package build import ( "fmt" "go/ast" "go/build" "go/parser" "go/scanner" "go/token" "go/types" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" ) type ImportCError struct { pkgPath string } func (e *ImportCError) Error() string { return e.pkgPath + `: importing "C" is not supported by GopherJS` } func NewBuildContext(installSuffix string, buildTags []string) *build.Context { return &build.Context{ GOROOT: build.Default.GOROOT, GOPATH: build.Default.GOPATH, GOOS: build.Default.GOOS, GOARCH: "js", InstallSuffix: installSuffix, Compiler: "gc", BuildTags: append(buildTags, "netgo"), ReleaseTags: build.Default.ReleaseTags, CgoEnabled: true, // detect `import "C"` to throw proper error } } // Import returns details about the Go package named by the import path. If the // path is a local import path naming a package that can be imported using // a standard import path, the returned package will set p.ImportPath to // that path. // // In the directory containing the package, .go and .inc.js files are // considered part of the package except for: // // - .go files in package documentation // - files starting with _ or . (likely editor temporary files) // - files with build constraints not satisfied by the context // // If an error occurs, Import returns a non-nil error and a nil // *PackageData. func Import(path string, mode build.ImportMode, installSuffix string, buildTags []string) (*PackageData, error) { wd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { // Getwd may fail if we're in GOARCH=js mode. That's okay, handle // it by falling back to empty working directory. It just means // Import will not be able to resolve relative import paths. wd = "" } return importWithSrcDir(path, wd, mode, installSuffix, buildTags) } func importWithSrcDir(path string, srcDir string, mode build.ImportMode, installSuffix string, buildTags []string) (*PackageData, error) { buildContext := NewBuildContext(installSuffix, buildTags) if path == "syscall" { // syscall needs to use a typical GOARCH like amd64 to pick up definitions for _Socklen, BpfInsn, IFNAMSIZ, Timeval, BpfStat, SYS_FCNTL, Flock_t, etc. buildContext.GOARCH = runtime.GOARCH buildContext.InstallSuffix = "js" if installSuffix != "" { buildContext.InstallSuffix += "_" + installSuffix } } pkg, err := buildContext.Import(path, srcDir, mode) if err != nil { return nil, err } // TODO: Resolve issue #415 and remove this temporary workaround. if strings.HasSuffix(pkg.ImportPath, "/vendor/") { return nil, fmt.Errorf("vendoring package is not supported, see") } switch path { case "os": pkg.GoFiles = stripExecutable(pkg.GoFiles) // Need to strip executable implementation files, because some of them contain package scope variables that perform (indirectly) syscalls on init. case "runtime": pkg.GoFiles = []string{"error.go"} case "runtime/internal/sys": pkg.GoFiles = []string{fmt.Sprintf("zgoos_%s.go", buildContext.GOOS), "zversion.go"} case "runtime/pprof": pkg.GoFiles = nil case "crypto/rand": pkg.GoFiles = []string{"rand.go", "util.go"} case "crypto/x509": pkg.CgoFiles = nil } if len(pkg.CgoFiles) > 0 { return nil, &ImportCError{path} } if pkg.IsCommand() { pkg.PkgObj = filepath.Join(pkg.BinDir, filepath.Base(pkg.ImportPath)+".js") } if _, err := os.Stat(pkg.PkgObj); os.IsNotExist(err) && strings.HasPrefix(pkg.PkgObj, build.Default.GOROOT) { // fall back to GOPATH firstGopathWorkspace := filepath.SplitList(build.Default.GOPATH)[0] // TODO: Need to check inside all GOPATH workspaces. gopathPkgObj := filepath.Join(firstGopathWorkspace, pkg.PkgObj[len(build.Default.GOROOT):]) if _, err := os.Stat(gopathPkgObj); err == nil { pkg.PkgObj = gopathPkgObj } } jsFiles, err := jsFilesFromDir(pkg.Dir) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &PackageData{Package: pkg, JSFiles: jsFiles}, nil } // stripExecutable strips all executable implementation .go files. // They have "executable_" prefix. func stripExecutable(goFiles []string) []string { var s []string for _, f := range goFiles { if strings.HasPrefix(f, "executable_") { continue } s = append(s, f) } return s } // ImportDir is like Import but processes the Go package found in the named // directory. func ImportDir(dir string, mode build.ImportMode, installSuffix string, buildTags []string) (*PackageData, error) { pkg, err := NewBuildContext(installSuffix, buildTags).ImportDir(dir, mode) if err != nil { return nil, err } jsFiles, err := jsFilesFromDir(pkg.Dir) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &PackageData{Package: pkg, JSFiles: jsFiles}, nil } // parseAndAugment parses and returns all .go files of given pkg. // Standard Go library packages are augmented with files in compiler/natives folder. // If isTest is true and pkg.ImportPath has no _test suffix, package is built for running internal tests. // If isTest is true and pkg.ImportPath has _test suffix, package is built for running external tests. // // The native packages are augmented by the contents of natives.FS in the following way. // The file names do not matter except the usual `_test` suffix. The files for // native overrides get added to the package (even if they have the same name // as an existing file from the standard library). For all identifiers that exist // in the original AND the overrides, the original identifier in the AST gets // replaced by `_`. New identifiers that don't exist in original package get added. func parseAndAugment(pkg *build.Package, isTest bool, fileSet *token.FileSet) ([]*ast.File, error) { var files []*ast.File replacedDeclNames := make(map[string]bool) funcName := func(d *ast.FuncDecl) string { if d.Recv == nil || len(d.Recv.List) == 0 { return d.Name.Name } recv := d.Recv.List[0].Type if star, ok := recv.(*ast.StarExpr); ok { recv = star.X } return recv.(*ast.Ident).Name + "." + d.Name.Name } isXTest := strings.HasSuffix(pkg.ImportPath, "_test") importPath := pkg.ImportPath if isXTest { importPath = importPath[:len(importPath)-5] } nativesContext := &build.Context{ GOROOT: "/", GOOS: build.Default.GOOS, GOARCH: "js", Compiler: "gc", JoinPath: path.Join, SplitPathList: func(list string) []string { if list == "" { return nil } return strings.Split(list, "/") }, IsAbsPath: path.IsAbs, IsDir: func(name string) bool { dir, err := natives.FS.Open(name) if err != nil { return false } defer dir.Close() info, err := dir.Stat() if err != nil { return false } return info.IsDir() }, HasSubdir: func(root, name string) (rel string, ok bool) { panic("not implemented") }, ReadDir: func(name string) (fi []os.FileInfo, err error) { dir, err := natives.FS.Open(name) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer dir.Close() return dir.Readdir(0) }, OpenFile: func(name string) (r io.ReadCloser, err error) { return natives.FS.Open(name) }, } if nativesPkg, err := nativesContext.Import(importPath, "", 0); err == nil { names := nativesPkg.GoFiles if isTest { names = append(names, nativesPkg.TestGoFiles...) } if isXTest { names = nativesPkg.XTestGoFiles } for _, name := range names { fullPath := path.Join(nativesPkg.Dir, name) r, err := nativesContext.OpenFile(fullPath) if err != nil { panic(err) } file, err := parser.ParseFile(fileSet, fullPath, r, parser.ParseComments) if err != nil { panic(err) } r.Close() for _, decl := range file.Decls { switch d := decl.(type) { case *ast.FuncDecl: replacedDeclNames[funcName(d)] = true case *ast.GenDecl: switch d.Tok { case token.TYPE: for _, spec := range d.Specs { replacedDeclNames[spec.(*ast.TypeSpec).Name.Name] = true } case token.VAR, token.CONST: for _, spec := range d.Specs { for _, name := range spec.(*ast.ValueSpec).Names { replacedDeclNames[name.Name] = true } } } } } files = append(files, file) } } delete(replacedDeclNames, "init") var errList compiler.ErrorList for _, name := range pkg.GoFiles { if !filepath.IsAbs(name) { name = filepath.Join(pkg.Dir, name) } r, err := os.Open(name) if err != nil { return nil, err } file, err := parser.ParseFile(fileSet, name, r, parser.ParseComments) r.Close() if err != nil { if list, isList := err.(scanner.ErrorList); isList { if len(list) > 10 { list = append(list[:10], &scanner.Error{Pos: list[9].Pos, Msg: "too many errors"}) } for _, entry := range list { errList = append(errList, entry) } continue } errList = append(errList, err) continue } switch pkg.ImportPath { case "crypto/rand", "encoding/gob", "encoding/json", "expvar", "go/token", "log", "math/big", "math/rand", "regexp", "testing", "time": for _, spec := range file.Imports { path, _ := strconv.Unquote(spec.Path.Value) if path == "sync" { if spec.Name == nil { spec.Name = ast.NewIdent("sync") } spec.Path.Value = `""` } } } for _, decl := range file.Decls { switch d := decl.(type) { case *ast.FuncDecl: if replacedDeclNames[funcName(d)] { d.Name = ast.NewIdent("_") } case *ast.GenDecl: switch d.Tok { case token.TYPE: for _, spec := range d.Specs { s := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec) if replacedDeclNames[s.Name.Name] { s.Name = ast.NewIdent("_") } } case token.VAR, token.CONST: for _, spec := range d.Specs { s := spec.(*ast.ValueSpec) for i, name := range s.Names { if replacedDeclNames[name.Name] { s.Names[i] = ast.NewIdent("_") } } } } } } files = append(files, file) } if errList != nil { return nil, errList } return files, nil } type Options struct { GOROOT string GOPATH string Verbose bool Quiet bool Watch bool CreateMapFile bool MapToLocalDisk bool Minify bool Color bool BuildTags []string } func (o *Options) PrintError(format string, a ...interface{}) { if o.Color { format = "\x1B[31m" + format + "\x1B[39m" } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, a...) } func (o *Options) PrintSuccess(format string, a ...interface{}) { if o.Color { format = "\x1B[32m" + format + "\x1B[39m" } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, a...) } type PackageData struct { *build.Package JSFiles []string IsTest bool // IsTest is true if the package is being built for running tests. SrcModTime time.Time UpToDate bool } type Session struct { options *Options Archives map[string]*compiler.Archive Types map[string]*types.Package Watcher *fsnotify.Watcher } func NewSession(options *Options) *Session { if options.GOROOT == "" { options.GOROOT = build.Default.GOROOT } if options.GOPATH == "" { options.GOPATH = build.Default.GOPATH } options.Verbose = options.Verbose || options.Watch s := &Session{ options: options, Archives: make(map[string]*compiler.Archive), } s.Types = make(map[string]*types.Package) if options.Watch { if out, err := exec.Command("ulimit", "-n").Output(); err == nil { if n, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(string(out))); err == nil && n < 1024 { fmt.Printf("Warning: The maximum number of open file descriptors is very low (%d). Change it with 'ulimit -n 8192'.\n", n) } } var err error s.Watcher, err = fsnotify.NewWatcher() if err != nil { panic(err) } } return s } func (s *Session) InstallSuffix() string { if s.options.Minify { return "min" } return "" } func (s *Session) BuildDir(packagePath string, importPath string, pkgObj string) error { if s.Watcher != nil { s.Watcher.Add(packagePath) } buildPkg, err := NewBuildContext(s.InstallSuffix(), s.options.BuildTags).ImportDir(packagePath, 0) if err != nil { return err } pkg := &PackageData{Package: buildPkg} jsFiles, err := jsFilesFromDir(pkg.Dir) if err != nil { return err } pkg.JSFiles = jsFiles archive, err := s.BuildPackage(pkg) if err != nil { return err } if pkgObj == "" { pkgObj = filepath.Base(packagePath) + ".js" } if pkg.IsCommand() && !pkg.UpToDate { if err := s.WriteCommandPackage(archive, pkgObj); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (s *Session) BuildFiles(filenames []string, pkgObj string, packagePath string) error { pkg := &PackageData{ Package: &build.Package{ Name: "main", ImportPath: "main", Dir: packagePath, }, } for _, file := range filenames { if strings.HasSuffix(file, ".inc.js") { pkg.JSFiles = append(pkg.JSFiles, file) continue } pkg.GoFiles = append(pkg.GoFiles, file) } archive, err := s.BuildPackage(pkg) if err != nil { return err } if s.Types["main"].Name() != "main" { return fmt.Errorf("cannot build/run non-main package") } return s.WriteCommandPackage(archive, pkgObj) } func (s *Session) BuildImportPath(path string) (*compiler.Archive, error) { _, archive, err := s.buildImportPathWithSrcDir(path, "") return archive, err } func (s *Session) buildImportPathWithSrcDir(path string, srcDir string) (*PackageData, *compiler.Archive, error) { pkg, err := importWithSrcDir(path, srcDir, 0, s.InstallSuffix(), s.options.BuildTags) if s.Watcher != nil && pkg != nil { // add watch even on error s.Watcher.Add(pkg.Dir) } if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } archive, err := s.BuildPackage(pkg) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } return pkg, archive, nil } func (s *Session) BuildPackage(pkg *PackageData) (*compiler.Archive, error) { if archive, ok := s.Archives[pkg.ImportPath]; ok { return archive, nil } if pkg.PkgObj != "" { var fileInfo os.FileInfo gopherjsBinary, err := os.Executable() if err == nil { fileInfo, err = os.Stat(gopherjsBinary) if err == nil { pkg.SrcModTime = fileInfo.ModTime() } } if err != nil { os.Stderr.WriteString("Could not get GopherJS binary's modification timestamp. Please report issue.\n") pkg.SrcModTime = time.Now() } for _, importedPkgPath := range pkg.Imports { // Ignore all imports that aren't mentioned in import specs of pkg. // For example, this ignores imports such as runtime/internal/sys and runtime/internal/atomic. ignored := true for _, pos := range pkg.ImportPos[importedPkgPath] { importFile := filepath.Base(pos.Filename) for _, file := range pkg.GoFiles { if importFile == file { ignored = false break } } if !ignored { break } } if importedPkgPath == "unsafe" || ignored { continue } importedPkg, _, err := s.buildImportPathWithSrcDir(importedPkgPath, pkg.Dir) if err != nil { return nil, err } impModTime := importedPkg.SrcModTime if impModTime.After(pkg.SrcModTime) { pkg.SrcModTime = impModTime } } for _, name := range append(pkg.GoFiles, pkg.JSFiles...) { fileInfo, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(pkg.Dir, name)) if err != nil { return nil, err } if fileInfo.ModTime().After(pkg.SrcModTime) { pkg.SrcModTime = fileInfo.ModTime() } } pkgObjFileInfo, err := os.Stat(pkg.PkgObj) if err == nil && !pkg.SrcModTime.After(pkgObjFileInfo.ModTime()) { // package object is up to date, load from disk if library pkg.UpToDate = true if pkg.IsCommand() { return nil, nil } objFile, err := os.Open(pkg.PkgObj) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer objFile.Close() archive, err := compiler.ReadArchive(pkg.PkgObj, pkg.ImportPath, objFile, s.Types) if err != nil { return nil, err } s.Archives[pkg.ImportPath] = archive return archive, err } } fileSet := token.NewFileSet() files, err := parseAndAugment(pkg.Package, pkg.IsTest, fileSet) if err != nil { return nil, err } localImportPathCache := make(map[string]*compiler.Archive) importContext := &compiler.ImportContext{ Packages: s.Types, Import: func(path string) (*compiler.Archive, error) { if archive, ok := localImportPathCache[path]; ok { return archive, nil } _, archive, err := s.buildImportPathWithSrcDir(path, pkg.Dir) if err != nil { return nil, err } localImportPathCache[path] = archive return archive, nil }, } archive, err := compiler.Compile(pkg.ImportPath, files, fileSet, importContext, s.options.Minify) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, jsFile := range pkg.JSFiles { code, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(pkg.Dir, jsFile)) if err != nil { return nil, err } archive.IncJSCode = append(archive.IncJSCode, []byte("\t(function() {\n")...) archive.IncJSCode = append(archive.IncJSCode, code...) archive.IncJSCode = append(archive.IncJSCode, []byte("\n\t}).call($global);\n")...) } if s.options.Verbose { fmt.Println(pkg.ImportPath) } s.Archives[pkg.ImportPath] = archive if pkg.PkgObj == "" || pkg.IsCommand() { return archive, nil } if err := s.writeLibraryPackage(archive, pkg.PkgObj); err != nil { if strings.HasPrefix(pkg.PkgObj, s.options.GOROOT) { // fall back to first GOPATH workspace firstGopathWorkspace := filepath.SplitList(s.options.GOPATH)[0] if err := s.writeLibraryPackage(archive, filepath.Join(firstGopathWorkspace, pkg.PkgObj[len(s.options.GOROOT):])); err != nil { return nil, err } return archive, nil } return nil, err } return archive, nil } func (s *Session) writeLibraryPackage(archive *compiler.Archive, pkgObj string) error { if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(pkgObj), 0777); err != nil { return err } objFile, err := os.Create(pkgObj) if err != nil { return err } defer objFile.Close() return compiler.WriteArchive(archive, objFile) } func (s *Session) WriteCommandPackage(archive *compiler.Archive, pkgObj string) error { if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(pkgObj), 0777); err != nil { return err } codeFile, err := os.Create(pkgObj) if err != nil { return err } defer codeFile.Close() sourceMapFilter := &compiler.SourceMapFilter{Writer: codeFile} if s.options.CreateMapFile { m := &sourcemap.Map{File: filepath.Base(pkgObj)} mapFile, err := os.Create(pkgObj + ".map") if err != nil { return err } defer func() { m.WriteTo(mapFile) mapFile.Close() fmt.Fprintf(codeFile, "//#\n", filepath.Base(pkgObj)) }() sourceMapFilter.MappingCallback = NewMappingCallback(m, s.options.GOROOT, s.options.GOPATH, s.options.MapToLocalDisk) } deps, err := compiler.ImportDependencies(archive, func(path string) (*compiler.Archive, error) { if archive, ok := s.Archives[path]; ok { return archive, nil } _, archive, err := s.buildImportPathWithSrcDir(path, "") return archive, err }) if err != nil { return err } return compiler.WriteProgramCode(deps, sourceMapFilter) } func NewMappingCallback(m *sourcemap.Map, goroot, gopath string, localMap bool) func(generatedLine, generatedColumn int, originalPos token.Position) { return func(generatedLine, generatedColumn int, originalPos token.Position) { if !originalPos.IsValid() { m.AddMapping(&sourcemap.Mapping{GeneratedLine: generatedLine, GeneratedColumn: generatedColumn}) return } file := originalPos.Filename switch hasGopathPrefix, prefixLen := hasGopathPrefix(file, gopath); { case localMap: // no-op: keep file as-is case hasGopathPrefix: file = filepath.ToSlash(file[prefixLen+4:]) case strings.HasPrefix(file, goroot): file = filepath.ToSlash(file[len(goroot)+4:]) default: file = filepath.Base(file) } m.AddMapping(&sourcemap.Mapping{GeneratedLine: generatedLine, GeneratedColumn: generatedColumn, OriginalFile: file, OriginalLine: originalPos.Line, OriginalColumn: originalPos.Column}) } } func jsFilesFromDir(dir string) ([]string, error) { files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) if err != nil { return nil, err } var jsFiles []string for _, file := range files { if strings.HasSuffix(file.Name(), ".inc.js") && file.Name()[0] != '_' && file.Name()[0] != '.' { jsFiles = append(jsFiles, file.Name()) } } return jsFiles, nil } // hasGopathPrefix returns true and the length of the matched GOPATH workspace, // iff file has a prefix that matches one of the GOPATH workspaces. func hasGopathPrefix(file, gopath string) (hasGopathPrefix bool, prefixLen int) { gopathWorkspaces := filepath.SplitList(gopath) for _, gopathWorkspace := range gopathWorkspaces { gopathWorkspace = filepath.Clean(gopathWorkspace) if strings.HasPrefix(file, gopathWorkspace) { return true, len(gopathWorkspace) } } return false, 0 } func (s *Session) WaitForChange() { s.options.PrintSuccess("watching for changes...\n") for { select { case ev := <-s.Watcher.Events: if ev.Op&(fsnotify.Create|fsnotify.Write|fsnotify.Remove|fsnotify.Rename) == 0 || filepath.Base(ev.Name)[0] == '.' { continue } if !strings.HasSuffix(ev.Name, ".go") && !strings.HasSuffix(ev.Name, ".inc.js") { continue } s.options.PrintSuccess("change detected: %s\n", ev.Name) case err := <-s.Watcher.Errors: s.options.PrintError("watcher error: %s\n", err.Error()) } break } go func() { for range s.Watcher.Events { // consume, else Close() may deadlock } }() s.Watcher.Close() }