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4 months ago
package golog
import (
4 months ago
4 months ago
// GinGorm 框架日志
type GinGorm struct {
4 months ago
gormClient *gorm.DB // 数据库驱动
4 months ago
config struct {
systemHostname string // 主机名
systemOs string // 系统类型
systemVersion string // 系统版本
systemKernel string // 系统内核
systemKernelVersion string // 系统内核版本
systemBootTime uint64 // 系统开机时间
cpuCores int // CPU核数
cpuModelName string // CPU型号名称
cpuMhz float64 // CPU兆赫
systemInsideIp string // 内网ip
systemOutsideIp string // 外网ip
goVersion string // go版本
sdkVersion string // sdk版本
gormConfig struct {
stats bool // 状态
tableName string // 表名
// GinGormFun *GinGorm 框架日志驱动
type GinGormFun func() *GinGorm
// NewGinGorm 创建框架实例化
4 months ago
func NewGinGorm(ctx context.Context, systemOutsideIp string, gormClient *gorm.DB, gormTableName string) (*GinGorm, error) {
4 months ago
gg := &GinGorm{}
// 配置信息
if systemOutsideIp == "" {
return nil, errors.New("没有设置外网IP")
gg.setConfig(ctx, systemOutsideIp)
4 months ago
if gormClient == nil {
4 months ago
gg.gormConfig.stats = false
} else {
gg.gormClient = gormClient
if gormTableName == "" {
return nil, errors.New("没有设置表名")
} else {
gg.gormConfig.tableName = gormTableName
// 创建模型
gg.gormConfig.stats = true
return gg, nil
type bodyGormWriter struct {
body *bytes.Buffer
func (w bodyGormWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return w.ResponseWriter.Write(b)
func (w bodyGormWriter) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
return w.ResponseWriter.WriteString(s)
func (gg *GinGorm) jsonUnmarshal(data string) (result interface{}) {
_ = gojson.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &result)
// Middleware 中间件
func (gg *GinGorm) Middleware() gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(ginCtx *gin.Context) {
// 开始时间
startTime := gotime.Current().TimestampWithMillisecond()
requestTime := gotime.Current().Time
// 获取全部内容
requestBody := gorequest.NewParams()
4 months ago
queryParams := ginCtx.Request.URL.Query() // 请求URL参数
for key, values := range queryParams {
for _, value := range values {
requestBody.Set(key, value)
4 months ago
var dataMap map[string]interface{}
rawData, _ := ginCtx.GetRawData() // 请求内容参数
if gojson.IsValidJSON(string(rawData)) {
dataMap = gojson.JsonDecodeNoError(string(rawData))
} else {
dataMap = gojson.ParseQueryString(string(rawData))
for key, value := range dataMap {
requestBody.Set(key, value)
4 months ago
// 重新赋值
ginCtx.Request.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(rawData))
blw := &bodyGormWriter{body: bytes.NewBufferString(""), ResponseWriter: ginCtx.Writer}
ginCtx.Writer = blw
// 处理请求
// 响应
responseCode := ginCtx.Writer.Status()
responseBody := blw.body.String()
// 结束时间
endTime := gotime.Current().TimestampWithMillisecond()
responseTime := gotime.Current().Time
4 months ago
go func() {
// 记录
gg.recordJson(ginCtx, requestTime, requestBody, responseTime, responseCode, responseBody, endTime-startTime, gorequest.ClientIp(ginCtx.Request))
4 months ago