1dc2: 0x0080, 0x1dc3: 0x0080, 0x1dc4: 0x0080, 0x1dc5: 0x0080, + 0x1dc6: 0x0080, 0x1dc7: 0x0080, 0x1dc8: 0x0080, 0x1dc9: 0x0080, 0x1dca: 0x0080, 0x1dcb: 0x0080, + 0x1dcc: 0x0080, 0x1dcd: 0x0080, 0x1dce: 0x0080, 0x1dcf: 0x0080, 0x1dd0: 0x0080, 0x1dd1: 0x0080, + 0x1dd2: 0x0080, 0x1dd3: 0x0080, 0x1dd4: 0x0080, 0x1dd5: 0x0080, 0x1dd6: 0x0080, 0x1dd7: 0x0080, + 0x1dd8: 0x0080, 0x1dd9: 0x0080, 0x1dda: 0x0080, 0x1ddb: 0x0080, 0x1ddc: 0x0080, 0x1ddd: 0x0080, + 0x1dde: 0x0080, 0x1ddf: 0x0080, 0x1de0: 0x0080, 0x1de1: 0x0080, 0x1de2: 0x0080, 0x1de3: 0x0080, + 0x1de4: 0x0080, 0x1de5: 0x0080, 0x1de6: 0x0080, 0x1de7: 0x0080, 0x1de8: 0x0080, 0x1de9: 0x0080, + 0x1dea: 0x0080, 0x1deb: 0x0080, 0x1dec: 0x0080, 0x1ded: 0x0080, 0x1dee: 0x0080, 0x1def: 0x0080, + 0x1df0: 0x0080, 0x1df1: 0x0080, 0x1df2: 0x0080, 0x1df3: 0x0080, + 0x1df6: 0x0080, 0x1df7: 0x0080, 0x1df8: 0x0080, 0x1df9: 0x0080, 0x1dfa: 0x0080, 0x1dfb: 0x0080, + 0x1dfc: 0x0080, 0x1dfd: 0x0080, 0x1dfe: 0x0080, 0x1dff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x1e00 + 0x1e00: 0x0080, 0x1e01: 0x0080, 0x1e02: 0x0080, 0x1e03: 0x0080, 0x1e04: 0x0080, 0x1e05: 0x0080, + 0x1e06: 0x0080, 0x1e07: 0x0080, 0x1e08: 0x0080, 0x1e09: 0x0080, 0x1e0a: 0x0080, 0x1e0b: 0x0080, + 0x1e0c: 0x0080, 0x1e0d: 0x0080, 0x1e0e: 0x0080, 0x1e0f: 0x0080, 0x1e10: 0x0080, 0x1e11: 0x0080, + 0x1e12: 0x0080, 0x1e13: 0x0080, 0x1e14: 0x0080, 0x1e15: 0x0080, 0x1e17: 0x0080, + 0x1e18: 0x0080, 0x1e19: 0x0080, 0x1e1a: 0x0080, 0x1e1b: 0x0080, 0x1e1c: 0x0080, 0x1e1d: 0x0080, + 0x1e1e: 0x0080, 0x1e1f: 0x0080, 0x1e20: 0x0080, 0x1e21: 0x0080, 0x1e22: 0x0080, 0x1e23: 0x0080, + 0x1e24: 0x0080, 0x1e25: 0x0080, 0x1e26: 0x0080, 0x1e27: 0x0080, 0x1e28: 0x0080, 0x1e29: 0x0080, + 0x1e2a: 0x0080, 0x1e2b: 0x0080, 0x1e2c: 0x0080, 0x1e2d: 0x0080, 0x1e2e: 0x0080, 0x1e2f: 0x0080, + 0x1e30: 0x0080, 0x1e31: 0x0080, 0x1e32: 0x0080, 0x1e33: 0x0080, 0x1e34: 0x0080, 0x1e35: 0x0080, + 0x1e36: 0x0080, 0x1e37: 0x0080, 0x1e38: 0x0080, 0x1e39: 0x0080, 0x1e3a: 0x0080, 0x1e3b: 0x0080, + 0x1e3c: 0x0080, 0x1e3d: 0x0080, 0x1e3e: 0x0080, 0x1e3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x1e40 + 0x1e40: 0x00c0, 0x1e41: 0x00c0, 0x1e42: 0x00c0, 0x1e43: 0x00c0, 0x1e44: 0x00c0, 0x1e45: 0x00c0, + 0x1e46: 0x00c0, 0x1e47: 0x00c0, 0x1e48: 0x00c0, 0x1e49: 0x00c0, 0x1e4a: 0x00c0, 0x1e4b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e4c: 0x00c0, 0x1e4d: 0x00c0, 0x1e4e: 0x00c0, 0x1e4f: 0x00c0, 0x1e50: 0x00c0, 0x1e51: 0x00c0, + 0x1e52: 0x00c0, 0x1e53: 0x00c0, 0x1e54: 0x00c0, 0x1e55: 0x00c0, 0x1e56: 0x00c0, 0x1e57: 0x00c0, + 0x1e58: 0x00c0, 0x1e59: 0x00c0, 0x1e5a: 0x00c0, 0x1e5b: 0x00c0, 0x1e5c: 0x00c0, 0x1e5d: 0x00c0, + 0x1e5e: 0x00c0, 0x1e5f: 0x00c0, 0x1e60: 0x00c0, 0x1e61: 0x00c0, 0x1e62: 0x00c0, 0x1e63: 0x00c0, + 0x1e64: 0x00c0, 0x1e65: 0x00c0, 0x1e66: 0x00c0, 0x1e67: 0x00c0, 0x1e68: 0x00c0, 0x1e69: 0x00c0, + 0x1e6a: 0x00c0, 0x1e6b: 0x00c0, 0x1e6c: 0x00c0, 0x1e6d: 0x00c0, 0x1e6e: 0x00c0, + 0x1e70: 0x00c0, 0x1e71: 0x00c0, 0x1e72: 0x00c0, 0x1e73: 0x00c0, 0x1e74: 0x00c0, 0x1e75: 0x00c0, + 0x1e76: 0x00c0, 0x1e77: 0x00c0, 0x1e78: 0x00c0, 0x1e79: 0x00c0, 0x1e7a: 0x00c0, 0x1e7b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e7c: 0x00c0, 0x1e7d: 0x00c0, 0x1e7e: 0x00c0, 0x1e7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x1e80 + 0x1e80: 0x00c0, 0x1e81: 0x00c0, 0x1e82: 0x00c0, 0x1e83: 0x00c0, 0x1e84: 0x00c0, 0x1e85: 0x00c0, + 0x1e86: 0x00c0, 0x1e87: 0x00c0, 0x1e88: 0x00c0, 0x1e89: 0x00c0, 0x1e8a: 0x00c0, 0x1e8b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e8c: 0x00c0, 0x1e8d: 0x00c0, 0x1e8e: 0x00c0, 0x1e8f: 0x00c0, 0x1e90: 0x00c0, 0x1e91: 0x00c0, + 0x1e92: 0x00c0, 0x1e93: 0x00c0, 0x1e94: 0x00c0, 0x1e95: 0x00c0, 0x1e96: 0x00c0, 0x1e97: 0x00c0, + 0x1e98: 0x00c0, 0x1e99: 0x00c0, 0x1e9a: 0x00c0, 0x1e9b: 0x00c0, 0x1e9c: 0x00c0, 0x1e9d: 0x00c0, + 0x1e9e: 0x00c0, 0x1ea0: 0x00c0, 0x1ea1: 0x00c0, 0x1ea2: 0x00c0, 0x1ea3: 0x00c0, + 0x1ea4: 0x00c0, 0x1ea5: 0x00c0, 0x1ea6: 0x00c0, 0x1ea7: 0x00c0, 0x1ea8: 0x00c0, 0x1ea9: 0x00c0, + 0x1eaa: 0x00c0, 0x1eab: 0x00c0, 0x1eac: 0x00c0, 0x1ead: 0x00c0, 0x1eae: 0x00c0, 0x1eaf: 0x00c0, + 0x1eb0: 0x00c0, 0x1eb1: 0x00c0, 0x1eb2: 0x00c0, 0x1eb3: 0x00c0, 0x1eb4: 0x00c0, 0x1eb5: 0x00c0, + 0x1eb6: 0x00c0, 0x1eb7: 0x00c0, 0x1eb8: 0x00c0, 0x1eb9: 0x00c0, 0x1eba: 0x00c0, 0x1ebb: 0x00c0, + 0x1ebc: 0x0080, 0x1ebd: 0x0080, 0x1ebe: 0x00c0, 0x1ebf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x1ec0 + 0x1ec0: 0x00c0, 0x1ec1: 0x00c0, 0x1ec2: 0x00c0, 0x1ec3: 0x00c0, 0x1ec4: 0x00c0, 0x1ec5: 0x00c0, + 0x1ec6: 0x00c0, 0x1ec7: 0x00c0, 0x1ec8: 0x00c0, 0x1ec9: 0x00c0, 0x1eca: 0x00c0, 0x1ecb: 0x00c0, + 0x1ecc: 0x00c0, 0x1ecd: 0x00c0, 0x1ece: 0x00c0, 0x1ecf: 0x00c0, 0x1ed0: 0x00c0, 0x1ed1: 0x00c0, + 0x1ed2: 0x00c0, 0x1ed3: 0x00c0, 0x1ed4: 0x00c0, 0x1ed5: 0x00c0, 0x1ed6: 0x00c0, 0x1ed7: 0x00c0, + 0x1ed8: 0x00c0, 0x1ed9: 0x00c0, 0x1eda: 0x00c0, 0x1edb: 0x00c0, 0x1edc: 0x00c0, 0x1edd: 0x00c0, + 0x1ede: 0x00c0, 0x1edf: 0x00c0, 0x1ee0: 0x00c0, 0x1ee1: 0x00c0, 0x1ee2: 0x00c0, 0x1ee3: 0x00c0, + 0x1ee4: 0x00c0, 0x1ee5: 0x0080, 0x1ee6: 0x0080, 0x1ee7: 0x0080, 0x1ee8: 0x0080, 0x1ee9: 0x0080, + 0x1eea: 0x0080, 0x1eeb: 0x00c0, 0x1eec: 0x00c0, 0x1eed: 0x00c0, 0x1eee: 0x00c0, 0x1eef: 0x00c3, + 0x1ef0: 0x00c3, 0x1ef1: 0x00c3, 0x1ef2: 0x00c0, 0x1ef3: 0x00c0, + 0x1ef9: 0x0080, 0x1efa: 0x0080, 0x1efb: 0x0080, + 0x1efc: 0x0080, 0x1efd: 0x0080, 0x1efe: 0x0080, 0x1eff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x1f00 + 0x1f00: 0x00c0, 0x1f01: 0x00c0, 0x1f02: 0x00c0, 0x1f03: 0x00c0, 0x1f04: 0x00c0, 0x1f05: 0x00c0, + 0x1f06: 0x00c0, 0x1f07: 0x00c0, 0x1f08: 0x00c0, 0x1f09: 0x00c0, 0x1f0a: 0x00c0, 0x1f0b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f0c: 0x00c0, 0x1f0d: 0x00c0, 0x1f0e: 0x00c0, 0x1f0f: 0x00c0, 0x1f10: 0x00c0, 0x1f11: 0x00c0, + 0x1f12: 0x00c0, 0x1f13: 0x00c0, 0x1f14: 0x00c0, 0x1f15: 0x00c0, 0x1f16: 0x00c0, 0x1f17: 0x00c0, + 0x1f18: 0x00c0, 0x1f19: 0x00c0, 0x1f1a: 0x00c0, 0x1f1b: 0x00c0, 0x1f1c: 0x00c0, 0x1f1d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f1e: 0x00c0, 0x1f1f: 0x00c0, 0x1f20: 0x00c0, 0x1f21: 0x00c0, 0x1f22: 0x00c0, 0x1f23: 0x00c0, + 0x1f24: 0x00c0, 0x1f25: 0x00c0, 0x1f27: 0x00c0, + 0x1f2d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f30: 0x00c0, 0x1f31: 0x00c0, 0x1f32: 0x00c0, 0x1f33: 0x00c0, 0x1f34: 0x00c0, 0x1f35: 0x00c0, + 0x1f36: 0x00c0, 0x1f37: 0x00c0, 0x1f38: 0x00c0, 0x1f39: 0x00c0, 0x1f3a: 0x00c0, 0x1f3b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f3c: 0x00c0, 0x1f3d: 0x00c0, 0x1f3e: 0x00c0, 0x1f3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x1f40 + 0x1f40: 0x00c0, 0x1f41: 0x00c0, 0x1f42: 0x00c0, 0x1f43: 0x00c0, 0x1f44: 0x00c0, 0x1f45: 0x00c0, + 0x1f46: 0x00c0, 0x1f47: 0x00c0, 0x1f48: 0x00c0, 0x1f49: 0x00c0, 0x1f4a: 0x00c0, 0x1f4b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f4c: 0x00c0, 0x1f4d: 0x00c0, 0x1f4e: 0x00c0, 0x1f4f: 0x00c0, 0x1f50: 0x00c0, 0x1f51: 0x00c0, + 0x1f52: 0x00c0, 0x1f53: 0x00c0, 0x1f54: 0x00c0, 0x1f55: 0x00c0, 0x1f56: 0x00c0, 0x1f57: 0x00c0, + 0x1f58: 0x00c0, 0x1f59: 0x00c0, 0x1f5a: 0x00c0, 0x1f5b: 0x00c0, 0x1f5c: 0x00c0, 0x1f5d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f5e: 0x00c0, 0x1f5f: 0x00c0, 0x1f60: 0x00c0, 0x1f61: 0x00c0, 0x1f62: 0x00c0, 0x1f63: 0x00c0, + 0x1f64: 0x00c0, 0x1f65: 0x00c0, 0x1f66: 0x00c0, 0x1f67: 0x00c0, + 0x1f6f: 0x0080, + 0x1f70: 0x0080, + 0x1f7f: 0x00c6, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x1f80 + 0x1f80: 0x00c0, 0x1f81: 0x00c0, 0x1f82: 0x00c0, 0x1f83: 0x00c0, 0x1f84: 0x00c0, 0x1f85: 0x00c0, + 0x1f86: 0x00c0, 0x1f87: 0x00c0, 0x1f88: 0x00c0, 0x1f89: 0x00c0, 0x1f8a: 0x00c0, 0x1f8b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f8c: 0x00c0, 0x1f8d: 0x00c0, 0x1f8e: 0x00c0, 0x1f8f: 0x00c0, 0x1f90: 0x00c0, 0x1f91: 0x00c0, + 0x1f92: 0x00c0, 0x1f93: 0x00c0, 0x1f94: 0x00c0, 0x1f95: 0x00c0, 0x1f96: 0x00c0, + 0x1fa0: 0x00c0, 0x1fa1: 0x00c0, 0x1fa2: 0x00c0, 0x1fa3: 0x00c0, + 0x1fa4: 0x00c0, 0x1fa5: 0x00c0, 0x1fa6: 0x00c0, 0x1fa8: 0x00c0, 0x1fa9: 0x00c0, + 0x1faa: 0x00c0, 0x1fab: 0x00c0, 0x1fac: 0x00c0, 0x1fad: 0x00c0, 0x1fae: 0x00c0, + 0x1fb0: 0x00c0, 0x1fb1: 0x00c0, 0x1fb2: 0x00c0, 0x1fb3: 0x00c0, 0x1fb4: 0x00c0, 0x1fb5: 0x00c0, + 0x1fb6: 0x00c0, 0x1fb8: 0x00c0, 0x1fb9: 0x00c0, 0x1fba: 0x00c0, 0x1fbb: 0x00c0, + 0x1fbc: 0x00c0, 0x1fbd: 0x00c0, 0x1fbe: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x1fc0 + 0x1fc0: 0x00c0, 0x1fc1: 0x00c0, 0x1fc2: 0x00c0, 0x1fc3: 0x00c0, 0x1fc4: 0x00c0, 0x1fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x1fc6: 0x00c0, 0x1fc8: 0x00c0, 0x1fc9: 0x00c0, 0x1fca: 0x00c0, 0x1fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x1fcc: 0x00c0, 0x1fcd: 0x00c0, 0x1fce: 0x00c0, 0x1fd0: 0x00c0, 0x1fd1: 0x00c0, + 0x1fd2: 0x00c0, 0x1fd3: 0x00c0, 0x1fd4: 0x00c0, 0x1fd5: 0x00c0, 0x1fd6: 0x00c0, + 0x1fd8: 0x00c0, 0x1fd9: 0x00c0, 0x1fda: 0x00c0, 0x1fdb: 0x00c0, 0x1fdc: 0x00c0, 0x1fdd: 0x00c0, + 0x1fde: 0x00c0, 0x1fe0: 0x00c3, 0x1fe1: 0x00c3, 0x1fe2: 0x00c3, 0x1fe3: 0x00c3, + 0x1fe4: 0x00c3, 0x1fe5: 0x00c3, 0x1fe6: 0x00c3, 0x1fe7: 0x00c3, 0x1fe8: 0x00c3, 0x1fe9: 0x00c3, + 0x1fea: 0x00c3, 0x1feb: 0x00c3, 0x1fec: 0x00c3, 0x1fed: 0x00c3, 0x1fee: 0x00c3, 0x1fef: 0x00c3, + 0x1ff0: 0x00c3, 0x1ff1: 0x00c3, 0x1ff2: 0x00c3, 0x1ff3: 0x00c3, 0x1ff4: 0x00c3, 0x1ff5: 0x00c3, + 0x1ff6: 0x00c3, 0x1ff7: 0x00c3, 0x1ff8: 0x00c3, 0x1ff9: 0x00c3, 0x1ffa: 0x00c3, 0x1ffb: 0x00c3, + 0x1ffc: 0x00c3, 0x1ffd: 0x00c3, 0x1ffe: 0x00c3, 0x1fff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x2000 + 0x2000: 0x0080, 0x2001: 0x0080, 0x2002: 0x0080, 0x2003: 0x0080, 0x2004: 0x0080, 0x2005: 0x0080, + 0x2006: 0x0080, 0x2007: 0x0080, 0x2008: 0x0080, 0x2009: 0x0080, 0x200a: 0x0080, 0x200b: 0x0080, + 0x200c: 0x0080, 0x200d: 0x0080, 0x200e: 0x0080, 0x200f: 0x0080, 0x2010: 0x0080, 0x2011: 0x0080, + 0x2012: 0x0080, 0x2013: 0x0080, 0x2014: 0x0080, 0x2015: 0x0080, 0x2016: 0x0080, 0x2017: 0x0080, + 0x2018: 0x0080, 0x2019: 0x0080, 0x201a: 0x0080, 0x201b: 0x0080, 0x201c: 0x0080, 0x201d: 0x0080, + 0x201e: 0x0080, 0x201f: 0x0080, 0x2020: 0x0080, 0x2021: 0x0080, 0x2022: 0x0080, 0x2023: 0x0080, + 0x2024: 0x0080, 0x2025: 0x0080, 0x2026: 0x0080, 0x2027: 0x0080, 0x2028: 0x0080, 0x2029: 0x0080, + 0x202a: 0x0080, 0x202b: 0x0080, 0x202c: 0x0080, 0x202d: 0x0080, 0x202e: 0x0080, 0x202f: 0x00c0, + 0x2030: 0x0080, 0x2031: 0x0080, 0x2032: 0x0080, 0x2033: 0x0080, 0x2034: 0x0080, 0x2035: 0x0080, + 0x2036: 0x0080, 0x2037: 0x0080, 0x2038: 0x0080, 0x2039: 0x0080, 0x203a: 0x0080, 0x203b: 0x0080, + 0x203c: 0x0080, 0x203d: 0x0080, 0x203e: 0x0080, 0x203f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x2040 + 0x2040: 0x0080, 0x2041: 0x0080, 0x2042: 0x0080, 0x2043: 0x0080, 0x2044: 0x0080, 0x2045: 0x0080, + 0x2046: 0x0080, 0x2047: 0x0080, 0x2048: 0x0080, 0x2049: 0x0080, 0x204a: 0x0080, 0x204b: 0x0080, + 0x204c: 0x0080, 0x204d: 0x0080, 0x204e: 0x0080, 0x204f: 0x0080, 0x2050: 0x0080, 0x2051: 0x0080, + 0x2052: 0x0080, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x2080 + 0x2080: 0x008c, 0x2081: 0x008c, 0x2082: 0x008c, 0x2083: 0x008c, 0x2084: 0x008c, 0x2085: 0x008c, + 0x2086: 0x008c, 0x2087: 0x008c, 0x2088: 0x008c, 0x2089: 0x008c, 0x208a: 0x008c, 0x208b: 0x008c, + 0x208c: 0x008c, 0x208d: 0x008c, 0x208e: 0x008c, 0x208f: 0x008c, 0x2090: 0x008c, 0x2091: 0x008c, + 0x2092: 0x008c, 0x2093: 0x008c, 0x2094: 0x008c, 0x2095: 0x008c, 0x2096: 0x008c, 0x2097: 0x008c, + 0x2098: 0x008c, 0x2099: 0x008c, 0x209b: 0x008c, 0x209c: 0x008c, 0x209d: 0x008c, + 0x209e: 0x008c, 0x209f: 0x008c, 0x20a0: 0x008c, 0x20a1: 0x008c, 0x20a2: 0x008c, 0x20a3: 0x008c, + 0x20a4: 0x008c, 0x20a5: 0x008c, 0x20a6: 0x008c, 0x20a7: 0x008c, 0x20a8: 0x008c, 0x20a9: 0x008c, + 0x20aa: 0x008c, 0x20ab: 0x008c, 0x20ac: 0x008c, 0x20ad: 0x008c, 0x20ae: 0x008c, 0x20af: 0x008c, + 0x20b0: 0x008c, 0x20b1: 0x008c, 0x20b2: 0x008c, 0x20b3: 0x008c, 0x20b4: 0x008c, 0x20b5: 0x008c, + 0x20b6: 0x008c, 0x20b7: 0x008c, 0x20b8: 0x008c, 0x20b9: 0x008c, 0x20ba: 0x008c, 0x20bb: 0x008c, + 0x20bc: 0x008c, 0x20bd: 0x008c, 0x20be: 0x008c, 0x20bf: 0x008c, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x20c0 + 0x20c0: 0x008c, 0x20c1: 0x008c, 0x20c2: 0x008c, 0x20c3: 0x008c, 0x20c4: 0x008c, 0x20c5: 0x008c, + 0x20c6: 0x008c, 0x20c7: 0x008c, 0x20c8: 0x008c, 0x20c9: 0x008c, 0x20ca: 0x008c, 0x20cb: 0x008c, + 0x20cc: 0x008c, 0x20cd: 0x008c, 0x20ce: 0x008c, 0x20cf: 0x008c, 0x20d0: 0x008c, 0x20d1: 0x008c, + 0x20d2: 0x008c, 0x20d3: 0x008c, 0x20d4: 0x008c, 0x20d5: 0x008c, 0x20d6: 0x008c, 0x20d7: 0x008c, + 0x20d8: 0x008c, 0x20d9: 0x008c, 0x20da: 0x008c, 0x20db: 0x008c, 0x20dc: 0x008c, 0x20dd: 0x008c, + 0x20de: 0x008c, 0x20df: 0x008c, 0x20e0: 0x008c, 0x20e1: 0x008c, 0x20e2: 0x008c, 0x20e3: 0x008c, + 0x20e4: 0x008c, 0x20e5: 0x008c, 0x20e6: 0x008c, 0x20e7: 0x008c, 0x20e8: 0x008c, 0x20e9: 0x008c, + 0x20ea: 0x008c, 0x20eb: 0x008c, 0x20ec: 0x008c, 0x20ed: 0x008c, 0x20ee: 0x008c, 0x20ef: 0x008c, + 0x20f0: 0x008c, 0x20f1: 0x008c, 0x20f2: 0x008c, 0x20f3: 0x008c, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x2100 + 0x2100: 0x008c, 0x2101: 0x008c, 0x2102: 0x008c, 0x2103: 0x008c, 0x2104: 0x008c, 0x2105: 0x008c, + 0x2106: 0x008c, 0x2107: 0x008c, 0x2108: 0x008c, 0x2109: 0x008c, 0x210a: 0x008c, 0x210b: 0x008c, + 0x210c: 0x008c, 0x210d: 0x008c, 0x210e: 0x008c, 0x210f: 0x008c, 0x2110: 0x008c, 0x2111: 0x008c, + 0x2112: 0x008c, 0x2113: 0x008c, 0x2114: 0x008c, 0x2115: 0x008c, 0x2116: 0x008c, 0x2117: 0x008c, + 0x2118: 0x008c, 0x2119: 0x008c, 0x211a: 0x008c, 0x211b: 0x008c, 0x211c: 0x008c, 0x211d: 0x008c, + 0x211e: 0x008c, 0x211f: 0x008c, 0x2120: 0x008c, 0x2121: 0x008c, 0x2122: 0x008c, 0x2123: 0x008c, + 0x2124: 0x008c, 0x2125: 0x008c, 0x2126: 0x008c, 0x2127: 0x008c, 0x2128: 0x008c, 0x2129: 0x008c, + 0x212a: 0x008c, 0x212b: 0x008c, 0x212c: 0x008c, 0x212d: 0x008c, 0x212e: 0x008c, 0x212f: 0x008c, + 0x2130: 0x008c, 0x2131: 0x008c, 0x2132: 0x008c, 0x2133: 0x008c, 0x2134: 0x008c, 0x2135: 0x008c, + 0x2136: 0x008c, 0x2137: 0x008c, 0x2138: 0x008c, 0x2139: 0x008c, 0x213a: 0x008c, 0x213b: 0x008c, + 0x213c: 0x008c, 0x213d: 0x008c, 0x213e: 0x008c, 0x213f: 0x008c, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x2140 + 0x2140: 0x008c, 0x2141: 0x008c, 0x2142: 0x008c, 0x2143: 0x008c, 0x2144: 0x008c, 0x2145: 0x008c, + 0x2146: 0x008c, 0x2147: 0x008c, 0x2148: 0x008c, 0x2149: 0x008c, 0x214a: 0x008c, 0x214b: 0x008c, + 0x214c: 0x008c, 0x214d: 0x008c, 0x214e: 0x008c, 0x214f: 0x008c, 0x2150: 0x008c, 0x2151: 0x008c, + 0x2152: 0x008c, 0x2153: 0x008c, 0x2154: 0x008c, 0x2155: 0x008c, + 0x2170: 0x0080, 0x2171: 0x0080, 0x2172: 0x0080, 0x2173: 0x0080, 0x2174: 0x0080, 0x2175: 0x0080, + 0x2176: 0x0080, 0x2177: 0x0080, 0x2178: 0x0080, 0x2179: 0x0080, 0x217a: 0x0080, 0x217b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x2180 + 0x2180: 0x0080, 0x2181: 0x0080, 0x2182: 0x0080, 0x2183: 0x0080, 0x2184: 0x0080, 0x2185: 0x00cc, + 0x2186: 0x00c0, 0x2187: 0x00cc, 0x2188: 0x0080, 0x2189: 0x0080, 0x218a: 0x0080, 0x218b: 0x0080, + 0x218c: 0x0080, 0x218d: 0x0080, 0x218e: 0x0080, 0x218f: 0x0080, 0x2190: 0x0080, 0x2191: 0x0080, + 0x2192: 0x0080, 0x2193: 0x0080, 0x2194: 0x0080, 0x2195: 0x0080, 0x2196: 0x0080, 0x2197: 0x0080, + 0x2198: 0x0080, 0x2199: 0x0080, 0x219a: 0x0080, 0x219b: 0x0080, 0x219c: 0x0080, 0x219d: 0x0080, + 0x219e: 0x0080, 0x219f: 0x0080, 0x21a0: 0x0080, 0x21a1: 0x008c, 0x21a2: 0x008c, 0x21a3: 0x008c, + 0x21a4: 0x008c, 0x21a5: 0x008c, 0x21a6: 0x008c, 0x21a7: 0x008c, 0x21a8: 0x008c, 0x21a9: 0x008c, + 0x21aa: 0x00c3, 0x21ab: 0x00c3, 0x21ac: 0x00c3, 0x21ad: 0x00c3, 0x21ae: 0x0040, 0x21af: 0x0040, + 0x21b0: 0x0080, 0x21b1: 0x0040, 0x21b2: 0x0040, 0x21b3: 0x0040, 0x21b4: 0x0040, 0x21b5: 0x0040, + 0x21b6: 0x0080, 0x21b7: 0x0080, 0x21b8: 0x008c, 0x21b9: 0x008c, 0x21ba: 0x008c, 0x21bb: 0x0040, + 0x21bc: 0x00c0, 0x21bd: 0x0080, 0x21be: 0x0080, 0x21bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x21c0 + 0x21c1: 0x00cc, 0x21c2: 0x00cc, 0x21c3: 0x00cc, 0x21c4: 0x00cc, 0x21c5: 0x00cc, + 0x21c6: 0x00cc, 0x21c7: 0x00cc, 0x21c8: 0x00cc, 0x21c9: 0x00cc, 0x21ca: 0x00cc, 0x21cb: 0x00cc, + 0x21cc: 0x00cc, 0x21cd: 0x00cc, 0x21ce: 0x00cc, 0x21cf: 0x00cc, 0x21d0: 0x00cc, 0x21d1: 0x00cc, + 0x21d2: 0x00cc, 0x21d3: 0x00cc, 0x21d4: 0x00cc, 0x21d5: 0x00cc, 0x21d6: 0x00cc, 0x21d7: 0x00cc, + 0x21d8: 0x00cc, 0x21d9: 0x00cc, 0x21da: 0x00cc, 0x21db: 0x00cc, 0x21dc: 0x00cc, 0x21dd: 0x00cc, + 0x21de: 0x00cc, 0x21df: 0x00cc, 0x21e0: 0x00cc, 0x21e1: 0x00cc, 0x21e2: 0x00cc, 0x21e3: 0x00cc, + 0x21e4: 0x00cc, 0x21e5: 0x00cc, 0x21e6: 0x00cc, 0x21e7: 0x00cc, 0x21e8: 0x00cc, 0x21e9: 0x00cc, + 0x21ea: 0x00cc, 0x21eb: 0x00cc, 0x21ec: 0x00cc, 0x21ed: 0x00cc, 0x21ee: 0x00cc, 0x21ef: 0x00cc, + 0x21f0: 0x00cc, 0x21f1: 0x00cc, 0x21f2: 0x00cc, 0x21f3: 0x00cc, 0x21f4: 0x00cc, 0x21f5: 0x00cc, + 0x21f6: 0x00cc, 0x21f7: 0x00cc, 0x21f8: 0x00cc, 0x21f9: 0x00cc, 0x21fa: 0x00cc, 0x21fb: 0x00cc, + 0x21fc: 0x00cc, 0x21fd: 0x00cc, 0x21fe: 0x00cc, 0x21ff: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x2200 + 0x2200: 0x00cc, 0x2201: 0x00cc, 0x2202: 0x00cc, 0x2203: 0x00cc, 0x2204: 0x00cc, 0x2205: 0x00cc, + 0x2206: 0x00cc, 0x2207: 0x00cc, 0x2208: 0x00cc, 0x2209: 0x00cc, 0x220a: 0x00cc, 0x220b: 0x00cc, + 0x220c: 0x00cc, 0x220d: 0x00cc, 0x220e: 0x00cc, 0x220f: 0x00cc, 0x2210: 0x00cc, 0x2211: 0x00cc, + 0x2212: 0x00cc, 0x2213: 0x00cc, 0x2214: 0x00cc, 0x2215: 0x00cc, 0x2216: 0x00cc, + 0x2219: 0x00c3, 0x221a: 0x00c3, 0x221b: 0x0080, 0x221c: 0x0080, 0x221d: 0x00cc, + 0x221e: 0x00cc, 0x221f: 0x008c, 0x2220: 0x0080, 0x2221: 0x00cc, 0x2222: 0x00cc, 0x2223: 0x00cc, + 0x2224: 0x00cc, 0x2225: 0x00cc, 0x2226: 0x00cc, 0x2227: 0x00cc, 0x2228: 0x00cc, 0x2229: 0x00cc, + 0x222a: 0x00cc, 0x222b: 0x00cc, 0x222c: 0x00cc, 0x222d: 0x00cc, 0x222e: 0x00cc, 0x222f: 0x00cc, + 0x2230: 0x00cc, 0x2231: 0x00cc, 0x2232: 0x00cc, 0x2233: 0x00cc, 0x2234: 0x00cc, 0x2235: 0x00cc, + 0x2236: 0x00cc, 0x2237: 0x00cc, 0x2238: 0x00cc, 0x2239: 0x00cc, 0x223a: 0x00cc, 0x223b: 0x00cc, + 0x223c: 0x00cc, 0x223d: 0x00cc, 0x223e: 0x00cc, 0x223f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x2240 + 0x2240: 0x00cc, 0x2241: 0x00cc, 0x2242: 0x00cc, 0x2243: 0x00cc, 0x2244: 0x00cc, 0x2245: 0x00cc, + 0x2246: 0x00cc, 0x2247: 0x00cc, 0x2248: 0x00cc, 0x2249: 0x00cc, 0x224a: 0x00cc, 0x224b: 0x00cc, + 0x224c: 0x00cc, 0x224d: 0x00cc, 0x224e: 0x00cc, 0x224f: 0x00cc, 0x2250: 0x00cc, 0x2251: 0x00cc, + 0x2252: 0x00cc, 0x2253: 0x00cc, 0x2254: 0x00cc, 0x2255: 0x00cc, 0x2256: 0x00cc, 0x2257: 0x00cc, + 0x2258: 0x00cc, 0x2259: 0x00cc, 0x225a: 0x00cc, 0x225b: 0x00cc, 0x225c: 0x00cc, 0x225d: 0x00cc, + 0x225e: 0x00cc, 0x225f: 0x00cc, 0x2260: 0x00cc, 0x2261: 0x00cc, 0x2262: 0x00cc, 0x2263: 0x00cc, + 0x2264: 0x00cc, 0x2265: 0x00cc, 0x2266: 0x00cc, 0x2267: 0x00cc, 0x2268: 0x00cc, 0x2269: 0x00cc, + 0x226a: 0x00cc, 0x226b: 0x00cc, 0x226c: 0x00cc, 0x226d: 0x00cc, 0x226e: 0x00cc, 0x226f: 0x00cc, + 0x2270: 0x00cc, 0x2271: 0x00cc, 0x2272: 0x00cc, 0x2273: 0x00cc, 0x2274: 0x00cc, 0x2275: 0x00cc, + 0x2276: 0x00cc, 0x2277: 0x00cc, 0x2278: 0x00cc, 0x2279: 0x00cc, 0x227a: 0x00cc, 0x227b: 0x00d2, + 0x227c: 0x00c0, 0x227d: 0x00cc, 0x227e: 0x00cc, 0x227f: 0x008c, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x2280 + 0x2285: 0x00c0, + 0x2286: 0x00c0, 0x2287: 0x00c0, 0x2288: 0x00c0, 0x2289: 0x00c0, 0x228a: 0x00c0, 0x228b: 0x00c0, + 0x228c: 0x00c0, 0x228d: 0x00c0, 0x228e: 0x00c0, 0x228f: 0x00c0, 0x2290: 0x00c0, 0x2291: 0x00c0, + 0x2292: 0x00c0, 0x2293: 0x00c0, 0x2294: 0x00c0, 0x2295: 0x00c0, 0x2296: 0x00c0, 0x2297: 0x00c0, + 0x2298: 0x00c0, 0x2299: 0x00c0, 0x229a: 0x00c0, 0x229b: 0x00c0, 0x229c: 0x00c0, 0x229d: 0x00c0, + 0x229e: 0x00c0, 0x229f: 0x00c0, 0x22a0: 0x00c0, 0x22a1: 0x00c0, 0x22a2: 0x00c0, 0x22a3: 0x00c0, + 0x22a4: 0x00c0, 0x22a5: 0x00c0, 0x22a6: 0x00c0, 0x22a7: 0x00c0, 0x22a8: 0x00c0, 0x22a9: 0x00c0, + 0x22aa: 0x00c0, 0x22ab: 0x00c0, 0x22ac: 0x00c0, 0x22ad: 0x00c0, 0x22ae: 0x00c0, 0x22af: 0x00c0, + 0x22b1: 0x0080, 0x22b2: 0x0080, 0x22b3: 0x0080, 0x22b4: 0x0080, 0x22b5: 0x0080, + 0x22b6: 0x0080, 0x22b7: 0x0080, 0x22b8: 0x0080, 0x22b9: 0x0080, 0x22ba: 0x0080, 0x22bb: 0x0080, + 0x22bc: 0x0080, 0x22bd: 0x0080, 0x22be: 0x0080, 0x22bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x22c0 + 0x22c0: 0x0080, 0x22c1: 0x0080, 0x22c2: 0x0080, 0x22c3: 0x0080, 0x22c4: 0x0080, 0x22c5: 0x0080, + 0x22c6: 0x0080, 0x22c7: 0x0080, 0x22c8: 0x0080, 0x22c9: 0x0080, 0x22ca: 0x0080, 0x22cb: 0x0080, + 0x22cc: 0x0080, 0x22cd: 0x0080, 0x22ce: 0x0080, 0x22cf: 0x0080, 0x22d0: 0x0080, 0x22d1: 0x0080, + 0x22d2: 0x0080, 0x22d3: 0x0080, 0x22d4: 0x0080, 0x22d5: 0x0080, 0x22d6: 0x0080, 0x22d7: 0x0080, + 0x22d8: 0x0080, 0x22d9: 0x0080, 0x22da: 0x0080, 0x22db: 0x0080, 0x22dc: 0x0080, 0x22dd: 0x0080, + 0x22de: 0x0080, 0x22df: 0x0080, 0x22e0: 0x0080, 0x22e1: 0x0080, 0x22e2: 0x0080, 0x22e3: 0x0080, + 0x22e4: 0x0040, 0x22e5: 0x0080, 0x22e6: 0x0080, 0x22e7: 0x0080, 0x22e8: 0x0080, 0x22e9: 0x0080, + 0x22ea: 0x0080, 0x22eb: 0x0080, 0x22ec: 0x0080, 0x22ed: 0x0080, 0x22ee: 0x0080, 0x22ef: 0x0080, + 0x22f0: 0x0080, 0x22f1: 0x0080, 0x22f2: 0x0080, 0x22f3: 0x0080, 0x22f4: 0x0080, 0x22f5: 0x0080, + 0x22f6: 0x0080, 0x22f7: 0x0080, 0x22f8: 0x0080, 0x22f9: 0x0080, 0x22fa: 0x0080, 0x22fb: 0x0080, + 0x22fc: 0x0080, 0x22fd: 0x0080, 0x22fe: 0x0080, 0x22ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x2300 + 0x2300: 0x0080, 0x2301: 0x0080, 0x2302: 0x0080, 0x2303: 0x0080, 0x2304: 0x0080, 0x2305: 0x0080, + 0x2306: 0x0080, 0x2307: 0x0080, 0x2308: 0x0080, 0x2309: 0x0080, 0x230a: 0x0080, 0x230b: 0x0080, + 0x230c: 0x0080, 0x230d: 0x0080, 0x230e: 0x0080, 0x2310: 0x0080, 0x2311: 0x0080, + 0x2312: 0x0080, 0x2313: 0x0080, 0x2314: 0x0080, 0x2315: 0x0080, 0x2316: 0x0080, 0x2317: 0x0080, + 0x2318: 0x0080, 0x2319: 0x0080, 0x231a: 0x0080, 0x231b: 0x0080, 0x231c: 0x0080, 0x231d: 0x0080, + 0x231e: 0x0080, 0x231f: 0x0080, 0x2320: 0x00c0, 0x2321: 0x00c0, 0x2322: 0x00c0, 0x2323: 0x00c0, + 0x2324: 0x00c0, 0x2325: 0x00c0, 0x2326: 0x00c0, 0x2327: 0x00c0, 0x2328: 0x00c0, 0x2329: 0x00c0, + 0x232a: 0x00c0, 0x232b: 0x00c0, 0x232c: 0x00c0, 0x232d: 0x00c0, 0x232e: 0x00c0, 0x232f: 0x00c0, + 0x2330: 0x00c0, 0x2331: 0x00c0, 0x2332: 0x00c0, 0x2333: 0x00c0, 0x2334: 0x00c0, 0x2335: 0x00c0, + 0x2336: 0x00c0, 0x2337: 0x00c0, 0x2338: 0x00c0, 0x2339: 0x00c0, 0x233a: 0x00c0, 0x233b: 0x00c0, + 0x233c: 0x00c0, 0x233d: 0x00c0, 0x233e: 0x00c0, 0x233f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x2340 + 0x2340: 0x0080, 0x2341: 0x0080, 0x2342: 0x0080, 0x2343: 0x0080, 0x2344: 0x0080, 0x2345: 0x0080, + 0x2346: 0x0080, 0x2347: 0x0080, 0x2348: 0x0080, 0x2349: 0x0080, 0x234a: 0x0080, 0x234b: 0x0080, + 0x234c: 0x0080, 0x234d: 0x0080, 0x234e: 0x0080, 0x234f: 0x0080, 0x2350: 0x0080, 0x2351: 0x0080, + 0x2352: 0x0080, 0x2353: 0x0080, 0x2354: 0x0080, 0x2355: 0x0080, 0x2356: 0x0080, 0x2357: 0x0080, + 0x2358: 0x0080, 0x2359: 0x0080, 0x235a: 0x0080, 0x235b: 0x0080, 0x235c: 0x0080, 0x235d: 0x0080, + 0x235e: 0x0080, 0x235f: 0x0080, 0x2360: 0x0080, 0x2361: 0x0080, 0x2362: 0x0080, 0x2363: 0x0080, + 0x2370: 0x00cc, 0x2371: 0x00cc, 0x2372: 0x00cc, 0x2373: 0x00cc, 0x2374: 0x00cc, 0x2375: 0x00cc, + 0x2376: 0x00cc, 0x2377: 0x00cc, 0x2378: 0x00cc, 0x2379: 0x00cc, 0x237a: 0x00cc, 0x237b: 0x00cc, + 0x237c: 0x00cc, 0x237d: 0x00cc, 0x237e: 0x00cc, 0x237f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x2380 + 0x2380: 0x0080, 0x2381: 0x0080, 0x2382: 0x0080, 0x2383: 0x0080, 0x2384: 0x0080, 0x2385: 0x0080, + 0x2386: 0x0080, 0x2387: 0x0080, 0x2388: 0x0080, 0x2389: 0x0080, 0x238a: 0x0080, 0x238b: 0x0080, + 0x238c: 0x0080, 0x238d: 0x0080, 0x238e: 0x0080, 0x238f: 0x0080, 0x2390: 0x0080, 0x2391: 0x0080, + 0x2392: 0x0080, 0x2393: 0x0080, 0x2394: 0x0080, 0x2395: 0x0080, 0x2396: 0x0080, 0x2397: 0x0080, + 0x2398: 0x0080, 0x2399: 0x0080, 0x239a: 0x0080, 0x239b: 0x0080, 0x239c: 0x0080, 0x239d: 0x0080, + 0x239e: 0x0080, 0x23a0: 0x0080, 0x23a1: 0x0080, 0x23a2: 0x0080, 0x23a3: 0x0080, + 0x23a4: 0x0080, 0x23a5: 0x0080, 0x23a6: 0x0080, 0x23a7: 0x0080, 0x23a8: 0x0080, 0x23a9: 0x0080, + 0x23aa: 0x0080, 0x23ab: 0x0080, 0x23ac: 0x0080, 0x23ad: 0x0080, 0x23ae: 0x0080, 0x23af: 0x0080, + 0x23b0: 0x0080, 0x23b1: 0x0080, 0x23b2: 0x0080, 0x23b3: 0x0080, 0x23b4: 0x0080, 0x23b5: 0x0080, + 0x23b6: 0x0080, 0x23b7: 0x0080, 0x23b8: 0x0080, 0x23b9: 0x0080, 0x23ba: 0x0080, 0x23bb: 0x0080, + 0x23bc: 0x0080, 0x23bd: 0x0080, 0x23be: 0x0080, 0x23bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x23c0 + 0x23c0: 0x0080, 0x23c1: 0x0080, 0x23c2: 0x0080, 0x23c3: 0x0080, 0x23c4: 0x0080, 0x23c5: 0x0080, + 0x23c6: 0x0080, 0x23c7: 0x0080, 0x23c8: 0x0080, 0x23c9: 0x0080, 0x23ca: 0x0080, 0x23cb: 0x0080, + 0x23cc: 0x0080, 0x23cd: 0x0080, 0x23ce: 0x0080, 0x23cf: 0x0080, 0x23d0: 0x008c, 0x23d1: 0x008c, + 0x23d2: 0x008c, 0x23d3: 0x008c, 0x23d4: 0x008c, 0x23d5: 0x008c, 0x23d6: 0x008c, 0x23d7: 0x008c, + 0x23d8: 0x008c, 0x23d9: 0x008c, 0x23da: 0x008c, 0x23db: 0x008c, 0x23dc: 0x008c, 0x23dd: 0x008c, + 0x23de: 0x008c, 0x23df: 0x008c, 0x23e0: 0x008c, 0x23e1: 0x008c, 0x23e2: 0x008c, 0x23e3: 0x008c, + 0x23e4: 0x008c, 0x23e5: 0x008c, 0x23e6: 0x008c, 0x23e7: 0x008c, 0x23e8: 0x008c, 0x23e9: 0x008c, + 0x23ea: 0x008c, 0x23eb: 0x008c, 0x23ec: 0x008c, 0x23ed: 0x008c, 0x23ee: 0x008c, 0x23ef: 0x008c, + 0x23f0: 0x008c, 0x23f1: 0x008c, 0x23f2: 0x008c, 0x23f3: 0x008c, 0x23f4: 0x008c, 0x23f5: 0x008c, + 0x23f6: 0x008c, 0x23f7: 0x008c, 0x23f8: 0x008c, 0x23f9: 0x008c, 0x23fa: 0x008c, 0x23fb: 0x008c, + 0x23fc: 0x008c, 0x23fd: 0x008c, 0x23fe: 0x008c, 0x23ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x2400 + 0x2400: 0x008c, 0x2401: 0x008c, 0x2402: 0x008c, 0x2403: 0x008c, 0x2404: 0x008c, 0x2405: 0x008c, + 0x2406: 0x008c, 0x2407: 0x008c, 0x2408: 0x008c, 0x2409: 0x008c, 0x240a: 0x008c, 0x240b: 0x008c, + 0x240c: 0x008c, 0x240d: 0x008c, 0x240e: 0x008c, 0x240f: 0x008c, 0x2410: 0x008c, 0x2411: 0x008c, + 0x2412: 0x008c, 0x2413: 0x008c, 0x2414: 0x008c, 0x2415: 0x008c, 0x2416: 0x008c, 0x2417: 0x008c, + 0x2418: 0x0080, 0x2419: 0x0080, 0x241a: 0x0080, 0x241b: 0x0080, 0x241c: 0x0080, 0x241d: 0x0080, + 0x241e: 0x0080, 0x241f: 0x0080, 0x2420: 0x0080, 0x2421: 0x0080, 0x2422: 0x0080, 0x2423: 0x0080, + 0x2424: 0x0080, 0x2425: 0x0080, 0x2426: 0x0080, 0x2427: 0x0080, 0x2428: 0x0080, 0x2429: 0x0080, + 0x242a: 0x0080, 0x242b: 0x0080, 0x242c: 0x0080, 0x242d: 0x0080, 0x242e: 0x0080, 0x242f: 0x0080, + 0x2430: 0x0080, 0x2431: 0x0080, 0x2432: 0x0080, 0x2433: 0x0080, 0x2434: 0x0080, 0x2435: 0x0080, + 0x2436: 0x0080, 0x2437: 0x0080, 0x2438: 0x0080, 0x2439: 0x0080, 0x243a: 0x0080, 0x243b: 0x0080, + 0x243c: 0x0080, 0x243d: 0x0080, 0x243e: 0x0080, 0x243f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x2440 + 0x2440: 0x00cc, 0x2441: 0x00cc, 0x2442: 0x00cc, 0x2443: 0x00cc, 0x2444: 0x00cc, 0x2445: 0x00cc, + 0x2446: 0x00cc, 0x2447: 0x00cc, 0x2448: 0x00cc, 0x2449: 0x00cc, 0x244a: 0x00cc, 0x244b: 0x00cc, + 0x244c: 0x00cc, 0x244d: 0x00cc, 0x244e: 0x00cc, 0x244f: 0x00cc, 0x2450: 0x00cc, 0x2451: 0x00cc, + 0x2452: 0x00cc, 0x2453: 0x00cc, 0x2454: 0x00cc, 0x2455: 0x00cc, 0x2456: 0x00cc, 0x2457: 0x00cc, + 0x2458: 0x00cc, 0x2459: 0x00cc, 0x245a: 0x00cc, 0x245b: 0x00cc, 0x245c: 0x00cc, 0x245d: 0x00cc, + 0x245e: 0x00cc, 0x245f: 0x00cc, 0x2460: 0x00cc, 0x2461: 0x00cc, 0x2462: 0x00cc, 0x2463: 0x00cc, + 0x2464: 0x00cc, 0x2465: 0x00cc, 0x2466: 0x00cc, 0x2467: 0x00cc, 0x2468: 0x00cc, 0x2469: 0x00cc, + 0x246a: 0x00cc, 0x246b: 0x00cc, 0x246c: 0x00cc, 0x246d: 0x00cc, 0x246e: 0x00cc, 0x246f: 0x00cc, + 0x2470: 0x00cc, 0x2471: 0x00cc, 0x2472: 0x00cc, 0x2473: 0x00cc, 0x2474: 0x00cc, 0x2475: 0x00cc, + 0x2476: 0x00cc, 0x2477: 0x00cc, 0x2478: 0x00cc, 0x2479: 0x00cc, 0x247a: 0x00cc, 0x247b: 0x00cc, + 0x247c: 0x00cc, 0x247d: 0x00cc, 0x247e: 0x00cc, 0x247f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x2480 + 0x2480: 0x00cc, 0x2481: 0x00cc, 0x2482: 0x00cc, 0x2483: 0x00cc, 0x2484: 0x00cc, 0x2485: 0x00cc, + 0x2486: 0x00cc, 0x2487: 0x00cc, 0x2488: 0x00cc, 0x2489: 0x00cc, 0x248a: 0x00cc, 0x248b: 0x00cc, + 0x248c: 0x00cc, 0x248d: 0x00cc, 0x248e: 0x00cc, 0x248f: 0x00cc, 0x2490: 0x00cc, 0x2491: 0x00cc, + 0x2492: 0x00cc, 0x2493: 0x00cc, 0x2494: 0x00cc, 0x2495: 0x00cc, 0x2496: 0x00cc, 0x2497: 0x00cc, + 0x2498: 0x00cc, 0x2499: 0x00cc, 0x249a: 0x00cc, 0x249b: 0x00cc, 0x249c: 0x00cc, 0x249d: 0x00cc, + 0x249e: 0x00cc, 0x249f: 0x00cc, 0x24a0: 0x00cc, 0x24a1: 0x00cc, 0x24a2: 0x00cc, 0x24a3: 0x00cc, + 0x24a4: 0x00cc, 0x24a5: 0x00cc, 0x24a6: 0x00cc, 0x24a7: 0x00cc, 0x24a8: 0x00cc, 0x24a9: 0x00cc, + 0x24aa: 0x00cc, 0x24ab: 0x00cc, 0x24ac: 0x00cc, 0x24ad: 0x00cc, 0x24ae: 0x00cc, 0x24af: 0x00cc, + 0x24b0: 0x00cc, 0x24b1: 0x00cc, 0x24b2: 0x00cc, 0x24b3: 0x00cc, 0x24b4: 0x00cc, 0x24b5: 0x00cc, + 0x24b6: 0x00cc, 0x24b7: 0x00cc, 0x24b8: 0x00cc, 0x24b9: 0x00cc, 0x24ba: 0x00cc, 0x24bb: 0x00cc, + 0x24bc: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x24c0 + 0x24c0: 0x00c0, 0x24c1: 0x00c0, 0x24c2: 0x00c0, 0x24c3: 0x00c0, 0x24c4: 0x00c0, 0x24c5: 0x00c0, + 0x24c6: 0x00c0, 0x24c7: 0x00c0, 0x24c8: 0x00c0, 0x24c9: 0x00c0, 0x24ca: 0x00c0, 0x24cb: 0x00c0, + 0x24cc: 0x00c0, 0x24d0: 0x0080, 0x24d1: 0x0080, + 0x24d2: 0x0080, 0x24d3: 0x0080, 0x24d4: 0x0080, 0x24d5: 0x0080, 0x24d6: 0x0080, 0x24d7: 0x0080, + 0x24d8: 0x0080, 0x24d9: 0x0080, 0x24da: 0x0080, 0x24db: 0x0080, 0x24dc: 0x0080, 0x24dd: 0x0080, + 0x24de: 0x0080, 0x24df: 0x0080, 0x24e0: 0x0080, 0x24e1: 0x0080, 0x24e2: 0x0080, 0x24e3: 0x0080, + 0x24e4: 0x0080, 0x24e5: 0x0080, 0x24e6: 0x0080, 0x24e7: 0x0080, 0x24e8: 0x0080, 0x24e9: 0x0080, + 0x24ea: 0x0080, 0x24eb: 0x0080, 0x24ec: 0x0080, 0x24ed: 0x0080, 0x24ee: 0x0080, 0x24ef: 0x0080, + 0x24f0: 0x0080, 0x24f1: 0x0080, 0x24f2: 0x0080, 0x24f3: 0x0080, 0x24f4: 0x0080, 0x24f5: 0x0080, + 0x24f6: 0x0080, 0x24f7: 0x0080, 0x24f8: 0x0080, 0x24f9: 0x0080, 0x24fa: 0x0080, 0x24fb: 0x0080, + 0x24fc: 0x0080, 0x24fd: 0x0080, 0x24fe: 0x0080, 0x24ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x2500 + 0x2500: 0x0080, 0x2501: 0x0080, 0x2502: 0x0080, 0x2503: 0x0080, 0x2504: 0x0080, 0x2505: 0x0080, + 0x2506: 0x0080, + 0x2510: 0x00c0, 0x2511: 0x00c0, + 0x2512: 0x00c0, 0x2513: 0x00c0, 0x2514: 0x00c0, 0x2515: 0x00c0, 0x2516: 0x00c0, 0x2517: 0x00c0, + 0x2518: 0x00c0, 0x2519: 0x00c0, 0x251a: 0x00c0, 0x251b: 0x00c0, 0x251c: 0x00c0, 0x251d: 0x00c0, + 0x251e: 0x00c0, 0x251f: 0x00c0, 0x2520: 0x00c0, 0x2521: 0x00c0, 0x2522: 0x00c0, 0x2523: 0x00c0, + 0x2524: 0x00c0, 0x2525: 0x00c0, 0x2526: 0x00c0, 0x2527: 0x00c0, 0x2528: 0x00c0, 0x2529: 0x00c0, + 0x252a: 0x00c0, 0x252b: 0x00c0, 0x252c: 0x00c0, 0x252d: 0x00c0, 0x252e: 0x00c0, 0x252f: 0x00c0, + 0x2530: 0x00c0, 0x2531: 0x00c0, 0x2532: 0x00c0, 0x2533: 0x00c0, 0x2534: 0x00c0, 0x2535: 0x00c0, + 0x2536: 0x00c0, 0x2537: 0x00c0, 0x2538: 0x00c0, 0x2539: 0x00c0, 0x253a: 0x00c0, 0x253b: 0x00c0, + 0x253c: 0x00c0, 0x253d: 0x00c0, 0x253e: 0x0080, 0x253f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x2540 + 0x2540: 0x00c0, 0x2541: 0x00c0, 0x2542: 0x00c0, 0x2543: 0x00c0, 0x2544: 0x00c0, 0x2545: 0x00c0, + 0x2546: 0x00c0, 0x2547: 0x00c0, 0x2548: 0x00c0, 0x2549: 0x00c0, 0x254a: 0x00c0, 0x254b: 0x00c0, + 0x254c: 0x00c0, 0x254d: 0x0080, 0x254e: 0x0080, 0x254f: 0x0080, 0x2550: 0x00c0, 0x2551: 0x00c0, + 0x2552: 0x00c0, 0x2553: 0x00c0, 0x2554: 0x00c0, 0x2555: 0x00c0, 0x2556: 0x00c0, 0x2557: 0x00c0, + 0x2558: 0x00c0, 0x2559: 0x00c0, 0x255a: 0x00c0, 0x255b: 0x00c0, 0x255c: 0x00c0, 0x255d: 0x00c0, + 0x255e: 0x00c0, 0x255f: 0x00c0, 0x2560: 0x00c0, 0x2561: 0x00c0, 0x2562: 0x00c0, 0x2563: 0x00c0, + 0x2564: 0x00c0, 0x2565: 0x00c0, 0x2566: 0x00c0, 0x2567: 0x00c0, 0x2568: 0x00c0, 0x2569: 0x00c0, + 0x256a: 0x00c0, 0x256b: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x2580 + 0x2580: 0x00c0, 0x2581: 0x00c0, 0x2582: 0x00c0, 0x2583: 0x00c0, 0x2584: 0x00c0, 0x2585: 0x00c0, + 0x2586: 0x00c0, 0x2587: 0x00c0, 0x2588: 0x00c0, 0x2589: 0x00c0, 0x258a: 0x00c0, 0x258b: 0x00c0, + 0x258c: 0x00c0, 0x258d: 0x00c0, 0x258e: 0x00c0, 0x258f: 0x00c0, 0x2590: 0x00c0, 0x2591: 0x00c0, + 0x2592: 0x00c0, 0x2593: 0x00c0, 0x2594: 0x00c0, 0x2595: 0x00c0, 0x2596: 0x00c0, 0x2597: 0x00c0, + 0x2598: 0x00c0, 0x2599: 0x00c0, 0x259a: 0x00c0, 0x259b: 0x00c0, 0x259c: 0x00c0, 0x259d: 0x00c0, + 0x259e: 0x00c0, 0x259f: 0x00c0, 0x25a0: 0x00c0, 0x25a1: 0x00c0, 0x25a2: 0x00c0, 0x25a3: 0x00c0, + 0x25a4: 0x00c0, 0x25a5: 0x00c0, 0x25a6: 0x00c0, 0x25a7: 0x00c0, 0x25a8: 0x00c0, 0x25a9: 0x00c0, + 0x25aa: 0x00c0, 0x25ab: 0x00c0, 0x25ac: 0x00c0, 0x25ad: 0x00c0, 0x25ae: 0x00c0, 0x25af: 0x00c3, + 0x25b0: 0x0083, 0x25b1: 0x0083, 0x25b2: 0x0083, 0x25b3: 0x0080, 0x25b4: 0x00c3, 0x25b5: 0x00c3, + 0x25b6: 0x00c3, 0x25b7: 0x00c3, 0x25b8: 0x00c3, 0x25b9: 0x00c3, 0x25ba: 0x00c3, 0x25bb: 0x00c3, + 0x25bc: 0x00c3, 0x25bd: 0x00c3, 0x25be: 0x0080, 0x25bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x25c0 + 0x25c0: 0x00c0, 0x25c1: 0x00c0, 0x25c2: 0x00c0, 0x25c3: 0x00c0, 0x25c4: 0x00c0, 0x25c5: 0x00c0, + 0x25c6: 0x00c0, 0x25c7: 0x00c0, 0x25c8: 0x00c0, 0x25c9: 0x00c0, 0x25ca: 0x00c0, 0x25cb: 0x00c0, + 0x25cc: 0x00c0, 0x25cd: 0x00c0, 0x25ce: 0x00c0, 0x25cf: 0x00c0, 0x25d0: 0x00c0, 0x25d1: 0x00c0, + 0x25d2: 0x00c0, 0x25d3: 0x00c0, 0x25d4: 0x00c0, 0x25d5: 0x00c0, 0x25d6: 0x00c0, 0x25d7: 0x00c0, + 0x25d8: 0x00c0, 0x25d9: 0x00c0, 0x25da: 0x00c0, 0x25db: 0x00c0, 0x25dc: 0x0080, 0x25dd: 0x0080, + 0x25de: 0x00c3, 0x25df: 0x00c3, 0x25e0: 0x00c0, 0x25e1: 0x00c0, 0x25e2: 0x00c0, 0x25e3: 0x00c0, + 0x25e4: 0x00c0, 0x25e5: 0x00c0, 0x25e6: 0x00c0, 0x25e7: 0x00c0, 0x25e8: 0x00c0, 0x25e9: 0x00c0, + 0x25ea: 0x00c0, 0x25eb: 0x00c0, 0x25ec: 0x00c0, 0x25ed: 0x00c0, 0x25ee: 0x00c0, 0x25ef: 0x00c0, + 0x25f0: 0x00c0, 0x25f1: 0x00c0, 0x25f2: 0x00c0, 0x25f3: 0x00c0, 0x25f4: 0x00c0, 0x25f5: 0x00c0, + 0x25f6: 0x00c0, 0x25f7: 0x00c0, 0x25f8: 0x00c0, 0x25f9: 0x00c0, 0x25fa: 0x00c0, 0x25fb: 0x00c0, + 0x25fc: 0x00c0, 0x25fd: 0x00c0, 0x25fe: 0x00c0, 0x25ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x2600 + 0x2600: 0x00c0, 0x2601: 0x00c0, 0x2602: 0x00c0, 0x2603: 0x00c0, 0x2604: 0x00c0, 0x2605: 0x00c0, + 0x2606: 0x00c0, 0x2607: 0x00c0, 0x2608: 0x00c0, 0x2609: 0x00c0, 0x260a: 0x00c0, 0x260b: 0x00c0, + 0x260c: 0x00c0, 0x260d: 0x00c0, 0x260e: 0x00c0, 0x260f: 0x00c0, 0x2610: 0x00c0, 0x2611: 0x00c0, + 0x2612: 0x00c0, 0x2613: 0x00c0, 0x2614: 0x00c0, 0x2615: 0x00c0, 0x2616: 0x00c0, 0x2617: 0x00c0, + 0x2618: 0x00c0, 0x2619: 0x00c0, 0x261a: 0x00c0, 0x261b: 0x00c0, 0x261c: 0x00c0, 0x261d: 0x00c0, + 0x261e: 0x00c0, 0x261f: 0x00c0, 0x2620: 0x00c0, 0x2621: 0x00c0, 0x2622: 0x00c0, 0x2623: 0x00c0, + 0x2624: 0x00c0, 0x2625: 0x00c0, 0x2626: 0x0080, 0x2627: 0x0080, 0x2628: 0x0080, 0x2629: 0x0080, + 0x262a: 0x0080, 0x262b: 0x0080, 0x262c: 0x0080, 0x262d: 0x0080, 0x262e: 0x0080, 0x262f: 0x0080, + 0x2630: 0x00c3, 0x2631: 0x00c3, 0x2632: 0x0080, 0x2633: 0x0080, 0x2634: 0x0080, 0x2635: 0x0080, + 0x2636: 0x0080, 0x2637: 0x0080, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x2640 + 0x2640: 0x0080, 0x2641: 0x0080, 0x2642: 0x0080, 0x2643: 0x0080, 0x2644: 0x0080, 0x2645: 0x0080, + 0x2646: 0x0080, 0x2647: 0x0080, 0x2648: 0x0080, 0x2649: 0x0080, 0x264a: 0x0080, 0x264b: 0x0080, + 0x264c: 0x0080, 0x264d: 0x0080, 0x264e: 0x0080, 0x264f: 0x0080, 0x2650: 0x0080, 0x2651: 0x0080, + 0x2652: 0x0080, 0x2653: 0x0080, 0x2654: 0x0080, 0x2655: 0x0080, 0x2656: 0x0080, 0x2657: 0x00c0, + 0x2658: 0x00c0, 0x2659: 0x00c0, 0x265a: 0x00c0, 0x265b: 0x00c0, 0x265c: 0x00c0, 0x265d: 0x00c0, + 0x265e: 0x00c0, 0x265f: 0x00c0, 0x2660: 0x0080, 0x2661: 0x0080, 0x2662: 0x00c0, 0x2663: 0x00c0, + 0x2664: 0x00c0, 0x2665: 0x00c0, 0x2666: 0x00c0, 0x2667: 0x00c0, 0x2668: 0x00c0, 0x2669: 0x00c0, + 0x266a: 0x00c0, 0x266b: 0x00c0, 0x266c: 0x00c0, 0x266d: 0x00c0, 0x266e: 0x00c0, 0x266f: 0x00c0, + 0x2670: 0x00c0, 0x2671: 0x00c0, 0x2672: 0x00c0, 0x2673: 0x00c0, 0x2674: 0x00c0, 0x2675: 0x00c0, + 0x2676: 0x00c0, 0x2677: 0x00c0, 0x2678: 0x00c0, 0x2679: 0x00c0, 0x267a: 0x00c0, 0x267b: 0x00c0, + 0x267c: 0x00c0, 0x267d: 0x00c0, 0x267e: 0x00c0, 0x267f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x2680 + 0x2680: 0x00c0, 0x2681: 0x00c0, 0x2682: 0x00c0, 0x2683: 0x00c0, 0x2684: 0x00c0, 0x2685: 0x00c0, + 0x2686: 0x00c0, 0x2687: 0x00c0, 0x2688: 0x00c0, 0x2689: 0x00c0, 0x268a: 0x00c0, 0x268b: 0x00c0, + 0x268c: 0x00c0, 0x268d: 0x00c0, 0x268e: 0x00c0, 0x268f: 0x00c0, 0x2690: 0x00c0, 0x2691: 0x00c0, + 0x2692: 0x00c0, 0x2693: 0x00c0, 0x2694: 0x00c0, 0x2695: 0x00c0, 0x2696: 0x00c0, 0x2697: 0x00c0, + 0x2698: 0x00c0, 0x2699: 0x00c0, 0x269a: 0x00c0, 0x269b: 0x00c0, 0x269c: 0x00c0, 0x269d: 0x00c0, + 0x269e: 0x00c0, 0x269f: 0x00c0, 0x26a0: 0x00c0, 0x26a1: 0x00c0, 0x26a2: 0x00c0, 0x26a3: 0x00c0, + 0x26a4: 0x00c0, 0x26a5: 0x00c0, 0x26a6: 0x00c0, 0x26a7: 0x00c0, 0x26a8: 0x00c0, 0x26a9: 0x00c0, + 0x26aa: 0x00c0, 0x26ab: 0x00c0, 0x26ac: 0x00c0, 0x26ad: 0x00c0, 0x26ae: 0x00c0, 0x26af: 0x00c0, + 0x26b0: 0x0080, 0x26b1: 0x00c0, 0x26b2: 0x00c0, 0x26b3: 0x00c0, 0x26b4: 0x00c0, 0x26b5: 0x00c0, + 0x26b6: 0x00c0, 0x26b7: 0x00c0, 0x26b8: 0x00c0, 0x26b9: 0x00c0, 0x26ba: 0x00c0, 0x26bb: 0x00c0, + 0x26bc: 0x00c0, 0x26bd: 0x00c0, 0x26be: 0x00c0, 0x26bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x26c0 + 0x26c0: 0x00c0, 0x26c1: 0x00c0, 0x26c2: 0x00c0, 0x26c3: 0x00c0, 0x26c4: 0x00c0, 0x26c5: 0x00c0, + 0x26c6: 0x00c0, 0x26c7: 0x00c0, 0x26c8: 0x00c0, 0x26c9: 0x0080, 0x26ca: 0x0080, 0x26cb: 0x00c0, + 0x26cc: 0x00c0, 0x26cd: 0x00c0, 0x26ce: 0x00c0, 0x26cf: 0x00c0, 0x26d0: 0x00c0, 0x26d1: 0x00c0, + 0x26d2: 0x00c0, 0x26d3: 0x00c0, 0x26d4: 0x00c0, 0x26d5: 0x00c0, 0x26d6: 0x00c0, 0x26d7: 0x00c0, + 0x26d8: 0x00c0, 0x26d9: 0x00c0, 0x26da: 0x00c0, 0x26db: 0x00c0, 0x26dc: 0x00c0, 0x26dd: 0x00c0, + 0x26de: 0x00c0, 0x26df: 0x00c0, 0x26e0: 0x00c0, 0x26e1: 0x00c0, 0x26e2: 0x00c0, 0x26e3: 0x00c0, + 0x26e4: 0x00c0, 0x26e5: 0x00c0, 0x26e6: 0x00c0, 0x26e7: 0x00c0, 0x26e8: 0x00c0, 0x26e9: 0x00c0, + 0x26ea: 0x00c0, 0x26eb: 0x00c0, 0x26ec: 0x00c0, 0x26ed: 0x00c0, 0x26ee: 0x00c0, 0x26ef: 0x00c0, + 0x26f0: 0x00c0, 0x26f1: 0x00c0, 0x26f2: 0x00c0, 0x26f3: 0x00c0, 0x26f4: 0x00c0, 0x26f5: 0x00c0, + 0x26f6: 0x00c0, 0x26f7: 0x00c0, 0x26f8: 0x00c0, 0x26f9: 0x00c0, 0x26fa: 0x00c0, 0x26fb: 0x00c0, + 0x26fc: 0x00c0, 0x26fd: 0x00c0, 0x26fe: 0x00c0, 0x26ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x2700 + 0x2702: 0x00c0, 0x2703: 0x00c0, 0x2704: 0x00c0, 0x2705: 0x00c0, + 0x2706: 0x00c0, 0x2707: 0x00c0, 0x2708: 0x00c0, 0x2709: 0x00c0, 0x270a: 0x00c0, + 0x2735: 0x00c0, + 0x2736: 0x00c0, 0x2737: 0x00c0, 0x2738: 0x0080, 0x2739: 0x0080, 0x273a: 0x00c0, 0x273b: 0x00c0, + 0x273c: 0x00c0, 0x273d: 0x00c0, 0x273e: 0x00c0, 0x273f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x2740 + 0x2740: 0x00c0, 0x2741: 0x00c0, 0x2742: 0x00c3, 0x2743: 0x00c0, 0x2744: 0x00c0, 0x2745: 0x00c0, + 0x2746: 0x00c6, 0x2747: 0x00c0, 0x2748: 0x00c0, 0x2749: 0x00c0, 0x274a: 0x00c0, 0x274b: 0x00c3, + 0x274c: 0x00c0, 0x274d: 0x00c0, 0x274e: 0x00c0, 0x274f: 0x00c0, 0x2750: 0x00c0, 0x2751: 0x00c0, + 0x2752: 0x00c0, 0x2753: 0x00c0, 0x2754: 0x00c0, 0x2755: 0x00c0, 0x2756: 0x00c0, 0x2757: 0x00c0, + 0x2758: 0x00c0, 0x2759: 0x00c0, 0x275a: 0x00c0, 0x275b: 0x00c0, 0x275c: 0x00c0, 0x275d: 0x00c0, + 0x275e: 0x00c0, 0x275f: 0x00c0, 0x2760: 0x00c0, 0x2761: 0x00c0, 0x2762: 0x00c0, 0x2763: 0x00c0, + 0x2764: 0x00c0, 0x2765: 0x00c3, 0x2766: 0x00c3, 0x2767: 0x00c0, 0x2768: 0x0080, 0x2769: 0x0080, + 0x276a: 0x0080, 0x276b: 0x0080, 0x276c: 0x00c6, + 0x2770: 0x0080, 0x2771: 0x0080, 0x2772: 0x0080, 0x2773: 0x0080, 0x2774: 0x0080, 0x2775: 0x0080, + 0x2776: 0x0080, 0x2777: 0x0080, 0x2778: 0x0080, 0x2779: 0x0080, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x2780 + 0x2780: 0x00c2, 0x2781: 0x00c2, 0x2782: 0x00c2, 0x2783: 0x00c2, 0x2784: 0x00c2, 0x2785: 0x00c2, + 0x2786: 0x00c2, 0x2787: 0x00c2, 0x2788: 0x00c2, 0x2789: 0x00c2, 0x278a: 0x00c2, 0x278b: 0x00c2, + 0x278c: 0x00c2, 0x278d: 0x00c2, 0x278e: 0x00c2, 0x278f: 0x00c2, 0x2790: 0x00c2, 0x2791: 0x00c2, + 0x2792: 0x00c2, 0x2793: 0x00c2, 0x2794: 0x00c2, 0x2795: 0x00c2, 0x2796: 0x00c2, 0x2797: 0x00c2, + 0x2798: 0x00c2, 0x2799: 0x00c2, 0x279a: 0x00c2, 0x279b: 0x00c2, 0x279c: 0x00c2, 0x279d: 0x00c2, + 0x279e: 0x00c2, 0x279f: 0x00c2, 0x27a0: 0x00c2, 0x27a1: 0x00c2, 0x27a2: 0x00c2, 0x27a3: 0x00c2, + 0x27a4: 0x00c2, 0x27a5: 0x00c2, 0x27a6: 0x00c2, 0x27a7: 0x00c2, 0x27a8: 0x00c2, 0x27a9: 0x00c2, + 0x27aa: 0x00c2, 0x27ab: 0x00c2, 0x27ac: 0x00c2, 0x27ad: 0x00c2, 0x27ae: 0x00c2, 0x27af: 0x00c2, + 0x27b0: 0x00c2, 0x27b1: 0x00c2, 0x27b2: 0x00c1, 0x27b3: 0x00c0, 0x27b4: 0x0080, 0x27b5: 0x0080, + 0x27b6: 0x0080, 0x27b7: 0x0080, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x27c0 + 0x27c0: 0x00c0, 0x27c1: 0x00c0, 0x27c2: 0x00c0, 0x27c3: 0x00c0, 0x27c4: 0x00c6, 0x27c5: 0x00c3, + 0x27ce: 0x0080, 0x27cf: 0x0080, 0x27d0: 0x00c0, 0x27d1: 0x00c0, + 0x27d2: 0x00c0, 0x27d3: 0x00c0, 0x27d4: 0x00c0, 0x27d5: 0x00c0, 0x27d6: 0x00c0, 0x27d7: 0x00c0, + 0x27d8: 0x00c0, 0x27d9: 0x00c0, + 0x27e0: 0x00c3, 0x27e1: 0x00c3, 0x27e2: 0x00c3, 0x27e3: 0x00c3, + 0x27e4: 0x00c3, 0x27e5: 0x00c3, 0x27e6: 0x00c3, 0x27e7: 0x00c3, 0x27e8: 0x00c3, 0x27e9: 0x00c3, + 0x27ea: 0x00c3, 0x27eb: 0x00c3, 0x27ec: 0x00c3, 0x27ed: 0x00c3, 0x27ee: 0x00c3, 0x27ef: 0x00c3, + 0x27f0: 0x00c3, 0x27f1: 0x00c3, 0x27f2: 0x00c0, 0x27f3: 0x00c0, 0x27f4: 0x00c0, 0x27f5: 0x00c0, + 0x27f6: 0x00c0, 0x27f7: 0x00c0, 0x27f8: 0x0080, 0x27f9: 0x0080, 0x27fa: 0x0080, 0x27fb: 0x00c0, + 0x27fc: 0x0080, 0x27fd: 0x00c0, 0x27fe: 0x00c0, 0x27ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x2800 + 0x2800: 0x00c0, 0x2801: 0x00c0, 0x2802: 0x00c0, 0x2803: 0x00c0, 0x2804: 0x00c0, 0x2805: 0x00c0, + 0x2806: 0x00c0, 0x2807: 0x00c0, 0x2808: 0x00c0, 0x2809: 0x00c0, 0x280a: 0x00c0, 0x280b: 0x00c0, + 0x280c: 0x00c0, 0x280d: 0x00c0, 0x280e: 0x00c0, 0x280f: 0x00c0, 0x2810: 0x00c0, 0x2811: 0x00c0, + 0x2812: 0x00c0, 0x2813: 0x00c0, 0x2814: 0x00c0, 0x2815: 0x00c0, 0x2816: 0x00c0, 0x2817: 0x00c0, + 0x2818: 0x00c0, 0x2819: 0x00c0, 0x281a: 0x00c0, 0x281b: 0x00c0, 0x281c: 0x00c0, 0x281d: 0x00c0, + 0x281e: 0x00c0, 0x281f: 0x00c0, 0x2820: 0x00c0, 0x2821: 0x00c0, 0x2822: 0x00c0, 0x2823: 0x00c0, + 0x2824: 0x00c0, 0x2825: 0x00c0, 0x2826: 0x00c3, 0x2827: 0x00c3, 0x2828: 0x00c3, 0x2829: 0x00c3, + 0x282a: 0x00c3, 0x282b: 0x00c3, 0x282c: 0x00c3, 0x282d: 0x00c3, 0x282e: 0x0080, 0x282f: 0x0080, + 0x2830: 0x00c0, 0x2831: 0x00c0, 0x2832: 0x00c0, 0x2833: 0x00c0, 0x2834: 0x00c0, 0x2835: 0x00c0, + 0x2836: 0x00c0, 0x2837: 0x00c0, 0x2838: 0x00c0, 0x2839: 0x00c0, 0x283a: 0x00c0, 0x283b: 0x00c0, + 0x283c: 0x00c0, 0x283d: 0x00c0, 0x283e: 0x00c0, 0x283f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x2840 + 0x2840: 0x00c0, 0x2841: 0x00c0, 0x2842: 0x00c0, 0x2843: 0x00c0, 0x2844: 0x00c0, 0x2845: 0x00c0, + 0x2846: 0x00c0, 0x2847: 0x00c3, 0x2848: 0x00c3, 0x2849: 0x00c3, 0x284a: 0x00c3, 0x284b: 0x00c3, + 0x284c: 0x00c3, 0x284d: 0x00c3, 0x284e: 0x00c3, 0x284f: 0x00c3, 0x2850: 0x00c3, 0x2851: 0x00c3, + 0x2852: 0x00c0, 0x2853: 0x00c5, + 0x285f: 0x0080, 0x2860: 0x0040, 0x2861: 0x0040, 0x2862: 0x0040, 0x2863: 0x0040, + 0x2864: 0x0040, 0x2865: 0x0040, 0x2866: 0x0040, 0x2867: 0x0040, 0x2868: 0x0040, 0x2869: 0x0040, + 0x286a: 0x0040, 0x286b: 0x0040, 0x286c: 0x0040, 0x286d: 0x0040, 0x286e: 0x0040, 0x286f: 0x0040, + 0x2870: 0x0040, 0x2871: 0x0040, 0x2872: 0x0040, 0x2873: 0x0040, 0x2874: 0x0040, 0x2875: 0x0040, + 0x2876: 0x0040, 0x2877: 0x0040, 0x2878: 0x0040, 0x2879: 0x0040, 0x287a: 0x0040, 0x287b: 0x0040, + 0x287c: 0x0040, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x2880 + 0x2880: 0x00c3, 0x2881: 0x00c3, 0x2882: 0x00c3, 0x2883: 0x00c0, 0x2884: 0x00c0, 0x2885: 0x00c0, + 0x2886: 0x00c0, 0x2887: 0x00c0, 0x2888: 0x00c0, 0x2889: 0x00c0, 0x288a: 0x00c0, 0x288b: 0x00c0, + 0x288c: 0x00c0, 0x288d: 0x00c0, 0x288e: 0x00c0, 0x288f: 0x00c0, 0x2890: 0x00c0, 0x2891: 0x00c0, + 0x2892: 0x00c0, 0x2893: 0x00c0, 0x2894: 0x00c0, 0x2895: 0x00c0, 0x2896: 0x00c0, 0x2897: 0x00c0, + 0x2898: 0x00c0, 0x2899: 0x00c0, 0x289a: 0x00c0, 0x289b: 0x00c0, 0x289c: 0x00c0, 0x289d: 0x00c0, + 0x289e: 0x00c0, 0x289f: 0x00c0, 0x28a0: 0x00c0, 0x28a1: 0x00c0, 0x28a2: 0x00c0, 0x28a3: 0x00c0, + 0x28a4: 0x00c0, 0x28a5: 0x00c0, 0x28a6: 0x00c0, 0x28a7: 0x00c0, 0x28a8: 0x00c0, 0x28a9: 0x00c0, + 0x28aa: 0x00c0, 0x28ab: 0x00c0, 0x28ac: 0x00c0, 0x28ad: 0x00c0, 0x28ae: 0x00c0, 0x28af: 0x00c0, + 0x28b0: 0x00c0, 0x28b1: 0x00c0, 0x28b2: 0x00c0, 0x28b3: 0x00c3, 0x28b4: 0x00c0, 0x28b5: 0x00c0, + 0x28b6: 0x00c3, 0x28b7: 0x00c3, 0x28b8: 0x00c3, 0x28b9: 0x00c3, 0x28ba: 0x00c0, 0x28bb: 0x00c0, + 0x28bc: 0x00c3, 0x28bd: 0x00c3, 0x28be: 0x00c0, 0x28bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x28c0 + 0x28c0: 0x00c5, 0x28c1: 0x0080, 0x28c2: 0x0080, 0x28c3: 0x0080, 0x28c4: 0x0080, 0x28c5: 0x0080, + 0x28c6: 0x0080, 0x28c7: 0x0080, 0x28c8: 0x0080, 0x28c9: 0x0080, 0x28ca: 0x0080, 0x28cb: 0x0080, + 0x28cc: 0x0080, 0x28cd: 0x0080, 0x28cf: 0x00c0, 0x28d0: 0x00c0, 0x28d1: 0x00c0, + 0x28d2: 0x00c0, 0x28d3: 0x00c0, 0x28d4: 0x00c0, 0x28d5: 0x00c0, 0x28d6: 0x00c0, 0x28d7: 0x00c0, + 0x28d8: 0x00c0, 0x28d9: 0x00c0, + 0x28de: 0x0080, 0x28df: 0x0080, 0x28e0: 0x00c0, 0x28e1: 0x00c0, 0x28e2: 0x00c0, 0x28e3: 0x00c0, + 0x28e4: 0x00c0, 0x28e5: 0x00c3, 0x28e6: 0x00c0, 0x28e7: 0x00c0, 0x28e8: 0x00c0, 0x28e9: 0x00c0, + 0x28ea: 0x00c0, 0x28eb: 0x00c0, 0x28ec: 0x00c0, 0x28ed: 0x00c0, 0x28ee: 0x00c0, 0x28ef: 0x00c0, + 0x28f0: 0x00c0, 0x28f1: 0x00c0, 0x28f2: 0x00c0, 0x28f3: 0x00c0, 0x28f4: 0x00c0, 0x28f5: 0x00c0, + 0x28f6: 0x00c0, 0x28f7: 0x00c0, 0x28f8: 0x00c0, 0x28f9: 0x00c0, 0x28fa: 0x00c0, 0x28fb: 0x00c0, + 0x28fc: 0x00c0, 0x28fd: 0x00c0, 0x28fe: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x2900 + 0x2900: 0x00c0, 0x2901: 0x00c0, 0x2902: 0x00c0, 0x2903: 0x00c0, 0x2904: 0x00c0, 0x2905: 0x00c0, + 0x2906: 0x00c0, 0x2907: 0x00c0, 0x2908: 0x00c0, 0x2909: 0x00c0, 0x290a: 0x00c0, 0x290b: 0x00c0, + 0x290c: 0x00c0, 0x290d: 0x00c0, 0x290e: 0x00c0, 0x290f: 0x00c0, 0x2910: 0x00c0, 0x2911: 0x00c0, + 0x2912: 0x00c0, 0x2913: 0x00c0, 0x2914: 0x00c0, 0x2915: 0x00c0, 0x2916: 0x00c0, 0x2917: 0x00c0, + 0x2918: 0x00c0, 0x2919: 0x00c0, 0x291a: 0x00c0, 0x291b: 0x00c0, 0x291c: 0x00c0, 0x291d: 0x00c0, + 0x291e: 0x00c0, 0x291f: 0x00c0, 0x2920: 0x00c0, 0x2921: 0x00c0, 0x2922: 0x00c0, 0x2923: 0x00c0, + 0x2924: 0x00c0, 0x2925: 0x00c0, 0x2926: 0x00c0, 0x2927: 0x00c0, 0x2928: 0x00c0, 0x2929: 0x00c3, + 0x292a: 0x00c3, 0x292b: 0x00c3, 0x292c: 0x00c3, 0x292d: 0x00c3, 0x292e: 0x00c3, 0x292f: 0x00c0, + 0x2930: 0x00c0, 0x2931: 0x00c3, 0x2932: 0x00c3, 0x2933: 0x00c0, 0x2934: 0x00c0, 0x2935: 0x00c3, + 0x2936: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x2940 + 0x2940: 0x00c0, 0x2941: 0x00c0, 0x2942: 0x00c0, 0x2943: 0x00c3, 0x2944: 0x00c0, 0x2945: 0x00c0, + 0x2946: 0x00c0, 0x2947: 0x00c0, 0x2948: 0x00c0, 0x2949: 0x00c0, 0x294a: 0x00c0, 0x294b: 0x00c0, + 0x294c: 0x00c3, 0x294d: 0x00c0, 0x2950: 0x00c0, 0x2951: 0x00c0, + 0x2952: 0x00c0, 0x2953: 0x00c0, 0x2954: 0x00c0, 0x2955: 0x00c0, 0x2956: 0x00c0, 0x2957: 0x00c0, + 0x2958: 0x00c0, 0x2959: 0x00c0, 0x295c: 0x0080, 0x295d: 0x0080, + 0x295e: 0x0080, 0x295f: 0x0080, 0x2960: 0x00c0, 0x2961: 0x00c0, 0x2962: 0x00c0, 0x2963: 0x00c0, + 0x2964: 0x00c0, 0x2965: 0x00c0, 0x2966: 0x00c0, 0x2967: 0x00c0, 0x2968: 0x00c0, 0x2969: 0x00c0, + 0x296a: 0x00c0, 0x296b: 0x00c0, 0x296c: 0x00c0, 0x296d: 0x00c0, 0x296e: 0x00c0, 0x296f: 0x00c0, + 0x2970: 0x00c0, 0x2971: 0x00c0, 0x2972: 0x00c0, 0x2973: 0x00c0, 0x2974: 0x00c0, 0x2975: 0x00c0, + 0x2976: 0x00c0, 0x2977: 0x0080, 0x2978: 0x0080, 0x2979: 0x0080, 0x297a: 0x00c0, 0x297b: 0x00c0, + 0x297c: 0x00c3, 0x297d: 0x00c0, 0x297e: 0x00c0, 0x297f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x2980 + 0x2980: 0x00c0, 0x2981: 0x00c0, 0x2982: 0x00c0, 0x2983: 0x00c0, 0x2984: 0x00c0, 0x2985: 0x00c0, + 0x2986: 0x00c0, 0x2987: 0x00c0, 0x2988: 0x00c0, 0x2989: 0x00c0, 0x298a: 0x00c0, 0x298b: 0x00c0, + 0x298c: 0x00c0, 0x298d: 0x00c0, 0x298e: 0x00c0, 0x298f: 0x00c0, 0x2990: 0x00c0, 0x2991: 0x00c0, + 0x2992: 0x00c0, 0x2993: 0x00c0, 0x2994: 0x00c0, 0x2995: 0x00c0, 0x2996: 0x00c0, 0x2997: 0x00c0, + 0x2998: 0x00c0, 0x2999: 0x00c0, 0x299a: 0x00c0, 0x299b: 0x00c0, 0x299c: 0x00c0, 0x299d: 0x00c0, + 0x299e: 0x00c0, 0x299f: 0x00c0, 0x29a0: 0x00c0, 0x29a1: 0x00c0, 0x29a2: 0x00c0, 0x29a3: 0x00c0, + 0x29a4: 0x00c0, 0x29a5: 0x00c0, 0x29a6: 0x00c0, 0x29a7: 0x00c0, 0x29a8: 0x00c0, 0x29a9: 0x00c0, + 0x29aa: 0x00c0, 0x29ab: 0x00c0, 0x29ac: 0x00c0, 0x29ad: 0x00c0, 0x29ae: 0x00c0, 0x29af: 0x00c0, + 0x29b0: 0x00c3, 0x29b1: 0x00c0, 0x29b2: 0x00c3, 0x29b3: 0x00c3, 0x29b4: 0x00c3, 0x29b5: 0x00c0, + 0x29b6: 0x00c0, 0x29b7: 0x00c3, 0x29b8: 0x00c3, 0x29b9: 0x00c0, 0x29ba: 0x00c0, 0x29bb: 0x00c0, + 0x29bc: 0x00c0, 0x29bd: 0x00c0, 0x29be: 0x00c3, 0x29bf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x29c0 + 0x29c0: 0x00c0, 0x29c1: 0x00c3, 0x29c2: 0x00c0, + 0x29db: 0x00c0, 0x29dc: 0x00c0, 0x29dd: 0x00c0, + 0x29de: 0x0080, 0x29df: 0x0080, 0x29e0: 0x00c0, 0x29e1: 0x00c0, 0x29e2: 0x00c0, 0x29e3: 0x00c0, + 0x29e4: 0x00c0, 0x29e5: 0x00c0, 0x29e6: 0x00c0, 0x29e7: 0x00c0, 0x29e8: 0x00c0, 0x29e9: 0x00c0, + 0x29ea: 0x00c0, 0x29eb: 0x00c0, 0x29ec: 0x00c3, 0x29ed: 0x00c3, 0x29ee: 0x00c0, 0x29ef: 0x00c0, + 0x29f0: 0x0080, 0x29f1: 0x0080, 0x29f2: 0x00c0, 0x29f3: 0x00c0, 0x29f4: 0x00c0, 0x29f5: 0x00c0, + 0x29f6: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x2a00 + 0x2a01: 0x00c0, 0x2a02: 0x00c0, 0x2a03: 0x00c0, 0x2a04: 0x00c0, 0x2a05: 0x00c0, + 0x2a06: 0x00c0, 0x2a09: 0x00c0, 0x2a0a: 0x00c0, 0x2a0b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a0c: 0x00c0, 0x2a0d: 0x00c0, 0x2a0e: 0x00c0, 0x2a11: 0x00c0, + 0x2a12: 0x00c0, 0x2a13: 0x00c0, 0x2a14: 0x00c0, 0x2a15: 0x00c0, 0x2a16: 0x00c0, + 0x2a20: 0x00c0, 0x2a21: 0x00c0, 0x2a22: 0x00c0, 0x2a23: 0x00c0, + 0x2a24: 0x00c0, 0x2a25: 0x00c0, 0x2a26: 0x00c0, 0x2a28: 0x00c0, 0x2a29: 0x00c0, + 0x2a2a: 0x00c0, 0x2a2b: 0x00c0, 0x2a2c: 0x00c0, 0x2a2d: 0x00c0, 0x2a2e: 0x00c0, + 0x2a30: 0x00c0, 0x2a31: 0x00c0, 0x2a32: 0x00c0, 0x2a33: 0x00c0, 0x2a34: 0x00c0, 0x2a35: 0x00c0, + 0x2a36: 0x00c0, 0x2a37: 0x00c0, 0x2a38: 0x00c0, 0x2a39: 0x00c0, 0x2a3a: 0x00c0, 0x2a3b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a3c: 0x00c0, 0x2a3d: 0x00c0, 0x2a3e: 0x00c0, 0x2a3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x2a40 + 0x2a40: 0x00c0, 0x2a41: 0x00c0, 0x2a42: 0x00c0, 0x2a43: 0x00c0, 0x2a44: 0x00c0, 0x2a45: 0x00c0, + 0x2a46: 0x00c0, 0x2a47: 0x00c0, 0x2a48: 0x00c0, 0x2a49: 0x00c0, 0x2a4a: 0x00c0, 0x2a4b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a4c: 0x00c0, 0x2a4d: 0x00c0, 0x2a4e: 0x00c0, 0x2a4f: 0x00c0, 0x2a50: 0x00c0, 0x2a51: 0x00c0, + 0x2a52: 0x00c0, 0x2a53: 0x00c0, 0x2a54: 0x00c0, 0x2a55: 0x00c0, 0x2a56: 0x00c0, 0x2a57: 0x00c0, + 0x2a58: 0x00c0, 0x2a59: 0x00c0, 0x2a5a: 0x00c0, 0x2a5b: 0x0080, 0x2a5c: 0x0080, 0x2a5d: 0x0080, + 0x2a5e: 0x0080, 0x2a5f: 0x0080, 0x2a60: 0x00c0, 0x2a61: 0x00c0, 0x2a62: 0x00c0, 0x2a63: 0x00c0, + 0x2a64: 0x00c0, 0x2a65: 0x00c8, 0x2a66: 0x00c0, 0x2a67: 0x00c0, 0x2a68: 0x00c0, 0x2a69: 0x0080, + 0x2a6a: 0x0080, 0x2a6b: 0x0080, + 0x2a70: 0x00c0, 0x2a71: 0x00c0, 0x2a72: 0x00c0, 0x2a73: 0x00c0, 0x2a74: 0x00c0, 0x2a75: 0x00c0, + 0x2a76: 0x00c0, 0x2a77: 0x00c0, 0x2a78: 0x00c0, 0x2a79: 0x00c0, 0x2a7a: 0x00c0, 0x2a7b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a7c: 0x00c0, 0x2a7d: 0x00c0, 0x2a7e: 0x00c0, 0x2a7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x2a80 + 0x2a80: 0x00c0, 0x2a81: 0x00c0, 0x2a82: 0x00c0, 0x2a83: 0x00c0, 0x2a84: 0x00c0, 0x2a85: 0x00c0, + 0x2a86: 0x00c0, 0x2a87: 0x00c0, 0x2a88: 0x00c0, 0x2a89: 0x00c0, 0x2a8a: 0x00c0, 0x2a8b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a8c: 0x00c0, 0x2a8d: 0x00c0, 0x2a8e: 0x00c0, 0x2a8f: 0x00c0, 0x2a90: 0x00c0, 0x2a91: 0x00c0, + 0x2a92: 0x00c0, 0x2a93: 0x00c0, 0x2a94: 0x00c0, 0x2a95: 0x00c0, 0x2a96: 0x00c0, 0x2a97: 0x00c0, + 0x2a98: 0x00c0, 0x2a99: 0x00c0, 0x2a9a: 0x00c0, 0x2a9b: 0x00c0, 0x2a9c: 0x00c0, 0x2a9d: 0x00c0, + 0x2a9e: 0x00c0, 0x2a9f: 0x00c0, 0x2aa0: 0x00c0, 0x2aa1: 0x00c0, 0x2aa2: 0x00c0, 0x2aa3: 0x00c0, + 0x2aa4: 0x00c0, 0x2aa5: 0x00c3, 0x2aa6: 0x00c0, 0x2aa7: 0x00c0, 0x2aa8: 0x00c3, 0x2aa9: 0x00c0, + 0x2aaa: 0x00c0, 0x2aab: 0x0080, 0x2aac: 0x00c0, 0x2aad: 0x00c6, + 0x2ab0: 0x00c0, 0x2ab1: 0x00c0, 0x2ab2: 0x00c0, 0x2ab3: 0x00c0, 0x2ab4: 0x00c0, 0x2ab5: 0x00c0, + 0x2ab6: 0x00c0, 0x2ab7: 0x00c0, 0x2ab8: 0x00c0, 0x2ab9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x2ac0 + 0x2ac0: 0x00c0, 0x2ac1: 0x00c0, 0x2ac2: 0x00c0, 0x2ac3: 0x00c0, 0x2ac4: 0x00c0, 0x2ac5: 0x00c0, + 0x2ac6: 0x00c0, 0x2ac7: 0x00c0, 0x2ac8: 0x00c0, 0x2ac9: 0x00c0, 0x2aca: 0x00c0, 0x2acb: 0x00c0, + 0x2acc: 0x00c0, 0x2acd: 0x00c0, 0x2ace: 0x00c0, 0x2acf: 0x00c0, 0x2ad0: 0x00c0, 0x2ad1: 0x00c0, + 0x2ad2: 0x00c0, 0x2ad3: 0x00c0, 0x2ad4: 0x00c0, 0x2ad5: 0x00c0, 0x2ad6: 0x00c0, 0x2ad7: 0x00c0, + 0x2ad8: 0x00c0, 0x2ad9: 0x00c0, 0x2ada: 0x00c0, 0x2adb: 0x00c0, 0x2adc: 0x00c0, 0x2add: 0x00c0, + 0x2ade: 0x00c0, 0x2adf: 0x00c0, 0x2ae0: 0x00c0, 0x2ae1: 0x00c0, 0x2ae2: 0x00c0, 0x2ae3: 0x00c0, + 0x2af0: 0x0040, 0x2af1: 0x0040, 0x2af2: 0x0040, 0x2af3: 0x0040, 0x2af4: 0x0040, 0x2af5: 0x0040, + 0x2af6: 0x0040, 0x2af7: 0x0040, 0x2af8: 0x0040, 0x2af9: 0x0040, 0x2afa: 0x0040, 0x2afb: 0x0040, + 0x2afc: 0x0040, 0x2afd: 0x0040, 0x2afe: 0x0040, 0x2aff: 0x0040, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x2b00 + 0x2b00: 0x0040, 0x2b01: 0x0040, 0x2b02: 0x0040, 0x2b03: 0x0040, 0x2b04: 0x0040, 0x2b05: 0x0040, + 0x2b06: 0x0040, 0x2b0b: 0x0040, + 0x2b0c: 0x0040, 0x2b0d: 0x0040, 0x2b0e: 0x0040, 0x2b0f: 0x0040, 0x2b10: 0x0040, 0x2b11: 0x0040, + 0x2b12: 0x0040, 0x2b13: 0x0040, 0x2b14: 0x0040, 0x2b15: 0x0040, 0x2b16: 0x0040, 0x2b17: 0x0040, + 0x2b18: 0x0040, 0x2b19: 0x0040, 0x2b1a: 0x0040, 0x2b1b: 0x0040, 0x2b1c: 0x0040, 0x2b1d: 0x0040, + 0x2b1e: 0x0040, 0x2b1f: 0x0040, 0x2b20: 0x0040, 0x2b21: 0x0040, 0x2b22: 0x0040, 0x2b23: 0x0040, + 0x2b24: 0x0040, 0x2b25: 0x0040, 0x2b26: 0x0040, 0x2b27: 0x0040, 0x2b28: 0x0040, 0x2b29: 0x0040, + 0x2b2a: 0x0040, 0x2b2b: 0x0040, 0x2b2c: 0x0040, 0x2b2d: 0x0040, 0x2b2e: 0x0040, 0x2b2f: 0x0040, + 0x2b30: 0x0040, 0x2b31: 0x0040, 0x2b32: 0x0040, 0x2b33: 0x0040, 0x2b34: 0x0040, 0x2b35: 0x0040, + 0x2b36: 0x0040, 0x2b37: 0x0040, 0x2b38: 0x0040, 0x2b39: 0x0040, 0x2b3a: 0x0040, 0x2b3b: 0x0040, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x2b40 + 0x2b40: 0x008c, 0x2b41: 0x008c, 0x2b42: 0x008c, 0x2b43: 0x008c, 0x2b44: 0x008c, 0x2b45: 0x008c, + 0x2b46: 0x008c, 0x2b47: 0x008c, 0x2b48: 0x008c, 0x2b49: 0x008c, 0x2b4a: 0x008c, 0x2b4b: 0x008c, + 0x2b4c: 0x008c, 0x2b4d: 0x008c, 0x2b4e: 0x00cc, 0x2b4f: 0x00cc, 0x2b50: 0x008c, 0x2b51: 0x00cc, + 0x2b52: 0x008c, 0x2b53: 0x00cc, 0x2b54: 0x00cc, 0x2b55: 0x008c, 0x2b56: 0x008c, 0x2b57: 0x008c, + 0x2b58: 0x008c, 0x2b59: 0x008c, 0x2b5a: 0x008c, 0x2b5b: 0x008c, 0x2b5c: 0x008c, 0x2b5d: 0x008c, + 0x2b5e: 0x008c, 0x2b5f: 0x00cc, 0x2b60: 0x008c, 0x2b61: 0x00cc, 0x2b62: 0x008c, 0x2b63: 0x00cc, + 0x2b64: 0x00cc, 0x2b65: 0x008c, 0x2b66: 0x008c, 0x2b67: 0x00cc, 0x2b68: 0x00cc, 0x2b69: 0x00cc, + 0x2b6a: 0x008c, 0x2b6b: 0x008c, 0x2b6c: 0x008c, 0x2b6d: 0x008c, 0x2b6e: 0x008c, 0x2b6f: 0x008c, + 0x2b70: 0x008c, 0x2b71: 0x008c, 0x2b72: 0x008c, 0x2b73: 0x008c, 0x2b74: 0x008c, 0x2b75: 0x008c, + 0x2b76: 0x008c, 0x2b77: 0x008c, 0x2b78: 0x008c, 0x2b79: 0x008c, 0x2b7a: 0x008c, 0x2b7b: 0x008c, + 0x2b7c: 0x008c, 0x2b7d: 0x008c, 0x2b7e: 0x008c, 0x2b7f: 0x008c, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x2b80 + 0x2b80: 0x008c, 0x2b81: 0x008c, 0x2b82: 0x008c, 0x2b83: 0x008c, 0x2b84: 0x008c, 0x2b85: 0x008c, + 0x2b86: 0x008c, 0x2b87: 0x008c, 0x2b88: 0x008c, 0x2b89: 0x008c, 0x2b8a: 0x008c, 0x2b8b: 0x008c, + 0x2b8c: 0x008c, 0x2b8d: 0x008c, 0x2b8e: 0x008c, 0x2b8f: 0x008c, 0x2b90: 0x008c, 0x2b91: 0x008c, + 0x2b92: 0x008c, 0x2b93: 0x008c, 0x2b94: 0x008c, 0x2b95: 0x008c, 0x2b96: 0x008c, 0x2b97: 0x008c, + 0x2b98: 0x008c, 0x2b99: 0x008c, 0x2b9a: 0x008c, 0x2b9b: 0x008c, 0x2b9c: 0x008c, 0x2b9d: 0x008c, + 0x2b9e: 0x008c, 0x2b9f: 0x008c, 0x2ba0: 0x008c, 0x2ba1: 0x008c, 0x2ba2: 0x008c, 0x2ba3: 0x008c, + 0x2ba4: 0x008c, 0x2ba5: 0x008c, 0x2ba6: 0x008c, 0x2ba7: 0x008c, 0x2ba8: 0x008c, 0x2ba9: 0x008c, + 0x2baa: 0x008c, 0x2bab: 0x008c, 0x2bac: 0x008c, 0x2bad: 0x008c, + 0x2bb0: 0x008c, 0x2bb1: 0x008c, 0x2bb2: 0x008c, 0x2bb3: 0x008c, 0x2bb4: 0x008c, 0x2bb5: 0x008c, + 0x2bb6: 0x008c, 0x2bb7: 0x008c, 0x2bb8: 0x008c, 0x2bb9: 0x008c, 0x2bba: 0x008c, 0x2bbb: 0x008c, + 0x2bbc: 0x008c, 0x2bbd: 0x008c, 0x2bbe: 0x008c, 0x2bbf: 0x008c, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x2bc0 + 0x2bc0: 0x008c, 0x2bc1: 0x008c, 0x2bc2: 0x008c, 0x2bc3: 0x008c, 0x2bc4: 0x008c, 0x2bc5: 0x008c, + 0x2bc6: 0x008c, 0x2bc7: 0x008c, 0x2bc8: 0x008c, 0x2bc9: 0x008c, 0x2bca: 0x008c, 0x2bcb: 0x008c, + 0x2bcc: 0x008c, 0x2bcd: 0x008c, 0x2bce: 0x008c, 0x2bcf: 0x008c, 0x2bd0: 0x008c, 0x2bd1: 0x008c, + 0x2bd2: 0x008c, 0x2bd3: 0x008c, 0x2bd4: 0x008c, 0x2bd5: 0x008c, 0x2bd6: 0x008c, 0x2bd7: 0x008c, + 0x2bd8: 0x008c, 0x2bd9: 0x008c, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x2c00 + 0x2c00: 0x0080, 0x2c01: 0x0080, 0x2c02: 0x0080, 0x2c03: 0x0080, 0x2c04: 0x0080, 0x2c05: 0x0080, + 0x2c06: 0x0080, + 0x2c13: 0x0080, 0x2c14: 0x0080, 0x2c15: 0x0080, 0x2c16: 0x0080, 0x2c17: 0x0080, + 0x2c1d: 0x008a, + 0x2c1e: 0x00cb, 0x2c1f: 0x008a, 0x2c20: 0x008a, 0x2c21: 0x008a, 0x2c22: 0x008a, 0x2c23: 0x008a, + 0x2c24: 0x008a, 0x2c25: 0x008a, 0x2c26: 0x008a, 0x2c27: 0x008a, 0x2c28: 0x008a, 0x2c29: 0x008a, + 0x2c2a: 0x008a, 0x2c2b: 0x008a, 0x2c2c: 0x008a, 0x2c2d: 0x008a, 0x2c2e: 0x008a, 0x2c2f: 0x008a, + 0x2c30: 0x008a, 0x2c31: 0x008a, 0x2c32: 0x008a, 0x2c33: 0x008a, 0x2c34: 0x008a, 0x2c35: 0x008a, + 0x2c36: 0x008a, 0x2c38: 0x008a, 0x2c39: 0x008a, 0x2c3a: 0x008a, 0x2c3b: 0x008a, + 0x2c3c: 0x008a, 0x2c3e: 0x008a, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x2c40 + 0x2c40: 0x008a, 0x2c41: 0x008a, 0x2c43: 0x008a, 0x2c44: 0x008a, + 0x2c46: 0x008a, 0x2c47: 0x008a, 0x2c48: 0x008a, 0x2c49: 0x008a, 0x2c4a: 0x008a, 0x2c4b: 0x008a, + 0x2c4c: 0x008a, 0x2c4d: 0x008a, 0x2c4e: 0x008a, 0x2c4f: 0x008a, 0x2c50: 0x0080, 0x2c51: 0x0080, + 0x2c52: 0x0080, 0x2c53: 0x0080, 0x2c54: 0x0080, 0x2c55: 0x0080, 0x2c56: 0x0080, 0x2c57: 0x0080, + 0x2c58: 0x0080, 0x2c59: 0x0080, 0x2c5a: 0x0080, 0x2c5b: 0x0080, 0x2c5c: 0x0080, 0x2c5d: 0x0080, + 0x2c5e: 0x0080, 0x2c5f: 0x0080, 0x2c60: 0x0080, 0x2c61: 0x0080, 0x2c62: 0x0080, 0x2c63: 0x0080, + 0x2c64: 0x0080, 0x2c65: 0x0080, 0x2c66: 0x0080, 0x2c67: 0x0080, 0x2c68: 0x0080, 0x2c69: 0x0080, + 0x2c6a: 0x0080, 0x2c6b: 0x0080, 0x2c6c: 0x0080, 0x2c6d: 0x0080, 0x2c6e: 0x0080, 0x2c6f: 0x0080, + 0x2c70: 0x0080, 0x2c71: 0x0080, 0x2c72: 0x0080, 0x2c73: 0x0080, 0x2c74: 0x0080, 0x2c75: 0x0080, + 0x2c76: 0x0080, 0x2c77: 0x0080, 0x2c78: 0x0080, 0x2c79: 0x0080, 0x2c7a: 0x0080, 0x2c7b: 0x0080, + 0x2c7c: 0x0080, 0x2c7d: 0x0080, 0x2c7e: 0x0080, 0x2c7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x2c80 + 0x2c80: 0x0080, 0x2c81: 0x0080, + 0x2c93: 0x0080, 0x2c94: 0x0080, 0x2c95: 0x0080, 0x2c96: 0x0080, 0x2c97: 0x0080, + 0x2c98: 0x0080, 0x2c99: 0x0080, 0x2c9a: 0x0080, 0x2c9b: 0x0080, 0x2c9c: 0x0080, 0x2c9d: 0x0080, + 0x2c9e: 0x0080, 0x2c9f: 0x0080, 0x2ca0: 0x0080, 0x2ca1: 0x0080, 0x2ca2: 0x0080, 0x2ca3: 0x0080, + 0x2ca4: 0x0080, 0x2ca5: 0x0080, 0x2ca6: 0x0080, 0x2ca7: 0x0080, 0x2ca8: 0x0080, 0x2ca9: 0x0080, + 0x2caa: 0x0080, 0x2cab: 0x0080, 0x2cac: 0x0080, 0x2cad: 0x0080, 0x2cae: 0x0080, 0x2caf: 0x0080, + 0x2cb0: 0x0080, 0x2cb1: 0x0080, 0x2cb2: 0x0080, 0x2cb3: 0x0080, 0x2cb4: 0x0080, 0x2cb5: 0x0080, + 0x2cb6: 0x0080, 0x2cb7: 0x0080, 0x2cb8: 0x0080, 0x2cb9: 0x0080, 0x2cba: 0x0080, 0x2cbb: 0x0080, + 0x2cbc: 0x0080, 0x2cbd: 0x0080, 0x2cbe: 0x0080, 0x2cbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x2cc0 + 0x2cd0: 0x0080, 0x2cd1: 0x0080, + 0x2cd2: 0x0080, 0x2cd3: 0x0080, 0x2cd4: 0x0080, 0x2cd5: 0x0080, 0x2cd6: 0x0080, 0x2cd7: 0x0080, + 0x2cd8: 0x0080, 0x2cd9: 0x0080, 0x2cda: 0x0080, 0x2cdb: 0x0080, 0x2cdc: 0x0080, 0x2cdd: 0x0080, + 0x2cde: 0x0080, 0x2cdf: 0x0080, 0x2ce0: 0x0080, 0x2ce1: 0x0080, 0x2ce2: 0x0080, 0x2ce3: 0x0080, + 0x2ce4: 0x0080, 0x2ce5: 0x0080, 0x2ce6: 0x0080, 0x2ce7: 0x0080, 0x2ce8: 0x0080, 0x2ce9: 0x0080, + 0x2cea: 0x0080, 0x2ceb: 0x0080, 0x2cec: 0x0080, 0x2ced: 0x0080, 0x2cee: 0x0080, 0x2cef: 0x0080, + 0x2cf0: 0x0080, 0x2cf1: 0x0080, 0x2cf2: 0x0080, 0x2cf3: 0x0080, 0x2cf4: 0x0080, 0x2cf5: 0x0080, + 0x2cf6: 0x0080, 0x2cf7: 0x0080, 0x2cf8: 0x0080, 0x2cf9: 0x0080, 0x2cfa: 0x0080, 0x2cfb: 0x0080, + 0x2cfc: 0x0080, 0x2cfd: 0x0080, 0x2cfe: 0x0080, 0x2cff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x2d00 + 0x2d00: 0x0080, 0x2d01: 0x0080, 0x2d02: 0x0080, 0x2d03: 0x0080, 0x2d04: 0x0080, 0x2d05: 0x0080, + 0x2d06: 0x0080, 0x2d07: 0x0080, 0x2d08: 0x0080, 0x2d09: 0x0080, 0x2d0a: 0x0080, 0x2d0b: 0x0080, + 0x2d0c: 0x0080, 0x2d0d: 0x0080, 0x2d0e: 0x0080, 0x2d0f: 0x0080, + 0x2d12: 0x0080, 0x2d13: 0x0080, 0x2d14: 0x0080, 0x2d15: 0x0080, 0x2d16: 0x0080, 0x2d17: 0x0080, + 0x2d18: 0x0080, 0x2d19: 0x0080, 0x2d1a: 0x0080, 0x2d1b: 0x0080, 0x2d1c: 0x0080, 0x2d1d: 0x0080, + 0x2d1e: 0x0080, 0x2d1f: 0x0080, 0x2d20: 0x0080, 0x2d21: 0x0080, 0x2d22: 0x0080, 0x2d23: 0x0080, + 0x2d24: 0x0080, 0x2d25: 0x0080, 0x2d26: 0x0080, 0x2d27: 0x0080, 0x2d28: 0x0080, 0x2d29: 0x0080, + 0x2d2a: 0x0080, 0x2d2b: 0x0080, 0x2d2c: 0x0080, 0x2d2d: 0x0080, 0x2d2e: 0x0080, 0x2d2f: 0x0080, + 0x2d30: 0x0080, 0x2d31: 0x0080, 0x2d32: 0x0080, 0x2d33: 0x0080, 0x2d34: 0x0080, 0x2d35: 0x0080, + 0x2d36: 0x0080, 0x2d37: 0x0080, 0x2d38: 0x0080, 0x2d39: 0x0080, 0x2d3a: 0x0080, 0x2d3b: 0x0080, + 0x2d3c: 0x0080, 0x2d3d: 0x0080, 0x2d3e: 0x0080, 0x2d3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x2d40 + 0x2d40: 0x0080, 0x2d41: 0x0080, 0x2d42: 0x0080, 0x2d43: 0x0080, 0x2d44: 0x0080, 0x2d45: 0x0080, + 0x2d46: 0x0080, 0x2d47: 0x0080, + 0x2d70: 0x0080, 0x2d71: 0x0080, 0x2d72: 0x0080, 0x2d73: 0x0080, 0x2d74: 0x0080, 0x2d75: 0x0080, + 0x2d76: 0x0080, 0x2d77: 0x0080, 0x2d78: 0x0080, 0x2d79: 0x0080, 0x2d7a: 0x0080, 0x2d7b: 0x0080, + 0x2d7c: 0x0080, 0x2d7d: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x2d80 + 0x2d80: 0x0040, 0x2d81: 0x0040, 0x2d82: 0x0040, 0x2d83: 0x0040, 0x2d84: 0x0040, 0x2d85: 0x0040, + 0x2d86: 0x0040, 0x2d87: 0x0040, 0x2d88: 0x0040, 0x2d89: 0x0040, 0x2d8a: 0x0040, 0x2d8b: 0x0040, + 0x2d8c: 0x0040, 0x2d8d: 0x0040, 0x2d8e: 0x0040, 0x2d8f: 0x0040, 0x2d90: 0x0080, 0x2d91: 0x0080, + 0x2d92: 0x0080, 0x2d93: 0x0080, 0x2d94: 0x0080, 0x2d95: 0x0080, 0x2d96: 0x0080, 0x2d97: 0x0080, + 0x2d98: 0x0080, 0x2d99: 0x0080, + 0x2da0: 0x00c3, 0x2da1: 0x00c3, 0x2da2: 0x00c3, 0x2da3: 0x00c3, + 0x2da4: 0x00c3, 0x2da5: 0x00c3, 0x2da6: 0x00c3, 0x2da7: 0x00c3, 0x2da8: 0x00c3, 0x2da9: 0x00c3, + 0x2daa: 0x00c3, 0x2dab: 0x00c3, 0x2dac: 0x00c3, 0x2dad: 0x00c3, 0x2dae: 0x00c3, 0x2daf: 0x00c3, + 0x2db0: 0x0080, 0x2db1: 0x0080, 0x2db2: 0x0080, 0x2db3: 0x0080, 0x2db4: 0x0080, 0x2db5: 0x0080, + 0x2db6: 0x0080, 0x2db7: 0x0080, 0x2db8: 0x0080, 0x2db9: 0x0080, 0x2dba: 0x0080, 0x2dbb: 0x0080, + 0x2dbc: 0x0080, 0x2dbd: 0x0080, 0x2dbe: 0x0080, 0x2dbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x2dc0 + 0x2dc0: 0x0080, 0x2dc1: 0x0080, 0x2dc2: 0x0080, 0x2dc3: 0x0080, 0x2dc4: 0x0080, 0x2dc5: 0x0080, + 0x2dc6: 0x0080, 0x2dc7: 0x0080, 0x2dc8: 0x0080, 0x2dc9: 0x0080, 0x2dca: 0x0080, 0x2dcb: 0x0080, + 0x2dcc: 0x0080, 0x2dcd: 0x0080, 0x2dce: 0x0080, 0x2dcf: 0x0080, 0x2dd0: 0x0080, 0x2dd1: 0x0080, + 0x2dd2: 0x0080, 0x2dd4: 0x0080, 0x2dd5: 0x0080, 0x2dd6: 0x0080, 0x2dd7: 0x0080, + 0x2dd8: 0x0080, 0x2dd9: 0x0080, 0x2dda: 0x0080, 0x2ddb: 0x0080, 0x2ddc: 0x0080, 0x2ddd: 0x0080, + 0x2dde: 0x0080, 0x2ddf: 0x0080, 0x2de0: 0x0080, 0x2de1: 0x0080, 0x2de2: 0x0080, 0x2de3: 0x0080, + 0x2de4: 0x0080, 0x2de5: 0x0080, 0x2de6: 0x0080, 0x2de8: 0x0080, 0x2de9: 0x0080, + 0x2dea: 0x0080, 0x2deb: 0x0080, + 0x2df0: 0x0080, 0x2df1: 0x0080, 0x2df2: 0x0080, 0x2df3: 0x00c0, 0x2df4: 0x0080, + 0x2df6: 0x0080, 0x2df7: 0x0080, 0x2df8: 0x0080, 0x2df9: 0x0080, 0x2dfa: 0x0080, 0x2dfb: 0x0080, + 0x2dfc: 0x0080, 0x2dfd: 0x0080, 0x2dfe: 0x0080, 0x2dff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x2e00 + 0x2e00: 0x0080, 0x2e01: 0x0080, 0x2e02: 0x0080, 0x2e03: 0x0080, 0x2e04: 0x0080, 0x2e05: 0x0080, + 0x2e06: 0x0080, 0x2e07: 0x0080, 0x2e08: 0x0080, 0x2e09: 0x0080, 0x2e0a: 0x0080, 0x2e0b: 0x0080, + 0x2e0c: 0x0080, 0x2e0d: 0x0080, 0x2e0e: 0x0080, 0x2e0f: 0x0080, 0x2e10: 0x0080, 0x2e11: 0x0080, + 0x2e12: 0x0080, 0x2e13: 0x0080, 0x2e14: 0x0080, 0x2e15: 0x0080, 0x2e16: 0x0080, 0x2e17: 0x0080, + 0x2e18: 0x0080, 0x2e19: 0x0080, 0x2e1a: 0x0080, 0x2e1b: 0x0080, 0x2e1c: 0x0080, 0x2e1d: 0x0080, + 0x2e1e: 0x0080, 0x2e1f: 0x0080, 0x2e20: 0x0080, 0x2e21: 0x0080, 0x2e22: 0x0080, 0x2e23: 0x0080, + 0x2e24: 0x0080, 0x2e25: 0x0080, 0x2e26: 0x0080, 0x2e27: 0x0080, 0x2e28: 0x0080, 0x2e29: 0x0080, + 0x2e2a: 0x0080, 0x2e2b: 0x0080, 0x2e2c: 0x0080, 0x2e2d: 0x0080, 0x2e2e: 0x0080, 0x2e2f: 0x0080, + 0x2e30: 0x0080, 0x2e31: 0x0080, 0x2e32: 0x0080, 0x2e33: 0x0080, 0x2e34: 0x0080, 0x2e35: 0x0080, + 0x2e36: 0x0080, 0x2e37: 0x0080, 0x2e38: 0x0080, 0x2e39: 0x0080, 0x2e3a: 0x0080, 0x2e3b: 0x0080, + 0x2e3c: 0x0080, 0x2e3f: 0x0040, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x2e40 + 0x2e41: 0x0080, 0x2e42: 0x0080, 0x2e43: 0x0080, 0x2e44: 0x0080, 0x2e45: 0x0080, + 0x2e46: 0x0080, 0x2e47: 0x0080, 0x2e48: 0x0080, 0x2e49: 0x0080, 0x2e4a: 0x0080, 0x2e4b: 0x0080, + 0x2e4c: 0x0080, 0x2e4d: 0x0080, 0x2e4e: 0x0080, 0x2e4f: 0x0080, 0x2e50: 0x0080, 0x2e51: 0x0080, + 0x2e52: 0x0080, 0x2e53: 0x0080, 0x2e54: 0x0080, 0x2e55: 0x0080, 0x2e56: 0x0080, 0x2e57: 0x0080, + 0x2e58: 0x0080, 0x2e59: 0x0080, 0x2e5a: 0x0080, 0x2e5b: 0x0080, 0x2e5c: 0x0080, 0x2e5d: 0x0080, + 0x2e5e: 0x0080, 0x2e5f: 0x0080, 0x2e60: 0x0080, 0x2e61: 0x0080, 0x2e62: 0x0080, 0x2e63: 0x0080, + 0x2e64: 0x0080, 0x2e65: 0x0080, 0x2e66: 0x0080, 0x2e67: 0x0080, 0x2e68: 0x0080, 0x2e69: 0x0080, + 0x2e6a: 0x0080, 0x2e6b: 0x0080, 0x2e6c: 0x0080, 0x2e6d: 0x0080, 0x2e6e: 0x0080, 0x2e6f: 0x0080, + 0x2e70: 0x0080, 0x2e71: 0x0080, 0x2e72: 0x0080, 0x2e73: 0x0080, 0x2e74: 0x0080, 0x2e75: 0x0080, + 0x2e76: 0x0080, 0x2e77: 0x0080, 0x2e78: 0x0080, 0x2e79: 0x0080, 0x2e7a: 0x0080, 0x2e7b: 0x0080, + 0x2e7c: 0x0080, 0x2e7d: 0x0080, 0x2e7e: 0x0080, 0x2e7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x2e80 + 0x2e80: 0x0080, 0x2e81: 0x0080, 0x2e82: 0x0080, 0x2e83: 0x0080, 0x2e84: 0x0080, 0x2e85: 0x0080, + 0x2e86: 0x0080, 0x2e87: 0x0080, 0x2e88: 0x0080, 0x2e89: 0x0080, 0x2e8a: 0x0080, 0x2e8b: 0x0080, + 0x2e8c: 0x0080, 0x2e8d: 0x0080, 0x2e8e: 0x0080, 0x2e8f: 0x0080, 0x2e90: 0x0080, 0x2e91: 0x0080, + 0x2e92: 0x0080, 0x2e93: 0x0080, 0x2e94: 0x0080, 0x2e95: 0x0080, 0x2e96: 0x0080, 0x2e97: 0x0080, + 0x2e98: 0x0080, 0x2e99: 0x0080, 0x2e9a: 0x0080, 0x2e9b: 0x0080, 0x2e9c: 0x0080, 0x2e9d: 0x0080, + 0x2e9e: 0x0080, 0x2e9f: 0x0080, 0x2ea0: 0x0080, 0x2ea1: 0x0080, 0x2ea2: 0x0080, 0x2ea3: 0x0080, + 0x2ea4: 0x0080, 0x2ea5: 0x0080, 0x2ea6: 0x008c, 0x2ea7: 0x008c, 0x2ea8: 0x008c, 0x2ea9: 0x008c, + 0x2eaa: 0x008c, 0x2eab: 0x008c, 0x2eac: 0x008c, 0x2ead: 0x008c, 0x2eae: 0x008c, 0x2eaf: 0x008c, + 0x2eb0: 0x0080, 0x2eb1: 0x008c, 0x2eb2: 0x008c, 0x2eb3: 0x008c, 0x2eb4: 0x008c, 0x2eb5: 0x008c, + 0x2eb6: 0x008c, 0x2eb7: 0x008c, 0x2eb8: 0x008c, 0x2eb9: 0x008c, 0x2eba: 0x008c, 0x2ebb: 0x008c, + 0x2ebc: 0x008c, 0x2ebd: 0x008c, 0x2ebe: 0x008c, 0x2ebf: 0x008c, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x2ec0 + 0x2ec0: 0x008c, 0x2ec1: 0x008c, 0x2ec2: 0x008c, 0x2ec3: 0x008c, 0x2ec4: 0x008c, 0x2ec5: 0x008c, + 0x2ec6: 0x008c, 0x2ec7: 0x008c, 0x2ec8: 0x008c, 0x2ec9: 0x008c, 0x2eca: 0x008c, 0x2ecb: 0x008c, + 0x2ecc: 0x008c, 0x2ecd: 0x008c, 0x2ece: 0x008c, 0x2ecf: 0x008c, 0x2ed0: 0x008c, 0x2ed1: 0x008c, + 0x2ed2: 0x008c, 0x2ed3: 0x008c, 0x2ed4: 0x008c, 0x2ed5: 0x008c, 0x2ed6: 0x008c, 0x2ed7: 0x008c, + 0x2ed8: 0x008c, 0x2ed9: 0x008c, 0x2eda: 0x008c, 0x2edb: 0x008c, 0x2edc: 0x008c, 0x2edd: 0x008c, + 0x2ede: 0x0080, 0x2edf: 0x0080, 0x2ee0: 0x0040, 0x2ee1: 0x0080, 0x2ee2: 0x0080, 0x2ee3: 0x0080, + 0x2ee4: 0x0080, 0x2ee5: 0x0080, 0x2ee6: 0x0080, 0x2ee7: 0x0080, 0x2ee8: 0x0080, 0x2ee9: 0x0080, + 0x2eea: 0x0080, 0x2eeb: 0x0080, 0x2eec: 0x0080, 0x2eed: 0x0080, 0x2eee: 0x0080, 0x2eef: 0x0080, + 0x2ef0: 0x0080, 0x2ef1: 0x0080, 0x2ef2: 0x0080, 0x2ef3: 0x0080, 0x2ef4: 0x0080, 0x2ef5: 0x0080, + 0x2ef6: 0x0080, 0x2ef7: 0x0080, 0x2ef8: 0x0080, 0x2ef9: 0x0080, 0x2efa: 0x0080, 0x2efb: 0x0080, + 0x2efc: 0x0080, 0x2efd: 0x0080, 0x2efe: 0x0080, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x2f00 + 0x2f02: 0x0080, 0x2f03: 0x0080, 0x2f04: 0x0080, 0x2f05: 0x0080, + 0x2f06: 0x0080, 0x2f07: 0x0080, 0x2f0a: 0x0080, 0x2f0b: 0x0080, + 0x2f0c: 0x0080, 0x2f0d: 0x0080, 0x2f0e: 0x0080, 0x2f0f: 0x0080, + 0x2f12: 0x0080, 0x2f13: 0x0080, 0x2f14: 0x0080, 0x2f15: 0x0080, 0x2f16: 0x0080, 0x2f17: 0x0080, + 0x2f1a: 0x0080, 0x2f1b: 0x0080, 0x2f1c: 0x0080, + 0x2f20: 0x0080, 0x2f21: 0x0080, 0x2f22: 0x0080, 0x2f23: 0x0080, + 0x2f24: 0x0080, 0x2f25: 0x0080, 0x2f26: 0x0080, 0x2f28: 0x0080, 0x2f29: 0x0080, + 0x2f2a: 0x0080, 0x2f2b: 0x0080, 0x2f2c: 0x0080, 0x2f2d: 0x0080, 0x2f2e: 0x0080, + 0x2f39: 0x0040, 0x2f3a: 0x0040, 0x2f3b: 0x0040, + 0x2f3c: 0x0080, 0x2f3d: 0x0080, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x2f40 + 0x2f40: 0x00c0, 0x2f41: 0x00c0, 0x2f42: 0x00c0, 0x2f43: 0x00c0, 0x2f44: 0x00c0, 0x2f45: 0x00c0, + 0x2f46: 0x00c0, 0x2f47: 0x00c0, 0x2f48: 0x00c0, 0x2f49: 0x00c0, 0x2f4a: 0x00c0, 0x2f4b: 0x00c0, + 0x2f4d: 0x00c0, 0x2f4e: 0x00c0, 0x2f4f: 0x00c0, 0x2f50: 0x00c0, 0x2f51: 0x00c0, + 0x2f52: 0x00c0, 0x2f53: 0x00c0, 0x2f54: 0x00c0, 0x2f55: 0x00c0, 0x2f56: 0x00c0, 0x2f57: 0x00c0, + 0x2f58: 0x00c0, 0x2f59: 0x00c0, 0x2f5a: 0x00c0, 0x2f5b: 0x00c0, 0x2f5c: 0x00c0, 0x2f5d: 0x00c0, + 0x2f5e: 0x00c0, 0x2f5f: 0x00c0, 0x2f60: 0x00c0, 0x2f61: 0x00c0, 0x2f62: 0x00c0, 0x2f63: 0x00c0, + 0x2f64: 0x00c0, 0x2f65: 0x00c0, 0x2f66: 0x00c0, 0x2f68: 0x00c0, 0x2f69: 0x00c0, + 0x2f6a: 0x00c0, 0x2f6b: 0x00c0, 0x2f6c: 0x00c0, 0x2f6d: 0x00c0, 0x2f6e: 0x00c0, 0x2f6f: 0x00c0, + 0x2f70: 0x00c0, 0x2f71: 0x00c0, 0x2f72: 0x00c0, 0x2f73: 0x00c0, 0x2f74: 0x00c0, 0x2f75: 0x00c0, + 0x2f76: 0x00c0, 0x2f77: 0x00c0, 0x2f78: 0x00c0, 0x2f79: 0x00c0, 0x2f7a: 0x00c0, + 0x2f7c: 0x00c0, 0x2f7d: 0x00c0, 0x2f7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x2f80 + 0x2f80: 0x00c0, 0x2f81: 0x00c0, 0x2f82: 0x00c0, 0x2f83: 0x00c0, 0x2f84: 0x00c0, 0x2f85: 0x00c0, + 0x2f86: 0x00c0, 0x2f87: 0x00c0, 0x2f88: 0x00c0, 0x2f89: 0x00c0, 0x2f8a: 0x00c0, 0x2f8b: 0x00c0, + 0x2f8c: 0x00c0, 0x2f8d: 0x00c0, 0x2f90: 0x00c0, 0x2f91: 0x00c0, + 0x2f92: 0x00c0, 0x2f93: 0x00c0, 0x2f94: 0x00c0, 0x2f95: 0x00c0, 0x2f96: 0x00c0, 0x2f97: 0x00c0, + 0x2f98: 0x00c0, 0x2f99: 0x00c0, 0x2f9a: 0x00c0, 0x2f9b: 0x00c0, 0x2f9c: 0x00c0, 0x2f9d: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x2fc0 + 0x2fc0: 0x00c0, 0x2fc1: 0x00c0, 0x2fc2: 0x00c0, 0x2fc3: 0x00c0, 0x2fc4: 0x00c0, 0x2fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x2fc6: 0x00c0, 0x2fc7: 0x00c0, 0x2fc8: 0x00c0, 0x2fc9: 0x00c0, 0x2fca: 0x00c0, 0x2fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x2fcc: 0x00c0, 0x2fcd: 0x00c0, 0x2fce: 0x00c0, 0x2fcf: 0x00c0, 0x2fd0: 0x00c0, 0x2fd1: 0x00c0, + 0x2fd2: 0x00c0, 0x2fd3: 0x00c0, 0x2fd4: 0x00c0, 0x2fd5: 0x00c0, 0x2fd6: 0x00c0, 0x2fd7: 0x00c0, + 0x2fd8: 0x00c0, 0x2fd9: 0x00c0, 0x2fda: 0x00c0, 0x2fdb: 0x00c0, 0x2fdc: 0x00c0, 0x2fdd: 0x00c0, + 0x2fde: 0x00c0, 0x2fdf: 0x00c0, 0x2fe0: 0x00c0, 0x2fe1: 0x00c0, 0x2fe2: 0x00c0, 0x2fe3: 0x00c0, + 0x2fe4: 0x00c0, 0x2fe5: 0x00c0, 0x2fe6: 0x00c0, 0x2fe7: 0x00c0, 0x2fe8: 0x00c0, 0x2fe9: 0x00c0, + 0x2fea: 0x00c0, 0x2feb: 0x00c0, 0x2fec: 0x00c0, 0x2fed: 0x00c0, 0x2fee: 0x00c0, 0x2fef: 0x00c0, + 0x2ff0: 0x00c0, 0x2ff1: 0x00c0, 0x2ff2: 0x00c0, 0x2ff3: 0x00c0, 0x2ff4: 0x00c0, 0x2ff5: 0x00c0, + 0x2ff6: 0x00c0, 0x2ff7: 0x00c0, 0x2ff8: 0x00c0, 0x2ff9: 0x00c0, 0x2ffa: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x3000 + 0x3000: 0x0080, 0x3001: 0x0080, 0x3002: 0x0080, + 0x3007: 0x0080, 0x3008: 0x0080, 0x3009: 0x0080, 0x300a: 0x0080, 0x300b: 0x0080, + 0x300c: 0x0080, 0x300d: 0x0080, 0x300e: 0x0080, 0x300f: 0x0080, 0x3010: 0x0080, 0x3011: 0x0080, + 0x3012: 0x0080, 0x3013: 0x0080, 0x3014: 0x0080, 0x3015: 0x0080, 0x3016: 0x0080, 0x3017: 0x0080, + 0x3018: 0x0080, 0x3019: 0x0080, 0x301a: 0x0080, 0x301b: 0x0080, 0x301c: 0x0080, 0x301d: 0x0080, + 0x301e: 0x0080, 0x301f: 0x0080, 0x3020: 0x0080, 0x3021: 0x0080, 0x3022: 0x0080, 0x3023: 0x0080, + 0x3024: 0x0080, 0x3025: 0x0080, 0x3026: 0x0080, 0x3027: 0x0080, 0x3028: 0x0080, 0x3029: 0x0080, + 0x302a: 0x0080, 0x302b: 0x0080, 0x302c: 0x0080, 0x302d: 0x0080, 0x302e: 0x0080, 0x302f: 0x0080, + 0x3030: 0x0080, 0x3031: 0x0080, 0x3032: 0x0080, 0x3033: 0x0080, + 0x3037: 0x0080, 0x3038: 0x0080, 0x3039: 0x0080, 0x303a: 0x0080, 0x303b: 0x0080, + 0x303c: 0x0080, 0x303d: 0x0080, 0x303e: 0x0080, 0x303f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x3040 + 0x3040: 0x0088, 0x3041: 0x0088, 0x3042: 0x0088, 0x3043: 0x0088, 0x3044: 0x0088, 0x3045: 0x0088, + 0x3046: 0x0088, 0x3047: 0x0088, 0x3048: 0x0088, 0x3049: 0x0088, 0x304a: 0x0088, 0x304b: 0x0088, + 0x304c: 0x0088, 0x304d: 0x0088, 0x304e: 0x0088, 0x304f: 0x0088, 0x3050: 0x0088, 0x3051: 0x0088, + 0x3052: 0x0088, 0x3053: 0x0088, 0x3054: 0x0088, 0x3055: 0x0088, 0x3056: 0x0088, 0x3057: 0x0088, + 0x3058: 0x0088, 0x3059: 0x0088, 0x305a: 0x0088, 0x305b: 0x0088, 0x305c: 0x0088, 0x305d: 0x0088, + 0x305e: 0x0088, 0x305f: 0x0088, 0x3060: 0x0088, 0x3061: 0x0088, 0x3062: 0x0088, 0x3063: 0x0088, + 0x3064: 0x0088, 0x3065: 0x0088, 0x3066: 0x0088, 0x3067: 0x0088, 0x3068: 0x0088, 0x3069: 0x0088, + 0x306a: 0x0088, 0x306b: 0x0088, 0x306c: 0x0088, 0x306d: 0x0088, 0x306e: 0x0088, 0x306f: 0x0088, + 0x3070: 0x0088, 0x3071: 0x0088, 0x3072: 0x0088, 0x3073: 0x0088, 0x3074: 0x0088, 0x3075: 0x0088, + 0x3076: 0x0088, 0x3077: 0x0088, 0x3078: 0x0088, 0x3079: 0x0088, 0x307a: 0x0088, 0x307b: 0x0088, + 0x307c: 0x0088, 0x307d: 0x0088, 0x307e: 0x0088, 0x307f: 0x0088, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x3080 + 0x3080: 0x0088, 0x3081: 0x0088, 0x3082: 0x0088, 0x3083: 0x0088, 0x3084: 0x0088, 0x3085: 0x0088, + 0x3086: 0x0088, 0x3087: 0x0088, 0x3088: 0x0088, 0x3089: 0x0088, 0x308a: 0x0088, 0x308b: 0x0088, + 0x308c: 0x0088, 0x308d: 0x0088, 0x308e: 0x0088, 0x3090: 0x0080, 0x3091: 0x0080, + 0x3092: 0x0080, 0x3093: 0x0080, 0x3094: 0x0080, 0x3095: 0x0080, 0x3096: 0x0080, 0x3097: 0x0080, + 0x3098: 0x0080, 0x3099: 0x0080, 0x309a: 0x0080, 0x309b: 0x0080, 0x309c: 0x0080, + 0x30a0: 0x0088, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x30c0 + 0x30d0: 0x0080, 0x30d1: 0x0080, + 0x30d2: 0x0080, 0x30d3: 0x0080, 0x30d4: 0x0080, 0x30d5: 0x0080, 0x30d6: 0x0080, 0x30d7: 0x0080, + 0x30d8: 0x0080, 0x30d9: 0x0080, 0x30da: 0x0080, 0x30db: 0x0080, 0x30dc: 0x0080, 0x30dd: 0x0080, + 0x30de: 0x0080, 0x30df: 0x0080, 0x30e0: 0x0080, 0x30e1: 0x0080, 0x30e2: 0x0080, 0x30e3: 0x0080, + 0x30e4: 0x0080, 0x30e5: 0x0080, 0x30e6: 0x0080, 0x30e7: 0x0080, 0x30e8: 0x0080, 0x30e9: 0x0080, + 0x30ea: 0x0080, 0x30eb: 0x0080, 0x30ec: 0x0080, 0x30ed: 0x0080, 0x30ee: 0x0080, 0x30ef: 0x0080, + 0x30f0: 0x0080, 0x30f1: 0x0080, 0x30f2: 0x0080, 0x30f3: 0x0080, 0x30f4: 0x0080, 0x30f5: 0x0080, + 0x30f6: 0x0080, 0x30f7: 0x0080, 0x30f8: 0x0080, 0x30f9: 0x0080, 0x30fa: 0x0080, 0x30fb: 0x0080, + 0x30fc: 0x0080, 0x30fd: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x3100 + 0x3100: 0x00c0, 0x3101: 0x00c0, 0x3102: 0x00c0, 0x3103: 0x00c0, 0x3104: 0x00c0, 0x3105: 0x00c0, + 0x3106: 0x00c0, 0x3107: 0x00c0, 0x3108: 0x00c0, 0x3109: 0x00c0, 0x310a: 0x00c0, 0x310b: 0x00c0, + 0x310c: 0x00c0, 0x310d: 0x00c0, 0x310e: 0x00c0, 0x310f: 0x00c0, 0x3110: 0x00c0, 0x3111: 0x00c0, + 0x3112: 0x00c0, 0x3113: 0x00c0, 0x3114: 0x00c0, 0x3115: 0x00c0, 0x3116: 0x00c0, 0x3117: 0x00c0, + 0x3118: 0x00c0, 0x3119: 0x00c0, 0x311a: 0x00c0, 0x311b: 0x00c0, 0x311c: 0x00c0, + 0x3120: 0x00c0, 0x3121: 0x00c0, 0x3122: 0x00c0, 0x3123: 0x00c0, + 0x3124: 0x00c0, 0x3125: 0x00c0, 0x3126: 0x00c0, 0x3127: 0x00c0, 0x3128: 0x00c0, 0x3129: 0x00c0, + 0x312a: 0x00c0, 0x312b: 0x00c0, 0x312c: 0x00c0, 0x312d: 0x00c0, 0x312e: 0x00c0, 0x312f: 0x00c0, + 0x3130: 0x00c0, 0x3131: 0x00c0, 0x3132: 0x00c0, 0x3133: 0x00c0, 0x3134: 0x00c0, 0x3135: 0x00c0, + 0x3136: 0x00c0, 0x3137: 0x00c0, 0x3138: 0x00c0, 0x3139: 0x00c0, 0x313a: 0x00c0, 0x313b: 0x00c0, + 0x313c: 0x00c0, 0x313d: 0x00c0, 0x313e: 0x00c0, 0x313f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x3140 + 0x3140: 0x00c0, 0x3141: 0x00c0, 0x3142: 0x00c0, 0x3143: 0x00c0, 0x3144: 0x00c0, 0x3145: 0x00c0, + 0x3146: 0x00c0, 0x3147: 0x00c0, 0x3148: 0x00c0, 0x3149: 0x00c0, 0x314a: 0x00c0, 0x314b: 0x00c0, + 0x314c: 0x00c0, 0x314d: 0x00c0, 0x314e: 0x00c0, 0x314f: 0x00c0, 0x3150: 0x00c0, + 0x3160: 0x00c3, 0x3161: 0x0080, 0x3162: 0x0080, 0x3163: 0x0080, + 0x3164: 0x0080, 0x3165: 0x0080, 0x3166: 0x0080, 0x3167: 0x0080, 0x3168: 0x0080, 0x3169: 0x0080, + 0x316a: 0x0080, 0x316b: 0x0080, 0x316c: 0x0080, 0x316d: 0x0080, 0x316e: 0x0080, 0x316f: 0x0080, + 0x3170: 0x0080, 0x3171: 0x0080, 0x3172: 0x0080, 0x3173: 0x0080, 0x3174: 0x0080, 0x3175: 0x0080, + 0x3176: 0x0080, 0x3177: 0x0080, 0x3178: 0x0080, 0x3179: 0x0080, 0x317a: 0x0080, 0x317b: 0x0080, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x3180 + 0x3180: 0x00c0, 0x3181: 0x00c0, 0x3182: 0x00c0, 0x3183: 0x00c0, 0x3184: 0x00c0, 0x3185: 0x00c0, + 0x3186: 0x00c0, 0x3187: 0x00c0, 0x3188: 0x00c0, 0x3189: 0x00c0, 0x318a: 0x00c0, 0x318b: 0x00c0, + 0x318c: 0x00c0, 0x318d: 0x00c0, 0x318e: 0x00c0, 0x318f: 0x00c0, 0x3190: 0x00c0, 0x3191: 0x00c0, + 0x3192: 0x00c0, 0x3193: 0x00c0, 0x3194: 0x00c0, 0x3195: 0x00c0, 0x3196: 0x00c0, 0x3197: 0x00c0, + 0x3198: 0x00c0, 0x3199: 0x00c0, 0x319a: 0x00c0, 0x319b: 0x00c0, 0x319c: 0x00c0, 0x319d: 0x00c0, + 0x319e: 0x00c0, 0x319f: 0x00c0, 0x31a0: 0x0080, 0x31a1: 0x0080, 0x31a2: 0x0080, 0x31a3: 0x0080, + 0x31ad: 0x00c0, 0x31ae: 0x00c0, 0x31af: 0x00c0, + 0x31b0: 0x00c0, 0x31b1: 0x00c0, 0x31b2: 0x00c0, 0x31b3: 0x00c0, 0x31b4: 0x00c0, 0x31b5: 0x00c0, + 0x31b6: 0x00c0, 0x31b7: 0x00c0, 0x31b8: 0x00c0, 0x31b9: 0x00c0, 0x31ba: 0x00c0, 0x31bb: 0x00c0, + 0x31bc: 0x00c0, 0x31bd: 0x00c0, 0x31be: 0x00c0, 0x31bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x31c0 + 0x31c0: 0x00c0, 0x31c1: 0x0080, 0x31c2: 0x00c0, 0x31c3: 0x00c0, 0x31c4: 0x00c0, 0x31c5: 0x00c0, + 0x31c6: 0x00c0, 0x31c7: 0x00c0, 0x31c8: 0x00c0, 0x31c9: 0x00c0, 0x31ca: 0x0080, + 0x31d0: 0x00c0, 0x31d1: 0x00c0, + 0x31d2: 0x00c0, 0x31d3: 0x00c0, 0x31d4: 0x00c0, 0x31d5: 0x00c0, 0x31d6: 0x00c0, 0x31d7: 0x00c0, + 0x31d8: 0x00c0, 0x31d9: 0x00c0, 0x31da: 0x00c0, 0x31db: 0x00c0, 0x31dc: 0x00c0, 0x31dd: 0x00c0, + 0x31de: 0x00c0, 0x31df: 0x00c0, 0x31e0: 0x00c0, 0x31e1: 0x00c0, 0x31e2: 0x00c0, 0x31e3: 0x00c0, + 0x31e4: 0x00c0, 0x31e5: 0x00c0, 0x31e6: 0x00c0, 0x31e7: 0x00c0, 0x31e8: 0x00c0, 0x31e9: 0x00c0, + 0x31ea: 0x00c0, 0x31eb: 0x00c0, 0x31ec: 0x00c0, 0x31ed: 0x00c0, 0x31ee: 0x00c0, 0x31ef: 0x00c0, + 0x31f0: 0x00c0, 0x31f1: 0x00c0, 0x31f2: 0x00c0, 0x31f3: 0x00c0, 0x31f4: 0x00c0, 0x31f5: 0x00c0, + 0x31f6: 0x00c3, 0x31f7: 0x00c3, 0x31f8: 0x00c3, 0x31f9: 0x00c3, 0x31fa: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x3200 + 0x3200: 0x00c0, 0x3201: 0x00c0, 0x3202: 0x00c0, 0x3203: 0x00c0, 0x3204: 0x00c0, 0x3205: 0x00c0, + 0x3206: 0x00c0, 0x3207: 0x00c0, 0x3208: 0x00c0, 0x3209: 0x00c0, 0x320a: 0x00c0, 0x320b: 0x00c0, + 0x320c: 0x00c0, 0x320d: 0x00c0, 0x320e: 0x00c0, 0x320f: 0x00c0, 0x3210: 0x00c0, 0x3211: 0x00c0, + 0x3212: 0x00c0, 0x3213: 0x00c0, 0x3214: 0x00c0, 0x3215: 0x00c0, 0x3216: 0x00c0, 0x3217: 0x00c0, + 0x3218: 0x00c0, 0x3219: 0x00c0, 0x321a: 0x00c0, 0x321b: 0x00c0, 0x321c: 0x00c0, 0x321d: 0x00c0, + 0x321f: 0x0080, 0x3220: 0x00c0, 0x3221: 0x00c0, 0x3222: 0x00c0, 0x3223: 0x00c0, + 0x3224: 0x00c0, 0x3225: 0x00c0, 0x3226: 0x00c0, 0x3227: 0x00c0, 0x3228: 0x00c0, 0x3229: 0x00c0, + 0x322a: 0x00c0, 0x322b: 0x00c0, 0x322c: 0x00c0, 0x322d: 0x00c0, 0x322e: 0x00c0, 0x322f: 0x00c0, + 0x3230: 0x00c0, 0x3231: 0x00c0, 0x3232: 0x00c0, 0x3233: 0x00c0, 0x3234: 0x00c0, 0x3235: 0x00c0, + 0x3236: 0x00c0, 0x3237: 0x00c0, 0x3238: 0x00c0, 0x3239: 0x00c0, 0x323a: 0x00c0, 0x323b: 0x00c0, + 0x323c: 0x00c0, 0x323d: 0x00c0, 0x323e: 0x00c0, 0x323f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x3240 + 0x3240: 0x00c0, 0x3241: 0x00c0, 0x3242: 0x00c0, 0x3243: 0x00c0, + 0x3248: 0x00c0, 0x3249: 0x00c0, 0x324a: 0x00c0, 0x324b: 0x00c0, + 0x324c: 0x00c0, 0x324d: 0x00c0, 0x324e: 0x00c0, 0x324f: 0x00c0, 0x3250: 0x0080, 0x3251: 0x0080, + 0x3252: 0x0080, 0x3253: 0x0080, 0x3254: 0x0080, 0x3255: 0x0080, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x3280 + 0x3280: 0x00c0, 0x3281: 0x00c0, 0x3282: 0x00c0, 0x3283: 0x00c0, 0x3284: 0x00c0, 0x3285: 0x00c0, + 0x3286: 0x00c0, 0x3287: 0x00c0, 0x3288: 0x00c0, 0x3289: 0x00c0, 0x328a: 0x00c0, 0x328b: 0x00c0, + 0x328c: 0x00c0, 0x328d: 0x00c0, 0x328e: 0x00c0, 0x328f: 0x00c0, 0x3290: 0x00c0, 0x3291: 0x00c0, + 0x3292: 0x00c0, 0x3293: 0x00c0, 0x3294: 0x00c0, 0x3295: 0x00c0, 0x3296: 0x00c0, 0x3297: 0x00c0, + 0x3298: 0x00c0, 0x3299: 0x00c0, 0x329a: 0x00c0, 0x329b: 0x00c0, 0x329c: 0x00c0, 0x329d: 0x00c0, + 0x32a0: 0x00c0, 0x32a1: 0x00c0, 0x32a2: 0x00c0, 0x32a3: 0x00c0, + 0x32a4: 0x00c0, 0x32a5: 0x00c0, 0x32a6: 0x00c0, 0x32a7: 0x00c0, 0x32a8: 0x00c0, 0x32a9: 0x00c0, + 0x32b0: 0x00c0, 0x32b1: 0x00c0, 0x32b2: 0x00c0, 0x32b3: 0x00c0, 0x32b4: 0x00c0, 0x32b5: 0x00c0, + 0x32b6: 0x00c0, 0x32b7: 0x00c0, 0x32b8: 0x00c0, 0x32b9: 0x00c0, 0x32ba: 0x00c0, 0x32bb: 0x00c0, + 0x32bc: 0x00c0, 0x32bd: 0x00c0, 0x32be: 0x00c0, 0x32bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x32c0 + 0x32c0: 0x00c0, 0x32c1: 0x00c0, 0x32c2: 0x00c0, 0x32c3: 0x00c0, 0x32c4: 0x00c0, 0x32c5: 0x00c0, + 0x32c6: 0x00c0, 0x32c7: 0x00c0, 0x32c8: 0x00c0, 0x32c9: 0x00c0, 0x32ca: 0x00c0, 0x32cb: 0x00c0, + 0x32cc: 0x00c0, 0x32cd: 0x00c0, 0x32ce: 0x00c0, 0x32cf: 0x00c0, 0x32d0: 0x00c0, 0x32d1: 0x00c0, + 0x32d2: 0x00c0, 0x32d3: 0x00c0, + 0x32d8: 0x00c0, 0x32d9: 0x00c0, 0x32da: 0x00c0, 0x32db: 0x00c0, 0x32dc: 0x00c0, 0x32dd: 0x00c0, + 0x32de: 0x00c0, 0x32df: 0x00c0, 0x32e0: 0x00c0, 0x32e1: 0x00c0, 0x32e2: 0x00c0, 0x32e3: 0x00c0, + 0x32e4: 0x00c0, 0x32e5: 0x00c0, 0x32e6: 0x00c0, 0x32e7: 0x00c0, 0x32e8: 0x00c0, 0x32e9: 0x00c0, + 0x32ea: 0x00c0, 0x32eb: 0x00c0, 0x32ec: 0x00c0, 0x32ed: 0x00c0, 0x32ee: 0x00c0, 0x32ef: 0x00c0, + 0x32f0: 0x00c0, 0x32f1: 0x00c0, 0x32f2: 0x00c0, 0x32f3: 0x00c0, 0x32f4: 0x00c0, 0x32f5: 0x00c0, + 0x32f6: 0x00c0, 0x32f7: 0x00c0, 0x32f8: 0x00c0, 0x32f9: 0x00c0, 0x32fa: 0x00c0, 0x32fb: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x3300 + 0x3300: 0x00c0, 0x3301: 0x00c0, 0x3302: 0x00c0, 0x3303: 0x00c0, 0x3304: 0x00c0, 0x3305: 0x00c0, + 0x3306: 0x00c0, 0x3307: 0x00c0, 0x3308: 0x00c0, 0x3309: 0x00c0, 0x330a: 0x00c0, 0x330b: 0x00c0, + 0x330c: 0x00c0, 0x330d: 0x00c0, 0x330e: 0x00c0, 0x330f: 0x00c0, 0x3310: 0x00c0, 0x3311: 0x00c0, + 0x3312: 0x00c0, 0x3313: 0x00c0, 0x3314: 0x00c0, 0x3315: 0x00c0, 0x3316: 0x00c0, 0x3317: 0x00c0, + 0x3318: 0x00c0, 0x3319: 0x00c0, 0x331a: 0x00c0, 0x331b: 0x00c0, 0x331c: 0x00c0, 0x331d: 0x00c0, + 0x331e: 0x00c0, 0x331f: 0x00c0, 0x3320: 0x00c0, 0x3321: 0x00c0, 0x3322: 0x00c0, 0x3323: 0x00c0, + 0x3324: 0x00c0, 0x3325: 0x00c0, 0x3326: 0x00c0, 0x3327: 0x00c0, + 0x3330: 0x00c0, 0x3331: 0x00c0, 0x3332: 0x00c0, 0x3333: 0x00c0, 0x3334: 0x00c0, 0x3335: 0x00c0, + 0x3336: 0x00c0, 0x3337: 0x00c0, 0x3338: 0x00c0, 0x3339: 0x00c0, 0x333a: 0x00c0, 0x333b: 0x00c0, + 0x333c: 0x00c0, 0x333d: 0x00c0, 0x333e: 0x00c0, 0x333f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x3340 + 0x3340: 0x00c0, 0x3341: 0x00c0, 0x3342: 0x00c0, 0x3343: 0x00c0, 0x3344: 0x00c0, 0x3345: 0x00c0, + 0x3346: 0x00c0, 0x3347: 0x00c0, 0x3348: 0x00c0, 0x3349: 0x00c0, 0x334a: 0x00c0, 0x334b: 0x00c0, + 0x334c: 0x00c0, 0x334d: 0x00c0, 0x334e: 0x00c0, 0x334f: 0x00c0, 0x3350: 0x00c0, 0x3351: 0x00c0, + 0x3352: 0x00c0, 0x3353: 0x00c0, 0x3354: 0x00c0, 0x3355: 0x00c0, 0x3356: 0x00c0, 0x3357: 0x00c0, + 0x3358: 0x00c0, 0x3359: 0x00c0, 0x335a: 0x00c0, 0x335b: 0x00c0, 0x335c: 0x00c0, 0x335d: 0x00c0, + 0x335e: 0x00c0, 0x335f: 0x00c0, 0x3360: 0x00c0, 0x3361: 0x00c0, 0x3362: 0x00c0, 0x3363: 0x00c0, + 0x336f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x3380 + 0x3380: 0x00c0, 0x3381: 0x00c0, 0x3382: 0x00c0, 0x3383: 0x00c0, 0x3384: 0x00c0, 0x3385: 0x00c0, + 0x3386: 0x00c0, 0x3387: 0x00c0, 0x3388: 0x00c0, 0x3389: 0x00c0, 0x338a: 0x00c0, 0x338b: 0x00c0, + 0x338c: 0x00c0, 0x338d: 0x00c0, 0x338e: 0x00c0, 0x338f: 0x00c0, 0x3390: 0x00c0, 0x3391: 0x00c0, + 0x3392: 0x00c0, 0x3393: 0x00c0, 0x3394: 0x00c0, 0x3395: 0x00c0, 0x3396: 0x00c0, 0x3397: 0x00c0, + 0x3398: 0x00c0, 0x3399: 0x00c0, 0x339a: 0x00c0, 0x339b: 0x00c0, 0x339c: 0x00c0, 0x339d: 0x00c0, + 0x339e: 0x00c0, 0x339f: 0x00c0, 0x33a0: 0x00c0, 0x33a1: 0x00c0, 0x33a2: 0x00c0, 0x33a3: 0x00c0, + 0x33a4: 0x00c0, 0x33a5: 0x00c0, 0x33a6: 0x00c0, 0x33a7: 0x00c0, 0x33a8: 0x00c0, 0x33a9: 0x00c0, + 0x33aa: 0x00c0, 0x33ab: 0x00c0, 0x33ac: 0x00c0, 0x33ad: 0x00c0, 0x33ae: 0x00c0, 0x33af: 0x00c0, + 0x33b0: 0x00c0, 0x33b1: 0x00c0, 0x33b2: 0x00c0, 0x33b3: 0x00c0, 0x33b4: 0x00c0, 0x33b5: 0x00c0, + 0x33b6: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x33c0 + 0x33c0: 0x00c0, 0x33c1: 0x00c0, 0x33c2: 0x00c0, 0x33c3: 0x00c0, 0x33c4: 0x00c0, 0x33c5: 0x00c0, + 0x33c6: 0x00c0, 0x33c7: 0x00c0, 0x33c8: 0x00c0, 0x33c9: 0x00c0, 0x33ca: 0x00c0, 0x33cb: 0x00c0, + 0x33cc: 0x00c0, 0x33cd: 0x00c0, 0x33ce: 0x00c0, 0x33cf: 0x00c0, 0x33d0: 0x00c0, 0x33d1: 0x00c0, + 0x33d2: 0x00c0, 0x33d3: 0x00c0, 0x33d4: 0x00c0, 0x33d5: 0x00c0, + 0x33e0: 0x00c0, 0x33e1: 0x00c0, 0x33e2: 0x00c0, 0x33e3: 0x00c0, + 0x33e4: 0x00c0, 0x33e5: 0x00c0, 0x33e6: 0x00c0, 0x33e7: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x3400 + 0x3400: 0x00c0, 0x3401: 0x00c0, 0x3402: 0x00c0, 0x3403: 0x00c0, 0x3404: 0x00c0, 0x3405: 0x00c0, + 0x3408: 0x00c0, 0x340a: 0x00c0, 0x340b: 0x00c0, + 0x340c: 0x00c0, 0x340d: 0x00c0, 0x340e: 0x00c0, 0x340f: 0x00c0, 0x3410: 0x00c0, 0x3411: 0x00c0, + 0x3412: 0x00c0, 0x3413: 0x00c0, 0x3414: 0x00c0, 0x3415: 0x00c0, 0x3416: 0x00c0, 0x3417: 0x00c0, + 0x3418: 0x00c0, 0x3419: 0x00c0, 0x341a: 0x00c0, 0x341b: 0x00c0, 0x341c: 0x00c0, 0x341d: 0x00c0, + 0x341e: 0x00c0, 0x341f: 0x00c0, 0x3420: 0x00c0, 0x3421: 0x00c0, 0x3422: 0x00c0, 0x3423: 0x00c0, + 0x3424: 0x00c0, 0x3425: 0x00c0, 0x3426: 0x00c0, 0x3427: 0x00c0, 0x3428: 0x00c0, 0x3429: 0x00c0, + 0x342a: 0x00c0, 0x342b: 0x00c0, 0x342c: 0x00c0, 0x342d: 0x00c0, 0x342e: 0x00c0, 0x342f: 0x00c0, + 0x3430: 0x00c0, 0x3431: 0x00c0, 0x3432: 0x00c0, 0x3433: 0x00c0, 0x3434: 0x00c0, 0x3435: 0x00c0, + 0x3437: 0x00c0, 0x3438: 0x00c0, + 0x343c: 0x00c0, 0x343f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x3440 + 0x3440: 0x00c0, 0x3441: 0x00c0, 0x3442: 0x00c0, 0x3443: 0x00c0, 0x3444: 0x00c0, 0x3445: 0x00c0, + 0x3446: 0x00c0, 0x3447: 0x00c0, 0x3448: 0x00c0, 0x3449: 0x00c0, 0x344a: 0x00c0, 0x344b: 0x00c0, + 0x344c: 0x00c0, 0x344d: 0x00c0, 0x344e: 0x00c0, 0x344f: 0x00c0, 0x3450: 0x00c0, 0x3451: 0x00c0, + 0x3452: 0x00c0, 0x3453: 0x00c0, 0x3454: 0x00c0, 0x3455: 0x00c0, 0x3457: 0x0080, + 0x3458: 0x0080, 0x3459: 0x0080, 0x345a: 0x0080, 0x345b: 0x0080, 0x345c: 0x0080, 0x345d: 0x0080, + 0x345e: 0x0080, 0x345f: 0x0080, 0x3460: 0x00c0, 0x3461: 0x00c0, 0x3462: 0x00c0, 0x3463: 0x00c0, + 0x3464: 0x00c0, 0x3465: 0x00c0, 0x3466: 0x00c0, 0x3467: 0x00c0, 0x3468: 0x00c0, 0x3469: 0x00c0, + 0x346a: 0x00c0, 0x346b: 0x00c0, 0x346c: 0x00c0, 0x346d: 0x00c0, 0x346e: 0x00c0, 0x346f: 0x00c0, + 0x3470: 0x00c0, 0x3471: 0x00c0, 0x3472: 0x00c0, 0x3473: 0x00c0, 0x3474: 0x00c0, 0x3475: 0x00c0, + 0x3476: 0x00c0, 0x3477: 0x0080, 0x3478: 0x0080, 0x3479: 0x0080, 0x347a: 0x0080, 0x347b: 0x0080, + 0x347c: 0x0080, 0x347d: 0x0080, 0x347e: 0x0080, 0x347f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x3480 + 0x3480: 0x00c0, 0x3481: 0x00c0, 0x3482: 0x00c0, 0x3483: 0x00c0, 0x3484: 0x00c0, 0x3485: 0x00c0, + 0x3486: 0x00c0, 0x3487: 0x00c0, 0x3488: 0x00c0, 0x3489: 0x00c0, 0x348a: 0x00c0, 0x348b: 0x00c0, + 0x348c: 0x00c0, 0x348d: 0x00c0, 0x348e: 0x00c0, 0x348f: 0x00c0, 0x3490: 0x00c0, 0x3491: 0x00c0, + 0x3492: 0x00c0, 0x3493: 0x00c0, 0x3494: 0x00c0, 0x3495: 0x00c0, 0x3496: 0x00c0, 0x3497: 0x00c0, + 0x3498: 0x00c0, 0x3499: 0x00c0, 0x349a: 0x00c0, 0x349b: 0x00c0, 0x349c: 0x00c0, 0x349d: 0x00c0, + 0x349e: 0x00c0, + 0x34a7: 0x0080, 0x34a8: 0x0080, 0x34a9: 0x0080, + 0x34aa: 0x0080, 0x34ab: 0x0080, 0x34ac: 0x0080, 0x34ad: 0x0080, 0x34ae: 0x0080, 0x34af: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x34c0 + 0x34e0: 0x00c0, 0x34e1: 0x00c0, 0x34e2: 0x00c0, 0x34e3: 0x00c0, + 0x34e4: 0x00c0, 0x34e5: 0x00c0, 0x34e6: 0x00c0, 0x34e7: 0x00c0, 0x34e8: 0x00c0, 0x34e9: 0x00c0, + 0x34ea: 0x00c0, 0x34eb: 0x00c0, 0x34ec: 0x00c0, 0x34ed: 0x00c0, 0x34ee: 0x00c0, 0x34ef: 0x00c0, + 0x34f0: 0x00c0, 0x34f1: 0x00c0, 0x34f2: 0x00c0, 0x34f4: 0x00c0, 0x34f5: 0x00c0, + 0x34fb: 0x0080, + 0x34fc: 0x0080, 0x34fd: 0x0080, 0x34fe: 0x0080, 0x34ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x3500 + 0x3500: 0x00c0, 0x3501: 0x00c0, 0x3502: 0x00c0, 0x3503: 0x00c0, 0x3504: 0x00c0, 0x3505: 0x00c0, + 0x3506: 0x00c0, 0x3507: 0x00c0, 0x3508: 0x00c0, 0x3509: 0x00c0, 0x350a: 0x00c0, 0x350b: 0x00c0, + 0x350c: 0x00c0, 0x350d: 0x00c0, 0x350e: 0x00c0, 0x350f: 0x00c0, 0x3510: 0x00c0, 0x3511: 0x00c0, + 0x3512: 0x00c0, 0x3513: 0x00c0, 0x3514: 0x00c0, 0x3515: 0x00c0, 0x3516: 0x0080, 0x3517: 0x0080, + 0x3518: 0x0080, 0x3519: 0x0080, 0x351a: 0x0080, 0x351b: 0x0080, + 0x351f: 0x0080, 0x3520: 0x00c0, 0x3521: 0x00c0, 0x3522: 0x00c0, 0x3523: 0x00c0, + 0x3524: 0x00c0, 0x3525: 0x00c0, 0x3526: 0x00c0, 0x3527: 0x00c0, 0x3528: 0x00c0, 0x3529: 0x00c0, + 0x352a: 0x00c0, 0x352b: 0x00c0, 0x352c: 0x00c0, 0x352d: 0x00c0, 0x352e: 0x00c0, 0x352f: 0x00c0, + 0x3530: 0x00c0, 0x3531: 0x00c0, 0x3532: 0x00c0, 0x3533: 0x00c0, 0x3534: 0x00c0, 0x3535: 0x00c0, + 0x3536: 0x00c0, 0x3537: 0x00c0, 0x3538: 0x00c0, 0x3539: 0x00c0, + 0x353f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x3540 + 0x3540: 0x00c0, 0x3541: 0x00c0, 0x3542: 0x00c0, 0x3543: 0x00c0, 0x3544: 0x00c0, 0x3545: 0x00c0, + 0x3546: 0x00c0, 0x3547: 0x00c0, 0x3548: 0x00c0, 0x3549: 0x00c0, 0x354a: 0x00c0, 0x354b: 0x00c0, + 0x354c: 0x00c0, 0x354d: 0x00c0, 0x354e: 0x00c0, 0x354f: 0x00c0, 0x3550: 0x00c0, 0x3551: 0x00c0, + 0x3552: 0x00c0, 0x3553: 0x00c0, 0x3554: 0x00c0, 0x3555: 0x00c0, 0x3556: 0x00c0, 0x3557: 0x00c0, + 0x3558: 0x00c0, 0x3559: 0x00c0, 0x355a: 0x00c0, 0x355b: 0x00c0, 0x355c: 0x00c0, 0x355d: 0x00c0, + 0x355e: 0x00c0, 0x355f: 0x00c0, 0x3560: 0x00c0, 0x3561: 0x00c0, 0x3562: 0x00c0, 0x3563: 0x00c0, + 0x3564: 0x00c0, 0x3565: 0x00c0, 0x3566: 0x00c0, 0x3567: 0x00c0, 0x3568: 0x00c0, 0x3569: 0x00c0, + 0x356a: 0x00c0, 0x356b: 0x00c0, 0x356c: 0x00c0, 0x356d: 0x00c0, 0x356e: 0x00c0, 0x356f: 0x00c0, + 0x3570: 0x00c0, 0x3571: 0x00c0, 0x3572: 0x00c0, 0x3573: 0x00c0, 0x3574: 0x00c0, 0x3575: 0x00c0, + 0x3576: 0x00c0, 0x3577: 0x00c0, + 0x357c: 0x0080, 0x357d: 0x0080, 0x357e: 0x00c0, 0x357f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x3580 + 0x3580: 0x00c0, 0x3581: 0x00c3, 0x3582: 0x00c3, 0x3583: 0x00c3, 0x3585: 0x00c3, + 0x3586: 0x00c3, + 0x358c: 0x00c3, 0x358d: 0x00c3, 0x358e: 0x00c3, 0x358f: 0x00c3, 0x3590: 0x00c0, 0x3591: 0x00c0, + 0x3592: 0x00c0, 0x3593: 0x00c0, 0x3595: 0x00c0, 0x3596: 0x00c0, 0x3597: 0x00c0, + 0x3599: 0x00c0, 0x359a: 0x00c0, 0x359b: 0x00c0, 0x359c: 0x00c0, 0x359d: 0x00c0, + 0x359e: 0x00c0, 0x359f: 0x00c0, 0x35a0: 0x00c0, 0x35a1: 0x00c0, 0x35a2: 0x00c0, 0x35a3: 0x00c0, + 0x35a4: 0x00c0, 0x35a5: 0x00c0, 0x35a6: 0x00c0, 0x35a7: 0x00c0, 0x35a8: 0x00c0, 0x35a9: 0x00c0, + 0x35aa: 0x00c0, 0x35ab: 0x00c0, 0x35ac: 0x00c0, 0x35ad: 0x00c0, 0x35ae: 0x00c0, 0x35af: 0x00c0, + 0x35b0: 0x00c0, 0x35b1: 0x00c0, 0x35b2: 0x00c0, 0x35b3: 0x00c0, 0x35b4: 0x00c0, 0x35b5: 0x00c0, + 0x35b8: 0x00c3, 0x35b9: 0x00c3, 0x35ba: 0x00c3, + 0x35bf: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x35c0 + 0x35c0: 0x0080, 0x35c1: 0x0080, 0x35c2: 0x0080, 0x35c3: 0x0080, 0x35c4: 0x0080, 0x35c5: 0x0080, + 0x35c6: 0x0080, 0x35c7: 0x0080, 0x35c8: 0x0080, + 0x35d0: 0x0080, 0x35d1: 0x0080, + 0x35d2: 0x0080, 0x35d3: 0x0080, 0x35d4: 0x0080, 0x35d5: 0x0080, 0x35d6: 0x0080, 0x35d7: 0x0080, + 0x35d8: 0x0080, + 0x35e0: 0x00c0, 0x35e1: 0x00c0, 0x35e2: 0x00c0, 0x35e3: 0x00c0, + 0x35e4: 0x00c0, 0x35e5: 0x00c0, 0x35e6: 0x00c0, 0x35e7: 0x00c0, 0x35e8: 0x00c0, 0x35e9: 0x00c0, + 0x35ea: 0x00c0, 0x35eb: 0x00c0, 0x35ec: 0x00c0, 0x35ed: 0x00c0, 0x35ee: 0x00c0, 0x35ef: 0x00c0, + 0x35f0: 0x00c0, 0x35f1: 0x00c0, 0x35f2: 0x00c0, 0x35f3: 0x00c0, 0x35f4: 0x00c0, 0x35f5: 0x00c0, + 0x35f6: 0x00c0, 0x35f7: 0x00c0, 0x35f8: 0x00c0, 0x35f9: 0x00c0, 0x35fa: 0x00c0, 0x35fb: 0x00c0, + 0x35fc: 0x00c0, 0x35fd: 0x0080, 0x35fe: 0x0080, 0x35ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x3600 + 0x3600: 0x00c0, 0x3601: 0x00c0, 0x3602: 0x00c0, 0x3603: 0x00c0, 0x3604: 0x00c0, 0x3605: 0x00c0, + 0x3606: 0x00c0, 0x3607: 0x00c0, 0x3608: 0x00c0, 0x3609: 0x00c0, 0x360a: 0x00c0, 0x360b: 0x00c0, + 0x360c: 0x00c0, 0x360d: 0x00c0, 0x360e: 0x00c0, 0x360f: 0x00c0, 0x3610: 0x00c0, 0x3611: 0x00c0, + 0x3612: 0x00c0, 0x3613: 0x00c0, 0x3614: 0x00c0, 0x3615: 0x00c0, 0x3616: 0x00c0, 0x3617: 0x00c0, + 0x3618: 0x00c0, 0x3619: 0x00c0, 0x361a: 0x00c0, 0x361b: 0x00c0, 0x361c: 0x00c0, 0x361d: 0x0080, + 0x361e: 0x0080, 0x361f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x3640 + 0x3640: 0x00c2, 0x3641: 0x00c2, 0x3642: 0x00c2, 0x3643: 0x00c2, 0x3644: 0x00c2, 0x3645: 0x00c4, + 0x3646: 0x00c0, 0x3647: 0x00c4, 0x3648: 0x0080, 0x3649: 0x00c4, 0x364a: 0x00c4, 0x364b: 0x00c0, + 0x364c: 0x00c0, 0x364d: 0x00c1, 0x364e: 0x00c4, 0x364f: 0x00c4, 0x3650: 0x00c4, 0x3651: 0x00c4, + 0x3652: 0x00c4, 0x3653: 0x00c2, 0x3654: 0x00c2, 0x3655: 0x00c2, 0x3656: 0x00c2, 0x3657: 0x00c1, + 0x3658: 0x00c2, 0x3659: 0x00c2, 0x365a: 0x00c2, 0x365b: 0x00c2, 0x365c: 0x00c2, 0x365d: 0x00c4, + 0x365e: 0x00c2, 0x365f: 0x00c2, 0x3660: 0x00c2, 0x3661: 0x00c4, 0x3662: 0x00c0, 0x3663: 0x00c0, + 0x3664: 0x00c4, 0x3665: 0x00c3, 0x3666: 0x00c3, + 0x366b: 0x0082, 0x366c: 0x0082, 0x366d: 0x0082, 0x366e: 0x0082, 0x366f: 0x0084, + 0x3670: 0x0080, 0x3671: 0x0080, 0x3672: 0x0080, 0x3673: 0x0080, 0x3674: 0x0080, 0x3675: 0x0080, + 0x3676: 0x0080, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x3680 + 0x3680: 0x00c0, 0x3681: 0x00c0, 0x3682: 0x00c0, 0x3683: 0x00c0, 0x3684: 0x00c0, 0x3685: 0x00c0, + 0x3686: 0x00c0, 0x3687: 0x00c0, 0x3688: 0x00c0, 0x3689: 0x00c0, 0x368a: 0x00c0, 0x368b: 0x00c0, + 0x368c: 0x00c0, 0x368d: 0x00c0, 0x368e: 0x00c0, 0x368f: 0x00c0, 0x3690: 0x00c0, 0x3691: 0x00c0, + 0x3692: 0x00c0, 0x3693: 0x00c0, 0x3694: 0x00c0, 0x3695: 0x00c0, 0x3696: 0x00c0, 0x3697: 0x00c0, + 0x3698: 0x00c0, 0x3699: 0x00c0, 0x369a: 0x00c0, 0x369b: 0x00c0, 0x369c: 0x00c0, 0x369d: 0x00c0, + 0x369e: 0x00c0, 0x369f: 0x00c0, 0x36a0: 0x00c0, 0x36a1: 0x00c0, 0x36a2: 0x00c0, 0x36a3: 0x00c0, + 0x36a4: 0x00c0, 0x36a5: 0x00c0, 0x36a6: 0x00c0, 0x36a7: 0x00c0, 0x36a8: 0x00c0, 0x36a9: 0x00c0, + 0x36aa: 0x00c0, 0x36ab: 0x00c0, 0x36ac: 0x00c0, 0x36ad: 0x00c0, 0x36ae: 0x00c0, 0x36af: 0x00c0, + 0x36b0: 0x00c0, 0x36b1: 0x00c0, 0x36b2: 0x00c0, 0x36b3: 0x00c0, 0x36b4: 0x00c0, 0x36b5: 0x00c0, + 0x36b9: 0x0080, 0x36ba: 0x0080, 0x36bb: 0x0080, + 0x36bc: 0x0080, 0x36bd: 0x0080, 0x36be: 0x0080, 0x36bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x36c0 + 0x36c0: 0x00c0, 0x36c1: 0x00c0, 0x36c2: 0x00c0, 0x36c3: 0x00c0, 0x36c4: 0x00c0, 0x36c5: 0x00c0, + 0x36c6: 0x00c0, 0x36c7: 0x00c0, 0x36c8: 0x00c0, 0x36c9: 0x00c0, 0x36ca: 0x00c0, 0x36cb: 0x00c0, + 0x36cc: 0x00c0, 0x36cd: 0x00c0, 0x36ce: 0x00c0, 0x36cf: 0x00c0, 0x36d0: 0x00c0, 0x36d1: 0x00c0, + 0x36d2: 0x00c0, 0x36d3: 0x00c0, 0x36d4: 0x00c0, 0x36d5: 0x00c0, + 0x36d8: 0x0080, 0x36d9: 0x0080, 0x36da: 0x0080, 0x36db: 0x0080, 0x36dc: 0x0080, 0x36dd: 0x0080, + 0x36de: 0x0080, 0x36df: 0x0080, 0x36e0: 0x00c0, 0x36e1: 0x00c0, 0x36e2: 0x00c0, 0x36e3: 0x00c0, + 0x36e4: 0x00c0, 0x36e5: 0x00c0, 0x36e6: 0x00c0, 0x36e7: 0x00c0, 0x36e8: 0x00c0, 0x36e9: 0x00c0, + 0x36ea: 0x00c0, 0x36eb: 0x00c0, 0x36ec: 0x00c0, 0x36ed: 0x00c0, 0x36ee: 0x00c0, 0x36ef: 0x00c0, + 0x36f0: 0x00c0, 0x36f1: 0x00c0, 0x36f2: 0x00c0, + 0x36f8: 0x0080, 0x36f9: 0x0080, 0x36fa: 0x0080, 0x36fb: 0x0080, + 0x36fc: 0x0080, 0x36fd: 0x0080, 0x36fe: 0x0080, 0x36ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x3700 + 0x3700: 0x00c2, 0x3701: 0x00c4, 0x3702: 0x00c2, 0x3703: 0x00c4, 0x3704: 0x00c4, 0x3705: 0x00c4, + 0x3706: 0x00c2, 0x3707: 0x00c2, 0x3708: 0x00c2, 0x3709: 0x00c4, 0x370a: 0x00c2, 0x370b: 0x00c2, + 0x370c: 0x00c4, 0x370d: 0x00c2, 0x370e: 0x00c4, 0x370f: 0x00c4, 0x3710: 0x00c2, 0x3711: 0x00c4, + 0x3719: 0x0080, 0x371a: 0x0080, 0x371b: 0x0080, 0x371c: 0x0080, + 0x3729: 0x0084, + 0x372a: 0x0084, 0x372b: 0x0084, 0x372c: 0x0084, 0x372d: 0x0082, 0x372e: 0x0082, 0x372f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x3740 + 0x3740: 0x00c0, 0x3741: 0x00c0, 0x3742: 0x00c0, 0x3743: 0x00c0, 0x3744: 0x00c0, 0x3745: 0x00c0, + 0x3746: 0x00c0, 0x3747: 0x00c0, 0x3748: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x3780 + 0x3780: 0x00c0, 0x3781: 0x00c0, 0x3782: 0x00c0, 0x3783: 0x00c0, 0x3784: 0x00c0, 0x3785: 0x00c0, + 0x3786: 0x00c0, 0x3787: 0x00c0, 0x3788: 0x00c0, 0x3789: 0x00c0, 0x378a: 0x00c0, 0x378b: 0x00c0, + 0x378c: 0x00c0, 0x378d: 0x00c0, 0x378e: 0x00c0, 0x378f: 0x00c0, 0x3790: 0x00c0, 0x3791: 0x00c0, + 0x3792: 0x00c0, 0x3793: 0x00c0, 0x3794: 0x00c0, 0x3795: 0x00c0, 0x3796: 0x00c0, 0x3797: 0x00c0, + 0x3798: 0x00c0, 0x3799: 0x00c0, 0x379a: 0x00c0, 0x379b: 0x00c0, 0x379c: 0x00c0, 0x379d: 0x00c0, + 0x379e: 0x00c0, 0x379f: 0x00c0, 0x37a0: 0x00c0, 0x37a1: 0x00c0, 0x37a2: 0x00c0, 0x37a3: 0x00c0, + 0x37a4: 0x00c0, 0x37a5: 0x00c0, 0x37a6: 0x00c0, 0x37a7: 0x00c0, 0x37a8: 0x00c0, 0x37a9: 0x00c0, + 0x37aa: 0x00c0, 0x37ab: 0x00c0, 0x37ac: 0x00c0, 0x37ad: 0x00c0, 0x37ae: 0x00c0, 0x37af: 0x00c0, + 0x37b0: 0x00c0, 0x37b1: 0x00c0, 0x37b2: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x37c0 + 0x37c0: 0x00c0, 0x37c1: 0x00c0, 0x37c2: 0x00c0, 0x37c3: 0x00c0, 0x37c4: 0x00c0, 0x37c5: 0x00c0, + 0x37c6: 0x00c0, 0x37c7: 0x00c0, 0x37c8: 0x00c0, 0x37c9: 0x00c0, 0x37ca: 0x00c0, 0x37cb: 0x00c0, + 0x37cc: 0x00c0, 0x37cd: 0x00c0, 0x37ce: 0x00c0, 0x37cf: 0x00c0, 0x37d0: 0x00c0, 0x37d1: 0x00c0, + 0x37d2: 0x00c0, 0x37d3: 0x00c0, 0x37d4: 0x00c0, 0x37d5: 0x00c0, 0x37d6: 0x00c0, 0x37d7: 0x00c0, + 0x37d8: 0x00c0, 0x37d9: 0x00c0, 0x37da: 0x00c0, 0x37db: 0x00c0, 0x37dc: 0x00c0, 0x37dd: 0x00c0, + 0x37de: 0x00c0, 0x37df: 0x00c0, 0x37e0: 0x00c0, 0x37e1: 0x00c0, 0x37e2: 0x00c0, 0x37e3: 0x00c0, + 0x37e4: 0x00c0, 0x37e5: 0x00c0, 0x37e6: 0x00c0, 0x37e7: 0x00c0, 0x37e8: 0x00c0, 0x37e9: 0x00c0, + 0x37ea: 0x00c0, 0x37eb: 0x00c0, 0x37ec: 0x00c0, 0x37ed: 0x00c0, 0x37ee: 0x00c0, 0x37ef: 0x00c0, + 0x37f0: 0x00c0, 0x37f1: 0x00c0, 0x37f2: 0x00c0, + 0x37fa: 0x0080, 0x37fb: 0x0080, + 0x37fc: 0x0080, 0x37fd: 0x0080, 0x37fe: 0x0080, 0x37ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x3800 + 0x3800: 0x00c1, 0x3801: 0x00c2, 0x3802: 0x00c2, 0x3803: 0x00c2, 0x3804: 0x00c2, 0x3805: 0x00c2, + 0x3806: 0x00c2, 0x3807: 0x00c2, 0x3808: 0x00c2, 0x3809: 0x00c2, 0x380a: 0x00c2, 0x380b: 0x00c2, + 0x380c: 0x00c2, 0x380d: 0x00c2, 0x380e: 0x00c2, 0x380f: 0x00c2, 0x3810: 0x00c2, 0x3811: 0x00c2, + 0x3812: 0x00c2, 0x3813: 0x00c2, 0x3814: 0x00c2, 0x3815: 0x00c2, 0x3816: 0x00c2, 0x3817: 0x00c2, + 0x3818: 0x00c2, 0x3819: 0x00c2, 0x381a: 0x00c2, 0x381b: 0x00c2, 0x381c: 0x00c2, 0x381d: 0x00c2, + 0x381e: 0x00c2, 0x381f: 0x00c2, 0x3820: 0x00c2, 0x3821: 0x00c2, 0x3822: 0x00c4, 0x3823: 0x00c2, + 0x3824: 0x00c3, 0x3825: 0x00c3, 0x3826: 0x00c3, 0x3827: 0x00c3, + 0x3830: 0x00c0, 0x3831: 0x00c0, 0x3832: 0x00c0, 0x3833: 0x00c0, 0x3834: 0x00c0, 0x3835: 0x00c0, + 0x3836: 0x00c0, 0x3837: 0x00c0, 0x3838: 0x00c0, 0x3839: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x3840 + 0x3860: 0x0080, 0x3861: 0x0080, 0x3862: 0x0080, 0x3863: 0x0080, + 0x3864: 0x0080, 0x3865: 0x0080, 0x3866: 0x0080, 0x3867: 0x0080, 0x3868: 0x0080, 0x3869: 0x0080, + 0x386a: 0x0080, 0x386b: 0x0080, 0x386c: 0x0080, 0x386d: 0x0080, 0x386e: 0x0080, 0x386f: 0x0080, + 0x3870: 0x0080, 0x3871: 0x0080, 0x3872: 0x0080, 0x3873: 0x0080, 0x3874: 0x0080, 0x3875: 0x0080, + 0x3876: 0x0080, 0x3877: 0x0080, 0x3878: 0x0080, 0x3879: 0x0080, 0x387a: 0x0080, 0x387b: 0x0080, + 0x387c: 0x0080, 0x387d: 0x0080, 0x387e: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x3880 + 0x3880: 0x00c0, 0x3881: 0x00c0, 0x3882: 0x00c0, 0x3883: 0x00c0, 0x3884: 0x00c0, 0x3885: 0x00c0, + 0x3886: 0x00c0, 0x3887: 0x00c0, 0x3888: 0x00c0, 0x3889: 0x00c0, 0x388a: 0x00c0, 0x388b: 0x00c0, + 0x388c: 0x00c0, 0x388d: 0x00c0, 0x388e: 0x00c0, 0x388f: 0x00c0, 0x3890: 0x00c0, 0x3891: 0x00c0, + 0x3892: 0x00c0, 0x3893: 0x00c0, 0x3894: 0x00c0, 0x3895: 0x00c0, 0x3896: 0x00c0, 0x3897: 0x00c0, + 0x3898: 0x00c0, 0x3899: 0x00c0, 0x389a: 0x00c0, 0x389b: 0x00c0, 0x389c: 0x00c0, 0x389d: 0x00c0, + 0x389e: 0x00c0, 0x389f: 0x00c0, 0x38a0: 0x00c0, 0x38a1: 0x00c0, 0x38a2: 0x00c0, 0x38a3: 0x00c0, + 0x38a4: 0x00c0, 0x38a5: 0x00c0, 0x38a6: 0x00c0, 0x38a7: 0x00c0, 0x38a8: 0x00c0, 0x38a9: 0x00c0, + 0x38ab: 0x00c3, 0x38ac: 0x00c3, 0x38ad: 0x0080, + 0x38b0: 0x00c0, 0x38b1: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x38c0 + 0x38c0: 0x00c0, 0x38c1: 0x00c0, 0x38c2: 0x00c0, 0x38c3: 0x00c0, 0x38c4: 0x00c0, 0x38c5: 0x00c0, + 0x38c6: 0x00c0, 0x38c7: 0x00c0, 0x38c8: 0x00c0, 0x38c9: 0x00c0, 0x38ca: 0x00c0, 0x38cb: 0x00c0, + 0x38cc: 0x00c0, 0x38cd: 0x00c0, 0x38ce: 0x00c0, 0x38cf: 0x00c0, 0x38d0: 0x00c0, 0x38d1: 0x00c0, + 0x38d2: 0x00c0, 0x38d3: 0x00c0, 0x38d4: 0x00c0, 0x38d5: 0x00c0, 0x38d6: 0x00c0, 0x38d7: 0x00c0, + 0x38d8: 0x00c0, 0x38d9: 0x00c0, 0x38da: 0x00c0, 0x38db: 0x00c0, 0x38dc: 0x00c0, 0x38dd: 0x0080, + 0x38de: 0x0080, 0x38df: 0x0080, 0x38e0: 0x0080, 0x38e1: 0x0080, 0x38e2: 0x0080, 0x38e3: 0x0080, + 0x38e4: 0x0080, 0x38e5: 0x0080, 0x38e6: 0x0080, 0x38e7: 0x00c0, + 0x38f0: 0x00c2, 0x38f1: 0x00c2, 0x38f2: 0x00c2, 0x38f3: 0x00c4, 0x38f4: 0x00c2, 0x38f5: 0x00c2, + 0x38f6: 0x00c2, 0x38f7: 0x00c2, 0x38f8: 0x00c2, 0x38f9: 0x00c2, 0x38fa: 0x00c2, 0x38fb: 0x00c2, + 0x38fc: 0x00c2, 0x38fd: 0x00c2, 0x38fe: 0x00c2, 0x38ff: 0x00c2, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x3900 + 0x3900: 0x00c2, 0x3901: 0x00c2, 0x3902: 0x00c2, 0x3903: 0x00c2, 0x3904: 0x00c2, 0x3905: 0x00c0, + 0x3906: 0x00c3, 0x3907: 0x00c3, 0x3908: 0x00c3, 0x3909: 0x00c3, 0x390a: 0x00c3, 0x390b: 0x00c3, + 0x390c: 0x00c3, 0x390d: 0x00c3, 0x390e: 0x00c3, 0x390f: 0x00c3, 0x3910: 0x00c3, 0x3911: 0x0082, + 0x3912: 0x0082, 0x3913: 0x0082, 0x3914: 0x0084, 0x3915: 0x0080, 0x3916: 0x0080, 0x3917: 0x0080, + 0x3918: 0x0080, 0x3919: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x3940 + 0x3970: 0x00c2, 0x3971: 0x00c0, 0x3972: 0x00c2, 0x3973: 0x00c2, 0x3974: 0x00c4, 0x3975: 0x00c4, + 0x3976: 0x00c4, 0x3977: 0x00c0, 0x3978: 0x00c2, 0x3979: 0x00c4, 0x397a: 0x00c4, 0x397b: 0x00c2, + 0x397c: 0x00c2, 0x397d: 0x00c4, 0x397e: 0x00c2, 0x397f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x3980 + 0x3980: 0x00c0, 0x3981: 0x00c2, 0x3982: 0x00c4, 0x3983: 0x00c4, 0x3984: 0x00c2, 0x3985: 0x0080, + 0x3986: 0x0080, 0x3987: 0x0080, 0x3988: 0x0080, 0x3989: 0x0084, 0x398a: 0x0082, 0x398b: 0x0081, + 0x39a0: 0x00c0, 0x39a1: 0x00c0, 0x39a2: 0x00c0, 0x39a3: 0x00c0, + 0x39a4: 0x00c0, 0x39a5: 0x00c0, 0x39a6: 0x00c0, 0x39a7: 0x00c0, 0x39a8: 0x00c0, 0x39a9: 0x00c0, + 0x39aa: 0x00c0, 0x39ab: 0x00c0, 0x39ac: 0x00c0, 0x39ad: 0x00c0, 0x39ae: 0x00c0, 0x39af: 0x00c0, + 0x39b0: 0x00c0, 0x39b1: 0x00c0, 0x39b2: 0x00c0, 0x39b3: 0x00c0, 0x39b4: 0x00c0, 0x39b5: 0x00c0, + 0x39b6: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x39c0 + 0x39c0: 0x00c0, 0x39c1: 0x00c3, 0x39c2: 0x00c0, 0x39c3: 0x00c0, 0x39c4: 0x00c0, 0x39c5: 0x00c0, + 0x39c6: 0x00c0, 0x39c7: 0x00c0, 0x39c8: 0x00c0, 0x39c9: 0x00c0, 0x39ca: 0x00c0, 0x39cb: 0x00c0, + 0x39cc: 0x00c0, 0x39cd: 0x00c0, 0x39ce: 0x00c0, 0x39cf: 0x00c0, 0x39d0: 0x00c0, 0x39d1: 0x00c0, + 0x39d2: 0x00c0, 0x39d3: 0x00c0, 0x39d4: 0x00c0, 0x39d5: 0x00c0, 0x39d6: 0x00c0, 0x39d7: 0x00c0, + 0x39d8: 0x00c0, 0x39d9: 0x00c0, 0x39da: 0x00c0, 0x39db: 0x00c0, 0x39dc: 0x00c0, 0x39dd: 0x00c0, + 0x39de: 0x00c0, 0x39df: 0x00c0, 0x39e0: 0x00c0, 0x39e1: 0x00c0, 0x39e2: 0x00c0, 0x39e3: 0x00c0, + 0x39e4: 0x00c0, 0x39e5: 0x00c0, 0x39e6: 0x00c0, 0x39e7: 0x00c0, 0x39e8: 0x00c0, 0x39e9: 0x00c0, + 0x39ea: 0x00c0, 0x39eb: 0x00c0, 0x39ec: 0x00c0, 0x39ed: 0x00c0, 0x39ee: 0x00c0, 0x39ef: 0x00c0, + 0x39f0: 0x00c0, 0x39f1: 0x00c0, 0x39f2: 0x00c0, 0x39f3: 0x00c0, 0x39f4: 0x00c0, 0x39f5: 0x00c0, + 0x39f6: 0x00c0, 0x39f7: 0x00c0, 0x39f8: 0x00c3, 0x39f9: 0x00c3, 0x39fa: 0x00c3, 0x39fb: 0x00c3, + 0x39fc: 0x00c3, 0x39fd: 0x00c3, 0x39fe: 0x00c3, 0x39ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x3a00 + 0x3a00: 0x00c3, 0x3a01: 0x00c3, 0x3a02: 0x00c3, 0x3a03: 0x00c3, 0x3a04: 0x00c3, 0x3a05: 0x00c3, + 0x3a06: 0x00c6, 0x3a07: 0x0080, 0x3a08: 0x0080, 0x3a09: 0x0080, 0x3a0a: 0x0080, 0x3a0b: 0x0080, + 0x3a0c: 0x0080, 0x3a0d: 0x0080, + 0x3a12: 0x0080, 0x3a13: 0x0080, 0x3a14: 0x0080, 0x3a15: 0x0080, 0x3a16: 0x0080, 0x3a17: 0x0080, + 0x3a18: 0x0080, 0x3a19: 0x0080, 0x3a1a: 0x0080, 0x3a1b: 0x0080, 0x3a1c: 0x0080, 0x3a1d: 0x0080, + 0x3a1e: 0x0080, 0x3a1f: 0x0080, 0x3a20: 0x0080, 0x3a21: 0x0080, 0x3a22: 0x0080, 0x3a23: 0x0080, + 0x3a24: 0x0080, 0x3a25: 0x0080, 0x3a26: 0x00c0, 0x3a27: 0x00c0, 0x3a28: 0x00c0, 0x3a29: 0x00c0, + 0x3a2a: 0x00c0, 0x3a2b: 0x00c0, 0x3a2c: 0x00c0, 0x3a2d: 0x00c0, 0x3a2e: 0x00c0, 0x3a2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3a3f: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x3a40 + 0x3a40: 0x00c3, 0x3a41: 0x00c3, 0x3a42: 0x00c0, 0x3a43: 0x00c0, 0x3a44: 0x00c0, 0x3a45: 0x00c0, + 0x3a46: 0x00c0, 0x3a47: 0x00c0, 0x3a48: 0x00c0, 0x3a49: 0x00c0, 0x3a4a: 0x00c0, 0x3a4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3a4c: 0x00c0, 0x3a4d: 0x00c0, 0x3a4e: 0x00c0, 0x3a4f: 0x00c0, 0x3a50: 0x00c0, 0x3a51: 0x00c0, + 0x3a52: 0x00c0, 0x3a53: 0x00c0, 0x3a54: 0x00c0, 0x3a55: 0x00c0, 0x3a56: 0x00c0, 0x3a57: 0x00c0, + 0x3a58: 0x00c0, 0x3a59: 0x00c0, 0x3a5a: 0x00c0, 0x3a5b: 0x00c0, 0x3a5c: 0x00c0, 0x3a5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3a5e: 0x00c0, 0x3a5f: 0x00c0, 0x3a60: 0x00c0, 0x3a61: 0x00c0, 0x3a62: 0x00c0, 0x3a63: 0x00c0, + 0x3a64: 0x00c0, 0x3a65: 0x00c0, 0x3a66: 0x00c0, 0x3a67: 0x00c0, 0x3a68: 0x00c0, 0x3a69: 0x00c0, + 0x3a6a: 0x00c0, 0x3a6b: 0x00c0, 0x3a6c: 0x00c0, 0x3a6d: 0x00c0, 0x3a6e: 0x00c0, 0x3a6f: 0x00c0, + 0x3a70: 0x00c0, 0x3a71: 0x00c0, 0x3a72: 0x00c0, 0x3a73: 0x00c3, 0x3a74: 0x00c3, 0x3a75: 0x00c3, + 0x3a76: 0x00c3, 0x3a77: 0x00c0, 0x3a78: 0x00c0, 0x3a79: 0x00c6, 0x3a7a: 0x00c3, 0x3a7b: 0x0080, + 0x3a7c: 0x0080, 0x3a7d: 0x0040, 0x3a7e: 0x0080, 0x3a7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x3a80 + 0x3a80: 0x0080, 0x3a81: 0x0080, + 0x3a8d: 0x0040, 0x3a90: 0x00c0, 0x3a91: 0x00c0, + 0x3a92: 0x00c0, 0x3a93: 0x00c0, 0x3a94: 0x00c0, 0x3a95: 0x00c0, 0x3a96: 0x00c0, 0x3a97: 0x00c0, + 0x3a98: 0x00c0, 0x3a99: 0x00c0, 0x3a9a: 0x00c0, 0x3a9b: 0x00c0, 0x3a9c: 0x00c0, 0x3a9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3a9e: 0x00c0, 0x3a9f: 0x00c0, 0x3aa0: 0x00c0, 0x3aa1: 0x00c0, 0x3aa2: 0x00c0, 0x3aa3: 0x00c0, + 0x3aa4: 0x00c0, 0x3aa5: 0x00c0, 0x3aa6: 0x00c0, 0x3aa7: 0x00c0, 0x3aa8: 0x00c0, + 0x3ab0: 0x00c0, 0x3ab1: 0x00c0, 0x3ab2: 0x00c0, 0x3ab3: 0x00c0, 0x3ab4: 0x00c0, 0x3ab5: 0x00c0, + 0x3ab6: 0x00c0, 0x3ab7: 0x00c0, 0x3ab8: 0x00c0, 0x3ab9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x3ac0 + 0x3ac0: 0x00c3, 0x3ac1: 0x00c3, 0x3ac2: 0x00c3, 0x3ac3: 0x00c0, 0x3ac4: 0x00c0, 0x3ac5: 0x00c0, + 0x3ac6: 0x00c0, 0x3ac7: 0x00c0, 0x3ac8: 0x00c0, 0x3ac9: 0x00c0, 0x3aca: 0x00c0, 0x3acb: 0x00c0, + 0x3acc: 0x00c0, 0x3acd: 0x00c0, 0x3ace: 0x00c0, 0x3acf: 0x00c0, 0x3ad0: 0x00c0, 0x3ad1: 0x00c0, + 0x3ad2: 0x00c0, 0x3ad3: 0x00c0, 0x3ad4: 0x00c0, 0x3ad5: 0x00c0, 0x3ad6: 0x00c0, 0x3ad7: 0x00c0, + 0x3ad8: 0x00c0, 0x3ad9: 0x00c0, 0x3ada: 0x00c0, 0x3adb: 0x00c0, 0x3adc: 0x00c0, 0x3add: 0x00c0, + 0x3ade: 0x00c0, 0x3adf: 0x00c0, 0x3ae0: 0x00c0, 0x3ae1: 0x00c0, 0x3ae2: 0x00c0, 0x3ae3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ae4: 0x00c0, 0x3ae5: 0x00c0, 0x3ae6: 0x00c0, 0x3ae7: 0x00c3, 0x3ae8: 0x00c3, 0x3ae9: 0x00c3, + 0x3aea: 0x00c3, 0x3aeb: 0x00c3, 0x3aec: 0x00c0, 0x3aed: 0x00c3, 0x3aee: 0x00c3, 0x3aef: 0x00c3, + 0x3af0: 0x00c3, 0x3af1: 0x00c3, 0x3af2: 0x00c3, 0x3af3: 0x00c6, 0x3af4: 0x00c6, + 0x3af6: 0x00c0, 0x3af7: 0x00c0, 0x3af8: 0x00c0, 0x3af9: 0x00c0, 0x3afa: 0x00c0, 0x3afb: 0x00c0, + 0x3afc: 0x00c0, 0x3afd: 0x00c0, 0x3afe: 0x00c0, 0x3aff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x3b00 + 0x3b00: 0x0080, 0x3b01: 0x0080, 0x3b02: 0x0080, 0x3b03: 0x0080, 0x3b04: 0x00c0, 0x3b05: 0x00c0, + 0x3b06: 0x00c0, 0x3b07: 0x00c0, + 0x3b10: 0x00c0, 0x3b11: 0x00c0, + 0x3b12: 0x00c0, 0x3b13: 0x00c0, 0x3b14: 0x00c0, 0x3b15: 0x00c0, 0x3b16: 0x00c0, 0x3b17: 0x00c0, + 0x3b18: 0x00c0, 0x3b19: 0x00c0, 0x3b1a: 0x00c0, 0x3b1b: 0x00c0, 0x3b1c: 0x00c0, 0x3b1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3b1e: 0x00c0, 0x3b1f: 0x00c0, 0x3b20: 0x00c0, 0x3b21: 0x00c0, 0x3b22: 0x00c0, 0x3b23: 0x00c0, + 0x3b24: 0x00c0, 0x3b25: 0x00c0, 0x3b26: 0x00c0, 0x3b27: 0x00c0, 0x3b28: 0x00c0, 0x3b29: 0x00c0, + 0x3b2a: 0x00c0, 0x3b2b: 0x00c0, 0x3b2c: 0x00c0, 0x3b2d: 0x00c0, 0x3b2e: 0x00c0, 0x3b2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3b30: 0x00c0, 0x3b31: 0x00c0, 0x3b32: 0x00c0, 0x3b33: 0x00c3, 0x3b34: 0x0080, 0x3b35: 0x0080, + 0x3b36: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x3b40 + 0x3b40: 0x00c3, 0x3b41: 0x00c3, 0x3b42: 0x00c0, 0x3b43: 0x00c0, 0x3b44: 0x00c0, 0x3b45: 0x00c0, + 0x3b46: 0x00c0, 0x3b47: 0x00c0, 0x3b48: 0x00c0, 0x3b49: 0x00c0, 0x3b4a: 0x00c0, 0x3b4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3b4c: 0x00c0, 0x3b4d: 0x00c0, 0x3b4e: 0x00c0, 0x3b4f: 0x00c0, 0x3b50: 0x00c0, 0x3b51: 0x00c0, + 0x3b52: 0x00c0, 0x3b53: 0x00c0, 0x3b54: 0x00c0, 0x3b55: 0x00c0, 0x3b56: 0x00c0, 0x3b57: 0x00c0, + 0x3b58: 0x00c0, 0x3b59: 0x00c0, 0x3b5a: 0x00c0, 0x3b5b: 0x00c0, 0x3b5c: 0x00c0, 0x3b5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3b5e: 0x00c0, 0x3b5f: 0x00c0, 0x3b60: 0x00c0, 0x3b61: 0x00c0, 0x3b62: 0x00c0, 0x3b63: 0x00c0, + 0x3b64: 0x00c0, 0x3b65: 0x00c0, 0x3b66: 0x00c0, 0x3b67: 0x00c0, 0x3b68: 0x00c0, 0x3b69: 0x00c0, + 0x3b6a: 0x00c0, 0x3b6b: 0x00c0, 0x3b6c: 0x00c0, 0x3b6d: 0x00c0, 0x3b6e: 0x00c0, 0x3b6f: 0x00c0, + 0x3b70: 0x00c0, 0x3b71: 0x00c0, 0x3b72: 0x00c0, 0x3b73: 0x00c0, 0x3b74: 0x00c0, 0x3b75: 0x00c0, + 0x3b76: 0x00c3, 0x3b77: 0x00c3, 0x3b78: 0x00c3, 0x3b79: 0x00c3, 0x3b7a: 0x00c3, 0x3b7b: 0x00c3, + 0x3b7c: 0x00c3, 0x3b7d: 0x00c3, 0x3b7e: 0x00c3, 0x3b7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x3b80 + 0x3b80: 0x00c5, 0x3b81: 0x00c0, 0x3b82: 0x00c0, 0x3b83: 0x00c0, 0x3b84: 0x00c0, 0x3b85: 0x0080, + 0x3b86: 0x0080, 0x3b87: 0x0080, 0x3b88: 0x0080, 0x3b89: 0x00c3, 0x3b8a: 0x00c3, 0x3b8b: 0x00c3, + 0x3b8c: 0x00c3, 0x3b8d: 0x0080, 0x3b8e: 0x00c0, 0x3b8f: 0x00c3, 0x3b90: 0x00c0, 0x3b91: 0x00c0, + 0x3b92: 0x00c0, 0x3b93: 0x00c0, 0x3b94: 0x00c0, 0x3b95: 0x00c0, 0x3b96: 0x00c0, 0x3b97: 0x00c0, + 0x3b98: 0x00c0, 0x3b99: 0x00c0, 0x3b9a: 0x00c0, 0x3b9b: 0x0080, 0x3b9c: 0x00c0, 0x3b9d: 0x0080, + 0x3b9e: 0x0080, 0x3b9f: 0x0080, 0x3ba1: 0x0080, 0x3ba2: 0x0080, 0x3ba3: 0x0080, + 0x3ba4: 0x0080, 0x3ba5: 0x0080, 0x3ba6: 0x0080, 0x3ba7: 0x0080, 0x3ba8: 0x0080, 0x3ba9: 0x0080, + 0x3baa: 0x0080, 0x3bab: 0x0080, 0x3bac: 0x0080, 0x3bad: 0x0080, 0x3bae: 0x0080, 0x3baf: 0x0080, + 0x3bb0: 0x0080, 0x3bb1: 0x0080, 0x3bb2: 0x0080, 0x3bb3: 0x0080, 0x3bb4: 0x0080, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x3bc0 + 0x3bc0: 0x00c0, 0x3bc1: 0x00c0, 0x3bc2: 0x00c0, 0x3bc3: 0x00c0, 0x3bc4: 0x00c0, 0x3bc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3bc6: 0x00c0, 0x3bc7: 0x00c0, 0x3bc8: 0x00c0, 0x3bc9: 0x00c0, 0x3bca: 0x00c0, 0x3bcb: 0x00c0, + 0x3bcc: 0x00c0, 0x3bcd: 0x00c0, 0x3bce: 0x00c0, 0x3bcf: 0x00c0, 0x3bd0: 0x00c0, 0x3bd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3bd3: 0x00c0, 0x3bd4: 0x00c0, 0x3bd5: 0x00c0, 0x3bd6: 0x00c0, 0x3bd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3bd8: 0x00c0, 0x3bd9: 0x00c0, 0x3bda: 0x00c0, 0x3bdb: 0x00c0, 0x3bdc: 0x00c0, 0x3bdd: 0x00c0, + 0x3bde: 0x00c0, 0x3bdf: 0x00c0, 0x3be0: 0x00c0, 0x3be1: 0x00c0, 0x3be2: 0x00c0, 0x3be3: 0x00c0, + 0x3be4: 0x00c0, 0x3be5: 0x00c0, 0x3be6: 0x00c0, 0x3be7: 0x00c0, 0x3be8: 0x00c0, 0x3be9: 0x00c0, + 0x3bea: 0x00c0, 0x3beb: 0x00c0, 0x3bec: 0x00c0, 0x3bed: 0x00c0, 0x3bee: 0x00c0, 0x3bef: 0x00c3, + 0x3bf0: 0x00c3, 0x3bf1: 0x00c3, 0x3bf2: 0x00c0, 0x3bf3: 0x00c0, 0x3bf4: 0x00c3, 0x3bf5: 0x00c5, + 0x3bf6: 0x00c3, 0x3bf7: 0x00c3, 0x3bf8: 0x0080, 0x3bf9: 0x0080, 0x3bfa: 0x0080, 0x3bfb: 0x0080, + 0x3bfc: 0x0080, 0x3bfd: 0x0080, 0x3bfe: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf0, offset 0x3c00 + 0x3c00: 0x00c0, 0x3c01: 0x00c0, 0x3c02: 0x00c0, 0x3c03: 0x00c0, 0x3c04: 0x00c0, 0x3c05: 0x00c0, + 0x3c06: 0x00c0, 0x3c08: 0x00c0, 0x3c0a: 0x00c0, 0x3c0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c0c: 0x00c0, 0x3c0d: 0x00c0, 0x3c0f: 0x00c0, 0x3c10: 0x00c0, 0x3c11: 0x00c0, + 0x3c12: 0x00c0, 0x3c13: 0x00c0, 0x3c14: 0x00c0, 0x3c15: 0x00c0, 0x3c16: 0x00c0, 0x3c17: 0x00c0, + 0x3c18: 0x00c0, 0x3c19: 0x00c0, 0x3c1a: 0x00c0, 0x3c1b: 0x00c0, 0x3c1c: 0x00c0, 0x3c1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3c1f: 0x00c0, 0x3c20: 0x00c0, 0x3c21: 0x00c0, 0x3c22: 0x00c0, 0x3c23: 0x00c0, + 0x3c24: 0x00c0, 0x3c25: 0x00c0, 0x3c26: 0x00c0, 0x3c27: 0x00c0, 0x3c28: 0x00c0, 0x3c29: 0x0080, + 0x3c30: 0x00c0, 0x3c31: 0x00c0, 0x3c32: 0x00c0, 0x3c33: 0x00c0, 0x3c34: 0x00c0, 0x3c35: 0x00c0, + 0x3c36: 0x00c0, 0x3c37: 0x00c0, 0x3c38: 0x00c0, 0x3c39: 0x00c0, 0x3c3a: 0x00c0, 0x3c3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c3c: 0x00c0, 0x3c3d: 0x00c0, 0x3c3e: 0x00c0, 0x3c3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf1, offset 0x3c40 + 0x3c40: 0x00c0, 0x3c41: 0x00c0, 0x3c42: 0x00c0, 0x3c43: 0x00c0, 0x3c44: 0x00c0, 0x3c45: 0x00c0, + 0x3c46: 0x00c0, 0x3c47: 0x00c0, 0x3c48: 0x00c0, 0x3c49: 0x00c0, 0x3c4a: 0x00c0, 0x3c4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c4c: 0x00c0, 0x3c4d: 0x00c0, 0x3c4e: 0x00c0, 0x3c4f: 0x00c0, 0x3c50: 0x00c0, 0x3c51: 0x00c0, + 0x3c52: 0x00c0, 0x3c53: 0x00c0, 0x3c54: 0x00c0, 0x3c55: 0x00c0, 0x3c56: 0x00c0, 0x3c57: 0x00c0, + 0x3c58: 0x00c0, 0x3c59: 0x00c0, 0x3c5a: 0x00c0, 0x3c5b: 0x00c0, 0x3c5c: 0x00c0, 0x3c5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3c5e: 0x00c0, 0x3c5f: 0x00c3, 0x3c60: 0x00c0, 0x3c61: 0x00c0, 0x3c62: 0x00c0, 0x3c63: 0x00c3, + 0x3c64: 0x00c3, 0x3c65: 0x00c3, 0x3c66: 0x00c3, 0x3c67: 0x00c3, 0x3c68: 0x00c3, 0x3c69: 0x00c3, + 0x3c6a: 0x00c6, + 0x3c70: 0x00c0, 0x3c71: 0x00c0, 0x3c72: 0x00c0, 0x3c73: 0x00c0, 0x3c74: 0x00c0, 0x3c75: 0x00c0, + 0x3c76: 0x00c0, 0x3c77: 0x00c0, 0x3c78: 0x00c0, 0x3c79: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf2, offset 0x3c80 + 0x3c80: 0x00c3, 0x3c81: 0x00c3, 0x3c82: 0x00c0, 0x3c83: 0x00c0, 0x3c85: 0x00c0, + 0x3c86: 0x00c0, 0x3c87: 0x00c0, 0x3c88: 0x00c0, 0x3c89: 0x00c0, 0x3c8a: 0x00c0, 0x3c8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c8c: 0x00c0, 0x3c8f: 0x00c0, 0x3c90: 0x00c0, + 0x3c93: 0x00c0, 0x3c94: 0x00c0, 0x3c95: 0x00c0, 0x3c96: 0x00c0, 0x3c97: 0x00c0, + 0x3c98: 0x00c0, 0x3c99: 0x00c0, 0x3c9a: 0x00c0, 0x3c9b: 0x00c0, 0x3c9c: 0x00c0, 0x3c9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3c9e: 0x00c0, 0x3c9f: 0x00c0, 0x3ca0: 0x00c0, 0x3ca1: 0x00c0, 0x3ca2: 0x00c0, 0x3ca3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ca4: 0x00c0, 0x3ca5: 0x00c0, 0x3ca6: 0x00c0, 0x3ca7: 0x00c0, 0x3ca8: 0x00c0, + 0x3caa: 0x00c0, 0x3cab: 0x00c0, 0x3cac: 0x00c0, 0x3cad: 0x00c0, 0x3cae: 0x00c0, 0x3caf: 0x00c0, + 0x3cb0: 0x00c0, 0x3cb2: 0x00c0, 0x3cb3: 0x00c0, 0x3cb5: 0x00c0, + 0x3cb6: 0x00c0, 0x3cb7: 0x00c0, 0x3cb8: 0x00c0, 0x3cb9: 0x00c0, 0x3cbb: 0x00c3, + 0x3cbc: 0x00c3, 0x3cbd: 0x00c0, 0x3cbe: 0x00c0, 0x3cbf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf3, offset 0x3cc0 + 0x3cc0: 0x00c3, 0x3cc1: 0x00c0, 0x3cc2: 0x00c0, 0x3cc3: 0x00c0, 0x3cc4: 0x00c0, + 0x3cc7: 0x00c0, 0x3cc8: 0x00c0, 0x3ccb: 0x00c0, + 0x3ccc: 0x00c0, 0x3ccd: 0x00c5, 0x3cd0: 0x00c0, + 0x3cd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3cdd: 0x00c0, + 0x3cde: 0x00c0, 0x3cdf: 0x00c0, 0x3ce0: 0x00c0, 0x3ce1: 0x00c0, 0x3ce2: 0x00c0, 0x3ce3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ce6: 0x00c3, 0x3ce7: 0x00c3, 0x3ce8: 0x00c3, 0x3ce9: 0x00c3, + 0x3cea: 0x00c3, 0x3ceb: 0x00c3, 0x3cec: 0x00c3, + 0x3cf0: 0x00c3, 0x3cf1: 0x00c3, 0x3cf2: 0x00c3, 0x3cf3: 0x00c3, 0x3cf4: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf4, offset 0x3d00 + 0x3d00: 0x00c0, 0x3d01: 0x00c0, 0x3d02: 0x00c0, 0x3d03: 0x00c0, 0x3d04: 0x00c0, 0x3d05: 0x00c0, + 0x3d06: 0x00c0, 0x3d07: 0x00c0, 0x3d08: 0x00c0, 0x3d09: 0x00c0, 0x3d0a: 0x00c0, 0x3d0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3d0c: 0x00c0, 0x3d0d: 0x00c0, 0x3d0e: 0x00c0, 0x3d0f: 0x00c0, 0x3d10: 0x00c0, 0x3d11: 0x00c0, + 0x3d12: 0x00c0, 0x3d13: 0x00c0, 0x3d14: 0x00c0, 0x3d15: 0x00c0, 0x3d16: 0x00c0, 0x3d17: 0x00c0, + 0x3d18: 0x00c0, 0x3d19: 0x00c0, 0x3d1a: 0x00c0, 0x3d1b: 0x00c0, 0x3d1c: 0x00c0, 0x3d1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3d1e: 0x00c0, 0x3d1f: 0x00c0, 0x3d20: 0x00c0, 0x3d21: 0x00c0, 0x3d22: 0x00c0, 0x3d23: 0x00c0, + 0x3d24: 0x00c0, 0x3d25: 0x00c0, 0x3d26: 0x00c0, 0x3d27: 0x00c0, 0x3d28: 0x00c0, 0x3d29: 0x00c0, + 0x3d2a: 0x00c0, 0x3d2b: 0x00c0, 0x3d2c: 0x00c0, 0x3d2d: 0x00c0, 0x3d2e: 0x00c0, 0x3d2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3d30: 0x00c0, 0x3d31: 0x00c0, 0x3d32: 0x00c0, 0x3d33: 0x00c0, 0x3d34: 0x00c0, 0x3d35: 0x00c0, + 0x3d36: 0x00c0, 0x3d37: 0x00c0, 0x3d38: 0x00c3, 0x3d39: 0x00c3, 0x3d3a: 0x00c3, 0x3d3b: 0x00c3, + 0x3d3c: 0x00c3, 0x3d3d: 0x00c3, 0x3d3e: 0x00c3, 0x3d3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf5, offset 0x3d40 + 0x3d40: 0x00c0, 0x3d41: 0x00c0, 0x3d42: 0x00c6, 0x3d43: 0x00c3, 0x3d44: 0x00c3, 0x3d45: 0x00c0, + 0x3d46: 0x00c3, 0x3d47: 0x00c0, 0x3d48: 0x00c0, 0x3d49: 0x00c0, 0x3d4a: 0x00c0, 0x3d4b: 0x0080, + 0x3d4c: 0x0080, 0x3d4d: 0x0080, 0x3d4e: 0x0080, 0x3d4f: 0x0080, 0x3d50: 0x00c0, 0x3d51: 0x00c0, + 0x3d52: 0x00c0, 0x3d53: 0x00c0, 0x3d54: 0x00c0, 0x3d55: 0x00c0, 0x3d56: 0x00c0, 0x3d57: 0x00c0, + 0x3d58: 0x00c0, 0x3d59: 0x00c0, 0x3d5a: 0x0080, 0x3d5b: 0x0080, 0x3d5d: 0x0080, + 0x3d5e: 0x00c3, 0x3d5f: 0x00c0, 0x3d60: 0x00c0, 0x3d61: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf6, offset 0x3d80 + 0x3d80: 0x00c0, 0x3d81: 0x00c0, 0x3d82: 0x00c0, 0x3d83: 0x00c0, 0x3d84: 0x00c0, 0x3d85: 0x00c0, + 0x3d86: 0x00c0, 0x3d87: 0x00c0, 0x3d88: 0x00c0, 0x3d89: 0x00c0, 0x3d8a: 0x00c0, 0x3d8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3d8c: 0x00c0, 0x3d8d: 0x00c0, 0x3d8e: 0x00c0, 0x3d8f: 0x00c0, 0x3d90: 0x00c0, 0x3d91: 0x00c0, + 0x3d92: 0x00c0, 0x3d93: 0x00c0, 0x3d94: 0x00c0, 0x3d95: 0x00c0, 0x3d96: 0x00c0, 0x3d97: 0x00c0, + 0x3d98: 0x00c0, 0x3d99: 0x00c0, 0x3d9a: 0x00c0, 0x3d9b: 0x00c0, 0x3d9c: 0x00c0, 0x3d9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3d9e: 0x00c0, 0x3d9f: 0x00c0, 0x3da0: 0x00c0, 0x3da1: 0x00c0, 0x3da2: 0x00c0, 0x3da3: 0x00c0, + 0x3da4: 0x00c0, 0x3da5: 0x00c0, 0x3da6: 0x00c0, 0x3da7: 0x00c0, 0x3da8: 0x00c0, 0x3da9: 0x00c0, + 0x3daa: 0x00c0, 0x3dab: 0x00c0, 0x3dac: 0x00c0, 0x3dad: 0x00c0, 0x3dae: 0x00c0, 0x3daf: 0x00c0, + 0x3db0: 0x00c0, 0x3db1: 0x00c0, 0x3db2: 0x00c0, 0x3db3: 0x00c3, 0x3db4: 0x00c3, 0x3db5: 0x00c3, + 0x3db6: 0x00c3, 0x3db7: 0x00c3, 0x3db8: 0x00c3, 0x3db9: 0x00c0, 0x3dba: 0x00c3, 0x3dbb: 0x00c0, + 0x3dbc: 0x00c0, 0x3dbd: 0x00c0, 0x3dbe: 0x00c0, 0x3dbf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf7, offset 0x3dc0 + 0x3dc0: 0x00c3, 0x3dc1: 0x00c0, 0x3dc2: 0x00c6, 0x3dc3: 0x00c3, 0x3dc4: 0x00c0, 0x3dc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3dc6: 0x0080, 0x3dc7: 0x00c0, + 0x3dd0: 0x00c0, 0x3dd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3dd2: 0x00c0, 0x3dd3: 0x00c0, 0x3dd4: 0x00c0, 0x3dd5: 0x00c0, 0x3dd6: 0x00c0, 0x3dd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3dd8: 0x00c0, 0x3dd9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf8, offset 0x3e00 + 0x3e00: 0x00c0, 0x3e01: 0x00c0, 0x3e02: 0x00c0, 0x3e03: 0x00c0, 0x3e04: 0x00c0, 0x3e05: 0x00c0, + 0x3e06: 0x00c0, 0x3e07: 0x00c0, 0x3e08: 0x00c0, 0x3e09: 0x00c0, 0x3e0a: 0x00c0, 0x3e0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3e0c: 0x00c0, 0x3e0d: 0x00c0, 0x3e0e: 0x00c0, 0x3e0f: 0x00c0, 0x3e10: 0x00c0, 0x3e11: 0x00c0, + 0x3e12: 0x00c0, 0x3e13: 0x00c0, 0x3e14: 0x00c0, 0x3e15: 0x00c0, 0x3e16: 0x00c0, 0x3e17: 0x00c0, + 0x3e18: 0x00c0, 0x3e19: 0x00c0, 0x3e1a: 0x00c0, 0x3e1b: 0x00c0, 0x3e1c: 0x00c0, 0x3e1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3e1e: 0x00c0, 0x3e1f: 0x00c0, 0x3e20: 0x00c0, 0x3e21: 0x00c0, 0x3e22: 0x00c0, 0x3e23: 0x00c0, + 0x3e24: 0x00c0, 0x3e25: 0x00c0, 0x3e26: 0x00c0, 0x3e27: 0x00c0, 0x3e28: 0x00c0, 0x3e29: 0x00c0, + 0x3e2a: 0x00c0, 0x3e2b: 0x00c0, 0x3e2c: 0x00c0, 0x3e2d: 0x00c0, 0x3e2e: 0x00c0, 0x3e2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3e30: 0x00c0, 0x3e31: 0x00c0, 0x3e32: 0x00c3, 0x3e33: 0x00c3, 0x3e34: 0x00c3, 0x3e35: 0x00c3, + 0x3e38: 0x00c0, 0x3e39: 0x00c0, 0x3e3a: 0x00c0, 0x3e3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3e3c: 0x00c3, 0x3e3d: 0x00c3, 0x3e3e: 0x00c0, 0x3e3f: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xf9, offset 0x3e40 + 0x3e40: 0x00c3, 0x3e41: 0x0080, 0x3e42: 0x0080, 0x3e43: 0x0080, 0x3e44: 0x0080, 0x3e45: 0x0080, + 0x3e46: 0x0080, 0x3e47: 0x0080, 0x3e48: 0x0080, 0x3e49: 0x0080, 0x3e4a: 0x0080, 0x3e4b: 0x0080, + 0x3e4c: 0x0080, 0x3e4d: 0x0080, 0x3e4e: 0x0080, 0x3e4f: 0x0080, 0x3e50: 0x0080, 0x3e51: 0x0080, + 0x3e52: 0x0080, 0x3e53: 0x0080, 0x3e54: 0x0080, 0x3e55: 0x0080, 0x3e56: 0x0080, 0x3e57: 0x0080, + 0x3e58: 0x00c0, 0x3e59: 0x00c0, 0x3e5a: 0x00c0, 0x3e5b: 0x00c0, 0x3e5c: 0x00c3, 0x3e5d: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xfa, offset 0x3e80 + 0x3e80: 0x00c0, 0x3e81: 0x00c0, 0x3e82: 0x00c0, 0x3e83: 0x00c0, 0x3e84: 0x00c0, 0x3e85: 0x00c0, + 0x3e86: 0x00c0, 0x3e87: 0x00c0, 0x3e88: 0x00c0, 0x3e89: 0x00c0, 0x3e8a: 0x00c0, 0x3e8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3e8c: 0x00c0, 0x3e8d: 0x00c0, 0x3e8e: 0x00c0, 0x3e8f: 0x00c0, 0x3e90: 0x00c0, 0x3e91: 0x00c0, + 0x3e92: 0x00c0, 0x3e93: 0x00c0, 0x3e94: 0x00c0, 0x3e95: 0x00c0, 0x3e96: 0x00c0, 0x3e97: 0x00c0, + 0x3e98: 0x00c0, 0x3e99: 0x00c0, 0x3e9a: 0x00c0, 0x3e9b: 0x00c0, 0x3e9c: 0x00c0, 0x3e9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3e9e: 0x00c0, 0x3e9f: 0x00c0, 0x3ea0: 0x00c0, 0x3ea1: 0x00c0, 0x3ea2: 0x00c0, 0x3ea3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ea4: 0x00c0, 0x3ea5: 0x00c0, 0x3ea6: 0x00c0, 0x3ea7: 0x00c0, 0x3ea8: 0x00c0, 0x3ea9: 0x00c0, + 0x3eaa: 0x00c0, 0x3eab: 0x00c0, 0x3eac: 0x00c0, 0x3ead: 0x00c0, 0x3eae: 0x00c0, 0x3eaf: 0x00c0, + 0x3eb0: 0x00c0, 0x3eb1: 0x00c0, 0x3eb2: 0x00c0, 0x3eb3: 0x00c3, 0x3eb4: 0x00c3, 0x3eb5: 0x00c3, + 0x3eb6: 0x00c3, 0x3eb7: 0x00c3, 0x3eb8: 0x00c3, 0x3eb9: 0x00c3, 0x3eba: 0x00c3, 0x3ebb: 0x00c0, + 0x3ebc: 0x00c0, 0x3ebd: 0x00c3, 0x3ebe: 0x00c0, 0x3ebf: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xfb, offset 0x3ec0 + 0x3ec0: 0x00c3, 0x3ec1: 0x0080, 0x3ec2: 0x0080, 0x3ec3: 0x0080, 0x3ec4: 0x00c0, + 0x3ed0: 0x00c0, 0x3ed1: 0x00c0, + 0x3ed2: 0x00c0, 0x3ed3: 0x00c0, 0x3ed4: 0x00c0, 0x3ed5: 0x00c0, 0x3ed6: 0x00c0, 0x3ed7: 0x00c0, + 0x3ed8: 0x00c0, 0x3ed9: 0x00c0, + 0x3ee0: 0x0080, 0x3ee1: 0x0080, 0x3ee2: 0x0080, 0x3ee3: 0x0080, + 0x3ee4: 0x0080, 0x3ee5: 0x0080, 0x3ee6: 0x0080, 0x3ee7: 0x0080, 0x3ee8: 0x0080, 0x3ee9: 0x0080, + 0x3eea: 0x0080, 0x3eeb: 0x0080, 0x3eec: 0x0080, + // Block 0xfc, offset 0x3f00 + 0x3f00: 0x00c0, 0x3f01: 0x00c0, 0x3f02: 0x00c0, 0x3f03: 0x00c0, 0x3f04: 0x00c0, 0x3f05: 0x00c0, + 0x3f06: 0x00c0, 0x3f07: 0x00c0, 0x3f08: 0x00c0, 0x3f09: 0x00c0, 0x3f0a: 0x00c0, 0x3f0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3f0c: 0x00c0, 0x3f0d: 0x00c0, 0x3f0e: 0x00c0, 0x3f0f: 0x00c0, 0x3f10: 0x00c0, 0x3f11: 0x00c0, + 0x3f12: 0x00c0, 0x3f13: 0x00c0, 0x3f14: 0x00c0, 0x3f15: 0x00c0, 0x3f16: 0x00c0, 0x3f17: 0x00c0, + 0x3f18: 0x00c0, 0x3f19: 0x00c0, 0x3f1a: 0x00c0, 0x3f1b: 0x00c0, 0x3f1c: 0x00c0, 0x3f1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3f1e: 0x00c0, 0x3f1f: 0x00c0, 0x3f20: 0x00c0, 0x3f21: 0x00c0, 0x3f22: 0x00c0, 0x3f23: 0x00c0, + 0x3f24: 0x00c0, 0x3f25: 0x00c0, 0x3f26: 0x00c0, 0x3f27: 0x00c0, 0x3f28: 0x00c0, 0x3f29: 0x00c0, + 0x3f2a: 0x00c0, 0x3f2b: 0x00c3, 0x3f2c: 0x00c0, 0x3f2d: 0x00c3, 0x3f2e: 0x00c0, 0x3f2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3f30: 0x00c3, 0x3f31: 0x00c3, 0x3f32: 0x00c3, 0x3f33: 0x00c3, 0x3f34: 0x00c3, 0x3f35: 0x00c3, + 0x3f36: 0x00c5, 0x3f37: 0x00c3, 0x3f38: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xfd, offset 0x3f40 + 0x3f40: 0x00c0, 0x3f41: 0x00c0, 0x3f42: 0x00c0, 0x3f43: 0x00c0, 0x3f44: 0x00c0, 0x3f45: 0x00c0, + 0x3f46: 0x00c0, 0x3f47: 0x00c0, 0x3f48: 0x00c0, 0x3f49: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xfe, offset 0x3f80 + 0x3f80: 0x00c0, 0x3f81: 0x00c0, 0x3f82: 0x00c0, 0x3f83: 0x00c0, 0x3f84: 0x00c0, 0x3f85: 0x00c0, + 0x3f86: 0x00c0, 0x3f87: 0x00c0, 0x3f88: 0x00c0, 0x3f89: 0x00c0, 0x3f8a: 0x00c0, 0x3f8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3f8c: 0x00c0, 0x3f8d: 0x00c0, 0x3f8e: 0x00c0, 0x3f8f: 0x00c0, 0x3f90: 0x00c0, 0x3f91: 0x00c0, + 0x3f92: 0x00c0, 0x3f93: 0x00c0, 0x3f94: 0x00c0, 0x3f95: 0x00c0, 0x3f96: 0x00c0, 0x3f97: 0x00c0, + 0x3f98: 0x00c0, 0x3f99: 0x00c0, 0x3f9a: 0x00c0, 0x3f9d: 0x00c3, + 0x3f9e: 0x00c3, 0x3f9f: 0x00c3, 0x3fa0: 0x00c0, 0x3fa1: 0x00c0, 0x3fa2: 0x00c3, 0x3fa3: 0x00c3, + 0x3fa4: 0x00c3, 0x3fa5: 0x00c3, 0x3fa6: 0x00c0, 0x3fa7: 0x00c3, 0x3fa8: 0x00c3, 0x3fa9: 0x00c3, + 0x3faa: 0x00c3, 0x3fab: 0x00c6, + 0x3fb0: 0x00c0, 0x3fb1: 0x00c0, 0x3fb2: 0x00c0, 0x3fb3: 0x00c0, 0x3fb4: 0x00c0, 0x3fb5: 0x00c0, + 0x3fb6: 0x00c0, 0x3fb7: 0x00c0, 0x3fb8: 0x00c0, 0x3fb9: 0x00c0, 0x3fba: 0x0080, 0x3fbb: 0x0080, + 0x3fbc: 0x0080, 0x3fbd: 0x0080, 0x3fbe: 0x0080, 0x3fbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xff, offset 0x3fc0 + 0x3fc0: 0x00c0, 0x3fc1: 0x00c0, 0x3fc2: 0x00c0, 0x3fc3: 0x00c0, 0x3fc4: 0x00c0, 0x3fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3fc6: 0x00c0, 0x3fc7: 0x00c0, 0x3fc8: 0x00c0, 0x3fc9: 0x00c0, 0x3fca: 0x00c0, 0x3fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x3fcc: 0x00c0, 0x3fcd: 0x00c0, 0x3fce: 0x00c0, 0x3fcf: 0x00c0, 0x3fd0: 0x00c0, 0x3fd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3fd2: 0x00c0, 0x3fd3: 0x00c0, 0x3fd4: 0x00c0, 0x3fd5: 0x00c0, 0x3fd6: 0x00c0, 0x3fd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3fd8: 0x00c0, 0x3fd9: 0x00c0, 0x3fda: 0x00c0, 0x3fdb: 0x00c0, 0x3fdc: 0x00c0, 0x3fdd: 0x00c0, + 0x3fde: 0x00c0, 0x3fdf: 0x00c0, 0x3fe0: 0x00c0, 0x3fe1: 0x00c0, 0x3fe2: 0x00c0, 0x3fe3: 0x00c0, + 0x3fe4: 0x00c0, 0x3fe5: 0x00c0, 0x3fe6: 0x00c0, 0x3fe7: 0x00c0, 0x3fe8: 0x00c0, 0x3fe9: 0x00c0, + 0x3fea: 0x00c0, 0x3feb: 0x00c0, 0x3fec: 0x00c0, 0x3fed: 0x00c0, 0x3fee: 0x00c0, 0x3fef: 0x00c3, + 0x3ff0: 0x00c3, 0x3ff1: 0x00c3, 0x3ff2: 0x00c3, 0x3ff3: 0x00c3, 0x3ff4: 0x00c3, 0x3ff5: 0x00c3, + 0x3ff6: 0x00c3, 0x3ff7: 0x00c3, 0x3ff8: 0x00c0, 0x3ff9: 0x00c6, 0x3ffa: 0x00c3, 0x3ffb: 0x0080, + // Block 0x100, offset 0x4000 + 0x4020: 0x00c0, 0x4021: 0x00c0, 0x4022: 0x00c0, 0x4023: 0x00c0, + 0x4024: 0x00c0, 0x4025: 0x00c0, 0x4026: 0x00c0, 0x4027: 0x00c0, 0x4028: 0x00c0, 0x4029: 0x00c0, + 0x402a: 0x00c0, 0x402b: 0x00c0, 0x402c: 0x00c0, 0x402d: 0x00c0, 0x402e: 0x00c0, 0x402f: 0x00c0, + 0x4030: 0x00c0, 0x4031: 0x00c0, 0x4032: 0x00c0, 0x4033: 0x00c0, 0x4034: 0x00c0, 0x4035: 0x00c0, + 0x4036: 0x00c0, 0x4037: 0x00c0, 0x4038: 0x00c0, 0x4039: 0x00c0, 0x403a: 0x00c0, 0x403b: 0x00c0, + 0x403c: 0x00c0, 0x403d: 0x00c0, 0x403e: 0x00c0, 0x403f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x101, offset 0x4040 + 0x4040: 0x00c0, 0x4041: 0x00c0, 0x4042: 0x00c0, 0x4043: 0x00c0, 0x4044: 0x00c0, 0x4045: 0x00c0, + 0x4046: 0x00c0, 0x4047: 0x00c0, 0x4048: 0x00c0, 0x4049: 0x00c0, 0x404a: 0x00c0, 0x404b: 0x00c0, + 0x404c: 0x00c0, 0x404d: 0x00c0, 0x404e: 0x00c0, 0x404f: 0x00c0, 0x4050: 0x00c0, 0x4051: 0x00c0, + 0x4052: 0x00c0, 0x4053: 0x00c0, 0x4054: 0x00c0, 0x4055: 0x00c0, 0x4056: 0x00c0, 0x4057: 0x00c0, + 0x4058: 0x00c0, 0x4059: 0x00c0, 0x405a: 0x00c0, 0x405b: 0x00c0, 0x405c: 0x00c0, 0x405d: 0x00c0, + 0x405e: 0x00c0, 0x405f: 0x00c0, 0x4060: 0x00c0, 0x4061: 0x00c0, 0x4062: 0x00c0, 0x4063: 0x00c0, + 0x4064: 0x00c0, 0x4065: 0x00c0, 0x4066: 0x00c0, 0x4067: 0x00c0, 0x4068: 0x00c0, 0x4069: 0x00c0, + 0x406a: 0x0080, 0x406b: 0x0080, 0x406c: 0x0080, 0x406d: 0x0080, 0x406e: 0x0080, 0x406f: 0x0080, + 0x4070: 0x0080, 0x4071: 0x0080, 0x4072: 0x0080, + 0x407f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x102, offset 0x4080 + 0x4080: 0x00c0, 0x4081: 0x00c0, 0x4082: 0x00c0, 0x4083: 0x00c0, 0x4084: 0x00c0, 0x4085: 0x00c0, + 0x4086: 0x00c0, 0x4089: 0x00c0, + 0x408c: 0x00c0, 0x408d: 0x00c0, 0x408e: 0x00c0, 0x408f: 0x00c0, 0x4090: 0x00c0, 0x4091: 0x00c0, + 0x4092: 0x00c0, 0x4093: 0x00c0, 0x4095: 0x00c0, 0x4096: 0x00c0, + 0x4098: 0x00c0, 0x4099: 0x00c0, 0x409a: 0x00c0, 0x409b: 0x00c0, 0x409c: 0x00c0, 0x409d: 0x00c0, + 0x409e: 0x00c0, 0x409f: 0x00c0, 0x40a0: 0x00c0, 0x40a1: 0x00c0, 0x40a2: 0x00c0, 0x40a3: 0x00c0, + 0x40a4: 0x00c0, 0x40a5: 0x00c0, 0x40a6: 0x00c0, 0x40a7: 0x00c0, 0x40a8: 0x00c0, 0x40a9: 0x00c0, + 0x40aa: 0x00c0, 0x40ab: 0x00c0, 0x40ac: 0x00c0, 0x40ad: 0x00c0, 0x40ae: 0x00c0, 0x40af: 0x00c0, + 0x40b0: 0x00c0, 0x40b1: 0x00c0, 0x40b2: 0x00c0, 0x40b3: 0x00c0, 0x40b4: 0x00c0, 0x40b5: 0x00c0, + 0x40b7: 0x00c0, 0x40b8: 0x00c0, 0x40bb: 0x00c3, + 0x40bc: 0x00c3, 0x40bd: 0x00c5, 0x40be: 0x00c6, 0x40bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x103, offset 0x40c0 + 0x40c0: 0x00c0, 0x40c1: 0x00c0, 0x40c2: 0x00c0, 0x40c3: 0x00c3, 0x40c4: 0x0080, 0x40c5: 0x0080, + 0x40c6: 0x0080, + 0x40d0: 0x00c0, 0x40d1: 0x00c0, + 0x40d2: 0x00c0, 0x40d3: 0x00c0, 0x40d4: 0x00c0, 0x40d5: 0x00c0, 0x40d6: 0x00c0, 0x40d7: 0x00c0, + 0x40d8: 0x00c0, 0x40d9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x104, offset 0x4100 + 0x4120: 0x00c0, 0x4121: 0x00c0, 0x4122: 0x00c0, 0x4123: 0x00c0, + 0x4124: 0x00c0, 0x4125: 0x00c0, 0x4126: 0x00c0, 0x4127: 0x00c0, + 0x412a: 0x00c0, 0x412b: 0x00c0, 0x412c: 0x00c0, 0x412d: 0x00c0, 0x412e: 0x00c0, 0x412f: 0x00c0, + 0x4130: 0x00c0, 0x4131: 0x00c0, 0x4132: 0x00c0, 0x4133: 0x00c0, 0x4134: 0x00c0, 0x4135: 0x00c0, + 0x4136: 0x00c0, 0x4137: 0x00c0, 0x4138: 0x00c0, 0x4139: 0x00c0, 0x413a: 0x00c0, 0x413b: 0x00c0, + 0x413c: 0x00c0, 0x413d: 0x00c0, 0x413e: 0x00c0, 0x413f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x105, offset 0x4140 + 0x4140: 0x00c0, 0x4141: 0x00c0, 0x4142: 0x00c0, 0x4143: 0x00c0, 0x4144: 0x00c0, 0x4145: 0x00c0, + 0x4146: 0x00c0, 0x4147: 0x00c0, 0x4148: 0x00c0, 0x4149: 0x00c0, 0x414a: 0x00c0, 0x414b: 0x00c0, + 0x414c: 0x00c0, 0x414d: 0x00c0, 0x414e: 0x00c0, 0x414f: 0x00c0, 0x4150: 0x00c0, 0x4151: 0x00c0, + 0x4152: 0x00c0, 0x4153: 0x00c0, 0x4154: 0x00c3, 0x4155: 0x00c3, 0x4156: 0x00c3, 0x4157: 0x00c3, + 0x415a: 0x00c3, 0x415b: 0x00c3, 0x415c: 0x00c0, 0x415d: 0x00c0, + 0x415e: 0x00c0, 0x415f: 0x00c0, 0x4160: 0x00c6, 0x4161: 0x00c0, 0x4162: 0x0080, 0x4163: 0x00c0, + 0x4164: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x106, offset 0x4180 + 0x4180: 0x00c0, 0x4181: 0x00c3, 0x4182: 0x00c3, 0x4183: 0x00c3, 0x4184: 0x00c3, 0x4185: 0x00c3, + 0x4186: 0x00c3, 0x4187: 0x00c3, 0x4188: 0x00c3, 0x4189: 0x00c3, 0x418a: 0x00c3, 0x418b: 0x00c0, + 0x418c: 0x00c0, 0x418d: 0x00c0, 0x418e: 0x00c0, 0x418f: 0x00c0, 0x4190: 0x00c0, 0x4191: 0x00c0, + 0x4192: 0x00c0, 0x4193: 0x00c0, 0x4194: 0x00c0, 0x4195: 0x00c0, 0x4196: 0x00c0, 0x4197: 0x00c0, + 0x4198: 0x00c0, 0x4199: 0x00c0, 0x419a: 0x00c0, 0x419b: 0x00c0, 0x419c: 0x00c0, 0x419d: 0x00c0, + 0x419e: 0x00c0, 0x419f: 0x00c0, 0x41a0: 0x00c0, 0x41a1: 0x00c0, 0x41a2: 0x00c0, 0x41a3: 0x00c0, + 0x41a4: 0x00c0, 0x41a5: 0x00c0, 0x41a6: 0x00c0, 0x41a7: 0x00c0, 0x41a8: 0x00c0, 0x41a9: 0x00c0, + 0x41aa: 0x00c0, 0x41ab: 0x00c0, 0x41ac: 0x00c0, 0x41ad: 0x00c0, 0x41ae: 0x00c0, 0x41af: 0x00c0, + 0x41b0: 0x00c0, 0x41b1: 0x00c0, 0x41b2: 0x00c0, 0x41b3: 0x00c3, 0x41b4: 0x00c6, 0x41b5: 0x00c3, + 0x41b6: 0x00c3, 0x41b7: 0x00c3, 0x41b8: 0x00c3, 0x41b9: 0x00c0, 0x41ba: 0x00c0, 0x41bb: 0x00c3, + 0x41bc: 0x00c3, 0x41bd: 0x00c3, 0x41be: 0x00c3, 0x41bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x107, offset 0x41c0 + 0x41c0: 0x0080, 0x41c1: 0x0080, 0x41c2: 0x0080, 0x41c3: 0x0080, 0x41c4: 0x0080, 0x41c5: 0x0080, + 0x41c6: 0x0080, 0x41c7: 0x00c6, + 0x41d0: 0x00c0, 0x41d1: 0x00c3, + 0x41d2: 0x00c3, 0x41d3: 0x00c3, 0x41d4: 0x00c3, 0x41d5: 0x00c3, 0x41d6: 0x00c3, 0x41d7: 0x00c0, + 0x41d8: 0x00c0, 0x41d9: 0x00c3, 0x41da: 0x00c3, 0x41db: 0x00c3, 0x41dc: 0x00c0, 0x41dd: 0x00c0, + 0x41de: 0x00c0, 0x41df: 0x00c0, 0x41e0: 0x00c0, 0x41e1: 0x00c0, 0x41e2: 0x00c0, 0x41e3: 0x00c0, + 0x41e4: 0x00c0, 0x41e5: 0x00c0, 0x41e6: 0x00c0, 0x41e7: 0x00c0, 0x41e8: 0x00c0, 0x41e9: 0x00c0, + 0x41ea: 0x00c0, 0x41eb: 0x00c0, 0x41ec: 0x00c0, 0x41ed: 0x00c0, 0x41ee: 0x00c0, 0x41ef: 0x00c0, + 0x41f0: 0x00c0, 0x41f1: 0x00c0, 0x41f2: 0x00c0, 0x41f3: 0x00c0, 0x41f4: 0x00c0, 0x41f5: 0x00c0, + 0x41f6: 0x00c0, 0x41f7: 0x00c0, 0x41f8: 0x00c0, 0x41f9: 0x00c0, 0x41fa: 0x00c0, 0x41fb: 0x00c0, + 0x41fc: 0x00c0, 0x41fd: 0x00c0, 0x41fe: 0x00c0, 0x41ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x108, offset 0x4200 + 0x4200: 0x00c0, 0x4201: 0x00c0, 0x4202: 0x00c0, 0x4203: 0x00c0, 0x4204: 0x00c0, 0x4205: 0x00c0, + 0x4206: 0x00c0, 0x4207: 0x00c0, 0x4208: 0x00c0, 0x4209: 0x00c0, 0x420a: 0x00c3, 0x420b: 0x00c3, + 0x420c: 0x00c3, 0x420d: 0x00c3, 0x420e: 0x00c3, 0x420f: 0x00c3, 0x4210: 0x00c3, 0x4211: 0x00c3, + 0x4212: 0x00c3, 0x4213: 0x00c3, 0x4214: 0x00c3, 0x4215: 0x00c3, 0x4216: 0x00c3, 0x4217: 0x00c0, + 0x4218: 0x00c3, 0x4219: 0x00c6, 0x421a: 0x0080, 0x421b: 0x0080, 0x421c: 0x0080, 0x421d: 0x00c0, + 0x421e: 0x0080, 0x421f: 0x0080, 0x4220: 0x0080, 0x4221: 0x0080, 0x4222: 0x0080, + // Block 0x109, offset 0x4240 + 0x4240: 0x00c0, 0x4241: 0x00c0, 0x4242: 0x00c0, 0x4243: 0x00c0, 0x4244: 0x00c0, 0x4245: 0x00c0, + 0x4246: 0x00c0, 0x4247: 0x00c0, 0x4248: 0x00c0, 0x4249: 0x00c0, 0x424a: 0x00c0, 0x424b: 0x00c0, + 0x424c: 0x00c0, 0x424d: 0x00c0, 0x424e: 0x00c0, 0x424f: 0x00c0, 0x4250: 0x00c0, 0x4251: 0x00c0, + 0x4252: 0x00c0, 0x4253: 0x00c0, 0x4254: 0x00c0, 0x4255: 0x00c0, 0x4256: 0x00c0, 0x4257: 0x00c0, + 0x4258: 0x00c0, 0x4259: 0x00c0, 0x425a: 0x00c0, 0x425b: 0x00c0, 0x425c: 0x00c0, 0x425d: 0x00c0, + 0x425e: 0x00c0, 0x425f: 0x00c0, 0x4260: 0x00c0, 0x4261: 0x00c0, 0x4262: 0x00c0, 0x4263: 0x00c0, + 0x4264: 0x00c0, 0x4265: 0x00c0, 0x4266: 0x00c0, 0x4267: 0x00c0, 0x4268: 0x00c0, 0x4269: 0x00c0, + 0x426a: 0x00c0, 0x426b: 0x00c0, 0x426c: 0x00c0, 0x426d: 0x00c0, 0x426e: 0x00c0, 0x426f: 0x00c0, + 0x4270: 0x00c0, 0x4271: 0x00c0, 0x4272: 0x00c0, 0x4273: 0x00c0, 0x4274: 0x00c0, 0x4275: 0x00c0, + 0x4276: 0x00c0, 0x4277: 0x00c0, 0x4278: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10a, offset 0x4280 + 0x4280: 0x00c0, 0x4281: 0x00c0, 0x4282: 0x00c0, 0x4283: 0x00c0, 0x4284: 0x00c0, 0x4285: 0x00c0, + 0x4286: 0x00c0, 0x4287: 0x00c0, 0x4288: 0x00c0, 0x428a: 0x00c0, 0x428b: 0x00c0, + 0x428c: 0x00c0, 0x428d: 0x00c0, 0x428e: 0x00c0, 0x428f: 0x00c0, 0x4290: 0x00c0, 0x4291: 0x00c0, + 0x4292: 0x00c0, 0x4293: 0x00c0, 0x4294: 0x00c0, 0x4295: 0x00c0, 0x4296: 0x00c0, 0x4297: 0x00c0, + 0x4298: 0x00c0, 0x4299: 0x00c0, 0x429a: 0x00c0, 0x429b: 0x00c0, 0x429c: 0x00c0, 0x429d: 0x00c0, + 0x429e: 0x00c0, 0x429f: 0x00c0, 0x42a0: 0x00c0, 0x42a1: 0x00c0, 0x42a2: 0x00c0, 0x42a3: 0x00c0, + 0x42a4: 0x00c0, 0x42a5: 0x00c0, 0x42a6: 0x00c0, 0x42a7: 0x00c0, 0x42a8: 0x00c0, 0x42a9: 0x00c0, + 0x42aa: 0x00c0, 0x42ab: 0x00c0, 0x42ac: 0x00c0, 0x42ad: 0x00c0, 0x42ae: 0x00c0, 0x42af: 0x00c0, + 0x42b0: 0x00c3, 0x42b1: 0x00c3, 0x42b2: 0x00c3, 0x42b3: 0x00c3, 0x42b4: 0x00c3, 0x42b5: 0x00c3, + 0x42b6: 0x00c3, 0x42b8: 0x00c3, 0x42b9: 0x00c3, 0x42ba: 0x00c3, 0x42bb: 0x00c3, + 0x42bc: 0x00c3, 0x42bd: 0x00c3, 0x42be: 0x00c0, 0x42bf: 0x00c6, + // Block 0x10b, offset 0x42c0 + 0x42c0: 0x00c0, 0x42c1: 0x0080, 0x42c2: 0x0080, 0x42c3: 0x0080, 0x42c4: 0x0080, 0x42c5: 0x0080, + 0x42d0: 0x00c0, 0x42d1: 0x00c0, + 0x42d2: 0x00c0, 0x42d3: 0x00c0, 0x42d4: 0x00c0, 0x42d5: 0x00c0, 0x42d6: 0x00c0, 0x42d7: 0x00c0, + 0x42d8: 0x00c0, 0x42d9: 0x00c0, 0x42da: 0x0080, 0x42db: 0x0080, 0x42dc: 0x0080, 0x42dd: 0x0080, + 0x42de: 0x0080, 0x42df: 0x0080, 0x42e0: 0x0080, 0x42e1: 0x0080, 0x42e2: 0x0080, 0x42e3: 0x0080, + 0x42e4: 0x0080, 0x42e5: 0x0080, 0x42e6: 0x0080, 0x42e7: 0x0080, 0x42e8: 0x0080, 0x42e9: 0x0080, + 0x42ea: 0x0080, 0x42eb: 0x0080, 0x42ec: 0x0080, + 0x42f0: 0x0080, 0x42f1: 0x0080, 0x42f2: 0x00c0, 0x42f3: 0x00c0, 0x42f4: 0x00c0, 0x42f5: 0x00c0, + 0x42f6: 0x00c0, 0x42f7: 0x00c0, 0x42f8: 0x00c0, 0x42f9: 0x00c0, 0x42fa: 0x00c0, 0x42fb: 0x00c0, + 0x42fc: 0x00c0, 0x42fd: 0x00c0, 0x42fe: 0x00c0, 0x42ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10c, offset 0x4300 + 0x4300: 0x00c0, 0x4301: 0x00c0, 0x4302: 0x00c0, 0x4303: 0x00c0, 0x4304: 0x00c0, 0x4305: 0x00c0, + 0x4306: 0x00c0, 0x4307: 0x00c0, 0x4308: 0x00c0, 0x4309: 0x00c0, 0x430a: 0x00c0, 0x430b: 0x00c0, + 0x430c: 0x00c0, 0x430d: 0x00c0, 0x430e: 0x00c0, 0x430f: 0x00c0, + 0x4312: 0x00c3, 0x4313: 0x00c3, 0x4314: 0x00c3, 0x4315: 0x00c3, 0x4316: 0x00c3, 0x4317: 0x00c3, + 0x4318: 0x00c3, 0x4319: 0x00c3, 0x431a: 0x00c3, 0x431b: 0x00c3, 0x431c: 0x00c3, 0x431d: 0x00c3, + 0x431e: 0x00c3, 0x431f: 0x00c3, 0x4320: 0x00c3, 0x4321: 0x00c3, 0x4322: 0x00c3, 0x4323: 0x00c3, + 0x4324: 0x00c3, 0x4325: 0x00c3, 0x4326: 0x00c3, 0x4327: 0x00c3, 0x4329: 0x00c0, + 0x432a: 0x00c3, 0x432b: 0x00c3, 0x432c: 0x00c3, 0x432d: 0x00c3, 0x432e: 0x00c3, 0x432f: 0x00c3, + 0x4330: 0x00c3, 0x4331: 0x00c0, 0x4332: 0x00c3, 0x4333: 0x00c3, 0x4334: 0x00c0, 0x4335: 0x00c3, + 0x4336: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x10d, offset 0x4340 + 0x4340: 0x00c0, 0x4341: 0x00c0, 0x4342: 0x00c0, 0x4343: 0x00c0, 0x4344: 0x00c0, 0x4345: 0x00c0, + 0x4346: 0x00c0, 0x4348: 0x00c0, 0x4349: 0x00c0, 0x434b: 0x00c0, + 0x434c: 0x00c0, 0x434d: 0x00c0, 0x434e: 0x00c0, 0x434f: 0x00c0, 0x4350: 0x00c0, 0x4351: 0x00c0, + 0x4352: 0x00c0, 0x4353: 0x00c0, 0x4354: 0x00c0, 0x4355: 0x00c0, 0x4356: 0x00c0, 0x4357: 0x00c0, + 0x4358: 0x00c0, 0x4359: 0x00c0, 0x435a: 0x00c0, 0x435b: 0x00c0, 0x435c: 0x00c0, 0x435d: 0x00c0, + 0x435e: 0x00c0, 0x435f: 0x00c0, 0x4360: 0x00c0, 0x4361: 0x00c0, 0x4362: 0x00c0, 0x4363: 0x00c0, + 0x4364: 0x00c0, 0x4365: 0x00c0, 0x4366: 0x00c0, 0x4367: 0x00c0, 0x4368: 0x00c0, 0x4369: 0x00c0, + 0x436a: 0x00c0, 0x436b: 0x00c0, 0x436c: 0x00c0, 0x436d: 0x00c0, 0x436e: 0x00c0, 0x436f: 0x00c0, + 0x4370: 0x00c0, 0x4371: 0x00c3, 0x4372: 0x00c3, 0x4373: 0x00c3, 0x4374: 0x00c3, 0x4375: 0x00c3, + 0x4376: 0x00c3, 0x437a: 0x00c3, + 0x437c: 0x00c3, 0x437d: 0x00c3, 0x437f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x10e, offset 0x4380 + 0x4380: 0x00c3, 0x4381: 0x00c3, 0x4382: 0x00c3, 0x4383: 0x00c3, 0x4384: 0x00c6, 0x4385: 0x00c6, + 0x4386: 0x00c0, 0x4387: 0x00c3, + 0x4390: 0x00c0, 0x4391: 0x00c0, + 0x4392: 0x00c0, 0x4393: 0x00c0, 0x4394: 0x00c0, 0x4395: 0x00c0, 0x4396: 0x00c0, 0x4397: 0x00c0, + 0x4398: 0x00c0, 0x4399: 0x00c0, + 0x43a0: 0x00c0, 0x43a1: 0x00c0, 0x43a2: 0x00c0, 0x43a3: 0x00c0, + 0x43a4: 0x00c0, 0x43a5: 0x00c0, 0x43a7: 0x00c0, 0x43a8: 0x00c0, + 0x43aa: 0x00c0, 0x43ab: 0x00c0, 0x43ac: 0x00c0, 0x43ad: 0x00c0, 0x43ae: 0x00c0, 0x43af: 0x00c0, + 0x43b0: 0x00c0, 0x43b1: 0x00c0, 0x43b2: 0x00c0, 0x43b3: 0x00c0, 0x43b4: 0x00c0, 0x43b5: 0x00c0, + 0x43b6: 0x00c0, 0x43b7: 0x00c0, 0x43b8: 0x00c0, 0x43b9: 0x00c0, 0x43ba: 0x00c0, 0x43bb: 0x00c0, + 0x43bc: 0x00c0, 0x43bd: 0x00c0, 0x43be: 0x00c0, 0x43bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10f, offset 0x43c0 + 0x43c0: 0x00c0, 0x43c1: 0x00c0, 0x43c2: 0x00c0, 0x43c3: 0x00c0, 0x43c4: 0x00c0, 0x43c5: 0x00c0, + 0x43c6: 0x00c0, 0x43c7: 0x00c0, 0x43c8: 0x00c0, 0x43c9: 0x00c0, 0x43ca: 0x00c0, 0x43cb: 0x00c0, + 0x43cc: 0x00c0, 0x43cd: 0x00c0, 0x43ce: 0x00c0, 0x43d0: 0x00c3, 0x43d1: 0x00c3, + 0x43d3: 0x00c0, 0x43d4: 0x00c0, 0x43d5: 0x00c3, 0x43d6: 0x00c0, 0x43d7: 0x00c6, + 0x43d8: 0x00c0, + 0x43e0: 0x00c0, 0x43e1: 0x00c0, 0x43e2: 0x00c0, 0x43e3: 0x00c0, + 0x43e4: 0x00c0, 0x43e5: 0x00c0, 0x43e6: 0x00c0, 0x43e7: 0x00c0, 0x43e8: 0x00c0, 0x43e9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x110, offset 0x4400 + 0x4420: 0x00c0, 0x4421: 0x00c0, 0x4422: 0x00c0, 0x4423: 0x00c0, + 0x4424: 0x00c0, 0x4425: 0x00c0, 0x4426: 0x00c0, 0x4427: 0x00c0, 0x4428: 0x00c0, 0x4429: 0x00c0, + 0x442a: 0x00c0, 0x442b: 0x00c0, 0x442c: 0x00c0, 0x442d: 0x00c0, 0x442e: 0x00c0, 0x442f: 0x00c0, + 0x4430: 0x00c0, 0x4431: 0x00c0, 0x4432: 0x00c0, 0x4433: 0x00c3, 0x4434: 0x00c3, 0x4435: 0x00c0, + 0x4436: 0x00c0, 0x4437: 0x0080, 0x4438: 0x0080, + // Block 0x111, offset 0x4440 + 0x4470: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x112, offset 0x4480 + 0x4480: 0x0080, 0x4481: 0x0080, 0x4482: 0x0080, 0x4483: 0x0080, 0x4484: 0x0080, 0x4485: 0x0080, + 0x4486: 0x0080, 0x4487: 0x0080, 0x4488: 0x0080, 0x4489: 0x0080, 0x448a: 0x0080, 0x448b: 0x0080, + 0x448c: 0x0080, 0x448d: 0x0080, 0x448e: 0x0080, 0x448f: 0x0080, 0x4490: 0x0080, 0x4491: 0x0080, + 0x4492: 0x0080, 0x4493: 0x0080, 0x4494: 0x0080, 0x4495: 0x0080, 0x4496: 0x0080, 0x4497: 0x0080, + 0x4498: 0x0080, 0x4499: 0x0080, 0x449a: 0x0080, 0x449b: 0x0080, 0x449c: 0x0080, 0x449d: 0x0080, + 0x449e: 0x0080, 0x449f: 0x0080, 0x44a0: 0x0080, 0x44a1: 0x0080, 0x44a2: 0x0080, 0x44a3: 0x0080, + 0x44a4: 0x0080, 0x44a5: 0x0080, 0x44a6: 0x0080, 0x44a7: 0x0080, 0x44a8: 0x0080, 0x44a9: 0x0080, + 0x44aa: 0x0080, 0x44ab: 0x0080, 0x44ac: 0x0080, 0x44ad: 0x0080, 0x44ae: 0x0080, 0x44af: 0x0080, + 0x44b0: 0x0080, 0x44b1: 0x0080, + 0x44bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x113, offset 0x44c0 + 0x44c0: 0x00c0, 0x44c1: 0x00c0, 0x44c2: 0x00c0, 0x44c3: 0x00c0, 0x44c4: 0x00c0, 0x44c5: 0x00c0, + 0x44c6: 0x00c0, 0x44c7: 0x00c0, 0x44c8: 0x00c0, 0x44c9: 0x00c0, 0x44ca: 0x00c0, 0x44cb: 0x00c0, + 0x44cc: 0x00c0, 0x44cd: 0x00c0, 0x44ce: 0x00c0, 0x44cf: 0x00c0, 0x44d0: 0x00c0, 0x44d1: 0x00c0, + 0x44d2: 0x00c0, 0x44d3: 0x00c0, 0x44d4: 0x00c0, 0x44d5: 0x00c0, 0x44d6: 0x00c0, 0x44d7: 0x00c0, + 0x44d8: 0x00c0, 0x44d9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x114, offset 0x4500 + 0x4500: 0x0080, 0x4501: 0x0080, 0x4502: 0x0080, 0x4503: 0x0080, 0x4504: 0x0080, 0x4505: 0x0080, + 0x4506: 0x0080, 0x4507: 0x0080, 0x4508: 0x0080, 0x4509: 0x0080, 0x450a: 0x0080, 0x450b: 0x0080, + 0x450c: 0x0080, 0x450d: 0x0080, 0x450e: 0x0080, 0x450f: 0x0080, 0x4510: 0x0080, 0x4511: 0x0080, + 0x4512: 0x0080, 0x4513: 0x0080, 0x4514: 0x0080, 0x4515: 0x0080, 0x4516: 0x0080, 0x4517: 0x0080, + 0x4518: 0x0080, 0x4519: 0x0080, 0x451a: 0x0080, 0x451b: 0x0080, 0x451c: 0x0080, 0x451d: 0x0080, + 0x451e: 0x0080, 0x451f: 0x0080, 0x4520: 0x0080, 0x4521: 0x0080, 0x4522: 0x0080, 0x4523: 0x0080, + 0x4524: 0x0080, 0x4525: 0x0080, 0x4526: 0x0080, 0x4527: 0x0080, 0x4528: 0x0080, 0x4529: 0x0080, + 0x452a: 0x0080, 0x452b: 0x0080, 0x452c: 0x0080, 0x452d: 0x0080, 0x452e: 0x0080, + 0x4530: 0x0080, 0x4531: 0x0080, 0x4532: 0x0080, 0x4533: 0x0080, 0x4534: 0x0080, + // Block 0x115, offset 0x4540 + 0x4540: 0x00c0, 0x4541: 0x00c0, 0x4542: 0x00c0, 0x4543: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x116, offset 0x4580 + 0x4580: 0x00c0, 0x4581: 0x00c0, 0x4582: 0x00c0, 0x4583: 0x00c0, 0x4584: 0x00c0, 0x4585: 0x00c0, + 0x4586: 0x00c0, 0x4587: 0x00c0, 0x4588: 0x00c0, 0x4589: 0x00c0, 0x458a: 0x00c0, 0x458b: 0x00c0, + 0x458c: 0x00c0, 0x458d: 0x00c0, 0x458e: 0x00c0, 0x458f: 0x00c0, 0x4590: 0x00c0, 0x4591: 0x00c0, + 0x4592: 0x00c0, 0x4593: 0x00c0, 0x4594: 0x00c0, 0x4595: 0x00c0, 0x4596: 0x00c0, 0x4597: 0x00c0, + 0x4598: 0x00c0, 0x4599: 0x00c0, 0x459a: 0x00c0, 0x459b: 0x00c0, 0x459c: 0x00c0, 0x459d: 0x00c0, + 0x459e: 0x00c0, 0x459f: 0x00c0, 0x45a0: 0x00c0, 0x45a1: 0x00c0, 0x45a2: 0x00c0, 0x45a3: 0x00c0, + 0x45a4: 0x00c0, 0x45a5: 0x00c0, 0x45a6: 0x00c0, 0x45a7: 0x00c0, 0x45a8: 0x00c0, 0x45a9: 0x00c0, + 0x45aa: 0x00c0, 0x45ab: 0x00c0, 0x45ac: 0x00c0, 0x45ad: 0x00c0, 0x45ae: 0x00c0, + 0x45b0: 0x0040, 0x45b1: 0x0040, 0x45b2: 0x0040, 0x45b3: 0x0040, 0x45b4: 0x0040, 0x45b5: 0x0040, + 0x45b6: 0x0040, 0x45b7: 0x0040, 0x45b8: 0x0040, + // Block 0x117, offset 0x45c0 + 0x45c0: 0x00c0, 0x45c1: 0x00c0, 0x45c2: 0x00c0, 0x45c3: 0x00c0, 0x45c4: 0x00c0, 0x45c5: 0x00c0, + 0x45c6: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x118, offset 0x4600 + 0x4600: 0x00c0, 0x4601: 0x00c0, 0x4602: 0x00c0, 0x4603: 0x00c0, 0x4604: 0x00c0, 0x4605: 0x00c0, + 0x4606: 0x00c0, 0x4607: 0x00c0, 0x4608: 0x00c0, 0x4609: 0x00c0, 0x460a: 0x00c0, 0x460b: 0x00c0, + 0x460c: 0x00c0, 0x460d: 0x00c0, 0x460e: 0x00c0, 0x460f: 0x00c0, 0x4610: 0x00c0, 0x4611: 0x00c0, + 0x4612: 0x00c0, 0x4613: 0x00c0, 0x4614: 0x00c0, 0x4615: 0x00c0, 0x4616: 0x00c0, 0x4617: 0x00c0, + 0x4618: 0x00c0, 0x4619: 0x00c0, 0x461a: 0x00c0, 0x461b: 0x00c0, 0x461c: 0x00c0, 0x461d: 0x00c0, + 0x461e: 0x00c0, 0x4620: 0x00c0, 0x4621: 0x00c0, 0x4622: 0x00c0, 0x4623: 0x00c0, + 0x4624: 0x00c0, 0x4625: 0x00c0, 0x4626: 0x00c0, 0x4627: 0x00c0, 0x4628: 0x00c0, 0x4629: 0x00c0, + 0x462e: 0x0080, 0x462f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x119, offset 0x4640 + 0x4650: 0x00c0, 0x4651: 0x00c0, + 0x4652: 0x00c0, 0x4653: 0x00c0, 0x4654: 0x00c0, 0x4655: 0x00c0, 0x4656: 0x00c0, 0x4657: 0x00c0, + 0x4658: 0x00c0, 0x4659: 0x00c0, 0x465a: 0x00c0, 0x465b: 0x00c0, 0x465c: 0x00c0, 0x465d: 0x00c0, + 0x465e: 0x00c0, 0x465f: 0x00c0, 0x4660: 0x00c0, 0x4661: 0x00c0, 0x4662: 0x00c0, 0x4663: 0x00c0, + 0x4664: 0x00c0, 0x4665: 0x00c0, 0x4666: 0x00c0, 0x4667: 0x00c0, 0x4668: 0x00c0, 0x4669: 0x00c0, + 0x466a: 0x00c0, 0x466b: 0x00c0, 0x466c: 0x00c0, 0x466d: 0x00c0, + 0x4670: 0x00c3, 0x4671: 0x00c3, 0x4672: 0x00c3, 0x4673: 0x00c3, 0x4674: 0x00c3, 0x4675: 0x0080, + // Block 0x11a, offset 0x4680 + 0x4680: 0x00c0, 0x4681: 0x00c0, 0x4682: 0x00c0, 0x4683: 0x00c0, 0x4684: 0x00c0, 0x4685: 0x00c0, + 0x4686: 0x00c0, 0x4687: 0x00c0, 0x4688: 0x00c0, 0x4689: 0x00c0, 0x468a: 0x00c0, 0x468b: 0x00c0, + 0x468c: 0x00c0, 0x468d: 0x00c0, 0x468e: 0x00c0, 0x468f: 0x00c0, 0x4690: 0x00c0, 0x4691: 0x00c0, + 0x4692: 0x00c0, 0x4693: 0x00c0, 0x4694: 0x00c0, 0x4695: 0x00c0, 0x4696: 0x00c0, 0x4697: 0x00c0, + 0x4698: 0x00c0, 0x4699: 0x00c0, 0x469a: 0x00c0, 0x469b: 0x00c0, 0x469c: 0x00c0, 0x469d: 0x00c0, + 0x469e: 0x00c0, 0x469f: 0x00c0, 0x46a0: 0x00c0, 0x46a1: 0x00c0, 0x46a2: 0x00c0, 0x46a3: 0x00c0, + 0x46a4: 0x00c0, 0x46a5: 0x00c0, 0x46a6: 0x00c0, 0x46a7: 0x00c0, 0x46a8: 0x00c0, 0x46a9: 0x00c0, + 0x46aa: 0x00c0, 0x46ab: 0x00c0, 0x46ac: 0x00c0, 0x46ad: 0x00c0, 0x46ae: 0x00c0, 0x46af: 0x00c0, + 0x46b0: 0x00c3, 0x46b1: 0x00c3, 0x46b2: 0x00c3, 0x46b3: 0x00c3, 0x46b4: 0x00c3, 0x46b5: 0x00c3, + 0x46b6: 0x00c3, 0x46b7: 0x0080, 0x46b8: 0x0080, 0x46b9: 0x0080, 0x46ba: 0x0080, 0x46bb: 0x0080, + 0x46bc: 0x0080, 0x46bd: 0x0080, 0x46be: 0x0080, 0x46bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x11b, offset 0x46c0 + 0x46c0: 0x00c0, 0x46c1: 0x00c0, 0x46c2: 0x00c0, 0x46c3: 0x00c0, 0x46c4: 0x0080, 0x46c5: 0x0080, + 0x46d0: 0x00c0, 0x46d1: 0x00c0, + 0x46d2: 0x00c0, 0x46d3: 0x00c0, 0x46d4: 0x00c0, 0x46d5: 0x00c0, 0x46d6: 0x00c0, 0x46d7: 0x00c0, + 0x46d8: 0x00c0, 0x46d9: 0x00c0, 0x46db: 0x0080, 0x46dc: 0x0080, 0x46dd: 0x0080, + 0x46de: 0x0080, 0x46df: 0x0080, 0x46e0: 0x0080, 0x46e1: 0x0080, 0x46e3: 0x00c0, + 0x46e4: 0x00c0, 0x46e5: 0x00c0, 0x46e6: 0x00c0, 0x46e7: 0x00c0, 0x46e8: 0x00c0, 0x46e9: 0x00c0, + 0x46ea: 0x00c0, 0x46eb: 0x00c0, 0x46ec: 0x00c0, 0x46ed: 0x00c0, 0x46ee: 0x00c0, 0x46ef: 0x00c0, + 0x46f0: 0x00c0, 0x46f1: 0x00c0, 0x46f2: 0x00c0, 0x46f3: 0x00c0, 0x46f4: 0x00c0, 0x46f5: 0x00c0, + 0x46f6: 0x00c0, 0x46f7: 0x00c0, + 0x46fd: 0x00c0, 0x46fe: 0x00c0, 0x46ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11c, offset 0x4700 + 0x4700: 0x00c0, 0x4701: 0x00c0, 0x4702: 0x00c0, 0x4703: 0x00c0, 0x4704: 0x00c0, 0x4705: 0x00c0, + 0x4706: 0x00c0, 0x4707: 0x00c0, 0x4708: 0x00c0, 0x4709: 0x00c0, 0x470a: 0x00c0, 0x470b: 0x00c0, + 0x470c: 0x00c0, 0x470d: 0x00c0, 0x470e: 0x00c0, 0x470f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11d, offset 0x4740 + 0x4740: 0x0080, 0x4741: 0x0080, 0x4742: 0x0080, 0x4743: 0x0080, 0x4744: 0x0080, 0x4745: 0x0080, + 0x4746: 0x0080, 0x4747: 0x0080, 0x4748: 0x0080, 0x4749: 0x0080, 0x474a: 0x0080, 0x474b: 0x0080, + 0x474c: 0x0080, 0x474d: 0x0080, 0x474e: 0x0080, 0x474f: 0x0080, 0x4750: 0x0080, 0x4751: 0x0080, + 0x4752: 0x0080, 0x4753: 0x0080, 0x4754: 0x0080, 0x4755: 0x0080, 0x4756: 0x0080, 0x4757: 0x0080, + 0x4758: 0x0080, 0x4759: 0x0080, 0x475a: 0x0080, + // Block 0x11e, offset 0x4780 + 0x4780: 0x00c0, 0x4781: 0x00c0, 0x4782: 0x00c0, 0x4783: 0x00c0, 0x4784: 0x00c0, 0x4785: 0x00c0, + 0x4786: 0x00c0, 0x4787: 0x00c0, 0x4788: 0x00c0, 0x4789: 0x00c0, 0x478a: 0x00c0, + 0x478f: 0x00c3, 0x4790: 0x00c0, 0x4791: 0x00c0, + 0x4792: 0x00c0, 0x4793: 0x00c0, 0x4794: 0x00c0, 0x4795: 0x00c0, 0x4796: 0x00c0, 0x4797: 0x00c0, + 0x4798: 0x00c0, 0x4799: 0x00c0, 0x479a: 0x00c0, 0x479b: 0x00c0, 0x479c: 0x00c0, 0x479d: 0x00c0, + 0x479e: 0x00c0, 0x479f: 0x00c0, 0x47a0: 0x00c0, 0x47a1: 0x00c0, 0x47a2: 0x00c0, 0x47a3: 0x00c0, + 0x47a4: 0x00c0, 0x47a5: 0x00c0, 0x47a6: 0x00c0, 0x47a7: 0x00c0, 0x47a8: 0x00c0, 0x47a9: 0x00c0, + 0x47aa: 0x00c0, 0x47ab: 0x00c0, 0x47ac: 0x00c0, 0x47ad: 0x00c0, 0x47ae: 0x00c0, 0x47af: 0x00c0, + 0x47b0: 0x00c0, 0x47b1: 0x00c0, 0x47b2: 0x00c0, 0x47b3: 0x00c0, 0x47b4: 0x00c0, 0x47b5: 0x00c0, + 0x47b6: 0x00c0, 0x47b7: 0x00c0, 0x47b8: 0x00c0, 0x47b9: 0x00c0, 0x47ba: 0x00c0, 0x47bb: 0x00c0, + 0x47bc: 0x00c0, 0x47bd: 0x00c0, 0x47be: 0x00c0, 0x47bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11f, offset 0x47c0 + 0x47c0: 0x00c0, 0x47c1: 0x00c0, 0x47c2: 0x00c0, 0x47c3: 0x00c0, 0x47c4: 0x00c0, 0x47c5: 0x00c0, + 0x47c6: 0x00c0, 0x47c7: 0x00c0, + 0x47cf: 0x00c3, 0x47d0: 0x00c3, 0x47d1: 0x00c3, + 0x47d2: 0x00c3, 0x47d3: 0x00c0, 0x47d4: 0x00c0, 0x47d5: 0x00c0, 0x47d6: 0x00c0, 0x47d7: 0x00c0, + 0x47d8: 0x00c0, 0x47d9: 0x00c0, 0x47da: 0x00c0, 0x47db: 0x00c0, 0x47dc: 0x00c0, 0x47dd: 0x00c0, + 0x47de: 0x00c0, 0x47df: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x120, offset 0x4800 + 0x4820: 0x00c0, 0x4821: 0x00c0, 0x4822: 0x0080, 0x4823: 0x00c0, + 0x4824: 0x00c3, + 0x4830: 0x00cc, 0x4831: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x121, offset 0x4840 + 0x4840: 0x00c0, 0x4841: 0x00c0, 0x4842: 0x00c0, 0x4843: 0x00c0, 0x4844: 0x00c0, 0x4845: 0x00c0, + 0x4846: 0x00c0, 0x4847: 0x00c0, 0x4848: 0x00c0, 0x4849: 0x00c0, 0x484a: 0x00c0, 0x484b: 0x00c0, + 0x484c: 0x00c0, 0x484d: 0x00c0, 0x484e: 0x00c0, 0x484f: 0x00c0, 0x4850: 0x00c0, 0x4851: 0x00c0, + 0x4852: 0x00c0, 0x4853: 0x00c0, 0x4854: 0x00c0, 0x4855: 0x00c0, 0x4856: 0x00c0, 0x4857: 0x00c0, + 0x4858: 0x00c0, 0x4859: 0x00c0, 0x485a: 0x00c0, 0x485b: 0x00c0, 0x485c: 0x00c0, 0x485d: 0x00c0, + 0x485e: 0x00c0, 0x485f: 0x00c0, 0x4860: 0x00c0, 0x4861: 0x00c0, 0x4862: 0x00c0, 0x4863: 0x00c0, + 0x4864: 0x00c0, 0x4865: 0x00c0, 0x4866: 0x00c0, 0x4867: 0x00c0, 0x4868: 0x00c0, 0x4869: 0x00c0, + 0x486a: 0x00c0, 0x486b: 0x00c0, 0x486c: 0x00c0, 0x486d: 0x00c0, 0x486e: 0x00c0, 0x486f: 0x00c0, + 0x4870: 0x00c0, 0x4871: 0x00c0, 0x4872: 0x00c0, 0x4873: 0x00c0, 0x4874: 0x00c0, 0x4875: 0x00c0, + 0x4876: 0x00c0, 0x4877: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x122, offset 0x4880 + 0x4880: 0x00c0, 0x4881: 0x00c0, 0x4882: 0x00c0, 0x4883: 0x00c0, 0x4884: 0x00c0, 0x4885: 0x00c0, + 0x4886: 0x00c0, 0x4887: 0x00c0, 0x4888: 0x00c0, 0x4889: 0x00c0, 0x488a: 0x00c0, 0x488b: 0x00c0, + 0x488c: 0x00c0, 0x488d: 0x00c0, 0x488e: 0x00c0, 0x488f: 0x00c0, 0x4890: 0x00c0, 0x4891: 0x00c0, + 0x4892: 0x00c0, 0x4893: 0x00c0, 0x4894: 0x00c0, 0x4895: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x123, offset 0x48c0 + 0x48c0: 0x00cc, 0x48c1: 0x00cc, 0x48c2: 0x00cc, 0x48c3: 0x00cc, 0x48c4: 0x00cc, 0x48c5: 0x00cc, + 0x48c6: 0x00cc, 0x48c7: 0x00cc, 0x48c8: 0x00cc, 0x48c9: 0x00cc, 0x48ca: 0x00cc, 0x48cb: 0x00cc, + 0x48cc: 0x00cc, 0x48cd: 0x00cc, 0x48ce: 0x00cc, 0x48cf: 0x00cc, 0x48d0: 0x00cc, 0x48d1: 0x00cc, + 0x48d2: 0x00cc, 0x48d3: 0x00cc, 0x48d4: 0x00cc, 0x48d5: 0x00cc, 0x48d6: 0x00cc, 0x48d7: 0x00cc, + 0x48d8: 0x00cc, 0x48d9: 0x00cc, 0x48da: 0x00cc, 0x48db: 0x00cc, 0x48dc: 0x00cc, 0x48dd: 0x00cc, + 0x48de: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x124, offset 0x4900 + 0x4910: 0x00cc, 0x4911: 0x00cc, + 0x4912: 0x00cc, + 0x4924: 0x00cc, 0x4925: 0x00cc, 0x4926: 0x00cc, 0x4927: 0x00cc, + 0x4930: 0x00c0, 0x4931: 0x00c0, 0x4932: 0x00c0, 0x4933: 0x00c0, 0x4934: 0x00c0, 0x4935: 0x00c0, + 0x4936: 0x00c0, 0x4937: 0x00c0, 0x4938: 0x00c0, 0x4939: 0x00c0, 0x493a: 0x00c0, 0x493b: 0x00c0, + 0x493c: 0x00c0, 0x493d: 0x00c0, 0x493e: 0x00c0, 0x493f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x125, offset 0x4940 + 0x4940: 0x00c0, 0x4941: 0x00c0, 0x4942: 0x00c0, 0x4943: 0x00c0, 0x4944: 0x00c0, 0x4945: 0x00c0, + 0x4946: 0x00c0, 0x4947: 0x00c0, 0x4948: 0x00c0, 0x4949: 0x00c0, 0x494a: 0x00c0, 0x494b: 0x00c0, + 0x494c: 0x00c0, 0x494d: 0x00c0, 0x494e: 0x00c0, 0x494f: 0x00c0, 0x4950: 0x00c0, 0x4951: 0x00c0, + 0x4952: 0x00c0, 0x4953: 0x00c0, 0x4954: 0x00c0, 0x4955: 0x00c0, 0x4956: 0x00c0, 0x4957: 0x00c0, + 0x4958: 0x00c0, 0x4959: 0x00c0, 0x495a: 0x00c0, 0x495b: 0x00c0, 0x495c: 0x00c0, 0x495d: 0x00c0, + 0x495e: 0x00c0, 0x495f: 0x00c0, 0x4960: 0x00c0, 0x4961: 0x00c0, 0x4962: 0x00c0, 0x4963: 0x00c0, + 0x4964: 0x00c0, 0x4965: 0x00c0, 0x4966: 0x00c0, 0x4967: 0x00c0, 0x4968: 0x00c0, 0x4969: 0x00c0, + 0x496a: 0x00c0, 0x496b: 0x00c0, 0x496c: 0x00c0, 0x496d: 0x00c0, 0x496e: 0x00c0, 0x496f: 0x00c0, + 0x4970: 0x00c0, 0x4971: 0x00c0, 0x4972: 0x00c0, 0x4973: 0x00c0, 0x4974: 0x00c0, 0x4975: 0x00c0, + 0x4976: 0x00c0, 0x4977: 0x00c0, 0x4978: 0x00c0, 0x4979: 0x00c0, 0x497a: 0x00c0, 0x497b: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x126, offset 0x4980 + 0x4980: 0x00c0, 0x4981: 0x00c0, 0x4982: 0x00c0, 0x4983: 0x00c0, 0x4984: 0x00c0, 0x4985: 0x00c0, + 0x4986: 0x00c0, 0x4987: 0x00c0, 0x4988: 0x00c0, 0x4989: 0x00c0, 0x498a: 0x00c0, 0x498b: 0x00c0, + 0x498c: 0x00c0, 0x498d: 0x00c0, 0x498e: 0x00c0, 0x498f: 0x00c0, 0x4990: 0x00c0, 0x4991: 0x00c0, + 0x4992: 0x00c0, 0x4993: 0x00c0, 0x4994: 0x00c0, 0x4995: 0x00c0, 0x4996: 0x00c0, 0x4997: 0x00c0, + 0x4998: 0x00c0, 0x4999: 0x00c0, 0x499a: 0x00c0, 0x499b: 0x00c0, 0x499c: 0x00c0, 0x499d: 0x00c0, + 0x499e: 0x00c0, 0x499f: 0x00c0, 0x49a0: 0x00c0, 0x49a1: 0x00c0, 0x49a2: 0x00c0, 0x49a3: 0x00c0, + 0x49a4: 0x00c0, 0x49a5: 0x00c0, 0x49a6: 0x00c0, 0x49a7: 0x00c0, 0x49a8: 0x00c0, 0x49a9: 0x00c0, + 0x49aa: 0x00c0, + 0x49b0: 0x00c0, 0x49b1: 0x00c0, 0x49b2: 0x00c0, 0x49b3: 0x00c0, 0x49b4: 0x00c0, 0x49b5: 0x00c0, + 0x49b6: 0x00c0, 0x49b7: 0x00c0, 0x49b8: 0x00c0, 0x49b9: 0x00c0, 0x49ba: 0x00c0, 0x49bb: 0x00c0, + 0x49bc: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x127, offset 0x49c0 + 0x49c0: 0x00c0, 0x49c1: 0x00c0, 0x49c2: 0x00c0, 0x49c3: 0x00c0, 0x49c4: 0x00c0, 0x49c5: 0x00c0, + 0x49c6: 0x00c0, 0x49c7: 0x00c0, 0x49c8: 0x00c0, + 0x49d0: 0x00c0, 0x49d1: 0x00c0, + 0x49d2: 0x00c0, 0x49d3: 0x00c0, 0x49d4: 0x00c0, 0x49d5: 0x00c0, 0x49d6: 0x00c0, 0x49d7: 0x00c0, + 0x49d8: 0x00c0, 0x49d9: 0x00c0, 0x49dc: 0x0080, 0x49dd: 0x00c3, + 0x49de: 0x00c3, 0x49df: 0x0080, 0x49e0: 0x0040, 0x49e1: 0x0040, 0x49e2: 0x0040, 0x49e3: 0x0040, + // Block 0x128, offset 0x4a00 + 0x4a00: 0x0080, 0x4a01: 0x0080, 0x4a02: 0x0080, 0x4a03: 0x0080, 0x4a04: 0x0080, 0x4a05: 0x0080, + 0x4a06: 0x0080, 0x4a07: 0x0080, 0x4a08: 0x0080, 0x4a09: 0x0080, 0x4a0a: 0x0080, 0x4a0b: 0x0080, + 0x4a0c: 0x0080, 0x4a0d: 0x0080, 0x4a0e: 0x0080, 0x4a0f: 0x0080, 0x4a10: 0x0080, 0x4a11: 0x0080, + 0x4a12: 0x0080, 0x4a13: 0x0080, 0x4a14: 0x0080, 0x4a15: 0x0080, 0x4a16: 0x0080, 0x4a17: 0x0080, + 0x4a18: 0x0080, 0x4a19: 0x0080, 0x4a1a: 0x0080, 0x4a1b: 0x0080, 0x4a1c: 0x0080, 0x4a1d: 0x0080, + 0x4a1e: 0x0080, 0x4a1f: 0x0080, 0x4a20: 0x0080, 0x4a21: 0x0080, 0x4a22: 0x0080, 0x4a23: 0x0080, + 0x4a24: 0x0080, 0x4a25: 0x0080, 0x4a26: 0x0080, 0x4a27: 0x0080, 0x4a28: 0x0080, 0x4a29: 0x0080, + 0x4a2a: 0x0080, 0x4a2b: 0x0080, 0x4a2c: 0x0080, 0x4a2d: 0x0080, 0x4a2e: 0x0080, 0x4a2f: 0x0080, + 0x4a30: 0x0080, 0x4a31: 0x0080, 0x4a32: 0x0080, 0x4a33: 0x0080, 0x4a34: 0x0080, 0x4a35: 0x0080, + // Block 0x129, offset 0x4a40 + 0x4a40: 0x0080, 0x4a41: 0x0080, 0x4a42: 0x0080, 0x4a43: 0x0080, 0x4a44: 0x0080, 0x4a45: 0x0080, + 0x4a46: 0x0080, 0x4a47: 0x0080, 0x4a48: 0x0080, 0x4a49: 0x0080, 0x4a4a: 0x0080, 0x4a4b: 0x0080, + 0x4a4c: 0x0080, 0x4a4d: 0x0080, 0x4a4e: 0x0080, 0x4a4f: 0x0080, 0x4a50: 0x0080, 0x4a51: 0x0080, + 0x4a52: 0x0080, 0x4a53: 0x0080, 0x4a54: 0x0080, 0x4a55: 0x0080, 0x4a56: 0x0080, 0x4a57: 0x0080, + 0x4a58: 0x0080, 0x4a59: 0x0080, 0x4a5a: 0x0080, 0x4a5b: 0x0080, 0x4a5c: 0x0080, 0x4a5d: 0x0080, + 0x4a5e: 0x0080, 0x4a5f: 0x0080, 0x4a60: 0x0080, 0x4a61: 0x0080, 0x4a62: 0x0080, 0x4a63: 0x0080, + 0x4a64: 0x0080, 0x4a65: 0x0080, 0x4a66: 0x0080, 0x4a69: 0x0080, + 0x4a6a: 0x0080, 0x4a6b: 0x0080, 0x4a6c: 0x0080, 0x4a6d: 0x0080, 0x4a6e: 0x0080, 0x4a6f: 0x0080, + 0x4a70: 0x0080, 0x4a71: 0x0080, 0x4a72: 0x0080, 0x4a73: 0x0080, 0x4a74: 0x0080, 0x4a75: 0x0080, + 0x4a76: 0x0080, 0x4a77: 0x0080, 0x4a78: 0x0080, 0x4a79: 0x0080, 0x4a7a: 0x0080, 0x4a7b: 0x0080, + 0x4a7c: 0x0080, 0x4a7d: 0x0080, 0x4a7e: 0x0080, 0x4a7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12a, offset 0x4a80 + 0x4a80: 0x0080, 0x4a81: 0x0080, 0x4a82: 0x0080, 0x4a83: 0x0080, 0x4a84: 0x0080, 0x4a85: 0x0080, + 0x4a86: 0x0080, 0x4a87: 0x0080, 0x4a88: 0x0080, 0x4a89: 0x0080, 0x4a8a: 0x0080, 0x4a8b: 0x0080, + 0x4a8c: 0x0080, 0x4a8d: 0x0080, 0x4a8e: 0x0080, 0x4a8f: 0x0080, 0x4a90: 0x0080, 0x4a91: 0x0080, + 0x4a92: 0x0080, 0x4a93: 0x0080, 0x4a94: 0x0080, 0x4a95: 0x0080, 0x4a96: 0x0080, 0x4a97: 0x0080, + 0x4a98: 0x0080, 0x4a99: 0x0080, 0x4a9a: 0x0080, 0x4a9b: 0x0080, 0x4a9c: 0x0080, 0x4a9d: 0x0080, + 0x4a9e: 0x0080, 0x4a9f: 0x0080, 0x4aa0: 0x0080, 0x4aa1: 0x0080, 0x4aa2: 0x0080, 0x4aa3: 0x0080, + 0x4aa4: 0x0080, 0x4aa5: 0x00c0, 0x4aa6: 0x00c0, 0x4aa7: 0x00c3, 0x4aa8: 0x00c3, 0x4aa9: 0x00c3, + 0x4aaa: 0x0080, 0x4aab: 0x0080, 0x4aac: 0x0080, 0x4aad: 0x00c0, 0x4aae: 0x00c0, 0x4aaf: 0x00c0, + 0x4ab0: 0x00c0, 0x4ab1: 0x00c0, 0x4ab2: 0x00c0, 0x4ab3: 0x0040, 0x4ab4: 0x0040, 0x4ab5: 0x0040, + 0x4ab6: 0x0040, 0x4ab7: 0x0040, 0x4ab8: 0x0040, 0x4ab9: 0x0040, 0x4aba: 0x0040, 0x4abb: 0x00c3, + 0x4abc: 0x00c3, 0x4abd: 0x00c3, 0x4abe: 0x00c3, 0x4abf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x12b, offset 0x4ac0 + 0x4ac0: 0x00c3, 0x4ac1: 0x00c3, 0x4ac2: 0x00c3, 0x4ac3: 0x0080, 0x4ac4: 0x0080, 0x4ac5: 0x00c3, + 0x4ac6: 0x00c3, 0x4ac7: 0x00c3, 0x4ac8: 0x00c3, 0x4ac9: 0x00c3, 0x4aca: 0x00c3, 0x4acb: 0x00c3, + 0x4acc: 0x0080, 0x4acd: 0x0080, 0x4ace: 0x0080, 0x4acf: 0x0080, 0x4ad0: 0x0080, 0x4ad1: 0x0080, + 0x4ad2: 0x0080, 0x4ad3: 0x0080, 0x4ad4: 0x0080, 0x4ad5: 0x0080, 0x4ad6: 0x0080, 0x4ad7: 0x0080, + 0x4ad8: 0x0080, 0x4ad9: 0x0080, 0x4ada: 0x0080, 0x4adb: 0x0080, 0x4adc: 0x0080, 0x4add: 0x0080, + 0x4ade: 0x0080, 0x4adf: 0x0080, 0x4ae0: 0x0080, 0x4ae1: 0x0080, 0x4ae2: 0x0080, 0x4ae3: 0x0080, + 0x4ae4: 0x0080, 0x4ae5: 0x0080, 0x4ae6: 0x0080, 0x4ae7: 0x0080, 0x4ae8: 0x0080, 0x4ae9: 0x0080, + 0x4aea: 0x00c3, 0x4aeb: 0x00c3, 0x4aec: 0x00c3, 0x4aed: 0x00c3, 0x4aee: 0x0080, 0x4aef: 0x0080, + 0x4af0: 0x0080, 0x4af1: 0x0080, 0x4af2: 0x0080, 0x4af3: 0x0080, 0x4af4: 0x0080, 0x4af5: 0x0080, + 0x4af6: 0x0080, 0x4af7: 0x0080, 0x4af8: 0x0080, 0x4af9: 0x0080, 0x4afa: 0x0080, 0x4afb: 0x0080, + 0x4afc: 0x0080, 0x4afd: 0x0080, 0x4afe: 0x0080, 0x4aff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12c, offset 0x4b00 + 0x4b00: 0x0080, 0x4b01: 0x0080, 0x4b02: 0x0080, 0x4b03: 0x0080, 0x4b04: 0x0080, 0x4b05: 0x0080, + 0x4b06: 0x0080, 0x4b07: 0x0080, 0x4b08: 0x0080, 0x4b09: 0x0080, 0x4b0a: 0x0080, 0x4b0b: 0x0080, + 0x4b0c: 0x0080, 0x4b0d: 0x0080, 0x4b0e: 0x0080, 0x4b0f: 0x0080, 0x4b10: 0x0080, 0x4b11: 0x0080, + 0x4b12: 0x0080, 0x4b13: 0x0080, 0x4b14: 0x0080, 0x4b15: 0x0080, 0x4b16: 0x0080, 0x4b17: 0x0080, + 0x4b18: 0x0080, 0x4b19: 0x0080, 0x4b1a: 0x0080, 0x4b1b: 0x0080, 0x4b1c: 0x0080, 0x4b1d: 0x0080, + 0x4b1e: 0x0080, 0x4b1f: 0x0080, 0x4b20: 0x0080, 0x4b21: 0x0080, 0x4b22: 0x0080, 0x4b23: 0x0080, + 0x4b24: 0x0080, 0x4b25: 0x0080, 0x4b26: 0x0080, 0x4b27: 0x0080, 0x4b28: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12d, offset 0x4b40 + 0x4b40: 0x0088, 0x4b41: 0x0088, 0x4b42: 0x00c9, 0x4b43: 0x00c9, 0x4b44: 0x00c9, 0x4b45: 0x0088, + // Block 0x12e, offset 0x4b80 + 0x4ba0: 0x0080, 0x4ba1: 0x0080, 0x4ba2: 0x0080, 0x4ba3: 0x0080, + 0x4ba4: 0x0080, 0x4ba5: 0x0080, 0x4ba6: 0x0080, 0x4ba7: 0x0080, 0x4ba8: 0x0080, 0x4ba9: 0x0080, + 0x4baa: 0x0080, 0x4bab: 0x0080, 0x4bac: 0x0080, 0x4bad: 0x0080, 0x4bae: 0x0080, 0x4baf: 0x0080, + 0x4bb0: 0x0080, 0x4bb1: 0x0080, 0x4bb2: 0x0080, 0x4bb3: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12f, offset 0x4bc0 + 0x4bc0: 0x0080, 0x4bc1: 0x0080, 0x4bc2: 0x0080, 0x4bc3: 0x0080, 0x4bc4: 0x0080, 0x4bc5: 0x0080, + 0x4bc6: 0x0080, 0x4bc7: 0x0080, 0x4bc8: 0x0080, 0x4bc9: 0x0080, 0x4bca: 0x0080, 0x4bcb: 0x0080, + 0x4bcc: 0x0080, 0x4bcd: 0x0080, 0x4bce: 0x0080, 0x4bcf: 0x0080, 0x4bd0: 0x0080, 0x4bd1: 0x0080, + 0x4bd2: 0x0080, 0x4bd3: 0x0080, 0x4bd4: 0x0080, 0x4bd5: 0x0080, 0x4bd6: 0x0080, + 0x4be0: 0x0080, 0x4be1: 0x0080, 0x4be2: 0x0080, 0x4be3: 0x0080, + 0x4be4: 0x0080, 0x4be5: 0x0080, 0x4be6: 0x0080, 0x4be7: 0x0080, 0x4be8: 0x0080, 0x4be9: 0x0080, + 0x4bea: 0x0080, 0x4beb: 0x0080, 0x4bec: 0x0080, 0x4bed: 0x0080, 0x4bee: 0x0080, 0x4bef: 0x0080, + 0x4bf0: 0x0080, 0x4bf1: 0x0080, 0x4bf2: 0x0080, 0x4bf3: 0x0080, 0x4bf4: 0x0080, 0x4bf5: 0x0080, + 0x4bf6: 0x0080, 0x4bf7: 0x0080, 0x4bf8: 0x0080, + // Block 0x130, offset 0x4c00 + 0x4c00: 0x0080, 0x4c01: 0x0080, 0x4c02: 0x0080, 0x4c03: 0x0080, 0x4c04: 0x0080, 0x4c05: 0x0080, + 0x4c06: 0x0080, 0x4c07: 0x0080, 0x4c08: 0x0080, 0x4c09: 0x0080, 0x4c0a: 0x0080, 0x4c0b: 0x0080, + 0x4c0c: 0x0080, 0x4c0d: 0x0080, 0x4c0e: 0x0080, 0x4c0f: 0x0080, 0x4c10: 0x0080, 0x4c11: 0x0080, + 0x4c12: 0x0080, 0x4c13: 0x0080, 0x4c14: 0x0080, 0x4c16: 0x0080, 0x4c17: 0x0080, + 0x4c18: 0x0080, 0x4c19: 0x0080, 0x4c1a: 0x0080, 0x4c1b: 0x0080, 0x4c1c: 0x0080, 0x4c1d: 0x0080, + 0x4c1e: 0x0080, 0x4c1f: 0x0080, 0x4c20: 0x0080, 0x4c21: 0x0080, 0x4c22: 0x0080, 0x4c23: 0x0080, + 0x4c24: 0x0080, 0x4c25: 0x0080, 0x4c26: 0x0080, 0x4c27: 0x0080, 0x4c28: 0x0080, 0x4c29: 0x0080, + 0x4c2a: 0x0080, 0x4c2b: 0x0080, 0x4c2c: 0x0080, 0x4c2d: 0x0080, 0x4c2e: 0x0080, 0x4c2f: 0x0080, + 0x4c30: 0x0080, 0x4c31: 0x0080, 0x4c32: 0x0080, 0x4c33: 0x0080, 0x4c34: 0x0080, 0x4c35: 0x0080, + 0x4c36: 0x0080, 0x4c37: 0x0080, 0x4c38: 0x0080, 0x4c39: 0x0080, 0x4c3a: 0x0080, 0x4c3b: 0x0080, + 0x4c3c: 0x0080, 0x4c3d: 0x0080, 0x4c3e: 0x0080, 0x4c3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x131, offset 0x4c40 + 0x4c40: 0x0080, 0x4c41: 0x0080, 0x4c42: 0x0080, 0x4c43: 0x0080, 0x4c44: 0x0080, 0x4c45: 0x0080, + 0x4c46: 0x0080, 0x4c47: 0x0080, 0x4c48: 0x0080, 0x4c49: 0x0080, 0x4c4a: 0x0080, 0x4c4b: 0x0080, + 0x4c4c: 0x0080, 0x4c4d: 0x0080, 0x4c4e: 0x0080, 0x4c4f: 0x0080, 0x4c50: 0x0080, 0x4c51: 0x0080, + 0x4c52: 0x0080, 0x4c53: 0x0080, 0x4c54: 0x0080, 0x4c55: 0x0080, 0x4c56: 0x0080, 0x4c57: 0x0080, + 0x4c58: 0x0080, 0x4c59: 0x0080, 0x4c5a: 0x0080, 0x4c5b: 0x0080, 0x4c5c: 0x0080, + 0x4c5e: 0x0080, 0x4c5f: 0x0080, 0x4c62: 0x0080, + 0x4c65: 0x0080, 0x4c66: 0x0080, 0x4c69: 0x0080, + 0x4c6a: 0x0080, 0x4c6b: 0x0080, 0x4c6c: 0x0080, 0x4c6e: 0x0080, 0x4c6f: 0x0080, + 0x4c70: 0x0080, 0x4c71: 0x0080, 0x4c72: 0x0080, 0x4c73: 0x0080, 0x4c74: 0x0080, 0x4c75: 0x0080, + 0x4c76: 0x0080, 0x4c77: 0x0080, 0x4c78: 0x0080, 0x4c79: 0x0080, 0x4c7b: 0x0080, + 0x4c7d: 0x0080, 0x4c7e: 0x0080, 0x4c7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x132, offset 0x4c80 + 0x4c80: 0x0080, 0x4c81: 0x0080, 0x4c82: 0x0080, 0x4c83: 0x0080, 0x4c85: 0x0080, + 0x4c86: 0x0080, 0x4c87: 0x0080, 0x4c88: 0x0080, 0x4c89: 0x0080, 0x4c8a: 0x0080, 0x4c8b: 0x0080, + 0x4c8c: 0x0080, 0x4c8d: 0x0080, 0x4c8e: 0x0080, 0x4c8f: 0x0080, 0x4c90: 0x0080, 0x4c91: 0x0080, + 0x4c92: 0x0080, 0x4c93: 0x0080, 0x4c94: 0x0080, 0x4c95: 0x0080, 0x4c96: 0x0080, 0x4c97: 0x0080, + 0x4c98: 0x0080, 0x4c99: 0x0080, 0x4c9a: 0x0080, 0x4c9b: 0x0080, 0x4c9c: 0x0080, 0x4c9d: 0x0080, + 0x4c9e: 0x0080, 0x4c9f: 0x0080, 0x4ca0: 0x0080, 0x4ca1: 0x0080, 0x4ca2: 0x0080, 0x4ca3: 0x0080, + 0x4ca4: 0x0080, 0x4ca5: 0x0080, 0x4ca6: 0x0080, 0x4ca7: 0x0080, 0x4ca8: 0x0080, 0x4ca9: 0x0080, + 0x4caa: 0x0080, 0x4cab: 0x0080, 0x4cac: 0x0080, 0x4cad: 0x0080, 0x4cae: 0x0080, 0x4caf: 0x0080, + 0x4cb0: 0x0080, 0x4cb1: 0x0080, 0x4cb2: 0x0080, 0x4cb3: 0x0080, 0x4cb4: 0x0080, 0x4cb5: 0x0080, + 0x4cb6: 0x0080, 0x4cb7: 0x0080, 0x4cb8: 0x0080, 0x4cb9: 0x0080, 0x4cba: 0x0080, 0x4cbb: 0x0080, + 0x4cbc: 0x0080, 0x4cbd: 0x0080, 0x4cbe: 0x0080, 0x4cbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x133, offset 0x4cc0 + 0x4cc0: 0x0080, 0x4cc1: 0x0080, 0x4cc2: 0x0080, 0x4cc3: 0x0080, 0x4cc4: 0x0080, 0x4cc5: 0x0080, + 0x4cc7: 0x0080, 0x4cc8: 0x0080, 0x4cc9: 0x0080, 0x4cca: 0x0080, + 0x4ccd: 0x0080, 0x4cce: 0x0080, 0x4ccf: 0x0080, 0x4cd0: 0x0080, 0x4cd1: 0x0080, + 0x4cd2: 0x0080, 0x4cd3: 0x0080, 0x4cd4: 0x0080, 0x4cd6: 0x0080, 0x4cd7: 0x0080, + 0x4cd8: 0x0080, 0x4cd9: 0x0080, 0x4cda: 0x0080, 0x4cdb: 0x0080, 0x4cdc: 0x0080, + 0x4cde: 0x0080, 0x4cdf: 0x0080, 0x4ce0: 0x0080, 0x4ce1: 0x0080, 0x4ce2: 0x0080, 0x4ce3: 0x0080, + 0x4ce4: 0x0080, 0x4ce5: 0x0080, 0x4ce6: 0x0080, 0x4ce7: 0x0080, 0x4ce8: 0x0080, 0x4ce9: 0x0080, + 0x4cea: 0x0080, 0x4ceb: 0x0080, 0x4cec: 0x0080, 0x4ced: 0x0080, 0x4cee: 0x0080, 0x4cef: 0x0080, + 0x4cf0: 0x0080, 0x4cf1: 0x0080, 0x4cf2: 0x0080, 0x4cf3: 0x0080, 0x4cf4: 0x0080, 0x4cf5: 0x0080, + 0x4cf6: 0x0080, 0x4cf7: 0x0080, 0x4cf8: 0x0080, 0x4cf9: 0x0080, 0x4cfb: 0x0080, + 0x4cfc: 0x0080, 0x4cfd: 0x0080, 0x4cfe: 0x0080, + // Block 0x134, offset 0x4d00 + 0x4d00: 0x0080, 0x4d01: 0x0080, 0x4d02: 0x0080, 0x4d03: 0x0080, 0x4d04: 0x0080, + 0x4d06: 0x0080, 0x4d0a: 0x0080, 0x4d0b: 0x0080, + 0x4d0c: 0x0080, 0x4d0d: 0x0080, 0x4d0e: 0x0080, 0x4d0f: 0x0080, 0x4d10: 0x0080, + 0x4d12: 0x0080, 0x4d13: 0x0080, 0x4d14: 0x0080, 0x4d15: 0x0080, 0x4d16: 0x0080, 0x4d17: 0x0080, + 0x4d18: 0x0080, 0x4d19: 0x0080, 0x4d1a: 0x0080, 0x4d1b: 0x0080, 0x4d1c: 0x0080, 0x4d1d: 0x0080, + 0x4d1e: 0x0080, 0x4d1f: 0x0080, 0x4d20: 0x0080, 0x4d21: 0x0080, 0x4d22: 0x0080, 0x4d23: 0x0080, + 0x4d24: 0x0080, 0x4d25: 0x0080, 0x4d26: 0x0080, 0x4d27: 0x0080, 0x4d28: 0x0080, 0x4d29: 0x0080, + 0x4d2a: 0x0080, 0x4d2b: 0x0080, 0x4d2c: 0x0080, 0x4d2d: 0x0080, 0x4d2e: 0x0080, 0x4d2f: 0x0080, + 0x4d30: 0x0080, 0x4d31: 0x0080, 0x4d32: 0x0080, 0x4d33: 0x0080, 0x4d34: 0x0080, 0x4d35: 0x0080, + 0x4d36: 0x0080, 0x4d37: 0x0080, 0x4d38: 0x0080, 0x4d39: 0x0080, 0x4d3a: 0x0080, 0x4d3b: 0x0080, + 0x4d3c: 0x0080, 0x4d3d: 0x0080, 0x4d3e: 0x0080, 0x4d3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x135, offset 0x4d40 + 0x4d40: 0x0080, 0x4d41: 0x0080, 0x4d42: 0x0080, 0x4d43: 0x0080, 0x4d44: 0x0080, 0x4d45: 0x0080, + 0x4d46: 0x0080, 0x4d47: 0x0080, 0x4d48: 0x0080, 0x4d49: 0x0080, 0x4d4a: 0x0080, 0x4d4b: 0x0080, + 0x4d4c: 0x0080, 0x4d4d: 0x0080, 0x4d4e: 0x0080, 0x4d4f: 0x0080, 0x4d50: 0x0080, 0x4d51: 0x0080, + 0x4d52: 0x0080, 0x4d53: 0x0080, 0x4d54: 0x0080, 0x4d55: 0x0080, 0x4d56: 0x0080, 0x4d57: 0x0080, + 0x4d58: 0x0080, 0x4d59: 0x0080, 0x4d5a: 0x0080, 0x4d5b: 0x0080, 0x4d5c: 0x0080, 0x4d5d: 0x0080, + 0x4d5e: 0x0080, 0x4d5f: 0x0080, 0x4d60: 0x0080, 0x4d61: 0x0080, 0x4d62: 0x0080, 0x4d63: 0x0080, + 0x4d64: 0x0080, 0x4d65: 0x0080, 0x4d68: 0x0080, 0x4d69: 0x0080, + 0x4d6a: 0x0080, 0x4d6b: 0x0080, 0x4d6c: 0x0080, 0x4d6d: 0x0080, 0x4d6e: 0x0080, 0x4d6f: 0x0080, + 0x4d70: 0x0080, 0x4d71: 0x0080, 0x4d72: 0x0080, 0x4d73: 0x0080, 0x4d74: 0x0080, 0x4d75: 0x0080, + 0x4d76: 0x0080, 0x4d77: 0x0080, 0x4d78: 0x0080, 0x4d79: 0x0080, 0x4d7a: 0x0080, 0x4d7b: 0x0080, + 0x4d7c: 0x0080, 0x4d7d: 0x0080, 0x4d7e: 0x0080, 0x4d7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x136, offset 0x4d80 + 0x4d80: 0x0080, 0x4d81: 0x0080, 0x4d82: 0x0080, 0x4d83: 0x0080, 0x4d84: 0x0080, 0x4d85: 0x0080, + 0x4d86: 0x0080, 0x4d87: 0x0080, 0x4d88: 0x0080, 0x4d89: 0x0080, 0x4d8a: 0x0080, 0x4d8b: 0x0080, + 0x4d8e: 0x0080, 0x4d8f: 0x0080, 0x4d90: 0x0080, 0x4d91: 0x0080, + 0x4d92: 0x0080, 0x4d93: 0x0080, 0x4d94: 0x0080, 0x4d95: 0x0080, 0x4d96: 0x0080, 0x4d97: 0x0080, + 0x4d98: 0x0080, 0x4d99: 0x0080, 0x4d9a: 0x0080, 0x4d9b: 0x0080, 0x4d9c: 0x0080, 0x4d9d: 0x0080, + 0x4d9e: 0x0080, 0x4d9f: 0x0080, 0x4da0: 0x0080, 0x4da1: 0x0080, 0x4da2: 0x0080, 0x4da3: 0x0080, + 0x4da4: 0x0080, 0x4da5: 0x0080, 0x4da6: 0x0080, 0x4da7: 0x0080, 0x4da8: 0x0080, 0x4da9: 0x0080, + 0x4daa: 0x0080, 0x4dab: 0x0080, 0x4dac: 0x0080, 0x4dad: 0x0080, 0x4dae: 0x0080, 0x4daf: 0x0080, + 0x4db0: 0x0080, 0x4db1: 0x0080, 0x4db2: 0x0080, 0x4db3: 0x0080, 0x4db4: 0x0080, 0x4db5: 0x0080, + 0x4db6: 0x0080, 0x4db7: 0x0080, 0x4db8: 0x0080, 0x4db9: 0x0080, 0x4dba: 0x0080, 0x4dbb: 0x0080, + 0x4dbc: 0x0080, 0x4dbd: 0x0080, 0x4dbe: 0x0080, 0x4dbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x137, offset 0x4dc0 + 0x4dc0: 0x00c3, 0x4dc1: 0x00c3, 0x4dc2: 0x00c3, 0x4dc3: 0x00c3, 0x4dc4: 0x00c3, 0x4dc5: 0x00c3, + 0x4dc6: 0x00c3, 0x4dc7: 0x00c3, 0x4dc8: 0x00c3, 0x4dc9: 0x00c3, 0x4dca: 0x00c3, 0x4dcb: 0x00c3, + 0x4dcc: 0x00c3, 0x4dcd: 0x00c3, 0x4dce: 0x00c3, 0x4dcf: 0x00c3, 0x4dd0: 0x00c3, 0x4dd1: 0x00c3, + 0x4dd2: 0x00c3, 0x4dd3: 0x00c3, 0x4dd4: 0x00c3, 0x4dd5: 0x00c3, 0x4dd6: 0x00c3, 0x4dd7: 0x00c3, + 0x4dd8: 0x00c3, 0x4dd9: 0x00c3, 0x4dda: 0x00c3, 0x4ddb: 0x00c3, 0x4ddc: 0x00c3, 0x4ddd: 0x00c3, + 0x4dde: 0x00c3, 0x4ddf: 0x00c3, 0x4de0: 0x00c3, 0x4de1: 0x00c3, 0x4de2: 0x00c3, 0x4de3: 0x00c3, + 0x4de4: 0x00c3, 0x4de5: 0x00c3, 0x4de6: 0x00c3, 0x4de7: 0x00c3, 0x4de8: 0x00c3, 0x4de9: 0x00c3, + 0x4dea: 0x00c3, 0x4deb: 0x00c3, 0x4dec: 0x00c3, 0x4ded: 0x00c3, 0x4dee: 0x00c3, 0x4def: 0x00c3, + 0x4df0: 0x00c3, 0x4df1: 0x00c3, 0x4df2: 0x00c3, 0x4df3: 0x00c3, 0x4df4: 0x00c3, 0x4df5: 0x00c3, + 0x4df6: 0x00c3, 0x4df7: 0x0080, 0x4df8: 0x0080, 0x4df9: 0x0080, 0x4dfa: 0x0080, 0x4dfb: 0x00c3, + 0x4dfc: 0x00c3, 0x4dfd: 0x00c3, 0x4dfe: 0x00c3, 0x4dff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x138, offset 0x4e00 + 0x4e00: 0x00c3, 0x4e01: 0x00c3, 0x4e02: 0x00c3, 0x4e03: 0x00c3, 0x4e04: 0x00c3, 0x4e05: 0x00c3, + 0x4e06: 0x00c3, 0x4e07: 0x00c3, 0x4e08: 0x00c3, 0x4e09: 0x00c3, 0x4e0a: 0x00c3, 0x4e0b: 0x00c3, + 0x4e0c: 0x00c3, 0x4e0d: 0x00c3, 0x4e0e: 0x00c3, 0x4e0f: 0x00c3, 0x4e10: 0x00c3, 0x4e11: 0x00c3, + 0x4e12: 0x00c3, 0x4e13: 0x00c3, 0x4e14: 0x00c3, 0x4e15: 0x00c3, 0x4e16: 0x00c3, 0x4e17: 0x00c3, + 0x4e18: 0x00c3, 0x4e19: 0x00c3, 0x4e1a: 0x00c3, 0x4e1b: 0x00c3, 0x4e1c: 0x00c3, 0x4e1d: 0x00c3, + 0x4e1e: 0x00c3, 0x4e1f: 0x00c3, 0x4e20: 0x00c3, 0x4e21: 0x00c3, 0x4e22: 0x00c3, 0x4e23: 0x00c3, + 0x4e24: 0x00c3, 0x4e25: 0x00c3, 0x4e26: 0x00c3, 0x4e27: 0x00c3, 0x4e28: 0x00c3, 0x4e29: 0x00c3, + 0x4e2a: 0x00c3, 0x4e2b: 0x00c3, 0x4e2c: 0x00c3, 0x4e2d: 0x0080, 0x4e2e: 0x0080, 0x4e2f: 0x0080, + 0x4e30: 0x0080, 0x4e31: 0x0080, 0x4e32: 0x0080, 0x4e33: 0x0080, 0x4e34: 0x0080, 0x4e35: 0x00c3, + 0x4e36: 0x0080, 0x4e37: 0x0080, 0x4e38: 0x0080, 0x4e39: 0x0080, 0x4e3a: 0x0080, 0x4e3b: 0x0080, + 0x4e3c: 0x0080, 0x4e3d: 0x0080, 0x4e3e: 0x0080, 0x4e3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x139, offset 0x4e40 + 0x4e40: 0x0080, 0x4e41: 0x0080, 0x4e42: 0x0080, 0x4e43: 0x0080, 0x4e44: 0x00c3, 0x4e45: 0x0080, + 0x4e46: 0x0080, 0x4e47: 0x0080, 0x4e48: 0x0080, 0x4e49: 0x0080, 0x4e4a: 0x0080, 0x4e4b: 0x0080, + 0x4e5b: 0x00c3, 0x4e5c: 0x00c3, 0x4e5d: 0x00c3, + 0x4e5e: 0x00c3, 0x4e5f: 0x00c3, 0x4e61: 0x00c3, 0x4e62: 0x00c3, 0x4e63: 0x00c3, + 0x4e64: 0x00c3, 0x4e65: 0x00c3, 0x4e66: 0x00c3, 0x4e67: 0x00c3, 0x4e68: 0x00c3, 0x4e69: 0x00c3, + 0x4e6a: 0x00c3, 0x4e6b: 0x00c3, 0x4e6c: 0x00c3, 0x4e6d: 0x00c3, 0x4e6e: 0x00c3, 0x4e6f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x13a, offset 0x4e80 + 0x4e80: 0x00c3, 0x4e81: 0x00c3, 0x4e82: 0x00c3, 0x4e83: 0x00c3, 0x4e84: 0x00c3, 0x4e85: 0x00c3, + 0x4e86: 0x00c3, 0x4e88: 0x00c3, 0x4e89: 0x00c3, 0x4e8a: 0x00c3, 0x4e8b: 0x00c3, + 0x4e8c: 0x00c3, 0x4e8d: 0x00c3, 0x4e8e: 0x00c3, 0x4e8f: 0x00c3, 0x4e90: 0x00c3, 0x4e91: 0x00c3, + 0x4e92: 0x00c3, 0x4e93: 0x00c3, 0x4e94: 0x00c3, 0x4e95: 0x00c3, 0x4e96: 0x00c3, 0x4e97: 0x00c3, + 0x4e98: 0x00c3, 0x4e9b: 0x00c3, 0x4e9c: 0x00c3, 0x4e9d: 0x00c3, + 0x4e9e: 0x00c3, 0x4e9f: 0x00c3, 0x4ea0: 0x00c3, 0x4ea1: 0x00c3, 0x4ea3: 0x00c3, + 0x4ea4: 0x00c3, 0x4ea6: 0x00c3, 0x4ea7: 0x00c3, 0x4ea8: 0x00c3, 0x4ea9: 0x00c3, + 0x4eaa: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x13b, offset 0x4ec0 + 0x4ec0: 0x00c0, 0x4ec1: 0x00c0, 0x4ec2: 0x00c0, 0x4ec3: 0x00c0, 0x4ec4: 0x00c0, 0x4ec5: 0x00c0, + 0x4ec6: 0x00c0, 0x4ec7: 0x00c0, 0x4ec8: 0x00c0, 0x4ec9: 0x00c0, 0x4eca: 0x00c0, 0x4ecb: 0x00c0, + 0x4ecc: 0x00c0, 0x4ecd: 0x00c0, 0x4ece: 0x00c0, 0x4ecf: 0x00c0, 0x4ed0: 0x00c0, 0x4ed1: 0x00c0, + 0x4ed2: 0x00c0, 0x4ed3: 0x00c0, 0x4ed4: 0x00c0, 0x4ed5: 0x00c0, 0x4ed6: 0x00c0, 0x4ed7: 0x00c0, + 0x4ed8: 0x00c0, 0x4ed9: 0x00c0, 0x4eda: 0x00c0, 0x4edb: 0x00c0, 0x4edc: 0x00c0, 0x4edd: 0x00c0, + 0x4ede: 0x00c0, 0x4edf: 0x00c0, 0x4ee0: 0x00c0, 0x4ee1: 0x00c0, 0x4ee2: 0x00c0, 0x4ee3: 0x00c0, + 0x4ee4: 0x00c0, 0x4ee5: 0x00c0, 0x4ee6: 0x00c0, 0x4ee7: 0x00c0, 0x4ee8: 0x00c0, 0x4ee9: 0x00c0, + 0x4eea: 0x00c0, 0x4eeb: 0x00c0, 0x4eec: 0x00c0, + 0x4ef0: 0x00c3, 0x4ef1: 0x00c3, 0x4ef2: 0x00c3, 0x4ef3: 0x00c3, 0x4ef4: 0x00c3, 0x4ef5: 0x00c3, + 0x4ef6: 0x00c3, 0x4ef7: 0x00c0, 0x4ef8: 0x00c0, 0x4ef9: 0x00c0, 0x4efa: 0x00c0, 0x4efb: 0x00c0, + 0x4efc: 0x00c0, 0x4efd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x13c, offset 0x4f00 + 0x4f00: 0x00c0, 0x4f01: 0x00c0, 0x4f02: 0x00c0, 0x4f03: 0x00c0, 0x4f04: 0x00c0, 0x4f05: 0x00c0, + 0x4f06: 0x00c0, 0x4f07: 0x00c0, 0x4f08: 0x00c0, 0x4f09: 0x00c0, + 0x4f0e: 0x00c0, 0x4f0f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13d, offset 0x4f40 + 0x4f40: 0x00c0, 0x4f41: 0x00c0, 0x4f42: 0x00c0, 0x4f43: 0x00c0, 0x4f44: 0x00c0, 0x4f45: 0x00c0, + 0x4f46: 0x00c0, 0x4f47: 0x00c0, 0x4f48: 0x00c0, 0x4f49: 0x00c0, 0x4f4a: 0x00c0, 0x4f4b: 0x00c0, + 0x4f4c: 0x00c0, 0x4f4d: 0x00c0, 0x4f4e: 0x00c0, 0x4f4f: 0x00c0, 0x4f50: 0x00c0, 0x4f51: 0x00c0, + 0x4f52: 0x00c0, 0x4f53: 0x00c0, 0x4f54: 0x00c0, 0x4f55: 0x00c0, 0x4f56: 0x00c0, 0x4f57: 0x00c0, + 0x4f58: 0x00c0, 0x4f59: 0x00c0, 0x4f5a: 0x00c0, 0x4f5b: 0x00c0, 0x4f5c: 0x00c0, 0x4f5d: 0x00c0, + 0x4f5e: 0x00c0, 0x4f5f: 0x00c0, 0x4f60: 0x00c0, 0x4f61: 0x00c0, 0x4f62: 0x00c0, 0x4f63: 0x00c0, + 0x4f64: 0x00c0, 0x4f65: 0x00c0, 0x4f66: 0x00c0, 0x4f67: 0x00c0, 0x4f68: 0x00c0, 0x4f69: 0x00c0, + 0x4f6a: 0x00c0, 0x4f6b: 0x00c0, 0x4f6c: 0x00c3, 0x4f6d: 0x00c3, 0x4f6e: 0x00c3, 0x4f6f: 0x00c3, + 0x4f70: 0x00c0, 0x4f71: 0x00c0, 0x4f72: 0x00c0, 0x4f73: 0x00c0, 0x4f74: 0x00c0, 0x4f75: 0x00c0, + 0x4f76: 0x00c0, 0x4f77: 0x00c0, 0x4f78: 0x00c0, 0x4f79: 0x00c0, + 0x4f7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13e, offset 0x4f80 + 0x4f80: 0x00c0, 0x4f81: 0x00c0, 0x4f82: 0x00c0, 0x4f83: 0x00c0, 0x4f84: 0x00c0, + 0x4f87: 0x0080, 0x4f88: 0x0080, 0x4f89: 0x0080, 0x4f8a: 0x0080, 0x4f8b: 0x0080, + 0x4f8c: 0x0080, 0x4f8d: 0x0080, 0x4f8e: 0x0080, 0x4f8f: 0x0080, 0x4f90: 0x00c3, 0x4f91: 0x00c3, + 0x4f92: 0x00c3, 0x4f93: 0x00c3, 0x4f94: 0x00c3, 0x4f95: 0x00c3, 0x4f96: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x13f, offset 0x4fc0 + 0x4fc0: 0x00c2, 0x4fc1: 0x00c2, 0x4fc2: 0x00c2, 0x4fc3: 0x00c2, 0x4fc4: 0x00c2, 0x4fc5: 0x00c2, + 0x4fc6: 0x00c2, 0x4fc7: 0x00c2, 0x4fc8: 0x00c2, 0x4fc9: 0x00c2, 0x4fca: 0x00c2, 0x4fcb: 0x00c2, + 0x4fcc: 0x00c2, 0x4fcd: 0x00c2, 0x4fce: 0x00c2, 0x4fcf: 0x00c2, 0x4fd0: 0x00c2, 0x4fd1: 0x00c2, + 0x4fd2: 0x00c2, 0x4fd3: 0x00c2, 0x4fd4: 0x00c2, 0x4fd5: 0x00c2, 0x4fd6: 0x00c2, 0x4fd7: 0x00c2, + 0x4fd8: 0x00c2, 0x4fd9: 0x00c2, 0x4fda: 0x00c2, 0x4fdb: 0x00c2, 0x4fdc: 0x00c2, 0x4fdd: 0x00c2, + 0x4fde: 0x00c2, 0x4fdf: 0x00c2, 0x4fe0: 0x00c2, 0x4fe1: 0x00c2, 0x4fe2: 0x00c2, 0x4fe3: 0x00c2, + 0x4fe4: 0x00c2, 0x4fe5: 0x00c2, 0x4fe6: 0x00c2, 0x4fe7: 0x00c2, 0x4fe8: 0x00c2, 0x4fe9: 0x00c2, + 0x4fea: 0x00c2, 0x4feb: 0x00c2, 0x4fec: 0x00c2, 0x4fed: 0x00c2, 0x4fee: 0x00c2, 0x4fef: 0x00c2, + 0x4ff0: 0x00c2, 0x4ff1: 0x00c2, 0x4ff2: 0x00c2, 0x4ff3: 0x00c2, 0x4ff4: 0x00c2, 0x4ff5: 0x00c2, + 0x4ff6: 0x00c2, 0x4ff7: 0x00c2, 0x4ff8: 0x00c2, 0x4ff9: 0x00c2, 0x4ffa: 0x00c2, 0x4ffb: 0x00c2, + 0x4ffc: 0x00c2, 0x4ffd: 0x00c2, 0x4ffe: 0x00c2, 0x4fff: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x140, offset 0x5000 + 0x5000: 0x00c2, 0x5001: 0x00c2, 0x5002: 0x00c2, 0x5003: 0x00c2, 0x5004: 0x00c3, 0x5005: 0x00c3, + 0x5006: 0x00c3, 0x5007: 0x00c3, 0x5008: 0x00c3, 0x5009: 0x00c3, 0x500a: 0x00c3, 0x500b: 0x00c3, + 0x5010: 0x00c0, 0x5011: 0x00c0, + 0x5012: 0x00c0, 0x5013: 0x00c0, 0x5014: 0x00c0, 0x5015: 0x00c0, 0x5016: 0x00c0, 0x5017: 0x00c0, + 0x5018: 0x00c0, 0x5019: 0x00c0, + 0x501e: 0x0080, 0x501f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x141, offset 0x5040 + 0x5071: 0x0080, 0x5072: 0x0080, 0x5073: 0x0080, 0x5074: 0x0080, 0x5075: 0x0080, + 0x5076: 0x0080, 0x5077: 0x0080, 0x5078: 0x0080, 0x5079: 0x0080, 0x507a: 0x0080, 0x507b: 0x0080, + 0x507c: 0x0080, 0x507d: 0x0080, 0x507e: 0x0080, 0x507f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x142, offset 0x5080 + 0x5080: 0x0080, 0x5081: 0x0080, 0x5082: 0x0080, 0x5083: 0x0080, 0x5084: 0x0080, 0x5085: 0x0080, + 0x5086: 0x0080, 0x5087: 0x0080, 0x5088: 0x0080, 0x5089: 0x0080, 0x508a: 0x0080, 0x508b: 0x0080, + 0x508c: 0x0080, 0x508d: 0x0080, 0x508e: 0x0080, 0x508f: 0x0080, 0x5090: 0x0080, 0x5091: 0x0080, + 0x5092: 0x0080, 0x5093: 0x0080, 0x5094: 0x0080, 0x5095: 0x0080, 0x5096: 0x0080, 0x5097: 0x0080, + 0x5098: 0x0080, 0x5099: 0x0080, 0x509a: 0x0080, 0x509b: 0x0080, 0x509c: 0x0080, 0x509d: 0x0080, + 0x509e: 0x0080, 0x509f: 0x0080, 0x50a0: 0x0080, 0x50a1: 0x0080, 0x50a2: 0x0080, 0x50a3: 0x0080, + 0x50a4: 0x0080, 0x50a5: 0x0080, 0x50a6: 0x0080, 0x50a7: 0x0080, 0x50a8: 0x0080, 0x50a9: 0x0080, + 0x50aa: 0x0080, 0x50ab: 0x0080, 0x50ac: 0x0080, 0x50ad: 0x0080, 0x50ae: 0x0080, 0x50af: 0x0080, + 0x50b0: 0x0080, 0x50b1: 0x0080, 0x50b2: 0x0080, 0x50b3: 0x0080, 0x50b4: 0x0080, + // Block 0x143, offset 0x50c0 + 0x50c1: 0x0080, 0x50c2: 0x0080, 0x50c3: 0x0080, 0x50c4: 0x0080, 0x50c5: 0x0080, + 0x50c6: 0x0080, 0x50c7: 0x0080, 0x50c8: 0x0080, 0x50c9: 0x0080, 0x50ca: 0x0080, 0x50cb: 0x0080, + 0x50cc: 0x0080, 0x50cd: 0x0080, 0x50ce: 0x0080, 0x50cf: 0x0080, 0x50d0: 0x0080, 0x50d1: 0x0080, + 0x50d2: 0x0080, 0x50d3: 0x0080, 0x50d4: 0x0080, 0x50d5: 0x0080, 0x50d6: 0x0080, 0x50d7: 0x0080, + 0x50d8: 0x0080, 0x50d9: 0x0080, 0x50da: 0x0080, 0x50db: 0x0080, 0x50dc: 0x0080, 0x50dd: 0x0080, + 0x50de: 0x0080, 0x50df: 0x0080, 0x50e0: 0x0080, 0x50e1: 0x0080, 0x50e2: 0x0080, 0x50e3: 0x0080, + 0x50e4: 0x0080, 0x50e5: 0x0080, 0x50e6: 0x0080, 0x50e7: 0x0080, 0x50e8: 0x0080, 0x50e9: 0x0080, + 0x50ea: 0x0080, 0x50eb: 0x0080, 0x50ec: 0x0080, 0x50ed: 0x0080, 0x50ee: 0x0080, 0x50ef: 0x0080, + 0x50f0: 0x0080, 0x50f1: 0x0080, 0x50f2: 0x0080, 0x50f3: 0x0080, 0x50f4: 0x0080, 0x50f5: 0x0080, + 0x50f6: 0x0080, 0x50f7: 0x0080, 0x50f8: 0x0080, 0x50f9: 0x0080, 0x50fa: 0x0080, 0x50fb: 0x0080, + 0x50fc: 0x0080, 0x50fd: 0x0080, + // Block 0x144, offset 0x5100 + 0x5100: 0x0080, 0x5101: 0x0080, 0x5102: 0x0080, 0x5103: 0x0080, 0x5105: 0x0080, + 0x5106: 0x0080, 0x5107: 0x0080, 0x5108: 0x0080, 0x5109: 0x0080, 0x510a: 0x0080, 0x510b: 0x0080, + 0x510c: 0x0080, 0x510d: 0x0080, 0x510e: 0x0080, 0x510f: 0x0080, 0x5110: 0x0080, 0x5111: 0x0080, + 0x5112: 0x0080, 0x5113: 0x0080, 0x5114: 0x0080, 0x5115: 0x0080, 0x5116: 0x0080, 0x5117: 0x0080, + 0x5118: 0x0080, 0x5119: 0x0080, 0x511a: 0x0080, 0x511b: 0x0080, 0x511c: 0x0080, 0x511d: 0x0080, + 0x511e: 0x0080, 0x511f: 0x0080, 0x5121: 0x0080, 0x5122: 0x0080, + 0x5124: 0x0080, 0x5127: 0x0080, 0x5129: 0x0080, + 0x512a: 0x0080, 0x512b: 0x0080, 0x512c: 0x0080, 0x512d: 0x0080, 0x512e: 0x0080, 0x512f: 0x0080, + 0x5130: 0x0080, 0x5131: 0x0080, 0x5132: 0x0080, 0x5134: 0x0080, 0x5135: 0x0080, + 0x5136: 0x0080, 0x5137: 0x0080, 0x5139: 0x0080, 0x513b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x145, offset 0x5140 + 0x5142: 0x0080, + 0x5147: 0x0080, 0x5149: 0x0080, 0x514b: 0x0080, + 0x514d: 0x0080, 0x514e: 0x0080, 0x514f: 0x0080, 0x5151: 0x0080, + 0x5152: 0x0080, 0x5154: 0x0080, 0x5157: 0x0080, + 0x5159: 0x0080, 0x515b: 0x0080, 0x515d: 0x0080, + 0x515f: 0x0080, 0x5161: 0x0080, 0x5162: 0x0080, + 0x5164: 0x0080, 0x5167: 0x0080, 0x5168: 0x0080, 0x5169: 0x0080, + 0x516a: 0x0080, 0x516c: 0x0080, 0x516d: 0x0080, 0x516e: 0x0080, 0x516f: 0x0080, + 0x5170: 0x0080, 0x5171: 0x0080, 0x5172: 0x0080, 0x5174: 0x0080, 0x5175: 0x0080, + 0x5176: 0x0080, 0x5177: 0x0080, 0x5179: 0x0080, 0x517a: 0x0080, 0x517b: 0x0080, + 0x517c: 0x0080, 0x517e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x146, offset 0x5180 + 0x5180: 0x0080, 0x5181: 0x0080, 0x5182: 0x0080, 0x5183: 0x0080, 0x5184: 0x0080, 0x5185: 0x0080, + 0x5186: 0x0080, 0x5187: 0x0080, 0x5188: 0x0080, 0x5189: 0x0080, 0x518b: 0x0080, + 0x518c: 0x0080, 0x518d: 0x0080, 0x518e: 0x0080, 0x518f: 0x0080, 0x5190: 0x0080, 0x5191: 0x0080, + 0x5192: 0x0080, 0x5193: 0x0080, 0x5194: 0x0080, 0x5195: 0x0080, 0x5196: 0x0080, 0x5197: 0x0080, + 0x5198: 0x0080, 0x5199: 0x0080, 0x519a: 0x0080, 0x519b: 0x0080, + 0x51a1: 0x0080, 0x51a2: 0x0080, 0x51a3: 0x0080, + 0x51a5: 0x0080, 0x51a6: 0x0080, 0x51a7: 0x0080, 0x51a8: 0x0080, 0x51a9: 0x0080, + 0x51ab: 0x0080, 0x51ac: 0x0080, 0x51ad: 0x0080, 0x51ae: 0x0080, 0x51af: 0x0080, + 0x51b0: 0x0080, 0x51b1: 0x0080, 0x51b2: 0x0080, 0x51b3: 0x0080, 0x51b4: 0x0080, 0x51b5: 0x0080, + 0x51b6: 0x0080, 0x51b7: 0x0080, 0x51b8: 0x0080, 0x51b9: 0x0080, 0x51ba: 0x0080, 0x51bb: 0x0080, + // Block 0x147, offset 0x51c0 + 0x51f0: 0x0080, 0x51f1: 0x0080, + // Block 0x148, offset 0x5200 + 0x5200: 0x0080, 0x5201: 0x0080, 0x5202: 0x0080, 0x5203: 0x0080, 0x5204: 0x0080, 0x5205: 0x0080, + 0x5206: 0x0080, 0x5207: 0x0080, 0x5208: 0x0080, 0x5209: 0x0080, 0x520a: 0x0080, 0x520b: 0x0080, + 0x520c: 0x0080, 0x520d: 0x0080, 0x520e: 0x0080, 0x520f: 0x0080, 0x5210: 0x0080, 0x5211: 0x0080, + 0x5212: 0x0080, 0x5213: 0x0080, 0x5214: 0x0080, 0x5215: 0x0080, 0x5216: 0x0080, 0x5217: 0x0080, + 0x5218: 0x0080, 0x5219: 0x0080, 0x521a: 0x0080, 0x521b: 0x0080, 0x521c: 0x0080, 0x521d: 0x0080, + 0x521e: 0x0080, 0x521f: 0x0080, 0x5220: 0x0080, 0x5221: 0x0080, 0x5222: 0x0080, 0x5223: 0x0080, + 0x5224: 0x0080, 0x5225: 0x0080, 0x5226: 0x0080, 0x5227: 0x0080, 0x5228: 0x0080, 0x5229: 0x0080, + 0x522a: 0x0080, 0x522b: 0x0080, + 0x5230: 0x0080, 0x5231: 0x0080, 0x5232: 0x0080, 0x5233: 0x0080, 0x5234: 0x0080, 0x5235: 0x0080, + 0x5236: 0x0080, 0x5237: 0x0080, 0x5238: 0x0080, 0x5239: 0x0080, 0x523a: 0x0080, 0x523b: 0x0080, + 0x523c: 0x0080, 0x523d: 0x0080, 0x523e: 0x0080, 0x523f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x149, offset 0x5240 + 0x5240: 0x0080, 0x5241: 0x0080, 0x5242: 0x0080, 0x5243: 0x0080, 0x5244: 0x0080, 0x5245: 0x0080, + 0x5246: 0x0080, 0x5247: 0x0080, 0x5248: 0x0080, 0x5249: 0x0080, 0x524a: 0x0080, 0x524b: 0x0080, + 0x524c: 0x0080, 0x524d: 0x0080, 0x524e: 0x0080, 0x524f: 0x0080, 0x5250: 0x0080, 0x5251: 0x0080, + 0x5252: 0x0080, 0x5253: 0x0080, + 0x5260: 0x0080, 0x5261: 0x0080, 0x5262: 0x0080, 0x5263: 0x0080, + 0x5264: 0x0080, 0x5265: 0x0080, 0x5266: 0x0080, 0x5267: 0x0080, 0x5268: 0x0080, 0x5269: 0x0080, + 0x526a: 0x0080, 0x526b: 0x0080, 0x526c: 0x0080, 0x526d: 0x0080, 0x526e: 0x0080, + 0x5271: 0x0080, 0x5272: 0x0080, 0x5273: 0x0080, 0x5274: 0x0080, 0x5275: 0x0080, + 0x5276: 0x0080, 0x5277: 0x0080, 0x5278: 0x0080, 0x5279: 0x0080, 0x527a: 0x0080, 0x527b: 0x0080, + 0x527c: 0x0080, 0x527d: 0x0080, 0x527e: 0x0080, 0x527f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14a, offset 0x5280 + 0x5281: 0x0080, 0x5282: 0x0080, 0x5283: 0x0080, 0x5284: 0x0080, 0x5285: 0x0080, + 0x5286: 0x0080, 0x5287: 0x0080, 0x5288: 0x0080, 0x5289: 0x0080, 0x528a: 0x0080, 0x528b: 0x0080, + 0x528c: 0x0080, 0x528d: 0x0080, 0x528e: 0x0080, 0x528f: 0x0080, 0x5291: 0x0080, + 0x5292: 0x0080, 0x5293: 0x0080, 0x5294: 0x0080, 0x5295: 0x0080, 0x5296: 0x0080, 0x5297: 0x0080, + 0x5298: 0x0080, 0x5299: 0x0080, 0x529a: 0x0080, 0x529b: 0x0080, 0x529c: 0x0080, 0x529d: 0x0080, + 0x529e: 0x0080, 0x529f: 0x0080, 0x52a0: 0x0080, 0x52a1: 0x0080, 0x52a2: 0x0080, 0x52a3: 0x0080, + 0x52a4: 0x0080, 0x52a5: 0x0080, 0x52a6: 0x0080, 0x52a7: 0x0080, 0x52a8: 0x0080, 0x52a9: 0x0080, + 0x52aa: 0x0080, 0x52ab: 0x0080, 0x52ac: 0x0080, 0x52ad: 0x0080, 0x52ae: 0x0080, 0x52af: 0x0080, + 0x52b0: 0x0080, 0x52b1: 0x0080, 0x52b2: 0x0080, 0x52b3: 0x0080, 0x52b4: 0x0080, 0x52b5: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14b, offset 0x52c0 + 0x52c0: 0x0080, 0x52c1: 0x0080, 0x52c2: 0x0080, 0x52c3: 0x0080, 0x52c4: 0x0080, 0x52c5: 0x0080, + 0x52c6: 0x0080, 0x52c7: 0x0080, 0x52c8: 0x0080, 0x52c9: 0x0080, 0x52ca: 0x0080, 0x52cb: 0x0080, + 0x52cc: 0x0080, 0x52cd: 0x0080, 0x52ce: 0x0080, 0x52cf: 0x0080, 0x52d0: 0x0080, 0x52d1: 0x0080, + 0x52d2: 0x0080, 0x52d3: 0x0080, 0x52d4: 0x0080, 0x52d5: 0x0080, 0x52d6: 0x0080, 0x52d7: 0x0080, + 0x52d8: 0x0080, 0x52d9: 0x0080, 0x52da: 0x0080, 0x52db: 0x0080, 0x52dc: 0x0080, 0x52dd: 0x0080, + 0x52de: 0x0080, 0x52df: 0x0080, 0x52e0: 0x0080, 0x52e1: 0x0080, 0x52e2: 0x0080, 0x52e3: 0x0080, + 0x52e4: 0x0080, 0x52e5: 0x0080, 0x52e6: 0x0080, 0x52e7: 0x0080, 0x52e8: 0x0080, 0x52e9: 0x0080, + 0x52ea: 0x0080, 0x52eb: 0x0080, 0x52ec: 0x0080, 0x52ed: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14c, offset 0x5300 + 0x5326: 0x0080, 0x5327: 0x0080, 0x5328: 0x0080, 0x5329: 0x0080, + 0x532a: 0x0080, 0x532b: 0x0080, 0x532c: 0x0080, 0x532d: 0x0080, 0x532e: 0x0080, 0x532f: 0x0080, + 0x5330: 0x0080, 0x5331: 0x0080, 0x5332: 0x0080, 0x5333: 0x0080, 0x5334: 0x0080, 0x5335: 0x0080, + 0x5336: 0x0080, 0x5337: 0x0080, 0x5338: 0x0080, 0x5339: 0x0080, 0x533a: 0x0080, 0x533b: 0x0080, + 0x533c: 0x0080, 0x533d: 0x0080, 0x533e: 0x0080, 0x533f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14d, offset 0x5340 + 0x5340: 0x008c, 0x5341: 0x0080, 0x5342: 0x0080, + 0x5350: 0x0080, 0x5351: 0x0080, + 0x5352: 0x0080, 0x5353: 0x0080, 0x5354: 0x0080, 0x5355: 0x0080, 0x5356: 0x0080, 0x5357: 0x0080, + 0x5358: 0x0080, 0x5359: 0x0080, 0x535a: 0x0080, 0x535b: 0x0080, 0x535c: 0x0080, 0x535d: 0x0080, + 0x535e: 0x0080, 0x535f: 0x0080, 0x5360: 0x0080, 0x5361: 0x0080, 0x5362: 0x0080, 0x5363: 0x0080, + 0x5364: 0x0080, 0x5365: 0x0080, 0x5366: 0x0080, 0x5367: 0x0080, 0x5368: 0x0080, 0x5369: 0x0080, + 0x536a: 0x0080, 0x536b: 0x0080, 0x536c: 0x0080, 0x536d: 0x0080, 0x536e: 0x0080, 0x536f: 0x0080, + 0x5370: 0x0080, 0x5371: 0x0080, 0x5372: 0x0080, 0x5373: 0x0080, 0x5374: 0x0080, 0x5375: 0x0080, + 0x5376: 0x0080, 0x5377: 0x0080, 0x5378: 0x0080, 0x5379: 0x0080, 0x537a: 0x0080, 0x537b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14e, offset 0x5380 + 0x5380: 0x0080, 0x5381: 0x0080, 0x5382: 0x0080, 0x5383: 0x0080, 0x5384: 0x0080, 0x5385: 0x0080, + 0x5386: 0x0080, 0x5387: 0x0080, 0x5388: 0x0080, + 0x5390: 0x0080, 0x5391: 0x0080, + 0x53a0: 0x0080, 0x53a1: 0x0080, 0x53a2: 0x0080, 0x53a3: 0x0080, + 0x53a4: 0x0080, 0x53a5: 0x0080, + // Block 0x14f, offset 0x53c0 + 0x53c0: 0x0080, 0x53c1: 0x0080, 0x53c2: 0x0080, 0x53c3: 0x0080, 0x53c4: 0x0080, 0x53c5: 0x0080, + 0x53c6: 0x0080, 0x53c7: 0x0080, 0x53c8: 0x0080, 0x53c9: 0x0080, 0x53ca: 0x0080, 0x53cb: 0x0080, + 0x53cc: 0x0080, 0x53cd: 0x0080, 0x53ce: 0x0080, 0x53cf: 0x0080, 0x53d0: 0x0080, 0x53d1: 0x0080, + 0x53d2: 0x0080, 0x53d3: 0x0080, 0x53d4: 0x0080, 0x53d5: 0x0080, 0x53d6: 0x0080, 0x53d7: 0x0080, + 0x53e0: 0x0080, 0x53e1: 0x0080, 0x53e2: 0x0080, 0x53e3: 0x0080, + 0x53e4: 0x0080, 0x53e5: 0x0080, 0x53e6: 0x0080, 0x53e7: 0x0080, 0x53e8: 0x0080, 0x53e9: 0x0080, + 0x53ea: 0x0080, 0x53eb: 0x0080, 0x53ec: 0x0080, + 0x53f0: 0x0080, 0x53f1: 0x0080, 0x53f2: 0x0080, 0x53f3: 0x0080, 0x53f4: 0x0080, 0x53f5: 0x0080, + 0x53f6: 0x0080, 0x53f7: 0x0080, 0x53f8: 0x0080, 0x53f9: 0x0080, 0x53fa: 0x0080, 0x53fb: 0x0080, + 0x53fc: 0x0080, + // Block 0x150, offset 0x5400 + 0x5400: 0x0080, 0x5401: 0x0080, 0x5402: 0x0080, 0x5403: 0x0080, 0x5404: 0x0080, 0x5405: 0x0080, + 0x5406: 0x0080, 0x5407: 0x0080, 0x5408: 0x0080, 0x5409: 0x0080, 0x540a: 0x0080, 0x540b: 0x0080, + 0x540c: 0x0080, 0x540d: 0x0080, 0x540e: 0x0080, 0x540f: 0x0080, 0x5410: 0x0080, 0x5411: 0x0080, + 0x5412: 0x0080, 0x5413: 0x0080, 0x5414: 0x0080, 0x5415: 0x0080, 0x5416: 0x0080, 0x5417: 0x0080, + 0x5418: 0x0080, 0x5419: 0x0080, 0x541a: 0x0080, 0x541b: 0x0080, 0x541c: 0x0080, 0x541d: 0x0080, + 0x541e: 0x0080, 0x541f: 0x0080, 0x5420: 0x0080, 0x5421: 0x0080, 0x5422: 0x0080, 0x5423: 0x0080, + 0x5424: 0x0080, 0x5425: 0x0080, 0x5426: 0x0080, 0x5427: 0x0080, 0x5428: 0x0080, 0x5429: 0x0080, + 0x542a: 0x0080, 0x542b: 0x0080, 0x542c: 0x0080, 0x542d: 0x0080, 0x542e: 0x0080, 0x542f: 0x0080, + 0x5430: 0x0080, 0x5431: 0x0080, 0x5432: 0x0080, 0x5433: 0x0080, + // Block 0x151, offset 0x5440 + 0x5440: 0x0080, 0x5441: 0x0080, 0x5442: 0x0080, 0x5443: 0x0080, 0x5444: 0x0080, 0x5445: 0x0080, + 0x5446: 0x0080, 0x5447: 0x0080, 0x5448: 0x0080, 0x5449: 0x0080, 0x544a: 0x0080, 0x544b: 0x0080, + 0x544c: 0x0080, 0x544d: 0x0080, 0x544e: 0x0080, 0x544f: 0x0080, 0x5450: 0x0080, 0x5451: 0x0080, + 0x5452: 0x0080, 0x5453: 0x0080, 0x5454: 0x0080, 0x5455: 0x0080, 0x5456: 0x0080, 0x5457: 0x0080, + 0x5458: 0x0080, + 0x5460: 0x0080, 0x5461: 0x0080, 0x5462: 0x0080, 0x5463: 0x0080, + 0x5464: 0x0080, 0x5465: 0x0080, 0x5466: 0x0080, 0x5467: 0x0080, 0x5468: 0x0080, 0x5469: 0x0080, + 0x546a: 0x0080, 0x546b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x152, offset 0x5480 + 0x5480: 0x0080, 0x5481: 0x0080, 0x5482: 0x0080, 0x5483: 0x0080, 0x5484: 0x0080, 0x5485: 0x0080, + 0x5486: 0x0080, 0x5487: 0x0080, 0x5488: 0x0080, 0x5489: 0x0080, 0x548a: 0x0080, 0x548b: 0x0080, + 0x5490: 0x0080, 0x5491: 0x0080, + 0x5492: 0x0080, 0x5493: 0x0080, 0x5494: 0x0080, 0x5495: 0x0080, 0x5496: 0x0080, 0x5497: 0x0080, + 0x5498: 0x0080, 0x5499: 0x0080, 0x549a: 0x0080, 0x549b: 0x0080, 0x549c: 0x0080, 0x549d: 0x0080, + 0x549e: 0x0080, 0x549f: 0x0080, 0x54a0: 0x0080, 0x54a1: 0x0080, 0x54a2: 0x0080, 0x54a3: 0x0080, + 0x54a4: 0x0080, 0x54a5: 0x0080, 0x54a6: 0x0080, 0x54a7: 0x0080, 0x54a8: 0x0080, 0x54a9: 0x0080, + 0x54aa: 0x0080, 0x54ab: 0x0080, 0x54ac: 0x0080, 0x54ad: 0x0080, 0x54ae: 0x0080, 0x54af: 0x0080, + 0x54b0: 0x0080, 0x54b1: 0x0080, 0x54b2: 0x0080, 0x54b3: 0x0080, 0x54b4: 0x0080, 0x54b5: 0x0080, + 0x54b6: 0x0080, 0x54b7: 0x0080, 0x54b8: 0x0080, 0x54b9: 0x0080, 0x54ba: 0x0080, 0x54bb: 0x0080, + 0x54bc: 0x0080, 0x54bd: 0x0080, 0x54be: 0x0080, 0x54bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x153, offset 0x54c0 + 0x54c0: 0x0080, 0x54c1: 0x0080, 0x54c2: 0x0080, 0x54c3: 0x0080, 0x54c4: 0x0080, 0x54c5: 0x0080, + 0x54c6: 0x0080, 0x54c7: 0x0080, + 0x54d0: 0x0080, 0x54d1: 0x0080, + 0x54d2: 0x0080, 0x54d3: 0x0080, 0x54d4: 0x0080, 0x54d5: 0x0080, 0x54d6: 0x0080, 0x54d7: 0x0080, + 0x54d8: 0x0080, 0x54d9: 0x0080, + 0x54e0: 0x0080, 0x54e1: 0x0080, 0x54e2: 0x0080, 0x54e3: 0x0080, + 0x54e4: 0x0080, 0x54e5: 0x0080, 0x54e6: 0x0080, 0x54e7: 0x0080, 0x54e8: 0x0080, 0x54e9: 0x0080, + 0x54ea: 0x0080, 0x54eb: 0x0080, 0x54ec: 0x0080, 0x54ed: 0x0080, 0x54ee: 0x0080, 0x54ef: 0x0080, + 0x54f0: 0x0080, 0x54f1: 0x0080, 0x54f2: 0x0080, 0x54f3: 0x0080, 0x54f4: 0x0080, 0x54f5: 0x0080, + 0x54f6: 0x0080, 0x54f7: 0x0080, 0x54f8: 0x0080, 0x54f9: 0x0080, 0x54fa: 0x0080, 0x54fb: 0x0080, + 0x54fc: 0x0080, 0x54fd: 0x0080, 0x54fe: 0x0080, 0x54ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x154, offset 0x5500 + 0x5500: 0x0080, 0x5501: 0x0080, 0x5502: 0x0080, 0x5503: 0x0080, 0x5504: 0x0080, 0x5505: 0x0080, + 0x5506: 0x0080, 0x5507: 0x0080, + 0x5510: 0x0080, 0x5511: 0x0080, + 0x5512: 0x0080, 0x5513: 0x0080, 0x5514: 0x0080, 0x5515: 0x0080, 0x5516: 0x0080, 0x5517: 0x0080, + 0x5518: 0x0080, 0x5519: 0x0080, 0x551a: 0x0080, 0x551b: 0x0080, 0x551c: 0x0080, 0x551d: 0x0080, + 0x551e: 0x0080, 0x551f: 0x0080, 0x5520: 0x0080, 0x5521: 0x0080, 0x5522: 0x0080, 0x5523: 0x0080, + 0x5524: 0x0080, 0x5525: 0x0080, 0x5526: 0x0080, 0x5527: 0x0080, 0x5528: 0x0080, 0x5529: 0x0080, + 0x552a: 0x0080, 0x552b: 0x0080, 0x552c: 0x0080, 0x552d: 0x0080, + 0x5530: 0x0080, 0x5531: 0x0080, + // Block 0x155, offset 0x5540 + 0x5540: 0x0080, 0x5541: 0x0080, 0x5542: 0x0080, 0x5543: 0x0080, 0x5544: 0x0080, 0x5545: 0x0080, + 0x5546: 0x0080, 0x5547: 0x0080, 0x5548: 0x0080, 0x5549: 0x0080, 0x554a: 0x0080, 0x554b: 0x0080, + 0x554c: 0x0080, 0x554d: 0x0080, 0x554e: 0x0080, 0x554f: 0x0080, 0x5550: 0x0080, 0x5551: 0x0080, + 0x5552: 0x0080, 0x5553: 0x0080, 0x5554: 0x0080, 0x5555: 0x0080, 0x5556: 0x0080, 0x5557: 0x0080, + 0x5558: 0x0080, 0x5559: 0x0080, 0x555a: 0x0080, 0x555b: 0x0080, 0x555c: 0x0080, 0x555d: 0x0080, + 0x555e: 0x0080, 0x555f: 0x0080, 0x5560: 0x0080, 0x5561: 0x0080, 0x5562: 0x0080, 0x5563: 0x0080, + 0x5564: 0x0080, 0x5565: 0x0080, 0x5566: 0x0080, 0x5567: 0x0080, 0x5568: 0x0080, 0x5569: 0x0080, + 0x556a: 0x0080, 0x556b: 0x0080, 0x556c: 0x0080, 0x556d: 0x0080, 0x556e: 0x0080, 0x556f: 0x0080, + 0x5570: 0x0080, 0x5571: 0x0080, 0x5572: 0x0080, 0x5573: 0x0080, 0x5574: 0x0080, 0x5575: 0x0080, + 0x5576: 0x0080, 0x5577: 0x0080, 0x5578: 0x0080, 0x557a: 0x0080, 0x557b: 0x0080, + 0x557c: 0x0080, 0x557d: 0x0080, 0x557e: 0x0080, 0x557f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x156, offset 0x5580 + 0x5580: 0x0080, 0x5581: 0x0080, 0x5582: 0x0080, 0x5583: 0x0080, 0x5584: 0x0080, 0x5585: 0x0080, + 0x5586: 0x0080, 0x5587: 0x0080, 0x5588: 0x0080, 0x5589: 0x0080, 0x558a: 0x0080, 0x558b: 0x0080, + 0x558d: 0x0080, 0x558e: 0x0080, 0x558f: 0x0080, 0x5590: 0x0080, 0x5591: 0x0080, + 0x5592: 0x0080, 0x5593: 0x0080, 0x5594: 0x0080, 0x5595: 0x0080, 0x5596: 0x0080, 0x5597: 0x0080, + 0x5598: 0x0080, 0x5599: 0x0080, 0x559a: 0x0080, 0x559b: 0x0080, 0x559c: 0x0080, 0x559d: 0x0080, + 0x559e: 0x0080, 0x559f: 0x0080, 0x55a0: 0x0080, 0x55a1: 0x0080, 0x55a2: 0x0080, 0x55a3: 0x0080, + 0x55a4: 0x0080, 0x55a5: 0x0080, 0x55a6: 0x0080, 0x55a7: 0x0080, 0x55a8: 0x0080, 0x55a9: 0x0080, + 0x55aa: 0x0080, 0x55ab: 0x0080, 0x55ac: 0x0080, 0x55ad: 0x0080, 0x55ae: 0x0080, 0x55af: 0x0080, + 0x55b0: 0x0080, 0x55b1: 0x0080, 0x55b2: 0x0080, 0x55b3: 0x0080, 0x55b4: 0x0080, 0x55b5: 0x0080, + 0x55b6: 0x0080, 0x55b7: 0x0080, 0x55b8: 0x0080, 0x55b9: 0x0080, 0x55ba: 0x0080, 0x55bb: 0x0080, + 0x55bc: 0x0080, 0x55bd: 0x0080, 0x55be: 0x0080, 0x55bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x157, offset 0x55c0 + 0x55c0: 0x0080, 0x55c1: 0x0080, 0x55c2: 0x0080, 0x55c3: 0x0080, 0x55c4: 0x0080, 0x55c5: 0x0080, + 0x55c6: 0x0080, 0x55c7: 0x0080, 0x55c8: 0x0080, 0x55c9: 0x0080, 0x55ca: 0x0080, 0x55cb: 0x0080, + 0x55cc: 0x0080, 0x55cd: 0x0080, 0x55ce: 0x0080, 0x55cf: 0x0080, 0x55d0: 0x0080, 0x55d1: 0x0080, + 0x55d2: 0x0080, 0x55d3: 0x0080, + 0x55e0: 0x0080, 0x55e1: 0x0080, 0x55e2: 0x0080, 0x55e3: 0x0080, + 0x55e4: 0x0080, 0x55e5: 0x0080, 0x55e6: 0x0080, 0x55e7: 0x0080, 0x55e8: 0x0080, 0x55e9: 0x0080, + 0x55ea: 0x0080, 0x55eb: 0x0080, 0x55ec: 0x0080, 0x55ed: 0x0080, + 0x55f0: 0x0080, 0x55f1: 0x0080, 0x55f2: 0x0080, 0x55f3: 0x0080, 0x55f4: 0x0080, + 0x55f8: 0x0080, 0x55f9: 0x0080, 0x55fa: 0x0080, + // Block 0x158, offset 0x5600 + 0x5600: 0x0080, 0x5601: 0x0080, 0x5602: 0x0080, 0x5603: 0x0080, 0x5604: 0x0080, 0x5605: 0x0080, + 0x5606: 0x0080, + 0x5610: 0x0080, 0x5611: 0x0080, + 0x5612: 0x0080, 0x5613: 0x0080, 0x5614: 0x0080, 0x5615: 0x0080, 0x5616: 0x0080, 0x5617: 0x0080, + 0x5618: 0x0080, 0x5619: 0x0080, 0x561a: 0x0080, 0x561b: 0x0080, 0x561c: 0x0080, 0x561d: 0x0080, + 0x561e: 0x0080, 0x561f: 0x0080, 0x5620: 0x0080, 0x5621: 0x0080, 0x5622: 0x0080, 0x5623: 0x0080, + 0x5624: 0x0080, 0x5625: 0x0080, 0x5626: 0x0080, 0x5627: 0x0080, 0x5628: 0x0080, + 0x5630: 0x0080, 0x5631: 0x0080, 0x5632: 0x0080, 0x5633: 0x0080, 0x5634: 0x0080, 0x5635: 0x0080, + 0x5636: 0x0080, + // Block 0x159, offset 0x5640 + 0x5640: 0x0080, 0x5641: 0x0080, 0x5642: 0x0080, + 0x5650: 0x0080, 0x5651: 0x0080, + 0x5652: 0x0080, 0x5653: 0x0080, 0x5654: 0x0080, 0x5655: 0x0080, 0x5656: 0x0080, + // Block 0x15a, offset 0x5680 + 0x5680: 0x0080, 0x5681: 0x0080, 0x5682: 0x0080, 0x5683: 0x0080, 0x5684: 0x0080, 0x5685: 0x0080, + 0x5686: 0x0080, 0x5687: 0x0080, 0x5688: 0x0080, 0x5689: 0x0080, 0x568a: 0x0080, 0x568b: 0x0080, + 0x568c: 0x0080, 0x568d: 0x0080, 0x568e: 0x0080, 0x568f: 0x0080, 0x5690: 0x0080, 0x5691: 0x0080, + 0x5692: 0x0080, 0x5694: 0x0080, 0x5695: 0x0080, 0x5696: 0x0080, 0x5697: 0x0080, + 0x5698: 0x0080, 0x5699: 0x0080, 0x569a: 0x0080, 0x569b: 0x0080, 0x569c: 0x0080, 0x569d: 0x0080, + 0x569e: 0x0080, 0x569f: 0x0080, 0x56a0: 0x0080, 0x56a1: 0x0080, 0x56a2: 0x0080, 0x56a3: 0x0080, + 0x56a4: 0x0080, 0x56a5: 0x0080, 0x56a6: 0x0080, 0x56a7: 0x0080, 0x56a8: 0x0080, 0x56a9: 0x0080, + 0x56aa: 0x0080, 0x56ab: 0x0080, 0x56ac: 0x0080, 0x56ad: 0x0080, 0x56ae: 0x0080, 0x56af: 0x0080, + 0x56b0: 0x0080, 0x56b1: 0x0080, 0x56b2: 0x0080, 0x56b3: 0x0080, 0x56b4: 0x0080, 0x56b5: 0x0080, + 0x56b6: 0x0080, 0x56b7: 0x0080, 0x56b8: 0x0080, 0x56b9: 0x0080, 0x56ba: 0x0080, 0x56bb: 0x0080, + 0x56bc: 0x0080, 0x56bd: 0x0080, 0x56be: 0x0080, 0x56bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x15b, offset 0x56c0 + 0x56c0: 0x0080, 0x56c1: 0x0080, 0x56c2: 0x0080, 0x56c3: 0x0080, 0x56c4: 0x0080, 0x56c5: 0x0080, + 0x56c6: 0x0080, 0x56c7: 0x0080, 0x56c8: 0x0080, 0x56c9: 0x0080, 0x56ca: 0x0080, + 0x56f0: 0x0080, 0x56f1: 0x0080, 0x56f2: 0x0080, 0x56f3: 0x0080, 0x56f4: 0x0080, 0x56f5: 0x0080, + 0x56f6: 0x0080, 0x56f7: 0x0080, 0x56f8: 0x0080, 0x56f9: 0x0080, + // Block 0x15c, offset 0x5700 + 0x5700: 0x00cc, 0x5701: 0x00cc, 0x5702: 0x00cc, 0x5703: 0x00cc, 0x5704: 0x00cc, 0x5705: 0x00cc, + 0x5706: 0x00cc, 0x5707: 0x00cc, 0x5708: 0x00cc, 0x5709: 0x00cc, 0x570a: 0x00cc, 0x570b: 0x00cc, + 0x570c: 0x00cc, 0x570d: 0x00cc, 0x570e: 0x00cc, 0x570f: 0x00cc, 0x5710: 0x00cc, 0x5711: 0x00cc, + 0x5712: 0x00cc, 0x5713: 0x00cc, 0x5714: 0x00cc, 0x5715: 0x00cc, 0x5716: 0x00cc, 0x5717: 0x00cc, + 0x5718: 0x00cc, 0x5719: 0x00cc, 0x571a: 0x00cc, 0x571b: 0x00cc, 0x571c: 0x00cc, 0x571d: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x15d, offset 0x5740 + 0x5740: 0x00cc, 0x5741: 0x00cc, 0x5742: 0x00cc, 0x5743: 0x00cc, 0x5744: 0x00cc, 0x5745: 0x00cc, + 0x5746: 0x00cc, 0x5747: 0x00cc, 0x5748: 0x00cc, 0x5749: 0x00cc, 0x574a: 0x00cc, 0x574b: 0x00cc, + 0x574c: 0x00cc, 0x574d: 0x00cc, 0x574e: 0x00cc, 0x574f: 0x00cc, 0x5750: 0x00cc, 0x5751: 0x00cc, + 0x5752: 0x00cc, 0x5753: 0x00cc, 0x5754: 0x00cc, 0x5755: 0x00cc, 0x5756: 0x00cc, 0x5757: 0x00cc, + 0x5758: 0x00cc, 0x5759: 0x00cc, 0x575a: 0x00cc, 0x575b: 0x00cc, 0x575c: 0x00cc, 0x575d: 0x00cc, + 0x575e: 0x00cc, 0x575f: 0x00cc, 0x5760: 0x00cc, 0x5761: 0x00cc, 0x5762: 0x00cc, 0x5763: 0x00cc, + 0x5764: 0x00cc, 0x5765: 0x00cc, 0x5766: 0x00cc, 0x5767: 0x00cc, 0x5768: 0x00cc, 0x5769: 0x00cc, + 0x576a: 0x00cc, 0x576b: 0x00cc, 0x576c: 0x00cc, 0x576d: 0x00cc, 0x576e: 0x00cc, 0x576f: 0x00cc, + 0x5770: 0x00cc, 0x5771: 0x00cc, 0x5772: 0x00cc, 0x5773: 0x00cc, 0x5774: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x15e, offset 0x5780 + 0x5780: 0x00cc, 0x5781: 0x00cc, 0x5782: 0x00cc, 0x5783: 0x00cc, 0x5784: 0x00cc, 0x5785: 0x00cc, + 0x5786: 0x00cc, 0x5787: 0x00cc, 0x5788: 0x00cc, 0x5789: 0x00cc, 0x578a: 0x00cc, 0x578b: 0x00cc, + 0x578c: 0x00cc, 0x578d: 0x00cc, 0x578e: 0x00cc, 0x578f: 0x00cc, 0x5790: 0x00cc, 0x5791: 0x00cc, + 0x5792: 0x00cc, 0x5793: 0x00cc, 0x5794: 0x00cc, 0x5795: 0x00cc, 0x5796: 0x00cc, 0x5797: 0x00cc, + 0x5798: 0x00cc, 0x5799: 0x00cc, 0x579a: 0x00cc, 0x579b: 0x00cc, 0x579c: 0x00cc, 0x579d: 0x00cc, + 0x57a0: 0x00cc, 0x57a1: 0x00cc, 0x57a2: 0x00cc, 0x57a3: 0x00cc, + 0x57a4: 0x00cc, 0x57a5: 0x00cc, 0x57a6: 0x00cc, 0x57a7: 0x00cc, 0x57a8: 0x00cc, 0x57a9: 0x00cc, + 0x57aa: 0x00cc, 0x57ab: 0x00cc, 0x57ac: 0x00cc, 0x57ad: 0x00cc, 0x57ae: 0x00cc, 0x57af: 0x00cc, + 0x57b0: 0x00cc, 0x57b1: 0x00cc, 0x57b2: 0x00cc, 0x57b3: 0x00cc, 0x57b4: 0x00cc, 0x57b5: 0x00cc, + 0x57b6: 0x00cc, 0x57b7: 0x00cc, 0x57b8: 0x00cc, 0x57b9: 0x00cc, 0x57ba: 0x00cc, 0x57bb: 0x00cc, + 0x57bc: 0x00cc, 0x57bd: 0x00cc, 0x57be: 0x00cc, 0x57bf: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x15f, offset 0x57c0 + 0x57c0: 0x00cc, 0x57c1: 0x00cc, 0x57c2: 0x00cc, 0x57c3: 0x00cc, 0x57c4: 0x00cc, 0x57c5: 0x00cc, + 0x57c6: 0x00cc, 0x57c7: 0x00cc, 0x57c8: 0x00cc, 0x57c9: 0x00cc, 0x57ca: 0x00cc, 0x57cb: 0x00cc, + 0x57cc: 0x00cc, 0x57cd: 0x00cc, 0x57ce: 0x00cc, 0x57cf: 0x00cc, 0x57d0: 0x00cc, 0x57d1: 0x00cc, + 0x57d2: 0x00cc, 0x57d3: 0x00cc, 0x57d4: 0x00cc, 0x57d5: 0x00cc, 0x57d6: 0x00cc, 0x57d7: 0x00cc, + 0x57d8: 0x00cc, 0x57d9: 0x00cc, 0x57da: 0x00cc, 0x57db: 0x00cc, 0x57dc: 0x00cc, 0x57dd: 0x00cc, + 0x57de: 0x00cc, 0x57df: 0x00cc, 0x57e0: 0x00cc, 0x57e1: 0x00cc, + 0x57f0: 0x00cc, 0x57f1: 0x00cc, 0x57f2: 0x00cc, 0x57f3: 0x00cc, 0x57f4: 0x00cc, 0x57f5: 0x00cc, + 0x57f6: 0x00cc, 0x57f7: 0x00cc, 0x57f8: 0x00cc, 0x57f9: 0x00cc, 0x57fa: 0x00cc, 0x57fb: 0x00cc, + 0x57fc: 0x00cc, 0x57fd: 0x00cc, 0x57fe: 0x00cc, 0x57ff: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x160, offset 0x5800 + 0x5800: 0x00cc, 0x5801: 0x00cc, 0x5802: 0x00cc, 0x5803: 0x00cc, 0x5804: 0x00cc, 0x5805: 0x00cc, + 0x5806: 0x00cc, 0x5807: 0x00cc, 0x5808: 0x00cc, 0x5809: 0x00cc, 0x580a: 0x00cc, 0x580b: 0x00cc, + 0x580c: 0x00cc, 0x580d: 0x00cc, 0x580e: 0x00cc, 0x580f: 0x00cc, 0x5810: 0x00cc, 0x5811: 0x00cc, + 0x5812: 0x00cc, 0x5813: 0x00cc, 0x5814: 0x00cc, 0x5815: 0x00cc, 0x5816: 0x00cc, 0x5817: 0x00cc, + 0x5818: 0x00cc, 0x5819: 0x00cc, 0x581a: 0x00cc, 0x581b: 0x00cc, 0x581c: 0x00cc, 0x581d: 0x00cc, + 0x581e: 0x00cc, 0x581f: 0x00cc, 0x5820: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x161, offset 0x5840 + 0x5840: 0x008c, 0x5841: 0x008c, 0x5842: 0x008c, 0x5843: 0x008c, 0x5844: 0x008c, 0x5845: 0x008c, + 0x5846: 0x008c, 0x5847: 0x008c, 0x5848: 0x008c, 0x5849: 0x008c, 0x584a: 0x008c, 0x584b: 0x008c, + 0x584c: 0x008c, 0x584d: 0x008c, 0x584e: 0x008c, 0x584f: 0x008c, 0x5850: 0x008c, 0x5851: 0x008c, + 0x5852: 0x008c, 0x5853: 0x008c, 0x5854: 0x008c, 0x5855: 0x008c, 0x5856: 0x008c, 0x5857: 0x008c, + 0x5858: 0x008c, 0x5859: 0x008c, 0x585a: 0x008c, 0x585b: 0x008c, 0x585c: 0x008c, 0x585d: 0x008c, + // Block 0x162, offset 0x5880 + 0x5880: 0x00cc, 0x5881: 0x00cc, 0x5882: 0x00cc, 0x5883: 0x00cc, 0x5884: 0x00cc, 0x5885: 0x00cc, + 0x5886: 0x00cc, 0x5887: 0x00cc, 0x5888: 0x00cc, 0x5889: 0x00cc, 0x588a: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x163, offset 0x58c0 + 0x58c1: 0x0040, + 0x58e0: 0x0040, 0x58e1: 0x0040, 0x58e2: 0x0040, 0x58e3: 0x0040, + 0x58e4: 0x0040, 0x58e5: 0x0040, 0x58e6: 0x0040, 0x58e7: 0x0040, 0x58e8: 0x0040, 0x58e9: 0x0040, + 0x58ea: 0x0040, 0x58eb: 0x0040, 0x58ec: 0x0040, 0x58ed: 0x0040, 0x58ee: 0x0040, 0x58ef: 0x0040, + 0x58f0: 0x0040, 0x58f1: 0x0040, 0x58f2: 0x0040, 0x58f3: 0x0040, 0x58f4: 0x0040, 0x58f5: 0x0040, + 0x58f6: 0x0040, 0x58f7: 0x0040, 0x58f8: 0x0040, 0x58f9: 0x0040, 0x58fa: 0x0040, 0x58fb: 0x0040, + 0x58fc: 0x0040, 0x58fd: 0x0040, 0x58fe: 0x0040, 0x58ff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x164, offset 0x5900 + 0x5900: 0x0040, 0x5901: 0x0040, 0x5902: 0x0040, 0x5903: 0x0040, 0x5904: 0x0040, 0x5905: 0x0040, + 0x5906: 0x0040, 0x5907: 0x0040, 0x5908: 0x0040, 0x5909: 0x0040, 0x590a: 0x0040, 0x590b: 0x0040, + 0x590c: 0x0040, 0x590d: 0x0040, 0x590e: 0x0040, 0x590f: 0x0040, 0x5910: 0x0040, 0x5911: 0x0040, + 0x5912: 0x0040, 0x5913: 0x0040, 0x5914: 0x0040, 0x5915: 0x0040, 0x5916: 0x0040, 0x5917: 0x0040, + 0x5918: 0x0040, 0x5919: 0x0040, 0x591a: 0x0040, 0x591b: 0x0040, 0x591c: 0x0040, 0x591d: 0x0040, + 0x591e: 0x0040, 0x591f: 0x0040, 0x5920: 0x0040, 0x5921: 0x0040, 0x5922: 0x0040, 0x5923: 0x0040, + 0x5924: 0x0040, 0x5925: 0x0040, 0x5926: 0x0040, 0x5927: 0x0040, 0x5928: 0x0040, 0x5929: 0x0040, + 0x592a: 0x0040, 0x592b: 0x0040, 0x592c: 0x0040, 0x592d: 0x0040, 0x592e: 0x0040, 0x592f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x165, offset 0x5940 + 0x5940: 0x0040, 0x5941: 0x0040, 0x5942: 0x0040, 0x5943: 0x0040, 0x5944: 0x0040, 0x5945: 0x0040, + 0x5946: 0x0040, 0x5947: 0x0040, 0x5948: 0x0040, 0x5949: 0x0040, 0x594a: 0x0040, 0x594b: 0x0040, + 0x594c: 0x0040, 0x594d: 0x0040, 0x594e: 0x0040, 0x594f: 0x0040, 0x5950: 0x0040, 0x5951: 0x0040, + 0x5952: 0x0040, 0x5953: 0x0040, 0x5954: 0x0040, 0x5955: 0x0040, 0x5956: 0x0040, 0x5957: 0x0040, + 0x5958: 0x0040, 0x5959: 0x0040, 0x595a: 0x0040, 0x595b: 0x0040, 0x595c: 0x0040, 0x595d: 0x0040, + 0x595e: 0x0040, 0x595f: 0x0040, 0x5960: 0x0040, 0x5961: 0x0040, 0x5962: 0x0040, 0x5963: 0x0040, + 0x5964: 0x0040, 0x5965: 0x0040, 0x5966: 0x0040, 0x5967: 0x0040, 0x5968: 0x0040, 0x5969: 0x0040, + 0x596a: 0x0040, 0x596b: 0x0040, 0x596c: 0x0040, 0x596d: 0x0040, 0x596e: 0x0040, 0x596f: 0x0040, + 0x5970: 0x0040, 0x5971: 0x0040, 0x5972: 0x0040, 0x5973: 0x0040, 0x5974: 0x0040, 0x5975: 0x0040, + 0x5976: 0x0040, 0x5977: 0x0040, 0x5978: 0x0040, 0x5979: 0x0040, 0x597a: 0x0040, 0x597b: 0x0040, + 0x597c: 0x0040, 0x597d: 0x0040, +} + +// derivedPropertiesIndex: 38 blocks, 2432 entries, 4864 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var derivedPropertiesIndex = [2432]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc6: 0x05, 0xc7: 0x06, + 0xc8: 0x05, 0xc9: 0x05, 0xca: 0x07, 0xcb: 0x08, 0xcc: 0x09, 0xcd: 0x0a, 0xce: 0x0b, 0xcf: 0x0c, + 0xd0: 0x05, 0xd1: 0x05, 0xd2: 0x0d, 0xd3: 0x05, 0xd4: 0x0e, 0xd5: 0x0f, 0xd6: 0x10, 0xd7: 0x11, + 0xd8: 0x12, 0xd9: 0x13, 0xda: 0x14, 0xdb: 0x15, 0xdc: 0x16, 0xdd: 0x17, 0xde: 0x18, 0xdf: 0x19, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, 0xe4: 0x06, 0xe5: 0x07, 0xe6: 0x07, 0xe7: 0x07, + 0xe8: 0x07, 0xe9: 0x08, 0xea: 0x09, 0xeb: 0x0a, 0xec: 0x0a, 0xed: 0x0b, 0xee: 0x0c, 0xef: 0x0d, + 0xf0: 0x1f, 0xf3: 0x22, 0xf4: 0x23, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x1a, 0x121: 0x1b, 0x122: 0x1c, 0x123: 0x1d, 0x124: 0x1e, 0x125: 0x1f, 0x126: 0x20, 0x127: 0x21, + 0x128: 0x22, 0x129: 0x23, 0x12a: 0x24, 0x12b: 0x25, 0x12c: 0x26, 0x12d: 0x27, 0x12e: 0x28, 0x12f: 0x29, + 0x130: 0x2a, 0x131: 0x2b, 0x132: 0x2c, 0x133: 0x2d, 0x134: 0x2e, 0x135: 0x2f, 0x136: 0x30, 0x137: 0x31, + 0x138: 0x32, 0x139: 0x33, 0x13a: 0x34, 0x13b: 0x35, 0x13c: 0x36, 0x13d: 0x37, 0x13e: 0x38, 0x13f: 0x39, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x3a, 0x141: 0x3b, 0x142: 0x3c, 0x143: 0x3d, 0x144: 0x3e, 0x145: 0x3e, 0x146: 0x3e, 0x147: 0x3e, + 0x148: 0x05, 0x149: 0x3f, 0x14a: 0x40, 0x14b: 0x41, 0x14c: 0x42, 0x14d: 0x43, 0x14e: 0x44, 0x14f: 0x45, + 0x150: 0x46, 0x151: 0x05, 0x152: 0x05, 0x153: 0x05, 0x154: 0x05, 0x155: 0x05, 0x156: 0x05, 0x157: 0x05, + 0x158: 0x05, 0x159: 0x47, 0x15a: 0x48, 0x15b: 0x49, 0x15c: 0x4a, 0x15d: 0x4b, 0x15e: 0x4c, 0x15f: 0x4d, + 0x160: 0x4e, 0x161: 0x4f, 0x162: 0x50, 0x163: 0x51, 0x164: 0x52, 0x165: 0x53, 0x166: 0x54, 0x167: 0x55, + 0x168: 0x56, 0x169: 0x57, 0x16a: 0x58, 0x16b: 0x59, 0x16c: 0x5a, 0x16d: 0x5b, 0x16e: 0x5c, 0x16f: 0x5d, + 0x170: 0x5e, 0x171: 0x5f, 0x172: 0x60, 0x173: 0x61, 0x174: 0x62, 0x175: 0x63, 0x176: 0x64, 0x177: 0x65, + 0x178: 0x05, 0x179: 0x05, 0x17a: 0x66, 0x17b: 0x05, 0x17c: 0x67, 0x17d: 0x68, 0x17e: 0x69, 0x17f: 0x6a, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x6b, 0x181: 0x6c, 0x182: 0x6d, 0x183: 0x6e, 0x184: 0x6f, 0x185: 0x70, 0x186: 0x71, 0x187: 0x72, + 0x188: 0x72, 0x189: 0x72, 0x18a: 0x72, 0x18b: 0x72, 0x18c: 0x72, 0x18d: 0x72, 0x18e: 0x72, 0x18f: 0x72, + 0x190: 0x73, 0x191: 0x74, 0x192: 0x72, 0x193: 0x72, 0x194: 0x72, 0x195: 0x72, 0x196: 0x72, 0x197: 0x72, + 0x198: 0x72, 0x199: 0x72, 0x19a: 0x72, 0x19b: 0x72, 0x19c: 0x72, 0x19d: 0x72, 0x19e: 0x72, 0x19f: 0x72, + 0x1a0: 0x72, 0x1a1: 0x72, 0x1a2: 0x72, 0x1a3: 0x72, 0x1a4: 0x72, 0x1a5: 0x72, 0x1a6: 0x72, 0x1a7: 0x72, + 0x1a8: 0x72, 0x1a9: 0x72, 0x1aa: 0x72, 0x1ab: 0x72, 0x1ac: 0x72, 0x1ad: 0x75, 0x1ae: 0x76, 0x1af: 0x72, + 0x1b0: 0x77, 0x1b1: 0x78, 0x1b2: 0x05, 0x1b3: 0x79, 0x1b4: 0x7a, 0x1b5: 0x7b, 0x1b6: 0x7c, 0x1b7: 0x7d, + 0x1b8: 0x7e, 0x1b9: 0x7f, 0x1ba: 0x80, 0x1bb: 0x81, 0x1bc: 0x82, 0x1bd: 0x82, 0x1be: 0x82, 0x1bf: 0x83, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x84, 0x1c1: 0x85, 0x1c2: 0x86, 0x1c3: 0x87, 0x1c4: 0x88, 0x1c5: 0x89, 0x1c6: 0x8a, 0x1c7: 0x8b, + 0x1c8: 0x8c, 0x1c9: 0x72, 0x1ca: 0x72, 0x1cb: 0x8d, 0x1cc: 0x82, 0x1cd: 0x8e, 0x1ce: 0x72, 0x1cf: 0x72, + 0x1d0: 0x8f, 0x1d1: 0x8f, 0x1d2: 0x8f, 0x1d3: 0x8f, 0x1d4: 0x8f, 0x1d5: 0x8f, 0x1d6: 0x8f, 0x1d7: 0x8f, + 0x1d8: 0x8f, 0x1d9: 0x8f, 0x1da: 0x8f, 0x1db: 0x8f, 0x1dc: 0x8f, 0x1dd: 0x8f, 0x1de: 0x8f, 0x1df: 0x8f, + 0x1e0: 0x8f, 0x1e1: 0x8f, 0x1e2: 0x8f, 0x1e3: 0x8f, 0x1e4: 0x8f, 0x1e5: 0x8f, 0x1e6: 0x8f, 0x1e7: 0x8f, + 0x1e8: 0x8f, 0x1e9: 0x8f, 0x1ea: 0x8f, 0x1eb: 0x8f, 0x1ec: 0x8f, 0x1ed: 0x8f, 0x1ee: 0x8f, 0x1ef: 0x8f, + 0x1f0: 0x8f, 0x1f1: 0x8f, 0x1f2: 0x8f, 0x1f3: 0x8f, 0x1f4: 0x8f, 0x1f5: 0x8f, 0x1f6: 0x8f, 0x1f7: 0x8f, + 0x1f8: 0x8f, 0x1f9: 0x8f, 0x1fa: 0x8f, 0x1fb: 0x8f, 0x1fc: 0x8f, 0x1fd: 0x8f, 0x1fe: 0x8f, 0x1ff: 0x8f, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x8f, 0x201: 0x8f, 0x202: 0x8f, 0x203: 0x8f, 0x204: 0x8f, 0x205: 0x8f, 0x206: 0x8f, 0x207: 0x8f, + 0x208: 0x8f, 0x209: 0x8f, 0x20a: 0x8f, 0x20b: 0x8f, 0x20c: 0x8f, 0x20d: 0x8f, 0x20e: 0x8f, 0x20f: 0x8f, + 0x210: 0x8f, 0x211: 0x8f, 0x212: 0x8f, 0x213: 0x8f, 0x214: 0x8f, 0x215: 0x8f, 0x216: 0x8f, 0x217: 0x8f, + 0x218: 0x8f, 0x219: 0x8f, 0x21a: 0x8f, 0x21b: 0x8f, 0x21c: 0x8f, 0x21d: 0x8f, 0x21e: 0x8f, 0x21f: 0x8f, + 0x220: 0x8f, 0x221: 0x8f, 0x222: 0x8f, 0x223: 0x8f, 0x224: 0x8f, 0x225: 0x8f, 0x226: 0x8f, 0x227: 0x8f, + 0x228: 0x8f, 0x229: 0x8f, 0x22a: 0x8f, 0x22b: 0x8f, 0x22c: 0x8f, 0x22d: 0x8f, 0x22e: 0x8f, 0x22f: 0x8f, + 0x230: 0x8f, 0x231: 0x8f, 0x232: 0x8f, 0x233: 0x8f, 0x234: 0x8f, 0x235: 0x8f, 0x236: 0x8f, 0x237: 0x72, + 0x238: 0x8f, 0x239: 0x8f, 0x23a: 0x8f, 0x23b: 0x8f, 0x23c: 0x8f, 0x23d: 0x8f, 0x23e: 0x8f, 0x23f: 0x8f, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x8f, 0x241: 0x8f, 0x242: 0x8f, 0x243: 0x8f, 0x244: 0x8f, 0x245: 0x8f, 0x246: 0x8f, 0x247: 0x8f, + 0x248: 0x8f, 0x249: 0x8f, 0x24a: 0x8f, 0x24b: 0x8f, 0x24c: 0x8f, 0x24d: 0x8f, 0x24e: 0x8f, 0x24f: 0x8f, + 0x250: 0x8f, 0x251: 0x8f, 0x252: 0x8f, 0x253: 0x8f, 0x254: 0x8f, 0x255: 0x8f, 0x256: 0x8f, 0x257: 0x8f, + 0x258: 0x8f, 0x259: 0x8f, 0x25a: 0x8f, 0x25b: 0x8f, 0x25c: 0x8f, 0x25d: 0x8f, 0x25e: 0x8f, 0x25f: 0x8f, + 0x260: 0x8f, 0x261: 0x8f, 0x262: 0x8f, 0x263: 0x8f, 0x264: 0x8f, 0x265: 0x8f, 0x266: 0x8f, 0x267: 0x8f, + 0x268: 0x8f, 0x269: 0x8f, 0x26a: 0x8f, 0x26b: 0x8f, 0x26c: 0x8f, 0x26d: 0x8f, 0x26e: 0x8f, 0x26f: 0x8f, + 0x270: 0x8f, 0x271: 0x8f, 0x272: 0x8f, 0x273: 0x8f, 0x274: 0x8f, 0x275: 0x8f, 0x276: 0x8f, 0x277: 0x8f, + 0x278: 0x8f, 0x279: 0x8f, 0x27a: 0x8f, 0x27b: 0x8f, 0x27c: 0x8f, 0x27d: 0x8f, 0x27e: 0x8f, 0x27f: 0x8f, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x8f, 0x281: 0x8f, 0x282: 0x8f, 0x283: 0x8f, 0x284: 0x8f, 0x285: 0x8f, 0x286: 0x8f, 0x287: 0x8f, + 0x288: 0x8f, 0x289: 0x8f, 0x28a: 0x8f, 0x28b: 0x8f, 0x28c: 0x8f, 0x28d: 0x8f, 0x28e: 0x8f, 0x28f: 0x8f, + 0x290: 0x8f, 0x291: 0x8f, 0x292: 0x8f, 0x293: 0x8f, 0x294: 0x8f, 0x295: 0x8f, 0x296: 0x8f, 0x297: 0x8f, + 0x298: 0x8f, 0x299: 0x8f, 0x29a: 0x8f, 0x29b: 0x8f, 0x29c: 0x8f, 0x29d: 0x8f, 0x29e: 0x8f, 0x29f: 0x8f, + 0x2a0: 0x8f, 0x2a1: 0x8f, 0x2a2: 0x8f, 0x2a3: 0x8f, 0x2a4: 0x8f, 0x2a5: 0x8f, 0x2a6: 0x8f, 0x2a7: 0x8f, + 0x2a8: 0x8f, 0x2a9: 0x8f, 0x2aa: 0x8f, 0x2ab: 0x8f, 0x2ac: 0x8f, 0x2ad: 0x8f, 0x2ae: 0x8f, 0x2af: 0x8f, + 0x2b0: 0x8f, 0x2b1: 0x8f, 0x2b2: 0x8f, 0x2b3: 0x8f, 0x2b4: 0x8f, 0x2b5: 0x8f, 0x2b6: 0x8f, 0x2b7: 0x8f, + 0x2b8: 0x8f, 0x2b9: 0x8f, 0x2ba: 0x8f, 0x2bb: 0x8f, 0x2bc: 0x8f, 0x2bd: 0x8f, 0x2be: 0x8f, 0x2bf: 0x90, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x05, 0x2c1: 0x05, 0x2c2: 0x05, 0x2c3: 0x05, 0x2c4: 0x05, 0x2c5: 0x05, 0x2c6: 0x05, 0x2c7: 0x05, + 0x2c8: 0x05, 0x2c9: 0x05, 0x2ca: 0x05, 0x2cb: 0x05, 0x2cc: 0x05, 0x2cd: 0x05, 0x2ce: 0x05, 0x2cf: 0x05, + 0x2d0: 0x05, 0x2d1: 0x05, 0x2d2: 0x91, 0x2d3: 0x92, 0x2d4: 0x05, 0x2d5: 0x05, 0x2d6: 0x05, 0x2d7: 0x05, + 0x2d8: 0x93, 0x2d9: 0x94, 0x2da: 0x95, 0x2db: 0x96, 0x2dc: 0x97, 0x2dd: 0x98, 0x2de: 0x99, 0x2df: 0x9a, + 0x2e0: 0x9b, 0x2e1: 0x9c, 0x2e2: 0x05, 0x2e3: 0x9d, 0x2e4: 0x9e, 0x2e5: 0x9f, 0x2e6: 0xa0, 0x2e7: 0xa1, + 0x2e8: 0xa2, 0x2e9: 0xa3, 0x2ea: 0xa4, 0x2eb: 0xa5, 0x2ec: 0xa6, 0x2ed: 0xa7, 0x2ee: 0x05, 0x2ef: 0xa8, + 0x2f0: 0x05, 0x2f1: 0x05, 0x2f2: 0x05, 0x2f3: 0x05, 0x2f4: 0x05, 0x2f5: 0x05, 0x2f6: 0x05, 0x2f7: 0x05, + 0x2f8: 0x05, 0x2f9: 0x05, 0x2fa: 0x05, 0x2fb: 0x05, 0x2fc: 0x05, 0x2fd: 0x05, 0x2fe: 0x05, 0x2ff: 0x05, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x05, 0x301: 0x05, 0x302: 0x05, 0x303: 0x05, 0x304: 0x05, 0x305: 0x05, 0x306: 0x05, 0x307: 0x05, + 0x308: 0x05, 0x309: 0x05, 0x30a: 0x05, 0x30b: 0x05, 0x30c: 0x05, 0x30d: 0x05, 0x30e: 0x05, 0x30f: 0x05, + 0x310: 0x05, 0x311: 0x05, 0x312: 0x05, 0x313: 0x05, 0x314: 0x05, 0x315: 0x05, 0x316: 0x05, 0x317: 0x05, + 0x318: 0x05, 0x319: 0x05, 0x31a: 0x05, 0x31b: 0x05, 0x31c: 0x05, 0x31d: 0x05, 0x31e: 0x05, 0x31f: 0x05, + 0x320: 0x05, 0x321: 0x05, 0x322: 0x05, 0x323: 0x05, 0x324: 0x05, 0x325: 0x05, 0x326: 0x05, 0x327: 0x05, + 0x328: 0x05, 0x329: 0x05, 0x32a: 0x05, 0x32b: 0x05, 0x32c: 0x05, 0x32d: 0x05, 0x32e: 0x05, 0x32f: 0x05, + 0x330: 0x05, 0x331: 0x05, 0x332: 0x05, 0x333: 0x05, 0x334: 0x05, 0x335: 0x05, 0x336: 0x05, 0x337: 0x05, + 0x338: 0x05, 0x339: 0x05, 0x33a: 0x05, 0x33b: 0x05, 0x33c: 0x05, 0x33d: 0x05, 0x33e: 0x05, 0x33f: 0x05, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x05, 0x341: 0x05, 0x342: 0x05, 0x343: 0x05, 0x344: 0x05, 0x345: 0x05, 0x346: 0x05, 0x347: 0x05, + 0x348: 0x05, 0x349: 0x05, 0x34a: 0x05, 0x34b: 0x05, 0x34c: 0x05, 0x34d: 0x05, 0x34e: 0x05, 0x34f: 0x05, + 0x350: 0x05, 0x351: 0x05, 0x352: 0x05, 0x353: 0x05, 0x354: 0x05, 0x355: 0x05, 0x356: 0x05, 0x357: 0x05, + 0x358: 0x05, 0x359: 0x05, 0x35a: 0x05, 0x35b: 0x05, 0x35c: 0x05, 0x35d: 0x05, 0x35e: 0xa9, 0x35f: 0xaa, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x3e, 0x381: 0x3e, 0x382: 0x3e, 0x383: 0x3e, 0x384: 0x3e, 0x385: 0x3e, 0x386: 0x3e, 0x387: 0x3e, + 0x388: 0x3e, 0x389: 0x3e, 0x38a: 0x3e, 0x38b: 0x3e, 0x38c: 0x3e, 0x38d: 0x3e, 0x38e: 0x3e, 0x38f: 0x3e, + 0x390: 0x3e, 0x391: 0x3e, 0x392: 0x3e, 0x393: 0x3e, 0x394: 0x3e, 0x395: 0x3e, 0x396: 0x3e, 0x397: 0x3e, + 0x398: 0x3e, 0x399: 0x3e, 0x39a: 0x3e, 0x39b: 0x3e, 0x39c: 0x3e, 0x39d: 0x3e, 0x39e: 0x3e, 0x39f: 0x3e, + 0x3a0: 0x3e, 0x3a1: 0x3e, 0x3a2: 0x3e, 0x3a3: 0x3e, 0x3a4: 0x3e, 0x3a5: 0x3e, 0x3a6: 0x3e, 0x3a7: 0x3e, + 0x3a8: 0x3e, 0x3a9: 0x3e, 0x3aa: 0x3e, 0x3ab: 0x3e, 0x3ac: 0x3e, 0x3ad: 0x3e, 0x3ae: 0x3e, 0x3af: 0x3e, + 0x3b0: 0x3e, 0x3b1: 0x3e, 0x3b2: 0x3e, 0x3b3: 0x3e, 0x3b4: 0x3e, 0x3b5: 0x3e, 0x3b6: 0x3e, 0x3b7: 0x3e, + 0x3b8: 0x3e, 0x3b9: 0x3e, 0x3ba: 0x3e, 0x3bb: 0x3e, 0x3bc: 0x3e, 0x3bd: 0x3e, 0x3be: 0x3e, 0x3bf: 0x3e, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x3e, 0x3c1: 0x3e, 0x3c2: 0x3e, 0x3c3: 0x3e, 0x3c4: 0x3e, 0x3c5: 0x3e, 0x3c6: 0x3e, 0x3c7: 0x3e, + 0x3c8: 0x3e, 0x3c9: 0x3e, 0x3ca: 0x3e, 0x3cb: 0x3e, 0x3cc: 0x3e, 0x3cd: 0x3e, 0x3ce: 0x3e, 0x3cf: 0x3e, + 0x3d0: 0x3e, 0x3d1: 0x3e, 0x3d2: 0x3e, 0x3d3: 0x3e, 0x3d4: 0x3e, 0x3d5: 0x3e, 0x3d6: 0x3e, 0x3d7: 0x3e, + 0x3d8: 0x3e, 0x3d9: 0x3e, 0x3da: 0x3e, 0x3db: 0x3e, 0x3dc: 0x3e, 0x3dd: 0x3e, 0x3de: 0x3e, 0x3df: 0x3e, + 0x3e0: 0x3e, 0x3e1: 0x3e, 0x3e2: 0x3e, 0x3e3: 0x3e, 0x3e4: 0x82, 0x3e5: 0x82, 0x3e6: 0x82, 0x3e7: 0x82, + 0x3e8: 0xab, 0x3e9: 0xac, 0x3ea: 0x82, 0x3eb: 0xad, 0x3ec: 0xae, 0x3ed: 0xaf, 0x3ee: 0x72, 0x3ef: 0xb0, + 0x3f0: 0x72, 0x3f1: 0x72, 0x3f2: 0x72, 0x3f3: 0x72, 0x3f4: 0x72, 0x3f5: 0xb1, 0x3f6: 0xb2, 0x3f7: 0xb3, + 0x3f8: 0xb4, 0x3f9: 0xb5, 0x3fa: 0x72, 0x3fb: 0xb6, 0x3fc: 0xb7, 0x3fd: 0xb8, 0x3fe: 0xb9, 0x3ff: 0xba, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0xbb, 0x401: 0xbc, 0x402: 0x05, 0x403: 0xbd, 0x404: 0xbe, 0x405: 0xbf, 0x406: 0xc0, 0x407: 0xc1, + 0x40a: 0xc2, 0x40b: 0xc3, 0x40c: 0xc4, 0x40d: 0xc5, 0x40e: 0xc6, 0x40f: 0xc7, + 0x410: 0x05, 0x411: 0x05, 0x412: 0xc8, 0x413: 0xc9, 0x414: 0xca, 0x415: 0xcb, + 0x418: 0x05, 0x419: 0x05, 0x41a: 0x05, 0x41b: 0x05, 0x41c: 0xcc, 0x41d: 0xcd, + 0x420: 0xce, 0x421: 0xcf, 0x422: 0xd0, 0x423: 0xd1, 0x424: 0xd2, 0x426: 0xd3, 0x427: 0xb2, + 0x428: 0xd4, 0x429: 0xd5, 0x42a: 0xd6, 0x42b: 0xd7, 0x42c: 0xd8, 0x42d: 0xd9, 0x42e: 0xda, + 0x430: 0x05, 0x431: 0xdb, 0x432: 0xdc, 0x433: 0xdd, 0x434: 0xde, + 0x439: 0xdf, 0x43a: 0xe0, 0x43c: 0xe1, 0x43d: 0xe2, 0x43e: 0xe3, 0x43f: 0xe4, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0xe5, 0x441: 0xe6, 0x442: 0xe7, 0x443: 0xe8, 0x444: 0xe9, 0x445: 0xea, 0x446: 0xeb, 0x447: 0xec, + 0x448: 0xed, 0x44a: 0xee, 0x44b: 0xef, 0x44c: 0xf0, 0x44d: 0xf1, + 0x450: 0xf2, 0x451: 0xf3, 0x452: 0xf4, 0x453: 0xf5, 0x456: 0xf6, 0x457: 0xf7, + 0x458: 0xf8, 0x459: 0xf9, 0x45a: 0xfa, 0x45b: 0xfb, 0x45c: 0xfc, + 0x460: 0xfd, 0x462: 0xfe, 0x463: 0xff, 0x464: 0x100, 0x465: 0x101, 0x466: 0x102, 0x467: 0x103, + 0x468: 0x104, 0x469: 0x105, 0x46a: 0x106, 0x46b: 0x107, + 0x470: 0x108, 0x471: 0x109, 0x472: 0x10a, 0x474: 0x10b, 0x475: 0x10c, 0x476: 0x10d, + 0x47b: 0x10e, 0x47e: 0x10f, 0x47f: 0x110, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x05, 0x481: 0x05, 0x482: 0x05, 0x483: 0x05, 0x484: 0x05, 0x485: 0x05, 0x486: 0x05, 0x487: 0x05, + 0x488: 0x05, 0x489: 0x05, 0x48a: 0x05, 0x48b: 0x05, 0x48c: 0x05, 0x48d: 0x05, 0x48e: 0x111, + 0x490: 0x72, 0x491: 0x112, 0x492: 0x05, 0x493: 0x05, 0x494: 0x05, 0x495: 0x113, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x05, 0x4c1: 0x05, 0x4c2: 0x05, 0x4c3: 0x05, 0x4c4: 0x05, 0x4c5: 0x05, 0x4c6: 0x05, 0x4c7: 0x05, + 0x4c8: 0x05, 0x4c9: 0x05, 0x4ca: 0x05, 0x4cb: 0x05, 0x4cc: 0x05, 0x4cd: 0x05, 0x4ce: 0x05, 0x4cf: 0x05, + 0x4d0: 0x114, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x510: 0x05, 0x511: 0x05, 0x512: 0x05, 0x513: 0x05, 0x514: 0x05, 0x515: 0x05, 0x516: 0x05, 0x517: 0x05, + 0x518: 0x05, 0x519: 0x115, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x560: 0x05, 0x561: 0x05, 0x562: 0x05, 0x563: 0x05, 0x564: 0x05, 0x565: 0x05, 0x566: 0x05, 0x567: 0x05, + 0x568: 0x107, 0x569: 0x116, 0x56b: 0x117, 0x56c: 0x118, 0x56d: 0x119, 0x56e: 0x11a, + 0x579: 0x05, 0x57a: 0x11b, 0x57c: 0x05, 0x57d: 0x11c, 0x57e: 0x11d, 0x57f: 0x11e, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x05, 0x581: 0x05, 0x582: 0x05, 0x583: 0x05, 0x584: 0x05, 0x585: 0x05, 0x586: 0x05, 0x587: 0x05, + 0x588: 0x05, 0x589: 0x05, 0x58a: 0x05, 0x58b: 0x05, 0x58c: 0x05, 0x58d: 0x05, 0x58e: 0x05, 0x58f: 0x05, + 0x590: 0x05, 0x591: 0x05, 0x592: 0x05, 0x593: 0x05, 0x594: 0x05, 0x595: 0x05, 0x596: 0x05, 0x597: 0x05, + 0x598: 0x05, 0x599: 0x05, 0x59a: 0x05, 0x59b: 0x05, 0x59c: 0x05, 0x59d: 0x05, 0x59e: 0x05, 0x59f: 0x11f, + 0x5a0: 0x05, 0x5a1: 0x05, 0x5a2: 0x05, 0x5a3: 0x05, 0x5a4: 0x05, 0x5a5: 0x05, 0x5a6: 0x05, 0x5a7: 0x05, + 0x5a8: 0x05, 0x5a9: 0x05, 0x5aa: 0x05, 0x5ab: 0x05, 0x5ac: 0x05, 0x5ad: 0x05, 0x5ae: 0x05, 0x5af: 0x05, + 0x5b0: 0x05, 0x5b1: 0x05, 0x5b2: 0x05, 0x5b3: 0x120, 0x5b4: 0xdb, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x8f, 0x5c1: 0x8f, 0x5c2: 0x8f, 0x5c3: 0x8f, 0x5c4: 0x121, 0x5c5: 0x122, 0x5c6: 0x05, 0x5c7: 0x05, + 0x5c8: 0x05, 0x5c9: 0x05, 0x5ca: 0x05, 0x5cb: 0x123, + 0x5f0: 0x05, 0x5f1: 0x124, 0x5f2: 0x125, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x72, 0x601: 0x72, 0x602: 0x72, 0x603: 0x126, 0x604: 0x127, 0x605: 0x128, 0x606: 0x129, 0x607: 0x12a, + 0x608: 0xbf, 0x609: 0x12b, 0x60b: 0x12c, 0x60c: 0x72, 0x60d: 0x12d, + 0x610: 0x72, 0x611: 0x12e, 0x612: 0x12f, 0x613: 0x130, 0x614: 0x131, 0x615: 0x132, 0x616: 0x72, 0x617: 0x72, + 0x618: 0x72, 0x619: 0x72, 0x61a: 0x133, 0x61b: 0x72, 0x61c: 0x72, 0x61d: 0x72, 0x61e: 0x72, 0x61f: 0x134, + 0x620: 0x72, 0x621: 0x72, 0x622: 0x72, 0x623: 0x72, 0x624: 0x72, 0x625: 0x72, 0x626: 0x72, 0x627: 0x72, + 0x628: 0x135, 0x629: 0x136, 0x62a: 0x137, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x138, 0x644: 0x139, 0x645: 0x13a, + 0x64b: 0x13b, + 0x660: 0x05, 0x661: 0x05, 0x662: 0x05, 0x663: 0x13c, 0x664: 0x13d, 0x665: 0x13e, + 0x671: 0x13f, 0x672: 0x140, 0x674: 0x141, + 0x678: 0x142, 0x679: 0x143, 0x67a: 0x144, 0x67b: 0x145, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x146, 0x681: 0x72, 0x682: 0x147, 0x683: 0x148, 0x684: 0x72, 0x685: 0x72, 0x686: 0x149, 0x687: 0x14a, + 0x688: 0x14b, 0x689: 0x14c, 0x68c: 0x72, 0x68d: 0x72, 0x68e: 0x72, 0x68f: 0x72, + 0x690: 0x72, 0x691: 0x72, 0x692: 0x72, 0x693: 0x72, 0x694: 0x72, 0x695: 0x72, 0x696: 0x72, 0x697: 0x72, + 0x698: 0x72, 0x699: 0x72, 0x69a: 0x72, 0x69b: 0x14d, 0x69c: 0x72, 0x69d: 0x14e, 0x69e: 0x72, 0x69f: 0x14f, + 0x6a0: 0x150, 0x6a1: 0x151, 0x6a2: 0x152, 0x6a4: 0x72, 0x6a5: 0x153, 0x6a6: 0x72, 0x6a7: 0x154, + 0x6a8: 0x72, 0x6a9: 0x155, 0x6aa: 0x156, 0x6ab: 0x157, 0x6ac: 0x72, 0x6ad: 0x72, 0x6ae: 0x158, 0x6af: 0x159, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x8f, 0x6c1: 0x8f, 0x6c2: 0x8f, 0x6c3: 0x8f, 0x6c4: 0x8f, 0x6c5: 0x8f, 0x6c6: 0x8f, 0x6c7: 0x8f, + 0x6c8: 0x8f, 0x6c9: 0x8f, 0x6ca: 0x8f, 0x6cb: 0x8f, 0x6cc: 0x8f, 0x6cd: 0x8f, 0x6ce: 0x8f, 0x6cf: 0x8f, + 0x6d0: 0x8f, 0x6d1: 0x8f, 0x6d2: 0x8f, 0x6d3: 0x8f, 0x6d4: 0x8f, 0x6d5: 0x8f, 0x6d6: 0x8f, 0x6d7: 0x8f, + 0x6d8: 0x8f, 0x6d9: 0x8f, 0x6da: 0x8f, 0x6db: 0x15a, 0x6dc: 0x8f, 0x6dd: 0x8f, 0x6de: 0x8f, 0x6df: 0x8f, + 0x6e0: 0x8f, 0x6e1: 0x8f, 0x6e2: 0x8f, 0x6e3: 0x8f, 0x6e4: 0x8f, 0x6e5: 0x8f, 0x6e6: 0x8f, 0x6e7: 0x8f, + 0x6e8: 0x8f, 0x6e9: 0x8f, 0x6ea: 0x8f, 0x6eb: 0x8f, 0x6ec: 0x8f, 0x6ed: 0x8f, 0x6ee: 0x8f, 0x6ef: 0x8f, + 0x6f0: 0x8f, 0x6f1: 0x8f, 0x6f2: 0x8f, 0x6f3: 0x8f, 0x6f4: 0x8f, 0x6f5: 0x8f, 0x6f6: 0x8f, 0x6f7: 0x8f, + 0x6f8: 0x8f, 0x6f9: 0x8f, 0x6fa: 0x8f, 0x6fb: 0x8f, 0x6fc: 0x8f, 0x6fd: 0x8f, 0x6fe: 0x8f, 0x6ff: 0x8f, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x8f, 0x701: 0x8f, 0x702: 0x8f, 0x703: 0x8f, 0x704: 0x8f, 0x705: 0x8f, 0x706: 0x8f, 0x707: 0x8f, + 0x708: 0x8f, 0x709: 0x8f, 0x70a: 0x8f, 0x70b: 0x8f, 0x70c: 0x8f, 0x70d: 0x8f, 0x70e: 0x8f, 0x70f: 0x8f, + 0x710: 0x8f, 0x711: 0x8f, 0x712: 0x8f, 0x713: 0x8f, 0x714: 0x8f, 0x715: 0x8f, 0x716: 0x8f, 0x717: 0x8f, + 0x718: 0x8f, 0x719: 0x8f, 0x71a: 0x8f, 0x71b: 0x8f, 0x71c: 0x15b, 0x71d: 0x8f, 0x71e: 0x8f, 0x71f: 0x8f, + 0x720: 0x15c, 0x721: 0x8f, 0x722: 0x8f, 0x723: 0x8f, 0x724: 0x8f, 0x725: 0x8f, 0x726: 0x8f, 0x727: 0x8f, + 0x728: 0x8f, 0x729: 0x8f, 0x72a: 0x8f, 0x72b: 0x8f, 0x72c: 0x8f, 0x72d: 0x8f, 0x72e: 0x8f, 0x72f: 0x8f, + 0x730: 0x8f, 0x731: 0x8f, 0x732: 0x8f, 0x733: 0x8f, 0x734: 0x8f, 0x735: 0x8f, 0x736: 0x8f, 0x737: 0x8f, + 0x738: 0x8f, 0x739: 0x8f, 0x73a: 0x8f, 0x73b: 0x8f, 0x73c: 0x8f, 0x73d: 0x8f, 0x73e: 0x8f, 0x73f: 0x8f, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x8f, 0x741: 0x8f, 0x742: 0x8f, 0x743: 0x8f, 0x744: 0x8f, 0x745: 0x8f, 0x746: 0x8f, 0x747: 0x8f, + 0x748: 0x8f, 0x749: 0x8f, 0x74a: 0x8f, 0x74b: 0x8f, 0x74c: 0x8f, 0x74d: 0x8f, 0x74e: 0x8f, 0x74f: 0x8f, + 0x750: 0x8f, 0x751: 0x8f, 0x752: 0x8f, 0x753: 0x8f, 0x754: 0x8f, 0x755: 0x8f, 0x756: 0x8f, 0x757: 0x8f, + 0x758: 0x8f, 0x759: 0x8f, 0x75a: 0x8f, 0x75b: 0x8f, 0x75c: 0x8f, 0x75d: 0x8f, 0x75e: 0x8f, 0x75f: 0x8f, + 0x760: 0x8f, 0x761: 0x8f, 0x762: 0x8f, 0x763: 0x8f, 0x764: 0x8f, 0x765: 0x8f, 0x766: 0x8f, 0x767: 0x8f, + 0x768: 0x8f, 0x769: 0x8f, 0x76a: 0x8f, 0x76b: 0x8f, 0x76c: 0x8f, 0x76d: 0x8f, 0x76e: 0x8f, 0x76f: 0x8f, + 0x770: 0x8f, 0x771: 0x8f, 0x772: 0x8f, 0x773: 0x8f, 0x774: 0x8f, 0x775: 0x8f, 0x776: 0x8f, 0x777: 0x8f, + 0x778: 0x8f, 0x779: 0x8f, 0x77a: 0x15d, 0x77b: 0x8f, 0x77c: 0x8f, 0x77d: 0x8f, 0x77e: 0x8f, 0x77f: 0x8f, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x780: 0x8f, 0x781: 0x8f, 0x782: 0x8f, 0x783: 0x8f, 0x784: 0x8f, 0x785: 0x8f, 0x786: 0x8f, 0x787: 0x8f, + 0x788: 0x8f, 0x789: 0x8f, 0x78a: 0x8f, 0x78b: 0x8f, 0x78c: 0x8f, 0x78d: 0x8f, 0x78e: 0x8f, 0x78f: 0x8f, + 0x790: 0x8f, 0x791: 0x8f, 0x792: 0x8f, 0x793: 0x8f, 0x794: 0x8f, 0x795: 0x8f, 0x796: 0x8f, 0x797: 0x8f, + 0x798: 0x8f, 0x799: 0x8f, 0x79a: 0x8f, 0x79b: 0x8f, 0x79c: 0x8f, 0x79d: 0x8f, 0x79e: 0x8f, 0x79f: 0x8f, + 0x7a0: 0x8f, 0x7a1: 0x8f, 0x7a2: 0x8f, 0x7a3: 0x8f, 0x7a4: 0x8f, 0x7a5: 0x8f, 0x7a6: 0x8f, 0x7a7: 0x8f, + 0x7a8: 0x8f, 0x7a9: 0x8f, 0x7aa: 0x8f, 0x7ab: 0x8f, 0x7ac: 0x8f, 0x7ad: 0x8f, 0x7ae: 0x8f, 0x7af: 0x15e, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7e0: 0x82, 0x7e1: 0x82, 0x7e2: 0x82, 0x7e3: 0x82, 0x7e4: 0x82, 0x7e5: 0x82, 0x7e6: 0x82, 0x7e7: 0x82, + 0x7e8: 0x15f, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x8f, 0x801: 0x8f, 0x802: 0x8f, 0x803: 0x8f, 0x804: 0x8f, 0x805: 0x8f, 0x806: 0x8f, 0x807: 0x8f, + 0x808: 0x8f, 0x809: 0x8f, 0x80a: 0x8f, 0x80b: 0x8f, 0x80c: 0x8f, 0x80d: 0x160, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x850: 0x0e, 0x851: 0x0f, 0x852: 0x10, 0x853: 0x11, 0x854: 0x12, 0x856: 0x13, 0x857: 0x0a, + 0x858: 0x14, 0x85b: 0x15, 0x85d: 0x16, 0x85e: 0x17, 0x85f: 0x18, + 0x860: 0x07, 0x861: 0x07, 0x862: 0x07, 0x863: 0x07, 0x864: 0x07, 0x865: 0x07, 0x866: 0x07, 0x867: 0x07, + 0x868: 0x07, 0x869: 0x07, 0x86a: 0x19, 0x86b: 0x1a, 0x86c: 0x1b, 0x86d: 0x07, 0x86e: 0x1c, 0x86f: 0x1d, + 0x870: 0x07, 0x871: 0x1e, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x161, 0x881: 0x3e, 0x884: 0x3e, 0x885: 0x3e, 0x886: 0x3e, 0x887: 0x162, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x3e, 0x8c1: 0x3e, 0x8c2: 0x3e, 0x8c3: 0x3e, 0x8c4: 0x3e, 0x8c5: 0x3e, 0x8c6: 0x3e, 0x8c7: 0x3e, + 0x8c8: 0x3e, 0x8c9: 0x3e, 0x8ca: 0x3e, 0x8cb: 0x3e, 0x8cc: 0x3e, 0x8cd: 0x3e, 0x8ce: 0x3e, 0x8cf: 0x3e, + 0x8d0: 0x3e, 0x8d1: 0x3e, 0x8d2: 0x3e, 0x8d3: 0x3e, 0x8d4: 0x3e, 0x8d5: 0x3e, 0x8d6: 0x3e, 0x8d7: 0x3e, + 0x8d8: 0x3e, 0x8d9: 0x3e, 0x8da: 0x3e, 0x8db: 0x3e, 0x8dc: 0x3e, 0x8dd: 0x3e, 0x8de: 0x3e, 0x8df: 0x3e, + 0x8e0: 0x3e, 0x8e1: 0x3e, 0x8e2: 0x3e, 0x8e3: 0x3e, 0x8e4: 0x3e, 0x8e5: 0x3e, 0x8e6: 0x3e, 0x8e7: 0x3e, + 0x8e8: 0x3e, 0x8e9: 0x3e, 0x8ea: 0x3e, 0x8eb: 0x3e, 0x8ec: 0x3e, 0x8ed: 0x3e, 0x8ee: 0x3e, 0x8ef: 0x3e, + 0x8f0: 0x3e, 0x8f1: 0x3e, 0x8f2: 0x3e, 0x8f3: 0x3e, 0x8f4: 0x3e, 0x8f5: 0x3e, 0x8f6: 0x3e, 0x8f7: 0x3e, + 0x8f8: 0x3e, 0x8f9: 0x3e, 0x8fa: 0x3e, 0x8fb: 0x3e, 0x8fc: 0x3e, 0x8fd: 0x3e, 0x8fe: 0x3e, 0x8ff: 0x163, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x920: 0x20, + 0x930: 0x0c, 0x931: 0x0c, 0x932: 0x0c, 0x933: 0x0c, 0x934: 0x0c, 0x935: 0x0c, 0x936: 0x0c, 0x937: 0x0c, + 0x938: 0x0c, 0x939: 0x0c, 0x93a: 0x0c, 0x93b: 0x0c, 0x93c: 0x0c, 0x93d: 0x0c, 0x93e: 0x0c, 0x93f: 0x21, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x0c, 0x941: 0x0c, 0x942: 0x0c, 0x943: 0x0c, 0x944: 0x0c, 0x945: 0x0c, 0x946: 0x0c, 0x947: 0x0c, + 0x948: 0x0c, 0x949: 0x0c, 0x94a: 0x0c, 0x94b: 0x0c, 0x94c: 0x0c, 0x94d: 0x0c, 0x94e: 0x0c, 0x94f: 0x21, +} + +// Total table size 27776 bytes (27KiB); checksum: 811C9DC5 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables9.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables9.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2292b7cb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/tables9.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,3791 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build !go1.10 +// +build !go1.10 + +package precis + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "9.0.0" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0] + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return derivedPropertiesValues[c0] + } + i := derivedPropertiesIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = derivedPropertiesIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// derivedPropertiesTrie. Total size: 25344 bytes (24.75 KiB). Checksum: c5b977d76d42d8a. +type derivedPropertiesTrie struct{} + +func newDerivedPropertiesTrie(i int) *derivedPropertiesTrie { + return &derivedPropertiesTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *derivedPropertiesTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint8 { + switch { + default: + return uint8(derivedPropertiesValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// derivedPropertiesValues: 324 blocks, 20736 entries, 20736 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var derivedPropertiesValues = [20736]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x00: 0x0040, 0x01: 0x0040, 0x02: 0x0040, 0x03: 0x0040, 0x04: 0x0040, 0x05: 0x0040, + 0x06: 0x0040, 0x07: 0x0040, 0x08: 0x0040, 0x09: 0x0040, 0x0a: 0x0040, 0x0b: 0x0040, + 0x0c: 0x0040, 0x0d: 0x0040, 0x0e: 0x0040, 0x0f: 0x0040, 0x10: 0x0040, 0x11: 0x0040, + 0x12: 0x0040, 0x13: 0x0040, 0x14: 0x0040, 0x15: 0x0040, 0x16: 0x0040, 0x17: 0x0040, + 0x18: 0x0040, 0x19: 0x0040, 0x1a: 0x0040, 0x1b: 0x0040, 0x1c: 0x0040, 0x1d: 0x0040, + 0x1e: 0x0040, 0x1f: 0x0040, 0x20: 0x0080, 0x21: 0x00c0, 0x22: 0x00c0, 0x23: 0x00c0, + 0x24: 0x00c0, 0x25: 0x00c0, 0x26: 0x00c0, 0x27: 0x00c0, 0x28: 0x00c0, 0x29: 0x00c0, + 0x2a: 0x00c0, 0x2b: 0x00c0, 0x2c: 0x00c0, 0x2d: 0x00c0, 0x2e: 0x00c0, 0x2f: 0x00c0, + 0x30: 0x00c0, 0x31: 0x00c0, 0x32: 0x00c0, 0x33: 0x00c0, 0x34: 0x00c0, 0x35: 0x00c0, + 0x36: 0x00c0, 0x37: 0x00c0, 0x38: 0x00c0, 0x39: 0x00c0, 0x3a: 0x00c0, 0x3b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c: 0x00c0, 0x3d: 0x00c0, 0x3e: 0x00c0, 0x3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x00c0, 0x41: 0x00c0, 0x42: 0x00c0, 0x43: 0x00c0, 0x44: 0x00c0, 0x45: 0x00c0, + 0x46: 0x00c0, 0x47: 0x00c0, 0x48: 0x00c0, 0x49: 0x00c0, 0x4a: 0x00c0, 0x4b: 0x00c0, + 0x4c: 0x00c0, 0x4d: 0x00c0, 0x4e: 0x00c0, 0x4f: 0x00c0, 0x50: 0x00c0, 0x51: 0x00c0, + 0x52: 0x00c0, 0x53: 0x00c0, 0x54: 0x00c0, 0x55: 0x00c0, 0x56: 0x00c0, 0x57: 0x00c0, + 0x58: 0x00c0, 0x59: 0x00c0, 0x5a: 0x00c0, 0x5b: 0x00c0, 0x5c: 0x00c0, 0x5d: 0x00c0, + 0x5e: 0x00c0, 0x5f: 0x00c0, 0x60: 0x00c0, 0x61: 0x00c0, 0x62: 0x00c0, 0x63: 0x00c0, + 0x64: 0x00c0, 0x65: 0x00c0, 0x66: 0x00c0, 0x67: 0x00c0, 0x68: 0x00c0, 0x69: 0x00c0, + 0x6a: 0x00c0, 0x6b: 0x00c0, 0x6c: 0x00c7, 0x6d: 0x00c0, 0x6e: 0x00c0, 0x6f: 0x00c0, + 0x70: 0x00c0, 0x71: 0x00c0, 0x72: 0x00c0, 0x73: 0x00c0, 0x74: 0x00c0, 0x75: 0x00c0, + 0x76: 0x00c0, 0x77: 0x00c0, 0x78: 0x00c0, 0x79: 0x00c0, 0x7a: 0x00c0, 0x7b: 0x00c0, + 0x7c: 0x00c0, 0x7d: 0x00c0, 0x7e: 0x00c0, 0x7f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x0040, 0xc1: 0x0040, 0xc2: 0x0040, 0xc3: 0x0040, 0xc4: 0x0040, 0xc5: 0x0040, + 0xc6: 0x0040, 0xc7: 0x0040, 0xc8: 0x0040, 0xc9: 0x0040, 0xca: 0x0040, 0xcb: 0x0040, + 0xcc: 0x0040, 0xcd: 0x0040, 0xce: 0x0040, 0xcf: 0x0040, 0xd0: 0x0040, 0xd1: 0x0040, + 0xd2: 0x0040, 0xd3: 0x0040, 0xd4: 0x0040, 0xd5: 0x0040, 0xd6: 0x0040, 0xd7: 0x0040, + 0xd8: 0x0040, 0xd9: 0x0040, 0xda: 0x0040, 0xdb: 0x0040, 0xdc: 0x0040, 0xdd: 0x0040, + 0xde: 0x0040, 0xdf: 0x0040, 0xe0: 0x0080, 0xe1: 0x0080, 0xe2: 0x0080, 0xe3: 0x0080, + 0xe4: 0x0080, 0xe5: 0x0080, 0xe6: 0x0080, 0xe7: 0x0080, 0xe8: 0x0080, 0xe9: 0x0080, + 0xea: 0x0080, 0xeb: 0x0080, 0xec: 0x0080, 0xed: 0x0040, 0xee: 0x0080, 0xef: 0x0080, + 0xf0: 0x0080, 0xf1: 0x0080, 0xf2: 0x0080, 0xf3: 0x0080, 0xf4: 0x0080, 0xf5: 0x0080, + 0xf6: 0x0080, 0xf7: 0x004f, 0xf8: 0x0080, 0xf9: 0x0080, 0xfa: 0x0080, 0xfb: 0x0080, + 0xfc: 0x0080, 0xfd: 0x0080, 0xfe: 0x0080, 0xff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0x00c0, 0x101: 0x00c0, 0x102: 0x00c0, 0x103: 0x00c0, 0x104: 0x00c0, 0x105: 0x00c0, + 0x106: 0x00c0, 0x107: 0x00c0, 0x108: 0x00c0, 0x109: 0x00c0, 0x10a: 0x00c0, 0x10b: 0x00c0, + 0x10c: 0x00c0, 0x10d: 0x00c0, 0x10e: 0x00c0, 0x10f: 0x00c0, 0x110: 0x00c0, 0x111: 0x00c0, + 0x112: 0x00c0, 0x113: 0x00c0, 0x114: 0x00c0, 0x115: 0x00c0, 0x116: 0x00c0, 0x117: 0x0080, + 0x118: 0x00c0, 0x119: 0x00c0, 0x11a: 0x00c0, 0x11b: 0x00c0, 0x11c: 0x00c0, 0x11d: 0x00c0, + 0x11e: 0x00c0, 0x11f: 0x00c0, 0x120: 0x00c0, 0x121: 0x00c0, 0x122: 0x00c0, 0x123: 0x00c0, + 0x124: 0x00c0, 0x125: 0x00c0, 0x126: 0x00c0, 0x127: 0x00c0, 0x128: 0x00c0, 0x129: 0x00c0, + 0x12a: 0x00c0, 0x12b: 0x00c0, 0x12c: 0x00c0, 0x12d: 0x00c0, 0x12e: 0x00c0, 0x12f: 0x00c0, + 0x130: 0x00c0, 0x131: 0x00c0, 0x132: 0x00c0, 0x133: 0x00c0, 0x134: 0x00c0, 0x135: 0x00c0, + 0x136: 0x00c0, 0x137: 0x0080, 0x138: 0x00c0, 0x139: 0x00c0, 0x13a: 0x00c0, 0x13b: 0x00c0, + 0x13c: 0x00c0, 0x13d: 0x00c0, 0x13e: 0x00c0, 0x13f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x00c0, 0x141: 0x00c0, 0x142: 0x00c0, 0x143: 0x00c0, 0x144: 0x00c0, 0x145: 0x00c0, + 0x146: 0x00c0, 0x147: 0x00c0, 0x148: 0x00c0, 0x149: 0x00c0, 0x14a: 0x00c0, 0x14b: 0x00c0, + 0x14c: 0x00c0, 0x14d: 0x00c0, 0x14e: 0x00c0, 0x14f: 0x00c0, 0x150: 0x00c0, 0x151: 0x00c0, + 0x152: 0x00c0, 0x153: 0x00c0, 0x154: 0x00c0, 0x155: 0x00c0, 0x156: 0x00c0, 0x157: 0x00c0, + 0x158: 0x00c0, 0x159: 0x00c0, 0x15a: 0x00c0, 0x15b: 0x00c0, 0x15c: 0x00c0, 0x15d: 0x00c0, + 0x15e: 0x00c0, 0x15f: 0x00c0, 0x160: 0x00c0, 0x161: 0x00c0, 0x162: 0x00c0, 0x163: 0x00c0, + 0x164: 0x00c0, 0x165: 0x00c0, 0x166: 0x00c0, 0x167: 0x00c0, 0x168: 0x00c0, 0x169: 0x00c0, + 0x16a: 0x00c0, 0x16b: 0x00c0, 0x16c: 0x00c0, 0x16d: 0x00c0, 0x16e: 0x00c0, 0x16f: 0x00c0, + 0x170: 0x00c0, 0x171: 0x00c0, 0x172: 0x0080, 0x173: 0x0080, 0x174: 0x00c0, 0x175: 0x00c0, + 0x176: 0x00c0, 0x177: 0x00c0, 0x178: 0x00c0, 0x179: 0x00c0, 0x17a: 0x00c0, 0x17b: 0x00c0, + 0x17c: 0x00c0, 0x17d: 0x00c0, 0x17e: 0x00c0, 0x17f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x0080, 0x181: 0x00c0, 0x182: 0x00c0, 0x183: 0x00c0, 0x184: 0x00c0, 0x185: 0x00c0, + 0x186: 0x00c0, 0x187: 0x00c0, 0x188: 0x00c0, 0x189: 0x0080, 0x18a: 0x00c0, 0x18b: 0x00c0, + 0x18c: 0x00c0, 0x18d: 0x00c0, 0x18e: 0x00c0, 0x18f: 0x00c0, 0x190: 0x00c0, 0x191: 0x00c0, + 0x192: 0x00c0, 0x193: 0x00c0, 0x194: 0x00c0, 0x195: 0x00c0, 0x196: 0x00c0, 0x197: 0x00c0, + 0x198: 0x00c0, 0x199: 0x00c0, 0x19a: 0x00c0, 0x19b: 0x00c0, 0x19c: 0x00c0, 0x19d: 0x00c0, + 0x19e: 0x00c0, 0x19f: 0x00c0, 0x1a0: 0x00c0, 0x1a1: 0x00c0, 0x1a2: 0x00c0, 0x1a3: 0x00c0, + 0x1a4: 0x00c0, 0x1a5: 0x00c0, 0x1a6: 0x00c0, 0x1a7: 0x00c0, 0x1a8: 0x00c0, 0x1a9: 0x00c0, + 0x1aa: 0x00c0, 0x1ab: 0x00c0, 0x1ac: 0x00c0, 0x1ad: 0x00c0, 0x1ae: 0x00c0, 0x1af: 0x00c0, + 0x1b0: 0x00c0, 0x1b1: 0x00c0, 0x1b2: 0x00c0, 0x1b3: 0x00c0, 0x1b4: 0x00c0, 0x1b5: 0x00c0, + 0x1b6: 0x00c0, 0x1b7: 0x00c0, 0x1b8: 0x00c0, 0x1b9: 0x00c0, 0x1ba: 0x00c0, 0x1bb: 0x00c0, + 0x1bc: 0x00c0, 0x1bd: 0x00c0, 0x1be: 0x00c0, 0x1bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x00c0, 0x1c1: 0x00c0, 0x1c2: 0x00c0, 0x1c3: 0x00c0, 0x1c4: 0x00c0, 0x1c5: 0x00c0, + 0x1c6: 0x00c0, 0x1c7: 0x00c0, 0x1c8: 0x00c0, 0x1c9: 0x00c0, 0x1ca: 0x00c0, 0x1cb: 0x00c0, + 0x1cc: 0x00c0, 0x1cd: 0x00c0, 0x1ce: 0x00c0, 0x1cf: 0x00c0, 0x1d0: 0x00c0, 0x1d1: 0x00c0, + 0x1d2: 0x00c0, 0x1d3: 0x00c0, 0x1d4: 0x00c0, 0x1d5: 0x00c0, 0x1d6: 0x00c0, 0x1d7: 0x00c0, + 0x1d8: 0x00c0, 0x1d9: 0x00c0, 0x1da: 0x00c0, 0x1db: 0x00c0, 0x1dc: 0x00c0, 0x1dd: 0x00c0, + 0x1de: 0x00c0, 0x1df: 0x00c0, 0x1e0: 0x00c0, 0x1e1: 0x00c0, 0x1e2: 0x00c0, 0x1e3: 0x00c0, + 0x1e4: 0x00c0, 0x1e5: 0x00c0, 0x1e6: 0x00c0, 0x1e7: 0x00c0, 0x1e8: 0x00c0, 0x1e9: 0x00c0, + 0x1ea: 0x00c0, 0x1eb: 0x00c0, 0x1ec: 0x00c0, 0x1ed: 0x00c0, 0x1ee: 0x00c0, 0x1ef: 0x00c0, + 0x1f0: 0x00c0, 0x1f1: 0x00c0, 0x1f2: 0x00c0, 0x1f3: 0x00c0, 0x1f4: 0x00c0, 0x1f5: 0x00c0, + 0x1f6: 0x00c0, 0x1f7: 0x00c0, 0x1f8: 0x00c0, 0x1f9: 0x00c0, 0x1fa: 0x00c0, 0x1fb: 0x00c0, + 0x1fc: 0x00c0, 0x1fd: 0x00c0, 0x1fe: 0x00c0, 0x1ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x00c0, 0x201: 0x00c0, 0x202: 0x00c0, 0x203: 0x00c0, 0x204: 0x0080, 0x205: 0x0080, + 0x206: 0x0080, 0x207: 0x0080, 0x208: 0x0080, 0x209: 0x0080, 0x20a: 0x0080, 0x20b: 0x0080, + 0x20c: 0x0080, 0x20d: 0x00c0, 0x20e: 0x00c0, 0x20f: 0x00c0, 0x210: 0x00c0, 0x211: 0x00c0, + 0x212: 0x00c0, 0x213: 0x00c0, 0x214: 0x00c0, 0x215: 0x00c0, 0x216: 0x00c0, 0x217: 0x00c0, + 0x218: 0x00c0, 0x219: 0x00c0, 0x21a: 0x00c0, 0x21b: 0x00c0, 0x21c: 0x00c0, 0x21d: 0x00c0, + 0x21e: 0x00c0, 0x21f: 0x00c0, 0x220: 0x00c0, 0x221: 0x00c0, 0x222: 0x00c0, 0x223: 0x00c0, + 0x224: 0x00c0, 0x225: 0x00c0, 0x226: 0x00c0, 0x227: 0x00c0, 0x228: 0x00c0, 0x229: 0x00c0, + 0x22a: 0x00c0, 0x22b: 0x00c0, 0x22c: 0x00c0, 0x22d: 0x00c0, 0x22e: 0x00c0, 0x22f: 0x00c0, + 0x230: 0x00c0, 0x231: 0x0080, 0x232: 0x0080, 0x233: 0x0080, 0x234: 0x00c0, 0x235: 0x00c0, + 0x236: 0x00c0, 0x237: 0x00c0, 0x238: 0x00c0, 0x239: 0x00c0, 0x23a: 0x00c0, 0x23b: 0x00c0, + 0x23c: 0x00c0, 0x23d: 0x00c0, 0x23e: 0x00c0, 0x23f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x00c0, 0x241: 0x00c0, 0x242: 0x00c0, 0x243: 0x00c0, 0x244: 0x00c0, 0x245: 0x00c0, + 0x246: 0x00c0, 0x247: 0x00c0, 0x248: 0x00c0, 0x249: 0x00c0, 0x24a: 0x00c0, 0x24b: 0x00c0, + 0x24c: 0x00c0, 0x24d: 0x00c0, 0x24e: 0x00c0, 0x24f: 0x00c0, 0x250: 0x00c0, 0x251: 0x00c0, + 0x252: 0x00c0, 0x253: 0x00c0, 0x254: 0x00c0, 0x255: 0x00c0, 0x256: 0x00c0, 0x257: 0x00c0, + 0x258: 0x00c0, 0x259: 0x00c0, 0x25a: 0x00c0, 0x25b: 0x00c0, 0x25c: 0x00c0, 0x25d: 0x00c0, + 0x25e: 0x00c0, 0x25f: 0x00c0, 0x260: 0x00c0, 0x261: 0x00c0, 0x262: 0x00c0, 0x263: 0x00c0, + 0x264: 0x00c0, 0x265: 0x00c0, 0x266: 0x00c0, 0x267: 0x00c0, 0x268: 0x00c0, 0x269: 0x00c0, + 0x26a: 0x00c0, 0x26b: 0x00c0, 0x26c: 0x00c0, 0x26d: 0x00c0, 0x26e: 0x00c0, 0x26f: 0x00c0, + 0x270: 0x0080, 0x271: 0x0080, 0x272: 0x0080, 0x273: 0x0080, 0x274: 0x0080, 0x275: 0x0080, + 0x276: 0x0080, 0x277: 0x0080, 0x278: 0x0080, 0x279: 0x00c0, 0x27a: 0x00c0, 0x27b: 0x00c0, + 0x27c: 0x00c0, 0x27d: 0x00c0, 0x27e: 0x00c0, 0x27f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x00c0, 0x281: 0x00c0, 0x282: 0x0080, 0x283: 0x0080, 0x284: 0x0080, 0x285: 0x0080, + 0x286: 0x00c0, 0x287: 0x00c0, 0x288: 0x00c0, 0x289: 0x00c0, 0x28a: 0x00c0, 0x28b: 0x00c0, + 0x28c: 0x00c0, 0x28d: 0x00c0, 0x28e: 0x00c0, 0x28f: 0x00c0, 0x290: 0x00c0, 0x291: 0x00c0, + 0x292: 0x0080, 0x293: 0x0080, 0x294: 0x0080, 0x295: 0x0080, 0x296: 0x0080, 0x297: 0x0080, + 0x298: 0x0080, 0x299: 0x0080, 0x29a: 0x0080, 0x29b: 0x0080, 0x29c: 0x0080, 0x29d: 0x0080, + 0x29e: 0x0080, 0x29f: 0x0080, 0x2a0: 0x0080, 0x2a1: 0x0080, 0x2a2: 0x0080, 0x2a3: 0x0080, + 0x2a4: 0x0080, 0x2a5: 0x0080, 0x2a6: 0x0080, 0x2a7: 0x0080, 0x2a8: 0x0080, 0x2a9: 0x0080, + 0x2aa: 0x0080, 0x2ab: 0x0080, 0x2ac: 0x00c0, 0x2ad: 0x0080, 0x2ae: 0x00c0, 0x2af: 0x0080, + 0x2b0: 0x0080, 0x2b1: 0x0080, 0x2b2: 0x0080, 0x2b3: 0x0080, 0x2b4: 0x0080, 0x2b5: 0x0080, + 0x2b6: 0x0080, 0x2b7: 0x0080, 0x2b8: 0x0080, 0x2b9: 0x0080, 0x2ba: 0x0080, 0x2bb: 0x0080, + 0x2bc: 0x0080, 0x2bd: 0x0080, 0x2be: 0x0080, 0x2bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x00c3, 0x2c1: 0x00c3, 0x2c2: 0x00c3, 0x2c3: 0x00c3, 0x2c4: 0x00c3, 0x2c5: 0x00c3, + 0x2c6: 0x00c3, 0x2c7: 0x00c3, 0x2c8: 0x00c3, 0x2c9: 0x00c3, 0x2ca: 0x00c3, 0x2cb: 0x00c3, + 0x2cc: 0x00c3, 0x2cd: 0x00c3, 0x2ce: 0x00c3, 0x2cf: 0x00c3, 0x2d0: 0x00c3, 0x2d1: 0x00c3, + 0x2d2: 0x00c3, 0x2d3: 0x00c3, 0x2d4: 0x00c3, 0x2d5: 0x00c3, 0x2d6: 0x00c3, 0x2d7: 0x00c3, + 0x2d8: 0x00c3, 0x2d9: 0x00c3, 0x2da: 0x00c3, 0x2db: 0x00c3, 0x2dc: 0x00c3, 0x2dd: 0x00c3, + 0x2de: 0x00c3, 0x2df: 0x00c3, 0x2e0: 0x00c3, 0x2e1: 0x00c3, 0x2e2: 0x00c3, 0x2e3: 0x00c3, + 0x2e4: 0x00c3, 0x2e5: 0x00c3, 0x2e6: 0x00c3, 0x2e7: 0x00c3, 0x2e8: 0x00c3, 0x2e9: 0x00c3, + 0x2ea: 0x00c3, 0x2eb: 0x00c3, 0x2ec: 0x00c3, 0x2ed: 0x00c3, 0x2ee: 0x00c3, 0x2ef: 0x00c3, + 0x2f0: 0x00c3, 0x2f1: 0x00c3, 0x2f2: 0x00c3, 0x2f3: 0x00c3, 0x2f4: 0x00c3, 0x2f5: 0x00c3, + 0x2f6: 0x00c3, 0x2f7: 0x00c3, 0x2f8: 0x00c3, 0x2f9: 0x00c3, 0x2fa: 0x00c3, 0x2fb: 0x00c3, + 0x2fc: 0x00c3, 0x2fd: 0x00c3, 0x2fe: 0x00c3, 0x2ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x0083, 0x301: 0x0083, 0x302: 0x00c3, 0x303: 0x0083, 0x304: 0x0083, 0x305: 0x00c3, + 0x306: 0x00c3, 0x307: 0x00c3, 0x308: 0x00c3, 0x309: 0x00c3, 0x30a: 0x00c3, 0x30b: 0x00c3, + 0x30c: 0x00c3, 0x30d: 0x00c3, 0x30e: 0x00c3, 0x30f: 0x0040, 0x310: 0x00c3, 0x311: 0x00c3, + 0x312: 0x00c3, 0x313: 0x00c3, 0x314: 0x00c3, 0x315: 0x00c3, 0x316: 0x00c3, 0x317: 0x00c3, + 0x318: 0x00c3, 0x319: 0x00c3, 0x31a: 0x00c3, 0x31b: 0x00c3, 0x31c: 0x00c3, 0x31d: 0x00c3, + 0x31e: 0x00c3, 0x31f: 0x00c3, 0x320: 0x00c3, 0x321: 0x00c3, 0x322: 0x00c3, 0x323: 0x00c3, + 0x324: 0x00c3, 0x325: 0x00c3, 0x326: 0x00c3, 0x327: 0x00c3, 0x328: 0x00c3, 0x329: 0x00c3, + 0x32a: 0x00c3, 0x32b: 0x00c3, 0x32c: 0x00c3, 0x32d: 0x00c3, 0x32e: 0x00c3, 0x32f: 0x00c3, + 0x330: 0x00c8, 0x331: 0x00c8, 0x332: 0x00c8, 0x333: 0x00c8, 0x334: 0x0080, 0x335: 0x0050, + 0x336: 0x00c8, 0x337: 0x00c8, 0x33a: 0x0088, 0x33b: 0x00c8, + 0x33c: 0x00c8, 0x33d: 0x00c8, 0x33e: 0x0080, 0x33f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x344: 0x0088, 0x345: 0x0080, + 0x346: 0x00c8, 0x347: 0x0080, 0x348: 0x00c8, 0x349: 0x00c8, 0x34a: 0x00c8, + 0x34c: 0x00c8, 0x34e: 0x00c8, 0x34f: 0x00c8, 0x350: 0x00c8, 0x351: 0x00c8, + 0x352: 0x00c8, 0x353: 0x00c8, 0x354: 0x00c8, 0x355: 0x00c8, 0x356: 0x00c8, 0x357: 0x00c8, + 0x358: 0x00c8, 0x359: 0x00c8, 0x35a: 0x00c8, 0x35b: 0x00c8, 0x35c: 0x00c8, 0x35d: 0x00c8, + 0x35e: 0x00c8, 0x35f: 0x00c8, 0x360: 0x00c8, 0x361: 0x00c8, 0x363: 0x00c8, + 0x364: 0x00c8, 0x365: 0x00c8, 0x366: 0x00c8, 0x367: 0x00c8, 0x368: 0x00c8, 0x369: 0x00c8, + 0x36a: 0x00c8, 0x36b: 0x00c8, 0x36c: 0x00c8, 0x36d: 0x00c8, 0x36e: 0x00c8, 0x36f: 0x00c8, + 0x370: 0x00c8, 0x371: 0x00c8, 0x372: 0x00c8, 0x373: 0x00c8, 0x374: 0x00c8, 0x375: 0x00c8, + 0x376: 0x00c8, 0x377: 0x00c8, 0x378: 0x00c8, 0x379: 0x00c8, 0x37a: 0x00c8, 0x37b: 0x00c8, + 0x37c: 0x00c8, 0x37d: 0x00c8, 0x37e: 0x00c8, 0x37f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x00c8, 0x381: 0x00c8, 0x382: 0x00c8, 0x383: 0x00c8, 0x384: 0x00c8, 0x385: 0x00c8, + 0x386: 0x00c8, 0x387: 0x00c8, 0x388: 0x00c8, 0x389: 0x00c8, 0x38a: 0x00c8, 0x38b: 0x00c8, + 0x38c: 0x00c8, 0x38d: 0x00c8, 0x38e: 0x00c8, 0x38f: 0x00c8, 0x390: 0x0088, 0x391: 0x0088, + 0x392: 0x0088, 0x393: 0x0088, 0x394: 0x0088, 0x395: 0x0088, 0x396: 0x0088, 0x397: 0x00c8, + 0x398: 0x00c8, 0x399: 0x00c8, 0x39a: 0x00c8, 0x39b: 0x00c8, 0x39c: 0x00c8, 0x39d: 0x00c8, + 0x39e: 0x00c8, 0x39f: 0x00c8, 0x3a0: 0x00c8, 0x3a1: 0x00c8, 0x3a2: 0x00c0, 0x3a3: 0x00c0, + 0x3a4: 0x00c0, 0x3a5: 0x00c0, 0x3a6: 0x00c0, 0x3a7: 0x00c0, 0x3a8: 0x00c0, 0x3a9: 0x00c0, + 0x3aa: 0x00c0, 0x3ab: 0x00c0, 0x3ac: 0x00c0, 0x3ad: 0x00c0, 0x3ae: 0x00c0, 0x3af: 0x00c0, + 0x3b0: 0x0088, 0x3b1: 0x0088, 0x3b2: 0x0088, 0x3b3: 0x00c8, 0x3b4: 0x0088, 0x3b5: 0x0088, + 0x3b6: 0x0088, 0x3b7: 0x00c8, 0x3b8: 0x00c8, 0x3b9: 0x0088, 0x3ba: 0x00c8, 0x3bb: 0x00c8, + 0x3bc: 0x00c8, 0x3bd: 0x00c8, 0x3be: 0x00c8, 0x3bf: 0x00c8, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x00c0, 0x3c1: 0x00c0, 0x3c2: 0x0080, 0x3c3: 0x00c3, 0x3c4: 0x00c3, 0x3c5: 0x00c3, + 0x3c6: 0x00c3, 0x3c7: 0x00c3, 0x3c8: 0x0083, 0x3c9: 0x0083, 0x3ca: 0x00c0, 0x3cb: 0x00c0, + 0x3cc: 0x00c0, 0x3cd: 0x00c0, 0x3ce: 0x00c0, 0x3cf: 0x00c0, 0x3d0: 0x00c0, 0x3d1: 0x00c0, + 0x3d2: 0x00c0, 0x3d3: 0x00c0, 0x3d4: 0x00c0, 0x3d5: 0x00c0, 0x3d6: 0x00c0, 0x3d7: 0x00c0, + 0x3d8: 0x00c0, 0x3d9: 0x00c0, 0x3da: 0x00c0, 0x3db: 0x00c0, 0x3dc: 0x00c0, 0x3dd: 0x00c0, + 0x3de: 0x00c0, 0x3df: 0x00c0, 0x3e0: 0x00c0, 0x3e1: 0x00c0, 0x3e2: 0x00c0, 0x3e3: 0x00c0, + 0x3e4: 0x00c0, 0x3e5: 0x00c0, 0x3e6: 0x00c0, 0x3e7: 0x00c0, 0x3e8: 0x00c0, 0x3e9: 0x00c0, + 0x3ea: 0x00c0, 0x3eb: 0x00c0, 0x3ec: 0x00c0, 0x3ed: 0x00c0, 0x3ee: 0x00c0, 0x3ef: 0x00c0, + 0x3f0: 0x00c0, 0x3f1: 0x00c0, 0x3f2: 0x00c0, 0x3f3: 0x00c0, 0x3f4: 0x00c0, 0x3f5: 0x00c0, + 0x3f6: 0x00c0, 0x3f7: 0x00c0, 0x3f8: 0x00c0, 0x3f9: 0x00c0, 0x3fa: 0x00c0, 0x3fb: 0x00c0, + 0x3fc: 0x00c0, 0x3fd: 0x00c0, 0x3fe: 0x00c0, 0x3ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x00c0, 0x401: 0x00c0, 0x402: 0x00c0, 0x403: 0x00c0, 0x404: 0x00c0, 0x405: 0x00c0, + 0x406: 0x00c0, 0x407: 0x00c0, 0x408: 0x00c0, 0x409: 0x00c0, 0x40a: 0x00c0, 0x40b: 0x00c0, + 0x40c: 0x00c0, 0x40d: 0x00c0, 0x40e: 0x00c0, 0x40f: 0x00c0, 0x410: 0x00c0, 0x411: 0x00c0, + 0x412: 0x00c0, 0x413: 0x00c0, 0x414: 0x00c0, 0x415: 0x00c0, 0x416: 0x00c0, 0x417: 0x00c0, + 0x418: 0x00c0, 0x419: 0x00c0, 0x41a: 0x00c0, 0x41b: 0x00c0, 0x41c: 0x00c0, 0x41d: 0x00c0, + 0x41e: 0x00c0, 0x41f: 0x00c0, 0x420: 0x00c0, 0x421: 0x00c0, 0x422: 0x00c0, 0x423: 0x00c0, + 0x424: 0x00c0, 0x425: 0x00c0, 0x426: 0x00c0, 0x427: 0x00c0, 0x428: 0x00c0, 0x429: 0x00c0, + 0x42a: 0x00c0, 0x42b: 0x00c0, 0x42c: 0x00c0, 0x42d: 0x00c0, 0x42e: 0x00c0, 0x42f: 0x00c0, + 0x431: 0x00c0, 0x432: 0x00c0, 0x433: 0x00c0, 0x434: 0x00c0, 0x435: 0x00c0, + 0x436: 0x00c0, 0x437: 0x00c0, 0x438: 0x00c0, 0x439: 0x00c0, 0x43a: 0x00c0, 0x43b: 0x00c0, + 0x43c: 0x00c0, 0x43d: 0x00c0, 0x43e: 0x00c0, 0x43f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x00c0, 0x441: 0x00c0, 0x442: 0x00c0, 0x443: 0x00c0, 0x444: 0x00c0, 0x445: 0x00c0, + 0x446: 0x00c0, 0x447: 0x00c0, 0x448: 0x00c0, 0x449: 0x00c0, 0x44a: 0x00c0, 0x44b: 0x00c0, + 0x44c: 0x00c0, 0x44d: 0x00c0, 0x44e: 0x00c0, 0x44f: 0x00c0, 0x450: 0x00c0, 0x451: 0x00c0, + 0x452: 0x00c0, 0x453: 0x00c0, 0x454: 0x00c0, 0x455: 0x00c0, 0x456: 0x00c0, + 0x459: 0x00c0, 0x45a: 0x0080, 0x45b: 0x0080, 0x45c: 0x0080, 0x45d: 0x0080, + 0x45e: 0x0080, 0x45f: 0x0080, 0x461: 0x00c0, 0x462: 0x00c0, 0x463: 0x00c0, + 0x464: 0x00c0, 0x465: 0x00c0, 0x466: 0x00c0, 0x467: 0x00c0, 0x468: 0x00c0, 0x469: 0x00c0, + 0x46a: 0x00c0, 0x46b: 0x00c0, 0x46c: 0x00c0, 0x46d: 0x00c0, 0x46e: 0x00c0, 0x46f: 0x00c0, + 0x470: 0x00c0, 0x471: 0x00c0, 0x472: 0x00c0, 0x473: 0x00c0, 0x474: 0x00c0, 0x475: 0x00c0, + 0x476: 0x00c0, 0x477: 0x00c0, 0x478: 0x00c0, 0x479: 0x00c0, 0x47a: 0x00c0, 0x47b: 0x00c0, + 0x47c: 0x00c0, 0x47d: 0x00c0, 0x47e: 0x00c0, 0x47f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x00c0, 0x481: 0x00c0, 0x482: 0x00c0, 0x483: 0x00c0, 0x484: 0x00c0, 0x485: 0x00c0, + 0x486: 0x00c0, 0x487: 0x0080, 0x489: 0x0080, 0x48a: 0x0080, + 0x48d: 0x0080, 0x48e: 0x0080, 0x48f: 0x0080, 0x491: 0x00cb, + 0x492: 0x00cb, 0x493: 0x00cb, 0x494: 0x00cb, 0x495: 0x00cb, 0x496: 0x00cb, 0x497: 0x00cb, + 0x498: 0x00cb, 0x499: 0x00cb, 0x49a: 0x00cb, 0x49b: 0x00cb, 0x49c: 0x00cb, 0x49d: 0x00cb, + 0x49e: 0x00cb, 0x49f: 0x00cb, 0x4a0: 0x00cb, 0x4a1: 0x00cb, 0x4a2: 0x00cb, 0x4a3: 0x00cb, + 0x4a4: 0x00cb, 0x4a5: 0x00cb, 0x4a6: 0x00cb, 0x4a7: 0x00cb, 0x4a8: 0x00cb, 0x4a9: 0x00cb, + 0x4aa: 0x00cb, 0x4ab: 0x00cb, 0x4ac: 0x00cb, 0x4ad: 0x00cb, 0x4ae: 0x00cb, 0x4af: 0x00cb, + 0x4b0: 0x00cb, 0x4b1: 0x00cb, 0x4b2: 0x00cb, 0x4b3: 0x00cb, 0x4b4: 0x00cb, 0x4b5: 0x00cb, + 0x4b6: 0x00cb, 0x4b7: 0x00cb, 0x4b8: 0x00cb, 0x4b9: 0x00cb, 0x4ba: 0x00cb, 0x4bb: 0x00cb, + 0x4bc: 0x00cb, 0x4bd: 0x00cb, 0x4be: 0x008a, 0x4bf: 0x00cb, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x008a, 0x4c1: 0x00cb, 0x4c2: 0x00cb, 0x4c3: 0x008a, 0x4c4: 0x00cb, 0x4c5: 0x00cb, + 0x4c6: 0x008a, 0x4c7: 0x00cb, + 0x4d0: 0x00ca, 0x4d1: 0x00ca, + 0x4d2: 0x00ca, 0x4d3: 0x00ca, 0x4d4: 0x00ca, 0x4d5: 0x00ca, 0x4d6: 0x00ca, 0x4d7: 0x00ca, + 0x4d8: 0x00ca, 0x4d9: 0x00ca, 0x4da: 0x00ca, 0x4db: 0x00ca, 0x4dc: 0x00ca, 0x4dd: 0x00ca, + 0x4de: 0x00ca, 0x4df: 0x00ca, 0x4e0: 0x00ca, 0x4e1: 0x00ca, 0x4e2: 0x00ca, 0x4e3: 0x00ca, + 0x4e4: 0x00ca, 0x4e5: 0x00ca, 0x4e6: 0x00ca, 0x4e7: 0x00ca, 0x4e8: 0x00ca, 0x4e9: 0x00ca, + 0x4ea: 0x00ca, + 0x4f0: 0x00ca, 0x4f1: 0x00ca, 0x4f2: 0x00ca, 0x4f3: 0x0051, 0x4f4: 0x0051, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x0040, 0x501: 0x0040, 0x502: 0x0040, 0x503: 0x0040, 0x504: 0x0040, 0x505: 0x0040, + 0x506: 0x0080, 0x507: 0x0080, 0x508: 0x0080, 0x509: 0x0080, 0x50a: 0x0080, 0x50b: 0x0080, + 0x50c: 0x0080, 0x50d: 0x0080, 0x50e: 0x0080, 0x50f: 0x0080, 0x510: 0x00c3, 0x511: 0x00c3, + 0x512: 0x00c3, 0x513: 0x00c3, 0x514: 0x00c3, 0x515: 0x00c3, 0x516: 0x00c3, 0x517: 0x00c3, + 0x518: 0x00c3, 0x519: 0x00c3, 0x51a: 0x00c3, 0x51b: 0x0080, 0x51c: 0x0040, + 0x51e: 0x0080, 0x51f: 0x0080, 0x520: 0x00c2, 0x521: 0x00c0, 0x522: 0x00c4, 0x523: 0x00c4, + 0x524: 0x00c4, 0x525: 0x00c4, 0x526: 0x00c2, 0x527: 0x00c4, 0x528: 0x00c2, 0x529: 0x00c4, + 0x52a: 0x00c2, 0x52b: 0x00c2, 0x52c: 0x00c2, 0x52d: 0x00c2, 0x52e: 0x00c2, 0x52f: 0x00c4, + 0x530: 0x00c4, 0x531: 0x00c4, 0x532: 0x00c4, 0x533: 0x00c2, 0x534: 0x00c2, 0x535: 0x00c2, + 0x536: 0x00c2, 0x537: 0x00c2, 0x538: 0x00c2, 0x539: 0x00c2, 0x53a: 0x00c2, 0x53b: 0x00c2, + 0x53c: 0x00c2, 0x53d: 0x00c2, 0x53e: 0x00c2, 0x53f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x0040, 0x541: 0x00c2, 0x542: 0x00c2, 0x543: 0x00c2, 0x544: 0x00c2, 0x545: 0x00c2, + 0x546: 0x00c2, 0x547: 0x00c2, 0x548: 0x00c4, 0x549: 0x00c2, 0x54a: 0x00c2, 0x54b: 0x00c3, + 0x54c: 0x00c3, 0x54d: 0x00c3, 0x54e: 0x00c3, 0x54f: 0x00c3, 0x550: 0x00c3, 0x551: 0x00c3, + 0x552: 0x00c3, 0x553: 0x00c3, 0x554: 0x00c3, 0x555: 0x00c3, 0x556: 0x00c3, 0x557: 0x00c3, + 0x558: 0x00c3, 0x559: 0x00c3, 0x55a: 0x00c3, 0x55b: 0x00c3, 0x55c: 0x00c3, 0x55d: 0x00c3, + 0x55e: 0x00c3, 0x55f: 0x00c3, 0x560: 0x0053, 0x561: 0x0053, 0x562: 0x0053, 0x563: 0x0053, + 0x564: 0x0053, 0x565: 0x0053, 0x566: 0x0053, 0x567: 0x0053, 0x568: 0x0053, 0x569: 0x0053, + 0x56a: 0x0080, 0x56b: 0x0080, 0x56c: 0x0080, 0x56d: 0x0080, 0x56e: 0x00c2, 0x56f: 0x00c2, + 0x570: 0x00c3, 0x571: 0x00c4, 0x572: 0x00c4, 0x573: 0x00c4, 0x574: 0x00c0, 0x575: 0x0084, + 0x576: 0x0084, 0x577: 0x0084, 0x578: 0x0082, 0x579: 0x00c2, 0x57a: 0x00c2, 0x57b: 0x00c2, + 0x57c: 0x00c2, 0x57d: 0x00c2, 0x57e: 0x00c2, 0x57f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x00c2, 0x581: 0x00c2, 0x582: 0x00c2, 0x583: 0x00c2, 0x584: 0x00c2, 0x585: 0x00c2, + 0x586: 0x00c2, 0x587: 0x00c2, 0x588: 0x00c4, 0x589: 0x00c4, 0x58a: 0x00c4, 0x58b: 0x00c4, + 0x58c: 0x00c4, 0x58d: 0x00c4, 0x58e: 0x00c4, 0x58f: 0x00c4, 0x590: 0x00c4, 0x591: 0x00c4, + 0x592: 0x00c4, 0x593: 0x00c4, 0x594: 0x00c4, 0x595: 0x00c4, 0x596: 0x00c4, 0x597: 0x00c4, + 0x598: 0x00c4, 0x599: 0x00c4, 0x59a: 0x00c2, 0x59b: 0x00c2, 0x59c: 0x00c2, 0x59d: 0x00c2, + 0x59e: 0x00c2, 0x59f: 0x00c2, 0x5a0: 0x00c2, 0x5a1: 0x00c2, 0x5a2: 0x00c2, 0x5a3: 0x00c2, + 0x5a4: 0x00c2, 0x5a5: 0x00c2, 0x5a6: 0x00c2, 0x5a7: 0x00c2, 0x5a8: 0x00c2, 0x5a9: 0x00c2, + 0x5aa: 0x00c2, 0x5ab: 0x00c2, 0x5ac: 0x00c2, 0x5ad: 0x00c2, 0x5ae: 0x00c2, 0x5af: 0x00c2, + 0x5b0: 0x00c2, 0x5b1: 0x00c2, 0x5b2: 0x00c2, 0x5b3: 0x00c2, 0x5b4: 0x00c2, 0x5b5: 0x00c2, + 0x5b6: 0x00c2, 0x5b7: 0x00c2, 0x5b8: 0x00c2, 0x5b9: 0x00c2, 0x5ba: 0x00c2, 0x5bb: 0x00c2, + 0x5bc: 0x00c2, 0x5bd: 0x00c2, 0x5be: 0x00c2, 0x5bf: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x00c4, 0x5c1: 0x00c2, 0x5c2: 0x00c2, 0x5c3: 0x00c4, 0x5c4: 0x00c4, 0x5c5: 0x00c4, + 0x5c6: 0x00c4, 0x5c7: 0x00c4, 0x5c8: 0x00c4, 0x5c9: 0x00c4, 0x5ca: 0x00c4, 0x5cb: 0x00c4, + 0x5cc: 0x00c2, 0x5cd: 0x00c4, 0x5ce: 0x00c2, 0x5cf: 0x00c4, 0x5d0: 0x00c2, 0x5d1: 0x00c2, + 0x5d2: 0x00c4, 0x5d3: 0x00c4, 0x5d4: 0x0080, 0x5d5: 0x00c4, 0x5d6: 0x00c3, 0x5d7: 0x00c3, + 0x5d8: 0x00c3, 0x5d9: 0x00c3, 0x5da: 0x00c3, 0x5db: 0x00c3, 0x5dc: 0x00c3, 0x5dd: 0x0040, + 0x5de: 0x0080, 0x5df: 0x00c3, 0x5e0: 0x00c3, 0x5e1: 0x00c3, 0x5e2: 0x00c3, 0x5e3: 0x00c3, + 0x5e4: 0x00c3, 0x5e5: 0x00c0, 0x5e6: 0x00c0, 0x5e7: 0x00c3, 0x5e8: 0x00c3, 0x5e9: 0x0080, + 0x5ea: 0x00c3, 0x5eb: 0x00c3, 0x5ec: 0x00c3, 0x5ed: 0x00c3, 0x5ee: 0x00c4, 0x5ef: 0x00c4, + 0x5f0: 0x0054, 0x5f1: 0x0054, 0x5f2: 0x0054, 0x5f3: 0x0054, 0x5f4: 0x0054, 0x5f5: 0x0054, + 0x5f6: 0x0054, 0x5f7: 0x0054, 0x5f8: 0x0054, 0x5f9: 0x0054, 0x5fa: 0x00c2, 0x5fb: 0x00c2, + 0x5fc: 0x00c2, 0x5fd: 0x00c0, 0x5fe: 0x00c0, 0x5ff: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x0080, 0x601: 0x0080, 0x602: 0x0080, 0x603: 0x0080, 0x604: 0x0080, 0x605: 0x0080, + 0x606: 0x0080, 0x607: 0x0080, 0x608: 0x0080, 0x609: 0x0080, 0x60a: 0x0080, 0x60b: 0x0080, + 0x60c: 0x0080, 0x60d: 0x0080, 0x60f: 0x0040, 0x610: 0x00c4, 0x611: 0x00c3, + 0x612: 0x00c2, 0x613: 0x00c2, 0x614: 0x00c2, 0x615: 0x00c4, 0x616: 0x00c4, 0x617: 0x00c4, + 0x618: 0x00c4, 0x619: 0x00c4, 0x61a: 0x00c2, 0x61b: 0x00c2, 0x61c: 0x00c2, 0x61d: 0x00c2, + 0x61e: 0x00c4, 0x61f: 0x00c2, 0x620: 0x00c2, 0x621: 0x00c2, 0x622: 0x00c2, 0x623: 0x00c2, + 0x624: 0x00c2, 0x625: 0x00c2, 0x626: 0x00c2, 0x627: 0x00c2, 0x628: 0x00c4, 0x629: 0x00c2, + 0x62a: 0x00c4, 0x62b: 0x00c2, 0x62c: 0x00c4, 0x62d: 0x00c2, 0x62e: 0x00c2, 0x62f: 0x00c4, + 0x630: 0x00c3, 0x631: 0x00c3, 0x632: 0x00c3, 0x633: 0x00c3, 0x634: 0x00c3, 0x635: 0x00c3, + 0x636: 0x00c3, 0x637: 0x00c3, 0x638: 0x00c3, 0x639: 0x00c3, 0x63a: 0x00c3, 0x63b: 0x00c3, + 0x63c: 0x00c3, 0x63d: 0x00c3, 0x63e: 0x00c3, 0x63f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x00c3, 0x641: 0x00c3, 0x642: 0x00c3, 0x643: 0x00c3, 0x644: 0x00c3, 0x645: 0x00c3, + 0x646: 0x00c3, 0x647: 0x00c3, 0x648: 0x00c3, 0x649: 0x00c3, 0x64a: 0x00c3, + 0x64d: 0x00c4, 0x64e: 0x00c2, 0x64f: 0x00c2, 0x650: 0x00c2, 0x651: 0x00c2, + 0x652: 0x00c2, 0x653: 0x00c2, 0x654: 0x00c2, 0x655: 0x00c2, 0x656: 0x00c2, 0x657: 0x00c2, + 0x658: 0x00c2, 0x659: 0x00c4, 0x65a: 0x00c4, 0x65b: 0x00c4, 0x65c: 0x00c2, 0x65d: 0x00c2, + 0x65e: 0x00c2, 0x65f: 0x00c2, 0x660: 0x00c2, 0x661: 0x00c2, 0x662: 0x00c2, 0x663: 0x00c2, + 0x664: 0x00c2, 0x665: 0x00c2, 0x666: 0x00c2, 0x667: 0x00c2, 0x668: 0x00c2, 0x669: 0x00c2, + 0x66a: 0x00c2, 0x66b: 0x00c4, 0x66c: 0x00c4, 0x66d: 0x00c2, 0x66e: 0x00c2, 0x66f: 0x00c2, + 0x670: 0x00c2, 0x671: 0x00c4, 0x672: 0x00c2, 0x673: 0x00c4, 0x674: 0x00c4, 0x675: 0x00c2, + 0x676: 0x00c2, 0x677: 0x00c2, 0x678: 0x00c4, 0x679: 0x00c4, 0x67a: 0x00c2, 0x67b: 0x00c2, + 0x67c: 0x00c2, 0x67d: 0x00c2, 0x67e: 0x00c2, 0x67f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x00c0, 0x681: 0x00c0, 0x682: 0x00c0, 0x683: 0x00c0, 0x684: 0x00c0, 0x685: 0x00c0, + 0x686: 0x00c0, 0x687: 0x00c0, 0x688: 0x00c0, 0x689: 0x00c0, 0x68a: 0x00c0, 0x68b: 0x00c0, + 0x68c: 0x00c0, 0x68d: 0x00c0, 0x68e: 0x00c0, 0x68f: 0x00c0, 0x690: 0x00c0, 0x691: 0x00c0, + 0x692: 0x00c0, 0x693: 0x00c0, 0x694: 0x00c0, 0x695: 0x00c0, 0x696: 0x00c0, 0x697: 0x00c0, + 0x698: 0x00c0, 0x699: 0x00c0, 0x69a: 0x00c0, 0x69b: 0x00c0, 0x69c: 0x00c0, 0x69d: 0x00c0, + 0x69e: 0x00c0, 0x69f: 0x00c0, 0x6a0: 0x00c0, 0x6a1: 0x00c0, 0x6a2: 0x00c0, 0x6a3: 0x00c0, + 0x6a4: 0x00c0, 0x6a5: 0x00c0, 0x6a6: 0x00c3, 0x6a7: 0x00c3, 0x6a8: 0x00c3, 0x6a9: 0x00c3, + 0x6aa: 0x00c3, 0x6ab: 0x00c3, 0x6ac: 0x00c3, 0x6ad: 0x00c3, 0x6ae: 0x00c3, 0x6af: 0x00c3, + 0x6b0: 0x00c3, 0x6b1: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x00c0, 0x6c1: 0x00c0, 0x6c2: 0x00c0, 0x6c3: 0x00c0, 0x6c4: 0x00c0, 0x6c5: 0x00c0, + 0x6c6: 0x00c0, 0x6c7: 0x00c0, 0x6c8: 0x00c0, 0x6c9: 0x00c0, 0x6ca: 0x00c2, 0x6cb: 0x00c2, + 0x6cc: 0x00c2, 0x6cd: 0x00c2, 0x6ce: 0x00c2, 0x6cf: 0x00c2, 0x6d0: 0x00c2, 0x6d1: 0x00c2, + 0x6d2: 0x00c2, 0x6d3: 0x00c2, 0x6d4: 0x00c2, 0x6d5: 0x00c2, 0x6d6: 0x00c2, 0x6d7: 0x00c2, + 0x6d8: 0x00c2, 0x6d9: 0x00c2, 0x6da: 0x00c2, 0x6db: 0x00c2, 0x6dc: 0x00c2, 0x6dd: 0x00c2, + 0x6de: 0x00c2, 0x6df: 0x00c2, 0x6e0: 0x00c2, 0x6e1: 0x00c2, 0x6e2: 0x00c2, 0x6e3: 0x00c2, + 0x6e4: 0x00c2, 0x6e5: 0x00c2, 0x6e6: 0x00c2, 0x6e7: 0x00c2, 0x6e8: 0x00c2, 0x6e9: 0x00c2, + 0x6ea: 0x00c2, 0x6eb: 0x00c3, 0x6ec: 0x00c3, 0x6ed: 0x00c3, 0x6ee: 0x00c3, 0x6ef: 0x00c3, + 0x6f0: 0x00c3, 0x6f1: 0x00c3, 0x6f2: 0x00c3, 0x6f3: 0x00c3, 0x6f4: 0x00c0, 0x6f5: 0x00c0, + 0x6f6: 0x0080, 0x6f7: 0x0080, 0x6f8: 0x0080, 0x6f9: 0x0080, 0x6fa: 0x0040, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x00c0, 0x701: 0x00c0, 0x702: 0x00c0, 0x703: 0x00c0, 0x704: 0x00c0, 0x705: 0x00c0, + 0x706: 0x00c0, 0x707: 0x00c0, 0x708: 0x00c0, 0x709: 0x00c0, 0x70a: 0x00c0, 0x70b: 0x00c0, + 0x70c: 0x00c0, 0x70d: 0x00c0, 0x70e: 0x00c0, 0x70f: 0x00c0, 0x710: 0x00c0, 0x711: 0x00c0, + 0x712: 0x00c0, 0x713: 0x00c0, 0x714: 0x00c0, 0x715: 0x00c0, 0x716: 0x00c3, 0x717: 0x00c3, + 0x718: 0x00c3, 0x719: 0x00c3, 0x71a: 0x00c0, 0x71b: 0x00c3, 0x71c: 0x00c3, 0x71d: 0x00c3, + 0x71e: 0x00c3, 0x71f: 0x00c3, 0x720: 0x00c3, 0x721: 0x00c3, 0x722: 0x00c3, 0x723: 0x00c3, + 0x724: 0x00c0, 0x725: 0x00c3, 0x726: 0x00c3, 0x727: 0x00c3, 0x728: 0x00c0, 0x729: 0x00c3, + 0x72a: 0x00c3, 0x72b: 0x00c3, 0x72c: 0x00c3, 0x72d: 0x00c3, + 0x730: 0x0080, 0x731: 0x0080, 0x732: 0x0080, 0x733: 0x0080, 0x734: 0x0080, 0x735: 0x0080, + 0x736: 0x0080, 0x737: 0x0080, 0x738: 0x0080, 0x739: 0x0080, 0x73a: 0x0080, 0x73b: 0x0080, + 0x73c: 0x0080, 0x73d: 0x0080, 0x73e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x00c4, 0x741: 0x00c2, 0x742: 0x00c2, 0x743: 0x00c2, 0x744: 0x00c2, 0x745: 0x00c2, + 0x746: 0x00c4, 0x747: 0x00c4, 0x748: 0x00c2, 0x749: 0x00c4, 0x74a: 0x00c2, 0x74b: 0x00c2, + 0x74c: 0x00c2, 0x74d: 0x00c2, 0x74e: 0x00c2, 0x74f: 0x00c2, 0x750: 0x00c2, 0x751: 0x00c2, + 0x752: 0x00c2, 0x753: 0x00c2, 0x754: 0x00c4, 0x755: 0x00c2, 0x756: 0x00c0, 0x757: 0x00c0, + 0x758: 0x00c0, 0x759: 0x00c3, 0x75a: 0x00c3, 0x75b: 0x00c3, + 0x75e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x7a0: 0x00c2, 0x7a1: 0x00c2, 0x7a2: 0x00c2, 0x7a3: 0x00c2, + 0x7a4: 0x00c2, 0x7a5: 0x00c2, 0x7a6: 0x00c2, 0x7a7: 0x00c2, 0x7a8: 0x00c2, 0x7a9: 0x00c2, + 0x7aa: 0x00c4, 0x7ab: 0x00c4, 0x7ac: 0x00c4, 0x7ad: 0x00c0, 0x7ae: 0x00c4, 0x7af: 0x00c2, + 0x7b0: 0x00c2, 0x7b1: 0x00c4, 0x7b2: 0x00c4, 0x7b3: 0x00c2, 0x7b4: 0x00c2, + 0x7b6: 0x00c2, 0x7b7: 0x00c2, 0x7b8: 0x00c2, 0x7b9: 0x00c4, 0x7ba: 0x00c2, 0x7bb: 0x00c2, + 0x7bc: 0x00c2, 0x7bd: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7d4: 0x00c3, 0x7d5: 0x00c3, 0x7d6: 0x00c3, 0x7d7: 0x00c3, + 0x7d8: 0x00c3, 0x7d9: 0x00c3, 0x7da: 0x00c3, 0x7db: 0x00c3, 0x7dc: 0x00c3, 0x7dd: 0x00c3, + 0x7de: 0x00c3, 0x7df: 0x00c3, 0x7e0: 0x00c3, 0x7e1: 0x00c3, 0x7e2: 0x0040, 0x7e3: 0x00c3, + 0x7e4: 0x00c3, 0x7e5: 0x00c3, 0x7e6: 0x00c3, 0x7e7: 0x00c3, 0x7e8: 0x00c3, 0x7e9: 0x00c3, + 0x7ea: 0x00c3, 0x7eb: 0x00c3, 0x7ec: 0x00c3, 0x7ed: 0x00c3, 0x7ee: 0x00c3, 0x7ef: 0x00c3, + 0x7f0: 0x00c3, 0x7f1: 0x00c3, 0x7f2: 0x00c3, 0x7f3: 0x00c3, 0x7f4: 0x00c3, 0x7f5: 0x00c3, + 0x7f6: 0x00c3, 0x7f7: 0x00c3, 0x7f8: 0x00c3, 0x7f9: 0x00c3, 0x7fa: 0x00c3, 0x7fb: 0x00c3, + 0x7fc: 0x00c3, 0x7fd: 0x00c3, 0x7fe: 0x00c3, 0x7ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x00c3, 0x801: 0x00c3, 0x802: 0x00c3, 0x803: 0x00c0, 0x804: 0x00c0, 0x805: 0x00c0, + 0x806: 0x00c0, 0x807: 0x00c0, 0x808: 0x00c0, 0x809: 0x00c0, 0x80a: 0x00c0, 0x80b: 0x00c0, + 0x80c: 0x00c0, 0x80d: 0x00c0, 0x80e: 0x00c0, 0x80f: 0x00c0, 0x810: 0x00c0, 0x811: 0x00c0, + 0x812: 0x00c0, 0x813: 0x00c0, 0x814: 0x00c0, 0x815: 0x00c0, 0x816: 0x00c0, 0x817: 0x00c0, + 0x818: 0x00c0, 0x819: 0x00c0, 0x81a: 0x00c0, 0x81b: 0x00c0, 0x81c: 0x00c0, 0x81d: 0x00c0, + 0x81e: 0x00c0, 0x81f: 0x00c0, 0x820: 0x00c0, 0x821: 0x00c0, 0x822: 0x00c0, 0x823: 0x00c0, + 0x824: 0x00c0, 0x825: 0x00c0, 0x826: 0x00c0, 0x827: 0x00c0, 0x828: 0x00c0, 0x829: 0x00c0, + 0x82a: 0x00c0, 0x82b: 0x00c0, 0x82c: 0x00c0, 0x82d: 0x00c0, 0x82e: 0x00c0, 0x82f: 0x00c0, + 0x830: 0x00c0, 0x831: 0x00c0, 0x832: 0x00c0, 0x833: 0x00c0, 0x834: 0x00c0, 0x835: 0x00c0, + 0x836: 0x00c0, 0x837: 0x00c0, 0x838: 0x00c0, 0x839: 0x00c0, 0x83a: 0x00c3, 0x83b: 0x00c0, + 0x83c: 0x00c3, 0x83d: 0x00c0, 0x83e: 0x00c0, 0x83f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x00c0, 0x841: 0x00c3, 0x842: 0x00c3, 0x843: 0x00c3, 0x844: 0x00c3, 0x845: 0x00c3, + 0x846: 0x00c3, 0x847: 0x00c3, 0x848: 0x00c3, 0x849: 0x00c0, 0x84a: 0x00c0, 0x84b: 0x00c0, + 0x84c: 0x00c0, 0x84d: 0x00c6, 0x84e: 0x00c0, 0x84f: 0x00c0, 0x850: 0x00c0, 0x851: 0x00c3, + 0x852: 0x00c3, 0x853: 0x00c3, 0x854: 0x00c3, 0x855: 0x00c3, 0x856: 0x00c3, 0x857: 0x00c3, + 0x858: 0x0080, 0x859: 0x0080, 0x85a: 0x0080, 0x85b: 0x0080, 0x85c: 0x0080, 0x85d: 0x0080, + 0x85e: 0x0080, 0x85f: 0x0080, 0x860: 0x00c0, 0x861: 0x00c0, 0x862: 0x00c3, 0x863: 0x00c3, + 0x864: 0x0080, 0x865: 0x0080, 0x866: 0x00c0, 0x867: 0x00c0, 0x868: 0x00c0, 0x869: 0x00c0, + 0x86a: 0x00c0, 0x86b: 0x00c0, 0x86c: 0x00c0, 0x86d: 0x00c0, 0x86e: 0x00c0, 0x86f: 0x00c0, + 0x870: 0x0080, 0x871: 0x00c0, 0x872: 0x00c0, 0x873: 0x00c0, 0x874: 0x00c0, 0x875: 0x00c0, + 0x876: 0x00c0, 0x877: 0x00c0, 0x878: 0x00c0, 0x879: 0x00c0, 0x87a: 0x00c0, 0x87b: 0x00c0, + 0x87c: 0x00c0, 0x87d: 0x00c0, 0x87e: 0x00c0, 0x87f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x00c0, 0x881: 0x00c3, 0x882: 0x00c0, 0x883: 0x00c0, 0x885: 0x00c0, + 0x886: 0x00c0, 0x887: 0x00c0, 0x888: 0x00c0, 0x889: 0x00c0, 0x88a: 0x00c0, 0x88b: 0x00c0, + 0x88c: 0x00c0, 0x88f: 0x00c0, 0x890: 0x00c0, + 0x893: 0x00c0, 0x894: 0x00c0, 0x895: 0x00c0, 0x896: 0x00c0, 0x897: 0x00c0, + 0x898: 0x00c0, 0x899: 0x00c0, 0x89a: 0x00c0, 0x89b: 0x00c0, 0x89c: 0x00c0, 0x89d: 0x00c0, + 0x89e: 0x00c0, 0x89f: 0x00c0, 0x8a0: 0x00c0, 0x8a1: 0x00c0, 0x8a2: 0x00c0, 0x8a3: 0x00c0, + 0x8a4: 0x00c0, 0x8a5: 0x00c0, 0x8a6: 0x00c0, 0x8a7: 0x00c0, 0x8a8: 0x00c0, + 0x8aa: 0x00c0, 0x8ab: 0x00c0, 0x8ac: 0x00c0, 0x8ad: 0x00c0, 0x8ae: 0x00c0, 0x8af: 0x00c0, + 0x8b0: 0x00c0, 0x8b2: 0x00c0, + 0x8b6: 0x00c0, 0x8b7: 0x00c0, 0x8b8: 0x00c0, 0x8b9: 0x00c0, + 0x8bc: 0x00c3, 0x8bd: 0x00c0, 0x8be: 0x00c0, 0x8bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x00c0, 0x8c1: 0x00c3, 0x8c2: 0x00c3, 0x8c3: 0x00c3, 0x8c4: 0x00c3, + 0x8c7: 0x00c0, 0x8c8: 0x00c0, 0x8cb: 0x00c0, + 0x8cc: 0x00c0, 0x8cd: 0x00c6, 0x8ce: 0x00c0, + 0x8d7: 0x00c0, + 0x8dc: 0x0080, 0x8dd: 0x0080, + 0x8df: 0x0080, 0x8e0: 0x00c0, 0x8e1: 0x00c0, 0x8e2: 0x00c3, 0x8e3: 0x00c3, + 0x8e6: 0x00c0, 0x8e7: 0x00c0, 0x8e8: 0x00c0, 0x8e9: 0x00c0, + 0x8ea: 0x00c0, 0x8eb: 0x00c0, 0x8ec: 0x00c0, 0x8ed: 0x00c0, 0x8ee: 0x00c0, 0x8ef: 0x00c0, + 0x8f0: 0x00c0, 0x8f1: 0x00c0, 0x8f2: 0x0080, 0x8f3: 0x0080, 0x8f4: 0x0080, 0x8f5: 0x0080, + 0x8f6: 0x0080, 0x8f7: 0x0080, 0x8f8: 0x0080, 0x8f9: 0x0080, 0x8fa: 0x0080, 0x8fb: 0x0080, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x901: 0x00c3, 0x902: 0x00c3, 0x903: 0x00c0, 0x905: 0x00c0, + 0x906: 0x00c0, 0x907: 0x00c0, 0x908: 0x00c0, 0x909: 0x00c0, 0x90a: 0x00c0, + 0x90f: 0x00c0, 0x910: 0x00c0, + 0x913: 0x00c0, 0x914: 0x00c0, 0x915: 0x00c0, 0x916: 0x00c0, 0x917: 0x00c0, + 0x918: 0x00c0, 0x919: 0x00c0, 0x91a: 0x00c0, 0x91b: 0x00c0, 0x91c: 0x00c0, 0x91d: 0x00c0, + 0x91e: 0x00c0, 0x91f: 0x00c0, 0x920: 0x00c0, 0x921: 0x00c0, 0x922: 0x00c0, 0x923: 0x00c0, + 0x924: 0x00c0, 0x925: 0x00c0, 0x926: 0x00c0, 0x927: 0x00c0, 0x928: 0x00c0, + 0x92a: 0x00c0, 0x92b: 0x00c0, 0x92c: 0x00c0, 0x92d: 0x00c0, 0x92e: 0x00c0, 0x92f: 0x00c0, + 0x930: 0x00c0, 0x932: 0x00c0, 0x933: 0x0080, 0x935: 0x00c0, + 0x936: 0x0080, 0x938: 0x00c0, 0x939: 0x00c0, + 0x93c: 0x00c3, 0x93e: 0x00c0, 0x93f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x00c0, 0x941: 0x00c3, 0x942: 0x00c3, + 0x947: 0x00c3, 0x948: 0x00c3, 0x94b: 0x00c3, + 0x94c: 0x00c3, 0x94d: 0x00c6, 0x951: 0x00c3, + 0x959: 0x0080, 0x95a: 0x0080, 0x95b: 0x0080, 0x95c: 0x00c0, + 0x95e: 0x0080, + 0x966: 0x00c0, 0x967: 0x00c0, 0x968: 0x00c0, 0x969: 0x00c0, + 0x96a: 0x00c0, 0x96b: 0x00c0, 0x96c: 0x00c0, 0x96d: 0x00c0, 0x96e: 0x00c0, 0x96f: 0x00c0, + 0x970: 0x00c3, 0x971: 0x00c3, 0x972: 0x00c0, 0x973: 0x00c0, 0x974: 0x00c0, 0x975: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x981: 0x00c3, 0x982: 0x00c3, 0x983: 0x00c0, 0x985: 0x00c0, + 0x986: 0x00c0, 0x987: 0x00c0, 0x988: 0x00c0, 0x989: 0x00c0, 0x98a: 0x00c0, 0x98b: 0x00c0, + 0x98c: 0x00c0, 0x98d: 0x00c0, 0x98f: 0x00c0, 0x990: 0x00c0, 0x991: 0x00c0, + 0x993: 0x00c0, 0x994: 0x00c0, 0x995: 0x00c0, 0x996: 0x00c0, 0x997: 0x00c0, + 0x998: 0x00c0, 0x999: 0x00c0, 0x99a: 0x00c0, 0x99b: 0x00c0, 0x99c: 0x00c0, 0x99d: 0x00c0, + 0x99e: 0x00c0, 0x99f: 0x00c0, 0x9a0: 0x00c0, 0x9a1: 0x00c0, 0x9a2: 0x00c0, 0x9a3: 0x00c0, + 0x9a4: 0x00c0, 0x9a5: 0x00c0, 0x9a6: 0x00c0, 0x9a7: 0x00c0, 0x9a8: 0x00c0, + 0x9aa: 0x00c0, 0x9ab: 0x00c0, 0x9ac: 0x00c0, 0x9ad: 0x00c0, 0x9ae: 0x00c0, 0x9af: 0x00c0, + 0x9b0: 0x00c0, 0x9b2: 0x00c0, 0x9b3: 0x00c0, 0x9b5: 0x00c0, + 0x9b6: 0x00c0, 0x9b7: 0x00c0, 0x9b8: 0x00c0, 0x9b9: 0x00c0, + 0x9bc: 0x00c3, 0x9bd: 0x00c0, 0x9be: 0x00c0, 0x9bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c0: 0x00c0, 0x9c1: 0x00c3, 0x9c2: 0x00c3, 0x9c3: 0x00c3, 0x9c4: 0x00c3, 0x9c5: 0x00c3, + 0x9c7: 0x00c3, 0x9c8: 0x00c3, 0x9c9: 0x00c0, 0x9cb: 0x00c0, + 0x9cc: 0x00c0, 0x9cd: 0x00c6, 0x9d0: 0x00c0, + 0x9e0: 0x00c0, 0x9e1: 0x00c0, 0x9e2: 0x00c3, 0x9e3: 0x00c3, + 0x9e6: 0x00c0, 0x9e7: 0x00c0, 0x9e8: 0x00c0, 0x9e9: 0x00c0, + 0x9ea: 0x00c0, 0x9eb: 0x00c0, 0x9ec: 0x00c0, 0x9ed: 0x00c0, 0x9ee: 0x00c0, 0x9ef: 0x00c0, + 0x9f0: 0x0080, 0x9f1: 0x0080, + 0x9f9: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa01: 0x00c3, 0xa02: 0x00c0, 0xa03: 0x00c0, 0xa05: 0x00c0, + 0xa06: 0x00c0, 0xa07: 0x00c0, 0xa08: 0x00c0, 0xa09: 0x00c0, 0xa0a: 0x00c0, 0xa0b: 0x00c0, + 0xa0c: 0x00c0, 0xa0f: 0x00c0, 0xa10: 0x00c0, + 0xa13: 0x00c0, 0xa14: 0x00c0, 0xa15: 0x00c0, 0xa16: 0x00c0, 0xa17: 0x00c0, + 0xa18: 0x00c0, 0xa19: 0x00c0, 0xa1a: 0x00c0, 0xa1b: 0x00c0, 0xa1c: 0x00c0, 0xa1d: 0x00c0, + 0xa1e: 0x00c0, 0xa1f: 0x00c0, 0xa20: 0x00c0, 0xa21: 0x00c0, 0xa22: 0x00c0, 0xa23: 0x00c0, + 0xa24: 0x00c0, 0xa25: 0x00c0, 0xa26: 0x00c0, 0xa27: 0x00c0, 0xa28: 0x00c0, + 0xa2a: 0x00c0, 0xa2b: 0x00c0, 0xa2c: 0x00c0, 0xa2d: 0x00c0, 0xa2e: 0x00c0, 0xa2f: 0x00c0, + 0xa30: 0x00c0, 0xa32: 0x00c0, 0xa33: 0x00c0, 0xa35: 0x00c0, + 0xa36: 0x00c0, 0xa37: 0x00c0, 0xa38: 0x00c0, 0xa39: 0x00c0, + 0xa3c: 0x00c3, 0xa3d: 0x00c0, 0xa3e: 0x00c0, 0xa3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa40: 0x00c0, 0xa41: 0x00c3, 0xa42: 0x00c3, 0xa43: 0x00c3, 0xa44: 0x00c3, + 0xa47: 0x00c0, 0xa48: 0x00c0, 0xa4b: 0x00c0, + 0xa4c: 0x00c0, 0xa4d: 0x00c6, + 0xa56: 0x00c3, 0xa57: 0x00c0, + 0xa5c: 0x0080, 0xa5d: 0x0080, + 0xa5f: 0x00c0, 0xa60: 0x00c0, 0xa61: 0x00c0, 0xa62: 0x00c3, 0xa63: 0x00c3, + 0xa66: 0x00c0, 0xa67: 0x00c0, 0xa68: 0x00c0, 0xa69: 0x00c0, + 0xa6a: 0x00c0, 0xa6b: 0x00c0, 0xa6c: 0x00c0, 0xa6d: 0x00c0, 0xa6e: 0x00c0, 0xa6f: 0x00c0, + 0xa70: 0x0080, 0xa71: 0x00c0, 0xa72: 0x0080, 0xa73: 0x0080, 0xa74: 0x0080, 0xa75: 0x0080, + 0xa76: 0x0080, 0xa77: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa82: 0x00c3, 0xa83: 0x00c0, 0xa85: 0x00c0, + 0xa86: 0x00c0, 0xa87: 0x00c0, 0xa88: 0x00c0, 0xa89: 0x00c0, 0xa8a: 0x00c0, + 0xa8e: 0x00c0, 0xa8f: 0x00c0, 0xa90: 0x00c0, + 0xa92: 0x00c0, 0xa93: 0x00c0, 0xa94: 0x00c0, 0xa95: 0x00c0, + 0xa99: 0x00c0, 0xa9a: 0x00c0, 0xa9c: 0x00c0, + 0xa9e: 0x00c0, 0xa9f: 0x00c0, 0xaa3: 0x00c0, + 0xaa4: 0x00c0, 0xaa8: 0x00c0, 0xaa9: 0x00c0, + 0xaaa: 0x00c0, 0xaae: 0x00c0, 0xaaf: 0x00c0, + 0xab0: 0x00c0, 0xab1: 0x00c0, 0xab2: 0x00c0, 0xab3: 0x00c0, 0xab4: 0x00c0, 0xab5: 0x00c0, + 0xab6: 0x00c0, 0xab7: 0x00c0, 0xab8: 0x00c0, 0xab9: 0x00c0, + 0xabe: 0x00c0, 0xabf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xac0: 0x00c3, 0xac1: 0x00c0, 0xac2: 0x00c0, + 0xac6: 0x00c0, 0xac7: 0x00c0, 0xac8: 0x00c0, 0xaca: 0x00c0, 0xacb: 0x00c0, + 0xacc: 0x00c0, 0xacd: 0x00c6, 0xad0: 0x00c0, + 0xad7: 0x00c0, + 0xae6: 0x00c0, 0xae7: 0x00c0, 0xae8: 0x00c0, 0xae9: 0x00c0, + 0xaea: 0x00c0, 0xaeb: 0x00c0, 0xaec: 0x00c0, 0xaed: 0x00c0, 0xaee: 0x00c0, 0xaef: 0x00c0, + 0xaf0: 0x0080, 0xaf1: 0x0080, 0xaf2: 0x0080, 0xaf3: 0x0080, 0xaf4: 0x0080, 0xaf5: 0x0080, + 0xaf6: 0x0080, 0xaf7: 0x0080, 0xaf8: 0x0080, 0xaf9: 0x0080, 0xafa: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb00: 0x00c3, 0xb01: 0x00c0, 0xb02: 0x00c0, 0xb03: 0x00c0, 0xb05: 0x00c0, + 0xb06: 0x00c0, 0xb07: 0x00c0, 0xb08: 0x00c0, 0xb09: 0x00c0, 0xb0a: 0x00c0, 0xb0b: 0x00c0, + 0xb0c: 0x00c0, 0xb0e: 0x00c0, 0xb0f: 0x00c0, 0xb10: 0x00c0, + 0xb12: 0x00c0, 0xb13: 0x00c0, 0xb14: 0x00c0, 0xb15: 0x00c0, 0xb16: 0x00c0, 0xb17: 0x00c0, + 0xb18: 0x00c0, 0xb19: 0x00c0, 0xb1a: 0x00c0, 0xb1b: 0x00c0, 0xb1c: 0x00c0, 0xb1d: 0x00c0, + 0xb1e: 0x00c0, 0xb1f: 0x00c0, 0xb20: 0x00c0, 0xb21: 0x00c0, 0xb22: 0x00c0, 0xb23: 0x00c0, + 0xb24: 0x00c0, 0xb25: 0x00c0, 0xb26: 0x00c0, 0xb27: 0x00c0, 0xb28: 0x00c0, + 0xb2a: 0x00c0, 0xb2b: 0x00c0, 0xb2c: 0x00c0, 0xb2d: 0x00c0, 0xb2e: 0x00c0, 0xb2f: 0x00c0, + 0xb30: 0x00c0, 0xb31: 0x00c0, 0xb32: 0x00c0, 0xb33: 0x00c0, 0xb34: 0x00c0, 0xb35: 0x00c0, + 0xb36: 0x00c0, 0xb37: 0x00c0, 0xb38: 0x00c0, 0xb39: 0x00c0, + 0xb3d: 0x00c0, 0xb3e: 0x00c3, 0xb3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb40: 0x00c3, 0xb41: 0x00c0, 0xb42: 0x00c0, 0xb43: 0x00c0, 0xb44: 0x00c0, + 0xb46: 0x00c3, 0xb47: 0x00c3, 0xb48: 0x00c3, 0xb4a: 0x00c3, 0xb4b: 0x00c3, + 0xb4c: 0x00c3, 0xb4d: 0x00c6, + 0xb55: 0x00c3, 0xb56: 0x00c3, + 0xb58: 0x00c0, 0xb59: 0x00c0, 0xb5a: 0x00c0, + 0xb60: 0x00c0, 0xb61: 0x00c0, 0xb62: 0x00c3, 0xb63: 0x00c3, + 0xb66: 0x00c0, 0xb67: 0x00c0, 0xb68: 0x00c0, 0xb69: 0x00c0, + 0xb6a: 0x00c0, 0xb6b: 0x00c0, 0xb6c: 0x00c0, 0xb6d: 0x00c0, 0xb6e: 0x00c0, 0xb6f: 0x00c0, + 0xb78: 0x0080, 0xb79: 0x0080, 0xb7a: 0x0080, 0xb7b: 0x0080, + 0xb7c: 0x0080, 0xb7d: 0x0080, 0xb7e: 0x0080, 0xb7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb80: 0x00c0, 0xb81: 0x00c3, 0xb82: 0x00c0, 0xb83: 0x00c0, 0xb85: 0x00c0, + 0xb86: 0x00c0, 0xb87: 0x00c0, 0xb88: 0x00c0, 0xb89: 0x00c0, 0xb8a: 0x00c0, 0xb8b: 0x00c0, + 0xb8c: 0x00c0, 0xb8e: 0x00c0, 0xb8f: 0x00c0, 0xb90: 0x00c0, + 0xb92: 0x00c0, 0xb93: 0x00c0, 0xb94: 0x00c0, 0xb95: 0x00c0, 0xb96: 0x00c0, 0xb97: 0x00c0, + 0xb98: 0x00c0, 0xb99: 0x00c0, 0xb9a: 0x00c0, 0xb9b: 0x00c0, 0xb9c: 0x00c0, 0xb9d: 0x00c0, + 0xb9e: 0x00c0, 0xb9f: 0x00c0, 0xba0: 0x00c0, 0xba1: 0x00c0, 0xba2: 0x00c0, 0xba3: 0x00c0, + 0xba4: 0x00c0, 0xba5: 0x00c0, 0xba6: 0x00c0, 0xba7: 0x00c0, 0xba8: 0x00c0, + 0xbaa: 0x00c0, 0xbab: 0x00c0, 0xbac: 0x00c0, 0xbad: 0x00c0, 0xbae: 0x00c0, 0xbaf: 0x00c0, + 0xbb0: 0x00c0, 0xbb1: 0x00c0, 0xbb2: 0x00c0, 0xbb3: 0x00c0, 0xbb5: 0x00c0, + 0xbb6: 0x00c0, 0xbb7: 0x00c0, 0xbb8: 0x00c0, 0xbb9: 0x00c0, + 0xbbc: 0x00c3, 0xbbd: 0x00c0, 0xbbe: 0x00c0, 0xbbf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x00c0, 0xbc1: 0x00c0, 0xbc2: 0x00c0, 0xbc3: 0x00c0, 0xbc4: 0x00c0, + 0xbc6: 0x00c3, 0xbc7: 0x00c0, 0xbc8: 0x00c0, 0xbca: 0x00c0, 0xbcb: 0x00c0, + 0xbcc: 0x00c3, 0xbcd: 0x00c6, + 0xbd5: 0x00c0, 0xbd6: 0x00c0, + 0xbde: 0x00c0, 0xbe0: 0x00c0, 0xbe1: 0x00c0, 0xbe2: 0x00c3, 0xbe3: 0x00c3, + 0xbe6: 0x00c0, 0xbe7: 0x00c0, 0xbe8: 0x00c0, 0xbe9: 0x00c0, + 0xbea: 0x00c0, 0xbeb: 0x00c0, 0xbec: 0x00c0, 0xbed: 0x00c0, 0xbee: 0x00c0, 0xbef: 0x00c0, + 0xbf1: 0x00c0, 0xbf2: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc01: 0x00c3, 0xc02: 0x00c0, 0xc03: 0x00c0, 0xc05: 0x00c0, + 0xc06: 0x00c0, 0xc07: 0x00c0, 0xc08: 0x00c0, 0xc09: 0x00c0, 0xc0a: 0x00c0, 0xc0b: 0x00c0, + 0xc0c: 0x00c0, 0xc0e: 0x00c0, 0xc0f: 0x00c0, 0xc10: 0x00c0, + 0xc12: 0x00c0, 0xc13: 0x00c0, 0xc14: 0x00c0, 0xc15: 0x00c0, 0xc16: 0x00c0, 0xc17: 0x00c0, + 0xc18: 0x00c0, 0xc19: 0x00c0, 0xc1a: 0x00c0, 0xc1b: 0x00c0, 0xc1c: 0x00c0, 0xc1d: 0x00c0, + 0xc1e: 0x00c0, 0xc1f: 0x00c0, 0xc20: 0x00c0, 0xc21: 0x00c0, 0xc22: 0x00c0, 0xc23: 0x00c0, + 0xc24: 0x00c0, 0xc25: 0x00c0, 0xc26: 0x00c0, 0xc27: 0x00c0, 0xc28: 0x00c0, 0xc29: 0x00c0, + 0xc2a: 0x00c0, 0xc2b: 0x00c0, 0xc2c: 0x00c0, 0xc2d: 0x00c0, 0xc2e: 0x00c0, 0xc2f: 0x00c0, + 0xc30: 0x00c0, 0xc31: 0x00c0, 0xc32: 0x00c0, 0xc33: 0x00c0, 0xc34: 0x00c0, 0xc35: 0x00c0, + 0xc36: 0x00c0, 0xc37: 0x00c0, 0xc38: 0x00c0, 0xc39: 0x00c0, 0xc3a: 0x00c0, + 0xc3d: 0x00c0, 0xc3e: 0x00c0, 0xc3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x00c0, 0xc41: 0x00c3, 0xc42: 0x00c3, 0xc43: 0x00c3, 0xc44: 0x00c3, + 0xc46: 0x00c0, 0xc47: 0x00c0, 0xc48: 0x00c0, 0xc4a: 0x00c0, 0xc4b: 0x00c0, + 0xc4c: 0x00c0, 0xc4d: 0x00c6, 0xc4e: 0x00c0, 0xc4f: 0x0080, + 0xc54: 0x00c0, 0xc55: 0x00c0, 0xc56: 0x00c0, 0xc57: 0x00c0, + 0xc58: 0x0080, 0xc59: 0x0080, 0xc5a: 0x0080, 0xc5b: 0x0080, 0xc5c: 0x0080, 0xc5d: 0x0080, + 0xc5e: 0x0080, 0xc5f: 0x00c0, 0xc60: 0x00c0, 0xc61: 0x00c0, 0xc62: 0x00c3, 0xc63: 0x00c3, + 0xc66: 0x00c0, 0xc67: 0x00c0, 0xc68: 0x00c0, 0xc69: 0x00c0, + 0xc6a: 0x00c0, 0xc6b: 0x00c0, 0xc6c: 0x00c0, 0xc6d: 0x00c0, 0xc6e: 0x00c0, 0xc6f: 0x00c0, + 0xc70: 0x0080, 0xc71: 0x0080, 0xc72: 0x0080, 0xc73: 0x0080, 0xc74: 0x0080, 0xc75: 0x0080, + 0xc76: 0x0080, 0xc77: 0x0080, 0xc78: 0x0080, 0xc79: 0x0080, 0xc7a: 0x00c0, 0xc7b: 0x00c0, + 0xc7c: 0x00c0, 0xc7d: 0x00c0, 0xc7e: 0x00c0, 0xc7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc82: 0x00c0, 0xc83: 0x00c0, 0xc85: 0x00c0, + 0xc86: 0x00c0, 0xc87: 0x00c0, 0xc88: 0x00c0, 0xc89: 0x00c0, 0xc8a: 0x00c0, 0xc8b: 0x00c0, + 0xc8c: 0x00c0, 0xc8d: 0x00c0, 0xc8e: 0x00c0, 0xc8f: 0x00c0, 0xc90: 0x00c0, 0xc91: 0x00c0, + 0xc92: 0x00c0, 0xc93: 0x00c0, 0xc94: 0x00c0, 0xc95: 0x00c0, 0xc96: 0x00c0, + 0xc9a: 0x00c0, 0xc9b: 0x00c0, 0xc9c: 0x00c0, 0xc9d: 0x00c0, + 0xc9e: 0x00c0, 0xc9f: 0x00c0, 0xca0: 0x00c0, 0xca1: 0x00c0, 0xca2: 0x00c0, 0xca3: 0x00c0, + 0xca4: 0x00c0, 0xca5: 0x00c0, 0xca6: 0x00c0, 0xca7: 0x00c0, 0xca8: 0x00c0, 0xca9: 0x00c0, + 0xcaa: 0x00c0, 0xcab: 0x00c0, 0xcac: 0x00c0, 0xcad: 0x00c0, 0xcae: 0x00c0, 0xcaf: 0x00c0, + 0xcb0: 0x00c0, 0xcb1: 0x00c0, 0xcb3: 0x00c0, 0xcb4: 0x00c0, 0xcb5: 0x00c0, + 0xcb6: 0x00c0, 0xcb7: 0x00c0, 0xcb8: 0x00c0, 0xcb9: 0x00c0, 0xcba: 0x00c0, 0xcbb: 0x00c0, + 0xcbd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc0: 0x00c0, 0xcc1: 0x00c0, 0xcc2: 0x00c0, 0xcc3: 0x00c0, 0xcc4: 0x00c0, 0xcc5: 0x00c0, + 0xcc6: 0x00c0, 0xcca: 0x00c6, + 0xccf: 0x00c0, 0xcd0: 0x00c0, 0xcd1: 0x00c0, + 0xcd2: 0x00c3, 0xcd3: 0x00c3, 0xcd4: 0x00c3, 0xcd6: 0x00c3, + 0xcd8: 0x00c0, 0xcd9: 0x00c0, 0xcda: 0x00c0, 0xcdb: 0x00c0, 0xcdc: 0x00c0, 0xcdd: 0x00c0, + 0xcde: 0x00c0, 0xcdf: 0x00c0, + 0xce6: 0x00c0, 0xce7: 0x00c0, 0xce8: 0x00c0, 0xce9: 0x00c0, + 0xcea: 0x00c0, 0xceb: 0x00c0, 0xcec: 0x00c0, 0xced: 0x00c0, 0xcee: 0x00c0, 0xcef: 0x00c0, + 0xcf2: 0x00c0, 0xcf3: 0x00c0, 0xcf4: 0x0080, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd01: 0x00c0, 0xd02: 0x00c0, 0xd03: 0x00c0, 0xd04: 0x00c0, 0xd05: 0x00c0, + 0xd06: 0x00c0, 0xd07: 0x00c0, 0xd08: 0x00c0, 0xd09: 0x00c0, 0xd0a: 0x00c0, 0xd0b: 0x00c0, + 0xd0c: 0x00c0, 0xd0d: 0x00c0, 0xd0e: 0x00c0, 0xd0f: 0x00c0, 0xd10: 0x00c0, 0xd11: 0x00c0, + 0xd12: 0x00c0, 0xd13: 0x00c0, 0xd14: 0x00c0, 0xd15: 0x00c0, 0xd16: 0x00c0, 0xd17: 0x00c0, + 0xd18: 0x00c0, 0xd19: 0x00c0, 0xd1a: 0x00c0, 0xd1b: 0x00c0, 0xd1c: 0x00c0, 0xd1d: 0x00c0, + 0xd1e: 0x00c0, 0xd1f: 0x00c0, 0xd20: 0x00c0, 0xd21: 0x00c0, 0xd22: 0x00c0, 0xd23: 0x00c0, + 0xd24: 0x00c0, 0xd25: 0x00c0, 0xd26: 0x00c0, 0xd27: 0x00c0, 0xd28: 0x00c0, 0xd29: 0x00c0, + 0xd2a: 0x00c0, 0xd2b: 0x00c0, 0xd2c: 0x00c0, 0xd2d: 0x00c0, 0xd2e: 0x00c0, 0xd2f: 0x00c0, + 0xd30: 0x00c0, 0xd31: 0x00c3, 0xd32: 0x00c0, 0xd33: 0x0080, 0xd34: 0x00c3, 0xd35: 0x00c3, + 0xd36: 0x00c3, 0xd37: 0x00c3, 0xd38: 0x00c3, 0xd39: 0x00c3, 0xd3a: 0x00c6, + 0xd3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x00c0, 0xd41: 0x00c0, 0xd42: 0x00c0, 0xd43: 0x00c0, 0xd44: 0x00c0, 0xd45: 0x00c0, + 0xd46: 0x00c0, 0xd47: 0x00c3, 0xd48: 0x00c3, 0xd49: 0x00c3, 0xd4a: 0x00c3, 0xd4b: 0x00c3, + 0xd4c: 0x00c3, 0xd4d: 0x00c3, 0xd4e: 0x00c3, 0xd4f: 0x0080, 0xd50: 0x00c0, 0xd51: 0x00c0, + 0xd52: 0x00c0, 0xd53: 0x00c0, 0xd54: 0x00c0, 0xd55: 0x00c0, 0xd56: 0x00c0, 0xd57: 0x00c0, + 0xd58: 0x00c0, 0xd59: 0x00c0, 0xd5a: 0x0080, 0xd5b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd81: 0x00c0, 0xd82: 0x00c0, 0xd84: 0x00c0, + 0xd87: 0x00c0, 0xd88: 0x00c0, 0xd8a: 0x00c0, + 0xd8d: 0x00c0, + 0xd94: 0x00c0, 0xd95: 0x00c0, 0xd96: 0x00c0, 0xd97: 0x00c0, + 0xd99: 0x00c0, 0xd9a: 0x00c0, 0xd9b: 0x00c0, 0xd9c: 0x00c0, 0xd9d: 0x00c0, + 0xd9e: 0x00c0, 0xd9f: 0x00c0, 0xda1: 0x00c0, 0xda2: 0x00c0, 0xda3: 0x00c0, + 0xda5: 0x00c0, 0xda7: 0x00c0, + 0xdaa: 0x00c0, 0xdab: 0x00c0, 0xdad: 0x00c0, 0xdae: 0x00c0, 0xdaf: 0x00c0, + 0xdb0: 0x00c0, 0xdb1: 0x00c3, 0xdb2: 0x00c0, 0xdb3: 0x0080, 0xdb4: 0x00c3, 0xdb5: 0x00c3, + 0xdb6: 0x00c3, 0xdb7: 0x00c3, 0xdb8: 0x00c3, 0xdb9: 0x00c3, 0xdbb: 0x00c3, + 0xdbc: 0x00c3, 0xdbd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0x00c0, 0xdc1: 0x00c0, 0xdc2: 0x00c0, 0xdc3: 0x00c0, 0xdc4: 0x00c0, + 0xdc6: 0x00c0, 0xdc8: 0x00c3, 0xdc9: 0x00c3, 0xdca: 0x00c3, 0xdcb: 0x00c3, + 0xdcc: 0x00c3, 0xdcd: 0x00c3, 0xdd0: 0x00c0, 0xdd1: 0x00c0, + 0xdd2: 0x00c0, 0xdd3: 0x00c0, 0xdd4: 0x00c0, 0xdd5: 0x00c0, 0xdd6: 0x00c0, 0xdd7: 0x00c0, + 0xdd8: 0x00c0, 0xdd9: 0x00c0, 0xddc: 0x0080, 0xddd: 0x0080, + 0xdde: 0x00c0, 0xddf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x00c0, 0xe01: 0x0080, 0xe02: 0x0080, 0xe03: 0x0080, 0xe04: 0x0080, 0xe05: 0x0080, + 0xe06: 0x0080, 0xe07: 0x0080, 0xe08: 0x0080, 0xe09: 0x0080, 0xe0a: 0x0080, 0xe0b: 0x00c0, + 0xe0c: 0x0080, 0xe0d: 0x0080, 0xe0e: 0x0080, 0xe0f: 0x0080, 0xe10: 0x0080, 0xe11: 0x0080, + 0xe12: 0x0080, 0xe13: 0x0080, 0xe14: 0x0080, 0xe15: 0x0080, 0xe16: 0x0080, 0xe17: 0x0080, + 0xe18: 0x00c3, 0xe19: 0x00c3, 0xe1a: 0x0080, 0xe1b: 0x0080, 0xe1c: 0x0080, 0xe1d: 0x0080, + 0xe1e: 0x0080, 0xe1f: 0x0080, 0xe20: 0x00c0, 0xe21: 0x00c0, 0xe22: 0x00c0, 0xe23: 0x00c0, + 0xe24: 0x00c0, 0xe25: 0x00c0, 0xe26: 0x00c0, 0xe27: 0x00c0, 0xe28: 0x00c0, 0xe29: 0x00c0, + 0xe2a: 0x0080, 0xe2b: 0x0080, 0xe2c: 0x0080, 0xe2d: 0x0080, 0xe2e: 0x0080, 0xe2f: 0x0080, + 0xe30: 0x0080, 0xe31: 0x0080, 0xe32: 0x0080, 0xe33: 0x0080, 0xe34: 0x0080, 0xe35: 0x00c3, + 0xe36: 0x0080, 0xe37: 0x00c3, 0xe38: 0x0080, 0xe39: 0x00c3, 0xe3a: 0x0080, 0xe3b: 0x0080, + 0xe3c: 0x0080, 0xe3d: 0x0080, 0xe3e: 0x00c0, 0xe3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x00c0, 0xe41: 0x00c0, 0xe42: 0x00c0, 0xe43: 0x0080, 0xe44: 0x00c0, 0xe45: 0x00c0, + 0xe46: 0x00c0, 0xe47: 0x00c0, 0xe49: 0x00c0, 0xe4a: 0x00c0, 0xe4b: 0x00c0, + 0xe4c: 0x00c0, 0xe4d: 0x0080, 0xe4e: 0x00c0, 0xe4f: 0x00c0, 0xe50: 0x00c0, 0xe51: 0x00c0, + 0xe52: 0x0080, 0xe53: 0x00c0, 0xe54: 0x00c0, 0xe55: 0x00c0, 0xe56: 0x00c0, 0xe57: 0x0080, + 0xe58: 0x00c0, 0xe59: 0x00c0, 0xe5a: 0x00c0, 0xe5b: 0x00c0, 0xe5c: 0x0080, 0xe5d: 0x00c0, + 0xe5e: 0x00c0, 0xe5f: 0x00c0, 0xe60: 0x00c0, 0xe61: 0x00c0, 0xe62: 0x00c0, 0xe63: 0x00c0, + 0xe64: 0x00c0, 0xe65: 0x00c0, 0xe66: 0x00c0, 0xe67: 0x00c0, 0xe68: 0x00c0, 0xe69: 0x0080, + 0xe6a: 0x00c0, 0xe6b: 0x00c0, 0xe6c: 0x00c0, + 0xe71: 0x00c3, 0xe72: 0x00c3, 0xe73: 0x0083, 0xe74: 0x00c3, 0xe75: 0x0083, + 0xe76: 0x0083, 0xe77: 0x0083, 0xe78: 0x0083, 0xe79: 0x0083, 0xe7a: 0x00c3, 0xe7b: 0x00c3, + 0xe7c: 0x00c3, 0xe7d: 0x00c3, 0xe7e: 0x00c3, 0xe7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x00c3, 0xe81: 0x0083, 0xe82: 0x00c3, 0xe83: 0x00c3, 0xe84: 0x00c6, 0xe85: 0x0080, + 0xe86: 0x00c3, 0xe87: 0x00c3, 0xe88: 0x00c0, 0xe89: 0x00c0, 0xe8a: 0x00c0, 0xe8b: 0x00c0, + 0xe8c: 0x00c0, 0xe8d: 0x00c3, 0xe8e: 0x00c3, 0xe8f: 0x00c3, 0xe90: 0x00c3, 0xe91: 0x00c3, + 0xe92: 0x00c3, 0xe93: 0x0083, 0xe94: 0x00c3, 0xe95: 0x00c3, 0xe96: 0x00c3, 0xe97: 0x00c3, + 0xe99: 0x00c3, 0xe9a: 0x00c3, 0xe9b: 0x00c3, 0xe9c: 0x00c3, 0xe9d: 0x0083, + 0xe9e: 0x00c3, 0xe9f: 0x00c3, 0xea0: 0x00c3, 0xea1: 0x00c3, 0xea2: 0x0083, 0xea3: 0x00c3, + 0xea4: 0x00c3, 0xea5: 0x00c3, 0xea6: 0x00c3, 0xea7: 0x0083, 0xea8: 0x00c3, 0xea9: 0x00c3, + 0xeaa: 0x00c3, 0xeab: 0x00c3, 0xeac: 0x0083, 0xead: 0x00c3, 0xeae: 0x00c3, 0xeaf: 0x00c3, + 0xeb0: 0x00c3, 0xeb1: 0x00c3, 0xeb2: 0x00c3, 0xeb3: 0x00c3, 0xeb4: 0x00c3, 0xeb5: 0x00c3, + 0xeb6: 0x00c3, 0xeb7: 0x00c3, 0xeb8: 0x00c3, 0xeb9: 0x0083, 0xeba: 0x00c3, 0xebb: 0x00c3, + 0xebc: 0x00c3, 0xebe: 0x0080, 0xebf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x0080, 0xec1: 0x0080, 0xec2: 0x0080, 0xec3: 0x0080, 0xec4: 0x0080, 0xec5: 0x0080, + 0xec6: 0x00c3, 0xec7: 0x0080, 0xec8: 0x0080, 0xec9: 0x0080, 0xeca: 0x0080, 0xecb: 0x0080, + 0xecc: 0x0080, 0xece: 0x0080, 0xecf: 0x0080, 0xed0: 0x0080, 0xed1: 0x0080, + 0xed2: 0x0080, 0xed3: 0x0080, 0xed4: 0x0080, 0xed5: 0x0080, 0xed6: 0x0080, 0xed7: 0x0080, + 0xed8: 0x0080, 0xed9: 0x0080, 0xeda: 0x0080, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x00c0, 0xf01: 0x00c0, 0xf02: 0x00c0, 0xf03: 0x00c0, 0xf04: 0x00c0, 0xf05: 0x00c0, + 0xf06: 0x00c0, 0xf07: 0x00c0, 0xf08: 0x00c0, 0xf09: 0x00c0, 0xf0a: 0x00c0, 0xf0b: 0x00c0, + 0xf0c: 0x00c0, 0xf0d: 0x00c0, 0xf0e: 0x00c0, 0xf0f: 0x00c0, 0xf10: 0x00c0, 0xf11: 0x00c0, + 0xf12: 0x00c0, 0xf13: 0x00c0, 0xf14: 0x00c0, 0xf15: 0x00c0, 0xf16: 0x00c0, 0xf17: 0x00c0, + 0xf18: 0x00c0, 0xf19: 0x00c0, 0xf1a: 0x00c0, 0xf1b: 0x00c0, 0xf1c: 0x00c0, 0xf1d: 0x00c0, + 0xf1e: 0x00c0, 0xf1f: 0x00c0, 0xf20: 0x00c0, 0xf21: 0x00c0, 0xf22: 0x00c0, 0xf23: 0x00c0, + 0xf24: 0x00c0, 0xf25: 0x00c0, 0xf26: 0x00c0, 0xf27: 0x00c0, 0xf28: 0x00c0, 0xf29: 0x00c0, + 0xf2a: 0x00c0, 0xf2b: 0x00c0, 0xf2c: 0x00c0, 0xf2d: 0x00c3, 0xf2e: 0x00c3, 0xf2f: 0x00c3, + 0xf30: 0x00c3, 0xf31: 0x00c0, 0xf32: 0x00c3, 0xf33: 0x00c3, 0xf34: 0x00c3, 0xf35: 0x00c3, + 0xf36: 0x00c3, 0xf37: 0x00c3, 0xf38: 0x00c0, 0xf39: 0x00c6, 0xf3a: 0x00c6, 0xf3b: 0x00c0, + 0xf3c: 0x00c0, 0xf3d: 0x00c3, 0xf3e: 0x00c3, 0xf3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x00c0, 0xf41: 0x00c0, 0xf42: 0x00c0, 0xf43: 0x00c0, 0xf44: 0x00c0, 0xf45: 0x00c0, + 0xf46: 0x00c0, 0xf47: 0x00c0, 0xf48: 0x00c0, 0xf49: 0x00c0, 0xf4a: 0x0080, 0xf4b: 0x0080, + 0xf4c: 0x0080, 0xf4d: 0x0080, 0xf4e: 0x0080, 0xf4f: 0x0080, 0xf50: 0x00c0, 0xf51: 0x00c0, + 0xf52: 0x00c0, 0xf53: 0x00c0, 0xf54: 0x00c0, 0xf55: 0x00c0, 0xf56: 0x00c0, 0xf57: 0x00c0, + 0xf58: 0x00c3, 0xf59: 0x00c3, 0xf5a: 0x00c0, 0xf5b: 0x00c0, 0xf5c: 0x00c0, 0xf5d: 0x00c0, + 0xf5e: 0x00c3, 0xf5f: 0x00c3, 0xf60: 0x00c3, 0xf61: 0x00c0, 0xf62: 0x00c0, 0xf63: 0x00c0, + 0xf64: 0x00c0, 0xf65: 0x00c0, 0xf66: 0x00c0, 0xf67: 0x00c0, 0xf68: 0x00c0, 0xf69: 0x00c0, + 0xf6a: 0x00c0, 0xf6b: 0x00c0, 0xf6c: 0x00c0, 0xf6d: 0x00c0, 0xf6e: 0x00c0, 0xf6f: 0x00c0, + 0xf70: 0x00c0, 0xf71: 0x00c3, 0xf72: 0x00c3, 0xf73: 0x00c3, 0xf74: 0x00c3, 0xf75: 0x00c0, + 0xf76: 0x00c0, 0xf77: 0x00c0, 0xf78: 0x00c0, 0xf79: 0x00c0, 0xf7a: 0x00c0, 0xf7b: 0x00c0, + 0xf7c: 0x00c0, 0xf7d: 0x00c0, 0xf7e: 0x00c0, 0xf7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x00c0, 0xf81: 0x00c0, 0xf82: 0x00c3, 0xf83: 0x00c0, 0xf84: 0x00c0, 0xf85: 0x00c3, + 0xf86: 0x00c3, 0xf87: 0x00c0, 0xf88: 0x00c0, 0xf89: 0x00c0, 0xf8a: 0x00c0, 0xf8b: 0x00c0, + 0xf8c: 0x00c0, 0xf8d: 0x00c3, 0xf8e: 0x00c0, 0xf8f: 0x00c0, 0xf90: 0x00c0, 0xf91: 0x00c0, + 0xf92: 0x00c0, 0xf93: 0x00c0, 0xf94: 0x00c0, 0xf95: 0x00c0, 0xf96: 0x00c0, 0xf97: 0x00c0, + 0xf98: 0x00c0, 0xf99: 0x00c0, 0xf9a: 0x00c0, 0xf9b: 0x00c0, 0xf9c: 0x00c0, 0xf9d: 0x00c3, + 0xf9e: 0x0080, 0xf9f: 0x0080, 0xfa0: 0x00c0, 0xfa1: 0x00c0, 0xfa2: 0x00c0, 0xfa3: 0x00c0, + 0xfa4: 0x00c0, 0xfa5: 0x00c0, 0xfa6: 0x00c0, 0xfa7: 0x00c0, 0xfa8: 0x00c0, 0xfa9: 0x00c0, + 0xfaa: 0x00c0, 0xfab: 0x00c0, 0xfac: 0x00c0, 0xfad: 0x00c0, 0xfae: 0x00c0, 0xfaf: 0x00c0, + 0xfb0: 0x00c0, 0xfb1: 0x00c0, 0xfb2: 0x00c0, 0xfb3: 0x00c0, 0xfb4: 0x00c0, 0xfb5: 0x00c0, + 0xfb6: 0x00c0, 0xfb7: 0x00c0, 0xfb8: 0x00c0, 0xfb9: 0x00c0, 0xfba: 0x00c0, 0xfbb: 0x00c0, + 0xfbc: 0x00c0, 0xfbd: 0x00c0, 0xfbe: 0x00c0, 0xfbf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc0: 0x00c0, 0xfc1: 0x00c0, 0xfc2: 0x00c0, 0xfc3: 0x00c0, 0xfc4: 0x00c0, 0xfc5: 0x00c0, + 0xfc7: 0x00c0, + 0xfcd: 0x00c0, 0xfd0: 0x00c0, 0xfd1: 0x00c0, + 0xfd2: 0x00c0, 0xfd3: 0x00c0, 0xfd4: 0x00c0, 0xfd5: 0x00c0, 0xfd6: 0x00c0, 0xfd7: 0x00c0, + 0xfd8: 0x00c0, 0xfd9: 0x00c0, 0xfda: 0x00c0, 0xfdb: 0x00c0, 0xfdc: 0x00c0, 0xfdd: 0x00c0, + 0xfde: 0x00c0, 0xfdf: 0x00c0, 0xfe0: 0x00c0, 0xfe1: 0x00c0, 0xfe2: 0x00c0, 0xfe3: 0x00c0, + 0xfe4: 0x00c0, 0xfe5: 0x00c0, 0xfe6: 0x00c0, 0xfe7: 0x00c0, 0xfe8: 0x00c0, 0xfe9: 0x00c0, + 0xfea: 0x00c0, 0xfeb: 0x00c0, 0xfec: 0x00c0, 0xfed: 0x00c0, 0xfee: 0x00c0, 0xfef: 0x00c0, + 0xff0: 0x00c0, 0xff1: 0x00c0, 0xff2: 0x00c0, 0xff3: 0x00c0, 0xff4: 0x00c0, 0xff5: 0x00c0, + 0xff6: 0x00c0, 0xff7: 0x00c0, 0xff8: 0x00c0, 0xff9: 0x00c0, 0xffa: 0x00c0, 0xffb: 0x0080, + 0xffc: 0x0080, 0xffd: 0x00c0, 0xffe: 0x00c0, 0xfff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x0040, 0x1001: 0x0040, 0x1002: 0x0040, 0x1003: 0x0040, 0x1004: 0x0040, 0x1005: 0x0040, + 0x1006: 0x0040, 0x1007: 0x0040, 0x1008: 0x0040, 0x1009: 0x0040, 0x100a: 0x0040, 0x100b: 0x0040, + 0x100c: 0x0040, 0x100d: 0x0040, 0x100e: 0x0040, 0x100f: 0x0040, 0x1010: 0x0040, 0x1011: 0x0040, + 0x1012: 0x0040, 0x1013: 0x0040, 0x1014: 0x0040, 0x1015: 0x0040, 0x1016: 0x0040, 0x1017: 0x0040, + 0x1018: 0x0040, 0x1019: 0x0040, 0x101a: 0x0040, 0x101b: 0x0040, 0x101c: 0x0040, 0x101d: 0x0040, + 0x101e: 0x0040, 0x101f: 0x0040, 0x1020: 0x0040, 0x1021: 0x0040, 0x1022: 0x0040, 0x1023: 0x0040, + 0x1024: 0x0040, 0x1025: 0x0040, 0x1026: 0x0040, 0x1027: 0x0040, 0x1028: 0x0040, 0x1029: 0x0040, + 0x102a: 0x0040, 0x102b: 0x0040, 0x102c: 0x0040, 0x102d: 0x0040, 0x102e: 0x0040, 0x102f: 0x0040, + 0x1030: 0x0040, 0x1031: 0x0040, 0x1032: 0x0040, 0x1033: 0x0040, 0x1034: 0x0040, 0x1035: 0x0040, + 0x1036: 0x0040, 0x1037: 0x0040, 0x1038: 0x0040, 0x1039: 0x0040, 0x103a: 0x0040, 0x103b: 0x0040, + 0x103c: 0x0040, 0x103d: 0x0040, 0x103e: 0x0040, 0x103f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x00c0, 0x1041: 0x00c0, 0x1042: 0x00c0, 0x1043: 0x00c0, 0x1044: 0x00c0, 0x1045: 0x00c0, + 0x1046: 0x00c0, 0x1047: 0x00c0, 0x1048: 0x00c0, 0x104a: 0x00c0, 0x104b: 0x00c0, + 0x104c: 0x00c0, 0x104d: 0x00c0, 0x1050: 0x00c0, 0x1051: 0x00c0, + 0x1052: 0x00c0, 0x1053: 0x00c0, 0x1054: 0x00c0, 0x1055: 0x00c0, 0x1056: 0x00c0, + 0x1058: 0x00c0, 0x105a: 0x00c0, 0x105b: 0x00c0, 0x105c: 0x00c0, 0x105d: 0x00c0, + 0x1060: 0x00c0, 0x1061: 0x00c0, 0x1062: 0x00c0, 0x1063: 0x00c0, + 0x1064: 0x00c0, 0x1065: 0x00c0, 0x1066: 0x00c0, 0x1067: 0x00c0, 0x1068: 0x00c0, 0x1069: 0x00c0, + 0x106a: 0x00c0, 0x106b: 0x00c0, 0x106c: 0x00c0, 0x106d: 0x00c0, 0x106e: 0x00c0, 0x106f: 0x00c0, + 0x1070: 0x00c0, 0x1071: 0x00c0, 0x1072: 0x00c0, 0x1073: 0x00c0, 0x1074: 0x00c0, 0x1075: 0x00c0, + 0x1076: 0x00c0, 0x1077: 0x00c0, 0x1078: 0x00c0, 0x1079: 0x00c0, 0x107a: 0x00c0, 0x107b: 0x00c0, + 0x107c: 0x00c0, 0x107d: 0x00c0, 0x107e: 0x00c0, 0x107f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x00c0, 0x1081: 0x00c0, 0x1082: 0x00c0, 0x1083: 0x00c0, 0x1084: 0x00c0, 0x1085: 0x00c0, + 0x1086: 0x00c0, 0x1087: 0x00c0, 0x1088: 0x00c0, 0x108a: 0x00c0, 0x108b: 0x00c0, + 0x108c: 0x00c0, 0x108d: 0x00c0, 0x1090: 0x00c0, 0x1091: 0x00c0, + 0x1092: 0x00c0, 0x1093: 0x00c0, 0x1094: 0x00c0, 0x1095: 0x00c0, 0x1096: 0x00c0, 0x1097: 0x00c0, + 0x1098: 0x00c0, 0x1099: 0x00c0, 0x109a: 0x00c0, 0x109b: 0x00c0, 0x109c: 0x00c0, 0x109d: 0x00c0, + 0x109e: 0x00c0, 0x109f: 0x00c0, 0x10a0: 0x00c0, 0x10a1: 0x00c0, 0x10a2: 0x00c0, 0x10a3: 0x00c0, + 0x10a4: 0x00c0, 0x10a5: 0x00c0, 0x10a6: 0x00c0, 0x10a7: 0x00c0, 0x10a8: 0x00c0, 0x10a9: 0x00c0, + 0x10aa: 0x00c0, 0x10ab: 0x00c0, 0x10ac: 0x00c0, 0x10ad: 0x00c0, 0x10ae: 0x00c0, 0x10af: 0x00c0, + 0x10b0: 0x00c0, 0x10b2: 0x00c0, 0x10b3: 0x00c0, 0x10b4: 0x00c0, 0x10b5: 0x00c0, + 0x10b8: 0x00c0, 0x10b9: 0x00c0, 0x10ba: 0x00c0, 0x10bb: 0x00c0, + 0x10bc: 0x00c0, 0x10bd: 0x00c0, 0x10be: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c0: 0x00c0, 0x10c2: 0x00c0, 0x10c3: 0x00c0, 0x10c4: 0x00c0, 0x10c5: 0x00c0, + 0x10c8: 0x00c0, 0x10c9: 0x00c0, 0x10ca: 0x00c0, 0x10cb: 0x00c0, + 0x10cc: 0x00c0, 0x10cd: 0x00c0, 0x10ce: 0x00c0, 0x10cf: 0x00c0, 0x10d0: 0x00c0, 0x10d1: 0x00c0, + 0x10d2: 0x00c0, 0x10d3: 0x00c0, 0x10d4: 0x00c0, 0x10d5: 0x00c0, 0x10d6: 0x00c0, + 0x10d8: 0x00c0, 0x10d9: 0x00c0, 0x10da: 0x00c0, 0x10db: 0x00c0, 0x10dc: 0x00c0, 0x10dd: 0x00c0, + 0x10de: 0x00c0, 0x10df: 0x00c0, 0x10e0: 0x00c0, 0x10e1: 0x00c0, 0x10e2: 0x00c0, 0x10e3: 0x00c0, + 0x10e4: 0x00c0, 0x10e5: 0x00c0, 0x10e6: 0x00c0, 0x10e7: 0x00c0, 0x10e8: 0x00c0, 0x10e9: 0x00c0, + 0x10ea: 0x00c0, 0x10eb: 0x00c0, 0x10ec: 0x00c0, 0x10ed: 0x00c0, 0x10ee: 0x00c0, 0x10ef: 0x00c0, + 0x10f0: 0x00c0, 0x10f1: 0x00c0, 0x10f2: 0x00c0, 0x10f3: 0x00c0, 0x10f4: 0x00c0, 0x10f5: 0x00c0, + 0x10f6: 0x00c0, 0x10f7: 0x00c0, 0x10f8: 0x00c0, 0x10f9: 0x00c0, 0x10fa: 0x00c0, 0x10fb: 0x00c0, + 0x10fc: 0x00c0, 0x10fd: 0x00c0, 0x10fe: 0x00c0, 0x10ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1100: 0x00c0, 0x1101: 0x00c0, 0x1102: 0x00c0, 0x1103: 0x00c0, 0x1104: 0x00c0, 0x1105: 0x00c0, + 0x1106: 0x00c0, 0x1107: 0x00c0, 0x1108: 0x00c0, 0x1109: 0x00c0, 0x110a: 0x00c0, 0x110b: 0x00c0, + 0x110c: 0x00c0, 0x110d: 0x00c0, 0x110e: 0x00c0, 0x110f: 0x00c0, 0x1110: 0x00c0, + 0x1112: 0x00c0, 0x1113: 0x00c0, 0x1114: 0x00c0, 0x1115: 0x00c0, + 0x1118: 0x00c0, 0x1119: 0x00c0, 0x111a: 0x00c0, 0x111b: 0x00c0, 0x111c: 0x00c0, 0x111d: 0x00c0, + 0x111e: 0x00c0, 0x111f: 0x00c0, 0x1120: 0x00c0, 0x1121: 0x00c0, 0x1122: 0x00c0, 0x1123: 0x00c0, + 0x1124: 0x00c0, 0x1125: 0x00c0, 0x1126: 0x00c0, 0x1127: 0x00c0, 0x1128: 0x00c0, 0x1129: 0x00c0, + 0x112a: 0x00c0, 0x112b: 0x00c0, 0x112c: 0x00c0, 0x112d: 0x00c0, 0x112e: 0x00c0, 0x112f: 0x00c0, + 0x1130: 0x00c0, 0x1131: 0x00c0, 0x1132: 0x00c0, 0x1133: 0x00c0, 0x1134: 0x00c0, 0x1135: 0x00c0, + 0x1136: 0x00c0, 0x1137: 0x00c0, 0x1138: 0x00c0, 0x1139: 0x00c0, 0x113a: 0x00c0, 0x113b: 0x00c0, + 0x113c: 0x00c0, 0x113d: 0x00c0, 0x113e: 0x00c0, 0x113f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1140: 0x00c0, 0x1141: 0x00c0, 0x1142: 0x00c0, 0x1143: 0x00c0, 0x1144: 0x00c0, 0x1145: 0x00c0, + 0x1146: 0x00c0, 0x1147: 0x00c0, 0x1148: 0x00c0, 0x1149: 0x00c0, 0x114a: 0x00c0, 0x114b: 0x00c0, + 0x114c: 0x00c0, 0x114d: 0x00c0, 0x114e: 0x00c0, 0x114f: 0x00c0, 0x1150: 0x00c0, 0x1151: 0x00c0, + 0x1152: 0x00c0, 0x1153: 0x00c0, 0x1154: 0x00c0, 0x1155: 0x00c0, 0x1156: 0x00c0, 0x1157: 0x00c0, + 0x1158: 0x00c0, 0x1159: 0x00c0, 0x115a: 0x00c0, 0x115d: 0x00c3, + 0x115e: 0x00c3, 0x115f: 0x00c3, 0x1160: 0x0080, 0x1161: 0x0080, 0x1162: 0x0080, 0x1163: 0x0080, + 0x1164: 0x0080, 0x1165: 0x0080, 0x1166: 0x0080, 0x1167: 0x0080, 0x1168: 0x0080, 0x1169: 0x0080, + 0x116a: 0x0080, 0x116b: 0x0080, 0x116c: 0x0080, 0x116d: 0x0080, 0x116e: 0x0080, 0x116f: 0x0080, + 0x1170: 0x0080, 0x1171: 0x0080, 0x1172: 0x0080, 0x1173: 0x0080, 0x1174: 0x0080, 0x1175: 0x0080, + 0x1176: 0x0080, 0x1177: 0x0080, 0x1178: 0x0080, 0x1179: 0x0080, 0x117a: 0x0080, 0x117b: 0x0080, + 0x117c: 0x0080, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1180: 0x00c0, 0x1181: 0x00c0, 0x1182: 0x00c0, 0x1183: 0x00c0, 0x1184: 0x00c0, 0x1185: 0x00c0, + 0x1186: 0x00c0, 0x1187: 0x00c0, 0x1188: 0x00c0, 0x1189: 0x00c0, 0x118a: 0x00c0, 0x118b: 0x00c0, + 0x118c: 0x00c0, 0x118d: 0x00c0, 0x118e: 0x00c0, 0x118f: 0x00c0, 0x1190: 0x0080, 0x1191: 0x0080, + 0x1192: 0x0080, 0x1193: 0x0080, 0x1194: 0x0080, 0x1195: 0x0080, 0x1196: 0x0080, 0x1197: 0x0080, + 0x1198: 0x0080, 0x1199: 0x0080, + 0x11a0: 0x00c0, 0x11a1: 0x00c0, 0x11a2: 0x00c0, 0x11a3: 0x00c0, + 0x11a4: 0x00c0, 0x11a5: 0x00c0, 0x11a6: 0x00c0, 0x11a7: 0x00c0, 0x11a8: 0x00c0, 0x11a9: 0x00c0, + 0x11aa: 0x00c0, 0x11ab: 0x00c0, 0x11ac: 0x00c0, 0x11ad: 0x00c0, 0x11ae: 0x00c0, 0x11af: 0x00c0, + 0x11b0: 0x00c0, 0x11b1: 0x00c0, 0x11b2: 0x00c0, 0x11b3: 0x00c0, 0x11b4: 0x00c0, 0x11b5: 0x00c0, + 0x11b6: 0x00c0, 0x11b7: 0x00c0, 0x11b8: 0x00c0, 0x11b9: 0x00c0, 0x11ba: 0x00c0, 0x11bb: 0x00c0, + 0x11bc: 0x00c0, 0x11bd: 0x00c0, 0x11be: 0x00c0, 0x11bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c0: 0x00c0, 0x11c1: 0x00c0, 0x11c2: 0x00c0, 0x11c3: 0x00c0, 0x11c4: 0x00c0, 0x11c5: 0x00c0, + 0x11c6: 0x00c0, 0x11c7: 0x00c0, 0x11c8: 0x00c0, 0x11c9: 0x00c0, 0x11ca: 0x00c0, 0x11cb: 0x00c0, + 0x11cc: 0x00c0, 0x11cd: 0x00c0, 0x11ce: 0x00c0, 0x11cf: 0x00c0, 0x11d0: 0x00c0, 0x11d1: 0x00c0, + 0x11d2: 0x00c0, 0x11d3: 0x00c0, 0x11d4: 0x00c0, 0x11d5: 0x00c0, 0x11d6: 0x00c0, 0x11d7: 0x00c0, + 0x11d8: 0x00c0, 0x11d9: 0x00c0, 0x11da: 0x00c0, 0x11db: 0x00c0, 0x11dc: 0x00c0, 0x11dd: 0x00c0, + 0x11de: 0x00c0, 0x11df: 0x00c0, 0x11e0: 0x00c0, 0x11e1: 0x00c0, 0x11e2: 0x00c0, 0x11e3: 0x00c0, + 0x11e4: 0x00c0, 0x11e5: 0x00c0, 0x11e6: 0x00c0, 0x11e7: 0x00c0, 0x11e8: 0x00c0, 0x11e9: 0x00c0, + 0x11ea: 0x00c0, 0x11eb: 0x00c0, 0x11ec: 0x00c0, 0x11ed: 0x00c0, 0x11ee: 0x00c0, 0x11ef: 0x00c0, + 0x11f0: 0x00c0, 0x11f1: 0x00c0, 0x11f2: 0x00c0, 0x11f3: 0x00c0, 0x11f4: 0x00c0, 0x11f5: 0x00c0, + 0x11f8: 0x00c0, 0x11f9: 0x00c0, 0x11fa: 0x00c0, 0x11fb: 0x00c0, + 0x11fc: 0x00c0, 0x11fd: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x0080, 0x1201: 0x00c0, 0x1202: 0x00c0, 0x1203: 0x00c0, 0x1204: 0x00c0, 0x1205: 0x00c0, + 0x1206: 0x00c0, 0x1207: 0x00c0, 0x1208: 0x00c0, 0x1209: 0x00c0, 0x120a: 0x00c0, 0x120b: 0x00c0, + 0x120c: 0x00c0, 0x120d: 0x00c0, 0x120e: 0x00c0, 0x120f: 0x00c0, 0x1210: 0x00c0, 0x1211: 0x00c0, + 0x1212: 0x00c0, 0x1213: 0x00c0, 0x1214: 0x00c0, 0x1215: 0x00c0, 0x1216: 0x00c0, 0x1217: 0x00c0, + 0x1218: 0x00c0, 0x1219: 0x00c0, 0x121a: 0x00c0, 0x121b: 0x00c0, 0x121c: 0x00c0, 0x121d: 0x00c0, + 0x121e: 0x00c0, 0x121f: 0x00c0, 0x1220: 0x00c0, 0x1221: 0x00c0, 0x1222: 0x00c0, 0x1223: 0x00c0, + 0x1224: 0x00c0, 0x1225: 0x00c0, 0x1226: 0x00c0, 0x1227: 0x00c0, 0x1228: 0x00c0, 0x1229: 0x00c0, + 0x122a: 0x00c0, 0x122b: 0x00c0, 0x122c: 0x00c0, 0x122d: 0x00c0, 0x122e: 0x00c0, 0x122f: 0x00c0, + 0x1230: 0x00c0, 0x1231: 0x00c0, 0x1232: 0x00c0, 0x1233: 0x00c0, 0x1234: 0x00c0, 0x1235: 0x00c0, + 0x1236: 0x00c0, 0x1237: 0x00c0, 0x1238: 0x00c0, 0x1239: 0x00c0, 0x123a: 0x00c0, 0x123b: 0x00c0, + 0x123c: 0x00c0, 0x123d: 0x00c0, 0x123e: 0x00c0, 0x123f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1240: 0x00c0, 0x1241: 0x00c0, 0x1242: 0x00c0, 0x1243: 0x00c0, 0x1244: 0x00c0, 0x1245: 0x00c0, + 0x1246: 0x00c0, 0x1247: 0x00c0, 0x1248: 0x00c0, 0x1249: 0x00c0, 0x124a: 0x00c0, 0x124b: 0x00c0, + 0x124c: 0x00c0, 0x124d: 0x00c0, 0x124e: 0x00c0, 0x124f: 0x00c0, 0x1250: 0x00c0, 0x1251: 0x00c0, + 0x1252: 0x00c0, 0x1253: 0x00c0, 0x1254: 0x00c0, 0x1255: 0x00c0, 0x1256: 0x00c0, 0x1257: 0x00c0, + 0x1258: 0x00c0, 0x1259: 0x00c0, 0x125a: 0x00c0, 0x125b: 0x00c0, 0x125c: 0x00c0, 0x125d: 0x00c0, + 0x125e: 0x00c0, 0x125f: 0x00c0, 0x1260: 0x00c0, 0x1261: 0x00c0, 0x1262: 0x00c0, 0x1263: 0x00c0, + 0x1264: 0x00c0, 0x1265: 0x00c0, 0x1266: 0x00c0, 0x1267: 0x00c0, 0x1268: 0x00c0, 0x1269: 0x00c0, + 0x126a: 0x00c0, 0x126b: 0x00c0, 0x126c: 0x00c0, 0x126d: 0x0080, 0x126e: 0x0080, 0x126f: 0x00c0, + 0x1270: 0x00c0, 0x1271: 0x00c0, 0x1272: 0x00c0, 0x1273: 0x00c0, 0x1274: 0x00c0, 0x1275: 0x00c0, + 0x1276: 0x00c0, 0x1277: 0x00c0, 0x1278: 0x00c0, 0x1279: 0x00c0, 0x127a: 0x00c0, 0x127b: 0x00c0, + 0x127c: 0x00c0, 0x127d: 0x00c0, 0x127e: 0x00c0, 0x127f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x1280: 0x0080, 0x1281: 0x00c0, 0x1282: 0x00c0, 0x1283: 0x00c0, 0x1284: 0x00c0, 0x1285: 0x00c0, + 0x1286: 0x00c0, 0x1287: 0x00c0, 0x1288: 0x00c0, 0x1289: 0x00c0, 0x128a: 0x00c0, 0x128b: 0x00c0, + 0x128c: 0x00c0, 0x128d: 0x00c0, 0x128e: 0x00c0, 0x128f: 0x00c0, 0x1290: 0x00c0, 0x1291: 0x00c0, + 0x1292: 0x00c0, 0x1293: 0x00c0, 0x1294: 0x00c0, 0x1295: 0x00c0, 0x1296: 0x00c0, 0x1297: 0x00c0, + 0x1298: 0x00c0, 0x1299: 0x00c0, 0x129a: 0x00c0, 0x129b: 0x0080, 0x129c: 0x0080, + 0x12a0: 0x00c0, 0x12a1: 0x00c0, 0x12a2: 0x00c0, 0x12a3: 0x00c0, + 0x12a4: 0x00c0, 0x12a5: 0x00c0, 0x12a6: 0x00c0, 0x12a7: 0x00c0, 0x12a8: 0x00c0, 0x12a9: 0x00c0, + 0x12aa: 0x00c0, 0x12ab: 0x00c0, 0x12ac: 0x00c0, 0x12ad: 0x00c0, 0x12ae: 0x00c0, 0x12af: 0x00c0, + 0x12b0: 0x00c0, 0x12b1: 0x00c0, 0x12b2: 0x00c0, 0x12b3: 0x00c0, 0x12b4: 0x00c0, 0x12b5: 0x00c0, + 0x12b6: 0x00c0, 0x12b7: 0x00c0, 0x12b8: 0x00c0, 0x12b9: 0x00c0, 0x12ba: 0x00c0, 0x12bb: 0x00c0, + 0x12bc: 0x00c0, 0x12bd: 0x00c0, 0x12be: 0x00c0, 0x12bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12c0: 0x00c0, 0x12c1: 0x00c0, 0x12c2: 0x00c0, 0x12c3: 0x00c0, 0x12c4: 0x00c0, 0x12c5: 0x00c0, + 0x12c6: 0x00c0, 0x12c7: 0x00c0, 0x12c8: 0x00c0, 0x12c9: 0x00c0, 0x12ca: 0x00c0, 0x12cb: 0x00c0, + 0x12cc: 0x00c0, 0x12cd: 0x00c0, 0x12ce: 0x00c0, 0x12cf: 0x00c0, 0x12d0: 0x00c0, 0x12d1: 0x00c0, + 0x12d2: 0x00c0, 0x12d3: 0x00c0, 0x12d4: 0x00c0, 0x12d5: 0x00c0, 0x12d6: 0x00c0, 0x12d7: 0x00c0, + 0x12d8: 0x00c0, 0x12d9: 0x00c0, 0x12da: 0x00c0, 0x12db: 0x00c0, 0x12dc: 0x00c0, 0x12dd: 0x00c0, + 0x12de: 0x00c0, 0x12df: 0x00c0, 0x12e0: 0x00c0, 0x12e1: 0x00c0, 0x12e2: 0x00c0, 0x12e3: 0x00c0, + 0x12e4: 0x00c0, 0x12e5: 0x00c0, 0x12e6: 0x00c0, 0x12e7: 0x00c0, 0x12e8: 0x00c0, 0x12e9: 0x00c0, + 0x12ea: 0x00c0, 0x12eb: 0x0080, 0x12ec: 0x0080, 0x12ed: 0x0080, 0x12ee: 0x0080, 0x12ef: 0x0080, + 0x12f0: 0x0080, 0x12f1: 0x00c0, 0x12f2: 0x00c0, 0x12f3: 0x00c0, 0x12f4: 0x00c0, 0x12f5: 0x00c0, + 0x12f6: 0x00c0, 0x12f7: 0x00c0, 0x12f8: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x00c0, 0x1301: 0x00c0, 0x1302: 0x00c0, 0x1303: 0x00c0, 0x1304: 0x00c0, 0x1305: 0x00c0, + 0x1306: 0x00c0, 0x1307: 0x00c0, 0x1308: 0x00c0, 0x1309: 0x00c0, 0x130a: 0x00c0, 0x130b: 0x00c0, + 0x130c: 0x00c0, 0x130e: 0x00c0, 0x130f: 0x00c0, 0x1310: 0x00c0, 0x1311: 0x00c0, + 0x1312: 0x00c3, 0x1313: 0x00c3, 0x1314: 0x00c6, + 0x1320: 0x00c0, 0x1321: 0x00c0, 0x1322: 0x00c0, 0x1323: 0x00c0, + 0x1324: 0x00c0, 0x1325: 0x00c0, 0x1326: 0x00c0, 0x1327: 0x00c0, 0x1328: 0x00c0, 0x1329: 0x00c0, + 0x132a: 0x00c0, 0x132b: 0x00c0, 0x132c: 0x00c0, 0x132d: 0x00c0, 0x132e: 0x00c0, 0x132f: 0x00c0, + 0x1330: 0x00c0, 0x1331: 0x00c0, 0x1332: 0x00c3, 0x1333: 0x00c3, 0x1334: 0x00c6, 0x1335: 0x0080, + 0x1336: 0x0080, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x1340: 0x00c0, 0x1341: 0x00c0, 0x1342: 0x00c0, 0x1343: 0x00c0, 0x1344: 0x00c0, 0x1345: 0x00c0, + 0x1346: 0x00c0, 0x1347: 0x00c0, 0x1348: 0x00c0, 0x1349: 0x00c0, 0x134a: 0x00c0, 0x134b: 0x00c0, + 0x134c: 0x00c0, 0x134d: 0x00c0, 0x134e: 0x00c0, 0x134f: 0x00c0, 0x1350: 0x00c0, 0x1351: 0x00c0, + 0x1352: 0x00c3, 0x1353: 0x00c3, + 0x1360: 0x00c0, 0x1361: 0x00c0, 0x1362: 0x00c0, 0x1363: 0x00c0, + 0x1364: 0x00c0, 0x1365: 0x00c0, 0x1366: 0x00c0, 0x1367: 0x00c0, 0x1368: 0x00c0, 0x1369: 0x00c0, + 0x136a: 0x00c0, 0x136b: 0x00c0, 0x136c: 0x00c0, 0x136e: 0x00c0, 0x136f: 0x00c0, + 0x1370: 0x00c0, 0x1372: 0x00c3, 0x1373: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x00c0, 0x1381: 0x00c0, 0x1382: 0x00c0, 0x1383: 0x00c0, 0x1384: 0x00c0, 0x1385: 0x00c0, + 0x1386: 0x00c0, 0x1387: 0x00c0, 0x1388: 0x00c0, 0x1389: 0x00c0, 0x138a: 0x00c0, 0x138b: 0x00c0, + 0x138c: 0x00c0, 0x138d: 0x00c0, 0x138e: 0x00c0, 0x138f: 0x00c0, 0x1390: 0x00c0, 0x1391: 0x00c0, + 0x1392: 0x00c0, 0x1393: 0x00c0, 0x1394: 0x00c0, 0x1395: 0x00c0, 0x1396: 0x00c0, 0x1397: 0x00c0, + 0x1398: 0x00c0, 0x1399: 0x00c0, 0x139a: 0x00c0, 0x139b: 0x00c0, 0x139c: 0x00c0, 0x139d: 0x00c0, + 0x139e: 0x00c0, 0x139f: 0x00c0, 0x13a0: 0x00c0, 0x13a1: 0x00c0, 0x13a2: 0x00c0, 0x13a3: 0x00c0, + 0x13a4: 0x00c0, 0x13a5: 0x00c0, 0x13a6: 0x00c0, 0x13a7: 0x00c0, 0x13a8: 0x00c0, 0x13a9: 0x00c0, + 0x13aa: 0x00c0, 0x13ab: 0x00c0, 0x13ac: 0x00c0, 0x13ad: 0x00c0, 0x13ae: 0x00c0, 0x13af: 0x00c0, + 0x13b0: 0x00c0, 0x13b1: 0x00c0, 0x13b2: 0x00c0, 0x13b3: 0x00c0, 0x13b4: 0x0040, 0x13b5: 0x0040, + 0x13b6: 0x00c0, 0x13b7: 0x00c3, 0x13b8: 0x00c3, 0x13b9: 0x00c3, 0x13ba: 0x00c3, 0x13bb: 0x00c3, + 0x13bc: 0x00c3, 0x13bd: 0x00c3, 0x13be: 0x00c0, 0x13bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x00c0, 0x13c1: 0x00c0, 0x13c2: 0x00c0, 0x13c3: 0x00c0, 0x13c4: 0x00c0, 0x13c5: 0x00c0, + 0x13c6: 0x00c3, 0x13c7: 0x00c0, 0x13c8: 0x00c0, 0x13c9: 0x00c3, 0x13ca: 0x00c3, 0x13cb: 0x00c3, + 0x13cc: 0x00c3, 0x13cd: 0x00c3, 0x13ce: 0x00c3, 0x13cf: 0x00c3, 0x13d0: 0x00c3, 0x13d1: 0x00c3, + 0x13d2: 0x00c6, 0x13d3: 0x00c3, 0x13d4: 0x0080, 0x13d5: 0x0080, 0x13d6: 0x0080, 0x13d7: 0x00c0, + 0x13d8: 0x0080, 0x13d9: 0x0080, 0x13da: 0x0080, 0x13db: 0x0080, 0x13dc: 0x00c0, 0x13dd: 0x00c3, + 0x13e0: 0x00c0, 0x13e1: 0x00c0, 0x13e2: 0x00c0, 0x13e3: 0x00c0, + 0x13e4: 0x00c0, 0x13e5: 0x00c0, 0x13e6: 0x00c0, 0x13e7: 0x00c0, 0x13e8: 0x00c0, 0x13e9: 0x00c0, + 0x13f0: 0x0080, 0x13f1: 0x0080, 0x13f2: 0x0080, 0x13f3: 0x0080, 0x13f4: 0x0080, 0x13f5: 0x0080, + 0x13f6: 0x0080, 0x13f7: 0x0080, 0x13f8: 0x0080, 0x13f9: 0x0080, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x0080, 0x1401: 0x0080, 0x1402: 0x0080, 0x1403: 0x0080, 0x1404: 0x0080, 0x1405: 0x0080, + 0x1406: 0x0080, 0x1407: 0x0082, 0x1408: 0x0080, 0x1409: 0x0080, 0x140a: 0x0080, 0x140b: 0x0040, + 0x140c: 0x0040, 0x140d: 0x0040, 0x140e: 0x0040, 0x1410: 0x00c0, 0x1411: 0x00c0, + 0x1412: 0x00c0, 0x1413: 0x00c0, 0x1414: 0x00c0, 0x1415: 0x00c0, 0x1416: 0x00c0, 0x1417: 0x00c0, + 0x1418: 0x00c0, 0x1419: 0x00c0, + 0x1420: 0x00c2, 0x1421: 0x00c2, 0x1422: 0x00c2, 0x1423: 0x00c2, + 0x1424: 0x00c2, 0x1425: 0x00c2, 0x1426: 0x00c2, 0x1427: 0x00c2, 0x1428: 0x00c2, 0x1429: 0x00c2, + 0x142a: 0x00c2, 0x142b: 0x00c2, 0x142c: 0x00c2, 0x142d: 0x00c2, 0x142e: 0x00c2, 0x142f: 0x00c2, + 0x1430: 0x00c2, 0x1431: 0x00c2, 0x1432: 0x00c2, 0x1433: 0x00c2, 0x1434: 0x00c2, 0x1435: 0x00c2, + 0x1436: 0x00c2, 0x1437: 0x00c2, 0x1438: 0x00c2, 0x1439: 0x00c2, 0x143a: 0x00c2, 0x143b: 0x00c2, + 0x143c: 0x00c2, 0x143d: 0x00c2, 0x143e: 0x00c2, 0x143f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1440: 0x00c2, 0x1441: 0x00c2, 0x1442: 0x00c2, 0x1443: 0x00c2, 0x1444: 0x00c2, 0x1445: 0x00c2, + 0x1446: 0x00c2, 0x1447: 0x00c2, 0x1448: 0x00c2, 0x1449: 0x00c2, 0x144a: 0x00c2, 0x144b: 0x00c2, + 0x144c: 0x00c2, 0x144d: 0x00c2, 0x144e: 0x00c2, 0x144f: 0x00c2, 0x1450: 0x00c2, 0x1451: 0x00c2, + 0x1452: 0x00c2, 0x1453: 0x00c2, 0x1454: 0x00c2, 0x1455: 0x00c2, 0x1456: 0x00c2, 0x1457: 0x00c2, + 0x1458: 0x00c2, 0x1459: 0x00c2, 0x145a: 0x00c2, 0x145b: 0x00c2, 0x145c: 0x00c2, 0x145d: 0x00c2, + 0x145e: 0x00c2, 0x145f: 0x00c2, 0x1460: 0x00c2, 0x1461: 0x00c2, 0x1462: 0x00c2, 0x1463: 0x00c2, + 0x1464: 0x00c2, 0x1465: 0x00c2, 0x1466: 0x00c2, 0x1467: 0x00c2, 0x1468: 0x00c2, 0x1469: 0x00c2, + 0x146a: 0x00c2, 0x146b: 0x00c2, 0x146c: 0x00c2, 0x146d: 0x00c2, 0x146e: 0x00c2, 0x146f: 0x00c2, + 0x1470: 0x00c2, 0x1471: 0x00c2, 0x1472: 0x00c2, 0x1473: 0x00c2, 0x1474: 0x00c2, 0x1475: 0x00c2, + 0x1476: 0x00c2, 0x1477: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x00c0, 0x1481: 0x00c0, 0x1482: 0x00c0, 0x1483: 0x00c0, 0x1484: 0x00c0, 0x1485: 0x00c3, + 0x1486: 0x00c3, 0x1487: 0x00c2, 0x1488: 0x00c2, 0x1489: 0x00c2, 0x148a: 0x00c2, 0x148b: 0x00c2, + 0x148c: 0x00c2, 0x148d: 0x00c2, 0x148e: 0x00c2, 0x148f: 0x00c2, 0x1490: 0x00c2, 0x1491: 0x00c2, + 0x1492: 0x00c2, 0x1493: 0x00c2, 0x1494: 0x00c2, 0x1495: 0x00c2, 0x1496: 0x00c2, 0x1497: 0x00c2, + 0x1498: 0x00c2, 0x1499: 0x00c2, 0x149a: 0x00c2, 0x149b: 0x00c2, 0x149c: 0x00c2, 0x149d: 0x00c2, + 0x149e: 0x00c2, 0x149f: 0x00c2, 0x14a0: 0x00c2, 0x14a1: 0x00c2, 0x14a2: 0x00c2, 0x14a3: 0x00c2, + 0x14a4: 0x00c2, 0x14a5: 0x00c2, 0x14a6: 0x00c2, 0x14a7: 0x00c2, 0x14a8: 0x00c2, 0x14a9: 0x00c3, + 0x14aa: 0x00c2, + 0x14b0: 0x00c0, 0x14b1: 0x00c0, 0x14b2: 0x00c0, 0x14b3: 0x00c0, 0x14b4: 0x00c0, 0x14b5: 0x00c0, + 0x14b6: 0x00c0, 0x14b7: 0x00c0, 0x14b8: 0x00c0, 0x14b9: 0x00c0, 0x14ba: 0x00c0, 0x14bb: 0x00c0, + 0x14bc: 0x00c0, 0x14bd: 0x00c0, 0x14be: 0x00c0, 0x14bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x00c0, 0x14c1: 0x00c0, 0x14c2: 0x00c0, 0x14c3: 0x00c0, 0x14c4: 0x00c0, 0x14c5: 0x00c0, + 0x14c6: 0x00c0, 0x14c7: 0x00c0, 0x14c8: 0x00c0, 0x14c9: 0x00c0, 0x14ca: 0x00c0, 0x14cb: 0x00c0, + 0x14cc: 0x00c0, 0x14cd: 0x00c0, 0x14ce: 0x00c0, 0x14cf: 0x00c0, 0x14d0: 0x00c0, 0x14d1: 0x00c0, + 0x14d2: 0x00c0, 0x14d3: 0x00c0, 0x14d4: 0x00c0, 0x14d5: 0x00c0, 0x14d6: 0x00c0, 0x14d7: 0x00c0, + 0x14d8: 0x00c0, 0x14d9: 0x00c0, 0x14da: 0x00c0, 0x14db: 0x00c0, 0x14dc: 0x00c0, 0x14dd: 0x00c0, + 0x14de: 0x00c0, 0x14df: 0x00c0, 0x14e0: 0x00c0, 0x14e1: 0x00c0, 0x14e2: 0x00c0, 0x14e3: 0x00c0, + 0x14e4: 0x00c0, 0x14e5: 0x00c0, 0x14e6: 0x00c0, 0x14e7: 0x00c0, 0x14e8: 0x00c0, 0x14e9: 0x00c0, + 0x14ea: 0x00c0, 0x14eb: 0x00c0, 0x14ec: 0x00c0, 0x14ed: 0x00c0, 0x14ee: 0x00c0, 0x14ef: 0x00c0, + 0x14f0: 0x00c0, 0x14f1: 0x00c0, 0x14f2: 0x00c0, 0x14f3: 0x00c0, 0x14f4: 0x00c0, 0x14f5: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x00c0, 0x1501: 0x00c0, 0x1502: 0x00c0, 0x1503: 0x00c0, 0x1504: 0x00c0, 0x1505: 0x00c0, + 0x1506: 0x00c0, 0x1507: 0x00c0, 0x1508: 0x00c0, 0x1509: 0x00c0, 0x150a: 0x00c0, 0x150b: 0x00c0, + 0x150c: 0x00c0, 0x150d: 0x00c0, 0x150e: 0x00c0, 0x150f: 0x00c0, 0x1510: 0x00c0, 0x1511: 0x00c0, + 0x1512: 0x00c0, 0x1513: 0x00c0, 0x1514: 0x00c0, 0x1515: 0x00c0, 0x1516: 0x00c0, 0x1517: 0x00c0, + 0x1518: 0x00c0, 0x1519: 0x00c0, 0x151a: 0x00c0, 0x151b: 0x00c0, 0x151c: 0x00c0, 0x151d: 0x00c0, + 0x151e: 0x00c0, 0x1520: 0x00c3, 0x1521: 0x00c3, 0x1522: 0x00c3, 0x1523: 0x00c0, + 0x1524: 0x00c0, 0x1525: 0x00c0, 0x1526: 0x00c0, 0x1527: 0x00c3, 0x1528: 0x00c3, 0x1529: 0x00c0, + 0x152a: 0x00c0, 0x152b: 0x00c0, + 0x1530: 0x00c0, 0x1531: 0x00c0, 0x1532: 0x00c3, 0x1533: 0x00c0, 0x1534: 0x00c0, 0x1535: 0x00c0, + 0x1536: 0x00c0, 0x1537: 0x00c0, 0x1538: 0x00c0, 0x1539: 0x00c3, 0x153a: 0x00c3, 0x153b: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1540: 0x0080, 0x1544: 0x0080, 0x1545: 0x0080, + 0x1546: 0x00c0, 0x1547: 0x00c0, 0x1548: 0x00c0, 0x1549: 0x00c0, 0x154a: 0x00c0, 0x154b: 0x00c0, + 0x154c: 0x00c0, 0x154d: 0x00c0, 0x154e: 0x00c0, 0x154f: 0x00c0, 0x1550: 0x00c0, 0x1551: 0x00c0, + 0x1552: 0x00c0, 0x1553: 0x00c0, 0x1554: 0x00c0, 0x1555: 0x00c0, 0x1556: 0x00c0, 0x1557: 0x00c0, + 0x1558: 0x00c0, 0x1559: 0x00c0, 0x155a: 0x00c0, 0x155b: 0x00c0, 0x155c: 0x00c0, 0x155d: 0x00c0, + 0x155e: 0x00c0, 0x155f: 0x00c0, 0x1560: 0x00c0, 0x1561: 0x00c0, 0x1562: 0x00c0, 0x1563: 0x00c0, + 0x1564: 0x00c0, 0x1565: 0x00c0, 0x1566: 0x00c0, 0x1567: 0x00c0, 0x1568: 0x00c0, 0x1569: 0x00c0, + 0x156a: 0x00c0, 0x156b: 0x00c0, 0x156c: 0x00c0, 0x156d: 0x00c0, + 0x1570: 0x00c0, 0x1571: 0x00c0, 0x1572: 0x00c0, 0x1573: 0x00c0, 0x1574: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0x00c0, 0x1581: 0x00c0, 0x1582: 0x00c0, 0x1583: 0x00c0, 0x1584: 0x00c0, 0x1585: 0x00c0, + 0x1586: 0x00c0, 0x1587: 0x00c0, 0x1588: 0x00c0, 0x1589: 0x00c0, 0x158a: 0x00c0, 0x158b: 0x00c0, + 0x158c: 0x00c0, 0x158d: 0x00c0, 0x158e: 0x00c0, 0x158f: 0x00c0, 0x1590: 0x00c0, 0x1591: 0x00c0, + 0x1592: 0x00c0, 0x1593: 0x00c0, 0x1594: 0x00c0, 0x1595: 0x00c0, 0x1596: 0x00c0, 0x1597: 0x00c0, + 0x1598: 0x00c0, 0x1599: 0x00c0, 0x159a: 0x00c0, 0x159b: 0x00c0, 0x159c: 0x00c0, 0x159d: 0x00c0, + 0x159e: 0x00c0, 0x159f: 0x00c0, 0x15a0: 0x00c0, 0x15a1: 0x00c0, 0x15a2: 0x00c0, 0x15a3: 0x00c0, + 0x15a4: 0x00c0, 0x15a5: 0x00c0, 0x15a6: 0x00c0, 0x15a7: 0x00c0, 0x15a8: 0x00c0, 0x15a9: 0x00c0, + 0x15aa: 0x00c0, 0x15ab: 0x00c0, + 0x15b0: 0x00c0, 0x15b1: 0x00c0, 0x15b2: 0x00c0, 0x15b3: 0x00c0, 0x15b4: 0x00c0, 0x15b5: 0x00c0, + 0x15b6: 0x00c0, 0x15b7: 0x00c0, 0x15b8: 0x00c0, 0x15b9: 0x00c0, 0x15ba: 0x00c0, 0x15bb: 0x00c0, + 0x15bc: 0x00c0, 0x15bd: 0x00c0, 0x15be: 0x00c0, 0x15bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0x00c0, 0x15c1: 0x00c0, 0x15c2: 0x00c0, 0x15c3: 0x00c0, 0x15c4: 0x00c0, 0x15c5: 0x00c0, + 0x15c6: 0x00c0, 0x15c7: 0x00c0, 0x15c8: 0x00c0, 0x15c9: 0x00c0, + 0x15d0: 0x00c0, 0x15d1: 0x00c0, + 0x15d2: 0x00c0, 0x15d3: 0x00c0, 0x15d4: 0x00c0, 0x15d5: 0x00c0, 0x15d6: 0x00c0, 0x15d7: 0x00c0, + 0x15d8: 0x00c0, 0x15d9: 0x00c0, 0x15da: 0x0080, + 0x15de: 0x0080, 0x15df: 0x0080, 0x15e0: 0x0080, 0x15e1: 0x0080, 0x15e2: 0x0080, 0x15e3: 0x0080, + 0x15e4: 0x0080, 0x15e5: 0x0080, 0x15e6: 0x0080, 0x15e7: 0x0080, 0x15e8: 0x0080, 0x15e9: 0x0080, + 0x15ea: 0x0080, 0x15eb: 0x0080, 0x15ec: 0x0080, 0x15ed: 0x0080, 0x15ee: 0x0080, 0x15ef: 0x0080, + 0x15f0: 0x0080, 0x15f1: 0x0080, 0x15f2: 0x0080, 0x15f3: 0x0080, 0x15f4: 0x0080, 0x15f5: 0x0080, + 0x15f6: 0x0080, 0x15f7: 0x0080, 0x15f8: 0x0080, 0x15f9: 0x0080, 0x15fa: 0x0080, 0x15fb: 0x0080, + 0x15fc: 0x0080, 0x15fd: 0x0080, 0x15fe: 0x0080, 0x15ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x00c0, 0x1601: 0x00c0, 0x1602: 0x00c0, 0x1603: 0x00c0, 0x1604: 0x00c0, 0x1605: 0x00c0, + 0x1606: 0x00c0, 0x1607: 0x00c0, 0x1608: 0x00c0, 0x1609: 0x00c0, 0x160a: 0x00c0, 0x160b: 0x00c0, + 0x160c: 0x00c0, 0x160d: 0x00c0, 0x160e: 0x00c0, 0x160f: 0x00c0, 0x1610: 0x00c0, 0x1611: 0x00c0, + 0x1612: 0x00c0, 0x1613: 0x00c0, 0x1614: 0x00c0, 0x1615: 0x00c0, 0x1616: 0x00c0, 0x1617: 0x00c3, + 0x1618: 0x00c3, 0x1619: 0x00c0, 0x161a: 0x00c0, 0x161b: 0x00c3, + 0x161e: 0x0080, 0x161f: 0x0080, 0x1620: 0x00c0, 0x1621: 0x00c0, 0x1622: 0x00c0, 0x1623: 0x00c0, + 0x1624: 0x00c0, 0x1625: 0x00c0, 0x1626: 0x00c0, 0x1627: 0x00c0, 0x1628: 0x00c0, 0x1629: 0x00c0, + 0x162a: 0x00c0, 0x162b: 0x00c0, 0x162c: 0x00c0, 0x162d: 0x00c0, 0x162e: 0x00c0, 0x162f: 0x00c0, + 0x1630: 0x00c0, 0x1631: 0x00c0, 0x1632: 0x00c0, 0x1633: 0x00c0, 0x1634: 0x00c0, 0x1635: 0x00c0, + 0x1636: 0x00c0, 0x1637: 0x00c0, 0x1638: 0x00c0, 0x1639: 0x00c0, 0x163a: 0x00c0, 0x163b: 0x00c0, + 0x163c: 0x00c0, 0x163d: 0x00c0, 0x163e: 0x00c0, 0x163f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x1640: 0x00c0, 0x1641: 0x00c0, 0x1642: 0x00c0, 0x1643: 0x00c0, 0x1644: 0x00c0, 0x1645: 0x00c0, + 0x1646: 0x00c0, 0x1647: 0x00c0, 0x1648: 0x00c0, 0x1649: 0x00c0, 0x164a: 0x00c0, 0x164b: 0x00c0, + 0x164c: 0x00c0, 0x164d: 0x00c0, 0x164e: 0x00c0, 0x164f: 0x00c0, 0x1650: 0x00c0, 0x1651: 0x00c0, + 0x1652: 0x00c0, 0x1653: 0x00c0, 0x1654: 0x00c0, 0x1655: 0x00c0, 0x1656: 0x00c3, 0x1657: 0x00c0, + 0x1658: 0x00c3, 0x1659: 0x00c3, 0x165a: 0x00c3, 0x165b: 0x00c3, 0x165c: 0x00c3, 0x165d: 0x00c3, + 0x165e: 0x00c3, 0x1660: 0x00c6, 0x1661: 0x00c0, 0x1662: 0x00c3, 0x1663: 0x00c0, + 0x1664: 0x00c0, 0x1665: 0x00c3, 0x1666: 0x00c3, 0x1667: 0x00c3, 0x1668: 0x00c3, 0x1669: 0x00c3, + 0x166a: 0x00c3, 0x166b: 0x00c3, 0x166c: 0x00c3, 0x166d: 0x00c0, 0x166e: 0x00c0, 0x166f: 0x00c0, + 0x1670: 0x00c0, 0x1671: 0x00c0, 0x1672: 0x00c0, 0x1673: 0x00c3, 0x1674: 0x00c3, 0x1675: 0x00c3, + 0x1676: 0x00c3, 0x1677: 0x00c3, 0x1678: 0x00c3, 0x1679: 0x00c3, 0x167a: 0x00c3, 0x167b: 0x00c3, + 0x167c: 0x00c3, 0x167f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x00c0, 0x1681: 0x00c0, 0x1682: 0x00c0, 0x1683: 0x00c0, 0x1684: 0x00c0, 0x1685: 0x00c0, + 0x1686: 0x00c0, 0x1687: 0x00c0, 0x1688: 0x00c0, 0x1689: 0x00c0, + 0x1690: 0x00c0, 0x1691: 0x00c0, + 0x1692: 0x00c0, 0x1693: 0x00c0, 0x1694: 0x00c0, 0x1695: 0x00c0, 0x1696: 0x00c0, 0x1697: 0x00c0, + 0x1698: 0x00c0, 0x1699: 0x00c0, + 0x16a0: 0x0080, 0x16a1: 0x0080, 0x16a2: 0x0080, 0x16a3: 0x0080, + 0x16a4: 0x0080, 0x16a5: 0x0080, 0x16a6: 0x0080, 0x16a7: 0x00c0, 0x16a8: 0x0080, 0x16a9: 0x0080, + 0x16aa: 0x0080, 0x16ab: 0x0080, 0x16ac: 0x0080, 0x16ad: 0x0080, + 0x16b0: 0x00c3, 0x16b1: 0x00c3, 0x16b2: 0x00c3, 0x16b3: 0x00c3, 0x16b4: 0x00c3, 0x16b5: 0x00c3, + 0x16b6: 0x00c3, 0x16b7: 0x00c3, 0x16b8: 0x00c3, 0x16b9: 0x00c3, 0x16ba: 0x00c3, 0x16bb: 0x00c3, + 0x16bc: 0x00c3, 0x16bd: 0x00c3, 0x16be: 0x0083, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16c0: 0x00c3, 0x16c1: 0x00c3, 0x16c2: 0x00c3, 0x16c3: 0x00c3, 0x16c4: 0x00c0, 0x16c5: 0x00c0, + 0x16c6: 0x00c0, 0x16c7: 0x00c0, 0x16c8: 0x00c0, 0x16c9: 0x00c0, 0x16ca: 0x00c0, 0x16cb: 0x00c0, + 0x16cc: 0x00c0, 0x16cd: 0x00c0, 0x16ce: 0x00c0, 0x16cf: 0x00c0, 0x16d0: 0x00c0, 0x16d1: 0x00c0, + 0x16d2: 0x00c0, 0x16d3: 0x00c0, 0x16d4: 0x00c0, 0x16d5: 0x00c0, 0x16d6: 0x00c0, 0x16d7: 0x00c0, + 0x16d8: 0x00c0, 0x16d9: 0x00c0, 0x16da: 0x00c0, 0x16db: 0x00c0, 0x16dc: 0x00c0, 0x16dd: 0x00c0, + 0x16de: 0x00c0, 0x16df: 0x00c0, 0x16e0: 0x00c0, 0x16e1: 0x00c0, 0x16e2: 0x00c0, 0x16e3: 0x00c0, + 0x16e4: 0x00c0, 0x16e5: 0x00c0, 0x16e6: 0x00c0, 0x16e7: 0x00c0, 0x16e8: 0x00c0, 0x16e9: 0x00c0, + 0x16ea: 0x00c0, 0x16eb: 0x00c0, 0x16ec: 0x00c0, 0x16ed: 0x00c0, 0x16ee: 0x00c0, 0x16ef: 0x00c0, + 0x16f0: 0x00c0, 0x16f1: 0x00c0, 0x16f2: 0x00c0, 0x16f3: 0x00c0, 0x16f4: 0x00c3, 0x16f5: 0x00c0, + 0x16f6: 0x00c3, 0x16f7: 0x00c3, 0x16f8: 0x00c3, 0x16f9: 0x00c3, 0x16fa: 0x00c3, 0x16fb: 0x00c0, + 0x16fc: 0x00c3, 0x16fd: 0x00c0, 0x16fe: 0x00c0, 0x16ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x00c0, 0x1701: 0x00c0, 0x1702: 0x00c3, 0x1703: 0x00c0, 0x1704: 0x00c5, 0x1705: 0x00c0, + 0x1706: 0x00c0, 0x1707: 0x00c0, 0x1708: 0x00c0, 0x1709: 0x00c0, 0x170a: 0x00c0, 0x170b: 0x00c0, + 0x1710: 0x00c0, 0x1711: 0x00c0, + 0x1712: 0x00c0, 0x1713: 0x00c0, 0x1714: 0x00c0, 0x1715: 0x00c0, 0x1716: 0x00c0, 0x1717: 0x00c0, + 0x1718: 0x00c0, 0x1719: 0x00c0, 0x171a: 0x0080, 0x171b: 0x0080, 0x171c: 0x0080, 0x171d: 0x0080, + 0x171e: 0x0080, 0x171f: 0x0080, 0x1720: 0x0080, 0x1721: 0x0080, 0x1722: 0x0080, 0x1723: 0x0080, + 0x1724: 0x0080, 0x1725: 0x0080, 0x1726: 0x0080, 0x1727: 0x0080, 0x1728: 0x0080, 0x1729: 0x0080, + 0x172a: 0x0080, 0x172b: 0x00c3, 0x172c: 0x00c3, 0x172d: 0x00c3, 0x172e: 0x00c3, 0x172f: 0x00c3, + 0x1730: 0x00c3, 0x1731: 0x00c3, 0x1732: 0x00c3, 0x1733: 0x00c3, 0x1734: 0x0080, 0x1735: 0x0080, + 0x1736: 0x0080, 0x1737: 0x0080, 0x1738: 0x0080, 0x1739: 0x0080, 0x173a: 0x0080, 0x173b: 0x0080, + 0x173c: 0x0080, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x00c3, 0x1741: 0x00c3, 0x1742: 0x00c0, 0x1743: 0x00c0, 0x1744: 0x00c0, 0x1745: 0x00c0, + 0x1746: 0x00c0, 0x1747: 0x00c0, 0x1748: 0x00c0, 0x1749: 0x00c0, 0x174a: 0x00c0, 0x174b: 0x00c0, + 0x174c: 0x00c0, 0x174d: 0x00c0, 0x174e: 0x00c0, 0x174f: 0x00c0, 0x1750: 0x00c0, 0x1751: 0x00c0, + 0x1752: 0x00c0, 0x1753: 0x00c0, 0x1754: 0x00c0, 0x1755: 0x00c0, 0x1756: 0x00c0, 0x1757: 0x00c0, + 0x1758: 0x00c0, 0x1759: 0x00c0, 0x175a: 0x00c0, 0x175b: 0x00c0, 0x175c: 0x00c0, 0x175d: 0x00c0, + 0x175e: 0x00c0, 0x175f: 0x00c0, 0x1760: 0x00c0, 0x1761: 0x00c0, 0x1762: 0x00c3, 0x1763: 0x00c3, + 0x1764: 0x00c3, 0x1765: 0x00c3, 0x1766: 0x00c0, 0x1767: 0x00c0, 0x1768: 0x00c3, 0x1769: 0x00c3, + 0x176a: 0x00c5, 0x176b: 0x00c6, 0x176c: 0x00c3, 0x176d: 0x00c3, 0x176e: 0x00c0, 0x176f: 0x00c0, + 0x1770: 0x00c0, 0x1771: 0x00c0, 0x1772: 0x00c0, 0x1773: 0x00c0, 0x1774: 0x00c0, 0x1775: 0x00c0, + 0x1776: 0x00c0, 0x1777: 0x00c0, 0x1778: 0x00c0, 0x1779: 0x00c0, 0x177a: 0x00c0, 0x177b: 0x00c0, + 0x177c: 0x00c0, 0x177d: 0x00c0, 0x177e: 0x00c0, 0x177f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x1780: 0x00c0, 0x1781: 0x00c0, 0x1782: 0x00c0, 0x1783: 0x00c0, 0x1784: 0x00c0, 0x1785: 0x00c0, + 0x1786: 0x00c0, 0x1787: 0x00c0, 0x1788: 0x00c0, 0x1789: 0x00c0, 0x178a: 0x00c0, 0x178b: 0x00c0, + 0x178c: 0x00c0, 0x178d: 0x00c0, 0x178e: 0x00c0, 0x178f: 0x00c0, 0x1790: 0x00c0, 0x1791: 0x00c0, + 0x1792: 0x00c0, 0x1793: 0x00c0, 0x1794: 0x00c0, 0x1795: 0x00c0, 0x1796: 0x00c0, 0x1797: 0x00c0, + 0x1798: 0x00c0, 0x1799: 0x00c0, 0x179a: 0x00c0, 0x179b: 0x00c0, 0x179c: 0x00c0, 0x179d: 0x00c0, + 0x179e: 0x00c0, 0x179f: 0x00c0, 0x17a0: 0x00c0, 0x17a1: 0x00c0, 0x17a2: 0x00c0, 0x17a3: 0x00c0, + 0x17a4: 0x00c0, 0x17a5: 0x00c0, 0x17a6: 0x00c3, 0x17a7: 0x00c0, 0x17a8: 0x00c3, 0x17a9: 0x00c3, + 0x17aa: 0x00c0, 0x17ab: 0x00c0, 0x17ac: 0x00c0, 0x17ad: 0x00c3, 0x17ae: 0x00c0, 0x17af: 0x00c3, + 0x17b0: 0x00c3, 0x17b1: 0x00c3, 0x17b2: 0x00c5, 0x17b3: 0x00c5, + 0x17bc: 0x0080, 0x17bd: 0x0080, 0x17be: 0x0080, 0x17bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x00c0, 0x17c1: 0x00c0, 0x17c2: 0x00c0, 0x17c3: 0x00c0, 0x17c4: 0x00c0, 0x17c5: 0x00c0, + 0x17c6: 0x00c0, 0x17c7: 0x00c0, 0x17c8: 0x00c0, 0x17c9: 0x00c0, 0x17ca: 0x00c0, 0x17cb: 0x00c0, + 0x17cc: 0x00c0, 0x17cd: 0x00c0, 0x17ce: 0x00c0, 0x17cf: 0x00c0, 0x17d0: 0x00c0, 0x17d1: 0x00c0, + 0x17d2: 0x00c0, 0x17d3: 0x00c0, 0x17d4: 0x00c0, 0x17d5: 0x00c0, 0x17d6: 0x00c0, 0x17d7: 0x00c0, + 0x17d8: 0x00c0, 0x17d9: 0x00c0, 0x17da: 0x00c0, 0x17db: 0x00c0, 0x17dc: 0x00c0, 0x17dd: 0x00c0, + 0x17de: 0x00c0, 0x17df: 0x00c0, 0x17e0: 0x00c0, 0x17e1: 0x00c0, 0x17e2: 0x00c0, 0x17e3: 0x00c0, + 0x17e4: 0x00c0, 0x17e5: 0x00c0, 0x17e6: 0x00c0, 0x17e7: 0x00c0, 0x17e8: 0x00c0, 0x17e9: 0x00c0, + 0x17ea: 0x00c0, 0x17eb: 0x00c0, 0x17ec: 0x00c3, 0x17ed: 0x00c3, 0x17ee: 0x00c3, 0x17ef: 0x00c3, + 0x17f0: 0x00c3, 0x17f1: 0x00c3, 0x17f2: 0x00c3, 0x17f3: 0x00c3, 0x17f4: 0x00c0, 0x17f5: 0x00c0, + 0x17f6: 0x00c3, 0x17f7: 0x00c3, 0x17fb: 0x0080, + 0x17fc: 0x0080, 0x17fd: 0x0080, 0x17fe: 0x0080, 0x17ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1800: 0x00c0, 0x1801: 0x00c0, 0x1802: 0x00c0, 0x1803: 0x00c0, 0x1804: 0x00c0, 0x1805: 0x00c0, + 0x1806: 0x00c0, 0x1807: 0x00c0, 0x1808: 0x00c0, 0x1809: 0x00c0, + 0x180d: 0x00c0, 0x180e: 0x00c0, 0x180f: 0x00c0, 0x1810: 0x00c0, 0x1811: 0x00c0, + 0x1812: 0x00c0, 0x1813: 0x00c0, 0x1814: 0x00c0, 0x1815: 0x00c0, 0x1816: 0x00c0, 0x1817: 0x00c0, + 0x1818: 0x00c0, 0x1819: 0x00c0, 0x181a: 0x00c0, 0x181b: 0x00c0, 0x181c: 0x00c0, 0x181d: 0x00c0, + 0x181e: 0x00c0, 0x181f: 0x00c0, 0x1820: 0x00c0, 0x1821: 0x00c0, 0x1822: 0x00c0, 0x1823: 0x00c0, + 0x1824: 0x00c0, 0x1825: 0x00c0, 0x1826: 0x00c0, 0x1827: 0x00c0, 0x1828: 0x00c0, 0x1829: 0x00c0, + 0x182a: 0x00c0, 0x182b: 0x00c0, 0x182c: 0x00c0, 0x182d: 0x00c0, 0x182e: 0x00c0, 0x182f: 0x00c0, + 0x1830: 0x00c0, 0x1831: 0x00c0, 0x1832: 0x00c0, 0x1833: 0x00c0, 0x1834: 0x00c0, 0x1835: 0x00c0, + 0x1836: 0x00c0, 0x1837: 0x00c0, 0x1838: 0x00c0, 0x1839: 0x00c0, 0x183a: 0x00c0, 0x183b: 0x00c0, + 0x183c: 0x00c0, 0x183d: 0x00c0, 0x183e: 0x0080, 0x183f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x00c0, 0x1841: 0x00c0, 0x1842: 0x00c0, 0x1843: 0x00c0, 0x1844: 0x00c0, 0x1845: 0x00c0, + 0x1846: 0x00c0, 0x1847: 0x00c0, 0x1848: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x0080, 0x1881: 0x0080, 0x1882: 0x0080, 0x1883: 0x0080, 0x1884: 0x0080, 0x1885: 0x0080, + 0x1886: 0x0080, 0x1887: 0x0080, + 0x1890: 0x00c3, 0x1891: 0x00c3, + 0x1892: 0x00c3, 0x1893: 0x0080, 0x1894: 0x00c3, 0x1895: 0x00c3, 0x1896: 0x00c3, 0x1897: 0x00c3, + 0x1898: 0x00c3, 0x1899: 0x00c3, 0x189a: 0x00c3, 0x189b: 0x00c3, 0x189c: 0x00c3, 0x189d: 0x00c3, + 0x189e: 0x00c3, 0x189f: 0x00c3, 0x18a0: 0x00c3, 0x18a1: 0x00c0, 0x18a2: 0x00c3, 0x18a3: 0x00c3, + 0x18a4: 0x00c3, 0x18a5: 0x00c3, 0x18a6: 0x00c3, 0x18a7: 0x00c3, 0x18a8: 0x00c3, 0x18a9: 0x00c0, + 0x18aa: 0x00c0, 0x18ab: 0x00c0, 0x18ac: 0x00c0, 0x18ad: 0x00c3, 0x18ae: 0x00c0, 0x18af: 0x00c0, + 0x18b0: 0x00c0, 0x18b1: 0x00c0, 0x18b2: 0x00c0, 0x18b3: 0x00c0, 0x18b4: 0x00c3, 0x18b5: 0x00c0, + 0x18b6: 0x00c0, 0x18b8: 0x00c3, 0x18b9: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x00c0, 0x18c1: 0x00c0, 0x18c2: 0x00c0, 0x18c3: 0x00c0, 0x18c4: 0x00c0, 0x18c5: 0x00c0, + 0x18c6: 0x00c0, 0x18c7: 0x00c0, 0x18c8: 0x00c0, 0x18c9: 0x00c0, 0x18ca: 0x00c0, 0x18cb: 0x00c0, + 0x18cc: 0x00c0, 0x18cd: 0x00c0, 0x18ce: 0x00c0, 0x18cf: 0x00c0, 0x18d0: 0x00c0, 0x18d1: 0x00c0, + 0x18d2: 0x00c0, 0x18d3: 0x00c0, 0x18d4: 0x00c0, 0x18d5: 0x00c0, 0x18d6: 0x00c0, 0x18d7: 0x00c0, + 0x18d8: 0x00c0, 0x18d9: 0x00c0, 0x18da: 0x00c0, 0x18db: 0x00c0, 0x18dc: 0x00c0, 0x18dd: 0x00c0, + 0x18de: 0x00c0, 0x18df: 0x00c0, 0x18e0: 0x00c0, 0x18e1: 0x00c0, 0x18e2: 0x00c0, 0x18e3: 0x00c0, + 0x18e4: 0x00c0, 0x18e5: 0x00c0, 0x18e6: 0x00c8, 0x18e7: 0x00c8, 0x18e8: 0x00c8, 0x18e9: 0x00c8, + 0x18ea: 0x00c8, 0x18eb: 0x00c0, 0x18ec: 0x0080, 0x18ed: 0x0080, 0x18ee: 0x0080, 0x18ef: 0x00c0, + 0x18f0: 0x0080, 0x18f1: 0x0080, 0x18f2: 0x0080, 0x18f3: 0x0080, 0x18f4: 0x0080, 0x18f5: 0x0080, + 0x18f6: 0x0080, 0x18f7: 0x0080, 0x18f8: 0x0080, 0x18f9: 0x0080, 0x18fa: 0x0080, 0x18fb: 0x00c0, + 0x18fc: 0x0080, 0x18fd: 0x0080, 0x18fe: 0x0080, 0x18ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x0080, 0x1901: 0x0080, 0x1902: 0x0080, 0x1903: 0x0080, 0x1904: 0x0080, 0x1905: 0x0080, + 0x1906: 0x0080, 0x1907: 0x0080, 0x1908: 0x0080, 0x1909: 0x0080, 0x190a: 0x0080, 0x190b: 0x0080, + 0x190c: 0x0080, 0x190d: 0x0080, 0x190e: 0x00c0, 0x190f: 0x0080, 0x1910: 0x0080, 0x1911: 0x0080, + 0x1912: 0x0080, 0x1913: 0x0080, 0x1914: 0x0080, 0x1915: 0x0080, 0x1916: 0x0080, 0x1917: 0x0080, + 0x1918: 0x0080, 0x1919: 0x0080, 0x191a: 0x0080, 0x191b: 0x0080, 0x191c: 0x0080, 0x191d: 0x0088, + 0x191e: 0x0088, 0x191f: 0x0088, 0x1920: 0x0088, 0x1921: 0x0088, 0x1922: 0x0080, 0x1923: 0x0080, + 0x1924: 0x0080, 0x1925: 0x0080, 0x1926: 0x0088, 0x1927: 0x0088, 0x1928: 0x0088, 0x1929: 0x0088, + 0x192a: 0x0088, 0x192b: 0x00c0, 0x192c: 0x00c0, 0x192d: 0x00c0, 0x192e: 0x00c0, 0x192f: 0x00c0, + 0x1930: 0x00c0, 0x1931: 0x00c0, 0x1932: 0x00c0, 0x1933: 0x00c0, 0x1934: 0x00c0, 0x1935: 0x00c0, + 0x1936: 0x00c0, 0x1937: 0x00c0, 0x1938: 0x0080, 0x1939: 0x00c0, 0x193a: 0x00c0, 0x193b: 0x00c0, + 0x193c: 0x00c0, 0x193d: 0x00c0, 0x193e: 0x00c0, 0x193f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1940: 0x00c0, 0x1941: 0x00c0, 0x1942: 0x00c0, 0x1943: 0x00c0, 0x1944: 0x00c0, 0x1945: 0x00c0, + 0x1946: 0x00c0, 0x1947: 0x00c0, 0x1948: 0x00c0, 0x1949: 0x00c0, 0x194a: 0x00c0, 0x194b: 0x00c0, + 0x194c: 0x00c0, 0x194d: 0x00c0, 0x194e: 0x00c0, 0x194f: 0x00c0, 0x1950: 0x00c0, 0x1951: 0x00c0, + 0x1952: 0x00c0, 0x1953: 0x00c0, 0x1954: 0x00c0, 0x1955: 0x00c0, 0x1956: 0x00c0, 0x1957: 0x00c0, + 0x1958: 0x00c0, 0x1959: 0x00c0, 0x195a: 0x00c0, 0x195b: 0x0080, 0x195c: 0x0080, 0x195d: 0x0080, + 0x195e: 0x0080, 0x195f: 0x0080, 0x1960: 0x0080, 0x1961: 0x0080, 0x1962: 0x0080, 0x1963: 0x0080, + 0x1964: 0x0080, 0x1965: 0x0080, 0x1966: 0x0080, 0x1967: 0x0080, 0x1968: 0x0080, 0x1969: 0x0080, + 0x196a: 0x0080, 0x196b: 0x0080, 0x196c: 0x0080, 0x196d: 0x0080, 0x196e: 0x0080, 0x196f: 0x0080, + 0x1970: 0x0080, 0x1971: 0x0080, 0x1972: 0x0080, 0x1973: 0x0080, 0x1974: 0x0080, 0x1975: 0x0080, + 0x1976: 0x0080, 0x1977: 0x0080, 0x1978: 0x0080, 0x1979: 0x0080, 0x197a: 0x0080, 0x197b: 0x0080, + 0x197c: 0x0080, 0x197d: 0x0080, 0x197e: 0x0080, 0x197f: 0x0088, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x00c3, 0x1981: 0x00c3, 0x1982: 0x00c3, 0x1983: 0x00c3, 0x1984: 0x00c3, 0x1985: 0x00c3, + 0x1986: 0x00c3, 0x1987: 0x00c3, 0x1988: 0x00c3, 0x1989: 0x00c3, 0x198a: 0x00c3, 0x198b: 0x00c3, + 0x198c: 0x00c3, 0x198d: 0x00c3, 0x198e: 0x00c3, 0x198f: 0x00c3, 0x1990: 0x00c3, 0x1991: 0x00c3, + 0x1992: 0x00c3, 0x1993: 0x00c3, 0x1994: 0x00c3, 0x1995: 0x00c3, 0x1996: 0x00c3, 0x1997: 0x00c3, + 0x1998: 0x00c3, 0x1999: 0x00c3, 0x199a: 0x00c3, 0x199b: 0x00c3, 0x199c: 0x00c3, 0x199d: 0x00c3, + 0x199e: 0x00c3, 0x199f: 0x00c3, 0x19a0: 0x00c3, 0x19a1: 0x00c3, 0x19a2: 0x00c3, 0x19a3: 0x00c3, + 0x19a4: 0x00c3, 0x19a5: 0x00c3, 0x19a6: 0x00c3, 0x19a7: 0x00c3, 0x19a8: 0x00c3, 0x19a9: 0x00c3, + 0x19aa: 0x00c3, 0x19ab: 0x00c3, 0x19ac: 0x00c3, 0x19ad: 0x00c3, 0x19ae: 0x00c3, 0x19af: 0x00c3, + 0x19b0: 0x00c3, 0x19b1: 0x00c3, 0x19b2: 0x00c3, 0x19b3: 0x00c3, 0x19b4: 0x00c3, 0x19b5: 0x00c3, + 0x19bb: 0x00c3, + 0x19bc: 0x00c3, 0x19bd: 0x00c3, 0x19be: 0x00c3, 0x19bf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19c0: 0x00c0, 0x19c1: 0x00c0, 0x19c2: 0x00c0, 0x19c3: 0x00c0, 0x19c4: 0x00c0, 0x19c5: 0x00c0, + 0x19c6: 0x00c0, 0x19c7: 0x00c0, 0x19c8: 0x00c0, 0x19c9: 0x00c0, 0x19ca: 0x00c0, 0x19cb: 0x00c0, + 0x19cc: 0x00c0, 0x19cd: 0x00c0, 0x19ce: 0x00c0, 0x19cf: 0x00c0, 0x19d0: 0x00c0, 0x19d1: 0x00c0, + 0x19d2: 0x00c0, 0x19d3: 0x00c0, 0x19d4: 0x00c0, 0x19d5: 0x00c0, 0x19d6: 0x00c0, 0x19d7: 0x00c0, + 0x19d8: 0x00c0, 0x19d9: 0x00c0, 0x19da: 0x0080, 0x19db: 0x0080, 0x19dc: 0x00c0, 0x19dd: 0x00c0, + 0x19de: 0x00c0, 0x19df: 0x00c0, 0x19e0: 0x00c0, 0x19e1: 0x00c0, 0x19e2: 0x00c0, 0x19e3: 0x00c0, + 0x19e4: 0x00c0, 0x19e5: 0x00c0, 0x19e6: 0x00c0, 0x19e7: 0x00c0, 0x19e8: 0x00c0, 0x19e9: 0x00c0, + 0x19ea: 0x00c0, 0x19eb: 0x00c0, 0x19ec: 0x00c0, 0x19ed: 0x00c0, 0x19ee: 0x00c0, 0x19ef: 0x00c0, + 0x19f0: 0x00c0, 0x19f1: 0x00c0, 0x19f2: 0x00c0, 0x19f3: 0x00c0, 0x19f4: 0x00c0, 0x19f5: 0x00c0, + 0x19f6: 0x00c0, 0x19f7: 0x00c0, 0x19f8: 0x00c0, 0x19f9: 0x00c0, 0x19fa: 0x00c0, 0x19fb: 0x00c0, + 0x19fc: 0x00c0, 0x19fd: 0x00c0, 0x19fe: 0x00c0, 0x19ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a00: 0x00c8, 0x1a01: 0x00c8, 0x1a02: 0x00c8, 0x1a03: 0x00c8, 0x1a04: 0x00c8, 0x1a05: 0x00c8, + 0x1a06: 0x00c8, 0x1a07: 0x00c8, 0x1a08: 0x00c8, 0x1a09: 0x00c8, 0x1a0a: 0x00c8, 0x1a0b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a0c: 0x00c8, 0x1a0d: 0x00c8, 0x1a0e: 0x00c8, 0x1a0f: 0x00c8, 0x1a10: 0x00c8, 0x1a11: 0x00c8, + 0x1a12: 0x00c8, 0x1a13: 0x00c8, 0x1a14: 0x00c8, 0x1a15: 0x00c8, + 0x1a18: 0x00c8, 0x1a19: 0x00c8, 0x1a1a: 0x00c8, 0x1a1b: 0x00c8, 0x1a1c: 0x00c8, 0x1a1d: 0x00c8, + 0x1a20: 0x00c8, 0x1a21: 0x00c8, 0x1a22: 0x00c8, 0x1a23: 0x00c8, + 0x1a24: 0x00c8, 0x1a25: 0x00c8, 0x1a26: 0x00c8, 0x1a27: 0x00c8, 0x1a28: 0x00c8, 0x1a29: 0x00c8, + 0x1a2a: 0x00c8, 0x1a2b: 0x00c8, 0x1a2c: 0x00c8, 0x1a2d: 0x00c8, 0x1a2e: 0x00c8, 0x1a2f: 0x00c8, + 0x1a30: 0x00c8, 0x1a31: 0x00c8, 0x1a32: 0x00c8, 0x1a33: 0x00c8, 0x1a34: 0x00c8, 0x1a35: 0x00c8, + 0x1a36: 0x00c8, 0x1a37: 0x00c8, 0x1a38: 0x00c8, 0x1a39: 0x00c8, 0x1a3a: 0x00c8, 0x1a3b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a3c: 0x00c8, 0x1a3d: 0x00c8, 0x1a3e: 0x00c8, 0x1a3f: 0x00c8, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x1a40 + 0x1a40: 0x00c8, 0x1a41: 0x00c8, 0x1a42: 0x00c8, 0x1a43: 0x00c8, 0x1a44: 0x00c8, 0x1a45: 0x00c8, + 0x1a48: 0x00c8, 0x1a49: 0x00c8, 0x1a4a: 0x00c8, 0x1a4b: 0x00c8, + 0x1a4c: 0x00c8, 0x1a4d: 0x00c8, 0x1a50: 0x00c8, 0x1a51: 0x00c8, + 0x1a52: 0x00c8, 0x1a53: 0x00c8, 0x1a54: 0x00c8, 0x1a55: 0x00c8, 0x1a56: 0x00c8, 0x1a57: 0x00c8, + 0x1a59: 0x00c8, 0x1a5b: 0x00c8, 0x1a5d: 0x00c8, + 0x1a5f: 0x00c8, 0x1a60: 0x00c8, 0x1a61: 0x00c8, 0x1a62: 0x00c8, 0x1a63: 0x00c8, + 0x1a64: 0x00c8, 0x1a65: 0x00c8, 0x1a66: 0x00c8, 0x1a67: 0x00c8, 0x1a68: 0x00c8, 0x1a69: 0x00c8, + 0x1a6a: 0x00c8, 0x1a6b: 0x00c8, 0x1a6c: 0x00c8, 0x1a6d: 0x00c8, 0x1a6e: 0x00c8, 0x1a6f: 0x00c8, + 0x1a70: 0x00c8, 0x1a71: 0x0088, 0x1a72: 0x00c8, 0x1a73: 0x0088, 0x1a74: 0x00c8, 0x1a75: 0x0088, + 0x1a76: 0x00c8, 0x1a77: 0x0088, 0x1a78: 0x00c8, 0x1a79: 0x0088, 0x1a7a: 0x00c8, 0x1a7b: 0x0088, + 0x1a7c: 0x00c8, 0x1a7d: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x1a80 + 0x1a80: 0x00c8, 0x1a81: 0x00c8, 0x1a82: 0x00c8, 0x1a83: 0x00c8, 0x1a84: 0x00c8, 0x1a85: 0x00c8, + 0x1a86: 0x00c8, 0x1a87: 0x00c8, 0x1a88: 0x0088, 0x1a89: 0x0088, 0x1a8a: 0x0088, 0x1a8b: 0x0088, + 0x1a8c: 0x0088, 0x1a8d: 0x0088, 0x1a8e: 0x0088, 0x1a8f: 0x0088, 0x1a90: 0x00c8, 0x1a91: 0x00c8, + 0x1a92: 0x00c8, 0x1a93: 0x00c8, 0x1a94: 0x00c8, 0x1a95: 0x00c8, 0x1a96: 0x00c8, 0x1a97: 0x00c8, + 0x1a98: 0x0088, 0x1a99: 0x0088, 0x1a9a: 0x0088, 0x1a9b: 0x0088, 0x1a9c: 0x0088, 0x1a9d: 0x0088, + 0x1a9e: 0x0088, 0x1a9f: 0x0088, 0x1aa0: 0x00c8, 0x1aa1: 0x00c8, 0x1aa2: 0x00c8, 0x1aa3: 0x00c8, + 0x1aa4: 0x00c8, 0x1aa5: 0x00c8, 0x1aa6: 0x00c8, 0x1aa7: 0x00c8, 0x1aa8: 0x0088, 0x1aa9: 0x0088, + 0x1aaa: 0x0088, 0x1aab: 0x0088, 0x1aac: 0x0088, 0x1aad: 0x0088, 0x1aae: 0x0088, 0x1aaf: 0x0088, + 0x1ab0: 0x00c8, 0x1ab1: 0x00c8, 0x1ab2: 0x00c8, 0x1ab3: 0x00c8, 0x1ab4: 0x00c8, + 0x1ab6: 0x00c8, 0x1ab7: 0x00c8, 0x1ab8: 0x00c8, 0x1ab9: 0x00c8, 0x1aba: 0x00c8, 0x1abb: 0x0088, + 0x1abc: 0x0088, 0x1abd: 0x0088, 0x1abe: 0x0088, 0x1abf: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x1ac0 + 0x1ac0: 0x0088, 0x1ac1: 0x0088, 0x1ac2: 0x00c8, 0x1ac3: 0x00c8, 0x1ac4: 0x00c8, + 0x1ac6: 0x00c8, 0x1ac7: 0x00c8, 0x1ac8: 0x00c8, 0x1ac9: 0x0088, 0x1aca: 0x00c8, 0x1acb: 0x0088, + 0x1acc: 0x0088, 0x1acd: 0x0088, 0x1ace: 0x0088, 0x1acf: 0x0088, 0x1ad0: 0x00c8, 0x1ad1: 0x00c8, + 0x1ad2: 0x00c8, 0x1ad3: 0x0088, 0x1ad6: 0x00c8, 0x1ad7: 0x00c8, + 0x1ad8: 0x00c8, 0x1ad9: 0x00c8, 0x1ada: 0x00c8, 0x1adb: 0x0088, 0x1add: 0x0088, + 0x1ade: 0x0088, 0x1adf: 0x0088, 0x1ae0: 0x00c8, 0x1ae1: 0x00c8, 0x1ae2: 0x00c8, 0x1ae3: 0x0088, + 0x1ae4: 0x00c8, 0x1ae5: 0x00c8, 0x1ae6: 0x00c8, 0x1ae7: 0x00c8, 0x1ae8: 0x00c8, 0x1ae9: 0x00c8, + 0x1aea: 0x00c8, 0x1aeb: 0x0088, 0x1aec: 0x00c8, 0x1aed: 0x0088, 0x1aee: 0x0088, 0x1aef: 0x0088, + 0x1af2: 0x00c8, 0x1af3: 0x00c8, 0x1af4: 0x00c8, + 0x1af6: 0x00c8, 0x1af7: 0x00c8, 0x1af8: 0x00c8, 0x1af9: 0x0088, 0x1afa: 0x00c8, 0x1afb: 0x0088, + 0x1afc: 0x0088, 0x1afd: 0x0088, 0x1afe: 0x0088, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x1b00 + 0x1b00: 0x0080, 0x1b01: 0x0080, 0x1b02: 0x0080, 0x1b03: 0x0080, 0x1b04: 0x0080, 0x1b05: 0x0080, + 0x1b06: 0x0080, 0x1b07: 0x0080, 0x1b08: 0x0080, 0x1b09: 0x0080, 0x1b0a: 0x0080, 0x1b0b: 0x0040, + 0x1b0c: 0x004d, 0x1b0d: 0x004e, 0x1b0e: 0x0040, 0x1b0f: 0x0040, 0x1b10: 0x0080, 0x1b11: 0x0080, + 0x1b12: 0x0080, 0x1b13: 0x0080, 0x1b14: 0x0080, 0x1b15: 0x0080, 0x1b16: 0x0080, 0x1b17: 0x0080, + 0x1b18: 0x0080, 0x1b19: 0x0080, 0x1b1a: 0x0080, 0x1b1b: 0x0080, 0x1b1c: 0x0080, 0x1b1d: 0x0080, + 0x1b1e: 0x0080, 0x1b1f: 0x0080, 0x1b20: 0x0080, 0x1b21: 0x0080, 0x1b22: 0x0080, 0x1b23: 0x0080, + 0x1b24: 0x0080, 0x1b25: 0x0080, 0x1b26: 0x0080, 0x1b27: 0x0080, 0x1b28: 0x0040, 0x1b29: 0x0040, + 0x1b2a: 0x0040, 0x1b2b: 0x0040, 0x1b2c: 0x0040, 0x1b2d: 0x0040, 0x1b2e: 0x0040, 0x1b2f: 0x0080, + 0x1b30: 0x0080, 0x1b31: 0x0080, 0x1b32: 0x0080, 0x1b33: 0x0080, 0x1b34: 0x0080, 0x1b35: 0x0080, + 0x1b36: 0x0080, 0x1b37: 0x0080, 0x1b38: 0x0080, 0x1b39: 0x0080, 0x1b3a: 0x0080, 0x1b3b: 0x0080, + 0x1b3c: 0x0080, 0x1b3d: 0x0080, 0x1b3e: 0x0080, 0x1b3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x1b40 + 0x1b40: 0x0080, 0x1b41: 0x0080, 0x1b42: 0x0080, 0x1b43: 0x0080, 0x1b44: 0x0080, 0x1b45: 0x0080, + 0x1b46: 0x0080, 0x1b47: 0x0080, 0x1b48: 0x0080, 0x1b49: 0x0080, 0x1b4a: 0x0080, 0x1b4b: 0x0080, + 0x1b4c: 0x0080, 0x1b4d: 0x0080, 0x1b4e: 0x0080, 0x1b4f: 0x0080, 0x1b50: 0x0080, 0x1b51: 0x0080, + 0x1b52: 0x0080, 0x1b53: 0x0080, 0x1b54: 0x0080, 0x1b55: 0x0080, 0x1b56: 0x0080, 0x1b57: 0x0080, + 0x1b58: 0x0080, 0x1b59: 0x0080, 0x1b5a: 0x0080, 0x1b5b: 0x0080, 0x1b5c: 0x0080, 0x1b5d: 0x0080, + 0x1b5e: 0x0080, 0x1b5f: 0x0080, 0x1b60: 0x0040, 0x1b61: 0x0040, 0x1b62: 0x0040, 0x1b63: 0x0040, + 0x1b64: 0x0040, 0x1b66: 0x0040, 0x1b67: 0x0040, 0x1b68: 0x0040, 0x1b69: 0x0040, + 0x1b6a: 0x0040, 0x1b6b: 0x0040, 0x1b6c: 0x0040, 0x1b6d: 0x0040, 0x1b6e: 0x0040, 0x1b6f: 0x0040, + 0x1b70: 0x0080, 0x1b71: 0x0080, 0x1b74: 0x0080, 0x1b75: 0x0080, + 0x1b76: 0x0080, 0x1b77: 0x0080, 0x1b78: 0x0080, 0x1b79: 0x0080, 0x1b7a: 0x0080, 0x1b7b: 0x0080, + 0x1b7c: 0x0080, 0x1b7d: 0x0080, 0x1b7e: 0x0080, 0x1b7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x1b80 + 0x1b80: 0x0080, 0x1b81: 0x0080, 0x1b82: 0x0080, 0x1b83: 0x0080, 0x1b84: 0x0080, 0x1b85: 0x0080, + 0x1b86: 0x0080, 0x1b87: 0x0080, 0x1b88: 0x0080, 0x1b89: 0x0080, 0x1b8a: 0x0080, 0x1b8b: 0x0080, + 0x1b8c: 0x0080, 0x1b8d: 0x0080, 0x1b8e: 0x0080, 0x1b90: 0x0080, 0x1b91: 0x0080, + 0x1b92: 0x0080, 0x1b93: 0x0080, 0x1b94: 0x0080, 0x1b95: 0x0080, 0x1b96: 0x0080, 0x1b97: 0x0080, + 0x1b98: 0x0080, 0x1b99: 0x0080, 0x1b9a: 0x0080, 0x1b9b: 0x0080, 0x1b9c: 0x0080, + 0x1ba0: 0x0080, 0x1ba1: 0x0080, 0x1ba2: 0x0080, 0x1ba3: 0x0080, + 0x1ba4: 0x0080, 0x1ba5: 0x0080, 0x1ba6: 0x0080, 0x1ba7: 0x0080, 0x1ba8: 0x0080, 0x1ba9: 0x0080, + 0x1baa: 0x0080, 0x1bab: 0x0080, 0x1bac: 0x0080, 0x1bad: 0x0080, 0x1bae: 0x0080, 0x1baf: 0x0080, + 0x1bb0: 0x0080, 0x1bb1: 0x0080, 0x1bb2: 0x0080, 0x1bb3: 0x0080, 0x1bb4: 0x0080, 0x1bb5: 0x0080, + 0x1bb6: 0x0080, 0x1bb7: 0x0080, 0x1bb8: 0x0080, 0x1bb9: 0x0080, 0x1bba: 0x0080, 0x1bbb: 0x0080, + 0x1bbc: 0x0080, 0x1bbd: 0x0080, 0x1bbe: 0x0080, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x1bc0 + 0x1bd0: 0x00c3, 0x1bd1: 0x00c3, + 0x1bd2: 0x00c3, 0x1bd3: 0x00c3, 0x1bd4: 0x00c3, 0x1bd5: 0x00c3, 0x1bd6: 0x00c3, 0x1bd7: 0x00c3, + 0x1bd8: 0x00c3, 0x1bd9: 0x00c3, 0x1bda: 0x00c3, 0x1bdb: 0x00c3, 0x1bdc: 0x00c3, 0x1bdd: 0x0083, + 0x1bde: 0x0083, 0x1bdf: 0x0083, 0x1be0: 0x0083, 0x1be1: 0x00c3, 0x1be2: 0x0083, 0x1be3: 0x0083, + 0x1be4: 0x0083, 0x1be5: 0x00c3, 0x1be6: 0x00c3, 0x1be7: 0x00c3, 0x1be8: 0x00c3, 0x1be9: 0x00c3, + 0x1bea: 0x00c3, 0x1beb: 0x00c3, 0x1bec: 0x00c3, 0x1bed: 0x00c3, 0x1bee: 0x00c3, 0x1bef: 0x00c3, + 0x1bf0: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x1c00 + 0x1c00: 0x0080, 0x1c01: 0x0080, 0x1c02: 0x0080, 0x1c03: 0x0080, 0x1c04: 0x0080, 0x1c05: 0x0080, + 0x1c06: 0x0080, 0x1c07: 0x0080, 0x1c08: 0x0080, 0x1c09: 0x0080, 0x1c0a: 0x0080, 0x1c0b: 0x0080, + 0x1c0c: 0x0080, 0x1c0d: 0x0080, 0x1c0e: 0x0080, 0x1c0f: 0x0080, 0x1c10: 0x0080, 0x1c11: 0x0080, + 0x1c12: 0x0080, 0x1c13: 0x0080, 0x1c14: 0x0080, 0x1c15: 0x0080, 0x1c16: 0x0080, 0x1c17: 0x0080, + 0x1c18: 0x0080, 0x1c19: 0x0080, 0x1c1a: 0x0080, 0x1c1b: 0x0080, 0x1c1c: 0x0080, 0x1c1d: 0x0080, + 0x1c1e: 0x0080, 0x1c1f: 0x0080, 0x1c20: 0x0080, 0x1c21: 0x0080, 0x1c22: 0x0080, 0x1c23: 0x0080, + 0x1c24: 0x0080, 0x1c25: 0x0080, 0x1c26: 0x0088, 0x1c27: 0x0080, 0x1c28: 0x0080, 0x1c29: 0x0080, + 0x1c2a: 0x0080, 0x1c2b: 0x0080, 0x1c2c: 0x0080, 0x1c2d: 0x0080, 0x1c2e: 0x0080, 0x1c2f: 0x0080, + 0x1c30: 0x0080, 0x1c31: 0x0080, 0x1c32: 0x00c0, 0x1c33: 0x0080, 0x1c34: 0x0080, 0x1c35: 0x0080, + 0x1c36: 0x0080, 0x1c37: 0x0080, 0x1c38: 0x0080, 0x1c39: 0x0080, 0x1c3a: 0x0080, 0x1c3b: 0x0080, + 0x1c3c: 0x0080, 0x1c3d: 0x0080, 0x1c3e: 0x0080, 0x1c3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x1c40 + 0x1c40: 0x0080, 0x1c41: 0x0080, 0x1c42: 0x0080, 0x1c43: 0x0080, 0x1c44: 0x0080, 0x1c45: 0x0080, + 0x1c46: 0x0080, 0x1c47: 0x0080, 0x1c48: 0x0080, 0x1c49: 0x0080, 0x1c4a: 0x0080, 0x1c4b: 0x0080, + 0x1c4c: 0x0080, 0x1c4d: 0x0080, 0x1c4e: 0x00c0, 0x1c4f: 0x0080, 0x1c50: 0x0080, 0x1c51: 0x0080, + 0x1c52: 0x0080, 0x1c53: 0x0080, 0x1c54: 0x0080, 0x1c55: 0x0080, 0x1c56: 0x0080, 0x1c57: 0x0080, + 0x1c58: 0x0080, 0x1c59: 0x0080, 0x1c5a: 0x0080, 0x1c5b: 0x0080, 0x1c5c: 0x0080, 0x1c5d: 0x0080, + 0x1c5e: 0x0080, 0x1c5f: 0x0080, 0x1c60: 0x0080, 0x1c61: 0x0080, 0x1c62: 0x0080, 0x1c63: 0x0080, + 0x1c64: 0x0080, 0x1c65: 0x0080, 0x1c66: 0x0080, 0x1c67: 0x0080, 0x1c68: 0x0080, 0x1c69: 0x0080, + 0x1c6a: 0x0080, 0x1c6b: 0x0080, 0x1c6c: 0x0080, 0x1c6d: 0x0080, 0x1c6e: 0x0080, 0x1c6f: 0x0080, + 0x1c70: 0x0080, 0x1c71: 0x0080, 0x1c72: 0x0080, 0x1c73: 0x0080, 0x1c74: 0x0080, 0x1c75: 0x0080, + 0x1c76: 0x0080, 0x1c77: 0x0080, 0x1c78: 0x0080, 0x1c79: 0x0080, 0x1c7a: 0x0080, 0x1c7b: 0x0080, + 0x1c7c: 0x0080, 0x1c7d: 0x0080, 0x1c7e: 0x0080, 0x1c7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x1c80 + 0x1c80: 0x0080, 0x1c81: 0x0080, 0x1c82: 0x0080, 0x1c83: 0x00c0, 0x1c84: 0x00c0, 0x1c85: 0x0080, + 0x1c86: 0x0080, 0x1c87: 0x0080, 0x1c88: 0x0080, 0x1c89: 0x0080, 0x1c8a: 0x0080, 0x1c8b: 0x0080, + 0x1c90: 0x0080, 0x1c91: 0x0080, + 0x1c92: 0x0080, 0x1c93: 0x0080, 0x1c94: 0x0080, 0x1c95: 0x0080, 0x1c96: 0x0080, 0x1c97: 0x0080, + 0x1c98: 0x0080, 0x1c99: 0x0080, 0x1c9a: 0x0080, 0x1c9b: 0x0080, 0x1c9c: 0x0080, 0x1c9d: 0x0080, + 0x1c9e: 0x0080, 0x1c9f: 0x0080, 0x1ca0: 0x0080, 0x1ca1: 0x0080, 0x1ca2: 0x0080, 0x1ca3: 0x0080, + 0x1ca4: 0x0080, 0x1ca5: 0x0080, 0x1ca6: 0x0080, 0x1ca7: 0x0080, 0x1ca8: 0x0080, 0x1ca9: 0x0080, + 0x1caa: 0x0080, 0x1cab: 0x0080, 0x1cac: 0x0080, 0x1cad: 0x0080, 0x1cae: 0x0080, 0x1caf: 0x0080, + 0x1cb0: 0x0080, 0x1cb1: 0x0080, 0x1cb2: 0x0080, 0x1cb3: 0x0080, 0x1cb4: 0x0080, 0x1cb5: 0x0080, + 0x1cb6: 0x0080, 0x1cb7: 0x0080, 0x1cb8: 0x0080, 0x1cb9: 0x0080, 0x1cba: 0x0080, 0x1cbb: 0x0080, + 0x1cbc: 0x0080, 0x1cbd: 0x0080, 0x1cbe: 0x0080, 0x1cbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x1cc0 + 0x1cc0: 0x0080, 0x1cc1: 0x0080, 0x1cc2: 0x0080, 0x1cc3: 0x0080, 0x1cc4: 0x0080, 0x1cc5: 0x0080, + 0x1cc6: 0x0080, 0x1cc7: 0x0080, 0x1cc8: 0x0080, 0x1cc9: 0x0080, 0x1cca: 0x0080, 0x1ccb: 0x0080, + 0x1ccc: 0x0080, 0x1ccd: 0x0080, 0x1cce: 0x0080, 0x1ccf: 0x0080, 0x1cd0: 0x0080, 0x1cd1: 0x0080, + 0x1cd2: 0x0080, 0x1cd3: 0x0080, 0x1cd4: 0x0080, 0x1cd5: 0x0080, 0x1cd6: 0x0080, 0x1cd7: 0x0080, + 0x1cd8: 0x0080, 0x1cd9: 0x0080, 0x1cda: 0x0080, 0x1cdb: 0x0080, 0x1cdc: 0x0080, 0x1cdd: 0x0080, + 0x1cde: 0x0080, 0x1cdf: 0x0080, 0x1ce0: 0x0080, 0x1ce1: 0x0080, 0x1ce2: 0x0080, 0x1ce3: 0x0080, + 0x1ce4: 0x0080, 0x1ce5: 0x0080, 0x1ce6: 0x0080, 0x1ce7: 0x0080, 0x1ce8: 0x0080, 0x1ce9: 0x0080, + 0x1cea: 0x0080, 0x1ceb: 0x0080, 0x1cec: 0x0080, 0x1ced: 0x0080, 0x1cee: 0x0080, 0x1cef: 0x0080, + 0x1cf0: 0x0080, 0x1cf1: 0x0080, 0x1cf2: 0x0080, 0x1cf3: 0x0080, 0x1cf4: 0x0080, 0x1cf5: 0x0080, + 0x1cf6: 0x0080, 0x1cf7: 0x0080, 0x1cf8: 0x0080, 0x1cf9: 0x0080, 0x1cfa: 0x0080, 0x1cfb: 0x0080, + 0x1cfc: 0x0080, 0x1cfd: 0x0080, 0x1cfe: 0x0080, 0x1cff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x1d00 + 0x1d00: 0x0080, 0x1d01: 0x0080, 0x1d02: 0x0080, 0x1d03: 0x0080, 0x1d04: 0x0080, 0x1d05: 0x0080, + 0x1d06: 0x0080, 0x1d07: 0x0080, 0x1d08: 0x0080, 0x1d09: 0x0080, 0x1d0a: 0x0080, 0x1d0b: 0x0080, + 0x1d0c: 0x0080, 0x1d0d: 0x0080, 0x1d0e: 0x0080, 0x1d0f: 0x0080, 0x1d10: 0x0080, 0x1d11: 0x0080, + 0x1d12: 0x0080, 0x1d13: 0x0080, 0x1d14: 0x0080, 0x1d15: 0x0080, 0x1d16: 0x0080, 0x1d17: 0x0080, + 0x1d18: 0x0080, 0x1d19: 0x0080, 0x1d1a: 0x0080, 0x1d1b: 0x0080, 0x1d1c: 0x0080, 0x1d1d: 0x0080, + 0x1d1e: 0x0080, 0x1d1f: 0x0080, 0x1d20: 0x0080, 0x1d21: 0x0080, 0x1d22: 0x0080, 0x1d23: 0x0080, + 0x1d24: 0x0080, 0x1d25: 0x0080, 0x1d26: 0x0080, 0x1d27: 0x0080, 0x1d28: 0x0080, 0x1d29: 0x0080, + 0x1d2a: 0x0080, 0x1d2b: 0x0080, 0x1d2c: 0x0080, 0x1d2d: 0x0080, 0x1d2e: 0x0080, 0x1d2f: 0x0080, + 0x1d30: 0x0080, 0x1d31: 0x0080, 0x1d32: 0x0080, 0x1d33: 0x0080, 0x1d34: 0x0080, 0x1d35: 0x0080, + 0x1d36: 0x0080, 0x1d37: 0x0080, 0x1d38: 0x0080, 0x1d39: 0x0080, 0x1d3a: 0x0080, 0x1d3b: 0x0080, + 0x1d3c: 0x0080, 0x1d3d: 0x0080, 0x1d3e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x1d40 + 0x1d40: 0x0080, 0x1d41: 0x0080, 0x1d42: 0x0080, 0x1d43: 0x0080, 0x1d44: 0x0080, 0x1d45: 0x0080, + 0x1d46: 0x0080, 0x1d47: 0x0080, 0x1d48: 0x0080, 0x1d49: 0x0080, 0x1d4a: 0x0080, 0x1d4b: 0x0080, + 0x1d4c: 0x0080, 0x1d4d: 0x0080, 0x1d4e: 0x0080, 0x1d4f: 0x0080, 0x1d50: 0x0080, 0x1d51: 0x0080, + 0x1d52: 0x0080, 0x1d53: 0x0080, 0x1d54: 0x0080, 0x1d55: 0x0080, 0x1d56: 0x0080, 0x1d57: 0x0080, + 0x1d58: 0x0080, 0x1d59: 0x0080, 0x1d5a: 0x0080, 0x1d5b: 0x0080, 0x1d5c: 0x0080, 0x1d5d: 0x0080, + 0x1d5e: 0x0080, 0x1d5f: 0x0080, 0x1d60: 0x0080, 0x1d61: 0x0080, 0x1d62: 0x0080, 0x1d63: 0x0080, + 0x1d64: 0x0080, 0x1d65: 0x0080, 0x1d66: 0x0080, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x1d80 + 0x1d80: 0x0080, 0x1d81: 0x0080, 0x1d82: 0x0080, 0x1d83: 0x0080, 0x1d84: 0x0080, 0x1d85: 0x0080, + 0x1d86: 0x0080, 0x1d87: 0x0080, 0x1d88: 0x0080, 0x1d89: 0x0080, 0x1d8a: 0x0080, + 0x1da0: 0x0080, 0x1da1: 0x0080, 0x1da2: 0x0080, 0x1da3: 0x0080, + 0x1da4: 0x0080, 0x1da5: 0x0080, 0x1da6: 0x0080, 0x1da7: 0x0080, 0x1da8: 0x0080, 0x1da9: 0x0080, + 0x1daa: 0x0080, 0x1dab: 0x0080, 0x1dac: 0x0080, 0x1dad: 0x0080, 0x1dae: 0x0080, 0x1daf: 0x0080, + 0x1db0: 0x0080, 0x1db1: 0x0080, 0x1db2: 0x0080, 0x1db3: 0x0080, 0x1db4: 0x0080, 0x1db5: 0x0080, + 0x1db6: 0x0080, 0x1db7: 0x0080, 0x1db8: 0x0080, 0x1db9: 0x0080, 0x1dba: 0x0080, 0x1dbb: 0x0080, + 0x1dbc: 0x0080, 0x1dbd: 0x0080, 0x1dbe: 0x0080, 0x1dbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x1dc0 + 0x1dc0: 0x0080, 0x1dc1: 0x0080, 0x1dc2: 0x0080, 0x1dc3: 0x0080, 0x1dc4: 0x0080, 0x1dc5: 0x0080, + 0x1dc6: 0x0080, 0x1dc7: 0x0080, 0x1dc8: 0x0080, 0x1dc9: 0x0080, 0x1dca: 0x0080, 0x1dcb: 0x0080, + 0x1dcc: 0x0080, 0x1dcd: 0x0080, 0x1dce: 0x0080, 0x1dcf: 0x0080, 0x1dd0: 0x0080, 0x1dd1: 0x0080, + 0x1dd2: 0x0080, 0x1dd3: 0x0080, 0x1dd4: 0x0080, 0x1dd5: 0x0080, 0x1dd6: 0x0080, 0x1dd7: 0x0080, + 0x1dd8: 0x0080, 0x1dd9: 0x0080, 0x1dda: 0x0080, 0x1ddb: 0x0080, 0x1ddc: 0x0080, 0x1ddd: 0x0080, + 0x1dde: 0x0080, 0x1ddf: 0x0080, 0x1de0: 0x0080, 0x1de1: 0x0080, 0x1de2: 0x0080, 0x1de3: 0x0080, + 0x1de4: 0x0080, 0x1de5: 0x0080, 0x1de6: 0x0080, 0x1de7: 0x0080, 0x1de8: 0x0080, 0x1de9: 0x0080, + 0x1dea: 0x0080, 0x1deb: 0x0080, 0x1dec: 0x0080, 0x1ded: 0x0080, 0x1dee: 0x0080, 0x1def: 0x0080, + 0x1df0: 0x0080, 0x1df1: 0x0080, 0x1df2: 0x0080, 0x1df3: 0x0080, + 0x1df6: 0x0080, 0x1df7: 0x0080, 0x1df8: 0x0080, 0x1df9: 0x0080, 0x1dfa: 0x0080, 0x1dfb: 0x0080, + 0x1dfc: 0x0080, 0x1dfd: 0x0080, 0x1dfe: 0x0080, 0x1dff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x1e00 + 0x1e00: 0x0080, 0x1e01: 0x0080, 0x1e02: 0x0080, 0x1e03: 0x0080, 0x1e04: 0x0080, 0x1e05: 0x0080, + 0x1e06: 0x0080, 0x1e07: 0x0080, 0x1e08: 0x0080, 0x1e09: 0x0080, 0x1e0a: 0x0080, 0x1e0b: 0x0080, + 0x1e0c: 0x0080, 0x1e0d: 0x0080, 0x1e0e: 0x0080, 0x1e0f: 0x0080, 0x1e10: 0x0080, 0x1e11: 0x0080, + 0x1e12: 0x0080, 0x1e13: 0x0080, 0x1e14: 0x0080, 0x1e15: 0x0080, + 0x1e18: 0x0080, 0x1e19: 0x0080, 0x1e1a: 0x0080, 0x1e1b: 0x0080, 0x1e1c: 0x0080, 0x1e1d: 0x0080, + 0x1e1e: 0x0080, 0x1e1f: 0x0080, 0x1e20: 0x0080, 0x1e21: 0x0080, 0x1e22: 0x0080, 0x1e23: 0x0080, + 0x1e24: 0x0080, 0x1e25: 0x0080, 0x1e26: 0x0080, 0x1e27: 0x0080, 0x1e28: 0x0080, 0x1e29: 0x0080, + 0x1e2a: 0x0080, 0x1e2b: 0x0080, 0x1e2c: 0x0080, 0x1e2d: 0x0080, 0x1e2e: 0x0080, 0x1e2f: 0x0080, + 0x1e30: 0x0080, 0x1e31: 0x0080, 0x1e32: 0x0080, 0x1e33: 0x0080, 0x1e34: 0x0080, 0x1e35: 0x0080, + 0x1e36: 0x0080, 0x1e37: 0x0080, 0x1e38: 0x0080, 0x1e39: 0x0080, + 0x1e3d: 0x0080, 0x1e3e: 0x0080, 0x1e3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x1e40 + 0x1e40: 0x0080, 0x1e41: 0x0080, 0x1e42: 0x0080, 0x1e43: 0x0080, 0x1e44: 0x0080, 0x1e45: 0x0080, + 0x1e46: 0x0080, 0x1e47: 0x0080, 0x1e48: 0x0080, 0x1e4a: 0x0080, 0x1e4b: 0x0080, + 0x1e4c: 0x0080, 0x1e4d: 0x0080, 0x1e4e: 0x0080, 0x1e4f: 0x0080, 0x1e50: 0x0080, 0x1e51: 0x0080, + 0x1e6c: 0x0080, 0x1e6d: 0x0080, 0x1e6e: 0x0080, 0x1e6f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x1e80 + 0x1e80: 0x00c0, 0x1e81: 0x00c0, 0x1e82: 0x00c0, 0x1e83: 0x00c0, 0x1e84: 0x00c0, 0x1e85: 0x00c0, + 0x1e86: 0x00c0, 0x1e87: 0x00c0, 0x1e88: 0x00c0, 0x1e89: 0x00c0, 0x1e8a: 0x00c0, 0x1e8b: 0x00c0, + 0x1e8c: 0x00c0, 0x1e8d: 0x00c0, 0x1e8e: 0x00c0, 0x1e8f: 0x00c0, 0x1e90: 0x00c0, 0x1e91: 0x00c0, + 0x1e92: 0x00c0, 0x1e93: 0x00c0, 0x1e94: 0x00c0, 0x1e95: 0x00c0, 0x1e96: 0x00c0, 0x1e97: 0x00c0, + 0x1e98: 0x00c0, 0x1e99: 0x00c0, 0x1e9a: 0x00c0, 0x1e9b: 0x00c0, 0x1e9c: 0x00c0, 0x1e9d: 0x00c0, + 0x1e9e: 0x00c0, 0x1e9f: 0x00c0, 0x1ea0: 0x00c0, 0x1ea1: 0x00c0, 0x1ea2: 0x00c0, 0x1ea3: 0x00c0, + 0x1ea4: 0x00c0, 0x1ea5: 0x00c0, 0x1ea6: 0x00c0, 0x1ea7: 0x00c0, 0x1ea8: 0x00c0, 0x1ea9: 0x00c0, + 0x1eaa: 0x00c0, 0x1eab: 0x00c0, 0x1eac: 0x00c0, 0x1ead: 0x00c0, 0x1eae: 0x00c0, + 0x1eb0: 0x00c0, 0x1eb1: 0x00c0, 0x1eb2: 0x00c0, 0x1eb3: 0x00c0, 0x1eb4: 0x00c0, 0x1eb5: 0x00c0, + 0x1eb6: 0x00c0, 0x1eb7: 0x00c0, 0x1eb8: 0x00c0, 0x1eb9: 0x00c0, 0x1eba: 0x00c0, 0x1ebb: 0x00c0, + 0x1ebc: 0x00c0, 0x1ebd: 0x00c0, 0x1ebe: 0x00c0, 0x1ebf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x1ec0 + 0x1ec0: 0x00c0, 0x1ec1: 0x00c0, 0x1ec2: 0x00c0, 0x1ec3: 0x00c0, 0x1ec4: 0x00c0, 0x1ec5: 0x00c0, + 0x1ec6: 0x00c0, 0x1ec7: 0x00c0, 0x1ec8: 0x00c0, 0x1ec9: 0x00c0, 0x1eca: 0x00c0, 0x1ecb: 0x00c0, + 0x1ecc: 0x00c0, 0x1ecd: 0x00c0, 0x1ece: 0x00c0, 0x1ecf: 0x00c0, 0x1ed0: 0x00c0, 0x1ed1: 0x00c0, + 0x1ed2: 0x00c0, 0x1ed3: 0x00c0, 0x1ed4: 0x00c0, 0x1ed5: 0x00c0, 0x1ed6: 0x00c0, 0x1ed7: 0x00c0, + 0x1ed8: 0x00c0, 0x1ed9: 0x00c0, 0x1eda: 0x00c0, 0x1edb: 0x00c0, 0x1edc: 0x00c0, 0x1edd: 0x00c0, + 0x1ede: 0x00c0, 0x1ee0: 0x00c0, 0x1ee1: 0x00c0, 0x1ee2: 0x00c0, 0x1ee3: 0x00c0, + 0x1ee4: 0x00c0, 0x1ee5: 0x00c0, 0x1ee6: 0x00c0, 0x1ee7: 0x00c0, 0x1ee8: 0x00c0, 0x1ee9: 0x00c0, + 0x1eea: 0x00c0, 0x1eeb: 0x00c0, 0x1eec: 0x00c0, 0x1eed: 0x00c0, 0x1eee: 0x00c0, 0x1eef: 0x00c0, + 0x1ef0: 0x00c0, 0x1ef1: 0x00c0, 0x1ef2: 0x00c0, 0x1ef3: 0x00c0, 0x1ef4: 0x00c0, 0x1ef5: 0x00c0, + 0x1ef6: 0x00c0, 0x1ef7: 0x00c0, 0x1ef8: 0x00c0, 0x1ef9: 0x00c0, 0x1efa: 0x00c0, 0x1efb: 0x00c0, + 0x1efc: 0x0080, 0x1efd: 0x0080, 0x1efe: 0x00c0, 0x1eff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x1f00 + 0x1f00: 0x00c0, 0x1f01: 0x00c0, 0x1f02: 0x00c0, 0x1f03: 0x00c0, 0x1f04: 0x00c0, 0x1f05: 0x00c0, + 0x1f06: 0x00c0, 0x1f07: 0x00c0, 0x1f08: 0x00c0, 0x1f09: 0x00c0, 0x1f0a: 0x00c0, 0x1f0b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f0c: 0x00c0, 0x1f0d: 0x00c0, 0x1f0e: 0x00c0, 0x1f0f: 0x00c0, 0x1f10: 0x00c0, 0x1f11: 0x00c0, + 0x1f12: 0x00c0, 0x1f13: 0x00c0, 0x1f14: 0x00c0, 0x1f15: 0x00c0, 0x1f16: 0x00c0, 0x1f17: 0x00c0, + 0x1f18: 0x00c0, 0x1f19: 0x00c0, 0x1f1a: 0x00c0, 0x1f1b: 0x00c0, 0x1f1c: 0x00c0, 0x1f1d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f1e: 0x00c0, 0x1f1f: 0x00c0, 0x1f20: 0x00c0, 0x1f21: 0x00c0, 0x1f22: 0x00c0, 0x1f23: 0x00c0, + 0x1f24: 0x00c0, 0x1f25: 0x0080, 0x1f26: 0x0080, 0x1f27: 0x0080, 0x1f28: 0x0080, 0x1f29: 0x0080, + 0x1f2a: 0x0080, 0x1f2b: 0x00c0, 0x1f2c: 0x00c0, 0x1f2d: 0x00c0, 0x1f2e: 0x00c0, 0x1f2f: 0x00c3, + 0x1f30: 0x00c3, 0x1f31: 0x00c3, 0x1f32: 0x00c0, 0x1f33: 0x00c0, + 0x1f39: 0x0080, 0x1f3a: 0x0080, 0x1f3b: 0x0080, + 0x1f3c: 0x0080, 0x1f3d: 0x0080, 0x1f3e: 0x0080, 0x1f3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x1f40 + 0x1f40: 0x00c0, 0x1f41: 0x00c0, 0x1f42: 0x00c0, 0x1f43: 0x00c0, 0x1f44: 0x00c0, 0x1f45: 0x00c0, + 0x1f46: 0x00c0, 0x1f47: 0x00c0, 0x1f48: 0x00c0, 0x1f49: 0x00c0, 0x1f4a: 0x00c0, 0x1f4b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f4c: 0x00c0, 0x1f4d: 0x00c0, 0x1f4e: 0x00c0, 0x1f4f: 0x00c0, 0x1f50: 0x00c0, 0x1f51: 0x00c0, + 0x1f52: 0x00c0, 0x1f53: 0x00c0, 0x1f54: 0x00c0, 0x1f55: 0x00c0, 0x1f56: 0x00c0, 0x1f57: 0x00c0, + 0x1f58: 0x00c0, 0x1f59: 0x00c0, 0x1f5a: 0x00c0, 0x1f5b: 0x00c0, 0x1f5c: 0x00c0, 0x1f5d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f5e: 0x00c0, 0x1f5f: 0x00c0, 0x1f60: 0x00c0, 0x1f61: 0x00c0, 0x1f62: 0x00c0, 0x1f63: 0x00c0, + 0x1f64: 0x00c0, 0x1f65: 0x00c0, 0x1f67: 0x00c0, + 0x1f6d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f70: 0x00c0, 0x1f71: 0x00c0, 0x1f72: 0x00c0, 0x1f73: 0x00c0, 0x1f74: 0x00c0, 0x1f75: 0x00c0, + 0x1f76: 0x00c0, 0x1f77: 0x00c0, 0x1f78: 0x00c0, 0x1f79: 0x00c0, 0x1f7a: 0x00c0, 0x1f7b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f7c: 0x00c0, 0x1f7d: 0x00c0, 0x1f7e: 0x00c0, 0x1f7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x1f80 + 0x1f80: 0x00c0, 0x1f81: 0x00c0, 0x1f82: 0x00c0, 0x1f83: 0x00c0, 0x1f84: 0x00c0, 0x1f85: 0x00c0, + 0x1f86: 0x00c0, 0x1f87: 0x00c0, 0x1f88: 0x00c0, 0x1f89: 0x00c0, 0x1f8a: 0x00c0, 0x1f8b: 0x00c0, + 0x1f8c: 0x00c0, 0x1f8d: 0x00c0, 0x1f8e: 0x00c0, 0x1f8f: 0x00c0, 0x1f90: 0x00c0, 0x1f91: 0x00c0, + 0x1f92: 0x00c0, 0x1f93: 0x00c0, 0x1f94: 0x00c0, 0x1f95: 0x00c0, 0x1f96: 0x00c0, 0x1f97: 0x00c0, + 0x1f98: 0x00c0, 0x1f99: 0x00c0, 0x1f9a: 0x00c0, 0x1f9b: 0x00c0, 0x1f9c: 0x00c0, 0x1f9d: 0x00c0, + 0x1f9e: 0x00c0, 0x1f9f: 0x00c0, 0x1fa0: 0x00c0, 0x1fa1: 0x00c0, 0x1fa2: 0x00c0, 0x1fa3: 0x00c0, + 0x1fa4: 0x00c0, 0x1fa5: 0x00c0, 0x1fa6: 0x00c0, 0x1fa7: 0x00c0, + 0x1faf: 0x0080, + 0x1fb0: 0x0080, + 0x1fbf: 0x00c6, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x1fc0 + 0x1fc0: 0x00c0, 0x1fc1: 0x00c0, 0x1fc2: 0x00c0, 0x1fc3: 0x00c0, 0x1fc4: 0x00c0, 0x1fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x1fc6: 0x00c0, 0x1fc7: 0x00c0, 0x1fc8: 0x00c0, 0x1fc9: 0x00c0, 0x1fca: 0x00c0, 0x1fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x1fcc: 0x00c0, 0x1fcd: 0x00c0, 0x1fce: 0x00c0, 0x1fcf: 0x00c0, 0x1fd0: 0x00c0, 0x1fd1: 0x00c0, + 0x1fd2: 0x00c0, 0x1fd3: 0x00c0, 0x1fd4: 0x00c0, 0x1fd5: 0x00c0, 0x1fd6: 0x00c0, + 0x1fe0: 0x00c0, 0x1fe1: 0x00c0, 0x1fe2: 0x00c0, 0x1fe3: 0x00c0, + 0x1fe4: 0x00c0, 0x1fe5: 0x00c0, 0x1fe6: 0x00c0, 0x1fe8: 0x00c0, 0x1fe9: 0x00c0, + 0x1fea: 0x00c0, 0x1feb: 0x00c0, 0x1fec: 0x00c0, 0x1fed: 0x00c0, 0x1fee: 0x00c0, + 0x1ff0: 0x00c0, 0x1ff1: 0x00c0, 0x1ff2: 0x00c0, 0x1ff3: 0x00c0, 0x1ff4: 0x00c0, 0x1ff5: 0x00c0, + 0x1ff6: 0x00c0, 0x1ff8: 0x00c0, 0x1ff9: 0x00c0, 0x1ffa: 0x00c0, 0x1ffb: 0x00c0, + 0x1ffc: 0x00c0, 0x1ffd: 0x00c0, 0x1ffe: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x2000 + 0x2000: 0x00c0, 0x2001: 0x00c0, 0x2002: 0x00c0, 0x2003: 0x00c0, 0x2004: 0x00c0, 0x2005: 0x00c0, + 0x2006: 0x00c0, 0x2008: 0x00c0, 0x2009: 0x00c0, 0x200a: 0x00c0, 0x200b: 0x00c0, + 0x200c: 0x00c0, 0x200d: 0x00c0, 0x200e: 0x00c0, 0x2010: 0x00c0, 0x2011: 0x00c0, + 0x2012: 0x00c0, 0x2013: 0x00c0, 0x2014: 0x00c0, 0x2015: 0x00c0, 0x2016: 0x00c0, + 0x2018: 0x00c0, 0x2019: 0x00c0, 0x201a: 0x00c0, 0x201b: 0x00c0, 0x201c: 0x00c0, 0x201d: 0x00c0, + 0x201e: 0x00c0, 0x2020: 0x00c3, 0x2021: 0x00c3, 0x2022: 0x00c3, 0x2023: 0x00c3, + 0x2024: 0x00c3, 0x2025: 0x00c3, 0x2026: 0x00c3, 0x2027: 0x00c3, 0x2028: 0x00c3, 0x2029: 0x00c3, + 0x202a: 0x00c3, 0x202b: 0x00c3, 0x202c: 0x00c3, 0x202d: 0x00c3, 0x202e: 0x00c3, 0x202f: 0x00c3, + 0x2030: 0x00c3, 0x2031: 0x00c3, 0x2032: 0x00c3, 0x2033: 0x00c3, 0x2034: 0x00c3, 0x2035: 0x00c3, + 0x2036: 0x00c3, 0x2037: 0x00c3, 0x2038: 0x00c3, 0x2039: 0x00c3, 0x203a: 0x00c3, 0x203b: 0x00c3, + 0x203c: 0x00c3, 0x203d: 0x00c3, 0x203e: 0x00c3, 0x203f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x2040 + 0x2040: 0x0080, 0x2041: 0x0080, 0x2042: 0x0080, 0x2043: 0x0080, 0x2044: 0x0080, 0x2045: 0x0080, + 0x2046: 0x0080, 0x2047: 0x0080, 0x2048: 0x0080, 0x2049: 0x0080, 0x204a: 0x0080, 0x204b: 0x0080, + 0x204c: 0x0080, 0x204d: 0x0080, 0x204e: 0x0080, 0x204f: 0x0080, 0x2050: 0x0080, 0x2051: 0x0080, + 0x2052: 0x0080, 0x2053: 0x0080, 0x2054: 0x0080, 0x2055: 0x0080, 0x2056: 0x0080, 0x2057: 0x0080, + 0x2058: 0x0080, 0x2059: 0x0080, 0x205a: 0x0080, 0x205b: 0x0080, 0x205c: 0x0080, 0x205d: 0x0080, + 0x205e: 0x0080, 0x205f: 0x0080, 0x2060: 0x0080, 0x2061: 0x0080, 0x2062: 0x0080, 0x2063: 0x0080, + 0x2064: 0x0080, 0x2065: 0x0080, 0x2066: 0x0080, 0x2067: 0x0080, 0x2068: 0x0080, 0x2069: 0x0080, + 0x206a: 0x0080, 0x206b: 0x0080, 0x206c: 0x0080, 0x206d: 0x0080, 0x206e: 0x0080, 0x206f: 0x00c0, + 0x2070: 0x0080, 0x2071: 0x0080, 0x2072: 0x0080, 0x2073: 0x0080, 0x2074: 0x0080, 0x2075: 0x0080, + 0x2076: 0x0080, 0x2077: 0x0080, 0x2078: 0x0080, 0x2079: 0x0080, 0x207a: 0x0080, 0x207b: 0x0080, + 0x207c: 0x0080, 0x207d: 0x0080, 0x207e: 0x0080, 0x207f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x2080 + 0x2080: 0x0080, 0x2081: 0x0080, 0x2082: 0x0080, 0x2083: 0x0080, 0x2084: 0x0080, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x20c0 + 0x20c0: 0x008c, 0x20c1: 0x008c, 0x20c2: 0x008c, 0x20c3: 0x008c, 0x20c4: 0x008c, 0x20c5: 0x008c, + 0x20c6: 0x008c, 0x20c7: 0x008c, 0x20c8: 0x008c, 0x20c9: 0x008c, 0x20ca: 0x008c, 0x20cb: 0x008c, + 0x20cc: 0x008c, 0x20cd: 0x008c, 0x20ce: 0x008c, 0x20cf: 0x008c, 0x20d0: 0x008c, 0x20d1: 0x008c, + 0x20d2: 0x008c, 0x20d3: 0x008c, 0x20d4: 0x008c, 0x20d5: 0x008c, 0x20d6: 0x008c, 0x20d7: 0x008c, + 0x20d8: 0x008c, 0x20d9: 0x008c, 0x20db: 0x008c, 0x20dc: 0x008c, 0x20dd: 0x008c, + 0x20de: 0x008c, 0x20df: 0x008c, 0x20e0: 0x008c, 0x20e1: 0x008c, 0x20e2: 0x008c, 0x20e3: 0x008c, + 0x20e4: 0x008c, 0x20e5: 0x008c, 0x20e6: 0x008c, 0x20e7: 0x008c, 0x20e8: 0x008c, 0x20e9: 0x008c, + 0x20ea: 0x008c, 0x20eb: 0x008c, 0x20ec: 0x008c, 0x20ed: 0x008c, 0x20ee: 0x008c, 0x20ef: 0x008c, + 0x20f0: 0x008c, 0x20f1: 0x008c, 0x20f2: 0x008c, 0x20f3: 0x008c, 0x20f4: 0x008c, 0x20f5: 0x008c, + 0x20f6: 0x008c, 0x20f7: 0x008c, 0x20f8: 0x008c, 0x20f9: 0x008c, 0x20fa: 0x008c, 0x20fb: 0x008c, + 0x20fc: 0x008c, 0x20fd: 0x008c, 0x20fe: 0x008c, 0x20ff: 0x008c, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x2100 + 0x2100: 0x008c, 0x2101: 0x008c, 0x2102: 0x008c, 0x2103: 0x008c, 0x2104: 0x008c, 0x2105: 0x008c, + 0x2106: 0x008c, 0x2107: 0x008c, 0x2108: 0x008c, 0x2109: 0x008c, 0x210a: 0x008c, 0x210b: 0x008c, + 0x210c: 0x008c, 0x210d: 0x008c, 0x210e: 0x008c, 0x210f: 0x008c, 0x2110: 0x008c, 0x2111: 0x008c, + 0x2112: 0x008c, 0x2113: 0x008c, 0x2114: 0x008c, 0x2115: 0x008c, 0x2116: 0x008c, 0x2117: 0x008c, + 0x2118: 0x008c, 0x2119: 0x008c, 0x211a: 0x008c, 0x211b: 0x008c, 0x211c: 0x008c, 0x211d: 0x008c, + 0x211e: 0x008c, 0x211f: 0x008c, 0x2120: 0x008c, 0x2121: 0x008c, 0x2122: 0x008c, 0x2123: 0x008c, + 0x2124: 0x008c, 0x2125: 0x008c, 0x2126: 0x008c, 0x2127: 0x008c, 0x2128: 0x008c, 0x2129: 0x008c, + 0x212a: 0x008c, 0x212b: 0x008c, 0x212c: 0x008c, 0x212d: 0x008c, 0x212e: 0x008c, 0x212f: 0x008c, + 0x2130: 0x008c, 0x2131: 0x008c, 0x2132: 0x008c, 0x2133: 0x008c, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x2140 + 0x2140: 0x008c, 0x2141: 0x008c, 0x2142: 0x008c, 0x2143: 0x008c, 0x2144: 0x008c, 0x2145: 0x008c, + 0x2146: 0x008c, 0x2147: 0x008c, 0x2148: 0x008c, 0x2149: 0x008c, 0x214a: 0x008c, 0x214b: 0x008c, + 0x214c: 0x008c, 0x214d: 0x008c, 0x214e: 0x008c, 0x214f: 0x008c, 0x2150: 0x008c, 0x2151: 0x008c, + 0x2152: 0x008c, 0x2153: 0x008c, 0x2154: 0x008c, 0x2155: 0x008c, 0x2156: 0x008c, 0x2157: 0x008c, + 0x2158: 0x008c, 0x2159: 0x008c, 0x215a: 0x008c, 0x215b: 0x008c, 0x215c: 0x008c, 0x215d: 0x008c, + 0x215e: 0x008c, 0x215f: 0x008c, 0x2160: 0x008c, 0x2161: 0x008c, 0x2162: 0x008c, 0x2163: 0x008c, + 0x2164: 0x008c, 0x2165: 0x008c, 0x2166: 0x008c, 0x2167: 0x008c, 0x2168: 0x008c, 0x2169: 0x008c, + 0x216a: 0x008c, 0x216b: 0x008c, 0x216c: 0x008c, 0x216d: 0x008c, 0x216e: 0x008c, 0x216f: 0x008c, + 0x2170: 0x008c, 0x2171: 0x008c, 0x2172: 0x008c, 0x2173: 0x008c, 0x2174: 0x008c, 0x2175: 0x008c, + 0x2176: 0x008c, 0x2177: 0x008c, 0x2178: 0x008c, 0x2179: 0x008c, 0x217a: 0x008c, 0x217b: 0x008c, + 0x217c: 0x008c, 0x217d: 0x008c, 0x217e: 0x008c, 0x217f: 0x008c, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x2180 + 0x2180: 0x008c, 0x2181: 0x008c, 0x2182: 0x008c, 0x2183: 0x008c, 0x2184: 0x008c, 0x2185: 0x008c, + 0x2186: 0x008c, 0x2187: 0x008c, 0x2188: 0x008c, 0x2189: 0x008c, 0x218a: 0x008c, 0x218b: 0x008c, + 0x218c: 0x008c, 0x218d: 0x008c, 0x218e: 0x008c, 0x218f: 0x008c, 0x2190: 0x008c, 0x2191: 0x008c, + 0x2192: 0x008c, 0x2193: 0x008c, 0x2194: 0x008c, 0x2195: 0x008c, + 0x21b0: 0x0080, 0x21b1: 0x0080, 0x21b2: 0x0080, 0x21b3: 0x0080, 0x21b4: 0x0080, 0x21b5: 0x0080, + 0x21b6: 0x0080, 0x21b7: 0x0080, 0x21b8: 0x0080, 0x21b9: 0x0080, 0x21ba: 0x0080, 0x21bb: 0x0080, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x21c0 + 0x21c0: 0x0080, 0x21c1: 0x0080, 0x21c2: 0x0080, 0x21c3: 0x0080, 0x21c4: 0x0080, 0x21c5: 0x00cc, + 0x21c6: 0x00c0, 0x21c7: 0x00cc, 0x21c8: 0x0080, 0x21c9: 0x0080, 0x21ca: 0x0080, 0x21cb: 0x0080, + 0x21cc: 0x0080, 0x21cd: 0x0080, 0x21ce: 0x0080, 0x21cf: 0x0080, 0x21d0: 0x0080, 0x21d1: 0x0080, + 0x21d2: 0x0080, 0x21d3: 0x0080, 0x21d4: 0x0080, 0x21d5: 0x0080, 0x21d6: 0x0080, 0x21d7: 0x0080, + 0x21d8: 0x0080, 0x21d9: 0x0080, 0x21da: 0x0080, 0x21db: 0x0080, 0x21dc: 0x0080, 0x21dd: 0x0080, + 0x21de: 0x0080, 0x21df: 0x0080, 0x21e0: 0x0080, 0x21e1: 0x008c, 0x21e2: 0x008c, 0x21e3: 0x008c, + 0x21e4: 0x008c, 0x21e5: 0x008c, 0x21e6: 0x008c, 0x21e7: 0x008c, 0x21e8: 0x008c, 0x21e9: 0x008c, + 0x21ea: 0x00c3, 0x21eb: 0x00c3, 0x21ec: 0x00c3, 0x21ed: 0x00c3, 0x21ee: 0x0040, 0x21ef: 0x0040, + 0x21f0: 0x0080, 0x21f1: 0x0040, 0x21f2: 0x0040, 0x21f3: 0x0040, 0x21f4: 0x0040, 0x21f5: 0x0040, + 0x21f6: 0x0080, 0x21f7: 0x0080, 0x21f8: 0x008c, 0x21f9: 0x008c, 0x21fa: 0x008c, 0x21fb: 0x0040, + 0x21fc: 0x00c0, 0x21fd: 0x0080, 0x21fe: 0x0080, 0x21ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x2200 + 0x2201: 0x00cc, 0x2202: 0x00cc, 0x2203: 0x00cc, 0x2204: 0x00cc, 0x2205: 0x00cc, + 0x2206: 0x00cc, 0x2207: 0x00cc, 0x2208: 0x00cc, 0x2209: 0x00cc, 0x220a: 0x00cc, 0x220b: 0x00cc, + 0x220c: 0x00cc, 0x220d: 0x00cc, 0x220e: 0x00cc, 0x220f: 0x00cc, 0x2210: 0x00cc, 0x2211: 0x00cc, + 0x2212: 0x00cc, 0x2213: 0x00cc, 0x2214: 0x00cc, 0x2215: 0x00cc, 0x2216: 0x00cc, 0x2217: 0x00cc, + 0x2218: 0x00cc, 0x2219: 0x00cc, 0x221a: 0x00cc, 0x221b: 0x00cc, 0x221c: 0x00cc, 0x221d: 0x00cc, + 0x221e: 0x00cc, 0x221f: 0x00cc, 0x2220: 0x00cc, 0x2221: 0x00cc, 0x2222: 0x00cc, 0x2223: 0x00cc, + 0x2224: 0x00cc, 0x2225: 0x00cc, 0x2226: 0x00cc, 0x2227: 0x00cc, 0x2228: 0x00cc, 0x2229: 0x00cc, + 0x222a: 0x00cc, 0x222b: 0x00cc, 0x222c: 0x00cc, 0x222d: 0x00cc, 0x222e: 0x00cc, 0x222f: 0x00cc, + 0x2230: 0x00cc, 0x2231: 0x00cc, 0x2232: 0x00cc, 0x2233: 0x00cc, 0x2234: 0x00cc, 0x2235: 0x00cc, + 0x2236: 0x00cc, 0x2237: 0x00cc, 0x2238: 0x00cc, 0x2239: 0x00cc, 0x223a: 0x00cc, 0x223b: 0x00cc, + 0x223c: 0x00cc, 0x223d: 0x00cc, 0x223e: 0x00cc, 0x223f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x2240 + 0x2240: 0x00cc, 0x2241: 0x00cc, 0x2242: 0x00cc, 0x2243: 0x00cc, 0x2244: 0x00cc, 0x2245: 0x00cc, + 0x2246: 0x00cc, 0x2247: 0x00cc, 0x2248: 0x00cc, 0x2249: 0x00cc, 0x224a: 0x00cc, 0x224b: 0x00cc, + 0x224c: 0x00cc, 0x224d: 0x00cc, 0x224e: 0x00cc, 0x224f: 0x00cc, 0x2250: 0x00cc, 0x2251: 0x00cc, + 0x2252: 0x00cc, 0x2253: 0x00cc, 0x2254: 0x00cc, 0x2255: 0x00cc, 0x2256: 0x00cc, + 0x2259: 0x00c3, 0x225a: 0x00c3, 0x225b: 0x0080, 0x225c: 0x0080, 0x225d: 0x00cc, + 0x225e: 0x00cc, 0x225f: 0x008c, 0x2260: 0x0080, 0x2261: 0x00cc, 0x2262: 0x00cc, 0x2263: 0x00cc, + 0x2264: 0x00cc, 0x2265: 0x00cc, 0x2266: 0x00cc, 0x2267: 0x00cc, 0x2268: 0x00cc, 0x2269: 0x00cc, + 0x226a: 0x00cc, 0x226b: 0x00cc, 0x226c: 0x00cc, 0x226d: 0x00cc, 0x226e: 0x00cc, 0x226f: 0x00cc, + 0x2270: 0x00cc, 0x2271: 0x00cc, 0x2272: 0x00cc, 0x2273: 0x00cc, 0x2274: 0x00cc, 0x2275: 0x00cc, + 0x2276: 0x00cc, 0x2277: 0x00cc, 0x2278: 0x00cc, 0x2279: 0x00cc, 0x227a: 0x00cc, 0x227b: 0x00cc, + 0x227c: 0x00cc, 0x227d: 0x00cc, 0x227e: 0x00cc, 0x227f: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x2280 + 0x2280: 0x00cc, 0x2281: 0x00cc, 0x2282: 0x00cc, 0x2283: 0x00cc, 0x2284: 0x00cc, 0x2285: 0x00cc, + 0x2286: 0x00cc, 0x2287: 0x00cc, 0x2288: 0x00cc, 0x2289: 0x00cc, 0x228a: 0x00cc, 0x228b: 0x00cc, + 0x228c: 0x00cc, 0x228d: 0x00cc, 0x228e: 0x00cc, 0x228f: 0x00cc, 0x2290: 0x00cc, 0x2291: 0x00cc, + 0x2292: 0x00cc, 0x2293: 0x00cc, 0x2294: 0x00cc, 0x2295: 0x00cc, 0x2296: 0x00cc, 0x2297: 0x00cc, + 0x2298: 0x00cc, 0x2299: 0x00cc, 0x229a: 0x00cc, 0x229b: 0x00cc, 0x229c: 0x00cc, 0x229d: 0x00cc, + 0x229e: 0x00cc, 0x229f: 0x00cc, 0x22a0: 0x00cc, 0x22a1: 0x00cc, 0x22a2: 0x00cc, 0x22a3: 0x00cc, + 0x22a4: 0x00cc, 0x22a5: 0x00cc, 0x22a6: 0x00cc, 0x22a7: 0x00cc, 0x22a8: 0x00cc, 0x22a9: 0x00cc, + 0x22aa: 0x00cc, 0x22ab: 0x00cc, 0x22ac: 0x00cc, 0x22ad: 0x00cc, 0x22ae: 0x00cc, 0x22af: 0x00cc, + 0x22b0: 0x00cc, 0x22b1: 0x00cc, 0x22b2: 0x00cc, 0x22b3: 0x00cc, 0x22b4: 0x00cc, 0x22b5: 0x00cc, + 0x22b6: 0x00cc, 0x22b7: 0x00cc, 0x22b8: 0x00cc, 0x22b9: 0x00cc, 0x22ba: 0x00cc, 0x22bb: 0x00d2, + 0x22bc: 0x00c0, 0x22bd: 0x00cc, 0x22be: 0x00cc, 0x22bf: 0x008c, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x22c0 + 0x22c5: 0x00c0, + 0x22c6: 0x00c0, 0x22c7: 0x00c0, 0x22c8: 0x00c0, 0x22c9: 0x00c0, 0x22ca: 0x00c0, 0x22cb: 0x00c0, + 0x22cc: 0x00c0, 0x22cd: 0x00c0, 0x22ce: 0x00c0, 0x22cf: 0x00c0, 0x22d0: 0x00c0, 0x22d1: 0x00c0, + 0x22d2: 0x00c0, 0x22d3: 0x00c0, 0x22d4: 0x00c0, 0x22d5: 0x00c0, 0x22d6: 0x00c0, 0x22d7: 0x00c0, + 0x22d8: 0x00c0, 0x22d9: 0x00c0, 0x22da: 0x00c0, 0x22db: 0x00c0, 0x22dc: 0x00c0, 0x22dd: 0x00c0, + 0x22de: 0x00c0, 0x22df: 0x00c0, 0x22e0: 0x00c0, 0x22e1: 0x00c0, 0x22e2: 0x00c0, 0x22e3: 0x00c0, + 0x22e4: 0x00c0, 0x22e5: 0x00c0, 0x22e6: 0x00c0, 0x22e7: 0x00c0, 0x22e8: 0x00c0, 0x22e9: 0x00c0, + 0x22ea: 0x00c0, 0x22eb: 0x00c0, 0x22ec: 0x00c0, 0x22ed: 0x00c0, + 0x22f1: 0x0080, 0x22f2: 0x0080, 0x22f3: 0x0080, 0x22f4: 0x0080, 0x22f5: 0x0080, + 0x22f6: 0x0080, 0x22f7: 0x0080, 0x22f8: 0x0080, 0x22f9: 0x0080, 0x22fa: 0x0080, 0x22fb: 0x0080, + 0x22fc: 0x0080, 0x22fd: 0x0080, 0x22fe: 0x0080, 0x22ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x2300 + 0x2300: 0x0080, 0x2301: 0x0080, 0x2302: 0x0080, 0x2303: 0x0080, 0x2304: 0x0080, 0x2305: 0x0080, + 0x2306: 0x0080, 0x2307: 0x0080, 0x2308: 0x0080, 0x2309: 0x0080, 0x230a: 0x0080, 0x230b: 0x0080, + 0x230c: 0x0080, 0x230d: 0x0080, 0x230e: 0x0080, 0x230f: 0x0080, 0x2310: 0x0080, 0x2311: 0x0080, + 0x2312: 0x0080, 0x2313: 0x0080, 0x2314: 0x0080, 0x2315: 0x0080, 0x2316: 0x0080, 0x2317: 0x0080, + 0x2318: 0x0080, 0x2319: 0x0080, 0x231a: 0x0080, 0x231b: 0x0080, 0x231c: 0x0080, 0x231d: 0x0080, + 0x231e: 0x0080, 0x231f: 0x0080, 0x2320: 0x0080, 0x2321: 0x0080, 0x2322: 0x0080, 0x2323: 0x0080, + 0x2324: 0x0040, 0x2325: 0x0080, 0x2326: 0x0080, 0x2327: 0x0080, 0x2328: 0x0080, 0x2329: 0x0080, + 0x232a: 0x0080, 0x232b: 0x0080, 0x232c: 0x0080, 0x232d: 0x0080, 0x232e: 0x0080, 0x232f: 0x0080, + 0x2330: 0x0080, 0x2331: 0x0080, 0x2332: 0x0080, 0x2333: 0x0080, 0x2334: 0x0080, 0x2335: 0x0080, + 0x2336: 0x0080, 0x2337: 0x0080, 0x2338: 0x0080, 0x2339: 0x0080, 0x233a: 0x0080, 0x233b: 0x0080, + 0x233c: 0x0080, 0x233d: 0x0080, 0x233e: 0x0080, 0x233f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x2340 + 0x2340: 0x0080, 0x2341: 0x0080, 0x2342: 0x0080, 0x2343: 0x0080, 0x2344: 0x0080, 0x2345: 0x0080, + 0x2346: 0x0080, 0x2347: 0x0080, 0x2348: 0x0080, 0x2349: 0x0080, 0x234a: 0x0080, 0x234b: 0x0080, + 0x234c: 0x0080, 0x234d: 0x0080, 0x234e: 0x0080, 0x2350: 0x0080, 0x2351: 0x0080, + 0x2352: 0x0080, 0x2353: 0x0080, 0x2354: 0x0080, 0x2355: 0x0080, 0x2356: 0x0080, 0x2357: 0x0080, + 0x2358: 0x0080, 0x2359: 0x0080, 0x235a: 0x0080, 0x235b: 0x0080, 0x235c: 0x0080, 0x235d: 0x0080, + 0x235e: 0x0080, 0x235f: 0x0080, 0x2360: 0x00c0, 0x2361: 0x00c0, 0x2362: 0x00c0, 0x2363: 0x00c0, + 0x2364: 0x00c0, 0x2365: 0x00c0, 0x2366: 0x00c0, 0x2367: 0x00c0, 0x2368: 0x00c0, 0x2369: 0x00c0, + 0x236a: 0x00c0, 0x236b: 0x00c0, 0x236c: 0x00c0, 0x236d: 0x00c0, 0x236e: 0x00c0, 0x236f: 0x00c0, + 0x2370: 0x00c0, 0x2371: 0x00c0, 0x2372: 0x00c0, 0x2373: 0x00c0, 0x2374: 0x00c0, 0x2375: 0x00c0, + 0x2376: 0x00c0, 0x2377: 0x00c0, 0x2378: 0x00c0, 0x2379: 0x00c0, 0x237a: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x2380 + 0x2380: 0x0080, 0x2381: 0x0080, 0x2382: 0x0080, 0x2383: 0x0080, 0x2384: 0x0080, 0x2385: 0x0080, + 0x2386: 0x0080, 0x2387: 0x0080, 0x2388: 0x0080, 0x2389: 0x0080, 0x238a: 0x0080, 0x238b: 0x0080, + 0x238c: 0x0080, 0x238d: 0x0080, 0x238e: 0x0080, 0x238f: 0x0080, 0x2390: 0x0080, 0x2391: 0x0080, + 0x2392: 0x0080, 0x2393: 0x0080, 0x2394: 0x0080, 0x2395: 0x0080, 0x2396: 0x0080, 0x2397: 0x0080, + 0x2398: 0x0080, 0x2399: 0x0080, 0x239a: 0x0080, 0x239b: 0x0080, 0x239c: 0x0080, 0x239d: 0x0080, + 0x239e: 0x0080, 0x239f: 0x0080, 0x23a0: 0x0080, 0x23a1: 0x0080, 0x23a2: 0x0080, 0x23a3: 0x0080, + 0x23b0: 0x00cc, 0x23b1: 0x00cc, 0x23b2: 0x00cc, 0x23b3: 0x00cc, 0x23b4: 0x00cc, 0x23b5: 0x00cc, + 0x23b6: 0x00cc, 0x23b7: 0x00cc, 0x23b8: 0x00cc, 0x23b9: 0x00cc, 0x23ba: 0x00cc, 0x23bb: 0x00cc, + 0x23bc: 0x00cc, 0x23bd: 0x00cc, 0x23be: 0x00cc, 0x23bf: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x23c0 + 0x23c0: 0x0080, 0x23c1: 0x0080, 0x23c2: 0x0080, 0x23c3: 0x0080, 0x23c4: 0x0080, 0x23c5: 0x0080, + 0x23c6: 0x0080, 0x23c7: 0x0080, 0x23c8: 0x0080, 0x23c9: 0x0080, 0x23ca: 0x0080, 0x23cb: 0x0080, + 0x23cc: 0x0080, 0x23cd: 0x0080, 0x23ce: 0x0080, 0x23cf: 0x0080, 0x23d0: 0x0080, 0x23d1: 0x0080, + 0x23d2: 0x0080, 0x23d3: 0x0080, 0x23d4: 0x0080, 0x23d5: 0x0080, 0x23d6: 0x0080, 0x23d7: 0x0080, + 0x23d8: 0x0080, 0x23d9: 0x0080, 0x23da: 0x0080, 0x23db: 0x0080, 0x23dc: 0x0080, 0x23dd: 0x0080, + 0x23de: 0x0080, 0x23e0: 0x0080, 0x23e1: 0x0080, 0x23e2: 0x0080, 0x23e3: 0x0080, + 0x23e4: 0x0080, 0x23e5: 0x0080, 0x23e6: 0x0080, 0x23e7: 0x0080, 0x23e8: 0x0080, 0x23e9: 0x0080, + 0x23ea: 0x0080, 0x23eb: 0x0080, 0x23ec: 0x0080, 0x23ed: 0x0080, 0x23ee: 0x0080, 0x23ef: 0x0080, + 0x23f0: 0x0080, 0x23f1: 0x0080, 0x23f2: 0x0080, 0x23f3: 0x0080, 0x23f4: 0x0080, 0x23f5: 0x0080, + 0x23f6: 0x0080, 0x23f7: 0x0080, 0x23f8: 0x0080, 0x23f9: 0x0080, 0x23fa: 0x0080, 0x23fb: 0x0080, + 0x23fc: 0x0080, 0x23fd: 0x0080, 0x23fe: 0x0080, 0x23ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x2400 + 0x2400: 0x0080, 0x2401: 0x0080, 0x2402: 0x0080, 0x2403: 0x0080, 0x2404: 0x0080, 0x2405: 0x0080, + 0x2406: 0x0080, 0x2407: 0x0080, 0x2408: 0x0080, 0x2409: 0x0080, 0x240a: 0x0080, 0x240b: 0x0080, + 0x240c: 0x0080, 0x240d: 0x0080, 0x240e: 0x0080, 0x240f: 0x0080, 0x2410: 0x008c, 0x2411: 0x008c, + 0x2412: 0x008c, 0x2413: 0x008c, 0x2414: 0x008c, 0x2415: 0x008c, 0x2416: 0x008c, 0x2417: 0x008c, + 0x2418: 0x008c, 0x2419: 0x008c, 0x241a: 0x008c, 0x241b: 0x008c, 0x241c: 0x008c, 0x241d: 0x008c, + 0x241e: 0x008c, 0x241f: 0x008c, 0x2420: 0x008c, 0x2421: 0x008c, 0x2422: 0x008c, 0x2423: 0x008c, + 0x2424: 0x008c, 0x2425: 0x008c, 0x2426: 0x008c, 0x2427: 0x008c, 0x2428: 0x008c, 0x2429: 0x008c, + 0x242a: 0x008c, 0x242b: 0x008c, 0x242c: 0x008c, 0x242d: 0x008c, 0x242e: 0x008c, 0x242f: 0x008c, + 0x2430: 0x008c, 0x2431: 0x008c, 0x2432: 0x008c, 0x2433: 0x008c, 0x2434: 0x008c, 0x2435: 0x008c, + 0x2436: 0x008c, 0x2437: 0x008c, 0x2438: 0x008c, 0x2439: 0x008c, 0x243a: 0x008c, 0x243b: 0x008c, + 0x243c: 0x008c, 0x243d: 0x008c, 0x243e: 0x008c, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x2440 + 0x2440: 0x008c, 0x2441: 0x008c, 0x2442: 0x008c, 0x2443: 0x008c, 0x2444: 0x008c, 0x2445: 0x008c, + 0x2446: 0x008c, 0x2447: 0x008c, 0x2448: 0x008c, 0x2449: 0x008c, 0x244a: 0x008c, 0x244b: 0x008c, + 0x244c: 0x008c, 0x244d: 0x008c, 0x244e: 0x008c, 0x244f: 0x008c, 0x2450: 0x008c, 0x2451: 0x008c, + 0x2452: 0x008c, 0x2453: 0x008c, 0x2454: 0x008c, 0x2455: 0x008c, 0x2456: 0x008c, 0x2457: 0x008c, + 0x2458: 0x0080, 0x2459: 0x0080, 0x245a: 0x0080, 0x245b: 0x0080, 0x245c: 0x0080, 0x245d: 0x0080, + 0x245e: 0x0080, 0x245f: 0x0080, 0x2460: 0x0080, 0x2461: 0x0080, 0x2462: 0x0080, 0x2463: 0x0080, + 0x2464: 0x0080, 0x2465: 0x0080, 0x2466: 0x0080, 0x2467: 0x0080, 0x2468: 0x0080, 0x2469: 0x0080, + 0x246a: 0x0080, 0x246b: 0x0080, 0x246c: 0x0080, 0x246d: 0x0080, 0x246e: 0x0080, 0x246f: 0x0080, + 0x2470: 0x0080, 0x2471: 0x0080, 0x2472: 0x0080, 0x2473: 0x0080, 0x2474: 0x0080, 0x2475: 0x0080, + 0x2476: 0x0080, 0x2477: 0x0080, 0x2478: 0x0080, 0x2479: 0x0080, 0x247a: 0x0080, 0x247b: 0x0080, + 0x247c: 0x0080, 0x247d: 0x0080, 0x247e: 0x0080, 0x247f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x2480 + 0x2480: 0x00cc, 0x2481: 0x00cc, 0x2482: 0x00cc, 0x2483: 0x00cc, 0x2484: 0x00cc, 0x2485: 0x00cc, + 0x2486: 0x00cc, 0x2487: 0x00cc, 0x2488: 0x00cc, 0x2489: 0x00cc, 0x248a: 0x00cc, 0x248b: 0x00cc, + 0x248c: 0x00cc, 0x248d: 0x00cc, 0x248e: 0x00cc, 0x248f: 0x00cc, 0x2490: 0x00cc, 0x2491: 0x00cc, + 0x2492: 0x00cc, 0x2493: 0x00cc, 0x2494: 0x00cc, 0x2495: 0x00cc, 0x2496: 0x00cc, 0x2497: 0x00cc, + 0x2498: 0x00cc, 0x2499: 0x00cc, 0x249a: 0x00cc, 0x249b: 0x00cc, 0x249c: 0x00cc, 0x249d: 0x00cc, + 0x249e: 0x00cc, 0x249f: 0x00cc, 0x24a0: 0x00cc, 0x24a1: 0x00cc, 0x24a2: 0x00cc, 0x24a3: 0x00cc, + 0x24a4: 0x00cc, 0x24a5: 0x00cc, 0x24a6: 0x00cc, 0x24a7: 0x00cc, 0x24a8: 0x00cc, 0x24a9: 0x00cc, + 0x24aa: 0x00cc, 0x24ab: 0x00cc, 0x24ac: 0x00cc, 0x24ad: 0x00cc, 0x24ae: 0x00cc, 0x24af: 0x00cc, + 0x24b0: 0x00cc, 0x24b1: 0x00cc, 0x24b2: 0x00cc, 0x24b3: 0x00cc, 0x24b4: 0x00cc, 0x24b5: 0x00cc, + 0x24b6: 0x00cc, 0x24b7: 0x00cc, 0x24b8: 0x00cc, 0x24b9: 0x00cc, 0x24ba: 0x00cc, 0x24bb: 0x00cc, + 0x24bc: 0x00cc, 0x24bd: 0x00cc, 0x24be: 0x00cc, 0x24bf: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x24c0 + 0x24c0: 0x00cc, 0x24c1: 0x00cc, 0x24c2: 0x00cc, 0x24c3: 0x00cc, 0x24c4: 0x00cc, 0x24c5: 0x00cc, + 0x24c6: 0x00cc, 0x24c7: 0x00cc, 0x24c8: 0x00cc, 0x24c9: 0x00cc, 0x24ca: 0x00cc, 0x24cb: 0x00cc, + 0x24cc: 0x00cc, 0x24cd: 0x00cc, 0x24ce: 0x00cc, 0x24cf: 0x00cc, 0x24d0: 0x00cc, 0x24d1: 0x00cc, + 0x24d2: 0x00cc, 0x24d3: 0x00cc, 0x24d4: 0x00cc, 0x24d5: 0x00cc, 0x24d6: 0x00cc, 0x24d7: 0x00cc, + 0x24d8: 0x00cc, 0x24d9: 0x00cc, 0x24da: 0x00cc, 0x24db: 0x00cc, 0x24dc: 0x00cc, 0x24dd: 0x00cc, + 0x24de: 0x00cc, 0x24df: 0x00cc, 0x24e0: 0x00cc, 0x24e1: 0x00cc, 0x24e2: 0x00cc, 0x24e3: 0x00cc, + 0x24e4: 0x00cc, 0x24e5: 0x00cc, 0x24e6: 0x00cc, 0x24e7: 0x00cc, 0x24e8: 0x00cc, 0x24e9: 0x00cc, + 0x24ea: 0x00cc, 0x24eb: 0x00cc, 0x24ec: 0x00cc, 0x24ed: 0x00cc, 0x24ee: 0x00cc, 0x24ef: 0x00cc, + 0x24f0: 0x00cc, 0x24f1: 0x00cc, 0x24f2: 0x00cc, 0x24f3: 0x00cc, 0x24f4: 0x00cc, 0x24f5: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x2500 + 0x2500: 0x00cc, 0x2501: 0x00cc, 0x2502: 0x00cc, 0x2503: 0x00cc, 0x2504: 0x00cc, 0x2505: 0x00cc, + 0x2506: 0x00cc, 0x2507: 0x00cc, 0x2508: 0x00cc, 0x2509: 0x00cc, 0x250a: 0x00cc, 0x250b: 0x00cc, + 0x250c: 0x00cc, 0x250d: 0x00cc, 0x250e: 0x00cc, 0x250f: 0x00cc, 0x2510: 0x00cc, 0x2511: 0x00cc, + 0x2512: 0x00cc, 0x2513: 0x00cc, 0x2514: 0x00cc, 0x2515: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x2540 + 0x2540: 0x00c0, 0x2541: 0x00c0, 0x2542: 0x00c0, 0x2543: 0x00c0, 0x2544: 0x00c0, 0x2545: 0x00c0, + 0x2546: 0x00c0, 0x2547: 0x00c0, 0x2548: 0x00c0, 0x2549: 0x00c0, 0x254a: 0x00c0, 0x254b: 0x00c0, + 0x254c: 0x00c0, 0x2550: 0x0080, 0x2551: 0x0080, + 0x2552: 0x0080, 0x2553: 0x0080, 0x2554: 0x0080, 0x2555: 0x0080, 0x2556: 0x0080, 0x2557: 0x0080, + 0x2558: 0x0080, 0x2559: 0x0080, 0x255a: 0x0080, 0x255b: 0x0080, 0x255c: 0x0080, 0x255d: 0x0080, + 0x255e: 0x0080, 0x255f: 0x0080, 0x2560: 0x0080, 0x2561: 0x0080, 0x2562: 0x0080, 0x2563: 0x0080, + 0x2564: 0x0080, 0x2565: 0x0080, 0x2566: 0x0080, 0x2567: 0x0080, 0x2568: 0x0080, 0x2569: 0x0080, + 0x256a: 0x0080, 0x256b: 0x0080, 0x256c: 0x0080, 0x256d: 0x0080, 0x256e: 0x0080, 0x256f: 0x0080, + 0x2570: 0x0080, 0x2571: 0x0080, 0x2572: 0x0080, 0x2573: 0x0080, 0x2574: 0x0080, 0x2575: 0x0080, + 0x2576: 0x0080, 0x2577: 0x0080, 0x2578: 0x0080, 0x2579: 0x0080, 0x257a: 0x0080, 0x257b: 0x0080, + 0x257c: 0x0080, 0x257d: 0x0080, 0x257e: 0x0080, 0x257f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x2580 + 0x2580: 0x0080, 0x2581: 0x0080, 0x2582: 0x0080, 0x2583: 0x0080, 0x2584: 0x0080, 0x2585: 0x0080, + 0x2586: 0x0080, + 0x2590: 0x00c0, 0x2591: 0x00c0, + 0x2592: 0x00c0, 0x2593: 0x00c0, 0x2594: 0x00c0, 0x2595: 0x00c0, 0x2596: 0x00c0, 0x2597: 0x00c0, + 0x2598: 0x00c0, 0x2599: 0x00c0, 0x259a: 0x00c0, 0x259b: 0x00c0, 0x259c: 0x00c0, 0x259d: 0x00c0, + 0x259e: 0x00c0, 0x259f: 0x00c0, 0x25a0: 0x00c0, 0x25a1: 0x00c0, 0x25a2: 0x00c0, 0x25a3: 0x00c0, + 0x25a4: 0x00c0, 0x25a5: 0x00c0, 0x25a6: 0x00c0, 0x25a7: 0x00c0, 0x25a8: 0x00c0, 0x25a9: 0x00c0, + 0x25aa: 0x00c0, 0x25ab: 0x00c0, 0x25ac: 0x00c0, 0x25ad: 0x00c0, 0x25ae: 0x00c0, 0x25af: 0x00c0, + 0x25b0: 0x00c0, 0x25b1: 0x00c0, 0x25b2: 0x00c0, 0x25b3: 0x00c0, 0x25b4: 0x00c0, 0x25b5: 0x00c0, + 0x25b6: 0x00c0, 0x25b7: 0x00c0, 0x25b8: 0x00c0, 0x25b9: 0x00c0, 0x25ba: 0x00c0, 0x25bb: 0x00c0, + 0x25bc: 0x00c0, 0x25bd: 0x00c0, 0x25be: 0x0080, 0x25bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x25c0 + 0x25c0: 0x00c0, 0x25c1: 0x00c0, 0x25c2: 0x00c0, 0x25c3: 0x00c0, 0x25c4: 0x00c0, 0x25c5: 0x00c0, + 0x25c6: 0x00c0, 0x25c7: 0x00c0, 0x25c8: 0x00c0, 0x25c9: 0x00c0, 0x25ca: 0x00c0, 0x25cb: 0x00c0, + 0x25cc: 0x00c0, 0x25cd: 0x0080, 0x25ce: 0x0080, 0x25cf: 0x0080, 0x25d0: 0x00c0, 0x25d1: 0x00c0, + 0x25d2: 0x00c0, 0x25d3: 0x00c0, 0x25d4: 0x00c0, 0x25d5: 0x00c0, 0x25d6: 0x00c0, 0x25d7: 0x00c0, + 0x25d8: 0x00c0, 0x25d9: 0x00c0, 0x25da: 0x00c0, 0x25db: 0x00c0, 0x25dc: 0x00c0, 0x25dd: 0x00c0, + 0x25de: 0x00c0, 0x25df: 0x00c0, 0x25e0: 0x00c0, 0x25e1: 0x00c0, 0x25e2: 0x00c0, 0x25e3: 0x00c0, + 0x25e4: 0x00c0, 0x25e5: 0x00c0, 0x25e6: 0x00c0, 0x25e7: 0x00c0, 0x25e8: 0x00c0, 0x25e9: 0x00c0, + 0x25ea: 0x00c0, 0x25eb: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x2600 + 0x2600: 0x00c0, 0x2601: 0x00c0, 0x2602: 0x00c0, 0x2603: 0x00c0, 0x2604: 0x00c0, 0x2605: 0x00c0, + 0x2606: 0x00c0, 0x2607: 0x00c0, 0x2608: 0x00c0, 0x2609: 0x00c0, 0x260a: 0x00c0, 0x260b: 0x00c0, + 0x260c: 0x00c0, 0x260d: 0x00c0, 0x260e: 0x00c0, 0x260f: 0x00c0, 0x2610: 0x00c0, 0x2611: 0x00c0, + 0x2612: 0x00c0, 0x2613: 0x00c0, 0x2614: 0x00c0, 0x2615: 0x00c0, 0x2616: 0x00c0, 0x2617: 0x00c0, + 0x2618: 0x00c0, 0x2619: 0x00c0, 0x261a: 0x00c0, 0x261b: 0x00c0, 0x261c: 0x00c0, 0x261d: 0x00c0, + 0x261e: 0x00c0, 0x261f: 0x00c0, 0x2620: 0x00c0, 0x2621: 0x00c0, 0x2622: 0x00c0, 0x2623: 0x00c0, + 0x2624: 0x00c0, 0x2625: 0x00c0, 0x2626: 0x00c0, 0x2627: 0x00c0, 0x2628: 0x00c0, 0x2629: 0x00c0, + 0x262a: 0x00c0, 0x262b: 0x00c0, 0x262c: 0x00c0, 0x262d: 0x00c0, 0x262e: 0x00c0, 0x262f: 0x00c3, + 0x2630: 0x0083, 0x2631: 0x0083, 0x2632: 0x0083, 0x2633: 0x0080, 0x2634: 0x00c3, 0x2635: 0x00c3, + 0x2636: 0x00c3, 0x2637: 0x00c3, 0x2638: 0x00c3, 0x2639: 0x00c3, 0x263a: 0x00c3, 0x263b: 0x00c3, + 0x263c: 0x00c3, 0x263d: 0x00c3, 0x263e: 0x0080, 0x263f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x2640 + 0x2640: 0x00c0, 0x2641: 0x00c0, 0x2642: 0x00c0, 0x2643: 0x00c0, 0x2644: 0x00c0, 0x2645: 0x00c0, + 0x2646: 0x00c0, 0x2647: 0x00c0, 0x2648: 0x00c0, 0x2649: 0x00c0, 0x264a: 0x00c0, 0x264b: 0x00c0, + 0x264c: 0x00c0, 0x264d: 0x00c0, 0x264e: 0x00c0, 0x264f: 0x00c0, 0x2650: 0x00c0, 0x2651: 0x00c0, + 0x2652: 0x00c0, 0x2653: 0x00c0, 0x2654: 0x00c0, 0x2655: 0x00c0, 0x2656: 0x00c0, 0x2657: 0x00c0, + 0x2658: 0x00c0, 0x2659: 0x00c0, 0x265a: 0x00c0, 0x265b: 0x00c0, 0x265c: 0x0080, 0x265d: 0x0080, + 0x265e: 0x00c3, 0x265f: 0x00c3, 0x2660: 0x00c0, 0x2661: 0x00c0, 0x2662: 0x00c0, 0x2663: 0x00c0, + 0x2664: 0x00c0, 0x2665: 0x00c0, 0x2666: 0x00c0, 0x2667: 0x00c0, 0x2668: 0x00c0, 0x2669: 0x00c0, + 0x266a: 0x00c0, 0x266b: 0x00c0, 0x266c: 0x00c0, 0x266d: 0x00c0, 0x266e: 0x00c0, 0x266f: 0x00c0, + 0x2670: 0x00c0, 0x2671: 0x00c0, 0x2672: 0x00c0, 0x2673: 0x00c0, 0x2674: 0x00c0, 0x2675: 0x00c0, + 0x2676: 0x00c0, 0x2677: 0x00c0, 0x2678: 0x00c0, 0x2679: 0x00c0, 0x267a: 0x00c0, 0x267b: 0x00c0, + 0x267c: 0x00c0, 0x267d: 0x00c0, 0x267e: 0x00c0, 0x267f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x2680 + 0x2680: 0x00c0, 0x2681: 0x00c0, 0x2682: 0x00c0, 0x2683: 0x00c0, 0x2684: 0x00c0, 0x2685: 0x00c0, + 0x2686: 0x00c0, 0x2687: 0x00c0, 0x2688: 0x00c0, 0x2689: 0x00c0, 0x268a: 0x00c0, 0x268b: 0x00c0, + 0x268c: 0x00c0, 0x268d: 0x00c0, 0x268e: 0x00c0, 0x268f: 0x00c0, 0x2690: 0x00c0, 0x2691: 0x00c0, + 0x2692: 0x00c0, 0x2693: 0x00c0, 0x2694: 0x00c0, 0x2695: 0x00c0, 0x2696: 0x00c0, 0x2697: 0x00c0, + 0x2698: 0x00c0, 0x2699: 0x00c0, 0x269a: 0x00c0, 0x269b: 0x00c0, 0x269c: 0x00c0, 0x269d: 0x00c0, + 0x269e: 0x00c0, 0x269f: 0x00c0, 0x26a0: 0x00c0, 0x26a1: 0x00c0, 0x26a2: 0x00c0, 0x26a3: 0x00c0, + 0x26a4: 0x00c0, 0x26a5: 0x00c0, 0x26a6: 0x0080, 0x26a7: 0x0080, 0x26a8: 0x0080, 0x26a9: 0x0080, + 0x26aa: 0x0080, 0x26ab: 0x0080, 0x26ac: 0x0080, 0x26ad: 0x0080, 0x26ae: 0x0080, 0x26af: 0x0080, + 0x26b0: 0x00c3, 0x26b1: 0x00c3, 0x26b2: 0x0080, 0x26b3: 0x0080, 0x26b4: 0x0080, 0x26b5: 0x0080, + 0x26b6: 0x0080, 0x26b7: 0x0080, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x26c0 + 0x26c0: 0x0080, 0x26c1: 0x0080, 0x26c2: 0x0080, 0x26c3: 0x0080, 0x26c4: 0x0080, 0x26c5: 0x0080, + 0x26c6: 0x0080, 0x26c7: 0x0080, 0x26c8: 0x0080, 0x26c9: 0x0080, 0x26ca: 0x0080, 0x26cb: 0x0080, + 0x26cc: 0x0080, 0x26cd: 0x0080, 0x26ce: 0x0080, 0x26cf: 0x0080, 0x26d0: 0x0080, 0x26d1: 0x0080, + 0x26d2: 0x0080, 0x26d3: 0x0080, 0x26d4: 0x0080, 0x26d5: 0x0080, 0x26d6: 0x0080, 0x26d7: 0x00c0, + 0x26d8: 0x00c0, 0x26d9: 0x00c0, 0x26da: 0x00c0, 0x26db: 0x00c0, 0x26dc: 0x00c0, 0x26dd: 0x00c0, + 0x26de: 0x00c0, 0x26df: 0x00c0, 0x26e0: 0x0080, 0x26e1: 0x0080, 0x26e2: 0x00c0, 0x26e3: 0x00c0, + 0x26e4: 0x00c0, 0x26e5: 0x00c0, 0x26e6: 0x00c0, 0x26e7: 0x00c0, 0x26e8: 0x00c0, 0x26e9: 0x00c0, + 0x26ea: 0x00c0, 0x26eb: 0x00c0, 0x26ec: 0x00c0, 0x26ed: 0x00c0, 0x26ee: 0x00c0, 0x26ef: 0x00c0, + 0x26f0: 0x00c0, 0x26f1: 0x00c0, 0x26f2: 0x00c0, 0x26f3: 0x00c0, 0x26f4: 0x00c0, 0x26f5: 0x00c0, + 0x26f6: 0x00c0, 0x26f7: 0x00c0, 0x26f8: 0x00c0, 0x26f9: 0x00c0, 0x26fa: 0x00c0, 0x26fb: 0x00c0, + 0x26fc: 0x00c0, 0x26fd: 0x00c0, 0x26fe: 0x00c0, 0x26ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x2700 + 0x2700: 0x00c0, 0x2701: 0x00c0, 0x2702: 0x00c0, 0x2703: 0x00c0, 0x2704: 0x00c0, 0x2705: 0x00c0, + 0x2706: 0x00c0, 0x2707: 0x00c0, 0x2708: 0x00c0, 0x2709: 0x00c0, 0x270a: 0x00c0, 0x270b: 0x00c0, + 0x270c: 0x00c0, 0x270d: 0x00c0, 0x270e: 0x00c0, 0x270f: 0x00c0, 0x2710: 0x00c0, 0x2711: 0x00c0, + 0x2712: 0x00c0, 0x2713: 0x00c0, 0x2714: 0x00c0, 0x2715: 0x00c0, 0x2716: 0x00c0, 0x2717: 0x00c0, + 0x2718: 0x00c0, 0x2719: 0x00c0, 0x271a: 0x00c0, 0x271b: 0x00c0, 0x271c: 0x00c0, 0x271d: 0x00c0, + 0x271e: 0x00c0, 0x271f: 0x00c0, 0x2720: 0x00c0, 0x2721: 0x00c0, 0x2722: 0x00c0, 0x2723: 0x00c0, + 0x2724: 0x00c0, 0x2725: 0x00c0, 0x2726: 0x00c0, 0x2727: 0x00c0, 0x2728: 0x00c0, 0x2729: 0x00c0, + 0x272a: 0x00c0, 0x272b: 0x00c0, 0x272c: 0x00c0, 0x272d: 0x00c0, 0x272e: 0x00c0, 0x272f: 0x00c0, + 0x2730: 0x0080, 0x2731: 0x00c0, 0x2732: 0x00c0, 0x2733: 0x00c0, 0x2734: 0x00c0, 0x2735: 0x00c0, + 0x2736: 0x00c0, 0x2737: 0x00c0, 0x2738: 0x00c0, 0x2739: 0x00c0, 0x273a: 0x00c0, 0x273b: 0x00c0, + 0x273c: 0x00c0, 0x273d: 0x00c0, 0x273e: 0x00c0, 0x273f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x2740 + 0x2740: 0x00c0, 0x2741: 0x00c0, 0x2742: 0x00c0, 0x2743: 0x00c0, 0x2744: 0x00c0, 0x2745: 0x00c0, + 0x2746: 0x00c0, 0x2747: 0x00c0, 0x2748: 0x00c0, 0x2749: 0x0080, 0x274a: 0x0080, 0x274b: 0x00c0, + 0x274c: 0x00c0, 0x274d: 0x00c0, 0x274e: 0x00c0, 0x274f: 0x00c0, 0x2750: 0x00c0, 0x2751: 0x00c0, + 0x2752: 0x00c0, 0x2753: 0x00c0, 0x2754: 0x00c0, 0x2755: 0x00c0, 0x2756: 0x00c0, 0x2757: 0x00c0, + 0x2758: 0x00c0, 0x2759: 0x00c0, 0x275a: 0x00c0, 0x275b: 0x00c0, 0x275c: 0x00c0, 0x275d: 0x00c0, + 0x275e: 0x00c0, 0x275f: 0x00c0, 0x2760: 0x00c0, 0x2761: 0x00c0, 0x2762: 0x00c0, 0x2763: 0x00c0, + 0x2764: 0x00c0, 0x2765: 0x00c0, 0x2766: 0x00c0, 0x2767: 0x00c0, 0x2768: 0x00c0, 0x2769: 0x00c0, + 0x276a: 0x00c0, 0x276b: 0x00c0, 0x276c: 0x00c0, 0x276d: 0x00c0, 0x276e: 0x00c0, + 0x2770: 0x00c0, 0x2771: 0x00c0, 0x2772: 0x00c0, 0x2773: 0x00c0, 0x2774: 0x00c0, 0x2775: 0x00c0, + 0x2776: 0x00c0, 0x2777: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x2780 + 0x27b7: 0x00c0, 0x27b8: 0x0080, 0x27b9: 0x0080, 0x27ba: 0x00c0, 0x27bb: 0x00c0, + 0x27bc: 0x00c0, 0x27bd: 0x00c0, 0x27be: 0x00c0, 0x27bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x27c0 + 0x27c0: 0x00c0, 0x27c1: 0x00c0, 0x27c2: 0x00c3, 0x27c3: 0x00c0, 0x27c4: 0x00c0, 0x27c5: 0x00c0, + 0x27c6: 0x00c6, 0x27c7: 0x00c0, 0x27c8: 0x00c0, 0x27c9: 0x00c0, 0x27ca: 0x00c0, 0x27cb: 0x00c3, + 0x27cc: 0x00c0, 0x27cd: 0x00c0, 0x27ce: 0x00c0, 0x27cf: 0x00c0, 0x27d0: 0x00c0, 0x27d1: 0x00c0, + 0x27d2: 0x00c0, 0x27d3: 0x00c0, 0x27d4: 0x00c0, 0x27d5: 0x00c0, 0x27d6: 0x00c0, 0x27d7: 0x00c0, + 0x27d8: 0x00c0, 0x27d9: 0x00c0, 0x27da: 0x00c0, 0x27db: 0x00c0, 0x27dc: 0x00c0, 0x27dd: 0x00c0, + 0x27de: 0x00c0, 0x27df: 0x00c0, 0x27e0: 0x00c0, 0x27e1: 0x00c0, 0x27e2: 0x00c0, 0x27e3: 0x00c0, + 0x27e4: 0x00c0, 0x27e5: 0x00c3, 0x27e6: 0x00c3, 0x27e7: 0x00c0, 0x27e8: 0x0080, 0x27e9: 0x0080, + 0x27ea: 0x0080, 0x27eb: 0x0080, + 0x27f0: 0x0080, 0x27f1: 0x0080, 0x27f2: 0x0080, 0x27f3: 0x0080, 0x27f4: 0x0080, 0x27f5: 0x0080, + 0x27f6: 0x0080, 0x27f7: 0x0080, 0x27f8: 0x0080, 0x27f9: 0x0080, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x2800 + 0x2800: 0x00c2, 0x2801: 0x00c2, 0x2802: 0x00c2, 0x2803: 0x00c2, 0x2804: 0x00c2, 0x2805: 0x00c2, + 0x2806: 0x00c2, 0x2807: 0x00c2, 0x2808: 0x00c2, 0x2809: 0x00c2, 0x280a: 0x00c2, 0x280b: 0x00c2, + 0x280c: 0x00c2, 0x280d: 0x00c2, 0x280e: 0x00c2, 0x280f: 0x00c2, 0x2810: 0x00c2, 0x2811: 0x00c2, + 0x2812: 0x00c2, 0x2813: 0x00c2, 0x2814: 0x00c2, 0x2815: 0x00c2, 0x2816: 0x00c2, 0x2817: 0x00c2, + 0x2818: 0x00c2, 0x2819: 0x00c2, 0x281a: 0x00c2, 0x281b: 0x00c2, 0x281c: 0x00c2, 0x281d: 0x00c2, + 0x281e: 0x00c2, 0x281f: 0x00c2, 0x2820: 0x00c2, 0x2821: 0x00c2, 0x2822: 0x00c2, 0x2823: 0x00c2, + 0x2824: 0x00c2, 0x2825: 0x00c2, 0x2826: 0x00c2, 0x2827: 0x00c2, 0x2828: 0x00c2, 0x2829: 0x00c2, + 0x282a: 0x00c2, 0x282b: 0x00c2, 0x282c: 0x00c2, 0x282d: 0x00c2, 0x282e: 0x00c2, 0x282f: 0x00c2, + 0x2830: 0x00c2, 0x2831: 0x00c2, 0x2832: 0x00c1, 0x2833: 0x00c0, 0x2834: 0x0080, 0x2835: 0x0080, + 0x2836: 0x0080, 0x2837: 0x0080, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x2840 + 0x2840: 0x00c0, 0x2841: 0x00c0, 0x2842: 0x00c0, 0x2843: 0x00c0, 0x2844: 0x00c6, 0x2845: 0x00c3, + 0x284e: 0x0080, 0x284f: 0x0080, 0x2850: 0x00c0, 0x2851: 0x00c0, + 0x2852: 0x00c0, 0x2853: 0x00c0, 0x2854: 0x00c0, 0x2855: 0x00c0, 0x2856: 0x00c0, 0x2857: 0x00c0, + 0x2858: 0x00c0, 0x2859: 0x00c0, + 0x2860: 0x00c3, 0x2861: 0x00c3, 0x2862: 0x00c3, 0x2863: 0x00c3, + 0x2864: 0x00c3, 0x2865: 0x00c3, 0x2866: 0x00c3, 0x2867: 0x00c3, 0x2868: 0x00c3, 0x2869: 0x00c3, + 0x286a: 0x00c3, 0x286b: 0x00c3, 0x286c: 0x00c3, 0x286d: 0x00c3, 0x286e: 0x00c3, 0x286f: 0x00c3, + 0x2870: 0x00c3, 0x2871: 0x00c3, 0x2872: 0x00c0, 0x2873: 0x00c0, 0x2874: 0x00c0, 0x2875: 0x00c0, + 0x2876: 0x00c0, 0x2877: 0x00c0, 0x2878: 0x0080, 0x2879: 0x0080, 0x287a: 0x0080, 0x287b: 0x00c0, + 0x287c: 0x0080, 0x287d: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x2880 + 0x2880: 0x00c0, 0x2881: 0x00c0, 0x2882: 0x00c0, 0x2883: 0x00c0, 0x2884: 0x00c0, 0x2885: 0x00c0, + 0x2886: 0x00c0, 0x2887: 0x00c0, 0x2888: 0x00c0, 0x2889: 0x00c0, 0x288a: 0x00c0, 0x288b: 0x00c0, + 0x288c: 0x00c0, 0x288d: 0x00c0, 0x288e: 0x00c0, 0x288f: 0x00c0, 0x2890: 0x00c0, 0x2891: 0x00c0, + 0x2892: 0x00c0, 0x2893: 0x00c0, 0x2894: 0x00c0, 0x2895: 0x00c0, 0x2896: 0x00c0, 0x2897: 0x00c0, + 0x2898: 0x00c0, 0x2899: 0x00c0, 0x289a: 0x00c0, 0x289b: 0x00c0, 0x289c: 0x00c0, 0x289d: 0x00c0, + 0x289e: 0x00c0, 0x289f: 0x00c0, 0x28a0: 0x00c0, 0x28a1: 0x00c0, 0x28a2: 0x00c0, 0x28a3: 0x00c0, + 0x28a4: 0x00c0, 0x28a5: 0x00c0, 0x28a6: 0x00c3, 0x28a7: 0x00c3, 0x28a8: 0x00c3, 0x28a9: 0x00c3, + 0x28aa: 0x00c3, 0x28ab: 0x00c3, 0x28ac: 0x00c3, 0x28ad: 0x00c3, 0x28ae: 0x0080, 0x28af: 0x0080, + 0x28b0: 0x00c0, 0x28b1: 0x00c0, 0x28b2: 0x00c0, 0x28b3: 0x00c0, 0x28b4: 0x00c0, 0x28b5: 0x00c0, + 0x28b6: 0x00c0, 0x28b7: 0x00c0, 0x28b8: 0x00c0, 0x28b9: 0x00c0, 0x28ba: 0x00c0, 0x28bb: 0x00c0, + 0x28bc: 0x00c0, 0x28bd: 0x00c0, 0x28be: 0x00c0, 0x28bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x28c0 + 0x28c0: 0x00c0, 0x28c1: 0x00c0, 0x28c2: 0x00c0, 0x28c3: 0x00c0, 0x28c4: 0x00c0, 0x28c5: 0x00c0, + 0x28c6: 0x00c0, 0x28c7: 0x00c3, 0x28c8: 0x00c3, 0x28c9: 0x00c3, 0x28ca: 0x00c3, 0x28cb: 0x00c3, + 0x28cc: 0x00c3, 0x28cd: 0x00c3, 0x28ce: 0x00c3, 0x28cf: 0x00c3, 0x28d0: 0x00c3, 0x28d1: 0x00c3, + 0x28d2: 0x00c0, 0x28d3: 0x00c5, + 0x28df: 0x0080, 0x28e0: 0x0040, 0x28e1: 0x0040, 0x28e2: 0x0040, 0x28e3: 0x0040, + 0x28e4: 0x0040, 0x28e5: 0x0040, 0x28e6: 0x0040, 0x28e7: 0x0040, 0x28e8: 0x0040, 0x28e9: 0x0040, + 0x28ea: 0x0040, 0x28eb: 0x0040, 0x28ec: 0x0040, 0x28ed: 0x0040, 0x28ee: 0x0040, 0x28ef: 0x0040, + 0x28f0: 0x0040, 0x28f1: 0x0040, 0x28f2: 0x0040, 0x28f3: 0x0040, 0x28f4: 0x0040, 0x28f5: 0x0040, + 0x28f6: 0x0040, 0x28f7: 0x0040, 0x28f8: 0x0040, 0x28f9: 0x0040, 0x28fa: 0x0040, 0x28fb: 0x0040, + 0x28fc: 0x0040, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x2900 + 0x2900: 0x00c3, 0x2901: 0x00c3, 0x2902: 0x00c3, 0x2903: 0x00c0, 0x2904: 0x00c0, 0x2905: 0x00c0, + 0x2906: 0x00c0, 0x2907: 0x00c0, 0x2908: 0x00c0, 0x2909: 0x00c0, 0x290a: 0x00c0, 0x290b: 0x00c0, + 0x290c: 0x00c0, 0x290d: 0x00c0, 0x290e: 0x00c0, 0x290f: 0x00c0, 0x2910: 0x00c0, 0x2911: 0x00c0, + 0x2912: 0x00c0, 0x2913: 0x00c0, 0x2914: 0x00c0, 0x2915: 0x00c0, 0x2916: 0x00c0, 0x2917: 0x00c0, + 0x2918: 0x00c0, 0x2919: 0x00c0, 0x291a: 0x00c0, 0x291b: 0x00c0, 0x291c: 0x00c0, 0x291d: 0x00c0, + 0x291e: 0x00c0, 0x291f: 0x00c0, 0x2920: 0x00c0, 0x2921: 0x00c0, 0x2922: 0x00c0, 0x2923: 0x00c0, + 0x2924: 0x00c0, 0x2925: 0x00c0, 0x2926: 0x00c0, 0x2927: 0x00c0, 0x2928: 0x00c0, 0x2929: 0x00c0, + 0x292a: 0x00c0, 0x292b: 0x00c0, 0x292c: 0x00c0, 0x292d: 0x00c0, 0x292e: 0x00c0, 0x292f: 0x00c0, + 0x2930: 0x00c0, 0x2931: 0x00c0, 0x2932: 0x00c0, 0x2933: 0x00c3, 0x2934: 0x00c0, 0x2935: 0x00c0, + 0x2936: 0x00c3, 0x2937: 0x00c3, 0x2938: 0x00c3, 0x2939: 0x00c3, 0x293a: 0x00c0, 0x293b: 0x00c0, + 0x293c: 0x00c3, 0x293d: 0x00c0, 0x293e: 0x00c0, 0x293f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x2940 + 0x2940: 0x00c5, 0x2941: 0x0080, 0x2942: 0x0080, 0x2943: 0x0080, 0x2944: 0x0080, 0x2945: 0x0080, + 0x2946: 0x0080, 0x2947: 0x0080, 0x2948: 0x0080, 0x2949: 0x0080, 0x294a: 0x0080, 0x294b: 0x0080, + 0x294c: 0x0080, 0x294d: 0x0080, 0x294f: 0x00c0, 0x2950: 0x00c0, 0x2951: 0x00c0, + 0x2952: 0x00c0, 0x2953: 0x00c0, 0x2954: 0x00c0, 0x2955: 0x00c0, 0x2956: 0x00c0, 0x2957: 0x00c0, + 0x2958: 0x00c0, 0x2959: 0x00c0, + 0x295e: 0x0080, 0x295f: 0x0080, 0x2960: 0x00c0, 0x2961: 0x00c0, 0x2962: 0x00c0, 0x2963: 0x00c0, + 0x2964: 0x00c0, 0x2965: 0x00c3, 0x2966: 0x00c0, 0x2967: 0x00c0, 0x2968: 0x00c0, 0x2969: 0x00c0, + 0x296a: 0x00c0, 0x296b: 0x00c0, 0x296c: 0x00c0, 0x296d: 0x00c0, 0x296e: 0x00c0, 0x296f: 0x00c0, + 0x2970: 0x00c0, 0x2971: 0x00c0, 0x2972: 0x00c0, 0x2973: 0x00c0, 0x2974: 0x00c0, 0x2975: 0x00c0, + 0x2976: 0x00c0, 0x2977: 0x00c0, 0x2978: 0x00c0, 0x2979: 0x00c0, 0x297a: 0x00c0, 0x297b: 0x00c0, + 0x297c: 0x00c0, 0x297d: 0x00c0, 0x297e: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x2980 + 0x2980: 0x00c0, 0x2981: 0x00c0, 0x2982: 0x00c0, 0x2983: 0x00c0, 0x2984: 0x00c0, 0x2985: 0x00c0, + 0x2986: 0x00c0, 0x2987: 0x00c0, 0x2988: 0x00c0, 0x2989: 0x00c0, 0x298a: 0x00c0, 0x298b: 0x00c0, + 0x298c: 0x00c0, 0x298d: 0x00c0, 0x298e: 0x00c0, 0x298f: 0x00c0, 0x2990: 0x00c0, 0x2991: 0x00c0, + 0x2992: 0x00c0, 0x2993: 0x00c0, 0x2994: 0x00c0, 0x2995: 0x00c0, 0x2996: 0x00c0, 0x2997: 0x00c0, + 0x2998: 0x00c0, 0x2999: 0x00c0, 0x299a: 0x00c0, 0x299b: 0x00c0, 0x299c: 0x00c0, 0x299d: 0x00c0, + 0x299e: 0x00c0, 0x299f: 0x00c0, 0x29a0: 0x00c0, 0x29a1: 0x00c0, 0x29a2: 0x00c0, 0x29a3: 0x00c0, + 0x29a4: 0x00c0, 0x29a5: 0x00c0, 0x29a6: 0x00c0, 0x29a7: 0x00c0, 0x29a8: 0x00c0, 0x29a9: 0x00c3, + 0x29aa: 0x00c3, 0x29ab: 0x00c3, 0x29ac: 0x00c3, 0x29ad: 0x00c3, 0x29ae: 0x00c3, 0x29af: 0x00c0, + 0x29b0: 0x00c0, 0x29b1: 0x00c3, 0x29b2: 0x00c3, 0x29b3: 0x00c0, 0x29b4: 0x00c0, 0x29b5: 0x00c3, + 0x29b6: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x29c0 + 0x29c0: 0x00c0, 0x29c1: 0x00c0, 0x29c2: 0x00c0, 0x29c3: 0x00c3, 0x29c4: 0x00c0, 0x29c5: 0x00c0, + 0x29c6: 0x00c0, 0x29c7: 0x00c0, 0x29c8: 0x00c0, 0x29c9: 0x00c0, 0x29ca: 0x00c0, 0x29cb: 0x00c0, + 0x29cc: 0x00c3, 0x29cd: 0x00c0, 0x29d0: 0x00c0, 0x29d1: 0x00c0, + 0x29d2: 0x00c0, 0x29d3: 0x00c0, 0x29d4: 0x00c0, 0x29d5: 0x00c0, 0x29d6: 0x00c0, 0x29d7: 0x00c0, + 0x29d8: 0x00c0, 0x29d9: 0x00c0, 0x29dc: 0x0080, 0x29dd: 0x0080, + 0x29de: 0x0080, 0x29df: 0x0080, 0x29e0: 0x00c0, 0x29e1: 0x00c0, 0x29e2: 0x00c0, 0x29e3: 0x00c0, + 0x29e4: 0x00c0, 0x29e5: 0x00c0, 0x29e6: 0x00c0, 0x29e7: 0x00c0, 0x29e8: 0x00c0, 0x29e9: 0x00c0, + 0x29ea: 0x00c0, 0x29eb: 0x00c0, 0x29ec: 0x00c0, 0x29ed: 0x00c0, 0x29ee: 0x00c0, 0x29ef: 0x00c0, + 0x29f0: 0x00c0, 0x29f1: 0x00c0, 0x29f2: 0x00c0, 0x29f3: 0x00c0, 0x29f4: 0x00c0, 0x29f5: 0x00c0, + 0x29f6: 0x00c0, 0x29f7: 0x0080, 0x29f8: 0x0080, 0x29f9: 0x0080, 0x29fa: 0x00c0, 0x29fb: 0x00c0, + 0x29fc: 0x00c3, 0x29fd: 0x00c0, 0x29fe: 0x00c0, 0x29ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x2a00 + 0x2a00: 0x00c0, 0x2a01: 0x00c0, 0x2a02: 0x00c0, 0x2a03: 0x00c0, 0x2a04: 0x00c0, 0x2a05: 0x00c0, + 0x2a06: 0x00c0, 0x2a07: 0x00c0, 0x2a08: 0x00c0, 0x2a09: 0x00c0, 0x2a0a: 0x00c0, 0x2a0b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a0c: 0x00c0, 0x2a0d: 0x00c0, 0x2a0e: 0x00c0, 0x2a0f: 0x00c0, 0x2a10: 0x00c0, 0x2a11: 0x00c0, + 0x2a12: 0x00c0, 0x2a13: 0x00c0, 0x2a14: 0x00c0, 0x2a15: 0x00c0, 0x2a16: 0x00c0, 0x2a17: 0x00c0, + 0x2a18: 0x00c0, 0x2a19: 0x00c0, 0x2a1a: 0x00c0, 0x2a1b: 0x00c0, 0x2a1c: 0x00c0, 0x2a1d: 0x00c0, + 0x2a1e: 0x00c0, 0x2a1f: 0x00c0, 0x2a20: 0x00c0, 0x2a21: 0x00c0, 0x2a22: 0x00c0, 0x2a23: 0x00c0, + 0x2a24: 0x00c0, 0x2a25: 0x00c0, 0x2a26: 0x00c0, 0x2a27: 0x00c0, 0x2a28: 0x00c0, 0x2a29: 0x00c0, + 0x2a2a: 0x00c0, 0x2a2b: 0x00c0, 0x2a2c: 0x00c0, 0x2a2d: 0x00c0, 0x2a2e: 0x00c0, 0x2a2f: 0x00c0, + 0x2a30: 0x00c3, 0x2a31: 0x00c0, 0x2a32: 0x00c3, 0x2a33: 0x00c3, 0x2a34: 0x00c3, 0x2a35: 0x00c0, + 0x2a36: 0x00c0, 0x2a37: 0x00c3, 0x2a38: 0x00c3, 0x2a39: 0x00c0, 0x2a3a: 0x00c0, 0x2a3b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a3c: 0x00c0, 0x2a3d: 0x00c0, 0x2a3e: 0x00c3, 0x2a3f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x2a40 + 0x2a40: 0x00c0, 0x2a41: 0x00c3, 0x2a42: 0x00c0, + 0x2a5b: 0x00c0, 0x2a5c: 0x00c0, 0x2a5d: 0x00c0, + 0x2a5e: 0x0080, 0x2a5f: 0x0080, 0x2a60: 0x00c0, 0x2a61: 0x00c0, 0x2a62: 0x00c0, 0x2a63: 0x00c0, + 0x2a64: 0x00c0, 0x2a65: 0x00c0, 0x2a66: 0x00c0, 0x2a67: 0x00c0, 0x2a68: 0x00c0, 0x2a69: 0x00c0, + 0x2a6a: 0x00c0, 0x2a6b: 0x00c0, 0x2a6c: 0x00c3, 0x2a6d: 0x00c3, 0x2a6e: 0x00c0, 0x2a6f: 0x00c0, + 0x2a70: 0x0080, 0x2a71: 0x0080, 0x2a72: 0x00c0, 0x2a73: 0x00c0, 0x2a74: 0x00c0, 0x2a75: 0x00c0, + 0x2a76: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x2a80 + 0x2a81: 0x00c0, 0x2a82: 0x00c0, 0x2a83: 0x00c0, 0x2a84: 0x00c0, 0x2a85: 0x00c0, + 0x2a86: 0x00c0, 0x2a89: 0x00c0, 0x2a8a: 0x00c0, 0x2a8b: 0x00c0, + 0x2a8c: 0x00c0, 0x2a8d: 0x00c0, 0x2a8e: 0x00c0, 0x2a91: 0x00c0, + 0x2a92: 0x00c0, 0x2a93: 0x00c0, 0x2a94: 0x00c0, 0x2a95: 0x00c0, 0x2a96: 0x00c0, + 0x2aa0: 0x00c0, 0x2aa1: 0x00c0, 0x2aa2: 0x00c0, 0x2aa3: 0x00c0, + 0x2aa4: 0x00c0, 0x2aa5: 0x00c0, 0x2aa6: 0x00c0, 0x2aa8: 0x00c0, 0x2aa9: 0x00c0, + 0x2aaa: 0x00c0, 0x2aab: 0x00c0, 0x2aac: 0x00c0, 0x2aad: 0x00c0, 0x2aae: 0x00c0, + 0x2ab0: 0x00c0, 0x2ab1: 0x00c0, 0x2ab2: 0x00c0, 0x2ab3: 0x00c0, 0x2ab4: 0x00c0, 0x2ab5: 0x00c0, + 0x2ab6: 0x00c0, 0x2ab7: 0x00c0, 0x2ab8: 0x00c0, 0x2ab9: 0x00c0, 0x2aba: 0x00c0, 0x2abb: 0x00c0, + 0x2abc: 0x00c0, 0x2abd: 0x00c0, 0x2abe: 0x00c0, 0x2abf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x2ac0 + 0x2ac0: 0x00c0, 0x2ac1: 0x00c0, 0x2ac2: 0x00c0, 0x2ac3: 0x00c0, 0x2ac4: 0x00c0, 0x2ac5: 0x00c0, + 0x2ac6: 0x00c0, 0x2ac7: 0x00c0, 0x2ac8: 0x00c0, 0x2ac9: 0x00c0, 0x2aca: 0x00c0, 0x2acb: 0x00c0, + 0x2acc: 0x00c0, 0x2acd: 0x00c0, 0x2ace: 0x00c0, 0x2acf: 0x00c0, 0x2ad0: 0x00c0, 0x2ad1: 0x00c0, + 0x2ad2: 0x00c0, 0x2ad3: 0x00c0, 0x2ad4: 0x00c0, 0x2ad5: 0x00c0, 0x2ad6: 0x00c0, 0x2ad7: 0x00c0, + 0x2ad8: 0x00c0, 0x2ad9: 0x00c0, 0x2ada: 0x00c0, 0x2adb: 0x0080, 0x2adc: 0x0080, 0x2add: 0x0080, + 0x2ade: 0x0080, 0x2adf: 0x0080, 0x2ae0: 0x00c0, 0x2ae1: 0x00c0, 0x2ae2: 0x00c0, 0x2ae3: 0x00c0, + 0x2ae4: 0x00c0, 0x2ae5: 0x00c8, + 0x2af0: 0x00c0, 0x2af1: 0x00c0, 0x2af2: 0x00c0, 0x2af3: 0x00c0, 0x2af4: 0x00c0, 0x2af5: 0x00c0, + 0x2af6: 0x00c0, 0x2af7: 0x00c0, 0x2af8: 0x00c0, 0x2af9: 0x00c0, 0x2afa: 0x00c0, 0x2afb: 0x00c0, + 0x2afc: 0x00c0, 0x2afd: 0x00c0, 0x2afe: 0x00c0, 0x2aff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x2b00 + 0x2b00: 0x00c0, 0x2b01: 0x00c0, 0x2b02: 0x00c0, 0x2b03: 0x00c0, 0x2b04: 0x00c0, 0x2b05: 0x00c0, + 0x2b06: 0x00c0, 0x2b07: 0x00c0, 0x2b08: 0x00c0, 0x2b09: 0x00c0, 0x2b0a: 0x00c0, 0x2b0b: 0x00c0, + 0x2b0c: 0x00c0, 0x2b0d: 0x00c0, 0x2b0e: 0x00c0, 0x2b0f: 0x00c0, 0x2b10: 0x00c0, 0x2b11: 0x00c0, + 0x2b12: 0x00c0, 0x2b13: 0x00c0, 0x2b14: 0x00c0, 0x2b15: 0x00c0, 0x2b16: 0x00c0, 0x2b17: 0x00c0, + 0x2b18: 0x00c0, 0x2b19: 0x00c0, 0x2b1a: 0x00c0, 0x2b1b: 0x00c0, 0x2b1c: 0x00c0, 0x2b1d: 0x00c0, + 0x2b1e: 0x00c0, 0x2b1f: 0x00c0, 0x2b20: 0x00c0, 0x2b21: 0x00c0, 0x2b22: 0x00c0, 0x2b23: 0x00c0, + 0x2b24: 0x00c0, 0x2b25: 0x00c3, 0x2b26: 0x00c0, 0x2b27: 0x00c0, 0x2b28: 0x00c3, 0x2b29: 0x00c0, + 0x2b2a: 0x00c0, 0x2b2b: 0x0080, 0x2b2c: 0x00c0, 0x2b2d: 0x00c6, + 0x2b30: 0x00c0, 0x2b31: 0x00c0, 0x2b32: 0x00c0, 0x2b33: 0x00c0, 0x2b34: 0x00c0, 0x2b35: 0x00c0, + 0x2b36: 0x00c0, 0x2b37: 0x00c0, 0x2b38: 0x00c0, 0x2b39: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x2b40 + 0x2b40: 0x00c0, 0x2b41: 0x00c0, 0x2b42: 0x00c0, 0x2b43: 0x00c0, 0x2b44: 0x00c0, 0x2b45: 0x00c0, + 0x2b46: 0x00c0, 0x2b47: 0x00c0, 0x2b48: 0x00c0, 0x2b49: 0x00c0, 0x2b4a: 0x00c0, 0x2b4b: 0x00c0, + 0x2b4c: 0x00c0, 0x2b4d: 0x00c0, 0x2b4e: 0x00c0, 0x2b4f: 0x00c0, 0x2b50: 0x00c0, 0x2b51: 0x00c0, + 0x2b52: 0x00c0, 0x2b53: 0x00c0, 0x2b54: 0x00c0, 0x2b55: 0x00c0, 0x2b56: 0x00c0, 0x2b57: 0x00c0, + 0x2b58: 0x00c0, 0x2b59: 0x00c0, 0x2b5a: 0x00c0, 0x2b5b: 0x00c0, 0x2b5c: 0x00c0, 0x2b5d: 0x00c0, + 0x2b5e: 0x00c0, 0x2b5f: 0x00c0, 0x2b60: 0x00c0, 0x2b61: 0x00c0, 0x2b62: 0x00c0, 0x2b63: 0x00c0, + 0x2b70: 0x0040, 0x2b71: 0x0040, 0x2b72: 0x0040, 0x2b73: 0x0040, 0x2b74: 0x0040, 0x2b75: 0x0040, + 0x2b76: 0x0040, 0x2b77: 0x0040, 0x2b78: 0x0040, 0x2b79: 0x0040, 0x2b7a: 0x0040, 0x2b7b: 0x0040, + 0x2b7c: 0x0040, 0x2b7d: 0x0040, 0x2b7e: 0x0040, 0x2b7f: 0x0040, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x2b80 + 0x2b80: 0x0040, 0x2b81: 0x0040, 0x2b82: 0x0040, 0x2b83: 0x0040, 0x2b84: 0x0040, 0x2b85: 0x0040, + 0x2b86: 0x0040, 0x2b8b: 0x0040, + 0x2b8c: 0x0040, 0x2b8d: 0x0040, 0x2b8e: 0x0040, 0x2b8f: 0x0040, 0x2b90: 0x0040, 0x2b91: 0x0040, + 0x2b92: 0x0040, 0x2b93: 0x0040, 0x2b94: 0x0040, 0x2b95: 0x0040, 0x2b96: 0x0040, 0x2b97: 0x0040, + 0x2b98: 0x0040, 0x2b99: 0x0040, 0x2b9a: 0x0040, 0x2b9b: 0x0040, 0x2b9c: 0x0040, 0x2b9d: 0x0040, + 0x2b9e: 0x0040, 0x2b9f: 0x0040, 0x2ba0: 0x0040, 0x2ba1: 0x0040, 0x2ba2: 0x0040, 0x2ba3: 0x0040, + 0x2ba4: 0x0040, 0x2ba5: 0x0040, 0x2ba6: 0x0040, 0x2ba7: 0x0040, 0x2ba8: 0x0040, 0x2ba9: 0x0040, + 0x2baa: 0x0040, 0x2bab: 0x0040, 0x2bac: 0x0040, 0x2bad: 0x0040, 0x2bae: 0x0040, 0x2baf: 0x0040, + 0x2bb0: 0x0040, 0x2bb1: 0x0040, 0x2bb2: 0x0040, 0x2bb3: 0x0040, 0x2bb4: 0x0040, 0x2bb5: 0x0040, + 0x2bb6: 0x0040, 0x2bb7: 0x0040, 0x2bb8: 0x0040, 0x2bb9: 0x0040, 0x2bba: 0x0040, 0x2bbb: 0x0040, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x2bc0 + 0x2bc0: 0x008c, 0x2bc1: 0x008c, 0x2bc2: 0x008c, 0x2bc3: 0x008c, 0x2bc4: 0x008c, 0x2bc5: 0x008c, + 0x2bc6: 0x008c, 0x2bc7: 0x008c, 0x2bc8: 0x008c, 0x2bc9: 0x008c, 0x2bca: 0x008c, 0x2bcb: 0x008c, + 0x2bcc: 0x008c, 0x2bcd: 0x008c, 0x2bce: 0x00cc, 0x2bcf: 0x00cc, 0x2bd0: 0x008c, 0x2bd1: 0x00cc, + 0x2bd2: 0x008c, 0x2bd3: 0x00cc, 0x2bd4: 0x00cc, 0x2bd5: 0x008c, 0x2bd6: 0x008c, 0x2bd7: 0x008c, + 0x2bd8: 0x008c, 0x2bd9: 0x008c, 0x2bda: 0x008c, 0x2bdb: 0x008c, 0x2bdc: 0x008c, 0x2bdd: 0x008c, + 0x2bde: 0x008c, 0x2bdf: 0x00cc, 0x2be0: 0x008c, 0x2be1: 0x00cc, 0x2be2: 0x008c, 0x2be3: 0x00cc, + 0x2be4: 0x00cc, 0x2be5: 0x008c, 0x2be6: 0x008c, 0x2be7: 0x00cc, 0x2be8: 0x00cc, 0x2be9: 0x00cc, + 0x2bea: 0x008c, 0x2beb: 0x008c, 0x2bec: 0x008c, 0x2bed: 0x008c, 0x2bee: 0x008c, 0x2bef: 0x008c, + 0x2bf0: 0x008c, 0x2bf1: 0x008c, 0x2bf2: 0x008c, 0x2bf3: 0x008c, 0x2bf4: 0x008c, 0x2bf5: 0x008c, + 0x2bf6: 0x008c, 0x2bf7: 0x008c, 0x2bf8: 0x008c, 0x2bf9: 0x008c, 0x2bfa: 0x008c, 0x2bfb: 0x008c, + 0x2bfc: 0x008c, 0x2bfd: 0x008c, 0x2bfe: 0x008c, 0x2bff: 0x008c, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x2c00 + 0x2c00: 0x008c, 0x2c01: 0x008c, 0x2c02: 0x008c, 0x2c03: 0x008c, 0x2c04: 0x008c, 0x2c05: 0x008c, + 0x2c06: 0x008c, 0x2c07: 0x008c, 0x2c08: 0x008c, 0x2c09: 0x008c, 0x2c0a: 0x008c, 0x2c0b: 0x008c, + 0x2c0c: 0x008c, 0x2c0d: 0x008c, 0x2c0e: 0x008c, 0x2c0f: 0x008c, 0x2c10: 0x008c, 0x2c11: 0x008c, + 0x2c12: 0x008c, 0x2c13: 0x008c, 0x2c14: 0x008c, 0x2c15: 0x008c, 0x2c16: 0x008c, 0x2c17: 0x008c, + 0x2c18: 0x008c, 0x2c19: 0x008c, 0x2c1a: 0x008c, 0x2c1b: 0x008c, 0x2c1c: 0x008c, 0x2c1d: 0x008c, + 0x2c1e: 0x008c, 0x2c1f: 0x008c, 0x2c20: 0x008c, 0x2c21: 0x008c, 0x2c22: 0x008c, 0x2c23: 0x008c, + 0x2c24: 0x008c, 0x2c25: 0x008c, 0x2c26: 0x008c, 0x2c27: 0x008c, 0x2c28: 0x008c, 0x2c29: 0x008c, + 0x2c2a: 0x008c, 0x2c2b: 0x008c, 0x2c2c: 0x008c, 0x2c2d: 0x008c, + 0x2c30: 0x008c, 0x2c31: 0x008c, 0x2c32: 0x008c, 0x2c33: 0x008c, 0x2c34: 0x008c, 0x2c35: 0x008c, + 0x2c36: 0x008c, 0x2c37: 0x008c, 0x2c38: 0x008c, 0x2c39: 0x008c, 0x2c3a: 0x008c, 0x2c3b: 0x008c, + 0x2c3c: 0x008c, 0x2c3d: 0x008c, 0x2c3e: 0x008c, 0x2c3f: 0x008c, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x2c40 + 0x2c40: 0x008c, 0x2c41: 0x008c, 0x2c42: 0x008c, 0x2c43: 0x008c, 0x2c44: 0x008c, 0x2c45: 0x008c, + 0x2c46: 0x008c, 0x2c47: 0x008c, 0x2c48: 0x008c, 0x2c49: 0x008c, 0x2c4a: 0x008c, 0x2c4b: 0x008c, + 0x2c4c: 0x008c, 0x2c4d: 0x008c, 0x2c4e: 0x008c, 0x2c4f: 0x008c, 0x2c50: 0x008c, 0x2c51: 0x008c, + 0x2c52: 0x008c, 0x2c53: 0x008c, 0x2c54: 0x008c, 0x2c55: 0x008c, 0x2c56: 0x008c, 0x2c57: 0x008c, + 0x2c58: 0x008c, 0x2c59: 0x008c, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x2c80 + 0x2c80: 0x0080, 0x2c81: 0x0080, 0x2c82: 0x0080, 0x2c83: 0x0080, 0x2c84: 0x0080, 0x2c85: 0x0080, + 0x2c86: 0x0080, + 0x2c93: 0x0080, 0x2c94: 0x0080, 0x2c95: 0x0080, 0x2c96: 0x0080, 0x2c97: 0x0080, + 0x2c9d: 0x008a, + 0x2c9e: 0x00cb, 0x2c9f: 0x008a, 0x2ca0: 0x008a, 0x2ca1: 0x008a, 0x2ca2: 0x008a, 0x2ca3: 0x008a, + 0x2ca4: 0x008a, 0x2ca5: 0x008a, 0x2ca6: 0x008a, 0x2ca7: 0x008a, 0x2ca8: 0x008a, 0x2ca9: 0x008a, + 0x2caa: 0x008a, 0x2cab: 0x008a, 0x2cac: 0x008a, 0x2cad: 0x008a, 0x2cae: 0x008a, 0x2caf: 0x008a, + 0x2cb0: 0x008a, 0x2cb1: 0x008a, 0x2cb2: 0x008a, 0x2cb3: 0x008a, 0x2cb4: 0x008a, 0x2cb5: 0x008a, + 0x2cb6: 0x008a, 0x2cb8: 0x008a, 0x2cb9: 0x008a, 0x2cba: 0x008a, 0x2cbb: 0x008a, + 0x2cbc: 0x008a, 0x2cbe: 0x008a, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x2cc0 + 0x2cc0: 0x008a, 0x2cc1: 0x008a, 0x2cc3: 0x008a, 0x2cc4: 0x008a, + 0x2cc6: 0x008a, 0x2cc7: 0x008a, 0x2cc8: 0x008a, 0x2cc9: 0x008a, 0x2cca: 0x008a, 0x2ccb: 0x008a, + 0x2ccc: 0x008a, 0x2ccd: 0x008a, 0x2cce: 0x008a, 0x2ccf: 0x008a, 0x2cd0: 0x0080, 0x2cd1: 0x0080, + 0x2cd2: 0x0080, 0x2cd3: 0x0080, 0x2cd4: 0x0080, 0x2cd5: 0x0080, 0x2cd6: 0x0080, 0x2cd7: 0x0080, + 0x2cd8: 0x0080, 0x2cd9: 0x0080, 0x2cda: 0x0080, 0x2cdb: 0x0080, 0x2cdc: 0x0080, 0x2cdd: 0x0080, + 0x2cde: 0x0080, 0x2cdf: 0x0080, 0x2ce0: 0x0080, 0x2ce1: 0x0080, 0x2ce2: 0x0080, 0x2ce3: 0x0080, + 0x2ce4: 0x0080, 0x2ce5: 0x0080, 0x2ce6: 0x0080, 0x2ce7: 0x0080, 0x2ce8: 0x0080, 0x2ce9: 0x0080, + 0x2cea: 0x0080, 0x2ceb: 0x0080, 0x2cec: 0x0080, 0x2ced: 0x0080, 0x2cee: 0x0080, 0x2cef: 0x0080, + 0x2cf0: 0x0080, 0x2cf1: 0x0080, 0x2cf2: 0x0080, 0x2cf3: 0x0080, 0x2cf4: 0x0080, 0x2cf5: 0x0080, + 0x2cf6: 0x0080, 0x2cf7: 0x0080, 0x2cf8: 0x0080, 0x2cf9: 0x0080, 0x2cfa: 0x0080, 0x2cfb: 0x0080, + 0x2cfc: 0x0080, 0x2cfd: 0x0080, 0x2cfe: 0x0080, 0x2cff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x2d00 + 0x2d00: 0x0080, 0x2d01: 0x0080, + 0x2d13: 0x0080, 0x2d14: 0x0080, 0x2d15: 0x0080, 0x2d16: 0x0080, 0x2d17: 0x0080, + 0x2d18: 0x0080, 0x2d19: 0x0080, 0x2d1a: 0x0080, 0x2d1b: 0x0080, 0x2d1c: 0x0080, 0x2d1d: 0x0080, + 0x2d1e: 0x0080, 0x2d1f: 0x0080, 0x2d20: 0x0080, 0x2d21: 0x0080, 0x2d22: 0x0080, 0x2d23: 0x0080, + 0x2d24: 0x0080, 0x2d25: 0x0080, 0x2d26: 0x0080, 0x2d27: 0x0080, 0x2d28: 0x0080, 0x2d29: 0x0080, + 0x2d2a: 0x0080, 0x2d2b: 0x0080, 0x2d2c: 0x0080, 0x2d2d: 0x0080, 0x2d2e: 0x0080, 0x2d2f: 0x0080, + 0x2d30: 0x0080, 0x2d31: 0x0080, 0x2d32: 0x0080, 0x2d33: 0x0080, 0x2d34: 0x0080, 0x2d35: 0x0080, + 0x2d36: 0x0080, 0x2d37: 0x0080, 0x2d38: 0x0080, 0x2d39: 0x0080, 0x2d3a: 0x0080, 0x2d3b: 0x0080, + 0x2d3c: 0x0080, 0x2d3d: 0x0080, 0x2d3e: 0x0080, 0x2d3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x2d40 + 0x2d50: 0x0080, 0x2d51: 0x0080, + 0x2d52: 0x0080, 0x2d53: 0x0080, 0x2d54: 0x0080, 0x2d55: 0x0080, 0x2d56: 0x0080, 0x2d57: 0x0080, + 0x2d58: 0x0080, 0x2d59: 0x0080, 0x2d5a: 0x0080, 0x2d5b: 0x0080, 0x2d5c: 0x0080, 0x2d5d: 0x0080, + 0x2d5e: 0x0080, 0x2d5f: 0x0080, 0x2d60: 0x0080, 0x2d61: 0x0080, 0x2d62: 0x0080, 0x2d63: 0x0080, + 0x2d64: 0x0080, 0x2d65: 0x0080, 0x2d66: 0x0080, 0x2d67: 0x0080, 0x2d68: 0x0080, 0x2d69: 0x0080, + 0x2d6a: 0x0080, 0x2d6b: 0x0080, 0x2d6c: 0x0080, 0x2d6d: 0x0080, 0x2d6e: 0x0080, 0x2d6f: 0x0080, + 0x2d70: 0x0080, 0x2d71: 0x0080, 0x2d72: 0x0080, 0x2d73: 0x0080, 0x2d74: 0x0080, 0x2d75: 0x0080, + 0x2d76: 0x0080, 0x2d77: 0x0080, 0x2d78: 0x0080, 0x2d79: 0x0080, 0x2d7a: 0x0080, 0x2d7b: 0x0080, + 0x2d7c: 0x0080, 0x2d7d: 0x0080, 0x2d7e: 0x0080, 0x2d7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x2d80 + 0x2d80: 0x0080, 0x2d81: 0x0080, 0x2d82: 0x0080, 0x2d83: 0x0080, 0x2d84: 0x0080, 0x2d85: 0x0080, + 0x2d86: 0x0080, 0x2d87: 0x0080, 0x2d88: 0x0080, 0x2d89: 0x0080, 0x2d8a: 0x0080, 0x2d8b: 0x0080, + 0x2d8c: 0x0080, 0x2d8d: 0x0080, 0x2d8e: 0x0080, 0x2d8f: 0x0080, + 0x2d92: 0x0080, 0x2d93: 0x0080, 0x2d94: 0x0080, 0x2d95: 0x0080, 0x2d96: 0x0080, 0x2d97: 0x0080, + 0x2d98: 0x0080, 0x2d99: 0x0080, 0x2d9a: 0x0080, 0x2d9b: 0x0080, 0x2d9c: 0x0080, 0x2d9d: 0x0080, + 0x2d9e: 0x0080, 0x2d9f: 0x0080, 0x2da0: 0x0080, 0x2da1: 0x0080, 0x2da2: 0x0080, 0x2da3: 0x0080, + 0x2da4: 0x0080, 0x2da5: 0x0080, 0x2da6: 0x0080, 0x2da7: 0x0080, 0x2da8: 0x0080, 0x2da9: 0x0080, + 0x2daa: 0x0080, 0x2dab: 0x0080, 0x2dac: 0x0080, 0x2dad: 0x0080, 0x2dae: 0x0080, 0x2daf: 0x0080, + 0x2db0: 0x0080, 0x2db1: 0x0080, 0x2db2: 0x0080, 0x2db3: 0x0080, 0x2db4: 0x0080, 0x2db5: 0x0080, + 0x2db6: 0x0080, 0x2db7: 0x0080, 0x2db8: 0x0080, 0x2db9: 0x0080, 0x2dba: 0x0080, 0x2dbb: 0x0080, + 0x2dbc: 0x0080, 0x2dbd: 0x0080, 0x2dbe: 0x0080, 0x2dbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x2dc0 + 0x2dc0: 0x0080, 0x2dc1: 0x0080, 0x2dc2: 0x0080, 0x2dc3: 0x0080, 0x2dc4: 0x0080, 0x2dc5: 0x0080, + 0x2dc6: 0x0080, 0x2dc7: 0x0080, + 0x2df0: 0x0080, 0x2df1: 0x0080, 0x2df2: 0x0080, 0x2df3: 0x0080, 0x2df4: 0x0080, 0x2df5: 0x0080, + 0x2df6: 0x0080, 0x2df7: 0x0080, 0x2df8: 0x0080, 0x2df9: 0x0080, 0x2dfa: 0x0080, 0x2dfb: 0x0080, + 0x2dfc: 0x0080, 0x2dfd: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x2e00 + 0x2e00: 0x0040, 0x2e01: 0x0040, 0x2e02: 0x0040, 0x2e03: 0x0040, 0x2e04: 0x0040, 0x2e05: 0x0040, + 0x2e06: 0x0040, 0x2e07: 0x0040, 0x2e08: 0x0040, 0x2e09: 0x0040, 0x2e0a: 0x0040, 0x2e0b: 0x0040, + 0x2e0c: 0x0040, 0x2e0d: 0x0040, 0x2e0e: 0x0040, 0x2e0f: 0x0040, 0x2e10: 0x0080, 0x2e11: 0x0080, + 0x2e12: 0x0080, 0x2e13: 0x0080, 0x2e14: 0x0080, 0x2e15: 0x0080, 0x2e16: 0x0080, 0x2e17: 0x0080, + 0x2e18: 0x0080, 0x2e19: 0x0080, + 0x2e20: 0x00c3, 0x2e21: 0x00c3, 0x2e22: 0x00c3, 0x2e23: 0x00c3, + 0x2e24: 0x00c3, 0x2e25: 0x00c3, 0x2e26: 0x00c3, 0x2e27: 0x00c3, 0x2e28: 0x00c3, 0x2e29: 0x00c3, + 0x2e2a: 0x00c3, 0x2e2b: 0x00c3, 0x2e2c: 0x00c3, 0x2e2d: 0x00c3, 0x2e2e: 0x00c3, 0x2e2f: 0x00c3, + 0x2e30: 0x0080, 0x2e31: 0x0080, 0x2e32: 0x0080, 0x2e33: 0x0080, 0x2e34: 0x0080, 0x2e35: 0x0080, + 0x2e36: 0x0080, 0x2e37: 0x0080, 0x2e38: 0x0080, 0x2e39: 0x0080, 0x2e3a: 0x0080, 0x2e3b: 0x0080, + 0x2e3c: 0x0080, 0x2e3d: 0x0080, 0x2e3e: 0x0080, 0x2e3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x2e40 + 0x2e40: 0x0080, 0x2e41: 0x0080, 0x2e42: 0x0080, 0x2e43: 0x0080, 0x2e44: 0x0080, 0x2e45: 0x0080, + 0x2e46: 0x0080, 0x2e47: 0x0080, 0x2e48: 0x0080, 0x2e49: 0x0080, 0x2e4a: 0x0080, 0x2e4b: 0x0080, + 0x2e4c: 0x0080, 0x2e4d: 0x0080, 0x2e4e: 0x0080, 0x2e4f: 0x0080, 0x2e50: 0x0080, 0x2e51: 0x0080, + 0x2e52: 0x0080, 0x2e54: 0x0080, 0x2e55: 0x0080, 0x2e56: 0x0080, 0x2e57: 0x0080, + 0x2e58: 0x0080, 0x2e59: 0x0080, 0x2e5a: 0x0080, 0x2e5b: 0x0080, 0x2e5c: 0x0080, 0x2e5d: 0x0080, + 0x2e5e: 0x0080, 0x2e5f: 0x0080, 0x2e60: 0x0080, 0x2e61: 0x0080, 0x2e62: 0x0080, 0x2e63: 0x0080, + 0x2e64: 0x0080, 0x2e65: 0x0080, 0x2e66: 0x0080, 0x2e68: 0x0080, 0x2e69: 0x0080, + 0x2e6a: 0x0080, 0x2e6b: 0x0080, + 0x2e70: 0x0080, 0x2e71: 0x0080, 0x2e72: 0x0080, 0x2e73: 0x00c0, 0x2e74: 0x0080, + 0x2e76: 0x0080, 0x2e77: 0x0080, 0x2e78: 0x0080, 0x2e79: 0x0080, 0x2e7a: 0x0080, 0x2e7b: 0x0080, + 0x2e7c: 0x0080, 0x2e7d: 0x0080, 0x2e7e: 0x0080, 0x2e7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x2e80 + 0x2e80: 0x0080, 0x2e81: 0x0080, 0x2e82: 0x0080, 0x2e83: 0x0080, 0x2e84: 0x0080, 0x2e85: 0x0080, + 0x2e86: 0x0080, 0x2e87: 0x0080, 0x2e88: 0x0080, 0x2e89: 0x0080, 0x2e8a: 0x0080, 0x2e8b: 0x0080, + 0x2e8c: 0x0080, 0x2e8d: 0x0080, 0x2e8e: 0x0080, 0x2e8f: 0x0080, 0x2e90: 0x0080, 0x2e91: 0x0080, + 0x2e92: 0x0080, 0x2e93: 0x0080, 0x2e94: 0x0080, 0x2e95: 0x0080, 0x2e96: 0x0080, 0x2e97: 0x0080, + 0x2e98: 0x0080, 0x2e99: 0x0080, 0x2e9a: 0x0080, 0x2e9b: 0x0080, 0x2e9c: 0x0080, 0x2e9d: 0x0080, + 0x2e9e: 0x0080, 0x2e9f: 0x0080, 0x2ea0: 0x0080, 0x2ea1: 0x0080, 0x2ea2: 0x0080, 0x2ea3: 0x0080, + 0x2ea4: 0x0080, 0x2ea5: 0x0080, 0x2ea6: 0x0080, 0x2ea7: 0x0080, 0x2ea8: 0x0080, 0x2ea9: 0x0080, + 0x2eaa: 0x0080, 0x2eab: 0x0080, 0x2eac: 0x0080, 0x2ead: 0x0080, 0x2eae: 0x0080, 0x2eaf: 0x0080, + 0x2eb0: 0x0080, 0x2eb1: 0x0080, 0x2eb2: 0x0080, 0x2eb3: 0x0080, 0x2eb4: 0x0080, 0x2eb5: 0x0080, + 0x2eb6: 0x0080, 0x2eb7: 0x0080, 0x2eb8: 0x0080, 0x2eb9: 0x0080, 0x2eba: 0x0080, 0x2ebb: 0x0080, + 0x2ebc: 0x0080, 0x2ebf: 0x0040, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x2ec0 + 0x2ec1: 0x0080, 0x2ec2: 0x0080, 0x2ec3: 0x0080, 0x2ec4: 0x0080, 0x2ec5: 0x0080, + 0x2ec6: 0x0080, 0x2ec7: 0x0080, 0x2ec8: 0x0080, 0x2ec9: 0x0080, 0x2eca: 0x0080, 0x2ecb: 0x0080, + 0x2ecc: 0x0080, 0x2ecd: 0x0080, 0x2ece: 0x0080, 0x2ecf: 0x0080, 0x2ed0: 0x0080, 0x2ed1: 0x0080, + 0x2ed2: 0x0080, 0x2ed3: 0x0080, 0x2ed4: 0x0080, 0x2ed5: 0x0080, 0x2ed6: 0x0080, 0x2ed7: 0x0080, + 0x2ed8: 0x0080, 0x2ed9: 0x0080, 0x2eda: 0x0080, 0x2edb: 0x0080, 0x2edc: 0x0080, 0x2edd: 0x0080, + 0x2ede: 0x0080, 0x2edf: 0x0080, 0x2ee0: 0x0080, 0x2ee1: 0x0080, 0x2ee2: 0x0080, 0x2ee3: 0x0080, + 0x2ee4: 0x0080, 0x2ee5: 0x0080, 0x2ee6: 0x0080, 0x2ee7: 0x0080, 0x2ee8: 0x0080, 0x2ee9: 0x0080, + 0x2eea: 0x0080, 0x2eeb: 0x0080, 0x2eec: 0x0080, 0x2eed: 0x0080, 0x2eee: 0x0080, 0x2eef: 0x0080, + 0x2ef0: 0x0080, 0x2ef1: 0x0080, 0x2ef2: 0x0080, 0x2ef3: 0x0080, 0x2ef4: 0x0080, 0x2ef5: 0x0080, + 0x2ef6: 0x0080, 0x2ef7: 0x0080, 0x2ef8: 0x0080, 0x2ef9: 0x0080, 0x2efa: 0x0080, 0x2efb: 0x0080, + 0x2efc: 0x0080, 0x2efd: 0x0080, 0x2efe: 0x0080, 0x2eff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x2f00 + 0x2f00: 0x0080, 0x2f01: 0x0080, 0x2f02: 0x0080, 0x2f03: 0x0080, 0x2f04: 0x0080, 0x2f05: 0x0080, + 0x2f06: 0x0080, 0x2f07: 0x0080, 0x2f08: 0x0080, 0x2f09: 0x0080, 0x2f0a: 0x0080, 0x2f0b: 0x0080, + 0x2f0c: 0x0080, 0x2f0d: 0x0080, 0x2f0e: 0x0080, 0x2f0f: 0x0080, 0x2f10: 0x0080, 0x2f11: 0x0080, + 0x2f12: 0x0080, 0x2f13: 0x0080, 0x2f14: 0x0080, 0x2f15: 0x0080, 0x2f16: 0x0080, 0x2f17: 0x0080, + 0x2f18: 0x0080, 0x2f19: 0x0080, 0x2f1a: 0x0080, 0x2f1b: 0x0080, 0x2f1c: 0x0080, 0x2f1d: 0x0080, + 0x2f1e: 0x0080, 0x2f1f: 0x0080, 0x2f20: 0x0080, 0x2f21: 0x0080, 0x2f22: 0x0080, 0x2f23: 0x0080, + 0x2f24: 0x0080, 0x2f25: 0x0080, 0x2f26: 0x008c, 0x2f27: 0x008c, 0x2f28: 0x008c, 0x2f29: 0x008c, + 0x2f2a: 0x008c, 0x2f2b: 0x008c, 0x2f2c: 0x008c, 0x2f2d: 0x008c, 0x2f2e: 0x008c, 0x2f2f: 0x008c, + 0x2f30: 0x0080, 0x2f31: 0x008c, 0x2f32: 0x008c, 0x2f33: 0x008c, 0x2f34: 0x008c, 0x2f35: 0x008c, + 0x2f36: 0x008c, 0x2f37: 0x008c, 0x2f38: 0x008c, 0x2f39: 0x008c, 0x2f3a: 0x008c, 0x2f3b: 0x008c, + 0x2f3c: 0x008c, 0x2f3d: 0x008c, 0x2f3e: 0x008c, 0x2f3f: 0x008c, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x2f40 + 0x2f40: 0x008c, 0x2f41: 0x008c, 0x2f42: 0x008c, 0x2f43: 0x008c, 0x2f44: 0x008c, 0x2f45: 0x008c, + 0x2f46: 0x008c, 0x2f47: 0x008c, 0x2f48: 0x008c, 0x2f49: 0x008c, 0x2f4a: 0x008c, 0x2f4b: 0x008c, + 0x2f4c: 0x008c, 0x2f4d: 0x008c, 0x2f4e: 0x008c, 0x2f4f: 0x008c, 0x2f50: 0x008c, 0x2f51: 0x008c, + 0x2f52: 0x008c, 0x2f53: 0x008c, 0x2f54: 0x008c, 0x2f55: 0x008c, 0x2f56: 0x008c, 0x2f57: 0x008c, + 0x2f58: 0x008c, 0x2f59: 0x008c, 0x2f5a: 0x008c, 0x2f5b: 0x008c, 0x2f5c: 0x008c, 0x2f5d: 0x008c, + 0x2f5e: 0x0080, 0x2f5f: 0x0080, 0x2f60: 0x0040, 0x2f61: 0x0080, 0x2f62: 0x0080, 0x2f63: 0x0080, + 0x2f64: 0x0080, 0x2f65: 0x0080, 0x2f66: 0x0080, 0x2f67: 0x0080, 0x2f68: 0x0080, 0x2f69: 0x0080, + 0x2f6a: 0x0080, 0x2f6b: 0x0080, 0x2f6c: 0x0080, 0x2f6d: 0x0080, 0x2f6e: 0x0080, 0x2f6f: 0x0080, + 0x2f70: 0x0080, 0x2f71: 0x0080, 0x2f72: 0x0080, 0x2f73: 0x0080, 0x2f74: 0x0080, 0x2f75: 0x0080, + 0x2f76: 0x0080, 0x2f77: 0x0080, 0x2f78: 0x0080, 0x2f79: 0x0080, 0x2f7a: 0x0080, 0x2f7b: 0x0080, + 0x2f7c: 0x0080, 0x2f7d: 0x0080, 0x2f7e: 0x0080, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x2f80 + 0x2f82: 0x0080, 0x2f83: 0x0080, 0x2f84: 0x0080, 0x2f85: 0x0080, + 0x2f86: 0x0080, 0x2f87: 0x0080, 0x2f8a: 0x0080, 0x2f8b: 0x0080, + 0x2f8c: 0x0080, 0x2f8d: 0x0080, 0x2f8e: 0x0080, 0x2f8f: 0x0080, + 0x2f92: 0x0080, 0x2f93: 0x0080, 0x2f94: 0x0080, 0x2f95: 0x0080, 0x2f96: 0x0080, 0x2f97: 0x0080, + 0x2f9a: 0x0080, 0x2f9b: 0x0080, 0x2f9c: 0x0080, + 0x2fa0: 0x0080, 0x2fa1: 0x0080, 0x2fa2: 0x0080, 0x2fa3: 0x0080, + 0x2fa4: 0x0080, 0x2fa5: 0x0080, 0x2fa6: 0x0080, 0x2fa8: 0x0080, 0x2fa9: 0x0080, + 0x2faa: 0x0080, 0x2fab: 0x0080, 0x2fac: 0x0080, 0x2fad: 0x0080, 0x2fae: 0x0080, + 0x2fb9: 0x0040, 0x2fba: 0x0040, 0x2fbb: 0x0040, + 0x2fbc: 0x0080, 0x2fbd: 0x0080, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x2fc0 + 0x2fc0: 0x00c0, 0x2fc1: 0x00c0, 0x2fc2: 0x00c0, 0x2fc3: 0x00c0, 0x2fc4: 0x00c0, 0x2fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x2fc6: 0x00c0, 0x2fc7: 0x00c0, 0x2fc8: 0x00c0, 0x2fc9: 0x00c0, 0x2fca: 0x00c0, 0x2fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x2fcd: 0x00c0, 0x2fce: 0x00c0, 0x2fcf: 0x00c0, 0x2fd0: 0x00c0, 0x2fd1: 0x00c0, + 0x2fd2: 0x00c0, 0x2fd3: 0x00c0, 0x2fd4: 0x00c0, 0x2fd5: 0x00c0, 0x2fd6: 0x00c0, 0x2fd7: 0x00c0, + 0x2fd8: 0x00c0, 0x2fd9: 0x00c0, 0x2fda: 0x00c0, 0x2fdb: 0x00c0, 0x2fdc: 0x00c0, 0x2fdd: 0x00c0, + 0x2fde: 0x00c0, 0x2fdf: 0x00c0, 0x2fe0: 0x00c0, 0x2fe1: 0x00c0, 0x2fe2: 0x00c0, 0x2fe3: 0x00c0, + 0x2fe4: 0x00c0, 0x2fe5: 0x00c0, 0x2fe6: 0x00c0, 0x2fe8: 0x00c0, 0x2fe9: 0x00c0, + 0x2fea: 0x00c0, 0x2feb: 0x00c0, 0x2fec: 0x00c0, 0x2fed: 0x00c0, 0x2fee: 0x00c0, 0x2fef: 0x00c0, + 0x2ff0: 0x00c0, 0x2ff1: 0x00c0, 0x2ff2: 0x00c0, 0x2ff3: 0x00c0, 0x2ff4: 0x00c0, 0x2ff5: 0x00c0, + 0x2ff6: 0x00c0, 0x2ff7: 0x00c0, 0x2ff8: 0x00c0, 0x2ff9: 0x00c0, 0x2ffa: 0x00c0, + 0x2ffc: 0x00c0, 0x2ffd: 0x00c0, 0x2fff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x3000 + 0x3000: 0x00c0, 0x3001: 0x00c0, 0x3002: 0x00c0, 0x3003: 0x00c0, 0x3004: 0x00c0, 0x3005: 0x00c0, + 0x3006: 0x00c0, 0x3007: 0x00c0, 0x3008: 0x00c0, 0x3009: 0x00c0, 0x300a: 0x00c0, 0x300b: 0x00c0, + 0x300c: 0x00c0, 0x300d: 0x00c0, 0x3010: 0x00c0, 0x3011: 0x00c0, + 0x3012: 0x00c0, 0x3013: 0x00c0, 0x3014: 0x00c0, 0x3015: 0x00c0, 0x3016: 0x00c0, 0x3017: 0x00c0, + 0x3018: 0x00c0, 0x3019: 0x00c0, 0x301a: 0x00c0, 0x301b: 0x00c0, 0x301c: 0x00c0, 0x301d: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x3040 + 0x3040: 0x00c0, 0x3041: 0x00c0, 0x3042: 0x00c0, 0x3043: 0x00c0, 0x3044: 0x00c0, 0x3045: 0x00c0, + 0x3046: 0x00c0, 0x3047: 0x00c0, 0x3048: 0x00c0, 0x3049: 0x00c0, 0x304a: 0x00c0, 0x304b: 0x00c0, + 0x304c: 0x00c0, 0x304d: 0x00c0, 0x304e: 0x00c0, 0x304f: 0x00c0, 0x3050: 0x00c0, 0x3051: 0x00c0, + 0x3052: 0x00c0, 0x3053: 0x00c0, 0x3054: 0x00c0, 0x3055: 0x00c0, 0x3056: 0x00c0, 0x3057: 0x00c0, + 0x3058: 0x00c0, 0x3059: 0x00c0, 0x305a: 0x00c0, 0x305b: 0x00c0, 0x305c: 0x00c0, 0x305d: 0x00c0, + 0x305e: 0x00c0, 0x305f: 0x00c0, 0x3060: 0x00c0, 0x3061: 0x00c0, 0x3062: 0x00c0, 0x3063: 0x00c0, + 0x3064: 0x00c0, 0x3065: 0x00c0, 0x3066: 0x00c0, 0x3067: 0x00c0, 0x3068: 0x00c0, 0x3069: 0x00c0, + 0x306a: 0x00c0, 0x306b: 0x00c0, 0x306c: 0x00c0, 0x306d: 0x00c0, 0x306e: 0x00c0, 0x306f: 0x00c0, + 0x3070: 0x00c0, 0x3071: 0x00c0, 0x3072: 0x00c0, 0x3073: 0x00c0, 0x3074: 0x00c0, 0x3075: 0x00c0, + 0x3076: 0x00c0, 0x3077: 0x00c0, 0x3078: 0x00c0, 0x3079: 0x00c0, 0x307a: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x3080 + 0x3080: 0x0080, 0x3081: 0x0080, 0x3082: 0x0080, + 0x3087: 0x0080, 0x3088: 0x0080, 0x3089: 0x0080, 0x308a: 0x0080, 0x308b: 0x0080, + 0x308c: 0x0080, 0x308d: 0x0080, 0x308e: 0x0080, 0x308f: 0x0080, 0x3090: 0x0080, 0x3091: 0x0080, + 0x3092: 0x0080, 0x3093: 0x0080, 0x3094: 0x0080, 0x3095: 0x0080, 0x3096: 0x0080, 0x3097: 0x0080, + 0x3098: 0x0080, 0x3099: 0x0080, 0x309a: 0x0080, 0x309b: 0x0080, 0x309c: 0x0080, 0x309d: 0x0080, + 0x309e: 0x0080, 0x309f: 0x0080, 0x30a0: 0x0080, 0x30a1: 0x0080, 0x30a2: 0x0080, 0x30a3: 0x0080, + 0x30a4: 0x0080, 0x30a5: 0x0080, 0x30a6: 0x0080, 0x30a7: 0x0080, 0x30a8: 0x0080, 0x30a9: 0x0080, + 0x30aa: 0x0080, 0x30ab: 0x0080, 0x30ac: 0x0080, 0x30ad: 0x0080, 0x30ae: 0x0080, 0x30af: 0x0080, + 0x30b0: 0x0080, 0x30b1: 0x0080, 0x30b2: 0x0080, 0x30b3: 0x0080, + 0x30b7: 0x0080, 0x30b8: 0x0080, 0x30b9: 0x0080, 0x30ba: 0x0080, 0x30bb: 0x0080, + 0x30bc: 0x0080, 0x30bd: 0x0080, 0x30be: 0x0080, 0x30bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x30c0 + 0x30c0: 0x0088, 0x30c1: 0x0088, 0x30c2: 0x0088, 0x30c3: 0x0088, 0x30c4: 0x0088, 0x30c5: 0x0088, + 0x30c6: 0x0088, 0x30c7: 0x0088, 0x30c8: 0x0088, 0x30c9: 0x0088, 0x30ca: 0x0088, 0x30cb: 0x0088, + 0x30cc: 0x0088, 0x30cd: 0x0088, 0x30ce: 0x0088, 0x30cf: 0x0088, 0x30d0: 0x0088, 0x30d1: 0x0088, + 0x30d2: 0x0088, 0x30d3: 0x0088, 0x30d4: 0x0088, 0x30d5: 0x0088, 0x30d6: 0x0088, 0x30d7: 0x0088, + 0x30d8: 0x0088, 0x30d9: 0x0088, 0x30da: 0x0088, 0x30db: 0x0088, 0x30dc: 0x0088, 0x30dd: 0x0088, + 0x30de: 0x0088, 0x30df: 0x0088, 0x30e0: 0x0088, 0x30e1: 0x0088, 0x30e2: 0x0088, 0x30e3: 0x0088, + 0x30e4: 0x0088, 0x30e5: 0x0088, 0x30e6: 0x0088, 0x30e7: 0x0088, 0x30e8: 0x0088, 0x30e9: 0x0088, + 0x30ea: 0x0088, 0x30eb: 0x0088, 0x30ec: 0x0088, 0x30ed: 0x0088, 0x30ee: 0x0088, 0x30ef: 0x0088, + 0x30f0: 0x0088, 0x30f1: 0x0088, 0x30f2: 0x0088, 0x30f3: 0x0088, 0x30f4: 0x0088, 0x30f5: 0x0088, + 0x30f6: 0x0088, 0x30f7: 0x0088, 0x30f8: 0x0088, 0x30f9: 0x0088, 0x30fa: 0x0088, 0x30fb: 0x0088, + 0x30fc: 0x0088, 0x30fd: 0x0088, 0x30fe: 0x0088, 0x30ff: 0x0088, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x3100 + 0x3100: 0x0088, 0x3101: 0x0088, 0x3102: 0x0088, 0x3103: 0x0088, 0x3104: 0x0088, 0x3105: 0x0088, + 0x3106: 0x0088, 0x3107: 0x0088, 0x3108: 0x0088, 0x3109: 0x0088, 0x310a: 0x0088, 0x310b: 0x0088, + 0x310c: 0x0088, 0x310d: 0x0088, 0x310e: 0x0088, 0x3110: 0x0080, 0x3111: 0x0080, + 0x3112: 0x0080, 0x3113: 0x0080, 0x3114: 0x0080, 0x3115: 0x0080, 0x3116: 0x0080, 0x3117: 0x0080, + 0x3118: 0x0080, 0x3119: 0x0080, 0x311a: 0x0080, 0x311b: 0x0080, + 0x3120: 0x0088, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x3140 + 0x3150: 0x0080, 0x3151: 0x0080, + 0x3152: 0x0080, 0x3153: 0x0080, 0x3154: 0x0080, 0x3155: 0x0080, 0x3156: 0x0080, 0x3157: 0x0080, + 0x3158: 0x0080, 0x3159: 0x0080, 0x315a: 0x0080, 0x315b: 0x0080, 0x315c: 0x0080, 0x315d: 0x0080, + 0x315e: 0x0080, 0x315f: 0x0080, 0x3160: 0x0080, 0x3161: 0x0080, 0x3162: 0x0080, 0x3163: 0x0080, + 0x3164: 0x0080, 0x3165: 0x0080, 0x3166: 0x0080, 0x3167: 0x0080, 0x3168: 0x0080, 0x3169: 0x0080, + 0x316a: 0x0080, 0x316b: 0x0080, 0x316c: 0x0080, 0x316d: 0x0080, 0x316e: 0x0080, 0x316f: 0x0080, + 0x3170: 0x0080, 0x3171: 0x0080, 0x3172: 0x0080, 0x3173: 0x0080, 0x3174: 0x0080, 0x3175: 0x0080, + 0x3176: 0x0080, 0x3177: 0x0080, 0x3178: 0x0080, 0x3179: 0x0080, 0x317a: 0x0080, 0x317b: 0x0080, + 0x317c: 0x0080, 0x317d: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x3180 + 0x3180: 0x00c0, 0x3181: 0x00c0, 0x3182: 0x00c0, 0x3183: 0x00c0, 0x3184: 0x00c0, 0x3185: 0x00c0, + 0x3186: 0x00c0, 0x3187: 0x00c0, 0x3188: 0x00c0, 0x3189: 0x00c0, 0x318a: 0x00c0, 0x318b: 0x00c0, + 0x318c: 0x00c0, 0x318d: 0x00c0, 0x318e: 0x00c0, 0x318f: 0x00c0, 0x3190: 0x00c0, 0x3191: 0x00c0, + 0x3192: 0x00c0, 0x3193: 0x00c0, 0x3194: 0x00c0, 0x3195: 0x00c0, 0x3196: 0x00c0, 0x3197: 0x00c0, + 0x3198: 0x00c0, 0x3199: 0x00c0, 0x319a: 0x00c0, 0x319b: 0x00c0, 0x319c: 0x00c0, + 0x31a0: 0x00c0, 0x31a1: 0x00c0, 0x31a2: 0x00c0, 0x31a3: 0x00c0, + 0x31a4: 0x00c0, 0x31a5: 0x00c0, 0x31a6: 0x00c0, 0x31a7: 0x00c0, 0x31a8: 0x00c0, 0x31a9: 0x00c0, + 0x31aa: 0x00c0, 0x31ab: 0x00c0, 0x31ac: 0x00c0, 0x31ad: 0x00c0, 0x31ae: 0x00c0, 0x31af: 0x00c0, + 0x31b0: 0x00c0, 0x31b1: 0x00c0, 0x31b2: 0x00c0, 0x31b3: 0x00c0, 0x31b4: 0x00c0, 0x31b5: 0x00c0, + 0x31b6: 0x00c0, 0x31b7: 0x00c0, 0x31b8: 0x00c0, 0x31b9: 0x00c0, 0x31ba: 0x00c0, 0x31bb: 0x00c0, + 0x31bc: 0x00c0, 0x31bd: 0x00c0, 0x31be: 0x00c0, 0x31bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x31c0 + 0x31c0: 0x00c0, 0x31c1: 0x00c0, 0x31c2: 0x00c0, 0x31c3: 0x00c0, 0x31c4: 0x00c0, 0x31c5: 0x00c0, + 0x31c6: 0x00c0, 0x31c7: 0x00c0, 0x31c8: 0x00c0, 0x31c9: 0x00c0, 0x31ca: 0x00c0, 0x31cb: 0x00c0, + 0x31cc: 0x00c0, 0x31cd: 0x00c0, 0x31ce: 0x00c0, 0x31cf: 0x00c0, 0x31d0: 0x00c0, + 0x31e0: 0x00c3, 0x31e1: 0x0080, 0x31e2: 0x0080, 0x31e3: 0x0080, + 0x31e4: 0x0080, 0x31e5: 0x0080, 0x31e6: 0x0080, 0x31e7: 0x0080, 0x31e8: 0x0080, 0x31e9: 0x0080, + 0x31ea: 0x0080, 0x31eb: 0x0080, 0x31ec: 0x0080, 0x31ed: 0x0080, 0x31ee: 0x0080, 0x31ef: 0x0080, + 0x31f0: 0x0080, 0x31f1: 0x0080, 0x31f2: 0x0080, 0x31f3: 0x0080, 0x31f4: 0x0080, 0x31f5: 0x0080, + 0x31f6: 0x0080, 0x31f7: 0x0080, 0x31f8: 0x0080, 0x31f9: 0x0080, 0x31fa: 0x0080, 0x31fb: 0x0080, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x3200 + 0x3200: 0x00c0, 0x3201: 0x00c0, 0x3202: 0x00c0, 0x3203: 0x00c0, 0x3204: 0x00c0, 0x3205: 0x00c0, + 0x3206: 0x00c0, 0x3207: 0x00c0, 0x3208: 0x00c0, 0x3209: 0x00c0, 0x320a: 0x00c0, 0x320b: 0x00c0, + 0x320c: 0x00c0, 0x320d: 0x00c0, 0x320e: 0x00c0, 0x320f: 0x00c0, 0x3210: 0x00c0, 0x3211: 0x00c0, + 0x3212: 0x00c0, 0x3213: 0x00c0, 0x3214: 0x00c0, 0x3215: 0x00c0, 0x3216: 0x00c0, 0x3217: 0x00c0, + 0x3218: 0x00c0, 0x3219: 0x00c0, 0x321a: 0x00c0, 0x321b: 0x00c0, 0x321c: 0x00c0, 0x321d: 0x00c0, + 0x321e: 0x00c0, 0x321f: 0x00c0, 0x3220: 0x0080, 0x3221: 0x0080, 0x3222: 0x0080, 0x3223: 0x0080, + 0x3230: 0x00c0, 0x3231: 0x00c0, 0x3232: 0x00c0, 0x3233: 0x00c0, 0x3234: 0x00c0, 0x3235: 0x00c0, + 0x3236: 0x00c0, 0x3237: 0x00c0, 0x3238: 0x00c0, 0x3239: 0x00c0, 0x323a: 0x00c0, 0x323b: 0x00c0, + 0x323c: 0x00c0, 0x323d: 0x00c0, 0x323e: 0x00c0, 0x323f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x3240 + 0x3240: 0x00c0, 0x3241: 0x0080, 0x3242: 0x00c0, 0x3243: 0x00c0, 0x3244: 0x00c0, 0x3245: 0x00c0, + 0x3246: 0x00c0, 0x3247: 0x00c0, 0x3248: 0x00c0, 0x3249: 0x00c0, 0x324a: 0x0080, + 0x3250: 0x00c0, 0x3251: 0x00c0, + 0x3252: 0x00c0, 0x3253: 0x00c0, 0x3254: 0x00c0, 0x3255: 0x00c0, 0x3256: 0x00c0, 0x3257: 0x00c0, + 0x3258: 0x00c0, 0x3259: 0x00c0, 0x325a: 0x00c0, 0x325b: 0x00c0, 0x325c: 0x00c0, 0x325d: 0x00c0, + 0x325e: 0x00c0, 0x325f: 0x00c0, 0x3260: 0x00c0, 0x3261: 0x00c0, 0x3262: 0x00c0, 0x3263: 0x00c0, + 0x3264: 0x00c0, 0x3265: 0x00c0, 0x3266: 0x00c0, 0x3267: 0x00c0, 0x3268: 0x00c0, 0x3269: 0x00c0, + 0x326a: 0x00c0, 0x326b: 0x00c0, 0x326c: 0x00c0, 0x326d: 0x00c0, 0x326e: 0x00c0, 0x326f: 0x00c0, + 0x3270: 0x00c0, 0x3271: 0x00c0, 0x3272: 0x00c0, 0x3273: 0x00c0, 0x3274: 0x00c0, 0x3275: 0x00c0, + 0x3276: 0x00c3, 0x3277: 0x00c3, 0x3278: 0x00c3, 0x3279: 0x00c3, 0x327a: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x3280 + 0x3280: 0x00c0, 0x3281: 0x00c0, 0x3282: 0x00c0, 0x3283: 0x00c0, 0x3284: 0x00c0, 0x3285: 0x00c0, + 0x3286: 0x00c0, 0x3287: 0x00c0, 0x3288: 0x00c0, 0x3289: 0x00c0, 0x328a: 0x00c0, 0x328b: 0x00c0, + 0x328c: 0x00c0, 0x328d: 0x00c0, 0x328e: 0x00c0, 0x328f: 0x00c0, 0x3290: 0x00c0, 0x3291: 0x00c0, + 0x3292: 0x00c0, 0x3293: 0x00c0, 0x3294: 0x00c0, 0x3295: 0x00c0, 0x3296: 0x00c0, 0x3297: 0x00c0, + 0x3298: 0x00c0, 0x3299: 0x00c0, 0x329a: 0x00c0, 0x329b: 0x00c0, 0x329c: 0x00c0, 0x329d: 0x00c0, + 0x329f: 0x0080, 0x32a0: 0x00c0, 0x32a1: 0x00c0, 0x32a2: 0x00c0, 0x32a3: 0x00c0, + 0x32a4: 0x00c0, 0x32a5: 0x00c0, 0x32a6: 0x00c0, 0x32a7: 0x00c0, 0x32a8: 0x00c0, 0x32a9: 0x00c0, + 0x32aa: 0x00c0, 0x32ab: 0x00c0, 0x32ac: 0x00c0, 0x32ad: 0x00c0, 0x32ae: 0x00c0, 0x32af: 0x00c0, + 0x32b0: 0x00c0, 0x32b1: 0x00c0, 0x32b2: 0x00c0, 0x32b3: 0x00c0, 0x32b4: 0x00c0, 0x32b5: 0x00c0, + 0x32b6: 0x00c0, 0x32b7: 0x00c0, 0x32b8: 0x00c0, 0x32b9: 0x00c0, 0x32ba: 0x00c0, 0x32bb: 0x00c0, + 0x32bc: 0x00c0, 0x32bd: 0x00c0, 0x32be: 0x00c0, 0x32bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x32c0 + 0x32c0: 0x00c0, 0x32c1: 0x00c0, 0x32c2: 0x00c0, 0x32c3: 0x00c0, + 0x32c8: 0x00c0, 0x32c9: 0x00c0, 0x32ca: 0x00c0, 0x32cb: 0x00c0, + 0x32cc: 0x00c0, 0x32cd: 0x00c0, 0x32ce: 0x00c0, 0x32cf: 0x00c0, 0x32d0: 0x0080, 0x32d1: 0x0080, + 0x32d2: 0x0080, 0x32d3: 0x0080, 0x32d4: 0x0080, 0x32d5: 0x0080, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x3300 + 0x3300: 0x00c0, 0x3301: 0x00c0, 0x3302: 0x00c0, 0x3303: 0x00c0, 0x3304: 0x00c0, 0x3305: 0x00c0, + 0x3306: 0x00c0, 0x3307: 0x00c0, 0x3308: 0x00c0, 0x3309: 0x00c0, 0x330a: 0x00c0, 0x330b: 0x00c0, + 0x330c: 0x00c0, 0x330d: 0x00c0, 0x330e: 0x00c0, 0x330f: 0x00c0, 0x3310: 0x00c0, 0x3311: 0x00c0, + 0x3312: 0x00c0, 0x3313: 0x00c0, 0x3314: 0x00c0, 0x3315: 0x00c0, 0x3316: 0x00c0, 0x3317: 0x00c0, + 0x3318: 0x00c0, 0x3319: 0x00c0, 0x331a: 0x00c0, 0x331b: 0x00c0, 0x331c: 0x00c0, 0x331d: 0x00c0, + 0x3320: 0x00c0, 0x3321: 0x00c0, 0x3322: 0x00c0, 0x3323: 0x00c0, + 0x3324: 0x00c0, 0x3325: 0x00c0, 0x3326: 0x00c0, 0x3327: 0x00c0, 0x3328: 0x00c0, 0x3329: 0x00c0, + 0x3330: 0x00c0, 0x3331: 0x00c0, 0x3332: 0x00c0, 0x3333: 0x00c0, 0x3334: 0x00c0, 0x3335: 0x00c0, + 0x3336: 0x00c0, 0x3337: 0x00c0, 0x3338: 0x00c0, 0x3339: 0x00c0, 0x333a: 0x00c0, 0x333b: 0x00c0, + 0x333c: 0x00c0, 0x333d: 0x00c0, 0x333e: 0x00c0, 0x333f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x3340 + 0x3340: 0x00c0, 0x3341: 0x00c0, 0x3342: 0x00c0, 0x3343: 0x00c0, 0x3344: 0x00c0, 0x3345: 0x00c0, + 0x3346: 0x00c0, 0x3347: 0x00c0, 0x3348: 0x00c0, 0x3349: 0x00c0, 0x334a: 0x00c0, 0x334b: 0x00c0, + 0x334c: 0x00c0, 0x334d: 0x00c0, 0x334e: 0x00c0, 0x334f: 0x00c0, 0x3350: 0x00c0, 0x3351: 0x00c0, + 0x3352: 0x00c0, 0x3353: 0x00c0, + 0x3358: 0x00c0, 0x3359: 0x00c0, 0x335a: 0x00c0, 0x335b: 0x00c0, 0x335c: 0x00c0, 0x335d: 0x00c0, + 0x335e: 0x00c0, 0x335f: 0x00c0, 0x3360: 0x00c0, 0x3361: 0x00c0, 0x3362: 0x00c0, 0x3363: 0x00c0, + 0x3364: 0x00c0, 0x3365: 0x00c0, 0x3366: 0x00c0, 0x3367: 0x00c0, 0x3368: 0x00c0, 0x3369: 0x00c0, + 0x336a: 0x00c0, 0x336b: 0x00c0, 0x336c: 0x00c0, 0x336d: 0x00c0, 0x336e: 0x00c0, 0x336f: 0x00c0, + 0x3370: 0x00c0, 0x3371: 0x00c0, 0x3372: 0x00c0, 0x3373: 0x00c0, 0x3374: 0x00c0, 0x3375: 0x00c0, + 0x3376: 0x00c0, 0x3377: 0x00c0, 0x3378: 0x00c0, 0x3379: 0x00c0, 0x337a: 0x00c0, 0x337b: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x3380 + 0x3380: 0x00c0, 0x3381: 0x00c0, 0x3382: 0x00c0, 0x3383: 0x00c0, 0x3384: 0x00c0, 0x3385: 0x00c0, + 0x3386: 0x00c0, 0x3387: 0x00c0, 0x3388: 0x00c0, 0x3389: 0x00c0, 0x338a: 0x00c0, 0x338b: 0x00c0, + 0x338c: 0x00c0, 0x338d: 0x00c0, 0x338e: 0x00c0, 0x338f: 0x00c0, 0x3390: 0x00c0, 0x3391: 0x00c0, + 0x3392: 0x00c0, 0x3393: 0x00c0, 0x3394: 0x00c0, 0x3395: 0x00c0, 0x3396: 0x00c0, 0x3397: 0x00c0, + 0x3398: 0x00c0, 0x3399: 0x00c0, 0x339a: 0x00c0, 0x339b: 0x00c0, 0x339c: 0x00c0, 0x339d: 0x00c0, + 0x339e: 0x00c0, 0x339f: 0x00c0, 0x33a0: 0x00c0, 0x33a1: 0x00c0, 0x33a2: 0x00c0, 0x33a3: 0x00c0, + 0x33a4: 0x00c0, 0x33a5: 0x00c0, 0x33a6: 0x00c0, 0x33a7: 0x00c0, + 0x33b0: 0x00c0, 0x33b1: 0x00c0, 0x33b2: 0x00c0, 0x33b3: 0x00c0, 0x33b4: 0x00c0, 0x33b5: 0x00c0, + 0x33b6: 0x00c0, 0x33b7: 0x00c0, 0x33b8: 0x00c0, 0x33b9: 0x00c0, 0x33ba: 0x00c0, 0x33bb: 0x00c0, + 0x33bc: 0x00c0, 0x33bd: 0x00c0, 0x33be: 0x00c0, 0x33bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x33c0 + 0x33c0: 0x00c0, 0x33c1: 0x00c0, 0x33c2: 0x00c0, 0x33c3: 0x00c0, 0x33c4: 0x00c0, 0x33c5: 0x00c0, + 0x33c6: 0x00c0, 0x33c7: 0x00c0, 0x33c8: 0x00c0, 0x33c9: 0x00c0, 0x33ca: 0x00c0, 0x33cb: 0x00c0, + 0x33cc: 0x00c0, 0x33cd: 0x00c0, 0x33ce: 0x00c0, 0x33cf: 0x00c0, 0x33d0: 0x00c0, 0x33d1: 0x00c0, + 0x33d2: 0x00c0, 0x33d3: 0x00c0, 0x33d4: 0x00c0, 0x33d5: 0x00c0, 0x33d6: 0x00c0, 0x33d7: 0x00c0, + 0x33d8: 0x00c0, 0x33d9: 0x00c0, 0x33da: 0x00c0, 0x33db: 0x00c0, 0x33dc: 0x00c0, 0x33dd: 0x00c0, + 0x33de: 0x00c0, 0x33df: 0x00c0, 0x33e0: 0x00c0, 0x33e1: 0x00c0, 0x33e2: 0x00c0, 0x33e3: 0x00c0, + 0x33ef: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x3400 + 0x3400: 0x00c0, 0x3401: 0x00c0, 0x3402: 0x00c0, 0x3403: 0x00c0, 0x3404: 0x00c0, 0x3405: 0x00c0, + 0x3406: 0x00c0, 0x3407: 0x00c0, 0x3408: 0x00c0, 0x3409: 0x00c0, 0x340a: 0x00c0, 0x340b: 0x00c0, + 0x340c: 0x00c0, 0x340d: 0x00c0, 0x340e: 0x00c0, 0x340f: 0x00c0, 0x3410: 0x00c0, 0x3411: 0x00c0, + 0x3412: 0x00c0, 0x3413: 0x00c0, 0x3414: 0x00c0, 0x3415: 0x00c0, 0x3416: 0x00c0, 0x3417: 0x00c0, + 0x3418: 0x00c0, 0x3419: 0x00c0, 0x341a: 0x00c0, 0x341b: 0x00c0, 0x341c: 0x00c0, 0x341d: 0x00c0, + 0x341e: 0x00c0, 0x341f: 0x00c0, 0x3420: 0x00c0, 0x3421: 0x00c0, 0x3422: 0x00c0, 0x3423: 0x00c0, + 0x3424: 0x00c0, 0x3425: 0x00c0, 0x3426: 0x00c0, 0x3427: 0x00c0, 0x3428: 0x00c0, 0x3429: 0x00c0, + 0x342a: 0x00c0, 0x342b: 0x00c0, 0x342c: 0x00c0, 0x342d: 0x00c0, 0x342e: 0x00c0, 0x342f: 0x00c0, + 0x3430: 0x00c0, 0x3431: 0x00c0, 0x3432: 0x00c0, 0x3433: 0x00c0, 0x3434: 0x00c0, 0x3435: 0x00c0, + 0x3436: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x3440 + 0x3440: 0x00c0, 0x3441: 0x00c0, 0x3442: 0x00c0, 0x3443: 0x00c0, 0x3444: 0x00c0, 0x3445: 0x00c0, + 0x3446: 0x00c0, 0x3447: 0x00c0, 0x3448: 0x00c0, 0x3449: 0x00c0, 0x344a: 0x00c0, 0x344b: 0x00c0, + 0x344c: 0x00c0, 0x344d: 0x00c0, 0x344e: 0x00c0, 0x344f: 0x00c0, 0x3450: 0x00c0, 0x3451: 0x00c0, + 0x3452: 0x00c0, 0x3453: 0x00c0, 0x3454: 0x00c0, 0x3455: 0x00c0, + 0x3460: 0x00c0, 0x3461: 0x00c0, 0x3462: 0x00c0, 0x3463: 0x00c0, + 0x3464: 0x00c0, 0x3465: 0x00c0, 0x3466: 0x00c0, 0x3467: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x3480 + 0x3480: 0x00c0, 0x3481: 0x00c0, 0x3482: 0x00c0, 0x3483: 0x00c0, 0x3484: 0x00c0, 0x3485: 0x00c0, + 0x3488: 0x00c0, 0x348a: 0x00c0, 0x348b: 0x00c0, + 0x348c: 0x00c0, 0x348d: 0x00c0, 0x348e: 0x00c0, 0x348f: 0x00c0, 0x3490: 0x00c0, 0x3491: 0x00c0, + 0x3492: 0x00c0, 0x3493: 0x00c0, 0x3494: 0x00c0, 0x3495: 0x00c0, 0x3496: 0x00c0, 0x3497: 0x00c0, + 0x3498: 0x00c0, 0x3499: 0x00c0, 0x349a: 0x00c0, 0x349b: 0x00c0, 0x349c: 0x00c0, 0x349d: 0x00c0, + 0x349e: 0x00c0, 0x349f: 0x00c0, 0x34a0: 0x00c0, 0x34a1: 0x00c0, 0x34a2: 0x00c0, 0x34a3: 0x00c0, + 0x34a4: 0x00c0, 0x34a5: 0x00c0, 0x34a6: 0x00c0, 0x34a7: 0x00c0, 0x34a8: 0x00c0, 0x34a9: 0x00c0, + 0x34aa: 0x00c0, 0x34ab: 0x00c0, 0x34ac: 0x00c0, 0x34ad: 0x00c0, 0x34ae: 0x00c0, 0x34af: 0x00c0, + 0x34b0: 0x00c0, 0x34b1: 0x00c0, 0x34b2: 0x00c0, 0x34b3: 0x00c0, 0x34b4: 0x00c0, 0x34b5: 0x00c0, + 0x34b7: 0x00c0, 0x34b8: 0x00c0, + 0x34bc: 0x00c0, 0x34bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x34c0 + 0x34c0: 0x00c0, 0x34c1: 0x00c0, 0x34c2: 0x00c0, 0x34c3: 0x00c0, 0x34c4: 0x00c0, 0x34c5: 0x00c0, + 0x34c6: 0x00c0, 0x34c7: 0x00c0, 0x34c8: 0x00c0, 0x34c9: 0x00c0, 0x34ca: 0x00c0, 0x34cb: 0x00c0, + 0x34cc: 0x00c0, 0x34cd: 0x00c0, 0x34ce: 0x00c0, 0x34cf: 0x00c0, 0x34d0: 0x00c0, 0x34d1: 0x00c0, + 0x34d2: 0x00c0, 0x34d3: 0x00c0, 0x34d4: 0x00c0, 0x34d5: 0x00c0, 0x34d7: 0x0080, + 0x34d8: 0x0080, 0x34d9: 0x0080, 0x34da: 0x0080, 0x34db: 0x0080, 0x34dc: 0x0080, 0x34dd: 0x0080, + 0x34de: 0x0080, 0x34df: 0x0080, 0x34e0: 0x00c0, 0x34e1: 0x00c0, 0x34e2: 0x00c0, 0x34e3: 0x00c0, + 0x34e4: 0x00c0, 0x34e5: 0x00c0, 0x34e6: 0x00c0, 0x34e7: 0x00c0, 0x34e8: 0x00c0, 0x34e9: 0x00c0, + 0x34ea: 0x00c0, 0x34eb: 0x00c0, 0x34ec: 0x00c0, 0x34ed: 0x00c0, 0x34ee: 0x00c0, 0x34ef: 0x00c0, + 0x34f0: 0x00c0, 0x34f1: 0x00c0, 0x34f2: 0x00c0, 0x34f3: 0x00c0, 0x34f4: 0x00c0, 0x34f5: 0x00c0, + 0x34f6: 0x00c0, 0x34f7: 0x0080, 0x34f8: 0x0080, 0x34f9: 0x0080, 0x34fa: 0x0080, 0x34fb: 0x0080, + 0x34fc: 0x0080, 0x34fd: 0x0080, 0x34fe: 0x0080, 0x34ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x3500 + 0x3500: 0x00c0, 0x3501: 0x00c0, 0x3502: 0x00c0, 0x3503: 0x00c0, 0x3504: 0x00c0, 0x3505: 0x00c0, + 0x3506: 0x00c0, 0x3507: 0x00c0, 0x3508: 0x00c0, 0x3509: 0x00c0, 0x350a: 0x00c0, 0x350b: 0x00c0, + 0x350c: 0x00c0, 0x350d: 0x00c0, 0x350e: 0x00c0, 0x350f: 0x00c0, 0x3510: 0x00c0, 0x3511: 0x00c0, + 0x3512: 0x00c0, 0x3513: 0x00c0, 0x3514: 0x00c0, 0x3515: 0x00c0, 0x3516: 0x00c0, 0x3517: 0x00c0, + 0x3518: 0x00c0, 0x3519: 0x00c0, 0x351a: 0x00c0, 0x351b: 0x00c0, 0x351c: 0x00c0, 0x351d: 0x00c0, + 0x351e: 0x00c0, + 0x3527: 0x0080, 0x3528: 0x0080, 0x3529: 0x0080, + 0x352a: 0x0080, 0x352b: 0x0080, 0x352c: 0x0080, 0x352d: 0x0080, 0x352e: 0x0080, 0x352f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x3540 + 0x3560: 0x00c0, 0x3561: 0x00c0, 0x3562: 0x00c0, 0x3563: 0x00c0, + 0x3564: 0x00c0, 0x3565: 0x00c0, 0x3566: 0x00c0, 0x3567: 0x00c0, 0x3568: 0x00c0, 0x3569: 0x00c0, + 0x356a: 0x00c0, 0x356b: 0x00c0, 0x356c: 0x00c0, 0x356d: 0x00c0, 0x356e: 0x00c0, 0x356f: 0x00c0, + 0x3570: 0x00c0, 0x3571: 0x00c0, 0x3572: 0x00c0, 0x3574: 0x00c0, 0x3575: 0x00c0, + 0x357b: 0x0080, + 0x357c: 0x0080, 0x357d: 0x0080, 0x357e: 0x0080, 0x357f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x3580 + 0x3580: 0x00c0, 0x3581: 0x00c0, 0x3582: 0x00c0, 0x3583: 0x00c0, 0x3584: 0x00c0, 0x3585: 0x00c0, + 0x3586: 0x00c0, 0x3587: 0x00c0, 0x3588: 0x00c0, 0x3589: 0x00c0, 0x358a: 0x00c0, 0x358b: 0x00c0, + 0x358c: 0x00c0, 0x358d: 0x00c0, 0x358e: 0x00c0, 0x358f: 0x00c0, 0x3590: 0x00c0, 0x3591: 0x00c0, + 0x3592: 0x00c0, 0x3593: 0x00c0, 0x3594: 0x00c0, 0x3595: 0x00c0, 0x3596: 0x0080, 0x3597: 0x0080, + 0x3598: 0x0080, 0x3599: 0x0080, 0x359a: 0x0080, 0x359b: 0x0080, + 0x359f: 0x0080, 0x35a0: 0x00c0, 0x35a1: 0x00c0, 0x35a2: 0x00c0, 0x35a3: 0x00c0, + 0x35a4: 0x00c0, 0x35a5: 0x00c0, 0x35a6: 0x00c0, 0x35a7: 0x00c0, 0x35a8: 0x00c0, 0x35a9: 0x00c0, + 0x35aa: 0x00c0, 0x35ab: 0x00c0, 0x35ac: 0x00c0, 0x35ad: 0x00c0, 0x35ae: 0x00c0, 0x35af: 0x00c0, + 0x35b0: 0x00c0, 0x35b1: 0x00c0, 0x35b2: 0x00c0, 0x35b3: 0x00c0, 0x35b4: 0x00c0, 0x35b5: 0x00c0, + 0x35b6: 0x00c0, 0x35b7: 0x00c0, 0x35b8: 0x00c0, 0x35b9: 0x00c0, + 0x35bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x35c0 + 0x35c0: 0x00c0, 0x35c1: 0x00c0, 0x35c2: 0x00c0, 0x35c3: 0x00c0, 0x35c4: 0x00c0, 0x35c5: 0x00c0, + 0x35c6: 0x00c0, 0x35c7: 0x00c0, 0x35c8: 0x00c0, 0x35c9: 0x00c0, 0x35ca: 0x00c0, 0x35cb: 0x00c0, + 0x35cc: 0x00c0, 0x35cd: 0x00c0, 0x35ce: 0x00c0, 0x35cf: 0x00c0, 0x35d0: 0x00c0, 0x35d1: 0x00c0, + 0x35d2: 0x00c0, 0x35d3: 0x00c0, 0x35d4: 0x00c0, 0x35d5: 0x00c0, 0x35d6: 0x00c0, 0x35d7: 0x00c0, + 0x35d8: 0x00c0, 0x35d9: 0x00c0, 0x35da: 0x00c0, 0x35db: 0x00c0, 0x35dc: 0x00c0, 0x35dd: 0x00c0, + 0x35de: 0x00c0, 0x35df: 0x00c0, 0x35e0: 0x00c0, 0x35e1: 0x00c0, 0x35e2: 0x00c0, 0x35e3: 0x00c0, + 0x35e4: 0x00c0, 0x35e5: 0x00c0, 0x35e6: 0x00c0, 0x35e7: 0x00c0, 0x35e8: 0x00c0, 0x35e9: 0x00c0, + 0x35ea: 0x00c0, 0x35eb: 0x00c0, 0x35ec: 0x00c0, 0x35ed: 0x00c0, 0x35ee: 0x00c0, 0x35ef: 0x00c0, + 0x35f0: 0x00c0, 0x35f1: 0x00c0, 0x35f2: 0x00c0, 0x35f3: 0x00c0, 0x35f4: 0x00c0, 0x35f5: 0x00c0, + 0x35f6: 0x00c0, 0x35f7: 0x00c0, + 0x35fc: 0x0080, 0x35fd: 0x0080, 0x35fe: 0x00c0, 0x35ff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x3600 + 0x3600: 0x00c0, 0x3601: 0x00c3, 0x3602: 0x00c3, 0x3603: 0x00c3, 0x3605: 0x00c3, + 0x3606: 0x00c3, + 0x360c: 0x00c3, 0x360d: 0x00c3, 0x360e: 0x00c3, 0x360f: 0x00c3, 0x3610: 0x00c0, 0x3611: 0x00c0, + 0x3612: 0x00c0, 0x3613: 0x00c0, 0x3615: 0x00c0, 0x3616: 0x00c0, 0x3617: 0x00c0, + 0x3619: 0x00c0, 0x361a: 0x00c0, 0x361b: 0x00c0, 0x361c: 0x00c0, 0x361d: 0x00c0, + 0x361e: 0x00c0, 0x361f: 0x00c0, 0x3620: 0x00c0, 0x3621: 0x00c0, 0x3622: 0x00c0, 0x3623: 0x00c0, + 0x3624: 0x00c0, 0x3625: 0x00c0, 0x3626: 0x00c0, 0x3627: 0x00c0, 0x3628: 0x00c0, 0x3629: 0x00c0, + 0x362a: 0x00c0, 0x362b: 0x00c0, 0x362c: 0x00c0, 0x362d: 0x00c0, 0x362e: 0x00c0, 0x362f: 0x00c0, + 0x3630: 0x00c0, 0x3631: 0x00c0, 0x3632: 0x00c0, 0x3633: 0x00c0, + 0x3638: 0x00c3, 0x3639: 0x00c3, 0x363a: 0x00c3, + 0x363f: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x3640 + 0x3640: 0x0080, 0x3641: 0x0080, 0x3642: 0x0080, 0x3643: 0x0080, 0x3644: 0x0080, 0x3645: 0x0080, + 0x3646: 0x0080, 0x3647: 0x0080, + 0x3650: 0x0080, 0x3651: 0x0080, + 0x3652: 0x0080, 0x3653: 0x0080, 0x3654: 0x0080, 0x3655: 0x0080, 0x3656: 0x0080, 0x3657: 0x0080, + 0x3658: 0x0080, + 0x3660: 0x00c0, 0x3661: 0x00c0, 0x3662: 0x00c0, 0x3663: 0x00c0, + 0x3664: 0x00c0, 0x3665: 0x00c0, 0x3666: 0x00c0, 0x3667: 0x00c0, 0x3668: 0x00c0, 0x3669: 0x00c0, + 0x366a: 0x00c0, 0x366b: 0x00c0, 0x366c: 0x00c0, 0x366d: 0x00c0, 0x366e: 0x00c0, 0x366f: 0x00c0, + 0x3670: 0x00c0, 0x3671: 0x00c0, 0x3672: 0x00c0, 0x3673: 0x00c0, 0x3674: 0x00c0, 0x3675: 0x00c0, + 0x3676: 0x00c0, 0x3677: 0x00c0, 0x3678: 0x00c0, 0x3679: 0x00c0, 0x367a: 0x00c0, 0x367b: 0x00c0, + 0x367c: 0x00c0, 0x367d: 0x0080, 0x367e: 0x0080, 0x367f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x3680 + 0x3680: 0x00c0, 0x3681: 0x00c0, 0x3682: 0x00c0, 0x3683: 0x00c0, 0x3684: 0x00c0, 0x3685: 0x00c0, + 0x3686: 0x00c0, 0x3687: 0x00c0, 0x3688: 0x00c0, 0x3689: 0x00c0, 0x368a: 0x00c0, 0x368b: 0x00c0, + 0x368c: 0x00c0, 0x368d: 0x00c0, 0x368e: 0x00c0, 0x368f: 0x00c0, 0x3690: 0x00c0, 0x3691: 0x00c0, + 0x3692: 0x00c0, 0x3693: 0x00c0, 0x3694: 0x00c0, 0x3695: 0x00c0, 0x3696: 0x00c0, 0x3697: 0x00c0, + 0x3698: 0x00c0, 0x3699: 0x00c0, 0x369a: 0x00c0, 0x369b: 0x00c0, 0x369c: 0x00c0, 0x369d: 0x0080, + 0x369e: 0x0080, 0x369f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x36c0 + 0x36c0: 0x00c2, 0x36c1: 0x00c2, 0x36c2: 0x00c2, 0x36c3: 0x00c2, 0x36c4: 0x00c2, 0x36c5: 0x00c4, + 0x36c6: 0x00c0, 0x36c7: 0x00c4, 0x36c8: 0x0080, 0x36c9: 0x00c4, 0x36ca: 0x00c4, 0x36cb: 0x00c0, + 0x36cc: 0x00c0, 0x36cd: 0x00c1, 0x36ce: 0x00c4, 0x36cf: 0x00c4, 0x36d0: 0x00c4, 0x36d1: 0x00c4, + 0x36d2: 0x00c4, 0x36d3: 0x00c2, 0x36d4: 0x00c2, 0x36d5: 0x00c2, 0x36d6: 0x00c2, 0x36d7: 0x00c1, + 0x36d8: 0x00c2, 0x36d9: 0x00c2, 0x36da: 0x00c2, 0x36db: 0x00c2, 0x36dc: 0x00c2, 0x36dd: 0x00c4, + 0x36de: 0x00c2, 0x36df: 0x00c2, 0x36e0: 0x00c2, 0x36e1: 0x00c4, 0x36e2: 0x00c0, 0x36e3: 0x00c0, + 0x36e4: 0x00c4, 0x36e5: 0x00c3, 0x36e6: 0x00c3, + 0x36eb: 0x0082, 0x36ec: 0x0082, 0x36ed: 0x0082, 0x36ee: 0x0082, 0x36ef: 0x0084, + 0x36f0: 0x0080, 0x36f1: 0x0080, 0x36f2: 0x0080, 0x36f3: 0x0080, 0x36f4: 0x0080, 0x36f5: 0x0080, + 0x36f6: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x3700 + 0x3700: 0x00c0, 0x3701: 0x00c0, 0x3702: 0x00c0, 0x3703: 0x00c0, 0x3704: 0x00c0, 0x3705: 0x00c0, + 0x3706: 0x00c0, 0x3707: 0x00c0, 0x3708: 0x00c0, 0x3709: 0x00c0, 0x370a: 0x00c0, 0x370b: 0x00c0, + 0x370c: 0x00c0, 0x370d: 0x00c0, 0x370e: 0x00c0, 0x370f: 0x00c0, 0x3710: 0x00c0, 0x3711: 0x00c0, + 0x3712: 0x00c0, 0x3713: 0x00c0, 0x3714: 0x00c0, 0x3715: 0x00c0, 0x3716: 0x00c0, 0x3717: 0x00c0, + 0x3718: 0x00c0, 0x3719: 0x00c0, 0x371a: 0x00c0, 0x371b: 0x00c0, 0x371c: 0x00c0, 0x371d: 0x00c0, + 0x371e: 0x00c0, 0x371f: 0x00c0, 0x3720: 0x00c0, 0x3721: 0x00c0, 0x3722: 0x00c0, 0x3723: 0x00c0, + 0x3724: 0x00c0, 0x3725: 0x00c0, 0x3726: 0x00c0, 0x3727: 0x00c0, 0x3728: 0x00c0, 0x3729: 0x00c0, + 0x372a: 0x00c0, 0x372b: 0x00c0, 0x372c: 0x00c0, 0x372d: 0x00c0, 0x372e: 0x00c0, 0x372f: 0x00c0, + 0x3730: 0x00c0, 0x3731: 0x00c0, 0x3732: 0x00c0, 0x3733: 0x00c0, 0x3734: 0x00c0, 0x3735: 0x00c0, + 0x3739: 0x0080, 0x373a: 0x0080, 0x373b: 0x0080, + 0x373c: 0x0080, 0x373d: 0x0080, 0x373e: 0x0080, 0x373f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x3740 + 0x3740: 0x00c0, 0x3741: 0x00c0, 0x3742: 0x00c0, 0x3743: 0x00c0, 0x3744: 0x00c0, 0x3745: 0x00c0, + 0x3746: 0x00c0, 0x3747: 0x00c0, 0x3748: 0x00c0, 0x3749: 0x00c0, 0x374a: 0x00c0, 0x374b: 0x00c0, + 0x374c: 0x00c0, 0x374d: 0x00c0, 0x374e: 0x00c0, 0x374f: 0x00c0, 0x3750: 0x00c0, 0x3751: 0x00c0, + 0x3752: 0x00c0, 0x3753: 0x00c0, 0x3754: 0x00c0, 0x3755: 0x00c0, + 0x3758: 0x0080, 0x3759: 0x0080, 0x375a: 0x0080, 0x375b: 0x0080, 0x375c: 0x0080, 0x375d: 0x0080, + 0x375e: 0x0080, 0x375f: 0x0080, 0x3760: 0x00c0, 0x3761: 0x00c0, 0x3762: 0x00c0, 0x3763: 0x00c0, + 0x3764: 0x00c0, 0x3765: 0x00c0, 0x3766: 0x00c0, 0x3767: 0x00c0, 0x3768: 0x00c0, 0x3769: 0x00c0, + 0x376a: 0x00c0, 0x376b: 0x00c0, 0x376c: 0x00c0, 0x376d: 0x00c0, 0x376e: 0x00c0, 0x376f: 0x00c0, + 0x3770: 0x00c0, 0x3771: 0x00c0, 0x3772: 0x00c0, + 0x3778: 0x0080, 0x3779: 0x0080, 0x377a: 0x0080, 0x377b: 0x0080, + 0x377c: 0x0080, 0x377d: 0x0080, 0x377e: 0x0080, 0x377f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x3780 + 0x3780: 0x00c2, 0x3781: 0x00c4, 0x3782: 0x00c2, 0x3783: 0x00c4, 0x3784: 0x00c4, 0x3785: 0x00c4, + 0x3786: 0x00c2, 0x3787: 0x00c2, 0x3788: 0x00c2, 0x3789: 0x00c4, 0x378a: 0x00c2, 0x378b: 0x00c2, + 0x378c: 0x00c4, 0x378d: 0x00c2, 0x378e: 0x00c4, 0x378f: 0x00c4, 0x3790: 0x00c2, 0x3791: 0x00c4, + 0x3799: 0x0080, 0x379a: 0x0080, 0x379b: 0x0080, 0x379c: 0x0080, + 0x37a9: 0x0084, + 0x37aa: 0x0084, 0x37ab: 0x0084, 0x37ac: 0x0084, 0x37ad: 0x0082, 0x37ae: 0x0082, 0x37af: 0x0080, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x37c0 + 0x37c0: 0x00c0, 0x37c1: 0x00c0, 0x37c2: 0x00c0, 0x37c3: 0x00c0, 0x37c4: 0x00c0, 0x37c5: 0x00c0, + 0x37c6: 0x00c0, 0x37c7: 0x00c0, 0x37c8: 0x00c0, 0x37c9: 0x00c0, 0x37ca: 0x00c0, 0x37cb: 0x00c0, + 0x37cc: 0x00c0, 0x37cd: 0x00c0, 0x37ce: 0x00c0, 0x37cf: 0x00c0, 0x37d0: 0x00c0, 0x37d1: 0x00c0, + 0x37d2: 0x00c0, 0x37d3: 0x00c0, 0x37d4: 0x00c0, 0x37d5: 0x00c0, 0x37d6: 0x00c0, 0x37d7: 0x00c0, + 0x37d8: 0x00c0, 0x37d9: 0x00c0, 0x37da: 0x00c0, 0x37db: 0x00c0, 0x37dc: 0x00c0, 0x37dd: 0x00c0, + 0x37de: 0x00c0, 0x37df: 0x00c0, 0x37e0: 0x00c0, 0x37e1: 0x00c0, 0x37e2: 0x00c0, 0x37e3: 0x00c0, + 0x37e4: 0x00c0, 0x37e5: 0x00c0, 0x37e6: 0x00c0, 0x37e7: 0x00c0, 0x37e8: 0x00c0, 0x37e9: 0x00c0, + 0x37ea: 0x00c0, 0x37eb: 0x00c0, 0x37ec: 0x00c0, 0x37ed: 0x00c0, 0x37ee: 0x00c0, 0x37ef: 0x00c0, + 0x37f0: 0x00c0, 0x37f1: 0x00c0, 0x37f2: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x3800 + 0x3800: 0x00c0, 0x3801: 0x00c0, 0x3802: 0x00c0, 0x3803: 0x00c0, 0x3804: 0x00c0, 0x3805: 0x00c0, + 0x3806: 0x00c0, 0x3807: 0x00c0, 0x3808: 0x00c0, 0x3809: 0x00c0, 0x380a: 0x00c0, 0x380b: 0x00c0, + 0x380c: 0x00c0, 0x380d: 0x00c0, 0x380e: 0x00c0, 0x380f: 0x00c0, 0x3810: 0x00c0, 0x3811: 0x00c0, + 0x3812: 0x00c0, 0x3813: 0x00c0, 0x3814: 0x00c0, 0x3815: 0x00c0, 0x3816: 0x00c0, 0x3817: 0x00c0, + 0x3818: 0x00c0, 0x3819: 0x00c0, 0x381a: 0x00c0, 0x381b: 0x00c0, 0x381c: 0x00c0, 0x381d: 0x00c0, + 0x381e: 0x00c0, 0x381f: 0x00c0, 0x3820: 0x00c0, 0x3821: 0x00c0, 0x3822: 0x00c0, 0x3823: 0x00c0, + 0x3824: 0x00c0, 0x3825: 0x00c0, 0x3826: 0x00c0, 0x3827: 0x00c0, 0x3828: 0x00c0, 0x3829: 0x00c0, + 0x382a: 0x00c0, 0x382b: 0x00c0, 0x382c: 0x00c0, 0x382d: 0x00c0, 0x382e: 0x00c0, 0x382f: 0x00c0, + 0x3830: 0x00c0, 0x3831: 0x00c0, 0x3832: 0x00c0, + 0x383a: 0x0080, 0x383b: 0x0080, + 0x383c: 0x0080, 0x383d: 0x0080, 0x383e: 0x0080, 0x383f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x3840 + 0x3860: 0x0080, 0x3861: 0x0080, 0x3862: 0x0080, 0x3863: 0x0080, + 0x3864: 0x0080, 0x3865: 0x0080, 0x3866: 0x0080, 0x3867: 0x0080, 0x3868: 0x0080, 0x3869: 0x0080, + 0x386a: 0x0080, 0x386b: 0x0080, 0x386c: 0x0080, 0x386d: 0x0080, 0x386e: 0x0080, 0x386f: 0x0080, + 0x3870: 0x0080, 0x3871: 0x0080, 0x3872: 0x0080, 0x3873: 0x0080, 0x3874: 0x0080, 0x3875: 0x0080, + 0x3876: 0x0080, 0x3877: 0x0080, 0x3878: 0x0080, 0x3879: 0x0080, 0x387a: 0x0080, 0x387b: 0x0080, + 0x387c: 0x0080, 0x387d: 0x0080, 0x387e: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x3880 + 0x3880: 0x00c0, 0x3881: 0x00c3, 0x3882: 0x00c0, 0x3883: 0x00c0, 0x3884: 0x00c0, 0x3885: 0x00c0, + 0x3886: 0x00c0, 0x3887: 0x00c0, 0x3888: 0x00c0, 0x3889: 0x00c0, 0x388a: 0x00c0, 0x388b: 0x00c0, + 0x388c: 0x00c0, 0x388d: 0x00c0, 0x388e: 0x00c0, 0x388f: 0x00c0, 0x3890: 0x00c0, 0x3891: 0x00c0, + 0x3892: 0x00c0, 0x3893: 0x00c0, 0x3894: 0x00c0, 0x3895: 0x00c0, 0x3896: 0x00c0, 0x3897: 0x00c0, + 0x3898: 0x00c0, 0x3899: 0x00c0, 0x389a: 0x00c0, 0x389b: 0x00c0, 0x389c: 0x00c0, 0x389d: 0x00c0, + 0x389e: 0x00c0, 0x389f: 0x00c0, 0x38a0: 0x00c0, 0x38a1: 0x00c0, 0x38a2: 0x00c0, 0x38a3: 0x00c0, + 0x38a4: 0x00c0, 0x38a5: 0x00c0, 0x38a6: 0x00c0, 0x38a7: 0x00c0, 0x38a8: 0x00c0, 0x38a9: 0x00c0, + 0x38aa: 0x00c0, 0x38ab: 0x00c0, 0x38ac: 0x00c0, 0x38ad: 0x00c0, 0x38ae: 0x00c0, 0x38af: 0x00c0, + 0x38b0: 0x00c0, 0x38b1: 0x00c0, 0x38b2: 0x00c0, 0x38b3: 0x00c0, 0x38b4: 0x00c0, 0x38b5: 0x00c0, + 0x38b6: 0x00c0, 0x38b7: 0x00c0, 0x38b8: 0x00c3, 0x38b9: 0x00c3, 0x38ba: 0x00c3, 0x38bb: 0x00c3, + 0x38bc: 0x00c3, 0x38bd: 0x00c3, 0x38be: 0x00c3, 0x38bf: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x38c0 + 0x38c0: 0x00c3, 0x38c1: 0x00c3, 0x38c2: 0x00c3, 0x38c3: 0x00c3, 0x38c4: 0x00c3, 0x38c5: 0x00c3, + 0x38c6: 0x00c6, 0x38c7: 0x0080, 0x38c8: 0x0080, 0x38c9: 0x0080, 0x38ca: 0x0080, 0x38cb: 0x0080, + 0x38cc: 0x0080, 0x38cd: 0x0080, + 0x38d2: 0x0080, 0x38d3: 0x0080, 0x38d4: 0x0080, 0x38d5: 0x0080, 0x38d6: 0x0080, 0x38d7: 0x0080, + 0x38d8: 0x0080, 0x38d9: 0x0080, 0x38da: 0x0080, 0x38db: 0x0080, 0x38dc: 0x0080, 0x38dd: 0x0080, + 0x38de: 0x0080, 0x38df: 0x0080, 0x38e0: 0x0080, 0x38e1: 0x0080, 0x38e2: 0x0080, 0x38e3: 0x0080, + 0x38e4: 0x0080, 0x38e5: 0x0080, 0x38e6: 0x00c0, 0x38e7: 0x00c0, 0x38e8: 0x00c0, 0x38e9: 0x00c0, + 0x38ea: 0x00c0, 0x38eb: 0x00c0, 0x38ec: 0x00c0, 0x38ed: 0x00c0, 0x38ee: 0x00c0, 0x38ef: 0x00c0, + 0x38ff: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x3900 + 0x3900: 0x00c3, 0x3901: 0x00c3, 0x3902: 0x00c0, 0x3903: 0x00c0, 0x3904: 0x00c0, 0x3905: 0x00c0, + 0x3906: 0x00c0, 0x3907: 0x00c0, 0x3908: 0x00c0, 0x3909: 0x00c0, 0x390a: 0x00c0, 0x390b: 0x00c0, + 0x390c: 0x00c0, 0x390d: 0x00c0, 0x390e: 0x00c0, 0x390f: 0x00c0, 0x3910: 0x00c0, 0x3911: 0x00c0, + 0x3912: 0x00c0, 0x3913: 0x00c0, 0x3914: 0x00c0, 0x3915: 0x00c0, 0x3916: 0x00c0, 0x3917: 0x00c0, + 0x3918: 0x00c0, 0x3919: 0x00c0, 0x391a: 0x00c0, 0x391b: 0x00c0, 0x391c: 0x00c0, 0x391d: 0x00c0, + 0x391e: 0x00c0, 0x391f: 0x00c0, 0x3920: 0x00c0, 0x3921: 0x00c0, 0x3922: 0x00c0, 0x3923: 0x00c0, + 0x3924: 0x00c0, 0x3925: 0x00c0, 0x3926: 0x00c0, 0x3927: 0x00c0, 0x3928: 0x00c0, 0x3929: 0x00c0, + 0x392a: 0x00c0, 0x392b: 0x00c0, 0x392c: 0x00c0, 0x392d: 0x00c0, 0x392e: 0x00c0, 0x392f: 0x00c0, + 0x3930: 0x00c0, 0x3931: 0x00c0, 0x3932: 0x00c0, 0x3933: 0x00c3, 0x3934: 0x00c3, 0x3935: 0x00c3, + 0x3936: 0x00c3, 0x3937: 0x00c0, 0x3938: 0x00c0, 0x3939: 0x00c6, 0x393a: 0x00c3, 0x393b: 0x0080, + 0x393c: 0x0080, 0x393d: 0x0040, 0x393e: 0x0080, 0x393f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x3940 + 0x3940: 0x0080, 0x3941: 0x0080, + 0x3950: 0x00c0, 0x3951: 0x00c0, + 0x3952: 0x00c0, 0x3953: 0x00c0, 0x3954: 0x00c0, 0x3955: 0x00c0, 0x3956: 0x00c0, 0x3957: 0x00c0, + 0x3958: 0x00c0, 0x3959: 0x00c0, 0x395a: 0x00c0, 0x395b: 0x00c0, 0x395c: 0x00c0, 0x395d: 0x00c0, + 0x395e: 0x00c0, 0x395f: 0x00c0, 0x3960: 0x00c0, 0x3961: 0x00c0, 0x3962: 0x00c0, 0x3963: 0x00c0, + 0x3964: 0x00c0, 0x3965: 0x00c0, 0x3966: 0x00c0, 0x3967: 0x00c0, 0x3968: 0x00c0, + 0x3970: 0x00c0, 0x3971: 0x00c0, 0x3972: 0x00c0, 0x3973: 0x00c0, 0x3974: 0x00c0, 0x3975: 0x00c0, + 0x3976: 0x00c0, 0x3977: 0x00c0, 0x3978: 0x00c0, 0x3979: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x3980 + 0x3980: 0x00c3, 0x3981: 0x00c3, 0x3982: 0x00c3, 0x3983: 0x00c0, 0x3984: 0x00c0, 0x3985: 0x00c0, + 0x3986: 0x00c0, 0x3987: 0x00c0, 0x3988: 0x00c0, 0x3989: 0x00c0, 0x398a: 0x00c0, 0x398b: 0x00c0, + 0x398c: 0x00c0, 0x398d: 0x00c0, 0x398e: 0x00c0, 0x398f: 0x00c0, 0x3990: 0x00c0, 0x3991: 0x00c0, + 0x3992: 0x00c0, 0x3993: 0x00c0, 0x3994: 0x00c0, 0x3995: 0x00c0, 0x3996: 0x00c0, 0x3997: 0x00c0, + 0x3998: 0x00c0, 0x3999: 0x00c0, 0x399a: 0x00c0, 0x399b: 0x00c0, 0x399c: 0x00c0, 0x399d: 0x00c0, + 0x399e: 0x00c0, 0x399f: 0x00c0, 0x39a0: 0x00c0, 0x39a1: 0x00c0, 0x39a2: 0x00c0, 0x39a3: 0x00c0, + 0x39a4: 0x00c0, 0x39a5: 0x00c0, 0x39a6: 0x00c0, 0x39a7: 0x00c3, 0x39a8: 0x00c3, 0x39a9: 0x00c3, + 0x39aa: 0x00c3, 0x39ab: 0x00c3, 0x39ac: 0x00c0, 0x39ad: 0x00c3, 0x39ae: 0x00c3, 0x39af: 0x00c3, + 0x39b0: 0x00c3, 0x39b1: 0x00c3, 0x39b2: 0x00c3, 0x39b3: 0x00c6, 0x39b4: 0x00c6, + 0x39b6: 0x00c0, 0x39b7: 0x00c0, 0x39b8: 0x00c0, 0x39b9: 0x00c0, 0x39ba: 0x00c0, 0x39bb: 0x00c0, + 0x39bc: 0x00c0, 0x39bd: 0x00c0, 0x39be: 0x00c0, 0x39bf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x39c0 + 0x39c0: 0x0080, 0x39c1: 0x0080, 0x39c2: 0x0080, 0x39c3: 0x0080, + 0x39d0: 0x00c0, 0x39d1: 0x00c0, + 0x39d2: 0x00c0, 0x39d3: 0x00c0, 0x39d4: 0x00c0, 0x39d5: 0x00c0, 0x39d6: 0x00c0, 0x39d7: 0x00c0, + 0x39d8: 0x00c0, 0x39d9: 0x00c0, 0x39da: 0x00c0, 0x39db: 0x00c0, 0x39dc: 0x00c0, 0x39dd: 0x00c0, + 0x39de: 0x00c0, 0x39df: 0x00c0, 0x39e0: 0x00c0, 0x39e1: 0x00c0, 0x39e2: 0x00c0, 0x39e3: 0x00c0, + 0x39e4: 0x00c0, 0x39e5: 0x00c0, 0x39e6: 0x00c0, 0x39e7: 0x00c0, 0x39e8: 0x00c0, 0x39e9: 0x00c0, + 0x39ea: 0x00c0, 0x39eb: 0x00c0, 0x39ec: 0x00c0, 0x39ed: 0x00c0, 0x39ee: 0x00c0, 0x39ef: 0x00c0, + 0x39f0: 0x00c0, 0x39f1: 0x00c0, 0x39f2: 0x00c0, 0x39f3: 0x00c3, 0x39f4: 0x0080, 0x39f5: 0x0080, + 0x39f6: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x3a00 + 0x3a00: 0x00c3, 0x3a01: 0x00c3, 0x3a02: 0x00c0, 0x3a03: 0x00c0, 0x3a04: 0x00c0, 0x3a05: 0x00c0, + 0x3a06: 0x00c0, 0x3a07: 0x00c0, 0x3a08: 0x00c0, 0x3a09: 0x00c0, 0x3a0a: 0x00c0, 0x3a0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3a0c: 0x00c0, 0x3a0d: 0x00c0, 0x3a0e: 0x00c0, 0x3a0f: 0x00c0, 0x3a10: 0x00c0, 0x3a11: 0x00c0, + 0x3a12: 0x00c0, 0x3a13: 0x00c0, 0x3a14: 0x00c0, 0x3a15: 0x00c0, 0x3a16: 0x00c0, 0x3a17: 0x00c0, + 0x3a18: 0x00c0, 0x3a19: 0x00c0, 0x3a1a: 0x00c0, 0x3a1b: 0x00c0, 0x3a1c: 0x00c0, 0x3a1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3a1e: 0x00c0, 0x3a1f: 0x00c0, 0x3a20: 0x00c0, 0x3a21: 0x00c0, 0x3a22: 0x00c0, 0x3a23: 0x00c0, + 0x3a24: 0x00c0, 0x3a25: 0x00c0, 0x3a26: 0x00c0, 0x3a27: 0x00c0, 0x3a28: 0x00c0, 0x3a29: 0x00c0, + 0x3a2a: 0x00c0, 0x3a2b: 0x00c0, 0x3a2c: 0x00c0, 0x3a2d: 0x00c0, 0x3a2e: 0x00c0, 0x3a2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3a30: 0x00c0, 0x3a31: 0x00c0, 0x3a32: 0x00c0, 0x3a33: 0x00c0, 0x3a34: 0x00c0, 0x3a35: 0x00c0, + 0x3a36: 0x00c3, 0x3a37: 0x00c3, 0x3a38: 0x00c3, 0x3a39: 0x00c3, 0x3a3a: 0x00c3, 0x3a3b: 0x00c3, + 0x3a3c: 0x00c3, 0x3a3d: 0x00c3, 0x3a3e: 0x00c3, 0x3a3f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x3a40 + 0x3a40: 0x00c5, 0x3a41: 0x00c0, 0x3a42: 0x00c0, 0x3a43: 0x00c0, 0x3a44: 0x00c0, 0x3a45: 0x0080, + 0x3a46: 0x0080, 0x3a47: 0x0080, 0x3a48: 0x0080, 0x3a49: 0x0080, 0x3a4a: 0x00c3, 0x3a4b: 0x00c3, + 0x3a4c: 0x00c3, 0x3a4d: 0x0080, 0x3a50: 0x00c0, 0x3a51: 0x00c0, + 0x3a52: 0x00c0, 0x3a53: 0x00c0, 0x3a54: 0x00c0, 0x3a55: 0x00c0, 0x3a56: 0x00c0, 0x3a57: 0x00c0, + 0x3a58: 0x00c0, 0x3a59: 0x00c0, 0x3a5a: 0x00c0, 0x3a5b: 0x0080, 0x3a5c: 0x00c0, 0x3a5d: 0x0080, + 0x3a5e: 0x0080, 0x3a5f: 0x0080, 0x3a61: 0x0080, 0x3a62: 0x0080, 0x3a63: 0x0080, + 0x3a64: 0x0080, 0x3a65: 0x0080, 0x3a66: 0x0080, 0x3a67: 0x0080, 0x3a68: 0x0080, 0x3a69: 0x0080, + 0x3a6a: 0x0080, 0x3a6b: 0x0080, 0x3a6c: 0x0080, 0x3a6d: 0x0080, 0x3a6e: 0x0080, 0x3a6f: 0x0080, + 0x3a70: 0x0080, 0x3a71: 0x0080, 0x3a72: 0x0080, 0x3a73: 0x0080, 0x3a74: 0x0080, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x3a80 + 0x3a80: 0x00c0, 0x3a81: 0x00c0, 0x3a82: 0x00c0, 0x3a83: 0x00c0, 0x3a84: 0x00c0, 0x3a85: 0x00c0, + 0x3a86: 0x00c0, 0x3a87: 0x00c0, 0x3a88: 0x00c0, 0x3a89: 0x00c0, 0x3a8a: 0x00c0, 0x3a8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3a8c: 0x00c0, 0x3a8d: 0x00c0, 0x3a8e: 0x00c0, 0x3a8f: 0x00c0, 0x3a90: 0x00c0, 0x3a91: 0x00c0, + 0x3a93: 0x00c0, 0x3a94: 0x00c0, 0x3a95: 0x00c0, 0x3a96: 0x00c0, 0x3a97: 0x00c0, + 0x3a98: 0x00c0, 0x3a99: 0x00c0, 0x3a9a: 0x00c0, 0x3a9b: 0x00c0, 0x3a9c: 0x00c0, 0x3a9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3a9e: 0x00c0, 0x3a9f: 0x00c0, 0x3aa0: 0x00c0, 0x3aa1: 0x00c0, 0x3aa2: 0x00c0, 0x3aa3: 0x00c0, + 0x3aa4: 0x00c0, 0x3aa5: 0x00c0, 0x3aa6: 0x00c0, 0x3aa7: 0x00c0, 0x3aa8: 0x00c0, 0x3aa9: 0x00c0, + 0x3aaa: 0x00c0, 0x3aab: 0x00c0, 0x3aac: 0x00c0, 0x3aad: 0x00c0, 0x3aae: 0x00c0, 0x3aaf: 0x00c3, + 0x3ab0: 0x00c3, 0x3ab1: 0x00c3, 0x3ab2: 0x00c0, 0x3ab3: 0x00c0, 0x3ab4: 0x00c3, 0x3ab5: 0x00c5, + 0x3ab6: 0x00c3, 0x3ab7: 0x00c3, 0x3ab8: 0x0080, 0x3ab9: 0x0080, 0x3aba: 0x0080, 0x3abb: 0x0080, + 0x3abc: 0x0080, 0x3abd: 0x0080, 0x3abe: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x3ac0 + 0x3ac0: 0x00c0, 0x3ac1: 0x00c0, 0x3ac2: 0x00c0, 0x3ac3: 0x00c0, 0x3ac4: 0x00c0, 0x3ac5: 0x00c0, + 0x3ac6: 0x00c0, 0x3ac8: 0x00c0, 0x3aca: 0x00c0, 0x3acb: 0x00c0, + 0x3acc: 0x00c0, 0x3acd: 0x00c0, 0x3acf: 0x00c0, 0x3ad0: 0x00c0, 0x3ad1: 0x00c0, + 0x3ad2: 0x00c0, 0x3ad3: 0x00c0, 0x3ad4: 0x00c0, 0x3ad5: 0x00c0, 0x3ad6: 0x00c0, 0x3ad7: 0x00c0, + 0x3ad8: 0x00c0, 0x3ad9: 0x00c0, 0x3ada: 0x00c0, 0x3adb: 0x00c0, 0x3adc: 0x00c0, 0x3add: 0x00c0, + 0x3adf: 0x00c0, 0x3ae0: 0x00c0, 0x3ae1: 0x00c0, 0x3ae2: 0x00c0, 0x3ae3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ae4: 0x00c0, 0x3ae5: 0x00c0, 0x3ae6: 0x00c0, 0x3ae7: 0x00c0, 0x3ae8: 0x00c0, 0x3ae9: 0x0080, + 0x3af0: 0x00c0, 0x3af1: 0x00c0, 0x3af2: 0x00c0, 0x3af3: 0x00c0, 0x3af4: 0x00c0, 0x3af5: 0x00c0, + 0x3af6: 0x00c0, 0x3af7: 0x00c0, 0x3af8: 0x00c0, 0x3af9: 0x00c0, 0x3afa: 0x00c0, 0x3afb: 0x00c0, + 0x3afc: 0x00c0, 0x3afd: 0x00c0, 0x3afe: 0x00c0, 0x3aff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x3b00 + 0x3b00: 0x00c0, 0x3b01: 0x00c0, 0x3b02: 0x00c0, 0x3b03: 0x00c0, 0x3b04: 0x00c0, 0x3b05: 0x00c0, + 0x3b06: 0x00c0, 0x3b07: 0x00c0, 0x3b08: 0x00c0, 0x3b09: 0x00c0, 0x3b0a: 0x00c0, 0x3b0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3b0c: 0x00c0, 0x3b0d: 0x00c0, 0x3b0e: 0x00c0, 0x3b0f: 0x00c0, 0x3b10: 0x00c0, 0x3b11: 0x00c0, + 0x3b12: 0x00c0, 0x3b13: 0x00c0, 0x3b14: 0x00c0, 0x3b15: 0x00c0, 0x3b16: 0x00c0, 0x3b17: 0x00c0, + 0x3b18: 0x00c0, 0x3b19: 0x00c0, 0x3b1a: 0x00c0, 0x3b1b: 0x00c0, 0x3b1c: 0x00c0, 0x3b1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3b1e: 0x00c0, 0x3b1f: 0x00c3, 0x3b20: 0x00c0, 0x3b21: 0x00c0, 0x3b22: 0x00c0, 0x3b23: 0x00c3, + 0x3b24: 0x00c3, 0x3b25: 0x00c3, 0x3b26: 0x00c3, 0x3b27: 0x00c3, 0x3b28: 0x00c3, 0x3b29: 0x00c3, + 0x3b2a: 0x00c6, + 0x3b30: 0x00c0, 0x3b31: 0x00c0, 0x3b32: 0x00c0, 0x3b33: 0x00c0, 0x3b34: 0x00c0, 0x3b35: 0x00c0, + 0x3b36: 0x00c0, 0x3b37: 0x00c0, 0x3b38: 0x00c0, 0x3b39: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x3b40 + 0x3b40: 0x00c3, 0x3b41: 0x00c3, 0x3b42: 0x00c0, 0x3b43: 0x00c0, 0x3b45: 0x00c0, + 0x3b46: 0x00c0, 0x3b47: 0x00c0, 0x3b48: 0x00c0, 0x3b49: 0x00c0, 0x3b4a: 0x00c0, 0x3b4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3b4c: 0x00c0, 0x3b4f: 0x00c0, 0x3b50: 0x00c0, + 0x3b53: 0x00c0, 0x3b54: 0x00c0, 0x3b55: 0x00c0, 0x3b56: 0x00c0, 0x3b57: 0x00c0, + 0x3b58: 0x00c0, 0x3b59: 0x00c0, 0x3b5a: 0x00c0, 0x3b5b: 0x00c0, 0x3b5c: 0x00c0, 0x3b5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3b5e: 0x00c0, 0x3b5f: 0x00c0, 0x3b60: 0x00c0, 0x3b61: 0x00c0, 0x3b62: 0x00c0, 0x3b63: 0x00c0, + 0x3b64: 0x00c0, 0x3b65: 0x00c0, 0x3b66: 0x00c0, 0x3b67: 0x00c0, 0x3b68: 0x00c0, + 0x3b6a: 0x00c0, 0x3b6b: 0x00c0, 0x3b6c: 0x00c0, 0x3b6d: 0x00c0, 0x3b6e: 0x00c0, 0x3b6f: 0x00c0, + 0x3b70: 0x00c0, 0x3b72: 0x00c0, 0x3b73: 0x00c0, 0x3b75: 0x00c0, + 0x3b76: 0x00c0, 0x3b77: 0x00c0, 0x3b78: 0x00c0, 0x3b79: 0x00c0, + 0x3b7c: 0x00c3, 0x3b7d: 0x00c0, 0x3b7e: 0x00c0, 0x3b7f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x3b80 + 0x3b80: 0x00c3, 0x3b81: 0x00c0, 0x3b82: 0x00c0, 0x3b83: 0x00c0, 0x3b84: 0x00c0, + 0x3b87: 0x00c0, 0x3b88: 0x00c0, 0x3b8b: 0x00c0, + 0x3b8c: 0x00c0, 0x3b8d: 0x00c5, 0x3b90: 0x00c0, + 0x3b97: 0x00c0, + 0x3b9d: 0x00c0, + 0x3b9e: 0x00c0, 0x3b9f: 0x00c0, 0x3ba0: 0x00c0, 0x3ba1: 0x00c0, 0x3ba2: 0x00c0, 0x3ba3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ba6: 0x00c3, 0x3ba7: 0x00c3, 0x3ba8: 0x00c3, 0x3ba9: 0x00c3, + 0x3baa: 0x00c3, 0x3bab: 0x00c3, 0x3bac: 0x00c3, + 0x3bb0: 0x00c3, 0x3bb1: 0x00c3, 0x3bb2: 0x00c3, 0x3bb3: 0x00c3, 0x3bb4: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x3bc0 + 0x3bc0: 0x00c0, 0x3bc1: 0x00c0, 0x3bc2: 0x00c0, 0x3bc3: 0x00c0, 0x3bc4: 0x00c0, 0x3bc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3bc6: 0x00c0, 0x3bc7: 0x00c0, 0x3bc8: 0x00c0, 0x3bc9: 0x00c0, 0x3bca: 0x00c0, 0x3bcb: 0x00c0, + 0x3bcc: 0x00c0, 0x3bcd: 0x00c0, 0x3bce: 0x00c0, 0x3bcf: 0x00c0, 0x3bd0: 0x00c0, 0x3bd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3bd2: 0x00c0, 0x3bd3: 0x00c0, 0x3bd4: 0x00c0, 0x3bd5: 0x00c0, 0x3bd6: 0x00c0, 0x3bd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3bd8: 0x00c0, 0x3bd9: 0x00c0, 0x3bda: 0x00c0, 0x3bdb: 0x00c0, 0x3bdc: 0x00c0, 0x3bdd: 0x00c0, + 0x3bde: 0x00c0, 0x3bdf: 0x00c0, 0x3be0: 0x00c0, 0x3be1: 0x00c0, 0x3be2: 0x00c0, 0x3be3: 0x00c0, + 0x3be4: 0x00c0, 0x3be5: 0x00c0, 0x3be6: 0x00c0, 0x3be7: 0x00c0, 0x3be8: 0x00c0, 0x3be9: 0x00c0, + 0x3bea: 0x00c0, 0x3beb: 0x00c0, 0x3bec: 0x00c0, 0x3bed: 0x00c0, 0x3bee: 0x00c0, 0x3bef: 0x00c0, + 0x3bf0: 0x00c0, 0x3bf1: 0x00c0, 0x3bf2: 0x00c0, 0x3bf3: 0x00c0, 0x3bf4: 0x00c0, 0x3bf5: 0x00c0, + 0x3bf6: 0x00c0, 0x3bf7: 0x00c0, 0x3bf8: 0x00c3, 0x3bf9: 0x00c3, 0x3bfa: 0x00c3, 0x3bfb: 0x00c3, + 0x3bfc: 0x00c3, 0x3bfd: 0x00c3, 0x3bfe: 0x00c3, 0x3bff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf0, offset 0x3c00 + 0x3c00: 0x00c0, 0x3c01: 0x00c0, 0x3c02: 0x00c6, 0x3c03: 0x00c3, 0x3c04: 0x00c3, 0x3c05: 0x00c0, + 0x3c06: 0x00c3, 0x3c07: 0x00c0, 0x3c08: 0x00c0, 0x3c09: 0x00c0, 0x3c0a: 0x00c0, 0x3c0b: 0x0080, + 0x3c0c: 0x0080, 0x3c0d: 0x0080, 0x3c0e: 0x0080, 0x3c0f: 0x0080, 0x3c10: 0x00c0, 0x3c11: 0x00c0, + 0x3c12: 0x00c0, 0x3c13: 0x00c0, 0x3c14: 0x00c0, 0x3c15: 0x00c0, 0x3c16: 0x00c0, 0x3c17: 0x00c0, + 0x3c18: 0x00c0, 0x3c19: 0x00c0, 0x3c1b: 0x0080, 0x3c1d: 0x0080, + // Block 0xf1, offset 0x3c40 + 0x3c40: 0x00c0, 0x3c41: 0x00c0, 0x3c42: 0x00c0, 0x3c43: 0x00c0, 0x3c44: 0x00c0, 0x3c45: 0x00c0, + 0x3c46: 0x00c0, 0x3c47: 0x00c0, 0x3c48: 0x00c0, 0x3c49: 0x00c0, 0x3c4a: 0x00c0, 0x3c4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c4c: 0x00c0, 0x3c4d: 0x00c0, 0x3c4e: 0x00c0, 0x3c4f: 0x00c0, 0x3c50: 0x00c0, 0x3c51: 0x00c0, + 0x3c52: 0x00c0, 0x3c53: 0x00c0, 0x3c54: 0x00c0, 0x3c55: 0x00c0, 0x3c56: 0x00c0, 0x3c57: 0x00c0, + 0x3c58: 0x00c0, 0x3c59: 0x00c0, 0x3c5a: 0x00c0, 0x3c5b: 0x00c0, 0x3c5c: 0x00c0, 0x3c5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3c5e: 0x00c0, 0x3c5f: 0x00c0, 0x3c60: 0x00c0, 0x3c61: 0x00c0, 0x3c62: 0x00c0, 0x3c63: 0x00c0, + 0x3c64: 0x00c0, 0x3c65: 0x00c0, 0x3c66: 0x00c0, 0x3c67: 0x00c0, 0x3c68: 0x00c0, 0x3c69: 0x00c0, + 0x3c6a: 0x00c0, 0x3c6b: 0x00c0, 0x3c6c: 0x00c0, 0x3c6d: 0x00c0, 0x3c6e: 0x00c0, 0x3c6f: 0x00c0, + 0x3c70: 0x00c0, 0x3c71: 0x00c0, 0x3c72: 0x00c0, 0x3c73: 0x00c3, 0x3c74: 0x00c3, 0x3c75: 0x00c3, + 0x3c76: 0x00c3, 0x3c77: 0x00c3, 0x3c78: 0x00c3, 0x3c79: 0x00c0, 0x3c7a: 0x00c3, 0x3c7b: 0x00c0, + 0x3c7c: 0x00c0, 0x3c7d: 0x00c0, 0x3c7e: 0x00c0, 0x3c7f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf2, offset 0x3c80 + 0x3c80: 0x00c3, 0x3c81: 0x00c0, 0x3c82: 0x00c6, 0x3c83: 0x00c3, 0x3c84: 0x00c0, 0x3c85: 0x00c0, + 0x3c86: 0x0080, 0x3c87: 0x00c0, + 0x3c90: 0x00c0, 0x3c91: 0x00c0, + 0x3c92: 0x00c0, 0x3c93: 0x00c0, 0x3c94: 0x00c0, 0x3c95: 0x00c0, 0x3c96: 0x00c0, 0x3c97: 0x00c0, + 0x3c98: 0x00c0, 0x3c99: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf3, offset 0x3cc0 + 0x3cc0: 0x00c0, 0x3cc1: 0x00c0, 0x3cc2: 0x00c0, 0x3cc3: 0x00c0, 0x3cc4: 0x00c0, 0x3cc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3cc6: 0x00c0, 0x3cc7: 0x00c0, 0x3cc8: 0x00c0, 0x3cc9: 0x00c0, 0x3cca: 0x00c0, 0x3ccb: 0x00c0, + 0x3ccc: 0x00c0, 0x3ccd: 0x00c0, 0x3cce: 0x00c0, 0x3ccf: 0x00c0, 0x3cd0: 0x00c0, 0x3cd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3cd2: 0x00c0, 0x3cd3: 0x00c0, 0x3cd4: 0x00c0, 0x3cd5: 0x00c0, 0x3cd6: 0x00c0, 0x3cd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3cd8: 0x00c0, 0x3cd9: 0x00c0, 0x3cda: 0x00c0, 0x3cdb: 0x00c0, 0x3cdc: 0x00c0, 0x3cdd: 0x00c0, + 0x3cde: 0x00c0, 0x3cdf: 0x00c0, 0x3ce0: 0x00c0, 0x3ce1: 0x00c0, 0x3ce2: 0x00c0, 0x3ce3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ce4: 0x00c0, 0x3ce5: 0x00c0, 0x3ce6: 0x00c0, 0x3ce7: 0x00c0, 0x3ce8: 0x00c0, 0x3ce9: 0x00c0, + 0x3cea: 0x00c0, 0x3ceb: 0x00c0, 0x3cec: 0x00c0, 0x3ced: 0x00c0, 0x3cee: 0x00c0, 0x3cef: 0x00c0, + 0x3cf0: 0x00c0, 0x3cf1: 0x00c0, 0x3cf2: 0x00c3, 0x3cf3: 0x00c3, 0x3cf4: 0x00c3, 0x3cf5: 0x00c3, + 0x3cf8: 0x00c0, 0x3cf9: 0x00c0, 0x3cfa: 0x00c0, 0x3cfb: 0x00c0, + 0x3cfc: 0x00c3, 0x3cfd: 0x00c3, 0x3cfe: 0x00c0, 0x3cff: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xf4, offset 0x3d00 + 0x3d00: 0x00c3, 0x3d01: 0x0080, 0x3d02: 0x0080, 0x3d03: 0x0080, 0x3d04: 0x0080, 0x3d05: 0x0080, + 0x3d06: 0x0080, 0x3d07: 0x0080, 0x3d08: 0x0080, 0x3d09: 0x0080, 0x3d0a: 0x0080, 0x3d0b: 0x0080, + 0x3d0c: 0x0080, 0x3d0d: 0x0080, 0x3d0e: 0x0080, 0x3d0f: 0x0080, 0x3d10: 0x0080, 0x3d11: 0x0080, + 0x3d12: 0x0080, 0x3d13: 0x0080, 0x3d14: 0x0080, 0x3d15: 0x0080, 0x3d16: 0x0080, 0x3d17: 0x0080, + 0x3d18: 0x00c0, 0x3d19: 0x00c0, 0x3d1a: 0x00c0, 0x3d1b: 0x00c0, 0x3d1c: 0x00c3, 0x3d1d: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf5, offset 0x3d40 + 0x3d40: 0x00c0, 0x3d41: 0x00c0, 0x3d42: 0x00c0, 0x3d43: 0x00c0, 0x3d44: 0x00c0, 0x3d45: 0x00c0, + 0x3d46: 0x00c0, 0x3d47: 0x00c0, 0x3d48: 0x00c0, 0x3d49: 0x00c0, 0x3d4a: 0x00c0, 0x3d4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3d4c: 0x00c0, 0x3d4d: 0x00c0, 0x3d4e: 0x00c0, 0x3d4f: 0x00c0, 0x3d50: 0x00c0, 0x3d51: 0x00c0, + 0x3d52: 0x00c0, 0x3d53: 0x00c0, 0x3d54: 0x00c0, 0x3d55: 0x00c0, 0x3d56: 0x00c0, 0x3d57: 0x00c0, + 0x3d58: 0x00c0, 0x3d59: 0x00c0, 0x3d5a: 0x00c0, 0x3d5b: 0x00c0, 0x3d5c: 0x00c0, 0x3d5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3d5e: 0x00c0, 0x3d5f: 0x00c0, 0x3d60: 0x00c0, 0x3d61: 0x00c0, 0x3d62: 0x00c0, 0x3d63: 0x00c0, + 0x3d64: 0x00c0, 0x3d65: 0x00c0, 0x3d66: 0x00c0, 0x3d67: 0x00c0, 0x3d68: 0x00c0, 0x3d69: 0x00c0, + 0x3d6a: 0x00c0, 0x3d6b: 0x00c0, 0x3d6c: 0x00c0, 0x3d6d: 0x00c0, 0x3d6e: 0x00c0, 0x3d6f: 0x00c0, + 0x3d70: 0x00c0, 0x3d71: 0x00c0, 0x3d72: 0x00c0, 0x3d73: 0x00c3, 0x3d74: 0x00c3, 0x3d75: 0x00c3, + 0x3d76: 0x00c3, 0x3d77: 0x00c3, 0x3d78: 0x00c3, 0x3d79: 0x00c3, 0x3d7a: 0x00c3, 0x3d7b: 0x00c0, + 0x3d7c: 0x00c0, 0x3d7d: 0x00c3, 0x3d7e: 0x00c0, 0x3d7f: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xf6, offset 0x3d80 + 0x3d80: 0x00c3, 0x3d81: 0x0080, 0x3d82: 0x0080, 0x3d83: 0x0080, 0x3d84: 0x00c0, + 0x3d90: 0x00c0, 0x3d91: 0x00c0, + 0x3d92: 0x00c0, 0x3d93: 0x00c0, 0x3d94: 0x00c0, 0x3d95: 0x00c0, 0x3d96: 0x00c0, 0x3d97: 0x00c0, + 0x3d98: 0x00c0, 0x3d99: 0x00c0, + 0x3da0: 0x0080, 0x3da1: 0x0080, 0x3da2: 0x0080, 0x3da3: 0x0080, + 0x3da4: 0x0080, 0x3da5: 0x0080, 0x3da6: 0x0080, 0x3da7: 0x0080, 0x3da8: 0x0080, 0x3da9: 0x0080, + 0x3daa: 0x0080, 0x3dab: 0x0080, 0x3dac: 0x0080, + // Block 0xf7, offset 0x3dc0 + 0x3dc0: 0x00c0, 0x3dc1: 0x00c0, 0x3dc2: 0x00c0, 0x3dc3: 0x00c0, 0x3dc4: 0x00c0, 0x3dc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3dc6: 0x00c0, 0x3dc7: 0x00c0, 0x3dc8: 0x00c0, 0x3dc9: 0x00c0, 0x3dca: 0x00c0, 0x3dcb: 0x00c0, + 0x3dcc: 0x00c0, 0x3dcd: 0x00c0, 0x3dce: 0x00c0, 0x3dcf: 0x00c0, 0x3dd0: 0x00c0, 0x3dd1: 0x00c0, + 0x3dd2: 0x00c0, 0x3dd3: 0x00c0, 0x3dd4: 0x00c0, 0x3dd5: 0x00c0, 0x3dd6: 0x00c0, 0x3dd7: 0x00c0, + 0x3dd8: 0x00c0, 0x3dd9: 0x00c0, 0x3dda: 0x00c0, 0x3ddb: 0x00c0, 0x3ddc: 0x00c0, 0x3ddd: 0x00c0, + 0x3dde: 0x00c0, 0x3ddf: 0x00c0, 0x3de0: 0x00c0, 0x3de1: 0x00c0, 0x3de2: 0x00c0, 0x3de3: 0x00c0, + 0x3de4: 0x00c0, 0x3de5: 0x00c0, 0x3de6: 0x00c0, 0x3de7: 0x00c0, 0x3de8: 0x00c0, 0x3de9: 0x00c0, + 0x3dea: 0x00c0, 0x3deb: 0x00c3, 0x3dec: 0x00c0, 0x3ded: 0x00c3, 0x3dee: 0x00c0, 0x3def: 0x00c0, + 0x3df0: 0x00c3, 0x3df1: 0x00c3, 0x3df2: 0x00c3, 0x3df3: 0x00c3, 0x3df4: 0x00c3, 0x3df5: 0x00c3, + 0x3df6: 0x00c5, 0x3df7: 0x00c3, + // Block 0xf8, offset 0x3e00 + 0x3e00: 0x00c0, 0x3e01: 0x00c0, 0x3e02: 0x00c0, 0x3e03: 0x00c0, 0x3e04: 0x00c0, 0x3e05: 0x00c0, + 0x3e06: 0x00c0, 0x3e07: 0x00c0, 0x3e08: 0x00c0, 0x3e09: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xf9, offset 0x3e40 + 0x3e40: 0x00c0, 0x3e41: 0x00c0, 0x3e42: 0x00c0, 0x3e43: 0x00c0, 0x3e44: 0x00c0, 0x3e45: 0x00c0, + 0x3e46: 0x00c0, 0x3e47: 0x00c0, 0x3e48: 0x00c0, 0x3e49: 0x00c0, 0x3e4a: 0x00c0, 0x3e4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3e4c: 0x00c0, 0x3e4d: 0x00c0, 0x3e4e: 0x00c0, 0x3e4f: 0x00c0, 0x3e50: 0x00c0, 0x3e51: 0x00c0, + 0x3e52: 0x00c0, 0x3e53: 0x00c0, 0x3e54: 0x00c0, 0x3e55: 0x00c0, 0x3e56: 0x00c0, 0x3e57: 0x00c0, + 0x3e58: 0x00c0, 0x3e59: 0x00c0, 0x3e5d: 0x00c3, + 0x3e5e: 0x00c3, 0x3e5f: 0x00c3, 0x3e60: 0x00c0, 0x3e61: 0x00c0, 0x3e62: 0x00c3, 0x3e63: 0x00c3, + 0x3e64: 0x00c3, 0x3e65: 0x00c3, 0x3e66: 0x00c0, 0x3e67: 0x00c3, 0x3e68: 0x00c3, 0x3e69: 0x00c3, + 0x3e6a: 0x00c3, 0x3e6b: 0x00c6, + 0x3e70: 0x00c0, 0x3e71: 0x00c0, 0x3e72: 0x00c0, 0x3e73: 0x00c0, 0x3e74: 0x00c0, 0x3e75: 0x00c0, + 0x3e76: 0x00c0, 0x3e77: 0x00c0, 0x3e78: 0x00c0, 0x3e79: 0x00c0, 0x3e7a: 0x0080, 0x3e7b: 0x0080, + 0x3e7c: 0x0080, 0x3e7d: 0x0080, 0x3e7e: 0x0080, 0x3e7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0xfa, offset 0x3e80 + 0x3ea0: 0x00c0, 0x3ea1: 0x00c0, 0x3ea2: 0x00c0, 0x3ea3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ea4: 0x00c0, 0x3ea5: 0x00c0, 0x3ea6: 0x00c0, 0x3ea7: 0x00c0, 0x3ea8: 0x00c0, 0x3ea9: 0x00c0, + 0x3eaa: 0x00c0, 0x3eab: 0x00c0, 0x3eac: 0x00c0, 0x3ead: 0x00c0, 0x3eae: 0x00c0, 0x3eaf: 0x00c0, + 0x3eb0: 0x00c0, 0x3eb1: 0x00c0, 0x3eb2: 0x00c0, 0x3eb3: 0x00c0, 0x3eb4: 0x00c0, 0x3eb5: 0x00c0, + 0x3eb6: 0x00c0, 0x3eb7: 0x00c0, 0x3eb8: 0x00c0, 0x3eb9: 0x00c0, 0x3eba: 0x00c0, 0x3ebb: 0x00c0, + 0x3ebc: 0x00c0, 0x3ebd: 0x00c0, 0x3ebe: 0x00c0, 0x3ebf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xfb, offset 0x3ec0 + 0x3ec0: 0x00c0, 0x3ec1: 0x00c0, 0x3ec2: 0x00c0, 0x3ec3: 0x00c0, 0x3ec4: 0x00c0, 0x3ec5: 0x00c0, + 0x3ec6: 0x00c0, 0x3ec7: 0x00c0, 0x3ec8: 0x00c0, 0x3ec9: 0x00c0, 0x3eca: 0x00c0, 0x3ecb: 0x00c0, + 0x3ecc: 0x00c0, 0x3ecd: 0x00c0, 0x3ece: 0x00c0, 0x3ecf: 0x00c0, 0x3ed0: 0x00c0, 0x3ed1: 0x00c0, + 0x3ed2: 0x00c0, 0x3ed3: 0x00c0, 0x3ed4: 0x00c0, 0x3ed5: 0x00c0, 0x3ed6: 0x00c0, 0x3ed7: 0x00c0, + 0x3ed8: 0x00c0, 0x3ed9: 0x00c0, 0x3eda: 0x00c0, 0x3edb: 0x00c0, 0x3edc: 0x00c0, 0x3edd: 0x00c0, + 0x3ede: 0x00c0, 0x3edf: 0x00c0, 0x3ee0: 0x00c0, 0x3ee1: 0x00c0, 0x3ee2: 0x00c0, 0x3ee3: 0x00c0, + 0x3ee4: 0x00c0, 0x3ee5: 0x00c0, 0x3ee6: 0x00c0, 0x3ee7: 0x00c0, 0x3ee8: 0x00c0, 0x3ee9: 0x00c0, + 0x3eea: 0x0080, 0x3eeb: 0x0080, 0x3eec: 0x0080, 0x3eed: 0x0080, 0x3eee: 0x0080, 0x3eef: 0x0080, + 0x3ef0: 0x0080, 0x3ef1: 0x0080, 0x3ef2: 0x0080, + 0x3eff: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xfc, offset 0x3f00 + 0x3f00: 0x00c0, 0x3f01: 0x00c0, 0x3f02: 0x00c0, 0x3f03: 0x00c0, 0x3f04: 0x00c0, 0x3f05: 0x00c0, + 0x3f06: 0x00c0, 0x3f07: 0x00c0, 0x3f08: 0x00c0, 0x3f09: 0x00c0, 0x3f0a: 0x00c0, 0x3f0b: 0x00c0, + 0x3f0c: 0x00c0, 0x3f0d: 0x00c0, 0x3f0e: 0x00c0, 0x3f0f: 0x00c0, 0x3f10: 0x00c0, 0x3f11: 0x00c0, + 0x3f12: 0x00c0, 0x3f13: 0x00c0, 0x3f14: 0x00c0, 0x3f15: 0x00c0, 0x3f16: 0x00c0, 0x3f17: 0x00c0, + 0x3f18: 0x00c0, 0x3f19: 0x00c0, 0x3f1a: 0x00c0, 0x3f1b: 0x00c0, 0x3f1c: 0x00c0, 0x3f1d: 0x00c0, + 0x3f1e: 0x00c0, 0x3f1f: 0x00c0, 0x3f20: 0x00c0, 0x3f21: 0x00c0, 0x3f22: 0x00c0, 0x3f23: 0x00c0, + 0x3f24: 0x00c0, 0x3f25: 0x00c0, 0x3f26: 0x00c0, 0x3f27: 0x00c0, 0x3f28: 0x00c0, 0x3f29: 0x00c0, + 0x3f2a: 0x00c0, 0x3f2b: 0x00c0, 0x3f2c: 0x00c0, 0x3f2d: 0x00c0, 0x3f2e: 0x00c0, 0x3f2f: 0x00c0, + 0x3f30: 0x00c0, 0x3f31: 0x00c0, 0x3f32: 0x00c0, 0x3f33: 0x00c0, 0x3f34: 0x00c0, 0x3f35: 0x00c0, + 0x3f36: 0x00c0, 0x3f37: 0x00c0, 0x3f38: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xfd, offset 0x3f40 + 0x3f40: 0x00c0, 0x3f41: 0x00c0, 0x3f42: 0x00c0, 0x3f43: 0x00c0, 0x3f44: 0x00c0, 0x3f45: 0x00c0, + 0x3f46: 0x00c0, 0x3f47: 0x00c0, 0x3f48: 0x00c0, 0x3f4a: 0x00c0, 0x3f4b: 0x00c0, + 0x3f4c: 0x00c0, 0x3f4d: 0x00c0, 0x3f4e: 0x00c0, 0x3f4f: 0x00c0, 0x3f50: 0x00c0, 0x3f51: 0x00c0, + 0x3f52: 0x00c0, 0x3f53: 0x00c0, 0x3f54: 0x00c0, 0x3f55: 0x00c0, 0x3f56: 0x00c0, 0x3f57: 0x00c0, + 0x3f58: 0x00c0, 0x3f59: 0x00c0, 0x3f5a: 0x00c0, 0x3f5b: 0x00c0, 0x3f5c: 0x00c0, 0x3f5d: 0x00c0, + 0x3f5e: 0x00c0, 0x3f5f: 0x00c0, 0x3f60: 0x00c0, 0x3f61: 0x00c0, 0x3f62: 0x00c0, 0x3f63: 0x00c0, + 0x3f64: 0x00c0, 0x3f65: 0x00c0, 0x3f66: 0x00c0, 0x3f67: 0x00c0, 0x3f68: 0x00c0, 0x3f69: 0x00c0, + 0x3f6a: 0x00c0, 0x3f6b: 0x00c0, 0x3f6c: 0x00c0, 0x3f6d: 0x00c0, 0x3f6e: 0x00c0, 0x3f6f: 0x00c0, + 0x3f70: 0x00c3, 0x3f71: 0x00c3, 0x3f72: 0x00c3, 0x3f73: 0x00c3, 0x3f74: 0x00c3, 0x3f75: 0x00c3, + 0x3f76: 0x00c3, 0x3f78: 0x00c3, 0x3f79: 0x00c3, 0x3f7a: 0x00c3, 0x3f7b: 0x00c3, + 0x3f7c: 0x00c3, 0x3f7d: 0x00c3, 0x3f7e: 0x00c0, 0x3f7f: 0x00c6, + // Block 0xfe, offset 0x3f80 + 0x3f80: 0x00c0, 0x3f81: 0x0080, 0x3f82: 0x0080, 0x3f83: 0x0080, 0x3f84: 0x0080, 0x3f85: 0x0080, + 0x3f90: 0x00c0, 0x3f91: 0x00c0, + 0x3f92: 0x00c0, 0x3f93: 0x00c0, 0x3f94: 0x00c0, 0x3f95: 0x00c0, 0x3f96: 0x00c0, 0x3f97: 0x00c0, + 0x3f98: 0x00c0, 0x3f99: 0x00c0, 0x3f9a: 0x0080, 0x3f9b: 0x0080, 0x3f9c: 0x0080, 0x3f9d: 0x0080, + 0x3f9e: 0x0080, 0x3f9f: 0x0080, 0x3fa0: 0x0080, 0x3fa1: 0x0080, 0x3fa2: 0x0080, 0x3fa3: 0x0080, + 0x3fa4: 0x0080, 0x3fa5: 0x0080, 0x3fa6: 0x0080, 0x3fa7: 0x0080, 0x3fa8: 0x0080, 0x3fa9: 0x0080, + 0x3faa: 0x0080, 0x3fab: 0x0080, 0x3fac: 0x0080, + 0x3fb0: 0x0080, 0x3fb1: 0x0080, 0x3fb2: 0x00c0, 0x3fb3: 0x00c0, 0x3fb4: 0x00c0, 0x3fb5: 0x00c0, + 0x3fb6: 0x00c0, 0x3fb7: 0x00c0, 0x3fb8: 0x00c0, 0x3fb9: 0x00c0, 0x3fba: 0x00c0, 0x3fbb: 0x00c0, + 0x3fbc: 0x00c0, 0x3fbd: 0x00c0, 0x3fbe: 0x00c0, 0x3fbf: 0x00c0, + // Block 0xff, offset 0x3fc0 + 0x3fc0: 0x00c0, 0x3fc1: 0x00c0, 0x3fc2: 0x00c0, 0x3fc3: 0x00c0, 0x3fc4: 0x00c0, 0x3fc5: 0x00c0, + 0x3fc6: 0x00c0, 0x3fc7: 0x00c0, 0x3fc8: 0x00c0, 0x3fc9: 0x00c0, 0x3fca: 0x00c0, 0x3fcb: 0x00c0, + 0x3fcc: 0x00c0, 0x3fcd: 0x00c0, 0x3fce: 0x00c0, 0x3fcf: 0x00c0, + 0x3fd2: 0x00c3, 0x3fd3: 0x00c3, 0x3fd4: 0x00c3, 0x3fd5: 0x00c3, 0x3fd6: 0x00c3, 0x3fd7: 0x00c3, + 0x3fd8: 0x00c3, 0x3fd9: 0x00c3, 0x3fda: 0x00c3, 0x3fdb: 0x00c3, 0x3fdc: 0x00c3, 0x3fdd: 0x00c3, + 0x3fde: 0x00c3, 0x3fdf: 0x00c3, 0x3fe0: 0x00c3, 0x3fe1: 0x00c3, 0x3fe2: 0x00c3, 0x3fe3: 0x00c3, + 0x3fe4: 0x00c3, 0x3fe5: 0x00c3, 0x3fe6: 0x00c3, 0x3fe7: 0x00c3, 0x3fe9: 0x00c0, + 0x3fea: 0x00c3, 0x3feb: 0x00c3, 0x3fec: 0x00c3, 0x3fed: 0x00c3, 0x3fee: 0x00c3, 0x3fef: 0x00c3, + 0x3ff0: 0x00c3, 0x3ff1: 0x00c0, 0x3ff2: 0x00c3, 0x3ff3: 0x00c3, 0x3ff4: 0x00c0, 0x3ff5: 0x00c3, + 0x3ff6: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x100, offset 0x4000 + 0x4000: 0x00c0, 0x4001: 0x00c0, 0x4002: 0x00c0, 0x4003: 0x00c0, 0x4004: 0x00c0, 0x4005: 0x00c0, + 0x4006: 0x00c0, 0x4007: 0x00c0, 0x4008: 0x00c0, 0x4009: 0x00c0, 0x400a: 0x00c0, 0x400b: 0x00c0, + 0x400c: 0x00c0, 0x400d: 0x00c0, 0x400e: 0x00c0, 0x400f: 0x00c0, 0x4010: 0x00c0, 0x4011: 0x00c0, + 0x4012: 0x00c0, 0x4013: 0x00c0, 0x4014: 0x00c0, 0x4015: 0x00c0, 0x4016: 0x00c0, 0x4017: 0x00c0, + 0x4018: 0x00c0, 0x4019: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x101, offset 0x4040 + 0x4040: 0x0080, 0x4041: 0x0080, 0x4042: 0x0080, 0x4043: 0x0080, 0x4044: 0x0080, 0x4045: 0x0080, + 0x4046: 0x0080, 0x4047: 0x0080, 0x4048: 0x0080, 0x4049: 0x0080, 0x404a: 0x0080, 0x404b: 0x0080, + 0x404c: 0x0080, 0x404d: 0x0080, 0x404e: 0x0080, 0x404f: 0x0080, 0x4050: 0x0080, 0x4051: 0x0080, + 0x4052: 0x0080, 0x4053: 0x0080, 0x4054: 0x0080, 0x4055: 0x0080, 0x4056: 0x0080, 0x4057: 0x0080, + 0x4058: 0x0080, 0x4059: 0x0080, 0x405a: 0x0080, 0x405b: 0x0080, 0x405c: 0x0080, 0x405d: 0x0080, + 0x405e: 0x0080, 0x405f: 0x0080, 0x4060: 0x0080, 0x4061: 0x0080, 0x4062: 0x0080, 0x4063: 0x0080, + 0x4064: 0x0080, 0x4065: 0x0080, 0x4066: 0x0080, 0x4067: 0x0080, 0x4068: 0x0080, 0x4069: 0x0080, + 0x406a: 0x0080, 0x406b: 0x0080, 0x406c: 0x0080, 0x406d: 0x0080, 0x406e: 0x0080, + 0x4070: 0x0080, 0x4071: 0x0080, 0x4072: 0x0080, 0x4073: 0x0080, 0x4074: 0x0080, + // Block 0x102, offset 0x4080 + 0x4080: 0x00c0, 0x4081: 0x00c0, 0x4082: 0x00c0, 0x4083: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x103, offset 0x40c0 + 0x40c0: 0x00c0, 0x40c1: 0x00c0, 0x40c2: 0x00c0, 0x40c3: 0x00c0, 0x40c4: 0x00c0, 0x40c5: 0x00c0, + 0x40c6: 0x00c0, 0x40c7: 0x00c0, 0x40c8: 0x00c0, 0x40c9: 0x00c0, 0x40ca: 0x00c0, 0x40cb: 0x00c0, + 0x40cc: 0x00c0, 0x40cd: 0x00c0, 0x40ce: 0x00c0, 0x40cf: 0x00c0, 0x40d0: 0x00c0, 0x40d1: 0x00c0, + 0x40d2: 0x00c0, 0x40d3: 0x00c0, 0x40d4: 0x00c0, 0x40d5: 0x00c0, 0x40d6: 0x00c0, 0x40d7: 0x00c0, + 0x40d8: 0x00c0, 0x40d9: 0x00c0, 0x40da: 0x00c0, 0x40db: 0x00c0, 0x40dc: 0x00c0, 0x40dd: 0x00c0, + 0x40de: 0x00c0, 0x40df: 0x00c0, 0x40e0: 0x00c0, 0x40e1: 0x00c0, 0x40e2: 0x00c0, 0x40e3: 0x00c0, + 0x40e4: 0x00c0, 0x40e5: 0x00c0, 0x40e6: 0x00c0, 0x40e7: 0x00c0, 0x40e8: 0x00c0, 0x40e9: 0x00c0, + 0x40ea: 0x00c0, 0x40eb: 0x00c0, 0x40ec: 0x00c0, 0x40ed: 0x00c0, 0x40ee: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x104, offset 0x4100 + 0x4100: 0x00c0, 0x4101: 0x00c0, 0x4102: 0x00c0, 0x4103: 0x00c0, 0x4104: 0x00c0, 0x4105: 0x00c0, + 0x4106: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x105, offset 0x4140 + 0x4140: 0x00c0, 0x4141: 0x00c0, 0x4142: 0x00c0, 0x4143: 0x00c0, 0x4144: 0x00c0, 0x4145: 0x00c0, + 0x4146: 0x00c0, 0x4147: 0x00c0, 0x4148: 0x00c0, 0x4149: 0x00c0, 0x414a: 0x00c0, 0x414b: 0x00c0, + 0x414c: 0x00c0, 0x414d: 0x00c0, 0x414e: 0x00c0, 0x414f: 0x00c0, 0x4150: 0x00c0, 0x4151: 0x00c0, + 0x4152: 0x00c0, 0x4153: 0x00c0, 0x4154: 0x00c0, 0x4155: 0x00c0, 0x4156: 0x00c0, 0x4157: 0x00c0, + 0x4158: 0x00c0, 0x4159: 0x00c0, 0x415a: 0x00c0, 0x415b: 0x00c0, 0x415c: 0x00c0, 0x415d: 0x00c0, + 0x415e: 0x00c0, 0x4160: 0x00c0, 0x4161: 0x00c0, 0x4162: 0x00c0, 0x4163: 0x00c0, + 0x4164: 0x00c0, 0x4165: 0x00c0, 0x4166: 0x00c0, 0x4167: 0x00c0, 0x4168: 0x00c0, 0x4169: 0x00c0, + 0x416e: 0x0080, 0x416f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x106, offset 0x4180 + 0x4190: 0x00c0, 0x4191: 0x00c0, + 0x4192: 0x00c0, 0x4193: 0x00c0, 0x4194: 0x00c0, 0x4195: 0x00c0, 0x4196: 0x00c0, 0x4197: 0x00c0, + 0x4198: 0x00c0, 0x4199: 0x00c0, 0x419a: 0x00c0, 0x419b: 0x00c0, 0x419c: 0x00c0, 0x419d: 0x00c0, + 0x419e: 0x00c0, 0x419f: 0x00c0, 0x41a0: 0x00c0, 0x41a1: 0x00c0, 0x41a2: 0x00c0, 0x41a3: 0x00c0, + 0x41a4: 0x00c0, 0x41a5: 0x00c0, 0x41a6: 0x00c0, 0x41a7: 0x00c0, 0x41a8: 0x00c0, 0x41a9: 0x00c0, + 0x41aa: 0x00c0, 0x41ab: 0x00c0, 0x41ac: 0x00c0, 0x41ad: 0x00c0, + 0x41b0: 0x00c3, 0x41b1: 0x00c3, 0x41b2: 0x00c3, 0x41b3: 0x00c3, 0x41b4: 0x00c3, 0x41b5: 0x0080, + // Block 0x107, offset 0x41c0 + 0x41c0: 0x00c0, 0x41c1: 0x00c0, 0x41c2: 0x00c0, 0x41c3: 0x00c0, 0x41c4: 0x00c0, 0x41c5: 0x00c0, + 0x41c6: 0x00c0, 0x41c7: 0x00c0, 0x41c8: 0x00c0, 0x41c9: 0x00c0, 0x41ca: 0x00c0, 0x41cb: 0x00c0, + 0x41cc: 0x00c0, 0x41cd: 0x00c0, 0x41ce: 0x00c0, 0x41cf: 0x00c0, 0x41d0: 0x00c0, 0x41d1: 0x00c0, + 0x41d2: 0x00c0, 0x41d3: 0x00c0, 0x41d4: 0x00c0, 0x41d5: 0x00c0, 0x41d6: 0x00c0, 0x41d7: 0x00c0, + 0x41d8: 0x00c0, 0x41d9: 0x00c0, 0x41da: 0x00c0, 0x41db: 0x00c0, 0x41dc: 0x00c0, 0x41dd: 0x00c0, + 0x41de: 0x00c0, 0x41df: 0x00c0, 0x41e0: 0x00c0, 0x41e1: 0x00c0, 0x41e2: 0x00c0, 0x41e3: 0x00c0, + 0x41e4: 0x00c0, 0x41e5: 0x00c0, 0x41e6: 0x00c0, 0x41e7: 0x00c0, 0x41e8: 0x00c0, 0x41e9: 0x00c0, + 0x41ea: 0x00c0, 0x41eb: 0x00c0, 0x41ec: 0x00c0, 0x41ed: 0x00c0, 0x41ee: 0x00c0, 0x41ef: 0x00c0, + 0x41f0: 0x00c3, 0x41f1: 0x00c3, 0x41f2: 0x00c3, 0x41f3: 0x00c3, 0x41f4: 0x00c3, 0x41f5: 0x00c3, + 0x41f6: 0x00c3, 0x41f7: 0x0080, 0x41f8: 0x0080, 0x41f9: 0x0080, 0x41fa: 0x0080, 0x41fb: 0x0080, + 0x41fc: 0x0080, 0x41fd: 0x0080, 0x41fe: 0x0080, 0x41ff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x108, offset 0x4200 + 0x4200: 0x00c0, 0x4201: 0x00c0, 0x4202: 0x00c0, 0x4203: 0x00c0, 0x4204: 0x0080, 0x4205: 0x0080, + 0x4210: 0x00c0, 0x4211: 0x00c0, + 0x4212: 0x00c0, 0x4213: 0x00c0, 0x4214: 0x00c0, 0x4215: 0x00c0, 0x4216: 0x00c0, 0x4217: 0x00c0, + 0x4218: 0x00c0, 0x4219: 0x00c0, 0x421b: 0x0080, 0x421c: 0x0080, 0x421d: 0x0080, + 0x421e: 0x0080, 0x421f: 0x0080, 0x4220: 0x0080, 0x4221: 0x0080, 0x4223: 0x00c0, + 0x4224: 0x00c0, 0x4225: 0x00c0, 0x4226: 0x00c0, 0x4227: 0x00c0, 0x4228: 0x00c0, 0x4229: 0x00c0, + 0x422a: 0x00c0, 0x422b: 0x00c0, 0x422c: 0x00c0, 0x422d: 0x00c0, 0x422e: 0x00c0, 0x422f: 0x00c0, + 0x4230: 0x00c0, 0x4231: 0x00c0, 0x4232: 0x00c0, 0x4233: 0x00c0, 0x4234: 0x00c0, 0x4235: 0x00c0, + 0x4236: 0x00c0, 0x4237: 0x00c0, + 0x423d: 0x00c0, 0x423e: 0x00c0, 0x423f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x109, offset 0x4240 + 0x4240: 0x00c0, 0x4241: 0x00c0, 0x4242: 0x00c0, 0x4243: 0x00c0, 0x4244: 0x00c0, 0x4245: 0x00c0, + 0x4246: 0x00c0, 0x4247: 0x00c0, 0x4248: 0x00c0, 0x4249: 0x00c0, 0x424a: 0x00c0, 0x424b: 0x00c0, + 0x424c: 0x00c0, 0x424d: 0x00c0, 0x424e: 0x00c0, 0x424f: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10a, offset 0x4280 + 0x4280: 0x00c0, 0x4281: 0x00c0, 0x4282: 0x00c0, 0x4283: 0x00c0, 0x4284: 0x00c0, + 0x4290: 0x00c0, 0x4291: 0x00c0, + 0x4292: 0x00c0, 0x4293: 0x00c0, 0x4294: 0x00c0, 0x4295: 0x00c0, 0x4296: 0x00c0, 0x4297: 0x00c0, + 0x4298: 0x00c0, 0x4299: 0x00c0, 0x429a: 0x00c0, 0x429b: 0x00c0, 0x429c: 0x00c0, 0x429d: 0x00c0, + 0x429e: 0x00c0, 0x429f: 0x00c0, 0x42a0: 0x00c0, 0x42a1: 0x00c0, 0x42a2: 0x00c0, 0x42a3: 0x00c0, + 0x42a4: 0x00c0, 0x42a5: 0x00c0, 0x42a6: 0x00c0, 0x42a7: 0x00c0, 0x42a8: 0x00c0, 0x42a9: 0x00c0, + 0x42aa: 0x00c0, 0x42ab: 0x00c0, 0x42ac: 0x00c0, 0x42ad: 0x00c0, 0x42ae: 0x00c0, 0x42af: 0x00c0, + 0x42b0: 0x00c0, 0x42b1: 0x00c0, 0x42b2: 0x00c0, 0x42b3: 0x00c0, 0x42b4: 0x00c0, 0x42b5: 0x00c0, + 0x42b6: 0x00c0, 0x42b7: 0x00c0, 0x42b8: 0x00c0, 0x42b9: 0x00c0, 0x42ba: 0x00c0, 0x42bb: 0x00c0, + 0x42bc: 0x00c0, 0x42bd: 0x00c0, 0x42be: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10b, offset 0x42c0 + 0x42cf: 0x00c3, 0x42d0: 0x00c3, 0x42d1: 0x00c3, + 0x42d2: 0x00c3, 0x42d3: 0x00c0, 0x42d4: 0x00c0, 0x42d5: 0x00c0, 0x42d6: 0x00c0, 0x42d7: 0x00c0, + 0x42d8: 0x00c0, 0x42d9: 0x00c0, 0x42da: 0x00c0, 0x42db: 0x00c0, 0x42dc: 0x00c0, 0x42dd: 0x00c0, + 0x42de: 0x00c0, 0x42df: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10c, offset 0x4300 + 0x4320: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10d, offset 0x4340 + 0x4340: 0x00c0, 0x4341: 0x00c0, 0x4342: 0x00c0, 0x4343: 0x00c0, 0x4344: 0x00c0, 0x4345: 0x00c0, + 0x4346: 0x00c0, 0x4347: 0x00c0, 0x4348: 0x00c0, 0x4349: 0x00c0, 0x434a: 0x00c0, 0x434b: 0x00c0, + 0x434c: 0x00c0, 0x434d: 0x00c0, 0x434e: 0x00c0, 0x434f: 0x00c0, 0x4350: 0x00c0, 0x4351: 0x00c0, + 0x4352: 0x00c0, 0x4353: 0x00c0, 0x4354: 0x00c0, 0x4355: 0x00c0, 0x4356: 0x00c0, 0x4357: 0x00c0, + 0x4358: 0x00c0, 0x4359: 0x00c0, 0x435a: 0x00c0, 0x435b: 0x00c0, 0x435c: 0x00c0, 0x435d: 0x00c0, + 0x435e: 0x00c0, 0x435f: 0x00c0, 0x4360: 0x00c0, 0x4361: 0x00c0, 0x4362: 0x00c0, 0x4363: 0x00c0, + 0x4364: 0x00c0, 0x4365: 0x00c0, 0x4366: 0x00c0, 0x4367: 0x00c0, 0x4368: 0x00c0, 0x4369: 0x00c0, + 0x436a: 0x00c0, 0x436b: 0x00c0, 0x436c: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x10e, offset 0x4380 + 0x4380: 0x00cc, 0x4381: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x10f, offset 0x43c0 + 0x43c0: 0x00c0, 0x43c1: 0x00c0, 0x43c2: 0x00c0, 0x43c3: 0x00c0, 0x43c4: 0x00c0, 0x43c5: 0x00c0, + 0x43c6: 0x00c0, 0x43c7: 0x00c0, 0x43c8: 0x00c0, 0x43c9: 0x00c0, 0x43ca: 0x00c0, 0x43cb: 0x00c0, + 0x43cc: 0x00c0, 0x43cd: 0x00c0, 0x43ce: 0x00c0, 0x43cf: 0x00c0, 0x43d0: 0x00c0, 0x43d1: 0x00c0, + 0x43d2: 0x00c0, 0x43d3: 0x00c0, 0x43d4: 0x00c0, 0x43d5: 0x00c0, 0x43d6: 0x00c0, 0x43d7: 0x00c0, + 0x43d8: 0x00c0, 0x43d9: 0x00c0, 0x43da: 0x00c0, 0x43db: 0x00c0, 0x43dc: 0x00c0, 0x43dd: 0x00c0, + 0x43de: 0x00c0, 0x43df: 0x00c0, 0x43e0: 0x00c0, 0x43e1: 0x00c0, 0x43e2: 0x00c0, 0x43e3: 0x00c0, + 0x43e4: 0x00c0, 0x43e5: 0x00c0, 0x43e6: 0x00c0, 0x43e7: 0x00c0, 0x43e8: 0x00c0, 0x43e9: 0x00c0, + 0x43ea: 0x00c0, + 0x43f0: 0x00c0, 0x43f1: 0x00c0, 0x43f2: 0x00c0, 0x43f3: 0x00c0, 0x43f4: 0x00c0, 0x43f5: 0x00c0, + 0x43f6: 0x00c0, 0x43f7: 0x00c0, 0x43f8: 0x00c0, 0x43f9: 0x00c0, 0x43fa: 0x00c0, 0x43fb: 0x00c0, + 0x43fc: 0x00c0, + // Block 0x110, offset 0x4400 + 0x4400: 0x00c0, 0x4401: 0x00c0, 0x4402: 0x00c0, 0x4403: 0x00c0, 0x4404: 0x00c0, 0x4405: 0x00c0, + 0x4406: 0x00c0, 0x4407: 0x00c0, 0x4408: 0x00c0, + 0x4410: 0x00c0, 0x4411: 0x00c0, + 0x4412: 0x00c0, 0x4413: 0x00c0, 0x4414: 0x00c0, 0x4415: 0x00c0, 0x4416: 0x00c0, 0x4417: 0x00c0, + 0x4418: 0x00c0, 0x4419: 0x00c0, 0x441c: 0x0080, 0x441d: 0x00c3, + 0x441e: 0x00c3, 0x441f: 0x0080, 0x4420: 0x0040, 0x4421: 0x0040, 0x4422: 0x0040, 0x4423: 0x0040, + // Block 0x111, offset 0x4440 + 0x4440: 0x0080, 0x4441: 0x0080, 0x4442: 0x0080, 0x4443: 0x0080, 0x4444: 0x0080, 0x4445: 0x0080, + 0x4446: 0x0080, 0x4447: 0x0080, 0x4448: 0x0080, 0x4449: 0x0080, 0x444a: 0x0080, 0x444b: 0x0080, + 0x444c: 0x0080, 0x444d: 0x0080, 0x444e: 0x0080, 0x444f: 0x0080, 0x4450: 0x0080, 0x4451: 0x0080, + 0x4452: 0x0080, 0x4453: 0x0080, 0x4454: 0x0080, 0x4455: 0x0080, 0x4456: 0x0080, 0x4457: 0x0080, + 0x4458: 0x0080, 0x4459: 0x0080, 0x445a: 0x0080, 0x445b: 0x0080, 0x445c: 0x0080, 0x445d: 0x0080, + 0x445e: 0x0080, 0x445f: 0x0080, 0x4460: 0x0080, 0x4461: 0x0080, 0x4462: 0x0080, 0x4463: 0x0080, + 0x4464: 0x0080, 0x4465: 0x0080, 0x4466: 0x0080, 0x4467: 0x0080, 0x4468: 0x0080, 0x4469: 0x0080, + 0x446a: 0x0080, 0x446b: 0x0080, 0x446c: 0x0080, 0x446d: 0x0080, 0x446e: 0x0080, 0x446f: 0x0080, + 0x4470: 0x0080, 0x4471: 0x0080, 0x4472: 0x0080, 0x4473: 0x0080, 0x4474: 0x0080, 0x4475: 0x0080, + // Block 0x112, offset 0x4480 + 0x4480: 0x0080, 0x4481: 0x0080, 0x4482: 0x0080, 0x4483: 0x0080, 0x4484: 0x0080, 0x4485: 0x0080, + 0x4486: 0x0080, 0x4487: 0x0080, 0x4488: 0x0080, 0x4489: 0x0080, 0x448a: 0x0080, 0x448b: 0x0080, + 0x448c: 0x0080, 0x448d: 0x0080, 0x448e: 0x0080, 0x448f: 0x0080, 0x4490: 0x0080, 0x4491: 0x0080, + 0x4492: 0x0080, 0x4493: 0x0080, 0x4494: 0x0080, 0x4495: 0x0080, 0x4496: 0x0080, 0x4497: 0x0080, + 0x4498: 0x0080, 0x4499: 0x0080, 0x449a: 0x0080, 0x449b: 0x0080, 0x449c: 0x0080, 0x449d: 0x0080, + 0x449e: 0x0080, 0x449f: 0x0080, 0x44a0: 0x0080, 0x44a1: 0x0080, 0x44a2: 0x0080, 0x44a3: 0x0080, + 0x44a4: 0x0080, 0x44a5: 0x0080, 0x44a6: 0x0080, 0x44a9: 0x0080, + 0x44aa: 0x0080, 0x44ab: 0x0080, 0x44ac: 0x0080, 0x44ad: 0x0080, 0x44ae: 0x0080, 0x44af: 0x0080, + 0x44b0: 0x0080, 0x44b1: 0x0080, 0x44b2: 0x0080, 0x44b3: 0x0080, 0x44b4: 0x0080, 0x44b5: 0x0080, + 0x44b6: 0x0080, 0x44b7: 0x0080, 0x44b8: 0x0080, 0x44b9: 0x0080, 0x44ba: 0x0080, 0x44bb: 0x0080, + 0x44bc: 0x0080, 0x44bd: 0x0080, 0x44be: 0x0080, 0x44bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x113, offset 0x44c0 + 0x44c0: 0x0080, 0x44c1: 0x0080, 0x44c2: 0x0080, 0x44c3: 0x0080, 0x44c4: 0x0080, 0x44c5: 0x0080, + 0x44c6: 0x0080, 0x44c7: 0x0080, 0x44c8: 0x0080, 0x44c9: 0x0080, 0x44ca: 0x0080, 0x44cb: 0x0080, + 0x44cc: 0x0080, 0x44cd: 0x0080, 0x44ce: 0x0080, 0x44cf: 0x0080, 0x44d0: 0x0080, 0x44d1: 0x0080, + 0x44d2: 0x0080, 0x44d3: 0x0080, 0x44d4: 0x0080, 0x44d5: 0x0080, 0x44d6: 0x0080, 0x44d7: 0x0080, + 0x44d8: 0x0080, 0x44d9: 0x0080, 0x44da: 0x0080, 0x44db: 0x0080, 0x44dc: 0x0080, 0x44dd: 0x0080, + 0x44de: 0x0080, 0x44df: 0x0080, 0x44e0: 0x0080, 0x44e1: 0x0080, 0x44e2: 0x0080, 0x44e3: 0x0080, + 0x44e4: 0x0080, 0x44e5: 0x00c0, 0x44e6: 0x00c0, 0x44e7: 0x00c3, 0x44e8: 0x00c3, 0x44e9: 0x00c3, + 0x44ea: 0x0080, 0x44eb: 0x0080, 0x44ec: 0x0080, 0x44ed: 0x00c0, 0x44ee: 0x00c0, 0x44ef: 0x00c0, + 0x44f0: 0x00c0, 0x44f1: 0x00c0, 0x44f2: 0x00c0, 0x44f3: 0x0040, 0x44f4: 0x0040, 0x44f5: 0x0040, + 0x44f6: 0x0040, 0x44f7: 0x0040, 0x44f8: 0x0040, 0x44f9: 0x0040, 0x44fa: 0x0040, 0x44fb: 0x00c3, + 0x44fc: 0x00c3, 0x44fd: 0x00c3, 0x44fe: 0x00c3, 0x44ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x114, offset 0x4500 + 0x4500: 0x00c3, 0x4501: 0x00c3, 0x4502: 0x00c3, 0x4503: 0x0080, 0x4504: 0x0080, 0x4505: 0x00c3, + 0x4506: 0x00c3, 0x4507: 0x00c3, 0x4508: 0x00c3, 0x4509: 0x00c3, 0x450a: 0x00c3, 0x450b: 0x00c3, + 0x450c: 0x0080, 0x450d: 0x0080, 0x450e: 0x0080, 0x450f: 0x0080, 0x4510: 0x0080, 0x4511: 0x0080, + 0x4512: 0x0080, 0x4513: 0x0080, 0x4514: 0x0080, 0x4515: 0x0080, 0x4516: 0x0080, 0x4517: 0x0080, + 0x4518: 0x0080, 0x4519: 0x0080, 0x451a: 0x0080, 0x451b: 0x0080, 0x451c: 0x0080, 0x451d: 0x0080, + 0x451e: 0x0080, 0x451f: 0x0080, 0x4520: 0x0080, 0x4521: 0x0080, 0x4522: 0x0080, 0x4523: 0x0080, + 0x4524: 0x0080, 0x4525: 0x0080, 0x4526: 0x0080, 0x4527: 0x0080, 0x4528: 0x0080, 0x4529: 0x0080, + 0x452a: 0x00c3, 0x452b: 0x00c3, 0x452c: 0x00c3, 0x452d: 0x00c3, 0x452e: 0x0080, 0x452f: 0x0080, + 0x4530: 0x0080, 0x4531: 0x0080, 0x4532: 0x0080, 0x4533: 0x0080, 0x4534: 0x0080, 0x4535: 0x0080, + 0x4536: 0x0080, 0x4537: 0x0080, 0x4538: 0x0080, 0x4539: 0x0080, 0x453a: 0x0080, 0x453b: 0x0080, + 0x453c: 0x0080, 0x453d: 0x0080, 0x453e: 0x0080, 0x453f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x115, offset 0x4540 + 0x4540: 0x0080, 0x4541: 0x0080, 0x4542: 0x0080, 0x4543: 0x0080, 0x4544: 0x0080, 0x4545: 0x0080, + 0x4546: 0x0080, 0x4547: 0x0080, 0x4548: 0x0080, 0x4549: 0x0080, 0x454a: 0x0080, 0x454b: 0x0080, + 0x454c: 0x0080, 0x454d: 0x0080, 0x454e: 0x0080, 0x454f: 0x0080, 0x4550: 0x0080, 0x4551: 0x0080, + 0x4552: 0x0080, 0x4553: 0x0080, 0x4554: 0x0080, 0x4555: 0x0080, 0x4556: 0x0080, 0x4557: 0x0080, + 0x4558: 0x0080, 0x4559: 0x0080, 0x455a: 0x0080, 0x455b: 0x0080, 0x455c: 0x0080, 0x455d: 0x0080, + 0x455e: 0x0080, 0x455f: 0x0080, 0x4560: 0x0080, 0x4561: 0x0080, 0x4562: 0x0080, 0x4563: 0x0080, + 0x4564: 0x0080, 0x4565: 0x0080, 0x4566: 0x0080, 0x4567: 0x0080, 0x4568: 0x0080, + // Block 0x116, offset 0x4580 + 0x4580: 0x0088, 0x4581: 0x0088, 0x4582: 0x00c9, 0x4583: 0x00c9, 0x4584: 0x00c9, 0x4585: 0x0088, + // Block 0x117, offset 0x45c0 + 0x45c0: 0x0080, 0x45c1: 0x0080, 0x45c2: 0x0080, 0x45c3: 0x0080, 0x45c4: 0x0080, 0x45c5: 0x0080, + 0x45c6: 0x0080, 0x45c7: 0x0080, 0x45c8: 0x0080, 0x45c9: 0x0080, 0x45ca: 0x0080, 0x45cb: 0x0080, + 0x45cc: 0x0080, 0x45cd: 0x0080, 0x45ce: 0x0080, 0x45cf: 0x0080, 0x45d0: 0x0080, 0x45d1: 0x0080, + 0x45d2: 0x0080, 0x45d3: 0x0080, 0x45d4: 0x0080, 0x45d5: 0x0080, 0x45d6: 0x0080, + 0x45e0: 0x0080, 0x45e1: 0x0080, 0x45e2: 0x0080, 0x45e3: 0x0080, + 0x45e4: 0x0080, 0x45e5: 0x0080, 0x45e6: 0x0080, 0x45e7: 0x0080, 0x45e8: 0x0080, 0x45e9: 0x0080, + 0x45ea: 0x0080, 0x45eb: 0x0080, 0x45ec: 0x0080, 0x45ed: 0x0080, 0x45ee: 0x0080, 0x45ef: 0x0080, + 0x45f0: 0x0080, 0x45f1: 0x0080, + // Block 0x118, offset 0x4600 + 0x4600: 0x0080, 0x4601: 0x0080, 0x4602: 0x0080, 0x4603: 0x0080, 0x4604: 0x0080, 0x4605: 0x0080, + 0x4606: 0x0080, 0x4607: 0x0080, 0x4608: 0x0080, 0x4609: 0x0080, 0x460a: 0x0080, 0x460b: 0x0080, + 0x460c: 0x0080, 0x460d: 0x0080, 0x460e: 0x0080, 0x460f: 0x0080, 0x4610: 0x0080, 0x4611: 0x0080, + 0x4612: 0x0080, 0x4613: 0x0080, 0x4614: 0x0080, 0x4616: 0x0080, 0x4617: 0x0080, + 0x4618: 0x0080, 0x4619: 0x0080, 0x461a: 0x0080, 0x461b: 0x0080, 0x461c: 0x0080, 0x461d: 0x0080, + 0x461e: 0x0080, 0x461f: 0x0080, 0x4620: 0x0080, 0x4621: 0x0080, 0x4622: 0x0080, 0x4623: 0x0080, + 0x4624: 0x0080, 0x4625: 0x0080, 0x4626: 0x0080, 0x4627: 0x0080, 0x4628: 0x0080, 0x4629: 0x0080, + 0x462a: 0x0080, 0x462b: 0x0080, 0x462c: 0x0080, 0x462d: 0x0080, 0x462e: 0x0080, 0x462f: 0x0080, + 0x4630: 0x0080, 0x4631: 0x0080, 0x4632: 0x0080, 0x4633: 0x0080, 0x4634: 0x0080, 0x4635: 0x0080, + 0x4636: 0x0080, 0x4637: 0x0080, 0x4638: 0x0080, 0x4639: 0x0080, 0x463a: 0x0080, 0x463b: 0x0080, + 0x463c: 0x0080, 0x463d: 0x0080, 0x463e: 0x0080, 0x463f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x119, offset 0x4640 + 0x4640: 0x0080, 0x4641: 0x0080, 0x4642: 0x0080, 0x4643: 0x0080, 0x4644: 0x0080, 0x4645: 0x0080, + 0x4646: 0x0080, 0x4647: 0x0080, 0x4648: 0x0080, 0x4649: 0x0080, 0x464a: 0x0080, 0x464b: 0x0080, + 0x464c: 0x0080, 0x464d: 0x0080, 0x464e: 0x0080, 0x464f: 0x0080, 0x4650: 0x0080, 0x4651: 0x0080, + 0x4652: 0x0080, 0x4653: 0x0080, 0x4654: 0x0080, 0x4655: 0x0080, 0x4656: 0x0080, 0x4657: 0x0080, + 0x4658: 0x0080, 0x4659: 0x0080, 0x465a: 0x0080, 0x465b: 0x0080, 0x465c: 0x0080, + 0x465e: 0x0080, 0x465f: 0x0080, 0x4662: 0x0080, + 0x4665: 0x0080, 0x4666: 0x0080, 0x4669: 0x0080, + 0x466a: 0x0080, 0x466b: 0x0080, 0x466c: 0x0080, 0x466e: 0x0080, 0x466f: 0x0080, + 0x4670: 0x0080, 0x4671: 0x0080, 0x4672: 0x0080, 0x4673: 0x0080, 0x4674: 0x0080, 0x4675: 0x0080, + 0x4676: 0x0080, 0x4677: 0x0080, 0x4678: 0x0080, 0x4679: 0x0080, 0x467b: 0x0080, + 0x467d: 0x0080, 0x467e: 0x0080, 0x467f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x11a, offset 0x4680 + 0x4680: 0x0080, 0x4681: 0x0080, 0x4682: 0x0080, 0x4683: 0x0080, 0x4685: 0x0080, + 0x4686: 0x0080, 0x4687: 0x0080, 0x4688: 0x0080, 0x4689: 0x0080, 0x468a: 0x0080, 0x468b: 0x0080, + 0x468c: 0x0080, 0x468d: 0x0080, 0x468e: 0x0080, 0x468f: 0x0080, 0x4690: 0x0080, 0x4691: 0x0080, + 0x4692: 0x0080, 0x4693: 0x0080, 0x4694: 0x0080, 0x4695: 0x0080, 0x4696: 0x0080, 0x4697: 0x0080, + 0x4698: 0x0080, 0x4699: 0x0080, 0x469a: 0x0080, 0x469b: 0x0080, 0x469c: 0x0080, 0x469d: 0x0080, + 0x469e: 0x0080, 0x469f: 0x0080, 0x46a0: 0x0080, 0x46a1: 0x0080, 0x46a2: 0x0080, 0x46a3: 0x0080, + 0x46a4: 0x0080, 0x46a5: 0x0080, 0x46a6: 0x0080, 0x46a7: 0x0080, 0x46a8: 0x0080, 0x46a9: 0x0080, + 0x46aa: 0x0080, 0x46ab: 0x0080, 0x46ac: 0x0080, 0x46ad: 0x0080, 0x46ae: 0x0080, 0x46af: 0x0080, + 0x46b0: 0x0080, 0x46b1: 0x0080, 0x46b2: 0x0080, 0x46b3: 0x0080, 0x46b4: 0x0080, 0x46b5: 0x0080, + 0x46b6: 0x0080, 0x46b7: 0x0080, 0x46b8: 0x0080, 0x46b9: 0x0080, 0x46ba: 0x0080, 0x46bb: 0x0080, + 0x46bc: 0x0080, 0x46bd: 0x0080, 0x46be: 0x0080, 0x46bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x11b, offset 0x46c0 + 0x46c0: 0x0080, 0x46c1: 0x0080, 0x46c2: 0x0080, 0x46c3: 0x0080, 0x46c4: 0x0080, 0x46c5: 0x0080, + 0x46c7: 0x0080, 0x46c8: 0x0080, 0x46c9: 0x0080, 0x46ca: 0x0080, + 0x46cd: 0x0080, 0x46ce: 0x0080, 0x46cf: 0x0080, 0x46d0: 0x0080, 0x46d1: 0x0080, + 0x46d2: 0x0080, 0x46d3: 0x0080, 0x46d4: 0x0080, 0x46d6: 0x0080, 0x46d7: 0x0080, + 0x46d8: 0x0080, 0x46d9: 0x0080, 0x46da: 0x0080, 0x46db: 0x0080, 0x46dc: 0x0080, + 0x46de: 0x0080, 0x46df: 0x0080, 0x46e0: 0x0080, 0x46e1: 0x0080, 0x46e2: 0x0080, 0x46e3: 0x0080, + 0x46e4: 0x0080, 0x46e5: 0x0080, 0x46e6: 0x0080, 0x46e7: 0x0080, 0x46e8: 0x0080, 0x46e9: 0x0080, + 0x46ea: 0x0080, 0x46eb: 0x0080, 0x46ec: 0x0080, 0x46ed: 0x0080, 0x46ee: 0x0080, 0x46ef: 0x0080, + 0x46f0: 0x0080, 0x46f1: 0x0080, 0x46f2: 0x0080, 0x46f3: 0x0080, 0x46f4: 0x0080, 0x46f5: 0x0080, + 0x46f6: 0x0080, 0x46f7: 0x0080, 0x46f8: 0x0080, 0x46f9: 0x0080, 0x46fb: 0x0080, + 0x46fc: 0x0080, 0x46fd: 0x0080, 0x46fe: 0x0080, + // Block 0x11c, offset 0x4700 + 0x4700: 0x0080, 0x4701: 0x0080, 0x4702: 0x0080, 0x4703: 0x0080, 0x4704: 0x0080, + 0x4706: 0x0080, 0x470a: 0x0080, 0x470b: 0x0080, + 0x470c: 0x0080, 0x470d: 0x0080, 0x470e: 0x0080, 0x470f: 0x0080, 0x4710: 0x0080, + 0x4712: 0x0080, 0x4713: 0x0080, 0x4714: 0x0080, 0x4715: 0x0080, 0x4716: 0x0080, 0x4717: 0x0080, + 0x4718: 0x0080, 0x4719: 0x0080, 0x471a: 0x0080, 0x471b: 0x0080, 0x471c: 0x0080, 0x471d: 0x0080, + 0x471e: 0x0080, 0x471f: 0x0080, 0x4720: 0x0080, 0x4721: 0x0080, 0x4722: 0x0080, 0x4723: 0x0080, + 0x4724: 0x0080, 0x4725: 0x0080, 0x4726: 0x0080, 0x4727: 0x0080, 0x4728: 0x0080, 0x4729: 0x0080, + 0x472a: 0x0080, 0x472b: 0x0080, 0x472c: 0x0080, 0x472d: 0x0080, 0x472e: 0x0080, 0x472f: 0x0080, + 0x4730: 0x0080, 0x4731: 0x0080, 0x4732: 0x0080, 0x4733: 0x0080, 0x4734: 0x0080, 0x4735: 0x0080, + 0x4736: 0x0080, 0x4737: 0x0080, 0x4738: 0x0080, 0x4739: 0x0080, 0x473a: 0x0080, 0x473b: 0x0080, + 0x473c: 0x0080, 0x473d: 0x0080, 0x473e: 0x0080, 0x473f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x11d, offset 0x4740 + 0x4740: 0x0080, 0x4741: 0x0080, 0x4742: 0x0080, 0x4743: 0x0080, 0x4744: 0x0080, 0x4745: 0x0080, + 0x4746: 0x0080, 0x4747: 0x0080, 0x4748: 0x0080, 0x4749: 0x0080, 0x474a: 0x0080, 0x474b: 0x0080, + 0x474c: 0x0080, 0x474d: 0x0080, 0x474e: 0x0080, 0x474f: 0x0080, 0x4750: 0x0080, 0x4751: 0x0080, + 0x4752: 0x0080, 0x4753: 0x0080, 0x4754: 0x0080, 0x4755: 0x0080, 0x4756: 0x0080, 0x4757: 0x0080, + 0x4758: 0x0080, 0x4759: 0x0080, 0x475a: 0x0080, 0x475b: 0x0080, 0x475c: 0x0080, 0x475d: 0x0080, + 0x475e: 0x0080, 0x475f: 0x0080, 0x4760: 0x0080, 0x4761: 0x0080, 0x4762: 0x0080, 0x4763: 0x0080, + 0x4764: 0x0080, 0x4765: 0x0080, 0x4768: 0x0080, 0x4769: 0x0080, + 0x476a: 0x0080, 0x476b: 0x0080, 0x476c: 0x0080, 0x476d: 0x0080, 0x476e: 0x0080, 0x476f: 0x0080, + 0x4770: 0x0080, 0x4771: 0x0080, 0x4772: 0x0080, 0x4773: 0x0080, 0x4774: 0x0080, 0x4775: 0x0080, + 0x4776: 0x0080, 0x4777: 0x0080, 0x4778: 0x0080, 0x4779: 0x0080, 0x477a: 0x0080, 0x477b: 0x0080, + 0x477c: 0x0080, 0x477d: 0x0080, 0x477e: 0x0080, 0x477f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x11e, offset 0x4780 + 0x4780: 0x0080, 0x4781: 0x0080, 0x4782: 0x0080, 0x4783: 0x0080, 0x4784: 0x0080, 0x4785: 0x0080, + 0x4786: 0x0080, 0x4787: 0x0080, 0x4788: 0x0080, 0x4789: 0x0080, 0x478a: 0x0080, 0x478b: 0x0080, + 0x478e: 0x0080, 0x478f: 0x0080, 0x4790: 0x0080, 0x4791: 0x0080, + 0x4792: 0x0080, 0x4793: 0x0080, 0x4794: 0x0080, 0x4795: 0x0080, 0x4796: 0x0080, 0x4797: 0x0080, + 0x4798: 0x0080, 0x4799: 0x0080, 0x479a: 0x0080, 0x479b: 0x0080, 0x479c: 0x0080, 0x479d: 0x0080, + 0x479e: 0x0080, 0x479f: 0x0080, 0x47a0: 0x0080, 0x47a1: 0x0080, 0x47a2: 0x0080, 0x47a3: 0x0080, + 0x47a4: 0x0080, 0x47a5: 0x0080, 0x47a6: 0x0080, 0x47a7: 0x0080, 0x47a8: 0x0080, 0x47a9: 0x0080, + 0x47aa: 0x0080, 0x47ab: 0x0080, 0x47ac: 0x0080, 0x47ad: 0x0080, 0x47ae: 0x0080, 0x47af: 0x0080, + 0x47b0: 0x0080, 0x47b1: 0x0080, 0x47b2: 0x0080, 0x47b3: 0x0080, 0x47b4: 0x0080, 0x47b5: 0x0080, + 0x47b6: 0x0080, 0x47b7: 0x0080, 0x47b8: 0x0080, 0x47b9: 0x0080, 0x47ba: 0x0080, 0x47bb: 0x0080, + 0x47bc: 0x0080, 0x47bd: 0x0080, 0x47be: 0x0080, 0x47bf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x11f, offset 0x47c0 + 0x47c0: 0x00c3, 0x47c1: 0x00c3, 0x47c2: 0x00c3, 0x47c3: 0x00c3, 0x47c4: 0x00c3, 0x47c5: 0x00c3, + 0x47c6: 0x00c3, 0x47c7: 0x00c3, 0x47c8: 0x00c3, 0x47c9: 0x00c3, 0x47ca: 0x00c3, 0x47cb: 0x00c3, + 0x47cc: 0x00c3, 0x47cd: 0x00c3, 0x47ce: 0x00c3, 0x47cf: 0x00c3, 0x47d0: 0x00c3, 0x47d1: 0x00c3, + 0x47d2: 0x00c3, 0x47d3: 0x00c3, 0x47d4: 0x00c3, 0x47d5: 0x00c3, 0x47d6: 0x00c3, 0x47d7: 0x00c3, + 0x47d8: 0x00c3, 0x47d9: 0x00c3, 0x47da: 0x00c3, 0x47db: 0x00c3, 0x47dc: 0x00c3, 0x47dd: 0x00c3, + 0x47de: 0x00c3, 0x47df: 0x00c3, 0x47e0: 0x00c3, 0x47e1: 0x00c3, 0x47e2: 0x00c3, 0x47e3: 0x00c3, + 0x47e4: 0x00c3, 0x47e5: 0x00c3, 0x47e6: 0x00c3, 0x47e7: 0x00c3, 0x47e8: 0x00c3, 0x47e9: 0x00c3, + 0x47ea: 0x00c3, 0x47eb: 0x00c3, 0x47ec: 0x00c3, 0x47ed: 0x00c3, 0x47ee: 0x00c3, 0x47ef: 0x00c3, + 0x47f0: 0x00c3, 0x47f1: 0x00c3, 0x47f2: 0x00c3, 0x47f3: 0x00c3, 0x47f4: 0x00c3, 0x47f5: 0x00c3, + 0x47f6: 0x00c3, 0x47f7: 0x0080, 0x47f8: 0x0080, 0x47f9: 0x0080, 0x47fa: 0x0080, 0x47fb: 0x00c3, + 0x47fc: 0x00c3, 0x47fd: 0x00c3, 0x47fe: 0x00c3, 0x47ff: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x120, offset 0x4800 + 0x4800: 0x00c3, 0x4801: 0x00c3, 0x4802: 0x00c3, 0x4803: 0x00c3, 0x4804: 0x00c3, 0x4805: 0x00c3, + 0x4806: 0x00c3, 0x4807: 0x00c3, 0x4808: 0x00c3, 0x4809: 0x00c3, 0x480a: 0x00c3, 0x480b: 0x00c3, + 0x480c: 0x00c3, 0x480d: 0x00c3, 0x480e: 0x00c3, 0x480f: 0x00c3, 0x4810: 0x00c3, 0x4811: 0x00c3, + 0x4812: 0x00c3, 0x4813: 0x00c3, 0x4814: 0x00c3, 0x4815: 0x00c3, 0x4816: 0x00c3, 0x4817: 0x00c3, + 0x4818: 0x00c3, 0x4819: 0x00c3, 0x481a: 0x00c3, 0x481b: 0x00c3, 0x481c: 0x00c3, 0x481d: 0x00c3, + 0x481e: 0x00c3, 0x481f: 0x00c3, 0x4820: 0x00c3, 0x4821: 0x00c3, 0x4822: 0x00c3, 0x4823: 0x00c3, + 0x4824: 0x00c3, 0x4825: 0x00c3, 0x4826: 0x00c3, 0x4827: 0x00c3, 0x4828: 0x00c3, 0x4829: 0x00c3, + 0x482a: 0x00c3, 0x482b: 0x00c3, 0x482c: 0x00c3, 0x482d: 0x0080, 0x482e: 0x0080, 0x482f: 0x0080, + 0x4830: 0x0080, 0x4831: 0x0080, 0x4832: 0x0080, 0x4833: 0x0080, 0x4834: 0x0080, 0x4835: 0x00c3, + 0x4836: 0x0080, 0x4837: 0x0080, 0x4838: 0x0080, 0x4839: 0x0080, 0x483a: 0x0080, 0x483b: 0x0080, + 0x483c: 0x0080, 0x483d: 0x0080, 0x483e: 0x0080, 0x483f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x121, offset 0x4840 + 0x4840: 0x0080, 0x4841: 0x0080, 0x4842: 0x0080, 0x4843: 0x0080, 0x4844: 0x00c3, 0x4845: 0x0080, + 0x4846: 0x0080, 0x4847: 0x0080, 0x4848: 0x0080, 0x4849: 0x0080, 0x484a: 0x0080, 0x484b: 0x0080, + 0x485b: 0x00c3, 0x485c: 0x00c3, 0x485d: 0x00c3, + 0x485e: 0x00c3, 0x485f: 0x00c3, 0x4861: 0x00c3, 0x4862: 0x00c3, 0x4863: 0x00c3, + 0x4864: 0x00c3, 0x4865: 0x00c3, 0x4866: 0x00c3, 0x4867: 0x00c3, 0x4868: 0x00c3, 0x4869: 0x00c3, + 0x486a: 0x00c3, 0x486b: 0x00c3, 0x486c: 0x00c3, 0x486d: 0x00c3, 0x486e: 0x00c3, 0x486f: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x122, offset 0x4880 + 0x4880: 0x00c3, 0x4881: 0x00c3, 0x4882: 0x00c3, 0x4883: 0x00c3, 0x4884: 0x00c3, 0x4885: 0x00c3, + 0x4886: 0x00c3, 0x4888: 0x00c3, 0x4889: 0x00c3, 0x488a: 0x00c3, 0x488b: 0x00c3, + 0x488c: 0x00c3, 0x488d: 0x00c3, 0x488e: 0x00c3, 0x488f: 0x00c3, 0x4890: 0x00c3, 0x4891: 0x00c3, + 0x4892: 0x00c3, 0x4893: 0x00c3, 0x4894: 0x00c3, 0x4895: 0x00c3, 0x4896: 0x00c3, 0x4897: 0x00c3, + 0x4898: 0x00c3, 0x489b: 0x00c3, 0x489c: 0x00c3, 0x489d: 0x00c3, + 0x489e: 0x00c3, 0x489f: 0x00c3, 0x48a0: 0x00c3, 0x48a1: 0x00c3, 0x48a3: 0x00c3, + 0x48a4: 0x00c3, 0x48a6: 0x00c3, 0x48a7: 0x00c3, 0x48a8: 0x00c3, 0x48a9: 0x00c3, + 0x48aa: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x123, offset 0x48c0 + 0x48c0: 0x00c0, 0x48c1: 0x00c0, 0x48c2: 0x00c0, 0x48c3: 0x00c0, 0x48c4: 0x00c0, + 0x48c7: 0x0080, 0x48c8: 0x0080, 0x48c9: 0x0080, 0x48ca: 0x0080, 0x48cb: 0x0080, + 0x48cc: 0x0080, 0x48cd: 0x0080, 0x48ce: 0x0080, 0x48cf: 0x0080, 0x48d0: 0x00c3, 0x48d1: 0x00c3, + 0x48d2: 0x00c3, 0x48d3: 0x00c3, 0x48d4: 0x00c3, 0x48d5: 0x00c3, 0x48d6: 0x00c3, + // Block 0x124, offset 0x4900 + 0x4900: 0x00c2, 0x4901: 0x00c2, 0x4902: 0x00c2, 0x4903: 0x00c2, 0x4904: 0x00c2, 0x4905: 0x00c2, + 0x4906: 0x00c2, 0x4907: 0x00c2, 0x4908: 0x00c2, 0x4909: 0x00c2, 0x490a: 0x00c2, 0x490b: 0x00c2, + 0x490c: 0x00c2, 0x490d: 0x00c2, 0x490e: 0x00c2, 0x490f: 0x00c2, 0x4910: 0x00c2, 0x4911: 0x00c2, + 0x4912: 0x00c2, 0x4913: 0x00c2, 0x4914: 0x00c2, 0x4915: 0x00c2, 0x4916: 0x00c2, 0x4917: 0x00c2, + 0x4918: 0x00c2, 0x4919: 0x00c2, 0x491a: 0x00c2, 0x491b: 0x00c2, 0x491c: 0x00c2, 0x491d: 0x00c2, + 0x491e: 0x00c2, 0x491f: 0x00c2, 0x4920: 0x00c2, 0x4921: 0x00c2, 0x4922: 0x00c2, 0x4923: 0x00c2, + 0x4924: 0x00c2, 0x4925: 0x00c2, 0x4926: 0x00c2, 0x4927: 0x00c2, 0x4928: 0x00c2, 0x4929: 0x00c2, + 0x492a: 0x00c2, 0x492b: 0x00c2, 0x492c: 0x00c2, 0x492d: 0x00c2, 0x492e: 0x00c2, 0x492f: 0x00c2, + 0x4930: 0x00c2, 0x4931: 0x00c2, 0x4932: 0x00c2, 0x4933: 0x00c2, 0x4934: 0x00c2, 0x4935: 0x00c2, + 0x4936: 0x00c2, 0x4937: 0x00c2, 0x4938: 0x00c2, 0x4939: 0x00c2, 0x493a: 0x00c2, 0x493b: 0x00c2, + 0x493c: 0x00c2, 0x493d: 0x00c2, 0x493e: 0x00c2, 0x493f: 0x00c2, + // Block 0x125, offset 0x4940 + 0x4940: 0x00c2, 0x4941: 0x00c2, 0x4942: 0x00c2, 0x4943: 0x00c2, 0x4944: 0x00c3, 0x4945: 0x00c3, + 0x4946: 0x00c3, 0x4947: 0x00c3, 0x4948: 0x00c3, 0x4949: 0x00c3, 0x494a: 0x00c3, + 0x4950: 0x00c0, 0x4951: 0x00c0, + 0x4952: 0x00c0, 0x4953: 0x00c0, 0x4954: 0x00c0, 0x4955: 0x00c0, 0x4956: 0x00c0, 0x4957: 0x00c0, + 0x4958: 0x00c0, 0x4959: 0x00c0, + 0x495e: 0x0080, 0x495f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x126, offset 0x4980 + 0x4980: 0x0080, 0x4981: 0x0080, 0x4982: 0x0080, 0x4983: 0x0080, 0x4985: 0x0080, + 0x4986: 0x0080, 0x4987: 0x0080, 0x4988: 0x0080, 0x4989: 0x0080, 0x498a: 0x0080, 0x498b: 0x0080, + 0x498c: 0x0080, 0x498d: 0x0080, 0x498e: 0x0080, 0x498f: 0x0080, 0x4990: 0x0080, 0x4991: 0x0080, + 0x4992: 0x0080, 0x4993: 0x0080, 0x4994: 0x0080, 0x4995: 0x0080, 0x4996: 0x0080, 0x4997: 0x0080, + 0x4998: 0x0080, 0x4999: 0x0080, 0x499a: 0x0080, 0x499b: 0x0080, 0x499c: 0x0080, 0x499d: 0x0080, + 0x499e: 0x0080, 0x499f: 0x0080, 0x49a1: 0x0080, 0x49a2: 0x0080, + 0x49a4: 0x0080, 0x49a7: 0x0080, 0x49a9: 0x0080, + 0x49aa: 0x0080, 0x49ab: 0x0080, 0x49ac: 0x0080, 0x49ad: 0x0080, 0x49ae: 0x0080, 0x49af: 0x0080, + 0x49b0: 0x0080, 0x49b1: 0x0080, 0x49b2: 0x0080, 0x49b4: 0x0080, 0x49b5: 0x0080, + 0x49b6: 0x0080, 0x49b7: 0x0080, 0x49b9: 0x0080, 0x49bb: 0x0080, + // Block 0x127, offset 0x49c0 + 0x49c2: 0x0080, + 0x49c7: 0x0080, 0x49c9: 0x0080, 0x49cb: 0x0080, + 0x49cd: 0x0080, 0x49ce: 0x0080, 0x49cf: 0x0080, 0x49d1: 0x0080, + 0x49d2: 0x0080, 0x49d4: 0x0080, 0x49d7: 0x0080, + 0x49d9: 0x0080, 0x49db: 0x0080, 0x49dd: 0x0080, + 0x49df: 0x0080, 0x49e1: 0x0080, 0x49e2: 0x0080, + 0x49e4: 0x0080, 0x49e7: 0x0080, 0x49e8: 0x0080, 0x49e9: 0x0080, + 0x49ea: 0x0080, 0x49ec: 0x0080, 0x49ed: 0x0080, 0x49ee: 0x0080, 0x49ef: 0x0080, + 0x49f0: 0x0080, 0x49f1: 0x0080, 0x49f2: 0x0080, 0x49f4: 0x0080, 0x49f5: 0x0080, + 0x49f6: 0x0080, 0x49f7: 0x0080, 0x49f9: 0x0080, 0x49fa: 0x0080, 0x49fb: 0x0080, + 0x49fc: 0x0080, 0x49fe: 0x0080, + // Block 0x128, offset 0x4a00 + 0x4a00: 0x0080, 0x4a01: 0x0080, 0x4a02: 0x0080, 0x4a03: 0x0080, 0x4a04: 0x0080, 0x4a05: 0x0080, + 0x4a06: 0x0080, 0x4a07: 0x0080, 0x4a08: 0x0080, 0x4a09: 0x0080, 0x4a0b: 0x0080, + 0x4a0c: 0x0080, 0x4a0d: 0x0080, 0x4a0e: 0x0080, 0x4a0f: 0x0080, 0x4a10: 0x0080, 0x4a11: 0x0080, + 0x4a12: 0x0080, 0x4a13: 0x0080, 0x4a14: 0x0080, 0x4a15: 0x0080, 0x4a16: 0x0080, 0x4a17: 0x0080, + 0x4a18: 0x0080, 0x4a19: 0x0080, 0x4a1a: 0x0080, 0x4a1b: 0x0080, + 0x4a21: 0x0080, 0x4a22: 0x0080, 0x4a23: 0x0080, + 0x4a25: 0x0080, 0x4a26: 0x0080, 0x4a27: 0x0080, 0x4a28: 0x0080, 0x4a29: 0x0080, + 0x4a2b: 0x0080, 0x4a2c: 0x0080, 0x4a2d: 0x0080, 0x4a2e: 0x0080, 0x4a2f: 0x0080, + 0x4a30: 0x0080, 0x4a31: 0x0080, 0x4a32: 0x0080, 0x4a33: 0x0080, 0x4a34: 0x0080, 0x4a35: 0x0080, + 0x4a36: 0x0080, 0x4a37: 0x0080, 0x4a38: 0x0080, 0x4a39: 0x0080, 0x4a3a: 0x0080, 0x4a3b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x129, offset 0x4a40 + 0x4a70: 0x0080, 0x4a71: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12a, offset 0x4a80 + 0x4a80: 0x0080, 0x4a81: 0x0080, 0x4a82: 0x0080, 0x4a83: 0x0080, 0x4a84: 0x0080, 0x4a85: 0x0080, + 0x4a86: 0x0080, 0x4a87: 0x0080, 0x4a88: 0x0080, 0x4a89: 0x0080, 0x4a8a: 0x0080, 0x4a8b: 0x0080, + 0x4a8c: 0x0080, 0x4a8d: 0x0080, 0x4a8e: 0x0080, 0x4a8f: 0x0080, 0x4a90: 0x0080, 0x4a91: 0x0080, + 0x4a92: 0x0080, 0x4a93: 0x0080, 0x4a94: 0x0080, 0x4a95: 0x0080, 0x4a96: 0x0080, 0x4a97: 0x0080, + 0x4a98: 0x0080, 0x4a99: 0x0080, 0x4a9a: 0x0080, 0x4a9b: 0x0080, 0x4a9c: 0x0080, 0x4a9d: 0x0080, + 0x4a9e: 0x0080, 0x4a9f: 0x0080, 0x4aa0: 0x0080, 0x4aa1: 0x0080, 0x4aa2: 0x0080, 0x4aa3: 0x0080, + 0x4aa4: 0x0080, 0x4aa5: 0x0080, 0x4aa6: 0x0080, 0x4aa7: 0x0080, 0x4aa8: 0x0080, 0x4aa9: 0x0080, + 0x4aaa: 0x0080, 0x4aab: 0x0080, + 0x4ab0: 0x0080, 0x4ab1: 0x0080, 0x4ab2: 0x0080, 0x4ab3: 0x0080, 0x4ab4: 0x0080, 0x4ab5: 0x0080, + 0x4ab6: 0x0080, 0x4ab7: 0x0080, 0x4ab8: 0x0080, 0x4ab9: 0x0080, 0x4aba: 0x0080, 0x4abb: 0x0080, + 0x4abc: 0x0080, 0x4abd: 0x0080, 0x4abe: 0x0080, 0x4abf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12b, offset 0x4ac0 + 0x4ac0: 0x0080, 0x4ac1: 0x0080, 0x4ac2: 0x0080, 0x4ac3: 0x0080, 0x4ac4: 0x0080, 0x4ac5: 0x0080, + 0x4ac6: 0x0080, 0x4ac7: 0x0080, 0x4ac8: 0x0080, 0x4ac9: 0x0080, 0x4aca: 0x0080, 0x4acb: 0x0080, + 0x4acc: 0x0080, 0x4acd: 0x0080, 0x4ace: 0x0080, 0x4acf: 0x0080, 0x4ad0: 0x0080, 0x4ad1: 0x0080, + 0x4ad2: 0x0080, 0x4ad3: 0x0080, + 0x4ae0: 0x0080, 0x4ae1: 0x0080, 0x4ae2: 0x0080, 0x4ae3: 0x0080, + 0x4ae4: 0x0080, 0x4ae5: 0x0080, 0x4ae6: 0x0080, 0x4ae7: 0x0080, 0x4ae8: 0x0080, 0x4ae9: 0x0080, + 0x4aea: 0x0080, 0x4aeb: 0x0080, 0x4aec: 0x0080, 0x4aed: 0x0080, 0x4aee: 0x0080, + 0x4af1: 0x0080, 0x4af2: 0x0080, 0x4af3: 0x0080, 0x4af4: 0x0080, 0x4af5: 0x0080, + 0x4af6: 0x0080, 0x4af7: 0x0080, 0x4af8: 0x0080, 0x4af9: 0x0080, 0x4afa: 0x0080, 0x4afb: 0x0080, + 0x4afc: 0x0080, 0x4afd: 0x0080, 0x4afe: 0x0080, 0x4aff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12c, offset 0x4b00 + 0x4b01: 0x0080, 0x4b02: 0x0080, 0x4b03: 0x0080, 0x4b04: 0x0080, 0x4b05: 0x0080, + 0x4b06: 0x0080, 0x4b07: 0x0080, 0x4b08: 0x0080, 0x4b09: 0x0080, 0x4b0a: 0x0080, 0x4b0b: 0x0080, + 0x4b0c: 0x0080, 0x4b0d: 0x0080, 0x4b0e: 0x0080, 0x4b0f: 0x0080, 0x4b11: 0x0080, + 0x4b12: 0x0080, 0x4b13: 0x0080, 0x4b14: 0x0080, 0x4b15: 0x0080, 0x4b16: 0x0080, 0x4b17: 0x0080, + 0x4b18: 0x0080, 0x4b19: 0x0080, 0x4b1a: 0x0080, 0x4b1b: 0x0080, 0x4b1c: 0x0080, 0x4b1d: 0x0080, + 0x4b1e: 0x0080, 0x4b1f: 0x0080, 0x4b20: 0x0080, 0x4b21: 0x0080, 0x4b22: 0x0080, 0x4b23: 0x0080, + 0x4b24: 0x0080, 0x4b25: 0x0080, 0x4b26: 0x0080, 0x4b27: 0x0080, 0x4b28: 0x0080, 0x4b29: 0x0080, + 0x4b2a: 0x0080, 0x4b2b: 0x0080, 0x4b2c: 0x0080, 0x4b2d: 0x0080, 0x4b2e: 0x0080, 0x4b2f: 0x0080, + 0x4b30: 0x0080, 0x4b31: 0x0080, 0x4b32: 0x0080, 0x4b33: 0x0080, 0x4b34: 0x0080, 0x4b35: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12d, offset 0x4b40 + 0x4b40: 0x0080, 0x4b41: 0x0080, 0x4b42: 0x0080, 0x4b43: 0x0080, 0x4b44: 0x0080, 0x4b45: 0x0080, + 0x4b46: 0x0080, 0x4b47: 0x0080, 0x4b48: 0x0080, 0x4b49: 0x0080, 0x4b4a: 0x0080, 0x4b4b: 0x0080, + 0x4b4c: 0x0080, 0x4b50: 0x0080, 0x4b51: 0x0080, + 0x4b52: 0x0080, 0x4b53: 0x0080, 0x4b54: 0x0080, 0x4b55: 0x0080, 0x4b56: 0x0080, 0x4b57: 0x0080, + 0x4b58: 0x0080, 0x4b59: 0x0080, 0x4b5a: 0x0080, 0x4b5b: 0x0080, 0x4b5c: 0x0080, 0x4b5d: 0x0080, + 0x4b5e: 0x0080, 0x4b5f: 0x0080, 0x4b60: 0x0080, 0x4b61: 0x0080, 0x4b62: 0x0080, 0x4b63: 0x0080, + 0x4b64: 0x0080, 0x4b65: 0x0080, 0x4b66: 0x0080, 0x4b67: 0x0080, 0x4b68: 0x0080, 0x4b69: 0x0080, + 0x4b6a: 0x0080, 0x4b6b: 0x0080, 0x4b6c: 0x0080, 0x4b6d: 0x0080, 0x4b6e: 0x0080, + 0x4b70: 0x0080, 0x4b71: 0x0080, 0x4b72: 0x0080, 0x4b73: 0x0080, 0x4b74: 0x0080, 0x4b75: 0x0080, + 0x4b76: 0x0080, 0x4b77: 0x0080, 0x4b78: 0x0080, 0x4b79: 0x0080, 0x4b7a: 0x0080, 0x4b7b: 0x0080, + 0x4b7c: 0x0080, 0x4b7d: 0x0080, 0x4b7e: 0x0080, 0x4b7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12e, offset 0x4b80 + 0x4b80: 0x0080, 0x4b81: 0x0080, 0x4b82: 0x0080, 0x4b83: 0x0080, 0x4b84: 0x0080, 0x4b85: 0x0080, + 0x4b86: 0x0080, 0x4b87: 0x0080, 0x4b88: 0x0080, 0x4b89: 0x0080, 0x4b8a: 0x0080, 0x4b8b: 0x0080, + 0x4b8c: 0x0080, 0x4b8d: 0x0080, 0x4b8e: 0x0080, 0x4b8f: 0x0080, 0x4b90: 0x0080, 0x4b91: 0x0080, + 0x4b92: 0x0080, 0x4b93: 0x0080, 0x4b94: 0x0080, 0x4b95: 0x0080, 0x4b96: 0x0080, 0x4b97: 0x0080, + 0x4b98: 0x0080, 0x4b99: 0x0080, 0x4b9a: 0x0080, 0x4b9b: 0x0080, 0x4b9c: 0x0080, 0x4b9d: 0x0080, + 0x4b9e: 0x0080, 0x4b9f: 0x0080, 0x4ba0: 0x0080, 0x4ba1: 0x0080, 0x4ba2: 0x0080, 0x4ba3: 0x0080, + 0x4ba4: 0x0080, 0x4ba5: 0x0080, 0x4ba6: 0x0080, 0x4ba7: 0x0080, 0x4ba8: 0x0080, 0x4ba9: 0x0080, + 0x4baa: 0x0080, 0x4bab: 0x0080, 0x4bac: 0x0080, + // Block 0x12f, offset 0x4bc0 + 0x4be6: 0x0080, 0x4be7: 0x0080, 0x4be8: 0x0080, 0x4be9: 0x0080, + 0x4bea: 0x0080, 0x4beb: 0x0080, 0x4bec: 0x0080, 0x4bed: 0x0080, 0x4bee: 0x0080, 0x4bef: 0x0080, + 0x4bf0: 0x0080, 0x4bf1: 0x0080, 0x4bf2: 0x0080, 0x4bf3: 0x0080, 0x4bf4: 0x0080, 0x4bf5: 0x0080, + 0x4bf6: 0x0080, 0x4bf7: 0x0080, 0x4bf8: 0x0080, 0x4bf9: 0x0080, 0x4bfa: 0x0080, 0x4bfb: 0x0080, + 0x4bfc: 0x0080, 0x4bfd: 0x0080, 0x4bfe: 0x0080, 0x4bff: 0x0080, + // Block 0x130, offset 0x4c00 + 0x4c00: 0x008c, 0x4c01: 0x0080, 0x4c02: 0x0080, + 0x4c10: 0x0080, 0x4c11: 0x0080, + 0x4c12: 0x0080, 0x4c13: 0x0080, 0x4c14: 0x0080, 0x4c15: 0x0080, 0x4c16: 0x0080, 0x4c17: 0x0080, + 0x4c18: 0x0080, 0x4c19: 0x0080, 0x4c1a: 0x0080, 0x4c1b: 0x0080, 0x4c1c: 0x0080, 0x4c1d: 0x0080, + 0x4c1e: 0x0080, 0x4c1f: 0x0080, 0x4c20: 0x0080, 0x4c21: 0x0080, 0x4c22: 0x0080, 0x4c23: 0x0080, + 0x4c24: 0x0080, 0x4c25: 0x0080, 0x4c26: 0x0080, 0x4c27: 0x0080, 0x4c28: 0x0080, 0x4c29: 0x0080, + 0x4c2a: 0x0080, 0x4c2b: 0x0080, 0x4c2c: 0x0080, 0x4c2d: 0x0080, 0x4c2e: 0x0080, 0x4c2f: 0x0080, + 0x4c30: 0x0080, 0x4c31: 0x0080, 0x4c32: 0x0080, 0x4c33: 0x0080, 0x4c34: 0x0080, 0x4c35: 0x0080, + 0x4c36: 0x0080, 0x4c37: 0x0080, 0x4c38: 0x0080, 0x4c39: 0x0080, 0x4c3a: 0x0080, 0x4c3b: 0x0080, + // Block 0x131, offset 0x4c40 + 0x4c40: 0x0080, 0x4c41: 0x0080, 0x4c42: 0x0080, 0x4c43: 0x0080, 0x4c44: 0x0080, 0x4c45: 0x0080, + 0x4c46: 0x0080, 0x4c47: 0x0080, 0x4c48: 0x0080, + 0x4c50: 0x0080, 0x4c51: 0x0080, + // Block 0x132, offset 0x4c80 + 0x4c80: 0x0080, 0x4c81: 0x0080, 0x4c82: 0x0080, 0x4c83: 0x0080, 0x4c84: 0x0080, 0x4c85: 0x0080, + 0x4c86: 0x0080, 0x4c87: 0x0080, 0x4c88: 0x0080, 0x4c89: 0x0080, 0x4c8a: 0x0080, 0x4c8b: 0x0080, + 0x4c8c: 0x0080, 0x4c8d: 0x0080, 0x4c8e: 0x0080, 0x4c8f: 0x0080, 0x4c90: 0x0080, 0x4c91: 0x0080, + 0x4c92: 0x0080, + 0x4ca0: 0x0080, 0x4ca1: 0x0080, 0x4ca2: 0x0080, 0x4ca3: 0x0080, + 0x4ca4: 0x0080, 0x4ca5: 0x0080, 0x4ca6: 0x0080, 0x4ca7: 0x0080, 0x4ca8: 0x0080, 0x4ca9: 0x0080, + 0x4caa: 0x0080, 0x4cab: 0x0080, 0x4cac: 0x0080, + 0x4cb0: 0x0080, 0x4cb1: 0x0080, 0x4cb2: 0x0080, 0x4cb3: 0x0080, 0x4cb4: 0x0080, 0x4cb5: 0x0080, + 0x4cb6: 0x0080, + // Block 0x133, offset 0x4cc0 + 0x4cc0: 0x0080, 0x4cc1: 0x0080, 0x4cc2: 0x0080, 0x4cc3: 0x0080, 0x4cc4: 0x0080, 0x4cc5: 0x0080, + 0x4cc6: 0x0080, 0x4cc7: 0x0080, 0x4cc8: 0x0080, 0x4cc9: 0x0080, 0x4cca: 0x0080, 0x4ccb: 0x0080, + 0x4ccc: 0x0080, 0x4ccd: 0x0080, 0x4cce: 0x0080, 0x4ccf: 0x0080, 0x4cd0: 0x0080, 0x4cd1: 0x0080, + 0x4cd2: 0x0080, 0x4cd3: 0x0080, 0x4cd4: 0x0080, 0x4cd5: 0x0080, 0x4cd6: 0x0080, 0x4cd7: 0x0080, + 0x4cd8: 0x0080, 0x4cd9: 0x0080, 0x4cda: 0x0080, 0x4cdb: 0x0080, 0x4cdc: 0x0080, 0x4cdd: 0x0080, + 0x4cde: 0x0080, 0x4cdf: 0x0080, 0x4ce0: 0x0080, 0x4ce1: 0x0080, 0x4ce2: 0x0080, 0x4ce3: 0x0080, + 0x4ce4: 0x0080, 0x4ce5: 0x0080, 0x4ce6: 0x0080, 0x4ce7: 0x0080, 0x4ce8: 0x0080, 0x4ce9: 0x0080, + 0x4cea: 0x0080, 0x4ceb: 0x0080, 0x4cec: 0x0080, 0x4ced: 0x0080, 0x4cee: 0x0080, 0x4cef: 0x0080, + 0x4cf0: 0x0080, 0x4cf1: 0x0080, 0x4cf2: 0x0080, 0x4cf3: 0x0080, + // Block 0x134, offset 0x4d00 + 0x4d00: 0x0080, 0x4d01: 0x0080, 0x4d02: 0x0080, 0x4d03: 0x0080, 0x4d04: 0x0080, 0x4d05: 0x0080, + 0x4d06: 0x0080, 0x4d07: 0x0080, 0x4d08: 0x0080, 0x4d09: 0x0080, 0x4d0a: 0x0080, 0x4d0b: 0x0080, + 0x4d0c: 0x0080, 0x4d0d: 0x0080, 0x4d0e: 0x0080, 0x4d0f: 0x0080, 0x4d10: 0x0080, 0x4d11: 0x0080, + 0x4d12: 0x0080, 0x4d13: 0x0080, 0x4d14: 0x0080, + // Block 0x135, offset 0x4d40 + 0x4d40: 0x0080, 0x4d41: 0x0080, 0x4d42: 0x0080, 0x4d43: 0x0080, 0x4d44: 0x0080, 0x4d45: 0x0080, + 0x4d46: 0x0080, 0x4d47: 0x0080, 0x4d48: 0x0080, 0x4d49: 0x0080, 0x4d4a: 0x0080, 0x4d4b: 0x0080, + 0x4d50: 0x0080, 0x4d51: 0x0080, + 0x4d52: 0x0080, 0x4d53: 0x0080, 0x4d54: 0x0080, 0x4d55: 0x0080, 0x4d56: 0x0080, 0x4d57: 0x0080, + 0x4d58: 0x0080, 0x4d59: 0x0080, 0x4d5a: 0x0080, 0x4d5b: 0x0080, 0x4d5c: 0x0080, 0x4d5d: 0x0080, + 0x4d5e: 0x0080, 0x4d5f: 0x0080, 0x4d60: 0x0080, 0x4d61: 0x0080, 0x4d62: 0x0080, 0x4d63: 0x0080, + 0x4d64: 0x0080, 0x4d65: 0x0080, 0x4d66: 0x0080, 0x4d67: 0x0080, 0x4d68: 0x0080, 0x4d69: 0x0080, + 0x4d6a: 0x0080, 0x4d6b: 0x0080, 0x4d6c: 0x0080, 0x4d6d: 0x0080, 0x4d6e: 0x0080, 0x4d6f: 0x0080, + 0x4d70: 0x0080, 0x4d71: 0x0080, 0x4d72: 0x0080, 0x4d73: 0x0080, 0x4d74: 0x0080, 0x4d75: 0x0080, + 0x4d76: 0x0080, 0x4d77: 0x0080, 0x4d78: 0x0080, 0x4d79: 0x0080, 0x4d7a: 0x0080, 0x4d7b: 0x0080, + 0x4d7c: 0x0080, 0x4d7d: 0x0080, 0x4d7e: 0x0080, 0x4d7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x136, offset 0x4d80 + 0x4d80: 0x0080, 0x4d81: 0x0080, 0x4d82: 0x0080, 0x4d83: 0x0080, 0x4d84: 0x0080, 0x4d85: 0x0080, + 0x4d86: 0x0080, 0x4d87: 0x0080, + 0x4d90: 0x0080, 0x4d91: 0x0080, + 0x4d92: 0x0080, 0x4d93: 0x0080, 0x4d94: 0x0080, 0x4d95: 0x0080, 0x4d96: 0x0080, 0x4d97: 0x0080, + 0x4d98: 0x0080, 0x4d99: 0x0080, + 0x4da0: 0x0080, 0x4da1: 0x0080, 0x4da2: 0x0080, 0x4da3: 0x0080, + 0x4da4: 0x0080, 0x4da5: 0x0080, 0x4da6: 0x0080, 0x4da7: 0x0080, 0x4da8: 0x0080, 0x4da9: 0x0080, + 0x4daa: 0x0080, 0x4dab: 0x0080, 0x4dac: 0x0080, 0x4dad: 0x0080, 0x4dae: 0x0080, 0x4daf: 0x0080, + 0x4db0: 0x0080, 0x4db1: 0x0080, 0x4db2: 0x0080, 0x4db3: 0x0080, 0x4db4: 0x0080, 0x4db5: 0x0080, + 0x4db6: 0x0080, 0x4db7: 0x0080, 0x4db8: 0x0080, 0x4db9: 0x0080, 0x4dba: 0x0080, 0x4dbb: 0x0080, + 0x4dbc: 0x0080, 0x4dbd: 0x0080, 0x4dbe: 0x0080, 0x4dbf: 0x0080, + // Block 0x137, offset 0x4dc0 + 0x4dc0: 0x0080, 0x4dc1: 0x0080, 0x4dc2: 0x0080, 0x4dc3: 0x0080, 0x4dc4: 0x0080, 0x4dc5: 0x0080, + 0x4dc6: 0x0080, 0x4dc7: 0x0080, + 0x4dd0: 0x0080, 0x4dd1: 0x0080, + 0x4dd2: 0x0080, 0x4dd3: 0x0080, 0x4dd4: 0x0080, 0x4dd5: 0x0080, 0x4dd6: 0x0080, 0x4dd7: 0x0080, + 0x4dd8: 0x0080, 0x4dd9: 0x0080, 0x4dda: 0x0080, 0x4ddb: 0x0080, 0x4ddc: 0x0080, 0x4ddd: 0x0080, + 0x4dde: 0x0080, 0x4ddf: 0x0080, 0x4de0: 0x0080, 0x4de1: 0x0080, 0x4de2: 0x0080, 0x4de3: 0x0080, + 0x4de4: 0x0080, 0x4de5: 0x0080, 0x4de6: 0x0080, 0x4de7: 0x0080, 0x4de8: 0x0080, 0x4de9: 0x0080, + 0x4dea: 0x0080, 0x4deb: 0x0080, 0x4dec: 0x0080, 0x4ded: 0x0080, + // Block 0x138, offset 0x4e00 + 0x4e10: 0x0080, 0x4e11: 0x0080, + 0x4e12: 0x0080, 0x4e13: 0x0080, 0x4e14: 0x0080, 0x4e15: 0x0080, 0x4e16: 0x0080, 0x4e17: 0x0080, + 0x4e18: 0x0080, 0x4e19: 0x0080, 0x4e1a: 0x0080, 0x4e1b: 0x0080, 0x4e1c: 0x0080, 0x4e1d: 0x0080, + 0x4e1e: 0x0080, 0x4e20: 0x0080, 0x4e21: 0x0080, 0x4e22: 0x0080, 0x4e23: 0x0080, + 0x4e24: 0x0080, 0x4e25: 0x0080, 0x4e26: 0x0080, 0x4e27: 0x0080, + 0x4e30: 0x0080, 0x4e33: 0x0080, 0x4e34: 0x0080, 0x4e35: 0x0080, + 0x4e36: 0x0080, 0x4e37: 0x0080, 0x4e38: 0x0080, 0x4e39: 0x0080, 0x4e3a: 0x0080, 0x4e3b: 0x0080, + 0x4e3c: 0x0080, 0x4e3d: 0x0080, 0x4e3e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x139, offset 0x4e40 + 0x4e40: 0x0080, 0x4e41: 0x0080, 0x4e42: 0x0080, 0x4e43: 0x0080, 0x4e44: 0x0080, 0x4e45: 0x0080, + 0x4e46: 0x0080, 0x4e47: 0x0080, 0x4e48: 0x0080, 0x4e49: 0x0080, 0x4e4a: 0x0080, 0x4e4b: 0x0080, + 0x4e50: 0x0080, 0x4e51: 0x0080, + 0x4e52: 0x0080, 0x4e53: 0x0080, 0x4e54: 0x0080, 0x4e55: 0x0080, 0x4e56: 0x0080, 0x4e57: 0x0080, + 0x4e58: 0x0080, 0x4e59: 0x0080, 0x4e5a: 0x0080, 0x4e5b: 0x0080, 0x4e5c: 0x0080, 0x4e5d: 0x0080, + 0x4e5e: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13a, offset 0x4e80 + 0x4e80: 0x0080, 0x4e81: 0x0080, 0x4e82: 0x0080, 0x4e83: 0x0080, 0x4e84: 0x0080, 0x4e85: 0x0080, + 0x4e86: 0x0080, 0x4e87: 0x0080, 0x4e88: 0x0080, 0x4e89: 0x0080, 0x4e8a: 0x0080, 0x4e8b: 0x0080, + 0x4e8c: 0x0080, 0x4e8d: 0x0080, 0x4e8e: 0x0080, 0x4e8f: 0x0080, 0x4e90: 0x0080, 0x4e91: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13b, offset 0x4ec0 + 0x4ec0: 0x0080, + // Block 0x13c, offset 0x4f00 + 0x4f00: 0x00cc, 0x4f01: 0x00cc, 0x4f02: 0x00cc, 0x4f03: 0x00cc, 0x4f04: 0x00cc, 0x4f05: 0x00cc, + 0x4f06: 0x00cc, 0x4f07: 0x00cc, 0x4f08: 0x00cc, 0x4f09: 0x00cc, 0x4f0a: 0x00cc, 0x4f0b: 0x00cc, + 0x4f0c: 0x00cc, 0x4f0d: 0x00cc, 0x4f0e: 0x00cc, 0x4f0f: 0x00cc, 0x4f10: 0x00cc, 0x4f11: 0x00cc, + 0x4f12: 0x00cc, 0x4f13: 0x00cc, 0x4f14: 0x00cc, 0x4f15: 0x00cc, 0x4f16: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x13d, offset 0x4f40 + 0x4f40: 0x00cc, 0x4f41: 0x00cc, 0x4f42: 0x00cc, 0x4f43: 0x00cc, 0x4f44: 0x00cc, 0x4f45: 0x00cc, + 0x4f46: 0x00cc, 0x4f47: 0x00cc, 0x4f48: 0x00cc, 0x4f49: 0x00cc, 0x4f4a: 0x00cc, 0x4f4b: 0x00cc, + 0x4f4c: 0x00cc, 0x4f4d: 0x00cc, 0x4f4e: 0x00cc, 0x4f4f: 0x00cc, 0x4f50: 0x00cc, 0x4f51: 0x00cc, + 0x4f52: 0x00cc, 0x4f53: 0x00cc, 0x4f54: 0x00cc, 0x4f55: 0x00cc, 0x4f56: 0x00cc, 0x4f57: 0x00cc, + 0x4f58: 0x00cc, 0x4f59: 0x00cc, 0x4f5a: 0x00cc, 0x4f5b: 0x00cc, 0x4f5c: 0x00cc, 0x4f5d: 0x00cc, + 0x4f5e: 0x00cc, 0x4f5f: 0x00cc, 0x4f60: 0x00cc, 0x4f61: 0x00cc, 0x4f62: 0x00cc, 0x4f63: 0x00cc, + 0x4f64: 0x00cc, 0x4f65: 0x00cc, 0x4f66: 0x00cc, 0x4f67: 0x00cc, 0x4f68: 0x00cc, 0x4f69: 0x00cc, + 0x4f6a: 0x00cc, 0x4f6b: 0x00cc, 0x4f6c: 0x00cc, 0x4f6d: 0x00cc, 0x4f6e: 0x00cc, 0x4f6f: 0x00cc, + 0x4f70: 0x00cc, 0x4f71: 0x00cc, 0x4f72: 0x00cc, 0x4f73: 0x00cc, 0x4f74: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x13e, offset 0x4f80 + 0x4f80: 0x00cc, 0x4f81: 0x00cc, 0x4f82: 0x00cc, 0x4f83: 0x00cc, 0x4f84: 0x00cc, 0x4f85: 0x00cc, + 0x4f86: 0x00cc, 0x4f87: 0x00cc, 0x4f88: 0x00cc, 0x4f89: 0x00cc, 0x4f8a: 0x00cc, 0x4f8b: 0x00cc, + 0x4f8c: 0x00cc, 0x4f8d: 0x00cc, 0x4f8e: 0x00cc, 0x4f8f: 0x00cc, 0x4f90: 0x00cc, 0x4f91: 0x00cc, + 0x4f92: 0x00cc, 0x4f93: 0x00cc, 0x4f94: 0x00cc, 0x4f95: 0x00cc, 0x4f96: 0x00cc, 0x4f97: 0x00cc, + 0x4f98: 0x00cc, 0x4f99: 0x00cc, 0x4f9a: 0x00cc, 0x4f9b: 0x00cc, 0x4f9c: 0x00cc, 0x4f9d: 0x00cc, + 0x4fa0: 0x00cc, 0x4fa1: 0x00cc, 0x4fa2: 0x00cc, 0x4fa3: 0x00cc, + 0x4fa4: 0x00cc, 0x4fa5: 0x00cc, 0x4fa6: 0x00cc, 0x4fa7: 0x00cc, 0x4fa8: 0x00cc, 0x4fa9: 0x00cc, + 0x4faa: 0x00cc, 0x4fab: 0x00cc, 0x4fac: 0x00cc, 0x4fad: 0x00cc, 0x4fae: 0x00cc, 0x4faf: 0x00cc, + 0x4fb0: 0x00cc, 0x4fb1: 0x00cc, 0x4fb2: 0x00cc, 0x4fb3: 0x00cc, 0x4fb4: 0x00cc, 0x4fb5: 0x00cc, + 0x4fb6: 0x00cc, 0x4fb7: 0x00cc, 0x4fb8: 0x00cc, 0x4fb9: 0x00cc, 0x4fba: 0x00cc, 0x4fbb: 0x00cc, + 0x4fbc: 0x00cc, 0x4fbd: 0x00cc, 0x4fbe: 0x00cc, 0x4fbf: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x13f, offset 0x4fc0 + 0x4fc0: 0x00cc, 0x4fc1: 0x00cc, 0x4fc2: 0x00cc, 0x4fc3: 0x00cc, 0x4fc4: 0x00cc, 0x4fc5: 0x00cc, + 0x4fc6: 0x00cc, 0x4fc7: 0x00cc, 0x4fc8: 0x00cc, 0x4fc9: 0x00cc, 0x4fca: 0x00cc, 0x4fcb: 0x00cc, + 0x4fcc: 0x00cc, 0x4fcd: 0x00cc, 0x4fce: 0x00cc, 0x4fcf: 0x00cc, 0x4fd0: 0x00cc, 0x4fd1: 0x00cc, + 0x4fd2: 0x00cc, 0x4fd3: 0x00cc, 0x4fd4: 0x00cc, 0x4fd5: 0x00cc, 0x4fd6: 0x00cc, 0x4fd7: 0x00cc, + 0x4fd8: 0x00cc, 0x4fd9: 0x00cc, 0x4fda: 0x00cc, 0x4fdb: 0x00cc, 0x4fdc: 0x00cc, 0x4fdd: 0x00cc, + 0x4fde: 0x00cc, 0x4fdf: 0x00cc, 0x4fe0: 0x00cc, 0x4fe1: 0x00cc, + // Block 0x140, offset 0x5000 + 0x5000: 0x008c, 0x5001: 0x008c, 0x5002: 0x008c, 0x5003: 0x008c, 0x5004: 0x008c, 0x5005: 0x008c, + 0x5006: 0x008c, 0x5007: 0x008c, 0x5008: 0x008c, 0x5009: 0x008c, 0x500a: 0x008c, 0x500b: 0x008c, + 0x500c: 0x008c, 0x500d: 0x008c, 0x500e: 0x008c, 0x500f: 0x008c, 0x5010: 0x008c, 0x5011: 0x008c, + 0x5012: 0x008c, 0x5013: 0x008c, 0x5014: 0x008c, 0x5015: 0x008c, 0x5016: 0x008c, 0x5017: 0x008c, + 0x5018: 0x008c, 0x5019: 0x008c, 0x501a: 0x008c, 0x501b: 0x008c, 0x501c: 0x008c, 0x501d: 0x008c, + // Block 0x141, offset 0x5040 + 0x5041: 0x0040, + 0x5060: 0x0040, 0x5061: 0x0040, 0x5062: 0x0040, 0x5063: 0x0040, + 0x5064: 0x0040, 0x5065: 0x0040, 0x5066: 0x0040, 0x5067: 0x0040, 0x5068: 0x0040, 0x5069: 0x0040, + 0x506a: 0x0040, 0x506b: 0x0040, 0x506c: 0x0040, 0x506d: 0x0040, 0x506e: 0x0040, 0x506f: 0x0040, + 0x5070: 0x0040, 0x5071: 0x0040, 0x5072: 0x0040, 0x5073: 0x0040, 0x5074: 0x0040, 0x5075: 0x0040, + 0x5076: 0x0040, 0x5077: 0x0040, 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0x50c1: 0x0040, 0x50c2: 0x0040, 0x50c3: 0x0040, 0x50c4: 0x0040, 0x50c5: 0x0040, + 0x50c6: 0x0040, 0x50c7: 0x0040, 0x50c8: 0x0040, 0x50c9: 0x0040, 0x50ca: 0x0040, 0x50cb: 0x0040, + 0x50cc: 0x0040, 0x50cd: 0x0040, 0x50ce: 0x0040, 0x50cf: 0x0040, 0x50d0: 0x0040, 0x50d1: 0x0040, + 0x50d2: 0x0040, 0x50d3: 0x0040, 0x50d4: 0x0040, 0x50d5: 0x0040, 0x50d6: 0x0040, 0x50d7: 0x0040, + 0x50d8: 0x0040, 0x50d9: 0x0040, 0x50da: 0x0040, 0x50db: 0x0040, 0x50dc: 0x0040, 0x50dd: 0x0040, + 0x50de: 0x0040, 0x50df: 0x0040, 0x50e0: 0x0040, 0x50e1: 0x0040, 0x50e2: 0x0040, 0x50e3: 0x0040, + 0x50e4: 0x0040, 0x50e5: 0x0040, 0x50e6: 0x0040, 0x50e7: 0x0040, 0x50e8: 0x0040, 0x50e9: 0x0040, + 0x50ea: 0x0040, 0x50eb: 0x0040, 0x50ec: 0x0040, 0x50ed: 0x0040, 0x50ee: 0x0040, 0x50ef: 0x0040, + 0x50f0: 0x0040, 0x50f1: 0x0040, 0x50f2: 0x0040, 0x50f3: 0x0040, 0x50f4: 0x0040, 0x50f5: 0x0040, + 0x50f6: 0x0040, 0x50f7: 0x0040, 0x50f8: 0x0040, 0x50f9: 0x0040, 0x50fa: 0x0040, 0x50fb: 0x0040, + 0x50fc: 0x0040, 0x50fd: 0x0040, +} + +// derivedPropertiesIndex: 36 blocks, 2304 entries, 4608 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var derivedPropertiesIndex = [2304]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc6: 0x05, 0xc7: 0x06, + 0xc8: 0x05, 0xc9: 0x05, 0xca: 0x07, 0xcb: 0x08, 0xcc: 0x09, 0xcd: 0x0a, 0xce: 0x0b, 0xcf: 0x0c, + 0xd0: 0x05, 0xd1: 0x05, 0xd2: 0x0d, 0xd3: 0x05, 0xd4: 0x0e, 0xd5: 0x0f, 0xd6: 0x10, 0xd7: 0x11, + 0xd8: 0x12, 0xd9: 0x13, 0xda: 0x14, 0xdb: 0x15, 0xdc: 0x16, 0xdd: 0x17, 0xde: 0x18, 0xdf: 0x19, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, 0xe4: 0x06, 0xe5: 0x07, 0xe6: 0x07, 0xe7: 0x07, + 0xe8: 0x07, 0xe9: 0x08, 0xea: 0x09, 0xeb: 0x0a, 0xec: 0x0a, 0xed: 0x0b, 0xee: 0x0c, 0xef: 0x0d, + 0xf0: 0x1d, 0xf3: 0x20, 0xf4: 0x21, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x1a, 0x121: 0x1b, 0x122: 0x1c, 0x123: 0x1d, 0x124: 0x1e, 0x125: 0x1f, 0x126: 0x20, 0x127: 0x21, + 0x128: 0x22, 0x129: 0x23, 0x12a: 0x24, 0x12b: 0x25, 0x12c: 0x26, 0x12d: 0x27, 0x12e: 0x28, 0x12f: 0x29, + 0x130: 0x2a, 0x131: 0x2b, 0x132: 0x2c, 0x133: 0x2d, 0x134: 0x2e, 0x135: 0x2f, 0x136: 0x30, 0x137: 0x31, + 0x138: 0x32, 0x139: 0x33, 0x13a: 0x34, 0x13b: 0x35, 0x13c: 0x36, 0x13d: 0x37, 0x13e: 0x38, 0x13f: 0x39, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x3a, 0x141: 0x3b, 0x142: 0x3c, 0x143: 0x3d, 0x144: 0x3e, 0x145: 0x3e, 0x146: 0x3e, 0x147: 0x3e, + 0x148: 0x05, 0x149: 0x3f, 0x14a: 0x40, 0x14b: 0x41, 0x14c: 0x42, 0x14d: 0x43, 0x14e: 0x44, 0x14f: 0x45, + 0x150: 0x46, 0x151: 0x05, 0x152: 0x05, 0x153: 0x05, 0x154: 0x05, 0x155: 0x05, 0x156: 0x05, 0x157: 0x05, + 0x158: 0x05, 0x159: 0x47, 0x15a: 0x48, 0x15b: 0x49, 0x15c: 0x4a, 0x15d: 0x4b, 0x15e: 0x4c, 0x15f: 0x4d, + 0x160: 0x4e, 0x161: 0x4f, 0x162: 0x50, 0x163: 0x51, 0x164: 0x52, 0x165: 0x53, 0x166: 0x54, 0x167: 0x55, + 0x168: 0x56, 0x169: 0x57, 0x16a: 0x58, 0x16c: 0x59, 0x16d: 0x5a, 0x16e: 0x5b, 0x16f: 0x5c, + 0x170: 0x5d, 0x171: 0x5e, 0x172: 0x5f, 0x173: 0x60, 0x174: 0x61, 0x175: 0x62, 0x176: 0x63, 0x177: 0x64, + 0x178: 0x05, 0x179: 0x05, 0x17a: 0x65, 0x17b: 0x05, 0x17c: 0x66, 0x17d: 0x67, 0x17e: 0x68, 0x17f: 0x69, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x6a, 0x181: 0x6b, 0x182: 0x6c, 0x183: 0x6d, 0x184: 0x6e, 0x185: 0x6f, 0x186: 0x70, 0x187: 0x71, + 0x188: 0x71, 0x189: 0x71, 0x18a: 0x71, 0x18b: 0x71, 0x18c: 0x71, 0x18d: 0x71, 0x18e: 0x71, 0x18f: 0x72, + 0x190: 0x73, 0x191: 0x74, 0x192: 0x71, 0x193: 0x71, 0x194: 0x71, 0x195: 0x71, 0x196: 0x71, 0x197: 0x71, + 0x198: 0x71, 0x199: 0x71, 0x19a: 0x71, 0x19b: 0x71, 0x19c: 0x71, 0x19d: 0x71, 0x19e: 0x71, 0x19f: 0x71, + 0x1a0: 0x71, 0x1a1: 0x71, 0x1a2: 0x71, 0x1a3: 0x71, 0x1a4: 0x71, 0x1a5: 0x71, 0x1a6: 0x71, 0x1a7: 0x71, + 0x1a8: 0x71, 0x1a9: 0x71, 0x1aa: 0x71, 0x1ab: 0x71, 0x1ac: 0x71, 0x1ad: 0x75, 0x1ae: 0x76, 0x1af: 0x77, + 0x1b0: 0x78, 0x1b1: 0x79, 0x1b2: 0x05, 0x1b3: 0x7a, 0x1b4: 0x7b, 0x1b5: 0x7c, 0x1b6: 0x7d, 0x1b7: 0x7e, + 0x1b8: 0x7f, 0x1b9: 0x80, 0x1ba: 0x81, 0x1bb: 0x82, 0x1bc: 0x83, 0x1bd: 0x83, 0x1be: 0x83, 0x1bf: 0x84, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x85, 0x1c1: 0x86, 0x1c2: 0x87, 0x1c3: 0x88, 0x1c4: 0x89, 0x1c5: 0x8a, 0x1c6: 0x8b, 0x1c7: 0x8c, + 0x1c8: 0x8d, 0x1c9: 0x71, 0x1ca: 0x71, 0x1cb: 0x8e, 0x1cc: 0x83, 0x1cd: 0x8f, 0x1ce: 0x71, 0x1cf: 0x71, + 0x1d0: 0x90, 0x1d1: 0x90, 0x1d2: 0x90, 0x1d3: 0x90, 0x1d4: 0x90, 0x1d5: 0x90, 0x1d6: 0x90, 0x1d7: 0x90, + 0x1d8: 0x90, 0x1d9: 0x90, 0x1da: 0x90, 0x1db: 0x90, 0x1dc: 0x90, 0x1dd: 0x90, 0x1de: 0x90, 0x1df: 0x90, + 0x1e0: 0x90, 0x1e1: 0x90, 0x1e2: 0x90, 0x1e3: 0x90, 0x1e4: 0x90, 0x1e5: 0x90, 0x1e6: 0x90, 0x1e7: 0x90, + 0x1e8: 0x90, 0x1e9: 0x90, 0x1ea: 0x90, 0x1eb: 0x90, 0x1ec: 0x90, 0x1ed: 0x90, 0x1ee: 0x90, 0x1ef: 0x90, + 0x1f0: 0x90, 0x1f1: 0x90, 0x1f2: 0x90, 0x1f3: 0x90, 0x1f4: 0x90, 0x1f5: 0x90, 0x1f6: 0x90, 0x1f7: 0x90, + 0x1f8: 0x90, 0x1f9: 0x90, 0x1fa: 0x90, 0x1fb: 0x90, 0x1fc: 0x90, 0x1fd: 0x90, 0x1fe: 0x90, 0x1ff: 0x90, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x90, 0x201: 0x90, 0x202: 0x90, 0x203: 0x90, 0x204: 0x90, 0x205: 0x90, 0x206: 0x90, 0x207: 0x90, + 0x208: 0x90, 0x209: 0x90, 0x20a: 0x90, 0x20b: 0x90, 0x20c: 0x90, 0x20d: 0x90, 0x20e: 0x90, 0x20f: 0x90, + 0x210: 0x90, 0x211: 0x90, 0x212: 0x90, 0x213: 0x90, 0x214: 0x90, 0x215: 0x90, 0x216: 0x90, 0x217: 0x90, + 0x218: 0x90, 0x219: 0x90, 0x21a: 0x90, 0x21b: 0x90, 0x21c: 0x90, 0x21d: 0x90, 0x21e: 0x90, 0x21f: 0x90, + 0x220: 0x90, 0x221: 0x90, 0x222: 0x90, 0x223: 0x90, 0x224: 0x90, 0x225: 0x90, 0x226: 0x90, 0x227: 0x90, + 0x228: 0x90, 0x229: 0x90, 0x22a: 0x90, 0x22b: 0x90, 0x22c: 0x90, 0x22d: 0x90, 0x22e: 0x90, 0x22f: 0x90, + 0x230: 0x90, 0x231: 0x90, 0x232: 0x90, 0x233: 0x90, 0x234: 0x90, 0x235: 0x90, 0x236: 0x91, 0x237: 0x71, + 0x238: 0x90, 0x239: 0x90, 0x23a: 0x90, 0x23b: 0x90, 0x23c: 0x90, 0x23d: 0x90, 0x23e: 0x90, 0x23f: 0x90, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x90, 0x241: 0x90, 0x242: 0x90, 0x243: 0x90, 0x244: 0x90, 0x245: 0x90, 0x246: 0x90, 0x247: 0x90, + 0x248: 0x90, 0x249: 0x90, 0x24a: 0x90, 0x24b: 0x90, 0x24c: 0x90, 0x24d: 0x90, 0x24e: 0x90, 0x24f: 0x90, + 0x250: 0x90, 0x251: 0x90, 0x252: 0x90, 0x253: 0x90, 0x254: 0x90, 0x255: 0x90, 0x256: 0x90, 0x257: 0x90, + 0x258: 0x90, 0x259: 0x90, 0x25a: 0x90, 0x25b: 0x90, 0x25c: 0x90, 0x25d: 0x90, 0x25e: 0x90, 0x25f: 0x90, + 0x260: 0x90, 0x261: 0x90, 0x262: 0x90, 0x263: 0x90, 0x264: 0x90, 0x265: 0x90, 0x266: 0x90, 0x267: 0x90, + 0x268: 0x90, 0x269: 0x90, 0x26a: 0x90, 0x26b: 0x90, 0x26c: 0x90, 0x26d: 0x90, 0x26e: 0x90, 0x26f: 0x90, + 0x270: 0x90, 0x271: 0x90, 0x272: 0x90, 0x273: 0x90, 0x274: 0x90, 0x275: 0x90, 0x276: 0x90, 0x277: 0x90, + 0x278: 0x90, 0x279: 0x90, 0x27a: 0x90, 0x27b: 0x90, 0x27c: 0x90, 0x27d: 0x90, 0x27e: 0x90, 0x27f: 0x90, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x90, 0x281: 0x90, 0x282: 0x90, 0x283: 0x90, 0x284: 0x90, 0x285: 0x90, 0x286: 0x90, 0x287: 0x90, + 0x288: 0x90, 0x289: 0x90, 0x28a: 0x90, 0x28b: 0x90, 0x28c: 0x90, 0x28d: 0x90, 0x28e: 0x90, 0x28f: 0x90, + 0x290: 0x90, 0x291: 0x90, 0x292: 0x90, 0x293: 0x90, 0x294: 0x90, 0x295: 0x90, 0x296: 0x90, 0x297: 0x90, + 0x298: 0x90, 0x299: 0x90, 0x29a: 0x90, 0x29b: 0x90, 0x29c: 0x90, 0x29d: 0x90, 0x29e: 0x90, 0x29f: 0x90, + 0x2a0: 0x90, 0x2a1: 0x90, 0x2a2: 0x90, 0x2a3: 0x90, 0x2a4: 0x90, 0x2a5: 0x90, 0x2a6: 0x90, 0x2a7: 0x90, + 0x2a8: 0x90, 0x2a9: 0x90, 0x2aa: 0x90, 0x2ab: 0x90, 0x2ac: 0x90, 0x2ad: 0x90, 0x2ae: 0x90, 0x2af: 0x90, + 0x2b0: 0x90, 0x2b1: 0x90, 0x2b2: 0x90, 0x2b3: 0x90, 0x2b4: 0x90, 0x2b5: 0x90, 0x2b6: 0x90, 0x2b7: 0x90, + 0x2b8: 0x90, 0x2b9: 0x90, 0x2ba: 0x90, 0x2bb: 0x90, 0x2bc: 0x90, 0x2bd: 0x90, 0x2be: 0x90, 0x2bf: 0x92, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x05, 0x2c1: 0x05, 0x2c2: 0x05, 0x2c3: 0x05, 0x2c4: 0x05, 0x2c5: 0x05, 0x2c6: 0x05, 0x2c7: 0x05, + 0x2c8: 0x05, 0x2c9: 0x05, 0x2ca: 0x05, 0x2cb: 0x05, 0x2cc: 0x05, 0x2cd: 0x05, 0x2ce: 0x05, 0x2cf: 0x05, + 0x2d0: 0x05, 0x2d1: 0x05, 0x2d2: 0x93, 0x2d3: 0x94, 0x2d4: 0x05, 0x2d5: 0x05, 0x2d6: 0x05, 0x2d7: 0x05, + 0x2d8: 0x95, 0x2d9: 0x96, 0x2da: 0x97, 0x2db: 0x98, 0x2dc: 0x99, 0x2dd: 0x9a, 0x2de: 0x9b, 0x2df: 0x9c, + 0x2e0: 0x9d, 0x2e1: 0x9e, 0x2e2: 0x05, 0x2e3: 0x9f, 0x2e4: 0xa0, 0x2e5: 0xa1, 0x2e6: 0xa2, 0x2e7: 0xa3, + 0x2e8: 0xa4, 0x2e9: 0xa5, 0x2ea: 0xa6, 0x2eb: 0xa7, 0x2ec: 0xa8, 0x2ed: 0xa9, 0x2ee: 0x05, 0x2ef: 0xaa, + 0x2f0: 0x05, 0x2f1: 0x05, 0x2f2: 0x05, 0x2f3: 0x05, 0x2f4: 0x05, 0x2f5: 0x05, 0x2f6: 0x05, 0x2f7: 0x05, + 0x2f8: 0x05, 0x2f9: 0x05, 0x2fa: 0x05, 0x2fb: 0x05, 0x2fc: 0x05, 0x2fd: 0x05, 0x2fe: 0x05, 0x2ff: 0x05, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x05, 0x301: 0x05, 0x302: 0x05, 0x303: 0x05, 0x304: 0x05, 0x305: 0x05, 0x306: 0x05, 0x307: 0x05, + 0x308: 0x05, 0x309: 0x05, 0x30a: 0x05, 0x30b: 0x05, 0x30c: 0x05, 0x30d: 0x05, 0x30e: 0x05, 0x30f: 0x05, + 0x310: 0x05, 0x311: 0x05, 0x312: 0x05, 0x313: 0x05, 0x314: 0x05, 0x315: 0x05, 0x316: 0x05, 0x317: 0x05, + 0x318: 0x05, 0x319: 0x05, 0x31a: 0x05, 0x31b: 0x05, 0x31c: 0x05, 0x31d: 0x05, 0x31e: 0x05, 0x31f: 0x05, + 0x320: 0x05, 0x321: 0x05, 0x322: 0x05, 0x323: 0x05, 0x324: 0x05, 0x325: 0x05, 0x326: 0x05, 0x327: 0x05, + 0x328: 0x05, 0x329: 0x05, 0x32a: 0x05, 0x32b: 0x05, 0x32c: 0x05, 0x32d: 0x05, 0x32e: 0x05, 0x32f: 0x05, + 0x330: 0x05, 0x331: 0x05, 0x332: 0x05, 0x333: 0x05, 0x334: 0x05, 0x335: 0x05, 0x336: 0x05, 0x337: 0x05, + 0x338: 0x05, 0x339: 0x05, 0x33a: 0x05, 0x33b: 0x05, 0x33c: 0x05, 0x33d: 0x05, 0x33e: 0x05, 0x33f: 0x05, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x05, 0x341: 0x05, 0x342: 0x05, 0x343: 0x05, 0x344: 0x05, 0x345: 0x05, 0x346: 0x05, 0x347: 0x05, + 0x348: 0x05, 0x349: 0x05, 0x34a: 0x05, 0x34b: 0x05, 0x34c: 0x05, 0x34d: 0x05, 0x34e: 0x05, 0x34f: 0x05, + 0x350: 0x05, 0x351: 0x05, 0x352: 0x05, 0x353: 0x05, 0x354: 0x05, 0x355: 0x05, 0x356: 0x05, 0x357: 0x05, + 0x358: 0x05, 0x359: 0x05, 0x35a: 0x05, 0x35b: 0x05, 0x35c: 0x05, 0x35d: 0x05, 0x35e: 0xab, 0x35f: 0xac, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x3e, 0x381: 0x3e, 0x382: 0x3e, 0x383: 0x3e, 0x384: 0x3e, 0x385: 0x3e, 0x386: 0x3e, 0x387: 0x3e, + 0x388: 0x3e, 0x389: 0x3e, 0x38a: 0x3e, 0x38b: 0x3e, 0x38c: 0x3e, 0x38d: 0x3e, 0x38e: 0x3e, 0x38f: 0x3e, + 0x390: 0x3e, 0x391: 0x3e, 0x392: 0x3e, 0x393: 0x3e, 0x394: 0x3e, 0x395: 0x3e, 0x396: 0x3e, 0x397: 0x3e, + 0x398: 0x3e, 0x399: 0x3e, 0x39a: 0x3e, 0x39b: 0x3e, 0x39c: 0x3e, 0x39d: 0x3e, 0x39e: 0x3e, 0x39f: 0x3e, + 0x3a0: 0x3e, 0x3a1: 0x3e, 0x3a2: 0x3e, 0x3a3: 0x3e, 0x3a4: 0x3e, 0x3a5: 0x3e, 0x3a6: 0x3e, 0x3a7: 0x3e, + 0x3a8: 0x3e, 0x3a9: 0x3e, 0x3aa: 0x3e, 0x3ab: 0x3e, 0x3ac: 0x3e, 0x3ad: 0x3e, 0x3ae: 0x3e, 0x3af: 0x3e, + 0x3b0: 0x3e, 0x3b1: 0x3e, 0x3b2: 0x3e, 0x3b3: 0x3e, 0x3b4: 0x3e, 0x3b5: 0x3e, 0x3b6: 0x3e, 0x3b7: 0x3e, + 0x3b8: 0x3e, 0x3b9: 0x3e, 0x3ba: 0x3e, 0x3bb: 0x3e, 0x3bc: 0x3e, 0x3bd: 0x3e, 0x3be: 0x3e, 0x3bf: 0x3e, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x3e, 0x3c1: 0x3e, 0x3c2: 0x3e, 0x3c3: 0x3e, 0x3c4: 0x3e, 0x3c5: 0x3e, 0x3c6: 0x3e, 0x3c7: 0x3e, + 0x3c8: 0x3e, 0x3c9: 0x3e, 0x3ca: 0x3e, 0x3cb: 0x3e, 0x3cc: 0x3e, 0x3cd: 0x3e, 0x3ce: 0x3e, 0x3cf: 0x3e, + 0x3d0: 0x3e, 0x3d1: 0x3e, 0x3d2: 0x3e, 0x3d3: 0x3e, 0x3d4: 0x3e, 0x3d5: 0x3e, 0x3d6: 0x3e, 0x3d7: 0x3e, + 0x3d8: 0x3e, 0x3d9: 0x3e, 0x3da: 0x3e, 0x3db: 0x3e, 0x3dc: 0x3e, 0x3dd: 0x3e, 0x3de: 0x3e, 0x3df: 0x3e, + 0x3e0: 0x3e, 0x3e1: 0x3e, 0x3e2: 0x3e, 0x3e3: 0x3e, 0x3e4: 0x83, 0x3e5: 0x83, 0x3e6: 0x83, 0x3e7: 0x83, + 0x3e8: 0xad, 0x3e9: 0xae, 0x3ea: 0x83, 0x3eb: 0xaf, 0x3ec: 0xb0, 0x3ed: 0xb1, 0x3ee: 0x71, 0x3ef: 0xb2, + 0x3f0: 0x71, 0x3f1: 0x71, 0x3f2: 0x71, 0x3f3: 0x71, 0x3f4: 0x71, 0x3f5: 0xb3, 0x3f6: 0xb4, 0x3f7: 0xb5, + 0x3f8: 0xb6, 0x3f9: 0xb7, 0x3fa: 0x71, 0x3fb: 0xb8, 0x3fc: 0xb9, 0x3fd: 0xba, 0x3fe: 0xbb, 0x3ff: 0xbc, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0xbd, 0x401: 0xbe, 0x402: 0x05, 0x403: 0xbf, 0x404: 0xc0, 0x405: 0xc1, 0x406: 0xc2, 0x407: 0xc3, + 0x40a: 0xc4, 0x40b: 0xc5, 0x40c: 0xc6, 0x40d: 0xc7, 0x40e: 0xc8, 0x40f: 0xc9, + 0x410: 0x05, 0x411: 0x05, 0x412: 0xca, 0x413: 0xcb, 0x414: 0xcc, 0x415: 0xcd, + 0x418: 0x05, 0x419: 0x05, 0x41a: 0x05, 0x41b: 0x05, 0x41c: 0xce, 0x41d: 0xcf, + 0x420: 0xd0, 0x421: 0xd1, 0x422: 0xd2, 0x423: 0xd3, 0x424: 0xd4, 0x426: 0xd5, 0x427: 0xb4, + 0x428: 0xd6, 0x429: 0xd7, 0x42a: 0xd8, 0x42b: 0xd9, 0x42c: 0xda, 0x42d: 0xdb, 0x42e: 0xdc, + 0x430: 0x05, 0x431: 0x5f, 0x432: 0xdd, 0x433: 0xde, + 0x439: 0xdf, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0xe0, 0x441: 0xe1, 0x442: 0xe2, 0x443: 0xe3, 0x444: 0xe4, 0x445: 0xe5, 0x446: 0xe6, 0x447: 0xe7, + 0x448: 0xe8, 0x44a: 0xe9, 0x44b: 0xea, 0x44c: 0xeb, 0x44d: 0xec, + 0x450: 0xed, 0x451: 0xee, 0x452: 0xef, 0x453: 0xf0, 0x456: 0xf1, 0x457: 0xf2, + 0x458: 0xf3, 0x459: 0xf4, 0x45a: 0xf5, 0x45b: 0xf6, 0x45c: 0xf7, + 0x462: 0xf8, 0x463: 0xf9, + 0x46b: 0xfa, + 0x470: 0xfb, 0x471: 0xfc, 0x472: 0xfd, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x05, 0x481: 0x05, 0x482: 0x05, 0x483: 0x05, 0x484: 0x05, 0x485: 0x05, 0x486: 0x05, 0x487: 0x05, + 0x488: 0x05, 0x489: 0x05, 0x48a: 0x05, 0x48b: 0x05, 0x48c: 0x05, 0x48d: 0x05, 0x48e: 0xfe, + 0x490: 0x71, 0x491: 0xff, 0x492: 0x05, 0x493: 0x05, 0x494: 0x05, 0x495: 0x100, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x05, 0x4c1: 0x05, 0x4c2: 0x05, 0x4c3: 0x05, 0x4c4: 0x05, 0x4c5: 0x05, 0x4c6: 0x05, 0x4c7: 0x05, + 0x4c8: 0x05, 0x4c9: 0x05, 0x4ca: 0x05, 0x4cb: 0x05, 0x4cc: 0x05, 0x4cd: 0x05, 0x4ce: 0x05, 0x4cf: 0x05, + 0x4d0: 0x101, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x510: 0x05, 0x511: 0x05, 0x512: 0x05, 0x513: 0x05, 0x514: 0x05, 0x515: 0x05, 0x516: 0x05, 0x517: 0x05, + 0x518: 0x05, 0x519: 0x102, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x560: 0x05, 0x561: 0x05, 0x562: 0x05, 0x563: 0x05, 0x564: 0x05, 0x565: 0x05, 0x566: 0x05, 0x567: 0x05, + 0x568: 0xfa, 0x569: 0x103, 0x56b: 0x104, 0x56c: 0x105, 0x56d: 0x106, 0x56e: 0x107, + 0x57c: 0x05, 0x57d: 0x108, 0x57e: 0x109, 0x57f: 0x10a, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x05, 0x581: 0x05, 0x582: 0x05, 0x583: 0x05, 0x584: 0x05, 0x585: 0x05, 0x586: 0x05, 0x587: 0x05, + 0x588: 0x05, 0x589: 0x05, 0x58a: 0x05, 0x58b: 0x05, 0x58c: 0x05, 0x58d: 0x05, 0x58e: 0x05, 0x58f: 0x05, + 0x590: 0x05, 0x591: 0x05, 0x592: 0x05, 0x593: 0x05, 0x594: 0x05, 0x595: 0x05, 0x596: 0x05, 0x597: 0x05, + 0x598: 0x05, 0x599: 0x05, 0x59a: 0x05, 0x59b: 0x05, 0x59c: 0x05, 0x59d: 0x05, 0x59e: 0x05, 0x59f: 0x10b, + 0x5a0: 0x05, 0x5a1: 0x05, 0x5a2: 0x05, 0x5a3: 0x05, 0x5a4: 0x05, 0x5a5: 0x05, 0x5a6: 0x05, 0x5a7: 0x05, + 0x5a8: 0x05, 0x5a9: 0x05, 0x5aa: 0x05, 0x5ab: 0xdd, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x10c, + 0x5f0: 0x05, 0x5f1: 0x10d, 0x5f2: 0x10e, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x71, 0x601: 0x71, 0x602: 0x71, 0x603: 0x10f, 0x604: 0x110, 0x605: 0x111, 0x606: 0x112, 0x607: 0x113, + 0x608: 0xc1, 0x609: 0x114, 0x60c: 0x71, 0x60d: 0x115, + 0x610: 0x71, 0x611: 0x116, 0x612: 0x117, 0x613: 0x118, 0x614: 0x119, 0x615: 0x11a, 0x616: 0x71, 0x617: 0x71, + 0x618: 0x71, 0x619: 0x71, 0x61a: 0x11b, 0x61b: 0x71, 0x61c: 0x71, 0x61d: 0x71, 0x61e: 0x71, 0x61f: 0x11c, + 0x620: 0x71, 0x621: 0x71, 0x622: 0x71, 0x623: 0x71, 0x624: 0x71, 0x625: 0x71, 0x626: 0x71, 0x627: 0x71, + 0x628: 0x11d, 0x629: 0x11e, 0x62a: 0x11f, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x120, + 0x660: 0x05, 0x661: 0x05, 0x662: 0x05, 0x663: 0x121, 0x664: 0x122, 0x665: 0x123, + 0x678: 0x124, 0x679: 0x125, 0x67a: 0x126, 0x67b: 0x127, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x128, 0x681: 0x71, 0x682: 0x129, 0x683: 0x12a, 0x684: 0x12b, 0x685: 0x128, 0x686: 0x12c, 0x687: 0x12d, + 0x688: 0x12e, 0x689: 0x12f, 0x68c: 0x71, 0x68d: 0x71, 0x68e: 0x71, 0x68f: 0x71, + 0x690: 0x71, 0x691: 0x71, 0x692: 0x71, 0x693: 0x71, 0x694: 0x71, 0x695: 0x71, 0x696: 0x71, 0x697: 0x71, + 0x698: 0x71, 0x699: 0x71, 0x69a: 0x71, 0x69b: 0x130, 0x69c: 0x71, 0x69d: 0x131, 0x69e: 0x71, 0x69f: 0x132, + 0x6a0: 0x133, 0x6a1: 0x134, 0x6a2: 0x135, 0x6a4: 0x136, 0x6a5: 0x137, 0x6a6: 0x138, 0x6a7: 0x139, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x90, 0x6c1: 0x90, 0x6c2: 0x90, 0x6c3: 0x90, 0x6c4: 0x90, 0x6c5: 0x90, 0x6c6: 0x90, 0x6c7: 0x90, + 0x6c8: 0x90, 0x6c9: 0x90, 0x6ca: 0x90, 0x6cb: 0x90, 0x6cc: 0x90, 0x6cd: 0x90, 0x6ce: 0x90, 0x6cf: 0x90, + 0x6d0: 0x90, 0x6d1: 0x90, 0x6d2: 0x90, 0x6d3: 0x90, 0x6d4: 0x90, 0x6d5: 0x90, 0x6d6: 0x90, 0x6d7: 0x90, + 0x6d8: 0x90, 0x6d9: 0x90, 0x6da: 0x90, 0x6db: 0x13a, 0x6dc: 0x90, 0x6dd: 0x90, 0x6de: 0x90, 0x6df: 0x90, + 0x6e0: 0x90, 0x6e1: 0x90, 0x6e2: 0x90, 0x6e3: 0x90, 0x6e4: 0x90, 0x6e5: 0x90, 0x6e6: 0x90, 0x6e7: 0x90, + 0x6e8: 0x90, 0x6e9: 0x90, 0x6ea: 0x90, 0x6eb: 0x90, 0x6ec: 0x90, 0x6ed: 0x90, 0x6ee: 0x90, 0x6ef: 0x90, + 0x6f0: 0x90, 0x6f1: 0x90, 0x6f2: 0x90, 0x6f3: 0x90, 0x6f4: 0x90, 0x6f5: 0x90, 0x6f6: 0x90, 0x6f7: 0x90, + 0x6f8: 0x90, 0x6f9: 0x90, 0x6fa: 0x90, 0x6fb: 0x90, 0x6fc: 0x90, 0x6fd: 0x90, 0x6fe: 0x90, 0x6ff: 0x90, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x90, 0x701: 0x90, 0x702: 0x90, 0x703: 0x90, 0x704: 0x90, 0x705: 0x90, 0x706: 0x90, 0x707: 0x90, + 0x708: 0x90, 0x709: 0x90, 0x70a: 0x90, 0x70b: 0x90, 0x70c: 0x90, 0x70d: 0x90, 0x70e: 0x90, 0x70f: 0x90, + 0x710: 0x90, 0x711: 0x90, 0x712: 0x90, 0x713: 0x90, 0x714: 0x90, 0x715: 0x90, 0x716: 0x90, 0x717: 0x90, + 0x718: 0x90, 0x719: 0x90, 0x71a: 0x90, 0x71b: 0x90, 0x71c: 0x13b, 0x71d: 0x90, 0x71e: 0x90, 0x71f: 0x90, + 0x720: 0x13c, 0x721: 0x90, 0x722: 0x90, 0x723: 0x90, 0x724: 0x90, 0x725: 0x90, 0x726: 0x90, 0x727: 0x90, + 0x728: 0x90, 0x729: 0x90, 0x72a: 0x90, 0x72b: 0x90, 0x72c: 0x90, 0x72d: 0x90, 0x72e: 0x90, 0x72f: 0x90, + 0x730: 0x90, 0x731: 0x90, 0x732: 0x90, 0x733: 0x90, 0x734: 0x90, 0x735: 0x90, 0x736: 0x90, 0x737: 0x90, + 0x738: 0x90, 0x739: 0x90, 0x73a: 0x90, 0x73b: 0x90, 0x73c: 0x90, 0x73d: 0x90, 0x73e: 0x90, 0x73f: 0x90, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x90, 0x741: 0x90, 0x742: 0x90, 0x743: 0x90, 0x744: 0x90, 0x745: 0x90, 0x746: 0x90, 0x747: 0x90, + 0x748: 0x90, 0x749: 0x90, 0x74a: 0x90, 0x74b: 0x90, 0x74c: 0x90, 0x74d: 0x90, 0x74e: 0x90, 0x74f: 0x90, + 0x750: 0x90, 0x751: 0x90, 0x752: 0x90, 0x753: 0x90, 0x754: 0x90, 0x755: 0x90, 0x756: 0x90, 0x757: 0x90, + 0x758: 0x90, 0x759: 0x90, 0x75a: 0x90, 0x75b: 0x90, 0x75c: 0x90, 0x75d: 0x90, 0x75e: 0x90, 0x75f: 0x90, + 0x760: 0x90, 0x761: 0x90, 0x762: 0x90, 0x763: 0x90, 0x764: 0x90, 0x765: 0x90, 0x766: 0x90, 0x767: 0x90, + 0x768: 0x90, 0x769: 0x90, 0x76a: 0x90, 0x76b: 0x90, 0x76c: 0x90, 0x76d: 0x90, 0x76e: 0x90, 0x76f: 0x90, + 0x770: 0x90, 0x771: 0x90, 0x772: 0x90, 0x773: 0x90, 0x774: 0x90, 0x775: 0x90, 0x776: 0x90, 0x777: 0x90, + 0x778: 0x90, 0x779: 0x90, 0x77a: 0x13d, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x7a0: 0x83, 0x7a1: 0x83, 0x7a2: 0x83, 0x7a3: 0x83, 0x7a4: 0x83, 0x7a5: 0x83, 0x7a6: 0x83, 0x7a7: 0x83, + 0x7a8: 0x13e, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7d0: 0x0e, 0x7d1: 0x0f, 0x7d2: 0x10, 0x7d3: 0x11, 0x7d4: 0x12, 0x7d6: 0x13, 0x7d7: 0x0a, + 0x7d8: 0x14, 0x7db: 0x15, 0x7dd: 0x16, 0x7de: 0x17, 0x7df: 0x18, + 0x7e0: 0x07, 0x7e1: 0x07, 0x7e2: 0x07, 0x7e3: 0x07, 0x7e4: 0x07, 0x7e5: 0x07, 0x7e6: 0x07, 0x7e7: 0x07, + 0x7e8: 0x07, 0x7e9: 0x07, 0x7ea: 0x19, 0x7eb: 0x1a, 0x7ec: 0x1b, 0x7ef: 0x1c, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x13f, 0x801: 0x3e, 0x804: 0x3e, 0x805: 0x3e, 0x806: 0x3e, 0x807: 0x140, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x3e, 0x841: 0x3e, 0x842: 0x3e, 0x843: 0x3e, 0x844: 0x3e, 0x845: 0x3e, 0x846: 0x3e, 0x847: 0x3e, + 0x848: 0x3e, 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0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x0c, 0x8c1: 0x0c, 0x8c2: 0x0c, 0x8c3: 0x0c, 0x8c4: 0x0c, 0x8c5: 0x0c, 0x8c6: 0x0c, 0x8c7: 0x0c, + 0x8c8: 0x0c, 0x8c9: 0x0c, 0x8ca: 0x0c, 0x8cb: 0x0c, 0x8cc: 0x0c, 0x8cd: 0x0c, 0x8ce: 0x0c, 0x8cf: 0x1f, +} + +// Total table size 25344 bytes (24KiB); checksum: 811C9DC5 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/transformer.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/transformer.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..97ce5e75 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/transformer.go @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package precis + +import "golang.org/x/text/transform" + +// Transformer implements the transform.Transformer interface. +type Transformer struct { + t transform.Transformer +} + +// Reset implements the transform.Transformer interface. +func (t Transformer) Reset() { t.t.Reset() } + +// Transform implements the transform.Transformer interface. +func (t Transformer) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + return t.t.Transform(dst, src, atEOF) +} + +// Bytes returns a new byte slice with the result of applying t to b. +func (t Transformer) Bytes(b []byte) []byte { + b, _, _ = transform.Bytes(t, b) + return b +} + +// String returns a string with the result of applying t to s. +func (t Transformer) String(s string) string { + s, _, _ = transform.String(t, s) + return s +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/trieval.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/trieval.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4833f962 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/precis/trieval.go @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +package precis + +// entry is the entry of a trie table +// 7..6 property (unassigned, disallowed, maybe, valid) +// 5..0 category +type entry uint8 + +const ( + propShift = 6 + propMask = 0xc0 + catMask = 0x3f +) + +func (e entry) property() property { return property(e & propMask) } +func (e entry) category() category { return category(e & catMask) } + +type property uint8 + +// The order of these constants matter. A Profile may consider runes to be +// allowed either from pValid or idDisOrFreePVal. +const ( + unassigned property = iota << propShift + disallowed + idDisOrFreePVal // disallowed for Identifier, pValid for FreeForm + pValid +) + +// compute permutations of all properties and specialCategories. +type category uint8 + +const ( + other category = iota + + // Special rune types + joiningL + joiningD + joiningT + joiningR + viramaModifier + viramaJoinT // Virama + JoiningT + latinSmallL // U+006c + greek + greekJoinT // Greek + JoiningT + hebrew + hebrewJoinT // Hebrew + JoiningT + japanese // hirigana, katakana, han + + // Special rune types associated with contextual rules defined in + // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5892#appendix-A. + // ContextO + zeroWidthNonJoiner // rule 1 + zeroWidthJoiner // rule 2 + // ContextJ + middleDot // rule 3 + greekLowerNumeralSign // rule 4 + hebrewPreceding // rule 5 and 6 + katakanaMiddleDot // rule 7 + arabicIndicDigit // rule 8 + extendedArabicIndicDigit // rule 9 + + numCategories +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bidi.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bidi.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fd057601 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bidi.go @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:generate go run gen.go gen_trieval.go gen_ranges.go + +// Package bidi contains functionality for bidirectional text support. +// +// See https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9. +// +// NOTE: UNDER CONSTRUCTION. This API may change in backwards incompatible ways +// and without notice. +package bidi // import "golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi" + +// TODO +// - Transformer for reordering? +// - Transformer (validator, really) for Bidi Rule. + +import ( + "bytes" +) + +// This API tries to avoid dealing with embedding levels for now. Under the hood +// these will be computed, but the question is to which extent the user should +// know they exist. We should at some point allow the user to specify an +// embedding hierarchy, though. + +// A Direction indicates the overall flow of text. +type Direction int + +const ( + // LeftToRight indicates the text contains no right-to-left characters and + // that either there are some left-to-right characters or the option + // DefaultDirection(LeftToRight) was passed. + LeftToRight Direction = iota + + // RightToLeft indicates the text contains no left-to-right characters and + // that either there are some right-to-left characters or the option + // DefaultDirection(RightToLeft) was passed. + RightToLeft + + // Mixed indicates text contains both left-to-right and right-to-left + // characters. + Mixed + + // Neutral means that text contains no left-to-right and right-to-left + // characters and that no default direction has been set. + Neutral +) + +type options struct { + defaultDirection Direction +} + +// An Option is an option for Bidi processing. +type Option func(*options) + +// ICU allows the user to define embedding levels. This may be used, for example, +// to use hierarchical structure of markup languages to define embeddings. +// The following option may be a way to expose this functionality in this API. +// // LevelFunc sets a function that associates nesting levels with the given text. +// // The levels function will be called with monotonically increasing values for p. +// func LevelFunc(levels func(p int) int) Option { +// panic("unimplemented") +// } + +// DefaultDirection sets the default direction for a Paragraph. The direction is +// overridden if the text contains directional characters. +func DefaultDirection(d Direction) Option { + return func(opts *options) { + opts.defaultDirection = d + } +} + +// A Paragraph holds a single Paragraph for Bidi processing. +type Paragraph struct { + p []byte + o Ordering + opts []Option + types []Class + pairTypes []bracketType + pairValues []rune + runes []rune + options options +} + +// Initialize the p.pairTypes, p.pairValues and p.types from the input previously +// set by p.SetBytes() or p.SetString(). Also limit the input up to (and including) a paragraph +// separator (bidi class B). +// +// The function p.Order() needs these values to be set, so this preparation could be postponed. +// But since the SetBytes and SetStrings functions return the length of the input up to the paragraph +// separator, the whole input needs to be processed anyway and should not be done twice. +// +// The function has the same return values as SetBytes() / SetString() +func (p *Paragraph) prepareInput() (n int, err error) { + p.runes = bytes.Runes(p.p) + bytecount := 0 + // clear slices from previous SetString or SetBytes + p.pairTypes = nil + p.pairValues = nil + p.types = nil + + for _, r := range p.runes { + props, i := LookupRune(r) + bytecount += i + cls := props.Class() + if cls == B { + return bytecount, nil + } + p.types = append(p.types, cls) + if props.IsOpeningBracket() { + p.pairTypes = append(p.pairTypes, bpOpen) + p.pairValues = append(p.pairValues, r) + } else if props.IsBracket() { + // this must be a closing bracket, + // since IsOpeningBracket is not true + p.pairTypes = append(p.pairTypes, bpClose) + p.pairValues = append(p.pairValues, r) + } else { + p.pairTypes = append(p.pairTypes, bpNone) + p.pairValues = append(p.pairValues, 0) + } + } + return bytecount, nil +} + +// SetBytes configures p for the given paragraph text. It replaces text +// previously set by SetBytes or SetString. If b contains a paragraph separator +// it will only process the first paragraph and report the number of bytes +// consumed from b including this separator. Error may be non-nil if options are +// given. +func (p *Paragraph) SetBytes(b []byte, opts ...Option) (n int, err error) { + p.p = b + p.opts = opts + return p.prepareInput() +} + +// SetString configures s for the given paragraph text. It replaces text +// previously set by SetBytes or SetString. If s contains a paragraph separator +// it will only process the first paragraph and report the number of bytes +// consumed from s including this separator. Error may be non-nil if options are +// given. +func (p *Paragraph) SetString(s string, opts ...Option) (n int, err error) { + p.p = []byte(s) + p.opts = opts + return p.prepareInput() +} + +// IsLeftToRight reports whether the principle direction of rendering for this +// paragraphs is left-to-right. If this returns false, the principle direction +// of rendering is right-to-left. +func (p *Paragraph) IsLeftToRight() bool { + return p.Direction() == LeftToRight +} + +// Direction returns the direction of the text of this paragraph. +// +// The direction may be LeftToRight, RightToLeft, Mixed, or Neutral. +func (p *Paragraph) Direction() Direction { + return p.o.Direction() +} + +// TODO: what happens if the position is > len(input)? This should return an error. + +// RunAt reports the Run at the given position of the input text. +// +// This method can be used for computing line breaks on paragraphs. +func (p *Paragraph) RunAt(pos int) Run { + c := 0 + runNumber := 0 + for i, r := range p.o.runes { + c += len(r) + if pos < c { + runNumber = i + } + } + return p.o.Run(runNumber) +} + +func calculateOrdering(levels []level, runes []rune) Ordering { + var curDir Direction + + prevDir := Neutral + prevI := 0 + + o := Ordering{} + // lvl = 0,2,4,...: left to right + // lvl = 1,3,5,...: right to left + for i, lvl := range levels { + if lvl%2 == 0 { + curDir = LeftToRight + } else { + curDir = RightToLeft + } + if curDir != prevDir { + if i > 0 { + o.runes = append(o.runes, runes[prevI:i]) + o.directions = append(o.directions, prevDir) + o.startpos = append(o.startpos, prevI) + } + prevI = i + prevDir = curDir + } + } + o.runes = append(o.runes, runes[prevI:]) + o.directions = append(o.directions, prevDir) + o.startpos = append(o.startpos, prevI) + return o +} + +// Order computes the visual ordering of all the runs in a Paragraph. +func (p *Paragraph) Order() (Ordering, error) { + if len(p.types) == 0 { + return Ordering{}, nil + } + + for _, fn := range p.opts { + fn(&p.options) + } + lvl := level(-1) + if p.options.defaultDirection == RightToLeft { + lvl = 1 + } + para, err := newParagraph(p.types, p.pairTypes, p.pairValues, lvl) + if err != nil { + return Ordering{}, err + } + + levels := para.getLevels([]int{len(p.types)}) + + p.o = calculateOrdering(levels, p.runes) + return p.o, nil +} + +// Line computes the visual ordering of runs for a single line starting and +// ending at the given positions in the original text. +func (p *Paragraph) Line(start, end int) (Ordering, error) { + lineTypes := p.types[start:end] + para, err := newParagraph(lineTypes, p.pairTypes[start:end], p.pairValues[start:end], -1) + if err != nil { + return Ordering{}, err + } + levels := para.getLevels([]int{len(lineTypes)}) + o := calculateOrdering(levels, p.runes[start:end]) + return o, nil +} + +// An Ordering holds the computed visual order of runs of a Paragraph. Calling +// SetBytes or SetString on the originating Paragraph invalidates an Ordering. +// The methods of an Ordering should only be called by one goroutine at a time. +type Ordering struct { + runes [][]rune + directions []Direction + startpos []int +} + +// Direction reports the directionality of the runs. +// +// The direction may be LeftToRight, RightToLeft, Mixed, or Neutral. +func (o *Ordering) Direction() Direction { + return o.directions[0] +} + +// NumRuns returns the number of runs. +func (o *Ordering) NumRuns() int { + return len(o.runes) +} + +// Run returns the ith run within the ordering. +func (o *Ordering) Run(i int) Run { + r := Run{ + runes: o.runes[i], + direction: o.directions[i], + startpos: o.startpos[i], + } + return r +} + +// TODO: perhaps with options. +// // Reorder creates a reader that reads the runes in visual order per character. +// // Modifiers remain after the runes they modify. +// func (l *Runs) Reorder() io.Reader { +// panic("unimplemented") +// } + +// A Run is a continuous sequence of characters of a single direction. +type Run struct { + runes []rune + direction Direction + startpos int +} + +// String returns the text of the run in its original order. +func (r *Run) String() string { + return string(r.runes) +} + +// Bytes returns the text of the run in its original order. +func (r *Run) Bytes() []byte { + return []byte(r.String()) +} + +// TODO: methods for +// - Display order +// - headers and footers +// - bracket replacement. + +// Direction reports the direction of the run. +func (r *Run) Direction() Direction { + return r.direction +} + +// Pos returns the position of the Run within the text passed to SetBytes or SetString of the +// originating Paragraph value. +func (r *Run) Pos() (start, end int) { + return r.startpos, r.startpos + len(r.runes) - 1 +} + +// AppendReverse reverses the order of characters of in, appends them to out, +// and returns the result. Modifiers will still follow the runes they modify. +// Brackets are replaced with their counterparts. +func AppendReverse(out, in []byte) []byte { + ret := make([]byte, len(in)+len(out)) + copy(ret, out) + inRunes := bytes.Runes(in) + + for i, r := range inRunes { + prop, _ := LookupRune(r) + if prop.IsBracket() { + inRunes[i] = prop.reverseBracket(r) + } + } + + for i, j := 0, len(inRunes)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 { + inRunes[i], inRunes[j] = inRunes[j], inRunes[i] + } + copy(ret[len(out):], string(inRunes)) + + return ret +} + +// ReverseString reverses the order of characters in s and returns a new string. +// Modifiers will still follow the runes they modify. Brackets are replaced with +// their counterparts. +func ReverseString(s string) string { + input := []rune(s) + li := len(input) + ret := make([]rune, li) + for i, r := range input { + prop, _ := LookupRune(r) + if prop.IsBracket() { + ret[li-i-1] = prop.reverseBracket(r) + } else { + ret[li-i-1] = r + } + } + return string(ret) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bracket.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bracket.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..18539397 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bracket.go @@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package bidi + +import ( + "container/list" + "fmt" + "sort" +) + +// This file contains a port of the reference implementation of the +// Bidi Parentheses Algorithm: +// https://www.unicode.org/Public/PROGRAMS/BidiReferenceJava/BidiPBAReference.java +// +// The implementation in this file covers definitions BD14-BD16 and rule N0 +// of UAX#9. +// +// Some preprocessing is done for each rune before data is passed to this +// algorithm: +// - opening and closing brackets are identified +// - a bracket pair type, like '(' and ')' is assigned a unique identifier that +// is identical for the opening and closing bracket. It is left to do these +// mappings. +// - The BPA algorithm requires that bracket characters that are canonical +// equivalents of each other be able to be substituted for each other. +// It is the responsibility of the caller to do this canonicalization. +// +// In implementing BD16, this implementation departs slightly from the "logical" +// algorithm defined in UAX#9. In particular, the stack referenced there +// supports operations that go beyond a "basic" stack. An equivalent +// implementation based on a linked list is used here. + +// Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type +// BD14. An opening paired bracket is a character whose +// Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type property value is Open. +// +// BD15. A closing paired bracket is a character whose +// Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type property value is Close. +type bracketType byte + +const ( + bpNone bracketType = iota + bpOpen + bpClose +) + +// bracketPair holds a pair of index values for opening and closing bracket +// location of a bracket pair. +type bracketPair struct { + opener int + closer int +} + +func (b *bracketPair) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("(%v, %v)", b.opener, b.closer) +} + +// bracketPairs is a slice of bracketPairs with a sort.Interface implementation. +type bracketPairs []bracketPair + +func (b bracketPairs) Len() int { return len(b) } +func (b bracketPairs) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] } +func (b bracketPairs) Less(i, j int) bool { return b[i].opener < b[j].opener } + +// resolvePairedBrackets runs the paired bracket part of the UBA algorithm. +// +// For each rune, it takes the indexes into the original string, the class the +// bracket type (in pairTypes) and the bracket identifier (pairValues). It also +// takes the direction type for the start-of-sentence and the embedding level. +// +// The identifiers for bracket types are the rune of the canonicalized opening +// bracket for brackets (open or close) or 0 for runes that are not brackets. +func resolvePairedBrackets(s *isolatingRunSequence) { + p := bracketPairer{ + sos: s.sos, + openers: list.New(), + codesIsolatedRun: s.types, + indexes: s.indexes, + } + dirEmbed := L + if s.level&1 != 0 { + dirEmbed = R + } + p.locateBrackets(s.p.pairTypes, s.p.pairValues) + p.resolveBrackets(dirEmbed, s.p.initialTypes) +} + +type bracketPairer struct { + sos Class // direction corresponding to start of sequence + + // The following is a restatement of BD 16 using non-algorithmic language. + // + // A bracket pair is a pair of characters consisting of an opening + // paired bracket and a closing paired bracket such that the + // Bidi_Paired_Bracket property value of the former equals the latter, + // subject to the following constraints. + // - both characters of a pair occur in the same isolating run sequence + // - the closing character of a pair follows the opening character + // - any bracket character can belong at most to one pair, the earliest possible one + // - any bracket character not part of a pair is treated like an ordinary character + // - pairs may nest properly, but their spans may not overlap otherwise + + // Bracket characters with canonical decompositions are supposed to be + // treated as if they had been normalized, to allow normalized and non- + // normalized text to give the same result. In this implementation that step + // is pushed out to the caller. The caller has to ensure that the pairValue + // slices contain the rune of the opening bracket after normalization for + // any opening or closing bracket. + + openers *list.List // list of positions for opening brackets + + // bracket pair positions sorted by location of opening bracket + pairPositions bracketPairs + + codesIsolatedRun []Class // directional bidi codes for an isolated run + indexes []int // array of index values into the original string + +} + +// matchOpener reports whether characters at given positions form a matching +// bracket pair. +func (p *bracketPairer) matchOpener(pairValues []rune, opener, closer int) bool { + return pairValues[p.indexes[opener]] == pairValues[p.indexes[closer]] +} + +const maxPairingDepth = 63 + +// locateBrackets locates matching bracket pairs according to BD16. +// +// This implementation uses a linked list instead of a stack, because, while +// elements are added at the front (like a push) they are not generally removed +// in atomic 'pop' operations, reducing the benefit of the stack archetype. +func (p *bracketPairer) locateBrackets(pairTypes []bracketType, pairValues []rune) { + // traverse the run + // do that explicitly (not in a for-each) so we can record position + for i, index := range p.indexes { + + // look at the bracket type for each character + if pairTypes[index] == bpNone || p.codesIsolatedRun[i] != ON { + // continue scanning + continue + } + switch pairTypes[index] { + case bpOpen: + // check if maximum pairing depth reached + if p.openers.Len() == maxPairingDepth { + p.openers.Init() + return + } + // remember opener location, most recent first + p.openers.PushFront(i) + + case bpClose: + // see if there is a match + count := 0 + for elem := p.openers.Front(); elem != nil; elem = elem.Next() { + count++ + opener := elem.Value.(int) + if p.matchOpener(pairValues, opener, i) { + // if the opener matches, add nested pair to the ordered list + p.pairPositions = append(p.pairPositions, bracketPair{opener, i}) + // remove up to and including matched opener + for ; count > 0; count-- { + p.openers.Remove(p.openers.Front()) + } + break + } + } + sort.Sort(p.pairPositions) + // if we get here, the closing bracket matched no openers + // and gets ignored + } + } +} + +// Bracket pairs within an isolating run sequence are processed as units so +// that both the opening and the closing paired bracket in a pair resolve to +// the same direction. +// +// N0. Process bracket pairs in an isolating run sequence sequentially in +// the logical order of the text positions of the opening paired brackets +// using the logic given below. Within this scope, bidirectional types EN +// and AN are treated as R. +// +// Identify the bracket pairs in the current isolating run sequence +// according to BD16. For each bracket-pair element in the list of pairs of +// text positions: +// +// a Inspect the bidirectional types of the characters enclosed within the +// bracket pair. +// +// b If any strong type (either L or R) matching the embedding direction is +// found, set the type for both brackets in the pair to match the embedding +// direction. +// +// o [ e ] o -> o e e e o +// +// o [ o e ] -> o e o e e +// +// o [ NI e ] -> o e NI e e +// +// c Otherwise, if a strong type (opposite the embedding direction) is +// found, test for adjacent strong types as follows: 1 First, check +// backwards before the opening paired bracket until the first strong type +// (L, R, or sos) is found. If that first preceding strong type is opposite +// the embedding direction, then set the type for both brackets in the pair +// to that type. 2 Otherwise, set the type for both brackets in the pair to +// the embedding direction. +// +// o [ o ] e -> o o o o e +// +// o [ o NI ] o -> o o o NI o o +// +// e [ o ] o -> e e o e o +// +// e [ o ] e -> e e o e e +// +// e ( o [ o ] NI ) e -> e e o o o o NI e e +// +// d Otherwise, do not set the type for the current bracket pair. Note that +// if the enclosed text contains no strong types the paired brackets will +// both resolve to the same level when resolved individually using rules N1 +// and N2. +// +// e ( NI ) o -> e ( NI ) o + +// getStrongTypeN0 maps character's directional code to strong type as required +// by rule N0. +// +// TODO: have separate type for "strong" directionality. +func (p *bracketPairer) getStrongTypeN0(index int) Class { + switch p.codesIsolatedRun[index] { + // in the scope of N0, number types are treated as R + case EN, AN, AL, R: + return R + case L: + return L + default: + return ON + } +} + +// classifyPairContent reports the strong types contained inside a Bracket Pair, +// assuming the given embedding direction. +// +// It returns ON if no strong type is found. If a single strong type is found, +// it returns this type. Otherwise it returns the embedding direction. +// +// TODO: use separate type for "strong" directionality. +func (p *bracketPairer) classifyPairContent(loc bracketPair, dirEmbed Class) Class { + dirOpposite := ON + for i := loc.opener + 1; i < loc.closer; i++ { + dir := p.getStrongTypeN0(i) + if dir == ON { + continue + } + if dir == dirEmbed { + return dir // type matching embedding direction found + } + dirOpposite = dir + } + // return ON if no strong type found, or class opposite to dirEmbed + return dirOpposite +} + +// classBeforePair determines which strong types are present before a Bracket +// Pair. Return R or L if strong type found, otherwise ON. +func (p *bracketPairer) classBeforePair(loc bracketPair) Class { + for i := loc.opener - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if dir := p.getStrongTypeN0(i); dir != ON { + return dir + } + } + // no strong types found, return sos + return p.sos +} + +// assignBracketType implements rule N0 for a single bracket pair. +func (p *bracketPairer) assignBracketType(loc bracketPair, dirEmbed Class, initialTypes []Class) { + // rule "N0, a", inspect contents of pair + dirPair := p.classifyPairContent(loc, dirEmbed) + + // dirPair is now L, R, or N (no strong type found) + + // the following logical tests are performed out of order compared to + // the statement of the rules but yield the same results + if dirPair == ON { + return // case "d" - nothing to do + } + + if dirPair != dirEmbed { + // case "c": strong type found, opposite - check before (c.1) + dirPair = p.classBeforePair(loc) + if dirPair == dirEmbed || dirPair == ON { + // no strong opposite type found before - use embedding (c.2) + dirPair = dirEmbed + } + } + // else: case "b", strong type found matching embedding, + // no explicit action needed, as dirPair is already set to embedding + // direction + + // set the bracket types to the type found + p.setBracketsToType(loc, dirPair, initialTypes) +} + +func (p *bracketPairer) setBracketsToType(loc bracketPair, dirPair Class, initialTypes []Class) { + p.codesIsolatedRun[loc.opener] = dirPair + p.codesIsolatedRun[loc.closer] = dirPair + + for i := loc.opener + 1; i < loc.closer; i++ { + index := p.indexes[i] + if initialTypes[index] != NSM { + break + } + p.codesIsolatedRun[i] = dirPair + } + + for i := loc.closer + 1; i < len(p.indexes); i++ { + index := p.indexes[i] + if initialTypes[index] != NSM { + break + } + p.codesIsolatedRun[i] = dirPair + } +} + +// resolveBrackets implements rule N0 for a list of pairs. +func (p *bracketPairer) resolveBrackets(dirEmbed Class, initialTypes []Class) { + for _, loc := range p.pairPositions { + p.assignBracketType(loc, dirEmbed, initialTypes) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/core.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/core.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4c08110 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/core.go @@ -0,0 +1,1071 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package bidi + +import ( + "fmt" + "log" +) + +// This implementation is a port based on the reference implementation found at: +// https://www.unicode.org/Public/PROGRAMS/BidiReferenceJava/ +// +// described in Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (UAX #9). +// +// Input: +// There are two levels of input to the algorithm, since clients may prefer to +// supply some information from out-of-band sources rather than relying on the +// default behavior. +// +// - Bidi class array +// - Bidi class array, with externally supplied base line direction +// +// Output: +// Output is separated into several stages: +// +// - levels array over entire paragraph +// - reordering array over entire paragraph +// - levels array over line +// - reordering array over line +// +// Note that for conformance to the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm, +// implementations are only required to generate correct reordering and +// character directionality (odd or even levels) over a line. Generating +// identical level arrays over a line is not required. Bidi explicit format +// codes (LRE, RLE, LRO, RLO, PDF) and BN can be assigned arbitrary levels and +// positions as long as the rest of the input is properly reordered. +// +// As the algorithm is defined to operate on a single paragraph at a time, this +// implementation is written to handle single paragraphs. Thus rule P1 is +// presumed by this implementation-- the data provided to the implementation is +// assumed to be a single paragraph, and either contains no 'B' codes, or a +// single 'B' code at the end of the input. 'B' is allowed as input to +// illustrate how the algorithm assigns it a level. +// +// Also note that rules L3 and L4 depend on the rendering engine that uses the +// result of the bidi algorithm. This implementation assumes that the rendering +// engine expects combining marks in visual order (e.g. to the left of their +// base character in RTL runs) and that it adjusts the glyphs used to render +// mirrored characters that are in RTL runs so that they render appropriately. + +// level is the embedding level of a character. Even embedding levels indicate +// left-to-right order and odd levels indicate right-to-left order. The special +// level of -1 is reserved for undefined order. +type level int8 + +const implicitLevel level = -1 + +// in returns if x is equal to any of the values in set. +func (c Class) in(set ...Class) bool { + for _, s := range set { + if c == s { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +// A paragraph contains the state of a paragraph. +type paragraph struct { + initialTypes []Class + + // Arrays of properties needed for paired bracket evaluation in N0 + pairTypes []bracketType // paired Bracket types for paragraph + pairValues []rune // rune for opening bracket or pbOpen and pbClose; 0 for pbNone + + embeddingLevel level // default: = implicitLevel; + + // at the paragraph levels + resultTypes []Class + resultLevels []level + + // Index of matching PDI for isolate initiator characters. For other + // characters, the value of matchingPDI will be set to -1. For isolate + // initiators with no matching PDI, matchingPDI will be set to the length of + // the input string. + matchingPDI []int + + // Index of matching isolate initiator for PDI characters. For other + // characters, and for PDIs with no matching isolate initiator, the value of + // matchingIsolateInitiator will be set to -1. + matchingIsolateInitiator []int +} + +// newParagraph initializes a paragraph. The user needs to supply a few arrays +// corresponding to the preprocessed text input. The types correspond to the +// Unicode BiDi classes for each rune. pairTypes indicates the bracket type for +// each rune. pairValues provides a unique bracket class identifier for each +// rune (suggested is the rune of the open bracket for opening and matching +// close brackets, after normalization). The embedding levels are optional, but +// may be supplied to encode embedding levels of styled text. +func newParagraph(types []Class, pairTypes []bracketType, pairValues []rune, levels level) (*paragraph, error) { + var err error + if err = validateTypes(types); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err = validatePbTypes(pairTypes); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err = validatePbValues(pairValues, pairTypes); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err = validateParagraphEmbeddingLevel(levels); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + p := ¶graph{ + initialTypes: append([]Class(nil), types...), + embeddingLevel: levels, + + pairTypes: pairTypes, + pairValues: pairValues, + + resultTypes: append([]Class(nil), types...), + } + p.run() + return p, nil +} + +func (p *paragraph) Len() int { return len(p.initialTypes) } + +// The algorithm. Does not include line-based processing (Rules L1, L2). +// These are applied later in the line-based phase of the algorithm. +func (p *paragraph) run() { + p.determineMatchingIsolates() + + // 1) determining the paragraph level + // Rule P1 is the requirement for entering this algorithm. + // Rules P2, P3. + // If no externally supplied paragraph embedding level, use default. + if p.embeddingLevel == implicitLevel { + p.embeddingLevel = p.determineParagraphEmbeddingLevel(0, p.Len()) + } + + // Initialize result levels to paragraph embedding level. + p.resultLevels = make([]level, p.Len()) + setLevels(p.resultLevels, p.embeddingLevel) + + // 2) Explicit levels and directions + // Rules X1-X8. + p.determineExplicitEmbeddingLevels() + + // Rule X9. + // We do not remove the embeddings, the overrides, the PDFs, and the BNs + // from the string explicitly. But they are not copied into isolating run + // sequences when they are created, so they are removed for all + // practical purposes. + + // Rule X10. + // Run remainder of algorithm one isolating run sequence at a time + for _, seq := range p.determineIsolatingRunSequences() { + // 3) resolving weak types + // Rules W1-W7. + seq.resolveWeakTypes() + + // 4a) resolving paired brackets + // Rule N0 + resolvePairedBrackets(seq) + + // 4b) resolving neutral types + // Rules N1-N3. + seq.resolveNeutralTypes() + + // 5) resolving implicit embedding levels + // Rules I1, I2. + seq.resolveImplicitLevels() + + // Apply the computed levels and types + seq.applyLevelsAndTypes() + } + + // Assign appropriate levels to 'hide' LREs, RLEs, LROs, RLOs, PDFs, and + // BNs. This is for convenience, so the resulting level array will have + // a value for every character. + p.assignLevelsToCharactersRemovedByX9() +} + +// determineMatchingIsolates determines the matching PDI for each isolate +// initiator and vice versa. +// +// Definition BD9. +// +// At the end of this function: +// +// - The member variable matchingPDI is set to point to the index of the +// matching PDI character for each isolate initiator character. If there is +// no matching PDI, it is set to the length of the input text. For other +// characters, it is set to -1. +// - The member variable matchingIsolateInitiator is set to point to the +// index of the matching isolate initiator character for each PDI character. +// If there is no matching isolate initiator, or the character is not a PDI, +// it is set to -1. +func (p *paragraph) determineMatchingIsolates() { + p.matchingPDI = make([]int, p.Len()) + p.matchingIsolateInitiator = make([]int, p.Len()) + + for i := range p.matchingIsolateInitiator { + p.matchingIsolateInitiator[i] = -1 + } + + for i := range p.matchingPDI { + p.matchingPDI[i] = -1 + + if t := p.resultTypes[i]; t.in(LRI, RLI, FSI) { + depthCounter := 1 + for j := i + 1; j < p.Len(); j++ { + if u := p.resultTypes[j]; u.in(LRI, RLI, FSI) { + depthCounter++ + } else if u == PDI { + if depthCounter--; depthCounter == 0 { + p.matchingPDI[i] = j + p.matchingIsolateInitiator[j] = i + break + } + } + } + if p.matchingPDI[i] == -1 { + p.matchingPDI[i] = p.Len() + } + } + } +} + +// determineParagraphEmbeddingLevel reports the resolved paragraph direction of +// the substring limited by the given range [start, end). +// +// Determines the paragraph level based on rules P2, P3. This is also used +// in rule X5c to find if an FSI should resolve to LRI or RLI. +func (p *paragraph) determineParagraphEmbeddingLevel(start, end int) level { + var strongType Class = unknownClass + + // Rule P2. + for i := start; i < end; i++ { + if t := p.resultTypes[i]; t.in(L, AL, R) { + strongType = t + break + } else if t.in(FSI, LRI, RLI) { + i = p.matchingPDI[i] // skip over to the matching PDI + if i > end { + log.Panic("assert (i <= end)") + } + } + } + // Rule P3. + switch strongType { + case unknownClass: // none found + // default embedding level when no strong types found is 0. + return 0 + case L: + return 0 + default: // AL, R + return 1 + } +} + +const maxDepth = 125 + +// This stack will store the embedding levels and override and isolated +// statuses +type directionalStatusStack struct { + stackCounter int + embeddingLevelStack [maxDepth + 1]level + overrideStatusStack [maxDepth + 1]Class + isolateStatusStack [maxDepth + 1]bool +} + +func (s *directionalStatusStack) empty() { s.stackCounter = 0 } +func (s *directionalStatusStack) pop() { s.stackCounter-- } +func (s *directionalStatusStack) depth() int { return s.stackCounter } + +func (s *directionalStatusStack) push(level level, overrideStatus Class, isolateStatus bool) { + s.embeddingLevelStack[s.stackCounter] = level + s.overrideStatusStack[s.stackCounter] = overrideStatus + s.isolateStatusStack[s.stackCounter] = isolateStatus + s.stackCounter++ +} + +func (s *directionalStatusStack) lastEmbeddingLevel() level { + return s.embeddingLevelStack[s.stackCounter-1] +} + +func (s *directionalStatusStack) lastDirectionalOverrideStatus() Class { + return s.overrideStatusStack[s.stackCounter-1] +} + +func (s *directionalStatusStack) lastDirectionalIsolateStatus() bool { + return s.isolateStatusStack[s.stackCounter-1] +} + +// Determine explicit levels using rules X1 - X8 +func (p *paragraph) determineExplicitEmbeddingLevels() { + var stack directionalStatusStack + var overflowIsolateCount, overflowEmbeddingCount, validIsolateCount int + + // Rule X1. + stack.push(p.embeddingLevel, ON, false) + + for i, t := range p.resultTypes { + // Rules X2, X3, X4, X5, X5a, X5b, X5c + switch t { + case RLE, LRE, RLO, LRO, RLI, LRI, FSI: + isIsolate := t.in(RLI, LRI, FSI) + isRTL := t.in(RLE, RLO, RLI) + + // override if this is an FSI that resolves to RLI + if t == FSI { + isRTL = (p.determineParagraphEmbeddingLevel(i+1, p.matchingPDI[i]) == 1) + } + if isIsolate { + p.resultLevels[i] = stack.lastEmbeddingLevel() + if stack.lastDirectionalOverrideStatus() != ON { + p.resultTypes[i] = stack.lastDirectionalOverrideStatus() + } + } + + var newLevel level + if isRTL { + // least greater odd + newLevel = (stack.lastEmbeddingLevel() + 1) | 1 + } else { + // least greater even + newLevel = (stack.lastEmbeddingLevel() + 2) &^ 1 + } + + if newLevel <= maxDepth && overflowIsolateCount == 0 && overflowEmbeddingCount == 0 { + if isIsolate { + validIsolateCount++ + } + // Push new embedding level, override status, and isolated + // status. + // No check for valid stack counter, since the level check + // suffices. + switch t { + case LRO: + stack.push(newLevel, L, isIsolate) + case RLO: + stack.push(newLevel, R, isIsolate) + default: + stack.push(newLevel, ON, isIsolate) + } + // Not really part of the spec + if !isIsolate { + p.resultLevels[i] = newLevel + } + } else { + // This is an invalid explicit formatting character, + // so apply the "Otherwise" part of rules X2-X5b. + if isIsolate { + overflowIsolateCount++ + } else { // !isIsolate + if overflowIsolateCount == 0 { + overflowEmbeddingCount++ + } + } + } + + // Rule X6a + case PDI: + if overflowIsolateCount > 0 { + overflowIsolateCount-- + } else if validIsolateCount == 0 { + // do nothing + } else { + overflowEmbeddingCount = 0 + for !stack.lastDirectionalIsolateStatus() { + stack.pop() + } + stack.pop() + validIsolateCount-- + } + p.resultLevels[i] = stack.lastEmbeddingLevel() + + // Rule X7 + case PDF: + // Not really part of the spec + p.resultLevels[i] = stack.lastEmbeddingLevel() + + if overflowIsolateCount > 0 { + // do nothing + } else if overflowEmbeddingCount > 0 { + overflowEmbeddingCount-- + } else if !stack.lastDirectionalIsolateStatus() && stack.depth() >= 2 { + stack.pop() + } + + case B: // paragraph separator. + // Rule X8. + + // These values are reset for clarity, in this implementation B + // can only occur as the last code in the array. + stack.empty() + overflowIsolateCount = 0 + overflowEmbeddingCount = 0 + validIsolateCount = 0 + p.resultLevels[i] = p.embeddingLevel + + default: + p.resultLevels[i] = stack.lastEmbeddingLevel() + if stack.lastDirectionalOverrideStatus() != ON { + p.resultTypes[i] = stack.lastDirectionalOverrideStatus() + } + } + } +} + +type isolatingRunSequence struct { + p *paragraph + + indexes []int // indexes to the original string + + types []Class // type of each character using the index + resolvedLevels []level // resolved levels after application of rules + level level + sos, eos Class +} + +func (i *isolatingRunSequence) Len() int { return len(i.indexes) } + +func maxLevel(a, b level) level { + if a > b { + return a + } + return b +} + +// Rule X10, second bullet: Determine the start-of-sequence (sos) and end-of-sequence (eos) types, +// either L or R, for each isolating run sequence. +func (p *paragraph) isolatingRunSequence(indexes []int) *isolatingRunSequence { + length := len(indexes) + types := make([]Class, length) + for i, x := range indexes { + types[i] = p.resultTypes[x] + } + + // assign level, sos and eos + prevChar := indexes[0] - 1 + for prevChar >= 0 && isRemovedByX9(p.initialTypes[prevChar]) { + prevChar-- + } + prevLevel := p.embeddingLevel + if prevChar >= 0 { + prevLevel = p.resultLevels[prevChar] + } + + var succLevel level + lastType := types[length-1] + if lastType.in(LRI, RLI, FSI) { + succLevel = p.embeddingLevel + } else { + // the first character after the end of run sequence + limit := indexes[length-1] + 1 + for ; limit < p.Len() && isRemovedByX9(p.initialTypes[limit]); limit++ { + + } + succLevel = p.embeddingLevel + if limit < p.Len() { + succLevel = p.resultLevels[limit] + } + } + level := p.resultLevels[indexes[0]] + return &isolatingRunSequence{ + p: p, + indexes: indexes, + types: types, + level: level, + sos: typeForLevel(maxLevel(prevLevel, level)), + eos: typeForLevel(maxLevel(succLevel, level)), + } +} + +// Resolving weak types Rules W1-W7. +// +// Note that some weak types (EN, AN) remain after this processing is +// complete. +func (s *isolatingRunSequence) resolveWeakTypes() { + + // on entry, only these types remain + s.assertOnly(L, R, AL, EN, ES, ET, AN, CS, B, S, WS, ON, NSM, LRI, RLI, FSI, PDI) + + // Rule W1. + // Changes all NSMs. + precedingCharacterType := s.sos + for i, t := range s.types { + if t == NSM { + s.types[i] = precedingCharacterType + } else { + if t.in(LRI, RLI, FSI, PDI) { + precedingCharacterType = ON + } + precedingCharacterType = t + } + } + + // Rule W2. + // EN does not change at the start of the run, because sos != AL. + for i, t := range s.types { + if t == EN { + for j := i - 1; j >= 0; j-- { + if t := s.types[j]; t.in(L, R, AL) { + if t == AL { + s.types[i] = AN + } + break + } + } + } + } + + // Rule W3. + for i, t := range s.types { + if t == AL { + s.types[i] = R + } + } + + // Rule W4. + // Since there must be values on both sides for this rule to have an + // effect, the scan skips the first and last value. + // + // Although the scan proceeds left to right, and changes the type + // values in a way that would appear to affect the computations + // later in the scan, there is actually no problem. A change in the + // current value can only affect the value to its immediate right, + // and only affect it if it is ES or CS. But the current value can + // only change if the value to its right is not ES or CS. Thus + // either the current value will not change, or its change will have + // no effect on the remainder of the analysis. + + for i := 1; i < s.Len()-1; i++ { + t := s.types[i] + if t == ES || t == CS { + prevSepType := s.types[i-1] + succSepType := s.types[i+1] + if prevSepType == EN && succSepType == EN { + s.types[i] = EN + } else if s.types[i] == CS && prevSepType == AN && succSepType == AN { + s.types[i] = AN + } + } + } + + // Rule W5. + for i, t := range s.types { + if t == ET { + // locate end of sequence + runStart := i + runEnd := s.findRunLimit(runStart, ET) + + // check values at ends of sequence + t := s.sos + if runStart > 0 { + t = s.types[runStart-1] + } + if t != EN { + t = s.eos + if runEnd < len(s.types) { + t = s.types[runEnd] + } + } + if t == EN { + setTypes(s.types[runStart:runEnd], EN) + } + // continue at end of sequence + i = runEnd + } + } + + // Rule W6. + for i, t := range s.types { + if t.in(ES, ET, CS) { + s.types[i] = ON + } + } + + // Rule W7. + for i, t := range s.types { + if t == EN { + // set default if we reach start of run + prevStrongType := s.sos + for j := i - 1; j >= 0; j-- { + t = s.types[j] + if t == L || t == R { // AL's have been changed to R + prevStrongType = t + break + } + } + if prevStrongType == L { + s.types[i] = L + } + } + } +} + +// 6) resolving neutral types Rules N1-N2. +func (s *isolatingRunSequence) resolveNeutralTypes() { + + // on entry, only these types can be in resultTypes + s.assertOnly(L, R, EN, AN, B, S, WS, ON, RLI, LRI, FSI, PDI) + + for i, t := range s.types { + switch t { + case WS, ON, B, S, RLI, LRI, FSI, PDI: + // find bounds of run of neutrals + runStart := i + runEnd := s.findRunLimit(runStart, B, S, WS, ON, RLI, LRI, FSI, PDI) + + // determine effective types at ends of run + var leadType, trailType Class + + // Note that the character found can only be L, R, AN, or + // EN. + if runStart == 0 { + leadType = s.sos + } else { + leadType = s.types[runStart-1] + if leadType.in(AN, EN) { + leadType = R + } + } + if runEnd == len(s.types) { + trailType = s.eos + } else { + trailType = s.types[runEnd] + if trailType.in(AN, EN) { + trailType = R + } + } + + var resolvedType Class + if leadType == trailType { + // Rule N1. + resolvedType = leadType + } else { + // Rule N2. + // Notice the embedding level of the run is used, not + // the paragraph embedding level. + resolvedType = typeForLevel(s.level) + } + + setTypes(s.types[runStart:runEnd], resolvedType) + + // skip over run of (former) neutrals + i = runEnd + } + } +} + +func setLevels(levels []level, newLevel level) { + for i := range levels { + levels[i] = newLevel + } +} + +func setTypes(types []Class, newType Class) { + for i := range types { + types[i] = newType + } +} + +// 7) resolving implicit embedding levels Rules I1, I2. +func (s *isolatingRunSequence) resolveImplicitLevels() { + + // on entry, only these types can be in resultTypes + s.assertOnly(L, R, EN, AN) + + s.resolvedLevels = make([]level, len(s.types)) + setLevels(s.resolvedLevels, s.level) + + if (s.level & 1) == 0 { // even level + for i, t := range s.types { + // Rule I1. + if t == L { + // no change + } else if t == R { + s.resolvedLevels[i] += 1 + } else { // t == AN || t == EN + s.resolvedLevels[i] += 2 + } + } + } else { // odd level + for i, t := range s.types { + // Rule I2. + if t == R { + // no change + } else { // t == L || t == AN || t == EN + s.resolvedLevels[i] += 1 + } + } + } +} + +// Applies the levels and types resolved in rules W1-I2 to the +// resultLevels array. +func (s *isolatingRunSequence) applyLevelsAndTypes() { + for i, x := range s.indexes { + s.p.resultTypes[x] = s.types[i] + s.p.resultLevels[x] = s.resolvedLevels[i] + } +} + +// Return the limit of the run consisting only of the types in validSet +// starting at index. This checks the value at index, and will return +// index if that value is not in validSet. +func (s *isolatingRunSequence) findRunLimit(index int, validSet ...Class) int { +loop: + for ; index < len(s.types); index++ { + t := s.types[index] + for _, valid := range validSet { + if t == valid { + continue loop + } + } + return index // didn't find a match in validSet + } + return len(s.types) +} + +// Algorithm validation. Assert that all values in types are in the +// provided set. +func (s *isolatingRunSequence) assertOnly(codes ...Class) { +loop: + for i, t := range s.types { + for _, c := range codes { + if t == c { + continue loop + } + } + log.Panicf("invalid bidi code %v present in assertOnly at position %d", t, s.indexes[i]) + } +} + +// determineLevelRuns returns an array of level runs. Each level run is +// described as an array of indexes into the input string. +// +// Determines the level runs. Rule X9 will be applied in determining the +// runs, in the way that makes sure the characters that are supposed to be +// removed are not included in the runs. +func (p *paragraph) determineLevelRuns() [][]int { + run := []int{} + allRuns := [][]int{} + currentLevel := implicitLevel + + for i := range p.initialTypes { + if !isRemovedByX9(p.initialTypes[i]) { + if p.resultLevels[i] != currentLevel { + // we just encountered a new run; wrap up last run + if currentLevel >= 0 { // only wrap it up if there was a run + allRuns = append(allRuns, run) + run = nil + } + // Start new run + currentLevel = p.resultLevels[i] + } + run = append(run, i) + } + } + // Wrap up the final run, if any + if len(run) > 0 { + allRuns = append(allRuns, run) + } + return allRuns +} + +// Definition BD13. Determine isolating run sequences. +func (p *paragraph) determineIsolatingRunSequences() []*isolatingRunSequence { + levelRuns := p.determineLevelRuns() + + // Compute the run that each character belongs to + runForCharacter := make([]int, p.Len()) + for i, run := range levelRuns { + for _, index := range run { + runForCharacter[index] = i + } + } + + sequences := []*isolatingRunSequence{} + + var currentRunSequence []int + + for _, run := range levelRuns { + first := run[0] + if p.initialTypes[first] != PDI || p.matchingIsolateInitiator[first] == -1 { + currentRunSequence = nil + // int run = i; + for { + // Copy this level run into currentRunSequence + currentRunSequence = append(currentRunSequence, run...) + + last := currentRunSequence[len(currentRunSequence)-1] + lastT := p.initialTypes[last] + if lastT.in(LRI, RLI, FSI) && p.matchingPDI[last] != p.Len() { + run = levelRuns[runForCharacter[p.matchingPDI[last]]] + } else { + break + } + } + sequences = append(sequences, p.isolatingRunSequence(currentRunSequence)) + } + } + return sequences +} + +// Assign level information to characters removed by rule X9. This is for +// ease of relating the level information to the original input data. Note +// that the levels assigned to these codes are arbitrary, they're chosen so +// as to avoid breaking level runs. +func (p *paragraph) assignLevelsToCharactersRemovedByX9() { + for i, t := range p.initialTypes { + if t.in(LRE, RLE, LRO, RLO, PDF, BN) { + p.resultTypes[i] = t + p.resultLevels[i] = -1 + } + } + // now propagate forward the levels information (could have + // propagated backward, the main thing is not to introduce a level + // break where one doesn't already exist). + + if p.resultLevels[0] == -1 { + p.resultLevels[0] = p.embeddingLevel + } + for i := 1; i < len(p.initialTypes); i++ { + if p.resultLevels[i] == -1 { + p.resultLevels[i] = p.resultLevels[i-1] + } + } + // Embedding information is for informational purposes only so need not be + // adjusted. +} + +// +// Output +// + +// getLevels computes levels array breaking lines at offsets in linebreaks. +// Rule L1. +// +// The linebreaks array must include at least one value. The values must be +// in strictly increasing order (no duplicates) between 1 and the length of +// the text, inclusive. The last value must be the length of the text. +func (p *paragraph) getLevels(linebreaks []int) []level { + // Note that since the previous processing has removed all + // P, S, and WS values from resultTypes, the values referred to + // in these rules are the initial types, before any processing + // has been applied (including processing of overrides). + // + // This example implementation has reinserted explicit format codes + // and BN, in order that the levels array correspond to the + // initial text. Their final placement is not normative. + // These codes are treated like WS in this implementation, + // so they don't interrupt sequences of WS. + + validateLineBreaks(linebreaks, p.Len()) + + result := append([]level(nil), p.resultLevels...) + + // don't worry about linebreaks since if there is a break within + // a series of WS values preceding S, the linebreak itself + // causes the reset. + for i, t := range p.initialTypes { + if t.in(B, S) { + // Rule L1, clauses one and two. + result[i] = p.embeddingLevel + + // Rule L1, clause three. + for j := i - 1; j >= 0; j-- { + if isWhitespace(p.initialTypes[j]) { // including format codes + result[j] = p.embeddingLevel + } else { + break + } + } + } + } + + // Rule L1, clause four. + start := 0 + for _, limit := range linebreaks { + for j := limit - 1; j >= start; j-- { + if isWhitespace(p.initialTypes[j]) { // including format codes + result[j] = p.embeddingLevel + } else { + break + } + } + start = limit + } + + return result +} + +// getReordering returns the reordering of lines from a visual index to a +// logical index for line breaks at the given offsets. +// +// Lines are concatenated from left to right. So for example, the fifth +// character from the left on the third line is +// +// getReordering(linebreaks)[linebreaks[1] + 4] +// +// (linebreaks[1] is the position after the last character of the second +// line, which is also the index of the first character on the third line, +// and adding four gets the fifth character from the left). +// +// The linebreaks array must include at least one value. The values must be +// in strictly increasing order (no duplicates) between 1 and the length of +// the text, inclusive. The last value must be the length of the text. +func (p *paragraph) getReordering(linebreaks []int) []int { + validateLineBreaks(linebreaks, p.Len()) + + return computeMultilineReordering(p.getLevels(linebreaks), linebreaks) +} + +// Return multiline reordering array for a given level array. Reordering +// does not occur across a line break. +func computeMultilineReordering(levels []level, linebreaks []int) []int { + result := make([]int, len(levels)) + + start := 0 + for _, limit := range linebreaks { + tempLevels := make([]level, limit-start) + copy(tempLevels, levels[start:]) + + for j, order := range computeReordering(tempLevels) { + result[start+j] = order + start + } + start = limit + } + return result +} + +// Return reordering array for a given level array. This reorders a single +// line. The reordering is a visual to logical map. For example, the +// leftmost char is string.charAt(order[0]). Rule L2. +func computeReordering(levels []level) []int { + result := make([]int, len(levels)) + // initialize order + for i := range result { + result[i] = i + } + + // locate highest level found on line. + // Note the rules say text, but no reordering across line bounds is + // performed, so this is sufficient. + highestLevel := level(0) + lowestOddLevel := level(maxDepth + 2) + for _, level := range levels { + if level > highestLevel { + highestLevel = level + } + if level&1 != 0 && level < lowestOddLevel { + lowestOddLevel = level + } + } + + for level := highestLevel; level >= lowestOddLevel; level-- { + for i := 0; i < len(levels); i++ { + if levels[i] >= level { + // find range of text at or above this level + start := i + limit := i + 1 + for limit < len(levels) && levels[limit] >= level { + limit++ + } + + for j, k := start, limit-1; j < k; j, k = j+1, k-1 { + result[j], result[k] = result[k], result[j] + } + // skip to end of level run + i = limit + } + } + } + + return result +} + +// isWhitespace reports whether the type is considered a whitespace type for the +// line break rules. +func isWhitespace(c Class) bool { + switch c { + case LRE, RLE, LRO, RLO, PDF, LRI, RLI, FSI, PDI, BN, WS: + return true + } + return false +} + +// isRemovedByX9 reports whether the type is one of the types removed in X9. +func isRemovedByX9(c Class) bool { + switch c { + case LRE, RLE, LRO, RLO, PDF, BN: + return true + } + return false +} + +// typeForLevel reports the strong type (L or R) corresponding to the level. +func typeForLevel(level level) Class { + if (level & 0x1) == 0 { + return L + } + return R +} + +func validateTypes(types []Class) error { + if len(types) == 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("types is null") + } + for i, t := range types[:len(types)-1] { + if t == B { + return fmt.Errorf("B type before end of paragraph at index: %d", i) + } + } + return nil +} + +func validateParagraphEmbeddingLevel(embeddingLevel level) error { + if embeddingLevel != implicitLevel && + embeddingLevel != 0 && + embeddingLevel != 1 { + return fmt.Errorf("illegal paragraph embedding level: %d", embeddingLevel) + } + return nil +} + +func validateLineBreaks(linebreaks []int, textLength int) error { + prev := 0 + for i, next := range linebreaks { + if next <= prev { + return fmt.Errorf("bad linebreak: %d at index: %d", next, i) + } + prev = next + } + if prev != textLength { + return fmt.Errorf("last linebreak was %d, want %d", prev, textLength) + } + return nil +} + +func validatePbTypes(pairTypes []bracketType) error { + if len(pairTypes) == 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("pairTypes is null") + } + for i, pt := range pairTypes { + switch pt { + case bpNone, bpOpen, bpClose: + default: + return fmt.Errorf("illegal pairType value at %d: %v", i, pairTypes[i]) + } + } + return nil +} + +func validatePbValues(pairValues []rune, pairTypes []bracketType) error { + if pairValues == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("pairValues is null") + } + if len(pairTypes) != len(pairValues) { + return fmt.Errorf("pairTypes is different length from pairValues") + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/prop.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/prop.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c9484e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/prop.go @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package bidi + +import "unicode/utf8" + +// Properties provides access to BiDi properties of runes. +type Properties struct { + entry uint8 + last uint8 +} + +var trie = newBidiTrie(0) + +// TODO: using this for bidirule reduces the running time by about 5%. Consider +// if this is worth exposing or if we can find a way to speed up the Class +// method. +// +// // CompactClass is like Class, but maps all of the BiDi control classes +// // (LRO, RLO, LRE, RLE, PDF, LRI, RLI, FSI, PDI) to the class Control. +// func (p Properties) CompactClass() Class { +// return Class(p.entry & 0x0F) +// } + +// Class returns the Bidi class for p. +func (p Properties) Class() Class { + c := Class(p.entry & 0x0F) + if c == Control { + c = controlByteToClass[p.last&0xF] + } + return c +} + +// IsBracket reports whether the rune is a bracket. +func (p Properties) IsBracket() bool { return p.entry&0xF0 != 0 } + +// IsOpeningBracket reports whether the rune is an opening bracket. +// IsBracket must return true. +func (p Properties) IsOpeningBracket() bool { return p.entry&openMask != 0 } + +// TODO: find a better API and expose. +func (p Properties) reverseBracket(r rune) rune { + return xorMasks[p.entry>>xorMaskShift] ^ r +} + +var controlByteToClass = [16]Class{ + 0xD: LRO, // U+202D LeftToRightOverride, + 0xE: RLO, // U+202E RightToLeftOverride, + 0xA: LRE, // U+202A LeftToRightEmbedding, + 0xB: RLE, // U+202B RightToLeftEmbedding, + 0xC: PDF, // U+202C PopDirectionalFormat, + 0x6: LRI, // U+2066 LeftToRightIsolate, + 0x7: RLI, // U+2067 RightToLeftIsolate, + 0x8: FSI, // U+2068 FirstStrongIsolate, + 0x9: PDI, // U+2069 PopDirectionalIsolate, +} + +// LookupRune returns properties for r. +func LookupRune(r rune) (p Properties, size int) { + var buf [4]byte + n := utf8.EncodeRune(buf[:], r) + return Lookup(buf[:n]) +} + +// TODO: these lookup methods are based on the generated trie code. The returned +// sizes have slightly different semantics from the generated code, in that it +// always returns size==1 for an illegal UTF-8 byte (instead of the length +// of the maximum invalid subsequence). Most Transformers, like unicode/norm, +// leave invalid UTF-8 untouched, in which case it has performance benefits to +// do so (without changing the semantics). Bidi requires the semantics used here +// for the bidirule implementation to be compatible with the Go semantics. +// They ultimately should perhaps be adopted by all trie implementations, for +// convenience sake. +// This unrolled code also boosts performance of the secure/bidirule package by +// about 30%. +// So, to remove this code: +// - add option to trie generator to define return type. +// - always return 1 byte size for ill-formed UTF-8 runes. + +// Lookup returns properties for the first rune in s and the width in bytes of +// its encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not hold enough bytes to complete +// the encoding. +func Lookup(s []byte) (p Properties, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return Properties{entry: bidiValues[c0]}, 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return Properties{}, 1 + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return Properties{}, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return Properties{}, 1 + } + return Properties{entry: trie.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1)}, 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return Properties{}, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return Properties{}, 1 + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return Properties{}, 1 + } + return Properties{entry: trie.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), last: c2}, 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return Properties{}, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return Properties{}, 1 + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return Properties{}, 1 + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return Properties{}, 1 + } + return Properties{entry: trie.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3)}, 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return Properties{}, 1 +} + +// LookupString returns properties for the first rune in s and the width in +// bytes of its encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not hold enough bytes to +// complete the encoding. +func LookupString(s string) (p Properties, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return Properties{entry: bidiValues[c0]}, 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return Properties{}, 1 + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return Properties{}, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return Properties{}, 1 + } + return Properties{entry: trie.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1)}, 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return Properties{}, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return Properties{}, 1 + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return Properties{}, 1 + } + return Properties{entry: trie.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), last: c2}, 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return Properties{}, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return Properties{}, 1 + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return Properties{}, 1 + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return Properties{}, 1 + } + return Properties{entry: trie.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3)}, 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return Properties{}, 1 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables10.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables10.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..42fa8d72 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables10.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,1816 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.10 && !go1.13 +// +build go1.10,!go1.13 + +package bidi + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "10.0.0" + +// xorMasks contains masks to be xor-ed with brackets to get the reverse +// version. +var xorMasks = []int32{ // 8 elements + 0, 1, 6, 7, 3, 15, 29, 63, +} // Size: 56 bytes + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0] + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0] + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// bidiTrie. Total size: 16128 bytes (15.75 KiB). Checksum: 8122d83e461996f. +type bidiTrie struct{} + +func newBidiTrie(i int) *bidiTrie { + return &bidiTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint8 { + switch { + default: + return uint8(bidiValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// bidiValues: 228 blocks, 14592 entries, 14592 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var bidiValues = [14592]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x00: 0x000b, 0x01: 0x000b, 0x02: 0x000b, 0x03: 0x000b, 0x04: 0x000b, 0x05: 0x000b, + 0x06: 0x000b, 0x07: 0x000b, 0x08: 0x000b, 0x09: 0x0008, 0x0a: 0x0007, 0x0b: 0x0008, + 0x0c: 0x0009, 0x0d: 0x0007, 0x0e: 0x000b, 0x0f: 0x000b, 0x10: 0x000b, 0x11: 0x000b, + 0x12: 0x000b, 0x13: 0x000b, 0x14: 0x000b, 0x15: 0x000b, 0x16: 0x000b, 0x17: 0x000b, + 0x18: 0x000b, 0x19: 0x000b, 0x1a: 0x000b, 0x1b: 0x000b, 0x1c: 0x0007, 0x1d: 0x0007, + 0x1e: 0x0007, 0x1f: 0x0008, 0x20: 0x0009, 0x21: 0x000a, 0x22: 0x000a, 0x23: 0x0004, + 0x24: 0x0004, 0x25: 0x0004, 0x26: 0x000a, 0x27: 0x000a, 0x28: 0x003a, 0x29: 0x002a, + 0x2a: 0x000a, 0x2b: 0x0003, 0x2c: 0x0006, 0x2d: 0x0003, 0x2e: 0x0006, 0x2f: 0x0006, + 0x30: 0x0002, 0x31: 0x0002, 0x32: 0x0002, 0x33: 0x0002, 0x34: 0x0002, 0x35: 0x0002, + 0x36: 0x0002, 0x37: 0x0002, 0x38: 0x0002, 0x39: 0x0002, 0x3a: 0x0006, 0x3b: 0x000a, + 0x3c: 0x000a, 0x3d: 0x000a, 0x3e: 0x000a, 0x3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x000a, + 0x5b: 0x005a, 0x5c: 0x000a, 0x5d: 0x004a, + 0x5e: 0x000a, 0x5f: 0x000a, 0x60: 0x000a, + 0x7b: 0x005a, + 0x7c: 0x000a, 0x7d: 0x004a, 0x7e: 0x000a, 0x7f: 0x000b, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x000b, 0xc1: 0x000b, 0xc2: 0x000b, 0xc3: 0x000b, 0xc4: 0x000b, 0xc5: 0x0007, + 0xc6: 0x000b, 0xc7: 0x000b, 0xc8: 0x000b, 0xc9: 0x000b, 0xca: 0x000b, 0xcb: 0x000b, + 0xcc: 0x000b, 0xcd: 0x000b, 0xce: 0x000b, 0xcf: 0x000b, 0xd0: 0x000b, 0xd1: 0x000b, + 0xd2: 0x000b, 0xd3: 0x000b, 0xd4: 0x000b, 0xd5: 0x000b, 0xd6: 0x000b, 0xd7: 0x000b, + 0xd8: 0x000b, 0xd9: 0x000b, 0xda: 0x000b, 0xdb: 0x000b, 0xdc: 0x000b, 0xdd: 0x000b, + 0xde: 0x000b, 0xdf: 0x000b, 0xe0: 0x0006, 0xe1: 0x000a, 0xe2: 0x0004, 0xe3: 0x0004, + 0xe4: 0x0004, 0xe5: 0x0004, 0xe6: 0x000a, 0xe7: 0x000a, 0xe8: 0x000a, 0xe9: 0x000a, + 0xeb: 0x000a, 0xec: 0x000a, 0xed: 0x000b, 0xee: 0x000a, 0xef: 0x000a, + 0xf0: 0x0004, 0xf1: 0x0004, 0xf2: 0x0002, 0xf3: 0x0002, 0xf4: 0x000a, + 0xf6: 0x000a, 0xf7: 0x000a, 0xf8: 0x000a, 0xf9: 0x0002, 0xfb: 0x000a, + 0xfc: 0x000a, 0xfd: 0x000a, 0xfe: 0x000a, 0xff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x117: 0x000a, + 0x137: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x179: 0x000a, 0x17a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x182: 0x000a, 0x183: 0x000a, 0x184: 0x000a, 0x185: 0x000a, + 0x186: 0x000a, 0x187: 0x000a, 0x188: 0x000a, 0x189: 0x000a, 0x18a: 0x000a, 0x18b: 0x000a, + 0x18c: 0x000a, 0x18d: 0x000a, 0x18e: 0x000a, 0x18f: 0x000a, + 0x192: 0x000a, 0x193: 0x000a, 0x194: 0x000a, 0x195: 0x000a, 0x196: 0x000a, 0x197: 0x000a, + 0x198: 0x000a, 0x199: 0x000a, 0x19a: 0x000a, 0x19b: 0x000a, 0x19c: 0x000a, 0x19d: 0x000a, + 0x19e: 0x000a, 0x19f: 0x000a, + 0x1a5: 0x000a, 0x1a6: 0x000a, 0x1a7: 0x000a, 0x1a8: 0x000a, 0x1a9: 0x000a, + 0x1aa: 0x000a, 0x1ab: 0x000a, 0x1ac: 0x000a, 0x1ad: 0x000a, 0x1af: 0x000a, + 0x1b0: 0x000a, 0x1b1: 0x000a, 0x1b2: 0x000a, 0x1b3: 0x000a, 0x1b4: 0x000a, 0x1b5: 0x000a, + 0x1b6: 0x000a, 0x1b7: 0x000a, 0x1b8: 0x000a, 0x1b9: 0x000a, 0x1ba: 0x000a, 0x1bb: 0x000a, + 0x1bc: 0x000a, 0x1bd: 0x000a, 0x1be: 0x000a, 0x1bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x000c, 0x1c1: 0x000c, 0x1c2: 0x000c, 0x1c3: 0x000c, 0x1c4: 0x000c, 0x1c5: 0x000c, + 0x1c6: 0x000c, 0x1c7: 0x000c, 0x1c8: 0x000c, 0x1c9: 0x000c, 0x1ca: 0x000c, 0x1cb: 0x000c, + 0x1cc: 0x000c, 0x1cd: 0x000c, 0x1ce: 0x000c, 0x1cf: 0x000c, 0x1d0: 0x000c, 0x1d1: 0x000c, + 0x1d2: 0x000c, 0x1d3: 0x000c, 0x1d4: 0x000c, 0x1d5: 0x000c, 0x1d6: 0x000c, 0x1d7: 0x000c, + 0x1d8: 0x000c, 0x1d9: 0x000c, 0x1da: 0x000c, 0x1db: 0x000c, 0x1dc: 0x000c, 0x1dd: 0x000c, + 0x1de: 0x000c, 0x1df: 0x000c, 0x1e0: 0x000c, 0x1e1: 0x000c, 0x1e2: 0x000c, 0x1e3: 0x000c, + 0x1e4: 0x000c, 0x1e5: 0x000c, 0x1e6: 0x000c, 0x1e7: 0x000c, 0x1e8: 0x000c, 0x1e9: 0x000c, + 0x1ea: 0x000c, 0x1eb: 0x000c, 0x1ec: 0x000c, 0x1ed: 0x000c, 0x1ee: 0x000c, 0x1ef: 0x000c, + 0x1f0: 0x000c, 0x1f1: 0x000c, 0x1f2: 0x000c, 0x1f3: 0x000c, 0x1f4: 0x000c, 0x1f5: 0x000c, + 0x1f6: 0x000c, 0x1f7: 0x000c, 0x1f8: 0x000c, 0x1f9: 0x000c, 0x1fa: 0x000c, 0x1fb: 0x000c, + 0x1fc: 0x000c, 0x1fd: 0x000c, 0x1fe: 0x000c, 0x1ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x000c, 0x201: 0x000c, 0x202: 0x000c, 0x203: 0x000c, 0x204: 0x000c, 0x205: 0x000c, + 0x206: 0x000c, 0x207: 0x000c, 0x208: 0x000c, 0x209: 0x000c, 0x20a: 0x000c, 0x20b: 0x000c, + 0x20c: 0x000c, 0x20d: 0x000c, 0x20e: 0x000c, 0x20f: 0x000c, 0x210: 0x000c, 0x211: 0x000c, + 0x212: 0x000c, 0x213: 0x000c, 0x214: 0x000c, 0x215: 0x000c, 0x216: 0x000c, 0x217: 0x000c, + 0x218: 0x000c, 0x219: 0x000c, 0x21a: 0x000c, 0x21b: 0x000c, 0x21c: 0x000c, 0x21d: 0x000c, + 0x21e: 0x000c, 0x21f: 0x000c, 0x220: 0x000c, 0x221: 0x000c, 0x222: 0x000c, 0x223: 0x000c, + 0x224: 0x000c, 0x225: 0x000c, 0x226: 0x000c, 0x227: 0x000c, 0x228: 0x000c, 0x229: 0x000c, + 0x22a: 0x000c, 0x22b: 0x000c, 0x22c: 0x000c, 0x22d: 0x000c, 0x22e: 0x000c, 0x22f: 0x000c, + 0x234: 0x000a, 0x235: 0x000a, + 0x23e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x244: 0x000a, 0x245: 0x000a, + 0x247: 0x000a, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x2b6: 0x000a, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c3: 0x000c, 0x2c4: 0x000c, 0x2c5: 0x000c, + 0x2c6: 0x000c, 0x2c7: 0x000c, 0x2c8: 0x000c, 0x2c9: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x30a: 0x000a, + 0x30d: 0x000a, 0x30e: 0x000a, 0x30f: 0x0004, 0x310: 0x0001, 0x311: 0x000c, + 0x312: 0x000c, 0x313: 0x000c, 0x314: 0x000c, 0x315: 0x000c, 0x316: 0x000c, 0x317: 0x000c, + 0x318: 0x000c, 0x319: 0x000c, 0x31a: 0x000c, 0x31b: 0x000c, 0x31c: 0x000c, 0x31d: 0x000c, + 0x31e: 0x000c, 0x31f: 0x000c, 0x320: 0x000c, 0x321: 0x000c, 0x322: 0x000c, 0x323: 0x000c, + 0x324: 0x000c, 0x325: 0x000c, 0x326: 0x000c, 0x327: 0x000c, 0x328: 0x000c, 0x329: 0x000c, + 0x32a: 0x000c, 0x32b: 0x000c, 0x32c: 0x000c, 0x32d: 0x000c, 0x32e: 0x000c, 0x32f: 0x000c, + 0x330: 0x000c, 0x331: 0x000c, 0x332: 0x000c, 0x333: 0x000c, 0x334: 0x000c, 0x335: 0x000c, + 0x336: 0x000c, 0x337: 0x000c, 0x338: 0x000c, 0x339: 0x000c, 0x33a: 0x000c, 0x33b: 0x000c, + 0x33c: 0x000c, 0x33d: 0x000c, 0x33e: 0x0001, 0x33f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x0001, 0x341: 0x000c, 0x342: 0x000c, 0x343: 0x0001, 0x344: 0x000c, 0x345: 0x000c, + 0x346: 0x0001, 0x347: 0x000c, 0x348: 0x0001, 0x349: 0x0001, 0x34a: 0x0001, 0x34b: 0x0001, + 0x34c: 0x0001, 0x34d: 0x0001, 0x34e: 0x0001, 0x34f: 0x0001, 0x350: 0x0001, 0x351: 0x0001, + 0x352: 0x0001, 0x353: 0x0001, 0x354: 0x0001, 0x355: 0x0001, 0x356: 0x0001, 0x357: 0x0001, + 0x358: 0x0001, 0x359: 0x0001, 0x35a: 0x0001, 0x35b: 0x0001, 0x35c: 0x0001, 0x35d: 0x0001, + 0x35e: 0x0001, 0x35f: 0x0001, 0x360: 0x0001, 0x361: 0x0001, 0x362: 0x0001, 0x363: 0x0001, + 0x364: 0x0001, 0x365: 0x0001, 0x366: 0x0001, 0x367: 0x0001, 0x368: 0x0001, 0x369: 0x0001, + 0x36a: 0x0001, 0x36b: 0x0001, 0x36c: 0x0001, 0x36d: 0x0001, 0x36e: 0x0001, 0x36f: 0x0001, + 0x370: 0x0001, 0x371: 0x0001, 0x372: 0x0001, 0x373: 0x0001, 0x374: 0x0001, 0x375: 0x0001, + 0x376: 0x0001, 0x377: 0x0001, 0x378: 0x0001, 0x379: 0x0001, 0x37a: 0x0001, 0x37b: 0x0001, + 0x37c: 0x0001, 0x37d: 0x0001, 0x37e: 0x0001, 0x37f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0005, 0x381: 0x0005, 0x382: 0x0005, 0x383: 0x0005, 0x384: 0x0005, 0x385: 0x0005, + 0x386: 0x000a, 0x387: 0x000a, 0x388: 0x000d, 0x389: 0x0004, 0x38a: 0x0004, 0x38b: 0x000d, + 0x38c: 0x0006, 0x38d: 0x000d, 0x38e: 0x000a, 0x38f: 0x000a, 0x390: 0x000c, 0x391: 0x000c, + 0x392: 0x000c, 0x393: 0x000c, 0x394: 0x000c, 0x395: 0x000c, 0x396: 0x000c, 0x397: 0x000c, + 0x398: 0x000c, 0x399: 0x000c, 0x39a: 0x000c, 0x39b: 0x000d, 0x39c: 0x000d, 0x39d: 0x000d, + 0x39e: 0x000d, 0x39f: 0x000d, 0x3a0: 0x000d, 0x3a1: 0x000d, 0x3a2: 0x000d, 0x3a3: 0x000d, + 0x3a4: 0x000d, 0x3a5: 0x000d, 0x3a6: 0x000d, 0x3a7: 0x000d, 0x3a8: 0x000d, 0x3a9: 0x000d, + 0x3aa: 0x000d, 0x3ab: 0x000d, 0x3ac: 0x000d, 0x3ad: 0x000d, 0x3ae: 0x000d, 0x3af: 0x000d, + 0x3b0: 0x000d, 0x3b1: 0x000d, 0x3b2: 0x000d, 0x3b3: 0x000d, 0x3b4: 0x000d, 0x3b5: 0x000d, + 0x3b6: 0x000d, 0x3b7: 0x000d, 0x3b8: 0x000d, 0x3b9: 0x000d, 0x3ba: 0x000d, 0x3bb: 0x000d, + 0x3bc: 0x000d, 0x3bd: 0x000d, 0x3be: 0x000d, 0x3bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x000d, 0x3c1: 0x000d, 0x3c2: 0x000d, 0x3c3: 0x000d, 0x3c4: 0x000d, 0x3c5: 0x000d, + 0x3c6: 0x000d, 0x3c7: 0x000d, 0x3c8: 0x000d, 0x3c9: 0x000d, 0x3ca: 0x000d, 0x3cb: 0x000c, + 0x3cc: 0x000c, 0x3cd: 0x000c, 0x3ce: 0x000c, 0x3cf: 0x000c, 0x3d0: 0x000c, 0x3d1: 0x000c, + 0x3d2: 0x000c, 0x3d3: 0x000c, 0x3d4: 0x000c, 0x3d5: 0x000c, 0x3d6: 0x000c, 0x3d7: 0x000c, + 0x3d8: 0x000c, 0x3d9: 0x000c, 0x3da: 0x000c, 0x3db: 0x000c, 0x3dc: 0x000c, 0x3dd: 0x000c, + 0x3de: 0x000c, 0x3df: 0x000c, 0x3e0: 0x0005, 0x3e1: 0x0005, 0x3e2: 0x0005, 0x3e3: 0x0005, + 0x3e4: 0x0005, 0x3e5: 0x0005, 0x3e6: 0x0005, 0x3e7: 0x0005, 0x3e8: 0x0005, 0x3e9: 0x0005, + 0x3ea: 0x0004, 0x3eb: 0x0005, 0x3ec: 0x0005, 0x3ed: 0x000d, 0x3ee: 0x000d, 0x3ef: 0x000d, + 0x3f0: 0x000c, 0x3f1: 0x000d, 0x3f2: 0x000d, 0x3f3: 0x000d, 0x3f4: 0x000d, 0x3f5: 0x000d, + 0x3f6: 0x000d, 0x3f7: 0x000d, 0x3f8: 0x000d, 0x3f9: 0x000d, 0x3fa: 0x000d, 0x3fb: 0x000d, + 0x3fc: 0x000d, 0x3fd: 0x000d, 0x3fe: 0x000d, 0x3ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x000d, 0x401: 0x000d, 0x402: 0x000d, 0x403: 0x000d, 0x404: 0x000d, 0x405: 0x000d, + 0x406: 0x000d, 0x407: 0x000d, 0x408: 0x000d, 0x409: 0x000d, 0x40a: 0x000d, 0x40b: 0x000d, + 0x40c: 0x000d, 0x40d: 0x000d, 0x40e: 0x000d, 0x40f: 0x000d, 0x410: 0x000d, 0x411: 0x000d, + 0x412: 0x000d, 0x413: 0x000d, 0x414: 0x000d, 0x415: 0x000d, 0x416: 0x000d, 0x417: 0x000d, + 0x418: 0x000d, 0x419: 0x000d, 0x41a: 0x000d, 0x41b: 0x000d, 0x41c: 0x000d, 0x41d: 0x000d, + 0x41e: 0x000d, 0x41f: 0x000d, 0x420: 0x000d, 0x421: 0x000d, 0x422: 0x000d, 0x423: 0x000d, + 0x424: 0x000d, 0x425: 0x000d, 0x426: 0x000d, 0x427: 0x000d, 0x428: 0x000d, 0x429: 0x000d, + 0x42a: 0x000d, 0x42b: 0x000d, 0x42c: 0x000d, 0x42d: 0x000d, 0x42e: 0x000d, 0x42f: 0x000d, + 0x430: 0x000d, 0x431: 0x000d, 0x432: 0x000d, 0x433: 0x000d, 0x434: 0x000d, 0x435: 0x000d, + 0x436: 0x000d, 0x437: 0x000d, 0x438: 0x000d, 0x439: 0x000d, 0x43a: 0x000d, 0x43b: 0x000d, + 0x43c: 0x000d, 0x43d: 0x000d, 0x43e: 0x000d, 0x43f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x000d, 0x441: 0x000d, 0x442: 0x000d, 0x443: 0x000d, 0x444: 0x000d, 0x445: 0x000d, + 0x446: 0x000d, 0x447: 0x000d, 0x448: 0x000d, 0x449: 0x000d, 0x44a: 0x000d, 0x44b: 0x000d, + 0x44c: 0x000d, 0x44d: 0x000d, 0x44e: 0x000d, 0x44f: 0x000d, 0x450: 0x000d, 0x451: 0x000d, + 0x452: 0x000d, 0x453: 0x000d, 0x454: 0x000d, 0x455: 0x000d, 0x456: 0x000c, 0x457: 0x000c, + 0x458: 0x000c, 0x459: 0x000c, 0x45a: 0x000c, 0x45b: 0x000c, 0x45c: 0x000c, 0x45d: 0x0005, + 0x45e: 0x000a, 0x45f: 0x000c, 0x460: 0x000c, 0x461: 0x000c, 0x462: 0x000c, 0x463: 0x000c, + 0x464: 0x000c, 0x465: 0x000d, 0x466: 0x000d, 0x467: 0x000c, 0x468: 0x000c, 0x469: 0x000a, + 0x46a: 0x000c, 0x46b: 0x000c, 0x46c: 0x000c, 0x46d: 0x000c, 0x46e: 0x000d, 0x46f: 0x000d, + 0x470: 0x0002, 0x471: 0x0002, 0x472: 0x0002, 0x473: 0x0002, 0x474: 0x0002, 0x475: 0x0002, + 0x476: 0x0002, 0x477: 0x0002, 0x478: 0x0002, 0x479: 0x0002, 0x47a: 0x000d, 0x47b: 0x000d, + 0x47c: 0x000d, 0x47d: 0x000d, 0x47e: 0x000d, 0x47f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x000d, 0x481: 0x000d, 0x482: 0x000d, 0x483: 0x000d, 0x484: 0x000d, 0x485: 0x000d, + 0x486: 0x000d, 0x487: 0x000d, 0x488: 0x000d, 0x489: 0x000d, 0x48a: 0x000d, 0x48b: 0x000d, + 0x48c: 0x000d, 0x48d: 0x000d, 0x48e: 0x000d, 0x48f: 0x000d, 0x490: 0x000d, 0x491: 0x000c, + 0x492: 0x000d, 0x493: 0x000d, 0x494: 0x000d, 0x495: 0x000d, 0x496: 0x000d, 0x497: 0x000d, + 0x498: 0x000d, 0x499: 0x000d, 0x49a: 0x000d, 0x49b: 0x000d, 0x49c: 0x000d, 0x49d: 0x000d, + 0x49e: 0x000d, 0x49f: 0x000d, 0x4a0: 0x000d, 0x4a1: 0x000d, 0x4a2: 0x000d, 0x4a3: 0x000d, + 0x4a4: 0x000d, 0x4a5: 0x000d, 0x4a6: 0x000d, 0x4a7: 0x000d, 0x4a8: 0x000d, 0x4a9: 0x000d, + 0x4aa: 0x000d, 0x4ab: 0x000d, 0x4ac: 0x000d, 0x4ad: 0x000d, 0x4ae: 0x000d, 0x4af: 0x000d, + 0x4b0: 0x000c, 0x4b1: 0x000c, 0x4b2: 0x000c, 0x4b3: 0x000c, 0x4b4: 0x000c, 0x4b5: 0x000c, + 0x4b6: 0x000c, 0x4b7: 0x000c, 0x4b8: 0x000c, 0x4b9: 0x000c, 0x4ba: 0x000c, 0x4bb: 0x000c, + 0x4bc: 0x000c, 0x4bd: 0x000c, 0x4be: 0x000c, 0x4bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x000c, 0x4c1: 0x000c, 0x4c2: 0x000c, 0x4c3: 0x000c, 0x4c4: 0x000c, 0x4c5: 0x000c, + 0x4c6: 0x000c, 0x4c7: 0x000c, 0x4c8: 0x000c, 0x4c9: 0x000c, 0x4ca: 0x000c, 0x4cb: 0x000d, + 0x4cc: 0x000d, 0x4cd: 0x000d, 0x4ce: 0x000d, 0x4cf: 0x000d, 0x4d0: 0x000d, 0x4d1: 0x000d, + 0x4d2: 0x000d, 0x4d3: 0x000d, 0x4d4: 0x000d, 0x4d5: 0x000d, 0x4d6: 0x000d, 0x4d7: 0x000d, + 0x4d8: 0x000d, 0x4d9: 0x000d, 0x4da: 0x000d, 0x4db: 0x000d, 0x4dc: 0x000d, 0x4dd: 0x000d, + 0x4de: 0x000d, 0x4df: 0x000d, 0x4e0: 0x000d, 0x4e1: 0x000d, 0x4e2: 0x000d, 0x4e3: 0x000d, + 0x4e4: 0x000d, 0x4e5: 0x000d, 0x4e6: 0x000d, 0x4e7: 0x000d, 0x4e8: 0x000d, 0x4e9: 0x000d, + 0x4ea: 0x000d, 0x4eb: 0x000d, 0x4ec: 0x000d, 0x4ed: 0x000d, 0x4ee: 0x000d, 0x4ef: 0x000d, + 0x4f0: 0x000d, 0x4f1: 0x000d, 0x4f2: 0x000d, 0x4f3: 0x000d, 0x4f4: 0x000d, 0x4f5: 0x000d, + 0x4f6: 0x000d, 0x4f7: 0x000d, 0x4f8: 0x000d, 0x4f9: 0x000d, 0x4fa: 0x000d, 0x4fb: 0x000d, + 0x4fc: 0x000d, 0x4fd: 0x000d, 0x4fe: 0x000d, 0x4ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x000d, 0x501: 0x000d, 0x502: 0x000d, 0x503: 0x000d, 0x504: 0x000d, 0x505: 0x000d, + 0x506: 0x000d, 0x507: 0x000d, 0x508: 0x000d, 0x509: 0x000d, 0x50a: 0x000d, 0x50b: 0x000d, + 0x50c: 0x000d, 0x50d: 0x000d, 0x50e: 0x000d, 0x50f: 0x000d, 0x510: 0x000d, 0x511: 0x000d, + 0x512: 0x000d, 0x513: 0x000d, 0x514: 0x000d, 0x515: 0x000d, 0x516: 0x000d, 0x517: 0x000d, + 0x518: 0x000d, 0x519: 0x000d, 0x51a: 0x000d, 0x51b: 0x000d, 0x51c: 0x000d, 0x51d: 0x000d, + 0x51e: 0x000d, 0x51f: 0x000d, 0x520: 0x000d, 0x521: 0x000d, 0x522: 0x000d, 0x523: 0x000d, + 0x524: 0x000d, 0x525: 0x000d, 0x526: 0x000c, 0x527: 0x000c, 0x528: 0x000c, 0x529: 0x000c, + 0x52a: 0x000c, 0x52b: 0x000c, 0x52c: 0x000c, 0x52d: 0x000c, 0x52e: 0x000c, 0x52f: 0x000c, + 0x530: 0x000c, 0x531: 0x000d, 0x532: 0x000d, 0x533: 0x000d, 0x534: 0x000d, 0x535: 0x000d, + 0x536: 0x000d, 0x537: 0x000d, 0x538: 0x000d, 0x539: 0x000d, 0x53a: 0x000d, 0x53b: 0x000d, + 0x53c: 0x000d, 0x53d: 0x000d, 0x53e: 0x000d, 0x53f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x0001, 0x541: 0x0001, 0x542: 0x0001, 0x543: 0x0001, 0x544: 0x0001, 0x545: 0x0001, + 0x546: 0x0001, 0x547: 0x0001, 0x548: 0x0001, 0x549: 0x0001, 0x54a: 0x0001, 0x54b: 0x0001, + 0x54c: 0x0001, 0x54d: 0x0001, 0x54e: 0x0001, 0x54f: 0x0001, 0x550: 0x0001, 0x551: 0x0001, + 0x552: 0x0001, 0x553: 0x0001, 0x554: 0x0001, 0x555: 0x0001, 0x556: 0x0001, 0x557: 0x0001, + 0x558: 0x0001, 0x559: 0x0001, 0x55a: 0x0001, 0x55b: 0x0001, 0x55c: 0x0001, 0x55d: 0x0001, + 0x55e: 0x0001, 0x55f: 0x0001, 0x560: 0x0001, 0x561: 0x0001, 0x562: 0x0001, 0x563: 0x0001, + 0x564: 0x0001, 0x565: 0x0001, 0x566: 0x0001, 0x567: 0x0001, 0x568: 0x0001, 0x569: 0x0001, + 0x56a: 0x0001, 0x56b: 0x000c, 0x56c: 0x000c, 0x56d: 0x000c, 0x56e: 0x000c, 0x56f: 0x000c, + 0x570: 0x000c, 0x571: 0x000c, 0x572: 0x000c, 0x573: 0x000c, 0x574: 0x0001, 0x575: 0x0001, + 0x576: 0x000a, 0x577: 0x000a, 0x578: 0x000a, 0x579: 0x000a, 0x57a: 0x0001, 0x57b: 0x0001, + 0x57c: 0x0001, 0x57d: 0x0001, 0x57e: 0x0001, 0x57f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x0001, 0x581: 0x0001, 0x582: 0x0001, 0x583: 0x0001, 0x584: 0x0001, 0x585: 0x0001, + 0x586: 0x0001, 0x587: 0x0001, 0x588: 0x0001, 0x589: 0x0001, 0x58a: 0x0001, 0x58b: 0x0001, + 0x58c: 0x0001, 0x58d: 0x0001, 0x58e: 0x0001, 0x58f: 0x0001, 0x590: 0x0001, 0x591: 0x0001, + 0x592: 0x0001, 0x593: 0x0001, 0x594: 0x0001, 0x595: 0x0001, 0x596: 0x000c, 0x597: 0x000c, + 0x598: 0x000c, 0x599: 0x000c, 0x59a: 0x0001, 0x59b: 0x000c, 0x59c: 0x000c, 0x59d: 0x000c, + 0x59e: 0x000c, 0x59f: 0x000c, 0x5a0: 0x000c, 0x5a1: 0x000c, 0x5a2: 0x000c, 0x5a3: 0x000c, + 0x5a4: 0x0001, 0x5a5: 0x000c, 0x5a6: 0x000c, 0x5a7: 0x000c, 0x5a8: 0x0001, 0x5a9: 0x000c, + 0x5aa: 0x000c, 0x5ab: 0x000c, 0x5ac: 0x000c, 0x5ad: 0x000c, 0x5ae: 0x0001, 0x5af: 0x0001, + 0x5b0: 0x0001, 0x5b1: 0x0001, 0x5b2: 0x0001, 0x5b3: 0x0001, 0x5b4: 0x0001, 0x5b5: 0x0001, + 0x5b6: 0x0001, 0x5b7: 0x0001, 0x5b8: 0x0001, 0x5b9: 0x0001, 0x5ba: 0x0001, 0x5bb: 0x0001, + 0x5bc: 0x0001, 0x5bd: 0x0001, 0x5be: 0x0001, 0x5bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x0001, 0x5c1: 0x0001, 0x5c2: 0x0001, 0x5c3: 0x0001, 0x5c4: 0x0001, 0x5c5: 0x0001, + 0x5c6: 0x0001, 0x5c7: 0x0001, 0x5c8: 0x0001, 0x5c9: 0x0001, 0x5ca: 0x0001, 0x5cb: 0x0001, + 0x5cc: 0x0001, 0x5cd: 0x0001, 0x5ce: 0x0001, 0x5cf: 0x0001, 0x5d0: 0x0001, 0x5d1: 0x0001, + 0x5d2: 0x0001, 0x5d3: 0x0001, 0x5d4: 0x0001, 0x5d5: 0x0001, 0x5d6: 0x0001, 0x5d7: 0x0001, + 0x5d8: 0x0001, 0x5d9: 0x000c, 0x5da: 0x000c, 0x5db: 0x000c, 0x5dc: 0x0001, 0x5dd: 0x0001, + 0x5de: 0x0001, 0x5df: 0x0001, 0x5e0: 0x000d, 0x5e1: 0x000d, 0x5e2: 0x000d, 0x5e3: 0x000d, + 0x5e4: 0x000d, 0x5e5: 0x000d, 0x5e6: 0x000d, 0x5e7: 0x000d, 0x5e8: 0x000d, 0x5e9: 0x000d, + 0x5ea: 0x000d, 0x5eb: 0x000d, 0x5ec: 0x000d, 0x5ed: 0x000d, 0x5ee: 0x000d, 0x5ef: 0x000d, + 0x5f0: 0x0001, 0x5f1: 0x0001, 0x5f2: 0x0001, 0x5f3: 0x0001, 0x5f4: 0x0001, 0x5f5: 0x0001, + 0x5f6: 0x0001, 0x5f7: 0x0001, 0x5f8: 0x0001, 0x5f9: 0x0001, 0x5fa: 0x0001, 0x5fb: 0x0001, + 0x5fc: 0x0001, 0x5fd: 0x0001, 0x5fe: 0x0001, 0x5ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x0001, 0x601: 0x0001, 0x602: 0x0001, 0x603: 0x0001, 0x604: 0x0001, 0x605: 0x0001, + 0x606: 0x0001, 0x607: 0x0001, 0x608: 0x0001, 0x609: 0x0001, 0x60a: 0x0001, 0x60b: 0x0001, + 0x60c: 0x0001, 0x60d: 0x0001, 0x60e: 0x0001, 0x60f: 0x0001, 0x610: 0x0001, 0x611: 0x0001, + 0x612: 0x0001, 0x613: 0x0001, 0x614: 0x0001, 0x615: 0x0001, 0x616: 0x0001, 0x617: 0x0001, + 0x618: 0x0001, 0x619: 0x0001, 0x61a: 0x0001, 0x61b: 0x0001, 0x61c: 0x0001, 0x61d: 0x0001, + 0x61e: 0x0001, 0x61f: 0x0001, 0x620: 0x000d, 0x621: 0x000d, 0x622: 0x000d, 0x623: 0x000d, + 0x624: 0x000d, 0x625: 0x000d, 0x626: 0x000d, 0x627: 0x000d, 0x628: 0x000d, 0x629: 0x000d, + 0x62a: 0x000d, 0x62b: 0x000d, 0x62c: 0x000d, 0x62d: 0x000d, 0x62e: 0x000d, 0x62f: 0x000d, + 0x630: 0x000d, 0x631: 0x000d, 0x632: 0x000d, 0x633: 0x000d, 0x634: 0x000d, 0x635: 0x000d, + 0x636: 0x000d, 0x637: 0x000d, 0x638: 0x000d, 0x639: 0x000d, 0x63a: 0x000d, 0x63b: 0x000d, + 0x63c: 0x000d, 0x63d: 0x000d, 0x63e: 0x000d, 0x63f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x000d, 0x641: 0x000d, 0x642: 0x000d, 0x643: 0x000d, 0x644: 0x000d, 0x645: 0x000d, + 0x646: 0x000d, 0x647: 0x000d, 0x648: 0x000d, 0x649: 0x000d, 0x64a: 0x000d, 0x64b: 0x000d, + 0x64c: 0x000d, 0x64d: 0x000d, 0x64e: 0x000d, 0x64f: 0x000d, 0x650: 0x000d, 0x651: 0x000d, + 0x652: 0x000d, 0x653: 0x000d, 0x654: 0x000c, 0x655: 0x000c, 0x656: 0x000c, 0x657: 0x000c, + 0x658: 0x000c, 0x659: 0x000c, 0x65a: 0x000c, 0x65b: 0x000c, 0x65c: 0x000c, 0x65d: 0x000c, + 0x65e: 0x000c, 0x65f: 0x000c, 0x660: 0x000c, 0x661: 0x000c, 0x662: 0x0005, 0x663: 0x000c, + 0x664: 0x000c, 0x665: 0x000c, 0x666: 0x000c, 0x667: 0x000c, 0x668: 0x000c, 0x669: 0x000c, + 0x66a: 0x000c, 0x66b: 0x000c, 0x66c: 0x000c, 0x66d: 0x000c, 0x66e: 0x000c, 0x66f: 0x000c, + 0x670: 0x000c, 0x671: 0x000c, 0x672: 0x000c, 0x673: 0x000c, 0x674: 0x000c, 0x675: 0x000c, + 0x676: 0x000c, 0x677: 0x000c, 0x678: 0x000c, 0x679: 0x000c, 0x67a: 0x000c, 0x67b: 0x000c, + 0x67c: 0x000c, 0x67d: 0x000c, 0x67e: 0x000c, 0x67f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x000c, 0x681: 0x000c, 0x682: 0x000c, + 0x6ba: 0x000c, + 0x6bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c1: 0x000c, 0x6c2: 0x000c, 0x6c3: 0x000c, 0x6c4: 0x000c, 0x6c5: 0x000c, + 0x6c6: 0x000c, 0x6c7: 0x000c, 0x6c8: 0x000c, + 0x6cd: 0x000c, 0x6d1: 0x000c, + 0x6d2: 0x000c, 0x6d3: 0x000c, 0x6d4: 0x000c, 0x6d5: 0x000c, 0x6d6: 0x000c, 0x6d7: 0x000c, + 0x6e2: 0x000c, 0x6e3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x701: 0x000c, + 0x73c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x741: 0x000c, 0x742: 0x000c, 0x743: 0x000c, 0x744: 0x000c, + 0x74d: 0x000c, + 0x762: 0x000c, 0x763: 0x000c, + 0x772: 0x0004, 0x773: 0x0004, + 0x77b: 0x0004, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x781: 0x000c, 0x782: 0x000c, + 0x7bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c1: 0x000c, 0x7c2: 0x000c, + 0x7c7: 0x000c, 0x7c8: 0x000c, 0x7cb: 0x000c, + 0x7cc: 0x000c, 0x7cd: 0x000c, 0x7d1: 0x000c, + 0x7f0: 0x000c, 0x7f1: 0x000c, 0x7f5: 0x000c, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x801: 0x000c, 0x802: 0x000c, 0x803: 0x000c, 0x804: 0x000c, 0x805: 0x000c, + 0x807: 0x000c, 0x808: 0x000c, + 0x80d: 0x000c, + 0x822: 0x000c, 0x823: 0x000c, + 0x831: 0x0004, + 0x83a: 0x000c, 0x83b: 0x000c, + 0x83c: 0x000c, 0x83d: 0x000c, 0x83e: 0x000c, 0x83f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x841: 0x000c, + 0x87c: 0x000c, 0x87f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x881: 0x000c, 0x882: 0x000c, 0x883: 0x000c, 0x884: 0x000c, + 0x88d: 0x000c, + 0x896: 0x000c, + 0x8a2: 0x000c, 0x8a3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c2: 0x000c, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x900: 0x000c, + 0x90d: 0x000c, + 0x933: 0x000a, 0x934: 0x000a, 0x935: 0x000a, + 0x936: 0x000a, 0x937: 0x000a, 0x938: 0x000a, 0x939: 0x0004, 0x93a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x000c, + 0x97e: 0x000c, 0x97f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x980: 0x000c, + 0x986: 0x000c, 0x987: 0x000c, 0x988: 0x000c, 0x98a: 0x000c, 0x98b: 0x000c, + 0x98c: 0x000c, 0x98d: 0x000c, + 0x995: 0x000c, 0x996: 0x000c, + 0x9a2: 0x000c, 0x9a3: 0x000c, + 0x9b8: 0x000a, 0x9b9: 0x000a, 0x9ba: 0x000a, 0x9bb: 0x000a, + 0x9bc: 0x000a, 0x9bd: 0x000a, 0x9be: 0x000a, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9cc: 0x000c, 0x9cd: 0x000c, + 0x9e2: 0x000c, 0x9e3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa00: 0x000c, 0xa01: 0x000c, + 0xa3b: 0x000c, + 0xa3c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa41: 0x000c, 0xa42: 0x000c, 0xa43: 0x000c, 0xa44: 0x000c, + 0xa4d: 0x000c, + 0xa62: 0x000c, 0xa63: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa8a: 0x000c, + 0xa92: 0x000c, 0xa93: 0x000c, 0xa94: 0x000c, 0xa96: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xaf1: 0x000c, 0xaf4: 0x000c, 0xaf5: 0x000c, + 0xaf6: 0x000c, 0xaf7: 0x000c, 0xaf8: 0x000c, 0xaf9: 0x000c, 0xafa: 0x000c, + 0xaff: 0x0004, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb07: 0x000c, 0xb08: 0x000c, 0xb09: 0x000c, 0xb0a: 0x000c, 0xb0b: 0x000c, + 0xb0c: 0x000c, 0xb0d: 0x000c, 0xb0e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb71: 0x000c, 0xb74: 0x000c, 0xb75: 0x000c, + 0xb76: 0x000c, 0xb77: 0x000c, 0xb78: 0x000c, 0xb79: 0x000c, 0xb7b: 0x000c, + 0xb7c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb88: 0x000c, 0xb89: 0x000c, 0xb8a: 0x000c, 0xb8b: 0x000c, + 0xb8c: 0x000c, 0xb8d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbd8: 0x000c, 0xbd9: 0x000c, + 0xbf5: 0x000c, + 0xbf7: 0x000c, 0xbf9: 0x000c, 0xbfa: 0x003a, 0xbfb: 0x002a, + 0xbfc: 0x003a, 0xbfd: 0x002a, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc31: 0x000c, 0xc32: 0x000c, 0xc33: 0x000c, 0xc34: 0x000c, 0xc35: 0x000c, + 0xc36: 0x000c, 0xc37: 0x000c, 0xc38: 0x000c, 0xc39: 0x000c, 0xc3a: 0x000c, 0xc3b: 0x000c, + 0xc3c: 0x000c, 0xc3d: 0x000c, 0xc3e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x000c, 0xc41: 0x000c, 0xc42: 0x000c, 0xc43: 0x000c, 0xc44: 0x000c, + 0xc46: 0x000c, 0xc47: 0x000c, + 0xc4d: 0x000c, 0xc4e: 0x000c, 0xc4f: 0x000c, 0xc50: 0x000c, 0xc51: 0x000c, + 0xc52: 0x000c, 0xc53: 0x000c, 0xc54: 0x000c, 0xc55: 0x000c, 0xc56: 0x000c, 0xc57: 0x000c, + 0xc59: 0x000c, 0xc5a: 0x000c, 0xc5b: 0x000c, 0xc5c: 0x000c, 0xc5d: 0x000c, + 0xc5e: 0x000c, 0xc5f: 0x000c, 0xc60: 0x000c, 0xc61: 0x000c, 0xc62: 0x000c, 0xc63: 0x000c, + 0xc64: 0x000c, 0xc65: 0x000c, 0xc66: 0x000c, 0xc67: 0x000c, 0xc68: 0x000c, 0xc69: 0x000c, + 0xc6a: 0x000c, 0xc6b: 0x000c, 0xc6c: 0x000c, 0xc6d: 0x000c, 0xc6e: 0x000c, 0xc6f: 0x000c, + 0xc70: 0x000c, 0xc71: 0x000c, 0xc72: 0x000c, 0xc73: 0x000c, 0xc74: 0x000c, 0xc75: 0x000c, + 0xc76: 0x000c, 0xc77: 0x000c, 0xc78: 0x000c, 0xc79: 0x000c, 0xc7a: 0x000c, 0xc7b: 0x000c, + 0xc7c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc86: 0x000c, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xced: 0x000c, 0xcee: 0x000c, 0xcef: 0x000c, + 0xcf0: 0x000c, 0xcf2: 0x000c, 0xcf3: 0x000c, 0xcf4: 0x000c, 0xcf5: 0x000c, + 0xcf6: 0x000c, 0xcf7: 0x000c, 0xcf9: 0x000c, 0xcfa: 0x000c, + 0xcfd: 0x000c, 0xcfe: 0x000c, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd18: 0x000c, 0xd19: 0x000c, + 0xd1e: 0x000c, 0xd1f: 0x000c, 0xd20: 0x000c, + 0xd31: 0x000c, 0xd32: 0x000c, 0xd33: 0x000c, 0xd34: 0x000c, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd42: 0x000c, 0xd45: 0x000c, + 0xd46: 0x000c, + 0xd4d: 0x000c, + 0xd5d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd9d: 0x000c, + 0xd9e: 0x000c, 0xd9f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdd0: 0x000a, 0xdd1: 0x000a, + 0xdd2: 0x000a, 0xdd3: 0x000a, 0xdd4: 0x000a, 0xdd5: 0x000a, 0xdd6: 0x000a, 0xdd7: 0x000a, + 0xdd8: 0x000a, 0xdd9: 0x000a, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x000a, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x0009, + 0xe5b: 0x007a, 0xe5c: 0x006a, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe92: 0x000c, 0xe93: 0x000c, 0xe94: 0x000c, + 0xeb2: 0x000c, 0xeb3: 0x000c, 0xeb4: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xed2: 0x000c, 0xed3: 0x000c, + 0xef2: 0x000c, 0xef3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf34: 0x000c, 0xf35: 0x000c, + 0xf37: 0x000c, 0xf38: 0x000c, 0xf39: 0x000c, 0xf3a: 0x000c, 0xf3b: 0x000c, + 0xf3c: 0x000c, 0xf3d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf46: 0x000c, 0xf49: 0x000c, 0xf4a: 0x000c, 0xf4b: 0x000c, + 0xf4c: 0x000c, 0xf4d: 0x000c, 0xf4e: 0x000c, 0xf4f: 0x000c, 0xf50: 0x000c, 0xf51: 0x000c, + 0xf52: 0x000c, 0xf53: 0x000c, + 0xf5b: 0x0004, 0xf5d: 0x000c, + 0xf70: 0x000a, 0xf71: 0x000a, 0xf72: 0x000a, 0xf73: 0x000a, 0xf74: 0x000a, 0xf75: 0x000a, + 0xf76: 0x000a, 0xf77: 0x000a, 0xf78: 0x000a, 0xf79: 0x000a, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x000a, 0xf81: 0x000a, 0xf82: 0x000a, 0xf83: 0x000a, 0xf84: 0x000a, 0xf85: 0x000a, + 0xf86: 0x000a, 0xf87: 0x000a, 0xf88: 0x000a, 0xf89: 0x000a, 0xf8a: 0x000a, 0xf8b: 0x000c, + 0xf8c: 0x000c, 0xf8d: 0x000c, 0xf8e: 0x000b, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc5: 0x000c, + 0xfc6: 0x000c, + 0xfe9: 0x000c, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1020: 0x000c, 0x1021: 0x000c, 0x1022: 0x000c, + 0x1027: 0x000c, 0x1028: 0x000c, + 0x1032: 0x000c, + 0x1039: 0x000c, 0x103a: 0x000c, 0x103b: 0x000c, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x000a, 0x1044: 0x000a, 0x1045: 0x000a, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x109e: 0x000a, 0x109f: 0x000a, 0x10a0: 0x000a, 0x10a1: 0x000a, 0x10a2: 0x000a, 0x10a3: 0x000a, + 0x10a4: 0x000a, 0x10a5: 0x000a, 0x10a6: 0x000a, 0x10a7: 0x000a, 0x10a8: 0x000a, 0x10a9: 0x000a, + 0x10aa: 0x000a, 0x10ab: 0x000a, 0x10ac: 0x000a, 0x10ad: 0x000a, 0x10ae: 0x000a, 0x10af: 0x000a, + 0x10b0: 0x000a, 0x10b1: 0x000a, 0x10b2: 0x000a, 0x10b3: 0x000a, 0x10b4: 0x000a, 0x10b5: 0x000a, + 0x10b6: 0x000a, 0x10b7: 0x000a, 0x10b8: 0x000a, 0x10b9: 0x000a, 0x10ba: 0x000a, 0x10bb: 0x000a, + 0x10bc: 0x000a, 0x10bd: 0x000a, 0x10be: 0x000a, 0x10bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10d7: 0x000c, + 0x10d8: 0x000c, 0x10db: 0x000c, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1116: 0x000c, + 0x1118: 0x000c, 0x1119: 0x000c, 0x111a: 0x000c, 0x111b: 0x000c, 0x111c: 0x000c, 0x111d: 0x000c, + 0x111e: 0x000c, 0x1120: 0x000c, 0x1122: 0x000c, + 0x1125: 0x000c, 0x1126: 0x000c, 0x1127: 0x000c, 0x1128: 0x000c, 0x1129: 0x000c, + 0x112a: 0x000c, 0x112b: 0x000c, 0x112c: 0x000c, + 0x1133: 0x000c, 0x1134: 0x000c, 0x1135: 0x000c, + 0x1136: 0x000c, 0x1137: 0x000c, 0x1138: 0x000c, 0x1139: 0x000c, 0x113a: 0x000c, 0x113b: 0x000c, + 0x113c: 0x000c, 0x113f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1170: 0x000c, 0x1171: 0x000c, 0x1172: 0x000c, 0x1173: 0x000c, 0x1174: 0x000c, 0x1175: 0x000c, + 0x1176: 0x000c, 0x1177: 0x000c, 0x1178: 0x000c, 0x1179: 0x000c, 0x117a: 0x000c, 0x117b: 0x000c, + 0x117c: 0x000c, 0x117d: 0x000c, 0x117e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1180: 0x000c, 0x1181: 0x000c, 0x1182: 0x000c, 0x1183: 0x000c, + 0x11b4: 0x000c, + 0x11b6: 0x000c, 0x11b7: 0x000c, 0x11b8: 0x000c, 0x11b9: 0x000c, 0x11ba: 0x000c, + 0x11bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c2: 0x000c, + 0x11eb: 0x000c, 0x11ec: 0x000c, 0x11ed: 0x000c, 0x11ee: 0x000c, 0x11ef: 0x000c, + 0x11f0: 0x000c, 0x11f1: 0x000c, 0x11f2: 0x000c, 0x11f3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x000c, 0x1201: 0x000c, + 0x1222: 0x000c, 0x1223: 0x000c, + 0x1224: 0x000c, 0x1225: 0x000c, 0x1228: 0x000c, 0x1229: 0x000c, + 0x122b: 0x000c, 0x122c: 0x000c, 0x122d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1266: 0x000c, 0x1268: 0x000c, 0x1269: 0x000c, + 0x126d: 0x000c, 0x126f: 0x000c, + 0x1270: 0x000c, 0x1271: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x12ac: 0x000c, 0x12ad: 0x000c, 0x12ae: 0x000c, 0x12af: 0x000c, + 0x12b0: 0x000c, 0x12b1: 0x000c, 0x12b2: 0x000c, 0x12b3: 0x000c, + 0x12b6: 0x000c, 0x12b7: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12d0: 0x000c, 0x12d1: 0x000c, + 0x12d2: 0x000c, 0x12d4: 0x000c, 0x12d5: 0x000c, 0x12d6: 0x000c, 0x12d7: 0x000c, + 0x12d8: 0x000c, 0x12d9: 0x000c, 0x12da: 0x000c, 0x12db: 0x000c, 0x12dc: 0x000c, 0x12dd: 0x000c, + 0x12de: 0x000c, 0x12df: 0x000c, 0x12e0: 0x000c, 0x12e2: 0x000c, 0x12e3: 0x000c, + 0x12e4: 0x000c, 0x12e5: 0x000c, 0x12e6: 0x000c, 0x12e7: 0x000c, 0x12e8: 0x000c, + 0x12ed: 0x000c, + 0x12f4: 0x000c, + 0x12f8: 0x000c, 0x12f9: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x000c, 0x1301: 0x000c, 0x1302: 0x000c, 0x1303: 0x000c, 0x1304: 0x000c, 0x1305: 0x000c, + 0x1306: 0x000c, 0x1307: 0x000c, 0x1308: 0x000c, 0x1309: 0x000c, 0x130a: 0x000c, 0x130b: 0x000c, + 0x130c: 0x000c, 0x130d: 0x000c, 0x130e: 0x000c, 0x130f: 0x000c, 0x1310: 0x000c, 0x1311: 0x000c, + 0x1312: 0x000c, 0x1313: 0x000c, 0x1314: 0x000c, 0x1315: 0x000c, 0x1316: 0x000c, 0x1317: 0x000c, + 0x1318: 0x000c, 0x1319: 0x000c, 0x131a: 0x000c, 0x131b: 0x000c, 0x131c: 0x000c, 0x131d: 0x000c, + 0x131e: 0x000c, 0x131f: 0x000c, 0x1320: 0x000c, 0x1321: 0x000c, 0x1322: 0x000c, 0x1323: 0x000c, + 0x1324: 0x000c, 0x1325: 0x000c, 0x1326: 0x000c, 0x1327: 0x000c, 0x1328: 0x000c, 0x1329: 0x000c, + 0x132a: 0x000c, 0x132b: 0x000c, 0x132c: 0x000c, 0x132d: 0x000c, 0x132e: 0x000c, 0x132f: 0x000c, + 0x1330: 0x000c, 0x1331: 0x000c, 0x1332: 0x000c, 0x1333: 0x000c, 0x1334: 0x000c, 0x1335: 0x000c, + 0x1336: 0x000c, 0x1337: 0x000c, 0x1338: 0x000c, 0x1339: 0x000c, 0x133b: 0x000c, + 0x133c: 0x000c, 0x133d: 0x000c, 0x133e: 0x000c, 0x133f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x137d: 0x000a, 0x137f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x000a, 0x1381: 0x000a, + 0x138d: 0x000a, 0x138e: 0x000a, 0x138f: 0x000a, + 0x139d: 0x000a, + 0x139e: 0x000a, 0x139f: 0x000a, + 0x13ad: 0x000a, 0x13ae: 0x000a, 0x13af: 0x000a, + 0x13bd: 0x000a, 0x13be: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x0009, 0x13c1: 0x0009, 0x13c2: 0x0009, 0x13c3: 0x0009, 0x13c4: 0x0009, 0x13c5: 0x0009, + 0x13c6: 0x0009, 0x13c7: 0x0009, 0x13c8: 0x0009, 0x13c9: 0x0009, 0x13ca: 0x0009, 0x13cb: 0x000b, + 0x13cc: 0x000b, 0x13cd: 0x000b, 0x13cf: 0x0001, 0x13d0: 0x000a, 0x13d1: 0x000a, + 0x13d2: 0x000a, 0x13d3: 0x000a, 0x13d4: 0x000a, 0x13d5: 0x000a, 0x13d6: 0x000a, 0x13d7: 0x000a, + 0x13d8: 0x000a, 0x13d9: 0x000a, 0x13da: 0x000a, 0x13db: 0x000a, 0x13dc: 0x000a, 0x13dd: 0x000a, + 0x13de: 0x000a, 0x13df: 0x000a, 0x13e0: 0x000a, 0x13e1: 0x000a, 0x13e2: 0x000a, 0x13e3: 0x000a, + 0x13e4: 0x000a, 0x13e5: 0x000a, 0x13e6: 0x000a, 0x13e7: 0x000a, 0x13e8: 0x0009, 0x13e9: 0x0007, + 0x13ea: 0x000e, 0x13eb: 0x000e, 0x13ec: 0x000e, 0x13ed: 0x000e, 0x13ee: 0x000e, 0x13ef: 0x0006, + 0x13f0: 0x0004, 0x13f1: 0x0004, 0x13f2: 0x0004, 0x13f3: 0x0004, 0x13f4: 0x0004, 0x13f5: 0x000a, + 0x13f6: 0x000a, 0x13f7: 0x000a, 0x13f8: 0x000a, 0x13f9: 0x000a, 0x13fa: 0x000a, 0x13fb: 0x000a, + 0x13fc: 0x000a, 0x13fd: 0x000a, 0x13fe: 0x000a, 0x13ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x000a, 0x1401: 0x000a, 0x1402: 0x000a, 0x1403: 0x000a, 0x1404: 0x0006, 0x1405: 0x009a, + 0x1406: 0x008a, 0x1407: 0x000a, 0x1408: 0x000a, 0x1409: 0x000a, 0x140a: 0x000a, 0x140b: 0x000a, + 0x140c: 0x000a, 0x140d: 0x000a, 0x140e: 0x000a, 0x140f: 0x000a, 0x1410: 0x000a, 0x1411: 0x000a, + 0x1412: 0x000a, 0x1413: 0x000a, 0x1414: 0x000a, 0x1415: 0x000a, 0x1416: 0x000a, 0x1417: 0x000a, + 0x1418: 0x000a, 0x1419: 0x000a, 0x141a: 0x000a, 0x141b: 0x000a, 0x141c: 0x000a, 0x141d: 0x000a, + 0x141e: 0x000a, 0x141f: 0x0009, 0x1420: 0x000b, 0x1421: 0x000b, 0x1422: 0x000b, 0x1423: 0x000b, + 0x1424: 0x000b, 0x1425: 0x000b, 0x1426: 0x000e, 0x1427: 0x000e, 0x1428: 0x000e, 0x1429: 0x000e, + 0x142a: 0x000b, 0x142b: 0x000b, 0x142c: 0x000b, 0x142d: 0x000b, 0x142e: 0x000b, 0x142f: 0x000b, + 0x1430: 0x0002, 0x1434: 0x0002, 0x1435: 0x0002, + 0x1436: 0x0002, 0x1437: 0x0002, 0x1438: 0x0002, 0x1439: 0x0002, 0x143a: 0x0003, 0x143b: 0x0003, + 0x143c: 0x000a, 0x143d: 0x009a, 0x143e: 0x008a, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1440: 0x0002, 0x1441: 0x0002, 0x1442: 0x0002, 0x1443: 0x0002, 0x1444: 0x0002, 0x1445: 0x0002, + 0x1446: 0x0002, 0x1447: 0x0002, 0x1448: 0x0002, 0x1449: 0x0002, 0x144a: 0x0003, 0x144b: 0x0003, + 0x144c: 0x000a, 0x144d: 0x009a, 0x144e: 0x008a, + 0x1460: 0x0004, 0x1461: 0x0004, 0x1462: 0x0004, 0x1463: 0x0004, + 0x1464: 0x0004, 0x1465: 0x0004, 0x1466: 0x0004, 0x1467: 0x0004, 0x1468: 0x0004, 0x1469: 0x0004, + 0x146a: 0x0004, 0x146b: 0x0004, 0x146c: 0x0004, 0x146d: 0x0004, 0x146e: 0x0004, 0x146f: 0x0004, + 0x1470: 0x0004, 0x1471: 0x0004, 0x1472: 0x0004, 0x1473: 0x0004, 0x1474: 0x0004, 0x1475: 0x0004, + 0x1476: 0x0004, 0x1477: 0x0004, 0x1478: 0x0004, 0x1479: 0x0004, 0x147a: 0x0004, 0x147b: 0x0004, + 0x147c: 0x0004, 0x147d: 0x0004, 0x147e: 0x0004, 0x147f: 0x0004, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x0004, 0x1481: 0x0004, 0x1482: 0x0004, 0x1483: 0x0004, 0x1484: 0x0004, 0x1485: 0x0004, + 0x1486: 0x0004, 0x1487: 0x0004, 0x1488: 0x0004, 0x1489: 0x0004, 0x148a: 0x0004, 0x148b: 0x0004, + 0x148c: 0x0004, 0x148d: 0x0004, 0x148e: 0x0004, 0x148f: 0x0004, 0x1490: 0x000c, 0x1491: 0x000c, + 0x1492: 0x000c, 0x1493: 0x000c, 0x1494: 0x000c, 0x1495: 0x000c, 0x1496: 0x000c, 0x1497: 0x000c, + 0x1498: 0x000c, 0x1499: 0x000c, 0x149a: 0x000c, 0x149b: 0x000c, 0x149c: 0x000c, 0x149d: 0x000c, + 0x149e: 0x000c, 0x149f: 0x000c, 0x14a0: 0x000c, 0x14a1: 0x000c, 0x14a2: 0x000c, 0x14a3: 0x000c, + 0x14a4: 0x000c, 0x14a5: 0x000c, 0x14a6: 0x000c, 0x14a7: 0x000c, 0x14a8: 0x000c, 0x14a9: 0x000c, + 0x14aa: 0x000c, 0x14ab: 0x000c, 0x14ac: 0x000c, 0x14ad: 0x000c, 0x14ae: 0x000c, 0x14af: 0x000c, + 0x14b0: 0x000c, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x000a, 0x14c1: 0x000a, 0x14c3: 0x000a, 0x14c4: 0x000a, 0x14c5: 0x000a, + 0x14c6: 0x000a, 0x14c8: 0x000a, 0x14c9: 0x000a, + 0x14d4: 0x000a, 0x14d6: 0x000a, 0x14d7: 0x000a, + 0x14d8: 0x000a, + 0x14de: 0x000a, 0x14df: 0x000a, 0x14e0: 0x000a, 0x14e1: 0x000a, 0x14e2: 0x000a, 0x14e3: 0x000a, + 0x14e5: 0x000a, 0x14e7: 0x000a, 0x14e9: 0x000a, + 0x14ee: 0x0004, + 0x14fa: 0x000a, 0x14fb: 0x000a, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x000a, 0x1501: 0x000a, 0x1502: 0x000a, 0x1503: 0x000a, 0x1504: 0x000a, + 0x150a: 0x000a, 0x150b: 0x000a, + 0x150c: 0x000a, 0x150d: 0x000a, 0x1510: 0x000a, 0x1511: 0x000a, + 0x1512: 0x000a, 0x1513: 0x000a, 0x1514: 0x000a, 0x1515: 0x000a, 0x1516: 0x000a, 0x1517: 0x000a, + 0x1518: 0x000a, 0x1519: 0x000a, 0x151a: 0x000a, 0x151b: 0x000a, 0x151c: 0x000a, 0x151d: 0x000a, + 0x151e: 0x000a, 0x151f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1549: 0x000a, 0x154a: 0x000a, 0x154b: 0x000a, + 0x1550: 0x000a, 0x1551: 0x000a, + 0x1552: 0x000a, 0x1553: 0x000a, 0x1554: 0x000a, 0x1555: 0x000a, 0x1556: 0x000a, 0x1557: 0x000a, + 0x1558: 0x000a, 0x1559: 0x000a, 0x155a: 0x000a, 0x155b: 0x000a, 0x155c: 0x000a, 0x155d: 0x000a, + 0x155e: 0x000a, 0x155f: 0x000a, 0x1560: 0x000a, 0x1561: 0x000a, 0x1562: 0x000a, 0x1563: 0x000a, + 0x1564: 0x000a, 0x1565: 0x000a, 0x1566: 0x000a, 0x1567: 0x000a, 0x1568: 0x000a, 0x1569: 0x000a, + 0x156a: 0x000a, 0x156b: 0x000a, 0x156c: 0x000a, 0x156d: 0x000a, 0x156e: 0x000a, 0x156f: 0x000a, + 0x1570: 0x000a, 0x1571: 0x000a, 0x1572: 0x000a, 0x1573: 0x000a, 0x1574: 0x000a, 0x1575: 0x000a, + 0x1576: 0x000a, 0x1577: 0x000a, 0x1578: 0x000a, 0x1579: 0x000a, 0x157a: 0x000a, 0x157b: 0x000a, + 0x157c: 0x000a, 0x157d: 0x000a, 0x157e: 0x000a, 0x157f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0x000a, 0x1581: 0x000a, 0x1582: 0x000a, 0x1583: 0x000a, 0x1584: 0x000a, 0x1585: 0x000a, + 0x1586: 0x000a, 0x1587: 0x000a, 0x1588: 0x000a, 0x1589: 0x000a, 0x158a: 0x000a, 0x158b: 0x000a, + 0x158c: 0x000a, 0x158d: 0x000a, 0x158e: 0x000a, 0x158f: 0x000a, 0x1590: 0x000a, 0x1591: 0x000a, + 0x1592: 0x000a, 0x1593: 0x000a, 0x1594: 0x000a, 0x1595: 0x000a, 0x1596: 0x000a, 0x1597: 0x000a, + 0x1598: 0x000a, 0x1599: 0x000a, 0x159a: 0x000a, 0x159b: 0x000a, 0x159c: 0x000a, 0x159d: 0x000a, + 0x159e: 0x000a, 0x159f: 0x000a, 0x15a0: 0x000a, 0x15a1: 0x000a, 0x15a2: 0x000a, 0x15a3: 0x000a, + 0x15a4: 0x000a, 0x15a5: 0x000a, 0x15a6: 0x000a, 0x15a7: 0x000a, 0x15a8: 0x000a, 0x15a9: 0x000a, + 0x15aa: 0x000a, 0x15ab: 0x000a, 0x15ac: 0x000a, 0x15ad: 0x000a, 0x15ae: 0x000a, 0x15af: 0x000a, + 0x15b0: 0x000a, 0x15b1: 0x000a, 0x15b2: 0x000a, 0x15b3: 0x000a, 0x15b4: 0x000a, 0x15b5: 0x000a, + 0x15b6: 0x000a, 0x15b7: 0x000a, 0x15b8: 0x000a, 0x15b9: 0x000a, 0x15ba: 0x000a, 0x15bb: 0x000a, + 0x15bc: 0x000a, 0x15bd: 0x000a, 0x15be: 0x000a, 0x15bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0x000a, 0x15c1: 0x000a, 0x15c2: 0x000a, 0x15c3: 0x000a, 0x15c4: 0x000a, 0x15c5: 0x000a, + 0x15c6: 0x000a, 0x15c7: 0x000a, 0x15c8: 0x000a, 0x15c9: 0x000a, 0x15ca: 0x000a, 0x15cb: 0x000a, + 0x15cc: 0x000a, 0x15cd: 0x000a, 0x15ce: 0x000a, 0x15cf: 0x000a, 0x15d0: 0x000a, 0x15d1: 0x000a, + 0x15d2: 0x0003, 0x15d3: 0x0004, 0x15d4: 0x000a, 0x15d5: 0x000a, 0x15d6: 0x000a, 0x15d7: 0x000a, + 0x15d8: 0x000a, 0x15d9: 0x000a, 0x15da: 0x000a, 0x15db: 0x000a, 0x15dc: 0x000a, 0x15dd: 0x000a, + 0x15de: 0x000a, 0x15df: 0x000a, 0x15e0: 0x000a, 0x15e1: 0x000a, 0x15e2: 0x000a, 0x15e3: 0x000a, + 0x15e4: 0x000a, 0x15e5: 0x000a, 0x15e6: 0x000a, 0x15e7: 0x000a, 0x15e8: 0x000a, 0x15e9: 0x000a, + 0x15ea: 0x000a, 0x15eb: 0x000a, 0x15ec: 0x000a, 0x15ed: 0x000a, 0x15ee: 0x000a, 0x15ef: 0x000a, + 0x15f0: 0x000a, 0x15f1: 0x000a, 0x15f2: 0x000a, 0x15f3: 0x000a, 0x15f4: 0x000a, 0x15f5: 0x000a, + 0x15f6: 0x000a, 0x15f7: 0x000a, 0x15f8: 0x000a, 0x15f9: 0x000a, 0x15fa: 0x000a, 0x15fb: 0x000a, + 0x15fc: 0x000a, 0x15fd: 0x000a, 0x15fe: 0x000a, 0x15ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x000a, 0x1601: 0x000a, 0x1602: 0x000a, 0x1603: 0x000a, 0x1604: 0x000a, 0x1605: 0x000a, + 0x1606: 0x000a, 0x1607: 0x000a, 0x1608: 0x003a, 0x1609: 0x002a, 0x160a: 0x003a, 0x160b: 0x002a, + 0x160c: 0x000a, 0x160d: 0x000a, 0x160e: 0x000a, 0x160f: 0x000a, 0x1610: 0x000a, 0x1611: 0x000a, + 0x1612: 0x000a, 0x1613: 0x000a, 0x1614: 0x000a, 0x1615: 0x000a, 0x1616: 0x000a, 0x1617: 0x000a, + 0x1618: 0x000a, 0x1619: 0x000a, 0x161a: 0x000a, 0x161b: 0x000a, 0x161c: 0x000a, 0x161d: 0x000a, + 0x161e: 0x000a, 0x161f: 0x000a, 0x1620: 0x000a, 0x1621: 0x000a, 0x1622: 0x000a, 0x1623: 0x000a, + 0x1624: 0x000a, 0x1625: 0x000a, 0x1626: 0x000a, 0x1627: 0x000a, 0x1628: 0x000a, 0x1629: 0x009a, + 0x162a: 0x008a, 0x162b: 0x000a, 0x162c: 0x000a, 0x162d: 0x000a, 0x162e: 0x000a, 0x162f: 0x000a, + 0x1630: 0x000a, 0x1631: 0x000a, 0x1632: 0x000a, 0x1633: 0x000a, 0x1634: 0x000a, 0x1635: 0x000a, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x167b: 0x000a, + 0x167c: 0x000a, 0x167d: 0x000a, 0x167e: 0x000a, 0x167f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x000a, 0x1681: 0x000a, 0x1682: 0x000a, 0x1683: 0x000a, 0x1684: 0x000a, 0x1685: 0x000a, + 0x1686: 0x000a, 0x1687: 0x000a, 0x1688: 0x000a, 0x1689: 0x000a, 0x168a: 0x000a, 0x168b: 0x000a, + 0x168c: 0x000a, 0x168d: 0x000a, 0x168e: 0x000a, 0x168f: 0x000a, 0x1690: 0x000a, 0x1691: 0x000a, + 0x1692: 0x000a, 0x1693: 0x000a, 0x1694: 0x000a, 0x1696: 0x000a, 0x1697: 0x000a, + 0x1698: 0x000a, 0x1699: 0x000a, 0x169a: 0x000a, 0x169b: 0x000a, 0x169c: 0x000a, 0x169d: 0x000a, + 0x169e: 0x000a, 0x169f: 0x000a, 0x16a0: 0x000a, 0x16a1: 0x000a, 0x16a2: 0x000a, 0x16a3: 0x000a, + 0x16a4: 0x000a, 0x16a5: 0x000a, 0x16a6: 0x000a, 0x16a7: 0x000a, 0x16a8: 0x000a, 0x16a9: 0x000a, + 0x16aa: 0x000a, 0x16ab: 0x000a, 0x16ac: 0x000a, 0x16ad: 0x000a, 0x16ae: 0x000a, 0x16af: 0x000a, + 0x16b0: 0x000a, 0x16b1: 0x000a, 0x16b2: 0x000a, 0x16b3: 0x000a, 0x16b4: 0x000a, 0x16b5: 0x000a, + 0x16b6: 0x000a, 0x16b7: 0x000a, 0x16b8: 0x000a, 0x16b9: 0x000a, 0x16ba: 0x000a, 0x16bb: 0x000a, + 0x16bc: 0x000a, 0x16bd: 0x000a, 0x16be: 0x000a, 0x16bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16c0: 0x000a, 0x16c1: 0x000a, 0x16c2: 0x000a, 0x16c3: 0x000a, 0x16c4: 0x000a, 0x16c5: 0x000a, + 0x16c6: 0x000a, 0x16c7: 0x000a, 0x16c8: 0x000a, 0x16c9: 0x000a, 0x16ca: 0x000a, 0x16cb: 0x000a, + 0x16cc: 0x000a, 0x16cd: 0x000a, 0x16ce: 0x000a, 0x16cf: 0x000a, 0x16d0: 0x000a, 0x16d1: 0x000a, + 0x16d2: 0x000a, 0x16d3: 0x000a, 0x16d4: 0x000a, 0x16d5: 0x000a, 0x16d6: 0x000a, 0x16d7: 0x000a, + 0x16d8: 0x000a, 0x16d9: 0x000a, 0x16da: 0x000a, 0x16db: 0x000a, 0x16dc: 0x000a, 0x16dd: 0x000a, + 0x16de: 0x000a, 0x16df: 0x000a, 0x16e0: 0x000a, 0x16e1: 0x000a, 0x16e2: 0x000a, 0x16e3: 0x000a, + 0x16e4: 0x000a, 0x16e5: 0x000a, 0x16e6: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x000a, 0x1701: 0x000a, 0x1702: 0x000a, 0x1703: 0x000a, 0x1704: 0x000a, 0x1705: 0x000a, + 0x1706: 0x000a, 0x1707: 0x000a, 0x1708: 0x000a, 0x1709: 0x000a, 0x170a: 0x000a, + 0x1720: 0x000a, 0x1721: 0x000a, 0x1722: 0x000a, 0x1723: 0x000a, + 0x1724: 0x000a, 0x1725: 0x000a, 0x1726: 0x000a, 0x1727: 0x000a, 0x1728: 0x000a, 0x1729: 0x000a, + 0x172a: 0x000a, 0x172b: 0x000a, 0x172c: 0x000a, 0x172d: 0x000a, 0x172e: 0x000a, 0x172f: 0x000a, + 0x1730: 0x000a, 0x1731: 0x000a, 0x1732: 0x000a, 0x1733: 0x000a, 0x1734: 0x000a, 0x1735: 0x000a, + 0x1736: 0x000a, 0x1737: 0x000a, 0x1738: 0x000a, 0x1739: 0x000a, 0x173a: 0x000a, 0x173b: 0x000a, + 0x173c: 0x000a, 0x173d: 0x000a, 0x173e: 0x000a, 0x173f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x000a, 0x1741: 0x000a, 0x1742: 0x000a, 0x1743: 0x000a, 0x1744: 0x000a, 0x1745: 0x000a, + 0x1746: 0x000a, 0x1747: 0x000a, 0x1748: 0x0002, 0x1749: 0x0002, 0x174a: 0x0002, 0x174b: 0x0002, + 0x174c: 0x0002, 0x174d: 0x0002, 0x174e: 0x0002, 0x174f: 0x0002, 0x1750: 0x0002, 0x1751: 0x0002, + 0x1752: 0x0002, 0x1753: 0x0002, 0x1754: 0x0002, 0x1755: 0x0002, 0x1756: 0x0002, 0x1757: 0x0002, + 0x1758: 0x0002, 0x1759: 0x0002, 0x175a: 0x0002, 0x175b: 0x0002, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x17aa: 0x000a, 0x17ab: 0x000a, 0x17ac: 0x000a, 0x17ad: 0x000a, 0x17ae: 0x000a, 0x17af: 0x000a, + 0x17b0: 0x000a, 0x17b1: 0x000a, 0x17b2: 0x000a, 0x17b3: 0x000a, 0x17b4: 0x000a, 0x17b5: 0x000a, + 0x17b6: 0x000a, 0x17b7: 0x000a, 0x17b8: 0x000a, 0x17b9: 0x000a, 0x17ba: 0x000a, 0x17bb: 0x000a, + 0x17bc: 0x000a, 0x17bd: 0x000a, 0x17be: 0x000a, 0x17bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x000a, 0x17c1: 0x000a, 0x17c2: 0x000a, 0x17c3: 0x000a, 0x17c4: 0x000a, 0x17c5: 0x000a, + 0x17c6: 0x000a, 0x17c7: 0x000a, 0x17c8: 0x000a, 0x17c9: 0x000a, 0x17ca: 0x000a, 0x17cb: 0x000a, + 0x17cc: 0x000a, 0x17cd: 0x000a, 0x17ce: 0x000a, 0x17cf: 0x000a, 0x17d0: 0x000a, 0x17d1: 0x000a, + 0x17d2: 0x000a, 0x17d3: 0x000a, 0x17d4: 0x000a, 0x17d5: 0x000a, 0x17d6: 0x000a, 0x17d7: 0x000a, + 0x17d8: 0x000a, 0x17d9: 0x000a, 0x17da: 0x000a, 0x17db: 0x000a, 0x17dc: 0x000a, 0x17dd: 0x000a, + 0x17de: 0x000a, 0x17df: 0x000a, 0x17e0: 0x000a, 0x17e1: 0x000a, 0x17e2: 0x000a, 0x17e3: 0x000a, + 0x17e4: 0x000a, 0x17e5: 0x000a, 0x17e6: 0x000a, 0x17e7: 0x000a, 0x17e8: 0x000a, 0x17e9: 0x000a, + 0x17ea: 0x000a, 0x17eb: 0x000a, 0x17ed: 0x000a, 0x17ee: 0x000a, 0x17ef: 0x000a, + 0x17f0: 0x000a, 0x17f1: 0x000a, 0x17f2: 0x000a, 0x17f3: 0x000a, 0x17f4: 0x000a, 0x17f5: 0x000a, + 0x17f6: 0x000a, 0x17f7: 0x000a, 0x17f8: 0x000a, 0x17f9: 0x000a, 0x17fa: 0x000a, 0x17fb: 0x000a, + 0x17fc: 0x000a, 0x17fd: 0x000a, 0x17fe: 0x000a, 0x17ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1800: 0x000a, 0x1801: 0x000a, 0x1802: 0x000a, 0x1803: 0x000a, 0x1804: 0x000a, 0x1805: 0x000a, + 0x1806: 0x000a, 0x1807: 0x000a, 0x1808: 0x000a, 0x1809: 0x000a, 0x180a: 0x000a, 0x180b: 0x000a, + 0x180c: 0x000a, 0x180d: 0x000a, 0x180e: 0x000a, 0x180f: 0x000a, 0x1810: 0x000a, 0x1811: 0x000a, + 0x1812: 0x000a, 0x1813: 0x000a, 0x1814: 0x000a, 0x1815: 0x000a, 0x1816: 0x000a, 0x1817: 0x000a, + 0x1818: 0x000a, 0x1819: 0x000a, 0x181a: 0x000a, 0x181b: 0x000a, 0x181c: 0x000a, 0x181d: 0x000a, + 0x181e: 0x000a, 0x181f: 0x000a, 0x1820: 0x000a, 0x1821: 0x000a, 0x1822: 0x000a, 0x1823: 0x000a, + 0x1824: 0x000a, 0x1825: 0x000a, 0x1826: 0x000a, 0x1827: 0x000a, 0x1828: 0x003a, 0x1829: 0x002a, + 0x182a: 0x003a, 0x182b: 0x002a, 0x182c: 0x003a, 0x182d: 0x002a, 0x182e: 0x003a, 0x182f: 0x002a, + 0x1830: 0x003a, 0x1831: 0x002a, 0x1832: 0x003a, 0x1833: 0x002a, 0x1834: 0x003a, 0x1835: 0x002a, + 0x1836: 0x000a, 0x1837: 0x000a, 0x1838: 0x000a, 0x1839: 0x000a, 0x183a: 0x000a, 0x183b: 0x000a, + 0x183c: 0x000a, 0x183d: 0x000a, 0x183e: 0x000a, 0x183f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x000a, 0x1841: 0x000a, 0x1842: 0x000a, 0x1843: 0x000a, 0x1844: 0x000a, 0x1845: 0x009a, + 0x1846: 0x008a, 0x1847: 0x000a, 0x1848: 0x000a, 0x1849: 0x000a, 0x184a: 0x000a, 0x184b: 0x000a, + 0x184c: 0x000a, 0x184d: 0x000a, 0x184e: 0x000a, 0x184f: 0x000a, 0x1850: 0x000a, 0x1851: 0x000a, + 0x1852: 0x000a, 0x1853: 0x000a, 0x1854: 0x000a, 0x1855: 0x000a, 0x1856: 0x000a, 0x1857: 0x000a, + 0x1858: 0x000a, 0x1859: 0x000a, 0x185a: 0x000a, 0x185b: 0x000a, 0x185c: 0x000a, 0x185d: 0x000a, + 0x185e: 0x000a, 0x185f: 0x000a, 0x1860: 0x000a, 0x1861: 0x000a, 0x1862: 0x000a, 0x1863: 0x000a, + 0x1864: 0x000a, 0x1865: 0x000a, 0x1866: 0x003a, 0x1867: 0x002a, 0x1868: 0x003a, 0x1869: 0x002a, + 0x186a: 0x003a, 0x186b: 0x002a, 0x186c: 0x003a, 0x186d: 0x002a, 0x186e: 0x003a, 0x186f: 0x002a, + 0x1870: 0x000a, 0x1871: 0x000a, 0x1872: 0x000a, 0x1873: 0x000a, 0x1874: 0x000a, 0x1875: 0x000a, + 0x1876: 0x000a, 0x1877: 0x000a, 0x1878: 0x000a, 0x1879: 0x000a, 0x187a: 0x000a, 0x187b: 0x000a, + 0x187c: 0x000a, 0x187d: 0x000a, 0x187e: 0x000a, 0x187f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x000a, 0x1881: 0x000a, 0x1882: 0x000a, 0x1883: 0x007a, 0x1884: 0x006a, 0x1885: 0x009a, + 0x1886: 0x008a, 0x1887: 0x00ba, 0x1888: 0x00aa, 0x1889: 0x009a, 0x188a: 0x008a, 0x188b: 0x007a, + 0x188c: 0x006a, 0x188d: 0x00da, 0x188e: 0x002a, 0x188f: 0x003a, 0x1890: 0x00ca, 0x1891: 0x009a, + 0x1892: 0x008a, 0x1893: 0x007a, 0x1894: 0x006a, 0x1895: 0x009a, 0x1896: 0x008a, 0x1897: 0x00ba, + 0x1898: 0x00aa, 0x1899: 0x000a, 0x189a: 0x000a, 0x189b: 0x000a, 0x189c: 0x000a, 0x189d: 0x000a, + 0x189e: 0x000a, 0x189f: 0x000a, 0x18a0: 0x000a, 0x18a1: 0x000a, 0x18a2: 0x000a, 0x18a3: 0x000a, + 0x18a4: 0x000a, 0x18a5: 0x000a, 0x18a6: 0x000a, 0x18a7: 0x000a, 0x18a8: 0x000a, 0x18a9: 0x000a, + 0x18aa: 0x000a, 0x18ab: 0x000a, 0x18ac: 0x000a, 0x18ad: 0x000a, 0x18ae: 0x000a, 0x18af: 0x000a, + 0x18b0: 0x000a, 0x18b1: 0x000a, 0x18b2: 0x000a, 0x18b3: 0x000a, 0x18b4: 0x000a, 0x18b5: 0x000a, + 0x18b6: 0x000a, 0x18b7: 0x000a, 0x18b8: 0x000a, 0x18b9: 0x000a, 0x18ba: 0x000a, 0x18bb: 0x000a, + 0x18bc: 0x000a, 0x18bd: 0x000a, 0x18be: 0x000a, 0x18bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x000a, 0x18c1: 0x000a, 0x18c2: 0x000a, 0x18c3: 0x000a, 0x18c4: 0x000a, 0x18c5: 0x000a, + 0x18c6: 0x000a, 0x18c7: 0x000a, 0x18c8: 0x000a, 0x18c9: 0x000a, 0x18ca: 0x000a, 0x18cb: 0x000a, + 0x18cc: 0x000a, 0x18cd: 0x000a, 0x18ce: 0x000a, 0x18cf: 0x000a, 0x18d0: 0x000a, 0x18d1: 0x000a, + 0x18d2: 0x000a, 0x18d3: 0x000a, 0x18d4: 0x000a, 0x18d5: 0x000a, 0x18d6: 0x000a, 0x18d7: 0x000a, + 0x18d8: 0x003a, 0x18d9: 0x002a, 0x18da: 0x003a, 0x18db: 0x002a, 0x18dc: 0x000a, 0x18dd: 0x000a, + 0x18de: 0x000a, 0x18df: 0x000a, 0x18e0: 0x000a, 0x18e1: 0x000a, 0x18e2: 0x000a, 0x18e3: 0x000a, + 0x18e4: 0x000a, 0x18e5: 0x000a, 0x18e6: 0x000a, 0x18e7: 0x000a, 0x18e8: 0x000a, 0x18e9: 0x000a, + 0x18ea: 0x000a, 0x18eb: 0x000a, 0x18ec: 0x000a, 0x18ed: 0x000a, 0x18ee: 0x000a, 0x18ef: 0x000a, + 0x18f0: 0x000a, 0x18f1: 0x000a, 0x18f2: 0x000a, 0x18f3: 0x000a, 0x18f4: 0x000a, 0x18f5: 0x000a, + 0x18f6: 0x000a, 0x18f7: 0x000a, 0x18f8: 0x000a, 0x18f9: 0x000a, 0x18fa: 0x000a, 0x18fb: 0x000a, + 0x18fc: 0x003a, 0x18fd: 0x002a, 0x18fe: 0x000a, 0x18ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x000a, 0x1901: 0x000a, 0x1902: 0x000a, 0x1903: 0x000a, 0x1904: 0x000a, 0x1905: 0x000a, + 0x1906: 0x000a, 0x1907: 0x000a, 0x1908: 0x000a, 0x1909: 0x000a, 0x190a: 0x000a, 0x190b: 0x000a, + 0x190c: 0x000a, 0x190d: 0x000a, 0x190e: 0x000a, 0x190f: 0x000a, 0x1910: 0x000a, 0x1911: 0x000a, + 0x1912: 0x000a, 0x1913: 0x000a, 0x1914: 0x000a, 0x1915: 0x000a, 0x1916: 0x000a, 0x1917: 0x000a, + 0x1918: 0x000a, 0x1919: 0x000a, 0x191a: 0x000a, 0x191b: 0x000a, 0x191c: 0x000a, 0x191d: 0x000a, + 0x191e: 0x000a, 0x191f: 0x000a, 0x1920: 0x000a, 0x1921: 0x000a, 0x1922: 0x000a, 0x1923: 0x000a, + 0x1924: 0x000a, 0x1925: 0x000a, 0x1926: 0x000a, 0x1927: 0x000a, 0x1928: 0x000a, 0x1929: 0x000a, + 0x192a: 0x000a, 0x192b: 0x000a, 0x192c: 0x000a, 0x192d: 0x000a, 0x192e: 0x000a, 0x192f: 0x000a, + 0x1930: 0x000a, 0x1931: 0x000a, 0x1932: 0x000a, 0x1933: 0x000a, + 0x1936: 0x000a, 0x1937: 0x000a, 0x1938: 0x000a, 0x1939: 0x000a, 0x193a: 0x000a, 0x193b: 0x000a, + 0x193c: 0x000a, 0x193d: 0x000a, 0x193e: 0x000a, 0x193f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1940: 0x000a, 0x1941: 0x000a, 0x1942: 0x000a, 0x1943: 0x000a, 0x1944: 0x000a, 0x1945: 0x000a, + 0x1946: 0x000a, 0x1947: 0x000a, 0x1948: 0x000a, 0x1949: 0x000a, 0x194a: 0x000a, 0x194b: 0x000a, + 0x194c: 0x000a, 0x194d: 0x000a, 0x194e: 0x000a, 0x194f: 0x000a, 0x1950: 0x000a, 0x1951: 0x000a, + 0x1952: 0x000a, 0x1953: 0x000a, 0x1954: 0x000a, 0x1955: 0x000a, + 0x1958: 0x000a, 0x1959: 0x000a, 0x195a: 0x000a, 0x195b: 0x000a, 0x195c: 0x000a, 0x195d: 0x000a, + 0x195e: 0x000a, 0x195f: 0x000a, 0x1960: 0x000a, 0x1961: 0x000a, 0x1962: 0x000a, 0x1963: 0x000a, + 0x1964: 0x000a, 0x1965: 0x000a, 0x1966: 0x000a, 0x1967: 0x000a, 0x1968: 0x000a, 0x1969: 0x000a, + 0x196a: 0x000a, 0x196b: 0x000a, 0x196c: 0x000a, 0x196d: 0x000a, 0x196e: 0x000a, 0x196f: 0x000a, + 0x1970: 0x000a, 0x1971: 0x000a, 0x1972: 0x000a, 0x1973: 0x000a, 0x1974: 0x000a, 0x1975: 0x000a, + 0x1976: 0x000a, 0x1977: 0x000a, 0x1978: 0x000a, 0x1979: 0x000a, + 0x197d: 0x000a, 0x197e: 0x000a, 0x197f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x000a, 0x1981: 0x000a, 0x1982: 0x000a, 0x1983: 0x000a, 0x1984: 0x000a, 0x1985: 0x000a, + 0x1986: 0x000a, 0x1987: 0x000a, 0x1988: 0x000a, 0x198a: 0x000a, 0x198b: 0x000a, + 0x198c: 0x000a, 0x198d: 0x000a, 0x198e: 0x000a, 0x198f: 0x000a, 0x1990: 0x000a, 0x1991: 0x000a, + 0x1992: 0x000a, + 0x19ac: 0x000a, 0x19ad: 0x000a, 0x19ae: 0x000a, 0x19af: 0x000a, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19e5: 0x000a, 0x19e6: 0x000a, 0x19e7: 0x000a, 0x19e8: 0x000a, 0x19e9: 0x000a, + 0x19ea: 0x000a, 0x19ef: 0x000c, + 0x19f0: 0x000c, 0x19f1: 0x000c, + 0x19f9: 0x000a, 0x19fa: 0x000a, 0x19fb: 0x000a, + 0x19fc: 0x000a, 0x19fd: 0x000a, 0x19fe: 0x000a, 0x19ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a3f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x1a40 + 0x1a60: 0x000c, 0x1a61: 0x000c, 0x1a62: 0x000c, 0x1a63: 0x000c, + 0x1a64: 0x000c, 0x1a65: 0x000c, 0x1a66: 0x000c, 0x1a67: 0x000c, 0x1a68: 0x000c, 0x1a69: 0x000c, + 0x1a6a: 0x000c, 0x1a6b: 0x000c, 0x1a6c: 0x000c, 0x1a6d: 0x000c, 0x1a6e: 0x000c, 0x1a6f: 0x000c, + 0x1a70: 0x000c, 0x1a71: 0x000c, 0x1a72: 0x000c, 0x1a73: 0x000c, 0x1a74: 0x000c, 0x1a75: 0x000c, + 0x1a76: 0x000c, 0x1a77: 0x000c, 0x1a78: 0x000c, 0x1a79: 0x000c, 0x1a7a: 0x000c, 0x1a7b: 0x000c, + 0x1a7c: 0x000c, 0x1a7d: 0x000c, 0x1a7e: 0x000c, 0x1a7f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x1a80 + 0x1a80: 0x000a, 0x1a81: 0x000a, 0x1a82: 0x000a, 0x1a83: 0x000a, 0x1a84: 0x000a, 0x1a85: 0x000a, + 0x1a86: 0x000a, 0x1a87: 0x000a, 0x1a88: 0x000a, 0x1a89: 0x000a, 0x1a8a: 0x000a, 0x1a8b: 0x000a, + 0x1a8c: 0x000a, 0x1a8d: 0x000a, 0x1a8e: 0x000a, 0x1a8f: 0x000a, 0x1a90: 0x000a, 0x1a91: 0x000a, + 0x1a92: 0x000a, 0x1a93: 0x000a, 0x1a94: 0x000a, 0x1a95: 0x000a, 0x1a96: 0x000a, 0x1a97: 0x000a, + 0x1a98: 0x000a, 0x1a99: 0x000a, 0x1a9a: 0x000a, 0x1a9b: 0x000a, 0x1a9c: 0x000a, 0x1a9d: 0x000a, + 0x1a9e: 0x000a, 0x1a9f: 0x000a, 0x1aa0: 0x000a, 0x1aa1: 0x000a, 0x1aa2: 0x003a, 0x1aa3: 0x002a, + 0x1aa4: 0x003a, 0x1aa5: 0x002a, 0x1aa6: 0x003a, 0x1aa7: 0x002a, 0x1aa8: 0x003a, 0x1aa9: 0x002a, + 0x1aaa: 0x000a, 0x1aab: 0x000a, 0x1aac: 0x000a, 0x1aad: 0x000a, 0x1aae: 0x000a, 0x1aaf: 0x000a, + 0x1ab0: 0x000a, 0x1ab1: 0x000a, 0x1ab2: 0x000a, 0x1ab3: 0x000a, 0x1ab4: 0x000a, 0x1ab5: 0x000a, + 0x1ab6: 0x000a, 0x1ab7: 0x000a, 0x1ab8: 0x000a, 0x1ab9: 0x000a, 0x1aba: 0x000a, 0x1abb: 0x000a, + 0x1abc: 0x000a, 0x1abd: 0x000a, 0x1abe: 0x000a, 0x1abf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x1ac0 + 0x1ac0: 0x000a, 0x1ac1: 0x000a, 0x1ac2: 0x000a, 0x1ac3: 0x000a, 0x1ac4: 0x000a, 0x1ac5: 0x000a, + 0x1ac6: 0x000a, 0x1ac7: 0x000a, 0x1ac8: 0x000a, 0x1ac9: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x1b00 + 0x1b00: 0x000a, 0x1b01: 0x000a, 0x1b02: 0x000a, 0x1b03: 0x000a, 0x1b04: 0x000a, 0x1b05: 0x000a, + 0x1b06: 0x000a, 0x1b07: 0x000a, 0x1b08: 0x000a, 0x1b09: 0x000a, 0x1b0a: 0x000a, 0x1b0b: 0x000a, + 0x1b0c: 0x000a, 0x1b0d: 0x000a, 0x1b0e: 0x000a, 0x1b0f: 0x000a, 0x1b10: 0x000a, 0x1b11: 0x000a, + 0x1b12: 0x000a, 0x1b13: 0x000a, 0x1b14: 0x000a, 0x1b15: 0x000a, 0x1b16: 0x000a, 0x1b17: 0x000a, + 0x1b18: 0x000a, 0x1b19: 0x000a, 0x1b1b: 0x000a, 0x1b1c: 0x000a, 0x1b1d: 0x000a, + 0x1b1e: 0x000a, 0x1b1f: 0x000a, 0x1b20: 0x000a, 0x1b21: 0x000a, 0x1b22: 0x000a, 0x1b23: 0x000a, + 0x1b24: 0x000a, 0x1b25: 0x000a, 0x1b26: 0x000a, 0x1b27: 0x000a, 0x1b28: 0x000a, 0x1b29: 0x000a, + 0x1b2a: 0x000a, 0x1b2b: 0x000a, 0x1b2c: 0x000a, 0x1b2d: 0x000a, 0x1b2e: 0x000a, 0x1b2f: 0x000a, + 0x1b30: 0x000a, 0x1b31: 0x000a, 0x1b32: 0x000a, 0x1b33: 0x000a, 0x1b34: 0x000a, 0x1b35: 0x000a, + 0x1b36: 0x000a, 0x1b37: 0x000a, 0x1b38: 0x000a, 0x1b39: 0x000a, 0x1b3a: 0x000a, 0x1b3b: 0x000a, + 0x1b3c: 0x000a, 0x1b3d: 0x000a, 0x1b3e: 0x000a, 0x1b3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x1b40 + 0x1b40: 0x000a, 0x1b41: 0x000a, 0x1b42: 0x000a, 0x1b43: 0x000a, 0x1b44: 0x000a, 0x1b45: 0x000a, + 0x1b46: 0x000a, 0x1b47: 0x000a, 0x1b48: 0x000a, 0x1b49: 0x000a, 0x1b4a: 0x000a, 0x1b4b: 0x000a, + 0x1b4c: 0x000a, 0x1b4d: 0x000a, 0x1b4e: 0x000a, 0x1b4f: 0x000a, 0x1b50: 0x000a, 0x1b51: 0x000a, + 0x1b52: 0x000a, 0x1b53: 0x000a, 0x1b54: 0x000a, 0x1b55: 0x000a, 0x1b56: 0x000a, 0x1b57: 0x000a, + 0x1b58: 0x000a, 0x1b59: 0x000a, 0x1b5a: 0x000a, 0x1b5b: 0x000a, 0x1b5c: 0x000a, 0x1b5d: 0x000a, + 0x1b5e: 0x000a, 0x1b5f: 0x000a, 0x1b60: 0x000a, 0x1b61: 0x000a, 0x1b62: 0x000a, 0x1b63: 0x000a, + 0x1b64: 0x000a, 0x1b65: 0x000a, 0x1b66: 0x000a, 0x1b67: 0x000a, 0x1b68: 0x000a, 0x1b69: 0x000a, + 0x1b6a: 0x000a, 0x1b6b: 0x000a, 0x1b6c: 0x000a, 0x1b6d: 0x000a, 0x1b6e: 0x000a, 0x1b6f: 0x000a, + 0x1b70: 0x000a, 0x1b71: 0x000a, 0x1b72: 0x000a, 0x1b73: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x1b80 + 0x1b80: 0x000a, 0x1b81: 0x000a, 0x1b82: 0x000a, 0x1b83: 0x000a, 0x1b84: 0x000a, 0x1b85: 0x000a, + 0x1b86: 0x000a, 0x1b87: 0x000a, 0x1b88: 0x000a, 0x1b89: 0x000a, 0x1b8a: 0x000a, 0x1b8b: 0x000a, + 0x1b8c: 0x000a, 0x1b8d: 0x000a, 0x1b8e: 0x000a, 0x1b8f: 0x000a, 0x1b90: 0x000a, 0x1b91: 0x000a, + 0x1b92: 0x000a, 0x1b93: 0x000a, 0x1b94: 0x000a, 0x1b95: 0x000a, + 0x1bb0: 0x000a, 0x1bb1: 0x000a, 0x1bb2: 0x000a, 0x1bb3: 0x000a, 0x1bb4: 0x000a, 0x1bb5: 0x000a, + 0x1bb6: 0x000a, 0x1bb7: 0x000a, 0x1bb8: 0x000a, 0x1bb9: 0x000a, 0x1bba: 0x000a, 0x1bbb: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x1bc0 + 0x1bc0: 0x0009, 0x1bc1: 0x000a, 0x1bc2: 0x000a, 0x1bc3: 0x000a, 0x1bc4: 0x000a, + 0x1bc8: 0x003a, 0x1bc9: 0x002a, 0x1bca: 0x003a, 0x1bcb: 0x002a, + 0x1bcc: 0x003a, 0x1bcd: 0x002a, 0x1bce: 0x003a, 0x1bcf: 0x002a, 0x1bd0: 0x003a, 0x1bd1: 0x002a, + 0x1bd2: 0x000a, 0x1bd3: 0x000a, 0x1bd4: 0x003a, 0x1bd5: 0x002a, 0x1bd6: 0x003a, 0x1bd7: 0x002a, + 0x1bd8: 0x003a, 0x1bd9: 0x002a, 0x1bda: 0x003a, 0x1bdb: 0x002a, 0x1bdc: 0x000a, 0x1bdd: 0x000a, + 0x1bde: 0x000a, 0x1bdf: 0x000a, 0x1be0: 0x000a, + 0x1bea: 0x000c, 0x1beb: 0x000c, 0x1bec: 0x000c, 0x1bed: 0x000c, + 0x1bf0: 0x000a, + 0x1bf6: 0x000a, 0x1bf7: 0x000a, + 0x1bfd: 0x000a, 0x1bfe: 0x000a, 0x1bff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x1c00 + 0x1c19: 0x000c, 0x1c1a: 0x000c, 0x1c1b: 0x000a, 0x1c1c: 0x000a, + 0x1c20: 0x000a, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x1c40 + 0x1c7b: 0x000a, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x1c80 + 0x1c80: 0x000a, 0x1c81: 0x000a, 0x1c82: 0x000a, 0x1c83: 0x000a, 0x1c84: 0x000a, 0x1c85: 0x000a, + 0x1c86: 0x000a, 0x1c87: 0x000a, 0x1c88: 0x000a, 0x1c89: 0x000a, 0x1c8a: 0x000a, 0x1c8b: 0x000a, + 0x1c8c: 0x000a, 0x1c8d: 0x000a, 0x1c8e: 0x000a, 0x1c8f: 0x000a, 0x1c90: 0x000a, 0x1c91: 0x000a, + 0x1c92: 0x000a, 0x1c93: 0x000a, 0x1c94: 0x000a, 0x1c95: 0x000a, 0x1c96: 0x000a, 0x1c97: 0x000a, + 0x1c98: 0x000a, 0x1c99: 0x000a, 0x1c9a: 0x000a, 0x1c9b: 0x000a, 0x1c9c: 0x000a, 0x1c9d: 0x000a, + 0x1c9e: 0x000a, 0x1c9f: 0x000a, 0x1ca0: 0x000a, 0x1ca1: 0x000a, 0x1ca2: 0x000a, 0x1ca3: 0x000a, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x1cc0 + 0x1cdd: 0x000a, + 0x1cde: 0x000a, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x1d00 + 0x1d10: 0x000a, 0x1d11: 0x000a, + 0x1d12: 0x000a, 0x1d13: 0x000a, 0x1d14: 0x000a, 0x1d15: 0x000a, 0x1d16: 0x000a, 0x1d17: 0x000a, + 0x1d18: 0x000a, 0x1d19: 0x000a, 0x1d1a: 0x000a, 0x1d1b: 0x000a, 0x1d1c: 0x000a, 0x1d1d: 0x000a, + 0x1d1e: 0x000a, 0x1d1f: 0x000a, + 0x1d3c: 0x000a, 0x1d3d: 0x000a, 0x1d3e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x1d40 + 0x1d71: 0x000a, 0x1d72: 0x000a, 0x1d73: 0x000a, 0x1d74: 0x000a, 0x1d75: 0x000a, + 0x1d76: 0x000a, 0x1d77: 0x000a, 0x1d78: 0x000a, 0x1d79: 0x000a, 0x1d7a: 0x000a, 0x1d7b: 0x000a, + 0x1d7c: 0x000a, 0x1d7d: 0x000a, 0x1d7e: 0x000a, 0x1d7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x1d80 + 0x1d8c: 0x000a, 0x1d8d: 0x000a, 0x1d8e: 0x000a, 0x1d8f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x1dc0 + 0x1df7: 0x000a, 0x1df8: 0x000a, 0x1df9: 0x000a, 0x1dfa: 0x000a, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x1e00 + 0x1e1e: 0x000a, 0x1e1f: 0x000a, + 0x1e3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x1e40 + 0x1e50: 0x000a, 0x1e51: 0x000a, + 0x1e52: 0x000a, 0x1e53: 0x000a, 0x1e54: 0x000a, 0x1e55: 0x000a, 0x1e56: 0x000a, 0x1e57: 0x000a, + 0x1e58: 0x000a, 0x1e59: 0x000a, 0x1e5a: 0x000a, 0x1e5b: 0x000a, 0x1e5c: 0x000a, 0x1e5d: 0x000a, + 0x1e5e: 0x000a, 0x1e5f: 0x000a, 0x1e60: 0x000a, 0x1e61: 0x000a, 0x1e62: 0x000a, 0x1e63: 0x000a, + 0x1e64: 0x000a, 0x1e65: 0x000a, 0x1e66: 0x000a, 0x1e67: 0x000a, 0x1e68: 0x000a, 0x1e69: 0x000a, + 0x1e6a: 0x000a, 0x1e6b: 0x000a, 0x1e6c: 0x000a, 0x1e6d: 0x000a, 0x1e6e: 0x000a, 0x1e6f: 0x000a, + 0x1e70: 0x000a, 0x1e71: 0x000a, 0x1e72: 0x000a, 0x1e73: 0x000a, 0x1e74: 0x000a, 0x1e75: 0x000a, + 0x1e76: 0x000a, 0x1e77: 0x000a, 0x1e78: 0x000a, 0x1e79: 0x000a, 0x1e7a: 0x000a, 0x1e7b: 0x000a, + 0x1e7c: 0x000a, 0x1e7d: 0x000a, 0x1e7e: 0x000a, 0x1e7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x1e80 + 0x1e80: 0x000a, 0x1e81: 0x000a, 0x1e82: 0x000a, 0x1e83: 0x000a, 0x1e84: 0x000a, 0x1e85: 0x000a, + 0x1e86: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x1ec0 + 0x1ecd: 0x000a, 0x1ece: 0x000a, 0x1ecf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x1f00 + 0x1f2f: 0x000c, + 0x1f30: 0x000c, 0x1f31: 0x000c, 0x1f32: 0x000c, 0x1f33: 0x000a, 0x1f34: 0x000c, 0x1f35: 0x000c, + 0x1f36: 0x000c, 0x1f37: 0x000c, 0x1f38: 0x000c, 0x1f39: 0x000c, 0x1f3a: 0x000c, 0x1f3b: 0x000c, + 0x1f3c: 0x000c, 0x1f3d: 0x000c, 0x1f3e: 0x000a, 0x1f3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x1f40 + 0x1f5e: 0x000c, 0x1f5f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x1f80 + 0x1fb0: 0x000c, 0x1fb1: 0x000c, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x1fc0 + 0x1fc0: 0x000a, 0x1fc1: 0x000a, 0x1fc2: 0x000a, 0x1fc3: 0x000a, 0x1fc4: 0x000a, 0x1fc5: 0x000a, + 0x1fc6: 0x000a, 0x1fc7: 0x000a, 0x1fc8: 0x000a, 0x1fc9: 0x000a, 0x1fca: 0x000a, 0x1fcb: 0x000a, + 0x1fcc: 0x000a, 0x1fcd: 0x000a, 0x1fce: 0x000a, 0x1fcf: 0x000a, 0x1fd0: 0x000a, 0x1fd1: 0x000a, + 0x1fd2: 0x000a, 0x1fd3: 0x000a, 0x1fd4: 0x000a, 0x1fd5: 0x000a, 0x1fd6: 0x000a, 0x1fd7: 0x000a, + 0x1fd8: 0x000a, 0x1fd9: 0x000a, 0x1fda: 0x000a, 0x1fdb: 0x000a, 0x1fdc: 0x000a, 0x1fdd: 0x000a, + 0x1fde: 0x000a, 0x1fdf: 0x000a, 0x1fe0: 0x000a, 0x1fe1: 0x000a, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x2000 + 0x2008: 0x000a, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x2040 + 0x2042: 0x000c, + 0x2046: 0x000c, 0x204b: 0x000c, + 0x2065: 0x000c, 0x2066: 0x000c, 0x2068: 0x000a, 0x2069: 0x000a, + 0x206a: 0x000a, 0x206b: 0x000a, + 0x2078: 0x0004, 0x2079: 0x0004, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x2080 + 0x20b4: 0x000a, 0x20b5: 0x000a, + 0x20b6: 0x000a, 0x20b7: 0x000a, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x20c0 + 0x20c4: 0x000c, 0x20c5: 0x000c, + 0x20e0: 0x000c, 0x20e1: 0x000c, 0x20e2: 0x000c, 0x20e3: 0x000c, + 0x20e4: 0x000c, 0x20e5: 0x000c, 0x20e6: 0x000c, 0x20e7: 0x000c, 0x20e8: 0x000c, 0x20e9: 0x000c, + 0x20ea: 0x000c, 0x20eb: 0x000c, 0x20ec: 0x000c, 0x20ed: 0x000c, 0x20ee: 0x000c, 0x20ef: 0x000c, + 0x20f0: 0x000c, 0x20f1: 0x000c, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x2100 + 0x2126: 0x000c, 0x2127: 0x000c, 0x2128: 0x000c, 0x2129: 0x000c, + 0x212a: 0x000c, 0x212b: 0x000c, 0x212c: 0x000c, 0x212d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x2140 + 0x2147: 0x000c, 0x2148: 0x000c, 0x2149: 0x000c, 0x214a: 0x000c, 0x214b: 0x000c, + 0x214c: 0x000c, 0x214d: 0x000c, 0x214e: 0x000c, 0x214f: 0x000c, 0x2150: 0x000c, 0x2151: 0x000c, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x2180 + 0x2180: 0x000c, 0x2181: 0x000c, 0x2182: 0x000c, + 0x21b3: 0x000c, + 0x21b6: 0x000c, 0x21b7: 0x000c, 0x21b8: 0x000c, 0x21b9: 0x000c, + 0x21bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x21c0 + 0x21e5: 0x000c, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x2200 + 0x2229: 0x000c, + 0x222a: 0x000c, 0x222b: 0x000c, 0x222c: 0x000c, 0x222d: 0x000c, 0x222e: 0x000c, + 0x2231: 0x000c, 0x2232: 0x000c, 0x2235: 0x000c, + 0x2236: 0x000c, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x2240 + 0x2243: 0x000c, + 0x224c: 0x000c, + 0x227c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x2280 + 0x22b0: 0x000c, 0x22b2: 0x000c, 0x22b3: 0x000c, 0x22b4: 0x000c, + 0x22b7: 0x000c, 0x22b8: 0x000c, + 0x22be: 0x000c, 0x22bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x22c0 + 0x22c1: 0x000c, + 0x22ec: 0x000c, 0x22ed: 0x000c, + 0x22f6: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x2300 + 0x2325: 0x000c, 0x2328: 0x000c, + 0x232d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x2340 + 0x235d: 0x0001, + 0x235e: 0x000c, 0x235f: 0x0001, 0x2360: 0x0001, 0x2361: 0x0001, 0x2362: 0x0001, 0x2363: 0x0001, + 0x2364: 0x0001, 0x2365: 0x0001, 0x2366: 0x0001, 0x2367: 0x0001, 0x2368: 0x0001, 0x2369: 0x0003, + 0x236a: 0x0001, 0x236b: 0x0001, 0x236c: 0x0001, 0x236d: 0x0001, 0x236e: 0x0001, 0x236f: 0x0001, + 0x2370: 0x0001, 0x2371: 0x0001, 0x2372: 0x0001, 0x2373: 0x0001, 0x2374: 0x0001, 0x2375: 0x0001, + 0x2376: 0x0001, 0x2377: 0x0001, 0x2378: 0x0001, 0x2379: 0x0001, 0x237a: 0x0001, 0x237b: 0x0001, + 0x237c: 0x0001, 0x237d: 0x0001, 0x237e: 0x0001, 0x237f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x2380 + 0x2380: 0x0001, 0x2381: 0x0001, 0x2382: 0x0001, 0x2383: 0x0001, 0x2384: 0x0001, 0x2385: 0x0001, + 0x2386: 0x0001, 0x2387: 0x0001, 0x2388: 0x0001, 0x2389: 0x0001, 0x238a: 0x0001, 0x238b: 0x0001, + 0x238c: 0x0001, 0x238d: 0x0001, 0x238e: 0x0001, 0x238f: 0x0001, 0x2390: 0x000d, 0x2391: 0x000d, + 0x2392: 0x000d, 0x2393: 0x000d, 0x2394: 0x000d, 0x2395: 0x000d, 0x2396: 0x000d, 0x2397: 0x000d, + 0x2398: 0x000d, 0x2399: 0x000d, 0x239a: 0x000d, 0x239b: 0x000d, 0x239c: 0x000d, 0x239d: 0x000d, + 0x239e: 0x000d, 0x239f: 0x000d, 0x23a0: 0x000d, 0x23a1: 0x000d, 0x23a2: 0x000d, 0x23a3: 0x000d, + 0x23a4: 0x000d, 0x23a5: 0x000d, 0x23a6: 0x000d, 0x23a7: 0x000d, 0x23a8: 0x000d, 0x23a9: 0x000d, + 0x23aa: 0x000d, 0x23ab: 0x000d, 0x23ac: 0x000d, 0x23ad: 0x000d, 0x23ae: 0x000d, 0x23af: 0x000d, + 0x23b0: 0x000d, 0x23b1: 0x000d, 0x23b2: 0x000d, 0x23b3: 0x000d, 0x23b4: 0x000d, 0x23b5: 0x000d, + 0x23b6: 0x000d, 0x23b7: 0x000d, 0x23b8: 0x000d, 0x23b9: 0x000d, 0x23ba: 0x000d, 0x23bb: 0x000d, + 0x23bc: 0x000d, 0x23bd: 0x000d, 0x23be: 0x000d, 0x23bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x23c0 + 0x23c0: 0x000d, 0x23c1: 0x000d, 0x23c2: 0x000d, 0x23c3: 0x000d, 0x23c4: 0x000d, 0x23c5: 0x000d, + 0x23c6: 0x000d, 0x23c7: 0x000d, 0x23c8: 0x000d, 0x23c9: 0x000d, 0x23ca: 0x000d, 0x23cb: 0x000d, + 0x23cc: 0x000d, 0x23cd: 0x000d, 0x23ce: 0x000d, 0x23cf: 0x000d, 0x23d0: 0x000d, 0x23d1: 0x000d, + 0x23d2: 0x000d, 0x23d3: 0x000d, 0x23d4: 0x000d, 0x23d5: 0x000d, 0x23d6: 0x000d, 0x23d7: 0x000d, + 0x23d8: 0x000d, 0x23d9: 0x000d, 0x23da: 0x000d, 0x23db: 0x000d, 0x23dc: 0x000d, 0x23dd: 0x000d, + 0x23de: 0x000d, 0x23df: 0x000d, 0x23e0: 0x000d, 0x23e1: 0x000d, 0x23e2: 0x000d, 0x23e3: 0x000d, + 0x23e4: 0x000d, 0x23e5: 0x000d, 0x23e6: 0x000d, 0x23e7: 0x000d, 0x23e8: 0x000d, 0x23e9: 0x000d, + 0x23ea: 0x000d, 0x23eb: 0x000d, 0x23ec: 0x000d, 0x23ed: 0x000d, 0x23ee: 0x000d, 0x23ef: 0x000d, + 0x23f0: 0x000d, 0x23f1: 0x000d, 0x23f2: 0x000d, 0x23f3: 0x000d, 0x23f4: 0x000d, 0x23f5: 0x000d, + 0x23f6: 0x000d, 0x23f7: 0x000d, 0x23f8: 0x000d, 0x23f9: 0x000d, 0x23fa: 0x000d, 0x23fb: 0x000d, + 0x23fc: 0x000d, 0x23fd: 0x000d, 0x23fe: 0x000a, 0x23ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x2400 + 0x2400: 0x000d, 0x2401: 0x000d, 0x2402: 0x000d, 0x2403: 0x000d, 0x2404: 0x000d, 0x2405: 0x000d, + 0x2406: 0x000d, 0x2407: 0x000d, 0x2408: 0x000d, 0x2409: 0x000d, 0x240a: 0x000d, 0x240b: 0x000d, + 0x240c: 0x000d, 0x240d: 0x000d, 0x240e: 0x000d, 0x240f: 0x000d, 0x2410: 0x000b, 0x2411: 0x000b, + 0x2412: 0x000b, 0x2413: 0x000b, 0x2414: 0x000b, 0x2415: 0x000b, 0x2416: 0x000b, 0x2417: 0x000b, + 0x2418: 0x000b, 0x2419: 0x000b, 0x241a: 0x000b, 0x241b: 0x000b, 0x241c: 0x000b, 0x241d: 0x000b, + 0x241e: 0x000b, 0x241f: 0x000b, 0x2420: 0x000b, 0x2421: 0x000b, 0x2422: 0x000b, 0x2423: 0x000b, + 0x2424: 0x000b, 0x2425: 0x000b, 0x2426: 0x000b, 0x2427: 0x000b, 0x2428: 0x000b, 0x2429: 0x000b, + 0x242a: 0x000b, 0x242b: 0x000b, 0x242c: 0x000b, 0x242d: 0x000b, 0x242e: 0x000b, 0x242f: 0x000b, + 0x2430: 0x000d, 0x2431: 0x000d, 0x2432: 0x000d, 0x2433: 0x000d, 0x2434: 0x000d, 0x2435: 0x000d, + 0x2436: 0x000d, 0x2437: 0x000d, 0x2438: 0x000d, 0x2439: 0x000d, 0x243a: 0x000d, 0x243b: 0x000d, + 0x243c: 0x000d, 0x243d: 0x000a, 0x243e: 0x000d, 0x243f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x2440 + 0x2440: 0x000c, 0x2441: 0x000c, 0x2442: 0x000c, 0x2443: 0x000c, 0x2444: 0x000c, 0x2445: 0x000c, + 0x2446: 0x000c, 0x2447: 0x000c, 0x2448: 0x000c, 0x2449: 0x000c, 0x244a: 0x000c, 0x244b: 0x000c, + 0x244c: 0x000c, 0x244d: 0x000c, 0x244e: 0x000c, 0x244f: 0x000c, 0x2450: 0x000a, 0x2451: 0x000a, + 0x2452: 0x000a, 0x2453: 0x000a, 0x2454: 0x000a, 0x2455: 0x000a, 0x2456: 0x000a, 0x2457: 0x000a, + 0x2458: 0x000a, 0x2459: 0x000a, + 0x2460: 0x000c, 0x2461: 0x000c, 0x2462: 0x000c, 0x2463: 0x000c, + 0x2464: 0x000c, 0x2465: 0x000c, 0x2466: 0x000c, 0x2467: 0x000c, 0x2468: 0x000c, 0x2469: 0x000c, + 0x246a: 0x000c, 0x246b: 0x000c, 0x246c: 0x000c, 0x246d: 0x000c, 0x246e: 0x000c, 0x246f: 0x000c, + 0x2470: 0x000a, 0x2471: 0x000a, 0x2472: 0x000a, 0x2473: 0x000a, 0x2474: 0x000a, 0x2475: 0x000a, + 0x2476: 0x000a, 0x2477: 0x000a, 0x2478: 0x000a, 0x2479: 0x000a, 0x247a: 0x000a, 0x247b: 0x000a, + 0x247c: 0x000a, 0x247d: 0x000a, 0x247e: 0x000a, 0x247f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x2480 + 0x2480: 0x000a, 0x2481: 0x000a, 0x2482: 0x000a, 0x2483: 0x000a, 0x2484: 0x000a, 0x2485: 0x000a, + 0x2486: 0x000a, 0x2487: 0x000a, 0x2488: 0x000a, 0x2489: 0x000a, 0x248a: 0x000a, 0x248b: 0x000a, + 0x248c: 0x000a, 0x248d: 0x000a, 0x248e: 0x000a, 0x248f: 0x000a, 0x2490: 0x0006, 0x2491: 0x000a, + 0x2492: 0x0006, 0x2494: 0x000a, 0x2495: 0x0006, 0x2496: 0x000a, 0x2497: 0x000a, + 0x2498: 0x000a, 0x2499: 0x009a, 0x249a: 0x008a, 0x249b: 0x007a, 0x249c: 0x006a, 0x249d: 0x009a, + 0x249e: 0x008a, 0x249f: 0x0004, 0x24a0: 0x000a, 0x24a1: 0x000a, 0x24a2: 0x0003, 0x24a3: 0x0003, + 0x24a4: 0x000a, 0x24a5: 0x000a, 0x24a6: 0x000a, 0x24a8: 0x000a, 0x24a9: 0x0004, + 0x24aa: 0x0004, 0x24ab: 0x000a, + 0x24b0: 0x000d, 0x24b1: 0x000d, 0x24b2: 0x000d, 0x24b3: 0x000d, 0x24b4: 0x000d, 0x24b5: 0x000d, + 0x24b6: 0x000d, 0x24b7: 0x000d, 0x24b8: 0x000d, 0x24b9: 0x000d, 0x24ba: 0x000d, 0x24bb: 0x000d, + 0x24bc: 0x000d, 0x24bd: 0x000d, 0x24be: 0x000d, 0x24bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x24c0 + 0x24c0: 0x000d, 0x24c1: 0x000d, 0x24c2: 0x000d, 0x24c3: 0x000d, 0x24c4: 0x000d, 0x24c5: 0x000d, + 0x24c6: 0x000d, 0x24c7: 0x000d, 0x24c8: 0x000d, 0x24c9: 0x000d, 0x24ca: 0x000d, 0x24cb: 0x000d, + 0x24cc: 0x000d, 0x24cd: 0x000d, 0x24ce: 0x000d, 0x24cf: 0x000d, 0x24d0: 0x000d, 0x24d1: 0x000d, + 0x24d2: 0x000d, 0x24d3: 0x000d, 0x24d4: 0x000d, 0x24d5: 0x000d, 0x24d6: 0x000d, 0x24d7: 0x000d, + 0x24d8: 0x000d, 0x24d9: 0x000d, 0x24da: 0x000d, 0x24db: 0x000d, 0x24dc: 0x000d, 0x24dd: 0x000d, + 0x24de: 0x000d, 0x24df: 0x000d, 0x24e0: 0x000d, 0x24e1: 0x000d, 0x24e2: 0x000d, 0x24e3: 0x000d, + 0x24e4: 0x000d, 0x24e5: 0x000d, 0x24e6: 0x000d, 0x24e7: 0x000d, 0x24e8: 0x000d, 0x24e9: 0x000d, + 0x24ea: 0x000d, 0x24eb: 0x000d, 0x24ec: 0x000d, 0x24ed: 0x000d, 0x24ee: 0x000d, 0x24ef: 0x000d, + 0x24f0: 0x000d, 0x24f1: 0x000d, 0x24f2: 0x000d, 0x24f3: 0x000d, 0x24f4: 0x000d, 0x24f5: 0x000d, + 0x24f6: 0x000d, 0x24f7: 0x000d, 0x24f8: 0x000d, 0x24f9: 0x000d, 0x24fa: 0x000d, 0x24fb: 0x000d, + 0x24fc: 0x000d, 0x24fd: 0x000d, 0x24fe: 0x000d, 0x24ff: 0x000b, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x2500 + 0x2501: 0x000a, 0x2502: 0x000a, 0x2503: 0x0004, 0x2504: 0x0004, 0x2505: 0x0004, + 0x2506: 0x000a, 0x2507: 0x000a, 0x2508: 0x003a, 0x2509: 0x002a, 0x250a: 0x000a, 0x250b: 0x0003, + 0x250c: 0x0006, 0x250d: 0x0003, 0x250e: 0x0006, 0x250f: 0x0006, 0x2510: 0x0002, 0x2511: 0x0002, + 0x2512: 0x0002, 0x2513: 0x0002, 0x2514: 0x0002, 0x2515: 0x0002, 0x2516: 0x0002, 0x2517: 0x0002, + 0x2518: 0x0002, 0x2519: 0x0002, 0x251a: 0x0006, 0x251b: 0x000a, 0x251c: 0x000a, 0x251d: 0x000a, + 0x251e: 0x000a, 0x251f: 0x000a, 0x2520: 0x000a, + 0x253b: 0x005a, + 0x253c: 0x000a, 0x253d: 0x004a, 0x253e: 0x000a, 0x253f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x2540 + 0x2540: 0x000a, + 0x255b: 0x005a, 0x255c: 0x000a, 0x255d: 0x004a, + 0x255e: 0x000a, 0x255f: 0x00fa, 0x2560: 0x00ea, 0x2561: 0x000a, 0x2562: 0x003a, 0x2563: 0x002a, + 0x2564: 0x000a, 0x2565: 0x000a, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x2580 + 0x25a0: 0x0004, 0x25a1: 0x0004, 0x25a2: 0x000a, 0x25a3: 0x000a, + 0x25a4: 0x000a, 0x25a5: 0x0004, 0x25a6: 0x0004, 0x25a8: 0x000a, 0x25a9: 0x000a, + 0x25aa: 0x000a, 0x25ab: 0x000a, 0x25ac: 0x000a, 0x25ad: 0x000a, 0x25ae: 0x000a, + 0x25b0: 0x000b, 0x25b1: 0x000b, 0x25b2: 0x000b, 0x25b3: 0x000b, 0x25b4: 0x000b, 0x25b5: 0x000b, + 0x25b6: 0x000b, 0x25b7: 0x000b, 0x25b8: 0x000b, 0x25b9: 0x000a, 0x25ba: 0x000a, 0x25bb: 0x000a, + 0x25bc: 0x000a, 0x25bd: 0x000a, 0x25be: 0x000b, 0x25bf: 0x000b, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x25c0 + 0x25c1: 0x000a, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x2600 + 0x2600: 0x000a, 0x2601: 0x000a, 0x2602: 0x000a, 0x2603: 0x000a, 0x2604: 0x000a, 0x2605: 0x000a, + 0x2606: 0x000a, 0x2607: 0x000a, 0x2608: 0x000a, 0x2609: 0x000a, 0x260a: 0x000a, 0x260b: 0x000a, + 0x260c: 0x000a, 0x2610: 0x000a, 0x2611: 0x000a, + 0x2612: 0x000a, 0x2613: 0x000a, 0x2614: 0x000a, 0x2615: 0x000a, 0x2616: 0x000a, 0x2617: 0x000a, + 0x2618: 0x000a, 0x2619: 0x000a, 0x261a: 0x000a, 0x261b: 0x000a, + 0x2620: 0x000a, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x2640 + 0x267d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x2680 + 0x26a0: 0x000c, 0x26a1: 0x0002, 0x26a2: 0x0002, 0x26a3: 0x0002, + 0x26a4: 0x0002, 0x26a5: 0x0002, 0x26a6: 0x0002, 0x26a7: 0x0002, 0x26a8: 0x0002, 0x26a9: 0x0002, + 0x26aa: 0x0002, 0x26ab: 0x0002, 0x26ac: 0x0002, 0x26ad: 0x0002, 0x26ae: 0x0002, 0x26af: 0x0002, + 0x26b0: 0x0002, 0x26b1: 0x0002, 0x26b2: 0x0002, 0x26b3: 0x0002, 0x26b4: 0x0002, 0x26b5: 0x0002, + 0x26b6: 0x0002, 0x26b7: 0x0002, 0x26b8: 0x0002, 0x26b9: 0x0002, 0x26ba: 0x0002, 0x26bb: 0x0002, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x26c0 + 0x26f6: 0x000c, 0x26f7: 0x000c, 0x26f8: 0x000c, 0x26f9: 0x000c, 0x26fa: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x2700 + 0x2700: 0x0001, 0x2701: 0x0001, 0x2702: 0x0001, 0x2703: 0x0001, 0x2704: 0x0001, 0x2705: 0x0001, + 0x2706: 0x0001, 0x2707: 0x0001, 0x2708: 0x0001, 0x2709: 0x0001, 0x270a: 0x0001, 0x270b: 0x0001, + 0x270c: 0x0001, 0x270d: 0x0001, 0x270e: 0x0001, 0x270f: 0x0001, 0x2710: 0x0001, 0x2711: 0x0001, + 0x2712: 0x0001, 0x2713: 0x0001, 0x2714: 0x0001, 0x2715: 0x0001, 0x2716: 0x0001, 0x2717: 0x0001, + 0x2718: 0x0001, 0x2719: 0x0001, 0x271a: 0x0001, 0x271b: 0x0001, 0x271c: 0x0001, 0x271d: 0x0001, + 0x271e: 0x0001, 0x271f: 0x0001, 0x2720: 0x0001, 0x2721: 0x0001, 0x2722: 0x0001, 0x2723: 0x0001, + 0x2724: 0x0001, 0x2725: 0x0001, 0x2726: 0x0001, 0x2727: 0x0001, 0x2728: 0x0001, 0x2729: 0x0001, + 0x272a: 0x0001, 0x272b: 0x0001, 0x272c: 0x0001, 0x272d: 0x0001, 0x272e: 0x0001, 0x272f: 0x0001, + 0x2730: 0x0001, 0x2731: 0x0001, 0x2732: 0x0001, 0x2733: 0x0001, 0x2734: 0x0001, 0x2735: 0x0001, + 0x2736: 0x0001, 0x2737: 0x0001, 0x2738: 0x0001, 0x2739: 0x0001, 0x273a: 0x0001, 0x273b: 0x0001, + 0x273c: 0x0001, 0x273d: 0x0001, 0x273e: 0x0001, 0x273f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x2740 + 0x2740: 0x0001, 0x2741: 0x0001, 0x2742: 0x0001, 0x2743: 0x0001, 0x2744: 0x0001, 0x2745: 0x0001, + 0x2746: 0x0001, 0x2747: 0x0001, 0x2748: 0x0001, 0x2749: 0x0001, 0x274a: 0x0001, 0x274b: 0x0001, + 0x274c: 0x0001, 0x274d: 0x0001, 0x274e: 0x0001, 0x274f: 0x0001, 0x2750: 0x0001, 0x2751: 0x0001, + 0x2752: 0x0001, 0x2753: 0x0001, 0x2754: 0x0001, 0x2755: 0x0001, 0x2756: 0x0001, 0x2757: 0x0001, + 0x2758: 0x0001, 0x2759: 0x0001, 0x275a: 0x0001, 0x275b: 0x0001, 0x275c: 0x0001, 0x275d: 0x0001, + 0x275e: 0x0001, 0x275f: 0x000a, 0x2760: 0x0001, 0x2761: 0x0001, 0x2762: 0x0001, 0x2763: 0x0001, + 0x2764: 0x0001, 0x2765: 0x0001, 0x2766: 0x0001, 0x2767: 0x0001, 0x2768: 0x0001, 0x2769: 0x0001, + 0x276a: 0x0001, 0x276b: 0x0001, 0x276c: 0x0001, 0x276d: 0x0001, 0x276e: 0x0001, 0x276f: 0x0001, + 0x2770: 0x0001, 0x2771: 0x0001, 0x2772: 0x0001, 0x2773: 0x0001, 0x2774: 0x0001, 0x2775: 0x0001, + 0x2776: 0x0001, 0x2777: 0x0001, 0x2778: 0x0001, 0x2779: 0x0001, 0x277a: 0x0001, 0x277b: 0x0001, + 0x277c: 0x0001, 0x277d: 0x0001, 0x277e: 0x0001, 0x277f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x2780 + 0x2780: 0x0001, 0x2781: 0x000c, 0x2782: 0x000c, 0x2783: 0x000c, 0x2784: 0x0001, 0x2785: 0x000c, + 0x2786: 0x000c, 0x2787: 0x0001, 0x2788: 0x0001, 0x2789: 0x0001, 0x278a: 0x0001, 0x278b: 0x0001, + 0x278c: 0x000c, 0x278d: 0x000c, 0x278e: 0x000c, 0x278f: 0x000c, 0x2790: 0x0001, 0x2791: 0x0001, + 0x2792: 0x0001, 0x2793: 0x0001, 0x2794: 0x0001, 0x2795: 0x0001, 0x2796: 0x0001, 0x2797: 0x0001, + 0x2798: 0x0001, 0x2799: 0x0001, 0x279a: 0x0001, 0x279b: 0x0001, 0x279c: 0x0001, 0x279d: 0x0001, + 0x279e: 0x0001, 0x279f: 0x0001, 0x27a0: 0x0001, 0x27a1: 0x0001, 0x27a2: 0x0001, 0x27a3: 0x0001, + 0x27a4: 0x0001, 0x27a5: 0x0001, 0x27a6: 0x0001, 0x27a7: 0x0001, 0x27a8: 0x0001, 0x27a9: 0x0001, + 0x27aa: 0x0001, 0x27ab: 0x0001, 0x27ac: 0x0001, 0x27ad: 0x0001, 0x27ae: 0x0001, 0x27af: 0x0001, + 0x27b0: 0x0001, 0x27b1: 0x0001, 0x27b2: 0x0001, 0x27b3: 0x0001, 0x27b4: 0x0001, 0x27b5: 0x0001, + 0x27b6: 0x0001, 0x27b7: 0x0001, 0x27b8: 0x000c, 0x27b9: 0x000c, 0x27ba: 0x000c, 0x27bb: 0x0001, + 0x27bc: 0x0001, 0x27bd: 0x0001, 0x27be: 0x0001, 0x27bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x27c0 + 0x27c0: 0x0001, 0x27c1: 0x0001, 0x27c2: 0x0001, 0x27c3: 0x0001, 0x27c4: 0x0001, 0x27c5: 0x0001, + 0x27c6: 0x0001, 0x27c7: 0x0001, 0x27c8: 0x0001, 0x27c9: 0x0001, 0x27ca: 0x0001, 0x27cb: 0x0001, + 0x27cc: 0x0001, 0x27cd: 0x0001, 0x27ce: 0x0001, 0x27cf: 0x0001, 0x27d0: 0x0001, 0x27d1: 0x0001, + 0x27d2: 0x0001, 0x27d3: 0x0001, 0x27d4: 0x0001, 0x27d5: 0x0001, 0x27d6: 0x0001, 0x27d7: 0x0001, + 0x27d8: 0x0001, 0x27d9: 0x0001, 0x27da: 0x0001, 0x27db: 0x0001, 0x27dc: 0x0001, 0x27dd: 0x0001, + 0x27de: 0x0001, 0x27df: 0x0001, 0x27e0: 0x0001, 0x27e1: 0x0001, 0x27e2: 0x0001, 0x27e3: 0x0001, + 0x27e4: 0x0001, 0x27e5: 0x000c, 0x27e6: 0x000c, 0x27e7: 0x0001, 0x27e8: 0x0001, 0x27e9: 0x0001, + 0x27ea: 0x0001, 0x27eb: 0x0001, 0x27ec: 0x0001, 0x27ed: 0x0001, 0x27ee: 0x0001, 0x27ef: 0x0001, + 0x27f0: 0x0001, 0x27f1: 0x0001, 0x27f2: 0x0001, 0x27f3: 0x0001, 0x27f4: 0x0001, 0x27f5: 0x0001, + 0x27f6: 0x0001, 0x27f7: 0x0001, 0x27f8: 0x0001, 0x27f9: 0x0001, 0x27fa: 0x0001, 0x27fb: 0x0001, + 0x27fc: 0x0001, 0x27fd: 0x0001, 0x27fe: 0x0001, 0x27ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x2800 + 0x2800: 0x0001, 0x2801: 0x0001, 0x2802: 0x0001, 0x2803: 0x0001, 0x2804: 0x0001, 0x2805: 0x0001, + 0x2806: 0x0001, 0x2807: 0x0001, 0x2808: 0x0001, 0x2809: 0x0001, 0x280a: 0x0001, 0x280b: 0x0001, + 0x280c: 0x0001, 0x280d: 0x0001, 0x280e: 0x0001, 0x280f: 0x0001, 0x2810: 0x0001, 0x2811: 0x0001, + 0x2812: 0x0001, 0x2813: 0x0001, 0x2814: 0x0001, 0x2815: 0x0001, 0x2816: 0x0001, 0x2817: 0x0001, + 0x2818: 0x0001, 0x2819: 0x0001, 0x281a: 0x0001, 0x281b: 0x0001, 0x281c: 0x0001, 0x281d: 0x0001, + 0x281e: 0x0001, 0x281f: 0x0001, 0x2820: 0x0001, 0x2821: 0x0001, 0x2822: 0x0001, 0x2823: 0x0001, + 0x2824: 0x0001, 0x2825: 0x0001, 0x2826: 0x0001, 0x2827: 0x0001, 0x2828: 0x0001, 0x2829: 0x0001, + 0x282a: 0x0001, 0x282b: 0x0001, 0x282c: 0x0001, 0x282d: 0x0001, 0x282e: 0x0001, 0x282f: 0x0001, + 0x2830: 0x0001, 0x2831: 0x0001, 0x2832: 0x0001, 0x2833: 0x0001, 0x2834: 0x0001, 0x2835: 0x0001, + 0x2836: 0x0001, 0x2837: 0x0001, 0x2838: 0x0001, 0x2839: 0x000a, 0x283a: 0x000a, 0x283b: 0x000a, + 0x283c: 0x000a, 0x283d: 0x000a, 0x283e: 0x000a, 0x283f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x2840 + 0x2840: 0x0001, 0x2841: 0x0001, 0x2842: 0x0001, 0x2843: 0x0001, 0x2844: 0x0001, 0x2845: 0x0001, + 0x2846: 0x0001, 0x2847: 0x0001, 0x2848: 0x0001, 0x2849: 0x0001, 0x284a: 0x0001, 0x284b: 0x0001, + 0x284c: 0x0001, 0x284d: 0x0001, 0x284e: 0x0001, 0x284f: 0x0001, 0x2850: 0x0001, 0x2851: 0x0001, + 0x2852: 0x0001, 0x2853: 0x0001, 0x2854: 0x0001, 0x2855: 0x0001, 0x2856: 0x0001, 0x2857: 0x0001, + 0x2858: 0x0001, 0x2859: 0x0001, 0x285a: 0x0001, 0x285b: 0x0001, 0x285c: 0x0001, 0x285d: 0x0001, + 0x285e: 0x0001, 0x285f: 0x0001, 0x2860: 0x0005, 0x2861: 0x0005, 0x2862: 0x0005, 0x2863: 0x0005, + 0x2864: 0x0005, 0x2865: 0x0005, 0x2866: 0x0005, 0x2867: 0x0005, 0x2868: 0x0005, 0x2869: 0x0005, + 0x286a: 0x0005, 0x286b: 0x0005, 0x286c: 0x0005, 0x286d: 0x0005, 0x286e: 0x0005, 0x286f: 0x0005, + 0x2870: 0x0005, 0x2871: 0x0005, 0x2872: 0x0005, 0x2873: 0x0005, 0x2874: 0x0005, 0x2875: 0x0005, + 0x2876: 0x0005, 0x2877: 0x0005, 0x2878: 0x0005, 0x2879: 0x0005, 0x287a: 0x0005, 0x287b: 0x0005, + 0x287c: 0x0005, 0x287d: 0x0005, 0x287e: 0x0005, 0x287f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x2880 + 0x2881: 0x000c, + 0x28b8: 0x000c, 0x28b9: 0x000c, 0x28ba: 0x000c, 0x28bb: 0x000c, + 0x28bc: 0x000c, 0x28bd: 0x000c, 0x28be: 0x000c, 0x28bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x28c0 + 0x28c0: 0x000c, 0x28c1: 0x000c, 0x28c2: 0x000c, 0x28c3: 0x000c, 0x28c4: 0x000c, 0x28c5: 0x000c, + 0x28c6: 0x000c, + 0x28d2: 0x000a, 0x28d3: 0x000a, 0x28d4: 0x000a, 0x28d5: 0x000a, 0x28d6: 0x000a, 0x28d7: 0x000a, + 0x28d8: 0x000a, 0x28d9: 0x000a, 0x28da: 0x000a, 0x28db: 0x000a, 0x28dc: 0x000a, 0x28dd: 0x000a, + 0x28de: 0x000a, 0x28df: 0x000a, 0x28e0: 0x000a, 0x28e1: 0x000a, 0x28e2: 0x000a, 0x28e3: 0x000a, + 0x28e4: 0x000a, 0x28e5: 0x000a, + 0x28ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x2900 + 0x2900: 0x000c, 0x2901: 0x000c, + 0x2933: 0x000c, 0x2934: 0x000c, 0x2935: 0x000c, + 0x2936: 0x000c, 0x2939: 0x000c, 0x293a: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x2940 + 0x2940: 0x000c, 0x2941: 0x000c, 0x2942: 0x000c, + 0x2967: 0x000c, 0x2968: 0x000c, 0x2969: 0x000c, + 0x296a: 0x000c, 0x296b: 0x000c, 0x296d: 0x000c, 0x296e: 0x000c, 0x296f: 0x000c, + 0x2970: 0x000c, 0x2971: 0x000c, 0x2972: 0x000c, 0x2973: 0x000c, 0x2974: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x2980 + 0x29b3: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x29c0 + 0x29c0: 0x000c, 0x29c1: 0x000c, + 0x29f6: 0x000c, 0x29f7: 0x000c, 0x29f8: 0x000c, 0x29f9: 0x000c, 0x29fa: 0x000c, 0x29fb: 0x000c, + 0x29fc: 0x000c, 0x29fd: 0x000c, 0x29fe: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x2a00 + 0x2a0a: 0x000c, 0x2a0b: 0x000c, + 0x2a0c: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x2a40 + 0x2a6f: 0x000c, + 0x2a70: 0x000c, 0x2a71: 0x000c, 0x2a74: 0x000c, + 0x2a76: 0x000c, 0x2a77: 0x000c, + 0x2a7e: 0x000c, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x2a80 + 0x2a9f: 0x000c, 0x2aa3: 0x000c, + 0x2aa4: 0x000c, 0x2aa5: 0x000c, 0x2aa6: 0x000c, 0x2aa7: 0x000c, 0x2aa8: 0x000c, 0x2aa9: 0x000c, + 0x2aaa: 0x000c, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x2ac0 + 0x2ac0: 0x000c, 0x2ac1: 0x000c, + 0x2afc: 0x000c, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x2b00 + 0x2b00: 0x000c, + 0x2b26: 0x000c, 0x2b27: 0x000c, 0x2b28: 0x000c, 0x2b29: 0x000c, + 0x2b2a: 0x000c, 0x2b2b: 0x000c, 0x2b2c: 0x000c, + 0x2b30: 0x000c, 0x2b31: 0x000c, 0x2b32: 0x000c, 0x2b33: 0x000c, 0x2b34: 0x000c, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x2b40 + 0x2b78: 0x000c, 0x2b79: 0x000c, 0x2b7a: 0x000c, 0x2b7b: 0x000c, + 0x2b7c: 0x000c, 0x2b7d: 0x000c, 0x2b7e: 0x000c, 0x2b7f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x2b80 + 0x2b82: 0x000c, 0x2b83: 0x000c, 0x2b84: 0x000c, + 0x2b86: 0x000c, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x2bc0 + 0x2bf3: 0x000c, 0x2bf4: 0x000c, 0x2bf5: 0x000c, + 0x2bf6: 0x000c, 0x2bf7: 0x000c, 0x2bf8: 0x000c, 0x2bfa: 0x000c, + 0x2bff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x2c00 + 0x2c00: 0x000c, 0x2c02: 0x000c, 0x2c03: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x2c40 + 0x2c72: 0x000c, 0x2c73: 0x000c, 0x2c74: 0x000c, 0x2c75: 0x000c, + 0x2c7c: 0x000c, 0x2c7d: 0x000c, 0x2c7f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x2c80 + 0x2c80: 0x000c, + 0x2c9c: 0x000c, 0x2c9d: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x2cc0 + 0x2cf3: 0x000c, 0x2cf4: 0x000c, 0x2cf5: 0x000c, + 0x2cf6: 0x000c, 0x2cf7: 0x000c, 0x2cf8: 0x000c, 0x2cf9: 0x000c, 0x2cfa: 0x000c, + 0x2cfd: 0x000c, 0x2cff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x2d00 + 0x2d00: 0x000c, + 0x2d20: 0x000a, 0x2d21: 0x000a, 0x2d22: 0x000a, 0x2d23: 0x000a, + 0x2d24: 0x000a, 0x2d25: 0x000a, 0x2d26: 0x000a, 0x2d27: 0x000a, 0x2d28: 0x000a, 0x2d29: 0x000a, + 0x2d2a: 0x000a, 0x2d2b: 0x000a, 0x2d2c: 0x000a, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x2d40 + 0x2d6b: 0x000c, 0x2d6d: 0x000c, + 0x2d70: 0x000c, 0x2d71: 0x000c, 0x2d72: 0x000c, 0x2d73: 0x000c, 0x2d74: 0x000c, 0x2d75: 0x000c, + 0x2d77: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x2d80 + 0x2d9d: 0x000c, + 0x2d9e: 0x000c, 0x2d9f: 0x000c, 0x2da2: 0x000c, 0x2da3: 0x000c, + 0x2da4: 0x000c, 0x2da5: 0x000c, 0x2da7: 0x000c, 0x2da8: 0x000c, 0x2da9: 0x000c, + 0x2daa: 0x000c, 0x2dab: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x2dc0 + 0x2dc1: 0x000c, 0x2dc2: 0x000c, 0x2dc3: 0x000c, 0x2dc4: 0x000c, 0x2dc5: 0x000c, + 0x2dc6: 0x000c, 0x2dc9: 0x000c, 0x2dca: 0x000c, + 0x2df3: 0x000c, 0x2df4: 0x000c, 0x2df5: 0x000c, + 0x2df6: 0x000c, 0x2df7: 0x000c, 0x2df8: 0x000c, 0x2dfb: 0x000c, + 0x2dfc: 0x000c, 0x2dfd: 0x000c, 0x2dfe: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x2e00 + 0x2e07: 0x000c, + 0x2e11: 0x000c, + 0x2e12: 0x000c, 0x2e13: 0x000c, 0x2e14: 0x000c, 0x2e15: 0x000c, 0x2e16: 0x000c, + 0x2e19: 0x000c, 0x2e1a: 0x000c, 0x2e1b: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x2e40 + 0x2e4a: 0x000c, 0x2e4b: 0x000c, + 0x2e4c: 0x000c, 0x2e4d: 0x000c, 0x2e4e: 0x000c, 0x2e4f: 0x000c, 0x2e50: 0x000c, 0x2e51: 0x000c, + 0x2e52: 0x000c, 0x2e53: 0x000c, 0x2e54: 0x000c, 0x2e55: 0x000c, 0x2e56: 0x000c, + 0x2e58: 0x000c, 0x2e59: 0x000c, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x2e80 + 0x2eb0: 0x000c, 0x2eb1: 0x000c, 0x2eb2: 0x000c, 0x2eb3: 0x000c, 0x2eb4: 0x000c, 0x2eb5: 0x000c, + 0x2eb6: 0x000c, 0x2eb8: 0x000c, 0x2eb9: 0x000c, 0x2eba: 0x000c, 0x2ebb: 0x000c, + 0x2ebc: 0x000c, 0x2ebd: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x2ec0 + 0x2ed2: 0x000c, 0x2ed3: 0x000c, 0x2ed4: 0x000c, 0x2ed5: 0x000c, 0x2ed6: 0x000c, 0x2ed7: 0x000c, + 0x2ed8: 0x000c, 0x2ed9: 0x000c, 0x2eda: 0x000c, 0x2edb: 0x000c, 0x2edc: 0x000c, 0x2edd: 0x000c, + 0x2ede: 0x000c, 0x2edf: 0x000c, 0x2ee0: 0x000c, 0x2ee1: 0x000c, 0x2ee2: 0x000c, 0x2ee3: 0x000c, + 0x2ee4: 0x000c, 0x2ee5: 0x000c, 0x2ee6: 0x000c, 0x2ee7: 0x000c, + 0x2eea: 0x000c, 0x2eeb: 0x000c, 0x2eec: 0x000c, 0x2eed: 0x000c, 0x2eee: 0x000c, 0x2eef: 0x000c, + 0x2ef0: 0x000c, 0x2ef2: 0x000c, 0x2ef3: 0x000c, 0x2ef5: 0x000c, + 0x2ef6: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x2f00 + 0x2f31: 0x000c, 0x2f32: 0x000c, 0x2f33: 0x000c, 0x2f34: 0x000c, 0x2f35: 0x000c, + 0x2f36: 0x000c, 0x2f3a: 0x000c, + 0x2f3c: 0x000c, 0x2f3d: 0x000c, 0x2f3f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x2f40 + 0x2f40: 0x000c, 0x2f41: 0x000c, 0x2f42: 0x000c, 0x2f43: 0x000c, 0x2f44: 0x000c, 0x2f45: 0x000c, + 0x2f47: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x2f80 + 0x2fb0: 0x000c, 0x2fb1: 0x000c, 0x2fb2: 0x000c, 0x2fb3: 0x000c, 0x2fb4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x2fc0 + 0x2ff0: 0x000c, 0x2ff1: 0x000c, 0x2ff2: 0x000c, 0x2ff3: 0x000c, 0x2ff4: 0x000c, 0x2ff5: 0x000c, + 0x2ff6: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x3000 + 0x300f: 0x000c, 0x3010: 0x000c, 0x3011: 0x000c, + 0x3012: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x3040 + 0x305d: 0x000c, + 0x305e: 0x000c, 0x3060: 0x000b, 0x3061: 0x000b, 0x3062: 0x000b, 0x3063: 0x000b, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x3080 + 0x30a7: 0x000c, 0x30a8: 0x000c, 0x30a9: 0x000c, + 0x30b3: 0x000b, 0x30b4: 0x000b, 0x30b5: 0x000b, + 0x30b6: 0x000b, 0x30b7: 0x000b, 0x30b8: 0x000b, 0x30b9: 0x000b, 0x30ba: 0x000b, 0x30bb: 0x000c, + 0x30bc: 0x000c, 0x30bd: 0x000c, 0x30be: 0x000c, 0x30bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x30c0 + 0x30c0: 0x000c, 0x30c1: 0x000c, 0x30c2: 0x000c, 0x30c5: 0x000c, + 0x30c6: 0x000c, 0x30c7: 0x000c, 0x30c8: 0x000c, 0x30c9: 0x000c, 0x30ca: 0x000c, 0x30cb: 0x000c, + 0x30ea: 0x000c, 0x30eb: 0x000c, 0x30ec: 0x000c, 0x30ed: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x3100 + 0x3100: 0x000a, 0x3101: 0x000a, 0x3102: 0x000c, 0x3103: 0x000c, 0x3104: 0x000c, 0x3105: 0x000a, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x3140 + 0x3140: 0x000a, 0x3141: 0x000a, 0x3142: 0x000a, 0x3143: 0x000a, 0x3144: 0x000a, 0x3145: 0x000a, + 0x3146: 0x000a, 0x3147: 0x000a, 0x3148: 0x000a, 0x3149: 0x000a, 0x314a: 0x000a, 0x314b: 0x000a, + 0x314c: 0x000a, 0x314d: 0x000a, 0x314e: 0x000a, 0x314f: 0x000a, 0x3150: 0x000a, 0x3151: 0x000a, + 0x3152: 0x000a, 0x3153: 0x000a, 0x3154: 0x000a, 0x3155: 0x000a, 0x3156: 0x000a, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x3180 + 0x319b: 0x000a, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x31c0 + 0x31d5: 0x000a, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x3200 + 0x320f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x3240 + 0x3249: 0x000a, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x3280 + 0x3283: 0x000a, + 0x328e: 0x0002, 0x328f: 0x0002, 0x3290: 0x0002, 0x3291: 0x0002, + 0x3292: 0x0002, 0x3293: 0x0002, 0x3294: 0x0002, 0x3295: 0x0002, 0x3296: 0x0002, 0x3297: 0x0002, + 0x3298: 0x0002, 0x3299: 0x0002, 0x329a: 0x0002, 0x329b: 0x0002, 0x329c: 0x0002, 0x329d: 0x0002, + 0x329e: 0x0002, 0x329f: 0x0002, 0x32a0: 0x0002, 0x32a1: 0x0002, 0x32a2: 0x0002, 0x32a3: 0x0002, + 0x32a4: 0x0002, 0x32a5: 0x0002, 0x32a6: 0x0002, 0x32a7: 0x0002, 0x32a8: 0x0002, 0x32a9: 0x0002, + 0x32aa: 0x0002, 0x32ab: 0x0002, 0x32ac: 0x0002, 0x32ad: 0x0002, 0x32ae: 0x0002, 0x32af: 0x0002, + 0x32b0: 0x0002, 0x32b1: 0x0002, 0x32b2: 0x0002, 0x32b3: 0x0002, 0x32b4: 0x0002, 0x32b5: 0x0002, + 0x32b6: 0x0002, 0x32b7: 0x0002, 0x32b8: 0x0002, 0x32b9: 0x0002, 0x32ba: 0x0002, 0x32bb: 0x0002, + 0x32bc: 0x0002, 0x32bd: 0x0002, 0x32be: 0x0002, 0x32bf: 0x0002, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x32c0 + 0x32c0: 0x000c, 0x32c1: 0x000c, 0x32c2: 0x000c, 0x32c3: 0x000c, 0x32c4: 0x000c, 0x32c5: 0x000c, + 0x32c6: 0x000c, 0x32c7: 0x000c, 0x32c8: 0x000c, 0x32c9: 0x000c, 0x32ca: 0x000c, 0x32cb: 0x000c, + 0x32cc: 0x000c, 0x32cd: 0x000c, 0x32ce: 0x000c, 0x32cf: 0x000c, 0x32d0: 0x000c, 0x32d1: 0x000c, + 0x32d2: 0x000c, 0x32d3: 0x000c, 0x32d4: 0x000c, 0x32d5: 0x000c, 0x32d6: 0x000c, 0x32d7: 0x000c, + 0x32d8: 0x000c, 0x32d9: 0x000c, 0x32da: 0x000c, 0x32db: 0x000c, 0x32dc: 0x000c, 0x32dd: 0x000c, + 0x32de: 0x000c, 0x32df: 0x000c, 0x32e0: 0x000c, 0x32e1: 0x000c, 0x32e2: 0x000c, 0x32e3: 0x000c, + 0x32e4: 0x000c, 0x32e5: 0x000c, 0x32e6: 0x000c, 0x32e7: 0x000c, 0x32e8: 0x000c, 0x32e9: 0x000c, + 0x32ea: 0x000c, 0x32eb: 0x000c, 0x32ec: 0x000c, 0x32ed: 0x000c, 0x32ee: 0x000c, 0x32ef: 0x000c, + 0x32f0: 0x000c, 0x32f1: 0x000c, 0x32f2: 0x000c, 0x32f3: 0x000c, 0x32f4: 0x000c, 0x32f5: 0x000c, + 0x32f6: 0x000c, 0x32fb: 0x000c, + 0x32fc: 0x000c, 0x32fd: 0x000c, 0x32fe: 0x000c, 0x32ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x3300 + 0x3300: 0x000c, 0x3301: 0x000c, 0x3302: 0x000c, 0x3303: 0x000c, 0x3304: 0x000c, 0x3305: 0x000c, + 0x3306: 0x000c, 0x3307: 0x000c, 0x3308: 0x000c, 0x3309: 0x000c, 0x330a: 0x000c, 0x330b: 0x000c, + 0x330c: 0x000c, 0x330d: 0x000c, 0x330e: 0x000c, 0x330f: 0x000c, 0x3310: 0x000c, 0x3311: 0x000c, + 0x3312: 0x000c, 0x3313: 0x000c, 0x3314: 0x000c, 0x3315: 0x000c, 0x3316: 0x000c, 0x3317: 0x000c, + 0x3318: 0x000c, 0x3319: 0x000c, 0x331a: 0x000c, 0x331b: 0x000c, 0x331c: 0x000c, 0x331d: 0x000c, + 0x331e: 0x000c, 0x331f: 0x000c, 0x3320: 0x000c, 0x3321: 0x000c, 0x3322: 0x000c, 0x3323: 0x000c, + 0x3324: 0x000c, 0x3325: 0x000c, 0x3326: 0x000c, 0x3327: 0x000c, 0x3328: 0x000c, 0x3329: 0x000c, + 0x332a: 0x000c, 0x332b: 0x000c, 0x332c: 0x000c, + 0x3335: 0x000c, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x3340 + 0x3344: 0x000c, + 0x335b: 0x000c, 0x335c: 0x000c, 0x335d: 0x000c, + 0x335e: 0x000c, 0x335f: 0x000c, 0x3361: 0x000c, 0x3362: 0x000c, 0x3363: 0x000c, + 0x3364: 0x000c, 0x3365: 0x000c, 0x3366: 0x000c, 0x3367: 0x000c, 0x3368: 0x000c, 0x3369: 0x000c, + 0x336a: 0x000c, 0x336b: 0x000c, 0x336c: 0x000c, 0x336d: 0x000c, 0x336e: 0x000c, 0x336f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x3380 + 0x3380: 0x000c, 0x3381: 0x000c, 0x3382: 0x000c, 0x3383: 0x000c, 0x3384: 0x000c, 0x3385: 0x000c, + 0x3386: 0x000c, 0x3388: 0x000c, 0x3389: 0x000c, 0x338a: 0x000c, 0x338b: 0x000c, + 0x338c: 0x000c, 0x338d: 0x000c, 0x338e: 0x000c, 0x338f: 0x000c, 0x3390: 0x000c, 0x3391: 0x000c, + 0x3392: 0x000c, 0x3393: 0x000c, 0x3394: 0x000c, 0x3395: 0x000c, 0x3396: 0x000c, 0x3397: 0x000c, + 0x3398: 0x000c, 0x339b: 0x000c, 0x339c: 0x000c, 0x339d: 0x000c, + 0x339e: 0x000c, 0x339f: 0x000c, 0x33a0: 0x000c, 0x33a1: 0x000c, 0x33a3: 0x000c, + 0x33a4: 0x000c, 0x33a6: 0x000c, 0x33a7: 0x000c, 0x33a8: 0x000c, 0x33a9: 0x000c, + 0x33aa: 0x000c, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x33c0 + 0x33c0: 0x0001, 0x33c1: 0x0001, 0x33c2: 0x0001, 0x33c3: 0x0001, 0x33c4: 0x0001, 0x33c5: 0x0001, + 0x33c6: 0x0001, 0x33c7: 0x0001, 0x33c8: 0x0001, 0x33c9: 0x0001, 0x33ca: 0x0001, 0x33cb: 0x0001, + 0x33cc: 0x0001, 0x33cd: 0x0001, 0x33ce: 0x0001, 0x33cf: 0x0001, 0x33d0: 0x000c, 0x33d1: 0x000c, + 0x33d2: 0x000c, 0x33d3: 0x000c, 0x33d4: 0x000c, 0x33d5: 0x000c, 0x33d6: 0x000c, 0x33d7: 0x0001, + 0x33d8: 0x0001, 0x33d9: 0x0001, 0x33da: 0x0001, 0x33db: 0x0001, 0x33dc: 0x0001, 0x33dd: 0x0001, + 0x33de: 0x0001, 0x33df: 0x0001, 0x33e0: 0x0001, 0x33e1: 0x0001, 0x33e2: 0x0001, 0x33e3: 0x0001, + 0x33e4: 0x0001, 0x33e5: 0x0001, 0x33e6: 0x0001, 0x33e7: 0x0001, 0x33e8: 0x0001, 0x33e9: 0x0001, + 0x33ea: 0x0001, 0x33eb: 0x0001, 0x33ec: 0x0001, 0x33ed: 0x0001, 0x33ee: 0x0001, 0x33ef: 0x0001, + 0x33f0: 0x0001, 0x33f1: 0x0001, 0x33f2: 0x0001, 0x33f3: 0x0001, 0x33f4: 0x0001, 0x33f5: 0x0001, + 0x33f6: 0x0001, 0x33f7: 0x0001, 0x33f8: 0x0001, 0x33f9: 0x0001, 0x33fa: 0x0001, 0x33fb: 0x0001, + 0x33fc: 0x0001, 0x33fd: 0x0001, 0x33fe: 0x0001, 0x33ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x3400 + 0x3400: 0x0001, 0x3401: 0x0001, 0x3402: 0x0001, 0x3403: 0x0001, 0x3404: 0x000c, 0x3405: 0x000c, + 0x3406: 0x000c, 0x3407: 0x000c, 0x3408: 0x000c, 0x3409: 0x000c, 0x340a: 0x000c, 0x340b: 0x0001, + 0x340c: 0x0001, 0x340d: 0x0001, 0x340e: 0x0001, 0x340f: 0x0001, 0x3410: 0x0001, 0x3411: 0x0001, + 0x3412: 0x0001, 0x3413: 0x0001, 0x3414: 0x0001, 0x3415: 0x0001, 0x3416: 0x0001, 0x3417: 0x0001, + 0x3418: 0x0001, 0x3419: 0x0001, 0x341a: 0x0001, 0x341b: 0x0001, 0x341c: 0x0001, 0x341d: 0x0001, + 0x341e: 0x0001, 0x341f: 0x0001, 0x3420: 0x0001, 0x3421: 0x0001, 0x3422: 0x0001, 0x3423: 0x0001, + 0x3424: 0x0001, 0x3425: 0x0001, 0x3426: 0x0001, 0x3427: 0x0001, 0x3428: 0x0001, 0x3429: 0x0001, + 0x342a: 0x0001, 0x342b: 0x0001, 0x342c: 0x0001, 0x342d: 0x0001, 0x342e: 0x0001, 0x342f: 0x0001, + 0x3430: 0x0001, 0x3431: 0x0001, 0x3432: 0x0001, 0x3433: 0x0001, 0x3434: 0x0001, 0x3435: 0x0001, + 0x3436: 0x0001, 0x3437: 0x0001, 0x3438: 0x0001, 0x3439: 0x0001, 0x343a: 0x0001, 0x343b: 0x0001, + 0x343c: 0x0001, 0x343d: 0x0001, 0x343e: 0x0001, 0x343f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x3440 + 0x3440: 0x000d, 0x3441: 0x000d, 0x3442: 0x000d, 0x3443: 0x000d, 0x3444: 0x000d, 0x3445: 0x000d, + 0x3446: 0x000d, 0x3447: 0x000d, 0x3448: 0x000d, 0x3449: 0x000d, 0x344a: 0x000d, 0x344b: 0x000d, + 0x344c: 0x000d, 0x344d: 0x000d, 0x344e: 0x000d, 0x344f: 0x000d, 0x3450: 0x000d, 0x3451: 0x000d, + 0x3452: 0x000d, 0x3453: 0x000d, 0x3454: 0x000d, 0x3455: 0x000d, 0x3456: 0x000d, 0x3457: 0x000d, + 0x3458: 0x000d, 0x3459: 0x000d, 0x345a: 0x000d, 0x345b: 0x000d, 0x345c: 0x000d, 0x345d: 0x000d, + 0x345e: 0x000d, 0x345f: 0x000d, 0x3460: 0x000d, 0x3461: 0x000d, 0x3462: 0x000d, 0x3463: 0x000d, + 0x3464: 0x000d, 0x3465: 0x000d, 0x3466: 0x000d, 0x3467: 0x000d, 0x3468: 0x000d, 0x3469: 0x000d, + 0x346a: 0x000d, 0x346b: 0x000d, 0x346c: 0x000d, 0x346d: 0x000d, 0x346e: 0x000d, 0x346f: 0x000d, + 0x3470: 0x000a, 0x3471: 0x000a, 0x3472: 0x000d, 0x3473: 0x000d, 0x3474: 0x000d, 0x3475: 0x000d, + 0x3476: 0x000d, 0x3477: 0x000d, 0x3478: 0x000d, 0x3479: 0x000d, 0x347a: 0x000d, 0x347b: 0x000d, + 0x347c: 0x000d, 0x347d: 0x000d, 0x347e: 0x000d, 0x347f: 0x000d, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x3480 + 0x3480: 0x000a, 0x3481: 0x000a, 0x3482: 0x000a, 0x3483: 0x000a, 0x3484: 0x000a, 0x3485: 0x000a, + 0x3486: 0x000a, 0x3487: 0x000a, 0x3488: 0x000a, 0x3489: 0x000a, 0x348a: 0x000a, 0x348b: 0x000a, + 0x348c: 0x000a, 0x348d: 0x000a, 0x348e: 0x000a, 0x348f: 0x000a, 0x3490: 0x000a, 0x3491: 0x000a, + 0x3492: 0x000a, 0x3493: 0x000a, 0x3494: 0x000a, 0x3495: 0x000a, 0x3496: 0x000a, 0x3497: 0x000a, + 0x3498: 0x000a, 0x3499: 0x000a, 0x349a: 0x000a, 0x349b: 0x000a, 0x349c: 0x000a, 0x349d: 0x000a, + 0x349e: 0x000a, 0x349f: 0x000a, 0x34a0: 0x000a, 0x34a1: 0x000a, 0x34a2: 0x000a, 0x34a3: 0x000a, + 0x34a4: 0x000a, 0x34a5: 0x000a, 0x34a6: 0x000a, 0x34a7: 0x000a, 0x34a8: 0x000a, 0x34a9: 0x000a, + 0x34aa: 0x000a, 0x34ab: 0x000a, + 0x34b0: 0x000a, 0x34b1: 0x000a, 0x34b2: 0x000a, 0x34b3: 0x000a, 0x34b4: 0x000a, 0x34b5: 0x000a, + 0x34b6: 0x000a, 0x34b7: 0x000a, 0x34b8: 0x000a, 0x34b9: 0x000a, 0x34ba: 0x000a, 0x34bb: 0x000a, + 0x34bc: 0x000a, 0x34bd: 0x000a, 0x34be: 0x000a, 0x34bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x34c0 + 0x34c0: 0x000a, 0x34c1: 0x000a, 0x34c2: 0x000a, 0x34c3: 0x000a, 0x34c4: 0x000a, 0x34c5: 0x000a, + 0x34c6: 0x000a, 0x34c7: 0x000a, 0x34c8: 0x000a, 0x34c9: 0x000a, 0x34ca: 0x000a, 0x34cb: 0x000a, + 0x34cc: 0x000a, 0x34cd: 0x000a, 0x34ce: 0x000a, 0x34cf: 0x000a, 0x34d0: 0x000a, 0x34d1: 0x000a, + 0x34d2: 0x000a, 0x34d3: 0x000a, + 0x34e0: 0x000a, 0x34e1: 0x000a, 0x34e2: 0x000a, 0x34e3: 0x000a, + 0x34e4: 0x000a, 0x34e5: 0x000a, 0x34e6: 0x000a, 0x34e7: 0x000a, 0x34e8: 0x000a, 0x34e9: 0x000a, + 0x34ea: 0x000a, 0x34eb: 0x000a, 0x34ec: 0x000a, 0x34ed: 0x000a, 0x34ee: 0x000a, + 0x34f1: 0x000a, 0x34f2: 0x000a, 0x34f3: 0x000a, 0x34f4: 0x000a, 0x34f5: 0x000a, + 0x34f6: 0x000a, 0x34f7: 0x000a, 0x34f8: 0x000a, 0x34f9: 0x000a, 0x34fa: 0x000a, 0x34fb: 0x000a, + 0x34fc: 0x000a, 0x34fd: 0x000a, 0x34fe: 0x000a, 0x34ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x3500 + 0x3501: 0x000a, 0x3502: 0x000a, 0x3503: 0x000a, 0x3504: 0x000a, 0x3505: 0x000a, + 0x3506: 0x000a, 0x3507: 0x000a, 0x3508: 0x000a, 0x3509: 0x000a, 0x350a: 0x000a, 0x350b: 0x000a, + 0x350c: 0x000a, 0x350d: 0x000a, 0x350e: 0x000a, 0x350f: 0x000a, 0x3511: 0x000a, + 0x3512: 0x000a, 0x3513: 0x000a, 0x3514: 0x000a, 0x3515: 0x000a, 0x3516: 0x000a, 0x3517: 0x000a, + 0x3518: 0x000a, 0x3519: 0x000a, 0x351a: 0x000a, 0x351b: 0x000a, 0x351c: 0x000a, 0x351d: 0x000a, + 0x351e: 0x000a, 0x351f: 0x000a, 0x3520: 0x000a, 0x3521: 0x000a, 0x3522: 0x000a, 0x3523: 0x000a, + 0x3524: 0x000a, 0x3525: 0x000a, 0x3526: 0x000a, 0x3527: 0x000a, 0x3528: 0x000a, 0x3529: 0x000a, + 0x352a: 0x000a, 0x352b: 0x000a, 0x352c: 0x000a, 0x352d: 0x000a, 0x352e: 0x000a, 0x352f: 0x000a, + 0x3530: 0x000a, 0x3531: 0x000a, 0x3532: 0x000a, 0x3533: 0x000a, 0x3534: 0x000a, 0x3535: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x3540 + 0x3540: 0x0002, 0x3541: 0x0002, 0x3542: 0x0002, 0x3543: 0x0002, 0x3544: 0x0002, 0x3545: 0x0002, + 0x3546: 0x0002, 0x3547: 0x0002, 0x3548: 0x0002, 0x3549: 0x0002, 0x354a: 0x0002, 0x354b: 0x000a, + 0x354c: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x3580 + 0x35aa: 0x000a, 0x35ab: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x35c0 + 0x35e0: 0x000a, 0x35e1: 0x000a, 0x35e2: 0x000a, 0x35e3: 0x000a, + 0x35e4: 0x000a, 0x35e5: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x3600 + 0x3600: 0x000a, 0x3601: 0x000a, 0x3602: 0x000a, 0x3603: 0x000a, 0x3604: 0x000a, 0x3605: 0x000a, + 0x3606: 0x000a, 0x3607: 0x000a, 0x3608: 0x000a, 0x3609: 0x000a, 0x360a: 0x000a, 0x360b: 0x000a, + 0x360c: 0x000a, 0x360d: 0x000a, 0x360e: 0x000a, 0x360f: 0x000a, 0x3610: 0x000a, 0x3611: 0x000a, + 0x3612: 0x000a, 0x3613: 0x000a, 0x3614: 0x000a, + 0x3620: 0x000a, 0x3621: 0x000a, 0x3622: 0x000a, 0x3623: 0x000a, + 0x3624: 0x000a, 0x3625: 0x000a, 0x3626: 0x000a, 0x3627: 0x000a, 0x3628: 0x000a, 0x3629: 0x000a, + 0x362a: 0x000a, 0x362b: 0x000a, 0x362c: 0x000a, + 0x3630: 0x000a, 0x3631: 0x000a, 0x3632: 0x000a, 0x3633: 0x000a, 0x3634: 0x000a, 0x3635: 0x000a, + 0x3636: 0x000a, 0x3637: 0x000a, 0x3638: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x3640 + 0x3640: 0x000a, 0x3641: 0x000a, 0x3642: 0x000a, 0x3643: 0x000a, 0x3644: 0x000a, 0x3645: 0x000a, + 0x3646: 0x000a, 0x3647: 0x000a, 0x3648: 0x000a, 0x3649: 0x000a, 0x364a: 0x000a, 0x364b: 0x000a, + 0x364c: 0x000a, 0x364d: 0x000a, 0x364e: 0x000a, 0x364f: 0x000a, 0x3650: 0x000a, 0x3651: 0x000a, + 0x3652: 0x000a, 0x3653: 0x000a, 0x3654: 0x000a, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x3680 + 0x3680: 0x000a, 0x3681: 0x000a, 0x3682: 0x000a, 0x3683: 0x000a, 0x3684: 0x000a, 0x3685: 0x000a, + 0x3686: 0x000a, 0x3687: 0x000a, 0x3688: 0x000a, 0x3689: 0x000a, 0x368a: 0x000a, 0x368b: 0x000a, + 0x3690: 0x000a, 0x3691: 0x000a, + 0x3692: 0x000a, 0x3693: 0x000a, 0x3694: 0x000a, 0x3695: 0x000a, 0x3696: 0x000a, 0x3697: 0x000a, + 0x3698: 0x000a, 0x3699: 0x000a, 0x369a: 0x000a, 0x369b: 0x000a, 0x369c: 0x000a, 0x369d: 0x000a, + 0x369e: 0x000a, 0x369f: 0x000a, 0x36a0: 0x000a, 0x36a1: 0x000a, 0x36a2: 0x000a, 0x36a3: 0x000a, + 0x36a4: 0x000a, 0x36a5: 0x000a, 0x36a6: 0x000a, 0x36a7: 0x000a, 0x36a8: 0x000a, 0x36a9: 0x000a, + 0x36aa: 0x000a, 0x36ab: 0x000a, 0x36ac: 0x000a, 0x36ad: 0x000a, 0x36ae: 0x000a, 0x36af: 0x000a, + 0x36b0: 0x000a, 0x36b1: 0x000a, 0x36b2: 0x000a, 0x36b3: 0x000a, 0x36b4: 0x000a, 0x36b5: 0x000a, + 0x36b6: 0x000a, 0x36b7: 0x000a, 0x36b8: 0x000a, 0x36b9: 0x000a, 0x36ba: 0x000a, 0x36bb: 0x000a, + 0x36bc: 0x000a, 0x36bd: 0x000a, 0x36be: 0x000a, 0x36bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x36c0 + 0x36c0: 0x000a, 0x36c1: 0x000a, 0x36c2: 0x000a, 0x36c3: 0x000a, 0x36c4: 0x000a, 0x36c5: 0x000a, + 0x36c6: 0x000a, 0x36c7: 0x000a, + 0x36d0: 0x000a, 0x36d1: 0x000a, + 0x36d2: 0x000a, 0x36d3: 0x000a, 0x36d4: 0x000a, 0x36d5: 0x000a, 0x36d6: 0x000a, 0x36d7: 0x000a, + 0x36d8: 0x000a, 0x36d9: 0x000a, + 0x36e0: 0x000a, 0x36e1: 0x000a, 0x36e2: 0x000a, 0x36e3: 0x000a, + 0x36e4: 0x000a, 0x36e5: 0x000a, 0x36e6: 0x000a, 0x36e7: 0x000a, 0x36e8: 0x000a, 0x36e9: 0x000a, + 0x36ea: 0x000a, 0x36eb: 0x000a, 0x36ec: 0x000a, 0x36ed: 0x000a, 0x36ee: 0x000a, 0x36ef: 0x000a, + 0x36f0: 0x000a, 0x36f1: 0x000a, 0x36f2: 0x000a, 0x36f3: 0x000a, 0x36f4: 0x000a, 0x36f5: 0x000a, + 0x36f6: 0x000a, 0x36f7: 0x000a, 0x36f8: 0x000a, 0x36f9: 0x000a, 0x36fa: 0x000a, 0x36fb: 0x000a, + 0x36fc: 0x000a, 0x36fd: 0x000a, 0x36fe: 0x000a, 0x36ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x3700 + 0x3700: 0x000a, 0x3701: 0x000a, 0x3702: 0x000a, 0x3703: 0x000a, 0x3704: 0x000a, 0x3705: 0x000a, + 0x3706: 0x000a, 0x3707: 0x000a, + 0x3710: 0x000a, 0x3711: 0x000a, + 0x3712: 0x000a, 0x3713: 0x000a, 0x3714: 0x000a, 0x3715: 0x000a, 0x3716: 0x000a, 0x3717: 0x000a, + 0x3718: 0x000a, 0x3719: 0x000a, 0x371a: 0x000a, 0x371b: 0x000a, 0x371c: 0x000a, 0x371d: 0x000a, + 0x371e: 0x000a, 0x371f: 0x000a, 0x3720: 0x000a, 0x3721: 0x000a, 0x3722: 0x000a, 0x3723: 0x000a, + 0x3724: 0x000a, 0x3725: 0x000a, 0x3726: 0x000a, 0x3727: 0x000a, 0x3728: 0x000a, 0x3729: 0x000a, + 0x372a: 0x000a, 0x372b: 0x000a, 0x372c: 0x000a, 0x372d: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x3740 + 0x3740: 0x000a, 0x3741: 0x000a, 0x3742: 0x000a, 0x3743: 0x000a, 0x3744: 0x000a, 0x3745: 0x000a, + 0x3746: 0x000a, 0x3747: 0x000a, 0x3748: 0x000a, 0x3749: 0x000a, 0x374a: 0x000a, 0x374b: 0x000a, + 0x3750: 0x000a, 0x3751: 0x000a, + 0x3752: 0x000a, 0x3753: 0x000a, 0x3754: 0x000a, 0x3755: 0x000a, 0x3756: 0x000a, 0x3757: 0x000a, + 0x3758: 0x000a, 0x3759: 0x000a, 0x375a: 0x000a, 0x375b: 0x000a, 0x375c: 0x000a, 0x375d: 0x000a, + 0x375e: 0x000a, 0x375f: 0x000a, 0x3760: 0x000a, 0x3761: 0x000a, 0x3762: 0x000a, 0x3763: 0x000a, + 0x3764: 0x000a, 0x3765: 0x000a, 0x3766: 0x000a, 0x3767: 0x000a, 0x3768: 0x000a, 0x3769: 0x000a, + 0x376a: 0x000a, 0x376b: 0x000a, 0x376c: 0x000a, 0x376d: 0x000a, 0x376e: 0x000a, 0x376f: 0x000a, + 0x3770: 0x000a, 0x3771: 0x000a, 0x3772: 0x000a, 0x3773: 0x000a, 0x3774: 0x000a, 0x3775: 0x000a, + 0x3776: 0x000a, 0x3777: 0x000a, 0x3778: 0x000a, 0x3779: 0x000a, 0x377a: 0x000a, 0x377b: 0x000a, + 0x377c: 0x000a, 0x377d: 0x000a, 0x377e: 0x000a, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x3780 + 0x3780: 0x000a, 0x3781: 0x000a, 0x3782: 0x000a, 0x3783: 0x000a, 0x3784: 0x000a, 0x3785: 0x000a, + 0x3786: 0x000a, 0x3787: 0x000a, 0x3788: 0x000a, 0x3789: 0x000a, 0x378a: 0x000a, 0x378b: 0x000a, + 0x378c: 0x000a, 0x3790: 0x000a, 0x3791: 0x000a, + 0x3792: 0x000a, 0x3793: 0x000a, 0x3794: 0x000a, 0x3795: 0x000a, 0x3796: 0x000a, 0x3797: 0x000a, + 0x3798: 0x000a, 0x3799: 0x000a, 0x379a: 0x000a, 0x379b: 0x000a, 0x379c: 0x000a, 0x379d: 0x000a, + 0x379e: 0x000a, 0x379f: 0x000a, 0x37a0: 0x000a, 0x37a1: 0x000a, 0x37a2: 0x000a, 0x37a3: 0x000a, + 0x37a4: 0x000a, 0x37a5: 0x000a, 0x37a6: 0x000a, 0x37a7: 0x000a, 0x37a8: 0x000a, 0x37a9: 0x000a, + 0x37aa: 0x000a, 0x37ab: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x37c0 + 0x37c0: 0x000a, 0x37c1: 0x000a, 0x37c2: 0x000a, 0x37c3: 0x000a, 0x37c4: 0x000a, 0x37c5: 0x000a, + 0x37c6: 0x000a, 0x37c7: 0x000a, 0x37c8: 0x000a, 0x37c9: 0x000a, 0x37ca: 0x000a, 0x37cb: 0x000a, + 0x37cc: 0x000a, 0x37cd: 0x000a, 0x37ce: 0x000a, 0x37cf: 0x000a, 0x37d0: 0x000a, 0x37d1: 0x000a, + 0x37d2: 0x000a, 0x37d3: 0x000a, 0x37d4: 0x000a, 0x37d5: 0x000a, 0x37d6: 0x000a, 0x37d7: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x3800 + 0x3800: 0x000a, + 0x3810: 0x000a, 0x3811: 0x000a, + 0x3812: 0x000a, 0x3813: 0x000a, 0x3814: 0x000a, 0x3815: 0x000a, 0x3816: 0x000a, 0x3817: 0x000a, + 0x3818: 0x000a, 0x3819: 0x000a, 0x381a: 0x000a, 0x381b: 0x000a, 0x381c: 0x000a, 0x381d: 0x000a, + 0x381e: 0x000a, 0x381f: 0x000a, 0x3820: 0x000a, 0x3821: 0x000a, 0x3822: 0x000a, 0x3823: 0x000a, + 0x3824: 0x000a, 0x3825: 0x000a, 0x3826: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x3840 + 0x387e: 0x000b, 0x387f: 0x000b, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x3880 + 0x3880: 0x000b, 0x3881: 0x000b, 0x3882: 0x000b, 0x3883: 0x000b, 0x3884: 0x000b, 0x3885: 0x000b, + 0x3886: 0x000b, 0x3887: 0x000b, 0x3888: 0x000b, 0x3889: 0x000b, 0x388a: 0x000b, 0x388b: 0x000b, + 0x388c: 0x000b, 0x388d: 0x000b, 0x388e: 0x000b, 0x388f: 0x000b, 0x3890: 0x000b, 0x3891: 0x000b, + 0x3892: 0x000b, 0x3893: 0x000b, 0x3894: 0x000b, 0x3895: 0x000b, 0x3896: 0x000b, 0x3897: 0x000b, + 0x3898: 0x000b, 0x3899: 0x000b, 0x389a: 0x000b, 0x389b: 0x000b, 0x389c: 0x000b, 0x389d: 0x000b, + 0x389e: 0x000b, 0x389f: 0x000b, 0x38a0: 0x000b, 0x38a1: 0x000b, 0x38a2: 0x000b, 0x38a3: 0x000b, + 0x38a4: 0x000b, 0x38a5: 0x000b, 0x38a6: 0x000b, 0x38a7: 0x000b, 0x38a8: 0x000b, 0x38a9: 0x000b, + 0x38aa: 0x000b, 0x38ab: 0x000b, 0x38ac: 0x000b, 0x38ad: 0x000b, 0x38ae: 0x000b, 0x38af: 0x000b, + 0x38b0: 0x000b, 0x38b1: 0x000b, 0x38b2: 0x000b, 0x38b3: 0x000b, 0x38b4: 0x000b, 0x38b5: 0x000b, + 0x38b6: 0x000b, 0x38b7: 0x000b, 0x38b8: 0x000b, 0x38b9: 0x000b, 0x38ba: 0x000b, 0x38bb: 0x000b, + 0x38bc: 0x000b, 0x38bd: 0x000b, 0x38be: 0x000b, 0x38bf: 0x000b, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x38c0 + 0x38c0: 0x000c, 0x38c1: 0x000c, 0x38c2: 0x000c, 0x38c3: 0x000c, 0x38c4: 0x000c, 0x38c5: 0x000c, + 0x38c6: 0x000c, 0x38c7: 0x000c, 0x38c8: 0x000c, 0x38c9: 0x000c, 0x38ca: 0x000c, 0x38cb: 0x000c, + 0x38cc: 0x000c, 0x38cd: 0x000c, 0x38ce: 0x000c, 0x38cf: 0x000c, 0x38d0: 0x000c, 0x38d1: 0x000c, + 0x38d2: 0x000c, 0x38d3: 0x000c, 0x38d4: 0x000c, 0x38d5: 0x000c, 0x38d6: 0x000c, 0x38d7: 0x000c, + 0x38d8: 0x000c, 0x38d9: 0x000c, 0x38da: 0x000c, 0x38db: 0x000c, 0x38dc: 0x000c, 0x38dd: 0x000c, + 0x38de: 0x000c, 0x38df: 0x000c, 0x38e0: 0x000c, 0x38e1: 0x000c, 0x38e2: 0x000c, 0x38e3: 0x000c, + 0x38e4: 0x000c, 0x38e5: 0x000c, 0x38e6: 0x000c, 0x38e7: 0x000c, 0x38e8: 0x000c, 0x38e9: 0x000c, + 0x38ea: 0x000c, 0x38eb: 0x000c, 0x38ec: 0x000c, 0x38ed: 0x000c, 0x38ee: 0x000c, 0x38ef: 0x000c, + 0x38f0: 0x000b, 0x38f1: 0x000b, 0x38f2: 0x000b, 0x38f3: 0x000b, 0x38f4: 0x000b, 0x38f5: 0x000b, + 0x38f6: 0x000b, 0x38f7: 0x000b, 0x38f8: 0x000b, 0x38f9: 0x000b, 0x38fa: 0x000b, 0x38fb: 0x000b, + 0x38fc: 0x000b, 0x38fd: 0x000b, 0x38fe: 0x000b, 0x38ff: 0x000b, +} + +// bidiIndex: 24 blocks, 1536 entries, 1536 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var bidiIndex = [1536]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, + 0xca: 0x03, 0xcb: 0x04, 0xcc: 0x05, 0xcd: 0x06, 0xce: 0x07, 0xcf: 0x08, + 0xd2: 0x09, 0xd6: 0x0a, 0xd7: 0x0b, + 0xd8: 0x0c, 0xd9: 0x0d, 0xda: 0x0e, 0xdb: 0x0f, 0xdc: 0x10, 0xdd: 0x11, 0xde: 0x12, 0xdf: 0x13, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, 0xe4: 0x06, + 0xea: 0x07, 0xef: 0x08, + 0xf0: 0x11, 0xf1: 0x12, 0xf2: 0x12, 0xf3: 0x14, 0xf4: 0x15, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x14, 0x121: 0x15, 0x122: 0x16, 0x123: 0x17, 0x124: 0x18, 0x125: 0x19, 0x126: 0x1a, 0x127: 0x1b, + 0x128: 0x1c, 0x129: 0x1d, 0x12a: 0x1c, 0x12b: 0x1e, 0x12c: 0x1f, 0x12d: 0x20, 0x12e: 0x21, 0x12f: 0x22, + 0x130: 0x23, 0x131: 0x24, 0x132: 0x1a, 0x133: 0x25, 0x134: 0x26, 0x135: 0x27, 0x137: 0x28, + 0x138: 0x29, 0x139: 0x2a, 0x13a: 0x2b, 0x13b: 0x2c, 0x13c: 0x2d, 0x13d: 0x2e, 0x13e: 0x2f, 0x13f: 0x30, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x31, 0x141: 0x32, 0x142: 0x33, + 0x14d: 0x34, 0x14e: 0x35, + 0x150: 0x36, + 0x15a: 0x37, 0x15c: 0x38, 0x15d: 0x39, 0x15e: 0x3a, 0x15f: 0x3b, + 0x160: 0x3c, 0x162: 0x3d, 0x164: 0x3e, 0x165: 0x3f, 0x167: 0x40, + 0x168: 0x41, 0x169: 0x42, 0x16a: 0x43, 0x16c: 0x44, 0x16d: 0x45, 0x16e: 0x46, 0x16f: 0x47, + 0x170: 0x48, 0x173: 0x49, 0x177: 0x4a, + 0x17e: 0x4b, 0x17f: 0x4c, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x4d, 0x181: 0x4e, 0x182: 0x4f, 0x183: 0x50, 0x184: 0x51, 0x185: 0x52, 0x186: 0x53, 0x187: 0x54, + 0x188: 0x55, 0x189: 0x54, 0x18a: 0x54, 0x18b: 0x54, 0x18c: 0x56, 0x18d: 0x57, 0x18e: 0x58, 0x18f: 0x54, + 0x190: 0x59, 0x191: 0x5a, 0x192: 0x5b, 0x193: 0x5c, 0x194: 0x54, 0x195: 0x54, 0x196: 0x54, 0x197: 0x54, + 0x198: 0x54, 0x199: 0x54, 0x19a: 0x5d, 0x19b: 0x54, 0x19c: 0x54, 0x19d: 0x5e, 0x19e: 0x54, 0x19f: 0x5f, + 0x1a4: 0x54, 0x1a5: 0x54, 0x1a6: 0x60, 0x1a7: 0x61, + 0x1a8: 0x54, 0x1a9: 0x54, 0x1aa: 0x54, 0x1ab: 0x54, 0x1ac: 0x54, 0x1ad: 0x62, 0x1ae: 0x63, 0x1af: 0x64, + 0x1b3: 0x65, 0x1b5: 0x66, 0x1b7: 0x67, + 0x1b8: 0x68, 0x1b9: 0x69, 0x1ba: 0x6a, 0x1bb: 0x6b, 0x1bc: 0x54, 0x1bd: 0x54, 0x1be: 0x54, 0x1bf: 0x6c, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x6d, 0x1c2: 0x6e, 0x1c3: 0x6f, 0x1c7: 0x70, + 0x1c8: 0x71, 0x1c9: 0x72, 0x1ca: 0x73, 0x1cb: 0x74, 0x1cd: 0x75, 0x1cf: 0x76, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x237: 0x54, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x252: 0x77, 0x253: 0x78, + 0x258: 0x79, 0x259: 0x7a, 0x25a: 0x7b, 0x25b: 0x7c, 0x25c: 0x7d, 0x25e: 0x7e, + 0x260: 0x7f, 0x261: 0x80, 0x263: 0x81, 0x264: 0x82, 0x265: 0x83, 0x266: 0x84, 0x267: 0x85, + 0x268: 0x86, 0x269: 0x87, 0x26a: 0x88, 0x26b: 0x89, 0x26f: 0x8a, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x2ac: 0x8b, 0x2ad: 0x8c, 0x2ae: 0x0e, 0x2af: 0x0e, + 0x2b0: 0x0e, 0x2b1: 0x0e, 0x2b2: 0x0e, 0x2b3: 0x0e, 0x2b4: 0x8d, 0x2b5: 0x0e, 0x2b6: 0x0e, 0x2b7: 0x8e, + 0x2b8: 0x8f, 0x2b9: 0x90, 0x2ba: 0x0e, 0x2bb: 0x91, 0x2bc: 0x92, 0x2bd: 0x93, 0x2bf: 0x94, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c4: 0x95, 0x2c5: 0x54, 0x2c6: 0x96, 0x2c7: 0x97, + 0x2cb: 0x98, 0x2cd: 0x99, + 0x2e0: 0x9a, 0x2e1: 0x9a, 0x2e2: 0x9a, 0x2e3: 0x9a, 0x2e4: 0x9b, 0x2e5: 0x9a, 0x2e6: 0x9a, 0x2e7: 0x9a, + 0x2e8: 0x9c, 0x2e9: 0x9a, 0x2ea: 0x9a, 0x2eb: 0x9d, 0x2ec: 0x9e, 0x2ed: 0x9a, 0x2ee: 0x9a, 0x2ef: 0x9a, + 0x2f0: 0x9a, 0x2f1: 0x9a, 0x2f2: 0x9a, 0x2f3: 0x9a, 0x2f4: 0x9a, 0x2f5: 0x9a, 0x2f6: 0x9a, 0x2f7: 0x9a, + 0x2f8: 0x9a, 0x2f9: 0x9f, 0x2fa: 0x9a, 0x2fb: 0x9a, 0x2fc: 0x9a, 0x2fd: 0x9a, 0x2fe: 0x9a, 0x2ff: 0x9a, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0xa0, 0x301: 0xa1, 0x302: 0xa2, 0x304: 0xa3, 0x305: 0xa4, 0x306: 0xa5, 0x307: 0xa6, + 0x308: 0xa7, 0x30b: 0xa8, 0x30c: 0xa9, 0x30d: 0xaa, + 0x310: 0xab, 0x311: 0xac, 0x312: 0xad, 0x313: 0xae, 0x316: 0xaf, 0x317: 0xb0, + 0x318: 0xb1, 0x319: 0xb2, 0x31a: 0xb3, 0x31c: 0xb4, + 0x328: 0xb5, 0x329: 0xb6, 0x32a: 0xb7, + 0x330: 0xb8, 0x332: 0xb9, 0x334: 0xba, 0x335: 0xbb, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x36b: 0xbc, 0x36c: 0xbd, + 0x37e: 0xbe, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x3b2: 0xbf, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c5: 0xc0, 0x3c6: 0xc1, + 0x3c8: 0x54, 0x3c9: 0xc2, 0x3cc: 0x54, 0x3cd: 0xc3, + 0x3db: 0xc4, 0x3dc: 0xc5, 0x3dd: 0xc6, 0x3de: 0xc7, 0x3df: 0xc8, + 0x3e8: 0xc9, 0x3e9: 0xca, 0x3ea: 0xcb, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0xcc, + 0x420: 0x9a, 0x421: 0x9a, 0x422: 0x9a, 0x423: 0xcd, 0x424: 0x9a, 0x425: 0xce, 0x426: 0x9a, 0x427: 0x9a, + 0x428: 0x9a, 0x429: 0x9a, 0x42a: 0x9a, 0x42b: 0x9a, 0x42c: 0x9a, 0x42d: 0x9a, 0x42e: 0x9a, 0x42f: 0x9a, + 0x430: 0x9a, 0x431: 0x9a, 0x432: 0x9a, 0x433: 0x9a, 0x434: 0x9a, 0x435: 0x9a, 0x436: 0x9a, 0x437: 0x9a, + 0x438: 0x0e, 0x439: 0x0e, 0x43a: 0x0e, 0x43b: 0xcf, 0x43c: 0x9a, 0x43d: 0x9a, 0x43e: 0x9a, 0x43f: 0x9a, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0xd0, 0x441: 0x54, 0x442: 0xd1, 0x443: 0xd2, 0x444: 0xd3, 0x445: 0xd4, + 0x449: 0xd5, 0x44c: 0x54, 0x44d: 0x54, 0x44e: 0x54, 0x44f: 0x54, + 0x450: 0x54, 0x451: 0x54, 0x452: 0x54, 0x453: 0x54, 0x454: 0x54, 0x455: 0x54, 0x456: 0x54, 0x457: 0x54, + 0x458: 0x54, 0x459: 0x54, 0x45a: 0x54, 0x45b: 0xd6, 0x45c: 0x54, 0x45d: 0x6b, 0x45e: 0x54, 0x45f: 0xd7, + 0x460: 0xd8, 0x461: 0xd9, 0x462: 0xda, 0x464: 0xdb, 0x465: 0xdc, 0x466: 0xdd, 0x467: 0xde, + 0x47f: 0xdf, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x4bf: 0xdf, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4d0: 0x09, 0x4d1: 0x0a, 0x4d6: 0x0b, + 0x4db: 0x0c, 0x4dd: 0x0d, 0x4de: 0x0e, 0x4df: 0x0f, + 0x4ef: 0x10, + 0x4ff: 0x10, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x50f: 0x10, + 0x51f: 0x10, + 0x52f: 0x10, + 0x53f: 0x10, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0xe0, 0x541: 0xe0, 0x542: 0xe0, 0x543: 0xe0, 0x544: 0x05, 0x545: 0x05, 0x546: 0x05, 0x547: 0xe1, + 0x548: 0xe0, 0x549: 0xe0, 0x54a: 0xe0, 0x54b: 0xe0, 0x54c: 0xe0, 0x54d: 0xe0, 0x54e: 0xe0, 0x54f: 0xe0, + 0x550: 0xe0, 0x551: 0xe0, 0x552: 0xe0, 0x553: 0xe0, 0x554: 0xe0, 0x555: 0xe0, 0x556: 0xe0, 0x557: 0xe0, + 0x558: 0xe0, 0x559: 0xe0, 0x55a: 0xe0, 0x55b: 0xe0, 0x55c: 0xe0, 0x55d: 0xe0, 0x55e: 0xe0, 0x55f: 0xe0, + 0x560: 0xe0, 0x561: 0xe0, 0x562: 0xe0, 0x563: 0xe0, 0x564: 0xe0, 0x565: 0xe0, 0x566: 0xe0, 0x567: 0xe0, + 0x568: 0xe0, 0x569: 0xe0, 0x56a: 0xe0, 0x56b: 0xe0, 0x56c: 0xe0, 0x56d: 0xe0, 0x56e: 0xe0, 0x56f: 0xe0, + 0x570: 0xe0, 0x571: 0xe0, 0x572: 0xe0, 0x573: 0xe0, 0x574: 0xe0, 0x575: 0xe0, 0x576: 0xe0, 0x577: 0xe0, + 0x578: 0xe0, 0x579: 0xe0, 0x57a: 0xe0, 0x57b: 0xe0, 0x57c: 0xe0, 0x57d: 0xe0, 0x57e: 0xe0, 0x57f: 0xe0, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x58f: 0x10, + 0x59f: 0x10, + 0x5a0: 0x13, + 0x5af: 0x10, + 0x5bf: 0x10, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5cf: 0x10, +} + +// Total table size 16184 bytes (15KiB); checksum: F50EF68C diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables11.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables11.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..56a0e1ea --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables11.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,1888 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.13 && !go1.14 +// +build go1.13,!go1.14 + +package bidi + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "11.0.0" + +// xorMasks contains masks to be xor-ed with brackets to get the reverse +// version. +var xorMasks = []int32{ // 8 elements + 0, 1, 6, 7, 3, 15, 29, 63, +} // Size: 56 bytes + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0] + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0] + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// bidiTrie. Total size: 16512 bytes (16.12 KiB). Checksum: 2a9cf1317f2ffaa. +type bidiTrie struct{} + +func newBidiTrie(i int) *bidiTrie { + return &bidiTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint8 { + switch { + default: + return uint8(bidiValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// bidiValues: 234 blocks, 14976 entries, 14976 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var bidiValues = [14976]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x00: 0x000b, 0x01: 0x000b, 0x02: 0x000b, 0x03: 0x000b, 0x04: 0x000b, 0x05: 0x000b, + 0x06: 0x000b, 0x07: 0x000b, 0x08: 0x000b, 0x09: 0x0008, 0x0a: 0x0007, 0x0b: 0x0008, + 0x0c: 0x0009, 0x0d: 0x0007, 0x0e: 0x000b, 0x0f: 0x000b, 0x10: 0x000b, 0x11: 0x000b, + 0x12: 0x000b, 0x13: 0x000b, 0x14: 0x000b, 0x15: 0x000b, 0x16: 0x000b, 0x17: 0x000b, + 0x18: 0x000b, 0x19: 0x000b, 0x1a: 0x000b, 0x1b: 0x000b, 0x1c: 0x0007, 0x1d: 0x0007, + 0x1e: 0x0007, 0x1f: 0x0008, 0x20: 0x0009, 0x21: 0x000a, 0x22: 0x000a, 0x23: 0x0004, + 0x24: 0x0004, 0x25: 0x0004, 0x26: 0x000a, 0x27: 0x000a, 0x28: 0x003a, 0x29: 0x002a, + 0x2a: 0x000a, 0x2b: 0x0003, 0x2c: 0x0006, 0x2d: 0x0003, 0x2e: 0x0006, 0x2f: 0x0006, + 0x30: 0x0002, 0x31: 0x0002, 0x32: 0x0002, 0x33: 0x0002, 0x34: 0x0002, 0x35: 0x0002, + 0x36: 0x0002, 0x37: 0x0002, 0x38: 0x0002, 0x39: 0x0002, 0x3a: 0x0006, 0x3b: 0x000a, + 0x3c: 0x000a, 0x3d: 0x000a, 0x3e: 0x000a, 0x3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x000a, + 0x5b: 0x005a, 0x5c: 0x000a, 0x5d: 0x004a, + 0x5e: 0x000a, 0x5f: 0x000a, 0x60: 0x000a, + 0x7b: 0x005a, + 0x7c: 0x000a, 0x7d: 0x004a, 0x7e: 0x000a, 0x7f: 0x000b, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x000b, 0xc1: 0x000b, 0xc2: 0x000b, 0xc3: 0x000b, 0xc4: 0x000b, 0xc5: 0x0007, + 0xc6: 0x000b, 0xc7: 0x000b, 0xc8: 0x000b, 0xc9: 0x000b, 0xca: 0x000b, 0xcb: 0x000b, + 0xcc: 0x000b, 0xcd: 0x000b, 0xce: 0x000b, 0xcf: 0x000b, 0xd0: 0x000b, 0xd1: 0x000b, + 0xd2: 0x000b, 0xd3: 0x000b, 0xd4: 0x000b, 0xd5: 0x000b, 0xd6: 0x000b, 0xd7: 0x000b, + 0xd8: 0x000b, 0xd9: 0x000b, 0xda: 0x000b, 0xdb: 0x000b, 0xdc: 0x000b, 0xdd: 0x000b, + 0xde: 0x000b, 0xdf: 0x000b, 0xe0: 0x0006, 0xe1: 0x000a, 0xe2: 0x0004, 0xe3: 0x0004, + 0xe4: 0x0004, 0xe5: 0x0004, 0xe6: 0x000a, 0xe7: 0x000a, 0xe8: 0x000a, 0xe9: 0x000a, + 0xeb: 0x000a, 0xec: 0x000a, 0xed: 0x000b, 0xee: 0x000a, 0xef: 0x000a, + 0xf0: 0x0004, 0xf1: 0x0004, 0xf2: 0x0002, 0xf3: 0x0002, 0xf4: 0x000a, + 0xf6: 0x000a, 0xf7: 0x000a, 0xf8: 0x000a, 0xf9: 0x0002, 0xfb: 0x000a, + 0xfc: 0x000a, 0xfd: 0x000a, 0xfe: 0x000a, 0xff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x117: 0x000a, + 0x137: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x179: 0x000a, 0x17a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x182: 0x000a, 0x183: 0x000a, 0x184: 0x000a, 0x185: 0x000a, + 0x186: 0x000a, 0x187: 0x000a, 0x188: 0x000a, 0x189: 0x000a, 0x18a: 0x000a, 0x18b: 0x000a, + 0x18c: 0x000a, 0x18d: 0x000a, 0x18e: 0x000a, 0x18f: 0x000a, + 0x192: 0x000a, 0x193: 0x000a, 0x194: 0x000a, 0x195: 0x000a, 0x196: 0x000a, 0x197: 0x000a, + 0x198: 0x000a, 0x199: 0x000a, 0x19a: 0x000a, 0x19b: 0x000a, 0x19c: 0x000a, 0x19d: 0x000a, + 0x19e: 0x000a, 0x19f: 0x000a, + 0x1a5: 0x000a, 0x1a6: 0x000a, 0x1a7: 0x000a, 0x1a8: 0x000a, 0x1a9: 0x000a, + 0x1aa: 0x000a, 0x1ab: 0x000a, 0x1ac: 0x000a, 0x1ad: 0x000a, 0x1af: 0x000a, + 0x1b0: 0x000a, 0x1b1: 0x000a, 0x1b2: 0x000a, 0x1b3: 0x000a, 0x1b4: 0x000a, 0x1b5: 0x000a, + 0x1b6: 0x000a, 0x1b7: 0x000a, 0x1b8: 0x000a, 0x1b9: 0x000a, 0x1ba: 0x000a, 0x1bb: 0x000a, + 0x1bc: 0x000a, 0x1bd: 0x000a, 0x1be: 0x000a, 0x1bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x000c, 0x1c1: 0x000c, 0x1c2: 0x000c, 0x1c3: 0x000c, 0x1c4: 0x000c, 0x1c5: 0x000c, + 0x1c6: 0x000c, 0x1c7: 0x000c, 0x1c8: 0x000c, 0x1c9: 0x000c, 0x1ca: 0x000c, 0x1cb: 0x000c, + 0x1cc: 0x000c, 0x1cd: 0x000c, 0x1ce: 0x000c, 0x1cf: 0x000c, 0x1d0: 0x000c, 0x1d1: 0x000c, + 0x1d2: 0x000c, 0x1d3: 0x000c, 0x1d4: 0x000c, 0x1d5: 0x000c, 0x1d6: 0x000c, 0x1d7: 0x000c, + 0x1d8: 0x000c, 0x1d9: 0x000c, 0x1da: 0x000c, 0x1db: 0x000c, 0x1dc: 0x000c, 0x1dd: 0x000c, + 0x1de: 0x000c, 0x1df: 0x000c, 0x1e0: 0x000c, 0x1e1: 0x000c, 0x1e2: 0x000c, 0x1e3: 0x000c, + 0x1e4: 0x000c, 0x1e5: 0x000c, 0x1e6: 0x000c, 0x1e7: 0x000c, 0x1e8: 0x000c, 0x1e9: 0x000c, + 0x1ea: 0x000c, 0x1eb: 0x000c, 0x1ec: 0x000c, 0x1ed: 0x000c, 0x1ee: 0x000c, 0x1ef: 0x000c, + 0x1f0: 0x000c, 0x1f1: 0x000c, 0x1f2: 0x000c, 0x1f3: 0x000c, 0x1f4: 0x000c, 0x1f5: 0x000c, + 0x1f6: 0x000c, 0x1f7: 0x000c, 0x1f8: 0x000c, 0x1f9: 0x000c, 0x1fa: 0x000c, 0x1fb: 0x000c, + 0x1fc: 0x000c, 0x1fd: 0x000c, 0x1fe: 0x000c, 0x1ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x000c, 0x201: 0x000c, 0x202: 0x000c, 0x203: 0x000c, 0x204: 0x000c, 0x205: 0x000c, + 0x206: 0x000c, 0x207: 0x000c, 0x208: 0x000c, 0x209: 0x000c, 0x20a: 0x000c, 0x20b: 0x000c, + 0x20c: 0x000c, 0x20d: 0x000c, 0x20e: 0x000c, 0x20f: 0x000c, 0x210: 0x000c, 0x211: 0x000c, + 0x212: 0x000c, 0x213: 0x000c, 0x214: 0x000c, 0x215: 0x000c, 0x216: 0x000c, 0x217: 0x000c, + 0x218: 0x000c, 0x219: 0x000c, 0x21a: 0x000c, 0x21b: 0x000c, 0x21c: 0x000c, 0x21d: 0x000c, + 0x21e: 0x000c, 0x21f: 0x000c, 0x220: 0x000c, 0x221: 0x000c, 0x222: 0x000c, 0x223: 0x000c, + 0x224: 0x000c, 0x225: 0x000c, 0x226: 0x000c, 0x227: 0x000c, 0x228: 0x000c, 0x229: 0x000c, + 0x22a: 0x000c, 0x22b: 0x000c, 0x22c: 0x000c, 0x22d: 0x000c, 0x22e: 0x000c, 0x22f: 0x000c, + 0x234: 0x000a, 0x235: 0x000a, + 0x23e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x244: 0x000a, 0x245: 0x000a, + 0x247: 0x000a, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x2b6: 0x000a, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c3: 0x000c, 0x2c4: 0x000c, 0x2c5: 0x000c, + 0x2c6: 0x000c, 0x2c7: 0x000c, 0x2c8: 0x000c, 0x2c9: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x30a: 0x000a, + 0x30d: 0x000a, 0x30e: 0x000a, 0x30f: 0x0004, 0x310: 0x0001, 0x311: 0x000c, + 0x312: 0x000c, 0x313: 0x000c, 0x314: 0x000c, 0x315: 0x000c, 0x316: 0x000c, 0x317: 0x000c, + 0x318: 0x000c, 0x319: 0x000c, 0x31a: 0x000c, 0x31b: 0x000c, 0x31c: 0x000c, 0x31d: 0x000c, + 0x31e: 0x000c, 0x31f: 0x000c, 0x320: 0x000c, 0x321: 0x000c, 0x322: 0x000c, 0x323: 0x000c, + 0x324: 0x000c, 0x325: 0x000c, 0x326: 0x000c, 0x327: 0x000c, 0x328: 0x000c, 0x329: 0x000c, + 0x32a: 0x000c, 0x32b: 0x000c, 0x32c: 0x000c, 0x32d: 0x000c, 0x32e: 0x000c, 0x32f: 0x000c, + 0x330: 0x000c, 0x331: 0x000c, 0x332: 0x000c, 0x333: 0x000c, 0x334: 0x000c, 0x335: 0x000c, + 0x336: 0x000c, 0x337: 0x000c, 0x338: 0x000c, 0x339: 0x000c, 0x33a: 0x000c, 0x33b: 0x000c, + 0x33c: 0x000c, 0x33d: 0x000c, 0x33e: 0x0001, 0x33f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x0001, 0x341: 0x000c, 0x342: 0x000c, 0x343: 0x0001, 0x344: 0x000c, 0x345: 0x000c, + 0x346: 0x0001, 0x347: 0x000c, 0x348: 0x0001, 0x349: 0x0001, 0x34a: 0x0001, 0x34b: 0x0001, + 0x34c: 0x0001, 0x34d: 0x0001, 0x34e: 0x0001, 0x34f: 0x0001, 0x350: 0x0001, 0x351: 0x0001, + 0x352: 0x0001, 0x353: 0x0001, 0x354: 0x0001, 0x355: 0x0001, 0x356: 0x0001, 0x357: 0x0001, + 0x358: 0x0001, 0x359: 0x0001, 0x35a: 0x0001, 0x35b: 0x0001, 0x35c: 0x0001, 0x35d: 0x0001, + 0x35e: 0x0001, 0x35f: 0x0001, 0x360: 0x0001, 0x361: 0x0001, 0x362: 0x0001, 0x363: 0x0001, + 0x364: 0x0001, 0x365: 0x0001, 0x366: 0x0001, 0x367: 0x0001, 0x368: 0x0001, 0x369: 0x0001, + 0x36a: 0x0001, 0x36b: 0x0001, 0x36c: 0x0001, 0x36d: 0x0001, 0x36e: 0x0001, 0x36f: 0x0001, + 0x370: 0x0001, 0x371: 0x0001, 0x372: 0x0001, 0x373: 0x0001, 0x374: 0x0001, 0x375: 0x0001, + 0x376: 0x0001, 0x377: 0x0001, 0x378: 0x0001, 0x379: 0x0001, 0x37a: 0x0001, 0x37b: 0x0001, + 0x37c: 0x0001, 0x37d: 0x0001, 0x37e: 0x0001, 0x37f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0005, 0x381: 0x0005, 0x382: 0x0005, 0x383: 0x0005, 0x384: 0x0005, 0x385: 0x0005, + 0x386: 0x000a, 0x387: 0x000a, 0x388: 0x000d, 0x389: 0x0004, 0x38a: 0x0004, 0x38b: 0x000d, + 0x38c: 0x0006, 0x38d: 0x000d, 0x38e: 0x000a, 0x38f: 0x000a, 0x390: 0x000c, 0x391: 0x000c, + 0x392: 0x000c, 0x393: 0x000c, 0x394: 0x000c, 0x395: 0x000c, 0x396: 0x000c, 0x397: 0x000c, + 0x398: 0x000c, 0x399: 0x000c, 0x39a: 0x000c, 0x39b: 0x000d, 0x39c: 0x000d, 0x39d: 0x000d, + 0x39e: 0x000d, 0x39f: 0x000d, 0x3a0: 0x000d, 0x3a1: 0x000d, 0x3a2: 0x000d, 0x3a3: 0x000d, + 0x3a4: 0x000d, 0x3a5: 0x000d, 0x3a6: 0x000d, 0x3a7: 0x000d, 0x3a8: 0x000d, 0x3a9: 0x000d, + 0x3aa: 0x000d, 0x3ab: 0x000d, 0x3ac: 0x000d, 0x3ad: 0x000d, 0x3ae: 0x000d, 0x3af: 0x000d, + 0x3b0: 0x000d, 0x3b1: 0x000d, 0x3b2: 0x000d, 0x3b3: 0x000d, 0x3b4: 0x000d, 0x3b5: 0x000d, + 0x3b6: 0x000d, 0x3b7: 0x000d, 0x3b8: 0x000d, 0x3b9: 0x000d, 0x3ba: 0x000d, 0x3bb: 0x000d, + 0x3bc: 0x000d, 0x3bd: 0x000d, 0x3be: 0x000d, 0x3bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x000d, 0x3c1: 0x000d, 0x3c2: 0x000d, 0x3c3: 0x000d, 0x3c4: 0x000d, 0x3c5: 0x000d, + 0x3c6: 0x000d, 0x3c7: 0x000d, 0x3c8: 0x000d, 0x3c9: 0x000d, 0x3ca: 0x000d, 0x3cb: 0x000c, + 0x3cc: 0x000c, 0x3cd: 0x000c, 0x3ce: 0x000c, 0x3cf: 0x000c, 0x3d0: 0x000c, 0x3d1: 0x000c, + 0x3d2: 0x000c, 0x3d3: 0x000c, 0x3d4: 0x000c, 0x3d5: 0x000c, 0x3d6: 0x000c, 0x3d7: 0x000c, + 0x3d8: 0x000c, 0x3d9: 0x000c, 0x3da: 0x000c, 0x3db: 0x000c, 0x3dc: 0x000c, 0x3dd: 0x000c, + 0x3de: 0x000c, 0x3df: 0x000c, 0x3e0: 0x0005, 0x3e1: 0x0005, 0x3e2: 0x0005, 0x3e3: 0x0005, + 0x3e4: 0x0005, 0x3e5: 0x0005, 0x3e6: 0x0005, 0x3e7: 0x0005, 0x3e8: 0x0005, 0x3e9: 0x0005, + 0x3ea: 0x0004, 0x3eb: 0x0005, 0x3ec: 0x0005, 0x3ed: 0x000d, 0x3ee: 0x000d, 0x3ef: 0x000d, + 0x3f0: 0x000c, 0x3f1: 0x000d, 0x3f2: 0x000d, 0x3f3: 0x000d, 0x3f4: 0x000d, 0x3f5: 0x000d, + 0x3f6: 0x000d, 0x3f7: 0x000d, 0x3f8: 0x000d, 0x3f9: 0x000d, 0x3fa: 0x000d, 0x3fb: 0x000d, + 0x3fc: 0x000d, 0x3fd: 0x000d, 0x3fe: 0x000d, 0x3ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x000d, 0x401: 0x000d, 0x402: 0x000d, 0x403: 0x000d, 0x404: 0x000d, 0x405: 0x000d, + 0x406: 0x000d, 0x407: 0x000d, 0x408: 0x000d, 0x409: 0x000d, 0x40a: 0x000d, 0x40b: 0x000d, + 0x40c: 0x000d, 0x40d: 0x000d, 0x40e: 0x000d, 0x40f: 0x000d, 0x410: 0x000d, 0x411: 0x000d, + 0x412: 0x000d, 0x413: 0x000d, 0x414: 0x000d, 0x415: 0x000d, 0x416: 0x000d, 0x417: 0x000d, + 0x418: 0x000d, 0x419: 0x000d, 0x41a: 0x000d, 0x41b: 0x000d, 0x41c: 0x000d, 0x41d: 0x000d, + 0x41e: 0x000d, 0x41f: 0x000d, 0x420: 0x000d, 0x421: 0x000d, 0x422: 0x000d, 0x423: 0x000d, + 0x424: 0x000d, 0x425: 0x000d, 0x426: 0x000d, 0x427: 0x000d, 0x428: 0x000d, 0x429: 0x000d, + 0x42a: 0x000d, 0x42b: 0x000d, 0x42c: 0x000d, 0x42d: 0x000d, 0x42e: 0x000d, 0x42f: 0x000d, + 0x430: 0x000d, 0x431: 0x000d, 0x432: 0x000d, 0x433: 0x000d, 0x434: 0x000d, 0x435: 0x000d, + 0x436: 0x000d, 0x437: 0x000d, 0x438: 0x000d, 0x439: 0x000d, 0x43a: 0x000d, 0x43b: 0x000d, + 0x43c: 0x000d, 0x43d: 0x000d, 0x43e: 0x000d, 0x43f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x000d, 0x441: 0x000d, 0x442: 0x000d, 0x443: 0x000d, 0x444: 0x000d, 0x445: 0x000d, + 0x446: 0x000d, 0x447: 0x000d, 0x448: 0x000d, 0x449: 0x000d, 0x44a: 0x000d, 0x44b: 0x000d, + 0x44c: 0x000d, 0x44d: 0x000d, 0x44e: 0x000d, 0x44f: 0x000d, 0x450: 0x000d, 0x451: 0x000d, + 0x452: 0x000d, 0x453: 0x000d, 0x454: 0x000d, 0x455: 0x000d, 0x456: 0x000c, 0x457: 0x000c, + 0x458: 0x000c, 0x459: 0x000c, 0x45a: 0x000c, 0x45b: 0x000c, 0x45c: 0x000c, 0x45d: 0x0005, + 0x45e: 0x000a, 0x45f: 0x000c, 0x460: 0x000c, 0x461: 0x000c, 0x462: 0x000c, 0x463: 0x000c, + 0x464: 0x000c, 0x465: 0x000d, 0x466: 0x000d, 0x467: 0x000c, 0x468: 0x000c, 0x469: 0x000a, + 0x46a: 0x000c, 0x46b: 0x000c, 0x46c: 0x000c, 0x46d: 0x000c, 0x46e: 0x000d, 0x46f: 0x000d, + 0x470: 0x0002, 0x471: 0x0002, 0x472: 0x0002, 0x473: 0x0002, 0x474: 0x0002, 0x475: 0x0002, + 0x476: 0x0002, 0x477: 0x0002, 0x478: 0x0002, 0x479: 0x0002, 0x47a: 0x000d, 0x47b: 0x000d, + 0x47c: 0x000d, 0x47d: 0x000d, 0x47e: 0x000d, 0x47f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x000d, 0x481: 0x000d, 0x482: 0x000d, 0x483: 0x000d, 0x484: 0x000d, 0x485: 0x000d, + 0x486: 0x000d, 0x487: 0x000d, 0x488: 0x000d, 0x489: 0x000d, 0x48a: 0x000d, 0x48b: 0x000d, + 0x48c: 0x000d, 0x48d: 0x000d, 0x48e: 0x000d, 0x48f: 0x000d, 0x490: 0x000d, 0x491: 0x000c, + 0x492: 0x000d, 0x493: 0x000d, 0x494: 0x000d, 0x495: 0x000d, 0x496: 0x000d, 0x497: 0x000d, + 0x498: 0x000d, 0x499: 0x000d, 0x49a: 0x000d, 0x49b: 0x000d, 0x49c: 0x000d, 0x49d: 0x000d, + 0x49e: 0x000d, 0x49f: 0x000d, 0x4a0: 0x000d, 0x4a1: 0x000d, 0x4a2: 0x000d, 0x4a3: 0x000d, + 0x4a4: 0x000d, 0x4a5: 0x000d, 0x4a6: 0x000d, 0x4a7: 0x000d, 0x4a8: 0x000d, 0x4a9: 0x000d, + 0x4aa: 0x000d, 0x4ab: 0x000d, 0x4ac: 0x000d, 0x4ad: 0x000d, 0x4ae: 0x000d, 0x4af: 0x000d, + 0x4b0: 0x000c, 0x4b1: 0x000c, 0x4b2: 0x000c, 0x4b3: 0x000c, 0x4b4: 0x000c, 0x4b5: 0x000c, + 0x4b6: 0x000c, 0x4b7: 0x000c, 0x4b8: 0x000c, 0x4b9: 0x000c, 0x4ba: 0x000c, 0x4bb: 0x000c, + 0x4bc: 0x000c, 0x4bd: 0x000c, 0x4be: 0x000c, 0x4bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x000c, 0x4c1: 0x000c, 0x4c2: 0x000c, 0x4c3: 0x000c, 0x4c4: 0x000c, 0x4c5: 0x000c, + 0x4c6: 0x000c, 0x4c7: 0x000c, 0x4c8: 0x000c, 0x4c9: 0x000c, 0x4ca: 0x000c, 0x4cb: 0x000d, + 0x4cc: 0x000d, 0x4cd: 0x000d, 0x4ce: 0x000d, 0x4cf: 0x000d, 0x4d0: 0x000d, 0x4d1: 0x000d, + 0x4d2: 0x000d, 0x4d3: 0x000d, 0x4d4: 0x000d, 0x4d5: 0x000d, 0x4d6: 0x000d, 0x4d7: 0x000d, + 0x4d8: 0x000d, 0x4d9: 0x000d, 0x4da: 0x000d, 0x4db: 0x000d, 0x4dc: 0x000d, 0x4dd: 0x000d, + 0x4de: 0x000d, 0x4df: 0x000d, 0x4e0: 0x000d, 0x4e1: 0x000d, 0x4e2: 0x000d, 0x4e3: 0x000d, + 0x4e4: 0x000d, 0x4e5: 0x000d, 0x4e6: 0x000d, 0x4e7: 0x000d, 0x4e8: 0x000d, 0x4e9: 0x000d, + 0x4ea: 0x000d, 0x4eb: 0x000d, 0x4ec: 0x000d, 0x4ed: 0x000d, 0x4ee: 0x000d, 0x4ef: 0x000d, + 0x4f0: 0x000d, 0x4f1: 0x000d, 0x4f2: 0x000d, 0x4f3: 0x000d, 0x4f4: 0x000d, 0x4f5: 0x000d, + 0x4f6: 0x000d, 0x4f7: 0x000d, 0x4f8: 0x000d, 0x4f9: 0x000d, 0x4fa: 0x000d, 0x4fb: 0x000d, + 0x4fc: 0x000d, 0x4fd: 0x000d, 0x4fe: 0x000d, 0x4ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x000d, 0x501: 0x000d, 0x502: 0x000d, 0x503: 0x000d, 0x504: 0x000d, 0x505: 0x000d, + 0x506: 0x000d, 0x507: 0x000d, 0x508: 0x000d, 0x509: 0x000d, 0x50a: 0x000d, 0x50b: 0x000d, + 0x50c: 0x000d, 0x50d: 0x000d, 0x50e: 0x000d, 0x50f: 0x000d, 0x510: 0x000d, 0x511: 0x000d, + 0x512: 0x000d, 0x513: 0x000d, 0x514: 0x000d, 0x515: 0x000d, 0x516: 0x000d, 0x517: 0x000d, + 0x518: 0x000d, 0x519: 0x000d, 0x51a: 0x000d, 0x51b: 0x000d, 0x51c: 0x000d, 0x51d: 0x000d, + 0x51e: 0x000d, 0x51f: 0x000d, 0x520: 0x000d, 0x521: 0x000d, 0x522: 0x000d, 0x523: 0x000d, + 0x524: 0x000d, 0x525: 0x000d, 0x526: 0x000c, 0x527: 0x000c, 0x528: 0x000c, 0x529: 0x000c, + 0x52a: 0x000c, 0x52b: 0x000c, 0x52c: 0x000c, 0x52d: 0x000c, 0x52e: 0x000c, 0x52f: 0x000c, + 0x530: 0x000c, 0x531: 0x000d, 0x532: 0x000d, 0x533: 0x000d, 0x534: 0x000d, 0x535: 0x000d, + 0x536: 0x000d, 0x537: 0x000d, 0x538: 0x000d, 0x539: 0x000d, 0x53a: 0x000d, 0x53b: 0x000d, + 0x53c: 0x000d, 0x53d: 0x000d, 0x53e: 0x000d, 0x53f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x0001, 0x541: 0x0001, 0x542: 0x0001, 0x543: 0x0001, 0x544: 0x0001, 0x545: 0x0001, + 0x546: 0x0001, 0x547: 0x0001, 0x548: 0x0001, 0x549: 0x0001, 0x54a: 0x0001, 0x54b: 0x0001, + 0x54c: 0x0001, 0x54d: 0x0001, 0x54e: 0x0001, 0x54f: 0x0001, 0x550: 0x0001, 0x551: 0x0001, + 0x552: 0x0001, 0x553: 0x0001, 0x554: 0x0001, 0x555: 0x0001, 0x556: 0x0001, 0x557: 0x0001, + 0x558: 0x0001, 0x559: 0x0001, 0x55a: 0x0001, 0x55b: 0x0001, 0x55c: 0x0001, 0x55d: 0x0001, + 0x55e: 0x0001, 0x55f: 0x0001, 0x560: 0x0001, 0x561: 0x0001, 0x562: 0x0001, 0x563: 0x0001, + 0x564: 0x0001, 0x565: 0x0001, 0x566: 0x0001, 0x567: 0x0001, 0x568: 0x0001, 0x569: 0x0001, + 0x56a: 0x0001, 0x56b: 0x000c, 0x56c: 0x000c, 0x56d: 0x000c, 0x56e: 0x000c, 0x56f: 0x000c, + 0x570: 0x000c, 0x571: 0x000c, 0x572: 0x000c, 0x573: 0x000c, 0x574: 0x0001, 0x575: 0x0001, + 0x576: 0x000a, 0x577: 0x000a, 0x578: 0x000a, 0x579: 0x000a, 0x57a: 0x0001, 0x57b: 0x0001, + 0x57c: 0x0001, 0x57d: 0x000c, 0x57e: 0x0001, 0x57f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x0001, 0x581: 0x0001, 0x582: 0x0001, 0x583: 0x0001, 0x584: 0x0001, 0x585: 0x0001, + 0x586: 0x0001, 0x587: 0x0001, 0x588: 0x0001, 0x589: 0x0001, 0x58a: 0x0001, 0x58b: 0x0001, + 0x58c: 0x0001, 0x58d: 0x0001, 0x58e: 0x0001, 0x58f: 0x0001, 0x590: 0x0001, 0x591: 0x0001, + 0x592: 0x0001, 0x593: 0x0001, 0x594: 0x0001, 0x595: 0x0001, 0x596: 0x000c, 0x597: 0x000c, + 0x598: 0x000c, 0x599: 0x000c, 0x59a: 0x0001, 0x59b: 0x000c, 0x59c: 0x000c, 0x59d: 0x000c, + 0x59e: 0x000c, 0x59f: 0x000c, 0x5a0: 0x000c, 0x5a1: 0x000c, 0x5a2: 0x000c, 0x5a3: 0x000c, + 0x5a4: 0x0001, 0x5a5: 0x000c, 0x5a6: 0x000c, 0x5a7: 0x000c, 0x5a8: 0x0001, 0x5a9: 0x000c, + 0x5aa: 0x000c, 0x5ab: 0x000c, 0x5ac: 0x000c, 0x5ad: 0x000c, 0x5ae: 0x0001, 0x5af: 0x0001, + 0x5b0: 0x0001, 0x5b1: 0x0001, 0x5b2: 0x0001, 0x5b3: 0x0001, 0x5b4: 0x0001, 0x5b5: 0x0001, + 0x5b6: 0x0001, 0x5b7: 0x0001, 0x5b8: 0x0001, 0x5b9: 0x0001, 0x5ba: 0x0001, 0x5bb: 0x0001, + 0x5bc: 0x0001, 0x5bd: 0x0001, 0x5be: 0x0001, 0x5bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x0001, 0x5c1: 0x0001, 0x5c2: 0x0001, 0x5c3: 0x0001, 0x5c4: 0x0001, 0x5c5: 0x0001, + 0x5c6: 0x0001, 0x5c7: 0x0001, 0x5c8: 0x0001, 0x5c9: 0x0001, 0x5ca: 0x0001, 0x5cb: 0x0001, + 0x5cc: 0x0001, 0x5cd: 0x0001, 0x5ce: 0x0001, 0x5cf: 0x0001, 0x5d0: 0x0001, 0x5d1: 0x0001, + 0x5d2: 0x0001, 0x5d3: 0x0001, 0x5d4: 0x0001, 0x5d5: 0x0001, 0x5d6: 0x0001, 0x5d7: 0x0001, + 0x5d8: 0x0001, 0x5d9: 0x000c, 0x5da: 0x000c, 0x5db: 0x000c, 0x5dc: 0x0001, 0x5dd: 0x0001, + 0x5de: 0x0001, 0x5df: 0x0001, 0x5e0: 0x000d, 0x5e1: 0x000d, 0x5e2: 0x000d, 0x5e3: 0x000d, + 0x5e4: 0x000d, 0x5e5: 0x000d, 0x5e6: 0x000d, 0x5e7: 0x000d, 0x5e8: 0x000d, 0x5e9: 0x000d, + 0x5ea: 0x000d, 0x5eb: 0x000d, 0x5ec: 0x000d, 0x5ed: 0x000d, 0x5ee: 0x000d, 0x5ef: 0x000d, + 0x5f0: 0x0001, 0x5f1: 0x0001, 0x5f2: 0x0001, 0x5f3: 0x0001, 0x5f4: 0x0001, 0x5f5: 0x0001, + 0x5f6: 0x0001, 0x5f7: 0x0001, 0x5f8: 0x0001, 0x5f9: 0x0001, 0x5fa: 0x0001, 0x5fb: 0x0001, + 0x5fc: 0x0001, 0x5fd: 0x0001, 0x5fe: 0x0001, 0x5ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x0001, 0x601: 0x0001, 0x602: 0x0001, 0x603: 0x0001, 0x604: 0x0001, 0x605: 0x0001, + 0x606: 0x0001, 0x607: 0x0001, 0x608: 0x0001, 0x609: 0x0001, 0x60a: 0x0001, 0x60b: 0x0001, + 0x60c: 0x0001, 0x60d: 0x0001, 0x60e: 0x0001, 0x60f: 0x0001, 0x610: 0x0001, 0x611: 0x0001, + 0x612: 0x0001, 0x613: 0x0001, 0x614: 0x0001, 0x615: 0x0001, 0x616: 0x0001, 0x617: 0x0001, + 0x618: 0x0001, 0x619: 0x0001, 0x61a: 0x0001, 0x61b: 0x0001, 0x61c: 0x0001, 0x61d: 0x0001, + 0x61e: 0x0001, 0x61f: 0x0001, 0x620: 0x000d, 0x621: 0x000d, 0x622: 0x000d, 0x623: 0x000d, + 0x624: 0x000d, 0x625: 0x000d, 0x626: 0x000d, 0x627: 0x000d, 0x628: 0x000d, 0x629: 0x000d, + 0x62a: 0x000d, 0x62b: 0x000d, 0x62c: 0x000d, 0x62d: 0x000d, 0x62e: 0x000d, 0x62f: 0x000d, + 0x630: 0x000d, 0x631: 0x000d, 0x632: 0x000d, 0x633: 0x000d, 0x634: 0x000d, 0x635: 0x000d, + 0x636: 0x000d, 0x637: 0x000d, 0x638: 0x000d, 0x639: 0x000d, 0x63a: 0x000d, 0x63b: 0x000d, + 0x63c: 0x000d, 0x63d: 0x000d, 0x63e: 0x000d, 0x63f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x000d, 0x641: 0x000d, 0x642: 0x000d, 0x643: 0x000d, 0x644: 0x000d, 0x645: 0x000d, + 0x646: 0x000d, 0x647: 0x000d, 0x648: 0x000d, 0x649: 0x000d, 0x64a: 0x000d, 0x64b: 0x000d, + 0x64c: 0x000d, 0x64d: 0x000d, 0x64e: 0x000d, 0x64f: 0x000d, 0x650: 0x000d, 0x651: 0x000d, + 0x652: 0x000d, 0x653: 0x000c, 0x654: 0x000c, 0x655: 0x000c, 0x656: 0x000c, 0x657: 0x000c, + 0x658: 0x000c, 0x659: 0x000c, 0x65a: 0x000c, 0x65b: 0x000c, 0x65c: 0x000c, 0x65d: 0x000c, + 0x65e: 0x000c, 0x65f: 0x000c, 0x660: 0x000c, 0x661: 0x000c, 0x662: 0x0005, 0x663: 0x000c, + 0x664: 0x000c, 0x665: 0x000c, 0x666: 0x000c, 0x667: 0x000c, 0x668: 0x000c, 0x669: 0x000c, + 0x66a: 0x000c, 0x66b: 0x000c, 0x66c: 0x000c, 0x66d: 0x000c, 0x66e: 0x000c, 0x66f: 0x000c, + 0x670: 0x000c, 0x671: 0x000c, 0x672: 0x000c, 0x673: 0x000c, 0x674: 0x000c, 0x675: 0x000c, + 0x676: 0x000c, 0x677: 0x000c, 0x678: 0x000c, 0x679: 0x000c, 0x67a: 0x000c, 0x67b: 0x000c, + 0x67c: 0x000c, 0x67d: 0x000c, 0x67e: 0x000c, 0x67f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x000c, 0x681: 0x000c, 0x682: 0x000c, + 0x6ba: 0x000c, + 0x6bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c1: 0x000c, 0x6c2: 0x000c, 0x6c3: 0x000c, 0x6c4: 0x000c, 0x6c5: 0x000c, + 0x6c6: 0x000c, 0x6c7: 0x000c, 0x6c8: 0x000c, + 0x6cd: 0x000c, 0x6d1: 0x000c, + 0x6d2: 0x000c, 0x6d3: 0x000c, 0x6d4: 0x000c, 0x6d5: 0x000c, 0x6d6: 0x000c, 0x6d7: 0x000c, + 0x6e2: 0x000c, 0x6e3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x701: 0x000c, + 0x73c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x741: 0x000c, 0x742: 0x000c, 0x743: 0x000c, 0x744: 0x000c, + 0x74d: 0x000c, + 0x762: 0x000c, 0x763: 0x000c, + 0x772: 0x0004, 0x773: 0x0004, + 0x77b: 0x0004, + 0x77e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x781: 0x000c, 0x782: 0x000c, + 0x7bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c1: 0x000c, 0x7c2: 0x000c, + 0x7c7: 0x000c, 0x7c8: 0x000c, 0x7cb: 0x000c, + 0x7cc: 0x000c, 0x7cd: 0x000c, 0x7d1: 0x000c, + 0x7f0: 0x000c, 0x7f1: 0x000c, 0x7f5: 0x000c, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x801: 0x000c, 0x802: 0x000c, 0x803: 0x000c, 0x804: 0x000c, 0x805: 0x000c, + 0x807: 0x000c, 0x808: 0x000c, + 0x80d: 0x000c, + 0x822: 0x000c, 0x823: 0x000c, + 0x831: 0x0004, + 0x83a: 0x000c, 0x83b: 0x000c, + 0x83c: 0x000c, 0x83d: 0x000c, 0x83e: 0x000c, 0x83f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x841: 0x000c, + 0x87c: 0x000c, 0x87f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x881: 0x000c, 0x882: 0x000c, 0x883: 0x000c, 0x884: 0x000c, + 0x88d: 0x000c, + 0x896: 0x000c, + 0x8a2: 0x000c, 0x8a3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c2: 0x000c, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x900: 0x000c, + 0x90d: 0x000c, + 0x933: 0x000a, 0x934: 0x000a, 0x935: 0x000a, + 0x936: 0x000a, 0x937: 0x000a, 0x938: 0x000a, 0x939: 0x0004, 0x93a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x000c, 0x944: 0x000c, + 0x97e: 0x000c, 0x97f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x980: 0x000c, + 0x986: 0x000c, 0x987: 0x000c, 0x988: 0x000c, 0x98a: 0x000c, 0x98b: 0x000c, + 0x98c: 0x000c, 0x98d: 0x000c, + 0x995: 0x000c, 0x996: 0x000c, + 0x9a2: 0x000c, 0x9a3: 0x000c, + 0x9b8: 0x000a, 0x9b9: 0x000a, 0x9ba: 0x000a, 0x9bb: 0x000a, + 0x9bc: 0x000a, 0x9bd: 0x000a, 0x9be: 0x000a, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9cc: 0x000c, 0x9cd: 0x000c, + 0x9e2: 0x000c, 0x9e3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa00: 0x000c, 0xa01: 0x000c, + 0xa3b: 0x000c, + 0xa3c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa41: 0x000c, 0xa42: 0x000c, 0xa43: 0x000c, 0xa44: 0x000c, + 0xa4d: 0x000c, + 0xa62: 0x000c, 0xa63: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa8a: 0x000c, + 0xa92: 0x000c, 0xa93: 0x000c, 0xa94: 0x000c, 0xa96: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xaf1: 0x000c, 0xaf4: 0x000c, 0xaf5: 0x000c, + 0xaf6: 0x000c, 0xaf7: 0x000c, 0xaf8: 0x000c, 0xaf9: 0x000c, 0xafa: 0x000c, + 0xaff: 0x0004, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb07: 0x000c, 0xb08: 0x000c, 0xb09: 0x000c, 0xb0a: 0x000c, 0xb0b: 0x000c, + 0xb0c: 0x000c, 0xb0d: 0x000c, 0xb0e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb71: 0x000c, 0xb74: 0x000c, 0xb75: 0x000c, + 0xb76: 0x000c, 0xb77: 0x000c, 0xb78: 0x000c, 0xb79: 0x000c, 0xb7b: 0x000c, + 0xb7c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb88: 0x000c, 0xb89: 0x000c, 0xb8a: 0x000c, 0xb8b: 0x000c, + 0xb8c: 0x000c, 0xb8d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbd8: 0x000c, 0xbd9: 0x000c, + 0xbf5: 0x000c, + 0xbf7: 0x000c, 0xbf9: 0x000c, 0xbfa: 0x003a, 0xbfb: 0x002a, + 0xbfc: 0x003a, 0xbfd: 0x002a, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc31: 0x000c, 0xc32: 0x000c, 0xc33: 0x000c, 0xc34: 0x000c, 0xc35: 0x000c, + 0xc36: 0x000c, 0xc37: 0x000c, 0xc38: 0x000c, 0xc39: 0x000c, 0xc3a: 0x000c, 0xc3b: 0x000c, + 0xc3c: 0x000c, 0xc3d: 0x000c, 0xc3e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x000c, 0xc41: 0x000c, 0xc42: 0x000c, 0xc43: 0x000c, 0xc44: 0x000c, + 0xc46: 0x000c, 0xc47: 0x000c, + 0xc4d: 0x000c, 0xc4e: 0x000c, 0xc4f: 0x000c, 0xc50: 0x000c, 0xc51: 0x000c, + 0xc52: 0x000c, 0xc53: 0x000c, 0xc54: 0x000c, 0xc55: 0x000c, 0xc56: 0x000c, 0xc57: 0x000c, + 0xc59: 0x000c, 0xc5a: 0x000c, 0xc5b: 0x000c, 0xc5c: 0x000c, 0xc5d: 0x000c, + 0xc5e: 0x000c, 0xc5f: 0x000c, 0xc60: 0x000c, 0xc61: 0x000c, 0xc62: 0x000c, 0xc63: 0x000c, + 0xc64: 0x000c, 0xc65: 0x000c, 0xc66: 0x000c, 0xc67: 0x000c, 0xc68: 0x000c, 0xc69: 0x000c, + 0xc6a: 0x000c, 0xc6b: 0x000c, 0xc6c: 0x000c, 0xc6d: 0x000c, 0xc6e: 0x000c, 0xc6f: 0x000c, + 0xc70: 0x000c, 0xc71: 0x000c, 0xc72: 0x000c, 0xc73: 0x000c, 0xc74: 0x000c, 0xc75: 0x000c, + 0xc76: 0x000c, 0xc77: 0x000c, 0xc78: 0x000c, 0xc79: 0x000c, 0xc7a: 0x000c, 0xc7b: 0x000c, + 0xc7c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc86: 0x000c, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xced: 0x000c, 0xcee: 0x000c, 0xcef: 0x000c, + 0xcf0: 0x000c, 0xcf2: 0x000c, 0xcf3: 0x000c, 0xcf4: 0x000c, 0xcf5: 0x000c, + 0xcf6: 0x000c, 0xcf7: 0x000c, 0xcf9: 0x000c, 0xcfa: 0x000c, + 0xcfd: 0x000c, 0xcfe: 0x000c, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd18: 0x000c, 0xd19: 0x000c, + 0xd1e: 0x000c, 0xd1f: 0x000c, 0xd20: 0x000c, + 0xd31: 0x000c, 0xd32: 0x000c, 0xd33: 0x000c, 0xd34: 0x000c, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd42: 0x000c, 0xd45: 0x000c, + 0xd46: 0x000c, + 0xd4d: 0x000c, + 0xd5d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd9d: 0x000c, + 0xd9e: 0x000c, 0xd9f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdd0: 0x000a, 0xdd1: 0x000a, + 0xdd2: 0x000a, 0xdd3: 0x000a, 0xdd4: 0x000a, 0xdd5: 0x000a, 0xdd6: 0x000a, 0xdd7: 0x000a, + 0xdd8: 0x000a, 0xdd9: 0x000a, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x000a, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x0009, + 0xe5b: 0x007a, 0xe5c: 0x006a, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe92: 0x000c, 0xe93: 0x000c, 0xe94: 0x000c, + 0xeb2: 0x000c, 0xeb3: 0x000c, 0xeb4: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xed2: 0x000c, 0xed3: 0x000c, + 0xef2: 0x000c, 0xef3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf34: 0x000c, 0xf35: 0x000c, + 0xf37: 0x000c, 0xf38: 0x000c, 0xf39: 0x000c, 0xf3a: 0x000c, 0xf3b: 0x000c, + 0xf3c: 0x000c, 0xf3d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf46: 0x000c, 0xf49: 0x000c, 0xf4a: 0x000c, 0xf4b: 0x000c, + 0xf4c: 0x000c, 0xf4d: 0x000c, 0xf4e: 0x000c, 0xf4f: 0x000c, 0xf50: 0x000c, 0xf51: 0x000c, + 0xf52: 0x000c, 0xf53: 0x000c, + 0xf5b: 0x0004, 0xf5d: 0x000c, + 0xf70: 0x000a, 0xf71: 0x000a, 0xf72: 0x000a, 0xf73: 0x000a, 0xf74: 0x000a, 0xf75: 0x000a, + 0xf76: 0x000a, 0xf77: 0x000a, 0xf78: 0x000a, 0xf79: 0x000a, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x000a, 0xf81: 0x000a, 0xf82: 0x000a, 0xf83: 0x000a, 0xf84: 0x000a, 0xf85: 0x000a, + 0xf86: 0x000a, 0xf87: 0x000a, 0xf88: 0x000a, 0xf89: 0x000a, 0xf8a: 0x000a, 0xf8b: 0x000c, + 0xf8c: 0x000c, 0xf8d: 0x000c, 0xf8e: 0x000b, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc5: 0x000c, + 0xfc6: 0x000c, + 0xfe9: 0x000c, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1020: 0x000c, 0x1021: 0x000c, 0x1022: 0x000c, + 0x1027: 0x000c, 0x1028: 0x000c, + 0x1032: 0x000c, + 0x1039: 0x000c, 0x103a: 0x000c, 0x103b: 0x000c, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x000a, 0x1044: 0x000a, 0x1045: 0x000a, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x109e: 0x000a, 0x109f: 0x000a, 0x10a0: 0x000a, 0x10a1: 0x000a, 0x10a2: 0x000a, 0x10a3: 0x000a, + 0x10a4: 0x000a, 0x10a5: 0x000a, 0x10a6: 0x000a, 0x10a7: 0x000a, 0x10a8: 0x000a, 0x10a9: 0x000a, + 0x10aa: 0x000a, 0x10ab: 0x000a, 0x10ac: 0x000a, 0x10ad: 0x000a, 0x10ae: 0x000a, 0x10af: 0x000a, + 0x10b0: 0x000a, 0x10b1: 0x000a, 0x10b2: 0x000a, 0x10b3: 0x000a, 0x10b4: 0x000a, 0x10b5: 0x000a, + 0x10b6: 0x000a, 0x10b7: 0x000a, 0x10b8: 0x000a, 0x10b9: 0x000a, 0x10ba: 0x000a, 0x10bb: 0x000a, + 0x10bc: 0x000a, 0x10bd: 0x000a, 0x10be: 0x000a, 0x10bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10d7: 0x000c, + 0x10d8: 0x000c, 0x10db: 0x000c, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1116: 0x000c, + 0x1118: 0x000c, 0x1119: 0x000c, 0x111a: 0x000c, 0x111b: 0x000c, 0x111c: 0x000c, 0x111d: 0x000c, + 0x111e: 0x000c, 0x1120: 0x000c, 0x1122: 0x000c, + 0x1125: 0x000c, 0x1126: 0x000c, 0x1127: 0x000c, 0x1128: 0x000c, 0x1129: 0x000c, + 0x112a: 0x000c, 0x112b: 0x000c, 0x112c: 0x000c, + 0x1133: 0x000c, 0x1134: 0x000c, 0x1135: 0x000c, + 0x1136: 0x000c, 0x1137: 0x000c, 0x1138: 0x000c, 0x1139: 0x000c, 0x113a: 0x000c, 0x113b: 0x000c, + 0x113c: 0x000c, 0x113f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1170: 0x000c, 0x1171: 0x000c, 0x1172: 0x000c, 0x1173: 0x000c, 0x1174: 0x000c, 0x1175: 0x000c, + 0x1176: 0x000c, 0x1177: 0x000c, 0x1178: 0x000c, 0x1179: 0x000c, 0x117a: 0x000c, 0x117b: 0x000c, + 0x117c: 0x000c, 0x117d: 0x000c, 0x117e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1180: 0x000c, 0x1181: 0x000c, 0x1182: 0x000c, 0x1183: 0x000c, + 0x11b4: 0x000c, + 0x11b6: 0x000c, 0x11b7: 0x000c, 0x11b8: 0x000c, 0x11b9: 0x000c, 0x11ba: 0x000c, + 0x11bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c2: 0x000c, + 0x11eb: 0x000c, 0x11ec: 0x000c, 0x11ed: 0x000c, 0x11ee: 0x000c, 0x11ef: 0x000c, + 0x11f0: 0x000c, 0x11f1: 0x000c, 0x11f2: 0x000c, 0x11f3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x000c, 0x1201: 0x000c, + 0x1222: 0x000c, 0x1223: 0x000c, + 0x1224: 0x000c, 0x1225: 0x000c, 0x1228: 0x000c, 0x1229: 0x000c, + 0x122b: 0x000c, 0x122c: 0x000c, 0x122d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1266: 0x000c, 0x1268: 0x000c, 0x1269: 0x000c, + 0x126d: 0x000c, 0x126f: 0x000c, + 0x1270: 0x000c, 0x1271: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x12ac: 0x000c, 0x12ad: 0x000c, 0x12ae: 0x000c, 0x12af: 0x000c, + 0x12b0: 0x000c, 0x12b1: 0x000c, 0x12b2: 0x000c, 0x12b3: 0x000c, + 0x12b6: 0x000c, 0x12b7: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12d0: 0x000c, 0x12d1: 0x000c, + 0x12d2: 0x000c, 0x12d4: 0x000c, 0x12d5: 0x000c, 0x12d6: 0x000c, 0x12d7: 0x000c, + 0x12d8: 0x000c, 0x12d9: 0x000c, 0x12da: 0x000c, 0x12db: 0x000c, 0x12dc: 0x000c, 0x12dd: 0x000c, + 0x12de: 0x000c, 0x12df: 0x000c, 0x12e0: 0x000c, 0x12e2: 0x000c, 0x12e3: 0x000c, + 0x12e4: 0x000c, 0x12e5: 0x000c, 0x12e6: 0x000c, 0x12e7: 0x000c, 0x12e8: 0x000c, + 0x12ed: 0x000c, + 0x12f4: 0x000c, + 0x12f8: 0x000c, 0x12f9: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x000c, 0x1301: 0x000c, 0x1302: 0x000c, 0x1303: 0x000c, 0x1304: 0x000c, 0x1305: 0x000c, + 0x1306: 0x000c, 0x1307: 0x000c, 0x1308: 0x000c, 0x1309: 0x000c, 0x130a: 0x000c, 0x130b: 0x000c, + 0x130c: 0x000c, 0x130d: 0x000c, 0x130e: 0x000c, 0x130f: 0x000c, 0x1310: 0x000c, 0x1311: 0x000c, + 0x1312: 0x000c, 0x1313: 0x000c, 0x1314: 0x000c, 0x1315: 0x000c, 0x1316: 0x000c, 0x1317: 0x000c, + 0x1318: 0x000c, 0x1319: 0x000c, 0x131a: 0x000c, 0x131b: 0x000c, 0x131c: 0x000c, 0x131d: 0x000c, + 0x131e: 0x000c, 0x131f: 0x000c, 0x1320: 0x000c, 0x1321: 0x000c, 0x1322: 0x000c, 0x1323: 0x000c, + 0x1324: 0x000c, 0x1325: 0x000c, 0x1326: 0x000c, 0x1327: 0x000c, 0x1328: 0x000c, 0x1329: 0x000c, + 0x132a: 0x000c, 0x132b: 0x000c, 0x132c: 0x000c, 0x132d: 0x000c, 0x132e: 0x000c, 0x132f: 0x000c, + 0x1330: 0x000c, 0x1331: 0x000c, 0x1332: 0x000c, 0x1333: 0x000c, 0x1334: 0x000c, 0x1335: 0x000c, + 0x1336: 0x000c, 0x1337: 0x000c, 0x1338: 0x000c, 0x1339: 0x000c, 0x133b: 0x000c, + 0x133c: 0x000c, 0x133d: 0x000c, 0x133e: 0x000c, 0x133f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x137d: 0x000a, 0x137f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x000a, 0x1381: 0x000a, + 0x138d: 0x000a, 0x138e: 0x000a, 0x138f: 0x000a, + 0x139d: 0x000a, + 0x139e: 0x000a, 0x139f: 0x000a, + 0x13ad: 0x000a, 0x13ae: 0x000a, 0x13af: 0x000a, + 0x13bd: 0x000a, 0x13be: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x0009, 0x13c1: 0x0009, 0x13c2: 0x0009, 0x13c3: 0x0009, 0x13c4: 0x0009, 0x13c5: 0x0009, + 0x13c6: 0x0009, 0x13c7: 0x0009, 0x13c8: 0x0009, 0x13c9: 0x0009, 0x13ca: 0x0009, 0x13cb: 0x000b, + 0x13cc: 0x000b, 0x13cd: 0x000b, 0x13cf: 0x0001, 0x13d0: 0x000a, 0x13d1: 0x000a, + 0x13d2: 0x000a, 0x13d3: 0x000a, 0x13d4: 0x000a, 0x13d5: 0x000a, 0x13d6: 0x000a, 0x13d7: 0x000a, + 0x13d8: 0x000a, 0x13d9: 0x000a, 0x13da: 0x000a, 0x13db: 0x000a, 0x13dc: 0x000a, 0x13dd: 0x000a, + 0x13de: 0x000a, 0x13df: 0x000a, 0x13e0: 0x000a, 0x13e1: 0x000a, 0x13e2: 0x000a, 0x13e3: 0x000a, + 0x13e4: 0x000a, 0x13e5: 0x000a, 0x13e6: 0x000a, 0x13e7: 0x000a, 0x13e8: 0x0009, 0x13e9: 0x0007, + 0x13ea: 0x000e, 0x13eb: 0x000e, 0x13ec: 0x000e, 0x13ed: 0x000e, 0x13ee: 0x000e, 0x13ef: 0x0006, + 0x13f0: 0x0004, 0x13f1: 0x0004, 0x13f2: 0x0004, 0x13f3: 0x0004, 0x13f4: 0x0004, 0x13f5: 0x000a, + 0x13f6: 0x000a, 0x13f7: 0x000a, 0x13f8: 0x000a, 0x13f9: 0x000a, 0x13fa: 0x000a, 0x13fb: 0x000a, + 0x13fc: 0x000a, 0x13fd: 0x000a, 0x13fe: 0x000a, 0x13ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x000a, 0x1401: 0x000a, 0x1402: 0x000a, 0x1403: 0x000a, 0x1404: 0x0006, 0x1405: 0x009a, + 0x1406: 0x008a, 0x1407: 0x000a, 0x1408: 0x000a, 0x1409: 0x000a, 0x140a: 0x000a, 0x140b: 0x000a, + 0x140c: 0x000a, 0x140d: 0x000a, 0x140e: 0x000a, 0x140f: 0x000a, 0x1410: 0x000a, 0x1411: 0x000a, + 0x1412: 0x000a, 0x1413: 0x000a, 0x1414: 0x000a, 0x1415: 0x000a, 0x1416: 0x000a, 0x1417: 0x000a, + 0x1418: 0x000a, 0x1419: 0x000a, 0x141a: 0x000a, 0x141b: 0x000a, 0x141c: 0x000a, 0x141d: 0x000a, + 0x141e: 0x000a, 0x141f: 0x0009, 0x1420: 0x000b, 0x1421: 0x000b, 0x1422: 0x000b, 0x1423: 0x000b, + 0x1424: 0x000b, 0x1425: 0x000b, 0x1426: 0x000e, 0x1427: 0x000e, 0x1428: 0x000e, 0x1429: 0x000e, + 0x142a: 0x000b, 0x142b: 0x000b, 0x142c: 0x000b, 0x142d: 0x000b, 0x142e: 0x000b, 0x142f: 0x000b, + 0x1430: 0x0002, 0x1434: 0x0002, 0x1435: 0x0002, + 0x1436: 0x0002, 0x1437: 0x0002, 0x1438: 0x0002, 0x1439: 0x0002, 0x143a: 0x0003, 0x143b: 0x0003, + 0x143c: 0x000a, 0x143d: 0x009a, 0x143e: 0x008a, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1440: 0x0002, 0x1441: 0x0002, 0x1442: 0x0002, 0x1443: 0x0002, 0x1444: 0x0002, 0x1445: 0x0002, + 0x1446: 0x0002, 0x1447: 0x0002, 0x1448: 0x0002, 0x1449: 0x0002, 0x144a: 0x0003, 0x144b: 0x0003, + 0x144c: 0x000a, 0x144d: 0x009a, 0x144e: 0x008a, + 0x1460: 0x0004, 0x1461: 0x0004, 0x1462: 0x0004, 0x1463: 0x0004, + 0x1464: 0x0004, 0x1465: 0x0004, 0x1466: 0x0004, 0x1467: 0x0004, 0x1468: 0x0004, 0x1469: 0x0004, + 0x146a: 0x0004, 0x146b: 0x0004, 0x146c: 0x0004, 0x146d: 0x0004, 0x146e: 0x0004, 0x146f: 0x0004, + 0x1470: 0x0004, 0x1471: 0x0004, 0x1472: 0x0004, 0x1473: 0x0004, 0x1474: 0x0004, 0x1475: 0x0004, + 0x1476: 0x0004, 0x1477: 0x0004, 0x1478: 0x0004, 0x1479: 0x0004, 0x147a: 0x0004, 0x147b: 0x0004, + 0x147c: 0x0004, 0x147d: 0x0004, 0x147e: 0x0004, 0x147f: 0x0004, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x0004, 0x1481: 0x0004, 0x1482: 0x0004, 0x1483: 0x0004, 0x1484: 0x0004, 0x1485: 0x0004, + 0x1486: 0x0004, 0x1487: 0x0004, 0x1488: 0x0004, 0x1489: 0x0004, 0x148a: 0x0004, 0x148b: 0x0004, + 0x148c: 0x0004, 0x148d: 0x0004, 0x148e: 0x0004, 0x148f: 0x0004, 0x1490: 0x000c, 0x1491: 0x000c, + 0x1492: 0x000c, 0x1493: 0x000c, 0x1494: 0x000c, 0x1495: 0x000c, 0x1496: 0x000c, 0x1497: 0x000c, + 0x1498: 0x000c, 0x1499: 0x000c, 0x149a: 0x000c, 0x149b: 0x000c, 0x149c: 0x000c, 0x149d: 0x000c, + 0x149e: 0x000c, 0x149f: 0x000c, 0x14a0: 0x000c, 0x14a1: 0x000c, 0x14a2: 0x000c, 0x14a3: 0x000c, + 0x14a4: 0x000c, 0x14a5: 0x000c, 0x14a6: 0x000c, 0x14a7: 0x000c, 0x14a8: 0x000c, 0x14a9: 0x000c, + 0x14aa: 0x000c, 0x14ab: 0x000c, 0x14ac: 0x000c, 0x14ad: 0x000c, 0x14ae: 0x000c, 0x14af: 0x000c, + 0x14b0: 0x000c, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x000a, 0x14c1: 0x000a, 0x14c3: 0x000a, 0x14c4: 0x000a, 0x14c5: 0x000a, + 0x14c6: 0x000a, 0x14c8: 0x000a, 0x14c9: 0x000a, + 0x14d4: 0x000a, 0x14d6: 0x000a, 0x14d7: 0x000a, + 0x14d8: 0x000a, + 0x14de: 0x000a, 0x14df: 0x000a, 0x14e0: 0x000a, 0x14e1: 0x000a, 0x14e2: 0x000a, 0x14e3: 0x000a, + 0x14e5: 0x000a, 0x14e7: 0x000a, 0x14e9: 0x000a, + 0x14ee: 0x0004, + 0x14fa: 0x000a, 0x14fb: 0x000a, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x000a, 0x1501: 0x000a, 0x1502: 0x000a, 0x1503: 0x000a, 0x1504: 0x000a, + 0x150a: 0x000a, 0x150b: 0x000a, + 0x150c: 0x000a, 0x150d: 0x000a, 0x1510: 0x000a, 0x1511: 0x000a, + 0x1512: 0x000a, 0x1513: 0x000a, 0x1514: 0x000a, 0x1515: 0x000a, 0x1516: 0x000a, 0x1517: 0x000a, + 0x1518: 0x000a, 0x1519: 0x000a, 0x151a: 0x000a, 0x151b: 0x000a, 0x151c: 0x000a, 0x151d: 0x000a, + 0x151e: 0x000a, 0x151f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1549: 0x000a, 0x154a: 0x000a, 0x154b: 0x000a, + 0x1550: 0x000a, 0x1551: 0x000a, + 0x1552: 0x000a, 0x1553: 0x000a, 0x1554: 0x000a, 0x1555: 0x000a, 0x1556: 0x000a, 0x1557: 0x000a, + 0x1558: 0x000a, 0x1559: 0x000a, 0x155a: 0x000a, 0x155b: 0x000a, 0x155c: 0x000a, 0x155d: 0x000a, + 0x155e: 0x000a, 0x155f: 0x000a, 0x1560: 0x000a, 0x1561: 0x000a, 0x1562: 0x000a, 0x1563: 0x000a, + 0x1564: 0x000a, 0x1565: 0x000a, 0x1566: 0x000a, 0x1567: 0x000a, 0x1568: 0x000a, 0x1569: 0x000a, + 0x156a: 0x000a, 0x156b: 0x000a, 0x156c: 0x000a, 0x156d: 0x000a, 0x156e: 0x000a, 0x156f: 0x000a, + 0x1570: 0x000a, 0x1571: 0x000a, 0x1572: 0x000a, 0x1573: 0x000a, 0x1574: 0x000a, 0x1575: 0x000a, + 0x1576: 0x000a, 0x1577: 0x000a, 0x1578: 0x000a, 0x1579: 0x000a, 0x157a: 0x000a, 0x157b: 0x000a, + 0x157c: 0x000a, 0x157d: 0x000a, 0x157e: 0x000a, 0x157f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0x000a, 0x1581: 0x000a, 0x1582: 0x000a, 0x1583: 0x000a, 0x1584: 0x000a, 0x1585: 0x000a, + 0x1586: 0x000a, 0x1587: 0x000a, 0x1588: 0x000a, 0x1589: 0x000a, 0x158a: 0x000a, 0x158b: 0x000a, + 0x158c: 0x000a, 0x158d: 0x000a, 0x158e: 0x000a, 0x158f: 0x000a, 0x1590: 0x000a, 0x1591: 0x000a, + 0x1592: 0x000a, 0x1593: 0x000a, 0x1594: 0x000a, 0x1595: 0x000a, 0x1596: 0x000a, 0x1597: 0x000a, + 0x1598: 0x000a, 0x1599: 0x000a, 0x159a: 0x000a, 0x159b: 0x000a, 0x159c: 0x000a, 0x159d: 0x000a, + 0x159e: 0x000a, 0x159f: 0x000a, 0x15a0: 0x000a, 0x15a1: 0x000a, 0x15a2: 0x000a, 0x15a3: 0x000a, + 0x15a4: 0x000a, 0x15a5: 0x000a, 0x15a6: 0x000a, 0x15a7: 0x000a, 0x15a8: 0x000a, 0x15a9: 0x000a, + 0x15aa: 0x000a, 0x15ab: 0x000a, 0x15ac: 0x000a, 0x15ad: 0x000a, 0x15ae: 0x000a, 0x15af: 0x000a, + 0x15b0: 0x000a, 0x15b1: 0x000a, 0x15b2: 0x000a, 0x15b3: 0x000a, 0x15b4: 0x000a, 0x15b5: 0x000a, + 0x15b6: 0x000a, 0x15b7: 0x000a, 0x15b8: 0x000a, 0x15b9: 0x000a, 0x15ba: 0x000a, 0x15bb: 0x000a, + 0x15bc: 0x000a, 0x15bd: 0x000a, 0x15be: 0x000a, 0x15bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0x000a, 0x15c1: 0x000a, 0x15c2: 0x000a, 0x15c3: 0x000a, 0x15c4: 0x000a, 0x15c5: 0x000a, + 0x15c6: 0x000a, 0x15c7: 0x000a, 0x15c8: 0x000a, 0x15c9: 0x000a, 0x15ca: 0x000a, 0x15cb: 0x000a, + 0x15cc: 0x000a, 0x15cd: 0x000a, 0x15ce: 0x000a, 0x15cf: 0x000a, 0x15d0: 0x000a, 0x15d1: 0x000a, + 0x15d2: 0x0003, 0x15d3: 0x0004, 0x15d4: 0x000a, 0x15d5: 0x000a, 0x15d6: 0x000a, 0x15d7: 0x000a, + 0x15d8: 0x000a, 0x15d9: 0x000a, 0x15da: 0x000a, 0x15db: 0x000a, 0x15dc: 0x000a, 0x15dd: 0x000a, + 0x15de: 0x000a, 0x15df: 0x000a, 0x15e0: 0x000a, 0x15e1: 0x000a, 0x15e2: 0x000a, 0x15e3: 0x000a, + 0x15e4: 0x000a, 0x15e5: 0x000a, 0x15e6: 0x000a, 0x15e7: 0x000a, 0x15e8: 0x000a, 0x15e9: 0x000a, + 0x15ea: 0x000a, 0x15eb: 0x000a, 0x15ec: 0x000a, 0x15ed: 0x000a, 0x15ee: 0x000a, 0x15ef: 0x000a, + 0x15f0: 0x000a, 0x15f1: 0x000a, 0x15f2: 0x000a, 0x15f3: 0x000a, 0x15f4: 0x000a, 0x15f5: 0x000a, + 0x15f6: 0x000a, 0x15f7: 0x000a, 0x15f8: 0x000a, 0x15f9: 0x000a, 0x15fa: 0x000a, 0x15fb: 0x000a, + 0x15fc: 0x000a, 0x15fd: 0x000a, 0x15fe: 0x000a, 0x15ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x000a, 0x1601: 0x000a, 0x1602: 0x000a, 0x1603: 0x000a, 0x1604: 0x000a, 0x1605: 0x000a, + 0x1606: 0x000a, 0x1607: 0x000a, 0x1608: 0x003a, 0x1609: 0x002a, 0x160a: 0x003a, 0x160b: 0x002a, + 0x160c: 0x000a, 0x160d: 0x000a, 0x160e: 0x000a, 0x160f: 0x000a, 0x1610: 0x000a, 0x1611: 0x000a, + 0x1612: 0x000a, 0x1613: 0x000a, 0x1614: 0x000a, 0x1615: 0x000a, 0x1616: 0x000a, 0x1617: 0x000a, + 0x1618: 0x000a, 0x1619: 0x000a, 0x161a: 0x000a, 0x161b: 0x000a, 0x161c: 0x000a, 0x161d: 0x000a, + 0x161e: 0x000a, 0x161f: 0x000a, 0x1620: 0x000a, 0x1621: 0x000a, 0x1622: 0x000a, 0x1623: 0x000a, + 0x1624: 0x000a, 0x1625: 0x000a, 0x1626: 0x000a, 0x1627: 0x000a, 0x1628: 0x000a, 0x1629: 0x009a, + 0x162a: 0x008a, 0x162b: 0x000a, 0x162c: 0x000a, 0x162d: 0x000a, 0x162e: 0x000a, 0x162f: 0x000a, + 0x1630: 0x000a, 0x1631: 0x000a, 0x1632: 0x000a, 0x1633: 0x000a, 0x1634: 0x000a, 0x1635: 0x000a, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x167b: 0x000a, + 0x167c: 0x000a, 0x167d: 0x000a, 0x167e: 0x000a, 0x167f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x000a, 0x1681: 0x000a, 0x1682: 0x000a, 0x1683: 0x000a, 0x1684: 0x000a, 0x1685: 0x000a, + 0x1686: 0x000a, 0x1687: 0x000a, 0x1688: 0x000a, 0x1689: 0x000a, 0x168a: 0x000a, 0x168b: 0x000a, + 0x168c: 0x000a, 0x168d: 0x000a, 0x168e: 0x000a, 0x168f: 0x000a, 0x1690: 0x000a, 0x1691: 0x000a, + 0x1692: 0x000a, 0x1693: 0x000a, 0x1694: 0x000a, 0x1696: 0x000a, 0x1697: 0x000a, + 0x1698: 0x000a, 0x1699: 0x000a, 0x169a: 0x000a, 0x169b: 0x000a, 0x169c: 0x000a, 0x169d: 0x000a, + 0x169e: 0x000a, 0x169f: 0x000a, 0x16a0: 0x000a, 0x16a1: 0x000a, 0x16a2: 0x000a, 0x16a3: 0x000a, + 0x16a4: 0x000a, 0x16a5: 0x000a, 0x16a6: 0x000a, 0x16a7: 0x000a, 0x16a8: 0x000a, 0x16a9: 0x000a, + 0x16aa: 0x000a, 0x16ab: 0x000a, 0x16ac: 0x000a, 0x16ad: 0x000a, 0x16ae: 0x000a, 0x16af: 0x000a, + 0x16b0: 0x000a, 0x16b1: 0x000a, 0x16b2: 0x000a, 0x16b3: 0x000a, 0x16b4: 0x000a, 0x16b5: 0x000a, + 0x16b6: 0x000a, 0x16b7: 0x000a, 0x16b8: 0x000a, 0x16b9: 0x000a, 0x16ba: 0x000a, 0x16bb: 0x000a, + 0x16bc: 0x000a, 0x16bd: 0x000a, 0x16be: 0x000a, 0x16bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16c0: 0x000a, 0x16c1: 0x000a, 0x16c2: 0x000a, 0x16c3: 0x000a, 0x16c4: 0x000a, 0x16c5: 0x000a, + 0x16c6: 0x000a, 0x16c7: 0x000a, 0x16c8: 0x000a, 0x16c9: 0x000a, 0x16ca: 0x000a, 0x16cb: 0x000a, + 0x16cc: 0x000a, 0x16cd: 0x000a, 0x16ce: 0x000a, 0x16cf: 0x000a, 0x16d0: 0x000a, 0x16d1: 0x000a, + 0x16d2: 0x000a, 0x16d3: 0x000a, 0x16d4: 0x000a, 0x16d5: 0x000a, 0x16d6: 0x000a, 0x16d7: 0x000a, + 0x16d8: 0x000a, 0x16d9: 0x000a, 0x16da: 0x000a, 0x16db: 0x000a, 0x16dc: 0x000a, 0x16dd: 0x000a, + 0x16de: 0x000a, 0x16df: 0x000a, 0x16e0: 0x000a, 0x16e1: 0x000a, 0x16e2: 0x000a, 0x16e3: 0x000a, + 0x16e4: 0x000a, 0x16e5: 0x000a, 0x16e6: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x000a, 0x1701: 0x000a, 0x1702: 0x000a, 0x1703: 0x000a, 0x1704: 0x000a, 0x1705: 0x000a, + 0x1706: 0x000a, 0x1707: 0x000a, 0x1708: 0x000a, 0x1709: 0x000a, 0x170a: 0x000a, + 0x1720: 0x000a, 0x1721: 0x000a, 0x1722: 0x000a, 0x1723: 0x000a, + 0x1724: 0x000a, 0x1725: 0x000a, 0x1726: 0x000a, 0x1727: 0x000a, 0x1728: 0x000a, 0x1729: 0x000a, + 0x172a: 0x000a, 0x172b: 0x000a, 0x172c: 0x000a, 0x172d: 0x000a, 0x172e: 0x000a, 0x172f: 0x000a, + 0x1730: 0x000a, 0x1731: 0x000a, 0x1732: 0x000a, 0x1733: 0x000a, 0x1734: 0x000a, 0x1735: 0x000a, + 0x1736: 0x000a, 0x1737: 0x000a, 0x1738: 0x000a, 0x1739: 0x000a, 0x173a: 0x000a, 0x173b: 0x000a, + 0x173c: 0x000a, 0x173d: 0x000a, 0x173e: 0x000a, 0x173f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x000a, 0x1741: 0x000a, 0x1742: 0x000a, 0x1743: 0x000a, 0x1744: 0x000a, 0x1745: 0x000a, + 0x1746: 0x000a, 0x1747: 0x000a, 0x1748: 0x0002, 0x1749: 0x0002, 0x174a: 0x0002, 0x174b: 0x0002, + 0x174c: 0x0002, 0x174d: 0x0002, 0x174e: 0x0002, 0x174f: 0x0002, 0x1750: 0x0002, 0x1751: 0x0002, + 0x1752: 0x0002, 0x1753: 0x0002, 0x1754: 0x0002, 0x1755: 0x0002, 0x1756: 0x0002, 0x1757: 0x0002, + 0x1758: 0x0002, 0x1759: 0x0002, 0x175a: 0x0002, 0x175b: 0x0002, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x17aa: 0x000a, 0x17ab: 0x000a, 0x17ac: 0x000a, 0x17ad: 0x000a, 0x17ae: 0x000a, 0x17af: 0x000a, + 0x17b0: 0x000a, 0x17b1: 0x000a, 0x17b2: 0x000a, 0x17b3: 0x000a, 0x17b4: 0x000a, 0x17b5: 0x000a, + 0x17b6: 0x000a, 0x17b7: 0x000a, 0x17b8: 0x000a, 0x17b9: 0x000a, 0x17ba: 0x000a, 0x17bb: 0x000a, + 0x17bc: 0x000a, 0x17bd: 0x000a, 0x17be: 0x000a, 0x17bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x000a, 0x17c1: 0x000a, 0x17c2: 0x000a, 0x17c3: 0x000a, 0x17c4: 0x000a, 0x17c5: 0x000a, + 0x17c6: 0x000a, 0x17c7: 0x000a, 0x17c8: 0x000a, 0x17c9: 0x000a, 0x17ca: 0x000a, 0x17cb: 0x000a, + 0x17cc: 0x000a, 0x17cd: 0x000a, 0x17ce: 0x000a, 0x17cf: 0x000a, 0x17d0: 0x000a, 0x17d1: 0x000a, + 0x17d2: 0x000a, 0x17d3: 0x000a, 0x17d4: 0x000a, 0x17d5: 0x000a, 0x17d6: 0x000a, 0x17d7: 0x000a, + 0x17d8: 0x000a, 0x17d9: 0x000a, 0x17da: 0x000a, 0x17db: 0x000a, 0x17dc: 0x000a, 0x17dd: 0x000a, + 0x17de: 0x000a, 0x17df: 0x000a, 0x17e0: 0x000a, 0x17e1: 0x000a, 0x17e2: 0x000a, 0x17e3: 0x000a, + 0x17e4: 0x000a, 0x17e5: 0x000a, 0x17e6: 0x000a, 0x17e7: 0x000a, 0x17e8: 0x000a, 0x17e9: 0x000a, + 0x17ea: 0x000a, 0x17eb: 0x000a, 0x17ed: 0x000a, 0x17ee: 0x000a, 0x17ef: 0x000a, + 0x17f0: 0x000a, 0x17f1: 0x000a, 0x17f2: 0x000a, 0x17f3: 0x000a, 0x17f4: 0x000a, 0x17f5: 0x000a, + 0x17f6: 0x000a, 0x17f7: 0x000a, 0x17f8: 0x000a, 0x17f9: 0x000a, 0x17fa: 0x000a, 0x17fb: 0x000a, + 0x17fc: 0x000a, 0x17fd: 0x000a, 0x17fe: 0x000a, 0x17ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1800: 0x000a, 0x1801: 0x000a, 0x1802: 0x000a, 0x1803: 0x000a, 0x1804: 0x000a, 0x1805: 0x000a, + 0x1806: 0x000a, 0x1807: 0x000a, 0x1808: 0x000a, 0x1809: 0x000a, 0x180a: 0x000a, 0x180b: 0x000a, + 0x180c: 0x000a, 0x180d: 0x000a, 0x180e: 0x000a, 0x180f: 0x000a, 0x1810: 0x000a, 0x1811: 0x000a, + 0x1812: 0x000a, 0x1813: 0x000a, 0x1814: 0x000a, 0x1815: 0x000a, 0x1816: 0x000a, 0x1817: 0x000a, + 0x1818: 0x000a, 0x1819: 0x000a, 0x181a: 0x000a, 0x181b: 0x000a, 0x181c: 0x000a, 0x181d: 0x000a, + 0x181e: 0x000a, 0x181f: 0x000a, 0x1820: 0x000a, 0x1821: 0x000a, 0x1822: 0x000a, 0x1823: 0x000a, + 0x1824: 0x000a, 0x1825: 0x000a, 0x1826: 0x000a, 0x1827: 0x000a, 0x1828: 0x003a, 0x1829: 0x002a, + 0x182a: 0x003a, 0x182b: 0x002a, 0x182c: 0x003a, 0x182d: 0x002a, 0x182e: 0x003a, 0x182f: 0x002a, + 0x1830: 0x003a, 0x1831: 0x002a, 0x1832: 0x003a, 0x1833: 0x002a, 0x1834: 0x003a, 0x1835: 0x002a, + 0x1836: 0x000a, 0x1837: 0x000a, 0x1838: 0x000a, 0x1839: 0x000a, 0x183a: 0x000a, 0x183b: 0x000a, + 0x183c: 0x000a, 0x183d: 0x000a, 0x183e: 0x000a, 0x183f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x000a, 0x1841: 0x000a, 0x1842: 0x000a, 0x1843: 0x000a, 0x1844: 0x000a, 0x1845: 0x009a, + 0x1846: 0x008a, 0x1847: 0x000a, 0x1848: 0x000a, 0x1849: 0x000a, 0x184a: 0x000a, 0x184b: 0x000a, + 0x184c: 0x000a, 0x184d: 0x000a, 0x184e: 0x000a, 0x184f: 0x000a, 0x1850: 0x000a, 0x1851: 0x000a, + 0x1852: 0x000a, 0x1853: 0x000a, 0x1854: 0x000a, 0x1855: 0x000a, 0x1856: 0x000a, 0x1857: 0x000a, + 0x1858: 0x000a, 0x1859: 0x000a, 0x185a: 0x000a, 0x185b: 0x000a, 0x185c: 0x000a, 0x185d: 0x000a, + 0x185e: 0x000a, 0x185f: 0x000a, 0x1860: 0x000a, 0x1861: 0x000a, 0x1862: 0x000a, 0x1863: 0x000a, + 0x1864: 0x000a, 0x1865: 0x000a, 0x1866: 0x003a, 0x1867: 0x002a, 0x1868: 0x003a, 0x1869: 0x002a, + 0x186a: 0x003a, 0x186b: 0x002a, 0x186c: 0x003a, 0x186d: 0x002a, 0x186e: 0x003a, 0x186f: 0x002a, + 0x1870: 0x000a, 0x1871: 0x000a, 0x1872: 0x000a, 0x1873: 0x000a, 0x1874: 0x000a, 0x1875: 0x000a, + 0x1876: 0x000a, 0x1877: 0x000a, 0x1878: 0x000a, 0x1879: 0x000a, 0x187a: 0x000a, 0x187b: 0x000a, + 0x187c: 0x000a, 0x187d: 0x000a, 0x187e: 0x000a, 0x187f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x000a, 0x1881: 0x000a, 0x1882: 0x000a, 0x1883: 0x007a, 0x1884: 0x006a, 0x1885: 0x009a, + 0x1886: 0x008a, 0x1887: 0x00ba, 0x1888: 0x00aa, 0x1889: 0x009a, 0x188a: 0x008a, 0x188b: 0x007a, + 0x188c: 0x006a, 0x188d: 0x00da, 0x188e: 0x002a, 0x188f: 0x003a, 0x1890: 0x00ca, 0x1891: 0x009a, + 0x1892: 0x008a, 0x1893: 0x007a, 0x1894: 0x006a, 0x1895: 0x009a, 0x1896: 0x008a, 0x1897: 0x00ba, + 0x1898: 0x00aa, 0x1899: 0x000a, 0x189a: 0x000a, 0x189b: 0x000a, 0x189c: 0x000a, 0x189d: 0x000a, + 0x189e: 0x000a, 0x189f: 0x000a, 0x18a0: 0x000a, 0x18a1: 0x000a, 0x18a2: 0x000a, 0x18a3: 0x000a, + 0x18a4: 0x000a, 0x18a5: 0x000a, 0x18a6: 0x000a, 0x18a7: 0x000a, 0x18a8: 0x000a, 0x18a9: 0x000a, + 0x18aa: 0x000a, 0x18ab: 0x000a, 0x18ac: 0x000a, 0x18ad: 0x000a, 0x18ae: 0x000a, 0x18af: 0x000a, + 0x18b0: 0x000a, 0x18b1: 0x000a, 0x18b2: 0x000a, 0x18b3: 0x000a, 0x18b4: 0x000a, 0x18b5: 0x000a, + 0x18b6: 0x000a, 0x18b7: 0x000a, 0x18b8: 0x000a, 0x18b9: 0x000a, 0x18ba: 0x000a, 0x18bb: 0x000a, + 0x18bc: 0x000a, 0x18bd: 0x000a, 0x18be: 0x000a, 0x18bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x000a, 0x18c1: 0x000a, 0x18c2: 0x000a, 0x18c3: 0x000a, 0x18c4: 0x000a, 0x18c5: 0x000a, + 0x18c6: 0x000a, 0x18c7: 0x000a, 0x18c8: 0x000a, 0x18c9: 0x000a, 0x18ca: 0x000a, 0x18cb: 0x000a, + 0x18cc: 0x000a, 0x18cd: 0x000a, 0x18ce: 0x000a, 0x18cf: 0x000a, 0x18d0: 0x000a, 0x18d1: 0x000a, + 0x18d2: 0x000a, 0x18d3: 0x000a, 0x18d4: 0x000a, 0x18d5: 0x000a, 0x18d6: 0x000a, 0x18d7: 0x000a, + 0x18d8: 0x003a, 0x18d9: 0x002a, 0x18da: 0x003a, 0x18db: 0x002a, 0x18dc: 0x000a, 0x18dd: 0x000a, + 0x18de: 0x000a, 0x18df: 0x000a, 0x18e0: 0x000a, 0x18e1: 0x000a, 0x18e2: 0x000a, 0x18e3: 0x000a, + 0x18e4: 0x000a, 0x18e5: 0x000a, 0x18e6: 0x000a, 0x18e7: 0x000a, 0x18e8: 0x000a, 0x18e9: 0x000a, + 0x18ea: 0x000a, 0x18eb: 0x000a, 0x18ec: 0x000a, 0x18ed: 0x000a, 0x18ee: 0x000a, 0x18ef: 0x000a, + 0x18f0: 0x000a, 0x18f1: 0x000a, 0x18f2: 0x000a, 0x18f3: 0x000a, 0x18f4: 0x000a, 0x18f5: 0x000a, + 0x18f6: 0x000a, 0x18f7: 0x000a, 0x18f8: 0x000a, 0x18f9: 0x000a, 0x18fa: 0x000a, 0x18fb: 0x000a, + 0x18fc: 0x003a, 0x18fd: 0x002a, 0x18fe: 0x000a, 0x18ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x000a, 0x1901: 0x000a, 0x1902: 0x000a, 0x1903: 0x000a, 0x1904: 0x000a, 0x1905: 0x000a, + 0x1906: 0x000a, 0x1907: 0x000a, 0x1908: 0x000a, 0x1909: 0x000a, 0x190a: 0x000a, 0x190b: 0x000a, + 0x190c: 0x000a, 0x190d: 0x000a, 0x190e: 0x000a, 0x190f: 0x000a, 0x1910: 0x000a, 0x1911: 0x000a, + 0x1912: 0x000a, 0x1913: 0x000a, 0x1914: 0x000a, 0x1915: 0x000a, 0x1916: 0x000a, 0x1917: 0x000a, + 0x1918: 0x000a, 0x1919: 0x000a, 0x191a: 0x000a, 0x191b: 0x000a, 0x191c: 0x000a, 0x191d: 0x000a, + 0x191e: 0x000a, 0x191f: 0x000a, 0x1920: 0x000a, 0x1921: 0x000a, 0x1922: 0x000a, 0x1923: 0x000a, + 0x1924: 0x000a, 0x1925: 0x000a, 0x1926: 0x000a, 0x1927: 0x000a, 0x1928: 0x000a, 0x1929: 0x000a, + 0x192a: 0x000a, 0x192b: 0x000a, 0x192c: 0x000a, 0x192d: 0x000a, 0x192e: 0x000a, 0x192f: 0x000a, + 0x1930: 0x000a, 0x1931: 0x000a, 0x1932: 0x000a, 0x1933: 0x000a, + 0x1936: 0x000a, 0x1937: 0x000a, 0x1938: 0x000a, 0x1939: 0x000a, 0x193a: 0x000a, 0x193b: 0x000a, + 0x193c: 0x000a, 0x193d: 0x000a, 0x193e: 0x000a, 0x193f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1940: 0x000a, 0x1941: 0x000a, 0x1942: 0x000a, 0x1943: 0x000a, 0x1944: 0x000a, 0x1945: 0x000a, + 0x1946: 0x000a, 0x1947: 0x000a, 0x1948: 0x000a, 0x1949: 0x000a, 0x194a: 0x000a, 0x194b: 0x000a, + 0x194c: 0x000a, 0x194d: 0x000a, 0x194e: 0x000a, 0x194f: 0x000a, 0x1950: 0x000a, 0x1951: 0x000a, + 0x1952: 0x000a, 0x1953: 0x000a, 0x1954: 0x000a, 0x1955: 0x000a, + 0x1958: 0x000a, 0x1959: 0x000a, 0x195a: 0x000a, 0x195b: 0x000a, 0x195c: 0x000a, 0x195d: 0x000a, + 0x195e: 0x000a, 0x195f: 0x000a, 0x1960: 0x000a, 0x1961: 0x000a, 0x1962: 0x000a, 0x1963: 0x000a, + 0x1964: 0x000a, 0x1965: 0x000a, 0x1966: 0x000a, 0x1967: 0x000a, 0x1968: 0x000a, 0x1969: 0x000a, + 0x196a: 0x000a, 0x196b: 0x000a, 0x196c: 0x000a, 0x196d: 0x000a, 0x196e: 0x000a, 0x196f: 0x000a, + 0x1970: 0x000a, 0x1971: 0x000a, 0x1972: 0x000a, 0x1973: 0x000a, 0x1974: 0x000a, 0x1975: 0x000a, + 0x1976: 0x000a, 0x1977: 0x000a, 0x1978: 0x000a, 0x1979: 0x000a, 0x197a: 0x000a, 0x197b: 0x000a, + 0x197c: 0x000a, 0x197d: 0x000a, 0x197e: 0x000a, 0x197f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x000a, 0x1981: 0x000a, 0x1982: 0x000a, 0x1983: 0x000a, 0x1984: 0x000a, 0x1985: 0x000a, + 0x1986: 0x000a, 0x1987: 0x000a, 0x1988: 0x000a, 0x198a: 0x000a, 0x198b: 0x000a, + 0x198c: 0x000a, 0x198d: 0x000a, 0x198e: 0x000a, 0x198f: 0x000a, 0x1990: 0x000a, 0x1991: 0x000a, + 0x1992: 0x000a, 0x1993: 0x000a, 0x1994: 0x000a, 0x1995: 0x000a, 0x1996: 0x000a, 0x1997: 0x000a, + 0x1998: 0x000a, 0x1999: 0x000a, 0x199a: 0x000a, 0x199b: 0x000a, 0x199c: 0x000a, 0x199d: 0x000a, + 0x199e: 0x000a, 0x199f: 0x000a, 0x19a0: 0x000a, 0x19a1: 0x000a, 0x19a2: 0x000a, 0x19a3: 0x000a, + 0x19a4: 0x000a, 0x19a5: 0x000a, 0x19a6: 0x000a, 0x19a7: 0x000a, 0x19a8: 0x000a, 0x19a9: 0x000a, + 0x19aa: 0x000a, 0x19ab: 0x000a, 0x19ac: 0x000a, 0x19ad: 0x000a, 0x19ae: 0x000a, 0x19af: 0x000a, + 0x19b0: 0x000a, 0x19b1: 0x000a, 0x19b2: 0x000a, 0x19b3: 0x000a, 0x19b4: 0x000a, 0x19b5: 0x000a, + 0x19b6: 0x000a, 0x19b7: 0x000a, 0x19b8: 0x000a, 0x19b9: 0x000a, 0x19ba: 0x000a, 0x19bb: 0x000a, + 0x19bc: 0x000a, 0x19bd: 0x000a, 0x19be: 0x000a, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19e5: 0x000a, 0x19e6: 0x000a, 0x19e7: 0x000a, 0x19e8: 0x000a, 0x19e9: 0x000a, + 0x19ea: 0x000a, 0x19ef: 0x000c, + 0x19f0: 0x000c, 0x19f1: 0x000c, + 0x19f9: 0x000a, 0x19fa: 0x000a, 0x19fb: 0x000a, + 0x19fc: 0x000a, 0x19fd: 0x000a, 0x19fe: 0x000a, 0x19ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a3f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x1a40 + 0x1a60: 0x000c, 0x1a61: 0x000c, 0x1a62: 0x000c, 0x1a63: 0x000c, + 0x1a64: 0x000c, 0x1a65: 0x000c, 0x1a66: 0x000c, 0x1a67: 0x000c, 0x1a68: 0x000c, 0x1a69: 0x000c, + 0x1a6a: 0x000c, 0x1a6b: 0x000c, 0x1a6c: 0x000c, 0x1a6d: 0x000c, 0x1a6e: 0x000c, 0x1a6f: 0x000c, + 0x1a70: 0x000c, 0x1a71: 0x000c, 0x1a72: 0x000c, 0x1a73: 0x000c, 0x1a74: 0x000c, 0x1a75: 0x000c, + 0x1a76: 0x000c, 0x1a77: 0x000c, 0x1a78: 0x000c, 0x1a79: 0x000c, 0x1a7a: 0x000c, 0x1a7b: 0x000c, + 0x1a7c: 0x000c, 0x1a7d: 0x000c, 0x1a7e: 0x000c, 0x1a7f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x1a80 + 0x1a80: 0x000a, 0x1a81: 0x000a, 0x1a82: 0x000a, 0x1a83: 0x000a, 0x1a84: 0x000a, 0x1a85: 0x000a, + 0x1a86: 0x000a, 0x1a87: 0x000a, 0x1a88: 0x000a, 0x1a89: 0x000a, 0x1a8a: 0x000a, 0x1a8b: 0x000a, + 0x1a8c: 0x000a, 0x1a8d: 0x000a, 0x1a8e: 0x000a, 0x1a8f: 0x000a, 0x1a90: 0x000a, 0x1a91: 0x000a, + 0x1a92: 0x000a, 0x1a93: 0x000a, 0x1a94: 0x000a, 0x1a95: 0x000a, 0x1a96: 0x000a, 0x1a97: 0x000a, + 0x1a98: 0x000a, 0x1a99: 0x000a, 0x1a9a: 0x000a, 0x1a9b: 0x000a, 0x1a9c: 0x000a, 0x1a9d: 0x000a, + 0x1a9e: 0x000a, 0x1a9f: 0x000a, 0x1aa0: 0x000a, 0x1aa1: 0x000a, 0x1aa2: 0x003a, 0x1aa3: 0x002a, + 0x1aa4: 0x003a, 0x1aa5: 0x002a, 0x1aa6: 0x003a, 0x1aa7: 0x002a, 0x1aa8: 0x003a, 0x1aa9: 0x002a, + 0x1aaa: 0x000a, 0x1aab: 0x000a, 0x1aac: 0x000a, 0x1aad: 0x000a, 0x1aae: 0x000a, 0x1aaf: 0x000a, + 0x1ab0: 0x000a, 0x1ab1: 0x000a, 0x1ab2: 0x000a, 0x1ab3: 0x000a, 0x1ab4: 0x000a, 0x1ab5: 0x000a, + 0x1ab6: 0x000a, 0x1ab7: 0x000a, 0x1ab8: 0x000a, 0x1ab9: 0x000a, 0x1aba: 0x000a, 0x1abb: 0x000a, + 0x1abc: 0x000a, 0x1abd: 0x000a, 0x1abe: 0x000a, 0x1abf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x1ac0 + 0x1ac0: 0x000a, 0x1ac1: 0x000a, 0x1ac2: 0x000a, 0x1ac3: 0x000a, 0x1ac4: 0x000a, 0x1ac5: 0x000a, + 0x1ac6: 0x000a, 0x1ac7: 0x000a, 0x1ac8: 0x000a, 0x1ac9: 0x000a, 0x1aca: 0x000a, 0x1acb: 0x000a, + 0x1acc: 0x000a, 0x1acd: 0x000a, 0x1ace: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x1b00 + 0x1b00: 0x000a, 0x1b01: 0x000a, 0x1b02: 0x000a, 0x1b03: 0x000a, 0x1b04: 0x000a, 0x1b05: 0x000a, + 0x1b06: 0x000a, 0x1b07: 0x000a, 0x1b08: 0x000a, 0x1b09: 0x000a, 0x1b0a: 0x000a, 0x1b0b: 0x000a, + 0x1b0c: 0x000a, 0x1b0d: 0x000a, 0x1b0e: 0x000a, 0x1b0f: 0x000a, 0x1b10: 0x000a, 0x1b11: 0x000a, + 0x1b12: 0x000a, 0x1b13: 0x000a, 0x1b14: 0x000a, 0x1b15: 0x000a, 0x1b16: 0x000a, 0x1b17: 0x000a, + 0x1b18: 0x000a, 0x1b19: 0x000a, 0x1b1b: 0x000a, 0x1b1c: 0x000a, 0x1b1d: 0x000a, + 0x1b1e: 0x000a, 0x1b1f: 0x000a, 0x1b20: 0x000a, 0x1b21: 0x000a, 0x1b22: 0x000a, 0x1b23: 0x000a, + 0x1b24: 0x000a, 0x1b25: 0x000a, 0x1b26: 0x000a, 0x1b27: 0x000a, 0x1b28: 0x000a, 0x1b29: 0x000a, + 0x1b2a: 0x000a, 0x1b2b: 0x000a, 0x1b2c: 0x000a, 0x1b2d: 0x000a, 0x1b2e: 0x000a, 0x1b2f: 0x000a, + 0x1b30: 0x000a, 0x1b31: 0x000a, 0x1b32: 0x000a, 0x1b33: 0x000a, 0x1b34: 0x000a, 0x1b35: 0x000a, + 0x1b36: 0x000a, 0x1b37: 0x000a, 0x1b38: 0x000a, 0x1b39: 0x000a, 0x1b3a: 0x000a, 0x1b3b: 0x000a, + 0x1b3c: 0x000a, 0x1b3d: 0x000a, 0x1b3e: 0x000a, 0x1b3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x1b40 + 0x1b40: 0x000a, 0x1b41: 0x000a, 0x1b42: 0x000a, 0x1b43: 0x000a, 0x1b44: 0x000a, 0x1b45: 0x000a, + 0x1b46: 0x000a, 0x1b47: 0x000a, 0x1b48: 0x000a, 0x1b49: 0x000a, 0x1b4a: 0x000a, 0x1b4b: 0x000a, + 0x1b4c: 0x000a, 0x1b4d: 0x000a, 0x1b4e: 0x000a, 0x1b4f: 0x000a, 0x1b50: 0x000a, 0x1b51: 0x000a, + 0x1b52: 0x000a, 0x1b53: 0x000a, 0x1b54: 0x000a, 0x1b55: 0x000a, 0x1b56: 0x000a, 0x1b57: 0x000a, + 0x1b58: 0x000a, 0x1b59: 0x000a, 0x1b5a: 0x000a, 0x1b5b: 0x000a, 0x1b5c: 0x000a, 0x1b5d: 0x000a, + 0x1b5e: 0x000a, 0x1b5f: 0x000a, 0x1b60: 0x000a, 0x1b61: 0x000a, 0x1b62: 0x000a, 0x1b63: 0x000a, + 0x1b64: 0x000a, 0x1b65: 0x000a, 0x1b66: 0x000a, 0x1b67: 0x000a, 0x1b68: 0x000a, 0x1b69: 0x000a, + 0x1b6a: 0x000a, 0x1b6b: 0x000a, 0x1b6c: 0x000a, 0x1b6d: 0x000a, 0x1b6e: 0x000a, 0x1b6f: 0x000a, + 0x1b70: 0x000a, 0x1b71: 0x000a, 0x1b72: 0x000a, 0x1b73: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x1b80 + 0x1b80: 0x000a, 0x1b81: 0x000a, 0x1b82: 0x000a, 0x1b83: 0x000a, 0x1b84: 0x000a, 0x1b85: 0x000a, + 0x1b86: 0x000a, 0x1b87: 0x000a, 0x1b88: 0x000a, 0x1b89: 0x000a, 0x1b8a: 0x000a, 0x1b8b: 0x000a, + 0x1b8c: 0x000a, 0x1b8d: 0x000a, 0x1b8e: 0x000a, 0x1b8f: 0x000a, 0x1b90: 0x000a, 0x1b91: 0x000a, + 0x1b92: 0x000a, 0x1b93: 0x000a, 0x1b94: 0x000a, 0x1b95: 0x000a, + 0x1bb0: 0x000a, 0x1bb1: 0x000a, 0x1bb2: 0x000a, 0x1bb3: 0x000a, 0x1bb4: 0x000a, 0x1bb5: 0x000a, + 0x1bb6: 0x000a, 0x1bb7: 0x000a, 0x1bb8: 0x000a, 0x1bb9: 0x000a, 0x1bba: 0x000a, 0x1bbb: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x1bc0 + 0x1bc0: 0x0009, 0x1bc1: 0x000a, 0x1bc2: 0x000a, 0x1bc3: 0x000a, 0x1bc4: 0x000a, + 0x1bc8: 0x003a, 0x1bc9: 0x002a, 0x1bca: 0x003a, 0x1bcb: 0x002a, + 0x1bcc: 0x003a, 0x1bcd: 0x002a, 0x1bce: 0x003a, 0x1bcf: 0x002a, 0x1bd0: 0x003a, 0x1bd1: 0x002a, + 0x1bd2: 0x000a, 0x1bd3: 0x000a, 0x1bd4: 0x003a, 0x1bd5: 0x002a, 0x1bd6: 0x003a, 0x1bd7: 0x002a, + 0x1bd8: 0x003a, 0x1bd9: 0x002a, 0x1bda: 0x003a, 0x1bdb: 0x002a, 0x1bdc: 0x000a, 0x1bdd: 0x000a, + 0x1bde: 0x000a, 0x1bdf: 0x000a, 0x1be0: 0x000a, + 0x1bea: 0x000c, 0x1beb: 0x000c, 0x1bec: 0x000c, 0x1bed: 0x000c, + 0x1bf0: 0x000a, + 0x1bf6: 0x000a, 0x1bf7: 0x000a, + 0x1bfd: 0x000a, 0x1bfe: 0x000a, 0x1bff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x1c00 + 0x1c19: 0x000c, 0x1c1a: 0x000c, 0x1c1b: 0x000a, 0x1c1c: 0x000a, + 0x1c20: 0x000a, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x1c40 + 0x1c7b: 0x000a, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x1c80 + 0x1c80: 0x000a, 0x1c81: 0x000a, 0x1c82: 0x000a, 0x1c83: 0x000a, 0x1c84: 0x000a, 0x1c85: 0x000a, + 0x1c86: 0x000a, 0x1c87: 0x000a, 0x1c88: 0x000a, 0x1c89: 0x000a, 0x1c8a: 0x000a, 0x1c8b: 0x000a, + 0x1c8c: 0x000a, 0x1c8d: 0x000a, 0x1c8e: 0x000a, 0x1c8f: 0x000a, 0x1c90: 0x000a, 0x1c91: 0x000a, + 0x1c92: 0x000a, 0x1c93: 0x000a, 0x1c94: 0x000a, 0x1c95: 0x000a, 0x1c96: 0x000a, 0x1c97: 0x000a, + 0x1c98: 0x000a, 0x1c99: 0x000a, 0x1c9a: 0x000a, 0x1c9b: 0x000a, 0x1c9c: 0x000a, 0x1c9d: 0x000a, + 0x1c9e: 0x000a, 0x1c9f: 0x000a, 0x1ca0: 0x000a, 0x1ca1: 0x000a, 0x1ca2: 0x000a, 0x1ca3: 0x000a, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x1cc0 + 0x1cdd: 0x000a, + 0x1cde: 0x000a, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x1d00 + 0x1d10: 0x000a, 0x1d11: 0x000a, + 0x1d12: 0x000a, 0x1d13: 0x000a, 0x1d14: 0x000a, 0x1d15: 0x000a, 0x1d16: 0x000a, 0x1d17: 0x000a, + 0x1d18: 0x000a, 0x1d19: 0x000a, 0x1d1a: 0x000a, 0x1d1b: 0x000a, 0x1d1c: 0x000a, 0x1d1d: 0x000a, + 0x1d1e: 0x000a, 0x1d1f: 0x000a, + 0x1d3c: 0x000a, 0x1d3d: 0x000a, 0x1d3e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x1d40 + 0x1d71: 0x000a, 0x1d72: 0x000a, 0x1d73: 0x000a, 0x1d74: 0x000a, 0x1d75: 0x000a, + 0x1d76: 0x000a, 0x1d77: 0x000a, 0x1d78: 0x000a, 0x1d79: 0x000a, 0x1d7a: 0x000a, 0x1d7b: 0x000a, + 0x1d7c: 0x000a, 0x1d7d: 0x000a, 0x1d7e: 0x000a, 0x1d7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x1d80 + 0x1d8c: 0x000a, 0x1d8d: 0x000a, 0x1d8e: 0x000a, 0x1d8f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x1dc0 + 0x1df7: 0x000a, 0x1df8: 0x000a, 0x1df9: 0x000a, 0x1dfa: 0x000a, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x1e00 + 0x1e1e: 0x000a, 0x1e1f: 0x000a, + 0x1e3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x1e40 + 0x1e50: 0x000a, 0x1e51: 0x000a, + 0x1e52: 0x000a, 0x1e53: 0x000a, 0x1e54: 0x000a, 0x1e55: 0x000a, 0x1e56: 0x000a, 0x1e57: 0x000a, + 0x1e58: 0x000a, 0x1e59: 0x000a, 0x1e5a: 0x000a, 0x1e5b: 0x000a, 0x1e5c: 0x000a, 0x1e5d: 0x000a, + 0x1e5e: 0x000a, 0x1e5f: 0x000a, 0x1e60: 0x000a, 0x1e61: 0x000a, 0x1e62: 0x000a, 0x1e63: 0x000a, + 0x1e64: 0x000a, 0x1e65: 0x000a, 0x1e66: 0x000a, 0x1e67: 0x000a, 0x1e68: 0x000a, 0x1e69: 0x000a, + 0x1e6a: 0x000a, 0x1e6b: 0x000a, 0x1e6c: 0x000a, 0x1e6d: 0x000a, 0x1e6e: 0x000a, 0x1e6f: 0x000a, + 0x1e70: 0x000a, 0x1e71: 0x000a, 0x1e72: 0x000a, 0x1e73: 0x000a, 0x1e74: 0x000a, 0x1e75: 0x000a, + 0x1e76: 0x000a, 0x1e77: 0x000a, 0x1e78: 0x000a, 0x1e79: 0x000a, 0x1e7a: 0x000a, 0x1e7b: 0x000a, + 0x1e7c: 0x000a, 0x1e7d: 0x000a, 0x1e7e: 0x000a, 0x1e7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x1e80 + 0x1e80: 0x000a, 0x1e81: 0x000a, 0x1e82: 0x000a, 0x1e83: 0x000a, 0x1e84: 0x000a, 0x1e85: 0x000a, + 0x1e86: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x1ec0 + 0x1ecd: 0x000a, 0x1ece: 0x000a, 0x1ecf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x1f00 + 0x1f2f: 0x000c, + 0x1f30: 0x000c, 0x1f31: 0x000c, 0x1f32: 0x000c, 0x1f33: 0x000a, 0x1f34: 0x000c, 0x1f35: 0x000c, + 0x1f36: 0x000c, 0x1f37: 0x000c, 0x1f38: 0x000c, 0x1f39: 0x000c, 0x1f3a: 0x000c, 0x1f3b: 0x000c, + 0x1f3c: 0x000c, 0x1f3d: 0x000c, 0x1f3e: 0x000a, 0x1f3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x1f40 + 0x1f5e: 0x000c, 0x1f5f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x1f80 + 0x1fb0: 0x000c, 0x1fb1: 0x000c, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x1fc0 + 0x1fc0: 0x000a, 0x1fc1: 0x000a, 0x1fc2: 0x000a, 0x1fc3: 0x000a, 0x1fc4: 0x000a, 0x1fc5: 0x000a, + 0x1fc6: 0x000a, 0x1fc7: 0x000a, 0x1fc8: 0x000a, 0x1fc9: 0x000a, 0x1fca: 0x000a, 0x1fcb: 0x000a, + 0x1fcc: 0x000a, 0x1fcd: 0x000a, 0x1fce: 0x000a, 0x1fcf: 0x000a, 0x1fd0: 0x000a, 0x1fd1: 0x000a, + 0x1fd2: 0x000a, 0x1fd3: 0x000a, 0x1fd4: 0x000a, 0x1fd5: 0x000a, 0x1fd6: 0x000a, 0x1fd7: 0x000a, + 0x1fd8: 0x000a, 0x1fd9: 0x000a, 0x1fda: 0x000a, 0x1fdb: 0x000a, 0x1fdc: 0x000a, 0x1fdd: 0x000a, + 0x1fde: 0x000a, 0x1fdf: 0x000a, 0x1fe0: 0x000a, 0x1fe1: 0x000a, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x2000 + 0x2008: 0x000a, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x2040 + 0x2042: 0x000c, + 0x2046: 0x000c, 0x204b: 0x000c, + 0x2065: 0x000c, 0x2066: 0x000c, 0x2068: 0x000a, 0x2069: 0x000a, + 0x206a: 0x000a, 0x206b: 0x000a, + 0x2078: 0x0004, 0x2079: 0x0004, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x2080 + 0x20b4: 0x000a, 0x20b5: 0x000a, + 0x20b6: 0x000a, 0x20b7: 0x000a, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x20c0 + 0x20c4: 0x000c, 0x20c5: 0x000c, + 0x20e0: 0x000c, 0x20e1: 0x000c, 0x20e2: 0x000c, 0x20e3: 0x000c, + 0x20e4: 0x000c, 0x20e5: 0x000c, 0x20e6: 0x000c, 0x20e7: 0x000c, 0x20e8: 0x000c, 0x20e9: 0x000c, + 0x20ea: 0x000c, 0x20eb: 0x000c, 0x20ec: 0x000c, 0x20ed: 0x000c, 0x20ee: 0x000c, 0x20ef: 0x000c, + 0x20f0: 0x000c, 0x20f1: 0x000c, + 0x20ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x2100 + 0x2126: 0x000c, 0x2127: 0x000c, 0x2128: 0x000c, 0x2129: 0x000c, + 0x212a: 0x000c, 0x212b: 0x000c, 0x212c: 0x000c, 0x212d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x2140 + 0x2147: 0x000c, 0x2148: 0x000c, 0x2149: 0x000c, 0x214a: 0x000c, 0x214b: 0x000c, + 0x214c: 0x000c, 0x214d: 0x000c, 0x214e: 0x000c, 0x214f: 0x000c, 0x2150: 0x000c, 0x2151: 0x000c, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x2180 + 0x2180: 0x000c, 0x2181: 0x000c, 0x2182: 0x000c, + 0x21b3: 0x000c, + 0x21b6: 0x000c, 0x21b7: 0x000c, 0x21b8: 0x000c, 0x21b9: 0x000c, + 0x21bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x21c0 + 0x21e5: 0x000c, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x2200 + 0x2229: 0x000c, + 0x222a: 0x000c, 0x222b: 0x000c, 0x222c: 0x000c, 0x222d: 0x000c, 0x222e: 0x000c, + 0x2231: 0x000c, 0x2232: 0x000c, 0x2235: 0x000c, + 0x2236: 0x000c, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x2240 + 0x2243: 0x000c, + 0x224c: 0x000c, + 0x227c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x2280 + 0x22b0: 0x000c, 0x22b2: 0x000c, 0x22b3: 0x000c, 0x22b4: 0x000c, + 0x22b7: 0x000c, 0x22b8: 0x000c, + 0x22be: 0x000c, 0x22bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x22c0 + 0x22c1: 0x000c, + 0x22ec: 0x000c, 0x22ed: 0x000c, + 0x22f6: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x2300 + 0x2325: 0x000c, 0x2328: 0x000c, + 0x232d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x2340 + 0x235d: 0x0001, + 0x235e: 0x000c, 0x235f: 0x0001, 0x2360: 0x0001, 0x2361: 0x0001, 0x2362: 0x0001, 0x2363: 0x0001, + 0x2364: 0x0001, 0x2365: 0x0001, 0x2366: 0x0001, 0x2367: 0x0001, 0x2368: 0x0001, 0x2369: 0x0003, + 0x236a: 0x0001, 0x236b: 0x0001, 0x236c: 0x0001, 0x236d: 0x0001, 0x236e: 0x0001, 0x236f: 0x0001, + 0x2370: 0x0001, 0x2371: 0x0001, 0x2372: 0x0001, 0x2373: 0x0001, 0x2374: 0x0001, 0x2375: 0x0001, + 0x2376: 0x0001, 0x2377: 0x0001, 0x2378: 0x0001, 0x2379: 0x0001, 0x237a: 0x0001, 0x237b: 0x0001, + 0x237c: 0x0001, 0x237d: 0x0001, 0x237e: 0x0001, 0x237f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x2380 + 0x2380: 0x0001, 0x2381: 0x0001, 0x2382: 0x0001, 0x2383: 0x0001, 0x2384: 0x0001, 0x2385: 0x0001, + 0x2386: 0x0001, 0x2387: 0x0001, 0x2388: 0x0001, 0x2389: 0x0001, 0x238a: 0x0001, 0x238b: 0x0001, + 0x238c: 0x0001, 0x238d: 0x0001, 0x238e: 0x0001, 0x238f: 0x0001, 0x2390: 0x000d, 0x2391: 0x000d, + 0x2392: 0x000d, 0x2393: 0x000d, 0x2394: 0x000d, 0x2395: 0x000d, 0x2396: 0x000d, 0x2397: 0x000d, + 0x2398: 0x000d, 0x2399: 0x000d, 0x239a: 0x000d, 0x239b: 0x000d, 0x239c: 0x000d, 0x239d: 0x000d, + 0x239e: 0x000d, 0x239f: 0x000d, 0x23a0: 0x000d, 0x23a1: 0x000d, 0x23a2: 0x000d, 0x23a3: 0x000d, + 0x23a4: 0x000d, 0x23a5: 0x000d, 0x23a6: 0x000d, 0x23a7: 0x000d, 0x23a8: 0x000d, 0x23a9: 0x000d, + 0x23aa: 0x000d, 0x23ab: 0x000d, 0x23ac: 0x000d, 0x23ad: 0x000d, 0x23ae: 0x000d, 0x23af: 0x000d, + 0x23b0: 0x000d, 0x23b1: 0x000d, 0x23b2: 0x000d, 0x23b3: 0x000d, 0x23b4: 0x000d, 0x23b5: 0x000d, + 0x23b6: 0x000d, 0x23b7: 0x000d, 0x23b8: 0x000d, 0x23b9: 0x000d, 0x23ba: 0x000d, 0x23bb: 0x000d, + 0x23bc: 0x000d, 0x23bd: 0x000d, 0x23be: 0x000d, 0x23bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x23c0 + 0x23c0: 0x000d, 0x23c1: 0x000d, 0x23c2: 0x000d, 0x23c3: 0x000d, 0x23c4: 0x000d, 0x23c5: 0x000d, + 0x23c6: 0x000d, 0x23c7: 0x000d, 0x23c8: 0x000d, 0x23c9: 0x000d, 0x23ca: 0x000d, 0x23cb: 0x000d, + 0x23cc: 0x000d, 0x23cd: 0x000d, 0x23ce: 0x000d, 0x23cf: 0x000d, 0x23d0: 0x000d, 0x23d1: 0x000d, + 0x23d2: 0x000d, 0x23d3: 0x000d, 0x23d4: 0x000d, 0x23d5: 0x000d, 0x23d6: 0x000d, 0x23d7: 0x000d, + 0x23d8: 0x000d, 0x23d9: 0x000d, 0x23da: 0x000d, 0x23db: 0x000d, 0x23dc: 0x000d, 0x23dd: 0x000d, + 0x23de: 0x000d, 0x23df: 0x000d, 0x23e0: 0x000d, 0x23e1: 0x000d, 0x23e2: 0x000d, 0x23e3: 0x000d, + 0x23e4: 0x000d, 0x23e5: 0x000d, 0x23e6: 0x000d, 0x23e7: 0x000d, 0x23e8: 0x000d, 0x23e9: 0x000d, + 0x23ea: 0x000d, 0x23eb: 0x000d, 0x23ec: 0x000d, 0x23ed: 0x000d, 0x23ee: 0x000d, 0x23ef: 0x000d, + 0x23f0: 0x000d, 0x23f1: 0x000d, 0x23f2: 0x000d, 0x23f3: 0x000d, 0x23f4: 0x000d, 0x23f5: 0x000d, + 0x23f6: 0x000d, 0x23f7: 0x000d, 0x23f8: 0x000d, 0x23f9: 0x000d, 0x23fa: 0x000d, 0x23fb: 0x000d, + 0x23fc: 0x000d, 0x23fd: 0x000d, 0x23fe: 0x000a, 0x23ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x2400 + 0x2400: 0x000d, 0x2401: 0x000d, 0x2402: 0x000d, 0x2403: 0x000d, 0x2404: 0x000d, 0x2405: 0x000d, + 0x2406: 0x000d, 0x2407: 0x000d, 0x2408: 0x000d, 0x2409: 0x000d, 0x240a: 0x000d, 0x240b: 0x000d, + 0x240c: 0x000d, 0x240d: 0x000d, 0x240e: 0x000d, 0x240f: 0x000d, 0x2410: 0x000b, 0x2411: 0x000b, + 0x2412: 0x000b, 0x2413: 0x000b, 0x2414: 0x000b, 0x2415: 0x000b, 0x2416: 0x000b, 0x2417: 0x000b, + 0x2418: 0x000b, 0x2419: 0x000b, 0x241a: 0x000b, 0x241b: 0x000b, 0x241c: 0x000b, 0x241d: 0x000b, + 0x241e: 0x000b, 0x241f: 0x000b, 0x2420: 0x000b, 0x2421: 0x000b, 0x2422: 0x000b, 0x2423: 0x000b, + 0x2424: 0x000b, 0x2425: 0x000b, 0x2426: 0x000b, 0x2427: 0x000b, 0x2428: 0x000b, 0x2429: 0x000b, + 0x242a: 0x000b, 0x242b: 0x000b, 0x242c: 0x000b, 0x242d: 0x000b, 0x242e: 0x000b, 0x242f: 0x000b, + 0x2430: 0x000d, 0x2431: 0x000d, 0x2432: 0x000d, 0x2433: 0x000d, 0x2434: 0x000d, 0x2435: 0x000d, + 0x2436: 0x000d, 0x2437: 0x000d, 0x2438: 0x000d, 0x2439: 0x000d, 0x243a: 0x000d, 0x243b: 0x000d, + 0x243c: 0x000d, 0x243d: 0x000a, 0x243e: 0x000d, 0x243f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x2440 + 0x2440: 0x000c, 0x2441: 0x000c, 0x2442: 0x000c, 0x2443: 0x000c, 0x2444: 0x000c, 0x2445: 0x000c, + 0x2446: 0x000c, 0x2447: 0x000c, 0x2448: 0x000c, 0x2449: 0x000c, 0x244a: 0x000c, 0x244b: 0x000c, + 0x244c: 0x000c, 0x244d: 0x000c, 0x244e: 0x000c, 0x244f: 0x000c, 0x2450: 0x000a, 0x2451: 0x000a, + 0x2452: 0x000a, 0x2453: 0x000a, 0x2454: 0x000a, 0x2455: 0x000a, 0x2456: 0x000a, 0x2457: 0x000a, + 0x2458: 0x000a, 0x2459: 0x000a, + 0x2460: 0x000c, 0x2461: 0x000c, 0x2462: 0x000c, 0x2463: 0x000c, + 0x2464: 0x000c, 0x2465: 0x000c, 0x2466: 0x000c, 0x2467: 0x000c, 0x2468: 0x000c, 0x2469: 0x000c, + 0x246a: 0x000c, 0x246b: 0x000c, 0x246c: 0x000c, 0x246d: 0x000c, 0x246e: 0x000c, 0x246f: 0x000c, + 0x2470: 0x000a, 0x2471: 0x000a, 0x2472: 0x000a, 0x2473: 0x000a, 0x2474: 0x000a, 0x2475: 0x000a, + 0x2476: 0x000a, 0x2477: 0x000a, 0x2478: 0x000a, 0x2479: 0x000a, 0x247a: 0x000a, 0x247b: 0x000a, + 0x247c: 0x000a, 0x247d: 0x000a, 0x247e: 0x000a, 0x247f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x2480 + 0x2480: 0x000a, 0x2481: 0x000a, 0x2482: 0x000a, 0x2483: 0x000a, 0x2484: 0x000a, 0x2485: 0x000a, + 0x2486: 0x000a, 0x2487: 0x000a, 0x2488: 0x000a, 0x2489: 0x000a, 0x248a: 0x000a, 0x248b: 0x000a, + 0x248c: 0x000a, 0x248d: 0x000a, 0x248e: 0x000a, 0x248f: 0x000a, 0x2490: 0x0006, 0x2491: 0x000a, + 0x2492: 0x0006, 0x2494: 0x000a, 0x2495: 0x0006, 0x2496: 0x000a, 0x2497: 0x000a, + 0x2498: 0x000a, 0x2499: 0x009a, 0x249a: 0x008a, 0x249b: 0x007a, 0x249c: 0x006a, 0x249d: 0x009a, + 0x249e: 0x008a, 0x249f: 0x0004, 0x24a0: 0x000a, 0x24a1: 0x000a, 0x24a2: 0x0003, 0x24a3: 0x0003, + 0x24a4: 0x000a, 0x24a5: 0x000a, 0x24a6: 0x000a, 0x24a8: 0x000a, 0x24a9: 0x0004, + 0x24aa: 0x0004, 0x24ab: 0x000a, + 0x24b0: 0x000d, 0x24b1: 0x000d, 0x24b2: 0x000d, 0x24b3: 0x000d, 0x24b4: 0x000d, 0x24b5: 0x000d, + 0x24b6: 0x000d, 0x24b7: 0x000d, 0x24b8: 0x000d, 0x24b9: 0x000d, 0x24ba: 0x000d, 0x24bb: 0x000d, + 0x24bc: 0x000d, 0x24bd: 0x000d, 0x24be: 0x000d, 0x24bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x24c0 + 0x24c0: 0x000d, 0x24c1: 0x000d, 0x24c2: 0x000d, 0x24c3: 0x000d, 0x24c4: 0x000d, 0x24c5: 0x000d, + 0x24c6: 0x000d, 0x24c7: 0x000d, 0x24c8: 0x000d, 0x24c9: 0x000d, 0x24ca: 0x000d, 0x24cb: 0x000d, + 0x24cc: 0x000d, 0x24cd: 0x000d, 0x24ce: 0x000d, 0x24cf: 0x000d, 0x24d0: 0x000d, 0x24d1: 0x000d, + 0x24d2: 0x000d, 0x24d3: 0x000d, 0x24d4: 0x000d, 0x24d5: 0x000d, 0x24d6: 0x000d, 0x24d7: 0x000d, + 0x24d8: 0x000d, 0x24d9: 0x000d, 0x24da: 0x000d, 0x24db: 0x000d, 0x24dc: 0x000d, 0x24dd: 0x000d, + 0x24de: 0x000d, 0x24df: 0x000d, 0x24e0: 0x000d, 0x24e1: 0x000d, 0x24e2: 0x000d, 0x24e3: 0x000d, + 0x24e4: 0x000d, 0x24e5: 0x000d, 0x24e6: 0x000d, 0x24e7: 0x000d, 0x24e8: 0x000d, 0x24e9: 0x000d, + 0x24ea: 0x000d, 0x24eb: 0x000d, 0x24ec: 0x000d, 0x24ed: 0x000d, 0x24ee: 0x000d, 0x24ef: 0x000d, + 0x24f0: 0x000d, 0x24f1: 0x000d, 0x24f2: 0x000d, 0x24f3: 0x000d, 0x24f4: 0x000d, 0x24f5: 0x000d, + 0x24f6: 0x000d, 0x24f7: 0x000d, 0x24f8: 0x000d, 0x24f9: 0x000d, 0x24fa: 0x000d, 0x24fb: 0x000d, + 0x24fc: 0x000d, 0x24fd: 0x000d, 0x24fe: 0x000d, 0x24ff: 0x000b, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x2500 + 0x2501: 0x000a, 0x2502: 0x000a, 0x2503: 0x0004, 0x2504: 0x0004, 0x2505: 0x0004, + 0x2506: 0x000a, 0x2507: 0x000a, 0x2508: 0x003a, 0x2509: 0x002a, 0x250a: 0x000a, 0x250b: 0x0003, + 0x250c: 0x0006, 0x250d: 0x0003, 0x250e: 0x0006, 0x250f: 0x0006, 0x2510: 0x0002, 0x2511: 0x0002, + 0x2512: 0x0002, 0x2513: 0x0002, 0x2514: 0x0002, 0x2515: 0x0002, 0x2516: 0x0002, 0x2517: 0x0002, + 0x2518: 0x0002, 0x2519: 0x0002, 0x251a: 0x0006, 0x251b: 0x000a, 0x251c: 0x000a, 0x251d: 0x000a, + 0x251e: 0x000a, 0x251f: 0x000a, 0x2520: 0x000a, + 0x253b: 0x005a, + 0x253c: 0x000a, 0x253d: 0x004a, 0x253e: 0x000a, 0x253f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x2540 + 0x2540: 0x000a, + 0x255b: 0x005a, 0x255c: 0x000a, 0x255d: 0x004a, + 0x255e: 0x000a, 0x255f: 0x00fa, 0x2560: 0x00ea, 0x2561: 0x000a, 0x2562: 0x003a, 0x2563: 0x002a, + 0x2564: 0x000a, 0x2565: 0x000a, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x2580 + 0x25a0: 0x0004, 0x25a1: 0x0004, 0x25a2: 0x000a, 0x25a3: 0x000a, + 0x25a4: 0x000a, 0x25a5: 0x0004, 0x25a6: 0x0004, 0x25a8: 0x000a, 0x25a9: 0x000a, + 0x25aa: 0x000a, 0x25ab: 0x000a, 0x25ac: 0x000a, 0x25ad: 0x000a, 0x25ae: 0x000a, + 0x25b0: 0x000b, 0x25b1: 0x000b, 0x25b2: 0x000b, 0x25b3: 0x000b, 0x25b4: 0x000b, 0x25b5: 0x000b, + 0x25b6: 0x000b, 0x25b7: 0x000b, 0x25b8: 0x000b, 0x25b9: 0x000a, 0x25ba: 0x000a, 0x25bb: 0x000a, + 0x25bc: 0x000a, 0x25bd: 0x000a, 0x25be: 0x000b, 0x25bf: 0x000b, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x25c0 + 0x25c1: 0x000a, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x2600 + 0x2600: 0x000a, 0x2601: 0x000a, 0x2602: 0x000a, 0x2603: 0x000a, 0x2604: 0x000a, 0x2605: 0x000a, + 0x2606: 0x000a, 0x2607: 0x000a, 0x2608: 0x000a, 0x2609: 0x000a, 0x260a: 0x000a, 0x260b: 0x000a, + 0x260c: 0x000a, 0x2610: 0x000a, 0x2611: 0x000a, + 0x2612: 0x000a, 0x2613: 0x000a, 0x2614: 0x000a, 0x2615: 0x000a, 0x2616: 0x000a, 0x2617: 0x000a, + 0x2618: 0x000a, 0x2619: 0x000a, 0x261a: 0x000a, 0x261b: 0x000a, + 0x2620: 0x000a, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x2640 + 0x267d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x2680 + 0x26a0: 0x000c, 0x26a1: 0x0002, 0x26a2: 0x0002, 0x26a3: 0x0002, + 0x26a4: 0x0002, 0x26a5: 0x0002, 0x26a6: 0x0002, 0x26a7: 0x0002, 0x26a8: 0x0002, 0x26a9: 0x0002, + 0x26aa: 0x0002, 0x26ab: 0x0002, 0x26ac: 0x0002, 0x26ad: 0x0002, 0x26ae: 0x0002, 0x26af: 0x0002, + 0x26b0: 0x0002, 0x26b1: 0x0002, 0x26b2: 0x0002, 0x26b3: 0x0002, 0x26b4: 0x0002, 0x26b5: 0x0002, + 0x26b6: 0x0002, 0x26b7: 0x0002, 0x26b8: 0x0002, 0x26b9: 0x0002, 0x26ba: 0x0002, 0x26bb: 0x0002, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x26c0 + 0x26f6: 0x000c, 0x26f7: 0x000c, 0x26f8: 0x000c, 0x26f9: 0x000c, 0x26fa: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x2700 + 0x2700: 0x0001, 0x2701: 0x0001, 0x2702: 0x0001, 0x2703: 0x0001, 0x2704: 0x0001, 0x2705: 0x0001, + 0x2706: 0x0001, 0x2707: 0x0001, 0x2708: 0x0001, 0x2709: 0x0001, 0x270a: 0x0001, 0x270b: 0x0001, + 0x270c: 0x0001, 0x270d: 0x0001, 0x270e: 0x0001, 0x270f: 0x0001, 0x2710: 0x0001, 0x2711: 0x0001, + 0x2712: 0x0001, 0x2713: 0x0001, 0x2714: 0x0001, 0x2715: 0x0001, 0x2716: 0x0001, 0x2717: 0x0001, + 0x2718: 0x0001, 0x2719: 0x0001, 0x271a: 0x0001, 0x271b: 0x0001, 0x271c: 0x0001, 0x271d: 0x0001, + 0x271e: 0x0001, 0x271f: 0x0001, 0x2720: 0x0001, 0x2721: 0x0001, 0x2722: 0x0001, 0x2723: 0x0001, + 0x2724: 0x0001, 0x2725: 0x0001, 0x2726: 0x0001, 0x2727: 0x0001, 0x2728: 0x0001, 0x2729: 0x0001, + 0x272a: 0x0001, 0x272b: 0x0001, 0x272c: 0x0001, 0x272d: 0x0001, 0x272e: 0x0001, 0x272f: 0x0001, + 0x2730: 0x0001, 0x2731: 0x0001, 0x2732: 0x0001, 0x2733: 0x0001, 0x2734: 0x0001, 0x2735: 0x0001, + 0x2736: 0x0001, 0x2737: 0x0001, 0x2738: 0x0001, 0x2739: 0x0001, 0x273a: 0x0001, 0x273b: 0x0001, + 0x273c: 0x0001, 0x273d: 0x0001, 0x273e: 0x0001, 0x273f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x2740 + 0x2740: 0x0001, 0x2741: 0x0001, 0x2742: 0x0001, 0x2743: 0x0001, 0x2744: 0x0001, 0x2745: 0x0001, + 0x2746: 0x0001, 0x2747: 0x0001, 0x2748: 0x0001, 0x2749: 0x0001, 0x274a: 0x0001, 0x274b: 0x0001, + 0x274c: 0x0001, 0x274d: 0x0001, 0x274e: 0x0001, 0x274f: 0x0001, 0x2750: 0x0001, 0x2751: 0x0001, + 0x2752: 0x0001, 0x2753: 0x0001, 0x2754: 0x0001, 0x2755: 0x0001, 0x2756: 0x0001, 0x2757: 0x0001, + 0x2758: 0x0001, 0x2759: 0x0001, 0x275a: 0x0001, 0x275b: 0x0001, 0x275c: 0x0001, 0x275d: 0x0001, + 0x275e: 0x0001, 0x275f: 0x000a, 0x2760: 0x0001, 0x2761: 0x0001, 0x2762: 0x0001, 0x2763: 0x0001, + 0x2764: 0x0001, 0x2765: 0x0001, 0x2766: 0x0001, 0x2767: 0x0001, 0x2768: 0x0001, 0x2769: 0x0001, + 0x276a: 0x0001, 0x276b: 0x0001, 0x276c: 0x0001, 0x276d: 0x0001, 0x276e: 0x0001, 0x276f: 0x0001, + 0x2770: 0x0001, 0x2771: 0x0001, 0x2772: 0x0001, 0x2773: 0x0001, 0x2774: 0x0001, 0x2775: 0x0001, + 0x2776: 0x0001, 0x2777: 0x0001, 0x2778: 0x0001, 0x2779: 0x0001, 0x277a: 0x0001, 0x277b: 0x0001, + 0x277c: 0x0001, 0x277d: 0x0001, 0x277e: 0x0001, 0x277f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x2780 + 0x2780: 0x0001, 0x2781: 0x000c, 0x2782: 0x000c, 0x2783: 0x000c, 0x2784: 0x0001, 0x2785: 0x000c, + 0x2786: 0x000c, 0x2787: 0x0001, 0x2788: 0x0001, 0x2789: 0x0001, 0x278a: 0x0001, 0x278b: 0x0001, + 0x278c: 0x000c, 0x278d: 0x000c, 0x278e: 0x000c, 0x278f: 0x000c, 0x2790: 0x0001, 0x2791: 0x0001, + 0x2792: 0x0001, 0x2793: 0x0001, 0x2794: 0x0001, 0x2795: 0x0001, 0x2796: 0x0001, 0x2797: 0x0001, + 0x2798: 0x0001, 0x2799: 0x0001, 0x279a: 0x0001, 0x279b: 0x0001, 0x279c: 0x0001, 0x279d: 0x0001, + 0x279e: 0x0001, 0x279f: 0x0001, 0x27a0: 0x0001, 0x27a1: 0x0001, 0x27a2: 0x0001, 0x27a3: 0x0001, + 0x27a4: 0x0001, 0x27a5: 0x0001, 0x27a6: 0x0001, 0x27a7: 0x0001, 0x27a8: 0x0001, 0x27a9: 0x0001, + 0x27aa: 0x0001, 0x27ab: 0x0001, 0x27ac: 0x0001, 0x27ad: 0x0001, 0x27ae: 0x0001, 0x27af: 0x0001, + 0x27b0: 0x0001, 0x27b1: 0x0001, 0x27b2: 0x0001, 0x27b3: 0x0001, 0x27b4: 0x0001, 0x27b5: 0x0001, + 0x27b6: 0x0001, 0x27b7: 0x0001, 0x27b8: 0x000c, 0x27b9: 0x000c, 0x27ba: 0x000c, 0x27bb: 0x0001, + 0x27bc: 0x0001, 0x27bd: 0x0001, 0x27be: 0x0001, 0x27bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x27c0 + 0x27c0: 0x0001, 0x27c1: 0x0001, 0x27c2: 0x0001, 0x27c3: 0x0001, 0x27c4: 0x0001, 0x27c5: 0x0001, + 0x27c6: 0x0001, 0x27c7: 0x0001, 0x27c8: 0x0001, 0x27c9: 0x0001, 0x27ca: 0x0001, 0x27cb: 0x0001, + 0x27cc: 0x0001, 0x27cd: 0x0001, 0x27ce: 0x0001, 0x27cf: 0x0001, 0x27d0: 0x0001, 0x27d1: 0x0001, + 0x27d2: 0x0001, 0x27d3: 0x0001, 0x27d4: 0x0001, 0x27d5: 0x0001, 0x27d6: 0x0001, 0x27d7: 0x0001, + 0x27d8: 0x0001, 0x27d9: 0x0001, 0x27da: 0x0001, 0x27db: 0x0001, 0x27dc: 0x0001, 0x27dd: 0x0001, + 0x27de: 0x0001, 0x27df: 0x0001, 0x27e0: 0x0001, 0x27e1: 0x0001, 0x27e2: 0x0001, 0x27e3: 0x0001, + 0x27e4: 0x0001, 0x27e5: 0x000c, 0x27e6: 0x000c, 0x27e7: 0x0001, 0x27e8: 0x0001, 0x27e9: 0x0001, + 0x27ea: 0x0001, 0x27eb: 0x0001, 0x27ec: 0x0001, 0x27ed: 0x0001, 0x27ee: 0x0001, 0x27ef: 0x0001, + 0x27f0: 0x0001, 0x27f1: 0x0001, 0x27f2: 0x0001, 0x27f3: 0x0001, 0x27f4: 0x0001, 0x27f5: 0x0001, + 0x27f6: 0x0001, 0x27f7: 0x0001, 0x27f8: 0x0001, 0x27f9: 0x0001, 0x27fa: 0x0001, 0x27fb: 0x0001, + 0x27fc: 0x0001, 0x27fd: 0x0001, 0x27fe: 0x0001, 0x27ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x2800 + 0x2800: 0x0001, 0x2801: 0x0001, 0x2802: 0x0001, 0x2803: 0x0001, 0x2804: 0x0001, 0x2805: 0x0001, + 0x2806: 0x0001, 0x2807: 0x0001, 0x2808: 0x0001, 0x2809: 0x0001, 0x280a: 0x0001, 0x280b: 0x0001, + 0x280c: 0x0001, 0x280d: 0x0001, 0x280e: 0x0001, 0x280f: 0x0001, 0x2810: 0x0001, 0x2811: 0x0001, + 0x2812: 0x0001, 0x2813: 0x0001, 0x2814: 0x0001, 0x2815: 0x0001, 0x2816: 0x0001, 0x2817: 0x0001, + 0x2818: 0x0001, 0x2819: 0x0001, 0x281a: 0x0001, 0x281b: 0x0001, 0x281c: 0x0001, 0x281d: 0x0001, + 0x281e: 0x0001, 0x281f: 0x0001, 0x2820: 0x0001, 0x2821: 0x0001, 0x2822: 0x0001, 0x2823: 0x0001, + 0x2824: 0x0001, 0x2825: 0x0001, 0x2826: 0x0001, 0x2827: 0x0001, 0x2828: 0x0001, 0x2829: 0x0001, + 0x282a: 0x0001, 0x282b: 0x0001, 0x282c: 0x0001, 0x282d: 0x0001, 0x282e: 0x0001, 0x282f: 0x0001, + 0x2830: 0x0001, 0x2831: 0x0001, 0x2832: 0x0001, 0x2833: 0x0001, 0x2834: 0x0001, 0x2835: 0x0001, + 0x2836: 0x0001, 0x2837: 0x0001, 0x2838: 0x0001, 0x2839: 0x000a, 0x283a: 0x000a, 0x283b: 0x000a, + 0x283c: 0x000a, 0x283d: 0x000a, 0x283e: 0x000a, 0x283f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x2840 + 0x2840: 0x000d, 0x2841: 0x000d, 0x2842: 0x000d, 0x2843: 0x000d, 0x2844: 0x000d, 0x2845: 0x000d, + 0x2846: 0x000d, 0x2847: 0x000d, 0x2848: 0x000d, 0x2849: 0x000d, 0x284a: 0x000d, 0x284b: 0x000d, + 0x284c: 0x000d, 0x284d: 0x000d, 0x284e: 0x000d, 0x284f: 0x000d, 0x2850: 0x000d, 0x2851: 0x000d, + 0x2852: 0x000d, 0x2853: 0x000d, 0x2854: 0x000d, 0x2855: 0x000d, 0x2856: 0x000d, 0x2857: 0x000d, + 0x2858: 0x000d, 0x2859: 0x000d, 0x285a: 0x000d, 0x285b: 0x000d, 0x285c: 0x000d, 0x285d: 0x000d, + 0x285e: 0x000d, 0x285f: 0x000d, 0x2860: 0x000d, 0x2861: 0x000d, 0x2862: 0x000d, 0x2863: 0x000d, + 0x2864: 0x000c, 0x2865: 0x000c, 0x2866: 0x000c, 0x2867: 0x000c, 0x2868: 0x000d, 0x2869: 0x000d, + 0x286a: 0x000d, 0x286b: 0x000d, 0x286c: 0x000d, 0x286d: 0x000d, 0x286e: 0x000d, 0x286f: 0x000d, + 0x2870: 0x0005, 0x2871: 0x0005, 0x2872: 0x0005, 0x2873: 0x0005, 0x2874: 0x0005, 0x2875: 0x0005, + 0x2876: 0x0005, 0x2877: 0x0005, 0x2878: 0x0005, 0x2879: 0x0005, 0x287a: 0x000d, 0x287b: 0x000d, + 0x287c: 0x000d, 0x287d: 0x000d, 0x287e: 0x000d, 0x287f: 0x000d, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x2880 + 0x2880: 0x0001, 0x2881: 0x0001, 0x2882: 0x0001, 0x2883: 0x0001, 0x2884: 0x0001, 0x2885: 0x0001, + 0x2886: 0x0001, 0x2887: 0x0001, 0x2888: 0x0001, 0x2889: 0x0001, 0x288a: 0x0001, 0x288b: 0x0001, + 0x288c: 0x0001, 0x288d: 0x0001, 0x288e: 0x0001, 0x288f: 0x0001, 0x2890: 0x0001, 0x2891: 0x0001, + 0x2892: 0x0001, 0x2893: 0x0001, 0x2894: 0x0001, 0x2895: 0x0001, 0x2896: 0x0001, 0x2897: 0x0001, + 0x2898: 0x0001, 0x2899: 0x0001, 0x289a: 0x0001, 0x289b: 0x0001, 0x289c: 0x0001, 0x289d: 0x0001, + 0x289e: 0x0001, 0x289f: 0x0001, 0x28a0: 0x0005, 0x28a1: 0x0005, 0x28a2: 0x0005, 0x28a3: 0x0005, + 0x28a4: 0x0005, 0x28a5: 0x0005, 0x28a6: 0x0005, 0x28a7: 0x0005, 0x28a8: 0x0005, 0x28a9: 0x0005, + 0x28aa: 0x0005, 0x28ab: 0x0005, 0x28ac: 0x0005, 0x28ad: 0x0005, 0x28ae: 0x0005, 0x28af: 0x0005, + 0x28b0: 0x0005, 0x28b1: 0x0005, 0x28b2: 0x0005, 0x28b3: 0x0005, 0x28b4: 0x0005, 0x28b5: 0x0005, + 0x28b6: 0x0005, 0x28b7: 0x0005, 0x28b8: 0x0005, 0x28b9: 0x0005, 0x28ba: 0x0005, 0x28bb: 0x0005, + 0x28bc: 0x0005, 0x28bd: 0x0005, 0x28be: 0x0005, 0x28bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x28c0 + 0x28c0: 0x0001, 0x28c1: 0x0001, 0x28c2: 0x0001, 0x28c3: 0x0001, 0x28c4: 0x0001, 0x28c5: 0x0001, + 0x28c6: 0x0001, 0x28c7: 0x0001, 0x28c8: 0x0001, 0x28c9: 0x0001, 0x28ca: 0x0001, 0x28cb: 0x0001, + 0x28cc: 0x0001, 0x28cd: 0x0001, 0x28ce: 0x0001, 0x28cf: 0x0001, 0x28d0: 0x0001, 0x28d1: 0x0001, + 0x28d2: 0x0001, 0x28d3: 0x0001, 0x28d4: 0x0001, 0x28d5: 0x0001, 0x28d6: 0x0001, 0x28d7: 0x0001, + 0x28d8: 0x0001, 0x28d9: 0x0001, 0x28da: 0x0001, 0x28db: 0x0001, 0x28dc: 0x0001, 0x28dd: 0x0001, + 0x28de: 0x0001, 0x28df: 0x0001, 0x28e0: 0x0001, 0x28e1: 0x0001, 0x28e2: 0x0001, 0x28e3: 0x0001, + 0x28e4: 0x0001, 0x28e5: 0x0001, 0x28e6: 0x0001, 0x28e7: 0x0001, 0x28e8: 0x0001, 0x28e9: 0x0001, + 0x28ea: 0x0001, 0x28eb: 0x0001, 0x28ec: 0x0001, 0x28ed: 0x0001, 0x28ee: 0x0001, 0x28ef: 0x0001, + 0x28f0: 0x000d, 0x28f1: 0x000d, 0x28f2: 0x000d, 0x28f3: 0x000d, 0x28f4: 0x000d, 0x28f5: 0x000d, + 0x28f6: 0x000d, 0x28f7: 0x000d, 0x28f8: 0x000d, 0x28f9: 0x000d, 0x28fa: 0x000d, 0x28fb: 0x000d, + 0x28fc: 0x000d, 0x28fd: 0x000d, 0x28fe: 0x000d, 0x28ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x2900 + 0x2900: 0x000d, 0x2901: 0x000d, 0x2902: 0x000d, 0x2903: 0x000d, 0x2904: 0x000d, 0x2905: 0x000d, + 0x2906: 0x000c, 0x2907: 0x000c, 0x2908: 0x000c, 0x2909: 0x000c, 0x290a: 0x000c, 0x290b: 0x000c, + 0x290c: 0x000c, 0x290d: 0x000c, 0x290e: 0x000c, 0x290f: 0x000c, 0x2910: 0x000c, 0x2911: 0x000d, + 0x2912: 0x000d, 0x2913: 0x000d, 0x2914: 0x000d, 0x2915: 0x000d, 0x2916: 0x000d, 0x2917: 0x000d, + 0x2918: 0x000d, 0x2919: 0x000d, 0x291a: 0x000d, 0x291b: 0x000d, 0x291c: 0x000d, 0x291d: 0x000d, + 0x291e: 0x000d, 0x291f: 0x000d, 0x2920: 0x000d, 0x2921: 0x000d, 0x2922: 0x000d, 0x2923: 0x000d, + 0x2924: 0x000d, 0x2925: 0x000d, 0x2926: 0x000d, 0x2927: 0x000d, 0x2928: 0x000d, 0x2929: 0x000d, + 0x292a: 0x000d, 0x292b: 0x000d, 0x292c: 0x000d, 0x292d: 0x000d, 0x292e: 0x000d, 0x292f: 0x000d, + 0x2930: 0x0001, 0x2931: 0x0001, 0x2932: 0x0001, 0x2933: 0x0001, 0x2934: 0x0001, 0x2935: 0x0001, + 0x2936: 0x0001, 0x2937: 0x0001, 0x2938: 0x0001, 0x2939: 0x0001, 0x293a: 0x0001, 0x293b: 0x0001, + 0x293c: 0x0001, 0x293d: 0x0001, 0x293e: 0x0001, 0x293f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x2940 + 0x2941: 0x000c, + 0x2978: 0x000c, 0x2979: 0x000c, 0x297a: 0x000c, 0x297b: 0x000c, + 0x297c: 0x000c, 0x297d: 0x000c, 0x297e: 0x000c, 0x297f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x2980 + 0x2980: 0x000c, 0x2981: 0x000c, 0x2982: 0x000c, 0x2983: 0x000c, 0x2984: 0x000c, 0x2985: 0x000c, + 0x2986: 0x000c, + 0x2992: 0x000a, 0x2993: 0x000a, 0x2994: 0x000a, 0x2995: 0x000a, 0x2996: 0x000a, 0x2997: 0x000a, + 0x2998: 0x000a, 0x2999: 0x000a, 0x299a: 0x000a, 0x299b: 0x000a, 0x299c: 0x000a, 0x299d: 0x000a, + 0x299e: 0x000a, 0x299f: 0x000a, 0x29a0: 0x000a, 0x29a1: 0x000a, 0x29a2: 0x000a, 0x29a3: 0x000a, + 0x29a4: 0x000a, 0x29a5: 0x000a, + 0x29bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x29c0 + 0x29c0: 0x000c, 0x29c1: 0x000c, + 0x29f3: 0x000c, 0x29f4: 0x000c, 0x29f5: 0x000c, + 0x29f6: 0x000c, 0x29f9: 0x000c, 0x29fa: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x2a00 + 0x2a00: 0x000c, 0x2a01: 0x000c, 0x2a02: 0x000c, + 0x2a27: 0x000c, 0x2a28: 0x000c, 0x2a29: 0x000c, + 0x2a2a: 0x000c, 0x2a2b: 0x000c, 0x2a2d: 0x000c, 0x2a2e: 0x000c, 0x2a2f: 0x000c, + 0x2a30: 0x000c, 0x2a31: 0x000c, 0x2a32: 0x000c, 0x2a33: 0x000c, 0x2a34: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x2a40 + 0x2a73: 0x000c, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x2a80 + 0x2a80: 0x000c, 0x2a81: 0x000c, + 0x2ab6: 0x000c, 0x2ab7: 0x000c, 0x2ab8: 0x000c, 0x2ab9: 0x000c, 0x2aba: 0x000c, 0x2abb: 0x000c, + 0x2abc: 0x000c, 0x2abd: 0x000c, 0x2abe: 0x000c, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x2ac0 + 0x2ac9: 0x000c, 0x2aca: 0x000c, 0x2acb: 0x000c, + 0x2acc: 0x000c, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x2b00 + 0x2b2f: 0x000c, + 0x2b30: 0x000c, 0x2b31: 0x000c, 0x2b34: 0x000c, + 0x2b36: 0x000c, 0x2b37: 0x000c, + 0x2b3e: 0x000c, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x2b40 + 0x2b5f: 0x000c, 0x2b63: 0x000c, + 0x2b64: 0x000c, 0x2b65: 0x000c, 0x2b66: 0x000c, 0x2b67: 0x000c, 0x2b68: 0x000c, 0x2b69: 0x000c, + 0x2b6a: 0x000c, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x2b80 + 0x2b80: 0x000c, + 0x2ba6: 0x000c, 0x2ba7: 0x000c, 0x2ba8: 0x000c, 0x2ba9: 0x000c, + 0x2baa: 0x000c, 0x2bab: 0x000c, 0x2bac: 0x000c, + 0x2bb0: 0x000c, 0x2bb1: 0x000c, 0x2bb2: 0x000c, 0x2bb3: 0x000c, 0x2bb4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x2bc0 + 0x2bf8: 0x000c, 0x2bf9: 0x000c, 0x2bfa: 0x000c, 0x2bfb: 0x000c, + 0x2bfc: 0x000c, 0x2bfd: 0x000c, 0x2bfe: 0x000c, 0x2bff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x2c00 + 0x2c02: 0x000c, 0x2c03: 0x000c, 0x2c04: 0x000c, + 0x2c06: 0x000c, + 0x2c1e: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x2c40 + 0x2c73: 0x000c, 0x2c74: 0x000c, 0x2c75: 0x000c, + 0x2c76: 0x000c, 0x2c77: 0x000c, 0x2c78: 0x000c, 0x2c7a: 0x000c, + 0x2c7f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x2c80 + 0x2c80: 0x000c, 0x2c82: 0x000c, 0x2c83: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x2cc0 + 0x2cf2: 0x000c, 0x2cf3: 0x000c, 0x2cf4: 0x000c, 0x2cf5: 0x000c, + 0x2cfc: 0x000c, 0x2cfd: 0x000c, 0x2cff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x2d00 + 0x2d00: 0x000c, + 0x2d1c: 0x000c, 0x2d1d: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x2d40 + 0x2d73: 0x000c, 0x2d74: 0x000c, 0x2d75: 0x000c, + 0x2d76: 0x000c, 0x2d77: 0x000c, 0x2d78: 0x000c, 0x2d79: 0x000c, 0x2d7a: 0x000c, + 0x2d7d: 0x000c, 0x2d7f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x2d80 + 0x2d80: 0x000c, + 0x2da0: 0x000a, 0x2da1: 0x000a, 0x2da2: 0x000a, 0x2da3: 0x000a, + 0x2da4: 0x000a, 0x2da5: 0x000a, 0x2da6: 0x000a, 0x2da7: 0x000a, 0x2da8: 0x000a, 0x2da9: 0x000a, + 0x2daa: 0x000a, 0x2dab: 0x000a, 0x2dac: 0x000a, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x2dc0 + 0x2deb: 0x000c, 0x2ded: 0x000c, + 0x2df0: 0x000c, 0x2df1: 0x000c, 0x2df2: 0x000c, 0x2df3: 0x000c, 0x2df4: 0x000c, 0x2df5: 0x000c, + 0x2df7: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x2e00 + 0x2e1d: 0x000c, + 0x2e1e: 0x000c, 0x2e1f: 0x000c, 0x2e22: 0x000c, 0x2e23: 0x000c, + 0x2e24: 0x000c, 0x2e25: 0x000c, 0x2e27: 0x000c, 0x2e28: 0x000c, 0x2e29: 0x000c, + 0x2e2a: 0x000c, 0x2e2b: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x2e40 + 0x2e6f: 0x000c, + 0x2e70: 0x000c, 0x2e71: 0x000c, 0x2e72: 0x000c, 0x2e73: 0x000c, 0x2e74: 0x000c, 0x2e75: 0x000c, + 0x2e76: 0x000c, 0x2e77: 0x000c, 0x2e79: 0x000c, 0x2e7a: 0x000c, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x2e80 + 0x2e81: 0x000c, 0x2e82: 0x000c, 0x2e83: 0x000c, 0x2e84: 0x000c, 0x2e85: 0x000c, + 0x2e86: 0x000c, 0x2e89: 0x000c, 0x2e8a: 0x000c, + 0x2eb3: 0x000c, 0x2eb4: 0x000c, 0x2eb5: 0x000c, + 0x2eb6: 0x000c, 0x2eb7: 0x000c, 0x2eb8: 0x000c, 0x2ebb: 0x000c, + 0x2ebc: 0x000c, 0x2ebd: 0x000c, 0x2ebe: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x2ec0 + 0x2ec7: 0x000c, + 0x2ed1: 0x000c, + 0x2ed2: 0x000c, 0x2ed3: 0x000c, 0x2ed4: 0x000c, 0x2ed5: 0x000c, 0x2ed6: 0x000c, + 0x2ed9: 0x000c, 0x2eda: 0x000c, 0x2edb: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x2f00 + 0x2f0a: 0x000c, 0x2f0b: 0x000c, + 0x2f0c: 0x000c, 0x2f0d: 0x000c, 0x2f0e: 0x000c, 0x2f0f: 0x000c, 0x2f10: 0x000c, 0x2f11: 0x000c, + 0x2f12: 0x000c, 0x2f13: 0x000c, 0x2f14: 0x000c, 0x2f15: 0x000c, 0x2f16: 0x000c, + 0x2f18: 0x000c, 0x2f19: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x2f40 + 0x2f70: 0x000c, 0x2f71: 0x000c, 0x2f72: 0x000c, 0x2f73: 0x000c, 0x2f74: 0x000c, 0x2f75: 0x000c, + 0x2f76: 0x000c, 0x2f78: 0x000c, 0x2f79: 0x000c, 0x2f7a: 0x000c, 0x2f7b: 0x000c, + 0x2f7c: 0x000c, 0x2f7d: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x2f80 + 0x2f92: 0x000c, 0x2f93: 0x000c, 0x2f94: 0x000c, 0x2f95: 0x000c, 0x2f96: 0x000c, 0x2f97: 0x000c, + 0x2f98: 0x000c, 0x2f99: 0x000c, 0x2f9a: 0x000c, 0x2f9b: 0x000c, 0x2f9c: 0x000c, 0x2f9d: 0x000c, + 0x2f9e: 0x000c, 0x2f9f: 0x000c, 0x2fa0: 0x000c, 0x2fa1: 0x000c, 0x2fa2: 0x000c, 0x2fa3: 0x000c, + 0x2fa4: 0x000c, 0x2fa5: 0x000c, 0x2fa6: 0x000c, 0x2fa7: 0x000c, + 0x2faa: 0x000c, 0x2fab: 0x000c, 0x2fac: 0x000c, 0x2fad: 0x000c, 0x2fae: 0x000c, 0x2faf: 0x000c, + 0x2fb0: 0x000c, 0x2fb2: 0x000c, 0x2fb3: 0x000c, 0x2fb5: 0x000c, + 0x2fb6: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x2fc0 + 0x2ff1: 0x000c, 0x2ff2: 0x000c, 0x2ff3: 0x000c, 0x2ff4: 0x000c, 0x2ff5: 0x000c, + 0x2ff6: 0x000c, 0x2ffa: 0x000c, + 0x2ffc: 0x000c, 0x2ffd: 0x000c, 0x2fff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x3000 + 0x3000: 0x000c, 0x3001: 0x000c, 0x3002: 0x000c, 0x3003: 0x000c, 0x3004: 0x000c, 0x3005: 0x000c, + 0x3007: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x3040 + 0x3050: 0x000c, 0x3051: 0x000c, + 0x3055: 0x000c, 0x3057: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x3080 + 0x30b3: 0x000c, 0x30b4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x30c0 + 0x30f0: 0x000c, 0x30f1: 0x000c, 0x30f2: 0x000c, 0x30f3: 0x000c, 0x30f4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x3100 + 0x3130: 0x000c, 0x3131: 0x000c, 0x3132: 0x000c, 0x3133: 0x000c, 0x3134: 0x000c, 0x3135: 0x000c, + 0x3136: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x3140 + 0x314f: 0x000c, 0x3150: 0x000c, 0x3151: 0x000c, + 0x3152: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x3180 + 0x319d: 0x000c, + 0x319e: 0x000c, 0x31a0: 0x000b, 0x31a1: 0x000b, 0x31a2: 0x000b, 0x31a3: 0x000b, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x31c0 + 0x31e7: 0x000c, 0x31e8: 0x000c, 0x31e9: 0x000c, + 0x31f3: 0x000b, 0x31f4: 0x000b, 0x31f5: 0x000b, + 0x31f6: 0x000b, 0x31f7: 0x000b, 0x31f8: 0x000b, 0x31f9: 0x000b, 0x31fa: 0x000b, 0x31fb: 0x000c, + 0x31fc: 0x000c, 0x31fd: 0x000c, 0x31fe: 0x000c, 0x31ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x3200 + 0x3200: 0x000c, 0x3201: 0x000c, 0x3202: 0x000c, 0x3205: 0x000c, + 0x3206: 0x000c, 0x3207: 0x000c, 0x3208: 0x000c, 0x3209: 0x000c, 0x320a: 0x000c, 0x320b: 0x000c, + 0x322a: 0x000c, 0x322b: 0x000c, 0x322c: 0x000c, 0x322d: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x3240 + 0x3240: 0x000a, 0x3241: 0x000a, 0x3242: 0x000c, 0x3243: 0x000c, 0x3244: 0x000c, 0x3245: 0x000a, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x3280 + 0x3280: 0x000a, 0x3281: 0x000a, 0x3282: 0x000a, 0x3283: 0x000a, 0x3284: 0x000a, 0x3285: 0x000a, + 0x3286: 0x000a, 0x3287: 0x000a, 0x3288: 0x000a, 0x3289: 0x000a, 0x328a: 0x000a, 0x328b: 0x000a, + 0x328c: 0x000a, 0x328d: 0x000a, 0x328e: 0x000a, 0x328f: 0x000a, 0x3290: 0x000a, 0x3291: 0x000a, + 0x3292: 0x000a, 0x3293: 0x000a, 0x3294: 0x000a, 0x3295: 0x000a, 0x3296: 0x000a, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x32c0 + 0x32db: 0x000a, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x3300 + 0x3315: 0x000a, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x3340 + 0x334f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x3380 + 0x3389: 0x000a, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x33c0 + 0x33c3: 0x000a, + 0x33ce: 0x0002, 0x33cf: 0x0002, 0x33d0: 0x0002, 0x33d1: 0x0002, + 0x33d2: 0x0002, 0x33d3: 0x0002, 0x33d4: 0x0002, 0x33d5: 0x0002, 0x33d6: 0x0002, 0x33d7: 0x0002, + 0x33d8: 0x0002, 0x33d9: 0x0002, 0x33da: 0x0002, 0x33db: 0x0002, 0x33dc: 0x0002, 0x33dd: 0x0002, + 0x33de: 0x0002, 0x33df: 0x0002, 0x33e0: 0x0002, 0x33e1: 0x0002, 0x33e2: 0x0002, 0x33e3: 0x0002, + 0x33e4: 0x0002, 0x33e5: 0x0002, 0x33e6: 0x0002, 0x33e7: 0x0002, 0x33e8: 0x0002, 0x33e9: 0x0002, + 0x33ea: 0x0002, 0x33eb: 0x0002, 0x33ec: 0x0002, 0x33ed: 0x0002, 0x33ee: 0x0002, 0x33ef: 0x0002, + 0x33f0: 0x0002, 0x33f1: 0x0002, 0x33f2: 0x0002, 0x33f3: 0x0002, 0x33f4: 0x0002, 0x33f5: 0x0002, + 0x33f6: 0x0002, 0x33f7: 0x0002, 0x33f8: 0x0002, 0x33f9: 0x0002, 0x33fa: 0x0002, 0x33fb: 0x0002, + 0x33fc: 0x0002, 0x33fd: 0x0002, 0x33fe: 0x0002, 0x33ff: 0x0002, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x3400 + 0x3400: 0x000c, 0x3401: 0x000c, 0x3402: 0x000c, 0x3403: 0x000c, 0x3404: 0x000c, 0x3405: 0x000c, + 0x3406: 0x000c, 0x3407: 0x000c, 0x3408: 0x000c, 0x3409: 0x000c, 0x340a: 0x000c, 0x340b: 0x000c, + 0x340c: 0x000c, 0x340d: 0x000c, 0x340e: 0x000c, 0x340f: 0x000c, 0x3410: 0x000c, 0x3411: 0x000c, + 0x3412: 0x000c, 0x3413: 0x000c, 0x3414: 0x000c, 0x3415: 0x000c, 0x3416: 0x000c, 0x3417: 0x000c, + 0x3418: 0x000c, 0x3419: 0x000c, 0x341a: 0x000c, 0x341b: 0x000c, 0x341c: 0x000c, 0x341d: 0x000c, + 0x341e: 0x000c, 0x341f: 0x000c, 0x3420: 0x000c, 0x3421: 0x000c, 0x3422: 0x000c, 0x3423: 0x000c, + 0x3424: 0x000c, 0x3425: 0x000c, 0x3426: 0x000c, 0x3427: 0x000c, 0x3428: 0x000c, 0x3429: 0x000c, + 0x342a: 0x000c, 0x342b: 0x000c, 0x342c: 0x000c, 0x342d: 0x000c, 0x342e: 0x000c, 0x342f: 0x000c, + 0x3430: 0x000c, 0x3431: 0x000c, 0x3432: 0x000c, 0x3433: 0x000c, 0x3434: 0x000c, 0x3435: 0x000c, + 0x3436: 0x000c, 0x343b: 0x000c, + 0x343c: 0x000c, 0x343d: 0x000c, 0x343e: 0x000c, 0x343f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x3440 + 0x3440: 0x000c, 0x3441: 0x000c, 0x3442: 0x000c, 0x3443: 0x000c, 0x3444: 0x000c, 0x3445: 0x000c, + 0x3446: 0x000c, 0x3447: 0x000c, 0x3448: 0x000c, 0x3449: 0x000c, 0x344a: 0x000c, 0x344b: 0x000c, + 0x344c: 0x000c, 0x344d: 0x000c, 0x344e: 0x000c, 0x344f: 0x000c, 0x3450: 0x000c, 0x3451: 0x000c, + 0x3452: 0x000c, 0x3453: 0x000c, 0x3454: 0x000c, 0x3455: 0x000c, 0x3456: 0x000c, 0x3457: 0x000c, + 0x3458: 0x000c, 0x3459: 0x000c, 0x345a: 0x000c, 0x345b: 0x000c, 0x345c: 0x000c, 0x345d: 0x000c, + 0x345e: 0x000c, 0x345f: 0x000c, 0x3460: 0x000c, 0x3461: 0x000c, 0x3462: 0x000c, 0x3463: 0x000c, + 0x3464: 0x000c, 0x3465: 0x000c, 0x3466: 0x000c, 0x3467: 0x000c, 0x3468: 0x000c, 0x3469: 0x000c, + 0x346a: 0x000c, 0x346b: 0x000c, 0x346c: 0x000c, + 0x3475: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x3480 + 0x3484: 0x000c, + 0x349b: 0x000c, 0x349c: 0x000c, 0x349d: 0x000c, + 0x349e: 0x000c, 0x349f: 0x000c, 0x34a1: 0x000c, 0x34a2: 0x000c, 0x34a3: 0x000c, + 0x34a4: 0x000c, 0x34a5: 0x000c, 0x34a6: 0x000c, 0x34a7: 0x000c, 0x34a8: 0x000c, 0x34a9: 0x000c, + 0x34aa: 0x000c, 0x34ab: 0x000c, 0x34ac: 0x000c, 0x34ad: 0x000c, 0x34ae: 0x000c, 0x34af: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x34c0 + 0x34c0: 0x000c, 0x34c1: 0x000c, 0x34c2: 0x000c, 0x34c3: 0x000c, 0x34c4: 0x000c, 0x34c5: 0x000c, + 0x34c6: 0x000c, 0x34c8: 0x000c, 0x34c9: 0x000c, 0x34ca: 0x000c, 0x34cb: 0x000c, + 0x34cc: 0x000c, 0x34cd: 0x000c, 0x34ce: 0x000c, 0x34cf: 0x000c, 0x34d0: 0x000c, 0x34d1: 0x000c, + 0x34d2: 0x000c, 0x34d3: 0x000c, 0x34d4: 0x000c, 0x34d5: 0x000c, 0x34d6: 0x000c, 0x34d7: 0x000c, + 0x34d8: 0x000c, 0x34db: 0x000c, 0x34dc: 0x000c, 0x34dd: 0x000c, + 0x34de: 0x000c, 0x34df: 0x000c, 0x34e0: 0x000c, 0x34e1: 0x000c, 0x34e3: 0x000c, + 0x34e4: 0x000c, 0x34e6: 0x000c, 0x34e7: 0x000c, 0x34e8: 0x000c, 0x34e9: 0x000c, + 0x34ea: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x3500 + 0x3500: 0x0001, 0x3501: 0x0001, 0x3502: 0x0001, 0x3503: 0x0001, 0x3504: 0x0001, 0x3505: 0x0001, + 0x3506: 0x0001, 0x3507: 0x0001, 0x3508: 0x0001, 0x3509: 0x0001, 0x350a: 0x0001, 0x350b: 0x0001, + 0x350c: 0x0001, 0x350d: 0x0001, 0x350e: 0x0001, 0x350f: 0x0001, 0x3510: 0x000c, 0x3511: 0x000c, + 0x3512: 0x000c, 0x3513: 0x000c, 0x3514: 0x000c, 0x3515: 0x000c, 0x3516: 0x000c, 0x3517: 0x0001, + 0x3518: 0x0001, 0x3519: 0x0001, 0x351a: 0x0001, 0x351b: 0x0001, 0x351c: 0x0001, 0x351d: 0x0001, + 0x351e: 0x0001, 0x351f: 0x0001, 0x3520: 0x0001, 0x3521: 0x0001, 0x3522: 0x0001, 0x3523: 0x0001, + 0x3524: 0x0001, 0x3525: 0x0001, 0x3526: 0x0001, 0x3527: 0x0001, 0x3528: 0x0001, 0x3529: 0x0001, + 0x352a: 0x0001, 0x352b: 0x0001, 0x352c: 0x0001, 0x352d: 0x0001, 0x352e: 0x0001, 0x352f: 0x0001, + 0x3530: 0x0001, 0x3531: 0x0001, 0x3532: 0x0001, 0x3533: 0x0001, 0x3534: 0x0001, 0x3535: 0x0001, + 0x3536: 0x0001, 0x3537: 0x0001, 0x3538: 0x0001, 0x3539: 0x0001, 0x353a: 0x0001, 0x353b: 0x0001, + 0x353c: 0x0001, 0x353d: 0x0001, 0x353e: 0x0001, 0x353f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x3540 + 0x3540: 0x0001, 0x3541: 0x0001, 0x3542: 0x0001, 0x3543: 0x0001, 0x3544: 0x000c, 0x3545: 0x000c, + 0x3546: 0x000c, 0x3547: 0x000c, 0x3548: 0x000c, 0x3549: 0x000c, 0x354a: 0x000c, 0x354b: 0x0001, + 0x354c: 0x0001, 0x354d: 0x0001, 0x354e: 0x0001, 0x354f: 0x0001, 0x3550: 0x0001, 0x3551: 0x0001, + 0x3552: 0x0001, 0x3553: 0x0001, 0x3554: 0x0001, 0x3555: 0x0001, 0x3556: 0x0001, 0x3557: 0x0001, + 0x3558: 0x0001, 0x3559: 0x0001, 0x355a: 0x0001, 0x355b: 0x0001, 0x355c: 0x0001, 0x355d: 0x0001, + 0x355e: 0x0001, 0x355f: 0x0001, 0x3560: 0x0001, 0x3561: 0x0001, 0x3562: 0x0001, 0x3563: 0x0001, + 0x3564: 0x0001, 0x3565: 0x0001, 0x3566: 0x0001, 0x3567: 0x0001, 0x3568: 0x0001, 0x3569: 0x0001, + 0x356a: 0x0001, 0x356b: 0x0001, 0x356c: 0x0001, 0x356d: 0x0001, 0x356e: 0x0001, 0x356f: 0x0001, + 0x3570: 0x0001, 0x3571: 0x0001, 0x3572: 0x0001, 0x3573: 0x0001, 0x3574: 0x0001, 0x3575: 0x0001, + 0x3576: 0x0001, 0x3577: 0x0001, 0x3578: 0x0001, 0x3579: 0x0001, 0x357a: 0x0001, 0x357b: 0x0001, + 0x357c: 0x0001, 0x357d: 0x0001, 0x357e: 0x0001, 0x357f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x3580 + 0x3580: 0x000d, 0x3581: 0x000d, 0x3582: 0x000d, 0x3583: 0x000d, 0x3584: 0x000d, 0x3585: 0x000d, + 0x3586: 0x000d, 0x3587: 0x000d, 0x3588: 0x000d, 0x3589: 0x000d, 0x358a: 0x000d, 0x358b: 0x000d, + 0x358c: 0x000d, 0x358d: 0x000d, 0x358e: 0x000d, 0x358f: 0x000d, 0x3590: 0x000d, 0x3591: 0x000d, + 0x3592: 0x000d, 0x3593: 0x000d, 0x3594: 0x000d, 0x3595: 0x000d, 0x3596: 0x000d, 0x3597: 0x000d, + 0x3598: 0x000d, 0x3599: 0x000d, 0x359a: 0x000d, 0x359b: 0x000d, 0x359c: 0x000d, 0x359d: 0x000d, + 0x359e: 0x000d, 0x359f: 0x000d, 0x35a0: 0x000d, 0x35a1: 0x000d, 0x35a2: 0x000d, 0x35a3: 0x000d, + 0x35a4: 0x000d, 0x35a5: 0x000d, 0x35a6: 0x000d, 0x35a7: 0x000d, 0x35a8: 0x000d, 0x35a9: 0x000d, + 0x35aa: 0x000d, 0x35ab: 0x000d, 0x35ac: 0x000d, 0x35ad: 0x000d, 0x35ae: 0x000d, 0x35af: 0x000d, + 0x35b0: 0x000a, 0x35b1: 0x000a, 0x35b2: 0x000d, 0x35b3: 0x000d, 0x35b4: 0x000d, 0x35b5: 0x000d, + 0x35b6: 0x000d, 0x35b7: 0x000d, 0x35b8: 0x000d, 0x35b9: 0x000d, 0x35ba: 0x000d, 0x35bb: 0x000d, + 0x35bc: 0x000d, 0x35bd: 0x000d, 0x35be: 0x000d, 0x35bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x35c0 + 0x35c0: 0x000a, 0x35c1: 0x000a, 0x35c2: 0x000a, 0x35c3: 0x000a, 0x35c4: 0x000a, 0x35c5: 0x000a, + 0x35c6: 0x000a, 0x35c7: 0x000a, 0x35c8: 0x000a, 0x35c9: 0x000a, 0x35ca: 0x000a, 0x35cb: 0x000a, + 0x35cc: 0x000a, 0x35cd: 0x000a, 0x35ce: 0x000a, 0x35cf: 0x000a, 0x35d0: 0x000a, 0x35d1: 0x000a, + 0x35d2: 0x000a, 0x35d3: 0x000a, 0x35d4: 0x000a, 0x35d5: 0x000a, 0x35d6: 0x000a, 0x35d7: 0x000a, + 0x35d8: 0x000a, 0x35d9: 0x000a, 0x35da: 0x000a, 0x35db: 0x000a, 0x35dc: 0x000a, 0x35dd: 0x000a, + 0x35de: 0x000a, 0x35df: 0x000a, 0x35e0: 0x000a, 0x35e1: 0x000a, 0x35e2: 0x000a, 0x35e3: 0x000a, + 0x35e4: 0x000a, 0x35e5: 0x000a, 0x35e6: 0x000a, 0x35e7: 0x000a, 0x35e8: 0x000a, 0x35e9: 0x000a, + 0x35ea: 0x000a, 0x35eb: 0x000a, + 0x35f0: 0x000a, 0x35f1: 0x000a, 0x35f2: 0x000a, 0x35f3: 0x000a, 0x35f4: 0x000a, 0x35f5: 0x000a, + 0x35f6: 0x000a, 0x35f7: 0x000a, 0x35f8: 0x000a, 0x35f9: 0x000a, 0x35fa: 0x000a, 0x35fb: 0x000a, + 0x35fc: 0x000a, 0x35fd: 0x000a, 0x35fe: 0x000a, 0x35ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x3600 + 0x3600: 0x000a, 0x3601: 0x000a, 0x3602: 0x000a, 0x3603: 0x000a, 0x3604: 0x000a, 0x3605: 0x000a, + 0x3606: 0x000a, 0x3607: 0x000a, 0x3608: 0x000a, 0x3609: 0x000a, 0x360a: 0x000a, 0x360b: 0x000a, + 0x360c: 0x000a, 0x360d: 0x000a, 0x360e: 0x000a, 0x360f: 0x000a, 0x3610: 0x000a, 0x3611: 0x000a, + 0x3612: 0x000a, 0x3613: 0x000a, + 0x3620: 0x000a, 0x3621: 0x000a, 0x3622: 0x000a, 0x3623: 0x000a, + 0x3624: 0x000a, 0x3625: 0x000a, 0x3626: 0x000a, 0x3627: 0x000a, 0x3628: 0x000a, 0x3629: 0x000a, + 0x362a: 0x000a, 0x362b: 0x000a, 0x362c: 0x000a, 0x362d: 0x000a, 0x362e: 0x000a, + 0x3631: 0x000a, 0x3632: 0x000a, 0x3633: 0x000a, 0x3634: 0x000a, 0x3635: 0x000a, + 0x3636: 0x000a, 0x3637: 0x000a, 0x3638: 0x000a, 0x3639: 0x000a, 0x363a: 0x000a, 0x363b: 0x000a, + 0x363c: 0x000a, 0x363d: 0x000a, 0x363e: 0x000a, 0x363f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x3640 + 0x3641: 0x000a, 0x3642: 0x000a, 0x3643: 0x000a, 0x3644: 0x000a, 0x3645: 0x000a, + 0x3646: 0x000a, 0x3647: 0x000a, 0x3648: 0x000a, 0x3649: 0x000a, 0x364a: 0x000a, 0x364b: 0x000a, + 0x364c: 0x000a, 0x364d: 0x000a, 0x364e: 0x000a, 0x364f: 0x000a, 0x3651: 0x000a, + 0x3652: 0x000a, 0x3653: 0x000a, 0x3654: 0x000a, 0x3655: 0x000a, 0x3656: 0x000a, 0x3657: 0x000a, + 0x3658: 0x000a, 0x3659: 0x000a, 0x365a: 0x000a, 0x365b: 0x000a, 0x365c: 0x000a, 0x365d: 0x000a, + 0x365e: 0x000a, 0x365f: 0x000a, 0x3660: 0x000a, 0x3661: 0x000a, 0x3662: 0x000a, 0x3663: 0x000a, + 0x3664: 0x000a, 0x3665: 0x000a, 0x3666: 0x000a, 0x3667: 0x000a, 0x3668: 0x000a, 0x3669: 0x000a, + 0x366a: 0x000a, 0x366b: 0x000a, 0x366c: 0x000a, 0x366d: 0x000a, 0x366e: 0x000a, 0x366f: 0x000a, + 0x3670: 0x000a, 0x3671: 0x000a, 0x3672: 0x000a, 0x3673: 0x000a, 0x3674: 0x000a, 0x3675: 0x000a, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x3680 + 0x3680: 0x0002, 0x3681: 0x0002, 0x3682: 0x0002, 0x3683: 0x0002, 0x3684: 0x0002, 0x3685: 0x0002, + 0x3686: 0x0002, 0x3687: 0x0002, 0x3688: 0x0002, 0x3689: 0x0002, 0x368a: 0x0002, 0x368b: 0x000a, + 0x368c: 0x000a, + 0x36af: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x36c0 + 0x36ea: 0x000a, 0x36eb: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x3700 + 0x3720: 0x000a, 0x3721: 0x000a, 0x3722: 0x000a, 0x3723: 0x000a, + 0x3724: 0x000a, 0x3725: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x3740 + 0x3740: 0x000a, 0x3741: 0x000a, 0x3742: 0x000a, 0x3743: 0x000a, 0x3744: 0x000a, 0x3745: 0x000a, + 0x3746: 0x000a, 0x3747: 0x000a, 0x3748: 0x000a, 0x3749: 0x000a, 0x374a: 0x000a, 0x374b: 0x000a, + 0x374c: 0x000a, 0x374d: 0x000a, 0x374e: 0x000a, 0x374f: 0x000a, 0x3750: 0x000a, 0x3751: 0x000a, + 0x3752: 0x000a, 0x3753: 0x000a, 0x3754: 0x000a, + 0x3760: 0x000a, 0x3761: 0x000a, 0x3762: 0x000a, 0x3763: 0x000a, + 0x3764: 0x000a, 0x3765: 0x000a, 0x3766: 0x000a, 0x3767: 0x000a, 0x3768: 0x000a, 0x3769: 0x000a, + 0x376a: 0x000a, 0x376b: 0x000a, 0x376c: 0x000a, + 0x3770: 0x000a, 0x3771: 0x000a, 0x3772: 0x000a, 0x3773: 0x000a, 0x3774: 0x000a, 0x3775: 0x000a, + 0x3776: 0x000a, 0x3777: 0x000a, 0x3778: 0x000a, 0x3779: 0x000a, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x3780 + 0x3780: 0x000a, 0x3781: 0x000a, 0x3782: 0x000a, 0x3783: 0x000a, 0x3784: 0x000a, 0x3785: 0x000a, + 0x3786: 0x000a, 0x3787: 0x000a, 0x3788: 0x000a, 0x3789: 0x000a, 0x378a: 0x000a, 0x378b: 0x000a, + 0x378c: 0x000a, 0x378d: 0x000a, 0x378e: 0x000a, 0x378f: 0x000a, 0x3790: 0x000a, 0x3791: 0x000a, + 0x3792: 0x000a, 0x3793: 0x000a, 0x3794: 0x000a, 0x3795: 0x000a, 0x3796: 0x000a, 0x3797: 0x000a, + 0x3798: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x37c0 + 0x37c0: 0x000a, 0x37c1: 0x000a, 0x37c2: 0x000a, 0x37c3: 0x000a, 0x37c4: 0x000a, 0x37c5: 0x000a, + 0x37c6: 0x000a, 0x37c7: 0x000a, 0x37c8: 0x000a, 0x37c9: 0x000a, 0x37ca: 0x000a, 0x37cb: 0x000a, + 0x37d0: 0x000a, 0x37d1: 0x000a, + 0x37d2: 0x000a, 0x37d3: 0x000a, 0x37d4: 0x000a, 0x37d5: 0x000a, 0x37d6: 0x000a, 0x37d7: 0x000a, + 0x37d8: 0x000a, 0x37d9: 0x000a, 0x37da: 0x000a, 0x37db: 0x000a, 0x37dc: 0x000a, 0x37dd: 0x000a, + 0x37de: 0x000a, 0x37df: 0x000a, 0x37e0: 0x000a, 0x37e1: 0x000a, 0x37e2: 0x000a, 0x37e3: 0x000a, + 0x37e4: 0x000a, 0x37e5: 0x000a, 0x37e6: 0x000a, 0x37e7: 0x000a, 0x37e8: 0x000a, 0x37e9: 0x000a, + 0x37ea: 0x000a, 0x37eb: 0x000a, 0x37ec: 0x000a, 0x37ed: 0x000a, 0x37ee: 0x000a, 0x37ef: 0x000a, + 0x37f0: 0x000a, 0x37f1: 0x000a, 0x37f2: 0x000a, 0x37f3: 0x000a, 0x37f4: 0x000a, 0x37f5: 0x000a, + 0x37f6: 0x000a, 0x37f7: 0x000a, 0x37f8: 0x000a, 0x37f9: 0x000a, 0x37fa: 0x000a, 0x37fb: 0x000a, + 0x37fc: 0x000a, 0x37fd: 0x000a, 0x37fe: 0x000a, 0x37ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x3800 + 0x3800: 0x000a, 0x3801: 0x000a, 0x3802: 0x000a, 0x3803: 0x000a, 0x3804: 0x000a, 0x3805: 0x000a, + 0x3806: 0x000a, 0x3807: 0x000a, + 0x3810: 0x000a, 0x3811: 0x000a, + 0x3812: 0x000a, 0x3813: 0x000a, 0x3814: 0x000a, 0x3815: 0x000a, 0x3816: 0x000a, 0x3817: 0x000a, + 0x3818: 0x000a, 0x3819: 0x000a, + 0x3820: 0x000a, 0x3821: 0x000a, 0x3822: 0x000a, 0x3823: 0x000a, + 0x3824: 0x000a, 0x3825: 0x000a, 0x3826: 0x000a, 0x3827: 0x000a, 0x3828: 0x000a, 0x3829: 0x000a, + 0x382a: 0x000a, 0x382b: 0x000a, 0x382c: 0x000a, 0x382d: 0x000a, 0x382e: 0x000a, 0x382f: 0x000a, + 0x3830: 0x000a, 0x3831: 0x000a, 0x3832: 0x000a, 0x3833: 0x000a, 0x3834: 0x000a, 0x3835: 0x000a, + 0x3836: 0x000a, 0x3837: 0x000a, 0x3838: 0x000a, 0x3839: 0x000a, 0x383a: 0x000a, 0x383b: 0x000a, + 0x383c: 0x000a, 0x383d: 0x000a, 0x383e: 0x000a, 0x383f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x3840 + 0x3840: 0x000a, 0x3841: 0x000a, 0x3842: 0x000a, 0x3843: 0x000a, 0x3844: 0x000a, 0x3845: 0x000a, + 0x3846: 0x000a, 0x3847: 0x000a, + 0x3850: 0x000a, 0x3851: 0x000a, + 0x3852: 0x000a, 0x3853: 0x000a, 0x3854: 0x000a, 0x3855: 0x000a, 0x3856: 0x000a, 0x3857: 0x000a, + 0x3858: 0x000a, 0x3859: 0x000a, 0x385a: 0x000a, 0x385b: 0x000a, 0x385c: 0x000a, 0x385d: 0x000a, + 0x385e: 0x000a, 0x385f: 0x000a, 0x3860: 0x000a, 0x3861: 0x000a, 0x3862: 0x000a, 0x3863: 0x000a, + 0x3864: 0x000a, 0x3865: 0x000a, 0x3866: 0x000a, 0x3867: 0x000a, 0x3868: 0x000a, 0x3869: 0x000a, + 0x386a: 0x000a, 0x386b: 0x000a, 0x386c: 0x000a, 0x386d: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x3880 + 0x3880: 0x000a, 0x3881: 0x000a, 0x3882: 0x000a, 0x3883: 0x000a, 0x3884: 0x000a, 0x3885: 0x000a, + 0x3886: 0x000a, 0x3887: 0x000a, 0x3888: 0x000a, 0x3889: 0x000a, 0x388a: 0x000a, 0x388b: 0x000a, + 0x3890: 0x000a, 0x3891: 0x000a, + 0x3892: 0x000a, 0x3893: 0x000a, 0x3894: 0x000a, 0x3895: 0x000a, 0x3896: 0x000a, 0x3897: 0x000a, + 0x3898: 0x000a, 0x3899: 0x000a, 0x389a: 0x000a, 0x389b: 0x000a, 0x389c: 0x000a, 0x389d: 0x000a, + 0x389e: 0x000a, 0x389f: 0x000a, 0x38a0: 0x000a, 0x38a1: 0x000a, 0x38a2: 0x000a, 0x38a3: 0x000a, + 0x38a4: 0x000a, 0x38a5: 0x000a, 0x38a6: 0x000a, 0x38a7: 0x000a, 0x38a8: 0x000a, 0x38a9: 0x000a, + 0x38aa: 0x000a, 0x38ab: 0x000a, 0x38ac: 0x000a, 0x38ad: 0x000a, 0x38ae: 0x000a, 0x38af: 0x000a, + 0x38b0: 0x000a, 0x38b1: 0x000a, 0x38b2: 0x000a, 0x38b3: 0x000a, 0x38b4: 0x000a, 0x38b5: 0x000a, + 0x38b6: 0x000a, 0x38b7: 0x000a, 0x38b8: 0x000a, 0x38b9: 0x000a, 0x38ba: 0x000a, 0x38bb: 0x000a, + 0x38bc: 0x000a, 0x38bd: 0x000a, 0x38be: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x38c0 + 0x38c0: 0x000a, 0x38c1: 0x000a, 0x38c2: 0x000a, 0x38c3: 0x000a, 0x38c4: 0x000a, 0x38c5: 0x000a, + 0x38c6: 0x000a, 0x38c7: 0x000a, 0x38c8: 0x000a, 0x38c9: 0x000a, 0x38ca: 0x000a, 0x38cb: 0x000a, + 0x38cc: 0x000a, 0x38cd: 0x000a, 0x38ce: 0x000a, 0x38cf: 0x000a, 0x38d0: 0x000a, 0x38d1: 0x000a, + 0x38d2: 0x000a, 0x38d3: 0x000a, 0x38d4: 0x000a, 0x38d5: 0x000a, 0x38d6: 0x000a, 0x38d7: 0x000a, + 0x38d8: 0x000a, 0x38d9: 0x000a, 0x38da: 0x000a, 0x38db: 0x000a, 0x38dc: 0x000a, 0x38dd: 0x000a, + 0x38de: 0x000a, 0x38df: 0x000a, 0x38e0: 0x000a, 0x38e1: 0x000a, 0x38e2: 0x000a, 0x38e3: 0x000a, + 0x38e4: 0x000a, 0x38e5: 0x000a, 0x38e6: 0x000a, 0x38e7: 0x000a, 0x38e8: 0x000a, 0x38e9: 0x000a, + 0x38ea: 0x000a, 0x38eb: 0x000a, 0x38ec: 0x000a, 0x38ed: 0x000a, 0x38ee: 0x000a, 0x38ef: 0x000a, + 0x38f0: 0x000a, 0x38f3: 0x000a, 0x38f4: 0x000a, 0x38f5: 0x000a, + 0x38f6: 0x000a, 0x38fa: 0x000a, + 0x38fc: 0x000a, 0x38fd: 0x000a, 0x38fe: 0x000a, 0x38ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x3900 + 0x3900: 0x000a, 0x3901: 0x000a, 0x3902: 0x000a, 0x3903: 0x000a, 0x3904: 0x000a, 0x3905: 0x000a, + 0x3906: 0x000a, 0x3907: 0x000a, 0x3908: 0x000a, 0x3909: 0x000a, 0x390a: 0x000a, 0x390b: 0x000a, + 0x390c: 0x000a, 0x390d: 0x000a, 0x390e: 0x000a, 0x390f: 0x000a, 0x3910: 0x000a, 0x3911: 0x000a, + 0x3912: 0x000a, 0x3913: 0x000a, 0x3914: 0x000a, 0x3915: 0x000a, 0x3916: 0x000a, 0x3917: 0x000a, + 0x3918: 0x000a, 0x3919: 0x000a, 0x391a: 0x000a, 0x391b: 0x000a, 0x391c: 0x000a, 0x391d: 0x000a, + 0x391e: 0x000a, 0x391f: 0x000a, 0x3920: 0x000a, 0x3921: 0x000a, 0x3922: 0x000a, + 0x3930: 0x000a, 0x3931: 0x000a, 0x3932: 0x000a, 0x3933: 0x000a, 0x3934: 0x000a, 0x3935: 0x000a, + 0x3936: 0x000a, 0x3937: 0x000a, 0x3938: 0x000a, 0x3939: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x3940 + 0x3940: 0x000a, 0x3941: 0x000a, 0x3942: 0x000a, + 0x3950: 0x000a, 0x3951: 0x000a, + 0x3952: 0x000a, 0x3953: 0x000a, 0x3954: 0x000a, 0x3955: 0x000a, 0x3956: 0x000a, 0x3957: 0x000a, + 0x3958: 0x000a, 0x3959: 0x000a, 0x395a: 0x000a, 0x395b: 0x000a, 0x395c: 0x000a, 0x395d: 0x000a, + 0x395e: 0x000a, 0x395f: 0x000a, 0x3960: 0x000a, 0x3961: 0x000a, 0x3962: 0x000a, 0x3963: 0x000a, + 0x3964: 0x000a, 0x3965: 0x000a, 0x3966: 0x000a, 0x3967: 0x000a, 0x3968: 0x000a, 0x3969: 0x000a, + 0x396a: 0x000a, 0x396b: 0x000a, 0x396c: 0x000a, 0x396d: 0x000a, 0x396e: 0x000a, 0x396f: 0x000a, + 0x3970: 0x000a, 0x3971: 0x000a, 0x3972: 0x000a, 0x3973: 0x000a, 0x3974: 0x000a, 0x3975: 0x000a, + 0x3976: 0x000a, 0x3977: 0x000a, 0x3978: 0x000a, 0x3979: 0x000a, 0x397a: 0x000a, 0x397b: 0x000a, + 0x397c: 0x000a, 0x397d: 0x000a, 0x397e: 0x000a, 0x397f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x3980 + 0x39a0: 0x000a, 0x39a1: 0x000a, 0x39a2: 0x000a, 0x39a3: 0x000a, + 0x39a4: 0x000a, 0x39a5: 0x000a, 0x39a6: 0x000a, 0x39a7: 0x000a, 0x39a8: 0x000a, 0x39a9: 0x000a, + 0x39aa: 0x000a, 0x39ab: 0x000a, 0x39ac: 0x000a, 0x39ad: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x39c0 + 0x39fe: 0x000b, 0x39ff: 0x000b, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x3a00 + 0x3a00: 0x000b, 0x3a01: 0x000b, 0x3a02: 0x000b, 0x3a03: 0x000b, 0x3a04: 0x000b, 0x3a05: 0x000b, + 0x3a06: 0x000b, 0x3a07: 0x000b, 0x3a08: 0x000b, 0x3a09: 0x000b, 0x3a0a: 0x000b, 0x3a0b: 0x000b, + 0x3a0c: 0x000b, 0x3a0d: 0x000b, 0x3a0e: 0x000b, 0x3a0f: 0x000b, 0x3a10: 0x000b, 0x3a11: 0x000b, + 0x3a12: 0x000b, 0x3a13: 0x000b, 0x3a14: 0x000b, 0x3a15: 0x000b, 0x3a16: 0x000b, 0x3a17: 0x000b, + 0x3a18: 0x000b, 0x3a19: 0x000b, 0x3a1a: 0x000b, 0x3a1b: 0x000b, 0x3a1c: 0x000b, 0x3a1d: 0x000b, + 0x3a1e: 0x000b, 0x3a1f: 0x000b, 0x3a20: 0x000b, 0x3a21: 0x000b, 0x3a22: 0x000b, 0x3a23: 0x000b, + 0x3a24: 0x000b, 0x3a25: 0x000b, 0x3a26: 0x000b, 0x3a27: 0x000b, 0x3a28: 0x000b, 0x3a29: 0x000b, + 0x3a2a: 0x000b, 0x3a2b: 0x000b, 0x3a2c: 0x000b, 0x3a2d: 0x000b, 0x3a2e: 0x000b, 0x3a2f: 0x000b, + 0x3a30: 0x000b, 0x3a31: 0x000b, 0x3a32: 0x000b, 0x3a33: 0x000b, 0x3a34: 0x000b, 0x3a35: 0x000b, + 0x3a36: 0x000b, 0x3a37: 0x000b, 0x3a38: 0x000b, 0x3a39: 0x000b, 0x3a3a: 0x000b, 0x3a3b: 0x000b, + 0x3a3c: 0x000b, 0x3a3d: 0x000b, 0x3a3e: 0x000b, 0x3a3f: 0x000b, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x3a40 + 0x3a40: 0x000c, 0x3a41: 0x000c, 0x3a42: 0x000c, 0x3a43: 0x000c, 0x3a44: 0x000c, 0x3a45: 0x000c, + 0x3a46: 0x000c, 0x3a47: 0x000c, 0x3a48: 0x000c, 0x3a49: 0x000c, 0x3a4a: 0x000c, 0x3a4b: 0x000c, + 0x3a4c: 0x000c, 0x3a4d: 0x000c, 0x3a4e: 0x000c, 0x3a4f: 0x000c, 0x3a50: 0x000c, 0x3a51: 0x000c, + 0x3a52: 0x000c, 0x3a53: 0x000c, 0x3a54: 0x000c, 0x3a55: 0x000c, 0x3a56: 0x000c, 0x3a57: 0x000c, + 0x3a58: 0x000c, 0x3a59: 0x000c, 0x3a5a: 0x000c, 0x3a5b: 0x000c, 0x3a5c: 0x000c, 0x3a5d: 0x000c, + 0x3a5e: 0x000c, 0x3a5f: 0x000c, 0x3a60: 0x000c, 0x3a61: 0x000c, 0x3a62: 0x000c, 0x3a63: 0x000c, + 0x3a64: 0x000c, 0x3a65: 0x000c, 0x3a66: 0x000c, 0x3a67: 0x000c, 0x3a68: 0x000c, 0x3a69: 0x000c, + 0x3a6a: 0x000c, 0x3a6b: 0x000c, 0x3a6c: 0x000c, 0x3a6d: 0x000c, 0x3a6e: 0x000c, 0x3a6f: 0x000c, + 0x3a70: 0x000b, 0x3a71: 0x000b, 0x3a72: 0x000b, 0x3a73: 0x000b, 0x3a74: 0x000b, 0x3a75: 0x000b, + 0x3a76: 0x000b, 0x3a77: 0x000b, 0x3a78: 0x000b, 0x3a79: 0x000b, 0x3a7a: 0x000b, 0x3a7b: 0x000b, + 0x3a7c: 0x000b, 0x3a7d: 0x000b, 0x3a7e: 0x000b, 0x3a7f: 0x000b, +} + +// bidiIndex: 24 blocks, 1536 entries, 1536 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var bidiIndex = [1536]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, + 0xca: 0x03, 0xcb: 0x04, 0xcc: 0x05, 0xcd: 0x06, 0xce: 0x07, 0xcf: 0x08, + 0xd2: 0x09, 0xd6: 0x0a, 0xd7: 0x0b, + 0xd8: 0x0c, 0xd9: 0x0d, 0xda: 0x0e, 0xdb: 0x0f, 0xdc: 0x10, 0xdd: 0x11, 0xde: 0x12, 0xdf: 0x13, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, 0xe4: 0x06, + 0xea: 0x07, 0xef: 0x08, + 0xf0: 0x11, 0xf1: 0x12, 0xf2: 0x12, 0xf3: 0x14, 0xf4: 0x15, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x14, 0x121: 0x15, 0x122: 0x16, 0x123: 0x17, 0x124: 0x18, 0x125: 0x19, 0x126: 0x1a, 0x127: 0x1b, + 0x128: 0x1c, 0x129: 0x1d, 0x12a: 0x1c, 0x12b: 0x1e, 0x12c: 0x1f, 0x12d: 0x20, 0x12e: 0x21, 0x12f: 0x22, + 0x130: 0x23, 0x131: 0x24, 0x132: 0x1a, 0x133: 0x25, 0x134: 0x26, 0x135: 0x27, 0x137: 0x28, + 0x138: 0x29, 0x139: 0x2a, 0x13a: 0x2b, 0x13b: 0x2c, 0x13c: 0x2d, 0x13d: 0x2e, 0x13e: 0x2f, 0x13f: 0x30, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x31, 0x141: 0x32, 0x142: 0x33, + 0x14d: 0x34, 0x14e: 0x35, + 0x150: 0x36, + 0x15a: 0x37, 0x15c: 0x38, 0x15d: 0x39, 0x15e: 0x3a, 0x15f: 0x3b, + 0x160: 0x3c, 0x162: 0x3d, 0x164: 0x3e, 0x165: 0x3f, 0x167: 0x40, + 0x168: 0x41, 0x169: 0x42, 0x16a: 0x43, 0x16c: 0x44, 0x16d: 0x45, 0x16e: 0x46, 0x16f: 0x47, + 0x170: 0x48, 0x173: 0x49, 0x177: 0x4a, + 0x17e: 0x4b, 0x17f: 0x4c, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x4d, 0x181: 0x4e, 0x182: 0x4f, 0x183: 0x50, 0x184: 0x51, 0x185: 0x52, 0x186: 0x53, 0x187: 0x54, + 0x188: 0x55, 0x189: 0x54, 0x18a: 0x54, 0x18b: 0x54, 0x18c: 0x56, 0x18d: 0x57, 0x18e: 0x58, 0x18f: 0x54, + 0x190: 0x59, 0x191: 0x5a, 0x192: 0x5b, 0x193: 0x5c, 0x194: 0x54, 0x195: 0x54, 0x196: 0x54, 0x197: 0x54, + 0x198: 0x54, 0x199: 0x54, 0x19a: 0x5d, 0x19b: 0x54, 0x19c: 0x54, 0x19d: 0x5e, 0x19e: 0x54, 0x19f: 0x5f, + 0x1a4: 0x54, 0x1a5: 0x54, 0x1a6: 0x60, 0x1a7: 0x61, + 0x1a8: 0x54, 0x1a9: 0x54, 0x1aa: 0x54, 0x1ab: 0x54, 0x1ac: 0x54, 0x1ad: 0x62, 0x1ae: 0x63, 0x1af: 0x64, + 0x1b3: 0x65, 0x1b5: 0x66, 0x1b7: 0x67, + 0x1b8: 0x68, 0x1b9: 0x69, 0x1ba: 0x6a, 0x1bb: 0x6b, 0x1bc: 0x54, 0x1bd: 0x54, 0x1be: 0x54, 0x1bf: 0x6c, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x6d, 0x1c2: 0x6e, 0x1c3: 0x6f, 0x1c7: 0x70, + 0x1c8: 0x71, 0x1c9: 0x72, 0x1ca: 0x73, 0x1cb: 0x74, 0x1cd: 0x75, 0x1cf: 0x76, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x237: 0x54, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x252: 0x77, 0x253: 0x78, + 0x258: 0x79, 0x259: 0x7a, 0x25a: 0x7b, 0x25b: 0x7c, 0x25c: 0x7d, 0x25e: 0x7e, + 0x260: 0x7f, 0x261: 0x80, 0x263: 0x81, 0x264: 0x82, 0x265: 0x83, 0x266: 0x84, 0x267: 0x85, + 0x268: 0x86, 0x269: 0x87, 0x26a: 0x88, 0x26b: 0x89, 0x26f: 0x8a, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x2ac: 0x8b, 0x2ad: 0x8c, 0x2ae: 0x0e, 0x2af: 0x0e, + 0x2b0: 0x0e, 0x2b1: 0x0e, 0x2b2: 0x0e, 0x2b3: 0x0e, 0x2b4: 0x8d, 0x2b5: 0x0e, 0x2b6: 0x0e, 0x2b7: 0x8e, + 0x2b8: 0x8f, 0x2b9: 0x90, 0x2ba: 0x0e, 0x2bb: 0x91, 0x2bc: 0x92, 0x2bd: 0x93, 0x2bf: 0x94, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c4: 0x95, 0x2c5: 0x54, 0x2c6: 0x96, 0x2c7: 0x97, + 0x2cb: 0x98, 0x2cd: 0x99, + 0x2e0: 0x9a, 0x2e1: 0x9a, 0x2e2: 0x9a, 0x2e3: 0x9a, 0x2e4: 0x9b, 0x2e5: 0x9a, 0x2e6: 0x9a, 0x2e7: 0x9a, + 0x2e8: 0x9c, 0x2e9: 0x9a, 0x2ea: 0x9a, 0x2eb: 0x9d, 0x2ec: 0x9e, 0x2ed: 0x9a, 0x2ee: 0x9a, 0x2ef: 0x9a, + 0x2f0: 0x9a, 0x2f1: 0x9a, 0x2f2: 0x9a, 0x2f3: 0x9a, 0x2f4: 0x9f, 0x2f5: 0x9a, 0x2f6: 0x9a, 0x2f7: 0x9a, + 0x2f8: 0x9a, 0x2f9: 0xa0, 0x2fa: 0x9a, 0x2fb: 0x9a, 0x2fc: 0xa1, 0x2fd: 0xa2, 0x2fe: 0x9a, 0x2ff: 0x9a, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0xa3, 0x301: 0xa4, 0x302: 0xa5, 0x304: 0xa6, 0x305: 0xa7, 0x306: 0xa8, 0x307: 0xa9, + 0x308: 0xaa, 0x30b: 0xab, 0x30c: 0x26, 0x30d: 0xac, + 0x310: 0xad, 0x311: 0xae, 0x312: 0xaf, 0x313: 0xb0, 0x316: 0xb1, 0x317: 0xb2, + 0x318: 0xb3, 0x319: 0xb4, 0x31a: 0xb5, 0x31c: 0xb6, + 0x320: 0xb7, + 0x328: 0xb8, 0x329: 0xb9, 0x32a: 0xba, + 0x330: 0xbb, 0x332: 0xbc, 0x334: 0xbd, 0x335: 0xbe, 0x336: 0xbf, + 0x33b: 0xc0, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x36b: 0xc1, 0x36c: 0xc2, + 0x37e: 0xc3, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x3b2: 0xc4, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c5: 0xc5, 0x3c6: 0xc6, + 0x3c8: 0x54, 0x3c9: 0xc7, 0x3cc: 0x54, 0x3cd: 0xc8, + 0x3db: 0xc9, 0x3dc: 0xca, 0x3dd: 0xcb, 0x3de: 0xcc, 0x3df: 0xcd, + 0x3e8: 0xce, 0x3e9: 0xcf, 0x3ea: 0xd0, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0xd1, + 0x420: 0x9a, 0x421: 0x9a, 0x422: 0x9a, 0x423: 0xd2, 0x424: 0x9a, 0x425: 0xd3, 0x426: 0x9a, 0x427: 0x9a, + 0x428: 0x9a, 0x429: 0x9a, 0x42a: 0x9a, 0x42b: 0x9a, 0x42c: 0x9a, 0x42d: 0x9a, 0x42e: 0x9a, 0x42f: 0x9a, + 0x430: 0x9a, 0x431: 0xa1, 0x432: 0x0e, 0x433: 0x9a, 0x434: 0x9a, 0x435: 0x9a, 0x436: 0x9a, 0x437: 0x9a, + 0x438: 0x0e, 0x439: 0x0e, 0x43a: 0x0e, 0x43b: 0xd4, 0x43c: 0x9a, 0x43d: 0x9a, 0x43e: 0x9a, 0x43f: 0x9a, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0xd5, 0x441: 0x54, 0x442: 0xd6, 0x443: 0xd7, 0x444: 0xd8, 0x445: 0xd9, + 0x449: 0xda, 0x44c: 0x54, 0x44d: 0x54, 0x44e: 0x54, 0x44f: 0x54, + 0x450: 0x54, 0x451: 0x54, 0x452: 0x54, 0x453: 0x54, 0x454: 0x54, 0x455: 0x54, 0x456: 0x54, 0x457: 0x54, + 0x458: 0x54, 0x459: 0x54, 0x45a: 0x54, 0x45b: 0xdb, 0x45c: 0x54, 0x45d: 0x6b, 0x45e: 0x54, 0x45f: 0xdc, + 0x460: 0xdd, 0x461: 0xde, 0x462: 0xdf, 0x464: 0xe0, 0x465: 0xe1, 0x466: 0xe2, 0x467: 0xe3, + 0x469: 0xe4, + 0x47f: 0xe5, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x4bf: 0xe5, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4d0: 0x09, 0x4d1: 0x0a, 0x4d6: 0x0b, + 0x4db: 0x0c, 0x4dd: 0x0d, 0x4de: 0x0e, 0x4df: 0x0f, + 0x4ef: 0x10, + 0x4ff: 0x10, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x50f: 0x10, + 0x51f: 0x10, + 0x52f: 0x10, + 0x53f: 0x10, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0xe6, 0x541: 0xe6, 0x542: 0xe6, 0x543: 0xe6, 0x544: 0x05, 0x545: 0x05, 0x546: 0x05, 0x547: 0xe7, + 0x548: 0xe6, 0x549: 0xe6, 0x54a: 0xe6, 0x54b: 0xe6, 0x54c: 0xe6, 0x54d: 0xe6, 0x54e: 0xe6, 0x54f: 0xe6, + 0x550: 0xe6, 0x551: 0xe6, 0x552: 0xe6, 0x553: 0xe6, 0x554: 0xe6, 0x555: 0xe6, 0x556: 0xe6, 0x557: 0xe6, + 0x558: 0xe6, 0x559: 0xe6, 0x55a: 0xe6, 0x55b: 0xe6, 0x55c: 0xe6, 0x55d: 0xe6, 0x55e: 0xe6, 0x55f: 0xe6, + 0x560: 0xe6, 0x561: 0xe6, 0x562: 0xe6, 0x563: 0xe6, 0x564: 0xe6, 0x565: 0xe6, 0x566: 0xe6, 0x567: 0xe6, + 0x568: 0xe6, 0x569: 0xe6, 0x56a: 0xe6, 0x56b: 0xe6, 0x56c: 0xe6, 0x56d: 0xe6, 0x56e: 0xe6, 0x56f: 0xe6, + 0x570: 0xe6, 0x571: 0xe6, 0x572: 0xe6, 0x573: 0xe6, 0x574: 0xe6, 0x575: 0xe6, 0x576: 0xe6, 0x577: 0xe6, + 0x578: 0xe6, 0x579: 0xe6, 0x57a: 0xe6, 0x57b: 0xe6, 0x57c: 0xe6, 0x57d: 0xe6, 0x57e: 0xe6, 0x57f: 0xe6, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x58f: 0x10, + 0x59f: 0x10, + 0x5a0: 0x13, + 0x5af: 0x10, + 0x5bf: 0x10, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5cf: 0x10, +} + +// Total table size 16568 bytes (16KiB); checksum: F50EF68C diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables12.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables12.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..baacf32b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables12.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,1924 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.14 && !go1.16 +// +build go1.14,!go1.16 + +package bidi + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "12.0.0" + +// xorMasks contains masks to be xor-ed with brackets to get the reverse +// version. +var xorMasks = []int32{ // 8 elements + 0, 1, 6, 7, 3, 15, 29, 63, +} // Size: 56 bytes + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0] + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0] + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// bidiTrie. Total size: 16896 bytes (16.50 KiB). Checksum: 6f0927067913dc6d. +type bidiTrie struct{} + +func newBidiTrie(i int) *bidiTrie { + return &bidiTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint8 { + switch { + default: + return uint8(bidiValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// bidiValues: 240 blocks, 15360 entries, 15360 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var bidiValues = [15360]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x00: 0x000b, 0x01: 0x000b, 0x02: 0x000b, 0x03: 0x000b, 0x04: 0x000b, 0x05: 0x000b, + 0x06: 0x000b, 0x07: 0x000b, 0x08: 0x000b, 0x09: 0x0008, 0x0a: 0x0007, 0x0b: 0x0008, + 0x0c: 0x0009, 0x0d: 0x0007, 0x0e: 0x000b, 0x0f: 0x000b, 0x10: 0x000b, 0x11: 0x000b, + 0x12: 0x000b, 0x13: 0x000b, 0x14: 0x000b, 0x15: 0x000b, 0x16: 0x000b, 0x17: 0x000b, + 0x18: 0x000b, 0x19: 0x000b, 0x1a: 0x000b, 0x1b: 0x000b, 0x1c: 0x0007, 0x1d: 0x0007, + 0x1e: 0x0007, 0x1f: 0x0008, 0x20: 0x0009, 0x21: 0x000a, 0x22: 0x000a, 0x23: 0x0004, + 0x24: 0x0004, 0x25: 0x0004, 0x26: 0x000a, 0x27: 0x000a, 0x28: 0x003a, 0x29: 0x002a, + 0x2a: 0x000a, 0x2b: 0x0003, 0x2c: 0x0006, 0x2d: 0x0003, 0x2e: 0x0006, 0x2f: 0x0006, + 0x30: 0x0002, 0x31: 0x0002, 0x32: 0x0002, 0x33: 0x0002, 0x34: 0x0002, 0x35: 0x0002, + 0x36: 0x0002, 0x37: 0x0002, 0x38: 0x0002, 0x39: 0x0002, 0x3a: 0x0006, 0x3b: 0x000a, + 0x3c: 0x000a, 0x3d: 0x000a, 0x3e: 0x000a, 0x3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x000a, + 0x5b: 0x005a, 0x5c: 0x000a, 0x5d: 0x004a, + 0x5e: 0x000a, 0x5f: 0x000a, 0x60: 0x000a, + 0x7b: 0x005a, + 0x7c: 0x000a, 0x7d: 0x004a, 0x7e: 0x000a, 0x7f: 0x000b, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x000b, 0xc1: 0x000b, 0xc2: 0x000b, 0xc3: 0x000b, 0xc4: 0x000b, 0xc5: 0x0007, + 0xc6: 0x000b, 0xc7: 0x000b, 0xc8: 0x000b, 0xc9: 0x000b, 0xca: 0x000b, 0xcb: 0x000b, + 0xcc: 0x000b, 0xcd: 0x000b, 0xce: 0x000b, 0xcf: 0x000b, 0xd0: 0x000b, 0xd1: 0x000b, + 0xd2: 0x000b, 0xd3: 0x000b, 0xd4: 0x000b, 0xd5: 0x000b, 0xd6: 0x000b, 0xd7: 0x000b, + 0xd8: 0x000b, 0xd9: 0x000b, 0xda: 0x000b, 0xdb: 0x000b, 0xdc: 0x000b, 0xdd: 0x000b, + 0xde: 0x000b, 0xdf: 0x000b, 0xe0: 0x0006, 0xe1: 0x000a, 0xe2: 0x0004, 0xe3: 0x0004, + 0xe4: 0x0004, 0xe5: 0x0004, 0xe6: 0x000a, 0xe7: 0x000a, 0xe8: 0x000a, 0xe9: 0x000a, + 0xeb: 0x000a, 0xec: 0x000a, 0xed: 0x000b, 0xee: 0x000a, 0xef: 0x000a, + 0xf0: 0x0004, 0xf1: 0x0004, 0xf2: 0x0002, 0xf3: 0x0002, 0xf4: 0x000a, + 0xf6: 0x000a, 0xf7: 0x000a, 0xf8: 0x000a, 0xf9: 0x0002, 0xfb: 0x000a, + 0xfc: 0x000a, 0xfd: 0x000a, 0xfe: 0x000a, 0xff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x117: 0x000a, + 0x137: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x179: 0x000a, 0x17a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x182: 0x000a, 0x183: 0x000a, 0x184: 0x000a, 0x185: 0x000a, + 0x186: 0x000a, 0x187: 0x000a, 0x188: 0x000a, 0x189: 0x000a, 0x18a: 0x000a, 0x18b: 0x000a, + 0x18c: 0x000a, 0x18d: 0x000a, 0x18e: 0x000a, 0x18f: 0x000a, + 0x192: 0x000a, 0x193: 0x000a, 0x194: 0x000a, 0x195: 0x000a, 0x196: 0x000a, 0x197: 0x000a, + 0x198: 0x000a, 0x199: 0x000a, 0x19a: 0x000a, 0x19b: 0x000a, 0x19c: 0x000a, 0x19d: 0x000a, + 0x19e: 0x000a, 0x19f: 0x000a, + 0x1a5: 0x000a, 0x1a6: 0x000a, 0x1a7: 0x000a, 0x1a8: 0x000a, 0x1a9: 0x000a, + 0x1aa: 0x000a, 0x1ab: 0x000a, 0x1ac: 0x000a, 0x1ad: 0x000a, 0x1af: 0x000a, + 0x1b0: 0x000a, 0x1b1: 0x000a, 0x1b2: 0x000a, 0x1b3: 0x000a, 0x1b4: 0x000a, 0x1b5: 0x000a, + 0x1b6: 0x000a, 0x1b7: 0x000a, 0x1b8: 0x000a, 0x1b9: 0x000a, 0x1ba: 0x000a, 0x1bb: 0x000a, + 0x1bc: 0x000a, 0x1bd: 0x000a, 0x1be: 0x000a, 0x1bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x000c, 0x1c1: 0x000c, 0x1c2: 0x000c, 0x1c3: 0x000c, 0x1c4: 0x000c, 0x1c5: 0x000c, + 0x1c6: 0x000c, 0x1c7: 0x000c, 0x1c8: 0x000c, 0x1c9: 0x000c, 0x1ca: 0x000c, 0x1cb: 0x000c, + 0x1cc: 0x000c, 0x1cd: 0x000c, 0x1ce: 0x000c, 0x1cf: 0x000c, 0x1d0: 0x000c, 0x1d1: 0x000c, + 0x1d2: 0x000c, 0x1d3: 0x000c, 0x1d4: 0x000c, 0x1d5: 0x000c, 0x1d6: 0x000c, 0x1d7: 0x000c, + 0x1d8: 0x000c, 0x1d9: 0x000c, 0x1da: 0x000c, 0x1db: 0x000c, 0x1dc: 0x000c, 0x1dd: 0x000c, + 0x1de: 0x000c, 0x1df: 0x000c, 0x1e0: 0x000c, 0x1e1: 0x000c, 0x1e2: 0x000c, 0x1e3: 0x000c, + 0x1e4: 0x000c, 0x1e5: 0x000c, 0x1e6: 0x000c, 0x1e7: 0x000c, 0x1e8: 0x000c, 0x1e9: 0x000c, + 0x1ea: 0x000c, 0x1eb: 0x000c, 0x1ec: 0x000c, 0x1ed: 0x000c, 0x1ee: 0x000c, 0x1ef: 0x000c, + 0x1f0: 0x000c, 0x1f1: 0x000c, 0x1f2: 0x000c, 0x1f3: 0x000c, 0x1f4: 0x000c, 0x1f5: 0x000c, + 0x1f6: 0x000c, 0x1f7: 0x000c, 0x1f8: 0x000c, 0x1f9: 0x000c, 0x1fa: 0x000c, 0x1fb: 0x000c, + 0x1fc: 0x000c, 0x1fd: 0x000c, 0x1fe: 0x000c, 0x1ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x000c, 0x201: 0x000c, 0x202: 0x000c, 0x203: 0x000c, 0x204: 0x000c, 0x205: 0x000c, + 0x206: 0x000c, 0x207: 0x000c, 0x208: 0x000c, 0x209: 0x000c, 0x20a: 0x000c, 0x20b: 0x000c, + 0x20c: 0x000c, 0x20d: 0x000c, 0x20e: 0x000c, 0x20f: 0x000c, 0x210: 0x000c, 0x211: 0x000c, + 0x212: 0x000c, 0x213: 0x000c, 0x214: 0x000c, 0x215: 0x000c, 0x216: 0x000c, 0x217: 0x000c, + 0x218: 0x000c, 0x219: 0x000c, 0x21a: 0x000c, 0x21b: 0x000c, 0x21c: 0x000c, 0x21d: 0x000c, + 0x21e: 0x000c, 0x21f: 0x000c, 0x220: 0x000c, 0x221: 0x000c, 0x222: 0x000c, 0x223: 0x000c, + 0x224: 0x000c, 0x225: 0x000c, 0x226: 0x000c, 0x227: 0x000c, 0x228: 0x000c, 0x229: 0x000c, + 0x22a: 0x000c, 0x22b: 0x000c, 0x22c: 0x000c, 0x22d: 0x000c, 0x22e: 0x000c, 0x22f: 0x000c, + 0x234: 0x000a, 0x235: 0x000a, + 0x23e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x244: 0x000a, 0x245: 0x000a, + 0x247: 0x000a, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x2b6: 0x000a, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c3: 0x000c, 0x2c4: 0x000c, 0x2c5: 0x000c, + 0x2c6: 0x000c, 0x2c7: 0x000c, 0x2c8: 0x000c, 0x2c9: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x30a: 0x000a, + 0x30d: 0x000a, 0x30e: 0x000a, 0x30f: 0x0004, 0x310: 0x0001, 0x311: 0x000c, + 0x312: 0x000c, 0x313: 0x000c, 0x314: 0x000c, 0x315: 0x000c, 0x316: 0x000c, 0x317: 0x000c, + 0x318: 0x000c, 0x319: 0x000c, 0x31a: 0x000c, 0x31b: 0x000c, 0x31c: 0x000c, 0x31d: 0x000c, + 0x31e: 0x000c, 0x31f: 0x000c, 0x320: 0x000c, 0x321: 0x000c, 0x322: 0x000c, 0x323: 0x000c, + 0x324: 0x000c, 0x325: 0x000c, 0x326: 0x000c, 0x327: 0x000c, 0x328: 0x000c, 0x329: 0x000c, + 0x32a: 0x000c, 0x32b: 0x000c, 0x32c: 0x000c, 0x32d: 0x000c, 0x32e: 0x000c, 0x32f: 0x000c, + 0x330: 0x000c, 0x331: 0x000c, 0x332: 0x000c, 0x333: 0x000c, 0x334: 0x000c, 0x335: 0x000c, + 0x336: 0x000c, 0x337: 0x000c, 0x338: 0x000c, 0x339: 0x000c, 0x33a: 0x000c, 0x33b: 0x000c, + 0x33c: 0x000c, 0x33d: 0x000c, 0x33e: 0x0001, 0x33f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x0001, 0x341: 0x000c, 0x342: 0x000c, 0x343: 0x0001, 0x344: 0x000c, 0x345: 0x000c, + 0x346: 0x0001, 0x347: 0x000c, 0x348: 0x0001, 0x349: 0x0001, 0x34a: 0x0001, 0x34b: 0x0001, + 0x34c: 0x0001, 0x34d: 0x0001, 0x34e: 0x0001, 0x34f: 0x0001, 0x350: 0x0001, 0x351: 0x0001, + 0x352: 0x0001, 0x353: 0x0001, 0x354: 0x0001, 0x355: 0x0001, 0x356: 0x0001, 0x357: 0x0001, + 0x358: 0x0001, 0x359: 0x0001, 0x35a: 0x0001, 0x35b: 0x0001, 0x35c: 0x0001, 0x35d: 0x0001, + 0x35e: 0x0001, 0x35f: 0x0001, 0x360: 0x0001, 0x361: 0x0001, 0x362: 0x0001, 0x363: 0x0001, + 0x364: 0x0001, 0x365: 0x0001, 0x366: 0x0001, 0x367: 0x0001, 0x368: 0x0001, 0x369: 0x0001, + 0x36a: 0x0001, 0x36b: 0x0001, 0x36c: 0x0001, 0x36d: 0x0001, 0x36e: 0x0001, 0x36f: 0x0001, + 0x370: 0x0001, 0x371: 0x0001, 0x372: 0x0001, 0x373: 0x0001, 0x374: 0x0001, 0x375: 0x0001, + 0x376: 0x0001, 0x377: 0x0001, 0x378: 0x0001, 0x379: 0x0001, 0x37a: 0x0001, 0x37b: 0x0001, + 0x37c: 0x0001, 0x37d: 0x0001, 0x37e: 0x0001, 0x37f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0005, 0x381: 0x0005, 0x382: 0x0005, 0x383: 0x0005, 0x384: 0x0005, 0x385: 0x0005, + 0x386: 0x000a, 0x387: 0x000a, 0x388: 0x000d, 0x389: 0x0004, 0x38a: 0x0004, 0x38b: 0x000d, + 0x38c: 0x0006, 0x38d: 0x000d, 0x38e: 0x000a, 0x38f: 0x000a, 0x390: 0x000c, 0x391: 0x000c, + 0x392: 0x000c, 0x393: 0x000c, 0x394: 0x000c, 0x395: 0x000c, 0x396: 0x000c, 0x397: 0x000c, + 0x398: 0x000c, 0x399: 0x000c, 0x39a: 0x000c, 0x39b: 0x000d, 0x39c: 0x000d, 0x39d: 0x000d, + 0x39e: 0x000d, 0x39f: 0x000d, 0x3a0: 0x000d, 0x3a1: 0x000d, 0x3a2: 0x000d, 0x3a3: 0x000d, + 0x3a4: 0x000d, 0x3a5: 0x000d, 0x3a6: 0x000d, 0x3a7: 0x000d, 0x3a8: 0x000d, 0x3a9: 0x000d, + 0x3aa: 0x000d, 0x3ab: 0x000d, 0x3ac: 0x000d, 0x3ad: 0x000d, 0x3ae: 0x000d, 0x3af: 0x000d, + 0x3b0: 0x000d, 0x3b1: 0x000d, 0x3b2: 0x000d, 0x3b3: 0x000d, 0x3b4: 0x000d, 0x3b5: 0x000d, + 0x3b6: 0x000d, 0x3b7: 0x000d, 0x3b8: 0x000d, 0x3b9: 0x000d, 0x3ba: 0x000d, 0x3bb: 0x000d, + 0x3bc: 0x000d, 0x3bd: 0x000d, 0x3be: 0x000d, 0x3bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x000d, 0x3c1: 0x000d, 0x3c2: 0x000d, 0x3c3: 0x000d, 0x3c4: 0x000d, 0x3c5: 0x000d, + 0x3c6: 0x000d, 0x3c7: 0x000d, 0x3c8: 0x000d, 0x3c9: 0x000d, 0x3ca: 0x000d, 0x3cb: 0x000c, + 0x3cc: 0x000c, 0x3cd: 0x000c, 0x3ce: 0x000c, 0x3cf: 0x000c, 0x3d0: 0x000c, 0x3d1: 0x000c, + 0x3d2: 0x000c, 0x3d3: 0x000c, 0x3d4: 0x000c, 0x3d5: 0x000c, 0x3d6: 0x000c, 0x3d7: 0x000c, + 0x3d8: 0x000c, 0x3d9: 0x000c, 0x3da: 0x000c, 0x3db: 0x000c, 0x3dc: 0x000c, 0x3dd: 0x000c, + 0x3de: 0x000c, 0x3df: 0x000c, 0x3e0: 0x0005, 0x3e1: 0x0005, 0x3e2: 0x0005, 0x3e3: 0x0005, + 0x3e4: 0x0005, 0x3e5: 0x0005, 0x3e6: 0x0005, 0x3e7: 0x0005, 0x3e8: 0x0005, 0x3e9: 0x0005, + 0x3ea: 0x0004, 0x3eb: 0x0005, 0x3ec: 0x0005, 0x3ed: 0x000d, 0x3ee: 0x000d, 0x3ef: 0x000d, + 0x3f0: 0x000c, 0x3f1: 0x000d, 0x3f2: 0x000d, 0x3f3: 0x000d, 0x3f4: 0x000d, 0x3f5: 0x000d, + 0x3f6: 0x000d, 0x3f7: 0x000d, 0x3f8: 0x000d, 0x3f9: 0x000d, 0x3fa: 0x000d, 0x3fb: 0x000d, + 0x3fc: 0x000d, 0x3fd: 0x000d, 0x3fe: 0x000d, 0x3ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x000d, 0x401: 0x000d, 0x402: 0x000d, 0x403: 0x000d, 0x404: 0x000d, 0x405: 0x000d, + 0x406: 0x000d, 0x407: 0x000d, 0x408: 0x000d, 0x409: 0x000d, 0x40a: 0x000d, 0x40b: 0x000d, + 0x40c: 0x000d, 0x40d: 0x000d, 0x40e: 0x000d, 0x40f: 0x000d, 0x410: 0x000d, 0x411: 0x000d, + 0x412: 0x000d, 0x413: 0x000d, 0x414: 0x000d, 0x415: 0x000d, 0x416: 0x000d, 0x417: 0x000d, + 0x418: 0x000d, 0x419: 0x000d, 0x41a: 0x000d, 0x41b: 0x000d, 0x41c: 0x000d, 0x41d: 0x000d, + 0x41e: 0x000d, 0x41f: 0x000d, 0x420: 0x000d, 0x421: 0x000d, 0x422: 0x000d, 0x423: 0x000d, + 0x424: 0x000d, 0x425: 0x000d, 0x426: 0x000d, 0x427: 0x000d, 0x428: 0x000d, 0x429: 0x000d, + 0x42a: 0x000d, 0x42b: 0x000d, 0x42c: 0x000d, 0x42d: 0x000d, 0x42e: 0x000d, 0x42f: 0x000d, + 0x430: 0x000d, 0x431: 0x000d, 0x432: 0x000d, 0x433: 0x000d, 0x434: 0x000d, 0x435: 0x000d, + 0x436: 0x000d, 0x437: 0x000d, 0x438: 0x000d, 0x439: 0x000d, 0x43a: 0x000d, 0x43b: 0x000d, + 0x43c: 0x000d, 0x43d: 0x000d, 0x43e: 0x000d, 0x43f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x000d, 0x441: 0x000d, 0x442: 0x000d, 0x443: 0x000d, 0x444: 0x000d, 0x445: 0x000d, + 0x446: 0x000d, 0x447: 0x000d, 0x448: 0x000d, 0x449: 0x000d, 0x44a: 0x000d, 0x44b: 0x000d, + 0x44c: 0x000d, 0x44d: 0x000d, 0x44e: 0x000d, 0x44f: 0x000d, 0x450: 0x000d, 0x451: 0x000d, + 0x452: 0x000d, 0x453: 0x000d, 0x454: 0x000d, 0x455: 0x000d, 0x456: 0x000c, 0x457: 0x000c, + 0x458: 0x000c, 0x459: 0x000c, 0x45a: 0x000c, 0x45b: 0x000c, 0x45c: 0x000c, 0x45d: 0x0005, + 0x45e: 0x000a, 0x45f: 0x000c, 0x460: 0x000c, 0x461: 0x000c, 0x462: 0x000c, 0x463: 0x000c, + 0x464: 0x000c, 0x465: 0x000d, 0x466: 0x000d, 0x467: 0x000c, 0x468: 0x000c, 0x469: 0x000a, + 0x46a: 0x000c, 0x46b: 0x000c, 0x46c: 0x000c, 0x46d: 0x000c, 0x46e: 0x000d, 0x46f: 0x000d, + 0x470: 0x0002, 0x471: 0x0002, 0x472: 0x0002, 0x473: 0x0002, 0x474: 0x0002, 0x475: 0x0002, + 0x476: 0x0002, 0x477: 0x0002, 0x478: 0x0002, 0x479: 0x0002, 0x47a: 0x000d, 0x47b: 0x000d, + 0x47c: 0x000d, 0x47d: 0x000d, 0x47e: 0x000d, 0x47f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x000d, 0x481: 0x000d, 0x482: 0x000d, 0x483: 0x000d, 0x484: 0x000d, 0x485: 0x000d, + 0x486: 0x000d, 0x487: 0x000d, 0x488: 0x000d, 0x489: 0x000d, 0x48a: 0x000d, 0x48b: 0x000d, + 0x48c: 0x000d, 0x48d: 0x000d, 0x48e: 0x000d, 0x48f: 0x000d, 0x490: 0x000d, 0x491: 0x000c, + 0x492: 0x000d, 0x493: 0x000d, 0x494: 0x000d, 0x495: 0x000d, 0x496: 0x000d, 0x497: 0x000d, + 0x498: 0x000d, 0x499: 0x000d, 0x49a: 0x000d, 0x49b: 0x000d, 0x49c: 0x000d, 0x49d: 0x000d, + 0x49e: 0x000d, 0x49f: 0x000d, 0x4a0: 0x000d, 0x4a1: 0x000d, 0x4a2: 0x000d, 0x4a3: 0x000d, + 0x4a4: 0x000d, 0x4a5: 0x000d, 0x4a6: 0x000d, 0x4a7: 0x000d, 0x4a8: 0x000d, 0x4a9: 0x000d, + 0x4aa: 0x000d, 0x4ab: 0x000d, 0x4ac: 0x000d, 0x4ad: 0x000d, 0x4ae: 0x000d, 0x4af: 0x000d, + 0x4b0: 0x000c, 0x4b1: 0x000c, 0x4b2: 0x000c, 0x4b3: 0x000c, 0x4b4: 0x000c, 0x4b5: 0x000c, + 0x4b6: 0x000c, 0x4b7: 0x000c, 0x4b8: 0x000c, 0x4b9: 0x000c, 0x4ba: 0x000c, 0x4bb: 0x000c, + 0x4bc: 0x000c, 0x4bd: 0x000c, 0x4be: 0x000c, 0x4bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x000c, 0x4c1: 0x000c, 0x4c2: 0x000c, 0x4c3: 0x000c, 0x4c4: 0x000c, 0x4c5: 0x000c, + 0x4c6: 0x000c, 0x4c7: 0x000c, 0x4c8: 0x000c, 0x4c9: 0x000c, 0x4ca: 0x000c, 0x4cb: 0x000d, + 0x4cc: 0x000d, 0x4cd: 0x000d, 0x4ce: 0x000d, 0x4cf: 0x000d, 0x4d0: 0x000d, 0x4d1: 0x000d, + 0x4d2: 0x000d, 0x4d3: 0x000d, 0x4d4: 0x000d, 0x4d5: 0x000d, 0x4d6: 0x000d, 0x4d7: 0x000d, + 0x4d8: 0x000d, 0x4d9: 0x000d, 0x4da: 0x000d, 0x4db: 0x000d, 0x4dc: 0x000d, 0x4dd: 0x000d, + 0x4de: 0x000d, 0x4df: 0x000d, 0x4e0: 0x000d, 0x4e1: 0x000d, 0x4e2: 0x000d, 0x4e3: 0x000d, + 0x4e4: 0x000d, 0x4e5: 0x000d, 0x4e6: 0x000d, 0x4e7: 0x000d, 0x4e8: 0x000d, 0x4e9: 0x000d, + 0x4ea: 0x000d, 0x4eb: 0x000d, 0x4ec: 0x000d, 0x4ed: 0x000d, 0x4ee: 0x000d, 0x4ef: 0x000d, + 0x4f0: 0x000d, 0x4f1: 0x000d, 0x4f2: 0x000d, 0x4f3: 0x000d, 0x4f4: 0x000d, 0x4f5: 0x000d, + 0x4f6: 0x000d, 0x4f7: 0x000d, 0x4f8: 0x000d, 0x4f9: 0x000d, 0x4fa: 0x000d, 0x4fb: 0x000d, + 0x4fc: 0x000d, 0x4fd: 0x000d, 0x4fe: 0x000d, 0x4ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x000d, 0x501: 0x000d, 0x502: 0x000d, 0x503: 0x000d, 0x504: 0x000d, 0x505: 0x000d, + 0x506: 0x000d, 0x507: 0x000d, 0x508: 0x000d, 0x509: 0x000d, 0x50a: 0x000d, 0x50b: 0x000d, + 0x50c: 0x000d, 0x50d: 0x000d, 0x50e: 0x000d, 0x50f: 0x000d, 0x510: 0x000d, 0x511: 0x000d, + 0x512: 0x000d, 0x513: 0x000d, 0x514: 0x000d, 0x515: 0x000d, 0x516: 0x000d, 0x517: 0x000d, + 0x518: 0x000d, 0x519: 0x000d, 0x51a: 0x000d, 0x51b: 0x000d, 0x51c: 0x000d, 0x51d: 0x000d, + 0x51e: 0x000d, 0x51f: 0x000d, 0x520: 0x000d, 0x521: 0x000d, 0x522: 0x000d, 0x523: 0x000d, + 0x524: 0x000d, 0x525: 0x000d, 0x526: 0x000c, 0x527: 0x000c, 0x528: 0x000c, 0x529: 0x000c, + 0x52a: 0x000c, 0x52b: 0x000c, 0x52c: 0x000c, 0x52d: 0x000c, 0x52e: 0x000c, 0x52f: 0x000c, + 0x530: 0x000c, 0x531: 0x000d, 0x532: 0x000d, 0x533: 0x000d, 0x534: 0x000d, 0x535: 0x000d, + 0x536: 0x000d, 0x537: 0x000d, 0x538: 0x000d, 0x539: 0x000d, 0x53a: 0x000d, 0x53b: 0x000d, + 0x53c: 0x000d, 0x53d: 0x000d, 0x53e: 0x000d, 0x53f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x0001, 0x541: 0x0001, 0x542: 0x0001, 0x543: 0x0001, 0x544: 0x0001, 0x545: 0x0001, + 0x546: 0x0001, 0x547: 0x0001, 0x548: 0x0001, 0x549: 0x0001, 0x54a: 0x0001, 0x54b: 0x0001, + 0x54c: 0x0001, 0x54d: 0x0001, 0x54e: 0x0001, 0x54f: 0x0001, 0x550: 0x0001, 0x551: 0x0001, + 0x552: 0x0001, 0x553: 0x0001, 0x554: 0x0001, 0x555: 0x0001, 0x556: 0x0001, 0x557: 0x0001, + 0x558: 0x0001, 0x559: 0x0001, 0x55a: 0x0001, 0x55b: 0x0001, 0x55c: 0x0001, 0x55d: 0x0001, + 0x55e: 0x0001, 0x55f: 0x0001, 0x560: 0x0001, 0x561: 0x0001, 0x562: 0x0001, 0x563: 0x0001, + 0x564: 0x0001, 0x565: 0x0001, 0x566: 0x0001, 0x567: 0x0001, 0x568: 0x0001, 0x569: 0x0001, + 0x56a: 0x0001, 0x56b: 0x000c, 0x56c: 0x000c, 0x56d: 0x000c, 0x56e: 0x000c, 0x56f: 0x000c, + 0x570: 0x000c, 0x571: 0x000c, 0x572: 0x000c, 0x573: 0x000c, 0x574: 0x0001, 0x575: 0x0001, + 0x576: 0x000a, 0x577: 0x000a, 0x578: 0x000a, 0x579: 0x000a, 0x57a: 0x0001, 0x57b: 0x0001, + 0x57c: 0x0001, 0x57d: 0x000c, 0x57e: 0x0001, 0x57f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x0001, 0x581: 0x0001, 0x582: 0x0001, 0x583: 0x0001, 0x584: 0x0001, 0x585: 0x0001, + 0x586: 0x0001, 0x587: 0x0001, 0x588: 0x0001, 0x589: 0x0001, 0x58a: 0x0001, 0x58b: 0x0001, + 0x58c: 0x0001, 0x58d: 0x0001, 0x58e: 0x0001, 0x58f: 0x0001, 0x590: 0x0001, 0x591: 0x0001, + 0x592: 0x0001, 0x593: 0x0001, 0x594: 0x0001, 0x595: 0x0001, 0x596: 0x000c, 0x597: 0x000c, + 0x598: 0x000c, 0x599: 0x000c, 0x59a: 0x0001, 0x59b: 0x000c, 0x59c: 0x000c, 0x59d: 0x000c, + 0x59e: 0x000c, 0x59f: 0x000c, 0x5a0: 0x000c, 0x5a1: 0x000c, 0x5a2: 0x000c, 0x5a3: 0x000c, + 0x5a4: 0x0001, 0x5a5: 0x000c, 0x5a6: 0x000c, 0x5a7: 0x000c, 0x5a8: 0x0001, 0x5a9: 0x000c, + 0x5aa: 0x000c, 0x5ab: 0x000c, 0x5ac: 0x000c, 0x5ad: 0x000c, 0x5ae: 0x0001, 0x5af: 0x0001, + 0x5b0: 0x0001, 0x5b1: 0x0001, 0x5b2: 0x0001, 0x5b3: 0x0001, 0x5b4: 0x0001, 0x5b5: 0x0001, + 0x5b6: 0x0001, 0x5b7: 0x0001, 0x5b8: 0x0001, 0x5b9: 0x0001, 0x5ba: 0x0001, 0x5bb: 0x0001, + 0x5bc: 0x0001, 0x5bd: 0x0001, 0x5be: 0x0001, 0x5bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x0001, 0x5c1: 0x0001, 0x5c2: 0x0001, 0x5c3: 0x0001, 0x5c4: 0x0001, 0x5c5: 0x0001, + 0x5c6: 0x0001, 0x5c7: 0x0001, 0x5c8: 0x0001, 0x5c9: 0x0001, 0x5ca: 0x0001, 0x5cb: 0x0001, + 0x5cc: 0x0001, 0x5cd: 0x0001, 0x5ce: 0x0001, 0x5cf: 0x0001, 0x5d0: 0x0001, 0x5d1: 0x0001, + 0x5d2: 0x0001, 0x5d3: 0x0001, 0x5d4: 0x0001, 0x5d5: 0x0001, 0x5d6: 0x0001, 0x5d7: 0x0001, + 0x5d8: 0x0001, 0x5d9: 0x000c, 0x5da: 0x000c, 0x5db: 0x000c, 0x5dc: 0x0001, 0x5dd: 0x0001, + 0x5de: 0x0001, 0x5df: 0x0001, 0x5e0: 0x000d, 0x5e1: 0x000d, 0x5e2: 0x000d, 0x5e3: 0x000d, + 0x5e4: 0x000d, 0x5e5: 0x000d, 0x5e6: 0x000d, 0x5e7: 0x000d, 0x5e8: 0x000d, 0x5e9: 0x000d, + 0x5ea: 0x000d, 0x5eb: 0x000d, 0x5ec: 0x000d, 0x5ed: 0x000d, 0x5ee: 0x000d, 0x5ef: 0x000d, + 0x5f0: 0x0001, 0x5f1: 0x0001, 0x5f2: 0x0001, 0x5f3: 0x0001, 0x5f4: 0x0001, 0x5f5: 0x0001, + 0x5f6: 0x0001, 0x5f7: 0x0001, 0x5f8: 0x0001, 0x5f9: 0x0001, 0x5fa: 0x0001, 0x5fb: 0x0001, + 0x5fc: 0x0001, 0x5fd: 0x0001, 0x5fe: 0x0001, 0x5ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x0001, 0x601: 0x0001, 0x602: 0x0001, 0x603: 0x0001, 0x604: 0x0001, 0x605: 0x0001, + 0x606: 0x0001, 0x607: 0x0001, 0x608: 0x0001, 0x609: 0x0001, 0x60a: 0x0001, 0x60b: 0x0001, + 0x60c: 0x0001, 0x60d: 0x0001, 0x60e: 0x0001, 0x60f: 0x0001, 0x610: 0x0001, 0x611: 0x0001, + 0x612: 0x0001, 0x613: 0x0001, 0x614: 0x0001, 0x615: 0x0001, 0x616: 0x0001, 0x617: 0x0001, + 0x618: 0x0001, 0x619: 0x0001, 0x61a: 0x0001, 0x61b: 0x0001, 0x61c: 0x0001, 0x61d: 0x0001, + 0x61e: 0x0001, 0x61f: 0x0001, 0x620: 0x000d, 0x621: 0x000d, 0x622: 0x000d, 0x623: 0x000d, + 0x624: 0x000d, 0x625: 0x000d, 0x626: 0x000d, 0x627: 0x000d, 0x628: 0x000d, 0x629: 0x000d, + 0x62a: 0x000d, 0x62b: 0x000d, 0x62c: 0x000d, 0x62d: 0x000d, 0x62e: 0x000d, 0x62f: 0x000d, + 0x630: 0x000d, 0x631: 0x000d, 0x632: 0x000d, 0x633: 0x000d, 0x634: 0x000d, 0x635: 0x000d, + 0x636: 0x000d, 0x637: 0x000d, 0x638: 0x000d, 0x639: 0x000d, 0x63a: 0x000d, 0x63b: 0x000d, + 0x63c: 0x000d, 0x63d: 0x000d, 0x63e: 0x000d, 0x63f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x000d, 0x641: 0x000d, 0x642: 0x000d, 0x643: 0x000d, 0x644: 0x000d, 0x645: 0x000d, + 0x646: 0x000d, 0x647: 0x000d, 0x648: 0x000d, 0x649: 0x000d, 0x64a: 0x000d, 0x64b: 0x000d, + 0x64c: 0x000d, 0x64d: 0x000d, 0x64e: 0x000d, 0x64f: 0x000d, 0x650: 0x000d, 0x651: 0x000d, + 0x652: 0x000d, 0x653: 0x000c, 0x654: 0x000c, 0x655: 0x000c, 0x656: 0x000c, 0x657: 0x000c, + 0x658: 0x000c, 0x659: 0x000c, 0x65a: 0x000c, 0x65b: 0x000c, 0x65c: 0x000c, 0x65d: 0x000c, + 0x65e: 0x000c, 0x65f: 0x000c, 0x660: 0x000c, 0x661: 0x000c, 0x662: 0x0005, 0x663: 0x000c, + 0x664: 0x000c, 0x665: 0x000c, 0x666: 0x000c, 0x667: 0x000c, 0x668: 0x000c, 0x669: 0x000c, + 0x66a: 0x000c, 0x66b: 0x000c, 0x66c: 0x000c, 0x66d: 0x000c, 0x66e: 0x000c, 0x66f: 0x000c, + 0x670: 0x000c, 0x671: 0x000c, 0x672: 0x000c, 0x673: 0x000c, 0x674: 0x000c, 0x675: 0x000c, + 0x676: 0x000c, 0x677: 0x000c, 0x678: 0x000c, 0x679: 0x000c, 0x67a: 0x000c, 0x67b: 0x000c, + 0x67c: 0x000c, 0x67d: 0x000c, 0x67e: 0x000c, 0x67f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x000c, 0x681: 0x000c, 0x682: 0x000c, + 0x6ba: 0x000c, + 0x6bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c1: 0x000c, 0x6c2: 0x000c, 0x6c3: 0x000c, 0x6c4: 0x000c, 0x6c5: 0x000c, + 0x6c6: 0x000c, 0x6c7: 0x000c, 0x6c8: 0x000c, + 0x6cd: 0x000c, 0x6d1: 0x000c, + 0x6d2: 0x000c, 0x6d3: 0x000c, 0x6d4: 0x000c, 0x6d5: 0x000c, 0x6d6: 0x000c, 0x6d7: 0x000c, + 0x6e2: 0x000c, 0x6e3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x701: 0x000c, + 0x73c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x741: 0x000c, 0x742: 0x000c, 0x743: 0x000c, 0x744: 0x000c, + 0x74d: 0x000c, + 0x762: 0x000c, 0x763: 0x000c, + 0x772: 0x0004, 0x773: 0x0004, + 0x77b: 0x0004, + 0x77e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x781: 0x000c, 0x782: 0x000c, + 0x7bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c1: 0x000c, 0x7c2: 0x000c, + 0x7c7: 0x000c, 0x7c8: 0x000c, 0x7cb: 0x000c, + 0x7cc: 0x000c, 0x7cd: 0x000c, 0x7d1: 0x000c, + 0x7f0: 0x000c, 0x7f1: 0x000c, 0x7f5: 0x000c, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x801: 0x000c, 0x802: 0x000c, 0x803: 0x000c, 0x804: 0x000c, 0x805: 0x000c, + 0x807: 0x000c, 0x808: 0x000c, + 0x80d: 0x000c, + 0x822: 0x000c, 0x823: 0x000c, + 0x831: 0x0004, + 0x83a: 0x000c, 0x83b: 0x000c, + 0x83c: 0x000c, 0x83d: 0x000c, 0x83e: 0x000c, 0x83f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x841: 0x000c, + 0x87c: 0x000c, 0x87f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x881: 0x000c, 0x882: 0x000c, 0x883: 0x000c, 0x884: 0x000c, + 0x88d: 0x000c, + 0x896: 0x000c, + 0x8a2: 0x000c, 0x8a3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c2: 0x000c, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x900: 0x000c, + 0x90d: 0x000c, + 0x933: 0x000a, 0x934: 0x000a, 0x935: 0x000a, + 0x936: 0x000a, 0x937: 0x000a, 0x938: 0x000a, 0x939: 0x0004, 0x93a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x000c, 0x944: 0x000c, + 0x97e: 0x000c, 0x97f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x980: 0x000c, + 0x986: 0x000c, 0x987: 0x000c, 0x988: 0x000c, 0x98a: 0x000c, 0x98b: 0x000c, + 0x98c: 0x000c, 0x98d: 0x000c, + 0x995: 0x000c, 0x996: 0x000c, + 0x9a2: 0x000c, 0x9a3: 0x000c, + 0x9b8: 0x000a, 0x9b9: 0x000a, 0x9ba: 0x000a, 0x9bb: 0x000a, + 0x9bc: 0x000a, 0x9bd: 0x000a, 0x9be: 0x000a, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9cc: 0x000c, 0x9cd: 0x000c, + 0x9e2: 0x000c, 0x9e3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa00: 0x000c, 0xa01: 0x000c, + 0xa3b: 0x000c, + 0xa3c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa41: 0x000c, 0xa42: 0x000c, 0xa43: 0x000c, 0xa44: 0x000c, + 0xa4d: 0x000c, + 0xa62: 0x000c, 0xa63: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa8a: 0x000c, + 0xa92: 0x000c, 0xa93: 0x000c, 0xa94: 0x000c, 0xa96: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xaf1: 0x000c, 0xaf4: 0x000c, 0xaf5: 0x000c, + 0xaf6: 0x000c, 0xaf7: 0x000c, 0xaf8: 0x000c, 0xaf9: 0x000c, 0xafa: 0x000c, + 0xaff: 0x0004, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb07: 0x000c, 0xb08: 0x000c, 0xb09: 0x000c, 0xb0a: 0x000c, 0xb0b: 0x000c, + 0xb0c: 0x000c, 0xb0d: 0x000c, 0xb0e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb71: 0x000c, 0xb74: 0x000c, 0xb75: 0x000c, + 0xb76: 0x000c, 0xb77: 0x000c, 0xb78: 0x000c, 0xb79: 0x000c, 0xb7a: 0x000c, 0xb7b: 0x000c, + 0xb7c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb88: 0x000c, 0xb89: 0x000c, 0xb8a: 0x000c, 0xb8b: 0x000c, + 0xb8c: 0x000c, 0xb8d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbd8: 0x000c, 0xbd9: 0x000c, + 0xbf5: 0x000c, + 0xbf7: 0x000c, 0xbf9: 0x000c, 0xbfa: 0x003a, 0xbfb: 0x002a, + 0xbfc: 0x003a, 0xbfd: 0x002a, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc31: 0x000c, 0xc32: 0x000c, 0xc33: 0x000c, 0xc34: 0x000c, 0xc35: 0x000c, + 0xc36: 0x000c, 0xc37: 0x000c, 0xc38: 0x000c, 0xc39: 0x000c, 0xc3a: 0x000c, 0xc3b: 0x000c, + 0xc3c: 0x000c, 0xc3d: 0x000c, 0xc3e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x000c, 0xc41: 0x000c, 0xc42: 0x000c, 0xc43: 0x000c, 0xc44: 0x000c, + 0xc46: 0x000c, 0xc47: 0x000c, + 0xc4d: 0x000c, 0xc4e: 0x000c, 0xc4f: 0x000c, 0xc50: 0x000c, 0xc51: 0x000c, + 0xc52: 0x000c, 0xc53: 0x000c, 0xc54: 0x000c, 0xc55: 0x000c, 0xc56: 0x000c, 0xc57: 0x000c, + 0xc59: 0x000c, 0xc5a: 0x000c, 0xc5b: 0x000c, 0xc5c: 0x000c, 0xc5d: 0x000c, + 0xc5e: 0x000c, 0xc5f: 0x000c, 0xc60: 0x000c, 0xc61: 0x000c, 0xc62: 0x000c, 0xc63: 0x000c, + 0xc64: 0x000c, 0xc65: 0x000c, 0xc66: 0x000c, 0xc67: 0x000c, 0xc68: 0x000c, 0xc69: 0x000c, + 0xc6a: 0x000c, 0xc6b: 0x000c, 0xc6c: 0x000c, 0xc6d: 0x000c, 0xc6e: 0x000c, 0xc6f: 0x000c, + 0xc70: 0x000c, 0xc71: 0x000c, 0xc72: 0x000c, 0xc73: 0x000c, 0xc74: 0x000c, 0xc75: 0x000c, + 0xc76: 0x000c, 0xc77: 0x000c, 0xc78: 0x000c, 0xc79: 0x000c, 0xc7a: 0x000c, 0xc7b: 0x000c, + 0xc7c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc86: 0x000c, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xced: 0x000c, 0xcee: 0x000c, 0xcef: 0x000c, + 0xcf0: 0x000c, 0xcf2: 0x000c, 0xcf3: 0x000c, 0xcf4: 0x000c, 0xcf5: 0x000c, + 0xcf6: 0x000c, 0xcf7: 0x000c, 0xcf9: 0x000c, 0xcfa: 0x000c, + 0xcfd: 0x000c, 0xcfe: 0x000c, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd18: 0x000c, 0xd19: 0x000c, + 0xd1e: 0x000c, 0xd1f: 0x000c, 0xd20: 0x000c, + 0xd31: 0x000c, 0xd32: 0x000c, 0xd33: 0x000c, 0xd34: 0x000c, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd42: 0x000c, 0xd45: 0x000c, + 0xd46: 0x000c, + 0xd4d: 0x000c, + 0xd5d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd9d: 0x000c, + 0xd9e: 0x000c, 0xd9f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdd0: 0x000a, 0xdd1: 0x000a, + 0xdd2: 0x000a, 0xdd3: 0x000a, 0xdd4: 0x000a, 0xdd5: 0x000a, 0xdd6: 0x000a, 0xdd7: 0x000a, + 0xdd8: 0x000a, 0xdd9: 0x000a, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x000a, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x0009, + 0xe5b: 0x007a, 0xe5c: 0x006a, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe92: 0x000c, 0xe93: 0x000c, 0xe94: 0x000c, + 0xeb2: 0x000c, 0xeb3: 0x000c, 0xeb4: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xed2: 0x000c, 0xed3: 0x000c, + 0xef2: 0x000c, 0xef3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf34: 0x000c, 0xf35: 0x000c, + 0xf37: 0x000c, 0xf38: 0x000c, 0xf39: 0x000c, 0xf3a: 0x000c, 0xf3b: 0x000c, + 0xf3c: 0x000c, 0xf3d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf46: 0x000c, 0xf49: 0x000c, 0xf4a: 0x000c, 0xf4b: 0x000c, + 0xf4c: 0x000c, 0xf4d: 0x000c, 0xf4e: 0x000c, 0xf4f: 0x000c, 0xf50: 0x000c, 0xf51: 0x000c, + 0xf52: 0x000c, 0xf53: 0x000c, + 0xf5b: 0x0004, 0xf5d: 0x000c, + 0xf70: 0x000a, 0xf71: 0x000a, 0xf72: 0x000a, 0xf73: 0x000a, 0xf74: 0x000a, 0xf75: 0x000a, + 0xf76: 0x000a, 0xf77: 0x000a, 0xf78: 0x000a, 0xf79: 0x000a, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x000a, 0xf81: 0x000a, 0xf82: 0x000a, 0xf83: 0x000a, 0xf84: 0x000a, 0xf85: 0x000a, + 0xf86: 0x000a, 0xf87: 0x000a, 0xf88: 0x000a, 0xf89: 0x000a, 0xf8a: 0x000a, 0xf8b: 0x000c, + 0xf8c: 0x000c, 0xf8d: 0x000c, 0xf8e: 0x000b, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc5: 0x000c, + 0xfc6: 0x000c, + 0xfe9: 0x000c, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1020: 0x000c, 0x1021: 0x000c, 0x1022: 0x000c, + 0x1027: 0x000c, 0x1028: 0x000c, + 0x1032: 0x000c, + 0x1039: 0x000c, 0x103a: 0x000c, 0x103b: 0x000c, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x000a, 0x1044: 0x000a, 0x1045: 0x000a, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x109e: 0x000a, 0x109f: 0x000a, 0x10a0: 0x000a, 0x10a1: 0x000a, 0x10a2: 0x000a, 0x10a3: 0x000a, + 0x10a4: 0x000a, 0x10a5: 0x000a, 0x10a6: 0x000a, 0x10a7: 0x000a, 0x10a8: 0x000a, 0x10a9: 0x000a, + 0x10aa: 0x000a, 0x10ab: 0x000a, 0x10ac: 0x000a, 0x10ad: 0x000a, 0x10ae: 0x000a, 0x10af: 0x000a, + 0x10b0: 0x000a, 0x10b1: 0x000a, 0x10b2: 0x000a, 0x10b3: 0x000a, 0x10b4: 0x000a, 0x10b5: 0x000a, + 0x10b6: 0x000a, 0x10b7: 0x000a, 0x10b8: 0x000a, 0x10b9: 0x000a, 0x10ba: 0x000a, 0x10bb: 0x000a, + 0x10bc: 0x000a, 0x10bd: 0x000a, 0x10be: 0x000a, 0x10bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10d7: 0x000c, + 0x10d8: 0x000c, 0x10db: 0x000c, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1116: 0x000c, + 0x1118: 0x000c, 0x1119: 0x000c, 0x111a: 0x000c, 0x111b: 0x000c, 0x111c: 0x000c, 0x111d: 0x000c, + 0x111e: 0x000c, 0x1120: 0x000c, 0x1122: 0x000c, + 0x1125: 0x000c, 0x1126: 0x000c, 0x1127: 0x000c, 0x1128: 0x000c, 0x1129: 0x000c, + 0x112a: 0x000c, 0x112b: 0x000c, 0x112c: 0x000c, + 0x1133: 0x000c, 0x1134: 0x000c, 0x1135: 0x000c, + 0x1136: 0x000c, 0x1137: 0x000c, 0x1138: 0x000c, 0x1139: 0x000c, 0x113a: 0x000c, 0x113b: 0x000c, + 0x113c: 0x000c, 0x113f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1170: 0x000c, 0x1171: 0x000c, 0x1172: 0x000c, 0x1173: 0x000c, 0x1174: 0x000c, 0x1175: 0x000c, + 0x1176: 0x000c, 0x1177: 0x000c, 0x1178: 0x000c, 0x1179: 0x000c, 0x117a: 0x000c, 0x117b: 0x000c, + 0x117c: 0x000c, 0x117d: 0x000c, 0x117e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1180: 0x000c, 0x1181: 0x000c, 0x1182: 0x000c, 0x1183: 0x000c, + 0x11b4: 0x000c, + 0x11b6: 0x000c, 0x11b7: 0x000c, 0x11b8: 0x000c, 0x11b9: 0x000c, 0x11ba: 0x000c, + 0x11bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c2: 0x000c, + 0x11eb: 0x000c, 0x11ec: 0x000c, 0x11ed: 0x000c, 0x11ee: 0x000c, 0x11ef: 0x000c, + 0x11f0: 0x000c, 0x11f1: 0x000c, 0x11f2: 0x000c, 0x11f3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x000c, 0x1201: 0x000c, + 0x1222: 0x000c, 0x1223: 0x000c, + 0x1224: 0x000c, 0x1225: 0x000c, 0x1228: 0x000c, 0x1229: 0x000c, + 0x122b: 0x000c, 0x122c: 0x000c, 0x122d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1266: 0x000c, 0x1268: 0x000c, 0x1269: 0x000c, + 0x126d: 0x000c, 0x126f: 0x000c, + 0x1270: 0x000c, 0x1271: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x12ac: 0x000c, 0x12ad: 0x000c, 0x12ae: 0x000c, 0x12af: 0x000c, + 0x12b0: 0x000c, 0x12b1: 0x000c, 0x12b2: 0x000c, 0x12b3: 0x000c, + 0x12b6: 0x000c, 0x12b7: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12d0: 0x000c, 0x12d1: 0x000c, + 0x12d2: 0x000c, 0x12d4: 0x000c, 0x12d5: 0x000c, 0x12d6: 0x000c, 0x12d7: 0x000c, + 0x12d8: 0x000c, 0x12d9: 0x000c, 0x12da: 0x000c, 0x12db: 0x000c, 0x12dc: 0x000c, 0x12dd: 0x000c, + 0x12de: 0x000c, 0x12df: 0x000c, 0x12e0: 0x000c, 0x12e2: 0x000c, 0x12e3: 0x000c, + 0x12e4: 0x000c, 0x12e5: 0x000c, 0x12e6: 0x000c, 0x12e7: 0x000c, 0x12e8: 0x000c, + 0x12ed: 0x000c, + 0x12f4: 0x000c, + 0x12f8: 0x000c, 0x12f9: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x000c, 0x1301: 0x000c, 0x1302: 0x000c, 0x1303: 0x000c, 0x1304: 0x000c, 0x1305: 0x000c, + 0x1306: 0x000c, 0x1307: 0x000c, 0x1308: 0x000c, 0x1309: 0x000c, 0x130a: 0x000c, 0x130b: 0x000c, + 0x130c: 0x000c, 0x130d: 0x000c, 0x130e: 0x000c, 0x130f: 0x000c, 0x1310: 0x000c, 0x1311: 0x000c, + 0x1312: 0x000c, 0x1313: 0x000c, 0x1314: 0x000c, 0x1315: 0x000c, 0x1316: 0x000c, 0x1317: 0x000c, + 0x1318: 0x000c, 0x1319: 0x000c, 0x131a: 0x000c, 0x131b: 0x000c, 0x131c: 0x000c, 0x131d: 0x000c, + 0x131e: 0x000c, 0x131f: 0x000c, 0x1320: 0x000c, 0x1321: 0x000c, 0x1322: 0x000c, 0x1323: 0x000c, + 0x1324: 0x000c, 0x1325: 0x000c, 0x1326: 0x000c, 0x1327: 0x000c, 0x1328: 0x000c, 0x1329: 0x000c, + 0x132a: 0x000c, 0x132b: 0x000c, 0x132c: 0x000c, 0x132d: 0x000c, 0x132e: 0x000c, 0x132f: 0x000c, + 0x1330: 0x000c, 0x1331: 0x000c, 0x1332: 0x000c, 0x1333: 0x000c, 0x1334: 0x000c, 0x1335: 0x000c, + 0x1336: 0x000c, 0x1337: 0x000c, 0x1338: 0x000c, 0x1339: 0x000c, 0x133b: 0x000c, + 0x133c: 0x000c, 0x133d: 0x000c, 0x133e: 0x000c, 0x133f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x137d: 0x000a, 0x137f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x000a, 0x1381: 0x000a, + 0x138d: 0x000a, 0x138e: 0x000a, 0x138f: 0x000a, + 0x139d: 0x000a, + 0x139e: 0x000a, 0x139f: 0x000a, + 0x13ad: 0x000a, 0x13ae: 0x000a, 0x13af: 0x000a, + 0x13bd: 0x000a, 0x13be: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x0009, 0x13c1: 0x0009, 0x13c2: 0x0009, 0x13c3: 0x0009, 0x13c4: 0x0009, 0x13c5: 0x0009, + 0x13c6: 0x0009, 0x13c7: 0x0009, 0x13c8: 0x0009, 0x13c9: 0x0009, 0x13ca: 0x0009, 0x13cb: 0x000b, + 0x13cc: 0x000b, 0x13cd: 0x000b, 0x13cf: 0x0001, 0x13d0: 0x000a, 0x13d1: 0x000a, + 0x13d2: 0x000a, 0x13d3: 0x000a, 0x13d4: 0x000a, 0x13d5: 0x000a, 0x13d6: 0x000a, 0x13d7: 0x000a, + 0x13d8: 0x000a, 0x13d9: 0x000a, 0x13da: 0x000a, 0x13db: 0x000a, 0x13dc: 0x000a, 0x13dd: 0x000a, + 0x13de: 0x000a, 0x13df: 0x000a, 0x13e0: 0x000a, 0x13e1: 0x000a, 0x13e2: 0x000a, 0x13e3: 0x000a, + 0x13e4: 0x000a, 0x13e5: 0x000a, 0x13e6: 0x000a, 0x13e7: 0x000a, 0x13e8: 0x0009, 0x13e9: 0x0007, + 0x13ea: 0x000e, 0x13eb: 0x000e, 0x13ec: 0x000e, 0x13ed: 0x000e, 0x13ee: 0x000e, 0x13ef: 0x0006, + 0x13f0: 0x0004, 0x13f1: 0x0004, 0x13f2: 0x0004, 0x13f3: 0x0004, 0x13f4: 0x0004, 0x13f5: 0x000a, + 0x13f6: 0x000a, 0x13f7: 0x000a, 0x13f8: 0x000a, 0x13f9: 0x000a, 0x13fa: 0x000a, 0x13fb: 0x000a, + 0x13fc: 0x000a, 0x13fd: 0x000a, 0x13fe: 0x000a, 0x13ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x000a, 0x1401: 0x000a, 0x1402: 0x000a, 0x1403: 0x000a, 0x1404: 0x0006, 0x1405: 0x009a, + 0x1406: 0x008a, 0x1407: 0x000a, 0x1408: 0x000a, 0x1409: 0x000a, 0x140a: 0x000a, 0x140b: 0x000a, + 0x140c: 0x000a, 0x140d: 0x000a, 0x140e: 0x000a, 0x140f: 0x000a, 0x1410: 0x000a, 0x1411: 0x000a, + 0x1412: 0x000a, 0x1413: 0x000a, 0x1414: 0x000a, 0x1415: 0x000a, 0x1416: 0x000a, 0x1417: 0x000a, + 0x1418: 0x000a, 0x1419: 0x000a, 0x141a: 0x000a, 0x141b: 0x000a, 0x141c: 0x000a, 0x141d: 0x000a, + 0x141e: 0x000a, 0x141f: 0x0009, 0x1420: 0x000b, 0x1421: 0x000b, 0x1422: 0x000b, 0x1423: 0x000b, + 0x1424: 0x000b, 0x1425: 0x000b, 0x1426: 0x000e, 0x1427: 0x000e, 0x1428: 0x000e, 0x1429: 0x000e, + 0x142a: 0x000b, 0x142b: 0x000b, 0x142c: 0x000b, 0x142d: 0x000b, 0x142e: 0x000b, 0x142f: 0x000b, + 0x1430: 0x0002, 0x1434: 0x0002, 0x1435: 0x0002, + 0x1436: 0x0002, 0x1437: 0x0002, 0x1438: 0x0002, 0x1439: 0x0002, 0x143a: 0x0003, 0x143b: 0x0003, + 0x143c: 0x000a, 0x143d: 0x009a, 0x143e: 0x008a, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1440: 0x0002, 0x1441: 0x0002, 0x1442: 0x0002, 0x1443: 0x0002, 0x1444: 0x0002, 0x1445: 0x0002, + 0x1446: 0x0002, 0x1447: 0x0002, 0x1448: 0x0002, 0x1449: 0x0002, 0x144a: 0x0003, 0x144b: 0x0003, + 0x144c: 0x000a, 0x144d: 0x009a, 0x144e: 0x008a, + 0x1460: 0x0004, 0x1461: 0x0004, 0x1462: 0x0004, 0x1463: 0x0004, + 0x1464: 0x0004, 0x1465: 0x0004, 0x1466: 0x0004, 0x1467: 0x0004, 0x1468: 0x0004, 0x1469: 0x0004, + 0x146a: 0x0004, 0x146b: 0x0004, 0x146c: 0x0004, 0x146d: 0x0004, 0x146e: 0x0004, 0x146f: 0x0004, + 0x1470: 0x0004, 0x1471: 0x0004, 0x1472: 0x0004, 0x1473: 0x0004, 0x1474: 0x0004, 0x1475: 0x0004, + 0x1476: 0x0004, 0x1477: 0x0004, 0x1478: 0x0004, 0x1479: 0x0004, 0x147a: 0x0004, 0x147b: 0x0004, + 0x147c: 0x0004, 0x147d: 0x0004, 0x147e: 0x0004, 0x147f: 0x0004, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x0004, 0x1481: 0x0004, 0x1482: 0x0004, 0x1483: 0x0004, 0x1484: 0x0004, 0x1485: 0x0004, + 0x1486: 0x0004, 0x1487: 0x0004, 0x1488: 0x0004, 0x1489: 0x0004, 0x148a: 0x0004, 0x148b: 0x0004, + 0x148c: 0x0004, 0x148d: 0x0004, 0x148e: 0x0004, 0x148f: 0x0004, 0x1490: 0x000c, 0x1491: 0x000c, + 0x1492: 0x000c, 0x1493: 0x000c, 0x1494: 0x000c, 0x1495: 0x000c, 0x1496: 0x000c, 0x1497: 0x000c, + 0x1498: 0x000c, 0x1499: 0x000c, 0x149a: 0x000c, 0x149b: 0x000c, 0x149c: 0x000c, 0x149d: 0x000c, + 0x149e: 0x000c, 0x149f: 0x000c, 0x14a0: 0x000c, 0x14a1: 0x000c, 0x14a2: 0x000c, 0x14a3: 0x000c, + 0x14a4: 0x000c, 0x14a5: 0x000c, 0x14a6: 0x000c, 0x14a7: 0x000c, 0x14a8: 0x000c, 0x14a9: 0x000c, + 0x14aa: 0x000c, 0x14ab: 0x000c, 0x14ac: 0x000c, 0x14ad: 0x000c, 0x14ae: 0x000c, 0x14af: 0x000c, + 0x14b0: 0x000c, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x000a, 0x14c1: 0x000a, 0x14c3: 0x000a, 0x14c4: 0x000a, 0x14c5: 0x000a, + 0x14c6: 0x000a, 0x14c8: 0x000a, 0x14c9: 0x000a, + 0x14d4: 0x000a, 0x14d6: 0x000a, 0x14d7: 0x000a, + 0x14d8: 0x000a, + 0x14de: 0x000a, 0x14df: 0x000a, 0x14e0: 0x000a, 0x14e1: 0x000a, 0x14e2: 0x000a, 0x14e3: 0x000a, + 0x14e5: 0x000a, 0x14e7: 0x000a, 0x14e9: 0x000a, + 0x14ee: 0x0004, + 0x14fa: 0x000a, 0x14fb: 0x000a, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x000a, 0x1501: 0x000a, 0x1502: 0x000a, 0x1503: 0x000a, 0x1504: 0x000a, + 0x150a: 0x000a, 0x150b: 0x000a, + 0x150c: 0x000a, 0x150d: 0x000a, 0x1510: 0x000a, 0x1511: 0x000a, + 0x1512: 0x000a, 0x1513: 0x000a, 0x1514: 0x000a, 0x1515: 0x000a, 0x1516: 0x000a, 0x1517: 0x000a, + 0x1518: 0x000a, 0x1519: 0x000a, 0x151a: 0x000a, 0x151b: 0x000a, 0x151c: 0x000a, 0x151d: 0x000a, + 0x151e: 0x000a, 0x151f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1549: 0x000a, 0x154a: 0x000a, 0x154b: 0x000a, + 0x1550: 0x000a, 0x1551: 0x000a, + 0x1552: 0x000a, 0x1553: 0x000a, 0x1554: 0x000a, 0x1555: 0x000a, 0x1556: 0x000a, 0x1557: 0x000a, + 0x1558: 0x000a, 0x1559: 0x000a, 0x155a: 0x000a, 0x155b: 0x000a, 0x155c: 0x000a, 0x155d: 0x000a, + 0x155e: 0x000a, 0x155f: 0x000a, 0x1560: 0x000a, 0x1561: 0x000a, 0x1562: 0x000a, 0x1563: 0x000a, + 0x1564: 0x000a, 0x1565: 0x000a, 0x1566: 0x000a, 0x1567: 0x000a, 0x1568: 0x000a, 0x1569: 0x000a, + 0x156a: 0x000a, 0x156b: 0x000a, 0x156c: 0x000a, 0x156d: 0x000a, 0x156e: 0x000a, 0x156f: 0x000a, + 0x1570: 0x000a, 0x1571: 0x000a, 0x1572: 0x000a, 0x1573: 0x000a, 0x1574: 0x000a, 0x1575: 0x000a, + 0x1576: 0x000a, 0x1577: 0x000a, 0x1578: 0x000a, 0x1579: 0x000a, 0x157a: 0x000a, 0x157b: 0x000a, + 0x157c: 0x000a, 0x157d: 0x000a, 0x157e: 0x000a, 0x157f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0x000a, 0x1581: 0x000a, 0x1582: 0x000a, 0x1583: 0x000a, 0x1584: 0x000a, 0x1585: 0x000a, + 0x1586: 0x000a, 0x1587: 0x000a, 0x1588: 0x000a, 0x1589: 0x000a, 0x158a: 0x000a, 0x158b: 0x000a, + 0x158c: 0x000a, 0x158d: 0x000a, 0x158e: 0x000a, 0x158f: 0x000a, 0x1590: 0x000a, 0x1591: 0x000a, + 0x1592: 0x000a, 0x1593: 0x000a, 0x1594: 0x000a, 0x1595: 0x000a, 0x1596: 0x000a, 0x1597: 0x000a, + 0x1598: 0x000a, 0x1599: 0x000a, 0x159a: 0x000a, 0x159b: 0x000a, 0x159c: 0x000a, 0x159d: 0x000a, + 0x159e: 0x000a, 0x159f: 0x000a, 0x15a0: 0x000a, 0x15a1: 0x000a, 0x15a2: 0x000a, 0x15a3: 0x000a, + 0x15a4: 0x000a, 0x15a5: 0x000a, 0x15a6: 0x000a, 0x15a7: 0x000a, 0x15a8: 0x000a, 0x15a9: 0x000a, + 0x15aa: 0x000a, 0x15ab: 0x000a, 0x15ac: 0x000a, 0x15ad: 0x000a, 0x15ae: 0x000a, 0x15af: 0x000a, + 0x15b0: 0x000a, 0x15b1: 0x000a, 0x15b2: 0x000a, 0x15b3: 0x000a, 0x15b4: 0x000a, 0x15b5: 0x000a, + 0x15b6: 0x000a, 0x15b7: 0x000a, 0x15b8: 0x000a, 0x15b9: 0x000a, 0x15ba: 0x000a, 0x15bb: 0x000a, + 0x15bc: 0x000a, 0x15bd: 0x000a, 0x15be: 0x000a, 0x15bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0x000a, 0x15c1: 0x000a, 0x15c2: 0x000a, 0x15c3: 0x000a, 0x15c4: 0x000a, 0x15c5: 0x000a, + 0x15c6: 0x000a, 0x15c7: 0x000a, 0x15c8: 0x000a, 0x15c9: 0x000a, 0x15ca: 0x000a, 0x15cb: 0x000a, + 0x15cc: 0x000a, 0x15cd: 0x000a, 0x15ce: 0x000a, 0x15cf: 0x000a, 0x15d0: 0x000a, 0x15d1: 0x000a, + 0x15d2: 0x0003, 0x15d3: 0x0004, 0x15d4: 0x000a, 0x15d5: 0x000a, 0x15d6: 0x000a, 0x15d7: 0x000a, + 0x15d8: 0x000a, 0x15d9: 0x000a, 0x15da: 0x000a, 0x15db: 0x000a, 0x15dc: 0x000a, 0x15dd: 0x000a, + 0x15de: 0x000a, 0x15df: 0x000a, 0x15e0: 0x000a, 0x15e1: 0x000a, 0x15e2: 0x000a, 0x15e3: 0x000a, + 0x15e4: 0x000a, 0x15e5: 0x000a, 0x15e6: 0x000a, 0x15e7: 0x000a, 0x15e8: 0x000a, 0x15e9: 0x000a, + 0x15ea: 0x000a, 0x15eb: 0x000a, 0x15ec: 0x000a, 0x15ed: 0x000a, 0x15ee: 0x000a, 0x15ef: 0x000a, + 0x15f0: 0x000a, 0x15f1: 0x000a, 0x15f2: 0x000a, 0x15f3: 0x000a, 0x15f4: 0x000a, 0x15f5: 0x000a, + 0x15f6: 0x000a, 0x15f7: 0x000a, 0x15f8: 0x000a, 0x15f9: 0x000a, 0x15fa: 0x000a, 0x15fb: 0x000a, + 0x15fc: 0x000a, 0x15fd: 0x000a, 0x15fe: 0x000a, 0x15ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x000a, 0x1601: 0x000a, 0x1602: 0x000a, 0x1603: 0x000a, 0x1604: 0x000a, 0x1605: 0x000a, + 0x1606: 0x000a, 0x1607: 0x000a, 0x1608: 0x003a, 0x1609: 0x002a, 0x160a: 0x003a, 0x160b: 0x002a, + 0x160c: 0x000a, 0x160d: 0x000a, 0x160e: 0x000a, 0x160f: 0x000a, 0x1610: 0x000a, 0x1611: 0x000a, + 0x1612: 0x000a, 0x1613: 0x000a, 0x1614: 0x000a, 0x1615: 0x000a, 0x1616: 0x000a, 0x1617: 0x000a, + 0x1618: 0x000a, 0x1619: 0x000a, 0x161a: 0x000a, 0x161b: 0x000a, 0x161c: 0x000a, 0x161d: 0x000a, + 0x161e: 0x000a, 0x161f: 0x000a, 0x1620: 0x000a, 0x1621: 0x000a, 0x1622: 0x000a, 0x1623: 0x000a, + 0x1624: 0x000a, 0x1625: 0x000a, 0x1626: 0x000a, 0x1627: 0x000a, 0x1628: 0x000a, 0x1629: 0x009a, + 0x162a: 0x008a, 0x162b: 0x000a, 0x162c: 0x000a, 0x162d: 0x000a, 0x162e: 0x000a, 0x162f: 0x000a, + 0x1630: 0x000a, 0x1631: 0x000a, 0x1632: 0x000a, 0x1633: 0x000a, 0x1634: 0x000a, 0x1635: 0x000a, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x167b: 0x000a, + 0x167c: 0x000a, 0x167d: 0x000a, 0x167e: 0x000a, 0x167f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x000a, 0x1681: 0x000a, 0x1682: 0x000a, 0x1683: 0x000a, 0x1684: 0x000a, 0x1685: 0x000a, + 0x1686: 0x000a, 0x1687: 0x000a, 0x1688: 0x000a, 0x1689: 0x000a, 0x168a: 0x000a, 0x168b: 0x000a, + 0x168c: 0x000a, 0x168d: 0x000a, 0x168e: 0x000a, 0x168f: 0x000a, 0x1690: 0x000a, 0x1691: 0x000a, + 0x1692: 0x000a, 0x1693: 0x000a, 0x1694: 0x000a, 0x1696: 0x000a, 0x1697: 0x000a, + 0x1698: 0x000a, 0x1699: 0x000a, 0x169a: 0x000a, 0x169b: 0x000a, 0x169c: 0x000a, 0x169d: 0x000a, + 0x169e: 0x000a, 0x169f: 0x000a, 0x16a0: 0x000a, 0x16a1: 0x000a, 0x16a2: 0x000a, 0x16a3: 0x000a, + 0x16a4: 0x000a, 0x16a5: 0x000a, 0x16a6: 0x000a, 0x16a7: 0x000a, 0x16a8: 0x000a, 0x16a9: 0x000a, + 0x16aa: 0x000a, 0x16ab: 0x000a, 0x16ac: 0x000a, 0x16ad: 0x000a, 0x16ae: 0x000a, 0x16af: 0x000a, + 0x16b0: 0x000a, 0x16b1: 0x000a, 0x16b2: 0x000a, 0x16b3: 0x000a, 0x16b4: 0x000a, 0x16b5: 0x000a, + 0x16b6: 0x000a, 0x16b7: 0x000a, 0x16b8: 0x000a, 0x16b9: 0x000a, 0x16ba: 0x000a, 0x16bb: 0x000a, + 0x16bc: 0x000a, 0x16bd: 0x000a, 0x16be: 0x000a, 0x16bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16c0: 0x000a, 0x16c1: 0x000a, 0x16c2: 0x000a, 0x16c3: 0x000a, 0x16c4: 0x000a, 0x16c5: 0x000a, + 0x16c6: 0x000a, 0x16c7: 0x000a, 0x16c8: 0x000a, 0x16c9: 0x000a, 0x16ca: 0x000a, 0x16cb: 0x000a, + 0x16cc: 0x000a, 0x16cd: 0x000a, 0x16ce: 0x000a, 0x16cf: 0x000a, 0x16d0: 0x000a, 0x16d1: 0x000a, + 0x16d2: 0x000a, 0x16d3: 0x000a, 0x16d4: 0x000a, 0x16d5: 0x000a, 0x16d6: 0x000a, 0x16d7: 0x000a, + 0x16d8: 0x000a, 0x16d9: 0x000a, 0x16da: 0x000a, 0x16db: 0x000a, 0x16dc: 0x000a, 0x16dd: 0x000a, + 0x16de: 0x000a, 0x16df: 0x000a, 0x16e0: 0x000a, 0x16e1: 0x000a, 0x16e2: 0x000a, 0x16e3: 0x000a, + 0x16e4: 0x000a, 0x16e5: 0x000a, 0x16e6: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x000a, 0x1701: 0x000a, 0x1702: 0x000a, 0x1703: 0x000a, 0x1704: 0x000a, 0x1705: 0x000a, + 0x1706: 0x000a, 0x1707: 0x000a, 0x1708: 0x000a, 0x1709: 0x000a, 0x170a: 0x000a, + 0x1720: 0x000a, 0x1721: 0x000a, 0x1722: 0x000a, 0x1723: 0x000a, + 0x1724: 0x000a, 0x1725: 0x000a, 0x1726: 0x000a, 0x1727: 0x000a, 0x1728: 0x000a, 0x1729: 0x000a, + 0x172a: 0x000a, 0x172b: 0x000a, 0x172c: 0x000a, 0x172d: 0x000a, 0x172e: 0x000a, 0x172f: 0x000a, + 0x1730: 0x000a, 0x1731: 0x000a, 0x1732: 0x000a, 0x1733: 0x000a, 0x1734: 0x000a, 0x1735: 0x000a, + 0x1736: 0x000a, 0x1737: 0x000a, 0x1738: 0x000a, 0x1739: 0x000a, 0x173a: 0x000a, 0x173b: 0x000a, + 0x173c: 0x000a, 0x173d: 0x000a, 0x173e: 0x000a, 0x173f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x000a, 0x1741: 0x000a, 0x1742: 0x000a, 0x1743: 0x000a, 0x1744: 0x000a, 0x1745: 0x000a, + 0x1746: 0x000a, 0x1747: 0x000a, 0x1748: 0x0002, 0x1749: 0x0002, 0x174a: 0x0002, 0x174b: 0x0002, + 0x174c: 0x0002, 0x174d: 0x0002, 0x174e: 0x0002, 0x174f: 0x0002, 0x1750: 0x0002, 0x1751: 0x0002, + 0x1752: 0x0002, 0x1753: 0x0002, 0x1754: 0x0002, 0x1755: 0x0002, 0x1756: 0x0002, 0x1757: 0x0002, + 0x1758: 0x0002, 0x1759: 0x0002, 0x175a: 0x0002, 0x175b: 0x0002, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x17aa: 0x000a, 0x17ab: 0x000a, 0x17ac: 0x000a, 0x17ad: 0x000a, 0x17ae: 0x000a, 0x17af: 0x000a, + 0x17b0: 0x000a, 0x17b1: 0x000a, 0x17b2: 0x000a, 0x17b3: 0x000a, 0x17b4: 0x000a, 0x17b5: 0x000a, + 0x17b6: 0x000a, 0x17b7: 0x000a, 0x17b8: 0x000a, 0x17b9: 0x000a, 0x17ba: 0x000a, 0x17bb: 0x000a, + 0x17bc: 0x000a, 0x17bd: 0x000a, 0x17be: 0x000a, 0x17bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x000a, 0x17c1: 0x000a, 0x17c2: 0x000a, 0x17c3: 0x000a, 0x17c4: 0x000a, 0x17c5: 0x000a, + 0x17c6: 0x000a, 0x17c7: 0x000a, 0x17c8: 0x000a, 0x17c9: 0x000a, 0x17ca: 0x000a, 0x17cb: 0x000a, + 0x17cc: 0x000a, 0x17cd: 0x000a, 0x17ce: 0x000a, 0x17cf: 0x000a, 0x17d0: 0x000a, 0x17d1: 0x000a, + 0x17d2: 0x000a, 0x17d3: 0x000a, 0x17d4: 0x000a, 0x17d5: 0x000a, 0x17d6: 0x000a, 0x17d7: 0x000a, + 0x17d8: 0x000a, 0x17d9: 0x000a, 0x17da: 0x000a, 0x17db: 0x000a, 0x17dc: 0x000a, 0x17dd: 0x000a, + 0x17de: 0x000a, 0x17df: 0x000a, 0x17e0: 0x000a, 0x17e1: 0x000a, 0x17e2: 0x000a, 0x17e3: 0x000a, + 0x17e4: 0x000a, 0x17e5: 0x000a, 0x17e6: 0x000a, 0x17e7: 0x000a, 0x17e8: 0x000a, 0x17e9: 0x000a, + 0x17ea: 0x000a, 0x17eb: 0x000a, 0x17ed: 0x000a, 0x17ee: 0x000a, 0x17ef: 0x000a, + 0x17f0: 0x000a, 0x17f1: 0x000a, 0x17f2: 0x000a, 0x17f3: 0x000a, 0x17f4: 0x000a, 0x17f5: 0x000a, + 0x17f6: 0x000a, 0x17f7: 0x000a, 0x17f8: 0x000a, 0x17f9: 0x000a, 0x17fa: 0x000a, 0x17fb: 0x000a, + 0x17fc: 0x000a, 0x17fd: 0x000a, 0x17fe: 0x000a, 0x17ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1800: 0x000a, 0x1801: 0x000a, 0x1802: 0x000a, 0x1803: 0x000a, 0x1804: 0x000a, 0x1805: 0x000a, + 0x1806: 0x000a, 0x1807: 0x000a, 0x1808: 0x000a, 0x1809: 0x000a, 0x180a: 0x000a, 0x180b: 0x000a, + 0x180c: 0x000a, 0x180d: 0x000a, 0x180e: 0x000a, 0x180f: 0x000a, 0x1810: 0x000a, 0x1811: 0x000a, + 0x1812: 0x000a, 0x1813: 0x000a, 0x1814: 0x000a, 0x1815: 0x000a, 0x1816: 0x000a, 0x1817: 0x000a, + 0x1818: 0x000a, 0x1819: 0x000a, 0x181a: 0x000a, 0x181b: 0x000a, 0x181c: 0x000a, 0x181d: 0x000a, + 0x181e: 0x000a, 0x181f: 0x000a, 0x1820: 0x000a, 0x1821: 0x000a, 0x1822: 0x000a, 0x1823: 0x000a, + 0x1824: 0x000a, 0x1825: 0x000a, 0x1826: 0x000a, 0x1827: 0x000a, 0x1828: 0x003a, 0x1829: 0x002a, + 0x182a: 0x003a, 0x182b: 0x002a, 0x182c: 0x003a, 0x182d: 0x002a, 0x182e: 0x003a, 0x182f: 0x002a, + 0x1830: 0x003a, 0x1831: 0x002a, 0x1832: 0x003a, 0x1833: 0x002a, 0x1834: 0x003a, 0x1835: 0x002a, + 0x1836: 0x000a, 0x1837: 0x000a, 0x1838: 0x000a, 0x1839: 0x000a, 0x183a: 0x000a, 0x183b: 0x000a, + 0x183c: 0x000a, 0x183d: 0x000a, 0x183e: 0x000a, 0x183f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x000a, 0x1841: 0x000a, 0x1842: 0x000a, 0x1843: 0x000a, 0x1844: 0x000a, 0x1845: 0x009a, + 0x1846: 0x008a, 0x1847: 0x000a, 0x1848: 0x000a, 0x1849: 0x000a, 0x184a: 0x000a, 0x184b: 0x000a, + 0x184c: 0x000a, 0x184d: 0x000a, 0x184e: 0x000a, 0x184f: 0x000a, 0x1850: 0x000a, 0x1851: 0x000a, + 0x1852: 0x000a, 0x1853: 0x000a, 0x1854: 0x000a, 0x1855: 0x000a, 0x1856: 0x000a, 0x1857: 0x000a, + 0x1858: 0x000a, 0x1859: 0x000a, 0x185a: 0x000a, 0x185b: 0x000a, 0x185c: 0x000a, 0x185d: 0x000a, + 0x185e: 0x000a, 0x185f: 0x000a, 0x1860: 0x000a, 0x1861: 0x000a, 0x1862: 0x000a, 0x1863: 0x000a, + 0x1864: 0x000a, 0x1865: 0x000a, 0x1866: 0x003a, 0x1867: 0x002a, 0x1868: 0x003a, 0x1869: 0x002a, + 0x186a: 0x003a, 0x186b: 0x002a, 0x186c: 0x003a, 0x186d: 0x002a, 0x186e: 0x003a, 0x186f: 0x002a, + 0x1870: 0x000a, 0x1871: 0x000a, 0x1872: 0x000a, 0x1873: 0x000a, 0x1874: 0x000a, 0x1875: 0x000a, + 0x1876: 0x000a, 0x1877: 0x000a, 0x1878: 0x000a, 0x1879: 0x000a, 0x187a: 0x000a, 0x187b: 0x000a, + 0x187c: 0x000a, 0x187d: 0x000a, 0x187e: 0x000a, 0x187f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x000a, 0x1881: 0x000a, 0x1882: 0x000a, 0x1883: 0x007a, 0x1884: 0x006a, 0x1885: 0x009a, + 0x1886: 0x008a, 0x1887: 0x00ba, 0x1888: 0x00aa, 0x1889: 0x009a, 0x188a: 0x008a, 0x188b: 0x007a, + 0x188c: 0x006a, 0x188d: 0x00da, 0x188e: 0x002a, 0x188f: 0x003a, 0x1890: 0x00ca, 0x1891: 0x009a, + 0x1892: 0x008a, 0x1893: 0x007a, 0x1894: 0x006a, 0x1895: 0x009a, 0x1896: 0x008a, 0x1897: 0x00ba, + 0x1898: 0x00aa, 0x1899: 0x000a, 0x189a: 0x000a, 0x189b: 0x000a, 0x189c: 0x000a, 0x189d: 0x000a, + 0x189e: 0x000a, 0x189f: 0x000a, 0x18a0: 0x000a, 0x18a1: 0x000a, 0x18a2: 0x000a, 0x18a3: 0x000a, + 0x18a4: 0x000a, 0x18a5: 0x000a, 0x18a6: 0x000a, 0x18a7: 0x000a, 0x18a8: 0x000a, 0x18a9: 0x000a, + 0x18aa: 0x000a, 0x18ab: 0x000a, 0x18ac: 0x000a, 0x18ad: 0x000a, 0x18ae: 0x000a, 0x18af: 0x000a, + 0x18b0: 0x000a, 0x18b1: 0x000a, 0x18b2: 0x000a, 0x18b3: 0x000a, 0x18b4: 0x000a, 0x18b5: 0x000a, + 0x18b6: 0x000a, 0x18b7: 0x000a, 0x18b8: 0x000a, 0x18b9: 0x000a, 0x18ba: 0x000a, 0x18bb: 0x000a, + 0x18bc: 0x000a, 0x18bd: 0x000a, 0x18be: 0x000a, 0x18bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x000a, 0x18c1: 0x000a, 0x18c2: 0x000a, 0x18c3: 0x000a, 0x18c4: 0x000a, 0x18c5: 0x000a, + 0x18c6: 0x000a, 0x18c7: 0x000a, 0x18c8: 0x000a, 0x18c9: 0x000a, 0x18ca: 0x000a, 0x18cb: 0x000a, + 0x18cc: 0x000a, 0x18cd: 0x000a, 0x18ce: 0x000a, 0x18cf: 0x000a, 0x18d0: 0x000a, 0x18d1: 0x000a, + 0x18d2: 0x000a, 0x18d3: 0x000a, 0x18d4: 0x000a, 0x18d5: 0x000a, 0x18d6: 0x000a, 0x18d7: 0x000a, + 0x18d8: 0x003a, 0x18d9: 0x002a, 0x18da: 0x003a, 0x18db: 0x002a, 0x18dc: 0x000a, 0x18dd: 0x000a, + 0x18de: 0x000a, 0x18df: 0x000a, 0x18e0: 0x000a, 0x18e1: 0x000a, 0x18e2: 0x000a, 0x18e3: 0x000a, + 0x18e4: 0x000a, 0x18e5: 0x000a, 0x18e6: 0x000a, 0x18e7: 0x000a, 0x18e8: 0x000a, 0x18e9: 0x000a, + 0x18ea: 0x000a, 0x18eb: 0x000a, 0x18ec: 0x000a, 0x18ed: 0x000a, 0x18ee: 0x000a, 0x18ef: 0x000a, + 0x18f0: 0x000a, 0x18f1: 0x000a, 0x18f2: 0x000a, 0x18f3: 0x000a, 0x18f4: 0x000a, 0x18f5: 0x000a, + 0x18f6: 0x000a, 0x18f7: 0x000a, 0x18f8: 0x000a, 0x18f9: 0x000a, 0x18fa: 0x000a, 0x18fb: 0x000a, + 0x18fc: 0x003a, 0x18fd: 0x002a, 0x18fe: 0x000a, 0x18ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x000a, 0x1901: 0x000a, 0x1902: 0x000a, 0x1903: 0x000a, 0x1904: 0x000a, 0x1905: 0x000a, + 0x1906: 0x000a, 0x1907: 0x000a, 0x1908: 0x000a, 0x1909: 0x000a, 0x190a: 0x000a, 0x190b: 0x000a, + 0x190c: 0x000a, 0x190d: 0x000a, 0x190e: 0x000a, 0x190f: 0x000a, 0x1910: 0x000a, 0x1911: 0x000a, + 0x1912: 0x000a, 0x1913: 0x000a, 0x1914: 0x000a, 0x1915: 0x000a, 0x1916: 0x000a, 0x1917: 0x000a, + 0x1918: 0x000a, 0x1919: 0x000a, 0x191a: 0x000a, 0x191b: 0x000a, 0x191c: 0x000a, 0x191d: 0x000a, + 0x191e: 0x000a, 0x191f: 0x000a, 0x1920: 0x000a, 0x1921: 0x000a, 0x1922: 0x000a, 0x1923: 0x000a, + 0x1924: 0x000a, 0x1925: 0x000a, 0x1926: 0x000a, 0x1927: 0x000a, 0x1928: 0x000a, 0x1929: 0x000a, + 0x192a: 0x000a, 0x192b: 0x000a, 0x192c: 0x000a, 0x192d: 0x000a, 0x192e: 0x000a, 0x192f: 0x000a, + 0x1930: 0x000a, 0x1931: 0x000a, 0x1932: 0x000a, 0x1933: 0x000a, + 0x1936: 0x000a, 0x1937: 0x000a, 0x1938: 0x000a, 0x1939: 0x000a, 0x193a: 0x000a, 0x193b: 0x000a, + 0x193c: 0x000a, 0x193d: 0x000a, 0x193e: 0x000a, 0x193f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1940: 0x000a, 0x1941: 0x000a, 0x1942: 0x000a, 0x1943: 0x000a, 0x1944: 0x000a, 0x1945: 0x000a, + 0x1946: 0x000a, 0x1947: 0x000a, 0x1948: 0x000a, 0x1949: 0x000a, 0x194a: 0x000a, 0x194b: 0x000a, + 0x194c: 0x000a, 0x194d: 0x000a, 0x194e: 0x000a, 0x194f: 0x000a, 0x1950: 0x000a, 0x1951: 0x000a, + 0x1952: 0x000a, 0x1953: 0x000a, 0x1954: 0x000a, 0x1955: 0x000a, + 0x1958: 0x000a, 0x1959: 0x000a, 0x195a: 0x000a, 0x195b: 0x000a, 0x195c: 0x000a, 0x195d: 0x000a, + 0x195e: 0x000a, 0x195f: 0x000a, 0x1960: 0x000a, 0x1961: 0x000a, 0x1962: 0x000a, 0x1963: 0x000a, + 0x1964: 0x000a, 0x1965: 0x000a, 0x1966: 0x000a, 0x1967: 0x000a, 0x1968: 0x000a, 0x1969: 0x000a, + 0x196a: 0x000a, 0x196b: 0x000a, 0x196c: 0x000a, 0x196d: 0x000a, 0x196e: 0x000a, 0x196f: 0x000a, + 0x1970: 0x000a, 0x1971: 0x000a, 0x1972: 0x000a, 0x1973: 0x000a, 0x1974: 0x000a, 0x1975: 0x000a, + 0x1976: 0x000a, 0x1977: 0x000a, 0x1978: 0x000a, 0x1979: 0x000a, 0x197a: 0x000a, 0x197b: 0x000a, + 0x197c: 0x000a, 0x197d: 0x000a, 0x197e: 0x000a, 0x197f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x19a5: 0x000a, 0x19a6: 0x000a, 0x19a7: 0x000a, 0x19a8: 0x000a, 0x19a9: 0x000a, + 0x19aa: 0x000a, 0x19af: 0x000c, + 0x19b0: 0x000c, 0x19b1: 0x000c, + 0x19b9: 0x000a, 0x19ba: 0x000a, 0x19bb: 0x000a, + 0x19bc: 0x000a, 0x19bd: 0x000a, 0x19be: 0x000a, 0x19bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a20: 0x000c, 0x1a21: 0x000c, 0x1a22: 0x000c, 0x1a23: 0x000c, + 0x1a24: 0x000c, 0x1a25: 0x000c, 0x1a26: 0x000c, 0x1a27: 0x000c, 0x1a28: 0x000c, 0x1a29: 0x000c, + 0x1a2a: 0x000c, 0x1a2b: 0x000c, 0x1a2c: 0x000c, 0x1a2d: 0x000c, 0x1a2e: 0x000c, 0x1a2f: 0x000c, + 0x1a30: 0x000c, 0x1a31: 0x000c, 0x1a32: 0x000c, 0x1a33: 0x000c, 0x1a34: 0x000c, 0x1a35: 0x000c, + 0x1a36: 0x000c, 0x1a37: 0x000c, 0x1a38: 0x000c, 0x1a39: 0x000c, 0x1a3a: 0x000c, 0x1a3b: 0x000c, + 0x1a3c: 0x000c, 0x1a3d: 0x000c, 0x1a3e: 0x000c, 0x1a3f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x1a40 + 0x1a40: 0x000a, 0x1a41: 0x000a, 0x1a42: 0x000a, 0x1a43: 0x000a, 0x1a44: 0x000a, 0x1a45: 0x000a, + 0x1a46: 0x000a, 0x1a47: 0x000a, 0x1a48: 0x000a, 0x1a49: 0x000a, 0x1a4a: 0x000a, 0x1a4b: 0x000a, + 0x1a4c: 0x000a, 0x1a4d: 0x000a, 0x1a4e: 0x000a, 0x1a4f: 0x000a, 0x1a50: 0x000a, 0x1a51: 0x000a, + 0x1a52: 0x000a, 0x1a53: 0x000a, 0x1a54: 0x000a, 0x1a55: 0x000a, 0x1a56: 0x000a, 0x1a57: 0x000a, + 0x1a58: 0x000a, 0x1a59: 0x000a, 0x1a5a: 0x000a, 0x1a5b: 0x000a, 0x1a5c: 0x000a, 0x1a5d: 0x000a, + 0x1a5e: 0x000a, 0x1a5f: 0x000a, 0x1a60: 0x000a, 0x1a61: 0x000a, 0x1a62: 0x003a, 0x1a63: 0x002a, + 0x1a64: 0x003a, 0x1a65: 0x002a, 0x1a66: 0x003a, 0x1a67: 0x002a, 0x1a68: 0x003a, 0x1a69: 0x002a, + 0x1a6a: 0x000a, 0x1a6b: 0x000a, 0x1a6c: 0x000a, 0x1a6d: 0x000a, 0x1a6e: 0x000a, 0x1a6f: 0x000a, + 0x1a70: 0x000a, 0x1a71: 0x000a, 0x1a72: 0x000a, 0x1a73: 0x000a, 0x1a74: 0x000a, 0x1a75: 0x000a, + 0x1a76: 0x000a, 0x1a77: 0x000a, 0x1a78: 0x000a, 0x1a79: 0x000a, 0x1a7a: 0x000a, 0x1a7b: 0x000a, + 0x1a7c: 0x000a, 0x1a7d: 0x000a, 0x1a7e: 0x000a, 0x1a7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x1a80 + 0x1a80: 0x000a, 0x1a81: 0x000a, 0x1a82: 0x000a, 0x1a83: 0x000a, 0x1a84: 0x000a, 0x1a85: 0x000a, + 0x1a86: 0x000a, 0x1a87: 0x000a, 0x1a88: 0x000a, 0x1a89: 0x000a, 0x1a8a: 0x000a, 0x1a8b: 0x000a, + 0x1a8c: 0x000a, 0x1a8d: 0x000a, 0x1a8e: 0x000a, 0x1a8f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x1ac0 + 0x1ac0: 0x000a, 0x1ac1: 0x000a, 0x1ac2: 0x000a, 0x1ac3: 0x000a, 0x1ac4: 0x000a, 0x1ac5: 0x000a, + 0x1ac6: 0x000a, 0x1ac7: 0x000a, 0x1ac8: 0x000a, 0x1ac9: 0x000a, 0x1aca: 0x000a, 0x1acb: 0x000a, + 0x1acc: 0x000a, 0x1acd: 0x000a, 0x1ace: 0x000a, 0x1acf: 0x000a, 0x1ad0: 0x000a, 0x1ad1: 0x000a, + 0x1ad2: 0x000a, 0x1ad3: 0x000a, 0x1ad4: 0x000a, 0x1ad5: 0x000a, 0x1ad6: 0x000a, 0x1ad7: 0x000a, + 0x1ad8: 0x000a, 0x1ad9: 0x000a, 0x1adb: 0x000a, 0x1adc: 0x000a, 0x1add: 0x000a, + 0x1ade: 0x000a, 0x1adf: 0x000a, 0x1ae0: 0x000a, 0x1ae1: 0x000a, 0x1ae2: 0x000a, 0x1ae3: 0x000a, + 0x1ae4: 0x000a, 0x1ae5: 0x000a, 0x1ae6: 0x000a, 0x1ae7: 0x000a, 0x1ae8: 0x000a, 0x1ae9: 0x000a, + 0x1aea: 0x000a, 0x1aeb: 0x000a, 0x1aec: 0x000a, 0x1aed: 0x000a, 0x1aee: 0x000a, 0x1aef: 0x000a, + 0x1af0: 0x000a, 0x1af1: 0x000a, 0x1af2: 0x000a, 0x1af3: 0x000a, 0x1af4: 0x000a, 0x1af5: 0x000a, + 0x1af6: 0x000a, 0x1af7: 0x000a, 0x1af8: 0x000a, 0x1af9: 0x000a, 0x1afa: 0x000a, 0x1afb: 0x000a, + 0x1afc: 0x000a, 0x1afd: 0x000a, 0x1afe: 0x000a, 0x1aff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x1b00 + 0x1b00: 0x000a, 0x1b01: 0x000a, 0x1b02: 0x000a, 0x1b03: 0x000a, 0x1b04: 0x000a, 0x1b05: 0x000a, + 0x1b06: 0x000a, 0x1b07: 0x000a, 0x1b08: 0x000a, 0x1b09: 0x000a, 0x1b0a: 0x000a, 0x1b0b: 0x000a, + 0x1b0c: 0x000a, 0x1b0d: 0x000a, 0x1b0e: 0x000a, 0x1b0f: 0x000a, 0x1b10: 0x000a, 0x1b11: 0x000a, + 0x1b12: 0x000a, 0x1b13: 0x000a, 0x1b14: 0x000a, 0x1b15: 0x000a, 0x1b16: 0x000a, 0x1b17: 0x000a, + 0x1b18: 0x000a, 0x1b19: 0x000a, 0x1b1a: 0x000a, 0x1b1b: 0x000a, 0x1b1c: 0x000a, 0x1b1d: 0x000a, + 0x1b1e: 0x000a, 0x1b1f: 0x000a, 0x1b20: 0x000a, 0x1b21: 0x000a, 0x1b22: 0x000a, 0x1b23: 0x000a, + 0x1b24: 0x000a, 0x1b25: 0x000a, 0x1b26: 0x000a, 0x1b27: 0x000a, 0x1b28: 0x000a, 0x1b29: 0x000a, + 0x1b2a: 0x000a, 0x1b2b: 0x000a, 0x1b2c: 0x000a, 0x1b2d: 0x000a, 0x1b2e: 0x000a, 0x1b2f: 0x000a, + 0x1b30: 0x000a, 0x1b31: 0x000a, 0x1b32: 0x000a, 0x1b33: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x1b40 + 0x1b40: 0x000a, 0x1b41: 0x000a, 0x1b42: 0x000a, 0x1b43: 0x000a, 0x1b44: 0x000a, 0x1b45: 0x000a, + 0x1b46: 0x000a, 0x1b47: 0x000a, 0x1b48: 0x000a, 0x1b49: 0x000a, 0x1b4a: 0x000a, 0x1b4b: 0x000a, + 0x1b4c: 0x000a, 0x1b4d: 0x000a, 0x1b4e: 0x000a, 0x1b4f: 0x000a, 0x1b50: 0x000a, 0x1b51: 0x000a, + 0x1b52: 0x000a, 0x1b53: 0x000a, 0x1b54: 0x000a, 0x1b55: 0x000a, + 0x1b70: 0x000a, 0x1b71: 0x000a, 0x1b72: 0x000a, 0x1b73: 0x000a, 0x1b74: 0x000a, 0x1b75: 0x000a, + 0x1b76: 0x000a, 0x1b77: 0x000a, 0x1b78: 0x000a, 0x1b79: 0x000a, 0x1b7a: 0x000a, 0x1b7b: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x1b80 + 0x1b80: 0x0009, 0x1b81: 0x000a, 0x1b82: 0x000a, 0x1b83: 0x000a, 0x1b84: 0x000a, + 0x1b88: 0x003a, 0x1b89: 0x002a, 0x1b8a: 0x003a, 0x1b8b: 0x002a, + 0x1b8c: 0x003a, 0x1b8d: 0x002a, 0x1b8e: 0x003a, 0x1b8f: 0x002a, 0x1b90: 0x003a, 0x1b91: 0x002a, + 0x1b92: 0x000a, 0x1b93: 0x000a, 0x1b94: 0x003a, 0x1b95: 0x002a, 0x1b96: 0x003a, 0x1b97: 0x002a, + 0x1b98: 0x003a, 0x1b99: 0x002a, 0x1b9a: 0x003a, 0x1b9b: 0x002a, 0x1b9c: 0x000a, 0x1b9d: 0x000a, + 0x1b9e: 0x000a, 0x1b9f: 0x000a, 0x1ba0: 0x000a, + 0x1baa: 0x000c, 0x1bab: 0x000c, 0x1bac: 0x000c, 0x1bad: 0x000c, + 0x1bb0: 0x000a, + 0x1bb6: 0x000a, 0x1bb7: 0x000a, + 0x1bbd: 0x000a, 0x1bbe: 0x000a, 0x1bbf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x1bc0 + 0x1bd9: 0x000c, 0x1bda: 0x000c, 0x1bdb: 0x000a, 0x1bdc: 0x000a, + 0x1be0: 0x000a, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x1c00 + 0x1c3b: 0x000a, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x1c40 + 0x1c40: 0x000a, 0x1c41: 0x000a, 0x1c42: 0x000a, 0x1c43: 0x000a, 0x1c44: 0x000a, 0x1c45: 0x000a, + 0x1c46: 0x000a, 0x1c47: 0x000a, 0x1c48: 0x000a, 0x1c49: 0x000a, 0x1c4a: 0x000a, 0x1c4b: 0x000a, + 0x1c4c: 0x000a, 0x1c4d: 0x000a, 0x1c4e: 0x000a, 0x1c4f: 0x000a, 0x1c50: 0x000a, 0x1c51: 0x000a, + 0x1c52: 0x000a, 0x1c53: 0x000a, 0x1c54: 0x000a, 0x1c55: 0x000a, 0x1c56: 0x000a, 0x1c57: 0x000a, + 0x1c58: 0x000a, 0x1c59: 0x000a, 0x1c5a: 0x000a, 0x1c5b: 0x000a, 0x1c5c: 0x000a, 0x1c5d: 0x000a, + 0x1c5e: 0x000a, 0x1c5f: 0x000a, 0x1c60: 0x000a, 0x1c61: 0x000a, 0x1c62: 0x000a, 0x1c63: 0x000a, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x1c80 + 0x1c9d: 0x000a, + 0x1c9e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x1cc0 + 0x1cd0: 0x000a, 0x1cd1: 0x000a, + 0x1cd2: 0x000a, 0x1cd3: 0x000a, 0x1cd4: 0x000a, 0x1cd5: 0x000a, 0x1cd6: 0x000a, 0x1cd7: 0x000a, + 0x1cd8: 0x000a, 0x1cd9: 0x000a, 0x1cda: 0x000a, 0x1cdb: 0x000a, 0x1cdc: 0x000a, 0x1cdd: 0x000a, + 0x1cde: 0x000a, 0x1cdf: 0x000a, + 0x1cfc: 0x000a, 0x1cfd: 0x000a, 0x1cfe: 0x000a, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x1d00 + 0x1d31: 0x000a, 0x1d32: 0x000a, 0x1d33: 0x000a, 0x1d34: 0x000a, 0x1d35: 0x000a, + 0x1d36: 0x000a, 0x1d37: 0x000a, 0x1d38: 0x000a, 0x1d39: 0x000a, 0x1d3a: 0x000a, 0x1d3b: 0x000a, + 0x1d3c: 0x000a, 0x1d3d: 0x000a, 0x1d3e: 0x000a, 0x1d3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x1d40 + 0x1d4c: 0x000a, 0x1d4d: 0x000a, 0x1d4e: 0x000a, 0x1d4f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x1d80 + 0x1db7: 0x000a, 0x1db8: 0x000a, 0x1db9: 0x000a, 0x1dba: 0x000a, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x1dc0 + 0x1dde: 0x000a, 0x1ddf: 0x000a, + 0x1dff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x1e00 + 0x1e10: 0x000a, 0x1e11: 0x000a, + 0x1e12: 0x000a, 0x1e13: 0x000a, 0x1e14: 0x000a, 0x1e15: 0x000a, 0x1e16: 0x000a, 0x1e17: 0x000a, + 0x1e18: 0x000a, 0x1e19: 0x000a, 0x1e1a: 0x000a, 0x1e1b: 0x000a, 0x1e1c: 0x000a, 0x1e1d: 0x000a, + 0x1e1e: 0x000a, 0x1e1f: 0x000a, 0x1e20: 0x000a, 0x1e21: 0x000a, 0x1e22: 0x000a, 0x1e23: 0x000a, + 0x1e24: 0x000a, 0x1e25: 0x000a, 0x1e26: 0x000a, 0x1e27: 0x000a, 0x1e28: 0x000a, 0x1e29: 0x000a, + 0x1e2a: 0x000a, 0x1e2b: 0x000a, 0x1e2c: 0x000a, 0x1e2d: 0x000a, 0x1e2e: 0x000a, 0x1e2f: 0x000a, + 0x1e30: 0x000a, 0x1e31: 0x000a, 0x1e32: 0x000a, 0x1e33: 0x000a, 0x1e34: 0x000a, 0x1e35: 0x000a, + 0x1e36: 0x000a, 0x1e37: 0x000a, 0x1e38: 0x000a, 0x1e39: 0x000a, 0x1e3a: 0x000a, 0x1e3b: 0x000a, + 0x1e3c: 0x000a, 0x1e3d: 0x000a, 0x1e3e: 0x000a, 0x1e3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x1e40 + 0x1e40: 0x000a, 0x1e41: 0x000a, 0x1e42: 0x000a, 0x1e43: 0x000a, 0x1e44: 0x000a, 0x1e45: 0x000a, + 0x1e46: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x1e80 + 0x1e8d: 0x000a, 0x1e8e: 0x000a, 0x1e8f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x1ec0 + 0x1eef: 0x000c, + 0x1ef0: 0x000c, 0x1ef1: 0x000c, 0x1ef2: 0x000c, 0x1ef3: 0x000a, 0x1ef4: 0x000c, 0x1ef5: 0x000c, + 0x1ef6: 0x000c, 0x1ef7: 0x000c, 0x1ef8: 0x000c, 0x1ef9: 0x000c, 0x1efa: 0x000c, 0x1efb: 0x000c, + 0x1efc: 0x000c, 0x1efd: 0x000c, 0x1efe: 0x000a, 0x1eff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x1f00 + 0x1f1e: 0x000c, 0x1f1f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x1f40 + 0x1f70: 0x000c, 0x1f71: 0x000c, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x1f80 + 0x1f80: 0x000a, 0x1f81: 0x000a, 0x1f82: 0x000a, 0x1f83: 0x000a, 0x1f84: 0x000a, 0x1f85: 0x000a, + 0x1f86: 0x000a, 0x1f87: 0x000a, 0x1f88: 0x000a, 0x1f89: 0x000a, 0x1f8a: 0x000a, 0x1f8b: 0x000a, + 0x1f8c: 0x000a, 0x1f8d: 0x000a, 0x1f8e: 0x000a, 0x1f8f: 0x000a, 0x1f90: 0x000a, 0x1f91: 0x000a, + 0x1f92: 0x000a, 0x1f93: 0x000a, 0x1f94: 0x000a, 0x1f95: 0x000a, 0x1f96: 0x000a, 0x1f97: 0x000a, + 0x1f98: 0x000a, 0x1f99: 0x000a, 0x1f9a: 0x000a, 0x1f9b: 0x000a, 0x1f9c: 0x000a, 0x1f9d: 0x000a, + 0x1f9e: 0x000a, 0x1f9f: 0x000a, 0x1fa0: 0x000a, 0x1fa1: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x1fc0 + 0x1fc8: 0x000a, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x2000 + 0x2002: 0x000c, + 0x2006: 0x000c, 0x200b: 0x000c, + 0x2025: 0x000c, 0x2026: 0x000c, 0x2028: 0x000a, 0x2029: 0x000a, + 0x202a: 0x000a, 0x202b: 0x000a, + 0x2038: 0x0004, 0x2039: 0x0004, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x2040 + 0x2074: 0x000a, 0x2075: 0x000a, + 0x2076: 0x000a, 0x2077: 0x000a, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x2080 + 0x2084: 0x000c, 0x2085: 0x000c, + 0x20a0: 0x000c, 0x20a1: 0x000c, 0x20a2: 0x000c, 0x20a3: 0x000c, + 0x20a4: 0x000c, 0x20a5: 0x000c, 0x20a6: 0x000c, 0x20a7: 0x000c, 0x20a8: 0x000c, 0x20a9: 0x000c, + 0x20aa: 0x000c, 0x20ab: 0x000c, 0x20ac: 0x000c, 0x20ad: 0x000c, 0x20ae: 0x000c, 0x20af: 0x000c, + 0x20b0: 0x000c, 0x20b1: 0x000c, + 0x20bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x20c0 + 0x20e6: 0x000c, 0x20e7: 0x000c, 0x20e8: 0x000c, 0x20e9: 0x000c, + 0x20ea: 0x000c, 0x20eb: 0x000c, 0x20ec: 0x000c, 0x20ed: 0x000c, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x2100 + 0x2107: 0x000c, 0x2108: 0x000c, 0x2109: 0x000c, 0x210a: 0x000c, 0x210b: 0x000c, + 0x210c: 0x000c, 0x210d: 0x000c, 0x210e: 0x000c, 0x210f: 0x000c, 0x2110: 0x000c, 0x2111: 0x000c, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x2140 + 0x2140: 0x000c, 0x2141: 0x000c, 0x2142: 0x000c, + 0x2173: 0x000c, + 0x2176: 0x000c, 0x2177: 0x000c, 0x2178: 0x000c, 0x2179: 0x000c, + 0x217c: 0x000c, 0x217d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x2180 + 0x21a5: 0x000c, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x21c0 + 0x21e9: 0x000c, + 0x21ea: 0x000c, 0x21eb: 0x000c, 0x21ec: 0x000c, 0x21ed: 0x000c, 0x21ee: 0x000c, + 0x21f1: 0x000c, 0x21f2: 0x000c, 0x21f5: 0x000c, + 0x21f6: 0x000c, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x2200 + 0x2203: 0x000c, + 0x220c: 0x000c, + 0x223c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x2240 + 0x2270: 0x000c, 0x2272: 0x000c, 0x2273: 0x000c, 0x2274: 0x000c, + 0x2277: 0x000c, 0x2278: 0x000c, + 0x227e: 0x000c, 0x227f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x2280 + 0x2281: 0x000c, + 0x22ac: 0x000c, 0x22ad: 0x000c, + 0x22b6: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x22c0 + 0x22e5: 0x000c, 0x22e8: 0x000c, + 0x22ed: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x2300 + 0x231d: 0x0001, + 0x231e: 0x000c, 0x231f: 0x0001, 0x2320: 0x0001, 0x2321: 0x0001, 0x2322: 0x0001, 0x2323: 0x0001, + 0x2324: 0x0001, 0x2325: 0x0001, 0x2326: 0x0001, 0x2327: 0x0001, 0x2328: 0x0001, 0x2329: 0x0003, + 0x232a: 0x0001, 0x232b: 0x0001, 0x232c: 0x0001, 0x232d: 0x0001, 0x232e: 0x0001, 0x232f: 0x0001, + 0x2330: 0x0001, 0x2331: 0x0001, 0x2332: 0x0001, 0x2333: 0x0001, 0x2334: 0x0001, 0x2335: 0x0001, + 0x2336: 0x0001, 0x2337: 0x0001, 0x2338: 0x0001, 0x2339: 0x0001, 0x233a: 0x0001, 0x233b: 0x0001, + 0x233c: 0x0001, 0x233d: 0x0001, 0x233e: 0x0001, 0x233f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x2340 + 0x2340: 0x0001, 0x2341: 0x0001, 0x2342: 0x0001, 0x2343: 0x0001, 0x2344: 0x0001, 0x2345: 0x0001, + 0x2346: 0x0001, 0x2347: 0x0001, 0x2348: 0x0001, 0x2349: 0x0001, 0x234a: 0x0001, 0x234b: 0x0001, + 0x234c: 0x0001, 0x234d: 0x0001, 0x234e: 0x0001, 0x234f: 0x0001, 0x2350: 0x000d, 0x2351: 0x000d, + 0x2352: 0x000d, 0x2353: 0x000d, 0x2354: 0x000d, 0x2355: 0x000d, 0x2356: 0x000d, 0x2357: 0x000d, + 0x2358: 0x000d, 0x2359: 0x000d, 0x235a: 0x000d, 0x235b: 0x000d, 0x235c: 0x000d, 0x235d: 0x000d, + 0x235e: 0x000d, 0x235f: 0x000d, 0x2360: 0x000d, 0x2361: 0x000d, 0x2362: 0x000d, 0x2363: 0x000d, + 0x2364: 0x000d, 0x2365: 0x000d, 0x2366: 0x000d, 0x2367: 0x000d, 0x2368: 0x000d, 0x2369: 0x000d, + 0x236a: 0x000d, 0x236b: 0x000d, 0x236c: 0x000d, 0x236d: 0x000d, 0x236e: 0x000d, 0x236f: 0x000d, + 0x2370: 0x000d, 0x2371: 0x000d, 0x2372: 0x000d, 0x2373: 0x000d, 0x2374: 0x000d, 0x2375: 0x000d, + 0x2376: 0x000d, 0x2377: 0x000d, 0x2378: 0x000d, 0x2379: 0x000d, 0x237a: 0x000d, 0x237b: 0x000d, + 0x237c: 0x000d, 0x237d: 0x000d, 0x237e: 0x000d, 0x237f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x2380 + 0x2380: 0x000d, 0x2381: 0x000d, 0x2382: 0x000d, 0x2383: 0x000d, 0x2384: 0x000d, 0x2385: 0x000d, + 0x2386: 0x000d, 0x2387: 0x000d, 0x2388: 0x000d, 0x2389: 0x000d, 0x238a: 0x000d, 0x238b: 0x000d, + 0x238c: 0x000d, 0x238d: 0x000d, 0x238e: 0x000d, 0x238f: 0x000d, 0x2390: 0x000d, 0x2391: 0x000d, + 0x2392: 0x000d, 0x2393: 0x000d, 0x2394: 0x000d, 0x2395: 0x000d, 0x2396: 0x000d, 0x2397: 0x000d, + 0x2398: 0x000d, 0x2399: 0x000d, 0x239a: 0x000d, 0x239b: 0x000d, 0x239c: 0x000d, 0x239d: 0x000d, + 0x239e: 0x000d, 0x239f: 0x000d, 0x23a0: 0x000d, 0x23a1: 0x000d, 0x23a2: 0x000d, 0x23a3: 0x000d, + 0x23a4: 0x000d, 0x23a5: 0x000d, 0x23a6: 0x000d, 0x23a7: 0x000d, 0x23a8: 0x000d, 0x23a9: 0x000d, + 0x23aa: 0x000d, 0x23ab: 0x000d, 0x23ac: 0x000d, 0x23ad: 0x000d, 0x23ae: 0x000d, 0x23af: 0x000d, + 0x23b0: 0x000d, 0x23b1: 0x000d, 0x23b2: 0x000d, 0x23b3: 0x000d, 0x23b4: 0x000d, 0x23b5: 0x000d, + 0x23b6: 0x000d, 0x23b7: 0x000d, 0x23b8: 0x000d, 0x23b9: 0x000d, 0x23ba: 0x000d, 0x23bb: 0x000d, + 0x23bc: 0x000d, 0x23bd: 0x000d, 0x23be: 0x000a, 0x23bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x23c0 + 0x23c0: 0x000d, 0x23c1: 0x000d, 0x23c2: 0x000d, 0x23c3: 0x000d, 0x23c4: 0x000d, 0x23c5: 0x000d, + 0x23c6: 0x000d, 0x23c7: 0x000d, 0x23c8: 0x000d, 0x23c9: 0x000d, 0x23ca: 0x000d, 0x23cb: 0x000d, + 0x23cc: 0x000d, 0x23cd: 0x000d, 0x23ce: 0x000d, 0x23cf: 0x000d, 0x23d0: 0x000b, 0x23d1: 0x000b, + 0x23d2: 0x000b, 0x23d3: 0x000b, 0x23d4: 0x000b, 0x23d5: 0x000b, 0x23d6: 0x000b, 0x23d7: 0x000b, + 0x23d8: 0x000b, 0x23d9: 0x000b, 0x23da: 0x000b, 0x23db: 0x000b, 0x23dc: 0x000b, 0x23dd: 0x000b, + 0x23de: 0x000b, 0x23df: 0x000b, 0x23e0: 0x000b, 0x23e1: 0x000b, 0x23e2: 0x000b, 0x23e3: 0x000b, + 0x23e4: 0x000b, 0x23e5: 0x000b, 0x23e6: 0x000b, 0x23e7: 0x000b, 0x23e8: 0x000b, 0x23e9: 0x000b, + 0x23ea: 0x000b, 0x23eb: 0x000b, 0x23ec: 0x000b, 0x23ed: 0x000b, 0x23ee: 0x000b, 0x23ef: 0x000b, + 0x23f0: 0x000d, 0x23f1: 0x000d, 0x23f2: 0x000d, 0x23f3: 0x000d, 0x23f4: 0x000d, 0x23f5: 0x000d, + 0x23f6: 0x000d, 0x23f7: 0x000d, 0x23f8: 0x000d, 0x23f9: 0x000d, 0x23fa: 0x000d, 0x23fb: 0x000d, + 0x23fc: 0x000d, 0x23fd: 0x000a, 0x23fe: 0x000d, 0x23ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x2400 + 0x2400: 0x000c, 0x2401: 0x000c, 0x2402: 0x000c, 0x2403: 0x000c, 0x2404: 0x000c, 0x2405: 0x000c, + 0x2406: 0x000c, 0x2407: 0x000c, 0x2408: 0x000c, 0x2409: 0x000c, 0x240a: 0x000c, 0x240b: 0x000c, + 0x240c: 0x000c, 0x240d: 0x000c, 0x240e: 0x000c, 0x240f: 0x000c, 0x2410: 0x000a, 0x2411: 0x000a, + 0x2412: 0x000a, 0x2413: 0x000a, 0x2414: 0x000a, 0x2415: 0x000a, 0x2416: 0x000a, 0x2417: 0x000a, + 0x2418: 0x000a, 0x2419: 0x000a, + 0x2420: 0x000c, 0x2421: 0x000c, 0x2422: 0x000c, 0x2423: 0x000c, + 0x2424: 0x000c, 0x2425: 0x000c, 0x2426: 0x000c, 0x2427: 0x000c, 0x2428: 0x000c, 0x2429: 0x000c, + 0x242a: 0x000c, 0x242b: 0x000c, 0x242c: 0x000c, 0x242d: 0x000c, 0x242e: 0x000c, 0x242f: 0x000c, + 0x2430: 0x000a, 0x2431: 0x000a, 0x2432: 0x000a, 0x2433: 0x000a, 0x2434: 0x000a, 0x2435: 0x000a, + 0x2436: 0x000a, 0x2437: 0x000a, 0x2438: 0x000a, 0x2439: 0x000a, 0x243a: 0x000a, 0x243b: 0x000a, + 0x243c: 0x000a, 0x243d: 0x000a, 0x243e: 0x000a, 0x243f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x2440 + 0x2440: 0x000a, 0x2441: 0x000a, 0x2442: 0x000a, 0x2443: 0x000a, 0x2444: 0x000a, 0x2445: 0x000a, + 0x2446: 0x000a, 0x2447: 0x000a, 0x2448: 0x000a, 0x2449: 0x000a, 0x244a: 0x000a, 0x244b: 0x000a, + 0x244c: 0x000a, 0x244d: 0x000a, 0x244e: 0x000a, 0x244f: 0x000a, 0x2450: 0x0006, 0x2451: 0x000a, + 0x2452: 0x0006, 0x2454: 0x000a, 0x2455: 0x0006, 0x2456: 0x000a, 0x2457: 0x000a, + 0x2458: 0x000a, 0x2459: 0x009a, 0x245a: 0x008a, 0x245b: 0x007a, 0x245c: 0x006a, 0x245d: 0x009a, + 0x245e: 0x008a, 0x245f: 0x0004, 0x2460: 0x000a, 0x2461: 0x000a, 0x2462: 0x0003, 0x2463: 0x0003, + 0x2464: 0x000a, 0x2465: 0x000a, 0x2466: 0x000a, 0x2468: 0x000a, 0x2469: 0x0004, + 0x246a: 0x0004, 0x246b: 0x000a, + 0x2470: 0x000d, 0x2471: 0x000d, 0x2472: 0x000d, 0x2473: 0x000d, 0x2474: 0x000d, 0x2475: 0x000d, + 0x2476: 0x000d, 0x2477: 0x000d, 0x2478: 0x000d, 0x2479: 0x000d, 0x247a: 0x000d, 0x247b: 0x000d, + 0x247c: 0x000d, 0x247d: 0x000d, 0x247e: 0x000d, 0x247f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x2480 + 0x2480: 0x000d, 0x2481: 0x000d, 0x2482: 0x000d, 0x2483: 0x000d, 0x2484: 0x000d, 0x2485: 0x000d, + 0x2486: 0x000d, 0x2487: 0x000d, 0x2488: 0x000d, 0x2489: 0x000d, 0x248a: 0x000d, 0x248b: 0x000d, + 0x248c: 0x000d, 0x248d: 0x000d, 0x248e: 0x000d, 0x248f: 0x000d, 0x2490: 0x000d, 0x2491: 0x000d, + 0x2492: 0x000d, 0x2493: 0x000d, 0x2494: 0x000d, 0x2495: 0x000d, 0x2496: 0x000d, 0x2497: 0x000d, + 0x2498: 0x000d, 0x2499: 0x000d, 0x249a: 0x000d, 0x249b: 0x000d, 0x249c: 0x000d, 0x249d: 0x000d, + 0x249e: 0x000d, 0x249f: 0x000d, 0x24a0: 0x000d, 0x24a1: 0x000d, 0x24a2: 0x000d, 0x24a3: 0x000d, + 0x24a4: 0x000d, 0x24a5: 0x000d, 0x24a6: 0x000d, 0x24a7: 0x000d, 0x24a8: 0x000d, 0x24a9: 0x000d, + 0x24aa: 0x000d, 0x24ab: 0x000d, 0x24ac: 0x000d, 0x24ad: 0x000d, 0x24ae: 0x000d, 0x24af: 0x000d, + 0x24b0: 0x000d, 0x24b1: 0x000d, 0x24b2: 0x000d, 0x24b3: 0x000d, 0x24b4: 0x000d, 0x24b5: 0x000d, + 0x24b6: 0x000d, 0x24b7: 0x000d, 0x24b8: 0x000d, 0x24b9: 0x000d, 0x24ba: 0x000d, 0x24bb: 0x000d, + 0x24bc: 0x000d, 0x24bd: 0x000d, 0x24be: 0x000d, 0x24bf: 0x000b, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x24c0 + 0x24c1: 0x000a, 0x24c2: 0x000a, 0x24c3: 0x0004, 0x24c4: 0x0004, 0x24c5: 0x0004, + 0x24c6: 0x000a, 0x24c7: 0x000a, 0x24c8: 0x003a, 0x24c9: 0x002a, 0x24ca: 0x000a, 0x24cb: 0x0003, + 0x24cc: 0x0006, 0x24cd: 0x0003, 0x24ce: 0x0006, 0x24cf: 0x0006, 0x24d0: 0x0002, 0x24d1: 0x0002, + 0x24d2: 0x0002, 0x24d3: 0x0002, 0x24d4: 0x0002, 0x24d5: 0x0002, 0x24d6: 0x0002, 0x24d7: 0x0002, + 0x24d8: 0x0002, 0x24d9: 0x0002, 0x24da: 0x0006, 0x24db: 0x000a, 0x24dc: 0x000a, 0x24dd: 0x000a, + 0x24de: 0x000a, 0x24df: 0x000a, 0x24e0: 0x000a, + 0x24fb: 0x005a, + 0x24fc: 0x000a, 0x24fd: 0x004a, 0x24fe: 0x000a, 0x24ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x2500 + 0x2500: 0x000a, + 0x251b: 0x005a, 0x251c: 0x000a, 0x251d: 0x004a, + 0x251e: 0x000a, 0x251f: 0x00fa, 0x2520: 0x00ea, 0x2521: 0x000a, 0x2522: 0x003a, 0x2523: 0x002a, + 0x2524: 0x000a, 0x2525: 0x000a, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x2540 + 0x2560: 0x0004, 0x2561: 0x0004, 0x2562: 0x000a, 0x2563: 0x000a, + 0x2564: 0x000a, 0x2565: 0x0004, 0x2566: 0x0004, 0x2568: 0x000a, 0x2569: 0x000a, + 0x256a: 0x000a, 0x256b: 0x000a, 0x256c: 0x000a, 0x256d: 0x000a, 0x256e: 0x000a, + 0x2570: 0x000b, 0x2571: 0x000b, 0x2572: 0x000b, 0x2573: 0x000b, 0x2574: 0x000b, 0x2575: 0x000b, + 0x2576: 0x000b, 0x2577: 0x000b, 0x2578: 0x000b, 0x2579: 0x000a, 0x257a: 0x000a, 0x257b: 0x000a, + 0x257c: 0x000a, 0x257d: 0x000a, 0x257e: 0x000b, 0x257f: 0x000b, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x2580 + 0x2581: 0x000a, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x25c0 + 0x25c0: 0x000a, 0x25c1: 0x000a, 0x25c2: 0x000a, 0x25c3: 0x000a, 0x25c4: 0x000a, 0x25c5: 0x000a, + 0x25c6: 0x000a, 0x25c7: 0x000a, 0x25c8: 0x000a, 0x25c9: 0x000a, 0x25ca: 0x000a, 0x25cb: 0x000a, + 0x25cc: 0x000a, 0x25d0: 0x000a, 0x25d1: 0x000a, + 0x25d2: 0x000a, 0x25d3: 0x000a, 0x25d4: 0x000a, 0x25d5: 0x000a, 0x25d6: 0x000a, 0x25d7: 0x000a, + 0x25d8: 0x000a, 0x25d9: 0x000a, 0x25da: 0x000a, 0x25db: 0x000a, + 0x25e0: 0x000a, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x2600 + 0x263d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x2640 + 0x2660: 0x000c, 0x2661: 0x0002, 0x2662: 0x0002, 0x2663: 0x0002, + 0x2664: 0x0002, 0x2665: 0x0002, 0x2666: 0x0002, 0x2667: 0x0002, 0x2668: 0x0002, 0x2669: 0x0002, + 0x266a: 0x0002, 0x266b: 0x0002, 0x266c: 0x0002, 0x266d: 0x0002, 0x266e: 0x0002, 0x266f: 0x0002, + 0x2670: 0x0002, 0x2671: 0x0002, 0x2672: 0x0002, 0x2673: 0x0002, 0x2674: 0x0002, 0x2675: 0x0002, + 0x2676: 0x0002, 0x2677: 0x0002, 0x2678: 0x0002, 0x2679: 0x0002, 0x267a: 0x0002, 0x267b: 0x0002, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x2680 + 0x26b6: 0x000c, 0x26b7: 0x000c, 0x26b8: 0x000c, 0x26b9: 0x000c, 0x26ba: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x26c0 + 0x26c0: 0x0001, 0x26c1: 0x0001, 0x26c2: 0x0001, 0x26c3: 0x0001, 0x26c4: 0x0001, 0x26c5: 0x0001, + 0x26c6: 0x0001, 0x26c7: 0x0001, 0x26c8: 0x0001, 0x26c9: 0x0001, 0x26ca: 0x0001, 0x26cb: 0x0001, + 0x26cc: 0x0001, 0x26cd: 0x0001, 0x26ce: 0x0001, 0x26cf: 0x0001, 0x26d0: 0x0001, 0x26d1: 0x0001, + 0x26d2: 0x0001, 0x26d3: 0x0001, 0x26d4: 0x0001, 0x26d5: 0x0001, 0x26d6: 0x0001, 0x26d7: 0x0001, + 0x26d8: 0x0001, 0x26d9: 0x0001, 0x26da: 0x0001, 0x26db: 0x0001, 0x26dc: 0x0001, 0x26dd: 0x0001, + 0x26de: 0x0001, 0x26df: 0x0001, 0x26e0: 0x0001, 0x26e1: 0x0001, 0x26e2: 0x0001, 0x26e3: 0x0001, + 0x26e4: 0x0001, 0x26e5: 0x0001, 0x26e6: 0x0001, 0x26e7: 0x0001, 0x26e8: 0x0001, 0x26e9: 0x0001, + 0x26ea: 0x0001, 0x26eb: 0x0001, 0x26ec: 0x0001, 0x26ed: 0x0001, 0x26ee: 0x0001, 0x26ef: 0x0001, + 0x26f0: 0x0001, 0x26f1: 0x0001, 0x26f2: 0x0001, 0x26f3: 0x0001, 0x26f4: 0x0001, 0x26f5: 0x0001, + 0x26f6: 0x0001, 0x26f7: 0x0001, 0x26f8: 0x0001, 0x26f9: 0x0001, 0x26fa: 0x0001, 0x26fb: 0x0001, + 0x26fc: 0x0001, 0x26fd: 0x0001, 0x26fe: 0x0001, 0x26ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x2700 + 0x2700: 0x0001, 0x2701: 0x0001, 0x2702: 0x0001, 0x2703: 0x0001, 0x2704: 0x0001, 0x2705: 0x0001, + 0x2706: 0x0001, 0x2707: 0x0001, 0x2708: 0x0001, 0x2709: 0x0001, 0x270a: 0x0001, 0x270b: 0x0001, + 0x270c: 0x0001, 0x270d: 0x0001, 0x270e: 0x0001, 0x270f: 0x0001, 0x2710: 0x0001, 0x2711: 0x0001, + 0x2712: 0x0001, 0x2713: 0x0001, 0x2714: 0x0001, 0x2715: 0x0001, 0x2716: 0x0001, 0x2717: 0x0001, + 0x2718: 0x0001, 0x2719: 0x0001, 0x271a: 0x0001, 0x271b: 0x0001, 0x271c: 0x0001, 0x271d: 0x0001, + 0x271e: 0x0001, 0x271f: 0x000a, 0x2720: 0x0001, 0x2721: 0x0001, 0x2722: 0x0001, 0x2723: 0x0001, + 0x2724: 0x0001, 0x2725: 0x0001, 0x2726: 0x0001, 0x2727: 0x0001, 0x2728: 0x0001, 0x2729: 0x0001, + 0x272a: 0x0001, 0x272b: 0x0001, 0x272c: 0x0001, 0x272d: 0x0001, 0x272e: 0x0001, 0x272f: 0x0001, + 0x2730: 0x0001, 0x2731: 0x0001, 0x2732: 0x0001, 0x2733: 0x0001, 0x2734: 0x0001, 0x2735: 0x0001, + 0x2736: 0x0001, 0x2737: 0x0001, 0x2738: 0x0001, 0x2739: 0x0001, 0x273a: 0x0001, 0x273b: 0x0001, + 0x273c: 0x0001, 0x273d: 0x0001, 0x273e: 0x0001, 0x273f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x2740 + 0x2740: 0x0001, 0x2741: 0x000c, 0x2742: 0x000c, 0x2743: 0x000c, 0x2744: 0x0001, 0x2745: 0x000c, + 0x2746: 0x000c, 0x2747: 0x0001, 0x2748: 0x0001, 0x2749: 0x0001, 0x274a: 0x0001, 0x274b: 0x0001, + 0x274c: 0x000c, 0x274d: 0x000c, 0x274e: 0x000c, 0x274f: 0x000c, 0x2750: 0x0001, 0x2751: 0x0001, + 0x2752: 0x0001, 0x2753: 0x0001, 0x2754: 0x0001, 0x2755: 0x0001, 0x2756: 0x0001, 0x2757: 0x0001, + 0x2758: 0x0001, 0x2759: 0x0001, 0x275a: 0x0001, 0x275b: 0x0001, 0x275c: 0x0001, 0x275d: 0x0001, + 0x275e: 0x0001, 0x275f: 0x0001, 0x2760: 0x0001, 0x2761: 0x0001, 0x2762: 0x0001, 0x2763: 0x0001, + 0x2764: 0x0001, 0x2765: 0x0001, 0x2766: 0x0001, 0x2767: 0x0001, 0x2768: 0x0001, 0x2769: 0x0001, + 0x276a: 0x0001, 0x276b: 0x0001, 0x276c: 0x0001, 0x276d: 0x0001, 0x276e: 0x0001, 0x276f: 0x0001, + 0x2770: 0x0001, 0x2771: 0x0001, 0x2772: 0x0001, 0x2773: 0x0001, 0x2774: 0x0001, 0x2775: 0x0001, + 0x2776: 0x0001, 0x2777: 0x0001, 0x2778: 0x000c, 0x2779: 0x000c, 0x277a: 0x000c, 0x277b: 0x0001, + 0x277c: 0x0001, 0x277d: 0x0001, 0x277e: 0x0001, 0x277f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x2780 + 0x2780: 0x0001, 0x2781: 0x0001, 0x2782: 0x0001, 0x2783: 0x0001, 0x2784: 0x0001, 0x2785: 0x0001, + 0x2786: 0x0001, 0x2787: 0x0001, 0x2788: 0x0001, 0x2789: 0x0001, 0x278a: 0x0001, 0x278b: 0x0001, + 0x278c: 0x0001, 0x278d: 0x0001, 0x278e: 0x0001, 0x278f: 0x0001, 0x2790: 0x0001, 0x2791: 0x0001, + 0x2792: 0x0001, 0x2793: 0x0001, 0x2794: 0x0001, 0x2795: 0x0001, 0x2796: 0x0001, 0x2797: 0x0001, + 0x2798: 0x0001, 0x2799: 0x0001, 0x279a: 0x0001, 0x279b: 0x0001, 0x279c: 0x0001, 0x279d: 0x0001, + 0x279e: 0x0001, 0x279f: 0x0001, 0x27a0: 0x0001, 0x27a1: 0x0001, 0x27a2: 0x0001, 0x27a3: 0x0001, + 0x27a4: 0x0001, 0x27a5: 0x000c, 0x27a6: 0x000c, 0x27a7: 0x0001, 0x27a8: 0x0001, 0x27a9: 0x0001, + 0x27aa: 0x0001, 0x27ab: 0x0001, 0x27ac: 0x0001, 0x27ad: 0x0001, 0x27ae: 0x0001, 0x27af: 0x0001, + 0x27b0: 0x0001, 0x27b1: 0x0001, 0x27b2: 0x0001, 0x27b3: 0x0001, 0x27b4: 0x0001, 0x27b5: 0x0001, + 0x27b6: 0x0001, 0x27b7: 0x0001, 0x27b8: 0x0001, 0x27b9: 0x0001, 0x27ba: 0x0001, 0x27bb: 0x0001, + 0x27bc: 0x0001, 0x27bd: 0x0001, 0x27be: 0x0001, 0x27bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x27c0 + 0x27c0: 0x0001, 0x27c1: 0x0001, 0x27c2: 0x0001, 0x27c3: 0x0001, 0x27c4: 0x0001, 0x27c5: 0x0001, + 0x27c6: 0x0001, 0x27c7: 0x0001, 0x27c8: 0x0001, 0x27c9: 0x0001, 0x27ca: 0x0001, 0x27cb: 0x0001, + 0x27cc: 0x0001, 0x27cd: 0x0001, 0x27ce: 0x0001, 0x27cf: 0x0001, 0x27d0: 0x0001, 0x27d1: 0x0001, + 0x27d2: 0x0001, 0x27d3: 0x0001, 0x27d4: 0x0001, 0x27d5: 0x0001, 0x27d6: 0x0001, 0x27d7: 0x0001, + 0x27d8: 0x0001, 0x27d9: 0x0001, 0x27da: 0x0001, 0x27db: 0x0001, 0x27dc: 0x0001, 0x27dd: 0x0001, + 0x27de: 0x0001, 0x27df: 0x0001, 0x27e0: 0x0001, 0x27e1: 0x0001, 0x27e2: 0x0001, 0x27e3: 0x0001, + 0x27e4: 0x0001, 0x27e5: 0x0001, 0x27e6: 0x0001, 0x27e7: 0x0001, 0x27e8: 0x0001, 0x27e9: 0x0001, + 0x27ea: 0x0001, 0x27eb: 0x0001, 0x27ec: 0x0001, 0x27ed: 0x0001, 0x27ee: 0x0001, 0x27ef: 0x0001, + 0x27f0: 0x0001, 0x27f1: 0x0001, 0x27f2: 0x0001, 0x27f3: 0x0001, 0x27f4: 0x0001, 0x27f5: 0x0001, + 0x27f6: 0x0001, 0x27f7: 0x0001, 0x27f8: 0x0001, 0x27f9: 0x000a, 0x27fa: 0x000a, 0x27fb: 0x000a, + 0x27fc: 0x000a, 0x27fd: 0x000a, 0x27fe: 0x000a, 0x27ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x2800 + 0x2800: 0x000d, 0x2801: 0x000d, 0x2802: 0x000d, 0x2803: 0x000d, 0x2804: 0x000d, 0x2805: 0x000d, + 0x2806: 0x000d, 0x2807: 0x000d, 0x2808: 0x000d, 0x2809: 0x000d, 0x280a: 0x000d, 0x280b: 0x000d, + 0x280c: 0x000d, 0x280d: 0x000d, 0x280e: 0x000d, 0x280f: 0x000d, 0x2810: 0x000d, 0x2811: 0x000d, + 0x2812: 0x000d, 0x2813: 0x000d, 0x2814: 0x000d, 0x2815: 0x000d, 0x2816: 0x000d, 0x2817: 0x000d, + 0x2818: 0x000d, 0x2819: 0x000d, 0x281a: 0x000d, 0x281b: 0x000d, 0x281c: 0x000d, 0x281d: 0x000d, + 0x281e: 0x000d, 0x281f: 0x000d, 0x2820: 0x000d, 0x2821: 0x000d, 0x2822: 0x000d, 0x2823: 0x000d, + 0x2824: 0x000c, 0x2825: 0x000c, 0x2826: 0x000c, 0x2827: 0x000c, 0x2828: 0x000d, 0x2829: 0x000d, + 0x282a: 0x000d, 0x282b: 0x000d, 0x282c: 0x000d, 0x282d: 0x000d, 0x282e: 0x000d, 0x282f: 0x000d, + 0x2830: 0x0005, 0x2831: 0x0005, 0x2832: 0x0005, 0x2833: 0x0005, 0x2834: 0x0005, 0x2835: 0x0005, + 0x2836: 0x0005, 0x2837: 0x0005, 0x2838: 0x0005, 0x2839: 0x0005, 0x283a: 0x000d, 0x283b: 0x000d, + 0x283c: 0x000d, 0x283d: 0x000d, 0x283e: 0x000d, 0x283f: 0x000d, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x2840 + 0x2840: 0x0001, 0x2841: 0x0001, 0x2842: 0x0001, 0x2843: 0x0001, 0x2844: 0x0001, 0x2845: 0x0001, + 0x2846: 0x0001, 0x2847: 0x0001, 0x2848: 0x0001, 0x2849: 0x0001, 0x284a: 0x0001, 0x284b: 0x0001, + 0x284c: 0x0001, 0x284d: 0x0001, 0x284e: 0x0001, 0x284f: 0x0001, 0x2850: 0x0001, 0x2851: 0x0001, + 0x2852: 0x0001, 0x2853: 0x0001, 0x2854: 0x0001, 0x2855: 0x0001, 0x2856: 0x0001, 0x2857: 0x0001, + 0x2858: 0x0001, 0x2859: 0x0001, 0x285a: 0x0001, 0x285b: 0x0001, 0x285c: 0x0001, 0x285d: 0x0001, + 0x285e: 0x0001, 0x285f: 0x0001, 0x2860: 0x0005, 0x2861: 0x0005, 0x2862: 0x0005, 0x2863: 0x0005, + 0x2864: 0x0005, 0x2865: 0x0005, 0x2866: 0x0005, 0x2867: 0x0005, 0x2868: 0x0005, 0x2869: 0x0005, + 0x286a: 0x0005, 0x286b: 0x0005, 0x286c: 0x0005, 0x286d: 0x0005, 0x286e: 0x0005, 0x286f: 0x0005, + 0x2870: 0x0005, 0x2871: 0x0005, 0x2872: 0x0005, 0x2873: 0x0005, 0x2874: 0x0005, 0x2875: 0x0005, + 0x2876: 0x0005, 0x2877: 0x0005, 0x2878: 0x0005, 0x2879: 0x0005, 0x287a: 0x0005, 0x287b: 0x0005, + 0x287c: 0x0005, 0x287d: 0x0005, 0x287e: 0x0005, 0x287f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x2880 + 0x2880: 0x0001, 0x2881: 0x0001, 0x2882: 0x0001, 0x2883: 0x0001, 0x2884: 0x0001, 0x2885: 0x0001, + 0x2886: 0x0001, 0x2887: 0x0001, 0x2888: 0x0001, 0x2889: 0x0001, 0x288a: 0x0001, 0x288b: 0x0001, + 0x288c: 0x0001, 0x288d: 0x0001, 0x288e: 0x0001, 0x288f: 0x0001, 0x2890: 0x0001, 0x2891: 0x0001, + 0x2892: 0x0001, 0x2893: 0x0001, 0x2894: 0x0001, 0x2895: 0x0001, 0x2896: 0x0001, 0x2897: 0x0001, + 0x2898: 0x0001, 0x2899: 0x0001, 0x289a: 0x0001, 0x289b: 0x0001, 0x289c: 0x0001, 0x289d: 0x0001, + 0x289e: 0x0001, 0x289f: 0x0001, 0x28a0: 0x0001, 0x28a1: 0x0001, 0x28a2: 0x0001, 0x28a3: 0x0001, + 0x28a4: 0x0001, 0x28a5: 0x0001, 0x28a6: 0x0001, 0x28a7: 0x0001, 0x28a8: 0x0001, 0x28a9: 0x0001, + 0x28aa: 0x0001, 0x28ab: 0x0001, 0x28ac: 0x0001, 0x28ad: 0x0001, 0x28ae: 0x0001, 0x28af: 0x0001, + 0x28b0: 0x000d, 0x28b1: 0x000d, 0x28b2: 0x000d, 0x28b3: 0x000d, 0x28b4: 0x000d, 0x28b5: 0x000d, + 0x28b6: 0x000d, 0x28b7: 0x000d, 0x28b8: 0x000d, 0x28b9: 0x000d, 0x28ba: 0x000d, 0x28bb: 0x000d, + 0x28bc: 0x000d, 0x28bd: 0x000d, 0x28be: 0x000d, 0x28bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x28c0 + 0x28c0: 0x000d, 0x28c1: 0x000d, 0x28c2: 0x000d, 0x28c3: 0x000d, 0x28c4: 0x000d, 0x28c5: 0x000d, + 0x28c6: 0x000c, 0x28c7: 0x000c, 0x28c8: 0x000c, 0x28c9: 0x000c, 0x28ca: 0x000c, 0x28cb: 0x000c, + 0x28cc: 0x000c, 0x28cd: 0x000c, 0x28ce: 0x000c, 0x28cf: 0x000c, 0x28d0: 0x000c, 0x28d1: 0x000d, + 0x28d2: 0x000d, 0x28d3: 0x000d, 0x28d4: 0x000d, 0x28d5: 0x000d, 0x28d6: 0x000d, 0x28d7: 0x000d, + 0x28d8: 0x000d, 0x28d9: 0x000d, 0x28da: 0x000d, 0x28db: 0x000d, 0x28dc: 0x000d, 0x28dd: 0x000d, + 0x28de: 0x000d, 0x28df: 0x000d, 0x28e0: 0x000d, 0x28e1: 0x000d, 0x28e2: 0x000d, 0x28e3: 0x000d, + 0x28e4: 0x000d, 0x28e5: 0x000d, 0x28e6: 0x000d, 0x28e7: 0x000d, 0x28e8: 0x000d, 0x28e9: 0x000d, + 0x28ea: 0x000d, 0x28eb: 0x000d, 0x28ec: 0x000d, 0x28ed: 0x000d, 0x28ee: 0x000d, 0x28ef: 0x000d, + 0x28f0: 0x0001, 0x28f1: 0x0001, 0x28f2: 0x0001, 0x28f3: 0x0001, 0x28f4: 0x0001, 0x28f5: 0x0001, + 0x28f6: 0x0001, 0x28f7: 0x0001, 0x28f8: 0x0001, 0x28f9: 0x0001, 0x28fa: 0x0001, 0x28fb: 0x0001, + 0x28fc: 0x0001, 0x28fd: 0x0001, 0x28fe: 0x0001, 0x28ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x2900 + 0x2901: 0x000c, + 0x2938: 0x000c, 0x2939: 0x000c, 0x293a: 0x000c, 0x293b: 0x000c, + 0x293c: 0x000c, 0x293d: 0x000c, 0x293e: 0x000c, 0x293f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x2940 + 0x2940: 0x000c, 0x2941: 0x000c, 0x2942: 0x000c, 0x2943: 0x000c, 0x2944: 0x000c, 0x2945: 0x000c, + 0x2946: 0x000c, + 0x2952: 0x000a, 0x2953: 0x000a, 0x2954: 0x000a, 0x2955: 0x000a, 0x2956: 0x000a, 0x2957: 0x000a, + 0x2958: 0x000a, 0x2959: 0x000a, 0x295a: 0x000a, 0x295b: 0x000a, 0x295c: 0x000a, 0x295d: 0x000a, + 0x295e: 0x000a, 0x295f: 0x000a, 0x2960: 0x000a, 0x2961: 0x000a, 0x2962: 0x000a, 0x2963: 0x000a, + 0x2964: 0x000a, 0x2965: 0x000a, + 0x297f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x2980 + 0x2980: 0x000c, 0x2981: 0x000c, + 0x29b3: 0x000c, 0x29b4: 0x000c, 0x29b5: 0x000c, + 0x29b6: 0x000c, 0x29b9: 0x000c, 0x29ba: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x29c0 + 0x29c0: 0x000c, 0x29c1: 0x000c, 0x29c2: 0x000c, + 0x29e7: 0x000c, 0x29e8: 0x000c, 0x29e9: 0x000c, + 0x29ea: 0x000c, 0x29eb: 0x000c, 0x29ed: 0x000c, 0x29ee: 0x000c, 0x29ef: 0x000c, + 0x29f0: 0x000c, 0x29f1: 0x000c, 0x29f2: 0x000c, 0x29f3: 0x000c, 0x29f4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x2a00 + 0x2a33: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x2a40 + 0x2a40: 0x000c, 0x2a41: 0x000c, + 0x2a76: 0x000c, 0x2a77: 0x000c, 0x2a78: 0x000c, 0x2a79: 0x000c, 0x2a7a: 0x000c, 0x2a7b: 0x000c, + 0x2a7c: 0x000c, 0x2a7d: 0x000c, 0x2a7e: 0x000c, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x2a80 + 0x2a89: 0x000c, 0x2a8a: 0x000c, 0x2a8b: 0x000c, + 0x2a8c: 0x000c, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x2ac0 + 0x2aef: 0x000c, + 0x2af0: 0x000c, 0x2af1: 0x000c, 0x2af4: 0x000c, + 0x2af6: 0x000c, 0x2af7: 0x000c, + 0x2afe: 0x000c, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x2b00 + 0x2b1f: 0x000c, 0x2b23: 0x000c, + 0x2b24: 0x000c, 0x2b25: 0x000c, 0x2b26: 0x000c, 0x2b27: 0x000c, 0x2b28: 0x000c, 0x2b29: 0x000c, + 0x2b2a: 0x000c, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x2b40 + 0x2b40: 0x000c, + 0x2b66: 0x000c, 0x2b67: 0x000c, 0x2b68: 0x000c, 0x2b69: 0x000c, + 0x2b6a: 0x000c, 0x2b6b: 0x000c, 0x2b6c: 0x000c, + 0x2b70: 0x000c, 0x2b71: 0x000c, 0x2b72: 0x000c, 0x2b73: 0x000c, 0x2b74: 0x000c, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x2b80 + 0x2bb8: 0x000c, 0x2bb9: 0x000c, 0x2bba: 0x000c, 0x2bbb: 0x000c, + 0x2bbc: 0x000c, 0x2bbd: 0x000c, 0x2bbe: 0x000c, 0x2bbf: 0x000c, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x2bc0 + 0x2bc2: 0x000c, 0x2bc3: 0x000c, 0x2bc4: 0x000c, + 0x2bc6: 0x000c, + 0x2bde: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x2c00 + 0x2c33: 0x000c, 0x2c34: 0x000c, 0x2c35: 0x000c, + 0x2c36: 0x000c, 0x2c37: 0x000c, 0x2c38: 0x000c, 0x2c3a: 0x000c, + 0x2c3f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x2c40 + 0x2c40: 0x000c, 0x2c42: 0x000c, 0x2c43: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x2c80 + 0x2cb2: 0x000c, 0x2cb3: 0x000c, 0x2cb4: 0x000c, 0x2cb5: 0x000c, + 0x2cbc: 0x000c, 0x2cbd: 0x000c, 0x2cbf: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x2cc0 + 0x2cc0: 0x000c, + 0x2cdc: 0x000c, 0x2cdd: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x2d00 + 0x2d33: 0x000c, 0x2d34: 0x000c, 0x2d35: 0x000c, + 0x2d36: 0x000c, 0x2d37: 0x000c, 0x2d38: 0x000c, 0x2d39: 0x000c, 0x2d3a: 0x000c, + 0x2d3d: 0x000c, 0x2d3f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x2d40 + 0x2d40: 0x000c, + 0x2d60: 0x000a, 0x2d61: 0x000a, 0x2d62: 0x000a, 0x2d63: 0x000a, + 0x2d64: 0x000a, 0x2d65: 0x000a, 0x2d66: 0x000a, 0x2d67: 0x000a, 0x2d68: 0x000a, 0x2d69: 0x000a, + 0x2d6a: 0x000a, 0x2d6b: 0x000a, 0x2d6c: 0x000a, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x2d80 + 0x2dab: 0x000c, 0x2dad: 0x000c, + 0x2db0: 0x000c, 0x2db1: 0x000c, 0x2db2: 0x000c, 0x2db3: 0x000c, 0x2db4: 0x000c, 0x2db5: 0x000c, + 0x2db7: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x2dc0 + 0x2ddd: 0x000c, + 0x2dde: 0x000c, 0x2ddf: 0x000c, 0x2de2: 0x000c, 0x2de3: 0x000c, + 0x2de4: 0x000c, 0x2de5: 0x000c, 0x2de7: 0x000c, 0x2de8: 0x000c, 0x2de9: 0x000c, + 0x2dea: 0x000c, 0x2deb: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x2e00 + 0x2e2f: 0x000c, + 0x2e30: 0x000c, 0x2e31: 0x000c, 0x2e32: 0x000c, 0x2e33: 0x000c, 0x2e34: 0x000c, 0x2e35: 0x000c, + 0x2e36: 0x000c, 0x2e37: 0x000c, 0x2e39: 0x000c, 0x2e3a: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x2e40 + 0x2e54: 0x000c, 0x2e55: 0x000c, 0x2e56: 0x000c, 0x2e57: 0x000c, + 0x2e5a: 0x000c, 0x2e5b: 0x000c, + 0x2e60: 0x000c, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x2e80 + 0x2e81: 0x000c, 0x2e82: 0x000c, 0x2e83: 0x000c, 0x2e84: 0x000c, 0x2e85: 0x000c, + 0x2e86: 0x000c, 0x2e89: 0x000c, 0x2e8a: 0x000c, + 0x2eb3: 0x000c, 0x2eb4: 0x000c, 0x2eb5: 0x000c, + 0x2eb6: 0x000c, 0x2eb7: 0x000c, 0x2eb8: 0x000c, 0x2ebb: 0x000c, + 0x2ebc: 0x000c, 0x2ebd: 0x000c, 0x2ebe: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x2ec0 + 0x2ec7: 0x000c, + 0x2ed1: 0x000c, + 0x2ed2: 0x000c, 0x2ed3: 0x000c, 0x2ed4: 0x000c, 0x2ed5: 0x000c, 0x2ed6: 0x000c, + 0x2ed9: 0x000c, 0x2eda: 0x000c, 0x2edb: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x2f00 + 0x2f0a: 0x000c, 0x2f0b: 0x000c, + 0x2f0c: 0x000c, 0x2f0d: 0x000c, 0x2f0e: 0x000c, 0x2f0f: 0x000c, 0x2f10: 0x000c, 0x2f11: 0x000c, + 0x2f12: 0x000c, 0x2f13: 0x000c, 0x2f14: 0x000c, 0x2f15: 0x000c, 0x2f16: 0x000c, + 0x2f18: 0x000c, 0x2f19: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x2f40 + 0x2f70: 0x000c, 0x2f71: 0x000c, 0x2f72: 0x000c, 0x2f73: 0x000c, 0x2f74: 0x000c, 0x2f75: 0x000c, + 0x2f76: 0x000c, 0x2f78: 0x000c, 0x2f79: 0x000c, 0x2f7a: 0x000c, 0x2f7b: 0x000c, + 0x2f7c: 0x000c, 0x2f7d: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x2f80 + 0x2f92: 0x000c, 0x2f93: 0x000c, 0x2f94: 0x000c, 0x2f95: 0x000c, 0x2f96: 0x000c, 0x2f97: 0x000c, + 0x2f98: 0x000c, 0x2f99: 0x000c, 0x2f9a: 0x000c, 0x2f9b: 0x000c, 0x2f9c: 0x000c, 0x2f9d: 0x000c, + 0x2f9e: 0x000c, 0x2f9f: 0x000c, 0x2fa0: 0x000c, 0x2fa1: 0x000c, 0x2fa2: 0x000c, 0x2fa3: 0x000c, + 0x2fa4: 0x000c, 0x2fa5: 0x000c, 0x2fa6: 0x000c, 0x2fa7: 0x000c, + 0x2faa: 0x000c, 0x2fab: 0x000c, 0x2fac: 0x000c, 0x2fad: 0x000c, 0x2fae: 0x000c, 0x2faf: 0x000c, + 0x2fb0: 0x000c, 0x2fb2: 0x000c, 0x2fb3: 0x000c, 0x2fb5: 0x000c, + 0x2fb6: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x2fc0 + 0x2ff1: 0x000c, 0x2ff2: 0x000c, 0x2ff3: 0x000c, 0x2ff4: 0x000c, 0x2ff5: 0x000c, + 0x2ff6: 0x000c, 0x2ffa: 0x000c, + 0x2ffc: 0x000c, 0x2ffd: 0x000c, 0x2fff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x3000 + 0x3000: 0x000c, 0x3001: 0x000c, 0x3002: 0x000c, 0x3003: 0x000c, 0x3004: 0x000c, 0x3005: 0x000c, + 0x3007: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x3040 + 0x3050: 0x000c, 0x3051: 0x000c, + 0x3055: 0x000c, 0x3057: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x3080 + 0x30b3: 0x000c, 0x30b4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x30c0 + 0x30d5: 0x000a, 0x30d6: 0x000a, 0x30d7: 0x000a, + 0x30d8: 0x000a, 0x30d9: 0x000a, 0x30da: 0x000a, 0x30db: 0x000a, 0x30dc: 0x000a, 0x30dd: 0x0004, + 0x30de: 0x0004, 0x30df: 0x0004, 0x30e0: 0x0004, 0x30e1: 0x000a, 0x30e2: 0x000a, 0x30e3: 0x000a, + 0x30e4: 0x000a, 0x30e5: 0x000a, 0x30e6: 0x000a, 0x30e7: 0x000a, 0x30e8: 0x000a, 0x30e9: 0x000a, + 0x30ea: 0x000a, 0x30eb: 0x000a, 0x30ec: 0x000a, 0x30ed: 0x000a, 0x30ee: 0x000a, 0x30ef: 0x000a, + 0x30f0: 0x000a, 0x30f1: 0x000a, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x3100 + 0x3130: 0x000c, 0x3131: 0x000c, 0x3132: 0x000c, 0x3133: 0x000c, 0x3134: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x3140 + 0x3170: 0x000c, 0x3171: 0x000c, 0x3172: 0x000c, 0x3173: 0x000c, 0x3174: 0x000c, 0x3175: 0x000c, + 0x3176: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x3180 + 0x318f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x31c0 + 0x31cf: 0x000c, 0x31d0: 0x000c, 0x31d1: 0x000c, + 0x31d2: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x3200 + 0x3222: 0x000a, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x3240 + 0x325d: 0x000c, + 0x325e: 0x000c, 0x3260: 0x000b, 0x3261: 0x000b, 0x3262: 0x000b, 0x3263: 0x000b, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x3280 + 0x32a7: 0x000c, 0x32a8: 0x000c, 0x32a9: 0x000c, + 0x32b3: 0x000b, 0x32b4: 0x000b, 0x32b5: 0x000b, + 0x32b6: 0x000b, 0x32b7: 0x000b, 0x32b8: 0x000b, 0x32b9: 0x000b, 0x32ba: 0x000b, 0x32bb: 0x000c, + 0x32bc: 0x000c, 0x32bd: 0x000c, 0x32be: 0x000c, 0x32bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x32c0 + 0x32c0: 0x000c, 0x32c1: 0x000c, 0x32c2: 0x000c, 0x32c5: 0x000c, + 0x32c6: 0x000c, 0x32c7: 0x000c, 0x32c8: 0x000c, 0x32c9: 0x000c, 0x32ca: 0x000c, 0x32cb: 0x000c, + 0x32ea: 0x000c, 0x32eb: 0x000c, 0x32ec: 0x000c, 0x32ed: 0x000c, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x3300 + 0x3300: 0x000a, 0x3301: 0x000a, 0x3302: 0x000c, 0x3303: 0x000c, 0x3304: 0x000c, 0x3305: 0x000a, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x3340 + 0x3340: 0x000a, 0x3341: 0x000a, 0x3342: 0x000a, 0x3343: 0x000a, 0x3344: 0x000a, 0x3345: 0x000a, + 0x3346: 0x000a, 0x3347: 0x000a, 0x3348: 0x000a, 0x3349: 0x000a, 0x334a: 0x000a, 0x334b: 0x000a, + 0x334c: 0x000a, 0x334d: 0x000a, 0x334e: 0x000a, 0x334f: 0x000a, 0x3350: 0x000a, 0x3351: 0x000a, + 0x3352: 0x000a, 0x3353: 0x000a, 0x3354: 0x000a, 0x3355: 0x000a, 0x3356: 0x000a, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x3380 + 0x339b: 0x000a, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x33c0 + 0x33d5: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x3400 + 0x340f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x3440 + 0x3449: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x3480 + 0x3483: 0x000a, + 0x348e: 0x0002, 0x348f: 0x0002, 0x3490: 0x0002, 0x3491: 0x0002, + 0x3492: 0x0002, 0x3493: 0x0002, 0x3494: 0x0002, 0x3495: 0x0002, 0x3496: 0x0002, 0x3497: 0x0002, + 0x3498: 0x0002, 0x3499: 0x0002, 0x349a: 0x0002, 0x349b: 0x0002, 0x349c: 0x0002, 0x349d: 0x0002, + 0x349e: 0x0002, 0x349f: 0x0002, 0x34a0: 0x0002, 0x34a1: 0x0002, 0x34a2: 0x0002, 0x34a3: 0x0002, + 0x34a4: 0x0002, 0x34a5: 0x0002, 0x34a6: 0x0002, 0x34a7: 0x0002, 0x34a8: 0x0002, 0x34a9: 0x0002, + 0x34aa: 0x0002, 0x34ab: 0x0002, 0x34ac: 0x0002, 0x34ad: 0x0002, 0x34ae: 0x0002, 0x34af: 0x0002, + 0x34b0: 0x0002, 0x34b1: 0x0002, 0x34b2: 0x0002, 0x34b3: 0x0002, 0x34b4: 0x0002, 0x34b5: 0x0002, + 0x34b6: 0x0002, 0x34b7: 0x0002, 0x34b8: 0x0002, 0x34b9: 0x0002, 0x34ba: 0x0002, 0x34bb: 0x0002, + 0x34bc: 0x0002, 0x34bd: 0x0002, 0x34be: 0x0002, 0x34bf: 0x0002, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x34c0 + 0x34c0: 0x000c, 0x34c1: 0x000c, 0x34c2: 0x000c, 0x34c3: 0x000c, 0x34c4: 0x000c, 0x34c5: 0x000c, + 0x34c6: 0x000c, 0x34c7: 0x000c, 0x34c8: 0x000c, 0x34c9: 0x000c, 0x34ca: 0x000c, 0x34cb: 0x000c, + 0x34cc: 0x000c, 0x34cd: 0x000c, 0x34ce: 0x000c, 0x34cf: 0x000c, 0x34d0: 0x000c, 0x34d1: 0x000c, + 0x34d2: 0x000c, 0x34d3: 0x000c, 0x34d4: 0x000c, 0x34d5: 0x000c, 0x34d6: 0x000c, 0x34d7: 0x000c, + 0x34d8: 0x000c, 0x34d9: 0x000c, 0x34da: 0x000c, 0x34db: 0x000c, 0x34dc: 0x000c, 0x34dd: 0x000c, + 0x34de: 0x000c, 0x34df: 0x000c, 0x34e0: 0x000c, 0x34e1: 0x000c, 0x34e2: 0x000c, 0x34e3: 0x000c, + 0x34e4: 0x000c, 0x34e5: 0x000c, 0x34e6: 0x000c, 0x34e7: 0x000c, 0x34e8: 0x000c, 0x34e9: 0x000c, + 0x34ea: 0x000c, 0x34eb: 0x000c, 0x34ec: 0x000c, 0x34ed: 0x000c, 0x34ee: 0x000c, 0x34ef: 0x000c, + 0x34f0: 0x000c, 0x34f1: 0x000c, 0x34f2: 0x000c, 0x34f3: 0x000c, 0x34f4: 0x000c, 0x34f5: 0x000c, + 0x34f6: 0x000c, 0x34fb: 0x000c, + 0x34fc: 0x000c, 0x34fd: 0x000c, 0x34fe: 0x000c, 0x34ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x3500 + 0x3500: 0x000c, 0x3501: 0x000c, 0x3502: 0x000c, 0x3503: 0x000c, 0x3504: 0x000c, 0x3505: 0x000c, + 0x3506: 0x000c, 0x3507: 0x000c, 0x3508: 0x000c, 0x3509: 0x000c, 0x350a: 0x000c, 0x350b: 0x000c, + 0x350c: 0x000c, 0x350d: 0x000c, 0x350e: 0x000c, 0x350f: 0x000c, 0x3510: 0x000c, 0x3511: 0x000c, + 0x3512: 0x000c, 0x3513: 0x000c, 0x3514: 0x000c, 0x3515: 0x000c, 0x3516: 0x000c, 0x3517: 0x000c, + 0x3518: 0x000c, 0x3519: 0x000c, 0x351a: 0x000c, 0x351b: 0x000c, 0x351c: 0x000c, 0x351d: 0x000c, + 0x351e: 0x000c, 0x351f: 0x000c, 0x3520: 0x000c, 0x3521: 0x000c, 0x3522: 0x000c, 0x3523: 0x000c, + 0x3524: 0x000c, 0x3525: 0x000c, 0x3526: 0x000c, 0x3527: 0x000c, 0x3528: 0x000c, 0x3529: 0x000c, + 0x352a: 0x000c, 0x352b: 0x000c, 0x352c: 0x000c, + 0x3535: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x3540 + 0x3544: 0x000c, + 0x355b: 0x000c, 0x355c: 0x000c, 0x355d: 0x000c, + 0x355e: 0x000c, 0x355f: 0x000c, 0x3561: 0x000c, 0x3562: 0x000c, 0x3563: 0x000c, + 0x3564: 0x000c, 0x3565: 0x000c, 0x3566: 0x000c, 0x3567: 0x000c, 0x3568: 0x000c, 0x3569: 0x000c, + 0x356a: 0x000c, 0x356b: 0x000c, 0x356c: 0x000c, 0x356d: 0x000c, 0x356e: 0x000c, 0x356f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x3580 + 0x3580: 0x000c, 0x3581: 0x000c, 0x3582: 0x000c, 0x3583: 0x000c, 0x3584: 0x000c, 0x3585: 0x000c, + 0x3586: 0x000c, 0x3588: 0x000c, 0x3589: 0x000c, 0x358a: 0x000c, 0x358b: 0x000c, + 0x358c: 0x000c, 0x358d: 0x000c, 0x358e: 0x000c, 0x358f: 0x000c, 0x3590: 0x000c, 0x3591: 0x000c, + 0x3592: 0x000c, 0x3593: 0x000c, 0x3594: 0x000c, 0x3595: 0x000c, 0x3596: 0x000c, 0x3597: 0x000c, + 0x3598: 0x000c, 0x359b: 0x000c, 0x359c: 0x000c, 0x359d: 0x000c, + 0x359e: 0x000c, 0x359f: 0x000c, 0x35a0: 0x000c, 0x35a1: 0x000c, 0x35a3: 0x000c, + 0x35a4: 0x000c, 0x35a6: 0x000c, 0x35a7: 0x000c, 0x35a8: 0x000c, 0x35a9: 0x000c, + 0x35aa: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x35c0 + 0x35ec: 0x000c, 0x35ed: 0x000c, 0x35ee: 0x000c, 0x35ef: 0x000c, + 0x35ff: 0x0004, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x3600 + 0x3600: 0x0001, 0x3601: 0x0001, 0x3602: 0x0001, 0x3603: 0x0001, 0x3604: 0x0001, 0x3605: 0x0001, + 0x3606: 0x0001, 0x3607: 0x0001, 0x3608: 0x0001, 0x3609: 0x0001, 0x360a: 0x0001, 0x360b: 0x0001, + 0x360c: 0x0001, 0x360d: 0x0001, 0x360e: 0x0001, 0x360f: 0x0001, 0x3610: 0x000c, 0x3611: 0x000c, + 0x3612: 0x000c, 0x3613: 0x000c, 0x3614: 0x000c, 0x3615: 0x000c, 0x3616: 0x000c, 0x3617: 0x0001, + 0x3618: 0x0001, 0x3619: 0x0001, 0x361a: 0x0001, 0x361b: 0x0001, 0x361c: 0x0001, 0x361d: 0x0001, + 0x361e: 0x0001, 0x361f: 0x0001, 0x3620: 0x0001, 0x3621: 0x0001, 0x3622: 0x0001, 0x3623: 0x0001, + 0x3624: 0x0001, 0x3625: 0x0001, 0x3626: 0x0001, 0x3627: 0x0001, 0x3628: 0x0001, 0x3629: 0x0001, + 0x362a: 0x0001, 0x362b: 0x0001, 0x362c: 0x0001, 0x362d: 0x0001, 0x362e: 0x0001, 0x362f: 0x0001, + 0x3630: 0x0001, 0x3631: 0x0001, 0x3632: 0x0001, 0x3633: 0x0001, 0x3634: 0x0001, 0x3635: 0x0001, + 0x3636: 0x0001, 0x3637: 0x0001, 0x3638: 0x0001, 0x3639: 0x0001, 0x363a: 0x0001, 0x363b: 0x0001, + 0x363c: 0x0001, 0x363d: 0x0001, 0x363e: 0x0001, 0x363f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x3640 + 0x3640: 0x0001, 0x3641: 0x0001, 0x3642: 0x0001, 0x3643: 0x0001, 0x3644: 0x000c, 0x3645: 0x000c, + 0x3646: 0x000c, 0x3647: 0x000c, 0x3648: 0x000c, 0x3649: 0x000c, 0x364a: 0x000c, 0x364b: 0x0001, + 0x364c: 0x0001, 0x364d: 0x0001, 0x364e: 0x0001, 0x364f: 0x0001, 0x3650: 0x0001, 0x3651: 0x0001, + 0x3652: 0x0001, 0x3653: 0x0001, 0x3654: 0x0001, 0x3655: 0x0001, 0x3656: 0x0001, 0x3657: 0x0001, + 0x3658: 0x0001, 0x3659: 0x0001, 0x365a: 0x0001, 0x365b: 0x0001, 0x365c: 0x0001, 0x365d: 0x0001, + 0x365e: 0x0001, 0x365f: 0x0001, 0x3660: 0x0001, 0x3661: 0x0001, 0x3662: 0x0001, 0x3663: 0x0001, + 0x3664: 0x0001, 0x3665: 0x0001, 0x3666: 0x0001, 0x3667: 0x0001, 0x3668: 0x0001, 0x3669: 0x0001, + 0x366a: 0x0001, 0x366b: 0x0001, 0x366c: 0x0001, 0x366d: 0x0001, 0x366e: 0x0001, 0x366f: 0x0001, + 0x3670: 0x0001, 0x3671: 0x0001, 0x3672: 0x0001, 0x3673: 0x0001, 0x3674: 0x0001, 0x3675: 0x0001, + 0x3676: 0x0001, 0x3677: 0x0001, 0x3678: 0x0001, 0x3679: 0x0001, 0x367a: 0x0001, 0x367b: 0x0001, + 0x367c: 0x0001, 0x367d: 0x0001, 0x367e: 0x0001, 0x367f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x3680 + 0x3680: 0x000d, 0x3681: 0x000d, 0x3682: 0x000d, 0x3683: 0x000d, 0x3684: 0x000d, 0x3685: 0x000d, + 0x3686: 0x000d, 0x3687: 0x000d, 0x3688: 0x000d, 0x3689: 0x000d, 0x368a: 0x000d, 0x368b: 0x000d, + 0x368c: 0x000d, 0x368d: 0x000d, 0x368e: 0x000d, 0x368f: 0x000d, 0x3690: 0x0001, 0x3691: 0x0001, + 0x3692: 0x0001, 0x3693: 0x0001, 0x3694: 0x0001, 0x3695: 0x0001, 0x3696: 0x0001, 0x3697: 0x0001, + 0x3698: 0x0001, 0x3699: 0x0001, 0x369a: 0x0001, 0x369b: 0x0001, 0x369c: 0x0001, 0x369d: 0x0001, + 0x369e: 0x0001, 0x369f: 0x0001, 0x36a0: 0x0001, 0x36a1: 0x0001, 0x36a2: 0x0001, 0x36a3: 0x0001, + 0x36a4: 0x0001, 0x36a5: 0x0001, 0x36a6: 0x0001, 0x36a7: 0x0001, 0x36a8: 0x0001, 0x36a9: 0x0001, + 0x36aa: 0x0001, 0x36ab: 0x0001, 0x36ac: 0x0001, 0x36ad: 0x0001, 0x36ae: 0x0001, 0x36af: 0x0001, + 0x36b0: 0x0001, 0x36b1: 0x0001, 0x36b2: 0x0001, 0x36b3: 0x0001, 0x36b4: 0x0001, 0x36b5: 0x0001, + 0x36b6: 0x0001, 0x36b7: 0x0001, 0x36b8: 0x0001, 0x36b9: 0x0001, 0x36ba: 0x0001, 0x36bb: 0x0001, + 0x36bc: 0x0001, 0x36bd: 0x0001, 0x36be: 0x0001, 0x36bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x36c0 + 0x36c0: 0x000d, 0x36c1: 0x000d, 0x36c2: 0x000d, 0x36c3: 0x000d, 0x36c4: 0x000d, 0x36c5: 0x000d, + 0x36c6: 0x000d, 0x36c7: 0x000d, 0x36c8: 0x000d, 0x36c9: 0x000d, 0x36ca: 0x000d, 0x36cb: 0x000d, + 0x36cc: 0x000d, 0x36cd: 0x000d, 0x36ce: 0x000d, 0x36cf: 0x000d, 0x36d0: 0x000d, 0x36d1: 0x000d, + 0x36d2: 0x000d, 0x36d3: 0x000d, 0x36d4: 0x000d, 0x36d5: 0x000d, 0x36d6: 0x000d, 0x36d7: 0x000d, + 0x36d8: 0x000d, 0x36d9: 0x000d, 0x36da: 0x000d, 0x36db: 0x000d, 0x36dc: 0x000d, 0x36dd: 0x000d, + 0x36de: 0x000d, 0x36df: 0x000d, 0x36e0: 0x000d, 0x36e1: 0x000d, 0x36e2: 0x000d, 0x36e3: 0x000d, + 0x36e4: 0x000d, 0x36e5: 0x000d, 0x36e6: 0x000d, 0x36e7: 0x000d, 0x36e8: 0x000d, 0x36e9: 0x000d, + 0x36ea: 0x000d, 0x36eb: 0x000d, 0x36ec: 0x000d, 0x36ed: 0x000d, 0x36ee: 0x000d, 0x36ef: 0x000d, + 0x36f0: 0x000a, 0x36f1: 0x000a, 0x36f2: 0x000d, 0x36f3: 0x000d, 0x36f4: 0x000d, 0x36f5: 0x000d, + 0x36f6: 0x000d, 0x36f7: 0x000d, 0x36f8: 0x000d, 0x36f9: 0x000d, 0x36fa: 0x000d, 0x36fb: 0x000d, + 0x36fc: 0x000d, 0x36fd: 0x000d, 0x36fe: 0x000d, 0x36ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x3700 + 0x3700: 0x000a, 0x3701: 0x000a, 0x3702: 0x000a, 0x3703: 0x000a, 0x3704: 0x000a, 0x3705: 0x000a, + 0x3706: 0x000a, 0x3707: 0x000a, 0x3708: 0x000a, 0x3709: 0x000a, 0x370a: 0x000a, 0x370b: 0x000a, + 0x370c: 0x000a, 0x370d: 0x000a, 0x370e: 0x000a, 0x370f: 0x000a, 0x3710: 0x000a, 0x3711: 0x000a, + 0x3712: 0x000a, 0x3713: 0x000a, 0x3714: 0x000a, 0x3715: 0x000a, 0x3716: 0x000a, 0x3717: 0x000a, + 0x3718: 0x000a, 0x3719: 0x000a, 0x371a: 0x000a, 0x371b: 0x000a, 0x371c: 0x000a, 0x371d: 0x000a, + 0x371e: 0x000a, 0x371f: 0x000a, 0x3720: 0x000a, 0x3721: 0x000a, 0x3722: 0x000a, 0x3723: 0x000a, + 0x3724: 0x000a, 0x3725: 0x000a, 0x3726: 0x000a, 0x3727: 0x000a, 0x3728: 0x000a, 0x3729: 0x000a, + 0x372a: 0x000a, 0x372b: 0x000a, + 0x3730: 0x000a, 0x3731: 0x000a, 0x3732: 0x000a, 0x3733: 0x000a, 0x3734: 0x000a, 0x3735: 0x000a, + 0x3736: 0x000a, 0x3737: 0x000a, 0x3738: 0x000a, 0x3739: 0x000a, 0x373a: 0x000a, 0x373b: 0x000a, + 0x373c: 0x000a, 0x373d: 0x000a, 0x373e: 0x000a, 0x373f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x3740 + 0x3740: 0x000a, 0x3741: 0x000a, 0x3742: 0x000a, 0x3743: 0x000a, 0x3744: 0x000a, 0x3745: 0x000a, + 0x3746: 0x000a, 0x3747: 0x000a, 0x3748: 0x000a, 0x3749: 0x000a, 0x374a: 0x000a, 0x374b: 0x000a, + 0x374c: 0x000a, 0x374d: 0x000a, 0x374e: 0x000a, 0x374f: 0x000a, 0x3750: 0x000a, 0x3751: 0x000a, + 0x3752: 0x000a, 0x3753: 0x000a, + 0x3760: 0x000a, 0x3761: 0x000a, 0x3762: 0x000a, 0x3763: 0x000a, + 0x3764: 0x000a, 0x3765: 0x000a, 0x3766: 0x000a, 0x3767: 0x000a, 0x3768: 0x000a, 0x3769: 0x000a, + 0x376a: 0x000a, 0x376b: 0x000a, 0x376c: 0x000a, 0x376d: 0x000a, 0x376e: 0x000a, + 0x3771: 0x000a, 0x3772: 0x000a, 0x3773: 0x000a, 0x3774: 0x000a, 0x3775: 0x000a, + 0x3776: 0x000a, 0x3777: 0x000a, 0x3778: 0x000a, 0x3779: 0x000a, 0x377a: 0x000a, 0x377b: 0x000a, + 0x377c: 0x000a, 0x377d: 0x000a, 0x377e: 0x000a, 0x377f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x3780 + 0x3781: 0x000a, 0x3782: 0x000a, 0x3783: 0x000a, 0x3784: 0x000a, 0x3785: 0x000a, + 0x3786: 0x000a, 0x3787: 0x000a, 0x3788: 0x000a, 0x3789: 0x000a, 0x378a: 0x000a, 0x378b: 0x000a, + 0x378c: 0x000a, 0x378d: 0x000a, 0x378e: 0x000a, 0x378f: 0x000a, 0x3791: 0x000a, + 0x3792: 0x000a, 0x3793: 0x000a, 0x3794: 0x000a, 0x3795: 0x000a, 0x3796: 0x000a, 0x3797: 0x000a, + 0x3798: 0x000a, 0x3799: 0x000a, 0x379a: 0x000a, 0x379b: 0x000a, 0x379c: 0x000a, 0x379d: 0x000a, + 0x379e: 0x000a, 0x379f: 0x000a, 0x37a0: 0x000a, 0x37a1: 0x000a, 0x37a2: 0x000a, 0x37a3: 0x000a, + 0x37a4: 0x000a, 0x37a5: 0x000a, 0x37a6: 0x000a, 0x37a7: 0x000a, 0x37a8: 0x000a, 0x37a9: 0x000a, + 0x37aa: 0x000a, 0x37ab: 0x000a, 0x37ac: 0x000a, 0x37ad: 0x000a, 0x37ae: 0x000a, 0x37af: 0x000a, + 0x37b0: 0x000a, 0x37b1: 0x000a, 0x37b2: 0x000a, 0x37b3: 0x000a, 0x37b4: 0x000a, 0x37b5: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x37c0 + 0x37c0: 0x0002, 0x37c1: 0x0002, 0x37c2: 0x0002, 0x37c3: 0x0002, 0x37c4: 0x0002, 0x37c5: 0x0002, + 0x37c6: 0x0002, 0x37c7: 0x0002, 0x37c8: 0x0002, 0x37c9: 0x0002, 0x37ca: 0x0002, 0x37cb: 0x000a, + 0x37cc: 0x000a, + 0x37ef: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x3800 + 0x382a: 0x000a, 0x382b: 0x000a, 0x382c: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x3840 + 0x3860: 0x000a, 0x3861: 0x000a, 0x3862: 0x000a, 0x3863: 0x000a, + 0x3864: 0x000a, 0x3865: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x3880 + 0x3880: 0x000a, 0x3881: 0x000a, 0x3882: 0x000a, 0x3883: 0x000a, 0x3884: 0x000a, 0x3885: 0x000a, + 0x3886: 0x000a, 0x3887: 0x000a, 0x3888: 0x000a, 0x3889: 0x000a, 0x388a: 0x000a, 0x388b: 0x000a, + 0x388c: 0x000a, 0x388d: 0x000a, 0x388e: 0x000a, 0x388f: 0x000a, 0x3890: 0x000a, 0x3891: 0x000a, + 0x3892: 0x000a, 0x3893: 0x000a, 0x3894: 0x000a, 0x3895: 0x000a, + 0x38a0: 0x000a, 0x38a1: 0x000a, 0x38a2: 0x000a, 0x38a3: 0x000a, + 0x38a4: 0x000a, 0x38a5: 0x000a, 0x38a6: 0x000a, 0x38a7: 0x000a, 0x38a8: 0x000a, 0x38a9: 0x000a, + 0x38aa: 0x000a, 0x38ab: 0x000a, 0x38ac: 0x000a, + 0x38b0: 0x000a, 0x38b1: 0x000a, 0x38b2: 0x000a, 0x38b3: 0x000a, 0x38b4: 0x000a, 0x38b5: 0x000a, + 0x38b6: 0x000a, 0x38b7: 0x000a, 0x38b8: 0x000a, 0x38b9: 0x000a, 0x38ba: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x38c0 + 0x38c0: 0x000a, 0x38c1: 0x000a, 0x38c2: 0x000a, 0x38c3: 0x000a, 0x38c4: 0x000a, 0x38c5: 0x000a, + 0x38c6: 0x000a, 0x38c7: 0x000a, 0x38c8: 0x000a, 0x38c9: 0x000a, 0x38ca: 0x000a, 0x38cb: 0x000a, + 0x38cc: 0x000a, 0x38cd: 0x000a, 0x38ce: 0x000a, 0x38cf: 0x000a, 0x38d0: 0x000a, 0x38d1: 0x000a, + 0x38d2: 0x000a, 0x38d3: 0x000a, 0x38d4: 0x000a, 0x38d5: 0x000a, 0x38d6: 0x000a, 0x38d7: 0x000a, + 0x38d8: 0x000a, + 0x38e0: 0x000a, 0x38e1: 0x000a, 0x38e2: 0x000a, 0x38e3: 0x000a, + 0x38e4: 0x000a, 0x38e5: 0x000a, 0x38e6: 0x000a, 0x38e7: 0x000a, 0x38e8: 0x000a, 0x38e9: 0x000a, + 0x38ea: 0x000a, 0x38eb: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x3900 + 0x3900: 0x000a, 0x3901: 0x000a, 0x3902: 0x000a, 0x3903: 0x000a, 0x3904: 0x000a, 0x3905: 0x000a, + 0x3906: 0x000a, 0x3907: 0x000a, 0x3908: 0x000a, 0x3909: 0x000a, 0x390a: 0x000a, 0x390b: 0x000a, + 0x3910: 0x000a, 0x3911: 0x000a, + 0x3912: 0x000a, 0x3913: 0x000a, 0x3914: 0x000a, 0x3915: 0x000a, 0x3916: 0x000a, 0x3917: 0x000a, + 0x3918: 0x000a, 0x3919: 0x000a, 0x391a: 0x000a, 0x391b: 0x000a, 0x391c: 0x000a, 0x391d: 0x000a, + 0x391e: 0x000a, 0x391f: 0x000a, 0x3920: 0x000a, 0x3921: 0x000a, 0x3922: 0x000a, 0x3923: 0x000a, + 0x3924: 0x000a, 0x3925: 0x000a, 0x3926: 0x000a, 0x3927: 0x000a, 0x3928: 0x000a, 0x3929: 0x000a, + 0x392a: 0x000a, 0x392b: 0x000a, 0x392c: 0x000a, 0x392d: 0x000a, 0x392e: 0x000a, 0x392f: 0x000a, + 0x3930: 0x000a, 0x3931: 0x000a, 0x3932: 0x000a, 0x3933: 0x000a, 0x3934: 0x000a, 0x3935: 0x000a, + 0x3936: 0x000a, 0x3937: 0x000a, 0x3938: 0x000a, 0x3939: 0x000a, 0x393a: 0x000a, 0x393b: 0x000a, + 0x393c: 0x000a, 0x393d: 0x000a, 0x393e: 0x000a, 0x393f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x3940 + 0x3940: 0x000a, 0x3941: 0x000a, 0x3942: 0x000a, 0x3943: 0x000a, 0x3944: 0x000a, 0x3945: 0x000a, + 0x3946: 0x000a, 0x3947: 0x000a, + 0x3950: 0x000a, 0x3951: 0x000a, + 0x3952: 0x000a, 0x3953: 0x000a, 0x3954: 0x000a, 0x3955: 0x000a, 0x3956: 0x000a, 0x3957: 0x000a, + 0x3958: 0x000a, 0x3959: 0x000a, + 0x3960: 0x000a, 0x3961: 0x000a, 0x3962: 0x000a, 0x3963: 0x000a, + 0x3964: 0x000a, 0x3965: 0x000a, 0x3966: 0x000a, 0x3967: 0x000a, 0x3968: 0x000a, 0x3969: 0x000a, + 0x396a: 0x000a, 0x396b: 0x000a, 0x396c: 0x000a, 0x396d: 0x000a, 0x396e: 0x000a, 0x396f: 0x000a, + 0x3970: 0x000a, 0x3971: 0x000a, 0x3972: 0x000a, 0x3973: 0x000a, 0x3974: 0x000a, 0x3975: 0x000a, + 0x3976: 0x000a, 0x3977: 0x000a, 0x3978: 0x000a, 0x3979: 0x000a, 0x397a: 0x000a, 0x397b: 0x000a, + 0x397c: 0x000a, 0x397d: 0x000a, 0x397e: 0x000a, 0x397f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x3980 + 0x3980: 0x000a, 0x3981: 0x000a, 0x3982: 0x000a, 0x3983: 0x000a, 0x3984: 0x000a, 0x3985: 0x000a, + 0x3986: 0x000a, 0x3987: 0x000a, + 0x3990: 0x000a, 0x3991: 0x000a, + 0x3992: 0x000a, 0x3993: 0x000a, 0x3994: 0x000a, 0x3995: 0x000a, 0x3996: 0x000a, 0x3997: 0x000a, + 0x3998: 0x000a, 0x3999: 0x000a, 0x399a: 0x000a, 0x399b: 0x000a, 0x399c: 0x000a, 0x399d: 0x000a, + 0x399e: 0x000a, 0x399f: 0x000a, 0x39a0: 0x000a, 0x39a1: 0x000a, 0x39a2: 0x000a, 0x39a3: 0x000a, + 0x39a4: 0x000a, 0x39a5: 0x000a, 0x39a6: 0x000a, 0x39a7: 0x000a, 0x39a8: 0x000a, 0x39a9: 0x000a, + 0x39aa: 0x000a, 0x39ab: 0x000a, 0x39ac: 0x000a, 0x39ad: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x39c0 + 0x39c0: 0x000a, 0x39c1: 0x000a, 0x39c2: 0x000a, 0x39c3: 0x000a, 0x39c4: 0x000a, 0x39c5: 0x000a, + 0x39c6: 0x000a, 0x39c7: 0x000a, 0x39c8: 0x000a, 0x39c9: 0x000a, 0x39ca: 0x000a, 0x39cb: 0x000a, + 0x39cd: 0x000a, 0x39ce: 0x000a, 0x39cf: 0x000a, 0x39d0: 0x000a, 0x39d1: 0x000a, + 0x39d2: 0x000a, 0x39d3: 0x000a, 0x39d4: 0x000a, 0x39d5: 0x000a, 0x39d6: 0x000a, 0x39d7: 0x000a, + 0x39d8: 0x000a, 0x39d9: 0x000a, 0x39da: 0x000a, 0x39db: 0x000a, 0x39dc: 0x000a, 0x39dd: 0x000a, + 0x39de: 0x000a, 0x39df: 0x000a, 0x39e0: 0x000a, 0x39e1: 0x000a, 0x39e2: 0x000a, 0x39e3: 0x000a, + 0x39e4: 0x000a, 0x39e5: 0x000a, 0x39e6: 0x000a, 0x39e7: 0x000a, 0x39e8: 0x000a, 0x39e9: 0x000a, + 0x39ea: 0x000a, 0x39eb: 0x000a, 0x39ec: 0x000a, 0x39ed: 0x000a, 0x39ee: 0x000a, 0x39ef: 0x000a, + 0x39f0: 0x000a, 0x39f1: 0x000a, 0x39f2: 0x000a, 0x39f3: 0x000a, 0x39f4: 0x000a, 0x39f5: 0x000a, + 0x39f6: 0x000a, 0x39f7: 0x000a, 0x39f8: 0x000a, 0x39f9: 0x000a, 0x39fa: 0x000a, 0x39fb: 0x000a, + 0x39fc: 0x000a, 0x39fd: 0x000a, 0x39fe: 0x000a, 0x39ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x3a00 + 0x3a00: 0x000a, 0x3a01: 0x000a, 0x3a02: 0x000a, 0x3a03: 0x000a, 0x3a04: 0x000a, 0x3a05: 0x000a, + 0x3a06: 0x000a, 0x3a07: 0x000a, 0x3a08: 0x000a, 0x3a09: 0x000a, 0x3a0a: 0x000a, 0x3a0b: 0x000a, + 0x3a0c: 0x000a, 0x3a0d: 0x000a, 0x3a0e: 0x000a, 0x3a0f: 0x000a, 0x3a10: 0x000a, 0x3a11: 0x000a, + 0x3a12: 0x000a, 0x3a13: 0x000a, 0x3a14: 0x000a, 0x3a15: 0x000a, 0x3a16: 0x000a, 0x3a17: 0x000a, + 0x3a18: 0x000a, 0x3a19: 0x000a, 0x3a1a: 0x000a, 0x3a1b: 0x000a, 0x3a1c: 0x000a, 0x3a1d: 0x000a, + 0x3a1e: 0x000a, 0x3a1f: 0x000a, 0x3a20: 0x000a, 0x3a21: 0x000a, 0x3a22: 0x000a, 0x3a23: 0x000a, + 0x3a24: 0x000a, 0x3a25: 0x000a, 0x3a26: 0x000a, 0x3a27: 0x000a, 0x3a28: 0x000a, 0x3a29: 0x000a, + 0x3a2a: 0x000a, 0x3a2b: 0x000a, 0x3a2c: 0x000a, 0x3a2d: 0x000a, 0x3a2e: 0x000a, 0x3a2f: 0x000a, + 0x3a30: 0x000a, 0x3a31: 0x000a, 0x3a33: 0x000a, 0x3a34: 0x000a, 0x3a35: 0x000a, + 0x3a36: 0x000a, 0x3a3a: 0x000a, 0x3a3b: 0x000a, + 0x3a3c: 0x000a, 0x3a3d: 0x000a, 0x3a3e: 0x000a, 0x3a3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x3a40 + 0x3a40: 0x000a, 0x3a41: 0x000a, 0x3a42: 0x000a, 0x3a43: 0x000a, 0x3a44: 0x000a, 0x3a45: 0x000a, + 0x3a46: 0x000a, 0x3a47: 0x000a, 0x3a48: 0x000a, 0x3a49: 0x000a, 0x3a4a: 0x000a, 0x3a4b: 0x000a, + 0x3a4c: 0x000a, 0x3a4d: 0x000a, 0x3a4e: 0x000a, 0x3a4f: 0x000a, 0x3a50: 0x000a, 0x3a51: 0x000a, + 0x3a52: 0x000a, 0x3a53: 0x000a, 0x3a54: 0x000a, 0x3a55: 0x000a, 0x3a56: 0x000a, 0x3a57: 0x000a, + 0x3a58: 0x000a, 0x3a59: 0x000a, 0x3a5a: 0x000a, 0x3a5b: 0x000a, 0x3a5c: 0x000a, 0x3a5d: 0x000a, + 0x3a5e: 0x000a, 0x3a5f: 0x000a, 0x3a60: 0x000a, 0x3a61: 0x000a, 0x3a62: 0x000a, + 0x3a65: 0x000a, 0x3a66: 0x000a, 0x3a67: 0x000a, 0x3a68: 0x000a, 0x3a69: 0x000a, + 0x3a6a: 0x000a, 0x3a6e: 0x000a, 0x3a6f: 0x000a, + 0x3a70: 0x000a, 0x3a71: 0x000a, 0x3a72: 0x000a, 0x3a73: 0x000a, 0x3a74: 0x000a, 0x3a75: 0x000a, + 0x3a76: 0x000a, 0x3a77: 0x000a, 0x3a78: 0x000a, 0x3a79: 0x000a, 0x3a7a: 0x000a, 0x3a7b: 0x000a, + 0x3a7c: 0x000a, 0x3a7d: 0x000a, 0x3a7e: 0x000a, 0x3a7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x3a80 + 0x3a80: 0x000a, 0x3a81: 0x000a, 0x3a82: 0x000a, 0x3a83: 0x000a, 0x3a84: 0x000a, 0x3a85: 0x000a, + 0x3a86: 0x000a, 0x3a87: 0x000a, 0x3a88: 0x000a, 0x3a89: 0x000a, 0x3a8a: 0x000a, + 0x3a8d: 0x000a, 0x3a8e: 0x000a, 0x3a8f: 0x000a, 0x3a90: 0x000a, 0x3a91: 0x000a, + 0x3a92: 0x000a, 0x3a93: 0x000a, 0x3a94: 0x000a, 0x3a95: 0x000a, 0x3a96: 0x000a, 0x3a97: 0x000a, + 0x3a98: 0x000a, 0x3a99: 0x000a, 0x3a9a: 0x000a, 0x3a9b: 0x000a, 0x3a9c: 0x000a, 0x3a9d: 0x000a, + 0x3a9e: 0x000a, 0x3a9f: 0x000a, 0x3aa0: 0x000a, 0x3aa1: 0x000a, 0x3aa2: 0x000a, 0x3aa3: 0x000a, + 0x3aa4: 0x000a, 0x3aa5: 0x000a, 0x3aa6: 0x000a, 0x3aa7: 0x000a, 0x3aa8: 0x000a, 0x3aa9: 0x000a, + 0x3aaa: 0x000a, 0x3aab: 0x000a, 0x3aac: 0x000a, 0x3aad: 0x000a, 0x3aae: 0x000a, 0x3aaf: 0x000a, + 0x3ab0: 0x000a, 0x3ab1: 0x000a, 0x3ab2: 0x000a, 0x3ab3: 0x000a, 0x3ab4: 0x000a, 0x3ab5: 0x000a, + 0x3ab6: 0x000a, 0x3ab7: 0x000a, 0x3ab8: 0x000a, 0x3ab9: 0x000a, 0x3aba: 0x000a, 0x3abb: 0x000a, + 0x3abc: 0x000a, 0x3abd: 0x000a, 0x3abe: 0x000a, 0x3abf: 0x000a, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x3ac0 + 0x3ac0: 0x000a, 0x3ac1: 0x000a, 0x3ac2: 0x000a, 0x3ac3: 0x000a, 0x3ac4: 0x000a, 0x3ac5: 0x000a, + 0x3ac6: 0x000a, 0x3ac7: 0x000a, 0x3ac8: 0x000a, 0x3ac9: 0x000a, 0x3aca: 0x000a, 0x3acb: 0x000a, + 0x3acc: 0x000a, 0x3acd: 0x000a, 0x3ace: 0x000a, 0x3acf: 0x000a, 0x3ad0: 0x000a, 0x3ad1: 0x000a, + 0x3ad2: 0x000a, 0x3ad3: 0x000a, + 0x3ae0: 0x000a, 0x3ae1: 0x000a, 0x3ae2: 0x000a, 0x3ae3: 0x000a, + 0x3ae4: 0x000a, 0x3ae5: 0x000a, 0x3ae6: 0x000a, 0x3ae7: 0x000a, 0x3ae8: 0x000a, 0x3ae9: 0x000a, + 0x3aea: 0x000a, 0x3aeb: 0x000a, 0x3aec: 0x000a, 0x3aed: 0x000a, + 0x3af0: 0x000a, 0x3af1: 0x000a, 0x3af2: 0x000a, 0x3af3: 0x000a, + 0x3af8: 0x000a, 0x3af9: 0x000a, 0x3afa: 0x000a, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x3b00 + 0x3b00: 0x000a, 0x3b01: 0x000a, 0x3b02: 0x000a, + 0x3b10: 0x000a, 0x3b11: 0x000a, + 0x3b12: 0x000a, 0x3b13: 0x000a, 0x3b14: 0x000a, 0x3b15: 0x000a, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x3b40 + 0x3b7e: 0x000b, 0x3b7f: 0x000b, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x3b80 + 0x3b80: 0x000b, 0x3b81: 0x000b, 0x3b82: 0x000b, 0x3b83: 0x000b, 0x3b84: 0x000b, 0x3b85: 0x000b, + 0x3b86: 0x000b, 0x3b87: 0x000b, 0x3b88: 0x000b, 0x3b89: 0x000b, 0x3b8a: 0x000b, 0x3b8b: 0x000b, + 0x3b8c: 0x000b, 0x3b8d: 0x000b, 0x3b8e: 0x000b, 0x3b8f: 0x000b, 0x3b90: 0x000b, 0x3b91: 0x000b, + 0x3b92: 0x000b, 0x3b93: 0x000b, 0x3b94: 0x000b, 0x3b95: 0x000b, 0x3b96: 0x000b, 0x3b97: 0x000b, + 0x3b98: 0x000b, 0x3b99: 0x000b, 0x3b9a: 0x000b, 0x3b9b: 0x000b, 0x3b9c: 0x000b, 0x3b9d: 0x000b, + 0x3b9e: 0x000b, 0x3b9f: 0x000b, 0x3ba0: 0x000b, 0x3ba1: 0x000b, 0x3ba2: 0x000b, 0x3ba3: 0x000b, + 0x3ba4: 0x000b, 0x3ba5: 0x000b, 0x3ba6: 0x000b, 0x3ba7: 0x000b, 0x3ba8: 0x000b, 0x3ba9: 0x000b, + 0x3baa: 0x000b, 0x3bab: 0x000b, 0x3bac: 0x000b, 0x3bad: 0x000b, 0x3bae: 0x000b, 0x3baf: 0x000b, + 0x3bb0: 0x000b, 0x3bb1: 0x000b, 0x3bb2: 0x000b, 0x3bb3: 0x000b, 0x3bb4: 0x000b, 0x3bb5: 0x000b, + 0x3bb6: 0x000b, 0x3bb7: 0x000b, 0x3bb8: 0x000b, 0x3bb9: 0x000b, 0x3bba: 0x000b, 0x3bbb: 0x000b, + 0x3bbc: 0x000b, 0x3bbd: 0x000b, 0x3bbe: 0x000b, 0x3bbf: 0x000b, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x3bc0 + 0x3bc0: 0x000c, 0x3bc1: 0x000c, 0x3bc2: 0x000c, 0x3bc3: 0x000c, 0x3bc4: 0x000c, 0x3bc5: 0x000c, + 0x3bc6: 0x000c, 0x3bc7: 0x000c, 0x3bc8: 0x000c, 0x3bc9: 0x000c, 0x3bca: 0x000c, 0x3bcb: 0x000c, + 0x3bcc: 0x000c, 0x3bcd: 0x000c, 0x3bce: 0x000c, 0x3bcf: 0x000c, 0x3bd0: 0x000c, 0x3bd1: 0x000c, + 0x3bd2: 0x000c, 0x3bd3: 0x000c, 0x3bd4: 0x000c, 0x3bd5: 0x000c, 0x3bd6: 0x000c, 0x3bd7: 0x000c, + 0x3bd8: 0x000c, 0x3bd9: 0x000c, 0x3bda: 0x000c, 0x3bdb: 0x000c, 0x3bdc: 0x000c, 0x3bdd: 0x000c, + 0x3bde: 0x000c, 0x3bdf: 0x000c, 0x3be0: 0x000c, 0x3be1: 0x000c, 0x3be2: 0x000c, 0x3be3: 0x000c, + 0x3be4: 0x000c, 0x3be5: 0x000c, 0x3be6: 0x000c, 0x3be7: 0x000c, 0x3be8: 0x000c, 0x3be9: 0x000c, + 0x3bea: 0x000c, 0x3beb: 0x000c, 0x3bec: 0x000c, 0x3bed: 0x000c, 0x3bee: 0x000c, 0x3bef: 0x000c, + 0x3bf0: 0x000b, 0x3bf1: 0x000b, 0x3bf2: 0x000b, 0x3bf3: 0x000b, 0x3bf4: 0x000b, 0x3bf5: 0x000b, + 0x3bf6: 0x000b, 0x3bf7: 0x000b, 0x3bf8: 0x000b, 0x3bf9: 0x000b, 0x3bfa: 0x000b, 0x3bfb: 0x000b, + 0x3bfc: 0x000b, 0x3bfd: 0x000b, 0x3bfe: 0x000b, 0x3bff: 0x000b, +} + +// bidiIndex: 24 blocks, 1536 entries, 1536 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var bidiIndex = [1536]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, + 0xca: 0x03, 0xcb: 0x04, 0xcc: 0x05, 0xcd: 0x06, 0xce: 0x07, 0xcf: 0x08, + 0xd2: 0x09, 0xd6: 0x0a, 0xd7: 0x0b, + 0xd8: 0x0c, 0xd9: 0x0d, 0xda: 0x0e, 0xdb: 0x0f, 0xdc: 0x10, 0xdd: 0x11, 0xde: 0x12, 0xdf: 0x13, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, 0xe4: 0x06, + 0xea: 0x07, 0xef: 0x08, + 0xf0: 0x11, 0xf1: 0x12, 0xf2: 0x12, 0xf3: 0x14, 0xf4: 0x15, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x14, 0x121: 0x15, 0x122: 0x16, 0x123: 0x17, 0x124: 0x18, 0x125: 0x19, 0x126: 0x1a, 0x127: 0x1b, + 0x128: 0x1c, 0x129: 0x1d, 0x12a: 0x1c, 0x12b: 0x1e, 0x12c: 0x1f, 0x12d: 0x20, 0x12e: 0x21, 0x12f: 0x22, + 0x130: 0x23, 0x131: 0x24, 0x132: 0x1a, 0x133: 0x25, 0x134: 0x26, 0x135: 0x27, 0x137: 0x28, + 0x138: 0x29, 0x139: 0x2a, 0x13a: 0x2b, 0x13b: 0x2c, 0x13c: 0x2d, 0x13d: 0x2e, 0x13e: 0x2f, 0x13f: 0x30, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x31, 0x141: 0x32, 0x142: 0x33, + 0x14d: 0x34, 0x14e: 0x35, + 0x150: 0x36, + 0x15a: 0x37, 0x15c: 0x38, 0x15d: 0x39, 0x15e: 0x3a, 0x15f: 0x3b, + 0x160: 0x3c, 0x162: 0x3d, 0x164: 0x3e, 0x165: 0x3f, 0x167: 0x40, + 0x168: 0x41, 0x169: 0x42, 0x16a: 0x43, 0x16c: 0x44, 0x16d: 0x45, 0x16e: 0x46, 0x16f: 0x47, + 0x170: 0x48, 0x173: 0x49, 0x177: 0x4a, + 0x17e: 0x4b, 0x17f: 0x4c, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x4d, 0x181: 0x4e, 0x182: 0x4f, 0x183: 0x50, 0x184: 0x51, 0x185: 0x52, 0x186: 0x53, 0x187: 0x54, + 0x188: 0x55, 0x189: 0x54, 0x18a: 0x54, 0x18b: 0x54, 0x18c: 0x56, 0x18d: 0x57, 0x18e: 0x58, 0x18f: 0x54, + 0x190: 0x59, 0x191: 0x5a, 0x192: 0x5b, 0x193: 0x5c, 0x194: 0x54, 0x195: 0x54, 0x196: 0x54, 0x197: 0x54, + 0x198: 0x54, 0x199: 0x54, 0x19a: 0x5d, 0x19b: 0x54, 0x19c: 0x54, 0x19d: 0x5e, 0x19e: 0x54, 0x19f: 0x5f, + 0x1a4: 0x54, 0x1a5: 0x54, 0x1a6: 0x60, 0x1a7: 0x61, + 0x1a8: 0x54, 0x1a9: 0x54, 0x1aa: 0x54, 0x1ab: 0x54, 0x1ac: 0x54, 0x1ad: 0x62, 0x1ae: 0x63, 0x1af: 0x54, + 0x1b3: 0x64, 0x1b5: 0x65, 0x1b7: 0x66, + 0x1b8: 0x67, 0x1b9: 0x68, 0x1ba: 0x69, 0x1bb: 0x6a, 0x1bc: 0x54, 0x1bd: 0x54, 0x1be: 0x54, 0x1bf: 0x6b, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x6c, 0x1c2: 0x6d, 0x1c3: 0x6e, 0x1c7: 0x6f, + 0x1c8: 0x70, 0x1c9: 0x71, 0x1ca: 0x72, 0x1cb: 0x73, 0x1cd: 0x74, 0x1cf: 0x75, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x237: 0x54, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x252: 0x76, 0x253: 0x77, + 0x258: 0x78, 0x259: 0x79, 0x25a: 0x7a, 0x25b: 0x7b, 0x25c: 0x7c, 0x25e: 0x7d, + 0x260: 0x7e, 0x261: 0x7f, 0x263: 0x80, 0x264: 0x81, 0x265: 0x82, 0x266: 0x83, 0x267: 0x84, + 0x268: 0x85, 0x269: 0x86, 0x26a: 0x87, 0x26b: 0x88, 0x26f: 0x89, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x2ac: 0x8a, 0x2ad: 0x8b, 0x2ae: 0x0e, 0x2af: 0x0e, + 0x2b0: 0x0e, 0x2b1: 0x0e, 0x2b2: 0x0e, 0x2b3: 0x0e, 0x2b4: 0x8c, 0x2b5: 0x0e, 0x2b6: 0x0e, 0x2b7: 0x8d, + 0x2b8: 0x8e, 0x2b9: 0x8f, 0x2ba: 0x0e, 0x2bb: 0x90, 0x2bc: 0x91, 0x2bd: 0x92, 0x2bf: 0x93, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c4: 0x94, 0x2c5: 0x54, 0x2c6: 0x95, 0x2c7: 0x96, + 0x2cb: 0x97, 0x2cd: 0x98, + 0x2e0: 0x99, 0x2e1: 0x99, 0x2e2: 0x99, 0x2e3: 0x99, 0x2e4: 0x9a, 0x2e5: 0x99, 0x2e6: 0x99, 0x2e7: 0x99, + 0x2e8: 0x9b, 0x2e9: 0x99, 0x2ea: 0x99, 0x2eb: 0x9c, 0x2ec: 0x9d, 0x2ed: 0x99, 0x2ee: 0x99, 0x2ef: 0x99, + 0x2f0: 0x99, 0x2f1: 0x99, 0x2f2: 0x99, 0x2f3: 0x99, 0x2f4: 0x9e, 0x2f5: 0x99, 0x2f6: 0x99, 0x2f7: 0x99, + 0x2f8: 0x99, 0x2f9: 0x9f, 0x2fa: 0x99, 0x2fb: 0x99, 0x2fc: 0xa0, 0x2fd: 0xa1, 0x2fe: 0x99, 0x2ff: 0x99, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0xa2, 0x301: 0xa3, 0x302: 0xa4, 0x304: 0xa5, 0x305: 0xa6, 0x306: 0xa7, 0x307: 0xa8, + 0x308: 0xa9, 0x30b: 0xaa, 0x30c: 0x26, 0x30d: 0xab, + 0x310: 0xac, 0x311: 0xad, 0x312: 0xae, 0x313: 0xaf, 0x316: 0xb0, 0x317: 0xb1, + 0x318: 0xb2, 0x319: 0xb3, 0x31a: 0xb4, 0x31c: 0xb5, + 0x320: 0xb6, 0x327: 0xb7, + 0x328: 0xb8, 0x329: 0xb9, 0x32a: 0xba, + 0x330: 0xbb, 0x332: 0xbc, 0x334: 0xbd, 0x335: 0xbe, 0x336: 0xbf, + 0x33b: 0xc0, 0x33f: 0xc1, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x36b: 0xc2, 0x36c: 0xc3, + 0x37d: 0xc4, 0x37e: 0xc5, 0x37f: 0xc6, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x3b2: 0xc7, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c5: 0xc8, 0x3c6: 0xc9, + 0x3c8: 0x54, 0x3c9: 0xca, 0x3cc: 0x54, 0x3cd: 0xcb, + 0x3db: 0xcc, 0x3dc: 0xcd, 0x3dd: 0xce, 0x3de: 0xcf, 0x3df: 0xd0, + 0x3e8: 0xd1, 0x3e9: 0xd2, 0x3ea: 0xd3, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0xd4, 0x404: 0xc3, + 0x40b: 0xd5, + 0x420: 0x99, 0x421: 0x99, 0x422: 0x99, 0x423: 0xd6, 0x424: 0x99, 0x425: 0xd7, 0x426: 0x99, 0x427: 0x99, + 0x428: 0x99, 0x429: 0x99, 0x42a: 0x99, 0x42b: 0x99, 0x42c: 0x99, 0x42d: 0x99, 0x42e: 0x99, 0x42f: 0x99, + 0x430: 0x99, 0x431: 0xa0, 0x432: 0x0e, 0x433: 0x99, 0x434: 0x0e, 0x435: 0xd8, 0x436: 0x99, 0x437: 0x99, + 0x438: 0x0e, 0x439: 0x0e, 0x43a: 0x0e, 0x43b: 0xd9, 0x43c: 0x99, 0x43d: 0x99, 0x43e: 0x99, 0x43f: 0x99, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0xda, 0x441: 0x54, 0x442: 0xdb, 0x443: 0xdc, 0x444: 0xdd, 0x445: 0xde, + 0x449: 0xdf, 0x44c: 0x54, 0x44d: 0x54, 0x44e: 0x54, 0x44f: 0x54, + 0x450: 0x54, 0x451: 0x54, 0x452: 0x54, 0x453: 0x54, 0x454: 0x54, 0x455: 0x54, 0x456: 0x54, 0x457: 0x54, + 0x458: 0x54, 0x459: 0x54, 0x45a: 0x54, 0x45b: 0xe0, 0x45c: 0x54, 0x45d: 0x6a, 0x45e: 0x54, 0x45f: 0xe1, + 0x460: 0xe2, 0x461: 0xe3, 0x462: 0xe4, 0x464: 0xe5, 0x465: 0xe6, 0x466: 0xe7, 0x467: 0xe8, + 0x468: 0x54, 0x469: 0xe9, 0x46a: 0xea, + 0x47f: 0xeb, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x4bf: 0xeb, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4d0: 0x09, 0x4d1: 0x0a, 0x4d6: 0x0b, + 0x4db: 0x0c, 0x4dd: 0x0d, 0x4de: 0x0e, 0x4df: 0x0f, + 0x4ef: 0x10, + 0x4ff: 0x10, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x50f: 0x10, + 0x51f: 0x10, + 0x52f: 0x10, + 0x53f: 0x10, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0xec, 0x541: 0xec, 0x542: 0xec, 0x543: 0xec, 0x544: 0x05, 0x545: 0x05, 0x546: 0x05, 0x547: 0xed, + 0x548: 0xec, 0x549: 0xec, 0x54a: 0xec, 0x54b: 0xec, 0x54c: 0xec, 0x54d: 0xec, 0x54e: 0xec, 0x54f: 0xec, + 0x550: 0xec, 0x551: 0xec, 0x552: 0xec, 0x553: 0xec, 0x554: 0xec, 0x555: 0xec, 0x556: 0xec, 0x557: 0xec, + 0x558: 0xec, 0x559: 0xec, 0x55a: 0xec, 0x55b: 0xec, 0x55c: 0xec, 0x55d: 0xec, 0x55e: 0xec, 0x55f: 0xec, + 0x560: 0xec, 0x561: 0xec, 0x562: 0xec, 0x563: 0xec, 0x564: 0xec, 0x565: 0xec, 0x566: 0xec, 0x567: 0xec, + 0x568: 0xec, 0x569: 0xec, 0x56a: 0xec, 0x56b: 0xec, 0x56c: 0xec, 0x56d: 0xec, 0x56e: 0xec, 0x56f: 0xec, + 0x570: 0xec, 0x571: 0xec, 0x572: 0xec, 0x573: 0xec, 0x574: 0xec, 0x575: 0xec, 0x576: 0xec, 0x577: 0xec, + 0x578: 0xec, 0x579: 0xec, 0x57a: 0xec, 0x57b: 0xec, 0x57c: 0xec, 0x57d: 0xec, 0x57e: 0xec, 0x57f: 0xec, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x58f: 0x10, + 0x59f: 0x10, + 0x5a0: 0x13, + 0x5af: 0x10, + 0x5bf: 0x10, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5cf: 0x10, +} + +// Total table size 16952 bytes (16KiB); checksum: F50EF68C diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables13.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables13.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f248effa --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables13.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,1956 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.16 +// +build go1.16 + +package bidi + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "13.0.0" + +// xorMasks contains masks to be xor-ed with brackets to get the reverse +// version. +var xorMasks = []int32{ // 8 elements + 0, 1, 6, 7, 3, 15, 29, 63, +} // Size: 56 bytes + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0] + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0] + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// bidiTrie. Total size: 17408 bytes (17.00 KiB). Checksum: df85fcbfe9b8377f. +type bidiTrie struct{} + +func newBidiTrie(i int) *bidiTrie { + return &bidiTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint8 { + switch { + default: + return uint8(bidiValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// bidiValues: 248 blocks, 15872 entries, 15872 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var bidiValues = [15872]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x00: 0x000b, 0x01: 0x000b, 0x02: 0x000b, 0x03: 0x000b, 0x04: 0x000b, 0x05: 0x000b, + 0x06: 0x000b, 0x07: 0x000b, 0x08: 0x000b, 0x09: 0x0008, 0x0a: 0x0007, 0x0b: 0x0008, + 0x0c: 0x0009, 0x0d: 0x0007, 0x0e: 0x000b, 0x0f: 0x000b, 0x10: 0x000b, 0x11: 0x000b, + 0x12: 0x000b, 0x13: 0x000b, 0x14: 0x000b, 0x15: 0x000b, 0x16: 0x000b, 0x17: 0x000b, + 0x18: 0x000b, 0x19: 0x000b, 0x1a: 0x000b, 0x1b: 0x000b, 0x1c: 0x0007, 0x1d: 0x0007, + 0x1e: 0x0007, 0x1f: 0x0008, 0x20: 0x0009, 0x21: 0x000a, 0x22: 0x000a, 0x23: 0x0004, + 0x24: 0x0004, 0x25: 0x0004, 0x26: 0x000a, 0x27: 0x000a, 0x28: 0x003a, 0x29: 0x002a, + 0x2a: 0x000a, 0x2b: 0x0003, 0x2c: 0x0006, 0x2d: 0x0003, 0x2e: 0x0006, 0x2f: 0x0006, + 0x30: 0x0002, 0x31: 0x0002, 0x32: 0x0002, 0x33: 0x0002, 0x34: 0x0002, 0x35: 0x0002, + 0x36: 0x0002, 0x37: 0x0002, 0x38: 0x0002, 0x39: 0x0002, 0x3a: 0x0006, 0x3b: 0x000a, + 0x3c: 0x000a, 0x3d: 0x000a, 0x3e: 0x000a, 0x3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x000a, + 0x5b: 0x005a, 0x5c: 0x000a, 0x5d: 0x004a, + 0x5e: 0x000a, 0x5f: 0x000a, 0x60: 0x000a, + 0x7b: 0x005a, + 0x7c: 0x000a, 0x7d: 0x004a, 0x7e: 0x000a, 0x7f: 0x000b, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x000b, 0xc1: 0x000b, 0xc2: 0x000b, 0xc3: 0x000b, 0xc4: 0x000b, 0xc5: 0x0007, + 0xc6: 0x000b, 0xc7: 0x000b, 0xc8: 0x000b, 0xc9: 0x000b, 0xca: 0x000b, 0xcb: 0x000b, + 0xcc: 0x000b, 0xcd: 0x000b, 0xce: 0x000b, 0xcf: 0x000b, 0xd0: 0x000b, 0xd1: 0x000b, + 0xd2: 0x000b, 0xd3: 0x000b, 0xd4: 0x000b, 0xd5: 0x000b, 0xd6: 0x000b, 0xd7: 0x000b, + 0xd8: 0x000b, 0xd9: 0x000b, 0xda: 0x000b, 0xdb: 0x000b, 0xdc: 0x000b, 0xdd: 0x000b, + 0xde: 0x000b, 0xdf: 0x000b, 0xe0: 0x0006, 0xe1: 0x000a, 0xe2: 0x0004, 0xe3: 0x0004, + 0xe4: 0x0004, 0xe5: 0x0004, 0xe6: 0x000a, 0xe7: 0x000a, 0xe8: 0x000a, 0xe9: 0x000a, + 0xeb: 0x000a, 0xec: 0x000a, 0xed: 0x000b, 0xee: 0x000a, 0xef: 0x000a, + 0xf0: 0x0004, 0xf1: 0x0004, 0xf2: 0x0002, 0xf3: 0x0002, 0xf4: 0x000a, + 0xf6: 0x000a, 0xf7: 0x000a, 0xf8: 0x000a, 0xf9: 0x0002, 0xfb: 0x000a, + 0xfc: 0x000a, 0xfd: 0x000a, 0xfe: 0x000a, 0xff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x117: 0x000a, + 0x137: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x179: 0x000a, 0x17a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x182: 0x000a, 0x183: 0x000a, 0x184: 0x000a, 0x185: 0x000a, + 0x186: 0x000a, 0x187: 0x000a, 0x188: 0x000a, 0x189: 0x000a, 0x18a: 0x000a, 0x18b: 0x000a, + 0x18c: 0x000a, 0x18d: 0x000a, 0x18e: 0x000a, 0x18f: 0x000a, + 0x192: 0x000a, 0x193: 0x000a, 0x194: 0x000a, 0x195: 0x000a, 0x196: 0x000a, 0x197: 0x000a, + 0x198: 0x000a, 0x199: 0x000a, 0x19a: 0x000a, 0x19b: 0x000a, 0x19c: 0x000a, 0x19d: 0x000a, + 0x19e: 0x000a, 0x19f: 0x000a, + 0x1a5: 0x000a, 0x1a6: 0x000a, 0x1a7: 0x000a, 0x1a8: 0x000a, 0x1a9: 0x000a, + 0x1aa: 0x000a, 0x1ab: 0x000a, 0x1ac: 0x000a, 0x1ad: 0x000a, 0x1af: 0x000a, + 0x1b0: 0x000a, 0x1b1: 0x000a, 0x1b2: 0x000a, 0x1b3: 0x000a, 0x1b4: 0x000a, 0x1b5: 0x000a, + 0x1b6: 0x000a, 0x1b7: 0x000a, 0x1b8: 0x000a, 0x1b9: 0x000a, 0x1ba: 0x000a, 0x1bb: 0x000a, + 0x1bc: 0x000a, 0x1bd: 0x000a, 0x1be: 0x000a, 0x1bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x000c, 0x1c1: 0x000c, 0x1c2: 0x000c, 0x1c3: 0x000c, 0x1c4: 0x000c, 0x1c5: 0x000c, + 0x1c6: 0x000c, 0x1c7: 0x000c, 0x1c8: 0x000c, 0x1c9: 0x000c, 0x1ca: 0x000c, 0x1cb: 0x000c, + 0x1cc: 0x000c, 0x1cd: 0x000c, 0x1ce: 0x000c, 0x1cf: 0x000c, 0x1d0: 0x000c, 0x1d1: 0x000c, + 0x1d2: 0x000c, 0x1d3: 0x000c, 0x1d4: 0x000c, 0x1d5: 0x000c, 0x1d6: 0x000c, 0x1d7: 0x000c, + 0x1d8: 0x000c, 0x1d9: 0x000c, 0x1da: 0x000c, 0x1db: 0x000c, 0x1dc: 0x000c, 0x1dd: 0x000c, + 0x1de: 0x000c, 0x1df: 0x000c, 0x1e0: 0x000c, 0x1e1: 0x000c, 0x1e2: 0x000c, 0x1e3: 0x000c, + 0x1e4: 0x000c, 0x1e5: 0x000c, 0x1e6: 0x000c, 0x1e7: 0x000c, 0x1e8: 0x000c, 0x1e9: 0x000c, + 0x1ea: 0x000c, 0x1eb: 0x000c, 0x1ec: 0x000c, 0x1ed: 0x000c, 0x1ee: 0x000c, 0x1ef: 0x000c, + 0x1f0: 0x000c, 0x1f1: 0x000c, 0x1f2: 0x000c, 0x1f3: 0x000c, 0x1f4: 0x000c, 0x1f5: 0x000c, + 0x1f6: 0x000c, 0x1f7: 0x000c, 0x1f8: 0x000c, 0x1f9: 0x000c, 0x1fa: 0x000c, 0x1fb: 0x000c, + 0x1fc: 0x000c, 0x1fd: 0x000c, 0x1fe: 0x000c, 0x1ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x000c, 0x201: 0x000c, 0x202: 0x000c, 0x203: 0x000c, 0x204: 0x000c, 0x205: 0x000c, + 0x206: 0x000c, 0x207: 0x000c, 0x208: 0x000c, 0x209: 0x000c, 0x20a: 0x000c, 0x20b: 0x000c, + 0x20c: 0x000c, 0x20d: 0x000c, 0x20e: 0x000c, 0x20f: 0x000c, 0x210: 0x000c, 0x211: 0x000c, + 0x212: 0x000c, 0x213: 0x000c, 0x214: 0x000c, 0x215: 0x000c, 0x216: 0x000c, 0x217: 0x000c, + 0x218: 0x000c, 0x219: 0x000c, 0x21a: 0x000c, 0x21b: 0x000c, 0x21c: 0x000c, 0x21d: 0x000c, + 0x21e: 0x000c, 0x21f: 0x000c, 0x220: 0x000c, 0x221: 0x000c, 0x222: 0x000c, 0x223: 0x000c, + 0x224: 0x000c, 0x225: 0x000c, 0x226: 0x000c, 0x227: 0x000c, 0x228: 0x000c, 0x229: 0x000c, + 0x22a: 0x000c, 0x22b: 0x000c, 0x22c: 0x000c, 0x22d: 0x000c, 0x22e: 0x000c, 0x22f: 0x000c, + 0x234: 0x000a, 0x235: 0x000a, + 0x23e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x244: 0x000a, 0x245: 0x000a, + 0x247: 0x000a, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x2b6: 0x000a, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c3: 0x000c, 0x2c4: 0x000c, 0x2c5: 0x000c, + 0x2c6: 0x000c, 0x2c7: 0x000c, 0x2c8: 0x000c, 0x2c9: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x30a: 0x000a, + 0x30d: 0x000a, 0x30e: 0x000a, 0x30f: 0x0004, 0x310: 0x0001, 0x311: 0x000c, + 0x312: 0x000c, 0x313: 0x000c, 0x314: 0x000c, 0x315: 0x000c, 0x316: 0x000c, 0x317: 0x000c, + 0x318: 0x000c, 0x319: 0x000c, 0x31a: 0x000c, 0x31b: 0x000c, 0x31c: 0x000c, 0x31d: 0x000c, + 0x31e: 0x000c, 0x31f: 0x000c, 0x320: 0x000c, 0x321: 0x000c, 0x322: 0x000c, 0x323: 0x000c, + 0x324: 0x000c, 0x325: 0x000c, 0x326: 0x000c, 0x327: 0x000c, 0x328: 0x000c, 0x329: 0x000c, + 0x32a: 0x000c, 0x32b: 0x000c, 0x32c: 0x000c, 0x32d: 0x000c, 0x32e: 0x000c, 0x32f: 0x000c, + 0x330: 0x000c, 0x331: 0x000c, 0x332: 0x000c, 0x333: 0x000c, 0x334: 0x000c, 0x335: 0x000c, + 0x336: 0x000c, 0x337: 0x000c, 0x338: 0x000c, 0x339: 0x000c, 0x33a: 0x000c, 0x33b: 0x000c, + 0x33c: 0x000c, 0x33d: 0x000c, 0x33e: 0x0001, 0x33f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x0001, 0x341: 0x000c, 0x342: 0x000c, 0x343: 0x0001, 0x344: 0x000c, 0x345: 0x000c, + 0x346: 0x0001, 0x347: 0x000c, 0x348: 0x0001, 0x349: 0x0001, 0x34a: 0x0001, 0x34b: 0x0001, + 0x34c: 0x0001, 0x34d: 0x0001, 0x34e: 0x0001, 0x34f: 0x0001, 0x350: 0x0001, 0x351: 0x0001, + 0x352: 0x0001, 0x353: 0x0001, 0x354: 0x0001, 0x355: 0x0001, 0x356: 0x0001, 0x357: 0x0001, + 0x358: 0x0001, 0x359: 0x0001, 0x35a: 0x0001, 0x35b: 0x0001, 0x35c: 0x0001, 0x35d: 0x0001, + 0x35e: 0x0001, 0x35f: 0x0001, 0x360: 0x0001, 0x361: 0x0001, 0x362: 0x0001, 0x363: 0x0001, + 0x364: 0x0001, 0x365: 0x0001, 0x366: 0x0001, 0x367: 0x0001, 0x368: 0x0001, 0x369: 0x0001, + 0x36a: 0x0001, 0x36b: 0x0001, 0x36c: 0x0001, 0x36d: 0x0001, 0x36e: 0x0001, 0x36f: 0x0001, + 0x370: 0x0001, 0x371: 0x0001, 0x372: 0x0001, 0x373: 0x0001, 0x374: 0x0001, 0x375: 0x0001, + 0x376: 0x0001, 0x377: 0x0001, 0x378: 0x0001, 0x379: 0x0001, 0x37a: 0x0001, 0x37b: 0x0001, + 0x37c: 0x0001, 0x37d: 0x0001, 0x37e: 0x0001, 0x37f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0005, 0x381: 0x0005, 0x382: 0x0005, 0x383: 0x0005, 0x384: 0x0005, 0x385: 0x0005, + 0x386: 0x000a, 0x387: 0x000a, 0x388: 0x000d, 0x389: 0x0004, 0x38a: 0x0004, 0x38b: 0x000d, + 0x38c: 0x0006, 0x38d: 0x000d, 0x38e: 0x000a, 0x38f: 0x000a, 0x390: 0x000c, 0x391: 0x000c, + 0x392: 0x000c, 0x393: 0x000c, 0x394: 0x000c, 0x395: 0x000c, 0x396: 0x000c, 0x397: 0x000c, + 0x398: 0x000c, 0x399: 0x000c, 0x39a: 0x000c, 0x39b: 0x000d, 0x39c: 0x000d, 0x39d: 0x000d, + 0x39e: 0x000d, 0x39f: 0x000d, 0x3a0: 0x000d, 0x3a1: 0x000d, 0x3a2: 0x000d, 0x3a3: 0x000d, + 0x3a4: 0x000d, 0x3a5: 0x000d, 0x3a6: 0x000d, 0x3a7: 0x000d, 0x3a8: 0x000d, 0x3a9: 0x000d, + 0x3aa: 0x000d, 0x3ab: 0x000d, 0x3ac: 0x000d, 0x3ad: 0x000d, 0x3ae: 0x000d, 0x3af: 0x000d, + 0x3b0: 0x000d, 0x3b1: 0x000d, 0x3b2: 0x000d, 0x3b3: 0x000d, 0x3b4: 0x000d, 0x3b5: 0x000d, + 0x3b6: 0x000d, 0x3b7: 0x000d, 0x3b8: 0x000d, 0x3b9: 0x000d, 0x3ba: 0x000d, 0x3bb: 0x000d, + 0x3bc: 0x000d, 0x3bd: 0x000d, 0x3be: 0x000d, 0x3bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x000d, 0x3c1: 0x000d, 0x3c2: 0x000d, 0x3c3: 0x000d, 0x3c4: 0x000d, 0x3c5: 0x000d, + 0x3c6: 0x000d, 0x3c7: 0x000d, 0x3c8: 0x000d, 0x3c9: 0x000d, 0x3ca: 0x000d, 0x3cb: 0x000c, + 0x3cc: 0x000c, 0x3cd: 0x000c, 0x3ce: 0x000c, 0x3cf: 0x000c, 0x3d0: 0x000c, 0x3d1: 0x000c, + 0x3d2: 0x000c, 0x3d3: 0x000c, 0x3d4: 0x000c, 0x3d5: 0x000c, 0x3d6: 0x000c, 0x3d7: 0x000c, + 0x3d8: 0x000c, 0x3d9: 0x000c, 0x3da: 0x000c, 0x3db: 0x000c, 0x3dc: 0x000c, 0x3dd: 0x000c, + 0x3de: 0x000c, 0x3df: 0x000c, 0x3e0: 0x0005, 0x3e1: 0x0005, 0x3e2: 0x0005, 0x3e3: 0x0005, + 0x3e4: 0x0005, 0x3e5: 0x0005, 0x3e6: 0x0005, 0x3e7: 0x0005, 0x3e8: 0x0005, 0x3e9: 0x0005, + 0x3ea: 0x0004, 0x3eb: 0x0005, 0x3ec: 0x0005, 0x3ed: 0x000d, 0x3ee: 0x000d, 0x3ef: 0x000d, + 0x3f0: 0x000c, 0x3f1: 0x000d, 0x3f2: 0x000d, 0x3f3: 0x000d, 0x3f4: 0x000d, 0x3f5: 0x000d, + 0x3f6: 0x000d, 0x3f7: 0x000d, 0x3f8: 0x000d, 0x3f9: 0x000d, 0x3fa: 0x000d, 0x3fb: 0x000d, + 0x3fc: 0x000d, 0x3fd: 0x000d, 0x3fe: 0x000d, 0x3ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x000d, 0x401: 0x000d, 0x402: 0x000d, 0x403: 0x000d, 0x404: 0x000d, 0x405: 0x000d, + 0x406: 0x000d, 0x407: 0x000d, 0x408: 0x000d, 0x409: 0x000d, 0x40a: 0x000d, 0x40b: 0x000d, + 0x40c: 0x000d, 0x40d: 0x000d, 0x40e: 0x000d, 0x40f: 0x000d, 0x410: 0x000d, 0x411: 0x000d, + 0x412: 0x000d, 0x413: 0x000d, 0x414: 0x000d, 0x415: 0x000d, 0x416: 0x000d, 0x417: 0x000d, + 0x418: 0x000d, 0x419: 0x000d, 0x41a: 0x000d, 0x41b: 0x000d, 0x41c: 0x000d, 0x41d: 0x000d, + 0x41e: 0x000d, 0x41f: 0x000d, 0x420: 0x000d, 0x421: 0x000d, 0x422: 0x000d, 0x423: 0x000d, + 0x424: 0x000d, 0x425: 0x000d, 0x426: 0x000d, 0x427: 0x000d, 0x428: 0x000d, 0x429: 0x000d, + 0x42a: 0x000d, 0x42b: 0x000d, 0x42c: 0x000d, 0x42d: 0x000d, 0x42e: 0x000d, 0x42f: 0x000d, + 0x430: 0x000d, 0x431: 0x000d, 0x432: 0x000d, 0x433: 0x000d, 0x434: 0x000d, 0x435: 0x000d, + 0x436: 0x000d, 0x437: 0x000d, 0x438: 0x000d, 0x439: 0x000d, 0x43a: 0x000d, 0x43b: 0x000d, + 0x43c: 0x000d, 0x43d: 0x000d, 0x43e: 0x000d, 0x43f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x000d, 0x441: 0x000d, 0x442: 0x000d, 0x443: 0x000d, 0x444: 0x000d, 0x445: 0x000d, + 0x446: 0x000d, 0x447: 0x000d, 0x448: 0x000d, 0x449: 0x000d, 0x44a: 0x000d, 0x44b: 0x000d, + 0x44c: 0x000d, 0x44d: 0x000d, 0x44e: 0x000d, 0x44f: 0x000d, 0x450: 0x000d, 0x451: 0x000d, + 0x452: 0x000d, 0x453: 0x000d, 0x454: 0x000d, 0x455: 0x000d, 0x456: 0x000c, 0x457: 0x000c, + 0x458: 0x000c, 0x459: 0x000c, 0x45a: 0x000c, 0x45b: 0x000c, 0x45c: 0x000c, 0x45d: 0x0005, + 0x45e: 0x000a, 0x45f: 0x000c, 0x460: 0x000c, 0x461: 0x000c, 0x462: 0x000c, 0x463: 0x000c, + 0x464: 0x000c, 0x465: 0x000d, 0x466: 0x000d, 0x467: 0x000c, 0x468: 0x000c, 0x469: 0x000a, + 0x46a: 0x000c, 0x46b: 0x000c, 0x46c: 0x000c, 0x46d: 0x000c, 0x46e: 0x000d, 0x46f: 0x000d, + 0x470: 0x0002, 0x471: 0x0002, 0x472: 0x0002, 0x473: 0x0002, 0x474: 0x0002, 0x475: 0x0002, + 0x476: 0x0002, 0x477: 0x0002, 0x478: 0x0002, 0x479: 0x0002, 0x47a: 0x000d, 0x47b: 0x000d, + 0x47c: 0x000d, 0x47d: 0x000d, 0x47e: 0x000d, 0x47f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x000d, 0x481: 0x000d, 0x482: 0x000d, 0x483: 0x000d, 0x484: 0x000d, 0x485: 0x000d, + 0x486: 0x000d, 0x487: 0x000d, 0x488: 0x000d, 0x489: 0x000d, 0x48a: 0x000d, 0x48b: 0x000d, + 0x48c: 0x000d, 0x48d: 0x000d, 0x48e: 0x000d, 0x48f: 0x000d, 0x490: 0x000d, 0x491: 0x000c, + 0x492: 0x000d, 0x493: 0x000d, 0x494: 0x000d, 0x495: 0x000d, 0x496: 0x000d, 0x497: 0x000d, + 0x498: 0x000d, 0x499: 0x000d, 0x49a: 0x000d, 0x49b: 0x000d, 0x49c: 0x000d, 0x49d: 0x000d, + 0x49e: 0x000d, 0x49f: 0x000d, 0x4a0: 0x000d, 0x4a1: 0x000d, 0x4a2: 0x000d, 0x4a3: 0x000d, + 0x4a4: 0x000d, 0x4a5: 0x000d, 0x4a6: 0x000d, 0x4a7: 0x000d, 0x4a8: 0x000d, 0x4a9: 0x000d, + 0x4aa: 0x000d, 0x4ab: 0x000d, 0x4ac: 0x000d, 0x4ad: 0x000d, 0x4ae: 0x000d, 0x4af: 0x000d, + 0x4b0: 0x000c, 0x4b1: 0x000c, 0x4b2: 0x000c, 0x4b3: 0x000c, 0x4b4: 0x000c, 0x4b5: 0x000c, + 0x4b6: 0x000c, 0x4b7: 0x000c, 0x4b8: 0x000c, 0x4b9: 0x000c, 0x4ba: 0x000c, 0x4bb: 0x000c, + 0x4bc: 0x000c, 0x4bd: 0x000c, 0x4be: 0x000c, 0x4bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x000c, 0x4c1: 0x000c, 0x4c2: 0x000c, 0x4c3: 0x000c, 0x4c4: 0x000c, 0x4c5: 0x000c, + 0x4c6: 0x000c, 0x4c7: 0x000c, 0x4c8: 0x000c, 0x4c9: 0x000c, 0x4ca: 0x000c, 0x4cb: 0x000d, + 0x4cc: 0x000d, 0x4cd: 0x000d, 0x4ce: 0x000d, 0x4cf: 0x000d, 0x4d0: 0x000d, 0x4d1: 0x000d, + 0x4d2: 0x000d, 0x4d3: 0x000d, 0x4d4: 0x000d, 0x4d5: 0x000d, 0x4d6: 0x000d, 0x4d7: 0x000d, + 0x4d8: 0x000d, 0x4d9: 0x000d, 0x4da: 0x000d, 0x4db: 0x000d, 0x4dc: 0x000d, 0x4dd: 0x000d, + 0x4de: 0x000d, 0x4df: 0x000d, 0x4e0: 0x000d, 0x4e1: 0x000d, 0x4e2: 0x000d, 0x4e3: 0x000d, + 0x4e4: 0x000d, 0x4e5: 0x000d, 0x4e6: 0x000d, 0x4e7: 0x000d, 0x4e8: 0x000d, 0x4e9: 0x000d, + 0x4ea: 0x000d, 0x4eb: 0x000d, 0x4ec: 0x000d, 0x4ed: 0x000d, 0x4ee: 0x000d, 0x4ef: 0x000d, + 0x4f0: 0x000d, 0x4f1: 0x000d, 0x4f2: 0x000d, 0x4f3: 0x000d, 0x4f4: 0x000d, 0x4f5: 0x000d, + 0x4f6: 0x000d, 0x4f7: 0x000d, 0x4f8: 0x000d, 0x4f9: 0x000d, 0x4fa: 0x000d, 0x4fb: 0x000d, + 0x4fc: 0x000d, 0x4fd: 0x000d, 0x4fe: 0x000d, 0x4ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x000d, 0x501: 0x000d, 0x502: 0x000d, 0x503: 0x000d, 0x504: 0x000d, 0x505: 0x000d, + 0x506: 0x000d, 0x507: 0x000d, 0x508: 0x000d, 0x509: 0x000d, 0x50a: 0x000d, 0x50b: 0x000d, + 0x50c: 0x000d, 0x50d: 0x000d, 0x50e: 0x000d, 0x50f: 0x000d, 0x510: 0x000d, 0x511: 0x000d, + 0x512: 0x000d, 0x513: 0x000d, 0x514: 0x000d, 0x515: 0x000d, 0x516: 0x000d, 0x517: 0x000d, + 0x518: 0x000d, 0x519: 0x000d, 0x51a: 0x000d, 0x51b: 0x000d, 0x51c: 0x000d, 0x51d: 0x000d, + 0x51e: 0x000d, 0x51f: 0x000d, 0x520: 0x000d, 0x521: 0x000d, 0x522: 0x000d, 0x523: 0x000d, + 0x524: 0x000d, 0x525: 0x000d, 0x526: 0x000c, 0x527: 0x000c, 0x528: 0x000c, 0x529: 0x000c, + 0x52a: 0x000c, 0x52b: 0x000c, 0x52c: 0x000c, 0x52d: 0x000c, 0x52e: 0x000c, 0x52f: 0x000c, + 0x530: 0x000c, 0x531: 0x000d, 0x532: 0x000d, 0x533: 0x000d, 0x534: 0x000d, 0x535: 0x000d, + 0x536: 0x000d, 0x537: 0x000d, 0x538: 0x000d, 0x539: 0x000d, 0x53a: 0x000d, 0x53b: 0x000d, + 0x53c: 0x000d, 0x53d: 0x000d, 0x53e: 0x000d, 0x53f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x0001, 0x541: 0x0001, 0x542: 0x0001, 0x543: 0x0001, 0x544: 0x0001, 0x545: 0x0001, + 0x546: 0x0001, 0x547: 0x0001, 0x548: 0x0001, 0x549: 0x0001, 0x54a: 0x0001, 0x54b: 0x0001, + 0x54c: 0x0001, 0x54d: 0x0001, 0x54e: 0x0001, 0x54f: 0x0001, 0x550: 0x0001, 0x551: 0x0001, + 0x552: 0x0001, 0x553: 0x0001, 0x554: 0x0001, 0x555: 0x0001, 0x556: 0x0001, 0x557: 0x0001, + 0x558: 0x0001, 0x559: 0x0001, 0x55a: 0x0001, 0x55b: 0x0001, 0x55c: 0x0001, 0x55d: 0x0001, + 0x55e: 0x0001, 0x55f: 0x0001, 0x560: 0x0001, 0x561: 0x0001, 0x562: 0x0001, 0x563: 0x0001, + 0x564: 0x0001, 0x565: 0x0001, 0x566: 0x0001, 0x567: 0x0001, 0x568: 0x0001, 0x569: 0x0001, + 0x56a: 0x0001, 0x56b: 0x000c, 0x56c: 0x000c, 0x56d: 0x000c, 0x56e: 0x000c, 0x56f: 0x000c, + 0x570: 0x000c, 0x571: 0x000c, 0x572: 0x000c, 0x573: 0x000c, 0x574: 0x0001, 0x575: 0x0001, + 0x576: 0x000a, 0x577: 0x000a, 0x578: 0x000a, 0x579: 0x000a, 0x57a: 0x0001, 0x57b: 0x0001, + 0x57c: 0x0001, 0x57d: 0x000c, 0x57e: 0x0001, 0x57f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x0001, 0x581: 0x0001, 0x582: 0x0001, 0x583: 0x0001, 0x584: 0x0001, 0x585: 0x0001, + 0x586: 0x0001, 0x587: 0x0001, 0x588: 0x0001, 0x589: 0x0001, 0x58a: 0x0001, 0x58b: 0x0001, + 0x58c: 0x0001, 0x58d: 0x0001, 0x58e: 0x0001, 0x58f: 0x0001, 0x590: 0x0001, 0x591: 0x0001, + 0x592: 0x0001, 0x593: 0x0001, 0x594: 0x0001, 0x595: 0x0001, 0x596: 0x000c, 0x597: 0x000c, + 0x598: 0x000c, 0x599: 0x000c, 0x59a: 0x0001, 0x59b: 0x000c, 0x59c: 0x000c, 0x59d: 0x000c, + 0x59e: 0x000c, 0x59f: 0x000c, 0x5a0: 0x000c, 0x5a1: 0x000c, 0x5a2: 0x000c, 0x5a3: 0x000c, + 0x5a4: 0x0001, 0x5a5: 0x000c, 0x5a6: 0x000c, 0x5a7: 0x000c, 0x5a8: 0x0001, 0x5a9: 0x000c, + 0x5aa: 0x000c, 0x5ab: 0x000c, 0x5ac: 0x000c, 0x5ad: 0x000c, 0x5ae: 0x0001, 0x5af: 0x0001, + 0x5b0: 0x0001, 0x5b1: 0x0001, 0x5b2: 0x0001, 0x5b3: 0x0001, 0x5b4: 0x0001, 0x5b5: 0x0001, + 0x5b6: 0x0001, 0x5b7: 0x0001, 0x5b8: 0x0001, 0x5b9: 0x0001, 0x5ba: 0x0001, 0x5bb: 0x0001, + 0x5bc: 0x0001, 0x5bd: 0x0001, 0x5be: 0x0001, 0x5bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x0001, 0x5c1: 0x0001, 0x5c2: 0x0001, 0x5c3: 0x0001, 0x5c4: 0x0001, 0x5c5: 0x0001, + 0x5c6: 0x0001, 0x5c7: 0x0001, 0x5c8: 0x0001, 0x5c9: 0x0001, 0x5ca: 0x0001, 0x5cb: 0x0001, + 0x5cc: 0x0001, 0x5cd: 0x0001, 0x5ce: 0x0001, 0x5cf: 0x0001, 0x5d0: 0x0001, 0x5d1: 0x0001, + 0x5d2: 0x0001, 0x5d3: 0x0001, 0x5d4: 0x0001, 0x5d5: 0x0001, 0x5d6: 0x0001, 0x5d7: 0x0001, + 0x5d8: 0x0001, 0x5d9: 0x000c, 0x5da: 0x000c, 0x5db: 0x000c, 0x5dc: 0x0001, 0x5dd: 0x0001, + 0x5de: 0x0001, 0x5df: 0x0001, 0x5e0: 0x000d, 0x5e1: 0x000d, 0x5e2: 0x000d, 0x5e3: 0x000d, + 0x5e4: 0x000d, 0x5e5: 0x000d, 0x5e6: 0x000d, 0x5e7: 0x000d, 0x5e8: 0x000d, 0x5e9: 0x000d, + 0x5ea: 0x000d, 0x5eb: 0x000d, 0x5ec: 0x000d, 0x5ed: 0x000d, 0x5ee: 0x000d, 0x5ef: 0x000d, + 0x5f0: 0x0001, 0x5f1: 0x0001, 0x5f2: 0x0001, 0x5f3: 0x0001, 0x5f4: 0x0001, 0x5f5: 0x0001, + 0x5f6: 0x0001, 0x5f7: 0x0001, 0x5f8: 0x0001, 0x5f9: 0x0001, 0x5fa: 0x0001, 0x5fb: 0x0001, + 0x5fc: 0x0001, 0x5fd: 0x0001, 0x5fe: 0x0001, 0x5ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x0001, 0x601: 0x0001, 0x602: 0x0001, 0x603: 0x0001, 0x604: 0x0001, 0x605: 0x0001, + 0x606: 0x0001, 0x607: 0x0001, 0x608: 0x0001, 0x609: 0x0001, 0x60a: 0x0001, 0x60b: 0x0001, + 0x60c: 0x0001, 0x60d: 0x0001, 0x60e: 0x0001, 0x60f: 0x0001, 0x610: 0x0001, 0x611: 0x0001, + 0x612: 0x0001, 0x613: 0x0001, 0x614: 0x0001, 0x615: 0x0001, 0x616: 0x0001, 0x617: 0x0001, + 0x618: 0x0001, 0x619: 0x0001, 0x61a: 0x0001, 0x61b: 0x0001, 0x61c: 0x0001, 0x61d: 0x0001, + 0x61e: 0x0001, 0x61f: 0x0001, 0x620: 0x000d, 0x621: 0x000d, 0x622: 0x000d, 0x623: 0x000d, + 0x624: 0x000d, 0x625: 0x000d, 0x626: 0x000d, 0x627: 0x000d, 0x628: 0x000d, 0x629: 0x000d, + 0x62a: 0x000d, 0x62b: 0x000d, 0x62c: 0x000d, 0x62d: 0x000d, 0x62e: 0x000d, 0x62f: 0x000d, + 0x630: 0x000d, 0x631: 0x000d, 0x632: 0x000d, 0x633: 0x000d, 0x634: 0x000d, 0x635: 0x000d, + 0x636: 0x000d, 0x637: 0x000d, 0x638: 0x000d, 0x639: 0x000d, 0x63a: 0x000d, 0x63b: 0x000d, + 0x63c: 0x000d, 0x63d: 0x000d, 0x63e: 0x000d, 0x63f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x000d, 0x641: 0x000d, 0x642: 0x000d, 0x643: 0x000d, 0x644: 0x000d, 0x645: 0x000d, + 0x646: 0x000d, 0x647: 0x000d, 0x648: 0x000d, 0x649: 0x000d, 0x64a: 0x000d, 0x64b: 0x000d, + 0x64c: 0x000d, 0x64d: 0x000d, 0x64e: 0x000d, 0x64f: 0x000d, 0x650: 0x000d, 0x651: 0x000d, + 0x652: 0x000d, 0x653: 0x000c, 0x654: 0x000c, 0x655: 0x000c, 0x656: 0x000c, 0x657: 0x000c, + 0x658: 0x000c, 0x659: 0x000c, 0x65a: 0x000c, 0x65b: 0x000c, 0x65c: 0x000c, 0x65d: 0x000c, + 0x65e: 0x000c, 0x65f: 0x000c, 0x660: 0x000c, 0x661: 0x000c, 0x662: 0x0005, 0x663: 0x000c, + 0x664: 0x000c, 0x665: 0x000c, 0x666: 0x000c, 0x667: 0x000c, 0x668: 0x000c, 0x669: 0x000c, + 0x66a: 0x000c, 0x66b: 0x000c, 0x66c: 0x000c, 0x66d: 0x000c, 0x66e: 0x000c, 0x66f: 0x000c, + 0x670: 0x000c, 0x671: 0x000c, 0x672: 0x000c, 0x673: 0x000c, 0x674: 0x000c, 0x675: 0x000c, + 0x676: 0x000c, 0x677: 0x000c, 0x678: 0x000c, 0x679: 0x000c, 0x67a: 0x000c, 0x67b: 0x000c, + 0x67c: 0x000c, 0x67d: 0x000c, 0x67e: 0x000c, 0x67f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x000c, 0x681: 0x000c, 0x682: 0x000c, + 0x6ba: 0x000c, + 0x6bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c1: 0x000c, 0x6c2: 0x000c, 0x6c3: 0x000c, 0x6c4: 0x000c, 0x6c5: 0x000c, + 0x6c6: 0x000c, 0x6c7: 0x000c, 0x6c8: 0x000c, + 0x6cd: 0x000c, 0x6d1: 0x000c, + 0x6d2: 0x000c, 0x6d3: 0x000c, 0x6d4: 0x000c, 0x6d5: 0x000c, 0x6d6: 0x000c, 0x6d7: 0x000c, + 0x6e2: 0x000c, 0x6e3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x701: 0x000c, + 0x73c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x741: 0x000c, 0x742: 0x000c, 0x743: 0x000c, 0x744: 0x000c, + 0x74d: 0x000c, + 0x762: 0x000c, 0x763: 0x000c, + 0x772: 0x0004, 0x773: 0x0004, + 0x77b: 0x0004, + 0x77e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x781: 0x000c, 0x782: 0x000c, + 0x7bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c1: 0x000c, 0x7c2: 0x000c, + 0x7c7: 0x000c, 0x7c8: 0x000c, 0x7cb: 0x000c, + 0x7cc: 0x000c, 0x7cd: 0x000c, 0x7d1: 0x000c, + 0x7f0: 0x000c, 0x7f1: 0x000c, 0x7f5: 0x000c, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x801: 0x000c, 0x802: 0x000c, 0x803: 0x000c, 0x804: 0x000c, 0x805: 0x000c, + 0x807: 0x000c, 0x808: 0x000c, + 0x80d: 0x000c, + 0x822: 0x000c, 0x823: 0x000c, + 0x831: 0x0004, + 0x83a: 0x000c, 0x83b: 0x000c, + 0x83c: 0x000c, 0x83d: 0x000c, 0x83e: 0x000c, 0x83f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x841: 0x000c, + 0x87c: 0x000c, 0x87f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x881: 0x000c, 0x882: 0x000c, 0x883: 0x000c, 0x884: 0x000c, + 0x88d: 0x000c, + 0x895: 0x000c, 0x896: 0x000c, + 0x8a2: 0x000c, 0x8a3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c2: 0x000c, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x900: 0x000c, + 0x90d: 0x000c, + 0x933: 0x000a, 0x934: 0x000a, 0x935: 0x000a, + 0x936: 0x000a, 0x937: 0x000a, 0x938: 0x000a, 0x939: 0x0004, 0x93a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x000c, 0x944: 0x000c, + 0x97e: 0x000c, 0x97f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x980: 0x000c, + 0x986: 0x000c, 0x987: 0x000c, 0x988: 0x000c, 0x98a: 0x000c, 0x98b: 0x000c, + 0x98c: 0x000c, 0x98d: 0x000c, + 0x995: 0x000c, 0x996: 0x000c, + 0x9a2: 0x000c, 0x9a3: 0x000c, + 0x9b8: 0x000a, 0x9b9: 0x000a, 0x9ba: 0x000a, 0x9bb: 0x000a, + 0x9bc: 0x000a, 0x9bd: 0x000a, 0x9be: 0x000a, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9cc: 0x000c, 0x9cd: 0x000c, + 0x9e2: 0x000c, 0x9e3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa00: 0x000c, 0xa01: 0x000c, + 0xa3b: 0x000c, + 0xa3c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa41: 0x000c, 0xa42: 0x000c, 0xa43: 0x000c, 0xa44: 0x000c, + 0xa4d: 0x000c, + 0xa62: 0x000c, 0xa63: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa81: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xaca: 0x000c, + 0xad2: 0x000c, 0xad3: 0x000c, 0xad4: 0x000c, 0xad6: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb31: 0x000c, 0xb34: 0x000c, 0xb35: 0x000c, + 0xb36: 0x000c, 0xb37: 0x000c, 0xb38: 0x000c, 0xb39: 0x000c, 0xb3a: 0x000c, + 0xb3f: 0x0004, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb47: 0x000c, 0xb48: 0x000c, 0xb49: 0x000c, 0xb4a: 0x000c, 0xb4b: 0x000c, + 0xb4c: 0x000c, 0xb4d: 0x000c, 0xb4e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xbb1: 0x000c, 0xbb4: 0x000c, 0xbb5: 0x000c, + 0xbb6: 0x000c, 0xbb7: 0x000c, 0xbb8: 0x000c, 0xbb9: 0x000c, 0xbba: 0x000c, 0xbbb: 0x000c, + 0xbbc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc8: 0x000c, 0xbc9: 0x000c, 0xbca: 0x000c, 0xbcb: 0x000c, + 0xbcc: 0x000c, 0xbcd: 0x000c, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc18: 0x000c, 0xc19: 0x000c, + 0xc35: 0x000c, + 0xc37: 0x000c, 0xc39: 0x000c, 0xc3a: 0x003a, 0xc3b: 0x002a, + 0xc3c: 0x003a, 0xc3d: 0x002a, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc71: 0x000c, 0xc72: 0x000c, 0xc73: 0x000c, 0xc74: 0x000c, 0xc75: 0x000c, + 0xc76: 0x000c, 0xc77: 0x000c, 0xc78: 0x000c, 0xc79: 0x000c, 0xc7a: 0x000c, 0xc7b: 0x000c, + 0xc7c: 0x000c, 0xc7d: 0x000c, 0xc7e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc80: 0x000c, 0xc81: 0x000c, 0xc82: 0x000c, 0xc83: 0x000c, 0xc84: 0x000c, + 0xc86: 0x000c, 0xc87: 0x000c, + 0xc8d: 0x000c, 0xc8e: 0x000c, 0xc8f: 0x000c, 0xc90: 0x000c, 0xc91: 0x000c, + 0xc92: 0x000c, 0xc93: 0x000c, 0xc94: 0x000c, 0xc95: 0x000c, 0xc96: 0x000c, 0xc97: 0x000c, + 0xc99: 0x000c, 0xc9a: 0x000c, 0xc9b: 0x000c, 0xc9c: 0x000c, 0xc9d: 0x000c, + 0xc9e: 0x000c, 0xc9f: 0x000c, 0xca0: 0x000c, 0xca1: 0x000c, 0xca2: 0x000c, 0xca3: 0x000c, + 0xca4: 0x000c, 0xca5: 0x000c, 0xca6: 0x000c, 0xca7: 0x000c, 0xca8: 0x000c, 0xca9: 0x000c, + 0xcaa: 0x000c, 0xcab: 0x000c, 0xcac: 0x000c, 0xcad: 0x000c, 0xcae: 0x000c, 0xcaf: 0x000c, + 0xcb0: 0x000c, 0xcb1: 0x000c, 0xcb2: 0x000c, 0xcb3: 0x000c, 0xcb4: 0x000c, 0xcb5: 0x000c, + 0xcb6: 0x000c, 0xcb7: 0x000c, 0xcb8: 0x000c, 0xcb9: 0x000c, 0xcba: 0x000c, 0xcbb: 0x000c, + 0xcbc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc6: 0x000c, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd2d: 0x000c, 0xd2e: 0x000c, 0xd2f: 0x000c, + 0xd30: 0x000c, 0xd32: 0x000c, 0xd33: 0x000c, 0xd34: 0x000c, 0xd35: 0x000c, + 0xd36: 0x000c, 0xd37: 0x000c, 0xd39: 0x000c, 0xd3a: 0x000c, + 0xd3d: 0x000c, 0xd3e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd58: 0x000c, 0xd59: 0x000c, + 0xd5e: 0x000c, 0xd5f: 0x000c, 0xd60: 0x000c, + 0xd71: 0x000c, 0xd72: 0x000c, 0xd73: 0x000c, 0xd74: 0x000c, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd82: 0x000c, 0xd85: 0x000c, + 0xd86: 0x000c, + 0xd8d: 0x000c, + 0xd9d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xddd: 0x000c, + 0xdde: 0x000c, 0xddf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe10: 0x000a, 0xe11: 0x000a, + 0xe12: 0x000a, 0xe13: 0x000a, 0xe14: 0x000a, 0xe15: 0x000a, 0xe16: 0x000a, 0xe17: 0x000a, + 0xe18: 0x000a, 0xe19: 0x000a, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x000a, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x0009, + 0xe9b: 0x007a, 0xe9c: 0x006a, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xed2: 0x000c, 0xed3: 0x000c, 0xed4: 0x000c, + 0xef2: 0x000c, 0xef3: 0x000c, 0xef4: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf12: 0x000c, 0xf13: 0x000c, + 0xf32: 0x000c, 0xf33: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf74: 0x000c, 0xf75: 0x000c, + 0xf77: 0x000c, 0xf78: 0x000c, 0xf79: 0x000c, 0xf7a: 0x000c, 0xf7b: 0x000c, + 0xf7c: 0x000c, 0xf7d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf86: 0x000c, 0xf89: 0x000c, 0xf8a: 0x000c, 0xf8b: 0x000c, + 0xf8c: 0x000c, 0xf8d: 0x000c, 0xf8e: 0x000c, 0xf8f: 0x000c, 0xf90: 0x000c, 0xf91: 0x000c, + 0xf92: 0x000c, 0xf93: 0x000c, + 0xf9b: 0x0004, 0xf9d: 0x000c, + 0xfb0: 0x000a, 0xfb1: 0x000a, 0xfb2: 0x000a, 0xfb3: 0x000a, 0xfb4: 0x000a, 0xfb5: 0x000a, + 0xfb6: 0x000a, 0xfb7: 0x000a, 0xfb8: 0x000a, 0xfb9: 0x000a, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc0: 0x000a, 0xfc1: 0x000a, 0xfc2: 0x000a, 0xfc3: 0x000a, 0xfc4: 0x000a, 0xfc5: 0x000a, + 0xfc6: 0x000a, 0xfc7: 0x000a, 0xfc8: 0x000a, 0xfc9: 0x000a, 0xfca: 0x000a, 0xfcb: 0x000c, + 0xfcc: 0x000c, 0xfcd: 0x000c, 0xfce: 0x000b, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1005: 0x000c, + 0x1006: 0x000c, + 0x1029: 0x000c, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1060: 0x000c, 0x1061: 0x000c, 0x1062: 0x000c, + 0x1067: 0x000c, 0x1068: 0x000c, + 0x1072: 0x000c, + 0x1079: 0x000c, 0x107a: 0x000c, 0x107b: 0x000c, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x000a, 0x1084: 0x000a, 0x1085: 0x000a, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10de: 0x000a, 0x10df: 0x000a, 0x10e0: 0x000a, 0x10e1: 0x000a, 0x10e2: 0x000a, 0x10e3: 0x000a, + 0x10e4: 0x000a, 0x10e5: 0x000a, 0x10e6: 0x000a, 0x10e7: 0x000a, 0x10e8: 0x000a, 0x10e9: 0x000a, + 0x10ea: 0x000a, 0x10eb: 0x000a, 0x10ec: 0x000a, 0x10ed: 0x000a, 0x10ee: 0x000a, 0x10ef: 0x000a, + 0x10f0: 0x000a, 0x10f1: 0x000a, 0x10f2: 0x000a, 0x10f3: 0x000a, 0x10f4: 0x000a, 0x10f5: 0x000a, + 0x10f6: 0x000a, 0x10f7: 0x000a, 0x10f8: 0x000a, 0x10f9: 0x000a, 0x10fa: 0x000a, 0x10fb: 0x000a, + 0x10fc: 0x000a, 0x10fd: 0x000a, 0x10fe: 0x000a, 0x10ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1117: 0x000c, + 0x1118: 0x000c, 0x111b: 0x000c, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1156: 0x000c, + 0x1158: 0x000c, 0x1159: 0x000c, 0x115a: 0x000c, 0x115b: 0x000c, 0x115c: 0x000c, 0x115d: 0x000c, + 0x115e: 0x000c, 0x1160: 0x000c, 0x1162: 0x000c, + 0x1165: 0x000c, 0x1166: 0x000c, 0x1167: 0x000c, 0x1168: 0x000c, 0x1169: 0x000c, + 0x116a: 0x000c, 0x116b: 0x000c, 0x116c: 0x000c, + 0x1173: 0x000c, 0x1174: 0x000c, 0x1175: 0x000c, + 0x1176: 0x000c, 0x1177: 0x000c, 0x1178: 0x000c, 0x1179: 0x000c, 0x117a: 0x000c, 0x117b: 0x000c, + 0x117c: 0x000c, 0x117f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x11b0: 0x000c, 0x11b1: 0x000c, 0x11b2: 0x000c, 0x11b3: 0x000c, 0x11b4: 0x000c, 0x11b5: 0x000c, + 0x11b6: 0x000c, 0x11b7: 0x000c, 0x11b8: 0x000c, 0x11b9: 0x000c, 0x11ba: 0x000c, 0x11bb: 0x000c, + 0x11bc: 0x000c, 0x11bd: 0x000c, 0x11be: 0x000c, 0x11bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c0: 0x000c, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x000c, 0x1201: 0x000c, 0x1202: 0x000c, 0x1203: 0x000c, + 0x1234: 0x000c, + 0x1236: 0x000c, 0x1237: 0x000c, 0x1238: 0x000c, 0x1239: 0x000c, 0x123a: 0x000c, + 0x123c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1242: 0x000c, + 0x126b: 0x000c, 0x126c: 0x000c, 0x126d: 0x000c, 0x126e: 0x000c, 0x126f: 0x000c, + 0x1270: 0x000c, 0x1271: 0x000c, 0x1272: 0x000c, 0x1273: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x1280: 0x000c, 0x1281: 0x000c, + 0x12a2: 0x000c, 0x12a3: 0x000c, + 0x12a4: 0x000c, 0x12a5: 0x000c, 0x12a8: 0x000c, 0x12a9: 0x000c, + 0x12ab: 0x000c, 0x12ac: 0x000c, 0x12ad: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12e6: 0x000c, 0x12e8: 0x000c, 0x12e9: 0x000c, + 0x12ed: 0x000c, 0x12ef: 0x000c, + 0x12f0: 0x000c, 0x12f1: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x132c: 0x000c, 0x132d: 0x000c, 0x132e: 0x000c, 0x132f: 0x000c, + 0x1330: 0x000c, 0x1331: 0x000c, 0x1332: 0x000c, 0x1333: 0x000c, + 0x1336: 0x000c, 0x1337: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x1350: 0x000c, 0x1351: 0x000c, + 0x1352: 0x000c, 0x1354: 0x000c, 0x1355: 0x000c, 0x1356: 0x000c, 0x1357: 0x000c, + 0x1358: 0x000c, 0x1359: 0x000c, 0x135a: 0x000c, 0x135b: 0x000c, 0x135c: 0x000c, 0x135d: 0x000c, + 0x135e: 0x000c, 0x135f: 0x000c, 0x1360: 0x000c, 0x1362: 0x000c, 0x1363: 0x000c, + 0x1364: 0x000c, 0x1365: 0x000c, 0x1366: 0x000c, 0x1367: 0x000c, 0x1368: 0x000c, + 0x136d: 0x000c, + 0x1374: 0x000c, + 0x1378: 0x000c, 0x1379: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x000c, 0x1381: 0x000c, 0x1382: 0x000c, 0x1383: 0x000c, 0x1384: 0x000c, 0x1385: 0x000c, + 0x1386: 0x000c, 0x1387: 0x000c, 0x1388: 0x000c, 0x1389: 0x000c, 0x138a: 0x000c, 0x138b: 0x000c, + 0x138c: 0x000c, 0x138d: 0x000c, 0x138e: 0x000c, 0x138f: 0x000c, 0x1390: 0x000c, 0x1391: 0x000c, + 0x1392: 0x000c, 0x1393: 0x000c, 0x1394: 0x000c, 0x1395: 0x000c, 0x1396: 0x000c, 0x1397: 0x000c, + 0x1398: 0x000c, 0x1399: 0x000c, 0x139a: 0x000c, 0x139b: 0x000c, 0x139c: 0x000c, 0x139d: 0x000c, + 0x139e: 0x000c, 0x139f: 0x000c, 0x13a0: 0x000c, 0x13a1: 0x000c, 0x13a2: 0x000c, 0x13a3: 0x000c, + 0x13a4: 0x000c, 0x13a5: 0x000c, 0x13a6: 0x000c, 0x13a7: 0x000c, 0x13a8: 0x000c, 0x13a9: 0x000c, + 0x13aa: 0x000c, 0x13ab: 0x000c, 0x13ac: 0x000c, 0x13ad: 0x000c, 0x13ae: 0x000c, 0x13af: 0x000c, + 0x13b0: 0x000c, 0x13b1: 0x000c, 0x13b2: 0x000c, 0x13b3: 0x000c, 0x13b4: 0x000c, 0x13b5: 0x000c, + 0x13b6: 0x000c, 0x13b7: 0x000c, 0x13b8: 0x000c, 0x13b9: 0x000c, 0x13bb: 0x000c, + 0x13bc: 0x000c, 0x13bd: 0x000c, 0x13be: 0x000c, 0x13bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13fd: 0x000a, 0x13ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x000a, 0x1401: 0x000a, + 0x140d: 0x000a, 0x140e: 0x000a, 0x140f: 0x000a, + 0x141d: 0x000a, + 0x141e: 0x000a, 0x141f: 0x000a, + 0x142d: 0x000a, 0x142e: 0x000a, 0x142f: 0x000a, + 0x143d: 0x000a, 0x143e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1440: 0x0009, 0x1441: 0x0009, 0x1442: 0x0009, 0x1443: 0x0009, 0x1444: 0x0009, 0x1445: 0x0009, + 0x1446: 0x0009, 0x1447: 0x0009, 0x1448: 0x0009, 0x1449: 0x0009, 0x144a: 0x0009, 0x144b: 0x000b, + 0x144c: 0x000b, 0x144d: 0x000b, 0x144f: 0x0001, 0x1450: 0x000a, 0x1451: 0x000a, + 0x1452: 0x000a, 0x1453: 0x000a, 0x1454: 0x000a, 0x1455: 0x000a, 0x1456: 0x000a, 0x1457: 0x000a, + 0x1458: 0x000a, 0x1459: 0x000a, 0x145a: 0x000a, 0x145b: 0x000a, 0x145c: 0x000a, 0x145d: 0x000a, + 0x145e: 0x000a, 0x145f: 0x000a, 0x1460: 0x000a, 0x1461: 0x000a, 0x1462: 0x000a, 0x1463: 0x000a, + 0x1464: 0x000a, 0x1465: 0x000a, 0x1466: 0x000a, 0x1467: 0x000a, 0x1468: 0x0009, 0x1469: 0x0007, + 0x146a: 0x000e, 0x146b: 0x000e, 0x146c: 0x000e, 0x146d: 0x000e, 0x146e: 0x000e, 0x146f: 0x0006, + 0x1470: 0x0004, 0x1471: 0x0004, 0x1472: 0x0004, 0x1473: 0x0004, 0x1474: 0x0004, 0x1475: 0x000a, + 0x1476: 0x000a, 0x1477: 0x000a, 0x1478: 0x000a, 0x1479: 0x000a, 0x147a: 0x000a, 0x147b: 0x000a, + 0x147c: 0x000a, 0x147d: 0x000a, 0x147e: 0x000a, 0x147f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x000a, 0x1481: 0x000a, 0x1482: 0x000a, 0x1483: 0x000a, 0x1484: 0x0006, 0x1485: 0x009a, + 0x1486: 0x008a, 0x1487: 0x000a, 0x1488: 0x000a, 0x1489: 0x000a, 0x148a: 0x000a, 0x148b: 0x000a, + 0x148c: 0x000a, 0x148d: 0x000a, 0x148e: 0x000a, 0x148f: 0x000a, 0x1490: 0x000a, 0x1491: 0x000a, + 0x1492: 0x000a, 0x1493: 0x000a, 0x1494: 0x000a, 0x1495: 0x000a, 0x1496: 0x000a, 0x1497: 0x000a, + 0x1498: 0x000a, 0x1499: 0x000a, 0x149a: 0x000a, 0x149b: 0x000a, 0x149c: 0x000a, 0x149d: 0x000a, + 0x149e: 0x000a, 0x149f: 0x0009, 0x14a0: 0x000b, 0x14a1: 0x000b, 0x14a2: 0x000b, 0x14a3: 0x000b, + 0x14a4: 0x000b, 0x14a5: 0x000b, 0x14a6: 0x000e, 0x14a7: 0x000e, 0x14a8: 0x000e, 0x14a9: 0x000e, + 0x14aa: 0x000b, 0x14ab: 0x000b, 0x14ac: 0x000b, 0x14ad: 0x000b, 0x14ae: 0x000b, 0x14af: 0x000b, + 0x14b0: 0x0002, 0x14b4: 0x0002, 0x14b5: 0x0002, + 0x14b6: 0x0002, 0x14b7: 0x0002, 0x14b8: 0x0002, 0x14b9: 0x0002, 0x14ba: 0x0003, 0x14bb: 0x0003, + 0x14bc: 0x000a, 0x14bd: 0x009a, 0x14be: 0x008a, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x0002, 0x14c1: 0x0002, 0x14c2: 0x0002, 0x14c3: 0x0002, 0x14c4: 0x0002, 0x14c5: 0x0002, + 0x14c6: 0x0002, 0x14c7: 0x0002, 0x14c8: 0x0002, 0x14c9: 0x0002, 0x14ca: 0x0003, 0x14cb: 0x0003, + 0x14cc: 0x000a, 0x14cd: 0x009a, 0x14ce: 0x008a, + 0x14e0: 0x0004, 0x14e1: 0x0004, 0x14e2: 0x0004, 0x14e3: 0x0004, + 0x14e4: 0x0004, 0x14e5: 0x0004, 0x14e6: 0x0004, 0x14e7: 0x0004, 0x14e8: 0x0004, 0x14e9: 0x0004, + 0x14ea: 0x0004, 0x14eb: 0x0004, 0x14ec: 0x0004, 0x14ed: 0x0004, 0x14ee: 0x0004, 0x14ef: 0x0004, + 0x14f0: 0x0004, 0x14f1: 0x0004, 0x14f2: 0x0004, 0x14f3: 0x0004, 0x14f4: 0x0004, 0x14f5: 0x0004, + 0x14f6: 0x0004, 0x14f7: 0x0004, 0x14f8: 0x0004, 0x14f9: 0x0004, 0x14fa: 0x0004, 0x14fb: 0x0004, + 0x14fc: 0x0004, 0x14fd: 0x0004, 0x14fe: 0x0004, 0x14ff: 0x0004, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x0004, 0x1501: 0x0004, 0x1502: 0x0004, 0x1503: 0x0004, 0x1504: 0x0004, 0x1505: 0x0004, + 0x1506: 0x0004, 0x1507: 0x0004, 0x1508: 0x0004, 0x1509: 0x0004, 0x150a: 0x0004, 0x150b: 0x0004, + 0x150c: 0x0004, 0x150d: 0x0004, 0x150e: 0x0004, 0x150f: 0x0004, 0x1510: 0x000c, 0x1511: 0x000c, + 0x1512: 0x000c, 0x1513: 0x000c, 0x1514: 0x000c, 0x1515: 0x000c, 0x1516: 0x000c, 0x1517: 0x000c, + 0x1518: 0x000c, 0x1519: 0x000c, 0x151a: 0x000c, 0x151b: 0x000c, 0x151c: 0x000c, 0x151d: 0x000c, + 0x151e: 0x000c, 0x151f: 0x000c, 0x1520: 0x000c, 0x1521: 0x000c, 0x1522: 0x000c, 0x1523: 0x000c, + 0x1524: 0x000c, 0x1525: 0x000c, 0x1526: 0x000c, 0x1527: 0x000c, 0x1528: 0x000c, 0x1529: 0x000c, + 0x152a: 0x000c, 0x152b: 0x000c, 0x152c: 0x000c, 0x152d: 0x000c, 0x152e: 0x000c, 0x152f: 0x000c, + 0x1530: 0x000c, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1540: 0x000a, 0x1541: 0x000a, 0x1543: 0x000a, 0x1544: 0x000a, 0x1545: 0x000a, + 0x1546: 0x000a, 0x1548: 0x000a, 0x1549: 0x000a, + 0x1554: 0x000a, 0x1556: 0x000a, 0x1557: 0x000a, + 0x1558: 0x000a, + 0x155e: 0x000a, 0x155f: 0x000a, 0x1560: 0x000a, 0x1561: 0x000a, 0x1562: 0x000a, 0x1563: 0x000a, + 0x1565: 0x000a, 0x1567: 0x000a, 0x1569: 0x000a, + 0x156e: 0x0004, + 0x157a: 0x000a, 0x157b: 0x000a, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0x000a, 0x1581: 0x000a, 0x1582: 0x000a, 0x1583: 0x000a, 0x1584: 0x000a, + 0x158a: 0x000a, 0x158b: 0x000a, + 0x158c: 0x000a, 0x158d: 0x000a, 0x1590: 0x000a, 0x1591: 0x000a, + 0x1592: 0x000a, 0x1593: 0x000a, 0x1594: 0x000a, 0x1595: 0x000a, 0x1596: 0x000a, 0x1597: 0x000a, + 0x1598: 0x000a, 0x1599: 0x000a, 0x159a: 0x000a, 0x159b: 0x000a, 0x159c: 0x000a, 0x159d: 0x000a, + 0x159e: 0x000a, 0x159f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c9: 0x000a, 0x15ca: 0x000a, 0x15cb: 0x000a, + 0x15d0: 0x000a, 0x15d1: 0x000a, + 0x15d2: 0x000a, 0x15d3: 0x000a, 0x15d4: 0x000a, 0x15d5: 0x000a, 0x15d6: 0x000a, 0x15d7: 0x000a, + 0x15d8: 0x000a, 0x15d9: 0x000a, 0x15da: 0x000a, 0x15db: 0x000a, 0x15dc: 0x000a, 0x15dd: 0x000a, + 0x15de: 0x000a, 0x15df: 0x000a, 0x15e0: 0x000a, 0x15e1: 0x000a, 0x15e2: 0x000a, 0x15e3: 0x000a, + 0x15e4: 0x000a, 0x15e5: 0x000a, 0x15e6: 0x000a, 0x15e7: 0x000a, 0x15e8: 0x000a, 0x15e9: 0x000a, + 0x15ea: 0x000a, 0x15eb: 0x000a, 0x15ec: 0x000a, 0x15ed: 0x000a, 0x15ee: 0x000a, 0x15ef: 0x000a, + 0x15f0: 0x000a, 0x15f1: 0x000a, 0x15f2: 0x000a, 0x15f3: 0x000a, 0x15f4: 0x000a, 0x15f5: 0x000a, + 0x15f6: 0x000a, 0x15f7: 0x000a, 0x15f8: 0x000a, 0x15f9: 0x000a, 0x15fa: 0x000a, 0x15fb: 0x000a, + 0x15fc: 0x000a, 0x15fd: 0x000a, 0x15fe: 0x000a, 0x15ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x000a, 0x1601: 0x000a, 0x1602: 0x000a, 0x1603: 0x000a, 0x1604: 0x000a, 0x1605: 0x000a, + 0x1606: 0x000a, 0x1607: 0x000a, 0x1608: 0x000a, 0x1609: 0x000a, 0x160a: 0x000a, 0x160b: 0x000a, + 0x160c: 0x000a, 0x160d: 0x000a, 0x160e: 0x000a, 0x160f: 0x000a, 0x1610: 0x000a, 0x1611: 0x000a, + 0x1612: 0x000a, 0x1613: 0x000a, 0x1614: 0x000a, 0x1615: 0x000a, 0x1616: 0x000a, 0x1617: 0x000a, + 0x1618: 0x000a, 0x1619: 0x000a, 0x161a: 0x000a, 0x161b: 0x000a, 0x161c: 0x000a, 0x161d: 0x000a, + 0x161e: 0x000a, 0x161f: 0x000a, 0x1620: 0x000a, 0x1621: 0x000a, 0x1622: 0x000a, 0x1623: 0x000a, + 0x1624: 0x000a, 0x1625: 0x000a, 0x1626: 0x000a, 0x1627: 0x000a, 0x1628: 0x000a, 0x1629: 0x000a, + 0x162a: 0x000a, 0x162b: 0x000a, 0x162c: 0x000a, 0x162d: 0x000a, 0x162e: 0x000a, 0x162f: 0x000a, + 0x1630: 0x000a, 0x1631: 0x000a, 0x1632: 0x000a, 0x1633: 0x000a, 0x1634: 0x000a, 0x1635: 0x000a, + 0x1636: 0x000a, 0x1637: 0x000a, 0x1638: 0x000a, 0x1639: 0x000a, 0x163a: 0x000a, 0x163b: 0x000a, + 0x163c: 0x000a, 0x163d: 0x000a, 0x163e: 0x000a, 0x163f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x1640: 0x000a, 0x1641: 0x000a, 0x1642: 0x000a, 0x1643: 0x000a, 0x1644: 0x000a, 0x1645: 0x000a, + 0x1646: 0x000a, 0x1647: 0x000a, 0x1648: 0x000a, 0x1649: 0x000a, 0x164a: 0x000a, 0x164b: 0x000a, + 0x164c: 0x000a, 0x164d: 0x000a, 0x164e: 0x000a, 0x164f: 0x000a, 0x1650: 0x000a, 0x1651: 0x000a, + 0x1652: 0x0003, 0x1653: 0x0004, 0x1654: 0x000a, 0x1655: 0x000a, 0x1656: 0x000a, 0x1657: 0x000a, + 0x1658: 0x000a, 0x1659: 0x000a, 0x165a: 0x000a, 0x165b: 0x000a, 0x165c: 0x000a, 0x165d: 0x000a, + 0x165e: 0x000a, 0x165f: 0x000a, 0x1660: 0x000a, 0x1661: 0x000a, 0x1662: 0x000a, 0x1663: 0x000a, + 0x1664: 0x000a, 0x1665: 0x000a, 0x1666: 0x000a, 0x1667: 0x000a, 0x1668: 0x000a, 0x1669: 0x000a, + 0x166a: 0x000a, 0x166b: 0x000a, 0x166c: 0x000a, 0x166d: 0x000a, 0x166e: 0x000a, 0x166f: 0x000a, + 0x1670: 0x000a, 0x1671: 0x000a, 0x1672: 0x000a, 0x1673: 0x000a, 0x1674: 0x000a, 0x1675: 0x000a, + 0x1676: 0x000a, 0x1677: 0x000a, 0x1678: 0x000a, 0x1679: 0x000a, 0x167a: 0x000a, 0x167b: 0x000a, + 0x167c: 0x000a, 0x167d: 0x000a, 0x167e: 0x000a, 0x167f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x000a, 0x1681: 0x000a, 0x1682: 0x000a, 0x1683: 0x000a, 0x1684: 0x000a, 0x1685: 0x000a, + 0x1686: 0x000a, 0x1687: 0x000a, 0x1688: 0x003a, 0x1689: 0x002a, 0x168a: 0x003a, 0x168b: 0x002a, + 0x168c: 0x000a, 0x168d: 0x000a, 0x168e: 0x000a, 0x168f: 0x000a, 0x1690: 0x000a, 0x1691: 0x000a, + 0x1692: 0x000a, 0x1693: 0x000a, 0x1694: 0x000a, 0x1695: 0x000a, 0x1696: 0x000a, 0x1697: 0x000a, + 0x1698: 0x000a, 0x1699: 0x000a, 0x169a: 0x000a, 0x169b: 0x000a, 0x169c: 0x000a, 0x169d: 0x000a, + 0x169e: 0x000a, 0x169f: 0x000a, 0x16a0: 0x000a, 0x16a1: 0x000a, 0x16a2: 0x000a, 0x16a3: 0x000a, + 0x16a4: 0x000a, 0x16a5: 0x000a, 0x16a6: 0x000a, 0x16a7: 0x000a, 0x16a8: 0x000a, 0x16a9: 0x009a, + 0x16aa: 0x008a, 0x16ab: 0x000a, 0x16ac: 0x000a, 0x16ad: 0x000a, 0x16ae: 0x000a, 0x16af: 0x000a, + 0x16b0: 0x000a, 0x16b1: 0x000a, 0x16b2: 0x000a, 0x16b3: 0x000a, 0x16b4: 0x000a, 0x16b5: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16fb: 0x000a, + 0x16fc: 0x000a, 0x16fd: 0x000a, 0x16fe: 0x000a, 0x16ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x000a, 0x1701: 0x000a, 0x1702: 0x000a, 0x1703: 0x000a, 0x1704: 0x000a, 0x1705: 0x000a, + 0x1706: 0x000a, 0x1707: 0x000a, 0x1708: 0x000a, 0x1709: 0x000a, 0x170a: 0x000a, 0x170b: 0x000a, + 0x170c: 0x000a, 0x170d: 0x000a, 0x170e: 0x000a, 0x170f: 0x000a, 0x1710: 0x000a, 0x1711: 0x000a, + 0x1712: 0x000a, 0x1713: 0x000a, 0x1714: 0x000a, 0x1716: 0x000a, 0x1717: 0x000a, + 0x1718: 0x000a, 0x1719: 0x000a, 0x171a: 0x000a, 0x171b: 0x000a, 0x171c: 0x000a, 0x171d: 0x000a, + 0x171e: 0x000a, 0x171f: 0x000a, 0x1720: 0x000a, 0x1721: 0x000a, 0x1722: 0x000a, 0x1723: 0x000a, + 0x1724: 0x000a, 0x1725: 0x000a, 0x1726: 0x000a, 0x1727: 0x000a, 0x1728: 0x000a, 0x1729: 0x000a, + 0x172a: 0x000a, 0x172b: 0x000a, 0x172c: 0x000a, 0x172d: 0x000a, 0x172e: 0x000a, 0x172f: 0x000a, + 0x1730: 0x000a, 0x1731: 0x000a, 0x1732: 0x000a, 0x1733: 0x000a, 0x1734: 0x000a, 0x1735: 0x000a, + 0x1736: 0x000a, 0x1737: 0x000a, 0x1738: 0x000a, 0x1739: 0x000a, 0x173a: 0x000a, 0x173b: 0x000a, + 0x173c: 0x000a, 0x173d: 0x000a, 0x173e: 0x000a, 0x173f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x000a, 0x1741: 0x000a, 0x1742: 0x000a, 0x1743: 0x000a, 0x1744: 0x000a, 0x1745: 0x000a, + 0x1746: 0x000a, 0x1747: 0x000a, 0x1748: 0x000a, 0x1749: 0x000a, 0x174a: 0x000a, 0x174b: 0x000a, + 0x174c: 0x000a, 0x174d: 0x000a, 0x174e: 0x000a, 0x174f: 0x000a, 0x1750: 0x000a, 0x1751: 0x000a, + 0x1752: 0x000a, 0x1753: 0x000a, 0x1754: 0x000a, 0x1755: 0x000a, 0x1756: 0x000a, 0x1757: 0x000a, + 0x1758: 0x000a, 0x1759: 0x000a, 0x175a: 0x000a, 0x175b: 0x000a, 0x175c: 0x000a, 0x175d: 0x000a, + 0x175e: 0x000a, 0x175f: 0x000a, 0x1760: 0x000a, 0x1761: 0x000a, 0x1762: 0x000a, 0x1763: 0x000a, + 0x1764: 0x000a, 0x1765: 0x000a, 0x1766: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x1780: 0x000a, 0x1781: 0x000a, 0x1782: 0x000a, 0x1783: 0x000a, 0x1784: 0x000a, 0x1785: 0x000a, + 0x1786: 0x000a, 0x1787: 0x000a, 0x1788: 0x000a, 0x1789: 0x000a, 0x178a: 0x000a, + 0x17a0: 0x000a, 0x17a1: 0x000a, 0x17a2: 0x000a, 0x17a3: 0x000a, + 0x17a4: 0x000a, 0x17a5: 0x000a, 0x17a6: 0x000a, 0x17a7: 0x000a, 0x17a8: 0x000a, 0x17a9: 0x000a, + 0x17aa: 0x000a, 0x17ab: 0x000a, 0x17ac: 0x000a, 0x17ad: 0x000a, 0x17ae: 0x000a, 0x17af: 0x000a, + 0x17b0: 0x000a, 0x17b1: 0x000a, 0x17b2: 0x000a, 0x17b3: 0x000a, 0x17b4: 0x000a, 0x17b5: 0x000a, + 0x17b6: 0x000a, 0x17b7: 0x000a, 0x17b8: 0x000a, 0x17b9: 0x000a, 0x17ba: 0x000a, 0x17bb: 0x000a, + 0x17bc: 0x000a, 0x17bd: 0x000a, 0x17be: 0x000a, 0x17bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x000a, 0x17c1: 0x000a, 0x17c2: 0x000a, 0x17c3: 0x000a, 0x17c4: 0x000a, 0x17c5: 0x000a, + 0x17c6: 0x000a, 0x17c7: 0x000a, 0x17c8: 0x0002, 0x17c9: 0x0002, 0x17ca: 0x0002, 0x17cb: 0x0002, + 0x17cc: 0x0002, 0x17cd: 0x0002, 0x17ce: 0x0002, 0x17cf: 0x0002, 0x17d0: 0x0002, 0x17d1: 0x0002, + 0x17d2: 0x0002, 0x17d3: 0x0002, 0x17d4: 0x0002, 0x17d5: 0x0002, 0x17d6: 0x0002, 0x17d7: 0x0002, + 0x17d8: 0x0002, 0x17d9: 0x0002, 0x17da: 0x0002, 0x17db: 0x0002, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x182a: 0x000a, 0x182b: 0x000a, 0x182c: 0x000a, 0x182d: 0x000a, 0x182e: 0x000a, 0x182f: 0x000a, + 0x1830: 0x000a, 0x1831: 0x000a, 0x1832: 0x000a, 0x1833: 0x000a, 0x1834: 0x000a, 0x1835: 0x000a, + 0x1836: 0x000a, 0x1837: 0x000a, 0x1838: 0x000a, 0x1839: 0x000a, 0x183a: 0x000a, 0x183b: 0x000a, + 0x183c: 0x000a, 0x183d: 0x000a, 0x183e: 0x000a, 0x183f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x000a, 0x1841: 0x000a, 0x1842: 0x000a, 0x1843: 0x000a, 0x1844: 0x000a, 0x1845: 0x000a, + 0x1846: 0x000a, 0x1847: 0x000a, 0x1848: 0x000a, 0x1849: 0x000a, 0x184a: 0x000a, 0x184b: 0x000a, + 0x184c: 0x000a, 0x184d: 0x000a, 0x184e: 0x000a, 0x184f: 0x000a, 0x1850: 0x000a, 0x1851: 0x000a, + 0x1852: 0x000a, 0x1853: 0x000a, 0x1854: 0x000a, 0x1855: 0x000a, 0x1856: 0x000a, 0x1857: 0x000a, + 0x1858: 0x000a, 0x1859: 0x000a, 0x185a: 0x000a, 0x185b: 0x000a, 0x185c: 0x000a, 0x185d: 0x000a, + 0x185e: 0x000a, 0x185f: 0x000a, 0x1860: 0x000a, 0x1861: 0x000a, 0x1862: 0x000a, 0x1863: 0x000a, + 0x1864: 0x000a, 0x1865: 0x000a, 0x1866: 0x000a, 0x1867: 0x000a, 0x1868: 0x000a, 0x1869: 0x000a, + 0x186a: 0x000a, 0x186b: 0x000a, 0x186d: 0x000a, 0x186e: 0x000a, 0x186f: 0x000a, + 0x1870: 0x000a, 0x1871: 0x000a, 0x1872: 0x000a, 0x1873: 0x000a, 0x1874: 0x000a, 0x1875: 0x000a, + 0x1876: 0x000a, 0x1877: 0x000a, 0x1878: 0x000a, 0x1879: 0x000a, 0x187a: 0x000a, 0x187b: 0x000a, + 0x187c: 0x000a, 0x187d: 0x000a, 0x187e: 0x000a, 0x187f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x000a, 0x1881: 0x000a, 0x1882: 0x000a, 0x1883: 0x000a, 0x1884: 0x000a, 0x1885: 0x000a, + 0x1886: 0x000a, 0x1887: 0x000a, 0x1888: 0x000a, 0x1889: 0x000a, 0x188a: 0x000a, 0x188b: 0x000a, + 0x188c: 0x000a, 0x188d: 0x000a, 0x188e: 0x000a, 0x188f: 0x000a, 0x1890: 0x000a, 0x1891: 0x000a, + 0x1892: 0x000a, 0x1893: 0x000a, 0x1894: 0x000a, 0x1895: 0x000a, 0x1896: 0x000a, 0x1897: 0x000a, + 0x1898: 0x000a, 0x1899: 0x000a, 0x189a: 0x000a, 0x189b: 0x000a, 0x189c: 0x000a, 0x189d: 0x000a, + 0x189e: 0x000a, 0x189f: 0x000a, 0x18a0: 0x000a, 0x18a1: 0x000a, 0x18a2: 0x000a, 0x18a3: 0x000a, + 0x18a4: 0x000a, 0x18a5: 0x000a, 0x18a6: 0x000a, 0x18a7: 0x000a, 0x18a8: 0x003a, 0x18a9: 0x002a, + 0x18aa: 0x003a, 0x18ab: 0x002a, 0x18ac: 0x003a, 0x18ad: 0x002a, 0x18ae: 0x003a, 0x18af: 0x002a, + 0x18b0: 0x003a, 0x18b1: 0x002a, 0x18b2: 0x003a, 0x18b3: 0x002a, 0x18b4: 0x003a, 0x18b5: 0x002a, + 0x18b6: 0x000a, 0x18b7: 0x000a, 0x18b8: 0x000a, 0x18b9: 0x000a, 0x18ba: 0x000a, 0x18bb: 0x000a, + 0x18bc: 0x000a, 0x18bd: 0x000a, 0x18be: 0x000a, 0x18bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x000a, 0x18c1: 0x000a, 0x18c2: 0x000a, 0x18c3: 0x000a, 0x18c4: 0x000a, 0x18c5: 0x009a, + 0x18c6: 0x008a, 0x18c7: 0x000a, 0x18c8: 0x000a, 0x18c9: 0x000a, 0x18ca: 0x000a, 0x18cb: 0x000a, + 0x18cc: 0x000a, 0x18cd: 0x000a, 0x18ce: 0x000a, 0x18cf: 0x000a, 0x18d0: 0x000a, 0x18d1: 0x000a, + 0x18d2: 0x000a, 0x18d3: 0x000a, 0x18d4: 0x000a, 0x18d5: 0x000a, 0x18d6: 0x000a, 0x18d7: 0x000a, + 0x18d8: 0x000a, 0x18d9: 0x000a, 0x18da: 0x000a, 0x18db: 0x000a, 0x18dc: 0x000a, 0x18dd: 0x000a, + 0x18de: 0x000a, 0x18df: 0x000a, 0x18e0: 0x000a, 0x18e1: 0x000a, 0x18e2: 0x000a, 0x18e3: 0x000a, + 0x18e4: 0x000a, 0x18e5: 0x000a, 0x18e6: 0x003a, 0x18e7: 0x002a, 0x18e8: 0x003a, 0x18e9: 0x002a, + 0x18ea: 0x003a, 0x18eb: 0x002a, 0x18ec: 0x003a, 0x18ed: 0x002a, 0x18ee: 0x003a, 0x18ef: 0x002a, + 0x18f0: 0x000a, 0x18f1: 0x000a, 0x18f2: 0x000a, 0x18f3: 0x000a, 0x18f4: 0x000a, 0x18f5: 0x000a, + 0x18f6: 0x000a, 0x18f7: 0x000a, 0x18f8: 0x000a, 0x18f9: 0x000a, 0x18fa: 0x000a, 0x18fb: 0x000a, + 0x18fc: 0x000a, 0x18fd: 0x000a, 0x18fe: 0x000a, 0x18ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x000a, 0x1901: 0x000a, 0x1902: 0x000a, 0x1903: 0x007a, 0x1904: 0x006a, 0x1905: 0x009a, + 0x1906: 0x008a, 0x1907: 0x00ba, 0x1908: 0x00aa, 0x1909: 0x009a, 0x190a: 0x008a, 0x190b: 0x007a, + 0x190c: 0x006a, 0x190d: 0x00da, 0x190e: 0x002a, 0x190f: 0x003a, 0x1910: 0x00ca, 0x1911: 0x009a, + 0x1912: 0x008a, 0x1913: 0x007a, 0x1914: 0x006a, 0x1915: 0x009a, 0x1916: 0x008a, 0x1917: 0x00ba, + 0x1918: 0x00aa, 0x1919: 0x000a, 0x191a: 0x000a, 0x191b: 0x000a, 0x191c: 0x000a, 0x191d: 0x000a, + 0x191e: 0x000a, 0x191f: 0x000a, 0x1920: 0x000a, 0x1921: 0x000a, 0x1922: 0x000a, 0x1923: 0x000a, + 0x1924: 0x000a, 0x1925: 0x000a, 0x1926: 0x000a, 0x1927: 0x000a, 0x1928: 0x000a, 0x1929: 0x000a, + 0x192a: 0x000a, 0x192b: 0x000a, 0x192c: 0x000a, 0x192d: 0x000a, 0x192e: 0x000a, 0x192f: 0x000a, + 0x1930: 0x000a, 0x1931: 0x000a, 0x1932: 0x000a, 0x1933: 0x000a, 0x1934: 0x000a, 0x1935: 0x000a, + 0x1936: 0x000a, 0x1937: 0x000a, 0x1938: 0x000a, 0x1939: 0x000a, 0x193a: 0x000a, 0x193b: 0x000a, + 0x193c: 0x000a, 0x193d: 0x000a, 0x193e: 0x000a, 0x193f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1940: 0x000a, 0x1941: 0x000a, 0x1942: 0x000a, 0x1943: 0x000a, 0x1944: 0x000a, 0x1945: 0x000a, + 0x1946: 0x000a, 0x1947: 0x000a, 0x1948: 0x000a, 0x1949: 0x000a, 0x194a: 0x000a, 0x194b: 0x000a, + 0x194c: 0x000a, 0x194d: 0x000a, 0x194e: 0x000a, 0x194f: 0x000a, 0x1950: 0x000a, 0x1951: 0x000a, + 0x1952: 0x000a, 0x1953: 0x000a, 0x1954: 0x000a, 0x1955: 0x000a, 0x1956: 0x000a, 0x1957: 0x000a, + 0x1958: 0x003a, 0x1959: 0x002a, 0x195a: 0x003a, 0x195b: 0x002a, 0x195c: 0x000a, 0x195d: 0x000a, + 0x195e: 0x000a, 0x195f: 0x000a, 0x1960: 0x000a, 0x1961: 0x000a, 0x1962: 0x000a, 0x1963: 0x000a, + 0x1964: 0x000a, 0x1965: 0x000a, 0x1966: 0x000a, 0x1967: 0x000a, 0x1968: 0x000a, 0x1969: 0x000a, + 0x196a: 0x000a, 0x196b: 0x000a, 0x196c: 0x000a, 0x196d: 0x000a, 0x196e: 0x000a, 0x196f: 0x000a, + 0x1970: 0x000a, 0x1971: 0x000a, 0x1972: 0x000a, 0x1973: 0x000a, 0x1974: 0x000a, 0x1975: 0x000a, + 0x1976: 0x000a, 0x1977: 0x000a, 0x1978: 0x000a, 0x1979: 0x000a, 0x197a: 0x000a, 0x197b: 0x000a, + 0x197c: 0x003a, 0x197d: 0x002a, 0x197e: 0x000a, 0x197f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x000a, 0x1981: 0x000a, 0x1982: 0x000a, 0x1983: 0x000a, 0x1984: 0x000a, 0x1985: 0x000a, + 0x1986: 0x000a, 0x1987: 0x000a, 0x1988: 0x000a, 0x1989: 0x000a, 0x198a: 0x000a, 0x198b: 0x000a, + 0x198c: 0x000a, 0x198d: 0x000a, 0x198e: 0x000a, 0x198f: 0x000a, 0x1990: 0x000a, 0x1991: 0x000a, + 0x1992: 0x000a, 0x1993: 0x000a, 0x1994: 0x000a, 0x1995: 0x000a, 0x1996: 0x000a, 0x1997: 0x000a, + 0x1998: 0x000a, 0x1999: 0x000a, 0x199a: 0x000a, 0x199b: 0x000a, 0x199c: 0x000a, 0x199d: 0x000a, + 0x199e: 0x000a, 0x199f: 0x000a, 0x19a0: 0x000a, 0x19a1: 0x000a, 0x19a2: 0x000a, 0x19a3: 0x000a, + 0x19a4: 0x000a, 0x19a5: 0x000a, 0x19a6: 0x000a, 0x19a7: 0x000a, 0x19a8: 0x000a, 0x19a9: 0x000a, + 0x19aa: 0x000a, 0x19ab: 0x000a, 0x19ac: 0x000a, 0x19ad: 0x000a, 0x19ae: 0x000a, 0x19af: 0x000a, + 0x19b0: 0x000a, 0x19b1: 0x000a, 0x19b2: 0x000a, 0x19b3: 0x000a, + 0x19b6: 0x000a, 0x19b7: 0x000a, 0x19b8: 0x000a, 0x19b9: 0x000a, 0x19ba: 0x000a, 0x19bb: 0x000a, + 0x19bc: 0x000a, 0x19bd: 0x000a, 0x19be: 0x000a, 0x19bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19c0: 0x000a, 0x19c1: 0x000a, 0x19c2: 0x000a, 0x19c3: 0x000a, 0x19c4: 0x000a, 0x19c5: 0x000a, + 0x19c6: 0x000a, 0x19c7: 0x000a, 0x19c8: 0x000a, 0x19c9: 0x000a, 0x19ca: 0x000a, 0x19cb: 0x000a, + 0x19cc: 0x000a, 0x19cd: 0x000a, 0x19ce: 0x000a, 0x19cf: 0x000a, 0x19d0: 0x000a, 0x19d1: 0x000a, + 0x19d2: 0x000a, 0x19d3: 0x000a, 0x19d4: 0x000a, 0x19d5: 0x000a, 0x19d7: 0x000a, + 0x19d8: 0x000a, 0x19d9: 0x000a, 0x19da: 0x000a, 0x19db: 0x000a, 0x19dc: 0x000a, 0x19dd: 0x000a, + 0x19de: 0x000a, 0x19df: 0x000a, 0x19e0: 0x000a, 0x19e1: 0x000a, 0x19e2: 0x000a, 0x19e3: 0x000a, + 0x19e4: 0x000a, 0x19e5: 0x000a, 0x19e6: 0x000a, 0x19e7: 0x000a, 0x19e8: 0x000a, 0x19e9: 0x000a, + 0x19ea: 0x000a, 0x19eb: 0x000a, 0x19ec: 0x000a, 0x19ed: 0x000a, 0x19ee: 0x000a, 0x19ef: 0x000a, + 0x19f0: 0x000a, 0x19f1: 0x000a, 0x19f2: 0x000a, 0x19f3: 0x000a, 0x19f4: 0x000a, 0x19f5: 0x000a, + 0x19f6: 0x000a, 0x19f7: 0x000a, 0x19f8: 0x000a, 0x19f9: 0x000a, 0x19fa: 0x000a, 0x19fb: 0x000a, + 0x19fc: 0x000a, 0x19fd: 0x000a, 0x19fe: 0x000a, 0x19ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a25: 0x000a, 0x1a26: 0x000a, 0x1a27: 0x000a, 0x1a28: 0x000a, 0x1a29: 0x000a, + 0x1a2a: 0x000a, 0x1a2f: 0x000c, + 0x1a30: 0x000c, 0x1a31: 0x000c, + 0x1a39: 0x000a, 0x1a3a: 0x000a, 0x1a3b: 0x000a, + 0x1a3c: 0x000a, 0x1a3d: 0x000a, 0x1a3e: 0x000a, 0x1a3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x1a40 + 0x1a7f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x1a80 + 0x1aa0: 0x000c, 0x1aa1: 0x000c, 0x1aa2: 0x000c, 0x1aa3: 0x000c, + 0x1aa4: 0x000c, 0x1aa5: 0x000c, 0x1aa6: 0x000c, 0x1aa7: 0x000c, 0x1aa8: 0x000c, 0x1aa9: 0x000c, + 0x1aaa: 0x000c, 0x1aab: 0x000c, 0x1aac: 0x000c, 0x1aad: 0x000c, 0x1aae: 0x000c, 0x1aaf: 0x000c, + 0x1ab0: 0x000c, 0x1ab1: 0x000c, 0x1ab2: 0x000c, 0x1ab3: 0x000c, 0x1ab4: 0x000c, 0x1ab5: 0x000c, + 0x1ab6: 0x000c, 0x1ab7: 0x000c, 0x1ab8: 0x000c, 0x1ab9: 0x000c, 0x1aba: 0x000c, 0x1abb: 0x000c, + 0x1abc: 0x000c, 0x1abd: 0x000c, 0x1abe: 0x000c, 0x1abf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x1ac0 + 0x1ac0: 0x000a, 0x1ac1: 0x000a, 0x1ac2: 0x000a, 0x1ac3: 0x000a, 0x1ac4: 0x000a, 0x1ac5: 0x000a, + 0x1ac6: 0x000a, 0x1ac7: 0x000a, 0x1ac8: 0x000a, 0x1ac9: 0x000a, 0x1aca: 0x000a, 0x1acb: 0x000a, + 0x1acc: 0x000a, 0x1acd: 0x000a, 0x1ace: 0x000a, 0x1acf: 0x000a, 0x1ad0: 0x000a, 0x1ad1: 0x000a, + 0x1ad2: 0x000a, 0x1ad3: 0x000a, 0x1ad4: 0x000a, 0x1ad5: 0x000a, 0x1ad6: 0x000a, 0x1ad7: 0x000a, + 0x1ad8: 0x000a, 0x1ad9: 0x000a, 0x1ada: 0x000a, 0x1adb: 0x000a, 0x1adc: 0x000a, 0x1add: 0x000a, + 0x1ade: 0x000a, 0x1adf: 0x000a, 0x1ae0: 0x000a, 0x1ae1: 0x000a, 0x1ae2: 0x003a, 0x1ae3: 0x002a, + 0x1ae4: 0x003a, 0x1ae5: 0x002a, 0x1ae6: 0x003a, 0x1ae7: 0x002a, 0x1ae8: 0x003a, 0x1ae9: 0x002a, + 0x1aea: 0x000a, 0x1aeb: 0x000a, 0x1aec: 0x000a, 0x1aed: 0x000a, 0x1aee: 0x000a, 0x1aef: 0x000a, + 0x1af0: 0x000a, 0x1af1: 0x000a, 0x1af2: 0x000a, 0x1af3: 0x000a, 0x1af4: 0x000a, 0x1af5: 0x000a, + 0x1af6: 0x000a, 0x1af7: 0x000a, 0x1af8: 0x000a, 0x1af9: 0x000a, 0x1afa: 0x000a, 0x1afb: 0x000a, + 0x1afc: 0x000a, 0x1afd: 0x000a, 0x1afe: 0x000a, 0x1aff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x1b00 + 0x1b00: 0x000a, 0x1b01: 0x000a, 0x1b02: 0x000a, 0x1b03: 0x000a, 0x1b04: 0x000a, 0x1b05: 0x000a, + 0x1b06: 0x000a, 0x1b07: 0x000a, 0x1b08: 0x000a, 0x1b09: 0x000a, 0x1b0a: 0x000a, 0x1b0b: 0x000a, + 0x1b0c: 0x000a, 0x1b0d: 0x000a, 0x1b0e: 0x000a, 0x1b0f: 0x000a, 0x1b10: 0x000a, 0x1b11: 0x000a, + 0x1b12: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x1b40 + 0x1b40: 0x000a, 0x1b41: 0x000a, 0x1b42: 0x000a, 0x1b43: 0x000a, 0x1b44: 0x000a, 0x1b45: 0x000a, + 0x1b46: 0x000a, 0x1b47: 0x000a, 0x1b48: 0x000a, 0x1b49: 0x000a, 0x1b4a: 0x000a, 0x1b4b: 0x000a, + 0x1b4c: 0x000a, 0x1b4d: 0x000a, 0x1b4e: 0x000a, 0x1b4f: 0x000a, 0x1b50: 0x000a, 0x1b51: 0x000a, + 0x1b52: 0x000a, 0x1b53: 0x000a, 0x1b54: 0x000a, 0x1b55: 0x000a, 0x1b56: 0x000a, 0x1b57: 0x000a, + 0x1b58: 0x000a, 0x1b59: 0x000a, 0x1b5b: 0x000a, 0x1b5c: 0x000a, 0x1b5d: 0x000a, + 0x1b5e: 0x000a, 0x1b5f: 0x000a, 0x1b60: 0x000a, 0x1b61: 0x000a, 0x1b62: 0x000a, 0x1b63: 0x000a, + 0x1b64: 0x000a, 0x1b65: 0x000a, 0x1b66: 0x000a, 0x1b67: 0x000a, 0x1b68: 0x000a, 0x1b69: 0x000a, + 0x1b6a: 0x000a, 0x1b6b: 0x000a, 0x1b6c: 0x000a, 0x1b6d: 0x000a, 0x1b6e: 0x000a, 0x1b6f: 0x000a, + 0x1b70: 0x000a, 0x1b71: 0x000a, 0x1b72: 0x000a, 0x1b73: 0x000a, 0x1b74: 0x000a, 0x1b75: 0x000a, + 0x1b76: 0x000a, 0x1b77: 0x000a, 0x1b78: 0x000a, 0x1b79: 0x000a, 0x1b7a: 0x000a, 0x1b7b: 0x000a, + 0x1b7c: 0x000a, 0x1b7d: 0x000a, 0x1b7e: 0x000a, 0x1b7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x1b80 + 0x1b80: 0x000a, 0x1b81: 0x000a, 0x1b82: 0x000a, 0x1b83: 0x000a, 0x1b84: 0x000a, 0x1b85: 0x000a, + 0x1b86: 0x000a, 0x1b87: 0x000a, 0x1b88: 0x000a, 0x1b89: 0x000a, 0x1b8a: 0x000a, 0x1b8b: 0x000a, + 0x1b8c: 0x000a, 0x1b8d: 0x000a, 0x1b8e: 0x000a, 0x1b8f: 0x000a, 0x1b90: 0x000a, 0x1b91: 0x000a, + 0x1b92: 0x000a, 0x1b93: 0x000a, 0x1b94: 0x000a, 0x1b95: 0x000a, 0x1b96: 0x000a, 0x1b97: 0x000a, + 0x1b98: 0x000a, 0x1b99: 0x000a, 0x1b9a: 0x000a, 0x1b9b: 0x000a, 0x1b9c: 0x000a, 0x1b9d: 0x000a, + 0x1b9e: 0x000a, 0x1b9f: 0x000a, 0x1ba0: 0x000a, 0x1ba1: 0x000a, 0x1ba2: 0x000a, 0x1ba3: 0x000a, + 0x1ba4: 0x000a, 0x1ba5: 0x000a, 0x1ba6: 0x000a, 0x1ba7: 0x000a, 0x1ba8: 0x000a, 0x1ba9: 0x000a, + 0x1baa: 0x000a, 0x1bab: 0x000a, 0x1bac: 0x000a, 0x1bad: 0x000a, 0x1bae: 0x000a, 0x1baf: 0x000a, + 0x1bb0: 0x000a, 0x1bb1: 0x000a, 0x1bb2: 0x000a, 0x1bb3: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x1bc0 + 0x1bc0: 0x000a, 0x1bc1: 0x000a, 0x1bc2: 0x000a, 0x1bc3: 0x000a, 0x1bc4: 0x000a, 0x1bc5: 0x000a, + 0x1bc6: 0x000a, 0x1bc7: 0x000a, 0x1bc8: 0x000a, 0x1bc9: 0x000a, 0x1bca: 0x000a, 0x1bcb: 0x000a, + 0x1bcc: 0x000a, 0x1bcd: 0x000a, 0x1bce: 0x000a, 0x1bcf: 0x000a, 0x1bd0: 0x000a, 0x1bd1: 0x000a, + 0x1bd2: 0x000a, 0x1bd3: 0x000a, 0x1bd4: 0x000a, 0x1bd5: 0x000a, + 0x1bf0: 0x000a, 0x1bf1: 0x000a, 0x1bf2: 0x000a, 0x1bf3: 0x000a, 0x1bf4: 0x000a, 0x1bf5: 0x000a, + 0x1bf6: 0x000a, 0x1bf7: 0x000a, 0x1bf8: 0x000a, 0x1bf9: 0x000a, 0x1bfa: 0x000a, 0x1bfb: 0x000a, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x1c00 + 0x1c00: 0x0009, 0x1c01: 0x000a, 0x1c02: 0x000a, 0x1c03: 0x000a, 0x1c04: 0x000a, + 0x1c08: 0x003a, 0x1c09: 0x002a, 0x1c0a: 0x003a, 0x1c0b: 0x002a, + 0x1c0c: 0x003a, 0x1c0d: 0x002a, 0x1c0e: 0x003a, 0x1c0f: 0x002a, 0x1c10: 0x003a, 0x1c11: 0x002a, + 0x1c12: 0x000a, 0x1c13: 0x000a, 0x1c14: 0x003a, 0x1c15: 0x002a, 0x1c16: 0x003a, 0x1c17: 0x002a, + 0x1c18: 0x003a, 0x1c19: 0x002a, 0x1c1a: 0x003a, 0x1c1b: 0x002a, 0x1c1c: 0x000a, 0x1c1d: 0x000a, + 0x1c1e: 0x000a, 0x1c1f: 0x000a, 0x1c20: 0x000a, + 0x1c2a: 0x000c, 0x1c2b: 0x000c, 0x1c2c: 0x000c, 0x1c2d: 0x000c, + 0x1c30: 0x000a, + 0x1c36: 0x000a, 0x1c37: 0x000a, + 0x1c3d: 0x000a, 0x1c3e: 0x000a, 0x1c3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x1c40 + 0x1c59: 0x000c, 0x1c5a: 0x000c, 0x1c5b: 0x000a, 0x1c5c: 0x000a, + 0x1c60: 0x000a, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x1c80 + 0x1cbb: 0x000a, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x1cc0 + 0x1cc0: 0x000a, 0x1cc1: 0x000a, 0x1cc2: 0x000a, 0x1cc3: 0x000a, 0x1cc4: 0x000a, 0x1cc5: 0x000a, + 0x1cc6: 0x000a, 0x1cc7: 0x000a, 0x1cc8: 0x000a, 0x1cc9: 0x000a, 0x1cca: 0x000a, 0x1ccb: 0x000a, + 0x1ccc: 0x000a, 0x1ccd: 0x000a, 0x1cce: 0x000a, 0x1ccf: 0x000a, 0x1cd0: 0x000a, 0x1cd1: 0x000a, + 0x1cd2: 0x000a, 0x1cd3: 0x000a, 0x1cd4: 0x000a, 0x1cd5: 0x000a, 0x1cd6: 0x000a, 0x1cd7: 0x000a, + 0x1cd8: 0x000a, 0x1cd9: 0x000a, 0x1cda: 0x000a, 0x1cdb: 0x000a, 0x1cdc: 0x000a, 0x1cdd: 0x000a, + 0x1cde: 0x000a, 0x1cdf: 0x000a, 0x1ce0: 0x000a, 0x1ce1: 0x000a, 0x1ce2: 0x000a, 0x1ce3: 0x000a, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x1d00 + 0x1d1d: 0x000a, + 0x1d1e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x1d40 + 0x1d50: 0x000a, 0x1d51: 0x000a, + 0x1d52: 0x000a, 0x1d53: 0x000a, 0x1d54: 0x000a, 0x1d55: 0x000a, 0x1d56: 0x000a, 0x1d57: 0x000a, + 0x1d58: 0x000a, 0x1d59: 0x000a, 0x1d5a: 0x000a, 0x1d5b: 0x000a, 0x1d5c: 0x000a, 0x1d5d: 0x000a, + 0x1d5e: 0x000a, 0x1d5f: 0x000a, + 0x1d7c: 0x000a, 0x1d7d: 0x000a, 0x1d7e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x1d80 + 0x1db1: 0x000a, 0x1db2: 0x000a, 0x1db3: 0x000a, 0x1db4: 0x000a, 0x1db5: 0x000a, + 0x1db6: 0x000a, 0x1db7: 0x000a, 0x1db8: 0x000a, 0x1db9: 0x000a, 0x1dba: 0x000a, 0x1dbb: 0x000a, + 0x1dbc: 0x000a, 0x1dbd: 0x000a, 0x1dbe: 0x000a, 0x1dbf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x1dc0 + 0x1dcc: 0x000a, 0x1dcd: 0x000a, 0x1dce: 0x000a, 0x1dcf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x1e00 + 0x1e37: 0x000a, 0x1e38: 0x000a, 0x1e39: 0x000a, 0x1e3a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x1e40 + 0x1e5e: 0x000a, 0x1e5f: 0x000a, + 0x1e7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x1e80 + 0x1e90: 0x000a, 0x1e91: 0x000a, + 0x1e92: 0x000a, 0x1e93: 0x000a, 0x1e94: 0x000a, 0x1e95: 0x000a, 0x1e96: 0x000a, 0x1e97: 0x000a, + 0x1e98: 0x000a, 0x1e99: 0x000a, 0x1e9a: 0x000a, 0x1e9b: 0x000a, 0x1e9c: 0x000a, 0x1e9d: 0x000a, + 0x1e9e: 0x000a, 0x1e9f: 0x000a, 0x1ea0: 0x000a, 0x1ea1: 0x000a, 0x1ea2: 0x000a, 0x1ea3: 0x000a, + 0x1ea4: 0x000a, 0x1ea5: 0x000a, 0x1ea6: 0x000a, 0x1ea7: 0x000a, 0x1ea8: 0x000a, 0x1ea9: 0x000a, + 0x1eaa: 0x000a, 0x1eab: 0x000a, 0x1eac: 0x000a, 0x1ead: 0x000a, 0x1eae: 0x000a, 0x1eaf: 0x000a, + 0x1eb0: 0x000a, 0x1eb1: 0x000a, 0x1eb2: 0x000a, 0x1eb3: 0x000a, 0x1eb4: 0x000a, 0x1eb5: 0x000a, + 0x1eb6: 0x000a, 0x1eb7: 0x000a, 0x1eb8: 0x000a, 0x1eb9: 0x000a, 0x1eba: 0x000a, 0x1ebb: 0x000a, + 0x1ebc: 0x000a, 0x1ebd: 0x000a, 0x1ebe: 0x000a, 0x1ebf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x1ec0 + 0x1ec0: 0x000a, 0x1ec1: 0x000a, 0x1ec2: 0x000a, 0x1ec3: 0x000a, 0x1ec4: 0x000a, 0x1ec5: 0x000a, + 0x1ec6: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x1f00 + 0x1f0d: 0x000a, 0x1f0e: 0x000a, 0x1f0f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x1f40 + 0x1f6f: 0x000c, + 0x1f70: 0x000c, 0x1f71: 0x000c, 0x1f72: 0x000c, 0x1f73: 0x000a, 0x1f74: 0x000c, 0x1f75: 0x000c, + 0x1f76: 0x000c, 0x1f77: 0x000c, 0x1f78: 0x000c, 0x1f79: 0x000c, 0x1f7a: 0x000c, 0x1f7b: 0x000c, + 0x1f7c: 0x000c, 0x1f7d: 0x000c, 0x1f7e: 0x000a, 0x1f7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x1f80 + 0x1f9e: 0x000c, 0x1f9f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x1fc0 + 0x1ff0: 0x000c, 0x1ff1: 0x000c, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x2000 + 0x2000: 0x000a, 0x2001: 0x000a, 0x2002: 0x000a, 0x2003: 0x000a, 0x2004: 0x000a, 0x2005: 0x000a, + 0x2006: 0x000a, 0x2007: 0x000a, 0x2008: 0x000a, 0x2009: 0x000a, 0x200a: 0x000a, 0x200b: 0x000a, + 0x200c: 0x000a, 0x200d: 0x000a, 0x200e: 0x000a, 0x200f: 0x000a, 0x2010: 0x000a, 0x2011: 0x000a, + 0x2012: 0x000a, 0x2013: 0x000a, 0x2014: 0x000a, 0x2015: 0x000a, 0x2016: 0x000a, 0x2017: 0x000a, + 0x2018: 0x000a, 0x2019: 0x000a, 0x201a: 0x000a, 0x201b: 0x000a, 0x201c: 0x000a, 0x201d: 0x000a, + 0x201e: 0x000a, 0x201f: 0x000a, 0x2020: 0x000a, 0x2021: 0x000a, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x2040 + 0x2048: 0x000a, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x2080 + 0x2082: 0x000c, + 0x2086: 0x000c, 0x208b: 0x000c, + 0x20a5: 0x000c, 0x20a6: 0x000c, 0x20a8: 0x000a, 0x20a9: 0x000a, + 0x20aa: 0x000a, 0x20ab: 0x000a, 0x20ac: 0x000c, + 0x20b8: 0x0004, 0x20b9: 0x0004, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x20c0 + 0x20f4: 0x000a, 0x20f5: 0x000a, + 0x20f6: 0x000a, 0x20f7: 0x000a, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x2100 + 0x2104: 0x000c, 0x2105: 0x000c, + 0x2120: 0x000c, 0x2121: 0x000c, 0x2122: 0x000c, 0x2123: 0x000c, + 0x2124: 0x000c, 0x2125: 0x000c, 0x2126: 0x000c, 0x2127: 0x000c, 0x2128: 0x000c, 0x2129: 0x000c, + 0x212a: 0x000c, 0x212b: 0x000c, 0x212c: 0x000c, 0x212d: 0x000c, 0x212e: 0x000c, 0x212f: 0x000c, + 0x2130: 0x000c, 0x2131: 0x000c, + 0x213f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x2140 + 0x2166: 0x000c, 0x2167: 0x000c, 0x2168: 0x000c, 0x2169: 0x000c, + 0x216a: 0x000c, 0x216b: 0x000c, 0x216c: 0x000c, 0x216d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x2180 + 0x2187: 0x000c, 0x2188: 0x000c, 0x2189: 0x000c, 0x218a: 0x000c, 0x218b: 0x000c, + 0x218c: 0x000c, 0x218d: 0x000c, 0x218e: 0x000c, 0x218f: 0x000c, 0x2190: 0x000c, 0x2191: 0x000c, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x21c0 + 0x21c0: 0x000c, 0x21c1: 0x000c, 0x21c2: 0x000c, + 0x21f3: 0x000c, + 0x21f6: 0x000c, 0x21f7: 0x000c, 0x21f8: 0x000c, 0x21f9: 0x000c, + 0x21fc: 0x000c, 0x21fd: 0x000c, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x2200 + 0x2225: 0x000c, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x2240 + 0x2269: 0x000c, + 0x226a: 0x000c, 0x226b: 0x000c, 0x226c: 0x000c, 0x226d: 0x000c, 0x226e: 0x000c, + 0x2271: 0x000c, 0x2272: 0x000c, 0x2275: 0x000c, + 0x2276: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x2280 + 0x2283: 0x000c, + 0x228c: 0x000c, + 0x22bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x22c0 + 0x22f0: 0x000c, 0x22f2: 0x000c, 0x22f3: 0x000c, 0x22f4: 0x000c, + 0x22f7: 0x000c, 0x22f8: 0x000c, + 0x22fe: 0x000c, 0x22ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x2300 + 0x2301: 0x000c, + 0x232c: 0x000c, 0x232d: 0x000c, + 0x2336: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x2340 + 0x236a: 0x000a, 0x236b: 0x000a, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x2380 + 0x23a5: 0x000c, 0x23a8: 0x000c, + 0x23ad: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x23c0 + 0x23dd: 0x0001, + 0x23de: 0x000c, 0x23df: 0x0001, 0x23e0: 0x0001, 0x23e1: 0x0001, 0x23e2: 0x0001, 0x23e3: 0x0001, + 0x23e4: 0x0001, 0x23e5: 0x0001, 0x23e6: 0x0001, 0x23e7: 0x0001, 0x23e8: 0x0001, 0x23e9: 0x0003, + 0x23ea: 0x0001, 0x23eb: 0x0001, 0x23ec: 0x0001, 0x23ed: 0x0001, 0x23ee: 0x0001, 0x23ef: 0x0001, + 0x23f0: 0x0001, 0x23f1: 0x0001, 0x23f2: 0x0001, 0x23f3: 0x0001, 0x23f4: 0x0001, 0x23f5: 0x0001, + 0x23f6: 0x0001, 0x23f7: 0x0001, 0x23f8: 0x0001, 0x23f9: 0x0001, 0x23fa: 0x0001, 0x23fb: 0x0001, + 0x23fc: 0x0001, 0x23fd: 0x0001, 0x23fe: 0x0001, 0x23ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x2400 + 0x2400: 0x0001, 0x2401: 0x0001, 0x2402: 0x0001, 0x2403: 0x0001, 0x2404: 0x0001, 0x2405: 0x0001, + 0x2406: 0x0001, 0x2407: 0x0001, 0x2408: 0x0001, 0x2409: 0x0001, 0x240a: 0x0001, 0x240b: 0x0001, + 0x240c: 0x0001, 0x240d: 0x0001, 0x240e: 0x0001, 0x240f: 0x0001, 0x2410: 0x000d, 0x2411: 0x000d, + 0x2412: 0x000d, 0x2413: 0x000d, 0x2414: 0x000d, 0x2415: 0x000d, 0x2416: 0x000d, 0x2417: 0x000d, + 0x2418: 0x000d, 0x2419: 0x000d, 0x241a: 0x000d, 0x241b: 0x000d, 0x241c: 0x000d, 0x241d: 0x000d, + 0x241e: 0x000d, 0x241f: 0x000d, 0x2420: 0x000d, 0x2421: 0x000d, 0x2422: 0x000d, 0x2423: 0x000d, + 0x2424: 0x000d, 0x2425: 0x000d, 0x2426: 0x000d, 0x2427: 0x000d, 0x2428: 0x000d, 0x2429: 0x000d, + 0x242a: 0x000d, 0x242b: 0x000d, 0x242c: 0x000d, 0x242d: 0x000d, 0x242e: 0x000d, 0x242f: 0x000d, + 0x2430: 0x000d, 0x2431: 0x000d, 0x2432: 0x000d, 0x2433: 0x000d, 0x2434: 0x000d, 0x2435: 0x000d, + 0x2436: 0x000d, 0x2437: 0x000d, 0x2438: 0x000d, 0x2439: 0x000d, 0x243a: 0x000d, 0x243b: 0x000d, + 0x243c: 0x000d, 0x243d: 0x000d, 0x243e: 0x000d, 0x243f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x2440 + 0x2440: 0x000d, 0x2441: 0x000d, 0x2442: 0x000d, 0x2443: 0x000d, 0x2444: 0x000d, 0x2445: 0x000d, + 0x2446: 0x000d, 0x2447: 0x000d, 0x2448: 0x000d, 0x2449: 0x000d, 0x244a: 0x000d, 0x244b: 0x000d, + 0x244c: 0x000d, 0x244d: 0x000d, 0x244e: 0x000d, 0x244f: 0x000d, 0x2450: 0x000d, 0x2451: 0x000d, + 0x2452: 0x000d, 0x2453: 0x000d, 0x2454: 0x000d, 0x2455: 0x000d, 0x2456: 0x000d, 0x2457: 0x000d, + 0x2458: 0x000d, 0x2459: 0x000d, 0x245a: 0x000d, 0x245b: 0x000d, 0x245c: 0x000d, 0x245d: 0x000d, + 0x245e: 0x000d, 0x245f: 0x000d, 0x2460: 0x000d, 0x2461: 0x000d, 0x2462: 0x000d, 0x2463: 0x000d, + 0x2464: 0x000d, 0x2465: 0x000d, 0x2466: 0x000d, 0x2467: 0x000d, 0x2468: 0x000d, 0x2469: 0x000d, + 0x246a: 0x000d, 0x246b: 0x000d, 0x246c: 0x000d, 0x246d: 0x000d, 0x246e: 0x000d, 0x246f: 0x000d, + 0x2470: 0x000d, 0x2471: 0x000d, 0x2472: 0x000d, 0x2473: 0x000d, 0x2474: 0x000d, 0x2475: 0x000d, + 0x2476: 0x000d, 0x2477: 0x000d, 0x2478: 0x000d, 0x2479: 0x000d, 0x247a: 0x000d, 0x247b: 0x000d, + 0x247c: 0x000d, 0x247d: 0x000d, 0x247e: 0x000a, 0x247f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x2480 + 0x2480: 0x000d, 0x2481: 0x000d, 0x2482: 0x000d, 0x2483: 0x000d, 0x2484: 0x000d, 0x2485: 0x000d, + 0x2486: 0x000d, 0x2487: 0x000d, 0x2488: 0x000d, 0x2489: 0x000d, 0x248a: 0x000d, 0x248b: 0x000d, + 0x248c: 0x000d, 0x248d: 0x000d, 0x248e: 0x000d, 0x248f: 0x000d, 0x2490: 0x000b, 0x2491: 0x000b, + 0x2492: 0x000b, 0x2493: 0x000b, 0x2494: 0x000b, 0x2495: 0x000b, 0x2496: 0x000b, 0x2497: 0x000b, + 0x2498: 0x000b, 0x2499: 0x000b, 0x249a: 0x000b, 0x249b: 0x000b, 0x249c: 0x000b, 0x249d: 0x000b, + 0x249e: 0x000b, 0x249f: 0x000b, 0x24a0: 0x000b, 0x24a1: 0x000b, 0x24a2: 0x000b, 0x24a3: 0x000b, + 0x24a4: 0x000b, 0x24a5: 0x000b, 0x24a6: 0x000b, 0x24a7: 0x000b, 0x24a8: 0x000b, 0x24a9: 0x000b, + 0x24aa: 0x000b, 0x24ab: 0x000b, 0x24ac: 0x000b, 0x24ad: 0x000b, 0x24ae: 0x000b, 0x24af: 0x000b, + 0x24b0: 0x000d, 0x24b1: 0x000d, 0x24b2: 0x000d, 0x24b3: 0x000d, 0x24b4: 0x000d, 0x24b5: 0x000d, + 0x24b6: 0x000d, 0x24b7: 0x000d, 0x24b8: 0x000d, 0x24b9: 0x000d, 0x24ba: 0x000d, 0x24bb: 0x000d, + 0x24bc: 0x000d, 0x24bd: 0x000a, 0x24be: 0x000d, 0x24bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x24c0 + 0x24c0: 0x000c, 0x24c1: 0x000c, 0x24c2: 0x000c, 0x24c3: 0x000c, 0x24c4: 0x000c, 0x24c5: 0x000c, + 0x24c6: 0x000c, 0x24c7: 0x000c, 0x24c8: 0x000c, 0x24c9: 0x000c, 0x24ca: 0x000c, 0x24cb: 0x000c, + 0x24cc: 0x000c, 0x24cd: 0x000c, 0x24ce: 0x000c, 0x24cf: 0x000c, 0x24d0: 0x000a, 0x24d1: 0x000a, + 0x24d2: 0x000a, 0x24d3: 0x000a, 0x24d4: 0x000a, 0x24d5: 0x000a, 0x24d6: 0x000a, 0x24d7: 0x000a, + 0x24d8: 0x000a, 0x24d9: 0x000a, + 0x24e0: 0x000c, 0x24e1: 0x000c, 0x24e2: 0x000c, 0x24e3: 0x000c, + 0x24e4: 0x000c, 0x24e5: 0x000c, 0x24e6: 0x000c, 0x24e7: 0x000c, 0x24e8: 0x000c, 0x24e9: 0x000c, + 0x24ea: 0x000c, 0x24eb: 0x000c, 0x24ec: 0x000c, 0x24ed: 0x000c, 0x24ee: 0x000c, 0x24ef: 0x000c, + 0x24f0: 0x000a, 0x24f1: 0x000a, 0x24f2: 0x000a, 0x24f3: 0x000a, 0x24f4: 0x000a, 0x24f5: 0x000a, + 0x24f6: 0x000a, 0x24f7: 0x000a, 0x24f8: 0x000a, 0x24f9: 0x000a, 0x24fa: 0x000a, 0x24fb: 0x000a, + 0x24fc: 0x000a, 0x24fd: 0x000a, 0x24fe: 0x000a, 0x24ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x2500 + 0x2500: 0x000a, 0x2501: 0x000a, 0x2502: 0x000a, 0x2503: 0x000a, 0x2504: 0x000a, 0x2505: 0x000a, + 0x2506: 0x000a, 0x2507: 0x000a, 0x2508: 0x000a, 0x2509: 0x000a, 0x250a: 0x000a, 0x250b: 0x000a, + 0x250c: 0x000a, 0x250d: 0x000a, 0x250e: 0x000a, 0x250f: 0x000a, 0x2510: 0x0006, 0x2511: 0x000a, + 0x2512: 0x0006, 0x2514: 0x000a, 0x2515: 0x0006, 0x2516: 0x000a, 0x2517: 0x000a, + 0x2518: 0x000a, 0x2519: 0x009a, 0x251a: 0x008a, 0x251b: 0x007a, 0x251c: 0x006a, 0x251d: 0x009a, + 0x251e: 0x008a, 0x251f: 0x0004, 0x2520: 0x000a, 0x2521: 0x000a, 0x2522: 0x0003, 0x2523: 0x0003, + 0x2524: 0x000a, 0x2525: 0x000a, 0x2526: 0x000a, 0x2528: 0x000a, 0x2529: 0x0004, + 0x252a: 0x0004, 0x252b: 0x000a, + 0x2530: 0x000d, 0x2531: 0x000d, 0x2532: 0x000d, 0x2533: 0x000d, 0x2534: 0x000d, 0x2535: 0x000d, + 0x2536: 0x000d, 0x2537: 0x000d, 0x2538: 0x000d, 0x2539: 0x000d, 0x253a: 0x000d, 0x253b: 0x000d, + 0x253c: 0x000d, 0x253d: 0x000d, 0x253e: 0x000d, 0x253f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x2540 + 0x2540: 0x000d, 0x2541: 0x000d, 0x2542: 0x000d, 0x2543: 0x000d, 0x2544: 0x000d, 0x2545: 0x000d, + 0x2546: 0x000d, 0x2547: 0x000d, 0x2548: 0x000d, 0x2549: 0x000d, 0x254a: 0x000d, 0x254b: 0x000d, + 0x254c: 0x000d, 0x254d: 0x000d, 0x254e: 0x000d, 0x254f: 0x000d, 0x2550: 0x000d, 0x2551: 0x000d, + 0x2552: 0x000d, 0x2553: 0x000d, 0x2554: 0x000d, 0x2555: 0x000d, 0x2556: 0x000d, 0x2557: 0x000d, + 0x2558: 0x000d, 0x2559: 0x000d, 0x255a: 0x000d, 0x255b: 0x000d, 0x255c: 0x000d, 0x255d: 0x000d, + 0x255e: 0x000d, 0x255f: 0x000d, 0x2560: 0x000d, 0x2561: 0x000d, 0x2562: 0x000d, 0x2563: 0x000d, + 0x2564: 0x000d, 0x2565: 0x000d, 0x2566: 0x000d, 0x2567: 0x000d, 0x2568: 0x000d, 0x2569: 0x000d, + 0x256a: 0x000d, 0x256b: 0x000d, 0x256c: 0x000d, 0x256d: 0x000d, 0x256e: 0x000d, 0x256f: 0x000d, + 0x2570: 0x000d, 0x2571: 0x000d, 0x2572: 0x000d, 0x2573: 0x000d, 0x2574: 0x000d, 0x2575: 0x000d, + 0x2576: 0x000d, 0x2577: 0x000d, 0x2578: 0x000d, 0x2579: 0x000d, 0x257a: 0x000d, 0x257b: 0x000d, + 0x257c: 0x000d, 0x257d: 0x000d, 0x257e: 0x000d, 0x257f: 0x000b, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x2580 + 0x2581: 0x000a, 0x2582: 0x000a, 0x2583: 0x0004, 0x2584: 0x0004, 0x2585: 0x0004, + 0x2586: 0x000a, 0x2587: 0x000a, 0x2588: 0x003a, 0x2589: 0x002a, 0x258a: 0x000a, 0x258b: 0x0003, + 0x258c: 0x0006, 0x258d: 0x0003, 0x258e: 0x0006, 0x258f: 0x0006, 0x2590: 0x0002, 0x2591: 0x0002, + 0x2592: 0x0002, 0x2593: 0x0002, 0x2594: 0x0002, 0x2595: 0x0002, 0x2596: 0x0002, 0x2597: 0x0002, + 0x2598: 0x0002, 0x2599: 0x0002, 0x259a: 0x0006, 0x259b: 0x000a, 0x259c: 0x000a, 0x259d: 0x000a, + 0x259e: 0x000a, 0x259f: 0x000a, 0x25a0: 0x000a, + 0x25bb: 0x005a, + 0x25bc: 0x000a, 0x25bd: 0x004a, 0x25be: 0x000a, 0x25bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x25c0 + 0x25c0: 0x000a, + 0x25db: 0x005a, 0x25dc: 0x000a, 0x25dd: 0x004a, + 0x25de: 0x000a, 0x25df: 0x00fa, 0x25e0: 0x00ea, 0x25e1: 0x000a, 0x25e2: 0x003a, 0x25e3: 0x002a, + 0x25e4: 0x000a, 0x25e5: 0x000a, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x2600 + 0x2620: 0x0004, 0x2621: 0x0004, 0x2622: 0x000a, 0x2623: 0x000a, + 0x2624: 0x000a, 0x2625: 0x0004, 0x2626: 0x0004, 0x2628: 0x000a, 0x2629: 0x000a, + 0x262a: 0x000a, 0x262b: 0x000a, 0x262c: 0x000a, 0x262d: 0x000a, 0x262e: 0x000a, + 0x2630: 0x000b, 0x2631: 0x000b, 0x2632: 0x000b, 0x2633: 0x000b, 0x2634: 0x000b, 0x2635: 0x000b, + 0x2636: 0x000b, 0x2637: 0x000b, 0x2638: 0x000b, 0x2639: 0x000a, 0x263a: 0x000a, 0x263b: 0x000a, + 0x263c: 0x000a, 0x263d: 0x000a, 0x263e: 0x000b, 0x263f: 0x000b, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x2640 + 0x2641: 0x000a, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x2680 + 0x2680: 0x000a, 0x2681: 0x000a, 0x2682: 0x000a, 0x2683: 0x000a, 0x2684: 0x000a, 0x2685: 0x000a, + 0x2686: 0x000a, 0x2687: 0x000a, 0x2688: 0x000a, 0x2689: 0x000a, 0x268a: 0x000a, 0x268b: 0x000a, + 0x268c: 0x000a, 0x2690: 0x000a, 0x2691: 0x000a, + 0x2692: 0x000a, 0x2693: 0x000a, 0x2694: 0x000a, 0x2695: 0x000a, 0x2696: 0x000a, 0x2697: 0x000a, + 0x2698: 0x000a, 0x2699: 0x000a, 0x269a: 0x000a, 0x269b: 0x000a, 0x269c: 0x000a, + 0x26a0: 0x000a, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x26c0 + 0x26fd: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x2700 + 0x2720: 0x000c, 0x2721: 0x0002, 0x2722: 0x0002, 0x2723: 0x0002, + 0x2724: 0x0002, 0x2725: 0x0002, 0x2726: 0x0002, 0x2727: 0x0002, 0x2728: 0x0002, 0x2729: 0x0002, + 0x272a: 0x0002, 0x272b: 0x0002, 0x272c: 0x0002, 0x272d: 0x0002, 0x272e: 0x0002, 0x272f: 0x0002, + 0x2730: 0x0002, 0x2731: 0x0002, 0x2732: 0x0002, 0x2733: 0x0002, 0x2734: 0x0002, 0x2735: 0x0002, + 0x2736: 0x0002, 0x2737: 0x0002, 0x2738: 0x0002, 0x2739: 0x0002, 0x273a: 0x0002, 0x273b: 0x0002, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x2740 + 0x2776: 0x000c, 0x2777: 0x000c, 0x2778: 0x000c, 0x2779: 0x000c, 0x277a: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x2780 + 0x2780: 0x0001, 0x2781: 0x0001, 0x2782: 0x0001, 0x2783: 0x0001, 0x2784: 0x0001, 0x2785: 0x0001, + 0x2786: 0x0001, 0x2787: 0x0001, 0x2788: 0x0001, 0x2789: 0x0001, 0x278a: 0x0001, 0x278b: 0x0001, + 0x278c: 0x0001, 0x278d: 0x0001, 0x278e: 0x0001, 0x278f: 0x0001, 0x2790: 0x0001, 0x2791: 0x0001, + 0x2792: 0x0001, 0x2793: 0x0001, 0x2794: 0x0001, 0x2795: 0x0001, 0x2796: 0x0001, 0x2797: 0x0001, + 0x2798: 0x0001, 0x2799: 0x0001, 0x279a: 0x0001, 0x279b: 0x0001, 0x279c: 0x0001, 0x279d: 0x0001, + 0x279e: 0x0001, 0x279f: 0x0001, 0x27a0: 0x0001, 0x27a1: 0x0001, 0x27a2: 0x0001, 0x27a3: 0x0001, + 0x27a4: 0x0001, 0x27a5: 0x0001, 0x27a6: 0x0001, 0x27a7: 0x0001, 0x27a8: 0x0001, 0x27a9: 0x0001, + 0x27aa: 0x0001, 0x27ab: 0x0001, 0x27ac: 0x0001, 0x27ad: 0x0001, 0x27ae: 0x0001, 0x27af: 0x0001, + 0x27b0: 0x0001, 0x27b1: 0x0001, 0x27b2: 0x0001, 0x27b3: 0x0001, 0x27b4: 0x0001, 0x27b5: 0x0001, + 0x27b6: 0x0001, 0x27b7: 0x0001, 0x27b8: 0x0001, 0x27b9: 0x0001, 0x27ba: 0x0001, 0x27bb: 0x0001, + 0x27bc: 0x0001, 0x27bd: 0x0001, 0x27be: 0x0001, 0x27bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x27c0 + 0x27c0: 0x0001, 0x27c1: 0x0001, 0x27c2: 0x0001, 0x27c3: 0x0001, 0x27c4: 0x0001, 0x27c5: 0x0001, + 0x27c6: 0x0001, 0x27c7: 0x0001, 0x27c8: 0x0001, 0x27c9: 0x0001, 0x27ca: 0x0001, 0x27cb: 0x0001, + 0x27cc: 0x0001, 0x27cd: 0x0001, 0x27ce: 0x0001, 0x27cf: 0x0001, 0x27d0: 0x0001, 0x27d1: 0x0001, + 0x27d2: 0x0001, 0x27d3: 0x0001, 0x27d4: 0x0001, 0x27d5: 0x0001, 0x27d6: 0x0001, 0x27d7: 0x0001, + 0x27d8: 0x0001, 0x27d9: 0x0001, 0x27da: 0x0001, 0x27db: 0x0001, 0x27dc: 0x0001, 0x27dd: 0x0001, + 0x27de: 0x0001, 0x27df: 0x000a, 0x27e0: 0x0001, 0x27e1: 0x0001, 0x27e2: 0x0001, 0x27e3: 0x0001, + 0x27e4: 0x0001, 0x27e5: 0x0001, 0x27e6: 0x0001, 0x27e7: 0x0001, 0x27e8: 0x0001, 0x27e9: 0x0001, + 0x27ea: 0x0001, 0x27eb: 0x0001, 0x27ec: 0x0001, 0x27ed: 0x0001, 0x27ee: 0x0001, 0x27ef: 0x0001, + 0x27f0: 0x0001, 0x27f1: 0x0001, 0x27f2: 0x0001, 0x27f3: 0x0001, 0x27f4: 0x0001, 0x27f5: 0x0001, + 0x27f6: 0x0001, 0x27f7: 0x0001, 0x27f8: 0x0001, 0x27f9: 0x0001, 0x27fa: 0x0001, 0x27fb: 0x0001, + 0x27fc: 0x0001, 0x27fd: 0x0001, 0x27fe: 0x0001, 0x27ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x2800 + 0x2800: 0x0001, 0x2801: 0x000c, 0x2802: 0x000c, 0x2803: 0x000c, 0x2804: 0x0001, 0x2805: 0x000c, + 0x2806: 0x000c, 0x2807: 0x0001, 0x2808: 0x0001, 0x2809: 0x0001, 0x280a: 0x0001, 0x280b: 0x0001, + 0x280c: 0x000c, 0x280d: 0x000c, 0x280e: 0x000c, 0x280f: 0x000c, 0x2810: 0x0001, 0x2811: 0x0001, + 0x2812: 0x0001, 0x2813: 0x0001, 0x2814: 0x0001, 0x2815: 0x0001, 0x2816: 0x0001, 0x2817: 0x0001, + 0x2818: 0x0001, 0x2819: 0x0001, 0x281a: 0x0001, 0x281b: 0x0001, 0x281c: 0x0001, 0x281d: 0x0001, + 0x281e: 0x0001, 0x281f: 0x0001, 0x2820: 0x0001, 0x2821: 0x0001, 0x2822: 0x0001, 0x2823: 0x0001, + 0x2824: 0x0001, 0x2825: 0x0001, 0x2826: 0x0001, 0x2827: 0x0001, 0x2828: 0x0001, 0x2829: 0x0001, + 0x282a: 0x0001, 0x282b: 0x0001, 0x282c: 0x0001, 0x282d: 0x0001, 0x282e: 0x0001, 0x282f: 0x0001, + 0x2830: 0x0001, 0x2831: 0x0001, 0x2832: 0x0001, 0x2833: 0x0001, 0x2834: 0x0001, 0x2835: 0x0001, + 0x2836: 0x0001, 0x2837: 0x0001, 0x2838: 0x000c, 0x2839: 0x000c, 0x283a: 0x000c, 0x283b: 0x0001, + 0x283c: 0x0001, 0x283d: 0x0001, 0x283e: 0x0001, 0x283f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x2840 + 0x2840: 0x0001, 0x2841: 0x0001, 0x2842: 0x0001, 0x2843: 0x0001, 0x2844: 0x0001, 0x2845: 0x0001, + 0x2846: 0x0001, 0x2847: 0x0001, 0x2848: 0x0001, 0x2849: 0x0001, 0x284a: 0x0001, 0x284b: 0x0001, + 0x284c: 0x0001, 0x284d: 0x0001, 0x284e: 0x0001, 0x284f: 0x0001, 0x2850: 0x0001, 0x2851: 0x0001, + 0x2852: 0x0001, 0x2853: 0x0001, 0x2854: 0x0001, 0x2855: 0x0001, 0x2856: 0x0001, 0x2857: 0x0001, + 0x2858: 0x0001, 0x2859: 0x0001, 0x285a: 0x0001, 0x285b: 0x0001, 0x285c: 0x0001, 0x285d: 0x0001, + 0x285e: 0x0001, 0x285f: 0x0001, 0x2860: 0x0001, 0x2861: 0x0001, 0x2862: 0x0001, 0x2863: 0x0001, + 0x2864: 0x0001, 0x2865: 0x000c, 0x2866: 0x000c, 0x2867: 0x0001, 0x2868: 0x0001, 0x2869: 0x0001, + 0x286a: 0x0001, 0x286b: 0x0001, 0x286c: 0x0001, 0x286d: 0x0001, 0x286e: 0x0001, 0x286f: 0x0001, + 0x2870: 0x0001, 0x2871: 0x0001, 0x2872: 0x0001, 0x2873: 0x0001, 0x2874: 0x0001, 0x2875: 0x0001, + 0x2876: 0x0001, 0x2877: 0x0001, 0x2878: 0x0001, 0x2879: 0x0001, 0x287a: 0x0001, 0x287b: 0x0001, + 0x287c: 0x0001, 0x287d: 0x0001, 0x287e: 0x0001, 0x287f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x2880 + 0x2880: 0x0001, 0x2881: 0x0001, 0x2882: 0x0001, 0x2883: 0x0001, 0x2884: 0x0001, 0x2885: 0x0001, + 0x2886: 0x0001, 0x2887: 0x0001, 0x2888: 0x0001, 0x2889: 0x0001, 0x288a: 0x0001, 0x288b: 0x0001, + 0x288c: 0x0001, 0x288d: 0x0001, 0x288e: 0x0001, 0x288f: 0x0001, 0x2890: 0x0001, 0x2891: 0x0001, + 0x2892: 0x0001, 0x2893: 0x0001, 0x2894: 0x0001, 0x2895: 0x0001, 0x2896: 0x0001, 0x2897: 0x0001, + 0x2898: 0x0001, 0x2899: 0x0001, 0x289a: 0x0001, 0x289b: 0x0001, 0x289c: 0x0001, 0x289d: 0x0001, + 0x289e: 0x0001, 0x289f: 0x0001, 0x28a0: 0x0001, 0x28a1: 0x0001, 0x28a2: 0x0001, 0x28a3: 0x0001, + 0x28a4: 0x0001, 0x28a5: 0x0001, 0x28a6: 0x0001, 0x28a7: 0x0001, 0x28a8: 0x0001, 0x28a9: 0x0001, + 0x28aa: 0x0001, 0x28ab: 0x0001, 0x28ac: 0x0001, 0x28ad: 0x0001, 0x28ae: 0x0001, 0x28af: 0x0001, + 0x28b0: 0x0001, 0x28b1: 0x0001, 0x28b2: 0x0001, 0x28b3: 0x0001, 0x28b4: 0x0001, 0x28b5: 0x0001, + 0x28b6: 0x0001, 0x28b7: 0x0001, 0x28b8: 0x0001, 0x28b9: 0x000a, 0x28ba: 0x000a, 0x28bb: 0x000a, + 0x28bc: 0x000a, 0x28bd: 0x000a, 0x28be: 0x000a, 0x28bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x28c0 + 0x28c0: 0x000d, 0x28c1: 0x000d, 0x28c2: 0x000d, 0x28c3: 0x000d, 0x28c4: 0x000d, 0x28c5: 0x000d, + 0x28c6: 0x000d, 0x28c7: 0x000d, 0x28c8: 0x000d, 0x28c9: 0x000d, 0x28ca: 0x000d, 0x28cb: 0x000d, + 0x28cc: 0x000d, 0x28cd: 0x000d, 0x28ce: 0x000d, 0x28cf: 0x000d, 0x28d0: 0x000d, 0x28d1: 0x000d, + 0x28d2: 0x000d, 0x28d3: 0x000d, 0x28d4: 0x000d, 0x28d5: 0x000d, 0x28d6: 0x000d, 0x28d7: 0x000d, + 0x28d8: 0x000d, 0x28d9: 0x000d, 0x28da: 0x000d, 0x28db: 0x000d, 0x28dc: 0x000d, 0x28dd: 0x000d, + 0x28de: 0x000d, 0x28df: 0x000d, 0x28e0: 0x000d, 0x28e1: 0x000d, 0x28e2: 0x000d, 0x28e3: 0x000d, + 0x28e4: 0x000c, 0x28e5: 0x000c, 0x28e6: 0x000c, 0x28e7: 0x000c, 0x28e8: 0x000d, 0x28e9: 0x000d, + 0x28ea: 0x000d, 0x28eb: 0x000d, 0x28ec: 0x000d, 0x28ed: 0x000d, 0x28ee: 0x000d, 0x28ef: 0x000d, + 0x28f0: 0x0005, 0x28f1: 0x0005, 0x28f2: 0x0005, 0x28f3: 0x0005, 0x28f4: 0x0005, 0x28f5: 0x0005, + 0x28f6: 0x0005, 0x28f7: 0x0005, 0x28f8: 0x0005, 0x28f9: 0x0005, 0x28fa: 0x000d, 0x28fb: 0x000d, + 0x28fc: 0x000d, 0x28fd: 0x000d, 0x28fe: 0x000d, 0x28ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x2900 + 0x2900: 0x0001, 0x2901: 0x0001, 0x2902: 0x0001, 0x2903: 0x0001, 0x2904: 0x0001, 0x2905: 0x0001, + 0x2906: 0x0001, 0x2907: 0x0001, 0x2908: 0x0001, 0x2909: 0x0001, 0x290a: 0x0001, 0x290b: 0x0001, + 0x290c: 0x0001, 0x290d: 0x0001, 0x290e: 0x0001, 0x290f: 0x0001, 0x2910: 0x0001, 0x2911: 0x0001, + 0x2912: 0x0001, 0x2913: 0x0001, 0x2914: 0x0001, 0x2915: 0x0001, 0x2916: 0x0001, 0x2917: 0x0001, + 0x2918: 0x0001, 0x2919: 0x0001, 0x291a: 0x0001, 0x291b: 0x0001, 0x291c: 0x0001, 0x291d: 0x0001, + 0x291e: 0x0001, 0x291f: 0x0001, 0x2920: 0x0005, 0x2921: 0x0005, 0x2922: 0x0005, 0x2923: 0x0005, + 0x2924: 0x0005, 0x2925: 0x0005, 0x2926: 0x0005, 0x2927: 0x0005, 0x2928: 0x0005, 0x2929: 0x0005, + 0x292a: 0x0005, 0x292b: 0x0005, 0x292c: 0x0005, 0x292d: 0x0005, 0x292e: 0x0005, 0x292f: 0x0005, + 0x2930: 0x0005, 0x2931: 0x0005, 0x2932: 0x0005, 0x2933: 0x0005, 0x2934: 0x0005, 0x2935: 0x0005, + 0x2936: 0x0005, 0x2937: 0x0005, 0x2938: 0x0005, 0x2939: 0x0005, 0x293a: 0x0005, 0x293b: 0x0005, + 0x293c: 0x0005, 0x293d: 0x0005, 0x293e: 0x0005, 0x293f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x2940 + 0x2940: 0x0001, 0x2941: 0x0001, 0x2942: 0x0001, 0x2943: 0x0001, 0x2944: 0x0001, 0x2945: 0x0001, + 0x2946: 0x0001, 0x2947: 0x0001, 0x2948: 0x0001, 0x2949: 0x0001, 0x294a: 0x0001, 0x294b: 0x0001, + 0x294c: 0x0001, 0x294d: 0x0001, 0x294e: 0x0001, 0x294f: 0x0001, 0x2950: 0x0001, 0x2951: 0x0001, + 0x2952: 0x0001, 0x2953: 0x0001, 0x2954: 0x0001, 0x2955: 0x0001, 0x2956: 0x0001, 0x2957: 0x0001, + 0x2958: 0x0001, 0x2959: 0x0001, 0x295a: 0x0001, 0x295b: 0x0001, 0x295c: 0x0001, 0x295d: 0x0001, + 0x295e: 0x0001, 0x295f: 0x0001, 0x2960: 0x0001, 0x2961: 0x0001, 0x2962: 0x0001, 0x2963: 0x0001, + 0x2964: 0x0001, 0x2965: 0x0001, 0x2966: 0x0001, 0x2967: 0x0001, 0x2968: 0x0001, 0x2969: 0x0001, + 0x296a: 0x0001, 0x296b: 0x000c, 0x296c: 0x000c, 0x296d: 0x0001, 0x296e: 0x0001, 0x296f: 0x0001, + 0x2970: 0x0001, 0x2971: 0x0001, 0x2972: 0x0001, 0x2973: 0x0001, 0x2974: 0x0001, 0x2975: 0x0001, + 0x2976: 0x0001, 0x2977: 0x0001, 0x2978: 0x0001, 0x2979: 0x0001, 0x297a: 0x0001, 0x297b: 0x0001, + 0x297c: 0x0001, 0x297d: 0x0001, 0x297e: 0x0001, 0x297f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x2980 + 0x2980: 0x0001, 0x2981: 0x0001, 0x2982: 0x0001, 0x2983: 0x0001, 0x2984: 0x0001, 0x2985: 0x0001, + 0x2986: 0x0001, 0x2987: 0x0001, 0x2988: 0x0001, 0x2989: 0x0001, 0x298a: 0x0001, 0x298b: 0x0001, + 0x298c: 0x0001, 0x298d: 0x0001, 0x298e: 0x0001, 0x298f: 0x0001, 0x2990: 0x0001, 0x2991: 0x0001, + 0x2992: 0x0001, 0x2993: 0x0001, 0x2994: 0x0001, 0x2995: 0x0001, 0x2996: 0x0001, 0x2997: 0x0001, + 0x2998: 0x0001, 0x2999: 0x0001, 0x299a: 0x0001, 0x299b: 0x0001, 0x299c: 0x0001, 0x299d: 0x0001, + 0x299e: 0x0001, 0x299f: 0x0001, 0x29a0: 0x0001, 0x29a1: 0x0001, 0x29a2: 0x0001, 0x29a3: 0x0001, + 0x29a4: 0x0001, 0x29a5: 0x0001, 0x29a6: 0x0001, 0x29a7: 0x0001, 0x29a8: 0x0001, 0x29a9: 0x0001, + 0x29aa: 0x0001, 0x29ab: 0x0001, 0x29ac: 0x0001, 0x29ad: 0x0001, 0x29ae: 0x0001, 0x29af: 0x0001, + 0x29b0: 0x000d, 0x29b1: 0x000d, 0x29b2: 0x000d, 0x29b3: 0x000d, 0x29b4: 0x000d, 0x29b5: 0x000d, + 0x29b6: 0x000d, 0x29b7: 0x000d, 0x29b8: 0x000d, 0x29b9: 0x000d, 0x29ba: 0x000d, 0x29bb: 0x000d, + 0x29bc: 0x000d, 0x29bd: 0x000d, 0x29be: 0x000d, 0x29bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x29c0 + 0x29c0: 0x000d, 0x29c1: 0x000d, 0x29c2: 0x000d, 0x29c3: 0x000d, 0x29c4: 0x000d, 0x29c5: 0x000d, + 0x29c6: 0x000c, 0x29c7: 0x000c, 0x29c8: 0x000c, 0x29c9: 0x000c, 0x29ca: 0x000c, 0x29cb: 0x000c, + 0x29cc: 0x000c, 0x29cd: 0x000c, 0x29ce: 0x000c, 0x29cf: 0x000c, 0x29d0: 0x000c, 0x29d1: 0x000d, + 0x29d2: 0x000d, 0x29d3: 0x000d, 0x29d4: 0x000d, 0x29d5: 0x000d, 0x29d6: 0x000d, 0x29d7: 0x000d, + 0x29d8: 0x000d, 0x29d9: 0x000d, 0x29da: 0x000d, 0x29db: 0x000d, 0x29dc: 0x000d, 0x29dd: 0x000d, + 0x29de: 0x000d, 0x29df: 0x000d, 0x29e0: 0x000d, 0x29e1: 0x000d, 0x29e2: 0x000d, 0x29e3: 0x000d, + 0x29e4: 0x000d, 0x29e5: 0x000d, 0x29e6: 0x000d, 0x29e7: 0x000d, 0x29e8: 0x000d, 0x29e9: 0x000d, + 0x29ea: 0x000d, 0x29eb: 0x000d, 0x29ec: 0x000d, 0x29ed: 0x000d, 0x29ee: 0x000d, 0x29ef: 0x000d, + 0x29f0: 0x0001, 0x29f1: 0x0001, 0x29f2: 0x0001, 0x29f3: 0x0001, 0x29f4: 0x0001, 0x29f5: 0x0001, + 0x29f6: 0x0001, 0x29f7: 0x0001, 0x29f8: 0x0001, 0x29f9: 0x0001, 0x29fa: 0x0001, 0x29fb: 0x0001, + 0x29fc: 0x0001, 0x29fd: 0x0001, 0x29fe: 0x0001, 0x29ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x2a00 + 0x2a01: 0x000c, + 0x2a38: 0x000c, 0x2a39: 0x000c, 0x2a3a: 0x000c, 0x2a3b: 0x000c, + 0x2a3c: 0x000c, 0x2a3d: 0x000c, 0x2a3e: 0x000c, 0x2a3f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x2a40 + 0x2a40: 0x000c, 0x2a41: 0x000c, 0x2a42: 0x000c, 0x2a43: 0x000c, 0x2a44: 0x000c, 0x2a45: 0x000c, + 0x2a46: 0x000c, + 0x2a52: 0x000a, 0x2a53: 0x000a, 0x2a54: 0x000a, 0x2a55: 0x000a, 0x2a56: 0x000a, 0x2a57: 0x000a, + 0x2a58: 0x000a, 0x2a59: 0x000a, 0x2a5a: 0x000a, 0x2a5b: 0x000a, 0x2a5c: 0x000a, 0x2a5d: 0x000a, + 0x2a5e: 0x000a, 0x2a5f: 0x000a, 0x2a60: 0x000a, 0x2a61: 0x000a, 0x2a62: 0x000a, 0x2a63: 0x000a, + 0x2a64: 0x000a, 0x2a65: 0x000a, + 0x2a7f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x2a80 + 0x2a80: 0x000c, 0x2a81: 0x000c, + 0x2ab3: 0x000c, 0x2ab4: 0x000c, 0x2ab5: 0x000c, + 0x2ab6: 0x000c, 0x2ab9: 0x000c, 0x2aba: 0x000c, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x2ac0 + 0x2ac0: 0x000c, 0x2ac1: 0x000c, 0x2ac2: 0x000c, + 0x2ae7: 0x000c, 0x2ae8: 0x000c, 0x2ae9: 0x000c, + 0x2aea: 0x000c, 0x2aeb: 0x000c, 0x2aed: 0x000c, 0x2aee: 0x000c, 0x2aef: 0x000c, + 0x2af0: 0x000c, 0x2af1: 0x000c, 0x2af2: 0x000c, 0x2af3: 0x000c, 0x2af4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x2b00 + 0x2b33: 0x000c, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x2b40 + 0x2b40: 0x000c, 0x2b41: 0x000c, + 0x2b76: 0x000c, 0x2b77: 0x000c, 0x2b78: 0x000c, 0x2b79: 0x000c, 0x2b7a: 0x000c, 0x2b7b: 0x000c, + 0x2b7c: 0x000c, 0x2b7d: 0x000c, 0x2b7e: 0x000c, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x2b80 + 0x2b89: 0x000c, 0x2b8a: 0x000c, 0x2b8b: 0x000c, + 0x2b8c: 0x000c, 0x2b8f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x2bc0 + 0x2bef: 0x000c, + 0x2bf0: 0x000c, 0x2bf1: 0x000c, 0x2bf4: 0x000c, + 0x2bf6: 0x000c, 0x2bf7: 0x000c, + 0x2bfe: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x2c00 + 0x2c1f: 0x000c, 0x2c23: 0x000c, + 0x2c24: 0x000c, 0x2c25: 0x000c, 0x2c26: 0x000c, 0x2c27: 0x000c, 0x2c28: 0x000c, 0x2c29: 0x000c, + 0x2c2a: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x2c40 + 0x2c40: 0x000c, + 0x2c66: 0x000c, 0x2c67: 0x000c, 0x2c68: 0x000c, 0x2c69: 0x000c, + 0x2c6a: 0x000c, 0x2c6b: 0x000c, 0x2c6c: 0x000c, + 0x2c70: 0x000c, 0x2c71: 0x000c, 0x2c72: 0x000c, 0x2c73: 0x000c, 0x2c74: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x2c80 + 0x2cb8: 0x000c, 0x2cb9: 0x000c, 0x2cba: 0x000c, 0x2cbb: 0x000c, + 0x2cbc: 0x000c, 0x2cbd: 0x000c, 0x2cbe: 0x000c, 0x2cbf: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x2cc0 + 0x2cc2: 0x000c, 0x2cc3: 0x000c, 0x2cc4: 0x000c, + 0x2cc6: 0x000c, + 0x2cde: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x2d00 + 0x2d33: 0x000c, 0x2d34: 0x000c, 0x2d35: 0x000c, + 0x2d36: 0x000c, 0x2d37: 0x000c, 0x2d38: 0x000c, 0x2d3a: 0x000c, + 0x2d3f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x2d40 + 0x2d40: 0x000c, 0x2d42: 0x000c, 0x2d43: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x2d80 + 0x2db2: 0x000c, 0x2db3: 0x000c, 0x2db4: 0x000c, 0x2db5: 0x000c, + 0x2dbc: 0x000c, 0x2dbd: 0x000c, 0x2dbf: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x2dc0 + 0x2dc0: 0x000c, + 0x2ddc: 0x000c, 0x2ddd: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x2e00 + 0x2e33: 0x000c, 0x2e34: 0x000c, 0x2e35: 0x000c, + 0x2e36: 0x000c, 0x2e37: 0x000c, 0x2e38: 0x000c, 0x2e39: 0x000c, 0x2e3a: 0x000c, + 0x2e3d: 0x000c, 0x2e3f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x2e40 + 0x2e40: 0x000c, + 0x2e60: 0x000a, 0x2e61: 0x000a, 0x2e62: 0x000a, 0x2e63: 0x000a, + 0x2e64: 0x000a, 0x2e65: 0x000a, 0x2e66: 0x000a, 0x2e67: 0x000a, 0x2e68: 0x000a, 0x2e69: 0x000a, + 0x2e6a: 0x000a, 0x2e6b: 0x000a, 0x2e6c: 0x000a, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x2e80 + 0x2eab: 0x000c, 0x2ead: 0x000c, + 0x2eb0: 0x000c, 0x2eb1: 0x000c, 0x2eb2: 0x000c, 0x2eb3: 0x000c, 0x2eb4: 0x000c, 0x2eb5: 0x000c, + 0x2eb7: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x2ec0 + 0x2edd: 0x000c, + 0x2ede: 0x000c, 0x2edf: 0x000c, 0x2ee2: 0x000c, 0x2ee3: 0x000c, + 0x2ee4: 0x000c, 0x2ee5: 0x000c, 0x2ee7: 0x000c, 0x2ee8: 0x000c, 0x2ee9: 0x000c, + 0x2eea: 0x000c, 0x2eeb: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x2f00 + 0x2f2f: 0x000c, + 0x2f30: 0x000c, 0x2f31: 0x000c, 0x2f32: 0x000c, 0x2f33: 0x000c, 0x2f34: 0x000c, 0x2f35: 0x000c, + 0x2f36: 0x000c, 0x2f37: 0x000c, 0x2f39: 0x000c, 0x2f3a: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x2f40 + 0x2f7b: 0x000c, + 0x2f7c: 0x000c, 0x2f7e: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x2f80 + 0x2f83: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x2fc0 + 0x2fd4: 0x000c, 0x2fd5: 0x000c, 0x2fd6: 0x000c, 0x2fd7: 0x000c, + 0x2fda: 0x000c, 0x2fdb: 0x000c, + 0x2fe0: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x3000 + 0x3001: 0x000c, 0x3002: 0x000c, 0x3003: 0x000c, 0x3004: 0x000c, 0x3005: 0x000c, + 0x3006: 0x000c, 0x3009: 0x000c, 0x300a: 0x000c, + 0x3033: 0x000c, 0x3034: 0x000c, 0x3035: 0x000c, + 0x3036: 0x000c, 0x3037: 0x000c, 0x3038: 0x000c, 0x303b: 0x000c, + 0x303c: 0x000c, 0x303d: 0x000c, 0x303e: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x3040 + 0x3047: 0x000c, + 0x3051: 0x000c, + 0x3052: 0x000c, 0x3053: 0x000c, 0x3054: 0x000c, 0x3055: 0x000c, 0x3056: 0x000c, + 0x3059: 0x000c, 0x305a: 0x000c, 0x305b: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x3080 + 0x308a: 0x000c, 0x308b: 0x000c, + 0x308c: 0x000c, 0x308d: 0x000c, 0x308e: 0x000c, 0x308f: 0x000c, 0x3090: 0x000c, 0x3091: 0x000c, + 0x3092: 0x000c, 0x3093: 0x000c, 0x3094: 0x000c, 0x3095: 0x000c, 0x3096: 0x000c, + 0x3098: 0x000c, 0x3099: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x30c0 + 0x30f0: 0x000c, 0x30f1: 0x000c, 0x30f2: 0x000c, 0x30f3: 0x000c, 0x30f4: 0x000c, 0x30f5: 0x000c, + 0x30f6: 0x000c, 0x30f8: 0x000c, 0x30f9: 0x000c, 0x30fa: 0x000c, 0x30fb: 0x000c, + 0x30fc: 0x000c, 0x30fd: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x3100 + 0x3112: 0x000c, 0x3113: 0x000c, 0x3114: 0x000c, 0x3115: 0x000c, 0x3116: 0x000c, 0x3117: 0x000c, + 0x3118: 0x000c, 0x3119: 0x000c, 0x311a: 0x000c, 0x311b: 0x000c, 0x311c: 0x000c, 0x311d: 0x000c, + 0x311e: 0x000c, 0x311f: 0x000c, 0x3120: 0x000c, 0x3121: 0x000c, 0x3122: 0x000c, 0x3123: 0x000c, + 0x3124: 0x000c, 0x3125: 0x000c, 0x3126: 0x000c, 0x3127: 0x000c, + 0x312a: 0x000c, 0x312b: 0x000c, 0x312c: 0x000c, 0x312d: 0x000c, 0x312e: 0x000c, 0x312f: 0x000c, + 0x3130: 0x000c, 0x3132: 0x000c, 0x3133: 0x000c, 0x3135: 0x000c, + 0x3136: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x3140 + 0x3171: 0x000c, 0x3172: 0x000c, 0x3173: 0x000c, 0x3174: 0x000c, 0x3175: 0x000c, + 0x3176: 0x000c, 0x317a: 0x000c, + 0x317c: 0x000c, 0x317d: 0x000c, 0x317f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x3180 + 0x3180: 0x000c, 0x3181: 0x000c, 0x3182: 0x000c, 0x3183: 0x000c, 0x3184: 0x000c, 0x3185: 0x000c, + 0x3187: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x31c0 + 0x31d0: 0x000c, 0x31d1: 0x000c, + 0x31d5: 0x000c, 0x31d7: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x3200 + 0x3233: 0x000c, 0x3234: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x3240 + 0x3255: 0x000a, 0x3256: 0x000a, 0x3257: 0x000a, + 0x3258: 0x000a, 0x3259: 0x000a, 0x325a: 0x000a, 0x325b: 0x000a, 0x325c: 0x000a, 0x325d: 0x0004, + 0x325e: 0x0004, 0x325f: 0x0004, 0x3260: 0x0004, 0x3261: 0x000a, 0x3262: 0x000a, 0x3263: 0x000a, + 0x3264: 0x000a, 0x3265: 0x000a, 0x3266: 0x000a, 0x3267: 0x000a, 0x3268: 0x000a, 0x3269: 0x000a, + 0x326a: 0x000a, 0x326b: 0x000a, 0x326c: 0x000a, 0x326d: 0x000a, 0x326e: 0x000a, 0x326f: 0x000a, + 0x3270: 0x000a, 0x3271: 0x000a, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x3280 + 0x32b0: 0x000c, 0x32b1: 0x000c, 0x32b2: 0x000c, 0x32b3: 0x000c, 0x32b4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x32c0 + 0x32f0: 0x000c, 0x32f1: 0x000c, 0x32f2: 0x000c, 0x32f3: 0x000c, 0x32f4: 0x000c, 0x32f5: 0x000c, + 0x32f6: 0x000c, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x3300 + 0x330f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x3340 + 0x334f: 0x000c, 0x3350: 0x000c, 0x3351: 0x000c, + 0x3352: 0x000c, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x3380 + 0x33a2: 0x000a, + 0x33a4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x33c0 + 0x33dd: 0x000c, + 0x33de: 0x000c, 0x33e0: 0x000b, 0x33e1: 0x000b, 0x33e2: 0x000b, 0x33e3: 0x000b, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x3400 + 0x3427: 0x000c, 0x3428: 0x000c, 0x3429: 0x000c, + 0x3433: 0x000b, 0x3434: 0x000b, 0x3435: 0x000b, + 0x3436: 0x000b, 0x3437: 0x000b, 0x3438: 0x000b, 0x3439: 0x000b, 0x343a: 0x000b, 0x343b: 0x000c, + 0x343c: 0x000c, 0x343d: 0x000c, 0x343e: 0x000c, 0x343f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x3440 + 0x3440: 0x000c, 0x3441: 0x000c, 0x3442: 0x000c, 0x3445: 0x000c, + 0x3446: 0x000c, 0x3447: 0x000c, 0x3448: 0x000c, 0x3449: 0x000c, 0x344a: 0x000c, 0x344b: 0x000c, + 0x346a: 0x000c, 0x346b: 0x000c, 0x346c: 0x000c, 0x346d: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x3480 + 0x3480: 0x000a, 0x3481: 0x000a, 0x3482: 0x000c, 0x3483: 0x000c, 0x3484: 0x000c, 0x3485: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x34c0 + 0x34c0: 0x000a, 0x34c1: 0x000a, 0x34c2: 0x000a, 0x34c3: 0x000a, 0x34c4: 0x000a, 0x34c5: 0x000a, + 0x34c6: 0x000a, 0x34c7: 0x000a, 0x34c8: 0x000a, 0x34c9: 0x000a, 0x34ca: 0x000a, 0x34cb: 0x000a, + 0x34cc: 0x000a, 0x34cd: 0x000a, 0x34ce: 0x000a, 0x34cf: 0x000a, 0x34d0: 0x000a, 0x34d1: 0x000a, + 0x34d2: 0x000a, 0x34d3: 0x000a, 0x34d4: 0x000a, 0x34d5: 0x000a, 0x34d6: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x3500 + 0x351b: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x3540 + 0x3555: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x3580 + 0x358f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x35c0 + 0x35c9: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x3600 + 0x3603: 0x000a, + 0x360e: 0x0002, 0x360f: 0x0002, 0x3610: 0x0002, 0x3611: 0x0002, + 0x3612: 0x0002, 0x3613: 0x0002, 0x3614: 0x0002, 0x3615: 0x0002, 0x3616: 0x0002, 0x3617: 0x0002, + 0x3618: 0x0002, 0x3619: 0x0002, 0x361a: 0x0002, 0x361b: 0x0002, 0x361c: 0x0002, 0x361d: 0x0002, + 0x361e: 0x0002, 0x361f: 0x0002, 0x3620: 0x0002, 0x3621: 0x0002, 0x3622: 0x0002, 0x3623: 0x0002, + 0x3624: 0x0002, 0x3625: 0x0002, 0x3626: 0x0002, 0x3627: 0x0002, 0x3628: 0x0002, 0x3629: 0x0002, + 0x362a: 0x0002, 0x362b: 0x0002, 0x362c: 0x0002, 0x362d: 0x0002, 0x362e: 0x0002, 0x362f: 0x0002, + 0x3630: 0x0002, 0x3631: 0x0002, 0x3632: 0x0002, 0x3633: 0x0002, 0x3634: 0x0002, 0x3635: 0x0002, + 0x3636: 0x0002, 0x3637: 0x0002, 0x3638: 0x0002, 0x3639: 0x0002, 0x363a: 0x0002, 0x363b: 0x0002, + 0x363c: 0x0002, 0x363d: 0x0002, 0x363e: 0x0002, 0x363f: 0x0002, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x3640 + 0x3640: 0x000c, 0x3641: 0x000c, 0x3642: 0x000c, 0x3643: 0x000c, 0x3644: 0x000c, 0x3645: 0x000c, + 0x3646: 0x000c, 0x3647: 0x000c, 0x3648: 0x000c, 0x3649: 0x000c, 0x364a: 0x000c, 0x364b: 0x000c, + 0x364c: 0x000c, 0x364d: 0x000c, 0x364e: 0x000c, 0x364f: 0x000c, 0x3650: 0x000c, 0x3651: 0x000c, + 0x3652: 0x000c, 0x3653: 0x000c, 0x3654: 0x000c, 0x3655: 0x000c, 0x3656: 0x000c, 0x3657: 0x000c, + 0x3658: 0x000c, 0x3659: 0x000c, 0x365a: 0x000c, 0x365b: 0x000c, 0x365c: 0x000c, 0x365d: 0x000c, + 0x365e: 0x000c, 0x365f: 0x000c, 0x3660: 0x000c, 0x3661: 0x000c, 0x3662: 0x000c, 0x3663: 0x000c, + 0x3664: 0x000c, 0x3665: 0x000c, 0x3666: 0x000c, 0x3667: 0x000c, 0x3668: 0x000c, 0x3669: 0x000c, + 0x366a: 0x000c, 0x366b: 0x000c, 0x366c: 0x000c, 0x366d: 0x000c, 0x366e: 0x000c, 0x366f: 0x000c, + 0x3670: 0x000c, 0x3671: 0x000c, 0x3672: 0x000c, 0x3673: 0x000c, 0x3674: 0x000c, 0x3675: 0x000c, + 0x3676: 0x000c, 0x367b: 0x000c, + 0x367c: 0x000c, 0x367d: 0x000c, 0x367e: 0x000c, 0x367f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x3680 + 0x3680: 0x000c, 0x3681: 0x000c, 0x3682: 0x000c, 0x3683: 0x000c, 0x3684: 0x000c, 0x3685: 0x000c, + 0x3686: 0x000c, 0x3687: 0x000c, 0x3688: 0x000c, 0x3689: 0x000c, 0x368a: 0x000c, 0x368b: 0x000c, + 0x368c: 0x000c, 0x368d: 0x000c, 0x368e: 0x000c, 0x368f: 0x000c, 0x3690: 0x000c, 0x3691: 0x000c, + 0x3692: 0x000c, 0x3693: 0x000c, 0x3694: 0x000c, 0x3695: 0x000c, 0x3696: 0x000c, 0x3697: 0x000c, + 0x3698: 0x000c, 0x3699: 0x000c, 0x369a: 0x000c, 0x369b: 0x000c, 0x369c: 0x000c, 0x369d: 0x000c, + 0x369e: 0x000c, 0x369f: 0x000c, 0x36a0: 0x000c, 0x36a1: 0x000c, 0x36a2: 0x000c, 0x36a3: 0x000c, + 0x36a4: 0x000c, 0x36a5: 0x000c, 0x36a6: 0x000c, 0x36a7: 0x000c, 0x36a8: 0x000c, 0x36a9: 0x000c, + 0x36aa: 0x000c, 0x36ab: 0x000c, 0x36ac: 0x000c, + 0x36b5: 0x000c, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x36c0 + 0x36c4: 0x000c, + 0x36db: 0x000c, 0x36dc: 0x000c, 0x36dd: 0x000c, + 0x36de: 0x000c, 0x36df: 0x000c, 0x36e1: 0x000c, 0x36e2: 0x000c, 0x36e3: 0x000c, + 0x36e4: 0x000c, 0x36e5: 0x000c, 0x36e6: 0x000c, 0x36e7: 0x000c, 0x36e8: 0x000c, 0x36e9: 0x000c, + 0x36ea: 0x000c, 0x36eb: 0x000c, 0x36ec: 0x000c, 0x36ed: 0x000c, 0x36ee: 0x000c, 0x36ef: 0x000c, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x3700 + 0x3700: 0x000c, 0x3701: 0x000c, 0x3702: 0x000c, 0x3703: 0x000c, 0x3704: 0x000c, 0x3705: 0x000c, + 0x3706: 0x000c, 0x3708: 0x000c, 0x3709: 0x000c, 0x370a: 0x000c, 0x370b: 0x000c, + 0x370c: 0x000c, 0x370d: 0x000c, 0x370e: 0x000c, 0x370f: 0x000c, 0x3710: 0x000c, 0x3711: 0x000c, + 0x3712: 0x000c, 0x3713: 0x000c, 0x3714: 0x000c, 0x3715: 0x000c, 0x3716: 0x000c, 0x3717: 0x000c, + 0x3718: 0x000c, 0x371b: 0x000c, 0x371c: 0x000c, 0x371d: 0x000c, + 0x371e: 0x000c, 0x371f: 0x000c, 0x3720: 0x000c, 0x3721: 0x000c, 0x3723: 0x000c, + 0x3724: 0x000c, 0x3726: 0x000c, 0x3727: 0x000c, 0x3728: 0x000c, 0x3729: 0x000c, + 0x372a: 0x000c, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x3740 + 0x376c: 0x000c, 0x376d: 0x000c, 0x376e: 0x000c, 0x376f: 0x000c, + 0x377f: 0x0004, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x3780 + 0x3780: 0x0001, 0x3781: 0x0001, 0x3782: 0x0001, 0x3783: 0x0001, 0x3784: 0x0001, 0x3785: 0x0001, + 0x3786: 0x0001, 0x3787: 0x0001, 0x3788: 0x0001, 0x3789: 0x0001, 0x378a: 0x0001, 0x378b: 0x0001, + 0x378c: 0x0001, 0x378d: 0x0001, 0x378e: 0x0001, 0x378f: 0x0001, 0x3790: 0x000c, 0x3791: 0x000c, + 0x3792: 0x000c, 0x3793: 0x000c, 0x3794: 0x000c, 0x3795: 0x000c, 0x3796: 0x000c, 0x3797: 0x0001, + 0x3798: 0x0001, 0x3799: 0x0001, 0x379a: 0x0001, 0x379b: 0x0001, 0x379c: 0x0001, 0x379d: 0x0001, + 0x379e: 0x0001, 0x379f: 0x0001, 0x37a0: 0x0001, 0x37a1: 0x0001, 0x37a2: 0x0001, 0x37a3: 0x0001, + 0x37a4: 0x0001, 0x37a5: 0x0001, 0x37a6: 0x0001, 0x37a7: 0x0001, 0x37a8: 0x0001, 0x37a9: 0x0001, + 0x37aa: 0x0001, 0x37ab: 0x0001, 0x37ac: 0x0001, 0x37ad: 0x0001, 0x37ae: 0x0001, 0x37af: 0x0001, + 0x37b0: 0x0001, 0x37b1: 0x0001, 0x37b2: 0x0001, 0x37b3: 0x0001, 0x37b4: 0x0001, 0x37b5: 0x0001, + 0x37b6: 0x0001, 0x37b7: 0x0001, 0x37b8: 0x0001, 0x37b9: 0x0001, 0x37ba: 0x0001, 0x37bb: 0x0001, + 0x37bc: 0x0001, 0x37bd: 0x0001, 0x37be: 0x0001, 0x37bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x37c0 + 0x37c0: 0x0001, 0x37c1: 0x0001, 0x37c2: 0x0001, 0x37c3: 0x0001, 0x37c4: 0x000c, 0x37c5: 0x000c, + 0x37c6: 0x000c, 0x37c7: 0x000c, 0x37c8: 0x000c, 0x37c9: 0x000c, 0x37ca: 0x000c, 0x37cb: 0x0001, + 0x37cc: 0x0001, 0x37cd: 0x0001, 0x37ce: 0x0001, 0x37cf: 0x0001, 0x37d0: 0x0001, 0x37d1: 0x0001, + 0x37d2: 0x0001, 0x37d3: 0x0001, 0x37d4: 0x0001, 0x37d5: 0x0001, 0x37d6: 0x0001, 0x37d7: 0x0001, + 0x37d8: 0x0001, 0x37d9: 0x0001, 0x37da: 0x0001, 0x37db: 0x0001, 0x37dc: 0x0001, 0x37dd: 0x0001, + 0x37de: 0x0001, 0x37df: 0x0001, 0x37e0: 0x0001, 0x37e1: 0x0001, 0x37e2: 0x0001, 0x37e3: 0x0001, + 0x37e4: 0x0001, 0x37e5: 0x0001, 0x37e6: 0x0001, 0x37e7: 0x0001, 0x37e8: 0x0001, 0x37e9: 0x0001, + 0x37ea: 0x0001, 0x37eb: 0x0001, 0x37ec: 0x0001, 0x37ed: 0x0001, 0x37ee: 0x0001, 0x37ef: 0x0001, + 0x37f0: 0x0001, 0x37f1: 0x0001, 0x37f2: 0x0001, 0x37f3: 0x0001, 0x37f4: 0x0001, 0x37f5: 0x0001, + 0x37f6: 0x0001, 0x37f7: 0x0001, 0x37f8: 0x0001, 0x37f9: 0x0001, 0x37fa: 0x0001, 0x37fb: 0x0001, + 0x37fc: 0x0001, 0x37fd: 0x0001, 0x37fe: 0x0001, 0x37ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x3800 + 0x3800: 0x000d, 0x3801: 0x000d, 0x3802: 0x000d, 0x3803: 0x000d, 0x3804: 0x000d, 0x3805: 0x000d, + 0x3806: 0x000d, 0x3807: 0x000d, 0x3808: 0x000d, 0x3809: 0x000d, 0x380a: 0x000d, 0x380b: 0x000d, + 0x380c: 0x000d, 0x380d: 0x000d, 0x380e: 0x000d, 0x380f: 0x000d, 0x3810: 0x0001, 0x3811: 0x0001, + 0x3812: 0x0001, 0x3813: 0x0001, 0x3814: 0x0001, 0x3815: 0x0001, 0x3816: 0x0001, 0x3817: 0x0001, + 0x3818: 0x0001, 0x3819: 0x0001, 0x381a: 0x0001, 0x381b: 0x0001, 0x381c: 0x0001, 0x381d: 0x0001, + 0x381e: 0x0001, 0x381f: 0x0001, 0x3820: 0x0001, 0x3821: 0x0001, 0x3822: 0x0001, 0x3823: 0x0001, + 0x3824: 0x0001, 0x3825: 0x0001, 0x3826: 0x0001, 0x3827: 0x0001, 0x3828: 0x0001, 0x3829: 0x0001, + 0x382a: 0x0001, 0x382b: 0x0001, 0x382c: 0x0001, 0x382d: 0x0001, 0x382e: 0x0001, 0x382f: 0x0001, + 0x3830: 0x0001, 0x3831: 0x0001, 0x3832: 0x0001, 0x3833: 0x0001, 0x3834: 0x0001, 0x3835: 0x0001, + 0x3836: 0x0001, 0x3837: 0x0001, 0x3838: 0x0001, 0x3839: 0x0001, 0x383a: 0x0001, 0x383b: 0x0001, + 0x383c: 0x0001, 0x383d: 0x0001, 0x383e: 0x0001, 0x383f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x3840 + 0x3840: 0x000d, 0x3841: 0x000d, 0x3842: 0x000d, 0x3843: 0x000d, 0x3844: 0x000d, 0x3845: 0x000d, + 0x3846: 0x000d, 0x3847: 0x000d, 0x3848: 0x000d, 0x3849: 0x000d, 0x384a: 0x000d, 0x384b: 0x000d, + 0x384c: 0x000d, 0x384d: 0x000d, 0x384e: 0x000d, 0x384f: 0x000d, 0x3850: 0x000d, 0x3851: 0x000d, + 0x3852: 0x000d, 0x3853: 0x000d, 0x3854: 0x000d, 0x3855: 0x000d, 0x3856: 0x000d, 0x3857: 0x000d, + 0x3858: 0x000d, 0x3859: 0x000d, 0x385a: 0x000d, 0x385b: 0x000d, 0x385c: 0x000d, 0x385d: 0x000d, + 0x385e: 0x000d, 0x385f: 0x000d, 0x3860: 0x000d, 0x3861: 0x000d, 0x3862: 0x000d, 0x3863: 0x000d, + 0x3864: 0x000d, 0x3865: 0x000d, 0x3866: 0x000d, 0x3867: 0x000d, 0x3868: 0x000d, 0x3869: 0x000d, + 0x386a: 0x000d, 0x386b: 0x000d, 0x386c: 0x000d, 0x386d: 0x000d, 0x386e: 0x000d, 0x386f: 0x000d, + 0x3870: 0x000a, 0x3871: 0x000a, 0x3872: 0x000d, 0x3873: 0x000d, 0x3874: 0x000d, 0x3875: 0x000d, + 0x3876: 0x000d, 0x3877: 0x000d, 0x3878: 0x000d, 0x3879: 0x000d, 0x387a: 0x000d, 0x387b: 0x000d, + 0x387c: 0x000d, 0x387d: 0x000d, 0x387e: 0x000d, 0x387f: 0x000d, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x3880 + 0x3880: 0x000a, 0x3881: 0x000a, 0x3882: 0x000a, 0x3883: 0x000a, 0x3884: 0x000a, 0x3885: 0x000a, + 0x3886: 0x000a, 0x3887: 0x000a, 0x3888: 0x000a, 0x3889: 0x000a, 0x388a: 0x000a, 0x388b: 0x000a, + 0x388c: 0x000a, 0x388d: 0x000a, 0x388e: 0x000a, 0x388f: 0x000a, 0x3890: 0x000a, 0x3891: 0x000a, + 0x3892: 0x000a, 0x3893: 0x000a, 0x3894: 0x000a, 0x3895: 0x000a, 0x3896: 0x000a, 0x3897: 0x000a, + 0x3898: 0x000a, 0x3899: 0x000a, 0x389a: 0x000a, 0x389b: 0x000a, 0x389c: 0x000a, 0x389d: 0x000a, + 0x389e: 0x000a, 0x389f: 0x000a, 0x38a0: 0x000a, 0x38a1: 0x000a, 0x38a2: 0x000a, 0x38a3: 0x000a, + 0x38a4: 0x000a, 0x38a5: 0x000a, 0x38a6: 0x000a, 0x38a7: 0x000a, 0x38a8: 0x000a, 0x38a9: 0x000a, + 0x38aa: 0x000a, 0x38ab: 0x000a, + 0x38b0: 0x000a, 0x38b1: 0x000a, 0x38b2: 0x000a, 0x38b3: 0x000a, 0x38b4: 0x000a, 0x38b5: 0x000a, + 0x38b6: 0x000a, 0x38b7: 0x000a, 0x38b8: 0x000a, 0x38b9: 0x000a, 0x38ba: 0x000a, 0x38bb: 0x000a, + 0x38bc: 0x000a, 0x38bd: 0x000a, 0x38be: 0x000a, 0x38bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x38c0 + 0x38c0: 0x000a, 0x38c1: 0x000a, 0x38c2: 0x000a, 0x38c3: 0x000a, 0x38c4: 0x000a, 0x38c5: 0x000a, + 0x38c6: 0x000a, 0x38c7: 0x000a, 0x38c8: 0x000a, 0x38c9: 0x000a, 0x38ca: 0x000a, 0x38cb: 0x000a, + 0x38cc: 0x000a, 0x38cd: 0x000a, 0x38ce: 0x000a, 0x38cf: 0x000a, 0x38d0: 0x000a, 0x38d1: 0x000a, + 0x38d2: 0x000a, 0x38d3: 0x000a, + 0x38e0: 0x000a, 0x38e1: 0x000a, 0x38e2: 0x000a, 0x38e3: 0x000a, + 0x38e4: 0x000a, 0x38e5: 0x000a, 0x38e6: 0x000a, 0x38e7: 0x000a, 0x38e8: 0x000a, 0x38e9: 0x000a, + 0x38ea: 0x000a, 0x38eb: 0x000a, 0x38ec: 0x000a, 0x38ed: 0x000a, 0x38ee: 0x000a, + 0x38f1: 0x000a, 0x38f2: 0x000a, 0x38f3: 0x000a, 0x38f4: 0x000a, 0x38f5: 0x000a, + 0x38f6: 0x000a, 0x38f7: 0x000a, 0x38f8: 0x000a, 0x38f9: 0x000a, 0x38fa: 0x000a, 0x38fb: 0x000a, + 0x38fc: 0x000a, 0x38fd: 0x000a, 0x38fe: 0x000a, 0x38ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x3900 + 0x3901: 0x000a, 0x3902: 0x000a, 0x3903: 0x000a, 0x3904: 0x000a, 0x3905: 0x000a, + 0x3906: 0x000a, 0x3907: 0x000a, 0x3908: 0x000a, 0x3909: 0x000a, 0x390a: 0x000a, 0x390b: 0x000a, + 0x390c: 0x000a, 0x390d: 0x000a, 0x390e: 0x000a, 0x390f: 0x000a, 0x3911: 0x000a, + 0x3912: 0x000a, 0x3913: 0x000a, 0x3914: 0x000a, 0x3915: 0x000a, 0x3916: 0x000a, 0x3917: 0x000a, + 0x3918: 0x000a, 0x3919: 0x000a, 0x391a: 0x000a, 0x391b: 0x000a, 0x391c: 0x000a, 0x391d: 0x000a, + 0x391e: 0x000a, 0x391f: 0x000a, 0x3920: 0x000a, 0x3921: 0x000a, 0x3922: 0x000a, 0x3923: 0x000a, + 0x3924: 0x000a, 0x3925: 0x000a, 0x3926: 0x000a, 0x3927: 0x000a, 0x3928: 0x000a, 0x3929: 0x000a, + 0x392a: 0x000a, 0x392b: 0x000a, 0x392c: 0x000a, 0x392d: 0x000a, 0x392e: 0x000a, 0x392f: 0x000a, + 0x3930: 0x000a, 0x3931: 0x000a, 0x3932: 0x000a, 0x3933: 0x000a, 0x3934: 0x000a, 0x3935: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x3940 + 0x3940: 0x0002, 0x3941: 0x0002, 0x3942: 0x0002, 0x3943: 0x0002, 0x3944: 0x0002, 0x3945: 0x0002, + 0x3946: 0x0002, 0x3947: 0x0002, 0x3948: 0x0002, 0x3949: 0x0002, 0x394a: 0x0002, 0x394b: 0x000a, + 0x394c: 0x000a, 0x394d: 0x000a, 0x394e: 0x000a, 0x394f: 0x000a, + 0x396f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x3980 + 0x39aa: 0x000a, 0x39ab: 0x000a, 0x39ac: 0x000a, 0x39ad: 0x000a, 0x39ae: 0x000a, 0x39af: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x39c0 + 0x39ed: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x3a00 + 0x3a20: 0x000a, 0x3a21: 0x000a, 0x3a22: 0x000a, 0x3a23: 0x000a, + 0x3a24: 0x000a, 0x3a25: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x3a40 + 0x3a40: 0x000a, 0x3a41: 0x000a, 0x3a42: 0x000a, 0x3a43: 0x000a, 0x3a44: 0x000a, 0x3a45: 0x000a, + 0x3a46: 0x000a, 0x3a47: 0x000a, 0x3a48: 0x000a, 0x3a49: 0x000a, 0x3a4a: 0x000a, 0x3a4b: 0x000a, + 0x3a4c: 0x000a, 0x3a4d: 0x000a, 0x3a4e: 0x000a, 0x3a4f: 0x000a, 0x3a50: 0x000a, 0x3a51: 0x000a, + 0x3a52: 0x000a, 0x3a53: 0x000a, 0x3a54: 0x000a, 0x3a55: 0x000a, 0x3a56: 0x000a, 0x3a57: 0x000a, + 0x3a60: 0x000a, 0x3a61: 0x000a, 0x3a62: 0x000a, 0x3a63: 0x000a, + 0x3a64: 0x000a, 0x3a65: 0x000a, 0x3a66: 0x000a, 0x3a67: 0x000a, 0x3a68: 0x000a, 0x3a69: 0x000a, + 0x3a6a: 0x000a, 0x3a6b: 0x000a, 0x3a6c: 0x000a, + 0x3a70: 0x000a, 0x3a71: 0x000a, 0x3a72: 0x000a, 0x3a73: 0x000a, 0x3a74: 0x000a, 0x3a75: 0x000a, + 0x3a76: 0x000a, 0x3a77: 0x000a, 0x3a78: 0x000a, 0x3a79: 0x000a, 0x3a7a: 0x000a, 0x3a7b: 0x000a, + 0x3a7c: 0x000a, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x3a80 + 0x3a80: 0x000a, 0x3a81: 0x000a, 0x3a82: 0x000a, 0x3a83: 0x000a, 0x3a84: 0x000a, 0x3a85: 0x000a, + 0x3a86: 0x000a, 0x3a87: 0x000a, 0x3a88: 0x000a, 0x3a89: 0x000a, 0x3a8a: 0x000a, 0x3a8b: 0x000a, + 0x3a8c: 0x000a, 0x3a8d: 0x000a, 0x3a8e: 0x000a, 0x3a8f: 0x000a, 0x3a90: 0x000a, 0x3a91: 0x000a, + 0x3a92: 0x000a, 0x3a93: 0x000a, 0x3a94: 0x000a, 0x3a95: 0x000a, 0x3a96: 0x000a, 0x3a97: 0x000a, + 0x3a98: 0x000a, + 0x3aa0: 0x000a, 0x3aa1: 0x000a, 0x3aa2: 0x000a, 0x3aa3: 0x000a, + 0x3aa4: 0x000a, 0x3aa5: 0x000a, 0x3aa6: 0x000a, 0x3aa7: 0x000a, 0x3aa8: 0x000a, 0x3aa9: 0x000a, + 0x3aaa: 0x000a, 0x3aab: 0x000a, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x3ac0 + 0x3ac0: 0x000a, 0x3ac1: 0x000a, 0x3ac2: 0x000a, 0x3ac3: 0x000a, 0x3ac4: 0x000a, 0x3ac5: 0x000a, + 0x3ac6: 0x000a, 0x3ac7: 0x000a, 0x3ac8: 0x000a, 0x3ac9: 0x000a, 0x3aca: 0x000a, 0x3acb: 0x000a, + 0x3ad0: 0x000a, 0x3ad1: 0x000a, + 0x3ad2: 0x000a, 0x3ad3: 0x000a, 0x3ad4: 0x000a, 0x3ad5: 0x000a, 0x3ad6: 0x000a, 0x3ad7: 0x000a, + 0x3ad8: 0x000a, 0x3ad9: 0x000a, 0x3ada: 0x000a, 0x3adb: 0x000a, 0x3adc: 0x000a, 0x3add: 0x000a, + 0x3ade: 0x000a, 0x3adf: 0x000a, 0x3ae0: 0x000a, 0x3ae1: 0x000a, 0x3ae2: 0x000a, 0x3ae3: 0x000a, + 0x3ae4: 0x000a, 0x3ae5: 0x000a, 0x3ae6: 0x000a, 0x3ae7: 0x000a, 0x3ae8: 0x000a, 0x3ae9: 0x000a, + 0x3aea: 0x000a, 0x3aeb: 0x000a, 0x3aec: 0x000a, 0x3aed: 0x000a, 0x3aee: 0x000a, 0x3aef: 0x000a, + 0x3af0: 0x000a, 0x3af1: 0x000a, 0x3af2: 0x000a, 0x3af3: 0x000a, 0x3af4: 0x000a, 0x3af5: 0x000a, + 0x3af6: 0x000a, 0x3af7: 0x000a, 0x3af8: 0x000a, 0x3af9: 0x000a, 0x3afa: 0x000a, 0x3afb: 0x000a, + 0x3afc: 0x000a, 0x3afd: 0x000a, 0x3afe: 0x000a, 0x3aff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x3b00 + 0x3b00: 0x000a, 0x3b01: 0x000a, 0x3b02: 0x000a, 0x3b03: 0x000a, 0x3b04: 0x000a, 0x3b05: 0x000a, + 0x3b06: 0x000a, 0x3b07: 0x000a, + 0x3b10: 0x000a, 0x3b11: 0x000a, + 0x3b12: 0x000a, 0x3b13: 0x000a, 0x3b14: 0x000a, 0x3b15: 0x000a, 0x3b16: 0x000a, 0x3b17: 0x000a, + 0x3b18: 0x000a, 0x3b19: 0x000a, + 0x3b20: 0x000a, 0x3b21: 0x000a, 0x3b22: 0x000a, 0x3b23: 0x000a, + 0x3b24: 0x000a, 0x3b25: 0x000a, 0x3b26: 0x000a, 0x3b27: 0x000a, 0x3b28: 0x000a, 0x3b29: 0x000a, + 0x3b2a: 0x000a, 0x3b2b: 0x000a, 0x3b2c: 0x000a, 0x3b2d: 0x000a, 0x3b2e: 0x000a, 0x3b2f: 0x000a, + 0x3b30: 0x000a, 0x3b31: 0x000a, 0x3b32: 0x000a, 0x3b33: 0x000a, 0x3b34: 0x000a, 0x3b35: 0x000a, + 0x3b36: 0x000a, 0x3b37: 0x000a, 0x3b38: 0x000a, 0x3b39: 0x000a, 0x3b3a: 0x000a, 0x3b3b: 0x000a, + 0x3b3c: 0x000a, 0x3b3d: 0x000a, 0x3b3e: 0x000a, 0x3b3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x3b40 + 0x3b40: 0x000a, 0x3b41: 0x000a, 0x3b42: 0x000a, 0x3b43: 0x000a, 0x3b44: 0x000a, 0x3b45: 0x000a, + 0x3b46: 0x000a, 0x3b47: 0x000a, + 0x3b50: 0x000a, 0x3b51: 0x000a, + 0x3b52: 0x000a, 0x3b53: 0x000a, 0x3b54: 0x000a, 0x3b55: 0x000a, 0x3b56: 0x000a, 0x3b57: 0x000a, + 0x3b58: 0x000a, 0x3b59: 0x000a, 0x3b5a: 0x000a, 0x3b5b: 0x000a, 0x3b5c: 0x000a, 0x3b5d: 0x000a, + 0x3b5e: 0x000a, 0x3b5f: 0x000a, 0x3b60: 0x000a, 0x3b61: 0x000a, 0x3b62: 0x000a, 0x3b63: 0x000a, + 0x3b64: 0x000a, 0x3b65: 0x000a, 0x3b66: 0x000a, 0x3b67: 0x000a, 0x3b68: 0x000a, 0x3b69: 0x000a, + 0x3b6a: 0x000a, 0x3b6b: 0x000a, 0x3b6c: 0x000a, 0x3b6d: 0x000a, + 0x3b70: 0x000a, 0x3b71: 0x000a, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x3b80 + 0x3b80: 0x000a, 0x3b81: 0x000a, 0x3b82: 0x000a, 0x3b83: 0x000a, 0x3b84: 0x000a, 0x3b85: 0x000a, + 0x3b86: 0x000a, 0x3b87: 0x000a, 0x3b88: 0x000a, 0x3b89: 0x000a, 0x3b8a: 0x000a, 0x3b8b: 0x000a, + 0x3b8c: 0x000a, 0x3b8d: 0x000a, 0x3b8e: 0x000a, 0x3b8f: 0x000a, 0x3b90: 0x000a, 0x3b91: 0x000a, + 0x3b92: 0x000a, 0x3b93: 0x000a, 0x3b94: 0x000a, 0x3b95: 0x000a, 0x3b96: 0x000a, 0x3b97: 0x000a, + 0x3b98: 0x000a, 0x3b99: 0x000a, 0x3b9a: 0x000a, 0x3b9b: 0x000a, 0x3b9c: 0x000a, 0x3b9d: 0x000a, + 0x3b9e: 0x000a, 0x3b9f: 0x000a, 0x3ba0: 0x000a, 0x3ba1: 0x000a, 0x3ba2: 0x000a, 0x3ba3: 0x000a, + 0x3ba4: 0x000a, 0x3ba5: 0x000a, 0x3ba6: 0x000a, 0x3ba7: 0x000a, 0x3ba8: 0x000a, 0x3ba9: 0x000a, + 0x3baa: 0x000a, 0x3bab: 0x000a, 0x3bac: 0x000a, 0x3bad: 0x000a, 0x3bae: 0x000a, 0x3baf: 0x000a, + 0x3bb0: 0x000a, 0x3bb1: 0x000a, 0x3bb2: 0x000a, 0x3bb3: 0x000a, 0x3bb4: 0x000a, 0x3bb5: 0x000a, + 0x3bb6: 0x000a, 0x3bb7: 0x000a, 0x3bb8: 0x000a, 0x3bba: 0x000a, 0x3bbb: 0x000a, + 0x3bbc: 0x000a, 0x3bbd: 0x000a, 0x3bbe: 0x000a, 0x3bbf: 0x000a, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x3bc0 + 0x3bc0: 0x000a, 0x3bc1: 0x000a, 0x3bc2: 0x000a, 0x3bc3: 0x000a, 0x3bc4: 0x000a, 0x3bc5: 0x000a, + 0x3bc6: 0x000a, 0x3bc7: 0x000a, 0x3bc8: 0x000a, 0x3bc9: 0x000a, 0x3bca: 0x000a, 0x3bcb: 0x000a, + 0x3bcd: 0x000a, 0x3bce: 0x000a, 0x3bcf: 0x000a, 0x3bd0: 0x000a, 0x3bd1: 0x000a, + 0x3bd2: 0x000a, 0x3bd3: 0x000a, 0x3bd4: 0x000a, 0x3bd5: 0x000a, 0x3bd6: 0x000a, 0x3bd7: 0x000a, + 0x3bd8: 0x000a, 0x3bd9: 0x000a, 0x3bda: 0x000a, 0x3bdb: 0x000a, 0x3bdc: 0x000a, 0x3bdd: 0x000a, + 0x3bde: 0x000a, 0x3bdf: 0x000a, 0x3be0: 0x000a, 0x3be1: 0x000a, 0x3be2: 0x000a, 0x3be3: 0x000a, + 0x3be4: 0x000a, 0x3be5: 0x000a, 0x3be6: 0x000a, 0x3be7: 0x000a, 0x3be8: 0x000a, 0x3be9: 0x000a, + 0x3bea: 0x000a, 0x3beb: 0x000a, 0x3bec: 0x000a, 0x3bed: 0x000a, 0x3bee: 0x000a, 0x3bef: 0x000a, + 0x3bf0: 0x000a, 0x3bf1: 0x000a, 0x3bf2: 0x000a, 0x3bf3: 0x000a, 0x3bf4: 0x000a, 0x3bf5: 0x000a, + 0x3bf6: 0x000a, 0x3bf7: 0x000a, 0x3bf8: 0x000a, 0x3bf9: 0x000a, 0x3bfa: 0x000a, 0x3bfb: 0x000a, + 0x3bfc: 0x000a, 0x3bfd: 0x000a, 0x3bfe: 0x000a, 0x3bff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xf0, offset 0x3c00 + 0x3c00: 0x000a, 0x3c01: 0x000a, 0x3c02: 0x000a, 0x3c03: 0x000a, 0x3c04: 0x000a, 0x3c05: 0x000a, + 0x3c06: 0x000a, 0x3c07: 0x000a, 0x3c08: 0x000a, 0x3c09: 0x000a, 0x3c0a: 0x000a, 0x3c0b: 0x000a, + 0x3c0c: 0x000a, 0x3c0d: 0x000a, 0x3c0e: 0x000a, 0x3c0f: 0x000a, 0x3c10: 0x000a, 0x3c11: 0x000a, + 0x3c12: 0x000a, 0x3c13: 0x000a, + 0x3c20: 0x000a, 0x3c21: 0x000a, 0x3c22: 0x000a, 0x3c23: 0x000a, + 0x3c24: 0x000a, 0x3c25: 0x000a, 0x3c26: 0x000a, 0x3c27: 0x000a, 0x3c28: 0x000a, 0x3c29: 0x000a, + 0x3c2a: 0x000a, 0x3c2b: 0x000a, 0x3c2c: 0x000a, 0x3c2d: 0x000a, + 0x3c30: 0x000a, 0x3c31: 0x000a, 0x3c32: 0x000a, 0x3c33: 0x000a, 0x3c34: 0x000a, + 0x3c38: 0x000a, 0x3c39: 0x000a, 0x3c3a: 0x000a, + // Block 0xf1, offset 0x3c40 + 0x3c40: 0x000a, 0x3c41: 0x000a, 0x3c42: 0x000a, 0x3c43: 0x000a, 0x3c44: 0x000a, 0x3c45: 0x000a, + 0x3c46: 0x000a, + 0x3c50: 0x000a, 0x3c51: 0x000a, + 0x3c52: 0x000a, 0x3c53: 0x000a, 0x3c54: 0x000a, 0x3c55: 0x000a, 0x3c56: 0x000a, 0x3c57: 0x000a, + 0x3c58: 0x000a, 0x3c59: 0x000a, 0x3c5a: 0x000a, 0x3c5b: 0x000a, 0x3c5c: 0x000a, 0x3c5d: 0x000a, + 0x3c5e: 0x000a, 0x3c5f: 0x000a, 0x3c60: 0x000a, 0x3c61: 0x000a, 0x3c62: 0x000a, 0x3c63: 0x000a, + 0x3c64: 0x000a, 0x3c65: 0x000a, 0x3c66: 0x000a, 0x3c67: 0x000a, 0x3c68: 0x000a, + 0x3c70: 0x000a, 0x3c71: 0x000a, 0x3c72: 0x000a, 0x3c73: 0x000a, 0x3c74: 0x000a, 0x3c75: 0x000a, + 0x3c76: 0x000a, + // Block 0xf2, offset 0x3c80 + 0x3c80: 0x000a, 0x3c81: 0x000a, 0x3c82: 0x000a, + 0x3c90: 0x000a, 0x3c91: 0x000a, + 0x3c92: 0x000a, 0x3c93: 0x000a, 0x3c94: 0x000a, 0x3c95: 0x000a, 0x3c96: 0x000a, + // Block 0xf3, offset 0x3cc0 + 0x3cc0: 0x000a, 0x3cc1: 0x000a, 0x3cc2: 0x000a, 0x3cc3: 0x000a, 0x3cc4: 0x000a, 0x3cc5: 0x000a, + 0x3cc6: 0x000a, 0x3cc7: 0x000a, 0x3cc8: 0x000a, 0x3cc9: 0x000a, 0x3cca: 0x000a, 0x3ccb: 0x000a, + 0x3ccc: 0x000a, 0x3ccd: 0x000a, 0x3cce: 0x000a, 0x3ccf: 0x000a, 0x3cd0: 0x000a, 0x3cd1: 0x000a, + 0x3cd2: 0x000a, 0x3cd4: 0x000a, 0x3cd5: 0x000a, 0x3cd6: 0x000a, 0x3cd7: 0x000a, + 0x3cd8: 0x000a, 0x3cd9: 0x000a, 0x3cda: 0x000a, 0x3cdb: 0x000a, 0x3cdc: 0x000a, 0x3cdd: 0x000a, + 0x3cde: 0x000a, 0x3cdf: 0x000a, 0x3ce0: 0x000a, 0x3ce1: 0x000a, 0x3ce2: 0x000a, 0x3ce3: 0x000a, + 0x3ce4: 0x000a, 0x3ce5: 0x000a, 0x3ce6: 0x000a, 0x3ce7: 0x000a, 0x3ce8: 0x000a, 0x3ce9: 0x000a, + 0x3cea: 0x000a, 0x3ceb: 0x000a, 0x3cec: 0x000a, 0x3ced: 0x000a, 0x3cee: 0x000a, 0x3cef: 0x000a, + 0x3cf0: 0x000a, 0x3cf1: 0x000a, 0x3cf2: 0x000a, 0x3cf3: 0x000a, 0x3cf4: 0x000a, 0x3cf5: 0x000a, + 0x3cf6: 0x000a, 0x3cf7: 0x000a, 0x3cf8: 0x000a, 0x3cf9: 0x000a, 0x3cfa: 0x000a, 0x3cfb: 0x000a, + 0x3cfc: 0x000a, 0x3cfd: 0x000a, 0x3cfe: 0x000a, 0x3cff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xf4, offset 0x3d00 + 0x3d00: 0x000a, 0x3d01: 0x000a, 0x3d02: 0x000a, 0x3d03: 0x000a, 0x3d04: 0x000a, 0x3d05: 0x000a, + 0x3d06: 0x000a, 0x3d07: 0x000a, 0x3d08: 0x000a, 0x3d09: 0x000a, 0x3d0a: 0x000a, + 0x3d30: 0x0002, 0x3d31: 0x0002, 0x3d32: 0x0002, 0x3d33: 0x0002, 0x3d34: 0x0002, 0x3d35: 0x0002, + 0x3d36: 0x0002, 0x3d37: 0x0002, 0x3d38: 0x0002, 0x3d39: 0x0002, + // Block 0xf5, offset 0x3d40 + 0x3d7e: 0x000b, 0x3d7f: 0x000b, + // Block 0xf6, offset 0x3d80 + 0x3d80: 0x000b, 0x3d81: 0x000b, 0x3d82: 0x000b, 0x3d83: 0x000b, 0x3d84: 0x000b, 0x3d85: 0x000b, + 0x3d86: 0x000b, 0x3d87: 0x000b, 0x3d88: 0x000b, 0x3d89: 0x000b, 0x3d8a: 0x000b, 0x3d8b: 0x000b, + 0x3d8c: 0x000b, 0x3d8d: 0x000b, 0x3d8e: 0x000b, 0x3d8f: 0x000b, 0x3d90: 0x000b, 0x3d91: 0x000b, + 0x3d92: 0x000b, 0x3d93: 0x000b, 0x3d94: 0x000b, 0x3d95: 0x000b, 0x3d96: 0x000b, 0x3d97: 0x000b, + 0x3d98: 0x000b, 0x3d99: 0x000b, 0x3d9a: 0x000b, 0x3d9b: 0x000b, 0x3d9c: 0x000b, 0x3d9d: 0x000b, + 0x3d9e: 0x000b, 0x3d9f: 0x000b, 0x3da0: 0x000b, 0x3da1: 0x000b, 0x3da2: 0x000b, 0x3da3: 0x000b, + 0x3da4: 0x000b, 0x3da5: 0x000b, 0x3da6: 0x000b, 0x3da7: 0x000b, 0x3da8: 0x000b, 0x3da9: 0x000b, + 0x3daa: 0x000b, 0x3dab: 0x000b, 0x3dac: 0x000b, 0x3dad: 0x000b, 0x3dae: 0x000b, 0x3daf: 0x000b, + 0x3db0: 0x000b, 0x3db1: 0x000b, 0x3db2: 0x000b, 0x3db3: 0x000b, 0x3db4: 0x000b, 0x3db5: 0x000b, + 0x3db6: 0x000b, 0x3db7: 0x000b, 0x3db8: 0x000b, 0x3db9: 0x000b, 0x3dba: 0x000b, 0x3dbb: 0x000b, + 0x3dbc: 0x000b, 0x3dbd: 0x000b, 0x3dbe: 0x000b, 0x3dbf: 0x000b, + // Block 0xf7, offset 0x3dc0 + 0x3dc0: 0x000c, 0x3dc1: 0x000c, 0x3dc2: 0x000c, 0x3dc3: 0x000c, 0x3dc4: 0x000c, 0x3dc5: 0x000c, + 0x3dc6: 0x000c, 0x3dc7: 0x000c, 0x3dc8: 0x000c, 0x3dc9: 0x000c, 0x3dca: 0x000c, 0x3dcb: 0x000c, + 0x3dcc: 0x000c, 0x3dcd: 0x000c, 0x3dce: 0x000c, 0x3dcf: 0x000c, 0x3dd0: 0x000c, 0x3dd1: 0x000c, + 0x3dd2: 0x000c, 0x3dd3: 0x000c, 0x3dd4: 0x000c, 0x3dd5: 0x000c, 0x3dd6: 0x000c, 0x3dd7: 0x000c, + 0x3dd8: 0x000c, 0x3dd9: 0x000c, 0x3dda: 0x000c, 0x3ddb: 0x000c, 0x3ddc: 0x000c, 0x3ddd: 0x000c, + 0x3dde: 0x000c, 0x3ddf: 0x000c, 0x3de0: 0x000c, 0x3de1: 0x000c, 0x3de2: 0x000c, 0x3de3: 0x000c, + 0x3de4: 0x000c, 0x3de5: 0x000c, 0x3de6: 0x000c, 0x3de7: 0x000c, 0x3de8: 0x000c, 0x3de9: 0x000c, + 0x3dea: 0x000c, 0x3deb: 0x000c, 0x3dec: 0x000c, 0x3ded: 0x000c, 0x3dee: 0x000c, 0x3def: 0x000c, + 0x3df0: 0x000b, 0x3df1: 0x000b, 0x3df2: 0x000b, 0x3df3: 0x000b, 0x3df4: 0x000b, 0x3df5: 0x000b, + 0x3df6: 0x000b, 0x3df7: 0x000b, 0x3df8: 0x000b, 0x3df9: 0x000b, 0x3dfa: 0x000b, 0x3dfb: 0x000b, + 0x3dfc: 0x000b, 0x3dfd: 0x000b, 0x3dfe: 0x000b, 0x3dff: 0x000b, +} + +// bidiIndex: 24 blocks, 1536 entries, 1536 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var bidiIndex = [1536]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, + 0xca: 0x03, 0xcb: 0x04, 0xcc: 0x05, 0xcd: 0x06, 0xce: 0x07, 0xcf: 0x08, + 0xd2: 0x09, 0xd6: 0x0a, 0xd7: 0x0b, + 0xd8: 0x0c, 0xd9: 0x0d, 0xda: 0x0e, 0xdb: 0x0f, 0xdc: 0x10, 0xdd: 0x11, 0xde: 0x12, 0xdf: 0x13, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, 0xe4: 0x06, + 0xea: 0x07, 0xef: 0x08, + 0xf0: 0x11, 0xf1: 0x12, 0xf2: 0x12, 0xf3: 0x14, 0xf4: 0x15, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x14, 0x121: 0x15, 0x122: 0x16, 0x123: 0x17, 0x124: 0x18, 0x125: 0x19, 0x126: 0x1a, 0x127: 0x1b, + 0x128: 0x1c, 0x129: 0x1d, 0x12a: 0x1c, 0x12b: 0x1e, 0x12c: 0x1f, 0x12d: 0x20, 0x12e: 0x21, 0x12f: 0x22, + 0x130: 0x23, 0x131: 0x24, 0x132: 0x1a, 0x133: 0x25, 0x134: 0x26, 0x135: 0x27, 0x136: 0x28, 0x137: 0x29, + 0x138: 0x2a, 0x139: 0x2b, 0x13a: 0x2c, 0x13b: 0x2d, 0x13c: 0x2e, 0x13d: 0x2f, 0x13e: 0x30, 0x13f: 0x31, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x32, 0x141: 0x33, 0x142: 0x34, + 0x14d: 0x35, 0x14e: 0x36, + 0x150: 0x37, + 0x15a: 0x38, 0x15c: 0x39, 0x15d: 0x3a, 0x15e: 0x3b, 0x15f: 0x3c, + 0x160: 0x3d, 0x162: 0x3e, 0x164: 0x3f, 0x165: 0x40, 0x167: 0x41, + 0x168: 0x42, 0x169: 0x43, 0x16a: 0x44, 0x16b: 0x45, 0x16c: 0x46, 0x16d: 0x47, 0x16e: 0x48, 0x16f: 0x49, + 0x170: 0x4a, 0x173: 0x4b, 0x177: 0x4c, + 0x17e: 0x4d, 0x17f: 0x4e, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x4f, 0x181: 0x50, 0x182: 0x51, 0x183: 0x52, 0x184: 0x53, 0x185: 0x54, 0x186: 0x55, 0x187: 0x56, + 0x188: 0x57, 0x189: 0x56, 0x18a: 0x56, 0x18b: 0x56, 0x18c: 0x58, 0x18d: 0x59, 0x18e: 0x5a, 0x18f: 0x56, + 0x190: 0x5b, 0x191: 0x5c, 0x192: 0x5d, 0x193: 0x5e, 0x194: 0x56, 0x195: 0x56, 0x196: 0x56, 0x197: 0x56, + 0x198: 0x56, 0x199: 0x56, 0x19a: 0x5f, 0x19b: 0x56, 0x19c: 0x56, 0x19d: 0x60, 0x19e: 0x56, 0x19f: 0x61, + 0x1a4: 0x56, 0x1a5: 0x56, 0x1a6: 0x62, 0x1a7: 0x63, + 0x1a8: 0x56, 0x1a9: 0x56, 0x1aa: 0x56, 0x1ab: 0x56, 0x1ac: 0x56, 0x1ad: 0x64, 0x1ae: 0x65, 0x1af: 0x56, + 0x1b3: 0x66, 0x1b5: 0x67, 0x1b7: 0x68, + 0x1b8: 0x69, 0x1b9: 0x6a, 0x1ba: 0x6b, 0x1bb: 0x6c, 0x1bc: 0x56, 0x1bd: 0x56, 0x1be: 0x56, 0x1bf: 0x6d, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x6e, 0x1c2: 0x6f, 0x1c3: 0x70, 0x1c7: 0x71, + 0x1c8: 0x72, 0x1c9: 0x73, 0x1ca: 0x74, 0x1cb: 0x75, 0x1cd: 0x76, 0x1cf: 0x77, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x237: 0x56, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x252: 0x78, 0x253: 0x79, + 0x258: 0x7a, 0x259: 0x7b, 0x25a: 0x7c, 0x25b: 0x7d, 0x25c: 0x7e, 0x25e: 0x7f, + 0x260: 0x80, 0x261: 0x81, 0x263: 0x82, 0x264: 0x83, 0x265: 0x84, 0x266: 0x85, 0x267: 0x86, + 0x268: 0x87, 0x269: 0x88, 0x26a: 0x89, 0x26b: 0x8a, 0x26d: 0x8b, 0x26f: 0x8c, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x2ac: 0x8d, 0x2ad: 0x8e, 0x2ae: 0x0e, 0x2af: 0x0e, + 0x2b0: 0x0e, 0x2b1: 0x0e, 0x2b2: 0x0e, 0x2b3: 0x0e, 0x2b4: 0x8f, 0x2b5: 0x0e, 0x2b6: 0x0e, 0x2b7: 0x90, + 0x2b8: 0x91, 0x2b9: 0x92, 0x2ba: 0x0e, 0x2bb: 0x93, 0x2bc: 0x94, 0x2bd: 0x95, 0x2bf: 0x96, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c4: 0x97, 0x2c5: 0x56, 0x2c6: 0x98, 0x2c7: 0x99, + 0x2cb: 0x9a, 0x2cd: 0x9b, + 0x2e0: 0x9c, 0x2e1: 0x9c, 0x2e2: 0x9c, 0x2e3: 0x9c, 0x2e4: 0x9d, 0x2e5: 0x9c, 0x2e6: 0x9c, 0x2e7: 0x9c, + 0x2e8: 0x9e, 0x2e9: 0x9c, 0x2ea: 0x9c, 0x2eb: 0x9f, 0x2ec: 0xa0, 0x2ed: 0x9c, 0x2ee: 0x9c, 0x2ef: 0x9c, + 0x2f0: 0x9c, 0x2f1: 0x9c, 0x2f2: 0x9c, 0x2f3: 0x9c, 0x2f4: 0xa1, 0x2f5: 0x9c, 0x2f6: 0x9c, 0x2f7: 0x9c, + 0x2f8: 0x9c, 0x2f9: 0xa2, 0x2fa: 0xa3, 0x2fb: 0x9c, 0x2fc: 0xa4, 0x2fd: 0xa5, 0x2fe: 0x9c, 0x2ff: 0x9c, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0xa6, 0x301: 0xa7, 0x302: 0xa8, 0x304: 0xa9, 0x305: 0xaa, 0x306: 0xab, 0x307: 0xac, + 0x308: 0xad, 0x30b: 0xae, 0x30c: 0x26, 0x30d: 0xaf, + 0x310: 0xb0, 0x311: 0xb1, 0x312: 0xb2, 0x313: 0xb3, 0x316: 0xb4, 0x317: 0xb5, + 0x318: 0xb6, 0x319: 0xb7, 0x31a: 0xb8, 0x31c: 0xb9, + 0x320: 0xba, 0x324: 0xbb, 0x325: 0xbc, 0x327: 0xbd, + 0x328: 0xbe, 0x329: 0xbf, 0x32a: 0xc0, + 0x330: 0xc1, 0x332: 0xc2, 0x334: 0xc3, 0x335: 0xc4, 0x336: 0xc5, + 0x33b: 0xc6, 0x33f: 0xc7, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x36b: 0xc8, 0x36c: 0xc9, + 0x37d: 0xca, 0x37e: 0xcb, 0x37f: 0xcc, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x3b2: 0xcd, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c5: 0xce, 0x3c6: 0xcf, + 0x3c8: 0x56, 0x3c9: 0xd0, 0x3cc: 0x56, 0x3cd: 0xd1, + 0x3db: 0xd2, 0x3dc: 0xd3, 0x3dd: 0xd4, 0x3de: 0xd5, 0x3df: 0xd6, + 0x3e8: 0xd7, 0x3e9: 0xd8, 0x3ea: 0xd9, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0xda, 0x404: 0xc9, + 0x40b: 0xdb, + 0x420: 0x9c, 0x421: 0x9c, 0x422: 0x9c, 0x423: 0xdc, 0x424: 0x9c, 0x425: 0xdd, 0x426: 0x9c, 0x427: 0x9c, + 0x428: 0x9c, 0x429: 0x9c, 0x42a: 0x9c, 0x42b: 0x9c, 0x42c: 0x9c, 0x42d: 0x9c, 0x42e: 0x9c, 0x42f: 0x9c, + 0x430: 0x9c, 0x431: 0xa4, 0x432: 0x0e, 0x433: 0x9c, 0x434: 0x0e, 0x435: 0xde, 0x436: 0x9c, 0x437: 0x9c, + 0x438: 0x0e, 0x439: 0x0e, 0x43a: 0x0e, 0x43b: 0xdf, 0x43c: 0x9c, 0x43d: 0x9c, 0x43e: 0x9c, 0x43f: 0x9c, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0xe0, 0x441: 0x56, 0x442: 0xe1, 0x443: 0xe2, 0x444: 0xe3, 0x445: 0xe4, 0x446: 0xe5, + 0x449: 0xe6, 0x44c: 0x56, 0x44d: 0x56, 0x44e: 0x56, 0x44f: 0x56, + 0x450: 0x56, 0x451: 0x56, 0x452: 0x56, 0x453: 0x56, 0x454: 0x56, 0x455: 0x56, 0x456: 0x56, 0x457: 0x56, + 0x458: 0x56, 0x459: 0x56, 0x45a: 0x56, 0x45b: 0xe7, 0x45c: 0x56, 0x45d: 0x6c, 0x45e: 0x56, 0x45f: 0xe8, + 0x460: 0xe9, 0x461: 0xea, 0x462: 0xeb, 0x464: 0x56, 0x465: 0xec, 0x466: 0x56, 0x467: 0xed, + 0x468: 0x56, 0x469: 0xee, 0x46a: 0xef, 0x46b: 0xf0, 0x46c: 0x56, 0x46d: 0x56, 0x46e: 0xf1, 0x46f: 0xf2, + 0x47f: 0xf3, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x4bf: 0xf3, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4d0: 0x09, 0x4d1: 0x0a, 0x4d6: 0x0b, + 0x4db: 0x0c, 0x4dd: 0x0d, 0x4de: 0x0e, 0x4df: 0x0f, + 0x4ef: 0x10, + 0x4ff: 0x10, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x50f: 0x10, + 0x51f: 0x10, + 0x52f: 0x10, + 0x53f: 0x10, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0xf4, 0x541: 0xf4, 0x542: 0xf4, 0x543: 0xf4, 0x544: 0x05, 0x545: 0x05, 0x546: 0x05, 0x547: 0xf5, + 0x548: 0xf4, 0x549: 0xf4, 0x54a: 0xf4, 0x54b: 0xf4, 0x54c: 0xf4, 0x54d: 0xf4, 0x54e: 0xf4, 0x54f: 0xf4, + 0x550: 0xf4, 0x551: 0xf4, 0x552: 0xf4, 0x553: 0xf4, 0x554: 0xf4, 0x555: 0xf4, 0x556: 0xf4, 0x557: 0xf4, + 0x558: 0xf4, 0x559: 0xf4, 0x55a: 0xf4, 0x55b: 0xf4, 0x55c: 0xf4, 0x55d: 0xf4, 0x55e: 0xf4, 0x55f: 0xf4, + 0x560: 0xf4, 0x561: 0xf4, 0x562: 0xf4, 0x563: 0xf4, 0x564: 0xf4, 0x565: 0xf4, 0x566: 0xf4, 0x567: 0xf4, + 0x568: 0xf4, 0x569: 0xf4, 0x56a: 0xf4, 0x56b: 0xf4, 0x56c: 0xf4, 0x56d: 0xf4, 0x56e: 0xf4, 0x56f: 0xf4, + 0x570: 0xf4, 0x571: 0xf4, 0x572: 0xf4, 0x573: 0xf4, 0x574: 0xf4, 0x575: 0xf4, 0x576: 0xf4, 0x577: 0xf4, + 0x578: 0xf4, 0x579: 0xf4, 0x57a: 0xf4, 0x57b: 0xf4, 0x57c: 0xf4, 0x57d: 0xf4, 0x57e: 0xf4, 0x57f: 0xf4, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x58f: 0x10, + 0x59f: 0x10, + 0x5a0: 0x13, + 0x5af: 0x10, + 0x5bf: 0x10, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5cf: 0x10, +} + +// Total table size 17464 bytes (17KiB); checksum: F50EF68C diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables9.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables9.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f517fdb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables9.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,1782 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build !go1.10 +// +build !go1.10 + +package bidi + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "9.0.0" + +// xorMasks contains masks to be xor-ed with brackets to get the reverse +// version. +var xorMasks = []int32{ // 8 elements + 0, 1, 6, 7, 3, 15, 29, 63, +} // Size: 56 bytes + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0] + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0] + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// bidiTrie. Total size: 15744 bytes (15.38 KiB). Checksum: b4c3b70954803b86. +type bidiTrie struct{} + +func newBidiTrie(i int) *bidiTrie { + return &bidiTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint8 { + switch { + default: + return uint8(bidiValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// bidiValues: 222 blocks, 14208 entries, 14208 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var bidiValues = [14208]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x00: 0x000b, 0x01: 0x000b, 0x02: 0x000b, 0x03: 0x000b, 0x04: 0x000b, 0x05: 0x000b, + 0x06: 0x000b, 0x07: 0x000b, 0x08: 0x000b, 0x09: 0x0008, 0x0a: 0x0007, 0x0b: 0x0008, + 0x0c: 0x0009, 0x0d: 0x0007, 0x0e: 0x000b, 0x0f: 0x000b, 0x10: 0x000b, 0x11: 0x000b, + 0x12: 0x000b, 0x13: 0x000b, 0x14: 0x000b, 0x15: 0x000b, 0x16: 0x000b, 0x17: 0x000b, + 0x18: 0x000b, 0x19: 0x000b, 0x1a: 0x000b, 0x1b: 0x000b, 0x1c: 0x0007, 0x1d: 0x0007, + 0x1e: 0x0007, 0x1f: 0x0008, 0x20: 0x0009, 0x21: 0x000a, 0x22: 0x000a, 0x23: 0x0004, + 0x24: 0x0004, 0x25: 0x0004, 0x26: 0x000a, 0x27: 0x000a, 0x28: 0x003a, 0x29: 0x002a, + 0x2a: 0x000a, 0x2b: 0x0003, 0x2c: 0x0006, 0x2d: 0x0003, 0x2e: 0x0006, 0x2f: 0x0006, + 0x30: 0x0002, 0x31: 0x0002, 0x32: 0x0002, 0x33: 0x0002, 0x34: 0x0002, 0x35: 0x0002, + 0x36: 0x0002, 0x37: 0x0002, 0x38: 0x0002, 0x39: 0x0002, 0x3a: 0x0006, 0x3b: 0x000a, + 0x3c: 0x000a, 0x3d: 0x000a, 0x3e: 0x000a, 0x3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x000a, + 0x5b: 0x005a, 0x5c: 0x000a, 0x5d: 0x004a, + 0x5e: 0x000a, 0x5f: 0x000a, 0x60: 0x000a, + 0x7b: 0x005a, + 0x7c: 0x000a, 0x7d: 0x004a, 0x7e: 0x000a, 0x7f: 0x000b, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x000b, 0xc1: 0x000b, 0xc2: 0x000b, 0xc3: 0x000b, 0xc4: 0x000b, 0xc5: 0x0007, + 0xc6: 0x000b, 0xc7: 0x000b, 0xc8: 0x000b, 0xc9: 0x000b, 0xca: 0x000b, 0xcb: 0x000b, + 0xcc: 0x000b, 0xcd: 0x000b, 0xce: 0x000b, 0xcf: 0x000b, 0xd0: 0x000b, 0xd1: 0x000b, + 0xd2: 0x000b, 0xd3: 0x000b, 0xd4: 0x000b, 0xd5: 0x000b, 0xd6: 0x000b, 0xd7: 0x000b, + 0xd8: 0x000b, 0xd9: 0x000b, 0xda: 0x000b, 0xdb: 0x000b, 0xdc: 0x000b, 0xdd: 0x000b, + 0xde: 0x000b, 0xdf: 0x000b, 0xe0: 0x0006, 0xe1: 0x000a, 0xe2: 0x0004, 0xe3: 0x0004, + 0xe4: 0x0004, 0xe5: 0x0004, 0xe6: 0x000a, 0xe7: 0x000a, 0xe8: 0x000a, 0xe9: 0x000a, + 0xeb: 0x000a, 0xec: 0x000a, 0xed: 0x000b, 0xee: 0x000a, 0xef: 0x000a, + 0xf0: 0x0004, 0xf1: 0x0004, 0xf2: 0x0002, 0xf3: 0x0002, 0xf4: 0x000a, + 0xf6: 0x000a, 0xf7: 0x000a, 0xf8: 0x000a, 0xf9: 0x0002, 0xfb: 0x000a, + 0xfc: 0x000a, 0xfd: 0x000a, 0xfe: 0x000a, 0xff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x117: 0x000a, + 0x137: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x179: 0x000a, 0x17a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x182: 0x000a, 0x183: 0x000a, 0x184: 0x000a, 0x185: 0x000a, + 0x186: 0x000a, 0x187: 0x000a, 0x188: 0x000a, 0x189: 0x000a, 0x18a: 0x000a, 0x18b: 0x000a, + 0x18c: 0x000a, 0x18d: 0x000a, 0x18e: 0x000a, 0x18f: 0x000a, + 0x192: 0x000a, 0x193: 0x000a, 0x194: 0x000a, 0x195: 0x000a, 0x196: 0x000a, 0x197: 0x000a, + 0x198: 0x000a, 0x199: 0x000a, 0x19a: 0x000a, 0x19b: 0x000a, 0x19c: 0x000a, 0x19d: 0x000a, + 0x19e: 0x000a, 0x19f: 0x000a, + 0x1a5: 0x000a, 0x1a6: 0x000a, 0x1a7: 0x000a, 0x1a8: 0x000a, 0x1a9: 0x000a, + 0x1aa: 0x000a, 0x1ab: 0x000a, 0x1ac: 0x000a, 0x1ad: 0x000a, 0x1af: 0x000a, + 0x1b0: 0x000a, 0x1b1: 0x000a, 0x1b2: 0x000a, 0x1b3: 0x000a, 0x1b4: 0x000a, 0x1b5: 0x000a, + 0x1b6: 0x000a, 0x1b7: 0x000a, 0x1b8: 0x000a, 0x1b9: 0x000a, 0x1ba: 0x000a, 0x1bb: 0x000a, + 0x1bc: 0x000a, 0x1bd: 0x000a, 0x1be: 0x000a, 0x1bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x000c, 0x1c1: 0x000c, 0x1c2: 0x000c, 0x1c3: 0x000c, 0x1c4: 0x000c, 0x1c5: 0x000c, + 0x1c6: 0x000c, 0x1c7: 0x000c, 0x1c8: 0x000c, 0x1c9: 0x000c, 0x1ca: 0x000c, 0x1cb: 0x000c, + 0x1cc: 0x000c, 0x1cd: 0x000c, 0x1ce: 0x000c, 0x1cf: 0x000c, 0x1d0: 0x000c, 0x1d1: 0x000c, + 0x1d2: 0x000c, 0x1d3: 0x000c, 0x1d4: 0x000c, 0x1d5: 0x000c, 0x1d6: 0x000c, 0x1d7: 0x000c, + 0x1d8: 0x000c, 0x1d9: 0x000c, 0x1da: 0x000c, 0x1db: 0x000c, 0x1dc: 0x000c, 0x1dd: 0x000c, + 0x1de: 0x000c, 0x1df: 0x000c, 0x1e0: 0x000c, 0x1e1: 0x000c, 0x1e2: 0x000c, 0x1e3: 0x000c, + 0x1e4: 0x000c, 0x1e5: 0x000c, 0x1e6: 0x000c, 0x1e7: 0x000c, 0x1e8: 0x000c, 0x1e9: 0x000c, + 0x1ea: 0x000c, 0x1eb: 0x000c, 0x1ec: 0x000c, 0x1ed: 0x000c, 0x1ee: 0x000c, 0x1ef: 0x000c, + 0x1f0: 0x000c, 0x1f1: 0x000c, 0x1f2: 0x000c, 0x1f3: 0x000c, 0x1f4: 0x000c, 0x1f5: 0x000c, + 0x1f6: 0x000c, 0x1f7: 0x000c, 0x1f8: 0x000c, 0x1f9: 0x000c, 0x1fa: 0x000c, 0x1fb: 0x000c, + 0x1fc: 0x000c, 0x1fd: 0x000c, 0x1fe: 0x000c, 0x1ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x000c, 0x201: 0x000c, 0x202: 0x000c, 0x203: 0x000c, 0x204: 0x000c, 0x205: 0x000c, + 0x206: 0x000c, 0x207: 0x000c, 0x208: 0x000c, 0x209: 0x000c, 0x20a: 0x000c, 0x20b: 0x000c, + 0x20c: 0x000c, 0x20d: 0x000c, 0x20e: 0x000c, 0x20f: 0x000c, 0x210: 0x000c, 0x211: 0x000c, + 0x212: 0x000c, 0x213: 0x000c, 0x214: 0x000c, 0x215: 0x000c, 0x216: 0x000c, 0x217: 0x000c, + 0x218: 0x000c, 0x219: 0x000c, 0x21a: 0x000c, 0x21b: 0x000c, 0x21c: 0x000c, 0x21d: 0x000c, + 0x21e: 0x000c, 0x21f: 0x000c, 0x220: 0x000c, 0x221: 0x000c, 0x222: 0x000c, 0x223: 0x000c, + 0x224: 0x000c, 0x225: 0x000c, 0x226: 0x000c, 0x227: 0x000c, 0x228: 0x000c, 0x229: 0x000c, + 0x22a: 0x000c, 0x22b: 0x000c, 0x22c: 0x000c, 0x22d: 0x000c, 0x22e: 0x000c, 0x22f: 0x000c, + 0x234: 0x000a, 0x235: 0x000a, + 0x23e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x244: 0x000a, 0x245: 0x000a, + 0x247: 0x000a, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x2b6: 0x000a, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c3: 0x000c, 0x2c4: 0x000c, 0x2c5: 0x000c, + 0x2c6: 0x000c, 0x2c7: 0x000c, 0x2c8: 0x000c, 0x2c9: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x30a: 0x000a, + 0x30d: 0x000a, 0x30e: 0x000a, 0x30f: 0x0004, 0x310: 0x0001, 0x311: 0x000c, + 0x312: 0x000c, 0x313: 0x000c, 0x314: 0x000c, 0x315: 0x000c, 0x316: 0x000c, 0x317: 0x000c, + 0x318: 0x000c, 0x319: 0x000c, 0x31a: 0x000c, 0x31b: 0x000c, 0x31c: 0x000c, 0x31d: 0x000c, + 0x31e: 0x000c, 0x31f: 0x000c, 0x320: 0x000c, 0x321: 0x000c, 0x322: 0x000c, 0x323: 0x000c, + 0x324: 0x000c, 0x325: 0x000c, 0x326: 0x000c, 0x327: 0x000c, 0x328: 0x000c, 0x329: 0x000c, + 0x32a: 0x000c, 0x32b: 0x000c, 0x32c: 0x000c, 0x32d: 0x000c, 0x32e: 0x000c, 0x32f: 0x000c, + 0x330: 0x000c, 0x331: 0x000c, 0x332: 0x000c, 0x333: 0x000c, 0x334: 0x000c, 0x335: 0x000c, + 0x336: 0x000c, 0x337: 0x000c, 0x338: 0x000c, 0x339: 0x000c, 0x33a: 0x000c, 0x33b: 0x000c, + 0x33c: 0x000c, 0x33d: 0x000c, 0x33e: 0x0001, 0x33f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x0001, 0x341: 0x000c, 0x342: 0x000c, 0x343: 0x0001, 0x344: 0x000c, 0x345: 0x000c, + 0x346: 0x0001, 0x347: 0x000c, 0x348: 0x0001, 0x349: 0x0001, 0x34a: 0x0001, 0x34b: 0x0001, + 0x34c: 0x0001, 0x34d: 0x0001, 0x34e: 0x0001, 0x34f: 0x0001, 0x350: 0x0001, 0x351: 0x0001, + 0x352: 0x0001, 0x353: 0x0001, 0x354: 0x0001, 0x355: 0x0001, 0x356: 0x0001, 0x357: 0x0001, + 0x358: 0x0001, 0x359: 0x0001, 0x35a: 0x0001, 0x35b: 0x0001, 0x35c: 0x0001, 0x35d: 0x0001, + 0x35e: 0x0001, 0x35f: 0x0001, 0x360: 0x0001, 0x361: 0x0001, 0x362: 0x0001, 0x363: 0x0001, + 0x364: 0x0001, 0x365: 0x0001, 0x366: 0x0001, 0x367: 0x0001, 0x368: 0x0001, 0x369: 0x0001, + 0x36a: 0x0001, 0x36b: 0x0001, 0x36c: 0x0001, 0x36d: 0x0001, 0x36e: 0x0001, 0x36f: 0x0001, + 0x370: 0x0001, 0x371: 0x0001, 0x372: 0x0001, 0x373: 0x0001, 0x374: 0x0001, 0x375: 0x0001, + 0x376: 0x0001, 0x377: 0x0001, 0x378: 0x0001, 0x379: 0x0001, 0x37a: 0x0001, 0x37b: 0x0001, + 0x37c: 0x0001, 0x37d: 0x0001, 0x37e: 0x0001, 0x37f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0005, 0x381: 0x0005, 0x382: 0x0005, 0x383: 0x0005, 0x384: 0x0005, 0x385: 0x0005, + 0x386: 0x000a, 0x387: 0x000a, 0x388: 0x000d, 0x389: 0x0004, 0x38a: 0x0004, 0x38b: 0x000d, + 0x38c: 0x0006, 0x38d: 0x000d, 0x38e: 0x000a, 0x38f: 0x000a, 0x390: 0x000c, 0x391: 0x000c, + 0x392: 0x000c, 0x393: 0x000c, 0x394: 0x000c, 0x395: 0x000c, 0x396: 0x000c, 0x397: 0x000c, + 0x398: 0x000c, 0x399: 0x000c, 0x39a: 0x000c, 0x39b: 0x000d, 0x39c: 0x000d, 0x39d: 0x000d, + 0x39e: 0x000d, 0x39f: 0x000d, 0x3a0: 0x000d, 0x3a1: 0x000d, 0x3a2: 0x000d, 0x3a3: 0x000d, + 0x3a4: 0x000d, 0x3a5: 0x000d, 0x3a6: 0x000d, 0x3a7: 0x000d, 0x3a8: 0x000d, 0x3a9: 0x000d, + 0x3aa: 0x000d, 0x3ab: 0x000d, 0x3ac: 0x000d, 0x3ad: 0x000d, 0x3ae: 0x000d, 0x3af: 0x000d, + 0x3b0: 0x000d, 0x3b1: 0x000d, 0x3b2: 0x000d, 0x3b3: 0x000d, 0x3b4: 0x000d, 0x3b5: 0x000d, + 0x3b6: 0x000d, 0x3b7: 0x000d, 0x3b8: 0x000d, 0x3b9: 0x000d, 0x3ba: 0x000d, 0x3bb: 0x000d, + 0x3bc: 0x000d, 0x3bd: 0x000d, 0x3be: 0x000d, 0x3bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x000d, 0x3c1: 0x000d, 0x3c2: 0x000d, 0x3c3: 0x000d, 0x3c4: 0x000d, 0x3c5: 0x000d, + 0x3c6: 0x000d, 0x3c7: 0x000d, 0x3c8: 0x000d, 0x3c9: 0x000d, 0x3ca: 0x000d, 0x3cb: 0x000c, + 0x3cc: 0x000c, 0x3cd: 0x000c, 0x3ce: 0x000c, 0x3cf: 0x000c, 0x3d0: 0x000c, 0x3d1: 0x000c, + 0x3d2: 0x000c, 0x3d3: 0x000c, 0x3d4: 0x000c, 0x3d5: 0x000c, 0x3d6: 0x000c, 0x3d7: 0x000c, + 0x3d8: 0x000c, 0x3d9: 0x000c, 0x3da: 0x000c, 0x3db: 0x000c, 0x3dc: 0x000c, 0x3dd: 0x000c, + 0x3de: 0x000c, 0x3df: 0x000c, 0x3e0: 0x0005, 0x3e1: 0x0005, 0x3e2: 0x0005, 0x3e3: 0x0005, + 0x3e4: 0x0005, 0x3e5: 0x0005, 0x3e6: 0x0005, 0x3e7: 0x0005, 0x3e8: 0x0005, 0x3e9: 0x0005, + 0x3ea: 0x0004, 0x3eb: 0x0005, 0x3ec: 0x0005, 0x3ed: 0x000d, 0x3ee: 0x000d, 0x3ef: 0x000d, + 0x3f0: 0x000c, 0x3f1: 0x000d, 0x3f2: 0x000d, 0x3f3: 0x000d, 0x3f4: 0x000d, 0x3f5: 0x000d, + 0x3f6: 0x000d, 0x3f7: 0x000d, 0x3f8: 0x000d, 0x3f9: 0x000d, 0x3fa: 0x000d, 0x3fb: 0x000d, + 0x3fc: 0x000d, 0x3fd: 0x000d, 0x3fe: 0x000d, 0x3ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x000d, 0x401: 0x000d, 0x402: 0x000d, 0x403: 0x000d, 0x404: 0x000d, 0x405: 0x000d, + 0x406: 0x000d, 0x407: 0x000d, 0x408: 0x000d, 0x409: 0x000d, 0x40a: 0x000d, 0x40b: 0x000d, + 0x40c: 0x000d, 0x40d: 0x000d, 0x40e: 0x000d, 0x40f: 0x000d, 0x410: 0x000d, 0x411: 0x000d, + 0x412: 0x000d, 0x413: 0x000d, 0x414: 0x000d, 0x415: 0x000d, 0x416: 0x000d, 0x417: 0x000d, + 0x418: 0x000d, 0x419: 0x000d, 0x41a: 0x000d, 0x41b: 0x000d, 0x41c: 0x000d, 0x41d: 0x000d, + 0x41e: 0x000d, 0x41f: 0x000d, 0x420: 0x000d, 0x421: 0x000d, 0x422: 0x000d, 0x423: 0x000d, + 0x424: 0x000d, 0x425: 0x000d, 0x426: 0x000d, 0x427: 0x000d, 0x428: 0x000d, 0x429: 0x000d, + 0x42a: 0x000d, 0x42b: 0x000d, 0x42c: 0x000d, 0x42d: 0x000d, 0x42e: 0x000d, 0x42f: 0x000d, + 0x430: 0x000d, 0x431: 0x000d, 0x432: 0x000d, 0x433: 0x000d, 0x434: 0x000d, 0x435: 0x000d, + 0x436: 0x000d, 0x437: 0x000d, 0x438: 0x000d, 0x439: 0x000d, 0x43a: 0x000d, 0x43b: 0x000d, + 0x43c: 0x000d, 0x43d: 0x000d, 0x43e: 0x000d, 0x43f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x000d, 0x441: 0x000d, 0x442: 0x000d, 0x443: 0x000d, 0x444: 0x000d, 0x445: 0x000d, + 0x446: 0x000d, 0x447: 0x000d, 0x448: 0x000d, 0x449: 0x000d, 0x44a: 0x000d, 0x44b: 0x000d, + 0x44c: 0x000d, 0x44d: 0x000d, 0x44e: 0x000d, 0x44f: 0x000d, 0x450: 0x000d, 0x451: 0x000d, + 0x452: 0x000d, 0x453: 0x000d, 0x454: 0x000d, 0x455: 0x000d, 0x456: 0x000c, 0x457: 0x000c, + 0x458: 0x000c, 0x459: 0x000c, 0x45a: 0x000c, 0x45b: 0x000c, 0x45c: 0x000c, 0x45d: 0x0005, + 0x45e: 0x000a, 0x45f: 0x000c, 0x460: 0x000c, 0x461: 0x000c, 0x462: 0x000c, 0x463: 0x000c, + 0x464: 0x000c, 0x465: 0x000d, 0x466: 0x000d, 0x467: 0x000c, 0x468: 0x000c, 0x469: 0x000a, + 0x46a: 0x000c, 0x46b: 0x000c, 0x46c: 0x000c, 0x46d: 0x000c, 0x46e: 0x000d, 0x46f: 0x000d, + 0x470: 0x0002, 0x471: 0x0002, 0x472: 0x0002, 0x473: 0x0002, 0x474: 0x0002, 0x475: 0x0002, + 0x476: 0x0002, 0x477: 0x0002, 0x478: 0x0002, 0x479: 0x0002, 0x47a: 0x000d, 0x47b: 0x000d, + 0x47c: 0x000d, 0x47d: 0x000d, 0x47e: 0x000d, 0x47f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x000d, 0x481: 0x000d, 0x482: 0x000d, 0x483: 0x000d, 0x484: 0x000d, 0x485: 0x000d, + 0x486: 0x000d, 0x487: 0x000d, 0x488: 0x000d, 0x489: 0x000d, 0x48a: 0x000d, 0x48b: 0x000d, + 0x48c: 0x000d, 0x48d: 0x000d, 0x48e: 0x000d, 0x48f: 0x000d, 0x490: 0x000d, 0x491: 0x000c, + 0x492: 0x000d, 0x493: 0x000d, 0x494: 0x000d, 0x495: 0x000d, 0x496: 0x000d, 0x497: 0x000d, + 0x498: 0x000d, 0x499: 0x000d, 0x49a: 0x000d, 0x49b: 0x000d, 0x49c: 0x000d, 0x49d: 0x000d, + 0x49e: 0x000d, 0x49f: 0x000d, 0x4a0: 0x000d, 0x4a1: 0x000d, 0x4a2: 0x000d, 0x4a3: 0x000d, + 0x4a4: 0x000d, 0x4a5: 0x000d, 0x4a6: 0x000d, 0x4a7: 0x000d, 0x4a8: 0x000d, 0x4a9: 0x000d, + 0x4aa: 0x000d, 0x4ab: 0x000d, 0x4ac: 0x000d, 0x4ad: 0x000d, 0x4ae: 0x000d, 0x4af: 0x000d, + 0x4b0: 0x000c, 0x4b1: 0x000c, 0x4b2: 0x000c, 0x4b3: 0x000c, 0x4b4: 0x000c, 0x4b5: 0x000c, + 0x4b6: 0x000c, 0x4b7: 0x000c, 0x4b8: 0x000c, 0x4b9: 0x000c, 0x4ba: 0x000c, 0x4bb: 0x000c, + 0x4bc: 0x000c, 0x4bd: 0x000c, 0x4be: 0x000c, 0x4bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x000c, 0x4c1: 0x000c, 0x4c2: 0x000c, 0x4c3: 0x000c, 0x4c4: 0x000c, 0x4c5: 0x000c, + 0x4c6: 0x000c, 0x4c7: 0x000c, 0x4c8: 0x000c, 0x4c9: 0x000c, 0x4ca: 0x000c, 0x4cb: 0x000d, + 0x4cc: 0x000d, 0x4cd: 0x000d, 0x4ce: 0x000d, 0x4cf: 0x000d, 0x4d0: 0x000d, 0x4d1: 0x000d, + 0x4d2: 0x000d, 0x4d3: 0x000d, 0x4d4: 0x000d, 0x4d5: 0x000d, 0x4d6: 0x000d, 0x4d7: 0x000d, + 0x4d8: 0x000d, 0x4d9: 0x000d, 0x4da: 0x000d, 0x4db: 0x000d, 0x4dc: 0x000d, 0x4dd: 0x000d, + 0x4de: 0x000d, 0x4df: 0x000d, 0x4e0: 0x000d, 0x4e1: 0x000d, 0x4e2: 0x000d, 0x4e3: 0x000d, + 0x4e4: 0x000d, 0x4e5: 0x000d, 0x4e6: 0x000d, 0x4e7: 0x000d, 0x4e8: 0x000d, 0x4e9: 0x000d, + 0x4ea: 0x000d, 0x4eb: 0x000d, 0x4ec: 0x000d, 0x4ed: 0x000d, 0x4ee: 0x000d, 0x4ef: 0x000d, + 0x4f0: 0x000d, 0x4f1: 0x000d, 0x4f2: 0x000d, 0x4f3: 0x000d, 0x4f4: 0x000d, 0x4f5: 0x000d, + 0x4f6: 0x000d, 0x4f7: 0x000d, 0x4f8: 0x000d, 0x4f9: 0x000d, 0x4fa: 0x000d, 0x4fb: 0x000d, + 0x4fc: 0x000d, 0x4fd: 0x000d, 0x4fe: 0x000d, 0x4ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x000d, 0x501: 0x000d, 0x502: 0x000d, 0x503: 0x000d, 0x504: 0x000d, 0x505: 0x000d, + 0x506: 0x000d, 0x507: 0x000d, 0x508: 0x000d, 0x509: 0x000d, 0x50a: 0x000d, 0x50b: 0x000d, + 0x50c: 0x000d, 0x50d: 0x000d, 0x50e: 0x000d, 0x50f: 0x000d, 0x510: 0x000d, 0x511: 0x000d, + 0x512: 0x000d, 0x513: 0x000d, 0x514: 0x000d, 0x515: 0x000d, 0x516: 0x000d, 0x517: 0x000d, + 0x518: 0x000d, 0x519: 0x000d, 0x51a: 0x000d, 0x51b: 0x000d, 0x51c: 0x000d, 0x51d: 0x000d, + 0x51e: 0x000d, 0x51f: 0x000d, 0x520: 0x000d, 0x521: 0x000d, 0x522: 0x000d, 0x523: 0x000d, + 0x524: 0x000d, 0x525: 0x000d, 0x526: 0x000c, 0x527: 0x000c, 0x528: 0x000c, 0x529: 0x000c, + 0x52a: 0x000c, 0x52b: 0x000c, 0x52c: 0x000c, 0x52d: 0x000c, 0x52e: 0x000c, 0x52f: 0x000c, + 0x530: 0x000c, 0x531: 0x000d, 0x532: 0x000d, 0x533: 0x000d, 0x534: 0x000d, 0x535: 0x000d, + 0x536: 0x000d, 0x537: 0x000d, 0x538: 0x000d, 0x539: 0x000d, 0x53a: 0x000d, 0x53b: 0x000d, + 0x53c: 0x000d, 0x53d: 0x000d, 0x53e: 0x000d, 0x53f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x0001, 0x541: 0x0001, 0x542: 0x0001, 0x543: 0x0001, 0x544: 0x0001, 0x545: 0x0001, + 0x546: 0x0001, 0x547: 0x0001, 0x548: 0x0001, 0x549: 0x0001, 0x54a: 0x0001, 0x54b: 0x0001, + 0x54c: 0x0001, 0x54d: 0x0001, 0x54e: 0x0001, 0x54f: 0x0001, 0x550: 0x0001, 0x551: 0x0001, + 0x552: 0x0001, 0x553: 0x0001, 0x554: 0x0001, 0x555: 0x0001, 0x556: 0x0001, 0x557: 0x0001, + 0x558: 0x0001, 0x559: 0x0001, 0x55a: 0x0001, 0x55b: 0x0001, 0x55c: 0x0001, 0x55d: 0x0001, + 0x55e: 0x0001, 0x55f: 0x0001, 0x560: 0x0001, 0x561: 0x0001, 0x562: 0x0001, 0x563: 0x0001, + 0x564: 0x0001, 0x565: 0x0001, 0x566: 0x0001, 0x567: 0x0001, 0x568: 0x0001, 0x569: 0x0001, + 0x56a: 0x0001, 0x56b: 0x000c, 0x56c: 0x000c, 0x56d: 0x000c, 0x56e: 0x000c, 0x56f: 0x000c, + 0x570: 0x000c, 0x571: 0x000c, 0x572: 0x000c, 0x573: 0x000c, 0x574: 0x0001, 0x575: 0x0001, + 0x576: 0x000a, 0x577: 0x000a, 0x578: 0x000a, 0x579: 0x000a, 0x57a: 0x0001, 0x57b: 0x0001, + 0x57c: 0x0001, 0x57d: 0x0001, 0x57e: 0x0001, 0x57f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x0001, 0x581: 0x0001, 0x582: 0x0001, 0x583: 0x0001, 0x584: 0x0001, 0x585: 0x0001, + 0x586: 0x0001, 0x587: 0x0001, 0x588: 0x0001, 0x589: 0x0001, 0x58a: 0x0001, 0x58b: 0x0001, + 0x58c: 0x0001, 0x58d: 0x0001, 0x58e: 0x0001, 0x58f: 0x0001, 0x590: 0x0001, 0x591: 0x0001, + 0x592: 0x0001, 0x593: 0x0001, 0x594: 0x0001, 0x595: 0x0001, 0x596: 0x000c, 0x597: 0x000c, + 0x598: 0x000c, 0x599: 0x000c, 0x59a: 0x0001, 0x59b: 0x000c, 0x59c: 0x000c, 0x59d: 0x000c, + 0x59e: 0x000c, 0x59f: 0x000c, 0x5a0: 0x000c, 0x5a1: 0x000c, 0x5a2: 0x000c, 0x5a3: 0x000c, + 0x5a4: 0x0001, 0x5a5: 0x000c, 0x5a6: 0x000c, 0x5a7: 0x000c, 0x5a8: 0x0001, 0x5a9: 0x000c, + 0x5aa: 0x000c, 0x5ab: 0x000c, 0x5ac: 0x000c, 0x5ad: 0x000c, 0x5ae: 0x0001, 0x5af: 0x0001, + 0x5b0: 0x0001, 0x5b1: 0x0001, 0x5b2: 0x0001, 0x5b3: 0x0001, 0x5b4: 0x0001, 0x5b5: 0x0001, + 0x5b6: 0x0001, 0x5b7: 0x0001, 0x5b8: 0x0001, 0x5b9: 0x0001, 0x5ba: 0x0001, 0x5bb: 0x0001, + 0x5bc: 0x0001, 0x5bd: 0x0001, 0x5be: 0x0001, 0x5bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x0001, 0x5c1: 0x0001, 0x5c2: 0x0001, 0x5c3: 0x0001, 0x5c4: 0x0001, 0x5c5: 0x0001, + 0x5c6: 0x0001, 0x5c7: 0x0001, 0x5c8: 0x0001, 0x5c9: 0x0001, 0x5ca: 0x0001, 0x5cb: 0x0001, + 0x5cc: 0x0001, 0x5cd: 0x0001, 0x5ce: 0x0001, 0x5cf: 0x0001, 0x5d0: 0x0001, 0x5d1: 0x0001, + 0x5d2: 0x0001, 0x5d3: 0x0001, 0x5d4: 0x0001, 0x5d5: 0x0001, 0x5d6: 0x0001, 0x5d7: 0x0001, + 0x5d8: 0x0001, 0x5d9: 0x000c, 0x5da: 0x000c, 0x5db: 0x000c, 0x5dc: 0x0001, 0x5dd: 0x0001, + 0x5de: 0x0001, 0x5df: 0x0001, 0x5e0: 0x0001, 0x5e1: 0x0001, 0x5e2: 0x0001, 0x5e3: 0x0001, + 0x5e4: 0x0001, 0x5e5: 0x0001, 0x5e6: 0x0001, 0x5e7: 0x0001, 0x5e8: 0x0001, 0x5e9: 0x0001, + 0x5ea: 0x0001, 0x5eb: 0x0001, 0x5ec: 0x0001, 0x5ed: 0x0001, 0x5ee: 0x0001, 0x5ef: 0x0001, + 0x5f0: 0x0001, 0x5f1: 0x0001, 0x5f2: 0x0001, 0x5f3: 0x0001, 0x5f4: 0x0001, 0x5f5: 0x0001, + 0x5f6: 0x0001, 0x5f7: 0x0001, 0x5f8: 0x0001, 0x5f9: 0x0001, 0x5fa: 0x0001, 0x5fb: 0x0001, + 0x5fc: 0x0001, 0x5fd: 0x0001, 0x5fe: 0x0001, 0x5ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x0001, 0x601: 0x0001, 0x602: 0x0001, 0x603: 0x0001, 0x604: 0x0001, 0x605: 0x0001, + 0x606: 0x0001, 0x607: 0x0001, 0x608: 0x0001, 0x609: 0x0001, 0x60a: 0x0001, 0x60b: 0x0001, + 0x60c: 0x0001, 0x60d: 0x0001, 0x60e: 0x0001, 0x60f: 0x0001, 0x610: 0x0001, 0x611: 0x0001, + 0x612: 0x0001, 0x613: 0x0001, 0x614: 0x0001, 0x615: 0x0001, 0x616: 0x0001, 0x617: 0x0001, + 0x618: 0x0001, 0x619: 0x0001, 0x61a: 0x0001, 0x61b: 0x0001, 0x61c: 0x0001, 0x61d: 0x0001, + 0x61e: 0x0001, 0x61f: 0x0001, 0x620: 0x000d, 0x621: 0x000d, 0x622: 0x000d, 0x623: 0x000d, + 0x624: 0x000d, 0x625: 0x000d, 0x626: 0x000d, 0x627: 0x000d, 0x628: 0x000d, 0x629: 0x000d, + 0x62a: 0x000d, 0x62b: 0x000d, 0x62c: 0x000d, 0x62d: 0x000d, 0x62e: 0x000d, 0x62f: 0x000d, + 0x630: 0x000d, 0x631: 0x000d, 0x632: 0x000d, 0x633: 0x000d, 0x634: 0x000d, 0x635: 0x000d, + 0x636: 0x000d, 0x637: 0x000d, 0x638: 0x000d, 0x639: 0x000d, 0x63a: 0x000d, 0x63b: 0x000d, + 0x63c: 0x000d, 0x63d: 0x000d, 0x63e: 0x000d, 0x63f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x000d, 0x641: 0x000d, 0x642: 0x000d, 0x643: 0x000d, 0x644: 0x000d, 0x645: 0x000d, + 0x646: 0x000d, 0x647: 0x000d, 0x648: 0x000d, 0x649: 0x000d, 0x64a: 0x000d, 0x64b: 0x000d, + 0x64c: 0x000d, 0x64d: 0x000d, 0x64e: 0x000d, 0x64f: 0x000d, 0x650: 0x000d, 0x651: 0x000d, + 0x652: 0x000d, 0x653: 0x000d, 0x654: 0x000c, 0x655: 0x000c, 0x656: 0x000c, 0x657: 0x000c, + 0x658: 0x000c, 0x659: 0x000c, 0x65a: 0x000c, 0x65b: 0x000c, 0x65c: 0x000c, 0x65d: 0x000c, + 0x65e: 0x000c, 0x65f: 0x000c, 0x660: 0x000c, 0x661: 0x000c, 0x662: 0x0005, 0x663: 0x000c, + 0x664: 0x000c, 0x665: 0x000c, 0x666: 0x000c, 0x667: 0x000c, 0x668: 0x000c, 0x669: 0x000c, + 0x66a: 0x000c, 0x66b: 0x000c, 0x66c: 0x000c, 0x66d: 0x000c, 0x66e: 0x000c, 0x66f: 0x000c, + 0x670: 0x000c, 0x671: 0x000c, 0x672: 0x000c, 0x673: 0x000c, 0x674: 0x000c, 0x675: 0x000c, + 0x676: 0x000c, 0x677: 0x000c, 0x678: 0x000c, 0x679: 0x000c, 0x67a: 0x000c, 0x67b: 0x000c, + 0x67c: 0x000c, 0x67d: 0x000c, 0x67e: 0x000c, 0x67f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x000c, 0x681: 0x000c, 0x682: 0x000c, + 0x6ba: 0x000c, + 0x6bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c1: 0x000c, 0x6c2: 0x000c, 0x6c3: 0x000c, 0x6c4: 0x000c, 0x6c5: 0x000c, + 0x6c6: 0x000c, 0x6c7: 0x000c, 0x6c8: 0x000c, + 0x6cd: 0x000c, 0x6d1: 0x000c, + 0x6d2: 0x000c, 0x6d3: 0x000c, 0x6d4: 0x000c, 0x6d5: 0x000c, 0x6d6: 0x000c, 0x6d7: 0x000c, + 0x6e2: 0x000c, 0x6e3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x701: 0x000c, + 0x73c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x741: 0x000c, 0x742: 0x000c, 0x743: 0x000c, 0x744: 0x000c, + 0x74d: 0x000c, + 0x762: 0x000c, 0x763: 0x000c, + 0x772: 0x0004, 0x773: 0x0004, + 0x77b: 0x0004, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x781: 0x000c, 0x782: 0x000c, + 0x7bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c1: 0x000c, 0x7c2: 0x000c, + 0x7c7: 0x000c, 0x7c8: 0x000c, 0x7cb: 0x000c, + 0x7cc: 0x000c, 0x7cd: 0x000c, 0x7d1: 0x000c, + 0x7f0: 0x000c, 0x7f1: 0x000c, 0x7f5: 0x000c, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x801: 0x000c, 0x802: 0x000c, 0x803: 0x000c, 0x804: 0x000c, 0x805: 0x000c, + 0x807: 0x000c, 0x808: 0x000c, + 0x80d: 0x000c, + 0x822: 0x000c, 0x823: 0x000c, + 0x831: 0x0004, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x841: 0x000c, + 0x87c: 0x000c, 0x87f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x881: 0x000c, 0x882: 0x000c, 0x883: 0x000c, 0x884: 0x000c, + 0x88d: 0x000c, + 0x896: 0x000c, + 0x8a2: 0x000c, 0x8a3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c2: 0x000c, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x900: 0x000c, + 0x90d: 0x000c, + 0x933: 0x000a, 0x934: 0x000a, 0x935: 0x000a, + 0x936: 0x000a, 0x937: 0x000a, 0x938: 0x000a, 0x939: 0x0004, 0x93a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x000c, + 0x97e: 0x000c, 0x97f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x980: 0x000c, + 0x986: 0x000c, 0x987: 0x000c, 0x988: 0x000c, 0x98a: 0x000c, 0x98b: 0x000c, + 0x98c: 0x000c, 0x98d: 0x000c, + 0x995: 0x000c, 0x996: 0x000c, + 0x9a2: 0x000c, 0x9a3: 0x000c, + 0x9b8: 0x000a, 0x9b9: 0x000a, 0x9ba: 0x000a, 0x9bb: 0x000a, + 0x9bc: 0x000a, 0x9bd: 0x000a, 0x9be: 0x000a, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9cc: 0x000c, 0x9cd: 0x000c, + 0x9e2: 0x000c, 0x9e3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa01: 0x000c, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa41: 0x000c, 0xa42: 0x000c, 0xa43: 0x000c, 0xa44: 0x000c, + 0xa4d: 0x000c, + 0xa62: 0x000c, 0xa63: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa8a: 0x000c, + 0xa92: 0x000c, 0xa93: 0x000c, 0xa94: 0x000c, 0xa96: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xaf1: 0x000c, 0xaf4: 0x000c, 0xaf5: 0x000c, + 0xaf6: 0x000c, 0xaf7: 0x000c, 0xaf8: 0x000c, 0xaf9: 0x000c, 0xafa: 0x000c, + 0xaff: 0x0004, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb07: 0x000c, 0xb08: 0x000c, 0xb09: 0x000c, 0xb0a: 0x000c, 0xb0b: 0x000c, + 0xb0c: 0x000c, 0xb0d: 0x000c, 0xb0e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb71: 0x000c, 0xb74: 0x000c, 0xb75: 0x000c, + 0xb76: 0x000c, 0xb77: 0x000c, 0xb78: 0x000c, 0xb79: 0x000c, 0xb7b: 0x000c, + 0xb7c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb88: 0x000c, 0xb89: 0x000c, 0xb8a: 0x000c, 0xb8b: 0x000c, + 0xb8c: 0x000c, 0xb8d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbd8: 0x000c, 0xbd9: 0x000c, + 0xbf5: 0x000c, + 0xbf7: 0x000c, 0xbf9: 0x000c, 0xbfa: 0x003a, 0xbfb: 0x002a, + 0xbfc: 0x003a, 0xbfd: 0x002a, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc31: 0x000c, 0xc32: 0x000c, 0xc33: 0x000c, 0xc34: 0x000c, 0xc35: 0x000c, + 0xc36: 0x000c, 0xc37: 0x000c, 0xc38: 0x000c, 0xc39: 0x000c, 0xc3a: 0x000c, 0xc3b: 0x000c, + 0xc3c: 0x000c, 0xc3d: 0x000c, 0xc3e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x000c, 0xc41: 0x000c, 0xc42: 0x000c, 0xc43: 0x000c, 0xc44: 0x000c, + 0xc46: 0x000c, 0xc47: 0x000c, + 0xc4d: 0x000c, 0xc4e: 0x000c, 0xc4f: 0x000c, 0xc50: 0x000c, 0xc51: 0x000c, + 0xc52: 0x000c, 0xc53: 0x000c, 0xc54: 0x000c, 0xc55: 0x000c, 0xc56: 0x000c, 0xc57: 0x000c, + 0xc59: 0x000c, 0xc5a: 0x000c, 0xc5b: 0x000c, 0xc5c: 0x000c, 0xc5d: 0x000c, + 0xc5e: 0x000c, 0xc5f: 0x000c, 0xc60: 0x000c, 0xc61: 0x000c, 0xc62: 0x000c, 0xc63: 0x000c, + 0xc64: 0x000c, 0xc65: 0x000c, 0xc66: 0x000c, 0xc67: 0x000c, 0xc68: 0x000c, 0xc69: 0x000c, + 0xc6a: 0x000c, 0xc6b: 0x000c, 0xc6c: 0x000c, 0xc6d: 0x000c, 0xc6e: 0x000c, 0xc6f: 0x000c, + 0xc70: 0x000c, 0xc71: 0x000c, 0xc72: 0x000c, 0xc73: 0x000c, 0xc74: 0x000c, 0xc75: 0x000c, + 0xc76: 0x000c, 0xc77: 0x000c, 0xc78: 0x000c, 0xc79: 0x000c, 0xc7a: 0x000c, 0xc7b: 0x000c, + 0xc7c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc86: 0x000c, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xced: 0x000c, 0xcee: 0x000c, 0xcef: 0x000c, + 0xcf0: 0x000c, 0xcf2: 0x000c, 0xcf3: 0x000c, 0xcf4: 0x000c, 0xcf5: 0x000c, + 0xcf6: 0x000c, 0xcf7: 0x000c, 0xcf9: 0x000c, 0xcfa: 0x000c, + 0xcfd: 0x000c, 0xcfe: 0x000c, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd18: 0x000c, 0xd19: 0x000c, + 0xd1e: 0x000c, 0xd1f: 0x000c, 0xd20: 0x000c, + 0xd31: 0x000c, 0xd32: 0x000c, 0xd33: 0x000c, 0xd34: 0x000c, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd42: 0x000c, 0xd45: 0x000c, + 0xd46: 0x000c, + 0xd4d: 0x000c, + 0xd5d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd9d: 0x000c, + 0xd9e: 0x000c, 0xd9f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdd0: 0x000a, 0xdd1: 0x000a, + 0xdd2: 0x000a, 0xdd3: 0x000a, 0xdd4: 0x000a, 0xdd5: 0x000a, 0xdd6: 0x000a, 0xdd7: 0x000a, + 0xdd8: 0x000a, 0xdd9: 0x000a, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x000a, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x0009, + 0xe5b: 0x007a, 0xe5c: 0x006a, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe92: 0x000c, 0xe93: 0x000c, 0xe94: 0x000c, + 0xeb2: 0x000c, 0xeb3: 0x000c, 0xeb4: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xed2: 0x000c, 0xed3: 0x000c, + 0xef2: 0x000c, 0xef3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf34: 0x000c, 0xf35: 0x000c, + 0xf37: 0x000c, 0xf38: 0x000c, 0xf39: 0x000c, 0xf3a: 0x000c, 0xf3b: 0x000c, + 0xf3c: 0x000c, 0xf3d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf46: 0x000c, 0xf49: 0x000c, 0xf4a: 0x000c, 0xf4b: 0x000c, + 0xf4c: 0x000c, 0xf4d: 0x000c, 0xf4e: 0x000c, 0xf4f: 0x000c, 0xf50: 0x000c, 0xf51: 0x000c, + 0xf52: 0x000c, 0xf53: 0x000c, + 0xf5b: 0x0004, 0xf5d: 0x000c, + 0xf70: 0x000a, 0xf71: 0x000a, 0xf72: 0x000a, 0xf73: 0x000a, 0xf74: 0x000a, 0xf75: 0x000a, + 0xf76: 0x000a, 0xf77: 0x000a, 0xf78: 0x000a, 0xf79: 0x000a, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x000a, 0xf81: 0x000a, 0xf82: 0x000a, 0xf83: 0x000a, 0xf84: 0x000a, 0xf85: 0x000a, + 0xf86: 0x000a, 0xf87: 0x000a, 0xf88: 0x000a, 0xf89: 0x000a, 0xf8a: 0x000a, 0xf8b: 0x000c, + 0xf8c: 0x000c, 0xf8d: 0x000c, 0xf8e: 0x000b, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc5: 0x000c, + 0xfc6: 0x000c, + 0xfe9: 0x000c, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1020: 0x000c, 0x1021: 0x000c, 0x1022: 0x000c, + 0x1027: 0x000c, 0x1028: 0x000c, + 0x1032: 0x000c, + 0x1039: 0x000c, 0x103a: 0x000c, 0x103b: 0x000c, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x000a, 0x1044: 0x000a, 0x1045: 0x000a, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x109e: 0x000a, 0x109f: 0x000a, 0x10a0: 0x000a, 0x10a1: 0x000a, 0x10a2: 0x000a, 0x10a3: 0x000a, + 0x10a4: 0x000a, 0x10a5: 0x000a, 0x10a6: 0x000a, 0x10a7: 0x000a, 0x10a8: 0x000a, 0x10a9: 0x000a, + 0x10aa: 0x000a, 0x10ab: 0x000a, 0x10ac: 0x000a, 0x10ad: 0x000a, 0x10ae: 0x000a, 0x10af: 0x000a, + 0x10b0: 0x000a, 0x10b1: 0x000a, 0x10b2: 0x000a, 0x10b3: 0x000a, 0x10b4: 0x000a, 0x10b5: 0x000a, + 0x10b6: 0x000a, 0x10b7: 0x000a, 0x10b8: 0x000a, 0x10b9: 0x000a, 0x10ba: 0x000a, 0x10bb: 0x000a, + 0x10bc: 0x000a, 0x10bd: 0x000a, 0x10be: 0x000a, 0x10bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10d7: 0x000c, + 0x10d8: 0x000c, 0x10db: 0x000c, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1116: 0x000c, + 0x1118: 0x000c, 0x1119: 0x000c, 0x111a: 0x000c, 0x111b: 0x000c, 0x111c: 0x000c, 0x111d: 0x000c, + 0x111e: 0x000c, 0x1120: 0x000c, 0x1122: 0x000c, + 0x1125: 0x000c, 0x1126: 0x000c, 0x1127: 0x000c, 0x1128: 0x000c, 0x1129: 0x000c, + 0x112a: 0x000c, 0x112b: 0x000c, 0x112c: 0x000c, + 0x1133: 0x000c, 0x1134: 0x000c, 0x1135: 0x000c, + 0x1136: 0x000c, 0x1137: 0x000c, 0x1138: 0x000c, 0x1139: 0x000c, 0x113a: 0x000c, 0x113b: 0x000c, + 0x113c: 0x000c, 0x113f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1170: 0x000c, 0x1171: 0x000c, 0x1172: 0x000c, 0x1173: 0x000c, 0x1174: 0x000c, 0x1175: 0x000c, + 0x1176: 0x000c, 0x1177: 0x000c, 0x1178: 0x000c, 0x1179: 0x000c, 0x117a: 0x000c, 0x117b: 0x000c, + 0x117c: 0x000c, 0x117d: 0x000c, 0x117e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1180: 0x000c, 0x1181: 0x000c, 0x1182: 0x000c, 0x1183: 0x000c, + 0x11b4: 0x000c, + 0x11b6: 0x000c, 0x11b7: 0x000c, 0x11b8: 0x000c, 0x11b9: 0x000c, 0x11ba: 0x000c, + 0x11bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c2: 0x000c, + 0x11eb: 0x000c, 0x11ec: 0x000c, 0x11ed: 0x000c, 0x11ee: 0x000c, 0x11ef: 0x000c, + 0x11f0: 0x000c, 0x11f1: 0x000c, 0x11f2: 0x000c, 0x11f3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x000c, 0x1201: 0x000c, + 0x1222: 0x000c, 0x1223: 0x000c, + 0x1224: 0x000c, 0x1225: 0x000c, 0x1228: 0x000c, 0x1229: 0x000c, + 0x122b: 0x000c, 0x122c: 0x000c, 0x122d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1266: 0x000c, 0x1268: 0x000c, 0x1269: 0x000c, + 0x126d: 0x000c, 0x126f: 0x000c, + 0x1270: 0x000c, 0x1271: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x12ac: 0x000c, 0x12ad: 0x000c, 0x12ae: 0x000c, 0x12af: 0x000c, + 0x12b0: 0x000c, 0x12b1: 0x000c, 0x12b2: 0x000c, 0x12b3: 0x000c, + 0x12b6: 0x000c, 0x12b7: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12d0: 0x000c, 0x12d1: 0x000c, + 0x12d2: 0x000c, 0x12d4: 0x000c, 0x12d5: 0x000c, 0x12d6: 0x000c, 0x12d7: 0x000c, + 0x12d8: 0x000c, 0x12d9: 0x000c, 0x12da: 0x000c, 0x12db: 0x000c, 0x12dc: 0x000c, 0x12dd: 0x000c, + 0x12de: 0x000c, 0x12df: 0x000c, 0x12e0: 0x000c, 0x12e2: 0x000c, 0x12e3: 0x000c, + 0x12e4: 0x000c, 0x12e5: 0x000c, 0x12e6: 0x000c, 0x12e7: 0x000c, 0x12e8: 0x000c, + 0x12ed: 0x000c, + 0x12f4: 0x000c, + 0x12f8: 0x000c, 0x12f9: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x000c, 0x1301: 0x000c, 0x1302: 0x000c, 0x1303: 0x000c, 0x1304: 0x000c, 0x1305: 0x000c, + 0x1306: 0x000c, 0x1307: 0x000c, 0x1308: 0x000c, 0x1309: 0x000c, 0x130a: 0x000c, 0x130b: 0x000c, + 0x130c: 0x000c, 0x130d: 0x000c, 0x130e: 0x000c, 0x130f: 0x000c, 0x1310: 0x000c, 0x1311: 0x000c, + 0x1312: 0x000c, 0x1313: 0x000c, 0x1314: 0x000c, 0x1315: 0x000c, 0x1316: 0x000c, 0x1317: 0x000c, + 0x1318: 0x000c, 0x1319: 0x000c, 0x131a: 0x000c, 0x131b: 0x000c, 0x131c: 0x000c, 0x131d: 0x000c, + 0x131e: 0x000c, 0x131f: 0x000c, 0x1320: 0x000c, 0x1321: 0x000c, 0x1322: 0x000c, 0x1323: 0x000c, + 0x1324: 0x000c, 0x1325: 0x000c, 0x1326: 0x000c, 0x1327: 0x000c, 0x1328: 0x000c, 0x1329: 0x000c, + 0x132a: 0x000c, 0x132b: 0x000c, 0x132c: 0x000c, 0x132d: 0x000c, 0x132e: 0x000c, 0x132f: 0x000c, + 0x1330: 0x000c, 0x1331: 0x000c, 0x1332: 0x000c, 0x1333: 0x000c, 0x1334: 0x000c, 0x1335: 0x000c, + 0x133b: 0x000c, + 0x133c: 0x000c, 0x133d: 0x000c, 0x133e: 0x000c, 0x133f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x137d: 0x000a, 0x137f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x000a, 0x1381: 0x000a, + 0x138d: 0x000a, 0x138e: 0x000a, 0x138f: 0x000a, + 0x139d: 0x000a, + 0x139e: 0x000a, 0x139f: 0x000a, + 0x13ad: 0x000a, 0x13ae: 0x000a, 0x13af: 0x000a, + 0x13bd: 0x000a, 0x13be: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x0009, 0x13c1: 0x0009, 0x13c2: 0x0009, 0x13c3: 0x0009, 0x13c4: 0x0009, 0x13c5: 0x0009, + 0x13c6: 0x0009, 0x13c7: 0x0009, 0x13c8: 0x0009, 0x13c9: 0x0009, 0x13ca: 0x0009, 0x13cb: 0x000b, + 0x13cc: 0x000b, 0x13cd: 0x000b, 0x13cf: 0x0001, 0x13d0: 0x000a, 0x13d1: 0x000a, + 0x13d2: 0x000a, 0x13d3: 0x000a, 0x13d4: 0x000a, 0x13d5: 0x000a, 0x13d6: 0x000a, 0x13d7: 0x000a, + 0x13d8: 0x000a, 0x13d9: 0x000a, 0x13da: 0x000a, 0x13db: 0x000a, 0x13dc: 0x000a, 0x13dd: 0x000a, + 0x13de: 0x000a, 0x13df: 0x000a, 0x13e0: 0x000a, 0x13e1: 0x000a, 0x13e2: 0x000a, 0x13e3: 0x000a, + 0x13e4: 0x000a, 0x13e5: 0x000a, 0x13e6: 0x000a, 0x13e7: 0x000a, 0x13e8: 0x0009, 0x13e9: 0x0007, + 0x13ea: 0x000e, 0x13eb: 0x000e, 0x13ec: 0x000e, 0x13ed: 0x000e, 0x13ee: 0x000e, 0x13ef: 0x0006, + 0x13f0: 0x0004, 0x13f1: 0x0004, 0x13f2: 0x0004, 0x13f3: 0x0004, 0x13f4: 0x0004, 0x13f5: 0x000a, + 0x13f6: 0x000a, 0x13f7: 0x000a, 0x13f8: 0x000a, 0x13f9: 0x000a, 0x13fa: 0x000a, 0x13fb: 0x000a, + 0x13fc: 0x000a, 0x13fd: 0x000a, 0x13fe: 0x000a, 0x13ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x000a, 0x1401: 0x000a, 0x1402: 0x000a, 0x1403: 0x000a, 0x1404: 0x0006, 0x1405: 0x009a, + 0x1406: 0x008a, 0x1407: 0x000a, 0x1408: 0x000a, 0x1409: 0x000a, 0x140a: 0x000a, 0x140b: 0x000a, + 0x140c: 0x000a, 0x140d: 0x000a, 0x140e: 0x000a, 0x140f: 0x000a, 0x1410: 0x000a, 0x1411: 0x000a, + 0x1412: 0x000a, 0x1413: 0x000a, 0x1414: 0x000a, 0x1415: 0x000a, 0x1416: 0x000a, 0x1417: 0x000a, + 0x1418: 0x000a, 0x1419: 0x000a, 0x141a: 0x000a, 0x141b: 0x000a, 0x141c: 0x000a, 0x141d: 0x000a, + 0x141e: 0x000a, 0x141f: 0x0009, 0x1420: 0x000b, 0x1421: 0x000b, 0x1422: 0x000b, 0x1423: 0x000b, + 0x1424: 0x000b, 0x1425: 0x000b, 0x1426: 0x000e, 0x1427: 0x000e, 0x1428: 0x000e, 0x1429: 0x000e, + 0x142a: 0x000b, 0x142b: 0x000b, 0x142c: 0x000b, 0x142d: 0x000b, 0x142e: 0x000b, 0x142f: 0x000b, + 0x1430: 0x0002, 0x1434: 0x0002, 0x1435: 0x0002, + 0x1436: 0x0002, 0x1437: 0x0002, 0x1438: 0x0002, 0x1439: 0x0002, 0x143a: 0x0003, 0x143b: 0x0003, + 0x143c: 0x000a, 0x143d: 0x009a, 0x143e: 0x008a, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1440: 0x0002, 0x1441: 0x0002, 0x1442: 0x0002, 0x1443: 0x0002, 0x1444: 0x0002, 0x1445: 0x0002, + 0x1446: 0x0002, 0x1447: 0x0002, 0x1448: 0x0002, 0x1449: 0x0002, 0x144a: 0x0003, 0x144b: 0x0003, + 0x144c: 0x000a, 0x144d: 0x009a, 0x144e: 0x008a, + 0x1460: 0x0004, 0x1461: 0x0004, 0x1462: 0x0004, 0x1463: 0x0004, + 0x1464: 0x0004, 0x1465: 0x0004, 0x1466: 0x0004, 0x1467: 0x0004, 0x1468: 0x0004, 0x1469: 0x0004, + 0x146a: 0x0004, 0x146b: 0x0004, 0x146c: 0x0004, 0x146d: 0x0004, 0x146e: 0x0004, 0x146f: 0x0004, + 0x1470: 0x0004, 0x1471: 0x0004, 0x1472: 0x0004, 0x1473: 0x0004, 0x1474: 0x0004, 0x1475: 0x0004, + 0x1476: 0x0004, 0x1477: 0x0004, 0x1478: 0x0004, 0x1479: 0x0004, 0x147a: 0x0004, 0x147b: 0x0004, + 0x147c: 0x0004, 0x147d: 0x0004, 0x147e: 0x0004, 0x147f: 0x0004, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x0004, 0x1481: 0x0004, 0x1482: 0x0004, 0x1483: 0x0004, 0x1484: 0x0004, 0x1485: 0x0004, + 0x1486: 0x0004, 0x1487: 0x0004, 0x1488: 0x0004, 0x1489: 0x0004, 0x148a: 0x0004, 0x148b: 0x0004, + 0x148c: 0x0004, 0x148d: 0x0004, 0x148e: 0x0004, 0x148f: 0x0004, 0x1490: 0x000c, 0x1491: 0x000c, + 0x1492: 0x000c, 0x1493: 0x000c, 0x1494: 0x000c, 0x1495: 0x000c, 0x1496: 0x000c, 0x1497: 0x000c, + 0x1498: 0x000c, 0x1499: 0x000c, 0x149a: 0x000c, 0x149b: 0x000c, 0x149c: 0x000c, 0x149d: 0x000c, + 0x149e: 0x000c, 0x149f: 0x000c, 0x14a0: 0x000c, 0x14a1: 0x000c, 0x14a2: 0x000c, 0x14a3: 0x000c, + 0x14a4: 0x000c, 0x14a5: 0x000c, 0x14a6: 0x000c, 0x14a7: 0x000c, 0x14a8: 0x000c, 0x14a9: 0x000c, + 0x14aa: 0x000c, 0x14ab: 0x000c, 0x14ac: 0x000c, 0x14ad: 0x000c, 0x14ae: 0x000c, 0x14af: 0x000c, + 0x14b0: 0x000c, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x000a, 0x14c1: 0x000a, 0x14c3: 0x000a, 0x14c4: 0x000a, 0x14c5: 0x000a, + 0x14c6: 0x000a, 0x14c8: 0x000a, 0x14c9: 0x000a, + 0x14d4: 0x000a, 0x14d6: 0x000a, 0x14d7: 0x000a, + 0x14d8: 0x000a, + 0x14de: 0x000a, 0x14df: 0x000a, 0x14e0: 0x000a, 0x14e1: 0x000a, 0x14e2: 0x000a, 0x14e3: 0x000a, + 0x14e5: 0x000a, 0x14e7: 0x000a, 0x14e9: 0x000a, + 0x14ee: 0x0004, + 0x14fa: 0x000a, 0x14fb: 0x000a, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x000a, 0x1501: 0x000a, 0x1502: 0x000a, 0x1503: 0x000a, 0x1504: 0x000a, + 0x150a: 0x000a, 0x150b: 0x000a, + 0x150c: 0x000a, 0x150d: 0x000a, 0x1510: 0x000a, 0x1511: 0x000a, + 0x1512: 0x000a, 0x1513: 0x000a, 0x1514: 0x000a, 0x1515: 0x000a, 0x1516: 0x000a, 0x1517: 0x000a, + 0x1518: 0x000a, 0x1519: 0x000a, 0x151a: 0x000a, 0x151b: 0x000a, 0x151c: 0x000a, 0x151d: 0x000a, + 0x151e: 0x000a, 0x151f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1549: 0x000a, 0x154a: 0x000a, 0x154b: 0x000a, + 0x1550: 0x000a, 0x1551: 0x000a, + 0x1552: 0x000a, 0x1553: 0x000a, 0x1554: 0x000a, 0x1555: 0x000a, 0x1556: 0x000a, 0x1557: 0x000a, + 0x1558: 0x000a, 0x1559: 0x000a, 0x155a: 0x000a, 0x155b: 0x000a, 0x155c: 0x000a, 0x155d: 0x000a, + 0x155e: 0x000a, 0x155f: 0x000a, 0x1560: 0x000a, 0x1561: 0x000a, 0x1562: 0x000a, 0x1563: 0x000a, + 0x1564: 0x000a, 0x1565: 0x000a, 0x1566: 0x000a, 0x1567: 0x000a, 0x1568: 0x000a, 0x1569: 0x000a, + 0x156a: 0x000a, 0x156b: 0x000a, 0x156c: 0x000a, 0x156d: 0x000a, 0x156e: 0x000a, 0x156f: 0x000a, + 0x1570: 0x000a, 0x1571: 0x000a, 0x1572: 0x000a, 0x1573: 0x000a, 0x1574: 0x000a, 0x1575: 0x000a, + 0x1576: 0x000a, 0x1577: 0x000a, 0x1578: 0x000a, 0x1579: 0x000a, 0x157a: 0x000a, 0x157b: 0x000a, + 0x157c: 0x000a, 0x157d: 0x000a, 0x157e: 0x000a, 0x157f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0x000a, 0x1581: 0x000a, 0x1582: 0x000a, 0x1583: 0x000a, 0x1584: 0x000a, 0x1585: 0x000a, + 0x1586: 0x000a, 0x1587: 0x000a, 0x1588: 0x000a, 0x1589: 0x000a, 0x158a: 0x000a, 0x158b: 0x000a, + 0x158c: 0x000a, 0x158d: 0x000a, 0x158e: 0x000a, 0x158f: 0x000a, 0x1590: 0x000a, 0x1591: 0x000a, + 0x1592: 0x000a, 0x1593: 0x000a, 0x1594: 0x000a, 0x1595: 0x000a, 0x1596: 0x000a, 0x1597: 0x000a, + 0x1598: 0x000a, 0x1599: 0x000a, 0x159a: 0x000a, 0x159b: 0x000a, 0x159c: 0x000a, 0x159d: 0x000a, + 0x159e: 0x000a, 0x159f: 0x000a, 0x15a0: 0x000a, 0x15a1: 0x000a, 0x15a2: 0x000a, 0x15a3: 0x000a, + 0x15a4: 0x000a, 0x15a5: 0x000a, 0x15a6: 0x000a, 0x15a7: 0x000a, 0x15a8: 0x000a, 0x15a9: 0x000a, + 0x15aa: 0x000a, 0x15ab: 0x000a, 0x15ac: 0x000a, 0x15ad: 0x000a, 0x15ae: 0x000a, 0x15af: 0x000a, + 0x15b0: 0x000a, 0x15b1: 0x000a, 0x15b2: 0x000a, 0x15b3: 0x000a, 0x15b4: 0x000a, 0x15b5: 0x000a, + 0x15b6: 0x000a, 0x15b7: 0x000a, 0x15b8: 0x000a, 0x15b9: 0x000a, 0x15ba: 0x000a, 0x15bb: 0x000a, + 0x15bc: 0x000a, 0x15bd: 0x000a, 0x15be: 0x000a, 0x15bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0x000a, 0x15c1: 0x000a, 0x15c2: 0x000a, 0x15c3: 0x000a, 0x15c4: 0x000a, 0x15c5: 0x000a, + 0x15c6: 0x000a, 0x15c7: 0x000a, 0x15c8: 0x000a, 0x15c9: 0x000a, 0x15ca: 0x000a, 0x15cb: 0x000a, + 0x15cc: 0x000a, 0x15cd: 0x000a, 0x15ce: 0x000a, 0x15cf: 0x000a, 0x15d0: 0x000a, 0x15d1: 0x000a, + 0x15d2: 0x0003, 0x15d3: 0x0004, 0x15d4: 0x000a, 0x15d5: 0x000a, 0x15d6: 0x000a, 0x15d7: 0x000a, + 0x15d8: 0x000a, 0x15d9: 0x000a, 0x15da: 0x000a, 0x15db: 0x000a, 0x15dc: 0x000a, 0x15dd: 0x000a, + 0x15de: 0x000a, 0x15df: 0x000a, 0x15e0: 0x000a, 0x15e1: 0x000a, 0x15e2: 0x000a, 0x15e3: 0x000a, + 0x15e4: 0x000a, 0x15e5: 0x000a, 0x15e6: 0x000a, 0x15e7: 0x000a, 0x15e8: 0x000a, 0x15e9: 0x000a, + 0x15ea: 0x000a, 0x15eb: 0x000a, 0x15ec: 0x000a, 0x15ed: 0x000a, 0x15ee: 0x000a, 0x15ef: 0x000a, + 0x15f0: 0x000a, 0x15f1: 0x000a, 0x15f2: 0x000a, 0x15f3: 0x000a, 0x15f4: 0x000a, 0x15f5: 0x000a, + 0x15f6: 0x000a, 0x15f7: 0x000a, 0x15f8: 0x000a, 0x15f9: 0x000a, 0x15fa: 0x000a, 0x15fb: 0x000a, + 0x15fc: 0x000a, 0x15fd: 0x000a, 0x15fe: 0x000a, 0x15ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x000a, 0x1601: 0x000a, 0x1602: 0x000a, 0x1603: 0x000a, 0x1604: 0x000a, 0x1605: 0x000a, + 0x1606: 0x000a, 0x1607: 0x000a, 0x1608: 0x003a, 0x1609: 0x002a, 0x160a: 0x003a, 0x160b: 0x002a, + 0x160c: 0x000a, 0x160d: 0x000a, 0x160e: 0x000a, 0x160f: 0x000a, 0x1610: 0x000a, 0x1611: 0x000a, + 0x1612: 0x000a, 0x1613: 0x000a, 0x1614: 0x000a, 0x1615: 0x000a, 0x1616: 0x000a, 0x1617: 0x000a, + 0x1618: 0x000a, 0x1619: 0x000a, 0x161a: 0x000a, 0x161b: 0x000a, 0x161c: 0x000a, 0x161d: 0x000a, + 0x161e: 0x000a, 0x161f: 0x000a, 0x1620: 0x000a, 0x1621: 0x000a, 0x1622: 0x000a, 0x1623: 0x000a, + 0x1624: 0x000a, 0x1625: 0x000a, 0x1626: 0x000a, 0x1627: 0x000a, 0x1628: 0x000a, 0x1629: 0x009a, + 0x162a: 0x008a, 0x162b: 0x000a, 0x162c: 0x000a, 0x162d: 0x000a, 0x162e: 0x000a, 0x162f: 0x000a, + 0x1630: 0x000a, 0x1631: 0x000a, 0x1632: 0x000a, 0x1633: 0x000a, 0x1634: 0x000a, 0x1635: 0x000a, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x167b: 0x000a, + 0x167c: 0x000a, 0x167d: 0x000a, 0x167e: 0x000a, 0x167f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x000a, 0x1681: 0x000a, 0x1682: 0x000a, 0x1683: 0x000a, 0x1684: 0x000a, 0x1685: 0x000a, + 0x1686: 0x000a, 0x1687: 0x000a, 0x1688: 0x000a, 0x1689: 0x000a, 0x168a: 0x000a, 0x168b: 0x000a, + 0x168c: 0x000a, 0x168d: 0x000a, 0x168e: 0x000a, 0x168f: 0x000a, 0x1690: 0x000a, 0x1691: 0x000a, + 0x1692: 0x000a, 0x1693: 0x000a, 0x1694: 0x000a, 0x1696: 0x000a, 0x1697: 0x000a, + 0x1698: 0x000a, 0x1699: 0x000a, 0x169a: 0x000a, 0x169b: 0x000a, 0x169c: 0x000a, 0x169d: 0x000a, + 0x169e: 0x000a, 0x169f: 0x000a, 0x16a0: 0x000a, 0x16a1: 0x000a, 0x16a2: 0x000a, 0x16a3: 0x000a, + 0x16a4: 0x000a, 0x16a5: 0x000a, 0x16a6: 0x000a, 0x16a7: 0x000a, 0x16a8: 0x000a, 0x16a9: 0x000a, + 0x16aa: 0x000a, 0x16ab: 0x000a, 0x16ac: 0x000a, 0x16ad: 0x000a, 0x16ae: 0x000a, 0x16af: 0x000a, + 0x16b0: 0x000a, 0x16b1: 0x000a, 0x16b2: 0x000a, 0x16b3: 0x000a, 0x16b4: 0x000a, 0x16b5: 0x000a, + 0x16b6: 0x000a, 0x16b7: 0x000a, 0x16b8: 0x000a, 0x16b9: 0x000a, 0x16ba: 0x000a, 0x16bb: 0x000a, + 0x16bc: 0x000a, 0x16bd: 0x000a, 0x16be: 0x000a, 0x16bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16c0: 0x000a, 0x16c1: 0x000a, 0x16c2: 0x000a, 0x16c3: 0x000a, 0x16c4: 0x000a, 0x16c5: 0x000a, + 0x16c6: 0x000a, 0x16c7: 0x000a, 0x16c8: 0x000a, 0x16c9: 0x000a, 0x16ca: 0x000a, 0x16cb: 0x000a, + 0x16cc: 0x000a, 0x16cd: 0x000a, 0x16ce: 0x000a, 0x16cf: 0x000a, 0x16d0: 0x000a, 0x16d1: 0x000a, + 0x16d2: 0x000a, 0x16d3: 0x000a, 0x16d4: 0x000a, 0x16d5: 0x000a, 0x16d6: 0x000a, 0x16d7: 0x000a, + 0x16d8: 0x000a, 0x16d9: 0x000a, 0x16da: 0x000a, 0x16db: 0x000a, 0x16dc: 0x000a, 0x16dd: 0x000a, + 0x16de: 0x000a, 0x16df: 0x000a, 0x16e0: 0x000a, 0x16e1: 0x000a, 0x16e2: 0x000a, 0x16e3: 0x000a, + 0x16e4: 0x000a, 0x16e5: 0x000a, 0x16e6: 0x000a, 0x16e7: 0x000a, 0x16e8: 0x000a, 0x16e9: 0x000a, + 0x16ea: 0x000a, 0x16eb: 0x000a, 0x16ec: 0x000a, 0x16ed: 0x000a, 0x16ee: 0x000a, 0x16ef: 0x000a, + 0x16f0: 0x000a, 0x16f1: 0x000a, 0x16f2: 0x000a, 0x16f3: 0x000a, 0x16f4: 0x000a, 0x16f5: 0x000a, + 0x16f6: 0x000a, 0x16f7: 0x000a, 0x16f8: 0x000a, 0x16f9: 0x000a, 0x16fa: 0x000a, 0x16fb: 0x000a, + 0x16fc: 0x000a, 0x16fd: 0x000a, 0x16fe: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x000a, 0x1701: 0x000a, 0x1702: 0x000a, 0x1703: 0x000a, 0x1704: 0x000a, 0x1705: 0x000a, + 0x1706: 0x000a, 0x1707: 0x000a, 0x1708: 0x000a, 0x1709: 0x000a, 0x170a: 0x000a, 0x170b: 0x000a, + 0x170c: 0x000a, 0x170d: 0x000a, 0x170e: 0x000a, 0x170f: 0x000a, 0x1710: 0x000a, 0x1711: 0x000a, + 0x1712: 0x000a, 0x1713: 0x000a, 0x1714: 0x000a, 0x1715: 0x000a, 0x1716: 0x000a, 0x1717: 0x000a, + 0x1718: 0x000a, 0x1719: 0x000a, 0x171a: 0x000a, 0x171b: 0x000a, 0x171c: 0x000a, 0x171d: 0x000a, + 0x171e: 0x000a, 0x171f: 0x000a, 0x1720: 0x000a, 0x1721: 0x000a, 0x1722: 0x000a, 0x1723: 0x000a, + 0x1724: 0x000a, 0x1725: 0x000a, 0x1726: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x000a, 0x1741: 0x000a, 0x1742: 0x000a, 0x1743: 0x000a, 0x1744: 0x000a, 0x1745: 0x000a, + 0x1746: 0x000a, 0x1747: 0x000a, 0x1748: 0x000a, 0x1749: 0x000a, 0x174a: 0x000a, + 0x1760: 0x000a, 0x1761: 0x000a, 0x1762: 0x000a, 0x1763: 0x000a, + 0x1764: 0x000a, 0x1765: 0x000a, 0x1766: 0x000a, 0x1767: 0x000a, 0x1768: 0x000a, 0x1769: 0x000a, + 0x176a: 0x000a, 0x176b: 0x000a, 0x176c: 0x000a, 0x176d: 0x000a, 0x176e: 0x000a, 0x176f: 0x000a, + 0x1770: 0x000a, 0x1771: 0x000a, 0x1772: 0x000a, 0x1773: 0x000a, 0x1774: 0x000a, 0x1775: 0x000a, + 0x1776: 0x000a, 0x1777: 0x000a, 0x1778: 0x000a, 0x1779: 0x000a, 0x177a: 0x000a, 0x177b: 0x000a, + 0x177c: 0x000a, 0x177d: 0x000a, 0x177e: 0x000a, 0x177f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x1780: 0x000a, 0x1781: 0x000a, 0x1782: 0x000a, 0x1783: 0x000a, 0x1784: 0x000a, 0x1785: 0x000a, + 0x1786: 0x000a, 0x1787: 0x000a, 0x1788: 0x0002, 0x1789: 0x0002, 0x178a: 0x0002, 0x178b: 0x0002, + 0x178c: 0x0002, 0x178d: 0x0002, 0x178e: 0x0002, 0x178f: 0x0002, 0x1790: 0x0002, 0x1791: 0x0002, + 0x1792: 0x0002, 0x1793: 0x0002, 0x1794: 0x0002, 0x1795: 0x0002, 0x1796: 0x0002, 0x1797: 0x0002, + 0x1798: 0x0002, 0x1799: 0x0002, 0x179a: 0x0002, 0x179b: 0x0002, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17ea: 0x000a, 0x17eb: 0x000a, 0x17ec: 0x000a, 0x17ed: 0x000a, 0x17ee: 0x000a, 0x17ef: 0x000a, + 0x17f0: 0x000a, 0x17f1: 0x000a, 0x17f2: 0x000a, 0x17f3: 0x000a, 0x17f4: 0x000a, 0x17f5: 0x000a, + 0x17f6: 0x000a, 0x17f7: 0x000a, 0x17f8: 0x000a, 0x17f9: 0x000a, 0x17fa: 0x000a, 0x17fb: 0x000a, + 0x17fc: 0x000a, 0x17fd: 0x000a, 0x17fe: 0x000a, 0x17ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1800: 0x000a, 0x1801: 0x000a, 0x1802: 0x000a, 0x1803: 0x000a, 0x1804: 0x000a, 0x1805: 0x000a, + 0x1806: 0x000a, 0x1807: 0x000a, 0x1808: 0x000a, 0x1809: 0x000a, 0x180a: 0x000a, 0x180b: 0x000a, + 0x180c: 0x000a, 0x180d: 0x000a, 0x180e: 0x000a, 0x180f: 0x000a, 0x1810: 0x000a, 0x1811: 0x000a, + 0x1812: 0x000a, 0x1813: 0x000a, 0x1814: 0x000a, 0x1815: 0x000a, 0x1816: 0x000a, 0x1817: 0x000a, + 0x1818: 0x000a, 0x1819: 0x000a, 0x181a: 0x000a, 0x181b: 0x000a, 0x181c: 0x000a, 0x181d: 0x000a, + 0x181e: 0x000a, 0x181f: 0x000a, 0x1820: 0x000a, 0x1821: 0x000a, 0x1822: 0x000a, 0x1823: 0x000a, + 0x1824: 0x000a, 0x1825: 0x000a, 0x1826: 0x000a, 0x1827: 0x000a, 0x1828: 0x000a, 0x1829: 0x000a, + 0x182a: 0x000a, 0x182b: 0x000a, 0x182d: 0x000a, 0x182e: 0x000a, 0x182f: 0x000a, + 0x1830: 0x000a, 0x1831: 0x000a, 0x1832: 0x000a, 0x1833: 0x000a, 0x1834: 0x000a, 0x1835: 0x000a, + 0x1836: 0x000a, 0x1837: 0x000a, 0x1838: 0x000a, 0x1839: 0x000a, 0x183a: 0x000a, 0x183b: 0x000a, + 0x183c: 0x000a, 0x183d: 0x000a, 0x183e: 0x000a, 0x183f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x000a, 0x1841: 0x000a, 0x1842: 0x000a, 0x1843: 0x000a, 0x1844: 0x000a, 0x1845: 0x000a, + 0x1846: 0x000a, 0x1847: 0x000a, 0x1848: 0x000a, 0x1849: 0x000a, 0x184a: 0x000a, 0x184b: 0x000a, + 0x184c: 0x000a, 0x184d: 0x000a, 0x184e: 0x000a, 0x184f: 0x000a, 0x1850: 0x000a, 0x1851: 0x000a, + 0x1852: 0x000a, 0x1853: 0x000a, 0x1854: 0x000a, 0x1855: 0x000a, 0x1856: 0x000a, 0x1857: 0x000a, + 0x1858: 0x000a, 0x1859: 0x000a, 0x185a: 0x000a, 0x185b: 0x000a, 0x185c: 0x000a, 0x185d: 0x000a, + 0x185e: 0x000a, 0x185f: 0x000a, 0x1860: 0x000a, 0x1861: 0x000a, 0x1862: 0x000a, 0x1863: 0x000a, + 0x1864: 0x000a, 0x1865: 0x000a, 0x1866: 0x000a, 0x1867: 0x000a, 0x1868: 0x003a, 0x1869: 0x002a, + 0x186a: 0x003a, 0x186b: 0x002a, 0x186c: 0x003a, 0x186d: 0x002a, 0x186e: 0x003a, 0x186f: 0x002a, + 0x1870: 0x003a, 0x1871: 0x002a, 0x1872: 0x003a, 0x1873: 0x002a, 0x1874: 0x003a, 0x1875: 0x002a, + 0x1876: 0x000a, 0x1877: 0x000a, 0x1878: 0x000a, 0x1879: 0x000a, 0x187a: 0x000a, 0x187b: 0x000a, + 0x187c: 0x000a, 0x187d: 0x000a, 0x187e: 0x000a, 0x187f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x000a, 0x1881: 0x000a, 0x1882: 0x000a, 0x1883: 0x000a, 0x1884: 0x000a, 0x1885: 0x009a, + 0x1886: 0x008a, 0x1887: 0x000a, 0x1888: 0x000a, 0x1889: 0x000a, 0x188a: 0x000a, 0x188b: 0x000a, + 0x188c: 0x000a, 0x188d: 0x000a, 0x188e: 0x000a, 0x188f: 0x000a, 0x1890: 0x000a, 0x1891: 0x000a, + 0x1892: 0x000a, 0x1893: 0x000a, 0x1894: 0x000a, 0x1895: 0x000a, 0x1896: 0x000a, 0x1897: 0x000a, + 0x1898: 0x000a, 0x1899: 0x000a, 0x189a: 0x000a, 0x189b: 0x000a, 0x189c: 0x000a, 0x189d: 0x000a, + 0x189e: 0x000a, 0x189f: 0x000a, 0x18a0: 0x000a, 0x18a1: 0x000a, 0x18a2: 0x000a, 0x18a3: 0x000a, + 0x18a4: 0x000a, 0x18a5: 0x000a, 0x18a6: 0x003a, 0x18a7: 0x002a, 0x18a8: 0x003a, 0x18a9: 0x002a, + 0x18aa: 0x003a, 0x18ab: 0x002a, 0x18ac: 0x003a, 0x18ad: 0x002a, 0x18ae: 0x003a, 0x18af: 0x002a, + 0x18b0: 0x000a, 0x18b1: 0x000a, 0x18b2: 0x000a, 0x18b3: 0x000a, 0x18b4: 0x000a, 0x18b5: 0x000a, + 0x18b6: 0x000a, 0x18b7: 0x000a, 0x18b8: 0x000a, 0x18b9: 0x000a, 0x18ba: 0x000a, 0x18bb: 0x000a, + 0x18bc: 0x000a, 0x18bd: 0x000a, 0x18be: 0x000a, 0x18bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x000a, 0x18c1: 0x000a, 0x18c2: 0x000a, 0x18c3: 0x007a, 0x18c4: 0x006a, 0x18c5: 0x009a, + 0x18c6: 0x008a, 0x18c7: 0x00ba, 0x18c8: 0x00aa, 0x18c9: 0x009a, 0x18ca: 0x008a, 0x18cb: 0x007a, + 0x18cc: 0x006a, 0x18cd: 0x00da, 0x18ce: 0x002a, 0x18cf: 0x003a, 0x18d0: 0x00ca, 0x18d1: 0x009a, + 0x18d2: 0x008a, 0x18d3: 0x007a, 0x18d4: 0x006a, 0x18d5: 0x009a, 0x18d6: 0x008a, 0x18d7: 0x00ba, + 0x18d8: 0x00aa, 0x18d9: 0x000a, 0x18da: 0x000a, 0x18db: 0x000a, 0x18dc: 0x000a, 0x18dd: 0x000a, + 0x18de: 0x000a, 0x18df: 0x000a, 0x18e0: 0x000a, 0x18e1: 0x000a, 0x18e2: 0x000a, 0x18e3: 0x000a, + 0x18e4: 0x000a, 0x18e5: 0x000a, 0x18e6: 0x000a, 0x18e7: 0x000a, 0x18e8: 0x000a, 0x18e9: 0x000a, + 0x18ea: 0x000a, 0x18eb: 0x000a, 0x18ec: 0x000a, 0x18ed: 0x000a, 0x18ee: 0x000a, 0x18ef: 0x000a, + 0x18f0: 0x000a, 0x18f1: 0x000a, 0x18f2: 0x000a, 0x18f3: 0x000a, 0x18f4: 0x000a, 0x18f5: 0x000a, + 0x18f6: 0x000a, 0x18f7: 0x000a, 0x18f8: 0x000a, 0x18f9: 0x000a, 0x18fa: 0x000a, 0x18fb: 0x000a, + 0x18fc: 0x000a, 0x18fd: 0x000a, 0x18fe: 0x000a, 0x18ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x000a, 0x1901: 0x000a, 0x1902: 0x000a, 0x1903: 0x000a, 0x1904: 0x000a, 0x1905: 0x000a, + 0x1906: 0x000a, 0x1907: 0x000a, 0x1908: 0x000a, 0x1909: 0x000a, 0x190a: 0x000a, 0x190b: 0x000a, + 0x190c: 0x000a, 0x190d: 0x000a, 0x190e: 0x000a, 0x190f: 0x000a, 0x1910: 0x000a, 0x1911: 0x000a, + 0x1912: 0x000a, 0x1913: 0x000a, 0x1914: 0x000a, 0x1915: 0x000a, 0x1916: 0x000a, 0x1917: 0x000a, + 0x1918: 0x003a, 0x1919: 0x002a, 0x191a: 0x003a, 0x191b: 0x002a, 0x191c: 0x000a, 0x191d: 0x000a, + 0x191e: 0x000a, 0x191f: 0x000a, 0x1920: 0x000a, 0x1921: 0x000a, 0x1922: 0x000a, 0x1923: 0x000a, + 0x1924: 0x000a, 0x1925: 0x000a, 0x1926: 0x000a, 0x1927: 0x000a, 0x1928: 0x000a, 0x1929: 0x000a, + 0x192a: 0x000a, 0x192b: 0x000a, 0x192c: 0x000a, 0x192d: 0x000a, 0x192e: 0x000a, 0x192f: 0x000a, + 0x1930: 0x000a, 0x1931: 0x000a, 0x1932: 0x000a, 0x1933: 0x000a, 0x1934: 0x000a, 0x1935: 0x000a, + 0x1936: 0x000a, 0x1937: 0x000a, 0x1938: 0x000a, 0x1939: 0x000a, 0x193a: 0x000a, 0x193b: 0x000a, + 0x193c: 0x003a, 0x193d: 0x002a, 0x193e: 0x000a, 0x193f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1940: 0x000a, 0x1941: 0x000a, 0x1942: 0x000a, 0x1943: 0x000a, 0x1944: 0x000a, 0x1945: 0x000a, + 0x1946: 0x000a, 0x1947: 0x000a, 0x1948: 0x000a, 0x1949: 0x000a, 0x194a: 0x000a, 0x194b: 0x000a, + 0x194c: 0x000a, 0x194d: 0x000a, 0x194e: 0x000a, 0x194f: 0x000a, 0x1950: 0x000a, 0x1951: 0x000a, + 0x1952: 0x000a, 0x1953: 0x000a, 0x1954: 0x000a, 0x1955: 0x000a, 0x1956: 0x000a, 0x1957: 0x000a, + 0x1958: 0x000a, 0x1959: 0x000a, 0x195a: 0x000a, 0x195b: 0x000a, 0x195c: 0x000a, 0x195d: 0x000a, + 0x195e: 0x000a, 0x195f: 0x000a, 0x1960: 0x000a, 0x1961: 0x000a, 0x1962: 0x000a, 0x1963: 0x000a, + 0x1964: 0x000a, 0x1965: 0x000a, 0x1966: 0x000a, 0x1967: 0x000a, 0x1968: 0x000a, 0x1969: 0x000a, + 0x196a: 0x000a, 0x196b: 0x000a, 0x196c: 0x000a, 0x196d: 0x000a, 0x196e: 0x000a, 0x196f: 0x000a, + 0x1970: 0x000a, 0x1971: 0x000a, 0x1972: 0x000a, 0x1973: 0x000a, + 0x1976: 0x000a, 0x1977: 0x000a, 0x1978: 0x000a, 0x1979: 0x000a, 0x197a: 0x000a, 0x197b: 0x000a, + 0x197c: 0x000a, 0x197d: 0x000a, 0x197e: 0x000a, 0x197f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x000a, 0x1981: 0x000a, 0x1982: 0x000a, 0x1983: 0x000a, 0x1984: 0x000a, 0x1985: 0x000a, + 0x1986: 0x000a, 0x1987: 0x000a, 0x1988: 0x000a, 0x1989: 0x000a, 0x198a: 0x000a, 0x198b: 0x000a, + 0x198c: 0x000a, 0x198d: 0x000a, 0x198e: 0x000a, 0x198f: 0x000a, 0x1990: 0x000a, 0x1991: 0x000a, + 0x1992: 0x000a, 0x1993: 0x000a, 0x1994: 0x000a, 0x1995: 0x000a, + 0x1998: 0x000a, 0x1999: 0x000a, 0x199a: 0x000a, 0x199b: 0x000a, 0x199c: 0x000a, 0x199d: 0x000a, + 0x199e: 0x000a, 0x199f: 0x000a, 0x19a0: 0x000a, 0x19a1: 0x000a, 0x19a2: 0x000a, 0x19a3: 0x000a, + 0x19a4: 0x000a, 0x19a5: 0x000a, 0x19a6: 0x000a, 0x19a7: 0x000a, 0x19a8: 0x000a, 0x19a9: 0x000a, + 0x19aa: 0x000a, 0x19ab: 0x000a, 0x19ac: 0x000a, 0x19ad: 0x000a, 0x19ae: 0x000a, 0x19af: 0x000a, + 0x19b0: 0x000a, 0x19b1: 0x000a, 0x19b2: 0x000a, 0x19b3: 0x000a, 0x19b4: 0x000a, 0x19b5: 0x000a, + 0x19b6: 0x000a, 0x19b7: 0x000a, 0x19b8: 0x000a, 0x19b9: 0x000a, + 0x19bd: 0x000a, 0x19be: 0x000a, 0x19bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19c0: 0x000a, 0x19c1: 0x000a, 0x19c2: 0x000a, 0x19c3: 0x000a, 0x19c4: 0x000a, 0x19c5: 0x000a, + 0x19c6: 0x000a, 0x19c7: 0x000a, 0x19c8: 0x000a, 0x19ca: 0x000a, 0x19cb: 0x000a, + 0x19cc: 0x000a, 0x19cd: 0x000a, 0x19ce: 0x000a, 0x19cf: 0x000a, 0x19d0: 0x000a, 0x19d1: 0x000a, + 0x19ec: 0x000a, 0x19ed: 0x000a, 0x19ee: 0x000a, 0x19ef: 0x000a, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a25: 0x000a, 0x1a26: 0x000a, 0x1a27: 0x000a, 0x1a28: 0x000a, 0x1a29: 0x000a, + 0x1a2a: 0x000a, 0x1a2f: 0x000c, + 0x1a30: 0x000c, 0x1a31: 0x000c, + 0x1a39: 0x000a, 0x1a3a: 0x000a, 0x1a3b: 0x000a, + 0x1a3c: 0x000a, 0x1a3d: 0x000a, 0x1a3e: 0x000a, 0x1a3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x1a40 + 0x1a7f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x1a80 + 0x1aa0: 0x000c, 0x1aa1: 0x000c, 0x1aa2: 0x000c, 0x1aa3: 0x000c, + 0x1aa4: 0x000c, 0x1aa5: 0x000c, 0x1aa6: 0x000c, 0x1aa7: 0x000c, 0x1aa8: 0x000c, 0x1aa9: 0x000c, + 0x1aaa: 0x000c, 0x1aab: 0x000c, 0x1aac: 0x000c, 0x1aad: 0x000c, 0x1aae: 0x000c, 0x1aaf: 0x000c, + 0x1ab0: 0x000c, 0x1ab1: 0x000c, 0x1ab2: 0x000c, 0x1ab3: 0x000c, 0x1ab4: 0x000c, 0x1ab5: 0x000c, + 0x1ab6: 0x000c, 0x1ab7: 0x000c, 0x1ab8: 0x000c, 0x1ab9: 0x000c, 0x1aba: 0x000c, 0x1abb: 0x000c, + 0x1abc: 0x000c, 0x1abd: 0x000c, 0x1abe: 0x000c, 0x1abf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x1ac0 + 0x1ac0: 0x000a, 0x1ac1: 0x000a, 0x1ac2: 0x000a, 0x1ac3: 0x000a, 0x1ac4: 0x000a, 0x1ac5: 0x000a, + 0x1ac6: 0x000a, 0x1ac7: 0x000a, 0x1ac8: 0x000a, 0x1ac9: 0x000a, 0x1aca: 0x000a, 0x1acb: 0x000a, + 0x1acc: 0x000a, 0x1acd: 0x000a, 0x1ace: 0x000a, 0x1acf: 0x000a, 0x1ad0: 0x000a, 0x1ad1: 0x000a, + 0x1ad2: 0x000a, 0x1ad3: 0x000a, 0x1ad4: 0x000a, 0x1ad5: 0x000a, 0x1ad6: 0x000a, 0x1ad7: 0x000a, + 0x1ad8: 0x000a, 0x1ad9: 0x000a, 0x1ada: 0x000a, 0x1adb: 0x000a, 0x1adc: 0x000a, 0x1add: 0x000a, + 0x1ade: 0x000a, 0x1adf: 0x000a, 0x1ae0: 0x000a, 0x1ae1: 0x000a, 0x1ae2: 0x003a, 0x1ae3: 0x002a, + 0x1ae4: 0x003a, 0x1ae5: 0x002a, 0x1ae6: 0x003a, 0x1ae7: 0x002a, 0x1ae8: 0x003a, 0x1ae9: 0x002a, + 0x1aea: 0x000a, 0x1aeb: 0x000a, 0x1aec: 0x000a, 0x1aed: 0x000a, 0x1aee: 0x000a, 0x1aef: 0x000a, + 0x1af0: 0x000a, 0x1af1: 0x000a, 0x1af2: 0x000a, 0x1af3: 0x000a, 0x1af4: 0x000a, 0x1af5: 0x000a, + 0x1af6: 0x000a, 0x1af7: 0x000a, 0x1af8: 0x000a, 0x1af9: 0x000a, 0x1afa: 0x000a, 0x1afb: 0x000a, + 0x1afc: 0x000a, 0x1afd: 0x000a, 0x1afe: 0x000a, 0x1aff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x1b00 + 0x1b00: 0x000a, 0x1b01: 0x000a, 0x1b02: 0x000a, 0x1b03: 0x000a, 0x1b04: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x1b40 + 0x1b40: 0x000a, 0x1b41: 0x000a, 0x1b42: 0x000a, 0x1b43: 0x000a, 0x1b44: 0x000a, 0x1b45: 0x000a, + 0x1b46: 0x000a, 0x1b47: 0x000a, 0x1b48: 0x000a, 0x1b49: 0x000a, 0x1b4a: 0x000a, 0x1b4b: 0x000a, + 0x1b4c: 0x000a, 0x1b4d: 0x000a, 0x1b4e: 0x000a, 0x1b4f: 0x000a, 0x1b50: 0x000a, 0x1b51: 0x000a, + 0x1b52: 0x000a, 0x1b53: 0x000a, 0x1b54: 0x000a, 0x1b55: 0x000a, 0x1b56: 0x000a, 0x1b57: 0x000a, + 0x1b58: 0x000a, 0x1b59: 0x000a, 0x1b5b: 0x000a, 0x1b5c: 0x000a, 0x1b5d: 0x000a, + 0x1b5e: 0x000a, 0x1b5f: 0x000a, 0x1b60: 0x000a, 0x1b61: 0x000a, 0x1b62: 0x000a, 0x1b63: 0x000a, + 0x1b64: 0x000a, 0x1b65: 0x000a, 0x1b66: 0x000a, 0x1b67: 0x000a, 0x1b68: 0x000a, 0x1b69: 0x000a, + 0x1b6a: 0x000a, 0x1b6b: 0x000a, 0x1b6c: 0x000a, 0x1b6d: 0x000a, 0x1b6e: 0x000a, 0x1b6f: 0x000a, + 0x1b70: 0x000a, 0x1b71: 0x000a, 0x1b72: 0x000a, 0x1b73: 0x000a, 0x1b74: 0x000a, 0x1b75: 0x000a, + 0x1b76: 0x000a, 0x1b77: 0x000a, 0x1b78: 0x000a, 0x1b79: 0x000a, 0x1b7a: 0x000a, 0x1b7b: 0x000a, + 0x1b7c: 0x000a, 0x1b7d: 0x000a, 0x1b7e: 0x000a, 0x1b7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x1b80 + 0x1b80: 0x000a, 0x1b81: 0x000a, 0x1b82: 0x000a, 0x1b83: 0x000a, 0x1b84: 0x000a, 0x1b85: 0x000a, + 0x1b86: 0x000a, 0x1b87: 0x000a, 0x1b88: 0x000a, 0x1b89: 0x000a, 0x1b8a: 0x000a, 0x1b8b: 0x000a, + 0x1b8c: 0x000a, 0x1b8d: 0x000a, 0x1b8e: 0x000a, 0x1b8f: 0x000a, 0x1b90: 0x000a, 0x1b91: 0x000a, + 0x1b92: 0x000a, 0x1b93: 0x000a, 0x1b94: 0x000a, 0x1b95: 0x000a, 0x1b96: 0x000a, 0x1b97: 0x000a, + 0x1b98: 0x000a, 0x1b99: 0x000a, 0x1b9a: 0x000a, 0x1b9b: 0x000a, 0x1b9c: 0x000a, 0x1b9d: 0x000a, + 0x1b9e: 0x000a, 0x1b9f: 0x000a, 0x1ba0: 0x000a, 0x1ba1: 0x000a, 0x1ba2: 0x000a, 0x1ba3: 0x000a, + 0x1ba4: 0x000a, 0x1ba5: 0x000a, 0x1ba6: 0x000a, 0x1ba7: 0x000a, 0x1ba8: 0x000a, 0x1ba9: 0x000a, + 0x1baa: 0x000a, 0x1bab: 0x000a, 0x1bac: 0x000a, 0x1bad: 0x000a, 0x1bae: 0x000a, 0x1baf: 0x000a, + 0x1bb0: 0x000a, 0x1bb1: 0x000a, 0x1bb2: 0x000a, 0x1bb3: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x1bc0 + 0x1bc0: 0x000a, 0x1bc1: 0x000a, 0x1bc2: 0x000a, 0x1bc3: 0x000a, 0x1bc4: 0x000a, 0x1bc5: 0x000a, + 0x1bc6: 0x000a, 0x1bc7: 0x000a, 0x1bc8: 0x000a, 0x1bc9: 0x000a, 0x1bca: 0x000a, 0x1bcb: 0x000a, + 0x1bcc: 0x000a, 0x1bcd: 0x000a, 0x1bce: 0x000a, 0x1bcf: 0x000a, 0x1bd0: 0x000a, 0x1bd1: 0x000a, + 0x1bd2: 0x000a, 0x1bd3: 0x000a, 0x1bd4: 0x000a, 0x1bd5: 0x000a, + 0x1bf0: 0x000a, 0x1bf1: 0x000a, 0x1bf2: 0x000a, 0x1bf3: 0x000a, 0x1bf4: 0x000a, 0x1bf5: 0x000a, + 0x1bf6: 0x000a, 0x1bf7: 0x000a, 0x1bf8: 0x000a, 0x1bf9: 0x000a, 0x1bfa: 0x000a, 0x1bfb: 0x000a, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x1c00 + 0x1c00: 0x0009, 0x1c01: 0x000a, 0x1c02: 0x000a, 0x1c03: 0x000a, 0x1c04: 0x000a, + 0x1c08: 0x003a, 0x1c09: 0x002a, 0x1c0a: 0x003a, 0x1c0b: 0x002a, + 0x1c0c: 0x003a, 0x1c0d: 0x002a, 0x1c0e: 0x003a, 0x1c0f: 0x002a, 0x1c10: 0x003a, 0x1c11: 0x002a, + 0x1c12: 0x000a, 0x1c13: 0x000a, 0x1c14: 0x003a, 0x1c15: 0x002a, 0x1c16: 0x003a, 0x1c17: 0x002a, + 0x1c18: 0x003a, 0x1c19: 0x002a, 0x1c1a: 0x003a, 0x1c1b: 0x002a, 0x1c1c: 0x000a, 0x1c1d: 0x000a, + 0x1c1e: 0x000a, 0x1c1f: 0x000a, 0x1c20: 0x000a, + 0x1c2a: 0x000c, 0x1c2b: 0x000c, 0x1c2c: 0x000c, 0x1c2d: 0x000c, + 0x1c30: 0x000a, + 0x1c36: 0x000a, 0x1c37: 0x000a, + 0x1c3d: 0x000a, 0x1c3e: 0x000a, 0x1c3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x1c40 + 0x1c59: 0x000c, 0x1c5a: 0x000c, 0x1c5b: 0x000a, 0x1c5c: 0x000a, + 0x1c60: 0x000a, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x1c80 + 0x1cbb: 0x000a, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x1cc0 + 0x1cc0: 0x000a, 0x1cc1: 0x000a, 0x1cc2: 0x000a, 0x1cc3: 0x000a, 0x1cc4: 0x000a, 0x1cc5: 0x000a, + 0x1cc6: 0x000a, 0x1cc7: 0x000a, 0x1cc8: 0x000a, 0x1cc9: 0x000a, 0x1cca: 0x000a, 0x1ccb: 0x000a, + 0x1ccc: 0x000a, 0x1ccd: 0x000a, 0x1cce: 0x000a, 0x1ccf: 0x000a, 0x1cd0: 0x000a, 0x1cd1: 0x000a, + 0x1cd2: 0x000a, 0x1cd3: 0x000a, 0x1cd4: 0x000a, 0x1cd5: 0x000a, 0x1cd6: 0x000a, 0x1cd7: 0x000a, + 0x1cd8: 0x000a, 0x1cd9: 0x000a, 0x1cda: 0x000a, 0x1cdb: 0x000a, 0x1cdc: 0x000a, 0x1cdd: 0x000a, + 0x1cde: 0x000a, 0x1cdf: 0x000a, 0x1ce0: 0x000a, 0x1ce1: 0x000a, 0x1ce2: 0x000a, 0x1ce3: 0x000a, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x1d00 + 0x1d1d: 0x000a, + 0x1d1e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x1d40 + 0x1d50: 0x000a, 0x1d51: 0x000a, + 0x1d52: 0x000a, 0x1d53: 0x000a, 0x1d54: 0x000a, 0x1d55: 0x000a, 0x1d56: 0x000a, 0x1d57: 0x000a, + 0x1d58: 0x000a, 0x1d59: 0x000a, 0x1d5a: 0x000a, 0x1d5b: 0x000a, 0x1d5c: 0x000a, 0x1d5d: 0x000a, + 0x1d5e: 0x000a, 0x1d5f: 0x000a, + 0x1d7c: 0x000a, 0x1d7d: 0x000a, 0x1d7e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x1d80 + 0x1db1: 0x000a, 0x1db2: 0x000a, 0x1db3: 0x000a, 0x1db4: 0x000a, 0x1db5: 0x000a, + 0x1db6: 0x000a, 0x1db7: 0x000a, 0x1db8: 0x000a, 0x1db9: 0x000a, 0x1dba: 0x000a, 0x1dbb: 0x000a, + 0x1dbc: 0x000a, 0x1dbd: 0x000a, 0x1dbe: 0x000a, 0x1dbf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x1dc0 + 0x1dcc: 0x000a, 0x1dcd: 0x000a, 0x1dce: 0x000a, 0x1dcf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x1e00 + 0x1e37: 0x000a, 0x1e38: 0x000a, 0x1e39: 0x000a, 0x1e3a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x1e40 + 0x1e5e: 0x000a, 0x1e5f: 0x000a, + 0x1e7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x1e80 + 0x1e90: 0x000a, 0x1e91: 0x000a, + 0x1e92: 0x000a, 0x1e93: 0x000a, 0x1e94: 0x000a, 0x1e95: 0x000a, 0x1e96: 0x000a, 0x1e97: 0x000a, + 0x1e98: 0x000a, 0x1e99: 0x000a, 0x1e9a: 0x000a, 0x1e9b: 0x000a, 0x1e9c: 0x000a, 0x1e9d: 0x000a, + 0x1e9e: 0x000a, 0x1e9f: 0x000a, 0x1ea0: 0x000a, 0x1ea1: 0x000a, 0x1ea2: 0x000a, 0x1ea3: 0x000a, + 0x1ea4: 0x000a, 0x1ea5: 0x000a, 0x1ea6: 0x000a, 0x1ea7: 0x000a, 0x1ea8: 0x000a, 0x1ea9: 0x000a, + 0x1eaa: 0x000a, 0x1eab: 0x000a, 0x1eac: 0x000a, 0x1ead: 0x000a, 0x1eae: 0x000a, 0x1eaf: 0x000a, + 0x1eb0: 0x000a, 0x1eb1: 0x000a, 0x1eb2: 0x000a, 0x1eb3: 0x000a, 0x1eb4: 0x000a, 0x1eb5: 0x000a, + 0x1eb6: 0x000a, 0x1eb7: 0x000a, 0x1eb8: 0x000a, 0x1eb9: 0x000a, 0x1eba: 0x000a, 0x1ebb: 0x000a, + 0x1ebc: 0x000a, 0x1ebd: 0x000a, 0x1ebe: 0x000a, 0x1ebf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x1ec0 + 0x1ec0: 0x000a, 0x1ec1: 0x000a, 0x1ec2: 0x000a, 0x1ec3: 0x000a, 0x1ec4: 0x000a, 0x1ec5: 0x000a, + 0x1ec6: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x1f00 + 0x1f0d: 0x000a, 0x1f0e: 0x000a, 0x1f0f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x1f40 + 0x1f6f: 0x000c, + 0x1f70: 0x000c, 0x1f71: 0x000c, 0x1f72: 0x000c, 0x1f73: 0x000a, 0x1f74: 0x000c, 0x1f75: 0x000c, + 0x1f76: 0x000c, 0x1f77: 0x000c, 0x1f78: 0x000c, 0x1f79: 0x000c, 0x1f7a: 0x000c, 0x1f7b: 0x000c, + 0x1f7c: 0x000c, 0x1f7d: 0x000c, 0x1f7e: 0x000a, 0x1f7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x1f80 + 0x1f9e: 0x000c, 0x1f9f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x1fc0 + 0x1ff0: 0x000c, 0x1ff1: 0x000c, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x2000 + 0x2000: 0x000a, 0x2001: 0x000a, 0x2002: 0x000a, 0x2003: 0x000a, 0x2004: 0x000a, 0x2005: 0x000a, + 0x2006: 0x000a, 0x2007: 0x000a, 0x2008: 0x000a, 0x2009: 0x000a, 0x200a: 0x000a, 0x200b: 0x000a, + 0x200c: 0x000a, 0x200d: 0x000a, 0x200e: 0x000a, 0x200f: 0x000a, 0x2010: 0x000a, 0x2011: 0x000a, + 0x2012: 0x000a, 0x2013: 0x000a, 0x2014: 0x000a, 0x2015: 0x000a, 0x2016: 0x000a, 0x2017: 0x000a, + 0x2018: 0x000a, 0x2019: 0x000a, 0x201a: 0x000a, 0x201b: 0x000a, 0x201c: 0x000a, 0x201d: 0x000a, + 0x201e: 0x000a, 0x201f: 0x000a, 0x2020: 0x000a, 0x2021: 0x000a, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x2040 + 0x2048: 0x000a, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x2080 + 0x2082: 0x000c, + 0x2086: 0x000c, 0x208b: 0x000c, + 0x20a5: 0x000c, 0x20a6: 0x000c, 0x20a8: 0x000a, 0x20a9: 0x000a, + 0x20aa: 0x000a, 0x20ab: 0x000a, + 0x20b8: 0x0004, 0x20b9: 0x0004, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x20c0 + 0x20f4: 0x000a, 0x20f5: 0x000a, + 0x20f6: 0x000a, 0x20f7: 0x000a, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x2100 + 0x2104: 0x000c, 0x2105: 0x000c, + 0x2120: 0x000c, 0x2121: 0x000c, 0x2122: 0x000c, 0x2123: 0x000c, + 0x2124: 0x000c, 0x2125: 0x000c, 0x2126: 0x000c, 0x2127: 0x000c, 0x2128: 0x000c, 0x2129: 0x000c, + 0x212a: 0x000c, 0x212b: 0x000c, 0x212c: 0x000c, 0x212d: 0x000c, 0x212e: 0x000c, 0x212f: 0x000c, + 0x2130: 0x000c, 0x2131: 0x000c, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x2140 + 0x2166: 0x000c, 0x2167: 0x000c, 0x2168: 0x000c, 0x2169: 0x000c, + 0x216a: 0x000c, 0x216b: 0x000c, 0x216c: 0x000c, 0x216d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x2180 + 0x2187: 0x000c, 0x2188: 0x000c, 0x2189: 0x000c, 0x218a: 0x000c, 0x218b: 0x000c, + 0x218c: 0x000c, 0x218d: 0x000c, 0x218e: 0x000c, 0x218f: 0x000c, 0x2190: 0x000c, 0x2191: 0x000c, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x21c0 + 0x21c0: 0x000c, 0x21c1: 0x000c, 0x21c2: 0x000c, + 0x21f3: 0x000c, + 0x21f6: 0x000c, 0x21f7: 0x000c, 0x21f8: 0x000c, 0x21f9: 0x000c, + 0x21fc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x2200 + 0x2225: 0x000c, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x2240 + 0x2269: 0x000c, + 0x226a: 0x000c, 0x226b: 0x000c, 0x226c: 0x000c, 0x226d: 0x000c, 0x226e: 0x000c, + 0x2271: 0x000c, 0x2272: 0x000c, 0x2275: 0x000c, + 0x2276: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x2280 + 0x2283: 0x000c, + 0x228c: 0x000c, + 0x22bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x22c0 + 0x22f0: 0x000c, 0x22f2: 0x000c, 0x22f3: 0x000c, 0x22f4: 0x000c, + 0x22f7: 0x000c, 0x22f8: 0x000c, + 0x22fe: 0x000c, 0x22ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x2300 + 0x2301: 0x000c, + 0x232c: 0x000c, 0x232d: 0x000c, + 0x2336: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x2340 + 0x2365: 0x000c, 0x2368: 0x000c, + 0x236d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x2380 + 0x239d: 0x0001, + 0x239e: 0x000c, 0x239f: 0x0001, 0x23a0: 0x0001, 0x23a1: 0x0001, 0x23a2: 0x0001, 0x23a3: 0x0001, + 0x23a4: 0x0001, 0x23a5: 0x0001, 0x23a6: 0x0001, 0x23a7: 0x0001, 0x23a8: 0x0001, 0x23a9: 0x0003, + 0x23aa: 0x0001, 0x23ab: 0x0001, 0x23ac: 0x0001, 0x23ad: 0x0001, 0x23ae: 0x0001, 0x23af: 0x0001, + 0x23b0: 0x0001, 0x23b1: 0x0001, 0x23b2: 0x0001, 0x23b3: 0x0001, 0x23b4: 0x0001, 0x23b5: 0x0001, + 0x23b6: 0x0001, 0x23b7: 0x0001, 0x23b8: 0x0001, 0x23b9: 0x0001, 0x23ba: 0x0001, 0x23bb: 0x0001, + 0x23bc: 0x0001, 0x23bd: 0x0001, 0x23be: 0x0001, 0x23bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x23c0 + 0x23c0: 0x0001, 0x23c1: 0x0001, 0x23c2: 0x0001, 0x23c3: 0x0001, 0x23c4: 0x0001, 0x23c5: 0x0001, + 0x23c6: 0x0001, 0x23c7: 0x0001, 0x23c8: 0x0001, 0x23c9: 0x0001, 0x23ca: 0x0001, 0x23cb: 0x0001, + 0x23cc: 0x0001, 0x23cd: 0x0001, 0x23ce: 0x0001, 0x23cf: 0x0001, 0x23d0: 0x000d, 0x23d1: 0x000d, + 0x23d2: 0x000d, 0x23d3: 0x000d, 0x23d4: 0x000d, 0x23d5: 0x000d, 0x23d6: 0x000d, 0x23d7: 0x000d, + 0x23d8: 0x000d, 0x23d9: 0x000d, 0x23da: 0x000d, 0x23db: 0x000d, 0x23dc: 0x000d, 0x23dd: 0x000d, + 0x23de: 0x000d, 0x23df: 0x000d, 0x23e0: 0x000d, 0x23e1: 0x000d, 0x23e2: 0x000d, 0x23e3: 0x000d, + 0x23e4: 0x000d, 0x23e5: 0x000d, 0x23e6: 0x000d, 0x23e7: 0x000d, 0x23e8: 0x000d, 0x23e9: 0x000d, + 0x23ea: 0x000d, 0x23eb: 0x000d, 0x23ec: 0x000d, 0x23ed: 0x000d, 0x23ee: 0x000d, 0x23ef: 0x000d, + 0x23f0: 0x000d, 0x23f1: 0x000d, 0x23f2: 0x000d, 0x23f3: 0x000d, 0x23f4: 0x000d, 0x23f5: 0x000d, + 0x23f6: 0x000d, 0x23f7: 0x000d, 0x23f8: 0x000d, 0x23f9: 0x000d, 0x23fa: 0x000d, 0x23fb: 0x000d, + 0x23fc: 0x000d, 0x23fd: 0x000d, 0x23fe: 0x000d, 0x23ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x2400 + 0x2400: 0x000d, 0x2401: 0x000d, 0x2402: 0x000d, 0x2403: 0x000d, 0x2404: 0x000d, 0x2405: 0x000d, + 0x2406: 0x000d, 0x2407: 0x000d, 0x2408: 0x000d, 0x2409: 0x000d, 0x240a: 0x000d, 0x240b: 0x000d, + 0x240c: 0x000d, 0x240d: 0x000d, 0x240e: 0x000d, 0x240f: 0x000d, 0x2410: 0x000d, 0x2411: 0x000d, + 0x2412: 0x000d, 0x2413: 0x000d, 0x2414: 0x000d, 0x2415: 0x000d, 0x2416: 0x000d, 0x2417: 0x000d, + 0x2418: 0x000d, 0x2419: 0x000d, 0x241a: 0x000d, 0x241b: 0x000d, 0x241c: 0x000d, 0x241d: 0x000d, + 0x241e: 0x000d, 0x241f: 0x000d, 0x2420: 0x000d, 0x2421: 0x000d, 0x2422: 0x000d, 0x2423: 0x000d, + 0x2424: 0x000d, 0x2425: 0x000d, 0x2426: 0x000d, 0x2427: 0x000d, 0x2428: 0x000d, 0x2429: 0x000d, + 0x242a: 0x000d, 0x242b: 0x000d, 0x242c: 0x000d, 0x242d: 0x000d, 0x242e: 0x000d, 0x242f: 0x000d, + 0x2430: 0x000d, 0x2431: 0x000d, 0x2432: 0x000d, 0x2433: 0x000d, 0x2434: 0x000d, 0x2435: 0x000d, + 0x2436: 0x000d, 0x2437: 0x000d, 0x2438: 0x000d, 0x2439: 0x000d, 0x243a: 0x000d, 0x243b: 0x000d, + 0x243c: 0x000d, 0x243d: 0x000d, 0x243e: 0x000a, 0x243f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x2440 + 0x2440: 0x000d, 0x2441: 0x000d, 0x2442: 0x000d, 0x2443: 0x000d, 0x2444: 0x000d, 0x2445: 0x000d, + 0x2446: 0x000d, 0x2447: 0x000d, 0x2448: 0x000d, 0x2449: 0x000d, 0x244a: 0x000d, 0x244b: 0x000d, + 0x244c: 0x000d, 0x244d: 0x000d, 0x244e: 0x000d, 0x244f: 0x000d, 0x2450: 0x000b, 0x2451: 0x000b, + 0x2452: 0x000b, 0x2453: 0x000b, 0x2454: 0x000b, 0x2455: 0x000b, 0x2456: 0x000b, 0x2457: 0x000b, + 0x2458: 0x000b, 0x2459: 0x000b, 0x245a: 0x000b, 0x245b: 0x000b, 0x245c: 0x000b, 0x245d: 0x000b, + 0x245e: 0x000b, 0x245f: 0x000b, 0x2460: 0x000b, 0x2461: 0x000b, 0x2462: 0x000b, 0x2463: 0x000b, + 0x2464: 0x000b, 0x2465: 0x000b, 0x2466: 0x000b, 0x2467: 0x000b, 0x2468: 0x000b, 0x2469: 0x000b, + 0x246a: 0x000b, 0x246b: 0x000b, 0x246c: 0x000b, 0x246d: 0x000b, 0x246e: 0x000b, 0x246f: 0x000b, + 0x2470: 0x000d, 0x2471: 0x000d, 0x2472: 0x000d, 0x2473: 0x000d, 0x2474: 0x000d, 0x2475: 0x000d, + 0x2476: 0x000d, 0x2477: 0x000d, 0x2478: 0x000d, 0x2479: 0x000d, 0x247a: 0x000d, 0x247b: 0x000d, + 0x247c: 0x000d, 0x247d: 0x000a, 0x247e: 0x000d, 0x247f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x2480 + 0x2480: 0x000c, 0x2481: 0x000c, 0x2482: 0x000c, 0x2483: 0x000c, 0x2484: 0x000c, 0x2485: 0x000c, + 0x2486: 0x000c, 0x2487: 0x000c, 0x2488: 0x000c, 0x2489: 0x000c, 0x248a: 0x000c, 0x248b: 0x000c, + 0x248c: 0x000c, 0x248d: 0x000c, 0x248e: 0x000c, 0x248f: 0x000c, 0x2490: 0x000a, 0x2491: 0x000a, + 0x2492: 0x000a, 0x2493: 0x000a, 0x2494: 0x000a, 0x2495: 0x000a, 0x2496: 0x000a, 0x2497: 0x000a, + 0x2498: 0x000a, 0x2499: 0x000a, + 0x24a0: 0x000c, 0x24a1: 0x000c, 0x24a2: 0x000c, 0x24a3: 0x000c, + 0x24a4: 0x000c, 0x24a5: 0x000c, 0x24a6: 0x000c, 0x24a7: 0x000c, 0x24a8: 0x000c, 0x24a9: 0x000c, + 0x24aa: 0x000c, 0x24ab: 0x000c, 0x24ac: 0x000c, 0x24ad: 0x000c, 0x24ae: 0x000c, 0x24af: 0x000c, + 0x24b0: 0x000a, 0x24b1: 0x000a, 0x24b2: 0x000a, 0x24b3: 0x000a, 0x24b4: 0x000a, 0x24b5: 0x000a, + 0x24b6: 0x000a, 0x24b7: 0x000a, 0x24b8: 0x000a, 0x24b9: 0x000a, 0x24ba: 0x000a, 0x24bb: 0x000a, + 0x24bc: 0x000a, 0x24bd: 0x000a, 0x24be: 0x000a, 0x24bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x24c0 + 0x24c0: 0x000a, 0x24c1: 0x000a, 0x24c2: 0x000a, 0x24c3: 0x000a, 0x24c4: 0x000a, 0x24c5: 0x000a, + 0x24c6: 0x000a, 0x24c7: 0x000a, 0x24c8: 0x000a, 0x24c9: 0x000a, 0x24ca: 0x000a, 0x24cb: 0x000a, + 0x24cc: 0x000a, 0x24cd: 0x000a, 0x24ce: 0x000a, 0x24cf: 0x000a, 0x24d0: 0x0006, 0x24d1: 0x000a, + 0x24d2: 0x0006, 0x24d4: 0x000a, 0x24d5: 0x0006, 0x24d6: 0x000a, 0x24d7: 0x000a, + 0x24d8: 0x000a, 0x24d9: 0x009a, 0x24da: 0x008a, 0x24db: 0x007a, 0x24dc: 0x006a, 0x24dd: 0x009a, + 0x24de: 0x008a, 0x24df: 0x0004, 0x24e0: 0x000a, 0x24e1: 0x000a, 0x24e2: 0x0003, 0x24e3: 0x0003, + 0x24e4: 0x000a, 0x24e5: 0x000a, 0x24e6: 0x000a, 0x24e8: 0x000a, 0x24e9: 0x0004, + 0x24ea: 0x0004, 0x24eb: 0x000a, + 0x24f0: 0x000d, 0x24f1: 0x000d, 0x24f2: 0x000d, 0x24f3: 0x000d, 0x24f4: 0x000d, 0x24f5: 0x000d, + 0x24f6: 0x000d, 0x24f7: 0x000d, 0x24f8: 0x000d, 0x24f9: 0x000d, 0x24fa: 0x000d, 0x24fb: 0x000d, + 0x24fc: 0x000d, 0x24fd: 0x000d, 0x24fe: 0x000d, 0x24ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x2500 + 0x2500: 0x000d, 0x2501: 0x000d, 0x2502: 0x000d, 0x2503: 0x000d, 0x2504: 0x000d, 0x2505: 0x000d, + 0x2506: 0x000d, 0x2507: 0x000d, 0x2508: 0x000d, 0x2509: 0x000d, 0x250a: 0x000d, 0x250b: 0x000d, + 0x250c: 0x000d, 0x250d: 0x000d, 0x250e: 0x000d, 0x250f: 0x000d, 0x2510: 0x000d, 0x2511: 0x000d, + 0x2512: 0x000d, 0x2513: 0x000d, 0x2514: 0x000d, 0x2515: 0x000d, 0x2516: 0x000d, 0x2517: 0x000d, + 0x2518: 0x000d, 0x2519: 0x000d, 0x251a: 0x000d, 0x251b: 0x000d, 0x251c: 0x000d, 0x251d: 0x000d, + 0x251e: 0x000d, 0x251f: 0x000d, 0x2520: 0x000d, 0x2521: 0x000d, 0x2522: 0x000d, 0x2523: 0x000d, + 0x2524: 0x000d, 0x2525: 0x000d, 0x2526: 0x000d, 0x2527: 0x000d, 0x2528: 0x000d, 0x2529: 0x000d, + 0x252a: 0x000d, 0x252b: 0x000d, 0x252c: 0x000d, 0x252d: 0x000d, 0x252e: 0x000d, 0x252f: 0x000d, + 0x2530: 0x000d, 0x2531: 0x000d, 0x2532: 0x000d, 0x2533: 0x000d, 0x2534: 0x000d, 0x2535: 0x000d, + 0x2536: 0x000d, 0x2537: 0x000d, 0x2538: 0x000d, 0x2539: 0x000d, 0x253a: 0x000d, 0x253b: 0x000d, + 0x253c: 0x000d, 0x253d: 0x000d, 0x253e: 0x000d, 0x253f: 0x000b, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x2540 + 0x2541: 0x000a, 0x2542: 0x000a, 0x2543: 0x0004, 0x2544: 0x0004, 0x2545: 0x0004, + 0x2546: 0x000a, 0x2547: 0x000a, 0x2548: 0x003a, 0x2549: 0x002a, 0x254a: 0x000a, 0x254b: 0x0003, + 0x254c: 0x0006, 0x254d: 0x0003, 0x254e: 0x0006, 0x254f: 0x0006, 0x2550: 0x0002, 0x2551: 0x0002, + 0x2552: 0x0002, 0x2553: 0x0002, 0x2554: 0x0002, 0x2555: 0x0002, 0x2556: 0x0002, 0x2557: 0x0002, + 0x2558: 0x0002, 0x2559: 0x0002, 0x255a: 0x0006, 0x255b: 0x000a, 0x255c: 0x000a, 0x255d: 0x000a, + 0x255e: 0x000a, 0x255f: 0x000a, 0x2560: 0x000a, + 0x257b: 0x005a, + 0x257c: 0x000a, 0x257d: 0x004a, 0x257e: 0x000a, 0x257f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x2580 + 0x2580: 0x000a, + 0x259b: 0x005a, 0x259c: 0x000a, 0x259d: 0x004a, + 0x259e: 0x000a, 0x259f: 0x00fa, 0x25a0: 0x00ea, 0x25a1: 0x000a, 0x25a2: 0x003a, 0x25a3: 0x002a, + 0x25a4: 0x000a, 0x25a5: 0x000a, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x25c0 + 0x25e0: 0x0004, 0x25e1: 0x0004, 0x25e2: 0x000a, 0x25e3: 0x000a, + 0x25e4: 0x000a, 0x25e5: 0x0004, 0x25e6: 0x0004, 0x25e8: 0x000a, 0x25e9: 0x000a, + 0x25ea: 0x000a, 0x25eb: 0x000a, 0x25ec: 0x000a, 0x25ed: 0x000a, 0x25ee: 0x000a, + 0x25f0: 0x000b, 0x25f1: 0x000b, 0x25f2: 0x000b, 0x25f3: 0x000b, 0x25f4: 0x000b, 0x25f5: 0x000b, + 0x25f6: 0x000b, 0x25f7: 0x000b, 0x25f8: 0x000b, 0x25f9: 0x000a, 0x25fa: 0x000a, 0x25fb: 0x000a, + 0x25fc: 0x000a, 0x25fd: 0x000a, 0x25fe: 0x000b, 0x25ff: 0x000b, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x2600 + 0x2601: 0x000a, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x2640 + 0x2640: 0x000a, 0x2641: 0x000a, 0x2642: 0x000a, 0x2643: 0x000a, 0x2644: 0x000a, 0x2645: 0x000a, + 0x2646: 0x000a, 0x2647: 0x000a, 0x2648: 0x000a, 0x2649: 0x000a, 0x264a: 0x000a, 0x264b: 0x000a, + 0x264c: 0x000a, 0x2650: 0x000a, 0x2651: 0x000a, + 0x2652: 0x000a, 0x2653: 0x000a, 0x2654: 0x000a, 0x2655: 0x000a, 0x2656: 0x000a, 0x2657: 0x000a, + 0x2658: 0x000a, 0x2659: 0x000a, 0x265a: 0x000a, 0x265b: 0x000a, + 0x2660: 0x000a, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x2680 + 0x26bd: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x26c0 + 0x26e0: 0x000c, 0x26e1: 0x0002, 0x26e2: 0x0002, 0x26e3: 0x0002, + 0x26e4: 0x0002, 0x26e5: 0x0002, 0x26e6: 0x0002, 0x26e7: 0x0002, 0x26e8: 0x0002, 0x26e9: 0x0002, + 0x26ea: 0x0002, 0x26eb: 0x0002, 0x26ec: 0x0002, 0x26ed: 0x0002, 0x26ee: 0x0002, 0x26ef: 0x0002, + 0x26f0: 0x0002, 0x26f1: 0x0002, 0x26f2: 0x0002, 0x26f3: 0x0002, 0x26f4: 0x0002, 0x26f5: 0x0002, + 0x26f6: 0x0002, 0x26f7: 0x0002, 0x26f8: 0x0002, 0x26f9: 0x0002, 0x26fa: 0x0002, 0x26fb: 0x0002, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x2700 + 0x2736: 0x000c, 0x2737: 0x000c, 0x2738: 0x000c, 0x2739: 0x000c, 0x273a: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x2740 + 0x2740: 0x0001, 0x2741: 0x0001, 0x2742: 0x0001, 0x2743: 0x0001, 0x2744: 0x0001, 0x2745: 0x0001, + 0x2746: 0x0001, 0x2747: 0x0001, 0x2748: 0x0001, 0x2749: 0x0001, 0x274a: 0x0001, 0x274b: 0x0001, + 0x274c: 0x0001, 0x274d: 0x0001, 0x274e: 0x0001, 0x274f: 0x0001, 0x2750: 0x0001, 0x2751: 0x0001, + 0x2752: 0x0001, 0x2753: 0x0001, 0x2754: 0x0001, 0x2755: 0x0001, 0x2756: 0x0001, 0x2757: 0x0001, + 0x2758: 0x0001, 0x2759: 0x0001, 0x275a: 0x0001, 0x275b: 0x0001, 0x275c: 0x0001, 0x275d: 0x0001, + 0x275e: 0x0001, 0x275f: 0x0001, 0x2760: 0x0001, 0x2761: 0x0001, 0x2762: 0x0001, 0x2763: 0x0001, + 0x2764: 0x0001, 0x2765: 0x0001, 0x2766: 0x0001, 0x2767: 0x0001, 0x2768: 0x0001, 0x2769: 0x0001, + 0x276a: 0x0001, 0x276b: 0x0001, 0x276c: 0x0001, 0x276d: 0x0001, 0x276e: 0x0001, 0x276f: 0x0001, + 0x2770: 0x0001, 0x2771: 0x0001, 0x2772: 0x0001, 0x2773: 0x0001, 0x2774: 0x0001, 0x2775: 0x0001, + 0x2776: 0x0001, 0x2777: 0x0001, 0x2778: 0x0001, 0x2779: 0x0001, 0x277a: 0x0001, 0x277b: 0x0001, + 0x277c: 0x0001, 0x277d: 0x0001, 0x277e: 0x0001, 0x277f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x2780 + 0x2780: 0x0001, 0x2781: 0x0001, 0x2782: 0x0001, 0x2783: 0x0001, 0x2784: 0x0001, 0x2785: 0x0001, + 0x2786: 0x0001, 0x2787: 0x0001, 0x2788: 0x0001, 0x2789: 0x0001, 0x278a: 0x0001, 0x278b: 0x0001, + 0x278c: 0x0001, 0x278d: 0x0001, 0x278e: 0x0001, 0x278f: 0x0001, 0x2790: 0x0001, 0x2791: 0x0001, + 0x2792: 0x0001, 0x2793: 0x0001, 0x2794: 0x0001, 0x2795: 0x0001, 0x2796: 0x0001, 0x2797: 0x0001, + 0x2798: 0x0001, 0x2799: 0x0001, 0x279a: 0x0001, 0x279b: 0x0001, 0x279c: 0x0001, 0x279d: 0x0001, + 0x279e: 0x0001, 0x279f: 0x000a, 0x27a0: 0x0001, 0x27a1: 0x0001, 0x27a2: 0x0001, 0x27a3: 0x0001, + 0x27a4: 0x0001, 0x27a5: 0x0001, 0x27a6: 0x0001, 0x27a7: 0x0001, 0x27a8: 0x0001, 0x27a9: 0x0001, + 0x27aa: 0x0001, 0x27ab: 0x0001, 0x27ac: 0x0001, 0x27ad: 0x0001, 0x27ae: 0x0001, 0x27af: 0x0001, + 0x27b0: 0x0001, 0x27b1: 0x0001, 0x27b2: 0x0001, 0x27b3: 0x0001, 0x27b4: 0x0001, 0x27b5: 0x0001, + 0x27b6: 0x0001, 0x27b7: 0x0001, 0x27b8: 0x0001, 0x27b9: 0x0001, 0x27ba: 0x0001, 0x27bb: 0x0001, + 0x27bc: 0x0001, 0x27bd: 0x0001, 0x27be: 0x0001, 0x27bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x27c0 + 0x27c0: 0x0001, 0x27c1: 0x000c, 0x27c2: 0x000c, 0x27c3: 0x000c, 0x27c4: 0x0001, 0x27c5: 0x000c, + 0x27c6: 0x000c, 0x27c7: 0x0001, 0x27c8: 0x0001, 0x27c9: 0x0001, 0x27ca: 0x0001, 0x27cb: 0x0001, + 0x27cc: 0x000c, 0x27cd: 0x000c, 0x27ce: 0x000c, 0x27cf: 0x000c, 0x27d0: 0x0001, 0x27d1: 0x0001, + 0x27d2: 0x0001, 0x27d3: 0x0001, 0x27d4: 0x0001, 0x27d5: 0x0001, 0x27d6: 0x0001, 0x27d7: 0x0001, + 0x27d8: 0x0001, 0x27d9: 0x0001, 0x27da: 0x0001, 0x27db: 0x0001, 0x27dc: 0x0001, 0x27dd: 0x0001, + 0x27de: 0x0001, 0x27df: 0x0001, 0x27e0: 0x0001, 0x27e1: 0x0001, 0x27e2: 0x0001, 0x27e3: 0x0001, + 0x27e4: 0x0001, 0x27e5: 0x0001, 0x27e6: 0x0001, 0x27e7: 0x0001, 0x27e8: 0x0001, 0x27e9: 0x0001, + 0x27ea: 0x0001, 0x27eb: 0x0001, 0x27ec: 0x0001, 0x27ed: 0x0001, 0x27ee: 0x0001, 0x27ef: 0x0001, + 0x27f0: 0x0001, 0x27f1: 0x0001, 0x27f2: 0x0001, 0x27f3: 0x0001, 0x27f4: 0x0001, 0x27f5: 0x0001, + 0x27f6: 0x0001, 0x27f7: 0x0001, 0x27f8: 0x000c, 0x27f9: 0x000c, 0x27fa: 0x000c, 0x27fb: 0x0001, + 0x27fc: 0x0001, 0x27fd: 0x0001, 0x27fe: 0x0001, 0x27ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x2800 + 0x2800: 0x0001, 0x2801: 0x0001, 0x2802: 0x0001, 0x2803: 0x0001, 0x2804: 0x0001, 0x2805: 0x0001, + 0x2806: 0x0001, 0x2807: 0x0001, 0x2808: 0x0001, 0x2809: 0x0001, 0x280a: 0x0001, 0x280b: 0x0001, + 0x280c: 0x0001, 0x280d: 0x0001, 0x280e: 0x0001, 0x280f: 0x0001, 0x2810: 0x0001, 0x2811: 0x0001, + 0x2812: 0x0001, 0x2813: 0x0001, 0x2814: 0x0001, 0x2815: 0x0001, 0x2816: 0x0001, 0x2817: 0x0001, + 0x2818: 0x0001, 0x2819: 0x0001, 0x281a: 0x0001, 0x281b: 0x0001, 0x281c: 0x0001, 0x281d: 0x0001, + 0x281e: 0x0001, 0x281f: 0x0001, 0x2820: 0x0001, 0x2821: 0x0001, 0x2822: 0x0001, 0x2823: 0x0001, + 0x2824: 0x0001, 0x2825: 0x000c, 0x2826: 0x000c, 0x2827: 0x0001, 0x2828: 0x0001, 0x2829: 0x0001, + 0x282a: 0x0001, 0x282b: 0x0001, 0x282c: 0x0001, 0x282d: 0x0001, 0x282e: 0x0001, 0x282f: 0x0001, + 0x2830: 0x0001, 0x2831: 0x0001, 0x2832: 0x0001, 0x2833: 0x0001, 0x2834: 0x0001, 0x2835: 0x0001, + 0x2836: 0x0001, 0x2837: 0x0001, 0x2838: 0x0001, 0x2839: 0x0001, 0x283a: 0x0001, 0x283b: 0x0001, + 0x283c: 0x0001, 0x283d: 0x0001, 0x283e: 0x0001, 0x283f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x2840 + 0x2840: 0x0001, 0x2841: 0x0001, 0x2842: 0x0001, 0x2843: 0x0001, 0x2844: 0x0001, 0x2845: 0x0001, + 0x2846: 0x0001, 0x2847: 0x0001, 0x2848: 0x0001, 0x2849: 0x0001, 0x284a: 0x0001, 0x284b: 0x0001, + 0x284c: 0x0001, 0x284d: 0x0001, 0x284e: 0x0001, 0x284f: 0x0001, 0x2850: 0x0001, 0x2851: 0x0001, + 0x2852: 0x0001, 0x2853: 0x0001, 0x2854: 0x0001, 0x2855: 0x0001, 0x2856: 0x0001, 0x2857: 0x0001, + 0x2858: 0x0001, 0x2859: 0x0001, 0x285a: 0x0001, 0x285b: 0x0001, 0x285c: 0x0001, 0x285d: 0x0001, + 0x285e: 0x0001, 0x285f: 0x0001, 0x2860: 0x0001, 0x2861: 0x0001, 0x2862: 0x0001, 0x2863: 0x0001, + 0x2864: 0x0001, 0x2865: 0x0001, 0x2866: 0x0001, 0x2867: 0x0001, 0x2868: 0x0001, 0x2869: 0x0001, + 0x286a: 0x0001, 0x286b: 0x0001, 0x286c: 0x0001, 0x286d: 0x0001, 0x286e: 0x0001, 0x286f: 0x0001, + 0x2870: 0x0001, 0x2871: 0x0001, 0x2872: 0x0001, 0x2873: 0x0001, 0x2874: 0x0001, 0x2875: 0x0001, + 0x2876: 0x0001, 0x2877: 0x0001, 0x2878: 0x0001, 0x2879: 0x000a, 0x287a: 0x000a, 0x287b: 0x000a, + 0x287c: 0x000a, 0x287d: 0x000a, 0x287e: 0x000a, 0x287f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x2880 + 0x2880: 0x0001, 0x2881: 0x0001, 0x2882: 0x0001, 0x2883: 0x0001, 0x2884: 0x0001, 0x2885: 0x0001, + 0x2886: 0x0001, 0x2887: 0x0001, 0x2888: 0x0001, 0x2889: 0x0001, 0x288a: 0x0001, 0x288b: 0x0001, + 0x288c: 0x0001, 0x288d: 0x0001, 0x288e: 0x0001, 0x288f: 0x0001, 0x2890: 0x0001, 0x2891: 0x0001, + 0x2892: 0x0001, 0x2893: 0x0001, 0x2894: 0x0001, 0x2895: 0x0001, 0x2896: 0x0001, 0x2897: 0x0001, + 0x2898: 0x0001, 0x2899: 0x0001, 0x289a: 0x0001, 0x289b: 0x0001, 0x289c: 0x0001, 0x289d: 0x0001, + 0x289e: 0x0001, 0x289f: 0x0001, 0x28a0: 0x0005, 0x28a1: 0x0005, 0x28a2: 0x0005, 0x28a3: 0x0005, + 0x28a4: 0x0005, 0x28a5: 0x0005, 0x28a6: 0x0005, 0x28a7: 0x0005, 0x28a8: 0x0005, 0x28a9: 0x0005, + 0x28aa: 0x0005, 0x28ab: 0x0005, 0x28ac: 0x0005, 0x28ad: 0x0005, 0x28ae: 0x0005, 0x28af: 0x0005, + 0x28b0: 0x0005, 0x28b1: 0x0005, 0x28b2: 0x0005, 0x28b3: 0x0005, 0x28b4: 0x0005, 0x28b5: 0x0005, + 0x28b6: 0x0005, 0x28b7: 0x0005, 0x28b8: 0x0005, 0x28b9: 0x0005, 0x28ba: 0x0005, 0x28bb: 0x0005, + 0x28bc: 0x0005, 0x28bd: 0x0005, 0x28be: 0x0005, 0x28bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x28c0 + 0x28c1: 0x000c, + 0x28f8: 0x000c, 0x28f9: 0x000c, 0x28fa: 0x000c, 0x28fb: 0x000c, + 0x28fc: 0x000c, 0x28fd: 0x000c, 0x28fe: 0x000c, 0x28ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x2900 + 0x2900: 0x000c, 0x2901: 0x000c, 0x2902: 0x000c, 0x2903: 0x000c, 0x2904: 0x000c, 0x2905: 0x000c, + 0x2906: 0x000c, + 0x2912: 0x000a, 0x2913: 0x000a, 0x2914: 0x000a, 0x2915: 0x000a, 0x2916: 0x000a, 0x2917: 0x000a, + 0x2918: 0x000a, 0x2919: 0x000a, 0x291a: 0x000a, 0x291b: 0x000a, 0x291c: 0x000a, 0x291d: 0x000a, + 0x291e: 0x000a, 0x291f: 0x000a, 0x2920: 0x000a, 0x2921: 0x000a, 0x2922: 0x000a, 0x2923: 0x000a, + 0x2924: 0x000a, 0x2925: 0x000a, + 0x293f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x2940 + 0x2940: 0x000c, 0x2941: 0x000c, + 0x2973: 0x000c, 0x2974: 0x000c, 0x2975: 0x000c, + 0x2976: 0x000c, 0x2979: 0x000c, 0x297a: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x2980 + 0x2980: 0x000c, 0x2981: 0x000c, 0x2982: 0x000c, + 0x29a7: 0x000c, 0x29a8: 0x000c, 0x29a9: 0x000c, + 0x29aa: 0x000c, 0x29ab: 0x000c, 0x29ad: 0x000c, 0x29ae: 0x000c, 0x29af: 0x000c, + 0x29b0: 0x000c, 0x29b1: 0x000c, 0x29b2: 0x000c, 0x29b3: 0x000c, 0x29b4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x29c0 + 0x29f3: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x2a00 + 0x2a00: 0x000c, 0x2a01: 0x000c, + 0x2a36: 0x000c, 0x2a37: 0x000c, 0x2a38: 0x000c, 0x2a39: 0x000c, 0x2a3a: 0x000c, 0x2a3b: 0x000c, + 0x2a3c: 0x000c, 0x2a3d: 0x000c, 0x2a3e: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x2a40 + 0x2a4a: 0x000c, 0x2a4b: 0x000c, + 0x2a4c: 0x000c, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x2a80 + 0x2aaf: 0x000c, + 0x2ab0: 0x000c, 0x2ab1: 0x000c, 0x2ab4: 0x000c, + 0x2ab6: 0x000c, 0x2ab7: 0x000c, + 0x2abe: 0x000c, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x2ac0 + 0x2adf: 0x000c, 0x2ae3: 0x000c, + 0x2ae4: 0x000c, 0x2ae5: 0x000c, 0x2ae6: 0x000c, 0x2ae7: 0x000c, 0x2ae8: 0x000c, 0x2ae9: 0x000c, + 0x2aea: 0x000c, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x2b00 + 0x2b00: 0x000c, 0x2b01: 0x000c, + 0x2b3c: 0x000c, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x2b40 + 0x2b40: 0x000c, + 0x2b66: 0x000c, 0x2b67: 0x000c, 0x2b68: 0x000c, 0x2b69: 0x000c, + 0x2b6a: 0x000c, 0x2b6b: 0x000c, 0x2b6c: 0x000c, + 0x2b70: 0x000c, 0x2b71: 0x000c, 0x2b72: 0x000c, 0x2b73: 0x000c, 0x2b74: 0x000c, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x2b80 + 0x2bb8: 0x000c, 0x2bb9: 0x000c, 0x2bba: 0x000c, 0x2bbb: 0x000c, + 0x2bbc: 0x000c, 0x2bbd: 0x000c, 0x2bbe: 0x000c, 0x2bbf: 0x000c, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x2bc0 + 0x2bc2: 0x000c, 0x2bc3: 0x000c, 0x2bc4: 0x000c, + 0x2bc6: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x2c00 + 0x2c33: 0x000c, 0x2c34: 0x000c, 0x2c35: 0x000c, + 0x2c36: 0x000c, 0x2c37: 0x000c, 0x2c38: 0x000c, 0x2c3a: 0x000c, + 0x2c3f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x2c40 + 0x2c40: 0x000c, 0x2c42: 0x000c, 0x2c43: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x2c80 + 0x2cb2: 0x000c, 0x2cb3: 0x000c, 0x2cb4: 0x000c, 0x2cb5: 0x000c, + 0x2cbc: 0x000c, 0x2cbd: 0x000c, 0x2cbf: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x2cc0 + 0x2cc0: 0x000c, + 0x2cdc: 0x000c, 0x2cdd: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x2d00 + 0x2d33: 0x000c, 0x2d34: 0x000c, 0x2d35: 0x000c, + 0x2d36: 0x000c, 0x2d37: 0x000c, 0x2d38: 0x000c, 0x2d39: 0x000c, 0x2d3a: 0x000c, + 0x2d3d: 0x000c, 0x2d3f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x2d40 + 0x2d40: 0x000c, + 0x2d60: 0x000a, 0x2d61: 0x000a, 0x2d62: 0x000a, 0x2d63: 0x000a, + 0x2d64: 0x000a, 0x2d65: 0x000a, 0x2d66: 0x000a, 0x2d67: 0x000a, 0x2d68: 0x000a, 0x2d69: 0x000a, + 0x2d6a: 0x000a, 0x2d6b: 0x000a, 0x2d6c: 0x000a, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x2d80 + 0x2dab: 0x000c, 0x2dad: 0x000c, + 0x2db0: 0x000c, 0x2db1: 0x000c, 0x2db2: 0x000c, 0x2db3: 0x000c, 0x2db4: 0x000c, 0x2db5: 0x000c, + 0x2db7: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x2dc0 + 0x2ddd: 0x000c, + 0x2dde: 0x000c, 0x2ddf: 0x000c, 0x2de2: 0x000c, 0x2de3: 0x000c, + 0x2de4: 0x000c, 0x2de5: 0x000c, 0x2de7: 0x000c, 0x2de8: 0x000c, 0x2de9: 0x000c, + 0x2dea: 0x000c, 0x2deb: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x2e00 + 0x2e30: 0x000c, 0x2e31: 0x000c, 0x2e32: 0x000c, 0x2e33: 0x000c, 0x2e34: 0x000c, 0x2e35: 0x000c, + 0x2e36: 0x000c, 0x2e38: 0x000c, 0x2e39: 0x000c, 0x2e3a: 0x000c, 0x2e3b: 0x000c, + 0x2e3c: 0x000c, 0x2e3d: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x2e40 + 0x2e52: 0x000c, 0x2e53: 0x000c, 0x2e54: 0x000c, 0x2e55: 0x000c, 0x2e56: 0x000c, 0x2e57: 0x000c, + 0x2e58: 0x000c, 0x2e59: 0x000c, 0x2e5a: 0x000c, 0x2e5b: 0x000c, 0x2e5c: 0x000c, 0x2e5d: 0x000c, + 0x2e5e: 0x000c, 0x2e5f: 0x000c, 0x2e60: 0x000c, 0x2e61: 0x000c, 0x2e62: 0x000c, 0x2e63: 0x000c, + 0x2e64: 0x000c, 0x2e65: 0x000c, 0x2e66: 0x000c, 0x2e67: 0x000c, + 0x2e6a: 0x000c, 0x2e6b: 0x000c, 0x2e6c: 0x000c, 0x2e6d: 0x000c, 0x2e6e: 0x000c, 0x2e6f: 0x000c, + 0x2e70: 0x000c, 0x2e72: 0x000c, 0x2e73: 0x000c, 0x2e75: 0x000c, + 0x2e76: 0x000c, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x2e80 + 0x2eb0: 0x000c, 0x2eb1: 0x000c, 0x2eb2: 0x000c, 0x2eb3: 0x000c, 0x2eb4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x2ec0 + 0x2ef0: 0x000c, 0x2ef1: 0x000c, 0x2ef2: 0x000c, 0x2ef3: 0x000c, 0x2ef4: 0x000c, 0x2ef5: 0x000c, + 0x2ef6: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x2f00 + 0x2f0f: 0x000c, 0x2f10: 0x000c, 0x2f11: 0x000c, + 0x2f12: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x2f40 + 0x2f5d: 0x000c, + 0x2f5e: 0x000c, 0x2f60: 0x000b, 0x2f61: 0x000b, 0x2f62: 0x000b, 0x2f63: 0x000b, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x2f80 + 0x2fa7: 0x000c, 0x2fa8: 0x000c, 0x2fa9: 0x000c, + 0x2fb3: 0x000b, 0x2fb4: 0x000b, 0x2fb5: 0x000b, + 0x2fb6: 0x000b, 0x2fb7: 0x000b, 0x2fb8: 0x000b, 0x2fb9: 0x000b, 0x2fba: 0x000b, 0x2fbb: 0x000c, + 0x2fbc: 0x000c, 0x2fbd: 0x000c, 0x2fbe: 0x000c, 0x2fbf: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x2fc0 + 0x2fc0: 0x000c, 0x2fc1: 0x000c, 0x2fc2: 0x000c, 0x2fc5: 0x000c, + 0x2fc6: 0x000c, 0x2fc7: 0x000c, 0x2fc8: 0x000c, 0x2fc9: 0x000c, 0x2fca: 0x000c, 0x2fcb: 0x000c, + 0x2fea: 0x000c, 0x2feb: 0x000c, 0x2fec: 0x000c, 0x2fed: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x3000 + 0x3000: 0x000a, 0x3001: 0x000a, 0x3002: 0x000c, 0x3003: 0x000c, 0x3004: 0x000c, 0x3005: 0x000a, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x3040 + 0x3040: 0x000a, 0x3041: 0x000a, 0x3042: 0x000a, 0x3043: 0x000a, 0x3044: 0x000a, 0x3045: 0x000a, + 0x3046: 0x000a, 0x3047: 0x000a, 0x3048: 0x000a, 0x3049: 0x000a, 0x304a: 0x000a, 0x304b: 0x000a, + 0x304c: 0x000a, 0x304d: 0x000a, 0x304e: 0x000a, 0x304f: 0x000a, 0x3050: 0x000a, 0x3051: 0x000a, + 0x3052: 0x000a, 0x3053: 0x000a, 0x3054: 0x000a, 0x3055: 0x000a, 0x3056: 0x000a, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x3080 + 0x309b: 0x000a, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x30c0 + 0x30d5: 0x000a, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x3100 + 0x310f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x3140 + 0x3149: 0x000a, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x3180 + 0x3183: 0x000a, + 0x318e: 0x0002, 0x318f: 0x0002, 0x3190: 0x0002, 0x3191: 0x0002, + 0x3192: 0x0002, 0x3193: 0x0002, 0x3194: 0x0002, 0x3195: 0x0002, 0x3196: 0x0002, 0x3197: 0x0002, + 0x3198: 0x0002, 0x3199: 0x0002, 0x319a: 0x0002, 0x319b: 0x0002, 0x319c: 0x0002, 0x319d: 0x0002, + 0x319e: 0x0002, 0x319f: 0x0002, 0x31a0: 0x0002, 0x31a1: 0x0002, 0x31a2: 0x0002, 0x31a3: 0x0002, + 0x31a4: 0x0002, 0x31a5: 0x0002, 0x31a6: 0x0002, 0x31a7: 0x0002, 0x31a8: 0x0002, 0x31a9: 0x0002, + 0x31aa: 0x0002, 0x31ab: 0x0002, 0x31ac: 0x0002, 0x31ad: 0x0002, 0x31ae: 0x0002, 0x31af: 0x0002, + 0x31b0: 0x0002, 0x31b1: 0x0002, 0x31b2: 0x0002, 0x31b3: 0x0002, 0x31b4: 0x0002, 0x31b5: 0x0002, + 0x31b6: 0x0002, 0x31b7: 0x0002, 0x31b8: 0x0002, 0x31b9: 0x0002, 0x31ba: 0x0002, 0x31bb: 0x0002, + 0x31bc: 0x0002, 0x31bd: 0x0002, 0x31be: 0x0002, 0x31bf: 0x0002, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x31c0 + 0x31c0: 0x000c, 0x31c1: 0x000c, 0x31c2: 0x000c, 0x31c3: 0x000c, 0x31c4: 0x000c, 0x31c5: 0x000c, + 0x31c6: 0x000c, 0x31c7: 0x000c, 0x31c8: 0x000c, 0x31c9: 0x000c, 0x31ca: 0x000c, 0x31cb: 0x000c, + 0x31cc: 0x000c, 0x31cd: 0x000c, 0x31ce: 0x000c, 0x31cf: 0x000c, 0x31d0: 0x000c, 0x31d1: 0x000c, + 0x31d2: 0x000c, 0x31d3: 0x000c, 0x31d4: 0x000c, 0x31d5: 0x000c, 0x31d6: 0x000c, 0x31d7: 0x000c, + 0x31d8: 0x000c, 0x31d9: 0x000c, 0x31da: 0x000c, 0x31db: 0x000c, 0x31dc: 0x000c, 0x31dd: 0x000c, + 0x31de: 0x000c, 0x31df: 0x000c, 0x31e0: 0x000c, 0x31e1: 0x000c, 0x31e2: 0x000c, 0x31e3: 0x000c, + 0x31e4: 0x000c, 0x31e5: 0x000c, 0x31e6: 0x000c, 0x31e7: 0x000c, 0x31e8: 0x000c, 0x31e9: 0x000c, + 0x31ea: 0x000c, 0x31eb: 0x000c, 0x31ec: 0x000c, 0x31ed: 0x000c, 0x31ee: 0x000c, 0x31ef: 0x000c, + 0x31f0: 0x000c, 0x31f1: 0x000c, 0x31f2: 0x000c, 0x31f3: 0x000c, 0x31f4: 0x000c, 0x31f5: 0x000c, + 0x31f6: 0x000c, 0x31fb: 0x000c, + 0x31fc: 0x000c, 0x31fd: 0x000c, 0x31fe: 0x000c, 0x31ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x3200 + 0x3200: 0x000c, 0x3201: 0x000c, 0x3202: 0x000c, 0x3203: 0x000c, 0x3204: 0x000c, 0x3205: 0x000c, + 0x3206: 0x000c, 0x3207: 0x000c, 0x3208: 0x000c, 0x3209: 0x000c, 0x320a: 0x000c, 0x320b: 0x000c, + 0x320c: 0x000c, 0x320d: 0x000c, 0x320e: 0x000c, 0x320f: 0x000c, 0x3210: 0x000c, 0x3211: 0x000c, + 0x3212: 0x000c, 0x3213: 0x000c, 0x3214: 0x000c, 0x3215: 0x000c, 0x3216: 0x000c, 0x3217: 0x000c, + 0x3218: 0x000c, 0x3219: 0x000c, 0x321a: 0x000c, 0x321b: 0x000c, 0x321c: 0x000c, 0x321d: 0x000c, + 0x321e: 0x000c, 0x321f: 0x000c, 0x3220: 0x000c, 0x3221: 0x000c, 0x3222: 0x000c, 0x3223: 0x000c, + 0x3224: 0x000c, 0x3225: 0x000c, 0x3226: 0x000c, 0x3227: 0x000c, 0x3228: 0x000c, 0x3229: 0x000c, + 0x322a: 0x000c, 0x322b: 0x000c, 0x322c: 0x000c, + 0x3235: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x3240 + 0x3244: 0x000c, + 0x325b: 0x000c, 0x325c: 0x000c, 0x325d: 0x000c, + 0x325e: 0x000c, 0x325f: 0x000c, 0x3261: 0x000c, 0x3262: 0x000c, 0x3263: 0x000c, + 0x3264: 0x000c, 0x3265: 0x000c, 0x3266: 0x000c, 0x3267: 0x000c, 0x3268: 0x000c, 0x3269: 0x000c, + 0x326a: 0x000c, 0x326b: 0x000c, 0x326c: 0x000c, 0x326d: 0x000c, 0x326e: 0x000c, 0x326f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x3280 + 0x3280: 0x000c, 0x3281: 0x000c, 0x3282: 0x000c, 0x3283: 0x000c, 0x3284: 0x000c, 0x3285: 0x000c, + 0x3286: 0x000c, 0x3288: 0x000c, 0x3289: 0x000c, 0x328a: 0x000c, 0x328b: 0x000c, + 0x328c: 0x000c, 0x328d: 0x000c, 0x328e: 0x000c, 0x328f: 0x000c, 0x3290: 0x000c, 0x3291: 0x000c, + 0x3292: 0x000c, 0x3293: 0x000c, 0x3294: 0x000c, 0x3295: 0x000c, 0x3296: 0x000c, 0x3297: 0x000c, + 0x3298: 0x000c, 0x329b: 0x000c, 0x329c: 0x000c, 0x329d: 0x000c, + 0x329e: 0x000c, 0x329f: 0x000c, 0x32a0: 0x000c, 0x32a1: 0x000c, 0x32a3: 0x000c, + 0x32a4: 0x000c, 0x32a6: 0x000c, 0x32a7: 0x000c, 0x32a8: 0x000c, 0x32a9: 0x000c, + 0x32aa: 0x000c, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x32c0 + 0x32c0: 0x0001, 0x32c1: 0x0001, 0x32c2: 0x0001, 0x32c3: 0x0001, 0x32c4: 0x0001, 0x32c5: 0x0001, + 0x32c6: 0x0001, 0x32c7: 0x0001, 0x32c8: 0x0001, 0x32c9: 0x0001, 0x32ca: 0x0001, 0x32cb: 0x0001, + 0x32cc: 0x0001, 0x32cd: 0x0001, 0x32ce: 0x0001, 0x32cf: 0x0001, 0x32d0: 0x000c, 0x32d1: 0x000c, + 0x32d2: 0x000c, 0x32d3: 0x000c, 0x32d4: 0x000c, 0x32d5: 0x000c, 0x32d6: 0x000c, 0x32d7: 0x0001, + 0x32d8: 0x0001, 0x32d9: 0x0001, 0x32da: 0x0001, 0x32db: 0x0001, 0x32dc: 0x0001, 0x32dd: 0x0001, + 0x32de: 0x0001, 0x32df: 0x0001, 0x32e0: 0x0001, 0x32e1: 0x0001, 0x32e2: 0x0001, 0x32e3: 0x0001, + 0x32e4: 0x0001, 0x32e5: 0x0001, 0x32e6: 0x0001, 0x32e7: 0x0001, 0x32e8: 0x0001, 0x32e9: 0x0001, + 0x32ea: 0x0001, 0x32eb: 0x0001, 0x32ec: 0x0001, 0x32ed: 0x0001, 0x32ee: 0x0001, 0x32ef: 0x0001, + 0x32f0: 0x0001, 0x32f1: 0x0001, 0x32f2: 0x0001, 0x32f3: 0x0001, 0x32f4: 0x0001, 0x32f5: 0x0001, + 0x32f6: 0x0001, 0x32f7: 0x0001, 0x32f8: 0x0001, 0x32f9: 0x0001, 0x32fa: 0x0001, 0x32fb: 0x0001, + 0x32fc: 0x0001, 0x32fd: 0x0001, 0x32fe: 0x0001, 0x32ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x3300 + 0x3300: 0x0001, 0x3301: 0x0001, 0x3302: 0x0001, 0x3303: 0x0001, 0x3304: 0x000c, 0x3305: 0x000c, + 0x3306: 0x000c, 0x3307: 0x000c, 0x3308: 0x000c, 0x3309: 0x000c, 0x330a: 0x000c, 0x330b: 0x0001, + 0x330c: 0x0001, 0x330d: 0x0001, 0x330e: 0x0001, 0x330f: 0x0001, 0x3310: 0x0001, 0x3311: 0x0001, + 0x3312: 0x0001, 0x3313: 0x0001, 0x3314: 0x0001, 0x3315: 0x0001, 0x3316: 0x0001, 0x3317: 0x0001, + 0x3318: 0x0001, 0x3319: 0x0001, 0x331a: 0x0001, 0x331b: 0x0001, 0x331c: 0x0001, 0x331d: 0x0001, + 0x331e: 0x0001, 0x331f: 0x0001, 0x3320: 0x0001, 0x3321: 0x0001, 0x3322: 0x0001, 0x3323: 0x0001, + 0x3324: 0x0001, 0x3325: 0x0001, 0x3326: 0x0001, 0x3327: 0x0001, 0x3328: 0x0001, 0x3329: 0x0001, + 0x332a: 0x0001, 0x332b: 0x0001, 0x332c: 0x0001, 0x332d: 0x0001, 0x332e: 0x0001, 0x332f: 0x0001, + 0x3330: 0x0001, 0x3331: 0x0001, 0x3332: 0x0001, 0x3333: 0x0001, 0x3334: 0x0001, 0x3335: 0x0001, + 0x3336: 0x0001, 0x3337: 0x0001, 0x3338: 0x0001, 0x3339: 0x0001, 0x333a: 0x0001, 0x333b: 0x0001, + 0x333c: 0x0001, 0x333d: 0x0001, 0x333e: 0x0001, 0x333f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x3340 + 0x3340: 0x000d, 0x3341: 0x000d, 0x3342: 0x000d, 0x3343: 0x000d, 0x3344: 0x000d, 0x3345: 0x000d, + 0x3346: 0x000d, 0x3347: 0x000d, 0x3348: 0x000d, 0x3349: 0x000d, 0x334a: 0x000d, 0x334b: 0x000d, + 0x334c: 0x000d, 0x334d: 0x000d, 0x334e: 0x000d, 0x334f: 0x000d, 0x3350: 0x000d, 0x3351: 0x000d, + 0x3352: 0x000d, 0x3353: 0x000d, 0x3354: 0x000d, 0x3355: 0x000d, 0x3356: 0x000d, 0x3357: 0x000d, + 0x3358: 0x000d, 0x3359: 0x000d, 0x335a: 0x000d, 0x335b: 0x000d, 0x335c: 0x000d, 0x335d: 0x000d, + 0x335e: 0x000d, 0x335f: 0x000d, 0x3360: 0x000d, 0x3361: 0x000d, 0x3362: 0x000d, 0x3363: 0x000d, + 0x3364: 0x000d, 0x3365: 0x000d, 0x3366: 0x000d, 0x3367: 0x000d, 0x3368: 0x000d, 0x3369: 0x000d, + 0x336a: 0x000d, 0x336b: 0x000d, 0x336c: 0x000d, 0x336d: 0x000d, 0x336e: 0x000d, 0x336f: 0x000d, + 0x3370: 0x000a, 0x3371: 0x000a, 0x3372: 0x000d, 0x3373: 0x000d, 0x3374: 0x000d, 0x3375: 0x000d, + 0x3376: 0x000d, 0x3377: 0x000d, 0x3378: 0x000d, 0x3379: 0x000d, 0x337a: 0x000d, 0x337b: 0x000d, + 0x337c: 0x000d, 0x337d: 0x000d, 0x337e: 0x000d, 0x337f: 0x000d, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x3380 + 0x3380: 0x000a, 0x3381: 0x000a, 0x3382: 0x000a, 0x3383: 0x000a, 0x3384: 0x000a, 0x3385: 0x000a, + 0x3386: 0x000a, 0x3387: 0x000a, 0x3388: 0x000a, 0x3389: 0x000a, 0x338a: 0x000a, 0x338b: 0x000a, + 0x338c: 0x000a, 0x338d: 0x000a, 0x338e: 0x000a, 0x338f: 0x000a, 0x3390: 0x000a, 0x3391: 0x000a, + 0x3392: 0x000a, 0x3393: 0x000a, 0x3394: 0x000a, 0x3395: 0x000a, 0x3396: 0x000a, 0x3397: 0x000a, + 0x3398: 0x000a, 0x3399: 0x000a, 0x339a: 0x000a, 0x339b: 0x000a, 0x339c: 0x000a, 0x339d: 0x000a, + 0x339e: 0x000a, 0x339f: 0x000a, 0x33a0: 0x000a, 0x33a1: 0x000a, 0x33a2: 0x000a, 0x33a3: 0x000a, + 0x33a4: 0x000a, 0x33a5: 0x000a, 0x33a6: 0x000a, 0x33a7: 0x000a, 0x33a8: 0x000a, 0x33a9: 0x000a, + 0x33aa: 0x000a, 0x33ab: 0x000a, + 0x33b0: 0x000a, 0x33b1: 0x000a, 0x33b2: 0x000a, 0x33b3: 0x000a, 0x33b4: 0x000a, 0x33b5: 0x000a, + 0x33b6: 0x000a, 0x33b7: 0x000a, 0x33b8: 0x000a, 0x33b9: 0x000a, 0x33ba: 0x000a, 0x33bb: 0x000a, + 0x33bc: 0x000a, 0x33bd: 0x000a, 0x33be: 0x000a, 0x33bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x33c0 + 0x33c0: 0x000a, 0x33c1: 0x000a, 0x33c2: 0x000a, 0x33c3: 0x000a, 0x33c4: 0x000a, 0x33c5: 0x000a, + 0x33c6: 0x000a, 0x33c7: 0x000a, 0x33c8: 0x000a, 0x33c9: 0x000a, 0x33ca: 0x000a, 0x33cb: 0x000a, + 0x33cc: 0x000a, 0x33cd: 0x000a, 0x33ce: 0x000a, 0x33cf: 0x000a, 0x33d0: 0x000a, 0x33d1: 0x000a, + 0x33d2: 0x000a, 0x33d3: 0x000a, + 0x33e0: 0x000a, 0x33e1: 0x000a, 0x33e2: 0x000a, 0x33e3: 0x000a, + 0x33e4: 0x000a, 0x33e5: 0x000a, 0x33e6: 0x000a, 0x33e7: 0x000a, 0x33e8: 0x000a, 0x33e9: 0x000a, + 0x33ea: 0x000a, 0x33eb: 0x000a, 0x33ec: 0x000a, 0x33ed: 0x000a, 0x33ee: 0x000a, + 0x33f1: 0x000a, 0x33f2: 0x000a, 0x33f3: 0x000a, 0x33f4: 0x000a, 0x33f5: 0x000a, + 0x33f6: 0x000a, 0x33f7: 0x000a, 0x33f8: 0x000a, 0x33f9: 0x000a, 0x33fa: 0x000a, 0x33fb: 0x000a, + 0x33fc: 0x000a, 0x33fd: 0x000a, 0x33fe: 0x000a, 0x33ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x3400 + 0x3401: 0x000a, 0x3402: 0x000a, 0x3403: 0x000a, 0x3404: 0x000a, 0x3405: 0x000a, + 0x3406: 0x000a, 0x3407: 0x000a, 0x3408: 0x000a, 0x3409: 0x000a, 0x340a: 0x000a, 0x340b: 0x000a, + 0x340c: 0x000a, 0x340d: 0x000a, 0x340e: 0x000a, 0x340f: 0x000a, 0x3411: 0x000a, + 0x3412: 0x000a, 0x3413: 0x000a, 0x3414: 0x000a, 0x3415: 0x000a, 0x3416: 0x000a, 0x3417: 0x000a, + 0x3418: 0x000a, 0x3419: 0x000a, 0x341a: 0x000a, 0x341b: 0x000a, 0x341c: 0x000a, 0x341d: 0x000a, + 0x341e: 0x000a, 0x341f: 0x000a, 0x3420: 0x000a, 0x3421: 0x000a, 0x3422: 0x000a, 0x3423: 0x000a, + 0x3424: 0x000a, 0x3425: 0x000a, 0x3426: 0x000a, 0x3427: 0x000a, 0x3428: 0x000a, 0x3429: 0x000a, + 0x342a: 0x000a, 0x342b: 0x000a, 0x342c: 0x000a, 0x342d: 0x000a, 0x342e: 0x000a, 0x342f: 0x000a, + 0x3430: 0x000a, 0x3431: 0x000a, 0x3432: 0x000a, 0x3433: 0x000a, 0x3434: 0x000a, 0x3435: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x3440 + 0x3440: 0x0002, 0x3441: 0x0002, 0x3442: 0x0002, 0x3443: 0x0002, 0x3444: 0x0002, 0x3445: 0x0002, + 0x3446: 0x0002, 0x3447: 0x0002, 0x3448: 0x0002, 0x3449: 0x0002, 0x344a: 0x0002, 0x344b: 0x000a, + 0x344c: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x3480 + 0x34aa: 0x000a, 0x34ab: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x34c0 + 0x34c0: 0x000a, 0x34c1: 0x000a, 0x34c2: 0x000a, 0x34c3: 0x000a, 0x34c4: 0x000a, 0x34c5: 0x000a, + 0x34c6: 0x000a, 0x34c7: 0x000a, 0x34c8: 0x000a, 0x34c9: 0x000a, 0x34ca: 0x000a, 0x34cb: 0x000a, + 0x34cc: 0x000a, 0x34cd: 0x000a, 0x34ce: 0x000a, 0x34cf: 0x000a, 0x34d0: 0x000a, 0x34d1: 0x000a, + 0x34d2: 0x000a, + 0x34e0: 0x000a, 0x34e1: 0x000a, 0x34e2: 0x000a, 0x34e3: 0x000a, + 0x34e4: 0x000a, 0x34e5: 0x000a, 0x34e6: 0x000a, 0x34e7: 0x000a, 0x34e8: 0x000a, 0x34e9: 0x000a, + 0x34ea: 0x000a, 0x34eb: 0x000a, 0x34ec: 0x000a, + 0x34f0: 0x000a, 0x34f1: 0x000a, 0x34f2: 0x000a, 0x34f3: 0x000a, 0x34f4: 0x000a, 0x34f5: 0x000a, + 0x34f6: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x3500 + 0x3500: 0x000a, 0x3501: 0x000a, 0x3502: 0x000a, 0x3503: 0x000a, 0x3504: 0x000a, 0x3505: 0x000a, + 0x3506: 0x000a, 0x3507: 0x000a, 0x3508: 0x000a, 0x3509: 0x000a, 0x350a: 0x000a, 0x350b: 0x000a, + 0x350c: 0x000a, 0x350d: 0x000a, 0x350e: 0x000a, 0x350f: 0x000a, 0x3510: 0x000a, 0x3511: 0x000a, + 0x3512: 0x000a, 0x3513: 0x000a, 0x3514: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x3540 + 0x3540: 0x000a, 0x3541: 0x000a, 0x3542: 0x000a, 0x3543: 0x000a, 0x3544: 0x000a, 0x3545: 0x000a, + 0x3546: 0x000a, 0x3547: 0x000a, 0x3548: 0x000a, 0x3549: 0x000a, 0x354a: 0x000a, 0x354b: 0x000a, + 0x3550: 0x000a, 0x3551: 0x000a, + 0x3552: 0x000a, 0x3553: 0x000a, 0x3554: 0x000a, 0x3555: 0x000a, 0x3556: 0x000a, 0x3557: 0x000a, + 0x3558: 0x000a, 0x3559: 0x000a, 0x355a: 0x000a, 0x355b: 0x000a, 0x355c: 0x000a, 0x355d: 0x000a, + 0x355e: 0x000a, 0x355f: 0x000a, 0x3560: 0x000a, 0x3561: 0x000a, 0x3562: 0x000a, 0x3563: 0x000a, + 0x3564: 0x000a, 0x3565: 0x000a, 0x3566: 0x000a, 0x3567: 0x000a, 0x3568: 0x000a, 0x3569: 0x000a, + 0x356a: 0x000a, 0x356b: 0x000a, 0x356c: 0x000a, 0x356d: 0x000a, 0x356e: 0x000a, 0x356f: 0x000a, + 0x3570: 0x000a, 0x3571: 0x000a, 0x3572: 0x000a, 0x3573: 0x000a, 0x3574: 0x000a, 0x3575: 0x000a, + 0x3576: 0x000a, 0x3577: 0x000a, 0x3578: 0x000a, 0x3579: 0x000a, 0x357a: 0x000a, 0x357b: 0x000a, + 0x357c: 0x000a, 0x357d: 0x000a, 0x357e: 0x000a, 0x357f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x3580 + 0x3580: 0x000a, 0x3581: 0x000a, 0x3582: 0x000a, 0x3583: 0x000a, 0x3584: 0x000a, 0x3585: 0x000a, + 0x3586: 0x000a, 0x3587: 0x000a, + 0x3590: 0x000a, 0x3591: 0x000a, + 0x3592: 0x000a, 0x3593: 0x000a, 0x3594: 0x000a, 0x3595: 0x000a, 0x3596: 0x000a, 0x3597: 0x000a, + 0x3598: 0x000a, 0x3599: 0x000a, + 0x35a0: 0x000a, 0x35a1: 0x000a, 0x35a2: 0x000a, 0x35a3: 0x000a, + 0x35a4: 0x000a, 0x35a5: 0x000a, 0x35a6: 0x000a, 0x35a7: 0x000a, 0x35a8: 0x000a, 0x35a9: 0x000a, + 0x35aa: 0x000a, 0x35ab: 0x000a, 0x35ac: 0x000a, 0x35ad: 0x000a, 0x35ae: 0x000a, 0x35af: 0x000a, + 0x35b0: 0x000a, 0x35b1: 0x000a, 0x35b2: 0x000a, 0x35b3: 0x000a, 0x35b4: 0x000a, 0x35b5: 0x000a, + 0x35b6: 0x000a, 0x35b7: 0x000a, 0x35b8: 0x000a, 0x35b9: 0x000a, 0x35ba: 0x000a, 0x35bb: 0x000a, + 0x35bc: 0x000a, 0x35bd: 0x000a, 0x35be: 0x000a, 0x35bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x35c0 + 0x35c0: 0x000a, 0x35c1: 0x000a, 0x35c2: 0x000a, 0x35c3: 0x000a, 0x35c4: 0x000a, 0x35c5: 0x000a, + 0x35c6: 0x000a, 0x35c7: 0x000a, + 0x35d0: 0x000a, 0x35d1: 0x000a, + 0x35d2: 0x000a, 0x35d3: 0x000a, 0x35d4: 0x000a, 0x35d5: 0x000a, 0x35d6: 0x000a, 0x35d7: 0x000a, + 0x35d8: 0x000a, 0x35d9: 0x000a, 0x35da: 0x000a, 0x35db: 0x000a, 0x35dc: 0x000a, 0x35dd: 0x000a, + 0x35de: 0x000a, 0x35df: 0x000a, 0x35e0: 0x000a, 0x35e1: 0x000a, 0x35e2: 0x000a, 0x35e3: 0x000a, + 0x35e4: 0x000a, 0x35e5: 0x000a, 0x35e6: 0x000a, 0x35e7: 0x000a, 0x35e8: 0x000a, 0x35e9: 0x000a, + 0x35ea: 0x000a, 0x35eb: 0x000a, 0x35ec: 0x000a, 0x35ed: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x3600 + 0x3610: 0x000a, 0x3611: 0x000a, + 0x3612: 0x000a, 0x3613: 0x000a, 0x3614: 0x000a, 0x3615: 0x000a, 0x3616: 0x000a, 0x3617: 0x000a, + 0x3618: 0x000a, 0x3619: 0x000a, 0x361a: 0x000a, 0x361b: 0x000a, 0x361c: 0x000a, 0x361d: 0x000a, + 0x361e: 0x000a, 0x3620: 0x000a, 0x3621: 0x000a, 0x3622: 0x000a, 0x3623: 0x000a, + 0x3624: 0x000a, 0x3625: 0x000a, 0x3626: 0x000a, 0x3627: 0x000a, + 0x3630: 0x000a, 0x3633: 0x000a, 0x3634: 0x000a, 0x3635: 0x000a, + 0x3636: 0x000a, 0x3637: 0x000a, 0x3638: 0x000a, 0x3639: 0x000a, 0x363a: 0x000a, 0x363b: 0x000a, + 0x363c: 0x000a, 0x363d: 0x000a, 0x363e: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x3640 + 0x3640: 0x000a, 0x3641: 0x000a, 0x3642: 0x000a, 0x3643: 0x000a, 0x3644: 0x000a, 0x3645: 0x000a, + 0x3646: 0x000a, 0x3647: 0x000a, 0x3648: 0x000a, 0x3649: 0x000a, 0x364a: 0x000a, 0x364b: 0x000a, + 0x3650: 0x000a, 0x3651: 0x000a, + 0x3652: 0x000a, 0x3653: 0x000a, 0x3654: 0x000a, 0x3655: 0x000a, 0x3656: 0x000a, 0x3657: 0x000a, + 0x3658: 0x000a, 0x3659: 0x000a, 0x365a: 0x000a, 0x365b: 0x000a, 0x365c: 0x000a, 0x365d: 0x000a, + 0x365e: 0x000a, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x3680 + 0x3680: 0x000a, 0x3681: 0x000a, 0x3682: 0x000a, 0x3683: 0x000a, 0x3684: 0x000a, 0x3685: 0x000a, + 0x3686: 0x000a, 0x3687: 0x000a, 0x3688: 0x000a, 0x3689: 0x000a, 0x368a: 0x000a, 0x368b: 0x000a, + 0x368c: 0x000a, 0x368d: 0x000a, 0x368e: 0x000a, 0x368f: 0x000a, 0x3690: 0x000a, 0x3691: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x36c0 + 0x36fe: 0x000b, 0x36ff: 0x000b, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x3700 + 0x3700: 0x000b, 0x3701: 0x000b, 0x3702: 0x000b, 0x3703: 0x000b, 0x3704: 0x000b, 0x3705: 0x000b, + 0x3706: 0x000b, 0x3707: 0x000b, 0x3708: 0x000b, 0x3709: 0x000b, 0x370a: 0x000b, 0x370b: 0x000b, + 0x370c: 0x000b, 0x370d: 0x000b, 0x370e: 0x000b, 0x370f: 0x000b, 0x3710: 0x000b, 0x3711: 0x000b, + 0x3712: 0x000b, 0x3713: 0x000b, 0x3714: 0x000b, 0x3715: 0x000b, 0x3716: 0x000b, 0x3717: 0x000b, + 0x3718: 0x000b, 0x3719: 0x000b, 0x371a: 0x000b, 0x371b: 0x000b, 0x371c: 0x000b, 0x371d: 0x000b, + 0x371e: 0x000b, 0x371f: 0x000b, 0x3720: 0x000b, 0x3721: 0x000b, 0x3722: 0x000b, 0x3723: 0x000b, + 0x3724: 0x000b, 0x3725: 0x000b, 0x3726: 0x000b, 0x3727: 0x000b, 0x3728: 0x000b, 0x3729: 0x000b, + 0x372a: 0x000b, 0x372b: 0x000b, 0x372c: 0x000b, 0x372d: 0x000b, 0x372e: 0x000b, 0x372f: 0x000b, + 0x3730: 0x000b, 0x3731: 0x000b, 0x3732: 0x000b, 0x3733: 0x000b, 0x3734: 0x000b, 0x3735: 0x000b, + 0x3736: 0x000b, 0x3737: 0x000b, 0x3738: 0x000b, 0x3739: 0x000b, 0x373a: 0x000b, 0x373b: 0x000b, + 0x373c: 0x000b, 0x373d: 0x000b, 0x373e: 0x000b, 0x373f: 0x000b, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x3740 + 0x3740: 0x000c, 0x3741: 0x000c, 0x3742: 0x000c, 0x3743: 0x000c, 0x3744: 0x000c, 0x3745: 0x000c, + 0x3746: 0x000c, 0x3747: 0x000c, 0x3748: 0x000c, 0x3749: 0x000c, 0x374a: 0x000c, 0x374b: 0x000c, + 0x374c: 0x000c, 0x374d: 0x000c, 0x374e: 0x000c, 0x374f: 0x000c, 0x3750: 0x000c, 0x3751: 0x000c, + 0x3752: 0x000c, 0x3753: 0x000c, 0x3754: 0x000c, 0x3755: 0x000c, 0x3756: 0x000c, 0x3757: 0x000c, + 0x3758: 0x000c, 0x3759: 0x000c, 0x375a: 0x000c, 0x375b: 0x000c, 0x375c: 0x000c, 0x375d: 0x000c, + 0x375e: 0x000c, 0x375f: 0x000c, 0x3760: 0x000c, 0x3761: 0x000c, 0x3762: 0x000c, 0x3763: 0x000c, + 0x3764: 0x000c, 0x3765: 0x000c, 0x3766: 0x000c, 0x3767: 0x000c, 0x3768: 0x000c, 0x3769: 0x000c, + 0x376a: 0x000c, 0x376b: 0x000c, 0x376c: 0x000c, 0x376d: 0x000c, 0x376e: 0x000c, 0x376f: 0x000c, + 0x3770: 0x000b, 0x3771: 0x000b, 0x3772: 0x000b, 0x3773: 0x000b, 0x3774: 0x000b, 0x3775: 0x000b, + 0x3776: 0x000b, 0x3777: 0x000b, 0x3778: 0x000b, 0x3779: 0x000b, 0x377a: 0x000b, 0x377b: 0x000b, + 0x377c: 0x000b, 0x377d: 0x000b, 0x377e: 0x000b, 0x377f: 0x000b, +} + +// bidiIndex: 24 blocks, 1536 entries, 1536 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var bidiIndex = [1536]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, + 0xca: 0x03, 0xcb: 0x04, 0xcc: 0x05, 0xcd: 0x06, 0xce: 0x07, 0xcf: 0x08, + 0xd2: 0x09, 0xd6: 0x0a, 0xd7: 0x0b, + 0xd8: 0x0c, 0xd9: 0x0d, 0xda: 0x0e, 0xdb: 0x0f, 0xdc: 0x10, 0xdd: 0x11, 0xde: 0x12, 0xdf: 0x13, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, 0xe4: 0x06, + 0xea: 0x07, 0xef: 0x08, + 0xf0: 0x11, 0xf1: 0x12, 0xf2: 0x12, 0xf3: 0x14, 0xf4: 0x15, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x14, 0x121: 0x15, 0x122: 0x16, 0x123: 0x17, 0x124: 0x18, 0x125: 0x19, 0x126: 0x1a, 0x127: 0x1b, + 0x128: 0x1c, 0x129: 0x1d, 0x12a: 0x1c, 0x12b: 0x1e, 0x12c: 0x1f, 0x12d: 0x20, 0x12e: 0x21, 0x12f: 0x22, + 0x130: 0x23, 0x131: 0x24, 0x132: 0x1a, 0x133: 0x25, 0x134: 0x26, 0x135: 0x27, 0x137: 0x28, + 0x138: 0x29, 0x139: 0x2a, 0x13a: 0x2b, 0x13b: 0x2c, 0x13c: 0x2d, 0x13d: 0x2e, 0x13e: 0x2f, 0x13f: 0x30, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x31, 0x141: 0x32, 0x142: 0x33, + 0x14d: 0x34, 0x14e: 0x35, + 0x150: 0x36, + 0x15a: 0x37, 0x15c: 0x38, 0x15d: 0x39, 0x15e: 0x3a, 0x15f: 0x3b, + 0x160: 0x3c, 0x162: 0x3d, 0x164: 0x3e, 0x165: 0x3f, 0x167: 0x40, + 0x168: 0x41, 0x169: 0x42, 0x16a: 0x43, 0x16c: 0x44, 0x16d: 0x45, 0x16e: 0x46, 0x16f: 0x47, + 0x170: 0x48, 0x173: 0x49, 0x177: 0x4a, + 0x17e: 0x4b, 0x17f: 0x4c, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x4d, 0x181: 0x4e, 0x182: 0x4f, 0x183: 0x50, 0x184: 0x51, 0x185: 0x52, 0x186: 0x53, 0x187: 0x54, + 0x188: 0x55, 0x189: 0x54, 0x18a: 0x54, 0x18b: 0x54, 0x18c: 0x56, 0x18d: 0x57, 0x18e: 0x58, 0x18f: 0x59, + 0x190: 0x5a, 0x191: 0x5b, 0x192: 0x5c, 0x193: 0x5d, 0x194: 0x54, 0x195: 0x54, 0x196: 0x54, 0x197: 0x54, + 0x198: 0x54, 0x199: 0x54, 0x19a: 0x5e, 0x19b: 0x54, 0x19c: 0x54, 0x19d: 0x5f, 0x19e: 0x54, 0x19f: 0x60, + 0x1a4: 0x54, 0x1a5: 0x54, 0x1a6: 0x61, 0x1a7: 0x62, + 0x1a8: 0x54, 0x1a9: 0x54, 0x1aa: 0x54, 0x1ab: 0x54, 0x1ac: 0x54, 0x1ad: 0x63, 0x1ae: 0x64, 0x1af: 0x65, + 0x1b3: 0x66, 0x1b5: 0x67, 0x1b7: 0x68, + 0x1b8: 0x69, 0x1b9: 0x6a, 0x1ba: 0x6b, 0x1bb: 0x6c, 0x1bc: 0x54, 0x1bd: 0x54, 0x1be: 0x54, 0x1bf: 0x6d, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x6e, 0x1c2: 0x6f, 0x1c3: 0x70, 0x1c7: 0x71, + 0x1c8: 0x72, 0x1c9: 0x73, 0x1ca: 0x74, 0x1cb: 0x75, 0x1cd: 0x76, 0x1cf: 0x77, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x237: 0x54, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x252: 0x78, 0x253: 0x79, + 0x258: 0x7a, 0x259: 0x7b, 0x25a: 0x7c, 0x25b: 0x7d, 0x25c: 0x7e, 0x25e: 0x7f, + 0x260: 0x80, 0x261: 0x81, 0x263: 0x82, 0x264: 0x83, 0x265: 0x84, 0x266: 0x85, 0x267: 0x86, + 0x268: 0x87, 0x269: 0x88, 0x26a: 0x89, 0x26b: 0x8a, 0x26f: 0x8b, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x2ac: 0x8c, 0x2ad: 0x8d, 0x2ae: 0x0e, 0x2af: 0x0e, + 0x2b0: 0x0e, 0x2b1: 0x0e, 0x2b2: 0x0e, 0x2b3: 0x0e, 0x2b4: 0x8e, 0x2b5: 0x0e, 0x2b6: 0x0e, 0x2b7: 0x8f, + 0x2b8: 0x90, 0x2b9: 0x91, 0x2ba: 0x0e, 0x2bb: 0x92, 0x2bc: 0x93, 0x2bd: 0x94, 0x2bf: 0x95, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c4: 0x96, 0x2c5: 0x54, 0x2c6: 0x97, 0x2c7: 0x98, + 0x2cb: 0x99, 0x2cd: 0x9a, + 0x2e0: 0x9b, 0x2e1: 0x9b, 0x2e2: 0x9b, 0x2e3: 0x9b, 0x2e4: 0x9c, 0x2e5: 0x9b, 0x2e6: 0x9b, 0x2e7: 0x9b, + 0x2e8: 0x9d, 0x2e9: 0x9b, 0x2ea: 0x9b, 0x2eb: 0x9e, 0x2ec: 0x9f, 0x2ed: 0x9b, 0x2ee: 0x9b, 0x2ef: 0x9b, + 0x2f0: 0x9b, 0x2f1: 0x9b, 0x2f2: 0x9b, 0x2f3: 0x9b, 0x2f4: 0x9b, 0x2f5: 0x9b, 0x2f6: 0x9b, 0x2f7: 0x9b, + 0x2f8: 0x9b, 0x2f9: 0xa0, 0x2fa: 0x9b, 0x2fb: 0x9b, 0x2fc: 0x9b, 0x2fd: 0x9b, 0x2fe: 0x9b, 0x2ff: 0x9b, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0xa1, 0x301: 0xa2, 0x302: 0xa3, 0x304: 0xa4, 0x305: 0xa5, 0x306: 0xa6, 0x307: 0xa7, + 0x308: 0xa8, 0x30b: 0xa9, 0x30c: 0xaa, 0x30d: 0xab, + 0x310: 0xac, 0x311: 0xad, 0x312: 0xae, 0x313: 0xaf, 0x316: 0xb0, 0x317: 0xb1, + 0x318: 0xb2, 0x319: 0xb3, 0x31a: 0xb4, 0x31c: 0xb5, + 0x330: 0xb6, 0x332: 0xb7, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x36b: 0xb8, 0x36c: 0xb9, + 0x37e: 0xba, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x3b2: 0xbb, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c5: 0xbc, 0x3c6: 0xbd, + 0x3c8: 0x54, 0x3c9: 0xbe, 0x3cc: 0x54, 0x3cd: 0xbf, + 0x3db: 0xc0, 0x3dc: 0xc1, 0x3dd: 0xc2, 0x3de: 0xc3, 0x3df: 0xc4, + 0x3e8: 0xc5, 0x3e9: 0xc6, 0x3ea: 0xc7, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0xc8, + 0x420: 0x9b, 0x421: 0x9b, 0x422: 0x9b, 0x423: 0xc9, 0x424: 0x9b, 0x425: 0xca, 0x426: 0x9b, 0x427: 0x9b, + 0x428: 0x9b, 0x429: 0x9b, 0x42a: 0x9b, 0x42b: 0x9b, 0x42c: 0x9b, 0x42d: 0x9b, 0x42e: 0x9b, 0x42f: 0x9b, + 0x430: 0x9b, 0x431: 0x9b, 0x432: 0x9b, 0x433: 0x9b, 0x434: 0x9b, 0x435: 0x9b, 0x436: 0x9b, 0x437: 0x9b, + 0x438: 0x0e, 0x439: 0x0e, 0x43a: 0x0e, 0x43b: 0xcb, 0x43c: 0x9b, 0x43d: 0x9b, 0x43e: 0x9b, 0x43f: 0x9b, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0xcc, 0x441: 0x54, 0x442: 0xcd, 0x443: 0xce, 0x444: 0xcf, 0x445: 0xd0, + 0x44c: 0x54, 0x44d: 0x54, 0x44e: 0x54, 0x44f: 0x54, + 0x450: 0x54, 0x451: 0x54, 0x452: 0x54, 0x453: 0x54, 0x454: 0x54, 0x455: 0x54, 0x456: 0x54, 0x457: 0x54, + 0x458: 0x54, 0x459: 0x54, 0x45a: 0x54, 0x45b: 0xd1, 0x45c: 0x54, 0x45d: 0x6c, 0x45e: 0x54, 0x45f: 0xd2, + 0x460: 0xd3, 0x461: 0xd4, 0x462: 0xd5, 0x464: 0xd6, 0x465: 0xd7, 0x466: 0xd8, 0x467: 0x36, + 0x47f: 0xd9, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x4bf: 0xd9, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4d0: 0x09, 0x4d1: 0x0a, 0x4d6: 0x0b, + 0x4db: 0x0c, 0x4dd: 0x0d, 0x4de: 0x0e, 0x4df: 0x0f, + 0x4ef: 0x10, + 0x4ff: 0x10, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x50f: 0x10, + 0x51f: 0x10, + 0x52f: 0x10, + 0x53f: 0x10, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0xda, 0x541: 0xda, 0x542: 0xda, 0x543: 0xda, 0x544: 0x05, 0x545: 0x05, 0x546: 0x05, 0x547: 0xdb, + 0x548: 0xda, 0x549: 0xda, 0x54a: 0xda, 0x54b: 0xda, 0x54c: 0xda, 0x54d: 0xda, 0x54e: 0xda, 0x54f: 0xda, + 0x550: 0xda, 0x551: 0xda, 0x552: 0xda, 0x553: 0xda, 0x554: 0xda, 0x555: 0xda, 0x556: 0xda, 0x557: 0xda, + 0x558: 0xda, 0x559: 0xda, 0x55a: 0xda, 0x55b: 0xda, 0x55c: 0xda, 0x55d: 0xda, 0x55e: 0xda, 0x55f: 0xda, + 0x560: 0xda, 0x561: 0xda, 0x562: 0xda, 0x563: 0xda, 0x564: 0xda, 0x565: 0xda, 0x566: 0xda, 0x567: 0xda, + 0x568: 0xda, 0x569: 0xda, 0x56a: 0xda, 0x56b: 0xda, 0x56c: 0xda, 0x56d: 0xda, 0x56e: 0xda, 0x56f: 0xda, + 0x570: 0xda, 0x571: 0xda, 0x572: 0xda, 0x573: 0xda, 0x574: 0xda, 0x575: 0xda, 0x576: 0xda, 0x577: 0xda, + 0x578: 0xda, 0x579: 0xda, 0x57a: 0xda, 0x57b: 0xda, 0x57c: 0xda, 0x57d: 0xda, 0x57e: 0xda, 0x57f: 0xda, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x58f: 0x10, + 0x59f: 0x10, + 0x5a0: 0x13, + 0x5af: 0x10, + 0x5bf: 0x10, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5cf: 0x10, +} + +// Total table size 15800 bytes (15KiB); checksum: F50EF68C diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/trieval.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/trieval.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4c459c4b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/trieval.go @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +package bidi + +// Class is the Unicode BiDi class. Each rune has a single class. +type Class uint + +const ( + L Class = iota // LeftToRight + R // RightToLeft + EN // EuropeanNumber + ES // EuropeanSeparator + ET // EuropeanTerminator + AN // ArabicNumber + CS // CommonSeparator + B // ParagraphSeparator + S // SegmentSeparator + WS // WhiteSpace + ON // OtherNeutral + BN // BoundaryNeutral + NSM // NonspacingMark + AL // ArabicLetter + Control // Control LRO - PDI + + numClass + + LRO // LeftToRightOverride + RLO // RightToLeftOverride + LRE // LeftToRightEmbedding + RLE // RightToLeftEmbedding + PDF // PopDirectionalFormat + LRI // LeftToRightIsolate + RLI // RightToLeftIsolate + FSI // FirstStrongIsolate + PDI // PopDirectionalIsolate + + unknownClass = ^Class(0) +) + +var controlToClass = map[rune]Class{ + 0x202D: LRO, // LeftToRightOverride, + 0x202E: RLO, // RightToLeftOverride, + 0x202A: LRE, // LeftToRightEmbedding, + 0x202B: RLE, // RightToLeftEmbedding, + 0x202C: PDF, // PopDirectionalFormat, + 0x2066: LRI, // LeftToRightIsolate, + 0x2067: RLI, // RightToLeftIsolate, + 0x2068: FSI, // FirstStrongIsolate, + 0x2069: PDI, // PopDirectionalIsolate, +} + +// A trie entry has the following bits: +// 7..5 XOR mask for brackets +// 4 1: Bracket open, 0: Bracket close +// 3..0 Class type + +const ( + openMask = 0x10 + xorMaskShift = 5 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/kind_string.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/kind_string.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dd3febd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/kind_string.go @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +// Code generated by "stringer -type=Kind"; DO NOT EDIT. + +package width + +import "strconv" + +func _() { + // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. + // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. + var x [1]struct{} + _ = x[Neutral-0] + _ = x[EastAsianAmbiguous-1] + _ = x[EastAsianWide-2] + _ = x[EastAsianNarrow-3] + _ = x[EastAsianFullwidth-4] + _ = x[EastAsianHalfwidth-5] +} + +const _Kind_name = "NeutralEastAsianAmbiguousEastAsianWideEastAsianNarrowEastAsianFullwidthEastAsianHalfwidth" + +var _Kind_index = [...]uint8{0, 7, 25, 38, 53, 71, 89} + +func (i Kind) String() string { + if i < 0 || i >= Kind(len(_Kind_index)-1) { + return "Kind(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" + } + return _Kind_name[_Kind_index[i]:_Kind_index[i+1]] +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..186b1d4e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,1319 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.10 && !go1.13 +// +build go1.10,!go1.13 + +package width + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "10.0.0" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *widthTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = widthIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0] + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = widthIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0] + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// widthTrie. Total size: 14336 bytes (14.00 KiB). Checksum: c59df54630d3dc4a. +type widthTrie struct{} + +func newWidthTrie(i int) *widthTrie { + return &widthTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + default: + return uint16(widthValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// widthValues: 101 blocks, 6464 entries, 12928 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var widthValues = [6464]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x20: 0x6001, 0x21: 0x6002, 0x22: 0x6002, 0x23: 0x6002, + 0x24: 0x6002, 0x25: 0x6002, 0x26: 0x6002, 0x27: 0x6002, 0x28: 0x6002, 0x29: 0x6002, + 0x2a: 0x6002, 0x2b: 0x6002, 0x2c: 0x6002, 0x2d: 0x6002, 0x2e: 0x6002, 0x2f: 0x6002, + 0x30: 0x6002, 0x31: 0x6002, 0x32: 0x6002, 0x33: 0x6002, 0x34: 0x6002, 0x35: 0x6002, + 0x36: 0x6002, 0x37: 0x6002, 0x38: 0x6002, 0x39: 0x6002, 0x3a: 0x6002, 0x3b: 0x6002, + 0x3c: 0x6002, 0x3d: 0x6002, 0x3e: 0x6002, 0x3f: 0x6002, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x6003, 0x41: 0x6003, 0x42: 0x6003, 0x43: 0x6003, 0x44: 0x6003, 0x45: 0x6003, + 0x46: 0x6003, 0x47: 0x6003, 0x48: 0x6003, 0x49: 0x6003, 0x4a: 0x6003, 0x4b: 0x6003, + 0x4c: 0x6003, 0x4d: 0x6003, 0x4e: 0x6003, 0x4f: 0x6003, 0x50: 0x6003, 0x51: 0x6003, + 0x52: 0x6003, 0x53: 0x6003, 0x54: 0x6003, 0x55: 0x6003, 0x56: 0x6003, 0x57: 0x6003, + 0x58: 0x6003, 0x59: 0x6003, 0x5a: 0x6003, 0x5b: 0x6003, 0x5c: 0x6003, 0x5d: 0x6003, + 0x5e: 0x6003, 0x5f: 0x6003, 0x60: 0x6004, 0x61: 0x6004, 0x62: 0x6004, 0x63: 0x6004, + 0x64: 0x6004, 0x65: 0x6004, 0x66: 0x6004, 0x67: 0x6004, 0x68: 0x6004, 0x69: 0x6004, + 0x6a: 0x6004, 0x6b: 0x6004, 0x6c: 0x6004, 0x6d: 0x6004, 0x6e: 0x6004, 0x6f: 0x6004, + 0x70: 0x6004, 0x71: 0x6004, 0x72: 0x6004, 0x73: 0x6004, 0x74: 0x6004, 0x75: 0x6004, + 0x76: 0x6004, 0x77: 0x6004, 0x78: 0x6004, 0x79: 0x6004, 0x7a: 0x6004, 0x7b: 0x6004, + 0x7c: 0x6004, 0x7d: 0x6004, 0x7e: 0x6004, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xe1: 0x2000, 0xe2: 0x6005, 0xe3: 0x6005, + 0xe4: 0x2000, 0xe5: 0x6006, 0xe6: 0x6005, 0xe7: 0x2000, 0xe8: 0x2000, + 0xea: 0x2000, 0xec: 0x6007, 0xed: 0x2000, 0xee: 0x2000, 0xef: 0x6008, + 0xf0: 0x2000, 0xf1: 0x2000, 0xf2: 0x2000, 0xf3: 0x2000, 0xf4: 0x2000, + 0xf6: 0x2000, 0xf7: 0x2000, 0xf8: 0x2000, 0xf9: 0x2000, 0xfa: 0x2000, + 0xfc: 0x2000, 0xfd: 0x2000, 0xfe: 0x2000, 0xff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x106: 0x2000, + 0x110: 0x2000, + 0x117: 0x2000, + 0x118: 0x2000, + 0x11e: 0x2000, 0x11f: 0x2000, 0x120: 0x2000, 0x121: 0x2000, + 0x126: 0x2000, 0x128: 0x2000, 0x129: 0x2000, + 0x12a: 0x2000, 0x12c: 0x2000, 0x12d: 0x2000, + 0x130: 0x2000, 0x132: 0x2000, 0x133: 0x2000, + 0x137: 0x2000, 0x138: 0x2000, 0x139: 0x2000, 0x13a: 0x2000, + 0x13c: 0x2000, 0x13e: 0x2000, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x141: 0x2000, + 0x151: 0x2000, + 0x153: 0x2000, + 0x15b: 0x2000, + 0x166: 0x2000, 0x167: 0x2000, + 0x16b: 0x2000, + 0x171: 0x2000, 0x172: 0x2000, 0x173: 0x2000, + 0x178: 0x2000, + 0x17f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x2000, 0x181: 0x2000, 0x182: 0x2000, 0x184: 0x2000, + 0x188: 0x2000, 0x189: 0x2000, 0x18a: 0x2000, 0x18b: 0x2000, + 0x18d: 0x2000, + 0x192: 0x2000, 0x193: 0x2000, + 0x1a6: 0x2000, 0x1a7: 0x2000, + 0x1ab: 0x2000, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1ce: 0x2000, 0x1d0: 0x2000, + 0x1d2: 0x2000, 0x1d4: 0x2000, 0x1d6: 0x2000, + 0x1d8: 0x2000, 0x1da: 0x2000, 0x1dc: 0x2000, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x211: 0x2000, + 0x221: 0x2000, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x244: 0x2000, + 0x247: 0x2000, 0x249: 0x2000, 0x24a: 0x2000, 0x24b: 0x2000, + 0x24d: 0x2000, 0x250: 0x2000, + 0x258: 0x2000, 0x259: 0x2000, 0x25a: 0x2000, 0x25b: 0x2000, 0x25d: 0x2000, + 0x25f: 0x2000, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x2000, 0x281: 0x2000, 0x282: 0x2000, 0x283: 0x2000, 0x284: 0x2000, 0x285: 0x2000, + 0x286: 0x2000, 0x287: 0x2000, 0x288: 0x2000, 0x289: 0x2000, 0x28a: 0x2000, 0x28b: 0x2000, + 0x28c: 0x2000, 0x28d: 0x2000, 0x28e: 0x2000, 0x28f: 0x2000, 0x290: 0x2000, 0x291: 0x2000, + 0x292: 0x2000, 0x293: 0x2000, 0x294: 0x2000, 0x295: 0x2000, 0x296: 0x2000, 0x297: 0x2000, + 0x298: 0x2000, 0x299: 0x2000, 0x29a: 0x2000, 0x29b: 0x2000, 0x29c: 0x2000, 0x29d: 0x2000, + 0x29e: 0x2000, 0x29f: 0x2000, 0x2a0: 0x2000, 0x2a1: 0x2000, 0x2a2: 0x2000, 0x2a3: 0x2000, + 0x2a4: 0x2000, 0x2a5: 0x2000, 0x2a6: 0x2000, 0x2a7: 0x2000, 0x2a8: 0x2000, 0x2a9: 0x2000, + 0x2aa: 0x2000, 0x2ab: 0x2000, 0x2ac: 0x2000, 0x2ad: 0x2000, 0x2ae: 0x2000, 0x2af: 0x2000, + 0x2b0: 0x2000, 0x2b1: 0x2000, 0x2b2: 0x2000, 0x2b3: 0x2000, 0x2b4: 0x2000, 0x2b5: 0x2000, + 0x2b6: 0x2000, 0x2b7: 0x2000, 0x2b8: 0x2000, 0x2b9: 0x2000, 0x2ba: 0x2000, 0x2bb: 0x2000, + 0x2bc: 0x2000, 0x2bd: 0x2000, 0x2be: 0x2000, 0x2bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x2000, 0x2c1: 0x2000, 0x2c2: 0x2000, 0x2c3: 0x2000, 0x2c4: 0x2000, 0x2c5: 0x2000, + 0x2c6: 0x2000, 0x2c7: 0x2000, 0x2c8: 0x2000, 0x2c9: 0x2000, 0x2ca: 0x2000, 0x2cb: 0x2000, + 0x2cc: 0x2000, 0x2cd: 0x2000, 0x2ce: 0x2000, 0x2cf: 0x2000, 0x2d0: 0x2000, 0x2d1: 0x2000, + 0x2d2: 0x2000, 0x2d3: 0x2000, 0x2d4: 0x2000, 0x2d5: 0x2000, 0x2d6: 0x2000, 0x2d7: 0x2000, + 0x2d8: 0x2000, 0x2d9: 0x2000, 0x2da: 0x2000, 0x2db: 0x2000, 0x2dc: 0x2000, 0x2dd: 0x2000, + 0x2de: 0x2000, 0x2df: 0x2000, 0x2e0: 0x2000, 0x2e1: 0x2000, 0x2e2: 0x2000, 0x2e3: 0x2000, + 0x2e4: 0x2000, 0x2e5: 0x2000, 0x2e6: 0x2000, 0x2e7: 0x2000, 0x2e8: 0x2000, 0x2e9: 0x2000, + 0x2ea: 0x2000, 0x2eb: 0x2000, 0x2ec: 0x2000, 0x2ed: 0x2000, 0x2ee: 0x2000, 0x2ef: 0x2000, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x311: 0x2000, + 0x312: 0x2000, 0x313: 0x2000, 0x314: 0x2000, 0x315: 0x2000, 0x316: 0x2000, 0x317: 0x2000, + 0x318: 0x2000, 0x319: 0x2000, 0x31a: 0x2000, 0x31b: 0x2000, 0x31c: 0x2000, 0x31d: 0x2000, + 0x31e: 0x2000, 0x31f: 0x2000, 0x320: 0x2000, 0x321: 0x2000, 0x323: 0x2000, + 0x324: 0x2000, 0x325: 0x2000, 0x326: 0x2000, 0x327: 0x2000, 0x328: 0x2000, 0x329: 0x2000, + 0x331: 0x2000, 0x332: 0x2000, 0x333: 0x2000, 0x334: 0x2000, 0x335: 0x2000, + 0x336: 0x2000, 0x337: 0x2000, 0x338: 0x2000, 0x339: 0x2000, 0x33a: 0x2000, 0x33b: 0x2000, + 0x33c: 0x2000, 0x33d: 0x2000, 0x33e: 0x2000, 0x33f: 0x2000, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x2000, 0x341: 0x2000, 0x343: 0x2000, 0x344: 0x2000, 0x345: 0x2000, + 0x346: 0x2000, 0x347: 0x2000, 0x348: 0x2000, 0x349: 0x2000, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x381: 0x2000, + 0x390: 0x2000, 0x391: 0x2000, + 0x392: 0x2000, 0x393: 0x2000, 0x394: 0x2000, 0x395: 0x2000, 0x396: 0x2000, 0x397: 0x2000, + 0x398: 0x2000, 0x399: 0x2000, 0x39a: 0x2000, 0x39b: 0x2000, 0x39c: 0x2000, 0x39d: 0x2000, + 0x39e: 0x2000, 0x39f: 0x2000, 0x3a0: 0x2000, 0x3a1: 0x2000, 0x3a2: 0x2000, 0x3a3: 0x2000, + 0x3a4: 0x2000, 0x3a5: 0x2000, 0x3a6: 0x2000, 0x3a7: 0x2000, 0x3a8: 0x2000, 0x3a9: 0x2000, + 0x3aa: 0x2000, 0x3ab: 0x2000, 0x3ac: 0x2000, 0x3ad: 0x2000, 0x3ae: 0x2000, 0x3af: 0x2000, + 0x3b0: 0x2000, 0x3b1: 0x2000, 0x3b2: 0x2000, 0x3b3: 0x2000, 0x3b4: 0x2000, 0x3b5: 0x2000, + 0x3b6: 0x2000, 0x3b7: 0x2000, 0x3b8: 0x2000, 0x3b9: 0x2000, 0x3ba: 0x2000, 0x3bb: 0x2000, + 0x3bc: 0x2000, 0x3bd: 0x2000, 0x3be: 0x2000, 0x3bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x2000, 0x3c1: 0x2000, 0x3c2: 0x2000, 0x3c3: 0x2000, 0x3c4: 0x2000, 0x3c5: 0x2000, + 0x3c6: 0x2000, 0x3c7: 0x2000, 0x3c8: 0x2000, 0x3c9: 0x2000, 0x3ca: 0x2000, 0x3cb: 0x2000, + 0x3cc: 0x2000, 0x3cd: 0x2000, 0x3ce: 0x2000, 0x3cf: 0x2000, 0x3d1: 0x2000, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x4000, 0x401: 0x4000, 0x402: 0x4000, 0x403: 0x4000, 0x404: 0x4000, 0x405: 0x4000, + 0x406: 0x4000, 0x407: 0x4000, 0x408: 0x4000, 0x409: 0x4000, 0x40a: 0x4000, 0x40b: 0x4000, + 0x40c: 0x4000, 0x40d: 0x4000, 0x40e: 0x4000, 0x40f: 0x4000, 0x410: 0x4000, 0x411: 0x4000, + 0x412: 0x4000, 0x413: 0x4000, 0x414: 0x4000, 0x415: 0x4000, 0x416: 0x4000, 0x417: 0x4000, + 0x418: 0x4000, 0x419: 0x4000, 0x41a: 0x4000, 0x41b: 0x4000, 0x41c: 0x4000, 0x41d: 0x4000, + 0x41e: 0x4000, 0x41f: 0x4000, 0x420: 0x4000, 0x421: 0x4000, 0x422: 0x4000, 0x423: 0x4000, + 0x424: 0x4000, 0x425: 0x4000, 0x426: 0x4000, 0x427: 0x4000, 0x428: 0x4000, 0x429: 0x4000, + 0x42a: 0x4000, 0x42b: 0x4000, 0x42c: 0x4000, 0x42d: 0x4000, 0x42e: 0x4000, 0x42f: 0x4000, + 0x430: 0x4000, 0x431: 0x4000, 0x432: 0x4000, 0x433: 0x4000, 0x434: 0x4000, 0x435: 0x4000, + 0x436: 0x4000, 0x437: 0x4000, 0x438: 0x4000, 0x439: 0x4000, 0x43a: 0x4000, 0x43b: 0x4000, + 0x43c: 0x4000, 0x43d: 0x4000, 0x43e: 0x4000, 0x43f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x4000, 0x441: 0x4000, 0x442: 0x4000, 0x443: 0x4000, 0x444: 0x4000, 0x445: 0x4000, + 0x446: 0x4000, 0x447: 0x4000, 0x448: 0x4000, 0x449: 0x4000, 0x44a: 0x4000, 0x44b: 0x4000, + 0x44c: 0x4000, 0x44d: 0x4000, 0x44e: 0x4000, 0x44f: 0x4000, 0x450: 0x4000, 0x451: 0x4000, + 0x452: 0x4000, 0x453: 0x4000, 0x454: 0x4000, 0x455: 0x4000, 0x456: 0x4000, 0x457: 0x4000, + 0x458: 0x4000, 0x459: 0x4000, 0x45a: 0x4000, 0x45b: 0x4000, 0x45c: 0x4000, 0x45d: 0x4000, + 0x45e: 0x4000, 0x45f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x490: 0x2000, + 0x493: 0x2000, 0x494: 0x2000, 0x495: 0x2000, 0x496: 0x2000, + 0x498: 0x2000, 0x499: 0x2000, 0x49c: 0x2000, 0x49d: 0x2000, + 0x4a0: 0x2000, 0x4a1: 0x2000, 0x4a2: 0x2000, + 0x4a4: 0x2000, 0x4a5: 0x2000, 0x4a6: 0x2000, 0x4a7: 0x2000, + 0x4b0: 0x2000, 0x4b2: 0x2000, 0x4b3: 0x2000, 0x4b5: 0x2000, + 0x4bb: 0x2000, + 0x4be: 0x2000, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4f4: 0x2000, + 0x4ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x501: 0x2000, 0x502: 0x2000, 0x503: 0x2000, 0x504: 0x2000, + 0x529: 0xa009, + 0x52c: 0x2000, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x543: 0x2000, 0x545: 0x2000, + 0x549: 0x2000, + 0x553: 0x2000, 0x556: 0x2000, + 0x561: 0x2000, 0x562: 0x2000, + 0x566: 0x2000, + 0x56b: 0x2000, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x593: 0x2000, 0x594: 0x2000, + 0x59b: 0x2000, 0x59c: 0x2000, 0x59d: 0x2000, + 0x59e: 0x2000, 0x5a0: 0x2000, 0x5a1: 0x2000, 0x5a2: 0x2000, 0x5a3: 0x2000, + 0x5a4: 0x2000, 0x5a5: 0x2000, 0x5a6: 0x2000, 0x5a7: 0x2000, 0x5a8: 0x2000, 0x5a9: 0x2000, + 0x5aa: 0x2000, 0x5ab: 0x2000, + 0x5b0: 0x2000, 0x5b1: 0x2000, 0x5b2: 0x2000, 0x5b3: 0x2000, 0x5b4: 0x2000, 0x5b5: 0x2000, + 0x5b6: 0x2000, 0x5b7: 0x2000, 0x5b8: 0x2000, 0x5b9: 0x2000, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c9: 0x2000, + 0x5d0: 0x200a, 0x5d1: 0x200b, + 0x5d2: 0x200a, 0x5d3: 0x200c, 0x5d4: 0x2000, 0x5d5: 0x2000, 0x5d6: 0x2000, 0x5d7: 0x2000, + 0x5d8: 0x2000, 0x5d9: 0x2000, + 0x5f8: 0x2000, 0x5f9: 0x2000, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x612: 0x2000, 0x614: 0x2000, + 0x627: 0x2000, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x2000, 0x642: 0x2000, 0x643: 0x2000, + 0x647: 0x2000, 0x648: 0x2000, 0x64b: 0x2000, + 0x64f: 0x2000, 0x651: 0x2000, + 0x655: 0x2000, + 0x65a: 0x2000, 0x65d: 0x2000, + 0x65e: 0x2000, 0x65f: 0x2000, 0x660: 0x2000, 0x663: 0x2000, + 0x665: 0x2000, 0x667: 0x2000, 0x668: 0x2000, 0x669: 0x2000, + 0x66a: 0x2000, 0x66b: 0x2000, 0x66c: 0x2000, 0x66e: 0x2000, + 0x674: 0x2000, 0x675: 0x2000, + 0x676: 0x2000, 0x677: 0x2000, + 0x67c: 0x2000, 0x67d: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x688: 0x2000, + 0x68c: 0x2000, + 0x692: 0x2000, + 0x6a0: 0x2000, 0x6a1: 0x2000, + 0x6a4: 0x2000, 0x6a5: 0x2000, 0x6a6: 0x2000, 0x6a7: 0x2000, + 0x6aa: 0x2000, 0x6ab: 0x2000, 0x6ae: 0x2000, 0x6af: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c2: 0x2000, 0x6c3: 0x2000, + 0x6c6: 0x2000, 0x6c7: 0x2000, + 0x6d5: 0x2000, + 0x6d9: 0x2000, + 0x6e5: 0x2000, + 0x6ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x712: 0x2000, + 0x71a: 0x4000, 0x71b: 0x4000, + 0x729: 0x4000, + 0x72a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x769: 0x4000, + 0x76a: 0x4000, 0x76b: 0x4000, 0x76c: 0x4000, + 0x770: 0x4000, 0x773: 0x4000, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x7a0: 0x2000, 0x7a1: 0x2000, 0x7a2: 0x2000, 0x7a3: 0x2000, + 0x7a4: 0x2000, 0x7a5: 0x2000, 0x7a6: 0x2000, 0x7a7: 0x2000, 0x7a8: 0x2000, 0x7a9: 0x2000, + 0x7aa: 0x2000, 0x7ab: 0x2000, 0x7ac: 0x2000, 0x7ad: 0x2000, 0x7ae: 0x2000, 0x7af: 0x2000, + 0x7b0: 0x2000, 0x7b1: 0x2000, 0x7b2: 0x2000, 0x7b3: 0x2000, 0x7b4: 0x2000, 0x7b5: 0x2000, + 0x7b6: 0x2000, 0x7b7: 0x2000, 0x7b8: 0x2000, 0x7b9: 0x2000, 0x7ba: 0x2000, 0x7bb: 0x2000, + 0x7bc: 0x2000, 0x7bd: 0x2000, 0x7be: 0x2000, 0x7bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c0: 0x2000, 0x7c1: 0x2000, 0x7c2: 0x2000, 0x7c3: 0x2000, 0x7c4: 0x2000, 0x7c5: 0x2000, + 0x7c6: 0x2000, 0x7c7: 0x2000, 0x7c8: 0x2000, 0x7c9: 0x2000, 0x7ca: 0x2000, 0x7cb: 0x2000, + 0x7cc: 0x2000, 0x7cd: 0x2000, 0x7ce: 0x2000, 0x7cf: 0x2000, 0x7d0: 0x2000, 0x7d1: 0x2000, + 0x7d2: 0x2000, 0x7d3: 0x2000, 0x7d4: 0x2000, 0x7d5: 0x2000, 0x7d6: 0x2000, 0x7d7: 0x2000, + 0x7d8: 0x2000, 0x7d9: 0x2000, 0x7da: 0x2000, 0x7db: 0x2000, 0x7dc: 0x2000, 0x7dd: 0x2000, + 0x7de: 0x2000, 0x7df: 0x2000, 0x7e0: 0x2000, 0x7e1: 0x2000, 0x7e2: 0x2000, 0x7e3: 0x2000, + 0x7e4: 0x2000, 0x7e5: 0x2000, 0x7e6: 0x2000, 0x7e7: 0x2000, 0x7e8: 0x2000, 0x7e9: 0x2000, + 0x7eb: 0x2000, 0x7ec: 0x2000, 0x7ed: 0x2000, 0x7ee: 0x2000, 0x7ef: 0x2000, + 0x7f0: 0x2000, 0x7f1: 0x2000, 0x7f2: 0x2000, 0x7f3: 0x2000, 0x7f4: 0x2000, 0x7f5: 0x2000, + 0x7f6: 0x2000, 0x7f7: 0x2000, 0x7f8: 0x2000, 0x7f9: 0x2000, 0x7fa: 0x2000, 0x7fb: 0x2000, + 0x7fc: 0x2000, 0x7fd: 0x2000, 0x7fe: 0x2000, 0x7ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x2000, 0x801: 0x2000, 0x802: 0x200d, 0x803: 0x2000, 0x804: 0x2000, 0x805: 0x2000, + 0x806: 0x2000, 0x807: 0x2000, 0x808: 0x2000, 0x809: 0x2000, 0x80a: 0x2000, 0x80b: 0x2000, + 0x80c: 0x2000, 0x80d: 0x2000, 0x80e: 0x2000, 0x80f: 0x2000, 0x810: 0x2000, 0x811: 0x2000, + 0x812: 0x2000, 0x813: 0x2000, 0x814: 0x2000, 0x815: 0x2000, 0x816: 0x2000, 0x817: 0x2000, + 0x818: 0x2000, 0x819: 0x2000, 0x81a: 0x2000, 0x81b: 0x2000, 0x81c: 0x2000, 0x81d: 0x2000, + 0x81e: 0x2000, 0x81f: 0x2000, 0x820: 0x2000, 0x821: 0x2000, 0x822: 0x2000, 0x823: 0x2000, + 0x824: 0x2000, 0x825: 0x2000, 0x826: 0x2000, 0x827: 0x2000, 0x828: 0x2000, 0x829: 0x2000, + 0x82a: 0x2000, 0x82b: 0x2000, 0x82c: 0x2000, 0x82d: 0x2000, 0x82e: 0x2000, 0x82f: 0x2000, + 0x830: 0x2000, 0x831: 0x2000, 0x832: 0x2000, 0x833: 0x2000, 0x834: 0x2000, 0x835: 0x2000, + 0x836: 0x2000, 0x837: 0x2000, 0x838: 0x2000, 0x839: 0x2000, 0x83a: 0x2000, 0x83b: 0x2000, + 0x83c: 0x2000, 0x83d: 0x2000, 0x83e: 0x2000, 0x83f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x2000, 0x841: 0x2000, 0x842: 0x2000, 0x843: 0x2000, 0x844: 0x2000, 0x845: 0x2000, + 0x846: 0x2000, 0x847: 0x2000, 0x848: 0x2000, 0x849: 0x2000, 0x84a: 0x2000, 0x84b: 0x2000, + 0x850: 0x2000, 0x851: 0x2000, + 0x852: 0x2000, 0x853: 0x2000, 0x854: 0x2000, 0x855: 0x2000, 0x856: 0x2000, 0x857: 0x2000, + 0x858: 0x2000, 0x859: 0x2000, 0x85a: 0x2000, 0x85b: 0x2000, 0x85c: 0x2000, 0x85d: 0x2000, + 0x85e: 0x2000, 0x85f: 0x2000, 0x860: 0x2000, 0x861: 0x2000, 0x862: 0x2000, 0x863: 0x2000, + 0x864: 0x2000, 0x865: 0x2000, 0x866: 0x2000, 0x867: 0x2000, 0x868: 0x2000, 0x869: 0x2000, + 0x86a: 0x2000, 0x86b: 0x2000, 0x86c: 0x2000, 0x86d: 0x2000, 0x86e: 0x2000, 0x86f: 0x2000, + 0x870: 0x2000, 0x871: 0x2000, 0x872: 0x2000, 0x873: 0x2000, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x2000, 0x881: 0x2000, 0x882: 0x2000, 0x883: 0x2000, 0x884: 0x2000, 0x885: 0x2000, + 0x886: 0x2000, 0x887: 0x2000, 0x888: 0x2000, 0x889: 0x2000, 0x88a: 0x2000, 0x88b: 0x2000, + 0x88c: 0x2000, 0x88d: 0x2000, 0x88e: 0x2000, 0x88f: 0x2000, + 0x892: 0x2000, 0x893: 0x2000, 0x894: 0x2000, 0x895: 0x2000, + 0x8a0: 0x200e, 0x8a1: 0x2000, 0x8a3: 0x2000, + 0x8a4: 0x2000, 0x8a5: 0x2000, 0x8a6: 0x2000, 0x8a7: 0x2000, 0x8a8: 0x2000, 0x8a9: 0x2000, + 0x8b2: 0x2000, 0x8b3: 0x2000, + 0x8b6: 0x2000, 0x8b7: 0x2000, + 0x8bc: 0x2000, 0x8bd: 0x2000, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x2000, 0x8c1: 0x2000, + 0x8c6: 0x2000, 0x8c7: 0x2000, 0x8c8: 0x2000, 0x8cb: 0x200f, + 0x8ce: 0x2000, 0x8cf: 0x2000, 0x8d0: 0x2000, 0x8d1: 0x2000, + 0x8e2: 0x2000, 0x8e3: 0x2000, + 0x8e4: 0x2000, 0x8e5: 0x2000, + 0x8ef: 0x2000, + 0x8fd: 0x4000, 0x8fe: 0x4000, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x905: 0x2000, + 0x906: 0x2000, 0x909: 0x2000, + 0x90e: 0x2000, 0x90f: 0x2000, + 0x914: 0x4000, 0x915: 0x4000, + 0x91c: 0x2000, + 0x91e: 0x2000, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x2000, 0x942: 0x2000, + 0x948: 0x4000, 0x949: 0x4000, 0x94a: 0x4000, 0x94b: 0x4000, + 0x94c: 0x4000, 0x94d: 0x4000, 0x94e: 0x4000, 0x94f: 0x4000, 0x950: 0x4000, 0x951: 0x4000, + 0x952: 0x4000, 0x953: 0x4000, + 0x960: 0x2000, 0x961: 0x2000, 0x963: 0x2000, + 0x964: 0x2000, 0x965: 0x2000, 0x967: 0x2000, 0x968: 0x2000, 0x969: 0x2000, + 0x96a: 0x2000, 0x96c: 0x2000, 0x96d: 0x2000, 0x96f: 0x2000, + 0x97f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x993: 0x4000, + 0x99e: 0x2000, 0x99f: 0x2000, 0x9a1: 0x4000, + 0x9aa: 0x4000, 0x9ab: 0x4000, + 0x9bd: 0x4000, 0x9be: 0x4000, 0x9bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c4: 0x4000, 0x9c5: 0x4000, + 0x9c6: 0x2000, 0x9c7: 0x2000, 0x9c8: 0x2000, 0x9c9: 0x2000, 0x9ca: 0x2000, 0x9cb: 0x2000, + 0x9cc: 0x2000, 0x9cd: 0x2000, 0x9ce: 0x4000, 0x9cf: 0x2000, 0x9d0: 0x2000, 0x9d1: 0x2000, + 0x9d2: 0x2000, 0x9d3: 0x2000, 0x9d4: 0x4000, 0x9d5: 0x2000, 0x9d6: 0x2000, 0x9d7: 0x2000, + 0x9d8: 0x2000, 0x9d9: 0x2000, 0x9da: 0x2000, 0x9db: 0x2000, 0x9dc: 0x2000, 0x9dd: 0x2000, + 0x9de: 0x2000, 0x9df: 0x2000, 0x9e0: 0x2000, 0x9e1: 0x2000, 0x9e3: 0x2000, + 0x9e8: 0x2000, 0x9e9: 0x2000, + 0x9ea: 0x4000, 0x9eb: 0x2000, 0x9ec: 0x2000, 0x9ed: 0x2000, 0x9ee: 0x2000, 0x9ef: 0x2000, + 0x9f0: 0x2000, 0x9f1: 0x2000, 0x9f2: 0x4000, 0x9f3: 0x4000, 0x9f4: 0x2000, 0x9f5: 0x4000, + 0x9f6: 0x2000, 0x9f7: 0x2000, 0x9f8: 0x2000, 0x9f9: 0x2000, 0x9fa: 0x4000, 0x9fb: 0x2000, + 0x9fc: 0x2000, 0x9fd: 0x4000, 0x9fe: 0x2000, 0x9ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa05: 0x4000, + 0xa0a: 0x4000, 0xa0b: 0x4000, + 0xa28: 0x4000, + 0xa3d: 0x2000, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa4c: 0x4000, 0xa4e: 0x4000, + 0xa53: 0x4000, 0xa54: 0x4000, 0xa55: 0x4000, 0xa57: 0x4000, + 0xa76: 0x2000, 0xa77: 0x2000, 0xa78: 0x2000, 0xa79: 0x2000, 0xa7a: 0x2000, 0xa7b: 0x2000, + 0xa7c: 0x2000, 0xa7d: 0x2000, 0xa7e: 0x2000, 0xa7f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa95: 0x4000, 0xa96: 0x4000, 0xa97: 0x4000, + 0xab0: 0x4000, + 0xabf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xae6: 0x6000, 0xae7: 0x6000, 0xae8: 0x6000, 0xae9: 0x6000, + 0xaea: 0x6000, 0xaeb: 0x6000, 0xaec: 0x6000, 0xaed: 0x6000, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb05: 0x6010, + 0xb06: 0x6011, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb5b: 0x4000, 0xb5c: 0x4000, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb90: 0x4000, + 0xb95: 0x4000, 0xb96: 0x2000, 0xb97: 0x2000, + 0xb98: 0x2000, 0xb99: 0x2000, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x4000, 0xbc1: 0x4000, 0xbc2: 0x4000, 0xbc3: 0x4000, 0xbc4: 0x4000, 0xbc5: 0x4000, + 0xbc6: 0x4000, 0xbc7: 0x4000, 0xbc8: 0x4000, 0xbc9: 0x4000, 0xbca: 0x4000, 0xbcb: 0x4000, + 0xbcc: 0x4000, 0xbcd: 0x4000, 0xbce: 0x4000, 0xbcf: 0x4000, 0xbd0: 0x4000, 0xbd1: 0x4000, + 0xbd2: 0x4000, 0xbd3: 0x4000, 0xbd4: 0x4000, 0xbd5: 0x4000, 0xbd6: 0x4000, 0xbd7: 0x4000, + 0xbd8: 0x4000, 0xbd9: 0x4000, 0xbdb: 0x4000, 0xbdc: 0x4000, 0xbdd: 0x4000, + 0xbde: 0x4000, 0xbdf: 0x4000, 0xbe0: 0x4000, 0xbe1: 0x4000, 0xbe2: 0x4000, 0xbe3: 0x4000, + 0xbe4: 0x4000, 0xbe5: 0x4000, 0xbe6: 0x4000, 0xbe7: 0x4000, 0xbe8: 0x4000, 0xbe9: 0x4000, + 0xbea: 0x4000, 0xbeb: 0x4000, 0xbec: 0x4000, 0xbed: 0x4000, 0xbee: 0x4000, 0xbef: 0x4000, + 0xbf0: 0x4000, 0xbf1: 0x4000, 0xbf2: 0x4000, 0xbf3: 0x4000, 0xbf4: 0x4000, 0xbf5: 0x4000, + 0xbf6: 0x4000, 0xbf7: 0x4000, 0xbf8: 0x4000, 0xbf9: 0x4000, 0xbfa: 0x4000, 0xbfb: 0x4000, + 0xbfc: 0x4000, 0xbfd: 0x4000, 0xbfe: 0x4000, 0xbff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc00: 0x4000, 0xc01: 0x4000, 0xc02: 0x4000, 0xc03: 0x4000, 0xc04: 0x4000, 0xc05: 0x4000, + 0xc06: 0x4000, 0xc07: 0x4000, 0xc08: 0x4000, 0xc09: 0x4000, 0xc0a: 0x4000, 0xc0b: 0x4000, + 0xc0c: 0x4000, 0xc0d: 0x4000, 0xc0e: 0x4000, 0xc0f: 0x4000, 0xc10: 0x4000, 0xc11: 0x4000, + 0xc12: 0x4000, 0xc13: 0x4000, 0xc14: 0x4000, 0xc15: 0x4000, 0xc16: 0x4000, 0xc17: 0x4000, + 0xc18: 0x4000, 0xc19: 0x4000, 0xc1a: 0x4000, 0xc1b: 0x4000, 0xc1c: 0x4000, 0xc1d: 0x4000, + 0xc1e: 0x4000, 0xc1f: 0x4000, 0xc20: 0x4000, 0xc21: 0x4000, 0xc22: 0x4000, 0xc23: 0x4000, + 0xc24: 0x4000, 0xc25: 0x4000, 0xc26: 0x4000, 0xc27: 0x4000, 0xc28: 0x4000, 0xc29: 0x4000, + 0xc2a: 0x4000, 0xc2b: 0x4000, 0xc2c: 0x4000, 0xc2d: 0x4000, 0xc2e: 0x4000, 0xc2f: 0x4000, + 0xc30: 0x4000, 0xc31: 0x4000, 0xc32: 0x4000, 0xc33: 0x4000, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x4000, 0xc41: 0x4000, 0xc42: 0x4000, 0xc43: 0x4000, 0xc44: 0x4000, 0xc45: 0x4000, + 0xc46: 0x4000, 0xc47: 0x4000, 0xc48: 0x4000, 0xc49: 0x4000, 0xc4a: 0x4000, 0xc4b: 0x4000, + 0xc4c: 0x4000, 0xc4d: 0x4000, 0xc4e: 0x4000, 0xc4f: 0x4000, 0xc50: 0x4000, 0xc51: 0x4000, + 0xc52: 0x4000, 0xc53: 0x4000, 0xc54: 0x4000, 0xc55: 0x4000, + 0xc70: 0x4000, 0xc71: 0x4000, 0xc72: 0x4000, 0xc73: 0x4000, 0xc74: 0x4000, 0xc75: 0x4000, + 0xc76: 0x4000, 0xc77: 0x4000, 0xc78: 0x4000, 0xc79: 0x4000, 0xc7a: 0x4000, 0xc7b: 0x4000, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc80: 0x9012, 0xc81: 0x4013, 0xc82: 0x4014, 0xc83: 0x4000, 0xc84: 0x4000, 0xc85: 0x4000, + 0xc86: 0x4000, 0xc87: 0x4000, 0xc88: 0x4000, 0xc89: 0x4000, 0xc8a: 0x4000, 0xc8b: 0x4000, + 0xc8c: 0x4015, 0xc8d: 0x4015, 0xc8e: 0x4000, 0xc8f: 0x4000, 0xc90: 0x4000, 0xc91: 0x4000, + 0xc92: 0x4000, 0xc93: 0x4000, 0xc94: 0x4000, 0xc95: 0x4000, 0xc96: 0x4000, 0xc97: 0x4000, + 0xc98: 0x4000, 0xc99: 0x4000, 0xc9a: 0x4000, 0xc9b: 0x4000, 0xc9c: 0x4000, 0xc9d: 0x4000, + 0xc9e: 0x4000, 0xc9f: 0x4000, 0xca0: 0x4000, 0xca1: 0x4000, 0xca2: 0x4000, 0xca3: 0x4000, + 0xca4: 0x4000, 0xca5: 0x4000, 0xca6: 0x4000, 0xca7: 0x4000, 0xca8: 0x4000, 0xca9: 0x4000, + 0xcaa: 0x4000, 0xcab: 0x4000, 0xcac: 0x4000, 0xcad: 0x4000, 0xcae: 0x4000, 0xcaf: 0x4000, + 0xcb0: 0x4000, 0xcb1: 0x4000, 0xcb2: 0x4000, 0xcb3: 0x4000, 0xcb4: 0x4000, 0xcb5: 0x4000, + 0xcb6: 0x4000, 0xcb7: 0x4000, 0xcb8: 0x4000, 0xcb9: 0x4000, 0xcba: 0x4000, 0xcbb: 0x4000, + 0xcbc: 0x4000, 0xcbd: 0x4000, 0xcbe: 0x4000, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc1: 0x4000, 0xcc2: 0x4000, 0xcc3: 0x4000, 0xcc4: 0x4000, 0xcc5: 0x4000, + 0xcc6: 0x4000, 0xcc7: 0x4000, 0xcc8: 0x4000, 0xcc9: 0x4000, 0xcca: 0x4000, 0xccb: 0x4000, + 0xccc: 0x4000, 0xccd: 0x4000, 0xcce: 0x4000, 0xccf: 0x4000, 0xcd0: 0x4000, 0xcd1: 0x4000, + 0xcd2: 0x4000, 0xcd3: 0x4000, 0xcd4: 0x4000, 0xcd5: 0x4000, 0xcd6: 0x4000, 0xcd7: 0x4000, + 0xcd8: 0x4000, 0xcd9: 0x4000, 0xcda: 0x4000, 0xcdb: 0x4000, 0xcdc: 0x4000, 0xcdd: 0x4000, + 0xcde: 0x4000, 0xcdf: 0x4000, 0xce0: 0x4000, 0xce1: 0x4000, 0xce2: 0x4000, 0xce3: 0x4000, + 0xce4: 0x4000, 0xce5: 0x4000, 0xce6: 0x4000, 0xce7: 0x4000, 0xce8: 0x4000, 0xce9: 0x4000, + 0xcea: 0x4000, 0xceb: 0x4000, 0xcec: 0x4000, 0xced: 0x4000, 0xcee: 0x4000, 0xcef: 0x4000, + 0xcf0: 0x4000, 0xcf1: 0x4000, 0xcf2: 0x4000, 0xcf3: 0x4000, 0xcf4: 0x4000, 0xcf5: 0x4000, + 0xcf6: 0x4000, 0xcf7: 0x4000, 0xcf8: 0x4000, 0xcf9: 0x4000, 0xcfa: 0x4000, 0xcfb: 0x4000, + 0xcfc: 0x4000, 0xcfd: 0x4000, 0xcfe: 0x4000, 0xcff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd00: 0x4000, 0xd01: 0x4000, 0xd02: 0x4000, 0xd03: 0x4000, 0xd04: 0x4000, 0xd05: 0x4000, + 0xd06: 0x4000, 0xd07: 0x4000, 0xd08: 0x4000, 0xd09: 0x4000, 0xd0a: 0x4000, 0xd0b: 0x4000, + 0xd0c: 0x4000, 0xd0d: 0x4000, 0xd0e: 0x4000, 0xd0f: 0x4000, 0xd10: 0x4000, 0xd11: 0x4000, + 0xd12: 0x4000, 0xd13: 0x4000, 0xd14: 0x4000, 0xd15: 0x4000, 0xd16: 0x4000, + 0xd19: 0x4016, 0xd1a: 0x4017, 0xd1b: 0x4000, 0xd1c: 0x4000, 0xd1d: 0x4000, + 0xd1e: 0x4000, 0xd1f: 0x4000, 0xd20: 0x4000, 0xd21: 0x4018, 0xd22: 0x4019, 0xd23: 0x401a, + 0xd24: 0x401b, 0xd25: 0x401c, 0xd26: 0x401d, 0xd27: 0x401e, 0xd28: 0x401f, 0xd29: 0x4020, + 0xd2a: 0x4021, 0xd2b: 0x4022, 0xd2c: 0x4000, 0xd2d: 0x4010, 0xd2e: 0x4000, 0xd2f: 0x4023, + 0xd30: 0x4000, 0xd31: 0x4024, 0xd32: 0x4000, 0xd33: 0x4025, 0xd34: 0x4000, 0xd35: 0x4026, + 0xd36: 0x4000, 0xd37: 0x401a, 0xd38: 0x4000, 0xd39: 0x4027, 0xd3a: 0x4000, 0xd3b: 0x4028, + 0xd3c: 0x4000, 0xd3d: 0x4020, 0xd3e: 0x4000, 0xd3f: 0x4029, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x4000, 0xd41: 0x402a, 0xd42: 0x4000, 0xd43: 0x402b, 0xd44: 0x402c, 0xd45: 0x4000, + 0xd46: 0x4017, 0xd47: 0x4000, 0xd48: 0x402d, 0xd49: 0x4000, 0xd4a: 0x402e, 0xd4b: 0x402f, + 0xd4c: 0x4030, 0xd4d: 0x4017, 0xd4e: 0x4016, 0xd4f: 0x4017, 0xd50: 0x4000, 0xd51: 0x4000, + 0xd52: 0x4031, 0xd53: 0x4000, 0xd54: 0x4000, 0xd55: 0x4031, 0xd56: 0x4000, 0xd57: 0x4000, + 0xd58: 0x4032, 0xd59: 0x4000, 0xd5a: 0x4000, 0xd5b: 0x4032, 0xd5c: 0x4000, 0xd5d: 0x4000, + 0xd5e: 0x4033, 0xd5f: 0x402e, 0xd60: 0x4034, 0xd61: 0x4035, 0xd62: 0x4034, 0xd63: 0x4036, + 0xd64: 0x4037, 0xd65: 0x4024, 0xd66: 0x4035, 0xd67: 0x4025, 0xd68: 0x4038, 0xd69: 0x4038, + 0xd6a: 0x4039, 0xd6b: 0x4039, 0xd6c: 0x403a, 0xd6d: 0x403a, 0xd6e: 0x4000, 0xd6f: 0x4035, + 0xd70: 0x4000, 0xd71: 0x4000, 0xd72: 0x403b, 0xd73: 0x403c, 0xd74: 0x4000, 0xd75: 0x4000, + 0xd76: 0x4000, 0xd77: 0x4000, 0xd78: 0x4000, 0xd79: 0x4000, 0xd7a: 0x4000, 0xd7b: 0x403d, + 0xd7c: 0x401c, 0xd7d: 0x4000, 0xd7e: 0x4000, 0xd7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd85: 0x4000, + 0xd86: 0x4000, 0xd87: 0x4000, 0xd88: 0x4000, 0xd89: 0x4000, 0xd8a: 0x4000, 0xd8b: 0x4000, + 0xd8c: 0x4000, 0xd8d: 0x4000, 0xd8e: 0x4000, 0xd8f: 0x4000, 0xd90: 0x4000, 0xd91: 0x4000, + 0xd92: 0x4000, 0xd93: 0x4000, 0xd94: 0x4000, 0xd95: 0x4000, 0xd96: 0x4000, 0xd97: 0x4000, + 0xd98: 0x4000, 0xd99: 0x4000, 0xd9a: 0x4000, 0xd9b: 0x4000, 0xd9c: 0x4000, 0xd9d: 0x4000, + 0xd9e: 0x4000, 0xd9f: 0x4000, 0xda0: 0x4000, 0xda1: 0x4000, 0xda2: 0x4000, 0xda3: 0x4000, + 0xda4: 0x4000, 0xda5: 0x4000, 0xda6: 0x4000, 0xda7: 0x4000, 0xda8: 0x4000, 0xda9: 0x4000, + 0xdaa: 0x4000, 0xdab: 0x4000, 0xdac: 0x4000, 0xdad: 0x4000, 0xdae: 0x4000, + 0xdb1: 0x403e, 0xdb2: 0x403e, 0xdb3: 0x403e, 0xdb4: 0x403e, 0xdb5: 0x403e, + 0xdb6: 0x403e, 0xdb7: 0x403e, 0xdb8: 0x403e, 0xdb9: 0x403e, 0xdba: 0x403e, 0xdbb: 0x403e, + 0xdbc: 0x403e, 0xdbd: 0x403e, 0xdbe: 0x403e, 0xdbf: 0x403e, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0x4037, 0xdc1: 0x4037, 0xdc2: 0x4037, 0xdc3: 0x4037, 0xdc4: 0x4037, 0xdc5: 0x4037, + 0xdc6: 0x4037, 0xdc7: 0x4037, 0xdc8: 0x4037, 0xdc9: 0x4037, 0xdca: 0x4037, 0xdcb: 0x4037, + 0xdcc: 0x4037, 0xdcd: 0x4037, 0xdce: 0x4037, 0xdcf: 0x400e, 0xdd0: 0x403f, 0xdd1: 0x4040, + 0xdd2: 0x4041, 0xdd3: 0x4040, 0xdd4: 0x403f, 0xdd5: 0x4042, 0xdd6: 0x4043, 0xdd7: 0x4044, + 0xdd8: 0x4040, 0xdd9: 0x4041, 0xdda: 0x4040, 0xddb: 0x4045, 0xddc: 0x4009, 0xddd: 0x4045, + 0xdde: 0x4046, 0xddf: 0x4045, 0xde0: 0x4047, 0xde1: 0x400b, 0xde2: 0x400a, 0xde3: 0x400c, + 0xde4: 0x4048, 0xde5: 0x4000, 0xde6: 0x4000, 0xde7: 0x4000, 0xde8: 0x4000, 0xde9: 0x4000, + 0xdea: 0x4000, 0xdeb: 0x4000, 0xdec: 0x4000, 0xded: 0x4000, 0xdee: 0x4000, 0xdef: 0x4000, + 0xdf0: 0x4000, 0xdf1: 0x4000, 0xdf2: 0x4000, 0xdf3: 0x4000, 0xdf4: 0x4000, 0xdf5: 0x4000, + 0xdf6: 0x4000, 0xdf7: 0x4000, 0xdf8: 0x4000, 0xdf9: 0x4000, 0xdfa: 0x4000, 0xdfb: 0x4000, + 0xdfc: 0x4000, 0xdfd: 0x4000, 0xdfe: 0x4000, 0xdff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x4000, 0xe01: 0x4000, 0xe02: 0x4000, 0xe03: 0x4000, 0xe04: 0x4000, 0xe05: 0x4000, + 0xe06: 0x4000, 0xe07: 0x4000, 0xe08: 0x4000, 0xe09: 0x4000, 0xe0a: 0x4000, 0xe0b: 0x4000, + 0xe0c: 0x4000, 0xe0d: 0x4000, 0xe0e: 0x4000, 0xe10: 0x4000, 0xe11: 0x4000, + 0xe12: 0x4000, 0xe13: 0x4000, 0xe14: 0x4000, 0xe15: 0x4000, 0xe16: 0x4000, 0xe17: 0x4000, + 0xe18: 0x4000, 0xe19: 0x4000, 0xe1a: 0x4000, 0xe1b: 0x4000, 0xe1c: 0x4000, 0xe1d: 0x4000, + 0xe1e: 0x4000, 0xe1f: 0x4000, 0xe20: 0x4000, 0xe21: 0x4000, 0xe22: 0x4000, 0xe23: 0x4000, + 0xe24: 0x4000, 0xe25: 0x4000, 0xe26: 0x4000, 0xe27: 0x4000, 0xe28: 0x4000, 0xe29: 0x4000, + 0xe2a: 0x4000, 0xe2b: 0x4000, 0xe2c: 0x4000, 0xe2d: 0x4000, 0xe2e: 0x4000, 0xe2f: 0x4000, + 0xe30: 0x4000, 0xe31: 0x4000, 0xe32: 0x4000, 0xe33: 0x4000, 0xe34: 0x4000, 0xe35: 0x4000, + 0xe36: 0x4000, 0xe37: 0x4000, 0xe38: 0x4000, 0xe39: 0x4000, 0xe3a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x4000, 0xe41: 0x4000, 0xe42: 0x4000, 0xe43: 0x4000, 0xe44: 0x4000, 0xe45: 0x4000, + 0xe46: 0x4000, 0xe47: 0x4000, 0xe48: 0x4000, 0xe49: 0x4000, 0xe4a: 0x4000, 0xe4b: 0x4000, + 0xe4c: 0x4000, 0xe4d: 0x4000, 0xe4e: 0x4000, 0xe4f: 0x4000, 0xe50: 0x4000, 0xe51: 0x4000, + 0xe52: 0x4000, 0xe53: 0x4000, 0xe54: 0x4000, 0xe55: 0x4000, 0xe56: 0x4000, 0xe57: 0x4000, + 0xe58: 0x4000, 0xe59: 0x4000, 0xe5a: 0x4000, 0xe5b: 0x4000, 0xe5c: 0x4000, 0xe5d: 0x4000, + 0xe5e: 0x4000, 0xe5f: 0x4000, 0xe60: 0x4000, 0xe61: 0x4000, 0xe62: 0x4000, 0xe63: 0x4000, + 0xe70: 0x4000, 0xe71: 0x4000, 0xe72: 0x4000, 0xe73: 0x4000, 0xe74: 0x4000, 0xe75: 0x4000, + 0xe76: 0x4000, 0xe77: 0x4000, 0xe78: 0x4000, 0xe79: 0x4000, 0xe7a: 0x4000, 0xe7b: 0x4000, + 0xe7c: 0x4000, 0xe7d: 0x4000, 0xe7e: 0x4000, 0xe7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x4000, 0xe81: 0x4000, 0xe82: 0x4000, 0xe83: 0x4000, 0xe84: 0x4000, 0xe85: 0x4000, + 0xe86: 0x4000, 0xe87: 0x4000, 0xe88: 0x4000, 0xe89: 0x4000, 0xe8a: 0x4000, 0xe8b: 0x4000, + 0xe8c: 0x4000, 0xe8d: 0x4000, 0xe8e: 0x4000, 0xe8f: 0x4000, 0xe90: 0x4000, 0xe91: 0x4000, + 0xe92: 0x4000, 0xe93: 0x4000, 0xe94: 0x4000, 0xe95: 0x4000, 0xe96: 0x4000, 0xe97: 0x4000, + 0xe98: 0x4000, 0xe99: 0x4000, 0xe9a: 0x4000, 0xe9b: 0x4000, 0xe9c: 0x4000, 0xe9d: 0x4000, + 0xe9e: 0x4000, 0xea0: 0x4000, 0xea1: 0x4000, 0xea2: 0x4000, 0xea3: 0x4000, + 0xea4: 0x4000, 0xea5: 0x4000, 0xea6: 0x4000, 0xea7: 0x4000, 0xea8: 0x4000, 0xea9: 0x4000, + 0xeaa: 0x4000, 0xeab: 0x4000, 0xeac: 0x4000, 0xead: 0x4000, 0xeae: 0x4000, 0xeaf: 0x4000, + 0xeb0: 0x4000, 0xeb1: 0x4000, 0xeb2: 0x4000, 0xeb3: 0x4000, 0xeb4: 0x4000, 0xeb5: 0x4000, + 0xeb6: 0x4000, 0xeb7: 0x4000, 0xeb8: 0x4000, 0xeb9: 0x4000, 0xeba: 0x4000, 0xebb: 0x4000, + 0xebc: 0x4000, 0xebd: 0x4000, 0xebe: 0x4000, 0xebf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x4000, 0xec1: 0x4000, 0xec2: 0x4000, 0xec3: 0x4000, 0xec4: 0x4000, 0xec5: 0x4000, + 0xec6: 0x4000, 0xec7: 0x4000, 0xec8: 0x2000, 0xec9: 0x2000, 0xeca: 0x2000, 0xecb: 0x2000, + 0xecc: 0x2000, 0xecd: 0x2000, 0xece: 0x2000, 0xecf: 0x2000, 0xed0: 0x4000, 0xed1: 0x4000, + 0xed2: 0x4000, 0xed3: 0x4000, 0xed4: 0x4000, 0xed5: 0x4000, 0xed6: 0x4000, 0xed7: 0x4000, + 0xed8: 0x4000, 0xed9: 0x4000, 0xeda: 0x4000, 0xedb: 0x4000, 0xedc: 0x4000, 0xedd: 0x4000, + 0xede: 0x4000, 0xedf: 0x4000, 0xee0: 0x4000, 0xee1: 0x4000, 0xee2: 0x4000, 0xee3: 0x4000, + 0xee4: 0x4000, 0xee5: 0x4000, 0xee6: 0x4000, 0xee7: 0x4000, 0xee8: 0x4000, 0xee9: 0x4000, + 0xeea: 0x4000, 0xeeb: 0x4000, 0xeec: 0x4000, 0xeed: 0x4000, 0xeee: 0x4000, 0xeef: 0x4000, + 0xef0: 0x4000, 0xef1: 0x4000, 0xef2: 0x4000, 0xef3: 0x4000, 0xef4: 0x4000, 0xef5: 0x4000, + 0xef6: 0x4000, 0xef7: 0x4000, 0xef8: 0x4000, 0xef9: 0x4000, 0xefa: 0x4000, 0xefb: 0x4000, + 0xefc: 0x4000, 0xefd: 0x4000, 0xefe: 0x4000, 0xeff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x4000, 0xf01: 0x4000, 0xf02: 0x4000, 0xf03: 0x4000, 0xf04: 0x4000, 0xf05: 0x4000, + 0xf06: 0x4000, 0xf07: 0x4000, 0xf08: 0x4000, 0xf09: 0x4000, 0xf0a: 0x4000, 0xf0b: 0x4000, + 0xf0c: 0x4000, 0xf0d: 0x4000, 0xf0e: 0x4000, 0xf0f: 0x4000, 0xf10: 0x4000, 0xf11: 0x4000, + 0xf12: 0x4000, 0xf13: 0x4000, 0xf14: 0x4000, 0xf15: 0x4000, 0xf16: 0x4000, 0xf17: 0x4000, + 0xf18: 0x4000, 0xf19: 0x4000, 0xf1a: 0x4000, 0xf1b: 0x4000, 0xf1c: 0x4000, 0xf1d: 0x4000, + 0xf1e: 0x4000, 0xf1f: 0x4000, 0xf20: 0x4000, 0xf21: 0x4000, 0xf22: 0x4000, 0xf23: 0x4000, + 0xf24: 0x4000, 0xf25: 0x4000, 0xf26: 0x4000, 0xf27: 0x4000, 0xf28: 0x4000, 0xf29: 0x4000, + 0xf2a: 0x4000, 0xf2b: 0x4000, 0xf2c: 0x4000, 0xf2d: 0x4000, 0xf2e: 0x4000, 0xf2f: 0x4000, + 0xf30: 0x4000, 0xf31: 0x4000, 0xf32: 0x4000, 0xf33: 0x4000, 0xf34: 0x4000, 0xf35: 0x4000, + 0xf36: 0x4000, 0xf37: 0x4000, 0xf38: 0x4000, 0xf39: 0x4000, 0xf3a: 0x4000, 0xf3b: 0x4000, + 0xf3c: 0x4000, 0xf3d: 0x4000, 0xf3e: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x4000, 0xf41: 0x4000, 0xf42: 0x4000, 0xf43: 0x4000, 0xf44: 0x4000, 0xf45: 0x4000, + 0xf46: 0x4000, 0xf47: 0x4000, 0xf48: 0x4000, 0xf49: 0x4000, 0xf4a: 0x4000, 0xf4b: 0x4000, + 0xf4c: 0x4000, 0xf50: 0x4000, 0xf51: 0x4000, + 0xf52: 0x4000, 0xf53: 0x4000, 0xf54: 0x4000, 0xf55: 0x4000, 0xf56: 0x4000, 0xf57: 0x4000, + 0xf58: 0x4000, 0xf59: 0x4000, 0xf5a: 0x4000, 0xf5b: 0x4000, 0xf5c: 0x4000, 0xf5d: 0x4000, + 0xf5e: 0x4000, 0xf5f: 0x4000, 0xf60: 0x4000, 0xf61: 0x4000, 0xf62: 0x4000, 0xf63: 0x4000, + 0xf64: 0x4000, 0xf65: 0x4000, 0xf66: 0x4000, 0xf67: 0x4000, 0xf68: 0x4000, 0xf69: 0x4000, + 0xf6a: 0x4000, 0xf6b: 0x4000, 0xf6c: 0x4000, 0xf6d: 0x4000, 0xf6e: 0x4000, 0xf6f: 0x4000, + 0xf70: 0x4000, 0xf71: 0x4000, 0xf72: 0x4000, 0xf73: 0x4000, 0xf74: 0x4000, 0xf75: 0x4000, + 0xf76: 0x4000, 0xf77: 0x4000, 0xf78: 0x4000, 0xf79: 0x4000, 0xf7a: 0x4000, 0xf7b: 0x4000, + 0xf7c: 0x4000, 0xf7d: 0x4000, 0xf7e: 0x4000, 0xf7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x4000, 0xf81: 0x4000, 0xf82: 0x4000, 0xf83: 0x4000, 0xf84: 0x4000, 0xf85: 0x4000, + 0xf86: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfe0: 0x4000, 0xfe1: 0x4000, 0xfe2: 0x4000, 0xfe3: 0x4000, + 0xfe4: 0x4000, 0xfe5: 0x4000, 0xfe6: 0x4000, 0xfe7: 0x4000, 0xfe8: 0x4000, 0xfe9: 0x4000, + 0xfea: 0x4000, 0xfeb: 0x4000, 0xfec: 0x4000, 0xfed: 0x4000, 0xfee: 0x4000, 0xfef: 0x4000, + 0xff0: 0x4000, 0xff1: 0x4000, 0xff2: 0x4000, 0xff3: 0x4000, 0xff4: 0x4000, 0xff5: 0x4000, + 0xff6: 0x4000, 0xff7: 0x4000, 0xff8: 0x4000, 0xff9: 0x4000, 0xffa: 0x4000, 0xffb: 0x4000, + 0xffc: 0x4000, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x4000, 0x1001: 0x4000, 0x1002: 0x4000, 0x1003: 0x4000, 0x1004: 0x4000, 0x1005: 0x4000, + 0x1006: 0x4000, 0x1007: 0x4000, 0x1008: 0x4000, 0x1009: 0x4000, 0x100a: 0x4000, 0x100b: 0x4000, + 0x100c: 0x4000, 0x100d: 0x4000, 0x100e: 0x4000, 0x100f: 0x4000, 0x1010: 0x4000, 0x1011: 0x4000, + 0x1012: 0x4000, 0x1013: 0x4000, 0x1014: 0x4000, 0x1015: 0x4000, 0x1016: 0x4000, 0x1017: 0x4000, + 0x1018: 0x4000, 0x1019: 0x4000, 0x101a: 0x4000, 0x101b: 0x4000, 0x101c: 0x4000, 0x101d: 0x4000, + 0x101e: 0x4000, 0x101f: 0x4000, 0x1020: 0x4000, 0x1021: 0x4000, 0x1022: 0x4000, 0x1023: 0x4000, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x2000, 0x1041: 0x2000, 0x1042: 0x2000, 0x1043: 0x2000, 0x1044: 0x2000, 0x1045: 0x2000, + 0x1046: 0x2000, 0x1047: 0x2000, 0x1048: 0x2000, 0x1049: 0x2000, 0x104a: 0x2000, 0x104b: 0x2000, + 0x104c: 0x2000, 0x104d: 0x2000, 0x104e: 0x2000, 0x104f: 0x2000, 0x1050: 0x4000, 0x1051: 0x4000, + 0x1052: 0x4000, 0x1053: 0x4000, 0x1054: 0x4000, 0x1055: 0x4000, 0x1056: 0x4000, 0x1057: 0x4000, + 0x1058: 0x4000, 0x1059: 0x4000, + 0x1070: 0x4000, 0x1071: 0x4000, 0x1072: 0x4000, 0x1073: 0x4000, 0x1074: 0x4000, 0x1075: 0x4000, + 0x1076: 0x4000, 0x1077: 0x4000, 0x1078: 0x4000, 0x1079: 0x4000, 0x107a: 0x4000, 0x107b: 0x4000, + 0x107c: 0x4000, 0x107d: 0x4000, 0x107e: 0x4000, 0x107f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x4000, 0x1081: 0x4000, 0x1082: 0x4000, 0x1083: 0x4000, 0x1084: 0x4000, 0x1085: 0x4000, + 0x1086: 0x4000, 0x1087: 0x4000, 0x1088: 0x4000, 0x1089: 0x4000, 0x108a: 0x4000, 0x108b: 0x4000, + 0x108c: 0x4000, 0x108d: 0x4000, 0x108e: 0x4000, 0x108f: 0x4000, 0x1090: 0x4000, 0x1091: 0x4000, + 0x1092: 0x4000, 0x1094: 0x4000, 0x1095: 0x4000, 0x1096: 0x4000, 0x1097: 0x4000, + 0x1098: 0x4000, 0x1099: 0x4000, 0x109a: 0x4000, 0x109b: 0x4000, 0x109c: 0x4000, 0x109d: 0x4000, + 0x109e: 0x4000, 0x109f: 0x4000, 0x10a0: 0x4000, 0x10a1: 0x4000, 0x10a2: 0x4000, 0x10a3: 0x4000, + 0x10a4: 0x4000, 0x10a5: 0x4000, 0x10a6: 0x4000, 0x10a8: 0x4000, 0x10a9: 0x4000, + 0x10aa: 0x4000, 0x10ab: 0x4000, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c1: 0x9012, 0x10c2: 0x9012, 0x10c3: 0x9012, 0x10c4: 0x9012, 0x10c5: 0x9012, + 0x10c6: 0x9012, 0x10c7: 0x9012, 0x10c8: 0x9012, 0x10c9: 0x9012, 0x10ca: 0x9012, 0x10cb: 0x9012, + 0x10cc: 0x9012, 0x10cd: 0x9012, 0x10ce: 0x9012, 0x10cf: 0x9012, 0x10d0: 0x9012, 0x10d1: 0x9012, + 0x10d2: 0x9012, 0x10d3: 0x9012, 0x10d4: 0x9012, 0x10d5: 0x9012, 0x10d6: 0x9012, 0x10d7: 0x9012, + 0x10d8: 0x9012, 0x10d9: 0x9012, 0x10da: 0x9012, 0x10db: 0x9012, 0x10dc: 0x9012, 0x10dd: 0x9012, + 0x10de: 0x9012, 0x10df: 0x9012, 0x10e0: 0x9049, 0x10e1: 0x9049, 0x10e2: 0x9049, 0x10e3: 0x9049, + 0x10e4: 0x9049, 0x10e5: 0x9049, 0x10e6: 0x9049, 0x10e7: 0x9049, 0x10e8: 0x9049, 0x10e9: 0x9049, + 0x10ea: 0x9049, 0x10eb: 0x9049, 0x10ec: 0x9049, 0x10ed: 0x9049, 0x10ee: 0x9049, 0x10ef: 0x9049, + 0x10f0: 0x9049, 0x10f1: 0x9049, 0x10f2: 0x9049, 0x10f3: 0x9049, 0x10f4: 0x9049, 0x10f5: 0x9049, + 0x10f6: 0x9049, 0x10f7: 0x9049, 0x10f8: 0x9049, 0x10f9: 0x9049, 0x10fa: 0x9049, 0x10fb: 0x9049, + 0x10fc: 0x9049, 0x10fd: 0x9049, 0x10fe: 0x9049, 0x10ff: 0x9049, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1100: 0x9049, 0x1101: 0x9049, 0x1102: 0x9049, 0x1103: 0x9049, 0x1104: 0x9049, 0x1105: 0x9049, + 0x1106: 0x9049, 0x1107: 0x9049, 0x1108: 0x9049, 0x1109: 0x9049, 0x110a: 0x9049, 0x110b: 0x9049, + 0x110c: 0x9049, 0x110d: 0x9049, 0x110e: 0x9049, 0x110f: 0x9049, 0x1110: 0x9049, 0x1111: 0x9049, + 0x1112: 0x9049, 0x1113: 0x9049, 0x1114: 0x9049, 0x1115: 0x9049, 0x1116: 0x9049, 0x1117: 0x9049, + 0x1118: 0x9049, 0x1119: 0x9049, 0x111a: 0x9049, 0x111b: 0x9049, 0x111c: 0x9049, 0x111d: 0x9049, + 0x111e: 0x9049, 0x111f: 0x904a, 0x1120: 0x904b, 0x1121: 0xb04c, 0x1122: 0xb04d, 0x1123: 0xb04d, + 0x1124: 0xb04e, 0x1125: 0xb04f, 0x1126: 0xb050, 0x1127: 0xb051, 0x1128: 0xb052, 0x1129: 0xb053, + 0x112a: 0xb054, 0x112b: 0xb055, 0x112c: 0xb056, 0x112d: 0xb057, 0x112e: 0xb058, 0x112f: 0xb059, + 0x1130: 0xb05a, 0x1131: 0xb05b, 0x1132: 0xb05c, 0x1133: 0xb05d, 0x1134: 0xb05e, 0x1135: 0xb05f, + 0x1136: 0xb060, 0x1137: 0xb061, 0x1138: 0xb062, 0x1139: 0xb063, 0x113a: 0xb064, 0x113b: 0xb065, + 0x113c: 0xb052, 0x113d: 0xb066, 0x113e: 0xb067, 0x113f: 0xb055, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1140: 0xb068, 0x1141: 0xb069, 0x1142: 0xb06a, 0x1143: 0xb06b, 0x1144: 0xb05a, 0x1145: 0xb056, + 0x1146: 0xb06c, 0x1147: 0xb06d, 0x1148: 0xb06b, 0x1149: 0xb06e, 0x114a: 0xb06b, 0x114b: 0xb06f, + 0x114c: 0xb06f, 0x114d: 0xb070, 0x114e: 0xb070, 0x114f: 0xb071, 0x1150: 0xb056, 0x1151: 0xb072, + 0x1152: 0xb073, 0x1153: 0xb072, 0x1154: 0xb074, 0x1155: 0xb073, 0x1156: 0xb075, 0x1157: 0xb075, + 0x1158: 0xb076, 0x1159: 0xb076, 0x115a: 0xb077, 0x115b: 0xb077, 0x115c: 0xb073, 0x115d: 0xb078, + 0x115e: 0xb079, 0x115f: 0xb067, 0x1160: 0xb07a, 0x1161: 0xb07b, 0x1162: 0xb07b, 0x1163: 0xb07b, + 0x1164: 0xb07b, 0x1165: 0xb07b, 0x1166: 0xb07b, 0x1167: 0xb07b, 0x1168: 0xb07b, 0x1169: 0xb07b, + 0x116a: 0xb07b, 0x116b: 0xb07b, 0x116c: 0xb07b, 0x116d: 0xb07b, 0x116e: 0xb07b, 0x116f: 0xb07b, + 0x1170: 0xb07c, 0x1171: 0xb07c, 0x1172: 0xb07c, 0x1173: 0xb07c, 0x1174: 0xb07c, 0x1175: 0xb07c, + 0x1176: 0xb07c, 0x1177: 0xb07c, 0x1178: 0xb07c, 0x1179: 0xb07c, 0x117a: 0xb07c, 0x117b: 0xb07c, + 0x117c: 0xb07c, 0x117d: 0xb07c, 0x117e: 0xb07c, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1182: 0xb07d, 0x1183: 0xb07e, 0x1184: 0xb07f, 0x1185: 0xb080, + 0x1186: 0xb07f, 0x1187: 0xb07e, 0x118a: 0xb081, 0x118b: 0xb082, + 0x118c: 0xb083, 0x118d: 0xb07f, 0x118e: 0xb080, 0x118f: 0xb07f, + 0x1192: 0xb084, 0x1193: 0xb085, 0x1194: 0xb084, 0x1195: 0xb086, 0x1196: 0xb084, 0x1197: 0xb087, + 0x119a: 0xb088, 0x119b: 0xb089, 0x119c: 0xb08a, + 0x11a0: 0x908b, 0x11a1: 0x908b, 0x11a2: 0x908c, 0x11a3: 0x908d, + 0x11a4: 0x908b, 0x11a5: 0x908e, 0x11a6: 0x908f, 0x11a8: 0xb090, 0x11a9: 0xb091, + 0x11aa: 0xb092, 0x11ab: 0xb091, 0x11ac: 0xb093, 0x11ad: 0xb094, 0x11ae: 0xb095, + 0x11bd: 0x2000, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11e0: 0x4000, 0x11e1: 0x4000, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x4000, 0x1201: 0x4000, 0x1202: 0x4000, 0x1203: 0x4000, 0x1204: 0x4000, 0x1205: 0x4000, + 0x1206: 0x4000, 0x1207: 0x4000, 0x1208: 0x4000, 0x1209: 0x4000, 0x120a: 0x4000, 0x120b: 0x4000, + 0x120c: 0x4000, 0x120d: 0x4000, 0x120e: 0x4000, 0x120f: 0x4000, 0x1210: 0x4000, 0x1211: 0x4000, + 0x1212: 0x4000, 0x1213: 0x4000, 0x1214: 0x4000, 0x1215: 0x4000, 0x1216: 0x4000, 0x1217: 0x4000, + 0x1218: 0x4000, 0x1219: 0x4000, 0x121a: 0x4000, 0x121b: 0x4000, 0x121c: 0x4000, 0x121d: 0x4000, + 0x121e: 0x4000, 0x121f: 0x4000, 0x1220: 0x4000, 0x1221: 0x4000, 0x1222: 0x4000, 0x1223: 0x4000, + 0x1224: 0x4000, 0x1225: 0x4000, 0x1226: 0x4000, 0x1227: 0x4000, 0x1228: 0x4000, 0x1229: 0x4000, + 0x122a: 0x4000, 0x122b: 0x4000, 0x122c: 0x4000, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1240: 0x4000, 0x1241: 0x4000, 0x1242: 0x4000, 0x1243: 0x4000, 0x1244: 0x4000, 0x1245: 0x4000, + 0x1246: 0x4000, 0x1247: 0x4000, 0x1248: 0x4000, 0x1249: 0x4000, 0x124a: 0x4000, 0x124b: 0x4000, + 0x124c: 0x4000, 0x124d: 0x4000, 0x124e: 0x4000, 0x124f: 0x4000, 0x1250: 0x4000, 0x1251: 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0x4000, 0x129a: 0x4000, 0x129b: 0x4000, 0x129c: 0x4000, 0x129d: 0x4000, + 0x129e: 0x4000, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12f0: 0x4000, 0x12f1: 0x4000, 0x12f2: 0x4000, 0x12f3: 0x4000, 0x12f4: 0x4000, 0x12f5: 0x4000, + 0x12f6: 0x4000, 0x12f7: 0x4000, 0x12f8: 0x4000, 0x12f9: 0x4000, 0x12fa: 0x4000, 0x12fb: 0x4000, + 0x12fc: 0x4000, 0x12fd: 0x4000, 0x12fe: 0x4000, 0x12ff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x4000, 0x1301: 0x4000, 0x1302: 0x4000, 0x1303: 0x4000, 0x1304: 0x4000, 0x1305: 0x4000, + 0x1306: 0x4000, 0x1307: 0x4000, 0x1308: 0x4000, 0x1309: 0x4000, 0x130a: 0x4000, 0x130b: 0x4000, + 0x130c: 0x4000, 0x130d: 0x4000, 0x130e: 0x4000, 0x130f: 0x4000, 0x1310: 0x4000, 0x1311: 0x4000, + 0x1312: 0x4000, 0x1313: 0x4000, 0x1314: 0x4000, 0x1315: 0x4000, 0x1316: 0x4000, 0x1317: 0x4000, + 0x1318: 0x4000, 0x1319: 0x4000, 0x131a: 0x4000, 0x131b: 0x4000, 0x131c: 0x4000, 0x131d: 0x4000, + 0x131e: 0x4000, 0x131f: 0x4000, 0x1320: 0x4000, 0x1321: 0x4000, 0x1322: 0x4000, 0x1323: 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0x4000, 0x14bb: 0x4000, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x4000, 0x14c1: 0x4000, 0x14c2: 0x4000, 0x14c3: 0x4000, 0x14c4: 0x4000, 0x14c5: 0x4000, + 0x14c6: 0x4000, 0x14c7: 0x4000, 0x14c8: 0x4000, + 0x14d0: 0x4000, 0x14d1: 0x4000, + 0x14e0: 0x4000, 0x14e1: 0x4000, 0x14e2: 0x4000, 0x14e3: 0x4000, + 0x14e4: 0x4000, 0x14e5: 0x4000, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x4000, 0x1501: 0x4000, 0x1502: 0x4000, 0x1503: 0x4000, 0x1504: 0x4000, 0x1505: 0x4000, + 0x1506: 0x4000, 0x1507: 0x4000, 0x1508: 0x4000, 0x1509: 0x4000, 0x150a: 0x4000, 0x150b: 0x4000, + 0x150c: 0x4000, 0x150d: 0x4000, 0x150e: 0x4000, 0x150f: 0x4000, 0x1510: 0x4000, 0x1511: 0x4000, + 0x1512: 0x4000, 0x1513: 0x4000, 0x1514: 0x4000, 0x1515: 0x4000, 0x1516: 0x4000, 0x1517: 0x4000, + 0x1518: 0x4000, 0x1519: 0x4000, 0x151a: 0x4000, 0x151b: 0x4000, 0x151c: 0x4000, 0x151d: 0x4000, + 0x151e: 0x4000, 0x151f: 0x4000, 0x1520: 0x4000, + 0x152d: 0x4000, 0x152e: 0x4000, 0x152f: 0x4000, + 0x1530: 0x4000, 0x1531: 0x4000, 0x1532: 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0x4000, 0x15b7: 0x4000, 0x15b8: 0x4000, 0x15b9: 0x4000, 0x15ba: 0x4000, 0x15bb: 0x4000, + 0x15bc: 0x4000, 0x15bd: 0x4000, 0x15be: 0x4000, 0x15bf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0x4000, 0x15c1: 0x4000, 0x15c2: 0x4000, 0x15c3: 0x4000, 0x15c4: 0x4000, 0x15c5: 0x4000, + 0x15c6: 0x4000, 0x15c7: 0x4000, 0x15c8: 0x4000, 0x15c9: 0x4000, 0x15ca: 0x4000, + 0x15cf: 0x4000, 0x15d0: 0x4000, 0x15d1: 0x4000, + 0x15d2: 0x4000, 0x15d3: 0x4000, + 0x15e0: 0x4000, 0x15e1: 0x4000, 0x15e2: 0x4000, 0x15e3: 0x4000, + 0x15e4: 0x4000, 0x15e5: 0x4000, 0x15e6: 0x4000, 0x15e7: 0x4000, 0x15e8: 0x4000, 0x15e9: 0x4000, + 0x15ea: 0x4000, 0x15eb: 0x4000, 0x15ec: 0x4000, 0x15ed: 0x4000, 0x15ee: 0x4000, 0x15ef: 0x4000, + 0x15f0: 0x4000, 0x15f4: 0x4000, + 0x15f8: 0x4000, 0x15f9: 0x4000, 0x15fa: 0x4000, 0x15fb: 0x4000, + 0x15fc: 0x4000, 0x15fd: 0x4000, 0x15fe: 0x4000, 0x15ff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x4000, 0x1602: 0x4000, 0x1603: 0x4000, 0x1604: 0x4000, 0x1605: 0x4000, + 0x1606: 0x4000, 0x1607: 0x4000, 0x1608: 0x4000, 0x1609: 0x4000, 0x160a: 0x4000, 0x160b: 0x4000, + 0x160c: 0x4000, 0x160d: 0x4000, 0x160e: 0x4000, 0x160f: 0x4000, 0x1610: 0x4000, 0x1611: 0x4000, + 0x1612: 0x4000, 0x1613: 0x4000, 0x1614: 0x4000, 0x1615: 0x4000, 0x1616: 0x4000, 0x1617: 0x4000, + 0x1618: 0x4000, 0x1619: 0x4000, 0x161a: 0x4000, 0x161b: 0x4000, 0x161c: 0x4000, 0x161d: 0x4000, + 0x161e: 0x4000, 0x161f: 0x4000, 0x1620: 0x4000, 0x1621: 0x4000, 0x1622: 0x4000, 0x1623: 0x4000, + 0x1624: 0x4000, 0x1625: 0x4000, 0x1626: 0x4000, 0x1627: 0x4000, 0x1628: 0x4000, 0x1629: 0x4000, + 0x162a: 0x4000, 0x162b: 0x4000, 0x162c: 0x4000, 0x162d: 0x4000, 0x162e: 0x4000, 0x162f: 0x4000, + 0x1630: 0x4000, 0x1631: 0x4000, 0x1632: 0x4000, 0x1633: 0x4000, 0x1634: 0x4000, 0x1635: 0x4000, + 0x1636: 0x4000, 0x1637: 0x4000, 0x1638: 0x4000, 0x1639: 0x4000, 0x163a: 0x4000, 0x163b: 0x4000, + 0x163c: 0x4000, 0x163d: 0x4000, 0x163e: 0x4000, 0x163f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x1640: 0x4000, 0x1641: 0x4000, 0x1642: 0x4000, 0x1643: 0x4000, 0x1644: 0x4000, 0x1645: 0x4000, + 0x1646: 0x4000, 0x1647: 0x4000, 0x1648: 0x4000, 0x1649: 0x4000, 0x164a: 0x4000, 0x164b: 0x4000, + 0x164c: 0x4000, 0x164d: 0x4000, 0x164e: 0x4000, 0x164f: 0x4000, 0x1650: 0x4000, 0x1651: 0x4000, + 0x1652: 0x4000, 0x1653: 0x4000, 0x1654: 0x4000, 0x1655: 0x4000, 0x1656: 0x4000, 0x1657: 0x4000, + 0x1658: 0x4000, 0x1659: 0x4000, 0x165a: 0x4000, 0x165b: 0x4000, 0x165c: 0x4000, 0x165d: 0x4000, + 0x165e: 0x4000, 0x165f: 0x4000, 0x1660: 0x4000, 0x1661: 0x4000, 0x1662: 0x4000, 0x1663: 0x4000, + 0x1664: 0x4000, 0x1665: 0x4000, 0x1666: 0x4000, 0x1667: 0x4000, 0x1668: 0x4000, 0x1669: 0x4000, + 0x166a: 0x4000, 0x166b: 0x4000, 0x166c: 0x4000, 0x166d: 0x4000, 0x166e: 0x4000, 0x166f: 0x4000, + 0x1670: 0x4000, 0x1671: 0x4000, 0x1672: 0x4000, 0x1673: 0x4000, 0x1674: 0x4000, 0x1675: 0x4000, + 0x1676: 0x4000, 0x1677: 0x4000, 0x1678: 0x4000, 0x1679: 0x4000, 0x167a: 0x4000, 0x167b: 0x4000, + 0x167c: 0x4000, 0x167f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x4000, 0x1681: 0x4000, 0x1682: 0x4000, 0x1683: 0x4000, 0x1684: 0x4000, 0x1685: 0x4000, + 0x1686: 0x4000, 0x1687: 0x4000, 0x1688: 0x4000, 0x1689: 0x4000, 0x168a: 0x4000, 0x168b: 0x4000, + 0x168c: 0x4000, 0x168d: 0x4000, 0x168e: 0x4000, 0x168f: 0x4000, 0x1690: 0x4000, 0x1691: 0x4000, + 0x1692: 0x4000, 0x1693: 0x4000, 0x1694: 0x4000, 0x1695: 0x4000, 0x1696: 0x4000, 0x1697: 0x4000, + 0x1698: 0x4000, 0x1699: 0x4000, 0x169a: 0x4000, 0x169b: 0x4000, 0x169c: 0x4000, 0x169d: 0x4000, + 0x169e: 0x4000, 0x169f: 0x4000, 0x16a0: 0x4000, 0x16a1: 0x4000, 0x16a2: 0x4000, 0x16a3: 0x4000, + 0x16a4: 0x4000, 0x16a5: 0x4000, 0x16a6: 0x4000, 0x16a7: 0x4000, 0x16a8: 0x4000, 0x16a9: 0x4000, + 0x16aa: 0x4000, 0x16ab: 0x4000, 0x16ac: 0x4000, 0x16ad: 0x4000, 0x16ae: 0x4000, 0x16af: 0x4000, + 0x16b0: 0x4000, 0x16b1: 0x4000, 0x16b2: 0x4000, 0x16b3: 0x4000, 0x16b4: 0x4000, 0x16b5: 0x4000, + 0x16b6: 0x4000, 0x16b7: 0x4000, 0x16b8: 0x4000, 0x16b9: 0x4000, 0x16ba: 0x4000, 0x16bb: 0x4000, + 0x16bc: 0x4000, 0x16bd: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16cb: 0x4000, + 0x16cc: 0x4000, 0x16cd: 0x4000, 0x16ce: 0x4000, 0x16d0: 0x4000, 0x16d1: 0x4000, + 0x16d2: 0x4000, 0x16d3: 0x4000, 0x16d4: 0x4000, 0x16d5: 0x4000, 0x16d6: 0x4000, 0x16d7: 0x4000, + 0x16d8: 0x4000, 0x16d9: 0x4000, 0x16da: 0x4000, 0x16db: 0x4000, 0x16dc: 0x4000, 0x16dd: 0x4000, + 0x16de: 0x4000, 0x16df: 0x4000, 0x16e0: 0x4000, 0x16e1: 0x4000, 0x16e2: 0x4000, 0x16e3: 0x4000, + 0x16e4: 0x4000, 0x16e5: 0x4000, 0x16e6: 0x4000, 0x16e7: 0x4000, + 0x16fa: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1715: 0x4000, 0x1716: 0x4000, + 0x1724: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x177b: 0x4000, + 0x177c: 0x4000, 0x177d: 0x4000, 0x177e: 0x4000, 0x177f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x1780: 0x4000, 0x1781: 0x4000, 0x1782: 0x4000, 0x1783: 0x4000, 0x1784: 0x4000, 0x1785: 0x4000, + 0x1786: 0x4000, 0x1787: 0x4000, 0x1788: 0x4000, 0x1789: 0x4000, 0x178a: 0x4000, 0x178b: 0x4000, + 0x178c: 0x4000, 0x178d: 0x4000, 0x178e: 0x4000, 0x178f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x4000, 0x17c1: 0x4000, 0x17c2: 0x4000, 0x17c3: 0x4000, 0x17c4: 0x4000, 0x17c5: 0x4000, + 0x17cc: 0x4000, 0x17d0: 0x4000, 0x17d1: 0x4000, + 0x17d2: 0x4000, + 0x17eb: 0x4000, 0x17ec: 0x4000, + 0x17f4: 0x4000, 0x17f5: 0x4000, + 0x17f6: 0x4000, 0x17f7: 0x4000, 0x17f8: 0x4000, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1810: 0x4000, 0x1811: 0x4000, + 0x1812: 0x4000, 0x1813: 0x4000, 0x1814: 0x4000, 0x1815: 0x4000, 0x1816: 0x4000, 0x1817: 0x4000, + 0x1818: 0x4000, 0x1819: 0x4000, 0x181a: 0x4000, 0x181b: 0x4000, 0x181c: 0x4000, 0x181d: 0x4000, + 0x181e: 0x4000, 0x181f: 0x4000, 0x1820: 0x4000, 0x1821: 0x4000, 0x1822: 0x4000, 0x1823: 0x4000, + 0x1824: 0x4000, 0x1825: 0x4000, 0x1826: 0x4000, 0x1827: 0x4000, 0x1828: 0x4000, 0x1829: 0x4000, + 0x182a: 0x4000, 0x182b: 0x4000, 0x182c: 0x4000, 0x182d: 0x4000, 0x182e: 0x4000, 0x182f: 0x4000, + 0x1830: 0x4000, 0x1831: 0x4000, 0x1832: 0x4000, 0x1833: 0x4000, 0x1834: 0x4000, 0x1835: 0x4000, + 0x1836: 0x4000, 0x1837: 0x4000, 0x1838: 0x4000, 0x1839: 0x4000, 0x183a: 0x4000, 0x183b: 0x4000, + 0x183c: 0x4000, 0x183d: 0x4000, 0x183e: 0x4000, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x4000, 0x1841: 0x4000, 0x1842: 0x4000, 0x1843: 0x4000, 0x1844: 0x4000, 0x1845: 0x4000, + 0x1846: 0x4000, 0x1847: 0x4000, 0x1848: 0x4000, 0x1849: 0x4000, 0x184a: 0x4000, 0x184b: 0x4000, + 0x184c: 0x4000, 0x1850: 0x4000, 0x1851: 0x4000, + 0x1852: 0x4000, 0x1853: 0x4000, 0x1854: 0x4000, 0x1855: 0x4000, 0x1856: 0x4000, 0x1857: 0x4000, + 0x1858: 0x4000, 0x1859: 0x4000, 0x185a: 0x4000, 0x185b: 0x4000, 0x185c: 0x4000, 0x185d: 0x4000, + 0x185e: 0x4000, 0x185f: 0x4000, 0x1860: 0x4000, 0x1861: 0x4000, 0x1862: 0x4000, 0x1863: 0x4000, + 0x1864: 0x4000, 0x1865: 0x4000, 0x1866: 0x4000, 0x1867: 0x4000, 0x1868: 0x4000, 0x1869: 0x4000, + 0x186a: 0x4000, 0x186b: 0x4000, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x4000, 0x1881: 0x4000, 0x1882: 0x4000, 0x1883: 0x4000, 0x1884: 0x4000, 0x1885: 0x4000, + 0x1886: 0x4000, 0x1887: 0x4000, 0x1888: 0x4000, 0x1889: 0x4000, 0x188a: 0x4000, 0x188b: 0x4000, + 0x188c: 0x4000, 0x188d: 0x4000, 0x188e: 0x4000, 0x188f: 0x4000, 0x1890: 0x4000, 0x1891: 0x4000, + 0x1892: 0x4000, 0x1893: 0x4000, 0x1894: 0x4000, 0x1895: 0x4000, 0x1896: 0x4000, 0x1897: 0x4000, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x4000, + 0x18d0: 0x4000, 0x18d1: 0x4000, + 0x18d2: 0x4000, 0x18d3: 0x4000, 0x18d4: 0x4000, 0x18d5: 0x4000, 0x18d6: 0x4000, 0x18d7: 0x4000, + 0x18d8: 0x4000, 0x18d9: 0x4000, 0x18da: 0x4000, 0x18db: 0x4000, 0x18dc: 0x4000, 0x18dd: 0x4000, + 0x18de: 0x4000, 0x18df: 0x4000, 0x18e0: 0x4000, 0x18e1: 0x4000, 0x18e2: 0x4000, 0x18e3: 0x4000, + 0x18e4: 0x4000, 0x18e5: 0x4000, 0x18e6: 0x4000, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x2000, 0x1901: 0x2000, 0x1902: 0x2000, 0x1903: 0x2000, 0x1904: 0x2000, 0x1905: 0x2000, + 0x1906: 0x2000, 0x1907: 0x2000, 0x1908: 0x2000, 0x1909: 0x2000, 0x190a: 0x2000, 0x190b: 0x2000, + 0x190c: 0x2000, 0x190d: 0x2000, 0x190e: 0x2000, 0x190f: 0x2000, 0x1910: 0x2000, 0x1911: 0x2000, + 0x1912: 0x2000, 0x1913: 0x2000, 0x1914: 0x2000, 0x1915: 0x2000, 0x1916: 0x2000, 0x1917: 0x2000, + 0x1918: 0x2000, 0x1919: 0x2000, 0x191a: 0x2000, 0x191b: 0x2000, 0x191c: 0x2000, 0x191d: 0x2000, + 0x191e: 0x2000, 0x191f: 0x2000, 0x1920: 0x2000, 0x1921: 0x2000, 0x1922: 0x2000, 0x1923: 0x2000, + 0x1924: 0x2000, 0x1925: 0x2000, 0x1926: 0x2000, 0x1927: 0x2000, 0x1928: 0x2000, 0x1929: 0x2000, + 0x192a: 0x2000, 0x192b: 0x2000, 0x192c: 0x2000, 0x192d: 0x2000, 0x192e: 0x2000, 0x192f: 0x2000, + 0x1930: 0x2000, 0x1931: 0x2000, 0x1932: 0x2000, 0x1933: 0x2000, 0x1934: 0x2000, 0x1935: 0x2000, + 0x1936: 0x2000, 0x1937: 0x2000, 0x1938: 0x2000, 0x1939: 0x2000, 0x193a: 0x2000, 0x193b: 0x2000, + 0x193c: 0x2000, 0x193d: 0x2000, +} + +// widthIndex: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 1408 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var widthIndex = [1408]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc7: 0x05, + 0xc9: 0x06, 0xcb: 0x07, 0xcc: 0x08, 0xcd: 0x09, 0xce: 0x0a, 0xcf: 0x0b, + 0xd0: 0x0c, 0xd1: 0x0d, + 0xe1: 0x02, 0xe2: 0x03, 0xe3: 0x04, 0xe4: 0x05, 0xe5: 0x06, 0xe6: 0x06, 0xe7: 0x06, + 0xe8: 0x06, 0xe9: 0x06, 0xea: 0x07, 0xeb: 0x06, 0xec: 0x06, 0xed: 0x08, 0xee: 0x09, 0xef: 0x0a, + 0xf0: 0x0f, 0xf3: 0x12, 0xf4: 0x13, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x104: 0x0e, 0x105: 0x0f, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x10, 0x141: 0x11, 0x142: 0x12, 0x144: 0x13, 0x145: 0x14, 0x146: 0x15, 0x147: 0x16, + 0x148: 0x17, 0x149: 0x18, 0x14a: 0x19, 0x14c: 0x1a, 0x14f: 0x1b, + 0x151: 0x1c, 0x152: 0x08, 0x153: 0x1d, 0x154: 0x1e, 0x155: 0x1f, 0x156: 0x20, 0x157: 0x21, + 0x158: 0x22, 0x159: 0x23, 0x15a: 0x24, 0x15b: 0x25, 0x15c: 0x26, 0x15d: 0x27, 0x15e: 0x28, 0x15f: 0x29, + 0x166: 0x2a, + 0x16c: 0x2b, 0x16d: 0x2c, + 0x17a: 0x2d, 0x17b: 0x2e, 0x17c: 0x0e, 0x17d: 0x0e, 0x17e: 0x0e, 0x17f: 0x2f, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x30, 0x181: 0x31, 0x182: 0x32, 0x183: 0x33, 0x184: 0x34, 0x185: 0x35, 0x186: 0x36, 0x187: 0x37, + 0x188: 0x38, 0x189: 0x39, 0x18a: 0x0e, 0x18b: 0x3a, 0x18c: 0x0e, 0x18d: 0x0e, 0x18e: 0x0e, 0x18f: 0x0e, + 0x190: 0x0e, 0x191: 0x0e, 0x192: 0x0e, 0x193: 0x0e, 0x194: 0x0e, 0x195: 0x0e, 0x196: 0x0e, 0x197: 0x0e, + 0x198: 0x0e, 0x199: 0x0e, 0x19a: 0x0e, 0x19b: 0x0e, 0x19c: 0x0e, 0x19d: 0x0e, 0x19e: 0x0e, 0x19f: 0x0e, + 0x1a0: 0x0e, 0x1a1: 0x0e, 0x1a2: 0x0e, 0x1a3: 0x0e, 0x1a4: 0x0e, 0x1a5: 0x0e, 0x1a6: 0x0e, 0x1a7: 0x0e, + 0x1a8: 0x0e, 0x1a9: 0x0e, 0x1aa: 0x0e, 0x1ab: 0x0e, 0x1ac: 0x0e, 0x1ad: 0x0e, 0x1ae: 0x0e, 0x1af: 0x0e, + 0x1b0: 0x0e, 0x1b1: 0x0e, 0x1b2: 0x0e, 0x1b3: 0x0e, 0x1b4: 0x0e, 0x1b5: 0x0e, 0x1b6: 0x0e, 0x1b7: 0x0e, + 0x1b8: 0x0e, 0x1b9: 0x0e, 0x1ba: 0x0e, 0x1bb: 0x0e, 0x1bc: 0x0e, 0x1bd: 0x0e, 0x1be: 0x0e, 0x1bf: 0x0e, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x0e, 0x1c1: 0x0e, 0x1c2: 0x0e, 0x1c3: 0x0e, 0x1c4: 0x0e, 0x1c5: 0x0e, 0x1c6: 0x0e, 0x1c7: 0x0e, + 0x1c8: 0x0e, 0x1c9: 0x0e, 0x1ca: 0x0e, 0x1cb: 0x0e, 0x1cc: 0x0e, 0x1cd: 0x0e, 0x1ce: 0x0e, 0x1cf: 0x0e, + 0x1d0: 0x0e, 0x1d1: 0x0e, 0x1d2: 0x0e, 0x1d3: 0x0e, 0x1d4: 0x0e, 0x1d5: 0x0e, 0x1d6: 0x0e, 0x1d7: 0x0e, + 0x1d8: 0x0e, 0x1d9: 0x0e, 0x1da: 0x0e, 0x1db: 0x0e, 0x1dc: 0x0e, 0x1dd: 0x0e, 0x1de: 0x0e, 0x1df: 0x0e, + 0x1e0: 0x0e, 0x1e1: 0x0e, 0x1e2: 0x0e, 0x1e3: 0x0e, 0x1e4: 0x0e, 0x1e5: 0x0e, 0x1e6: 0x0e, 0x1e7: 0x0e, + 0x1e8: 0x0e, 0x1e9: 0x0e, 0x1ea: 0x0e, 0x1eb: 0x0e, 0x1ec: 0x0e, 0x1ed: 0x0e, 0x1ee: 0x0e, 0x1ef: 0x0e, + 0x1f0: 0x0e, 0x1f1: 0x0e, 0x1f2: 0x0e, 0x1f3: 0x0e, 0x1f4: 0x0e, 0x1f5: 0x0e, 0x1f6: 0x0e, + 0x1f8: 0x0e, 0x1f9: 0x0e, 0x1fa: 0x0e, 0x1fb: 0x0e, 0x1fc: 0x0e, 0x1fd: 0x0e, 0x1fe: 0x0e, 0x1ff: 0x0e, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x0e, 0x201: 0x0e, 0x202: 0x0e, 0x203: 0x0e, 0x204: 0x0e, 0x205: 0x0e, 0x206: 0x0e, 0x207: 0x0e, + 0x208: 0x0e, 0x209: 0x0e, 0x20a: 0x0e, 0x20b: 0x0e, 0x20c: 0x0e, 0x20d: 0x0e, 0x20e: 0x0e, 0x20f: 0x0e, + 0x210: 0x0e, 0x211: 0x0e, 0x212: 0x0e, 0x213: 0x0e, 0x214: 0x0e, 0x215: 0x0e, 0x216: 0x0e, 0x217: 0x0e, + 0x218: 0x0e, 0x219: 0x0e, 0x21a: 0x0e, 0x21b: 0x0e, 0x21c: 0x0e, 0x21d: 0x0e, 0x21e: 0x0e, 0x21f: 0x0e, + 0x220: 0x0e, 0x221: 0x0e, 0x222: 0x0e, 0x223: 0x0e, 0x224: 0x0e, 0x225: 0x0e, 0x226: 0x0e, 0x227: 0x0e, + 0x228: 0x0e, 0x229: 0x0e, 0x22a: 0x0e, 0x22b: 0x0e, 0x22c: 0x0e, 0x22d: 0x0e, 0x22e: 0x0e, 0x22f: 0x0e, + 0x230: 0x0e, 0x231: 0x0e, 0x232: 0x0e, 0x233: 0x0e, 0x234: 0x0e, 0x235: 0x0e, 0x236: 0x0e, 0x237: 0x0e, + 0x238: 0x0e, 0x239: 0x0e, 0x23a: 0x0e, 0x23b: 0x0e, 0x23c: 0x0e, 0x23d: 0x0e, 0x23e: 0x0e, 0x23f: 0x0e, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x0e, 0x241: 0x0e, 0x242: 0x0e, 0x243: 0x0e, 0x244: 0x0e, 0x245: 0x0e, 0x246: 0x0e, 0x247: 0x0e, + 0x248: 0x0e, 0x249: 0x0e, 0x24a: 0x0e, 0x24b: 0x0e, 0x24c: 0x0e, 0x24d: 0x0e, 0x24e: 0x0e, 0x24f: 0x0e, + 0x250: 0x0e, 0x251: 0x0e, 0x252: 0x3b, 0x253: 0x3c, + 0x265: 0x3d, + 0x270: 0x0e, 0x271: 0x0e, 0x272: 0x0e, 0x273: 0x0e, 0x274: 0x0e, 0x275: 0x0e, 0x276: 0x0e, 0x277: 0x0e, + 0x278: 0x0e, 0x279: 0x0e, 0x27a: 0x0e, 0x27b: 0x0e, 0x27c: 0x0e, 0x27d: 0x0e, 0x27e: 0x0e, 0x27f: 0x0e, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x0e, 0x281: 0x0e, 0x282: 0x0e, 0x283: 0x0e, 0x284: 0x0e, 0x285: 0x0e, 0x286: 0x0e, 0x287: 0x0e, + 0x288: 0x0e, 0x289: 0x0e, 0x28a: 0x0e, 0x28b: 0x0e, 0x28c: 0x0e, 0x28d: 0x0e, 0x28e: 0x0e, 0x28f: 0x0e, + 0x290: 0x0e, 0x291: 0x0e, 0x292: 0x0e, 0x293: 0x0e, 0x294: 0x0e, 0x295: 0x0e, 0x296: 0x0e, 0x297: 0x0e, + 0x298: 0x0e, 0x299: 0x0e, 0x29a: 0x0e, 0x29b: 0x0e, 0x29c: 0x0e, 0x29d: 0x0e, 0x29e: 0x3e, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x08, 0x2c1: 0x08, 0x2c2: 0x08, 0x2c3: 0x08, 0x2c4: 0x08, 0x2c5: 0x08, 0x2c6: 0x08, 0x2c7: 0x08, + 0x2c8: 0x08, 0x2c9: 0x08, 0x2ca: 0x08, 0x2cb: 0x08, 0x2cc: 0x08, 0x2cd: 0x08, 0x2ce: 0x08, 0x2cf: 0x08, + 0x2d0: 0x08, 0x2d1: 0x08, 0x2d2: 0x08, 0x2d3: 0x08, 0x2d4: 0x08, 0x2d5: 0x08, 0x2d6: 0x08, 0x2d7: 0x08, + 0x2d8: 0x08, 0x2d9: 0x08, 0x2da: 0x08, 0x2db: 0x08, 0x2dc: 0x08, 0x2dd: 0x08, 0x2de: 0x08, 0x2df: 0x08, + 0x2e0: 0x08, 0x2e1: 0x08, 0x2e2: 0x08, 0x2e3: 0x08, 0x2e4: 0x08, 0x2e5: 0x08, 0x2e6: 0x08, 0x2e7: 0x08, + 0x2e8: 0x08, 0x2e9: 0x08, 0x2ea: 0x08, 0x2eb: 0x08, 0x2ec: 0x08, 0x2ed: 0x08, 0x2ee: 0x08, 0x2ef: 0x08, + 0x2f0: 0x08, 0x2f1: 0x08, 0x2f2: 0x08, 0x2f3: 0x08, 0x2f4: 0x08, 0x2f5: 0x08, 0x2f6: 0x08, 0x2f7: 0x08, + 0x2f8: 0x08, 0x2f9: 0x08, 0x2fa: 0x08, 0x2fb: 0x08, 0x2fc: 0x08, 0x2fd: 0x08, 0x2fe: 0x08, 0x2ff: 0x08, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x08, 0x301: 0x08, 0x302: 0x08, 0x303: 0x08, 0x304: 0x08, 0x305: 0x08, 0x306: 0x08, 0x307: 0x08, + 0x308: 0x08, 0x309: 0x08, 0x30a: 0x08, 0x30b: 0x08, 0x30c: 0x08, 0x30d: 0x08, 0x30e: 0x08, 0x30f: 0x08, + 0x310: 0x08, 0x311: 0x08, 0x312: 0x08, 0x313: 0x08, 0x314: 0x08, 0x315: 0x08, 0x316: 0x08, 0x317: 0x08, + 0x318: 0x08, 0x319: 0x08, 0x31a: 0x08, 0x31b: 0x08, 0x31c: 0x08, 0x31d: 0x08, 0x31e: 0x08, 0x31f: 0x08, + 0x320: 0x08, 0x321: 0x08, 0x322: 0x08, 0x323: 0x08, 0x324: 0x0e, 0x325: 0x0e, 0x326: 0x0e, 0x327: 0x0e, + 0x328: 0x0e, 0x329: 0x0e, 0x32a: 0x0e, 0x32b: 0x0e, + 0x338: 0x3f, 0x339: 0x40, 0x33c: 0x41, 0x33d: 0x42, 0x33e: 0x43, 0x33f: 0x44, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x37f: 0x45, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0e, 0x381: 0x0e, 0x382: 0x0e, 0x383: 0x0e, 0x384: 0x0e, 0x385: 0x0e, 0x386: 0x0e, 0x387: 0x0e, + 0x388: 0x0e, 0x389: 0x0e, 0x38a: 0x0e, 0x38b: 0x0e, 0x38c: 0x0e, 0x38d: 0x0e, 0x38e: 0x0e, 0x38f: 0x0e, + 0x390: 0x0e, 0x391: 0x0e, 0x392: 0x0e, 0x393: 0x0e, 0x394: 0x0e, 0x395: 0x0e, 0x396: 0x0e, 0x397: 0x0e, + 0x398: 0x0e, 0x399: 0x0e, 0x39a: 0x0e, 0x39b: 0x0e, 0x39c: 0x0e, 0x39d: 0x0e, 0x39e: 0x0e, 0x39f: 0x46, + 0x3a0: 0x0e, 0x3a1: 0x0e, 0x3a2: 0x0e, 0x3a3: 0x0e, 0x3a4: 0x0e, 0x3a5: 0x0e, 0x3a6: 0x0e, 0x3a7: 0x0e, + 0x3a8: 0x0e, 0x3a9: 0x0e, 0x3aa: 0x0e, 0x3ab: 0x47, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x0e, 0x3c1: 0x0e, 0x3c2: 0x0e, 0x3c3: 0x0e, 0x3c4: 0x48, 0x3c5: 0x49, 0x3c6: 0x0e, 0x3c7: 0x0e, + 0x3c8: 0x0e, 0x3c9: 0x0e, 0x3ca: 0x0e, 0x3cb: 0x4a, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x4b, 0x403: 0x4c, 0x404: 0x4d, 0x405: 0x4e, 0x406: 0x4f, + 0x408: 0x50, 0x409: 0x51, 0x40c: 0x52, 0x40d: 0x53, 0x40e: 0x54, 0x40f: 0x55, + 0x410: 0x3a, 0x411: 0x56, 0x412: 0x0e, 0x413: 0x57, 0x414: 0x58, 0x415: 0x59, 0x416: 0x5a, 0x417: 0x5b, + 0x418: 0x0e, 0x419: 0x5c, 0x41a: 0x0e, 0x41b: 0x5d, + 0x424: 0x5e, 0x425: 0x5f, 0x426: 0x60, 0x427: 0x61, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x456: 0x0b, 0x457: 0x06, + 0x458: 0x0c, 0x45b: 0x0d, 0x45f: 0x0e, + 0x460: 0x06, 0x461: 0x06, 0x462: 0x06, 0x463: 0x06, 0x464: 0x06, 0x465: 0x06, 0x466: 0x06, 0x467: 0x06, + 0x468: 0x06, 0x469: 0x06, 0x46a: 0x06, 0x46b: 0x06, 0x46c: 0x06, 0x46d: 0x06, 0x46e: 0x06, 0x46f: 0x06, + 0x470: 0x06, 0x471: 0x06, 0x472: 0x06, 0x473: 0x06, 0x474: 0x06, 0x475: 0x06, 0x476: 0x06, 0x477: 0x06, + 0x478: 0x06, 0x479: 0x06, 0x47a: 0x06, 0x47b: 0x06, 0x47c: 0x06, 0x47d: 0x06, 0x47e: 0x06, 0x47f: 0x06, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x484: 0x08, 0x485: 0x08, 0x486: 0x08, 0x487: 0x09, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x08, 0x4c1: 0x08, 0x4c2: 0x08, 0x4c3: 0x08, 0x4c4: 0x08, 0x4c5: 0x08, 0x4c6: 0x08, 0x4c7: 0x08, + 0x4c8: 0x08, 0x4c9: 0x08, 0x4ca: 0x08, 0x4cb: 0x08, 0x4cc: 0x08, 0x4cd: 0x08, 0x4ce: 0x08, 0x4cf: 0x08, + 0x4d0: 0x08, 0x4d1: 0x08, 0x4d2: 0x08, 0x4d3: 0x08, 0x4d4: 0x08, 0x4d5: 0x08, 0x4d6: 0x08, 0x4d7: 0x08, + 0x4d8: 0x08, 0x4d9: 0x08, 0x4da: 0x08, 0x4db: 0x08, 0x4dc: 0x08, 0x4dd: 0x08, 0x4de: 0x08, 0x4df: 0x08, + 0x4e0: 0x08, 0x4e1: 0x08, 0x4e2: 0x08, 0x4e3: 0x08, 0x4e4: 0x08, 0x4e5: 0x08, 0x4e6: 0x08, 0x4e7: 0x08, + 0x4e8: 0x08, 0x4e9: 0x08, 0x4ea: 0x08, 0x4eb: 0x08, 0x4ec: 0x08, 0x4ed: 0x08, 0x4ee: 0x08, 0x4ef: 0x08, + 0x4f0: 0x08, 0x4f1: 0x08, 0x4f2: 0x08, 0x4f3: 0x08, 0x4f4: 0x08, 0x4f5: 0x08, 0x4f6: 0x08, 0x4f7: 0x08, + 0x4f8: 0x08, 0x4f9: 0x08, 0x4fa: 0x08, 0x4fb: 0x08, 0x4fc: 0x08, 0x4fd: 0x08, 0x4fe: 0x08, 0x4ff: 0x62, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x520: 0x10, + 0x530: 0x09, 0x531: 0x09, 0x532: 0x09, 0x533: 0x09, 0x534: 0x09, 0x535: 0x09, 0x536: 0x09, 0x537: 0x09, + 0x538: 0x09, 0x539: 0x09, 0x53a: 0x09, 0x53b: 0x09, 0x53c: 0x09, 0x53d: 0x09, 0x53e: 0x09, 0x53f: 0x11, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x09, 0x541: 0x09, 0x542: 0x09, 0x543: 0x09, 0x544: 0x09, 0x545: 0x09, 0x546: 0x09, 0x547: 0x09, + 0x548: 0x09, 0x549: 0x09, 0x54a: 0x09, 0x54b: 0x09, 0x54c: 0x09, 0x54d: 0x09, 0x54e: 0x09, 0x54f: 0x11, +} + +// inverseData contains 4-byte entries of the following format: +// <0 padding> +// The last byte of the UTF-8-encoded rune is xor-ed with the last byte of the +// UTF-8 encoding of the original rune. Mappings often have the following +// pattern: +// A -> A (U+FF21 -> U+0041) +// B -> B (U+FF22 -> U+0042) +// ... +// By xor-ing the last byte the same entry can be shared by many mappings. This +// reduces the total number of distinct entries by about two thirds. +// The resulting entry for the aforementioned mappings is +// { 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x00 } +// Using this entry to map U+FF21 (UTF-8 [EF BC A1]), we get +// E0 ^ A1 = 41. +// Similarly, for U+FF22 (UTF-8 [EF BC A2]), we get +// E0 ^ A2 = 42. +// Note that because of the xor-ing, the byte sequence stored in the entry is +// not valid UTF-8. +var inverseData = [150][4]byte{ + {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0xa0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xa0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xe0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xe0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x2a}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x26}, + {0x01, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x23}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x16}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x19}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x11}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x31}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x33}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x32}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x36}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x14}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x10}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x37}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x04}, + {0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x26}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x23}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x1e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x14}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x16}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x19}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x11}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x31}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x33}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x3e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x32}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x36}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x84, 0x10}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x37}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3f}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x02, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0e, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0c, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x82, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x94, 0x2a}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x96, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x97, 0x25}, +} + +// Total table size 14936 bytes (14KiB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables11.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables11.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..990f7622 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables11.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,1331 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.13 && !go1.14 +// +build go1.13,!go1.14 + +package width + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "11.0.0" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *widthTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = widthIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0] + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = widthIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0] + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// widthTrie. Total size: 14336 bytes (14.00 KiB). Checksum: c0f7712776e71cd4. +type widthTrie struct{} + +func newWidthTrie(i int) *widthTrie { + return &widthTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + default: + return uint16(widthValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// widthValues: 101 blocks, 6464 entries, 12928 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var widthValues = [6464]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x20: 0x6001, 0x21: 0x6002, 0x22: 0x6002, 0x23: 0x6002, + 0x24: 0x6002, 0x25: 0x6002, 0x26: 0x6002, 0x27: 0x6002, 0x28: 0x6002, 0x29: 0x6002, + 0x2a: 0x6002, 0x2b: 0x6002, 0x2c: 0x6002, 0x2d: 0x6002, 0x2e: 0x6002, 0x2f: 0x6002, + 0x30: 0x6002, 0x31: 0x6002, 0x32: 0x6002, 0x33: 0x6002, 0x34: 0x6002, 0x35: 0x6002, + 0x36: 0x6002, 0x37: 0x6002, 0x38: 0x6002, 0x39: 0x6002, 0x3a: 0x6002, 0x3b: 0x6002, + 0x3c: 0x6002, 0x3d: 0x6002, 0x3e: 0x6002, 0x3f: 0x6002, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x6003, 0x41: 0x6003, 0x42: 0x6003, 0x43: 0x6003, 0x44: 0x6003, 0x45: 0x6003, + 0x46: 0x6003, 0x47: 0x6003, 0x48: 0x6003, 0x49: 0x6003, 0x4a: 0x6003, 0x4b: 0x6003, + 0x4c: 0x6003, 0x4d: 0x6003, 0x4e: 0x6003, 0x4f: 0x6003, 0x50: 0x6003, 0x51: 0x6003, + 0x52: 0x6003, 0x53: 0x6003, 0x54: 0x6003, 0x55: 0x6003, 0x56: 0x6003, 0x57: 0x6003, + 0x58: 0x6003, 0x59: 0x6003, 0x5a: 0x6003, 0x5b: 0x6003, 0x5c: 0x6003, 0x5d: 0x6003, + 0x5e: 0x6003, 0x5f: 0x6003, 0x60: 0x6004, 0x61: 0x6004, 0x62: 0x6004, 0x63: 0x6004, + 0x64: 0x6004, 0x65: 0x6004, 0x66: 0x6004, 0x67: 0x6004, 0x68: 0x6004, 0x69: 0x6004, + 0x6a: 0x6004, 0x6b: 0x6004, 0x6c: 0x6004, 0x6d: 0x6004, 0x6e: 0x6004, 0x6f: 0x6004, + 0x70: 0x6004, 0x71: 0x6004, 0x72: 0x6004, 0x73: 0x6004, 0x74: 0x6004, 0x75: 0x6004, + 0x76: 0x6004, 0x77: 0x6004, 0x78: 0x6004, 0x79: 0x6004, 0x7a: 0x6004, 0x7b: 0x6004, + 0x7c: 0x6004, 0x7d: 0x6004, 0x7e: 0x6004, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xe1: 0x2000, 0xe2: 0x6005, 0xe3: 0x6005, + 0xe4: 0x2000, 0xe5: 0x6006, 0xe6: 0x6005, 0xe7: 0x2000, 0xe8: 0x2000, + 0xea: 0x2000, 0xec: 0x6007, 0xed: 0x2000, 0xee: 0x2000, 0xef: 0x6008, + 0xf0: 0x2000, 0xf1: 0x2000, 0xf2: 0x2000, 0xf3: 0x2000, 0xf4: 0x2000, + 0xf6: 0x2000, 0xf7: 0x2000, 0xf8: 0x2000, 0xf9: 0x2000, 0xfa: 0x2000, + 0xfc: 0x2000, 0xfd: 0x2000, 0xfe: 0x2000, 0xff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x106: 0x2000, + 0x110: 0x2000, + 0x117: 0x2000, + 0x118: 0x2000, + 0x11e: 0x2000, 0x11f: 0x2000, 0x120: 0x2000, 0x121: 0x2000, + 0x126: 0x2000, 0x128: 0x2000, 0x129: 0x2000, + 0x12a: 0x2000, 0x12c: 0x2000, 0x12d: 0x2000, + 0x130: 0x2000, 0x132: 0x2000, 0x133: 0x2000, + 0x137: 0x2000, 0x138: 0x2000, 0x139: 0x2000, 0x13a: 0x2000, + 0x13c: 0x2000, 0x13e: 0x2000, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x141: 0x2000, + 0x151: 0x2000, + 0x153: 0x2000, + 0x15b: 0x2000, + 0x166: 0x2000, 0x167: 0x2000, + 0x16b: 0x2000, + 0x171: 0x2000, 0x172: 0x2000, 0x173: 0x2000, + 0x178: 0x2000, + 0x17f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x2000, 0x181: 0x2000, 0x182: 0x2000, 0x184: 0x2000, + 0x188: 0x2000, 0x189: 0x2000, 0x18a: 0x2000, 0x18b: 0x2000, + 0x18d: 0x2000, + 0x192: 0x2000, 0x193: 0x2000, + 0x1a6: 0x2000, 0x1a7: 0x2000, + 0x1ab: 0x2000, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1ce: 0x2000, 0x1d0: 0x2000, + 0x1d2: 0x2000, 0x1d4: 0x2000, 0x1d6: 0x2000, + 0x1d8: 0x2000, 0x1da: 0x2000, 0x1dc: 0x2000, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x211: 0x2000, + 0x221: 0x2000, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x244: 0x2000, + 0x247: 0x2000, 0x249: 0x2000, 0x24a: 0x2000, 0x24b: 0x2000, + 0x24d: 0x2000, 0x250: 0x2000, + 0x258: 0x2000, 0x259: 0x2000, 0x25a: 0x2000, 0x25b: 0x2000, 0x25d: 0x2000, + 0x25f: 0x2000, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x2000, 0x281: 0x2000, 0x282: 0x2000, 0x283: 0x2000, 0x284: 0x2000, 0x285: 0x2000, + 0x286: 0x2000, 0x287: 0x2000, 0x288: 0x2000, 0x289: 0x2000, 0x28a: 0x2000, 0x28b: 0x2000, + 0x28c: 0x2000, 0x28d: 0x2000, 0x28e: 0x2000, 0x28f: 0x2000, 0x290: 0x2000, 0x291: 0x2000, + 0x292: 0x2000, 0x293: 0x2000, 0x294: 0x2000, 0x295: 0x2000, 0x296: 0x2000, 0x297: 0x2000, + 0x298: 0x2000, 0x299: 0x2000, 0x29a: 0x2000, 0x29b: 0x2000, 0x29c: 0x2000, 0x29d: 0x2000, + 0x29e: 0x2000, 0x29f: 0x2000, 0x2a0: 0x2000, 0x2a1: 0x2000, 0x2a2: 0x2000, 0x2a3: 0x2000, + 0x2a4: 0x2000, 0x2a5: 0x2000, 0x2a6: 0x2000, 0x2a7: 0x2000, 0x2a8: 0x2000, 0x2a9: 0x2000, + 0x2aa: 0x2000, 0x2ab: 0x2000, 0x2ac: 0x2000, 0x2ad: 0x2000, 0x2ae: 0x2000, 0x2af: 0x2000, + 0x2b0: 0x2000, 0x2b1: 0x2000, 0x2b2: 0x2000, 0x2b3: 0x2000, 0x2b4: 0x2000, 0x2b5: 0x2000, + 0x2b6: 0x2000, 0x2b7: 0x2000, 0x2b8: 0x2000, 0x2b9: 0x2000, 0x2ba: 0x2000, 0x2bb: 0x2000, + 0x2bc: 0x2000, 0x2bd: 0x2000, 0x2be: 0x2000, 0x2bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x2000, 0x2c1: 0x2000, 0x2c2: 0x2000, 0x2c3: 0x2000, 0x2c4: 0x2000, 0x2c5: 0x2000, + 0x2c6: 0x2000, 0x2c7: 0x2000, 0x2c8: 0x2000, 0x2c9: 0x2000, 0x2ca: 0x2000, 0x2cb: 0x2000, + 0x2cc: 0x2000, 0x2cd: 0x2000, 0x2ce: 0x2000, 0x2cf: 0x2000, 0x2d0: 0x2000, 0x2d1: 0x2000, + 0x2d2: 0x2000, 0x2d3: 0x2000, 0x2d4: 0x2000, 0x2d5: 0x2000, 0x2d6: 0x2000, 0x2d7: 0x2000, + 0x2d8: 0x2000, 0x2d9: 0x2000, 0x2da: 0x2000, 0x2db: 0x2000, 0x2dc: 0x2000, 0x2dd: 0x2000, + 0x2de: 0x2000, 0x2df: 0x2000, 0x2e0: 0x2000, 0x2e1: 0x2000, 0x2e2: 0x2000, 0x2e3: 0x2000, + 0x2e4: 0x2000, 0x2e5: 0x2000, 0x2e6: 0x2000, 0x2e7: 0x2000, 0x2e8: 0x2000, 0x2e9: 0x2000, + 0x2ea: 0x2000, 0x2eb: 0x2000, 0x2ec: 0x2000, 0x2ed: 0x2000, 0x2ee: 0x2000, 0x2ef: 0x2000, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x311: 0x2000, + 0x312: 0x2000, 0x313: 0x2000, 0x314: 0x2000, 0x315: 0x2000, 0x316: 0x2000, 0x317: 0x2000, + 0x318: 0x2000, 0x319: 0x2000, 0x31a: 0x2000, 0x31b: 0x2000, 0x31c: 0x2000, 0x31d: 0x2000, + 0x31e: 0x2000, 0x31f: 0x2000, 0x320: 0x2000, 0x321: 0x2000, 0x323: 0x2000, + 0x324: 0x2000, 0x325: 0x2000, 0x326: 0x2000, 0x327: 0x2000, 0x328: 0x2000, 0x329: 0x2000, + 0x331: 0x2000, 0x332: 0x2000, 0x333: 0x2000, 0x334: 0x2000, 0x335: 0x2000, + 0x336: 0x2000, 0x337: 0x2000, 0x338: 0x2000, 0x339: 0x2000, 0x33a: 0x2000, 0x33b: 0x2000, + 0x33c: 0x2000, 0x33d: 0x2000, 0x33e: 0x2000, 0x33f: 0x2000, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x2000, 0x341: 0x2000, 0x343: 0x2000, 0x344: 0x2000, 0x345: 0x2000, + 0x346: 0x2000, 0x347: 0x2000, 0x348: 0x2000, 0x349: 0x2000, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x381: 0x2000, + 0x390: 0x2000, 0x391: 0x2000, + 0x392: 0x2000, 0x393: 0x2000, 0x394: 0x2000, 0x395: 0x2000, 0x396: 0x2000, 0x397: 0x2000, + 0x398: 0x2000, 0x399: 0x2000, 0x39a: 0x2000, 0x39b: 0x2000, 0x39c: 0x2000, 0x39d: 0x2000, + 0x39e: 0x2000, 0x39f: 0x2000, 0x3a0: 0x2000, 0x3a1: 0x2000, 0x3a2: 0x2000, 0x3a3: 0x2000, + 0x3a4: 0x2000, 0x3a5: 0x2000, 0x3a6: 0x2000, 0x3a7: 0x2000, 0x3a8: 0x2000, 0x3a9: 0x2000, + 0x3aa: 0x2000, 0x3ab: 0x2000, 0x3ac: 0x2000, 0x3ad: 0x2000, 0x3ae: 0x2000, 0x3af: 0x2000, + 0x3b0: 0x2000, 0x3b1: 0x2000, 0x3b2: 0x2000, 0x3b3: 0x2000, 0x3b4: 0x2000, 0x3b5: 0x2000, + 0x3b6: 0x2000, 0x3b7: 0x2000, 0x3b8: 0x2000, 0x3b9: 0x2000, 0x3ba: 0x2000, 0x3bb: 0x2000, + 0x3bc: 0x2000, 0x3bd: 0x2000, 0x3be: 0x2000, 0x3bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x2000, 0x3c1: 0x2000, 0x3c2: 0x2000, 0x3c3: 0x2000, 0x3c4: 0x2000, 0x3c5: 0x2000, + 0x3c6: 0x2000, 0x3c7: 0x2000, 0x3c8: 0x2000, 0x3c9: 0x2000, 0x3ca: 0x2000, 0x3cb: 0x2000, + 0x3cc: 0x2000, 0x3cd: 0x2000, 0x3ce: 0x2000, 0x3cf: 0x2000, 0x3d1: 0x2000, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x4000, 0x401: 0x4000, 0x402: 0x4000, 0x403: 0x4000, 0x404: 0x4000, 0x405: 0x4000, + 0x406: 0x4000, 0x407: 0x4000, 0x408: 0x4000, 0x409: 0x4000, 0x40a: 0x4000, 0x40b: 0x4000, + 0x40c: 0x4000, 0x40d: 0x4000, 0x40e: 0x4000, 0x40f: 0x4000, 0x410: 0x4000, 0x411: 0x4000, + 0x412: 0x4000, 0x413: 0x4000, 0x414: 0x4000, 0x415: 0x4000, 0x416: 0x4000, 0x417: 0x4000, + 0x418: 0x4000, 0x419: 0x4000, 0x41a: 0x4000, 0x41b: 0x4000, 0x41c: 0x4000, 0x41d: 0x4000, + 0x41e: 0x4000, 0x41f: 0x4000, 0x420: 0x4000, 0x421: 0x4000, 0x422: 0x4000, 0x423: 0x4000, + 0x424: 0x4000, 0x425: 0x4000, 0x426: 0x4000, 0x427: 0x4000, 0x428: 0x4000, 0x429: 0x4000, + 0x42a: 0x4000, 0x42b: 0x4000, 0x42c: 0x4000, 0x42d: 0x4000, 0x42e: 0x4000, 0x42f: 0x4000, + 0x430: 0x4000, 0x431: 0x4000, 0x432: 0x4000, 0x433: 0x4000, 0x434: 0x4000, 0x435: 0x4000, + 0x436: 0x4000, 0x437: 0x4000, 0x438: 0x4000, 0x439: 0x4000, 0x43a: 0x4000, 0x43b: 0x4000, + 0x43c: 0x4000, 0x43d: 0x4000, 0x43e: 0x4000, 0x43f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x4000, 0x441: 0x4000, 0x442: 0x4000, 0x443: 0x4000, 0x444: 0x4000, 0x445: 0x4000, + 0x446: 0x4000, 0x447: 0x4000, 0x448: 0x4000, 0x449: 0x4000, 0x44a: 0x4000, 0x44b: 0x4000, + 0x44c: 0x4000, 0x44d: 0x4000, 0x44e: 0x4000, 0x44f: 0x4000, 0x450: 0x4000, 0x451: 0x4000, + 0x452: 0x4000, 0x453: 0x4000, 0x454: 0x4000, 0x455: 0x4000, 0x456: 0x4000, 0x457: 0x4000, + 0x458: 0x4000, 0x459: 0x4000, 0x45a: 0x4000, 0x45b: 0x4000, 0x45c: 0x4000, 0x45d: 0x4000, + 0x45e: 0x4000, 0x45f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x490: 0x2000, + 0x493: 0x2000, 0x494: 0x2000, 0x495: 0x2000, 0x496: 0x2000, + 0x498: 0x2000, 0x499: 0x2000, 0x49c: 0x2000, 0x49d: 0x2000, + 0x4a0: 0x2000, 0x4a1: 0x2000, 0x4a2: 0x2000, + 0x4a4: 0x2000, 0x4a5: 0x2000, 0x4a6: 0x2000, 0x4a7: 0x2000, + 0x4b0: 0x2000, 0x4b2: 0x2000, 0x4b3: 0x2000, 0x4b5: 0x2000, + 0x4bb: 0x2000, + 0x4be: 0x2000, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4f4: 0x2000, + 0x4ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x501: 0x2000, 0x502: 0x2000, 0x503: 0x2000, 0x504: 0x2000, + 0x529: 0xa009, + 0x52c: 0x2000, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x543: 0x2000, 0x545: 0x2000, + 0x549: 0x2000, + 0x553: 0x2000, 0x556: 0x2000, + 0x561: 0x2000, 0x562: 0x2000, + 0x566: 0x2000, + 0x56b: 0x2000, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x593: 0x2000, 0x594: 0x2000, + 0x59b: 0x2000, 0x59c: 0x2000, 0x59d: 0x2000, + 0x59e: 0x2000, 0x5a0: 0x2000, 0x5a1: 0x2000, 0x5a2: 0x2000, 0x5a3: 0x2000, + 0x5a4: 0x2000, 0x5a5: 0x2000, 0x5a6: 0x2000, 0x5a7: 0x2000, 0x5a8: 0x2000, 0x5a9: 0x2000, + 0x5aa: 0x2000, 0x5ab: 0x2000, + 0x5b0: 0x2000, 0x5b1: 0x2000, 0x5b2: 0x2000, 0x5b3: 0x2000, 0x5b4: 0x2000, 0x5b5: 0x2000, + 0x5b6: 0x2000, 0x5b7: 0x2000, 0x5b8: 0x2000, 0x5b9: 0x2000, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c9: 0x2000, + 0x5d0: 0x200a, 0x5d1: 0x200b, + 0x5d2: 0x200a, 0x5d3: 0x200c, 0x5d4: 0x2000, 0x5d5: 0x2000, 0x5d6: 0x2000, 0x5d7: 0x2000, + 0x5d8: 0x2000, 0x5d9: 0x2000, + 0x5f8: 0x2000, 0x5f9: 0x2000, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x612: 0x2000, 0x614: 0x2000, + 0x627: 0x2000, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x2000, 0x642: 0x2000, 0x643: 0x2000, + 0x647: 0x2000, 0x648: 0x2000, 0x64b: 0x2000, + 0x64f: 0x2000, 0x651: 0x2000, + 0x655: 0x2000, + 0x65a: 0x2000, 0x65d: 0x2000, + 0x65e: 0x2000, 0x65f: 0x2000, 0x660: 0x2000, 0x663: 0x2000, + 0x665: 0x2000, 0x667: 0x2000, 0x668: 0x2000, 0x669: 0x2000, + 0x66a: 0x2000, 0x66b: 0x2000, 0x66c: 0x2000, 0x66e: 0x2000, + 0x674: 0x2000, 0x675: 0x2000, + 0x676: 0x2000, 0x677: 0x2000, + 0x67c: 0x2000, 0x67d: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x688: 0x2000, + 0x68c: 0x2000, + 0x692: 0x2000, + 0x6a0: 0x2000, 0x6a1: 0x2000, + 0x6a4: 0x2000, 0x6a5: 0x2000, 0x6a6: 0x2000, 0x6a7: 0x2000, + 0x6aa: 0x2000, 0x6ab: 0x2000, 0x6ae: 0x2000, 0x6af: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c2: 0x2000, 0x6c3: 0x2000, + 0x6c6: 0x2000, 0x6c7: 0x2000, + 0x6d5: 0x2000, + 0x6d9: 0x2000, + 0x6e5: 0x2000, + 0x6ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x712: 0x2000, + 0x71a: 0x4000, 0x71b: 0x4000, + 0x729: 0x4000, + 0x72a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x769: 0x4000, + 0x76a: 0x4000, 0x76b: 0x4000, 0x76c: 0x4000, + 0x770: 0x4000, 0x773: 0x4000, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x7a0: 0x2000, 0x7a1: 0x2000, 0x7a2: 0x2000, 0x7a3: 0x2000, + 0x7a4: 0x2000, 0x7a5: 0x2000, 0x7a6: 0x2000, 0x7a7: 0x2000, 0x7a8: 0x2000, 0x7a9: 0x2000, + 0x7aa: 0x2000, 0x7ab: 0x2000, 0x7ac: 0x2000, 0x7ad: 0x2000, 0x7ae: 0x2000, 0x7af: 0x2000, + 0x7b0: 0x2000, 0x7b1: 0x2000, 0x7b2: 0x2000, 0x7b3: 0x2000, 0x7b4: 0x2000, 0x7b5: 0x2000, + 0x7b6: 0x2000, 0x7b7: 0x2000, 0x7b8: 0x2000, 0x7b9: 0x2000, 0x7ba: 0x2000, 0x7bb: 0x2000, + 0x7bc: 0x2000, 0x7bd: 0x2000, 0x7be: 0x2000, 0x7bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c0: 0x2000, 0x7c1: 0x2000, 0x7c2: 0x2000, 0x7c3: 0x2000, 0x7c4: 0x2000, 0x7c5: 0x2000, + 0x7c6: 0x2000, 0x7c7: 0x2000, 0x7c8: 0x2000, 0x7c9: 0x2000, 0x7ca: 0x2000, 0x7cb: 0x2000, + 0x7cc: 0x2000, 0x7cd: 0x2000, 0x7ce: 0x2000, 0x7cf: 0x2000, 0x7d0: 0x2000, 0x7d1: 0x2000, + 0x7d2: 0x2000, 0x7d3: 0x2000, 0x7d4: 0x2000, 0x7d5: 0x2000, 0x7d6: 0x2000, 0x7d7: 0x2000, + 0x7d8: 0x2000, 0x7d9: 0x2000, 0x7da: 0x2000, 0x7db: 0x2000, 0x7dc: 0x2000, 0x7dd: 0x2000, + 0x7de: 0x2000, 0x7df: 0x2000, 0x7e0: 0x2000, 0x7e1: 0x2000, 0x7e2: 0x2000, 0x7e3: 0x2000, + 0x7e4: 0x2000, 0x7e5: 0x2000, 0x7e6: 0x2000, 0x7e7: 0x2000, 0x7e8: 0x2000, 0x7e9: 0x2000, + 0x7eb: 0x2000, 0x7ec: 0x2000, 0x7ed: 0x2000, 0x7ee: 0x2000, 0x7ef: 0x2000, + 0x7f0: 0x2000, 0x7f1: 0x2000, 0x7f2: 0x2000, 0x7f3: 0x2000, 0x7f4: 0x2000, 0x7f5: 0x2000, + 0x7f6: 0x2000, 0x7f7: 0x2000, 0x7f8: 0x2000, 0x7f9: 0x2000, 0x7fa: 0x2000, 0x7fb: 0x2000, + 0x7fc: 0x2000, 0x7fd: 0x2000, 0x7fe: 0x2000, 0x7ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x2000, 0x801: 0x2000, 0x802: 0x200d, 0x803: 0x2000, 0x804: 0x2000, 0x805: 0x2000, + 0x806: 0x2000, 0x807: 0x2000, 0x808: 0x2000, 0x809: 0x2000, 0x80a: 0x2000, 0x80b: 0x2000, + 0x80c: 0x2000, 0x80d: 0x2000, 0x80e: 0x2000, 0x80f: 0x2000, 0x810: 0x2000, 0x811: 0x2000, + 0x812: 0x2000, 0x813: 0x2000, 0x814: 0x2000, 0x815: 0x2000, 0x816: 0x2000, 0x817: 0x2000, + 0x818: 0x2000, 0x819: 0x2000, 0x81a: 0x2000, 0x81b: 0x2000, 0x81c: 0x2000, 0x81d: 0x2000, + 0x81e: 0x2000, 0x81f: 0x2000, 0x820: 0x2000, 0x821: 0x2000, 0x822: 0x2000, 0x823: 0x2000, + 0x824: 0x2000, 0x825: 0x2000, 0x826: 0x2000, 0x827: 0x2000, 0x828: 0x2000, 0x829: 0x2000, + 0x82a: 0x2000, 0x82b: 0x2000, 0x82c: 0x2000, 0x82d: 0x2000, 0x82e: 0x2000, 0x82f: 0x2000, + 0x830: 0x2000, 0x831: 0x2000, 0x832: 0x2000, 0x833: 0x2000, 0x834: 0x2000, 0x835: 0x2000, + 0x836: 0x2000, 0x837: 0x2000, 0x838: 0x2000, 0x839: 0x2000, 0x83a: 0x2000, 0x83b: 0x2000, + 0x83c: 0x2000, 0x83d: 0x2000, 0x83e: 0x2000, 0x83f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x2000, 0x841: 0x2000, 0x842: 0x2000, 0x843: 0x2000, 0x844: 0x2000, 0x845: 0x2000, + 0x846: 0x2000, 0x847: 0x2000, 0x848: 0x2000, 0x849: 0x2000, 0x84a: 0x2000, 0x84b: 0x2000, + 0x850: 0x2000, 0x851: 0x2000, + 0x852: 0x2000, 0x853: 0x2000, 0x854: 0x2000, 0x855: 0x2000, 0x856: 0x2000, 0x857: 0x2000, + 0x858: 0x2000, 0x859: 0x2000, 0x85a: 0x2000, 0x85b: 0x2000, 0x85c: 0x2000, 0x85d: 0x2000, + 0x85e: 0x2000, 0x85f: 0x2000, 0x860: 0x2000, 0x861: 0x2000, 0x862: 0x2000, 0x863: 0x2000, + 0x864: 0x2000, 0x865: 0x2000, 0x866: 0x2000, 0x867: 0x2000, 0x868: 0x2000, 0x869: 0x2000, + 0x86a: 0x2000, 0x86b: 0x2000, 0x86c: 0x2000, 0x86d: 0x2000, 0x86e: 0x2000, 0x86f: 0x2000, + 0x870: 0x2000, 0x871: 0x2000, 0x872: 0x2000, 0x873: 0x2000, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x2000, 0x881: 0x2000, 0x882: 0x2000, 0x883: 0x2000, 0x884: 0x2000, 0x885: 0x2000, + 0x886: 0x2000, 0x887: 0x2000, 0x888: 0x2000, 0x889: 0x2000, 0x88a: 0x2000, 0x88b: 0x2000, + 0x88c: 0x2000, 0x88d: 0x2000, 0x88e: 0x2000, 0x88f: 0x2000, + 0x892: 0x2000, 0x893: 0x2000, 0x894: 0x2000, 0x895: 0x2000, + 0x8a0: 0x200e, 0x8a1: 0x2000, 0x8a3: 0x2000, + 0x8a4: 0x2000, 0x8a5: 0x2000, 0x8a6: 0x2000, 0x8a7: 0x2000, 0x8a8: 0x2000, 0x8a9: 0x2000, + 0x8b2: 0x2000, 0x8b3: 0x2000, + 0x8b6: 0x2000, 0x8b7: 0x2000, + 0x8bc: 0x2000, 0x8bd: 0x2000, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x2000, 0x8c1: 0x2000, + 0x8c6: 0x2000, 0x8c7: 0x2000, 0x8c8: 0x2000, 0x8cb: 0x200f, + 0x8ce: 0x2000, 0x8cf: 0x2000, 0x8d0: 0x2000, 0x8d1: 0x2000, + 0x8e2: 0x2000, 0x8e3: 0x2000, + 0x8e4: 0x2000, 0x8e5: 0x2000, + 0x8ef: 0x2000, + 0x8fd: 0x4000, 0x8fe: 0x4000, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x905: 0x2000, + 0x906: 0x2000, 0x909: 0x2000, + 0x90e: 0x2000, 0x90f: 0x2000, + 0x914: 0x4000, 0x915: 0x4000, + 0x91c: 0x2000, + 0x91e: 0x2000, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x2000, 0x942: 0x2000, + 0x948: 0x4000, 0x949: 0x4000, 0x94a: 0x4000, 0x94b: 0x4000, + 0x94c: 0x4000, 0x94d: 0x4000, 0x94e: 0x4000, 0x94f: 0x4000, 0x950: 0x4000, 0x951: 0x4000, + 0x952: 0x4000, 0x953: 0x4000, + 0x960: 0x2000, 0x961: 0x2000, 0x963: 0x2000, + 0x964: 0x2000, 0x965: 0x2000, 0x967: 0x2000, 0x968: 0x2000, 0x969: 0x2000, + 0x96a: 0x2000, 0x96c: 0x2000, 0x96d: 0x2000, 0x96f: 0x2000, + 0x97f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x993: 0x4000, + 0x99e: 0x2000, 0x99f: 0x2000, 0x9a1: 0x4000, + 0x9aa: 0x4000, 0x9ab: 0x4000, + 0x9bd: 0x4000, 0x9be: 0x4000, 0x9bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c4: 0x4000, 0x9c5: 0x4000, + 0x9c6: 0x2000, 0x9c7: 0x2000, 0x9c8: 0x2000, 0x9c9: 0x2000, 0x9ca: 0x2000, 0x9cb: 0x2000, + 0x9cc: 0x2000, 0x9cd: 0x2000, 0x9ce: 0x4000, 0x9cf: 0x2000, 0x9d0: 0x2000, 0x9d1: 0x2000, + 0x9d2: 0x2000, 0x9d3: 0x2000, 0x9d4: 0x4000, 0x9d5: 0x2000, 0x9d6: 0x2000, 0x9d7: 0x2000, + 0x9d8: 0x2000, 0x9d9: 0x2000, 0x9da: 0x2000, 0x9db: 0x2000, 0x9dc: 0x2000, 0x9dd: 0x2000, + 0x9de: 0x2000, 0x9df: 0x2000, 0x9e0: 0x2000, 0x9e1: 0x2000, 0x9e3: 0x2000, + 0x9e8: 0x2000, 0x9e9: 0x2000, + 0x9ea: 0x4000, 0x9eb: 0x2000, 0x9ec: 0x2000, 0x9ed: 0x2000, 0x9ee: 0x2000, 0x9ef: 0x2000, + 0x9f0: 0x2000, 0x9f1: 0x2000, 0x9f2: 0x4000, 0x9f3: 0x4000, 0x9f4: 0x2000, 0x9f5: 0x4000, + 0x9f6: 0x2000, 0x9f7: 0x2000, 0x9f8: 0x2000, 0x9f9: 0x2000, 0x9fa: 0x4000, 0x9fb: 0x2000, + 0x9fc: 0x2000, 0x9fd: 0x4000, 0x9fe: 0x2000, 0x9ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa05: 0x4000, + 0xa0a: 0x4000, 0xa0b: 0x4000, + 0xa28: 0x4000, + 0xa3d: 0x2000, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa4c: 0x4000, 0xa4e: 0x4000, + 0xa53: 0x4000, 0xa54: 0x4000, 0xa55: 0x4000, 0xa57: 0x4000, + 0xa76: 0x2000, 0xa77: 0x2000, 0xa78: 0x2000, 0xa79: 0x2000, 0xa7a: 0x2000, 0xa7b: 0x2000, + 0xa7c: 0x2000, 0xa7d: 0x2000, 0xa7e: 0x2000, 0xa7f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa95: 0x4000, 0xa96: 0x4000, 0xa97: 0x4000, + 0xab0: 0x4000, + 0xabf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xae6: 0x6000, 0xae7: 0x6000, 0xae8: 0x6000, 0xae9: 0x6000, + 0xaea: 0x6000, 0xaeb: 0x6000, 0xaec: 0x6000, 0xaed: 0x6000, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb05: 0x6010, + 0xb06: 0x6011, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb5b: 0x4000, 0xb5c: 0x4000, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb90: 0x4000, + 0xb95: 0x4000, 0xb96: 0x2000, 0xb97: 0x2000, + 0xb98: 0x2000, 0xb99: 0x2000, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x4000, 0xbc1: 0x4000, 0xbc2: 0x4000, 0xbc3: 0x4000, 0xbc4: 0x4000, 0xbc5: 0x4000, + 0xbc6: 0x4000, 0xbc7: 0x4000, 0xbc8: 0x4000, 0xbc9: 0x4000, 0xbca: 0x4000, 0xbcb: 0x4000, + 0xbcc: 0x4000, 0xbcd: 0x4000, 0xbce: 0x4000, 0xbcf: 0x4000, 0xbd0: 0x4000, 0xbd1: 0x4000, + 0xbd2: 0x4000, 0xbd3: 0x4000, 0xbd4: 0x4000, 0xbd5: 0x4000, 0xbd6: 0x4000, 0xbd7: 0x4000, + 0xbd8: 0x4000, 0xbd9: 0x4000, 0xbdb: 0x4000, 0xbdc: 0x4000, 0xbdd: 0x4000, + 0xbde: 0x4000, 0xbdf: 0x4000, 0xbe0: 0x4000, 0xbe1: 0x4000, 0xbe2: 0x4000, 0xbe3: 0x4000, + 0xbe4: 0x4000, 0xbe5: 0x4000, 0xbe6: 0x4000, 0xbe7: 0x4000, 0xbe8: 0x4000, 0xbe9: 0x4000, + 0xbea: 0x4000, 0xbeb: 0x4000, 0xbec: 0x4000, 0xbed: 0x4000, 0xbee: 0x4000, 0xbef: 0x4000, + 0xbf0: 0x4000, 0xbf1: 0x4000, 0xbf2: 0x4000, 0xbf3: 0x4000, 0xbf4: 0x4000, 0xbf5: 0x4000, + 0xbf6: 0x4000, 0xbf7: 0x4000, 0xbf8: 0x4000, 0xbf9: 0x4000, 0xbfa: 0x4000, 0xbfb: 0x4000, + 0xbfc: 0x4000, 0xbfd: 0x4000, 0xbfe: 0x4000, 0xbff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc00: 0x4000, 0xc01: 0x4000, 0xc02: 0x4000, 0xc03: 0x4000, 0xc04: 0x4000, 0xc05: 0x4000, + 0xc06: 0x4000, 0xc07: 0x4000, 0xc08: 0x4000, 0xc09: 0x4000, 0xc0a: 0x4000, 0xc0b: 0x4000, + 0xc0c: 0x4000, 0xc0d: 0x4000, 0xc0e: 0x4000, 0xc0f: 0x4000, 0xc10: 0x4000, 0xc11: 0x4000, + 0xc12: 0x4000, 0xc13: 0x4000, 0xc14: 0x4000, 0xc15: 0x4000, 0xc16: 0x4000, 0xc17: 0x4000, + 0xc18: 0x4000, 0xc19: 0x4000, 0xc1a: 0x4000, 0xc1b: 0x4000, 0xc1c: 0x4000, 0xc1d: 0x4000, + 0xc1e: 0x4000, 0xc1f: 0x4000, 0xc20: 0x4000, 0xc21: 0x4000, 0xc22: 0x4000, 0xc23: 0x4000, + 0xc24: 0x4000, 0xc25: 0x4000, 0xc26: 0x4000, 0xc27: 0x4000, 0xc28: 0x4000, 0xc29: 0x4000, + 0xc2a: 0x4000, 0xc2b: 0x4000, 0xc2c: 0x4000, 0xc2d: 0x4000, 0xc2e: 0x4000, 0xc2f: 0x4000, + 0xc30: 0x4000, 0xc31: 0x4000, 0xc32: 0x4000, 0xc33: 0x4000, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x4000, 0xc41: 0x4000, 0xc42: 0x4000, 0xc43: 0x4000, 0xc44: 0x4000, 0xc45: 0x4000, + 0xc46: 0x4000, 0xc47: 0x4000, 0xc48: 0x4000, 0xc49: 0x4000, 0xc4a: 0x4000, 0xc4b: 0x4000, + 0xc4c: 0x4000, 0xc4d: 0x4000, 0xc4e: 0x4000, 0xc4f: 0x4000, 0xc50: 0x4000, 0xc51: 0x4000, + 0xc52: 0x4000, 0xc53: 0x4000, 0xc54: 0x4000, 0xc55: 0x4000, + 0xc70: 0x4000, 0xc71: 0x4000, 0xc72: 0x4000, 0xc73: 0x4000, 0xc74: 0x4000, 0xc75: 0x4000, + 0xc76: 0x4000, 0xc77: 0x4000, 0xc78: 0x4000, 0xc79: 0x4000, 0xc7a: 0x4000, 0xc7b: 0x4000, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc80: 0x9012, 0xc81: 0x4013, 0xc82: 0x4014, 0xc83: 0x4000, 0xc84: 0x4000, 0xc85: 0x4000, + 0xc86: 0x4000, 0xc87: 0x4000, 0xc88: 0x4000, 0xc89: 0x4000, 0xc8a: 0x4000, 0xc8b: 0x4000, + 0xc8c: 0x4015, 0xc8d: 0x4015, 0xc8e: 0x4000, 0xc8f: 0x4000, 0xc90: 0x4000, 0xc91: 0x4000, + 0xc92: 0x4000, 0xc93: 0x4000, 0xc94: 0x4000, 0xc95: 0x4000, 0xc96: 0x4000, 0xc97: 0x4000, + 0xc98: 0x4000, 0xc99: 0x4000, 0xc9a: 0x4000, 0xc9b: 0x4000, 0xc9c: 0x4000, 0xc9d: 0x4000, + 0xc9e: 0x4000, 0xc9f: 0x4000, 0xca0: 0x4000, 0xca1: 0x4000, 0xca2: 0x4000, 0xca3: 0x4000, + 0xca4: 0x4000, 0xca5: 0x4000, 0xca6: 0x4000, 0xca7: 0x4000, 0xca8: 0x4000, 0xca9: 0x4000, + 0xcaa: 0x4000, 0xcab: 0x4000, 0xcac: 0x4000, 0xcad: 0x4000, 0xcae: 0x4000, 0xcaf: 0x4000, + 0xcb0: 0x4000, 0xcb1: 0x4000, 0xcb2: 0x4000, 0xcb3: 0x4000, 0xcb4: 0x4000, 0xcb5: 0x4000, + 0xcb6: 0x4000, 0xcb7: 0x4000, 0xcb8: 0x4000, 0xcb9: 0x4000, 0xcba: 0x4000, 0xcbb: 0x4000, + 0xcbc: 0x4000, 0xcbd: 0x4000, 0xcbe: 0x4000, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc1: 0x4000, 0xcc2: 0x4000, 0xcc3: 0x4000, 0xcc4: 0x4000, 0xcc5: 0x4000, + 0xcc6: 0x4000, 0xcc7: 0x4000, 0xcc8: 0x4000, 0xcc9: 0x4000, 0xcca: 0x4000, 0xccb: 0x4000, + 0xccc: 0x4000, 0xccd: 0x4000, 0xcce: 0x4000, 0xccf: 0x4000, 0xcd0: 0x4000, 0xcd1: 0x4000, + 0xcd2: 0x4000, 0xcd3: 0x4000, 0xcd4: 0x4000, 0xcd5: 0x4000, 0xcd6: 0x4000, 0xcd7: 0x4000, + 0xcd8: 0x4000, 0xcd9: 0x4000, 0xcda: 0x4000, 0xcdb: 0x4000, 0xcdc: 0x4000, 0xcdd: 0x4000, + 0xcde: 0x4000, 0xcdf: 0x4000, 0xce0: 0x4000, 0xce1: 0x4000, 0xce2: 0x4000, 0xce3: 0x4000, + 0xce4: 0x4000, 0xce5: 0x4000, 0xce6: 0x4000, 0xce7: 0x4000, 0xce8: 0x4000, 0xce9: 0x4000, + 0xcea: 0x4000, 0xceb: 0x4000, 0xcec: 0x4000, 0xced: 0x4000, 0xcee: 0x4000, 0xcef: 0x4000, + 0xcf0: 0x4000, 0xcf1: 0x4000, 0xcf2: 0x4000, 0xcf3: 0x4000, 0xcf4: 0x4000, 0xcf5: 0x4000, + 0xcf6: 0x4000, 0xcf7: 0x4000, 0xcf8: 0x4000, 0xcf9: 0x4000, 0xcfa: 0x4000, 0xcfb: 0x4000, + 0xcfc: 0x4000, 0xcfd: 0x4000, 0xcfe: 0x4000, 0xcff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd00: 0x4000, 0xd01: 0x4000, 0xd02: 0x4000, 0xd03: 0x4000, 0xd04: 0x4000, 0xd05: 0x4000, + 0xd06: 0x4000, 0xd07: 0x4000, 0xd08: 0x4000, 0xd09: 0x4000, 0xd0a: 0x4000, 0xd0b: 0x4000, + 0xd0c: 0x4000, 0xd0d: 0x4000, 0xd0e: 0x4000, 0xd0f: 0x4000, 0xd10: 0x4000, 0xd11: 0x4000, + 0xd12: 0x4000, 0xd13: 0x4000, 0xd14: 0x4000, 0xd15: 0x4000, 0xd16: 0x4000, + 0xd19: 0x4016, 0xd1a: 0x4017, 0xd1b: 0x4000, 0xd1c: 0x4000, 0xd1d: 0x4000, + 0xd1e: 0x4000, 0xd1f: 0x4000, 0xd20: 0x4000, 0xd21: 0x4018, 0xd22: 0x4019, 0xd23: 0x401a, + 0xd24: 0x401b, 0xd25: 0x401c, 0xd26: 0x401d, 0xd27: 0x401e, 0xd28: 0x401f, 0xd29: 0x4020, + 0xd2a: 0x4021, 0xd2b: 0x4022, 0xd2c: 0x4000, 0xd2d: 0x4010, 0xd2e: 0x4000, 0xd2f: 0x4023, + 0xd30: 0x4000, 0xd31: 0x4024, 0xd32: 0x4000, 0xd33: 0x4025, 0xd34: 0x4000, 0xd35: 0x4026, + 0xd36: 0x4000, 0xd37: 0x401a, 0xd38: 0x4000, 0xd39: 0x4027, 0xd3a: 0x4000, 0xd3b: 0x4028, + 0xd3c: 0x4000, 0xd3d: 0x4020, 0xd3e: 0x4000, 0xd3f: 0x4029, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x4000, 0xd41: 0x402a, 0xd42: 0x4000, 0xd43: 0x402b, 0xd44: 0x402c, 0xd45: 0x4000, + 0xd46: 0x4017, 0xd47: 0x4000, 0xd48: 0x402d, 0xd49: 0x4000, 0xd4a: 0x402e, 0xd4b: 0x402f, + 0xd4c: 0x4030, 0xd4d: 0x4017, 0xd4e: 0x4016, 0xd4f: 0x4017, 0xd50: 0x4000, 0xd51: 0x4000, + 0xd52: 0x4031, 0xd53: 0x4000, 0xd54: 0x4000, 0xd55: 0x4031, 0xd56: 0x4000, 0xd57: 0x4000, + 0xd58: 0x4032, 0xd59: 0x4000, 0xd5a: 0x4000, 0xd5b: 0x4032, 0xd5c: 0x4000, 0xd5d: 0x4000, + 0xd5e: 0x4033, 0xd5f: 0x402e, 0xd60: 0x4034, 0xd61: 0x4035, 0xd62: 0x4034, 0xd63: 0x4036, + 0xd64: 0x4037, 0xd65: 0x4024, 0xd66: 0x4035, 0xd67: 0x4025, 0xd68: 0x4038, 0xd69: 0x4038, + 0xd6a: 0x4039, 0xd6b: 0x4039, 0xd6c: 0x403a, 0xd6d: 0x403a, 0xd6e: 0x4000, 0xd6f: 0x4035, + 0xd70: 0x4000, 0xd71: 0x4000, 0xd72: 0x403b, 0xd73: 0x403c, 0xd74: 0x4000, 0xd75: 0x4000, + 0xd76: 0x4000, 0xd77: 0x4000, 0xd78: 0x4000, 0xd79: 0x4000, 0xd7a: 0x4000, 0xd7b: 0x403d, + 0xd7c: 0x401c, 0xd7d: 0x4000, 0xd7e: 0x4000, 0xd7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd85: 0x4000, + 0xd86: 0x4000, 0xd87: 0x4000, 0xd88: 0x4000, 0xd89: 0x4000, 0xd8a: 0x4000, 0xd8b: 0x4000, + 0xd8c: 0x4000, 0xd8d: 0x4000, 0xd8e: 0x4000, 0xd8f: 0x4000, 0xd90: 0x4000, 0xd91: 0x4000, + 0xd92: 0x4000, 0xd93: 0x4000, 0xd94: 0x4000, 0xd95: 0x4000, 0xd96: 0x4000, 0xd97: 0x4000, + 0xd98: 0x4000, 0xd99: 0x4000, 0xd9a: 0x4000, 0xd9b: 0x4000, 0xd9c: 0x4000, 0xd9d: 0x4000, + 0xd9e: 0x4000, 0xd9f: 0x4000, 0xda0: 0x4000, 0xda1: 0x4000, 0xda2: 0x4000, 0xda3: 0x4000, + 0xda4: 0x4000, 0xda5: 0x4000, 0xda6: 0x4000, 0xda7: 0x4000, 0xda8: 0x4000, 0xda9: 0x4000, + 0xdaa: 0x4000, 0xdab: 0x4000, 0xdac: 0x4000, 0xdad: 0x4000, 0xdae: 0x4000, 0xdaf: 0x4000, + 0xdb1: 0x403e, 0xdb2: 0x403e, 0xdb3: 0x403e, 0xdb4: 0x403e, 0xdb5: 0x403e, + 0xdb6: 0x403e, 0xdb7: 0x403e, 0xdb8: 0x403e, 0xdb9: 0x403e, 0xdba: 0x403e, 0xdbb: 0x403e, + 0xdbc: 0x403e, 0xdbd: 0x403e, 0xdbe: 0x403e, 0xdbf: 0x403e, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0x4037, 0xdc1: 0x4037, 0xdc2: 0x4037, 0xdc3: 0x4037, 0xdc4: 0x4037, 0xdc5: 0x4037, + 0xdc6: 0x4037, 0xdc7: 0x4037, 0xdc8: 0x4037, 0xdc9: 0x4037, 0xdca: 0x4037, 0xdcb: 0x4037, + 0xdcc: 0x4037, 0xdcd: 0x4037, 0xdce: 0x4037, 0xdcf: 0x400e, 0xdd0: 0x403f, 0xdd1: 0x4040, + 0xdd2: 0x4041, 0xdd3: 0x4040, 0xdd4: 0x403f, 0xdd5: 0x4042, 0xdd6: 0x4043, 0xdd7: 0x4044, + 0xdd8: 0x4040, 0xdd9: 0x4041, 0xdda: 0x4040, 0xddb: 0x4045, 0xddc: 0x4009, 0xddd: 0x4045, + 0xdde: 0x4046, 0xddf: 0x4045, 0xde0: 0x4047, 0xde1: 0x400b, 0xde2: 0x400a, 0xde3: 0x400c, + 0xde4: 0x4048, 0xde5: 0x4000, 0xde6: 0x4000, 0xde7: 0x4000, 0xde8: 0x4000, 0xde9: 0x4000, + 0xdea: 0x4000, 0xdeb: 0x4000, 0xdec: 0x4000, 0xded: 0x4000, 0xdee: 0x4000, 0xdef: 0x4000, + 0xdf0: 0x4000, 0xdf1: 0x4000, 0xdf2: 0x4000, 0xdf3: 0x4000, 0xdf4: 0x4000, 0xdf5: 0x4000, + 0xdf6: 0x4000, 0xdf7: 0x4000, 0xdf8: 0x4000, 0xdf9: 0x4000, 0xdfa: 0x4000, 0xdfb: 0x4000, + 0xdfc: 0x4000, 0xdfd: 0x4000, 0xdfe: 0x4000, 0xdff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x4000, 0xe01: 0x4000, 0xe02: 0x4000, 0xe03: 0x4000, 0xe04: 0x4000, 0xe05: 0x4000, + 0xe06: 0x4000, 0xe07: 0x4000, 0xe08: 0x4000, 0xe09: 0x4000, 0xe0a: 0x4000, 0xe0b: 0x4000, + 0xe0c: 0x4000, 0xe0d: 0x4000, 0xe0e: 0x4000, 0xe10: 0x4000, 0xe11: 0x4000, + 0xe12: 0x4000, 0xe13: 0x4000, 0xe14: 0x4000, 0xe15: 0x4000, 0xe16: 0x4000, 0xe17: 0x4000, + 0xe18: 0x4000, 0xe19: 0x4000, 0xe1a: 0x4000, 0xe1b: 0x4000, 0xe1c: 0x4000, 0xe1d: 0x4000, + 0xe1e: 0x4000, 0xe1f: 0x4000, 0xe20: 0x4000, 0xe21: 0x4000, 0xe22: 0x4000, 0xe23: 0x4000, + 0xe24: 0x4000, 0xe25: 0x4000, 0xe26: 0x4000, 0xe27: 0x4000, 0xe28: 0x4000, 0xe29: 0x4000, + 0xe2a: 0x4000, 0xe2b: 0x4000, 0xe2c: 0x4000, 0xe2d: 0x4000, 0xe2e: 0x4000, 0xe2f: 0x4000, + 0xe30: 0x4000, 0xe31: 0x4000, 0xe32: 0x4000, 0xe33: 0x4000, 0xe34: 0x4000, 0xe35: 0x4000, + 0xe36: 0x4000, 0xe37: 0x4000, 0xe38: 0x4000, 0xe39: 0x4000, 0xe3a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x4000, 0xe41: 0x4000, 0xe42: 0x4000, 0xe43: 0x4000, 0xe44: 0x4000, 0xe45: 0x4000, + 0xe46: 0x4000, 0xe47: 0x4000, 0xe48: 0x4000, 0xe49: 0x4000, 0xe4a: 0x4000, 0xe4b: 0x4000, + 0xe4c: 0x4000, 0xe4d: 0x4000, 0xe4e: 0x4000, 0xe4f: 0x4000, 0xe50: 0x4000, 0xe51: 0x4000, + 0xe52: 0x4000, 0xe53: 0x4000, 0xe54: 0x4000, 0xe55: 0x4000, 0xe56: 0x4000, 0xe57: 0x4000, + 0xe58: 0x4000, 0xe59: 0x4000, 0xe5a: 0x4000, 0xe5b: 0x4000, 0xe5c: 0x4000, 0xe5d: 0x4000, + 0xe5e: 0x4000, 0xe5f: 0x4000, 0xe60: 0x4000, 0xe61: 0x4000, 0xe62: 0x4000, 0xe63: 0x4000, + 0xe70: 0x4000, 0xe71: 0x4000, 0xe72: 0x4000, 0xe73: 0x4000, 0xe74: 0x4000, 0xe75: 0x4000, + 0xe76: 0x4000, 0xe77: 0x4000, 0xe78: 0x4000, 0xe79: 0x4000, 0xe7a: 0x4000, 0xe7b: 0x4000, + 0xe7c: 0x4000, 0xe7d: 0x4000, 0xe7e: 0x4000, 0xe7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x4000, 0xe81: 0x4000, 0xe82: 0x4000, 0xe83: 0x4000, 0xe84: 0x4000, 0xe85: 0x4000, + 0xe86: 0x4000, 0xe87: 0x4000, 0xe88: 0x4000, 0xe89: 0x4000, 0xe8a: 0x4000, 0xe8b: 0x4000, + 0xe8c: 0x4000, 0xe8d: 0x4000, 0xe8e: 0x4000, 0xe8f: 0x4000, 0xe90: 0x4000, 0xe91: 0x4000, + 0xe92: 0x4000, 0xe93: 0x4000, 0xe94: 0x4000, 0xe95: 0x4000, 0xe96: 0x4000, 0xe97: 0x4000, + 0xe98: 0x4000, 0xe99: 0x4000, 0xe9a: 0x4000, 0xe9b: 0x4000, 0xe9c: 0x4000, 0xe9d: 0x4000, + 0xe9e: 0x4000, 0xea0: 0x4000, 0xea1: 0x4000, 0xea2: 0x4000, 0xea3: 0x4000, + 0xea4: 0x4000, 0xea5: 0x4000, 0xea6: 0x4000, 0xea7: 0x4000, 0xea8: 0x4000, 0xea9: 0x4000, + 0xeaa: 0x4000, 0xeab: 0x4000, 0xeac: 0x4000, 0xead: 0x4000, 0xeae: 0x4000, 0xeaf: 0x4000, + 0xeb0: 0x4000, 0xeb1: 0x4000, 0xeb2: 0x4000, 0xeb3: 0x4000, 0xeb4: 0x4000, 0xeb5: 0x4000, + 0xeb6: 0x4000, 0xeb7: 0x4000, 0xeb8: 0x4000, 0xeb9: 0x4000, 0xeba: 0x4000, 0xebb: 0x4000, + 0xebc: 0x4000, 0xebd: 0x4000, 0xebe: 0x4000, 0xebf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x4000, 0xec1: 0x4000, 0xec2: 0x4000, 0xec3: 0x4000, 0xec4: 0x4000, 0xec5: 0x4000, + 0xec6: 0x4000, 0xec7: 0x4000, 0xec8: 0x2000, 0xec9: 0x2000, 0xeca: 0x2000, 0xecb: 0x2000, + 0xecc: 0x2000, 0xecd: 0x2000, 0xece: 0x2000, 0xecf: 0x2000, 0xed0: 0x4000, 0xed1: 0x4000, + 0xed2: 0x4000, 0xed3: 0x4000, 0xed4: 0x4000, 0xed5: 0x4000, 0xed6: 0x4000, 0xed7: 0x4000, + 0xed8: 0x4000, 0xed9: 0x4000, 0xeda: 0x4000, 0xedb: 0x4000, 0xedc: 0x4000, 0xedd: 0x4000, + 0xede: 0x4000, 0xedf: 0x4000, 0xee0: 0x4000, 0xee1: 0x4000, 0xee2: 0x4000, 0xee3: 0x4000, + 0xee4: 0x4000, 0xee5: 0x4000, 0xee6: 0x4000, 0xee7: 0x4000, 0xee8: 0x4000, 0xee9: 0x4000, + 0xeea: 0x4000, 0xeeb: 0x4000, 0xeec: 0x4000, 0xeed: 0x4000, 0xeee: 0x4000, 0xeef: 0x4000, + 0xef0: 0x4000, 0xef1: 0x4000, 0xef2: 0x4000, 0xef3: 0x4000, 0xef4: 0x4000, 0xef5: 0x4000, + 0xef6: 0x4000, 0xef7: 0x4000, 0xef8: 0x4000, 0xef9: 0x4000, 0xefa: 0x4000, 0xefb: 0x4000, + 0xefc: 0x4000, 0xefd: 0x4000, 0xefe: 0x4000, 0xeff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x4000, 0xf01: 0x4000, 0xf02: 0x4000, 0xf03: 0x4000, 0xf04: 0x4000, 0xf05: 0x4000, + 0xf06: 0x4000, 0xf07: 0x4000, 0xf08: 0x4000, 0xf09: 0x4000, 0xf0a: 0x4000, 0xf0b: 0x4000, + 0xf0c: 0x4000, 0xf0d: 0x4000, 0xf0e: 0x4000, 0xf0f: 0x4000, 0xf10: 0x4000, 0xf11: 0x4000, + 0xf12: 0x4000, 0xf13: 0x4000, 0xf14: 0x4000, 0xf15: 0x4000, 0xf16: 0x4000, 0xf17: 0x4000, + 0xf18: 0x4000, 0xf19: 0x4000, 0xf1a: 0x4000, 0xf1b: 0x4000, 0xf1c: 0x4000, 0xf1d: 0x4000, + 0xf1e: 0x4000, 0xf1f: 0x4000, 0xf20: 0x4000, 0xf21: 0x4000, 0xf22: 0x4000, 0xf23: 0x4000, + 0xf24: 0x4000, 0xf25: 0x4000, 0xf26: 0x4000, 0xf27: 0x4000, 0xf28: 0x4000, 0xf29: 0x4000, + 0xf2a: 0x4000, 0xf2b: 0x4000, 0xf2c: 0x4000, 0xf2d: 0x4000, 0xf2e: 0x4000, 0xf2f: 0x4000, + 0xf30: 0x4000, 0xf31: 0x4000, 0xf32: 0x4000, 0xf33: 0x4000, 0xf34: 0x4000, 0xf35: 0x4000, + 0xf36: 0x4000, 0xf37: 0x4000, 0xf38: 0x4000, 0xf39: 0x4000, 0xf3a: 0x4000, 0xf3b: 0x4000, + 0xf3c: 0x4000, 0xf3d: 0x4000, 0xf3e: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x4000, 0xf41: 0x4000, 0xf42: 0x4000, 0xf43: 0x4000, 0xf44: 0x4000, 0xf45: 0x4000, + 0xf46: 0x4000, 0xf47: 0x4000, 0xf48: 0x4000, 0xf49: 0x4000, 0xf4a: 0x4000, 0xf4b: 0x4000, + 0xf4c: 0x4000, 0xf50: 0x4000, 0xf51: 0x4000, + 0xf52: 0x4000, 0xf53: 0x4000, 0xf54: 0x4000, 0xf55: 0x4000, 0xf56: 0x4000, 0xf57: 0x4000, + 0xf58: 0x4000, 0xf59: 0x4000, 0xf5a: 0x4000, 0xf5b: 0x4000, 0xf5c: 0x4000, 0xf5d: 0x4000, + 0xf5e: 0x4000, 0xf5f: 0x4000, 0xf60: 0x4000, 0xf61: 0x4000, 0xf62: 0x4000, 0xf63: 0x4000, + 0xf64: 0x4000, 0xf65: 0x4000, 0xf66: 0x4000, 0xf67: 0x4000, 0xf68: 0x4000, 0xf69: 0x4000, + 0xf6a: 0x4000, 0xf6b: 0x4000, 0xf6c: 0x4000, 0xf6d: 0x4000, 0xf6e: 0x4000, 0xf6f: 0x4000, + 0xf70: 0x4000, 0xf71: 0x4000, 0xf72: 0x4000, 0xf73: 0x4000, 0xf74: 0x4000, 0xf75: 0x4000, + 0xf76: 0x4000, 0xf77: 0x4000, 0xf78: 0x4000, 0xf79: 0x4000, 0xf7a: 0x4000, 0xf7b: 0x4000, + 0xf7c: 0x4000, 0xf7d: 0x4000, 0xf7e: 0x4000, 0xf7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x4000, 0xf81: 0x4000, 0xf82: 0x4000, 0xf83: 0x4000, 0xf84: 0x4000, 0xf85: 0x4000, + 0xf86: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfe0: 0x4000, 0xfe1: 0x4000, 0xfe2: 0x4000, 0xfe3: 0x4000, + 0xfe4: 0x4000, 0xfe5: 0x4000, 0xfe6: 0x4000, 0xfe7: 0x4000, 0xfe8: 0x4000, 0xfe9: 0x4000, + 0xfea: 0x4000, 0xfeb: 0x4000, 0xfec: 0x4000, 0xfed: 0x4000, 0xfee: 0x4000, 0xfef: 0x4000, + 0xff0: 0x4000, 0xff1: 0x4000, 0xff2: 0x4000, 0xff3: 0x4000, 0xff4: 0x4000, 0xff5: 0x4000, + 0xff6: 0x4000, 0xff7: 0x4000, 0xff8: 0x4000, 0xff9: 0x4000, 0xffa: 0x4000, 0xffb: 0x4000, + 0xffc: 0x4000, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x4000, 0x1001: 0x4000, 0x1002: 0x4000, 0x1003: 0x4000, 0x1004: 0x4000, 0x1005: 0x4000, + 0x1006: 0x4000, 0x1007: 0x4000, 0x1008: 0x4000, 0x1009: 0x4000, 0x100a: 0x4000, 0x100b: 0x4000, + 0x100c: 0x4000, 0x100d: 0x4000, 0x100e: 0x4000, 0x100f: 0x4000, 0x1010: 0x4000, 0x1011: 0x4000, + 0x1012: 0x4000, 0x1013: 0x4000, 0x1014: 0x4000, 0x1015: 0x4000, 0x1016: 0x4000, 0x1017: 0x4000, + 0x1018: 0x4000, 0x1019: 0x4000, 0x101a: 0x4000, 0x101b: 0x4000, 0x101c: 0x4000, 0x101d: 0x4000, + 0x101e: 0x4000, 0x101f: 0x4000, 0x1020: 0x4000, 0x1021: 0x4000, 0x1022: 0x4000, 0x1023: 0x4000, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x2000, 0x1041: 0x2000, 0x1042: 0x2000, 0x1043: 0x2000, 0x1044: 0x2000, 0x1045: 0x2000, + 0x1046: 0x2000, 0x1047: 0x2000, 0x1048: 0x2000, 0x1049: 0x2000, 0x104a: 0x2000, 0x104b: 0x2000, + 0x104c: 0x2000, 0x104d: 0x2000, 0x104e: 0x2000, 0x104f: 0x2000, 0x1050: 0x4000, 0x1051: 0x4000, + 0x1052: 0x4000, 0x1053: 0x4000, 0x1054: 0x4000, 0x1055: 0x4000, 0x1056: 0x4000, 0x1057: 0x4000, + 0x1058: 0x4000, 0x1059: 0x4000, + 0x1070: 0x4000, 0x1071: 0x4000, 0x1072: 0x4000, 0x1073: 0x4000, 0x1074: 0x4000, 0x1075: 0x4000, + 0x1076: 0x4000, 0x1077: 0x4000, 0x1078: 0x4000, 0x1079: 0x4000, 0x107a: 0x4000, 0x107b: 0x4000, + 0x107c: 0x4000, 0x107d: 0x4000, 0x107e: 0x4000, 0x107f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x4000, 0x1081: 0x4000, 0x1082: 0x4000, 0x1083: 0x4000, 0x1084: 0x4000, 0x1085: 0x4000, + 0x1086: 0x4000, 0x1087: 0x4000, 0x1088: 0x4000, 0x1089: 0x4000, 0x108a: 0x4000, 0x108b: 0x4000, + 0x108c: 0x4000, 0x108d: 0x4000, 0x108e: 0x4000, 0x108f: 0x4000, 0x1090: 0x4000, 0x1091: 0x4000, + 0x1092: 0x4000, 0x1094: 0x4000, 0x1095: 0x4000, 0x1096: 0x4000, 0x1097: 0x4000, + 0x1098: 0x4000, 0x1099: 0x4000, 0x109a: 0x4000, 0x109b: 0x4000, 0x109c: 0x4000, 0x109d: 0x4000, + 0x109e: 0x4000, 0x109f: 0x4000, 0x10a0: 0x4000, 0x10a1: 0x4000, 0x10a2: 0x4000, 0x10a3: 0x4000, + 0x10a4: 0x4000, 0x10a5: 0x4000, 0x10a6: 0x4000, 0x10a8: 0x4000, 0x10a9: 0x4000, + 0x10aa: 0x4000, 0x10ab: 0x4000, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c1: 0x9012, 0x10c2: 0x9012, 0x10c3: 0x9012, 0x10c4: 0x9012, 0x10c5: 0x9012, + 0x10c6: 0x9012, 0x10c7: 0x9012, 0x10c8: 0x9012, 0x10c9: 0x9012, 0x10ca: 0x9012, 0x10cb: 0x9012, + 0x10cc: 0x9012, 0x10cd: 0x9012, 0x10ce: 0x9012, 0x10cf: 0x9012, 0x10d0: 0x9012, 0x10d1: 0x9012, + 0x10d2: 0x9012, 0x10d3: 0x9012, 0x10d4: 0x9012, 0x10d5: 0x9012, 0x10d6: 0x9012, 0x10d7: 0x9012, + 0x10d8: 0x9012, 0x10d9: 0x9012, 0x10da: 0x9012, 0x10db: 0x9012, 0x10dc: 0x9012, 0x10dd: 0x9012, + 0x10de: 0x9012, 0x10df: 0x9012, 0x10e0: 0x9049, 0x10e1: 0x9049, 0x10e2: 0x9049, 0x10e3: 0x9049, + 0x10e4: 0x9049, 0x10e5: 0x9049, 0x10e6: 0x9049, 0x10e7: 0x9049, 0x10e8: 0x9049, 0x10e9: 0x9049, + 0x10ea: 0x9049, 0x10eb: 0x9049, 0x10ec: 0x9049, 0x10ed: 0x9049, 0x10ee: 0x9049, 0x10ef: 0x9049, + 0x10f0: 0x9049, 0x10f1: 0x9049, 0x10f2: 0x9049, 0x10f3: 0x9049, 0x10f4: 0x9049, 0x10f5: 0x9049, + 0x10f6: 0x9049, 0x10f7: 0x9049, 0x10f8: 0x9049, 0x10f9: 0x9049, 0x10fa: 0x9049, 0x10fb: 0x9049, + 0x10fc: 0x9049, 0x10fd: 0x9049, 0x10fe: 0x9049, 0x10ff: 0x9049, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1100: 0x9049, 0x1101: 0x9049, 0x1102: 0x9049, 0x1103: 0x9049, 0x1104: 0x9049, 0x1105: 0x9049, + 0x1106: 0x9049, 0x1107: 0x9049, 0x1108: 0x9049, 0x1109: 0x9049, 0x110a: 0x9049, 0x110b: 0x9049, + 0x110c: 0x9049, 0x110d: 0x9049, 0x110e: 0x9049, 0x110f: 0x9049, 0x1110: 0x9049, 0x1111: 0x9049, + 0x1112: 0x9049, 0x1113: 0x9049, 0x1114: 0x9049, 0x1115: 0x9049, 0x1116: 0x9049, 0x1117: 0x9049, + 0x1118: 0x9049, 0x1119: 0x9049, 0x111a: 0x9049, 0x111b: 0x9049, 0x111c: 0x9049, 0x111d: 0x9049, + 0x111e: 0x9049, 0x111f: 0x904a, 0x1120: 0x904b, 0x1121: 0xb04c, 0x1122: 0xb04d, 0x1123: 0xb04d, + 0x1124: 0xb04e, 0x1125: 0xb04f, 0x1126: 0xb050, 0x1127: 0xb051, 0x1128: 0xb052, 0x1129: 0xb053, + 0x112a: 0xb054, 0x112b: 0xb055, 0x112c: 0xb056, 0x112d: 0xb057, 0x112e: 0xb058, 0x112f: 0xb059, + 0x1130: 0xb05a, 0x1131: 0xb05b, 0x1132: 0xb05c, 0x1133: 0xb05d, 0x1134: 0xb05e, 0x1135: 0xb05f, + 0x1136: 0xb060, 0x1137: 0xb061, 0x1138: 0xb062, 0x1139: 0xb063, 0x113a: 0xb064, 0x113b: 0xb065, + 0x113c: 0xb052, 0x113d: 0xb066, 0x113e: 0xb067, 0x113f: 0xb055, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1140: 0xb068, 0x1141: 0xb069, 0x1142: 0xb06a, 0x1143: 0xb06b, 0x1144: 0xb05a, 0x1145: 0xb056, + 0x1146: 0xb06c, 0x1147: 0xb06d, 0x1148: 0xb06b, 0x1149: 0xb06e, 0x114a: 0xb06b, 0x114b: 0xb06f, + 0x114c: 0xb06f, 0x114d: 0xb070, 0x114e: 0xb070, 0x114f: 0xb071, 0x1150: 0xb056, 0x1151: 0xb072, + 0x1152: 0xb073, 0x1153: 0xb072, 0x1154: 0xb074, 0x1155: 0xb073, 0x1156: 0xb075, 0x1157: 0xb075, + 0x1158: 0xb076, 0x1159: 0xb076, 0x115a: 0xb077, 0x115b: 0xb077, 0x115c: 0xb073, 0x115d: 0xb078, + 0x115e: 0xb079, 0x115f: 0xb067, 0x1160: 0xb07a, 0x1161: 0xb07b, 0x1162: 0xb07b, 0x1163: 0xb07b, + 0x1164: 0xb07b, 0x1165: 0xb07b, 0x1166: 0xb07b, 0x1167: 0xb07b, 0x1168: 0xb07b, 0x1169: 0xb07b, + 0x116a: 0xb07b, 0x116b: 0xb07b, 0x116c: 0xb07b, 0x116d: 0xb07b, 0x116e: 0xb07b, 0x116f: 0xb07b, + 0x1170: 0xb07c, 0x1171: 0xb07c, 0x1172: 0xb07c, 0x1173: 0xb07c, 0x1174: 0xb07c, 0x1175: 0xb07c, + 0x1176: 0xb07c, 0x1177: 0xb07c, 0x1178: 0xb07c, 0x1179: 0xb07c, 0x117a: 0xb07c, 0x117b: 0xb07c, + 0x117c: 0xb07c, 0x117d: 0xb07c, 0x117e: 0xb07c, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1182: 0xb07d, 0x1183: 0xb07e, 0x1184: 0xb07f, 0x1185: 0xb080, + 0x1186: 0xb07f, 0x1187: 0xb07e, 0x118a: 0xb081, 0x118b: 0xb082, + 0x118c: 0xb083, 0x118d: 0xb07f, 0x118e: 0xb080, 0x118f: 0xb07f, + 0x1192: 0xb084, 0x1193: 0xb085, 0x1194: 0xb084, 0x1195: 0xb086, 0x1196: 0xb084, 0x1197: 0xb087, + 0x119a: 0xb088, 0x119b: 0xb089, 0x119c: 0xb08a, + 0x11a0: 0x908b, 0x11a1: 0x908b, 0x11a2: 0x908c, 0x11a3: 0x908d, + 0x11a4: 0x908b, 0x11a5: 0x908e, 0x11a6: 0x908f, 0x11a8: 0xb090, 0x11a9: 0xb091, + 0x11aa: 0xb092, 0x11ab: 0xb091, 0x11ac: 0xb093, 0x11ad: 0xb094, 0x11ae: 0xb095, + 0x11bd: 0x2000, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11e0: 0x4000, 0x11e1: 0x4000, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x4000, 0x1201: 0x4000, 0x1202: 0x4000, 0x1203: 0x4000, 0x1204: 0x4000, 0x1205: 0x4000, + 0x1206: 0x4000, 0x1207: 0x4000, 0x1208: 0x4000, 0x1209: 0x4000, 0x120a: 0x4000, 0x120b: 0x4000, + 0x120c: 0x4000, 0x120d: 0x4000, 0x120e: 0x4000, 0x120f: 0x4000, 0x1210: 0x4000, 0x1211: 0x4000, + 0x1212: 0x4000, 0x1213: 0x4000, 0x1214: 0x4000, 0x1215: 0x4000, 0x1216: 0x4000, 0x1217: 0x4000, + 0x1218: 0x4000, 0x1219: 0x4000, 0x121a: 0x4000, 0x121b: 0x4000, 0x121c: 0x4000, 0x121d: 0x4000, + 0x121e: 0x4000, 0x121f: 0x4000, 0x1220: 0x4000, 0x1221: 0x4000, 0x1222: 0x4000, 0x1223: 0x4000, + 0x1224: 0x4000, 0x1225: 0x4000, 0x1226: 0x4000, 0x1227: 0x4000, 0x1228: 0x4000, 0x1229: 0x4000, + 0x122a: 0x4000, 0x122b: 0x4000, 0x122c: 0x4000, 0x122d: 0x4000, 0x122e: 0x4000, 0x122f: 0x4000, + 0x1230: 0x4000, 0x1231: 0x4000, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1240: 0x4000, 0x1241: 0x4000, 0x1242: 0x4000, 0x1243: 0x4000, 0x1244: 0x4000, 0x1245: 0x4000, + 0x1246: 0x4000, 0x1247: 0x4000, 0x1248: 0x4000, 0x1249: 0x4000, 0x124a: 0x4000, 0x124b: 0x4000, + 0x124c: 0x4000, 0x124d: 0x4000, 0x124e: 0x4000, 0x124f: 0x4000, 0x1250: 0x4000, 0x1251: 0x4000, + 0x1252: 0x4000, 0x1253: 0x4000, 0x1254: 0x4000, 0x1255: 0x4000, 0x1256: 0x4000, 0x1257: 0x4000, + 0x1258: 0x4000, 0x1259: 0x4000, 0x125a: 0x4000, 0x125b: 0x4000, 0x125c: 0x4000, 0x125d: 0x4000, + 0x125e: 0x4000, 0x125f: 0x4000, 0x1260: 0x4000, 0x1261: 0x4000, 0x1262: 0x4000, 0x1263: 0x4000, + 0x1264: 0x4000, 0x1265: 0x4000, 0x1266: 0x4000, 0x1267: 0x4000, 0x1268: 0x4000, 0x1269: 0x4000, + 0x126a: 0x4000, 0x126b: 0x4000, 0x126c: 0x4000, 0x126d: 0x4000, 0x126e: 0x4000, 0x126f: 0x4000, + 0x1270: 0x4000, 0x1271: 0x4000, 0x1272: 0x4000, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x1280: 0x4000, 0x1281: 0x4000, 0x1282: 0x4000, 0x1283: 0x4000, 0x1284: 0x4000, 0x1285: 0x4000, + 0x1286: 0x4000, 0x1287: 0x4000, 0x1288: 0x4000, 0x1289: 0x4000, 0x128a: 0x4000, 0x128b: 0x4000, + 0x128c: 0x4000, 0x128d: 0x4000, 0x128e: 0x4000, 0x128f: 0x4000, 0x1290: 0x4000, 0x1291: 0x4000, + 0x1292: 0x4000, 0x1293: 0x4000, 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0x131e: 0x4000, 0x131f: 0x4000, 0x1320: 0x4000, 0x1321: 0x4000, 0x1322: 0x4000, 0x1323: 0x4000, + 0x1324: 0x4000, 0x1325: 0x4000, 0x1326: 0x4000, 0x1327: 0x4000, 0x1328: 0x4000, 0x1329: 0x4000, + 0x132a: 0x4000, 0x132b: 0x4000, 0x132c: 0x4000, 0x132d: 0x4000, 0x132e: 0x4000, 0x132f: 0x4000, + 0x1330: 0x4000, 0x1331: 0x4000, 0x1332: 0x4000, 0x1333: 0x4000, 0x1334: 0x4000, 0x1335: 0x4000, + 0x1336: 0x4000, 0x1337: 0x4000, 0x1338: 0x4000, 0x1339: 0x4000, 0x133a: 0x4000, 0x133b: 0x4000, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x1344: 0x4000, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x138f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x2000, 0x13c1: 0x2000, 0x13c2: 0x2000, 0x13c3: 0x2000, 0x13c4: 0x2000, 0x13c5: 0x2000, + 0x13c6: 0x2000, 0x13c7: 0x2000, 0x13c8: 0x2000, 0x13c9: 0x2000, 0x13ca: 0x2000, + 0x13d0: 0x2000, 0x13d1: 0x2000, + 0x13d2: 0x2000, 0x13d3: 0x2000, 0x13d4: 0x2000, 0x13d5: 0x2000, 0x13d6: 0x2000, 0x13d7: 0x2000, + 0x13d8: 0x2000, 0x13d9: 0x2000, 0x13da: 0x2000, 0x13db: 0x2000, 0x13dc: 0x2000, 0x13dd: 0x2000, + 0x13de: 0x2000, 0x13df: 0x2000, 0x13e0: 0x2000, 0x13e1: 0x2000, 0x13e2: 0x2000, 0x13e3: 0x2000, + 0x13e4: 0x2000, 0x13e5: 0x2000, 0x13e6: 0x2000, 0x13e7: 0x2000, 0x13e8: 0x2000, 0x13e9: 0x2000, + 0x13ea: 0x2000, 0x13eb: 0x2000, 0x13ec: 0x2000, 0x13ed: 0x2000, + 0x13f0: 0x2000, 0x13f1: 0x2000, 0x13f2: 0x2000, 0x13f3: 0x2000, 0x13f4: 0x2000, 0x13f5: 0x2000, + 0x13f6: 0x2000, 0x13f7: 0x2000, 0x13f8: 0x2000, 0x13f9: 0x2000, 0x13fa: 0x2000, 0x13fb: 0x2000, + 0x13fc: 0x2000, 0x13fd: 0x2000, 0x13fe: 0x2000, 0x13ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x2000, 0x1401: 0x2000, 0x1402: 0x2000, 0x1403: 0x2000, 0x1404: 0x2000, 0x1405: 0x2000, + 0x1406: 0x2000, 0x1407: 0x2000, 0x1408: 0x2000, 0x1409: 0x2000, 0x140a: 0x2000, 0x140b: 0x2000, + 0x140c: 0x2000, 0x140d: 0x2000, 0x140e: 0x2000, 0x140f: 0x2000, 0x1410: 0x2000, 0x1411: 0x2000, + 0x1412: 0x2000, 0x1413: 0x2000, 0x1414: 0x2000, 0x1415: 0x2000, 0x1416: 0x2000, 0x1417: 0x2000, + 0x1418: 0x2000, 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0x1600: 0x4000, 0x1602: 0x4000, 0x1603: 0x4000, 0x1604: 0x4000, 0x1605: 0x4000, + 0x1606: 0x4000, 0x1607: 0x4000, 0x1608: 0x4000, 0x1609: 0x4000, 0x160a: 0x4000, 0x160b: 0x4000, + 0x160c: 0x4000, 0x160d: 0x4000, 0x160e: 0x4000, 0x160f: 0x4000, 0x1610: 0x4000, 0x1611: 0x4000, + 0x1612: 0x4000, 0x1613: 0x4000, 0x1614: 0x4000, 0x1615: 0x4000, 0x1616: 0x4000, 0x1617: 0x4000, + 0x1618: 0x4000, 0x1619: 0x4000, 0x161a: 0x4000, 0x161b: 0x4000, 0x161c: 0x4000, 0x161d: 0x4000, + 0x161e: 0x4000, 0x161f: 0x4000, 0x1620: 0x4000, 0x1621: 0x4000, 0x1622: 0x4000, 0x1623: 0x4000, + 0x1624: 0x4000, 0x1625: 0x4000, 0x1626: 0x4000, 0x1627: 0x4000, 0x1628: 0x4000, 0x1629: 0x4000, + 0x162a: 0x4000, 0x162b: 0x4000, 0x162c: 0x4000, 0x162d: 0x4000, 0x162e: 0x4000, 0x162f: 0x4000, + 0x1630: 0x4000, 0x1631: 0x4000, 0x1632: 0x4000, 0x1633: 0x4000, 0x1634: 0x4000, 0x1635: 0x4000, + 0x1636: 0x4000, 0x1637: 0x4000, 0x1638: 0x4000, 0x1639: 0x4000, 0x163a: 0x4000, 0x163b: 0x4000, + 0x163c: 0x4000, 0x163d: 0x4000, 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0x1679: 0x4000, 0x167a: 0x4000, 0x167b: 0x4000, + 0x167c: 0x4000, 0x167f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x4000, 0x1681: 0x4000, 0x1682: 0x4000, 0x1683: 0x4000, 0x1684: 0x4000, 0x1685: 0x4000, + 0x1686: 0x4000, 0x1687: 0x4000, 0x1688: 0x4000, 0x1689: 0x4000, 0x168a: 0x4000, 0x168b: 0x4000, + 0x168c: 0x4000, 0x168d: 0x4000, 0x168e: 0x4000, 0x168f: 0x4000, 0x1690: 0x4000, 0x1691: 0x4000, + 0x1692: 0x4000, 0x1693: 0x4000, 0x1694: 0x4000, 0x1695: 0x4000, 0x1696: 0x4000, 0x1697: 0x4000, + 0x1698: 0x4000, 0x1699: 0x4000, 0x169a: 0x4000, 0x169b: 0x4000, 0x169c: 0x4000, 0x169d: 0x4000, + 0x169e: 0x4000, 0x169f: 0x4000, 0x16a0: 0x4000, 0x16a1: 0x4000, 0x16a2: 0x4000, 0x16a3: 0x4000, + 0x16a4: 0x4000, 0x16a5: 0x4000, 0x16a6: 0x4000, 0x16a7: 0x4000, 0x16a8: 0x4000, 0x16a9: 0x4000, + 0x16aa: 0x4000, 0x16ab: 0x4000, 0x16ac: 0x4000, 0x16ad: 0x4000, 0x16ae: 0x4000, 0x16af: 0x4000, + 0x16b0: 0x4000, 0x16b1: 0x4000, 0x16b2: 0x4000, 0x16b3: 0x4000, 0x16b4: 0x4000, 0x16b5: 0x4000, + 0x16b6: 0x4000, 0x16b7: 0x4000, 0x16b8: 0x4000, 0x16b9: 0x4000, 0x16ba: 0x4000, 0x16bb: 0x4000, + 0x16bc: 0x4000, 0x16bd: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16cb: 0x4000, + 0x16cc: 0x4000, 0x16cd: 0x4000, 0x16ce: 0x4000, 0x16d0: 0x4000, 0x16d1: 0x4000, + 0x16d2: 0x4000, 0x16d3: 0x4000, 0x16d4: 0x4000, 0x16d5: 0x4000, 0x16d6: 0x4000, 0x16d7: 0x4000, + 0x16d8: 0x4000, 0x16d9: 0x4000, 0x16da: 0x4000, 0x16db: 0x4000, 0x16dc: 0x4000, 0x16dd: 0x4000, + 0x16de: 0x4000, 0x16df: 0x4000, 0x16e0: 0x4000, 0x16e1: 0x4000, 0x16e2: 0x4000, 0x16e3: 0x4000, + 0x16e4: 0x4000, 0x16e5: 0x4000, 0x16e6: 0x4000, 0x16e7: 0x4000, + 0x16fa: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1715: 0x4000, 0x1716: 0x4000, + 0x1724: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x177b: 0x4000, + 0x177c: 0x4000, 0x177d: 0x4000, 0x177e: 0x4000, 0x177f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x1780: 0x4000, 0x1781: 0x4000, 0x1782: 0x4000, 0x1783: 0x4000, 0x1784: 0x4000, 0x1785: 0x4000, + 0x1786: 0x4000, 0x1787: 0x4000, 0x1788: 0x4000, 0x1789: 0x4000, 0x178a: 0x4000, 0x178b: 0x4000, + 0x178c: 0x4000, 0x178d: 0x4000, 0x178e: 0x4000, 0x178f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x4000, 0x17c1: 0x4000, 0x17c2: 0x4000, 0x17c3: 0x4000, 0x17c4: 0x4000, 0x17c5: 0x4000, + 0x17cc: 0x4000, 0x17d0: 0x4000, 0x17d1: 0x4000, + 0x17d2: 0x4000, + 0x17eb: 0x4000, 0x17ec: 0x4000, + 0x17f4: 0x4000, 0x17f5: 0x4000, + 0x17f6: 0x4000, 0x17f7: 0x4000, 0x17f8: 0x4000, 0x17f9: 0x4000, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1810: 0x4000, 0x1811: 0x4000, + 0x1812: 0x4000, 0x1813: 0x4000, 0x1814: 0x4000, 0x1815: 0x4000, 0x1816: 0x4000, 0x1817: 0x4000, + 0x1818: 0x4000, 0x1819: 0x4000, 0x181a: 0x4000, 0x181b: 0x4000, 0x181c: 0x4000, 0x181d: 0x4000, + 0x181e: 0x4000, 0x181f: 0x4000, 0x1820: 0x4000, 0x1821: 0x4000, 0x1822: 0x4000, 0x1823: 0x4000, + 0x1824: 0x4000, 0x1825: 0x4000, 0x1826: 0x4000, 0x1827: 0x4000, 0x1828: 0x4000, 0x1829: 0x4000, + 0x182a: 0x4000, 0x182b: 0x4000, 0x182c: 0x4000, 0x182d: 0x4000, 0x182e: 0x4000, 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0x186b: 0x4000, 0x186c: 0x4000, 0x186d: 0x4000, 0x186e: 0x4000, 0x186f: 0x4000, + 0x1870: 0x4000, 0x1873: 0x4000, 0x1874: 0x4000, 0x1875: 0x4000, + 0x1876: 0x4000, 0x187a: 0x4000, + 0x187c: 0x4000, 0x187d: 0x4000, 0x187e: 0x4000, 0x187f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x4000, 0x1881: 0x4000, 0x1882: 0x4000, 0x1883: 0x4000, 0x1884: 0x4000, 0x1885: 0x4000, + 0x1886: 0x4000, 0x1887: 0x4000, 0x1888: 0x4000, 0x1889: 0x4000, 0x188a: 0x4000, 0x188b: 0x4000, + 0x188c: 0x4000, 0x188d: 0x4000, 0x188e: 0x4000, 0x188f: 0x4000, 0x1890: 0x4000, 0x1891: 0x4000, + 0x1892: 0x4000, 0x1893: 0x4000, 0x1894: 0x4000, 0x1895: 0x4000, 0x1896: 0x4000, 0x1897: 0x4000, + 0x1898: 0x4000, 0x1899: 0x4000, 0x189a: 0x4000, 0x189b: 0x4000, 0x189c: 0x4000, 0x189d: 0x4000, + 0x189e: 0x4000, 0x189f: 0x4000, 0x18a0: 0x4000, 0x18a1: 0x4000, 0x18a2: 0x4000, + 0x18b0: 0x4000, 0x18b1: 0x4000, 0x18b2: 0x4000, 0x18b3: 0x4000, 0x18b4: 0x4000, 0x18b5: 0x4000, + 0x18b6: 0x4000, 0x18b7: 0x4000, 0x18b8: 0x4000, 0x18b9: 0x4000, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x4000, 0x18c1: 0x4000, 0x18c2: 0x4000, + 0x18d0: 0x4000, 0x18d1: 0x4000, + 0x18d2: 0x4000, 0x18d3: 0x4000, 0x18d4: 0x4000, 0x18d5: 0x4000, 0x18d6: 0x4000, 0x18d7: 0x4000, + 0x18d8: 0x4000, 0x18d9: 0x4000, 0x18da: 0x4000, 0x18db: 0x4000, 0x18dc: 0x4000, 0x18dd: 0x4000, + 0x18de: 0x4000, 0x18df: 0x4000, 0x18e0: 0x4000, 0x18e1: 0x4000, 0x18e2: 0x4000, 0x18e3: 0x4000, + 0x18e4: 0x4000, 0x18e5: 0x4000, 0x18e6: 0x4000, 0x18e7: 0x4000, 0x18e8: 0x4000, 0x18e9: 0x4000, + 0x18ea: 0x4000, 0x18eb: 0x4000, 0x18ec: 0x4000, 0x18ed: 0x4000, 0x18ee: 0x4000, 0x18ef: 0x4000, + 0x18f0: 0x4000, 0x18f1: 0x4000, 0x18f2: 0x4000, 0x18f3: 0x4000, 0x18f4: 0x4000, 0x18f5: 0x4000, + 0x18f6: 0x4000, 0x18f7: 0x4000, 0x18f8: 0x4000, 0x18f9: 0x4000, 0x18fa: 0x4000, 0x18fb: 0x4000, + 0x18fc: 0x4000, 0x18fd: 0x4000, 0x18fe: 0x4000, 0x18ff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x2000, 0x1901: 0x2000, 0x1902: 0x2000, 0x1903: 0x2000, 0x1904: 0x2000, 0x1905: 0x2000, + 0x1906: 0x2000, 0x1907: 0x2000, 0x1908: 0x2000, 0x1909: 0x2000, 0x190a: 0x2000, 0x190b: 0x2000, + 0x190c: 0x2000, 0x190d: 0x2000, 0x190e: 0x2000, 0x190f: 0x2000, 0x1910: 0x2000, 0x1911: 0x2000, + 0x1912: 0x2000, 0x1913: 0x2000, 0x1914: 0x2000, 0x1915: 0x2000, 0x1916: 0x2000, 0x1917: 0x2000, + 0x1918: 0x2000, 0x1919: 0x2000, 0x191a: 0x2000, 0x191b: 0x2000, 0x191c: 0x2000, 0x191d: 0x2000, + 0x191e: 0x2000, 0x191f: 0x2000, 0x1920: 0x2000, 0x1921: 0x2000, 0x1922: 0x2000, 0x1923: 0x2000, + 0x1924: 0x2000, 0x1925: 0x2000, 0x1926: 0x2000, 0x1927: 0x2000, 0x1928: 0x2000, 0x1929: 0x2000, + 0x192a: 0x2000, 0x192b: 0x2000, 0x192c: 0x2000, 0x192d: 0x2000, 0x192e: 0x2000, 0x192f: 0x2000, + 0x1930: 0x2000, 0x1931: 0x2000, 0x1932: 0x2000, 0x1933: 0x2000, 0x1934: 0x2000, 0x1935: 0x2000, + 0x1936: 0x2000, 0x1937: 0x2000, 0x1938: 0x2000, 0x1939: 0x2000, 0x193a: 0x2000, 0x193b: 0x2000, + 0x193c: 0x2000, 0x193d: 0x2000, +} + +// widthIndex: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 1408 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var widthIndex = [1408]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc7: 0x05, + 0xc9: 0x06, 0xcb: 0x07, 0xcc: 0x08, 0xcd: 0x09, 0xce: 0x0a, 0xcf: 0x0b, + 0xd0: 0x0c, 0xd1: 0x0d, + 0xe1: 0x02, 0xe2: 0x03, 0xe3: 0x04, 0xe4: 0x05, 0xe5: 0x06, 0xe6: 0x06, 0xe7: 0x06, + 0xe8: 0x06, 0xe9: 0x06, 0xea: 0x07, 0xeb: 0x06, 0xec: 0x06, 0xed: 0x08, 0xee: 0x09, 0xef: 0x0a, + 0xf0: 0x0f, 0xf3: 0x12, 0xf4: 0x13, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x104: 0x0e, 0x105: 0x0f, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x10, 0x141: 0x11, 0x142: 0x12, 0x144: 0x13, 0x145: 0x14, 0x146: 0x15, 0x147: 0x16, + 0x148: 0x17, 0x149: 0x18, 0x14a: 0x19, 0x14c: 0x1a, 0x14f: 0x1b, + 0x151: 0x1c, 0x152: 0x08, 0x153: 0x1d, 0x154: 0x1e, 0x155: 0x1f, 0x156: 0x20, 0x157: 0x21, + 0x158: 0x22, 0x159: 0x23, 0x15a: 0x24, 0x15b: 0x25, 0x15c: 0x26, 0x15d: 0x27, 0x15e: 0x28, 0x15f: 0x29, + 0x166: 0x2a, + 0x16c: 0x2b, 0x16d: 0x2c, + 0x17a: 0x2d, 0x17b: 0x2e, 0x17c: 0x0e, 0x17d: 0x0e, 0x17e: 0x0e, 0x17f: 0x2f, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x30, 0x181: 0x31, 0x182: 0x32, 0x183: 0x33, 0x184: 0x34, 0x185: 0x35, 0x186: 0x36, 0x187: 0x37, + 0x188: 0x38, 0x189: 0x39, 0x18a: 0x0e, 0x18b: 0x3a, 0x18c: 0x0e, 0x18d: 0x0e, 0x18e: 0x0e, 0x18f: 0x0e, + 0x190: 0x0e, 0x191: 0x0e, 0x192: 0x0e, 0x193: 0x0e, 0x194: 0x0e, 0x195: 0x0e, 0x196: 0x0e, 0x197: 0x0e, + 0x198: 0x0e, 0x199: 0x0e, 0x19a: 0x0e, 0x19b: 0x0e, 0x19c: 0x0e, 0x19d: 0x0e, 0x19e: 0x0e, 0x19f: 0x0e, + 0x1a0: 0x0e, 0x1a1: 0x0e, 0x1a2: 0x0e, 0x1a3: 0x0e, 0x1a4: 0x0e, 0x1a5: 0x0e, 0x1a6: 0x0e, 0x1a7: 0x0e, + 0x1a8: 0x0e, 0x1a9: 0x0e, 0x1aa: 0x0e, 0x1ab: 0x0e, 0x1ac: 0x0e, 0x1ad: 0x0e, 0x1ae: 0x0e, 0x1af: 0x0e, + 0x1b0: 0x0e, 0x1b1: 0x0e, 0x1b2: 0x0e, 0x1b3: 0x0e, 0x1b4: 0x0e, 0x1b5: 0x0e, 0x1b6: 0x0e, 0x1b7: 0x0e, + 0x1b8: 0x0e, 0x1b9: 0x0e, 0x1ba: 0x0e, 0x1bb: 0x0e, 0x1bc: 0x0e, 0x1bd: 0x0e, 0x1be: 0x0e, 0x1bf: 0x0e, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x0e, 0x1c1: 0x0e, 0x1c2: 0x0e, 0x1c3: 0x0e, 0x1c4: 0x0e, 0x1c5: 0x0e, 0x1c6: 0x0e, 0x1c7: 0x0e, + 0x1c8: 0x0e, 0x1c9: 0x0e, 0x1ca: 0x0e, 0x1cb: 0x0e, 0x1cc: 0x0e, 0x1cd: 0x0e, 0x1ce: 0x0e, 0x1cf: 0x0e, + 0x1d0: 0x0e, 0x1d1: 0x0e, 0x1d2: 0x0e, 0x1d3: 0x0e, 0x1d4: 0x0e, 0x1d5: 0x0e, 0x1d6: 0x0e, 0x1d7: 0x0e, + 0x1d8: 0x0e, 0x1d9: 0x0e, 0x1da: 0x0e, 0x1db: 0x0e, 0x1dc: 0x0e, 0x1dd: 0x0e, 0x1de: 0x0e, 0x1df: 0x0e, + 0x1e0: 0x0e, 0x1e1: 0x0e, 0x1e2: 0x0e, 0x1e3: 0x0e, 0x1e4: 0x0e, 0x1e5: 0x0e, 0x1e6: 0x0e, 0x1e7: 0x0e, + 0x1e8: 0x0e, 0x1e9: 0x0e, 0x1ea: 0x0e, 0x1eb: 0x0e, 0x1ec: 0x0e, 0x1ed: 0x0e, 0x1ee: 0x0e, 0x1ef: 0x0e, + 0x1f0: 0x0e, 0x1f1: 0x0e, 0x1f2: 0x0e, 0x1f3: 0x0e, 0x1f4: 0x0e, 0x1f5: 0x0e, 0x1f6: 0x0e, + 0x1f8: 0x0e, 0x1f9: 0x0e, 0x1fa: 0x0e, 0x1fb: 0x0e, 0x1fc: 0x0e, 0x1fd: 0x0e, 0x1fe: 0x0e, 0x1ff: 0x0e, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x0e, 0x201: 0x0e, 0x202: 0x0e, 0x203: 0x0e, 0x204: 0x0e, 0x205: 0x0e, 0x206: 0x0e, 0x207: 0x0e, + 0x208: 0x0e, 0x209: 0x0e, 0x20a: 0x0e, 0x20b: 0x0e, 0x20c: 0x0e, 0x20d: 0x0e, 0x20e: 0x0e, 0x20f: 0x0e, + 0x210: 0x0e, 0x211: 0x0e, 0x212: 0x0e, 0x213: 0x0e, 0x214: 0x0e, 0x215: 0x0e, 0x216: 0x0e, 0x217: 0x0e, + 0x218: 0x0e, 0x219: 0x0e, 0x21a: 0x0e, 0x21b: 0x0e, 0x21c: 0x0e, 0x21d: 0x0e, 0x21e: 0x0e, 0x21f: 0x0e, + 0x220: 0x0e, 0x221: 0x0e, 0x222: 0x0e, 0x223: 0x0e, 0x224: 0x0e, 0x225: 0x0e, 0x226: 0x0e, 0x227: 0x0e, + 0x228: 0x0e, 0x229: 0x0e, 0x22a: 0x0e, 0x22b: 0x0e, 0x22c: 0x0e, 0x22d: 0x0e, 0x22e: 0x0e, 0x22f: 0x0e, + 0x230: 0x0e, 0x231: 0x0e, 0x232: 0x0e, 0x233: 0x0e, 0x234: 0x0e, 0x235: 0x0e, 0x236: 0x0e, 0x237: 0x0e, + 0x238: 0x0e, 0x239: 0x0e, 0x23a: 0x0e, 0x23b: 0x0e, 0x23c: 0x0e, 0x23d: 0x0e, 0x23e: 0x0e, 0x23f: 0x0e, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x0e, 0x241: 0x0e, 0x242: 0x0e, 0x243: 0x0e, 0x244: 0x0e, 0x245: 0x0e, 0x246: 0x0e, 0x247: 0x0e, + 0x248: 0x0e, 0x249: 0x0e, 0x24a: 0x0e, 0x24b: 0x0e, 0x24c: 0x0e, 0x24d: 0x0e, 0x24e: 0x0e, 0x24f: 0x0e, + 0x250: 0x0e, 0x251: 0x0e, 0x252: 0x3b, 0x253: 0x3c, + 0x265: 0x3d, + 0x270: 0x0e, 0x271: 0x0e, 0x272: 0x0e, 0x273: 0x0e, 0x274: 0x0e, 0x275: 0x0e, 0x276: 0x0e, 0x277: 0x0e, + 0x278: 0x0e, 0x279: 0x0e, 0x27a: 0x0e, 0x27b: 0x0e, 0x27c: 0x0e, 0x27d: 0x0e, 0x27e: 0x0e, 0x27f: 0x0e, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x0e, 0x281: 0x0e, 0x282: 0x0e, 0x283: 0x0e, 0x284: 0x0e, 0x285: 0x0e, 0x286: 0x0e, 0x287: 0x0e, + 0x288: 0x0e, 0x289: 0x0e, 0x28a: 0x0e, 0x28b: 0x0e, 0x28c: 0x0e, 0x28d: 0x0e, 0x28e: 0x0e, 0x28f: 0x0e, + 0x290: 0x0e, 0x291: 0x0e, 0x292: 0x0e, 0x293: 0x0e, 0x294: 0x0e, 0x295: 0x0e, 0x296: 0x0e, 0x297: 0x0e, + 0x298: 0x0e, 0x299: 0x0e, 0x29a: 0x0e, 0x29b: 0x0e, 0x29c: 0x0e, 0x29d: 0x0e, 0x29e: 0x3e, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x08, 0x2c1: 0x08, 0x2c2: 0x08, 0x2c3: 0x08, 0x2c4: 0x08, 0x2c5: 0x08, 0x2c6: 0x08, 0x2c7: 0x08, + 0x2c8: 0x08, 0x2c9: 0x08, 0x2ca: 0x08, 0x2cb: 0x08, 0x2cc: 0x08, 0x2cd: 0x08, 0x2ce: 0x08, 0x2cf: 0x08, + 0x2d0: 0x08, 0x2d1: 0x08, 0x2d2: 0x08, 0x2d3: 0x08, 0x2d4: 0x08, 0x2d5: 0x08, 0x2d6: 0x08, 0x2d7: 0x08, + 0x2d8: 0x08, 0x2d9: 0x08, 0x2da: 0x08, 0x2db: 0x08, 0x2dc: 0x08, 0x2dd: 0x08, 0x2de: 0x08, 0x2df: 0x08, + 0x2e0: 0x08, 0x2e1: 0x08, 0x2e2: 0x08, 0x2e3: 0x08, 0x2e4: 0x08, 0x2e5: 0x08, 0x2e6: 0x08, 0x2e7: 0x08, + 0x2e8: 0x08, 0x2e9: 0x08, 0x2ea: 0x08, 0x2eb: 0x08, 0x2ec: 0x08, 0x2ed: 0x08, 0x2ee: 0x08, 0x2ef: 0x08, + 0x2f0: 0x08, 0x2f1: 0x08, 0x2f2: 0x08, 0x2f3: 0x08, 0x2f4: 0x08, 0x2f5: 0x08, 0x2f6: 0x08, 0x2f7: 0x08, + 0x2f8: 0x08, 0x2f9: 0x08, 0x2fa: 0x08, 0x2fb: 0x08, 0x2fc: 0x08, 0x2fd: 0x08, 0x2fe: 0x08, 0x2ff: 0x08, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x08, 0x301: 0x08, 0x302: 0x08, 0x303: 0x08, 0x304: 0x08, 0x305: 0x08, 0x306: 0x08, 0x307: 0x08, + 0x308: 0x08, 0x309: 0x08, 0x30a: 0x08, 0x30b: 0x08, 0x30c: 0x08, 0x30d: 0x08, 0x30e: 0x08, 0x30f: 0x08, + 0x310: 0x08, 0x311: 0x08, 0x312: 0x08, 0x313: 0x08, 0x314: 0x08, 0x315: 0x08, 0x316: 0x08, 0x317: 0x08, + 0x318: 0x08, 0x319: 0x08, 0x31a: 0x08, 0x31b: 0x08, 0x31c: 0x08, 0x31d: 0x08, 0x31e: 0x08, 0x31f: 0x08, + 0x320: 0x08, 0x321: 0x08, 0x322: 0x08, 0x323: 0x08, 0x324: 0x0e, 0x325: 0x0e, 0x326: 0x0e, 0x327: 0x0e, + 0x328: 0x0e, 0x329: 0x0e, 0x32a: 0x0e, 0x32b: 0x0e, + 0x338: 0x3f, 0x339: 0x40, 0x33c: 0x41, 0x33d: 0x42, 0x33e: 0x43, 0x33f: 0x44, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x37f: 0x45, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0e, 0x381: 0x0e, 0x382: 0x0e, 0x383: 0x0e, 0x384: 0x0e, 0x385: 0x0e, 0x386: 0x0e, 0x387: 0x0e, + 0x388: 0x0e, 0x389: 0x0e, 0x38a: 0x0e, 0x38b: 0x0e, 0x38c: 0x0e, 0x38d: 0x0e, 0x38e: 0x0e, 0x38f: 0x0e, + 0x390: 0x0e, 0x391: 0x0e, 0x392: 0x0e, 0x393: 0x0e, 0x394: 0x0e, 0x395: 0x0e, 0x396: 0x0e, 0x397: 0x0e, + 0x398: 0x0e, 0x399: 0x0e, 0x39a: 0x0e, 0x39b: 0x0e, 0x39c: 0x0e, 0x39d: 0x0e, 0x39e: 0x0e, 0x39f: 0x46, + 0x3a0: 0x0e, 0x3a1: 0x0e, 0x3a2: 0x0e, 0x3a3: 0x0e, 0x3a4: 0x0e, 0x3a5: 0x0e, 0x3a6: 0x0e, 0x3a7: 0x0e, + 0x3a8: 0x0e, 0x3a9: 0x0e, 0x3aa: 0x0e, 0x3ab: 0x47, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x0e, 0x3c1: 0x0e, 0x3c2: 0x0e, 0x3c3: 0x0e, 0x3c4: 0x48, 0x3c5: 0x49, 0x3c6: 0x0e, 0x3c7: 0x0e, + 0x3c8: 0x0e, 0x3c9: 0x0e, 0x3ca: 0x0e, 0x3cb: 0x4a, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x4b, 0x403: 0x4c, 0x404: 0x4d, 0x405: 0x4e, 0x406: 0x4f, + 0x408: 0x50, 0x409: 0x51, 0x40c: 0x52, 0x40d: 0x53, 0x40e: 0x54, 0x40f: 0x55, + 0x410: 0x3a, 0x411: 0x56, 0x412: 0x0e, 0x413: 0x57, 0x414: 0x58, 0x415: 0x59, 0x416: 0x5a, 0x417: 0x5b, + 0x418: 0x0e, 0x419: 0x5c, 0x41a: 0x0e, 0x41b: 0x5d, + 0x424: 0x5e, 0x425: 0x5f, 0x426: 0x60, 0x427: 0x61, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x456: 0x0b, 0x457: 0x06, + 0x458: 0x0c, 0x45b: 0x0d, 0x45f: 0x0e, + 0x460: 0x06, 0x461: 0x06, 0x462: 0x06, 0x463: 0x06, 0x464: 0x06, 0x465: 0x06, 0x466: 0x06, 0x467: 0x06, + 0x468: 0x06, 0x469: 0x06, 0x46a: 0x06, 0x46b: 0x06, 0x46c: 0x06, 0x46d: 0x06, 0x46e: 0x06, 0x46f: 0x06, + 0x470: 0x06, 0x471: 0x06, 0x472: 0x06, 0x473: 0x06, 0x474: 0x06, 0x475: 0x06, 0x476: 0x06, 0x477: 0x06, + 0x478: 0x06, 0x479: 0x06, 0x47a: 0x06, 0x47b: 0x06, 0x47c: 0x06, 0x47d: 0x06, 0x47e: 0x06, 0x47f: 0x06, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x484: 0x08, 0x485: 0x08, 0x486: 0x08, 0x487: 0x09, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x08, 0x4c1: 0x08, 0x4c2: 0x08, 0x4c3: 0x08, 0x4c4: 0x08, 0x4c5: 0x08, 0x4c6: 0x08, 0x4c7: 0x08, + 0x4c8: 0x08, 0x4c9: 0x08, 0x4ca: 0x08, 0x4cb: 0x08, 0x4cc: 0x08, 0x4cd: 0x08, 0x4ce: 0x08, 0x4cf: 0x08, + 0x4d0: 0x08, 0x4d1: 0x08, 0x4d2: 0x08, 0x4d3: 0x08, 0x4d4: 0x08, 0x4d5: 0x08, 0x4d6: 0x08, 0x4d7: 0x08, + 0x4d8: 0x08, 0x4d9: 0x08, 0x4da: 0x08, 0x4db: 0x08, 0x4dc: 0x08, 0x4dd: 0x08, 0x4de: 0x08, 0x4df: 0x08, + 0x4e0: 0x08, 0x4e1: 0x08, 0x4e2: 0x08, 0x4e3: 0x08, 0x4e4: 0x08, 0x4e5: 0x08, 0x4e6: 0x08, 0x4e7: 0x08, + 0x4e8: 0x08, 0x4e9: 0x08, 0x4ea: 0x08, 0x4eb: 0x08, 0x4ec: 0x08, 0x4ed: 0x08, 0x4ee: 0x08, 0x4ef: 0x08, + 0x4f0: 0x08, 0x4f1: 0x08, 0x4f2: 0x08, 0x4f3: 0x08, 0x4f4: 0x08, 0x4f5: 0x08, 0x4f6: 0x08, 0x4f7: 0x08, + 0x4f8: 0x08, 0x4f9: 0x08, 0x4fa: 0x08, 0x4fb: 0x08, 0x4fc: 0x08, 0x4fd: 0x08, 0x4fe: 0x08, 0x4ff: 0x62, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x520: 0x10, + 0x530: 0x09, 0x531: 0x09, 0x532: 0x09, 0x533: 0x09, 0x534: 0x09, 0x535: 0x09, 0x536: 0x09, 0x537: 0x09, + 0x538: 0x09, 0x539: 0x09, 0x53a: 0x09, 0x53b: 0x09, 0x53c: 0x09, 0x53d: 0x09, 0x53e: 0x09, 0x53f: 0x11, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x09, 0x541: 0x09, 0x542: 0x09, 0x543: 0x09, 0x544: 0x09, 0x545: 0x09, 0x546: 0x09, 0x547: 0x09, + 0x548: 0x09, 0x549: 0x09, 0x54a: 0x09, 0x54b: 0x09, 0x54c: 0x09, 0x54d: 0x09, 0x54e: 0x09, 0x54f: 0x11, +} + +// inverseData contains 4-byte entries of the following format: +// <0 padding> +// The last byte of the UTF-8-encoded rune is xor-ed with the last byte of the +// UTF-8 encoding of the original rune. Mappings often have the following +// pattern: +// A -> A (U+FF21 -> U+0041) +// B -> B (U+FF22 -> U+0042) +// ... +// By xor-ing the last byte the same entry can be shared by many mappings. This +// reduces the total number of distinct entries by about two thirds. +// The resulting entry for the aforementioned mappings is +// { 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x00 } +// Using this entry to map U+FF21 (UTF-8 [EF BC A1]), we get +// E0 ^ A1 = 41. +// Similarly, for U+FF22 (UTF-8 [EF BC A2]), we get +// E0 ^ A2 = 42. +// Note that because of the xor-ing, the byte sequence stored in the entry is +// not valid UTF-8. +var inverseData = [150][4]byte{ + {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0xa0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xa0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xe0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xe0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x2a}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x26}, + {0x01, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x23}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x16}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x19}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x11}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x31}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x33}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x32}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x36}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x14}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x10}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x37}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x04}, + {0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x26}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x23}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x1e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x14}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x16}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x19}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x11}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x31}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x33}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x3e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x32}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x36}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x84, 0x10}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x37}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3f}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x02, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0e, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0c, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x82, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x94, 0x2a}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x96, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x97, 0x25}, +} + +// Total table size 14936 bytes (14KiB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables12.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables12.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..85296297 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables12.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,1351 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.14 && !go1.16 +// +build go1.14,!go1.16 + +package width + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "12.0.0" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *widthTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = widthIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0] + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = widthIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0] + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// widthTrie. Total size: 14720 bytes (14.38 KiB). Checksum: 3f4f2516ded5489b. +type widthTrie struct{} + +func newWidthTrie(i int) *widthTrie { + return &widthTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + default: + return uint16(widthValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// widthValues: 104 blocks, 6656 entries, 13312 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var widthValues = [6656]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x20: 0x6001, 0x21: 0x6002, 0x22: 0x6002, 0x23: 0x6002, + 0x24: 0x6002, 0x25: 0x6002, 0x26: 0x6002, 0x27: 0x6002, 0x28: 0x6002, 0x29: 0x6002, + 0x2a: 0x6002, 0x2b: 0x6002, 0x2c: 0x6002, 0x2d: 0x6002, 0x2e: 0x6002, 0x2f: 0x6002, + 0x30: 0x6002, 0x31: 0x6002, 0x32: 0x6002, 0x33: 0x6002, 0x34: 0x6002, 0x35: 0x6002, + 0x36: 0x6002, 0x37: 0x6002, 0x38: 0x6002, 0x39: 0x6002, 0x3a: 0x6002, 0x3b: 0x6002, + 0x3c: 0x6002, 0x3d: 0x6002, 0x3e: 0x6002, 0x3f: 0x6002, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x6003, 0x41: 0x6003, 0x42: 0x6003, 0x43: 0x6003, 0x44: 0x6003, 0x45: 0x6003, + 0x46: 0x6003, 0x47: 0x6003, 0x48: 0x6003, 0x49: 0x6003, 0x4a: 0x6003, 0x4b: 0x6003, + 0x4c: 0x6003, 0x4d: 0x6003, 0x4e: 0x6003, 0x4f: 0x6003, 0x50: 0x6003, 0x51: 0x6003, + 0x52: 0x6003, 0x53: 0x6003, 0x54: 0x6003, 0x55: 0x6003, 0x56: 0x6003, 0x57: 0x6003, + 0x58: 0x6003, 0x59: 0x6003, 0x5a: 0x6003, 0x5b: 0x6003, 0x5c: 0x6003, 0x5d: 0x6003, + 0x5e: 0x6003, 0x5f: 0x6003, 0x60: 0x6004, 0x61: 0x6004, 0x62: 0x6004, 0x63: 0x6004, + 0x64: 0x6004, 0x65: 0x6004, 0x66: 0x6004, 0x67: 0x6004, 0x68: 0x6004, 0x69: 0x6004, + 0x6a: 0x6004, 0x6b: 0x6004, 0x6c: 0x6004, 0x6d: 0x6004, 0x6e: 0x6004, 0x6f: 0x6004, + 0x70: 0x6004, 0x71: 0x6004, 0x72: 0x6004, 0x73: 0x6004, 0x74: 0x6004, 0x75: 0x6004, + 0x76: 0x6004, 0x77: 0x6004, 0x78: 0x6004, 0x79: 0x6004, 0x7a: 0x6004, 0x7b: 0x6004, + 0x7c: 0x6004, 0x7d: 0x6004, 0x7e: 0x6004, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xe1: 0x2000, 0xe2: 0x6005, 0xe3: 0x6005, + 0xe4: 0x2000, 0xe5: 0x6006, 0xe6: 0x6005, 0xe7: 0x2000, 0xe8: 0x2000, + 0xea: 0x2000, 0xec: 0x6007, 0xed: 0x2000, 0xee: 0x2000, 0xef: 0x6008, + 0xf0: 0x2000, 0xf1: 0x2000, 0xf2: 0x2000, 0xf3: 0x2000, 0xf4: 0x2000, + 0xf6: 0x2000, 0xf7: 0x2000, 0xf8: 0x2000, 0xf9: 0x2000, 0xfa: 0x2000, + 0xfc: 0x2000, 0xfd: 0x2000, 0xfe: 0x2000, 0xff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x106: 0x2000, + 0x110: 0x2000, + 0x117: 0x2000, + 0x118: 0x2000, + 0x11e: 0x2000, 0x11f: 0x2000, 0x120: 0x2000, 0x121: 0x2000, + 0x126: 0x2000, 0x128: 0x2000, 0x129: 0x2000, + 0x12a: 0x2000, 0x12c: 0x2000, 0x12d: 0x2000, + 0x130: 0x2000, 0x132: 0x2000, 0x133: 0x2000, + 0x137: 0x2000, 0x138: 0x2000, 0x139: 0x2000, 0x13a: 0x2000, + 0x13c: 0x2000, 0x13e: 0x2000, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x141: 0x2000, + 0x151: 0x2000, + 0x153: 0x2000, + 0x15b: 0x2000, + 0x166: 0x2000, 0x167: 0x2000, + 0x16b: 0x2000, + 0x171: 0x2000, 0x172: 0x2000, 0x173: 0x2000, + 0x178: 0x2000, + 0x17f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x2000, 0x181: 0x2000, 0x182: 0x2000, 0x184: 0x2000, + 0x188: 0x2000, 0x189: 0x2000, 0x18a: 0x2000, 0x18b: 0x2000, + 0x18d: 0x2000, + 0x192: 0x2000, 0x193: 0x2000, + 0x1a6: 0x2000, 0x1a7: 0x2000, + 0x1ab: 0x2000, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1ce: 0x2000, 0x1d0: 0x2000, + 0x1d2: 0x2000, 0x1d4: 0x2000, 0x1d6: 0x2000, + 0x1d8: 0x2000, 0x1da: 0x2000, 0x1dc: 0x2000, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x211: 0x2000, + 0x221: 0x2000, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x244: 0x2000, + 0x247: 0x2000, 0x249: 0x2000, 0x24a: 0x2000, 0x24b: 0x2000, + 0x24d: 0x2000, 0x250: 0x2000, + 0x258: 0x2000, 0x259: 0x2000, 0x25a: 0x2000, 0x25b: 0x2000, 0x25d: 0x2000, + 0x25f: 0x2000, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x2000, 0x281: 0x2000, 0x282: 0x2000, 0x283: 0x2000, 0x284: 0x2000, 0x285: 0x2000, + 0x286: 0x2000, 0x287: 0x2000, 0x288: 0x2000, 0x289: 0x2000, 0x28a: 0x2000, 0x28b: 0x2000, + 0x28c: 0x2000, 0x28d: 0x2000, 0x28e: 0x2000, 0x28f: 0x2000, 0x290: 0x2000, 0x291: 0x2000, + 0x292: 0x2000, 0x293: 0x2000, 0x294: 0x2000, 0x295: 0x2000, 0x296: 0x2000, 0x297: 0x2000, + 0x298: 0x2000, 0x299: 0x2000, 0x29a: 0x2000, 0x29b: 0x2000, 0x29c: 0x2000, 0x29d: 0x2000, + 0x29e: 0x2000, 0x29f: 0x2000, 0x2a0: 0x2000, 0x2a1: 0x2000, 0x2a2: 0x2000, 0x2a3: 0x2000, + 0x2a4: 0x2000, 0x2a5: 0x2000, 0x2a6: 0x2000, 0x2a7: 0x2000, 0x2a8: 0x2000, 0x2a9: 0x2000, + 0x2aa: 0x2000, 0x2ab: 0x2000, 0x2ac: 0x2000, 0x2ad: 0x2000, 0x2ae: 0x2000, 0x2af: 0x2000, + 0x2b0: 0x2000, 0x2b1: 0x2000, 0x2b2: 0x2000, 0x2b3: 0x2000, 0x2b4: 0x2000, 0x2b5: 0x2000, + 0x2b6: 0x2000, 0x2b7: 0x2000, 0x2b8: 0x2000, 0x2b9: 0x2000, 0x2ba: 0x2000, 0x2bb: 0x2000, + 0x2bc: 0x2000, 0x2bd: 0x2000, 0x2be: 0x2000, 0x2bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x2000, 0x2c1: 0x2000, 0x2c2: 0x2000, 0x2c3: 0x2000, 0x2c4: 0x2000, 0x2c5: 0x2000, + 0x2c6: 0x2000, 0x2c7: 0x2000, 0x2c8: 0x2000, 0x2c9: 0x2000, 0x2ca: 0x2000, 0x2cb: 0x2000, + 0x2cc: 0x2000, 0x2cd: 0x2000, 0x2ce: 0x2000, 0x2cf: 0x2000, 0x2d0: 0x2000, 0x2d1: 0x2000, + 0x2d2: 0x2000, 0x2d3: 0x2000, 0x2d4: 0x2000, 0x2d5: 0x2000, 0x2d6: 0x2000, 0x2d7: 0x2000, + 0x2d8: 0x2000, 0x2d9: 0x2000, 0x2da: 0x2000, 0x2db: 0x2000, 0x2dc: 0x2000, 0x2dd: 0x2000, + 0x2de: 0x2000, 0x2df: 0x2000, 0x2e0: 0x2000, 0x2e1: 0x2000, 0x2e2: 0x2000, 0x2e3: 0x2000, + 0x2e4: 0x2000, 0x2e5: 0x2000, 0x2e6: 0x2000, 0x2e7: 0x2000, 0x2e8: 0x2000, 0x2e9: 0x2000, + 0x2ea: 0x2000, 0x2eb: 0x2000, 0x2ec: 0x2000, 0x2ed: 0x2000, 0x2ee: 0x2000, 0x2ef: 0x2000, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x311: 0x2000, + 0x312: 0x2000, 0x313: 0x2000, 0x314: 0x2000, 0x315: 0x2000, 0x316: 0x2000, 0x317: 0x2000, + 0x318: 0x2000, 0x319: 0x2000, 0x31a: 0x2000, 0x31b: 0x2000, 0x31c: 0x2000, 0x31d: 0x2000, + 0x31e: 0x2000, 0x31f: 0x2000, 0x320: 0x2000, 0x321: 0x2000, 0x323: 0x2000, + 0x324: 0x2000, 0x325: 0x2000, 0x326: 0x2000, 0x327: 0x2000, 0x328: 0x2000, 0x329: 0x2000, + 0x331: 0x2000, 0x332: 0x2000, 0x333: 0x2000, 0x334: 0x2000, 0x335: 0x2000, + 0x336: 0x2000, 0x337: 0x2000, 0x338: 0x2000, 0x339: 0x2000, 0x33a: 0x2000, 0x33b: 0x2000, + 0x33c: 0x2000, 0x33d: 0x2000, 0x33e: 0x2000, 0x33f: 0x2000, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x2000, 0x341: 0x2000, 0x343: 0x2000, 0x344: 0x2000, 0x345: 0x2000, + 0x346: 0x2000, 0x347: 0x2000, 0x348: 0x2000, 0x349: 0x2000, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x381: 0x2000, + 0x390: 0x2000, 0x391: 0x2000, + 0x392: 0x2000, 0x393: 0x2000, 0x394: 0x2000, 0x395: 0x2000, 0x396: 0x2000, 0x397: 0x2000, + 0x398: 0x2000, 0x399: 0x2000, 0x39a: 0x2000, 0x39b: 0x2000, 0x39c: 0x2000, 0x39d: 0x2000, + 0x39e: 0x2000, 0x39f: 0x2000, 0x3a0: 0x2000, 0x3a1: 0x2000, 0x3a2: 0x2000, 0x3a3: 0x2000, + 0x3a4: 0x2000, 0x3a5: 0x2000, 0x3a6: 0x2000, 0x3a7: 0x2000, 0x3a8: 0x2000, 0x3a9: 0x2000, + 0x3aa: 0x2000, 0x3ab: 0x2000, 0x3ac: 0x2000, 0x3ad: 0x2000, 0x3ae: 0x2000, 0x3af: 0x2000, + 0x3b0: 0x2000, 0x3b1: 0x2000, 0x3b2: 0x2000, 0x3b3: 0x2000, 0x3b4: 0x2000, 0x3b5: 0x2000, + 0x3b6: 0x2000, 0x3b7: 0x2000, 0x3b8: 0x2000, 0x3b9: 0x2000, 0x3ba: 0x2000, 0x3bb: 0x2000, + 0x3bc: 0x2000, 0x3bd: 0x2000, 0x3be: 0x2000, 0x3bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x2000, 0x3c1: 0x2000, 0x3c2: 0x2000, 0x3c3: 0x2000, 0x3c4: 0x2000, 0x3c5: 0x2000, + 0x3c6: 0x2000, 0x3c7: 0x2000, 0x3c8: 0x2000, 0x3c9: 0x2000, 0x3ca: 0x2000, 0x3cb: 0x2000, + 0x3cc: 0x2000, 0x3cd: 0x2000, 0x3ce: 0x2000, 0x3cf: 0x2000, 0x3d1: 0x2000, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x4000, 0x401: 0x4000, 0x402: 0x4000, 0x403: 0x4000, 0x404: 0x4000, 0x405: 0x4000, + 0x406: 0x4000, 0x407: 0x4000, 0x408: 0x4000, 0x409: 0x4000, 0x40a: 0x4000, 0x40b: 0x4000, + 0x40c: 0x4000, 0x40d: 0x4000, 0x40e: 0x4000, 0x40f: 0x4000, 0x410: 0x4000, 0x411: 0x4000, + 0x412: 0x4000, 0x413: 0x4000, 0x414: 0x4000, 0x415: 0x4000, 0x416: 0x4000, 0x417: 0x4000, + 0x418: 0x4000, 0x419: 0x4000, 0x41a: 0x4000, 0x41b: 0x4000, 0x41c: 0x4000, 0x41d: 0x4000, + 0x41e: 0x4000, 0x41f: 0x4000, 0x420: 0x4000, 0x421: 0x4000, 0x422: 0x4000, 0x423: 0x4000, + 0x424: 0x4000, 0x425: 0x4000, 0x426: 0x4000, 0x427: 0x4000, 0x428: 0x4000, 0x429: 0x4000, + 0x42a: 0x4000, 0x42b: 0x4000, 0x42c: 0x4000, 0x42d: 0x4000, 0x42e: 0x4000, 0x42f: 0x4000, + 0x430: 0x4000, 0x431: 0x4000, 0x432: 0x4000, 0x433: 0x4000, 0x434: 0x4000, 0x435: 0x4000, + 0x436: 0x4000, 0x437: 0x4000, 0x438: 0x4000, 0x439: 0x4000, 0x43a: 0x4000, 0x43b: 0x4000, + 0x43c: 0x4000, 0x43d: 0x4000, 0x43e: 0x4000, 0x43f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x4000, 0x441: 0x4000, 0x442: 0x4000, 0x443: 0x4000, 0x444: 0x4000, 0x445: 0x4000, + 0x446: 0x4000, 0x447: 0x4000, 0x448: 0x4000, 0x449: 0x4000, 0x44a: 0x4000, 0x44b: 0x4000, + 0x44c: 0x4000, 0x44d: 0x4000, 0x44e: 0x4000, 0x44f: 0x4000, 0x450: 0x4000, 0x451: 0x4000, + 0x452: 0x4000, 0x453: 0x4000, 0x454: 0x4000, 0x455: 0x4000, 0x456: 0x4000, 0x457: 0x4000, + 0x458: 0x4000, 0x459: 0x4000, 0x45a: 0x4000, 0x45b: 0x4000, 0x45c: 0x4000, 0x45d: 0x4000, + 0x45e: 0x4000, 0x45f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x490: 0x2000, + 0x493: 0x2000, 0x494: 0x2000, 0x495: 0x2000, 0x496: 0x2000, + 0x498: 0x2000, 0x499: 0x2000, 0x49c: 0x2000, 0x49d: 0x2000, + 0x4a0: 0x2000, 0x4a1: 0x2000, 0x4a2: 0x2000, + 0x4a4: 0x2000, 0x4a5: 0x2000, 0x4a6: 0x2000, 0x4a7: 0x2000, + 0x4b0: 0x2000, 0x4b2: 0x2000, 0x4b3: 0x2000, 0x4b5: 0x2000, + 0x4bb: 0x2000, + 0x4be: 0x2000, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4f4: 0x2000, + 0x4ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x501: 0x2000, 0x502: 0x2000, 0x503: 0x2000, 0x504: 0x2000, + 0x529: 0xa009, + 0x52c: 0x2000, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x543: 0x2000, 0x545: 0x2000, + 0x549: 0x2000, + 0x553: 0x2000, 0x556: 0x2000, + 0x561: 0x2000, 0x562: 0x2000, + 0x566: 0x2000, + 0x56b: 0x2000, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x593: 0x2000, 0x594: 0x2000, + 0x59b: 0x2000, 0x59c: 0x2000, 0x59d: 0x2000, + 0x59e: 0x2000, 0x5a0: 0x2000, 0x5a1: 0x2000, 0x5a2: 0x2000, 0x5a3: 0x2000, + 0x5a4: 0x2000, 0x5a5: 0x2000, 0x5a6: 0x2000, 0x5a7: 0x2000, 0x5a8: 0x2000, 0x5a9: 0x2000, + 0x5aa: 0x2000, 0x5ab: 0x2000, + 0x5b0: 0x2000, 0x5b1: 0x2000, 0x5b2: 0x2000, 0x5b3: 0x2000, 0x5b4: 0x2000, 0x5b5: 0x2000, + 0x5b6: 0x2000, 0x5b7: 0x2000, 0x5b8: 0x2000, 0x5b9: 0x2000, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c9: 0x2000, + 0x5d0: 0x200a, 0x5d1: 0x200b, + 0x5d2: 0x200a, 0x5d3: 0x200c, 0x5d4: 0x2000, 0x5d5: 0x2000, 0x5d6: 0x2000, 0x5d7: 0x2000, + 0x5d8: 0x2000, 0x5d9: 0x2000, + 0x5f8: 0x2000, 0x5f9: 0x2000, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x612: 0x2000, 0x614: 0x2000, + 0x627: 0x2000, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x2000, 0x642: 0x2000, 0x643: 0x2000, + 0x647: 0x2000, 0x648: 0x2000, 0x64b: 0x2000, + 0x64f: 0x2000, 0x651: 0x2000, + 0x655: 0x2000, + 0x65a: 0x2000, 0x65d: 0x2000, + 0x65e: 0x2000, 0x65f: 0x2000, 0x660: 0x2000, 0x663: 0x2000, + 0x665: 0x2000, 0x667: 0x2000, 0x668: 0x2000, 0x669: 0x2000, + 0x66a: 0x2000, 0x66b: 0x2000, 0x66c: 0x2000, 0x66e: 0x2000, + 0x674: 0x2000, 0x675: 0x2000, + 0x676: 0x2000, 0x677: 0x2000, + 0x67c: 0x2000, 0x67d: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x688: 0x2000, + 0x68c: 0x2000, + 0x692: 0x2000, + 0x6a0: 0x2000, 0x6a1: 0x2000, + 0x6a4: 0x2000, 0x6a5: 0x2000, 0x6a6: 0x2000, 0x6a7: 0x2000, + 0x6aa: 0x2000, 0x6ab: 0x2000, 0x6ae: 0x2000, 0x6af: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c2: 0x2000, 0x6c3: 0x2000, + 0x6c6: 0x2000, 0x6c7: 0x2000, + 0x6d5: 0x2000, + 0x6d9: 0x2000, + 0x6e5: 0x2000, + 0x6ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x712: 0x2000, + 0x71a: 0x4000, 0x71b: 0x4000, + 0x729: 0x4000, + 0x72a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x769: 0x4000, + 0x76a: 0x4000, 0x76b: 0x4000, 0x76c: 0x4000, + 0x770: 0x4000, 0x773: 0x4000, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x7a0: 0x2000, 0x7a1: 0x2000, 0x7a2: 0x2000, 0x7a3: 0x2000, + 0x7a4: 0x2000, 0x7a5: 0x2000, 0x7a6: 0x2000, 0x7a7: 0x2000, 0x7a8: 0x2000, 0x7a9: 0x2000, + 0x7aa: 0x2000, 0x7ab: 0x2000, 0x7ac: 0x2000, 0x7ad: 0x2000, 0x7ae: 0x2000, 0x7af: 0x2000, + 0x7b0: 0x2000, 0x7b1: 0x2000, 0x7b2: 0x2000, 0x7b3: 0x2000, 0x7b4: 0x2000, 0x7b5: 0x2000, + 0x7b6: 0x2000, 0x7b7: 0x2000, 0x7b8: 0x2000, 0x7b9: 0x2000, 0x7ba: 0x2000, 0x7bb: 0x2000, + 0x7bc: 0x2000, 0x7bd: 0x2000, 0x7be: 0x2000, 0x7bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c0: 0x2000, 0x7c1: 0x2000, 0x7c2: 0x2000, 0x7c3: 0x2000, 0x7c4: 0x2000, 0x7c5: 0x2000, + 0x7c6: 0x2000, 0x7c7: 0x2000, 0x7c8: 0x2000, 0x7c9: 0x2000, 0x7ca: 0x2000, 0x7cb: 0x2000, + 0x7cc: 0x2000, 0x7cd: 0x2000, 0x7ce: 0x2000, 0x7cf: 0x2000, 0x7d0: 0x2000, 0x7d1: 0x2000, + 0x7d2: 0x2000, 0x7d3: 0x2000, 0x7d4: 0x2000, 0x7d5: 0x2000, 0x7d6: 0x2000, 0x7d7: 0x2000, + 0x7d8: 0x2000, 0x7d9: 0x2000, 0x7da: 0x2000, 0x7db: 0x2000, 0x7dc: 0x2000, 0x7dd: 0x2000, + 0x7de: 0x2000, 0x7df: 0x2000, 0x7e0: 0x2000, 0x7e1: 0x2000, 0x7e2: 0x2000, 0x7e3: 0x2000, + 0x7e4: 0x2000, 0x7e5: 0x2000, 0x7e6: 0x2000, 0x7e7: 0x2000, 0x7e8: 0x2000, 0x7e9: 0x2000, + 0x7eb: 0x2000, 0x7ec: 0x2000, 0x7ed: 0x2000, 0x7ee: 0x2000, 0x7ef: 0x2000, + 0x7f0: 0x2000, 0x7f1: 0x2000, 0x7f2: 0x2000, 0x7f3: 0x2000, 0x7f4: 0x2000, 0x7f5: 0x2000, + 0x7f6: 0x2000, 0x7f7: 0x2000, 0x7f8: 0x2000, 0x7f9: 0x2000, 0x7fa: 0x2000, 0x7fb: 0x2000, + 0x7fc: 0x2000, 0x7fd: 0x2000, 0x7fe: 0x2000, 0x7ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x2000, 0x801: 0x2000, 0x802: 0x200d, 0x803: 0x2000, 0x804: 0x2000, 0x805: 0x2000, + 0x806: 0x2000, 0x807: 0x2000, 0x808: 0x2000, 0x809: 0x2000, 0x80a: 0x2000, 0x80b: 0x2000, + 0x80c: 0x2000, 0x80d: 0x2000, 0x80e: 0x2000, 0x80f: 0x2000, 0x810: 0x2000, 0x811: 0x2000, + 0x812: 0x2000, 0x813: 0x2000, 0x814: 0x2000, 0x815: 0x2000, 0x816: 0x2000, 0x817: 0x2000, + 0x818: 0x2000, 0x819: 0x2000, 0x81a: 0x2000, 0x81b: 0x2000, 0x81c: 0x2000, 0x81d: 0x2000, + 0x81e: 0x2000, 0x81f: 0x2000, 0x820: 0x2000, 0x821: 0x2000, 0x822: 0x2000, 0x823: 0x2000, + 0x824: 0x2000, 0x825: 0x2000, 0x826: 0x2000, 0x827: 0x2000, 0x828: 0x2000, 0x829: 0x2000, + 0x82a: 0x2000, 0x82b: 0x2000, 0x82c: 0x2000, 0x82d: 0x2000, 0x82e: 0x2000, 0x82f: 0x2000, + 0x830: 0x2000, 0x831: 0x2000, 0x832: 0x2000, 0x833: 0x2000, 0x834: 0x2000, 0x835: 0x2000, + 0x836: 0x2000, 0x837: 0x2000, 0x838: 0x2000, 0x839: 0x2000, 0x83a: 0x2000, 0x83b: 0x2000, + 0x83c: 0x2000, 0x83d: 0x2000, 0x83e: 0x2000, 0x83f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x2000, 0x841: 0x2000, 0x842: 0x2000, 0x843: 0x2000, 0x844: 0x2000, 0x845: 0x2000, + 0x846: 0x2000, 0x847: 0x2000, 0x848: 0x2000, 0x849: 0x2000, 0x84a: 0x2000, 0x84b: 0x2000, + 0x850: 0x2000, 0x851: 0x2000, + 0x852: 0x2000, 0x853: 0x2000, 0x854: 0x2000, 0x855: 0x2000, 0x856: 0x2000, 0x857: 0x2000, + 0x858: 0x2000, 0x859: 0x2000, 0x85a: 0x2000, 0x85b: 0x2000, 0x85c: 0x2000, 0x85d: 0x2000, + 0x85e: 0x2000, 0x85f: 0x2000, 0x860: 0x2000, 0x861: 0x2000, 0x862: 0x2000, 0x863: 0x2000, + 0x864: 0x2000, 0x865: 0x2000, 0x866: 0x2000, 0x867: 0x2000, 0x868: 0x2000, 0x869: 0x2000, + 0x86a: 0x2000, 0x86b: 0x2000, 0x86c: 0x2000, 0x86d: 0x2000, 0x86e: 0x2000, 0x86f: 0x2000, + 0x870: 0x2000, 0x871: 0x2000, 0x872: 0x2000, 0x873: 0x2000, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x2000, 0x881: 0x2000, 0x882: 0x2000, 0x883: 0x2000, 0x884: 0x2000, 0x885: 0x2000, + 0x886: 0x2000, 0x887: 0x2000, 0x888: 0x2000, 0x889: 0x2000, 0x88a: 0x2000, 0x88b: 0x2000, + 0x88c: 0x2000, 0x88d: 0x2000, 0x88e: 0x2000, 0x88f: 0x2000, + 0x892: 0x2000, 0x893: 0x2000, 0x894: 0x2000, 0x895: 0x2000, + 0x8a0: 0x200e, 0x8a1: 0x2000, 0x8a3: 0x2000, + 0x8a4: 0x2000, 0x8a5: 0x2000, 0x8a6: 0x2000, 0x8a7: 0x2000, 0x8a8: 0x2000, 0x8a9: 0x2000, + 0x8b2: 0x2000, 0x8b3: 0x2000, + 0x8b6: 0x2000, 0x8b7: 0x2000, + 0x8bc: 0x2000, 0x8bd: 0x2000, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x2000, 0x8c1: 0x2000, + 0x8c6: 0x2000, 0x8c7: 0x2000, 0x8c8: 0x2000, 0x8cb: 0x200f, + 0x8ce: 0x2000, 0x8cf: 0x2000, 0x8d0: 0x2000, 0x8d1: 0x2000, + 0x8e2: 0x2000, 0x8e3: 0x2000, + 0x8e4: 0x2000, 0x8e5: 0x2000, + 0x8ef: 0x2000, + 0x8fd: 0x4000, 0x8fe: 0x4000, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x905: 0x2000, + 0x906: 0x2000, 0x909: 0x2000, + 0x90e: 0x2000, 0x90f: 0x2000, + 0x914: 0x4000, 0x915: 0x4000, + 0x91c: 0x2000, + 0x91e: 0x2000, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x2000, 0x942: 0x2000, + 0x948: 0x4000, 0x949: 0x4000, 0x94a: 0x4000, 0x94b: 0x4000, + 0x94c: 0x4000, 0x94d: 0x4000, 0x94e: 0x4000, 0x94f: 0x4000, 0x950: 0x4000, 0x951: 0x4000, + 0x952: 0x4000, 0x953: 0x4000, + 0x960: 0x2000, 0x961: 0x2000, 0x963: 0x2000, + 0x964: 0x2000, 0x965: 0x2000, 0x967: 0x2000, 0x968: 0x2000, 0x969: 0x2000, + 0x96a: 0x2000, 0x96c: 0x2000, 0x96d: 0x2000, 0x96f: 0x2000, + 0x97f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x993: 0x4000, + 0x99e: 0x2000, 0x99f: 0x2000, 0x9a1: 0x4000, + 0x9aa: 0x4000, 0x9ab: 0x4000, + 0x9bd: 0x4000, 0x9be: 0x4000, 0x9bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c4: 0x4000, 0x9c5: 0x4000, + 0x9c6: 0x2000, 0x9c7: 0x2000, 0x9c8: 0x2000, 0x9c9: 0x2000, 0x9ca: 0x2000, 0x9cb: 0x2000, + 0x9cc: 0x2000, 0x9cd: 0x2000, 0x9ce: 0x4000, 0x9cf: 0x2000, 0x9d0: 0x2000, 0x9d1: 0x2000, + 0x9d2: 0x2000, 0x9d3: 0x2000, 0x9d4: 0x4000, 0x9d5: 0x2000, 0x9d6: 0x2000, 0x9d7: 0x2000, + 0x9d8: 0x2000, 0x9d9: 0x2000, 0x9da: 0x2000, 0x9db: 0x2000, 0x9dc: 0x2000, 0x9dd: 0x2000, + 0x9de: 0x2000, 0x9df: 0x2000, 0x9e0: 0x2000, 0x9e1: 0x2000, 0x9e3: 0x2000, + 0x9e8: 0x2000, 0x9e9: 0x2000, + 0x9ea: 0x4000, 0x9eb: 0x2000, 0x9ec: 0x2000, 0x9ed: 0x2000, 0x9ee: 0x2000, 0x9ef: 0x2000, + 0x9f0: 0x2000, 0x9f1: 0x2000, 0x9f2: 0x4000, 0x9f3: 0x4000, 0x9f4: 0x2000, 0x9f5: 0x4000, + 0x9f6: 0x2000, 0x9f7: 0x2000, 0x9f8: 0x2000, 0x9f9: 0x2000, 0x9fa: 0x4000, 0x9fb: 0x2000, + 0x9fc: 0x2000, 0x9fd: 0x4000, 0x9fe: 0x2000, 0x9ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa05: 0x4000, + 0xa0a: 0x4000, 0xa0b: 0x4000, + 0xa28: 0x4000, + 0xa3d: 0x2000, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa4c: 0x4000, 0xa4e: 0x4000, + 0xa53: 0x4000, 0xa54: 0x4000, 0xa55: 0x4000, 0xa57: 0x4000, + 0xa76: 0x2000, 0xa77: 0x2000, 0xa78: 0x2000, 0xa79: 0x2000, 0xa7a: 0x2000, 0xa7b: 0x2000, + 0xa7c: 0x2000, 0xa7d: 0x2000, 0xa7e: 0x2000, 0xa7f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa95: 0x4000, 0xa96: 0x4000, 0xa97: 0x4000, + 0xab0: 0x4000, + 0xabf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xae6: 0x6000, 0xae7: 0x6000, 0xae8: 0x6000, 0xae9: 0x6000, + 0xaea: 0x6000, 0xaeb: 0x6000, 0xaec: 0x6000, 0xaed: 0x6000, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb05: 0x6010, + 0xb06: 0x6011, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb5b: 0x4000, 0xb5c: 0x4000, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb90: 0x4000, + 0xb95: 0x4000, 0xb96: 0x2000, 0xb97: 0x2000, + 0xb98: 0x2000, 0xb99: 0x2000, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x4000, 0xbc1: 0x4000, 0xbc2: 0x4000, 0xbc3: 0x4000, 0xbc4: 0x4000, 0xbc5: 0x4000, + 0xbc6: 0x4000, 0xbc7: 0x4000, 0xbc8: 0x4000, 0xbc9: 0x4000, 0xbca: 0x4000, 0xbcb: 0x4000, + 0xbcc: 0x4000, 0xbcd: 0x4000, 0xbce: 0x4000, 0xbcf: 0x4000, 0xbd0: 0x4000, 0xbd1: 0x4000, + 0xbd2: 0x4000, 0xbd3: 0x4000, 0xbd4: 0x4000, 0xbd5: 0x4000, 0xbd6: 0x4000, 0xbd7: 0x4000, + 0xbd8: 0x4000, 0xbd9: 0x4000, 0xbdb: 0x4000, 0xbdc: 0x4000, 0xbdd: 0x4000, + 0xbde: 0x4000, 0xbdf: 0x4000, 0xbe0: 0x4000, 0xbe1: 0x4000, 0xbe2: 0x4000, 0xbe3: 0x4000, + 0xbe4: 0x4000, 0xbe5: 0x4000, 0xbe6: 0x4000, 0xbe7: 0x4000, 0xbe8: 0x4000, 0xbe9: 0x4000, + 0xbea: 0x4000, 0xbeb: 0x4000, 0xbec: 0x4000, 0xbed: 0x4000, 0xbee: 0x4000, 0xbef: 0x4000, + 0xbf0: 0x4000, 0xbf1: 0x4000, 0xbf2: 0x4000, 0xbf3: 0x4000, 0xbf4: 0x4000, 0xbf5: 0x4000, + 0xbf6: 0x4000, 0xbf7: 0x4000, 0xbf8: 0x4000, 0xbf9: 0x4000, 0xbfa: 0x4000, 0xbfb: 0x4000, + 0xbfc: 0x4000, 0xbfd: 0x4000, 0xbfe: 0x4000, 0xbff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc00: 0x4000, 0xc01: 0x4000, 0xc02: 0x4000, 0xc03: 0x4000, 0xc04: 0x4000, 0xc05: 0x4000, + 0xc06: 0x4000, 0xc07: 0x4000, 0xc08: 0x4000, 0xc09: 0x4000, 0xc0a: 0x4000, 0xc0b: 0x4000, + 0xc0c: 0x4000, 0xc0d: 0x4000, 0xc0e: 0x4000, 0xc0f: 0x4000, 0xc10: 0x4000, 0xc11: 0x4000, + 0xc12: 0x4000, 0xc13: 0x4000, 0xc14: 0x4000, 0xc15: 0x4000, 0xc16: 0x4000, 0xc17: 0x4000, + 0xc18: 0x4000, 0xc19: 0x4000, 0xc1a: 0x4000, 0xc1b: 0x4000, 0xc1c: 0x4000, 0xc1d: 0x4000, + 0xc1e: 0x4000, 0xc1f: 0x4000, 0xc20: 0x4000, 0xc21: 0x4000, 0xc22: 0x4000, 0xc23: 0x4000, + 0xc24: 0x4000, 0xc25: 0x4000, 0xc26: 0x4000, 0xc27: 0x4000, 0xc28: 0x4000, 0xc29: 0x4000, + 0xc2a: 0x4000, 0xc2b: 0x4000, 0xc2c: 0x4000, 0xc2d: 0x4000, 0xc2e: 0x4000, 0xc2f: 0x4000, + 0xc30: 0x4000, 0xc31: 0x4000, 0xc32: 0x4000, 0xc33: 0x4000, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x4000, 0xc41: 0x4000, 0xc42: 0x4000, 0xc43: 0x4000, 0xc44: 0x4000, 0xc45: 0x4000, + 0xc46: 0x4000, 0xc47: 0x4000, 0xc48: 0x4000, 0xc49: 0x4000, 0xc4a: 0x4000, 0xc4b: 0x4000, + 0xc4c: 0x4000, 0xc4d: 0x4000, 0xc4e: 0x4000, 0xc4f: 0x4000, 0xc50: 0x4000, 0xc51: 0x4000, + 0xc52: 0x4000, 0xc53: 0x4000, 0xc54: 0x4000, 0xc55: 0x4000, + 0xc70: 0x4000, 0xc71: 0x4000, 0xc72: 0x4000, 0xc73: 0x4000, 0xc74: 0x4000, 0xc75: 0x4000, + 0xc76: 0x4000, 0xc77: 0x4000, 0xc78: 0x4000, 0xc79: 0x4000, 0xc7a: 0x4000, 0xc7b: 0x4000, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc80: 0x9012, 0xc81: 0x4013, 0xc82: 0x4014, 0xc83: 0x4000, 0xc84: 0x4000, 0xc85: 0x4000, + 0xc86: 0x4000, 0xc87: 0x4000, 0xc88: 0x4000, 0xc89: 0x4000, 0xc8a: 0x4000, 0xc8b: 0x4000, + 0xc8c: 0x4015, 0xc8d: 0x4015, 0xc8e: 0x4000, 0xc8f: 0x4000, 0xc90: 0x4000, 0xc91: 0x4000, + 0xc92: 0x4000, 0xc93: 0x4000, 0xc94: 0x4000, 0xc95: 0x4000, 0xc96: 0x4000, 0xc97: 0x4000, + 0xc98: 0x4000, 0xc99: 0x4000, 0xc9a: 0x4000, 0xc9b: 0x4000, 0xc9c: 0x4000, 0xc9d: 0x4000, + 0xc9e: 0x4000, 0xc9f: 0x4000, 0xca0: 0x4000, 0xca1: 0x4000, 0xca2: 0x4000, 0xca3: 0x4000, + 0xca4: 0x4000, 0xca5: 0x4000, 0xca6: 0x4000, 0xca7: 0x4000, 0xca8: 0x4000, 0xca9: 0x4000, + 0xcaa: 0x4000, 0xcab: 0x4000, 0xcac: 0x4000, 0xcad: 0x4000, 0xcae: 0x4000, 0xcaf: 0x4000, + 0xcb0: 0x4000, 0xcb1: 0x4000, 0xcb2: 0x4000, 0xcb3: 0x4000, 0xcb4: 0x4000, 0xcb5: 0x4000, + 0xcb6: 0x4000, 0xcb7: 0x4000, 0xcb8: 0x4000, 0xcb9: 0x4000, 0xcba: 0x4000, 0xcbb: 0x4000, + 0xcbc: 0x4000, 0xcbd: 0x4000, 0xcbe: 0x4000, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc1: 0x4000, 0xcc2: 0x4000, 0xcc3: 0x4000, 0xcc4: 0x4000, 0xcc5: 0x4000, + 0xcc6: 0x4000, 0xcc7: 0x4000, 0xcc8: 0x4000, 0xcc9: 0x4000, 0xcca: 0x4000, 0xccb: 0x4000, + 0xccc: 0x4000, 0xccd: 0x4000, 0xcce: 0x4000, 0xccf: 0x4000, 0xcd0: 0x4000, 0xcd1: 0x4000, + 0xcd2: 0x4000, 0xcd3: 0x4000, 0xcd4: 0x4000, 0xcd5: 0x4000, 0xcd6: 0x4000, 0xcd7: 0x4000, + 0xcd8: 0x4000, 0xcd9: 0x4000, 0xcda: 0x4000, 0xcdb: 0x4000, 0xcdc: 0x4000, 0xcdd: 0x4000, + 0xcde: 0x4000, 0xcdf: 0x4000, 0xce0: 0x4000, 0xce1: 0x4000, 0xce2: 0x4000, 0xce3: 0x4000, + 0xce4: 0x4000, 0xce5: 0x4000, 0xce6: 0x4000, 0xce7: 0x4000, 0xce8: 0x4000, 0xce9: 0x4000, + 0xcea: 0x4000, 0xceb: 0x4000, 0xcec: 0x4000, 0xced: 0x4000, 0xcee: 0x4000, 0xcef: 0x4000, + 0xcf0: 0x4000, 0xcf1: 0x4000, 0xcf2: 0x4000, 0xcf3: 0x4000, 0xcf4: 0x4000, 0xcf5: 0x4000, + 0xcf6: 0x4000, 0xcf7: 0x4000, 0xcf8: 0x4000, 0xcf9: 0x4000, 0xcfa: 0x4000, 0xcfb: 0x4000, + 0xcfc: 0x4000, 0xcfd: 0x4000, 0xcfe: 0x4000, 0xcff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd00: 0x4000, 0xd01: 0x4000, 0xd02: 0x4000, 0xd03: 0x4000, 0xd04: 0x4000, 0xd05: 0x4000, + 0xd06: 0x4000, 0xd07: 0x4000, 0xd08: 0x4000, 0xd09: 0x4000, 0xd0a: 0x4000, 0xd0b: 0x4000, + 0xd0c: 0x4000, 0xd0d: 0x4000, 0xd0e: 0x4000, 0xd0f: 0x4000, 0xd10: 0x4000, 0xd11: 0x4000, + 0xd12: 0x4000, 0xd13: 0x4000, 0xd14: 0x4000, 0xd15: 0x4000, 0xd16: 0x4000, + 0xd19: 0x4016, 0xd1a: 0x4017, 0xd1b: 0x4000, 0xd1c: 0x4000, 0xd1d: 0x4000, + 0xd1e: 0x4000, 0xd1f: 0x4000, 0xd20: 0x4000, 0xd21: 0x4018, 0xd22: 0x4019, 0xd23: 0x401a, + 0xd24: 0x401b, 0xd25: 0x401c, 0xd26: 0x401d, 0xd27: 0x401e, 0xd28: 0x401f, 0xd29: 0x4020, + 0xd2a: 0x4021, 0xd2b: 0x4022, 0xd2c: 0x4000, 0xd2d: 0x4010, 0xd2e: 0x4000, 0xd2f: 0x4023, + 0xd30: 0x4000, 0xd31: 0x4024, 0xd32: 0x4000, 0xd33: 0x4025, 0xd34: 0x4000, 0xd35: 0x4026, + 0xd36: 0x4000, 0xd37: 0x401a, 0xd38: 0x4000, 0xd39: 0x4027, 0xd3a: 0x4000, 0xd3b: 0x4028, + 0xd3c: 0x4000, 0xd3d: 0x4020, 0xd3e: 0x4000, 0xd3f: 0x4029, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x4000, 0xd41: 0x402a, 0xd42: 0x4000, 0xd43: 0x402b, 0xd44: 0x402c, 0xd45: 0x4000, + 0xd46: 0x4017, 0xd47: 0x4000, 0xd48: 0x402d, 0xd49: 0x4000, 0xd4a: 0x402e, 0xd4b: 0x402f, + 0xd4c: 0x4030, 0xd4d: 0x4017, 0xd4e: 0x4016, 0xd4f: 0x4017, 0xd50: 0x4000, 0xd51: 0x4000, + 0xd52: 0x4031, 0xd53: 0x4000, 0xd54: 0x4000, 0xd55: 0x4031, 0xd56: 0x4000, 0xd57: 0x4000, + 0xd58: 0x4032, 0xd59: 0x4000, 0xd5a: 0x4000, 0xd5b: 0x4032, 0xd5c: 0x4000, 0xd5d: 0x4000, + 0xd5e: 0x4033, 0xd5f: 0x402e, 0xd60: 0x4034, 0xd61: 0x4035, 0xd62: 0x4034, 0xd63: 0x4036, + 0xd64: 0x4037, 0xd65: 0x4024, 0xd66: 0x4035, 0xd67: 0x4025, 0xd68: 0x4038, 0xd69: 0x4038, + 0xd6a: 0x4039, 0xd6b: 0x4039, 0xd6c: 0x403a, 0xd6d: 0x403a, 0xd6e: 0x4000, 0xd6f: 0x4035, + 0xd70: 0x4000, 0xd71: 0x4000, 0xd72: 0x403b, 0xd73: 0x403c, 0xd74: 0x4000, 0xd75: 0x4000, + 0xd76: 0x4000, 0xd77: 0x4000, 0xd78: 0x4000, 0xd79: 0x4000, 0xd7a: 0x4000, 0xd7b: 0x403d, + 0xd7c: 0x401c, 0xd7d: 0x4000, 0xd7e: 0x4000, 0xd7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd85: 0x4000, + 0xd86: 0x4000, 0xd87: 0x4000, 0xd88: 0x4000, 0xd89: 0x4000, 0xd8a: 0x4000, 0xd8b: 0x4000, + 0xd8c: 0x4000, 0xd8d: 0x4000, 0xd8e: 0x4000, 0xd8f: 0x4000, 0xd90: 0x4000, 0xd91: 0x4000, + 0xd92: 0x4000, 0xd93: 0x4000, 0xd94: 0x4000, 0xd95: 0x4000, 0xd96: 0x4000, 0xd97: 0x4000, + 0xd98: 0x4000, 0xd99: 0x4000, 0xd9a: 0x4000, 0xd9b: 0x4000, 0xd9c: 0x4000, 0xd9d: 0x4000, + 0xd9e: 0x4000, 0xd9f: 0x4000, 0xda0: 0x4000, 0xda1: 0x4000, 0xda2: 0x4000, 0xda3: 0x4000, + 0xda4: 0x4000, 0xda5: 0x4000, 0xda6: 0x4000, 0xda7: 0x4000, 0xda8: 0x4000, 0xda9: 0x4000, + 0xdaa: 0x4000, 0xdab: 0x4000, 0xdac: 0x4000, 0xdad: 0x4000, 0xdae: 0x4000, 0xdaf: 0x4000, + 0xdb1: 0x403e, 0xdb2: 0x403e, 0xdb3: 0x403e, 0xdb4: 0x403e, 0xdb5: 0x403e, + 0xdb6: 0x403e, 0xdb7: 0x403e, 0xdb8: 0x403e, 0xdb9: 0x403e, 0xdba: 0x403e, 0xdbb: 0x403e, + 0xdbc: 0x403e, 0xdbd: 0x403e, 0xdbe: 0x403e, 0xdbf: 0x403e, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0x4037, 0xdc1: 0x4037, 0xdc2: 0x4037, 0xdc3: 0x4037, 0xdc4: 0x4037, 0xdc5: 0x4037, + 0xdc6: 0x4037, 0xdc7: 0x4037, 0xdc8: 0x4037, 0xdc9: 0x4037, 0xdca: 0x4037, 0xdcb: 0x4037, + 0xdcc: 0x4037, 0xdcd: 0x4037, 0xdce: 0x4037, 0xdcf: 0x400e, 0xdd0: 0x403f, 0xdd1: 0x4040, + 0xdd2: 0x4041, 0xdd3: 0x4040, 0xdd4: 0x403f, 0xdd5: 0x4042, 0xdd6: 0x4043, 0xdd7: 0x4044, + 0xdd8: 0x4040, 0xdd9: 0x4041, 0xdda: 0x4040, 0xddb: 0x4045, 0xddc: 0x4009, 0xddd: 0x4045, + 0xdde: 0x4046, 0xddf: 0x4045, 0xde0: 0x4047, 0xde1: 0x400b, 0xde2: 0x400a, 0xde3: 0x400c, + 0xde4: 0x4048, 0xde5: 0x4000, 0xde6: 0x4000, 0xde7: 0x4000, 0xde8: 0x4000, 0xde9: 0x4000, + 0xdea: 0x4000, 0xdeb: 0x4000, 0xdec: 0x4000, 0xded: 0x4000, 0xdee: 0x4000, 0xdef: 0x4000, + 0xdf0: 0x4000, 0xdf1: 0x4000, 0xdf2: 0x4000, 0xdf3: 0x4000, 0xdf4: 0x4000, 0xdf5: 0x4000, + 0xdf6: 0x4000, 0xdf7: 0x4000, 0xdf8: 0x4000, 0xdf9: 0x4000, 0xdfa: 0x4000, 0xdfb: 0x4000, + 0xdfc: 0x4000, 0xdfd: 0x4000, 0xdfe: 0x4000, 0xdff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x4000, 0xe01: 0x4000, 0xe02: 0x4000, 0xe03: 0x4000, 0xe04: 0x4000, 0xe05: 0x4000, + 0xe06: 0x4000, 0xe07: 0x4000, 0xe08: 0x4000, 0xe09: 0x4000, 0xe0a: 0x4000, 0xe0b: 0x4000, + 0xe0c: 0x4000, 0xe0d: 0x4000, 0xe0e: 0x4000, 0xe10: 0x4000, 0xe11: 0x4000, + 0xe12: 0x4000, 0xe13: 0x4000, 0xe14: 0x4000, 0xe15: 0x4000, 0xe16: 0x4000, 0xe17: 0x4000, + 0xe18: 0x4000, 0xe19: 0x4000, 0xe1a: 0x4000, 0xe1b: 0x4000, 0xe1c: 0x4000, 0xe1d: 0x4000, + 0xe1e: 0x4000, 0xe1f: 0x4000, 0xe20: 0x4000, 0xe21: 0x4000, 0xe22: 0x4000, 0xe23: 0x4000, + 0xe24: 0x4000, 0xe25: 0x4000, 0xe26: 0x4000, 0xe27: 0x4000, 0xe28: 0x4000, 0xe29: 0x4000, + 0xe2a: 0x4000, 0xe2b: 0x4000, 0xe2c: 0x4000, 0xe2d: 0x4000, 0xe2e: 0x4000, 0xe2f: 0x4000, + 0xe30: 0x4000, 0xe31: 0x4000, 0xe32: 0x4000, 0xe33: 0x4000, 0xe34: 0x4000, 0xe35: 0x4000, + 0xe36: 0x4000, 0xe37: 0x4000, 0xe38: 0x4000, 0xe39: 0x4000, 0xe3a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x4000, 0xe41: 0x4000, 0xe42: 0x4000, 0xe43: 0x4000, 0xe44: 0x4000, 0xe45: 0x4000, + 0xe46: 0x4000, 0xe47: 0x4000, 0xe48: 0x4000, 0xe49: 0x4000, 0xe4a: 0x4000, 0xe4b: 0x4000, + 0xe4c: 0x4000, 0xe4d: 0x4000, 0xe4e: 0x4000, 0xe4f: 0x4000, 0xe50: 0x4000, 0xe51: 0x4000, + 0xe52: 0x4000, 0xe53: 0x4000, 0xe54: 0x4000, 0xe55: 0x4000, 0xe56: 0x4000, 0xe57: 0x4000, + 0xe58: 0x4000, 0xe59: 0x4000, 0xe5a: 0x4000, 0xe5b: 0x4000, 0xe5c: 0x4000, 0xe5d: 0x4000, + 0xe5e: 0x4000, 0xe5f: 0x4000, 0xe60: 0x4000, 0xe61: 0x4000, 0xe62: 0x4000, 0xe63: 0x4000, + 0xe70: 0x4000, 0xe71: 0x4000, 0xe72: 0x4000, 0xe73: 0x4000, 0xe74: 0x4000, 0xe75: 0x4000, + 0xe76: 0x4000, 0xe77: 0x4000, 0xe78: 0x4000, 0xe79: 0x4000, 0xe7a: 0x4000, 0xe7b: 0x4000, + 0xe7c: 0x4000, 0xe7d: 0x4000, 0xe7e: 0x4000, 0xe7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x4000, 0xe81: 0x4000, 0xe82: 0x4000, 0xe83: 0x4000, 0xe84: 0x4000, 0xe85: 0x4000, + 0xe86: 0x4000, 0xe87: 0x4000, 0xe88: 0x4000, 0xe89: 0x4000, 0xe8a: 0x4000, 0xe8b: 0x4000, + 0xe8c: 0x4000, 0xe8d: 0x4000, 0xe8e: 0x4000, 0xe8f: 0x4000, 0xe90: 0x4000, 0xe91: 0x4000, + 0xe92: 0x4000, 0xe93: 0x4000, 0xe94: 0x4000, 0xe95: 0x4000, 0xe96: 0x4000, 0xe97: 0x4000, + 0xe98: 0x4000, 0xe99: 0x4000, 0xe9a: 0x4000, 0xe9b: 0x4000, 0xe9c: 0x4000, 0xe9d: 0x4000, + 0xe9e: 0x4000, 0xea0: 0x4000, 0xea1: 0x4000, 0xea2: 0x4000, 0xea3: 0x4000, + 0xea4: 0x4000, 0xea5: 0x4000, 0xea6: 0x4000, 0xea7: 0x4000, 0xea8: 0x4000, 0xea9: 0x4000, + 0xeaa: 0x4000, 0xeab: 0x4000, 0xeac: 0x4000, 0xead: 0x4000, 0xeae: 0x4000, 0xeaf: 0x4000, + 0xeb0: 0x4000, 0xeb1: 0x4000, 0xeb2: 0x4000, 0xeb3: 0x4000, 0xeb4: 0x4000, 0xeb5: 0x4000, + 0xeb6: 0x4000, 0xeb7: 0x4000, 0xeb8: 0x4000, 0xeb9: 0x4000, 0xeba: 0x4000, 0xebb: 0x4000, + 0xebc: 0x4000, 0xebd: 0x4000, 0xebe: 0x4000, 0xebf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x4000, 0xec1: 0x4000, 0xec2: 0x4000, 0xec3: 0x4000, 0xec4: 0x4000, 0xec5: 0x4000, + 0xec6: 0x4000, 0xec7: 0x4000, 0xec8: 0x2000, 0xec9: 0x2000, 0xeca: 0x2000, 0xecb: 0x2000, + 0xecc: 0x2000, 0xecd: 0x2000, 0xece: 0x2000, 0xecf: 0x2000, 0xed0: 0x4000, 0xed1: 0x4000, + 0xed2: 0x4000, 0xed3: 0x4000, 0xed4: 0x4000, 0xed5: 0x4000, 0xed6: 0x4000, 0xed7: 0x4000, + 0xed8: 0x4000, 0xed9: 0x4000, 0xeda: 0x4000, 0xedb: 0x4000, 0xedc: 0x4000, 0xedd: 0x4000, + 0xede: 0x4000, 0xedf: 0x4000, 0xee0: 0x4000, 0xee1: 0x4000, 0xee2: 0x4000, 0xee3: 0x4000, + 0xee4: 0x4000, 0xee5: 0x4000, 0xee6: 0x4000, 0xee7: 0x4000, 0xee8: 0x4000, 0xee9: 0x4000, + 0xeea: 0x4000, 0xeeb: 0x4000, 0xeec: 0x4000, 0xeed: 0x4000, 0xeee: 0x4000, 0xeef: 0x4000, + 0xef0: 0x4000, 0xef1: 0x4000, 0xef2: 0x4000, 0xef3: 0x4000, 0xef4: 0x4000, 0xef5: 0x4000, + 0xef6: 0x4000, 0xef7: 0x4000, 0xef8: 0x4000, 0xef9: 0x4000, 0xefa: 0x4000, 0xefb: 0x4000, + 0xefc: 0x4000, 0xefd: 0x4000, 0xefe: 0x4000, 0xeff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x4000, 0xf01: 0x4000, 0xf02: 0x4000, 0xf03: 0x4000, 0xf04: 0x4000, 0xf05: 0x4000, + 0xf06: 0x4000, 0xf07: 0x4000, 0xf08: 0x4000, 0xf09: 0x4000, 0xf0a: 0x4000, 0xf0b: 0x4000, + 0xf0c: 0x4000, 0xf0d: 0x4000, 0xf0e: 0x4000, 0xf0f: 0x4000, 0xf10: 0x4000, 0xf11: 0x4000, + 0xf12: 0x4000, 0xf13: 0x4000, 0xf14: 0x4000, 0xf15: 0x4000, 0xf16: 0x4000, 0xf17: 0x4000, + 0xf18: 0x4000, 0xf19: 0x4000, 0xf1a: 0x4000, 0xf1b: 0x4000, 0xf1c: 0x4000, 0xf1d: 0x4000, + 0xf1e: 0x4000, 0xf1f: 0x4000, 0xf20: 0x4000, 0xf21: 0x4000, 0xf22: 0x4000, 0xf23: 0x4000, + 0xf24: 0x4000, 0xf25: 0x4000, 0xf26: 0x4000, 0xf27: 0x4000, 0xf28: 0x4000, 0xf29: 0x4000, + 0xf2a: 0x4000, 0xf2b: 0x4000, 0xf2c: 0x4000, 0xf2d: 0x4000, 0xf2e: 0x4000, 0xf2f: 0x4000, + 0xf30: 0x4000, 0xf31: 0x4000, 0xf32: 0x4000, 0xf33: 0x4000, 0xf34: 0x4000, 0xf35: 0x4000, + 0xf36: 0x4000, 0xf37: 0x4000, 0xf38: 0x4000, 0xf39: 0x4000, 0xf3a: 0x4000, 0xf3b: 0x4000, + 0xf3c: 0x4000, 0xf3d: 0x4000, 0xf3e: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x4000, 0xf41: 0x4000, 0xf42: 0x4000, 0xf43: 0x4000, 0xf44: 0x4000, 0xf45: 0x4000, + 0xf46: 0x4000, 0xf47: 0x4000, 0xf48: 0x4000, 0xf49: 0x4000, 0xf4a: 0x4000, 0xf4b: 0x4000, + 0xf4c: 0x4000, 0xf50: 0x4000, 0xf51: 0x4000, + 0xf52: 0x4000, 0xf53: 0x4000, 0xf54: 0x4000, 0xf55: 0x4000, 0xf56: 0x4000, 0xf57: 0x4000, + 0xf58: 0x4000, 0xf59: 0x4000, 0xf5a: 0x4000, 0xf5b: 0x4000, 0xf5c: 0x4000, 0xf5d: 0x4000, + 0xf5e: 0x4000, 0xf5f: 0x4000, 0xf60: 0x4000, 0xf61: 0x4000, 0xf62: 0x4000, 0xf63: 0x4000, + 0xf64: 0x4000, 0xf65: 0x4000, 0xf66: 0x4000, 0xf67: 0x4000, 0xf68: 0x4000, 0xf69: 0x4000, + 0xf6a: 0x4000, 0xf6b: 0x4000, 0xf6c: 0x4000, 0xf6d: 0x4000, 0xf6e: 0x4000, 0xf6f: 0x4000, + 0xf70: 0x4000, 0xf71: 0x4000, 0xf72: 0x4000, 0xf73: 0x4000, 0xf74: 0x4000, 0xf75: 0x4000, + 0xf76: 0x4000, 0xf77: 0x4000, 0xf78: 0x4000, 0xf79: 0x4000, 0xf7a: 0x4000, 0xf7b: 0x4000, + 0xf7c: 0x4000, 0xf7d: 0x4000, 0xf7e: 0x4000, 0xf7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x4000, 0xf81: 0x4000, 0xf82: 0x4000, 0xf83: 0x4000, 0xf84: 0x4000, 0xf85: 0x4000, + 0xf86: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfe0: 0x4000, 0xfe1: 0x4000, 0xfe2: 0x4000, 0xfe3: 0x4000, + 0xfe4: 0x4000, 0xfe5: 0x4000, 0xfe6: 0x4000, 0xfe7: 0x4000, 0xfe8: 0x4000, 0xfe9: 0x4000, + 0xfea: 0x4000, 0xfeb: 0x4000, 0xfec: 0x4000, 0xfed: 0x4000, 0xfee: 0x4000, 0xfef: 0x4000, + 0xff0: 0x4000, 0xff1: 0x4000, 0xff2: 0x4000, 0xff3: 0x4000, 0xff4: 0x4000, 0xff5: 0x4000, + 0xff6: 0x4000, 0xff7: 0x4000, 0xff8: 0x4000, 0xff9: 0x4000, 0xffa: 0x4000, 0xffb: 0x4000, + 0xffc: 0x4000, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x4000, 0x1001: 0x4000, 0x1002: 0x4000, 0x1003: 0x4000, 0x1004: 0x4000, 0x1005: 0x4000, + 0x1006: 0x4000, 0x1007: 0x4000, 0x1008: 0x4000, 0x1009: 0x4000, 0x100a: 0x4000, 0x100b: 0x4000, + 0x100c: 0x4000, 0x100d: 0x4000, 0x100e: 0x4000, 0x100f: 0x4000, 0x1010: 0x4000, 0x1011: 0x4000, + 0x1012: 0x4000, 0x1013: 0x4000, 0x1014: 0x4000, 0x1015: 0x4000, 0x1016: 0x4000, 0x1017: 0x4000, + 0x1018: 0x4000, 0x1019: 0x4000, 0x101a: 0x4000, 0x101b: 0x4000, 0x101c: 0x4000, 0x101d: 0x4000, + 0x101e: 0x4000, 0x101f: 0x4000, 0x1020: 0x4000, 0x1021: 0x4000, 0x1022: 0x4000, 0x1023: 0x4000, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x2000, 0x1041: 0x2000, 0x1042: 0x2000, 0x1043: 0x2000, 0x1044: 0x2000, 0x1045: 0x2000, + 0x1046: 0x2000, 0x1047: 0x2000, 0x1048: 0x2000, 0x1049: 0x2000, 0x104a: 0x2000, 0x104b: 0x2000, + 0x104c: 0x2000, 0x104d: 0x2000, 0x104e: 0x2000, 0x104f: 0x2000, 0x1050: 0x4000, 0x1051: 0x4000, + 0x1052: 0x4000, 0x1053: 0x4000, 0x1054: 0x4000, 0x1055: 0x4000, 0x1056: 0x4000, 0x1057: 0x4000, + 0x1058: 0x4000, 0x1059: 0x4000, + 0x1070: 0x4000, 0x1071: 0x4000, 0x1072: 0x4000, 0x1073: 0x4000, 0x1074: 0x4000, 0x1075: 0x4000, + 0x1076: 0x4000, 0x1077: 0x4000, 0x1078: 0x4000, 0x1079: 0x4000, 0x107a: 0x4000, 0x107b: 0x4000, + 0x107c: 0x4000, 0x107d: 0x4000, 0x107e: 0x4000, 0x107f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x4000, 0x1081: 0x4000, 0x1082: 0x4000, 0x1083: 0x4000, 0x1084: 0x4000, 0x1085: 0x4000, + 0x1086: 0x4000, 0x1087: 0x4000, 0x1088: 0x4000, 0x1089: 0x4000, 0x108a: 0x4000, 0x108b: 0x4000, + 0x108c: 0x4000, 0x108d: 0x4000, 0x108e: 0x4000, 0x108f: 0x4000, 0x1090: 0x4000, 0x1091: 0x4000, + 0x1092: 0x4000, 0x1094: 0x4000, 0x1095: 0x4000, 0x1096: 0x4000, 0x1097: 0x4000, + 0x1098: 0x4000, 0x1099: 0x4000, 0x109a: 0x4000, 0x109b: 0x4000, 0x109c: 0x4000, 0x109d: 0x4000, + 0x109e: 0x4000, 0x109f: 0x4000, 0x10a0: 0x4000, 0x10a1: 0x4000, 0x10a2: 0x4000, 0x10a3: 0x4000, + 0x10a4: 0x4000, 0x10a5: 0x4000, 0x10a6: 0x4000, 0x10a8: 0x4000, 0x10a9: 0x4000, + 0x10aa: 0x4000, 0x10ab: 0x4000, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c1: 0x9012, 0x10c2: 0x9012, 0x10c3: 0x9012, 0x10c4: 0x9012, 0x10c5: 0x9012, + 0x10c6: 0x9012, 0x10c7: 0x9012, 0x10c8: 0x9012, 0x10c9: 0x9012, 0x10ca: 0x9012, 0x10cb: 0x9012, + 0x10cc: 0x9012, 0x10cd: 0x9012, 0x10ce: 0x9012, 0x10cf: 0x9012, 0x10d0: 0x9012, 0x10d1: 0x9012, + 0x10d2: 0x9012, 0x10d3: 0x9012, 0x10d4: 0x9012, 0x10d5: 0x9012, 0x10d6: 0x9012, 0x10d7: 0x9012, + 0x10d8: 0x9012, 0x10d9: 0x9012, 0x10da: 0x9012, 0x10db: 0x9012, 0x10dc: 0x9012, 0x10dd: 0x9012, + 0x10de: 0x9012, 0x10df: 0x9012, 0x10e0: 0x9049, 0x10e1: 0x9049, 0x10e2: 0x9049, 0x10e3: 0x9049, + 0x10e4: 0x9049, 0x10e5: 0x9049, 0x10e6: 0x9049, 0x10e7: 0x9049, 0x10e8: 0x9049, 0x10e9: 0x9049, + 0x10ea: 0x9049, 0x10eb: 0x9049, 0x10ec: 0x9049, 0x10ed: 0x9049, 0x10ee: 0x9049, 0x10ef: 0x9049, + 0x10f0: 0x9049, 0x10f1: 0x9049, 0x10f2: 0x9049, 0x10f3: 0x9049, 0x10f4: 0x9049, 0x10f5: 0x9049, + 0x10f6: 0x9049, 0x10f7: 0x9049, 0x10f8: 0x9049, 0x10f9: 0x9049, 0x10fa: 0x9049, 0x10fb: 0x9049, + 0x10fc: 0x9049, 0x10fd: 0x9049, 0x10fe: 0x9049, 0x10ff: 0x9049, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1100: 0x9049, 0x1101: 0x9049, 0x1102: 0x9049, 0x1103: 0x9049, 0x1104: 0x9049, 0x1105: 0x9049, + 0x1106: 0x9049, 0x1107: 0x9049, 0x1108: 0x9049, 0x1109: 0x9049, 0x110a: 0x9049, 0x110b: 0x9049, + 0x110c: 0x9049, 0x110d: 0x9049, 0x110e: 0x9049, 0x110f: 0x9049, 0x1110: 0x9049, 0x1111: 0x9049, + 0x1112: 0x9049, 0x1113: 0x9049, 0x1114: 0x9049, 0x1115: 0x9049, 0x1116: 0x9049, 0x1117: 0x9049, + 0x1118: 0x9049, 0x1119: 0x9049, 0x111a: 0x9049, 0x111b: 0x9049, 0x111c: 0x9049, 0x111d: 0x9049, + 0x111e: 0x9049, 0x111f: 0x904a, 0x1120: 0x904b, 0x1121: 0xb04c, 0x1122: 0xb04d, 0x1123: 0xb04d, + 0x1124: 0xb04e, 0x1125: 0xb04f, 0x1126: 0xb050, 0x1127: 0xb051, 0x1128: 0xb052, 0x1129: 0xb053, + 0x112a: 0xb054, 0x112b: 0xb055, 0x112c: 0xb056, 0x112d: 0xb057, 0x112e: 0xb058, 0x112f: 0xb059, + 0x1130: 0xb05a, 0x1131: 0xb05b, 0x1132: 0xb05c, 0x1133: 0xb05d, 0x1134: 0xb05e, 0x1135: 0xb05f, + 0x1136: 0xb060, 0x1137: 0xb061, 0x1138: 0xb062, 0x1139: 0xb063, 0x113a: 0xb064, 0x113b: 0xb065, + 0x113c: 0xb052, 0x113d: 0xb066, 0x113e: 0xb067, 0x113f: 0xb055, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1140: 0xb068, 0x1141: 0xb069, 0x1142: 0xb06a, 0x1143: 0xb06b, 0x1144: 0xb05a, 0x1145: 0xb056, + 0x1146: 0xb06c, 0x1147: 0xb06d, 0x1148: 0xb06b, 0x1149: 0xb06e, 0x114a: 0xb06b, 0x114b: 0xb06f, + 0x114c: 0xb06f, 0x114d: 0xb070, 0x114e: 0xb070, 0x114f: 0xb071, 0x1150: 0xb056, 0x1151: 0xb072, + 0x1152: 0xb073, 0x1153: 0xb072, 0x1154: 0xb074, 0x1155: 0xb073, 0x1156: 0xb075, 0x1157: 0xb075, + 0x1158: 0xb076, 0x1159: 0xb076, 0x115a: 0xb077, 0x115b: 0xb077, 0x115c: 0xb073, 0x115d: 0xb078, + 0x115e: 0xb079, 0x115f: 0xb067, 0x1160: 0xb07a, 0x1161: 0xb07b, 0x1162: 0xb07b, 0x1163: 0xb07b, + 0x1164: 0xb07b, 0x1165: 0xb07b, 0x1166: 0xb07b, 0x1167: 0xb07b, 0x1168: 0xb07b, 0x1169: 0xb07b, + 0x116a: 0xb07b, 0x116b: 0xb07b, 0x116c: 0xb07b, 0x116d: 0xb07b, 0x116e: 0xb07b, 0x116f: 0xb07b, + 0x1170: 0xb07c, 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0x166a: 0x4000, 0x166b: 0x4000, 0x166c: 0x4000, 0x166d: 0x4000, 0x166e: 0x4000, 0x166f: 0x4000, + 0x1670: 0x4000, 0x1671: 0x4000, 0x1672: 0x4000, 0x1673: 0x4000, 0x1674: 0x4000, 0x1675: 0x4000, + 0x1676: 0x4000, 0x1677: 0x4000, 0x1678: 0x4000, 0x1679: 0x4000, 0x167a: 0x4000, 0x167b: 0x4000, + 0x167c: 0x4000, 0x167f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x4000, 0x1681: 0x4000, 0x1682: 0x4000, 0x1683: 0x4000, 0x1684: 0x4000, 0x1685: 0x4000, + 0x1686: 0x4000, 0x1687: 0x4000, 0x1688: 0x4000, 0x1689: 0x4000, 0x168a: 0x4000, 0x168b: 0x4000, + 0x168c: 0x4000, 0x168d: 0x4000, 0x168e: 0x4000, 0x168f: 0x4000, 0x1690: 0x4000, 0x1691: 0x4000, + 0x1692: 0x4000, 0x1693: 0x4000, 0x1694: 0x4000, 0x1695: 0x4000, 0x1696: 0x4000, 0x1697: 0x4000, + 0x1698: 0x4000, 0x1699: 0x4000, 0x169a: 0x4000, 0x169b: 0x4000, 0x169c: 0x4000, 0x169d: 0x4000, + 0x169e: 0x4000, 0x169f: 0x4000, 0x16a0: 0x4000, 0x16a1: 0x4000, 0x16a2: 0x4000, 0x16a3: 0x4000, + 0x16a4: 0x4000, 0x16a5: 0x4000, 0x16a6: 0x4000, 0x16a7: 0x4000, 0x16a8: 0x4000, 0x16a9: 0x4000, + 0x16aa: 0x4000, 0x16ab: 0x4000, 0x16ac: 0x4000, 0x16ad: 0x4000, 0x16ae: 0x4000, 0x16af: 0x4000, + 0x16b0: 0x4000, 0x16b1: 0x4000, 0x16b2: 0x4000, 0x16b3: 0x4000, 0x16b4: 0x4000, 0x16b5: 0x4000, + 0x16b6: 0x4000, 0x16b7: 0x4000, 0x16b8: 0x4000, 0x16b9: 0x4000, 0x16ba: 0x4000, 0x16bb: 0x4000, + 0x16bc: 0x4000, 0x16bd: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16cb: 0x4000, + 0x16cc: 0x4000, 0x16cd: 0x4000, 0x16ce: 0x4000, 0x16d0: 0x4000, 0x16d1: 0x4000, + 0x16d2: 0x4000, 0x16d3: 0x4000, 0x16d4: 0x4000, 0x16d5: 0x4000, 0x16d6: 0x4000, 0x16d7: 0x4000, + 0x16d8: 0x4000, 0x16d9: 0x4000, 0x16da: 0x4000, 0x16db: 0x4000, 0x16dc: 0x4000, 0x16dd: 0x4000, + 0x16de: 0x4000, 0x16df: 0x4000, 0x16e0: 0x4000, 0x16e1: 0x4000, 0x16e2: 0x4000, 0x16e3: 0x4000, + 0x16e4: 0x4000, 0x16e5: 0x4000, 0x16e6: 0x4000, 0x16e7: 0x4000, + 0x16fa: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1715: 0x4000, 0x1716: 0x4000, + 0x1724: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x177b: 0x4000, + 0x177c: 0x4000, 0x177d: 0x4000, 0x177e: 0x4000, 0x177f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x1780: 0x4000, 0x1781: 0x4000, 0x1782: 0x4000, 0x1783: 0x4000, 0x1784: 0x4000, 0x1785: 0x4000, + 0x1786: 0x4000, 0x1787: 0x4000, 0x1788: 0x4000, 0x1789: 0x4000, 0x178a: 0x4000, 0x178b: 0x4000, + 0x178c: 0x4000, 0x178d: 0x4000, 0x178e: 0x4000, 0x178f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x4000, 0x17c1: 0x4000, 0x17c2: 0x4000, 0x17c3: 0x4000, 0x17c4: 0x4000, 0x17c5: 0x4000, + 0x17cc: 0x4000, 0x17d0: 0x4000, 0x17d1: 0x4000, + 0x17d2: 0x4000, 0x17d5: 0x4000, + 0x17eb: 0x4000, 0x17ec: 0x4000, + 0x17f4: 0x4000, 0x17f5: 0x4000, + 0x17f6: 0x4000, 0x17f7: 0x4000, 0x17f8: 0x4000, 0x17f9: 0x4000, 0x17fa: 0x4000, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1820: 0x4000, 0x1821: 0x4000, 0x1822: 0x4000, 0x1823: 0x4000, + 0x1824: 0x4000, 0x1825: 0x4000, 0x1826: 0x4000, 0x1827: 0x4000, 0x1828: 0x4000, 0x1829: 0x4000, + 0x182a: 0x4000, 0x182b: 0x4000, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x184d: 0x4000, 0x184e: 0x4000, 0x184f: 0x4000, 0x1850: 0x4000, 0x1851: 0x4000, + 0x1852: 0x4000, 0x1853: 0x4000, 0x1854: 0x4000, 0x1855: 0x4000, 0x1856: 0x4000, 0x1857: 0x4000, + 0x1858: 0x4000, 0x1859: 0x4000, 0x185a: 0x4000, 0x185b: 0x4000, 0x185c: 0x4000, 0x185d: 0x4000, + 0x185e: 0x4000, 0x185f: 0x4000, 0x1860: 0x4000, 0x1861: 0x4000, 0x1862: 0x4000, 0x1863: 0x4000, + 0x1864: 0x4000, 0x1865: 0x4000, 0x1866: 0x4000, 0x1867: 0x4000, 0x1868: 0x4000, 0x1869: 0x4000, + 0x186a: 0x4000, 0x186b: 0x4000, 0x186c: 0x4000, 0x186d: 0x4000, 0x186e: 0x4000, 0x186f: 0x4000, + 0x1870: 0x4000, 0x1871: 0x4000, 0x1872: 0x4000, 0x1873: 0x4000, 0x1874: 0x4000, 0x1875: 0x4000, + 0x1876: 0x4000, 0x1877: 0x4000, 0x1878: 0x4000, 0x1879: 0x4000, 0x187a: 0x4000, 0x187b: 0x4000, + 0x187c: 0x4000, 0x187d: 0x4000, 0x187e: 0x4000, 0x187f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x4000, 0x1881: 0x4000, 0x1882: 0x4000, 0x1883: 0x4000, 0x1884: 0x4000, 0x1885: 0x4000, + 0x1886: 0x4000, 0x1887: 0x4000, 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0x18c7: 0x4000, 0x18c8: 0x4000, 0x18c9: 0x4000, 0x18ca: 0x4000, 0x18cb: 0x4000, + 0x18cc: 0x4000, 0x18cd: 0x4000, 0x18ce: 0x4000, 0x18cf: 0x4000, 0x18d0: 0x4000, 0x18d1: 0x4000, + 0x18d2: 0x4000, 0x18d3: 0x4000, 0x18d4: 0x4000, 0x18d5: 0x4000, 0x18d6: 0x4000, 0x18d7: 0x4000, + 0x18d8: 0x4000, 0x18d9: 0x4000, 0x18da: 0x4000, 0x18db: 0x4000, 0x18dc: 0x4000, 0x18dd: 0x4000, + 0x18de: 0x4000, 0x18df: 0x4000, 0x18e0: 0x4000, 0x18e1: 0x4000, 0x18e2: 0x4000, + 0x18e5: 0x4000, 0x18e6: 0x4000, 0x18e7: 0x4000, 0x18e8: 0x4000, 0x18e9: 0x4000, + 0x18ea: 0x4000, 0x18ee: 0x4000, 0x18ef: 0x4000, + 0x18f0: 0x4000, 0x18f1: 0x4000, 0x18f2: 0x4000, 0x18f3: 0x4000, 0x18f4: 0x4000, 0x18f5: 0x4000, + 0x18f6: 0x4000, 0x18f7: 0x4000, 0x18f8: 0x4000, 0x18f9: 0x4000, 0x18fa: 0x4000, 0x18fb: 0x4000, + 0x18fc: 0x4000, 0x18fd: 0x4000, 0x18fe: 0x4000, 0x18ff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x4000, 0x1901: 0x4000, 0x1902: 0x4000, 0x1903: 0x4000, 0x1904: 0x4000, 0x1905: 0x4000, + 0x1906: 0x4000, 0x1907: 0x4000, 0x1908: 0x4000, 0x1909: 0x4000, 0x190a: 0x4000, + 0x190d: 0x4000, 0x190e: 0x4000, 0x190f: 0x4000, 0x1910: 0x4000, 0x1911: 0x4000, + 0x1912: 0x4000, 0x1913: 0x4000, 0x1914: 0x4000, 0x1915: 0x4000, 0x1916: 0x4000, 0x1917: 0x4000, + 0x1918: 0x4000, 0x1919: 0x4000, 0x191a: 0x4000, 0x191b: 0x4000, 0x191c: 0x4000, 0x191d: 0x4000, + 0x191e: 0x4000, 0x191f: 0x4000, 0x1920: 0x4000, 0x1921: 0x4000, 0x1922: 0x4000, 0x1923: 0x4000, + 0x1924: 0x4000, 0x1925: 0x4000, 0x1926: 0x4000, 0x1927: 0x4000, 0x1928: 0x4000, 0x1929: 0x4000, + 0x192a: 0x4000, 0x192b: 0x4000, 0x192c: 0x4000, 0x192d: 0x4000, 0x192e: 0x4000, 0x192f: 0x4000, + 0x1930: 0x4000, 0x1931: 0x4000, 0x1932: 0x4000, 0x1933: 0x4000, 0x1934: 0x4000, 0x1935: 0x4000, + 0x1936: 0x4000, 0x1937: 0x4000, 0x1938: 0x4000, 0x1939: 0x4000, 0x193a: 0x4000, 0x193b: 0x4000, + 0x193c: 0x4000, 0x193d: 0x4000, 0x193e: 0x4000, 0x193f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1970: 0x4000, 0x1971: 0x4000, 0x1972: 0x4000, 0x1973: 0x4000, + 0x1978: 0x4000, 0x1979: 0x4000, 0x197a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x4000, 0x1981: 0x4000, 0x1982: 0x4000, + 0x1990: 0x4000, 0x1991: 0x4000, + 0x1992: 0x4000, 0x1993: 0x4000, 0x1994: 0x4000, 0x1995: 0x4000, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19c0: 0x2000, 0x19c1: 0x2000, 0x19c2: 0x2000, 0x19c3: 0x2000, 0x19c4: 0x2000, 0x19c5: 0x2000, + 0x19c6: 0x2000, 0x19c7: 0x2000, 0x19c8: 0x2000, 0x19c9: 0x2000, 0x19ca: 0x2000, 0x19cb: 0x2000, + 0x19cc: 0x2000, 0x19cd: 0x2000, 0x19ce: 0x2000, 0x19cf: 0x2000, 0x19d0: 0x2000, 0x19d1: 0x2000, + 0x19d2: 0x2000, 0x19d3: 0x2000, 0x19d4: 0x2000, 0x19d5: 0x2000, 0x19d6: 0x2000, 0x19d7: 0x2000, + 0x19d8: 0x2000, 0x19d9: 0x2000, 0x19da: 0x2000, 0x19db: 0x2000, 0x19dc: 0x2000, 0x19dd: 0x2000, + 0x19de: 0x2000, 0x19df: 0x2000, 0x19e0: 0x2000, 0x19e1: 0x2000, 0x19e2: 0x2000, 0x19e3: 0x2000, + 0x19e4: 0x2000, 0x19e5: 0x2000, 0x19e6: 0x2000, 0x19e7: 0x2000, 0x19e8: 0x2000, 0x19e9: 0x2000, + 0x19ea: 0x2000, 0x19eb: 0x2000, 0x19ec: 0x2000, 0x19ed: 0x2000, 0x19ee: 0x2000, 0x19ef: 0x2000, + 0x19f0: 0x2000, 0x19f1: 0x2000, 0x19f2: 0x2000, 0x19f3: 0x2000, 0x19f4: 0x2000, 0x19f5: 0x2000, + 0x19f6: 0x2000, 0x19f7: 0x2000, 0x19f8: 0x2000, 0x19f9: 0x2000, 0x19fa: 0x2000, 0x19fb: 0x2000, + 0x19fc: 0x2000, 0x19fd: 0x2000, +} + +// widthIndex: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 1408 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var widthIndex = [1408]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc7: 0x05, + 0xc9: 0x06, 0xcb: 0x07, 0xcc: 0x08, 0xcd: 0x09, 0xce: 0x0a, 0xcf: 0x0b, + 0xd0: 0x0c, 0xd1: 0x0d, + 0xe1: 0x02, 0xe2: 0x03, 0xe3: 0x04, 0xe4: 0x05, 0xe5: 0x06, 0xe6: 0x06, 0xe7: 0x06, + 0xe8: 0x06, 0xe9: 0x06, 0xea: 0x07, 0xeb: 0x06, 0xec: 0x06, 0xed: 0x08, 0xee: 0x09, 0xef: 0x0a, + 0xf0: 0x0f, 0xf3: 0x12, 0xf4: 0x13, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x104: 0x0e, 0x105: 0x0f, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x10, 0x141: 0x11, 0x142: 0x12, 0x144: 0x13, 0x145: 0x14, 0x146: 0x15, 0x147: 0x16, + 0x148: 0x17, 0x149: 0x18, 0x14a: 0x19, 0x14c: 0x1a, 0x14f: 0x1b, + 0x151: 0x1c, 0x152: 0x08, 0x153: 0x1d, 0x154: 0x1e, 0x155: 0x1f, 0x156: 0x20, 0x157: 0x21, + 0x158: 0x22, 0x159: 0x23, 0x15a: 0x24, 0x15b: 0x25, 0x15c: 0x26, 0x15d: 0x27, 0x15e: 0x28, 0x15f: 0x29, + 0x166: 0x2a, + 0x16c: 0x2b, 0x16d: 0x2c, + 0x17a: 0x2d, 0x17b: 0x2e, 0x17c: 0x0e, 0x17d: 0x0e, 0x17e: 0x0e, 0x17f: 0x2f, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x30, 0x181: 0x31, 0x182: 0x32, 0x183: 0x33, 0x184: 0x34, 0x185: 0x35, 0x186: 0x36, 0x187: 0x37, + 0x188: 0x38, 0x189: 0x39, 0x18a: 0x0e, 0x18b: 0x3a, 0x18c: 0x0e, 0x18d: 0x0e, 0x18e: 0x0e, 0x18f: 0x0e, + 0x190: 0x0e, 0x191: 0x0e, 0x192: 0x0e, 0x193: 0x0e, 0x194: 0x0e, 0x195: 0x0e, 0x196: 0x0e, 0x197: 0x0e, + 0x198: 0x0e, 0x199: 0x0e, 0x19a: 0x0e, 0x19b: 0x0e, 0x19c: 0x0e, 0x19d: 0x0e, 0x19e: 0x0e, 0x19f: 0x0e, + 0x1a0: 0x0e, 0x1a1: 0x0e, 0x1a2: 0x0e, 0x1a3: 0x0e, 0x1a4: 0x0e, 0x1a5: 0x0e, 0x1a6: 0x0e, 0x1a7: 0x0e, + 0x1a8: 0x0e, 0x1a9: 0x0e, 0x1aa: 0x0e, 0x1ab: 0x0e, 0x1ac: 0x0e, 0x1ad: 0x0e, 0x1ae: 0x0e, 0x1af: 0x0e, + 0x1b0: 0x0e, 0x1b1: 0x0e, 0x1b2: 0x0e, 0x1b3: 0x0e, 0x1b4: 0x0e, 0x1b5: 0x0e, 0x1b6: 0x0e, 0x1b7: 0x0e, + 0x1b8: 0x0e, 0x1b9: 0x0e, 0x1ba: 0x0e, 0x1bb: 0x0e, 0x1bc: 0x0e, 0x1bd: 0x0e, 0x1be: 0x0e, 0x1bf: 0x0e, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x0e, 0x1c1: 0x0e, 0x1c2: 0x0e, 0x1c3: 0x0e, 0x1c4: 0x0e, 0x1c5: 0x0e, 0x1c6: 0x0e, 0x1c7: 0x0e, + 0x1c8: 0x0e, 0x1c9: 0x0e, 0x1ca: 0x0e, 0x1cb: 0x0e, 0x1cc: 0x0e, 0x1cd: 0x0e, 0x1ce: 0x0e, 0x1cf: 0x0e, + 0x1d0: 0x0e, 0x1d1: 0x0e, 0x1d2: 0x0e, 0x1d3: 0x0e, 0x1d4: 0x0e, 0x1d5: 0x0e, 0x1d6: 0x0e, 0x1d7: 0x0e, + 0x1d8: 0x0e, 0x1d9: 0x0e, 0x1da: 0x0e, 0x1db: 0x0e, 0x1dc: 0x0e, 0x1dd: 0x0e, 0x1de: 0x0e, 0x1df: 0x0e, + 0x1e0: 0x0e, 0x1e1: 0x0e, 0x1e2: 0x0e, 0x1e3: 0x0e, 0x1e4: 0x0e, 0x1e5: 0x0e, 0x1e6: 0x0e, 0x1e7: 0x0e, + 0x1e8: 0x0e, 0x1e9: 0x0e, 0x1ea: 0x0e, 0x1eb: 0x0e, 0x1ec: 0x0e, 0x1ed: 0x0e, 0x1ee: 0x0e, 0x1ef: 0x0e, + 0x1f0: 0x0e, 0x1f1: 0x0e, 0x1f2: 0x0e, 0x1f3: 0x0e, 0x1f4: 0x0e, 0x1f5: 0x0e, 0x1f6: 0x0e, + 0x1f8: 0x0e, 0x1f9: 0x0e, 0x1fa: 0x0e, 0x1fb: 0x0e, 0x1fc: 0x0e, 0x1fd: 0x0e, 0x1fe: 0x0e, 0x1ff: 0x0e, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x0e, 0x201: 0x0e, 0x202: 0x0e, 0x203: 0x0e, 0x204: 0x0e, 0x205: 0x0e, 0x206: 0x0e, 0x207: 0x0e, + 0x208: 0x0e, 0x209: 0x0e, 0x20a: 0x0e, 0x20b: 0x0e, 0x20c: 0x0e, 0x20d: 0x0e, 0x20e: 0x0e, 0x20f: 0x0e, + 0x210: 0x0e, 0x211: 0x0e, 0x212: 0x0e, 0x213: 0x0e, 0x214: 0x0e, 0x215: 0x0e, 0x216: 0x0e, 0x217: 0x0e, + 0x218: 0x0e, 0x219: 0x0e, 0x21a: 0x0e, 0x21b: 0x0e, 0x21c: 0x0e, 0x21d: 0x0e, 0x21e: 0x0e, 0x21f: 0x0e, + 0x220: 0x0e, 0x221: 0x0e, 0x222: 0x0e, 0x223: 0x0e, 0x224: 0x0e, 0x225: 0x0e, 0x226: 0x0e, 0x227: 0x0e, + 0x228: 0x0e, 0x229: 0x0e, 0x22a: 0x0e, 0x22b: 0x0e, 0x22c: 0x0e, 0x22d: 0x0e, 0x22e: 0x0e, 0x22f: 0x0e, + 0x230: 0x0e, 0x231: 0x0e, 0x232: 0x0e, 0x233: 0x0e, 0x234: 0x0e, 0x235: 0x0e, 0x236: 0x0e, 0x237: 0x0e, + 0x238: 0x0e, 0x239: 0x0e, 0x23a: 0x0e, 0x23b: 0x0e, 0x23c: 0x0e, 0x23d: 0x0e, 0x23e: 0x0e, 0x23f: 0x0e, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x0e, 0x241: 0x0e, 0x242: 0x0e, 0x243: 0x0e, 0x244: 0x0e, 0x245: 0x0e, 0x246: 0x0e, 0x247: 0x0e, + 0x248: 0x0e, 0x249: 0x0e, 0x24a: 0x0e, 0x24b: 0x0e, 0x24c: 0x0e, 0x24d: 0x0e, 0x24e: 0x0e, 0x24f: 0x0e, + 0x250: 0x0e, 0x251: 0x0e, 0x252: 0x3b, 0x253: 0x3c, + 0x265: 0x3d, + 0x270: 0x0e, 0x271: 0x0e, 0x272: 0x0e, 0x273: 0x0e, 0x274: 0x0e, 0x275: 0x0e, 0x276: 0x0e, 0x277: 0x0e, + 0x278: 0x0e, 0x279: 0x0e, 0x27a: 0x0e, 0x27b: 0x0e, 0x27c: 0x0e, 0x27d: 0x0e, 0x27e: 0x0e, 0x27f: 0x0e, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x0e, 0x281: 0x0e, 0x282: 0x0e, 0x283: 0x0e, 0x284: 0x0e, 0x285: 0x0e, 0x286: 0x0e, 0x287: 0x0e, + 0x288: 0x0e, 0x289: 0x0e, 0x28a: 0x0e, 0x28b: 0x0e, 0x28c: 0x0e, 0x28d: 0x0e, 0x28e: 0x0e, 0x28f: 0x0e, + 0x290: 0x0e, 0x291: 0x0e, 0x292: 0x0e, 0x293: 0x0e, 0x294: 0x0e, 0x295: 0x0e, 0x296: 0x0e, 0x297: 0x0e, + 0x298: 0x0e, 0x299: 0x0e, 0x29a: 0x0e, 0x29b: 0x0e, 0x29c: 0x0e, 0x29d: 0x0e, 0x29e: 0x3e, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x08, 0x2c1: 0x08, 0x2c2: 0x08, 0x2c3: 0x08, 0x2c4: 0x08, 0x2c5: 0x08, 0x2c6: 0x08, 0x2c7: 0x08, + 0x2c8: 0x08, 0x2c9: 0x08, 0x2ca: 0x08, 0x2cb: 0x08, 0x2cc: 0x08, 0x2cd: 0x08, 0x2ce: 0x08, 0x2cf: 0x08, + 0x2d0: 0x08, 0x2d1: 0x08, 0x2d2: 0x08, 0x2d3: 0x08, 0x2d4: 0x08, 0x2d5: 0x08, 0x2d6: 0x08, 0x2d7: 0x08, + 0x2d8: 0x08, 0x2d9: 0x08, 0x2da: 0x08, 0x2db: 0x08, 0x2dc: 0x08, 0x2dd: 0x08, 0x2de: 0x08, 0x2df: 0x08, + 0x2e0: 0x08, 0x2e1: 0x08, 0x2e2: 0x08, 0x2e3: 0x08, 0x2e4: 0x08, 0x2e5: 0x08, 0x2e6: 0x08, 0x2e7: 0x08, + 0x2e8: 0x08, 0x2e9: 0x08, 0x2ea: 0x08, 0x2eb: 0x08, 0x2ec: 0x08, 0x2ed: 0x08, 0x2ee: 0x08, 0x2ef: 0x08, + 0x2f0: 0x08, 0x2f1: 0x08, 0x2f2: 0x08, 0x2f3: 0x08, 0x2f4: 0x08, 0x2f5: 0x08, 0x2f6: 0x08, 0x2f7: 0x08, + 0x2f8: 0x08, 0x2f9: 0x08, 0x2fa: 0x08, 0x2fb: 0x08, 0x2fc: 0x08, 0x2fd: 0x08, 0x2fe: 0x08, 0x2ff: 0x08, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x08, 0x301: 0x08, 0x302: 0x08, 0x303: 0x08, 0x304: 0x08, 0x305: 0x08, 0x306: 0x08, 0x307: 0x08, + 0x308: 0x08, 0x309: 0x08, 0x30a: 0x08, 0x30b: 0x08, 0x30c: 0x08, 0x30d: 0x08, 0x30e: 0x08, 0x30f: 0x08, + 0x310: 0x08, 0x311: 0x08, 0x312: 0x08, 0x313: 0x08, 0x314: 0x08, 0x315: 0x08, 0x316: 0x08, 0x317: 0x08, + 0x318: 0x08, 0x319: 0x08, 0x31a: 0x08, 0x31b: 0x08, 0x31c: 0x08, 0x31d: 0x08, 0x31e: 0x08, 0x31f: 0x08, + 0x320: 0x08, 0x321: 0x08, 0x322: 0x08, 0x323: 0x08, 0x324: 0x0e, 0x325: 0x0e, 0x326: 0x0e, 0x327: 0x0e, + 0x328: 0x0e, 0x329: 0x0e, 0x32a: 0x0e, 0x32b: 0x0e, + 0x338: 0x3f, 0x339: 0x40, 0x33c: 0x41, 0x33d: 0x42, 0x33e: 0x43, 0x33f: 0x44, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x37f: 0x45, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0e, 0x381: 0x0e, 0x382: 0x0e, 0x383: 0x0e, 0x384: 0x0e, 0x385: 0x0e, 0x386: 0x0e, 0x387: 0x0e, + 0x388: 0x0e, 0x389: 0x0e, 0x38a: 0x0e, 0x38b: 0x0e, 0x38c: 0x0e, 0x38d: 0x0e, 0x38e: 0x0e, 0x38f: 0x0e, + 0x390: 0x0e, 0x391: 0x0e, 0x392: 0x0e, 0x393: 0x0e, 0x394: 0x0e, 0x395: 0x0e, 0x396: 0x0e, 0x397: 0x0e, + 0x398: 0x0e, 0x399: 0x0e, 0x39a: 0x0e, 0x39b: 0x0e, 0x39c: 0x0e, 0x39d: 0x0e, 0x39e: 0x0e, 0x39f: 0x46, + 0x3a0: 0x0e, 0x3a1: 0x0e, 0x3a2: 0x0e, 0x3a3: 0x0e, 0x3a4: 0x0e, 0x3a5: 0x0e, 0x3a6: 0x0e, 0x3a7: 0x0e, + 0x3a8: 0x0e, 0x3a9: 0x0e, 0x3aa: 0x0e, 0x3ab: 0x47, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x0e, 0x3c1: 0x0e, 0x3c2: 0x0e, 0x3c3: 0x0e, 0x3c4: 0x48, 0x3c5: 0x49, 0x3c6: 0x0e, 0x3c7: 0x0e, + 0x3c8: 0x0e, 0x3c9: 0x0e, 0x3ca: 0x0e, 0x3cb: 0x4a, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x4b, 0x403: 0x4c, 0x404: 0x4d, 0x405: 0x4e, 0x406: 0x4f, + 0x408: 0x50, 0x409: 0x51, 0x40c: 0x52, 0x40d: 0x53, 0x40e: 0x54, 0x40f: 0x55, + 0x410: 0x3a, 0x411: 0x56, 0x412: 0x0e, 0x413: 0x57, 0x414: 0x58, 0x415: 0x59, 0x416: 0x5a, 0x417: 0x5b, + 0x418: 0x0e, 0x419: 0x5c, 0x41a: 0x0e, 0x41b: 0x5d, 0x41f: 0x5e, + 0x424: 0x5f, 0x425: 0x60, 0x426: 0x61, 0x427: 0x62, + 0x429: 0x63, 0x42a: 0x64, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x456: 0x0b, 0x457: 0x06, + 0x458: 0x0c, 0x45b: 0x0d, 0x45f: 0x0e, + 0x460: 0x06, 0x461: 0x06, 0x462: 0x06, 0x463: 0x06, 0x464: 0x06, 0x465: 0x06, 0x466: 0x06, 0x467: 0x06, + 0x468: 0x06, 0x469: 0x06, 0x46a: 0x06, 0x46b: 0x06, 0x46c: 0x06, 0x46d: 0x06, 0x46e: 0x06, 0x46f: 0x06, + 0x470: 0x06, 0x471: 0x06, 0x472: 0x06, 0x473: 0x06, 0x474: 0x06, 0x475: 0x06, 0x476: 0x06, 0x477: 0x06, + 0x478: 0x06, 0x479: 0x06, 0x47a: 0x06, 0x47b: 0x06, 0x47c: 0x06, 0x47d: 0x06, 0x47e: 0x06, 0x47f: 0x06, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x484: 0x08, 0x485: 0x08, 0x486: 0x08, 0x487: 0x09, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x08, 0x4c1: 0x08, 0x4c2: 0x08, 0x4c3: 0x08, 0x4c4: 0x08, 0x4c5: 0x08, 0x4c6: 0x08, 0x4c7: 0x08, + 0x4c8: 0x08, 0x4c9: 0x08, 0x4ca: 0x08, 0x4cb: 0x08, 0x4cc: 0x08, 0x4cd: 0x08, 0x4ce: 0x08, 0x4cf: 0x08, + 0x4d0: 0x08, 0x4d1: 0x08, 0x4d2: 0x08, 0x4d3: 0x08, 0x4d4: 0x08, 0x4d5: 0x08, 0x4d6: 0x08, 0x4d7: 0x08, + 0x4d8: 0x08, 0x4d9: 0x08, 0x4da: 0x08, 0x4db: 0x08, 0x4dc: 0x08, 0x4dd: 0x08, 0x4de: 0x08, 0x4df: 0x08, + 0x4e0: 0x08, 0x4e1: 0x08, 0x4e2: 0x08, 0x4e3: 0x08, 0x4e4: 0x08, 0x4e5: 0x08, 0x4e6: 0x08, 0x4e7: 0x08, + 0x4e8: 0x08, 0x4e9: 0x08, 0x4ea: 0x08, 0x4eb: 0x08, 0x4ec: 0x08, 0x4ed: 0x08, 0x4ee: 0x08, 0x4ef: 0x08, + 0x4f0: 0x08, 0x4f1: 0x08, 0x4f2: 0x08, 0x4f3: 0x08, 0x4f4: 0x08, 0x4f5: 0x08, 0x4f6: 0x08, 0x4f7: 0x08, + 0x4f8: 0x08, 0x4f9: 0x08, 0x4fa: 0x08, 0x4fb: 0x08, 0x4fc: 0x08, 0x4fd: 0x08, 0x4fe: 0x08, 0x4ff: 0x65, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x520: 0x10, + 0x530: 0x09, 0x531: 0x09, 0x532: 0x09, 0x533: 0x09, 0x534: 0x09, 0x535: 0x09, 0x536: 0x09, 0x537: 0x09, + 0x538: 0x09, 0x539: 0x09, 0x53a: 0x09, 0x53b: 0x09, 0x53c: 0x09, 0x53d: 0x09, 0x53e: 0x09, 0x53f: 0x11, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x09, 0x541: 0x09, 0x542: 0x09, 0x543: 0x09, 0x544: 0x09, 0x545: 0x09, 0x546: 0x09, 0x547: 0x09, + 0x548: 0x09, 0x549: 0x09, 0x54a: 0x09, 0x54b: 0x09, 0x54c: 0x09, 0x54d: 0x09, 0x54e: 0x09, 0x54f: 0x11, +} + +// inverseData contains 4-byte entries of the following format: +// <0 padding> +// The last byte of the UTF-8-encoded rune is xor-ed with the last byte of the +// UTF-8 encoding of the original rune. Mappings often have the following +// pattern: +// A -> A (U+FF21 -> U+0041) +// B -> B (U+FF22 -> U+0042) +// ... +// By xor-ing the last byte the same entry can be shared by many mappings. This +// reduces the total number of distinct entries by about two thirds. +// The resulting entry for the aforementioned mappings is +// { 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x00 } +// Using this entry to map U+FF21 (UTF-8 [EF BC A1]), we get +// E0 ^ A1 = 41. +// Similarly, for U+FF22 (UTF-8 [EF BC A2]), we get +// E0 ^ A2 = 42. +// Note that because of the xor-ing, the byte sequence stored in the entry is +// not valid UTF-8. +var inverseData = [150][4]byte{ + {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0xa0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xa0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xe0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xe0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x2a}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x26}, + {0x01, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x23}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x16}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x19}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x11}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x31}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x33}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x32}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x36}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x14}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x10}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x37}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x04}, + {0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x26}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x23}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x1e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x14}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x16}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x19}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x11}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x31}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x33}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x3e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x32}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x36}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x84, 0x10}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x37}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3f}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x02, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0e, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0c, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x82, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x94, 0x2a}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x96, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x97, 0x25}, +} + +// Total table size 15320 bytes (14KiB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables13.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables13.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bac3f1ae --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables13.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,1352 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build go1.16 +// +build go1.16 + +package width + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "13.0.0" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *widthTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = widthIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0] + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = widthIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0] + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// widthTrie. Total size: 14848 bytes (14.50 KiB). Checksum: 17e24343536472f6. +type widthTrie struct{} + +func newWidthTrie(i int) *widthTrie { + return &widthTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + default: + return uint16(widthValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// widthValues: 105 blocks, 6720 entries, 13440 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var widthValues = [6720]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x20: 0x6001, 0x21: 0x6002, 0x22: 0x6002, 0x23: 0x6002, + 0x24: 0x6002, 0x25: 0x6002, 0x26: 0x6002, 0x27: 0x6002, 0x28: 0x6002, 0x29: 0x6002, + 0x2a: 0x6002, 0x2b: 0x6002, 0x2c: 0x6002, 0x2d: 0x6002, 0x2e: 0x6002, 0x2f: 0x6002, + 0x30: 0x6002, 0x31: 0x6002, 0x32: 0x6002, 0x33: 0x6002, 0x34: 0x6002, 0x35: 0x6002, + 0x36: 0x6002, 0x37: 0x6002, 0x38: 0x6002, 0x39: 0x6002, 0x3a: 0x6002, 0x3b: 0x6002, + 0x3c: 0x6002, 0x3d: 0x6002, 0x3e: 0x6002, 0x3f: 0x6002, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x6003, 0x41: 0x6003, 0x42: 0x6003, 0x43: 0x6003, 0x44: 0x6003, 0x45: 0x6003, + 0x46: 0x6003, 0x47: 0x6003, 0x48: 0x6003, 0x49: 0x6003, 0x4a: 0x6003, 0x4b: 0x6003, + 0x4c: 0x6003, 0x4d: 0x6003, 0x4e: 0x6003, 0x4f: 0x6003, 0x50: 0x6003, 0x51: 0x6003, + 0x52: 0x6003, 0x53: 0x6003, 0x54: 0x6003, 0x55: 0x6003, 0x56: 0x6003, 0x57: 0x6003, + 0x58: 0x6003, 0x59: 0x6003, 0x5a: 0x6003, 0x5b: 0x6003, 0x5c: 0x6003, 0x5d: 0x6003, + 0x5e: 0x6003, 0x5f: 0x6003, 0x60: 0x6004, 0x61: 0x6004, 0x62: 0x6004, 0x63: 0x6004, + 0x64: 0x6004, 0x65: 0x6004, 0x66: 0x6004, 0x67: 0x6004, 0x68: 0x6004, 0x69: 0x6004, + 0x6a: 0x6004, 0x6b: 0x6004, 0x6c: 0x6004, 0x6d: 0x6004, 0x6e: 0x6004, 0x6f: 0x6004, + 0x70: 0x6004, 0x71: 0x6004, 0x72: 0x6004, 0x73: 0x6004, 0x74: 0x6004, 0x75: 0x6004, + 0x76: 0x6004, 0x77: 0x6004, 0x78: 0x6004, 0x79: 0x6004, 0x7a: 0x6004, 0x7b: 0x6004, + 0x7c: 0x6004, 0x7d: 0x6004, 0x7e: 0x6004, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xe1: 0x2000, 0xe2: 0x6005, 0xe3: 0x6005, + 0xe4: 0x2000, 0xe5: 0x6006, 0xe6: 0x6005, 0xe7: 0x2000, 0xe8: 0x2000, + 0xea: 0x2000, 0xec: 0x6007, 0xed: 0x2000, 0xee: 0x2000, 0xef: 0x6008, + 0xf0: 0x2000, 0xf1: 0x2000, 0xf2: 0x2000, 0xf3: 0x2000, 0xf4: 0x2000, + 0xf6: 0x2000, 0xf7: 0x2000, 0xf8: 0x2000, 0xf9: 0x2000, 0xfa: 0x2000, + 0xfc: 0x2000, 0xfd: 0x2000, 0xfe: 0x2000, 0xff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x106: 0x2000, + 0x110: 0x2000, + 0x117: 0x2000, + 0x118: 0x2000, + 0x11e: 0x2000, 0x11f: 0x2000, 0x120: 0x2000, 0x121: 0x2000, + 0x126: 0x2000, 0x128: 0x2000, 0x129: 0x2000, + 0x12a: 0x2000, 0x12c: 0x2000, 0x12d: 0x2000, + 0x130: 0x2000, 0x132: 0x2000, 0x133: 0x2000, + 0x137: 0x2000, 0x138: 0x2000, 0x139: 0x2000, 0x13a: 0x2000, + 0x13c: 0x2000, 0x13e: 0x2000, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x141: 0x2000, + 0x151: 0x2000, + 0x153: 0x2000, + 0x15b: 0x2000, + 0x166: 0x2000, 0x167: 0x2000, + 0x16b: 0x2000, + 0x171: 0x2000, 0x172: 0x2000, 0x173: 0x2000, + 0x178: 0x2000, + 0x17f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x2000, 0x181: 0x2000, 0x182: 0x2000, 0x184: 0x2000, + 0x188: 0x2000, 0x189: 0x2000, 0x18a: 0x2000, 0x18b: 0x2000, + 0x18d: 0x2000, + 0x192: 0x2000, 0x193: 0x2000, + 0x1a6: 0x2000, 0x1a7: 0x2000, + 0x1ab: 0x2000, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1ce: 0x2000, 0x1d0: 0x2000, + 0x1d2: 0x2000, 0x1d4: 0x2000, 0x1d6: 0x2000, + 0x1d8: 0x2000, 0x1da: 0x2000, 0x1dc: 0x2000, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x211: 0x2000, + 0x221: 0x2000, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x244: 0x2000, + 0x247: 0x2000, 0x249: 0x2000, 0x24a: 0x2000, 0x24b: 0x2000, + 0x24d: 0x2000, 0x250: 0x2000, + 0x258: 0x2000, 0x259: 0x2000, 0x25a: 0x2000, 0x25b: 0x2000, 0x25d: 0x2000, + 0x25f: 0x2000, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x2000, 0x281: 0x2000, 0x282: 0x2000, 0x283: 0x2000, 0x284: 0x2000, 0x285: 0x2000, + 0x286: 0x2000, 0x287: 0x2000, 0x288: 0x2000, 0x289: 0x2000, 0x28a: 0x2000, 0x28b: 0x2000, + 0x28c: 0x2000, 0x28d: 0x2000, 0x28e: 0x2000, 0x28f: 0x2000, 0x290: 0x2000, 0x291: 0x2000, + 0x292: 0x2000, 0x293: 0x2000, 0x294: 0x2000, 0x295: 0x2000, 0x296: 0x2000, 0x297: 0x2000, + 0x298: 0x2000, 0x299: 0x2000, 0x29a: 0x2000, 0x29b: 0x2000, 0x29c: 0x2000, 0x29d: 0x2000, + 0x29e: 0x2000, 0x29f: 0x2000, 0x2a0: 0x2000, 0x2a1: 0x2000, 0x2a2: 0x2000, 0x2a3: 0x2000, + 0x2a4: 0x2000, 0x2a5: 0x2000, 0x2a6: 0x2000, 0x2a7: 0x2000, 0x2a8: 0x2000, 0x2a9: 0x2000, + 0x2aa: 0x2000, 0x2ab: 0x2000, 0x2ac: 0x2000, 0x2ad: 0x2000, 0x2ae: 0x2000, 0x2af: 0x2000, + 0x2b0: 0x2000, 0x2b1: 0x2000, 0x2b2: 0x2000, 0x2b3: 0x2000, 0x2b4: 0x2000, 0x2b5: 0x2000, + 0x2b6: 0x2000, 0x2b7: 0x2000, 0x2b8: 0x2000, 0x2b9: 0x2000, 0x2ba: 0x2000, 0x2bb: 0x2000, + 0x2bc: 0x2000, 0x2bd: 0x2000, 0x2be: 0x2000, 0x2bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x2000, 0x2c1: 0x2000, 0x2c2: 0x2000, 0x2c3: 0x2000, 0x2c4: 0x2000, 0x2c5: 0x2000, + 0x2c6: 0x2000, 0x2c7: 0x2000, 0x2c8: 0x2000, 0x2c9: 0x2000, 0x2ca: 0x2000, 0x2cb: 0x2000, + 0x2cc: 0x2000, 0x2cd: 0x2000, 0x2ce: 0x2000, 0x2cf: 0x2000, 0x2d0: 0x2000, 0x2d1: 0x2000, + 0x2d2: 0x2000, 0x2d3: 0x2000, 0x2d4: 0x2000, 0x2d5: 0x2000, 0x2d6: 0x2000, 0x2d7: 0x2000, + 0x2d8: 0x2000, 0x2d9: 0x2000, 0x2da: 0x2000, 0x2db: 0x2000, 0x2dc: 0x2000, 0x2dd: 0x2000, + 0x2de: 0x2000, 0x2df: 0x2000, 0x2e0: 0x2000, 0x2e1: 0x2000, 0x2e2: 0x2000, 0x2e3: 0x2000, + 0x2e4: 0x2000, 0x2e5: 0x2000, 0x2e6: 0x2000, 0x2e7: 0x2000, 0x2e8: 0x2000, 0x2e9: 0x2000, + 0x2ea: 0x2000, 0x2eb: 0x2000, 0x2ec: 0x2000, 0x2ed: 0x2000, 0x2ee: 0x2000, 0x2ef: 0x2000, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x311: 0x2000, + 0x312: 0x2000, 0x313: 0x2000, 0x314: 0x2000, 0x315: 0x2000, 0x316: 0x2000, 0x317: 0x2000, + 0x318: 0x2000, 0x319: 0x2000, 0x31a: 0x2000, 0x31b: 0x2000, 0x31c: 0x2000, 0x31d: 0x2000, + 0x31e: 0x2000, 0x31f: 0x2000, 0x320: 0x2000, 0x321: 0x2000, 0x323: 0x2000, + 0x324: 0x2000, 0x325: 0x2000, 0x326: 0x2000, 0x327: 0x2000, 0x328: 0x2000, 0x329: 0x2000, + 0x331: 0x2000, 0x332: 0x2000, 0x333: 0x2000, 0x334: 0x2000, 0x335: 0x2000, + 0x336: 0x2000, 0x337: 0x2000, 0x338: 0x2000, 0x339: 0x2000, 0x33a: 0x2000, 0x33b: 0x2000, + 0x33c: 0x2000, 0x33d: 0x2000, 0x33e: 0x2000, 0x33f: 0x2000, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x2000, 0x341: 0x2000, 0x343: 0x2000, 0x344: 0x2000, 0x345: 0x2000, + 0x346: 0x2000, 0x347: 0x2000, 0x348: 0x2000, 0x349: 0x2000, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x381: 0x2000, + 0x390: 0x2000, 0x391: 0x2000, + 0x392: 0x2000, 0x393: 0x2000, 0x394: 0x2000, 0x395: 0x2000, 0x396: 0x2000, 0x397: 0x2000, + 0x398: 0x2000, 0x399: 0x2000, 0x39a: 0x2000, 0x39b: 0x2000, 0x39c: 0x2000, 0x39d: 0x2000, + 0x39e: 0x2000, 0x39f: 0x2000, 0x3a0: 0x2000, 0x3a1: 0x2000, 0x3a2: 0x2000, 0x3a3: 0x2000, + 0x3a4: 0x2000, 0x3a5: 0x2000, 0x3a6: 0x2000, 0x3a7: 0x2000, 0x3a8: 0x2000, 0x3a9: 0x2000, + 0x3aa: 0x2000, 0x3ab: 0x2000, 0x3ac: 0x2000, 0x3ad: 0x2000, 0x3ae: 0x2000, 0x3af: 0x2000, + 0x3b0: 0x2000, 0x3b1: 0x2000, 0x3b2: 0x2000, 0x3b3: 0x2000, 0x3b4: 0x2000, 0x3b5: 0x2000, + 0x3b6: 0x2000, 0x3b7: 0x2000, 0x3b8: 0x2000, 0x3b9: 0x2000, 0x3ba: 0x2000, 0x3bb: 0x2000, + 0x3bc: 0x2000, 0x3bd: 0x2000, 0x3be: 0x2000, 0x3bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x2000, 0x3c1: 0x2000, 0x3c2: 0x2000, 0x3c3: 0x2000, 0x3c4: 0x2000, 0x3c5: 0x2000, + 0x3c6: 0x2000, 0x3c7: 0x2000, 0x3c8: 0x2000, 0x3c9: 0x2000, 0x3ca: 0x2000, 0x3cb: 0x2000, + 0x3cc: 0x2000, 0x3cd: 0x2000, 0x3ce: 0x2000, 0x3cf: 0x2000, 0x3d1: 0x2000, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x4000, 0x401: 0x4000, 0x402: 0x4000, 0x403: 0x4000, 0x404: 0x4000, 0x405: 0x4000, + 0x406: 0x4000, 0x407: 0x4000, 0x408: 0x4000, 0x409: 0x4000, 0x40a: 0x4000, 0x40b: 0x4000, + 0x40c: 0x4000, 0x40d: 0x4000, 0x40e: 0x4000, 0x40f: 0x4000, 0x410: 0x4000, 0x411: 0x4000, + 0x412: 0x4000, 0x413: 0x4000, 0x414: 0x4000, 0x415: 0x4000, 0x416: 0x4000, 0x417: 0x4000, + 0x418: 0x4000, 0x419: 0x4000, 0x41a: 0x4000, 0x41b: 0x4000, 0x41c: 0x4000, 0x41d: 0x4000, + 0x41e: 0x4000, 0x41f: 0x4000, 0x420: 0x4000, 0x421: 0x4000, 0x422: 0x4000, 0x423: 0x4000, + 0x424: 0x4000, 0x425: 0x4000, 0x426: 0x4000, 0x427: 0x4000, 0x428: 0x4000, 0x429: 0x4000, + 0x42a: 0x4000, 0x42b: 0x4000, 0x42c: 0x4000, 0x42d: 0x4000, 0x42e: 0x4000, 0x42f: 0x4000, + 0x430: 0x4000, 0x431: 0x4000, 0x432: 0x4000, 0x433: 0x4000, 0x434: 0x4000, 0x435: 0x4000, + 0x436: 0x4000, 0x437: 0x4000, 0x438: 0x4000, 0x439: 0x4000, 0x43a: 0x4000, 0x43b: 0x4000, + 0x43c: 0x4000, 0x43d: 0x4000, 0x43e: 0x4000, 0x43f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x4000, 0x441: 0x4000, 0x442: 0x4000, 0x443: 0x4000, 0x444: 0x4000, 0x445: 0x4000, + 0x446: 0x4000, 0x447: 0x4000, 0x448: 0x4000, 0x449: 0x4000, 0x44a: 0x4000, 0x44b: 0x4000, + 0x44c: 0x4000, 0x44d: 0x4000, 0x44e: 0x4000, 0x44f: 0x4000, 0x450: 0x4000, 0x451: 0x4000, + 0x452: 0x4000, 0x453: 0x4000, 0x454: 0x4000, 0x455: 0x4000, 0x456: 0x4000, 0x457: 0x4000, + 0x458: 0x4000, 0x459: 0x4000, 0x45a: 0x4000, 0x45b: 0x4000, 0x45c: 0x4000, 0x45d: 0x4000, + 0x45e: 0x4000, 0x45f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x490: 0x2000, + 0x493: 0x2000, 0x494: 0x2000, 0x495: 0x2000, 0x496: 0x2000, + 0x498: 0x2000, 0x499: 0x2000, 0x49c: 0x2000, 0x49d: 0x2000, + 0x4a0: 0x2000, 0x4a1: 0x2000, 0x4a2: 0x2000, + 0x4a4: 0x2000, 0x4a5: 0x2000, 0x4a6: 0x2000, 0x4a7: 0x2000, + 0x4b0: 0x2000, 0x4b2: 0x2000, 0x4b3: 0x2000, 0x4b5: 0x2000, + 0x4bb: 0x2000, + 0x4be: 0x2000, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4f4: 0x2000, + 0x4ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x501: 0x2000, 0x502: 0x2000, 0x503: 0x2000, 0x504: 0x2000, + 0x529: 0xa009, + 0x52c: 0x2000, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x543: 0x2000, 0x545: 0x2000, + 0x549: 0x2000, + 0x553: 0x2000, 0x556: 0x2000, + 0x561: 0x2000, 0x562: 0x2000, + 0x566: 0x2000, + 0x56b: 0x2000, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x593: 0x2000, 0x594: 0x2000, + 0x59b: 0x2000, 0x59c: 0x2000, 0x59d: 0x2000, + 0x59e: 0x2000, 0x5a0: 0x2000, 0x5a1: 0x2000, 0x5a2: 0x2000, 0x5a3: 0x2000, + 0x5a4: 0x2000, 0x5a5: 0x2000, 0x5a6: 0x2000, 0x5a7: 0x2000, 0x5a8: 0x2000, 0x5a9: 0x2000, + 0x5aa: 0x2000, 0x5ab: 0x2000, + 0x5b0: 0x2000, 0x5b1: 0x2000, 0x5b2: 0x2000, 0x5b3: 0x2000, 0x5b4: 0x2000, 0x5b5: 0x2000, + 0x5b6: 0x2000, 0x5b7: 0x2000, 0x5b8: 0x2000, 0x5b9: 0x2000, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c9: 0x2000, + 0x5d0: 0x200a, 0x5d1: 0x200b, + 0x5d2: 0x200a, 0x5d3: 0x200c, 0x5d4: 0x2000, 0x5d5: 0x2000, 0x5d6: 0x2000, 0x5d7: 0x2000, + 0x5d8: 0x2000, 0x5d9: 0x2000, + 0x5f8: 0x2000, 0x5f9: 0x2000, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x612: 0x2000, 0x614: 0x2000, + 0x627: 0x2000, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x2000, 0x642: 0x2000, 0x643: 0x2000, + 0x647: 0x2000, 0x648: 0x2000, 0x64b: 0x2000, + 0x64f: 0x2000, 0x651: 0x2000, + 0x655: 0x2000, + 0x65a: 0x2000, 0x65d: 0x2000, + 0x65e: 0x2000, 0x65f: 0x2000, 0x660: 0x2000, 0x663: 0x2000, + 0x665: 0x2000, 0x667: 0x2000, 0x668: 0x2000, 0x669: 0x2000, + 0x66a: 0x2000, 0x66b: 0x2000, 0x66c: 0x2000, 0x66e: 0x2000, + 0x674: 0x2000, 0x675: 0x2000, + 0x676: 0x2000, 0x677: 0x2000, + 0x67c: 0x2000, 0x67d: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x688: 0x2000, + 0x68c: 0x2000, + 0x692: 0x2000, + 0x6a0: 0x2000, 0x6a1: 0x2000, + 0x6a4: 0x2000, 0x6a5: 0x2000, 0x6a6: 0x2000, 0x6a7: 0x2000, + 0x6aa: 0x2000, 0x6ab: 0x2000, 0x6ae: 0x2000, 0x6af: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c2: 0x2000, 0x6c3: 0x2000, + 0x6c6: 0x2000, 0x6c7: 0x2000, + 0x6d5: 0x2000, + 0x6d9: 0x2000, + 0x6e5: 0x2000, + 0x6ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x712: 0x2000, + 0x71a: 0x4000, 0x71b: 0x4000, + 0x729: 0x4000, + 0x72a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x769: 0x4000, + 0x76a: 0x4000, 0x76b: 0x4000, 0x76c: 0x4000, + 0x770: 0x4000, 0x773: 0x4000, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x7a0: 0x2000, 0x7a1: 0x2000, 0x7a2: 0x2000, 0x7a3: 0x2000, + 0x7a4: 0x2000, 0x7a5: 0x2000, 0x7a6: 0x2000, 0x7a7: 0x2000, 0x7a8: 0x2000, 0x7a9: 0x2000, + 0x7aa: 0x2000, 0x7ab: 0x2000, 0x7ac: 0x2000, 0x7ad: 0x2000, 0x7ae: 0x2000, 0x7af: 0x2000, + 0x7b0: 0x2000, 0x7b1: 0x2000, 0x7b2: 0x2000, 0x7b3: 0x2000, 0x7b4: 0x2000, 0x7b5: 0x2000, + 0x7b6: 0x2000, 0x7b7: 0x2000, 0x7b8: 0x2000, 0x7b9: 0x2000, 0x7ba: 0x2000, 0x7bb: 0x2000, + 0x7bc: 0x2000, 0x7bd: 0x2000, 0x7be: 0x2000, 0x7bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c0: 0x2000, 0x7c1: 0x2000, 0x7c2: 0x2000, 0x7c3: 0x2000, 0x7c4: 0x2000, 0x7c5: 0x2000, + 0x7c6: 0x2000, 0x7c7: 0x2000, 0x7c8: 0x2000, 0x7c9: 0x2000, 0x7ca: 0x2000, 0x7cb: 0x2000, + 0x7cc: 0x2000, 0x7cd: 0x2000, 0x7ce: 0x2000, 0x7cf: 0x2000, 0x7d0: 0x2000, 0x7d1: 0x2000, + 0x7d2: 0x2000, 0x7d3: 0x2000, 0x7d4: 0x2000, 0x7d5: 0x2000, 0x7d6: 0x2000, 0x7d7: 0x2000, + 0x7d8: 0x2000, 0x7d9: 0x2000, 0x7da: 0x2000, 0x7db: 0x2000, 0x7dc: 0x2000, 0x7dd: 0x2000, + 0x7de: 0x2000, 0x7df: 0x2000, 0x7e0: 0x2000, 0x7e1: 0x2000, 0x7e2: 0x2000, 0x7e3: 0x2000, + 0x7e4: 0x2000, 0x7e5: 0x2000, 0x7e6: 0x2000, 0x7e7: 0x2000, 0x7e8: 0x2000, 0x7e9: 0x2000, + 0x7eb: 0x2000, 0x7ec: 0x2000, 0x7ed: 0x2000, 0x7ee: 0x2000, 0x7ef: 0x2000, + 0x7f0: 0x2000, 0x7f1: 0x2000, 0x7f2: 0x2000, 0x7f3: 0x2000, 0x7f4: 0x2000, 0x7f5: 0x2000, + 0x7f6: 0x2000, 0x7f7: 0x2000, 0x7f8: 0x2000, 0x7f9: 0x2000, 0x7fa: 0x2000, 0x7fb: 0x2000, + 0x7fc: 0x2000, 0x7fd: 0x2000, 0x7fe: 0x2000, 0x7ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x2000, 0x801: 0x2000, 0x802: 0x200d, 0x803: 0x2000, 0x804: 0x2000, 0x805: 0x2000, + 0x806: 0x2000, 0x807: 0x2000, 0x808: 0x2000, 0x809: 0x2000, 0x80a: 0x2000, 0x80b: 0x2000, + 0x80c: 0x2000, 0x80d: 0x2000, 0x80e: 0x2000, 0x80f: 0x2000, 0x810: 0x2000, 0x811: 0x2000, + 0x812: 0x2000, 0x813: 0x2000, 0x814: 0x2000, 0x815: 0x2000, 0x816: 0x2000, 0x817: 0x2000, + 0x818: 0x2000, 0x819: 0x2000, 0x81a: 0x2000, 0x81b: 0x2000, 0x81c: 0x2000, 0x81d: 0x2000, + 0x81e: 0x2000, 0x81f: 0x2000, 0x820: 0x2000, 0x821: 0x2000, 0x822: 0x2000, 0x823: 0x2000, + 0x824: 0x2000, 0x825: 0x2000, 0x826: 0x2000, 0x827: 0x2000, 0x828: 0x2000, 0x829: 0x2000, + 0x82a: 0x2000, 0x82b: 0x2000, 0x82c: 0x2000, 0x82d: 0x2000, 0x82e: 0x2000, 0x82f: 0x2000, + 0x830: 0x2000, 0x831: 0x2000, 0x832: 0x2000, 0x833: 0x2000, 0x834: 0x2000, 0x835: 0x2000, + 0x836: 0x2000, 0x837: 0x2000, 0x838: 0x2000, 0x839: 0x2000, 0x83a: 0x2000, 0x83b: 0x2000, + 0x83c: 0x2000, 0x83d: 0x2000, 0x83e: 0x2000, 0x83f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x2000, 0x841: 0x2000, 0x842: 0x2000, 0x843: 0x2000, 0x844: 0x2000, 0x845: 0x2000, + 0x846: 0x2000, 0x847: 0x2000, 0x848: 0x2000, 0x849: 0x2000, 0x84a: 0x2000, 0x84b: 0x2000, + 0x850: 0x2000, 0x851: 0x2000, + 0x852: 0x2000, 0x853: 0x2000, 0x854: 0x2000, 0x855: 0x2000, 0x856: 0x2000, 0x857: 0x2000, + 0x858: 0x2000, 0x859: 0x2000, 0x85a: 0x2000, 0x85b: 0x2000, 0x85c: 0x2000, 0x85d: 0x2000, + 0x85e: 0x2000, 0x85f: 0x2000, 0x860: 0x2000, 0x861: 0x2000, 0x862: 0x2000, 0x863: 0x2000, + 0x864: 0x2000, 0x865: 0x2000, 0x866: 0x2000, 0x867: 0x2000, 0x868: 0x2000, 0x869: 0x2000, + 0x86a: 0x2000, 0x86b: 0x2000, 0x86c: 0x2000, 0x86d: 0x2000, 0x86e: 0x2000, 0x86f: 0x2000, + 0x870: 0x2000, 0x871: 0x2000, 0x872: 0x2000, 0x873: 0x2000, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x2000, 0x881: 0x2000, 0x882: 0x2000, 0x883: 0x2000, 0x884: 0x2000, 0x885: 0x2000, + 0x886: 0x2000, 0x887: 0x2000, 0x888: 0x2000, 0x889: 0x2000, 0x88a: 0x2000, 0x88b: 0x2000, + 0x88c: 0x2000, 0x88d: 0x2000, 0x88e: 0x2000, 0x88f: 0x2000, + 0x892: 0x2000, 0x893: 0x2000, 0x894: 0x2000, 0x895: 0x2000, + 0x8a0: 0x200e, 0x8a1: 0x2000, 0x8a3: 0x2000, + 0x8a4: 0x2000, 0x8a5: 0x2000, 0x8a6: 0x2000, 0x8a7: 0x2000, 0x8a8: 0x2000, 0x8a9: 0x2000, + 0x8b2: 0x2000, 0x8b3: 0x2000, + 0x8b6: 0x2000, 0x8b7: 0x2000, + 0x8bc: 0x2000, 0x8bd: 0x2000, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x2000, 0x8c1: 0x2000, + 0x8c6: 0x2000, 0x8c7: 0x2000, 0x8c8: 0x2000, 0x8cb: 0x200f, + 0x8ce: 0x2000, 0x8cf: 0x2000, 0x8d0: 0x2000, 0x8d1: 0x2000, + 0x8e2: 0x2000, 0x8e3: 0x2000, + 0x8e4: 0x2000, 0x8e5: 0x2000, + 0x8ef: 0x2000, + 0x8fd: 0x4000, 0x8fe: 0x4000, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x905: 0x2000, + 0x906: 0x2000, 0x909: 0x2000, + 0x90e: 0x2000, 0x90f: 0x2000, + 0x914: 0x4000, 0x915: 0x4000, + 0x91c: 0x2000, + 0x91e: 0x2000, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x2000, 0x942: 0x2000, + 0x948: 0x4000, 0x949: 0x4000, 0x94a: 0x4000, 0x94b: 0x4000, + 0x94c: 0x4000, 0x94d: 0x4000, 0x94e: 0x4000, 0x94f: 0x4000, 0x950: 0x4000, 0x951: 0x4000, + 0x952: 0x4000, 0x953: 0x4000, + 0x960: 0x2000, 0x961: 0x2000, 0x963: 0x2000, + 0x964: 0x2000, 0x965: 0x2000, 0x967: 0x2000, 0x968: 0x2000, 0x969: 0x2000, + 0x96a: 0x2000, 0x96c: 0x2000, 0x96d: 0x2000, 0x96f: 0x2000, + 0x97f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x993: 0x4000, + 0x99e: 0x2000, 0x99f: 0x2000, 0x9a1: 0x4000, + 0x9aa: 0x4000, 0x9ab: 0x4000, + 0x9bd: 0x4000, 0x9be: 0x4000, 0x9bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c4: 0x4000, 0x9c5: 0x4000, + 0x9c6: 0x2000, 0x9c7: 0x2000, 0x9c8: 0x2000, 0x9c9: 0x2000, 0x9ca: 0x2000, 0x9cb: 0x2000, + 0x9cc: 0x2000, 0x9cd: 0x2000, 0x9ce: 0x4000, 0x9cf: 0x2000, 0x9d0: 0x2000, 0x9d1: 0x2000, + 0x9d2: 0x2000, 0x9d3: 0x2000, 0x9d4: 0x4000, 0x9d5: 0x2000, 0x9d6: 0x2000, 0x9d7: 0x2000, + 0x9d8: 0x2000, 0x9d9: 0x2000, 0x9da: 0x2000, 0x9db: 0x2000, 0x9dc: 0x2000, 0x9dd: 0x2000, + 0x9de: 0x2000, 0x9df: 0x2000, 0x9e0: 0x2000, 0x9e1: 0x2000, 0x9e3: 0x2000, + 0x9e8: 0x2000, 0x9e9: 0x2000, + 0x9ea: 0x4000, 0x9eb: 0x2000, 0x9ec: 0x2000, 0x9ed: 0x2000, 0x9ee: 0x2000, 0x9ef: 0x2000, + 0x9f0: 0x2000, 0x9f1: 0x2000, 0x9f2: 0x4000, 0x9f3: 0x4000, 0x9f4: 0x2000, 0x9f5: 0x4000, + 0x9f6: 0x2000, 0x9f7: 0x2000, 0x9f8: 0x2000, 0x9f9: 0x2000, 0x9fa: 0x4000, 0x9fb: 0x2000, + 0x9fc: 0x2000, 0x9fd: 0x4000, 0x9fe: 0x2000, 0x9ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa05: 0x4000, + 0xa0a: 0x4000, 0xa0b: 0x4000, + 0xa28: 0x4000, + 0xa3d: 0x2000, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa4c: 0x4000, 0xa4e: 0x4000, + 0xa53: 0x4000, 0xa54: 0x4000, 0xa55: 0x4000, 0xa57: 0x4000, + 0xa76: 0x2000, 0xa77: 0x2000, 0xa78: 0x2000, 0xa79: 0x2000, 0xa7a: 0x2000, 0xa7b: 0x2000, + 0xa7c: 0x2000, 0xa7d: 0x2000, 0xa7e: 0x2000, 0xa7f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa95: 0x4000, 0xa96: 0x4000, 0xa97: 0x4000, + 0xab0: 0x4000, + 0xabf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xae6: 0x6000, 0xae7: 0x6000, 0xae8: 0x6000, 0xae9: 0x6000, + 0xaea: 0x6000, 0xaeb: 0x6000, 0xaec: 0x6000, 0xaed: 0x6000, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb05: 0x6010, + 0xb06: 0x6011, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb5b: 0x4000, 0xb5c: 0x4000, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb90: 0x4000, + 0xb95: 0x4000, 0xb96: 0x2000, 0xb97: 0x2000, + 0xb98: 0x2000, 0xb99: 0x2000, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x4000, 0xbc1: 0x4000, 0xbc2: 0x4000, 0xbc3: 0x4000, 0xbc4: 0x4000, 0xbc5: 0x4000, + 0xbc6: 0x4000, 0xbc7: 0x4000, 0xbc8: 0x4000, 0xbc9: 0x4000, 0xbca: 0x4000, 0xbcb: 0x4000, + 0xbcc: 0x4000, 0xbcd: 0x4000, 0xbce: 0x4000, 0xbcf: 0x4000, 0xbd0: 0x4000, 0xbd1: 0x4000, + 0xbd2: 0x4000, 0xbd3: 0x4000, 0xbd4: 0x4000, 0xbd5: 0x4000, 0xbd6: 0x4000, 0xbd7: 0x4000, + 0xbd8: 0x4000, 0xbd9: 0x4000, 0xbdb: 0x4000, 0xbdc: 0x4000, 0xbdd: 0x4000, + 0xbde: 0x4000, 0xbdf: 0x4000, 0xbe0: 0x4000, 0xbe1: 0x4000, 0xbe2: 0x4000, 0xbe3: 0x4000, + 0xbe4: 0x4000, 0xbe5: 0x4000, 0xbe6: 0x4000, 0xbe7: 0x4000, 0xbe8: 0x4000, 0xbe9: 0x4000, + 0xbea: 0x4000, 0xbeb: 0x4000, 0xbec: 0x4000, 0xbed: 0x4000, 0xbee: 0x4000, 0xbef: 0x4000, + 0xbf0: 0x4000, 0xbf1: 0x4000, 0xbf2: 0x4000, 0xbf3: 0x4000, 0xbf4: 0x4000, 0xbf5: 0x4000, + 0xbf6: 0x4000, 0xbf7: 0x4000, 0xbf8: 0x4000, 0xbf9: 0x4000, 0xbfa: 0x4000, 0xbfb: 0x4000, + 0xbfc: 0x4000, 0xbfd: 0x4000, 0xbfe: 0x4000, 0xbff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc00: 0x4000, 0xc01: 0x4000, 0xc02: 0x4000, 0xc03: 0x4000, 0xc04: 0x4000, 0xc05: 0x4000, + 0xc06: 0x4000, 0xc07: 0x4000, 0xc08: 0x4000, 0xc09: 0x4000, 0xc0a: 0x4000, 0xc0b: 0x4000, + 0xc0c: 0x4000, 0xc0d: 0x4000, 0xc0e: 0x4000, 0xc0f: 0x4000, 0xc10: 0x4000, 0xc11: 0x4000, + 0xc12: 0x4000, 0xc13: 0x4000, 0xc14: 0x4000, 0xc15: 0x4000, 0xc16: 0x4000, 0xc17: 0x4000, + 0xc18: 0x4000, 0xc19: 0x4000, 0xc1a: 0x4000, 0xc1b: 0x4000, 0xc1c: 0x4000, 0xc1d: 0x4000, + 0xc1e: 0x4000, 0xc1f: 0x4000, 0xc20: 0x4000, 0xc21: 0x4000, 0xc22: 0x4000, 0xc23: 0x4000, + 0xc24: 0x4000, 0xc25: 0x4000, 0xc26: 0x4000, 0xc27: 0x4000, 0xc28: 0x4000, 0xc29: 0x4000, + 0xc2a: 0x4000, 0xc2b: 0x4000, 0xc2c: 0x4000, 0xc2d: 0x4000, 0xc2e: 0x4000, 0xc2f: 0x4000, + 0xc30: 0x4000, 0xc31: 0x4000, 0xc32: 0x4000, 0xc33: 0x4000, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x4000, 0xc41: 0x4000, 0xc42: 0x4000, 0xc43: 0x4000, 0xc44: 0x4000, 0xc45: 0x4000, + 0xc46: 0x4000, 0xc47: 0x4000, 0xc48: 0x4000, 0xc49: 0x4000, 0xc4a: 0x4000, 0xc4b: 0x4000, + 0xc4c: 0x4000, 0xc4d: 0x4000, 0xc4e: 0x4000, 0xc4f: 0x4000, 0xc50: 0x4000, 0xc51: 0x4000, + 0xc52: 0x4000, 0xc53: 0x4000, 0xc54: 0x4000, 0xc55: 0x4000, + 0xc70: 0x4000, 0xc71: 0x4000, 0xc72: 0x4000, 0xc73: 0x4000, 0xc74: 0x4000, 0xc75: 0x4000, + 0xc76: 0x4000, 0xc77: 0x4000, 0xc78: 0x4000, 0xc79: 0x4000, 0xc7a: 0x4000, 0xc7b: 0x4000, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc80: 0x9012, 0xc81: 0x4013, 0xc82: 0x4014, 0xc83: 0x4000, 0xc84: 0x4000, 0xc85: 0x4000, + 0xc86: 0x4000, 0xc87: 0x4000, 0xc88: 0x4000, 0xc89: 0x4000, 0xc8a: 0x4000, 0xc8b: 0x4000, + 0xc8c: 0x4015, 0xc8d: 0x4015, 0xc8e: 0x4000, 0xc8f: 0x4000, 0xc90: 0x4000, 0xc91: 0x4000, + 0xc92: 0x4000, 0xc93: 0x4000, 0xc94: 0x4000, 0xc95: 0x4000, 0xc96: 0x4000, 0xc97: 0x4000, + 0xc98: 0x4000, 0xc99: 0x4000, 0xc9a: 0x4000, 0xc9b: 0x4000, 0xc9c: 0x4000, 0xc9d: 0x4000, + 0xc9e: 0x4000, 0xc9f: 0x4000, 0xca0: 0x4000, 0xca1: 0x4000, 0xca2: 0x4000, 0xca3: 0x4000, + 0xca4: 0x4000, 0xca5: 0x4000, 0xca6: 0x4000, 0xca7: 0x4000, 0xca8: 0x4000, 0xca9: 0x4000, + 0xcaa: 0x4000, 0xcab: 0x4000, 0xcac: 0x4000, 0xcad: 0x4000, 0xcae: 0x4000, 0xcaf: 0x4000, + 0xcb0: 0x4000, 0xcb1: 0x4000, 0xcb2: 0x4000, 0xcb3: 0x4000, 0xcb4: 0x4000, 0xcb5: 0x4000, + 0xcb6: 0x4000, 0xcb7: 0x4000, 0xcb8: 0x4000, 0xcb9: 0x4000, 0xcba: 0x4000, 0xcbb: 0x4000, + 0xcbc: 0x4000, 0xcbd: 0x4000, 0xcbe: 0x4000, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc1: 0x4000, 0xcc2: 0x4000, 0xcc3: 0x4000, 0xcc4: 0x4000, 0xcc5: 0x4000, + 0xcc6: 0x4000, 0xcc7: 0x4000, 0xcc8: 0x4000, 0xcc9: 0x4000, 0xcca: 0x4000, 0xccb: 0x4000, + 0xccc: 0x4000, 0xccd: 0x4000, 0xcce: 0x4000, 0xccf: 0x4000, 0xcd0: 0x4000, 0xcd1: 0x4000, + 0xcd2: 0x4000, 0xcd3: 0x4000, 0xcd4: 0x4000, 0xcd5: 0x4000, 0xcd6: 0x4000, 0xcd7: 0x4000, + 0xcd8: 0x4000, 0xcd9: 0x4000, 0xcda: 0x4000, 0xcdb: 0x4000, 0xcdc: 0x4000, 0xcdd: 0x4000, + 0xcde: 0x4000, 0xcdf: 0x4000, 0xce0: 0x4000, 0xce1: 0x4000, 0xce2: 0x4000, 0xce3: 0x4000, + 0xce4: 0x4000, 0xce5: 0x4000, 0xce6: 0x4000, 0xce7: 0x4000, 0xce8: 0x4000, 0xce9: 0x4000, + 0xcea: 0x4000, 0xceb: 0x4000, 0xcec: 0x4000, 0xced: 0x4000, 0xcee: 0x4000, 0xcef: 0x4000, + 0xcf0: 0x4000, 0xcf1: 0x4000, 0xcf2: 0x4000, 0xcf3: 0x4000, 0xcf4: 0x4000, 0xcf5: 0x4000, + 0xcf6: 0x4000, 0xcf7: 0x4000, 0xcf8: 0x4000, 0xcf9: 0x4000, 0xcfa: 0x4000, 0xcfb: 0x4000, + 0xcfc: 0x4000, 0xcfd: 0x4000, 0xcfe: 0x4000, 0xcff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd00: 0x4000, 0xd01: 0x4000, 0xd02: 0x4000, 0xd03: 0x4000, 0xd04: 0x4000, 0xd05: 0x4000, + 0xd06: 0x4000, 0xd07: 0x4000, 0xd08: 0x4000, 0xd09: 0x4000, 0xd0a: 0x4000, 0xd0b: 0x4000, + 0xd0c: 0x4000, 0xd0d: 0x4000, 0xd0e: 0x4000, 0xd0f: 0x4000, 0xd10: 0x4000, 0xd11: 0x4000, + 0xd12: 0x4000, 0xd13: 0x4000, 0xd14: 0x4000, 0xd15: 0x4000, 0xd16: 0x4000, + 0xd19: 0x4016, 0xd1a: 0x4017, 0xd1b: 0x4000, 0xd1c: 0x4000, 0xd1d: 0x4000, + 0xd1e: 0x4000, 0xd1f: 0x4000, 0xd20: 0x4000, 0xd21: 0x4018, 0xd22: 0x4019, 0xd23: 0x401a, + 0xd24: 0x401b, 0xd25: 0x401c, 0xd26: 0x401d, 0xd27: 0x401e, 0xd28: 0x401f, 0xd29: 0x4020, + 0xd2a: 0x4021, 0xd2b: 0x4022, 0xd2c: 0x4000, 0xd2d: 0x4010, 0xd2e: 0x4000, 0xd2f: 0x4023, + 0xd30: 0x4000, 0xd31: 0x4024, 0xd32: 0x4000, 0xd33: 0x4025, 0xd34: 0x4000, 0xd35: 0x4026, + 0xd36: 0x4000, 0xd37: 0x401a, 0xd38: 0x4000, 0xd39: 0x4027, 0xd3a: 0x4000, 0xd3b: 0x4028, + 0xd3c: 0x4000, 0xd3d: 0x4020, 0xd3e: 0x4000, 0xd3f: 0x4029, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x4000, 0xd41: 0x402a, 0xd42: 0x4000, 0xd43: 0x402b, 0xd44: 0x402c, 0xd45: 0x4000, + 0xd46: 0x4017, 0xd47: 0x4000, 0xd48: 0x402d, 0xd49: 0x4000, 0xd4a: 0x402e, 0xd4b: 0x402f, + 0xd4c: 0x4030, 0xd4d: 0x4017, 0xd4e: 0x4016, 0xd4f: 0x4017, 0xd50: 0x4000, 0xd51: 0x4000, + 0xd52: 0x4031, 0xd53: 0x4000, 0xd54: 0x4000, 0xd55: 0x4031, 0xd56: 0x4000, 0xd57: 0x4000, + 0xd58: 0x4032, 0xd59: 0x4000, 0xd5a: 0x4000, 0xd5b: 0x4032, 0xd5c: 0x4000, 0xd5d: 0x4000, + 0xd5e: 0x4033, 0xd5f: 0x402e, 0xd60: 0x4034, 0xd61: 0x4035, 0xd62: 0x4034, 0xd63: 0x4036, + 0xd64: 0x4037, 0xd65: 0x4024, 0xd66: 0x4035, 0xd67: 0x4025, 0xd68: 0x4038, 0xd69: 0x4038, + 0xd6a: 0x4039, 0xd6b: 0x4039, 0xd6c: 0x403a, 0xd6d: 0x403a, 0xd6e: 0x4000, 0xd6f: 0x4035, + 0xd70: 0x4000, 0xd71: 0x4000, 0xd72: 0x403b, 0xd73: 0x403c, 0xd74: 0x4000, 0xd75: 0x4000, + 0xd76: 0x4000, 0xd77: 0x4000, 0xd78: 0x4000, 0xd79: 0x4000, 0xd7a: 0x4000, 0xd7b: 0x403d, + 0xd7c: 0x401c, 0xd7d: 0x4000, 0xd7e: 0x4000, 0xd7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd85: 0x4000, + 0xd86: 0x4000, 0xd87: 0x4000, 0xd88: 0x4000, 0xd89: 0x4000, 0xd8a: 0x4000, 0xd8b: 0x4000, + 0xd8c: 0x4000, 0xd8d: 0x4000, 0xd8e: 0x4000, 0xd8f: 0x4000, 0xd90: 0x4000, 0xd91: 0x4000, + 0xd92: 0x4000, 0xd93: 0x4000, 0xd94: 0x4000, 0xd95: 0x4000, 0xd96: 0x4000, 0xd97: 0x4000, + 0xd98: 0x4000, 0xd99: 0x4000, 0xd9a: 0x4000, 0xd9b: 0x4000, 0xd9c: 0x4000, 0xd9d: 0x4000, + 0xd9e: 0x4000, 0xd9f: 0x4000, 0xda0: 0x4000, 0xda1: 0x4000, 0xda2: 0x4000, 0xda3: 0x4000, + 0xda4: 0x4000, 0xda5: 0x4000, 0xda6: 0x4000, 0xda7: 0x4000, 0xda8: 0x4000, 0xda9: 0x4000, + 0xdaa: 0x4000, 0xdab: 0x4000, 0xdac: 0x4000, 0xdad: 0x4000, 0xdae: 0x4000, 0xdaf: 0x4000, + 0xdb1: 0x403e, 0xdb2: 0x403e, 0xdb3: 0x403e, 0xdb4: 0x403e, 0xdb5: 0x403e, + 0xdb6: 0x403e, 0xdb7: 0x403e, 0xdb8: 0x403e, 0xdb9: 0x403e, 0xdba: 0x403e, 0xdbb: 0x403e, + 0xdbc: 0x403e, 0xdbd: 0x403e, 0xdbe: 0x403e, 0xdbf: 0x403e, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0x4037, 0xdc1: 0x4037, 0xdc2: 0x4037, 0xdc3: 0x4037, 0xdc4: 0x4037, 0xdc5: 0x4037, + 0xdc6: 0x4037, 0xdc7: 0x4037, 0xdc8: 0x4037, 0xdc9: 0x4037, 0xdca: 0x4037, 0xdcb: 0x4037, + 0xdcc: 0x4037, 0xdcd: 0x4037, 0xdce: 0x4037, 0xdcf: 0x400e, 0xdd0: 0x403f, 0xdd1: 0x4040, + 0xdd2: 0x4041, 0xdd3: 0x4040, 0xdd4: 0x403f, 0xdd5: 0x4042, 0xdd6: 0x4043, 0xdd7: 0x4044, + 0xdd8: 0x4040, 0xdd9: 0x4041, 0xdda: 0x4040, 0xddb: 0x4045, 0xddc: 0x4009, 0xddd: 0x4045, + 0xdde: 0x4046, 0xddf: 0x4045, 0xde0: 0x4047, 0xde1: 0x400b, 0xde2: 0x400a, 0xde3: 0x400c, + 0xde4: 0x4048, 0xde5: 0x4000, 0xde6: 0x4000, 0xde7: 0x4000, 0xde8: 0x4000, 0xde9: 0x4000, + 0xdea: 0x4000, 0xdeb: 0x4000, 0xdec: 0x4000, 0xded: 0x4000, 0xdee: 0x4000, 0xdef: 0x4000, + 0xdf0: 0x4000, 0xdf1: 0x4000, 0xdf2: 0x4000, 0xdf3: 0x4000, 0xdf4: 0x4000, 0xdf5: 0x4000, + 0xdf6: 0x4000, 0xdf7: 0x4000, 0xdf8: 0x4000, 0xdf9: 0x4000, 0xdfa: 0x4000, 0xdfb: 0x4000, + 0xdfc: 0x4000, 0xdfd: 0x4000, 0xdfe: 0x4000, 0xdff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x4000, 0xe01: 0x4000, 0xe02: 0x4000, 0xe03: 0x4000, 0xe04: 0x4000, 0xe05: 0x4000, + 0xe06: 0x4000, 0xe07: 0x4000, 0xe08: 0x4000, 0xe09: 0x4000, 0xe0a: 0x4000, 0xe0b: 0x4000, + 0xe0c: 0x4000, 0xe0d: 0x4000, 0xe0e: 0x4000, 0xe10: 0x4000, 0xe11: 0x4000, + 0xe12: 0x4000, 0xe13: 0x4000, 0xe14: 0x4000, 0xe15: 0x4000, 0xe16: 0x4000, 0xe17: 0x4000, + 0xe18: 0x4000, 0xe19: 0x4000, 0xe1a: 0x4000, 0xe1b: 0x4000, 0xe1c: 0x4000, 0xe1d: 0x4000, + 0xe1e: 0x4000, 0xe1f: 0x4000, 0xe20: 0x4000, 0xe21: 0x4000, 0xe22: 0x4000, 0xe23: 0x4000, + 0xe24: 0x4000, 0xe25: 0x4000, 0xe26: 0x4000, 0xe27: 0x4000, 0xe28: 0x4000, 0xe29: 0x4000, + 0xe2a: 0x4000, 0xe2b: 0x4000, 0xe2c: 0x4000, 0xe2d: 0x4000, 0xe2e: 0x4000, 0xe2f: 0x4000, + 0xe30: 0x4000, 0xe31: 0x4000, 0xe32: 0x4000, 0xe33: 0x4000, 0xe34: 0x4000, 0xe35: 0x4000, + 0xe36: 0x4000, 0xe37: 0x4000, 0xe38: 0x4000, 0xe39: 0x4000, 0xe3a: 0x4000, 0xe3b: 0x4000, + 0xe3c: 0x4000, 0xe3d: 0x4000, 0xe3e: 0x4000, 0xe3f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x4000, 0xe41: 0x4000, 0xe42: 0x4000, 0xe43: 0x4000, 0xe44: 0x4000, 0xe45: 0x4000, + 0xe46: 0x4000, 0xe47: 0x4000, 0xe48: 0x4000, 0xe49: 0x4000, 0xe4a: 0x4000, 0xe4b: 0x4000, + 0xe4c: 0x4000, 0xe4d: 0x4000, 0xe4e: 0x4000, 0xe4f: 0x4000, 0xe50: 0x4000, 0xe51: 0x4000, + 0xe52: 0x4000, 0xe53: 0x4000, 0xe54: 0x4000, 0xe55: 0x4000, 0xe56: 0x4000, 0xe57: 0x4000, + 0xe58: 0x4000, 0xe59: 0x4000, 0xe5a: 0x4000, 0xe5b: 0x4000, 0xe5c: 0x4000, 0xe5d: 0x4000, + 0xe5e: 0x4000, 0xe5f: 0x4000, 0xe60: 0x4000, 0xe61: 0x4000, 0xe62: 0x4000, 0xe63: 0x4000, + 0xe70: 0x4000, 0xe71: 0x4000, 0xe72: 0x4000, 0xe73: 0x4000, 0xe74: 0x4000, 0xe75: 0x4000, + 0xe76: 0x4000, 0xe77: 0x4000, 0xe78: 0x4000, 0xe79: 0x4000, 0xe7a: 0x4000, 0xe7b: 0x4000, + 0xe7c: 0x4000, 0xe7d: 0x4000, 0xe7e: 0x4000, 0xe7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x4000, 0xe81: 0x4000, 0xe82: 0x4000, 0xe83: 0x4000, 0xe84: 0x4000, 0xe85: 0x4000, + 0xe86: 0x4000, 0xe87: 0x4000, 0xe88: 0x4000, 0xe89: 0x4000, 0xe8a: 0x4000, 0xe8b: 0x4000, + 0xe8c: 0x4000, 0xe8d: 0x4000, 0xe8e: 0x4000, 0xe8f: 0x4000, 0xe90: 0x4000, 0xe91: 0x4000, + 0xe92: 0x4000, 0xe93: 0x4000, 0xe94: 0x4000, 0xe95: 0x4000, 0xe96: 0x4000, 0xe97: 0x4000, + 0xe98: 0x4000, 0xe99: 0x4000, 0xe9a: 0x4000, 0xe9b: 0x4000, 0xe9c: 0x4000, 0xe9d: 0x4000, + 0xe9e: 0x4000, 0xea0: 0x4000, 0xea1: 0x4000, 0xea2: 0x4000, 0xea3: 0x4000, + 0xea4: 0x4000, 0xea5: 0x4000, 0xea6: 0x4000, 0xea7: 0x4000, 0xea8: 0x4000, 0xea9: 0x4000, + 0xeaa: 0x4000, 0xeab: 0x4000, 0xeac: 0x4000, 0xead: 0x4000, 0xeae: 0x4000, 0xeaf: 0x4000, + 0xeb0: 0x4000, 0xeb1: 0x4000, 0xeb2: 0x4000, 0xeb3: 0x4000, 0xeb4: 0x4000, 0xeb5: 0x4000, + 0xeb6: 0x4000, 0xeb7: 0x4000, 0xeb8: 0x4000, 0xeb9: 0x4000, 0xeba: 0x4000, 0xebb: 0x4000, + 0xebc: 0x4000, 0xebd: 0x4000, 0xebe: 0x4000, 0xebf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x4000, 0xec1: 0x4000, 0xec2: 0x4000, 0xec3: 0x4000, 0xec4: 0x4000, 0xec5: 0x4000, + 0xec6: 0x4000, 0xec7: 0x4000, 0xec8: 0x2000, 0xec9: 0x2000, 0xeca: 0x2000, 0xecb: 0x2000, + 0xecc: 0x2000, 0xecd: 0x2000, 0xece: 0x2000, 0xecf: 0x2000, 0xed0: 0x4000, 0xed1: 0x4000, + 0xed2: 0x4000, 0xed3: 0x4000, 0xed4: 0x4000, 0xed5: 0x4000, 0xed6: 0x4000, 0xed7: 0x4000, + 0xed8: 0x4000, 0xed9: 0x4000, 0xeda: 0x4000, 0xedb: 0x4000, 0xedc: 0x4000, 0xedd: 0x4000, + 0xede: 0x4000, 0xedf: 0x4000, 0xee0: 0x4000, 0xee1: 0x4000, 0xee2: 0x4000, 0xee3: 0x4000, + 0xee4: 0x4000, 0xee5: 0x4000, 0xee6: 0x4000, 0xee7: 0x4000, 0xee8: 0x4000, 0xee9: 0x4000, + 0xeea: 0x4000, 0xeeb: 0x4000, 0xeec: 0x4000, 0xeed: 0x4000, 0xeee: 0x4000, 0xeef: 0x4000, + 0xef0: 0x4000, 0xef1: 0x4000, 0xef2: 0x4000, 0xef3: 0x4000, 0xef4: 0x4000, 0xef5: 0x4000, + 0xef6: 0x4000, 0xef7: 0x4000, 0xef8: 0x4000, 0xef9: 0x4000, 0xefa: 0x4000, 0xefb: 0x4000, + 0xefc: 0x4000, 0xefd: 0x4000, 0xefe: 0x4000, 0xeff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x4000, 0xf01: 0x4000, 0xf02: 0x4000, 0xf03: 0x4000, 0xf04: 0x4000, 0xf05: 0x4000, + 0xf06: 0x4000, 0xf07: 0x4000, 0xf08: 0x4000, 0xf09: 0x4000, 0xf0a: 0x4000, 0xf0b: 0x4000, + 0xf0c: 0x4000, 0xf10: 0x4000, 0xf11: 0x4000, + 0xf12: 0x4000, 0xf13: 0x4000, 0xf14: 0x4000, 0xf15: 0x4000, 0xf16: 0x4000, 0xf17: 0x4000, + 0xf18: 0x4000, 0xf19: 0x4000, 0xf1a: 0x4000, 0xf1b: 0x4000, 0xf1c: 0x4000, 0xf1d: 0x4000, + 0xf1e: 0x4000, 0xf1f: 0x4000, 0xf20: 0x4000, 0xf21: 0x4000, 0xf22: 0x4000, 0xf23: 0x4000, + 0xf24: 0x4000, 0xf25: 0x4000, 0xf26: 0x4000, 0xf27: 0x4000, 0xf28: 0x4000, 0xf29: 0x4000, + 0xf2a: 0x4000, 0xf2b: 0x4000, 0xf2c: 0x4000, 0xf2d: 0x4000, 0xf2e: 0x4000, 0xf2f: 0x4000, + 0xf30: 0x4000, 0xf31: 0x4000, 0xf32: 0x4000, 0xf33: 0x4000, 0xf34: 0x4000, 0xf35: 0x4000, + 0xf36: 0x4000, 0xf37: 0x4000, 0xf38: 0x4000, 0xf39: 0x4000, 0xf3a: 0x4000, 0xf3b: 0x4000, + 0xf3c: 0x4000, 0xf3d: 0x4000, 0xf3e: 0x4000, 0xf3f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x4000, 0xf41: 0x4000, 0xf42: 0x4000, 0xf43: 0x4000, 0xf44: 0x4000, 0xf45: 0x4000, + 0xf46: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xfa0: 0x4000, 0xfa1: 0x4000, 0xfa2: 0x4000, 0xfa3: 0x4000, + 0xfa4: 0x4000, 0xfa5: 0x4000, 0xfa6: 0x4000, 0xfa7: 0x4000, 0xfa8: 0x4000, 0xfa9: 0x4000, + 0xfaa: 0x4000, 0xfab: 0x4000, 0xfac: 0x4000, 0xfad: 0x4000, 0xfae: 0x4000, 0xfaf: 0x4000, + 0xfb0: 0x4000, 0xfb1: 0x4000, 0xfb2: 0x4000, 0xfb3: 0x4000, 0xfb4: 0x4000, 0xfb5: 0x4000, + 0xfb6: 0x4000, 0xfb7: 0x4000, 0xfb8: 0x4000, 0xfb9: 0x4000, 0xfba: 0x4000, 0xfbb: 0x4000, + 0xfbc: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc0: 0x4000, 0xfc1: 0x4000, 0xfc2: 0x4000, 0xfc3: 0x4000, 0xfc4: 0x4000, 0xfc5: 0x4000, + 0xfc6: 0x4000, 0xfc7: 0x4000, 0xfc8: 0x4000, 0xfc9: 0x4000, 0xfca: 0x4000, 0xfcb: 0x4000, + 0xfcc: 0x4000, 0xfcd: 0x4000, 0xfce: 0x4000, 0xfcf: 0x4000, 0xfd0: 0x4000, 0xfd1: 0x4000, + 0xfd2: 0x4000, 0xfd3: 0x4000, 0xfd4: 0x4000, 0xfd5: 0x4000, 0xfd6: 0x4000, 0xfd7: 0x4000, + 0xfd8: 0x4000, 0xfd9: 0x4000, 0xfda: 0x4000, 0xfdb: 0x4000, 0xfdc: 0x4000, 0xfdd: 0x4000, + 0xfde: 0x4000, 0xfdf: 0x4000, 0xfe0: 0x4000, 0xfe1: 0x4000, 0xfe2: 0x4000, 0xfe3: 0x4000, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x2000, 0x1001: 0x2000, 0x1002: 0x2000, 0x1003: 0x2000, 0x1004: 0x2000, 0x1005: 0x2000, + 0x1006: 0x2000, 0x1007: 0x2000, 0x1008: 0x2000, 0x1009: 0x2000, 0x100a: 0x2000, 0x100b: 0x2000, + 0x100c: 0x2000, 0x100d: 0x2000, 0x100e: 0x2000, 0x100f: 0x2000, 0x1010: 0x4000, 0x1011: 0x4000, + 0x1012: 0x4000, 0x1013: 0x4000, 0x1014: 0x4000, 0x1015: 0x4000, 0x1016: 0x4000, 0x1017: 0x4000, + 0x1018: 0x4000, 0x1019: 0x4000, + 0x1030: 0x4000, 0x1031: 0x4000, 0x1032: 0x4000, 0x1033: 0x4000, 0x1034: 0x4000, 0x1035: 0x4000, + 0x1036: 0x4000, 0x1037: 0x4000, 0x1038: 0x4000, 0x1039: 0x4000, 0x103a: 0x4000, 0x103b: 0x4000, + 0x103c: 0x4000, 0x103d: 0x4000, 0x103e: 0x4000, 0x103f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x4000, 0x1041: 0x4000, 0x1042: 0x4000, 0x1043: 0x4000, 0x1044: 0x4000, 0x1045: 0x4000, + 0x1046: 0x4000, 0x1047: 0x4000, 0x1048: 0x4000, 0x1049: 0x4000, 0x104a: 0x4000, 0x104b: 0x4000, + 0x104c: 0x4000, 0x104d: 0x4000, 0x104e: 0x4000, 0x104f: 0x4000, 0x1050: 0x4000, 0x1051: 0x4000, + 0x1052: 0x4000, 0x1054: 0x4000, 0x1055: 0x4000, 0x1056: 0x4000, 0x1057: 0x4000, + 0x1058: 0x4000, 0x1059: 0x4000, 0x105a: 0x4000, 0x105b: 0x4000, 0x105c: 0x4000, 0x105d: 0x4000, + 0x105e: 0x4000, 0x105f: 0x4000, 0x1060: 0x4000, 0x1061: 0x4000, 0x1062: 0x4000, 0x1063: 0x4000, + 0x1064: 0x4000, 0x1065: 0x4000, 0x1066: 0x4000, 0x1068: 0x4000, 0x1069: 0x4000, + 0x106a: 0x4000, 0x106b: 0x4000, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1081: 0x9012, 0x1082: 0x9012, 0x1083: 0x9012, 0x1084: 0x9012, 0x1085: 0x9012, + 0x1086: 0x9012, 0x1087: 0x9012, 0x1088: 0x9012, 0x1089: 0x9012, 0x108a: 0x9012, 0x108b: 0x9012, + 0x108c: 0x9012, 0x108d: 0x9012, 0x108e: 0x9012, 0x108f: 0x9012, 0x1090: 0x9012, 0x1091: 0x9012, + 0x1092: 0x9012, 0x1093: 0x9012, 0x1094: 0x9012, 0x1095: 0x9012, 0x1096: 0x9012, 0x1097: 0x9012, + 0x1098: 0x9012, 0x1099: 0x9012, 0x109a: 0x9012, 0x109b: 0x9012, 0x109c: 0x9012, 0x109d: 0x9012, + 0x109e: 0x9012, 0x109f: 0x9012, 0x10a0: 0x9049, 0x10a1: 0x9049, 0x10a2: 0x9049, 0x10a3: 0x9049, + 0x10a4: 0x9049, 0x10a5: 0x9049, 0x10a6: 0x9049, 0x10a7: 0x9049, 0x10a8: 0x9049, 0x10a9: 0x9049, + 0x10aa: 0x9049, 0x10ab: 0x9049, 0x10ac: 0x9049, 0x10ad: 0x9049, 0x10ae: 0x9049, 0x10af: 0x9049, + 0x10b0: 0x9049, 0x10b1: 0x9049, 0x10b2: 0x9049, 0x10b3: 0x9049, 0x10b4: 0x9049, 0x10b5: 0x9049, + 0x10b6: 0x9049, 0x10b7: 0x9049, 0x10b8: 0x9049, 0x10b9: 0x9049, 0x10ba: 0x9049, 0x10bb: 0x9049, + 0x10bc: 0x9049, 0x10bd: 0x9049, 0x10be: 0x9049, 0x10bf: 0x9049, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c0: 0x9049, 0x10c1: 0x9049, 0x10c2: 0x9049, 0x10c3: 0x9049, 0x10c4: 0x9049, 0x10c5: 0x9049, + 0x10c6: 0x9049, 0x10c7: 0x9049, 0x10c8: 0x9049, 0x10c9: 0x9049, 0x10ca: 0x9049, 0x10cb: 0x9049, + 0x10cc: 0x9049, 0x10cd: 0x9049, 0x10ce: 0x9049, 0x10cf: 0x9049, 0x10d0: 0x9049, 0x10d1: 0x9049, + 0x10d2: 0x9049, 0x10d3: 0x9049, 0x10d4: 0x9049, 0x10d5: 0x9049, 0x10d6: 0x9049, 0x10d7: 0x9049, + 0x10d8: 0x9049, 0x10d9: 0x9049, 0x10da: 0x9049, 0x10db: 0x9049, 0x10dc: 0x9049, 0x10dd: 0x9049, + 0x10de: 0x9049, 0x10df: 0x904a, 0x10e0: 0x904b, 0x10e1: 0xb04c, 0x10e2: 0xb04d, 0x10e3: 0xb04d, + 0x10e4: 0xb04e, 0x10e5: 0xb04f, 0x10e6: 0xb050, 0x10e7: 0xb051, 0x10e8: 0xb052, 0x10e9: 0xb053, + 0x10ea: 0xb054, 0x10eb: 0xb055, 0x10ec: 0xb056, 0x10ed: 0xb057, 0x10ee: 0xb058, 0x10ef: 0xb059, + 0x10f0: 0xb05a, 0x10f1: 0xb05b, 0x10f2: 0xb05c, 0x10f3: 0xb05d, 0x10f4: 0xb05e, 0x10f5: 0xb05f, + 0x10f6: 0xb060, 0x10f7: 0xb061, 0x10f8: 0xb062, 0x10f9: 0xb063, 0x10fa: 0xb064, 0x10fb: 0xb065, + 0x10fc: 0xb052, 0x10fd: 0xb066, 0x10fe: 0xb067, 0x10ff: 0xb055, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1100: 0xb068, 0x1101: 0xb069, 0x1102: 0xb06a, 0x1103: 0xb06b, 0x1104: 0xb05a, 0x1105: 0xb056, + 0x1106: 0xb06c, 0x1107: 0xb06d, 0x1108: 0xb06b, 0x1109: 0xb06e, 0x110a: 0xb06b, 0x110b: 0xb06f, + 0x110c: 0xb06f, 0x110d: 0xb070, 0x110e: 0xb070, 0x110f: 0xb071, 0x1110: 0xb056, 0x1111: 0xb072, + 0x1112: 0xb073, 0x1113: 0xb072, 0x1114: 0xb074, 0x1115: 0xb073, 0x1116: 0xb075, 0x1117: 0xb075, + 0x1118: 0xb076, 0x1119: 0xb076, 0x111a: 0xb077, 0x111b: 0xb077, 0x111c: 0xb073, 0x111d: 0xb078, + 0x111e: 0xb079, 0x111f: 0xb067, 0x1120: 0xb07a, 0x1121: 0xb07b, 0x1122: 0xb07b, 0x1123: 0xb07b, + 0x1124: 0xb07b, 0x1125: 0xb07b, 0x1126: 0xb07b, 0x1127: 0xb07b, 0x1128: 0xb07b, 0x1129: 0xb07b, + 0x112a: 0xb07b, 0x112b: 0xb07b, 0x112c: 0xb07b, 0x112d: 0xb07b, 0x112e: 0xb07b, 0x112f: 0xb07b, + 0x1130: 0xb07c, 0x1131: 0xb07c, 0x1132: 0xb07c, 0x1133: 0xb07c, 0x1134: 0xb07c, 0x1135: 0xb07c, + 0x1136: 0xb07c, 0x1137: 0xb07c, 0x1138: 0xb07c, 0x1139: 0xb07c, 0x113a: 0xb07c, 0x113b: 0xb07c, + 0x113c: 0xb07c, 0x113d: 0xb07c, 0x113e: 0xb07c, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1142: 0xb07d, 0x1143: 0xb07e, 0x1144: 0xb07f, 0x1145: 0xb080, + 0x1146: 0xb07f, 0x1147: 0xb07e, 0x114a: 0xb081, 0x114b: 0xb082, + 0x114c: 0xb083, 0x114d: 0xb07f, 0x114e: 0xb080, 0x114f: 0xb07f, + 0x1152: 0xb084, 0x1153: 0xb085, 0x1154: 0xb084, 0x1155: 0xb086, 0x1156: 0xb084, 0x1157: 0xb087, + 0x115a: 0xb088, 0x115b: 0xb089, 0x115c: 0xb08a, + 0x1160: 0x908b, 0x1161: 0x908b, 0x1162: 0x908c, 0x1163: 0x908d, + 0x1164: 0x908b, 0x1165: 0x908e, 0x1166: 0x908f, 0x1168: 0xb090, 0x1169: 0xb091, + 0x116a: 0xb092, 0x116b: 0xb091, 0x116c: 0xb093, 0x116d: 0xb094, 0x116e: 0xb095, + 0x117d: 0x2000, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x11a0: 0x4000, 0x11a1: 0x4000, 0x11a2: 0x4000, 0x11a3: 0x4000, + 0x11a4: 0x4000, + 0x11b0: 0x4000, 0x11b1: 0x4000, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c0: 0x4000, 0x11c1: 0x4000, 0x11c2: 0x4000, 0x11c3: 0x4000, 0x11c4: 0x4000, 0x11c5: 0x4000, + 0x11c6: 0x4000, 0x11c7: 0x4000, 0x11c8: 0x4000, 0x11c9: 0x4000, 0x11ca: 0x4000, 0x11cb: 0x4000, + 0x11cc: 0x4000, 0x11cd: 0x4000, 0x11ce: 0x4000, 0x11cf: 0x4000, 0x11d0: 0x4000, 0x11d1: 0x4000, + 0x11d2: 0x4000, 0x11d3: 0x4000, 0x11d4: 0x4000, 0x11d5: 0x4000, 0x11d6: 0x4000, 0x11d7: 0x4000, + 0x11d8: 0x4000, 0x11d9: 0x4000, 0x11da: 0x4000, 0x11db: 0x4000, 0x11dc: 0x4000, 0x11dd: 0x4000, + 0x11de: 0x4000, 0x11df: 0x4000, 0x11e0: 0x4000, 0x11e1: 0x4000, 0x11e2: 0x4000, 0x11e3: 0x4000, + 0x11e4: 0x4000, 0x11e5: 0x4000, 0x11e6: 0x4000, 0x11e7: 0x4000, 0x11e8: 0x4000, 0x11e9: 0x4000, + 0x11ea: 0x4000, 0x11eb: 0x4000, 0x11ec: 0x4000, 0x11ed: 0x4000, 0x11ee: 0x4000, 0x11ef: 0x4000, + 0x11f0: 0x4000, 0x11f1: 0x4000, 0x11f2: 0x4000, 0x11f3: 0x4000, 0x11f4: 0x4000, 0x11f5: 0x4000, + 0x11f6: 0x4000, 0x11f7: 0x4000, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x4000, 0x1201: 0x4000, 0x1202: 0x4000, 0x1203: 0x4000, 0x1204: 0x4000, 0x1205: 0x4000, + 0x1206: 0x4000, 0x1207: 0x4000, 0x1208: 0x4000, 0x1209: 0x4000, 0x120a: 0x4000, 0x120b: 0x4000, + 0x120c: 0x4000, 0x120d: 0x4000, 0x120e: 0x4000, 0x120f: 0x4000, 0x1210: 0x4000, 0x1211: 0x4000, + 0x1212: 0x4000, 0x1213: 0x4000, 0x1214: 0x4000, 0x1215: 0x4000, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1240: 0x4000, 0x1241: 0x4000, 0x1242: 0x4000, 0x1243: 0x4000, 0x1244: 0x4000, 0x1245: 0x4000, + 0x1246: 0x4000, 0x1247: 0x4000, 0x1248: 0x4000, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x1280: 0x4000, 0x1281: 0x4000, 0x1282: 0x4000, 0x1283: 0x4000, 0x1284: 0x4000, 0x1285: 0x4000, + 0x1286: 0x4000, 0x1287: 0x4000, 0x1288: 0x4000, 0x1289: 0x4000, 0x128a: 0x4000, 0x128b: 0x4000, + 0x128c: 0x4000, 0x128d: 0x4000, 0x128e: 0x4000, 0x128f: 0x4000, 0x1290: 0x4000, 0x1291: 0x4000, + 0x1292: 0x4000, 0x1293: 0x4000, 0x1294: 0x4000, 0x1295: 0x4000, 0x1296: 0x4000, 0x1297: 0x4000, + 0x1298: 0x4000, 0x1299: 0x4000, 0x129a: 0x4000, 0x129b: 0x4000, 0x129c: 0x4000, 0x129d: 0x4000, + 0x129e: 0x4000, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12d0: 0x4000, 0x12d1: 0x4000, + 0x12d2: 0x4000, + 0x12e4: 0x4000, 0x12e5: 0x4000, 0x12e6: 0x4000, 0x12e7: 0x4000, + 0x12f0: 0x4000, 0x12f1: 0x4000, 0x12f2: 0x4000, 0x12f3: 0x4000, 0x12f4: 0x4000, 0x12f5: 0x4000, + 0x12f6: 0x4000, 0x12f7: 0x4000, 0x12f8: 0x4000, 0x12f9: 0x4000, 0x12fa: 0x4000, 0x12fb: 0x4000, + 0x12fc: 0x4000, 0x12fd: 0x4000, 0x12fe: 0x4000, 0x12ff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x4000, 0x1301: 0x4000, 0x1302: 0x4000, 0x1303: 0x4000, 0x1304: 0x4000, 0x1305: 0x4000, + 0x1306: 0x4000, 0x1307: 0x4000, 0x1308: 0x4000, 0x1309: 0x4000, 0x130a: 0x4000, 0x130b: 0x4000, + 0x130c: 0x4000, 0x130d: 0x4000, 0x130e: 0x4000, 0x130f: 0x4000, 0x1310: 0x4000, 0x1311: 0x4000, + 0x1312: 0x4000, 0x1313: 0x4000, 0x1314: 0x4000, 0x1315: 0x4000, 0x1316: 0x4000, 0x1317: 0x4000, + 0x1318: 0x4000, 0x1319: 0x4000, 0x131a: 0x4000, 0x131b: 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0x4000, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x4000, 0x1601: 0x4000, 0x1602: 0x4000, 0x1603: 0x4000, 0x1604: 0x4000, 0x1605: 0x4000, + 0x1606: 0x4000, 0x1607: 0x4000, 0x1608: 0x4000, 0x1609: 0x4000, 0x160a: 0x4000, 0x160b: 0x4000, + 0x160c: 0x4000, 0x160d: 0x4000, 0x160e: 0x4000, 0x160f: 0x4000, 0x1610: 0x4000, 0x1611: 0x4000, + 0x1612: 0x4000, 0x1613: 0x4000, 0x1614: 0x4000, 0x1615: 0x4000, 0x1616: 0x4000, 0x1617: 0x4000, + 0x1618: 0x4000, 0x1619: 0x4000, 0x161a: 0x4000, 0x161b: 0x4000, 0x161c: 0x4000, 0x161d: 0x4000, + 0x161e: 0x4000, 0x161f: 0x4000, 0x1620: 0x4000, 0x1621: 0x4000, 0x1622: 0x4000, 0x1623: 0x4000, + 0x1624: 0x4000, 0x1625: 0x4000, 0x1626: 0x4000, 0x1627: 0x4000, 0x1628: 0x4000, 0x1629: 0x4000, + 0x162a: 0x4000, 0x162b: 0x4000, 0x162c: 0x4000, 0x162d: 0x4000, 0x162e: 0x4000, 0x162f: 0x4000, + 0x1630: 0x4000, 0x1631: 0x4000, 0x1632: 0x4000, 0x1633: 0x4000, 0x1634: 0x4000, 0x1635: 0x4000, + 0x1636: 0x4000, 0x1637: 0x4000, 0x1638: 0x4000, 0x1639: 0x4000, 0x163a: 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0x4000, 0x1678: 0x4000, 0x1679: 0x4000, 0x167a: 0x4000, 0x167b: 0x4000, + 0x167c: 0x4000, 0x167d: 0x4000, 0x167e: 0x4000, 0x167f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x4000, 0x1681: 0x4000, 0x1682: 0x4000, 0x1683: 0x4000, 0x1684: 0x4000, 0x1685: 0x4000, + 0x1686: 0x4000, 0x1687: 0x4000, 0x1688: 0x4000, 0x1689: 0x4000, 0x168a: 0x4000, 0x168b: 0x4000, + 0x168c: 0x4000, 0x168d: 0x4000, 0x168e: 0x4000, 0x168f: 0x4000, 0x1690: 0x4000, 0x1691: 0x4000, + 0x1692: 0x4000, 0x1693: 0x4000, 0x1694: 0x4000, 0x1695: 0x4000, 0x1696: 0x4000, 0x1697: 0x4000, + 0x1698: 0x4000, 0x1699: 0x4000, 0x169a: 0x4000, 0x169b: 0x4000, 0x169c: 0x4000, 0x169d: 0x4000, + 0x169e: 0x4000, 0x169f: 0x4000, 0x16a0: 0x4000, 0x16a1: 0x4000, 0x16a2: 0x4000, 0x16a3: 0x4000, + 0x16a4: 0x4000, 0x16a5: 0x4000, 0x16a6: 0x4000, 0x16a7: 0x4000, 0x16a8: 0x4000, 0x16a9: 0x4000, + 0x16aa: 0x4000, 0x16ab: 0x4000, 0x16ac: 0x4000, 0x16ad: 0x4000, 0x16ae: 0x4000, 0x16af: 0x4000, + 0x16b0: 0x4000, 0x16b1: 0x4000, 0x16b2: 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0x4000, + 0x16f0: 0x4000, 0x16f1: 0x4000, 0x16f2: 0x4000, 0x16f3: 0x4000, 0x16f4: 0x4000, 0x16f5: 0x4000, + 0x16f6: 0x4000, 0x16f7: 0x4000, 0x16f8: 0x4000, 0x16f9: 0x4000, 0x16fa: 0x4000, 0x16fb: 0x4000, + 0x16fc: 0x4000, 0x16fd: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x170b: 0x4000, + 0x170c: 0x4000, 0x170d: 0x4000, 0x170e: 0x4000, 0x1710: 0x4000, 0x1711: 0x4000, + 0x1712: 0x4000, 0x1713: 0x4000, 0x1714: 0x4000, 0x1715: 0x4000, 0x1716: 0x4000, 0x1717: 0x4000, + 0x1718: 0x4000, 0x1719: 0x4000, 0x171a: 0x4000, 0x171b: 0x4000, 0x171c: 0x4000, 0x171d: 0x4000, + 0x171e: 0x4000, 0x171f: 0x4000, 0x1720: 0x4000, 0x1721: 0x4000, 0x1722: 0x4000, 0x1723: 0x4000, + 0x1724: 0x4000, 0x1725: 0x4000, 0x1726: 0x4000, 0x1727: 0x4000, + 0x173a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1755: 0x4000, 0x1756: 0x4000, + 0x1764: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x17bb: 0x4000, + 0x17bc: 0x4000, 0x17bd: 0x4000, 0x17be: 0x4000, 0x17bf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x4000, 0x17c1: 0x4000, 0x17c2: 0x4000, 0x17c3: 0x4000, 0x17c4: 0x4000, 0x17c5: 0x4000, + 0x17c6: 0x4000, 0x17c7: 0x4000, 0x17c8: 0x4000, 0x17c9: 0x4000, 0x17ca: 0x4000, 0x17cb: 0x4000, + 0x17cc: 0x4000, 0x17cd: 0x4000, 0x17ce: 0x4000, 0x17cf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1800: 0x4000, 0x1801: 0x4000, 0x1802: 0x4000, 0x1803: 0x4000, 0x1804: 0x4000, 0x1805: 0x4000, + 0x180c: 0x4000, 0x1810: 0x4000, 0x1811: 0x4000, + 0x1812: 0x4000, 0x1815: 0x4000, 0x1816: 0x4000, 0x1817: 0x4000, + 0x182b: 0x4000, 0x182c: 0x4000, + 0x1834: 0x4000, 0x1835: 0x4000, + 0x1836: 0x4000, 0x1837: 0x4000, 0x1838: 0x4000, 0x1839: 0x4000, 0x183a: 0x4000, 0x183b: 0x4000, + 0x183c: 0x4000, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1860: 0x4000, 0x1861: 0x4000, 0x1862: 0x4000, 0x1863: 0x4000, + 0x1864: 0x4000, 0x1865: 0x4000, 0x1866: 0x4000, 0x1867: 0x4000, 0x1868: 0x4000, 0x1869: 0x4000, + 0x186a: 0x4000, 0x186b: 0x4000, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x188c: 0x4000, 0x188d: 0x4000, 0x188e: 0x4000, 0x188f: 0x4000, 0x1890: 0x4000, 0x1891: 0x4000, + 0x1892: 0x4000, 0x1893: 0x4000, 0x1894: 0x4000, 0x1895: 0x4000, 0x1896: 0x4000, 0x1897: 0x4000, + 0x1898: 0x4000, 0x1899: 0x4000, 0x189a: 0x4000, 0x189b: 0x4000, 0x189c: 0x4000, 0x189d: 0x4000, + 0x189e: 0x4000, 0x189f: 0x4000, 0x18a0: 0x4000, 0x18a1: 0x4000, 0x18a2: 0x4000, 0x18a3: 0x4000, + 0x18a4: 0x4000, 0x18a5: 0x4000, 0x18a6: 0x4000, 0x18a7: 0x4000, 0x18a8: 0x4000, 0x18a9: 0x4000, + 0x18aa: 0x4000, 0x18ab: 0x4000, 0x18ac: 0x4000, 0x18ad: 0x4000, 0x18ae: 0x4000, 0x18af: 0x4000, + 0x18b0: 0x4000, 0x18b1: 0x4000, 0x18b2: 0x4000, 0x18b3: 0x4000, 0x18b4: 0x4000, 0x18b5: 0x4000, + 0x18b6: 0x4000, 0x18b7: 0x4000, 0x18b8: 0x4000, 0x18b9: 0x4000, 0x18ba: 0x4000, + 0x18bc: 0x4000, 0x18bd: 0x4000, 0x18be: 0x4000, 0x18bf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x4000, 0x18c1: 0x4000, 0x18c2: 0x4000, 0x18c3: 0x4000, 0x18c4: 0x4000, 0x18c5: 0x4000, + 0x18c7: 0x4000, 0x18c8: 0x4000, 0x18c9: 0x4000, 0x18ca: 0x4000, 0x18cb: 0x4000, + 0x18cc: 0x4000, 0x18cd: 0x4000, 0x18ce: 0x4000, 0x18cf: 0x4000, 0x18d0: 0x4000, 0x18d1: 0x4000, + 0x18d2: 0x4000, 0x18d3: 0x4000, 0x18d4: 0x4000, 0x18d5: 0x4000, 0x18d6: 0x4000, 0x18d7: 0x4000, + 0x18d8: 0x4000, 0x18d9: 0x4000, 0x18da: 0x4000, 0x18db: 0x4000, 0x18dc: 0x4000, 0x18dd: 0x4000, + 0x18de: 0x4000, 0x18df: 0x4000, 0x18e0: 0x4000, 0x18e1: 0x4000, 0x18e2: 0x4000, 0x18e3: 0x4000, + 0x18e4: 0x4000, 0x18e5: 0x4000, 0x18e6: 0x4000, 0x18e7: 0x4000, 0x18e8: 0x4000, 0x18e9: 0x4000, + 0x18ea: 0x4000, 0x18eb: 0x4000, 0x18ec: 0x4000, 0x18ed: 0x4000, 0x18ee: 0x4000, 0x18ef: 0x4000, + 0x18f0: 0x4000, 0x18f1: 0x4000, 0x18f2: 0x4000, 0x18f3: 0x4000, 0x18f4: 0x4000, 0x18f5: 0x4000, + 0x18f6: 0x4000, 0x18f7: 0x4000, 0x18f8: 0x4000, 0x18fa: 0x4000, 0x18fb: 0x4000, + 0x18fc: 0x4000, 0x18fd: 0x4000, 0x18fe: 0x4000, 0x18ff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x4000, 0x1901: 0x4000, 0x1902: 0x4000, 0x1903: 0x4000, 0x1904: 0x4000, 0x1905: 0x4000, + 0x1906: 0x4000, 0x1907: 0x4000, 0x1908: 0x4000, 0x1909: 0x4000, 0x190a: 0x4000, 0x190b: 0x4000, + 0x190d: 0x4000, 0x190e: 0x4000, 0x190f: 0x4000, 0x1910: 0x4000, 0x1911: 0x4000, + 0x1912: 0x4000, 0x1913: 0x4000, 0x1914: 0x4000, 0x1915: 0x4000, 0x1916: 0x4000, 0x1917: 0x4000, + 0x1918: 0x4000, 0x1919: 0x4000, 0x191a: 0x4000, 0x191b: 0x4000, 0x191c: 0x4000, 0x191d: 0x4000, + 0x191e: 0x4000, 0x191f: 0x4000, 0x1920: 0x4000, 0x1921: 0x4000, 0x1922: 0x4000, 0x1923: 0x4000, + 0x1924: 0x4000, 0x1925: 0x4000, 0x1926: 0x4000, 0x1927: 0x4000, 0x1928: 0x4000, 0x1929: 0x4000, + 0x192a: 0x4000, 0x192b: 0x4000, 0x192c: 0x4000, 0x192d: 0x4000, 0x192e: 0x4000, 0x192f: 0x4000, + 0x1930: 0x4000, 0x1931: 0x4000, 0x1932: 0x4000, 0x1933: 0x4000, 0x1934: 0x4000, 0x1935: 0x4000, + 0x1936: 0x4000, 0x1937: 0x4000, 0x1938: 0x4000, 0x1939: 0x4000, 0x193a: 0x4000, 0x193b: 0x4000, + 0x193c: 0x4000, 0x193d: 0x4000, 0x193e: 0x4000, 0x193f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1970: 0x4000, 0x1971: 0x4000, 0x1972: 0x4000, 0x1973: 0x4000, 0x1974: 0x4000, + 0x1978: 0x4000, 0x1979: 0x4000, 0x197a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x4000, 0x1981: 0x4000, 0x1982: 0x4000, 0x1983: 0x4000, 0x1984: 0x4000, 0x1985: 0x4000, + 0x1986: 0x4000, + 0x1990: 0x4000, 0x1991: 0x4000, + 0x1992: 0x4000, 0x1993: 0x4000, 0x1994: 0x4000, 0x1995: 0x4000, 0x1996: 0x4000, 0x1997: 0x4000, + 0x1998: 0x4000, 0x1999: 0x4000, 0x199a: 0x4000, 0x199b: 0x4000, 0x199c: 0x4000, 0x199d: 0x4000, + 0x199e: 0x4000, 0x199f: 0x4000, 0x19a0: 0x4000, 0x19a1: 0x4000, 0x19a2: 0x4000, 0x19a3: 0x4000, + 0x19a4: 0x4000, 0x19a5: 0x4000, 0x19a6: 0x4000, 0x19a7: 0x4000, 0x19a8: 0x4000, + 0x19b0: 0x4000, 0x19b1: 0x4000, 0x19b2: 0x4000, 0x19b3: 0x4000, 0x19b4: 0x4000, 0x19b5: 0x4000, + 0x19b6: 0x4000, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19c0: 0x4000, 0x19c1: 0x4000, 0x19c2: 0x4000, + 0x19d0: 0x4000, 0x19d1: 0x4000, + 0x19d2: 0x4000, 0x19d3: 0x4000, 0x19d4: 0x4000, 0x19d5: 0x4000, 0x19d6: 0x4000, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a00: 0x2000, 0x1a01: 0x2000, 0x1a02: 0x2000, 0x1a03: 0x2000, 0x1a04: 0x2000, 0x1a05: 0x2000, + 0x1a06: 0x2000, 0x1a07: 0x2000, 0x1a08: 0x2000, 0x1a09: 0x2000, 0x1a0a: 0x2000, 0x1a0b: 0x2000, + 0x1a0c: 0x2000, 0x1a0d: 0x2000, 0x1a0e: 0x2000, 0x1a0f: 0x2000, 0x1a10: 0x2000, 0x1a11: 0x2000, + 0x1a12: 0x2000, 0x1a13: 0x2000, 0x1a14: 0x2000, 0x1a15: 0x2000, 0x1a16: 0x2000, 0x1a17: 0x2000, + 0x1a18: 0x2000, 0x1a19: 0x2000, 0x1a1a: 0x2000, 0x1a1b: 0x2000, 0x1a1c: 0x2000, 0x1a1d: 0x2000, + 0x1a1e: 0x2000, 0x1a1f: 0x2000, 0x1a20: 0x2000, 0x1a21: 0x2000, 0x1a22: 0x2000, 0x1a23: 0x2000, + 0x1a24: 0x2000, 0x1a25: 0x2000, 0x1a26: 0x2000, 0x1a27: 0x2000, 0x1a28: 0x2000, 0x1a29: 0x2000, + 0x1a2a: 0x2000, 0x1a2b: 0x2000, 0x1a2c: 0x2000, 0x1a2d: 0x2000, 0x1a2e: 0x2000, 0x1a2f: 0x2000, + 0x1a30: 0x2000, 0x1a31: 0x2000, 0x1a32: 0x2000, 0x1a33: 0x2000, 0x1a34: 0x2000, 0x1a35: 0x2000, + 0x1a36: 0x2000, 0x1a37: 0x2000, 0x1a38: 0x2000, 0x1a39: 0x2000, 0x1a3a: 0x2000, 0x1a3b: 0x2000, + 0x1a3c: 0x2000, 0x1a3d: 0x2000, +} + +// widthIndex: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 1408 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var widthIndex = [1408]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc7: 0x05, + 0xc9: 0x06, 0xcb: 0x07, 0xcc: 0x08, 0xcd: 0x09, 0xce: 0x0a, 0xcf: 0x0b, + 0xd0: 0x0c, 0xd1: 0x0d, + 0xe1: 0x02, 0xe2: 0x03, 0xe3: 0x04, 0xe4: 0x05, 0xe5: 0x06, 0xe6: 0x06, 0xe7: 0x06, + 0xe8: 0x06, 0xe9: 0x06, 0xea: 0x07, 0xeb: 0x06, 0xec: 0x06, 0xed: 0x08, 0xee: 0x09, 0xef: 0x0a, + 0xf0: 0x0f, 0xf3: 0x12, 0xf4: 0x13, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x104: 0x0e, 0x105: 0x0f, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x10, 0x141: 0x11, 0x142: 0x12, 0x144: 0x13, 0x145: 0x14, 0x146: 0x15, 0x147: 0x16, + 0x148: 0x17, 0x149: 0x18, 0x14a: 0x19, 0x14c: 0x1a, 0x14f: 0x1b, + 0x151: 0x1c, 0x152: 0x08, 0x153: 0x1d, 0x154: 0x1e, 0x155: 0x1f, 0x156: 0x20, 0x157: 0x21, + 0x158: 0x22, 0x159: 0x23, 0x15a: 0x24, 0x15b: 0x25, 0x15c: 0x26, 0x15d: 0x27, 0x15e: 0x28, 0x15f: 0x29, + 0x166: 0x2a, + 0x16c: 0x2b, 0x16d: 0x2c, + 0x17a: 0x2d, 0x17b: 0x2e, 0x17c: 0x0e, 0x17d: 0x0e, 0x17e: 0x0e, 0x17f: 0x2f, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x30, 0x181: 0x31, 0x182: 0x32, 0x183: 0x33, 0x184: 0x34, 0x185: 0x35, 0x186: 0x36, 0x187: 0x37, + 0x188: 0x38, 0x189: 0x39, 0x18a: 0x0e, 0x18b: 0x0e, 0x18c: 0x0e, 0x18d: 0x0e, 0x18e: 0x0e, 0x18f: 0x0e, + 0x190: 0x0e, 0x191: 0x0e, 0x192: 0x0e, 0x193: 0x0e, 0x194: 0x0e, 0x195: 0x0e, 0x196: 0x0e, 0x197: 0x0e, + 0x198: 0x0e, 0x199: 0x0e, 0x19a: 0x0e, 0x19b: 0x0e, 0x19c: 0x0e, 0x19d: 0x0e, 0x19e: 0x0e, 0x19f: 0x0e, + 0x1a0: 0x0e, 0x1a1: 0x0e, 0x1a2: 0x0e, 0x1a3: 0x0e, 0x1a4: 0x0e, 0x1a5: 0x0e, 0x1a6: 0x0e, 0x1a7: 0x0e, + 0x1a8: 0x0e, 0x1a9: 0x0e, 0x1aa: 0x0e, 0x1ab: 0x0e, 0x1ac: 0x0e, 0x1ad: 0x0e, 0x1ae: 0x0e, 0x1af: 0x0e, + 0x1b0: 0x0e, 0x1b1: 0x0e, 0x1b2: 0x0e, 0x1b3: 0x0e, 0x1b4: 0x0e, 0x1b5: 0x0e, 0x1b6: 0x0e, 0x1b7: 0x0e, + 0x1b8: 0x0e, 0x1b9: 0x0e, 0x1ba: 0x0e, 0x1bb: 0x0e, 0x1bc: 0x0e, 0x1bd: 0x0e, 0x1be: 0x0e, 0x1bf: 0x0e, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x0e, 0x1c1: 0x0e, 0x1c2: 0x0e, 0x1c3: 0x0e, 0x1c4: 0x0e, 0x1c5: 0x0e, 0x1c6: 0x0e, 0x1c7: 0x0e, + 0x1c8: 0x0e, 0x1c9: 0x0e, 0x1ca: 0x0e, 0x1cb: 0x0e, 0x1cc: 0x0e, 0x1cd: 0x0e, 0x1ce: 0x0e, 0x1cf: 0x0e, + 0x1d0: 0x0e, 0x1d1: 0x0e, 0x1d2: 0x0e, 0x1d3: 0x0e, 0x1d4: 0x0e, 0x1d5: 0x0e, 0x1d6: 0x0e, 0x1d7: 0x0e, + 0x1d8: 0x0e, 0x1d9: 0x0e, 0x1da: 0x0e, 0x1db: 0x0e, 0x1dc: 0x0e, 0x1dd: 0x0e, 0x1de: 0x0e, 0x1df: 0x0e, + 0x1e0: 0x0e, 0x1e1: 0x0e, 0x1e2: 0x0e, 0x1e3: 0x0e, 0x1e4: 0x0e, 0x1e5: 0x0e, 0x1e6: 0x0e, 0x1e7: 0x0e, + 0x1e8: 0x0e, 0x1e9: 0x0e, 0x1ea: 0x0e, 0x1eb: 0x0e, 0x1ec: 0x0e, 0x1ed: 0x0e, 0x1ee: 0x0e, 0x1ef: 0x0e, + 0x1f0: 0x0e, 0x1f1: 0x0e, 0x1f2: 0x0e, 0x1f3: 0x0e, 0x1f4: 0x0e, 0x1f5: 0x0e, 0x1f6: 0x0e, + 0x1f8: 0x0e, 0x1f9: 0x0e, 0x1fa: 0x0e, 0x1fb: 0x0e, 0x1fc: 0x0e, 0x1fd: 0x0e, 0x1fe: 0x0e, 0x1ff: 0x0e, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x0e, 0x201: 0x0e, 0x202: 0x0e, 0x203: 0x0e, 0x204: 0x0e, 0x205: 0x0e, 0x206: 0x0e, 0x207: 0x0e, + 0x208: 0x0e, 0x209: 0x0e, 0x20a: 0x0e, 0x20b: 0x0e, 0x20c: 0x0e, 0x20d: 0x0e, 0x20e: 0x0e, 0x20f: 0x0e, + 0x210: 0x0e, 0x211: 0x0e, 0x212: 0x0e, 0x213: 0x0e, 0x214: 0x0e, 0x215: 0x0e, 0x216: 0x0e, 0x217: 0x0e, + 0x218: 0x0e, 0x219: 0x0e, 0x21a: 0x0e, 0x21b: 0x0e, 0x21c: 0x0e, 0x21d: 0x0e, 0x21e: 0x0e, 0x21f: 0x0e, + 0x220: 0x0e, 0x221: 0x0e, 0x222: 0x0e, 0x223: 0x0e, 0x224: 0x0e, 0x225: 0x0e, 0x226: 0x0e, 0x227: 0x0e, + 0x228: 0x0e, 0x229: 0x0e, 0x22a: 0x0e, 0x22b: 0x0e, 0x22c: 0x0e, 0x22d: 0x0e, 0x22e: 0x0e, 0x22f: 0x0e, + 0x230: 0x0e, 0x231: 0x0e, 0x232: 0x0e, 0x233: 0x0e, 0x234: 0x0e, 0x235: 0x0e, 0x236: 0x0e, 0x237: 0x0e, + 0x238: 0x0e, 0x239: 0x0e, 0x23a: 0x0e, 0x23b: 0x0e, 0x23c: 0x0e, 0x23d: 0x0e, 0x23e: 0x0e, 0x23f: 0x0e, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x0e, 0x241: 0x0e, 0x242: 0x0e, 0x243: 0x0e, 0x244: 0x0e, 0x245: 0x0e, 0x246: 0x0e, 0x247: 0x0e, + 0x248: 0x0e, 0x249: 0x0e, 0x24a: 0x0e, 0x24b: 0x0e, 0x24c: 0x0e, 0x24d: 0x0e, 0x24e: 0x0e, 0x24f: 0x0e, + 0x250: 0x0e, 0x251: 0x0e, 0x252: 0x3a, 0x253: 0x3b, + 0x265: 0x3c, + 0x270: 0x0e, 0x271: 0x0e, 0x272: 0x0e, 0x273: 0x0e, 0x274: 0x0e, 0x275: 0x0e, 0x276: 0x0e, 0x277: 0x0e, + 0x278: 0x0e, 0x279: 0x0e, 0x27a: 0x0e, 0x27b: 0x0e, 0x27c: 0x0e, 0x27d: 0x0e, 0x27e: 0x0e, 0x27f: 0x0e, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x0e, 0x281: 0x0e, 0x282: 0x0e, 0x283: 0x0e, 0x284: 0x0e, 0x285: 0x0e, 0x286: 0x0e, 0x287: 0x0e, + 0x288: 0x0e, 0x289: 0x0e, 0x28a: 0x0e, 0x28b: 0x0e, 0x28c: 0x0e, 0x28d: 0x0e, 0x28e: 0x0e, 0x28f: 0x0e, + 0x290: 0x0e, 0x291: 0x0e, 0x292: 0x0e, 0x293: 0x0e, 0x294: 0x0e, 0x295: 0x0e, 0x296: 0x0e, 0x297: 0x0e, + 0x298: 0x0e, 0x299: 0x0e, 0x29a: 0x0e, 0x29b: 0x0e, 0x29c: 0x0e, 0x29d: 0x0e, 0x29e: 0x3d, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x08, 0x2c1: 0x08, 0x2c2: 0x08, 0x2c3: 0x08, 0x2c4: 0x08, 0x2c5: 0x08, 0x2c6: 0x08, 0x2c7: 0x08, + 0x2c8: 0x08, 0x2c9: 0x08, 0x2ca: 0x08, 0x2cb: 0x08, 0x2cc: 0x08, 0x2cd: 0x08, 0x2ce: 0x08, 0x2cf: 0x08, + 0x2d0: 0x08, 0x2d1: 0x08, 0x2d2: 0x08, 0x2d3: 0x08, 0x2d4: 0x08, 0x2d5: 0x08, 0x2d6: 0x08, 0x2d7: 0x08, + 0x2d8: 0x08, 0x2d9: 0x08, 0x2da: 0x08, 0x2db: 0x08, 0x2dc: 0x08, 0x2dd: 0x08, 0x2de: 0x08, 0x2df: 0x08, + 0x2e0: 0x08, 0x2e1: 0x08, 0x2e2: 0x08, 0x2e3: 0x08, 0x2e4: 0x08, 0x2e5: 0x08, 0x2e6: 0x08, 0x2e7: 0x08, + 0x2e8: 0x08, 0x2e9: 0x08, 0x2ea: 0x08, 0x2eb: 0x08, 0x2ec: 0x08, 0x2ed: 0x08, 0x2ee: 0x08, 0x2ef: 0x08, + 0x2f0: 0x08, 0x2f1: 0x08, 0x2f2: 0x08, 0x2f3: 0x08, 0x2f4: 0x08, 0x2f5: 0x08, 0x2f6: 0x08, 0x2f7: 0x08, + 0x2f8: 0x08, 0x2f9: 0x08, 0x2fa: 0x08, 0x2fb: 0x08, 0x2fc: 0x08, 0x2fd: 0x08, 0x2fe: 0x08, 0x2ff: 0x08, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x08, 0x301: 0x08, 0x302: 0x08, 0x303: 0x08, 0x304: 0x08, 0x305: 0x08, 0x306: 0x08, 0x307: 0x08, + 0x308: 0x08, 0x309: 0x08, 0x30a: 0x08, 0x30b: 0x08, 0x30c: 0x08, 0x30d: 0x08, 0x30e: 0x08, 0x30f: 0x08, + 0x310: 0x08, 0x311: 0x08, 0x312: 0x08, 0x313: 0x08, 0x314: 0x08, 0x315: 0x08, 0x316: 0x08, 0x317: 0x08, + 0x318: 0x08, 0x319: 0x08, 0x31a: 0x08, 0x31b: 0x08, 0x31c: 0x08, 0x31d: 0x08, 0x31e: 0x08, 0x31f: 0x08, + 0x320: 0x08, 0x321: 0x08, 0x322: 0x08, 0x323: 0x08, 0x324: 0x0e, 0x325: 0x0e, 0x326: 0x0e, 0x327: 0x0e, + 0x328: 0x0e, 0x329: 0x0e, 0x32a: 0x0e, 0x32b: 0x0e, + 0x338: 0x3e, 0x339: 0x3f, 0x33c: 0x40, 0x33d: 0x41, 0x33e: 0x42, 0x33f: 0x43, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x37f: 0x44, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0e, 0x381: 0x0e, 0x382: 0x0e, 0x383: 0x0e, 0x384: 0x0e, 0x385: 0x0e, 0x386: 0x0e, 0x387: 0x0e, + 0x388: 0x0e, 0x389: 0x0e, 0x38a: 0x0e, 0x38b: 0x0e, 0x38c: 0x0e, 0x38d: 0x0e, 0x38e: 0x0e, 0x38f: 0x0e, + 0x390: 0x0e, 0x391: 0x0e, 0x392: 0x0e, 0x393: 0x0e, 0x394: 0x0e, 0x395: 0x0e, 0x396: 0x0e, 0x397: 0x0e, + 0x398: 0x0e, 0x399: 0x0e, 0x39a: 0x0e, 0x39b: 0x0e, 0x39c: 0x0e, 0x39d: 0x0e, 0x39e: 0x0e, 0x39f: 0x45, + 0x3a0: 0x0e, 0x3a1: 0x0e, 0x3a2: 0x0e, 0x3a3: 0x0e, 0x3a4: 0x0e, 0x3a5: 0x0e, 0x3a6: 0x0e, 0x3a7: 0x0e, + 0x3a8: 0x0e, 0x3a9: 0x0e, 0x3aa: 0x0e, 0x3ab: 0x0e, 0x3ac: 0x0e, 0x3ad: 0x0e, 0x3ae: 0x0e, 0x3af: 0x0e, + 0x3b0: 0x0e, 0x3b1: 0x0e, 0x3b2: 0x0e, 0x3b3: 0x46, 0x3b4: 0x47, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x0e, 0x3c1: 0x0e, 0x3c2: 0x0e, 0x3c3: 0x0e, 0x3c4: 0x48, 0x3c5: 0x49, 0x3c6: 0x0e, 0x3c7: 0x0e, + 0x3c8: 0x0e, 0x3c9: 0x0e, 0x3ca: 0x0e, 0x3cb: 0x4a, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x4b, 0x403: 0x4c, 0x404: 0x4d, 0x405: 0x4e, 0x406: 0x4f, + 0x408: 0x50, 0x409: 0x51, 0x40c: 0x52, 0x40d: 0x53, 0x40e: 0x54, 0x40f: 0x55, + 0x410: 0x56, 0x411: 0x57, 0x412: 0x0e, 0x413: 0x58, 0x414: 0x59, 0x415: 0x5a, 0x416: 0x5b, 0x417: 0x5c, + 0x418: 0x0e, 0x419: 0x5d, 0x41a: 0x0e, 0x41b: 0x5e, 0x41f: 0x5f, + 0x424: 0x60, 0x425: 0x61, 0x426: 0x0e, 0x427: 0x62, + 0x429: 0x63, 0x42a: 0x64, 0x42b: 0x65, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x456: 0x0b, 0x457: 0x06, + 0x458: 0x0c, 0x45b: 0x0d, 0x45f: 0x0e, + 0x460: 0x06, 0x461: 0x06, 0x462: 0x06, 0x463: 0x06, 0x464: 0x06, 0x465: 0x06, 0x466: 0x06, 0x467: 0x06, + 0x468: 0x06, 0x469: 0x06, 0x46a: 0x06, 0x46b: 0x06, 0x46c: 0x06, 0x46d: 0x06, 0x46e: 0x06, 0x46f: 0x06, + 0x470: 0x06, 0x471: 0x06, 0x472: 0x06, 0x473: 0x06, 0x474: 0x06, 0x475: 0x06, 0x476: 0x06, 0x477: 0x06, + 0x478: 0x06, 0x479: 0x06, 0x47a: 0x06, 0x47b: 0x06, 0x47c: 0x06, 0x47d: 0x06, 0x47e: 0x06, 0x47f: 0x06, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x484: 0x08, 0x485: 0x08, 0x486: 0x08, 0x487: 0x09, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x08, 0x4c1: 0x08, 0x4c2: 0x08, 0x4c3: 0x08, 0x4c4: 0x08, 0x4c5: 0x08, 0x4c6: 0x08, 0x4c7: 0x08, + 0x4c8: 0x08, 0x4c9: 0x08, 0x4ca: 0x08, 0x4cb: 0x08, 0x4cc: 0x08, 0x4cd: 0x08, 0x4ce: 0x08, 0x4cf: 0x08, + 0x4d0: 0x08, 0x4d1: 0x08, 0x4d2: 0x08, 0x4d3: 0x08, 0x4d4: 0x08, 0x4d5: 0x08, 0x4d6: 0x08, 0x4d7: 0x08, + 0x4d8: 0x08, 0x4d9: 0x08, 0x4da: 0x08, 0x4db: 0x08, 0x4dc: 0x08, 0x4dd: 0x08, 0x4de: 0x08, 0x4df: 0x08, + 0x4e0: 0x08, 0x4e1: 0x08, 0x4e2: 0x08, 0x4e3: 0x08, 0x4e4: 0x08, 0x4e5: 0x08, 0x4e6: 0x08, 0x4e7: 0x08, + 0x4e8: 0x08, 0x4e9: 0x08, 0x4ea: 0x08, 0x4eb: 0x08, 0x4ec: 0x08, 0x4ed: 0x08, 0x4ee: 0x08, 0x4ef: 0x08, + 0x4f0: 0x08, 0x4f1: 0x08, 0x4f2: 0x08, 0x4f3: 0x08, 0x4f4: 0x08, 0x4f5: 0x08, 0x4f6: 0x08, 0x4f7: 0x08, + 0x4f8: 0x08, 0x4f9: 0x08, 0x4fa: 0x08, 0x4fb: 0x08, 0x4fc: 0x08, 0x4fd: 0x08, 0x4fe: 0x08, 0x4ff: 0x66, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x520: 0x10, + 0x530: 0x09, 0x531: 0x09, 0x532: 0x09, 0x533: 0x09, 0x534: 0x09, 0x535: 0x09, 0x536: 0x09, 0x537: 0x09, + 0x538: 0x09, 0x539: 0x09, 0x53a: 0x09, 0x53b: 0x09, 0x53c: 0x09, 0x53d: 0x09, 0x53e: 0x09, 0x53f: 0x11, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x09, 0x541: 0x09, 0x542: 0x09, 0x543: 0x09, 0x544: 0x09, 0x545: 0x09, 0x546: 0x09, 0x547: 0x09, + 0x548: 0x09, 0x549: 0x09, 0x54a: 0x09, 0x54b: 0x09, 0x54c: 0x09, 0x54d: 0x09, 0x54e: 0x09, 0x54f: 0x11, +} + +// inverseData contains 4-byte entries of the following format: +// <0 padding> +// The last byte of the UTF-8-encoded rune is xor-ed with the last byte of the +// UTF-8 encoding of the original rune. Mappings often have the following +// pattern: +// A -> A (U+FF21 -> U+0041) +// B -> B (U+FF22 -> U+0042) +// ... +// By xor-ing the last byte the same entry can be shared by many mappings. This +// reduces the total number of distinct entries by about two thirds. +// The resulting entry for the aforementioned mappings is +// { 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x00 } +// Using this entry to map U+FF21 (UTF-8 [EF BC A1]), we get +// E0 ^ A1 = 41. +// Similarly, for U+FF22 (UTF-8 [EF BC A2]), we get +// E0 ^ A2 = 42. +// Note that because of the xor-ing, the byte sequence stored in the entry is +// not valid UTF-8. +var inverseData = [150][4]byte{ + {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0xa0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xa0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xe0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xe0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x2a}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x26}, + {0x01, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x23}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x16}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x19}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x11}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x31}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x33}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x32}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x36}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x14}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x10}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x37}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x04}, + {0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x26}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x23}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x1e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x14}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x16}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x19}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x11}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x31}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x33}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x3e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x32}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x36}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x84, 0x10}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x37}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3f}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x02, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0e, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0c, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x82, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x94, 0x2a}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x96, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x97, 0x25}, +} + +// Total table size 15448 bytes (15KiB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables9.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables9.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b3db84f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables9.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,1287 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build !go1.10 +// +build !go1.10 + +package width + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "9.0.0" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *widthTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = widthIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0] + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = widthIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0] + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// widthTrie. Total size: 14080 bytes (13.75 KiB). Checksum: 3b8aeb3dc03667a3. +type widthTrie struct{} + +func newWidthTrie(i int) *widthTrie { + return &widthTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + default: + return uint16(widthValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// widthValues: 99 blocks, 6336 entries, 12672 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var widthValues = [6336]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x20: 0x6001, 0x21: 0x6002, 0x22: 0x6002, 0x23: 0x6002, + 0x24: 0x6002, 0x25: 0x6002, 0x26: 0x6002, 0x27: 0x6002, 0x28: 0x6002, 0x29: 0x6002, + 0x2a: 0x6002, 0x2b: 0x6002, 0x2c: 0x6002, 0x2d: 0x6002, 0x2e: 0x6002, 0x2f: 0x6002, + 0x30: 0x6002, 0x31: 0x6002, 0x32: 0x6002, 0x33: 0x6002, 0x34: 0x6002, 0x35: 0x6002, + 0x36: 0x6002, 0x37: 0x6002, 0x38: 0x6002, 0x39: 0x6002, 0x3a: 0x6002, 0x3b: 0x6002, + 0x3c: 0x6002, 0x3d: 0x6002, 0x3e: 0x6002, 0x3f: 0x6002, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x6003, 0x41: 0x6003, 0x42: 0x6003, 0x43: 0x6003, 0x44: 0x6003, 0x45: 0x6003, + 0x46: 0x6003, 0x47: 0x6003, 0x48: 0x6003, 0x49: 0x6003, 0x4a: 0x6003, 0x4b: 0x6003, + 0x4c: 0x6003, 0x4d: 0x6003, 0x4e: 0x6003, 0x4f: 0x6003, 0x50: 0x6003, 0x51: 0x6003, + 0x52: 0x6003, 0x53: 0x6003, 0x54: 0x6003, 0x55: 0x6003, 0x56: 0x6003, 0x57: 0x6003, + 0x58: 0x6003, 0x59: 0x6003, 0x5a: 0x6003, 0x5b: 0x6003, 0x5c: 0x6003, 0x5d: 0x6003, + 0x5e: 0x6003, 0x5f: 0x6003, 0x60: 0x6004, 0x61: 0x6004, 0x62: 0x6004, 0x63: 0x6004, + 0x64: 0x6004, 0x65: 0x6004, 0x66: 0x6004, 0x67: 0x6004, 0x68: 0x6004, 0x69: 0x6004, + 0x6a: 0x6004, 0x6b: 0x6004, 0x6c: 0x6004, 0x6d: 0x6004, 0x6e: 0x6004, 0x6f: 0x6004, + 0x70: 0x6004, 0x71: 0x6004, 0x72: 0x6004, 0x73: 0x6004, 0x74: 0x6004, 0x75: 0x6004, + 0x76: 0x6004, 0x77: 0x6004, 0x78: 0x6004, 0x79: 0x6004, 0x7a: 0x6004, 0x7b: 0x6004, + 0x7c: 0x6004, 0x7d: 0x6004, 0x7e: 0x6004, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xe1: 0x2000, 0xe2: 0x6005, 0xe3: 0x6005, + 0xe4: 0x2000, 0xe5: 0x6006, 0xe6: 0x6005, 0xe7: 0x2000, 0xe8: 0x2000, + 0xea: 0x2000, 0xec: 0x6007, 0xed: 0x2000, 0xee: 0x2000, 0xef: 0x6008, + 0xf0: 0x2000, 0xf1: 0x2000, 0xf2: 0x2000, 0xf3: 0x2000, 0xf4: 0x2000, + 0xf6: 0x2000, 0xf7: 0x2000, 0xf8: 0x2000, 0xf9: 0x2000, 0xfa: 0x2000, + 0xfc: 0x2000, 0xfd: 0x2000, 0xfe: 0x2000, 0xff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x106: 0x2000, + 0x110: 0x2000, + 0x117: 0x2000, + 0x118: 0x2000, + 0x11e: 0x2000, 0x11f: 0x2000, 0x120: 0x2000, 0x121: 0x2000, + 0x126: 0x2000, 0x128: 0x2000, 0x129: 0x2000, + 0x12a: 0x2000, 0x12c: 0x2000, 0x12d: 0x2000, + 0x130: 0x2000, 0x132: 0x2000, 0x133: 0x2000, + 0x137: 0x2000, 0x138: 0x2000, 0x139: 0x2000, 0x13a: 0x2000, + 0x13c: 0x2000, 0x13e: 0x2000, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x141: 0x2000, + 0x151: 0x2000, + 0x153: 0x2000, + 0x15b: 0x2000, + 0x166: 0x2000, 0x167: 0x2000, + 0x16b: 0x2000, + 0x171: 0x2000, 0x172: 0x2000, 0x173: 0x2000, + 0x178: 0x2000, + 0x17f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x2000, 0x181: 0x2000, 0x182: 0x2000, 0x184: 0x2000, + 0x188: 0x2000, 0x189: 0x2000, 0x18a: 0x2000, 0x18b: 0x2000, + 0x18d: 0x2000, + 0x192: 0x2000, 0x193: 0x2000, + 0x1a6: 0x2000, 0x1a7: 0x2000, + 0x1ab: 0x2000, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1ce: 0x2000, 0x1d0: 0x2000, + 0x1d2: 0x2000, 0x1d4: 0x2000, 0x1d6: 0x2000, + 0x1d8: 0x2000, 0x1da: 0x2000, 0x1dc: 0x2000, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x211: 0x2000, + 0x221: 0x2000, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x244: 0x2000, + 0x247: 0x2000, 0x249: 0x2000, 0x24a: 0x2000, 0x24b: 0x2000, + 0x24d: 0x2000, 0x250: 0x2000, + 0x258: 0x2000, 0x259: 0x2000, 0x25a: 0x2000, 0x25b: 0x2000, 0x25d: 0x2000, + 0x25f: 0x2000, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x2000, 0x281: 0x2000, 0x282: 0x2000, 0x283: 0x2000, 0x284: 0x2000, 0x285: 0x2000, + 0x286: 0x2000, 0x287: 0x2000, 0x288: 0x2000, 0x289: 0x2000, 0x28a: 0x2000, 0x28b: 0x2000, + 0x28c: 0x2000, 0x28d: 0x2000, 0x28e: 0x2000, 0x28f: 0x2000, 0x290: 0x2000, 0x291: 0x2000, + 0x292: 0x2000, 0x293: 0x2000, 0x294: 0x2000, 0x295: 0x2000, 0x296: 0x2000, 0x297: 0x2000, + 0x298: 0x2000, 0x299: 0x2000, 0x29a: 0x2000, 0x29b: 0x2000, 0x29c: 0x2000, 0x29d: 0x2000, + 0x29e: 0x2000, 0x29f: 0x2000, 0x2a0: 0x2000, 0x2a1: 0x2000, 0x2a2: 0x2000, 0x2a3: 0x2000, + 0x2a4: 0x2000, 0x2a5: 0x2000, 0x2a6: 0x2000, 0x2a7: 0x2000, 0x2a8: 0x2000, 0x2a9: 0x2000, + 0x2aa: 0x2000, 0x2ab: 0x2000, 0x2ac: 0x2000, 0x2ad: 0x2000, 0x2ae: 0x2000, 0x2af: 0x2000, + 0x2b0: 0x2000, 0x2b1: 0x2000, 0x2b2: 0x2000, 0x2b3: 0x2000, 0x2b4: 0x2000, 0x2b5: 0x2000, + 0x2b6: 0x2000, 0x2b7: 0x2000, 0x2b8: 0x2000, 0x2b9: 0x2000, 0x2ba: 0x2000, 0x2bb: 0x2000, + 0x2bc: 0x2000, 0x2bd: 0x2000, 0x2be: 0x2000, 0x2bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x2000, 0x2c1: 0x2000, 0x2c2: 0x2000, 0x2c3: 0x2000, 0x2c4: 0x2000, 0x2c5: 0x2000, + 0x2c6: 0x2000, 0x2c7: 0x2000, 0x2c8: 0x2000, 0x2c9: 0x2000, 0x2ca: 0x2000, 0x2cb: 0x2000, + 0x2cc: 0x2000, 0x2cd: 0x2000, 0x2ce: 0x2000, 0x2cf: 0x2000, 0x2d0: 0x2000, 0x2d1: 0x2000, + 0x2d2: 0x2000, 0x2d3: 0x2000, 0x2d4: 0x2000, 0x2d5: 0x2000, 0x2d6: 0x2000, 0x2d7: 0x2000, + 0x2d8: 0x2000, 0x2d9: 0x2000, 0x2da: 0x2000, 0x2db: 0x2000, 0x2dc: 0x2000, 0x2dd: 0x2000, + 0x2de: 0x2000, 0x2df: 0x2000, 0x2e0: 0x2000, 0x2e1: 0x2000, 0x2e2: 0x2000, 0x2e3: 0x2000, + 0x2e4: 0x2000, 0x2e5: 0x2000, 0x2e6: 0x2000, 0x2e7: 0x2000, 0x2e8: 0x2000, 0x2e9: 0x2000, + 0x2ea: 0x2000, 0x2eb: 0x2000, 0x2ec: 0x2000, 0x2ed: 0x2000, 0x2ee: 0x2000, 0x2ef: 0x2000, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x311: 0x2000, + 0x312: 0x2000, 0x313: 0x2000, 0x314: 0x2000, 0x315: 0x2000, 0x316: 0x2000, 0x317: 0x2000, + 0x318: 0x2000, 0x319: 0x2000, 0x31a: 0x2000, 0x31b: 0x2000, 0x31c: 0x2000, 0x31d: 0x2000, + 0x31e: 0x2000, 0x31f: 0x2000, 0x320: 0x2000, 0x321: 0x2000, 0x323: 0x2000, + 0x324: 0x2000, 0x325: 0x2000, 0x326: 0x2000, 0x327: 0x2000, 0x328: 0x2000, 0x329: 0x2000, + 0x331: 0x2000, 0x332: 0x2000, 0x333: 0x2000, 0x334: 0x2000, 0x335: 0x2000, + 0x336: 0x2000, 0x337: 0x2000, 0x338: 0x2000, 0x339: 0x2000, 0x33a: 0x2000, 0x33b: 0x2000, + 0x33c: 0x2000, 0x33d: 0x2000, 0x33e: 0x2000, 0x33f: 0x2000, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x2000, 0x341: 0x2000, 0x343: 0x2000, 0x344: 0x2000, 0x345: 0x2000, + 0x346: 0x2000, 0x347: 0x2000, 0x348: 0x2000, 0x349: 0x2000, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x381: 0x2000, + 0x390: 0x2000, 0x391: 0x2000, + 0x392: 0x2000, 0x393: 0x2000, 0x394: 0x2000, 0x395: 0x2000, 0x396: 0x2000, 0x397: 0x2000, + 0x398: 0x2000, 0x399: 0x2000, 0x39a: 0x2000, 0x39b: 0x2000, 0x39c: 0x2000, 0x39d: 0x2000, + 0x39e: 0x2000, 0x39f: 0x2000, 0x3a0: 0x2000, 0x3a1: 0x2000, 0x3a2: 0x2000, 0x3a3: 0x2000, + 0x3a4: 0x2000, 0x3a5: 0x2000, 0x3a6: 0x2000, 0x3a7: 0x2000, 0x3a8: 0x2000, 0x3a9: 0x2000, + 0x3aa: 0x2000, 0x3ab: 0x2000, 0x3ac: 0x2000, 0x3ad: 0x2000, 0x3ae: 0x2000, 0x3af: 0x2000, + 0x3b0: 0x2000, 0x3b1: 0x2000, 0x3b2: 0x2000, 0x3b3: 0x2000, 0x3b4: 0x2000, 0x3b5: 0x2000, + 0x3b6: 0x2000, 0x3b7: 0x2000, 0x3b8: 0x2000, 0x3b9: 0x2000, 0x3ba: 0x2000, 0x3bb: 0x2000, + 0x3bc: 0x2000, 0x3bd: 0x2000, 0x3be: 0x2000, 0x3bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x2000, 0x3c1: 0x2000, 0x3c2: 0x2000, 0x3c3: 0x2000, 0x3c4: 0x2000, 0x3c5: 0x2000, + 0x3c6: 0x2000, 0x3c7: 0x2000, 0x3c8: 0x2000, 0x3c9: 0x2000, 0x3ca: 0x2000, 0x3cb: 0x2000, + 0x3cc: 0x2000, 0x3cd: 0x2000, 0x3ce: 0x2000, 0x3cf: 0x2000, 0x3d1: 0x2000, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x4000, 0x401: 0x4000, 0x402: 0x4000, 0x403: 0x4000, 0x404: 0x4000, 0x405: 0x4000, + 0x406: 0x4000, 0x407: 0x4000, 0x408: 0x4000, 0x409: 0x4000, 0x40a: 0x4000, 0x40b: 0x4000, + 0x40c: 0x4000, 0x40d: 0x4000, 0x40e: 0x4000, 0x40f: 0x4000, 0x410: 0x4000, 0x411: 0x4000, + 0x412: 0x4000, 0x413: 0x4000, 0x414: 0x4000, 0x415: 0x4000, 0x416: 0x4000, 0x417: 0x4000, + 0x418: 0x4000, 0x419: 0x4000, 0x41a: 0x4000, 0x41b: 0x4000, 0x41c: 0x4000, 0x41d: 0x4000, + 0x41e: 0x4000, 0x41f: 0x4000, 0x420: 0x4000, 0x421: 0x4000, 0x422: 0x4000, 0x423: 0x4000, + 0x424: 0x4000, 0x425: 0x4000, 0x426: 0x4000, 0x427: 0x4000, 0x428: 0x4000, 0x429: 0x4000, + 0x42a: 0x4000, 0x42b: 0x4000, 0x42c: 0x4000, 0x42d: 0x4000, 0x42e: 0x4000, 0x42f: 0x4000, + 0x430: 0x4000, 0x431: 0x4000, 0x432: 0x4000, 0x433: 0x4000, 0x434: 0x4000, 0x435: 0x4000, + 0x436: 0x4000, 0x437: 0x4000, 0x438: 0x4000, 0x439: 0x4000, 0x43a: 0x4000, 0x43b: 0x4000, + 0x43c: 0x4000, 0x43d: 0x4000, 0x43e: 0x4000, 0x43f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x4000, 0x441: 0x4000, 0x442: 0x4000, 0x443: 0x4000, 0x444: 0x4000, 0x445: 0x4000, + 0x446: 0x4000, 0x447: 0x4000, 0x448: 0x4000, 0x449: 0x4000, 0x44a: 0x4000, 0x44b: 0x4000, + 0x44c: 0x4000, 0x44d: 0x4000, 0x44e: 0x4000, 0x44f: 0x4000, 0x450: 0x4000, 0x451: 0x4000, + 0x452: 0x4000, 0x453: 0x4000, 0x454: 0x4000, 0x455: 0x4000, 0x456: 0x4000, 0x457: 0x4000, + 0x458: 0x4000, 0x459: 0x4000, 0x45a: 0x4000, 0x45b: 0x4000, 0x45c: 0x4000, 0x45d: 0x4000, + 0x45e: 0x4000, 0x45f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x490: 0x2000, + 0x493: 0x2000, 0x494: 0x2000, 0x495: 0x2000, 0x496: 0x2000, + 0x498: 0x2000, 0x499: 0x2000, 0x49c: 0x2000, 0x49d: 0x2000, + 0x4a0: 0x2000, 0x4a1: 0x2000, 0x4a2: 0x2000, + 0x4a4: 0x2000, 0x4a5: 0x2000, 0x4a6: 0x2000, 0x4a7: 0x2000, + 0x4b0: 0x2000, 0x4b2: 0x2000, 0x4b3: 0x2000, 0x4b5: 0x2000, + 0x4bb: 0x2000, + 0x4be: 0x2000, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4f4: 0x2000, + 0x4ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x501: 0x2000, 0x502: 0x2000, 0x503: 0x2000, 0x504: 0x2000, + 0x529: 0xa009, + 0x52c: 0x2000, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x543: 0x2000, 0x545: 0x2000, + 0x549: 0x2000, + 0x553: 0x2000, 0x556: 0x2000, + 0x561: 0x2000, 0x562: 0x2000, + 0x566: 0x2000, + 0x56b: 0x2000, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x593: 0x2000, 0x594: 0x2000, + 0x59b: 0x2000, 0x59c: 0x2000, 0x59d: 0x2000, + 0x59e: 0x2000, 0x5a0: 0x2000, 0x5a1: 0x2000, 0x5a2: 0x2000, 0x5a3: 0x2000, + 0x5a4: 0x2000, 0x5a5: 0x2000, 0x5a6: 0x2000, 0x5a7: 0x2000, 0x5a8: 0x2000, 0x5a9: 0x2000, + 0x5aa: 0x2000, 0x5ab: 0x2000, + 0x5b0: 0x2000, 0x5b1: 0x2000, 0x5b2: 0x2000, 0x5b3: 0x2000, 0x5b4: 0x2000, 0x5b5: 0x2000, + 0x5b6: 0x2000, 0x5b7: 0x2000, 0x5b8: 0x2000, 0x5b9: 0x2000, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c9: 0x2000, + 0x5d0: 0x200a, 0x5d1: 0x200b, + 0x5d2: 0x200a, 0x5d3: 0x200c, 0x5d4: 0x2000, 0x5d5: 0x2000, 0x5d6: 0x2000, 0x5d7: 0x2000, + 0x5d8: 0x2000, 0x5d9: 0x2000, + 0x5f8: 0x2000, 0x5f9: 0x2000, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x612: 0x2000, 0x614: 0x2000, + 0x627: 0x2000, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x2000, 0x642: 0x2000, 0x643: 0x2000, + 0x647: 0x2000, 0x648: 0x2000, 0x64b: 0x2000, + 0x64f: 0x2000, 0x651: 0x2000, + 0x655: 0x2000, + 0x65a: 0x2000, 0x65d: 0x2000, + 0x65e: 0x2000, 0x65f: 0x2000, 0x660: 0x2000, 0x663: 0x2000, + 0x665: 0x2000, 0x667: 0x2000, 0x668: 0x2000, 0x669: 0x2000, + 0x66a: 0x2000, 0x66b: 0x2000, 0x66c: 0x2000, 0x66e: 0x2000, + 0x674: 0x2000, 0x675: 0x2000, + 0x676: 0x2000, 0x677: 0x2000, + 0x67c: 0x2000, 0x67d: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x688: 0x2000, + 0x68c: 0x2000, + 0x692: 0x2000, + 0x6a0: 0x2000, 0x6a1: 0x2000, + 0x6a4: 0x2000, 0x6a5: 0x2000, 0x6a6: 0x2000, 0x6a7: 0x2000, + 0x6aa: 0x2000, 0x6ab: 0x2000, 0x6ae: 0x2000, 0x6af: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c2: 0x2000, 0x6c3: 0x2000, + 0x6c6: 0x2000, 0x6c7: 0x2000, + 0x6d5: 0x2000, + 0x6d9: 0x2000, + 0x6e5: 0x2000, + 0x6ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x712: 0x2000, + 0x71a: 0x4000, 0x71b: 0x4000, + 0x729: 0x4000, + 0x72a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x769: 0x4000, + 0x76a: 0x4000, 0x76b: 0x4000, 0x76c: 0x4000, + 0x770: 0x4000, 0x773: 0x4000, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x7a0: 0x2000, 0x7a1: 0x2000, 0x7a2: 0x2000, 0x7a3: 0x2000, + 0x7a4: 0x2000, 0x7a5: 0x2000, 0x7a6: 0x2000, 0x7a7: 0x2000, 0x7a8: 0x2000, 0x7a9: 0x2000, + 0x7aa: 0x2000, 0x7ab: 0x2000, 0x7ac: 0x2000, 0x7ad: 0x2000, 0x7ae: 0x2000, 0x7af: 0x2000, + 0x7b0: 0x2000, 0x7b1: 0x2000, 0x7b2: 0x2000, 0x7b3: 0x2000, 0x7b4: 0x2000, 0x7b5: 0x2000, + 0x7b6: 0x2000, 0x7b7: 0x2000, 0x7b8: 0x2000, 0x7b9: 0x2000, 0x7ba: 0x2000, 0x7bb: 0x2000, + 0x7bc: 0x2000, 0x7bd: 0x2000, 0x7be: 0x2000, 0x7bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c0: 0x2000, 0x7c1: 0x2000, 0x7c2: 0x2000, 0x7c3: 0x2000, 0x7c4: 0x2000, 0x7c5: 0x2000, + 0x7c6: 0x2000, 0x7c7: 0x2000, 0x7c8: 0x2000, 0x7c9: 0x2000, 0x7ca: 0x2000, 0x7cb: 0x2000, + 0x7cc: 0x2000, 0x7cd: 0x2000, 0x7ce: 0x2000, 0x7cf: 0x2000, 0x7d0: 0x2000, 0x7d1: 0x2000, + 0x7d2: 0x2000, 0x7d3: 0x2000, 0x7d4: 0x2000, 0x7d5: 0x2000, 0x7d6: 0x2000, 0x7d7: 0x2000, + 0x7d8: 0x2000, 0x7d9: 0x2000, 0x7da: 0x2000, 0x7db: 0x2000, 0x7dc: 0x2000, 0x7dd: 0x2000, + 0x7de: 0x2000, 0x7df: 0x2000, 0x7e0: 0x2000, 0x7e1: 0x2000, 0x7e2: 0x2000, 0x7e3: 0x2000, + 0x7e4: 0x2000, 0x7e5: 0x2000, 0x7e6: 0x2000, 0x7e7: 0x2000, 0x7e8: 0x2000, 0x7e9: 0x2000, + 0x7eb: 0x2000, 0x7ec: 0x2000, 0x7ed: 0x2000, 0x7ee: 0x2000, 0x7ef: 0x2000, + 0x7f0: 0x2000, 0x7f1: 0x2000, 0x7f2: 0x2000, 0x7f3: 0x2000, 0x7f4: 0x2000, 0x7f5: 0x2000, + 0x7f6: 0x2000, 0x7f7: 0x2000, 0x7f8: 0x2000, 0x7f9: 0x2000, 0x7fa: 0x2000, 0x7fb: 0x2000, + 0x7fc: 0x2000, 0x7fd: 0x2000, 0x7fe: 0x2000, 0x7ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x2000, 0x801: 0x2000, 0x802: 0x200d, 0x803: 0x2000, 0x804: 0x2000, 0x805: 0x2000, + 0x806: 0x2000, 0x807: 0x2000, 0x808: 0x2000, 0x809: 0x2000, 0x80a: 0x2000, 0x80b: 0x2000, + 0x80c: 0x2000, 0x80d: 0x2000, 0x80e: 0x2000, 0x80f: 0x2000, 0x810: 0x2000, 0x811: 0x2000, + 0x812: 0x2000, 0x813: 0x2000, 0x814: 0x2000, 0x815: 0x2000, 0x816: 0x2000, 0x817: 0x2000, + 0x818: 0x2000, 0x819: 0x2000, 0x81a: 0x2000, 0x81b: 0x2000, 0x81c: 0x2000, 0x81d: 0x2000, + 0x81e: 0x2000, 0x81f: 0x2000, 0x820: 0x2000, 0x821: 0x2000, 0x822: 0x2000, 0x823: 0x2000, + 0x824: 0x2000, 0x825: 0x2000, 0x826: 0x2000, 0x827: 0x2000, 0x828: 0x2000, 0x829: 0x2000, + 0x82a: 0x2000, 0x82b: 0x2000, 0x82c: 0x2000, 0x82d: 0x2000, 0x82e: 0x2000, 0x82f: 0x2000, + 0x830: 0x2000, 0x831: 0x2000, 0x832: 0x2000, 0x833: 0x2000, 0x834: 0x2000, 0x835: 0x2000, + 0x836: 0x2000, 0x837: 0x2000, 0x838: 0x2000, 0x839: 0x2000, 0x83a: 0x2000, 0x83b: 0x2000, + 0x83c: 0x2000, 0x83d: 0x2000, 0x83e: 0x2000, 0x83f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x2000, 0x841: 0x2000, 0x842: 0x2000, 0x843: 0x2000, 0x844: 0x2000, 0x845: 0x2000, + 0x846: 0x2000, 0x847: 0x2000, 0x848: 0x2000, 0x849: 0x2000, 0x84a: 0x2000, 0x84b: 0x2000, + 0x850: 0x2000, 0x851: 0x2000, + 0x852: 0x2000, 0x853: 0x2000, 0x854: 0x2000, 0x855: 0x2000, 0x856: 0x2000, 0x857: 0x2000, + 0x858: 0x2000, 0x859: 0x2000, 0x85a: 0x2000, 0x85b: 0x2000, 0x85c: 0x2000, 0x85d: 0x2000, + 0x85e: 0x2000, 0x85f: 0x2000, 0x860: 0x2000, 0x861: 0x2000, 0x862: 0x2000, 0x863: 0x2000, + 0x864: 0x2000, 0x865: 0x2000, 0x866: 0x2000, 0x867: 0x2000, 0x868: 0x2000, 0x869: 0x2000, + 0x86a: 0x2000, 0x86b: 0x2000, 0x86c: 0x2000, 0x86d: 0x2000, 0x86e: 0x2000, 0x86f: 0x2000, + 0x870: 0x2000, 0x871: 0x2000, 0x872: 0x2000, 0x873: 0x2000, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x2000, 0x881: 0x2000, 0x882: 0x2000, 0x883: 0x2000, 0x884: 0x2000, 0x885: 0x2000, + 0x886: 0x2000, 0x887: 0x2000, 0x888: 0x2000, 0x889: 0x2000, 0x88a: 0x2000, 0x88b: 0x2000, + 0x88c: 0x2000, 0x88d: 0x2000, 0x88e: 0x2000, 0x88f: 0x2000, + 0x892: 0x2000, 0x893: 0x2000, 0x894: 0x2000, 0x895: 0x2000, + 0x8a0: 0x200e, 0x8a1: 0x2000, 0x8a3: 0x2000, + 0x8a4: 0x2000, 0x8a5: 0x2000, 0x8a6: 0x2000, 0x8a7: 0x2000, 0x8a8: 0x2000, 0x8a9: 0x2000, + 0x8b2: 0x2000, 0x8b3: 0x2000, + 0x8b6: 0x2000, 0x8b7: 0x2000, + 0x8bc: 0x2000, 0x8bd: 0x2000, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x2000, 0x8c1: 0x2000, + 0x8c6: 0x2000, 0x8c7: 0x2000, 0x8c8: 0x2000, 0x8cb: 0x200f, + 0x8ce: 0x2000, 0x8cf: 0x2000, 0x8d0: 0x2000, 0x8d1: 0x2000, + 0x8e2: 0x2000, 0x8e3: 0x2000, + 0x8e4: 0x2000, 0x8e5: 0x2000, + 0x8ef: 0x2000, + 0x8fd: 0x4000, 0x8fe: 0x4000, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x905: 0x2000, + 0x906: 0x2000, 0x909: 0x2000, + 0x90e: 0x2000, 0x90f: 0x2000, + 0x914: 0x4000, 0x915: 0x4000, + 0x91c: 0x2000, + 0x91e: 0x2000, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x2000, 0x942: 0x2000, + 0x948: 0x4000, 0x949: 0x4000, 0x94a: 0x4000, 0x94b: 0x4000, + 0x94c: 0x4000, 0x94d: 0x4000, 0x94e: 0x4000, 0x94f: 0x4000, 0x950: 0x4000, 0x951: 0x4000, + 0x952: 0x4000, 0x953: 0x4000, + 0x960: 0x2000, 0x961: 0x2000, 0x963: 0x2000, + 0x964: 0x2000, 0x965: 0x2000, 0x967: 0x2000, 0x968: 0x2000, 0x969: 0x2000, + 0x96a: 0x2000, 0x96c: 0x2000, 0x96d: 0x2000, 0x96f: 0x2000, + 0x97f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x993: 0x4000, + 0x99e: 0x2000, 0x99f: 0x2000, 0x9a1: 0x4000, + 0x9aa: 0x4000, 0x9ab: 0x4000, + 0x9bd: 0x4000, 0x9be: 0x4000, 0x9bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c4: 0x4000, 0x9c5: 0x4000, + 0x9c6: 0x2000, 0x9c7: 0x2000, 0x9c8: 0x2000, 0x9c9: 0x2000, 0x9ca: 0x2000, 0x9cb: 0x2000, + 0x9cc: 0x2000, 0x9cd: 0x2000, 0x9ce: 0x4000, 0x9cf: 0x2000, 0x9d0: 0x2000, 0x9d1: 0x2000, + 0x9d2: 0x2000, 0x9d3: 0x2000, 0x9d4: 0x4000, 0x9d5: 0x2000, 0x9d6: 0x2000, 0x9d7: 0x2000, + 0x9d8: 0x2000, 0x9d9: 0x2000, 0x9da: 0x2000, 0x9db: 0x2000, 0x9dc: 0x2000, 0x9dd: 0x2000, + 0x9de: 0x2000, 0x9df: 0x2000, 0x9e0: 0x2000, 0x9e1: 0x2000, 0x9e3: 0x2000, + 0x9e8: 0x2000, 0x9e9: 0x2000, + 0x9ea: 0x4000, 0x9eb: 0x2000, 0x9ec: 0x2000, 0x9ed: 0x2000, 0x9ee: 0x2000, 0x9ef: 0x2000, + 0x9f0: 0x2000, 0x9f1: 0x2000, 0x9f2: 0x4000, 0x9f3: 0x4000, 0x9f4: 0x2000, 0x9f5: 0x4000, + 0x9f6: 0x2000, 0x9f7: 0x2000, 0x9f8: 0x2000, 0x9f9: 0x2000, 0x9fa: 0x4000, 0x9fb: 0x2000, + 0x9fc: 0x2000, 0x9fd: 0x4000, 0x9fe: 0x2000, 0x9ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa05: 0x4000, + 0xa0a: 0x4000, 0xa0b: 0x4000, + 0xa28: 0x4000, + 0xa3d: 0x2000, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa4c: 0x4000, 0xa4e: 0x4000, + 0xa53: 0x4000, 0xa54: 0x4000, 0xa55: 0x4000, 0xa57: 0x4000, + 0xa76: 0x2000, 0xa77: 0x2000, 0xa78: 0x2000, 0xa79: 0x2000, 0xa7a: 0x2000, 0xa7b: 0x2000, + 0xa7c: 0x2000, 0xa7d: 0x2000, 0xa7e: 0x2000, 0xa7f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa95: 0x4000, 0xa96: 0x4000, 0xa97: 0x4000, + 0xab0: 0x4000, + 0xabf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xae6: 0x6000, 0xae7: 0x6000, 0xae8: 0x6000, 0xae9: 0x6000, + 0xaea: 0x6000, 0xaeb: 0x6000, 0xaec: 0x6000, 0xaed: 0x6000, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb05: 0x6010, + 0xb06: 0x6011, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb5b: 0x4000, 0xb5c: 0x4000, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb90: 0x4000, + 0xb95: 0x4000, 0xb96: 0x2000, 0xb97: 0x2000, + 0xb98: 0x2000, 0xb99: 0x2000, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x4000, 0xbc1: 0x4000, 0xbc2: 0x4000, 0xbc3: 0x4000, 0xbc4: 0x4000, 0xbc5: 0x4000, + 0xbc6: 0x4000, 0xbc7: 0x4000, 0xbc8: 0x4000, 0xbc9: 0x4000, 0xbca: 0x4000, 0xbcb: 0x4000, + 0xbcc: 0x4000, 0xbcd: 0x4000, 0xbce: 0x4000, 0xbcf: 0x4000, 0xbd0: 0x4000, 0xbd1: 0x4000, + 0xbd2: 0x4000, 0xbd3: 0x4000, 0xbd4: 0x4000, 0xbd5: 0x4000, 0xbd6: 0x4000, 0xbd7: 0x4000, + 0xbd8: 0x4000, 0xbd9: 0x4000, 0xbdb: 0x4000, 0xbdc: 0x4000, 0xbdd: 0x4000, + 0xbde: 0x4000, 0xbdf: 0x4000, 0xbe0: 0x4000, 0xbe1: 0x4000, 0xbe2: 0x4000, 0xbe3: 0x4000, + 0xbe4: 0x4000, 0xbe5: 0x4000, 0xbe6: 0x4000, 0xbe7: 0x4000, 0xbe8: 0x4000, 0xbe9: 0x4000, + 0xbea: 0x4000, 0xbeb: 0x4000, 0xbec: 0x4000, 0xbed: 0x4000, 0xbee: 0x4000, 0xbef: 0x4000, + 0xbf0: 0x4000, 0xbf1: 0x4000, 0xbf2: 0x4000, 0xbf3: 0x4000, 0xbf4: 0x4000, 0xbf5: 0x4000, + 0xbf6: 0x4000, 0xbf7: 0x4000, 0xbf8: 0x4000, 0xbf9: 0x4000, 0xbfa: 0x4000, 0xbfb: 0x4000, + 0xbfc: 0x4000, 0xbfd: 0x4000, 0xbfe: 0x4000, 0xbff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc00: 0x4000, 0xc01: 0x4000, 0xc02: 0x4000, 0xc03: 0x4000, 0xc04: 0x4000, 0xc05: 0x4000, + 0xc06: 0x4000, 0xc07: 0x4000, 0xc08: 0x4000, 0xc09: 0x4000, 0xc0a: 0x4000, 0xc0b: 0x4000, + 0xc0c: 0x4000, 0xc0d: 0x4000, 0xc0e: 0x4000, 0xc0f: 0x4000, 0xc10: 0x4000, 0xc11: 0x4000, + 0xc12: 0x4000, 0xc13: 0x4000, 0xc14: 0x4000, 0xc15: 0x4000, 0xc16: 0x4000, 0xc17: 0x4000, + 0xc18: 0x4000, 0xc19: 0x4000, 0xc1a: 0x4000, 0xc1b: 0x4000, 0xc1c: 0x4000, 0xc1d: 0x4000, + 0xc1e: 0x4000, 0xc1f: 0x4000, 0xc20: 0x4000, 0xc21: 0x4000, 0xc22: 0x4000, 0xc23: 0x4000, + 0xc24: 0x4000, 0xc25: 0x4000, 0xc26: 0x4000, 0xc27: 0x4000, 0xc28: 0x4000, 0xc29: 0x4000, + 0xc2a: 0x4000, 0xc2b: 0x4000, 0xc2c: 0x4000, 0xc2d: 0x4000, 0xc2e: 0x4000, 0xc2f: 0x4000, + 0xc30: 0x4000, 0xc31: 0x4000, 0xc32: 0x4000, 0xc33: 0x4000, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x4000, 0xc41: 0x4000, 0xc42: 0x4000, 0xc43: 0x4000, 0xc44: 0x4000, 0xc45: 0x4000, + 0xc46: 0x4000, 0xc47: 0x4000, 0xc48: 0x4000, 0xc49: 0x4000, 0xc4a: 0x4000, 0xc4b: 0x4000, + 0xc4c: 0x4000, 0xc4d: 0x4000, 0xc4e: 0x4000, 0xc4f: 0x4000, 0xc50: 0x4000, 0xc51: 0x4000, + 0xc52: 0x4000, 0xc53: 0x4000, 0xc54: 0x4000, 0xc55: 0x4000, + 0xc70: 0x4000, 0xc71: 0x4000, 0xc72: 0x4000, 0xc73: 0x4000, 0xc74: 0x4000, 0xc75: 0x4000, + 0xc76: 0x4000, 0xc77: 0x4000, 0xc78: 0x4000, 0xc79: 0x4000, 0xc7a: 0x4000, 0xc7b: 0x4000, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc80: 0x9012, 0xc81: 0x4013, 0xc82: 0x4014, 0xc83: 0x4000, 0xc84: 0x4000, 0xc85: 0x4000, + 0xc86: 0x4000, 0xc87: 0x4000, 0xc88: 0x4000, 0xc89: 0x4000, 0xc8a: 0x4000, 0xc8b: 0x4000, + 0xc8c: 0x4015, 0xc8d: 0x4015, 0xc8e: 0x4000, 0xc8f: 0x4000, 0xc90: 0x4000, 0xc91: 0x4000, + 0xc92: 0x4000, 0xc93: 0x4000, 0xc94: 0x4000, 0xc95: 0x4000, 0xc96: 0x4000, 0xc97: 0x4000, + 0xc98: 0x4000, 0xc99: 0x4000, 0xc9a: 0x4000, 0xc9b: 0x4000, 0xc9c: 0x4000, 0xc9d: 0x4000, + 0xc9e: 0x4000, 0xc9f: 0x4000, 0xca0: 0x4000, 0xca1: 0x4000, 0xca2: 0x4000, 0xca3: 0x4000, + 0xca4: 0x4000, 0xca5: 0x4000, 0xca6: 0x4000, 0xca7: 0x4000, 0xca8: 0x4000, 0xca9: 0x4000, + 0xcaa: 0x4000, 0xcab: 0x4000, 0xcac: 0x4000, 0xcad: 0x4000, 0xcae: 0x4000, 0xcaf: 0x4000, + 0xcb0: 0x4000, 0xcb1: 0x4000, 0xcb2: 0x4000, 0xcb3: 0x4000, 0xcb4: 0x4000, 0xcb5: 0x4000, + 0xcb6: 0x4000, 0xcb7: 0x4000, 0xcb8: 0x4000, 0xcb9: 0x4000, 0xcba: 0x4000, 0xcbb: 0x4000, + 0xcbc: 0x4000, 0xcbd: 0x4000, 0xcbe: 0x4000, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc1: 0x4000, 0xcc2: 0x4000, 0xcc3: 0x4000, 0xcc4: 0x4000, 0xcc5: 0x4000, + 0xcc6: 0x4000, 0xcc7: 0x4000, 0xcc8: 0x4000, 0xcc9: 0x4000, 0xcca: 0x4000, 0xccb: 0x4000, + 0xccc: 0x4000, 0xccd: 0x4000, 0xcce: 0x4000, 0xccf: 0x4000, 0xcd0: 0x4000, 0xcd1: 0x4000, + 0xcd2: 0x4000, 0xcd3: 0x4000, 0xcd4: 0x4000, 0xcd5: 0x4000, 0xcd6: 0x4000, 0xcd7: 0x4000, + 0xcd8: 0x4000, 0xcd9: 0x4000, 0xcda: 0x4000, 0xcdb: 0x4000, 0xcdc: 0x4000, 0xcdd: 0x4000, + 0xcde: 0x4000, 0xcdf: 0x4000, 0xce0: 0x4000, 0xce1: 0x4000, 0xce2: 0x4000, 0xce3: 0x4000, + 0xce4: 0x4000, 0xce5: 0x4000, 0xce6: 0x4000, 0xce7: 0x4000, 0xce8: 0x4000, 0xce9: 0x4000, + 0xcea: 0x4000, 0xceb: 0x4000, 0xcec: 0x4000, 0xced: 0x4000, 0xcee: 0x4000, 0xcef: 0x4000, + 0xcf0: 0x4000, 0xcf1: 0x4000, 0xcf2: 0x4000, 0xcf3: 0x4000, 0xcf4: 0x4000, 0xcf5: 0x4000, + 0xcf6: 0x4000, 0xcf7: 0x4000, 0xcf8: 0x4000, 0xcf9: 0x4000, 0xcfa: 0x4000, 0xcfb: 0x4000, + 0xcfc: 0x4000, 0xcfd: 0x4000, 0xcfe: 0x4000, 0xcff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd00: 0x4000, 0xd01: 0x4000, 0xd02: 0x4000, 0xd03: 0x4000, 0xd04: 0x4000, 0xd05: 0x4000, + 0xd06: 0x4000, 0xd07: 0x4000, 0xd08: 0x4000, 0xd09: 0x4000, 0xd0a: 0x4000, 0xd0b: 0x4000, + 0xd0c: 0x4000, 0xd0d: 0x4000, 0xd0e: 0x4000, 0xd0f: 0x4000, 0xd10: 0x4000, 0xd11: 0x4000, + 0xd12: 0x4000, 0xd13: 0x4000, 0xd14: 0x4000, 0xd15: 0x4000, 0xd16: 0x4000, + 0xd19: 0x4016, 0xd1a: 0x4017, 0xd1b: 0x4000, 0xd1c: 0x4000, 0xd1d: 0x4000, + 0xd1e: 0x4000, 0xd1f: 0x4000, 0xd20: 0x4000, 0xd21: 0x4018, 0xd22: 0x4019, 0xd23: 0x401a, + 0xd24: 0x401b, 0xd25: 0x401c, 0xd26: 0x401d, 0xd27: 0x401e, 0xd28: 0x401f, 0xd29: 0x4020, + 0xd2a: 0x4021, 0xd2b: 0x4022, 0xd2c: 0x4000, 0xd2d: 0x4010, 0xd2e: 0x4000, 0xd2f: 0x4023, + 0xd30: 0x4000, 0xd31: 0x4024, 0xd32: 0x4000, 0xd33: 0x4025, 0xd34: 0x4000, 0xd35: 0x4026, + 0xd36: 0x4000, 0xd37: 0x401a, 0xd38: 0x4000, 0xd39: 0x4027, 0xd3a: 0x4000, 0xd3b: 0x4028, + 0xd3c: 0x4000, 0xd3d: 0x4020, 0xd3e: 0x4000, 0xd3f: 0x4029, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x4000, 0xd41: 0x402a, 0xd42: 0x4000, 0xd43: 0x402b, 0xd44: 0x402c, 0xd45: 0x4000, + 0xd46: 0x4017, 0xd47: 0x4000, 0xd48: 0x402d, 0xd49: 0x4000, 0xd4a: 0x402e, 0xd4b: 0x402f, + 0xd4c: 0x4030, 0xd4d: 0x4017, 0xd4e: 0x4016, 0xd4f: 0x4017, 0xd50: 0x4000, 0xd51: 0x4000, + 0xd52: 0x4031, 0xd53: 0x4000, 0xd54: 0x4000, 0xd55: 0x4031, 0xd56: 0x4000, 0xd57: 0x4000, + 0xd58: 0x4032, 0xd59: 0x4000, 0xd5a: 0x4000, 0xd5b: 0x4032, 0xd5c: 0x4000, 0xd5d: 0x4000, + 0xd5e: 0x4033, 0xd5f: 0x402e, 0xd60: 0x4034, 0xd61: 0x4035, 0xd62: 0x4034, 0xd63: 0x4036, + 0xd64: 0x4037, 0xd65: 0x4024, 0xd66: 0x4035, 0xd67: 0x4025, 0xd68: 0x4038, 0xd69: 0x4038, + 0xd6a: 0x4039, 0xd6b: 0x4039, 0xd6c: 0x403a, 0xd6d: 0x403a, 0xd6e: 0x4000, 0xd6f: 0x4035, + 0xd70: 0x4000, 0xd71: 0x4000, 0xd72: 0x403b, 0xd73: 0x403c, 0xd74: 0x4000, 0xd75: 0x4000, + 0xd76: 0x4000, 0xd77: 0x4000, 0xd78: 0x4000, 0xd79: 0x4000, 0xd7a: 0x4000, 0xd7b: 0x403d, + 0xd7c: 0x401c, 0xd7d: 0x4000, 0xd7e: 0x4000, 0xd7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd85: 0x4000, + 0xd86: 0x4000, 0xd87: 0x4000, 0xd88: 0x4000, 0xd89: 0x4000, 0xd8a: 0x4000, 0xd8b: 0x4000, + 0xd8c: 0x4000, 0xd8d: 0x4000, 0xd8e: 0x4000, 0xd8f: 0x4000, 0xd90: 0x4000, 0xd91: 0x4000, + 0xd92: 0x4000, 0xd93: 0x4000, 0xd94: 0x4000, 0xd95: 0x4000, 0xd96: 0x4000, 0xd97: 0x4000, + 0xd98: 0x4000, 0xd99: 0x4000, 0xd9a: 0x4000, 0xd9b: 0x4000, 0xd9c: 0x4000, 0xd9d: 0x4000, + 0xd9e: 0x4000, 0xd9f: 0x4000, 0xda0: 0x4000, 0xda1: 0x4000, 0xda2: 0x4000, 0xda3: 0x4000, + 0xda4: 0x4000, 0xda5: 0x4000, 0xda6: 0x4000, 0xda7: 0x4000, 0xda8: 0x4000, 0xda9: 0x4000, + 0xdaa: 0x4000, 0xdab: 0x4000, 0xdac: 0x4000, 0xdad: 0x4000, + 0xdb1: 0x403e, 0xdb2: 0x403e, 0xdb3: 0x403e, 0xdb4: 0x403e, 0xdb5: 0x403e, + 0xdb6: 0x403e, 0xdb7: 0x403e, 0xdb8: 0x403e, 0xdb9: 0x403e, 0xdba: 0x403e, 0xdbb: 0x403e, + 0xdbc: 0x403e, 0xdbd: 0x403e, 0xdbe: 0x403e, 0xdbf: 0x403e, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0x4037, 0xdc1: 0x4037, 0xdc2: 0x4037, 0xdc3: 0x4037, 0xdc4: 0x4037, 0xdc5: 0x4037, + 0xdc6: 0x4037, 0xdc7: 0x4037, 0xdc8: 0x4037, 0xdc9: 0x4037, 0xdca: 0x4037, 0xdcb: 0x4037, + 0xdcc: 0x4037, 0xdcd: 0x4037, 0xdce: 0x4037, 0xdcf: 0x400e, 0xdd0: 0x403f, 0xdd1: 0x4040, + 0xdd2: 0x4041, 0xdd3: 0x4040, 0xdd4: 0x403f, 0xdd5: 0x4042, 0xdd6: 0x4043, 0xdd7: 0x4044, + 0xdd8: 0x4040, 0xdd9: 0x4041, 0xdda: 0x4040, 0xddb: 0x4045, 0xddc: 0x4009, 0xddd: 0x4045, + 0xdde: 0x4046, 0xddf: 0x4045, 0xde0: 0x4047, 0xde1: 0x400b, 0xde2: 0x400a, 0xde3: 0x400c, + 0xde4: 0x4048, 0xde5: 0x4000, 0xde6: 0x4000, 0xde7: 0x4000, 0xde8: 0x4000, 0xde9: 0x4000, + 0xdea: 0x4000, 0xdeb: 0x4000, 0xdec: 0x4000, 0xded: 0x4000, 0xdee: 0x4000, 0xdef: 0x4000, + 0xdf0: 0x4000, 0xdf1: 0x4000, 0xdf2: 0x4000, 0xdf3: 0x4000, 0xdf4: 0x4000, 0xdf5: 0x4000, + 0xdf6: 0x4000, 0xdf7: 0x4000, 0xdf8: 0x4000, 0xdf9: 0x4000, 0xdfa: 0x4000, 0xdfb: 0x4000, + 0xdfc: 0x4000, 0xdfd: 0x4000, 0xdfe: 0x4000, 0xdff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x4000, 0xe01: 0x4000, 0xe02: 0x4000, 0xe03: 0x4000, 0xe04: 0x4000, 0xe05: 0x4000, + 0xe06: 0x4000, 0xe07: 0x4000, 0xe08: 0x4000, 0xe09: 0x4000, 0xe0a: 0x4000, 0xe0b: 0x4000, + 0xe0c: 0x4000, 0xe0d: 0x4000, 0xe0e: 0x4000, 0xe10: 0x4000, 0xe11: 0x4000, + 0xe12: 0x4000, 0xe13: 0x4000, 0xe14: 0x4000, 0xe15: 0x4000, 0xe16: 0x4000, 0xe17: 0x4000, + 0xe18: 0x4000, 0xe19: 0x4000, 0xe1a: 0x4000, 0xe1b: 0x4000, 0xe1c: 0x4000, 0xe1d: 0x4000, + 0xe1e: 0x4000, 0xe1f: 0x4000, 0xe20: 0x4000, 0xe21: 0x4000, 0xe22: 0x4000, 0xe23: 0x4000, + 0xe24: 0x4000, 0xe25: 0x4000, 0xe26: 0x4000, 0xe27: 0x4000, 0xe28: 0x4000, 0xe29: 0x4000, + 0xe2a: 0x4000, 0xe2b: 0x4000, 0xe2c: 0x4000, 0xe2d: 0x4000, 0xe2e: 0x4000, 0xe2f: 0x4000, + 0xe30: 0x4000, 0xe31: 0x4000, 0xe32: 0x4000, 0xe33: 0x4000, 0xe34: 0x4000, 0xe35: 0x4000, + 0xe36: 0x4000, 0xe37: 0x4000, 0xe38: 0x4000, 0xe39: 0x4000, 0xe3a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x4000, 0xe41: 0x4000, 0xe42: 0x4000, 0xe43: 0x4000, 0xe44: 0x4000, 0xe45: 0x4000, + 0xe46: 0x4000, 0xe47: 0x4000, 0xe48: 0x4000, 0xe49: 0x4000, 0xe4a: 0x4000, 0xe4b: 0x4000, + 0xe4c: 0x4000, 0xe4d: 0x4000, 0xe4e: 0x4000, 0xe4f: 0x4000, 0xe50: 0x4000, 0xe51: 0x4000, + 0xe52: 0x4000, 0xe53: 0x4000, 0xe54: 0x4000, 0xe55: 0x4000, 0xe56: 0x4000, 0xe57: 0x4000, + 0xe58: 0x4000, 0xe59: 0x4000, 0xe5a: 0x4000, 0xe5b: 0x4000, 0xe5c: 0x4000, 0xe5d: 0x4000, + 0xe5e: 0x4000, 0xe5f: 0x4000, 0xe60: 0x4000, 0xe61: 0x4000, 0xe62: 0x4000, 0xe63: 0x4000, + 0xe70: 0x4000, 0xe71: 0x4000, 0xe72: 0x4000, 0xe73: 0x4000, 0xe74: 0x4000, 0xe75: 0x4000, + 0xe76: 0x4000, 0xe77: 0x4000, 0xe78: 0x4000, 0xe79: 0x4000, 0xe7a: 0x4000, 0xe7b: 0x4000, + 0xe7c: 0x4000, 0xe7d: 0x4000, 0xe7e: 0x4000, 0xe7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x4000, 0xe81: 0x4000, 0xe82: 0x4000, 0xe83: 0x4000, 0xe84: 0x4000, 0xe85: 0x4000, + 0xe86: 0x4000, 0xe87: 0x4000, 0xe88: 0x4000, 0xe89: 0x4000, 0xe8a: 0x4000, 0xe8b: 0x4000, + 0xe8c: 0x4000, 0xe8d: 0x4000, 0xe8e: 0x4000, 0xe8f: 0x4000, 0xe90: 0x4000, 0xe91: 0x4000, + 0xe92: 0x4000, 0xe93: 0x4000, 0xe94: 0x4000, 0xe95: 0x4000, 0xe96: 0x4000, 0xe97: 0x4000, + 0xe98: 0x4000, 0xe99: 0x4000, 0xe9a: 0x4000, 0xe9b: 0x4000, 0xe9c: 0x4000, 0xe9d: 0x4000, + 0xe9e: 0x4000, 0xea0: 0x4000, 0xea1: 0x4000, 0xea2: 0x4000, 0xea3: 0x4000, + 0xea4: 0x4000, 0xea5: 0x4000, 0xea6: 0x4000, 0xea7: 0x4000, 0xea8: 0x4000, 0xea9: 0x4000, + 0xeaa: 0x4000, 0xeab: 0x4000, 0xeac: 0x4000, 0xead: 0x4000, 0xeae: 0x4000, 0xeaf: 0x4000, + 0xeb0: 0x4000, 0xeb1: 0x4000, 0xeb2: 0x4000, 0xeb3: 0x4000, 0xeb4: 0x4000, 0xeb5: 0x4000, + 0xeb6: 0x4000, 0xeb7: 0x4000, 0xeb8: 0x4000, 0xeb9: 0x4000, 0xeba: 0x4000, 0xebb: 0x4000, + 0xebc: 0x4000, 0xebd: 0x4000, 0xebe: 0x4000, 0xebf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x4000, 0xec1: 0x4000, 0xec2: 0x4000, 0xec3: 0x4000, 0xec4: 0x4000, 0xec5: 0x4000, + 0xec6: 0x4000, 0xec7: 0x4000, 0xec8: 0x2000, 0xec9: 0x2000, 0xeca: 0x2000, 0xecb: 0x2000, + 0xecc: 0x2000, 0xecd: 0x2000, 0xece: 0x2000, 0xecf: 0x2000, 0xed0: 0x4000, 0xed1: 0x4000, + 0xed2: 0x4000, 0xed3: 0x4000, 0xed4: 0x4000, 0xed5: 0x4000, 0xed6: 0x4000, 0xed7: 0x4000, + 0xed8: 0x4000, 0xed9: 0x4000, 0xeda: 0x4000, 0xedb: 0x4000, 0xedc: 0x4000, 0xedd: 0x4000, + 0xede: 0x4000, 0xedf: 0x4000, 0xee0: 0x4000, 0xee1: 0x4000, 0xee2: 0x4000, 0xee3: 0x4000, + 0xee4: 0x4000, 0xee5: 0x4000, 0xee6: 0x4000, 0xee7: 0x4000, 0xee8: 0x4000, 0xee9: 0x4000, + 0xeea: 0x4000, 0xeeb: 0x4000, 0xeec: 0x4000, 0xeed: 0x4000, 0xeee: 0x4000, 0xeef: 0x4000, + 0xef0: 0x4000, 0xef1: 0x4000, 0xef2: 0x4000, 0xef3: 0x4000, 0xef4: 0x4000, 0xef5: 0x4000, + 0xef6: 0x4000, 0xef7: 0x4000, 0xef8: 0x4000, 0xef9: 0x4000, 0xefa: 0x4000, 0xefb: 0x4000, + 0xefc: 0x4000, 0xefd: 0x4000, 0xefe: 0x4000, 0xeff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x4000, 0xf01: 0x4000, 0xf02: 0x4000, 0xf03: 0x4000, 0xf04: 0x4000, 0xf05: 0x4000, + 0xf06: 0x4000, 0xf07: 0x4000, 0xf08: 0x4000, 0xf09: 0x4000, 0xf0a: 0x4000, 0xf0b: 0x4000, + 0xf0c: 0x4000, 0xf0d: 0x4000, 0xf0e: 0x4000, 0xf0f: 0x4000, 0xf10: 0x4000, 0xf11: 0x4000, + 0xf12: 0x4000, 0xf13: 0x4000, 0xf14: 0x4000, 0xf15: 0x4000, 0xf16: 0x4000, 0xf17: 0x4000, + 0xf18: 0x4000, 0xf19: 0x4000, 0xf1a: 0x4000, 0xf1b: 0x4000, 0xf1c: 0x4000, 0xf1d: 0x4000, + 0xf1e: 0x4000, 0xf1f: 0x4000, 0xf20: 0x4000, 0xf21: 0x4000, 0xf22: 0x4000, 0xf23: 0x4000, + 0xf24: 0x4000, 0xf25: 0x4000, 0xf26: 0x4000, 0xf27: 0x4000, 0xf28: 0x4000, 0xf29: 0x4000, + 0xf2a: 0x4000, 0xf2b: 0x4000, 0xf2c: 0x4000, 0xf2d: 0x4000, 0xf2e: 0x4000, 0xf2f: 0x4000, + 0xf30: 0x4000, 0xf31: 0x4000, 0xf32: 0x4000, 0xf33: 0x4000, 0xf34: 0x4000, 0xf35: 0x4000, + 0xf36: 0x4000, 0xf37: 0x4000, 0xf38: 0x4000, 0xf39: 0x4000, 0xf3a: 0x4000, 0xf3b: 0x4000, + 0xf3c: 0x4000, 0xf3d: 0x4000, 0xf3e: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x4000, 0xf41: 0x4000, 0xf42: 0x4000, 0xf43: 0x4000, 0xf44: 0x4000, 0xf45: 0x4000, + 0xf46: 0x4000, 0xf47: 0x4000, 0xf48: 0x4000, 0xf49: 0x4000, 0xf4a: 0x4000, 0xf4b: 0x4000, + 0xf4c: 0x4000, 0xf50: 0x4000, 0xf51: 0x4000, + 0xf52: 0x4000, 0xf53: 0x4000, 0xf54: 0x4000, 0xf55: 0x4000, 0xf56: 0x4000, 0xf57: 0x4000, + 0xf58: 0x4000, 0xf59: 0x4000, 0xf5a: 0x4000, 0xf5b: 0x4000, 0xf5c: 0x4000, 0xf5d: 0x4000, + 0xf5e: 0x4000, 0xf5f: 0x4000, 0xf60: 0x4000, 0xf61: 0x4000, 0xf62: 0x4000, 0xf63: 0x4000, + 0xf64: 0x4000, 0xf65: 0x4000, 0xf66: 0x4000, 0xf67: 0x4000, 0xf68: 0x4000, 0xf69: 0x4000, + 0xf6a: 0x4000, 0xf6b: 0x4000, 0xf6c: 0x4000, 0xf6d: 0x4000, 0xf6e: 0x4000, 0xf6f: 0x4000, + 0xf70: 0x4000, 0xf71: 0x4000, 0xf72: 0x4000, 0xf73: 0x4000, 0xf74: 0x4000, 0xf75: 0x4000, + 0xf76: 0x4000, 0xf77: 0x4000, 0xf78: 0x4000, 0xf79: 0x4000, 0xf7a: 0x4000, 0xf7b: 0x4000, + 0xf7c: 0x4000, 0xf7d: 0x4000, 0xf7e: 0x4000, 0xf7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x4000, 0xf81: 0x4000, 0xf82: 0x4000, 0xf83: 0x4000, 0xf84: 0x4000, 0xf85: 0x4000, + 0xf86: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfe0: 0x4000, 0xfe1: 0x4000, 0xfe2: 0x4000, 0xfe3: 0x4000, + 0xfe4: 0x4000, 0xfe5: 0x4000, 0xfe6: 0x4000, 0xfe7: 0x4000, 0xfe8: 0x4000, 0xfe9: 0x4000, + 0xfea: 0x4000, 0xfeb: 0x4000, 0xfec: 0x4000, 0xfed: 0x4000, 0xfee: 0x4000, 0xfef: 0x4000, + 0xff0: 0x4000, 0xff1: 0x4000, 0xff2: 0x4000, 0xff3: 0x4000, 0xff4: 0x4000, 0xff5: 0x4000, + 0xff6: 0x4000, 0xff7: 0x4000, 0xff8: 0x4000, 0xff9: 0x4000, 0xffa: 0x4000, 0xffb: 0x4000, + 0xffc: 0x4000, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x4000, 0x1001: 0x4000, 0x1002: 0x4000, 0x1003: 0x4000, 0x1004: 0x4000, 0x1005: 0x4000, + 0x1006: 0x4000, 0x1007: 0x4000, 0x1008: 0x4000, 0x1009: 0x4000, 0x100a: 0x4000, 0x100b: 0x4000, + 0x100c: 0x4000, 0x100d: 0x4000, 0x100e: 0x4000, 0x100f: 0x4000, 0x1010: 0x4000, 0x1011: 0x4000, + 0x1012: 0x4000, 0x1013: 0x4000, 0x1014: 0x4000, 0x1015: 0x4000, 0x1016: 0x4000, 0x1017: 0x4000, + 0x1018: 0x4000, 0x1019: 0x4000, 0x101a: 0x4000, 0x101b: 0x4000, 0x101c: 0x4000, 0x101d: 0x4000, + 0x101e: 0x4000, 0x101f: 0x4000, 0x1020: 0x4000, 0x1021: 0x4000, 0x1022: 0x4000, 0x1023: 0x4000, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x2000, 0x1041: 0x2000, 0x1042: 0x2000, 0x1043: 0x2000, 0x1044: 0x2000, 0x1045: 0x2000, + 0x1046: 0x2000, 0x1047: 0x2000, 0x1048: 0x2000, 0x1049: 0x2000, 0x104a: 0x2000, 0x104b: 0x2000, + 0x104c: 0x2000, 0x104d: 0x2000, 0x104e: 0x2000, 0x104f: 0x2000, 0x1050: 0x4000, 0x1051: 0x4000, + 0x1052: 0x4000, 0x1053: 0x4000, 0x1054: 0x4000, 0x1055: 0x4000, 0x1056: 0x4000, 0x1057: 0x4000, + 0x1058: 0x4000, 0x1059: 0x4000, + 0x1070: 0x4000, 0x1071: 0x4000, 0x1072: 0x4000, 0x1073: 0x4000, 0x1074: 0x4000, 0x1075: 0x4000, + 0x1076: 0x4000, 0x1077: 0x4000, 0x1078: 0x4000, 0x1079: 0x4000, 0x107a: 0x4000, 0x107b: 0x4000, + 0x107c: 0x4000, 0x107d: 0x4000, 0x107e: 0x4000, 0x107f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x4000, 0x1081: 0x4000, 0x1082: 0x4000, 0x1083: 0x4000, 0x1084: 0x4000, 0x1085: 0x4000, + 0x1086: 0x4000, 0x1087: 0x4000, 0x1088: 0x4000, 0x1089: 0x4000, 0x108a: 0x4000, 0x108b: 0x4000, + 0x108c: 0x4000, 0x108d: 0x4000, 0x108e: 0x4000, 0x108f: 0x4000, 0x1090: 0x4000, 0x1091: 0x4000, + 0x1092: 0x4000, 0x1094: 0x4000, 0x1095: 0x4000, 0x1096: 0x4000, 0x1097: 0x4000, + 0x1098: 0x4000, 0x1099: 0x4000, 0x109a: 0x4000, 0x109b: 0x4000, 0x109c: 0x4000, 0x109d: 0x4000, + 0x109e: 0x4000, 0x109f: 0x4000, 0x10a0: 0x4000, 0x10a1: 0x4000, 0x10a2: 0x4000, 0x10a3: 0x4000, + 0x10a4: 0x4000, 0x10a5: 0x4000, 0x10a6: 0x4000, 0x10a8: 0x4000, 0x10a9: 0x4000, + 0x10aa: 0x4000, 0x10ab: 0x4000, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c1: 0x9012, 0x10c2: 0x9012, 0x10c3: 0x9012, 0x10c4: 0x9012, 0x10c5: 0x9012, + 0x10c6: 0x9012, 0x10c7: 0x9012, 0x10c8: 0x9012, 0x10c9: 0x9012, 0x10ca: 0x9012, 0x10cb: 0x9012, + 0x10cc: 0x9012, 0x10cd: 0x9012, 0x10ce: 0x9012, 0x10cf: 0x9012, 0x10d0: 0x9012, 0x10d1: 0x9012, + 0x10d2: 0x9012, 0x10d3: 0x9012, 0x10d4: 0x9012, 0x10d5: 0x9012, 0x10d6: 0x9012, 0x10d7: 0x9012, + 0x10d8: 0x9012, 0x10d9: 0x9012, 0x10da: 0x9012, 0x10db: 0x9012, 0x10dc: 0x9012, 0x10dd: 0x9012, + 0x10de: 0x9012, 0x10df: 0x9012, 0x10e0: 0x9049, 0x10e1: 0x9049, 0x10e2: 0x9049, 0x10e3: 0x9049, + 0x10e4: 0x9049, 0x10e5: 0x9049, 0x10e6: 0x9049, 0x10e7: 0x9049, 0x10e8: 0x9049, 0x10e9: 0x9049, + 0x10ea: 0x9049, 0x10eb: 0x9049, 0x10ec: 0x9049, 0x10ed: 0x9049, 0x10ee: 0x9049, 0x10ef: 0x9049, + 0x10f0: 0x9049, 0x10f1: 0x9049, 0x10f2: 0x9049, 0x10f3: 0x9049, 0x10f4: 0x9049, 0x10f5: 0x9049, + 0x10f6: 0x9049, 0x10f7: 0x9049, 0x10f8: 0x9049, 0x10f9: 0x9049, 0x10fa: 0x9049, 0x10fb: 0x9049, + 0x10fc: 0x9049, 0x10fd: 0x9049, 0x10fe: 0x9049, 0x10ff: 0x9049, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1100: 0x9049, 0x1101: 0x9049, 0x1102: 0x9049, 0x1103: 0x9049, 0x1104: 0x9049, 0x1105: 0x9049, + 0x1106: 0x9049, 0x1107: 0x9049, 0x1108: 0x9049, 0x1109: 0x9049, 0x110a: 0x9049, 0x110b: 0x9049, + 0x110c: 0x9049, 0x110d: 0x9049, 0x110e: 0x9049, 0x110f: 0x9049, 0x1110: 0x9049, 0x1111: 0x9049, + 0x1112: 0x9049, 0x1113: 0x9049, 0x1114: 0x9049, 0x1115: 0x9049, 0x1116: 0x9049, 0x1117: 0x9049, + 0x1118: 0x9049, 0x1119: 0x9049, 0x111a: 0x9049, 0x111b: 0x9049, 0x111c: 0x9049, 0x111d: 0x9049, + 0x111e: 0x9049, 0x111f: 0x904a, 0x1120: 0x904b, 0x1121: 0xb04c, 0x1122: 0xb04d, 0x1123: 0xb04d, + 0x1124: 0xb04e, 0x1125: 0xb04f, 0x1126: 0xb050, 0x1127: 0xb051, 0x1128: 0xb052, 0x1129: 0xb053, + 0x112a: 0xb054, 0x112b: 0xb055, 0x112c: 0xb056, 0x112d: 0xb057, 0x112e: 0xb058, 0x112f: 0xb059, + 0x1130: 0xb05a, 0x1131: 0xb05b, 0x1132: 0xb05c, 0x1133: 0xb05d, 0x1134: 0xb05e, 0x1135: 0xb05f, + 0x1136: 0xb060, 0x1137: 0xb061, 0x1138: 0xb062, 0x1139: 0xb063, 0x113a: 0xb064, 0x113b: 0xb065, + 0x113c: 0xb052, 0x113d: 0xb066, 0x113e: 0xb067, 0x113f: 0xb055, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1140: 0xb068, 0x1141: 0xb069, 0x1142: 0xb06a, 0x1143: 0xb06b, 0x1144: 0xb05a, 0x1145: 0xb056, + 0x1146: 0xb06c, 0x1147: 0xb06d, 0x1148: 0xb06b, 0x1149: 0xb06e, 0x114a: 0xb06b, 0x114b: 0xb06f, + 0x114c: 0xb06f, 0x114d: 0xb070, 0x114e: 0xb070, 0x114f: 0xb071, 0x1150: 0xb056, 0x1151: 0xb072, + 0x1152: 0xb073, 0x1153: 0xb072, 0x1154: 0xb074, 0x1155: 0xb073, 0x1156: 0xb075, 0x1157: 0xb075, + 0x1158: 0xb076, 0x1159: 0xb076, 0x115a: 0xb077, 0x115b: 0xb077, 0x115c: 0xb073, 0x115d: 0xb078, + 0x115e: 0xb079, 0x115f: 0xb067, 0x1160: 0xb07a, 0x1161: 0xb07b, 0x1162: 0xb07b, 0x1163: 0xb07b, + 0x1164: 0xb07b, 0x1165: 0xb07b, 0x1166: 0xb07b, 0x1167: 0xb07b, 0x1168: 0xb07b, 0x1169: 0xb07b, + 0x116a: 0xb07b, 0x116b: 0xb07b, 0x116c: 0xb07b, 0x116d: 0xb07b, 0x116e: 0xb07b, 0x116f: 0xb07b, + 0x1170: 0xb07c, 0x1171: 0xb07c, 0x1172: 0xb07c, 0x1173: 0xb07c, 0x1174: 0xb07c, 0x1175: 0xb07c, + 0x1176: 0xb07c, 0x1177: 0xb07c, 0x1178: 0xb07c, 0x1179: 0xb07c, 0x117a: 0xb07c, 0x117b: 0xb07c, + 0x117c: 0xb07c, 0x117d: 0xb07c, 0x117e: 0xb07c, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1182: 0xb07d, 0x1183: 0xb07e, 0x1184: 0xb07f, 0x1185: 0xb080, + 0x1186: 0xb07f, 0x1187: 0xb07e, 0x118a: 0xb081, 0x118b: 0xb082, + 0x118c: 0xb083, 0x118d: 0xb07f, 0x118e: 0xb080, 0x118f: 0xb07f, + 0x1192: 0xb084, 0x1193: 0xb085, 0x1194: 0xb084, 0x1195: 0xb086, 0x1196: 0xb084, 0x1197: 0xb087, + 0x119a: 0xb088, 0x119b: 0xb089, 0x119c: 0xb08a, + 0x11a0: 0x908b, 0x11a1: 0x908b, 0x11a2: 0x908c, 0x11a3: 0x908d, + 0x11a4: 0x908b, 0x11a5: 0x908e, 0x11a6: 0x908f, 0x11a8: 0xb090, 0x11a9: 0xb091, + 0x11aa: 0xb092, 0x11ab: 0xb091, 0x11ac: 0xb093, 0x11ad: 0xb094, 0x11ae: 0xb095, + 0x11bd: 0x2000, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11e0: 0x4000, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x4000, 0x1201: 0x4000, 0x1202: 0x4000, 0x1203: 0x4000, 0x1204: 0x4000, 0x1205: 0x4000, + 0x1206: 0x4000, 0x1207: 0x4000, 0x1208: 0x4000, 0x1209: 0x4000, 0x120a: 0x4000, 0x120b: 0x4000, + 0x120c: 0x4000, 0x120d: 0x4000, 0x120e: 0x4000, 0x120f: 0x4000, 0x1210: 0x4000, 0x1211: 0x4000, + 0x1212: 0x4000, 0x1213: 0x4000, 0x1214: 0x4000, 0x1215: 0x4000, 0x1216: 0x4000, 0x1217: 0x4000, + 0x1218: 0x4000, 0x1219: 0x4000, 0x121a: 0x4000, 0x121b: 0x4000, 0x121c: 0x4000, 0x121d: 0x4000, + 0x121e: 0x4000, 0x121f: 0x4000, 0x1220: 0x4000, 0x1221: 0x4000, 0x1222: 0x4000, 0x1223: 0x4000, + 0x1224: 0x4000, 0x1225: 0x4000, 0x1226: 0x4000, 0x1227: 0x4000, 0x1228: 0x4000, 0x1229: 0x4000, + 0x122a: 0x4000, 0x122b: 0x4000, 0x122c: 0x4000, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1240: 0x4000, 0x1241: 0x4000, 0x1242: 0x4000, 0x1243: 0x4000, 0x1244: 0x4000, 0x1245: 0x4000, + 0x1246: 0x4000, 0x1247: 0x4000, 0x1248: 0x4000, 0x1249: 0x4000, 0x124a: 0x4000, 0x124b: 0x4000, + 0x124c: 0x4000, 0x124d: 0x4000, 0x124e: 0x4000, 0x124f: 0x4000, 0x1250: 0x4000, 0x1251: 0x4000, + 0x1252: 0x4000, 0x1253: 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0x4000, 0x1582: 0x4000, 0x1583: 0x4000, 0x1584: 0x4000, 0x1585: 0x4000, + 0x1586: 0x4000, 0x1587: 0x4000, 0x1588: 0x4000, 0x1589: 0x4000, 0x158a: 0x4000, 0x158b: 0x4000, + 0x158c: 0x4000, 0x158d: 0x4000, 0x158e: 0x4000, 0x158f: 0x4000, 0x1590: 0x4000, 0x1591: 0x4000, + 0x1592: 0x4000, 0x1593: 0x4000, 0x1594: 0x4000, 0x1595: 0x4000, 0x1596: 0x4000, 0x1597: 0x4000, + 0x1598: 0x4000, 0x1599: 0x4000, 0x159a: 0x4000, 0x159b: 0x4000, 0x159c: 0x4000, 0x159d: 0x4000, + 0x159e: 0x4000, 0x159f: 0x4000, 0x15a0: 0x4000, 0x15a1: 0x4000, 0x15a2: 0x4000, 0x15a3: 0x4000, + 0x15a4: 0x4000, 0x15a5: 0x4000, 0x15a6: 0x4000, 0x15a7: 0x4000, 0x15a8: 0x4000, 0x15a9: 0x4000, + 0x15aa: 0x4000, 0x15ab: 0x4000, 0x15ac: 0x4000, 0x15ad: 0x4000, 0x15ae: 0x4000, 0x15af: 0x4000, + 0x15b0: 0x4000, 0x15b1: 0x4000, 0x15b2: 0x4000, 0x15b3: 0x4000, 0x15b4: 0x4000, 0x15b5: 0x4000, + 0x15b6: 0x4000, 0x15b7: 0x4000, 0x15b8: 0x4000, 0x15b9: 0x4000, 0x15ba: 0x4000, 0x15bb: 0x4000, + 0x15bc: 0x4000, 0x15bd: 0x4000, 0x15be: 0x4000, 0x15bf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0x4000, 0x15c1: 0x4000, 0x15c2: 0x4000, 0x15c3: 0x4000, 0x15c4: 0x4000, 0x15c5: 0x4000, + 0x15c6: 0x4000, 0x15c7: 0x4000, 0x15c8: 0x4000, 0x15c9: 0x4000, 0x15ca: 0x4000, 0x15cb: 0x4000, + 0x15cc: 0x4000, 0x15cd: 0x4000, 0x15ce: 0x4000, 0x15cf: 0x4000, 0x15d0: 0x4000, 0x15d1: 0x4000, + 0x15d2: 0x4000, 0x15d3: 0x4000, 0x15d4: 0x4000, 0x15d5: 0x4000, 0x15d6: 0x4000, 0x15d7: 0x4000, + 0x15d8: 0x4000, 0x15d9: 0x4000, 0x15da: 0x4000, 0x15db: 0x4000, 0x15dc: 0x4000, 0x15dd: 0x4000, + 0x15de: 0x4000, 0x15df: 0x4000, 0x15e0: 0x4000, 0x15e1: 0x4000, 0x15e2: 0x4000, 0x15e3: 0x4000, + 0x15e4: 0x4000, 0x15e5: 0x4000, 0x15e6: 0x4000, 0x15e7: 0x4000, 0x15e8: 0x4000, 0x15e9: 0x4000, + 0x15ea: 0x4000, 0x15eb: 0x4000, 0x15ec: 0x4000, 0x15ed: 0x4000, 0x15ee: 0x4000, 0x15ef: 0x4000, + 0x15f0: 0x4000, 0x15f1: 0x4000, 0x15f2: 0x4000, 0x15f3: 0x4000, 0x15f4: 0x4000, 0x15f5: 0x4000, + 0x15f6: 0x4000, 0x15f7: 0x4000, 0x15f8: 0x4000, 0x15f9: 0x4000, 0x15fa: 0x4000, 0x15fb: 0x4000, + 0x15fc: 0x4000, 0x15ff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x4000, 0x1601: 0x4000, 0x1602: 0x4000, 0x1603: 0x4000, 0x1604: 0x4000, 0x1605: 0x4000, + 0x1606: 0x4000, 0x1607: 0x4000, 0x1608: 0x4000, 0x1609: 0x4000, 0x160a: 0x4000, 0x160b: 0x4000, + 0x160c: 0x4000, 0x160d: 0x4000, 0x160e: 0x4000, 0x160f: 0x4000, 0x1610: 0x4000, 0x1611: 0x4000, + 0x1612: 0x4000, 0x1613: 0x4000, 0x1614: 0x4000, 0x1615: 0x4000, 0x1616: 0x4000, 0x1617: 0x4000, + 0x1618: 0x4000, 0x1619: 0x4000, 0x161a: 0x4000, 0x161b: 0x4000, 0x161c: 0x4000, 0x161d: 0x4000, + 0x161e: 0x4000, 0x161f: 0x4000, 0x1620: 0x4000, 0x1621: 0x4000, 0x1622: 0x4000, 0x1623: 0x4000, + 0x1624: 0x4000, 0x1625: 0x4000, 0x1626: 0x4000, 0x1627: 0x4000, 0x1628: 0x4000, 0x1629: 0x4000, + 0x162a: 0x4000, 0x162b: 0x4000, 0x162c: 0x4000, 0x162d: 0x4000, 0x162e: 0x4000, 0x162f: 0x4000, + 0x1630: 0x4000, 0x1631: 0x4000, 0x1632: 0x4000, 0x1633: 0x4000, 0x1634: 0x4000, 0x1635: 0x4000, + 0x1636: 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is the zero block. +var widthIndex = [1408]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc7: 0x05, + 0xc9: 0x06, 0xcb: 0x07, 0xcc: 0x08, 0xcd: 0x09, 0xce: 0x0a, 0xcf: 0x0b, + 0xd0: 0x0c, 0xd1: 0x0d, + 0xe1: 0x02, 0xe2: 0x03, 0xe3: 0x04, 0xe4: 0x05, 0xe5: 0x06, 0xe6: 0x06, 0xe7: 0x06, + 0xe8: 0x06, 0xe9: 0x06, 0xea: 0x07, 0xeb: 0x06, 0xec: 0x06, 0xed: 0x08, 0xee: 0x09, 0xef: 0x0a, + 0xf0: 0x0f, 0xf3: 0x12, 0xf4: 0x13, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x104: 0x0e, 0x105: 0x0f, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x10, 0x141: 0x11, 0x142: 0x12, 0x144: 0x13, 0x145: 0x14, 0x146: 0x15, 0x147: 0x16, + 0x148: 0x17, 0x149: 0x18, 0x14a: 0x19, 0x14c: 0x1a, 0x14f: 0x1b, + 0x151: 0x1c, 0x152: 0x08, 0x153: 0x1d, 0x154: 0x1e, 0x155: 0x1f, 0x156: 0x20, 0x157: 0x21, + 0x158: 0x22, 0x159: 0x23, 0x15a: 0x24, 0x15b: 0x25, 0x15c: 0x26, 0x15d: 0x27, 0x15e: 0x28, 0x15f: 0x29, + 0x166: 0x2a, + 0x16c: 0x2b, 0x16d: 0x2c, + 0x17a: 0x2d, 0x17b: 0x2e, 0x17c: 0x0e, 0x17d: 0x0e, 0x17e: 0x0e, 0x17f: 0x2f, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x30, 0x181: 0x31, 0x182: 0x32, 0x183: 0x33, 0x184: 0x34, 0x185: 0x35, 0x186: 0x36, 0x187: 0x37, + 0x188: 0x38, 0x189: 0x39, 0x18a: 0x0e, 0x18b: 0x3a, 0x18c: 0x0e, 0x18d: 0x0e, 0x18e: 0x0e, 0x18f: 0x0e, + 0x190: 0x0e, 0x191: 0x0e, 0x192: 0x0e, 0x193: 0x0e, 0x194: 0x0e, 0x195: 0x0e, 0x196: 0x0e, 0x197: 0x0e, + 0x198: 0x0e, 0x199: 0x0e, 0x19a: 0x0e, 0x19b: 0x0e, 0x19c: 0x0e, 0x19d: 0x0e, 0x19e: 0x0e, 0x19f: 0x0e, + 0x1a0: 0x0e, 0x1a1: 0x0e, 0x1a2: 0x0e, 0x1a3: 0x0e, 0x1a4: 0x0e, 0x1a5: 0x0e, 0x1a6: 0x0e, 0x1a7: 0x0e, + 0x1a8: 0x0e, 0x1a9: 0x0e, 0x1aa: 0x0e, 0x1ab: 0x0e, 0x1ac: 0x0e, 0x1ad: 0x0e, 0x1ae: 0x0e, 0x1af: 0x0e, + 0x1b0: 0x0e, 0x1b1: 0x0e, 0x1b2: 0x0e, 0x1b3: 0x0e, 0x1b4: 0x0e, 0x1b5: 0x0e, 0x1b6: 0x0e, 0x1b7: 0x0e, + 0x1b8: 0x0e, 0x1b9: 0x0e, 0x1ba: 0x0e, 0x1bb: 0x0e, 0x1bc: 0x0e, 0x1bd: 0x0e, 0x1be: 0x0e, 0x1bf: 0x0e, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x0e, 0x1c1: 0x0e, 0x1c2: 0x0e, 0x1c3: 0x0e, 0x1c4: 0x0e, 0x1c5: 0x0e, 0x1c6: 0x0e, 0x1c7: 0x0e, + 0x1c8: 0x0e, 0x1c9: 0x0e, 0x1ca: 0x0e, 0x1cb: 0x0e, 0x1cc: 0x0e, 0x1cd: 0x0e, 0x1ce: 0x0e, 0x1cf: 0x0e, + 0x1d0: 0x0e, 0x1d1: 0x0e, 0x1d2: 0x0e, 0x1d3: 0x0e, 0x1d4: 0x0e, 0x1d5: 0x0e, 0x1d6: 0x0e, 0x1d7: 0x0e, + 0x1d8: 0x0e, 0x1d9: 0x0e, 0x1da: 0x0e, 0x1db: 0x0e, 0x1dc: 0x0e, 0x1dd: 0x0e, 0x1de: 0x0e, 0x1df: 0x0e, + 0x1e0: 0x0e, 0x1e1: 0x0e, 0x1e2: 0x0e, 0x1e3: 0x0e, 0x1e4: 0x0e, 0x1e5: 0x0e, 0x1e6: 0x0e, 0x1e7: 0x0e, + 0x1e8: 0x0e, 0x1e9: 0x0e, 0x1ea: 0x0e, 0x1eb: 0x0e, 0x1ec: 0x0e, 0x1ed: 0x0e, 0x1ee: 0x0e, 0x1ef: 0x0e, + 0x1f0: 0x0e, 0x1f1: 0x0e, 0x1f2: 0x0e, 0x1f3: 0x0e, 0x1f4: 0x0e, 0x1f5: 0x0e, 0x1f6: 0x0e, + 0x1f8: 0x0e, 0x1f9: 0x0e, 0x1fa: 0x0e, 0x1fb: 0x0e, 0x1fc: 0x0e, 0x1fd: 0x0e, 0x1fe: 0x0e, 0x1ff: 0x0e, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x0e, 0x201: 0x0e, 0x202: 0x0e, 0x203: 0x0e, 0x204: 0x0e, 0x205: 0x0e, 0x206: 0x0e, 0x207: 0x0e, + 0x208: 0x0e, 0x209: 0x0e, 0x20a: 0x0e, 0x20b: 0x0e, 0x20c: 0x0e, 0x20d: 0x0e, 0x20e: 0x0e, 0x20f: 0x0e, + 0x210: 0x0e, 0x211: 0x0e, 0x212: 0x0e, 0x213: 0x0e, 0x214: 0x0e, 0x215: 0x0e, 0x216: 0x0e, 0x217: 0x0e, + 0x218: 0x0e, 0x219: 0x0e, 0x21a: 0x0e, 0x21b: 0x0e, 0x21c: 0x0e, 0x21d: 0x0e, 0x21e: 0x0e, 0x21f: 0x0e, + 0x220: 0x0e, 0x221: 0x0e, 0x222: 0x0e, 0x223: 0x0e, 0x224: 0x0e, 0x225: 0x0e, 0x226: 0x0e, 0x227: 0x0e, + 0x228: 0x0e, 0x229: 0x0e, 0x22a: 0x0e, 0x22b: 0x0e, 0x22c: 0x0e, 0x22d: 0x0e, 0x22e: 0x0e, 0x22f: 0x0e, + 0x230: 0x0e, 0x231: 0x0e, 0x232: 0x0e, 0x233: 0x0e, 0x234: 0x0e, 0x235: 0x0e, 0x236: 0x0e, 0x237: 0x0e, + 0x238: 0x0e, 0x239: 0x0e, 0x23a: 0x0e, 0x23b: 0x0e, 0x23c: 0x0e, 0x23d: 0x0e, 0x23e: 0x0e, 0x23f: 0x0e, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x0e, 0x241: 0x0e, 0x242: 0x0e, 0x243: 0x0e, 0x244: 0x0e, 0x245: 0x0e, 0x246: 0x0e, 0x247: 0x0e, + 0x248: 0x0e, 0x249: 0x0e, 0x24a: 0x0e, 0x24b: 0x0e, 0x24c: 0x0e, 0x24d: 0x0e, 0x24e: 0x0e, 0x24f: 0x0e, + 0x250: 0x0e, 0x251: 0x0e, 0x252: 0x3b, 0x253: 0x3c, + 0x265: 0x3d, + 0x270: 0x0e, 0x271: 0x0e, 0x272: 0x0e, 0x273: 0x0e, 0x274: 0x0e, 0x275: 0x0e, 0x276: 0x0e, 0x277: 0x0e, + 0x278: 0x0e, 0x279: 0x0e, 0x27a: 0x0e, 0x27b: 0x0e, 0x27c: 0x0e, 0x27d: 0x0e, 0x27e: 0x0e, 0x27f: 0x0e, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x0e, 0x281: 0x0e, 0x282: 0x0e, 0x283: 0x0e, 0x284: 0x0e, 0x285: 0x0e, 0x286: 0x0e, 0x287: 0x0e, + 0x288: 0x0e, 0x289: 0x0e, 0x28a: 0x0e, 0x28b: 0x0e, 0x28c: 0x0e, 0x28d: 0x0e, 0x28e: 0x0e, 0x28f: 0x0e, + 0x290: 0x0e, 0x291: 0x0e, 0x292: 0x0e, 0x293: 0x0e, 0x294: 0x0e, 0x295: 0x0e, 0x296: 0x0e, 0x297: 0x0e, + 0x298: 0x0e, 0x299: 0x0e, 0x29a: 0x0e, 0x29b: 0x0e, 0x29c: 0x0e, 0x29d: 0x0e, 0x29e: 0x3e, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x08, 0x2c1: 0x08, 0x2c2: 0x08, 0x2c3: 0x08, 0x2c4: 0x08, 0x2c5: 0x08, 0x2c6: 0x08, 0x2c7: 0x08, + 0x2c8: 0x08, 0x2c9: 0x08, 0x2ca: 0x08, 0x2cb: 0x08, 0x2cc: 0x08, 0x2cd: 0x08, 0x2ce: 0x08, 0x2cf: 0x08, + 0x2d0: 0x08, 0x2d1: 0x08, 0x2d2: 0x08, 0x2d3: 0x08, 0x2d4: 0x08, 0x2d5: 0x08, 0x2d6: 0x08, 0x2d7: 0x08, + 0x2d8: 0x08, 0x2d9: 0x08, 0x2da: 0x08, 0x2db: 0x08, 0x2dc: 0x08, 0x2dd: 0x08, 0x2de: 0x08, 0x2df: 0x08, + 0x2e0: 0x08, 0x2e1: 0x08, 0x2e2: 0x08, 0x2e3: 0x08, 0x2e4: 0x08, 0x2e5: 0x08, 0x2e6: 0x08, 0x2e7: 0x08, + 0x2e8: 0x08, 0x2e9: 0x08, 0x2ea: 0x08, 0x2eb: 0x08, 0x2ec: 0x08, 0x2ed: 0x08, 0x2ee: 0x08, 0x2ef: 0x08, + 0x2f0: 0x08, 0x2f1: 0x08, 0x2f2: 0x08, 0x2f3: 0x08, 0x2f4: 0x08, 0x2f5: 0x08, 0x2f6: 0x08, 0x2f7: 0x08, + 0x2f8: 0x08, 0x2f9: 0x08, 0x2fa: 0x08, 0x2fb: 0x08, 0x2fc: 0x08, 0x2fd: 0x08, 0x2fe: 0x08, 0x2ff: 0x08, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x08, 0x301: 0x08, 0x302: 0x08, 0x303: 0x08, 0x304: 0x08, 0x305: 0x08, 0x306: 0x08, 0x307: 0x08, + 0x308: 0x08, 0x309: 0x08, 0x30a: 0x08, 0x30b: 0x08, 0x30c: 0x08, 0x30d: 0x08, 0x30e: 0x08, 0x30f: 0x08, + 0x310: 0x08, 0x311: 0x08, 0x312: 0x08, 0x313: 0x08, 0x314: 0x08, 0x315: 0x08, 0x316: 0x08, 0x317: 0x08, + 0x318: 0x08, 0x319: 0x08, 0x31a: 0x08, 0x31b: 0x08, 0x31c: 0x08, 0x31d: 0x08, 0x31e: 0x08, 0x31f: 0x08, + 0x320: 0x08, 0x321: 0x08, 0x322: 0x08, 0x323: 0x08, 0x324: 0x0e, 0x325: 0x0e, 0x326: 0x0e, 0x327: 0x0e, + 0x328: 0x0e, 0x329: 0x0e, 0x32a: 0x0e, 0x32b: 0x0e, + 0x338: 0x3f, 0x339: 0x40, 0x33c: 0x41, 0x33d: 0x42, 0x33e: 0x43, 0x33f: 0x44, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x37f: 0x45, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0e, 0x381: 0x0e, 0x382: 0x0e, 0x383: 0x0e, 0x384: 0x0e, 0x385: 0x0e, 0x386: 0x0e, 0x387: 0x0e, + 0x388: 0x0e, 0x389: 0x0e, 0x38a: 0x0e, 0x38b: 0x0e, 0x38c: 0x0e, 0x38d: 0x0e, 0x38e: 0x0e, 0x38f: 0x0e, + 0x390: 0x0e, 0x391: 0x0e, 0x392: 0x0e, 0x393: 0x0e, 0x394: 0x0e, 0x395: 0x0e, 0x396: 0x0e, 0x397: 0x0e, + 0x398: 0x0e, 0x399: 0x0e, 0x39a: 0x0e, 0x39b: 0x0e, 0x39c: 0x0e, 0x39d: 0x0e, 0x39e: 0x0e, 0x39f: 0x46, + 0x3a0: 0x0e, 0x3a1: 0x0e, 0x3a2: 0x0e, 0x3a3: 0x0e, 0x3a4: 0x0e, 0x3a5: 0x0e, 0x3a6: 0x0e, 0x3a7: 0x0e, + 0x3a8: 0x0e, 0x3a9: 0x0e, 0x3aa: 0x0e, 0x3ab: 0x47, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x48, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x49, 0x403: 0x4a, 0x404: 0x4b, 0x405: 0x4c, 0x406: 0x4d, + 0x408: 0x4e, 0x409: 0x4f, 0x40c: 0x50, 0x40d: 0x51, 0x40e: 0x52, 0x40f: 0x53, + 0x410: 0x3a, 0x411: 0x54, 0x412: 0x0e, 0x413: 0x55, 0x414: 0x56, 0x415: 0x57, 0x416: 0x58, 0x417: 0x59, + 0x418: 0x0e, 0x419: 0x5a, 0x41a: 0x0e, 0x41b: 0x5b, + 0x424: 0x5c, 0x425: 0x5d, 0x426: 0x5e, 0x427: 0x5f, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x456: 0x0b, 0x457: 0x06, + 0x458: 0x0c, 0x45b: 0x0d, 0x45f: 0x0e, + 0x460: 0x06, 0x461: 0x06, 0x462: 0x06, 0x463: 0x06, 0x464: 0x06, 0x465: 0x06, 0x466: 0x06, 0x467: 0x06, + 0x468: 0x06, 0x469: 0x06, 0x46a: 0x06, 0x46b: 0x06, 0x46c: 0x06, 0x46d: 0x06, 0x46e: 0x06, 0x46f: 0x06, + 0x470: 0x06, 0x471: 0x06, 0x472: 0x06, 0x473: 0x06, 0x474: 0x06, 0x475: 0x06, 0x476: 0x06, 0x477: 0x06, + 0x478: 0x06, 0x479: 0x06, 0x47a: 0x06, 0x47b: 0x06, 0x47c: 0x06, 0x47d: 0x06, 0x47e: 0x06, 0x47f: 0x06, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x484: 0x08, 0x485: 0x08, 0x486: 0x08, 0x487: 0x09, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x08, 0x4c1: 0x08, 0x4c2: 0x08, 0x4c3: 0x08, 0x4c4: 0x08, 0x4c5: 0x08, 0x4c6: 0x08, 0x4c7: 0x08, + 0x4c8: 0x08, 0x4c9: 0x08, 0x4ca: 0x08, 0x4cb: 0x08, 0x4cc: 0x08, 0x4cd: 0x08, 0x4ce: 0x08, 0x4cf: 0x08, + 0x4d0: 0x08, 0x4d1: 0x08, 0x4d2: 0x08, 0x4d3: 0x08, 0x4d4: 0x08, 0x4d5: 0x08, 0x4d6: 0x08, 0x4d7: 0x08, + 0x4d8: 0x08, 0x4d9: 0x08, 0x4da: 0x08, 0x4db: 0x08, 0x4dc: 0x08, 0x4dd: 0x08, 0x4de: 0x08, 0x4df: 0x08, + 0x4e0: 0x08, 0x4e1: 0x08, 0x4e2: 0x08, 0x4e3: 0x08, 0x4e4: 0x08, 0x4e5: 0x08, 0x4e6: 0x08, 0x4e7: 0x08, + 0x4e8: 0x08, 0x4e9: 0x08, 0x4ea: 0x08, 0x4eb: 0x08, 0x4ec: 0x08, 0x4ed: 0x08, 0x4ee: 0x08, 0x4ef: 0x08, + 0x4f0: 0x08, 0x4f1: 0x08, 0x4f2: 0x08, 0x4f3: 0x08, 0x4f4: 0x08, 0x4f5: 0x08, 0x4f6: 0x08, 0x4f7: 0x08, + 0x4f8: 0x08, 0x4f9: 0x08, 0x4fa: 0x08, 0x4fb: 0x08, 0x4fc: 0x08, 0x4fd: 0x08, 0x4fe: 0x08, 0x4ff: 0x60, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x520: 0x10, + 0x530: 0x09, 0x531: 0x09, 0x532: 0x09, 0x533: 0x09, 0x534: 0x09, 0x535: 0x09, 0x536: 0x09, 0x537: 0x09, + 0x538: 0x09, 0x539: 0x09, 0x53a: 0x09, 0x53b: 0x09, 0x53c: 0x09, 0x53d: 0x09, 0x53e: 0x09, 0x53f: 0x11, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x09, 0x541: 0x09, 0x542: 0x09, 0x543: 0x09, 0x544: 0x09, 0x545: 0x09, 0x546: 0x09, 0x547: 0x09, + 0x548: 0x09, 0x549: 0x09, 0x54a: 0x09, 0x54b: 0x09, 0x54c: 0x09, 0x54d: 0x09, 0x54e: 0x09, 0x54f: 0x11, +} + +// inverseData contains 4-byte entries of the following format: +// <0 padding> +// The last byte of the UTF-8-encoded rune is xor-ed with the last byte of the +// UTF-8 encoding of the original rune. Mappings often have the following +// pattern: +// A -> A (U+FF21 -> U+0041) +// B -> B (U+FF22 -> U+0042) +// ... +// By xor-ing the last byte the same entry can be shared by many mappings. This +// reduces the total number of distinct entries by about two thirds. +// The resulting entry for the aforementioned mappings is +// { 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x00 } +// Using this entry to map U+FF21 (UTF-8 [EF BC A1]), we get +// E0 ^ A1 = 41. +// Similarly, for U+FF22 (UTF-8 [EF BC A2]), we get +// E0 ^ A2 = 42. +// Note that because of the xor-ing, the byte sequence stored in the entry is +// not valid UTF-8. +var inverseData = [150][4]byte{ + {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0xa0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xa0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xe0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xe0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x2a}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x26}, + {0x01, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x23}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x16}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x19}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x11}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x31}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x33}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x32}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x36}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x14}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x10}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x37}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x04}, + {0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x26}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x23}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x1e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x14}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x16}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x19}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x11}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x31}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x33}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x3e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x32}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x36}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x84, 0x10}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x37}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3f}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x02, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0e, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0c, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x82, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x94, 0x2a}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x96, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x97, 0x25}, +} + +// Total table size 14680 bytes (14KiB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/transform.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/transform.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0049f700 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/transform.go @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package width + +import ( + "unicode/utf8" + + "golang.org/x/text/transform" +) + +type foldTransform struct { + transform.NopResetter +} + +func (foldTransform) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(src) { + if src[n] < utf8.RuneSelf { + // ASCII fast path. + for n++; n < len(src) && src[n] < utf8.RuneSelf; n++ { + } + continue + } + v, size := trie.lookup(src[n:]) + if size == 0 { // incomplete UTF-8 encoding + if !atEOF { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc + } else { + n = len(src) + } + break + } + if elem(v)&tagNeedsFold != 0 { + err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + break + } + n += size + } + return n, err +} + +func (foldTransform) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + for nSrc < len(src) { + if src[nSrc] < utf8.RuneSelf { + // ASCII fast path. + start, end := nSrc, len(src) + if d := len(dst) - nDst; d < end-start { + end = nSrc + d + } + for nSrc++; nSrc < end && src[nSrc] < utf8.RuneSelf; nSrc++ { + } + n := copy(dst[nDst:], src[start:nSrc]) + if nDst += n; nDst == len(dst) { + nSrc = start + n + if nSrc == len(src) { + return nDst, nSrc, nil + } + if src[nSrc] < utf8.RuneSelf { + return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst + } + } + continue + } + v, size := trie.lookup(src[nSrc:]) + if size == 0 { // incomplete UTF-8 encoding + if !atEOF { + return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortSrc + } + size = 1 // gobble 1 byte + } + if elem(v)&tagNeedsFold == 0 { + if size != copy(dst[nDst:], src[nSrc:nSrc+size]) { + return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst + } + nDst += size + } else { + data := inverseData[byte(v)] + if len(dst)-nDst < int(data[0]) { + return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst + } + i := 1 + for end := int(data[0]); i < end; i++ { + dst[nDst] = data[i] + nDst++ + } + dst[nDst] = data[i] ^ src[nSrc+size-1] + nDst++ + } + nSrc += size + } + return nDst, nSrc, nil +} + +type narrowTransform struct { + transform.NopResetter +} + +func (narrowTransform) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(src) { + if src[n] < utf8.RuneSelf { + // ASCII fast path. + for n++; n < len(src) && src[n] < utf8.RuneSelf; n++ { + } + continue + } + v, size := trie.lookup(src[n:]) + if size == 0 { // incomplete UTF-8 encoding + if !atEOF { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc + } else { + n = len(src) + } + break + } + if k := elem(v).kind(); byte(v) == 0 || k != EastAsianFullwidth && k != EastAsianWide && k != EastAsianAmbiguous { + } else { + err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + break + } + n += size + } + return n, err +} + +func (narrowTransform) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + for nSrc < len(src) { + if src[nSrc] < utf8.RuneSelf { + // ASCII fast path. + start, end := nSrc, len(src) + if d := len(dst) - nDst; d < end-start { + end = nSrc + d + } + for nSrc++; nSrc < end && src[nSrc] < utf8.RuneSelf; nSrc++ { + } + n := copy(dst[nDst:], src[start:nSrc]) + if nDst += n; nDst == len(dst) { + nSrc = start + n + if nSrc == len(src) { + return nDst, nSrc, nil + } + if src[nSrc] < utf8.RuneSelf { + return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst + } + } + continue + } + v, size := trie.lookup(src[nSrc:]) + if size == 0 { // incomplete UTF-8 encoding + if !atEOF { + return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortSrc + } + size = 1 // gobble 1 byte + } + if k := elem(v).kind(); byte(v) == 0 || k != EastAsianFullwidth && k != EastAsianWide && k != EastAsianAmbiguous { + if size != copy(dst[nDst:], src[nSrc:nSrc+size]) { + return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst + } + nDst += size + } else { + data := inverseData[byte(v)] + if len(dst)-nDst < int(data[0]) { + return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst + } + i := 1 + for end := int(data[0]); i < end; i++ { + dst[nDst] = data[i] + nDst++ + } + dst[nDst] = data[i] ^ src[nSrc+size-1] + nDst++ + } + nSrc += size + } + return nDst, nSrc, nil +} + +type wideTransform struct { + transform.NopResetter +} + +func (wideTransform) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(src) { + // TODO: Consider ASCII fast path. Special-casing ASCII handling can + // reduce the ns/op of BenchmarkWideASCII by about 30%. This is probably + // not enough to warrant the extra code and complexity. + v, size := trie.lookup(src[n:]) + if size == 0 { // incomplete UTF-8 encoding + if !atEOF { + err = transform.ErrShortSrc + } else { + n = len(src) + } + break + } + if k := elem(v).kind(); byte(v) == 0 || k != EastAsianHalfwidth && k != EastAsianNarrow { + } else { + err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan + break + } + n += size + } + return n, err +} + +func (wideTransform) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + for nSrc < len(src) { + // TODO: Consider ASCII fast path. Special-casing ASCII handling can + // reduce the ns/op of BenchmarkWideASCII by about 30%. This is probably + // not enough to warrant the extra code and complexity. + v, size := trie.lookup(src[nSrc:]) + if size == 0 { // incomplete UTF-8 encoding + if !atEOF { + return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortSrc + } + size = 1 // gobble 1 byte + } + if k := elem(v).kind(); byte(v) == 0 || k != EastAsianHalfwidth && k != EastAsianNarrow { + if size != copy(dst[nDst:], src[nSrc:nSrc+size]) { + return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst + } + nDst += size + } else { + data := inverseData[byte(v)] + if len(dst)-nDst < int(data[0]) { + return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst + } + i := 1 + for end := int(data[0]); i < end; i++ { + dst[nDst] = data[i] + nDst++ + } + dst[nDst] = data[i] ^ src[nSrc+size-1] + nDst++ + } + nSrc += size + } + return nDst, nSrc, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/trieval.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/trieval.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca8e45fd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/trieval.go @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +package width + +// elem is an entry of the width trie. The high byte is used to encode the type +// of the rune. The low byte is used to store the index to a mapping entry in +// the inverseData array. +type elem uint16 + +const ( + tagNeutral elem = iota << typeShift + tagAmbiguous + tagWide + tagNarrow + tagFullwidth + tagHalfwidth +) + +const ( + numTypeBits = 3 + typeShift = 16 - numTypeBits + + // tagNeedsFold is true for all fullwidth and halfwidth runes except for + // the Won sign U+20A9. + tagNeedsFold = 0x1000 + + // The Korean Won sign is halfwidth, but SHOULD NOT be mapped to a wide + // variant. + wonSign rune = 0x20A9 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/width.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/width.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..29c7509b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/width.go @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:generate stringer -type=Kind +//go:generate go run gen.go gen_common.go gen_trieval.go + +// Package width provides functionality for handling different widths in text. +// +// Wide characters behave like ideographs; they tend to allow line breaks after +// each character and remain upright in vertical text layout. Narrow characters +// are kept together in words or runs that are rotated sideways in vertical text +// layout. +// +// For more information, see https://unicode.org/reports/tr11/. +package width // import "golang.org/x/text/width" + +import ( + "unicode/utf8" + + "golang.org/x/text/transform" +) + +// TODO +// 1) Reduce table size by compressing blocks. +// 2) API proposition for computing display length +// (approximation, fixed pitch only). +// 3) Implement display length. + +// Kind indicates the type of width property as defined in https://unicode.org/reports/tr11/. +type Kind int + +const ( + // Neutral characters do not occur in legacy East Asian character sets. + Neutral Kind = iota + + // EastAsianAmbiguous characters that can be sometimes wide and sometimes + // narrow and require additional information not contained in the character + // code to further resolve their width. + EastAsianAmbiguous + + // EastAsianWide characters are wide in its usual form. They occur only in + // the context of East Asian typography. These runes may have explicit + // halfwidth counterparts. + EastAsianWide + + // EastAsianNarrow characters are narrow in its usual form. They often have + // fullwidth counterparts. + EastAsianNarrow + + // Note: there exist Narrow runes that do not have fullwidth or wide + // counterparts, despite what the definition says (e.g. U+27E6). + + // EastAsianFullwidth characters have a compatibility decompositions of type + // wide that map to a narrow counterpart. + EastAsianFullwidth + + // EastAsianHalfwidth characters have a compatibility decomposition of type + // narrow that map to a wide or ambiguous counterpart, plus U+20A9 ₩ WON + // SIGN. + EastAsianHalfwidth + + // Note: there exist runes that have a halfwidth counterparts but that are + // classified as Ambiguous, rather than wide (e.g. U+2190). +) + +// TODO: the generated tries need to return size 1 for invalid runes for the +// width to be computed correctly (each byte should render width 1) + +var trie = newWidthTrie(0) + +// Lookup reports the Properties of the first rune in b and the number of bytes +// of its UTF-8 encoding. +func Lookup(b []byte) (p Properties, size int) { + v, sz := trie.lookup(b) + return Properties{elem(v), b[sz-1]}, sz +} + +// LookupString reports the Properties of the first rune in s and the number of +// bytes of its UTF-8 encoding. +func LookupString(s string) (p Properties, size int) { + v, sz := trie.lookupString(s) + return Properties{elem(v), s[sz-1]}, sz +} + +// LookupRune reports the Properties of rune r. +func LookupRune(r rune) Properties { + var buf [4]byte + n := utf8.EncodeRune(buf[:], r) + v, _ := trie.lookup(buf[:n]) + last := byte(r) + if r >= utf8.RuneSelf { + last = 0x80 + byte(r&0x3f) + } + return Properties{elem(v), last} +} + +// Properties provides access to width properties of a rune. +type Properties struct { + elem elem + last byte +} + +func (e elem) kind() Kind { + return Kind(e >> typeShift) +} + +// Kind returns the Kind of a rune as defined in Unicode TR #11. +// See https://unicode.org/reports/tr11/ for more details. +func (p Properties) Kind() Kind { + return p.elem.kind() +} + +// Folded returns the folded variant of a rune or 0 if the rune is canonical. +func (p Properties) Folded() rune { + if p.elem&tagNeedsFold != 0 { + buf := inverseData[byte(p.elem)] + buf[buf[0]] ^= p.last + r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(buf[1 : 1+buf[0]]) + return r + } + return 0 +} + +// Narrow returns the narrow variant of a rune or 0 if the rune is already +// narrow or doesn't have a narrow variant. +func (p Properties) Narrow() rune { + if k := p.elem.kind(); byte(p.elem) != 0 && (k == EastAsianFullwidth || k == EastAsianWide || k == EastAsianAmbiguous) { + buf := inverseData[byte(p.elem)] + buf[buf[0]] ^= p.last + r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(buf[1 : 1+buf[0]]) + return r + } + return 0 +} + +// Wide returns the wide variant of a rune or 0 if the rune is already +// wide or doesn't have a wide variant. +func (p Properties) Wide() rune { + if k := p.elem.kind(); byte(p.elem) != 0 && (k == EastAsianHalfwidth || k == EastAsianNarrow) { + buf := inverseData[byte(p.elem)] + buf[buf[0]] ^= p.last + r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(buf[1 : 1+buf[0]]) + return r + } + return 0 +} + +// TODO for Properties: +// - Add Fullwidth/Halfwidth or Inverted methods for computing variants +// mapping. +// - Add width information (including information on non-spacing runes). + +// Transformer implements the transform.Transformer interface. +type Transformer struct { + t transform.SpanningTransformer +} + +// Reset implements the transform.Transformer interface. +func (t Transformer) Reset() { t.t.Reset() } + +// Transform implements the transform.Transformer interface. +func (t Transformer) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { + return t.t.Transform(dst, src, atEOF) +} + +// Span implements the transform.SpanningTransformer interface. +func (t Transformer) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { + return t.t.Span(src, atEOF) +} + +// Bytes returns a new byte slice with the result of applying t to b. +func (t Transformer) Bytes(b []byte) []byte { + b, _, _ = transform.Bytes(t, b) + return b +} + +// String returns a string with the result of applying t to s. +func (t Transformer) String(s string) string { + s, _, _ = transform.String(t, s) + return s +} + +var ( + // Fold is a transform that maps all runes to their canonical width. + // + // Note that the NFKC and NFKD transforms in golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm + // provide a more generic folding mechanism. + Fold Transformer = Transformer{foldTransform{}} + + // Widen is a transform that maps runes to their wide variant, if + // available. + Widen Transformer = Transformer{wideTransform{}} + + // Narrow is a transform that maps runes to their narrow variant, if + // available. + Narrow Transformer = Transformer{narrowTransform{}} +) + +// TODO: Consider the following options: +// - Treat Ambiguous runes that have a halfwidth counterpart as wide, or some +// generalized variant of this. +// - Consider a wide Won character to be the default width (or some generalized +// variant of this). +// - Filter the set of characters that gets converted (the preferred approach is +// to allow applying filters to transforms). diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/driver/mysql/License b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/mysql/License new file mode 100644 index 00000000..037e1653 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/mysql/License @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2013-NOW Jinzhu + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/driver/mysql/README.md b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/mysql/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b8f7a6c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/mysql/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# GORM MySQL Driver + +## Quick Start + +```go +import ( + "gorm.io/driver/mysql" + "gorm.io/gorm" +) + +// https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql +dsn := "gorm:gorm@tcp(localhost:9910)/gorm?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local" +db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{}) +``` + +## Configuration + +```go +import ( + "gorm.io/driver/mysql" + "gorm.io/gorm" +) + +var datetimePrecision = 2 + +db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.New(mysql.Config{ + DSN: "gorm:gorm@tcp(localhost:9910)/gorm?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local", // data source name, refer https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#dsn-data-source-name + DefaultStringSize: 256, // add default size for string fields, by default, will use db type `longtext` for fields without size, not a primary key, no index defined and don't have default values + DisableDatetimePrecision: true, // disable datetime precision support, which not supported before MySQL 5.6 + DefaultDatetimePrecision: &datetimePrecision, // default datetime precision + DontSupportRenameIndex: true, // drop & create index when rename index, rename index not supported before MySQL 5.7, MariaDB + DontSupportRenameColumn: true, // use change when rename column, rename rename not supported before MySQL 8, MariaDB + SkipInitializeWithVersion: false, // smart configure based on used version +}), &gorm.Config{}) +``` + +## Customized Driver + +```go +import ( + _ "example.com/my_mysql_driver" + "gorm.io/gorm" +) + +db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.New(mysql.Config{ + DriverName: "my_mysql_driver_name", + DSN: "gorm:gorm@tcp(localhost:9910)/gorm?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local", // data source name, refer https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#dsn-data-source-name +}) +``` + +Checkout [https://gorm.io](https://gorm.io) for details. diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/driver/mysql/migrator.go b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/mysql/migrator.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..67048448 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/mysql/migrator.go @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ +package mysql + +import ( + "database/sql" + "fmt" + "strings" + + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" + "gorm.io/gorm/migrator" + "gorm.io/gorm/schema" +) + +type Migrator struct { + migrator.Migrator + Dialector +} + +func (m Migrator) FullDataTypeOf(field *schema.Field) clause.Expr { + expr := m.Migrator.FullDataTypeOf(field) + + if value, ok := field.TagSettings["COMMENT"]; ok { + expr.SQL += " COMMENT " + m.Dialector.Explain("?", value) + } + + return expr +} + +func (m Migrator) AlterColumn(value interface{}, field string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(field); field != nil { + return m.DB.Exec( + "ALTER TABLE ? MODIFY COLUMN ? ?", + clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, m.FullDataTypeOf(field), + ).Error + } + return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up field with name: %s", field) + }) +} + +func (m Migrator) RenameColumn(value interface{}, oldName, newName string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + if !m.Dialector.DontSupportRenameColumn { + return m.Migrator.RenameColumn(value, oldName, newName) + } + + var field *schema.Field + if f := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(oldName); f != nil { + oldName = f.DBName + field = f + } + + if f := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(newName); f != nil { + newName = f.DBName + field = f + } + + if field != nil { + return m.DB.Exec( + "ALTER TABLE ? CHANGE ? ? ?", + clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, clause.Column{Name: oldName}, + clause.Column{Name: newName}, m.FullDataTypeOf(field), + ).Error + } + + return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up field with name: %s", newName) + }) +} + +func (m Migrator) RenameIndex(value interface{}, oldName, newName string) error { + if !m.Dialector.DontSupportRenameIndex { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + return m.DB.Exec( + "ALTER TABLE ? RENAME INDEX ? TO ?", + clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, clause.Column{Name: oldName}, clause.Column{Name: newName}, + ).Error + }) + } + + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + err := m.DropIndex(value, oldName) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if idx := stmt.Schema.LookIndex(newName); idx == nil { + if idx = stmt.Schema.LookIndex(oldName); idx != nil { + opts := m.BuildIndexOptions(idx.Fields, stmt) + values := []interface{}{clause.Column{Name: newName}, clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, opts} + + createIndexSQL := "CREATE " + if idx.Class != "" { + createIndexSQL += idx.Class + " " + } + createIndexSQL += "INDEX ? ON ??" + + if idx.Type != "" { + createIndexSQL += " USING " + idx.Type + } + + return m.DB.Exec(createIndexSQL, values...).Error + } + } + + return m.CreateIndex(value, newName) + }) + +} + +func (m Migrator) DropTable(values ...interface{}) error { + values = m.ReorderModels(values, false) + return m.DB.Connection(func(tx *gorm.DB) error { + tx.Exec("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;") + for i := len(values) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if err := m.RunWithValue(values[i], func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + return tx.Exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ? CASCADE", clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}).Error + }); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return tx.Exec("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;").Error + }) +} + +func (m Migrator) DropConstraint(value interface{}, name string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + constraint, chk, table := m.GuessConstraintAndTable(stmt, name) + if chk != nil { + return m.DB.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? DROP CHECK ?", clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}, clause.Column{Name: chk.Name}).Error + } + if constraint != nil { + name = constraint.Name + } + + return m.DB.Exec( + "ALTER TABLE ? DROP FOREIGN KEY ?", clause.Table{Name: table}, clause.Column{Name: name}, + ).Error + }) +} + +// ColumnTypes column types return columnTypes,error +func (m Migrator) ColumnTypes(value interface{}) ([]gorm.ColumnType, error) { + columnTypes := make([]gorm.ColumnType, 0) + err := m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + var ( + currentDatabase = m.DB.Migrator().CurrentDatabase() + columnTypeSQL = "SELECT column_name, column_default, is_nullable = 'YES', data_type, character_maximum_length, column_type, column_key, extra, column_comment, numeric_precision, numeric_scale " + rows, err = m.DB.Session(&gorm.Session{}).Table(stmt.Table).Limit(1).Rows() + ) + + if err != nil { + return err + } + + defer func() { + err = rows.Close() + }() + + rawColumnTypes, err := rows.ColumnTypes() + + if !m.DisableDatetimePrecision { + columnTypeSQL += ", datetime_precision " + } + columnTypeSQL += "FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION" + + columns, rowErr := m.DB.Raw(columnTypeSQL, currentDatabase, stmt.Table).Rows() + if rowErr != nil { + return rowErr + } + + defer columns.Close() + + for columns.Next() { + var ( + column migrator.ColumnType + datetimePrecision sql.NullInt64 + extraValue sql.NullString + columnKey sql.NullString + values = []interface{}{ + &column.NameValue, &column.DefaultValueValue, &column.NullableValue, &column.DataTypeValue, &column.LengthValue, &column.ColumnTypeValue, &columnKey, &extraValue, &column.CommentValue, &column.DecimalSizeValue, &column.ScaleValue, + } + ) + + if !m.DisableDatetimePrecision { + values = append(values, &datetimePrecision) + } + + if scanErr := columns.Scan(values...); scanErr != nil { + return scanErr + } + + column.PrimaryKeyValue = sql.NullBool{Bool: false, Valid: true} + column.UniqueValue = sql.NullBool{Bool: false, Valid: true} + switch columnKey.String { + case "PRI": + column.PrimaryKeyValue = sql.NullBool{Bool: true, Valid: true} + case "UNI": + column.UniqueValue = sql.NullBool{Bool: true, Valid: true} + } + + if strings.Contains(extraValue.String, "auto_increment") { + column.AutoIncrementValue = sql.NullBool{Bool: true, Valid: true} + } + + column.DefaultValueValue.String = strings.Trim(column.DefaultValueValue.String, "'") + + if datetimePrecision.Valid { + column.DecimalSizeValue = datetimePrecision + } + + for _, c := range rawColumnTypes { + if c.Name() == column.NameValue.String { + column.SQLColumnType = c + break + } + } + + columnTypes = append(columnTypes, column) + } + + return nil + }) + + return columnTypes, err +} + +func (m Migrator) CurrentDatabase() (name string) { + baseName := m.Migrator.CurrentDatabase() + m.DB.Raw( + "SELECT SCHEMA_NAME from Information_schema.SCHEMATA where SCHEMA_NAME LIKE ? ORDER BY SCHEMA_NAME=? DESC limit 1", + baseName+"%", baseName).Scan(&name) + return +} + +func (m Migrator) GetTables() (tableList []string, err error) { + err = m.DB.Raw("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=?", m.CurrentDatabase()). + Scan(&tableList).Error + return +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/driver/mysql/mysql.go b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/mysql/mysql.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..355241d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/mysql/mysql.go @@ -0,0 +1,402 @@ +package mysql + +import ( + "context" + "database/sql" + "fmt" + "math" + "strings" + "time" + + _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/callbacks" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" + "gorm.io/gorm/logger" + "gorm.io/gorm/migrator" + "gorm.io/gorm/schema" +) + +type Config struct { + DriverName string + ServerVersion string + DSN string + Conn gorm.ConnPool + SkipInitializeWithVersion bool + DefaultStringSize uint + DefaultDatetimePrecision *int + DisableDatetimePrecision bool + DontSupportRenameIndex bool + DontSupportRenameColumn bool + DontSupportForShareClause bool +} + +type Dialector struct { + *Config +} + +var ( + // CreateClauses create clauses + CreateClauses = []string{"INSERT", "VALUES", "ON CONFLICT"} + // UpdateClauses update clauses + UpdateClauses = []string{"UPDATE", "SET", "WHERE", "ORDER BY", "LIMIT"} + // DeleteClauses delete clauses + DeleteClauses = []string{"DELETE", "FROM", "WHERE", "ORDER BY", "LIMIT"} + + defaultDatetimePrecision = 3 +) + +func Open(dsn string) gorm.Dialector { + return &Dialector{Config: &Config{DSN: dsn}} +} + +func New(config Config) gorm.Dialector { + return &Dialector{Config: &config} +} + +func (dialector Dialector) Name() string { + return "mysql" +} + +// NowFunc return now func +func (dialector Dialector) NowFunc(n int) func() time.Time { + return func() time.Time { + round := time.Second / time.Duration(math.Pow10(n)) + return time.Now().Local().Round(round) + } +} + +func (dialector Dialector) Apply(config *gorm.Config) error { + if config.NowFunc == nil { + if dialector.DefaultDatetimePrecision == nil { + dialector.DefaultDatetimePrecision = &defaultDatetimePrecision + } + + // while maintaining the readability of the code, separate the business logic from + // the general part and leave it to the function to do it here. + config.NowFunc = dialector.NowFunc(*dialector.DefaultDatetimePrecision) + } + + return nil +} + +func (dialector Dialector) Initialize(db *gorm.DB) (err error) { + ctx := context.Background() + + // register callbacks + callbacks.RegisterDefaultCallbacks(db, &callbacks.Config{ + CreateClauses: CreateClauses, + UpdateClauses: UpdateClauses, + DeleteClauses: DeleteClauses, + }) + + if dialector.DriverName == "" { + dialector.DriverName = "mysql" + } + + if dialector.DefaultDatetimePrecision == nil { + dialector.DefaultDatetimePrecision = &defaultDatetimePrecision + } + + if dialector.Conn != nil { + db.ConnPool = dialector.Conn + } else { + db.ConnPool, err = sql.Open(dialector.DriverName, dialector.DSN) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if !dialector.Config.SkipInitializeWithVersion { + err = db.ConnPool.QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT VERSION()").Scan(&dialector.ServerVersion) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if strings.Contains(dialector.ServerVersion, "MariaDB") { + dialector.Config.DontSupportRenameIndex = true + dialector.Config.DontSupportRenameColumn = true + dialector.Config.DontSupportForShareClause = true + } else if strings.HasPrefix(dialector.ServerVersion, "5.6.") { + dialector.Config.DontSupportRenameIndex = true + dialector.Config.DontSupportRenameColumn = true + dialector.Config.DontSupportForShareClause = true + } else if strings.HasPrefix(dialector.ServerVersion, "5.7.") { + dialector.Config.DontSupportRenameColumn = true + dialector.Config.DontSupportForShareClause = true + } else if strings.HasPrefix(dialector.ServerVersion, "5.") { + dialector.Config.DisableDatetimePrecision = true + dialector.Config.DontSupportRenameIndex = true + dialector.Config.DontSupportRenameColumn = true + dialector.Config.DontSupportForShareClause = true + } + } + + for k, v := range dialector.ClauseBuilders() { + db.ClauseBuilders[k] = v + } + return +} + +const ( + // ClauseOnConflict for clause.ClauseBuilder ON CONFLICT key + ClauseOnConflict = "ON CONFLICT" + // ClauseValues for clause.ClauseBuilder VALUES key + ClauseValues = "VALUES" + // ClauseValues for clause.ClauseBuilder FOR key + ClauseFor = "FOR" +) + +func (dialector Dialector) ClauseBuilders() map[string]clause.ClauseBuilder { + clauseBuilders := map[string]clause.ClauseBuilder{ + ClauseOnConflict: func(c clause.Clause, builder clause.Builder) { + onConflict, ok := c.Expression.(clause.OnConflict) + if !ok { + c.Build(builder) + return + } + + builder.WriteString("ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ") + if len(onConflict.DoUpdates) == 0 { + if s := builder.(*gorm.Statement).Schema; s != nil { + var column clause.Column + onConflict.DoNothing = false + + if s.PrioritizedPrimaryField != nil { + column = clause.Column{Name: s.PrioritizedPrimaryField.DBName} + } else if len(s.DBNames) > 0 { + column = clause.Column{Name: s.DBNames[0]} + } + + if column.Name != "" { + onConflict.DoUpdates = []clause.Assignment{{Column: column, Value: column}} + } + } + } + + for idx, assignment := range onConflict.DoUpdates { + if idx > 0 { + builder.WriteByte(',') + } + + builder.WriteQuoted(assignment.Column) + builder.WriteByte('=') + if column, ok := assignment.Value.(clause.Column); ok && column.Table == "excluded" { + column.Table = "" + builder.WriteString("VALUES(") + builder.WriteQuoted(column) + builder.WriteByte(')') + } else { + builder.AddVar(builder, assignment.Value) + } + } + }, + ClauseValues: func(c clause.Clause, builder clause.Builder) { + if values, ok := c.Expression.(clause.Values); ok && len(values.Columns) == 0 { + builder.WriteString("VALUES()") + return + } + c.Build(builder) + }, + } + + if dialector.Config.DontSupportForShareClause { + clauseBuilders[ClauseFor] = func(c clause.Clause, builder clause.Builder) { + if values, ok := c.Expression.(clause.Locking); ok && strings.EqualFold(values.Strength, "SHARE") { + builder.WriteString("LOCK IN SHARE MODE") + return + } + c.Build(builder) + } + } + + return clauseBuilders +} + +func (dialector Dialector) DefaultValueOf(field *schema.Field) clause.Expression { + return clause.Expr{SQL: "DEFAULT"} +} + +func (dialector Dialector) Migrator(db *gorm.DB) gorm.Migrator { + return Migrator{ + Migrator: migrator.Migrator{ + Config: migrator.Config{ + DB: db, + Dialector: dialector, + }, + }, + Dialector: dialector, + } +} + +func (dialector Dialector) BindVarTo(writer clause.Writer, stmt *gorm.Statement, v interface{}) { + writer.WriteByte('?') +} + +func (dialector Dialector) QuoteTo(writer clause.Writer, str string) { + var ( + underQuoted, selfQuoted bool + continuousBacktick int8 + shiftDelimiter int8 + ) + + for _, v := range []byte(str) { + switch v { + case '`': + continuousBacktick++ + if continuousBacktick == 2 { + writer.WriteString("``") + continuousBacktick = 0 + } + case '.': + if continuousBacktick > 0 || !selfQuoted { + shiftDelimiter = 0 + underQuoted = false + continuousBacktick = 0 + writer.WriteString("`") + } + writer.WriteByte(v) + continue + default: + if shiftDelimiter-continuousBacktick <= 0 && !underQuoted { + writer.WriteByte('`') + underQuoted = true + if selfQuoted = continuousBacktick > 0; selfQuoted { + continuousBacktick -= 1 + } + } + + for ; continuousBacktick > 0; continuousBacktick -= 1 { + writer.WriteString("``") + } + + writer.WriteByte(v) + } + shiftDelimiter++ + } + + if continuousBacktick > 0 && !selfQuoted { + writer.WriteString("``") + } + writer.WriteString("`") +} + +func (dialector Dialector) Explain(sql string, vars ...interface{}) string { + return logger.ExplainSQL(sql, nil, `'`, vars...) +} + +func (dialector Dialector) DataTypeOf(field *schema.Field) string { + switch field.DataType { + case schema.Bool: + return "boolean" + case schema.Int, schema.Uint: + return dialector.getSchemaIntAndUnitType(field) + case schema.Float: + return dialector.getSchemaFloatType(field) + case schema.String: + return dialector.getSchemaStringType(field) + case schema.Time: + return dialector.getSchemaTimeType(field) + case schema.Bytes: + return dialector.getSchemaBytesType(field) + } + + return string(field.DataType) +} + +func (dialector Dialector) getSchemaFloatType(field *schema.Field) string { + if field.Precision > 0 { + return fmt.Sprintf("decimal(%d, %d)", field.Precision, field.Scale) + } + + if field.Size <= 32 { + return "float" + } + + return "double" +} + +func (dialector Dialector) getSchemaStringType(field *schema.Field) string { + size := field.Size + if size == 0 { + if dialector.DefaultStringSize > 0 { + size = int(dialector.DefaultStringSize) + } else { + hasIndex := field.TagSettings["INDEX"] != "" || field.TagSettings["UNIQUE"] != "" + // TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column can't have a default value + if field.PrimaryKey || field.HasDefaultValue || hasIndex { + size = 191 // utf8mb4 + } + } + } + + if size >= 65536 && size <= int(math.Pow(2, 24)) { + return "mediumtext" + } + + if size > int(math.Pow(2, 24)) || size <= 0 { + return "longtext" + } + + return fmt.Sprintf("varchar(%d)", size) +} + +func (dialector Dialector) getSchemaTimeType(field *schema.Field) string { + precision := "" + if !dialector.DisableDatetimePrecision && field.Precision == 0 { + field.Precision = *dialector.DefaultDatetimePrecision + } + + if field.Precision > 0 { + precision = fmt.Sprintf("(%d)", field.Precision) + } + + if field.NotNull || field.PrimaryKey { + return "datetime" + precision + } + return "datetime" + precision + " NULL" +} + +func (dialector Dialector) getSchemaBytesType(field *schema.Field) string { + if field.Size > 0 && field.Size < 65536 { + return fmt.Sprintf("varbinary(%d)", field.Size) + } + + if field.Size >= 65536 && field.Size <= int(math.Pow(2, 24)) { + return "mediumblob" + } + + return "longblob" +} + +func (dialector Dialector) getSchemaIntAndUnitType(field *schema.Field) string { + sqlType := "bigint" + switch { + case field.Size <= 8: + sqlType = "tinyint" + case field.Size <= 16: + sqlType = "smallint" + case field.Size <= 24: + sqlType = "mediumint" + case field.Size <= 32: + sqlType = "int" + } + + if field.DataType == schema.Uint { + sqlType += " unsigned" + } + + if field.AutoIncrement { + sqlType += " AUTO_INCREMENT" + } + + return sqlType +} + +func (dialector Dialector) SavePoint(tx *gorm.DB, name string) error { + return tx.Exec("SAVEPOINT " + name).Error +} + +func (dialector Dialector) RollbackTo(tx *gorm.DB, name string) error { + return tx.Exec("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT " + name).Error +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/driver/postgres/License b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/postgres/License new file mode 100644 index 00000000..037e1653 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/postgres/License @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2013-NOW Jinzhu + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/driver/postgres/README.md b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/postgres/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..01ba443e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/postgres/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# GORM PostgreSQL Driver + +## Quick Start + +```go +import ( + "gorm.io/driver/postgres" + "gorm.io/gorm" +) + +// https://github.com/jackc/pgx +dsn := "host=localhost user=gorm password=gorm dbname=gorm port=9920 sslmode=disable TimeZone=Asia/Shanghai" +db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{}) +``` + +## Configuration + +```go +import ( + "gorm.io/driver/postgres" + "gorm.io/gorm" +) + +db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{ + DSN: "host=localhost user=gorm password=gorm dbname=gorm port=9920 sslmode=disable TimeZone=Asia/Shanghai", // data source name, refer https://github.com/jackc/pgx + PreferSimpleProtocol: true, // disables implicit prepared statement usage. By default pgx automatically uses the extended protocol +}), &gorm.Config{}) +``` + + +Checkout [https://gorm.io](https://gorm.io) for details. diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/driver/postgres/migrator.go b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/postgres/migrator.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39972c47 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/postgres/migrator.go @@ -0,0 +1,456 @@ +package postgres + +import ( + "database/sql" + "fmt" + "regexp" + "strings" + + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" + "gorm.io/gorm/migrator" + "gorm.io/gorm/schema" +) + +type Migrator struct { + migrator.Migrator +} + +func (m Migrator) CurrentDatabase() (name string) { + m.DB.Raw("SELECT CURRENT_DATABASE()").Scan(&name) + return +} + +func (m Migrator) BuildIndexOptions(opts []schema.IndexOption, stmt *gorm.Statement) (results []interface{}) { + for _, opt := range opts { + str := stmt.Quote(opt.DBName) + if opt.Expression != "" { + str = opt.Expression + } + + if opt.Collate != "" { + str += " COLLATE " + opt.Collate + } + + if opt.Sort != "" { + str += " " + opt.Sort + } + results = append(results, clause.Expr{SQL: str}) + } + return +} + +func (m Migrator) HasIndex(value interface{}, name string) bool { + var count int64 + m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + if idx := stmt.Schema.LookIndex(name); idx != nil { + name = idx.Name + } + currentSchema, curTable := m.CurrentSchema(stmt, stmt.Table) + return m.DB.Raw( + "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = ? AND indexname = ? AND schemaname = ?", curTable, name, currentSchema, + ).Scan(&count).Error + }) + + return count > 0 +} + +func (m Migrator) CreateIndex(value interface{}, name string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + if idx := stmt.Schema.LookIndex(name); idx != nil { + opts := m.BuildIndexOptions(idx.Fields, stmt) + values := []interface{}{clause.Column{Name: idx.Name}, m.CurrentTable(stmt), opts} + + createIndexSQL := "CREATE " + if idx.Class != "" { + createIndexSQL += idx.Class + " " + } + createIndexSQL += "INDEX " + + if strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToUpper(idx.Option)) == "CONCURRENTLY" { + createIndexSQL += "CONCURRENTLY " + } + + createIndexSQL += "? ON ?" + + if idx.Type != "" { + createIndexSQL += " USING " + idx.Type + "(?)" + } else { + createIndexSQL += " ?" + } + + if idx.Where != "" { + createIndexSQL += " WHERE " + idx.Where + } + + return m.DB.Exec(createIndexSQL, values...).Error + } + + return fmt.Errorf("failed to create index with name %v", name) + }) +} + +func (m Migrator) RenameIndex(value interface{}, oldName, newName string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + return m.DB.Exec( + "ALTER INDEX ? RENAME TO ?", + clause.Column{Name: oldName}, clause.Column{Name: newName}, + ).Error + }) +} + +func (m Migrator) DropIndex(value interface{}, name string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + if idx := stmt.Schema.LookIndex(name); idx != nil { + name = idx.Name + } + + return m.DB.Exec("DROP INDEX ?", clause.Column{Name: name}).Error + }) +} + +func (m Migrator) GetTables() (tableList []string, err error) { + currentSchema, _ := m.CurrentSchema(m.DB.Statement, "") + return tableList, m.DB.Raw("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_type = ?", currentSchema, "BASE TABLE").Scan(&tableList).Error +} + +func (m Migrator) CreateTable(values ...interface{}) (err error) { + if err = m.Migrator.CreateTable(values...); err != nil { + return + } + for _, value := range m.ReorderModels(values, false) { + if err = m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + for _, field := range stmt.Schema.FieldsByDBName { + if field.Comment != "" { + if err := m.DB.Exec( + "COMMENT ON COLUMN ?.? IS ?", + m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, gorm.Expr(m.Migrator.Dialector.Explain("$1", field.Comment)), + ).Error; err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + return nil + }); err != nil { + return + } + } + return +} + +func (m Migrator) HasTable(value interface{}) bool { + var count int64 + m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + currentSchema, curTable := m.CurrentSchema(stmt, stmt.Table) + return m.DB.Raw("SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND table_type = ?", currentSchema, curTable, "BASE TABLE").Scan(&count).Error + }) + return count > 0 +} + +func (m Migrator) DropTable(values ...interface{}) error { + values = m.ReorderModels(values, false) + tx := m.DB.Session(&gorm.Session{}) + for i := len(values) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if err := m.RunWithValue(values[i], func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + return tx.Exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ? CASCADE", m.CurrentTable(stmt)).Error + }); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func (m Migrator) AddColumn(value interface{}, field string) error { + if err := m.Migrator.AddColumn(value, field); err != nil { + return err + } + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(field); field != nil { + if field.Comment != "" { + if err := m.DB.Exec( + "COMMENT ON COLUMN ?.? IS ?", + m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, gorm.Expr(m.Migrator.Dialector.Explain("$1", field.Comment)), + ).Error; err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + return nil + }) +} + +func (m Migrator) HasColumn(value interface{}, field string) bool { + var count int64 + m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + name := field + if stmt.Schema != nil { + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(field); field != nil { + name = field.DBName + } + } + + currentSchema, curTable := m.CurrentSchema(stmt, stmt.Table) + return m.DB.Raw( + "SELECT count(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND column_name = ?", + currentSchema, curTable, name, + ).Scan(&count).Error + }) + + return count > 0 +} + +func (m Migrator) MigrateColumn(value interface{}, field *schema.Field, columnType gorm.ColumnType) error { + // skip primary field + if !field.PrimaryKey { + if err := m.Migrator.MigrateColumn(value, field, columnType); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + var description string + currentSchema, curTable := m.CurrentSchema(stmt, stmt.Table) + values := []interface{}{currentSchema, curTable, field.DBName, stmt.Table, currentSchema} + checkSQL := "SELECT description FROM pg_catalog.pg_description " + checkSQL += "WHERE objsubid = (SELECT ordinal_position FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND column_name = ?) " + checkSQL += "AND objoid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = ? AND relnamespace = " + checkSQL += "(SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = ?))" + m.DB.Raw(checkSQL, values...).Scan(&description) + comment := field.Comment + if comment != "" { + comment = comment[1 : len(comment)-1] + } + if field.Comment != "" && comment != description { + if err := m.DB.Exec( + "COMMENT ON COLUMN ?.? IS ?", + m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, gorm.Expr(m.Migrator.Dialector.Explain("$1", field.Comment)), + ).Error; err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + }) +} + +// AlterColumn alter value's `field` column' type based on schema definition +func (m Migrator) AlterColumn(value interface{}, field string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(field); field != nil { + var ( + columnTypes, _ = m.DB.Migrator().ColumnTypes(value) + fieldColumnType migrator.ColumnType + ) + for _, columnType := range columnTypes { + if columnType.Name() == field.DBName { + fieldColumnType, _ = columnType.(migrator.ColumnType) + } + } + + return m.DB.Connection(func(tx *gorm.DB) error { + fileType := clause.Expr{SQL: m.DataTypeOf(field)} + if fieldColumnType.DatabaseTypeName() != fileType.SQL { + if err := tx.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? TYPE ?", m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, fileType).Error; err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if null, _ := fieldColumnType.Nullable(); null == field.NotNull { + if field.NotNull { + if err := tx.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? SET NOT NULL", m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}).Error; err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + if err := tx.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? DROP NOT NULL", m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}).Error; err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + + if uniq, _ := fieldColumnType.Unique(); uniq != field.Unique { + idxName := clause.Column{Name: m.DB.Config.NamingStrategy.IndexName(stmt.Table, field.DBName)} + if err := tx.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? ADD CONSTRAINT ? UNIQUE(?)", m.CurrentTable(stmt), idxName, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}).Error; err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if v, _ := fieldColumnType.DefaultValue(); v != field.DefaultValue { + if field.HasDefaultValue && (field.DefaultValueInterface != nil || field.DefaultValue != "") { + if field.DefaultValueInterface != nil { + defaultStmt := &gorm.Statement{Vars: []interface{}{field.DefaultValueInterface}} + m.Dialector.BindVarTo(defaultStmt, defaultStmt, field.DefaultValueInterface) + if err := tx.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? SET DEFAULT ?", m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, clause.Expr{SQL: m.Dialector.Explain(defaultStmt.SQL.String(), field.DefaultValueInterface)}).Error; err != nil { + return err + } + } else if field.DefaultValue != "(-)" { + if err := tx.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? SET DEFAULT ?", m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, clause.Expr{SQL: field.DefaultValue}).Error; err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + if err := tx.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? DROP DEFAULT", m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, clause.Expr{SQL: field.DefaultValue}).Error; err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + } + return nil + }) + } + return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up field with name: %s", field) + }) +} + +func (m Migrator) HasConstraint(value interface{}, name string) bool { + var count int64 + m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + constraint, chk, table := m.GuessConstraintAndTable(stmt, name) + currentSchema, curTable := m.CurrentSchema(stmt, table) + if constraint != nil { + name = constraint.Name + } else if chk != nil { + name = chk.Name + } + + return m.DB.Raw( + "SELECT count(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.table_constraints WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND constraint_name = ?", + currentSchema, curTable, name, + ).Scan(&count).Error + }) + + return count > 0 +} + +func (m Migrator) ColumnTypes(value interface{}) (columnTypes []gorm.ColumnType, err error) { + columnTypes = make([]gorm.ColumnType, 0) + err = m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + var ( + currentDatabase = m.DB.Migrator().CurrentDatabase() + currentSchema, table = m.CurrentSchema(stmt, stmt.Table) + columns, err = m.DB.Raw( + "SELECT c.column_name, c.is_nullable = 'YES', c.udt_name, c.character_maximum_length, c.numeric_precision, c.numeric_precision_radix, c.numeric_scale, c.datetime_precision, 8 * typlen, c.column_default, pd.description FROM information_schema.columns AS c JOIN pg_type AS pgt ON c.udt_name = pgt.typname LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description as pd ON pd.objsubid = c.ordinal_position AND pd.objoid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = c.table_name AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = c.table_schema)) where table_catalog = ? AND table_schema = ? AND table_name = ?", + currentDatabase, currentSchema, table).Rows() + rows, rowsErr = m.DB.Session(&gorm.Session{}).Table(stmt.Table).Limit(1).Rows() + ) + + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer columns.Close() + + if rowsErr != nil { + return rowsErr + } + defer rows.Close() + rawColumnTypes, err := rows.ColumnTypes() + + for columns.Next() { + var ( + column = migrator.ColumnType{ + PrimaryKeyValue: sql.NullBool{Valid: true}, + UniqueValue: sql.NullBool{Valid: true}, + } + datetimePrecision sql.NullInt64 + radixValue sql.NullInt64 + typeLenValue sql.NullInt64 + ) + + err = columns.Scan( + &column.NameValue, &column.NullableValue, &column.DataTypeValue, &column.LengthValue, &column.DecimalSizeValue, + &radixValue, &column.ScaleValue, &datetimePrecision, &typeLenValue, &column.DefaultValueValue, &column.CommentValue, + ) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if typeLenValue.Valid && typeLenValue.Int64 > 0 { + column.LengthValue = typeLenValue + } + + if strings.HasPrefix(column.DefaultValueValue.String, "nextval('") && strings.HasSuffix(column.DefaultValueValue.String, "seq'::regclass)") { + column.AutoIncrementValue = sql.NullBool{Bool: true, Valid: true} + column.DefaultValueValue = sql.NullString{} + } + + if column.DefaultValueValue.Valid { + column.DefaultValueValue.String = regexp.MustCompile("'(.*)'::[\\w]+$").ReplaceAllString(column.DefaultValueValue.String, "$1") + } + + if datetimePrecision.Valid { + column.DecimalSizeValue = datetimePrecision + } + + for _, c := range rawColumnTypes { + if c.Name() == column.NameValue.String { + column.SQLColumnType = c + break + } + } + columnTypes = append(columnTypes, column) + } + + columnTypeRows, err := m.DB.Raw("SELECT c.column_name, constraint_type FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu USING (constraint_schema, constraint_name) JOIN information_schema.columns AS c ON c.table_schema = tc.constraint_schema AND tc.table_name = c.table_name AND ccu.column_name = c.column_name WHERE constraint_type IN ('PRIMARY KEY', 'UNIQUE') AND c.table_catalog = ? AND c.table_schema = ? AND c.table_name = ?", currentDatabase, currentSchema, table).Rows() + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer columnTypeRows.Close() + + for columnTypeRows.Next() { + var name, columnType string + columnTypeRows.Scan(&name, &columnType) + for idx, c := range columnTypes { + mc := c.(migrator.ColumnType) + if mc.NameValue.String == name { + switch columnType { + case "PRIMARY KEY": + mc.PrimaryKeyValue = sql.NullBool{Bool: true, Valid: true} + case "UNIQUE": + mc.UniqueValue = sql.NullBool{Bool: true, Valid: true} + } + columnTypes[idx] = mc + break + } + } + } + + // Set column type + dataTypeRows, err := m.DB.Raw(`SELECT a.attname as column_name, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS data_type + FROM pg_attribute a JOIN pg_class b ON a.attrelid = b.relfilenode AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = ?) + WHERE a.attnum > 0 -- hide internal columns + AND NOT a.attisdropped -- hide deleted columns + AND b.relname = ?`, currentSchema, table).Rows() + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer dataTypeRows.Close() + + for dataTypeRows.Next() { + var name, dataType string + columnTypeRows.Scan(&name, &dataType) + for idx, c := range columnTypes { + mc := c.(migrator.ColumnType) + if mc.NameValue.String == name { + mc.ColumnTypeValue = sql.NullString{String: dataType, Valid: true} + columnTypes[idx] = mc + break + } + } + } + + return err + }) + return +} + +func (m Migrator) CurrentSchema(stmt *gorm.Statement, table string) (interface{}, interface{}) { + if strings.Contains(table, ".") { + if tables := strings.Split(table, `.`); len(tables) == 2 { + return tables[0], tables[1] + } + } + + if stmt.TableExpr != nil { + if tables := strings.Split(stmt.TableExpr.SQL, `"."`); len(tables) == 2 { + return strings.TrimPrefix(tables[0], `"`), table + } + } + return clause.Expr{SQL: "CURRENT_SCHEMA()"}, table +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/driver/postgres/postgres.go b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/postgres/postgres.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5069f758 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/driver/postgres/postgres.go @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +package postgres + +import ( + "database/sql" + "fmt" + "regexp" + "strconv" + + "github.com/jackc/pgx/v4" + "github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/stdlib" + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/callbacks" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" + "gorm.io/gorm/logger" + "gorm.io/gorm/migrator" + "gorm.io/gorm/schema" +) + +type Dialector struct { + *Config +} + +type Config struct { + DriverName string + DSN string + PreferSimpleProtocol bool + WithoutReturning bool + Conn gorm.ConnPool +} + +func Open(dsn string) gorm.Dialector { + return &Dialector{&Config{DSN: dsn}} +} + +func New(config Config) gorm.Dialector { + return &Dialector{Config: &config} +} + +func (dialector Dialector) Name() string { + return "postgres" +} + +func (dialector Dialector) Initialize(db *gorm.DB) (err error) { + // register callbacks + callbacks.RegisterDefaultCallbacks(db, &callbacks.Config{ + CreateClauses: []string{"INSERT", "VALUES", "ON CONFLICT", "RETURNING"}, + UpdateClauses: []string{"UPDATE", "SET", "WHERE", "RETURNING"}, + DeleteClauses: []string{"DELETE", "FROM", "WHERE", "RETURNING"}, + }) + + if dialector.Conn != nil { + db.ConnPool = dialector.Conn + } else if dialector.DriverName != "" { + db.ConnPool, err = sql.Open(dialector.DriverName, dialector.Config.DSN) + } else { + var config *pgx.ConnConfig + + config, err = pgx.ParseConfig(dialector.Config.DSN) + if err != nil { + return + } + if dialector.Config.PreferSimpleProtocol { + config.PreferSimpleProtocol = true + } + result := regexp.MustCompile("(time_zone|TimeZone)=(.*?)($|&| )").FindStringSubmatch(dialector.Config.DSN) + if len(result) > 2 { + config.RuntimeParams["timezone"] = result[2] + } + db.ConnPool = stdlib.OpenDB(*config) + } + return +} + +func (dialector Dialector) Migrator(db *gorm.DB) gorm.Migrator { + return Migrator{migrator.Migrator{Config: migrator.Config{ + DB: db, + Dialector: dialector, + CreateIndexAfterCreateTable: true, + }}} +} + +func (dialector Dialector) DefaultValueOf(field *schema.Field) clause.Expression { + return clause.Expr{SQL: "DEFAULT"} +} + +func (dialector Dialector) BindVarTo(writer clause.Writer, stmt *gorm.Statement, v interface{}) { + writer.WriteByte('$') + writer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(len(stmt.Vars))) +} + +func (dialector Dialector) QuoteTo(writer clause.Writer, str string) { + var ( + underQuoted, selfQuoted bool + continuousBacktick int8 + shiftDelimiter int8 + ) + + for _, v := range []byte(str) { + switch v { + case '"': + continuousBacktick++ + if continuousBacktick == 2 { + writer.WriteString(`""`) + continuousBacktick = 0 + } + case '.': + if continuousBacktick > 0 || !selfQuoted { + shiftDelimiter = 0 + underQuoted = false + continuousBacktick = 0 + writer.WriteString(`"`) + } + writer.WriteByte(v) + continue + default: + if shiftDelimiter-continuousBacktick <= 0 && !underQuoted { + writer.WriteByte('"') + underQuoted = true + if selfQuoted = continuousBacktick > 0; selfQuoted { + continuousBacktick -= 1 + } + } + + for ; continuousBacktick > 0; continuousBacktick -= 1 { + writer.WriteString(`""`) + } + + writer.WriteByte(v) + } + shiftDelimiter++ + } + + if continuousBacktick > 0 && !selfQuoted { + writer.WriteString(`""`) + } + writer.WriteString(`"`) +} + +var numericPlaceholder = regexp.MustCompile("\\$(\\d+)") + +func (dialector Dialector) Explain(sql string, vars ...interface{}) string { + return logger.ExplainSQL(sql, numericPlaceholder, `'`, vars...) +} + +func (dialector Dialector) DataTypeOf(field *schema.Field) string { + switch field.DataType { + case schema.Bool: + return "boolean" + case schema.Int, schema.Uint: + size := field.Size + if field.DataType == schema.Uint { + size++ + } + if field.AutoIncrement { + switch { + case size <= 16: + return "smallserial" + case size <= 32: + return "serial" + default: + return "bigserial" + } + } else { + switch { + case size <= 16: + return "smallint" + case size <= 32: + return "integer" + default: + return "bigint" + } + } + case schema.Float: + if field.Precision > 0 { + if field.Scale > 0 { + return fmt.Sprintf("numeric(%d, %d)", field.Precision, field.Scale) + } + return fmt.Sprintf("numeric(%d)", field.Precision) + } + return "decimal" + case schema.String: + if field.Size > 0 { + return fmt.Sprintf("varchar(%d)", field.Size) + } + return "text" + case schema.Time: + if field.Precision > 0 { + return fmt.Sprintf("timestamptz(%d)", field.Precision) + } + return "timestamptz" + case schema.Bytes: + return "bytea" + } + + return string(field.DataType) +} + +func (dialectopr Dialector) SavePoint(tx *gorm.DB, name string) error { + tx.Exec("SAVEPOINT " + name) + return nil +} + +func (dialectopr Dialector) RollbackTo(tx *gorm.DB, name string) error { + tx.Exec("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT " + name) + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/.golangci.yml b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/.golangci.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..16903ed6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/.golangci.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +linters: + enable: + - cyclop + - exportloopref + - gocritic + - gosec + - ineffassign + - misspell + - prealloc + - unconvert + - unparam diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/association.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/association.go index 62c25b71..09e79ca6 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/association.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/association.go @@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ func (association *Association) Replace(values ...interface{}) error { switch reflectValue.Kind() { case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: for i := 0; i < reflectValue.Len(); i++ { - association.Error = rel.Field.Set(reflectValue.Index(i), reflect.Zero(rel.Field.FieldType).Interface()) + association.Error = rel.Field.Set(association.DB.Statement.Context, reflectValue.Index(i), reflect.Zero(rel.Field.FieldType).Interface()) } case reflect.Struct: - association.Error = rel.Field.Set(reflectValue, reflect.Zero(rel.Field.FieldType).Interface()) + association.Error = rel.Field.Set(association.DB.Statement.Context, reflectValue, reflect.Zero(rel.Field.FieldType).Interface()) } for _, ref := range rel.References { @@ -96,12 +96,12 @@ func (association *Association) Replace(values ...interface{}) error { primaryFields []*schema.Field foreignKeys []string updateMap = map[string]interface{}{} - relValues = schema.GetRelationsValues(reflectValue, []*schema.Relationship{rel}) + relValues = schema.GetRelationsValues(association.DB.Statement.Context, reflectValue, []*schema.Relationship{rel}) modelValue = reflect.New(rel.FieldSchema.ModelType).Interface() tx = association.DB.Model(modelValue) ) - if _, rvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(relValues, rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFields); len(rvs) > 0 { + if _, rvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(association.DB.Statement.Context, relValues, rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFields); len(rvs) > 0 { if column, values := schema.ToQueryValues(rel.FieldSchema.Table, rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFieldDBNames, rvs); len(values) > 0 { tx.Not(clause.IN{Column: column, Values: values}) } @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ func (association *Association) Replace(values ...interface{}) error { } } - if _, pvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(reflectValue, primaryFields); len(pvs) > 0 { + if _, pvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(association.DB.Statement.Context, reflectValue, primaryFields); len(pvs) > 0 { column, values := schema.ToQueryValues(rel.FieldSchema.Table, foreignKeys, pvs) association.Error = tx.Where(clause.IN{Column: column, Values: values}).UpdateColumns(updateMap).Error } @@ -143,14 +143,14 @@ func (association *Association) Replace(values ...interface{}) error { } } - _, pvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(reflectValue, primaryFields) + _, pvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(association.DB.Statement.Context, reflectValue, primaryFields) if column, values := schema.ToQueryValues(rel.JoinTable.Table, joinPrimaryKeys, pvs); len(values) > 0 { tx.Where(clause.IN{Column: column, Values: values}) } else { return ErrPrimaryKeyRequired } - _, rvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMapFromValues(values, relPrimaryFields) + _, rvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMapFromValues(association.DB.Statement.Context, values, relPrimaryFields) if relColumn, relValues := schema.ToQueryValues(rel.JoinTable.Table, joinRelPrimaryKeys, rvs); len(relValues) > 0 { tx.Where(clause.Not(clause.IN{Column: relColumn, Values: relValues})) } @@ -186,11 +186,11 @@ func (association *Association) Delete(values ...interface{}) error { case schema.BelongsTo: tx := association.DB.Model(reflect.New(rel.Schema.ModelType).Interface()) - _, pvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(reflectValue, rel.Schema.PrimaryFields) + _, pvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(association.DB.Statement.Context, reflectValue, rel.Schema.PrimaryFields) pcolumn, pvalues := schema.ToQueryValues(rel.Schema.Table, rel.Schema.PrimaryFieldDBNames, pvs) conds = append(conds, clause.IN{Column: pcolumn, Values: pvalues}) - _, rvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMapFromValues(values, primaryFields) + _, rvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMapFromValues(association.DB.Statement.Context, values, primaryFields) relColumn, relValues := schema.ToQueryValues(rel.Schema.Table, foreignKeys, rvs) conds = append(conds, clause.IN{Column: relColumn, Values: relValues}) @@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ func (association *Association) Delete(values ...interface{}) error { case schema.HasOne, schema.HasMany: tx := association.DB.Model(reflect.New(rel.FieldSchema.ModelType).Interface()) - _, pvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(reflectValue, primaryFields) + _, pvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(association.DB.Statement.Context, reflectValue, primaryFields) pcolumn, pvalues := schema.ToQueryValues(rel.FieldSchema.Table, foreignKeys, pvs) conds = append(conds, clause.IN{Column: pcolumn, Values: pvalues}) - _, rvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMapFromValues(values, rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFields) + _, rvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMapFromValues(association.DB.Statement.Context, values, rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFields) relColumn, relValues := schema.ToQueryValues(rel.FieldSchema.Table, rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFieldDBNames, rvs) conds = append(conds, clause.IN{Column: relColumn, Values: relValues}) @@ -228,11 +228,11 @@ func (association *Association) Delete(values ...interface{}) error { } } - _, pvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(reflectValue, primaryFields) + _, pvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(association.DB.Statement.Context, reflectValue, primaryFields) pcolumn, pvalues := schema.ToQueryValues(rel.JoinTable.Table, joinPrimaryKeys, pvs) conds = append(conds, clause.IN{Column: pcolumn, Values: pvalues}) - _, rvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMapFromValues(values, relPrimaryFields) + _, rvs := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMapFromValues(association.DB.Statement.Context, values, relPrimaryFields) relColumn, relValues := schema.ToQueryValues(rel.JoinTable.Table, joinRelPrimaryKeys, rvs) conds = append(conds, clause.IN{Column: relColumn, Values: relValues}) @@ -241,11 +241,11 @@ func (association *Association) Delete(values ...interface{}) error { if association.Error == nil { // clean up deleted values's foreign key - relValuesMap, _ := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMapFromValues(values, rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFields) + relValuesMap, _ := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMapFromValues(association.DB.Statement.Context, values, rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFields) cleanUpDeletedRelations := func(data reflect.Value) { - if _, zero := rel.Field.ValueOf(data); !zero { - fieldValue := reflect.Indirect(rel.Field.ReflectValueOf(data)) + if _, zero := rel.Field.ValueOf(association.DB.Statement.Context, data); !zero { + fieldValue := reflect.Indirect(rel.Field.ReflectValueOf(association.DB.Statement.Context, data)) primaryValues := make([]interface{}, len(rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFields)) switch fieldValue.Kind() { @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ func (association *Association) Delete(values ...interface{}) error { validFieldValues := reflect.Zero(rel.Field.IndirectFieldType) for i := 0; i < fieldValue.Len(); i++ { for idx, field := range rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFields { - primaryValues[idx], _ = field.ValueOf(fieldValue.Index(i)) + primaryValues[idx], _ = field.ValueOf(association.DB.Statement.Context, fieldValue.Index(i)) } if _, ok := relValuesMap[utils.ToStringKey(primaryValues...)]; !ok { @@ -261,23 +261,23 @@ func (association *Association) Delete(values ...interface{}) error { } } - association.Error = rel.Field.Set(data, validFieldValues.Interface()) + association.Error = rel.Field.Set(association.DB.Statement.Context, data, validFieldValues.Interface()) case reflect.Struct: for idx, field := range rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFields { - primaryValues[idx], _ = field.ValueOf(fieldValue) + primaryValues[idx], _ = field.ValueOf(association.DB.Statement.Context, fieldValue) } if _, ok := relValuesMap[utils.ToStringKey(primaryValues...)]; ok { - if association.Error = rel.Field.Set(data, reflect.Zero(rel.FieldSchema.ModelType).Interface()); association.Error != nil { + if association.Error = rel.Field.Set(association.DB.Statement.Context, data, reflect.Zero(rel.FieldSchema.ModelType).Interface()); association.Error != nil { break } if rel.JoinTable == nil { for _, ref := range rel.References { if ref.OwnPrimaryKey || ref.PrimaryValue != "" { - association.Error = ref.ForeignKey.Set(fieldValue, reflect.Zero(ref.ForeignKey.FieldType).Interface()) + association.Error = ref.ForeignKey.Set(association.DB.Statement.Context, fieldValue, reflect.Zero(ref.ForeignKey.FieldType).Interface()) } else { - association.Error = ref.ForeignKey.Set(data, reflect.Zero(ref.ForeignKey.FieldType).Interface()) + association.Error = ref.ForeignKey.Set(association.DB.Statement.Context, data, reflect.Zero(ref.ForeignKey.FieldType).Interface()) } } } @@ -329,14 +329,14 @@ func (association *Association) saveAssociation(clear bool, values ...interface{ switch rv.Kind() { case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: if rv.Len() > 0 { - association.Error = association.Relationship.Field.Set(source, rv.Index(0).Addr().Interface()) + association.Error = association.Relationship.Field.Set(association.DB.Statement.Context, source, rv.Index(0).Addr().Interface()) if association.Relationship.Field.FieldType.Kind() == reflect.Struct { assignBacks = append(assignBacks, assignBack{Source: source, Dest: rv.Index(0)}) } } case reflect.Struct: - association.Error = association.Relationship.Field.Set(source, rv.Addr().Interface()) + association.Error = association.Relationship.Field.Set(association.DB.Statement.Context, source, rv.Addr().Interface()) if association.Relationship.Field.FieldType.Kind() == reflect.Struct { assignBacks = append(assignBacks, assignBack{Source: source, Dest: rv}) @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ func (association *Association) saveAssociation(clear bool, values ...interface{ } case schema.HasMany, schema.Many2Many: elemType := association.Relationship.Field.IndirectFieldType.Elem() - fieldValue := reflect.Indirect(association.Relationship.Field.ReflectValueOf(source)) + fieldValue := reflect.Indirect(association.Relationship.Field.ReflectValueOf(association.DB.Statement.Context, source)) if clear { fieldValue = reflect.New(association.Relationship.Field.IndirectFieldType).Elem() } @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ func (association *Association) saveAssociation(clear bool, values ...interface{ } if association.Error == nil { - association.Error = association.Relationship.Field.Set(source, fieldValue.Interface()) + association.Error = association.Relationship.Field.Set(association.DB.Statement.Context, source, fieldValue.Interface()) } } } @@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ func (association *Association) saveAssociation(clear bool, values ...interface{ // clear old data if clear && len(values) == 0 { for i := 0; i < reflectValue.Len(); i++ { - if err := association.Relationship.Field.Set(reflectValue.Index(i), reflect.New(association.Relationship.Field.IndirectFieldType).Interface()); err != nil { + if err := association.Relationship.Field.Set(association.DB.Statement.Context, reflectValue.Index(i), reflect.New(association.Relationship.Field.IndirectFieldType).Interface()); err != nil { association.Error = err break } @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ func (association *Association) saveAssociation(clear bool, values ...interface{ if association.Relationship.JoinTable == nil { for _, ref := range association.Relationship.References { if !ref.OwnPrimaryKey && ref.PrimaryValue == "" { - if err := ref.ForeignKey.Set(reflectValue.Index(i), reflect.Zero(ref.ForeignKey.FieldType).Interface()); err != nil { + if err := ref.ForeignKey.Set(association.DB.Statement.Context, reflectValue.Index(i), reflect.Zero(ref.ForeignKey.FieldType).Interface()); err != nil { association.Error = err break } @@ -453,12 +453,12 @@ func (association *Association) saveAssociation(clear bool, values ...interface{ case reflect.Struct: // clear old data if clear && len(values) == 0 { - association.Error = association.Relationship.Field.Set(reflectValue, reflect.New(association.Relationship.Field.IndirectFieldType).Interface()) + association.Error = association.Relationship.Field.Set(association.DB.Statement.Context, reflectValue, reflect.New(association.Relationship.Field.IndirectFieldType).Interface()) if association.Relationship.JoinTable == nil && association.Error == nil { for _, ref := range association.Relationship.References { if !ref.OwnPrimaryKey && ref.PrimaryValue == "" { - association.Error = ref.ForeignKey.Set(reflectValue, reflect.Zero(ref.ForeignKey.FieldType).Interface()) + association.Error = ref.ForeignKey.Set(association.DB.Statement.Context, reflectValue, reflect.Zero(ref.ForeignKey.FieldType).Interface()) } } } @@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ func (association *Association) saveAssociation(clear bool, values ...interface{ } for _, assignBack := range assignBacks { - fieldValue := reflect.Indirect(association.Relationship.Field.ReflectValueOf(assignBack.Source)) + fieldValue := reflect.Indirect(association.Relationship.Field.ReflectValueOf(association.DB.Statement.Context, assignBack.Source)) if assignBack.Index > 0 { reflect.Indirect(assignBack.Dest).Set(fieldValue.Index(assignBack.Index - 1)) } else { @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ func (association *Association) saveAssociation(clear bool, values ...interface{ func (association *Association) buildCondition() *DB { var ( - queryConds = association.Relationship.ToQueryConditions(association.DB.Statement.ReflectValue) + queryConds = association.Relationship.ToQueryConditions(association.DB.Statement.Context, association.DB.Statement.ReflectValue) modelValue = reflect.New(association.Relationship.FieldSchema.ModelType).Interface() tx = association.DB.Model(modelValue) ) diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/associations.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/associations.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6fd21de --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/associations.go @@ -0,0 +1,392 @@ +package callbacks + +import ( + "reflect" + "strings" + + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" + "gorm.io/gorm/schema" + "gorm.io/gorm/utils" +) + +func SaveBeforeAssociations(create bool) func(db *gorm.DB) { + return func(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil && db.Statement.Schema != nil { + selectColumns, restricted := db.Statement.SelectAndOmitColumns(create, !create) + + // Save Belongs To associations + for _, rel := range db.Statement.Schema.Relationships.BelongsTo { + if v, ok := selectColumns[rel.Name]; (ok && !v) || (!ok && restricted) { + continue + } + + setupReferences := func(obj reflect.Value, elem reflect.Value) { + for _, ref := range rel.References { + if !ref.OwnPrimaryKey { + pv, _ := ref.PrimaryKey.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, elem) + db.AddError(ref.ForeignKey.Set(db.Statement.Context, obj, pv)) + + if dest, ok := db.Statement.Dest.(map[string]interface{}); ok { + dest[ref.ForeignKey.DBName] = pv + if _, ok := dest[rel.Name]; ok { + dest[rel.Name] = elem.Interface() + } + } + } + } + } + + switch db.Statement.ReflectValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: + var ( + rValLen = db.Statement.ReflectValue.Len() + objs = make([]reflect.Value, 0, rValLen) + fieldType = rel.Field.FieldType + isPtr = fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr + ) + + if !isPtr { + fieldType = reflect.PtrTo(fieldType) + } + + elems := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(fieldType), 0, 10) + for i := 0; i < rValLen; i++ { + obj := db.Statement.ReflectValue.Index(i) + if reflect.Indirect(obj).Kind() != reflect.Struct { + break + } + + if _, zero := rel.Field.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, obj); !zero { // check belongs to relation value + rv := rel.Field.ReflectValueOf(db.Statement.Context, obj) // relation reflect value + objs = append(objs, obj) + if isPtr { + elems = reflect.Append(elems, rv) + } else { + elems = reflect.Append(elems, rv.Addr()) + } + } + } + + if elems.Len() > 0 { + if saveAssociations(db, rel, elems.Interface(), selectColumns, restricted, nil) == nil { + for i := 0; i < elems.Len(); i++ { + setupReferences(objs[i], elems.Index(i)) + } + } + } + case reflect.Struct: + if _, zero := rel.Field.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue); !zero { + rv := rel.Field.ReflectValueOf(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue) // relation reflect value + if rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + rv = rv.Addr() + } + + if saveAssociations(db, rel, rv.Interface(), selectColumns, restricted, nil) == nil { + setupReferences(db.Statement.ReflectValue, rv) + } + } + } + } + } + } +} + +func SaveAfterAssociations(create bool) func(db *gorm.DB) { + return func(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil && db.Statement.Schema != nil { + selectColumns, restricted := db.Statement.SelectAndOmitColumns(create, !create) + + // Save Has One associations + for _, rel := range db.Statement.Schema.Relationships.HasOne { + if v, ok := selectColumns[rel.Name]; (ok && !v) || (!ok && restricted) { + continue + } + + switch db.Statement.ReflectValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: + var ( + fieldType = rel.Field.FieldType + isPtr = fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr + ) + + if !isPtr { + fieldType = reflect.PtrTo(fieldType) + } + + elems := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(fieldType), 0, 10) + + for i := 0; i < db.Statement.ReflectValue.Len(); i++ { + obj := db.Statement.ReflectValue.Index(i) + + if reflect.Indirect(obj).Kind() == reflect.Struct { + if _, zero := rel.Field.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, obj); !zero { + rv := rel.Field.ReflectValueOf(db.Statement.Context, obj) + if rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + rv = rv.Addr() + } + + for _, ref := range rel.References { + if ref.OwnPrimaryKey { + fv, _ := ref.PrimaryKey.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, obj) + db.AddError(ref.ForeignKey.Set(db.Statement.Context, rv, fv)) + } else if ref.PrimaryValue != "" { + db.AddError(ref.ForeignKey.Set(db.Statement.Context, rv, ref.PrimaryValue)) + } + } + + elems = reflect.Append(elems, rv) + } + } + } + + if elems.Len() > 0 { + assignmentColumns := make([]string, 0, len(rel.References)) + for _, ref := range rel.References { + assignmentColumns = append(assignmentColumns, ref.ForeignKey.DBName) + } + + saveAssociations(db, rel, elems.Interface(), selectColumns, restricted, assignmentColumns) + } + case reflect.Struct: + if _, zero := rel.Field.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue); !zero { + f := rel.Field.ReflectValueOf(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue) + if f.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + f = f.Addr() + } + + assignmentColumns := make([]string, 0, len(rel.References)) + for _, ref := range rel.References { + if ref.OwnPrimaryKey { + fv, _ := ref.PrimaryKey.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue) + ref.ForeignKey.Set(db.Statement.Context, f, fv) + } else if ref.PrimaryValue != "" { + ref.ForeignKey.Set(db.Statement.Context, f, ref.PrimaryValue) + } + assignmentColumns = append(assignmentColumns, ref.ForeignKey.DBName) + } + + saveAssociations(db, rel, f.Interface(), selectColumns, restricted, assignmentColumns) + } + } + } + + // Save Has Many associations + for _, rel := range db.Statement.Schema.Relationships.HasMany { + if v, ok := selectColumns[rel.Name]; (ok && !v) || (!ok && restricted) { + continue + } + + fieldType := rel.Field.IndirectFieldType.Elem() + isPtr := fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr + if !isPtr { + fieldType = reflect.PtrTo(fieldType) + } + elems := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(fieldType), 0, 10) + identityMap := map[string]bool{} + appendToElems := func(v reflect.Value) { + if _, zero := rel.Field.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, v); !zero { + f := reflect.Indirect(rel.Field.ReflectValueOf(db.Statement.Context, v)) + + for i := 0; i < f.Len(); i++ { + elem := f.Index(i) + for _, ref := range rel.References { + if ref.OwnPrimaryKey { + pv, _ := ref.PrimaryKey.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, v) + ref.ForeignKey.Set(db.Statement.Context, elem, pv) + } else if ref.PrimaryValue != "" { + ref.ForeignKey.Set(db.Statement.Context, elem, ref.PrimaryValue) + } + } + + relPrimaryValues := make([]interface{}, 0, len(rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFields)) + for _, pf := range rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFields { + if pfv, ok := pf.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, elem); !ok { + relPrimaryValues = append(relPrimaryValues, pfv) + } + } + + cacheKey := utils.ToStringKey(relPrimaryValues) + if len(relPrimaryValues) != len(rel.FieldSchema.PrimaryFields) || !identityMap[cacheKey] { + identityMap[cacheKey] = true + if isPtr { + elems = reflect.Append(elems, elem) + } else { + elems = reflect.Append(elems, elem.Addr()) + } + } + } + } + } + + switch db.Statement.ReflectValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: + for i := 0; i < db.Statement.ReflectValue.Len(); i++ { + obj := db.Statement.ReflectValue.Index(i) + if reflect.Indirect(obj).Kind() == reflect.Struct { + appendToElems(obj) + } + } + case reflect.Struct: + appendToElems(db.Statement.ReflectValue) + } + + if elems.Len() > 0 { + assignmentColumns := make([]string, 0, len(rel.References)) + for _, ref := range rel.References { + assignmentColumns = append(assignmentColumns, ref.ForeignKey.DBName) + } + + saveAssociations(db, rel, elems.Interface(), selectColumns, restricted, assignmentColumns) + } + } + + // Save Many2Many associations + for _, rel := range db.Statement.Schema.Relationships.Many2Many { + if v, ok := selectColumns[rel.Name]; (ok && !v) || (!ok && restricted) { + continue + } + + fieldType := rel.Field.IndirectFieldType.Elem() + isPtr := fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr + if !isPtr { + fieldType = reflect.PtrTo(fieldType) + } + elems := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(fieldType), 0, 10) + joins := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(reflect.PtrTo(rel.JoinTable.ModelType)), 0, 10) + objs := []reflect.Value{} + + appendToJoins := func(obj reflect.Value, elem reflect.Value) { + joinValue := reflect.New(rel.JoinTable.ModelType) + for _, ref := range rel.References { + if ref.OwnPrimaryKey { + fv, _ := ref.PrimaryKey.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, obj) + ref.ForeignKey.Set(db.Statement.Context, joinValue, fv) + } else if ref.PrimaryValue != "" { + ref.ForeignKey.Set(db.Statement.Context, joinValue, ref.PrimaryValue) + } else { + fv, _ := ref.PrimaryKey.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, elem) + ref.ForeignKey.Set(db.Statement.Context, joinValue, fv) + } + } + joins = reflect.Append(joins, joinValue) + } + + appendToElems := func(v reflect.Value) { + if _, zero := rel.Field.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, v); !zero { + f := reflect.Indirect(rel.Field.ReflectValueOf(db.Statement.Context, v)) + + for i := 0; i < f.Len(); i++ { + elem := f.Index(i) + + objs = append(objs, v) + if isPtr { + elems = reflect.Append(elems, elem) + } else { + elems = reflect.Append(elems, elem.Addr()) + } + } + } + } + + switch db.Statement.ReflectValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: + for i := 0; i < db.Statement.ReflectValue.Len(); i++ { + obj := db.Statement.ReflectValue.Index(i) + if reflect.Indirect(obj).Kind() == reflect.Struct { + appendToElems(obj) + } + } + case reflect.Struct: + appendToElems(db.Statement.ReflectValue) + } + + // optimize elems of reflect value length + if elemLen := elems.Len(); elemLen > 0 { + if v, ok := selectColumns[rel.Name+".*"]; !ok || v { + saveAssociations(db, rel, elems.Interface(), selectColumns, restricted, nil) + } + + for i := 0; i < elemLen; i++ { + appendToJoins(objs[i], elems.Index(i)) + } + } + + if joins.Len() > 0 { + db.AddError(db.Session(&gorm.Session{NewDB: true}).Clauses(clause.OnConflict{DoNothing: true}).Session(&gorm.Session{ + SkipHooks: db.Statement.SkipHooks, + DisableNestedTransaction: true, + }).Create(joins.Interface()).Error) + } + } + } + } +} + +func onConflictOption(stmt *gorm.Statement, s *schema.Schema, selectColumns map[string]bool, restricted bool, defaultUpdatingColumns []string) (onConflict clause.OnConflict) { + if len(defaultUpdatingColumns) > 0 || stmt.DB.FullSaveAssociations { + onConflict.Columns = make([]clause.Column, 0, len(s.PrimaryFieldDBNames)) + for _, dbName := range s.PrimaryFieldDBNames { + onConflict.Columns = append(onConflict.Columns, clause.Column{Name: dbName}) + } + + onConflict.UpdateAll = stmt.DB.FullSaveAssociations + if !onConflict.UpdateAll { + onConflict.DoUpdates = clause.AssignmentColumns(defaultUpdatingColumns) + } + } else { + onConflict.DoNothing = true + } + + return +} + +func saveAssociations(db *gorm.DB, rel *schema.Relationship, values interface{}, selectColumns map[string]bool, restricted bool, defaultUpdatingColumns []string) error { + var ( + selects, omits []string + onConflict = onConflictOption(db.Statement, rel.FieldSchema, selectColumns, restricted, defaultUpdatingColumns) + refName = rel.Name + "." + ) + + for name, ok := range selectColumns { + columnName := "" + if strings.HasPrefix(name, refName) { + columnName = strings.TrimPrefix(name, refName) + } + + if columnName != "" { + if ok { + selects = append(selects, columnName) + } else { + omits = append(omits, columnName) + } + } + } + + tx := db.Session(&gorm.Session{NewDB: true}).Clauses(onConflict).Session(&gorm.Session{ + FullSaveAssociations: db.FullSaveAssociations, + SkipHooks: db.Statement.SkipHooks, + DisableNestedTransaction: true, + }) + + db.Statement.Settings.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool { + tx.Statement.Settings.Store(k, v) + return true + }) + + if tx.Statement.FullSaveAssociations { + tx = tx.Set("gorm:update_track_time", true) + } + + if len(selects) > 0 { + tx = tx.Select(selects) + } else if restricted && len(omits) == 0 { + tx = tx.Omit(clause.Associations) + } + + if len(omits) > 0 { + tx = tx.Omit(omits...) + } + + return db.AddError(tx.Create(values).Error) +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/callbacks.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/callbacks.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d681aef3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/callbacks.go @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +package callbacks + +import ( + "gorm.io/gorm" +) + +var ( + createClauses = []string{"INSERT", "VALUES", "ON CONFLICT"} + queryClauses = []string{"SELECT", "FROM", "WHERE", "GROUP BY", "ORDER BY", "LIMIT", "FOR"} + updateClauses = []string{"UPDATE", "SET", "WHERE"} + deleteClauses = []string{"DELETE", "FROM", "WHERE"} +) + +type Config struct { + LastInsertIDReversed bool + CreateClauses []string + QueryClauses []string + UpdateClauses []string + DeleteClauses []string +} + +func RegisterDefaultCallbacks(db *gorm.DB, config *Config) { + enableTransaction := func(db *gorm.DB) bool { + return !db.SkipDefaultTransaction + } + + if len(config.CreateClauses) == 0 { + config.CreateClauses = createClauses + } + if len(config.QueryClauses) == 0 { + config.QueryClauses = queryClauses + } + if len(config.DeleteClauses) == 0 { + config.DeleteClauses = deleteClauses + } + if len(config.UpdateClauses) == 0 { + config.UpdateClauses = updateClauses + } + + createCallback := db.Callback().Create() + createCallback.Match(enableTransaction).Register("gorm:begin_transaction", BeginTransaction) + createCallback.Register("gorm:before_create", BeforeCreate) + createCallback.Register("gorm:save_before_associations", SaveBeforeAssociations(true)) + createCallback.Register("gorm:create", Create(config)) + createCallback.Register("gorm:save_after_associations", SaveAfterAssociations(true)) + createCallback.Register("gorm:after_create", AfterCreate) + createCallback.Match(enableTransaction).Register("gorm:commit_or_rollback_transaction", CommitOrRollbackTransaction) + createCallback.Clauses = config.CreateClauses + + queryCallback := db.Callback().Query() + queryCallback.Register("gorm:query", Query) + queryCallback.Register("gorm:preload", Preload) + queryCallback.Register("gorm:after_query", AfterQuery) + queryCallback.Clauses = config.QueryClauses + + deleteCallback := db.Callback().Delete() + deleteCallback.Match(enableTransaction).Register("gorm:begin_transaction", BeginTransaction) + deleteCallback.Register("gorm:before_delete", BeforeDelete) + deleteCallback.Register("gorm:delete_before_associations", DeleteBeforeAssociations) + deleteCallback.Register("gorm:delete", Delete(config)) + deleteCallback.Register("gorm:after_delete", AfterDelete) + deleteCallback.Match(enableTransaction).Register("gorm:commit_or_rollback_transaction", CommitOrRollbackTransaction) + deleteCallback.Clauses = config.DeleteClauses + + updateCallback := db.Callback().Update() + updateCallback.Match(enableTransaction).Register("gorm:begin_transaction", BeginTransaction) + updateCallback.Register("gorm:setup_reflect_value", SetupUpdateReflectValue) + updateCallback.Register("gorm:before_update", BeforeUpdate) + updateCallback.Register("gorm:save_before_associations", SaveBeforeAssociations(false)) + updateCallback.Register("gorm:update", Update(config)) + updateCallback.Register("gorm:save_after_associations", SaveAfterAssociations(false)) + updateCallback.Register("gorm:after_update", AfterUpdate) + updateCallback.Match(enableTransaction).Register("gorm:commit_or_rollback_transaction", CommitOrRollbackTransaction) + updateCallback.Clauses = config.UpdateClauses + + rowCallback := db.Callback().Row() + rowCallback.Register("gorm:row", RowQuery) + rowCallback.Clauses = config.QueryClauses + + rawCallback := db.Callback().Raw() + rawCallback.Register("gorm:raw", RawExec) + rawCallback.Clauses = config.QueryClauses +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/callmethod.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/callmethod.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bcaa03f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/callmethod.go @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +package callbacks + +import ( + "reflect" + + "gorm.io/gorm" +) + +func callMethod(db *gorm.DB, fc func(value interface{}, tx *gorm.DB) bool) { + tx := db.Session(&gorm.Session{NewDB: true}) + if called := fc(db.Statement.ReflectValue.Interface(), tx); !called { + switch db.Statement.ReflectValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: + db.Statement.CurDestIndex = 0 + for i := 0; i < db.Statement.ReflectValue.Len(); i++ { + fc(reflect.Indirect(db.Statement.ReflectValue.Index(i)).Addr().Interface(), tx) + db.Statement.CurDestIndex++ + } + case reflect.Struct: + fc(db.Statement.ReflectValue.Addr().Interface(), tx) + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/create.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/create.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b0964e2b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/create.go @@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ +package callbacks + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" + "gorm.io/gorm/schema" + "gorm.io/gorm/utils" +) + +func BeforeCreate(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil && db.Statement.Schema != nil && !db.Statement.SkipHooks && (db.Statement.Schema.BeforeSave || db.Statement.Schema.BeforeCreate) { + callMethod(db, func(value interface{}, tx *gorm.DB) (called bool) { + if db.Statement.Schema.BeforeSave { + if i, ok := value.(BeforeSaveInterface); ok { + called = true + db.AddError(i.BeforeSave(tx)) + } + } + + if db.Statement.Schema.BeforeCreate { + if i, ok := value.(BeforeCreateInterface); ok { + called = true + db.AddError(i.BeforeCreate(tx)) + } + } + return called + }) + } +} + +func Create(config *Config) func(db *gorm.DB) { + supportReturning := utils.Contains(config.CreateClauses, "RETURNING") + + return func(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error != nil { + return + } + + if db.Statement.Schema != nil { + if !db.Statement.Unscoped { + for _, c := range db.Statement.Schema.CreateClauses { + db.Statement.AddClause(c) + } + } + + if supportReturning && len(db.Statement.Schema.FieldsWithDefaultDBValue) > 0 { + if _, ok := db.Statement.Clauses["RETURNING"]; !ok { + fromColumns := make([]clause.Column, 0, len(db.Statement.Schema.FieldsWithDefaultDBValue)) + for _, field := range db.Statement.Schema.FieldsWithDefaultDBValue { + fromColumns = append(fromColumns, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}) + } + db.Statement.AddClause(clause.Returning{Columns: fromColumns}) + } + } + } + + if db.Statement.SQL.Len() == 0 { + db.Statement.SQL.Grow(180) + db.Statement.AddClauseIfNotExists(clause.Insert{}) + db.Statement.AddClause(ConvertToCreateValues(db.Statement)) + + db.Statement.Build(db.Statement.BuildClauses...) + } + + isDryRun := !db.DryRun && db.Error == nil + if !isDryRun { + return + } + + ok, mode := hasReturning(db, supportReturning) + if ok { + if c, ok := db.Statement.Clauses["ON CONFLICT"]; ok { + if onConflict, _ := c.Expression.(clause.OnConflict); onConflict.DoNothing { + mode |= gorm.ScanOnConflictDoNothing + } + } + + rows, err := db.Statement.ConnPool.QueryContext( + db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.SQL.String(), db.Statement.Vars..., + ) + if db.AddError(err) == nil { + gorm.Scan(rows, db, mode) + db.AddError(rows.Close()) + } + + return + } + + result, err := db.Statement.ConnPool.ExecContext( + db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.SQL.String(), db.Statement.Vars..., + ) + if err != nil { + db.AddError(err) + return + } + + db.RowsAffected, _ = result.RowsAffected() + if db.RowsAffected != 0 && db.Statement.Schema != nil && + db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField != nil && + db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.HasDefaultValue { + insertID, err := result.LastInsertId() + insertOk := err == nil && insertID > 0 + if !insertOk { + db.AddError(err) + return + } + + switch db.Statement.ReflectValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: + if config.LastInsertIDReversed { + for i := db.Statement.ReflectValue.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + rv := db.Statement.ReflectValue.Index(i) + if reflect.Indirect(rv).Kind() != reflect.Struct { + break + } + + _, isZero := db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, rv) + if isZero { + db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.Set(db.Statement.Context, rv, insertID) + insertID -= db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.AutoIncrementIncrement + } + } + } else { + for i := 0; i < db.Statement.ReflectValue.Len(); i++ { + rv := db.Statement.ReflectValue.Index(i) + if reflect.Indirect(rv).Kind() != reflect.Struct { + break + } + + if _, isZero := db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, rv); isZero { + db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.Set(db.Statement.Context, rv, insertID) + insertID += db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.AutoIncrementIncrement + } + } + } + case reflect.Struct: + _, isZero := db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue) + if isZero { + db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.Set(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue, insertID) + } + } + } + } +} + +func AfterCreate(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil && db.Statement.Schema != nil && !db.Statement.SkipHooks && (db.Statement.Schema.AfterSave || db.Statement.Schema.AfterCreate) { + callMethod(db, func(value interface{}, tx *gorm.DB) (called bool) { + if db.Statement.Schema.AfterSave { + if i, ok := value.(AfterSaveInterface); ok { + called = true + db.AddError(i.AfterSave(tx)) + } + } + + if db.Statement.Schema.AfterCreate { + if i, ok := value.(AfterCreateInterface); ok { + called = true + db.AddError(i.AfterCreate(tx)) + } + } + return called + }) + } +} + +// ConvertToCreateValues convert to create values +func ConvertToCreateValues(stmt *gorm.Statement) (values clause.Values) { + curTime := stmt.DB.NowFunc() + + switch value := stmt.Dest.(type) { + case map[string]interface{}: + values = ConvertMapToValuesForCreate(stmt, value) + case *map[string]interface{}: + values = ConvertMapToValuesForCreate(stmt, *value) + case []map[string]interface{}: + values = ConvertSliceOfMapToValuesForCreate(stmt, value) + case *[]map[string]interface{}: + values = ConvertSliceOfMapToValuesForCreate(stmt, *value) + default: + var ( + selectColumns, restricted = stmt.SelectAndOmitColumns(true, false) + _, updateTrackTime = stmt.Get("gorm:update_track_time") + isZero bool + ) + stmt.Settings.Delete("gorm:update_track_time") + + values = clause.Values{Columns: make([]clause.Column, 0, len(stmt.Schema.DBNames))} + + for _, db := range stmt.Schema.DBNames { + if field := stmt.Schema.FieldsByDBName[db]; !field.HasDefaultValue || field.DefaultValueInterface != nil { + if v, ok := selectColumns[db]; (ok && v) || (!ok && (!restricted || field.AutoCreateTime > 0 || field.AutoUpdateTime > 0)) { + values.Columns = append(values.Columns, clause.Column{Name: db}) + } + } + } + + switch stmt.ReflectValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: + rValLen := stmt.ReflectValue.Len() + stmt.SQL.Grow(rValLen * 18) + values.Values = make([][]interface{}, rValLen) + if rValLen == 0 { + stmt.AddError(gorm.ErrEmptySlice) + return + } + + defaultValueFieldsHavingValue := map[*schema.Field][]interface{}{} + for i := 0; i < rValLen; i++ { + rv := reflect.Indirect(stmt.ReflectValue.Index(i)) + if !rv.IsValid() { + stmt.AddError(fmt.Errorf("slice data #%v is invalid: %w", i, gorm.ErrInvalidData)) + return + } + + values.Values[i] = make([]interface{}, len(values.Columns)) + for idx, column := range values.Columns { + field := stmt.Schema.FieldsByDBName[column.Name] + if values.Values[i][idx], isZero = field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, rv); isZero { + if field.DefaultValueInterface != nil { + values.Values[i][idx] = field.DefaultValueInterface + field.Set(stmt.Context, rv, field.DefaultValueInterface) + } else if field.AutoCreateTime > 0 || field.AutoUpdateTime > 0 { + field.Set(stmt.Context, rv, curTime) + values.Values[i][idx], _ = field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, rv) + } + } else if field.AutoUpdateTime > 0 && updateTrackTime { + field.Set(stmt.Context, rv, curTime) + values.Values[i][idx], _ = field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, rv) + } + } + + for _, field := range stmt.Schema.FieldsWithDefaultDBValue { + if v, ok := selectColumns[field.DBName]; (ok && v) || (!ok && !restricted) { + if rvOfvalue, isZero := field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, rv); !isZero { + if len(defaultValueFieldsHavingValue[field]) == 0 { + defaultValueFieldsHavingValue[field] = make([]interface{}, rValLen) + } + defaultValueFieldsHavingValue[field][i] = rvOfvalue + } + } + } + } + + for field, vs := range defaultValueFieldsHavingValue { + values.Columns = append(values.Columns, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}) + for idx := range values.Values { + if vs[idx] == nil { + values.Values[idx] = append(values.Values[idx], stmt.Dialector.DefaultValueOf(field)) + } else { + values.Values[idx] = append(values.Values[idx], vs[idx]) + } + } + } + case reflect.Struct: + values.Values = [][]interface{}{make([]interface{}, len(values.Columns))} + for idx, column := range values.Columns { + field := stmt.Schema.FieldsByDBName[column.Name] + if values.Values[0][idx], isZero = field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue); isZero { + if field.DefaultValueInterface != nil { + values.Values[0][idx] = field.DefaultValueInterface + field.Set(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue, field.DefaultValueInterface) + } else if field.AutoCreateTime > 0 || field.AutoUpdateTime > 0 { + field.Set(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue, curTime) + values.Values[0][idx], _ = field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue) + } + } else if field.AutoUpdateTime > 0 && updateTrackTime { + field.Set(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue, curTime) + values.Values[0][idx], _ = field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue) + } + } + + for _, field := range stmt.Schema.FieldsWithDefaultDBValue { + if v, ok := selectColumns[field.DBName]; (ok && v) || (!ok && !restricted) { + if rvOfvalue, isZero := field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue); !isZero { + values.Columns = append(values.Columns, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}) + values.Values[0] = append(values.Values[0], rvOfvalue) + } + } + } + default: + stmt.AddError(gorm.ErrInvalidData) + } + } + + if c, ok := stmt.Clauses["ON CONFLICT"]; ok { + if onConflict, _ := c.Expression.(clause.OnConflict); onConflict.UpdateAll { + if stmt.Schema != nil && len(values.Columns) >= 1 { + selectColumns, restricted := stmt.SelectAndOmitColumns(true, true) + + columns := make([]string, 0, len(values.Columns)-1) + for _, column := range values.Columns { + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(column.Name); field != nil { + if v, ok := selectColumns[field.DBName]; (ok && v) || (!ok && !restricted) { + if !field.PrimaryKey && (!field.HasDefaultValue || field.DefaultValueInterface != nil) && field.AutoCreateTime == 0 { + if field.AutoUpdateTime > 0 { + assignment := clause.Assignment{Column: clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, Value: curTime} + switch field.AutoUpdateTime { + case schema.UnixNanosecond: + assignment.Value = curTime.UnixNano() + case schema.UnixMillisecond: + assignment.Value = curTime.UnixNano() / 1e6 + case schema.UnixSecond: + assignment.Value = curTime.Unix() + } + + onConflict.DoUpdates = append(onConflict.DoUpdates, assignment) + } else { + columns = append(columns, column.Name) + } + } + } + } + } + + onConflict.DoUpdates = append(onConflict.DoUpdates, clause.AssignmentColumns(columns)...) + if len(onConflict.DoUpdates) == 0 { + onConflict.DoNothing = true + } + + // use primary fields as default OnConflict columns + if len(onConflict.Columns) == 0 { + for _, field := range stmt.Schema.PrimaryFields { + onConflict.Columns = append(onConflict.Columns, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}) + } + } + stmt.AddClause(onConflict) + } + } + } + + return values +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/delete.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/delete.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1fb5261c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/delete.go @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +package callbacks + +import ( + "reflect" + "strings" + + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" + "gorm.io/gorm/schema" + "gorm.io/gorm/utils" +) + +func BeforeDelete(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil && db.Statement.Schema != nil && !db.Statement.SkipHooks && db.Statement.Schema.BeforeDelete { + callMethod(db, func(value interface{}, tx *gorm.DB) bool { + if i, ok := value.(BeforeDeleteInterface); ok { + db.AddError(i.BeforeDelete(tx)) + return true + } + + return false + }) + } +} + +func DeleteBeforeAssociations(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil && db.Statement.Schema != nil { + selectColumns, restricted := db.Statement.SelectAndOmitColumns(true, false) + if !restricted { + return + } + + for column, v := range selectColumns { + if !v { + continue + } + + rel, ok := db.Statement.Schema.Relationships.Relations[column] + if !ok { + continue + } + + switch rel.Type { + case schema.HasOne, schema.HasMany: + queryConds := rel.ToQueryConditions(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue) + modelValue := reflect.New(rel.FieldSchema.ModelType).Interface() + tx := db.Session(&gorm.Session{NewDB: true}).Model(modelValue) + withoutConditions := false + if db.Statement.Unscoped { + tx = tx.Unscoped() + } + + if len(db.Statement.Selects) > 0 { + selects := make([]string, 0, len(db.Statement.Selects)) + for _, s := range db.Statement.Selects { + if s == clause.Associations { + selects = append(selects, s) + } else if columnPrefix := column + "."; strings.HasPrefix(s, columnPrefix) { + selects = append(selects, strings.TrimPrefix(s, columnPrefix)) + } + } + + if len(selects) > 0 { + tx = tx.Select(selects) + } + } + + for _, cond := range queryConds { + if c, ok := cond.(clause.IN); ok && len(c.Values) == 0 { + withoutConditions = true + break + } + } + + if !withoutConditions && db.AddError(tx.Clauses(clause.Where{Exprs: queryConds}).Delete(modelValue).Error) != nil { + return + } + case schema.Many2Many: + var ( + queryConds = make([]clause.Expression, 0, len(rel.References)) + foreignFields = make([]*schema.Field, 0, len(rel.References)) + relForeignKeys = make([]string, 0, len(rel.References)) + modelValue = reflect.New(rel.JoinTable.ModelType).Interface() + table = rel.JoinTable.Table + tx = db.Session(&gorm.Session{NewDB: true}).Model(modelValue).Table(table) + ) + + for _, ref := range rel.References { + if ref.OwnPrimaryKey { + foreignFields = append(foreignFields, ref.PrimaryKey) + relForeignKeys = append(relForeignKeys, ref.ForeignKey.DBName) + } else if ref.PrimaryValue != "" { + queryConds = append(queryConds, clause.Eq{ + Column: clause.Column{Table: rel.JoinTable.Table, Name: ref.ForeignKey.DBName}, + Value: ref.PrimaryValue, + }) + } + } + + _, foreignValues := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue, foreignFields) + column, values := schema.ToQueryValues(table, relForeignKeys, foreignValues) + queryConds = append(queryConds, clause.IN{Column: column, Values: values}) + + if db.AddError(tx.Clauses(clause.Where{Exprs: queryConds}).Delete(modelValue).Error) != nil { + return + } + } + } + + } +} + +func Delete(config *Config) func(db *gorm.DB) { + supportReturning := utils.Contains(config.DeleteClauses, "RETURNING") + + return func(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error != nil { + return + } + + if db.Statement.SQL.Len() == 0 { + db.Statement.SQL.Grow(100) + db.Statement.AddClauseIfNotExists(clause.Delete{}) + + if db.Statement.Schema != nil { + _, queryValues := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue, db.Statement.Schema.PrimaryFields) + column, values := schema.ToQueryValues(db.Statement.Table, db.Statement.Schema.PrimaryFieldDBNames, queryValues) + + if len(values) > 0 { + db.Statement.AddClause(clause.Where{Exprs: []clause.Expression{clause.IN{Column: column, Values: values}}}) + } + + if db.Statement.ReflectValue.CanAddr() && db.Statement.Dest != db.Statement.Model && db.Statement.Model != nil { + _, queryValues = schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(db.Statement.Context, reflect.ValueOf(db.Statement.Model), db.Statement.Schema.PrimaryFields) + column, values = schema.ToQueryValues(db.Statement.Table, db.Statement.Schema.PrimaryFieldDBNames, queryValues) + + if len(values) > 0 { + db.Statement.AddClause(clause.Where{Exprs: []clause.Expression{clause.IN{Column: column, Values: values}}}) + } + } + } + + db.Statement.AddClauseIfNotExists(clause.From{}) + } + + if db.Statement.Schema != nil { + for _, c := range db.Statement.Schema.DeleteClauses { + db.Statement.AddClause(c) + } + } + + if db.Statement.SQL.Len() == 0 { + db.Statement.Build(db.Statement.BuildClauses...) + } + + if _, ok := db.Statement.Clauses["WHERE"]; !db.AllowGlobalUpdate && !ok && db.Error == nil { + db.AddError(gorm.ErrMissingWhereClause) + return + } + + if !db.DryRun && db.Error == nil { + ok, mode := hasReturning(db, supportReturning) + if !ok { + result, err := db.Statement.ConnPool.ExecContext(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.SQL.String(), db.Statement.Vars...) + if db.AddError(err) == nil { + db.RowsAffected, _ = result.RowsAffected() + } + + return + } + + if rows, err := db.Statement.ConnPool.QueryContext(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.SQL.String(), db.Statement.Vars...); db.AddError(err) == nil { + gorm.Scan(rows, db, mode) + db.AddError(rows.Close()) + } + } + } +} + +func AfterDelete(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil && db.Statement.Schema != nil && !db.Statement.SkipHooks && db.Statement.Schema.AfterDelete { + callMethod(db, func(value interface{}, tx *gorm.DB) bool { + if i, ok := value.(AfterDeleteInterface); ok { + db.AddError(i.AfterDelete(tx)) + return true + } + return false + }) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/helper.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/helper.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a59e1880 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/helper.go @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +package callbacks + +import ( + "sort" + + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" +) + +// ConvertMapToValuesForCreate convert map to values +func ConvertMapToValuesForCreate(stmt *gorm.Statement, mapValue map[string]interface{}) (values clause.Values) { + values.Columns = make([]clause.Column, 0, len(mapValue)) + selectColumns, restricted := stmt.SelectAndOmitColumns(true, false) + + keys := make([]string, 0, len(mapValue)) + for k := range mapValue { + keys = append(keys, k) + } + sort.Strings(keys) + + for _, k := range keys { + value := mapValue[k] + if stmt.Schema != nil { + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(k); field != nil { + k = field.DBName + } + } + + if v, ok := selectColumns[k]; (ok && v) || (!ok && !restricted) { + values.Columns = append(values.Columns, clause.Column{Name: k}) + if len(values.Values) == 0 { + values.Values = [][]interface{}{{}} + } + + values.Values[0] = append(values.Values[0], value) + } + } + return +} + +// ConvertSliceOfMapToValuesForCreate convert slice of map to values +func ConvertSliceOfMapToValuesForCreate(stmt *gorm.Statement, mapValues []map[string]interface{}) (values clause.Values) { + columns := make([]string, 0, len(mapValues)) + + // when the length of mapValues is zero,return directly here + // no need to call stmt.SelectAndOmitColumns method + if len(mapValues) == 0 { + stmt.AddError(gorm.ErrEmptySlice) + return + } + + var ( + result = make(map[string][]interface{}, len(mapValues)) + selectColumns, restricted = stmt.SelectAndOmitColumns(true, false) + ) + + for idx, mapValue := range mapValues { + for k, v := range mapValue { + if stmt.Schema != nil { + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(k); field != nil { + k = field.DBName + } + } + + if _, ok := result[k]; !ok { + if v, ok := selectColumns[k]; (ok && v) || (!ok && !restricted) { + result[k] = make([]interface{}, len(mapValues)) + columns = append(columns, k) + } else { + continue + } + } + + result[k][idx] = v + } + } + + sort.Strings(columns) + values.Values = make([][]interface{}, len(mapValues)) + values.Columns = make([]clause.Column, len(columns)) + for idx, column := range columns { + values.Columns[idx] = clause.Column{Name: column} + + for i, v := range result[column] { + if len(values.Values[i]) == 0 { + values.Values[i] = make([]interface{}, len(columns)) + } + + values.Values[i][idx] = v + } + } + return +} + +func hasReturning(tx *gorm.DB, supportReturning bool) (bool, gorm.ScanMode) { + if supportReturning { + if c, ok := tx.Statement.Clauses["RETURNING"]; ok { + returning, _ := c.Expression.(clause.Returning) + if len(returning.Columns) == 0 || (len(returning.Columns) == 1 && returning.Columns[0].Name == "*") { + return true, 0 + } + return true, gorm.ScanUpdate + } + } + return false, 0 +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/interfaces.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/interfaces.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2302470f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/interfaces.go @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +package callbacks + +import "gorm.io/gorm" + +type BeforeCreateInterface interface { + BeforeCreate(*gorm.DB) error +} + +type AfterCreateInterface interface { + AfterCreate(*gorm.DB) error +} + +type BeforeUpdateInterface interface { + BeforeUpdate(*gorm.DB) error +} + +type AfterUpdateInterface interface { + AfterUpdate(*gorm.DB) error +} + +type BeforeSaveInterface interface { + BeforeSave(*gorm.DB) error +} + +type AfterSaveInterface interface { + AfterSave(*gorm.DB) error +} + +type BeforeDeleteInterface interface { + BeforeDelete(*gorm.DB) error +} + +type AfterDeleteInterface interface { + AfterDelete(*gorm.DB) error +} + +type AfterFindInterface interface { + AfterFind(*gorm.DB) error +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/preload.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/preload.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2363a8ca --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/preload.go @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +package callbacks + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" + "gorm.io/gorm/schema" + "gorm.io/gorm/utils" +) + +func preload(db *gorm.DB, rel *schema.Relationship, conds []interface{}, preloads map[string][]interface{}) { + var ( + reflectValue = db.Statement.ReflectValue + tx = db.Session(&gorm.Session{NewDB: true}).Model(nil).Session(&gorm.Session{SkipHooks: db.Statement.SkipHooks}) + relForeignKeys []string + relForeignFields []*schema.Field + foreignFields []*schema.Field + foreignValues [][]interface{} + identityMap = map[string][]reflect.Value{} + inlineConds []interface{} + ) + + db.Statement.Settings.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool { + tx.Statement.Settings.Store(k, v) + return true + }) + + if rel.JoinTable != nil { + var ( + joinForeignFields = make([]*schema.Field, 0, len(rel.References)) + joinRelForeignFields = make([]*schema.Field, 0, len(rel.References)) + joinForeignKeys = make([]string, 0, len(rel.References)) + ) + + for _, ref := range rel.References { + if ref.OwnPrimaryKey { + joinForeignKeys = append(joinForeignKeys, ref.ForeignKey.DBName) + joinForeignFields = append(joinForeignFields, ref.ForeignKey) + foreignFields = append(foreignFields, ref.PrimaryKey) + } else if ref.PrimaryValue != "" { + tx = tx.Where(clause.Eq{Column: ref.ForeignKey.DBName, Value: ref.PrimaryValue}) + } else { + joinRelForeignFields = append(joinRelForeignFields, ref.ForeignKey) + relForeignKeys = append(relForeignKeys, ref.PrimaryKey.DBName) + relForeignFields = append(relForeignFields, ref.PrimaryKey) + } + } + + joinIdentityMap, joinForeignValues := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(db.Statement.Context, reflectValue, foreignFields) + if len(joinForeignValues) == 0 { + return + } + + joinResults := rel.JoinTable.MakeSlice().Elem() + column, values := schema.ToQueryValues(clause.CurrentTable, joinForeignKeys, joinForeignValues) + db.AddError(tx.Where(clause.IN{Column: column, Values: values}).Find(joinResults.Addr().Interface()).Error) + + // convert join identity map to relation identity map + fieldValues := make([]interface{}, len(joinForeignFields)) + joinFieldValues := make([]interface{}, len(joinRelForeignFields)) + for i := 0; i < joinResults.Len(); i++ { + joinIndexValue := joinResults.Index(i) + for idx, field := range joinForeignFields { + fieldValues[idx], _ = field.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, joinIndexValue) + } + + for idx, field := range joinRelForeignFields { + joinFieldValues[idx], _ = field.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, joinIndexValue) + } + + if results, ok := joinIdentityMap[utils.ToStringKey(fieldValues...)]; ok { + joinKey := utils.ToStringKey(joinFieldValues...) + identityMap[joinKey] = append(identityMap[joinKey], results...) + } + } + + _, foreignValues = schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(db.Statement.Context, joinResults, joinRelForeignFields) + } else { + for _, ref := range rel.References { + if ref.OwnPrimaryKey { + relForeignKeys = append(relForeignKeys, ref.ForeignKey.DBName) + relForeignFields = append(relForeignFields, ref.ForeignKey) + foreignFields = append(foreignFields, ref.PrimaryKey) + } else if ref.PrimaryValue != "" { + tx = tx.Where(clause.Eq{Column: ref.ForeignKey.DBName, Value: ref.PrimaryValue}) + } else { + relForeignKeys = append(relForeignKeys, ref.PrimaryKey.DBName) + relForeignFields = append(relForeignFields, ref.PrimaryKey) + foreignFields = append(foreignFields, ref.ForeignKey) + } + } + + identityMap, foreignValues = schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(db.Statement.Context, reflectValue, foreignFields) + if len(foreignValues) == 0 { + return + } + } + + // nested preload + for p, pvs := range preloads { + tx = tx.Preload(p, pvs...) + } + + reflectResults := rel.FieldSchema.MakeSlice().Elem() + column, values := schema.ToQueryValues(clause.CurrentTable, relForeignKeys, foreignValues) + + if len(values) != 0 { + for _, cond := range conds { + if fc, ok := cond.(func(*gorm.DB) *gorm.DB); ok { + tx = fc(tx) + } else { + inlineConds = append(inlineConds, cond) + } + } + + db.AddError(tx.Where(clause.IN{Column: column, Values: values}).Find(reflectResults.Addr().Interface(), inlineConds...).Error) + } + + fieldValues := make([]interface{}, len(relForeignFields)) + + // clean up old values before preloading + switch reflectValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Struct: + switch rel.Type { + case schema.HasMany, schema.Many2Many: + rel.Field.Set(db.Statement.Context, reflectValue, reflect.MakeSlice(rel.Field.IndirectFieldType, 0, 10).Interface()) + default: + rel.Field.Set(db.Statement.Context, reflectValue, reflect.New(rel.Field.FieldType).Interface()) + } + case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: + for i := 0; i < reflectValue.Len(); i++ { + switch rel.Type { + case schema.HasMany, schema.Many2Many: + rel.Field.Set(db.Statement.Context, reflectValue.Index(i), reflect.MakeSlice(rel.Field.IndirectFieldType, 0, 10).Interface()) + default: + rel.Field.Set(db.Statement.Context, reflectValue.Index(i), reflect.New(rel.Field.FieldType).Interface()) + } + } + } + + for i := 0; i < reflectResults.Len(); i++ { + elem := reflectResults.Index(i) + for idx, field := range relForeignFields { + fieldValues[idx], _ = field.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, elem) + } + + datas, ok := identityMap[utils.ToStringKey(fieldValues...)] + if !ok { + db.AddError(fmt.Errorf("failed to assign association %#v, make sure foreign fields exists", + elem.Interface())) + continue + } + + for _, data := range datas { + reflectFieldValue := rel.Field.ReflectValueOf(db.Statement.Context, data) + if reflectFieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && reflectFieldValue.IsNil() { + reflectFieldValue.Set(reflect.New(rel.Field.FieldType.Elem())) + } + + reflectFieldValue = reflect.Indirect(reflectFieldValue) + switch reflectFieldValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Struct: + rel.Field.Set(db.Statement.Context, data, elem.Interface()) + case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: + if reflectFieldValue.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + rel.Field.Set(db.Statement.Context, data, reflect.Append(reflectFieldValue, elem).Interface()) + } else { + rel.Field.Set(db.Statement.Context, data, reflect.Append(reflectFieldValue, elem.Elem()).Interface()) + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/query.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/query.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..03798859 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/query.go @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +package callbacks + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "sort" + "strings" + + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" +) + +func Query(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil { + BuildQuerySQL(db) + + if !db.DryRun && db.Error == nil { + rows, err := db.Statement.ConnPool.QueryContext(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.SQL.String(), db.Statement.Vars...) + if err != nil { + db.AddError(err) + return + } + gorm.Scan(rows, db, 0) + db.AddError(rows.Close()) + } + } +} + +func BuildQuerySQL(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Statement.Schema != nil { + for _, c := range db.Statement.Schema.QueryClauses { + db.Statement.AddClause(c) + } + } + + if db.Statement.SQL.Len() == 0 { + db.Statement.SQL.Grow(100) + clauseSelect := clause.Select{Distinct: db.Statement.Distinct} + + if db.Statement.ReflectValue.Kind() == reflect.Struct && db.Statement.ReflectValue.Type() == db.Statement.Schema.ModelType { + var conds []clause.Expression + for _, primaryField := range db.Statement.Schema.PrimaryFields { + if v, isZero := primaryField.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue); !isZero { + conds = append(conds, clause.Eq{Column: clause.Column{Table: db.Statement.Table, Name: primaryField.DBName}, Value: v}) + } + } + + if len(conds) > 0 { + db.Statement.AddClause(clause.Where{Exprs: conds}) + } + } + + if len(db.Statement.Selects) > 0 { + clauseSelect.Columns = make([]clause.Column, len(db.Statement.Selects)) + for idx, name := range db.Statement.Selects { + if db.Statement.Schema == nil { + clauseSelect.Columns[idx] = clause.Column{Name: name, Raw: true} + } else if f := db.Statement.Schema.LookUpField(name); f != nil { + clauseSelect.Columns[idx] = clause.Column{Name: f.DBName} + } else { + clauseSelect.Columns[idx] = clause.Column{Name: name, Raw: true} + } + } + } else if db.Statement.Schema != nil && len(db.Statement.Omits) > 0 { + selectColumns, _ := db.Statement.SelectAndOmitColumns(false, false) + clauseSelect.Columns = make([]clause.Column, 0, len(db.Statement.Schema.DBNames)) + for _, dbName := range db.Statement.Schema.DBNames { + if v, ok := selectColumns[dbName]; (ok && v) || !ok { + clauseSelect.Columns = append(clauseSelect.Columns, clause.Column{Table: db.Statement.Table, Name: dbName}) + } + } + } else if db.Statement.Schema != nil && db.Statement.ReflectValue.IsValid() { + queryFields := db.QueryFields + if !queryFields { + switch db.Statement.ReflectValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Struct: + queryFields = db.Statement.ReflectValue.Type() != db.Statement.Schema.ModelType + case reflect.Slice: + queryFields = db.Statement.ReflectValue.Type().Elem() != db.Statement.Schema.ModelType + } + } + + if queryFields { + stmt := gorm.Statement{DB: db} + // smaller struct + if err := stmt.Parse(db.Statement.Dest); err == nil && (db.QueryFields || stmt.Schema.ModelType != db.Statement.Schema.ModelType) { + clauseSelect.Columns = make([]clause.Column, len(stmt.Schema.DBNames)) + + for idx, dbName := range stmt.Schema.DBNames { + clauseSelect.Columns[idx] = clause.Column{Table: db.Statement.Table, Name: dbName} + } + } + } + } + + // inline joins + joins := []clause.Join{} + if fromClause, ok := db.Statement.Clauses["FROM"].Expression.(clause.From); ok { + joins = fromClause.Joins + } + + if len(db.Statement.Joins) != 0 || len(joins) != 0 { + if len(db.Statement.Selects) == 0 && len(db.Statement.Omits) == 0 && db.Statement.Schema != nil { + clauseSelect.Columns = make([]clause.Column, len(db.Statement.Schema.DBNames)) + for idx, dbName := range db.Statement.Schema.DBNames { + clauseSelect.Columns[idx] = clause.Column{Table: db.Statement.Table, Name: dbName} + } + } + + for _, join := range db.Statement.Joins { + if db.Statement.Schema == nil { + joins = append(joins, clause.Join{ + Expression: clause.NamedExpr{SQL: join.Name, Vars: join.Conds}, + }) + } else if relation, ok := db.Statement.Schema.Relationships.Relations[join.Name]; ok { + tableAliasName := relation.Name + + for _, s := range relation.FieldSchema.DBNames { + clauseSelect.Columns = append(clauseSelect.Columns, clause.Column{ + Table: tableAliasName, + Name: s, + Alias: tableAliasName + "__" + s, + }) + } + + exprs := make([]clause.Expression, len(relation.References)) + for idx, ref := range relation.References { + if ref.OwnPrimaryKey { + exprs[idx] = clause.Eq{ + Column: clause.Column{Table: clause.CurrentTable, Name: ref.PrimaryKey.DBName}, + Value: clause.Column{Table: tableAliasName, Name: ref.ForeignKey.DBName}, + } + } else { + if ref.PrimaryValue == "" { + exprs[idx] = clause.Eq{ + Column: clause.Column{Table: clause.CurrentTable, Name: ref.ForeignKey.DBName}, + Value: clause.Column{Table: tableAliasName, Name: ref.PrimaryKey.DBName}, + } + } else { + exprs[idx] = clause.Eq{ + Column: clause.Column{Table: tableAliasName, Name: ref.ForeignKey.DBName}, + Value: ref.PrimaryValue, + } + } + } + } + + if join.On != nil { + onStmt := gorm.Statement{Table: tableAliasName, DB: db} + join.On.Build(&onStmt) + onSQL := onStmt.SQL.String() + vars := onStmt.Vars + for idx, v := range onStmt.Vars { + bindvar := strings.Builder{} + onStmt.Vars = vars[0 : idx+1] + db.Dialector.BindVarTo(&bindvar, &onStmt, v) + onSQL = strings.Replace(onSQL, bindvar.String(), "?", 1) + } + + exprs = append(exprs, clause.Expr{SQL: onSQL, Vars: vars}) + } + + joins = append(joins, clause.Join{ + Type: clause.LeftJoin, + Table: clause.Table{Name: relation.FieldSchema.Table, Alias: tableAliasName}, + ON: clause.Where{Exprs: exprs}, + }) + } else { + joins = append(joins, clause.Join{ + Expression: clause.NamedExpr{SQL: join.Name, Vars: join.Conds}, + }) + } + } + + db.Statement.Joins = nil + db.Statement.AddClause(clause.From{Joins: joins}) + } else { + db.Statement.AddClauseIfNotExists(clause.From{}) + } + + db.Statement.AddClauseIfNotExists(clauseSelect) + + db.Statement.Build(db.Statement.BuildClauses...) + } +} + +func Preload(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil && len(db.Statement.Preloads) > 0 { + preloadMap := map[string]map[string][]interface{}{} + for name := range db.Statement.Preloads { + preloadFields := strings.Split(name, ".") + if preloadFields[0] == clause.Associations { + for _, rel := range db.Statement.Schema.Relationships.Relations { + if rel.Schema == db.Statement.Schema { + if _, ok := preloadMap[rel.Name]; !ok { + preloadMap[rel.Name] = map[string][]interface{}{} + } + + if value := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(name, preloadFields[0]), "."); value != "" { + preloadMap[rel.Name][value] = db.Statement.Preloads[name] + } + } + } + } else { + if _, ok := preloadMap[preloadFields[0]]; !ok { + preloadMap[preloadFields[0]] = map[string][]interface{}{} + } + + if value := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(name, preloadFields[0]), "."); value != "" { + preloadMap[preloadFields[0]][value] = db.Statement.Preloads[name] + } + } + } + + preloadNames := make([]string, 0, len(preloadMap)) + for key := range preloadMap { + preloadNames = append(preloadNames, key) + } + sort.Strings(preloadNames) + + for _, name := range preloadNames { + if rel := db.Statement.Schema.Relationships.Relations[name]; rel != nil { + preload(db, rel, append(db.Statement.Preloads[name], db.Statement.Preloads[clause.Associations]...), preloadMap[name]) + } else { + db.AddError(fmt.Errorf("%s: %w for schema %s", name, gorm.ErrUnsupportedRelation, db.Statement.Schema.Name)) + } + } + } +} + +func AfterQuery(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil && db.Statement.Schema != nil && !db.Statement.SkipHooks && db.Statement.Schema.AfterFind && db.RowsAffected > 0 { + callMethod(db, func(value interface{}, tx *gorm.DB) bool { + if i, ok := value.(AfterFindInterface); ok { + db.AddError(i.AfterFind(tx)) + return true + } + return false + }) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/raw.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/raw.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..013e638c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/raw.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +package callbacks + +import ( + "gorm.io/gorm" +) + +func RawExec(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil && !db.DryRun { + result, err := db.Statement.ConnPool.ExecContext(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.SQL.String(), db.Statement.Vars...) + if err != nil { + db.AddError(err) + return + } + + db.RowsAffected, _ = result.RowsAffected() + } +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/row.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/row.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..56be742e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/row.go @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +package callbacks + +import ( + "gorm.io/gorm" +) + +func RowQuery(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil { + BuildQuerySQL(db) + if db.DryRun { + return + } + + if isRows, ok := db.Get("rows"); ok && isRows.(bool) { + db.Statement.Settings.Delete("rows") + db.Statement.Dest, db.Error = db.Statement.ConnPool.QueryContext(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.SQL.String(), db.Statement.Vars...) + } else { + db.Statement.Dest = db.Statement.ConnPool.QueryRowContext(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.SQL.String(), db.Statement.Vars...) + } + + db.RowsAffected = -1 + } +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/transaction.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/transaction.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..50887ccc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/transaction.go @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +package callbacks + +import ( + "gorm.io/gorm" +) + +func BeginTransaction(db *gorm.DB) { + if !db.Config.SkipDefaultTransaction && db.Error == nil { + if tx := db.Begin(); tx.Error == nil { + db.Statement.ConnPool = tx.Statement.ConnPool + db.InstanceSet("gorm:started_transaction", true) + } else if tx.Error == gorm.ErrInvalidTransaction { + tx.Error = nil + } else { + db.Error = tx.Error + } + } +} + +func CommitOrRollbackTransaction(db *gorm.DB) { + if !db.Config.SkipDefaultTransaction { + if _, ok := db.InstanceGet("gorm:started_transaction"); ok { + if db.Error != nil { + db.Rollback() + } else { + db.Commit() + } + + db.Statement.ConnPool = db.ConnPool + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/update.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/update.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4f07ca30 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/callbacks/update.go @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +package callbacks + +import ( + "reflect" + "sort" + + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" + "gorm.io/gorm/schema" + "gorm.io/gorm/utils" +) + +func SetupUpdateReflectValue(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil && db.Statement.Schema != nil { + if !db.Statement.ReflectValue.CanAddr() || db.Statement.Model != db.Statement.Dest { + db.Statement.ReflectValue = reflect.ValueOf(db.Statement.Model) + for db.Statement.ReflectValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + db.Statement.ReflectValue = db.Statement.ReflectValue.Elem() + } + + if dest, ok := db.Statement.Dest.(map[string]interface{}); ok { + for _, rel := range db.Statement.Schema.Relationships.BelongsTo { + if _, ok := dest[rel.Name]; ok { + rel.Field.Set(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue, dest[rel.Name]) + } + } + } + } + } +} + +func BeforeUpdate(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil && db.Statement.Schema != nil && !db.Statement.SkipHooks && (db.Statement.Schema.BeforeSave || db.Statement.Schema.BeforeUpdate) { + callMethod(db, func(value interface{}, tx *gorm.DB) (called bool) { + if db.Statement.Schema.BeforeSave { + if i, ok := value.(BeforeSaveInterface); ok { + called = true + db.AddError(i.BeforeSave(tx)) + } + } + + if db.Statement.Schema.BeforeUpdate { + if i, ok := value.(BeforeUpdateInterface); ok { + called = true + db.AddError(i.BeforeUpdate(tx)) + } + } + + return called + }) + } +} + +func Update(config *Config) func(db *gorm.DB) { + supportReturning := utils.Contains(config.UpdateClauses, "RETURNING") + + return func(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error != nil { + return + } + + if db.Statement.SQL.Len() == 0 { + db.Statement.SQL.Grow(180) + db.Statement.AddClauseIfNotExists(clause.Update{}) + if set := ConvertToAssignments(db.Statement); len(set) != 0 { + db.Statement.AddClause(set) + } else if _, ok := db.Statement.Clauses["SET"]; !ok { + return + } + + } + + if db.Statement.Schema != nil { + for _, c := range db.Statement.Schema.UpdateClauses { + db.Statement.AddClause(c) + } + } + + if db.Statement.SQL.Len() == 0 { + db.Statement.Build(db.Statement.BuildClauses...) + } + + if _, ok := db.Statement.Clauses["WHERE"]; !db.AllowGlobalUpdate && !ok { + db.AddError(gorm.ErrMissingWhereClause) + return + } + + if !db.DryRun && db.Error == nil { + if ok, mode := hasReturning(db, supportReturning); ok { + if rows, err := db.Statement.ConnPool.QueryContext(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.SQL.String(), db.Statement.Vars...); db.AddError(err) == nil { + dest := db.Statement.Dest + db.Statement.Dest = db.Statement.ReflectValue.Addr().Interface() + gorm.Scan(rows, db, mode) + db.Statement.Dest = dest + db.AddError(rows.Close()) + } + } else { + result, err := db.Statement.ConnPool.ExecContext(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.SQL.String(), db.Statement.Vars...) + + if db.AddError(err) == nil { + db.RowsAffected, _ = result.RowsAffected() + } + } + } + } +} + +func AfterUpdate(db *gorm.DB) { + if db.Error == nil && db.Statement.Schema != nil && !db.Statement.SkipHooks && (db.Statement.Schema.AfterSave || db.Statement.Schema.AfterUpdate) { + callMethod(db, func(value interface{}, tx *gorm.DB) (called bool) { + if db.Statement.Schema.AfterSave { + if i, ok := value.(AfterSaveInterface); ok { + called = true + db.AddError(i.AfterSave(tx)) + } + } + + if db.Statement.Schema.AfterUpdate { + if i, ok := value.(AfterUpdateInterface); ok { + called = true + db.AddError(i.AfterUpdate(tx)) + } + } + return called + }) + } +} + +// ConvertToAssignments convert to update assignments +func ConvertToAssignments(stmt *gorm.Statement) (set clause.Set) { + var ( + selectColumns, restricted = stmt.SelectAndOmitColumns(false, true) + assignValue func(field *schema.Field, value interface{}) + ) + + switch stmt.ReflectValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: + assignValue = func(field *schema.Field, value interface{}) { + for i := 0; i < stmt.ReflectValue.Len(); i++ { + field.Set(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue.Index(i), value) + } + } + case reflect.Struct: + assignValue = func(field *schema.Field, value interface{}) { + if stmt.ReflectValue.CanAddr() { + field.Set(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue, value) + } + } + default: + assignValue = func(field *schema.Field, value interface{}) { + } + } + + updatingValue := reflect.ValueOf(stmt.Dest) + for updatingValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + updatingValue = updatingValue.Elem() + } + + if !updatingValue.CanAddr() || stmt.Dest != stmt.Model { + switch stmt.ReflectValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: + if size := stmt.ReflectValue.Len(); size > 0 { + var primaryKeyExprs []clause.Expression + for i := 0; i < size; i++ { + exprs := make([]clause.Expression, len(stmt.Schema.PrimaryFields)) + var notZero bool + for idx, field := range stmt.Schema.PrimaryFields { + value, isZero := field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue.Index(i)) + exprs[idx] = clause.Eq{Column: field.DBName, Value: value} + notZero = notZero || !isZero + } + if notZero { + primaryKeyExprs = append(primaryKeyExprs, clause.And(exprs...)) + } + } + + stmt.AddClause(clause.Where{Exprs: []clause.Expression{clause.Or(primaryKeyExprs...)}}) + } + case reflect.Struct: + for _, field := range stmt.Schema.PrimaryFields { + if value, isZero := field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue); !isZero { + stmt.AddClause(clause.Where{Exprs: []clause.Expression{clause.Eq{Column: field.DBName, Value: value}}}) + } + } + } + } + + switch value := updatingValue.Interface().(type) { + case map[string]interface{}: + set = make([]clause.Assignment, 0, len(value)) + + keys := make([]string, 0, len(value)) + for k := range value { + keys = append(keys, k) + } + sort.Strings(keys) + + for _, k := range keys { + kv := value[k] + if _, ok := kv.(*gorm.DB); ok { + kv = []interface{}{kv} + } + + if stmt.Schema != nil { + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(k); field != nil { + if field.DBName != "" { + if v, ok := selectColumns[field.DBName]; (ok && v) || (!ok && !restricted) { + set = append(set, clause.Assignment{Column: clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, Value: kv}) + assignValue(field, value[k]) + } + } else if v, ok := selectColumns[field.Name]; (ok && v) || (!ok && !restricted) { + assignValue(field, value[k]) + } + continue + } + } + + if v, ok := selectColumns[k]; (ok && v) || (!ok && !restricted) { + set = append(set, clause.Assignment{Column: clause.Column{Name: k}, Value: kv}) + } + } + + if !stmt.SkipHooks && stmt.Schema != nil { + for _, dbName := range stmt.Schema.DBNames { + field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(dbName) + if field.AutoUpdateTime > 0 && value[field.Name] == nil && value[field.DBName] == nil { + if v, ok := selectColumns[field.DBName]; (ok && v) || !ok { + now := stmt.DB.NowFunc() + assignValue(field, now) + + if field.AutoUpdateTime == schema.UnixNanosecond { + set = append(set, clause.Assignment{Column: clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, Value: now.UnixNano()}) + } else if field.AutoUpdateTime == schema.UnixMillisecond { + set = append(set, clause.Assignment{Column: clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, Value: now.UnixNano() / 1e6}) + } else if field.GORMDataType == schema.Time { + set = append(set, clause.Assignment{Column: clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, Value: now}) + } else { + set = append(set, clause.Assignment{Column: clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, Value: now.Unix()}) + } + } + } + } + } + default: + updatingSchema := stmt.Schema + if !updatingValue.CanAddr() || stmt.Dest != stmt.Model { + // different schema + updatingStmt := &gorm.Statement{DB: stmt.DB} + if err := updatingStmt.Parse(stmt.Dest); err == nil { + updatingSchema = updatingStmt.Schema + } + } + + switch updatingValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Struct: + set = make([]clause.Assignment, 0, len(stmt.Schema.FieldsByDBName)) + for _, dbName := range stmt.Schema.DBNames { + if field := updatingSchema.LookUpField(dbName); field != nil { + if !field.PrimaryKey || !updatingValue.CanAddr() || stmt.Dest != stmt.Model { + if v, ok := selectColumns[field.DBName]; (ok && v) || (!ok && (!restricted || (!stmt.SkipHooks && field.AutoUpdateTime > 0))) { + value, isZero := field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, updatingValue) + if !stmt.SkipHooks && field.AutoUpdateTime > 0 { + if field.AutoUpdateTime == schema.UnixNanosecond { + value = stmt.DB.NowFunc().UnixNano() + } else if field.AutoUpdateTime == schema.UnixMillisecond { + value = stmt.DB.NowFunc().UnixNano() / 1e6 + } else if field.GORMDataType == schema.Time { + value = stmt.DB.NowFunc() + } else { + value = stmt.DB.NowFunc().Unix() + } + isZero = false + } + + if (ok || !isZero) && field.Updatable { + set = append(set, clause.Assignment{Column: clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, Value: value}) + assignValue(field, value) + } + } + } else { + if value, isZero := field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, updatingValue); !isZero { + stmt.AddClause(clause.Where{Exprs: []clause.Expression{clause.Eq{Column: field.DBName, Value: value}}}) + } + } + } + } + default: + stmt.AddError(gorm.ErrInvalidData) + } + } + + return +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/clause/where.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/clause/where.go index 00b1a40e..20a01136 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/clause/where.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/clause/where.go @@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ func buildExprs(exprs []Expression, builder Builder, joinCond string) { case Expr: sql := strings.ToLower(v.SQL) wrapInParentheses = strings.Contains(sql, "and") || strings.Contains(sql, "or") + case NamedExpr: + sql := strings.ToLower(v.SQL) + wrapInParentheses = strings.Contains(sql, "and") || strings.Contains(sql, "or") } } @@ -89,9 +92,14 @@ func (where Where) MergeClause(clause *Clause) { func And(exprs ...Expression) Expression { if len(exprs) == 0 { return nil - } else if len(exprs) == 1 { - return exprs[0] } + + if len(exprs) == 1 { + if _, ok := exprs[0].(OrConditions); !ok { + return exprs[0] + } + } + return AndConditions{Exprs: exprs} } diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/clause/with.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/clause/with.go index 7e9eaef1..0768488e 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/clause/with.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/clause/with.go @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ package clause -type With struct { -} +type With struct{} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/errors.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/errors.go index 145614d9..49cbfe64 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/errors.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/errors.go @@ -39,4 +39,6 @@ var ( ErrInvalidValue = errors.New("invalid value, should be pointer to struct or slice") // ErrInvalidValueOfLength invalid values do not match length ErrInvalidValueOfLength = errors.New("invalid association values, length doesn't match") + // ErrPreloadNotAllowed preload is not allowed when count is used + ErrPreloadNotAllowed = errors.New("preload is not allowed when count is used") ) diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/finisher_api.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/finisher_api.go index b3bdedc8..d2a8b981 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/finisher_api.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/finisher_api.go @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func (db *DB) Save(value interface{}) (tx *DB) { case reflect.Struct: if err := tx.Statement.Parse(value); err == nil && tx.Statement.Schema != nil { for _, pf := range tx.Statement.Schema.PrimaryFields { - if _, isZero := pf.ValueOf(reflectValue); isZero { + if _, isZero := pf.ValueOf(tx.Statement.Context, reflectValue); isZero { return tx.callbacks.Create().Execute(tx) } } @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ func (db *DB) FindInBatches(dest interface{}, batchSize int, fc func(tx *DB, bat break } - primaryValue, _ := result.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.ValueOf(resultsValue.Index(resultsValue.Len() - 1)) + primaryValue, _ := result.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.ValueOf(tx.Statement.Context, resultsValue.Index(resultsValue.Len()-1)) queryDB = tx.Clauses(clause.Gt{Column: clause.Column{Table: clause.CurrentTable, Name: clause.PrimaryKey}, Value: primaryValue}) } @@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ func (tx *DB) assignInterfacesToValue(values ...interface{}) { switch column := eq.Column.(type) { case string: if field := tx.Statement.Schema.LookUpField(column); field != nil { - tx.AddError(field.Set(tx.Statement.ReflectValue, eq.Value)) + tx.AddError(field.Set(tx.Statement.Context, tx.Statement.ReflectValue, eq.Value)) } case clause.Column: if field := tx.Statement.Schema.LookUpField(column.Name); field != nil { - tx.AddError(field.Set(tx.Statement.ReflectValue, eq.Value)) + tx.AddError(field.Set(tx.Statement.Context, tx.Statement.ReflectValue, eq.Value)) } } } else if andCond, ok := expr.(clause.AndConditions); ok { @@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ func (tx *DB) assignInterfacesToValue(values ...interface{}) { case reflect.Struct: for _, f := range s.Fields { if f.Readable { - if v, isZero := f.ValueOf(reflectValue); !isZero { + if v, isZero := f.ValueOf(tx.Statement.Context, reflectValue); !isZero { if field := tx.Statement.Schema.LookUpField(f.Name); field != nil { - tx.AddError(field.Set(tx.Statement.ReflectValue, v)) + tx.AddError(field.Set(tx.Statement.Context, tx.Statement.ReflectValue, v)) } } } @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ func (tx *DB) assignInterfacesToValue(values ...interface{}) { } } } - +// FirstOrInit gets the first matched record or initialize a new instance with given conditions (only works with struct or map conditions) func (db *DB) FirstOrInit(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) (tx *DB) { queryTx := db.Limit(1).Order(clause.OrderByColumn{ Column: clause.Column{Table: clause.CurrentTable, Name: clause.PrimaryKey}, @@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ func (db *DB) FirstOrInit(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) (tx *DB) { return } +// FirstOrCreate gets the first matched record or create a new one with given conditions (only works with struct, map conditions) func (db *DB) FirstOrCreate(dest interface{}, conds ...interface{}) (tx *DB) { queryTx := db.Limit(1).Order(clause.OrderByColumn{ Column: clause.Column{Table: clause.CurrentTable, Name: clause.PrimaryKey}, @@ -367,6 +368,10 @@ func (db *DB) Delete(value interface{}, conds ...interface{}) (tx *DB) { func (db *DB) Count(count *int64) (tx *DB) { tx = db.getInstance() + if len(tx.Statement.Preloads) > 0 { + tx.AddError(ErrPreloadNotAllowed) + return + } if tx.Statement.Model == nil { tx.Statement.Model = tx.Statement.Dest defer func() { @@ -457,12 +462,12 @@ func (db *DB) Scan(dest interface{}) (tx *DB) { tx.Config = &config if rows, err := tx.Rows(); err == nil { - defer rows.Close() if rows.Next() { tx.ScanRows(rows, dest) } else { tx.RowsAffected = 0 } + tx.AddError(rows.Close()) } currentLogger.Trace(tx.Statement.Context, newLogger.BeginAt, func() (string, int64) { @@ -515,6 +520,28 @@ func (db *DB) ScanRows(rows *sql.Rows, dest interface{}) error { return tx.Error } +// Connection use a db conn to execute Multiple commands,this conn will put conn pool after it is executed. +func (db *DB) Connection(fc func(tx *DB) error) (err error) { + if db.Error != nil { + return db.Error + } + + tx := db.getInstance() + sqlDB, err := tx.DB() + if err != nil { + return + } + + conn, err := sqlDB.Conn(tx.Statement.Context) + if err != nil { + return + } + + defer conn.Close() + tx.Statement.ConnPool = conn + return fc(tx) +} + // Transaction start a transaction as a block, return error will rollback, otherwise to commit. func (db *DB) Transaction(fc func(tx *DB) error, opts ...*sql.TxOptions) (err error) { panicked := true @@ -523,6 +550,10 @@ func (db *DB) Transaction(fc func(tx *DB) error, opts ...*sql.TxOptions) (err er // nested transaction if !db.DisableNestedTransaction { err = db.SavePoint(fmt.Sprintf("sp%p", fc)).Error + if err != nil { + return + } + defer func() { // Make sure to rollback when panic, Block error or Commit error if panicked || err != nil { @@ -531,11 +562,12 @@ func (db *DB) Transaction(fc func(tx *DB) error, opts ...*sql.TxOptions) (err er }() } - if err == nil { - err = fc(db.Session(&Session{})) - } + err = fc(db.Session(&Session{})) } else { tx := db.Begin(opts...) + if tx.Error != nil { + return tx.Error + } defer func() { // Make sure to rollback when panic, Block error or Commit error @@ -544,12 +576,9 @@ func (db *DB) Transaction(fc func(tx *DB) error, opts ...*sql.TxOptions) (err er } }() - if err = tx.Error; err == nil { - err = fc(tx) - } - - if err == nil { - err = tx.Commit().Error + if err = fc(tx); err == nil { + panicked = false + return tx.Commit().Error } } diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/gorm.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/gorm.go index fc70f684..7967b094 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/gorm.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/gorm.go @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ type Config struct { cacheStore *sync.Map } +// Apply update config to new config func (c *Config) Apply(config *Config) error { if config != c { *config = *c @@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ func (c *Config) Apply(config *Config) error { return nil } +// AfterInitialize initialize plugins after db connected func (c *Config) AfterInitialize(db *DB) error { if db != nil { for _, plugin := range c.Plugins { @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ func (c *Config) AfterInitialize(db *DB) error { return nil } +// Option gorm option interface type Option interface { Apply(*Config) error AfterInitialize(*DB) error @@ -96,6 +99,7 @@ type Session struct { DryRun bool PrepareStmt bool NewDB bool + Initialized bool SkipHooks bool SkipDefaultTransaction bool DisableNestedTransaction bool @@ -282,6 +286,10 @@ func (db *DB) Session(config *Session) *DB { tx.Config.NowFunc = config.NowFunc } + if config.Initialized { + tx = tx.getInstance() + } + return tx } @@ -376,10 +384,12 @@ func (db *DB) getInstance() *DB { return db } +// Expr returns clause.Expr, which can be used to pass SQL expression as params func Expr(expr string, args ...interface{}) clause.Expr { return clause.Expr{SQL: expr, Vars: args} } +// SetupJoinTable setup join table schema func (db *DB) SetupJoinTable(model interface{}, field string, joinTable interface{}) error { var ( tx = db.getInstance() @@ -430,6 +440,7 @@ func (db *DB) SetupJoinTable(model interface{}, field string, joinTable interfac return nil } +// Use use plugin func (db *DB) Use(plugin Plugin) error { name := plugin.Name() if _, ok := db.Plugins[name]; ok { diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/interfaces.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/interfaces.go index 44b2fced..ff0ca60a 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/interfaces.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/interfaces.go @@ -40,14 +40,17 @@ type SavePointerDialectorInterface interface { RollbackTo(tx *DB, name string) error } +// TxBeginner tx beginner type TxBeginner interface { BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (*sql.Tx, error) } +// ConnPoolBeginner conn pool beginner type ConnPoolBeginner interface { BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (ConnPool, error) } +// TxCommitter tx commiter type TxCommitter interface { Commit() error Rollback() error @@ -58,6 +61,7 @@ type Valuer interface { GormValue(context.Context, *DB) clause.Expr } +// GetDBConnector SQL db connector type GetDBConnector interface { GetDBConn() (*sql.DB, error) } diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/logger/logger.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/logger/logger.go index 0c4ca4a0..2ffd28d5 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/logger/logger.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/logger/logger.go @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import ( "gorm.io/gorm/utils" ) +// ErrRecordNotFound record not found error var ErrRecordNotFound = errors.New("record not found") // Colors @@ -30,13 +31,17 @@ const ( YellowBold = "\033[33;1m" ) -// LogLevel +// LogLevel log level type LogLevel int const ( + // Silent silent log level Silent LogLevel = iota + 1 + // Error error log level Error + // Warn warn log level Warn + // Info info log level Info ) @@ -45,6 +50,7 @@ type Writer interface { Printf(string, ...interface{}) } +// Config logger config type Config struct { SlowThreshold time.Duration Colorful bool @@ -62,16 +68,20 @@ type Interface interface { } var ( + // Discard Discard logger will print any log to ioutil.Discard Discard = New(log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", log.LstdFlags), Config{}) + // Default Default logger Default = New(log.New(os.Stdout, "\r\n", log.LstdFlags), Config{ SlowThreshold: 200 * time.Millisecond, LogLevel: Warn, IgnoreRecordNotFoundError: false, Colorful: true, }) + // Recorder Recorder logger records running SQL into a recorder instance Recorder = traceRecorder{Interface: Default, BeginAt: time.Now()} ) +// New initialize logger func New(writer Writer, config Config) Interface { var ( infoStr = "%s\n[info] " @@ -179,10 +189,12 @@ type traceRecorder struct { Err error } +// New new trace recorder func (l traceRecorder) New() *traceRecorder { return &traceRecorder{Interface: l.Interface, BeginAt: time.Now()} } +// Trace implement logger interface func (l *traceRecorder) Trace(ctx context.Context, begin time.Time, fc func() (string, int64), err error) { l.BeginAt = begin l.SQL, l.RowsAffected = fc() diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/logger/sql.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/logger/sql.go index 3d31d23c..04a2dbd4 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/logger/sql.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/logger/sql.go @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ const ( nullStr = "NULL" ) -func isPrintable(s []byte) bool { +func isPrintable(s string) bool { for _, r := range s { - if !unicode.IsPrint(rune(r)) { + if !unicode.IsPrint(r) { return false } } @@ -30,9 +30,12 @@ func isPrintable(s []byte) bool { var convertibleTypes = []reflect.Type{reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}), reflect.TypeOf(false), reflect.TypeOf([]byte{})} +// ExplainSQL generate SQL string with given parameters, the generated SQL is expected to be used in logger, execute it might introduce a SQL injection vulnerability func ExplainSQL(sql string, numericPlaceholder *regexp.Regexp, escaper string, avars ...interface{}) string { - var convertParams func(interface{}, int) - var vars = make([]string, len(avars)) + var ( + convertParams func(interface{}, int) + vars = make([]string, len(avars)) + ) convertParams = func(v interface{}, idx int) { switch v := v.(type) { @@ -64,14 +67,25 @@ func ExplainSQL(sql string, numericPlaceholder *regexp.Regexp, escaper string, a } case fmt.Stringer: reflectValue := reflect.ValueOf(v) - if v != nil && reflectValue.IsValid() && ((reflectValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !reflectValue.IsNil()) || reflectValue.Kind() != reflect.Ptr) { + switch reflectValue.Kind() { + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: + vars[idx] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", reflectValue.Interface()) + case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + vars[idx] = fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", reflectValue.Interface()) + case reflect.Bool: + vars[idx] = fmt.Sprintf("%t", reflectValue.Interface()) + case reflect.String: vars[idx] = escaper + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", v), escaper, "\\"+escaper, -1) + escaper - } else { - vars[idx] = nullStr + default: + if v != nil && reflectValue.IsValid() && ((reflectValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !reflectValue.IsNil()) || reflectValue.Kind() != reflect.Ptr) { + vars[idx] = escaper + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", v), escaper, "\\"+escaper, -1) + escaper + } else { + vars[idx] = nullStr + } } case []byte: - if isPrintable(v) { - vars[idx] = escaper + strings.Replace(string(v), escaper, "\\"+escaper, -1) + escaper + if s := string(v); isPrintable(s) { + vars[idx] = escaper + strings.ReplaceAll(s, escaper, "\\"+escaper) + escaper } else { vars[idx] = escaper + "" + escaper } diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/migrator.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/migrator.go index 2a8b4254..52443877 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/migrator.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/migrator.go @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ package gorm import ( + "reflect" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" "gorm.io/gorm/schema" ) @@ -33,14 +35,23 @@ type ViewOption struct { Query *DB } +// ColumnType column type interface type ColumnType interface { Name() string - DatabaseTypeName() string + DatabaseTypeName() string // varchar + ColumnType() (columnType string, ok bool) // varchar(64) + PrimaryKey() (isPrimaryKey bool, ok bool) + AutoIncrement() (isAutoIncrement bool, ok bool) Length() (length int64, ok bool) DecimalSize() (precision int64, scale int64, ok bool) Nullable() (nullable bool, ok bool) + Unique() (unique bool, ok bool) + ScanType() reflect.Type + Comment() (value string, ok bool) + DefaultValue() (value string, ok bool) } +// Migrator migrator interface type Migrator interface { // AutoMigrate AutoMigrate(dst ...interface{}) error diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/migrator/column_type.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/migrator/column_type.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc1331b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/migrator/column_type.go @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +package migrator + +import ( + "database/sql" + "reflect" +) + +// ColumnType column type implements ColumnType interface +type ColumnType struct { + SQLColumnType *sql.ColumnType + NameValue sql.NullString + DataTypeValue sql.NullString + ColumnTypeValue sql.NullString + PrimaryKeyValue sql.NullBool + UniqueValue sql.NullBool + AutoIncrementValue sql.NullBool + LengthValue sql.NullInt64 + DecimalSizeValue sql.NullInt64 + ScaleValue sql.NullInt64 + NullableValue sql.NullBool + ScanTypeValue reflect.Type + CommentValue sql.NullString + DefaultValueValue sql.NullString +} + +// Name returns the name or alias of the column. +func (ct ColumnType) Name() string { + if ct.NameValue.Valid { + return ct.NameValue.String + } + return ct.SQLColumnType.Name() +} + +// DatabaseTypeName returns the database system name of the column type. If an empty +// string is returned, then the driver type name is not supported. +// Consult your driver documentation for a list of driver data types. Length specifiers +// are not included. +// Common type names include "VARCHAR", "TEXT", "NVARCHAR", "DECIMAL", "BOOL", +// "INT", and "BIGINT". +func (ct ColumnType) DatabaseTypeName() string { + if ct.DataTypeValue.Valid { + return ct.DataTypeValue.String + } + return ct.SQLColumnType.DatabaseTypeName() +} + +// ColumnType returns the database type of the column. lke `varchar(16)` +func (ct ColumnType) ColumnType() (columnType string, ok bool) { + return ct.ColumnTypeValue.String, ct.ColumnTypeValue.Valid +} + +// PrimaryKey returns the column is primary key or not. +func (ct ColumnType) PrimaryKey() (isPrimaryKey bool, ok bool) { + return ct.PrimaryKeyValue.Bool, ct.PrimaryKeyValue.Valid +} + +// AutoIncrement returns the column is auto increment or not. +func (ct ColumnType) AutoIncrement() (isAutoIncrement bool, ok bool) { + return ct.AutoIncrementValue.Bool, ct.AutoIncrementValue.Valid +} + +// Length returns the column type length for variable length column types +func (ct ColumnType) Length() (length int64, ok bool) { + if ct.LengthValue.Valid { + return ct.LengthValue.Int64, true + } + return ct.SQLColumnType.Length() +} + +// DecimalSize returns the scale and precision of a decimal type. +func (ct ColumnType) DecimalSize() (precision int64, scale int64, ok bool) { + if ct.DecimalSizeValue.Valid { + return ct.DecimalSizeValue.Int64, ct.ScaleValue.Int64, true + } + return ct.SQLColumnType.DecimalSize() +} + +// Nullable reports whether the column may be null. +func (ct ColumnType) Nullable() (nullable bool, ok bool) { + if ct.NullableValue.Valid { + return ct.NullableValue.Bool, true + } + return ct.SQLColumnType.Nullable() +} + +// Unique reports whether the column may be unique. +func (ct ColumnType) Unique() (unique bool, ok bool) { + return ct.UniqueValue.Bool, ct.UniqueValue.Valid +} + +// ScanType returns a Go type suitable for scanning into using Rows.Scan. +func (ct ColumnType) ScanType() reflect.Type { + if ct.ScanTypeValue != nil { + return ct.ScanTypeValue + } + return ct.SQLColumnType.ScanType() +} + +// Comment returns the comment of current column. +func (ct ColumnType) Comment() (value string, ok bool) { + return ct.CommentValue.String, ct.CommentValue.Valid +} + +// DefaultValue returns the default value of current column. +func (ct ColumnType) DefaultValue() (value string, ok bool) { + return ct.DefaultValueValue.String, ct.DefaultValueValue.Valid +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/migrator/migrator.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/migrator/migrator.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a50bb3ff --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/migrator/migrator.go @@ -0,0 +1,842 @@ +package migrator + +import ( + "context" + "database/sql" + "fmt" + "reflect" + "regexp" + "strings" + + "gorm.io/gorm" + "gorm.io/gorm/clause" + "gorm.io/gorm/schema" +) + +var ( + regRealDataType = regexp.MustCompile(`[^\d](\d+)[^\d]?`) + regFullDataType = regexp.MustCompile(`[^\d]*(\d+)[^\d]?`) +) + +// Migrator m struct +type Migrator struct { + Config +} + +// Config schema config +type Config struct { + CreateIndexAfterCreateTable bool + DB *gorm.DB + gorm.Dialector +} + +// GormDataTypeInterface gorm data type interface +type GormDataTypeInterface interface { + GormDBDataType(*gorm.DB, *schema.Field) string +} + +// RunWithValue run migration with statement value +func (m Migrator) RunWithValue(value interface{}, fc func(*gorm.Statement) error) error { + stmt := &gorm.Statement{DB: m.DB} + if m.DB.Statement != nil { + stmt.Table = m.DB.Statement.Table + stmt.TableExpr = m.DB.Statement.TableExpr + } + + if table, ok := value.(string); ok { + stmt.Table = table + } else if err := stmt.ParseWithSpecialTableName(value, stmt.Table); err != nil { + return err + } + + return fc(stmt) +} + +// DataTypeOf return field's db data type +func (m Migrator) DataTypeOf(field *schema.Field) string { + fieldValue := reflect.New(field.IndirectFieldType) + if dataTyper, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(GormDataTypeInterface); ok { + if dataType := dataTyper.GormDBDataType(m.DB, field); dataType != "" { + return dataType + } + } + + return m.Dialector.DataTypeOf(field) +} + +// FullDataTypeOf returns field's db full data type +func (m Migrator) FullDataTypeOf(field *schema.Field) (expr clause.Expr) { + expr.SQL = m.DataTypeOf(field) + + if field.NotNull { + expr.SQL += " NOT NULL" + } + + if field.Unique { + expr.SQL += " UNIQUE" + } + + if field.HasDefaultValue && (field.DefaultValueInterface != nil || field.DefaultValue != "") { + if field.DefaultValueInterface != nil { + defaultStmt := &gorm.Statement{Vars: []interface{}{field.DefaultValueInterface}} + m.Dialector.BindVarTo(defaultStmt, defaultStmt, field.DefaultValueInterface) + expr.SQL += " DEFAULT " + m.Dialector.Explain(defaultStmt.SQL.String(), field.DefaultValueInterface) + } else if field.DefaultValue != "(-)" { + expr.SQL += " DEFAULT " + field.DefaultValue + } + } + + return +} + +// AutoMigrate auto migrate values +func (m Migrator) AutoMigrate(values ...interface{}) error { + for _, value := range m.ReorderModels(values, true) { + tx := m.DB.Session(&gorm.Session{}) + if !tx.Migrator().HasTable(value) { + if err := tx.Migrator().CreateTable(value); err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + if err := m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) (errr error) { + columnTypes, _ := m.DB.Migrator().ColumnTypes(value) + + for _, dbName := range stmt.Schema.DBNames { + field := stmt.Schema.FieldsByDBName[dbName] + var foundColumn gorm.ColumnType + + for _, columnType := range columnTypes { + if columnType.Name() == dbName { + foundColumn = columnType + break + } + } + + if foundColumn == nil { + // not found, add column + if err := tx.Migrator().AddColumn(value, dbName); err != nil { + return err + } + } else if err := m.DB.Migrator().MigrateColumn(value, field, foundColumn); err != nil { + // found, smart migrate + return err + } + } + + for _, rel := range stmt.Schema.Relationships.Relations { + if !m.DB.Config.DisableForeignKeyConstraintWhenMigrating { + if constraint := rel.ParseConstraint(); constraint != nil && + constraint.Schema == stmt.Schema && !tx.Migrator().HasConstraint(value, constraint.Name) { + if err := tx.Migrator().CreateConstraint(value, constraint.Name); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + + for _, chk := range stmt.Schema.ParseCheckConstraints() { + if !tx.Migrator().HasConstraint(value, chk.Name) { + if err := tx.Migrator().CreateConstraint(value, chk.Name); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + } + + for _, idx := range stmt.Schema.ParseIndexes() { + if !tx.Migrator().HasIndex(value, idx.Name) { + if err := tx.Migrator().CreateIndex(value, idx.Name); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + + return nil + }); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + + return nil +} + +// GetTables returns tables +func (m Migrator) GetTables() (tableList []string, err error) { + err = m.DB.Raw("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=?", m.CurrentDatabase()). + Scan(&tableList).Error + return +} + +// CreateTable create table in database for values +func (m Migrator) CreateTable(values ...interface{}) error { + for _, value := range m.ReorderModels(values, false) { + tx := m.DB.Session(&gorm.Session{}) + if err := m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) (errr error) { + var ( + createTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE ? (" + values = []interface{}{m.CurrentTable(stmt)} + hasPrimaryKeyInDataType bool + ) + + for _, dbName := range stmt.Schema.DBNames { + field := stmt.Schema.FieldsByDBName[dbName] + if !field.IgnoreMigration { + createTableSQL += "? ?" + hasPrimaryKeyInDataType = hasPrimaryKeyInDataType || strings.Contains(strings.ToUpper(string(field.DataType)), "PRIMARY KEY") + values = append(values, clause.Column{Name: dbName}, m.DB.Migrator().FullDataTypeOf(field)) + createTableSQL += "," + } + } + + if !hasPrimaryKeyInDataType && len(stmt.Schema.PrimaryFields) > 0 { + createTableSQL += "PRIMARY KEY ?," + primaryKeys := []interface{}{} + for _, field := range stmt.Schema.PrimaryFields { + primaryKeys = append(primaryKeys, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}) + } + + values = append(values, primaryKeys) + } + + for _, idx := range stmt.Schema.ParseIndexes() { + if m.CreateIndexAfterCreateTable { + defer func(value interface{}, name string) { + if errr == nil { + errr = tx.Migrator().CreateIndex(value, name) + } + }(value, idx.Name) + } else { + if idx.Class != "" { + createTableSQL += idx.Class + " " + } + createTableSQL += "INDEX ? ?" + + if idx.Comment != "" { + createTableSQL += fmt.Sprintf(" COMMENT '%s'", idx.Comment) + } + + if idx.Option != "" { + createTableSQL += " " + idx.Option + } + + createTableSQL += "," + values = append(values, clause.Expr{SQL: idx.Name}, tx.Migrator().(BuildIndexOptionsInterface).BuildIndexOptions(idx.Fields, stmt)) + } + } + + for _, rel := range stmt.Schema.Relationships.Relations { + if !m.DB.DisableForeignKeyConstraintWhenMigrating { + if constraint := rel.ParseConstraint(); constraint != nil { + if constraint.Schema == stmt.Schema { + sql, vars := buildConstraint(constraint) + createTableSQL += sql + "," + values = append(values, vars...) + } + } + } + } + + for _, chk := range stmt.Schema.ParseCheckConstraints() { + createTableSQL += "CONSTRAINT ? CHECK (?)," + values = append(values, clause.Column{Name: chk.Name}, clause.Expr{SQL: chk.Constraint}) + } + + createTableSQL = strings.TrimSuffix(createTableSQL, ",") + + createTableSQL += ")" + + if tableOption, ok := m.DB.Get("gorm:table_options"); ok { + createTableSQL += fmt.Sprint(tableOption) + } + + errr = tx.Exec(createTableSQL, values...).Error + return errr + }); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +// DropTable drop table for values +func (m Migrator) DropTable(values ...interface{}) error { + values = m.ReorderModels(values, false) + for i := len(values) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + tx := m.DB.Session(&gorm.Session{}) + if err := m.RunWithValue(values[i], func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + return tx.Exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ?", m.CurrentTable(stmt)).Error + }); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +// HasTable returns table exists or not for value, value could be a struct or string +func (m Migrator) HasTable(value interface{}) bool { + var count int64 + + m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + currentDatabase := m.DB.Migrator().CurrentDatabase() + return m.DB.Raw("SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND table_type = ?", currentDatabase, stmt.Table, "BASE TABLE").Row().Scan(&count) + }) + + return count > 0 +} + +// RenameTable rename table from oldName to newName +func (m Migrator) RenameTable(oldName, newName interface{}) error { + var oldTable, newTable interface{} + if v, ok := oldName.(string); ok { + oldTable = clause.Table{Name: v} + } else { + stmt := &gorm.Statement{DB: m.DB} + if err := stmt.Parse(oldName); err == nil { + oldTable = m.CurrentTable(stmt) + } else { + return err + } + } + + if v, ok := newName.(string); ok { + newTable = clause.Table{Name: v} + } else { + stmt := &gorm.Statement{DB: m.DB} + if err := stmt.Parse(newName); err == nil { + newTable = m.CurrentTable(stmt) + } else { + return err + } + } + + return m.DB.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? RENAME TO ?", oldTable, newTable).Error +} + +// AddColumn create `name` column for value +func (m Migrator) AddColumn(value interface{}, name string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + // avoid using the same name field + f := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(name) + if f == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up field with name: %s", name) + } + + if !f.IgnoreMigration { + return m.DB.Exec( + "ALTER TABLE ? ADD ? ?", + m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: f.DBName}, m.DB.Migrator().FullDataTypeOf(f), + ).Error + } + + return nil + }) +} + +// DropColumn drop value's `name` column +func (m Migrator) DropColumn(value interface{}, name string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(name); field != nil { + name = field.DBName + } + + return m.DB.Exec( + "ALTER TABLE ? DROP COLUMN ?", m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: name}, + ).Error + }) +} + +// AlterColumn alter value's `field` column' type based on schema definition +func (m Migrator) AlterColumn(value interface{}, field string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(field); field != nil { + fileType := m.FullDataTypeOf(field) + return m.DB.Exec( + "ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? TYPE ?", + m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, fileType, + ).Error + + } + return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up field with name: %s", field) + }) +} + +// HasColumn check has column `field` for value or not +func (m Migrator) HasColumn(value interface{}, field string) bool { + var count int64 + m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + currentDatabase := m.DB.Migrator().CurrentDatabase() + name := field + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(field); field != nil { + name = field.DBName + } + + return m.DB.Raw( + "SELECT count(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND column_name = ?", + currentDatabase, stmt.Table, name, + ).Row().Scan(&count) + }) + + return count > 0 +} + +// RenameColumn rename value's field name from oldName to newName +func (m Migrator) RenameColumn(value interface{}, oldName, newName string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(oldName); field != nil { + oldName = field.DBName + } + + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(newName); field != nil { + newName = field.DBName + } + + return m.DB.Exec( + "ALTER TABLE ? RENAME COLUMN ? TO ?", + m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: oldName}, clause.Column{Name: newName}, + ).Error + }) +} + +// MigrateColumn migrate column +func (m Migrator) MigrateColumn(value interface{}, field *schema.Field, columnType gorm.ColumnType) error { + // found, smart migrate + fullDataType := strings.ToLower(m.DB.Migrator().FullDataTypeOf(field).SQL) + realDataType := strings.ToLower(columnType.DatabaseTypeName()) + + alterColumn := false + + // check size + if length, ok := columnType.Length(); length != int64(field.Size) { + if length > 0 && field.Size > 0 { + alterColumn = true + } else { + // has size in data type and not equal + // Since the following code is frequently called in the for loop, reg optimization is needed here + matches := regRealDataType.FindAllStringSubmatch(realDataType, -1) + matches2 := regFullDataType.FindAllStringSubmatch(fullDataType, -1) + if (len(matches) == 1 && matches[0][1] != fmt.Sprint(field.Size) || !field.PrimaryKey) && + (len(matches2) == 1 && matches2[0][1] != fmt.Sprint(length) && ok) { + alterColumn = true + } + } + } + + // check precision + if precision, _, ok := columnType.DecimalSize(); ok && int64(field.Precision) != precision { + if regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("[^0-9]%d[^0-9]", field.Precision)).MatchString(m.DataTypeOf(field)) { + alterColumn = true + } + } + + // check nullable + if nullable, ok := columnType.Nullable(); ok && nullable == field.NotNull { + // not primary key & database is nullable + if !field.PrimaryKey && nullable { + alterColumn = true + } + } + + // check unique + if unique, ok := columnType.Unique(); ok && unique != field.Unique { + // not primary key + if !field.PrimaryKey { + alterColumn = true + } + } + + // check default value + if v, ok := columnType.DefaultValue(); ok && v != field.DefaultValue { + // not primary key + if !field.PrimaryKey { + alterColumn = true + } + } + + // check comment + if comment, ok := columnType.Comment(); ok && comment != field.Comment { + // not primary key + if !field.PrimaryKey { + alterColumn = true + } + } + + if alterColumn && !field.IgnoreMigration { + return m.DB.Migrator().AlterColumn(value, field.Name) + } + + return nil +} + +// ColumnTypes return columnTypes []gorm.ColumnType and execErr error +func (m Migrator) ColumnTypes(value interface{}) ([]gorm.ColumnType, error) { + columnTypes := make([]gorm.ColumnType, 0) + execErr := m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) (err error) { + rows, err := m.DB.Session(&gorm.Session{}).Table(stmt.Table).Limit(1).Rows() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + defer func() { + err = rows.Close() + }() + + var rawColumnTypes []*sql.ColumnType + rawColumnTypes, err = rows.ColumnTypes() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + for _, c := range rawColumnTypes { + columnTypes = append(columnTypes, ColumnType{SQLColumnType: c}) + } + + return + }) + + return columnTypes, execErr +} + +// CreateView create view +func (m Migrator) CreateView(name string, option gorm.ViewOption) error { + return gorm.ErrNotImplemented +} + +// DropView drop view +func (m Migrator) DropView(name string) error { + return gorm.ErrNotImplemented +} + +func buildConstraint(constraint *schema.Constraint) (sql string, results []interface{}) { + sql = "CONSTRAINT ? FOREIGN KEY ? REFERENCES ??" + if constraint.OnDelete != "" { + sql += " ON DELETE " + constraint.OnDelete + } + + if constraint.OnUpdate != "" { + sql += " ON UPDATE " + constraint.OnUpdate + } + + var foreignKeys, references []interface{} + for _, field := range constraint.ForeignKeys { + foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}) + } + + for _, field := range constraint.References { + references = append(references, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}) + } + results = append(results, clause.Table{Name: constraint.Name}, foreignKeys, clause.Table{Name: constraint.ReferenceSchema.Table}, references) + return +} + +// GuessConstraintAndTable guess statement's constraint and it's table based on name +func (m Migrator) GuessConstraintAndTable(stmt *gorm.Statement, name string) (_ *schema.Constraint, _ *schema.Check, table string) { + if stmt.Schema == nil { + return nil, nil, stmt.Table + } + + checkConstraints := stmt.Schema.ParseCheckConstraints() + if chk, ok := checkConstraints[name]; ok { + return nil, &chk, stmt.Table + } + + getTable := func(rel *schema.Relationship) string { + switch rel.Type { + case schema.HasOne, schema.HasMany: + return rel.FieldSchema.Table + case schema.Many2Many: + return rel.JoinTable.Table + } + return stmt.Table + } + + for _, rel := range stmt.Schema.Relationships.Relations { + if constraint := rel.ParseConstraint(); constraint != nil && constraint.Name == name { + return constraint, nil, getTable(rel) + } + } + + if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(name); field != nil { + for k := range checkConstraints { + if checkConstraints[k].Field == field { + v := checkConstraints[k] + return nil, &v, stmt.Table + } + } + + for _, rel := range stmt.Schema.Relationships.Relations { + if constraint := rel.ParseConstraint(); constraint != nil && rel.Field == field { + return constraint, nil, getTable(rel) + } + } + } + + return nil, nil, stmt.Schema.Table +} + +// CreateConstraint create constraint +func (m Migrator) CreateConstraint(value interface{}, name string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + constraint, chk, table := m.GuessConstraintAndTable(stmt, name) + if chk != nil { + return m.DB.Exec( + "ALTER TABLE ? ADD CONSTRAINT ? CHECK (?)", + m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: chk.Name}, clause.Expr{SQL: chk.Constraint}, + ).Error + } + + if constraint != nil { + vars := []interface{}{clause.Table{Name: table}} + if stmt.TableExpr != nil { + vars[0] = stmt.TableExpr + } + sql, values := buildConstraint(constraint) + return m.DB.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? ADD "+sql, append(vars, values...)...).Error + } + + return nil + }) +} + +// DropConstraint drop constraint +func (m Migrator) DropConstraint(value interface{}, name string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + constraint, chk, table := m.GuessConstraintAndTable(stmt, name) + if constraint != nil { + name = constraint.Name + } else if chk != nil { + name = chk.Name + } + return m.DB.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? DROP CONSTRAINT ?", clause.Table{Name: table}, clause.Column{Name: name}).Error + }) +} + +// HasConstraint check has constraint or not +func (m Migrator) HasConstraint(value interface{}, name string) bool { + var count int64 + m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + currentDatabase := m.DB.Migrator().CurrentDatabase() + constraint, chk, table := m.GuessConstraintAndTable(stmt, name) + if constraint != nil { + name = constraint.Name + } else if chk != nil { + name = chk.Name + } + + return m.DB.Raw( + "SELECT count(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.table_constraints WHERE constraint_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND constraint_name = ?", + currentDatabase, table, name, + ).Row().Scan(&count) + }) + + return count > 0 +} + +// BuildIndexOptions build index options +func (m Migrator) BuildIndexOptions(opts []schema.IndexOption, stmt *gorm.Statement) (results []interface{}) { + for _, opt := range opts { + str := stmt.Quote(opt.DBName) + if opt.Expression != "" { + str = opt.Expression + } else if opt.Length > 0 { + str += fmt.Sprintf("(%d)", opt.Length) + } + + if opt.Collate != "" { + str += " COLLATE " + opt.Collate + } + + if opt.Sort != "" { + str += " " + opt.Sort + } + results = append(results, clause.Expr{SQL: str}) + } + return +} + +// BuildIndexOptionsInterface build index options interface +type BuildIndexOptionsInterface interface { + BuildIndexOptions([]schema.IndexOption, *gorm.Statement) []interface{} +} + +// CreateIndex create index `name` +func (m Migrator) CreateIndex(value interface{}, name string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + if idx := stmt.Schema.LookIndex(name); idx != nil { + opts := m.DB.Migrator().(BuildIndexOptionsInterface).BuildIndexOptions(idx.Fields, stmt) + values := []interface{}{clause.Column{Name: idx.Name}, m.CurrentTable(stmt), opts} + + createIndexSQL := "CREATE " + if idx.Class != "" { + createIndexSQL += idx.Class + " " + } + createIndexSQL += "INDEX ? ON ??" + + if idx.Type != "" { + createIndexSQL += " USING " + idx.Type + } + + if idx.Comment != "" { + createIndexSQL += fmt.Sprintf(" COMMENT '%s'", idx.Comment) + } + + if idx.Option != "" { + createIndexSQL += " " + idx.Option + } + + return m.DB.Exec(createIndexSQL, values...).Error + } + + return fmt.Errorf("failed to create index with name %s", name) + }) +} + +// DropIndex drop index `name` +func (m Migrator) DropIndex(value interface{}, name string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + if idx := stmt.Schema.LookIndex(name); idx != nil { + name = idx.Name + } + + return m.DB.Exec("DROP INDEX ? ON ?", clause.Column{Name: name}, m.CurrentTable(stmt)).Error + }) +} + +// HasIndex check has index `name` or not +func (m Migrator) HasIndex(value interface{}, name string) bool { + var count int64 + m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + currentDatabase := m.DB.Migrator().CurrentDatabase() + if idx := stmt.Schema.LookIndex(name); idx != nil { + name = idx.Name + } + + return m.DB.Raw( + "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND index_name = ?", + currentDatabase, stmt.Table, name, + ).Row().Scan(&count) + }) + + return count > 0 +} + +// RenameIndex rename index from oldName to newName +func (m Migrator) RenameIndex(value interface{}, oldName, newName string) error { + return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error { + return m.DB.Exec( + "ALTER TABLE ? RENAME INDEX ? TO ?", + m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: oldName}, clause.Column{Name: newName}, + ).Error + }) +} + +// CurrentDatabase returns current database name +func (m Migrator) CurrentDatabase() (name string) { + m.DB.Raw("SELECT DATABASE()").Row().Scan(&name) + return +} + +// ReorderModels reorder models according to constraint dependencies +func (m Migrator) ReorderModels(values []interface{}, autoAdd bool) (results []interface{}) { + type Dependency struct { + *gorm.Statement + Depends []*schema.Schema + } + + var ( + modelNames, orderedModelNames []string + orderedModelNamesMap = map[string]bool{} + parsedSchemas = map[*schema.Schema]bool{} + valuesMap = map[string]Dependency{} + insertIntoOrderedList func(name string) + parseDependence func(value interface{}, addToList bool) + ) + + parseDependence = func(value interface{}, addToList bool) { + dep := Dependency{ + Statement: &gorm.Statement{DB: m.DB, Dest: value}, + } + beDependedOn := map[*schema.Schema]bool{} + if err := dep.Parse(value); err != nil { + m.DB.Logger.Error(context.Background(), "failed to parse value %#v, got error %v", value, err) + } + if _, ok := parsedSchemas[dep.Statement.Schema]; ok { + return + } + parsedSchemas[dep.Statement.Schema] = true + + for _, rel := range dep.Schema.Relationships.Relations { + if c := rel.ParseConstraint(); c != nil && c.Schema == dep.Statement.Schema && c.Schema != c.ReferenceSchema { + dep.Depends = append(dep.Depends, c.ReferenceSchema) + } + + if rel.Type == schema.HasOne || rel.Type == schema.HasMany { + beDependedOn[rel.FieldSchema] = true + } + + if rel.JoinTable != nil { + // append join value + defer func(rel *schema.Relationship, joinValue interface{}) { + if !beDependedOn[rel.FieldSchema] { + dep.Depends = append(dep.Depends, rel.FieldSchema) + } else { + fieldValue := reflect.New(rel.FieldSchema.ModelType).Interface() + parseDependence(fieldValue, autoAdd) + } + parseDependence(joinValue, autoAdd) + }(rel, reflect.New(rel.JoinTable.ModelType).Interface()) + } + } + + valuesMap[dep.Schema.Table] = dep + + if addToList { + modelNames = append(modelNames, dep.Schema.Table) + } + } + + insertIntoOrderedList = func(name string) { + if _, ok := orderedModelNamesMap[name]; ok { + return // avoid loop + } + orderedModelNamesMap[name] = true + + if autoAdd { + dep := valuesMap[name] + for _, d := range dep.Depends { + if _, ok := valuesMap[d.Table]; ok { + insertIntoOrderedList(d.Table) + } else { + parseDependence(reflect.New(d.ModelType).Interface(), autoAdd) + insertIntoOrderedList(d.Table) + } + } + } + + orderedModelNames = append(orderedModelNames, name) + } + + for _, value := range values { + if v, ok := value.(string); ok { + results = append(results, v) + } else { + parseDependence(value, true) + } + } + + for _, name := range modelNames { + insertIntoOrderedList(name) + } + + for _, name := range orderedModelNames { + results = append(results, valuesMap[name].Statement.Dest) + } + return +} + +// CurrentTable returns current statement's table expression +func (m Migrator) CurrentTable(stmt *gorm.Statement) interface{} { + if stmt.TableExpr != nil { + return *stmt.TableExpr + } + return clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table} +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/scan.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/scan.go index b03b79b4..0da12daf 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/scan.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/scan.go @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import ( "gorm.io/gorm/schema" ) +// prepareValues prepare values slice func prepareValues(values []interface{}, db *DB, columnTypes []*sql.ColumnType, columns []string) { if db.Statement.Schema != nil { for idx, name := range columns { @@ -54,11 +55,13 @@ func (db *DB) scanIntoStruct(sch *schema.Schema, rows *sql.Rows, reflectValue re if sch == nil { values[idx] = reflectValue.Interface() } else if field := sch.LookUpField(column); field != nil && field.Readable { - values[idx] = reflect.New(reflect.PtrTo(field.IndirectFieldType)).Interface() + values[idx] = field.NewValuePool.Get() + defer field.NewValuePool.Put(values[idx]) } else if names := strings.Split(column, "__"); len(names) > 1 { if rel, ok := sch.Relationships.Relations[names[0]]; ok { if field := rel.FieldSchema.LookUpField(strings.Join(names[1:], "__")); field != nil && field.Readable { - values[idx] = reflect.New(reflect.PtrTo(field.IndirectFieldType)).Interface() + values[idx] = field.NewValuePool.Get() + defer field.NewValuePool.Put(values[idx]) continue } } @@ -77,21 +80,21 @@ func (db *DB) scanIntoStruct(sch *schema.Schema, rows *sql.Rows, reflectValue re if sch != nil { for idx, column := range columns { if field := sch.LookUpField(column); field != nil && field.Readable { - field.Set(reflectValue, values[idx]) + field.Set(db.Statement.Context, reflectValue, values[idx]) } else if names := strings.Split(column, "__"); len(names) > 1 { if rel, ok := sch.Relationships.Relations[names[0]]; ok { if field := rel.FieldSchema.LookUpField(strings.Join(names[1:], "__")); field != nil && field.Readable { - relValue := rel.Field.ReflectValueOf(reflectValue) - value := reflect.ValueOf(values[idx]).Elem() + relValue := rel.Field.ReflectValueOf(db.Statement.Context, reflectValue) if relValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && relValue.IsNil() { - if value.IsNil() { + if value := reflect.ValueOf(values[idx]).Elem(); value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && value.IsNil() { continue } + relValue.Set(reflect.New(relValue.Type().Elem())) } - field.Set(relValue, values[idx]) + field.Set(db.Statement.Context, relValue, values[idx]) } } } @@ -99,14 +102,17 @@ func (db *DB) scanIntoStruct(sch *schema.Schema, rows *sql.Rows, reflectValue re } } +// ScanMode scan data mode type ScanMode uint8 +// scan modes const ( ScanInitialized ScanMode = 1 << 0 // 1 ScanUpdate ScanMode = 1 << 1 // 2 ScanOnConflictDoNothing ScanMode = 1 << 2 // 4 ) +// Scan scan rows into db statement func Scan(rows *sql.Rows, db *DB, mode ScanMode) { var ( columns, _ = rows.Columns() @@ -138,7 +144,7 @@ func Scan(rows *sql.Rows, db *DB, mode ScanMode) { } scanIntoMap(mapValue, values, columns) } - case *[]map[string]interface{}, []map[string]interface{}: + case *[]map[string]interface{}: columnTypes, _ := rows.ColumnTypes() for initialized || rows.Next() { prepareValues(values, db, columnTypes, columns) @@ -149,11 +155,7 @@ func Scan(rows *sql.Rows, db *DB, mode ScanMode) { mapValue := map[string]interface{}{} scanIntoMap(mapValue, values, columns) - if values, ok := dest.([]map[string]interface{}); ok { - values = append(values, mapValue) - } else if values, ok := dest.(*[]map[string]interface{}); ok { - *values = append(*values, mapValue) - } + *dest = append(*dest, mapValue) } case *int, *int8, *int16, *int32, *int64, *uint, *uint8, *uint16, *uint32, *uint64, *uintptr, @@ -174,7 +176,7 @@ func Scan(rows *sql.Rows, db *DB, mode ScanMode) { reflectValue = db.Statement.ReflectValue ) - if reflectValue.Kind() == reflect.Interface { + for reflectValue.Kind() == reflect.Interface { reflectValue = reflectValue.Elem() } @@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ func Scan(rows *sql.Rows, db *DB, mode ScanMode) { elem = reflectValue.Index(int(db.RowsAffected)) if onConflictDonothing { for _, field := range fields { - if _, ok := field.ValueOf(elem); !ok { + if _, ok := field.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, elem); !ok { db.RowsAffected++ goto BEGIN } diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/check.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/check.go index 161a6ac6..89e732d3 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/check.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/check.go @@ -5,10 +5,8 @@ import ( "strings" ) -var ( - // reg match english letters and midline - regEnLetterAndMidline = regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Za-z-_]+$") -) +// reg match english letters and midline +var regEnLetterAndMidline = regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Za-z-_]+$") type Check struct { Name string @@ -18,7 +16,7 @@ type Check struct { // ParseCheckConstraints parse schema check constraints func (schema *Schema) ParseCheckConstraints() map[string]Check { - var checks = map[string]Check{} + checks := map[string]Check{} for _, field := range schema.FieldsByDBName { if chk := field.TagSettings["CHECK"]; chk != "" { names := strings.Split(chk, ",") diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/field.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/field.go index f3189c7a..319f3693 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/field.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/field.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package schema import ( + "context" "database/sql" "database/sql/driver" "fmt" @@ -14,12 +15,21 @@ import ( "gorm.io/gorm/utils" ) -type DataType string - -type TimeType int64 +// special types' reflect type +var ( + TimeReflectType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) + TimePtrReflectType = reflect.TypeOf(&time.Time{}) + ByteReflectType = reflect.TypeOf(uint8(0)) +) -var TimeReflectType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) +type ( + // DataType GORM data type + DataType string + // TimeType GORM time type + TimeType int64 +) +// GORM time types const ( UnixTime TimeType = 1 UnixSecond TimeType = 2 @@ -27,6 +37,7 @@ const ( UnixNanosecond TimeType = 4 ) +// GORM fields types const ( Bool DataType = "bool" Int DataType = "int" @@ -37,6 +48,7 @@ const ( Bytes DataType = "bytes" ) +// Field is the representation of model schema's field type Field struct { Name string DBName string @@ -49,9 +61,9 @@ type Field struct { Creatable bool Updatable bool Readable bool - HasDefaultValue bool AutoCreateTime TimeType AutoUpdateTime TimeType + HasDefaultValue bool DefaultValue string DefaultValueInterface interface{} NotNull bool @@ -60,6 +72,7 @@ type Field struct { Size int Precision int Scale int + IgnoreMigration bool FieldType reflect.Type IndirectFieldType reflect.Type StructField reflect.StructField @@ -68,27 +81,39 @@ type Field struct { Schema *Schema EmbeddedSchema *Schema OwnerSchema *Schema - ReflectValueOf func(reflect.Value) reflect.Value - ValueOf func(reflect.Value) (value interface{}, zero bool) - Set func(reflect.Value, interface{}) error - IgnoreMigration bool + ReflectValueOf func(context.Context, reflect.Value) reflect.Value + ValueOf func(context.Context, reflect.Value) (value interface{}, zero bool) + Set func(context.Context, reflect.Value, interface{}) error + Serializer SerializerInterface + NewValuePool FieldNewValuePool } +// ParseField parses reflect.StructField to Field func (schema *Schema) ParseField(fieldStruct reflect.StructField) *Field { - var err error + var ( + err error + tagSetting = ParseTagSetting(fieldStruct.Tag.Get("gorm"), ";") + ) field := &Field{ Name: fieldStruct.Name, + DBName: tagSetting["COLUMN"], BindNames: []string{fieldStruct.Name}, FieldType: fieldStruct.Type, IndirectFieldType: fieldStruct.Type, StructField: fieldStruct, + Tag: fieldStruct.Tag, + TagSettings: tagSetting, + Schema: schema, Creatable: true, Updatable: true, Readable: true, - Tag: fieldStruct.Tag, - TagSettings: ParseTagSetting(fieldStruct.Tag.Get("gorm"), ";"), - Schema: schema, + PrimaryKey: utils.CheckTruth(tagSetting["PRIMARYKEY"], tagSetting["PRIMARY_KEY"]), + AutoIncrement: utils.CheckTruth(tagSetting["AUTOINCREMENT"]), + HasDefaultValue: utils.CheckTruth(tagSetting["AUTOINCREMENT"]), + NotNull: utils.CheckTruth(tagSetting["NOT NULL"], tagSetting["NOTNULL"]), + Unique: utils.CheckTruth(tagSetting["UNIQUE"]), + Comment: tagSetting["COMMENT"], AutoIncrementIncrement: 1, } @@ -97,7 +122,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) ParseField(fieldStruct reflect.StructField) *Field { } fieldValue := reflect.New(field.IndirectFieldType) - // if field is valuer, used its value or first fields as data type + // if field is valuer, used its value or first field as data type valuer, isValuer := fieldValue.Interface().(driver.Valuer) if isValuer { if _, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(GormDataTypeInterface); !ok { @@ -105,31 +130,37 @@ func (schema *Schema) ParseField(fieldStruct reflect.StructField) *Field { fieldValue = reflect.ValueOf(v) } + // Use the field struct's first field type as data type, e.g: use `string` for sql.NullString var getRealFieldValue func(reflect.Value) getRealFieldValue = func(v reflect.Value) { - rv := reflect.Indirect(v) - if rv.Kind() == reflect.Struct && !rv.Type().ConvertibleTo(TimeReflectType) { - for i := 0; i < rv.Type().NumField(); i++ { - newFieldType := rv.Type().Field(i).Type + var ( + rv = reflect.Indirect(v) + rvType = rv.Type() + ) + + if rv.Kind() == reflect.Struct && !rvType.ConvertibleTo(TimeReflectType) { + for i := 0; i < rvType.NumField(); i++ { + for key, value := range ParseTagSetting(rvType.Field(i).Tag.Get("gorm"), ";") { + if _, ok := field.TagSettings[key]; !ok { + field.TagSettings[key] = value + } + } + } + + for i := 0; i < rvType.NumField(); i++ { + newFieldType := rvType.Field(i).Type for newFieldType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { newFieldType = newFieldType.Elem() } fieldValue = reflect.New(newFieldType) - - if rv.Type() != reflect.Indirect(fieldValue).Type() { + if rvType != reflect.Indirect(fieldValue).Type() { getRealFieldValue(fieldValue) } if fieldValue.IsValid() { return } - - for key, value := range ParseTagSetting(field.IndirectFieldType.Field(i).Tag.Get("gorm"), ";") { - if _, ok := field.TagSettings[key]; !ok { - field.TagSettings[key] = value - } - } } } } @@ -138,19 +169,23 @@ func (schema *Schema) ParseField(fieldStruct reflect.StructField) *Field { } } - if dbName, ok := field.TagSettings["COLUMN"]; ok { - field.DBName = dbName - } - - if val, ok := field.TagSettings["PRIMARYKEY"]; ok && utils.CheckTruth(val) { - field.PrimaryKey = true - } else if val, ok := field.TagSettings["PRIMARY_KEY"]; ok && utils.CheckTruth(val) { - field.PrimaryKey = true - } - - if val, ok := field.TagSettings["AUTOINCREMENT"]; ok && utils.CheckTruth(val) { - field.AutoIncrement = true - field.HasDefaultValue = true + if v, isSerializer := fieldValue.Interface().(SerializerInterface); isSerializer { + field.DataType = String + field.Serializer = v + } else { + var serializerName = field.TagSettings["JSON"] + if serializerName == "" { + serializerName = field.TagSettings["SERIALIZER"] + } + if serializerName != "" { + if serializer, ok := GetSerializer(serializerName); ok { + // Set default data type to string for serializer + field.DataType = String + field.Serializer = serializer + } else { + schema.err = fmt.Errorf("invalid serializer type %v", serializerName) + } + } } if num, ok := field.TagSettings["AUTOINCREMENTINCREMENT"]; ok { @@ -176,20 +211,6 @@ func (schema *Schema) ParseField(fieldStruct reflect.StructField) *Field { field.Scale, _ = strconv.Atoi(s) } - if val, ok := field.TagSettings["NOT NULL"]; ok && utils.CheckTruth(val) { - field.NotNull = true - } else if val, ok := field.TagSettings["NOTNULL"]; ok && utils.CheckTruth(val) { - field.NotNull = true - } - - if val, ok := field.TagSettings["UNIQUE"]; ok && utils.CheckTruth(val) { - field.Unique = true - } - - if val, ok := field.TagSettings["COMMENT"]; ok { - field.Comment = val - } - // default value is function or null or blank (primary keys) field.DefaultValue = strings.TrimSpace(field.DefaultValue) skipParseDefaultValue := strings.Contains(field.DefaultValue, "(") && @@ -225,7 +246,6 @@ func (schema *Schema) ParseField(fieldStruct reflect.StructField) *Field { } case reflect.String: field.DataType = String - if field.HasDefaultValue && !skipParseDefaultValue { field.DefaultValue = strings.Trim(field.DefaultValue, "'") field.DefaultValue = strings.Trim(field.DefaultValue, `"`) @@ -236,17 +256,15 @@ func (schema *Schema) ParseField(fieldStruct reflect.StructField) *Field { field.DataType = Time } else if fieldValue.Type().ConvertibleTo(TimeReflectType) { field.DataType = Time - } else if fieldValue.Type().ConvertibleTo(reflect.TypeOf(&time.Time{})) { + } else if fieldValue.Type().ConvertibleTo(TimePtrReflectType) { field.DataType = Time } case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: - if reflect.Indirect(fieldValue).Type().Elem() == reflect.TypeOf(uint8(0)) { + if reflect.Indirect(fieldValue).Type().Elem() == ByteReflectType && field.DataType == "" { field.DataType = Bytes } } - field.GORMDataType = field.DataType - if dataTyper, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(GormDataTypeInterface); ok { field.DataType = DataType(dataTyper.GormDataType()) } @@ -346,8 +364,12 @@ func (schema *Schema) ParseField(fieldStruct reflect.StructField) *Field { } } - if _, ok := field.TagSettings["EMBEDDED"]; ok || (fieldStruct.Anonymous && !isValuer && (field.Creatable || field.Updatable || field.Readable)) { - if reflect.Indirect(fieldValue).Kind() == reflect.Struct { + // Normal anonymous field or having `EMBEDDED` tag + if _, ok := field.TagSettings["EMBEDDED"]; ok || (field.GORMDataType != Time && field.GORMDataType != Bytes && !isValuer && + fieldStruct.Anonymous && (field.Creatable || field.Updatable || field.Readable)) { + kind := reflect.Indirect(fieldValue).Kind() + switch kind { + case reflect.Struct: var err error field.Creatable = false field.Updatable = false @@ -396,7 +418,8 @@ func (schema *Schema) ParseField(fieldStruct reflect.StructField) *Field { ef.TagSettings[k] = v } } - } else { + case reflect.Invalid, reflect.Uintptr, reflect.Array, reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Interface, + reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice, reflect.UnsafePointer, reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128: schema.err = fmt.Errorf("invalid embedded struct for %s's field %s, should be struct, but got %v", field.Schema.Name, field.Name, field.FieldType) } } @@ -406,95 +429,122 @@ func (schema *Schema) ParseField(fieldStruct reflect.StructField) *Field { // create valuer, setter when parse struct func (field *Field) setupValuerAndSetter() { - // ValueOf - switch { - case len(field.StructField.Index) == 1: - field.ValueOf = func(value reflect.Value) (interface{}, bool) { - fieldValue := reflect.Indirect(value).Field(field.StructField.Index[0]) - return fieldValue.Interface(), fieldValue.IsZero() - } - case len(field.StructField.Index) == 2 && field.StructField.Index[0] >= 0: - field.ValueOf = func(value reflect.Value) (interface{}, bool) { - fieldValue := reflect.Indirect(value).Field(field.StructField.Index[0]).Field(field.StructField.Index[1]) - return fieldValue.Interface(), fieldValue.IsZero() + // Setup NewValuePool + var fieldValue = reflect.New(field.FieldType).Interface() + if field.Serializer != nil { + field.NewValuePool = &sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { + return &serializer{ + Field: field, + Serializer: reflect.New(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(field.Serializer)).Type()).Interface().(SerializerInterface), + } + }, } - default: - field.ValueOf = func(value reflect.Value) (interface{}, bool) { - v := reflect.Indirect(value) + } else if _, ok := fieldValue.(sql.Scanner); !ok { + // set default NewValuePool + switch field.IndirectFieldType.Kind() { + case reflect.String: + field.NewValuePool = stringPool + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: + field.NewValuePool = intPool + case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: + field.NewValuePool = uintPool + case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + field.NewValuePool = floatPool + case reflect.Bool: + field.NewValuePool = boolPool + default: + if field.IndirectFieldType == TimeReflectType { + field.NewValuePool = timePool + } + } + } - for _, idx := range field.StructField.Index { - if idx >= 0 { - v = v.Field(idx) - } else { - v = v.Field(-idx - 1) + if field.NewValuePool == nil { + field.NewValuePool = poolInitializer(reflect.PtrTo(field.IndirectFieldType)) + } - if v.Type().Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return nil, true - } + // ValueOf returns field's value and if it is zero + field.ValueOf = func(ctx context.Context, v reflect.Value) (interface{}, bool) { + v = reflect.Indirect(v) + for _, fieldIdx := range field.StructField.Index { + if fieldIdx >= 0 { + v = v.Field(fieldIdx) + } else { + v = v.Field(-fieldIdx - 1) - if !v.IsNil() { - v = v.Elem() - } else { - return nil, true - } + if !v.IsNil() { + v = v.Elem() + } else { + return nil, true } } - return v.Interface(), v.IsZero() } + + fv, zero := v.Interface(), v.IsZero() + return fv, zero } - // ReflectValueOf - switch { - case len(field.StructField.Index) == 1: - field.ReflectValueOf = func(value reflect.Value) reflect.Value { - return reflect.Indirect(value).Field(field.StructField.Index[0]) - } - case len(field.StructField.Index) == 2 && field.StructField.Index[0] >= 0 && field.FieldType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr: - field.ReflectValueOf = func(value reflect.Value) reflect.Value { - return reflect.Indirect(value).Field(field.StructField.Index[0]).Field(field.StructField.Index[1]) + if field.Serializer != nil { + oldValuerOf := field.ValueOf + field.ValueOf = func(ctx context.Context, v reflect.Value) (interface{}, bool) { + value, zero := oldValuerOf(ctx, v) + if zero { + return value, zero + } + + s, ok := value.(SerializerValuerInterface) + if !ok { + s = field.Serializer + } + + return serializer{ + Field: field, + SerializeValuer: s, + Destination: v, + Context: ctx, + fieldValue: value, + }, false } - default: - field.ReflectValueOf = func(value reflect.Value) reflect.Value { - v := reflect.Indirect(value) - for idx, fieldIdx := range field.StructField.Index { - if fieldIdx >= 0 { - v = v.Field(fieldIdx) - } else { - v = v.Field(-fieldIdx - 1) - } + } - if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - if v.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct { - if v.IsNil() { - v.Set(reflect.New(v.Type().Elem())) - } - } + // ReflectValueOf returns field's reflect value + field.ReflectValueOf = func(ctx context.Context, v reflect.Value) reflect.Value { + v = reflect.Indirect(v) + for idx, fieldIdx := range field.StructField.Index { + if fieldIdx >= 0 { + v = v.Field(fieldIdx) + } else { + v = v.Field(-fieldIdx - 1) - if idx < len(field.StructField.Index)-1 { - v = v.Elem() - } + if v.IsNil() { + v.Set(reflect.New(v.Type().Elem())) + } + + if idx < len(field.StructField.Index)-1 { + v = v.Elem() } } - return v } + return v } - fallbackSetter := func(value reflect.Value, v interface{}, setter func(reflect.Value, interface{}) error) (err error) { + fallbackSetter := func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value, v interface{}, setter func(context.Context, reflect.Value, interface{}) error) (err error) { if v == nil { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType).Elem()) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType).Elem()) } else { reflectV := reflect.ValueOf(v) // Optimal value type acquisition for v reflectValType := reflectV.Type() if reflectValType.AssignableTo(field.FieldType) { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflectV) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflectV) return } else if reflectValType.ConvertibleTo(field.FieldType) { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflectV.Convert(field.FieldType)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflectV.Convert(field.FieldType)) return } else if field.FieldType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - fieldValue := field.ReflectValueOf(value) + fieldValue := field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value) fieldType := field.FieldType.Elem() if reflectValType.AssignableTo(fieldType) { @@ -517,13 +567,16 @@ func (field *Field) setupValuerAndSetter() { if reflectV.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { if reflectV.IsNil() { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType).Elem()) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType).Elem()) + } else if reflectV.Type().Elem().AssignableTo(field.FieldType) { + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflectV.Elem()) + return } else { - err = setter(value, reflectV.Elem().Interface()) + err = setter(ctx, value, reflectV.Elem().Interface()) } } else if valuer, ok := v.(driver.Valuer); ok { if v, err = valuer.Value(); err == nil { - err = setter(value, v) + err = setter(ctx, value, v) } } else { return fmt.Errorf("failed to set value %+v to field %s", v, field.Name) @@ -536,191 +589,201 @@ func (field *Field) setupValuerAndSetter() { // Set switch field.FieldType.Kind() { case reflect.Bool: - field.Set = func(value reflect.Value, v interface{}) error { + field.Set = func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value, v interface{}) error { switch data := v.(type) { - case bool: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetBool(data) - case *bool: - if data != nil { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetBool(*data) - } else { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetBool(false) + case **bool: + if data != nil && *data != nil { + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetBool(**data) } + case bool: + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetBool(data) case int64: - if data > 0 { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetBool(true) - } else { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetBool(false) - } + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetBool(data > 0) case string: b, _ := strconv.ParseBool(data) - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetBool(b) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetBool(b) default: - return fallbackSetter(value, v, field.Set) + return fallbackSetter(ctx, value, v, field.Set) } return nil } case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: - field.Set = func(value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { + field.Set = func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { switch data := v.(type) { + case **int64: + if data != nil && *data != nil { + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(**data) + } case int64: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(data) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(data) case int: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(int64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(int64(data)) case int8: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(int64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(int64(data)) case int16: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(int64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(int64(data)) case int32: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(int64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(int64(data)) case uint: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(int64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(int64(data)) case uint8: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(int64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(int64(data)) case uint16: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(int64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(int64(data)) case uint32: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(int64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(int64(data)) case uint64: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(int64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(int64(data)) case float32: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(int64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(int64(data)) case float64: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(int64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(int64(data)) case []byte: - return field.Set(value, string(data)) + return field.Set(ctx, value, string(data)) case string: if i, err := strconv.ParseInt(data, 0, 64); err == nil { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(i) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(i) } else { return err } case time.Time: if field.AutoCreateTime == UnixNanosecond || field.AutoUpdateTime == UnixNanosecond { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(data.UnixNano()) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(data.UnixNano()) } else if field.AutoCreateTime == UnixMillisecond || field.AutoUpdateTime == UnixMillisecond { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(data.UnixNano() / 1e6) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(data.UnixNano() / 1e6) } else { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(data.Unix()) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(data.Unix()) } case *time.Time: if data != nil { if field.AutoCreateTime == UnixNanosecond || field.AutoUpdateTime == UnixNanosecond { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(data.UnixNano()) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(data.UnixNano()) } else if field.AutoCreateTime == UnixMillisecond || field.AutoUpdateTime == UnixMillisecond { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(data.UnixNano() / 1e6) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(data.UnixNano() / 1e6) } else { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(data.Unix()) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(data.Unix()) } } else { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetInt(0) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetInt(0) } default: - return fallbackSetter(value, v, field.Set) + return fallbackSetter(ctx, value, v, field.Set) } return err } case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: - field.Set = func(value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { + field.Set = func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { switch data := v.(type) { + case **uint64: + if data != nil && *data != nil { + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(**data) + } case uint64: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(data) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(data) case uint: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data)) case uint8: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data)) case uint16: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data)) case uint32: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data)) case int64: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data)) case int: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data)) case int8: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data)) case int16: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data)) case int32: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data)) case float32: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data)) case float64: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data)) case []byte: - return field.Set(value, string(data)) + return field.Set(ctx, value, string(data)) case time.Time: if field.AutoCreateTime == UnixNanosecond || field.AutoUpdateTime == UnixNanosecond { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data.UnixNano())) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data.UnixNano())) } else if field.AutoCreateTime == UnixMillisecond || field.AutoUpdateTime == UnixMillisecond { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data.UnixNano() / 1e6)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data.UnixNano() / 1e6)) } else { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(uint64(data.Unix())) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(uint64(data.Unix())) } case string: if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(data, 0, 64); err == nil { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetUint(i) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetUint(i) } else { return err } default: - return fallbackSetter(value, v, field.Set) + return fallbackSetter(ctx, value, v, field.Set) } return err } case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: - field.Set = func(value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { + field.Set = func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { switch data := v.(type) { + case **float64: + if data != nil && *data != nil { + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(**data) + } case float64: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetFloat(data) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(data) case float32: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetFloat(float64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(float64(data)) case int64: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetFloat(float64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(float64(data)) case int: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetFloat(float64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(float64(data)) case int8: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetFloat(float64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(float64(data)) case int16: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetFloat(float64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(float64(data)) case int32: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetFloat(float64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(float64(data)) case uint: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetFloat(float64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(float64(data)) case uint8: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetFloat(float64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(float64(data)) case uint16: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetFloat(float64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(float64(data)) case uint32: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetFloat(float64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(float64(data)) case uint64: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetFloat(float64(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(float64(data)) case []byte: - return field.Set(value, string(data)) + return field.Set(ctx, value, string(data)) case string: if i, err := strconv.ParseFloat(data, 64); err == nil { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetFloat(i) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetFloat(i) } else { return err } default: - return fallbackSetter(value, v, field.Set) + return fallbackSetter(ctx, value, v, field.Set) } return err } case reflect.String: - field.Set = func(value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { + field.Set = func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { switch data := v.(type) { + case **string: + if data != nil && *data != nil { + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetString(**data) + } case string: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetString(data) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetString(data) case []byte: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetString(string(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetString(string(data)) case int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetString(utils.ToString(data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetString(utils.ToString(data)) case float64, float32: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).SetString(fmt.Sprintf("%."+strconv.Itoa(field.Precision)+"f", data)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).SetString(fmt.Sprintf("%."+strconv.Itoa(field.Precision)+"f", data)) default: - return fallbackSetter(value, v, field.Set) + return fallbackSetter(ctx, value, v, field.Set) } return err } @@ -728,41 +791,49 @@ func (field *Field) setupValuerAndSetter() { fieldValue := reflect.New(field.FieldType) switch fieldValue.Elem().Interface().(type) { case time.Time: - field.Set = func(value reflect.Value, v interface{}) error { + field.Set = func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value, v interface{}) error { switch data := v.(type) { + case **time.Time: + if data != nil && *data != nil { + field.Set(ctx, value, *data) + } case time.Time: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) case *time.Time: if data != nil { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflect.ValueOf(data).Elem()) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.ValueOf(data).Elem()) } else { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflect.ValueOf(time.Time{})) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.ValueOf(time.Time{})) } case string: if t, err := now.Parse(data); err == nil { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflect.ValueOf(t)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.ValueOf(t)) } else { return fmt.Errorf("failed to set string %v to time.Time field %s, failed to parse it as time, got error %v", v, field.Name, err) } default: - return fallbackSetter(value, v, field.Set) + return fallbackSetter(ctx, value, v, field.Set) } return nil } case *time.Time: - field.Set = func(value reflect.Value, v interface{}) error { + field.Set = func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value, v interface{}) error { switch data := v.(type) { + case **time.Time: + if data != nil { + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.ValueOf(*data)) + } case time.Time: - fieldValue := field.ReflectValueOf(value) + fieldValue := field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value) if fieldValue.IsNil() { fieldValue.Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType.Elem())) } fieldValue.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) case *time.Time: - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) case string: if t, err := now.Parse(data); err == nil { - fieldValue := field.ReflectValueOf(value) + fieldValue := field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value) if fieldValue.IsNil() { if v == "" { return nil @@ -774,27 +845,27 @@ func (field *Field) setupValuerAndSetter() { return fmt.Errorf("failed to set string %v to time.Time field %s, failed to parse it as time, got error %v", v, field.Name, err) } default: - return fallbackSetter(value, v, field.Set) + return fallbackSetter(ctx, value, v, field.Set) } return nil } default: if _, ok := fieldValue.Elem().Interface().(sql.Scanner); ok { // pointer scanner - field.Set = func(value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { + field.Set = func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { reflectV := reflect.ValueOf(v) if !reflectV.IsValid() { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType).Elem()) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType).Elem()) } else if reflectV.Type().AssignableTo(field.FieldType) { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflectV) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflectV) } else if reflectV.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { if reflectV.IsNil() || !reflectV.IsValid() { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType).Elem()) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType).Elem()) } else { - return field.Set(value, reflectV.Elem().Interface()) + return field.Set(ctx, value, reflectV.Elem().Interface()) } } else { - fieldValue := field.ReflectValueOf(value) + fieldValue := field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value) if fieldValue.IsNil() { fieldValue.Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType.Elem())) } @@ -809,32 +880,61 @@ func (field *Field) setupValuerAndSetter() { } } else if _, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(sql.Scanner); ok { // struct scanner - field.Set = func(value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { + field.Set = func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { reflectV := reflect.ValueOf(v) if !reflectV.IsValid() { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType).Elem()) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType).Elem()) } else if reflectV.Type().AssignableTo(field.FieldType) { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflectV) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflectV) } else if reflectV.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { if reflectV.IsNil() || !reflectV.IsValid() { - field.ReflectValueOf(value).Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType).Elem()) + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.New(field.FieldType).Elem()) } else { - return field.Set(value, reflectV.Elem().Interface()) + return field.Set(ctx, value, reflectV.Elem().Interface()) } } else { if valuer, ok := v.(driver.Valuer); ok { v, _ = valuer.Value() } - err = field.ReflectValueOf(value).Addr().Interface().(sql.Scanner).Scan(v) + err = field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Addr().Interface().(sql.Scanner).Scan(v) } return } } else { - field.Set = func(value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { - return fallbackSetter(value, v, field.Set) + field.Set = func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { + return fallbackSetter(ctx, value, v, field.Set) } } } } + + if field.Serializer != nil { + var ( + oldFieldSetter = field.Set + sameElemType bool + sameType = field.FieldType == reflect.ValueOf(field.Serializer).Type() + ) + + if reflect.ValueOf(field.Serializer).Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + sameElemType = field.FieldType == reflect.ValueOf(field.Serializer).Type().Elem() + } + + field.Set = func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value, v interface{}) (err error) { + if s, ok := v.(*serializer); ok { + if err = s.Serializer.Scan(ctx, field, value, s.value); err == nil { + if sameElemType { + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.ValueOf(s.Serializer).Elem()) + s.Serializer = reflect.New(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(field.Serializer)).Type()).Interface().(SerializerInterface) + } else if sameType { + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value).Set(reflect.ValueOf(s.Serializer)) + s.Serializer = reflect.New(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(field.Serializer)).Type()).Interface().(SerializerInterface) + } + } + } else { + err = oldFieldSetter(ctx, value, v) + } + return + } + } } diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/index.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/index.go index b54e08ad..5f775f30 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/index.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/index.go @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type IndexOption struct { // ParseIndexes parse schema indexes func (schema *Schema) ParseIndexes() map[string]Index { - var indexes = map[string]Index{} + indexes := map[string]Index{} for _, field := range schema.Fields { if field.TagSettings["INDEX"] != "" || field.TagSettings["UNIQUEINDEX"] != "" { diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/interfaces.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/interfaces.go index 98abffbd..a75a33c0 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/interfaces.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/interfaces.go @@ -4,22 +4,33 @@ import ( "gorm.io/gorm/clause" ) +// GormDataTypeInterface gorm data type interface type GormDataTypeInterface interface { GormDataType() string } +// FieldNewValuePool field new scan value pool +type FieldNewValuePool interface { + Get() interface{} + Put(interface{}) +} + +// CreateClausesInterface create clauses interface type CreateClausesInterface interface { CreateClauses(*Field) []clause.Interface } +// QueryClausesInterface query clauses interface type QueryClausesInterface interface { QueryClauses(*Field) []clause.Interface } +// UpdateClausesInterface update clauses interface type UpdateClausesInterface interface { UpdateClauses(*Field) []clause.Interface } +// DeleteClausesInterface delete clauses interface type DeleteClausesInterface interface { DeleteClauses(*Field) []clause.Interface } diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/naming.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/naming.go index 8407bffa..a4e3a75b 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/naming.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/naming.go @@ -120,7 +120,13 @@ func (ns NamingStrategy) toDBName(name string) string { } if ns.NameReplacer != nil { - name = ns.NameReplacer.Replace(name) + tmpName := ns.NameReplacer.Replace(name) + + if tmpName == "" { + return name + } + + name = tmpName } if ns.NoLowerCase { diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/pool.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/pool.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f5c73153 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/pool.go @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +package schema + +import ( + "reflect" + "sync" + "time" +) + +// sync pools +var ( + normalPool sync.Map + stringPool = &sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { + var v string + ptrV := &v + return &ptrV + }, + } + intPool = &sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { + var v int64 + ptrV := &v + return &ptrV + }, + } + uintPool = &sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { + var v uint64 + ptrV := &v + return &ptrV + }, + } + floatPool = &sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { + var v float64 + ptrV := &v + return &ptrV + }, + } + boolPool = &sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { + var v bool + ptrV := &v + return &ptrV + }, + } + timePool = &sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { + var v time.Time + ptrV := &v + return &ptrV + }, + } + poolInitializer = func(reflectType reflect.Type) FieldNewValuePool { + v, _ := normalPool.LoadOrStore(reflectType, &sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { + return reflect.New(reflectType).Interface() + }, + }) + return v.(FieldNewValuePool) + } +) diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/relationship.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/relationship.go index c5d3dcad..eae8ab0b 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/relationship.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/relationship.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package schema import ( + "context" "fmt" "reflect" "strings" @@ -576,7 +577,7 @@ func (rel *Relationship) ParseConstraint() *Constraint { return &constraint } -func (rel *Relationship) ToQueryConditions(reflectValue reflect.Value) (conds []clause.Expression) { +func (rel *Relationship) ToQueryConditions(ctx context.Context, reflectValue reflect.Value) (conds []clause.Expression) { table := rel.FieldSchema.Table foreignFields := []*Field{} relForeignKeys := []string{} @@ -616,7 +617,7 @@ func (rel *Relationship) ToQueryConditions(reflectValue reflect.Value) (conds [] } } - _, foreignValues := GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(reflectValue, foreignFields) + _, foreignValues := GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(ctx, reflectValue, foreignFields) column, values := ToQueryValues(table, relForeignKeys, foreignValues) conds = append(conds, clause.IN{Column: column, Values: values}) diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/serializer.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/serializer.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..68597538 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/serializer.go @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +package schema + +import ( + "context" + "database/sql" + "database/sql/driver" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + "fmt" + "reflect" + "strings" + "sync" + "time" +) + +var serializerMap = sync.Map{} + +// RegisterSerializer register serializer +func RegisterSerializer(name string, serializer SerializerInterface) { + serializerMap.Store(strings.ToLower(name), serializer) +} + +// GetSerializer get serializer +func GetSerializer(name string) (serializer SerializerInterface, ok bool) { + v, ok := serializerMap.Load(strings.ToLower(name)) + if ok { + serializer, ok = v.(SerializerInterface) + } + return serializer, ok +} + +func init() { + RegisterSerializer("json", JSONSerializer{}) + RegisterSerializer("unixtime", UnixSecondSerializer{}) +} + +// Serializer field value serializer +type serializer struct { + Field *Field + Serializer SerializerInterface + SerializeValuer SerializerValuerInterface + Destination reflect.Value + Context context.Context + value interface{} + fieldValue interface{} +} + +// Scan implements sql.Scanner interface +func (s *serializer) Scan(value interface{}) error { + s.value = value + return nil +} + +// Value implements driver.Valuer interface +func (s serializer) Value() (driver.Value, error) { + return s.SerializeValuer.Value(s.Context, s.Field, s.Destination, s.fieldValue) +} + +// SerializerInterface serializer interface +type SerializerInterface interface { + Scan(ctx context.Context, field *Field, dst reflect.Value, dbValue interface{}) error + SerializerValuerInterface +} + +// SerializerValuerInterface serializer valuer interface +type SerializerValuerInterface interface { + Value(ctx context.Context, field *Field, dst reflect.Value, fieldValue interface{}) (interface{}, error) +} + +// JSONSerializer json serializer +type JSONSerializer struct { +} + +// Scan implements serializer interface +func (JSONSerializer) Scan(ctx context.Context, field *Field, dst reflect.Value, dbValue interface{}) (err error) { + fieldValue := reflect.New(field.FieldType) + + if dbValue != nil { + var bytes []byte + switch v := dbValue.(type) { + case []byte: + bytes = v + case string: + bytes = []byte(v) + default: + return errors.New(fmt.Sprint("Failed to unmarshal JSONB value:", dbValue)) + } + + err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, fieldValue.Interface()) + } + + field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, dst).Set(fieldValue.Elem()) + return +} + +// Value implements serializer interface +func (JSONSerializer) Value(ctx context.Context, field *Field, dst reflect.Value, fieldValue interface{}) (interface{}, error) { + result, err := json.Marshal(fieldValue) + return string(result), err +} + +// UnixSecondSerializer json serializer +type UnixSecondSerializer struct { +} + +// Scan implements serializer interface +func (UnixSecondSerializer) Scan(ctx context.Context, field *Field, dst reflect.Value, dbValue interface{}) (err error) { + t := sql.NullTime{} + if err = t.Scan(dbValue); err == nil { + err = field.Set(ctx, dst, t.Time) + } + + return +} + +// Value implements serializer interface +func (UnixSecondSerializer) Value(ctx context.Context, field *Field, dst reflect.Value, fieldValue interface{}) (result interface{}, err error) { + switch v := fieldValue.(type) { + case int64, int, uint, uint64, int32, uint32, int16, uint16: + result = time.Unix(reflect.ValueOf(v).Int(), 0) + default: + err = fmt.Errorf("invalid field type %#v for UnixSecondSerializer, only int, uint supported", v) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/utils.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/utils.go index e005cc74..2720c530 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/utils.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/schema/utils.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package schema import ( + "context" "reflect" "regexp" "strings" @@ -59,13 +60,13 @@ func removeSettingFromTag(tag reflect.StructTag, names ...string) reflect.Struct } // GetRelationsValues get relations's values from a reflect value -func GetRelationsValues(reflectValue reflect.Value, rels []*Relationship) (reflectResults reflect.Value) { +func GetRelationsValues(ctx context.Context, reflectValue reflect.Value, rels []*Relationship) (reflectResults reflect.Value) { for _, rel := range rels { reflectResults = reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(reflect.PtrTo(rel.FieldSchema.ModelType)), 0, 1) appendToResults := func(value reflect.Value) { - if _, isZero := rel.Field.ValueOf(value); !isZero { - result := reflect.Indirect(rel.Field.ReflectValueOf(value)) + if _, isZero := rel.Field.ValueOf(ctx, value); !isZero { + result := reflect.Indirect(rel.Field.ReflectValueOf(ctx, value)) switch result.Kind() { case reflect.Struct: reflectResults = reflect.Append(reflectResults, result.Addr()) @@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ func GetRelationsValues(reflectValue reflect.Value, rels []*Relationship) (refle } // GetIdentityFieldValuesMap get identity map from fields -func GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(reflectValue reflect.Value, fields []*Field) (map[string][]reflect.Value, [][]interface{}) { +func GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(ctx context.Context, reflectValue reflect.Value, fields []*Field) (map[string][]reflect.Value, [][]interface{}) { var ( results = [][]interface{}{} dataResults = map[string][]reflect.Value{} @@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ func GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(reflectValue reflect.Value, fields []*Field) (map results = [][]interface{}{make([]interface{}, len(fields))} for idx, field := range fields { - results[0][idx], zero = field.ValueOf(reflectValue) + results[0][idx], zero = field.ValueOf(ctx, reflectValue) notZero = notZero || !zero } @@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ func GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(reflectValue reflect.Value, fields []*Field) (map fieldValues := make([]interface{}, len(fields)) notZero = false for idx, field := range fields { - fieldValues[idx], zero = field.ValueOf(elem) + fieldValues[idx], zero = field.ValueOf(ctx, elem) notZero = notZero || !zero } @@ -155,12 +156,12 @@ func GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(reflectValue reflect.Value, fields []*Field) (map } // GetIdentityFieldValuesMapFromValues get identity map from fields -func GetIdentityFieldValuesMapFromValues(values []interface{}, fields []*Field) (map[string][]reflect.Value, [][]interface{}) { +func GetIdentityFieldValuesMapFromValues(ctx context.Context, values []interface{}, fields []*Field) (map[string][]reflect.Value, [][]interface{}) { resultsMap := map[string][]reflect.Value{} results := [][]interface{}{} for _, v := range values { - rm, rs := GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v)), fields) + rm, rs := GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(ctx, reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v)), fields) for k, v := range rm { resultsMap[k] = append(resultsMap[k], v...) } diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/soft_delete.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/soft_delete.go index 11c4fafc..ba6d2118 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/soft_delete.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/soft_delete.go @@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ func (sd SoftDeleteQueryClause) MergeClause(*clause.Clause) { } func (sd SoftDeleteQueryClause) ModifyStatement(stmt *Statement) { - if _, ok := stmt.Clauses["soft_delete_enabled"]; !ok { + if _, ok := stmt.Clauses["soft_delete_enabled"]; !ok && !stmt.Statement.Unscoped { if c, ok := stmt.Clauses["WHERE"]; ok { - if where, ok := c.Expression.(clause.Where); ok && len(where.Exprs) > 1 { + if where, ok := c.Expression.(clause.Where); ok && len(where.Exprs) >= 1 { for _, expr := range where.Exprs { if orCond, ok := expr.(clause.OrConditions); ok && len(orCond.Exprs) == 1 { where.Exprs = []clause.Expression{clause.And(where.Exprs...)} @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ func (sd SoftDeleteUpdateClause) MergeClause(*clause.Clause) { } func (sd SoftDeleteUpdateClause) ModifyStatement(stmt *Statement) { - if stmt.SQL.String() == "" { + if stmt.SQL.Len() == 0 && !stmt.Statement.Unscoped { if _, ok := stmt.Clauses["WHERE"]; stmt.DB.AllowGlobalUpdate || ok { SoftDeleteQueryClause(sd).ModifyStatement(stmt) } @@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ func (sd SoftDeleteDeleteClause) MergeClause(*clause.Clause) { } func (sd SoftDeleteDeleteClause) ModifyStatement(stmt *Statement) { - if stmt.SQL.String() == "" { + if stmt.SQL.Len() == 0 && !stmt.Statement.Unscoped { curTime := stmt.DB.NowFunc() stmt.AddClause(clause.Set{{Column: clause.Column{Name: sd.Field.DBName}, Value: curTime}}) stmt.SetColumn(sd.Field.DBName, curTime, true) if stmt.Schema != nil { - _, queryValues := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(stmt.ReflectValue, stmt.Schema.PrimaryFields) + _, queryValues := schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue, stmt.Schema.PrimaryFields) column, values := schema.ToQueryValues(stmt.Table, stmt.Schema.PrimaryFieldDBNames, queryValues) if len(values) > 0 { @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ func (sd SoftDeleteDeleteClause) ModifyStatement(stmt *Statement) { } if stmt.ReflectValue.CanAddr() && stmt.Dest != stmt.Model && stmt.Model != nil { - _, queryValues = schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(reflect.ValueOf(stmt.Model), stmt.Schema.PrimaryFields) + _, queryValues = schema.GetIdentityFieldValuesMap(stmt.Context, reflect.ValueOf(stmt.Model), stmt.Schema.PrimaryFields) column, values = schema.ToQueryValues(stmt.Table, stmt.Schema.PrimaryFieldDBNames, queryValues) if len(values) > 0 { diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/statement.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/statement.go index 5a948d3f..cb471776 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/statement.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/statement.go @@ -179,9 +179,7 @@ func (stmt *Statement) AddVar(writer clause.Writer, vars ...interface{}) { } else { stmt.AddVar(writer, v.GormValue(stmt.Context, stmt.DB)) } - case clause.Expr: - v.Build(stmt) - case *clause.Expr: + case clause.Expression: v.Build(stmt) case driver.Valuer: stmt.Vars = append(stmt.Vars, v) @@ -232,6 +230,9 @@ func (stmt *Statement) AddVar(writer clause.Writer, vars ...interface{}) { case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: if rv.Len() == 0 { writer.WriteString("(NULL)") + } else if rv.Type().Elem() == reflect.TypeOf(uint8(0)) { + stmt.Vars = append(stmt.Vars, v) + stmt.DB.Dialector.BindVarTo(writer, stmt, v) } else { writer.WriteByte('(') for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ { @@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ func (stmt *Statement) BuildCondition(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) [] conds = append(conds, clause.Eq{Column: i, Value: j}) } case map[string]string: - var keys = make([]string, 0, len(v)) + keys := make([]string, 0, len(v)) for i := range v { keys = append(keys, i) } @@ -338,7 +339,7 @@ func (stmt *Statement) BuildCondition(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) [] conds = append(conds, clause.Eq{Column: key, Value: v[key]}) } case map[string]interface{}: - var keys = make([]string, 0, len(v)) + keys := make([]string, 0, len(v)) for i := range v { keys = append(keys, i) } @@ -388,7 +389,7 @@ func (stmt *Statement) BuildCondition(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) [] for _, field := range s.Fields { selected := selectedColumns[field.DBName] || selectedColumns[field.Name] if selected || (!restricted && field.Readable) { - if v, isZero := field.ValueOf(reflectValue); !isZero || selected { + if v, isZero := field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, reflectValue); !isZero || selected { if field.DBName != "" { conds = append(conds, clause.Eq{Column: clause.Column{Table: clause.CurrentTable, Name: field.DBName}, Value: v}) } else if field.DataType != "" { @@ -402,7 +403,7 @@ func (stmt *Statement) BuildCondition(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) [] for _, field := range s.Fields { selected := selectedColumns[field.DBName] || selectedColumns[field.Name] if selected || (!restricted && field.Readable) { - if v, isZero := field.ValueOf(reflectValue.Index(i)); !isZero || selected { + if v, isZero := field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, reflectValue.Index(i)); !isZero || selected { if field.DBName != "" { conds = append(conds, clause.Eq{Column: clause.Column{Table: clause.CurrentTable, Name: field.DBName}, Value: v}) } else if field.DataType != "" { @@ -561,7 +562,7 @@ func (stmt *Statement) SetColumn(name string, value interface{}, fromCallbacks . switch destValue.Kind() { case reflect.Struct: - field.Set(destValue, value) + field.Set(stmt.Context, destValue, value) default: stmt.AddError(ErrInvalidData) } @@ -571,10 +572,10 @@ func (stmt *Statement) SetColumn(name string, value interface{}, fromCallbacks . case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: if len(fromCallbacks) > 0 { for i := 0; i < stmt.ReflectValue.Len(); i++ { - field.Set(stmt.ReflectValue.Index(i), value) + field.Set(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue.Index(i), value) } } else { - field.Set(stmt.ReflectValue.Index(stmt.CurDestIndex), value) + field.Set(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue.Index(stmt.CurDestIndex), value) } case reflect.Struct: if !stmt.ReflectValue.CanAddr() { @@ -582,7 +583,7 @@ func (stmt *Statement) SetColumn(name string, value interface{}, fromCallbacks . return } - field.Set(stmt.ReflectValue, value) + field.Set(stmt.Context, stmt.ReflectValue, value) } } else { stmt.AddError(ErrInvalidField) @@ -602,7 +603,7 @@ func (stmt *Statement) Changed(fields ...string) bool { selectColumns, restricted := stmt.SelectAndOmitColumns(false, true) changed := func(field *schema.Field) bool { - fieldValue, _ := field.ValueOf(modelValue) + fieldValue, _ := field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, modelValue) if v, ok := selectColumns[field.DBName]; (ok && v) || (!ok && !restricted) { if v, ok := stmt.Dest.(map[string]interface{}); ok { if fv, ok := v[field.Name]; ok { @@ -616,7 +617,7 @@ func (stmt *Statement) Changed(fields ...string) bool { destValue = destValue.Elem() } - changedValue, zero := field.ValueOf(destValue) + changedValue, zero := field.ValueOf(stmt.Context, destValue) return !zero && !utils.AssertEqual(changedValue, fieldValue) } } diff --git a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/utils/utils.go b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/utils/utils.go index f00f92ba..28ca0daf 100644 --- a/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/utils/utils.go +++ b/vendor/gorm.io/gorm/utils/utils.go @@ -36,17 +36,14 @@ func IsValidDBNameChar(c rune) bool { return !unicode.IsLetter(c) && !unicode.IsNumber(c) && c != '.' && c != '*' && c != '_' && c != '$' && c != '@' } -func CheckTruth(val interface{}) bool { - if v, ok := val.(bool); ok { - return v - } - - if v, ok := val.(string); ok { - v = strings.ToLower(v) - return v != "false" +// CheckTruth check string true or not +func CheckTruth(vals ...string) bool { + for _, val := range vals { + if !strings.EqualFold(val, "false") && val != "" { + return true + } } - - return !reflect.ValueOf(val).IsZero() + return false } func ToStringKey(values ...interface{}) string { diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index 7b52a996..614ce27f 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -16,18 +16,65 @@ github.com/go-redis/redis/v8/internal/pool github.com/go-redis/redis/v8/internal/proto github.com/go-redis/redis/v8/internal/rand github.com/go-redis/redis/v8/internal/util +# github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.6.0 +## explicit; go 1.10 +github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql # github.com/go-stack/stack v1.8.1 ## explicit; go 1.17 github.com/go-stack/stack +# github.com/gobuffalo/envy v1.7.0 +## explicit +github.com/gobuffalo/envy +# github.com/gobuffalo/packd v0.3.0 +## explicit; go 1.12 +github.com/gobuffalo/packd +github.com/gobuffalo/packd/internal/takeon/github.com/markbates/errx +# github.com/gobuffalo/packr v1.30.1 +## explicit; go 1.12 +github.com/gobuffalo/packr +# github.com/golang-module/carbon v1.5.5 +## explicit; go 1.14 +github.com/golang-module/carbon # github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.4 ## explicit github.com/golang/snappy +# github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2 v2.0.1 +## explicit; go 1.12 +github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2 +# github.com/jackc/pgconn v1.10.1 +## explicit; go 1.12 +github.com/jackc/pgconn +github.com/jackc/pgconn/internal/ctxwatch +github.com/jackc/pgconn/stmtcache +# github.com/jackc/pgio v1.0.0 +## explicit; go 1.12 +github.com/jackc/pgio +# github.com/jackc/pgpassfile v1.0.0 +## explicit; go 1.12 +github.com/jackc/pgpassfile +# github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2 v2.2.0 +## explicit; go 1.12 +github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2 +# github.com/jackc/pgservicefile v0.0.0-20200714003250-2b9c44734f2b +## explicit; go 1.14 +github.com/jackc/pgservicefile +# github.com/jackc/pgtype v1.9.1 +## explicit; go 1.13 +github.com/jackc/pgtype +# github.com/jackc/pgx/v4 v4.14.1 +## explicit; go 1.13 +github.com/jackc/pgx/v4 +github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/internal/sanitize +github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/stdlib # github.com/jinzhu/inflection v1.0.0 ## explicit github.com/jinzhu/inflection # github.com/jinzhu/now v1.1.4 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/jinzhu/now +# github.com/joho/godotenv v1.3.0 +## explicit +github.com/joho/godotenv # github.com/klauspost/compress v1.13.6 ## explicit; go 1.15 github.com/klauspost/compress @@ -45,6 +92,14 @@ github.com/nilorg/sdk/convert # github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 ## explicit github.com/pkg/errors +# github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.3.0 +## explicit +github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/modfile +github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/module +github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/semver +# github.com/shopspring/decimal v1.3.1 +## explicit; go 1.13 +github.com/shopspring/decimal # github.com/xdg-go/pbkdf2 v1.0.0 ## explicit; go 1.9 github.com/xdg-go/pbkdf2 @@ -132,12 +187,23 @@ golang.org/x/sync/errgroup golang.org/x/sys/cpu # golang.org/x/text v0.3.7 ## explicit; go 1.17 +golang.org/x/text/cases golang.org/x/text/encoding golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/identifier golang.org/x/text/encoding/simplifiedchinese +golang.org/x/text/internal +golang.org/x/text/internal/language +golang.org/x/text/internal/language/compact +golang.org/x/text/internal/tag +golang.org/x/text/language +golang.org/x/text/runes +golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule +golang.org/x/text/secure/precis golang.org/x/text/transform +golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm +golang.org/x/text/width # gopkg.in/alexcesaro/quotedprintable.v3 v3.0.0-20150716171945-2caba252f4dc ## explicit gopkg.in/alexcesaro/quotedprintable.v3 @@ -146,10 +212,18 @@ gopkg.in/alexcesaro/quotedprintable.v3 gopkg.in/gomail.v2 # gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2 v2.0.0 ## explicit -# gorm.io/gorm v1.22.4 +# gorm.io/driver/mysql v1.3.2 +## explicit; go 1.14 +gorm.io/driver/mysql +# gorm.io/driver/postgres v1.3.1 +## explicit; go 1.14 +gorm.io/driver/postgres +# gorm.io/gorm v1.23.1 ## explicit; go 1.14 gorm.io/gorm +gorm.io/gorm/callbacks gorm.io/gorm/clause gorm.io/gorm/logger +gorm.io/gorm/migrator gorm.io/gorm/schema gorm.io/gorm/utils