# gosuv [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/codeskyblue/gosuv.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/codeskyblue/gosuv) ## Should not use in production now (current is in alpha) Process management writtern by golang, inspired by python-supervisor Features * [x] Realtime log view * [x] Web control page * [x] Start, Stop, Tail, Reload * [x] Add program support * [ ] Edit support * [ ] Delete support * [ ] Path auto complete * [x] Memory and CPU monitor * [x] HTTP Basic auth * [ ] Github webhook * [ ] Single log page, include search support * [ ] 中文文档 ## Requirements Go version at least `1.6+` ## Installation Standalone binary can be download from one of the following addresses | Branch | Source | Address | |--------|--------|---------| | stable | equinox| | | stable | github | | | dev | equinox| | Or if you have go enviroment, you can also build from source. ```sh go get -d github.com/codeskyblue/gosuv cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/codeskyblue/gosuv go build ``` If you want to build a standalone binary, run the following command. ```sh go get github.com/elazarl/go-bindata-assetfs/... go-bindata-assetfs -tags bindata res/... go build -tags bindata ``` ## Usage Start server in the background ```sh gosuv start-server ``` Show server status ```sh $ gosuv status Server is running ``` Open web to see the manager page. ![gosuv web](docs/gosuv.gif) ## Configuration Default config file stored in directory `$HOME/.gosuv/` - file `programs.yml` contains all program settings. - file `config.yml` contains server config File `config.yml` can be generated by `gosuv conftest` Example config.yaml ``` server: httpauth: enabled: false username: uu password: pp addr: :11313 client: server_url: http://localhost:11313 ``` Logs can be found in `$HOME/.gosuv/log/` ## Design HTTP is follow the RESTFul guide. Get or Update program ` /api/programs/:name` Add new program `POST /api/programs` Del program `DELETE /api/programs/:name` ## State Only 4 states. [ref](http://supervisord.org/subprocess.html#process-states) ![states](docs/states.png) ## Notification (todo) Configuration example ```yaml - demo-program: command: ... notifications: pushover: api_key: [token] users: - [user1] - [user2] ``` Now only support [pushover](https://pushover.net/api), and only status change to fatal will get notified. # Plugin Design (todo) Current plugins: - [tailf](https://github.com/codeskyblue/gosuv-tailf) All command plugin will store in `$HOME/.gosuv/cmdplugin`, gosuv will treat this plugin as a subcommand. for example: $HOME/.gosuv/cmdplugin/ --. |- showpid/ |- run There is a directory `showpid` When run `gosuv showpid`, file `run` will be called. ## Use libs * ## LICENSE [MIT](LICENSE)