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package gotime
import (
// Current 获取当前的时间
func Current() Pro {
p := NewPro()
p.loc, p.Error = time.LoadLocation("Asia/Shanghai")
if p.Error != nil {
// Docker部署golang应用时时区问题
log.Printf("【gotime】时区错误%v\n", p.Error)
p.Time = time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 8)
} else {
p.Time = time.Now().In(p.loc)
return p
// SetCurrent 设置当前的时间
func SetCurrent(sTime time.Time) Pro {
p := NewPro()
p.Time = sTime
return p
// SetCurrentParse 设置当前的时间
func SetCurrentParse(str string) Pro {
p := NewPro()
p.loc, p.Error = time.LoadLocation("Asia/Shanghai")
layout := DateTimeFormat
if str == "" || str == "0" || str == "0000-00-00 00:00:00" || str == "0000-00-00" || str == "00:00:00" {
return p
if len(str) == 10 && strings.Count(str, "-") == 2 {
layout = DateFormat
if strings.Index(str, "T") == 10 {
layout = RFC3339Format
if _, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64); err == nil {
switch len(str) {
case 8:
layout = ShortDateFormat
case 14:
layout = ShortDateTimeFormat
location, _ := time.ParseInLocation(layout, str, p.loc)
p.Time = location
return p
// SetCurrentUnix 设置当前的时间 Unix时间戳
func SetCurrentUnix(ts int64) Pro {
p := NewPro()
p.Time = time.Unix(ts, 0)
return p
// Now 今天此刻
func (p Pro) Now() time.Time {
return p.Time
// Format 今天此刻格式化
func (p Pro) Format() string {
return p.Time.Format(DateTimeFormat)
// ToDateFormat 今天此刻日期
func (p Pro) ToDateFormat() string {
return p.Time.Format(DateFormat)
// ToTimeFormat 今天此刻时间
func (p Pro) ToTimeFormat() string {
return p.Time.Format(TimeFormat)
// Timestamp 今天此刻时间戳
func (p Pro) Timestamp() int64 {
return p.Time.Unix()
// TimestampWithSecond 今天此刻时间戳
func (p Pro) TimestampWithSecond() int64 {
return p.Time.Unix()
// TimestampWithMillisecond 今天毫秒级时间戳
func (p Pro) TimestampWithMillisecond() int64 {
return p.Time.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
// TimestampWithMicrosecond 今天微秒级时间戳
func (p Pro) TimestampWithMicrosecond() int64 {
return p.Time.UnixNano() / int64(time.Microsecond)
// TimestampWithNanosecond 今天纳秒级时间戳
func (p Pro) TimestampWithNanosecond() int64 {
return p.Time.UnixNano()