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package field
import (
// RelationshipType table relationship
type RelationshipType schema.RelationshipType
const (
// HasOne a has one association sets up a one-to-one connection with another model. Reference
HasOne RelationshipType = RelationshipType(schema.HasOne) // HasOneRel has one relationship
// HasMany a has many association sets up a one-to-many connection with another model. Reference
HasMany RelationshipType = RelationshipType(schema.HasMany) // HasManyRel has many relationships
// BelongsTo A belongs to association sets up a one-to-one connection with another model. Reference
BelongsTo RelationshipType = RelationshipType(schema.BelongsTo) // BelongsToRel belongs to relationship
// Many2Many Many to Many add a join table between two models. Reference
Many2Many RelationshipType = RelationshipType(schema.Many2Many) // Many2ManyRel many to many relationship
type relationScope func(*gorm.DB) *gorm.DB
var (
// RelationFieldUnscoped relation fild unscoped
RelationFieldUnscoped relationScope = func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return tx.Unscoped()
var ns = schema.NamingStrategy{}
// RelationField interface for relation field
type RelationField interface {
Name() string
Path() string
// Field return expr for Select
// Field() return "<self>" field name in struct
// Field("RelateField") return "<self>.RelateField" for Select
// Field("RelateField", "RelateRelateField") return "<self>.RelateField.RelateRelateField" for Select
// ex:
// Select(u.CreditCards.Field()) equals to GORM: Select("CreditCards")
// Select(u.CreditCards.Field("Bank")) equals to GORM: Select("CreditCards.Bank")
// Select(u.CreditCards.Field("Bank","Owner")) equals to GORM: Select("CreditCards.Bank.Owner")
Field(fields ...string) Expr
On(conds ...Expr) RelationField
Select(conds ...Expr) RelationField
Order(columns ...Expr) RelationField
Clauses(hints ...clause.Expression) RelationField
Scopes(funcs ...relationScope) RelationField
Offset(offset int) RelationField
Limit(limit int) RelationField
GetConds() []Expr
GetSelects() []Expr
GetOrderCol() []Expr
GetClauses() []clause.Expression
GetScopes() []relationScope
GetPage() (offset, limit int)
// Relation relation meta info
type Relation struct {
relationship RelationshipType
fieldName string
fieldType string
fieldPath string
fieldModel interface{} // store relaiton model
childRelations []Relation
conds []Expr
selects []Expr
order []Expr
clauses []clause.Expression
scopes []relationScope
limit, offset int
// Name relation field' name
func (r Relation) Name() string { return r.fieldName }
// Path relation field's path
func (r Relation) Path() string { return r.fieldPath }
// Type relation field's type
func (r Relation) Type() string { return r.fieldType }
// Model relation field's model
func (r Relation) Model() interface{} { return r.fieldModel }
// Relationship relationship between field and table struct
func (r Relation) Relationship() RelationshipType { return r.relationship }
// RelationshipName relationship's name
func (r Relation) RelationshipName() string { return ns.SchemaName(string(r.relationship)) }
// ChildRelations return child relations
func (r Relation) ChildRelations() []Relation { return r.childRelations }
// Field build field
func (r Relation) Field(fields ...string) Expr {
if len(fields) > 0 {
return NewString("", r.fieldName+"."+strings.Join(fields, ".")).appendBuildOpts(WithoutQuote)
return NewString("", r.fieldName).appendBuildOpts(WithoutQuote)
// AppendChildRelation append child relationship
func (r *Relation) AppendChildRelation(relations ...Relation) {
r.childRelations = append(r.childRelations, wrapPath(r.fieldPath, relations)...)
// On relation condition
func (r Relation) On(conds ...Expr) RelationField {
r.conds = append(r.conds, conds...)
return &r
// Select relation select columns
func (r Relation) Select(columns ...Expr) RelationField {
r.selects = append(r.selects, columns...)
return &r
// Order relation order columns
func (r Relation) Order(columns ...Expr) RelationField {
r.order = append(r.order, columns...)
return &r
// Clauses set relation clauses
func (r Relation) Clauses(hints ...clause.Expression) RelationField {
r.clauses = append(r.clauses, hints...)
return &r
// Scopes set scopes func
func (r Relation) Scopes(funcs ...relationScope) RelationField {
r.scopes = append(r.scopes, funcs...)
return &r
// Offset set relation offset
func (r Relation) Offset(offset int) RelationField {
r.offset = offset
return &r
// Limit set relation limit
func (r Relation) Limit(limit int) RelationField {
r.limit = limit
return &r
// GetConds get query conditions
func (r *Relation) GetConds() []Expr { return r.conds }
// GetSelects get select columns
func (r *Relation) GetSelects() []Expr { return r.selects }
// GetOrderCol get order columns
func (r *Relation) GetOrderCol() []Expr { return r.order }
// GetClauses get clauses
func (r *Relation) GetClauses() []clause.Expression { return r.clauses }
// GetScopes get scope functions
func (r *Relation) GetScopes() []relationScope { return r.scopes } // nolint
// GetPage get offset and limit
func (r *Relation) GetPage() (offset, limit int) { return r.offset, r.limit }
// StructField return struct field code
func (r *Relation) StructField() (fieldStr string) {
for _, relation := range r.childRelations {
fieldStr += relation.fieldName + " struct {\nfield.RelationField\n" + relation.StructField() + "}\n"
return fieldStr
// StructFieldInit return field initialize code
func (r *Relation) StructFieldInit() string {
initStr := fmt.Sprintf("RelationField: field.NewRelation(%q, %q),\n", r.fieldPath, r.fieldType)
for _, relation := range r.childRelations {
initStr += relation.fieldName + ": struct {\nfield.RelationField\n" + strings.TrimSpace(relation.StructField()) + "}"
initStr += "{\n" + relation.StructFieldInit() + "},\n"
return initStr
func wrapPath(root string, rs []Relation) []Relation {
result := make([]Relation, len(rs))
for i, r := range rs {
r.fieldPath = root + "." + r.fieldPath
r.childRelations = wrapPath(root, r.childRelations)
result[i] = r
return result
var defaultRelationshipPrefix = map[RelationshipType]string{
// HasOne: "",
// BelongsTo: "",
HasMany: "[]",
Many2Many: "[]",
// RelateConfig config for relationship
type RelateConfig struct {
RelatePointer bool
RelateSlice bool
RelateSlicePointer bool
JSONTag string
GORMTag string
NewTag string
OverwriteTag string
// RelateFieldPrefix return generated relation field's type
func (c *RelateConfig) RelateFieldPrefix(relationshipType RelationshipType) string {
switch {
case c.RelatePointer:
return "*"
case c.RelateSlice:
return "[]"
case c.RelateSlicePointer:
return "[]*"
return defaultRelationshipPrefix[relationshipType]