/* * Copyright 2021 ByteDance Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package encoder import ( `fmt` `reflect` `strconv` `strings` `unsafe` `github.com/bytedance/sonic/internal/resolver` `github.com/bytedance/sonic/internal/rt` `github.com/bytedance/sonic/option` ) type _Op uint8 const ( _OP_null _Op = iota + 1 _OP_empty_arr _OP_empty_obj _OP_bool _OP_i8 _OP_i16 _OP_i32 _OP_i64 _OP_u8 _OP_u16 _OP_u32 _OP_u64 _OP_f32 _OP_f64 _OP_str _OP_bin _OP_quote _OP_number _OP_eface _OP_iface _OP_byte _OP_text _OP_deref _OP_index _OP_load _OP_save _OP_drop _OP_drop_2 _OP_recurse _OP_is_nil _OP_is_nil_p1 _OP_is_zero_1 _OP_is_zero_2 _OP_is_zero_4 _OP_is_zero_8 _OP_is_zero_map _OP_goto _OP_map_iter _OP_map_stop _OP_map_check_key _OP_map_write_key _OP_map_value_next _OP_slice_len _OP_slice_next _OP_marshal _OP_marshal_p _OP_marshal_text _OP_marshal_text_p _OP_cond_set _OP_cond_testc ) const ( _INT_SIZE = 32 << (^uint(0) >> 63) _PTR_SIZE = 32 << (^uintptr(0) >> 63) _PTR_BYTE = unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0)) ) const ( _MAX_ILBUF = 100000 // cutoff at 100k of IL instructions _MAX_FIELDS = 50 // cutoff at 50 fields struct ) var _OpNames = [256]string { _OP_null : "null", _OP_empty_arr : "empty_arr", _OP_empty_obj : "empty_obj", _OP_bool : "bool", _OP_i8 : "i8", _OP_i16 : "i16", _OP_i32 : "i32", _OP_i64 : "i64", _OP_u8 : "u8", _OP_u16 : "u16", _OP_u32 : "u32", _OP_u64 : "u64", _OP_f32 : "f32", _OP_f64 : "f64", _OP_str : "str", _OP_bin : "bin", _OP_quote : "quote", _OP_number : "number", _OP_eface : "eface", _OP_iface : "iface", _OP_byte : "byte", _OP_text : "text", _OP_deref : "deref", _OP_index : "index", _OP_load : "load", _OP_save : "save", _OP_drop : "drop", _OP_drop_2 : "drop_2", _OP_recurse : "recurse", _OP_is_nil : "is_nil", _OP_is_nil_p1 : "is_nil_p1", _OP_is_zero_1 : "is_zero_1", _OP_is_zero_2 : "is_zero_2", _OP_is_zero_4 : "is_zero_4", _OP_is_zero_8 : "is_zero_8", _OP_is_zero_map : "is_zero_map", _OP_goto : "goto", _OP_map_iter : "map_iter", _OP_map_stop : "map_stop", _OP_map_check_key : "map_check_key", _OP_map_write_key : "map_write_key", _OP_map_value_next : "map_value_next", _OP_slice_len : "slice_len", _OP_slice_next : "slice_next", _OP_marshal : "marshal", _OP_marshal_p : "marshal_p", _OP_marshal_text : "marshal_text", _OP_marshal_text_p : "marshal_text_p", _OP_cond_set : "cond_set", _OP_cond_testc : "cond_testc", } func (self _Op) String() string { if ret := _OpNames[self]; ret != "" { return ret } else { return "" } } func _OP_int() _Op { switch _INT_SIZE { case 32: return _OP_i32 case 64: return _OP_i64 default: panic("unsupported int size") } } func _OP_uint() _Op { switch _INT_SIZE { case 32: return _OP_u32 case 64: return _OP_u64 default: panic("unsupported uint size") } } func _OP_uintptr() _Op { switch _PTR_SIZE { case 32: return _OP_u32 case 64: return _OP_u64 default: panic("unsupported pointer size") } } func _OP_is_zero_ints() _Op { switch _INT_SIZE { case 32: return _OP_is_zero_4 case 64: return _OP_is_zero_8 default: panic("unsupported integer size") } } type _Instr struct { u uint64 // union {op: 8, _: 8, vi: 48}, vi maybe int or len(str) p unsafe.Pointer // maybe GoString.Ptr, or *GoType } func packOp(op _Op) uint64 { return uint64(op) << 56 } func newInsOp(op _Op) _Instr { return _Instr{u: packOp(op)} } func newInsVi(op _Op, vi int) _Instr { return _Instr{u: packOp(op) | rt.PackInt(vi)} } func newInsVs(op _Op, vs string) _Instr { return _Instr { u: packOp(op) | rt.PackInt(len(vs)), p: (*rt.GoString)(unsafe.Pointer(&vs)).Ptr, } } func newInsVt(op _Op, vt reflect.Type) _Instr { return _Instr { u: packOp(op), p: unsafe.Pointer(rt.UnpackType(vt)), } } func newInsVp(op _Op, vt reflect.Type, pv bool) _Instr { i := 0 if pv { i = 1 } return _Instr { u: packOp(op) | rt.PackInt(i), p: unsafe.Pointer(rt.UnpackType(vt)), } } func (self _Instr) op() _Op { return _Op(self.u >> 56) } func (self _Instr) vi() int { return rt.UnpackInt(self.u) } func (self _Instr) vf() uint8 { return (*rt.GoType)(self.p).KindFlags } func (self _Instr) vs() (v string) { (*rt.GoString)(unsafe.Pointer(&v)).Ptr = self.p (*rt.GoString)(unsafe.Pointer(&v)).Len = self.vi() return } func (self _Instr) vk() reflect.Kind { return (*rt.GoType)(self.p).Kind() } func (self _Instr) vt() reflect.Type { return (*rt.GoType)(self.p).Pack() } func (self _Instr) vp() (vt reflect.Type, pv bool) { return (*rt.GoType)(self.p).Pack(), rt.UnpackInt(self.u) == 1 } func (self _Instr) i64() int64 { return int64(self.vi()) } func (self _Instr) vlen() int { return int((*rt.GoType)(self.p).Size) } func (self _Instr) isBranch() bool { switch self.op() { case _OP_goto : fallthrough case _OP_is_nil : fallthrough case _OP_is_nil_p1 : fallthrough case _OP_is_zero_1 : fallthrough case _OP_is_zero_2 : fallthrough case _OP_is_zero_4 : fallthrough case _OP_is_zero_8 : fallthrough case _OP_map_check_key : fallthrough case _OP_map_write_key : fallthrough case _OP_slice_next : fallthrough case _OP_cond_testc : return true default : return false } } func (self _Instr) disassemble() string { switch self.op() { case _OP_byte : return fmt.Sprintf("%-18s%s", self.op().String(), strconv.QuoteRune(rune(self.vi()))) case _OP_text : return fmt.Sprintf("%-18s%s", self.op().String(), strconv.Quote(self.vs())) case _OP_index : return fmt.Sprintf("%-18s%d", self.op().String(), self.vi()) case _OP_recurse : fallthrough case _OP_map_iter : fallthrough case _OP_marshal : fallthrough case _OP_marshal_p : fallthrough case _OP_marshal_text : fallthrough case _OP_marshal_text_p : return fmt.Sprintf("%-18s%s", self.op().String(), self.vt()) case _OP_goto : fallthrough case _OP_is_nil : fallthrough case _OP_is_nil_p1 : fallthrough case _OP_is_zero_1 : fallthrough case _OP_is_zero_2 : fallthrough case _OP_is_zero_4 : fallthrough case _OP_is_zero_8 : fallthrough case _OP_is_zero_map : fallthrough case _OP_cond_testc : fallthrough case _OP_map_check_key : fallthrough case _OP_map_write_key : return fmt.Sprintf("%-18sL_%d", self.op().String(), self.vi()) case _OP_slice_next : return fmt.Sprintf("%-18sL_%d, %s", self.op().String(), self.vi(), self.vt()) default : return self.op().String() } } type ( _Program []_Instr ) func (self _Program) pc() int { return len(self) } func (self _Program) tag(n int) { if n >= _MaxStack { panic("type nesting too deep") } } func (self _Program) pin(i int) { v := &self[i] v.u &= 0xffff000000000000 v.u |= rt.PackInt(self.pc()) } func (self _Program) rel(v []int) { for _, i := range v { self.pin(i) } } func (self *_Program) add(op _Op) { *self = append(*self, newInsOp(op)) } func (self *_Program) key(op _Op) { *self = append(*self, newInsVi(_OP_byte, '"'), newInsOp(op), newInsVi(_OP_byte, '"'), ) } func (self *_Program) int(op _Op, vi int) { *self = append(*self, newInsVi(op, vi)) } func (self *_Program) str(op _Op, vs string) { *self = append(*self, newInsVs(op, vs)) } func (self *_Program) rtt(op _Op, vt reflect.Type) { *self = append(*self, newInsVt(op, vt)) } func (self *_Program) vp(op _Op, vt reflect.Type, pv bool) { *self = append(*self, newInsVp(op, vt, pv)) } func (self _Program) disassemble() string { nb := len(self) tab := make([]bool, nb + 1) ret := make([]string, 0, nb + 1) /* prescan to get all the labels */ for _, ins := range self { if ins.isBranch() { tab[ins.vi()] = true } } /* disassemble each instruction */ for i, ins := range self { if !tab[i] { ret = append(ret, "\t" + ins.disassemble()) } else { ret = append(ret, fmt.Sprintf("L_%d:\n\t%s", i, ins.disassemble())) } } /* add the last label, if needed */ if tab[nb] { ret = append(ret, fmt.Sprintf("L_%d:", nb)) } /* add an "end" indicator, and join all the strings */ return strings.Join(append(ret, "\tend"), "\n") } type _Compiler struct { opts option.CompileOptions pv bool tab map[reflect.Type]bool rec map[reflect.Type]uint8 } func newCompiler() *_Compiler { return &_Compiler { opts: option.DefaultCompileOptions(), tab: map[reflect.Type]bool{}, rec: map[reflect.Type]uint8{}, } } func (self *_Compiler) apply(opts option.CompileOptions) *_Compiler { self.opts = opts if self.opts.RecursiveDepth > 0 { self.rec = map[reflect.Type]uint8{} } return self } func (self *_Compiler) rescue(ep *error) { if val := recover(); val != nil { if err, ok := val.(error); ok { *ep = err } else { panic(val) } } } func (self *_Compiler) compile(vt reflect.Type, pv bool) (ret _Program, err error) { defer self.rescue(&err) self.compileOne(&ret, 0, vt, pv) return } func (self *_Compiler) compileOne(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type, pv bool) { if self.tab[vt] { p.vp(_OP_recurse, vt, pv) } else { self.compileRec(p, sp, vt, pv) } } func (self *_Compiler) compileRec(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type, pv bool) { pr := self.pv pt := reflect.PtrTo(vt) /* check for addressable `json.Marshaler` with pointer receiver */ if pv && pt.Implements(jsonMarshalerType) { p.rtt(_OP_marshal_p, pt) return } /* check for `json.Marshaler` */ if vt.Implements(jsonMarshalerType) { self.compileMarshaler(p, _OP_marshal, vt, jsonMarshalerType) return } /* check for addressable `encoding.TextMarshaler` with pointer receiver */ if pv && pt.Implements(encodingTextMarshalerType) { p.rtt(_OP_marshal_text_p, pt) return } /* check for `encoding.TextMarshaler` */ if vt.Implements(encodingTextMarshalerType) { self.compileMarshaler(p, _OP_marshal_text, vt, encodingTextMarshalerType) return } /* enter the recursion, and compile the type */ self.pv = pv self.tab[vt] = true self.compileOps(p, sp, vt) /* exit the recursion */ self.pv = pr delete(self.tab, vt) } func (self *_Compiler) compileOps(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type) { switch vt.Kind() { case reflect.Bool : p.add(_OP_bool) case reflect.Int : p.add(_OP_int()) case reflect.Int8 : p.add(_OP_i8) case reflect.Int16 : p.add(_OP_i16) case reflect.Int32 : p.add(_OP_i32) case reflect.Int64 : p.add(_OP_i64) case reflect.Uint : p.add(_OP_uint()) case reflect.Uint8 : p.add(_OP_u8) case reflect.Uint16 : p.add(_OP_u16) case reflect.Uint32 : p.add(_OP_u32) case reflect.Uint64 : p.add(_OP_u64) case reflect.Uintptr : p.add(_OP_uintptr()) case reflect.Float32 : p.add(_OP_f32) case reflect.Float64 : p.add(_OP_f64) case reflect.String : self.compileString (p, vt) case reflect.Array : self.compileArray (p, sp, vt.Elem(), vt.Len()) case reflect.Interface : self.compileInterface (p, vt) case reflect.Map : self.compileMap (p, sp, vt) case reflect.Ptr : self.compilePtr (p, sp, vt.Elem()) case reflect.Slice : self.compileSlice (p, sp, vt.Elem()) case reflect.Struct : self.compileStruct (p, sp, vt) default : panic (error_type(vt)) } } func (self *_Compiler) compileNil(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type, nil_op _Op, fn func(*_Program, int, reflect.Type)) { x := p.pc() p.add(_OP_is_nil) fn(p, sp, vt) e := p.pc() p.add(_OP_goto) p.pin(x) p.add(nil_op) p.pin(e) } func (self *_Compiler) compilePtr(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type) { self.compileNil(p, sp, vt, _OP_null, self.compilePtrBody) } func (self *_Compiler) compilePtrBody(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type) { p.tag(sp) p.add(_OP_save) p.add(_OP_deref) self.compileOne(p, sp + 1, vt, true) p.add(_OP_drop) } func (self *_Compiler) compileMap(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type) { self.compileNil(p, sp, vt, _OP_empty_obj, self.compileMapBody) } func (self *_Compiler) compileMapBody(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type) { p.tag(sp + 1) p.int(_OP_byte, '{') p.add(_OP_save) p.rtt(_OP_map_iter, vt) p.add(_OP_save) i := p.pc() p.add(_OP_map_check_key) u := p.pc() p.add(_OP_map_write_key) self.compileMapBodyKey(p, vt.Key()) p.pin(u) p.int(_OP_byte, ':') p.add(_OP_map_value_next) self.compileOne(p, sp + 2, vt.Elem(), false) j := p.pc() p.add(_OP_map_check_key) p.int(_OP_byte, ',') v := p.pc() p.add(_OP_map_write_key) self.compileMapBodyKey(p, vt.Key()) p.pin(v) p.int(_OP_byte, ':') p.add(_OP_map_value_next) self.compileOne(p, sp + 2, vt.Elem(), false) p.int(_OP_goto, j) p.pin(i) p.pin(j) p.add(_OP_map_stop) p.add(_OP_drop_2) p.int(_OP_byte, '}') } func (self *_Compiler) compileMapBodyKey(p *_Program, vk reflect.Type) { if !vk.Implements(encodingTextMarshalerType) { self.compileMapBodyTextKey(p, vk) } else { self.compileMapBodyUtextKey(p, vk) } } func (self *_Compiler) compileMapBodyTextKey(p *_Program, vk reflect.Type) { switch vk.Kind() { case reflect.Invalid : panic("map key is nil") case reflect.Bool : p.key(_OP_bool) case reflect.Int : p.key(_OP_int()) case reflect.Int8 : p.key(_OP_i8) case reflect.Int16 : p.key(_OP_i16) case reflect.Int32 : p.key(_OP_i32) case reflect.Int64 : p.key(_OP_i64) case reflect.Uint : p.key(_OP_uint()) case reflect.Uint8 : p.key(_OP_u8) case reflect.Uint16 : p.key(_OP_u16) case reflect.Uint32 : p.key(_OP_u32) case reflect.Uint64 : p.key(_OP_u64) case reflect.Uintptr : p.key(_OP_uintptr()) case reflect.Float32 : p.key(_OP_f32) case reflect.Float64 : p.key(_OP_f64) case reflect.String : self.compileString(p, vk) default : panic(error_type(vk)) } } func (self *_Compiler) compileMapBodyUtextKey(p *_Program, vk reflect.Type) { if vk.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { p.rtt(_OP_marshal_text, vk) } else { self.compileMapBodyUtextPtr(p, vk) } } func (self *_Compiler) compileMapBodyUtextPtr(p *_Program, vk reflect.Type) { i := p.pc() p.add(_OP_is_nil) p.rtt(_OP_marshal_text, vk) j := p.pc() p.add(_OP_goto) p.pin(i) p.str(_OP_text, "\"\"") p.pin(j) } func (self *_Compiler) compileSlice(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type) { self.compileNil(p, sp, vt, _OP_empty_arr, self.compileSliceBody) } func (self *_Compiler) compileSliceBody(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type) { if isSimpleByte(vt) { p.add(_OP_bin) } else { self.compileSliceArray(p, sp, vt) } } func (self *_Compiler) compileSliceArray(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type) { p.tag(sp) p.int(_OP_byte, '[') p.add(_OP_save) p.add(_OP_slice_len) i := p.pc() p.rtt(_OP_slice_next, vt) self.compileOne(p, sp + 1, vt, true) j := p.pc() p.rtt(_OP_slice_next, vt) p.int(_OP_byte, ',') self.compileOne(p, sp + 1, vt, true) p.int(_OP_goto, j) p.pin(i) p.pin(j) p.add(_OP_drop) p.int(_OP_byte, ']') } func (self *_Compiler) compileArray(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type, nb int) { p.tag(sp) p.int(_OP_byte, '[') p.add(_OP_save) /* first item */ if nb != 0 { self.compileOne(p, sp + 1, vt, self.pv) p.add(_OP_load) } /* remaining items */ for i := 1; i < nb; i++ { p.int(_OP_byte, ',') p.int(_OP_index, i * int(vt.Size())) self.compileOne(p, sp + 1, vt, self.pv) p.add(_OP_load) } /* end of array */ p.add(_OP_drop) p.int(_OP_byte, ']') } func (self *_Compiler) compileString(p *_Program, vt reflect.Type) { if vt != jsonNumberType { p.add(_OP_str) } else { p.add(_OP_number) } } func (self *_Compiler) compileStruct(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type) { if sp >= self.opts.MaxInlineDepth || p.pc() >= _MAX_ILBUF || (sp > 0 && vt.NumField() >= _MAX_FIELDS) { p.vp(_OP_recurse, vt, self.pv) if self.opts.RecursiveDepth > 0 { if self.pv { self.rec[vt] = 1 } else { self.rec[vt] = 0 } } } else { self.compileStructBody(p, sp, vt) } } func (self *_Compiler) compileStructBody(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type) { p.tag(sp) p.int(_OP_byte, '{') p.add(_OP_save) p.add(_OP_cond_set) /* compile each field */ for _, fv := range resolver.ResolveStruct(vt) { var s []int var o resolver.Offset /* "omitempty" for arrays */ if fv.Type.Kind() == reflect.Array { if fv.Type.Len() == 0 && (fv.Opts & resolver.F_omitempty) != 0 { continue } } /* index to the field */ for _, o = range fv.Path { if p.int(_OP_index, int(o.Size)); o.Kind == resolver.F_deref { s = append(s, p.pc()) p.add(_OP_is_nil) p.add(_OP_deref) } } /* check for "omitempty" option */ if fv.Type.Kind() != reflect.Struct && fv.Type.Kind() != reflect.Array && (fv.Opts & resolver.F_omitempty) != 0 { s = append(s, p.pc()) self.compileStructFieldZero(p, fv.Type) } /* add the comma if not the first element */ i := p.pc() p.add(_OP_cond_testc) p.int(_OP_byte, ',') p.pin(i) /* compile the key and value */ ft := fv.Type p.str(_OP_text, Quote(fv.Name) + ":") /* check for "stringnize" option */ if (fv.Opts & resolver.F_stringize) == 0 { self.compileOne(p, sp + 1, ft, self.pv) } else { self.compileStructFieldStr(p, sp + 1, ft) } /* patch the skipping jumps and reload the struct pointer */ p.rel(s) p.add(_OP_load) } /* end of object */ p.add(_OP_drop) p.int(_OP_byte, '}') } func (self *_Compiler) compileStructFieldStr(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type) { pc := -1 ft := vt sv := false /* dereference the pointer if needed */ if ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { ft = ft.Elem() } /* check if it can be stringized */ switch ft.Kind() { case reflect.Bool : sv = true case reflect.Int : sv = true case reflect.Int8 : sv = true case reflect.Int16 : sv = true case reflect.Int32 : sv = true case reflect.Int64 : sv = true case reflect.Uint : sv = true case reflect.Uint8 : sv = true case reflect.Uint16 : sv = true case reflect.Uint32 : sv = true case reflect.Uint64 : sv = true case reflect.Uintptr : sv = true case reflect.Float32 : sv = true case reflect.Float64 : sv = true case reflect.String : sv = true } /* if it's not, ignore the "string" and follow the regular path */ if !sv { self.compileOne(p, sp, vt, self.pv) return } /* dereference the pointer */ if vt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { pc = p.pc() vt = vt.Elem() p.add(_OP_is_nil) p.add(_OP_deref) } /* special case of a double-quoted string */ if ft != jsonNumberType && ft.Kind() == reflect.String { p.add(_OP_quote) } else { self.compileStructFieldQuoted(p, sp, vt) } /* the "null" case of the pointer */ if pc != -1 { e := p.pc() p.add(_OP_goto) p.pin(pc) p.add(_OP_null) p.pin(e) } } func (self *_Compiler) compileStructFieldZero(p *_Program, vt reflect.Type) { switch vt.Kind() { case reflect.Bool : p.add(_OP_is_zero_1) case reflect.Int : p.add(_OP_is_zero_ints()) case reflect.Int8 : p.add(_OP_is_zero_1) case reflect.Int16 : p.add(_OP_is_zero_2) case reflect.Int32 : p.add(_OP_is_zero_4) case reflect.Int64 : p.add(_OP_is_zero_8) case reflect.Uint : p.add(_OP_is_zero_ints()) case reflect.Uint8 : p.add(_OP_is_zero_1) case reflect.Uint16 : p.add(_OP_is_zero_2) case reflect.Uint32 : p.add(_OP_is_zero_4) case reflect.Uint64 : p.add(_OP_is_zero_8) case reflect.Uintptr : p.add(_OP_is_nil) case reflect.Float32 : p.add(_OP_is_zero_4) case reflect.Float64 : p.add(_OP_is_zero_8) case reflect.String : p.add(_OP_is_nil_p1) case reflect.Interface : p.add(_OP_is_nil) case reflect.Map : p.add(_OP_is_zero_map) case reflect.Ptr : p.add(_OP_is_nil) case reflect.Slice : p.add(_OP_is_nil_p1) default : panic(error_type(vt)) } } func (self *_Compiler) compileStructFieldQuoted(p *_Program, sp int, vt reflect.Type) { p.int(_OP_byte, '"') self.compileOne(p, sp, vt, self.pv) p.int(_OP_byte, '"') } func (self *_Compiler) compileInterface(p *_Program, vt reflect.Type) { x := p.pc() p.add(_OP_is_nil_p1) /* iface and efaces are different */ if vt.NumMethod() == 0 { p.add(_OP_eface) } else { p.add(_OP_iface) } /* the "null" value */ e := p.pc() p.add(_OP_goto) p.pin(x) p.add(_OP_null) p.pin(e) } func (self *_Compiler) compileMarshaler(p *_Program, op _Op, vt reflect.Type, mt reflect.Type) { pc := p.pc() vk := vt.Kind() /* direct receiver */ if vk != reflect.Ptr { p.rtt(op, vt) return } /* value receiver with a pointer type, check for nil before calling the marshaler */ p.add(_OP_is_nil) p.rtt(op, vt) i := p.pc() p.add(_OP_goto) p.pin(pc) p.add(_OP_null) p.pin(i) }