// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved. // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License. // If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file, // You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf. package gconv import ( "reflect" "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/errors/gcode" "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/errors/gerror" "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/internal/json" ) // MapToMap converts any map type variable `params` to another map type variable `pointer` // using reflect. // See doMapToMap. func MapToMap(params interface{}, pointer interface{}, mapping ...map[string]string) error { return doMapToMap(params, pointer, mapping...) } // doMapToMap converts any map type variable `params` to another map type variable `pointer`. // // The parameter `params` can be any type of map, like: // map[string]string, map[string]struct, map[string]*struct, etc. // // The parameter `pointer` should be type of *map, like: // map[int]string, map[string]struct, map[string]*struct, etc. // // The optional parameter `mapping` is used for struct attribute to map key mapping, which makes // sense only if the items of original map `params` is type struct. func doMapToMap(params interface{}, pointer interface{}, mapping ...map[string]string) (err error) { // If given `params` is JSON, it then uses json.Unmarshal doing the converting. switch r := params.(type) { case []byte: if json.Valid(r) { if rv, ok := pointer.(reflect.Value); ok { if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { return json.UnmarshalUseNumber(r, rv.Interface()) } } else { return json.UnmarshalUseNumber(r, pointer) } } case string: if paramsBytes := []byte(r); json.Valid(paramsBytes) { if rv, ok := pointer.(reflect.Value); ok { if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { return json.UnmarshalUseNumber(paramsBytes, rv.Interface()) } } else { return json.UnmarshalUseNumber(paramsBytes, pointer) } } } var ( paramsRv reflect.Value paramsKind reflect.Kind keyToAttributeNameMapping map[string]string ) if len(mapping) > 0 { keyToAttributeNameMapping = mapping[0] } if v, ok := params.(reflect.Value); ok { paramsRv = v } else { paramsRv = reflect.ValueOf(params) } paramsKind = paramsRv.Kind() if paramsKind == reflect.Ptr { paramsRv = paramsRv.Elem() paramsKind = paramsRv.Kind() } if paramsKind != reflect.Map { return doMapToMap(Map(params), pointer, mapping...) } // Empty params map, no need continue. if paramsRv.Len() == 0 { return nil } var pointerRv reflect.Value if v, ok := pointer.(reflect.Value); ok { pointerRv = v } else { pointerRv = reflect.ValueOf(pointer) } pointerKind := pointerRv.Kind() for pointerKind == reflect.Ptr { pointerRv = pointerRv.Elem() pointerKind = pointerRv.Kind() } if pointerKind != reflect.Map { return gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, "pointer should be type of *map, but got:%s", pointerKind) } defer func() { // Catch the panic, especially the reflect operation panics. if exception := recover(); exception != nil { if v, ok := exception.(error); ok && gerror.HasStack(v) { err = v } else { err = gerror.NewCodeSkipf(gcode.CodeInternalError, 1, "%+v", exception) } } }() var ( paramsKeys = paramsRv.MapKeys() pointerKeyType = pointerRv.Type().Key() pointerValueType = pointerRv.Type().Elem() pointerValueKind = pointerValueType.Kind() dataMap = reflect.MakeMapWithSize(pointerRv.Type(), len(paramsKeys)) ) // Retrieve the true element type of target map. if pointerValueKind == reflect.Ptr { pointerValueKind = pointerValueType.Elem().Kind() } for _, key := range paramsKeys { e := reflect.New(pointerValueType).Elem() switch pointerValueKind { case reflect.Map, reflect.Struct: if err = doStruct(paramsRv.MapIndex(key).Interface(), e, keyToAttributeNameMapping, ""); err != nil { return err } default: e.Set( reflect.ValueOf( Convert( paramsRv.MapIndex(key).Interface(), pointerValueType.String(), ), ), ) } dataMap.SetMapIndex( reflect.ValueOf( Convert( key.Interface(), pointerKeyType.Name(), ), ), e, ) } pointerRv.Set(dataMap) return nil }