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package field
import (
// Func sql functions
var Func = new(function)
type function struct{}
// UnixTimestamp same as UNIX_TIMESTAMP([date])
func (f *function) UnixTimestamp(date ...string) Uint64 {
if len(date) > 0 {
return Uint64{expr{e: clause.Expr{SQL: "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(?)", Vars: []interface{}{date[0]}}}}
return Uint64{expr{e: clause.Expr{SQL: "UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"}}}
// FromUnixTime FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp[,format])
func (f *function) FromUnixTime(date uint64, format string) String {
if strings.TrimSpace(format) != "" {
return String{expr{e: clause.Expr{SQL: "FROM_UNIXTIME(?, ?)", Vars: []interface{}{date, format}}}}
return String{expr{e: clause.Expr{SQL: "FROM_UNIXTIME(?)", Vars: []interface{}{date}}}}