package compiler import ( "bytes" "encoding/binary" "fmt" "go/ast" "go/constant" "go/token" "go/types" "net/url" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) func (c *funcContext) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { c.writePos() c.output = append(c.output, b...) return len(b), nil } func (c *funcContext) Printf(format string, values ...interface{}) { c.Write([]byte(strings.Repeat("\t", c.p.indentation))) fmt.Fprintf(c, format, values...) c.Write([]byte{'\n'}) c.Write(c.delayedOutput) c.delayedOutput = nil } func (c *funcContext) PrintCond(cond bool, onTrue, onFalse string) { if !cond { c.Printf("/* %s */ %s", strings.Replace(onTrue, "*/", "/", -1), onFalse) return } c.Printf("%s", onTrue) } func (c *funcContext) SetPos(pos token.Pos) { c.posAvailable = true c.pos = pos } func (c *funcContext) writePos() { if c.posAvailable { c.posAvailable = false c.Write([]byte{'\b'}) binary.Write(c, binary.BigEndian, uint32(c.pos)) } } func (c *funcContext) Indent(f func()) { c.p.indentation++ f() c.p.indentation-- } func (c *funcContext) CatchOutput(indent int, f func()) []byte { origoutput := c.output c.output = nil c.p.indentation += indent f() c.writePos() catched := c.output c.output = origoutput c.p.indentation -= indent return catched } func (c *funcContext) Delayed(f func()) { c.delayedOutput = c.CatchOutput(0, f) } func (c *funcContext) translateArgs(sig *types.Signature, argExprs []ast.Expr, ellipsis bool) []string { if len(argExprs) == 1 { if tuple, isTuple := c.p.TypeOf(argExprs[0]).(*types.Tuple); isTuple { tupleVar := c.newVariable("_tuple") c.Printf("%s = %s;", tupleVar, c.translateExpr(argExprs[0])) argExprs = make([]ast.Expr, tuple.Len()) for i := range argExprs { argExprs[i] = c.newIdent(c.formatExpr("%s[%d]", tupleVar, i).String(), tuple.At(i).Type()) } } } paramsLen := sig.Params().Len() var varargType *types.Slice if sig.Variadic() && !ellipsis { varargType = sig.Params().At(paramsLen - 1).Type().(*types.Slice) } preserveOrder := false for i := 1; i < len(argExprs); i++ { preserveOrder = preserveOrder || c.Blocking[argExprs[i]] } args := make([]string, len(argExprs)) for i, argExpr := range argExprs { var argType types.Type switch { case varargType != nil && i >= paramsLen-1: argType = varargType.Elem() default: argType = sig.Params().At(i).Type() } arg := c.translateImplicitConversionWithCloning(argExpr, argType).String() if preserveOrder && c.p.Types[argExpr].Value == nil { argVar := c.newVariable("_arg") c.Printf("%s = %s;", argVar, arg) arg = argVar } args[i] = arg } if varargType != nil { return append(args[:paramsLen-1], fmt.Sprintf("new %s([%s])", c.typeName(varargType), strings.Join(args[paramsLen-1:], ", "))) } return args } func (c *funcContext) translateSelection(sel selection, pos token.Pos) ([]string, string) { var fields []string t := sel.Recv() for _, index := range sel.Index() { if ptr, isPtr := t.(*types.Pointer); isPtr { t = ptr.Elem() } s := t.Underlying().(*types.Struct) if jsTag := getJsTag(s.Tag(index)); jsTag != "" { jsFieldName := s.Field(index).Name() for { fields = append(fields, fieldName(s, 0)) ft := s.Field(0).Type() if typesutil.IsJsObject(ft) { return fields, jsTag } ft = ft.Underlying() if ptr, ok := ft.(*types.Pointer); ok { ft = ptr.Elem().Underlying() } var ok bool s, ok = ft.(*types.Struct) if !ok || s.NumFields() == 0 { c.p.errList = append(c.p.errList, types.Error{Fset: c.p.fileSet, Pos: pos, Msg: fmt.Sprintf("could not find field with type *js.Object for 'js' tag of field '%s'", jsFieldName), Soft: true}) return nil, "" } } } fields = append(fields, fieldName(s, index)) t = s.Field(index).Type() } return fields, "" } var nilObj = types.Universe.Lookup("nil") func (c *funcContext) zeroValue(ty types.Type) ast.Expr { switch t := ty.Underlying().(type) { case *types.Basic: switch { case isBoolean(t): return c.newConst(ty, constant.MakeBool(false)) case isNumeric(t): return c.newConst(ty, constant.MakeInt64(0)) case isString(t): return c.newConst(ty, constant.MakeString("")) case t.Kind() == types.UnsafePointer: // fall through to "nil" case t.Kind() == types.UntypedNil: panic("Zero value for untyped nil.") default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled basic type: %v\n", t)) } case *types.Array, *types.Struct: return c.setType(&ast.CompositeLit{}, ty) case *types.Chan, *types.Interface, *types.Map, *types.Signature, *types.Slice, *types.Pointer: // fall through to "nil" default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled type: %T\n", t)) } id := c.newIdent("nil", ty) c.p.Uses[id] = nilObj return id } func (c *funcContext) newConst(t types.Type, value constant.Value) ast.Expr { id := &ast.Ident{} c.p.Types[id] = types.TypeAndValue{Type: t, Value: value} return id } func (c *funcContext) newVariable(name string) string { return c.newVariableWithLevel(name, false) } func (c *funcContext) newVariableWithLevel(name string, pkgLevel bool) string { if name == "" { panic("newVariable: empty name") } name = encodeIdent(name) if c.p.minify { i := 0 for { offset := int('a') if pkgLevel { offset = int('A') } j := i name = "" for { name = string(offset+(j%26)) + name j = j/26 - 1 if j == -1 { break } } if c.allVars[name] == 0 { break } i++ } } n := c.allVars[name] c.allVars[name] = n + 1 varName := name if n > 0 { varName = fmt.Sprintf("%s$%d", name, n) } if pkgLevel { for c2 := c.parent; c2 != nil; c2 = c2.parent { c2.allVars[name] = n + 1 } return varName } c.localVars = append(c.localVars, varName) return varName } func (c *funcContext) newIdent(name string, t types.Type) *ast.Ident { ident := ast.NewIdent(name) c.setType(ident, t) obj := types.NewVar(0, c.p.Pkg, name, t) c.p.Uses[ident] = obj c.p.objectNames[obj] = name return ident } func (c *funcContext) setType(e ast.Expr, t types.Type) ast.Expr { c.p.Types[e] = types.TypeAndValue{Type: t} return e } func (c *funcContext) pkgVar(pkg *types.Package) string { if pkg == c.p.Pkg { return "$pkg" } pkgVar, found := c.p.pkgVars[pkg.Path()] if !found { pkgVar = fmt.Sprintf(`$packages["%s"]`, pkg.Path()) } return pkgVar } func isVarOrConst(o types.Object) bool { switch o.(type) { case *types.Var, *types.Const: return true } return false } func isPkgLevel(o types.Object) bool { return o.Parent() != nil && o.Parent().Parent() == types.Universe } func (c *funcContext) objectName(o types.Object) string { if isPkgLevel(o) { c.p.dependencies[o] = true if o.Pkg() != c.p.Pkg || (isVarOrConst(o) && o.Exported()) { return c.pkgVar(o.Pkg()) + "." + o.Name() } } name, ok := c.p.objectNames[o] if !ok { name = c.newVariableWithLevel(o.Name(), isPkgLevel(o)) c.p.objectNames[o] = name } if v, ok := o.(*types.Var); ok && c.p.escapingVars[v] { return name + "[0]" } return name } func (c *funcContext) varPtrName(o *types.Var) string { if isPkgLevel(o) && o.Exported() { return c.pkgVar(o.Pkg()) + "." + o.Name() + "$ptr" } name, ok := c.p.varPtrNames[o] if !ok { name = c.newVariableWithLevel(o.Name()+"$ptr", isPkgLevel(o)) c.p.varPtrNames[o] = name } return name } func (c *funcContext) typeName(ty types.Type) string { switch t := ty.(type) { case *types.Basic: return "$" + toJavaScriptType(t) case *types.Named: if t.Obj().Name() == "error" { return "$error" } return c.objectName(t.Obj()) case *types.Interface: if t.Empty() { return "$emptyInterface" } } anonType, ok := c.p.anonTypeMap.At(ty).(*types.TypeName) if !ok { c.initArgs(ty) // cause all embedded types to be registered varName := c.newVariableWithLevel(strings.ToLower(typeKind(ty)[5:])+"Type", true) anonType = types.NewTypeName(token.NoPos, c.p.Pkg, varName, ty) // fake types.TypeName c.p.anonTypes = append(c.p.anonTypes, anonType) c.p.anonTypeMap.Set(ty, anonType) } c.p.dependencies[anonType] = true return anonType.Name() } func (c *funcContext) externalize(s string, t types.Type) string { if typesutil.IsJsObject(t) { return s } switch u := t.Underlying().(type) { case *types.Basic: if isNumeric(u) && !is64Bit(u) && !isComplex(u) { return s } if u.Kind() == types.UntypedNil { return "null" } } return fmt.Sprintf("$externalize(%s, %s)", s, c.typeName(t)) } func (c *funcContext) handleEscapingVars(n ast.Node) { newEscapingVars := make(map[*types.Var]bool) for escaping := range c.p.escapingVars { newEscapingVars[escaping] = true } c.p.escapingVars = newEscapingVars var names []string objs := analysis.EscapingObjects(n, c.p.Info.Info) sort.Sort(varsByName(objs)) for _, obj := range objs { names = append(names, c.objectName(obj)) c.p.escapingVars[obj] = true } sort.Strings(names) for _, name := range names { c.Printf("%s = [%s];", name, name) } } func fieldName(t *types.Struct, i int) string { name := t.Field(i).Name() if name == "_" || reservedKeywords[name] { return fmt.Sprintf("%s$%d", name, i) } return name } func typeKind(ty types.Type) string { switch t := ty.Underlying().(type) { case *types.Basic: return "$kind" + toJavaScriptType(t) case *types.Array: return "$kindArray" case *types.Chan: return "$kindChan" case *types.Interface: return "$kindInterface" case *types.Map: return "$kindMap" case *types.Signature: return "$kindFunc" case *types.Slice: return "$kindSlice" case *types.Struct: return "$kindStruct" case *types.Pointer: return "$kindPtr" default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled type: %T\n", t)) } } func toJavaScriptType(t *types.Basic) string { switch t.Kind() { case types.UntypedInt: return "Int" case types.Byte: return "Uint8" case types.Rune: return "Int32" case types.UnsafePointer: return "UnsafePointer" default: name := t.String() return strings.ToUpper(name[:1]) + name[1:] } } func is64Bit(t *types.Basic) bool { return t.Kind() == types.Int64 || t.Kind() == types.Uint64 } func isBoolean(t *types.Basic) bool { return t.Info()&types.IsBoolean != 0 } func isComplex(t *types.Basic) bool { return t.Info()&types.IsComplex != 0 } func isFloat(t *types.Basic) bool { return t.Info()&types.IsFloat != 0 } func isInteger(t *types.Basic) bool { return t.Info()&types.IsInteger != 0 } func isNumeric(t *types.Basic) bool { return t.Info()&types.IsNumeric != 0 } func isString(t *types.Basic) bool { return t.Info()&types.IsString != 0 } func isUnsigned(t *types.Basic) bool { return t.Info()&types.IsUnsigned != 0 } func isBlank(expr ast.Expr) bool { if expr == nil { return true } if id, isIdent := expr.(*ast.Ident); isIdent { return id.Name == "_" } return false } func isWrapped(ty types.Type) bool { switch t := ty.Underlying().(type) { case *types.Basic: return !is64Bit(t) && !isComplex(t) && t.Kind() != types.UntypedNil case *types.Array, *types.Chan, *types.Map, *types.Signature: return true case *types.Pointer: _, isArray := t.Elem().Underlying().(*types.Array) return isArray } return false } func encodeString(s string) string { buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) for _, r := range []byte(s) { switch r { case '\b': buffer.WriteString(`\b`) case '\f': buffer.WriteString(`\f`) case '\n': buffer.WriteString(`\n`) case '\r': buffer.WriteString(`\r`) case '\t': buffer.WriteString(`\t`) case '\v': buffer.WriteString(`\v`) case '"': buffer.WriteString(`\"`) case '\\': buffer.WriteString(`\\`) default: if r < 0x20 || r > 0x7E { fmt.Fprintf(buffer, `\x%02X`, r) continue } buffer.WriteByte(r) } } return `"` + buffer.String() + `"` } func getJsTag(tag string) string { for tag != "" { // skip leading space i := 0 for i < len(tag) && tag[i] == ' ' { i++ } tag = tag[i:] if tag == "" { break } // scan to colon. // a space or a quote is a syntax error i = 0 for i < len(tag) && tag[i] != ' ' && tag[i] != ':' && tag[i] != '"' { i++ } if i+1 >= len(tag) || tag[i] != ':' || tag[i+1] != '"' { break } name := string(tag[:i]) tag = tag[i+1:] // scan quoted string to find value i = 1 for i < len(tag) && tag[i] != '"' { if tag[i] == '\\' { i++ } i++ } if i >= len(tag) { break } qvalue := string(tag[:i+1]) tag = tag[i+1:] if name == "js" { value, _ := strconv.Unquote(qvalue) return value } } return "" } func needsSpace(c byte) bool { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_' || c == '$' } func removeWhitespace(b []byte, minify bool) []byte { if !minify { return b } var out []byte var previous byte for len(b) > 0 { switch b[0] { case '\b': out = append(out, b[:5]...) b = b[5:] continue case ' ', '\t', '\n': if (!needsSpace(previous) || !needsSpace(b[1])) && !(previous == '-' && b[1] == '-') { b = b[1:] continue } case '"': out = append(out, '"') b = b[1:] for { i := bytes.IndexAny(b, "\"\\") out = append(out, b[:i]...) b = b[i:] if b[0] == '"' { break } // backslash out = append(out, b[:2]...) b = b[2:] } case '/': if b[1] == '*' { i := bytes.Index(b[2:], []byte("*/")) b = b[i+4:] continue } } out = append(out, b[0]) previous = b[0] b = b[1:] } return out } func rangeCheck(pattern string, constantIndex, array bool) string { if constantIndex && array { return pattern } lengthProp := "$length" if array { lengthProp = "length" } check := "%2f >= %1e." + lengthProp if !constantIndex { check = "(%2f < 0 || " + check + ")" } return "(" + check + ` ? ($throwRuntimeError("index out of range"), undefined) : ` + pattern + ")" } func endsWithReturn(stmts []ast.Stmt) bool { if len(stmts) > 0 { if _, ok := stmts[len(stmts)-1].(*ast.ReturnStmt); ok { return true } } return false } func encodeIdent(name string) string { return strings.Replace(url.QueryEscape(name), "%", "$", -1) } type varsByName []*types.Var func (s varsByName) Len() int { return len(s) } func (s varsByName) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } func (s varsByName) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Name() < s[j].Name() }