You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package schema
import (
type tableInProgress struct {
table *Table
init1Once sync.Once
init2Once sync.Once
func newTableInProgress(table *Table) *tableInProgress {
return &tableInProgress{
table: table,
func (inp *tableInProgress) init1() bool {
var inited bool
inp.init1Once.Do(func() {
inited = true
return inited
func (inp *tableInProgress) init2() bool {
var inited bool
inp.init2Once.Do(func() {
inited = true
return inited
type Tables struct {
dialect Dialect
tables sync.Map
mu sync.RWMutex
inProgress map[reflect.Type]*tableInProgress
func NewTables(dialect Dialect) *Tables {
return &Tables{
dialect: dialect,
inProgress: make(map[reflect.Type]*tableInProgress),
func (t *Tables) Register(models ...interface{}) {
for _, model := range models {
_ = t.Get(reflect.TypeOf(model).Elem())
func (t *Tables) Get(typ reflect.Type) *Table {
return t.table(typ, false)
func (t *Tables) Ref(typ reflect.Type) *Table {
return t.table(typ, true)
func (t *Tables) table(typ reflect.Type, allowInProgress bool) *Table {
typ = indirectType(typ)
if typ.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
panic(fmt.Errorf("got %s, wanted %s", typ.Kind(), reflect.Struct))
if v, ok := t.tables.Load(typ); ok {
return v.(*Table)
if v, ok := t.tables.Load(typ); ok {
return v.(*Table)
var table *Table
inProgress := t.inProgress[typ]
if inProgress == nil {
table = newTable(t.dialect, typ)
inProgress = newTableInProgress(table)
t.inProgress[typ] = inProgress
} else {
table = inProgress.table
if allowInProgress {
return table
if !inProgress.init2() {
return table
delete(t.inProgress, typ)
t.tables.Store(typ, table)
for _, field := range table.FieldMap {
if field.UserSQLType == "" {
field.UserSQLType = field.DiscoveredSQLType
if field.CreateTableSQLType == "" {
field.CreateTableSQLType = field.UserSQLType
return table
func (t *Tables) ByModel(name string) *Table {
var found *Table
t.tables.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
t := value.(*Table)
if t.TypeName == name {
found = t
return false
return true
return found
func (t *Tables) ByName(name string) *Table {
var found *Table
t.tables.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
t := value.(*Table)
if t.Name == name {
found = t
return false
return true
return found