You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) 2012-present The authors. All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package db
import (
// Selector represents a SELECT statement.
type Selector interface {
// Columns defines which columns to retrive.
// You should call From() after Columns() if you want to query data from an
// specific table.
// s.Columns("name", "last_name").From(...)
// It is also possible to use an alias for the column, this could be handy if
// you plan to use the alias later, use the "AS" keyword to denote an alias.
// s.Columns("name AS n")
// or the shortcut:
// s.Columns("name n")
// If you don't want the column to be escaped use the db.Raw
// function.
// s.Columns(db.Raw("MAX(id)"))
// The above statement is equivalent to:
// s.Columns(db.Func("MAX", "id"))
Columns(columns ...interface{}) Selector
// From represents a FROM clause and is tipically used after Columns().
// FROM defines from which table data is going to be retrieved
// s.Columns(...).From("people")
// It is also possible to use an alias for the table, this could be handy if
// you plan to use the alias later:
// s.Columns(...).From("people AS p").Where(" = ?", ...)
// Or with the shortcut:
// s.Columns(...).From("people p").Where(" = ?", ...)
From(tables ...interface{}) Selector
// Distict represents a DISTINCT clause
// DISTINCT is used to ask the database to return only values that are
// different.
Distinct(columns ...interface{}) Selector
// As defines an alias for a table.
As(string) Selector
// Where specifies the conditions that columns must match in order to be
// retrieved.
// Where accepts raw strings and fmt.Stringer to define conditions and
// interface{} to specify parameters. Be careful not to embed any parameters
// within the SQL part as that could lead to security problems. You can use
// que question mark (?) as placeholder for parameters.
// s.Where("name = ?", "max")
// s.Where("name = ? AND last_name = ?", "Mary", "Doe")
// s.Where("last_name IS NULL")
// You can also use other types of parameters besides only strings, like:
// s.Where("online = ? AND last_logged <= ?", true, time.Now())
// and Where() will transform them into strings before feeding them to the
// database.
// When an unknown type is provided, Where() will first try to match it with
// the Marshaler interface, then with fmt.Stringer and finally, if the
// argument does not satisfy any of those interfaces Where() will use
// fmt.Sprintf("%v", arg) to transform the type into a string.
// Subsequent calls to Where() will overwrite previously set conditions, if
// you want these new conditions to be appended use And() instead.
Where(conds ...interface{}) Selector
// And appends more constraints to the WHERE clause without overwriting
// conditions that have been already set.
And(conds ...interface{}) Selector
// GroupBy represents a GROUP BY statement.
// GROUP BY defines which columns should be used to aggregate and group
// results.
// s.GroupBy("country_id")
// GroupBy accepts more than one column:
// s.GroupBy("country_id", "city_id")
GroupBy(columns ...interface{}) Selector
// Having(...interface{}) Selector
// OrderBy represents a ORDER BY statement.
// ORDER BY is used to define which columns are going to be used to sort
// results.
// Use the column name to sort results in ascendent order.
// // "last_name" ASC
// s.OrderBy("last_name")
// Prefix the column name with the minus sign (-) to sort results in
// descendent order.
// // "last_name" DESC
// s.OrderBy("-last_name")
// If you would rather be very explicit, you can also use ASC and DESC.
// s.OrderBy("last_name ASC")
// s.OrderBy("last_name DESC", "name ASC")
OrderBy(columns ...interface{}) Selector
// Join represents a JOIN statement.
// JOIN statements are used to define external tables that the user wants to
// include as part of the result.
// You can use the On() method after Join() to define the conditions of the
// join.
// s.Join("author").On(" = book.author_id")
// If you don't specify conditions for the join, a NATURAL JOIN will be used.
// On() accepts the same arguments as Where()
// You can also use Using() after Join().
// s.Join("employee").Using("department_id")
Join(table ...interface{}) Selector
// FullJoin is like Join() but with FULL JOIN.
FullJoin(...interface{}) Selector
// CrossJoin is like Join() but with CROSS JOIN.
CrossJoin(...interface{}) Selector
// RightJoin is like Join() but with RIGHT JOIN.
RightJoin(...interface{}) Selector
// LeftJoin is like Join() but with LEFT JOIN.
LeftJoin(...interface{}) Selector
// Using represents the USING clause.
// USING is used to specifiy columns to join results.
// s.LeftJoin(...).Using("country_id")
Using(...interface{}) Selector
// On represents the ON clause.
// ON is used to define conditions on a join.
// s.Join(...).On("b.author_id =")
On(...interface{}) Selector
// Limit represents the LIMIT parameter.
// LIMIT defines the maximum number of rows to return from the table. A
// negative limit cancels any previous limit settings.
// s.Limit(42)
Limit(int) Selector
// Offset represents the OFFSET parameter.
// OFFSET defines how many results are going to be skipped before starting to
// return results. A negative offset cancels any previous offset settings.
// s.Offset(56)
Offset(int) Selector
// Amend lets you alter the query's text just before sending it to the
// database server.
Amend(func(queryIn string) (queryOut string)) Selector
// Paginate returns a paginator that can display a paginated lists of items.
// Paginators ignore previous Offset and Limit settings. Page numbering
// starts at 1.
Paginate(uint) Paginator
// Iterator provides methods to iterate over the results returned by the
// Selector.
Iterator() Iterator
// IteratorContext provides methods to iterate over the results returned by
// the Selector.
IteratorContext(ctx context.Context) Iterator
// SQLPreparer provides methods for creating prepared statements.
// SQLGetter provides methods to compile and execute a query that returns
// results.
// ResultMapper provides methods to retrieve and map results.
// fmt.Stringer provides `String() string`, you can use `String()` to compile
// the `Selector` into a string.
// Arguments returns the arguments that are prepared for this query.
Arguments() []interface{}
// Inserter represents an INSERT statement.
type Inserter interface {
// Columns represents the COLUMNS clause.
// COLUMNS defines the columns that we are going to provide values for.
// i.Columns("name", "last_name").Values(...)
Columns(...string) Inserter
// Values represents the VALUES clause.
// VALUES defines the values of the columns.
// i.Columns(...).Values("María", "Méndez")
// i.Values(map[string][string]{"name": "María"})
Values(...interface{}) Inserter
// Arguments returns the arguments that are prepared for this query.
Arguments() []interface{}
// Returning represents a RETURNING clause.
// RETURNING specifies which columns should be returned after INSERT.
// RETURNING may not be supported by all SQL databases.
Returning(columns ...string) Inserter
// Iterator provides methods to iterate over the results returned by the
// Inserter. This is only possible when using Returning().
Iterator() Iterator
// IteratorContext provides methods to iterate over the results returned by
// the Inserter. This is only possible when using Returning().
IteratorContext(ctx context.Context) Iterator
// Amend lets you alter the query's text just before sending it to the
// database server.
Amend(func(queryIn string) (queryOut string)) Inserter
// Batch provies a BatchInserter that can be used to insert many elements at
// once by issuing several calls to Values(). It accepts a size parameter
// which defines the batch size. If size is < 1, the batch size is set to 1.
Batch(size int) BatchInserter
// SQLExecer provides the Exec method.
// SQLPreparer provides methods for creating prepared statements.
// SQLGetter provides methods to return query results from INSERT statements
// that support such feature (e.g.: queries with Returning).
// fmt.Stringer provides `String() string`, you can use `String()` to compile
// the `Inserter` into a string.
// Deleter represents a DELETE statement.
type Deleter interface {
// Where represents the WHERE clause.
// See Selector.Where for documentation and usage examples.
Where(...interface{}) Deleter
// And appends more constraints to the WHERE clause without overwriting
// conditions that have been already set.
And(conds ...interface{}) Deleter
// Limit represents the LIMIT clause.
// See Selector.Limit for documentation and usage examples.
Limit(int) Deleter
// Amend lets you alter the query's text just before sending it to the
// database server.
Amend(func(queryIn string) (queryOut string)) Deleter
// SQLPreparer provides methods for creating prepared statements.
// SQLExecer provides the Exec method.
// fmt.Stringer provides `String() string`, you can use `String()` to compile
// the `Inserter` into a string.
// Arguments returns the arguments that are prepared for this query.
Arguments() []interface{}
// Updater represents an UPDATE statement.
type Updater interface {
// Set represents the SET clause.
Set(...interface{}) Updater
// Where represents the WHERE clause.
// See Selector.Where for documentation and usage examples.
Where(...interface{}) Updater
// And appends more constraints to the WHERE clause without overwriting
// conditions that have been already set.
And(conds ...interface{}) Updater
// Limit represents the LIMIT parameter.
// See Selector.Limit for documentation and usage examples.
Limit(int) Updater
// SQLPreparer provides methods for creating prepared statements.
// SQLExecer provides the Exec method.
// fmt.Stringer provides `String() string`, you can use `String()` to compile
// the `Inserter` into a string.
// Arguments returns the arguments that are prepared for this query.
Arguments() []interface{}
// Amend lets you alter the query's text just before sending it to the
// database server.
Amend(func(queryIn string) (queryOut string)) Updater
// Paginator provides tools for splitting the results of a query into chunks
// containing a fixed number of items.
type Paginator interface {
// Page sets the page number.
Page(uint) Paginator
// Cursor defines the column that is going to be taken as basis for
// cursor-based pagination.
// Example:
// a = q.Paginate(10).Cursor("id")
// b = q.Paginate(12).Cursor("-id")
// You can set "" as cursorColumn to disable cursors.
Cursor(cursorColumn string) Paginator
// NextPage returns the next page according to the cursor. It expects a
// cursorValue, which is the value the cursor column has on the last item of
// the current result set (lower bound).
// Example:
// p = q.NextPage(items[len(items)-1].ID)
NextPage(cursorValue interface{}) Paginator
// PrevPage returns the previous page according to the cursor. It expects a
// cursorValue, which is the value the cursor column has on the fist item of
// the current result set (upper bound).
// Example:
// p = q.PrevPage(items[0].ID)
PrevPage(cursorValue interface{}) Paginator
// TotalPages returns the total number of pages in the query.
TotalPages() (uint, error)
// TotalEntries returns the total number of entries in the query.
TotalEntries() (uint64, error)
// SQLPreparer provides methods for creating prepared statements.
// SQLGetter provides methods to compile and execute a query that returns
// results.
// Iterator provides methods to iterate over the results returned by the
// Selector.
Iterator() Iterator
// IteratorContext provides methods to iterate over the results returned by
// the Selector.
IteratorContext(ctx context.Context) Iterator
// ResultMapper provides methods to retrieve and map results.
// fmt.Stringer provides `String() string`, you can use `String()` to compile
// the `Selector` into a string.
// Arguments returns the arguments that are prepared for this query.
Arguments() []interface{}
// ResultMapper defined methods for a result mapper.
type ResultMapper interface {
// All dumps all the results into the given slice, All() expects a pointer to
// slice of maps or structs.
// The behaviour of One() extends to each one of the results.
All(destSlice interface{}) error
// One maps the row that is in the current query cursor into the
// given interface, which can be a pointer to either a map or a
// struct.
// If dest is a pointer to map, each one of the columns will create a new map
// key and the values of the result will be set as values for the keys.
// Depending on the type of map key and value, the results columns and values
// may need to be transformed.
// If dest if a pointer to struct, each one of the fields will be tested for
// a `db` tag which defines the column mapping. The value of the result will
// be set as the value of the field.
One(dest interface{}) error
// BatchInserter provides an interface to do massive insertions in batches.
type BatchInserter interface {
// Values pushes column values to be inserted as part of the batch.
Values(...interface{}) BatchInserter
// NextResult dumps the next slice of results to dst, which can mean having
// the IDs of all inserted elements in the batch.
NextResult(dst interface{}) bool
// Done signals that no more elements are going to be added.
// Wait blocks until the whole batch is executed.
Wait() error
// Err returns the last error that happened while executing the batch (or nil
// if no error happened).
Err() error