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* Copyright 2017 Baidu, Inc.
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// retry.go - define the retry policy when making requests to BCE services
package bce
import (
// RetryPolicy defines the two methods to retry for sending request.
type RetryPolicy interface {
ShouldRetry(BceError, int) bool
GetDelayBeforeNextRetryInMillis(BceError, int) time.Duration
// NoRetryPolicy just does not retry.
type NoRetryPolicy struct{}
func (_ *NoRetryPolicy) ShouldRetry(err BceError, attempts int) bool {
return false
func (_ *NoRetryPolicy) GetDelayBeforeNextRetryInMillis(
err BceError, attempts int) time.Duration {
return 0 * time.Millisecond
func NewNoRetryPolicy() *NoRetryPolicy {
return &NoRetryPolicy{}
// BackOffRetryPolicy implements a policy that retries with exponential back-off strategy.
// This policy will keep retrying until the maximum number of retries is reached. The delay time
// will be a fixed interval for the first time then 2 * interval for the second, 4 * internal for
// the third, and so on.
// In general, the delay time will be 2^number_of_retries_attempted*interval. When a maximum of
// delay time is specified, the delay time will never exceed this limit.
type BackOffRetryPolicy struct {
maxErrorRetry int
maxDelayInMillis int64
baseIntervalInMillis int64
func (b *BackOffRetryPolicy) ShouldRetry(err BceError, attempts int) bool {
// Do not retry any more when retry the max times
if attempts >= b.maxErrorRetry {
return false
if err == nil {
return true
// Always retry on IO error
if _, ok := err.(net.Error); ok {
return true
// Only retry on a service error
if realErr, ok := err.(*BceServiceError); ok {
switch realErr.StatusCode {
case http.StatusInternalServerError:
log.Warn("retry for internal server error(500)")
return true
case http.StatusBadGateway:
log.Warn("retry for bad gateway(502)")
return true
case http.StatusServiceUnavailable:
log.Warn("retry for service unavailable(503)")
return true
case http.StatusBadRequest:
if realErr.Code != "Http400" {
return false
log.Warn("retry for bad request(400)")
return true
if realErr.Code == EREQUEST_EXPIRED {
log.Warn("retry for request expired")
return true
return false
func (b *BackOffRetryPolicy) GetDelayBeforeNextRetryInMillis(
err BceError, attempts int) time.Duration {
if attempts < 0 {
return 0 * time.Millisecond
delayInMillis := (1 << uint64(attempts)) * b.baseIntervalInMillis
if delayInMillis > b.maxDelayInMillis {
return time.Duration(b.maxDelayInMillis) * time.Millisecond
return time.Duration(delayInMillis) * time.Millisecond
func NewBackOffRetryPolicy(maxRetry int, maxDelay, base int64) *BackOffRetryPolicy {
return &BackOffRetryPolicy{maxRetry, maxDelay, base}