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package gostorage
import (
// Qiniu 七牛云
type Qiniu struct {
AccessKey string
SecretKey string
BucketName string
client *qbox.Mac // 驱动
bucket *storage.PutPolicy // 存储空间
upToken string // 上传凭证
// NewQiniu 初始化
func NewQiniu(accessKey string, secretKey string, bucketName string) *Qiniu {
app := &Qiniu{AccessKey: accessKey, SecretKey: secretKey, BucketName: bucketName}
app.client = qbox.NewMac(accessKey, secretKey)
app.bucket.Scope = bucketName
app.upToken = app.bucket.UploadToken(app.client)
return app
// Bucket 存储空间
func (c *Qiniu) Bucket(name string) *Qiniu {
c.BucketName = name
return c
// PutObject 上传文件流
// @param file 文件流
// @param filePath 文件路径
// @param fileName 文件名称
func (c *Qiniu) PutObject(file io.Reader, filePath, fileName, acl string) (resp FileInfo, err error) {
objectKey := filePath
if fileName != "" {
objectKey = filePath + "/" + fileName
cfg := storage.Config{}
// 空间对应的机房
cfg.Zone = &storage.ZoneHuanan
// 是否使用https域名
cfg.UseHTTPS = true
// 上传是否使用CDN上传加速
cfg.UseCdnDomains = false
formUploader := storage.NewFormUploader(&cfg)
ret := storage.PutRet{}
putExtra := storage.PutExtra{}
err = formUploader.Put(context.Background(), &ret, c.upToken, objectKey, file, -1, &putExtra)
resp.Path = filePath
resp.Name = fileName
resp.Url = objectKey