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// 研究了一天的状态机,天气也热,正当我写的即将昏迷之际,我突然醒悟了,原来状态机是这么一回事
// - 状态比喻成 数据结构
// - 事件比喻成 用户输入
// - 状态转移则是函数调用
// 如此依赖写成函数,也就是 (Orz 原来如此)
// type FSM struct {
// State FSMState
// TransformFuncs map[FSMState] func()
// }
// func (f *FSM) UserAction(action FSMAction) {
// ...
// }
package main
import (
8 years ago
7 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
log ""
type FSMState string
type FSMEvent string
type FSMHandler func()
type FSM struct {
mu sync.Mutex
state FSMState
handlers map[FSMState]map[FSMEvent]FSMHandler
StateChange func(oldState, newState FSMState)
func (f *FSM) AddHandler(state FSMState, event FSMEvent, hdlr FSMHandler) *FSM {
_, ok := f.handlers[state]
if !ok {
f.handlers[state] = make(map[FSMEvent]FSMHandler)
if _, ok = f.handlers[state][event]; ok {
log.Fatalf("set twice for state(%s) event(%s)", state, event)
f.handlers[state][event] = hdlr
return f
func (f *FSM) State() FSMState {
return f.state
func (f *FSM) SetState(newState FSMState) {
if f.StateChange != nil {
f.StateChange(f.state, newState)
f.state = newState
func (f *FSM) Operate(event FSMEvent) FSMState {
eventMap := f.handlers[f.State()]
if eventMap == nil {
return f.State()
if fn, ok := eventMap[event]; ok {
return f.State()
func NewFSM(initState FSMState) *FSM {
return &FSM{
state: initState,
handlers: make(map[FSMState]map[FSMEvent]FSMHandler),
// Only 4 states now is enough, I think
// 2016-09-18 now five
var (
Running = FSMState("running")
Stopped = FSMState("stopped")
Fatal = FSMState("fatal")
RetryWait = FSMState("retry wait")
Stopping = FSMState("stopping")
StartEvent = FSMEvent("start")
StopEvent = FSMEvent("stop")
RestartEvent = FSMEvent("restart")
type Program struct {
7 years ago
Name string `yaml:"name" json:"name"`
Command string `yaml:"command" json:"command"`
Environ []string `yaml:"environ" json:"environ"`
Dir string `yaml:"directory" json:"directory"`
StartAuto bool `yaml:"start_auto" json:"startAuto"`
StartRetries int `yaml:"start_retries" json:"startRetries"`
StartSeconds int `yaml:"start_seconds,omitempty" json:"startSeconds"`
StopTimeout int `yaml:"stop_timeout,omitempty" json:"stopTimeout"`
2 years ago
User string `yaml:"user,omitempty" json:"user"`
Notifications struct {
Pushover struct {
ApiKey string `yaml:"api_key"`
Users []string `yaml:"users"`
} `yaml:"pushover,omitempty"`
} `yaml:"notifications,omitempty" json:"-"`
WebHook struct {
Github struct {
Secret string `yaml:"secret"`
} `yaml:"github"`
Command string `yaml:"command"`
Timeout int `yaml:"timeout"`
} `yaml:"webhook,omitempty" json:"-"`
8 years ago
func (p *Program) Check() error {
if p.Name == "" {
return errors.New("Program name empty")
if p.Command == "" {
return errors.New("Program command empty")
// Disable check, for Dir may contains env-vars
//if p.Dir != "" && !IsDir(p.Dir) {
// return fmt.Errorf("Program dir(%s) not exists", p.Dir)
8 years ago
return nil
2 years ago
func (p *Program) RunNotification() {
po := p.Notifications.Pushover
if po.ApiKey != "" && len(po.Users) > 0 {
for _, user := range po.Users {
err := pushover.Notify(pushover.Params{
Token: po.ApiKey,
User: user,
Title: "gosuv",
Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s change to fatal", p.Name),
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("pushover error: %v", err)
8 years ago
7 years ago
func IsRoot() bool {
u, err := user.Current()
return err == nil && u.Username == "root"
7 years ago
type Process struct {
*FSM `json:"-"`
Program `json:"program"`
cmd *kexec.KCommand
Stdout *QuickLossBroadcastWriter `json:"-"`
Stderr *QuickLossBroadcastWriter `json:"-"`
Output *QuickLossBroadcastWriter `json:"-"`
2 years ago
OutputFile *os.File `json:"-"`
stopC chan syscall.Signal
retryLeft int
Status string `json:"status"`
mu sync.Mutex
// FIXME(ssx): maybe need to return error
func (p *Process) buildCommand() *kexec.KCommand {
cmd := kexec.CommandString(p.Command)
// cmd := kexec.Command(p.Command[0], p.Command[1:]...)
2 years ago
logDir := filepath.Join(defaultConfigDir, "log", sanitize.Name(p.Name))
if !IsDir(logDir) {
os.MkdirAll(logDir, 0755)
var fout io.Writer
var err error
2 years ago
p.OutputFile, err = os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(logDir, "output.log"), os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("create stdout log failed:", err)
fout = ioutil.Discard
} else {
fout = p.OutputFile
cmd.Stdout = io.MultiWriter(p.Stdout, p.Output, fout)
cmd.Stderr = io.MultiWriter(p.Stderr, p.Output, fout)
// config environ
cmd.Env = os.Environ() // inherit current vars
environ := map[string]string{}
if p.User != "" {
if !IsRoot() {
log.Warnf("detect not root, can not switch user")
} else if err := cmd.SetUser(p.User); err != nil {
log.Warnf("[%s] chusr to %s failed, %v", p.Name, p.User, err)
} else {
var homeDir string
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "linux":
homeDir = "/home/" + p.User // FIXME(ssx): maybe there is a better way
case "darwin":
homeDir = "/Users/" + p.User
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "HOME="+homeDir, "USER="+p.User)
environ["HOME"] = homeDir
environ["USER"] = p.User
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, p.Environ...)
mapping := func(key string) string {
val := os.Getenv(key)
if val != "" {
return val
return environ[key]
cmd.Dir = os.Expand(p.Dir, mapping)
if strings.HasPrefix(cmd.Dir, "~") {
cmd.Dir = mapping("HOME") + cmd.Dir[1:]
log.Infof("[%s] use dir: %s\n", p.Name, cmd.Dir)
return cmd
func (p *Process) waitNextRetry() {
if p.retryLeft <= 0 {
p.retryLeft = p.StartRetries
p.retryLeft -= 1
select {
case <-time.After(2 * time.Second): // TODO: need put it into Program
case <-p.stopC:
func (p *Process) stopCommand() {
defer p.SetState(Stopped)
if p.cmd == nil {
if p.cmd.Process != nil {
2 years ago
p.cmd.Process.Signal(syscall.SIGTERM) // TODO(ssx): add it to config
select {
case <-GoFunc(p.cmd.Wait):
log.Printf("program(%s) quit normally", p.Name)
case <-time.After(time.Duration(p.StopTimeout) * time.Second): // TODO: add 3s to config
log.Printf("program(%s) terminate all", p.Name)
p.cmd.Terminate(syscall.SIGKILL) // cleanup
err := p.cmd.Wait() // This is OK, because Signal KILL will definitely work
prefixStr := "\n--- GOSUV LOG " + time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
if err == nil {
io.WriteString(p.cmd.Stderr, fmt.Sprintf("%s exit success ---\n\n", prefixStr))
} else {
io.WriteString(p.cmd.Stderr, fmt.Sprintf("%s exit %v ---\n\n", prefixStr, err))
if p.OutputFile != nil {
p.OutputFile = nil
p.cmd = nil
8 years ago
func (p *Process) IsRunning() bool {
return p.State() == Running || p.State() == RetryWait
func (p *Process) startCommand() {
// p.Stdout.Reset()
// p.Stderr.Reset()
// p.Output.Reset() // Donot reset because log is still needed.
log.Printf("start cmd(%s): %s", p.Name, p.Command)
p.cmd = p.buildCommand()
if err := p.cmd.Start(); err != nil {
log.Warnf("program %s start failed: %v", p.Name, err)
go func() {
errC := GoFunc(p.cmd.Wait)
startTime := time.Now()
select {
case <-errC:
// if p.cmd.Wait() returns, it means program and its sub process all quited. no need to kill again
// func Wait() will only return when program session finishs. (Only Tested on mac)
log.Printf("program(%s) finished, time used %v", p.Name, time.Since(startTime))
if time.Since(startTime) < time.Duration(p.StartSeconds)*time.Second {
if p.retryLeft == p.StartRetries { // If first time quit so fast, just set to fatal
log.Printf("program(%s) exit too quick, status -> fatal", p.Name)
case <-p.stopC:
log.Println("recv stop command")
p.stopCommand() // clean up all process
func NewProcess(pg Program) *Process {
outputBufferSize := 24 * 1024 // 24K
pr := &Process{
FSM: NewFSM(Stopped),
Program: pg,
stopC: make(chan syscall.Signal),
retryLeft: pg.StartRetries,
Status: string(Stopped),
Output: NewQuickLossBroadcastWriter(outputBufferSize),
Stdout: NewQuickLossBroadcastWriter(outputBufferSize),
Stderr: NewQuickLossBroadcastWriter(outputBufferSize),
pr.StateChange = func(_, newStatus FSMState) {
pr.Status = string(newStatus)
2 years ago
// TODO: status need to filter with config, not hard coded.
2 years ago
if newStatus == Fatal {
go pr.Program.RunNotification()
7 years ago
if pr.StartSeconds <= 0 {
pr.StartSeconds = 3
if pr.StopTimeout <= 0 {
pr.StopTimeout = 3
pr.AddHandler(Stopped, StartEvent, func() {
pr.retryLeft = pr.StartRetries
pr.AddHandler(Fatal, StartEvent, pr.startCommand)
pr.AddHandler(Running, StopEvent, func() {
select {
case pr.stopC <- syscall.SIGTERM:
case <-time.After(200 * time.Millisecond):
}).AddHandler(Running, RestartEvent, func() {
go func() {
// TODO: start laterly
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
return pr
func init() {
// pg := Program{
// Name: "demo",
// Command: "echo hello world && sleep 1 && echo end",
// }
// proc := NewProcess(pg)
// log.Println(proc.State())
// proc.Operate(StartEvent)
// log.Println(proc.State())
// time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
// log.Println(proc.State())
// proc.Operate(StopEvent)
// time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// log.Println(proc.State())
// log.Println(light.State)
// light.AddHandler(Opened, Close, func() {
// log.Println("Close light")
// light.State = Closed
// })
// light.Operate(Close)
// log.Println(light.State)