You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

482 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
// this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package obs
import (
// ListObjects lists objects in a bucket.
// You can use this API to list objects in a bucket. By default, a maximum of 1000 objects are listed.
func (obsClient ObsClient) ListObjects(input *ListObjectsInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *ListObjectsOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("ListObjectsInput is nil")
output = &ListObjectsOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucket("ListObjects", HTTP_GET, input.Bucket, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
if location, ok := output.ResponseHeaders[HEADER_BUCKET_REGION]; ok {
output.Location = location[0]
if output.EncodingType == "url" {
err = decodeListObjectsOutput(output)
if err != nil {
doLog(LEVEL_ERROR, "Failed to get ListObjectsOutput with error: %v.", err)
output = nil
// ListVersions lists versioning objects in a bucket.
// You can use this API to list versioning objects in a bucket. By default, a maximum of 1000 versioning objects are listed.
func (obsClient ObsClient) ListVersions(input *ListVersionsInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *ListVersionsOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("ListVersionsInput is nil")
output = &ListVersionsOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucket("ListVersions", HTTP_GET, input.Bucket, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
if location, ok := output.ResponseHeaders[HEADER_BUCKET_REGION]; ok {
output.Location = location[0]
if output.EncodingType == "url" {
err = decodeListVersionsOutput(output)
if err != nil {
doLog(LEVEL_ERROR, "Failed to get ListVersionsOutput with error: %v.", err)
output = nil
// HeadObject checks whether an object exists.
// You can use this API to check whether an object exists.
func (obsClient ObsClient) HeadObject(input *HeadObjectInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *BaseModel, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("HeadObjectInput is nil")
output = &BaseModel{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("HeadObject", HTTP_HEAD, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
// SetObjectMetadata sets object metadata.
func (obsClient ObsClient) SetObjectMetadata(input *SetObjectMetadataInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *SetObjectMetadataOutput, err error) {
output = &SetObjectMetadataOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("SetObjectMetadata", HTTP_PUT, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
// DeleteObject deletes an object.
// You can use this API to delete an object from a specified bucket.
func (obsClient ObsClient) DeleteObject(input *DeleteObjectInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *DeleteObjectOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("DeleteObjectInput is nil")
output = &DeleteObjectOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("DeleteObject", HTTP_DELETE, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
// DeleteObjects deletes objects in a batch.
// You can use this API to batch delete objects from a specified bucket.
func (obsClient ObsClient) DeleteObjects(input *DeleteObjectsInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *DeleteObjectsOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("DeleteObjectsInput is nil")
output = &DeleteObjectsOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucket("DeleteObjects", HTTP_POST, input.Bucket, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else if output.EncodingType == "url" {
err = decodeDeleteObjectsOutput(output)
if err != nil {
doLog(LEVEL_ERROR, "Failed to get DeleteObjectsOutput with error: %v.", err)
output = nil
// SetObjectAcl sets ACL for an object.
// You can use this API to set the ACL for an object in a specified bucket.
func (obsClient ObsClient) SetObjectAcl(input *SetObjectAclInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *BaseModel, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("SetObjectAclInput is nil")
output = &BaseModel{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("SetObjectAcl", HTTP_PUT, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
// GetObjectAcl gets the ACL of an object.
// You can use this API to obtain the ACL of an object in a specified bucket.
func (obsClient ObsClient) GetObjectAcl(input *GetObjectAclInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *GetObjectAclOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("GetObjectAclInput is nil")
output = &GetObjectAclOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("GetObjectAcl", HTTP_GET, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
if versionID, ok := output.ResponseHeaders[HEADER_VERSION_ID]; ok {
output.VersionId = versionID[0]
// RestoreObject restores an object.
func (obsClient ObsClient) RestoreObject(input *RestoreObjectInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *BaseModel, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("RestoreObjectInput is nil")
output = &BaseModel{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("RestoreObject", HTTP_POST, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
// GetObjectMetadata gets object metadata.
// You can use this API to send a HEAD request to the object of a specified bucket to obtain its metadata.
func (obsClient ObsClient) GetObjectMetadata(input *GetObjectMetadataInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *GetObjectMetadataOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("GetObjectMetadataInput is nil")
output = &GetObjectMetadataOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("GetObjectMetadata", HTTP_HEAD, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
func (obsClient ObsClient) GetAttribute(input *GetAttributeInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *GetAttributeOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("GetAttributeInput is nil")
output = &GetAttributeOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("GetAttribute", HTTP_HEAD, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
// GetObject downloads object.
// You can use this API to download an object in a specified bucket.
func (obsClient ObsClient) GetObject(input *GetObjectInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *GetObjectOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("GetObjectInput is nil")
output = &GetObjectOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("GetObject", HTTP_GET, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
// PutObject uploads an object to the specified bucket.
func (obsClient ObsClient) PutObject(input *PutObjectInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *PutObjectOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("PutObjectInput is nil")
if input.ContentType == "" && input.Key != "" {
if contentType, ok := mimeTypes[strings.ToLower(input.Key[strings.LastIndex(input.Key, ".")+1:])]; ok {
input.ContentType = contentType
output = &PutObjectOutput{}
var repeatable bool
if input.Body != nil {
if _, ok := input.Body.(*strings.Reader); !ok {
repeatable = false
if input.ContentLength > 0 {
input.Body = &readerWrapper{reader: input.Body, totalCount: input.ContentLength}
if repeatable {
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("PutObject", HTTP_PUT, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
} else {
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKeyUnRepeatable("PutObject", HTTP_PUT, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
func (obsClient ObsClient) getContentType(input *PutObjectInput, sourceFile string) (contentType string) {
if contentType, ok := mimeTypes[strings.ToLower(input.Key[strings.LastIndex(input.Key, ".")+1:])]; ok {
return contentType
if contentType, ok := mimeTypes[strings.ToLower(sourceFile[strings.LastIndex(sourceFile, ".")+1:])]; ok {
return contentType
func (obsClient ObsClient) isGetContentType(input *PutObjectInput) bool {
if input.ContentType == "" && input.Key != "" {
return true
return false
func (obsClient ObsClient) NewFolder(input *NewFolderInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *NewFolderOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("NewFolderInput is nil")
if !strings.HasSuffix(input.Key, "/") {
input.Key += "/"
output = &NewFolderOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("NewFolder", HTTP_PUT, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
output.ObjectUrl = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", obsClient.conf.endpoint, input.Bucket, input.Key)
// PutFile uploads a file to the specified bucket.
func (obsClient ObsClient) PutFile(input *PutFileInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *PutObjectOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("PutFileInput is nil")
var body io.Reader
sourceFile := strings.TrimSpace(input.SourceFile)
if sourceFile != "" {
fd, _err := os.Open(sourceFile)
if _err != nil {
err = _err
return nil, err
defer func() {
errMsg := fd.Close()
if errMsg != nil {
doLog(LEVEL_WARN, "Failed to close file with reason: %v", errMsg)
stat, _err := fd.Stat()
if _err != nil {
err = _err
return nil, err
fileReaderWrapper := &fileReaderWrapper{filePath: sourceFile}
fileReaderWrapper.reader = fd
if input.ContentLength > 0 {
if input.ContentLength > stat.Size() {
input.ContentLength = stat.Size()
fileReaderWrapper.totalCount = input.ContentLength
} else {
fileReaderWrapper.totalCount = stat.Size()
body = fileReaderWrapper
_input := &PutObjectInput{}
_input.PutObjectBasicInput = input.PutObjectBasicInput
_input.Body = body
if obsClient.isGetContentType(_input) {
_input.ContentType = obsClient.getContentType(_input, sourceFile)
output = &PutObjectOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("PutFile", HTTP_PUT, _input.Bucket, _input.Key, _input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
// CopyObject creates a copy for an existing object.
// You can use this API to create a copy for an object in a specified bucket.
func (obsClient ObsClient) CopyObject(input *CopyObjectInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *CopyObjectOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("CopyObjectInput is nil")
if strings.TrimSpace(input.CopySourceBucket) == "" {
return nil, errors.New("Source bucket is empty")
if strings.TrimSpace(input.CopySourceKey) == "" {
return nil, errors.New("Source key is empty")
output = &CopyObjectOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("CopyObject", HTTP_PUT, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
func (obsClient ObsClient) AppendObject(input *AppendObjectInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *AppendObjectOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("AppendObjectInput is nil")
if input.ContentType == "" && input.Key != "" {
if contentType, ok := mimeTypes[strings.ToLower(input.Key[strings.LastIndex(input.Key, ".")+1:])]; ok {
input.ContentType = contentType
output = &AppendObjectOutput{}
var repeatable bool
if input.Body != nil {
if _, ok := input.Body.(*strings.Reader); !ok {
repeatable = false
if input.ContentLength > 0 {
input.Body = &readerWrapper{reader: input.Body, totalCount: input.ContentLength}
if repeatable {
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("AppendObject", HTTP_POST, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
} else {
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKeyUnRepeatable("AppendObject", HTTP_POST, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
if err = ParseAppendObjectOutput(output); err != nil {
output = nil
func (obsClient ObsClient) ModifyObject(input *ModifyObjectInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *ModifyObjectOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("ModifyObjectInput is nil")
output = &ModifyObjectOutput{}
var repeatable bool
if input.Body != nil {
if _, ok := input.Body.(*strings.Reader); !ok {
repeatable = false
if input.ContentLength > 0 {
input.Body = &readerWrapper{reader: input.Body, totalCount: input.ContentLength}
if repeatable {
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("ModifyObject", HTTP_PUT, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
} else {
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKeyUnRepeatable("ModifyObject", HTTP_PUT, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
} else {
func (obsClient ObsClient) RenameFile(input *RenameFileInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *RenameFileOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("RenameFileInput is nil")
output = &RenameFileOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("RenameFile", HTTP_POST, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil
func (obsClient ObsClient) RenameFolder(input *RenameFolderInput, extensions ...extensionOptions) (output *RenameFolderOutput, err error) {
if input == nil {
return nil, errors.New("RenameFolderInput is nil")
if !strings.HasSuffix(input.Key, "/") {
input.Key += "/"
if !strings.HasSuffix(input.NewObjectKey, "/") {
input.NewObjectKey += "/"
output = &RenameFolderOutput{}
err = obsClient.doActionWithBucketAndKey("RenameFolder", HTTP_POST, input.Bucket, input.Key, input, output, extensions)
if err != nil {
output = nil