You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1151 lines
84 KiB

package validator
var iso3166_1_alpha2 = map[string]bool{
// see:
"AF": true, "AX": true, "AL": true, "DZ": true, "AS": true,
"AD": true, "AO": true, "AI": true, "AQ": true, "AG": true,
"AR": true, "AM": true, "AW": true, "AU": true, "AT": true,
"AZ": true, "BS": true, "BH": true, "BD": true, "BB": true,
"BY": true, "BE": true, "BZ": true, "BJ": true, "BM": true,
"BT": true, "BO": true, "BQ": true, "BA": true, "BW": true,
"BV": true, "BR": true, "IO": true, "BN": true, "BG": true,
"BF": true, "BI": true, "KH": true, "CM": true, "CA": true,
"CV": true, "KY": true, "CF": true, "TD": true, "CL": true,
"CN": true, "CX": true, "CC": true, "CO": true, "KM": true,
"CG": true, "CD": true, "CK": true, "CR": true, "CI": true,
"HR": true, "CU": true, "CW": true, "CY": true, "CZ": true,
"DK": true, "DJ": true, "DM": true, "DO": true, "EC": true,
"EG": true, "SV": true, "GQ": true, "ER": true, "EE": true,
"ET": true, "FK": true, "FO": true, "FJ": true, "FI": true,
"FR": true, "GF": true, "PF": true, "TF": true, "GA": true,
"GM": true, "GE": true, "DE": true, "GH": true, "GI": true,
"GR": true, "GL": true, "GD": true, "GP": true, "GU": true,
"GT": true, "GG": true, "GN": true, "GW": true, "GY": true,
"HT": true, "HM": true, "VA": true, "HN": true, "HK": true,
"HU": true, "IS": true, "IN": true, "ID": true, "IR": true,
"IQ": true, "IE": true, "IM": true, "IL": true, "IT": true,
"JM": true, "JP": true, "JE": true, "JO": true, "KZ": true,
"KE": true, "KI": true, "KP": true, "KR": true, "KW": true,
"KG": true, "LA": true, "LV": true, "LB": true, "LS": true,
"LR": true, "LY": true, "LI": true, "LT": true, "LU": true,
"MO": true, "MK": true, "MG": true, "MW": true, "MY": true,
"MV": true, "ML": true, "MT": true, "MH": true, "MQ": true,
"MR": true, "MU": true, "YT": true, "MX": true, "FM": true,
"MD": true, "MC": true, "MN": true, "ME": true, "MS": true,
"MA": true, "MZ": true, "MM": true, "NA": true, "NR": true,
"NP": true, "NL": true, "NC": true, "NZ": true, "NI": true,
"NE": true, "NG": true, "NU": true, "NF": true, "MP": true,
"NO": true, "OM": true, "PK": true, "PW": true, "PS": true,
"PA": true, "PG": true, "PY": true, "PE": true, "PH": true,
"PN": true, "PL": true, "PT": true, "PR": true, "QA": true,
"RE": true, "RO": true, "RU": true, "RW": true, "BL": true,
"SH": true, "KN": true, "LC": true, "MF": true, "PM": true,
"VC": true, "WS": true, "SM": true, "ST": true, "SA": true,
"SN": true, "RS": true, "SC": true, "SL": true, "SG": true,
"SX": true, "SK": true, "SI": true, "SB": true, "SO": true,
"ZA": true, "GS": true, "SS": true, "ES": true, "LK": true,
"SD": true, "SR": true, "SJ": true, "SZ": true, "SE": true,
"CH": true, "SY": true, "TW": true, "TJ": true, "TZ": true,
"TH": true, "TL": true, "TG": true, "TK": true, "TO": true,
"TT": true, "TN": true, "TR": true, "TM": true, "TC": true,
"TV": true, "UG": true, "UA": true, "AE": true, "GB": true,
"US": true, "UM": true, "UY": true, "UZ": true, "VU": true,
"VE": true, "VN": true, "VG": true, "VI": true, "WF": true,
"EH": true, "YE": true, "ZM": true, "ZW": true, "XK": true,
var iso3166_1_alpha3 = map[string]bool{
// see:
"AFG": true, "ALB": true, "DZA": true, "ASM": true, "AND": true,
"AGO": true, "AIA": true, "ATA": true, "ATG": true, "ARG": true,
"ARM": true, "ABW": true, "AUS": true, "AUT": true, "AZE": true,
"BHS": true, "BHR": true, "BGD": true, "BRB": true, "BLR": true,
"BEL": true, "BLZ": true, "BEN": true, "BMU": true, "BTN": true,
"BOL": true, "BES": true, "BIH": true, "BWA": true, "BVT": true,
"BRA": true, "IOT": true, "BRN": true, "BGR": true, "BFA": true,
"BDI": true, "CPV": true, "KHM": true, "CMR": true, "CAN": true,
"CYM": true, "CAF": true, "TCD": true, "CHL": true, "CHN": true,
"CXR": true, "CCK": true, "COL": true, "COM": true, "COD": true,
"COG": true, "COK": true, "CRI": true, "HRV": true, "CUB": true,
"CUW": true, "CYP": true, "CZE": true, "CIV": true, "DNK": true,
"DJI": true, "DMA": true, "DOM": true, "ECU": true, "EGY": true,
"SLV": true, "GNQ": true, "ERI": true, "EST": true, "SWZ": true,
"ETH": true, "FLK": true, "FRO": true, "FJI": true, "FIN": true,
"FRA": true, "GUF": true, "PYF": true, "ATF": true, "GAB": true,
"GMB": true, "GEO": true, "DEU": true, "GHA": true, "GIB": true,
"GRC": true, "GRL": true, "GRD": true, "GLP": true, "GUM": true,
"GTM": true, "GGY": true, "GIN": true, "GNB": true, "GUY": true,
"HTI": true, "HMD": true, "VAT": true, "HND": true, "HKG": true,
"HUN": true, "ISL": true, "IND": true, "IDN": true, "IRN": true,
"IRQ": true, "IRL": true, "IMN": true, "ISR": true, "ITA": true,
"JAM": true, "JPN": true, "JEY": true, "JOR": true, "KAZ": true,
"KEN": true, "KIR": true, "PRK": true, "KOR": true, "KWT": true,
"KGZ": true, "LAO": true, "LVA": true, "LBN": true, "LSO": true,
"LBR": true, "LBY": true, "LIE": true, "LTU": true, "LUX": true,
"MAC": true, "MDG": true, "MWI": true, "MYS": true, "MDV": true,
"MLI": true, "MLT": true, "MHL": true, "MTQ": true, "MRT": true,
"MUS": true, "MYT": true, "MEX": true, "FSM": true, "MDA": true,
"MCO": true, "MNG": true, "MNE": true, "MSR": true, "MAR": true,
"MOZ": true, "MMR": true, "NAM": true, "NRU": true, "NPL": true,
"NLD": true, "NCL": true, "NZL": true, "NIC": true, "NER": true,
"NGA": true, "NIU": true, "NFK": true, "MKD": true, "MNP": true,
"NOR": true, "OMN": true, "PAK": true, "PLW": true, "PSE": true,
"PAN": true, "PNG": true, "PRY": true, "PER": true, "PHL": true,
"PCN": true, "POL": true, "PRT": true, "PRI": true, "QAT": true,
"ROU": true, "RUS": true, "RWA": true, "REU": true, "BLM": true,
"SHN": true, "KNA": true, "LCA": true, "MAF": true, "SPM": true,
"VCT": true, "WSM": true, "SMR": true, "STP": true, "SAU": true,
"SEN": true, "SRB": true, "SYC": true, "SLE": true, "SGP": true,
"SXM": true, "SVK": true, "SVN": true, "SLB": true, "SOM": true,
"ZAF": true, "SGS": true, "SSD": true, "ESP": true, "LKA": true,
"SDN": true, "SUR": true, "SJM": true, "SWE": true, "CHE": true,
"SYR": true, "TWN": true, "TJK": true, "TZA": true, "THA": true,
"TLS": true, "TGO": true, "TKL": true, "TON": true, "TTO": true,
"TUN": true, "TUR": true, "TKM": true, "TCA": true, "TUV": true,
"UGA": true, "UKR": true, "ARE": true, "GBR": true, "UMI": true,
"USA": true, "URY": true, "UZB": true, "VUT": true, "VEN": true,
"VNM": true, "VGB": true, "VIR": true, "WLF": true, "ESH": true,
"YEM": true, "ZMB": true, "ZWE": true, "ALA": true, "UNK": true,
var iso3166_1_alpha_numeric = map[int]bool{
// see:
4: true, 8: true, 12: true, 16: true, 20: true,
24: true, 660: true, 10: true, 28: true, 32: true,
51: true, 533: true, 36: true, 40: true, 31: true,
44: true, 48: true, 50: true, 52: true, 112: true,
56: true, 84: true, 204: true, 60: true, 64: true,
68: true, 535: true, 70: true, 72: true, 74: true,
76: true, 86: true, 96: true, 100: true, 854: true,
108: true, 132: true, 116: true, 120: true, 124: true,
136: true, 140: true, 148: true, 152: true, 156: true,
162: true, 166: true, 170: true, 174: true, 180: true,
178: true, 184: true, 188: true, 191: true, 192: true,
531: true, 196: true, 203: true, 384: true, 208: true,
262: true, 212: true, 214: true, 218: true, 818: true,
222: true, 226: true, 232: true, 233: true, 748: true,
231: true, 238: true, 234: true, 242: true, 246: true,
250: true, 254: true, 258: true, 260: true, 266: true,
270: true, 268: true, 276: true, 288: true, 292: true,
300: true, 304: true, 308: true, 312: true, 316: true,
320: true, 831: true, 324: true, 624: true, 328: true,
332: true, 334: true, 336: true, 340: true, 344: true,
348: true, 352: true, 356: true, 360: true, 364: true,
368: true, 372: true, 833: true, 376: true, 380: true,
388: true, 392: true, 832: true, 400: true, 398: true,
404: true, 296: true, 408: true, 410: true, 414: true,
417: true, 418: true, 428: true, 422: true, 426: true,
430: true, 434: true, 438: true, 440: true, 442: true,
446: true, 450: true, 454: true, 458: true, 462: true,
466: true, 470: true, 584: true, 474: true, 478: true,
480: true, 175: true, 484: true, 583: true, 498: true,
492: true, 496: true, 499: true, 500: true, 504: true,
508: true, 104: true, 516: true, 520: true, 524: true,
528: true, 540: true, 554: true, 558: true, 562: true,
566: true, 570: true, 574: true, 807: true, 580: true,
578: true, 512: true, 586: true, 585: true, 275: true,
591: true, 598: true, 600: true, 604: true, 608: true,
612: true, 616: true, 620: true, 630: true, 634: true,
642: true, 643: true, 646: true, 638: true, 652: true,
654: true, 659: true, 662: true, 663: true, 666: true,
670: true, 882: true, 674: true, 678: true, 682: true,
686: true, 688: true, 690: true, 694: true, 702: true,
534: true, 703: true, 705: true, 90: true, 706: true,
710: true, 239: true, 728: true, 724: true, 144: true,
729: true, 740: true, 744: true, 752: true, 756: true,
760: true, 158: true, 762: true, 834: true, 764: true,
626: true, 768: true, 772: true, 776: true, 780: true,
788: true, 792: true, 795: true, 796: true, 798: true,
800: true, 804: true, 784: true, 826: true, 581: true,
840: true, 858: true, 860: true, 548: true, 862: true,
704: true, 92: true, 850: true, 876: true, 732: true,
887: true, 894: true, 716: true, 248: true, 153: true,
var iso3166_2 = map[string]bool{
"AD-02": true, "AD-03": true, "AD-04": true, "AD-05": true, "AD-06": true,
"AD-07": true, "AD-08": true, "AE-AJ": true, "AE-AZ": true, "AE-DU": true,
"AE-FU": true, "AE-RK": true, "AE-SH": true, "AE-UQ": true, "AF-BAL": true,
"AF-BAM": true, "AF-BDG": true, "AF-BDS": true, "AF-BGL": true, "AF-DAY": true,
"AF-FRA": true, "AF-FYB": true, "AF-GHA": true, "AF-GHO": true, "AF-HEL": true,
"AF-HER": true, "AF-JOW": true, "AF-KAB": true, "AF-KAN": true, "AF-KAP": true,
"AF-KDZ": true, "AF-KHO": true, "AF-KNR": true, "AF-LAG": true, "AF-LOG": true,
"AF-NAN": true, "AF-NIM": true, "AF-NUR": true, "AF-PAN": true, "AF-PAR": true,
"AF-PIA": true, "AF-PKA": true, "AF-SAM": true, "AF-SAR": true, "AF-TAK": true,
"AF-URU": true, "AF-WAR": true, "AF-ZAB": true, "AG-03": true, "AG-04": true,
"AG-05": true, "AG-06": true, "AG-07": true, "AG-08": true, "AG-10": true,
"AG-11": true, "AL-01": true, "AL-02": true, "AL-03": true, "AL-04": true,
"AL-05": true, "AL-06": true, "AL-07": true, "AL-08": true, "AL-09": true,
"AL-10": true, "AL-11": true, "AL-12": true, "AL-BR": true, "AL-BU": true,
"AL-DI": true, "AL-DL": true, "AL-DR": true, "AL-DV": true, "AL-EL": true,
"AL-ER": true, "AL-FR": true, "AL-GJ": true, "AL-GR": true, "AL-HA": true,
"AL-KA": true, "AL-KB": true, "AL-KC": true, "AL-KO": true, "AL-KR": true,
"AL-KU": true, "AL-LB": true, "AL-LE": true, "AL-LU": true, "AL-MK": true,
"AL-MM": true, "AL-MR": true, "AL-MT": true, "AL-PG": true, "AL-PQ": true,
"AL-PR": true, "AL-PU": true, "AL-SH": true, "AL-SK": true, "AL-SR": true,
"AL-TE": true, "AL-TP": true, "AL-TR": true, "AL-VL": true, "AM-AG": true,
"AM-AR": true, "AM-AV": true, "AM-ER": true, "AM-GR": true, "AM-KT": true,
"AM-LO": true, "AM-SH": true, "AM-SU": true, "AM-TV": true, "AM-VD": true,
"AO-BGO": true, "AO-BGU": true, "AO-BIE": true, "AO-CAB": true, "AO-CCU": true,
"AO-CNN": true, "AO-CNO": true, "AO-CUS": true, "AO-HUA": true, "AO-HUI": true,
"AO-LNO": true, "AO-LSU": true, "AO-LUA": true, "AO-MAL": true, "AO-MOX": true,
"AO-NAM": true, "AO-UIG": true, "AO-ZAI": true, "AR-A": true, "AR-B": true,
"AR-C": true, "AR-D": true, "AR-E": true, "AR-F": true, "AR-G": true, "AR-H": true,
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"AR-Z": true, "AT-1": true, "AT-2": true, "AT-3": true, "AT-4": true,
"AT-5": true, "AT-6": true, "AT-7": true, "AT-8": true, "AT-9": true,
"AU-ACT": true, "AU-NSW": true, "AU-NT": true, "AU-QLD": true, "AU-SA": true,
"AU-TAS": true, "AU-VIC": true, "AU-WA": true, "AZ-ABS": true, "AZ-AGA": true,
"AZ-AGC": true, "AZ-AGM": true, "AZ-AGS": true, "AZ-AGU": true, "AZ-AST": true,
"AZ-BA": true, "AZ-BAB": true, "AZ-BAL": true, "AZ-BAR": true, "AZ-BEY": true,
"AZ-BIL": true, "AZ-CAB": true, "AZ-CAL": true, "AZ-CUL": true, "AZ-DAS": true,
"AZ-FUZ": true, "AZ-GA": true, "AZ-GAD": true, "AZ-GOR": true, "AZ-GOY": true,
"AZ-GYG": true, "AZ-HAC": true, "AZ-IMI": true, "AZ-ISM": true, "AZ-KAL": true,
"AZ-KAN": true, "AZ-KUR": true, "AZ-LA": true, "AZ-LAC": true, "AZ-LAN": true,
"AZ-LER": true, "AZ-MAS": true, "AZ-MI": true, "AZ-NA": true, "AZ-NEF": true,
"AZ-NV": true, "AZ-NX": true, "AZ-OGU": true, "AZ-ORD": true, "AZ-QAB": true,
"AZ-QAX": true, "AZ-QAZ": true, "AZ-QBA": true, "AZ-QBI": true, "AZ-QOB": true,
"AZ-QUS": true, "AZ-SA": true, "AZ-SAB": true, "AZ-SAD": true, "AZ-SAH": true,
"AZ-SAK": true, "AZ-SAL": true, "AZ-SAR": true, "AZ-SAT": true, "AZ-SBN": true,
"AZ-SIY": true, "AZ-SKR": true, "AZ-SM": true, "AZ-SMI": true, "AZ-SMX": true,
"AZ-SR": true, "AZ-SUS": true, "AZ-TAR": true, "AZ-TOV": true, "AZ-UCA": true,
"AZ-XA": true, "AZ-XAC": true, "AZ-XCI": true, "AZ-XIZ": true, "AZ-XVD": true,
"AZ-YAR": true, "AZ-YE": true, "AZ-YEV": true, "AZ-ZAN": true, "AZ-ZAQ": true,
"AZ-ZAR": true, "BA-01": true, "BA-02": true, "BA-03": true, "BA-04": true,
"BA-05": true, "BA-06": true, "BA-07": true, "BA-08": true, "BA-09": true,
"BA-10": true, "BA-BIH": true, "BA-BRC": true, "BA-SRP": true, "BB-01": true,
"BB-02": true, "BB-03": true, "BB-04": true, "BB-05": true, "BB-06": true,
"BB-07": true, "BB-08": true, "BB-09": true, "BB-10": true, "BB-11": true,
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"BD-16": true, "BD-17": true, "BD-18": true, "BD-19": true, "BD-20": true,
"BD-21": true, "BD-22": true, "BD-23": true, "BD-24": true, "BD-25": true,
"BD-26": true, "BD-27": true, "BD-28": true, "BD-29": true, "BD-30": true,
"BD-31": true, "BD-32": true, "BD-33": true, "BD-34": true, "BD-35": true,
"BD-36": true, "BD-37": true, "BD-38": true, "BD-39": true, "BD-40": true,
"BD-41": true, "BD-42": true, "BD-43": true, "BD-44": true, "BD-45": true,
"BD-46": true, "BD-47": true, "BD-48": true, "BD-49": true, "BD-50": true,
"BD-51": true, "BD-52": true, "BD-53": true, "BD-54": true, "BD-55": true,
"BD-56": true, "BD-57": true, "BD-58": true, "BD-59": true, "BD-60": true,
"BD-61": true, "BD-62": true, "BD-63": true, "BD-64": true, "BD-A": true,
"BD-B": true, "BD-C": true, "BD-D": true, "BD-E": true, "BD-F": true,
"BD-G": true, "BE-BRU": true, "BE-VAN": true, "BE-VBR": true, "BE-VLG": true,
"BE-VLI": true, "BE-VOV": true, "BE-VWV": true, "BE-WAL": true, "BE-WBR": true,
"BE-WHT": true, "BE-WLG": true, "BE-WLX": true, "BE-WNA": true, "BF-01": true,
"BF-02": true, "BF-03": true, "BF-04": true, "BF-05": true, "BF-06": true,
"BF-07": true, "BF-08": true, "BF-09": true, "BF-10": true, "BF-11": true,
"BF-12": true, "BF-13": true, "BF-BAL": true, "BF-BAM": true, "BF-BAN": true,
"BF-BAZ": true, "BF-BGR": true, "BF-BLG": true, "BF-BLK": true, "BF-COM": true,
"BF-GAN": true, "BF-GNA": true, "BF-GOU": true, "BF-HOU": true, "BF-IOB": true,
"BF-KAD": true, "BF-KEN": true, "BF-KMD": true, "BF-KMP": true, "BF-KOP": true,
"BF-KOS": true, "BF-KOT": true, "BF-KOW": true, "BF-LER": true, "BF-LOR": true,
"BF-MOU": true, "BF-NAM": true, "BF-NAO": true, "BF-NAY": true, "BF-NOU": true,
"BF-OUB": true, "BF-OUD": true, "BF-PAS": true, "BF-PON": true, "BF-SEN": true,
"BF-SIS": true, "BF-SMT": true, "BF-SNG": true, "BF-SOM": true, "BF-SOR": true,
"BF-TAP": true, "BF-TUI": true, "BF-YAG": true, "BF-YAT": true, "BF-ZIR": true,
"BF-ZON": true, "BF-ZOU": true, "BG-01": true, "BG-02": true, "BG-03": true,
"BG-04": true, "BG-05": true, "BG-06": true, "BG-07": true, "BG-08": true,
"BG-09": true, "BG-10": true, "BG-11": true, "BG-12": true, "BG-13": true,
"BG-14": true, "BG-15": true, "BG-16": true, "BG-17": true, "BG-18": true,
"BG-19": true, "BG-20": true, "BG-21": true, "BG-22": true, "BG-23": true,
"BG-24": true, "BG-25": true, "BG-26": true, "BG-27": true, "BG-28": true,
"BH-13": true, "BH-14": true, "BH-15": true, "BH-16": true, "BH-17": true,
"BI-BB": true, "BI-BL": true, "BI-BM": true, "BI-BR": true, "BI-CA": true,
"BI-CI": true, "BI-GI": true, "BI-KI": true, "BI-KR": true, "BI-KY": true,
"BI-MA": true, "BI-MU": true, "BI-MW": true, "BI-NG": true, "BI-RM": true, "BI-RT": true,
"BI-RY": true, "BJ-AK": true, "BJ-AL": true, "BJ-AQ": true, "BJ-BO": true,
"BJ-CO": true, "BJ-DO": true, "BJ-KO": true, "BJ-LI": true, "BJ-MO": true,
"BJ-OU": true, "BJ-PL": true, "BJ-ZO": true, "BN-BE": true, "BN-BM": true,
"BN-TE": true, "BN-TU": true, "BO-B": true, "BO-C": true, "BO-H": true,
"BO-L": true, "BO-N": true, "BO-O": true, "BO-P": true, "BO-S": true,
"BO-T": true, "BQ-BO": true, "BQ-SA": true, "BQ-SE": true, "BR-AC": true,
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